'V'^' 1 '}<■ V ?1 :■■-':, .1: y V * ^ -^ ..^^' \.^^ i^ji.xy. -ii .■Q-l v^ ^ ^0^ ^CP<^^ '^^O^ \ ^^ ^ % ^ .^' ?:^ 9 5 J J ) e ■' 5 > ) 3 ^ i ) ) 5 3 J 3 3 SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO T^pP u m)9 * COf*Y B. ' Copyright, 1902, By silver, BURDETT & COMPANY »•» •'• / 6>7 MOTIVE For many years the writer of these pages has felt a strong desire to give expression to his sentiments of gratitude and love to Barnas Sears, D.D., LL.D., his teacher in Christian Theology at Newton (1845-8), and his honored friend to the close of a noble life (1880). No sufficient record of his truly eminent services to the cause of education, whether theological, collegiate, or popular, can be made within the limits of a small vol- ume; but even a brief account of those ser- vices, as performed by such a man, may be welcome to not a few readers who find incen- tives to strenuous labor for the good of man- kind in the lives of past toilers in the same field. It is not forgotten that an eloquent tribute to his character as a man, and to his ability as a teacher of theology, was paid by his iii /^ Riggs, Geo. W., Esq., 11 1 Ripley, Prof. Henry J., D.D., 18 Ritter, Prof. Karl, 50 Rives, Hon. Wm. C, iii Rosenmiiller, Prof. E. F. K., 48 Rostan, J. C, 52 Ruhnken, Prof. David, 50 Russell, George Peabody, 11 1 Russell, Professor, in teachers' institutes, 78 Sandisfield, 2, 3, 4 Sears, Barnas, D.D., LL.D., ancestry of, 1-4, 164; early education of, 4 ; conversion of, 9 ; first teaching by, 10; preaching of, while at college, 16; election of, to professorship at Hamilton Literary and Theo- logical Institute, 23, 53, 54; professorship of, at Newton Theological Institute, 54; articles by, in "American Encyclopedia," 56; election of, as president of Newton Theological Institute, 56; magazine articles by, 56, 57, 58; membership of Executive Committee of American Baptist Missionary Union, 57, 142; books by, 58 ; ability of, as teacher, 59-63, 65-67, 139-141, 169; ex- tensive reading of, 61, 155; theology of, 64; epi- tome of " Introduction to Course in Theology" by, 68-75 ; secretaryship of Massachusetts Board of Education, 76-90 ; report of, for 1855, ^^ "Re- ligious Teaching in the Public Schools," 83 ; report of, for 1856, on "Obstacles to Public School Edu- cation," 85-87 ; presidency of Brown Univer- sity, 91-109; letter of, to Robert C. Winthrop, i84 Index Sears, Bamas, D.D., LL.D. — Continued. concerning Peabody Education Fund, 113-119; ap- pointment of, as General Agent of Peabody Fund, 120; results of work of, in the South, — common- school system adopted, good school laws enacted, normal schools founded, teachers' institutes estab- lished, 120-150; death of, 164; self-training of, 165; religious convictions of , 166; personality of , 166; scholarship of, 167; administrative ability of, 168, 169 Sears, Richard, the emigrant ancestor, i Sears, Paul, the father, 2 Sears, Paul, the grandfather, 3, 4 Sears, Mrs. EHzabeth G. C. See Miss E. G. Corey Separatist, 4 Standing order, 3 Staunton, Va., 122, 151, 153-155 Stearns, Rev, Eben S., D.D., 138, 148 Stearns, Prof. O. S., D.D., iv., 23, 55, 57, 65-67 Stuart, Prof. Moses, D.D., 18 Teachers' institutes, 78, 80, 81, 82, 88 Texas, State of, canvassed in aid of public schools, 129 "The Ciceronian," author of, 58 "The Life of Martin Luther," author of, 58 Tholuck, Prof. F. A. G., 35, 36; sermon of, 41-43 Trustees of the Peabody Fund, 99 Wayland, Pres. Francis, D.D., LL.D., 95, 96, 154 Weser, the, 27 Wetmore, Samuel, iii Whipple, Right Rev. H. B., 132, 133, 134 Wigger, " Pelagian Controversy, article on," in Christian Review, 57 Winer, Prof. George B., 48, 49 Winthrop, Hon. R. C, Trustee and Chairman of Pea- body Education Fund, 110-113; letter to, by Dr. Sears, 113-119; address by, at funeral of Dr. Sears, 130-134; opinion of, of results of Dr. Sears's work in the South, 145 Wittenbach, 50 Zumpt, Prof. K. G., 50 DEC 18 »»U2 / / .0^ ^o. '^^T.^^\<^' >^ ,^ 9^ -. :^ '" .^ Q^ \ ^lii^ '-^ * ^ ^#.Y:\,,^^ :>Va,^\.,^^ ^ %. .* ^ « 9= Z ' "^ -^ z. ■ o^ - x^^cr^- : ^. %o^ ^^' .^" ^ / ^ ^ ^ V ^ ■' / -(^ 9:^ im\ %<^ :^l%\ ^. u ,(V „ \ <» o .. N^^ °^ '^o^ '^f' '^^AO^
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