SF 263 .B94 i :ervs are put up in four pound boxes, and cut apart with wooden blades. The boxes are made here in Stowe, and are washed and scalded with boil- ing water, sprinkled with salt. Our milk house is shaded on the eastern side by a willow tree, and on the southern by another building, and we can cool it to some extent with currents of air. But if we should admit currents of air, without the covers over 60 .ABC BUTTER-MAKING. the pans, there would be white specks in the butter. AVe use butter color when it is necessry to color the butter, but think it better to color it too little than too much. I am in the habit of mixing a small quan- tity of cotton seed meal with the grain for the cows, and think I get a little more milk from that than anything else. Linseed meal is very high here, and I have never used it. Last, but not least, the cows must have pure air to breathe, and the milk, cream and butter must be kept in a good atmosphere. I am fully convinced that any farmer that makes a prime article of butter, of uniform quality, has an excellent opportunity to use common sense and sound judgment. Consumers of such butter, as I have des- cribed, need not have any fear that they are eating anything that is, or ever was, filthy or unwholesome. THE DAIRYMAN'S LIBRARY. Creaming Milk by Centrifugal Force . . $ 50 Hazard's Butter and Butter Making. . . 25 Curtis' Hints on Dairying 50 Willard's Practical Dairy Husbandry . . 3 00 Willard's Practical Butter Book 1 25 ABC Butter Making, by Burch 30 Harris' Cheese and Butter Maker's Hand Book 1 50 The Jersey, Alderney and Guernsey Cow 1 75 Feeding Animals. Stewart 2 00 Dadd's American Cattle Doctor 1 75 Guenon's Treatise on Milch Cows 1 25 Quincy on Soiling of Cattle 1 50 Keeping One Cow 125 Jennings' Cattle and their Diseases ... 2 00 Barn Plans and Out Buildings 1 75 Any one of the above books will be sent post-paid on receipt of price. The Dairy World, Chicago, HI. THE AIRY World A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE C^i^earriGi^Li, C^lpBGse naGbo^y AND PRIVATE DAIRY. Finely Printed, Elegantly Illustrated and ably Edited by Practical American, Swedish and Danish Butter and Cheese Makers. Sample Copies 10 Cents. The Dairy World, CHICAGO, ILL. WOOL GROWERS! READ THE AMERICAN Sheep Breeder. An ablj edited, elegantly illustrated monthly magazine, published in the interests of sheep-breeders and wool-growers everywhere. ONLY $1.00 PER ANNUM. A-ddresSj, . C. S. BDRCH PUBLISHING CO, CHICAGO, ILL. H3U-84 ' • • ' ^^ - A^ o • » 1. j,V^ .'=>v