Glass__^JLLi___ Book JVrL8_. STATED OF NKW YORK Forest, Fish and Game Commission JAMES S. WHIPPLE, J. DUNCAN LAWRENCE, Commissioner Deputy Commissioner LIST OF LANDS IN THE FOREST PRESERVE 1909 SUPPLEMENT TO FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF I HE FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION ALBANY J. Q. LYON COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1909 p. Of ^• FF' 191^ LIST OF LANDS IN THE FOREST PRESERVE. Report of the Superintendent of Forests Albany, K Y., June 1, 1909. Forest, Fish and Oame Commission: Sir. — I have the honor to submit herewith a list of lands con- stituting the Forest Preserve, Though of little or no interest to the general public, it is the most important and valuable publica- tion issued by the Department. Jt is the basis of the entire landed business of the Commission. In this printed list will be found, convenient to hand, full information as to what land the State owns in the Forest Preserve counties, the acreage of each lot, and its location. The source of title is also stated, — whether acquired at tax sale, by purchase, foreclosure of mortgage, or resale of bonded lands. If acquired by tax sale, the year in which the sale was held is given ; and, if by purchase, the year when the property was bought. From these schedules the draughtsman obtains the information which enables him to shoAV in colors the State lands on the Adiron- dack and Catskill maps, and to thus indicate definitely the location of each one of the 6,771 separate parcels of land which constitute the Forest Preserve, With this printed list of lots, each forest official knows what lands are in his care and custody, and the property that requires his supervision or watchcare. In section 34, chapter 24, Laws of 1909, the Preserve is defined as follows: The Forest Preserve shall include the lands owned or hereafter acquired by the State within the county of Clinton, except the 4 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. towns of Altona and Dannemora, and the counties of Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Oneida, Saratoga, St. Lawrence, Warren, Washington, Greene, Ulster and Sullivan, except 1. Lands within the limits of any village or city, and 2. Lands not wild lands acquired by the State on foreclosure of mortgages made to loan commissioners. The second exception renders it difficult in some instances to determine whether a parcel of land belongs to the Preserve. A farm property, sold under forclosure, may contain a large tract of woods or " wild land " as well as cleared or cultivated ground. The question then arises whether the portion containing the woodlands does not belong to the Preserve. It is not always easy to draw the line between wild land and pasture. Then, again, some of the areas required by the State under foreclosure of mortgages made to loan commissioners are now abandoned farms that have grown up to brush or trees, and which in a few years will become second-growth forests. For these reasons several lots obtained through foreclosures are in- cluded in the list. The list, contains, also, some lands acquired through tax sales, the title to which may be doubtful, owing to errors on the part of the assessors or tax collectors. These errors had not been discov- ered at the time of the tax sale, and so the title to the lands passed nominally to the State. As these lots are entered upon the books of the comptroller as State land, it becomes necessary to include them here as part of the Forest Preserve. In fact, these lands with their disputed titles cannot be stricken off the schedule ex- cept by order of the courts or action of the Legislature. The large tract in Franklin county, bought by the Forest Pre- serve Board for the use of the State College of Forestry, is in- eluded here as a part of the Forest Preserve in accordance with Report of Forest, Fish ais^d Game Commission. 5 the law which pro\^des that it " shall include the lands owned or hereafter acquired by the State." The Commission, however, has excepted this tract in its administrative work, for the land was deeded in trust to Cornell University for thirty years, during which time the university, as provided by law, " shall have the title, possession, management, and control of such land," for the purpose of maintaining the State College of Forestry. A list of the various parcels in the St. Lawrence Reservation or International park is appended for convenient reference, but it is not included in the schedules of the Preserve; for some of these reservation lots are situated in Jefferson county which is not one of the sixteen counties mentioned in the law constituting the For- est Preserve. These lots, which were purchased by the State in 1897 and 1898 through a special appropriation for that purpose, are situated on various points or islands in the St. Lawrence river in the vicinity of the Thousand Islands. They are under the care and control of the Commission, and though not wild or forest lands are properly a part of the Preserve. For further reference and information there is appended also a list of the lands owned by the State in the towns of Altona and Dannemora, Clinton county. In the forestry law these lands are excluded from the Forest Preserve, it being understood at the time this law was framed, in 1885, that the timber on them would be needed for the use of the State prison at Dannemora. It is doubtful whether some of the State lands in the adjoining towns are properly a part of the Forest Preserve, owing to a provi- sion in section 67, chapter 208, Laws of 1894, which reads as follows : "All uncultivated lands belonging to the State of ITew York, or which may hereafter become the property of said State, and which shall be situated within ten miles of the Clinton prison, shall be withdrawn from sale, and shall be retained by the State for the use of said prison." 6 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. But when the Forestry Law was codified and re-enacted in 1900 the section defining the Forest Preserve made no exception of lands within ten miles of the prison, and excluded only the State hold- ings in Altona and Dannemora. The acreage of the Forest Preserve by counties is as follows: Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. m Ph PM M o <1 n o I— I p Sfe 0-3 O ft IC 05 OO CO lO t^ o CO 00 CO lOiOCOiOiOOllMiO'^ OOt^OOtDiOCOiOOOiO 00 CO 02 IN IM 00 CO lO 00 CO CO ■* >o , ■* ^ CD o lO o N r^ lO 00 ^ ) -1 o CO CO (/I t^ o IN CO •^ CD (N OJ CO IN l> CO IN .-H 00 a> OTS — (Continued). B'd beg. in center of highway opposite Wood's dwelling and in line with the W. side of a road leading N. to A. B. Wood & Co.'s starch factory, th. N'ly lOr. to a stake on W. line of said Starch Factory Road, th W'ly par'l with the road running E'ly from Wood's Falls to Mooer's Village, 75 ft., th. S'ly par'l with E. line of this land 1 Or. , and th. E'ly along centre of high- way 75 ft. to beg George White place bd. begins at N. E. cor. of land of Wm. Wilson in W. line of highway from Wood Go's store to Altona, th. N'ly on said W. line to a post & board fence built by Geo. White and Wm. Cheeseman for a division fence, th. W'ly along said fence to within 2r. of high water mark on the river, th. S'ly within 2r. of high water mark of the river to N. W. cor. of said Wilson's land, and th. E'ly to beg S. pt S. E. cor W. ^ W. Jof S. W. J E. pt. b'dW. by Killis S. E. cor N.W.iandW.iof S.W.J. B'd beg. at a point in center of highway from Clinton Prison to Saranac, being N. W. cor. of a lot of land here-i 1895. 1895 1853 1853 1853 1877, '81 . . . 1877 1853 1871, '81, '85 1 156 48 210 52.50 100 12 157 Heport of FoiiEST, Fisii AA'D Game Commission. 21 Clinton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Refugee Tract — 420 Acre Lots — (Continued). Saranac 237 tofore contracted to Ted- ford, th. N. in center of said road to the S. line of lot 235, th. E. on the S. line of lot 235 far enough to make 25a., besides 2 rods herein and hereby severed on and from the S. line of said 25a. for a road, & the said 2 rods are not to be in- cluded in the 25a Purchase, 1893 25 Plattsburgh do 241 Ex. 57*a. E. i of S. E. }. . . 1853, '85 367 50 250 252 E. pt. of W. i 1853. 83 do Sub. 32 *Resale, 1899 2.64 Total, Refugee Tract, 1,292.43 acres. Thorp's Patent. Peru 5 Allan Plain lot, b'd N. & W. by the Craig lot, E. by the Ricketson lot, & S. by A. Irwin & Downs 1895 40 ♦Formerly bounded land. 22 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. ESSEX COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total number of acres, 303,750.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brant Lake Tract. Schroon 1 2 Purchase- 1908 120 do All in Essex Co Purchase 1908. . . 53 do 34 Same Purchase 1908. . . 48 do 35 Purchase 1908... 96 do 36 37 Purchase Purchase 1908. . . 1908. . . 96 do All in Essex Co 56 do 66 Same Purchase 1908. . . 63 do 67 68 Purchase Purchase 1908. . . 1908. . . 96 do 96 do 69 All in Essex Co Purchase 1908... 65 do 98 99 100 101 Same Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1908. . . 1908. . . 1908... 1908. . . 65 do 96 do 96 do All in Essex Co 69 do 130 Same Purchase 1908. . . 72 do 131 132 133 Purchase Purchase Purchase 1908. . . 1908... 1908. . . 96 do 96 do All in Essex Co 75 do 162 163 164 165 Same Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1908. . . 1908. . . 1908. . . 1908. . . 79 do 96 do 96 do All in Essex Co 83 do 194 Same Purchase 1908. . . 85 do 195 196 226 Purchase Purchase 1908. . . 1908. . . 96 do 96 do All in Essex Co., 31a., ex. 17Aa. W. part thereof. being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W., bd. N. by the Lake Shore . Purchase, 1908. . . 13.40 do 227 Ex. 43 i^o-u-a- W. pt. thereof, &c., same Purchase, 1908. . . 31.62 Total Brant Lake Tract, 2,130 acres. Ellis Tract or Patent. Ticonderoga. . . . Gore, bd. N. by lots 262, 263 and 264 Ellis Tract, E. by lot 94 Ellis Trac, S. by Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 23 Essex County. Tax sales Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. or source of title. Acres. Ellis Tract or Patent — {Continued), Ticonderoga .... the Town of Hague & W. by lot 29 Hague Tract .... Purchase, 1908 218 do 94 All in Essex Co. 44a. ex. 15a. E'lv part Purchase, 1908 29 do 164 Sloan, Elizabeth: W. end bd. N. by land of Chas. G. Wickes & A. Lockwood, E. by land of G. N. Wickes and S. by Gore in said Tract; known as the Red 262 263 Oxide Ore bed 1890 16 do Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 254 do 194 Total acres Ellis Tract, 711. Essex Tract, Henry's Survey. Lewis 16 Bd. beg. at a pile of stones by the side of the fence, which runs N'ly & S'ly a little E. of where (July, 1867) Wm. H. Stover is erecting a coal kiln, and N. E'ly of the house; th. S'ly along said fence 32r., th. W'ly at right angles to 1st line 20r., th. N'ly par'l. with 1st line 32r., and th. E'ly 20r. to beg 1885 4 do 47 58 83 1895 196.33 do 1900 160 do Ex. 85a. bd. beg. 75r. E. from N. W. cor. of lot, th. E. to a stake and stones N. 27 deg. E. 181, from a beech tree marked 82, 83 and 107; th. S. 40c. to S. E. cor. of lot, a beech tree marked 82 and 83; th. W. to a point 75r. from a spruce tree on high land, numbered 83 and 84, and th. N. 40c. to beg. . 1885, '90 75 24 Repokt of Forest, Fish a^h) Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Keene. Elizabethtown Keene do do do do do do do do Lot. DESCRIPTION. 128 Elizabethtown. New comb . 158 179 180 181 182 185 214 215 222 231 Essex Tract, Henry's Survey — {Confirmed). N. pt., Taylor Mill lot, bd beg. on S. side of Stiles Brook at the upper mill dam, th. N. 8r. to a stake th. W. 20r. to a stake and stones, th. S. 8r. to a bass wood tree on S. side of said brook and th. E. along same 20r. to beg Total acres Essex Tract, 2,025. Gore Between Township 1, 0. M. T., AND Roaring Brook Tract. South of lot 6 F. in township 1, O. M. T and E. of lot 86, and N. of lots 23 & 24 Roaring Brook Tract, 18c wide and 20c. long Gore North of Township 50, T. AND C. P. All in Essex Co. of the fol lowing described land, viz. beg. at a beech sapling marked "120" & "1809" standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall which is the N. E. cor. of Twp. 50, T. & C. P. as lo- cated bv John Richards, in Tax sales or s^ource of title. 1877, '81 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1881, '85 *ResaIe, 1899 . ^Resale, 1899 . 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 95 *ResaIe, 1899 . Acres. 1 80 160 160 160 160 172 176 160 160 201 36 ♦Formerly bonded land. Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 25 Essex County. Lot. description. Gore North of Township 50, T. AND C.F. -{Cont'd). 1800, and running from said cor. in a westerly di- rection 554 chains and 27 links, more or less, along the N. line of said Twp. 50, as located by John Richards in 1809, to the N. W. cor. of said township, which is a maple tree marked "No. 1" with witness trees around marked by long blazes; thence northwest- erly along the lines of lot 12 of Twp. 22 in T. & C. P. and lot 52 in the triangle E. of Twp. 23 in T. & C. P. to the N. E. cor. of said lot 52, being in the S. line of Twp. 26, Macomb's Purchase, as surveyed by Benjamin Wright about 1800; and running thence E'ly along the aforesaid S'ly line of said Twp. 26 as surveyed by Benj. Wright, to a point upon said S. line of Twp. 26 where the E'ly line of Twp. 50 as located by John Rich- ards, if prolonged, would intersect said S. line of Twp. 26; and from thence S. E. along said prolongation of the E'ly line of Twp. 50 to the place of beg Gore North of T. and C. P All that piece or parcel of land bounded easterly bj the old Millitary Tract, southerly by Tot ten and Crossfield's Purchase, west- erly by lands conveyed to the state by George N. Tax sales or source of title. Original and con- veyed, 1904 Acres. 650 26 Eepoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Newcomb Schroon . Ticonderoga. . . . 20 do 21 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 Schroon A do B do C do D Minerva D Schroon E Minerva E do F Schroon 1 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 Gore North of T. and C. P — (Continued). Ostrander and others northerly by the southerly line of Macomb's Purchase in Franklin county Guise's Patent AllS-lOa. ex. 121-,^o%a. W. p't thereof being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W. b'd W. by the Lake Shore Hague Tract. All in Essex Co All in Essex Co Total acres, Hague Tract, 941. Hoffman Township. All in Schroon All in Minerva of 145a. S part of lot All in Schroon All in Minerva Original Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 Purchase 1908. Purchase 1908. Purchase 1908. Purchase 1908. Purchase 1908. 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877, '81, '85 1895, '00 1877, '81, '90 and Purchase 1900. . . Purchase 1898 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85 & Pur. 1898 1885, '90, '95 1877,'81,'85.'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1881, '85, '95 2,780 Eeport of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 27 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 11 12 14 15 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 42 43 55 56 57 58 60 65 66 07 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 94 Hoffman Township — (Con.) 1885, '90, '95 '05 & Pur. 1897 .... Purchase 1898 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 & Purchase '99 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '85, '90, '95.. 1900 & purchase 1898 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. Purchase 1905 Purchase 1905 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 1907 Purchase 1897 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1890 1881, '85, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1907 1877, '90 do 250 250 do 250 do do Ex. 40a. heretofore sold to Elisha BiUings, being 10a. sq. N. W. cor. of N. E. I and 30a. sq. N. W. cor. of SWi do do Ex.S.E. i 210 187.50 250 do Si do 125 250 do 250 do 250 do 250 do S. i 125 do 250 do .... N i 125 do 250 do .... 250 do Ex. N. W. i & 30a. S. end of E. * 157.50 do do Ex. 37U. N. W. cor 212.50 250 do 250 Minerva do S. E. i N W. Cor. So 62 50 100 do W Pt 90 do 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1898 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85 1890, '00 & pur- chase, '04 Purchase, 1904, '08 Purchase. 1898 Purchase, 1898.... 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81 250 Schroon 250 do 250 do 250 do do 250 250 do do do S. E. Cor. Bd. N. & W. by BurnellE.&W. by lot lines N. ^ All in Schroon 42 125 125 Minerva N. i ex. 45a. N. ^ of 90a. W part 80 28 Keport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Minerva . do . Moriah Elizabethtown. Westport Elizabethtown, do do do do do Wilmington do do do do do do do do do Lot. DESCRIPTION. 95 96 19 78 92 142 197 205 217 218 221 6 11 20 21 22 25 29 32 52 71 Hoffman Township — {Con.) N. part bd. S. by land of M. Kennison Total, Hoffman Twp., 10,612 acres. Iron Ore Tract. N. E. part S. i N. W. cor S. E. }, Ex. und. \ pd. by Hartwell Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot 221, th. S. 40r, th. E. to E. line of lot, th. N. on E. line to E'ly. cor. of lot to beg . . . Total Iron Ore Tract, 636.75 acres. Jav Tract. Ex. 50a. N. E. cor. square. . Ex. 100a. W. part Ex. 44^a. E. end; 30-i-croa. W. end and 3^a. b'd. beg. at N..E. cor. of lot 18, th. N'ly along highway 7c., th. W'ly at right angles 5c. th. S'ly par'l with highway 7c. and th E'ly along lot line to beg, N. end across Ex. 200a. N. pt s.^ Beg. at Beech sapling on E. bank of W. branch of Au- sable river, at cor. of lots 71 & 152, th. S. 35c. 71, to cor. of lots 71 152, 153 & 154, Tax sales or source of title. 1895, '00 . 1895, '00 . 1895 1881 1890 1871,77, '81. . . 1895 1881 Mortgage 1881 1881 and mortgage Purchase, 1907. Purchase, 1907. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. 1871, '77, '81. . 1881, '85 1853 Purchase, 1907. Acres. 100 250 33 72 45 63 160 30.75 68 60 115 280 40 130.25 111 227 278.8 429 150 248.50 Eeport of Forest, Fisii and Game Commission. 29 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmington. 71 Jay. Ticonderoga . do do Westport. . Lewis Chesterfield Lewis Chesterfield do North Hudson do do do do do- do do 9 30 46 56 106 9 10 11 12 16 19 25 26 Jay Tract — (Continued). th. N. 66° 30' W. 27c. to an alder stake and stone on the river bank and th. down river to beg Total, Jay Tract, 1,934 acres. Jay Village. Near J. & J. Rogers' store, bd. N. by highway, S. E. by J. & J. Rogers' tannery lot & S. W. by the Falls lot; being part of Lot 1, Mai lory's Grant Lake George Islands. Juniper Prisoner's Willow Lewis (Stewart) Tract. Bd. N' ly by lot 24, Split Rock Tract, E'ly by Lake Cham- plain, S'ly by lot 19 & W'ly by lot 20, Split Rock Tract. Maul's Patent N. i of S. i All in Chesterfield S. E. pt. b'd N. by town line N. ^ Total, Maul's Patent, 525 acres. North River Heat> Tract. ^Resale, 1899. 40 1885, '90 . Original. Original. Original. 1985, '00. . .. 1890 1877, '81. . .. 1885 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85. ... 1905 & Purchase '05 Purchase 1905 . . Purchase 1905 . . 1885, '90 1890, '95 1885, '90 1885 1905 & Con veved'05 200 50 75 100 200 100 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 ♦Formerly bonded land. 30 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. North Hudson do do do do do Keene do Elizabethtown do do do do Lot. 43 44 45 46 50 85 85 96 98 103 110 126 128 &129 DESCRIPTION. North River Head Tract — (Continued). All in North Hudson All in Keene Ex. N. W. J Being the bed of the Bouquet river, and land b'd beg. 3 ft. E'ly from a black cherry tree in the highway fence, nearly opposite the dwelling house of Elisha Holcomb, th. N. 11 deg., E. 3r., 171, to E. bank of said river ; th. down said river on its E. bank N. 65 deg. 30 min., E. 20r. to the top of the lower falls, th. continuing on said E. bank N. 50 deg., E. 42r. to S. line of lot 2, Roaring Brook Tract, th. W. on said south line 17r. & 151.; th. S. 50 deg., W. 29r.; th. S. 65 deg., 30 min., W. 12r.; th.N.73deg.,W.16r.; th.S 17 deg., W. 12r. to a point 4r. up stream (on E. bank of said river) from the top of the Upper or Split Rock Forge Falls; th. S. 50 deg., E. 16r. to a large rock near the W. wheel track of the State Road, and th. N. 85 deg., E. lOr., to beg Total, North River Head Tract, 2,915 acres. Tax sales or source of title. 1900, '05 1881, '85 1905 & Conveyed'05 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1877 1871,'77,'81,'90,'95. 1871,'77,'81,'90,'95. 1871, '90 1877, '81, '85. Acres. 160 160 160 160 160 54 15.20 160 120 160 160 160 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 31 Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 1, Thorn's Survey. Elizabethtown . . 16 S. W. J 1877, '81 30 Lewis 44 50 1 853 &* Resale... 160 do Ex. und. f pd. by Albany & Rensselaer Iron & Steel Co. 1877, '81, '85 36 Elizabethtown. . . 55 W. 1 1877, '81, '85 106.66 do 79 Original 138 do 81 Original 160 Keene 85 86 87 88 1885, '05 160 do Purchase 1908 Purchase 1908 Original . . 160 do ... . 160 do 160 do 89 90 Purchase 1908 Purchase 1908 160 do 160 Total, Twp. One, 1,590 acres. Old Military Tract, Town- ships 1 AND 2, Richard's Survey. Keene 14 N. W. cor. bd. beg. at the N. W. cor. of lot, at a point 131 S. E. from a silver birch tree; th. S. 34c, to Walton brook; th. down said brook as it winds and turns to a spruce tree blazed on the N. and S. sides: th. N. 17c. to S. line of Lot 15, and th. 15 42 W. 26c. to beg 1877, '81 57 do 1877 '81 350 do Purchase 1908 299 25 do 45 1905 & purch'se.'05 1905 & purch'se,'05 1905 & purch'se,'05 1905 & purch'se,'05 Purchase 1908 256 75 do 46 328 do 47 568 do 48 518 30 do 49 299 30 do 50 All in Keene 1885, '90, '95 375 Wilmington 50 All in Wilmington 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 187 do 51 N. pt. in Wilmington 1871, '77, '81 205 do 52 All in Wilmington 1877, '81, '85 247.50 Keene 52 All in Keene 1881, '85 514 75 •"For.nerly bonded land. 32 Kepokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmington do do do do do Keene do do do do do do do do St Armand. do do do do North Elba. do do St. Armand. do do 54 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 69 70 86 89 93 16 20 21 22 26 Old Military Tract, Town- ships 1 AND 2, Richards' Survey — (Continued). Ex. 100a. conveyed by Wes- ton to Beede and a 25 nnya parcel on N. side of high- way s.i All S. of and out of view from the Cascade Lake House W. part Total, Twps. One and Two, 13,890 acres. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey Ex. 4a. patented to Saranac & Lake Placid Railway Co. for right of way Ex. 4-,-(j-a sold to Saranac & Lake Placid Railroad Co. for right of way 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1905 & purch'se,'05 1905 & purch'se,'05 Purchase, 1905 1905 & purch'se,'05 Conveyed, 1905.. . 1905 & purch'se,'05 Purchase, 1905. . 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1905 & purch'se,'05 Purchase, 1908. . 1895, '00 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '85 1900 & *resale, '99 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1885 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1885 1871, '77 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1,002 382 436.18 487.28 906.47 211 1,000 704 443 914.50 911 1,091.20 578 26 592 120 160 160 160 160 156 115.40 160 120 160 160 ♦Formerly bonded land. Report of Forest, Fish ais^d Game Commission. 33 Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. St. Armand. do 28 30 North Elba. do do 34 35 37 Old Military Tract, Town SHIP 11, Richards' Survey — {Coniivved). Ex. 110a. N. W. cor Ex. a parcel b'd beg. at a point in center of the high way leading from Saranac Lake to Bloomingdale where the W. line of lot 30 crosses the same, th. N'ly on said W. line to center of highway leading from said Bloomingdale Road to the Sanitarium and Robert Smith's, th. E'ly along the center of the road, the Sani- tarium and Smith road to center of said Bloomingdale road, th. S. W'ly along center of said Bloomingdale road to beg. Said parcel having been conveyed to The Adi rondack Cottage Sanita- rium May 23, 1895. Also ex. a parcel b'd N. by Horace Morehouse & F. J. Smith E. & S. by highway & W. by the Sanitarium lot, being the N. W. cor. of lot 30 N. of the highway; both parcels containing 3a more or less Ex. 4-|-o-a. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid Railroad Com- pany for right of way Ex. 2-n7a. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid Railroad Com- pany for right of way N. E. cor. 94r. N. & S. and 64r. E. & W. 38a. ex. 5-,^oa- sold Albert Goodspeed & "nja. sold Fred Mclntyre and ex. right of way of the S. &L. P. R. R 1871, '77. Appropriated, 1905. 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 50 157 155.40 157.90 State Hospital . . . . 31.60 34 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. North Elba 38 do 39 do 40 St. Armand 41 do 42 do 43 do 44 do 45 do 46 do 50 North Elba 55 do 56 do do do do do St. Armand do do North Elba do do do do do do do do St Armand Lot. 57 58 59 60 64 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 86 DESCRIPTION. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey — (Continued). W. Pt N. E. J N.i Ex. 5a. heretofore conveyed to Hughes (N. Y. State Hospital) Ex. Right of way (N. Y State Hospital) N. i &S. E. i Ex. ^& Ex. 4-,-oa. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. Co., for right of way Ex. 4a. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. Co., fo right of way S. pt Tax sales or source of title. 1877,'81,'85/90.'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1871 1877, '85 1877, '81 1890, '95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. Trustees of N. Y. S Hospital, etc., J'ly 25, 1902 Same 1843 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95.... Appropriated, 1905 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90. State Hospital . . . 1877, '81, '90, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1871, '77, '81, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 1871, '77 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 35 Essex County. Town. St. Lot. St. Armand do do do do North Elba . do do do do Armand 89 90 91 92 93 94 DESCRIPTION. 98 99 100 101 Old Military Tract, Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey — (Continued). Ex. 4yfoa. b'd beg. at point on lot line of 94 & 130, 170ft. S. from N. E cor. of lot 94, th. S. on lot line 500 ft.,th.W. 350 ft. th. N. 500ft. & th. E. 350 ft. to beg Ex. N. W. J Tax sales or source of title. 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1895, '00 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 1900 & Purchase 1906 1877, '81, '85 Sub. 1 Buchanan lot b'd beg. in center of the highway leading from Bloomingdale N'ly across what is called the State Bridge, to the town of Franklin & at N. E. cor. of the lot formerly occupied by E. G. Ricket- son, now owned and oc- cupied by Margaret Rick- etson or by Sarah J. Ches- ley, th. N. 17° 20' W. 3c. 731. to a large rock marked " B," th. S. 75° 40'W. 6c. 121. toW. lineof lot 101, th. S. 3° W. on lot line or S. on W. Une 381., th S. 55° 45' E. 4c. 731 to Margaret Ricketson's land, th. N. 72° 5' E. along N. line of Ricketson & Chesley lots 3c. 711. to beg. 2a. ex Ja. sq. S. E. cor. thereof paid by Charlotte G. Hall.. Purchase, 1906. . 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95. . Acres. 1905. 160 160 160 160 160 160 155.98 120 160 160 li 36 Eepoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. St. Armand. do do do do do North Elba, do do do St. Armand. do do do do do do North Elba. do do do do do do do St. Armand do do do do do do North Elba Lot. 106 107 108 109 110 111 114 115 118 120 122 124 125 127 128 129 130 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 154 description. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey — {Continued). N. W. i Ex. N. W. i Ex. 2ia. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. for right of way N. ^ 80a. ex. 2rci&- sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. Co. for right of way Ex. 2y'()&. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. Co. for right of way Tax sales or source of title. 1885, '90, '95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1871,'77, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1905 & purchase 1900 1881 '85 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1871, '77, '81 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1871, '77, '81 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95... 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95. 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90. 1881, '85, '90. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1871, '77, '81, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85, '95.. Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 3Y Essex County. Town. North Elba, do do do do St. Armand do do do do do do do North Elba do do do do do do St. Armand do do do do do do do North Elba do do do do do do.... Lot. 155 156 157 159 160 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 193 195 196 197 198 198 199 DESCRIPTION. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey — (Continued). N. W. cor. N. i & S. W. i, 120a. ex. 5-i%a. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. Co. for right of way Ex. 70a. N. W. cor. W. i. Ex. 3^a. sold to Saranac & Lake Placid R. R. Co. for right of way W. side, 35c. wide. N. ^andS. E. }. N. i andS. E. { S. W. J N. E. cor. of N. W. i . Tax sales or source of title. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '85, '90, '95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90.'95. 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81 1877. '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877. '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '81, '85, '95, & purchase '05. . . . 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1871, '77, '85.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '90.... 1885, '90.'95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '95.... 1877, '81, '85.... Purchase, 1897. . Purchase, 1897. . Acres. 160 70 200 114.40 160 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 90 160 120 50 200 126.50 160 105 300 300 300 300 300 160 160 160 160 90 175 146 49 20 38 Repoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba 199 do 200 St. Armand 201 do 202 do 203 do 204 do 205 do 206 do 207 do 208 do 209 do 211 North Elba 213 do 215 do 218 St. Armand 221 do 222 do 223 do 224 do 225 do 226 do 227 do 228 do 230 do 231 North Elba 232 do 233 do 234 St. Armand 241 do 242 do 243 do 244 Old Military Tract Town SHIP 11, Richards' Survey — (Continued). S. i and N. E. }, ex. 3-i-oa, sold to Saranac & Lake Placid Railroad Company for right of way Ex. 5-/0^- sold to Saranac & Lake Placid Railroad Com- pany for right of way Ex. N. I of N. E. I and und. § ofS.W.ip'dbyO.Abel, Jr. Ex. S. E. i 1877, '81, '85 146.60 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 154.60 1885, '90, '95 120 1885, '90 purchase '97... 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81. '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, 81,' B5,'90,'95. 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81 '85, pur- chase '04 106.66 1885, '90, '95 120 1885, '90. '81, 160 1877, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81 '85, '95, Purchase 1905... . 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 1877, '81, '85 120 1877, '81, '85 120 1877, 81,' S5,'90,'95. 160 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85 160 Repokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 39 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. St. Ann and do do do do do do North Elba do St. Armand. do do do do do do do do North Elba. St. Armand do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do North Elba St. Armand do do 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 262 263 264 265 266 267 269 270 271 275 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 318 321 322 323 Old Military Tract. Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey — (Continued). N. E. J Ex. 100a. N. W. cor. square 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877,'81, 1871, '77 1877, '81 1871, '77 1877, '81 1877, 81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1885, '90 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877,'81, 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 Purchase 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877,'81, 1877, '81 1877,'81, 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 '85, '90 . . '85 '85 '85, '95. . '85. '95. . 85,'90,'95. '81, '95.. '85, '95.. '81, '85,.. '85, 95.. '85 '85, '90.. '85, '95.. '85, '95.. '85, '90.. '85, '95.. '95 '85, '95.. '85 '85, '95.. '85, '95.. 85,'90,'95 '85, '95.. '85, '95.. '85, '95.. '85, '95.. '85, '95.. 1907. . . . '85, '95.. '85, '95. . '85, '90.. 85,'90,'95. '85, '95.. 85,'90,'95. '85, '95.. '85 '85, '95 . . '85 '85, '90.. '85, '95.. 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 40 160 160 160 160 160 160 60 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 160 120 160 160 40 Eepoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County, Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or iource of title. Acres, St. Armand. do do do do do do North Elba. do St. Armand. do do North Elba. do do do 'do do do do St. Armand. 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 337 338 341 347 350 354 355 357 358 359 360 361 369 375 North Elba 1 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 7 do 7 Old Military Tract, Town- ship 11, Richards' Survey — {Continued). Ex. N. E. i. . Ex. N. E. J S. part 17c. N. & S . i- S. E N.i S. W. cor. b'd E. by Mill Brook & N. by line parallel to and 17c. from S. line of lot Total, Township 11, 32,- 940 acres. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 12, Richards' Survey. Sub. 3 Sub. 1, ex. N.W.J Sub. 3 Sub. 4, ex. N. W. J N.i Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3,und. I 1881, '85, '95.... 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85 '95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85.... Purchase 1906 . . 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81 1877, '81, '95.... Purchase 1906 .... 1905 & purchase '05 Mortgage and 1900. Original 1881, '85, '90.... 1871, '77, '81, '85 1885, '90 School fund School fund 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85.... Original Original 1885, '90 160 120 160 160 160 160 160 150 160 68 160 160 160 160 200 160 40 80 37 160 160 155.80 123 192.70 138 1,440 835 839 720 160 160 83.66 Report of Foijest, Fish and Game Commission. 41 Essex County. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 10 10 10 10 13 14 17 17 22 & 27 22 & 27 22 & 27 22 & 27 22 & 27 22 & 27 22 & 27 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 30 31 32 33 1871,77/81, '85.. Original 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85 Bought, 1899 1871,'77,'81,'85/90 1871,'77,'81,'85.... 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1871, '77, '81, '85. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90 '95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1871,'77,'81,'95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1871,'77,'81 1877,'81,'85,'90... 1877,'81,'85,'90... 1877,'81,'85,'95... 1877,'81,'85,'95... 168 152 82.25 44.65 847.60 1,440 151.70 34.25 140 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 111 188 174 82 152 148 34.25 1,458 709.75 314.50 583 42 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commissiox. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba 34 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 do 41 do 42 do 43 North Elba do do do "do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Old Military Tract, Town- ship 12, Richards' Survey — (Continued). N. W. cor. of S. E. J... Total, Township 12, Rich- ards' survey, 19,709 acres. Thorn's Survey. Ex. S. E. i S i and N. E. J. 1877,'81,'85 1885,'90,'95 School fund and purchase School fund 1877,'81,'85,'95. . School fund Purchase, 1900. . Purchase, 1900. . School fund S. i and N. W. i . 1877/81 ,'85/90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1905 1877,'81,'85,'95.. 1877,'81,'85,'95.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1905 1905 purchase, 1900 1877,'81,'85,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'95/05 711.75 40 1,121 1,449 708.40 614.75 540 624.80 1,278 120 160 160 160 120 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 120 160 160 160 160 160 120 160 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 43 Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do do do do 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 56 59 60 61 62 "63 64 65 66 67 69 Old Military Tract, Town SHIP 12, Thorn's Survey— (Continued). N. W. i and S. i s.l Ex. N. W. i Ex. S. W. i N. ^ and S. W. J S. W. i S. W. i / \ N. W. i N. W. i Ex. N. W. i 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, 1905 1877/81, '85,'90/95, 1905 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'95.... 1877,'81,'85,'95.... 1877,'81,'85,'95.... 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85 1877,'81,'85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'95.... 1877,'81, '85/95.... 1877,'81/85 1877/81,'85 1877,'81,'85,'90/95. 1877/81/85/90/95, 1900 1877,'81/95 1877/81,'85/95.... 1877/81,'85/95.... 1877,'81/85/90.... 1871/77/81,'95.... 1877/81/85,'95.... 1877/81,'85/95.... 1881/85/95 1871/77,'81/85.... 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90. Purchase, 1897 1877,'81/85,'95.... 1877,'81,'85 1877,'81/85,'90/95. 1877/81,'85,'90,'95. 1877/81/85 1877,'81,'85 1881/85 1877,'81,'85/90/95. 1877,'81/85,'90.... 120 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 80 160 160 160 120 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 120 160 160 120 40 40 160 40 160 160 160 160 160 40 120 160 44 Eeport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. North Elba 83 do 84 do 90 do 91 do 95 do 96 do 98 do 101 do 115 do 121 do 123 do 126 do 127 do 128 do 129 do 130 do 131 do 132 do 134 do 135 do 136 do 137 do 138 do 139 do 140 do 141 do 142 do 145 do 146 do 147 Old Military Tract, Town- ship 12, Thorn's Survey — (Continued). Ex. S. W. i Starch mill lot, bd. beg. on west branch of Ausable river, 30 ft. below Fenout & Thompson's sawmill, th. N. E'ly 40 ft. to a large rock, th.S. E'ly60ft.,th. S.W'ly 40 ft. and th. N. W'ly 60 ft, to beg N. E. i N. W. }&S. E. i Ex. N. E. i W. end of N. i N. W. i Ex. N. E. i Same N. i&S. E. J 1877,'81,'85,'95... 1877,'81,'85,'95... 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'95. Conveyed, 1895 1877,'81,'85.... 1877,'80,.'85.... 1877 1877, '81 1877,'81,'85,'90.... 1877,'81,'85,'90',95, 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90; 1895 1881,'85 1881,'85 1877,'81,'85,'95.... 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90, 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1871, '77, '81, '85, '90, '95 1871, '85 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1885, '90, '95 1871 '85, '90 '95.. 1871, '77, '81,. '85 '90, '95 160 120 160 160 *240 160 160 .05 40 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 80 160 160 120 160 20 40 160 120 120 120 160 *John Brown farm. Eepokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 45 Essex County. Town. Ticonderoga . do do do Schroon .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... N. Hudson. do do do do do do Schroon . . . . do . . . . do . . . . do . . . . North Elba do do do Lot. 148 149 153 154 22 23 25 39 55 81 82 85 86 88 89 95 102 112 113 114 115 120 135 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 165 DESCRIPTION. Old Military Tract, Town- ship 12, Thorn's Survey — (Continued), N. * & S. E. i Total, Township 12, Thorn's survey, 13,180 acres. Paradox Tract. Ex. und. i paid by Roth Tax .sales or source of title. S. E. cor . 1877, '81, '85/95.. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, 1900. 1871, '77, '81/85.. 1881/90 1881/90 1881, '90 1877, '81, -"85/95.. Purchase 1908 1885 Purchase, 1908 1877/81 Purchase, 1908 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '81, '85 1871/77, '81/90.. 1900, *resale, 1899. Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908.... Purchase, 1908 1871, '77, '81 Purchase, 1904 1895, '00 1890 Conveyed, 1904... 1895, '00 1895, '00 Purchase, 1907 1900, *resale, 1899 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885. '90 Acres. 120 160 160 160 164 164 164 160 150 178.40 178.40 80 160 160 165.10 160 165.10 150 150 150 160 40 160 114.40 110.80 150 45 122 122 122 122 160 160 160 * Formerly bonded land. 46 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. r Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 166 171 172 174 184 185 188 195 196 197 199 201 203 212 217 218 220 221 222 223 224 230 231 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 247 259 260 261 262 263 289 292 293 Paradox Tract — . (Continued). 1885, '90, '95 1890, '95 160 N. Hudson 160 do Ex. und. i Crown Point Iron Co 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '8L '85, '95.. Conveyed, 1905. .. Purchase, 1908 1895 '00 84.30 do 150 do ..... 160 do 149 40 do Und. i 80 do 165.20 do 160 dg 1890, '95, '00 Conveyed, 1904... Conveyed, 1907 . . . Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1905 1871,'77,'81,85,'90, '95 160 do 152 do 160 do 152.70 do S. i 80 do 160 do Conveyed, 1904. . . Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1809 Purchase, 1908 1871, '77, '81,'85. . Conveyed,] 904 & '07 Purchase, 1904. .. . Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1904, '07 Purchase, 1903, '07. Conveyed, 1905.. . Conveyed, 1905. . . 1871, '77, '81 Purchase, 1905 1895, '00 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 165.20 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do N. p't 53a. & und. ^ of rem. of lot 88 66 Crown Point .... 160 do Und. i for. pd. by Russell . . . 20.75 do Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Conveyed, 1905 . . . Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1907 1885 '90 160 N. Hudson 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 Moriah 160 do 1871, '77, '81, '90.. 1871/77,'81,'85,'95. 160 do Ex. 80a. N. W. cor 80 Eeport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 47 Essex County. Town. Moriah. do . Crown Point. . . . do do Moriah . do .... N. Hudson, do '. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lot. 294 295 297 312 312 314 315 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 358 377 378 379 380 381 382 385 386 387 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 DESCRIPTION. Paradox Tract — (Confinued.) Ex. und. I of W. 110a, pd. by A. F. Edwards All of N. i, in Schroon in 1857 & 1860, ex. und. f thereof paid by D. Rider . . . Und. ^ of S. i, rem. § for. pd. by D. Rider Tax sales or source of title. 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90^ '95 Ex. mill & water power thereon N. W. cor. square. 1871, 77, '85, '90. 1885, '90, '95 1890, '00 . 1895 1871,'77,'81,'85/90, '95 1871, '77, '81, '95. Purchase, 1907. . . 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90, '95 Purchase, 1903 Purchase, 1903 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1871 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1871, '90, '95 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1895, '00, purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Mortgage Mortgage 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1881, '85 Mortgage Purchase, 1904; mortgage, 1905. . . 1871, Purchase; 1903, mortgage. . . Purchase, 1905 Acres. 160 86.66 160 6.66 26.66 160 160 160 160 160 160 167 37.50 89.50 167 160 160 160 184 189 124.60 43 160 160 160 148.40 55.40 12 216.50 216.50 156.60 169 48 Repokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Moriah .... 412 413 414 416 417 418 419 420 422 423 426 427 428 26 76 1 2 5 Paradox Tract — (Continued). 187],'77,'81,'85,'90 '95 160 N Hudson 1877, '81 160 do Conveyed, 1905. .. Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1881 160 do 57 do 161 do 138.40 do 138.40 do Conveyed, 1905 . . . 1881 138.50 Moriah 138.40 do 1881 138.40 N. Hudson do Ex. yard room and flowing ground and reserving right to dam river and flow lands N. W. cor Mortgage 1871, '77, '81, '85, purchase, 1905 . . . 1885, '90 135.40 do 174 155.40 Total, Paradox Tract, 16,126 acres. 1895 Peru Bay Tract. 160 W'Usborough. . . . Total, Peru Bay Tract, 260 acres. *Resale, 1899 1895. 100 Moriah Port Henry Village Tract. Port Henry "Village O'Leary lot, b'd N. by land of Z. Gibson, E. by land of John Riley, S. by Brook street & W. by land of William Salter .13 *Resale, 1899 Reverted, 1867.. . . 1877, '81, '85, '90.. Roaring Brook Tract. 117.40 do 243 do All in EHzabethtown 134.50 ■■Formerly bondeu land. Eepokt of Foeest, Fish and Game CoMMissioisr. 49 Essex County. Town. Keene do do Elizabethtown.. . Keene Elizabethtown.. . do do do Keene do do do do do do do Elizabethtown. . Keene Elizabethtown. . do Keene do Elizabethtown. . Schroon . Lot. 5 11 12 16 16 20 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 38 39 41 42 42 43 48 65 66 86 DESCRIPTION. Roaring Brook Tr.'VCt. — (Continued.) All in Keene All in Elizabethtown . All in Keene All in Elizabethtown . All in Keene All in EHzabethtown . All in Keene All in Elizabethtown . All in Keene Tax sales or source of title. Total, Roaring Brook Tract, 5,845 acres. Rogers (Platt) & Co.'s Road Patent. B'd N. by lands of Oliver K. Knox, E. by land of Abner Squires, S. by lot 62 & W. by lands of John Lewis, now Jno. Knox and the road from Schroon Lake to Hoffman, running through said land 1871,77, '81 Reverted, 1867 Reverted, 1867 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1900, & *resale, 1899 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85 1853,'77,'81,'85,'95 1853, '77 '81, '85.. 1881, '85, '90 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1853, '71, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1871, '77 1881, '85 1877, '85 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81, '85, and partition *Resale, 1899 .. . Purchase, 1905 . Acres. 121.50 240 240 126 114 310 379 281 147.50 133.50 281 281 281 281 284 284 284 149 135 284 136.50 121.60 256 200 20 *FormBrly bonded land. 50 Keport of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Tax sales Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. or Acres. source of title. Rogers (Platt) & Co.'s Road Patent — (Continued). Schroon A part of Platt strip, run- ning from Schroon Lake to Hoffman Township, b'd N. by lands formerly of Bart- lett Seamen, E. by land formerly owned and occu- pied by Sewell Thornton, S. by land of Darius Squires & W. by land formerly oc- cupied by Jeptha Knox . . . Purchase, 1905 39 do 1 1 Sub. 11 1890 118 do Sub's 62, 63 & 64; all on the S. side of Platt Strip Purchase, 1905 95 do 2 B'd N. by lands of Maurice O'Conel or M. O'Connell, and Wiiliam Miller E. by lands of Ann Albro, S. by Schroon Lake and Hoffman highway and W. by land of John Adkinson, Atkinson 2 or Allison 1890, '95 42 Bchroon Formerly known as the Bart- lett Seaman lot bd. beg. at the S. E. cor. of the farm known as the Jeptha Knox farm, th. S. 75^°; E. 33c. to a hemlock tree, th. N. 14^°; E. 33c.,331. th. N. 75^°;W. 33c.,th. S. 14i°;W. tobeg. Purchase, 1905 100 do 2 B'd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 36, Hoffman Township, th. S. 72° E. 69c. 421. to land formerly owned by Jeptha Knox, th. S. 18° W. 13c. 51. to S. side of said lot, th. N. 72° W. 69c. 421. to Hoff- man Township and th. N. 18° E. 13c. 51. to beg. 90.10a. ex. W. ^ thereof heretofore conveyed to | Henry Ross | Purchase, 1905 45.30 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 51 Essex County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Rogers (Platt) & Co.'s Road Patent — (Continued). Beg. at a beech tree formerly standing in the road, it being the S. E. cor. of lot 6, or N. W. cor. of lot 61 , th. N. 75^° W. 30c. to a stake and stones near a hemlock stump; th. N. 14^° E. 16c. 661. th. S. 75i° E. 30c. to a hemlock tree, th. S. 14^° W. 16c. 661. to beg B'd beg. at a stake standing in the outlet of William's Pond, in N. line of said lot, which is the N. W. cor. of the James lot, th. S. 18" W. 38c. 181. to a stake, th. N. 72° E. 2c. to a corner, th. S. 18° W. 17c. 201. to the highway, th. N. 72° W. 17c. 251. to the cor. of the Ross lot, th. N. 18° E. 30c. to bank of the Williams Pond, th. E. and N. along bank of said Pond at high water mark, and down the outlet of said pond to the line of said lot 2, and th. E'ly along said line to beg., ex. and reserving therefrom s( much of the above de scribed premises as was heretofore conveyed to Layton Albro and Lewis Bullet B'd. beg. at W. end of N. line of said lot 3, th. E'ly along said N. line to W. line of land heretofore sold to Frank Dupue, th. S. 1 8° W. 26c. to N. line of land owned by Lansford Whitney, th. S. 85° W. lie. 851. to N. W. Purchase, 1905 . 50 Purchase, 1905. 51 52 Eeport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Rogers (Platt) & Co.'s Schroon 3 Road Patent — (Continued). cor. of said Whitney's land, th. N. 72° W. 24c. to E. line of Hoffman Township and th. N'ly along said E'ly line to beg., (N. W. cor. of lot 3) Purchase 1905 100 do 4 4 Sub. 2 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1898 111 65 do Sub. 3 111.65 do 4 Sub. 4, Ex. 302a. assessed to Marcus or Warren Knapp, b'd beg. at a stake & stones on W. side of North Pond Brook above the W. side of road running down said brook, th. N. 72° W. 17c. to a cor. of said Sub. 4, th. N. 18° E. 20c. to a cor. on North Pond, th. S. 72° E. E. to a hemlock tree on W. side of said road & th. along the water side of 4 4 18 said road to beg 1905 81 15 do Sub. 6 1905 111.65 do Sub. 7 1885, '90 118.55 do B'd beg. at S. E. cor. of lot th. N. 5 deg. E. 10c. 661. th. N.85deg.W.21c. 161. th. S. 2c. th. W. along line of R. Braley's land, 5c. th. N. 3 deg. E. 2c., th. N. 85 deg. W. 2c. 341. to the bank of Schroon river, at high- water mark, th. down stream as it winds and turns to S. W. cor. of land of A. Harrington, th. N. 5. deg. E. 2c. 751. to N. W. cor. of said Harrington lot & th. E. on S. line of lot to beg Total, Roger (Platt) & Co.'s Road Patent, 1885 25.26 1,220 acres. Report of Forest, Fisir and Game Commission. 53 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Schroon Tract. Ex. 57fa. W. part thereof, being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W. b'd. W. by the Lake shore Purchase, 1908 . . . 57.25 do ... Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1 90S . 138.28 do 144.75 do 190.75 do ..190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 190.25 do 95 do 126.25 do 127.25 do 96 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192 do 192.25 do Em. 55yoo3- W. p't there- of, being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161. E. & W. b'd W. by the Lake shore Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908 . . . Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908. .. 79.98 do 158.25 do . 169 do do 160 . 160 do do .! 160 . 160 do .: 160 54 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Schroon do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 47 48 49 50 51 62 53 54 Schroon Tracp— (Continued). Ex. SlyoTra. W. part thereof, being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161 E. & W. b'd W. by the lake shore. . Ex. 72Yoira-; same, Ex. 26a., more or less, b'd beg. at the point in the E'ly shore of Schroon Lake, where the N'ly line of lot 52 intersects the same, th. S. 84° E. on N'ly line of lot 52, 33c. to a point, th. N. 36° E. 15c. 901. to station No. 23, th. S. 85° W. 15c. 161. to E'ly shore of Schroon Lake and th. S'ly along the shore of Schroon Lake, as it winds and turns, to beg. ; and 28a., more or less, b'd beg. at a point on E'ly shore of Schroon Lake, which said point of beg. is N. 5° E. 8c. and N. 74° W. 15c. 161. from Station 23, aforesaid, th. from said point of beg. S. 74° E. 15c. 161. to Station 24, th. N. 29° W. 20c. to Station 25, th. N. 50° E. 3c. to N. line of lot, th. N. 84° W. 15c. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908 . Purchase, 1908. Kepoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 55 Essex County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 SCHROON TrA (Continued). 161. to E'ly shore of Schroon Lake and th.' S'ly along said shore, as it winds and turns, to beg Ex. 70a., more or less, b'd beg. on E'ly shore of Schroon Lake, where the N'ly line of lot 54 inter- sects the same, th. N. 84° E. 15c. 161., th. N. 50° E. 19c. to station 26, th. N. 20° E. 9c. to station 27, th. due N. 20c. to N. line of lot at station 28, th. N. 84° W. 15c. 161. to shore of Schroon Lake, and th. S'ly along lake shore, as it winds and turns to beg Ex. 75a., more or less, b'd beg. on E'ly shore of Purchase, 1908 .. . 74 Purchase, 1908. . . 169 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908. . . 160 Purchase, 1908. .. 160 Purchase, 1908. . . 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908. .. 160 Purchase, 1908. .. 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 186.25 Purchase, 1908. . . 186.25 Purchase, 1908. .. 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908. . . 160 Purchase, 1908. . . 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908 . . . 160 Purchase, 1908. .. 160 Purchase. 1908. . . 160 Purchase, 1908. . . 160 Purchase, 1908. .. 169.25 Purchase, 1908. 20 56 Report of Forest, Fisti and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Schroon . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lot. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99 102 103 106 107 109 110 111 description. Schroon Tract— (Continued). Schroon Lake, where the N'ly hne of lot 77 inter- sects the same, th. S. 84° E. 15c. 161. to station 28, th. N. 40° E. 27c. to station 29, th. N. 32° E. 24c. to N. Une of lot at station 30, th. N. 84° W. 15c. 161. to E'ly shore of Schroon Lake and th. S'ly along the lake shore as it winds and turns to beg. N. W. cor. 24ic. N. and S. bd. E. by the road W. end 21c. 701. on N., and 25c. 301. on S. line, 94a, ex. 33ia. N. end thereof Total number acres Schroon Tract, 15.511. Tax sales or source of title. Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. Acres. 108 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 186.25 186.25 160 160 160 160 160 160 63 160 147 60.25 160 160 160 160 160 liEPOET OF Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 57 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 2 6 7 8 10 12 15 27 31 33 10 14 16 20 35 36 37 Shonnard's Patent. All 202T^oa- ex. 36-fo'^a. W pt. thereof being a strip of an average width of 15c. 161 wide E. and W. b'd W. by the Lake shore South Tract, (Siower's Survey). Total, So. Tract, Stower's Survey, 1,774 acres. Split Rock Tract. Beg. at S. E. cor. of lot 10, th. E'ly on N. line of lot 11 to S. line of highway lead- ing from the Marshall school house to bridge near Jona- than Bristol's, th. W'ly on S. side of said highway to E. line of lot 10 & th. S. on said E. line to beg Total, Split Rock Tract, 399.8 acres. Stoughton's Patent. Purchase, 1908. 1885, '90 . . . 1900, '05 . . . 1885, '05 . . . 1885 1885, '90 . . . 1905 1885, '90 ... , 1877, '81, '95 1843 1877, '81, '85 Mortgage and re- sale, 1899* Mortgage 1890.... 1885.... 1866 1866 1866 166.06 178 188 188 200 124 68 244 232 224 128 115.70 10 157.60 126.50 .25 .25 .25 ♦Formerly bonded land. 58 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Ticonderoga. . . . do 38 39 66 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 28 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Stoughton's Patent — (Continued). 1866 25 1866 25 do 1866 ?^ Total, Stoughton's Patent, 1.5 acres. 1885, '90 Minerva TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Township 14, Pond's Survey, N. ^ & S. E. }. 158 do 1890, '95 1881, '85 160 do 160 do 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '90 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1900 & Pur., 1895. 1871, '77, '81 1905 & Pur. 1905. . 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85 220 do S. * 80 do 160 do 240 do 240 do 160 do 160 do do S. pt. bd. N. byMcCuUogh.. 53 160 do 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90, '95 1905 & Pur. 1904. . 1877, '85 160 do do All in Essex county Same 100 28 do do 156 do N. E. } 40a. & S. E. cor. b'd N. by F. Harvey & E. & S. by lot lines &, W. by Har- vey 30a 1877 & Pur. 1905.. 1885, '90 70 do W. pt. across All of 60a. N. pt. not cont'd in 60a. W. pt. of lot 60 do do Purchase, 1898 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1895 Purchase, 1895 1885, '90 37.50 160 do W. ^ 80 do 160 do 240 do 240 do 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1885, '90 160 do 160 do 1877, '81, '85 160 Repokt of Fokest, Fish axd Game Commission. 59 Essex County. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 41 42 43 44 56 57 58 69 60 61 75 77 79 81 82 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 99 100 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PtJR- CHASE, Township 14, (Pond's Survey), N. ^ & S. E. i— (Continued). S. pt. bd. N. by Hudson River, E. by lands of R. Bulger, S. by lands of James Ordway and W. by lands of W. H. Bennett Ex. 50a. N. W. cor. All in Essex county. E. i. Ex. 30-nfoa- N. E. cor. 18c. 711. E. &W. & 16c. 341. N, & S., less -j-o-oa. being so much thereof as is con tained in W. 106a. not con- tained in 60a. N. part of lot S. ^. All in Essex countv. All in Essex county. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81,'85,'90,'95 1885, '90 1885, '90 1890 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90 1885, '90 1877, '85 1881, '85 1890 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '85, '90 1881, '85 1881, '85 1900 and purchase 1893 1900 and purchase 1893 1900 and purchase 1893 1900 and purchase 1893 1881, '85 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885 15 182 110 88 160 80 160 160 240 240 130.13 160 120 160 160 127 160 160 160 240 240 160 160 160 116 160 60 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County, Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 14, Pond's Survey, N. ^ & S. E. {—(Continued). Minerva 101 104 106 1881, '85 160 do 1881, '85 132 do All in Esse.x county 1885, '90, '95 29 Total, T'wp. 14, 8,251 acres. ToTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PuR- CH.\SE, Township 15. do 1 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . 160 do 2 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . 160 do 3 All in Essex county 1890, '95, '00 and purchase. 1897. . . 116.50 do 21 Same 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . 45.25 do 22 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . 160 do 23 24 25 26 27 28 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do All in Essex county 132 do 29 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Same Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 10 do Same 62.25 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do All in Essex county 144 do 54 67 68 69 Same Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 7 do Same 79.25 do 160 do 160 Repokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 61 Essex County. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 117 118 119 120 121 122 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 15 — (Continued). All in Essex county. Same Same Same All in Essex county. Same Same Same All in Essex county. . . Same Total, Township 7,332 acres. 15 ToTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 16. Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase , 1897. ,1897. , 1897. 1897. , 1897. ,1897. , 1897. ,1897. 1897. ,1897. , 1897. , 1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897. ,1907. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 152.25 15 50 150 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 100 10 45 110 160 160 133 55 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 62 Eepoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva do do do do do do do do do do do do Newcomb . Minerva 2 do 3 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 14 do 15 do 17 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 C. ToTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PuR' CHASE, Township 16 — (Continued). N. pt. 100a. & S. pt. 317a. . N.i N. i s.i Ex. 100a. S. end Same Total, Township 16 15,717 acres ToTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 17. All in Essex county ToTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Township 20. All in Essex county ToTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 25. ( Bailey's Patent. ) E. pt 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 Patented, 1897. .. . 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81,' '85, '95.. 1885, '90, '95 . Purchase, 1906. 1877, '81, '85.... 1885, '90, '95.... Purchase, 1897. . 1885, '90, '95.... 1885, '90, '95.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85, '95 Purchase, 1897. . 1877, '81, '85.... 1885, '90, '95.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1,000 417 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 1,000 500 900 900 1,000 779.39 13 70 78 78 78 78 78 78 94 128 100 100 100 Eeport of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 63 Essex County. Lot. 22 30 37 46 61 53 54 60 61 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 9 12 19 DESCRIPTION. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's PuR CHASE, Township 25— (Bailey's Patent) — {Con- tinued). s.i , W. i W. i W. i Total, Bailey's Patent, 3,345 acres. Township 25. (Dominick's Patent). All in Essex county Ex. 75-1^0 a- N. W. cor. 27c. wide E. & W. & 28c. long N. & S. and 62a. S. E. cor. 20C.E. &W. &31c. N. &S. All in Essex county All in Minerva Tax sales or source of title. 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90, '95 1905 & Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1885, '90 Purchase, 1906 1881, '85 1900 & Purchase, 1900 1881, '85 . 1881, '85 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81, '95.. 1871, '77, '81, '95.. Purchase, 1897 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85 Acres. 1885, '90, '95. Purchase, 1907 1885, '90, '95.. 1885, '90 Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1907 50 117 50 100 123 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 123 122 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 161 112.40 200 56 152 200 64 Report of Forest, Fish ak^d Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Minerva do do do do do do do 48 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 25 — (Dominick's Patent) — (Continued). s.i... W. i. N. + Total, Dominick's Pat. 2,181 acres. Township 25. (Thorn's Survey.) Ore Bed Lot. 1885, '90 1877, '85, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85, '90 1885. '90 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 & Purchase, 1897. . . 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85 1885, '90 1881, '85 Purchase, 1897 1881, '85 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1885, '90, '95 Repoet of Eokest, Fish and Game Commission. 65 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Minerva 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Township 25, (Thorn's Survey) — (Con- Hnued.) 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85 120 do 120 do Ex. 24a. S. E. cor. 8c. wide N. & S. & 30c. long E. & W. Ex. 36a. S. pt. 9c. N. & S. & 40c. E. & W 136 do 1881, '85 1881, '85 1905 & Purchase 1905 124 do 140 do 120 do 1905 & Purchase, 1905 Total, Township 25, Thorn's Survey 4,214 acres. 120 Purchase, 1893 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1894 Purchase, 1894 1905 & Purchase, 1903 do Township 26. 264 do 220 do 220 do 220 do 220 do 220 do Purchase, 1893 Purchase, 1S97 Purchase, 1893 Purchase, 1893 Purchase, 1908 1885, '90, '95, & Purchase, 1903. . 1890, '95, '00 1881, '85, '95 1881,'85, '90, '95. . 1881,'85, '90, '95.. 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1893 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 252 do do 210 200 do 200 do 200 do 200 do 220 do 220 do 220 do 220 QQ Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Minerva 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do 31 do 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 39 do 40 do 41 do 42 do 43 . do 47 do 48 do 49 do 50 do 52 do £3 do 54 do 55 do 56 do 57 do 58 do 59 do 60 I,ot. DESCRIPTION. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD S PUR- CHASE, Township 26 — (Continued). Ex. 33a. N. E. cor. 15c. N, &S. &22c. E. & W Ex. 21a. N. W. cor., 15c. N &S. & 14c. E. & W Tax sales or source of title. Purchase, 1894 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '90 1877, '81, '85 ,'90 ,'95. Purchase, 1894 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00, & Purchase '93 & 1903 Purchase, 1893 1905 & Purchase, 1903 1881, 85 Purchase, 1893 1877, 81, 85 1881,'85, '90, '95& Purchase, 1905. . Purchase, 1893 Purchase, 1893 1905 & Purchase, 1906 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1903 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95. Purchase, 1893 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1881, '85, '95 Purchase, 1893 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1893 1877, '81, '85 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90, 1835, '90, '95 18o5, '90, '95 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 67 Essex County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PuR CHASE, Township 26 — (Continued). Ex. 74a. S. part . Ex. 183a. N. pt. pd. by W. H. Halsted 1905 & 1906.. 1877, '81, 1885, '90, 1905 & 1906 . . 1885, '90, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, Purchase, 1885, '90, 1881, '85. 1885, '90 . Purchase, 1877, '81, Purchase, 1881, '85, Purchase, 1877, '81, Purchase, 1885, '90, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1885, '90, 1877,'81,' Purchase Purchase Purchase 1877,'81,' 1885, '90 Purchase 1871,'77,' '95 . . . 1877, '8r 1877, '81 Purchase 1881, '85 Purchase '85 '95 Purchase '95... '85. . . '85... '85... 1893. '95... 1893.... '85 1894.... '95 1894.... '85 1893.... '95 '85 '85, '95.. '95 85,'90,'95. ,1893.... 1908.... ,1893.... 85,'95,'00. 95 ,1893.... 81,'85,'90, '85 '85 1894. . . 1885, '90, '95. 1877, '81 210 200 200 210 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 240 293 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 244 256 247.40 162 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 283 100 236 68 Repokt of Forest, Fisit and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 26 — (Continued). Minerva 99 100 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1905 & Purchase, 1899 & 1906.... 236 do 236 do 101 102 1877, '81. '85 236 do Ex. 100a. N. pt. & 50a. N. W. cor. of remainder 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 86 do 103 1881, '85, '95, '00 & Purchase 1908 236 do 104 E. pt. 122a., e.x. 7a. being so much thereof as is included in 41-i^oa- P- W. cor. of lot, 21c. N. & S. & 31c. on N. & 8c. on S. line, bd. E. by lake and 2a. S. E. cor. thereof, 5c. on E. & 6c. on S. line. bd. N. W. by lake 1877, '81, '85 113 do 105 N. W. pt S. pt . 1881, '85 50 do 106 1881, '85 76 do 107 1890, '95 and Pur- chase, '93 236 do 109 110 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 and Pur- chase, '97 247.80 do 236 do 111 1895, '00, '05 and Purchase, 1897,'06 236 do 112 113 Purchase, 1894 236 do S. E. cor. 25c. N. & S. & 8c. 114 115 451 E. & W ... 1900 21.13 do 1877, '81, '85 1890, 1905 & Pur., 1902, '05 236 do 236 do 116 1890, '95, 1900 & Purchase, 1893. . . 236 do 117 1877, '81, '85 & Purchase, 1892... 236 do 118 S. pt. 126a. & 15a. N. W. cor. sq. of all that remains after ex. 60a. N. pt. of lot 1871, '81, '85, '95.. 141 do 119 120 Purchase, 1893. .. . 1905 Purchase 1903 236 do 283 Total, Township 26, 23,427 acres. Kepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 69 Essex County. Town. New comb do do do do do .. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lot. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE. (Continued). TOWNSHIP 27. {Richards' Survey.) 6 7 14 15 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 32 33 36 37 DESCRIPTION. 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 23 24 26 27 28 29 32 33 Tax sales or source of title. N. E. cor. Total, Township 27 Eichards' survey 2,563 acres. Township 27, {Thorn's Survey.) Ex. 55a. N. W. cor . 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81 '85.. 1877, '81, '85 Acres. Purchase, 1893 68.12 Purchase, 1893. .. . 68.12 Purchase, 1893 68.12 Purchase, 1893 68.12 Purchase, 1893 28.12 1871, '77, '81, '90.. 80 1877, '81, '85 25 1877, '81, '85 80 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 80 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85 160 Purchase, 1893 160 Purchase, 1893 160 1905 & Pur., 1906.. 160 1905 & Pur., 1906.. 160 1885, '90, '95 160 1871, '77, '81, '85, '90 160 233 250 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 70 250 70 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. 5Iewcomb do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do! do ■ do do do do do do do do do X X X X X 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's PUR- CHASE, Township 27 — Thorn's Survey — (Con- tinued). N. W. cor. Total Township 27, Thorn's survey, 7,486 acres. 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85. . . . 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1893. . . 1905 & Pur., 1906. 1905 & Pur., 1906. 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 Purchase 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1885, '90 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 1877, '81 Purchase '85. . '85. . '85.. '85. . '85. . '85. . '85. . 1893 '85. . '85. , '85., '85. , '85 '85. . '85.. '85. . '85.. '85. . '85. . '85. . '85.. '85... 1895. Kepokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Yl Essex County. Lot. DESCniPTION. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, — (Continued). Township 28. N. E'ly cor. of the parallel- ogram, b'd beg. at a point in E'ly line of said parallel- ogram which is the line between Townships 28 & 47, said point being distant N'ly on said line from N'ly line of land heretofore conveyed July 9, 1892, by Patrick Mo}mehan & wife, the parties of the 1st part, to Robert C. Pruyn, 3,605 ft., th. W'ly on a Une which is a continuation of the S'ly Une of N. W'ly cor. of said parallelogram con veyed by said parties of the first part to The People Dec. 3, 1895, 4,402 ft., th. N'ly par'l to E'ly line of said parallelogram 7,350 ft. to N'ly line of said parallelogram and N'ly line of Township 28, th. E'ly along said N'ly line 4,402 ft. to E'ly line of said parallelogram & th. S'ly along said E'ly line 7,326 ft. to beg B'd beg. at a stake & stones on E. side of a ridge near the low ground or flow of Moose Pond Creek, at a point 524 ft. W'ly from centre of said Creek and in N. line of Robt. C Pruyn' s 2d purchase of Patrick Moynehan in the parallelogram, th. from said stake & stones S. 64 deg. 38' W. as the needle pointed at that place Oct., 1895, in Tax sales or source of title. 1900 and purchase, 1895 741 72 Report of Poeest, Fisti and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb . TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 28 — (Continued). a straight line on which line the needle varied from S. 61 deg. 48' W. to S. 67 deg. 20' W. along a line of marked trees & adj. said Robt. C. Pruyn's purchase, 4,335 ft. to a stake & stones in W. line of the parallelogram and E. line of lot 86, th. on the same line across lot 86, 2,686 ft. to a stake & stones on W. line of lot 86, the same being E. line of the Cough-na-wawga Club's land, th. from said stake & stones N. 25 deg 24' W. (angle with last line 90 deg. 2') in a straight line, on which line the needle varied from N. 25 deg. 24' W. to N. 30 deg. 25' W. along a line of marked trees on W. line of lots 84, 85 & 86 adj. said Club's lands, 7,444 ft. to a stake at N. E. cor. of said Club's lands & in N. line of Township 28, & S. line of Township 50, said stake & stones are wit- nessed by marked trees standing as follows: A spruce 9 in. in diameter N. 10 deg. W. 11 ft. 8 in., a spruce 6 in. in diameter S. 47 deg. E. 5 ft. 4 in., a beech 15 in. in diameter S. 30 deg. W. 19 ft. 8 in. a maple 10 in. in diameter S. 50 deg. W. 21 ft., a maple 9 in. in diameter N. 88 deg. W. 16 ft., th. from said stake & stones N. 60 deg. 15' E Repoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 73 Essex County. Town. Lot. Newcomb . do do do Minerva do do do do do DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 28 — (Continued). (angle with last line 89 deg. 26') in a straight line along a line of marked trees on Township line 7,207 ft. to a stake & stones, witnessed, by a birch 21 in. in diam- eter N. 22 deg. W. 4 ft. 9 in., a maple 9 in. S. 4. deg.W. 8 ft., a balsam 8 in. S. 87 deg. 15' W. 15 ft., the last line crosses Pine Brook at 1 ,877 ft. & Moose Pond Creek at 6,443 ft., th. from said stake & stones S. 23 deg, 11' E. (angle with last line 89 deg. 2') in a straight line along line of marked trees 7,378 ft. to beg., containing l,209^o\a., ex. therefrom lots 84, 85 & N. ^of lot; 349-j— Q Q a 84 85 86 N'ly p't 24c. 511. on E'ly & 24c. 901. on W'ly line, being all of said lot conveyed to the people by P. Monyhan Dec. 3rd, 1895 Total, Townships 28, 1,941.21 acres. Township 30. All in Minerva . 1895, '00 and pur- chase, 1895 1895, '00, and pur chase, 1895 1895, '00, and pur chase, 1895 Purchase, 1895. .. 1877, '81, 85, '90... 1877, '81; '85 1900 and purchase, 1901 Purchase, 1901 . , 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85.... 860.23 69.70 168 101.28 1,000 1,000 1,050 1,035 1,000 975 Y4 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission, Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. N. Hudson Minerva. . . N. Hudson do Minerva. . . do ... N. Hudson do do do do do Minerva. . . N. Hudson Minerva. . . N. Hudson do Minerva. . . Minerva. . N. Hudson Minerva. . . N. Hudson Minerva. . . N. Hudson Minerva. . . N. Hudson Minerva . . . do ... do ... N. Hudson . do 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 30 — (Continued). All in North Hudson All in Minerva All in North Hudson All in North Hudson All in Minerva do All in North Hudson N. end All in Minerva All in North Hudson. . . . All in Minerva All in North Hudson. ... do All in Minerva ex. 7a. Myra J. La Bier All in Minerva All in North Hudson. . . . All in Minerva All in North Hudson. . . . All in Minerva All in North Hudson. . . . All in Minerva All in North Hudson .... to Total, Township 23,883 acres. 30, Township 44. Sub. 1 Sub. 4 ex. iha. schoolhouse lot & ex. 51a. S. part Total, Township 44, 196.75 acres. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1877,'81,'85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'00"05, and purchase, 1901 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, and purchase, '01.. . Purchase, 1901 . . 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... Purchase, 1901 . . 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81 1977, '81, '85.... 1877, '85 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85. . . 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85, and purchase, 1901 . . Purchase, 1900. Purchase, 1900. 25 750 250 600 400 25 975 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 850 250 750 575 425 300 743 700 250 800 150 900 100 955 50 1.000 1,000 1,000 128.25 68.50 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 75 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title Acres. 14 14 33 33 36 37 38 39 39 47 47 48 9 TOTTEK & CrOSSFIELd's PuR- cssASE — (Continued). Township 45. All in Newcomb 1881, & purch 1897 ase, All in North Hudson Und. fia. of all in Keene. . Und. If a. of all in N. Hudson ... 491 N. Hudson Keene Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 1881, '85 23 ... 349.30 N. Hudson Keene 57.60 ... 514 do .. ... 514 do ... 514 do All in Keene, not covered by 100a. S. E. cor. of lot All in Newcomb 1881, '85, & chase, 1908 . . Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 Purchase, 1908 1885, '90 Newcomb 3ur- ... 197 ... 257 Keene All in Keene ... 450 Newcomb All in Newcomb 64 Keene Und. f4a ... 406.60 Total, Township. 45, 3,837.50 acres. Newcomb Township 46. ... 252 Newcomb Township 47. Bd. beg. at a point which is described as being a small birch sapling standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall, being the N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. running E. 554c 401 to a stake standing in a line on the E'ly bounds of Town- ship 47, and known as the Lynch line, th. S. 30° E. 108c. 801 along the Lynch hne to the summit of the ridge forming the boundary line of the Cold River Water Shed, at a stake and stones marked 0, th. along the 76 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales . or source of title. Acres. Newcomb TOTTBN & CROSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Township 47 — (Continued). summit of the ridges and mountains forming the boundary of the Water Shed of the Cold River and its tributaries, the following courses and distances (the bearings given being from the meridian of 1772, and the variations used being 4 degrees) : S. 8° W. 4c 321, N. 57° 15' W. 3c 441,. S. 89° 30' W. 21c 121, S. 21° 30' W. 4c 81, S. 44° 15' W. 3c. S. 63° 30' W. 4c 801, S. 24° 30' W. 35c 311, S. 8° E. 3c 901, S. 37° W. 7c 191, S 13° 30' W. llciei, S. 21°30'E. 8c 231, S. 29° W. 13c 911. S. 5° W. 10c 341, S. 46° 30' W. 901, N. 76° W. 8c 871, N. 27° W. Ic 681, N. 77° W. 5c 751, N. 44° 45' W. 5c 101, N. 71° W. 13c 771, S. 78° 15' W. 5c 911, S. 40° 30' W. 5c 321, S 85° W. 3c 721, N. 46° W. 2c 201, N. 70° 30' W. 7c 381, S. 69° W. 3c 941, S. 87° W. 5c 551, S. 51° 30' W. 5c 521, N. 86° W. 24c 671, N. 65° W. 15c 121, N. 58° W. 12c 891, N. 10° W. 2c 161, N. 58° 30 W. 6c 51, N. 57° W. 10c 371, S. 51° 30' W. 15c 651, S. 55' E. Ic 61, S. 30° 30' W. 18c 881, S. 9° E. 4c 621, S. 6° 30' W. 7c 931, S. 18° E. lie 191 S. 3° 30' W. 7c 221, S. 10° E 8c521,S. 4°E. 21c, S. 9°45' W. 3c 941, S. 44° W. 13c, S. 41° 30' E. 5c 451, S. "21° W, 14c 851, S. 45° W. 7c 501, P 38° W. 8c 261, S. 59° W. 19c Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Y7 Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Township 47 — (Continued). 501, S. 42° 30' W. 4c 731, S. 26° 30' W. Ic 201, S. 5° E. 26c 261, S. 29° E. 5c 901, S. 52° W. 29c 41, S. 38° E. 2c, S. 50° W. 6c 441, S. 67° W. Ic 591, S. 71° 30' W. 29c 701, S. 56° W. 24c 911, S. 77° W. 17c 431, S. 50° W. 3c 461, S. 35° 30' W. 8c 911, S. 33° W. 21c 281, S. 19° E. 10c 731, S. 46° 30' E. 8c 231, S. 11° E. 14c 911, S. 11° 30' W. 6c 331, S. 34° W. 7c 381, S. 15° 30' W. 8c 571, S. 21° 30' W. 3c 671, S. 24° W. 4c 111, S. 49° W. 3c 401 and N. 89° 30' W. 4c 941, to Transit Sta- tion No. 65 of the Colvin Survey, in east bounds of Township 28, th. N. 30° W. 285c to the N. E. cor. of Township 28, th. N. 60° E. 18c 501, and th. N. 30° W. 247c 401, more or less, to beg., containing 14,080.82 acres, more or less, except- ing and reserving from said premises the highest peak of Santamoni mountain, as shown upon the topograph- ical map of the United States Geological Survey, for a distance of 4 chains from the signal station on said peak; also excepting and excluding therefrom 3,490 acres, more or less, being the so-called " Morse Gore," bd. beg. at the N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totteu & Crossfield's Purchase, th. S. 30' E. along the east 78 Report of Forest, Fish axd Ga^ie Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. Newcomb do description. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PuR CHASE, Township 47 — {Continued). bounds of said Township 50, 72c 401, th. E. 554c 401, th. N. 30° W. 72c 401 and th. W'ly 554c 401 to beg., leaving \Q ,bQO-^^^a,. , more or less Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. S. 30° E. along E. bounds of said Township 50, 72c 401, th. E. 554c 401, th. N. 30° W. 72c 401, and th. W'ly 554c 401 to beg., 3,274.08 acres more or less, excepting and expressly reserving there from 202a. bd. beg. at a cedar post and heap of stones standing in N. line of Township 47 and in the S line of the Gore N. of Town- ship 47, 6c 501 E. of the point in N. line of Town- ship 47, where the line run East from the N. W. cor. of Township 47 comes to Cold River and S. 60° 30' W. 7c from the North wing of a dam across Cold River now owned by John Anderson, Jr., th. S. 5° W. 9c 401 to a cedar post and stones Marked "A. O." and stand- ing in a small brook, th. S. 85° E. 39c 91 to a cedar post standing on a hill in hardwood timber. , th. S. 40° W. 28c 501 to a cedar post and stones, th. S. 30° E. lie 121 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 70° E. 20c 651 1905 and purchase, 1907 10,590.82 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Y9 Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb N. Hudson 1 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do 13 do 19 do 21 Keene 21 ToTTON & Crossfield's PuR' CHASE, Township 47 — (Continued). to a cedar post and stones, th. S. 30° E. lie 121 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 80° E. 20c 501 to a cedar post and stones standing on the South end of a small hill th. N. 55° E. 31c 931 to a cedar post and stones, th. N 35° W. 3c 751 to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 55° E 7c 611 to a cedar post and stones standing in N. line of Township 47, and th. N. 84° 45' W. along N. line of Township 47, 95c 501 to beg Total, Township 13,864.90 acres. 47, Township 49. W. part N. E. cor. bd. S. by Pepper, & S. W. by Walker E. end Ex. 42a. S. W. cor. owned by Walker Ex. 194a. W. part All in N. Hudson All in Keene Total, Township 49, 13.533 acres. 1905 and purchase 1907 Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1885, & 1906 . . . . 1885, '90 purchase 1898. 1898. 1897. purchase fe '95, & , '91, '98 Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1885, '90, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 '95. . 1895 1898 1898 1898 3,274.08 1,050 665 300 213 1,050 1,003 852 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 442.50 607.50 80 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Newcomb do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do <| I. do do do do do 59 60-61 65 66 76 77 87 88 91 92 95 96 97 98-99 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 115- 116 117 118 119 120 121 N. Hudson 1 do 2 do 4 do 5 do 6 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE — (Continued). Township 50. All in Essex county Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Ex. 50a. S. W. cor. Total, Township 4,185.40 acres. 50, Tract West of Road Patent. Conveyed, 1903. Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Conveyed, 1905 Purchase, 1891 Purchase, 1900 Conveyed, 1905 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90 '95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1900 & purch'se,'01 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, 85 1877, 81, '85. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85, '95 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1890, '95 17.75 132.50 71.40 2 10.45 115.68 141 40 15.50 69 140 140 140 173.25 180 180 180 180 88.87 183 160 160 160 160 299.50 236 236 236 236 101.50 il48 176 160 152 76 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission, 81 Essex County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 19 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 51 52 53 54 55 59 60 61 62 65 67 68 71 Tract West of Road Patent — (Continued). Ex. und. i R. R. land. Same Ex. und. i R. R. land. Und. ^ formerly R. R. land 1881, '85 Purchase, 1905. . . . 1871, '77,'81, '85/90, '95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90, '95 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1895, '00 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1877, '81 1877, '81 Purchase, 1877, '81. Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1881, '85 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1895 & Purch'se,'91 1895 & Purch'se,'91 I 1881, '95 } Purchase, 1907 1877, '85., Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1907 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90 1885, '90 Purchase, 1907 Purchase. 1907 Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1897 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1907 1885, '90, '95 68.50 149.10 160 164.40 160 160 160 160 160 156.30 80 80 80 160 160 168.40 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 159.30 160 160 160 160 160 160 119.30 228.50 160 160 160 160 160 160 127.80 160 160 80 Si' Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Schroon . jdo . do . do . do . do . do . do . do do . do . do . do do do . do . do . do . do do . do do . do . do . do . do do . do . do . do do do do do . do . do do do . do . do do . do . 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 85 86 88 89 90 91 93 94 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 110 111 112 113 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 129 130 131 132 133 Tract West of Road Patent — {Continued) . Same Und. ^ formerly R. R. land Same 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90.... 1881, '85, '90.... 1881, '85, '90.... 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 • 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1892 Purchase, 1892 1881, '85, '90 1881 '85 '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90 1885, '90 1905 & purch'se,'98 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1892 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1881, '85, '90 1895 & purch'8e,'00 1900 & piirch'se, 98 Purchase, 1892 1900 & purch'se,'98 Purchase, 1905 .... Purchase, 1908 1885, '90 Purchase, 1901 *1900& Resale 1899 1885, '90 & pur. '07. 1900 & Resale 1899* 80 160 160 160 168 171 165.60 168.40 181.60 168.20 160 80 80 160 160 160 116.10 120 160 160 160 168.20 181.60 148.50 115 158 160 160 160 120 160 160 155 143 157 156.70 157 160 160 105.80 95 137 ♦ Formerly bonded land. Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 83 Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax pales or source of title. Acres. Schroon 134 135 138 139 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 158 159 160 161 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 168 169 171 175 178 Tract West of Road Patent — {Continued) . 1881, '85, '90 Purchase, 1907 1881, '65, '90 1881, '85, '90 1881, '95 180.80 do 160 do 96 do 50.80 do 83 do 1881, '85, '90 1885, '90 74.80 do 28.60 do N. E. cor Purchase, 1908 1885, '90 20 do 30.60 do 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 1881,' 85, '90, '95.. 1885, '90 86.50 do 155.10 Minerva 157 do 159 do 1881, '85 141 do 1881, '85 182 do 1885, '90 161.90 do Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1881, '85 157 do 175.60 do 144 do 1890 160 do All in Minerva Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1897 1885, '90 80 Schroon , , All in Schroon 80 do 90.75 do 83.60 Minerva All in Minerva .... 100 Schroon All in Schroon 1885, '90 60 Minerva 1885, '90 1881, '85 Purchase, 1897 1885, '90 1881, '85 Purchase, 1897 1877, '81, '85 1877 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1905 Original 143 do 167.60 do 152 do 157 do 167.60 do 152 do All in Minerva 60 Schroon E. part in Schroon 60 do Minerva do N. W. cor. sq. of 60a. E. pt. in Schroon 50 157 120 . 30 do Total, Tract West of Road Patent, 17,498.88 acres. 0.53 84 Eeport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Essex County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wend all's (John) Location. Ticonderoga .... All Purchase, 1908 400 White Face Mountain Tract. North Elba II All in N. Elba S. of river. .. . 1905 & purchase, '99 569.80 Wilmington II All in Wilmington S. of river Purchase, 1899 188.20 do V All in Wilmington Purchase. 1899 141.12 North Elba V All in N. Elba ex. 787a. S. pt. Total, White Face Moun- tain Tract, 2,177.12 acres 1905 & purch'se,'99 1,275 Keport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 85 FKAIS^KLIN COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 169,866.21.) Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin . do . do do do do Bellmont Franklin Bellmont do . Franklin . do do . do do . do . do . do . 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Duane do do do do do do Gore East of Township 9 Old Military Tract. E. part. S. i & N. E. } . All in Bellmont . All in Franklin . All in Bellmont . All in Franklin . Total, Gore East of Township 9, Old Mili- tary Tract, 2,791.27 acres. Gore East of Township 12, Gre.\t Tract 1, Macomb's Purchase. N. pt S. pt Ex. 9a. S. end All S. of Turnpike . Total, Gore East of Township 12, Great Tract 1, Macomb's Purchase, 373.73 acres 1900, '05. . .. 1900, '05 1900, '05 ... . 1900, '05 ... . 1900, '05 1900, '05 1877, '81,'85. 1885, '90 ... , 1877, '81, '85 1900, '05 ... . 1900, '05 ... , 1900, '05. . . 1900, '05 . . . 1900 '05 . . . 1900, '05 . . . 1900, '05 . . . 1900, '05 . . . 1900, '05... 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 200 75 160 160 160 127.25 158 10 182.40 170 20 192.66 200 194 198.66 172.50 172 238.80 44 27.25 25.70 62.78 56 78 80 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 6. Malone 43 B'd N. by land of James B. Hanna, E. by highway, S. by land of Roger Desotelle & W. by lands of Mitchell Samica or Lamica 1890, '95 20 Township 8. Brandon 22 S. i of S. E. i B'd N. by land of A. Cam.- 1866 25 do 45 bell, E. by Hinman & Har- mons' land, S. by L. Brown 55 & W. by lot line B'd N. & E. by land of 1877 15 do Webster & Co., S. by land of Thomas, & W. by lot line. B'd N. S. & W. by land of 1895, '00 12.50 do 55 Webster & Co. & E. by land of Adams & Kery. . . 1895, '00 30 do 71 On N. line of lot 9f c. W. of N. E. cor. 20c. long N. &S., 98 15ic. wide E. & W S. W. cor. square 1895, '00 30 do 1900 2 do 122 1895, '00 134 Total, Township 8, 248.5 acres. Township 11. Santa Clara 2 Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85 69 Township 12. Duane 3 N. E. cor. bd. S. by Ladd or Wells, and W. by Taggert 4 or Wells 1877, '81, '85; 100 Duane N. E. cor., 33c. 321. N. & S. & 29c. 411. E. & W. 98a. N. W. cor., 16c. 661. N. & S. & 58c. 821. E. & W. 98a. and 199a. bd. N. by 98a. N. E. cor. of lot & Widow Berry's land, E. & W by lot lines & S. by land of E. M. M. or Mordecai Ladd. . . 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 395 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 87 Franklin County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Duane . do . do do do do do do do 11 & 19 13 14 16 18 19 Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 12 — (Continued). N. E. cor., 142a. & S. W. cor., 200a All E. of highway 504a. ex. 77a. bd. beg. in centre of Malone Road 19c. 41. N. of S. line of lot. th. E. 36c. 501., th. N. 21c. 801.. th W. 33c. 751. to the road and th. S. 1 1 deg. W. along said road to beg., and 40a. bd beg. at intersection of the Malone Road & S. hne of lot, th. N. 19c. 4l.,th. W. to centre of road & th. S. along same to beg N. of Turnpike, bd. N. & E. by Olmstead's land, S. by Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike & W. by McNeil's or Grimes' land S. W. cor., 40c. N. & S. and 12c. E. & W B'd N. by lot line E. by land of Harriet Roberts, S. by Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike & W. by land of Ladd & Smallman All S. of Port Kent road, ex. 180a. b'd. beg. in centre of said road at a point S. 82 deg. E. lie. 351. from W. line of lot, th. S. 44c. th. E. 43c. to W. bank of outlet of Horse Shoe Pond, th. N'ly along W. bank to centre of said road, & th. W. along same to beg 1877, '81, '85. 342 1877, '81, '85. 1877, '81, '85. 1881 20 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 616 1890 '95. '81, 50 1877, '85 442 387 456 1895. 1877/81, '85, '95.. 202 30 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Duane do do do do do do do do do 21 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 36 37 Macomb's Purchase, Gre.\t Tract 1, Township 12 — (Continued). Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Sub. 1 Sub. 3 Ex. 200a. W. pt s.i Ex. 50a. N. E. cor. & 50a. N. W. cor S. W. cor. b'd N. & E. by Port Kent Turnpike 60c. S. & 50c. on W. line, 150a., and E. centre part, b'd N. by J. Sheffield, E. by lot line, S. by Kempton & W. by Malone road, 40a 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1871, '77, '81.... 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81 '85, '95 1877, '81, '85.... Santa Clara 68 do 73 do 77 do ..... 78 do 86 do 100 do 106 do 107 Duane Total, Township 12,6,067 acres. Township 14. S. ^ & N. E. J (Nathan Ward's Sitbdivision). N. i &N. ^of S. f N. I N. i & N. i of S. I ex. l-i%a. occupied by Northern Adi- rondack R. R. for tracks N. i of S. I N. ^ofS. J S.J N-i&S.f. Total. Township 14, 709.9 acres. Township 15. N. W. J. S. part, 1,987a. ex. 750a. W, end thereof 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '8L 1871, '77, 1871, '77, 1877, '81 1877, '81, '90 '85, '95. '85, '95. '85, '95. '81, '85. '81, '90. '85, '95. '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85, & purchase, '99. . . 104 104 96 115 266 338 499 190 684 631 73.20 125.25 71.60 37.60 127 37.25 109.20 129 1,237 Repokt of Eokest, Fish and Game Commission. 89 Fkanklin County. Lot. 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 36 37 38 40 42 46 47 48 49 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 66 67 68 75 76 77 78 DESCRIPTION. Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 15 — (Conlinued). South West J. W. i. E.i. Tax sales or source of title. 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1885 1885 1877 1877 1877 1877 1881 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877. 1877. 1881, 1877, 1877, 1877, ,'81, '85 ,'81 , '81 ,'81 ,'81, '85 ,'81, '85 ,'81 , '81 ,'81 ,'81 , '81 ,'81 ,'81, '85, '95. , '81 , '81 ,'90 , '90 , '81 , '81 , 81 , '81 ,'85, '00 ,'81, '85 ,'81, '85 ,'81, '85 ,'81, '85 ,'81, '85 , '81 , '81 , '81 , '81 , '81 ,'81, '85 ,'81, '85 '85, '95 '81, '85, '90. '81, '85, '90. '81, '85, '90. Acres. 103 103 103 135 109 108 108 108 108 108 130 104 104 104 104 104 105 100 100 100 120 50 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 115 52 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 90 Eeport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brighton . do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Macomb's Purchase, Great Track 1, Township 15, S. W. J — (Continued). Total, Township 15, 5,562 acres. Township 18. Ex. und. J pd. by Turner or Hartwell Same Ex. und. i pd. by Hartwell. . Same Ex. und. ^ pd. by Hartwell Same Ex. und. ^ pd. by Hartwell Same Ex. und. ^ pd. by Hartwell Same Same Same 1877, '81, '85 j 103 1877, '81, '85 112 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1871, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '77, '81 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81 '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 '81, '85 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 91 Franklin County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 58 67 68 68 76 77 87 Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 18 (Continued). Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 1877, '81, '85 '00 & Exchange 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'05. 1877, '81, '85, '00 & Exchange 1877 '81 '85 & Purchase 1877 '81 '85 & Purchase Ex. 277-iVoa. W. part 51c. wide E. & W. bd. E. by Ricketson's Purchase E. part bd. E. by Ricketson's Purchase I W. pt ! S. W. cor. 27c. N. &S. &35c.| E. & W ' S. W. cor. 21c. N. & S. & 36c E. & W Ex. 160a. N. pt. Ricketson Tract. B'd beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 6 of said Ricketson Tract, at an old cedar post which point is the N. E. cor. of James Patterson's farm ; th. N. on E. line of Town- ship 18, 221c. 131 to N. E. cor. of S. E.J of said Town- ship 18, th. N. 85° W. along N. line of said S. E.J also N. line of the Ricketson Tract Purchase 1900 . . 1877 '81 '85 '90 Purchase 1900 . . 1877 '81 '85 '90 1877 1877 '81 '85 '90 1877 '81 '85 '90 1877 '81 '85 '90 353 351 35C 328 328 328 328 328 351 349 347.50 50.56 328 34.44 243 94 75 328 168 92 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Brighton. Lot. description. Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 18, RiCKETSON Tract (Continued). 75c. 901 to land of Rainbow Inn; th. S. 5° W. along E. line of Rainbow Inn land and land of H. M. T. Doty 40c. 871 to land of Frank Wardner; th. S. 85° E. along Frank Wardner's N. line 14c. 401 to N. E. cor. of said Wardner's land; th. S. 5° W. along said Ward- ner's land 26c. 531 to S. E. cor. of said Wardner's land ; th. N. 85° W. along said Wardner's S. line lie. 871 to N. E. cor. of L. Chase's land; th. 5° W. along E. lines of Chase's, Butts and Mcintosh lands 33c. 431. to S. E. cor. of said Mcintosh's lands; th. N. 85° W. along Mcintosh S. line 38c. 801. to N. E. cor. of H. L. Wait's land; th. S. 5° W. along Wait's E. line 31c. to S. E. cor. of said Wait's land; th. N. 85° W. along said H. Wait's S. line 5c. 821. to N. E. cor. of C. J. Riley land; th. S. 5° W. along Riley's E. line 21c. 151. to said Riley's S. E. cor. ; th. S. 85° E. along the old lot line 37c. 601. to N. W. cor. of lot 18; th. S. 5° W. along W. line of said lot 15c. 501. to N. W. cor. of Mrs. Jane Russell's land ; th. S. 85° E. along Jane Russell's N. line 25c. 551. to the N. E. cor. of said Russell's land; th. S. 5° W. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 93 Franklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acre.'. Macomb's Purchase, Grkat Tract 1, Township 18, RiCKETSON TrAC T Brighton {Continued). along said Russell's E. line 17c. 601. to N. W. cor. of the Ricketson farm; th. S. 85° E. along N. line of said farm 46c. 401. to N. E. cor. of said Ricketson farm; th. S. 5° W. along E. line of said Ricketson farm 35c. 381. to' N. W. cor. of James Patterson's land; th. S. 85° E. along said Patterson's N. line 15c. 621. to beg Total Township 18, 17,708.08 acres. Purchase, 1908 1,686.79 Township 20. Santa Clara 1 2 3 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 640 do 640 do Bb. beg. on N. line 6c. W. from N. E. cor., th. S. 9c. 801. th. W. 18c. 501. th. N. 10c. 201. to N. line of lot, th. E. to beg Purchase, 1898 18.50 do 3 s.i Purchase, 1898 325 do 3 & 4 Beg. on E. line of Township 20 at a point Ic. from the centre of Little Clear Pond outlet, th. S. E'ly so as to include a uniform width of Ic. on each side of said stream to high water mark on Big Clear Pond outlet . . Mortgage, Jan. 15, 1885 10 do 4 Ex. 12.17a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R. 57.51a. S. W. cor. bd. N. by R. R. land E. by a line par'l to and 56c. 501. E. from W. line of lot and 8.4a. S. E. 94 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax .sales or source of title. Santa Clara 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Macomb's Purchase Great Tract 1, Township 20 — {Continued). cor. bd. N. by R. R. land and W. by a line par'l to and 6c. W. from E. line of lot Ex. 13.28c. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R. and ex. 245.61a. being all of lot S of R. R. Co. land Ex. 6a. being all therein of Dry Island; 6.8a. known as Tommy's Rock and 132a. all therein known as Mark ham Point Ex. 28a. Markham Point . . Ex. 58a. Moss Point Ex. 244.8a. W. p't bd. E. by Saranac Lake; 6a. all there- in of Dry Island; 12a. Green Island; 4a. Markham Point & 20.8a. Moss Point Ex. 472.71a. all of lot S. of M. & M. R. R Ex. 15a st-ip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R Ex. 12.99a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M. & M. R. R Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1898. Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1898. 1898. 1898, 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. Purchase, 1898. Repoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 95 FRANKEiisr County, Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Macomb's Purchase Great Tract 1, Township 20 — Santa Clara 29 30 31 32 33 (Continued). Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 640 do .... 790 do 790 do 640 do Ex. 14.22a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M. &M. R. R Purchase, 1898 625.71 do 34 Ex. 9.48a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M. & M. R. R Purchase, 1898. . . 630.52 do 35 Purchase, 1898. .. . 640 do 36 Purchase. 1898 640 do 37 Ex. 49a. , being Pine or Camp Point on Rollins Pond . . . Purchase, 1898 591 do 38 Ex. 15.55., a strip of land 100 ft. wide, right of way M. & M. R. R " Purchase, 1898 624.45 do 39 40 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 640 do 640 do 41 Purchase, 1898 640 do 42 Total Township 20, 24,919.46 acres. Purchase, 1898 790 • Township 21. Harrietstown . . . Beg on E. line of Township 20, at a point 2c. S. of the S. shore of Little Clear Pond at high-water mark, th. N'ly on Township line 60c. & th. following the E. shore of said pond at a distance of 2c. from high-water mark do S'ly to beg S. E. i, ex. 3,095a. E. pt. & 3,095a. W. pt. 2ia. beg. at a point on Greenough's W. line moving th. S. to the shore of lower Sararmc lake, th. N. E'ly along the shore Mortgage, 1885 40 96 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Harrietstown. do Lot. DESCRIPTION. Macomb's Purchase Great Tract 1, Township 21 — (Continued). of said lake as it winds and turns to old Colby pond carry, th. W'ly along Erick's & Greenough's line to beg. 125a. bd. beg. at a cedar post on the N'ly shore of West bay in Colby pond 10c. N. from a cedar post standing on the S. bank of a small brook which empties into said bay said post standing at the edge of the pond, th. N. 86° W. 35c 501. to a hemlock post marked "A. W. M.", th. S. 4° W. 35c. 501. to a soft maple tree marked "A. W. M." th. S. 86° E. 35c. 501. to a hemlock tree and stones and th. N. 4° E. 35c. 501. to beg. reserving therefrom la. water and ex. 1,109a. N. W. cor. of remainder 152c. long N. & S., & ex. 109§a., being all of lots 18, 19, 33; map made by H. K. Averill, Jr. of lands sold by M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein also ex. 241a. being all of a parcel inscribed William J. Ehrick, and .so much of a parcel inscribed Ida Ehrick as is contained therein and alsoex. 50-i-oa., being all of two parcels of land described as Patrick Buckley on .?aid map as is contained therein leaving. S. E. I north part 152 chs. long N. and S. of 3,095 acres Tax sale.s or source of title. 1895 585 • Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 97 Franklin County, Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Harrietstown. . . Macomb's Purchase, Tract 1, Township 21— (Continued). W. part 1,809 acres ex. 1,060J acres, being all of lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 47, 48, 49, 50, 61, 62, 63 and 88. Map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein, ex. 70 acres being all of a parcel inscribed P. S. Carley on said map, bd. N. by lot 105, E. by an unallotted parcel, S. by a parcel in- scribed EUery Donaldson, and W. by another parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein, 113-1-0^ acres being all contained therein of a parcel inscribed P. S. Carley on said map, bd. N. by an unallotted par- cel, E. by a parcel inscribed Frank Coolon S. by lots 62 and 63, and W. by McAuley Pond and a parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein; 60 acres, being all contained therein of a par- cel inscribed Ellery Donald- son on said map, bd. N. by another parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson and a parcel inscribed P. S. Car- ley, E. by another parcel inscribed P. S. Carley, S. by McAuley Pond and lot 93, and W. by lot 93 and said other piece inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein 220 acres being all of a parcel inscribed Frank 98 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. , Feanklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Harrietstown. do^ do Macomb's Purchase Great Tract 1, Township 21 — [Continued). Coolon on said map; 35t^o^o acres being all of a parcel occupied by William McMaster, bd. N. by McAuley Pond E. by lot 63 S. by lot 49 and W. by another parcel of said McMaster, and ex. 29voa acres being all of a parcel inscribed Henry Coolon on said m.ap, bd. N. by lot ! E. by lot 74 S. by lot 60, and W. by another parcel of said Coolon S. E. i N. W. cor. 152 chs long N. & S. of all that remains after ex. 3,095 acres E. part & 3,095 acres W. part 1,109 acres ex. 831-i^o~o acres being all of lots 18, 33, 45, 46, 47, 59 60, 61, 74, 87 & 88 on map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein; also ex. 29^0" acres being all of a parcel inscribed Henry Coo- lon on said map contained therein W. part 3,095 acres ex. 1,809 acres N. part thereof 152 chs. N. iz S. 1,286 acres ex. l,013f acres being all of lots 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8, 19, 20, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35 & 36 on map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein, & ex. 133 acres 1895. 220 1895 248.40 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 99 Feanklin" County. Lot. 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36 37 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 50 55 56 59 DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Macomb's Purchase Great Tract 1, Township 21— (Continued). being all of a parcel inscrib ed Ida Ehrick on said map contained therein (AveriU's Survey.) Part N. Road. . of Forest Home Same. 1895. Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 1905 & condemned, 1902 Condemned, 1902. . Purchase, 1900. Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Acres. 140 151.90 136.80 121.70 105.50 91.60 78.20 90.20 171.60 147.60 70.80 46.80 160 160 200.30 213.50 223 160 229 166 160 155.30 160 172.30 130 217.80 134.60 163.40 160 160 159.10 170 114.10 207. 4C 203.70 100 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Harrietstown. . 60 do 61 do 62 do 63 do 66 do 67 do 68 do 69 do 70 do 74 do 80 do 81 do 82 do 83 do 87 do 88 do 93 do . 105 do 106 Santa Clara, do Harrietstown. do Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 21- (Continued) . Ex. the part N. of Mill Pond Total, Township 9, 175. 40 acres. 21 Township E. end W. end 23, N. S. E. i E. end of 1,240a. S. end.. N. end. 6,280a. ex. 144a. N. W. cor. thereof 80 c. long N. & S. by 18c. wide E. & W. ; 40a. being Birch Island, in S'ly end of the "Upper Saranac Lake, near and in a N'ly direction from Corry's Carry;" 267a. bd. Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 148.60 134.90 114.90 84 79.10 85.40 81.90 138.50 234.40 116 202 209 209.50 181.70 17 98.40 248.30 248 118.20 1877, '81, '85 1898 1898 4,379 *6,661 *300 ♦Purchased by the Forest Preserve Board and deedeu to C rnell I niversity for u^e of the New York State College of Forestry; at the end of thirty years to be deeded to the people of the State of New York. Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 101 Franklin County. Town. Harrietstown. do Lot. description. Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 1, Township 23, S. E. } — (Continued). beg. at a stake and stones, N. 2° W. 24r. from a large rock on N'ly bank of the outlet to Upper Saranac Lake and 2r. and 10 ft. below the State Dam, called Norton's Dam, th. N. 80° E. 150r. to a stake and stones, standing lOr. N. of the N. bank of said outlet, th. S. 10° E. 214r. to a stake and stones on a high hill, th. S. 80° W. 200r. to a stake and stones, th. N. 10° W. 214r. and th. N. 80° E. 50r. to beg. 2m^l&. b'd beg. at a large rock on the S'ly shore of the Upper Saranac Lake, which rock is near the Indian Carry, nearly N, from Jesse Corry's " Rustic House " and S. from house on Birch Island, th. N. 34r., th. E. 114r., th. S. 230r., th. W. 194r., th. N. 200r. and th. E. 80r. to beg., ex. 27 parcels reserved in deed by S. M. Weed and M. V. B. Turner and wife to State in 1901 South West J. All ex. 100a. N. E. cor. 25c. wide N. and S. and 40c. long E. and W Total Township 23, 22,622.08 acres. Tax sales or source of title. 1877, '81, '00, '05. Purchase, 1898 . Acres. 3,862.08 *7,42« ♦Purchased by the FDiest Preserve Board a id deeded to Cornell University f Dr use of the New York State College of Forestry; at the end of thirty years to be deeded to the People of the State of New York. 102 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acrea. Harrietstown. do do do do Macomb's Purchase Great Tract 1 — (Continued). Township 24. North East J do 1 &3 do AD North West J. All South East }. All South West J. Total Township 24, 26,250 acres. Township 26. All E. of Raquette River b'd. S. by a line parallel to N. line of Township and far enough distant therefrom to contain 15,619a. ex. therefrom and und. | of that part of l,333Tcroa. known as the Raquette Falls lot lying E. of the Raquette River, and also ex. ^a. being the Union School house lot Township 27. North West J. 390ia. & W.^ of lot 3, 195ia both in 1,561a. W. end of 1,961a. N. part W. end E.'i North East J. All Total Township 27, 8,766.49 acres. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '95, '00 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1898 . 1881 & Deed 1904. Conveyed, 1903 . . Conveyed, 1904 . . Conveyed, 1903.. 1905 & purch'se '00 3,750 7,500 7,500 7,500 15,619 585.37 100 195.12 386 7,500 Keport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 103 Franklin County. Town. Franklin . , do ., do . Bellmont. do . Franklin . Bellmont. Franklin . do . do . do . Belmont. . do Franklin . do . do . do . Bellmont . do . do . Franklin . do . do . do . Bellmont do do do do Lot. description. 10 36 55 63 63 Old Milit.^ry Tract, Township 8. E. pt. 10c. wide E. & W. of 73ia. S. W. cor. of lot, 24c. 501. wide N. & S. & 30c. longE. & W N. W. cor. square 2 7 31 45 81 138 273 294 296 300 308 309 310 317 330 332 333 338 341 343 352 353 354 359 N. W. J S.i Total Township 1,344.5 acres. Old Military Tract, Township 9. N. W. J. Ex. N. E. J. S. W. i . . . . Ex. 93a. W. pt . S. E. i. E. i... Total, Township 3,332.47 acres. 9, Tax sales or source of title. 1890 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1871, '77, '81, '85 1895, '00 Acres. 1885, '90 1877, '91, '90..., 1900 1871, '77, '81... 1871, '90 1877. '81, '85... 1881, '85 1900 & Resale, '99* 1905 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1881,'85, '90, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1900 & Resale, '99* 1900 & Resale, '99* 1900 & Resale, '99* 1900 & Resale, '99* 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81 Resale, 1867* 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 24.50 200 640 160 320 136 36.87 171 160 120 50 160 180 160 160 67 160 160 160 160 160 160 40 80 106.80 182.80 180 220.60 161.40 ♦Formerly bonded lands. 104 Report of Forest, Fisir and Game Commission. Fkanklin County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 30 31 33 34 38 57 60 61 76 77 80 81 83 84 85 87 88 89 90 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 112 Old Military Tract, {Con.) Township 10. S. f of W. 120a S. i E. pt N. ^ & S. W. i N. part N. W. cor All W. of highway, "Hall lot" S. W. cor Ex. 33a. W. pt S.i Purchase, Purchase, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1900. '05. 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1890 Purchase, Purchase, 1895, '00 . 1890, '95 . Purchase, 1895, '00. 1906. . 1907.. '85, '90 '85, '90 '85, '90 '85, '90 '85, '90 1905 . . 1907.. 1906.. '85, '90 '85, '95 '85, '90 1905. 1905. 1905. 1881, '85. 1877, '81 . 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1881, '85, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1895, '00. Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1900, '05 . 1877, '81, 1877, '81, Purchase, Purchase, 1877, '81, '85 '85, '90 '90 '85, '90 '85, '90 '85, '90, 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. '85, '95 '85, '95 1905. 1906. '85, '90 200 200 200 200 200 200 80 100 200 145 200 200 200 200 200 150 232 232 232 60 23 107 15 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 135 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 105 Franklin County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 113 114 115 116 126 127 128 130 131 137 138 140 141 144 150 151 152 153 154 160 166 167 168 171 172 179 180 188 189 190 191 193 195 198 199 200 201 209 210 211 212 213 Old Mil tart Tract Township 10 — (Continued). Ex. N. ^of W. 120a E.^ Ex. 40a. N. ^of W. 120a... N. iandS. E. i S. iof E. 80a Ex. S. E. i W. i 1877. '81,'85, '90. . 1871,'77/81,'85/90. 1871,77, '81, '85.. 1881, '85 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90. 1871, '77, '81 1871, '77, '81 1905, and pur. 1905. Purchase, 1906.. .. 1900, '05 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1905. . .. 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1871, '77, '81, '85. . *Resale 1899 Purchase, 1906 1877, '85 1881, '85 1885, '90 1890, '95 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1871,'77,'81,'85,'90. *Resale 1899 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95. 1900, '05 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1905... . 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81, '95.. 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1890 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95. 1881, '85 Purchase, 1905 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 160 200 100 200 200 200 200 160 200 200 200 200 200 150 200 200 200 200 200 40 150 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 ♦Formerly bonded land. 106 Repoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Franklin County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 214 215 216 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 235 242 243 250 251 254 255 256 270 271 272 274 278 279 280 281 285 287 288 289 290 293 294 312 313 314 315 316 Old Military Tract Township 10 — {Continued). E. i. S. E. cor. b'd N'ly & W'ly by center of Lyon Brook. . N. pt. of S. W. } N. i ex. la. in N. W. cor. on w hich is built a starch mill Ex. 25a. S. E. cor. owned by Sylvanus Page Ex. 40a. S. i of E. N. W. i S. i & N. E. i . E. pt Ex. 50a. S. W. cor. Purchase, 1905. . . Purchase, 1905. ... Purchase, 1905 1871. '77,'81, '85/95 1871,77, '81, '85. . Purchase, 1905. . . . Purchase, 1905. .. . 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1871,'77, '81, '85. . 1877, '81 1877, '81 1900 1895, '00 Mortgage 1871, '81, '85, '90. . 1871, '77, '81, '85.. Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1890, '95 1890, '95, '00 1877, '81, '95 Purchase, 1907 1877, '81, '95 1877, '81 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81,'85,'90,'95 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1885, '90 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1885, '90 1871, '77, '85 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 2 20 99 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 175 200 160 200 200 200 50 200 iro 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 80 150 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 107 Franklin County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Franklin do do do Bombay. Ft. Covington, do do 317 318 319 321 do 323 do 324 do 327 do 328 do 329 do 330 do 333 do 334 do 335 do 352 do 353 do 355 do 356 do 357 do 358 do 359 do 360 26 26 28 Old Military Tract Township 10 — (Continued) s.* S. pt. 13c. on E. line & 24c, on W. line, b'd N. by high- way, 92^a. ex. 4x1 J ^-Qa, being right of way of the D. & H. R. R. and ^a. on high- way adj. said R. R N.^ Ex. S. E. i N. i & S. W. i Ex. 50a. W. end. sold to Geo LaBounty Total, Township 10 26,098.91 acres. St. Regis' Reservation, Farm Lots. N. E. cor Miles Square on Salmon River, House Lots. 1871, '77, '81, '85, & purchase, 1908 . 1871, '77, '81, '85 & purchase, 1908. 1871, '77, '85.... Purchase, 1881, '85 1871, 1877 1887 1877 1877 1877 1877 1871 1877 1871 1877 1877 1877 1877 1871 1871 '77, '81, '81, '81, '85, 1908... '81, '85. '85, '95. '85, '90. '85, '90. '90 '95 '85 '81 '77,' '81, '81, '81, '81, •95 '85, '90.. 81,'85,'95. '85, '90.. '85, '90.. '85 '85, '90.. '77, '85 '77, '81, '85. *Resale, 1867 . 200 200 100 o' 100 do 100 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 150 240 240 240 240 240 240 190 240 ♦Formerly bonded land. 108 Keport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. FULTON" COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total number of acres, 23,655%.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bieecker do do do do do Mayfield Bieecker Mayfield do 35 46 52 60 61 92 103 110 114 Mayfield do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 Chase's Patent. E. pt. b'd W. by land of C. Shafer E. i All in Mayfield All in Bieecker N. W. cor. 30a. & S. W. cor. 15a Total Chase's Patent, 690.50 acres. Glen, Bleecker and Lan SING Patent. Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Sub. 4 Sub. 5 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 5 S. i^ in Mayfield Sub. 7 Sub. 10 Sub. 5 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 3 Sub. 4 Sub. 5 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 11 1871, '77, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1895, '00 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85.... 1871, '77, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85.... 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881, '85, '95 1881, '85, '95 100 100 48 50 100 100 30 17.50 45 100 125 125 100 99 99 80 119 99 99 60 100 100 82.50 82.50 94 105 105 105 105 105 105 Repoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 109 Fulton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Glen, Bleecker & Lansing Patent — ( Continued) . Bleecker 11 14 Sub. 12 1881, '85, '95 105 do Sub. 5, S. p't. 40a. ex. 10a. b'd. beg. at S. W. cor. of Sub., th. E'ly along S. line of Sub. 5, along land of C. Robbing 21c. to a tree, th. N. 3° E. 5c. to a stake, th. W'ly along land late of Mr. Munsey & Ira Hall 21c. 211. to W. Une of Sub. 5 & th. S. 2° W. to beg., on which taxes were formerly paid by W. H. Porter, and ex. 10a. bd. beg. in W. line of lot 14— 4c. 611. from S. W. cor., th. S. 79° E. par'l. with patent line lie, th. N. 2° E. 9c. 221. to S. E. cor. of 10a. sold by Calvin DeGolies to N. B. Potter, th. along his S. line N. 79° W. lie. to W. line of lot & th. along same S. 2° W. 9c. 221. to beg., redeemed by 14 Ira Hall 1900 20 do Sub. 6 1877, '81, '85 100 do 15 16 16 16 16 Sub. 1 1881, '85 125 Mayfield Sub. 1 1881, '85 100 Bleecker Sub. 2 All in Bleecker Sub. 6 Same 1885, '90 51 do 1885, '90 49.50 Mayfield Sub. 7E. i in Mayfield Sub. 8 1885 50 do 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1895, '00 100 do Sub. 2 122.50 do Sub. 3 1871,'77, '81, '85.. 1895, '00 125 do Sub. 4 125 do Sub. 5 1877, '81,' 85 1877, '81, '85 1895, '00 125 do Sub. 6 125 do Sub. 7 All in Mayfield Ex. 200a. N. side Sub. 3, ex. 50a. N. pt. 16c. 122 50 Bleecker 18 21 1877, '85 550 do 22 131. wide N. & S Sub. 1 1877, '81 53 do 1877, '81 60 110 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Fulton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bleecker. do . do . do . do . do . do . do . Caroga. . do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. Stratford do 33 35 38 41 41 43 43 43 49 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 58 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 68 70 70 Glen, Bleecker & Lansing Patent — (Continued). E. pt Sub. 4 N. p'tb'd.S. byWm.Claflin or by a line par'l. to & 40c S. from N. line of lot Sub. 7 Sub. 8 Sub. 3, ex. 74 Ja. E. pt Sub. 4, ex. 109|a. E. pt Sub. 8, ex. 74Ja. E. pt Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Sub. 5 Sub. 7 Sub. 8 Sub. 2 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 10 Sub. 8 Sub. 4 Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Sub. 4 Sub. 5 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 8 Sub. 9 Sub. 10 S. pt Sub. 10 Sub. 3, bd. N. by lot line, E. by town line, S. by lands of R. Glasco & "W. by a 109a lot Sub. 4, bd. beg. at a spruce tree at S. W. cor. of land of N. Hillebrant, th. N. 5 deg. E. 16c. 991., th. S. 85 deg. 1881, '85... . 1895, '00 . . . 1890, '95 ... , 1877, '81 . . . 1877, '81, '90 1881, '85. . . 1881, '85. . .. 1881, '85. . .. 1890, '95 ... . 1871, '77 1871, '77. . .. 1877, '95 1871, '77. . .. 1871, '77 1871, '77. ... 1877 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877 1877 1877, '71 ... . 1871, '77. . .. 1877 1895, '00 ... . 1895, '00 ... . 1871, '77 1871, '77 1877 1877 1877 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81 1890, '95, '00 100 100 400 100 100 24.75 36.25 24.75 1,300 127.50 127.50 127.50 132.50 132.50 132.50 125 125 100 100 112 100 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 300 100 99 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Ill FuLTOw County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Glen, Bleecker & Lansing Patent— (Coniinutd) . Stratford 70 E. 31c. 701. to town line, th S. 5 deg. W. 33c. 721. and th. N. 56 deg. W. along S. line of Patent 36c. 581. to beg 1885, '90, '95 80.35 do 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 Sub. 1 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1895, '00 101.50 do Sub. 4 101 50 do Sub. 5 101.50 do Sub. 8 101.50 do Sub. 9 1895, '00 137 do Sub. 10 1895, '00 151.20 do Sub. 1 1890, '95 118 do Sub. 4 1890, '95 118 do Sub. 8 W. end 25c. 751. E. & W 1895, '00 49.64 do 78 S. E. cor. 50c. N. & S. 20c. E. 82 &W 1895, '00 100 do Sub. 7 bd. N. & W. by S. Johnson's land. E. by lot line (I- S. by Middle Sprite.. S. E. cor. 288a. ex. 60a. S. E. 1881, '85 118 do 82 cor. bd. N. by the creek & W. by the SchuU lot and 100a. in E. end S. of the Tama- rack swamp, or Fly, bd. beg. at a stake standing in W. line of lot, th. S. 2 deg. W. 106r. to a spruce tree on the bank of Mill Creek, th. W'ly down said creek 14r., th. N. 2 deg. E. 129r. to S. edge of the Fly, th. E'ly along said S. edge, as it winds and turns, to E. line of lot & th. along said E. line to beg 1890 128 do 82 82 83 Sub. 10 1890 18 do Sub. 11 1890, '95 76.11 do Sub. 3, S. pt. of N. i 1871 30 do 83 83 83 ' Sub. 4 1877, '81, '85, '00.. 1877, '81, '85 1871 105 do Sub. 5 96 do Sub. 6, ex. 90a., N. pt 110 112 Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Fulton County. Stratford 83 do 84 do 84 do 84 do 84 do 84 do 84 do 85 do 85 do 85 do 85 do 90 Stratford . do do do do do do do do do do 32 32 32 32 33 34 59 59 60 60 63 Glen Bleecker & Lansing Patent — (Continued) . Sub. 6, Jacob Arnst lot b'd N. & W'ly by highway, E. by land of Hugh Ward & land of Kit Brown Sub. 2 Sub. 3, S. ^ Sub. 4 Sub. 5 Sub. 9 Sub. 10 ex. 85^a. W. part thereof Sub. 2. W. i Sub. 4 Sub. 9 Sub. 3 Sub. 1,N. pt. of 32a., W. pt. Total, Glen, Bleecker & Lansing Patent 12,168.05 acres. Jerseyfield Patent. E. i Sub. 2, N. W. cor. John Wheeler Lot, bd. N. by lands of Barney White, or B. S. Whyte, E. by high- way, S. by lands of Jacob Bronson & W. by land of Lucy Gibbs E. i, Sub. 3 E. i Sub. 4 E. i Sub. 5 N. E. cor All in Stratford Sub. 6 W. i All in Fulton Co N. E. cor. square Bd. N. by highway, E. by Gv. lot 66, S. by E. Canada Creek, W. by lands of G. P. Goodwin, 80a. ex. 45a. S. E. cor. thereof S. W. i 1900 1881, '90 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1895, '00 1895 1890, '95, '00 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1895 1871 1895 1895 1895, '00 . . . 1877, '81, '00 1877 1877 1877, '81, '90 1900 1871 1900. 1900. 2 100 51 98 98 100 16.50 50 100 100 100 4 12.50 105 109.48 103 150 130 85 60 20 35 250 Repoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 113 Fulton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Jerseyfield Patent — {Continued). Stratford 63 64 64 64 64 64 66 E. + 1900, '05 500 do Sub. 1, Peck lot 1900 106.30 do Sub. 2 1877, '81 106 . 20 do Sub. 3 1877, '81 106 20 do Sub. 4 1900 106 do Sub. 5 1900 106 do W. i 1877, '81, '85 525 do 66 67 S.E.i All in Fulton Co., 934a., ex. 1895, '00 262.50 do 40a. N. E. cor. thereof .... 1877, '81, '85 894 do 68 88 All in Stratford All in Stratford, 365a., ex. 1900, '05 135 do 100a., N. E. cor. thereof. . . 1871, '77, '81 265 do 90 91 92 93 94 95 N. W. J 1871, '77, '81 1871, '77, '81 1885 1885, '90 262 do 1,000 do 1.000 do 1,080 do " E" 1900, '05 821 do " West " Old Porter Place, bd. N. by lands of Powley or Livingston, E'ly by Ayers or Cayers Creek, W'ly by lands of Shaad, being a triano'le 1900, '05 h do 95 Bd. N. by W. h of lot 62, E. by lands of A. A. Bullock & Wm. Doxtater or Dox- sader, S. by land of John Keller or Nora or Norah Bracey or J. Keck, & W. by land of Parmeliah Newell & Martin Bracey or Nora Brocey & Jason Hall Total, Jerseyfield Patent, 1890, '95 125 8,460.59 acres. KiNGSBORO Patent, W'ly Allotment. Johnstown 511 Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 69 deg. W. 22c. 391. to highway, th. S. 58 deg. W. 41c. 661. to S. line of lot, 114 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Fulton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. KiNGSBORO Patent, W'ly Allotment — (Continued). Johnstown 511 th. N. 64 deg. W. 12c. 101. th. N. 24 deg. E. 27c. 741. to a spruce tree standing on side of a small creek, being S. line of Mayfield Patent, Iivens Tract contained therein 1881, '85, '90 '00 & purchase, 1898. 14,986.12 Total Township 5, T. & C. P. 20,509^ acres. ToTTEN & CroSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 6. Arietta 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. . . . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. . . . 560 do 640 do 640 do 640 do 560 do 560 do 640 do 640 do 640 do All in Arietta 440 181 Repoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County, Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acree. Lake Pleasant. . do Arietta Lake Pleasant. . Arietta Lake Pleasant. . do Arietta Lake Pleasant. . do do do do do do do Arietta do Lake Pleasant. . Arietta do do do Lake Pleasant., do do Arietta do Lake Pleasant. . Arietta I do do do do do do do do do 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 42 43 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, Township 6 — (Continursd). All in Lake Pleasant All in Lake Pleasant All in Arietta All in Arietta All in Lake Pleasant . All in Lake Pleasant. All in Arietta All in Lake Pleasant. All in Arietta All in Arietta All in Lake Pleasant. All in Arietta All in Lake Pleasant. All in Lake Pleasant. All in Arietta All in Arietta All in Lake Pleasant. Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase , 1897. , 1897. ,1897. , 1897. , 1897. ,1897. , 1897. , 1897. , 1897. ,1897. , 1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1987. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897 . ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. , 1897 . ,1897. ,1897. ,1897. Ex. ja. bd. N. & E. by Raquette Lake, S. 5c. by a line par'l to N. line of lot' 200 460 100 560 5 635 440 200 640 640 560 189 216 216 199 535.50 54 500.50 89 589.50 566.25 569 285 286 193.40 151 53 549 50 592 585 619.25 614.40 606.40 196.40 196.40 196.40 196.40 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commissio^^. 185 I Hamilton County. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 66 67 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PuRCH.\SE, Township 6 (Continued). and extending from lake to point on W. line of lot 15c. S. from N. line and W. 2^0. by lot line Ex. 40a. N. pt. across 15c. wide N. <^ S Same E. side b'd W. by a line par'l to & 15c. E. fi-om W. line of lot Ex. 55.26a. S. W. cor. 15c. wide E. & W. & 36c., 841. long N. & S Ex. 40a. N. pt. across, 15c. wide N. & S Ex. 19a. N. E. cor. 12fc. wide E. & W. & 15c. N. & S N. pt. b'd S. by line par'l to & 36c., 841. S. from N. line of lot N. pt. b'd S. by line par'l to & 30c. N'ly from S. Hue of lot N. pt. b'd S. by line par'l to & 13c. N'ly from S. line of lot Ex. 13a. S. E. cor. 10c. wide E. & W. & 13c. long N. & S Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. 195.55 196.50 196.50 196.50 196.40 196 . 40 196.40 156.40 156.40 196.40 196.40 196.40 196.50 85.98 141 .24 15G.50 177.40 98.52 196.40 116.. 30 163.00 183.90 186 Report of Fokkst. Fish akd Game CoMMissioisr. I Hamilton County. Town. Lot. DEHCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Arietta do do do do 68 70 71 74 75 Lake Pleasant. do do do Arietta. . TOTTKN & CrOSSFIELD'S PtJRCH.ASE, Township 6 — (Continued). N. W. cor. 17c. wide E. & W. & SGc, 841. long N. & S. . . N. pt. b'd S. by a line par'l to & 30c. N'ly from S. line of lot Same N. pt. b'd S. by line par'l to & 36c., 841. S. from N. line of lot Total, Township 6, T. & C. P., 23,872^ .-teres. TOTTEN & CkOSSFIELD'S PuRCH.\SE, Township 7. Gospel and School lands in N. E. i 320a., ex. und. ^ thereof owned in 1868 & 1869 by the Adirondack Co Und. i of 320a. Gospel & School lands, in N. E. i of Township owned in 1868 & 1869 by Adirondack Co S. E. i, ex. S'ly pt. thereof, 87c., 521. wide N. & S All of S. W. i in Lake Pleas- ant 6,176.05a. ex. 658.8a. being all in Lake Pleasant of 750a. N'ly part of S. W. i 31c., 251. wide N. & S. . . . All of S. W. J in Arietta, 123.95a. ex. 91.20a. being all thereof contained in 750a. N'ly part of S. W. i, 31c., 251. wide N. &S Total, Township 7, 10,069i acres. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. 1885, '90 & pur- chase, 1894 1885, '90 1900 & Pur., 1894.. 1900 &Pur., 1894. 1900 & Pur., 1894. 63.23 116.50 116.30 95.78 191.50 160 160 4,199.50 5,517.25 32.75 Repokt of Foukst, Fi^u a.xd Ga:\i:': Commission. 187 ' Hamilton County. Town. Lake Pleasant do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. TOTTEN (k CrOSSFIEI.d's Pt^RCHASF, — {Continued;. Township 8. {North %.) r.ospel &. School lot Purchase, 1899 I Purchase, 1899 1 Purchase, 1899 I Purchase, 1899 I Purchase, 1899 1881, '85, '90.. I 1881, '85, '90.. S. end I 1881, '85, '95.. N. end Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 N. i. Ex.. 240a. W. pt. W. part 1905 & Pur., 1899 Purchase, 1899. . . 1905 & Pur., 1899 1905 & Pur., 1899 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, and purchase,1899 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, & purchase, 1899 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, & purchase, 1899. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, & purchase, 1899. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, & purchase, 1899. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, & purchase, 1899. 1877,'81,'90,'95,'00. Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1900 A Pur., 1898. Purchase, 1899 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1885, '90, '95, '00.. Purchase, 1900 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877, '81,' 85 Afl"! 640 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 282.50 262.50 50 212.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 2G2.50 262 . 50 262.50 262.50 262.50 87.50 175 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 262.50 22.50 240 262.50 262.50 262.50 188 Eepokt of Forest,. Fish and Game Com:\[ission. I Hamilton County. Town. Lake Pleasant do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lake Pleasant. . 1 do 2 do 3 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do 13 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do . 21 do 22 do 23 Lot. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 DESCRIPTION. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 8 {North ^) — (Continued). Ex. 6.89a. on lake . . Ex. 16.07a. on lake. Ex. 48a. N. W. cor . N. W. cor Ex. 115a. E. part. E. part (South East i). Great lot Tax sales or .source of title. 1877, '81, Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1871, '77,' 1877, '81, 1877, '81, Purchase Purchase 1877,'81,' Purchase Purchase Purchase '85... 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. ,1899. 1899. 1899. 85,'90,'95 '85... '85... ,1899. ,1899. 85, '90 ,'00 ,1899. , 1900 . , 1898, '99 Acres. Purchase, 1899 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 1900 & Pur., 1898. 1900 & Pur., 1898. 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85,' 90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1877,'81,'85,'95,'00. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95, 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 262.5a 262.50 262.50 255.61 246.43 262.50 262.50 214.50 48 262.50 243.32 243.32 243.36 243.36 243.32 128.32 115 1,000 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Kepokt of Forest, Fish a?:d G\ue Commission. 189 i Hamilton County. Town. do do Lot. Lake Pleasant. . . 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do ! 29 do 30 do 31 do 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 Wells 40 Lake Pleasant. . . ... do, .... description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S| Purchase, Township 8,i South East \ — (Continued)., " East". " West " . All in Lake Pleasant . All in Wells {South West i) S. W. cor., being Newbold Tract Literature lot SucKLEY Tract. All that remains of S. W. \ of Township after ex. 2,500a. S. W. cor. thereof & 320a., being so much of Gospel, School & Literature lot as is contained therein Total, Township 8, T. & C. P., 24,790.86 acres. Township 9. B'd beg. at a tree standing at the outlet of Elm lake, marked " W. B. & B. B.," th. S. 60 deg. W. 12c. 251., 1877, '81, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85, '90 Purchase, 1899.. Purchase, 1899.. Purchase, 1899. . 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871, '77, '81, '85. 1871, '77, '81 1871, '77, '81 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'85,'95 1871,'77,'81,'95,'00 1871, '77, '81, '95 1877, '81, '85, '95. Purchase, 1899. . . 1881, '85, '90. 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 75 50 ,500 320 3,500 190 Report of Fori':st, Fjstf axd Game Commission. I Hamilton County. Town. Tax sales or source of title. Acres Lake Pleasant. do do do do do do Wells . 3 6 8 10 14 22 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, Township 9 — (Continued). th. N. 30 deg. E. 60c. to a stake marked " B.," th. N. 60 deg. E. 14c. to the lake shore, and th. S. along lake shore to beg Elm Lake Road Tract. Total, Township 9, T. & C. P., 360 acres. Township 10. Beg. at N. E'ly cor. of lot 5 in said Township, th. along the E'ly line of said lot 5 S. 27 deg. E. 106c., th. S. 4 deg. W. 110c. to the N. E'ly cor. lot 10, & th. N'ly cor. of lot 11 in said Township, th. S. 55 deg. 15 min. E. along the N'ly Hne of lots 11 & 12 in said Township 124c. th. N. 63 deg. E. along the N'ly hne of said lot 12 to the N. E'ly cor. thereof, th. in the same course along the N'ly line of lots 13, 14 & 15 of said Township to the N E. cor. of said lot 15 & Town- ship line, th. N'ly on Town- ship Une 312c. 501. to the N. E'ly cor. of said Town- ship, & th. S. 63 deg. W. 204c. to beg., 6,905a. ex. 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1877 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 191 Hamilton County. Town. Wells . Lake Pleasant. . . Lot. DIvSf'RIPTION. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 10 — (Conlinued). la. bd. beg. at a stake in the S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 63 deg. E. 3c., th. N. 27 d^ W. 3c.,th. S. 63deg. W. 4c., & th. S. 55 deg. 15 min. E 3c. 251. to beg., & ex. 191a bd. beg. at N. E'ly eor. of lot 12 & N. W. cor. of lot 13, th. S. 63 deg. W. 20c., th N. 20c., th. N. 63 deg. E 67c., th. N. 4c., th. N. 67 deg. 30 min. E. 30c., th. S. 21c. to the N'ly line of said lot 14, & th. S. 63 deg. W 73c. to beg Total number acres T'wp 10, 6,713. Townships 10 & 29. All in L. Pleasant of 817 acres, ex. 50a. heretofore conveyed to Chas. Fisher, 11a. bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of 50a. owned by Chas. Fisher, in centre of high- way on E'ly line of Town- ship 1, and W'ly hne of Township 10, th. N. 27 deg W. 5^c. to E'ly shore of Mud or Gilmour's lake, th N'ly along shore of said lake to a hemlock tree marked for a corner, th. S. 47 deg. E. 4c. 161. to centre of highwaj' and th. S'ly along highway to beg. ; and 19a. beg. at S. E'ly cor. of Chas. Fisher's farm, th. N. 27 deg. W. 32^c. to centre of highway, th. N. 74 deg. Tax sales or source of title. Purchase, 1897. Acres. 6.713 192 Kepoet of Forest, Fisir and Game Commission. Ha]\[ilton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Lake Pleasant. . Wells Lake Pleasant. Wells do 3 do 3 do 3 do do do 3 3 3 do 3 do Lake Pleasant. . . Wells 3 3 3 do 3 Lake Pleasant. . . Wells 3 4 do 6 do 7 do 10 do 11 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Townships 10 & 29— (Continued). W. 4c. 161. to E'ly shore of lake, th. N'ly along lake 7^c. to a birch tree, th. S. 74 deg. E. 4c. to a beech tree, th. S. 27 deg. E. 35c. to town line, th. S. on town line 9c. and th. N. 27 deg W. to beg All in Wells All of N. I in Lake Pleasant. Beg. at S. W. cor. of lot, th N. 27 deg. W. on lot line 75c. 501. to town line, th N. J deg. W. on town line 28c., th. S. 59 deg. E. 21c., th. N. 31 deg. E. 16c., th. N. 59 deg. W. 15c., th. N. 31 deg. E. 31c. to E. line of lot, th. S. 27 deg. E. on E. Une of lot 131c. to S. E. cor., th. S. 63 deg. W. on S. line 53c. to beg Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Sub. 4 Sub. 5 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 8 Sub. 9, All in Lake Pleasant Sub. 9, All in Wells Sub. 10, All in Wells Sub. 10, All in Lake Pleasant Subs. 1, 2 & 3 S. pt Ex. 200a. N. end & 290a. S end Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Purchase, 1897 . Ex. 290a. S. end... Ex. 450a. N'ly end. Ex. 100a. N. end . . 1885, '90, '05 1895, '00 1895 & Ex., 1891 . . 1895 & Ex., 1891.. 1895 & Ex., 1891.. 1895 & Ex., 1891.. 1895 & Ex., 1891 . . 1895 & Ex., 1891.. 1895 & Ex., 1891 . . 1895, '00 1890, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 1890, '95 1881, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85 737 250 361 540 108.80 108.80 108.80 108.80 108 80 108.80 108.80 108.80 2 106.80 88.65 20.15 300 549.50 738.50 590 716 Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 193 Hamilton County. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 12 16 17 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, Townships 10 & 29 — (Continued). All S. of Sacandaga river ex. 50a. com. on S. bank of said river on line between lots 11 & 12, th. S. 30 deg. E. on lot line 32c. 251., th. N. 60 deg. E. 12c. 501., th. N. 30 deg. W. (all as the needle pointed in 1872), 47c. 751. to S. bank of Sacandaga river, and th. S'ly along said river to beg Ex. 222,-0-0 a- N. pt Ex. 239-i^o-oa- N. pt All in Hamilton Co., 831 . 88a, ex. 222-roiTa. N. pt. thereof. All in Hamilton Co. , 588-i'^o^a ex. 100a. Winne farm lying all N. of Sacandaga river and W. of County hne after ex. the part thereof known as the Drake farm and ex. 191a. being all contained therein of the Drake farm b'd beg. at a stake and stones on E. bank of said river 3c. from mouth of George's Brook, th. N. 25° E. 50c. to a stake and stones th. S. 65° E. 40c. to a stake and stones, th. S. 25° W. to center of George's Brook, th. down said brook to a point 4c. 401. from beg. & th. N. 65° W. 4c. 401. to beg. Part lying N'ly of Sacandaga river at high water mark and W'ly of county line creek. All in Hamilton Co Total, Township 10, T. & C. P., 8,881.61 acres. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. 609 633.72 624.60 609.14 Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1896. 297.37 200 37.78 194 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. I Hamilton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake .... do 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase — (Continued). Township 15 All in Hamilton co Purchase, 1897 1890, '95 & Pur., 1897 43.50 160 do Purchase, 1897 1890, '95 & Pur., 1897 Purchase, 1897. . , . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 .... Purchase, 1897 Purchase .1897 1890, '95; '00 & Purchase, 1897. . . 1890, '95, '00 & Purchase, 1897. . . 1890, '95 & Pur., 1897 160 do do E. i 160 80 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do do 160 do 160 • 160 do Purchase, 1897 1890, '95 & Pur., 1897 160 do 160 do 1890 & Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890 & Purchase, 1897 do 160 160 do do All in Hamilton co Same 114.75 do 28 do 1890, '95, '00 & Purchase, 1897. . . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890, '95, & Pur., 1897 do .... 150 160 do 160 do 160 do 1890, '95 & Pur., 1897 160 do .... Purchase, 1897 1890, '95, '00 & Pur., 1897 1890, '95, '00 & Pur., 1897 1890, '95, '00 & Pur. jlS97 160 do do 160 do ... 160 160 Kepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 195 Hamilton" County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 40 41 42 43 44 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 15 — iConiinued.) All in Hamilton co Same do All E. of Centre Brook N. W'lyi All W. of Centre "Brook All in Hamilton co Same do & 1890 & Pur., '97 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890, '95, '00 Pur., 1897. 1890, '95, '00 Pur., 1897... Purchase, 1897 1890, '95, '00 Pur., 1897. 1890, '95, '00 Pur., 1897... Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890, '95, '00 Pur., 1897. 1890, '95, '00 Pur., 1897... Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890 & Pur., '97. 1890, '95 & Pur. 1897 1890, '95, '00 i Pur., 1897 1890, '95, '00 i Pur., 1897 Purchase. 1897... Purchase, 1897. .. Purchase, 1897... Purchase, 1897... 160 160 160 160 97.75 16 153 160 20 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 80 130 80.75 7.75 145 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 196 Eepoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Tiake 90 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 154 155 156 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 15 — (Continued). All in Hamilton County .... Same 1890 & purchase, 1897 63.50 do Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890 '95, '00 & pur- chase, 1897 1890, '95 & pur- chase, 1897 1890 &Pur., 1897. 1890, '95, '00 & pur- chase, 1897 1890, '95, '00 & pur- chase, 1897 1890, '95 & pur- chase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1890 & purchase, 1897 133.50 do 160 do do 160 do 160 160 do do 160 do 160 do do All in Hamilton Coimty .... Same 160 157 46.50 do do 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . 1890, '95 & pur- chase, 1897 1890 &Pur., 1897. 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897. . . 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897. . . 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . Purchase, 1897 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897. . . 1890 '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1897 . . . do 137 do 160 do 160 160 do do 160 do do All in Hamilton County .... Same 160 158.50 30.50 do do do 113 do 160 Total, Township 15, T. & C. P., 11,266 acres. 160 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 197 Hamilton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake . . . . do 1 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do 27 do 29 do 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 45 do 46 do 47 do 48 do 49 do 50 do 51 do .... 1 52 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd'S Pur CHASE — (Continued) . Township 17. The Gospel, School & Litera- ture lots 1905 & Exchange, 1891 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900 Purchase, 1900. . Purchase, 1900 . . Purchase, 1907.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900. . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900. . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900 . . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900 . . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900 . . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900. . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900. . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900 . . Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900.. Purchase, 1900 . . Purchase, 1900.. 1,280 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 198 E.EPOKT OF Forest, Fish and Game; Commissioist. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake. 56 do 57 do 58 do 59 do 60 do 61 do 62 do 63 do 64 do 65 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 17 — (Continued). B'd beg. at cor. of lots 42, 43, 55 & 56, th. N. 25° 30' W. 23c. 19'i. to S'ly shore of Cedar river, th. along the shore of said river N. 1° 30' W. 2c. 371, th. N. 42° 30' W. 3c. 501. to a point in line between lots 43 & 56, th. N. 25^° W. along said lot line 13c. 301., to the bank of said river, th. N. 17° E. 601., th. N. 48° 10' E. Ic. 231., th. on an average course of the river N. 78° 30' E. 19c. 181, th. N. 38° 15' E. Ic. 91., th. S. 40° E. 3c 731., th S. 56° E. 17c. 731., to a soft maple tree stand ing on the "W'ly shore of said Cedar River, th. S. 27 W. 6c. 51. to a hub in center of the old Mill Road, th. N. 77° W. along said center 2c. 401. to a hub, th S. 45° 15' W. 17c. to a cedar tree, cornered & marked, th. S. 44° 45' E. lie. 601. to a cedar post standing on S'ly line of lot 56 & th. S. 64° W. along line between lots 55 & 56 — 12c. 581. to beg Purchase, 1908.... 82.25 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Purchase, 1900.... 160 Eepokt of Foeest, Fish and Game CoMMissioisr. 199 Hamilton" County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake .... do 69 70 74 75 76 77 78 81 82 83 87 . 88 89 90 91 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 120 121 122 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's Purchase, Township 17 — (Continued). All N. of Cedar River S. A Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchas. Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900.. 128 80 do .... N i 80 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do S. A 80 do do N.i 80 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 106 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 200 Repoet'of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 10 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 17 — (Continued.) Purchas- 1 90n . . . 160 do Purchasf Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchpse Purchase Purchase Purchase 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 19C0... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 19C0... 1900... 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900 . . . 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900... 1900. .. 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do do do All in Hamilton Co All in Hemilton Co 80 140 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do do do All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co 30 80 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 Total, Township 17, T. & C. P., 19,740.25 acres. Exchange, 1891 . . do Township 19. Gospel, School & Literature lands 1,280 do Ex. 3a. bd. beg. at a maple sapling on N. bank of Tyr- ell Pond stream in E. Hne of lot 10 — 2c. 501. up said Kepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 201 Hamilton County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. 10 11 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's Purchase, Township 19 — (Continued). stream above the O'Neil dam, th. N. 25° 30' W. along E. line of lot 10, Ic. 501. to a post, th. S. 64° 30' W. 6c. to a post, th. S. 25 30' E. at 3c. to center of the stream btlow the dam 5c. to S. W. cor., th. N. 64° 30' E. 6c. to E. line of lot 10, th. N. 25° 30' W. along E. line of lot 10 — 3c. 501. to 12 19 20 Ex. 7a. b'd. beg. in center of highway leading to Blue Mountain Lake, from In- dian Lake, it being N. 40° W. along center of high- way 2c. 511. from N'ly end of the iron bridge across tht flow caused by the dam known as the 34th dam, th. N. 64° 30' E. 4c. to a post set for the N. E. cor. of this pared, th. S. 25° 30' E. 10c. to a corner in the highway, th. S. 64° 30' W. 7c. to a post, th. N. 25° 30' W 10c to a corner in the bay, th N. 64° 3C' E. to beg W. part Total, Township 19, T. & C. P., 5,291 acres. Purchase, 1906, '08 1 997 Purchase, 19C6,'08. Purchase, 1906,'08. 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 Township 20. All in Indian Lake . . A All in Long Lake 1,800a., ' ex. 568-i-oV- b'd beg at a 993 1,000 730 291 Exchange 1891 and Partition, 1904... 2,400 202 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake. do Indian Lake . Long Lake, do do do do TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 20 — (Continued.) stake & stone in E. line of Great Lot A where the same is intersected by the town line between Indian Lake and Long Lake, th. S. 60° W. along the town line 40c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 30° W. 125c. to a stake and stones standing on N. line of the lot, th. 60° E. along N. line of lot 81c., 501., to the most N'ly cor thereof, th. S. 30° E. 16c. 501., to a stake, th. S. 60' W. 41c., 501., to a stake, th, S. 30° E. 108c., 401., along E. line of lot to beg; and 40a. b'd beg. at a stake & stones standing on the town line, S. 60° W. 75c. from S. E. cor. of lot, th. along the town line S. 60° W. 20c. to a stake & stones, th. N. 30° W. 20c. to i stake & stones, th. N. 60 E. 20c. to a stake & stones &th.S.30°E.20c.tobeg.. All in Indian Lake . Total, Township 20, T.^ & C. P., 6,470.61 acres. Township 21. Partition, 1906 Exchange, 1891 .. . Exchange, 1891 & Purchase, 1906. .. 1,191, 1,050 11 1,829.50 1905 &Pur., 1900 1895 &Pur., 1900, 1905 &Pur., 1900. 1905 &Pur., 1900. 1905 &Pur., 1900. 200 200 200 200 200 Eeport of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 203 Hamilton" County. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, Township 21 — (Continued). 1877/81/85/90/95, & purchase, 1899 1877,'81 ,'85/90/95, & purchase, 1899 1877, '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur. 1900 1877 '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899 1877, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85. . 1877, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85. . 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1877, '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899 1877, '85, '90 . . 1877, '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899 1877, '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899. . 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1885, '90 & pur- chase, 1899 1881, '85, '90, '95 Purchase, 1898. . 1877, '81, '85.... 1877, '81, '85, '90 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 204 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 51 52 53 54 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 73 74 75 76 77 83 85 86 90 91 92 93 96 101 ToTTEN & CeOSSFIELDS' Purchase, Township 21 — (Continued). All not under water. Same All not under water. W.i. 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1905 & Pur., 1900 1877, '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899. 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. 1877 '81 '85 & purchase, 1899. 1877, '81, '85.... Purchase, 1898. . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899 . . . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85, '00 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . Conveyed, 1903... 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899 . . . 1877, '81, '85, '90 & purchase, 1899. . . 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 175 133 200 200 150 200 200 200 100 200 200 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 205 Hamilton Coukty. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Township 21 — {Continued). 1877, '81,' purchase 1877, '81, purchase 1877 '81 purchase 1877, '81, purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81, 1877, '81, 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81, 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1881, '85 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 1877, '81 purchase 85, '90 & 1899... 85, '90 & 1899... 85, '90 & 1899 . . . 85, '90 & 1899... '85 & 1899 . . . '85 & 1899... '85 & 1899... 85 85 '85, & 1899.. . '85 & 1899... '85, '95 '85 & 1899... '85 & 1899 . . . '85 & 1899 . . . '85 & 1899... '85 & 1899 . . . '85 & 1899. . . '90 & 1899 . . . '85 & 1899.. . '85 & 1899.. . '85 & 1899 . . . 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 206 Report of Foeest, Pish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Long Lake do do do do 127 129 130 131 132 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 48 49 55 59 60 61 62 63 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's Purchase, Township 21 — (Continued). Total, Township 21, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, 18,158 acres. Township 22. (South ^.) Ex. 142a., All not covered by water. . . All not covered by water . . . N. end, S. pt. water Total, Township 22, T. & C. P., 3,381.65 acres. 1877, '81, '85, & purchase, 1899. . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899 . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899. . . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899 . 1877, '81, '85 & purchase, 1899 . . . 200 200 200 200 200 Exchange, 1891 . . . 176 Exchange, 1891 . . . 169 Exchange, 1891 . . . 170 Exchange, 1891 . . . 162 1881, '85, '90 & purchase, 1905 . . . 158 Exchange, 1891 . . . 154 Exchange, 1891 . . . 147.50 Exchange, 1891 . . . 158 Exchange, 1891 . . . 166.75 Purchase, 1901 151.50 Exchange, 1891 . . . 158 Exchange, 1891 . . . 160 1877, '81. '85 155 Purchase, 1900 167.50 Purchase, 1900 172 Purchase, 1900 163 Purchase, 1900 161.40 Exchange, 1891 . . . 52 Purchase, 1900 124 1877, '81, '85 160 1877, '81, '85 160 Purchase, 1900 106 1877 30 Kepokt of Forest, Fish an^d Game Commission. 207 Hamilton County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase — (Continued). Township 23 Including Triangle. Township 29. Beg. at N. W'ly cor. of lot 16 in said township, th. along the N'ly line of lots 16 & 17 in said township, N. 63 deg. E. 86c. 211. to the county line, th. N'ly along the county hne to the N'ly line of township 29, th. S. 63 deg. W. along the N'ly line of said township 295 c., 731. to the W'ly line of said township, th. along town- ship hne S. 27 deg. E. 343c. 801. to beg Total, Township 29, T. & C. P., 6,566 acres. Township 31. S. E. cor square of 1,920a N. E. cor. of township, 160c. long N'ly & S'ly, & 120c. wide E'ly & W'ly B'd N' by lots 43 & 44, E. by lots 46, 51 & 57, Gorton Tract, S. by lot 57, Gorton, & lot 38, Range 1 & W. by G. S. & L. lot Gospel & School lot Literature lot Gorton Tract. 1871, '81, '85, '90. 148 Purchase, 1896. 1890, '95 . 6,566 Purchase, 1897. . . . 380 Purchase, 1897.... 640 Purchase, 1897. . . . 640 Purchase, 1897. . . . 132 Purchase, 1897. . . . 132 Purchase, 1897.... 132 Purchase, 1897. . . . 132 Purchase, 1897. . . . 132 640 208 Eepoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. ' Hamilton County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wells 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's Purchase, Township 31, Gorton Tract — (Continued). Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. .. . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 . . . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1885, '90, 's 5 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897.... Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase. 1897.... Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. . . . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. . . Pu chase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. .. . Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897... . Purchase, 1897 1890, '95 132 do 132 do 132 do 132 do 132 do 132 do 132 do 132 do 132 do 168 do 121 do 121 do 131 do 131 do 131 do 131 do .... 121 do 121 do 131 do 131 131 do 131 do 131 do 144 do 121 do 121 do 131 do 131 do 131 do 131 do 131 do 131 do 173 do 165 do 165 do 156 do 136 do 128 do 120 do 120 do 120 Kepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 209 Hamilton County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 49 50 51 62 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, Township 31, Gorton Tract — ( Continued) . Ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 '95 1890, '95. 1890, '95. 1890, '95. 1890, '95. 1890, '95. 1890, '95. 1890, '95 . 1890, '95. 1890, '95 . 1890,95'. 1890, '95 . 1890, '95 . Purcha 86,1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 120 109 117 117 117 117 117 115 146 113 113 113 112 163 163 163 178 163 163 114 123 93 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 182 182 182 182 182 210 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Tax sales Town. Lot. description. or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's Purchase, Township 31 Ranges 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 — (Continued). Wells 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. ... Purchase, 1897. . ., 1890, '95 1890, '95 182 do 182 do 181 do 182 do ... 182 do 1890, '95 182 do 1890, '95 182 do 1890, '95 160 do 1890, '95 160 Roosevelt Tract. do] Being what remains of l,920a.,N.E. cor. of Town- ship, 160c. long N'ly & S'ly and 120c. E'ly and W'ly, after ex. therefrom 640a. sq. in S. E'ly cor. thereof. . Wells & Redfield Tract. 1890, '95 1,280 do N. W cor. 1 3c. on N. line, 166.9c. on E line 152.95c onS. & 162ic. on W. line. . Purchase, 1897.... 2,519.91 Total, Township 31, T. & C. P., 20,322 acres. Township 32. Lndian Lake .... The Gospel & School & Lit- erature lots Exchange, 1891 . . . 1,280 do N. W. cor. sq. 1,100 acres, ex. 273a. N. W. cor. thereof (formerly in Lake Pleasant) 1877, '81, '85 827 do N. ^ & S.W.J 19,528.6a. ex. 512a. being lots 2, 3, 5, & 7 on N. W'ly side of Lndian Lake on Map & Survey in Comptroller's office, 960a. Gospel S. & L. Land & 1,100a. sq. in N. W. cor. of Township Purchase, 1897 16,956.60 do N. W. cor. square Exchange & 1895.. 273 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 211 Hamilton County. Town. Lot. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 description. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's Purchase, Township 32 — (Continued). B'd beg. at S. E. cor. of 5,800a. sq. S. E. cor. being Twp. cor., th. N. on Twp. line, 80c., 271. to a cor., th. S. 62° 15' W. par'l with S. line of sq. 240c., 831. to W. of sq., th. S. on said W. line 80c.,271. &th. N. 62°15'E par'l with N. line to beg. (being S. i of said square) . . Total, Township 32, 21,270 acres. Tax sales or source of title. Partition, 1898 1,933.33 Acres. Township 33. East Part of N. J Allotted. Total, Township 33, 1,920 acres. *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 &Par., 1900. . *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900 *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900 *1877. '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900. . *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par., 1900.. *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 & Par, 1900.. *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 &Par., 1900. . *1877, '81, '85, '00, '05 &Par , 1900.. *1881, '85, '00, '05 &Par., 1900 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 ♦Title to an undivided interest in this lot is by partition deed. 212 E.EPOKT OF Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Hamilton County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake . do TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase — (Continued). Township 34. B'd beg. on W. line at a point 20c. S. from N. W. cor. of township, running th. N. 64° E. 50c. to the E'ly line of the Marion River Carry lot, th. S. 26° 15' E. 55c. to N. shore of Utowana lake, th. in a S. E'ly direction, following said N. shore, at low water Une, 16c. to the S. W. cor. of lot No. 269, th. N. 3°15'E. 26c. 70l.,th. S. 75° E. 105c. 601. th. N. 63° 45' E. 59c. 801.. th N. 36° 30' E. 146c. 201.. th. N. 79° 12' E. 74c. 401., th. S. 77° 43' E. 59c., th. N. 63° 45'E. 26c. 90l.,th. N. 7°W. 13c., th. N. 63° 45' E. 5c. to E. Une of township 34, th. N. 26° 15' W. along township line 106c. 801. to N E. cor. of township, th. S. 64° W. along township line 490c 71. to N. W. cnr. of township, and thence P. 26° 15' E. along township line 20c. to beg., 5,013a. ex. 10a. being the parcel in- scribed "Castle Rock" on the Forest Park and Land Company's allotment of said township made in 1901. Beg. on W. line at a point 85c. S. from the N. W. cor. of the township, th. N. 64° E. 50c., th N. 26° 45' W. Ic. 501. to a stake at low water mark on the S. shore of Utowana lake th. in a S. E'l} direction, following Purchase, 1906. 5.003 Eepoet of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 213 Hamilton County. Town, Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Indian Lake. TOTTKN ot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Webb do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Totten' & Crossfield's Purchase, Township 43 — {Continued). 115 116 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Total, Township 22,385.88 acres. 43, Triangle North of Township 38. Purchase, Purchase Purchs se Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchs Purch: Purcha se Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1895. . 1895. . 1895. , 1895. , 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Purchase, 1895. Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commissioist. 259 Herkimer County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb do do do do do do do do do do do do , do do do do do do do do , do . do . do . do . do . Wilmurt . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 45 46 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase, Tri.\ngle North of Township 38 (Coniinued). All in Webb. All in Webb . All in Webb . All in Webb . Total, Triangle N. of Township 38, 5,715.70 Vrooman's Patent. Bd. beg. at a line stone mark- ed " H " set in the ground on a knoll, in the edge of the clearing on the Hinck- ley farm, at Wilmurt cor- ners (said monument was placed by D. C. Wood, sur- veyor, for heirs of Gardner Purchase, Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purcha se Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1895. 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. , 1895. ,1895. ,1895. ,1895. ,1895. , 1895. ,1895. , 1895. , 1895 . , 1895 . ,1895. 146.60 143 164 164 164 164 140 160 160 160 160 160 160 97.14 160 160 160 160 160 144.80 11.50 164 164 118.28 48.60 127.30 260 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Hekkimer County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Wilmurt. do Vrooman's Patent — {Con- tinued). Hinckley, Nov. 1889, in a place of a pile of stones which was previously loca- ted by James Popple, sur- veyor, for said Gardner Hinckley about the year 1849, to locate the corner between the Hinckley farm and the Wilkinson lot), th. N. from said monument 54° 30' W. 45c. 721. to a stake th. N. 35° E. along a line of marked trees 47c. 431. to a stake, th. S. 55° E. along a line of marked trees 46c. 51. to a hub in highway leading from Wilmurt cor- ners to Nobleboro, th. S 35° 30' W. partly along said highway to beg. , being part of Subs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of Great Lot 1 and is bd. N. by land of Consolidated Water Co. of Utica, E. by said highway and land of heirs of Gardner Hinckley, dcc'd., S. by land of heirs of .said Hinckley and W. by lands of Nathaniel Sheperd. B'd. beg. in center of West Canada Creek, on S. E'ly line of the Wilkinson lot as surveyed by Popple, and known as subs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 of lot 1 , Vrooman's Patent, th. S. 54° 30' E. 26c. 651. to a stake, th. N. 35° E. 62c. to center of West Canada Creek, th. down said creek, as it winds and turns to beg Purchase, 1907 . 217 Purchase, 1908. 138.5 Eepoet of Forest, Fish aj^td Game Commission. 261 IIekkimer County. Town. Wilmurt do do do do do do do do do do do do do Webb 4 do 6 do 7 do 9 do 10 do 12 do 13 do 13 do 15 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 23 do 24 do 27 I Lot. 12 13 17 20 20 24 24 25 28 29 30 33 34 41 DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Vrooman's Patent — (Con- tinued) . All in Wilmurt S. iof N. i All in Wilmurt All in Wilmurt, 134a. ex. 60a. W. pt. thereof W. part W. end 19c. 131. E. & W. . . Ex. 50a. N. W. part, re- deemed from 1885 sale by Ballow All in Wilmurt All in Wilmurt N.i All in Wilmurt All in Wilmurt, 134a. ex. 18a. N. W. pt. thereof Total, Vrooman's Patent, 2,025.50 acres. Watson's East Triangle. Ex. 143-,-oa. middle part. . . . W. ^ N. W. cor. sq N. W. cor. sq Ex. 392, 73 E. pt E. part E. pt. 343a. & 100a. N. W. cor. sq. of 334 |a. W. pt N. i & S. E. } Ex. 495a. N. W. cor. & 102- ^o-6&-, all of 194T§oa E. side across not contained in 495a. sq. in N. W. corner of lot 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 1881, '85 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1907 Purchase, 1908 1881, '85 1905 &Pur., 1907. Purchase, 1907 1905 &Pur., 1907. 1905 & Pur., 1907, 1885, '90 1881, '85. Purchase, 1908.... 344 1877,'81,' S5,'90,'05. 542 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 286 1885, '90, '95 475 1885, '90, '95 671.10 1885, '90, '95 500 1877, '81, '85 660.27 Purchase, 1903.... 392.73 1877,'81, 85,'90,'95 446 Purchase, 1908.... 695 Purchase, 1908.... 520.50 Purchase, 1908.... 690 Purchase, 1908.... 715 Purchase, 1908.... 704 1885, '95, '00 . Acres. 134 50 134 74 60 50 150 134 134 200 100 200 134 116 96.47 262 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Heekimer County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Webb do do do do 28 29 34 36 40 Wilmurt do do do do Watson's East Triangle (Continued). W. i 357a. ex. 288ia. all of 495a. N. W. cor. sq. therein. S. E. cor. 81c. on N. 30}c, on E., 80c. on S. and 29 Jc, on W. line N. W. cor. sq Total, Watson's East Tri- angle, 9,535.80 acres. WooDHULL Tract. All in Wilmurt Same Total, Woodhull Tract 2,135 acres 1885, '90, '95. . . . 1881, '85, '90 and purchase, 1899. Purchase, 1908.. Purchase, 1908.., 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1898 Purchase, 1898 1881, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85.. 1881, '85 68.25 658 702 239.48 130 653.04 624 600 92 166 J-Jepoet of Forest, Fish and Ga:me Commission. 203 LEWIS COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 4,520.88.) Osceola 38 do 50 do 50 do 69 do 74 do 98 do 127 do 134 Greig .... do .... do .... do . . . . do .... do .... Lyonsdale do do do 95 113 171 187 188 189 203 203 204 205 BoYLSTON Purchase, Town- ship 13. N. W. cor. bd. E. by Grif- fiths, & S. by Jackson Bd. N. by Potter or Porter, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Brockway N. ^ ex. und. \ pd. by iS. Burleson N. end N. W. cor. bd. E. by Hinman & Williams 120a. & S. W. cor. bd. N. & E. by R. Steward, 62a Bd. N. & S. by Driscol, & E. & W. by lot line Total, Boylston Purchase, Township 13, 975^ acres. Brantingham Tract. S. pt. " W. Trull " N.i W. side 50a. ex. 16f a. all con- tained therein of 50a. bd. N. by Bender, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Smith E. pt. or side Ex. 50a. N. E. cor E. side Bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Brown & W. by Warner W. side bd. E. by Bogart, 144a., & S. E. cor of Rem. 30c. lonor, N. & S. 33a 1881, '85. . ., 1877 1885 1881, '85. . ., 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85. . ., 1881, '85. . .. 1881, '85.... 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877 1881, '85. . ., 1881, '85. . ., 1881, '85. . .. 1871, '77, '81 1895 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81, '85 62 61 61.50 25 236 182 265 83 141 102 33.33 73 236 104.67 32 70 183 177 264 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Lewis County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Brantingham Tract — (Continued). Lyonsdale 222 N. E. cor., bd. S. by Paint Creek, & W. by road 1871, '77, '81 2.50 do 223 N. E. cor. of lot, bd. beg. at said N. E. cor., th. N. 86i deg. W. on N. line 32c. 801, th. S. 3i deg. W. 6c. 681. to centre of Old Road to Paint Creek, th. E'ly up Paint Creek to E. line of lot & th. N. 4^ deg. E. along said E. line 5c. 121. to beg., 23a. & W. part bd. E. by Bogart, 90a 1877, '81, '90 113 do 226 E. pt 1877 '81 77 do 262 N. E. cor. bd. S. by Moose river 1877 50 do 305 N. W. cor., bd. E. & S. by Rodgers 1877, '81, '85 14 do 308 Bd. N. by Chase, E. & S. by Rodgers, & W. by Banning R. W. cor., bd. N. by Hof- 1881 14 do 311 comb, & E. by G. H. 314 Brown 1881 50 do 1877, '81, '85 181 Total, Brantingham Tract, 1,653^ acres. Inman's Triangle. 153 153 E. side 1877, '81, '90 1877, '81, '90 147 do N. W. cor 50 Total, Inman's Triangle, 197 acres. Lyons Falls Village Block 7. West Turin 5 N. W. ^ ex. und. ^ paid by Juha L. De Camp 1881 .13 Repokt of Fokest, Fish a.vd Game Commission. 265 Lewis County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Diana 906 924 924 990 1 2 1977 Macomb's Purchase, GRE.A.T Tract 4. S. W'ly cor., bd. N'ly by William Hunt & others, & E'ly by Hammond & Morse lands Simon Van Patten bd. N'ly by lot line, E'ly by Paddock & Judson, & S'ly by Pad- dock & Judson, & "W'ly by William A. Paddock & Jud- son's lands 1881 50 do 1881, '85 . . 66 do McKenna est. bd. N'ly by St. Lawrence County, E'ly by Barber, S'ly by lot 925, & W'ly by Leonard Bd. N'ly by lot 991, E'ly by lots 337 & 338, S. by lot 989 & Seeley, & W'ly by Hughes & Paul's land Total, 471 acres. 1885 65 do 1881, '85 290 1881 '85 do Triangle in Easterly End Bd. N'ly & W'ly by Beach, E'ly by Humes, & S'ly by lot 2 qn do Bd. N'ly by lot 1, E'ly by Humes, S'ly by Buell & Bartholomew, & W'ly by Beach & Buell or Bush & Buell 1881, '85 219 Total, 309 acres. Co.Treas., 1890... 1881 New Bremen. . . . Great Tract 5. (Chassinu's Tract.) Range 3, E. 7 N., Robinson Elihu lot, bd. N. & S. by R. C. Hurlburt, E. by Erie Canal Road & W. by Mar- cellus Walker 7 'ifl Croghan Range 4, W. 24 N. pt 20 266 E.EPOET OF Forest, Fish and Game CoMMissioisr. Lewis County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Macomb's Purchase — (Continued). Great Tract 6. Township 1. Lewis 20 38 44 57 E. side, 199^a. ex. 135a. E. pt. thereof 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 64.50 do 257 do 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 259 do E. side 100 Total, Great Tract 6, Township 1 , 680^ acres. Township 3 — Ltjcretia Constables' Purchase Highmarket. . . . 37 B'd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 37^ deg. W. on E. line of lot 26c. 361., th. N. 62^ deg. W. 18c. 961., th. N. 75^ deg. E. 32c. 351. to beg Mortgage, 1899... . 25 do .... 37 ^6 S. E. cor. b'd. beg. at S. E. cor. of lot, th. N. 52^ deg. W. 18c. 931., th. N. 37i deg. E. 26c. 381., th. S. 52^ deg. E. 18c. 851., & th. S. 37i deg. W. 26c. 381. to beg. . . . Mortgage, 1899... . 50 Turin 70-71 B'd. beg. at a stake in S. line of lot 71 which stands S. 52^°. E. 15c. 281. from the N. W. cor. of said lot and extends from th. S. 374° W. 39c. 501. to a stake on S. side of lot, th. N. 52^° W. 19c. 101. to a stake, th. N. 37^° E. 39c. 881. to a stake whichisN.52i°W. 3c. 821. from N. E. cor. of lot 70, th. S. 52^° E. 19c. 101. to besr . Mortgage 75.25 do 84 ""^6 Bd. N'ly by Carpenter, E'ly by Parsons & others, S"ly by lot line, & W'ly by Rob- erts, deceased 1877 2 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commissioit. 267 Lewis County. Tax sales Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. or source of title. Acres. Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 6, Township 3, Ltr- CRETiA Constable's Pur- chase — (Continued). Turin 84 Bd. N'ly & E'ly by Carpenter S'ly by lot line, & W'ly by 1877 3 do 84 Bd. N'ly, E'ly & W'ly by Doud's land, & line thereof same course continued, S'ly 1877 4 do 84 S. W. cor. bd. N'ly by Car- penter, & E'ly by Coe Total, Township 3, 87 1877 3 acres. Watson's West Triangle Wfttson 240 S part 1877, '81, '85 48 do 310 S. E. cor. bd. beg. at a hem- lock knot in center of Erie Canal Road, on line be- tween lots 309 & 310, th. N'ly along center of said road, 8c. 331. to a hemlock knot in center of said road, th. S. 87^ deg. E. 30c. to a hemlock post, th. S. on E. line of lot 310, according to the original survey, th. W. on line between lots 309 and 310 to beg Mortgage, 1892 25 Wilkes' Tract. Circ\fr 5 S part 1866 46 268 Kepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. ONEIDA COUl^TY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. (Total number of acres, 0,850-^0%.) Fores tport. do do do do 10 14 15 Boonville. do . Adgate's Eastern Tract. {Gouverneur Lot.) Ex. 100a. S. pt. owned bv T. Delarme {Miller & Swanton Lot.) Sub. 1, Ex. 32^a. conveyed to John Harrig, Jr., June 16, 1864, and recorded in book 253 of Deeds, page 49 & 39ii)%a., conveyed to John Skillen, April, 1863, and recorded in clerk's office of Oneida Co., April 10, 1863, in Book 244, page 76 N. pt. 300a., & S. W. cor. (sub. 1) 50a 1877, '81 Total, Adgate's Eastern Tract, 1.790-ro acres. 55 55,56, 62,63 Adgate's Western Tract (East aide of Black Riier). N. pt All that certain piece or par eel of land situated in the Town of Boonville, in the County of Oneida, known and distinguished by a survey thereof made by B Wright, in the year 1794, on a map of said land filed in the Clerk's office of Oneida County, by being lots No 56, 62 and 63, on the E. side of the river in Adgate's 600 Mortgage, 1878. 1877, '85 1877, '81, '85 and Mortgage, 1870... 1877, '81, '85 Mortgage, 1871., 28.40 350 350 462 25 Eepoet of Forest, Fish akd Game Commission. 209 Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. T Tax sales or -source of title. Acres. Boonville. 55,56 62.63 do 73 Adgate's Western Tr.^ct (East Side of Black River) — (Continued). Western Tract, said lot 56 containing 155|a., more or less, said lot 62 containing 160^a. and said lot 63, con- taining 164^a., more or less, excepting and reserving, however, from said lot 56 so much said part thereof, if any, as is included in a farm of 5H-a., -surveyed for Wm. Booth and now under con- tract to Stephen Barns; and and also excepting and reserving from said lot 62 all that part thereof lying N'ly of the center of the Brown's Tract Road, and now under contract to Richard Lee; also is hereby conveyed 25a. off the N part of lot 55 in said Tract on the E. side of river, b'd N. by N. line of said lot, E. by E. line of lot, W. by the Patent Une and the line of lot 9 in said Tract, and S. by line par'l with N. line of lot, drawn so as to include 25a. Bd. beg. on W. line of lot in centre of road to Hawkins- ville, th. on lot line N 36i deg. W. 8c. 371., th. N. 55 deg. E. 15c., th. N. 35 deg. W. 7c., th. N. 55 deg. E. 9c, 601. to E. line of lot, th. S. 1 deg. W. 24c. 401. to cen- ter of road to Hawkinsville & th. S. 72i deg. W. along' center of said road 9c. 501. to beg *Resale, 1899 , Mortgage, 1875. 480.75 20 *Formerly bonded land. 270 Eepoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission". Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Boonville. 74,75 76,79 do 75,79 do. 75,76 &79 Adgate's Western Tract (East Side of Black River — (Continued). Parts thereof, being the same premises conveyed by Mor- ris S. Miller & others to Richard Hurlbert, dated Jan. 15, 1856, recorded in clerk's office of Oneida Co., March 22, 1856, in Book 194 of Deeds, page 478, etc. Beg. at a point in E. line of lot 74 where it is crossed by Dan'l. Thayer's N. line, th. N'ly 4c. 251. along said E. line to the center of a road, th. E'ly along said center to a point where it is inter- sected by a S'ly line of B. Churchill's lot, th. E'ly along said S'ly line to a birch tree cornered and marked, th. S'ly on a line par'l with Dan'l. Thayer's E. line & 9c. distant there- from 35c. to center of Cum- mins' Creek, th. N. & W. along the center of said creek to Dan'l. Thayer's S. E. corner, th. N'ly along said Thayer's E. line to his N. E. corner, & th. W'ly along his N. line 10c. to beg Parts thereof bd. beg. at a hemlock tree, on N. side of Cummins' Creek, about l^c. below Burgess' sawmill; th. N. 10 deg. E. 7c. 501. to a beech marked; th. N. 80 deg. E. 40c. 501. to a hem- lock, marked; th. S. 10 deg. E. 16c. 751. to a spruce, marked; th. S. 71 deg. W. 49c, 461. to Cummins' Creek, Mortgage, 1879. 155.89 Mortgage, 1894. 50 Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 271 Oneida County. Tax sales Town. Lot. description. or source of title. Acres. Adgate's Western Tract, (East Side of Black River) — (Continued). Boonville 75,76 & 79 at a spruce, marked, & th. up said creek 33c. 501. to beg., 100a. ex. 15a. pt. of lot 75 as surveyed by C. L. Phelps, Feb. 23, 1864, & deeded to Andrew Wells, Jan. 1, 1864 Mortgage, 1879. . . . 85 Total, Adgate's West- ern Tract, East Side Black River 816f acres. B.4^nyar's Patent. Lee 13 N. pt. bd. S. by land of Benj. Rudd Mortgage, 1888 24.25 Western 17 S. W. cor. bd. E'ly by a deep gulf and N'ly a line par'l with S. line Mortgage, 1888 Mortgage, 1888. . . . 5 Lee 18 95 do 23 ^ of S. ^ being premises con- veyed Jan. 5, 1846, by G. Leroy Banyar to Alfred Hartshorn Mortgage, 1888 Mortgage, 1907 Mortgage, 1907. . . . 25.50 do 46 W. + 46.25 47 E. side adj. the above 2 Total, Banyar's Patent, 198a. Bayard's, or Free Mason's Patent. Bridgewater. . . . 5 Sub. 7 Forfeited 2.50 Fonda's Patent. Rome 87 B'd beg. in center of the State Road, th. N. 25° E. Ic. 821. to land owned by Adam Conradt, th. S. 85° E. along S'ly line of said Conradt's land 34c. 501. to E. line of lot, th. S. 2° E. 13c. 451., th. N. 85° W. 24c. to center 2Y2 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Rome. 37 Boonville . do Verona . 18 Fonda's Patent — (Contin- ued). of said road and th. N. 44" 46' W. 18c. 401. to beg., 40a, ex. ^ sold Lelan Agan. Recorded April 30, 1846, in Book of Deeds 123, page 211 Ma chin's Patent (Towns OF AvA, Boonville, Rem- SEN & Steuben). Bd. beg. on E. line of lot 20c. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. S. 89 deg. 15 min. W. par'l with S. line of lot 35c. to a stake & stones, th. N'ly along land of Henry Shott 20c. to a stake & stones, th. N. 89 deg. 15 min. E. along land of John A. Phelps 35c. to lot line, & th. S. 20c. to beg. 70a. ex. 2a. thereof occupied for roadbed by the Black River & Utica R. R. Co N. W. cor. sq. as near as may be, 180a. ex. 25a. N. W. pt. thereof, bd. N. & W. by lot lines, E. by Black River Canal A S. by line par'l w ith N. line of lot 5ia. occupied by the Ogdensburg & Clay- ton & Rome R. R. and ex. so much thereof as is appro- priated for the plank road & Black River Canal run- ning through the same .... Total, Machin's Patent 217^ acres. New London. Village lot Mortgage, 1896. 39.50 Mortgage, 1879 . Mortgage, 1882. Resale 1899. 68 149.50 Keport of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. '213 Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Vernon do do do Rome. 12 13 5 28 Oneida Reservation. Purchase of 1826. S. part Purchase of 1840. N. part Part Total, Oneida Reserva- tion, 165.7i acres. *Resale, 1899 *Resale, 1899 ^Resale, 1899 *Res8le, 1899 Oriskany Patent. Allotmerd 3. The S. W'ly end of W'ly part of lot 4 to be taken off the premises designated in deed from Eei'j. Huntington and others to Viena Wheeler & others, dated March 31, 1849, recorded in Oneida Co. Clerk's office, April 13, 1897, in Book 535, Page 342, said 40a. lie on S'ly side of said premises and is b'd N'ly & S'ly by parallel lines, parallel with S'ly line in said description, the S. W. cor. of said 40a. to be 120 rods distant on said S'ly line from S. W'ly side of the Rome & Clinton R. R., the W'ly side of said 40a. is bound by a line at right angles to said S'ly line of said 40a. the N'ly line is parallel to said S'ly line and is so far distant therefrom N'ly as to con- tain 40a. the S. W'ly line of said R. R. being the E'ly line of said 40a Total number of acres, Oriskany Patent, 40. Acres. 50.26 78.80 30 6.65 Mortgage, 1907. 40 'Formerly bonde.l land. 274 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Oneida County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Remsenburgh Patent. Forestport Remsen 3 Sub. 3 1881, '85 93 8 N. W. cor. bd. E. by Her. Co., S. by O'Brien S. W. i 1895 120 Forestport do 19 1877 125 21 S. E. cor. bd. N. & W. by river 1877 3 Total^ Remsenburgh Patent, 341 acres. Scriba's Patent, Township 3. Annsville 13 S E cor 1877 18 do 25 E. ^ Mortgage, 1907.... 65.27 do 26 N'ly pt. bd. S. by line par'l to N. line Mortgage, 1896.... 30 do 26 S. i of middle 104-iVoa. bd. N'ly by 52-i^o^oa- sold Thos. Powers S'ly by 30a. sold said Powers & E'ly & W'ly by lot lines Mortgage, 1896 Mortgage, 1907. . . . 52.37 do 26 82.37 Florence 45 W'ly i 67|a. ex. 30a. N. end contracted to Mahoney. : . . Mortgage, 1900. . . . 37.85 Annsville 80 InN. ^2Ha-&allof S.^of lot ex. 50a. W. thereof. 48i%a. W. thereof, 48f\ra . . Mortgage, 1871. . . . 50.75 do 81 All Mortgage, 1871 154.50 Florence 103 S. E. cor. bd. beg on E. side of highway leading from Empyville to Remsen at Benj. Tanner's saw mill at S. line of T. H. Simpkin's land; th. along Simpkin's land to lot 104; th. S'ly along lot line to land of Ramson & Benj. Tanner; th. W'ly along said land to highway & th. N'ly along said highway to beg Mortgage, 1879... . 11 Annsville 112 W'ly i of 152H|a- bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 21° W. along E. line of said Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 275 Oneida County. Town. Lot, DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Annsville. 112 Florence. 117 do 148 Annsville . Scriba's Patent, Township 3 — {Continued). lot 62c. 151. to S. E. cor thereof, th. N. 69° W. along S. line of lot 24c. 601. to a stake, th. N. 21° E. along a line of marked trees 62c. 131. to N. line of said lot and th. S. 69° ;E. 24c. 601. to beg Bd. beg. atS. W. cor. of lot; th. S. 67 deg. E. along lot line 16c. 261. ;th. N. 23 deg. 53 min. E. 22c. 321. ; th. S. 67 deg. E. 3c. 501. to center of highway; th. N. 23 deg. 53 min. E. 20c. 891. to cen- ter or turn in highway; th. N. 6 deg. 52 min. along cen- ter of highway 6c. 811. to lands of Wm. Whipple on lot 103; th. N. 67 deg. W. 16c. 261. to lot line, & th. S. 23 deg. 53 min. along lot line 48c. 741. to beg Total, Township 3, 641.43 acres. Township 4. Part deeded C. C. Durst to E. E. F. Durst, 1876, re- corded Oneida Co. clerk's office, Book 362, page 34 . . . Township 8. {East ^.) Sub. 1, N. i, in S. W. cor. deeded to R. R. and 3^a. N. W. cor. thereof deeded to J. S. Rosa and J. Woodward Mortgage, 1905. 50 i^ Mortgage, 1879. 88.32 Mortgage, 1900. 30 Mortgage, 1897. 51 276 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 0>;eida County. Town. Camden . Lot. do Vienna. 44 66 do 66 DESCRIPTION. ScRiB.^'s Patent, Township 8 — (Continued) . West Part in Camden. Bd. N. by lands of Abram Skinner, E. by lands of F Skinner, S. by lands for- merly owned by Strong, and W. by lands of Robt. Robertson N. W. cor. bd. E. by Fish Creek, & S. & W. by lands of Miner Buell or Duel . . Tax sales or source of title. Acres. {West ^). Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot; th. S. 23 deg. W. on E. line of lot 27c. 181. to center of highway; th. N. 30 deg. W. along said center 9c. 951.; th. N. 5.5 deg. E. 6c. 291.; th. N. 2 deg. W. 3c. ; th. N 14 deg. W. 3c. 271., th. 43 deg. E. 2c. 281., th. N. 4.' deg. 45 min. E. 3c. 871. to center of W. branch of Fish Creek & th. down along stream to beg. 14a Bd. beg. in center of highway from Camden to McCon- nellsville and in E. bounds of farm occupied by A. C, Stewart, th. along cen. of said highway 20 rods, 7 ft. to a point opposite a hem- lock post marked "A" on the left hand side of the road running towards McConnellsville, th. to a post on E'ly side of saiJ highway, th. to and along on 'W. side of a poplar tree to W. bouids of a farm oc- 1877. 1871,77. 30 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. 277 Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. "Vienna . do do do do 66 66 19 26 27 Scriba's Patent, Township 8, West ^—(Continued). cupied by Jas. Badley, th. along said Badley's W'ly bounds as the fence now stands to center of W. branch of Fish Creek, th. along center of said creek to N. E. cor. of farm occupied by said Stewart th. along Stewart'sE'ly bounds to beg. ex. right of the owner of the mill dam at McConnellsville may now have, to flow land described, 22 acres Beg. on E. line of lot 6 in center of highway from Camden to McConnellsville, th. along center of said highway towards Camden 9c. 951. to W. cor. of land of Jas. Badley, th. along Badley's W'ly line to a large poplar tree on land of A. D. McLellen, th. W'ly on S. bounds of McLellan's land to center of said high- way and th. S. E'ly along said center to lands of J. Badley, 2 acres Ex. from the above 3 par- cels 4a. more or lesi>, right of way of R. R Total, Township, 8,118 Township 9. N. W. cor S. E. cor. 24c. 241. long N. & S. and 16c. 501. wide E. & W. ex. 10a. sold Coats; deed recorded. Book 345, page 452 W. ^ex. 30a. N. end Mortgage, 1903. 34 1877. Mortgage, 1902. Mortgage, 1902. 14 30 47 278 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Oneida County. 1 Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Scriba's Patent, Township Vienna 28 39 9 — (Continued) . E. pt. bd. W. by line pari, to E. line Mortgage, 1886 45 do Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot, th. N. 21 deg. E. on W. line of lot 43c. 701. to N. W. cor. th. S. 69 deg. E. on N. line of lot lie. 431. to a stake, th. S. 21° W. 43c. 751. to a stake on S. line of lot and th. N. 69 deg. W. on S. line of lot, lie. 401. 39 to beg Mortgage, 1901.... 50 do Bd. beg. in E'ly bounds of lot at N. E. cor. of estate of do 41 A. Bailey, th. N. 65^ deg. W. parallel with N'ly line of lot 17c. 261., th. S. 24^ deg. W. parallel with W'ly line of Bailey estate 23c. 811. to the center of high- way crossing said lot, th. N. E'ly along said highway and along a disused high- way to E'ly line of lot and th. N. 24i deg. E. on said line 15c. 501. to beg N. E. cor. 15c. 201. long N. & S. and 6c. 591. wide E. &W. Mortgage, 1902... . Mortgage, 1902... . 35.65 10 do 53 53 54 N. E. part Mortgage, 1899... . Mortgage, 1899.... 23.10 do Part 25a. ex. 6.65a. and 2a. deeded by Dun to Horn . . . Part 30a. ex. 1.50a. deeded to Dun and ex. 5a. deeded do 16.35 do 54 J. Hawes to Daw ley Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of above described 50a. in lot Mortgage, 1899.... 23.50 39, th. E'ly along said line 27.36 rods, th. S'ly 8.77 rods, th. W'ly parallel with N. line 27.36 rods and th. N'ly to beg Mortgage, 1901.... 1.50 Total, Township 9, 296.10 acres. Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 279 Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Vienna do do do do do do do 9 19 21 31 33 40 40 50 Scriba's Patent - (Continued). Township 10. S. pt. formerly belonging to P. J. Monroe, bd. N'ly by land conveyed to J. Rae. . Bd. N'ly by land of Jno. Pierce, E'ly by land of said Pierce, S'ly by lot 32, W'ly by lot 20, being premises purchased of sheriff of Co. ; recorded Book 363, page 349 N. end Bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of said lot in center of highway, th. S. 22 deg. W. along said center 20c. 851. to N. W. cor. of R. P. Andus' land, th. S. 68 deg. E. along N. line of said land 8c. 501. to a stake & stones, th. N. 22 deg. E. 20c. 751. to a stake on S. line of lot 29, th. N. 68 deg. W. along line of lots 8c. 201. to beg. ex. school- house lot 5x8 rods Bd. beg. on N'ly boundary on W. bank of Kellogg's mill pond at high water mark, th. N. 73 deg. W. along said boundary 17c. 801. to a stake and stones, th. N. 16i deg. W. to center of highway leading from Malloy saw mill to Kellogg saw mill, th. along center of highway to margin of Kellogg's pond, and th. N'ly along said pond to beg .... N. i, bd. S. by line par'l with N. line of lot Mortgage, 1901. Mortgage, 1901. 155 38 Mortgage, 1904. . . . 1877 Mortgage, 1901 Mortgage, 1901 70 79 151.75 17.50 Mortgage, 1901. . . . Co. Tr. Sale 1884 & Mortgage, 1885. . . 10 50 280 Repoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Vienna . do . Steuben . Western. Steuben . Forestport. 55 66 89 13 Scriba's Patent, Township 10 — (Continued). W. h of 49^a. S. pt W. pt., bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 65, th. S. 68 deg. E. along lot line 7c. 751. to a stake, th. S. 22 deg. W. 33c. to a stake on N. line of Peter J. Monroe's tract, th. N. 80 deg. W. along said Monroe's N. Hne,8c. 41. toS. E. cor.of lot 65, & th. 22 deg. E. along E. line of said lot 65, 35c. to beg Total, Township 10, 622.84 acres. Steuben Patent. N. W. cor. bd. E. by high- way & S. by lands of Evan I. Griffiths Western, Town of. Minnie Drunimond; bd. N., E. & S. by land of Thos. & Benj. Jones, and W. by highway leading from Delta to Quaker Hill, about 2 miles from the village of Delta, N. Y Willett's (Marinus) 2,000 Acre Tract. W. ^ or N. W. cor. 34c. long E. & W. 23c. 891. long, N &S WooDHULL Tract. Bd. beg. on S. line of said lot 6c. 471. W. of the S. E. cor thereof, and 11. S. of a rock Mortgage, 1880. 24.75 Mortgagi , 1880. , 26.84 Mortgage, 1893. Co. Treas., 1859. Mortgage, 1880, '93 30 80 Eepokt of Foeest, Fish akd Game Commission. ?81 Oneida County. Town. Forestport. do do do do do Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. 13 do 13 13&21 21 31 31 36 WOODHULL TrA (Continued). th. N. 88 deg. W. (as the needle pointed in 1856) along said S. line 6c. 781. to a stake, th. N. 1^ deg. E. to the center of the high- way leading from Bear Creek to Big WoodhuU Lake, th. along the same N 67^ deg. E. 6c. 921. to a stake, th. S. H deg. W. 8c. to stake, th. S. 88^ deg. E 671. to a stake, th. S. 1^ deg W. 67c. 151. to beg E. pt. being E. pt. of Subs. 1,2 &3 Sub. 16 Subs. 9 & 10, in Subdivision of Lots 13, 21 &28 N. W. 55a. ex. und. ^ thereof paid by Griffith Jones Bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of lot 32, th. S. 88 deg. E. along N. line of lot 32, 39c. 91. to a stake 4^0. N. by N. E. from a spruce tree cornered, th. N. 2 deg. E. 55c. 601. to a stake 91. N. from a beech tree cornered, th. along S. line of Peter Rork's land N. 88 deg. W. 16c. 261. to a stake, th. S. 2 deg. W. 5c. 81. to a stake, th. along S line of 55a. N. W. cor. of lot, 31. N. 88 deg. W. 22c. 881. to a stake 111. S. W. from a beech tree cornered, th. along E. line of lot 39 S. 2 deg. W. 50c. 521. to beg Sub. 2, bd. beg. at a stake in S. W. cor. of lot, th. N. 2 deg. E. 37c. 501., th. S. 88 Acres. Mortgage, 1886 . . Mortgage, 1888.. 1877, '81, '85.... Mortgage 1890 50 50 55 102 27.50 Mortgage . 205 282 Repokt of Forest, Fish a^'d Game Commission. Oneida County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Forestport 36 do 38 do 38 do 39 do 39 do 39 do 39 do 39 do 40 WooDHULL Tract — ■ (Continued). deg. 30 min. E. 13c. 151., th. S. 2 deg. W. 37c. 501., th. N. 88 deg. 30 min. W. 13c. 151., to beg Sub. 5, S. i Sub. 6 Sub. A Sub. B Sub. 1 Sub. 3 Sub. 4, 5, &6 N. pt. Sub. 1, bd. beg. at a stake the cor. of lots 39 & 40, 47 & 48, th. 45 min. E. 38c. 551. to a stake, th. N. 89 deg. 15 min. E. 25c. 941. to a small beech sapling cornered, th. N. 45 min. W. 38c. 551. to a stake stand- ing in N. line of lot 40, th. along said line S. 89 deg. 15 min. W. 25c. 941. to beg. 100a., ex. 13fa. & 9^ sq. rods conveyed by John Coughlin & wife to Philip McGuire by deed May 6, 1859, recorded March 23, 1861, in Book 227, page 106, bd. beg. at S. E. cor. of Sub. at a small beech sapling cornered, th. N. 1^ deg. E. along E. hne thereof 16c. 791. to center of White Lake road, so called, th. S. 45f deg. W. along said road 23c. 551. to S. line of Sub., th. S. 88i deg. E. 16c. 451. to beg.; also 4 acres con- veyed by John Coughlin to Esther McCarthy, June 12, 1865, recorded June 17, 1865, in Book 261, on page Mortgage, 1887.. Mortgage, 1872.. Mortgage, 1872.. Mortgage Mortgage, 1882.. Mortgage, 1885.. 1877, '81, Mortgage Mortgage, 1882... . 49 59 114.39 50 50 100 180 150 Eepokt of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 283 Oneida County. Town. Forestport . Lot. 40 dc do 40 48 DESCRIPTION. "WooDHULL Tract — {Continued). 395, bd. beg. on E. line of Sub. in center of White Lake road, th. S. W'ly along center of said road 5c., th. N. par' 1 with E. line of Sub., lie. 531., th. N. E'ly par'l with said road 5c., & th. S'ly along E. line of Sub. lie. 531. to beg N. ^Sub. 3N. i On W. line of lot, 15c. 601. from N. W. cor. thereof 15c. 601. wide N'ly & S'ly, & 31c. 321. long E'ly & W'ly Total, Woodhull Tract, 1,424.70 acres. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Mortgage, 1887. Mortgage, 1881 . Mortgage, 1875, '82 80.40 54 48.40 284 Report of Forest, Fish aisd Game Commission. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total numher of acres, 47,554.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or .source of title. Acres. Canton . . 7 14 3 6 Canton Township. Mile Square Lots. Range 3. Sub. 6. S. W'ly \ 1871 50 Madrid . . Columbia Village. {Main Street, North Side). 1871 1866, '71, '77 1885 '90 '95 1885, '90 DeKalb Cooper's Falls. (Village). Bd. N., N'ly or N. E'ly by village lots 13, 14, 15 & 17, E'ly, S. E'ly or S'ly by cen- ter of plank road from Dekalb village to Cooper's Falls village, S'ly or S. W'ly by river or ravine, street or avenue to be laid out 100 ft. wide from said plank- road to Oswegatchie river, and N. "W'ly by Oswegat- chie river t 2.50 Fort Tract (South of Oswe- gatchie River, Section 1). 8.44 do 10.54 Total, ISnfo acres. Hopkinton Hopkinton, Town of. Bd. beg. in center of the highway leading from Gaines Sheldon's land to East Stockholm at a point in the S. bounds of the town 1 Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission, 2S5 St. Lawrence County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hopkinton. Lisbon . do Louis^alle. 41 Hopkinton, Town of — (Continued). of Stockholm, th. S'ly 21c. 951. to N. W'ly cor. of Asa Sheldon's land, th. S. lie. 361. to a stake & stones, th. W. along N. line of lands lately under contract of sale to Sheldon & Stoddard, 49c. 831. to Parker Converse lands, th. N. along E. line of said Converse lands 8c. 901. to a stake in the bounds of Stockholm, th. E'ly along town line 53c. to beg Lisbon Township, Mile Square Lots. Range 5. Sub. 21 Range 7. Sub. 17, E'ly pt. bd. W'ly by 20a. sold to H. Moncrief . Louisville Township, Mile Square Lots. Bd. beg. at a cedar post marked 40, 41, 50, 51, be- ing S'ly cor. of said Mile Square, th. N. 63° E. along S'ly line of said Mile Square 92c. 371. to a cedar post marked 41, 42, 51, 52, the E'ly cor. of said Mile Square th. N. 27° W. along E'ly line thereof 37c. 531. to a post marked 1 & 2, th. S. 62c. 311. W. 92c. 211. to a hemlock post marked 1 & 2 standing on W'ly line of Mile Square 41 & th. S. 27° E. along said W'ly line 38c. 401. to beg Mortgage, 1896. 1895. 1885, '90. 104.86 20.38 11.74 Mortgage, 1907. 350.33 28G Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. St. Lawrence County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Clifton. do do do do do Macomb's Purchasic, Great Tract 2, Township 1 — (Sherwood) North East J. All thereof covered by Cran- berry Lake & the flowed lands thereof caused by the erection of the dam (North West J.) Ex. 2,733^a. N. E. cor. there- of, 227c. N. & S., & 120c. 421. E. & "W., after reserv- ing therefrom 267T"o7y^- . Cranberry Lake & flowed lands therein (South West \.) S. W. cor Total, Township 1, 11,069-iiro acres. Township 4. ( Harewood) . South East i. Bounded beginning at the junction of the W. line of S. E. i of Township -nith N. bank of Oswegatchie river, th. N. 2 deg. 45 min. E. along said line 25c. 491., th. S. 88 deg. E. 19c. 721., th. S. 2deg. W. 14c., th. N. 89 deg. W. 20c., 351. to the W. line of S. E. i of Town- ship, & th. N. 2 deg. 45 min. E. along said line 14c. 851. to beg In S. part being Cranberry Lake and flowed lands . . Ex. 5,250a., N. pt. thereof & 1 ,954-,Vo acres, being al that remains of 2,355a. S pt. after reserving there 1877, '85 . 4,777 1877, '81, '85. 1881, '85. 5,992.82 300 1877, '81, '85. 1877, '85 80.48 319.60 Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 287 St. Lawrence County. Town. Clif tion . do Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 2, Township 4, (Harewood), South East J — (Continued). from 319Yoa. Cranberry- Lake & the flowed lands around the same, and also the above described 80.48a. lot Total, Township 4, 719 acres. Colton a do 1 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 Acres. 1877, '81, '85. Township 5. (Jamestown.) N. E. cor. 1 mile sq On N. line 1 mile W. of N. E. On N. line 2 miles W. of N. E. On N. line 3 miles W. of N. E 318.92 1877, '81, '85, '95. 640 On E. line 1 mile S. of N. E. 1 mile W. of E. line & 1 mile S. of N. line of Township . . . 2 miles W. of E. line & 1 mile S. of N. line of Township . . Total, Township 5, 4.480 acres. 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1871, '77, '81, '85. 1871, '77, '81, '85. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 640 640 640 640 640 640 Township 7. (Granshue). Bd. beg. at a post N. 2 deg. E. from S. W. cor. of Twp., th. S. 88 deg. E. 145c. to a post, th. N. 2 deg. E. 145c. to a post, th. N. 88 deg. W. 140c. to W. line of Twp. & th. S. 2 deg. W. 147^c. to 1877,'81&Co.Tr.'01 2,100 'Correot; this lot is not numbered. 288 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. St. Lawrence County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Colton do do do do Hopkinton do do do do do do do do Parish viUe. do do do 10 30 34 35 36 14 15 23 24 40 47 11 13 Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 2 — (Continued). Township 8. ( Hollywood.) S. E. cor. 56fc. N. & S. and 30t\j-oc- ^'- & W Total, Township 2,61 8 J acres. Township 9. ( Kildare.) Und. ^ heretofore pd. by S S. Wood Total, Township 9. 4,981 f acres. Township 11. (Wick.) E. pt. 75c. N. & S. on W., & 74c., 881. on E. line, & 23c. wide E. & W W. part 294a. ex. Wheeler's 27a. lot beg. on N. line of lot 9c. 631. E. of N. W. cor., 12c. 751. N. & S. & 22c. E. & W W. pt S. W. cor. S. & W. of road. . Total, Township 11, 742 acres. Purchase, 1905 1877, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85.. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81. . .. 1871 172.25 544 582 641 679 610 610 101.66 610 610 610 610 610 610 172 267 265 38 Report of Fgkest, Fish a:\^d Game Commission. 289 St. Lawrence County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hopkinton. Pierrepont. do Russel . 14 27 10 Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 2 — (Continued). Township 14. (Catherinesville.) Short (Wm.) Tract. P. Harper lot, bd. N. by river lot, E. & S. by A. Squires & Gillen, & S. W. & W. by St. Regis River Great Tract 3. Township 3. (De Witt.) Bd. beg. at a point in center of the highway and on the town Hne between Colton & Pierrepont and the farms owned and occupied by Jesse Oakley & Ezra Per- kins, th. S. 3°, 45' W. along said town line 17c. 761. to N. E. cor. of the Sliirtliff lot, th. N. 86°, 15' W. along said Shirtliff's IST'ly hne 13c 831. to a stake, th. N. 15c. 691. to center of aforesaid highway and th. N. 85 east along center of said highway 15c. 411. to beg Middle J. {Harrison Tract.) Sub. 8 Township 5. (Ballybeen.) West Part. (Harrison Tract.) Ex. 16Ha. W. part, bd. E. by Butler 1885, '90. Mortgage, 1909. 16 1881. 1895. 24.16 53 13'' .50 290 Report of Toeest, Fish and Game Commission. St. Lawrence County, Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Clare 2 & 5 18 102 108 109 110 111 112 Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 3 — (Continued). Township 6. (Clare.) East i. Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of sec. 2, th. N. 3c. 751. along W. bounds of said section, th. E. 42c. 111. par'l with S. line of said section, th. S. 23c. 751. to a tree, cornered & marked, & th. W. 42c. 121. to a post, cornered, & th. N. 20c. to beg Mortgage, 1888.... 1905 100 Finp Township 9. (Sarahsburgh). Section 9. 102.27 do Section 11. E. & H. Clark, cedar lot, bd. N. by Ames, E. by Brown, S. by Holland, & W. by 1881, '85 7 do Bd. N. by Knox, E. by Ames, S. by Ells, W. by Proctor. . . Grant, T., bd. N.^by Proctor & Ames, E. by Brown, S. by Worthington, & W. by State land 1895 5 do 1895 7.50 Total, Township 9, 121 nro acres. 1895, '00 Pitcairn Township 11. (Pontaferry.) (Brodie Tract.) S. W. cor. bd. N. & E. by J. 45 do do do do do 1895, '00 193 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 225 158 114.42 187 Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 291 St. Lawrence County„ Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Pitcairn do do do do do do do do do do Fine. do 119 119 121 124 130 131 133 134 157 177 17 30 M.\ comb's Purchase, Great Tract 3, Township 11, {Pontaferry) (Brodie Tract) — (Continued). S. E. cor. bd. N. by Thompson & W. by Harris & the Luther lot W. pt. bd. E. by Thompson or Thompson & Beach & Dodge W. pt. bd. E. by Hoy or Luther S. E. cor. Luther lot 19c. wide N. &S. & 41c. long E. & W N. pt N. W. cor. bd. E. by Streeter & S. by Fleming lot (Havens Tract.) Total, Township 11, 2,287-nnj acres. Township 12. (Scriba.) (East i) Beg. at S. W. cor., & being 28c. 851. on N. 28c. 801. on S.; 33c. 391. on E., & 33c. 461. on W. lines & bd. N. 6c. 351. by unknown & 22c. 501. by land of Holbrook, E. by land of heirs of Wm. Woodell & S. & W. by lot lines Bd. N. by Beebe, E. by town line, S. by Colby or Kellogg, & W. by Pitcher Pickett lot 1881, '85. 1881, '85. 1881, '85. 1895, '00. 1895 1895 1895, '00 . 1895, '00 . 1885 1885. 1885. Mortgage, 1881. 1881, 83.81 104.78 97 78.51 190.43 118.53 194 170 164 50 113.87 96.31 68 292 Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. St. Lawkence County. Town. Fine. do do do do Lot. DESCRIPTION. 5,15 16 19 28 Macomb's Purchase, Gre.\t Tract 3, Township 12— (Continued). {West i) Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 4, 5, 15 & 16^ in center of high- way, th. N. 73 deg. E. along highway 6c. 181., th. S. 9 deg. E. 21c. 801. to a stake & stones, th. N. 42} deg. E. 24c. 561. to line bet. lots 5 & 16, th. N. 88 deg. W Ic. 901. to S. E. cor. of Butcher's lot, th. N. 3 deg E. in center of highway, & on Hazelton's W. line 46c. to Oswegatchie River, th. down the river 55c. 391. to N. E. cor. of Rushton lot th. S. 3 deg. W. 57c. 451. to highway, th. N. 68 deg. E. 4c. 811., th. N. 61 deg. E. 6c. 611. & N. "^49 deg. E. 5c. & N. 45i deg. E. along highway 4c. 751. to Hill's N. E. cor., th. N. 45^ deg. E. 3c. 501., & N. 52} deg. E. 10c. 551. to beg.; (sub- ject to same exceptions in deed from W. P. Smith to party of first part) Haskell lot, bd.N. by Town- ship Hne, E. by Evans, S. by Hitchcock, Phillips & high way & W. by Anderson . . . E. pt. across bd. W. by Hunt Total Township 12 449.96 acres. Tax sales or source of title. Township 14. (Bloomfield.) {South i.) E. i 354§c. N. & S. & 67c 551. E. & W Acres. 1890 & Mtg. 1881 . 1895. 1895, 223.65 29 33 Purchase 1908 12,394.65 Report of Forest, Fish axd Game CoMMissioisr. 29" St. Lawrence County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Fine. do Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 3, Township 14, (Bloomfield) (South i) — (Continued). On N. line of S. i, 67c. 521. W'ly from N. E. cor. there- of, 104c. 861. N'ly & S'ly & 67c. 521. E'ly & W'ly. . . Total, Township 14 3,102.65 acres. Township 15. (EmilyviUe.) (North West \.) Ex. Q-j-cro-a. conveyed to Cranberry Lake E. R. Co. May 1, 1905, being railroad right of way; 105a., bd. beg. at a post standing in line between the Townships of Chaumont & EmilyviUe, at the intersection thereof with the S. W'ly bounds of the Cranberry Lake R. R Go's, lands, th. N. 84^ deg W. along said township line 39c. 41. to N. W. cor. of 2,525a. E. part of N. W. \ of township, th. S. 5J deg. W. along W'ly line thereof 30c., 401. to a cedar post, th. S. 84i deg. E. 26c. to a cedar post, th. N. 37i deg. E. 24c. 701. to a cedar post & th. N. 5i deg. E. 9c. 401. to beg., & 10a. bd. beg. at a point in center of river known as Cranberry Lake Inlet, & in division line between N. E. & N. W. quarters of said Township 15, th. N. 5^ deg. E. along Purchase, 1907 . 708 294: Eepoet of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. St. Lawrence County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Fine. do Canton . Macomb's Purchase, Great Tract 3, Township 15, (Emilyville) ( North West }) (Co7itinued). said division line 19c. to a spruce post, th. N. 84^ deg. W. 5c. 651. to a spruce post, th. S. 5^ deg. W. 18c. 501., th. S. 89 deg. E. Ic. 901. to center of said river, & th. E'ly down along same to beg., & 2a. known as Gen- son & Barker Purchase near W. side of W. ^ of N. W. i of township, bd. N. 8 rods by the Walker road, W. 40 rods by the Sternberg road, the E. line being parallel to & 8 rods E. of the center of the Sternberg road (South West i) Ex. 877a. E. part thereof & ex. Buck Pond & sufficient land immediately surround ing it to contain 24a. land & water Total, Township 13,750 acres. 15, MoRLET Village. E. N. Fulton waterpower lot, S. side of Grasse River in lot 2, Range 1, Canton Township, bd. N. by Covey water lot, E. by J. Johnson Ashery lot, S. by old saw- mill lot, and W. by the Beswick lot (containing 94x54 links) Purchase, 1908 . 7,262 1877, '81, '85, '95 Purchase, 1908.. 6,488 1885. Repokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 205 St. Lawkence County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or .source of title. Acres. Waddington .... 28 42 77 7 75 5 8 9 11 M.'^DRiD Township. (Mile-Square Lots). Bd. N. by Brosnon, now Rutherford, E by Ruther- ford, and S. & W. by G. F. 1895, '00 7 do Bd. N. & W. by Wilson, E. by Sheridan & S. by Crane. . Total, 10 acres. 1895, '00 3 1866 Norfolk Norfolk Village. Sub. 23, bd. beg. above Bridge Forge lot 1, at S'ly cor. of the stone abutment at N. end of bridge, th. N. 51 deg. E. Ic. 381., th. S. 56 deg. 50 min. E. Ic. th. S. 33 deg. 30 min. W. Ic. 381. to river shore, th. to beg .15 Mortgage, 1900. .. . Mortgage, 1881... . Potsdam Potsdam Township. (Mile-Square Lots). Beg. at N. W'ly cor. of 43-i-o~oa. contracted to M. Nulty, th. S. 62 deg. W. 12c. 341., th S. 28 deg. E. 34c. 851., th. N. 62 deg. E. 12c. 311., th. N. 28 deg. W. 34c. 851 to beg 42.24 do S. E. cor., 25c. 501. long N'ly & S'ly & 20c. wide E'ly & W'lv 50.50 Total, 92.74 acres. St. Regis Reservation, Indian Meadows. '' (Along Grasse River). 1.85 do . .45 do .84 do .76 296 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. St. Lawrence County, Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Massena 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 36 38 39 40 41 45 46 47 50 52 53 7 8 St. Regis Reservation, In- dian Meadows (Along Grasse River) — (Contin- ued). 4.72 do .12 do .18 do .12 do .20 do .21 do .30 do .24 do 4 do 2 do 1.75 do 4.35 do 1 do 1.85 do 1.63 do 1.15 do .35 do 1.50 do .61 do 2.93 'do 15 Total, 48 "iVo acres. 1881, '85 De Peyster do 19,000 Acre Tract, Allot- ment 14. 77.64 E'ly pt. Geo. Parker lot, bd. N. by Black Lake, & W'ly by land of Bridges Total, 80-1-0 acres. 1885 '00 3.06 Bepoet of Forest, Fish and Game CoM^rissioN. 20' SARATOGA COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total number of acres, 10,787.60.) Town, Hadley , Lot. do 19 DESCRIPTION. Dartmouth Patent. Small Tract. (Range 4.) Bd. N. by town line, E. by lot 4, S. by lands of Jona- than Flanders & W. by land of Alexander Kennedy . . Tax sales or source of title. Range 11. Bd. beg. at W. end of lot 6, of Lower River division of said Patent, N. th. 30 deg. W. 33c. to a birch tree being S. W. cor. of lot 7 of said Lower River division, th. S. 81 deg. W. 45c. to lot 1 in Range 10 of said Small Tract, th. S. 30 deg. E. to N. W. cor. of land of John B. Aldrich & Reuben Wells, & th. E. 47c. in N. line of said Aldrich & Wells' land to beg Lower River Division. Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of 100a. deeded to P. Goode- now by Gersham & Dar- ling in 1822, th. E. on S. line of lot 14, Upper River Div. to N. E. cor. of 100a. formerly owned by Gersham & Darling, th. S. to the middle of lot 19, Lower River Div., th. W. to S. E. cor. of lot sold Peasley Goodenow aforesaid & th. 1877, '81, '85. Acres 38 Mortgage, 1888. 114 29S I\EPOET OF Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Saratoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hadley. 19 Dartmouth Patent. Small Tract. Lower River Division — {Con- tinued) . N. on E. line of said Goode- now lot to beg Total, Dartmouth Pat., 250 acres. Day do do do do 6 7 13 16 21 Glen and Yates Patent. N. W. cor. bd. E. & S. by Perkins or Wood N. i or end Total, Glen & Yates Pat., 716 acres. Day do Edinburgh Corinth. . . do ... Edinburgh do do 16 17 39 39 51 85, 86 87, 88 do do do do 111 112 Glen (John) and 44 Others' Patent Ex. 62a. N. W. cor Ex. 37a. in W. part All in Edinburgh All in Corinth Same >Sub. 3 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 Sub. 9 Sub. 10 N. W. cor. sq W. pt Total, 1,170.75 acres. Mortgage . 100 1885, '90. . .. 1885, '90. . .. 1877, '81 ... . 1895, '00. . . 1885, '90, '95 200 200 16 200 100 1877 & Mtg.; 1876 1877 & Mtg., 1876 1877, '81, '85 18S1,'90 1881, '85, '90 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 Mortgage, 1884. . . 1885 188 37.75 138 112 80 100 • 100 100 100 100 59 50 Report op Forest, Fish and Ga^nie Commission. 299 Saratoga County. Town. Malta. Milton . Lot. DESCRIPTION. Kay.\derosseras Patent — Fifth Allotment. {Great Lot 4.) Sub. 3, N. W. part, bd. beg. at a pine stake, th. N. 64 deg. W. 90c. to a chestnut stake, th. S. 64 deg. W. 6c. 861. to a pine stake, marked on two sides, th. E'ly nearly parallel with first line 90c., more or less, th. N. 25 deg. E. 6c. 121. to beg Sixteenth Allotment, {Great Lot 6 or 7.) Beg. at a stake in the middle of a stone wall at S. E. cor, of a wood lot on this farm adj. lands of David Morris th. N. 88 deg. W. 781. along land of said Morris, th. on ward 23c. 281. along lands of Boughton, th. N. 56^ min. W. 7c. 501. along lands of Chauncey Kilmer, th. N. 2 deg. 9 min. E. 6c., 851., th. N. 2 deg. E. 17c. 931., th. S. 62 deg. 25 min. E. 13c. 101. along the Wheeler lot, th. S. 60 deg. 10. min. W. 12c., 391., th. S. 13 deg. 5 min. E. 5c. 241. along land of Harlow Van Os- trand, th. N. 80 deg. 10 min. E. lie, 721. along the Iiighway, th. S. 1 deg. 50. min. W. He. 731. alon^ lands of David Morris to beg.,46rtVa-; ex. 2a. N. E. cor. thereof occupied by Aaron Hudson & John Eobinson Tax sales or source of title. ■Mortgage, 1888. Acres. 58.50 Mortgage 1892... [44.56 300 Report of ^Forest, T^ish and Game Commissioi^. Saratoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Greenfield . do 12 Wilton. do Kayaderosseras Patent — {Continued). 17th Allotment. (Great Lot 6.) Bd. N. by land of Ebert, E. by land of Sesselman, S. by schoolhouse and highway leading from Style's to Greenfield Ctr., & W. by highway running N'ly from School No. 9 Bd. N. by highway from Stile Tavern to H. Lock- wood's, E. by Great Lot 7, S. by Morris, & W. by Williams (Great Lot 9.) Sub. 1., E. pt. bd. beg. at a stake in the Skew line, th. N. 74 deg. 45 min. W. 10c. to a stake, th. S. 9c. to the Skew line & th. N. 55 deg. E. along said line to beg. . . E. end bd. beg. at a stake & stones standing in the road from S. Philips' farm to Fort Mulier bridge & being in W. bounds of Ziba Philips' land, th. S. 88 deg 30 min. W. 18c. 481. to a stake & stones standing in the road and being the S. E. part of said lot which has been conveyed by John Cox to J. B. King, th. along the same 1 deg. 30 min. W. 28c. to S. bounds of lands of Mary Ann Vanderwerkess, 18c. 481., to a heap of stones being an inner angle of said Vanderwerkess land, th. 1895, 1900. Mortgage, 1880. 40.15 Mortgage, 1880. 4.50 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 301 Saratoga County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or .source of title. Acres. Wilton 6 3 2 3 4 1 Kayaderosseras Patent, 17th Allotment — (Great Lot 9) — (Continued). along the S. & "W. bounds Ziba Philips' land S. 1 deg. 30 min. W. 28c. to beg Mortgage, 1900.... Mortgage, 1880.. . . 1890 51 do 18th Allotment. (Great Lot 2.) Sub. 4, bd. beg. at a stake near a yellow pine tree at the N. E. cor. of lands for- merly of James Herrick, now of N. Robbloe, th. W. 15c. 201. to a stake, th. N'ly 44c. 471. to the Skew Une, th. N. E. along said Une 18c. 231. to a stake & th. S. 57c. 441. to beg 60 Providence 21st Allotment. (Great Lot 8.) Sub. 6, W. * 100 do (Great Lot 10.) Sub. 1, S. W. cor. square. . . . (Great Lot 11.) Sub. 8 1890 10 do 1885 107 Corinth 23d Allotment. (Great Lot 2.) Bd. beg. in center of highway leading S'ly past W. W. Grippen's house, at a point where A. N. Clothier's land commences & th. W'l>' 302 Report of Toeest, Fish and Game Commission. Saratoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Kayaderosseras Patent, 23d Allotment, (Great Lot 2)— (Continued). Corinth 1 along Clothier's S. line to A. M. Young's land, th. S. along Young's E. line & lands of Kingsley to R. P. Clothier's land, th. E. along said Clothier's N. line to where said Clothier's land riuis N. past this lot, th. N. to said highway & th. along said center of said highway past W. W. Grip- pen's dwelling house to beg. Mortgage, 1891.... 51 24th Allotment. (Great Lot 1, Town of Corinth.) do 1 Sub. 2 or B 1890, '95 348] 100 do 2 2 Sub 1 N end 1885 '90 do Sub 2 S. part 1881,'85, ?90, '95. . 100 (Town of Day.) Day 2 Sub. 1 1890 100 (Great Lot 2.) Corinth 1 or A Sub. 1, N. pt. bd. S. by Hewitt Clark & others, 900a. ex 200a. S.^ of 600a., 2orB N. end 1881, '85, '90 700 do S. pt. 737a., ex. 400a. bd. N. by the Chrysler lot, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Houghton 1881, '85, '90 337 (Great Lot 3.) do 1 1 1 2 Sub. A 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 175 do Sub. B 175 do Sub. C 175 do Sub. 1, N. pt. bd. S. by Carpenter or Martin 1881, '85, '90 503 do 2 Sub. 2, S. pt. bd. Tiffany 1881, '90 90 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 303 Saratoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Kayadekosseras Patent, 24th Allotment — ■(Con- tinued). (Great Lot 4.) Corinth 1 Sub. 2, ex 150a. S. end (Great Lot 5.) 1881, '85, '90 311 do 2 Bd. N. by I. S. Murray, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by C. 2 Johnson 1890 100 do Sub. 1, on S. end, or S. pt. bd. N. by Widow White's lot. 1885 &mtg., 1889. 100 (Great Lot 6.) do 1 Sub N. N. pt 1881, '85, '90 35 do 2 Sub. H 1890, '95 100 (Great Lot 8.) do 2 Bd. N. by Plolden, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by J. R. 1881 60 Total, Kayaderosseras Patent, 4,036.71 acres. Northumberland, Town of. Northumberland Lot known and distinguished as farm lot No. 1 on a map of estate of Herman Gans- voord, made by Jos. Mott; bd. beg. at N. W. cor., a stake standing in S. Une of land of John Snyder, being N. E. cor. of land of Wind- sor Hartwell, th. S. along E. line of said Hartwell land 15c. 561. to N. line of land of John Burt, th. E. along said N. line 9c., 501. th 15c. 561. to land of John Snyder, & th. W. along said Snyder's land 9c. 501. to beg Mortgage, 1899.... 14.71 304 Repoet of Foeest, Eisri and Game Commission. Saeatoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or .source of title. Acres. Northumberland, Town of — (Continued). Northumberland Also a parcel in said lot 1, bd. beg. on S. line of E. Merchant, being N. W. cor. of land of S. Gilford, th. W. 32c. to pt. in road, 2r. from stump on W. side of road, th. N. 31 deg. E. 571. to N. line of lot 2, said map, th. W. on N. line 39c. 21., th. S.'on E. line of lot 5, said map, 8c. 211. 'to N. Une of C. Cramer, th. lie. 141. to Cramer's N. E. cor., th. S. along Cramer's line 8c. 221. to stake in J. Snyder's N. line, th. E. along Snyder's N. hne 54c. 961. to S. W. cor. of S. Gifford's land & th. N. along Gifford's W. line 8c. 221. to beg Mortgage, 1899... . 75.18 Total, 89 f 7j- acres. Palmer's Purchase. (General Allotment.) Day 16 All in Day 1877 37 do 25 .. 26 Same 1881, '85 66 do Same 1881, '85 290 do 27 Same 1877, '85, '81 & Purchase, 1907. . 555 do 30 N. pt. of all in Saratoga Co., bd. S. by land of Sherman & Lapham 1881, '85 509 do 31 All in Saratoga Co., ex. 888a. S. E. end land of Sherman & Lapham 1877 '81, '85 .. . . 61 do 44 45 Ex. 400a. S. end 1895, 1900 1877, '81, '85 600 do Ex. 700a. N. end & 150a. S. end 150 Total, 2,268 acres. Eeport of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 305 : Saratoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Day. do do do do do do do do do do. do Corinth . do . do . do Day... Corinth . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do 19 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 15 17 21 22 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 44 Palmer's Purchase — (Continued). Middle Division, Great Lot 2. (West Part, Bruce Tract.) (Great Lot 3.) Total, Middle Division, 850 acres. Sanders' Patent. Stedman lot . Bussing lot . . . N. end in Day . All in Corinth. Small Lot-s. Total, Sanders' Patent, 1,287 acisjg- 1881, '85, '90 1895, '00 1895, '00... 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00.. . 1895, '00... 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00 . . . 1890, '95 1890, '95 1881, '85 & Mtg 1880 1881, '85 & Mtg., 1880 1885, '90, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1881, '85 1881, '85 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890 1890. 104 104 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 64.30 100 100 100 95 53 99 96 87 87 87 87 101 101 77 17 306 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commissions-. Saratoga County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stillwater. Saratoga Patent. Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of land of D. Morey, th. S. 24 deg. W. 13c. 81., th. N. 65 deg. W. 24c. 481., th. S. 24 deg. W. 10c. 601. to S. line of lot 7 of Saratoga Pat., th. N. 65 deg. 45 min. W. along same 36c. 201., th. N. 24 deg. E. 31c. 171., th. S. 64i deg. E. 20c. 901., th. 24 deg. 30 min. W. 6c. 671., th. S. 65 deg. E. 39c. 781. to beg., 133Ja. ex. 15a. bd. beg. at stake at N. W. cor. of land of Samuel Denton and on E. line of above- described parcel, th. N. 24 deg. 30 min. E. to X. line of land sold Abram Kefen- burgh by Wood & Morey, th. S. 63 deg. 45 min. E. 20c. to stake, th. S. 20 deg. 15 min. W. 13c. 301. to a large white ash tree, th. N. 65 deg. 30 min. W. 20c. to Mortgage, 1899. 118.25 Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 307 WARREN COUNTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total number of acres, 120,221.38.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 30 32 33 34 37 38 39 41 63 64 65 66 69 70 71 96 97 98 101 102 103 128 Brant Lake Tract. AH in Warren Co Purchase. 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . 1877, '81, '85 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1881, '85 67 do 120 do 120 do . . . 120 do 120 do 144 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do . 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 1895, '00 160 do Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908 . . . Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908... *Resale, 1899 Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908 . . . Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. .. Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908... Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . Purchase, 1908. . . 160 do 160 do All in Warren Co 112 Horicon Same 104 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do 160 do All in Warren Co 97 do Same 95 do 160 do ... 160 do 160 do 160 do All in Warren Co 95 do Same 91 do . . 160 do 160 do 160 ♦Formerly bonded land. 308 Repoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Waeeen County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Horicon do do do do do do do Stony Creek . Thurman. . . Stony Creek . do 129 130 133 134 160 162 165 194 Thurman do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 3 11 13 5 6 7 11 10 11 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Brant Lake Tract — (Continued). All in Warren Co Same All in Warren Co Same Same Total, Brant Lake Tract, 6,651 acres. Dartmouth Patent, Great Tract. {Range 4). Range 5. Range 6. Range 7. Range 8. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. Purchase, 1908. 1871, '77, '85 1885 1885 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1881, '85 1900, '05 & Pur., 1900 1881 & Pur., 1897 1881 & Pur., 1897 Purchase, 1906. . . . 1881 1877, '81, '85, '90 Purchase, 1897. . Purchase, 1897.. Purchase, 1897. . Purchase, 1897.. Purchase, 1897. . Purchase, 1897. . 160 88 85 160 160 81 77 75 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 309 Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Thurman do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Stony Creek . L do do Stony Creek . do do Hague. Dartmouth Patent, (Great Tract) — (Continued) . Range 9. S. ^ of 67a. W. part Ex. 50a. N. E. cor Range 10. Ex. 27ia. N. E. cor. 5c. on E'ly, 25c. on S'ly & 16.8c. on W'ly line Small Tract. (Range 4). All in Warren Co N. end Upper Riv. Division. W. i W. i Total, Dartmouth Pat, 8,688.25 acres. Ellis Patent. Gore, bd. beg. in line be- tween the counties Essex and Warren at a pile of 1890 Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchsae, Purchase, Purchase, 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1906. Purchase, 1897. 1885, '90 ... . 1881, '85, '90 1881, '90 1890, '95..., 1877 1877, '90. ... 33.50 184 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 206.75 234 234 234 234 234 198 234 100 144 50 50 310 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission^. Wakeen County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague. do 105 do 226 do 236 do 237 do 245 do 246 do 248 do 250 Ellis Patent — (Continued). stones in Wly Hue of lot 8 J of said Ellis Tract, th. N 87° 30' W. along said county line 122c. to E. line of the Hague Tract, th. S. 4° 10' W. along said E. line 92c. 921. to S. E. cor. of lot 33 of said Tract, being 501. E. of a clump of spruce trees cornered and marked many years ago, th. N. 85° 30' W. 20c. 251. to a beech tree cornered and marked many years ago, th. S. 4° 10' W. along E. line of lot 36 of said Hague Tract 20c. 501. to N. W. cor. of lot 226 Ellis Tract, at a soft maple tree cornered and marked many years ago, th. S. 85° 30' E. along N. line of lot 226, 44c., 501. to S. Wly cor. of lot 86, of said Ellis Tract, at a spruce tree on top of the mountain cornered and marked many years ago, th. N. 42° 30' E. along Wly line of lots 86, 87 & 88, 122c. to N. Wly cor. of lot 88, th. S. 47° 30' E. along N'ly line of lot 88, 5c. to S. Wly cor. of lot 89, and th. N. 42° 30' E. along Wly line of lot 89, 30c. to beg W. E. byPatchen.... Purchase, 1908 1881, '85 Purchase, 1908 1895, '00 1895 1895 1895 1871, '77, '81.. 1895, '00 837.90 85 112 115.60 102.50 100.30 102.60 102.60 107.50 "Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 311 Wabeen County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague do do do do do do Bolton . do , Warrensburgh. Thurman. . do .. do .. Johnsburgh Thurman. . do .. Johnsburgh do Thurman. . do do .. do .. 251 252 255 256 257 258 259 1 2 3 4 4 5 7 8 14 15 16 17 Ellis Patent — (Continued). Total, EUis Patent, 2,467.75 acres. Garland's (Peter) Patent N. W. cor Total, 219 acres. Goldwaith's Patent. N. W. I Ex. 400a. W. end 80c. long E. & W. & 50c. wide N. & S Gores. Gore Between Dartmouth Patent and Township 11, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase. All in Johnsburgh All in Thurman S. W. cor. in Thurman All in Thurman 1895, '00. . . 1895, '00. . ., 1895, '00. . . 1895, '00. .. 1871, '77, '81 1895, '00 . . . 1895, '00. . . 1877, '90, '95. 1900 1895. 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881, '85 1881, '85, '90... 1885 1885, '95 Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1906. 1885, '90 Purchase, 1897. Purchase, 1897. 1881, '85 105.40 148.60 100.30 102.60 94.50 123.60 126.75 169 50 100 127 160 160 50 110 26 160 160 38.33 119 180.25 154.50 Sl2 Report of Forest. Fish and Game CoMMissioisr. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acre.«. Johnsburgh do 17 18 18 19 19 23 26 27 28 28 33 35 1 196 Gore Between Dartmouth Patent and Township 11, TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S Purchase — (Continued). All in Johnsburgh 1885, '90 5 50 All in Johnsburgh Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1905 & resale 1905* 1905 & resale 1905* 1895 75 Thurman All in Thurman 85 do Johnsburgh do All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh 8 152 160 Thurman Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897 1881 90 32 do do Ex. 56.08a. beg. at point on E'ly line of lot on shore of Mill Creek Pond at high water mark, th. S. 30 deg. E. to N. line of Dartmouth Pat., th. W'ly along said N. line 27f c. th. N. 30 deg. W. Oj-oC. to high water mark on shore of Mill Creek Pond & th. E'ly along pond to beg . All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh All in Johnsburgh 935a., ex. 700a. N. pt. bd. S. by line par'l to town line 1 106. 25 142 Johnsburgh. . . . do 1881 18 1890 '95 235 Thurman Purchase, 1897 Resale, 1867* 1885 72.33 Total, 2,594.48 acres. Chester Gore Between Thurman's Road Patent and Hoff- man Township. N. E. end 92 Johnsburgh Gore Between Townships 12 AND 14, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase. 106 ♦Formerly bonded land. Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 313 Warren County. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 50 f54 "57 Gore Between Townships 29 AND 31, TOTTEN & Crossfield's Purchase. All in Warren Co All in Warren Co Total, Gore between Townships 29 and 31 Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, 588.50 acres Gore South of Township 12, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, {West of River) Total, Gore south of Twp. 12, 1,498.78 acres. Hague Tract. All in Warren Co ... . Same Exchange, 1891 1885 1885, '05 1881 1895, '00 1900.... 1881, '85 1881, '85 1890.... 1885, '90 Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1877, '81, Reverted, 1877, '81, 1908.. 1908.. 1908.. 1908.. 1908.. 1908.. 1908.. 1908.., 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... 1908... '85, '95. 1858... '85, '95. 38.50 176 187 187 279.52 475.59 157.76 171.53 264.50 149.88 14.50 68 170.20 175.50 175.50 145.70 165.30 157.10 160 160 184.50 184.50- 184.50 184.50 150 180 184.5 314 Report of Forest, Fisir ats^d Game Commission. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Hague, do . Chester do Thurman do do do do do Warrensburgh, do do do Luzerne . do do 58 60 93 93 17 17 17 37 37 39 64 64 76 78 11 11 15 Hague Tract — (Continued). Total, Hague Tract, 3,194.80 acres. Hoffman Township. S. E. cor S. W. part Hyde Township. N. W. cor On W. line 22c. 361., N. from S. W. cor. 24c. 41. long N. & S., & 12^c. wide E. & W. S. W. cor Sub. 1,N. E. J Sub. 2, N. W. side 17ic. N. & S., & 20c. E. &. W... Ex. 50a. S. E. cor Sub. 4 N. i of S. W. J, 63a., ex. 25a. on W. line 31c. 141. from N. W. cor Sub. 3 Ex. 26a. E. pt. of 200i.. W. pt. Total, Hyde Township, 1,451-nnT acres. Jessup's 4,100 Acre Patent. Bd. N. & S. by lot line, E. by H. demons 50a. & W. by Whitton Clemons H., bd. N. & S. by lot line, E. by John Pier's 50a. & W. by Aldrich's 98|a. lot W. end Railroad lot, bd. E. by Taylor Total, Jessup's 4,100 a. Patent, 198f acres. 1877, '81, '85, '95. 1877, '81, '85 1877.... 1881 .... 1871.... 1871, '81 1881.... 1885, '90 1885, '90 1881 .... 1881, '95 1890.... 1881 .... 1881, '85 1885 1885 & deed 1885, '90. .. Eepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commissioist. 315 Wakren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Luzerne 1 4 4 5 5 8 12 12 3 Jessup's 7,550a. Patent. Sub 1 1885 250 do Sub. 1, bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Griffin, & W. by Morton 1881 100 do Sub. 2, bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Griffin heirs, & W. by Ramsey 1881 239 do Bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Howe or Home, & W. by Lewis 1881 100 do Sub. 3, 15c. N. & S. & 50c. E. & W.; bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by a line of marked trees, & W. by a line of marked trees being E. bds. of Coman heirs Bd. N. & S. by lot lines, & W. by Hudson River E. pt. bd. W. by Goodness. . . Middle pt. bd. N. & S. by lot Unes, E. by John Hall & W. by Henry Pulver or Putnam 1885, '90 75 do do 1877& Resale, 1899* 1871, '77 121 96 do 1890 . 80 Total, Jessup's 7,550a. Patent, 1,061 acres. 1881 do Kayaderosseras Patent, 23d Allotment. (Great Lot 5). Bd. N. by Perkins' lot, E. by George Murray, S. by Mur- ray, & W. by Barker or Banker 50 Original Bolton Lake George Islands. Noble's Steere Mother Bunch 50 do Original .50 do 7 do •. Hatchet Original 1 do Floating Battery 5 do Dollar 2 do Fork or Kittle Original 2 * Formerly bonded land. 316 Eepokt of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Bolton . do . do . do -. do . do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lake George Islands — (Continued). Gourd Dixes (2) South, S. of Long Island . . . Happy Family (5), in Middle Bay Goose, W. of Long Island. . . Unnamed Island, near Hill- view on West shore Whipple Island, near East shore 2 imnamed islands, S. of Whipple Island Rush, north of Marion House Unnamed Island near Perch Unnamed Islands (3) near Hen and Cliickens Pine, near Tongue Moun tain, S. of Turtle Unnamed Islands (5) near Pine Island Phelps, near turtle Ship, in the Narrows Unnamed (4) Unnamed (1) near Juniata. . Perch, N. of Turtle Unnamed (1) near Perch . . . Little Turtle, N. E. of Turtle Unnamed (3), near Uncas... Unnamed (1), near Gem. . . . Hermit Unnamed (1), near Hermit . Unnamed (9), near Gourd . . Little Harbor Black Rock, north of Little Harbor As-you-were Round Rock or Artist's Rock, ent. Paradise Bay. Commission Unnamed (6), near Commis- sion Arrow Red Rock Bay Origina' Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Original Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina' Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina! Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Origina Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Si/? Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bolton do do do do do do do do do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do , do , do do do Hague, do . do . do . do do do do Lake George Islands (Continued). Unnamed (2), near Dollar Hazel, near Paradise Bay. Sarah's, near Paradise Bay The Syrens (3) Unnamed (2), near The Syrens Fox Unnamed (3), near Fox .... Halfway at Five Mile Mtn . . One Tree, near Floating Bat- tery Unnamed (10), near Float- ing Battery Unnamed (1), near Hatchet. Unnamed (11), near Mother Bunch Island Refuge Sweetbrier Ranger Uncas Phantom Watch Big Burnt Gem Juanita Glen Gravelly Hen and Chickens Huckleberry Log Bay Perch Paradise Bay Group in Para dise Bay Phelps Odell Waltonian Agnes Burgess Vickar's Cook's Long Templenoe Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original. Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original. Original. Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original. Original. Original. Original. Original . Original. Original . Original. Original . Original . Original. Original. 1.13 1.00 1.00 .20 .05 1/8 .25 1.50 1/60 18.00 1/8 1 .50 1.50 7 .75 .50 10 1 1 1 2 2 .50 50 00 00 3.00 .50 2 4.00 1.00 2 2.60 1.50 6 3.25 .75 .75 318 Report of Foeest, Fish and Game Comiissioisr. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Hague, do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do Luzerne . do . do . do . do . Caldwell. Luzerne . do . 4 5 6 11 23 66 94 139 Lake George Islands — (Coniinued) . Nobles, on E. side Unnamed (4), near Nobles. . Huletts, N. of Hulett's Landing Unnamed (2), near Hulett's. Narrows at Pickerel Bay . . . Unnamed (1), near Pickerel. Loon, near Meadow Point. . Rock Dunder Unnamed, near Rock Dun- der Unnamed (5), near Agnes. . . Unnamed (2), near Odell. . . Watrous Watch or Delaware, near Uncas Hotel Pudding, near west shore. . . Skipper's Jib, near west shore Scotch Bonnet, near west shore Mallory, on east side Gull, on east side Unnamed (2), near Gull. . . . Round Rock Unnamed (1), near Round Rock Unnamed (7), near Harbor Island Luzerne Tract. Sub. 3. N. ^ Total, Luzerne Tract, 869J acres. Original. Original. Original . Original . Original. Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original. Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . Original . *Resale, 1899. *Resale, 1899 . ♦Resale, 1899. 1881, '85 ♦Resale, 1899 . Original 1881 ♦Resale 2.00 7/30 .50 3/16 .50 1/8 1/8 .50 .50 1.25 3/16 .50 1.00 .25 .05 1/16 .75 .50 .30 .25 1/8 3.00 99.50 157 165 75 65 127 75.75 105 ♦Formerly bonded land. Repoet of Fokest, Fish and Game CoMMissioisr. 319 Waeken County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Bolton 40 119 North West Bat Tr.4.ct. Reverted, 1861 .... 1871, '77, '81, '90... 175 do 182 Total, North West Bay Tract, 357 acres. Palmer's Purchase, Gen- eral Allotment. Stony Creek . . . . do 12 14 14 15 15 16 17 19 20 All in Stony Creek 1890 '95 360 All in Stony Creek 1885, '90 650 Thurman . . . A.11 in Thurman 1885, '90 245 do Stony Creek . . . . do Same (H. T. P.) All in Stony Creek (H. T. P.) All in Stony Creek Same Purchase, 1897 Purchase, 1897. .. . 1885, '90 274 302 265 do 1895 542 do Same Purchase, 1893 1,018 do Ex. 110a. bd. beg. on W. line of lot in center of Stony Creek, th. S. 26 deg. 45 min. E. 27c. 501. to a stake & stones, th. N. 63 deg. E. 36c. to a stake, standing on E'ly line of lot near a Iprge pine stump, th. N. 26 deg. 45 min. W. along said line 34c. to a stump 3c. N. of the pond above the dam, th. S. 63 deg. W. 3c. 751. to a small hemlock tree marked for a corner on north bank of creek, & th. down said 21 creek as winds and turns to bpff 1885, '90 938 do Ex. 50a. res. land assessed to T. Burgess, bd. beg. at a stake on W. hne of lot, th. N. 27 deg. W. along said line 44c. 501. to center of Stony Creek, th. up said creek lie. 241., th. S. 27 deg. E. 44c. 501. to a stake and fence corner, & th. S. 63 deg. W. lie. 241. to beg. 1885, '90 998 320 Kepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Warken County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek. do do do do do do do do do 22 23 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Palmer's Purchase, Gen- eral Allotment — (Con- tinued). Ex. 210a. bd. beg. at a stake on S. bank of Stony Creek, th. along line between lots 21 & 22, 44c. 501. to an ash tree marked, th. N. 64 deg E. 38c. to a stake in line of lots 22 & 23 in a field, th. N. 26 deg. W. 48c. to a cor- ner, th. S. 64 deg. W. 18c. to a pine stake near a large stump at the edge of the flow, th. N. 26 deg. W. 14c. to an elm tree on N. bank of Stony Creek, th. S. 64 deg. W. about 20c. to the line of lot 21, & th. S. 26 deg. E. 8 long said line to beg Ex. 203a. bd. beg. at a stake in line between lot 23 & Great lot 3, Rear Division, 3c. S. of Bakertown Road, th. S. 64 deg. W. 33c. to lot 22, th. N. 26 deg. W. ei^c. to a stake on line of lot 22, th. N. 64 deg. E. 33c. to Great lot 3, aforesaid, & th. S. 26 deg. E. along said Great lot line 61 ^c. to beg. . All in Stony Creek Same Same Same Same Same Same ' Total, General Allot- ment, 8,528 acres. Middle Division, Great Lots 1 & 2. {East part Lens Lake Trad). North part 1885, '90. 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 Purchase, 1897. 838 845 49 70 78 156 240 300 360 1,485 Kepokt of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. '321 WaKKEN Co U NTT. Town. Stony Creek do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 DEriCniPTION. Palmer's Purchase, Middle Division — (Continued). Great Lot 2 — West Part Bruce Tract, (Jas Green's Survey). All in Warren Co. All in Warren Co. Great Lot 3, (Green's Survey) . Ex. 3 inriia. being a strip of land 4r. in width beg. on E. line of lot, at a point 8c. N. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 70°W. 3c. 441.,th. N. 62° 30'W.2c. 331.,th N. 71°W. 3c. 15l.,th. N. 72°30'W. 2c. 601.,th. N. 81°W. Ic. th. N. 62°30'W. 2c.,th. N. 64°W. 4c. 311., th. N. 52° W. 2c. 401., th. N. 57° W. Ic. 801., th. N. 62°W. Ic. 691.,th. N. 45° W. 2c., th. N. 21^° W. Ic. 281., th. N. 60° W. Ic.l Tax sales or source of title. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00 . 1895, '00. 1895, '00 . 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1895, '00. 1855 1895 Acres. Conveyed, 1902 Conveyed, 1902 Conveyed, 1902 Conveyed, 1902 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 52 96 100 100 100 100 100 100 98.30 322 Repokt of Foeest, Fish and Game Commission. Warren County. Tovv'n. Lot. IDESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek . do do 12 13 14 do 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 Palmer's Purchase, Middle Division, Great Lot 3 {Green's Survey) — (Con- tinued). 691., th. N. 35° W. 3c. 121., th. N. 63°W. Ic. 661.,th. N. 79° W. 2c. 441. to N. line of lot 7c. 501. W. of N. W. cor. thereof Ex. 2-i'fr(,a. being a strip of land 4r. wide, beg. at a point in E. line of lot, 6c. N. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 36° W. 2c., N. 80° W. Ic. 691., N. 58° W. 2c. 881., N. 2° 30' W. 751., N. 40° W. Ic. 381., N. 28° W. Ic. 731., N. 43' W. 4c. 341., N. 34° W. 2c 181., N. 44° W. 2c. 181., N. 66° W. 2c. 661., N. 89° W Ic. 231., N. 75° W. 2c. 311., N. 14° 30' W. Ic. 501., 37 30' W. 2c. to W. line of lot at a point 8c. from S. W. cor Ex. lira., being a strip of land 4 rods wide, beg. in S. line of lot, 2c. E. from S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 21° W. 2c., N. 58° W. Ic. 571., N. 40° W. 2c. 401., N. 36° W. Ic. to W. line of lot 6c. N. from S. W. cor Ex. Sfifija., being a strip of land 4r. wide, beg. in S. line of lot 4c. E. from S. W. cor., running th. N. 70° W. SOL, N. 52° W. 2c. 181., N. 50° W. 3c. 491., N. 47° W. 2c. 241., N. 25° W. 2c. 421., N. 5°E. 2c.,N. 27°W. 3c. 251., 1895, '00. 96.25 1895 '00. 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 97.17 99.30 100 98.30 100 100 Report of Forest, Fish and Gaime Commission. 32-'] Warren County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek . do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do do do do 19 25 Palmer's Purchase, Middle Division, Great Lot 3 {Green's Survey) — (Con- tinued). N. 23° W. 3c. 401., N. 20° 30'W. 2c. N. 46°W. 3c.,N. 23° W. 2c. 561., N. 10° W. 3c. 351., N. 27° W. 2c. 431., N. 14° W. 14c. 201. to N. line at a point 2c. E. of N. W. cor. of lot All in Warren Co Same Same Ex. 4-i-o-o"a., being a strip of land 4r. wide, the center line of which runs as follows: Beg. at a point in the S. line of said lot, 13c. W. from S E. cor. thereof, th. N. 8° W. 30c., N. 10° W. Ic. 501., N. 30° W. Ic. 481., N. 32° W. 3c. 371., N. 12° W. 4c. 841., N. 35° W. 3c., N. 13° W. lc.,N. 20°E. Ic. 301.,N. 18° W. 2c. 521., N. 27° W. 2c.,N. 40°W. 3c.,N. 10°W. 771., N. 56° W. 3c. 661., N. 58° W. 2c. 561., N. 63° W. 4c. 181., N. 70° W. 3c. 401. to N. line of said lot at a point 4c. E. from N. W. cor. thereof Total, Middle Division, Pal. Pur. 4,877^ acres. Rear Division. (Great Lot 1.) 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00. 1895. '00. Purchase, 1899. Purchase, 1899. Purchase, 1899. 96.27 100 21 51 80 95. 100 160 160 160 11 324 T^EPORT or Foekst, B^'isii axd Ga^fe Commission. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek do do do do do do do do do do Thurman do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Stony Creek .... 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 4 26 27 34 35 37 38 39 40 46 49 49 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 69 70 74 75 76 81 82 83 85 Palmer's Purchase, Rear Division, Great Lot 1 — (Continued). All in Stony Creek. All in Stony Creek. All in Thurman . . . All in Thurman . S. h. Total, Great Lot 1 4,058.53 acres. (Great Lot 2.) Purchase, 1899. . Purchase, 1900. . 1877, '81, '85, '95 1877, '81, '85.... 1881, '85, '90.... 1881, '85, '90, '95 1881, '85, '90.... 1885 Purchase, 1897.. 1885 Purchase, 1897. . Purchase, 1897. . Purchase, 1897. . 1881, '95 1881, '90 1871, '77, '81.... 1890 1871, '77, '81, '90 1871, '77, '81.... 1871, '77, '81.... 1881, '85 Purchase, 1897. . 1890 Purchase, 1905. . Purchase, 1897. . 1895 1890,'95 1877, '81, '85.... 1871, '77, '81.... Purchase, 1897. . 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 Report of Forest, Fish a^d Game Commission. 325 Warren County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Stony Creek . . . 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do 13 do 14 Thurman 14 Stony Creek .... 15 Thurman 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 Stony Creek .... 27 Thurman 27 Stony Creek .... 28 Thurman 28 Stony Creek .... 29 1 do 30 ! do 30 do 31 do 32 j do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 43 do 44 do 45 do 46 do 47 Palmer's Purchase, Rear Division, Great Lot 2 (Continued). All in Stony Creek . All in Thurman . . . All in Stony Creek. AH in Thurman . . . All in Stony Creek . All in Thurman . . . All in Stony Creek. All in Thurman . . . 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1871, '81, '85 1871, '81, '85 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890 1871,'81,'85,'90,'95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 101.60 24 9.60 116 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 150.70 150.70 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 3 122.60 93.60 32 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.6 125.6 125.6 125.6 6 125.6 125.6 125.6 9 125.6 125.6 126.5 125.6 125.60 326 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Coimmission, Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or .source of title. Acres. Stony Creek do do do do Thurman. . . Stony Creek Thurman . . . do do do do do do do Stony Creek . Thurman . Stony Creek . 48 49 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Palmer's Purchase, Rear Division, Great Lot 2 — (Continued). Ail in Stony Creek N. E. cor. in Thurman All in Stony Creek All in Thurman, 124-f oTja. ex. 75a. E. end thereof Total, Great Lot 2, 6,752-1% acres. (Great Lot 3.) All in Stony Creek, 3,914a. ex. 563a. S'ly end thereof and ex. 200a. in 1,575a. S'ly end, bd. beg. at a stake and stones in W. line of lot being the N. W. end of lot known as the Mill lot, run- ning N. 26° W. 44c. 731., th. N. 26° E. 44c. 731. to S. line of lot, th. S. 64° W. along said line 44c. 731. to beg. . . All in Thurman , . Total, Rear Pal. Pur. Division, 15,282i River Division. (East End.) Part bd. N. E. by Dartmouth Patent, N. W. by lots 1 and 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890 1890, '95 1890 1890, '95, '00 1871,'81,'85,'90,'95 1871, '81, '85 1871, '81, '85 1890, '95 1890, '95 1871,'81,'85,'90,'95 1871, '81, '85 1890, '95, '00 and purchase, 1905. . . 1890, '95 125.60 126.50 125.60 125.60 70.60 25 1 49.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 150.70 3,151 1,400 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 327 Wakren County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Palmer's Purchase, River Division {East End) — (Continued). Stony Creek . . . 2, Middle Division and S. by- Saratoga Co. (as surveyed), bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of said lot, th. S. 60° W. 150c. to Co. line, th. along said line to E. side of said lot, th. N. 30° W. 90c. to beg. 675a. ex. 160a. N. W. pt. thereof, also ex. that part of E. i of Great Lot 2, in War- ren Co. 120a. and W. i of lot 2, 90a., leaving all of Great Lot 1, in Warren Co 1848 305 (Great Lot 3). do N. E. cor. bd. N. by Middle Div., E. by Sub. 1, S. by Saratoga Co., and W. by lot 4 1877 45 Total River Division, 350 acres. Tongue Mountain Tract. Hague 3 All in Hague All in Bolton *Resale 1899 25 50 Bolton 3 6 *Resale, 1899 Reverted 1859 174 50 do 168 Hague 35 44 All in Hague 1900 65 do Reverted, 1859.. . 212 do 46 Reverted 1867 155 do 48 Reverted 1859 273 do 49 Reverted, 1859. . . 270 Total Tongue Mt. Tract, 1,343 acres. Totten & Crossfield's Pur- chase, Township 10. 1 Thurman 15 All in Warren Co Bought, 1896 62.80 * Formerly bonded land. -'>2y !vi;poKT OF I*\iK!:si\ Pisri a.xd CommissiOiX. Wakrkn (\)i;i\TY. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Johnsburgh. Thurman. . . do ... Johnsburgh . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 45 46 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd'S PuR CHASE — (Continued). Township 11. All in Johnsburgh All in Thurman All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh Ex. und. J. Und. J.... S. W. part. N. end . N. end . N. end 1877 & Pur., 1897 1877, '85 1885, '90 Purchase, 1897. . . 1885, '90 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1897. . . 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1885, '81 1885, '81 1885, '81 1885, '81 1885, '81 1885, '81 1895, '00 1885, '81 1885, '81 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1895 1877, '81, '85 Purchase, 1895 Purchase, 1895 Purchase, 1895. . . . Purchase, 1897 1877, '81 1877, '81 Purchase, 1897 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 1877, '81, '95 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 277 23 48 102 150 200 100 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 150 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 150 150 300 300 300 300 150 150 98 300 300 300 300 150 150 300 300 Report of Forest, Fish and Ga:\ie Coimmission. 329 Warren County. Town. Lot. description. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 64 81 82 83 84 60 134 135 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TOTTEN AND CrOSSFIELD PUR- CHASE, Township 11 — (Continued). Total, Township 11, 11,198 acres. Township 12. S. E. cor. Uhc. E. & W. & 24c. N. & S N. W. pt. 60a. ex. 36a. N. W. cor. thereof 24c. N. & S. & 15c. E. & W Total, Township 12, 220j acres. Township 13. 1885, '90, '95 Purchase, 1897. . . Purchase, 1897. .. 1900 & Pur., 1897 1900 & Pur., 1897 1881, '85 1885.... 1885.... 1877, '90 Bought, 1905. Bought, 1905 . Bought, 1905 . Bought, 1905. Bought, 1905 . 1885, '90 1877, '85 1877, '85 1877, '85 Purchase, 1905 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1877, '85 300 300 300 300 150 166 30 24 417.56 444.85 521.26 424.65 479.02 427.54 400 448.83 437 416.40 141.40 145.90 134.80 137.60 154 135 165.20 143.40 131.90 380 Kepoet of Foekst, Fish and Game Commission. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 TOTTEN AND CrOSSFIELD's Purchase, Township 13- (Continued). 1885, '90, '95 , 1885, '90 1885, '90, '95 . , Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1877, '85 1885, '90 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1885, '90 1885, '90, '95. . 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1899 Purchase,. 1899 Report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission, 3.31 Warren County. Lot. description. Tax sale.s or source of title. Acres. 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 TOTTEN &CrOSSFIELd's PUR- CHASE, Township 13 — (Continued). Purchase, 1899. . . Purchase, 1899 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 1885, '90 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 ... . Purchase, 1905. . . . Purchase, 1905 1885, '90 1885, '90 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 Purchase, 1905 1885, '90 1885, '90 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1885, '90 1885, '90 Purchase, 1899. . . . Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1877, '85 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 Purchase, 1899 1885, '90 1885, '90 132.80 114.40 140.70 126.30 115.80 107.60 118.30 136.80 122.75 131.80 146.30 161.30 132.40 137.70 139.75 147.95 140.30 140.60 152.60 153.40 161.90 154.50 151.90 171.80 147.50 179.80 165.70 149.50 138.70 157.60 178.20 153.70 152.20 186.10 200 163.80 192.30 169.80 174.20 181.50 171 332 Report of Foeest, Fisir and Ga^ie CoM:Missio]sr. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Johnsburgh do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do • do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Township 13 — (Continued). Total, Township 13, 23,408.72 acres. 1885, '90. 1885, '90. 1885, '90. 1885, '90. Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1877, '85. Purchase, 1885, '90. Purchase, Purchase, 1877, '85. 1877, '85. 1877, '85. 1877, '85 . 1877, '85. Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1885, '90. 1885, '90. 1885, '90. 1885, '90, 1885, '90. 1885, '90 . 1885, '90. 1885, '90 . Purchase, Purchase, Purchase, 1877, '85. 1877, '85 . 1877, '85 . 1877, '85 . 1877, '85. 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 Repokt of Foekst, Fisn axd Game Commission. 333 Warren Counjy. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax .sales or -source of title. Acres. Johnsburgh do do do do. . . . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE — (Continued). Township 14. North ^ and South East J. (Pond's Survey) 50 51 99 106 6 13 14 22 24 25 S. W. cor All in Warren Co . South West J. Conklin & Others' Tract (Legget's Sur- vey). Ex. 20a. N. W. cor Total, Township 1,383.50 acres. 14, 90 91 101 102 103 104 112 113 114 115 Township 15. All in Warren Co . . . Same , do. do. All in Warren Co . Same do 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85 1895 Purchase, 1908 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 Pur., 1897 & 1907. 1895, '00 & Pur., 1897 160 160 33 132 130 150 150 112.50 178 178 46.50 10 60 150 160 26.50 3 113.50 160 160 334 Kepoet of Forkst, Fish and Game CoMMissioisr. Warken County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or .source of title. Johnsburgh do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do do do do do do do 116 117 118 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PuR CHASE, Township 15 — (Continued). All in Warren Co All in Warren Co do do All in Warren Co Same do 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00 & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00. & Pur- chase 1897 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897. . . . 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897. . . . 1895, '00, & Pur- chase , 1897 .... 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00, & Pur- chase , 1897 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 .... 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897. . . . 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 Kepoet of Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 335 Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax .sales or source of title. Acres. Johusburgh do do do do do do do do do do 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Chester. . . . Johnsburgh do Chester — Thurman. . Thurman. . do .. do Johnsburgh Thurman . . Johnsburgh Thurman . . 18 24 25 29 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Township 15— (Continued). A U in Warren Co . Total, Township 15, 5,227^ acres. Township 24. N. pt Sub. 22, N. E. pt Total, Township 24, 1,156 acres. Townships 10 and 29. All in Thurman All in Warren Co Same Same All in Johnsburgh All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh All in Thurman 1895, '00, & Pur- chase. 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 160 1895, '00, & Pur- chase, 1897 47 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85, '90 1877, '85, '95 1877 Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. Purchase, 1896. 300 420 420 16 62.80 735.84 1,328.34 1,370.75 26.23 1.396.41 315 1,104.80 o^G 1vl;i'oim" of Foukst, Fish axd Gamk Com. mission. Warren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Thunnan . do ... Johnsburgh. do do TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELd's PUR- CHASE, Townships 10 and 29 — ( Continued) . All that pt. of 1,430a. in N. W. cor. of Thurman, bd. N. by Johnsburgh, S. E'ly by N'ly line of numbered lots in allotments of Townships 10 and 29, and W'ly by Hamilton County, which is included in or covered by a tract of 5,000a., which was patented by the State to H. Balfour S. E. cor. bd. N. by town line &W. by lot 20 N. pt. of all of Balfour Tract in Warren County All of unalloted pt. of Town ship 29 in Johnsburgh, ex cept 2,400a. E'ly end of the Ruth'ford Tract, 80c. wide E. & W., l,200a.,.N. pt. of all of the Balfour Tract in Warren county, 176-g^a. bd N. by the Sacandaga River E'ly by a line parallel with and 80c. W. from E. line of Township and S. by the S. line of the Rutherford Tract 116a. known as the Benj. Harrington farm, bd. E. by said 1765 a. parcel, 64a. be ing all of 125^a. on S line of the Rutherford Tract, 80c W. from E. line of Township, 10c. 261. wide on E. and 10c 671. on W. line not covered by said 1765^a.and 116a. parcels On S. line of the Balfour and Rutherford Tracts 80c. W, from E. line of township, 10c. 261. wide on E. and 10c 671. on W. Ime 1853,'81,'85,'90and Purchase, 1905. Purchase, 1896. . . . Purchase, 1892 702.67 1,129.90 1,200 Purchase, 1896. 1885. 7,317.84 125.50 Report of Fokkst, Fish and Gamk Commission. 337 Warkkn Co UK TV. Lot. DESCniPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD's PUR- CHASE, Townships 10 and 29 — (Continued). Russell Tract. Bd. N'ly by line parallel to and 44c. N'ly from lot 20 of Townships 10 and 29, E'ly 44c. by Townships line, S'ly 80c. by lot 20, and W'ly 44c. by a line parallel to and 80c. from E. line of Town- ship On E'ly line of Township 44Jc. S'ly from N'ly line thereof 129fc. long N. and S. and 80c. wide E. and W. bd. N'ly by the Hopkins lot, and. S'ly by the G. R. Martin lot, 1,038a. ex. 300a. bd. beg. at a post and stones in the line between 1 1 and 29, said post stand- ing 2c. 251. on the W'ly side of the Sacandaga River from high water mark running th. along saic Township lines N. 3° W 37c. 501., & th. S. 60° W 80c., th. S. 30° E. 37c. 501. to a post & stones, & th. N. 60° E. along the N'ly line of the Holden Cook lot 80c. to Bd. beg. at a post & stones on line bet. Twps. 11 & 29, said post standing 251. on W'ly side of Sacandaga River from high water mark, th. along town line N. 30° W. 37ic., th. S. 60° W. 80c., th. S. 30° E. 37ic. & th. N. 60° E. along N'ly line of H. Cook lot 80c. to beg.. N. E. cor. 41c. 251. wide N &S., & 80c. long E.&W... 1885, '90, '95. 352 1885, '90, '95. 738 Purchase, 1898. Purchase, 1896. 300 330 338 Eepokt of Fokest, Fish: and Game. Commission. Waeren County. Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. TOTTEN & CrOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, Townships 10 and 29 (Russell Tract) — (Con- tinued). On E. line of Township 1911c. S'ly from N'ly line, 15c. wide N'ly & S'ly & 80c. longE'ly & W'ly Total, Township 29, 18,593.28 acres. Purchase, 1898 1885, '90 120 do Township 31. All in Warren County 3,476.60 3 7 10 14 Reverted, 1867.... *Resale, 1899 *Resale, 1899 *Resale, 1899 Warrensburgh. . . do Warrensburgh Tract. 201 214 do 214 do 200 Total, Warrensburgh Patent, 829 acres. ♦Formerly bonded land. Report of Fokest, Fish and Game Commission. 339 WASHINGTON COUNTY. , List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total number of acres, 2,192.) Town. Lot. DESCRIPTION. Tax sales or source of title. Acres. Artillery Patent. Fort Ann 60 Lying near Parish's lock bd. N. by lands of I. V. Baker, Jr., and Widow White, E. by Wood Creek, S. by land of Ariel West and Leonard Wellen, and W. by lands of Milo Starks and I. V. Baker, Jr., lately owned by Wm. Morton, 70a. ex. about 22a. on the W. side of the lot which has been released and now owned by R. R. Parish. Mortgage 48 Easton, Town of. Easton Bd. N. by J. Wetsell, E. by Thos. Berry & S. & W. by Wm. Weed or lands of Jacob Hill 1877, '81, '85 23 Granville, Town of. Granville Bd. E. by Lansing Day's es- tate, S. by highway and W. by A. W. Tupper Potter, Anna, estate of, bd. N. by Thos. Clark, E. by 1881 1 do Chas. Savage & highway to Hampton, & S. & W. by 0. J Merrill 1885 3 Total, Town of Gran- ville, 4a. Hebron, Town of. Hebron Bd. N. by Sherman, E. by Boyington, S. by Sherman, & W. by James Elate 1877 15 840 Kja'oRT OF FoKKST, Fisii Axi) Commission. Washington County Town. Lot DESCRIPTION. Tax sale.s or .source of title. Acres. Dresden . . do .. do do .. do .. do Fort Ann . Dresden . . Fort Ann. do . do . do do do . Putnam . 50 58 90 91 98 109 122 157 36 46 49 50 54 56 61 South Bay Tk.\ct. Total, 1,042 acres. Westfield Tract. Total, Westfield Tract 960 acres. William's North Tract. 1881, '85, '95. . .. Reverted, 1825... 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90 1885 *Resale, 1899 Reverted, 1867 . . . 1885 Reverted, 1861.. . *Resale, 1899 *Resale 1899 *Resale, 1899. .. . *Resale, 1899. .. . *Resale, 1899 1890 120 57 160 160 160 103 160 122 160 160 160 160 160 160 100 ♦Formerly bonded land. Report of Foeest, Ftsh and GA:\rK CoMMrssiON. 341 CAXSKILL PRKSERVE. DELAWARE C01t:NTY. List of Lands Belonging to the State. {Total number of acres, 18,998.11.) Town. Lot. DKSCRIPTION. Tax sales or source- of tit' ' Walton, do . Tompkins . Davenport. Hancock . do do do do do Babington Patent. 10 11 S. W. ^ Total, Babington Patent 162a. 1853. 1853. 108 54 29 10 Evans' Patent. Sub. 6 Mortgage, 1826. Fitch's (Jonathan) Patent. 200 1895, '00 1 200 Hardenburgh Patent, Great Lot 2, Division 28. S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Cyrus Peak S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Cyrus Peak N. W. cor. bd. E. by land of Richard & S. by land of Geer Division 29. {East ^). Ex. right of R. R, . S.i {We.<