.S4S38 ; ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H .^'"%. .<^ -^c ■ ^^ :^ •' ^0 vP-i- ^ - -,yAy^ ^* '^^^% ,0' V, .^^-v. ^^ Vomc ^^ 1906 ^^ SHARON. MASSACHUSETTS ...Souvenir Program... devil's brook. Guaranteed Circulation 1500 MY DEAR OLD NATIVE TOWN NELSON L. MARTIN :Glen Hill Farm: NORTH SHARON A PERSONAL visit of inspection to the Glen Hill Farm is earnestly invited, where we will show the patrons of this route the great care taken to supply them with rich, pure and healthy milk. . , (Eoi 1 1 pfiui citlc* . -4 ^citne^ &. .Sea eft FOR SDaion Real Estate SEE Joiiii n. Bowmao Oilt. liOM 131907 i1 ^ V 5 H . BKAVER BROOK. F. R. PITCHER & CO. .{DEALERS IN LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHINGS Dry and Fancy Goods Also Complete House Furnishings Brooks' Block CANTON MASS. The Town of Sharon welcomes its citizens, returning sons and daughters, and all visitors and friends to the enjoyment of another Old Home Week. Thanks are extended to Mr. S. I. Carpenter and the Sharon Club for the use of the half tones. QUAKER INN SHARON, MASS. Telephone 170 Opposite Postoffice X ..3 ^V a-ZV* lO- ..^^ TkAjE IVTARK «« We carry the L&.rg'est Variety of Trunk./* and Bag> in Boston SAGE'S TRUNK DEPOT Corner Summer and Kingston Streets, Boston, Mass. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 31 at 2.30 o'clock IN THE SHARON TOWN HALL Grand Concert by the Old Stoughton Musical Society The Oldest Musical Organization in America President, L. Morton Packard of Brockton Secretary and Treasurer, Edwin A. Jones of Stoughton Chorister, Nelson Mann of Randolph Composer William Billings, 1746- 1800 Edward French, 1 761- 1845 William Billings, 1746-1800 LIST OF TU Majesty New Bethlehem Chester Pi iiblished 1 790 Comp 1 800 1770 Solo — Selected New Jerusalem Complaint Austria i i ( i 1802 1791 1790 Solo — Selected Turner David's Lamentation Invitation ( 1 1802 " 1793 Solo — Selected Svvanwick ( favorite of ford Waters Billings) Ode on Science Victory San- ( 1 i79« 1793 Solo — Selected Jehovah's Praise Amity China Great is the Lord 1837 1793 1788 Gloria from 12th M ass " America Jeremiah Ingalls, 1764- 1838 Parmenter, Nahum Mitchell, 1769- 1853 Abraham Maxim, 1 773-1 829 William Billings, 1746- 1800 Jacob Kimball, Jr., 1761-1826 Lewis (English) Jezeniah Sumner, 1754-1836 Daniel Read, 1757-1836 Edward L. White Daniel Read, 1 757-1836 Timothy Swan, 1757-1842 Dr. Colcott (English) W. A. Mozart. 1756-1792 A large chorus of singers will occupy the stage and will be accom- panied by a complete orchestra. ADMISSION FREE. N. B. All the above composers were American except Lewis, Col- cott and Mozart. ^., P)U510N MASS.IiSA Mrs. Mary A. Potter 24 Billings" Street SHARON GENERAL MASSAGE SHAMPOOING HEAD MASSAGE MANICURING V. (). Box 197 C. E, BRYMER Depot Carriages CARRIAGES CONNECT WITH ALL TRAINS BAGGAGE TRANSFERRED TOLMAN ST., SHARON. MASS. Teleplione Connection. MISS A. F. CAPEN LLINCR SWAN'S BLOCK STOUGHTON, MASS. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 1 Illumination Night The citizens are requested to illuminate their houses and grounds, as has been the custom in previous years. RECEPTION The Sharon Club on this evening keep open house, and welcome all to their club rooms in Dennett Building fronting on Central Square. President . Secretary . Treasurer . Wiivivis Thompson Thomas S. Prouty Frank E. Burbank THE GLEN DALE SHARON MASS. Open all the year Central Location All Modern Conveniences A quiet, restful Boarding Place, where a limited number of guests can be accommodated Spacious Grounds Shade Trees Address Mrs. E. M. Femald JoscjiKinc n. Anderson SHARON HAND LAUNDRY (T'-^'^^^Kj^Si^i^'^''^ POND STREET New Locahon at the nitcKcock House A PLEASANT DRIVE. New England Decorating Co. ■^^ i^rnratnrs a> All worU done with ProriM^ti^ess and Tnste OUTSIDE DECORATIONS FOR BUILDINGS. ^ ARCHES DE- SIGNED, ERECTED AND DECORATED. ^ LANTERNS FOR LAWN PARTIES. ^ FLAGS 2ER^khS^s MADE TO ORDER TELEPHONE RICHMOND 905 144 State Street, cor. Chatham Row, Boston, Mass. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 Thirty-Fifth Reunion ...OF THE... SHARON CENTER SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Forenoon. — Gathering at ii a. in. in the Unitarian Meeting House. Informal Reception and Social Greetings. Dinner will be served at i p. m. in the vestry of the Congregational Church. Business Meeting at 2.30 p. m. in the Unitarian Meeting House. The remainder of the afternoon will be occupied with reading of letters and with speaking and singing. President . Secretary . Henry F. Talbot John G. Phii^lips JOHN BUCKLEY, JR. Hack, Livery and Boarding Stable Furniture and Piano Moving ACCLIMATED HORSES FOR SALE Telephone 33-2. CANTON, MASS. Compliments . . . of . . . WOLFE BROTHERS IDentists Dr. OLIVER PERRY WOLFE, Canton Dr. LEONARD P. WOLFE, Boston Dr. GEORGE F. WOLFE, Norwood ®t|? ilapUa Sunny Pooins and Excellent Bocircl cit The Maples, corner of Sun^initcive.cind Billings si. ..Sharon.. Mrs. riMNCCS A. EVANS Charles F. Biyant Dniggist and Postmaster P OS f office Square S liar 071 - Mass. Constantly on hand a full line of Statioyi- cry. Confectionery, Periodicals, Souvenir Post Cards, etc. Also a full line of Drugs, Family Medi- cines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Tobacco, Smokers' Articles, etc., etc. PHYSICIA2VS' PRESCRIPTIONS a specialty, compounded by a Registered Pharmacist . Complbncnts of John R. Gillespie Co)nplii)ieiits of Timothy F. Qini^n THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2 Quarterly Meeting .OF THE... SHARON HISTORICAL SOCIETY IN SHARON TOWN HALL At 8 O'clock The President COIv. EDMUND H. HEWINS WILL PRESIDE Music by the Haynes family. Reading- of the Records by George H. Whittemore, Secretary. Reception of new members and incidental business. Music by the Haynes family. Solo by Mr. S. Thomas Hall. Remarks by the President. Recitation by Mrs. O. E. Chapman. Address by Hon. John D. Long. Music by the Haynes family. Solo by Mrs. Fred D. Stanley. Social half hour and reception. Parting Song, " Auld Lang Syne." ALL ARE WELCOME TEXTILE REMNANT CO. C. W. SMITH, Manager. Remnants, Seconds and Odd Goods of every Description. Percales, Lawns, Laces, etc» Humpty Dumpty Stockings Swanks Block, cor. Washington and Porter Streets, STOUGHTON, MASS. Goods direct from Mill to Consumer, which enables us to sell at very low prices. ■^x mi -gJl ' 1 if 3P' WMM Ma CAPT. C. T. DERRY SEA WALL AND WHARF BUILDER FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 An Outing Party will start in carriages from the Central Square in Sharon at lo A. M. The route covers North Main, Bay and Mountain Streets. There will be a basket lunch at noon in Charles F. Madan's Grove, corner of Bay and Mountain streets. Transportation, to the extent of two barges engaged, will be 60 cents per passenger, to those wdio apply by mail not later than Thursday afternoon to Mr. George Kempton. Invitation extended to all, and special invitation to all residing on the route. Committee George Kempton A. Alden Carpenter Eugene Tappan rAnnouncement AN AGRICULTURAL FAIR .WILL BE HELD IN. SHARON TOWN HALL, SEPTEMBER 25 and 26, 1906 .BY THE. Shairon Improvement &.nd Literary Associd^tion Citizens and friends are requested to prepare articles for exhibition, whether products of farms, orchards and gardens, or articles manu- factured by themselves. President, CharlEvS M. Conant Chairman of Committee of Arrangements IvOring M. Monk WILD COUNTRY WihsKip s Drug Store STOUGHTON ..CUT PRICES.. ' \ J\ We make and serve the best SODA I 8 JTand ICE CREAM in Norfolk county You miss Kalf q( your life if you don't try it H. A. TAMBLYN Carpenter ..and dealer in.. Building Material Orders for goods not on Kand filled at sKort notice Woodland sh, off Pgnd st. Sharoh^ Mass. A. B. ELLIOTT Dry and rancy Goods DENNETT BUILDING The Elms Sharon, Mass. Central Location Op 671 all the Year Post Office Square * Address SHARON MASS. MRS. ELLIS V. FLYE SAVE YOUR MONEY BEGIN NOW It's not what yow earn but what you save that counts. Buy shares in the Workingmens Co-operative Bank Began Business June 1880 4000 Shareholders Assets $1,700,t Last Dividend 4'2 percent per annum. NOTHINQ DEDUCTED if you have to draw out WHY IT PAYS YCU Because you acquire the habit of saving #i.oo 101^25.00 a month. It is an art school • — the art of getting ahead Because we pay better dividends than any other kind of investment which is equally safe And several other good reasons, all in our booklet, '• How to Make Money," which will be given to you upon request 101 Tremont cor. Bromfield Street FRANK E. BI'RRANK, Secy and Treas. ^bc Sbaron Hbvocatc A newspaper containing all the town news, social items, doings of the his- torical society and current events By advertising in 3'our Town Paper you will secure the patronage of your own townspeople Harry M. Hight BiDitor an^ Ipublisber SHARON Pli 'I Pi 1 *• ^- '^""bar. Printer -.x-' -^ _*^' ,V ^ ..> fe ' •i ''■^' D^ ." .^"^ "^: ^. .^^ -^^0^ ; . S^ ■ 5 " s