P 158 .67 .fil H3 Copy 1 — <^ v1^ THK OKKICIAL i Street Directory FOE THE CITY OF V PHILADELPHIA ] SHOWING THE LOCATION of all the Streets Avenues Alleys Courts By-places and the WARDS with their limits and boundaries i^The only Official and Authentic edition published having been taken direct from the Plans Maps and Records of the City "sa Entered according to Act of Congress In th.e,y©«r 1884 By RUFUS C HABTIlANEy In tb© Office of the Librariau of Coagri^ at Wa^ii^^fou !! ! M JUM i4_ 1118 philadelpWa /^ ^^' ( ^A Pickwick & Company 1429 Market stb 1884 ■■ (* ^ BOUNDARIES OF WARDS. First— Along the river Delaware, from Wharton street to League Island, thence along the Back Channel to Broad street, to Passyuuk avenue, to Wharton street, to place of beginning. 8ECOND— Along the river Delaware, from Christian street to Whar- ton, thence to Passyunk avenue, to Ellsworth street, to Broad, to Chris- tian, to place of beginning. Third— Between the river Delaware and Broad street, and north of Christian, to German, Mead, and Fitzwater streets Fourth— Between the river Delaware and Broad street, and north of German, Mead, and Fitzwater streets, to South street. Fifth— Between the river Delaware and Seventh street, and be- tween South and Chestnut streets, including Windmill Island. Sixth— Between the river Delaware and Seventh street, and be- tween Chestnut and Vine streets. Seventh— Between Seventh street and the river Schuylkill, and between South and Spruce streets. Eighth— Between Seventh street and the river Schuylkill, and between Spruce and Chestnut streets. Ninth— Between seventh street and the river Schuylkill, and be- tween Chestnut and Arch streets. Tenth— Between Seventh street and the river Schuylkill, and be- tween Arch and Vine streets. Eleventh— Between the river Delaware and Third street, and between Vine and Poplar streets. Twelfth— Between Third and Sixth sts., and Vine and Poplar sts. Thirteenth— Bet. Sixth and Tenth sts., and Vine and Poplar sts. Fourteenth— Bet. Tenth and Broad sts., and Vine and Poplar sts. Fifteenth— Between Broad street and the river Schuylkill, and between Vine and Poplar streets. Sixteenth— Along Maiden street, from the river Delaware to Prankford road, thence to Franklin avenue, to Sixth street, to Poplar, to the river Delaware, to place of beginning. Seventeenth— Between Frankford road and Sixth street, and be- tween Franklin avenue and Oxford street. Eighteenth— Along Maiden street, from the river Delaware to Frankford road, thence to Norris street, to the river Delaware, to place of beginning. Nineteenth— Along Frankford road, from Norris street to Oxford, thence to Sixth, to Germantown avenue, to Lehigh, to Kensington, to Front street, to Norris, to place of beginning. Twentieth— Along Poplar street, from Broad to Sixth, thence to Susquehanna avenue, to Eleventh street, to Montgomery avenue to Broad street, to place of beginning. TwENTY-riBST— The borough of Manayunk, and the township of Roxborough. Twenty-seconi>— Bounded on the northeast and northwest by Cotmty Line road ; southwest to Township Line road ; south and south- east by Wingohocking and Tacony creeks. Twenty-third— Bounddd by Montgomery county line, the river Delaware, and Frankford and Tacony creeks. Twenty-fourth— West of the river Schuylkill, north of Market st. Twenty-fifth— Along Lehigh avenue, from the Delaware river to Germantown avenue, thence to the line of the Twenty-second ward, to Frankford creek, to the river Delaware, to place of beginning. Twenty-sixth- Along Broad street, from Wasliington avenue to Ellsworth street, tlionce to Passvnnk avenue, to Broad street, to the river Schuylkill, to Washington avfinie, to place of beginnins:. Twenty-seventh— Westc.f the river Schuylkill south of Market St.. Twe.vty-eighth— Along IMontgomery avenue, from Broad street to Eleventli, ttience to Susquehanna avenue, to Ger man tt)wn avenue, to line of Germantown township, to Wissahickou avenue, to School lane, to the riv^er Schuylkill, to place of beginning betw(!en South street and Washington avenue. Thirty-first— Along Front street, from Norris to Kensington ave, thence to Lehigh, to Aramingo canal, to Norris, to place of beglmung. STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia is laid out as a square, streets crossing at right angles. The numbers on streets running East and West are a given hundred to a block or square, odd numbers on North side, even on South, thus : Front 100, Second 200, Third 300, etc. Market Street is the dividing line for streets running North and South, even numbers on West side, uneven on East, a given hundred to a block, thus : Market to Arch, 100, to Race, 200, etc. The following are parallel to Market Street. Streets having no num- bers are either narrow or short or placed between principal avenues. No. 100 200 300 400 600 600 700 800 900 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2m) sooo 3100 3200 S300 3100 8500 3600 S700 S800 Market, Filbert, Commerce, Church. Arch, Cherry. Race, Branch, New. Vine, Wood. Callowhill, Willow, Noble, Margaretta. Button wood, Spring Garden. Green, Mount Vernon, Wallace, Melon. Fairmount avenue, Olive, Brown, Parrish, Ogden Poplar, Laurel, Beaver, George. Girard ave., Stiles. Thompson, Seybert. Master. Jefferson. Oxford. Columbia avenue. Montgomery avenue. Berks. Norris, Otis. Diamond. Susquehanna avenue. Dauphin, York. Cumberland. Huntingdon. Lehigh avenue. Somerset. Cambria. Indiana. Clearfleld. Alleghany. Westmoreland ave. Ontario. Tioga. Venango. Erie avenue. Germantowu ave. No. SOUTH. 1 Market, Jayne, — Merchant, Minor. 100 Chestnut, Sansom, — Library, Dock. 200 Walnut, Locust. 300 Spruce, Union. 400 Pme. 600 Lombard, Gasklll 600 South. 700 Bainbridge, — Monroe, — Fitzwater, — German. 800 Catharine, — Queen. 900 Christian, — Marriott. 1000 Carpenter. IIUO Washington, — Ellsworth . 1200 Federal, Marion. 1300 Wharton . 1400 Reed. 1500 Dickinson, — Greenwich. 1600 Tasker. 1700 Morris, Pierce. 1800 Moore, Siegel. 1900 Mifflin. 2000 McKean. 2100 Snyder. 2200 Jackson. 2300 Wolf. 2400 Ritner. 2500 Porter. 2600 Sliunk. 2700 Oregon avenue. 2tm Johnson. 2900 Bigler. Pollock. SOOO 3100 Packer. 3200 Curtin. 4300 League Island. Philadelphia ALB STREETS RUNNING NORTH AND SOUTH WEST OF DELAWARE RIVER. Delaware ave; 100, Front st; 200, Second st; 300, Third st; 400, Fourth St; 5(X), Fifth st; 60*), Sixth st; 700, Seventh st; 800, Eighth st; 900, Ninth st; 1000, Tenth st; 1100, Eleventh st; 1200, Twelfth st; 13(J0, Thirteenth st; 1400, Broad st; 150(J, Fifteenth st; 1600, Sixteenth st; 1700, Seventeenth st; 1800, Eighteenth st; 1900, Nineteenth st; aXK), Twentieth st; 2100, Twenty- first st; 2200, Twenty-second st; 2300, Twenty-third st; Schuylkill River; 3000, Thirtieth st; 3100, Thirty- first st; 3200, Thirty-second st; 3300, Thirty- third st; 3400, Thirty-fourth st; 3600, Thirty-sixth st; 3700, Thirty-seventh Bt; 3S00, Thirty-eighth st; 3i»00, Thirty-ninth st; 4(J00, Fortieth st; 4100, Forty-first st; 4200, Forty-second st; 4300, Forty-third st; 4400, Fortv- fourth st; 4500, Forty-fifth st- 4600, Forty -sixth st; 47a), Forty-seventh st; 4800, Forty-eighth st; 4900, Forty-ninth st; 6000, Fiftieth st; 5100, Fifty- first st; 5200, Fifty-second st; 6300, Fifty-third st; 6400, Fifty-fourth st; 6500, Fifty-fifth st; 6600, Fifty-sixth st; 5700, Fifty-seventh st- 6800, Fifty- eighth st; 6900, Fifty- ninth st; 6(KX», Sixtieth st; 6100, Sixty-first st; 6200, Sixty-second st; 6300, Sixty-third st. ALPHABETICAL STREET LIST. A— N tr Kensington av to Erie av E of N Front ABBOTT'S CT— Nfr527Fitzwater ABEL PL-N fr 1021 Lemon ABERDEEN-S fr 226 Spruce ABIGAIL— E fr Diamond to Am- ber S of Otis ABINGTON iCIIill)^ ABINGTON AV (C^z70— EfrGer- mantown av to Gold ACADEMY— W fr 118 N 10th to 117 Nllth ACADEMY RD-Byberry ACCOMAC PL-S fr 311 Wildey ACORN AL— S fr 816 Locust to Spruce ACTON PL-S f r 1122 Pearl ADAIR AV-E fr 453 N 13th AD ALINE-fr Margaret to Bridge ab Edmund ADAMS {Fdk)—fT 4058 Frank- ford to Plank rd ADAMS— E fr Kensington av to Commerce S of Aramin<:o ADAMS (G7n)—N fr Walnut la to Johnson's la ADDISON— WfrS 17th bel Pine ADELPHI-W fr 214 S 5th bel Walnut ADELPHIA AL-S fr 152 Pegg to Willow ADRIAN— N fr Otter to Girard av E of Front ADRIAN— E fr Adams to Kidge av N f r Manayunk av AFTON— W fr 1150 S 16th AGATE— N fr Westmoreland to Ontario bel Tulip AGNES-S fr 1002 Christian AGNES CT il'dk)— AIRY— fr 1312 Thompson ab Hun- tingdon ALASKA-W fr 618 Passyunk av ALBEMARLE— NW fr S 29th N Ellsworth ALBERGER'S CT-S fr 724 Willow ALBERT— fr Kensington av to Emerald S of Ann ALBERT— W from 1024 S 12th to loth ab W^ashington av ALBERT'S AV-S fr 1222 Palmer ALB Street Guide. ANN ALBION— S fr Vine to Lombard E of 22cl ALDER— N fr Yotk to Hunting- don W of 10th ALDER— N fr 1009 Poplar to Dia- mond ALEXANDER— S fr 614 Fitzwa- ter ALEXANDER— N fr Wharton, E of Broad ALFORD— Efr417S6th ALFRED {Gtn)~tr Queen to Coulter S of Pulaski av ALICE— N fr Market W of N 55th ALICE'S CT— N fr 1003 Sansom ALLEGHANY AV— fr riv Dela- ware to Schuylkill ALLEN ( TTP)— S W fr Mary to N41st ALLEN— fr 949 Frankford av to Palmer ALLEN {ink)—W fr 4732 Frank- ford to Leiper ALLEN'S CT— N fr 603 Minster ALLEN'S CT— N fr 927 Rodman ALLEN'S CT-Sfr720Bainbridge ALLEN'S LA {Otn)—Vf fr 6730 Germantown av to W of Cro- son ALLISON— N fr Market W of N 65th ALLISON'S PL-fr 116 N Front ALMENDO— N fr 1028 Cumber- land E of Belgrade ALMIRA PL— W fr 720 N Front ALMOND— fr S Delaware av to 717 S2d ALMOND— fr 1030 E York to 976 Cumberland ALMOND {Bdg)-S fr Ash to Al- leghany av ALMONT PL-E fr 1529 Cadwala- der ALROY-W fr 1320 Kidge av ALTER- W fr S 17th to 24th bel Washington av ALTER— N W fr S 29th to Suth- erland av N of Ellsworth ALTON CT— S fr 1622 Richard AMAN— S E f r S 12th to Dickln- son bel Reed AMANDA PL-N fr 23C9 Pearl ab N 23d AMBER— "N E fr Ann to Erie av E of Frankford av AMBLER'S CT— N fr 1311 Heath AMBOY— N fr Jefferson ab N 13th AMELIA— W fr S 5th to 6th N of Mifflin AMERICA— Sfi- Alleghany av to Byron, W fr Delaware river AMERICAN— N fr Master to York E of N 3d AMERICAN PL— Efr245N 4th AMITY— Nfr 1425 Stiles AMOS PL— fr Randolph ab Jef- ferson AN AN DALE PL— E fr 725 N 9th ANDERSON— S fr Indiana E of 19th ANDRESS— N fr 1219 Mount Ver- non to Melon ANGLE {Rising Sun)— ANGLER (TTP)— N fr Race to Powelton ar ANITA-Wfr 1162 Sloth ANN— fr Kensington avto Emer^ aid S of Lehigh av AN N— W f r Delaware ab William to Frankford av ANN— Wfr S 17th to 265 S 20th bet Spruce and Locust ANN Philadelphia AST ANN— fr Frankford creek to Trenton av ANN'S PL— E fr 1319 Wheat ANNA— Wfr N 31st to Natrona S of Montgomery av ANNAPOLIS— S fr 138 South to 121 Bainbridse ANNIN— W of S 18th to 22d N of Federal ANTHONY— S fr 711 Dickinson ANTHRACITE— W fr Salmon to Gunner's Run ANTOINETTE— (T^''P)—S fr Hav- erford rd to Market APPLE— W fr 1328 Wheat APPLE— S fr Lancaster av Hes- tonville APPLE {Myk)—tT Cedar and runs west APPLETREE AL— W fr 118 N 4th APSLEY ( G^n)— N f r Wissahick- on av to Germantown av W of Berkley ARAM IN GO— E fr Frankford av S of Cumberland ARAM IN GO {irdk)—E fr Frank- ford creek to Paul ARAZONA— W fr N 9th to N 11th S of York ARCH— W fr 100 N Delaware av to Schuylkill river ARCH AV— E fr 489 DiUwyn ab Noble ARCHIBALD PL— S fr 1310 Race ARIZONA— W fr 240 S 12th to 222 Dean bel Locust ARLINGTON— N fr N 17th to 18th S of Norris ARMAND PL— W fr 712 Marshall ARMAT- E from Germantown av ab Mill ARMSTRONG'S CT— N fr McCrea ab 9 Juniper ARMSTRONG'S' CT—N fr 413 Prune ARMSTRONG'S CT— S fr 1242 Ca- tharine ARRISON CT-W fr 114 S 15th bel Chestnut ARROT iFdk)—W fr 4733 Frank- ford to Leiper ARTISAN— N fr 1206 E Norris to Ball ASH {Bdg)—tr Richmond and runs W to Frankford creek ASHBURTON— W fr 412 S 23d to 25th bel Pine ASHBURY— S fr 518 South to 523 Alaska ASHHURST— S fr 238 Market to Elbow la ASHLAND— fr Rittenhouse to Penn below Manayunk av ASHLAND— N fr Frankford creek to Stiles ASHLAND— N fr 1019 Wharton ASH MEAD (C^n)— S fr Clinton ASHTON PL— E Ir N 23d bel Vine ASPEN ( WP)—tT Pennsylvania R R runs W ASPEN ( TFP)— W from Schuyl- kill river to Haverford rd ASPEN— S fr 2114 Sansom to 2119 Spruce ASPEN ST PL— E fr 415 Albion to 408 S 21st ASTOR PL— N fr 802 N Front ASYLUM— W fr 318 S Broad tc 319 S 15th ASYLUM AV— S of 1412 Spruce to Asylum ASYLUM RD (Fkd)~lS fr Adams to Crescentville ATH Street Guide. BAN ATHERTON— S fr 530 Marriott ATKINSON'S CT— N fr 529 Lom- bard ATLANTA { TTP)— W fr N 36th to 37th S of Aspen ATLANTIC {mcetown)—W fr N 18th to 21st ATLANTIC— N fr Dauphin to Yoric W of N 16th ATLANTIC— W fr N 17th to 23d N of Tioga ATLEE PL— W fr Sutlierland bel Queen ATMORE— W fr 814 N 13th ATWOOD PL— S fr.1018 Hamil- ton AUBURN— E of Franlcford av to Trenton av ab Rush AUBURN— W fr 1018 S 8th AUDUBON PL— W fr 14 N Front AUGUSTA PL— W fr 206 N Front AURORA— W fr 244 S 9th ab Spruce AUBREY— W fr N 13th N Dia- mond AUBRY— W fr 1624 Randolph to 1621 N 6th AUSTIN— S fr 1012 Federal AUTIN PL— E fr 831 St John AUTUMN— S fr Barker bel 20th AUTUMN— Sfr 1722 Vine AVENUE C— r 323 New Market AVON PL— E U 433 N 13th AVONDALE— S fr Girard av W fr N63d AWARD'S CT— W fr 328 Dugan AYDELOTT'S CT— N fr Parham E of S Front AZALIA—Efr 233 N 15th BACHE'S CT— N fr 1415 Race BADEN^ fr Alaska to 741 Bain- bridge BAILEY— N fr Jefferson to Co- lumbia av bet N 26th and 27th BAILEY— Wfr 2018 S 9th BAILEY'S CT— N fr 119 Jolm BAILEY 'S CT— W f r 1226 Mascher ab Girard av BAINBRIDGE— W fr 700 S Dela- ware av BAIRD ( Gtn)—iT Queen to Coul- ter S of Wayne av BAIRD'S AV— N fr 1323 Brown BAKER— W fr 724 Spafford to n9 S8th BAKER (CTn)— EfrGermantown av BAKER (Myk)—E fr Centre BAKER'S AL— N fr 529 Powell BAKER'S CT— E fr 941 Alder BAKER'S CT-N fr 923 Palmer BAKER'S LA-S E f r N Broad N of Butler BAKER'S PL-W fr 320 St John BALCH— N fr 205 New to Vine BALDWIN PL— E fr York av ab Buttonwood to China BALL— E fr Richmond to Beach BALLENGER AV-S fr 1110 Race BALL'S CT— W fr %8 N front BALSAM PL— E fr 747 S 5th BALSTON PL— N fr 251 Concord BALTIC PL— N fr 225 Catharine BALTIMORE— W fr S 15th bel Federal BALTIMORE AV (TTP)— fr Dar- by Passenger Railway runs W to 42d BALTZ— S fr Thompson W fr 30th BAMBREY— N fr Parrish to Pop- lar E of N 26th BANANA— W fr 1213 Carlisle to N15th 8 BAN Philadelphia BEC BANCROFT— S fr Wharton to Dickinson W of IGth BANGOR— Wfr 714 Lloyd to 715 Sloth BANK— S Ir 230 Market BANK AV— N fr Harmony ab S 3d BANKER'S AV (TT P)— S fr 3920 Warren BANKSON— N fr 1307 Wallace to Melon BARBARY PL— E f r 225 Vaughan BARBER'S ROW— Nfr 1109 Melon BARCLAY— W fr 320 S 6th to S 8th BARCLAY— W fr 674 N Broad BARCROFT AV— 8 fr Mifflin to McKean Wof S 10th BARING (TTP)— W fr N 31st to 42d BARKER— W fr S 16th bet Mar- ket and Chestnut to S 22d BARKER'S CT— W fr 1022 Crease to Sacramento av BARLEY— W fr 410 S 10th to 411 Quince BARLOW— S fr 514 Wharton to 509 Reed BARLOW PL— N from 733 Baker BARNES PL— E fr 1123 Charlotte BAR NET— W fr 1118 S 8th to Mil- ler BARNEWELL— S fr Pine to South E of Schuylkill BARNEY AV— N fr 2222 Shamokin BARNHURST PL— N fr 1801 Fran- cis BARR (Nicetovm)— BARRON— S fr 220 Gaskill to 227 South BARROW— S fr 312 South to Baln- bridge BARTHOLOMEW'S CT— W fr 914 S 5th BARTON— N fr 1023 Wallace BARTRAM-^N fr Jefferson to Hubbs bet N 20th and N 21st BASCOM PL— N fr 1033 Barley BASS ( Gtn)—iv Church to Plea- sant bel Croson BASTIAN PL— fr 428 German BATEMAN— S fr Wharton to Keed E of 20th BATH— N fr 1268 William BATON— S fr McKean to Snyder av E of S 20th BAUERSACH'S CT—rl330 N Front to 1329 Hope BAXTER'S PL— E fr 708 Marshall BAY— W fr 308 S 6th to 309 9 7th BAYARD— W fr 1332 S 7th BAYNON PL— W fr 960 Marshall BAYNTON (Gtn)—iv Wister to Wisteria ab Wakefield BAYTREE PL— S fr 624 Pine BEACH— N fr Willow bel Front BEALE PL— fr 1729 St Joseph's av BEAN PL— N fr Race ab 2d BEARD'S CT— W fr 1536 N 6th BEAMONT {Falls Schuyl)— BEAUMONT PL— N fr 107 Pegg BEAVER— fr 992 N 2d to 945 N 4th BEAVER— S fr Tasker to Dela- ware river E of Ash BECK— W fr 846 Swanson BECK PL— W fr838 S Front to Sutherland bet Queen and Christian BECKEL AV— W fr 532 Linden BECKER'S PL— W fr 318 St John BECKET— W fr 634 N 16th BECKET'S CT— W fr 932 S Front BECKETT-W fr Hamilton Ter- race bel Pine BEC Street Guide. BEV BECKMAN'S CT— E f r 717 St John SECK'S PL— S fr 224 Christian BECKWITH— N fr 1125 Catharine to Bainbridge * BEDLOE PL— N fr 1313 Carlton BEECH AV— E fr 221 S 24th BEECHWOOD— N fr Columbia av to Montgomery av ab N 21st BEEKMAN PL— N fr 421 Green BEELER'S CT— E of 835 Char- lotte BELAIR {Myk)—'W fr Mechanic to Grape BELDING'S ROW— N fr 1314 Shellbark BELFAST PL— N fr45 Beck BELGRADE— E fr Frankford av to Alleghany av bet Almond and Gaul BELGRADE {Bkg)—^ fr Ash to Alleghany av BELGRADE PL— N fr 1119 Co- lumbia av BELINDA PL— Nfr735 Alaska BELL (TrP)— N and S fr 4016 Powelton av BELL'S CT— S fr 1114 Ohio BELL'S CT— W fr Bingham's ct r of 279 S 4th BELLEVUE— W fr N 20th to N 23d S of Ontario BELLEVUE— N fr opp 1740 Fran- cis BELLEVUE— E fr N 63% S of Vine BELMONT AV (W P)—fx Marion av runs N E BELROSE— N fr 215 Willow to 2^ Noble BELROSE CT— S fr 1244 Cathar- ine BENEDICT PL— £r 1105 Hamilton BENEZET— Efr43Nllth BENFER'S CT— r 1009 St John BENNETT— W fr 114 S 7th to 115 8 8th BENNETT'S CT-N fr Cherry ab N3d BEN NEVILLE PL— W fr 724 Lisle to 723 Eussell BENTLEY'S CT-E fr 865 N 4th BENTON— S fr 1512 Market to 1513 Melroy BERGESS— fr Trenton R E to Amber ab Norris BERKLEY {Gtn)—^ fr Wissa- hickon av to Germantown av W of Robert's av BERKS— W fr N Front to Schuyl- kill river ab Montgomery av BERLIN— Sfr 406 Gaskill to 413 South BERMUDA {Fdk)—^ fr Frank- ford creek to Tucker S of Cambridge BERNARD'S CT— W fr 776 S 2d BERRY— E fr N 42d S of Haver- ford av BERRY— W fr N 41st S of Hav- erford BERRY PL— S fr 908 Locust BERRY'S AV— W fr 1320 German- town av to 1339 Charlotte BERTRAND PL— W fr 1248 Cad- walader BETHLEHEM— N fr Venango bel Jasper BETHLEHEM PIKE (C Hill)— It Germantown av N E to Coun- ty line BEULAH— S fr 714 Tasker BEV AN 'S AV— N fr 225 Washing, tonav BEVERLY PL— N of 827 Bain- bridge 10 BEV Philadelphia BOW BEVIN— S W fr Reading av BEXLEY ( Gin)— N fr V/issahick- on av to Pulaski av bel Cliel- ton av BICKH AM'S CT— W fr 614 S Front bel South BICKERING— N W fr Woodland av S E of S 62 BICKLEY'S AL— E fr 17 S 6th BIDDLE— Efr527N 25thto N 23d BIGLER— fr river Delaware to Schuylkill 2900 8 BILLIN6T0N— E fr 9 S 9th to Jayne BILYEU— N fr 729 Oxford BINDER'S CT— S fr 922 Poplar BINGHAM'S CT— N fr 317 Spruce BINGHAM PL— E fr N 33d ab Powelton av BIRCH— fr 1512 Fitzwater to Ca- tharine BIRCH— N W fr Salmon bel Ann BIRCH PL— W fr 116 N 8th BISHOP— W fr Head of Beach to 648 Richmond BISMARCK— S fr Reed ab S 8th BISSELL PL— W fr Bedell plab Cherry BLACKBURN— N fr 1013 Mifflin BLACK HORSE AL— W fr 24 S Front to S 2d BLACKSTONE— Sfrl414 Pine to 1421 Lombard BLADEN'S CT— N fr 117 Elfreth BLAIR— S fr Trenton R R ab Frankford av BLAKE PL— r 877 Lawrence BLAKE'S CT-S fr 822 South BLANCHE-N fr Mount Vernon to Hare BLEDISLOE'S PL— W fr 936 Mar- shall BLEY— N fr Hull E of Frank- ford av BLIGHT— fr Budd to 1341 Lom- bard * BL INN'S CT— W fr 824 N 4th BLISS— W fr Raspberry ah •Spruce BLOCK PL— W fr 621 Richmond BL0D6ETT {W P)— N fr 3721 Centre to Warren BLUNSTON AV— fr 34 S 19th BODINE— N fr 245 Jefferson BOHEMIA PL-E fr 767 S 4th BOLIVAR— W fr N 2d ab Vine BOLIVIA PL— E fr 253 N 11th BOLTON— E fr Bath to Delaware river S of Tioga BOLTON— S fr Ridge av to Mit- chell BOLTON— W fr Ridge av N of Jefferson to N 24th BOND— fr S 9th to S 11th S of Spruce BOND— S fr Dickinson to Mc- Kean W of S 12th BONNER PL— N fr 121 Laurel BOON— E fr Martin to Mechanic BOONE— W fr 1412 Lancaster BORDEN— W fr Moyamensing av to S 5th bel Wharton BOSLER— fr 209 N 11th to Castle St ct BOUDINOT (TT P)— N fr 3901 Market to N of Elm BOUDINOT— S fr Indiana to Som- erset bet C and D BOUVIER— N fr Master to Co- lumbia av bel N 18th BOUVIER'S AL— Nfrll9 Walnut to 126 Gothic BOWEN PL— W fr 910 S 17th BOW E R— W fr Garden bel Norris BOW Street Guide. BRO 11 BOWER— E fr Trenton av bel Norris BOWER PL— W fr 818 Eachelto N2(l BOWER'S PL— E fr Perkiomen ab N 1 7th bet Francis and Wylie BOWERY-fr Graver's la to Chestnut Hill BOWERY PL-W fr 338 Dugan BOWERY PL— Wfr408 Canton BOWMAN ( G?m)—E fr German- town and Chestnut Hill R R BOWSER {Fdk)—W fr Mulberry to Hedge BOYD'S AV— N fr 1025 Morgan BOYD'S CT— N fr 10 Chant's ct BOYER (G?^n)—frE Washington to Armat al^Cllew BOYER PL— EfrTS 10th BOYLE'S CT— N fr 625 Filbert BRABANT— N fr Alleghany av to Kensington E of Bath BRACELAND'S CT— W fr 916 S Front BRADDOCK— N fr 334 Hunting- don to Lehigh av n Choral BRADFORD— Sfr 1610 Spruce ab S 16th to 1613 Pine BRADFORD AL—W from 510 S 7th BRAMBLE PL— Efr 747 Passyunk av BRANCH— Wfr 224 N3cl BRANCHTOWN PIKE {Gtn)-con- tinuation of Mill BRANDYWINE— W fr 528 N 13th to 23d BRANNER'S AL— S fr 506 Vine BREAD— Nfr 227 Arch BREESE— W fr 222 Darcy BREMAN PL— fr Cadwalader ab Oxford BREWERY PL— Wfr 722 S Juni- per BRIDE PL— N fr 1211 Hamilton BRIDGE (Stf9)— N fr Delaware BRIDGE (Fdk)~S E Ir Frank- ford BRIER PL— S frl006 Locust to 1007 Spruce BRIGGS— fi fr 231 Madison BRIGHT— Nfr William to Wayne E of Trenton av BRIGHTON— W fr 214 S Broad to 15th BRILLING'S CT— Nfr 207 Union BRINGHURST (.Otn)—E fr 4659 Germantown av BRINKLEY PL— S fr 616 Cherry BRINTON— Eof 923S8th BRINTON— W fr 710 S 12th to 713 S13th BRINTON— N fr 435 Master to 426 Oxford BRISTOL (Gtn)—fr Robert's av to Frankford creek ab Junia- ta av BRISTOL— E fr Richmond to Delaware river ab Hedley BRISTOL {Nicetoion)—\Y fr N 15th N of Howard BRISTOL AV— E fr 1031 N Front BRISTOL PL— E fr 615 Guilford BRISTOW PL-E fr 621 New Market BROAD— see N and S Broad BROAD (JVicetovm)—S fr Ger- mantown av to Delaware river BROAD (^Roxhorough)—^ fr junction of Levering and Manayunk av BRODIE PL— E fr 951 St John BROGAN— Wfr 246 Raspberry to Vandeveer 12 BRO Philadelphia BUR BROMLEY PL— N fr 623 Com- merce BROOK— N fr 231 Buttonwood to 232 Brown BROOKLYN ( TFP)— N fr Haver- ford av to Lancaster av at) N 42d BROOK'S CT— N fr 162^ Kater to 1630 South BROMALL AV— N E fr S 53d to Baltimore av N of Whitby av BROWN (5^ S 4th FORREST PL— E fr 621 Guilford FOSTER (IT P)—W fr N 32d to 33d 8 of Arch FOSTER'S ROW— S frl229 Sorrel FOTHERGILL-S fr 918 Pino FOULKROD (i^dA;)— E fr Leiper to Tackawanna FOUNTAIN (J/r/I)— Nfr Main to Wissahickon creek bel Gor- gas la FOWLER— N fr Olive bel N 17th FOX— N fr Cumberland to Hun- tingdon E of N Front FOX— W fr Gaul ab Serrill FOX AV imcetown)—ii fr How- ard E of N 15th FOX'S CT— N fr 1221 South FOX'S CT— S fr 1224 Fitzwater FOX'S LA— W fr Islington la n Eidge av FRALEY'S CT— bet Allen Rich- mond Shackamaxon and Frankford avs FRAMPTON PL— N fr 1003 Nec- tarine FRANCIS— S Wfr 1614 Ridge av to Shirley FRANCIS— W fr 1114 S 12th to 13th FRANCIS PL— N fr 843 Marriott FAANCONI PL— E fr 715 N 9th FRANK (Gfn)—Nfr Wissahickon av to Quincy ab Carpenter FRANK'S CT— E fr 467 Franklin FRANKFORD {Main ^kd)—ir Mill to Bridge FRANKFORD {Whitehall)— 1^ fr Frankford creek to Trenton av FRANKFORD AV— N E fr Laurel ab Beach to Buck's la FRANKLIN— N fr Race to Lehigh av bel 8th FRANKLIN— W fr S 23d to 25th bel Pine FRANKLIN orORCHARD {Bdg)— fr Garden to Meadow N of Bridge FRANKLIN {Fkd)—^ fr Pine to FRA Street Guide. GAR 2S Foulkrod FRANKLIN {Gtn)—W fr 5426 Germantowu av FRANKLIN {W P)-E fr Meet- inghouse la to Pear E of jfas- chall FRANKLIN CT— Efr465 Franklin FRANKLIN SQ— fr Eace to Vine N of 6th to Franklin FREDERICK— W fr S 30th to 32(1 S of Moore FREE— EfrS 7th to Moyamen- sing av S of Jackson FREED'S AV— N fr 731 Cherry FREELAND AV— fr Rittenhouse to Penn bet MitchelandPechin FREEMAN'S CT—Wfr 210 Quince FREESTON'S PL— Efr 1007 Moy- amensing av FREMONT— E fr 1538 E Thomp- son to Salmon FRENCH— S fr Haverford av to Bridge FRENCH— W fr N 16th to 19th S of Susquehanna av FREYTAG AL— S fr Alaska to 515 Bainbridge FRIEDLANDER— N fr Cherry to Race ab N 20th FRIENDSHIP CT— E fr 627 St John FRIES CT— Wfrl6Nnth FROMER'S CT— S fr 940 Rodman FRONT— see N and S Front FRONT {JFkd)—W fr 4050 Frank- ford FULTON— Sfr 2208 Race FULTON— W fr 746 S 12th to 753 S13th FULTON— W fr Tulip to Trenton R R N of Somerset FULTON ^T— W fr 1117 Hewston FURLONG CT— N fr 707 Cherry FURNESS— N fr 303 Braneh to 304 New G— S fr Eric av to Kensington av E of N Front G— W fr 236 S 22d to 237 S 23d GABEL'S CT— S fr Brown n N 2d GADSBY PL— S fr 1714 Lombard GAFFNEY'S AV-S fr 632 Fitz- water GAINES PL— r 239 Queen GALBRAITH'S CT— E fr New Market n Noble GALENA-Sfr416Gaskill GALES CT— fr 755 Passyunk av GALLAGHER'S CT— S fr 1634 K.i- ter GALLATIN PL— S fr 112 China GALLOWAY— N fr 307 George to Canal GALLOWAY— W fr S 25th to 26th S of Federal GAMPHER'S AV— N fr 505 Catha- rine GARBER PL— E fr 463 New Mar- ket GARDEN— N fr 825 Vine to But- tonwood GARDEN— S fr Norri3 to Bower W of Frankford av GARDEN {Bdg)—:S fr Jenks to Frankford creek GARDEN ( irP)— N fr Myrtle to Westminster E of N 41st GARFIELD (Tacony)—N fr BR av GARIBALDI— W fr N 35th to Schuylkill av bel York GARIBALDI {liising 8un)—^Y fr N 10th to Goodman N of On- tario GARNET— N fr Jefferson to Ox- GAR Philadelphia GIN ford bel 20tli GARNET— N fr Somerset to Hart la W of Jasper GARRETSON PL— E fr 837 S 3d GARRISON CT— E fr 629 Andreas 6ARSIDE— Nfr 209 Race to Pem- broke pi GARSIDE—SWfrN 23d to Ridge av bel Montgomery av CARTON PL— N fr 1207 Kater GARVIN PL— r 236 Catharine GARWOOD PL— fr 801 Jayne GASCON AV— W fr 348 New Mar- ket GASKILL— W fr 518 S 2d to 5th GATZMER— W fr 120 S Front to 2d GAUL— N fr Montgomery av E of Cedar GAY {Myk)—-i^ fr 4771 Cressou GAYCT— Wfrl230N3d GEARY— fr Delaware river W GEARY— fr 1723 Wylie to Gin- nodo GEARY AV-E fr 208 Richmond to Allen GEBHARD— SfrRace to Cherry bel 16th GEBHART CT— S fr 1620 Carlton GEGAN— N fr Norris E of N 5th GEISLER— W fr Salmon below Clearfield GEISS— fr E Dauphin to E York E of Frank ford av GENOESE PL— S 326 Master GEORGE {Bdg)—iTom Ash to Church GEORGE (TrP)-E fr Hamilton GEORGE— Wfr 1046 N 2d to 965 N5th GEORGE CT— N fr 605 Sansom tiERHARD-S U- Mifflin to Mc- Kean E of S 12th GERKER— fr Columbia av ab E Thompson GERMAN— W fr 760 S 2d to Pass- yunk av GERMANTOWN AV-N W fr N Front and Laurel to township line GERRILL— Eand Wfr N Broad ab Cumberland GERRITT— W fr S 18th to 19th S of Reed GETZ— S fr Mifflin to McKean E of S 11th GETZELL PL— N fr 1219 Poplar GIBSON'S CT— E fr 817 Charlotte GIBSON'S AV— S W fr Elmwood av to city line GIBSON'S POINT— frS 58th Sch- uylkill GIDGEON'S CT— N fr 809 Wood GIFFORD PL— N fr 1631 Ogden GIHON PL— W fr Carlisle N of Girard av GILBERT— W fr Kessler to N 10th ab Fairmoimt av GILES— Wfr N 32d to Natrona S of Columbia av GILLESPIE'S CT— Sfr 1346 South to 1343 Kater GILLINGHAM (rkd)—E fr Mul- berry to Jefferson GILL IS AL— fr 508 Lombard to 509 South GILL'S AL— S fr 1012 Poplar GILL'S PL— S fr 722 Bainbridge GILMORE PL— Wfr 926 St John GILPIN— Efr 13 S 17th GILPIN PL— W fr 842 Lawrence to Orchard GINNODO— Wfr Ridge »v to X 19th bel Girard av GIR Street Guide. GllA 31 GIRARD— W fr S Itth to 12th bel Market GIRARD AV— W fr E Norris bel Thompson GIVEN PL— fr 219 Christian GIVEN 'S CT— N fr opp 2020 Fil- bert to 2020 Cuthbert GLADDING PL— W fr 704 N 13th GLANGY PL— N fr 1009 Noble GLASGOW PL— S fr Poplar bet N 2d and St John GLASMIRE PL— Efr 873 Orchard GLASS CT— S fr 1420 Bainbridge GLAZIER PL— E fr 919 N 3d GLENAT'S CT— N fr 33 Poplar GLENVILLE PL— W fr 828 N 15th GLENWOOD— fr 133 Pegg GLENWOOD AV— begins N 31st and Master runs N E to N Front S E of Connecting K R GLOUCESTER PL— W fr 10 7 Frankford av GODEY— S fr 624 Catharine G D F R E Y— E f r Moy amensing a V to S 2d S of Tasker GODFREY (G^n)—fr 147 Lehman 60DPREY AV— N E fr 409 Jeff- erson to 1536 N 4th GOLD— N fr 2327 Pennsylvania av GOLD— W fr S 2d to Dock bel Chestnut GOLDBECK— W fr N 28th to 31st N of Girard av GOLDBECK'S AV-E fr 1131 N 2d GOLDSMITH'S CT-E fr Rachel n Poplar GOLDSM ITH'S CT— W f r 518 New Market GOLSER'S CT— E fr N Front bel Thompson aON8HA-N fr Lisboa bel S 6th GOOD ( Otn)—Wtr 5408 German- town av GOOD BREAD PL— S fr 1006 Ver- non GOODMAN— S fr Rising Sun la to EUwood la GOODMAN'S CT— Efr New Mar- ket ab Vine 600DWATER—fr 204 Washington sq to 223 S 8th GOODWILL AL—S fr Race to Cherry GOODWILL CT—Sfr Race bel N Juniper GOODWIN PL— W fr 1454 Beach GORDON— fr Geiss S of E Dau- phin GORDON PL— Nfr 1831 Naudain GORDO N'SCT-Sfr 1016 Rodman GORE'S CT— S fr 316 Bainbridge G0R6AS (Gtn)—E fr 5581 Ger- mantown av GORREL'S CT-W fr 910 S 5th GOSHEN AV-W fr 309 S 11th 60SS CT— S fr 18 Emeline GOSSAMER AV— Nfr 1005 Noble to Hamilton GOTHIC— W fr 126 S Front to 2d GOUJON'S PL— fr911 Marshall GOVETT'S CT— N fr 921 Rodman GO WEN'S LA— E fr 5777 German- town av GRACE-W fr N 16th to 17th bel GRAFF— Wfr 254 N nth GRAFTON PL— E fr 809 Fallon GRAFTON'S CT— E fr 829 S 5th GRAM ME NT PL— N fr 829 Car- penter GRAMPIAN PL— E fr 703 N 13th GRANITE— W fr 212 S Front tq Dock 32 GRA Philadelphia GUA GRANT— W fr S 9th to 10th N of Mifflin GRANVILLE— W of S 20th to 315 S22d GRAPE (i^f2/^-)— N E fr 4341 Main G RAPE ( W P)— W f r 614 N 33d GRATZ— N fr Oxford to Colum- bia av bel 19th GRAVEL'S CT— S fr 1304 Olive GRAVER'S LA {Gtn)-E fr Ger- mantown av to Township line GRAY— Nfr 115 Poplar GRAYDON— N fr Cowslip bet Eace and Vine GRAY'S FERRY RD-W fr S 23d and South to Scliuylkill GRAY'S AV— E fr S 72d W of Elmwood av GRAY'S LA ( W P)— S fr Haver- ford av to Woodland av GRAYSON-W fr N 15th ab Fair- mount av GREAVE'S CT— E fr 1311 Cadwal- ader GREEN (Ji^M)— E fr 4163 Frank- ford GREEN (Gin)- N fr Manheira bel Germantowu av to Car- penter GREEN {Rising Sun)—^ E fr Germantown av to Goodman S of Westmoreland GREEN— W fr 600 N Delaware av to Schuylkill river GREEN HILL— N fr Seybert to Master bet N 16th and 17th GREEN LA (G^n)—Efr Old York rd GREEN LA {Myk)—'^ E fr 4501 Main GREENOCK PL-N frill? Mark's la GREEN'S CT— S of 624 St Mary GREEN'S CT— W fr N 8th bet Race and Vine GREENVILLE— WfrPointHouse rd n Salt Works 1st Ward GREENVILLE PL— W from 225 Vaughn GREENWAY AV-E of Woodland av ab S 70th GREEEWICH— Wfrl534S Front GRENWOOD PL— E fr N Front to Beach bet Green and Fair- mount av GREER— W fr Adrian n Otis GRIFFITH— S from Dickinson to Morris E of S 13th GRIFFITH— E fr 810 E Thompson G R I M 'S A V— W f r 912 N 3d G RIM'S CT— Efr 1015 Lawrence GRIM'SCT-Efr909N3d GRINDSTONE AL— N fr Market to Church ab N 2d GRINNELL PL— S of Bainbrldge W of S Broad GRISCOM— S fr 416 Spruce to 417 Pine GRISWOLD'S AL— S frMetcalf to 515 Fitzwater GROSS— W fr N 27th to Pennsyl- vania av ab Poplar GROVE— N Efr 1812 Perkiomen to Geary GROVE— S fr Wharton W of S 35th G ROVER— S fr 110 Queen to 107 Cliristian GRUBB— fr S Juniper to Syea- more bel Locust G RUM'S CT— N fr 1731 Jones 6UATE— N fr Tioga to Rising Sun la W of N 9th GUC Street Guide. HAli 33 GUCKE'S CT— W fr 854 St Sohn GUEST— W fr N 32d to Natrona N of Oxford GUILFORD-S fr 226 South to 229 Monroe 6UIREY— SEfr S 12th to Pass- yunk av GULIELMA-E fr 515 S 15th GURNEY— S E fr Somerset to Leamy GUY'S BLOCK— E fr 307 S 22d GUY'S CT— S fr 2134 Spruce GWINN iMyk)—E fr Main bel Division GWINN— Sfr 2114 Spruce GWINN PL— E fr 1023 Charlotte H— S fr Erie av to Kensington av E of G HAAS— N fr Somerset to Indiana W of N 22d HAAS PL— W fr 702 Brook to 705 N3d HACKER PL— W fr 940 S 4th HACKETT'S CT— S fr 438 Monroe HACKLEY— W fr N 4th ab Berks to 1907 Germantown av HADDON PL— S f r 706 Poplar HAGEDORN PL— N fr 405 Lynd HAGERT— W fr N 22d to 28th N of York HAGNER— S fr 1132 Eodman to 1133 South HAHN— S fr Wharton to Reed W of S 20th HAHN CT— N fr 1915 Culhbert HAINES (Gtn)—E fr 5031 Ger- mantown av HAINES— W fr N 12th to 13th bet Poplar and Girard av HAINES CT— S fr 1026 Lemon HAINES PL— N fr Kates n S Broad HALE— N fr 309 Columbia av HALE'S CT— N fr 931 Federal HALL— W fr S 9th n Carpenter HALLECK PL— W fr 1306 Char- lotte HALLOWELL-W fr 1016 S 6th HAMELL'S CT-S fr 1708 Lom- bard HAMILTON iMyIc)—W fr 170 Green la HAP,/IILTON (Tacony)— HAMILTON— W fr 440 Canton to N 25th fr Schuylkill river to Lancaster av HAMILTON'S CT— VV fr 1328 N Front HAMILTON TER ( TTP)- S fr Bal- timore turnpike ab S 40th HAMLET PL— fr 1221 Hope HAMMITT'S AV-N fr Crease ab Queen HAMPTON— Wfr 420 S 20th to 413 S 21st HANCE PL— W fr 1504 Cadwala- der to 1505 Germantown av HANCOCK— N fr Otter ab N Front HANCOCK (G^n)— N fr Shoema- ker's la HAND— W fr 412 S 20th to 407 S 21st HANLEY— S fr 526 Wharton HANLY'S CT-Nfr 605 Wall HANOVER— W fr Delaware river to Frankford av HANSBERRY (G^)— NfrWissa- hickon av to Germantown av ab Queen HANS ELL'S CT— N fr 1003 Barley HARBERGER PL— S fr 1703 Jones HARBESON PL— N fr CallowhiU ab N 13th 34 HAR Philadelphia HAY HARBOR— W fr 1G22 Frankford av HARDEN CT— S fr Pearl ab N 15th HARDING PL— S fr 322 Gterman HARE— Wfr 730 N22d HARKER PL— N fr 1829 Barker HARKINSON PL— N fr Baker bet S 7th and 8th HARLAN— W fr N 19th to 20th N of Master HARLEY'S CT— N fr 2009 Market to opp 2007 Jones HAR WAN AL— S fr 2122 Sansom HARMAR— W fr Newport to Su- therland av S of Reed HARMER— W fr 866 N 11th to 857 N12th HARMONY— N fr Reed to Gray's Ferry rd W f r S 35th HARMONY— Wfr 142 S 3d to 143 S4th HARMONY— W fr 770 S 4th to 757 S5th HARMONY CT— W fr 404 S 6th HARMSTEAD— W fr 528 S 19th to 22d HARMSTEAD PL— S fr 912 Ogden HAROLD— W fr N 22d to 27th N ol Huntingdon HARPER-W fr N 28th to 29th S of Girard av HARPER PL— Kfr623 Guilford HARPER'S CT—Sfr 2006 Lombard HARPER'S CT-W fr 508 S 18th HARRIET— Sfr 1020 Ross HARRIET PL— N fr 2001 Pearl to 2002 Wood HARRISON— E fr Howard to Frankford av S side of Ken- sington Depot HARRISON {mcd)—ir Frankford to Mulberiy HARRISON {Mtjk)—^ fr 130 Gay HARRISON'S CT (Gtn)-ii fr 1017 Pleasant HARRIS' CT— W fr 10 Letitia HARROWGATE LA— fr Frankford av to Kensington av HARSHAW— N fr Catharine to Fitzwater E of S 20th HART— W fr N 10th to Warnock S of Berks HARTLEY'S PL— S fr 1338 Cherry HARTMAN'S CT-W fr Gray's Ferry rd bel South HARTRANFT— fr DelaAvare river to Schuylkill 3309 S (Not opened) HARTRANFT AV—fr Delaware to Schuylkill S of Porter HART'S LA— N W and W fr Frankford av ab Reading R R HART'S LA— N W fr Huntingdon ab N 20th HARTUNG'S— Wfr40N 2d to 35 N3d HARTWELL AV— W fr Gennan- tawn av to Wissahickon pike HARVEY {Gtn)—W fr 5048 Ger- mantown av HARVEY'S CT-W fr 406 S 21st HARVEY'S PL-E fr 1021 St John HARVEY PL ( Gtn)-S fr 4 Harvey HASKIN PL— S fr 220 Federal to Marion bel Moyamensing av HASSINGER AV— W fr 118 N Juniper HATTON PL— Nfr 813 Cherry to 840 Race HAVERFORD ( TT P)— W fr Sch- uylkill river ab Rockland H AVI LAND PL— W fr 248 N 8th HAWTHORN AV— N fr 1701 Barker HAY— W fr 1326 S 6th HAY Street Guide. HER 35 HAYDOCK— N W f r N Front and Laurel to Germantown av HAY'S— W fr 1326 S 6tli to 1331 S 7th HAY'S CT-E fr 325 St John HAY WARD PL— N fr 919 Hamilton HAYWOOD— S E fr Krail bet Crawford and Indian Queen la HAYWOOD PL— S fr 914 Hamilton HAZEL— W fr 1726 S Front to S 2d HAZLEWOOD— S fr Montrose to Carpenter W of 23d HAZZARD—Wfr Cedar to Frank- ford av hel Huntingdon HAZZARD'S CT— N fr 1917 Cuth- hert HEATH— W fr N 13th to Ontario bet Poplar and Girard av HEBERTON CT— S fr 1618 Lom- bard HEBREW PL— E fr 217 N 3d KECKPL— Efr961N2d HECKMAN PL— N fr 815 Willow HEDKROTH PL— W fr Weaver bet Green and Fairmount av HEDDING— N fr North W f r N 15th HEDGE (i?lcZ)— N fr Unity to Meadow HEDGE'S PL— S fr 924 Hamilton HEDLEY— E fr Richmond to De- laware river N of Erie HEILIG PL— N fr 515 Carpenter to 8 Native HEJNS— W fr 338 S 12th to 339 S 13th HEISS PL— W fr 423 Moyer HELEN— Nfr Somerset to Hart la W of Emerald HELENA PL— N fr 219 Christian HELMUTH— W fr S 16th to 17th bet Lombard and Pine HEMBERGER— N fr Berks to Norris E of N 23d HEMLOCK PL— S fr 1442 South to Alaska HEMPLE'S CT— N fr 1007 Hamil- ton HENCK'S CT— W fr 822 Rachel bel Poplar HENDERSON'S CT-S fr 1040 Rodman to 1041 South HENLY CT— N fr731 Carpenter HENRIETTA— W fr opp 1341 N 21st to 1309 N 22d HENRIETTA AV-S fr Hunter ab NlOth HENRY— Efr Spangler to How- ell N of Snyder av HENRY— N fr 1111 Lombard to Barley HENRY— W fr Mascher to Coop- er N of Ontario HENRY {Gtn)— HENRY CT— W fr 1312 German- town av HEPBURN— S fr 1618 Bainbridge to 1621 Fitzwater HEPBURN PL— W fr 746 Pass- yunk av HERALD PL— W fr 6 Ledger pi HERB— W fr 516 N 19th to 509 N 20th HERBERT PL— N fr 1221 Silver HERDMAN— Efr 815 Perkiomen HERD MAN CT— W fr 830 N 5th HER M AN— E f r 5111 Germantown av H ER M AN— S f r Wharton to Reed E of S 18th HERMANN— W fr N 19th bet York and Dauphin to N 30th HERMAN'S Cl-W fr 318 Gris- 36 HER PllILADELPniA HOL com HERMIT {Myk)— HERMJTAGE— fr 307 Green to 310 Fairmount av HERMITAGE (il/2/A;)— N fr 4615 Jackson HERO PL— N fr 423 Carpenter HERSCHELL AV— N fr 2035 Hand HESTON— E fr Lancaster av and Belmont HEWSON— W fr Salmon to Bel- grade S of Somerset HEWSON— W fr 717 Thompson HEWSON— E fr Girard av bel Otis HEWITT PL— W fr Quince bet Pine and Spruce HEYER PL— W fr 210 Levant HIBBERD— N fr 1125 Girard av HICKEY— S fr 1522 Market to 1519 Melloy HICKORY CT-S fr 604 Willow HICKORY (Hbg)— HICKS— N fr 1519 Reed to Whar- ton HIDE'S CT— N fr 825 Filbert HIGGIN'SCT— N fr 139 Carpen- ter HI6GINS' PL— S W fr 118 Car- penter HIGH (G^n)— Efr 5057 German- town av HIGHLAND— W fr 20 N 10th to 17 Nllth HIGHLAND AV (C imi)—W fr Germantown av HIGHLAND PL— N fr 1023 Hunter HIGHLAND {now Hunter)— HIGHT'S AV— N fr 2509 Callow- hill HIGHT'S CT— N fr 923 Hamilton MILAN D PL— W fr 1436 CadwaUi- der HILL— E fr 739 S 15th to Rose- wood HILL— Efr Lyceum av to Mar- tin HILLERMAN PL— E fr 317 Gar- den HILLES {Fkd)—ir Franlcford av to Orchard bel Green HILL'S CT— S fr 1824 Naudain HILLSDALE— N fr 319 Cherry HILLSIDE AV— N fr Manayunk av to Asliland ab Penn HIMMELWRIGHT PL-W fr 908 S 6th HINES' CT— S fr 222 Christian HINES' CT— W fr 925 Rodman HIPPLE'S LA (Jf2/^•)— N f r P & NRR HIRAM {Gtn)— HOBENSACK PL— N fr 144 Fair- mount av HOCK PL— S fr 1400 Brown HOCKLEY— S fr Emerick bet Belgrade and Ireland HOFFMAN— W fr S 4th to 10th S of Mifflin HOFFMAN— W fr N 61st S of Gi- rard av HOFFMAN'S CT— E fr 211 N 2d HOG ISLAND LA {Pville)—¥. fr Tinicum rd S of Island rd HOLLAND PL-E fr N 5th bet Brown and Poplar HOLLAND PL— N fr 1023 Parrish HOLLINGER— S fr Columbia av to Connecting R R E of N 32d HOLLINGSWORTH— W fr N 31st to Natrona N of Columbia av HOLLOWAY PL— see Heisler pi HOLLOY'S— frl530 Fitzwater to • Kater IIOL Street Guide. HUM HOLLY ( irP)— N fr Myrtle HOLMAN CT— N fr Otis to Cum- berland bel Frankford av HOLMES AL— AV fr 300 New Mar- ket HOLMES AV {Hhg)— HOLT AV— W fr New Market bet Green and Fairmount av HOME PL-S fr 228 German HOMER AV— E fr 247 N 13th HOPE— N fr Canal ab N Front HOPKINS— N fr Cherry to Eace W of N 57th HOPKINSON PL— Wfr 124 N Ju- niper HORN'S CT— E fr 913 St John HORSTMAN— N fr Somerset to Indiana W of N 21st HORSTMANN— S fr 4^6 Borden HO RSTM ANN'S ROW-E fr 777 S 3d HORSTMAN'S CT— S fr 212 Car- penter HORSTMANN 'S CT— S fr 320 Ger- man HORST'S CT— W fr 1730 Cadwal- ader HORTER {Gtn)—f^ fr Chew to Germantown av bel Church HOUBEN'S PL~W fr 1148 Canal to 1145 N 3d HOUSEKEEPER'S CT— W fr Beach ab Warren HOUSTON 'S CT-S fr 940 Rodman HOUTEN ROW-E fr 1819 N 6th ab Montgomery ar HOWARD {Gtn)—E fr 4019 Ger- mantown av HOWARD— N fr Fairmount av ab N 22d HOWARD— N fr Girard av ab N Front HOWARD AV— N of School E of Lawrence HOVMRD'S CT— N frl621 Hamil- ton HOWEL {Bdo)—tr Kirkbride to Church HOWELL— W fr 320 S 19th to S 20th HOWELL (TTP)- Wfr N 32d to 3Sd N of Arch HOWELL— N fr Snyder av to S Delaware av bel Spangler HUBBELL— S fr 810 Fitz water to Catharine HUBBS— W fr N 20th bel Oxford HUBERT PL— E fr 875 N 5th HUCKEL'S CT— rl21 South HUDSON— S fr 316 Market HUDSON— Wfr Walker to Ara- mingo canal N of Lehigh av HUGHES PL— W fr 1024 Moya- mensing av HULL— N W fr Trenton av ab Ann HULL PL— Wfr 970 N Delaware av HULSEMAN CT— S fr 1240 Fitz- water HULSEMAN PL— W fr 1216 N Front to 1221 Hope HUHN— S fr Wharton to Reed W of S 20th HUMBOLT— E fr N 11th to Read- ing R R N of Ontario HUMBOLT— Wfr N 22d to 26th N of Cumberland HUME— S fr 508 Bainbridge HUMMEL— Wfr S 28th to Sch- uylkill av bel Ellsworth HUMMELL'SCT— E f r 943 N 8d HUMPHREY'S CT— N fr 1505 Fil- bert 38 HUN Philadelphia JAC HUNTER'S CT— N fr 1519 Vine HUNTER'S ROW— W fr 300 S 11th to 333 Quince HUNTER— E and W fr N 10th ab Market HUNTINGDON— fr river Delaware to Schuylkill HUNTING PARK AV {Nicetown)— HUNT'S CT— E fr 82.5 Charlotte HUNT'S LA— E fr Emeline to Tu- lip S of Thames HURLEY— S fr Indiana to Hart bel Boudinot HURON (irP)— W fr Brooklyn HURON PL— W fr 1408 Philip HURST— S fr 524 Lombard to South HUTCHINSON— Nfr Huntingdon to Somerset ab N 9th HUTCHINSON— N fr 921 Poplar HUTCHINSON CT— E f r 203 Dean HUTTON (IFP)— W fr 35th ab Myrtle HYDRA PL— N fr 407 Noble I— S fr Erie av to Kensington av Eof H IDA— W fr S 31st to 32d bel Mif- flin ILLINOIS— S fr Locust to Kitten- house bet S 17th and 18th INCREASE CT— S fr Sansom ab S 10th INDIANA— fr river Delaware to Schuylkill INGERSOLL— W fr N 17th bel Master INGLE {Otn)—E fr Haiues INGLISS— W fr 112 S Front INGRAM— W fr S 27th to 28th bel Federal INNES-Wfr 112 Allen INQUIRER— N fr Brown to Par- rish ab N 11th INSTITUTE— N fr Columbia av to Montgomery av ab N 17th IOWA AV— S fr Union ab N 2d IRANISTAN— N fr German ab S 4th IRELAND— N fr Columbia av ab Belgrade IRELAND'S CT— W fr 718 Brooks IRON PL— S fr 88 Laurel IRVIN {Bdg)—^ fr Howell runs W to School IRVIN (IFP)- W fr N 48th to 49th S of Transcript IRVING (irP)— Wfr S 37th bel Locust to S 41st IRWIN— W fr 1220 Eidge av to 625 N 13th ISAAC'S CT— S fr 916 Vine ISABELLA— W fr Emeline bel Somerset ISENIINGER— Sfr 1222 Budd to 1217 Heins ISLAND RD {Pville)—iv Penrose Ferry to Woodland av ISLINGTON LA— fr Eidge av bel 26th IVORY PL— N fr 21 Baker IVY— W f r 508 S 10th to 511 S 11th J— S fr Erie av to Kensington av E of I JACKSON— fr Delaware river to Schuylkill 2200 S JACKSON {Fkd)—ix Tucker to Bridge ab Foulkrod JACKSON (il/?/A:)— Nfr 4429 Main JACKSON (i^/2/^0— Wfr4610Was- ington JACKSON— S fr 1022 Washington av to Ellsworth JACKSON— W fr Memphis to Martha bel Lehigh av JAC Street Guide. .TOR 39 JACKSON— W fr N 8th to 9th S of Tioga JACKSON— W fr S 9th to 10th bel Cantrell JACOB'S PL— Efr 861 Eandolph JACOBY— S fr 1218 Monterey JACOBY AV— Nfrl87 Oxford JAMES— fr Edgmont to Thomp- son S of Judge JAMES (i^(Z)— N fr Orthodox to Margaret JAMES (Fkd)—S W fr Bridge JAMES( ir/w^e/iaZO— commences at Frankford runs N to Ken- nedy JAMISON— W fr 1210 S 7th JAMISON'S CT-N fr 2309 Hamil- ton JANE— W fr Yhost to 809Pass- yunk av JANNEY—Nfr Tioga to Erie av W of Tulip JARVIS— W fr Lancaster bel Keed JASPER— N E fr intersection of N Front and York to Lehigh av JAVA PL— S fr 916 Vine JAY— N fr 805 Wallace to Fair- mount av JAYNE— W fr 28 S 6th to 21 S 9th JEFFERSON (Fkd)—^ E fr Ox- ford to Orthodox JEFFERSON (G?fn)— N W fr Johnson to Germantown av JEFFERSON ( i^/^/^•)— N f r P & N RR JEFFERSON i3Iyk)—W fr Cres- son ab Armitage JEFFERSON— W fr Frankford av bel Oxford JEFFERSON PL— W fr 94 8 N Front JEFFREY PL— W fr 1108 N Front JENKINS— Efr 23 N 2d JENKS {Bdg)—S fr Richmond to Delaware river JENNING'SCT— Sfrl20 Marion JENNING'S ROW— N fr 305 Cath- arine JERUSALEM PL— S fr 1202 Pearl JESSAMINE— Efr 915 S 15th bel Christian JESSUP-S fr 1110 Bainbridge to Catharine JOHN (Bdg)—^ fr Lefevre to Buckius bet Belgrade and Frankford creek JOHN {Fkd)—ix Wain to Tacka- wanna bel Oxford JOHN {Myk)—^ E fr 4021 Cres- son JOHN— WfrMascher to Cooper N of Tioga JOHN (J/i//.)— now Markle JOHN'S CT— W fr 408 N 24th JOHN'S PL— E fr 1313 Wheat JOHNSON {Gtn)—^ fr 5257 Ger- mantown av JOHNSON— fr Delaware river to Schuylkill river 2800 S (Not opened) JOHNSON— Nfr Sellers bet Lei- per and Oakland JOHNSON— W fr 5300 German- town av to W of Green JOHNSTON— Wfr 38 S 19th to 21st JOINT AL— E fr S 15th ab Chest- nut JONES— W fr 14 N 16th to 17th N 21st JORDAN— S fr Wharton to Reed W of S 20th JORDAN'S PL— N fr Callowhill 40 JOS PniLADELPIIIA KEN- to 2412 Hiuniltou JOSEPHINE {Fkd)—^ fr Church to Oxford JOYCE— N fr 421 Moore JOYCE— S fr Venango W of Frank ford av JUAN PL— Efr 527 S 13th JUDD PL— E fr 749 Passyimk av JUDGE— fr Edgemont to Thomp- son S of Maple JUDSON— N fr Berks to Norris bet N 23d and 24th JUDSON— S fr Parrish ab N 23d JULIA— N fr 153 Fairmount av to 154 Brown JULIANNA—fr 519 Vine to Willow JULIUS PL— E fr 1005 S 2d JUNE— W fr 751 S 7th to 8th S of Fitz water JUNE (IFP)- S fr Seneca n N 47th JUNIATA— S fr Borden to 411 Keed JUNIATA AV {Gtn)—tr Koberts' av to Frank ford creek ab Rox- borough JUNIATA {Nicetown)— JUNIATA (TFP)- N fr Arch W of N 62d JUNIOR PL— W fr 1234 N Front JUSTICE— W fr S 26th to 27th S of Federal JUSTICE'S CT— W fr 514 N 2d JUVENAL— S fr 1028 Sansom to 1031 Walnut K— S fr Erie av to Kensington av E of J KANE'S CT— N fr 12 Darcy KANE'S CT— N fr 1)29 Rodman KANE'S PL— N fr 131 Carpenter KANSAS— S fr Naval Asylum n Sutherland av KATER-W fr Lloyd to Gray's Ferry rd KATES— N frl511 Federal KATES— AV fr 812 S 15ih to Holly KATES— W fr 812 S 13th to Broad KAUFFMAN— E fr 811 S 4th KAUFFMAN CT— E fr 211 N 2d KEATING PL— W fr N 2d ab No- ble KEBLE— W fr 400 S 8th to 409 S 9th KEEFE— W fr 1121 S Front to Wheat KEELER'S LA— E fr S Front to Otsego S of Mifflin KEELEY'S LA (My/c)—^ fr 148 Green la KEEN AN 'S CT— E fr 1425 Ger- mantown av KEICHLEIN'S CT—E fr 1137 Char- lotte ab George KEICHLINE PL— N fr 1133 Oiive KELLY— fr N 13th to Juniper N of Chestnut KELLY'S CT— IT fr 317 German to 320 Stanley KELLY'S CT— N fr 237 Washing- ington av KELTON— S fr 141G Race to Cherry KEMBLE— W fr 402 S 12th to 413 S 13th KEMPTON— W fr S 5th to 6th bet Walnut and Spruce KENDERTON— S fr Venango E of N Broad KENILWORTH PL— E fr Emerald bel Westmoreland KENNEBEC CT— N fr 2013 Nau- dain KENNEDY {WHall)—^ fr Ta- cony to Trenton av KEN Stiieet Guide. KNE 41 KENNEDY'S CT— AV fr 928 N Front KENNY PL— S fr 234 Monroe KENSINGTON AV— N E fr inter- section of N Front and York KENT— W fr S 22d to 26tli N of Pine KENTON PL— N fr 217 Lodi;e KENWOOD PL-fr Hamilton ab N 10th KENWORTHY'S CT— N fr 72 7 Cherry to 110 Eutaw KENYON—Nfr 23.5 New KEPTNER— N of Brown bet Otis and Ash KERON PL— r of St John ab Cal- lowhill KERR— S fr 2219 Pine to 2213 Lombard KERR— W fr Lawrence to 8G7 N 6th KERSHAW AV ( TTP)- E fr Meet- ins House la to Lancaster av KERSHOW— N fr Cherry to Race ab N Broad KESSLER— N fr 905 Fairmount av KESSLER'S PL-N fr 341 Fair- mount av KETTLEWELL— E fr Richmond to Bath S of Tioga KETURATH PL— Efr 1015 St John KEYSER— E fr Columbia av N of Richmond KEYSER— N fr Somerset to In- diana W of N 20th KEYSER— W fr 1336 Lawrence to 1329 N 5th KEYSER'S CT— W fr 312 New Market KEYSER'S CT— W fr 918 N 6th KEYSER'S LA {Gtn)-E fr 5131 Gcrmantown av KEYSTONE {Tacony)— KIBLEN PL— N fr 145 Green KiEHL— E fr Waterloo ab Clear- field KILDARE— W fr Osprey bet N 24th and 25th Spring Garden and Biddle KILLIAN'S LA (Pw7?e)— Efr Tin- icum rd S of Island rd KILPATRICK'S CT— N fr 6 09 Lombard KIMBALL— W fr 1012 S 19th to 23d KING'S CT— N fr 1351 Kates KING'S CT— S fr 2120 Sansom KINGSESSING AV (TFP)— W fr S 42d to 47th KINGSTON— E fr Richmond to Myrtle S of Venango KINGSTON— W fr 202 S 13th to Juniper KINLEY'S CT—Sfr 1624 Lombard KINNIER (G^n)— N fr Chelton av to Bowman KINSLEY'S PL— N fr Kempton E f r 253 S 6th KIPS— N fr Tusciilum to Indiana E of Fillmore KIRBY PL— E fr 417 Garden KIRK (G/n)— N fr Green to Adams bel Johnson KIRKBRIDE {Bdg)—\Y fr Dela- ware river to Ash KIRKHAM PL— S fr 720 Race KIRKPATRICKCT— Efr719S 6th KITCHEN (Jioxb)— KLINE'S CT— W fr 920 N 3d KLINE'S ROW— E fr 1307 Law- rence KNEASS— W fr 412 Blackstone to 415 S 15th 42 KNI Philadelphia LAT KNICKERBOCKER PL— S fr U52 Cherry KNIGHT'S CT— S fr 912 Cherry KNIGHT'S CT— S fr 826 Cherry KNORR— N E fr FiUmore to Hun- tingdon S W of Kensington av KNOWLE'S AV— S fr 2408 Naudain KNOX (GZn)— N from Queen to Coulter KNOX— N fr 919 Brown to 914 Parrish KRAIL— N E fr Crawford to In- dian Queen la Falls Schyl KRESLER— N fr Norris to Dia- mond bel Germantown av KRIDER'S AL— Wfr738Swanson to 741 S Front KRIDER'S CT— W fr 723 Alaska KURTZ— frills Poplar LACON PL— N fr Krider's al bet Almond and Mead LAFAYETTE ( Gm)— N fr Wayne av to Green bet Bittenhouse and Harvey LAFAYETTE— W f r 1156 S 9th to 2167 S 10th LAFFERTY'S CT-S fr 524 Chris- tian LAFFERTY'S ROW {Point Breeze S fr Magazine la n Kiver rd LAGRANGE— N fr Washington av to Carpenter E of Broad LAGRANGE— W fr 40 N 2d LY HARPE PL— N fr 506 Rugan L A M B D I N— S f r Dickinson to Tas- ker E of S 18th LAMBERT— N fr Clearfield to E- rie av W of Cooper LAMBERT— Nfr Montgomery av to Berks E of 21st LAMBERT-W fr 224 N 13th to 229 N Juniper LANARK PL— W fr 940 Beach LANCASTER— S fr 112 Marion LANCASTER M—{WP) N W f r Market n N 31st to City av LANCASTER— (irP) N E f r 33d to Market bet Woodland av and Market LANCER'S CT— W fr 1320 NPass- yunk av LANDING— NWfr Fairraountav to Lemon Hill LANDING AV— fr Schuylkill riv to Eeading R R LANDIS— W fr 268 S 4th to 275 S Fifth LANDRETH— W fr 146 N Pith to 147 N 13th LANE'S CT—S fr 1308 Lombard LANGDON PL— W fr 1308 Corn LANGDON PL— N fr Manilla bel Christian LANSDOWNE AV— W fr Elm av to Haverf ord av S of Hadding- ton LANSING PL— N fr 417 South LARCH— N fr 1009 Wallace LARDNER— W fr S Broad to 263 S15th LARK— N fr William to Wayne W of Tulip LARKIN— Sfrom Lombard to 11 South LATHBURY'S CT— Sfr 520 Alaska LATIMER— from 1127 Otis to 1128 Ash LATIMER— Wfr 254 S 15th tol/th LATIMER CT— N fr 223 German LATIMER CT—S fr 1616 Latimer LATIMER PL— W fr 244 S 17th to Illinois LATONA-W fr S 16th to S 22d LATOUR'S CT—S fr 818 Willow LAU Street Guide. LEV 43 LAURA— Efr S 22(i to Jordan, S of Wharton LAUREL iGtn)—E fr 4833 Ger- mantown av LAUREL— W fr N Delaware av to N 2d bel Hay dock LAURENS iGtn)—fr School to Manheim ah Wissahickon av LAVA PL— E fr 207 J)uponceaii LAWRENCE— N fr 419 Brown to N of Oxiord LAWRENCE AV— W fr S 18th to 19th S of Wharton LAWS CT— S fr 218 Christian LAWSON— N fr Pearl to Wood bet N 11th and 12th LAYMAN PL— N fr 715 Jayne to Shoemaker LEADBEATER'SAV-Wfr 212 N Juniper to 209 Lybrand LEAD EN'S CT— S fr 732 Alaska LEAGUE— W fr 1026 S 19th to 23d LEAMY— S fr Erie av to Lehigh E of N Front LEANDER-S fr Mifflin to Sny- der av E of S 17tli LEBANON— S fr 916 Fitzwater to Christian LEBURN (Gtn)—tr Harvey to Rittenhouse ab Green LEDGER PL— W fr 50 N 2d to 7 Lagrange LEE— N fr Cumberland to Hun- tingdon E of N Front LEE— W fr S 18th N of Chestnut LEED'S AV— S fr 1416 Vine LEED'S PL— S fr 1222 Olive LEE'S PL— S fr 1006 Alaska LEFEVRE {Bdg)—tT Frankford creek to Delaware river LEHIGH AV— W fr Delaware riv- er bel Somerset LEHMAN {Gtn)—E and W fr Wayne av ab Chelton av LEIB— N fr Columbia av to Har- rison bet Frankford and Front LEIB PL— E fr 6''7 Annapolis LEIBERT {Myk)—Wir 126 Kob- inson LEINAU PL— fr Harriet bel Ross LEIPER— E fr 19 S 13th N fr 1211 Clover LEIPER (Mcd)—^ fr Frankford creek to Oxford rd LEIPER PL— S fr 514 Marriott LEIPER'S CT— E fr 41 N 11th LEISENRING— W fr N 12th to 13th bel Vine LEITHGOW-N fr 417 Poplar to Thompson LEJEE— N of Susquehanna av to Dauphin W of N 9th LEMON— Wfr 626 N 10th to An- dress LEMON CT— W fr 1312 Frank- ford av LENA iGtn)—E of CoUom ab Germantown av LENNOX {Bdg)— LENTZ— Wfr 1218 S nth LENTZCT— Sfr606Bay LENTZ 'S CT-W fr 1320 Pass- yunk av LEON— S fr 1034 Washington av LEOPARD— N fr 17 Richmond LESHER {Fkd)—'^ fr Orthodox to Meadow LETITIA-S fr 116 Market to 113 Chestnut LETITIA CT— W fr 1C6 N 23d to 109 Beach LETTERLY— fr Kensington ab Adams LEVAN PL-W fr 912 S 9th 44 LEV Philadelphia LIT LEVANT— S fr Pear to 225 Spruce LEVERING {Myk)—iv Green la ab Baker LEVERING (3f?/A;)— N E fr Main ab Grape LEVINA— EfrOakford pi to 521 SSd LEVY'S CT— N fr 329 Trout LEWELLEN'S AV-W fr 918 Beach LEWIS— N fr Tioga to Venango bel Almond LEWIS (irP)— W fr S 36th bel Chestnut LEX (TTP)— N fr Silverton to Oregon W of N 44th LEX— W fr N 15th bel Poplar LEXINGTON {W P)—ir Haver- ford av to Lancaster av LEYDEN'S CT— E fr 213 N 10th LIBERTY {3fpk)—\)et Robinson and Mechanic ab Cresson LIBERTY ( irP)— Nfr Myrtle to Westminster E of N 40th LIBERTY CT— E fr 215 N 10th LIBRARY— Wfr 130 S 4th to 123 S5th LIEBERT— E fr Mechanic to Eobeson N of Cresson LILY ANN— S fr 1016 Bainbridge to 1027 Catharine LIMA PL— Nfr 643 South LINCOLN AV— W fr 724 Fallon LINDEN— E frMelvale ab Maple LINDEN— N fr 921 Spring Garden to 914 Green LINDEN {rkd)—S E fr Mulberry to Tacony creek bel Foulkrod LINDEN— E fr Richmond N of Ann LINDEN PL (G«n)— E of Main LINDEN PL— S fr 1806 Kater LINDSAY— S fr 1608 Bainbridge to 1607 Fitzwater LINDSAY'S AV— S fr 1118 South LINGO— S fr Carpenter E of S 18th LINN— W fr 418 N 22d to 413 N 24th LINNARD— W fr 1312 S 8th to 9th LINNEY— fr Belgrade to Gaul N f r Tioga LINNVILLE-N fr 2419 Spring Garden to 2420 Green LINTON PL— W fr 110 S 20th LIN WOOD (WP)—W fr N 48th to 50th S of Oregon LINWOOD PL-r8N9th LIN WOOD (Tacony)^ LIPPINCOTT— W fr N 6th to Lawrence N of Clearfield LIPPINCOTT LA— N fr Erie av to Butler E of N Broad LISBON-W fr Gilles al to 519 S 6th LISLE-S fr 8U Bainbridge to Fitzwater LISSNER— bet Girard av & Moy- er Montgomery av and Ash LISTER PL— S fr 334 Bainbridge LITCHFIELD— Sfr 124 Bainbridge LITFORD PL— S fr 66 Laurel LITTLE ANN PL— S fr 1338 Car- penter to 1333 Washington av LITTLE BELT PL— E fr 932 S 2d LITTLEBOY'S CT— S fr 216 Arch LITTLE BROWN— W fr Norris ab Girard av LITTLE MEDINA— Wfr 13208 7th to 734 Medina LITTLE PINE {W P)—lr Lancas- ter av to Warren LITTLE SUMMER— W fr 242 N 22d to 23d LIT Street Guide. LYD 4-5 LITTLE WAYNE (Cfn)— S £r Leh- man LITTLEWOOD ( Wissahickon)-- LIVINGSTON— Nfr Maple to Al- leghany av LLOYD— fr Serrill to Hunting- don bet Amber and Diamond LLOYD-Sfrl408 Bainbridge to 1403 Fitzvvater LLOYD— S fr Kater to 1411 Bain- bridge LOCK (Mi/k)—hel Main bet Ce- dar and Penn LOCKE PL— E fr Leopard ab Otter LOCKLAND PL— N fr 1307 Fair- mount av LOCUST iBdg)—ir Garden to Richmond ab Franklin LOCUST— W fr 236 S 4th to S 42d LOCUST AV— N fr Willow av to Sullivan av E of Chelton av LODGE— W fr 132 S 2d to Ex- change pi LOGAN— fr N 21st to N of Nice- town la LOGAN— Nfr 635 Green to Fair- mount av LOGAN (Gtn)— LOGAN CT— N fr Fitler ab Mont- gomery ar LOGAN SQ— fr N 18th to Logan and Eace to Vine LOMBARD— W fr 500 S Delaware av to Schuylkill LOMBARD ROW— S fr 710 Lom- bard LONG— Sfr McKean to Snyder av E of S 10th LONG LA— fr Washington av bet S 19th and 20th LONGFELLOW PL-S fr 1216 Bainbridge LONG'S CT—W fr 762 S 3d LONGSHORE {Tacony)— LONGSTRETH CT-W fr 274 Le- vant LOOMSS PL— N fr 2207 Shamokin LORAIN— N fr 719 Buttonwood LORAIN PL— E fr 1027 N 4th LOUD PL— W fr 803 Enquirer LOUDEN (&7n)— frGermantown av to 2d ab Wyalusing LOUISA AV— N fr 107 Union LOUTY'S PL— S fr 526 Christian LOVELACE— N fr Lancaster av LOWBER ( irP)— N fr Filbert E of Saunder's av LOWE {mcetown)~W fr N 15th S of Cayuga LOWER MT PLEASANT (Mt A)- LOWNDEN PL— E fr N 2d ab Vine LOXLEY PL— N fr 321 Arch LOYAL— S fr York to Dauphin E of Thompson LOYD— E fr York n Gunner's run LUCAS PL— r 1108 Germantown av LUCY— fr Almond to Belgrade S of York LUDLOW (W P)— W fr S 33th bel Market to S 43;1 LUDWIG— N of Haverford bet Preston and Budd LUKEN'S— W fr 1112 S 15th to 16th LUTHER— Efr St John ab Beaver LUZERNE ((;^?i)—fr Roberts' av to Kensington av ab Pike LYBRAND— N fr 1335 Eace LYCEUM AV {Roxb)— LYDIA— S W fr Sitf s to Sophia LYDIA— W fr S Juniper to Syca- 46 LYD Philadelphia m'gin more N of Spruce LYDIA ( TT-P)— N fr Silverton av ab N 46th LYNCHCT-Wfr762S3(i LYND— W Ir 662 N 4th to fill N 5th LYNDALL AL— W fr 200 S 12th to 201 S 13th LYNN PL— E fr 821 St Jo in MCAFEES CT— S fr 512 Sodth McAllister al— w fr n stn bei Race MCALLISTER'S CT-fr Frank- ford av n Richmond McALPlN (ITP)— fr Walnut to Locust bel S 37th McALRAVY— fr 1106 Milton to 1128 Milton McANALL'S PL— Nfr2125 Spruce McANALLY'S CT— N fr 739 Car- penter McATEE'S CT— W fr 1552 Cad- walader McBRIDE'S CT— Efrin2 Ohio McCALLUM (G^n)— Nfr Carpen- ter E of Queen McCANN'SCT— Nfr425Christian McCANN'S CT— N fr 731 St Mary to Cullen McCANN'S PL— N fr 427 Marriott MCCARTNEY'S CT-Sfr840Cliris- taiu McCAULEY'S CT— E fr McMul- lin's ct N of 413 Wahiut McCAW'S ROW-E fr 775 S 3d Mc ELAN'S CT— N fr 1109 Bain- bridge McCLEARY'S CT— S fr 1536 Lom- bard McCLELLAN— Efr Montgomery av to Vienna N of Girard av McCLELLAN— W fr 1818 S Froiit to Moyamensing av McCLELLAN— W fr S 6th to 11th S of Moore McCLOSKEY'S CT-E f r 33 Gaff- ney's av McCLOSKEY'S CT-W fr 512 S 6th McCLURE'S CT-S fr 1512 Pearl McCLUSKEY'S CI— E fr 821 Es- sex MCCORMICK'S AV— E fr 156 N 23d to Fulton McCOY'S CT— W fr 920 S 6th McCREA— W fr 762 S Juniper to 727 Espey McCRISTLE'S AL— W fr 1300 Germantown av McCULLUM (Gm)—fr Carpenter to Franklin ab Green McCURDY— Wfr 1120 S 26th to 27th McDEVITT'S CT— N fr 531 Mar- riott McDEVITT'S CT-W fr 330 St John Mcdonald pl— w fr 230 n isth Mcduffie— w fr 518 s isthto Schuylkill McFADDEN'S CT— S fr 1032 South McFADDEN'S PL— S fr 1514 Lom- bard McFARLAND (W P)— W of N 42d N of Transcript McFARLAND'S CT— Nfr 1627 Mo- ravian McFARLAND PL {W P)-W fr Brooklyn N of Silverton av McFARRAN (Gtn)—E fr 3801 Germantown av McGAW'S ROW— r 775 S 3d McGINLEY'S CT— N fr 519 Mar- riott M*GRA Street Ouide. MAN 47 McGRATH— E fr 859 Lawrence MclLHENNY CT— E fr Gaffney's av MclLWAIN— W fr 1228 S 3cl to 6tli Mel NTI RE'S CT— N fr 427 Chris- tian McKEAN— fr Delaware to Sch- uylkill river 2;i00 S McKEAN 'S AV— N fr Clapier to Manheim McKEAN'S CT— S fr 60S Locust McKEE'S AV— N fr 631 St Mary McKEE'S CT-S fr 1318 Lombard MCKNIGHT'S CT—Sfr 1808 Nau- dain to 1811 South MCLAUGHLIN'S AV— S fr 2216 Little Summer MCLAUGHLIN'S CT-S fr 424 Ma- riott McMANEMAN CT— W fr 202 S Ju- niper MCMANEMY'S CT-S fr 430 Ger- man MCMULLEN'S CT— N fr 413 Wal- nut McMURRAY— N fr Wilmington to Westmoreland E of Thomp- son McNALLY— N fr 2311 Biddle McNICKLE'S PL— S fr 808 Car- penter MCPHERSON'S CT— N fr 2233 Hamilton to Ralston McWlLLIAM'S AV— N fr 165 Thompson MACKEY-W fr S 2d S of Whar- ton MACKINAW— W fr 230 N 8th MACLEOD PL— S fr 428 Race MADDOX PL-E fr 723 S 4th MADISON— N fr 1117 Race MADISON— W fr N 24th S of Cal lowhill MADISON {Tacony)— MADISON AV— N W fr Frank ford av to Emerald ab Alleghany av MADISON SQ— W fr S 22d bel Catharine MADISON'S CT— N fr 637 St Mary MAGAZINE LA— WfrS Broad S of Moyamensing av MAGILTON'S CT— N fr 1339 Kates MAGNET (3ii/A;)—S fr Green la ab Wood MAGNOLIA— S fr Noble bet N 5th and 6th MAGNOLIA AV {Gtn)—fT Haines to Mill bel Cedar la MAHONEY'S CT—Sfr 614 Baker to 627 Fitzwater MAIDEN {Myk)—^ fr Letclier's av MAIDEN LA— W fr Lancaster av Hestonville MAIN (i^f?/^')— N fr 4101 Ritten- house la MAISON PL— S fr Silver bel N Juniper MALCOLM PL— W fr 1836 Ger- mantown av MALVERN— N fr Ontario W of Emerald MANAKIN— N fr Norris to Sus- quehanna av W of N 5th MANAYUNK AV {Myk)—tT 345 Green la MANDERSON— W fr 1016 Beach to Frank ford av MANGROVE PL— S fr 640 South to Alaska MANHATTAN PL— N fr 1019 Ham- ilton MANHEIM (G(n)—W fr 4552 48 MAN Philadelphia MAR Germantovvu av to Township line rd MANILLA— Wfr 918 S 9th to 929 Sloth MANLEY'S ROW (Fctlls Schnyl) MANNING— W fr S 22d to Poul- son bel Locust MANN'S CT-S fr 912 Hamilton MANOR— fr Adams to Dawson S of Manayunk av MANOR— N fr Montgomery av ab N 4th to Berks MANOR PL— S fr 320 Poplar MANSFIELD PL— W fr 508 N Front MANSHIP— S fr 1118 Locust to Steadman MANSHIP— SfrNorris bet Han- cock and Mascher MANSION (IFi*)— S fr Arch ab NSlst MENSURE PL— S fr 904 Melon MANTON— V/ fr 1214 S 17th to 22d MAPLE— N W fr Delaware av to Gaul ab Ann MAPLE— W fr N 7th to 9th bel Vine MAPLE {Otn)— MAPLESHADE AV {C HUl)— MAPLEWOOD AV {Gtn)—iT Green to Wayne ab Chelten av MARBLE— W fr 12 S 10th bel Market MARBLE CT— S fr 1334 Walnut MARGARET {Fkd)—Rix Trenton av to Tacony MARGARETTA— S fr Mary to 633 Wharton MARGARETTA— W fr 418 N Front MARGARETTA PL— S fr 117 Mar- garetta MARIA— fr 714 N 4th to 5th MARINER— W fr 1014 S 13th MARION ( ITP)- W fr N 41st MARION— W fr 1112 S Front to Moyamensing av MARION (Gin)— E fr Kitten- house S of Green MARSON PL— S fr 516 Christian MARKER— W fr 1636 S 2d to 1619 Moyamensing av MARKET— AV fr Delaware av bel Arch to County line MARKET AL— E fr 401 N 16th MARKHAM— W fr 724 N 17th to Grayson MARKLE {Myk)~- MARKLE PL— E fr 517 S 2d MARKLEY'S PL— S fr 120 Spruce MARKOE ( TF P)— N fr Huron to Lancaster av MARK'S LA— W^ fr 146 N Uth to N 12th MARLBOROUGH— N W fr Dela- ware to Frankford av MARLEY'S CT— S fr 1830 Ann MARMION PL— S fr 226 Christian MARMORA— W fr 710 Beach to 711 N Front MARRI0TT-Wfr924 Moyamen- sing av to 929 S 9th MARSDEN PL— W fr 1530 Cad- walader MARSEILLES PL— E fr N 15th bet Buttonwood and Spring Garden MARSHALL— N fr Vine to Le- high av bel 7th MARSHALL'S CT— W fr Camp- bell S of Fitzwater MAR3T0N— N fr Budden's al bet N 13th and Juniper MARSTON— N fr Jefferson to Co- lumbia av ab N 27th MAR Street Guide. MEL 49 MARTEN iBoxb)—E fr Pechin to Eidge ay MARTHA— N fr Huntingdoa to Lehigh av MARTIN— N fr Catliarine to Fitz- water W of S 19th MARTIN CT— E fr St John hel Canal MARTINDALE PL— S fr 14 28 Spring Garden MARTIN'S AL— W fr 224 S Dela- ware av MARTIN'S CT—Sfr204 Carpenter MARTIN'S PL-N fr 2123 Vine MARY— N fr 1319 Tiiompson to Jefferson MARY (Tacont/)^ MARY ( ]r-P)— N W fr Allen to Lancaster av MARY— W fr Margaretta to 1219 S7th MARY— W fr 962 S Front to 2d MASCHER— N fr 141 Girard av n Howard MASTER— W fr Frankford av to Schuylkill ab Thojnpson MATAMORAS-E fr 1113 St John MATHER— Nfr Ontario to Erie av W of N 15th MATLACK— Nfr 1925 Parrish to Poplar MATTIS— N E fr 307 S 2d to 123 Dock MATTSON PL— W fr Wlldey to Crease MATZINGER'S CT— N fr Lan- dreth bel N 13th MAURICE— W fr Passyunk av bel S 8th MAXWELL'S CT-Nfr 1215 Alaska MAXWELL'S CT-Sfr 232 Chijs- tuin MAY— W fr S 7th to 8th S of Fitzwater MAY ( W P)— N ti- 4G36 West- minster av MAY PL— S fr 1728 Lombard MAYER'S CT— E fr 245 N loth MAYLAND— N fr 527 Baca MAYNARD PL— fr 114 Relief MEAD— W fr 754 Swauson to 755 S2d MEADOW {Bdf/)—^ fr Bridge MEADOW {FM)-E fr Paul to Mulberry MECHANIC— S fr 506 Carpenter to 1039 Parker MECHANIC {Gtji)—E and W fr 5045 Morton MECHANIC (ilfz/A;)— NEfrMain MECLAND PL— N fr 435 Monioe MEDIA (irP)— W fr Belmont av to N 50th S fr Lau5downe av MEDICAL-W fr 132 S 10th to Juvenal MEDINA— W fr 1312 S 7th to S8th MEEHAN [Gtn)—S Ir Chew to Germantown av ab Pleasant MEEHAN— N fr Morris W of S 11th MEETING HOUSE LA iFkd)~'S fr Unity to Oxfoi-d MEETING HOUSE LA {W P)—S fr Lancaster av to Cathedral av MEETLER— W fr Germantown av to N 7tli bel Norris MEHL ( G^jO-E fr 4481 German- town av MELCHER— S fr Susquehanna av to Coulstuu E uf GuruuiU' town av MELINA PL-N fr 415 Gaskill 50 MEL Philadelphia MIL MELLOY— W fr 30 S 15th to 37 S 17th MELON— W fr N 9th ab Wallace MELROSE (Whitehall)— 'if fr 4901 Frankford to Bridge MELROSE (IF P)—W fr N 57th to 68th N of Vine MELVALE— N E fr William to Maple ab Bath MELVILLE PL— S fr 122 Spruce MEMHOELZLER'S CT— E fr 722 Brook MEMPHIS— N fr Montgomery av E of Tulip MENDENHALL— S fr Jackson W of S 17th MENDON PL— W fr 404 N 5th to Noble MENINGES CT—Wfr 1328 Pass- yunk av to 1323 S 10th MENN'S CT— S fr 912 Hamilton MERCER— N fr Ann to West- moreland W of Thompson MERCER— W fr S 6th to 7th N of Snyder MERCER iGtn)—N fr Jefferson Eof Wakefield MERCHANT— W fr 14 S 4th to 5th MERCURY— W fr Montgomery av bel Thompson MERCY— W fr S 10th to 12th N of Snyder av MERCY— W fr 2024 S 5th to 2017 S8th MEREDITH— W fr N 23d bet Fairraount av and Have MERIDA PL— E fr 763 S Front MERINO— W fr N 2d to German- town av MERION— NWfrN 44th to 52d N of Lancaster av MERMAID LA {Otn)—E fr Ger- mantown av MERRICK— see N and S Merrick MERSHON AV-S fr 1212 Vienna MERVILLE PL— S fr Spruce bel S 2d M E R V I N E-N f r Stiles bel N 12th to Diamond MERVINE PL— Wfrl438 Mervine METCALF— W fr Hume S of Bainbridge to Shirker's al MICA— N fr Seneca to Lancaster av W of N 44th MIDDLE AL—Wfr 334 S 6th to 333 S 7th MIDDLETON— N W fr Tulip to Sepviva ab Norris MIDDLETON'S CT— W fr 420 Dillwyn MIFFLIN {Myk)—Etr Kidge av ab Queen MIFFLIN— W fr Delaware river bel Moore MILBURN— W fr 200 S 12th to 201 S13th MILDENHALL— Sfr Jackson to Wolf E of S 18th MILDRED— S fr McKean to Sny- der av W of S 8th MILES— fr Kose to Lydia n School MILES— Wfr 200 S 10th to Pop- lar ct MILL iFkcl)—EtT Frankford to Orchard MILL (G*<7i)— Efr 4779 German- town av MILL {Hbg)~ MILL RD {CHill)— MILLER {Oln)—tv Wister to Wisteria ab Baynton MILLER— N fr Clearfield to Erie av bel Gaul Mlli Street Guide. MOR 51 MILLER— S fr 830 Washington av MILLER (TTP)— S fr 3912 Lan- caster av MILLER (J/? ^)— MILLER'S CT— bel Gaul ab Berks MILLER'S PL— E fr 423 Garden MILLICENT AL— E fr 327 New Market MILLIGAN'SCT-Sfr 1610 Lom- bard MILLS— W fr Charlotte bel Pop- lar MILMAN— W fr 934 Moyamens- in? av to Pennington MILTON— Wfr 924 S 10th to 907 S12th MINERAL PL— E fr 111 N Broad MINERAL PL— W fr 112 Bread MINERVA— W fr 530 N 7th. to 527 Franklin MINOR— W fr 22 S 5th to 15 S 6th MINSTER— Wfr 414 S 6th to 401 S8th MINT CT— W fr 1 Hatton pi MINTZER— S fr 318 Brown MITCHELL: (i2ox6)-E fr 433 Green la MOFFETT— N fr Ontario E of Trenton av MO LAND AV— E fr N 13th bel Hamilton MOLE— S fr Wharton to Dickin- son E of S 16th MOLIERE'S CT— S fr 208 Bain- bridge MONCKTON PL— N fr 1125 Vine to 1120 Pearl MONROE— W fr 734 S 2d to 705 S 5th MONROE ( Taconi/)— MONMOUTH— W fr Salmon bel Ann MONTAGUE {Hbg)—^ fr Deca- tur E of Holmes MONTANA (TrP)—N fr Vine bet N 56th and N 57th MONTCALM— Sfr 910 Fitzwater to Christian MONTEREY— W fr238 N 12th MONTEREY— Wfr 520 N 19th to 20th MONTGOMERY AV— W fr Kich- mond to N 33d bel Berks -• MONTROSE-W fr S 15th bel Christian MONUMENT— frN 17th to Uber N of Berks MONUMENT RD (TTP)— N W fr Lancaster av MOORE— Efr Emerald to Amber S of Dauphin MOORE— W fr Delaware to Sch- uylkill river bel Pierce MOORE— W fr 746 S Juniper to Ritchie MOORE— W of Adrain bet Otis and Dauphin MOORE'S AV— W fr 704 N Front MOORE'S CT— N fr 1209 Alaska MORAVIAN— W fr S Broad ab Walnut to S ISth MORENCIA PL— W fr 976 Leith- gow MORGAN— W fr 240 N 9th MORGAN AL— N fr Vine bet St John and N 3d MORO— S fr 1218 Brinton to 1217 Fitzwater MORRIS {Gtn)~-fr Harvey to Roberts' av bel Pulaski av MORRIS (G7n)— N fr Clapier to ]\Ianheim [kei MORRIS-Wfr Otsego bel Tas- 62 MOR Philadelphia MUS MORRIS CT—Wfr 30 Letitia to 39S2d MORSE— W fr N 31st N of Mont- gomery av MORSE'S CT— N fr Nectarine ab NlOth MORTON— E fr 872 Moyer MORTON {Gtn)—N fr Haines ab Hancock MORTON— N fr Girard av bet Norris and Ash MORTON AV— S fr KaufEman to 305 Queen MOSELY— E fr S tSth to r2th N of Dickinson MOSS— W fr Charles bel Wash- ington av MOSS ( W P)-S fr 4713 Haver- ford MOSS ROSE PL— N fr 233 Queen MOTT— W fr S 13th bel Carpenter MOULDER PL— E fr 527 Vincent MOUNTAIN— WfrS 6th bel Tas- ker to S 11th MOUNT AIRY LA (Gtn)—fr Ger- mantown av MOUNT HOLLY— S fr Wharton to Tasker W of S 17th MOUNTMORIAH LA— W of Wood- land av S of S 62d MOUNT PLEASANT {Otn)—E fr 5635 Germantown av MOUNT PLEASANT— W fr Taney to Kidge av bel Thompson MOUNT VERNON— W Ir 614 N 9th to 23d MOUNT VERNON-N fr Smick to Leach W fr Jefferson MOUSLEY'S PL-E fr 1549 Ger- mantown av MOYAMENSING AV— S W fr 900 S 2d to Peurose Ferry rd MOYER— E fr Columbia av bel Thompson MOYE'S AL {Myk)—^ fr 4365 Main MUD LA {Pvme)—E fr Wood- land av S f r S 71st MULBERRY {Fkd)—S fr Harri- son to Orthodox MULBERRY (i^ii/^•)— N fr 4423 Baker MULBERRY AL— W fr 230 N 5th MULBERRY AV(IFP)— MULFORD— Wfr Ashton n Sch- uylkill river MULHOLLAND CT—N fr 1035 Bar- ley MULLEN— N fr Somerset bel Edgemont MULLEN'S CT— E fr 819 Essex MULLER— N fr Christian W of Gray's Ferry rd MULLONEY— Wfr Cooper to 239 S21st MUNSON'S CT— W fr 738 S 4th MUREUS PL— N fr 731 Cherry MURGITROYDE PL— W fr 220 S 15th MURPHY'S CT—N fr 621 Bain- bridge MURRAY— W fr 256 S 20th to 261 S 21st MURRAY'S CT— W fr 555 Qsprey to Chatham MURRAY'S CT— S fr 640 Bain- bridgo MURRAY'S CT— S fr 1130 Sheaf's al MURRAY'S CT-W fr 766 S Front MUSGRAVE— W fr S 30th N of Mifflin MUSGROVE (GM)— frGorgas to High bel Chew MITS Street Guide. NIC 63 MUSTIN CT— E fr Elder bet Ser- geant and Morgan MUTTER— N fr Davis bel Han- cock to Lehigh av MYERS' AV-W fr 254 S 6th MYERS' CT— E fr 241 N loth MYRTUE— N fr Clearfield to Erie av E of Bath MYRTLE ( W P)— W fr N 39th MYRTLE— W fr 846 N 11th to Ontario NAGLE— N fr Stiles bet N 11th and 12lh NAHANT— E fr 723 St John NAOMI AV {Blue Bell)— NAPA— Sfr Gray's Ferry rd to Keed AV of S 31st NARCISSUS PL— r 326 N 8th NASH {Gtn)—ix E Washington to Church bel Morton NASSAU— W fr N 9th to Elwyn bel Kace NASSAU— Wfr 21st and Ridge av NASSAU— W fr Memphis to Tulip N of Somerset NATIVE— W of 934 S 5th to He- ilig pl NATRON A— N fr Oxford to Mont- gomery av ab 32d NAUDAIN— W fr S 18th to Barn- well bel Lombard NAVY— E fr 1311 S Front NAYLOR— W fr Austin to S 11th bel Federal NECTARINE— W fr N 8th to 11th bel Spring Garden NEFF— W fr Delaware ab Ann NELLIE'S CT— W fr N 22d ab Race NELSON— N fr Norris W of Richmond NELSON'S AL— E fr 413 St John NELSON'S CT— W fr 722 Lloyd to 725 S 15th NELSON TER— E of N 40th ab Filbert NEUIT'S CT-E fr 860 N 4th NEVADA— N of Dauphin n NlOth NEVADA AV-fr 2242 N 30th NEVILLE PL— Nfr 20 Mulberry al to 520 Brown NEVIN PL-N fr 1307 Carlton NEW (i^M)— S E fr Cherry to Tacony creek bel Harrison NEW (G^w)— N Wfr German- town av NEW— Wfr 242 N Front NEW (cmii)— NEW MARKET— N fr 119 Vine NEW MARKET PL— E fr 815 New Market NEWBOLD— N fr 1923 Callowhill to 1920 Cuyler NEWBOLD— S fr Moore ab S Broad NEWCOMB (mcetown)—E. fr N 18th S of Cayuga NEWKIRK— N fr E Cumberland to Reading av bel Edgemont NEWKIRK— Nfr Brown to Pop- lar bel 29th NEWPORT— S fr Gray's Ferry rd to Moore E of S 34th NEWTON— S fr 402 Carpenter NIBLO PL— S fr 1424 Spring Gar- den NICE— N fr McFarran NICETOWN LA— Wfr Frankford creek to Germantown av S W to Schuylkill river NICHOLAS— N fr Reed to Oak- ford E of S 34th NICHOLAS— W fr N 20th ab Ox- ford 54 isriG Philadelphia OAK NICHOLSON— N fr 621 Cherry NICKEL PL— E fr 779 S Front NIGLEY'S CT— W fr 1514 Cad- v/alader to 1511 Germantown av NINEVEH PL— S fr 424 German NISBET PL— W fr 748 S Front bel Almond No. 1— S fr Mifflin to McKean W of S 17th NOBLE— W fr N Delaware av bel Button wood NOLEN'S AV— N fr 1423Parrish NONNATER'SCT— Sfr 1002 Arch NORFOLK— S fr 1412 Spruce to Asylum NORFOLK— W fr 850 Swanson to 847 S Front NORMAN'S PL {Gtn)-W fr 5460 Germantown av NORRIS (G^)- Wfr McKean's av to Township line rd NORRIS— N W and W fr Dela- ware to Schuyllcill ab Berks NORRIS PL— Efr 335 New Mar- ket NORTH— Wfr 34 N 5th NORTH— Wfr N Broad to 20th ab Wallace NORTH— Sfr S 63d E of Wood- land av NORTH BROAD— Nfr Market ab 13th NORTH COLLEGE AV— W fr Ridge av to N 25th bel Thomp- son N DELAWARE AV-N fr Market along Delaware river N FRONT— N fr 101 Market ab N Water to Erie av N JUNIPER— N fr Market E of N Broad 2d to 43d N MERRICK— N fr Market to Filbert ab N Broad N WATER— N fr Market ab N Delaware av NORTH SECOND STREET— runs North and South from INIarket ; likewise run all the streets numerical in name from Second to For- ty-third, Market Street be- ing an imaginary division and used to facilitate the understanding of our sys- tem of numbering. The streets from Second to Twenthy-third are located between the Rivers Dela- ware and Schuylkill ; those from Thirtieth to Forty- third are West of the Schuylkill NORTHAMPTON CT-W fr 426 Dillywn NORTHEAST AV— Nfr 1247 Marl- borough to Savery NORTON (CTn)— N fr Wissahic- kon av to Jefferson ab John- son NORWOOD— N fr Columbia av to Montgomery av bel 22d NORWOOD AV— N fr Cambria to Indiana W of N 19th NUGENT'S CT— S fr 716 Bain- bridge OAK ( J^yfc)— W fr Baker n Gray OAK (IT P)— W fr Schuylkill river bel Market OAK LA— W fr York av n Rock run OAKFORD— W fr S 20th to 31st S of Fedeial OAKFORD PL-S fr 230 Gaskill to OAK Street Guide. OSL 55 Levina OAKLAND (i^d)— N Eff Sellers abLeiper OAKLAND AV {Hbg)~S fr Dela- ware av W of Honeysuckle av OAT— N f r 1133 Shcaff to GraeS OCEAN— N fr 113 Dana ODD FELLOWS' AV— N fr 303 Brown 06DEN— Wfr860 N 9th to Cor- inthian av O'HARRA'S AL— fr 931 Bain- bridge to South O'HARRA'S CT— W fr 710 S 7th OHIO— Wfr 422 Quince to 415 S 12th OLDHAM'S CT— E fr 817 St John OLIVE— Wfr 710 N 10th OLIVE CT— S fr 1312 Olive OLIVER— W fr 916 S 10th OLIVET PL— S fr 1726 Lombard OLIVIA— E fr Richmond to Myr- tle S of Erie av OLIVIA PL— W fr 1524 Cadwala- der to 1519 Germantown av ONAS— W It N Front to 715 New Market O'NEAL— N W fr 1106 Howard to 148 Girard av ONEIDA ( irP)— N fr Haverford ab Orleans ONEIDA PL— E fr 805 New Mar- ket O'NEIL'S CT— S fr 1642 Lombard ONTARIO— fr Delaware river to Schuylkill river ONTARIO— N fr 1335Parrish ONY {Bdg)—ir Ash to Kirkbride ab Richmond ONYX {Bdg)—ir Ash to Kirk- bridge ab Richmond OPAL— N fr Jefferson to Oxford bel 20th ORANGE— fr Belgrade to Ireland ORANGE— W fr 236 S 7th to 261 S8th ORANGE— W fr 411 Ireland ORCHARD iFM)—N fr Mill to Unity ORCHARD- Nfr Rawlebel N 5th OREGON ( W P)—W fr Lancas- ter av bel Seneca OREGON AV— fr Delaware river to Schuylkill river 2700 S ORION— N fr Eadline to Aspen W of N 34th ORION-Wfr36N3d ORKNEY-N fr Norris E of N 5th ORLEANS— S fr Mifflin to Sny- der av W of S 16th ORLEANS ( W P)— N fr Haver- ford ab Florida to Lancaster av ORLEANS— W fr 2728 Frankford av ORMES— N fr Somerset to Indi- ana E of Leamy ORR— N fr 1809 Francis to 1842 Wylie ORRIANNA— N fr Diamond bel N4th ORR'S CT— N fr 1339 Rodman ORTHODOX (i^M) EfrLeiperab Sellers OSAGE AV— S fr 1208 Heath OSAGE AV ( W P)— W fr S 44th to 45th S of Pin© OSBECK PL— W fr 660 Jay OSBORNE'S CT— Wfr202Dupon- ceau S of Walnut OSCAR— N fr Gray's Ferry rd to Schuylkill av W of S 30th OSCEOLA (Ofn)— Wfr Herman OSLER AV-N fr 511 Noble 56 OSP Philadelphia PAT OSPREY— N fr Biddle ab N 24th OTIS— W fr Delaware av n Gun- ner's run to Frankforcl av OTSEGO— S fr 26 Christian OTSEGO PL— S fr 124 Prime to 1-23 Federal OTTER— W fr 1090 Frankford av OUTLET— fr W 21st to 22d ab Green OVINGTON— S fr 835 South to 833 Bainbridge OWEN— E fr McNally bet Spring Garden and Biddle OWEN— W fr 1412 S 5th to 7th OWEN'S PL— S fr Brown ab Pal- mer OXFORD {Fkd)—E fr 4621 Frank- ford av OXFORD— W fr Frankford av ab Jefferson PACIFIC— N fr Susquehanna av to Huntingdon W of N Broad PACIFIC— W fr N 18th to 19th PACKER— fr Delaware river to Schuylkill river 3100 S PACKER PL— N fr 327 Craven PAGE— W fr N 16th to 19th N of Norris PAGODA— N fr Penna av to Wal- lace ab N 24th PALETHORP— N fr 175 Girard av to Lehigh av PALISADE PL— N fr 205 Quarry PALLAS— N fr Morris to Dickin- son W of S 12th PALM— Nfr 913 Gilbert PALMER-W fr 1136 Beach to Frankford av PALMER'S CT— W fr 330 S 4th PALO ALTO— S fr 2026 Pine to 2027 Hampton PANAMA AV— E fr S 20th bel Lo- cust PARADE— W fr S 12th to Dean N or Wharton PARADISE AL— N fr 415 Market to 406 Commerce PARHAM— W fr 774 Swanson to 773 S Front PARK— S fr Federal bel S 28th PARK— S fr Fitzwater ab S 18th PARK— W fr N 19th to 24th N of Clearfield PARK AV— N fr Oxford to Erie av E of N Broad Not opened N of Lehigh av PARK AV— W fr N Broad to 33d PARKER— S fr 516 Carpenter to Federal PARRISH— W fr N 5th to 24th ab Brown PARRY CT (Gm)— N fr 1331 Mil- ler PARTON (^es«onOT7?e)—Sfr Lan- caster av PASCAL-W fr S 10th bel Car- penter to 11th PASCHAL— W fr 622 N 4th PASCHAL ( W^)— S W fr Schu- ylkill river S of Hancock PASSYUNK AV-S W fr South bel S5th PASTOR lUS ( G^n)- N f r German- town av to Osceola bel Her- man PATH— N fr 1511 Race PATTERSON'S CT— N frl809Nau- dain PATTERSON'S CT-S fr 712 Alas- ka PATTON ( G^^n)— fr Coulter to Queen bel Wayne av PATTON— S fr Gray's Ferry rd to Reed E of S 62d PAT Street Guide. TER 57 PATTON'S AL—Sfr 1640 Lombard RATION'S CT—Sfr 1620 Lombard PAUL (Fkd)—S E fr 4623 Frank- ford to Mill PAUL— W fr 1028 S 6th to 1029 S 7th PAXSON— W fr Lancaster av bet Franklin and Paschal PAXTON— W fr 1114 S 5th to Par- ker PAYNTER'S CT— N fr 431 Ger- man PEACH— S fr Lancaster av PEACH— N fr 153 Green to Fair- mount av PEALE {Gtn)—fT Mill to Penn ab Gtn E R PEAR (i^M)— fr Mulberry to Tackawanna bel Gillingham PEAR ( WP)—^ fr Sycamore to Fairmount av W of N 35th PEAR— W fr Dock to 217 S 3d PEARL {Myk)—W fr 4300 Me- chanic PEARV ( W P)-W fr N 32d to 37th PEARL— W fr 312 N 10th to Schu- ylkill river PEARL AL— fr Prosperous al to 231 Quince PECHIN {Myk)—E fr 401 Green la PEDEN'S AV— S fr 1838 Naudain PEEL— fr 111 Van Horn to Lydia n Stiles PEGG— W fr 446 N Front to N 2d PEGG AL— N fr 153 Willov\r to 152 Pegg PELT2— W fr Gray's Ferry rd to Schuylkill av S of U S Arsenal PEMBERTON— N fr 1335 Mount Vernon to 1318 Wallace PEMBERTON— W fr 708 S 18th to Gray's Ferry rd PEMBROKE— N of Susquehanna av to Dauphin E of N Broad PEMBROKE PL— Wfr212 N 2d PENDENNIS PL— E fr 857 Char- lotte PENN {Bdg)—T^ fr Leferve to Bockius bel Almond PENN (Fkd)—^ fr Pine to Ox- ford rd PENN ( Jii/A;)— N fr 4169 Main PENN iMyk)—S fr Mitchell W of Rittenhouse la PENN— N fr "Wissahickon av to Chew bet Queen and Coulter PENN— S fr 4 Pine to Almond PENN AL— N W fr 336 St John to 226 Callowhill PEN NELL'S CT— fr Rose ab Ger- mantown av PENNGROVE— E fr N 42d S of Poplar PENNINGTON— S fr 228 Marriott PENNOCK— N fr Hare to Poplar bet N 27th and 28th PENROSE FERPY RD— S W fr Passyunk av W of S Broad to Schuylkill river PENSIVE PL— S fr 910 Wood PENNAAV—Sfr 516 Vine PENN A AV— W fr N Broad ab Callowhill PEPPER— fr Cedar to Martha S of Lehigh av PEQUINOT PL— E fr 827 St John PERCY— Nfr 911 Poplar PERCY— Nfr 911 Diamond PERCY AL— N fr 425 German PERKENPINE'S CT — E fr 721 New Market PERKIN'S AL-W fr908 S 3d 58 PER Philadelphia POL PERKIOMEN— Wfrl719 Francis to N 19tli PEROT— W fr N 24th to Penna' av N of Fairmount av PERRY— Nfr 1.309 Kace PERRY'S CT— N fr 1233 South PERTH— N fr 727 Parrish PETERS-W fr al n S 11th bel Washington av PETERS AL— W fr 818 Charlotte to N 4th PETROLEUM— N fr Walnut hel S2d PETTY— E fr Bath N of liussell PHAROIS— frFitzwater to Cath- arine W of S ISth PHILADELPHIA-N fr Susque- hanna av to Huntingdon E of N16th PHILIP— N fr 213 Master to N of York av PHILELLEN (G^)— N fr Wis- sahickon av to Germantown av bel Frank PHYSIC K'S LA ((?m)-N E fr Germantown av ab Walnut la PIERCE {Fkd)—lr Frankford creek to Orthodox S of Ber- muda PIERCE-W fr 1726 S 4th to 13th PIKE— N fr 1237 Cherry PIKE (G?«w)— from Robert av to Kensington av at Butler PILLING (Fkd)—N fr Pine bel Sellers PINCUS CT— from Marshall bel Fairmount av PINE {M:d)—W fr 4326 Frank- ford av to Adams PINE— Wfr 400 S Delaware av to Schuylkill river to county line PINE TREE-S fr Willow bet St John and N 2d PINK— fr 339 Master to 326 Jef- ferson PIPER'S CT— E fr 617 St John to Vincent PLACID PL— Wfr 842 S 2d PLANE— W fr Lancaster to Wheat S of Wharton PL ATT {Cmil)— PLEASANT ( Gtn)—EtT 5537 Ger- mantown av PLEASANT {3fyk)—W fr Mech- anic near Pechin PLEASANT RETREAT-W fr 638 N7th PLEASANT ROW-Nfr2007Spruce PLEFFENBERG PL— N from 835 Cherry PLEICE'S CT— W fr 338 Garden PLOVER— Wfr 1126 S 7th PLUM— W fr Delaware river to Richmond S of Norris PLUMB-S E fr Mulberry to Ta- cony creek bel Meadow PLUME PL— E and W fr 10 Caro- line pi PLUMSTEAD PL— S fr 1938 San- som to 1939 Moravian PLYMOUTH— W fr 230 S 19th to 20th PLYNLIMMOiM PL— W fr 224 N Front POINT HOUSE RD— S fr Mifflin bel S Front POINT PLEASANT CT-W fr 978 N Delaware av POINT RD— E fr Frankford av n Frankford POLARD-N fr 1010 German- town av POLLOCK— W fr Delaware river to Schuylkill river 3000 S POL Street Guide. QUE 59 POLLOCK'S CT— S fr 1616 Lom- bard POPLAR— W fr 900 N Delaware av to Schuylkill POPLAR (3Iyk)—E fr U7 Green la PORCELAIN— W fr 130 S 19th to 117 S 21st PORTAGE PL— N E fr N College ay W of Ridge av PORTER— W fr Delaware river to Schuylkill river 2500 S PORTER'S CT— E fr 329 St John PORTICO ROW (Gin)— S fr Sey- mour W of Gtn av PORTLAND— Efr 409 N 11th POTTS— W fr N 12th to Broad bel Fairmount av POTT'S CT— W fr 640 N 7th POULSON— N fr Spruce W of S 25th POULSON— W fr S 2d hel Moore POWDER MILL LA {Fkd)—S W fr Adams to Nicetown la W of Leiper POWELL— W fr 326 S 5th to 327 S6th POWELTON AV (IF P)-W fr N 32d to 42d S of Baring POWERS LA (Pm«e)— E fr Elm- wood av S of S 72d PRATT— N fr Melrose to Trenton av PRESBYTERIAN LA (G? fr Bridge ab Frankford Creek WATERLOO— N fr 137 Jefferson WATER'S LA— E fr Germantown av WATKINS— W fr S 2d to Moya- mensing av S of Morris W ATK I NS— W f r 1712 S 4th to 12th WATT— W fr Ford to 417 S 2Uth WATT'S— S f r McKean to Snyder av E of S Broad WATT'S-S fr Pritchett to Tas- ker E of S Broad WAVERLY— W fr 416 S 17th WAYNE— N fr 923 Mt Vernon to Wallace WAYNE— Wfr Tulip to Trenton R R S of Cambria WAYNE AV {Nicetovm & Gtn)— N fr Tioga to Johnson's la WEAVER— N from 619 Green to Fairmount av WEAVER'S CT— E from German- town av bel Oxford WEBB— S from 1626 Fitzwater to 1627 Catharine WEBB'S CT— S fr 222 Christian WEBSTER— W fr S 17th below Catharine WEBSTER— Efr Leverington av to Green la S of Manayunk av WEBSTER TERRACE (3fyk)-E fr 301 Green la WEBSTER'S CT-W fr n6 Pass- yunk av WECCACOE— S fr 402 Catharine to Queen WEEK'S CT— W fr 934 Rachel W E I K E L— S fa Erie a V to Ann W of Tulip WEISEL— N E fr Ann bet Gun- ner's run and Janney WEISER (£d Monroe WONDERLY PL-N fr 149 Otter WOOD (G^n)— WfrGermantown av ab Sharpnack WOOD {Myk)—E fr Green la WOOD— WfrN 2d to 24th ab Vine WOODBINE— Sfr 612 Federal to 611 Wharton WOODBINE AV {Gtn)—S fr Chew to Willow av bet Chelton av and Armat WOODLAND AV— S fr Market and S 32d to Cobb's creek WOODLAND— W from S 39th S of Spruce WOODLAND TERRACE— W of S 40th S from Baltimore av to Woodland av WOOD'S CT— W fr GreenhiU n Seybert WOODSTOCK— N fr Columbia av to Norris ab N 20th WOODVILLE PL— N fr 1723 St Jo- seph's av WOODWARD (IT P)— Sfr Darby Pass RW and W of S42d WOOD WORTH AV— S fr 12 Chris- ian WORRALL {Fkd)—fr Leiper to Franklin bel Orthodox WORRELL {FM)—E from 4105 Frankford to Tacony WORTH— W fr 1526 S 3d to 6th WORTH (i^M)— from Oxford to Harrison WREKIN— E fr Martha to Com- merce ab Huntingdon WRIGHT { W P)— W fr N 32d N of Market WRIGHT— W fr N 21st bel Jeffer- son to 25th WYALUSING— F fr 58th and Hav- erford av to N 42d N of West- minster av WYALUSING (Gfn)—fr German- town av to N 2d ab Courtland WYANDOTTE (G«n)—fr Wistar to Wisteria ab Rubicam WYATT— W fr S 7th bel Wash- ington av to Sid mouth WYKOFF iW P)— N fr Race to bel N 34th WYLIE— S W fr 1648 Ridge av to N19th WYNCOOP— W fr S 13th to Juni- per bel Locust WYOMING— W fr 1320S2dto 1325 Corn WYOMING— N fr Market to Lan- caster av bet N 40th and 41st WYO Street Guide. ZIM 77 WYOMING— N E f r Ann to Clear- field bet Trenton R R and Am- ber WYOMING— S fr 1504 Bainbridge to 1509 Fitzwatcr WYOMING AV— N fr Pulaski av to Germantown av E of Fish- er's la YALE— S fr Mifflin to Snvder av W of S 20tli YARDLEY— N fr Masterto Shars- wood E of N 21st YEAGER'S CT— S fr 704 St Mary YHOST— from 506 Catharine to Queen YHOST PL— N fr 627 Carpenter YORK— W fr N Front ab Dau- phin YORK AV— N fr Germantown av n Rising Sun la YORK AV— N W from N 4th and Wood to 549 N 5th YORKPL— Efr875N5th YOUNG {Bdg)—1^ fr Church to Bridge YOUNG'S AL— S fr 152 Pegg to 153 Willow YOUNG'S AL— W from 426 New Market YOUNG'S CT— N from 233 Bain- bridge YOUNG'S CT— N fr 427 Carpenter ZACHARIAH CT— S fr 128 Gothic to 121 Walnut ZIEGLER'S CT— r Melvale below Maple ZENOBIA— W fr 204 S 11th ZEPHYR AV— W fr 752 S 8th ZIMMERMAN— W fr N 26th to 30th ab Oxford For City Government, Church Directory, Hotel and Bank Lists, Cemeteries, A^nuse- ments, and Notes 07i places having historic interest, see pages j-62 of our larger guide. l^rssJiftsriaii hd i FiiHisation, 1334 Chestnut St., PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS — OF — CHOICE LITERATURE » Will be glad to have you call. "BlJOn." MACKIMON, STYLOGRAPHIC — AND — Gold Pens. TOURISTS' WRITING CASE ^en, Ink, and Stamps may be Carried in the docket. PENS REPAIRED. E. H. WHITE 628. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. m m -DEALEKS IN- , etc. f-^ If Books Bought and Exohangedif ODD NUMBERS OF HARPER, SCRIBNER, AND ST. NICHOLAS. 1429 JVIarket Street, PHILADELPHIA. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS CHARTER STATEME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. January 1st, 1884. Cash Capital, . . $400,000 OO Reserve for Re-Ins. 758,05 1 77 Reserve for Unpaid Losses and other claims, . . . 94,918 48 Net Surplus, . . 551,548 96 $1,804,519 21 THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, President. A. O. L. CilA"WFOIlD, RICHARD MARIS, Secretary. Ass't Secretary. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, 308 & 310 WALNUT STREET.