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'r THE
Catawba Soldier
A sketch of every soldier from Catawba county, North Carolina, with
the photograph, biographical sketch, and reminiscence of
many of them, together with a sketch of Catawba
county from 1 860 to 191 1 — a complete
history of these valiant men,
m war and peace
Edited and compiled by
19 11
''History nuiketh a young man to he old with-
out either wrinkles or gray hairs; privileging him
'with the experience of age, without either the in-
firmities or inconveniencies thereof."
To my Ining comrades,
to the Nsidow? of those who have departed.
to our noble mothers and sisters, to our descendants
who cherish a lastins veneration for their ancestors, and
to the young men of Catawba count}', and the state at large, who
would draw lessons of wisdom, patriotism, endurance, fortitude
and inspiration from the examples herein
described, this volume is most
affectionately dedicated by
More than forty-five years have passed since the tattered flag of
the lost cause was furled to be forever held as a sacred memento of the
daring deeds of Catawba's true and gallant sons, who so willingly and
obediently offered their services when they saw that war was inevitable.
No flag ever waved over braver boys, and none who wore the grey
showed more willingness or promptness than did the heroic sons of
They can leave their children and posterity no richer nor more
enduring monument than a record of their achievements as contained in
this book.
Had this book been written thirty-five years ago, much valuable
history could have been preserved; acting, therefore, under the old adage
"It is never too late to do good," this book is sent forth to preserve that
remnant of history which is yet remembered by the old soldiers living.
The author has spent nearly two years in the execution of this
work, during which time he has spared neither money nor pains to make
it as authentic as possible.
The book is not the author's ideal owing to the fact that the
Veterans and their descendants failed to co-operate with him by fur-
nishing him with photos, biographical sketches, and reminiscences in
which the book should abound.
Since the author has gone to the expense and pains of sending
forth to the State, and to the South as well, Catawba county's record
will he be unjust in demanding a similiar effort on the part of each
county in the State? The author desires to state "Here is what Ca-
tawba has done. What have the other counties done?"
What a field from which future historians might glean, if all the
other counties would publish such a book!
But while this book is not the author's ideal, he is proud to
present to the state and to the South, as well, specimens of the pioneer
manhood of Catawba county, together with a record of their achieve-
ments for the past fifty years.
This book claims no literary merit; indeed it would be folly for a
soldier to attempt it. Hence, this is written by old soldiers, compiled
and edited by an old soldier, and is, therefore, a plain, simple narration
of facts in an effort to give the man behind the gun the honors that
past historians have failed to accord him.
This book is intended to be placed in every home in the county as
a monument to every old soldier, far more enduring than metal, and is
the last opportunity the Author has in laying his tribute to a generation
perhaps superior to any that ever has or ever will adorn the pages of
Catawba's history. He bespeaks aid in placing this tribute in the homes
of the poor unable to pay. He is willing to make more than his share
of the donation.
Hickory, N. C, July 1st, 1911.
This county was formed from Lincoln County in 1842; it
derives its name from "Catawba River, " which forms its
eastern and northern boundaries. The name "Catawba" was
taken from the tribe of Indians of that name who at one
time inhabited this section. The Catawba River is the boun-
dary line between Catawba and the following counties, viz:
Alexander, Caldwell and Iredell. On the North, West and
South; Catawba is bounded by Burke, Cleveland and Lincoln
counties. Our county is located in the North Western por-
tion of the State, 175 miles from the Capital of North Car-
olina, and we think Catawba is one of the very best counties
in this or any other State. The county wafe settled in the
main by what was called "Pennsylvania Dutch", a better,
more honest, and patriotic people would be hard to find; the
lower or South-eastern portion of the county, was settled by
the English, with a small mixture of "French Huguenots", a
splendid people. The lands of Catawba are productive, and
for diversified crops, cannot be excelled. Our people can raise
anything from rice and peanuts up to "King Cotton." Some
sections cannot be excelled for corn, cotton, oats, rye, wheat
etc., and for fruits of all kinds including "huckleberries" we
are in the front rank; bee culture, stock raising and the
dairy business Catawba is in the lead; and it is a fact that
the greatest improvements have taken place since the war of
1861-5, and much of it has been done by the old "Confederate
Soldiers" and their sons and daughters. The nursery busi-
ness in our county was projected by Confederate soldiers.
In 1842, the population was as follows:
White Population 7272
Free Negroes 21
Negro Slaves 1569
Total 8862
In 1860, the year before the great war,
the popi
was as follows.
White Females
White Males
Free Negroes
Negro Slaves
Total 10729
In 1890 the population was 18,689, and in 1900 the total
population of Catawba was 22,133. In 1910 the census
figures gave us 27,918.
The people of Catawba County were a conservative people,
and in 1861 when South Carolina and other States, and even
parts of North Carolina, were excited and agitated, our county
was calm and cool, but when Mr. Lincoln called on North
Carolina for her quota of troops, then it was that the young
men of Catawba County were stirred up; and when Gov.
Ellis called for troops, it was astonishing how^ the young men
of the county responded. They were encouraged by the
patriotic women to do their duty. What the good wcmen
endured and suffered during the four years that fol-
lowed, no pen or tongue can tell. It is sad to think how
many of the brave men who went to the front never lived to
return; peace to their ashes.
The advancement of every interest in Catawba County
since the close of the war in 1865, has been almost pheno-
minal, and Catawba has not been behind in education either;
her schools bear witness to this. An old Confederate soldier
said to the writer: "The old soldiers helped to make our
county what it is. " That is so, and no truer soldier ever
carried a gun than the boys from Catawba, and they were
cheered on by as brave and patriotic women as ever waved
a banner. When going into battle during the war, we es-
teemed it a privilege when we were supported by soldiers
from Catawba County. In the soldiers furnished to the
cause, those from Catawba could not be excelled for courage,
loyalty, and devotion; they left home well dressed and well
fed; they returned ragged and many of them emaciated.
The heroic women cheered them as they were going to the
front; the same patriotic women received them back with
joy and gladness, and went to work carding and spinning
and weaving cloth with which to clothe them. It would be
hard to convince the people now of what our good women
did for our soldiers in 1865-66.
She furnished about 1500 soldiers, about 1200 returned.
M. 0. Sherrill.
Raleigh, N. C.
The current of German immigration from Pennsylvania
into the Piedmont section of North Carolina began to move
in this direction about the beginning of the Eighteenth
Century, and 'vas at full tide about the middle of that cen-
tury. These Germans were largely families springing from
the enterprising Pennsylvania Germans, who had years be-
fore settled in Montgomery, Berks, Lancaster, and York
counties, and, who later pressed towards the southwest
frontier of their state; and then followed the Cumberland
Valley down into Maryland; and then on further down still
southward into the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia; and then
still further on down across the Blue Ridge into the fertile
valleys of the Yadkin and the Catawba in North Carolina,
These people settled in the territory now embraced by Ran-
dolph, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Lincoln,
Gaston, Catawba, and Iredell counties. To these Penn-
sylvania Germans were added immigrants directly frcm
Germany, and a few from other European Countries. They
came for various reasons: some, to seek new homes, as an
outlet for the overcrowded population of the Fatherland;
some, to enjoy the liberty in this land of the free; some, as
political refugees; some, to escape the military services de-
manded of all young men in Germany; some, to escape
religious persecutions — as the Palestines from the Rhine,
persecuted by Louis XIV in the War of the Spanish Succes-
sion, and the Salzburgers from the Alpine Districts of
Austria; and no doubt, some came as fugitives from justice —
who "left their country for their country's good."
These German settlers were industrious, economical,
and thrifty farmers, not afraid nor ashamed of hard work,
and were soon blessed with an abundance of everything
which the fertile soil and temperate climate of this section
could furnish them. As they were farmers, they avoided the
towns, and mostly settled in rural districts. They were un-
informed in the ways of the world, ignorant of the English
language, and unacquainted with the shrewdness of the
business man. yet they were well informed in their own
language and well read in their Bibles and devotional Ger-
man books. There were few manufactories, and fewer
centers of commerce where supplies could be obtained, so
that these early settlers had to go to Charleston, Fayetteville
or Columbia in long trips by wagons, occupying several weeks
to procure the common necessities of life, and regarded
many things as useless luxuries that are now regarded
as common necessities. These conditions compelled each
family to manufacture its own clothing and farming tools.
Thus the loom, the blacksmith's shop, the tannery, and
shoe-shop became necessary adjuncts of nearly every home.
And every member of the family was engaged in useful
These Germans manifested certain traits of character
peculiar to them. Of course, there were exceptions to these
general traits, but it was true of them as a whole. They
were retiring and peaceful citizens, opposed to riot and
contention, and patiently suffered wrong for a time,
yet they were unwilling to submit to oppression when
persistently pressed upon them. They could be led. their
minds were open to conviction; but they simply could not be
driven, and determindly resisted all attempts to deprive
them of their inalienable rights. They were persevering,
never abandoning their undertakings unless compelled to do
so by force of circumstances. They were slow in making-
changes, and tenaciously held to the practices and habits and
modes of thought practiced by their ancestors, when often
more modern ways were much better. They were very slow
to yield their native language, especially where they lived
in settlements of their own, and for this reason they retained
for a long time their peculiar traits of character, their re-
ligious, social, and moral life, and for this reason also they
lost prestige and standing in the professions and official
life. Honesty and uprightness of life were marked char-
acteristics of the Germans. An anecdote will illustrate
this: Two Germans. Hans and Fritz, lived side by side, far
away from the world's deceit and tricks. One day Hans
bought a horse, but lacked part of the money; so he called
on Fritz for a loan. Fritz readilv consented and handed
over the required amount, remarking: "Berhaps it was bed-
d3Y ve mike us a nota. " The note was drawn up in their
primitive way: "I, Hans, gets from Fritz feefty tollars to-
day," Then the question arose who should hold the note.
"You geeps dot", says Fritz, "Und den you will know dot
you owes me dot money, " Hans says: "Dot ish so. " After
a month Hans pays the note and the question was now who
should keep the note. "I geeps dot now, aind't it?" says
Fritz, "den you see I always remembers you paid dot to
me." Says Hans "Yah dot ish so," "Nowis ishall soblain,
I knows what to do ven I porrows again".
Th333 German? had strong attachm3ntsfor their home
and its comforts; and were slow to leave the place they had
once secured as their own. There are farms in this section
today that have never been sold—have never been out of the
family, but have descended through generation after gener-
ation from the original grants made in colonial t'mes.
Thus these Germans came into this County of Catawba,
from various quarters and for various reasons, and settled
among others from other countries, and by privations and
hard labor wrested this fair land from the savage and the
wild beast, and turned it into a veritable garden. In order
to understand the age in which we live, it is important that
we know the history of the past. The different epochs of
history are not disjointed parts, but all have a close relation
to the past and to the future. The sturdy Germans and their
high moral qualities have stamped their impress upon this
generation, and they will continue to be felt in the ages to
come. From this hardy race the Catawba soldier of the Civil
War came, and his heroism at Gettysburg, and many other
fields were the astonishment of the world. The Germans
are not foreigners in this country, any more than those who
came from England and Scotland and Ireland and France,
They are among the charter members of this great
Country. And since the shackles of the language have
been shaken off, the descendants of the Germans are fast
taking first places in the wonderful strides this country is
making in all industrial, commercial, and educational pro-
gress. The present is but a development of the past, it is
the offspring of the parent that has stamped upon it the
character of the early settlers of this county. And what-
ever is noble and worthy in the citizenship of Catawba Coun-
ty in har Civil War histjry, and her progress and achieve-
ments today, a pai-t and a large part of that honor belongs
to the German element of her citizens.
Rev, R, a. Yoder, D, D.
Lincolnton, N. C.
Jan, 20, 1911,
This earth is a place of j»reat resources. It teems with
minerals. Its soil, its rivers, its mountains, its clouds, its
sunshine, all conspire to make it wonderful. It is the abode
of a race of beings made in the image of God. Adam, our
first parent, was given the command to dress and keep it.
Imagine the face of the earth, under the care of a race of
perfect beings like Adam was, with perfect human strength
and perfect human intelligence, all laboring together to
develop the resources of the earth, understanding each other,
and realizing with one purpose, their duty and obligations.
Can you picture the fairy scenes that would meet the eye on
every hand? A whole race dwelling together, in unity of spirit
and a union of strength. What a Utopia! But it is a dream
only. It is not possible under merely human conditons.
The curse of human depravity has spread over the earth,
and wrought devastation everywhere. Men are the natural
enemies of each other, like the savage beasts of the jungle.
War, oppression, monopoly, tyranny, slavery, villainy, mur-
der, and passion, have blasted the once fair earth, and fam-
ine, disease, and poverty have stalked in their train, count-
less millions of the weak have perished to give the brutal
place. Human philosophy has sought to alleviate the con-
ditions, but ambition, greed, force, deceit, have all conspired
to defeat it. No true altering power has ever entered the
field but the gospel of the Man of Gallilee. From the dark-
ness of those three hours of Calvary, where He died, has
sprung, as from the womb of Time, a destiny for the race.
Let us change the figure, and call it a tree that was born
there. A root out of the dry ground, it was, at first, watered
with tears and blood of many martyrs. But it grew, and
soon its stripling height measured far above all other re-
ligions. But it was not destined to become the sturdy oak
too soon. It must wave in many a wintry blast, and wither
in many a summer's drought. But branch after branch has
grown stronger by the trial. An open Bible, religious and
civil liberty, universal brotherhood, education of the masses,
world-wide commerce and travel, world evangelism— all
have grown from this tree. It has lived to see war reduced,
slavery abolished, tyranny dethroned, illiteracy discounted.
And lo! with the disappearance of these great evils, and the
coming of these great blessings, the inventive powers of
man have seemed to spring into new activity. Kept back
by human ignorance and superstition until now, they are
like hounds whose leashs have been loosed, and they are
bounding to the chase of discovery and invention. Earth,
air, sky, and sea are being searched and explored, and are
yielding their secrets in amazing numbers. And the most
of these things have happened in the last century, many in
the last fifty years. What is the meaning of it all? Shall
we look for a continuous development of the world along
these same lines, till this is an ideal world, and man an ideal
neighbor and friend? No, the book which tells us of the
great author of these things, Jesus Christ, tells us that there
is an end to it. There is "one far off divine event to which
all creation moves." God has evidently designed to control
this world's history in great dispensations. We see them
marked in the Bible. Their limits are very clear. The first
one extended from man's creation to his fall. The second,
is from the fall to the flood. The third, from the flood to
Pentecost. The fourth, is the time of the Gentiles till Christ's
second coming. The last great period is the Millennium.
The question is, are we nearing this last period? The Bible
indicates that this will be the golden era of man's history.
The world will be untrammelled by Satan, man will be
obedient to God in great measure, and earth's resources and
man's powers will reach their highest development. Do all
these recent advancements indicate that we are reaching
this ideal period? Then may God speed the day, for it
means glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, and good-
will among men.
Rev. J. G. Garth.
Hickory, N. C.
The farm implements of Catawba were simple, and in-
deed, crude in l[61-5. The wooden plow stock with the
shovel twister, bull tongue, or gopher made the list for plows.
Nearly all of these were one horse plows. Occasionally,
among the better class of people was found a two horse plow
with iron mold board to break the fallow ground for wheat.
But with few exceptions, the one horse plow was used for
all purposes. Beside the common wooden tooth harrow, the
better class used iron tooth harrows for pulverizirg land for
the small grains. The advent of the wheat drill had not yet
been made. The first time the writer saw wheat being plant-
ed in rows was on that memorable march to Gettysburg and
near that place. The hoe, was the tool for ridding the crops
of grass and weeds. These were all home made, manufac-
tured from flat iron or worn out slab saws. This clumsy,
dull, heavy tool made a boy wish he were somewhere else
besides the farm. But the boys of those days were more
persistent than the boys of today.
With the above implements the farmer tock four to six
furrows to the row and the boys and women followed with
the hoes, making potato hills to the corn. This required
three, four, or five hands to the plow, depending on the
amount of grass and weeds. Thus the crop was worked on an
average of three times, the last being the happy ' 'laying by. "
About the year 1866, some advancement was made, the
double foot plow came into use. This was regarded as a
labor saver, since it required only half the time to plow an
acre. The same irons that were used on the single foot plow
were used on the double, and were home made. The writer
has carried many a piece of iron far away to the blacksmith-
shop to have a new one made or an old one sharpened. These
were the crude implements for working the corn. The wheat
was harvested with a cradle. No reapers and binders had
come yet. It was not an uncommon thing to see six to ten
men swinging- their cradles in the harvest field [end es rrany
women, men and boys following in their wake binding and
shocking the golden sheaves!
The thresher was an old hcise power mrd ire with glcut
as many men as horses to operate it. A wind mill winnowed
the chaff from the grain. It would be rn using to our
farmer boys now to see a man standing in the center of t n
old horse power, with his long limber whip in his hand, and
now and then whirling it over their backs, as he cried out,
"You, Jim" "Pete", Git up." and the whip would crack
like a rifla. But those "good old days" are gone and the
msnkilling tools, and land impovarishing methods are gone
with them. Gradually came the labor saving implements,
such as cultivators, disc harrows, iron frames andiron tooth-
section harrows, grain drills, reapers, with binding attach-
ments, separators hauled from place to place, and so on.
Then later came the two-horse riding cultivator, the cottcn
and corn planters, and later stib the improved binders and
reapers, corn harvesters, rrowers, hay rakes, and so forth till
now one man and two or three w-ell trained horses can do
the same amount of work in one day that formerly it took
four and six men to do with the old antiquated tools.
Along with these improvements came the steam traction
engine, and hooked up to a threshing outfit complete with the
straw-stacking attachment, not only separating the grain
from the straw and the chaff, but actually pulling the whole
concern, with all hands riding from place to place over our
country roads and through our farmers' fields to thresh his
grain. Then the disc plow and the subsoiler came in place
of the old side shovel or twisters, and where men orce plov -
ed three or four inches deep, skimming and skinning their
land, preparing the soil to waste away with the first heavy
rails, nD'A^ vvsflid the land bro'cen from eight to 3ixt33'% ni
in soma cases eighteen to twenty-one inches deep, thus mak-
ing a soil that is capable of holding moistui'e sufficient for
the average growing crop for the greater portion of the
growing season, especially if this soil be well supplied with
humus, that is, decomposed vegetable matter. And further
more, this deeply broken soil not only holds the moisture in
reserve for the growing plants, but it makes it almost im-
possible for it to wash away with the heaviest continued
Such demonstrations have actuated farmers to put moi"e
thought into farming and to practice better methods. And
the results are that where we once reaped only ten to fifteen
bushels of corn to the acre and from three to six hundred
pounds of seed cotton, we are now gathering, on the same
land, fifty, sixty and seventy bushels of corn, and twelve
hundred to two thousands pounds of seed cotton per acre.
Farmers are making corn, wheat, oats, and cotton at
considerably less cost under the improved methods, than with
the old tools and methods.
Before the days of the civil war, and for some years
after, it was hard to find enough seed sweet potatoes in the
spring of the year to plant for next season at one dollar, and
a dollar and a half a bushel. Now, and for ten years past,
it has been a problem for our Catawba farmers to get their
sweet potatoes on the market by the first of May. Some are
actually harvesting and housing from twenty-five to thirty-
six hundred bushels of sweet potatoes each season. One
man in the fall of 1908, told the writer that he had raised on
a small plot of ground, over six hundred bushels to the acre.
There has been a marked improvement and wonderful de-
velopm2nt along all lines of agriculture in even the last three
decades, and for all this we are proud and truly grateful.
But our aspirations are for something better still, and for far
greater development, and we should never cease while such
great possibilities lie within our reach. Look at what has
been done through the demonstration work under the super-
vision of Dr. S. A. Knapp, of the U. S. department of Agri-
culture at Washington and his sub-agents in the south, and
catch a vision of a better day for agriculture. As one of
those agents, the writer knows, that under the methods of
this department the increase over the old methods has been
from three hundred to four hundred per cent. It is the
writer's conviction that the Piedmont section is just in its in-
fancy in agriculture. I believe we have here in Catawba
county as good a place to live, enjoy health and be happy as
any where in the wide world if, each one will only do his
part in making it so.
Now if I should fail to mention the progress made in
methods of transporation from the days before the civil war to
the present, I would fall short of the task I have undertaken.
When the writer was a boy, there were no cars running near-
er this county than Charlotte. I well remember the first
train of cars I ever saw. It was a train running into
Charlotte when I was a lad twelve years old, and had gone a
trip with a neighbor of my father's.
There were some home made, one horse, two horse, j^and
three and four horse wagons, of course, on the farms of the
best to-do farmers, but the sled with runneis made of sour-
wood trees well shaped for the purpose was an essential
vehicle on many farms. It was used for hauling up the fire
wood in winter and the crops in the fall. I knew of one old
gentleman who owned a good river farm in Catawba county
and kept two good farm horses and often more, whose grand-
son relates that the old man never possessed a wagon in his
life. You could never have convinced that man that his son's
son would ba riding in an automobile in less than forty years
from his death. Look at our present facilities for travel.
Wagons of any size are made to order, and one of the best
and largest wagon shops in the United States is located in
Hickory, Catawba county, namely, the Piedmont Wagon
Works. Also as fine a buggy as is made in this country is
made by the Jerome Bolick and Sons Co., Conover, N. C,
All farmers have their buggies, surries, spring wagons, and
two horse wagons, hauling their products to market, and
their families to town or to church.
The difference in communication is striking also. When
the writer came from the war, he had to go seven miles to the
post office. About once a week was all the time he could
spare to go for his mail. With our rural mail deliveiy, the
mail comes daily to his door. Then who of our neighbors or
yours would have believed that we could stand in our
front halls and talk to our friends miles away?
In no department of our farm life is greater growth seen
than in our live stock. In the days before the stock law this
was impossible. Wandering stock made out of the question
to grade our cattle up to a standard, which was also true of
hogs. It is not usual to see pigs under eight months old
weighing over two hundred pounds. Today people will not
buy scrubby stock of hogs to raise from, because it will not
pay. Some of the finest hogs in the country are to be found
right here in our county. All this is true of cattle as well.
The writer remembers how frequently some neighbor would
come to my father's house to get him to help prize a milk
cow or a yearling out of the mire on the edge of some swamp.
The cattle were at large, with the sheep and the goats, and
if they chanced to find their way home at night, they would
probably find a hamper basket of shucks awaiting them, in
the fence corners, if the hogs had not already rooted them
around in search of a stray ear of corn. No wonder the
cattle were scrubs, and no wonder some had to be prized
out of the mud.
What an amazing difference is to be seen in the cattle to-
day and that of those days gone by. Exhibited in the fairs at
Hickory last year and the year before was as fine cattle as one
wants to see. Some of the milk cows are record breakers.
As a splendid adjunct to the dairy business, we have the
creamery located in Hickory. It is doing a fine business and
is well equipped in every way. The Live Stock Association
in the county also means great things for cattle. The scrub
will be bound to disappear.
With all these lines of progress as have been indicated in
this sketch, before us, it is well asked. What shall the future
be? Certainly it mean still further development. Now, to the
rising generation, who are to take the places of their pro-
gressive fathers, the veterans who had the energy, the busi-
ness tact, to bring about this day of advancement, let me
say, you are highly favored. Compare the conditions now
with those that confronted your fathers when they came out
of the civil war, the blank, impoverished lands, grown up
with brush or washed way, scarcely a good horse or mule to
be found, no cattle or hogs except scrubs. These, men start-
ing from the stump have done well, you say. And they have
indeed done well. You, their sons, cannot afford to let things
lag, or take a backward step. Your fathers, now resting
from their labors, look upon you in the heritage they left
you. They will not be disappointed, for they believe you to
be worthy sons of their sires. But the question is new
What are you going to do?
In 1861, there was scattered over Catawba County, a
post office here and there, at the most prominent cross roads
in the County, perhaps as many as a dozen, to which mails
were brought once a week from the four points on the
Western North CaroHna raih-oad— Newton, Hickory,
Catawba, and Conover. Many citizens had to go eight or
ten miles for their weekly mail. As the years went by,
more and more offices were established by the Post Office
Department, but more offices did not facilitate nor make
more frequent the rural mails. At the railroad offices, how-
ever, daily mails were given to the towns and stations for a
number of years. In recent years, the Government has
established Rural free delivery, and thus the country dis-
tricts are supplied with daily mails. There is still yet star
routes to be found in sparely settled and remote communities.
Recently, the Government has established City Delivery
^n towns with a population of five thousand; hence, Catawba
County has one town, or city, (Hickory), which has mail
delivered twice daily. We can now write a letter early in
the morning and reach almost every family in the County
on the same day by means of R. F. D. ; but in recent years,
by means of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone inven-
tion, we can communicate to parts of the County where
lines have been established by progressive citizens, in a few
moments, as though we were under the same roof. In a
few more years, the citizens of Catawba will be practically
brought together by means of this grand invention. A
mighty change from 1861 to 1911 in reference to exchange
of thought.
Another recent discovery is what is called "Wireless
Telegraphy." In a few more years, this will supplant, in a
measure, all other means of communication.
E lually startling, is tlie change made in transportation
as was made in communication. The slide, the trucks, the
wagons, — drawn by the ox, horse or mule. —seldom did you
find in ]861, a carriage or buggy; and perchance you did at
some great gathering, it was owned by the more wealthy of
the community as wealth was regarded in 1861.
The marketing of the surplus of produce of that day
was taken to Charleston, Columbia, Chester, or Yorkville,
S. C, and, sometimes to Eastern North Carolina towns,—
Charlotte and Fayetteville. We regarded it a treat to be
permitted as boys to go on these trips. The wagons were
generally loaded with flour, brandy and whiskey, bacon,
and corn. These articles were exchanged for salt, coffee,
sugar, molasses and seldom shoes and clothing.
Not until 1859 or 1860, did a railroad enter our county —
the Western North Carolina railroad- leading now from
Salisbury to Asheville. Never will the old soldier forget the
depot, still yet standing, in the town of Newton, where they
took their departure for the field of carnage. Thus the
steam method has supplanted the wagon in the main. Now,
we have, in 1911, two well-equipped railroads running
through the county — the Western North Carolina Division of
the Southern, running East and West; the other the Carolina
and Northwestern, running North and South- a county now
very fortunate in her transportation facilities.
Seldom do you find, now, wagons transporting anything
to any other place save the nearest railroad station; and un-
til our citizenship wake up to the necessity of better roads,
graded and macademized, they will have to make four loads
instead of one, and impoverish their stock to the amount of
parts of their load, time and energy sacrificed for fear of a
little tax to construct better roads. Fifty years ago, when
we made our trips through the country to Scuth Carolina in
wagons, we were generally on the road three weeks. Note
the great change that the railway has made possible ! We
can jump on the train and in less than four hours we have
made our trip to almost any point in South Carolina. Who
would want to go faster ? In contrast to 1861, go to any
gathering in the rural district, town or city, and in lieu of
cart or wagon to convey the family there, you will find bug-
gies of the most improved kind, surreys, phaetons, bicycles
and the automobile — it being the greatest fad for travelling.
We believe the quickest and safest way is now being
perfected— the aeroplane. We believe that some school boy
of Catawba county, who shall have lived out the next half
century, and who shall write Volume II of the series started
of Catawba County history, will give credit to the aeroplane
and aerocar as being the then safest, cheapest and quickest
mode of travel. Catawba will have this method soon as she
keeps always abreast of the times.
War does not stimulate religious activity. However
true this may be in general, the Catawba veteran has shown
a devotion to the cause of religion as great as that mani-
fested in the cause of the Southern Confederacy. Before
joining the army, many of them united with the church and
became soldiers of the Lord and marched away from home
with musket on the shoulder and the Bible in the pocket.
Returning from the field of battle, or some Federal
prison, the Catawba veteran found the cause of religion lan-
guishing and the fires upon the altar of devotion burning
feebly. Like Nehemiah, he went to work to rebuild the
waste places of Zion. The religious conditions as found in
Catawba county in 1865 and as found in the same county in
1911, show a wonderful progress, and in almost every case
the moving force was an "old soldier."
The religious forces in this county are Protestant, and
not Catholic. Among the Protestant denominations are
found the Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist, Baptist, Presby-
terian and Episcopalian, with a few Seventh Day Adventists.
The population being of German extraction, the Lutheran
and Reformed churches are the oldest congregations in the
county, and the older churches were "Union churches," be-
ing used by both these denominations.
Efforts have been made to secure the statistics of each
denomination in the county, showing the strength of each
denomination in 1865 and the gain since that time, but these
efforts have proven futile, and being unable to give all it is
thought best, to serve the purposes of this book, to give none.
The Lutheran denomination, as might be expected, has
made wonderful progress in this county in the years follow-
ing the Civil war. In 1865 there was no school of that de-
nomination, but now there are two: Concordia at Conover,
and Lenoir at Hickory. Old churches have been rebuilt,
new congregations have been organized and parsonages have
been established in almost every community in this county.
Who have been most active in bringing about this changed
condition ? The veterans— the Smyres, Rabbs, Arndts,
Smiths, Anthonies, Lohrs, Yoders, Seitzs, Hahns and many
others who could be named.
The same can be said of the Reformed church. It has
been the veterans who have carried forward the work of the
Master in this church. Prominent are the Ramsaurs, Wil-
fongs, Shufords, Rowes, McCorkles, Reinhardts, Bellingers,
Bollingers, Mahaffeys, Coulters, Whiteners, Setzers, Car-
penters: and thus it is that the bravest of Lee's followers
become the truest soldiers in the army of the Lord.
The Baptist denomination has a fine constituency in
Catawba county. In addition to the many churches estab-
lished in almost every part of the county, a denominational
school has been established, and the South Fork Institute at
Maiden is doing excellent work. The gain of this denoniin-
ation has not been secured.
The zeal of Methodism in Catawba has equaled the zeal
of that church in other counties, and the Catawba veteran
who adhered to that denomination has been active in plant-
ing a church in almost every community in the county, and
the following statistics show the wonderful hold Methodism
has in the county: Six pastoral charges with a membership
of 3,416; 27 Sunday Schools with 2,037 Sunday School pupils.
These congregations made an annual contribution of $11,678,
and the value of their church property is ^'57,775.
The Presbyterian denomination has three congregations
in the county, and the progress of the church has been com-
Although the Episcopal church has but one congregation
in the county, and this one not very large, it is doubtless as
closely identified with the veterans of the county as any
other denomination in the county by reason of the fact that
the Rev. James A. Weston, rector of the church for so many
year?, was a soldier and a Confederate soldier brave and
true. He was chaplain of the veterans and his prayers and
addresses at the reunions of the veterans are remembered still.
Perhaps the town of Hickory has made the most remark-
able progress religiously of any part of the county. This
town has 17 churches for white people, and five of these are
fine structures, modern in every respect, having large pipe
organs; with all modern improvements; and in bringing
about this condition of affairs the Catatuba veteran has been
most prominent.
At the outbreak of the war, there were in Catawba
county about forty-five school districts as compared with
ninety-five today. In that day, only one teacher could be
found in a school, while today as many as three may be
found in some of the public schools of the county, v^ith as
high as ten in some of the graded schools. At that time the
children were required to walk long distances to school in a
log hut containing only one room and heated by a large fire-
place fed with large logs. Today the child has a school
within a reasonable distance in a modern building containing
from two to eight rooms, and in soma instances, heated by
steam. The windows in the school buildings of those days
were made by cutting away a portion of two logs and insert-
ing therein panes of glass. The light from these windows
were insufficient, and on cloudy days, the eyes of the pupils
were strained to study. To-day the school building is well
lighted by large modern windows and the children are able
to study in comfort. The building of war times contained
but one door through which all the children entered and left
in a disorderly manner like bees from a hive. To-day the
building contains a number of doors through which the child-
ren enter and pass out in ease and military order. The
children then were given but one recess during the day —
one hour at twelve o'clock. The children were called together
at eight in the morning and were held until twelve when
they were given the noon intermission. Call bells were un-
known then and the children were called to ''books" by
beating on the house with a stick. Study was resumed again
at one o'clock and continued until four. Now the tediousness
of study is tempered with three recesses and a shorter da}^
The seating accomodations of the old-time school-house con-
sisted of slabs from some near-by saw mill with four sticks
for supports, the ends of which some times extended two or
three inches above the flat side. Not so to-day. We have
the latest model patent desk in many of our school rooms
which enable the children to study in comfort.
Usually about four lessons were recited daily, the text
books consisting of Webster's Old Blue Back for a speller and
the Testament for a reader. Soon, however, the Saunder's,
McDuffy's, and others readers were introduced. The Pike's
and Fowler's arithmetics were used, being replaced, however,
by Davie's and Saunder's. Grammars or geographies were
rarely found in the schools, but Bullion's, Murray's and other
grammars ware soon introduced. Mitchell's, and other old
time geographies, soon came into use and answered the pu -
pose in those days. Nowadays the student goes to the school
room literally loaded down with text books. Reader, spell-
ing book, arithmetic, grammar, geography, history, civics,
physiology, agriculture, botany, algebra, latin, etc., are to be
found among the present day school boy's belongings.
The amusements of those days were simpler, and perhaps
more varied, than those of today. Then bull-pen, town-ball,
hDly-roly, cat-ball, and marbles furnished sufficient entertain-
ment for the boys and girls at play-time. Today it is base-
ball, foot-ball and other more strenuous games.
Locking the teacher out was a common pastime in those
days. The children would go to the school house ahead of
the teachers a day or two before Christmas and would secure-
ly bind the door against tiie teacher and keep him on the
outside until he promised a treat with appks crc£rc\. II 1 e
stubbornly refused, the laiger, boys would carry him to the
nearest pool and duck him repeatedly until the desired treat
was promised. Sometime, however, the teacher would anti-
cipate a "pen-out" and would go prepared with a quantity
of red pepper. On finding the door closed against him, he
would climb to the chimney top and drop the pepper down
into the fire and place something over the chimney top and
await results. He w^ould not have long to wait,as the smoke
from the pepper was too much for the boys. The door would
fly open and the boys would rush out for fresh air when the
teacher would enter and all would settle down to a hard day's
work. Spelling aloud was the method of study then and the
students could often be heard for a quarter of a mile distance.
Things are changed now, and absolute quiet reigns in the
school room during study hours.
But from the day of small things, we have advanced to
an age of activity in public school work. The Catawba Soldier
and his descendants have implanted the seeds of progress.
and they are springing up and bringing forth an hundred
fold. This is another evidence of the fact that the Confede-
rate Soldier has displayed as much zeal and patriotism in
time of peace as in time of war. And in fact, these noble
sons of the South have won their greatest victories since the
close of that unhappy period which deluged this nation in
blood. Returning home after the war, he found his country
desolate and his habitation destroyed.
Nothing daunted, he set his face to the task of bringing
order out of chaos and making the waste places blossom as
the rose. How well he succeeded may be determined by
noting the present prosperous conditions of his native land.
The following report of our present county Superintendant
of Public Instruction will enable us to see the progress of the
cause of education in Catawba county:
"There are in this county today ninty-six districts, twenty-
four of which have voted local tax. The total length of
school term in the local tax districts is 110 days; the average
length in other districts being 86 days. There are in the
county 33 libraries, containing nearly 1900 volumes; there
are 111 teachers with a total enrollment of 4,828 students,
and an average attendance of 3,425. The county has school
property to the total value of $35,150, and an available school
fund of $30,499, or a per capita fund of $1.73."
We herewith give an idea of our progress in the way of
buildings for school purposes. The Abernethy School house
here presented with its sketch, is south of Hickory 5 miles.
The Sweet water school is just below Hickory, and is the
third building since the war; the Lohr, or Grace School, is
southwest of Newton and is the fourth building since the
war. The Monbo School is southeast of Catawba 8 miles and
is a model neighborhood enterprise. These are scattered
samples of the Catawba spirit to educate the masses. Thus
hath the masses, the old soldier ever to the front, wrought
wonderfully in the development of education in the county.
These ninety odd buildings scattered in every community to-
gether with our four chartered institutions leaves no excuse
for any boy or girl to gro^^ Aip un^itpred. , ^
The old soldier has any ays recognized tlie lawmakers dis-
crimination against th^ pimple's schools, by giving what is
left, after making ample provisions. |pr her three favorites,
University, A. & M., and Normal & Industrial College. Let
the cry increase unjust, unjust, unjust "till the battlements
fall, and then, and not till then, will the masses get what
is justly due them educationly."
The soldier pities the lawmakers who have not learned
this one patent fact, that as you educate the masses, the
wealth producers, you increase his productive capacity, and
thus fill the coffers of other occupations:— The merchant
has a larger trade; the bankers greater deposits; the
manufacturers greater trade; the doctor more practice; the
preacher and teacher a living salary — in fact, every thing
takes on new life by infusing into our schools the spirit of
this strenuous age. Let the watch-w^ord be just and equal
apportionment of the school fund to the peoples' schools and
to the class schools.
Of the schools of the county the remaining soldiers are
proud, feeling as they do that these are the products of their
sacrifice. "He hath done what he could," in every depart-
ment of life.
COUNTY 1865-1911.
The great change and development that has swept the
Southern States in the few decades since the War has not
been manifested more strikingly in any department of life
than in the homes and the home life of the people of the
South. The strides and bounds with which every phase and
line of business, trade and manufacture has gone forward in
that short time cannot command more amazement than the
complete revolution that the Southern home and home life
has undergone. This change which touched North Carolina
no less than other States, can be pointed out in vivid manner
here in this very section— in the homes of the people of Ca-
tawba County. These Western North Carolinians have un-
doubtedly seen the years sweep away so much of the old
regime and manner of life that to our young people of today
such depicting of the life around here of forty-odd years ago
seems more a "Tale of long ago" than so short a space back
in time that the older people of this country can easily recall
such events and scenes. Small wonder that the younger
generation is surprised when in drawing a picture of life in
the old homesteads we show the contrast between the home
to which the Confederate Soldier returned and those which
the good people of Catawba County now occupy.
The period after the war was a period characterized by
hard poverty in every walk of life, but especially in the home.
The Confederate Soldier returned to labor and to work. The
mothers, wives, and daughters, servantless and poor, took
upon their shoulders uncomplainingly the drudgery of the
household tasks. Truly it may be said of them that by the
"Sweat of the brow did they eat bread. " The daily round
of household duties was varied and never-ending, a thousand
tasks arose to be completed with every sun. Whatever of
clothing, light and food they obtained, whatever of comfort
and cheer surrounding them in their homes, was only pro-
duced by labor, thrift and saving care.
Looking back upon this picture of hard toil we see its
setting and frame- work in the typical home of Catawba
County as it was then. These houses were small and un-
pretentious looking, but were made lovely in gi:m,mer by
vines and the beloved old-fashioned flowers that grew in
every "Grand-mother's Garden." The bordered path led
up to the door, and here one entered into the general living
room, warm, cheery and bright with it's glowing open fire in
winter and it's shadowed cool in summer. Here ihe family
gathered together when the day was over, about the solitary
little candle that so bravely strove to light the depths of
gloom. Here the friendly neighbors who cameover to spend
the day, sat working on their half-completed quilts, their
knitting or sewing, never idle, but talking of "the days be-
fore the War" or the present news while they worked. Here
the social gatherings were held, no fear of boisterous young
people doing harm to the rag carpets, the home spun cur-
tains or the split-bottomed chairs with which the room was
furnished. Without doubt these rooms contained many
pleasant memories of happy scenes despite "hard times."
Certainly there could be no greater contrast to this
cheery room than the gloomy dark "best room" or parlor.
With its better furnishing of carpet and chairs carefully
guarded, its shades drawn down and the few pictures hung
precisely on the wall and the few books placed precisely on
the table, this sacred precinct was always kept closed and
generally locked. Only on such occasions as weddings or
funerals was its dark domain invaded and used.
Passing by the bed rooms with their high four-posted
beds, the pretty crazy quilts and the old furniture that had
been handed down from mother to daughter, we find the
old-time kitchen, the most important and interesting place of
all. Here was the great open fire-place with its two swing-
ing rods, one on each side, fitted out with hooks on which
were hung the many-sized pots over the glowing coals.
Sometimes there was an old-time stove; but, if so, this was
only used for special occasions such as the baking of all the
weekly pies and bread on a Saturday, or the huge cakes for
the Christmas season. Generally the daily supply of vege-
tables and meat was prepared by boiling everthing over the
open fire. Apples, sweet and Irish potatoes were baked in
the hot ashes: chestnuts were roasted and pop-corn often
popped over a bed of coals. The dutch oven, a round cover-
ed pan in which biscuits were baked, was often set on these
coals with its layer of coals on top. Strings of beef and
sausage, dipped in brine and hung over the stove or aiound
the room to dry out, were frequent ornaments of the kitchen.
Bunches of red-repper also made a cheerful spot. The ad-
joining pantry was, of course, the realm of delicacies and
stacks on stacks of good things. Here was sweet-pickle and
preserves made from every kind of fruit, row on row of
dried apples, pears and peaches, fresh tomatoes and fruit
saved far into the Fall, not to mention the weekly supplies
of delicious pies and pastry.
Frequently there was a cellar to the house where winter
provisions of potatoes, vegetables and apples were stored.
Down in its depths was the place for the shelves of peanuts
and the barrels of saur kraut, which during the Fall was
made by filling in alternate layers of cabbage and salt, with
the whole pressed down by large rocks. Fruit and melons
were often placed in wheat bran in the cellar for preserva-
tion and it was a great achievement if some could be saved
long enough to grace the Christmas festivities.
Almost all of the food was raised on or near the home
place. Every household had a garden where the vegetables
were raised and fruit trees around the place, if not a regular
orchard, while as for meat, chickens were an important ar-
ticle and during the Winter great supplies lasted over from
hog-killing time. Outside the kitchen in the back yard a
low brick oven was generally built, where the baking was
done when the kitchen held no stove. Molasses was used a
great deal to take the place of the more expensive brown
sugar, and once or twice a year a general stock of salt, sugar
coffee and commodities of that sort which could not be
"home-made" or home-grown were laid in. Water in the
kitchen or elsewhere was not used so lavishly as at present,
because often every bucketful had to be carried from the
spring which might be quite a distance from the house.
If these houses could not boast of beauty, they were
nevertheless cheery and home-like. The walls were plaster-
ed or sealed without paper and the few pictures on the walls
with occasional portraits of wood cuts for which the car-
penter had sawed out and painted a frame. Books there
were but few outside the family Bible, but those favored
persons who had small libraries were usually generous
enough to lend reading material around to friends and neigh-
bors. The novel rag carpets were manufactured at home
from scraps which had been saved for that purpose. The
candles by which light was insured during the long winter
evenings were made by dozens and half-dozens, by pouring
the hot tallow into the moulds, after the wick had been fixed,
in place. Curtains at the windows gave a touch of prettiness
and comfort. These, hanging over the figured paper shades,
were of a certain material which lasted — as did most things
of that day— year in and year out.
As for clothing, forty-odd years ago the styles did not
change every season as they do now. Clothing which
had been ones mother's or grand-mother's was handed
on down. Woolen dresses when obtained were worn every
winter till in rags. Stockings were knitted at home and
other clothing when the weaver had finished his job was put
together entirely by hand. Men's suits were usually home-
spun. Shoes were made by the cobbler of the community
and one or two pairs a year were considered sufficient. Hats
were used season after season and every piece of trimming
or pretty bit of ribbon was carefully treasured. At social
gatherings the young man who wore a "Northern" or ready-
made suit was considered a dude and a dandy. Hair-dress-
ing in that time was rather severe, the hair being drawn back
over the ears into a coil behind. In the case of young girls,
curls were preferred, and their few party dresses were made
short waisted or empire in style.
The most pleasant side of this picture is the social life
of that time. Neighbors were very friendly--often one good
house-wife would bring her work and spend the day with
another — then a good old country dinner would be prepared —
no fancy dishes but plenty to eat. The young people had
social gatherings at each other's homes, quiltings and
sewing bees and husking parties in the fall. Usually the
old people did the work while the young folks played the
good old-fashioned sports of "Drop-the-handkerchief" and
others. At dances the square dances were only engaged in
and the Virginia Reel was the most popular. In the summer
Camp Meetings were frequently attended and these were a
great event in most people's lives, since at these times the
country people saw friends and exchanged news and enjoyed
social intercourse that was usually denied them. Church
during the year was well attended. Whenever an opportun-
ity was afforded as the minister went the rounds of his seve-
ral charges, the people would drive in for miles around.
This was the social side, but nowhere one could look at the
people gathered together or in their homes but what one saw
traces of home labor and toil. From the food they ate to the
clothing that kept the body warm one could discern cease-
less industry in the thousand lines of household work.
It would be of little use to go into details concerning the
multitude of conveniences and luxuries that have been in-
vented — especially in the last decade — to make the present
day homes of Catawba County so different from those they
have superceded. It is only necessary to look about one and
consider the most important of the changes — how the elec-
tric light has taken the place of the single little candle; in-
stead of the bucketful of spring water we can depend upon
an unlimited supply from a river, from fixtures in our homes;
and the simmering pot over an open fire has been replaced
by a huge kitchen range with every kind of implement and
utensil for cooking that the mind could imagine. When
one thinks of the convenience of the telephone, of the
well-stocked grocery store that will deliver any kind of
commodity at your door, of the deluge of books, magazines
and papers for us to read, how one can be supplied with
everything in the way of comfort and luxury from kitchen to
parlor — furniture, carpets and pictures to make beautiful the
home, and every invention to make the home-work easy, it
is no wonder that we hardly realize there was a time of
privation and inconvenience and hardship just a comparative-
ly few years ago when all these things were unknown, and
what we now consider necessities of living, were to them
unthought of luxuries.
Now that the home work has been so lightened, that the
mothers, wives, and daughters have time for other things,
the social side of the community has increased according-ly.
In the towns numerous clubs of civic improvement, of reading
and study and of pleasure have sprung up. In the country
homes the telephone, the delivery wagons and the daily ar-
rival of the mail at one's door have overcome the barrier of
the miles, and we are all brought in close contact with the
big outside world and its movements by the daily newspaper.
These changes have certainly brought a different life to
the people of Catawba County, and it seems to me that this
fuller life, this wider range of interest- more education-
more Hterature, would tend to raise us higher, to advance us
farther, to make us a more liberal and broad-minded people
since along these lines the progress of the world has been
Mary Shuford.
Hickory, N. C.
The publication of this history, without making mention
of the poultry, would not only be injustice to the readers of
the same, but to the hen also. We would not have you
think she is the old barnyard hen which has helped to fill many
a long felt want, but the modern hen of to-day, which fur-
nishes more than the wheat and cotton crops of our broad
land. There has nothing advanced more than the poultry
industry. Tv/enty years ago hens sold at 25 cents each, no
matter what they weighed, and to-day they sell from 50
cents on up to the price of a good cow, and some specimens
even more. Twenty years ago, or say fifteen, eggs sold at
5 cents per dozen; to-day they sell from 15c to $15.00 per doz.
owing to the quality. These high priced eggs are not layed
by the old long ago or any sort of old hen, but by the im-
proved hen, such as the Leghorn, Minorca, Barred Rock,
Rhode Island Rsd, Wyandotte, Orpington, Houdan and many
The following will give you an idea of what is being
done in Catawba County in poultry:
Geo. E. Bisanar breeds single comb White Leghorns,
having some of the finest birds in the south. If you think
he is giving them away, write him.
Piedmont Poultry Yards, under the management of J.
M. and W. A. Hawn, are breeding single comb Buff Leg-
horns, Crystal White Orpingtons, single comb Rhode Island
Reds and Indian Runner Ducks. They say they have
chickens of quality, and are here to stay. When you ccme
to Hickory, N. C, you are invited to their yards.
C. M. Shuford breeds Barred Rocks and White Wyan-
dottes and finds it almost as profitable as the drug business.
J. M. Shuford breeds White Wyandottes. D. K. Fry breeds
White Wyandottes, Black Minorcas and Brown Leghorns,
J. T. Yoder breeds fifteen different varieties. J. S. and J.
T. Setzer breed eleven or twelve different varieties. J. A,
Lentz breeds Barred Rocks, White Orpingtons and Columbian
Wyandottes; J. C. Williams breeds Rhode Island Reds; Edgar
Yoder breeds White Orpingtons, and, they say, has invested
several hundred dollars in the business; C. E, Bumgarner
breeds White Wyandottes and Black Minorcas; J. A. Peter-
son breeds White Orpingtons and R. I. Reds; J. C. Deitz
breeds Game; A, H. Keever breeds White Wyandottes and
Leghorns; Jones W. Shufordand Sons are also in the poultry
business; W. L. Boatright has been in the business a long
time and he says he likes it. He breeds Black Minorcas. W.
J. Shuford, the seed man, breeds White Wyandottes and
Turkeys, and his partner, R. 0. Abernethy, has gone into
the business very extensively. He is going to equip an egg
farm with White Leghorns and White Orpingtons. Lloyd
Whitener breeds Buff Rocks; S. L. Whitener breeds White
Wyandottes; Auston Wood breeds R. L Reds; Geo. Lyerly
breeds several varieties; Chas. Bolick breeds Indian Runner
Ducks. E. L. Whitener and J. M. Hawn have a new breed
which they have named the Catawba Whites. Editor Banks,
of the Hickory Democrat, is also a fancier of the feathered
tribe for both pleasure and profit. L. H. Phillips breeds
several varieties. There are many others of whom the
writer has no knowledge, breeding fancy poultry, both for
pleasure and profit.
What has been said has no reference to the chickens
bought and sold and shipped to the northern markets for
table consumption. The amount realized from the last
named is immense.
In the spring of 1910, in sixty days, there was shipped
out of Hickory alone thirteen cars of eggs.
Annually, sometime in the fall, the Catawba County
people have at Hickory, N. C. what is known as "A Free
Street Fair." At this fair is exhibited all of the farm pro-
ducts, and it has been said by people who have been around
and have seen, that it is a credit to any county or state. At
this fair is a poultry show which has been organized as the
Catawba Poultry Association. And there you will see some
of as fine birds as ever graced a show room, and the number
exhibited is not a few. At the last show there was on
exhibit five hundred, all the leading varieties being rep-
resented. The show is wide open. Let everybody come.
The time is past for you to send out of the state for fancy
poultry of any variety. You can get quality right here and
in a few more years you can also get quantity.
J. Morgan Hawn.
Hickory, N. C, June 20, 1911.
Among all the industries of the county none have made
greater strides than the manufacturing industries. In 1£61
there were perhaps as many as six carders in the county,
manufacturing wool into rolls to be spun on the "big" and
"little" wheels, then to be woven into cloth on the loom,
specimens of which may be found yet in the plunder rooms
of 3Dn3 fanilias. 1331 foaad a few CDtton gins also. Now
there are many of the most improved kinds. Then the
county could claim but one little cotton manufacturing mill,
now she levies taxes on eleven, some of which are not re-
coned small. Then we found at many cross-roads, wagon
and blacksmith shops, the work all done by hand. Now we
find the Piedmont Wagon Co., at Hickory doing all the work
by machinery, and turning out wagons at the rate of ten
thousand per day— and the Bolick buggy shops at Conover,
doing a wholesale business in the building of buggies. Then
we had many little tanneries^ — taking twelve months to tan a
hide. Now we have large tanneries doing the work by ma-
chinery, and on short notice. In 1861 for the manufacture
of lumber there were a few old sash saws, the limit of which
was six or seven hundred feet per day. Now the improved
mills saw thousands of feet per day. In 1861 the prepar-
ation of this poorly sawed lumber for building was done by
hand with the plane — now it is done wholly by machinery,
nearly all mills running a planer and so on ad infinitum.
Nothing in a material sense was done then as now. Look
to the town history for information on the subject of manu-
facturing, as well as other progress in other lines. One
more, please. In 1861 there were few bricks made in the
county. We will never forget the day when a boy, ten years
old, Father wanted brick to build a chimney, and none to be
had. He made a circle about twelve feet in diameter, dug a
circle about two feet wide around to the sub-soil. Into this
we threw red clay sub-soil, which came out of a cellar near
by. Upon this we poured water obtained from a well, and
prepared this for the moulds by riding horses around. This
seems a little humiliating, but nevertheless true. Some of
these bricks, though not good— may yet be seen on the old
homestead today — 60 years old. Many other devices were
resorted to by the then citizens, that seem impossible to the
boys and girls of today. But we have given some to show
the contrast of periods in which the "old soldier" lived. If
the same advances are made in the next half century that
have been made during the past fifty years, we wot not what
will be. It has not its parallel in history. More progress
in the arts, sciences, inventions, discoveries have been made
in the past fifty years than since God said, "Let there be
light" or Biblically 6000 years, or Geologically 30, COO or
shall we conclude from this that there is in the world's history
a great event just in sight? To the author, it portends some-
thing, let that something be the "end of time"— the Milen-
nium"- or what we know not— we have had the honor of
having lived in the most remarkable age of the world's
As the mind of the reader lingers loving'ly over the
reminiscences of long ago recorded in this took, it is but
natural that we should think in a retrospective Vvay of
Hickory Tavern, then Hickory Station, and now the City of
Hickory. A glance at the picture of the little old log cabin
known as Hickory Tavern will enable the younger rtadtrs
of this book to realize the conditions here when, in 1858, the
deed for the first town lot sold in Hickory was made to
Henry W. Link. In the spring of 1859 Mr. Link had the
lumber on the lot, and in the fall of 1860, the first house in
Hickory was completed by the contractor, Mr. Jackson J.
Sigmon. It was a combination dwelling and store house.
Henry Link and family moved in in the fall of 1860. The
firm of Ellis, Link & Co. was organized, composed of Dr. J.
R. Ellis, Henry Link and Wm. H. Ellis. Goods were bought
in Philadelphia, and the first store was opened for business.
Within the following year stores were opened by Levi Elias
and Dr. A. D. Lindsay. There was no building done from
1861 to 1865 on account of ths Civil war, except four com-
missary buildings, built by the Confederate Government for
packing and storing meats and grain for the Army. These
buildings were very large, affording every facility for pack-
ing and shipping. These were burned by Maj. E. M. Todd,
C. S. A., in April, 1865, just before the Federal tioops
entered the town. One hundred and forty barrels of
whiskey, temporarily stored in one of the buildings, were
burned; also, large quantities of corn and wheat, which had
been collected as tithe. The payment of the tenth of every
thing produced in the country by the women and children
was a great sacrifice to the cause of the South. This tithe
included wheat, corn, meats, hay, etc. The return of Con-
federate soldiers in the spring of 1865 enabled them to plant
for a crop. Anything that could be hitched to a plow was
used, and the result was the best crop in years. In 1S60
there were two stage lines, —one to Asheville, N. C, and
one to Abingdon, Va. The Abingdon line was discon-
tinued in 1861. The Ashe \^ille line was moved to the ter-
minus of the Western N. C. railroad, a few miles West of
Icard (now Connelly Springs), at which place "Camp
Vance" was located. The first manufacturing plant estab-
lished at Hickory Tavern, was the Piedmont Wagon Co.
The manufacture of these wagons began at the Catawba
Toll Bridge by Ramseur and Bonniwell. The plant was
afterwards moved to Hickory Tavern, assuming its present
name. From 1865 to 1870, the town became a good trade
centre — especially for mountain produce. It was not unusual
in the latter part of the year to see forty to fifty wagons
from Watauga and Caldwell counties, loaded with cabbage,
apples, butter, cheese, beans, etc., on the streets.
Having given in the above paragraph a few reminis-
cences from Mr. A. C. Link, we cannot refrain from quoting
from another of Hickory's prominent pioneers, Mr. A. A.
"If Mrs. Shuford were here, I wouldn't dare say what I
am going to say. Thirty-one years ago I lived in a three-
room house; but we added a room for every baby that came.
Now we live in a fourteen-room house. This is typical of
the towns growth. Thirty-one years ago the old Presby-
terian church was the best church building- in town. Now
all denominations have fine buildings. At that time there
wasn't a brick building in town. Neither were there any
street lights nor electric lights for the homes. Thirty-one
years ago we hadn't heard of a telephone. The manager of
our exchange here tells me they give between 3000 and 4000
connections a day. Thirty-one years ago the pay-roll for
labor here was about $4,000.00 per month. Now it is about
$500,000.00 per year. Now we have two strong banking-
institutions doing a big banking business. Then you may
say there was no banking done. What little was done was
done in Charlotte. Thirty years ago there wasn't a manu-
facturing enterprise here worth mentioning. Now, our
varied manufactured goods are shipped to every quarter of
the globe."
This little gl'mpse into the past, with the mental vision
of pioneer work, closely followed by the dark days of the
civil war, and the hardships and privations that followed,
bring out in striking contrast the City of Hickory to-day.
Bristling with activity, it has all the ear-marks of Western
progressiveness. This feature is the first thing noticed by
the new comer: the city is going ahead and planning for the
future. And well it may. Nature has been lavish in many
ways in supplying Catawba county with an abundance of
natural resources, and the Hickory people are not burying
any of their talents. The glorious climate alone is every
year appealing more and more to people north, east and
west, and the lure is irresistible.
Hickory was cradled in a wagon bed. In 1880 it was
selected as the site of an unpretentious shop, which was
reorganized in 1889 and which has developed into the im-
mense Piedmont wagon plant. Here the famous
Piedmont and Hickory wagons are built direct
from the forest. The plant covers 15 acres of ground and
has a capacity of 10,000 wagons a year.
Hickory, having thus been set a-going on wheels, has
been rolling onward in a manufacturing career ever since.
Lumber of every description floats this way in the seething
flume of business, and it is not surprising to find the city a
large woodworking centre. The Hickory Manufacturing
Company, Hutton & Bourbonnais, and the Hickory Novelty
Company, manufacture every kind of building material from
the raw product into the finest of finish for mansion and
cottage, and do a large domestic and foreign business.
Everything needed for building may be had right here.
There are three large cotton mills. The Brookford Cot-
ton Mills manufacture sateens and scrim curtains. The Ivey
Mill Co. makes a high grade sateen, which goes almost ex-
clusively into the lining of men's tailor-made coats. Tl e A.
A. Sijford Mill Co, manufacture coarse yarns.
The industries of the city are further diversified with
the C. & N. W. R. R shops, two furniture factories, a pump
factory, two tanneries, a collar factory, a harness factory, a
ca'.i'.i:!r fa2tory, an ice plant, a foundry and machine shop,
two hDsiary mills, a pickerstick and school desk factory,
.'^team laundry and two roller mills. The money value of
these factories is $1,850,000 and the annual output amounts
to $2,250,030. Thay furnish employment to a large number
of people.
H'ckory is on ths northwestern edge of a vast loop of
th J electric transmission lines of the Southern Power Co.
Mmy of the mills and factories use this power, handled
locally by the Thornton Light and Power Co., the company
which furnishes the city with its ample electric lights. In
addition to this power which comes from the lower reaches
of the Catawba, another development of 8000 Horse Power
at Lookout Shoals, on the same river near Hickory, is under
way. There are enough undeveloped water powers on the
Catawba river within a few miles of the city to furnish
power for scores of years to come. Industries are attracted
by water powers as iron filings by a magnet, and che develop-
^ f*^ ^J^ >
iiiiiiaiiiiiimitififwiiftr ~
ment of these powers is being definitely planned, assuring
likewise local and interurban trolley lines in the near future.
Hickory is well supplied with business houses, including
groceries, dry goods, hardware, furniture, stationery, mil-
linery, restaurants and the like. Three finely equipped
drug stores would do credit to a large city. Besides a neat
opera house there is an auditorium capable of seating 1500
people. Hickory is a large jobbing center with three whole-
sale grocery houses and a grain and provision company.
Th3 First Building and Loan Association in its 21sl year
(1910 had 500,000 shares in force with loans of $115,(00. It
pays 6 \)^r cent, compounded annually and free Ox taxes. A
larger percentage of people own their homes in Hickory, it
is said, than in any other place for its size in the country,
which confirms the fact that the building and loan associa-
tion has don 9 more to build up the homes of the city than
any other agancy.
The new Hotel Huffry stands almost on the site of the
old Hickory Tavern. A glance at the pictures of e?ch will
illustrate the transformation which has taken place and
which applies as well to almost every other departmicnt of
the city's life. The Huffry is thoroughly equipped with
modern eonveniencies and offers first-class accommodaticn
to the tourist and the traveling public.
The Marshall Hotel has been remodelled and makes a
comfortable stopping place. Many good boarding places are
to be found.
Hickory has two banks. The First National has a capital
and surplus of .^235,000 and is conservatively managed by
men of ability and experience. It is one of the oldest insti-
tutions in Western North Carolina, and has a tremendous
business throughout this Piedmont section.
The Hickory Banking & Trust Co is a State bank of $35,-
000 capital stock and is a well managed institution, promising
to play an important part in the development of the city.
Besides an excellent public school system noted for its
insistence on thoroughness in fundamentals, Hickory has
two higher institutions of learning. Claremont College is
the institution for the higher education of women of the
German Reformed Church, offering superior advantages and
having a far-reaching reputation as a college home and for
its splendid course in music. Lenoir College, Lutheran,
with a high standard, a flexible curriculum, and an able aud
finely trained faculty, is an institution where co-education
is conducted under the best possible conditions. Itsdiplom.a
is recognized by the leading colleges and uriversities of the
country. All of these institutions have modern buildirgs
situated on beautiful wooded campuses.
In Hickory, education is possible under ideal conditions.
The healthful and invigorating air is conducive to clearthink-
ing, bringing out all there is in the student, while in low
climates where malaria and miasma prevail, men and women
are not capable of doing their best work.
The Lutheran, German Reformed, Methodist, Baptist,
Presbyterian and Episcopal Churches are all represented by
strong congregations and most of them have beautiful houses
of worship.
The Southern Railway divides the city in halves and may
well be said to be the mother of the town. The date of ccm-
i I i' ' jHifc
pletion of the railroad to this place some 50 years ago is also
the data of the birth of the town, which grew up under the
fostering influence of this great artery of trade. From two mix-
ed trains a day the number of passenger trains has ircreased
to six and the freights to almost a continual stream of load-
ed cars.
This road running east and west climbs the mountairs,
winding around and doubling back on itself about the coves
and peaks of Round Knob, until, nearirg the top, it tunnels
the Blue R'dge and finds itself perched high on theAsheville
plateau. This piece of railroad engineering has for years
been the admiration of all travelers and this scenery the de-
light of every lover of the beautiful.
The rapid increase in traffic within the last eight years
has necessitated the change of the Carolina & Northwestern
from a narrow gauge to a standard gauge system of impor-
tance in the Carolinas, Coming up from the South, with 4
passenger trains (making 10 passenger trains daily on both
roads) it pierces to the very heart of the Blue Ridge, afford-
ing easy access to the Switzerland of America, whose scenery
is unsurpassed in this or foreign country.
The principal streets of Hickory are laid in tarred ma-
cadam and the county roads are worked according to m.cdern
methods. The general awakening of the whole country to
the importance of good roads finds a responsive echo here.
Under the leadership of a progressive good road asssociation,
the county commissioners in 1910 levied a special road tax
for road working purposes. Hickory is in the path of the
Salisbury to Asheville Highway, a proposed automobile route
paralleling the Southern Railway and branching off at Salis-
bury from the great North and South Highway between
New York and Atlanta.
At Hickory there is another branch leading to the Blow-
ing Rock and Linville section, before mentioned, where fine
pikes are already the delight of the autoist.
The mild climate, free from extremes, and the high
altitude make this place peculiarly healthful. It is free alike
from irritating cold and depressing heat; from chille-blains
on the one hand and malaria on the other. The porous,
sandy soil gives fine drainage and causes quick drying of
the surface.
Thus located there is nothing to hinder the developm.ent
of the best energies of him who would do things. Here the
weak grow strong in breathing the healthful ozone of a pure
and invigorating atmosphere. Of this many can testify.
This book might easily be filled with enthusiastic testimonials.
Hickory has a remarkably pure water supply, brought
in the first place from a mountain stream and then filtered
in one of the most modern and complete filtering plants.
The water is analyzed every 3D days and no case of sickness
has ever been traced to it. The State chemist invariably says
in his report "good water."
The best of fire protection, guided by a well trained
volunteer department, is afforded. The city is also supplied
with an up-to-date sewer system.
Dairying is one of the most profitable industries of the
south, and the back country surrounding Hickory is well
adapted for this purpose. The ne-v Creamery here solves
the problem of market. Their route wagons gather up the
cream from the individual farmers and an expert converts
the butter fat into a gilt edged butter that finds a ready sale
at a high price. It is the aim of the U. S. Agricultural De-
partment to have one Creamery in the United States upon
whose product they can put their seal of approval as being
absolutely free from tuberculosis germs. The Hickory Cream-
ery has been selected, and before this reaches the eye of the
reader, the Hickory Creamery butter will have a name and
fame that will mean an excess of demand over the supply.
And now a word about the Chamber of Commerce, com-
posed, as it is, of the leading men of the city. There are
L^ «
BbIP^ ^^^^jObB^H
about 200 members of this organization, each man with his
coat off working for the upbuilding of Hickory. They are
imbued, too, with the same whole-hearted spirit of comba-
tiveness that the rank and file of the Confederate army were
noted for. They believe in Hickory and its future, and they
are not at all slow in letting you know their belief. It is
composed of men from the north, south, east and west— old
residents and new comers — all working for the same goal, a
Greater Hickory. The opening banquet scene at the last
annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, is perhaps,
indicative of the Hickory motive, when the entire assembly
rose to their feet and sang "Hickory's Booster Song" (com-
posed by A. K. Joy for the occasion) to the inspiring air
of "Dixie."
Old Hickory's the best in the Old North State,
There's room for you if you're not too late,
Come along! come along! come along! come along!
There's no use talking, we set the pace;
We're sure enough winners in the friendly race.
Come along! come along! come along! come along!
Then three times three for Hickory, Hurrah! Hurrah!
Then three times three for Hickory,
We never say die in Hickory.
Come along, come along, come along with us to Hick'ry.
Come along, come along, come along with us to Hick'ry.
We point with pride to nineteen ten.
We'll never be classed as a "might-have-been."
Come along! come along! come along! come along!
So, we'll all join hands for the years to come,
Resolved to make our old town hum.
Come along! come along! come along! come along!
When the last Yankee rode out of Newton in April,
1865, the now prosperous and growing county seat of
Catawba was but a straggling village, with two or three
"stores" and few dwellings. The untouched forests en-
croached closely on the town, and where today are homes,
business hou3es,and busy factories, there stood thick growth
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of pine and oak. The town was established in 1843, when
the county was erected out of Lincoln county. It is there-
fore 68 years old.
Newton has had slow growth, but substantial progress
has been made f .'om year to year, until now, the community
has reached that point where more rapid development may
be expected. The census of 1911 gives the town 2,316 popu-
lation. The census came at an inopportune time for Newton,
because many people had left during the business depression
which stopped the factories and created dull times. Nor-
mally, Newton has 3,000 people.
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All these people are industrious, law-abiding- citizens.
Thare are few loafers. They are engaged in manufacturing
chiefly, but there are the usual other departments of activity.
The main industries are three cotton mills, two making- yarn
exclusively, and one making both yarn and cloth. Over 300
operatives find employment and the product of the mills runs
into the hundreds of thousands annually. Another very
valuable industry is a hosiery mill, which employs about 100
operatives at good wages. Besides these industries there
are flouring mills, wood-working plants, machine shops, a
recently organized cotton seed oil mill, with $20,000 capital,
cotton gins, laundry, bakery, ice plant, etc.
The manufacturing plants enjoy the modern blessing of
unlimited electric power, furnished by the Southern Power
Company, which has a sub-station here, and which furnishes
lights for the city, streets, etc. Coupled with this advantage
are the excellent railway facilities furnished by the Southern
Railway and the Carolina & Northwestern Railroad. Cheap
power, good shipping facilities, abundant labor of the best
class, low taxes, and plenty of suitable sites for plants, com-
bine to make the town a very attractive point for manufac-
In addition to the manufacturing interests, the town
contains a large number of substantial and prosperous busi-
ness establishments. There is a constantly growing whole-
sale grosery, up-to-date furnishing stores, dry goods, hard-
ware, drug stores, etc, ; two strong banks with ample capital.
and thousands of deposits; three tip-top hotels, two news-
papers, and all those various odds and ends that go to make
up a complete, modern town.
The town in the recent past built granolithic pavements
and improved its streets, constructed a water system, get-
ting water from wells; built a sewer system, established a
fine graded school and perfected an electric light system that
is as good as that of any city. And, notwithstanding all these
imDrovemBnts, the tax rate of the town is without question
lowar than in any other town in the state where modern im-
provements have been made.
The location of the town is admirable. Situated upon a
high ridge, there is natural drainage, hence public health is
exceptionally good. For miles around the town in every
direction stretch fertile farm lands peopled by progressive
farmsrs, who raise abundant crops of everything that grows
in the wonderful Piedmont section of North Carolina; and
thus the town has an opulent "back country" from which
to draw business.
In developing all these varied resources, Newton has not
neglected other phases of life. The leading denominations
all have attractive church structures and large membership.
The ministry of the town is exceptionally strong, and is liber-
ally supported. Catawba College, whose history covers over
a half century of inestimable service, is located here, and has
had great influence on the life of the community. The moral
standard of the community is high, and many of those evils
which exist in the towns of today are conspicious only be-
cause they are absent. There is a strong sentiment for the
enforcement of law and the maintenance of order and de-
The social side of life has not been neglected. There are
women's clubs and various societies. Fraternal orders, that
include all the leading organizations,have large membership.
A commercial body, after the pattern of a chamber of com-
merce, or board of trade, has done much for the development
of the business interests, and an outgrowth of that is a club
with attractive quarters, which has for its object social en-
joyment and recreation.
While the great number of the people are possessed of
only moderate property, they all live well. There are no
paupers, and the community numbers among its citizens seve-
ral that are quite wealthy, so that Newton is able to finance
almost any commercial undertaking that may come up. All
welcome the stranger, the home-seeker, the investor;
and will lend themselves to inducing such to cast their lot
with Newtonians.
Maiden had its genesis in the building of the Chester and
Lenoir Narrow Gauge R. R. (Now the C. & N. W.) About
the time rails were begun to be laid north of Lincolnton, the
Carpenters began the building of a cotton mill. It was this
cotton mill which formed the neuclus for the town. From
the few families gathered together to furnish operatives for
this first cotton mill, the town has grown until now it num-
bers about 1500 inhabitants.
The cotton mill industry, one of the principal industries
of the town, has grown from one mill to three (One of the
three being located just outside the town limits) and in addi-
tion, the town has a splendid flour mill, two cotton gins, two
lumber finishing plants, two blacksmith shops, two barber
shops, printing office, drug store, hardware store, furniture
store and undertaker's establishment, bank and eight general
merchandise stores. The town's growth has never been spas-
modic. The past two years have evidenced marked internal
The Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran and Reformed denomi-
nations have Churches, each with a resident pastor, though
neither congregation supports a pastor for full time.
South Fork Institute, the school of the South Fork Bap-
tist Association, is located here. This school not only at-
tracts students from a number of counties in this State, but
other States are also represented in its student body. Dur-
ing the past year, a splendid modern four-room public school
building was erected, and the future will no doubt reveal an
increased interest and enthusiasm in public education.
In the year 1875, theLutheransof the Tennessee Synod—
especially those in Catawba County, N. C. began to agitate
the question of establishing a school. In July, 1877, they
inaugurated Concordia High School at Conover, N. C. This
Institution, which was converted into acollege and chaitered
in 1881, was under the control of an association of Lutheran
pastors and congregations in connection with theE. L. Tenn-
essee Synod. In 1883, this Synod took Concordia College
under its fostering care, and it remained nominally in this
relation till 1892.
In the year 1890, the beautiful and valuable site now
occupied by Lenoir College was offered to the Evangelical
Lutheran Tennessee Synod by Col. J. G. Hall, Trustee. This
offer was rejected in a called session of Synod held in St.
James Church near Newton, N. C, December 26—27, 1890.
In 1891, the Rev. R. A. Yoder, D. D., J. C. Moser, D. D.,
W. P. Cline and A. L. Crouse, backed by certain laymen, ac-
cepted from Col. J. G. Hall, Trustee, the site now occupied
by Lenoir College, and obligated themselves under bond to
expend not less than $10,000 in the establishment of acollege
on said site. The Institution was opened September 1, 1891,
in the old academy building under the title of Highland Col-
lege, the Rev. R. A. Yoder, D. D., President. January 4,
1892, it was chartered under the laws of the State of North
Carolina as Lenoir College, this name being chosen in honor
of Col. Walter W. Lenoir, the honored of the spLndid college
site and the grounds adjoining.
In 1895, the E. L. Tennessee Synod adopted Lenoir Col-
lege as its own Institution; and, in 1899, assumed the financial
obligation for the current expenses of the College. All the
college property belongs to the Synod and is under the man-
agement of a board of Trustees who hold the property in
trust for the Synod. Lenoir College is Concordia College
transferred, continued, and enlarged.
The Administration Building was erected in 1892, at a
cost of $20,000.
In 1891, President Yoder having resigned, the Rev. R.
L. Fritz, Professor of Mathematics and Physics in Elizabeth
College, Charlotte, N. C, v^^as elected President.
In 1902, Oakview Hall, the dormitory for young women,
was built at a cost of $6,000; and, in 1906, Highland Hall,
the new dormitory for young men, was erected at a cost of
In 1910, the congregation, assisted by the Synod com-
pleted St. Andrews Church, the fourth building on the Cam-
pus, at a cost of $8,000.
A conservative estimate of the present value of the en-
tire college plant is $100,000.
The location of Lenoir College is most fortunate— near
the mountains, 1200 feet above sea-level and free from Ma-
laria — ^in a fine College Park on the eastern border of the
beautiful, progressive City of Hickory.
Whilst founded and operated by the Lutherans, Lenoir
College is non-sectarian, and is designed to afford to all who
seek if a liberal culture upon Christian principles and under
Christian influences.
Lenoir College is a high-grade, positive church institu-
tion with courses of study as comprehensive and thorough
as those of the best schools in our country doing similar
work. A. B. graduates of Lenoir College are admitted to
Graduate Work in the University of North Carolina without
examination, and complete M. A. Courses in one year.
Lenoir College offers two courses— the Classical and the
Scientific — with electives, leading to the A. B. degree.
The following Departments with full four year courses,
under able teachers are maintained: The Lenoir College Con-
servatory of Music— piano- forte. Violin, Voice, orchestra,
chorus— , the Art Department, and the Expression Depart-
The Hickory Business College is operated in connection
with the College, and a Preparatory Department offering two
years of work below the Freshman year is maintained.
The Faculty numbers 15. Each teacher must be a
graduate of a first-class college and must have had successful
teaching experience and ample post-graduate work in one
or more of our leading Universities in the subjects taught
by him.
The average enrollment for the last ten years was 205.
These young men and young women came from the best
families in our towns and country and constitute a student
personel of which the College is justly proud. Through
them the college exerts a great influence and has a large part
in the development and upbuilding of our section.
Merit measures success and deteimines standirg at
Lenoir College. Work, thorough work and right living is the
The Institution is under the supervision of the Beard of
Trustees. The students in all departments are governed by
the Faculty. A high estimate of character and love of the
right is inculcated. Good order and thorough work are main-
The principal of student self-government has been prac-
ticed successfully at Lenoir College for three years.
A Student Commission composed of a representative
elected from each College Class, and a President and Secre-
tary chosen by the entire student body, constitute the lower
court of our system of government. The Superintendent of
Highland Hall is ex-officio member of the Student Commission.
This Commission is recognized by the Faculty and Board as
part of the College Executive, and its findings stand, unless
reversed on appeal to the Faculty or Board.
The College has only $3, 000 endowment; but, when neces-
sary, it is assisted by appropriations from the E. L. Tennessee
Synod for current expenses.
The College has nine Ministerial Student Scholarships
which are awarded by the Board of Trustees, and there are
ten Private Individual Scholarships.
Lenoir College is an educational institution- not a money-
making enterprise. She offers her advantages at cost. She
is the College of the "average man". The average student
cannot pay profits on his educational advantages. No true
school pays money dividends. Here every dollar procures a
full hundred cents worth of teaching ability and equipment;
and every student is given the most possible in return for
his time and money.
Board is given at cost on a hi^'hly successful co-operative
plan. The dormitories are among the best in the South, hav-
ing electric lights, steam heat, and city water and sewerage.
The average cost of partly furnished room, board, heat, light,
etc., is, in Oakview Hall, $8.50 a month, and in Highland Hall,
$9.50 a month.
Tuition for the nine months session is, for the regular
College Courses or the complete Business Course, $40, and
for Music, Art or Expression, $27.
There is an Incidental Fee of $3 a session, a matricula-
tion Fee of $1., and a Contingent Deposit of $2.00.
The present outlook for Lenoir College is the brightest
in her history. The Synod to which she belongs is more in-
terested and active than ever before. The Board of Trustees
is most capable and progressive. A high standing and a good
name have been achieved. Far reaching plans for immediate
development are being prosecuted.
The Rev. C. Luther Miller, the College Field Secretary,
is busy gathering the Synodical Endowment of $100,000. The
consolidation of the Lutheran Educational interests in North
Carolina is in fair way of consummation. Plans showing pro-
posed improvements of the College Campus, and locations for
seven new buildings have been submitted by a landscape
architict. It is expected that the Science Building will be
erected and many other much needed improvements made
during the vacation of 1911.
The forces are lining up, interest and enthusiasm deep-
en, the march is on, the watchword. Greater Lenoir College
in this Generation!
It is a significant fact that five of the members of the
first Board of Trustees of Lenoir College were Confederate
Veterans— Col. J. G. Hall, S. E. Killian, Esq., Jacob S. Lipe,
John M. Arndt, and Hon. George W. Rabb, the last two hav-
ing lost each a leg on the field of battle. These men have
been large contributors to the development of the College,
the largest bequest yet received being that of the J. S. Lipe
estate amounting to about $8,000.
Lenoir College is by and of and for Confederate Veterans,
their children and children's children.
March 29, 1911. R. L. Fritz.
Catawba College, situated at Newton, N. C, was the
offspring of an impelling necessity that existed in the Re-
formed Church in the South in the early days of our national
life. She came into being during the fierce struggle for
denominational existence, and for sixty years has rendered
invaluable services to the cause of religion, of education, and
of civic righteousness.
As a denominational institution, founded by descendants
of Reformed people from the North, her relation to the Church
at large has been close and intimate. The immigration into
Western North Carolina from Pennsylvania of Reformed
families, together with Lutherans, Moravians, Quakers and
Presbyterians, began about 1745. In 1775, these families
constituted a strong element in the population of the state on
a line from Hillsboro to Morganton. Numerous large Ger-
man Bibles, prayer books, hymn books, volumes of sermons,
catechisms, old churches, deeds for church sites and old
church registers, bear ample testimony to their piety and to
their loyality to the faith of their fathers. Indeed, their per-
sistent devotion is wonderful. For about one hundred years
they kept the fire burning on the altar with only now and
then a minister from the Coetus of mother Synod, with no
school in which to educate their young people, and with no
classical tie to bind them together. The earnest appeals from
elders sent frohn individual congregations, or from several
combined, to the Synod in Pennsylvania brought several
godly missionaries from the North during these years, but
the supply at home was inadoquate and few could be spared
for this missionary field. Often the congregations had no
pastoral care for many years at a time.
In 1831, the scattered congregations in the state were
gathered into charges and the classis of North Carolina was
organized with three pastors and two elders. From this time
forth the churches grew and multiplied, but as they did so,
the need of an institution of learning became more and more
imperative. In 1849, at an annual meeting at St. Matthew's
Church in Lincoln county, the managers of the "Loretz Bene-
ficiary fund", named in honor of the Rev. Andrew Loretz
who hgiLendeared himself to the churches in North Carolina,
jcussed the difficulties of travel on the part of our ycurg
men to our schools in Pennsylvania, where upon the late
Judge M. L. McCorkle suggested: "Why not found a college
of our own in our midst?" This was the birth of Catawba
The idea was inspiring, and in the fall of 1851 Catawba
College opened in the "Old Academy Building" in Newton.
On December 17, 1852, the college was formally chartered by
the state legislature. Professor Charles H. Albert, the first
president and Prof. H. H. Smith, father of Governor Hoke
Smith of Georgia, the former from Pennsylvania, the latter
from New Hampshire, took charge and soon a large body of
noble young men made Newton a lively village.
In a few years, buildings were erected and a library and
some apparatus procured. But the scholarship plan on which
the school was started failed to furnish sufficient funds, and
after graduating one student-Daniel Wilfong — the curriculum
was suspended and the school was continued by private en-
terprise until 1859, when Rev. A. S. Vaughan was elected
president, and the late Rev. J. C. Clapp, D. D., professor of
languages. Tradition says that pledges for an endowment
of $30,000 were secured and another prosperous beginning
was made in the Fall of 1860. All went well until the war
clouds came in 1861 when the young men went to the tented
field, and ruined fortunes swept away the promised endow-
ment, thus remanding the school once more to private enter-
prise. A successful Academy was, however, maintained
during the war and a commanding High School followed
immediately after the war, which, for about twenty ye? is
sustained the reputation of the palmy days of the beginning.
In 1885, the curriculum was resumed and classes of young
men and young women have been regularly graduated ever
since, the institution having become co-educaticnal in 1889.
The success of the college since that time and the value
of her services to church and state are amply attested by the
long list of graduates who have gone into the ministry in our
own and in sister denominations, and by the numerous pro-
fessional and business men who have attained to eminence
and achieved success. Among these are two State Superin-
tendents of Public Instruction, one Congressman, Judge of
the Superior Court of North Carolina, two College Presidents
and a large number of physicians, lawyers and teachers of
both sexes in pulpit, private and church institutions,
The following have served as Principal or President of
Catawba College:
C. H. Albert, A. B.. of Marshall College, 1851-1852.
H. H. Smith, A. B., of Bowdoin, 1852-i855.
C. W. Smythe, A. B., of Bowdoin. 1855-1859.
A. S. Vaughn, of Franklin & Marshall. 1859-1861.
J. C. Clapp, A. B., of Amherst. 1861-1900.
C. H. Mebane. A. B.. of Catawba College, 1900-1904.
G. A. Snyder, A. B., of Heidleberg University. 1904-1908.
W. R. Weaver, A. M.. of Franklin & Marshall, Pro.
Tern. (Dean), 1910.
Claremont College had its conception in a desire of the
Reformed congregation of Hickory to provide a school in
which the girls of the church might be educated. Prior to
this time no ample provision had been made by the church
in North Carolina for the education of the girls.
A meeting to consider the establishment of such a school
was held in the home of Mrs. John Wllfong on April 24th,
1880. At this meeting definite action was taken and it was
decided to start such a school and in order to execute the
plans it was daterminsd to secure from H. W. Robinson an
aiiitional lot on which a chirc'i c^ild b3 erested and to use
the building then occupied by the Reformed congregation
for school purposes.
Subsequent meetings were held in which the principal
movers were: Dr. Jeremiah Ingold, J. F. Murrill, W. P.
Reinhardt, A. C. Link, A. D. Shuford, A. A. Shuford, F. D.
Ingold and Mrs. Wilfong. Many of these meetings were
held in the office of F. D. Ingold.
About this time the Rev. Samuel R. Fisher, D. D., Edi-
tor of the Reformed Church Messenger, visited Dr. Ingold.
The purpose of establishing such a school was called to the
attention of Dr. Fisher, who on his return to Philadelphia,
wrote several articles about his trip South and mentioned
Hickory as a desirable place for such a school as the church
had decided to establish.
These articles attracted the attention of the Rev. A. S.
Vaughn, who had formerly been president of Catawba Col-
lege, Newton, North Carolina. After some correspondence*
Mr. Vaughn came south and met the trustees on July 10th,
1880. Mr. Vaughn was enthusiastic, if not visionary, and
prevailed upon the prime movers to enlarge their plans and
establish a school which would comprehend in its patronage
this entire section of country. To do this it must be unde-
nominational. Lending themselves to Mr. Vaughn's idea,
the interested parties solicited the co-operation of the entire
town of Hickory in the new enterprise, however reserving
one saving clause for the church in the charter, and that
was that a majority of the trustees must be members of the
Reformed church. All might be, but a majority must be.
The entire community became interested in the school,
and among the most active, in addition to those mentioned
above, were Messrs. J. G. Hall, R. B. Davis, N. M. Seagle,
and all the denominations having congregations in Hickory
were represented on the board of trustees.
A tract of land was secured from H. W. Robinson.
Two deeds were made by Mr. Robinson. The first deed
stipulated that the consideration should be the education of
the daughters of John W. Robinson, grand-daughter of H.
W. Robinson. This deed was made in 1880. Another deed
was made a year later and the amount paid was about the
price land was selling for at that time and this is a straight
quick claim deed. There can be no question about the title
to the property.
The school was organized and formerly opened in the
fall of 1880 with Mr. Vaughn as president. Mr. Vaughn
had associated with him a most excellent faculty.
The school from the standpoint of efficiency of work
was a decided success, but the ideals were not realized. Mr.
Vaughn resigned and the policy of the trustees was to lease
the school to any worthy party whom they could secure.
This brought to the school some most worthy men, and a
degree of success, but the school lacked stability and per-
Finally in 1907, the trustees tendered the property to
the Classis of North Carolina, Reformed Church in the
United States, and after due consideration the church
accepted the school. To harmonize with the change, the
charter was amended by the legislature of 1908-09 so that
the Classis of North Carolina elects two-thirds of the
trustees and this two-thirds elects the other third. Should
the Classis fail to maintain the school, then the property
reverts to Corinth Reformed Congregation of Hickory, which
congregation would elect trustees who would manage the
The location of the school is ideal. The campus consists
at present of seventeen acres of land shaded by native
trees. The buildings are large and well adapted to schcol
The school stands for the education of the girls separate
and distinct from the boys. The founders believed that it
vv^as best not to have co-education. In harmony with that
view the school is run today, and the course of study is
arranged especially for the girls.
The departments of study usually found in schools of
this class are maintained. Much stress is laid upon the
study of the English language.
Claremont has always maintained a high standard in
music, and that standard was never higher than at the
present time.
The faculty is always selected with care, as the manage-
ment believes that the faculty makes the school.
At present the Rev. Joseph L. Murphy, D. D., is presi-
dent. Other teachers are Rev. J. H. Keller and wife. Miss
Margaret Hoffman. Miss Frankie Self, Miss Grace Wrren,
Miss Elizabeth Bost and Signor D'Anna and wife.
The girls board in the building and enjoy the comforts
of a well established home. The cost is far less than at most
schools of this character.
The success of the present year would indicate a career
of usefulness and an era of orosperity for Claremont College.
When it comes to a recital of the facts concerning the
founding and growth of a school and the village in wl ich it is
situated, proneness to say too much, and the fault of not say-
ing enough, are far from being pleasant companions of a pen
having a disposition to be fair. However, to relate the plain,
simple facts as they have occurred from year to year, and
that without bias or exaggeration, is a happy middle-ground
for the narrator. So then, with that intention, it is with
pleasure that we give the following sketch of a quiet village
— Conover— a Catawba hamlet, inhabited by a very quiet
Loeatai upon a "bench" nearly in the center of Catawba
ounty, in the celebrated Piedmontsectionof North Carolina,
and in Newton Township, is Conover, a village of about five
hundreds inhabitants. This place had its beginnings in the
year 1871, when Mr. Francis Smyer, of Catawba county,
purchased of Mr. Pink Spencer a lot situated at the "Y, "
that is, at the point where the trains on the Southern Rail-
way had a branch line leading over to Newton. The "Y"
of course served as a turn-table for trains going either north
or south. Mr. Spencer had obtained his lands from a large
tract owned by the Hermans, who lived at or near by the
present site of Conover. Then Mr. J. Q. Sietz, a builder of
railway cars at Columbia, S. C, acquired a large tract of the
HBrmai lands, a portion of which he improved.
Mr. Francis Smyre's house situated as it was, at the
"Y, " soon acquired popularity because of the accommoda-
tions it afforded for travelers who preferred to rest at the
"Y" while their train backed over to Newton, three miles
away and returned.
To Mrs. Wheisiger, of Morganton, a lady of good pre-
sence and ideals, is given the credit of changing the name
of the "Y," or the "Junction," to the name "Conover,"
after the name of a family residing somewhere in the North,
probably in Ohio. Mrs. Wheisiger was ably sustained in her
choice of a name for the new town by Mrs. A. D. Hollar and
Mrs. J. Q. Sietz, and their choice prevailed.
The little hotel and boarding-house of Mr. and Mrs.
Smyer soon sug-gested to a number of persons living in the
neighborhood that at the "Y, " or at Conovei', as it was now
beginning to be called, would be a good location for a general
store, and, accordingly, a building was erected and a stock
of goods procured by Messrs. Townsend, McCreery and Fin-
ger. This undertaking meeting with success others in a
little while came up from the surrounding country and open-
ed shops or stores, and so such firms arose as Henkel, Lippard
& Reitzel; Cline, Roseman & Co.; Smith, Hunsucker & Co.
(later. Smith Bros,); Smith, Yount&Co., who manufactured
sash, doors and blinds, dressed lumber, and built a number
of houses in Conover.
There were others connected with these enterprises
but space forbids mentioning them. Among the first to erect
dwellings were J. S. Schell, Geo. Brady, J. Q. Rowe, Alex
McCreery, Noah Townsend and "Doc" Davis, by trade a
carpenter. The stores and shops were for the most part
built close by the boarding-house, and all fronted upon the
Oxford Ford road which led to Newton. Sometimes the
store buildings served for dwellings, but in no great while
the merchants and factory men built dwellings near their
stores, or wherever they could obtain building lots near by.
However, from the beginning, lots were difficult to obtain,
the owners of the Herman lands, as well as those who came
into possession of the Sietz estate, not being disposed to
sell; and we are told that this has been the chief reason why
Conover has never been able to grow — to expand, for not
every new town is able to build in the air after the sky-
scraper method of expansion.
Along with the several enterprises mentioned, followed
the building of a burr mill near the "Junction." The rail-
road company had already built a depot and the mill was
placed but a few yards below it, leaving a public drive- way
between. The proprietors of this mill were Messrs, M. J.
Rowe and S. G. Schell. Later, in addition to flour, meal
etc., the company manufactured lumber and ginned cotton.
In 1897 Messrs. Schell & Herman sold out to a company, the
head of which is the present proprietor, Mr. S. S. Re we.
New machinery for making a high grade product was install-
ed, and today Conover flour enjoys a wide distribution and
Another enterprise which has done much toward im-
proving Conover is the Picker Stick and Handle factory,
owned and run by Mr. Jonas Hunsucker, a leading farmer
and formerly a merchant in Conover. Large quantities of
hickory timber are annually worked up in this mill and the
finished product sent to northern markets where it finds a
ready sale.
Conover has had a post ofl^ce for years, the first post-
master being Noah Townsend. The town was also incorpor-
ated in 1877 and Captain Peter F. Smith was elected the first
Mayor. A small jail, constructed of wood, stands near by
the site of the old depot, but happy to relate the lock is piti-
fully rusty and the threshold unworn. A constable, (and
this completes the list of officers), is responsible for order
in the town, and he is also the tax collector. The present
postmaster is Mr. J. L. Isenhower, and Capt. P. F. Smith
is the Mayor, while the office of Constable and tax-collector
is held by another Civil War veteran, Mr. J. P. Spencer.
Early in the 80's, after a lively fight in the Legislature,
Newton succeeded in having the railroad moved so as to pass
by that town. This change necessitated the moving of the
track from the eastern to the western side of Conover, the
location it now occupies, and here a new depot was built at
once. The change appears not to have injured Conover in
any way only it cut ofi" the fond hopes of a number who had
longed to see Conover become the County seat- a hope and
desire that was but natural in view of a number of consider-
ations which were patent to all. The new depot was built
in 1889. The old depot formerly erected on the east side,
after weathering the elements for many years, was finally
torn down in 1908.
The blacksmith shop was one of the early enterprises be-
gun in Conover, and it has remained, that of Mr. Elkana
Eckard being one of the first and most important.
T'a3 shops of M3S3rs Jarom? B:)lick & Sons are located just
without the limits of Conover, upon the Newton road, Mr.
Bolick is the inventor of the Conover spring steel wheel for
buggies, pony carts, and carriages. The firm is widely ad-
Near the Conover Roller Mills is the plant of Messrs.
Yount and Schell, established about ten years ago. This firm
has installed equipment for ginning cotton, for sawing and
dressing lumber, for the manufacture of shingles, and also
for the manufacture of cane sorghum.
A number of the early business enterprises have long
since been discontinued. Besides those mentioned, the chief
business houses now are those of Messrs. P. E. Isenhower
& Son, J. A. Yount, Hunsucker & Simmons, for general
merchandise; L. F. Hunsucker, hardware, and the groceries
of E. A, Herman and A. L. Barger. Dr. D. McD. Yount's
drug store was established years ago and has proved a valu-
able necessity and convenience both for Dr. Yount in his
practice, and for the town and community in general. The
office of Dr. F. L. Herman, a leading physician of Catawba
county, is located at his home in Conover.
From the beginning, Conover appears to have been alei t
to the needs of education and educational facilities. At the
beginning of the 70's we find Rev. Adolphus Yount and Rev.
J. M. Smith teaching a small school in the little dwelling,
still to be seen just beyond the limits of Conover, on the Ox-
ford Ford road, and near Poplar springs. Soon after, about
the year 1873, the school was moved within what are now
the limits of the town, being located at or near where the
dwelling of Mr. B. A. He'vitt stands, and we are told was
taught by John Moser, Rev. R. A. Yoder and others for
several years. Dr. P. C. Henkel also took an interest in the
work though being unable to give his time to the school as
teacher. Thus from these beginnings came the larger and
greater idea about the year 1875, from congregations of the
Lutheran church of the Tennessee Synod, to establish a high
school in the central part of the county. Delegates then
from those congregations desiring the school held meetings,
and at last decided that it was the wish of all interested to
found such a school at Conover, and the people there showed
their appreciation of the decision by subscribing nearly $2,-
500 for the school buildings.
By 1877 the contract for the college had been let (to
Messrs. J. P. Cline and Alfred Huffman) and completed
ready for occupancy soon thereafter. Dr. P. C. Henkel, the
leader in the Tennessee Lutheran church in North Carolina,
was made its first president and teacher of theology. Associ-
ated with him in the work then, and for some time there
after, were Profs. R. A. Yoder, J. C. Moser, J. S. Koiner,
and others. For years Dr. P. C. Henkel remained the lead-
ing spirit in the school which he had labored so hard to es-
tablish, and with his strong mind, will-power and good
judgment, saw Concordia College (the name given the new
institution) attain to a high degree of efficiency before his
death. In 1885. he resigned as president of the institution,
and Prof. J. S. Koiner, of Virginia, was made teacher of the
theology in his place, while Prof. R. A. Yoder became pre-
sident of the College.
The buildings of Concordia College occupy an elevated
site within the town limits. The College is a two-story
frame building containing a large hall and the library and
reading rooms are on the ground floor; above there are four
lecture rooms with a small laboratory. The Dormitory, situ-
ated on the campus, is a brick structure containing sixteen
rooms, and thus offers accommodations for a number of stu-
dents. In late years, these buildings have been put in gccd
repair. The campus includes seven acres of grove. Primi-
tive, uncomfortable benches and desks have given place to
patent desks, maps and other equipment suitable for the
time and work. The Chemical and Physical Laboratories
have been stocked at considerable expense, and now an
annual appropriation is made for increasing the equipment.
The Librarv offers to the student means for general and
supplementary reading, and for reference. The College is
controlled by a Board of Trustees and discipline is exercised
by the President of the school and faculty. The discipline
is mild, but no openly immoral, idle, or disobedient student
is received or retained in the College. As the institution
was founded for the purpose of giving adequate religious in-
struction, so this branch of study remains the main course
in the school, but is not, however, obligatory, and those who,
for good and sufficient reasons, wish to be dispensed from
all or part of this course, are made welcome and accorded
every privilege enjoyed by others. Thorough work is insist-
ed on in all courses, but the abilities and opportunities of the
individual student are not disregarded. The Faculty of the
College, by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees,
has the power of conferring the degree of Master of Arts,
and the degrees and distinctions of less dignity than Master
of Arts, which are usually conferred by colleges; but no
degree is conferred except after honest and successful effort
on the part of the candidate.
The death of Rev. P. C. Henkel, D. D., occurred Sept.
26, 1889, at his late residence in Conover, after a few days
of intense suffering, at the age of 69 years. He was buried
at St. Peter's church, Catawba county, September 28, 1889,
Rev. J. M. Smith preaching the funeral in the presence of
hundreds of people who came from far and near. Dr. Henkel
was born August 20, 1820, and was the oldest son of Rev.
David and Catharine Henkel, of Lincoln county, N. C. He
was the descendant of a long line of distinguished Lutheran
ministers. He inherited very great physical and m^ental
powers from both of his parents. On the 5th of September,
1343, he married Rebecca Fox. the daughter of David Fox,
of Randolph county, N. C.
Dr. Henkel was a man of extraordinary mental powers;
original of thought, and a logician of fine acumen. Thus in
debate and controversy he proved to be a formidable anta-
gonist because of his sound reasoning and the manner in
which he clinched his every argument. It is known, too, that
he would never for any consideration go back on his word.
In his manner he was humble and unassuming— humility be-
ing manifest in all his dealings with his fellow-man. Inte-
grity was also a salient point in his character. He was rigid-
ly honest and truthful. His style of preaching was exposi-
tory, plain and forceful. He preached for forty-six years
without interruption and wholly in the Tennessee Synod,
except a few years while in Missouri. At one time he had
pastoral charge of fifteen congregations, and did an immense
amount of missionary work. He was always ready to speak
a word of comfort to the sorrowing, the word of life to those
seeking a knowledge of the way of life, but he was an un-
compromising antagonist of error, and boldly and fearlessly
denounced it wherever he met with it. His influence in all
the relations in which we have mentioned him was very
great, and we would add, lasting also. In the Lutheran
Church of the South, he was, perhaps, the greatest man in
its history. And as stated, he labored hard to establish the
school of Conover for his Synod, in which the Word of God
should be recognized as a factor in education. His influence
yet today is felt far beyond the limits of his own Synod, even
throughout the Southern Church. He was in the midst of
his earnest labors both writing and preaching when he was
called to his reward. Thus ended his work. A good and
great man had fallen.
Some of those who were privileged to receive instruc-
tion from Dr. Henkel were the Revs. A. L. Bolick, P. C.
Wyke, Jacob Wyke, Darr, G. E. Long, S. S. Keissler; Profs.
R. L. Fritz, C. C. Coon, A. P. Whisenhunt, and others well
known in Catawba and other counties.
In 1892, Concordia College passed under the control of
the Synod of Missouri and the States with the Rev. Prof. W.
H. T. Dau, of Memphis, Tennessee, at the head of the faculty.
The new management maintained the curriculum already
provided, only with the change that those having the minis-
try in view were to graduate in theology at St. Louis, Mo.
Also suitable courses were provided for those desiring to
become teachers, and for others a sound education along
general lines was arranged for, and the institution remained
The influence exerted by Prof. Dau, as teacher, instruc-
tor, and as a preacher and pastor, was of a high order. In
the latter part of the 90's however. Prof. Dau gave up his
professorship in Concordia College to accept a call to a charge
in Indiana, and the responsibilities of President of Concordia
College, fell to the lot of the present incumbent, Rev. Prof.
Geo. A. Romoser, of Baltimore, Md. who had been professor
in the college from 1892 to 1898.
Professor Romoser has sought to steadily further the
work which Concordia College has obligated herself to do,
and quietly and without ostentation the school is making
good. Associated with President Romoser as instructors in
the several departments of the College, are Profs. C. A.
Weiss, Geo. Luecke and A. Haentzschel.
Space will not permit us to give a list of all those who
have received instruction at Concordia College, and who
have gone forth to labor and to contend with an eye single
to improve the world. We mention in addition to those
named above, M. H, Yount, formerly a member of the state
Legislature; Dr. Eugene Yount, of Statesville; Dr. F. L.
Herman, of Conover; Rev. E. T. Coyner, of Asheville, and
Revs. C. 0. Smith and P. C. Henry, of Catawba county.
Many are in other states, and it is with keen pleasure that
we can point to them and say that they are striving to pre-
form the duties assigned them, and which they agreed to do
when they were once students at Concordia College. Nor
yet to mantion those others, now aged, many of them, who
have battled with the monster, ignorance, who is ever with
us. One, an intimate friend of Dr. Henkel, a man who
presistantly and incessently preached, admonished, comfort-
ed and mourned with his paople, well heads the list of those
Vvhose names, for lack of space, we cannot record now— we
refer to the venerable Rev. J. M. Smith, of Conover, — who
was in the ministry for over thirty years, among the people
of Catawba county. Well it is that he has lived to see
many of those things accomplished (among them the build-
ing of Concordia College) for which he had too earnestly
labored and contended.
There are two churches in Conover which this sketch
demands that note be made, viz: Concordia Lutheran and
Trinity Reformed. The former has a history beginning
with and closely following that of Concordia College. At
first, services were held in the school rooms wherever they
chanced to be, and Revs. P. C. Henkel and J. M. Smith
conducted the services. Later, Revs. John Moser and R. A.
Yoder also served the little congregation. When the college
building was completed, the congregation of Concordia held
its services in the Chapel of the College, and this served its
purpose till the year 1894, when the congregation decided to
build the present church building, the congregation having
outgrown its quarters in the College, In 1896, Concordia
church was completed and dedicated, Prof. W. H. T. Dau
being the pastor of the congregation. The building is of
brick, appropriate in architecture, commodious and a credit
to the members of Concordia congregation by whom, largely,
it was designed and constructed. The present pastor of
Concordia is Rev. Paul Bischoff.
Trinity Reformed Church is the second of Conover's
church buildings, and is conveniently located on Conover's
main thoroughfare. It was built in the year 1891, Messrs.
T. L. Hunsucker, Patrick Cline, Nelson Hunsucker, Noah
Rowe, E. A. Herman and others being prime movers in its
construction. Rev. J. C. Clapp, of Newton, was the first
pastor of the new church. The present pastor is the Rev.
J. H. Keller, of Hickory.
A new public school building for Conover was built in
the beginning of the year 1911.
Three churches and a public school belong to Conover's
colored population.
In closing this sketch, a few remarks are again neces-
sary. Though Conover is beautiful as to location, human
effort there, as elsewhere, has always been handicapped by
the prevailing drawbacks incident to every section in the
land. We are to have these— then which we have no choice.
Yet there are many considerations obtaining at Conover
which make for much that is fair and good in the future.
In the first place Conover is well situated. It lies on two
railways; the Memphis Division of the Southern, and the
Carolina & North-Western. Mail and transportation facili-
ties are, therefore, adequate so far as these concern the
success of business enterprises, and the welfare of a resident
population. Then the elevation of the land at this point is
about eleven hundred feet above sea level, and so Conover
is not subject to the fevers and the enervating influences of
the lowlands further towards the east. Outlaying spurs and
chains of the Blue Ridge are within easy range of the eye,
even the particular and interesting mountain sights, like
"Table Rock" being seen from the town when there is a
clear horizon. And the water supply, much of which con-
tains valuable medical properties, is excellent; the tourist
readily appreciate its superior qualities. It is not strange
then, that from the first beginning of the town, that Con-
over has been visited by tourists and health-seekers both
from the North (in winter), and from the more southernly
points in the South (in the summer) and the reason given is,
that dimatic conditions of Conover being markedly equable
at all seasons, must appeal quite strongly to those seeking
health and comfort.
Aware of her advantages for the man with a business
proposition, and knowing her advantages and inducements
as a health giving place, Conover may yet conie to realize
that if her institutions and business enterprises which she
has founded and advocated in the past have not flourished
and succeeded as she would have them do, that there must
have been some very important reason for their not doing
so, and that it behooves her present citizenship to remove it.
"Co. A. 12th N. C. Troops.
On the 27th day of April, 1861, was organized in Newton
Catawba county a body of soldiers that would have done
honor to any cause or country. Composed of the very best
men of the county, these men were cosmopolitan, that is men
who can make a home every where they go. The major part
of these men were descendants from "Pennsylvania Dutch."
No better citizens c3Jild befound: but few of them owned
slaves, so it cannot be claimed that they were enlisting to
fight for slaverv; no, they were enlisting to fight for the
right of the states under the constitution, and right nobly
did these Catawba county men do their duty. It is sad to
think that so many of those brave men never returned.
Thirty-four were transferred to Ray's Rangers. I estimate
that of the balance that belonged to the Co. from first to last
there were 126, and of this number 88 have passed over the
last river; this includes the killed and those who have died
during and since the war. I make it that there are 38 living
yet. When we reached Norfolk, Va. late in the night in May
1861, it was evident that some of our Catawba men had never
been near salt water before, for Cain Pope, and others ran
to the nearest water for a drink, which of course was tide
water; then they "blessed out the man who was mean enough
to salt the water. " Frank Huffman, known as "Major
Frank" had fixed himself a palace out of branches of trees,
and arranged it so he could enter and close the door to his
castle; all went well until the leaves became dry, and one
night in Aug. some parties at the midnight hour set fire to
the Major's "Palace," and it all burst out in a flash and it
aroused the Major so he broke forth with a war whoop, and
the Majors stampede made a meteoric shower to the amuse-
ment of all the soldiers. Frank Murphy, our Irish comp-
anion remarked, "Well Major was not careful enough in
placing his guard; for the enemy surrounded his castle at
midnight, and all was lost". Many rich stories could te re-
lated on Cain Pope, Major Huffman and Franklin Murphy
et. al. if we had the space to give it. After the transfer to
other companies the original Catawba Rifles had six men to
loose arms and six to loose legs. Of the six to loose arms,
Lieut. H. P. Rudisill is the only one living; of those who lost
legs— John M. Arnt, Geo. W. Rabb, Henry J. Reitzel, Miles
0. Sherrill, and Peter Wilfong Whitener, are still livirg.
paralyzed his arm; for this cause he was retired. He was appointed
tine collector. After the war he became a bridge builder, and while at
Neuse River endeavoring to move a raft from the frame of a bridge, he
fell into the stream and was drowned — February. 1866.
He was a faithful soldier, and was highly esteemed by his company.
This sketch was kindly furnished us by his brother-in-law, H. P. Ruda-
Deal, M. S., 2ii(l Lieutenant; promoted from ranks; died since
the war in the hospitah (See sketch.)
Sylvanus Deal en-
listed with the original
Company A, and, served
faithfully with the same
company till the close.
He engaged in farming,
at which he was success-
ful. He was elected
Lieutenant and held
that position to the
close. In his latter
days he was much afflict-
ed, and died some years
ago. He was a faith-
ful soldier — a worthy
and honored citizen of
the county.
Ru Usiil, H. P., 2n:l Lieutenant; prom jtecl from ranks, woun-
detl; lost an arm; living at Maiden, N. C. (S?e sketch.)
Brown, J. \I., 2nd Lieutenant; pronuted from ranks; now
livino- in Asheville. (See sketch.)
Bradburn, T. W., 2nd Lieutenant; promoted from ranks;
died since the war.
I volunteered in vhe
first company that left
Catawba coun*^y, Api'il
27ih, 1861. We were
sent to Raleigh and
formed into regiments.
I belonged to the 2nd
Regiment N. C. Volun-
teers. We were in
Raleigh when the State
sec ieded. We w 3re
than sent to Norfolk,
Va., and stayed there
about twelve months.
We fought our first
battle at Hanover Junc-
tion. The next were
battles around Rich-
mond. I was wounded
in my right hand in the
battle of Malvern Hill.
I got a thirty days fur-
lough home. I then
joined my company
again at Sharps
I was in the battle of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House,
and Fredricksburg; from there to South Mountain, Md. ; then down the
Valley by way of tha Natural Bridge, on to Carlyle, Pa. We then went
to Gettysburg. We sufl'ered great loss in that battle. Back to Williams-
port, Md. There we recrossed the Potomac back into Virginia.
I helped take Winchester twice from the Yankees. On the 19th of
September, 1854, I was wounded and lost my left arm above the elbow.
When Gen. Sherman drove Gen. Early from Winchester, Va., 1 was
taken prisoner and stayed in Winchester one month. I was then sent
to Baltimore. Then sent from Baltimore to be exchanged; the boat was
stopped at Fortress Monroe nineteen days; then we got orders to go to
Savannah, Ga., where the prisoners were exchanged. We were on the
boat twenty-two days. We stayed in Savannah until we were able to
come home. Then I went back to the army and resigned as 2nd Lieut.
Company A, 12th Regiment N. C. Troops.
In a few weeks after I got back home. Gen. Stoneman came through
with his cavalry. I was married the 15th of March, 1866, to Olivia C.
Yount, daughter of Franklin A. and Jemina Yount. Had fourteen chil-
dred, nine sons and five daughters. I served the County as Treasurer
eig-ht years. I am 68 years old, and enjoying reasonably good health.
From first to last, I was not absent more than 37 days from the army,
before I lost my arm.
On the night after the first days fight at Fredricksburg the Aurora
Borealis was seen very plainly in the North. The soldiers took this as
an omen of a bloody battle to follow the next day, and consequently,
were very much excited thereby. The next morning about eight o'clock,
a red fox was discovered between the picket lines of the two armies,
which occasioned much amusement on both sides. We had strict orders
not to fire unless the enemy advanced upon us; but Reynard offered a
temptation we could not resist. Fired upon by our pickets, the fox ran
in the direction of the Yankees, and fired upon by them, he rushed back
toward us, and so on, back and forth, down the line for about three
miles. Whether the fox was killed, I do not know.
Our Regiment went into the Gettysburg fight 1400 strong and came
out with 127. On the retreat we passed up a stream that flowed through
a gap of a mountain. We crossed and re-crossed the stream about 20
times. At many places it was waist deep and very cold. Our wagon
train was in front, our thinned regiment forming the rear guard. Some
Yankee Cavalry were annoying our wagons in front, taking some and
riddling others with grape shot and canister. Gen. Iverson said to Capt.
Wilfong: "Capt. Wilfong, Yankees are annoying our wagon train
in front; go forward and give them Hell ! Don't you think you can do
it?" Wilfong answered: "We have but few men. but we will do the
best we can;" but when we reached the point of trouble, there were
only about a dozen men with us. We took refuge beside a huge rock
and lay concealed there until morning. We could hear the enemy walk-
ing and talking sometimes within five steps of us; but we did not give
them hell, for we had only two guns at our command. The next morn-
ing we formed a skirmish line on each side of a road further on from
this spot. Capt. Wilfong took command of the right and 1 of the left,
and as the enemies Cavalry charged the rear wagons, we captured about
a dozen of them.
An amusing incident occurred at the battle of Sharpsburg. Duncan
McRea was Col. of the 5th N. C. Regiment. One of his Captains was
a Baptist preacher, and I believe a good, pious man. He often held
services for the Regiment and Brigade. Col. McRea was ambitious to
become a Brigadier General; but in the hottest of the fight his regiment
faltered and fell back. The next day he said to his clericial Captain:
"I always thought you were a good man; I have often heard you say
that you wanted to go to Heaven, but yesterday you had an opportunity
to go, and D you, you run from it."
At the battle of Chancelorsville, Maj. D. P. Rowe was mortally
wounded. We fought on until dark and got badly scattered. About
six of us got too far to the left and found ourselves within the enemies'
Picket lines. We saw two of the enemies' pickets lying behind a log
sighting ready to shoot at us; one of us (a prominent man of this
county), fired and shot one of the pickets through the head and killed
him instantly. He felt very sorry for having killed a man, or rather
knowing that he had killed a man, and begged me not to tell it on him
at home. I will not give his name, but if he reads this he will know
who I mean.
I lest my arm at Winchester, September 13th, 1864, and was cap-
tured at the same time and sent to the Federal Hospital. There I re-
mained for a month and received good treatment. The ladies of the
town would bring all kinds of delicacies suitable for the sick and wound-
ed. One month from the time I was captured, our forces attempted to
re-take Winchester, and all of us prisoners expected to be liberated. In
the excitement, I walked out of the hospital to a three story Southern
Mansion, where I was hidden in the third story; but when Sheridan
drove Early back, I returned to the hospital, where I, with others of
the wounded prisoners, were reported as deserters. All of us who were
able to be moved, were sent in wagons to Harpers Ferry, and from
there on the train to Baltimore Hospital. We were in Baltimore for
three weeks where we also receivedsplendid treatment, until the day we
left; the day we left, we were marched out into a very large room where
all oar cht'iiij, m)i3y, etc., wara all taken from us and we were
marched out to a large pile of cast off Federal uniforms and commanded
to dress. The pants that I received were all bloody, and the right leg
ripped to the knee. One poor fellow from Georgia, wounded in the
shoulder and with gangrene so bad you could see the bones, had four
five dollar gold pieces, which he hid in the bowl of a large pipe. He
filled it with tobacco and began to smoke; but when the Yanks came
abound to search him, the first place they looked was in the pipe, which
they confiscated along with the gold. He brooded and worried over his
loss until he became unbalanced, and while on the boat lying in front of
Fort Monroe, he jumped over board. We threw a rope lo him, which
he eagerly seized and was drawn up to the boat again. He evidently
found out that drowning was worse than the loss of gold.
From Baltimore we started in a tug boat. When out at sea a storm
blew us into Annapolis and we landed there for safety. I accidently
gave the Master Mason sign. One of the spectators, by the name of
Holden, from North Carolina, came up to me and said: "What will you
have?" I said to him: "What do you mean by that?" "Why," he
answered, "you gave me the Master Mason sign." I said to him: "My
friend, 1 don't want to take advantage of you; I don't belong to the
Masons or ony of the other orders; if I gave you the Master Mason sign,
it was not knowingly." He then tried me with several other signs, but
I could not give the countersign, so he said to me: "If you are not a
Mason, you are a gentleman; what will you have?" I told him we were
very hungry. He then went and brought for us a load of bread, beef,
boiled ham, and other good things, for which we were very grateful.
After the gale was over, we left for Point Lookout, where we were
placed on a large boat called the Baltic. There were about 1600 prison-
ers on board. All were either sick or wounded. From there we went
to Old Fort, Va., where we were anchored for thirteen days, awaiting
orders from the Federal war department. From there we went to
Savannah, Ga., which took us three days.
When I left Baltimore I was strong and my arm was doing fine,
but when I got to Savannah my wound was so swollen and I so weak, I
had to be carried off the boat. During the twenty-two days I was on
the boat, my arm was washed but once and that time with a pint of
stolen water. Silas Smyre, wounded in the leg, bunked just above me,
says I stole the water, while I have always thought that he stole it.
We both tried to steal some water after that but never succeeded.
The physicians on the boat had the prisoners' wounds washed and
dressed regularly, but all were bathed in the same water, and as quite a
few of the soldiers had gengrene, Silas Smyre and I refused to have our
wounds washed in the pointed water.
As we left Fortress Monroe, Ga., a prisoner who had chronic diar-
rhoea, went to the doctor's office and asked for medicine. The Doctor
cursed him and told him there was nothing much the matter with him
and that he needed no medicine. The poor fellow turned away with a
broken hearted sigh, with the remark: "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock I
will be dead." I was present when this occurred. The next day about
one o'clock, as we were on the hurricane deck trying to get the vermin
out of our blankets and clothes, we noticed a school of fish on each side
of the boat as straight as any line of battle I ever saw. They swam as
fast as the boat ran. Someone shouted: "A dead man on board." A
search was instantly made and the poor fellow above alluded to was
found dead. Weights were tied to his feet and he was dropped over-
board. The moment he fell into the water, the fish turned tails ud and
followed him to the bottom, and were saw no more until another Vvas
While on boat we suffered a great deal from hunger and thirst. We
had no water at all during this time and were allowed but one cracker
and a pint of soup a day. One of the crackers would make about five
of our ordinary soda crackers; and I have often thought the soup was
nothing more than the dishwater slightly flavored with vegetables.
After our exchange we stayed in Savannah until we regained our
strength somewhat atid obtained better clothing, when we returned
He was born in Cat-
awba County, N. C. May
19, 1839. He was rear-
ed on the farm and se-
cured his education
the old field schools.
Catawba College and
Red Hill Academy, in
Iredell County.
He volunteered April
21 or 22, 1861 and helped
organize Company A of
the Second Regiment of
Volunteers or 12th Regi-
ment of State Troops.
He left Newton with the
Company on April 27th,
1861 as Fourth Lieut,
but on reaching Raleigh
and finding that there
was no such office, he
was reduced to the
This Company was or
ginally under the command of Capt. C. W. Bradburn, but after being in
Raleigh a short time, it was reorganized and John Ray was elected cap-
tain. At this time, Mr. Brown was appointed Corporal and when Capt.
Ray left the Company to organize his Rangers, was promoted to Fourth
In April, 1862, the Company was again organized, and Mr. Brown
was elected Third Lieutenant. He served in that position through the
battles of Hanover Junction, the Seven Days' Fight around Richmond,
Chambersville, Cold Harbor, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill.
At the battle of Cold Harbor, a grape shot struck him squarely on
the thigh, and would have broken Ws leg, had it not struck his saber
which had a steel scabbard. This scabbard was so badly bent by the
blow that it had to be hammered straight again before the sword could
be withdrawn.
At the battle of Malvern Hill, he was shot through the knee late in
the evening and lay on the field that night and until about ten o'clock
the next day. He was then carried ofi" the field by L. R. Whitener and
G. M. Wilfong, and was laid down in the woods until late in the evening.
He was then sent to the field hospital where his wound was dressed. On
the next day he was placed in an ambulance, sent over a pine pole road
to the station, placed on a flat car and sent to the Moore Hospital at
Riehnond. After several we3k3, he was taken home on a litter by Fred
Smith and John D. Hoke.
Just after the battle of Malvern Hill, he was promoted to the rank
of Second Lieutenant and held this position until April, 1863. He was
assured by many physicians and three examining boards that he would
never again be fit for active service on account of his wouiid. Feeling,
therefore, that he was depriving the Company of a position that he was
not able to fill and not wishing to be transferred to any point the Govern-
ment might wish to send him, he resigned and was dischai'ged in April
Upon his return home, Lieut. Brown was appointed Assessor of Tax
in Kind for the Eastern portion of Catawba County under Maj. S. M.
Finger and served in this capacity until the close of the war.
On Dec. 2nd, 1863, while still using a crutch and stick, Lieut. Brown
was married to Miss Elizabeth M. Stevenson, adaughter of J. H. Steven-
son, of Iredell County. As a result of this union, two boys and two
girls were born. Both of the girls are dead, while one of the boys,
James S., is in Guatamala City. Central America, and the other, Malvern
Hill, resides at Rex, Washington.
In 1870, he was elected Register of Deeds for Catawba County tak-
ing office in September of that year. He held this office until Dec.
1878. In 1882, he was appointed Justice of the Peace and served in
that capacity until he removed froni^ the County in 1905.
His wife having died in August, 1872, Lieut. Brown was married
on Dec. 2nd, 1873 to Miss Mary Williams, daughter of William Williams,
of Catawba County. Their married life was short as Mrs. Brown died
in August, 1874.
In 1877, he married Miss Fannie R. Beall, daughter of Rev. B. L.
. Beall, who resided at that time in Lenoir but who has since moved his
residence to Greensboro. From this union, two boys and two girls were
born, three of whom are now living. One of the girls, Jessie Rankin,
died in July, 1907 and the pther one, Nettie Remsen, married Mr. J.
■Louie Eyerhart, of AshevlUe, N. C. With this daughter, Lieut. Brown
and his oldest son, Paul, reside, Mrs. Brown having died June 17. 1908.
The other son, Edward, married Miss Bessie Fortune and also resides in
Asheville being General Secretary of the local Y. M. C. A.
Yount, M. A., 1st Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '61; promoted
2nd Lieutenant September 16, '61.
Shcrrill, John L., 2nd Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '61; wounded
at Hanover Court' House. (See sketch.)
Wilfong, T. M., 3rd Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '61; living,
^ farmer^
Abernothy, J. R., 4th Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '61; wounded
at Cold Harbor; transferrred to 2nd Regiment cvalary; died
since tha war in Alabama.
Wilfong, S. T., 5th Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '61; wounded
at Cold Harbor and Chancellorsville, lost an arm; died since
the war. (See sketch.)
Sidney Theodore Wil-
fong, son of John Wil-
fong and grandson of
elder John Wilfong (the
latter a soldier of the
Revolution), was born
in Catawba county, N.
C, February 2nd, 1844
he being the fifth son
of a family of two dau-
ghters and ten sons, six
of whom were soldiers
in the Confederate
States Army.
At the age of seven
teen years, in the first
company of volunteers
organized in Catawba
county, he enlisted April
27th, 1861, as a private
in Company A, 12th N.
C. Regiment; and was
afterwards promoted to
3rd Sergeant. At the
battle of Cold Harbor,
in the seven day's fight before Richmond, Va., in June 1862, he was
seriously wounded in the thigh. He was cared for in Richmond, where
his mother, who was an ardent supporter of the Confederacy, went and
attended him and, when in condition to be moved, accompanied him
home. As soon as he was able, he returned to the army at Martinsburg,
Va., in December, 1862. On the 3rd day of May, 1863, at the battle of
Chancellorsville, he was again seriously wounded in the right arm and
captured by the enemy. Before being captured, his brother, Capt.
Milt Wilfong, bandaged the shattered arm and then made his escape.
Although weak and exhausted from the loss of blood, he was exposed'
to a heavy rainstorm during the night, and was forced to march under
threat of being bayonated, until he fell, declaring death was preferable
to the torture being inflicted, and reminded his captor that under the
fortunes of war he might soon become the victim. He was then more
considerately conveyed to Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.
Not until ten days after being wounded did he receive medical or surgi-
cal aid, and then only at the urgent pleading of a nurse was his arm
amputated on the 13th day of May, 1863, so little probability was there
of saving his life, the physicians contending that he could only die and
that he ojght to be buried whole. So grateful was he to the nurse that
he afterwards nam id his diu^ht^r, Genevieve, far her. By an exchange
of prisoners he was released from prison July 1st, 1863, and on Febru-
ary 12th, 18C4 he received a discharge from the Confederate Army.
Afterwards he visiied the army several times, carrying provisions and
clothing to his brothers.
On the 2nd day of January, 1866, S. T. Wilfong was married to
Miss Belle Gill, of Columbia, S. C, where she had been employed in the
Treasury department of the Confederate States. From this time he
lived on his farm in Jacobs Fork Township until January, 1905, when he
moved to Newton, where he died on the 2nd day of October, 1905, being
survived by his widow and four children — Summey, Walter and Pierce
Wilfong and Mrs. Genevieve Gaither. He was buried in East View
Cemetery, Newton, N. C.
Always an enthusiastic Confederate, it was largely due to his efforts
that a Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy was organized at
He was a faithful member and elder of the Reformed Church, first
at Grace Church, near his farm in Jacobs Fork Township, and later at
Taking a great interest in education, he was a member of the
Board of Trustees of Claremont College, Hickory, N. C, from its
foundation, and was a member of the Board of Trustees of Catawba
College, Newton, N. C, and at the time of his death was Chairman of
the Building Committee of the latter institution and actively engaged in
the work.
He took a large interest in all public affairs and was called to fill
public oflficas, among them. Justice of the Peace for many years, mem-
ber of the House of Representatives from Catawba county in 1901,
member of the County Board of Education, and at the time of his death,
a member of the State Board of Agriculture.
Bost, R. A., 1st Corporal; enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to
46th Regiment.
Lorance, Wm. E., 2nd Corporal; enlisted April 27, '61; trans-
ferred to 32nd Regiment; lost a leg.
Robinson, Geo. W., 3rd Corporal; enlisted April 27, '61; died
September 27, '62.
Smith, P. F.. 4th Corporal; enlisted April 27, '61; transferred
to 32nd Regiment.
Abernethy, Patrick E., tMilistod April 27, '61; transferred to
32nd Regiment.
Arndt, John M., April 27, '61; wounded at Cold Harbor, lost
a leg. Living. (See sketch.) . , ■
I enlisted in Co. A.
12th Regiment, from
Catawba County. I
served first as a private;
then as a sharpshooter.
My first little fight was
at Chancellorsville. We
unloaded all our bagg-
age, and thought when
we got through, w
would go back and get
it; but no you don't. We
had to stampede from
there to Seven Pines
and Gold Harbor. The
last day, I we ■ fought
there, I was shot in my
left arm. ' ■ 1 was sent
home for four months;
When I went back, I
found my command at
Culpepper C. H. Start-
ing out again, we cross-
ed the Potomac Rixer
(waded across) going
next to Petersburg.
Had a three days' fight there.
I lay three days there behind a fence post, trying to hide. Nearly
starved for water. We then came back and crossed the river, where
we got into a little tangle with the Yankees at Game's Mill. Was there
struck with a Minnie Ball and had my leg broken and was then sent to
Richmond and stayed there two months before I got home, as my leg had
to be amputated.
I remained at home until just before the Petersburg Blow Up. We
were in camp at Petersburg when they started the fight.
Soon after, I made my way home and there remained until after the
All these years I have farmed, and have been successful. I am
still hale and hearty.
Barringer, A. M., enlisted April 27, '61; killed July 1, '62 at
Malvern Hill.
Bost, E. G., enlisted April 27, '61 ; promoted Corporal; living,
a fanner.
Bumgarner, T. H., enlisted April 1, '62; living, a farmer.
Bost, Noah, enlisted April 27, '61; killed July 1, '62 at Mal-
vern Hill.
Bost, H. J., enlisted April 27, '61; wounded at Chancellors-
ville, lost an arm; still living in Texas.
Bowman, Alonzo, enlisted April 1, '62; killed at Chancellors-
Bowman, Wm., enlisted April 1, '62; missing; no further ac-
Bowman, Wilson, enhsted April 1, '62; died in 1902.
Bowman, Elkanah, enUsted April 27, '61; died in 1906. (See
Enlisted in Co. A. 12th
Regiment, April, 1861.
He served faithfully and
effi:!iently during the
whole four year period.
He was brave, therefore
gentle and kind. He
was twice wounded. He
returned and raised a
family on the farm. He
lived a very consistent
church life, — loved and
esteemed by all. He
died Sept. 22, 1906.
The writer of this
sketch and all his com-
pany, say that among
all of its privates, he
always was the cleanest,
neatest man in the com-
pany. "Cleanliness is
next to godliness" was
his motto. To honor
her Grandfather this
photo and sketch was
sent by a grand-daughter (Miss Powell)
Bolick, Salathiel, enlisted April 27, '61; wounded at Malvern
Hill; died since the war.
Brown, Samuel, enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to Merri-
mac; no further account of him.
Brown, C. N., enlisted April 27, '61; living.
Brown, James; enlisted April 1, '62; killed May 27, '62 at
Hanover Court House.
Burch, Wm., still living.
Bradburn, T. W.. enlisted April 27, '61; promoted 2nd Lieu-
tenant September '62; dead.
Bradl)urn, J. M., enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd
Regiment; died since the war.
Burns, Wm., enlisted September 1, '62; killed at ('hancellors-
Chne, W. H., enlisted April 27, '61; killed September 19, '64
at Winchester.
Y. M. Wilfong enlisteLi at
the 21 April 61. ofin the
reorganization of the
connpany he was elected
second Lieutenant and
finally to Captain. He
was in all the engage-
ments of the company
to the 12 of May, '64 in
the battle of Spottsyl-
vana C. H. in which
battle he was killed.
His remains were
brought home by Reu-
ben Hoyle some weeks
after he was exhumed
and brought home and
buried in Newton. He
was a brave boy, and
kind and considerate of
his men— all of whom
loved and respected him.
C'line, E. P. R., enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Cline, Eli., enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
CHne, Jonathan, enlisted April 1, '62; killed Ma.y 14, '63 at
Spottsylvania Court House.
Cloninger, Elkanah, enlisted April 1, '62; lost an arm at
Malvern Hill; died since the war.
Corpening-, A. G., enlisted March 14, '63; wounded at Chancel-
lorsville; died sine? the war. (See sketch.)
Enlisted in Co. A. 12th
Regiment of N. C, on
March 14th, '63, and was
not known to shirk a
duty. He was wounded
at Chancellorsville, Va.
He survived the war,
and took up farming, at
which he made good.
He served as a justice
of the peace for many
years, and was certainly
a peace-maker. He died
some years ago at an
advanced age, and was
buried in Grace Church
Conrad, Daniel, enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32 Regi-
Conrad, D. E., enlisted April 27, '61 ; transferred to 32nd Regi-
Dailey, Abraham, enhsted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd
Bellinger, J. H., enliste_d. April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd
Deal, Henry, enlisted April 27, '61; killed May 3, '63 at (Uian-
Deal, Elkanah, enlisted April 27, '61 ; no record.
Deal, G., enlisted April 27, '62; died since the war.
Deitz, J. B., enlisted April 27, '62; killed in war, i)eins run
over by a horse.
Eaton, J. A., enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd Rej^i-
ment; living.
Epps, J. A., enlisted April 27, '61; wounded at Malvern Hill;
still living, a farmer.
Finger, Daniel, enlisted April 27, '61; still living; a farmer.
Fry, Miles, enlisted April 1, '62; killed at Warrenton.
Harwell, C. C, enlisted April 1, '62; wounded at C'hancellors-
Hallmah, E. D., enlisted October 16, '61; died December 6, '63.
Heffner, W. S., enlisted October 16, '61; living, a manufac-
turer. (See sketch.)
Enlisted in Co. A, 12th
Regiment, April 27th,
1861. He made one of
the best of soldiers. He
went through the war
"scottfree, " and after
returning home he en-
gaged in farming. He
has accumulated a nice
little sum by industry
and economy. He en-
joys talking of war
scenes, and has given
much data for this book.
Huffman, W. F., enlisted August 17, '61; died since the war.
Hoke, J. D., enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32n 1, Regi-
ment; dead.
Hoke, Julius, enlisted April 27, '61; lost a leg since the war;
stdl living.
Hoke, P. C, enlisted April 27, '61; hving, a farmer.
Hahn, E. L., enlisted April 27, '61; hving, a mechanic. (See
L. R. Whitener, Mac
Wilfcno-, John Shenil!
Dan Moose, Churchili
Sigmon, Noah Setzei
and n yself , stackt d arms-
before a Pennsvlvani;
Reg^im-nt at Afpomat
tox, April 9lh, 1^65 and
on our way to North
Carolina, we got our sup-
port as best we could.
Little towns would
keep a table spread for
the accommodation of
the retiring soldiers.
There was one little
town, I remember,
whose name I've for-
gotten) , where, we were
told, was a man who
had plenty of provis-
ions under lock in a
Commissary, and would
not let people have them
without money. "It
belongs to us; we need
it; press him to give it to the rightful owners," were the cries of wo-
men and children. The nearer we came to the place, the more piteous
the cry of women and children: "Tear down the door and let us have
something for our children." On our arrival, we demanded the key, but
he was obstinate and refused, whereupon L. R. Whitener and myself
bagan battering down the door, finding plenty of flour and bacon, once
belonging to the Confederate States. We gave out to the poor, and it
was well for the man with the key to hold his tongue, or he would have
met with a misfortune. Such characters were not hard to find at the
close of the war; detestable characters they were in the eyes of the
retiring soldiers.
Another little circumstance, I must tell: On my way home on a
furlough, we stopped on train for dinner. We got our tickets, and
about the time we were filling our plates— "Toot! Toot! All aboard for
Salisbury!" I scr.:mbled in the train, heard a commotion behind me;
and there came my pard (an Irishman) with the four corners of the
table cloth with the contents for dinner, and the landlord and landlady
begging for even the dishes. "Faith and Bejabbers, you know the
train would not wait and we will have our dinner." We pulled him in,
and he invited all who had tickets to come and help themselves, and
after cleaning the cloth, he divided the delf ; I got a knife. He then
struck up his banjo and we all want on our way rejoicing.
Hoover, Adolphus, enlisted April 27, '61; lost an arm; died
since the war. (See sketch.)
Adolphus A. Hoover
enlisted in Company A
12th N. C. Regiment
April 25th, 1861. He
was a brave, faithful
soldier, and in May,
1864, at Spotts 'Ivai ia,
he was wounded n t e
arm, which neces.itated
He was soon discharg-
ed from service, and re-
turning home, married
and settled down to
farming. It is remark
able to narrate but true,
nevertheless, that he
did his own work, with
but one arm. He plow-
ed, he hoed, he reaped,
he mowed; indeed, he
did all kinds of farm
labor by a strap fasten-
ed to the stub. He was
a very industrious man,
honest, and his word
Wis his bond. He acquired some property, raised a family of three edu-
cated and refined daughters.
Hi died in 1905, triumphing in hope. A good man is gone— one less
in our rank of old soldiers.
Hoover, D. B., enlisted April 27, '61; killed May 3, '63 at
H(d ick, W. F., enl'sted April 1, '62; died since the war.
Hunsucker, Philo, enl'sted Oc'ober 16, '61; died in the war.
Herman, Calv'n, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war., Elkanah, enlisted April 27, '61 ; died since the war.
Ingold, Elite, en'isted April 1, '62; killed at Gettysburg.
Ingold, Luther, enli.>ted April 1, '62; died in the West since
the war.
Ingold, Fiancis, enlisted April 27, '61; killed May 9, '64.
Isenhower, Hart, enlisted April 27, '62; moved West, no record.
Killian, W. S., enlisted April 27, '61; no account.
Kale, Pinkney, enlisted April 27, '61; died in '61.
Kale, John, enlisted April 27, '61 ; transferred to 32nd Regi-
Long, Wm. A., enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd
Loretz, D. P., enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd Regi-
ment; died soon after the war.
Lefong, Yodom, enlisted April 27, '61 ; died December 28, '94.
Lefong, Timothy, enlisted April 1, '62; dead.
Lefong, Noah, enlisted April 1, '62; died since the war.
Lowrance, Bartlett, enlisted April 27, '61 ; living, a shoe-maker.
Murphy, Frank, enhsted April 27, '61; wounded at Gettysburg
died since the war.
Miller, J. F., enlisted April 27, '61; wounded June 27, '62 at
Cold Harbor; died since the war.
McGee, Jonas, enhsted April 27, '61; promoted Corporal,
wounded at Gettysburg; living. (See sketch.)
McNeil, J. T., enhsted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd
Mize, G. W., enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd Regi-
ment; dead.
Miller, Andrew, enlisted April 27, '61; transferred to 32nd
Regiment; died recently.
Moose, D. F., enlisted April 27, '61; still living. (See sketch.)
Moose, Wm., enlisted April 27, '61; went West after the war.
Moose, Daniel W., April 27, '61; wounded at Chancellorsville;
living, a farmer. (See sketch.)
Moose, Elkanah, enlisted April 27, '61; living, a farmer.
I enlisted in April
1861, at Ntwton. N. C.
and left thore and weni
to Salisbury where 1
spent two days anr
nights; fioni ihere ]
went to Raltigh. Wa^
there when the Siatt
secaeded. From Raleigh,
we were sent to Rich-
m >nd: stayed thtre oiu
day and then went to
Norfolk, where we re
mained until some time
in May. Frcm Norfolk
we went to Rapidan
River, then back to
Richmond, to get into
the Seven Day's fight.
I was slightly wound
ed at Malvern Hill, but
never left Company A.
The next battle I vva;
in- was South Mountain.
My Lieutenant, M. A.
Yount, told me if he
was wounded he wanied me to care for him. After hard tighnng, he
was wounded in the head, his skull being fi-acturtd. I got help and
carried him to where I thought we were .^afe. He and I weie left alone
for a short time. The shebs begin lo come so thick and so fast that I
did not feel safe there, so I drug him down the mouniain for al.'out half
a miie to where I obtamed help. I remained all night with him. The
next morning our army had fallen back, so I got him in a cart aud took
him to Boonesboro, and there I was taken prisoner. I fared very well.
Was there 22 days and was then exchanged, being sent to my command
at Staunton.
On the train, I was compelled to ride on top of the car, which caused
a severe case of earache, which compelled me to go to the Hospital and
there I ran into the small pox, but luckily, I did not take it.
I was sent to Fredericksburg; was next in the Chancellorsville
battle, where I was slightly wounded, but did not kave the field; ntxt
to Brandy Station; from there to Gettysburg, and was badly wounded
at Rock iPence.
After the army fell back, I was taken prisoner the first night of
the march, and for three days 'and two nights I had nothing at al! to
eat. When I got to Fredrick e ity, Md.. I was unable to sit up for 12
weeks. As soon as I was able to be up. I was sent to Baltimore, Md.,
and from there •^o Richmond, exchanged: got a 60 days furlough and
got home December 23rd. When the furlough expired. I got another
one for 3i) days, and afterwards, went back to the army and was dis-
charged. I s"rved over three years in active service ?nd never missed
roll call without being accounted ^or. I am 69 yeai's of age.
Daniel W. Moose was
born Feb. 16th, 1842,
and enlisted in Co. A,
12ch N. C. Regiment, on
April 27th, 1861.
His first battle was at
Ashland Court House,
and he was in all of the
most important engage-
ments that the 12th Reg-
iment engaged in, cross-
ing the Potomac every
time Ganeral Laa cross-
ed. He was several
times wounded, once be-
ing at the battle of
Chancellorsville, where
he was wounded in the
left temple.
He was surrendered at
Appomattox. Like al-
most all of his old com-
rades, he came home
and has made a living
on the farm.
Michael, Henry, enlisted April 27, '61; died August '63.
Michael, Pete, enlisted March 14, '62; died since the war.
Michael, L. D., enlisted April 1, 62; nothing obtainable.
Propst, Noah, enlisted April 27, '61; living, a farmer. (See
Mathis, Daniel, enlisted; died since the war.
Mathis, John, enlisted: cUecl since the war.
Propst, Harvey enlisted, no record.
Pope, Elkanah, enlisted April 27, '61 ; died since the war.
Pool, John, enlisted; lost sight of.
Perry, John, enlisted April 27, '61; no account.
Turbyfield, Thomas, enlisted April 27, '61; killed at Chancel-
Tubyfield, A., died in '63.
Rabb, Geo. W. enlisted April 27, '61; wounded and lost
leg at Strawsburg in '()4. (See sketch.)
I enlisted April 30! h.
1861, in Capt. T. W
Bradburn's Company,
which was made Co. K.
Second N. C. Regiment,
Volunteers. Was en-
camjed near Norfolk,
Va.. until May 1862,
when we left for Han-
over Court House; there
we had our first experi-
ence in a battle. The
next was the battle of
Mechanicsville, Va. ;
from there to Cold Har-
bor; then to Malvern
Hill. There we encamp-
ed near the old battle
field for several weeks;
thence we took up our
march for Maryland.
I took sick when we
reached Lowray, Va.,
and was sent to the
hospital ; joined the Com-
pany near Winchester
after their return from Maryland. I was in the battle of Chancellors-
ville, in which Jackson was wounded and afterwards died. I was in the
battle of Gettysburg, Pa., and in a skirmish at Hagerstown, Md., on our
return to Virginia. I was in the battle near Spottsylvania, C. H., and
was wounded May 12th, '64; I then received a furlough for 60 days, after
which I rejoined the company at Winchester, Va., in August. Was
engaged in several skirmishes in the Shenandoah Valley during the fall
of 1864.
We left the Valley a few days before Xmas, passed through Rich-
mond on Christmas day and encamped near Petersburg. On the 5th day
of Feb., I was in the battle of Hatcher's Run, where we withstood 17
assaults of the Federals, and held our lines until evening, when we re-
treated, having fought all day in the rain, the timber bending with ice.
We then spent about a month on the Roanoke River, taking up
deserters. On the 25th of March, we were in a battle in front of Peters-
burg; and on the 2nd of April, we started on our retreat for Appomattox,
C. H., where we surrendered, April 9th, 1865. I came home after hav-
ing spent four years, with ten days exception, in the service of the war. "
Mr. Propst is one of our best citizens. He is a very young looking
man for his age, and numbers his friends by the score. May he live
many more years.
I enlisted in the first
company that left the
County April 27rh, 1861.
I was with the company
continuously whose man
euverings may be found
in other sketches. I
started in at Mechanics
ville, and ended at Ma-
lvern Hill. In the Seven
Day's, we had thirty
seven men wounded, bui.
none killed outright.
Several, however, died
of their wounds. We
then went to the valle>
and from there to th'
battle of South Moun
tain, and wound up that
c impaign at Shdrpsburj. .
Here I was impressec
that this battle was tht
greatest of the war. On
our return to Virginia,
I was in all the batt es
in which the company engaged till at Chancellorsville, where I was
wounded twice, on the same evening Jackson was killed. From this
battle, I received a furlough and remained at home for the summer. At
Fredericksburg, we had a fine time with the Yankee pickets. We made
exchanges, bought and sold little things. I had many close calls, but I
think the closest place I ever was in was at Spottsylvania C. H. Three
of my company were killed, all within four feet of me. How I escaped,
I cannot tell. I never surrendered but once; then the Cavalry was over
us, and one had his sword drawn to split my head, but just before he
struck at me, I fell to the ground, and he hurried on; then I arose and
made my escape back to our lines. The grandest charge our Brigade
ever made was at the Wilderness on the evening of May 6th, and Sept.
21st, 1864, where I was wounded, riding two miles horseback, with my
leg broken and crushed from the knee down. I was taken to the hospi-
tal at Woodstock. Here I remained until January, 1865. While here,
the ladies of the town prepared our rations, and, indeed, they showed
their kindness and hospitality in giving us the best. From Woodstock,
I was discharged, and immediately returned home. Taking all in all,
I had many narrow escapes, close calls, notwithstanding all this, I
must confess now, while old, I had a lot of fun, and was lucky to lose
o.ily a leg, all of which I thank my Heavenly Father for.
At Chancellorsville, I had my first intimation of dread. In rear of
M. 0. Sherrill, I was wounded. The file of the 23rd re.eiment was on
our right, two being shot at the same instant and falling across each
other. I was ordered to the r^ar, already wounded, but I re-loaded,
fired again, and was again wounded.
At Spottsylvania, C. H., the enemy charged the breast works oc-
cupied by an Alabama Regiment and captured it with great slaughtei'.
artillery and all. Johnson's bridgade was ordered to retake it. Hetock
it and regained the artillery. This I regard the grandest charge of my
On the morning of the 12th, the enemy captured Johnson's Division,
and in trying to recapture them, we got mixed, — Dave Setzer, Jake
Dixon, and Bill Bowman were all killed withm two feet of me in an in-
stant; and in running out of that close place, the wind from the bullets
seemed to have helped to blow me out. Ten days after, I slipped off
alone from the company, so anxious to see that lonely, deserted spot
where fell so many of my company. I found our dead not bujied, and
among t?at tall timber, I did not see a place as big vis the palm of my
hand that was not scarred by balls.
At the battle of the Wilderness, near Sunset, we filed full length of
our brigade to the right, charged the enemy, killed Gen. Sedgwick, and
drove the enemy back. Being a little lost, Bill Cline and myself charged
a house containing an officer and ten privates, capturing the whole
eleven. The officer had on a beautiful hat which had had a hole shot in
it. Bowman, coming up after our capture, demanded the hat. The
officer said: "Don't take it, please; I have been married but a short
while, and I want to take this hat back to my wife, that she may see
how near I came losing my life." We would not allow. Bowman to take
the hat. This shows there is honor even on the battle field.
At Charleston, three of us came in contact with a company of 100
Yankee Cavalry, while we were out on a scouting expedition; we fired
and dislodged one; the rest ran following them to the river, putting 33
to flight.
On the Rappahannock, the river being the dividing line between the
armies, we made this mutual agreement, —not to fire at each other,
unless giving due notice; we thus became right familiar for enemies; and
one day they asked us to come over that night and we would take a
game of "Seven up." We did so, and while we were intensely engaged
in a game, the relief came around and demanded our surrender. The
old Guard said, "No; we invited them over, and promised protection,
and we mean to see the Johnies back in safety"; so they did. Many in-
cidents like these I could give, but I desist."
Geo. W. Rabb was one of the bravest of the boys. He was always
ready for any command. He took up shoemaking, — one of the- sons of
Crispian. He pegged many and many a shoe and made some money, in-
vesting wisely in factory stock; and today, has quite a competency. He
married soon after the war, and is without bodily heirs; hence, he has
been a very liberal supporter of his Church and denominational schools.
He has held somn important County offices, and in 1910-11, hewaschosen
by his party to represent Catawba in the lower house of the legislature.
He has made good in both war and peace.
Travis, Nelson, enlisted April 27, '01; died in the West since
the war. (See sketch.)
Rheinhardt, Robt. P., enlisted April 27, '01; discharged; (Hed
since the war. (See sketch.)
R. P. Reinhardt en-
listed in Company A,
12th Regiment April,
1861. He served in the
Company for awhile and
hired a substitute. He
was one of the few men
in the county soon after
the war that began
farming on the "inten-
sive" plan. He also
introduced fine improv-
ed stock, and this stim-
ulated the County to
getting better cattle,
sheep and hogs. He,
during his later life,
was appointed Post
Master at Newton, N.
C. He died in 1902.
Ritzell, H. J., enlisted April 27, '01; lost a leg July 20 below
Winchester; living, a farmer, (See sketch.)
Ritzell A. A., enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Rowe, Lafayette, enhsted April 27, '61; wounded at Gettys-
burg; died since the war. (See sketch.)
Rowe, N. I., enlisted September 1, '62; wounded at Chancellors-
ville; living, a farmer. (See sketch.)
Rowe, Sidney H., enlisted June 6, '01; transferred from 23rd
Regiment; died in the war. (See sketch.)
Henry J. Reitzel en-
listed April 27th, 1861.
in Company A, 12th
North Carolina Regi-
ment. Was wounded at
Winchester, July 20th.
1864, and on his return,
with loss of leg, took
up farming, at which he
made an honest living.
He is now in his 70th
year, a hale, healthy
At the battle of
Spottsylvania Court
House, on the night of
the 21st of May. he
heard groaning near by.
He went to see what the
matter was, and found
a Yankee shot through
the head with a ramrod.
He asked Reitzel to pull
it out. and it was so
diffcult to extract that
he had to put his foot
upon his chest before he could puli it out.
Robinson. J. F.. enlisted May 27.
Spottsylvania Court House.
Robinson, A., enlisted October 16.
at Richmond.
Robinson. Geo. W., enlisted April 27, '61: died in the war. '
Smyer, Silas, enhsted April 27, '61; wounded, promoted 3rd
Sergeant; li\'ing, a farmer. (See sketch.)
Sigmon, J. C enlisted April 27. '61 : transferred to 32nd Regi-
Sigmon. J. E.. enlisted April 27. "61 ; transferred to 32nd Regi-
Sigmon. Albert, enlisted April 27. '61; living, a farmer.
Sigmon, Marcus, Sr.. enlisted April 27. '61; h\nng.
Sigmon, Marcus. Jr., enlisted April 27, '61 ; died since the war.
Sigmon, Wesley, enli.sted April 27, '61 ; living, a farmer.
Sigmon, Cahin. enlisted October 16, '61; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville ; died since the war.
"61 : killed Mav 10. '64 at
61: died September '62
Daniel Lafayette
Rowe was born near
Newton, N. C, Feb. 12,
1842. He enlisted in
April, 1861, as a mem-
ber of Co. A. 12th N. C.
rejj^iment, and served
with fidelity throughout
the war, being wounded
twice. He was a splen-
did soldier, a progressive
farmer, a good citizen,
and the father of a large
family. He died Sept.
15, 1897.
Sigmon, M. L., enlisted April 27, '61; living, a farmer.
Sigmon, Jethro, enlisted March 19, '63; died in the war.
Sigmon, Sylvanus, enlisted April 27, '61; no record.
Sigmon, Wm., enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Sigmon, Newton, enlisted October 16, '61; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville ; living, a farmer.
Shook, Tobias, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Shook, Calvin, enlisted April 1, '62; promoted 3rd Corporal;
Uving in Newton, N. C.
Shook, John, enlisted April 27, '61; dead.
Shook, Jacob, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Setzer, Noah, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Setzer, David, enUsted April 27, '61; died in the West since
the war.
Setzer, Jacob, enUsted April 1, '62; died since the war.
Smyre, Geo. S., enlisted April 27, '61; promoted 5th Ser-
geant; wounded at Malvern Hill, and killed at Hagerstown by a
Yankee Sharpshooter from a window.
Noah Isaah Rowe,
who was born near
Newton, N. C, January
20, 1S28, enlisted as a
member of Company A,
12th N. C. Regiment,
in April, 1861. On May
3, 1S63, he was wounded
in the battle of Chancel-
lorsvilie. He was taken
prisoner on May 12, 1864
at Spottsylvania Court
House and confined at
West Point three months
when he was removed
to the Federal Prison at
Elmira, N. Y. At this
place he was confined
until the close of the
war. Beginning empty-
handed at the close of
the war, by untiring
toil he has acquired a
competency; has brought
up a large family, and
is an honored citizen in
the community. For many years he has been an elder in the Reformed
Church, and is still an active church worker. At this time (1911) he is
still in active life and is possessed of excellent health, considering his
years and labors. He is now in his 84th year.
Sidney Hoke Row^e was born near Newton, N. C, November 23rd,
1838. He enlisted in the fall of 1861 as a member of the company or-
ganized by T. L. Lowe. In a short time he was transferred to Company
A, in which he had three brothers. He was in active service until May
12th, 1864, when he was taken prisoner at Spottsylvania Court House.
He was confined at Point Lookout and later, in company with his
brother Noah, was removed to Elmira, N. Y., where he died December
20, 1864, at the age of 27 years. In the strength and vigor of young
manhood, nobly sacrificing his life for the Cause, he died, as he said,
"In the triumph of Faith."
Setzer, Marcus, enlisted April 27, '61; living.
Smyre, L. Z., enlisted March 4, '63; killed March 25, '65 at
Silas Smyre enlisted
in Cumpany A. 12th N.
C. Regiment volunteers,
April 27th, 18ol. He
was promoted Sergeant
in the early part of the
war, and proved himself
to be one of the most
efficient soldiers of the
war. He was one of
the few of Company A
who surrendered at Ap-
pomattox Court House.
On his return home, he
engaged in farming and
the manufacture of flour.
He was always a
quiet, peacable and in-
dustrious citizen; and
by industry and econo-
my, amassed quite a
fortune. He honored
himself, his family and
his country by his up-
right life. He died
New Years, 1911.
ipe, Jacob, enlisted A}>ril 1, '62; missino;.
Sipe, Noah, enlisted April 1, '62; living in the west.
Settlemyre, D. S., enlisted April 27, '61; living.
Settlemvre, Allen, enlisted April 27, '61; living. (See sketch.)
Sherrill, M. 0., enlisted April 27, '61; promoted 1st Sergeant;
wounded May 9, '64 at Spottsylvania Court House; leg amputa-
ted. (See sketch.)
Sherrill, John, enlisted April 27, '61; discharged, living.
Seaboch, John, enlisted April 27, '61; wounded at Malvern
Hill; killed July 9, '64 at Monocacy River.
Turner, Joseph, enlisted April 27, '61; discharged, since the war.
Turbyfield, W. O., enhsted October 14, '62; died April '63.
Wilkinson, J. M., enlisted August 14, '61; wounded at Mal-
vern Hill.
Wilkinson, Hufus, enlisted April 1, '62; woundcnl at Malvern
Hill; still living.
I enlisted about the
first of the year, 1863,
at Orange Court House,
Va., in Company A, 12th
N. C. Regiment. I was
in the battle of Spottsyl-
vania Court House, and
in the battle of Hatch-
er's Run; also in an en-
gagement on the 25th of
March, 1865, in front of
Petersburg, and saw
Jncle Jonas Fry struck
with a shell on the body
and torn to atoms. I
was on the Roanoke
River guarding desert-
ers prior to the engage-
ment at Petersburg. I
was on the retreat from
Petersburg to Appomat-
tox Court House. I was
slightly wounded on the
6th. I was near Gen.
Lee when he surrender-
ed on the 9th of April,
1865, and marched from there home.
I began tilling the soil and made quite a success of it. I had noth-
ing when I came from the war; I now own a good farm and some town
Webb, Curtiss, enlisted April 27, '61; went to Florida since
the war.
Wilkinson, John, enlisted August 14, '63; died since the war
by electricity.
Wilfong, S. T., enlisted August 27, '61; lost an arm; died
since the war. (See sketch.)
Wilfong, Maxwell, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Wilson, Henry, enlisted April 27, '61; killed at Malvern Hill.
Wilson, D. C, enlisted April 27, '61 ;transf erred to 32nd Regi-
ment; died January 1, 1911.
Whitener, L. R., enHsted April 27, '61; promoted Sergeant;
wounded at Gettysburg; living in Hickory, N. C. (See sketch.)
Youngest child of
Hiram and Sarah
Sherrill, was born in
Catawba Co. in 1843.
In the war of 1861-5 he
volunteered in Co. A.
12th N. C, the same
Co. that his brother
Miles 0. Sherrill, and his
nephew James F. Robin-
son, were in. He was
in every battle that his
Company was in from
Hanover Court House
and seven day fighting
below Richmond, Va.,
until the battle of South
Mountain in Md. in Sept
1862. where he sacrifi-
ctd his life. Alfied
Sigmon, a comrade now
living in Catawba Coun-
ty, who was wounded in
the battles of South
Mountain, Md. in 1862,
and captured, says that Sherrill, when the command to fall back was
given, was the last to leave the line of battle, and while firing a part-
ing shot, was badly wounded; and when the enemy came one of them
half drunk stood over Sherrill, and bayonetted the poor fellow to death,
showing no mercy to the brave boy, but manifested a brute in human
firm. Sherrill was counted as one of the bravest men in the company.
His dust has been resting in South Mountain, Maryland, since Sept.
Whitener, P. W., enlisted April 27, '61; wounded at Gettys-
burg; living in Hickory. (See sketch.)
White, Wilson, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Yount, Hosea, enlisted April 27, '61 ; died since the war.
Yount, Joseph, enlisted April 27, '61; died since the war.
Yount, Sidney L., enlisted April 27, '61; promoted Sergeant;
wounded at Malvern Hill and Chancellorsville, lost an arm;
died since the war. (See sketch.)
Yount, Elcanah, enlisted as recruit; died in the war in '63.
Total 183. (See sketch.)
until he lost his leg in
May 1864. Sherrill was
with his command, and
in the battles bf^ginning
at Hanover Court
House, and the seven
days fighting below Rich-
mond, Va., on up to and
including Getty sb u rg.
Pa., to the time he lost
his leg at the battle of
Spottsylvania Court
House, Va. May, 1864.
The balance of the war
was spent in prison. His
brother Albert and a ne-
phew, (Ferdinand Rob-
inson) never returned.
Miles O. Sherrill married
Sarah R. Bost, 1st of
May 1867. She was a
Son of Hiram and
Sarah Sherrill, was horn
in Catawba county, July,
26th. 1841. He enlisted
in Co. K. 2nd, N. C.
Volunteers April, 1861.
At the reorganization in
1862, the 'Catawba Ri-
fles" became Co. A. in
the 12th N.C. Regiment.
In the Fall of 1861, while
at Norfolk, Va., Sherrill
was appointed a first
Lieutenant in another
regiment, but declined
to leave his company.
He was appointed order-
ly Seargeant, in 1862,
which position he held
daughter of Capt. Joseph M. Bost, who was killed near Petersburg, Va.,
June 1854. They have seven children. Sherrill was elected Judge of
Probate & Clerk of Superior court of Catawba <.'ounty in 1868, and serv-
ed fourteen years. In 1882 he was elected to the Legislature and was
elected to the Senate of N. C. in 1885 and again in 1893. In 1899 he was
elected State Librarian which position he now holds.
John A. Sherrill en-
listed in the first com-
pany organized in Ca-
tawba county, April
1861, and surrendered
with Gen. Lee's army,
April 9, 1865. During
this time he was never
-in the hospital iicr in
prison, but was in active
service all the time, ex-
cept two months which
he spent at home on a
furlough, recovering
from a wound.
Mr. Sherrill did duty
at Norfolk during the
first year of the war.
When Norfolk was eva-
cuated he, with his regi-
ment, (the Second North
Carolina Volunteers ),
was transferred to the
army of Northern Vir-
He was severely
wounded at Hanover Junction in May, 1862. After recovering from this
wound, he rejoined his regiment at Richmond and did service in Virginia
for the remainder of the war.
He was in the Marylaiwl campaign in 1862. In the spring of 1863, he
was detailed as courier to Gen. Iverson and served in this capacity dur-
ing the Gettysburg campaign, and to the end of the war.
He did service in Early's campaign, in the valley of Virginia, in
1864, and returned with Early's command to the army of Northern Vir-
ginia in the fall of that year in time to take part in the engagement at
Hatcher's run. Dui'ing this engagement, he saddled his horse Sunday
morning at sunrise and did not unsaddle him until Wednesday night.
During these four days and three nights, he was in his saddle more than
half the time amid a constant downpour of sleet and rain.
After the surrender he returned to his native connty and has proven
an honored and useful citizen.
He served as county Commissioner from 1894 to 1896, and as County
Treasurer from 1900 to 19(>4. He was also appointed to fill out the un-
expired term of Dr. W. E. Wilson on the County Board of Education.
Mr. Sherrill is still living, and is in fine physical condition, consider-
ing his age.
Leroy Robinson White-
ner, a veteran of the
army of Northern Vir-
ginia, was bom in Cat-
awba County, N. C
Nov. 27th, 1837, a de-
scendant of Henry Weid-
ner, the first white set-
tler of the County. He
entered the Confederate
service April 2Tth, 1S61.
as a private in the 2nd
regiment of volunteers.
under Col. Williams,
later known as the 12tr.
R^ment. The reg-
ment was organized be-
fore the Stare seceede :
and he was in Raleij:
at the time of the seces-
During his first year's
duty in Virginia he was
a witness of the Naval
encounter between the
Merrimac and Monitor, and after the evacuation of Norfolk, he fought
in the Seven Days' banle before Richmond. After the victory at Sec-
ond Manassas came the celebrated fight of his brigade at South Moim-
tain. He fought at Fredricksburg; was near the spot where General
Jackson was mortally wounded at Chancelk)rsville. and at Gettysburg
shared the gallant service of Rodes' division nntil he was wounded and
captured by the enemy.
He was held but a few weeks at David's Island and then paroled.
Upon his exchange, in October following, he rejoined his regiment, and
in 1864 was in the battle of the Wilderness, Spottyslvania Court House,
and Cold Harbor: was with Early at the battle of Mondcacy and the
demonstration against Washington Citv". and in the fall took part in the
desperate struggle against Sheridan's superior numbers at Winchester
and Cedar Creek. He fought in the Petersburg trenches; was in the
battle of Hatcher's Run and other engagements, and upon the retreat
to Appomattox, was surrendered with the remnant of the glorious old
In addition to his wound at Gettysburg, he was slightly wounded at
Cold Harbor and Hatcher's Run.
Coming back to his old home he engaged in farming. Since 1887 he
has lived in Hickory, where he is engaged in business.
He has had a prominent career as a public official; eight years as
County commissioner, as a member of the Board of Alderman, elder in
the Reformed church, twice Mayor of the City, six years a director of
the State Hospital at Morganton and representative of the County in
the legislature for two terms. He is Justice of the Peace and U. S.
He was married January 12th. 1866, to Miss Martha J. Shuford,
with whom he lived happily until her death, February 3rd, 1896. He
was married again June 22nd, 1897, to Miss Alice Ingold Murrill.
Speaking of his experience, Mr. Whitener said:
"J walked all the way home from Appomattox Court House, being on
the way I reached the home of my sister, Mrs. Eli Rhyne, dirty,
ragged and foot-sore. She said, '"What will you do for clothes?" There
were no stores, and there was no money to pay, if there had been. I
said, "I don't know what I will do;" then sister said, "I have a little
cotton, a little wool and a little bacon; you go to see Millie Reese and
tell her I will pay her in bacon if she will come here and spin yarn to
make a suit." Millie came; the cotton and wool were carded together
and spun and wove, making grey mixed cloth. My sister made the suit
and then I started out to have a good time. ' '
Peter Wilfong Whitener, in April 1861, enlisted in the first company
organized in Catawba County— Company "A", 12th. Regiment, N. C.
Volunteers. As a soldier, he performed every service faithfully and
bravely. He was in many battles. In the "Seven Days Battle" around
Richmond, on June 27th, '62, he was wounded. While thus wounded he
was given a furlough, and during his stay home, he married Miss Kate
Shuford, who proved to be, not only a faithful and loving companion and
mother, but a model, consecrated, Christian worker, whose unshakened
faith in God's word was her ever ready weapon in every battle of life
from which she came out more than conqueror.
When able he returned to his post in the army and on the battle field,
and performed every duty with that distinction of faithfulness that has
ever characterized him in every sphere of life. In the battle of Gettys-
burg, on July 1st, 1863, he was so badly wounded in the knee that his
leg had to be amputated
thus putting him on
crutches for life.
As soon as able, on
November 27. 1S63, he
came home, and he and
his faithful companion
began life together on
their farm on South
Fork river. With in-
dustry and good manage-
ment, they made farm-
ing a great success. Tu
this union were bon-
seven children, four
daughters and threJ. C.
Regiment. He was
twice wounded during
the war; slightly at the
Horse Shoe, and at
Winchester, Va. He
was captured once dur-
ing the war, and was a
prisoner at Point Look-
out. He came home
after the surrender and
married Mary Catherine
Setzer, of Newton, and
worked on the farm un-
til his death,— July 9th,
Lofton, Eli, enlisted June 6, '61; wounded at Gettysburg,
losing a leg, the only limb lost by company F; now living.
(See sketch.)
Eli A. Lof tin, son of Thomas Loftion, w-as born in Lincoln county in
1845. He volunteered in the spring of 1861. He became a member of
Company F, 23rd N. C. Regiment. He was shot in the knee at Gettys-
burg, July 1, 1863, and lost his left leg, which w^as cut off half-way be-
tween the knee and hip. He lay on the battlefield several days and
nights, not being moved until after the battles of Gettysburg were all
over. The leg, eowever, was removed or cut off by a surgeon on the
field. He, with his crutch, has long been, and is yet a familiar figure
in Oast Catawba and at local reunions.
Lofton, Pinkney, enlisted June 6, '61; died Srptember 6.
'61, at Fairfax Station.
Lofton, Wm., enlisted June 6, '61; died October 20, '61.
Lail, Alex, enlisted June 6, '61; missing during the war:
Lail, Lawson, enlisted October 13, '63; missing during; the
war; li"\nng.
Moose, George A., enlisted June 6, '61; no account.
Michael. Noah, enlisted June 6, '61; died July 6, at Yorktown.
Martin, M. P., enlisted June 6, '61; killed July '63 at Gettys-
burg; ensign.
Mitchell, Thomas, enlisted June 6, '61; died September 23, '61
at Manassas.
Mays, Wm., enlisted June 6, '61; died in the war.
Mosteller. Lawson. enlisted June 6, '61: died in 1907. (See
Lawson Mosteller en-
listed in Co. E. 23rd Re-
giment, June 6th, '61.
He made a good soldier.
On his return home, he
successfully engaged in
farming. He died seve-
ral years ago, leaving
two sons and two daugh-
ters, who are doing w^ell
in the world. He was
an honorable citizen.
and his death left a gap
among friends and loved
ones, which can never
be filled.
McGinnis, Albert. enUsted June 6, '61; killed June 1, '62 at
Seven Pines.
]McXeil, Georp-e C., enlisted June 6, '61; discharged; died
since the war. (See sketch.)
Miller, Robt., cnhsted June 6, '61; discharged October 8, '62;
gored to death in 1907.
Miller, Jno. R.. enlisted Jime o, bl: lost in Maryland.
Miller. J. M.. enlisted April 3. "61; captured May 13. "64:
liWng. a farmer. (See sketch.)
J. Monroe. Miller en-
listed in Co. F. 23 Regi-
ment in the year lSt>o.
He was in the battle of
Spottsylvania, C. H. He
was captured on May
12th. imprisoned at Point
Lookout — from there to
Elmyra. N. Y. He was
exchanged, returned to
the Company, and was
in all the final engragre-
ments around Richmond.
After his return he en-
gaged in farming with
nearly all of Catawba's
returned soldiers, and is
one of many who have
the honor of ad\ ancing
agriculture to its pre-
sent improved state. He
is still living, and here-
by erects his monument
for his posterity.
Mosteller. J. B.. enlisted March I. '62; died May 16. '62.
McCorkle. F. M., enlisted June 5, '61; died June 17. '62 in Va.
Marshall. E. \V., enlisted July 8. '62; died February 2, '63.
Miller, Wesley, enlisted July 4, '62: died in the war.
Miller. EUcanah. enlisted in '62: dieti in the war.
Moose, Geo., enUsted June 6, '61; killed at Appamattox aft^r
the surrender.
Pool. James L.. enlisted June 6. '61: prisoner and released
after the war in July.
Pool. John, transferred from 12th Regiment in *62: no record.
Pool. Alex., enlisted June 15. '63: killed May "63 at Chancel-
Parker. Jacob, enhsted June 6, '61 : tiled in the war.
DR. GEO. c. McNeill
Dr. Geo. C. McNeill was born in Robinson, Co., N. C, in 1837. In
1857, his father, S. R. McNeill moved to Catawba Co., and located near
where Claremont is now. In early life, he taught school and also
clerked in a drug store in the City of Wilmington, N. C. After coming
to Catawba, he took up surveying, at one time being appointed County
Surveyor of Catawba County. Not liking this occupation, he went to
reading medicine, and was ready to enter this prcftsson when the war
broke out. He enlisted in Co. F. 23rd regiment where he remained until
the close of the war.
Being a physician, he was never engaged in many active battles,
but was retained in the hospital to take care of the sick and wounded.
Almost all of his time in the war was spent at Richmond, Va., and
Wilmington, N. C.
After the war, he married and located three miles southwest of
Catawba Station, where he lived until his death. He continued practic-
ing medicine all his life, and was considered a successful physician of his
time, having a large practice.
His health failed in 1884, and he discontinued riding, but kept up his
practice at his office and around his home.
He was a good writer; at one time was editor of a small paper print-
ed in the town of Catawba; was also correspondent for the Newton En-
terprise for many years.
He died Sept. 5th, 1890, at the age of 53 years, leaving a widow and
three children— two sons and one daughter. All his children survive him.
His wife lived only 11 years after his death.
Prost, A. G., enlisted September 1, '61; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville; promoted Sergeant.
Parker, Albert, enlisted March 1, '62; died in the war.
Propst, John H., enlisted March 21, '62; discharged October
20. '63.
Payne, J. S., enlisted July 8, '62; captured July 10, '64.
Rheinhardt, E. F., enHsted June 6, '61; killed July '63 at
Rink, George F., enlisted June 6, '61; wounded at Gettys-
burg; living, a farmer. (See sketch.)
Ramsey, Daniel, enlisted March 1, '62; wounded twice.
Rheinhardt, Abe, enlisted July 8, '62; killed July '63 at Gettys-
Reinhardt, Levi, enlisted March 10, '63; killed at Spottsyl-
Reinhardt, Elias, enlisted March 10, '63; wounded and died
at Chancellorsville,
"I enlisted in Co. F.
23rd Regiment early in
the war. The first bat-
tle I was in was at
Williamsport; thence to
Seven Pines; from there
to Cold Harbor; then to
South Mountain; from
there to Gettysburg. In
this battle, I was sever-
ely wounded in shoulder
and hip, and being un-
able to get away, I was
captured and remained
a prisoner two months.
After my release, I was
furloughed for 30 days,
finding my Company on
my return, at Win-
chester. I got there on
my birthday, and on the
9th, I was again wound-
ed and captured. 1 was
wounded at another tim e
near Gordonsville,
through the left lung,
being shot by a sharpshooter.
From there, we went to Point Lookout. I came home again on an-
other furlough, and then came the surrender.
I had quite a varied experience during the war. I feel that I acted
my part well. Thrice wounded, twice captured.
I am a farmer and have spent forty-five years at labor on my little
farm. I am now 74 years old and am still tilling the soil for a livmg. "
Mr. Rinck is one of Catawba's quiet, peaceable, industrious and
noble sons.
"He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life."
Spenser, Daniel, enlisted June 6, '61; died March 15, '62 in
North Carolina.
Seitz, Julius, enlisted June 6, '61; still living in Buncombe
Shell, William, enlisted June 4, '61; wounded at Chancellors-
ville and at Gettysburg; living, a farmer.
Setzer, John F., enlisted June 6, '61; suicided at Newton
since the war.
Sherrill, Henry, enlisted June 6, '61; wounded at Seven Pines,
])risoner. Major; died since the war.
Seitz, David, enlisted June 6, '61; died July 7, '62 of wound at
Malvern Hill. (See sketch.)
Da\ id M. Seitz, son of
Darius and Rebecca
Link Seitz, was born in
1841; enlisted in Co. F.
2ord Regiment. June
6th, 1861. He was mor-
tally wounded at Ma-
lvern Hill, and died in
Chimborazo Hospital,
July 7th, 1862. He was
a Christian young man,
a devoted Lutheran, a
good soldier, and died in
defence of his country's
cau.^e. Thus, with many
<^)thers, many noble
youths passed away.
"Old men for coun-
sel, young men for war"
Sigmon, C. C, enhsted June 6, '61; died since the war.
Shuford, Phillip, enlisted March 1, '61; died of wound at
Shuford, A. A., enhsted June 6, '61. (See sketch.)
Shuford, Solomon, enlisted March '61; hving in Caldwell, a
Seitz, G. L.. enlisted JNIarch 1, '62; died August 3, '63 of wound
received at Gettysburg.
Scronce, William A., enlisted June 6, '61 ; wovmded at Seven
Pines; living in Missouri.
Sigmon, Miles S., enhsted June 6, '61; Uving, a mechanic.
Sigmon, G. P., enlisted June 6, '61; died December 4, '61 in Va.
Smith, W. H., enli.sted June 6, '61; del November 20/61,
Abel A. Shuford, of Hickory, N. C, Manafacturer and Banker, was
born in Catawba county in 1841, son of Jacob H. Shuford, a farmer and
native of the same county. After receiving his education in the Old
Field Schools, he made his debut in business life as a clerk in Hickory,
an occupation which was interrupted in 1861 by the call for troops for
defence of the State. At the age of 19 be enlisted as prviaate in Com-
pany F, 23rd N. C. Regiment under command of Col. J. F. Hoke. He
was soon promoted to Corporal, then to Second Sergeant. With his
regiment, he was in Manassas Va., until the spring of 1862, and wa?
then ordered to the peninsula, where in his first battle, Williamsburg, he
carriad the colors of his regiment. He fought at Seven Pines and in
the Seven Day's campaign, up to the battle of Cold Harbor, where he
was severely wounded. After a season in the Hospital and at his home
he was again with his comrades at Martinsburg, Va., after their return
from Maryland, and engaged in the battle of Fredricksburg and
other battles. Some days before the battle of Gettysburg his friend,
the late Sidney T. Wilfong, found a letter F which he gave to him. He
wore this letter on the front of his cap and it was shot off in the battle
of Gettysburg. At the battle of Gettysburg he was wounded in the
first days fight and was captured by the enemy. He was held as a
prisoner of war for twenty-one months at Fort Delaware and Point
Lookout. Then being exchanged he was given a furlough during which
the war came to an end.
After the war he farmed for awhile, then went to Hickory and en-
gaged in business with a capital of $500.00. In 1891 he became Presi-
dent of the First National Bank of Hickory and at this writing is still
President of this institution. He is also President of the Shuford
National Bank of Newton, N. C, and a director of the First National
Bank of Morganton, N. C. He is President of the Hickory Manufactur-
ing Co., President of the Hickory Electric Co., Secretary and Treasurer
of the Ivey Mill Co. and Granite Falls Mfg. Co. (Cotton Mills) and
Treasurer of the A. A . Shuford Mill Co. He is Vice-President of the
Piedmont Wagon Co., and is a Trustee of Catawba College and Clare-
mont College. He served for fifteen years as Chairman of the Demo-
cratic County Executive Committee. He is a Director of the State
Hospital at Morganton, being a memember of the Executive Board.
He was elected a member of the State Legislature in 1884 and 1885.
He says the greatest honor ever paid him was by the Daughters of the
Confedracy in naming the Chapter at Hickory the "Abel A. Shuford
He was married in 1873 to Alda V., daughter of Dr. O. Campbell, of
Newton, and niece of Col. Reuben Campbell, of Statesville. To this
union were born three sons and five daughters, all of whom are living,
except one son who died in early childhood.
The subject of this sketch who is now living is, at the age of 69, a
hale and hearty man, actively engaged in his official and business duties,
taking an active interest in public aff'airs and especially church work
and educational institutions.
Seagle, Adam, enlisted June 6, '01; wounded at Gettysburg;
living in South Carolina.
Towell, Wm., enlisted June 6, '61; killed May '63 at Chancel-
Warlick, G. W., enlisted June 6, '61; wounded at Chancellors-
ville. (See sketch.)
Warlick, W. T., enlisted June 6, '61; promoted Sergeant,
wounded at Gettysburg and killed at Spottsylvania Court
House, May 10, '64. (See sketch.)
William T. Warlick
enlisted June 6, 1861, in
Company F, 23rd Regi-
ment. He was promot-
ed Sergeant; wounded
at Gettysburg, and also
near Richmond. He
was killed at Orange
Court House.
The author is indebt-
ed, through the patriotic
spirit of Mrs. Lafayette
Mostella, for the photos
and short .sketches of
her grandfather, J. C.
Sides, and her uncles,
Logan aiul William War-
William D. Shell en-
listed in Company F,
23rd Regiment. He was
twice wounded; at Chan-
cellorsville and at Get-
tysburg. He returned
home and has spent his
life farming. He has
honored himself, his
family and his county
by an upright life. He
has been active in the
prosecution of this book.
Whitener, D. W., en'isted June 6, '61; killed below R'chmond,
Wingate, Albert, enlisted June 6, '61; d'ed Ju'y 13, '62.
Wilson, T. W., enlisted June 6, '61; promoted 2nd Lieutenant
May 10, '62 and killed May 10, '64 at Spottsylvania Court House.
Whitener, G. W., enlisted S;ptember 1, '61; died September
20, '62 at Shepperdstown.
Weaver, John, enlisted March '62; died since the war in Ala.
Weaver, J. S., enlisted July 8, '62; no record.
Whisenhunt, WiUiam, enlisted March 1, '62; prisoner May
12, '64; living, a farmer. (See sketch.)
Wm. Whisnant enlist-
ed March 1st; pris-
oner May 12, '64. This
photo represents a man
who began life with an
axe aftei his return from
the war. His father was
a laboring man, who
raised a large family,
having three daughters,
triplets, —and supported
them mainly by rail
splitting, ac which he
was a greater expert
than Abe. Lincoln. On
his return from the war.
engaged in farming am'
soon after began tht
manufacture of lumber
on a small scale. He be-
gan to enlarge his busi-
ness by buying timbei-
land and manufacture it
into lumber, and thus he
continued until, today,
Dec. 31, 1910, he owns
more land in Jacob's Fork Township than any other man in the County,
the lands lying on Jacob's Fork, containing nearly two thousand acres.
He is one of the few clean men; he neither chews nor smokes tobacco,
neither has he ever tasted liquor. He owes no man, but has a strong
bank account. Let young men learn a lesson of energy and tact from
this sketch.
Warlick, M. H., enlisted February 28, '62; wounded and died
at Gettysburg. (See sketch.)
Maxwell H. Warlick
enlisted February 28,
1863, in Company F,
23rd Regiment. He was
wounded at Gettysburg
August 1, 1863. He
died at Point Lookout,
where he was a captive.
He was nursed by a
Federal officer, Benj.
O. Wade, who w rote
his father of his trium-
phant death, and sent
him a lock of his hair
and his bible.
Workman, Daniel, enlisted March 5, '62; died in 1908.
Whitener, Newton, enlisted March 10, '62; wounded at C'han-
cellorsville. (See sketch.)
Yoder, A. M., enUsted September 1, '61 ; wounded three times,
killed May 10, '64 at Spottsylvania.
Yoder, Robert, enlisted September 1, '63; killed May 10, '64
at Spottsylvania. Father and son buried in same grave.
Cobb, Columbus, enlisted in '62; died in the war.
Whitener, John A., enlisted February '65; died in 1908 in
Newton W h i t e n e r,
son of Phillip Whitener,
and Malinda Gross Whi-
tener, entered the ser-
vices in Co. F. 23rd Re-
giment, soon after its
organization. He is
said to be the Bravest
of The Brave. At one
time, in the thickest of
the battle, he mounted
the breastworks and
told his comrades behind
to load guns; he would
do the shooting, and thus
. levelled many a Federal.
He was captured at
Chancellorsville, and re-
mained a prisoner until
the close of the war.
Some years ago, at one
of the Hickory Fairs,
Col. Gaither Hall, boast-
ed his pedestrain feats,
and offered a wager to
any one who could out-
walk him around the race track. Newton Whitener accepted the chal-
lenge, and came out far ahead of Hall, holding aloof the five dollar bill
in great glee. He has been a hard worker all his life, and is now old and
feeble being in his 74 th year.
Company C. 28th Regiment Volunteers, was organized
by Thos. L. Lowe at Newton, N. C, in the summer of
1861, numbering- about 130 men. Left Newton August 13th,
went to High Point, was organized into the 28th Regiment,
and left there that fall to go into winter quarters at Wil-
mington. Remained there during the winter of 1861 guard-
ing that section of the coast. In the spring of 1862 was
called to Newbern, arrived there just in time to be in the
evacuation, as Burnside's Fleet was already landing. We
marched back to Kinston and there was organized into
Branche's Brigade. After a short stay there we were called
to Richmond. Va.. and there organized into Gen. A. P.
Hill's division and later, into Gen. Stonewall Jackson's
corps, and then was engaged in the battle at Hanover Court
House, where we had a sharp fight with the enemy. After
this fight we took up camp west of Richmond, and then, on
the 26th of June, we broke camp, crossed the Chickahominy
and engaged McClelland's army on their right flank on
Thursday evening above Mechanicsville, and was in all the
great Seven Days battles— at Mechanicsville. Cold Harbor,
Frazier's Farm and Malvern Hill from June 26th to July 1st,
1862. Was engaged in battle every day until the next Tues-
day evening at Malvern Hill where McClelland's army, after
a dreadful defeat, took shelter under cover of their gun
boats on the James River, July 1st. This is known as the
Seven Days battles around Richmond. Federal losses were
over twenty thousand. Confederate losses were nineteen
thousand, five hundred and thirtj- three. (See Life of Gen.
Lee, page 166.)
McClelland's army numbered about two hundred thous-
and troops, well armed, well equipped, well drilled and was
inspected just before the battle by an English officer and
pronounced to be the finest army in the world. We defeat-
ed this grand army of Gen. McClelland, this "young Napo-
lean." as Gen. Lee called him. "met his Waterloo." After
a short stay in camp, east of Richmond, the first Maryland
campaign was planned. And then taking up a long line of
march, encountering the enemy at Cedar Run, where we
had a sharp fight, defeating the enemy and driving them
from the field. This was the 7th, 8th and 3th of August.
Federal losses were one thousand and eight hundred. Con-
federate losses were one thousand, three hundred and
fourteen. Continuing our march, we arrived at Manassas
and engaged the Federal troops in battle. After two hard
days fighting, we won a complete victory, driving the enemy
in the direction of Washington. This is known as the sec-
ond Manasses, or Bull Run battle. Hill's men fought with
rocks from a railroad cut. Many men were killed by having
their skulls broken with rocks. Federal losses were seven-
teen thousand; Confederate losses eight thousand. This
was like unto the first Manasses battle.
When Scott and Wool did at us pull.
Across the country level.
We met them there and foujiht them fair.
And whipped them like the devil.
Continuing our march, we encountered the Federals at
Ox Hill, near Leesburg. After a hard fight we drove the
enemy from the field. After this battle, we crossed the Po-
tomac River near Leesburg into Maryland, making a little
stop at Fredrick, Md., and planting a battery on the hill
directed solid shot against a railroad bridge. It soon yielded
to our shots and tumbled into the stream. Continuing our
march through Maryland, crossing the Potomac River back
into Virginia near Williamsport, marching down the river via.
Martinsburg to Harpers Ferry capturing about twelve thous-
and troops, and more arms and ammunition than we could
get away with. This was a very important place as the
United States had an arsenal here. It was also noted as
the place where John Brown raised the first insurrection.
John Smith first settled Virginia at Jamestown. John
Brown first unsettled it at Harpers Ferry.
Now for Sharpsburg or Antietum. Then a double
quick up the river to Shepard's town, crossing the Potomac
River back into Maryland, engaging the enemy so as to re-
lieve Gen. Longstreet and D. H. Hill ^vho were in a deadly
struggle with the enemy, with-driving them from the field
that night. Federal losses eighteen thousand. Confederate
three thousand. Crossing the Potomac at Shepard's Town,
the enemy following us. We fought them to a finish, back
in and across the river. The broad surface of the Potomac
was floating with dead bodies. Federal losses were three
thousand, Confederate losses two hundred and sixty-one.
We then tore up the Baltimore and Ohio railroad near
Martinsburg; then took up camp at Bunkers Hill. After
a short stay there, the cry was "for Fredricksburg. " We
broke camp at Bunker Hill and marched up through the
Shenandoah Valley, where the destruction of war was visible
everywhere. Crossing the Shenandoah River near Winches-
ter, winding our way up the mountains, a distance of about
nine miles, I saw we had reached the top. The army halt-
ed, and as I looked around me, I saw the cloud capped
mountains of the Blue Ridge heaving her lofty peaks and
smoky teritsin the very clouds of heaven and basking her
towering spires in the dazzling sunlight of eternal day. As
we looked back over the blood stained valley, we beheld the
Shenandoah, as she rolled her sporting waters through the
valley, fertilizing thousands of acres of the most productive
land, and yielding broad fields of sparkling water for the
broad-billed duck and silver-scaled fish. Oh, what a scene!
A valley once of peace and plenty now all laid to waste and
dessolation. Now continuing our long and tedious march,
we arrived at Fredricksburg and engaged the Federals in
battle on December 13, 1862, and after a hard fought battle
defeated the Federals, driving them back across the Rap-
pahannock River. I shall never forget the scene of the
women and children as they passed through our lines, some
with babies in their arms. What became of them I never
knew. Confederates lost four thousand, two hundred and
one. Federals lost twelve thousand, three hundred and
twenty-one. Then we went in camp below Fredricksburg
for the winter of 1862-63.
Breaking camp in the spring of '63, we arrived at
Chancelorsville and engaged the Federals in battle on the
2nd and 3rd of May. This proved to be one of the bloodiest
battles of the war. Gen. Stonewall Jackson was wounded
on the evening of the 2nd, and died at Guinea Station on
Sunday, May 10th. I shall never forget that memorable
day— May 3rd. The second shell that was thrown from the
enemy busted in our ranks, just to my left. I turned my
eyes and saw the mangled bodies of Marcus Seitz, Jones
Smyre and Laban Yount— all perished- and Solomon Honey-
cutt badly wounded. This impressiveness of my surround-
ings hushed my voice and filled my eyes with tears. Leav-
ing our dead behind
Steadily we step adown the slope;
Steadily we climb the hill;
Steadily we load, steadily we fire,
Marching right onward still.
Confederate losses were ten thousand, two hundred and
eighty-one, Federal losses were seventeen thousand, one
hundred and ninety-seven. The writer of this sketch had
his right ar.n brokan in front of the Chancelorsville
House, near the plank road. Now a second invasion of the
North was planned. Leaving Chancelorsville, crossing the
Blub Ridge and the Shenandoah river, marching down the
valley, driving the Federal scouts out of the way. Crossing
the Patomac near Williamsport, we marched through Mary-
land, arriving at Gettysburg, Pa., and engaging the Fed-
erals on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. This battle was one of the
most deadly conflicts of the Civil war. The map of the
battle field shows that Lane's Brigade went as far as the
farthest. Losses in the battle of Gettysburg were heavy on
both sides. Confederate losses were over twenty thousand,
Federal losses were twenty- three thousand, one hundred
and ninety.
We withdrew from the battle field on July 4th, and in
returning from that great battle, we intercepted the Feder-
als at Falling Waters. After a sharp fight we gave the
Federals to understand that we only wanted time to recross
the Potomac back into Virginia, And after a strenuous
march we finally arrived at Liberty Mills, near Gordons-
ville, and went into camp for the winter of 1863-64. After
spending the winter here, we broke camp on May 1st, and
on the 5th, 6th and 7th, we engaged the Federals in the
Wilderness. True the name; a wilderness it was. After
three days battling with the enemy we were led out of the
Wilderness — not by Joshua of old, but by Gen. Robt. E.
Lee, —but only to be engaged in a more deadly conflict at
Spottsylvania Court House on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
of May, it being the fortune, or misfortune, as it was, on
the 12th, for the 28th Regiment to be placed where they
fell into that historic bloody angle where hand to hand con-
flicts ensued, and where blood flowed like water. No wonder
Gen. Sherman's definition of war was "hell." In the bat-
tles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House, Gen.
Grant's losses, since passing the Rapidam, from May 4th
to May 16th, were more than forty thousand men. In Spot-
tsylvania county there were five great battles fought: The
first and second Fredricksburg, Chancelorsville, Wilderness
and Spottsylvania Court House. All in a radius of fifteen
miles. Men gave their lives by the thousands and poured
out their blood in torrents. We have nothing in history to
equal it. This Regiment, the 28th, Lane's Brigade, was in
all these battles and suffered heavily, and was compliment-
ed highly by Gen. A. P. Hill and Gen. Lane for their
bravery and good behavior.
Now the march to Chickahominy on May 21st, 1864.
Gen. Grant withdrew from Spottsylvania and commenced
his move towards Richmond; Gen. Lee moving paralel with
the enemy, determined to force him east of Richmond. We
had a sharp engagement at North Anna river and near
Noel's Station on the 22nd and 23rd of May, also at Jericho
Ford. Arriving on June 2nd at Cold Harbor Ridge, and on
the morning of the 3rd, just at the break of day, there was
just light enough to guide the troops, the second great bat-
tle of Cold Harbor Ridge began. This was the same ground
that was contested by Gen. Lee and McClelland two years pre-
vious. A fearful struggle took place in the works soon after
the battle began. The enemy was repulsed time after time
and driven back with fearful loss. The attack ended at
12 o'clock. Every attack of the enemy had been successful-
ly repelled, and the battle closed with the Confererates in
full posession of their works. Confederate losses were
twelve hundred. Federal losses thirteen thousand. This
ended the campaign north of the James river. The Federal
losses since the passing of the Rapidan river were more than
sixty thousand men, ten thousand more than Lee's total
strength. Confederate losses eighteen thousand.
Passing south of the James River, we took up our posi-
tion in front of Petersburg where we were in many hard
fought battles during the summer, fall and winter of 1864
and 1865, until the evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond
on April 2rd 1865. One of our hardest fought battles in
defence of Peteisburg was on July 25th 1864 at Ream's and
Malone's stations. Heath's division and Lane's Brigade were
advanced under cover of guns of Pegram's battery, until
directly in front of the works, when a rush was made which
resulted in the capture of the whole line — not however, be-
fore the enemy had been driven off in a desperate hand to
hand struggle in the works, in which clubs, muskets and
bayonets were used freely. The Confederate losses were
seven hundred and twenty. Federal losses two thousand.
After retiring from this battle constant skirmishing occurred
between the two armies, and many sharp encounters took
place between the hostill cavelry forces, the most brilliant
of all those affairs was the dash made by Gen. Hampton into
the Federal lines in September. It was known that Gen.
Grant had a large drove of cattle grazing in Prince George
county. This information was gained by Gen. Hampton
from a letter to Gan. Grant which he intercepted. The letter
stated that the cattle had been sent to the neighborhood of
Sycamore Church, and that they were in splended condition.
Hampton, at once, determined to secure the beeves which
were much needed by our army. Hampton leaving Peters-
burg on the 14th of September and ariving at Sycamore
Church; and, at daylight on the morning of the 16th, he sur-
prised and stormed this position, capturing the works and
camp of the enemy and three hundred prisoners and all the
cattle, about twenty- five hundred in number were secured.
And the object of the expedition being accomplished, Hamp-
ton set off on his return. Fitzhuhg Lee brought up the rear,
the captured cattle marching between. The beeves stretch-
ed out over a line of four miles, but were skilfully handled.
And from time to time, he had to drive off the enemy's cave-
lry on his way back. He finally succeeded in reaching Peters-
burg safely with all his captures at 6 o'clock on the morning
of the 17th, having lost only fifty men during the expedition.
This was the greatest cattle victory during the war. A nice
presentation of Hampton to the hungry Confederates. Steak
for breakfast, sce.ik for dinner and steak for supper.
And now during the remainder of the fall and winter of
1864 and 1865. we were in all the principal battles and
witnessed all the principal events up to the blowing up of
the great tunnel which formed a crater and looked hke a
sacDnd M^unt Vesuvious where the negro troops with the
whit?3 rLished in to break o:ir line. our artillery being
trained on the crater, mowed them down by the hundreds.
They were caught in their own death trap. Now the eva-
cuation of Petersburg and Richmond. On the morning of
the 2nd of April. Lee had decided to abandon the cities he
had so long defended. As we parsed out and looked back we
saw that which added more to the horror, destruction— great
clouds of smoke go up from the two great cities, where men
poured out their life's blood and perished by the tens of
thousands. We saw our fate was sealed, our cause lost.
Now our last retreat back to Appomattox court house, where
Gen. Lee surrendered the remnant of the grandest army of
lighting men the world ever produced.
Now in conclusion. I will say the war between the States
was undoubtedly one of the most interesting events in the
pages of modern history. Being a veteran of the Civil war.
I could mention many thrilling narrations of battle scenes,
daring adventures, narrow escapes and feats of personal
prowess during the war— all tending to make indelible im-
pressions upon the tablets of memory.
The writer feels a willingness to contribute his mite to
the store of accumulated materials relating to the Confeder-
ate soldiers now waiting to be molded into finished historic
shape by one of her gifted sons. Our flag of the Confeder-
acy is furled, and will live in song and story, though its
folds are in the dust.
This company met their responsibilities and performed
their duties faithfully and courageously: and on all occasiors
when the fire of the battles spread its deadly pall over the
battle fields, they proved to be as brave as the bravest.
J. P. Little
1st Lieut, and Ensign, Co. C. 28 Regt.
Lowe, Thos. L., Capt. ; commissioned August 31; promoted
August 13, '61; promoted Major September 21, '61; died in the
war. (See sketch and Photo.)
Col. Thos. L. Lowe
was born April 27th
1831. He remained with
his father, Isaac Lowe,
-on the farm until 16
years of age. He went
to Charlotte and engag-
ed as clerk for Williams
& Co., and remained
there four years, during
which time he taught
penmanship, which was
remunerative. He came
home and by the aid of
his father he entered
Catawba College in 1852.
During his college
course, he became quite
a writer and speaker.
In the fall of 1854, he
taught school near Lin-
colnton. In April 6th
1854 he was married to
Anna D. Coulter. After
that he became a per-
manent resident of Ca-
tawba County, teaching school and surveying. When the call came for
volunteers in 1861, he made up a company of 130 Catawba boys and was
mustered into service. He was elected Lieutenant Colonel when his
company was formed into the 28th regiment. He held this command
until his death which occurred six miles beyond Richmond at the resi-
dence of Dr. Bulock. His body was brought home and buried in the
historic grave yard at Grace Church, and which is marked by a monum( nt.
A great soldier fell before the enemy, death in the very sun light of a
bright future.
Linebarger, James T., commissioned May 12, '62; promoted
from 1st Lieutenant, wounded at Fredericksburg and Gettys-
burg; now living at Rock Hill, S. C.
Kent, Jno., 1st Lieutenant, commissioned May 3, '62; died
July 4, '62.
Gilbert, Jacob H., Lieutenant, commissioned May 13, '61;
now living.
Cline, E. Elkanah, 2nd Lieutenant, commissioned May 13.
f 1 ; a farmer, living near Granite Falls, N. C. (Transferred to
57th Company E.) (See sketch.)
Thornburg, M. A., 2nd Lieutenant, commissioned August 4,
'62; promoted; died July 1910. (See sketch.)
J. P. Little enlisted
in company C, at New-
ton on August 13, 1861.
He was at this time only
sixteen years of age,
and the examining of-
ficer, thinking the boy
too young to enlist, re-
fused to accept him at
first but through persis-
tent pleadings of the
youth to fight for a cause
that he thought was just
he was at length accept-
Even at this early age
he was cultivated to no
small degree. His man-
ners were frank and
candid, and the more in-
timately he was known,
the better he was be-
loved. Never was he
known to shrink from
any toil, however pain-
ful, nor quail before any
He had a high regard for his superior officers, and more still for the
commission which he filled, as examplified in an anecdote told by his com-
rades. At the Battle of the Wilderness when the soldiers had become
somewhat routed, in order to rally them again the brave Captain Lovell
reached up to shake the flag that Little was carrying but the fearless
ensign, reaching for his pistol, gave the Captain to understand that he
was man enough to carry that flag and for him to let it alone.
He was in many of the principal battles of the war, namely, Hanover
Court House, Seven Days' Fight around Richmond, Cedar run, Second
Manassas, or Bull Run, Oz Hill, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, or Antei-
tun, Shepardstown, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and
Spottsylvania Court House.
At the Battle of Frazier's Farm he received a wound in the thigh,
and was also wounded at Chancf.llorsville and Spottsylvania Court House.
At the latter place he was in the famous Bloody Angle and was taken a
prisoner here. Later he was sent to Elmira, New York where he was
held during the remainder of the war.
He returned home in the summer of 1865 and then completed his
education. He is now a merchant in Hickory.
Thornburg, Mathias A., 1st Sergeant, enlisted August 13, '61;
promoted 2nd Lieutenant August 4th, '62; living near Hud-
son, N. C, a manufacturer.
Setzer, Franklin A., 2nd Sergeant, enlisted August 13, '61;
died since the war.
Austin, Coleman, 4th Sergeant, enlisted August 13, '61; pro-
moted 2nd Lieutenant; killed July 3, '63 at Gettysburg.
Turner, Geo E., 1st Corporal, enlisted August 13, '61; pro-
moted Sergeant; killed Julj^ 9, '63 at Jordan Springs.
Little, Joshua, A., 2nd Corporal, enlisted August 13, '61; pro-
moted Sergeant; wounded at Ox Hill and at White Oak Swamps;
ilied in City Point.
Flowers, Noah F., 3rd Corporal; enlisted August 13, '61; died
July 25, '62.
Ecard, Rufus, 4th Corporal, enlisted August 13, '61; promoted
Sergeant; killed, December 13, '62 at Fredericksburg.
Asbury, Wm.,
Asbury, Sidney; still living.
Boleh, Marcus, enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at Manassas
and at Chancellorsville; now living, a farmer.
Bolch, Aaron, enlisted August 13, '61; promoted Corporal;
wounded at Gettysburg; living, a farmer.
Bolch, Abel, enlisted March 15, '61; wounded at Cold Harbor;
died since the war.
Bolch, Emanuel, enlisted ]March lo, '61; died August 15. '62
at Chancellorsville.
Bolch, Wm., enlisted Alarch 15. '61; died July 15, '62.
Bolch, Logan, enlisted March 14, '63; wounded at Gettysburg
and died of wound.
Nathaniel Bolch en-
listed in Company C.
28th N. C. Regiment
late in the war. He
was a good soldier.
Since the war he has
lived on the farm, mak-
ing a good, honest liv-
ing. He is yet active
and bids fair to live and
bless his county many
years yet. So may it
Bolick, Henkle P., enlisted March 14, '63; wounded and died at
Bumgarner, Sydney, enlisted August 13, '61; died August 1,
Bumgarner, Allen, enlisted August 13, '61. (See sketch.
Bumgarner, David, enlisted ]\larch 15, '62; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville, and captured July 28, '64; died 1910.
Barger, Moses, enlisted September 9, '61; died May 25, '62 at
Barger, Josiah W., enlisted ]\Iarch 15, '62; wounded and died
May 20, '63 at Guinea Station.
Allen L. Bumgardner
enlisted in Company C.
28th Regiment on Aug.
13th 186L He was count-
ed one of the bravest of
the brave. He was
wounded once, and on
leaving the battle field,
he found a friend unable
to retire. He picked
him up and carried him
to a secure place, and
went and found a litter-
bearer to care for his
friend. He came from
the war with nothing to
begin life with save a
kind and energetic soul,
Today he is a successful
farmer, having land,
money and friends. He
is a jolly, good fellow.
Everybody likes him. A
noble Veteran, as brave
in life's conflicts as in
the battles of war, and just as sympathetic.
Barger, Allen, enlisted March 15, '62; died in October 1910.
Barger, David; living, a farmer,
Barger, Gilbert; died of wound.
Barger, Noah, enlisted March 11, '62; died October 3, 1910
Barger, Marcus, enlisted March 15, '62; a farmer, living near
Hickory, N. C.
Bowman, Calvin, M., enlisted March 15, '62; died in the war.
Bolch, Jordan, enlisted April 4, '64; died since the war.
CUne, Sylvanus, enlisted March 2nd, '63; a farmer, hving
near Hickory, N. C.
Cline, J. Timothy, enUsted February 12, '64; a farmer, living
near Hickory, N. C.
Cline, Adolphus, enlisted April 6, '64; living.
Campbell, Adolphus L., enlisted August 13, '61; died July 18,
'63 of wound received at Gettysburg.
Campbell, Wilburn A., enlisted August 13, '61; discharged
December 20, '61; living at Waynesville, N. C.
Cook, Abel, enlisted September 9, '62; died of wound at home
since the war.
Cook, Lawson, enlisted March 15, '62; died since the war.
Clippard, John, enlisted March 15, '62; died since the war.
Carter, Joshua, enlisted March 13, '61; wounded at Chancel-
lorsville; now living. (See sketch).
Joshua C. Carter en-
listed in Company C.
28th N. C. Regiment on
Aug. 13th 1861. He was
in the battles of New-
bern, this State; Har-
pers Ferry, Chancellors-
ville and Manasses. In
the battle of Manasses,
he received a slight
wound. He was also in
other engagements. It
is said by his officers
that he was an excellent
soldier. This is a high
compliment to a private,
a man "behind the gun. ' '
Cline, Monroe J., enlisted March 13, '61; died at Winchester.
Cline, Maxwell A., enlisted August 13, '61; died since the war.
Chne, Jno. L. H., enlisted February 18, '63; killed May 2, '64.
Cline, Alfred J., enlisted August 13, '61; died since the war.
Chne, Ambrose, enlisted March 14, '63; killed near Richmond.
Conrad, A. Henry, enlisted August 13, '61; killed at P. Mills.
Deal, Junius, enlisted August 13, '61; died of wound received
at Manassas, August 13, '62.
Deal, Levi, enhsted March 14, '63; died June 10, '63.
Timothy Cline enlist-
ed late in the war. He
was quite young but
served with distinction
till the close.
On his return home he
began life again on the
farm. Despite many
obstacles, by industry,
economy and good tact,
he ammassed quite a
competency of those
things that tend to ren-
der home comfortable
and happy.
Henry A. Conrad en-
listed in Company C,
28th N. C. Regiment on
Aug. 13th, 1861. We are
sorry that we could not
get a full account of
Henry. There are four
of the Conrad boys, all
of whom are said to be
brave, noble boys. This
one has been placed in
this book by one of his
younger brothers.
Dnnn, David J., enlisted August 13, '61. (See sketch and photo)
David J. Drum enlist-
ed in company C. 28th
Regiment at its forma-
tion. He was in every
battle in which his com-
pany engaged except
the Second Fredricks-
burg battle. He was
sick at the time. At the
battle of Ream's station
he was firing from the
breast works when an
enemy's ball broke both
bones in his leg just be-
low the knee. Trying
to step, his leg doubled
up and he fell on the
enemy's side. He beg-
ged his captain. Captain
Lineberger, to have him
lifted back on the other
side. He said "If I de-
tail two men to every
wounded man, who'll do
the fighting?" In a
minute, down came the
Captain who shamed Drum for begging. The enemy captured the breast
works, and they carried him to the woods where he lay all night in the
rain. The Federal army retreated, and he was carried to Petersburg
where his leg was amputated. In three days he took gangrene. The
Surgeous said he must die. To make room he was carried to the Dead-
house- A lady from Gordonsville came through hunting for her wound-
ed husband. When finding him, she also to( k Drum in her care and
tenderly waited on them both until they were able to go back to the
hospital. Drum has never forgotten that kird lady. If this should ever
fall under her eyes, let her again accept the profound thanks of Dave
Drum. He was later sent home. In his woi'ds— "Poor as a church
mouse"-— he began farming. With industry and good management, he
has made marvelous success. He has lands, stock, tools and everything
to be found on an improved farm. With money in bank, with the con-
fidence of the people, proves how good and kind the Giver of all Good
Ihas been to him and his, for which, they are all glad, and greatful.
Drum, Joseph M., enHsted March 15, '62; wounded at Cold
Harbor; killed August 9, '62 at Manassas 2nd.
T^clvard, Cyrus, enlisted AugUKst 13, '61^ capturfd and died
June 29, '62 at Governor's Island.
Fry, Jacob A., enlisted September 2, '61; now living.
Fry, Ephraim M., enlisted August 13, '61: wounded at (ietty.^'-
burg. Dead,
Fry, Andrew J., enlisted August 13, '61; no account.
Fisher, Geo., enlisted March 15, '62; died in the war.
Fulbright, Jno., enlisted March 14, '63.; no account.
Goins, Phillip P., enhsted August 13, '61; wounded at Chan-
'cellorsville. Died since the war.
(toodson, James, enhsted August 13, '61; wounded at Fra-
2;ier's Pond. Dead.
Griee, James C., enlisted September 2, '61; wounded at Fred-
ericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Died since the war,
Grice, H, Lee, enlisted August 12, '63; killed at Reams Sta-
Gabriel, A. Alonzo, enlisted March 15, '62; transferred to
23 Regiment; promoted Sergeant. No account, beyond this.
Hefner, Marcus, enlisted August 13, '61; killed May 3, '63 at
Hefner, Serenus, enlisted August 13, '61; wounded Septemberj
20, '64. Living. i
Hefner, David, enlisted August 13. '61; wounded at Gettys-
burg; died since the war.
Huffman, George, enlisted in '64; wounded and ched at Farni-
Huffman, Jno. F., enlisted April 13, '61; wounded at Cold
Harbor; died of wound.
Huffman, Levi L., enlisted April 13, '61. A farmer; now livingv
Huffman, Daniel W., enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at
Manassas. (See sketch.) '
Huffman, Jeremiah, enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at Cold
Harbor; died of wound.
Huffman, Marcus, enlisted March 15, '62; died July 2, '62;
prisoner at Governor's Island.
Huffman, Elijah, enlisted March 15, '62; died December 10,
Hefner, Levi, enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at Ox Hill and
Fredericksburg. A farmer, died in 1910. (See sketch and Photo )
- is^
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Huffman, Elijah J., enlisted March 15, '62. Died June 6,
'63 in Virginia.
Levi L, Huffman en-
listed in Company C,
28th N. C. Regiment on
August 13, 186L He
survived the war and is
another monument to
Catawba's industrious
Dutch stock. He is yet
active on his farm. His
home is noted for South-
ern hospitality and good
things to eat.
Harmon, Abel, enlisted August 13, 61. Missing at Fall-
ing Water.
Harmon, D. Monroe, enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at
Chaneellorsville; promoted corporal. Died since the nar.
Harmon, Rufus D. , enlisted August 13, '61, wounded.
Died since the war.
Herman, Phanuel J., enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at
Gettysburg; promoted Sergeant. A farmer, now living near
Newton. (See photo and sketch.)
Herman, Geo. D., enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at 2nd
Manassas; promoted Corporal; killed at Wilderness.
Herman, D. Alexander, enlisted March 15, '62: died
March 27, '62 at Gordonsville.
Herman, W- Henry, enlisted March 15, '62; died July 8, '62.
Phamuel J. Herman
enlisted in Company C,
28th N. C. Regiment on
August 13, 1861. He
was wounded in the
battle at Gettysburg.
For duty well done, he
was promoted to Ser-
geant. He survived the
war, and on his return,
he engaged in farming
at which he has been
successful. He is now
in declining health.
When he departs this
life, Catawba county
will have lost one of her
most law-abiding and
honored citizens.
Noah Huitt enlisted
late in the war, he be-
ing quite young. At
the close of the war he
came home and began
farming near Conover.
He is still an active
man, and has many
friends all over the
county. A good soldier,
a good citizen.
Houston, Martin L., enlisted August 13, '61; died of wound
received at Cold Harbor, July 17, '62.
Houston, John W., enlisted August 13, '61 ; died since the war.
Houston, Jacob F., enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at Shep-
ardstown and Gettysburg; promoted Corporal. Now living.
Heffner, Geo., enlisted March 15, '62; died since the war.
Heffner, Wilson, enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville ; killed by train since the war.
Holler, Adley D., enlisted April 11, '62. (See sketch and Photo)
A. D. Holler was a
carpenter and was at
work near Chester, 3. C.
Hence volunteered in the
Che.ster Rifles on April
11th 1861. He was thrice
wounded around Rich-
mond. He was at Fort
Sumpter and heard the
first gjn. Typhoid fever
kept him in the hospital
ten months. He was
transfered from the 6th
S. C. Regiment to com-
pany C 28th N. C. Re
giment. After his sec-
ond wound at
, he was carried a
mile to a place of safety
by Allen Bumgardner
who also was wounded.
He finally surrendered
at Appomattox. Here-
turned home, soon mar-
ried and reared an intelli-
gent family of children
in Rock Hill, S. C. where he now lives. A very successful contractor
and builder, and a jolly good fellow even now at the age of 70.
Hass, Sydney, enlisted February 6, '64; died since the war.
Herman, Daniel, enhsted May 6, '61; died in the war.
Hahn, D. Newton, enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at Gettys-
burg and died of same.
Holler, Lemuel, enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at Gettys-
burg; living at Rock Hill, S. C.
Honeycutt, Solomon, enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at.
Chancellorsville. Living.
Hass, Jno, A., enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville. Living.
Harwell, Watson A., enlisted March 13. '63; wounded at
Gettysburg. Died since the war.
Rufus D. Herman en-
listed in Company C,
28th N. C. Regiment on
Aug. 13th, ifei. This
faithful soldier was once
wounded. He was cap-
tured by the enemy and
spent ten months in
prison. He lived to see
the close of the strug-
gle. This photo was
taken when he was at
the age of forty years.
He died in 1889, loved
and honored, a loss to
the county, one of its
noblest sons.
Kayler, Alfred, enlisted in '64; wounded in chin. Living.
Killian, Elisha, enlisted August 13, '61. Died since war.
Killian, Calvin M., enlisted August 13, '61. Died July 1,
'62 of wound received at Frazier's Farm.
Killian, Joseph, enlisted March 15, '62, Killed.
Kent, John, enlisted September 9, '61. Promoted 1st
Lieutenant. Died July 4, '62.
Killian C. Jasper, enlisted. Living.
Linebarger, Monroe M., enlisted November 16, '63. Died
in the war.
Linebarger, F. Middleton, enlisted October 25, '64; died since
the war.
Little, Joshua A., enlisted August 13, '61; promoted Sergeant;
died of wound in prison.
Little, J. Pinkney, enlisted August 12, '61; wounded at Fra-
zier's Farm and Chancellorsville. (See sketch and Fhoto.)
Linebarger, Levi W., enlisted March 15, '62; promoted 1st
Sergeant; killed in the war at Farmville.
Linebarger, Avery P., enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at
Shepherdstown; died in the war.
Link, Ephriam M., enlisted Msrch 15, '£2; killed at Gctt.;, sburf .
Lail, Pollycarp, enlisted March 14, '63; living at Conover.
(See sketch, and Ihoto.)
Polycarp Lail, when
quiet a youth, enlisted
for the war on March
14, 1,-^63. He went light
into active service. He
was wounded at Spot-
tsylvania Court House.
Before recovering from
the wound he took fever.
After returning to the
army he had some nar-
row escapes. At the
wilderness battle he and
Adley Holler, being
color guards, and not
observing the retreat of
their regiment, stood
by the colors, Ensign
Little ha\ ing been wound
ed. In making their
escape they weie sa\eo
by only Providence f rem
. beirg margled with bul-
lets. On his return
home he engaged in
farming n^ar Conover. He has lived a quiet but industrious life and as
a reward has a comfortable home and many friends.
Lail, Abel, enlisted 12, '63; now living in Akxander
Lail, Cicero, enlisted March 15, '(12; wounded at Ox Hill;
missing in action, July 28, '64.
Linebarger, Jacob A., enlisted June 22, '61; transferred from
23 Regiment; wounded at Chancellorsville; died July 5, '63 of
wound received at Gettysburg.
Linebarger, T. James, enlisted August 13, '61; promoted
Captain; wounded at Fredericksburg, Gettyslmrg and Chan-
cellorsville. Living.
Levi W. Lineberger
enlisted in company C.
28tii Regiment on March
15th 1862. No record of
him has been furnished
us. Moore's Roster says
he was promoted to Ser-
geant which indicates
his popularity and cour-
age as a soldier.
Martin, William A., enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at Gettys-
burg; living.
Martin, James W., enlisted September 5, '61; wounded at
Manassas; died September 27, '62.
Martin, Robt., enlisted September 6, '61; died July 15, '62 at
(Governor's Island.
Moose, Jno. B., enlisted August 13, '61; died July 11, '62 of
wound at Hanover's Court House.
Miller, Marcus, enlisted August 13, '61; died in the war.
Miller, Wm. J., enlisted August 13, '61; killed July 3, '63 at
Miller, Samuel E., enlisted September 9, '61; died June 6, '63
at Lynchburg.
Miller, W., enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at Frazier's
Farm and Gettysburg; dead.
Miller, Caleb, enlisted March 16, '62; died in the war.
Miller, David E., enlisted March 15, '63; wounded at Wilder-
ness; died in '72. (See sketch.)
Pitts, Conrad, enlisted August 13, '61; wounded and died.
Pitts, W. Henry, enlisted August 13, '61; died August 31, '62.
Propst, Alfred, enlisted August 13, '61; died January 29, '63 at
Punch, Robt. W., enlisted September 9, '61; died December
16, '63, of wound received at Gettysburg.
Punch, Joseph L., enlisted August 13, '61; discharged June
15, '62; dead.
Punch, Wm. S., enlisted September 9, '61; died July 15, '63.
Poovey, Josiah A., enlisted March 14, '62; wounded at Gettys-
burg; Living.
Poovey, Wm. H., enlisted August 13, '61; wounded at Shep-
ardstown; Living.
Poovey, Hiram H., enlisted March 14, '62; living, a farmer.
Poovey, David A., enlisted March 14, '62; wounded at Chan-
cellorsville; missing at Gettysburg.
Poovey, W^m. F., enlisted Septeml)er 1, '62; died December
10, '62.
Poovey, Julius A., enlisted January 27, '63; wounded at
Gettysburg and Wilderness. A farmer, living near Hickory.
(See sketch and Photo.)
Poovey, A. Levi, enlisted January 27, '63; wounded at Gettys-
burg; died since the war.
Poovey, Henry F., enlisted March 14, '63; killed at Gettys-
burg, July 3, '63.
Pollard, Hiram, enlisted September 9, '61; wounded at 2nd
Manassas; died since the war.
Rader, W. Pinkney, enlisted August 13, '61. Living near
Newton, N. C.
Reynolds, James A., enlisted September 2, '61; missing at
r)i^: 'w:Jin.'i*r'i in«x pc^^jnirr
Starr. Lee- enlii?ce*l in "^: «3rd SBsee- tfe war.
Speineer. EL eniEsted Angnst I"^ ' ■^ _ -^n^amded. at Cedir "Rtt" :
^ -i'€r, J- Efflfcae-y, ea&tre«£ Aossist 13w 'SI; ww i m I hI a^z
'-•-ui HasEtwa-. Lirio^ 'See ^enefe
J- Pfekney- Sqeneer
;!Tr Aug-- iSth IML- He
v(r5s one- anrtTiTg- che 'iari-
'if '7--" -I' ^ '7.. lit dre
car" - ■! Harbor^
afeces. He. auw^??'^^-
r'"fwa-Hrpfi iLotil nae 5^:1' -
gPTnfrr- ffii secsfai nKaj
^rmntg:- L&e nmsc : f
due sofrffprs. ftefesmade
He has been aiftfre- snti
Iib«s:al in 'ri . •
■25 CT 3s:r Qj- &I5 fflresii
u&at hs: has beat stni au-
ti\ra tMber m. tr"T=. gcj^jcfeMn «€ ifce "^afeaEWM Saiffier'if ufee C&iff War.
TVaTJfT tz3 Frftr ami stiLj' &? Evie aoir s &a)9^^ olij ;
SfiP'fn^i'g-- Jafl'- E_ mifeee^i Aiigffi?5 15, 'l»l: (^Seti Joaie :•
Sigmon, Maxwell A., enlisted August 13, '61; promoted Cor-
poral; wounded at Gettysburg. A farmer, now living near
Hickory, X. C. (See sketch)
Maxwell A. Sigmon
enlisted in Company C.
28th N. C. Regiment
on August 13th, 186L
For faithful service, he
was promoted to Corpo-
ral. He was wounded
at Gettysburg. He liv-
ed through the war and
came home and has
spent his life on the
farm with reasonable
Sigmon. ^lartin M.. enlisted March 15, '62; wounded at
Cedar Run: missing in action May 12, '64.
Seaboch, Geo. W.. enlisted September 9, '61: died since the
Seaboch. J. Pinkney. enlisted September 9. '61; killed .June
27. 62.
Seaboch, W. H., enlisted March 15. '62: killed.
Sigmon, J. Isaiah, enlisted March 15, '62; died May 29. '62 at
Seitz, Marcus, enlisted March 15. '62: killed at Frederick-
Seitz, Lallan M.. enlisted March 15, '62; discharged January
26. '63 for wound received at Chancellorsville; died since the war.
Sigmon, Noah, enlisted March 14, '63; killed in the war.
Starr, Elon M., enlisted March 14, '63; dietl since the war.
Starr, ,1. Al)el, enlisted M.ircli 14, 63; died since the war.
Spencer, E. Sydney, enhsted August 13, '61; died since the
war. (See sketch.)
E. Sidney Spencer en-
listed for the war in
Company C, 28th Regi-
ment on Aug. 13th 1861.
His war comradse, who
were with him through
and in it all, say Sidney
was a faithful, brave
soldier, one always will-
ing and ready to perform
every duty assigned him
however hard or danger-
They also say that he
w^s a good man. This
is a high <.'ompliment,
coming from a high, re-
liable source. For there
is no place in which to
more thoroughly test
men's souls than in camp
life, the hungry march,
or facing bullets.
He survived the war.
Coming home, he chose
farming as his life-work.
He succeeded in making an honest living, and rearing and educating an
average good family of children and preparing them for the battles of
life, and meriting and receiving for himself the love and confidence of
his neighbors, and all who learned to know him
About three or four years ago, the death courier came, and, in a
low, loving whisper, said: faithful one, lay down life's battles, come up
home and rest; for with you, the war is over, the victory won. Like,
in every righteous demand of life, whether in war or in peace, Sidney
obeyed the summons without a murmer.
The world is better for his having lived in it. May the shouts of
heaven be sweeter. We miss him, but can ever sing his praises. A
soldiar, an obliging neighbor, a loving husband and father, and— in its
truest sense, —a good man rests from his labors.
Sigmon, Alfred, enlisted April 14, '64; prisoner, (^^ee sketcl
ai't of the war.
Bridges, Theo. A., 2nd Corporal; enlisted Awril 27, '61;
*'fter the close of the war he came home, moved to Texas,
and died in that State.
Abernathy, Patrick, 3rd Corporal; enlisted April 27, "61,
;^nd died April 18, '62.
Long, J. U., 4th Corporal. (See sketch and photo.)
J. U. Long was a
Corporal in Company F,
32nd Regiment from its
formation, April 27,
1861, to the close, April
9, 1865. He was never
known to flinch from
any duty imposed upon
him. He was wounded
at Gettysburg in 1863.
On his return, he, like
the major part of the
returned veterans, did
not hesitate long what
to do, but went to work,
and by his industry,
economy and persever-
ance, he acquired quite
a little fortune. He
has been a leading citi-
zen of his county, hav-
ing served as chairman
of the Board of County
Commissioners for four
years, not having miss-
ed a meeting. He is -^
now serving the County as Treasurer, having just been re-elected to a
second term, which re-election shows his efficiency and popularity. He,
among many other of his comrades, has been a main factor in the devel-
opment of the best interests of the county, especially having manifested
a lively interest in educational and religious matters. "He that is dilli-
gent in his business, shall stand before Kings; he shall not stand before
mere men."
Hunsucker, W. Nelson W. (See sketch and photo.)
W. Nelson Hunsucker
enlisted in Company F,
32nd Regiment, April
27, 186L He was 4th
Sergeant. Was a brave
and good soldier. He
returned at the close of
the war and became a
mechanic (brick layer. )
He is another of Ca-
tawba's good men; hence
made good his career.
He is still living, a mon-
ument inured to hard
Abernethy, M. A., enlisted February 25, '63. (See photo
Adderholt, Wm. H., enlisted January 1, '63; came home
from the war at the surrender at Appomattox and lived
a most excellent citizen and successful farmer; the last
fifteen or twenty years of his life was lived in Iredell Coun-
ty, just North of Statesville; he died in 1910.
Adderholt, Thos. S., enlisted January 1, '64; after the
surrender he went to Mississippi, where he married and
still lives.
Bynum, John G.. enlisted August 14, '61; he was pro-
moted to Orderly Sergeant; he was captured at Spottsyl-
vania C. H. ; after the close of the war he came home, set-
tled down on the farm, where he still lives.
Bailey, John, enlisted April 26, '61 ; he died since the war.
The subject of this
sketch was born in Ca-
tawba county on Sept-
ember 26. 1844. All the
education he got, prior
to the civil war, was in
the "old field" public
schools, of the kind that
existed in that day. He
enlisted in Company F,
32nd Regiment N. C.
Troops early in the year
1863. He was in all the
regular fought battles,
from the battle of Get-
tysburg to the surren-
der, on the 9th of April,
1865, that the army of
Northern Va. was en-
gaged in. Was wound-
ed but once, a flesh
wound, in the right arm
on the 19th day of Sep-
tember, 1864, near Win-
chester, Va. He was
in the surrender at Appomattox Court House, Va., and when he receiv-
ed his parole he started for home, in company with Capt P. C. Shuford*
Dr. Geo. Tate Powell,* A. B. Powell, Wm. H. Aderholdt,* Thos.
Aderholdt, A. K. Cline,* Henry D. Hill and Rev. E. W. Thompson.*
Chaplain of the 43rd Regiment. (Five of whom are now dead. See
marked * ) All kept together until they arrived at Statesville, N. C.
There the crowd parted— part going down the way, towards Troutman's
depot, part up the Western R. R. toward Catawba depot, and three of
the boys, viz: Abernethy and the two Powells, struck straight for home
by way of the old "Buffalo Shoal ford" road. The three arriving at
at their homes at the Long Island Cotton Mills about the middle of the
day, on April 12, 1885.
In the army life of this young soldier, (being yet scarcely 21 at the
close of army life), many things might be related that w^ould doubtless
be interesting to all who read this sketch, but space does not admit of
them here. But just one must be allowed, and it is this: On the re-
treat of the Confederate army from the Gettysburg battle Lee's forces,
part of them, crossed the Potomac river back into the Valley of Va.
at Williamsport, and the river was swollen to the extent, that it was
necessary for him to wade on the lower side of four of the
largest men in the company to keep his head above the water. This
served as a break to keep the water from forcing him down the stream
(Being like Zaccharus low of statue.) And then the water struck him
just between the right ear and shoulder. The order was to keep car-
tridges dry, but this little soldier would have had to held his above his
head, which he tried for awhile, but could not hold out and survive, and
consequently, his ammunition got well soaked before he reached the
Virgin bank of the river.
This Catawba boy, like most of the Confederate soldiers, landed at
home penniless, but not without ambition, and unyielding determination
(that knows no defeat) to be a man and do something in the world.
Hence he, after working on the farm the first summer, began to go to
school (again) in order to equip himself for a useful life, notwithstand-
ing his best days, for this purpose, had been spent in the war. In the
latter part of the year he went to a private school, taught by Mr.
"Mark" Robinson, near Catawba Station, (then) for the term of three
months. In the spring of 1867 he went to a grammar school taught by
Dr. Brantly York.
This school of Dr. York's, was conducted in the same little old "log
school-house", that Robinson taught in the summer before.
In the latter part of the following summer, in the same old "log-
house M. A. Abernethy taught his first school; following teaching in the
public schools, in Catawba and Iredell counties, for more than thirty
years. At the same time farming principally, for a living; for the salary
of the teacher, was insufl[icient for this; only coming in as a supplement.
In the year 1880, the 8th, of October, the M. E. Church South licen-
sed him to preach, and in some parts of his county, he has been called a
Local P. E. (presumably because of his being familiarly known in almost
every nook and corner of the county).
In 1880, he was appointed by the Census Dept. of the U. S. Govern-
ment, to take the census of Catawba township, which he performed in
24 days in June, beginning on the first.
In the year 1896, he was elected on the Board of County Commis-
sioners, and was kept on the Board, for three successive terms; the end
of the third term expiring on Dec. 1st, 1892.
In 1897, he was elected Sec. & Treas. of The Farmers' Mutual Fire
Ins. Association, Catawba & Burke Branch, and was in 1900, made Local
Agt. for the same, taking charge of the office work, that year whose
office is, and has been in the town of Newton.
And he has so successfully managed it, that it has grown from about
three hundred and fifty thousand, in force, to one million and four hund-
red thousand, up to date, (April 1st, 1911.) in force.
In the year 1908, he was appointed by the Dept. of Agriculture at
Washington, D. C. to take charge of the Co-operative Demonstration
farm-work in Catawba Co. He served under the supervision of Dr. S.
A. Knapp, of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, for three years, viz: 1908,
1909, and 1910; distributing publications on the best and latest improved
methods of farming, showing by actual demonstrations, in many parts
of the county, that the yield on one acre, in corn and cotton, can be doub-
led, and thribled, if the proper preparation of the soil be made, and the
right kind of cultivation given throughout the season. He resigned, this
office, (after serving acceptably, both with the Dept. at Washington, and
with the best farmers of his county, about March 1st, 1911.
He is still the Sec. Treas. and Local Agt. and business manager of
the Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. in Catawba & Burke counties. Being
elected to succeed himself, at each annual meeting of the Catawba &
Burke Branch, since first placed in this responsible office.
Brother Abernethy, as he is usually called, has been a steward in the
M. E. Church, South, for more than forty years, as well as a Local
preacher. And has been holding services, keeping up regular appoint-
ments at the County Home, once a month, for about twenty years. And
for many years has made it a habit, to make up, and carry a treat to
the inmates twice a year. (Viz: Christmas and Easter.)
He tries to be useful in every sphere of life, when and wherever he
can do good. Idleness or inactivity has no place in his life. And when-
ever he can lift humanity to something better, he is always ready, and
consequently, never finds himself out of a "job"
M. R. Bost I
in Company E, 32nd
Regiment some time
after the war began.
He was a quiet good
soldier, preforming his
duty well. After the
war he engaged in farm-
ing and is still living
near Maiden, Catawba
county, and is a worthy
citizen respected by his
Bailey, George, enlisted April 26, '61 ; he died since the
Bradburn, James M., enlisted April 26, '61 ; he was a
farmer, and died at h^'s home some time about 1892.
Conrad, John, enlisted April 26, '61 ; he was captured
and paroled ; he is still living.
Conrad, Daniel, enlisted April 26, '61 ; he died August
?1, '62.
Crawford, Jeff., enlisted August 14, '61 ; he was dis-
charged June 8, '62 for disability; he died by homicide
since the war.
Daily, Abram, enlisted November 27, '61 ; he died July
4, '62.
Dellinger, John H., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was cap-
tured, but survived the war, and died at his home in 1908.
Dellinger, James, enlisted January 1, '63; he was wound-
ed at Gettysburg, captured, but survived the war, and is
still living.
Eaton, James A., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was seriously
wounded at Spottsylvania on May 10, '64; he was a brave
soldier, walking off of the battlefield, carrying his gun with
him, refusing to let the enemy have it; he moved from
Catawba County since the war, but we think he is still
Edwards, Spencer, enlisted April 20, '63 ; he took sick
and died soon after crossing back from Gettysburg fight.
Ennis, J., enlisted Aoril 10, '64, and was taken prisoner.
Fish, Bryson, enlisted April 13, '63 ; he survived the war,
and is still living.
Goodman, Martin, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he died dur-
ing the war.
Harwell, Carnie, enlisted February 25, '63; he died dur-
ing the war.
Harwell, Elihu, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he died of
wounds he received, October 4, '63.
Hefner, Franklin, enlisted October 18, '62; he was
wounded July 1, '63, from which wound he died.
Howard, Levi, enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was captured,
and no further account can be given.
Howard, Nelson, enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was killed at
Spottsylvania C. H.
Hill, Henry D., enlisted December 1, '61 ; after the war
he was licensed to preach ; he went to Texas and entered
some Conference there.
Hill, Jacob, enlisted February 25, '63 ; he diedj&|iay 12, '63.
Hunsucker, James, enlisted December 1, '61 ; he died No-
vember 12, '62.
Ervin, John B., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was promoted
to Sergeant, but was later discharged for disability; he died
of cancer since the war.
James, William, enlisted December 1, '61 ; he went West
after the war, and was lost sight of.
Jones, Alfred, enlisted September 20, '61 ; he was wound-
ed at Gettysburg; after the war, he went West and was
lost sight of.
Jones, Burton, enlisted September 20, '61 ; he went West
and was lost sight of.
Jones, Manuel, enlisted September 20, '61 ; he went West
and we can learn nothing further of him.
Jones, Marcus, enlisted September 20, '61 ; he was pro-
moted to Sergeant ; he moved West and was lost sight of.
Jones, Levi A., enlisted December 1, '61 ; he died of
tuberculosis since the war, and is buried by the roadside
near the Old Huitt Mill, between Newton and Anderson's
Kale, Henderson, enlisted April 27, '61 ; he died since the
Kale, Noah, enlisted October 1, '62; he was taken pris-
oner; we think he is still living.
Killian, Noah, enlisted October 15, '62 ; he died December
14, '63.
Lael, Calvin, enlisted December 1, '61 ; he survived the
war and is still living.
Long, William Alex., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was pro-
moted Sergeant, and killed at Spottsylvania C. H.
Moore, William, enlisted Apri 27, '61 ; he is still living.
Moore, Philo, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he died since the
Mize, Lafayette, enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was promoted
Sergeant, and afterwards captured ; he died but recently.
Moss, Julius A., enlisted August 14, 61 ; he survived the
vvar, and made his living on the farm ; he died of cancer a
few years ago.
Moss, William, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he was killed at
Spottsylvan^'a C. H.
Miller, Andrew, enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was a German,
and a good soldier; he survived the war, dying in 1908.
Pone, John, enlisted April 27, '61; he was once captured;
he returned home, and died since the war.
Parker, David, enlisted October 15, '62; he came home
and is still living in South Carolina.
Robinson, Newton, enlisted February 26, '63 ; he was
once captured. (See sketch.)
A brother of James F. Robinson, of Co. A. 12th N. C. (who was
killed at Spottsylvania Court House May 1864) was born near Sherrill's
Ford Catawba Co. in 1844: Volunteered in Co. F. 32 N. C. Regiment,
was a true soldier, was in all the battles with his company up to the
battle of Petersburg where he was captured, and remained a prisoner of
war until after the surrender. Robinson removed to Iredell Co. some
years ago, and is still living.
Sherrill, W. P., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was promoted
Sergeant, but died in prison after the Gettysburg battle.
Sigmon, John C., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he was promoted
Corporal, and taken prisoner; he returned home and died
in 1909.
Sherrill, Thomas, Sr., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he sur-
vived the war, and went West, where he still lives.
Sherrill, Thomas, Jr., enlisted February 25, '63 ; he went
to South Carolina or Georgia after the surrender, and was
lost sight of.
Sherrill, Nicholas, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he was cap-
tured and died in prison.
Sherrill, Alexander, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he died
July 7, '62.
Sigmon, J. A., enlisted April 27, '61 ; he is still living.
Shook, Daniel, enlisted August 14. '61 ; he was discharged
""or disability ; he died since the war.
Slewman, Chas., enlisted August 14, '61 ; he was pro-
moted Commissary Sergeant ; he survived the war, teach-
ing school and doing carpenter work; he died some years
Sutton, Frank, enlisted August 14, '61 ; he was dis-
charged for disability, and died since the war.
Wilson, Pink E., enlisted December 14, '61 ; he survived
the war, but has since been lost sight of.
Witherspoon, Henry, enlisted August 14, '61, and was
promoted Corporal ; he died August 24, '63.
By C. L. Hawn
In writing the sketch of this company, the writer will
not promise a correct history of the company, as he was not
one of the original number of the company, having enlisted
March 1st 1864.
Suffice to say, the company was organized on Oct. 15th
1861. in the town of Hickory, N. C, when it was a wilder-
ness. According to Moore's roster of N. C. T. the total
rank and file of this company, from first to last, was 156 men.
It was made up from the western part of Catawba and east-
ern part of Burke Counties.
Dr. James R. Ellis, who had just settled down in the
little village of Hickory tavern (as it was then called) to
practice medicine, was elected captain. Pinkney Warlick,
first Lieutenant; Dr. James T. Johnson, second Lieutenant;
(he was then a young medical student, just from Medical
College of Baltimore, Md.. having come home from College
to share the hardships of war with his countrymen. )
Wm. Hale Jr, Second Lieutenant (By the way, this gal-
lent young officer was killed at Newburn, N. C. March 14th
1862. he being the first person killed in the war from Ca-
tawba County).
At the organization of the Regiment Nov. 8th 1861, Capt.
James R. Ellis was appointed surgeon of the Regiment; Dr.
James T. Johnson was elected Captain and his brother Phil.
J. Johnson, was elected first Lieutenant.
After the battle of Newbern, N. C, upon the death of
Lieutenant Hale, Julius E. Link was elected Second Lieut.
At the battle of Malvern Hill. July 1st 1862, this gallant
young officer was killed. Pinkney Berry was promoted from
Sergeant to Second Lieutenant.
At the battle of Fredricksburg. Va. Dec. 13. 1862. Maj .
John M. Kelly was killed, and Captain James T. Johnson
was promoted Maj by seniority, and Phil. J. Johnson was
promoted Captain of the Company. Pinkney Berry first
Lieutenant; J. M. Rocket Second Lieutenant; and D. P.
Glass, Jr. second. At the battle of Bermuda Hundreds May
20th 1864, Lieutenant Rockett was killed. Lieutenant Glass
was promoted, and J. S. Ward was elected Jr. second. At
the battle of Five Forks, April 1st, 1865, Lieutenant Glass
was killed.
The organization of the 35th Regiment, Nov. 8th 1861,
was at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh. The result of this was
the appointment of Rev. James Sinclair, Col. ; Marshall D;
Craton; Lieutenant Col. ; Oliver Cromwell Petway; Maj.;
Capt. James R. Ellis, of Co. K, was appointed Surgeon of
the Regiment; Second Lieutenant, Cader G. Cox, of Co. A.
Ass't Surgeon; First Lieutenant, Wm. M. Black, of Co,
quartermaster; First lieutenant, John P. Kennedy, of Co.
I, commissary; T. J. Oats, Adjutant.
Jan. 3rd 1862, the Regiment was sent to Newburn, N. C.
At the Battle of Newburn, March 14th, 1862, was the first
engagement the regiment was in. It was placed on the left
of the militia. The Federal Commander, seeing a weakness
at this point, made an assault on the militia and broke the
line, which left the 35th subject to a flank fire, and they fell
back in disorder. That it was attributed to leadership, that
the 35th Regiment did not behave better on this its first field
of battle, is established by the fact that in every subse-
quent battle of the war in which it was directly or remotely
connected, it never failed to act in such a manner as to de-
serve and win the encomiums of its commanding officers,
and that the conduct of their Col. and Lieutenant Col. at
Newburn was such as to cause the officers to. loose all confi-
dence in their military capacity to lead them, is evidenced
by the fact, that, at the re-organization of the Regiment
April 10th, 1862, neither of these officers were re-elected.
At the re-organization of the Regiment, Matt. W. Ran-
son, the gallant soldier, eminent statesman and brilliant or-
ator, (at that time Lieutenant Col. of the first N. C. Regi-
ment) was elected Col. ; Maj. Patway Lieutenant Col. ; and
Capt John G. Jones, of Co. E., Maj. This completed the re-
organization of the Regiment for the war.
Col. Ransom appointed his regimental state, namely:
Dr. Chas. J. 0. Hagan Surgeon; Capt. Nicholas M. Long,
quarter master; (who resigned in Dec. 1862 and was succeed-
ed by Capt. Joseph M. Rodgers) ; Dr. Charles J. Gee, com-
misary; Mr. Nelson, of Waynes, Co. Adjutant; (this gentle-
man resigned in 1862. His successor being Lieutenant
Walter Clark, a school boy of 14 years of age; in Nov. 1861
this remarkable boy whom they called little Clark, became
drill master for the second time at camp Mangumand acting-
Adjutant of the 35th Regiment. He went through the first
Maryland campaign serving with great distinction. On going
into the battle of Sharpsbury Sept. 16th, 1862, all the field
oflficers, except Clarke, had dismounted, when a big fellow
from McDowell Co., "Bill Hall" as the writer recalls ran up
t3 him and yelled "Get down off this horse you little foci
or you will get killed" He was wounded in this battle, and
on a later occasion, as he and Col. Matt Ransom were rid-
ing along together, a shell from a battery exploded so near
him as to make his escape from death almost Miraculous. A
volume might be written about the career of this great son
of Carolina, who at the age of 17 became a Lieutenant Col.
of A Regiment and who, since the surrender, in every crisis
has born himself as a wise and faithful leader of his State
and of the South; to whose untiring laborand unflagging de-
votion is due the preservation of the splendid records of our
people, and who, as jurist, historian, statesman, man of
letters, social and political philosopher, is one of the most
versatile, if not the most versatile and gifted, of all living
North Carolinians.
The Regiment remained in N. C. after the reorganization
until June 1862, It was ordered to Va. and was engaged in
some small minor engagements in and around the battle of
Seven Pines from the 25th to the 28th of June. It was en-
gaged in that memorable charge at Malvern Hill, July 1st,
1862. Here its Gallant Col., Matt W. Ransom, was twice
wounded, first through the right arm and then in the right
side by a piece of shell. Turning over the command to Lieu-
tenant Col. Petway, Col. Ransom lay on the field, to hear in
a few minutes of his gallant Lieutenant Col. being killed,
leading the Regiment up the hill. Here fell Lieutenant
Julius E. Link, Joseph Aiken, Harrison Sides and Captain
James T. Johnson was severely wounded; and many other
of Co. K. Probably no Regiment of magruders command
suffered more in killed and wounded than the 85th. Being
its first battle after Newburn, N, C, then and there esta-
blished its reputation for unsurpassed fortitude and intre-
pity in battle— a reputation maintained from Malvern Hill to
Maj. John G. Jones now became Lieutenant Col.; Capt.
John M. Kelly of Co. C. Maj.. by promotion. On the 27th
of August the Regiment left Richmond on route to join Lee's
army in the Maryland campaign, wading the Potomac river
Sept. 7th, 1862, at Cheek's Ford. On the 11th, we recross-
ed at Point of Rjsks, and marched to Harper's
Ferry; shelled the enemy until that place surrendered, Sept.
i5th. That night we marched towards Shepardstown. At
one a. m..on the 16th, crossed the Potomac the third time in
nine days. At three a. m., Sept. 17th, 1862, the Regiment
was marched to take its position in line for the great battle
of Sharpsburg. The Regiment held a very important posi-
tion. It was here Col. Ransom carried the colors and charg-
ed and took a battery, and had to abandon it on account of
a flank fire. It was here Stonewall Jackson came on the
scene and ask Ransom to try and retake it, and Ransom told
him that he could take it, but could not hold it. It was here
private Wm. H. Hood of Co. H. climbed the hickory tree and
counted 33 battered flags supporting the battery.
The next engagement was Dec. 11th, 1862, at Fredericks-
burg, Va. Here the 35th was posted behind a stone wall
and did not suffer so severely. Maj. John M. Kelly was kill-
ed and Capt. James T' Johnson of Co K. was promoted Maj.
By seniority and first Lieutenant P. J. Johnson of Co. K.
In the winter of 1862 and '63 the Regiment took up its
march through Richmond, and took the cars at Petersburg
for Kemansville, N. C. Here Adjutant Walter Clarke re-
signed, and on May 13th, 1863, Lieut. Robt. B. Peebles of
Co. E. 56th Regiment was appointed to succeed him. In his
Jr. year. Peoples left the university where he was making a
brilliant record to join the Co.. then being raised in his home
county of Northampton. From this time forth he was
practically in every battle or skirmish in which his Regiment
was engaged, and they were many; And in the most trying
crisis, he always bore himself as a man of fine presence of
mind and superb courage. There was no braver man in
either army. When Lee surrendered at Appomattox, he was
Captain and Ass't. Adjt. Gen. on Gen. Matt Ransom's staff,
having been deservedly promoted from time to time. Peebles
is another splendid soldier, whose military career deserves a
much more detailed and extended history than space here
will permit. One of the greatest lawyers our state has pro-
duced, now serving his second term as Superior Court
Judge,- sometimes partisan, but always bold and incorrup-
tible. The only criticism made by lawyers against him is
that he can hardly keep out of the fight. This is not to be
wondered at, for he is a born fighter. His record in war and
in peace adds lustre to his state.
The Regiment in the spring of 1863 was in the Dep't of
N. C. , Gen. D. H. Hill commanding, and stationed at diffe-
rent times at Goldsboro, Kinston and Wilmington.
About the first of June, 1863, it was ordered to Virginia
and camped near Petersburg. On the 15th of June, Col.
Matt. W. Ransom was promoted to Brig. Gen. ; Lieutenant
Col. Jones now became Col.; Maj. James T. Johnson, Lieu-
tenant Col.; Capt. S. B. Taylor, of Co. A. Maj. by seniorty.
On the 27th July, 1863 the Regiment and brigade had a sharp
engagement at Boon's Mill, in less than two miles of Gen.
Ransom's home. The sound of the guns, tremblingly listen-
ed to by his delicate wife and small children,— Just imagine
their feeling. During the winter of '63 and '64, the brigade
was assigned back to the Dep't of N. C.
The 35th Regiment was on post duty, at Hamilton,
N. C. on the Roanoke River, Co. K. being on picket duty at
Foster's Mills, in Martin Co.,
On April 16th, we broke camp at Foster's Mills and set
out for Plymouth, N. C. On the night of the 17th 1864 we
slept within a few miles of the town, and was awakened on
the morning of the 18th by the Federal sunrise gun in the
town. We took up march and landed in sight of the forti-
fications in a few hours. That evening (April the 18th), we
were formed in line of battle; there was some sharp skirmi-
shing and some artillery firing when Gen. Ransom appeared
on the scene in his usual polite way taking off his hat: "There
is a fort over there I want taken tcnight, and I want you
men of the 35th to take it" (Just imagine the feeling of a
lad 17 years old!) We were ordered forward March; went in
under a heavy artillery fire, our light artillery following.
We were between the fort and our artillery for some three
hours that night. When things quieted down and we came
out, the result was a faint move for Gen. Hoke to take 85th
Redoubt. On the 19th, we were moved around in front of
the works viewing the situation by the officers. The writer
remembers Gen. Hoke and staff out in front with an eye
glass, when there was a shot fired from Fort Williams. The
ball fell right under Hoke's horse and came bouncing down
the line where we were lying down. Late in the evening of
April 19th, we made a circuitous route to the east end of
town. After a sharp skirmish. Gen. Ransom forced his way
across Coneby Creek, a narrow but deep stream, by laying
down a pontoon bridge. The brigade was marched over and
formed in line of battle and lay down to rest. The line of
pickets were sent out and a sharp skirmish resulted. We
were far enough away that the Yankee bullets would fall
down as they hit a board fence in our front. We fully rea-
lized the situation. Next morning (the 20th.) just at the
break of day, Gen. Matt W. Ransom was in the saddle; we
heard his ringing voice, come down the line; "Attention!"
Also, by Col. J. G. Jones of the 35th, and Capt. P. J. John-
son of Co. K.; "Forward March"! As we went up through
an open field,it was a dreadful sight to behold. Our artillery,
just in our rear, firing over us, and the Federal forts be-
lching on us. The writer would compare it to a big new
ground on fire.
Fort Comfort was the first works taken by the 35th.
Company K. came up right in front of the fort, as was evi-
denced by her dead around the fort. The Regiment was
divided by passing around the fort, and got somewhat con-
fused, as the report was that Col. Jones was killed. About
this time Gen. Ransom came on the ground mounted, and in
his usual polite way, taking off his hat; "I am here with you
boys. Attention 35th"; and we passed on through the streets
to fort Williams. The engagement here was fierce for
awhile, and our loss was heavy. Finally, we fell back. Gen.
Ransom signaled the Ram Albermarle to advance up the river
which was done. About the third shot, the commander of
the fort ran down the stars and stripes, which were about
18 feet long-, and ran up the white flag. This w-as a bad day
for the 35th. The loss was 20 killed and 88 wounded. Com-
pany K's loss was 7 killed and 21 wounded. The killed were:
Geo. L. Abernethy, David Denton. P. H. Moure, F. W. Con-
nelly, P. Sidney Whitener, Daniel H. Whitner and John C.
From Plymouth, we went to Washington, N. C, where
the commander evacuted the place and set fire to it; from
there by way of Greenville, Pollecksville on to Newburn,
N. C. Having captured all the out post there wi^h every
prospect of success. Gen. Hoke under orders from Davis
to return to Va., withdrew^ his command and reached Peter-
sburg May 10th, 1864. On May 13th, while occupying the
outer line of works at Drewys Bluff, the Regiment had some
sharp fighting with Butler's advance. Company K. of the
35th was on picket duty east of the bluff at this time. On
the evening of the 14th, we were charged by a line of battle
from Butler's army and driven back under a heavy fire after
our amunition was exhausted. In passing around the hill,
Anderson Ward was mortally wounded and died in a few-
days, H. C. Sigmon was slightly w^ounded on the thumb.
There were five companies, one from each Regiment in this
skirmish fine, under the command of Maj, Grady of the 25th
N, C. Regiment, He marched us back to the rear and we
lay down and rested for the night. Next morning (the 15th)
we joined the Regiment on the R. R. between Richmond and
Petersburg, Va, On the evening of the 15th, Maj. Gen.
Robt. Ransom arrived from Richmond; on the morning of
the 16th, we were marched out from the work. Gen. Robt.
Ransom opened the ball down the south side of the James
River. The 35th was in the second line, and did not get in
the engagement. The writer well remembers seeing the
25th Regiment moving out in line of battle on the right flank
in double quick. Bayonetts glistening in the rising sun, and
colors flying. I do not think I ever saw anything that equal-
led it. About this time, Maj. Gen. Robt. Ransom and his
Staff came riding down the turnpike road. Col. Rutlege of
the 25th having command of the brigade, jelled out, "Three
cheers for Gen. Ransom": You bet the 35th gave them. He
captured everything from the turn pike to the river. He
came up in the rear while they were looking for him in front,
arms stacked in the works, guns cocked ready to use. Had
Gen. Whiting came on from Petersburg with his fifteen thou-
sand men, there would not have been enough of Butler's
army left to tell the tale. So ended the Battle of Drewy's
Bluff. Then we followed Butler on his retreat to Bermuda
Hundred. On the 20th of May, 6 companies of the 35th were
ordered to advance the picket line; this was done with heavy
loss to the Regiment. Our color bearer and color guard were
all cut down; Col. Jones took the colors in his own hands.
Capt. Johnson of Co K. called for some one to take the colors
from Col. Jones; A young lad by the name of Owens, who
was Col. Jone's orderly took the colors from him. Lieutenant
Col. Johnson was wounded and was absent from the Regi-
ment for some time. Lieutenant J. M. Rocket of Co. K. was
killed and several wounded. We were stationed here in the
works for sometime. It was here the writer was detailed
one evening to report at the Fort on James River with gun,
etc, with instructions that an officer would be there to take
charge of him.
I arrived there about dark. Presently an officer and
citizen came up and asked me if I was the man sent here. I
told them I was. He took my gun and looked at it, asked
how many rounds of ammunition I had. I told him 50; he
said "Don't Speak" and "Followus". We went through our
line and went down a Bluff to the edge of the water on James
River where we were in hearing of the Federal Troops. They
were moving South; we could hear them talking and the
horses walking on the Pontoon Bridge. We were close to a
Gun Boat which kept up a fire all night. We could see the
flash of the guns and hear the shells go over in our lines.
Stayed there until 3 or 4 o'clock next morning and came out.
I never heard any talk about it. Am satisfied it was done
to find out which way Grant's Army was moving. Some
time in May or June, (the writer does not remember the
date,) the 35th was sent down on Chickahominy River below
Richmond. We were there only a short while, when we came
back to ChafRns Bluff, were there three or four days. On
the 15th of June, 1864, at dark, we took up march for Peter-
sburg-, marched all night; reached Petersburg next morning,
the 16th, at about sunrise, just in time to see the enemy ad-
vancing on the inner line of works defending Petersburg.
The 35th was the first to arrive, and at a run through a storm
of shot and shell, we succeeded in getting into the works in
time to repulse the enemy. The Federal forces new in com-
mand of Hancock numbered over fifty thousand. In the
after noon of the 16th, we were attacked all along the line
held by ten thousand confederates. Night closed the contest.
During the night Warrens corps (17 thousands) reinforced
the enemy.
Early on the 17th of June, the fighting was renewed.
Assault after assault was made only to be repulsed, until
just at dark, a part of our line was taken. About 10 P. M.,
Ransom's brigade was ordered to take and reestablish the
line This fell to the 35th Regiment. It struck the heel of
the salient in the shape of a horse shoe. A hand to hand
combat took place, the men fighting with the breast works
only between them. The Gallant Col., John G. Jones, was
killed; the color bearer of the Regiment was pulled over the
works with the colors; The loss in the Regiment was heavy.
It carried into action 28 officers and nearly 800 men, and
brought out 8 officers and less than 200 men. Company K.
lost 4 men; Sergt. J. C. Sides, Amzi A. Hawn, John Huntley
and James Smith were killed; Capt J. Johnson, Lieutenant
P. Berry, Sylvanus Deal. Levi Yount, Amzi A. Yoder, C. L.
Hawn and others were wounded. It was here Capt Johnson
had a hand to hand encounter with a Maj., and as Johnson
started back to our side, one man threw his gun bayonet
foremost and missed him; while another raised his gun to
shoot him, and L. S. Settlemyre killed the Yankee. The
Regiment finally captured about 300 prisoners, among them
ware 17 Indians, — Three stand of colors. This left the Regi-
mant without any field officers. Lieutenant Col. J. T. John-
son, C3I. by promotion, Maj., S. B. Taylor, Lieutenant Col.
by promotion, Ciptain Robt. E. Petty of Co. B., Maj. by
seniority, allof them absent, -wounded. During the night
Beauregard withdrew to a new and shorter line nearer the
city of Petersburg. On the 18th of June, 1864, Gen. Mead
made the last of his assaults, his army numbering seventy
thousand; The Confederate force about twenty thousand. At
noon came the attack attack which was promptly repulsed.
At 4 p. m. they tried it again, but met a signal defeat. Gen.
Grant now issued an order for the cessation of attacks, and
the siege commenced. The 35th was in the siege at Peters-
burg from about the 25th of June, 1864, to March 1st, 1865.
During this time, it occupied different positions from the
crater to the city point R. R. It lived in the ground, walked
in wet ditches, ate cold corn bread, and Nassau bacon; until
one evening, when that big hearted soldier, statesman and
orator, (M. W. Ransom,) met the writer and Jim Moore with
a side of Nassau bacon with a hand spike run through it,
carrying it into the Company. "Boys what kind of meat is
that? Is it pork?" The writer remarked: "no Gen. it is not;
smell of it;" and he did so. "Phew, you can't eat such
meat" So the next evening, we got country hams. After-
wards, some of Hampton's beef. Company K. was on re-
lief to town for a days rest July 30th, 1864, when the explo-
sion of the Crator occurred. The £5lh August cCth,
1864, was engaged at the Davis house on the Welden R. R,
R. C. Hawn was killed; Moses Yoder and several others were
wounded and captured. Here the Regiment went beyond
the line intended and had to fall back. Gen, Lee, who witness-
ed the charge, remarked that he had often heard of men
straggling to the rear, but never saw men straggle to the
attack. The writer was on the skirmish line that day and
was not in this engagement.
Company K. lost by sharp shooters in the seige; D.
Sidney Hawn, L3vi Bowman, and Biyard Winkler, besides a
number wounded. The 35th was engaged March 25th, 1865
in that memorable charge and capture at Fort Stedman,
which was such an eye sore to the city of Petersburg. The
loss and those captured was heavy. At Five Forks, April
1st, 1865, (that dark day for the Confederacy), The Regi-
ment suffered heavy. Lieutenant D. P. Glass and P. S.
Sides of Co K. were killed, and a number wounded and cap-
tured, the writer being one of the number captured.
April 9th 1865, Gen. Lee surrenders the army of north-
ern Va. The 35th was commanded by Maj Robt. E. Petty
and surrendered with about 80 men. Company K. surrender-
ed with its gallant Capt. P. J. Johnson in command with 20
Company K. lost during the war 35 men, 25 killed, ten
and from disease; the writer has not been able to get the
number wounded.
The writer was one of Six Hawns of the Co. ; four of
them sleep in unknown graves on Va. soil. One died since
the war, caused by wounds received in the war; Four of the
original old company reside in the city of Hickory; Dr. J. T.
Johnson, P. Berry, H, Cain Sigmon and Rheuben Barger.
Quiet a number reside in and around Hickory who belonged
to the company. By the best information we can get, we
still have yet living 32 men. Some of the most substantial
citizens of the county were members of this company.
Among them were 8 Whiteners,all descendants from the old
Pioneer, Henry Whitener, all of whom are dead except one.
In the language of Dixon, "Peace to the ashes of these
brave men who gave their lives for the lost cause; they sleep
their last sleep; they have fought their last battle, and no
sound can awake them to Glory again. ' '
May God bless the living; some of them are watching
day by day for the sun sets glow, or stand listening to the
beat of the surf as it breaks upon the shores of eternity.
May God give them victory in the last last battle.
Hickory, N. C. April 24th 1911.
C. L. Hawn
Ellis, James R., Captain; enlisted October 15, '61. (See
;^ketch and photo.)
Dr. James R. Ellis,
native of Randolph
county, came to Burke
county in 1858 and set-
tled at Philip Warlic s
to practice medicine.
Soon after he married
in that family. In 1860
he came to the village
of Hickory Tavern and
built a dwelling where
now stands the M. E.
In the organization of
Company K, 35th Regi-
ment N. C. Troops he
was elected Captain.
At the organization of
the 35th regiment he
was appointed surgeon.
After serving five
months he resigned and
came home and took a
position on the State
Examination Board. He
was a Catawbian, and
served several terms in the General Assembly. He died some years
ago leaving a widow and two daughters.
Johnson, J. Theodore, Captain; enlisted December 9, '61.
(See sketch.)
Link, Julius E., 2nd Lieutenant; enlisted April, '62; he
was killed July 1, '62 at Malvern Hill; he was a favorite
among the Company.
Dr. J. T. Johnson en-
listed March 6th, 1861.
He, tog^ether with J . R.
EUis, of Hickory, Pink-
ney Warlick and Rev.
Alex Stamey, of Burke,
were instrumental in
raising this company, a
half of which were from
Catawba and half from
Burke. Dr. J. R. Ellis
was elected Captain,
Pinkney Warlick 1st
Lieut., J. T. Johnson
'2nd Lieut., Rev. Alex
Stamey 3rd Lieut. At
Raleigh, when they
were formed into a
regiment, Dr. Ellis was
elected assistant sur-
geon, so the company
had to elect a Captain,
so the boys ran first and
second Lieutenants, and
Dr. Johnson was elected
Captain by a handsom
majority. About three or four months later, the regiment was re-
organized for three years of the war. Dr. Johnson was re-elected
Captain again by a most handsome majority. About one year later, on
the battlefield of Fredricksburg, he was promoted to Major of the regi-
ment and given one-half of the regiment and sent to the front picket
line. About one year later he was promoted to Lieut. -Col.; and about
one year later he was promoted to full Col., and commanded the regi-
ment to the close of the war. He was captured at the battle of Five Fork
April 1, 1865, and carried to Johnson's Island. Ohio. He returned home
in June, 1865.
He received a bad wound on the top of his head at the battle of
Milvern Hill; also at the battle of Barmuila-Hundreds was wounded
in his leg and came very near losing it. He was in a great many
hard fought battles. While Capt., he never had to wade a river-
Uncle Cain Sigmon, or some of the boys, would say "Captain, jump on
my back and ride over. " He had a noble lot of good boys and good
Hale, William, 2nd Lieutenant; enlisted December, '61;
was promoted from Sergeant ; he was killed March 14, '62
at Newburn.
Rockett, J. Monroe, 2nd Lieutenant; enlisted December
29, '62 ; was promoted from Sergeant ; he was killed.
Ward, Sidney J., 2nd Lieutenant; enlisted June 30, '64,
and was promoted from ranks ; he died in 1909.
Link, Julius E., 1st Sergeant; enlisted October 1,
he was promoted 2nd Lieutenant.
Hale, William, enlisted October 1, '61, being 2nd Ser-
geant; he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
Rockett, J. Monroe, 4th Sergeant; enlisted October 1, '61;
he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, and killed in May, '64
at Wise Bottom Church.
Seitz, J. C, enlisted July 6, '62 ; promoted Sergeant Jan-
Liarj'-, '63; he was killed July 17, '64 near Petersburg. (See
photo and sketch.)
J. C. Sides enlisted
July 6, 1862, in Company
K, 35th N. C. Regiment.
Promoted Sergeant Jan-
uary, '63. Killed July
17, '64, near Petersburg,
Va. He was last seen
by Dow. Abernethy,
charging in the thickest
of the fight.
Abernethy, L. D., enlisted May 1, '61 ; he was wounded
i.t Malvern Hill, July 1, '62; he is still living near Maiden.
N. C.
Abernethy, Geo., enlisted May 1, '61 ; he was wounded
and died at Plymouth, April 20, '64.
Abernethy, John F., enlisted March 1, '63; he died Aug-
ust 13, '64 at Weldon.
Arney, J. Franklin, enlisted March 1, '64; he is still
Barger, Reuben J., enlisted October 15, '61. (See sketch.)
Reuben J. Barger was born August 21, 1841. He was raised a
mechanic. He enlisted in September, 1861, and was captured at Five
Forks, Va., April 1, 1865; paroled June 25, 1865, at Point Lookout, Md.
He has worked at the carpenter trade up to the present time. He was
a member of Company K, 35th Regiment N. C. Troops.
Brittain, Jonas, enlisted — ; he died but recently.
Bowman, Timothy, enlisted October 15, '61; he is still
Bowman, Levi, enlisted October 15, '61; he was killed
in '64.
Chester, W. J., enlisted October 15, '61; he died in De-
cember, '61 at Raleigh, N. C.
Dietz, C. Frank, enlisted March 1, '63 ; he was discharged
October 20, '63.
Fry, John B., enlisted October 15, '61 ; he is still living
near Hickory, on his farm.
Deitz, W. Pinkney, enlisted August 4, '62. (See sketch
and photo.)
Fry, Monroe, enlisted August 14, '62. (See sketch and
Holler, Noah, enlisted October 15, '61; he died since
the war.
Holler, Paul, enlisted August 15, '62; he died since th*,'
Holler, Elisha, enlisted August 15, '62 ; he died since the
Hahn, D. Sidney, enlisted April 8, '62; he was killed at
Petersburg in '64.
R. Pinkney Deitz was
a charter member of
Company K, 35th Regi-
ment. He was an ex-
cellent soldier, and was
fortunate in that he
survived the war. On
his return home he en-
gaged for awhile at
carpentry. After his
marriage he settled on
the farm.
He is a quiet, peace-
able citizen, respected
bv all who know him.
Hahn, Alfred M., enlisted April 8, '62 ; he died since the
war from a wound received in the war.
Hahn, Amzi, enlisted August 14, '62. (See sketch and
Hahn, D. J., enlisted March 6, '62; he died during th.3
Hahn, R. C, enlisted June 1, '63. (See sketch and
Hahn, C. L., enlisted March 1, '64. (See sketch and
Hale, John A., enlisted January 1, '64; he is now dead.
Mull, Abram B., enlisted August 14, '62; he died since
the war.
Miller, -lessee, enlisted March 6, '62; he died since the
Miller, Abram. enlisted May 1, '61 ; he died since the v. ar.
J. Monroe Fry enlist
ed in Company K, 35th
Regiment August 14th,
J862. He served his
county faithfully as a
soldier, and honored his
country on his return,
by an upright life.
He engaged in farm-
ing and followed it as-
siduously since. He has
had a successful career,
and is still residing on
on the old homestead
just outside the city
limits, surrounded with
He has made what he
has by strict observance
of the old adge: "At-
tend to your own busi-
ness strictly, and let
others alone." Look at
his physiognomy and be-
hold a quiet man.
Pitts, Abel, enlisted January 7, '63; he is still living.
Propst, Riley, enlisted — ; he died since the war.
Rockett, Pinkney R., enlisted August 10, '62. (See
sketch and photo.)
Rockett, A. C, enlisted August 10, '62; he died July 28,
'63 at Petersburg.
Steiz, Levi, enlisted March 1, '63; he died since the war.
Sigmon, E. S., enlisted January 7, '64; he died since the
war. (See sketch and photo.)
Elcanah, Sigmon, enlisted October 14, '61. (See sketch.)
Settlemyre, Harvey S., enlisted August 14, '62; he died
since the war.
Turner, W. D., enlisted March 6, '62; he died June, '62
at Kinston.
Ward, Anderson, enlisted October 15, '61 ; he was killed
May 4, '64.
AMZI A- haw::
Amzi A. Hawn wii<
K.m Decejuber 31. 1S33,
on a farm three miles
5«:>atii of Hickory. X. C.
At the age of 13 years,
his fatherdied. and with
the aid of his widowed
mother, he took charg-e
of the affairs of the
farm. He receive
coauDon seho . his age beii^ 30 years. 5 months and 16 days.
"He bfee^! He falls! His death-bed is the fidd!
His £rge the tnxn^iet. and las iMer the shirid!
His cloaz^ eyes the beam of valor ^teak.
The flash of ardor lingers on his cheek:
Serene, he lifts to heaven th>>se cloang eyes.
Then for his coontry breathes a prayer— AND DIZS.
November 9, l55«i- To them
His life was spent on the farm
He was opposed to secessifKu and
Calvin L. Hawn, the
subjeft of this sketch,
whose plo 03 appear at
the ages of 17 and 64
years, was born and
reared on the farm three
miles south of Hickory,
N. C. He was under
the care of his widowed
mother and elder broth-
er, his father having
died when he was fifteen
months old. He receiv-
ed a limited education
at the old log school known as the
"The Abernethy School
House." He left school
at the age of fourteen
year's on account of the
Civil war. He enlisted
in Company K. 35th
Regiment N. C. Troops,
Ransom's Brigade, Mar.
R. C. Hahn was a
faitliful soldier during
his term of service. He
enlisted June 1, 1863.
He was captured and
died in prison, and his
remains rest with thous-
ands of other good boys
near Petersburg.
Robert was a good
Christain boy, saved by
1, 1S64. He was in the
i-apture at Plymouth.
N. C. by the Ctjnl'eder
ates, April 18th t.> li(.th;
Drevvry's Bluff, Va.,
May 16th; Beimuda
Hundred, Ma/ 20th;
Avery Farm. June 17th
(and was slig-htly wound-
ed), and in all of the
siege of Petersburg, Va.,
including the charge of
the enemies' works an
the Weldon Railroad on
August 30th, and in that
memorable capture of
Fort Steadman, March
26th, 1865, which was
such an eyesore to the
beautiful Virginia City;
and last, when all was
lost at Five Forks,
April 12th, 1865. he was
captured and carried to
Point Lookout, Md., a
prisoner of war. He
was released June 13lh,
1865, and came home,
making a living on the
farm. In April, 1884, he came to Hickory and engaged in the lumber
business; later on, in the mercantile business. He was deputy sheriff
of Hickory township from 1894 until 1898. The last two years he has
devoted his time to his farm.
Ward, J. Sidney, enlisted October 16, '61 ; he was pi(i-
moted 2nd Lieutenant in '65; he died in 1910.
Ward, Pinkney A., enlisted October 15, '61 ; he was pro-
moted Corporal December, '61, and promoted Serg-ean*^
July, '63 ; he died in 1909.
Whitener, Pinkney J., enlisted April 8, '62. (See sketch
and photo.)
Whitener, Daniel H., enlisted October 15, '61 ; he was
killed at Plymouth, April 20, '64.
Whitener, Abel, enli ted March 1, '63; he died since the
Whitener, Henry, enlisted March 1, '63; he died recently.
Whitener, B. F., enlisted October 20, '64; he died since
the war.
P. R. Rockett was a
member of Company K,
3oth Regiment, having
joined August 10, '62.
He made a good record
in the war, and also
since— having engaged
in the manufacture of
lumber. He is now a
retired old soldier resid-
ing in the city of Hick-
ory. He educated his
family who honor their
father bv a moral life.
Esaias Sigmon enlisted
in Company K, 35th
Regiment in 18fj2. He
served through the war,
making a good soldier.
He returned home at
the close, and raised a
family of three children,
only one of whom sur-
vive him. He died some
years ago. He was a
quiet, peaceable, hard-
working man, and had
the respect of his fel-
Pink Berry was not at
the time of his enlist-
ment a Catawbian, but
born and educated so
near the line, and en-
listing in a Company
organized in Catawba,
and from the further
fact that he married
and settled in Catawba
and became a bona fide
citizen he claimed en-
trance into the history
of the county, and hence
he here appears as a
Burke' boy but a Cataw;-
ba citizen. "Pink." as
we all call him, was a
gallant soldier, and did
well his part in the war,
since which he has en-
gaged more or less in
the mercantile business.
He is a jolly good fel-
low, and is recognized
before he is seen by his
jolly good laugh.
H. Cain Sigmon en-
listed October 15, 1861 in
Captain Ellis' Cumpai v
and se--ved faithfully as
a private until Aprii.
1863 , when he was pro-
moted Corporal. He was
an athelte, and had a
big, kind heart. He
was especially fond of
his Captain, Dr. John-
son, and whenever they
came to a stream, or
other difficult places of
crossing, he would call
out: "Captain, mounc
me I I'll carry you acrt ss
safely." The Capta'n.
being a delicate man.
never failed to obey.
He has, since the close,
made a living at car-
pentry. He is now liv-
ing in Hickory, and he
alwavs has been and is
still the City's "Weath-
er Prophet. "
Philip Sidney White-
ner enlisted in Company
K, 35th Regiment X. C.
Volunteers at its orga-
nization, October, 1861.
He was killed in the
charge on the fort at
Plymouth. N. C. April
5. 1864. He was an ex-
cellent soldier, being
both brave and true.
Sidnev was a favorite
of the Company, being
always jovial and pleas-
ant. It is sad. indeed,
to realize at this late
day that so many brave
and true Catawbians
perished on the battle-
field. May one of the
iirst to greet us on the
celestial .shore be our
friend Philip Whitener.
Mr. Whitener was
born on a farm three
miles south of Hickory.
N. C, and is seventy
vears old. He enlisted
April 4. 1862, in Com-
pany K, 85th Regiment
N. ('. Volunteers, and
was in the following en-
gagements: Malvern
Hill, Va.; Fredricks-
burg, Va.; Sharpsburg,
Md. : Plymouth, N. C;
Reams Station, Md. ;
Drewrys Bluff, Va. ;
Bermuda Hundred, Va.;
Arey Farm, Va, ; and all
the .siege of Petersburg,
Va., and was in the
charge and capture of
Fort Steadman, Maich
2nd, 1865, and Five
Forks, Va.. and was in
the surrender at Ap-
Moses Yoder enlisted
in the year 1862 in Com-
pany K, 35th Regiment.
He did what he could
during the war. On his
return he took to his
former calling, farm-
ing, at which he made a
success and acquired
some property. Recently
he disposed of his pi-op-
erty and retired to the
city of Hickory, now
spending his last days
with his daughters.
p )mattox Court House, April 9, 18Hr>, and came home on foot April 22.
1865. He served throug'h the war and was never wounded and never
captured until the surrender, and was never excused from duty hut two
weeks, but made several narrow escapes. He has devoted his life to
work on the farm up to the present time Here is another quiet, ptace-
ahle, industrious citizen still serving^, and tomparatively a young-
man. May he live to a great old age.
Whisenhant, John C, enlisted May 1, '62; he was killed
at Plymouth, April 20, '64.
'Yount, Levi F., enlisted March 1, '63; he died since
Yoiint, Walton C, enlisted December 15, '63; he is still
living- on his farm near Hickory.
Yoder, Reuben, enlisted March 1, '64; he died since
Yoder, Moses, enlisted — . (See sketch and photo.)
Yoder, Amzi A., enlisted in June, '63. (See sk:tch and
A. A. Yoder was
born December 8, 1844.
He volunteered in Mal-
Ictt's Batallion as a
drummer boy, April 1863.
On disbandment of this
batallion. he was trans-
ferred to Company K,
35th N. C. Regiment,
June 1863.
He was wounded on
Jure 17th, 1863, in a
battle near Chapin's
Farm, and, after several
months, returned to his
regiment in front of
Petersburg. Being dis-
abled in arms, he was
made Courier for M. W.
Ransom until the sur-
render at Appomattox.
He attended Catawba
College one year after
the war, and then went
to the little village of
Hickory and engaged as
a clerk. He was appointed depot agent for the Southern Railway, and
filled that place for several years. Then he became express agent antl
served in that capacity for some years. He is now devoting his time to
a large lot in raising berries, vegetables, grapes and chickens.
He is one of Hickorv's worthiest citizens.
Company F. 38 Regiment was enlisted principally by
men from Cline's Township. They were of that sturdy Ger-
man Stock that do things when they determine. This Com-
pany was organized the Fourth Saturday of September. 1861,
under the spreading branches of a large hickory tree, which
was already famous, and thus made more famous-standing
in the yard of N. E. Sigmon. On Oct. 31st this Company
was received by the then Governor Ellis. By reference to
the Roster, the reader can see its officials.
The Company left the County for active service the 10th
of November, going directly to Raleigh to Camp Mangum
for drill and preparation for the on-coming conflict. Here
they remained till next March (62). From thence to Weldcn
to guard the bridge, where it remained several months;
thence to Halifax where it remained a short time. From
Halifax, the Company had its first experience in marching a
distance of 22 miles word having been received that the
enemy were coming from the East. At Clarksville. the Com-
pany was ordered back to Halifax. From thence, they went
to Goldsboro, N. C, as the enemy were reported to be ad-
vancing from the East. While here the Company was re-
organized, April 18, '62. There it reinained till May, and
then returned to Guinea Station. Va., where they struck
camp and remained some time doing picket duty. From
there the Company went to join Lee, just a few days before
the Seven Days fight.
On the 26th of June, on the right of the Mechanicsville
i'oad,was their first trial in battle. From this time on Co. F.
followed Gen. Lee through all the campaigns of '63 and '64,
and was in all the battles being in Gen. Pender's Brigade.
A. P. Hill's Division, and Jackson's Corps.— a corps of ex-
!)loits— achievements - victories.
Little, John B., CaDtain ; enlisted October 31, '61; he re-
t-red April 18, '62; he died in 1907.
Aiken, Joseph, enlisted October 15, '61 ; he was killed at
Malvern Hill, July 1, '62.
Roberts, Horace L., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died dur-
ing the war.
Yount, Daniel, enlisted April 18, '62; he retired Septem-
Ijer 18, '62; he is still livine.
Bozeman, Daniel .F, enlisted September 18, '62 ; he was
];romoted from 1st Lieutenant ; was wounded June 26, '62
at Ellison's Mill; he retired March 25, '63, and is still
Yount, Joshua, 1st Lieutenant ; enlisted September 18,
'62. (See sketch and photo.)
Lieutenant Joshua A.
Yount volunteered in
1861, and on the 17th of
January, 1862, went out
as 1st Sergeant in Com-
pany F, 38th Regiment
of N. C. Troops, and
served through the en-
tire four years of war.
This company was known
as the "Catawba Wild
Cats;" and was organiz-
ed at Camp Mangum,
near Raleigh, N. C.
At Camp Mason, on
the 18th of April, 1862,
he was made 2nd Lieu-
tenant, and during the
last two years of war
was in command of
Company F of the 38th
Lieutenant Yount par-
ticipated in all of the
most important battles,
and was twice severely wounded. He was first wounded January 26,
1862, at the Seven Day's battle around Richmond, and again on the 2nd
of May, 1863, at Chancellorsville while in command of his Company.
Lieutenant Yount was with Jackson when he was wounded, and was
with Lee commanding Company F. when he surrendered at Appomattox.
Mr. Yount was married in 1869 to Miss Lena Summit, of Newton,
and has two living children, Mr. M. H. Yount, of Hickory, and Mrs.
W. C. Feimster, of Newton. In 1908 he again married Miss Anna
Yoder, the daughter of G. M. Yoder, Esq.
Deal, Alonzo, enlisted March 23, '63, and was promoted
I'rom 2nd Lieutenant ; he was wounded June 26, '62 at Elli-
son's Mill; and again July 1, '63 at Gettysburg; he is still
Yoder, G. M., 2nd Lieutenant; enlisted February, '62.
(See sketch and photo.)
G. M. Yoder was born on the
23rd day of August, 1862. His
mother died when he was six
years old. He received a pretty
fair education in the old fashio -
ed school of his day and time. He
was a farmer by occupation. He
volunteered Oct., 1862, into Con-
federate service. He then was
the Clerk of and Master of Equity
for Catawba County, and stepped
into the ranks as a private in Co.
F. 38th Regiment. He went to
Raleigh to Camp Mangum. The
Company had volunteered for six
months, but beforn the six months
had expired, Congress passed an
act to re-organize the army with
a conscript act attached to it.
After a few months in Camp, he
was elected Second Lieutenant.
They left Camp Mangum
their winter quarters, and were
oidered to Weldon to guard th
railroad bridge; then to Goldsboro
where the army was reorganize
Being Second Lieutenant, he did not run again for the office. He came
home April, 1863. He was soon elected Captain of the Home Guard of
the Militia of North Carolina, which position he held until the war closed.
He was in Camp with the Company to guard the frontiers at Table Rock.
Was also at Salisbury with the command to guard the arsenal when Gen.
Stoneman came in and took it with his forces.
After the war, he was again chosen Magistrate to organize the
County, and was also again chosen as one of the County Court. In 1866,
he was dis-franchised from voting or holding office by law, until that
law was repealed by Congress. In 1876, when the Democratic Party got
control of the State, he was again made Magistrate, which position he
held until 1894. In 1880, he took the census of Jacob's Fork Township;
and in 1882, he again was elected a County Commissioner. In 1890, he
again assisted in taking the census, — the same year being elected Coroner.
Since 1890, the Colonel has retired from public life, with the excep-
tion of writing sketches of family histories of the old settlers in the
County. His life has been a temperate one, indeed, as he neither chews,
smokes, drinks,— drinking neither coffee, whiskey, milk, nor eats butter.
He is now in his 85th year, and is a sprightly old gentleman, loving an
iimocent joke as well as the younger people. He has spent his life on
the farm which he owns on the South Fork River.
Deal, Alonzo, 2nd Lieutenant; enlisted April 18, '62; he
was promoted from Sergeant, and wounded; he is still
Davis, Hiram A., enlisted March 1, '63; he was promoted
from Sergeant ; he died since the war.
Benick, David J., 1st Sergeant; enlisted October 31, '61.
Deal, Alonzo, 3rd Sergeant ; enlisted October 31, '61 ; he
was promoted to Captain March 25, '63; he was wounded
both at Mechanicsville and Gettysburg.
Hooke, Donald L., 4th Sergeant; enlisted October 31, '61;
he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant March 1, '63; he is
>-itill living.
Smith, Quintum, 1st Corporal; enlisted October 31, '61;
was promoted Sergeant, and wounded at both Ox Hill and
Gettysburg; he is still living.
Null, Elcanah, 2nd Corporal; enlisted October 31, '61;
he was promoted Sergeant, and killed June 30, '62 at
Frazier's Farm.
Sigmon, Nelson E., 3rd Corporal; enlisted October 30,
'61. (See sketch.)
Brinkley, John R.. 4th Corporal ; enlisted October 30, '61 ;
no account can be given of him.
Lee until June 22, 18(54,
when he fell in battle
fatally wounded, on the
right of P( tersburg, Va.
This stopped his service
in the army.
After the surrender,
he went to the field on
crutches, determined to
help build up the waste
places that were crushed
by the war, and make
a living for himself,
mother and two sisters,
who fought the battles
at home and cheered us
on to the battles for our
country. He is one of
the noble sons of Cata-
wba — still living and
doing all he can to bring
Catawba to ihe front
rank in the State.
Nelson E. Sigmon en-
listed in Company F,
38th N. C. Regiment <.n
October 31, 1861, as
Corporal. Afterwards,
he was promoted to
Sergeant, and acted as
Orderly for a good part
of the time. He was
wounded June 26, 1K62,
during the Seven Day's
fight around Richmond.
After recovering from
his wound he joined his
regiment at Winchester,
th(^ September follow-
ing, and took part in all
principal battles around
Fredricksburg, Va.. in
that year, and followed
Arrowood, Gilbert, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he wa>^
wounded at Chancellorsville, and killed July 1, at Gettys-
Baker, George H., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was pro-
moted Corporal, and wounded July 1, '63 at Gettysburg;
he died since the war.
Baker, Jacob M., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was killed
July 18, '63 at Gettysburg.
Bost, Miles W. A., enlisted October 31, '61; he died since
the war.
Clawson, A., enlisted August 19, '64.
Crawford, Sidney H., enlisted March 16, '63; no further
account of him can be gotten.
Crawford, Anderson M., enlisted August 14, '63 ; he died
at Point Lookout.
Cline, Jefferson E., enlisted March 16, '63; he died since
the war,
Cline, J. 0., enlisted March 20, '64; he was wounded in
the war; he died in 1899.
Cline, Laban, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was wounded
March, '62 at Weldon.
Christopher, D., enlisted October 11, '63; he is still living.
Cloninger, M. H., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died since
the war.
Deal, William, enlisted October 11, '63; died at Point
Daggenhart, Noah, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died
March, '62 at Halifax, N. C.
Drum, Franklin, enlisted October 31, '61; he died in
January, '62 at Raleigh, being the first death in the Com-
Deitz, Daniel A., enlisted October 31, '61; he was killed
at Hagerstown.
Deal, W., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died at Point Look-
Fletcher, P. C, enlisted August 19, '64.
P'ox, Marcus, enlisted October 31, '61; died in April, '62
at Petersburg,
Fox, Daniel A., enlisted, and came home, and died since
the war.
Fox, Adolphus, enlisted Octobfr 31, '62; he was taken
prisoner; he died since the war.
Fox, John, enlisted, and was wounded in '64, losing an
arm ; he is still living.
Graham, Jacob, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he is still living.
George, J. F., enlisted August 19, '64 ; no account of him.
Hoke, George J., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died Feb-
ruary 14, '63 of wound received at Haruer's Ferry.
Hoke, Martin L., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was paroled ;
he died in 1908.
Hoke, John D., enlisted March 16. '63; he was svounded,
losing an arm. He is still living.
Helms, Daniel, enlisted March 6, '63 ; he was killed July
1. '63 at Gettysburg.
Hefner, Elcanah R., enlisted October 31. '61; he was
promoted Corporal, and died on boat from prison.
Hefner, Hiram, enlisted October 31, '61, and was paroled;
he died since the war.
Hefner, Devault, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was dis-
charged April, '62 for disability ; he died since the war.
Hefner, Peter, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died Septem-
ber, '62 at Winchester, Va.
Holler, Peter, enlisted October 31, '61, and was disc-
charged April 20, '63 ; he died since the war.
Holler, David, enlisted October 31, '61, and was paroled;
he is still living.
Hedrick, Alfred M., enlisted October 31, '61, and was
promoted Sergeant; he is still living.
Hedrick, John C., enlisted October 31, '61. and was pro-
moted at Mechanicsville ; he is still living.
Hedrick, Logan, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died No-
vember 26, '62 in North Carolina.
Hedrick, Hiram, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died Aug-
ust, '62 at Richmond, Va.
Hedrick, Anderson, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he is still
living in Missouri.
Huffman, David, enlisted October 31, '61, and was wound-
cd at Ellison's Mill; he died in 1905.
Huffman, Allen, enlisted October 31, '91 ; he is still living.
Huffman, Burwell, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was killed
at Chancellorsville May 3, '63.
Huffman, Alfred, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was wound-
ed September 14, '62, at Harper's Ferry, and discharged
January, '63 ; he died since the war.
Huffman, William S., enlisted October 31, '61; he was
killed at Petersburg, April, '65, b3ing the last man killed
in the Company.
Huffman, Jacob, enlisted October 31, '61; he was killed
at Mechanicsville.
Huffman, B. L., enlisted — ; he is still living.
Huffman, M., enlisted October 31, '61; he was killed at
Frazier's Farm.
Hunsucker, Elcanah, enlisted October 31, '61. (See
Elcanah Hunsucker
enlisted October 31st,
1861, in Company F,
38th Regiment. He
served with fidelity dur-
ing the war. He return-
ed and engaged in farm-
ing. He has raised more
orphans than, p« rhaps,
any other man in the
State, and numbers his
friends by the scoi-e.
Uncle "Caney" is
known far and wide,
and all love him for his
familiarity. He is well
advanced in years, but
is quite active and alert
for his age. He is an
active member of the
Lutheran Chuj-ch, and
believes in going about
doing good.
Huffman, Ambrose, enlisted October SI, '61 ; he died at
Richmond, Va., in '62,
Hunsucker, Marcus, enlisted — ; he died shice the war.
Hodge, Charles, enlisted — ; he died in 1880.
Isenhour, Abel, enlisted March 16, '63; he died at Grime's
Station, June 6, '63.
Kanup, Miles, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was killed at
Spottsylvania, June 13, '64.
Lael, Jacob, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was killed July
1, '63 at Gettysburg.
Lael, Elias, enlisted October 31, '61; he died in Georgia
in '63.
Lael, Lawson, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was wounded
August 28, '62 at Manassas ; he died since the war.
Moser, Miles, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was wounded
August 28, '62 at Manassas, and died.
Moser, Joe, enlisted — ; he is still living.
Null, Daniel, enlisted October 31, '61, and was paroled;
he died at home in '64.
Little, Peter, enlisted October 11, '63; he died since the
Pope, David, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was killed Sep-
tember 17, '62 at Sharpsburg.
Pope, Marcus, enlisted October 31, '61, and was paroled
m '64 ; he is still living.
Pope, Miles, enlisted October 31, '61, and was paroled in
'64 ; he is still living.
Pope, Elcanah, enlisted March 16, '63; he was wounded
July 1, '63 at Gettysburg; he died in 1906.
Pope, George, enlisted^ March 16, '63 ; he was killed at
Gettysburg July 1, '63. ^ ^^'
Parks, Augustus, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died in
the war.
Phelps, John, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was wounded
at Sharpsburg, and died from wound.
Roseman, Marion J., enlisted October 31, '61, and was
prornoted Sergeant ; he was wounded at Gettysburg, July
1. '63 ;, he is still living.
Rector, John E., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died in Feb-
ruary, '62 at Raleigh.
Rector, Gilbert, enlisted October 31, '61; he died in
March, '62 at Goldsboro.
Romana, Augustus B., enlisted October 31, '61; he is still
living. (He is an Italian.)
Sigmon, Adolphus E., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he is still
Shook, David, enlisted October 31, '61, and was dis-
charged in November, '62 ; he died in 1906.
Shook, Franklin, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he is still
Shook, Philo, enlisted — ; he is still living.
Shook, Daniel, enlisted — ; he is still living.
There is no record
given the author, and
in searching for data in
Moore's Roster, he finds
not Daniel but David
Shook. Hence this
sketch will not be~§atis-
factory to his friends.
The author will vouch tor
his good qualities as a
soldier and citizen, how-
ever, for Catawba furn-
ished few who were not
Shook, Lawson, enlisted — ■; he died since the war.
Shook, John, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was discharged
March, '62 at Weldon, N. C.
Sigmon, Martin, enlisted October 31, '61; he was dis-
charged April 18, '62; he died since the war.
Sigmon, Logan H., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he is living
in Tennessee.
Sigmon, Alfred L., enlisted April 30, '61 ; he was killed
at Chancellorsville, May 3, '63.
Alfred Sigmon enlist-
ed in Company F, 38th
Regiment April 30, 186L
In the battle of Chan-
cellorsville May, 3, 1873
he was killed. He was
one of the true members
of Company F. Another
vacant farm, another
vacant home on account
of savage war; war that
carries nothing but de-
struction and ruin in its
Sigmon, William, enlisted — ; he died in 1908.
Sigmon, Anson, enlisted March 16, '63 ; he died at Rich-
mond in '64.
Sigmon, Devault, enlisted August 14, '62. (See sketch.)
Setzer, Marcus, enlisted October 31, '61; he was trans-
ferred May 1, '62 to Company A., 12th Regiment.
Setzer, Alfred, enlisted October 31, '61; he was wounded
m '64. (See sketch,;
Traffentadt, Peter, enlisted March 16, '63; he was
wounded at Chancellorsville; he is still living,
Traffentadt, William, enlisted October 31, '61 and was
Albert Setzer served
his country well for four
years. He was once
wounded in the shoulder,
the ball never being ex-
tracted. He surrender-
ed at Appomattox. He
has been an active me-
chanic in the upbuild-
ing of Hickory since
When he enlisted in
the service, an unseen
voice told him he should
not be killed in the ser-
vice, but on entering the
battle in which he was
wounded, he swore an
oath, and that ;
voice came to him very
audibly that he would
be wounded, but not
Davault Sigmon was
wounded at Wilderness.
After his return he was
detailed on prisoner
corps until the surren-
der. Soon after, he
went to Indiana and en-
gaged in the undertak-
er's business. He re-
turned to North Caro-
lina in 1885. and died at
Conover in 1886.
Another worthy citi-
zen has answered the
last roll call.
promoted Corporal; he was wounded at Chancellorsville,
May 2, '63 ; he died in June, 1910.
Winebarger, Noah, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he died sinco
the war.
Winebarger, Daniel, enlisted October 31, '61, and was
paroled in '64 ; he is still living.
Warren, John Q., enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was trans-
ferred to the 12th Regiment on May 1, '62.
Yount, Miles, enlisted October 31, '61 ; he was killed July
1, '63 at Gettysburg.
Yount, George W., enlisted October 31, '61; he is still
Known as the Catawba Braves, left Newton, Catawba
County, March 13th 1862, and went in Camp Mangum near
Raleigh, N. C. The Company was organized and commis-
sioned on March, 15th 1862. with the following officers: —
Adolphus T. Bost. Captain was mortally wounded at
Reams Station near Petersburg and died from said wound;
Alexander Rowe, 1st Lieutenant was mortally wounded at
Reams Station and died from said wound; James H. Hoover,
2nd Lieutenant, was mortally wounded at Reams Station, and
died from said wound.
Marcus M. Smyer, 3i"d Lieutenant, was mortally wound-
ed at Reams Station and died from said wound. Acoinsident,
all mortally wounded in same battle.
The total number of the Company at this time was 102.
The 46 Regiment then went to Goldsboro, and from there to
Seven Pines near Richmond; but the fight was over at this
time: thence to Sharpsburg, Md., at which place we only
lost a few men; thence we returned to the Valley of Virginia
and on the 13th of December, 1862, we were engaged in the
Battle of Fredericksburg, vvhere we charged down the
.Mariy's Heights to a Rock fence, which we used for a breast
work. This was near the town. The Yankies formed eight
columns deep in front of the rock fence and we held our
position. We lost only a few men here, but the Yankies
were slain by the hundreds in front of the rock fence. The
enemies vacated the town that night, and we drove them
across the Potomac River, then we returned to Camp, near
Petersburg, Va., and was ordered to the South. We went
in camp at Wilmington, N. C. for a short time; then went
to South Carolina, below Charleston Mill to a place on the
coast called Patacaligo, where we were under General Bean-
regard where we threw up breast works, and after a short
time we were ordered back to Virginia near Richmond; then
we went on a march to-wards Manasses, and got in contact
with the enemy at Bristow Station. We had a fight: we
charged on them in a deep rail road cut, but had to retreat.
There we lost seven men and a number wounded. The enemy
disappeared that night; then we returned towards Richmond
and tore up the railroad track and went in camp near Rich-
mond; then on the first of May, 1864, we left our camp near
Orangebury C. H. and went to the Wilderness Battle Ground
May, 4th 1864.
We formed a line in the thick woods, and about 5 P. M.
our Pickets came in and the enemies advanced near enough to
fight, and without any breast works we fought for about two
hours and we lost heavily. We were out of amunition, our
ranks got this, and we fell back a few hundred yards until
reinforcements came in, and we then held our ground. The
woods changed their appearance; they were trimmed with
shells and bullets. Then we returned, and after several
other engagements with the enemy, we went in camp near
Petersburg, Virginia, in the breast works near the blow up
of works; thence we moved on the South side of Petersburg,
and were engaged in a Battle at Reams Station, where we
captured their works and several hundred Yankies, but had
to fall back and withdraw from the works. We lost heavily,
Captain A. T. Bost was mortally wounded, and died in Rich-
mond, from said wound. Also Marcus Smyre, 3rd Lieutenant
was mortally wounded, and died at Petersburg, from said
wound; also Alexander Rowe, 1st Lieutenant; and James
Hoover, 2nd Lieutenant was mortally wounded, and both
died from their wounds.
Sergt. R. A. Bost then took charge of the Company and
became Captain, and after returning to the breast works
near Petersburg, remained there until about April, 1st 1865.
We vacated Petersburg, and went on the march up the James
River with Lee's Army untill the Yankies surounded us at
Appomattox Court House, on April, 5th 1865, where the two
great armies met for the first time in peace, and the last
time in War; and in a few days we got our Parole and return-
ed to our homes, a foot.
The war was over, and peace declared.
Bost, Adolphus T., Captain, enlisted March 15th, 1862. He
was wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness, May 5th, 1864.
He was killed in 1864. (See sketch).
Few men were more
faithful to their duties
as a confederate soldier
than Captain Adolphus
T. Bost; who command-
ed Co. K. 46th, N. C.
Troops, from Catawba
County. The 46th regi-
ment was organized at
Camp Mangum near
Raleigh, in March 1862.
Capt. Bost was a son of
•Jonas Bost of Newton,
and was universally
liked for his genial
spirit, and good qualities
in general. He was
with his Company in
marching and fighting,
and was twice wounded.
On August 25th 1864, at
Reams Station, he fell,
and was succeeded by
his brother Capt. R. A.
Bost. The writer of the sketch of the 46th Regiment, Lieutenant J. M.
Waddell, (see Vol 3 N. C. Regimental history.) says; "Capt. A. T. Bost,
fell at Reams Station, and was succeeded by his brother R. A. Bost,
who as Captain received a severe face wound and was disabled thereby.
No steadier men ever faced a firing line than these two". A very high
compliment from Lieutenant Waddell of S. C. The three brothers
Joseph M., Adolphus T. and Robert A. Bost were all captains and aquitted
themselves with honor. A. T. Bost had married and settled on a nice
farm a few miles from Newton; he gave up all, family, home, and his
life for his country. What a great sacrifice?
Best, Robert A., Captain, enlisted in 1864, and was promoted
from Sergeant. He died since the war.
Routh, Alexander, 1st. Lieut., enlisted March loth, 1862.
He was wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862. He was
killed in 1864.
Hoover, James H., 2nd. Lieut., enlisted March loth, 1862.
He was killed in 1864.
Smyre, Marcus M., Lieut., enlisted March loth, 1862. He
was killed in 1864.
Lutz, H. L., 1st Sergeant, enlisted March loth, 1862. He
died November 2oth, 1862.
Wilson, M. M., 2nd. Sergeant, enlisted :\Iarch 15th, 1862.
He died December 15th, 1862 at Richmond.
Shuford, John Sidne}', 3rd. Sergeant, enlisted March 15th,
1862. He is still living, on his farm.
Eckard, Simeon, 1st Corporal, enh.sted March loth. 1862.
He is still living. (See sketch).
Abel S. Eckard be-
came a member of Co.
K. 46th Regiment, Sept-
ember 25th, 1862. He
was a brave soldier, and
served his country well.
He devotes his time to
Routh. Levi W.. 4th Sergeant, enlisted March loth. 1862.
He was killed at Ream'? Station.
Laefevers. I.=aac. 5th Sergeant, enli.-ted Marfh l.")th. lSfi2.
Xo further record of him can be found.
Bollinger. WilHam P.. 2nd. Corporal, enli.sted March loth.
1S62. He was killed Sept. 9th, 1862 at Sharp.-burg. by his own
gun going off while crossing the river.
Rowe. J. Dallas. 3rd. Corporal, enhsted [March loth. 1862.
See .sketch).
John Dallas Rowe was
born Feb. 9th. 184-5. At
the age of 17 years, he
joined th2 army,
(March the 15th, 1862.)
in Co. K. 46i;h Regiment
serving it faithfully
until the surrender at
He was once wounded
in the left lung, from
which he never fully
After the war. he.
together with quite a
number of the younger
soldiers, attended Ca-
tawba College, and
later, he was a teacher
in that institution. He
held the office of County
Superintendent of
Public Instruction, from
1SS1-18S9. He attended
the Seminary of The
Presbyterian Church in
Columbia. S. C, and afterwards, engaged in the ministrj- of that church'
He was resi>ected by his company- for his courage in battle, and for this
was twice promoted. —first a Corporal, —afterwards a Sergeant.
He and the author were always special friends, and rivals in the
literary societies of Catawba College. He died Jan. 9th. 19Ties. Geo. M.. Musician, enlisted March lo'.z.. I^y2. He
is now living in Alississippi.
Abemethy. John P.. Musician, enlisted March loth. 1862.
He is still living.
Yoder. Marcus. Musician, enlisted March 15th. 1862. He
died after the war. See sketch .
Marcos Yoder senred
as a musiaan in tbe
war. After dte dose he
settled in Hickoiy and
engaged in tiie mercan-
tile bastness. in wfaich
he was reascnaUy soc-
eessfiiiL He £ed in tbe
year — . and bequeatiied
in his win twx>-thirds of
hts fnupettj . amount-
ing to SIOOO, to the
two dmrdhes — Son E.
L. Chordi (the church
of yoang»- days) ace
H<^ TrinitT dnrch :
Hidcory. in which 1~
hdd his membo^up -i.'
die time of his deatl-
Part of his moB^ w^
to go towards building
brick dHEF^ at Sor
provided the c on gTe g^
tioD would dopiicmte tr
amount. They Ad sc
and today thoe stands
to hs crofit a h a nds o me brick structure at Sod. He rn September 9, 1843,
and enlisted March 13,
1862, in Company K,
46th N. C. Regiment.
He was in the first
Fredricksburg battle,
and many other noted
battles, and was wound-
ed at the Wilderness
fight. April 5, 1864; and
afterwards served as
Sergeant in the Divis-
ion Commissary until
the end of the war.
He was in Lee's sur
render at Appomattox
Court House.
Since the war, he fol-
lowed farming; later
merchandising; and has
served as a Magistrate
for thirty years; Notary
Public for ten years,
and filled many other
places of honor.
He is a friend to the old soldier, and is consulted by many persons
for advice; is a peace-maker, a Christian and a law abiding citizen.
He is a school-mate and life long friend of the author. "Sam"
Killian. as we know him, has served his country well in peace and war.
He is a model man in his life.
He published a valuable pamphlet on Points of Law, which has a
wide circulation. He has been, and is an honor to his county and ^tate.
He is endowed with more than ordinary talent.
"Mind is the Master- power that moulds and makes.
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes.
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: —
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass.
McNeill, James F., enlisted March L3th, 1802. He was killed
at Fredericksburg^, Deceml)er, 1862.
Martin, Marion, enlisted March 13th, 1862. H(> died at Peters-
))urg, August lOth, 1862.
Moore, WiUiani. enlisted March 13th, 1862. He was trans-
ferred June 8th, 1862 to 12th Regiment. He is now dead.
Moore, Martin, enlisted :\Iarch 13th, 1862. He was killed at
Fredericksburg, December 16th, 1862.
Moiiser, William H., enlisted :\Iarch 13th, 1862 (See sketch).
William H. Mouser, a
Private in Company K.
46th Reg^iment, passed
through the war, having
discharged his duties
faithfully. He was en-
gaged in many battles,
and, in all, escaped
Scott free.
After his return, he
spent his life in farming,
at which he made good.
He served his County
for a time as Justice of
the Peace. He is as
hale, and hearty a
gentlemen as may be
seen at this stage of
Norwood, Robert M., enhsted March 13th, 1862. He was
promoted Corporal. He is still living.
Poovey, Silas B., enlisted :\Iarch 14th, 1862, He died after
the war.
Parker, Charles, enhsted ]March 13th, 1862. He is still living.
Parker, John, enhsted ^March 13th, 1862. He was wounded at
Fredericksburg, and is now dead.
Propst, William, enlisted March 13, '62; he died since
the war, in Haywood County, N. C.
Parker, Samuel, enlisted March 13, *62; he received a
wound from which he died, January 15, '63.
Propst, John, enlisted March 13, '62; he died at home on
April 7, '63.
Perkins, Henry, enlisted March 13, '62; he died at
Petersburg, December 14, '62.
Robinson, H. H., enlisted March 13, '62; he is still living.
Rink, C. R., enlisted March 20, '62; he was discharged
March 17, '63, on account of wound received at Sharpsburg.
(See sketch.)
C. R. Rinck, a mem-
ber of Co. K. 46 North
Carolina Regfiment, en-
listed March 20th, 1862.
He was wounded at
Sharpsburg and was dis-
charged March 7th,
1863. He died at the
age of fifty-two.
He was a quiet, peace-
able man, who, by in-
dustry and economy,
made a good living on
his own farm.
"Better is the poor in
his integrity, than he
that is perverse in his
lips and is a fool."
Rhinehardt, William A., enlisted March 13, '62; he died
at Petersburg, August 19, '62.
Reep, Adam, enlisted March 13, '62; he was wounded at
Predericksburg ; he died in the West.
Smyre, Cicero M., enlisted March 13, '62; he died Oc-
tober 8, '62 at Winchester.
Smyre, Robert A., enlisted March 13, '62; he died since
the war.
Smyre, John R., enlisted March 13, '62; he was discharg-
ed at Goldsboro, May 28, '62; he is now dead.
Rowe, A. H., enlisted March 13, '62. (See sketch.)
Alonzo Hartman Rowe
was born in Iredell
county, N. C. , April 30,
18M9, and was reared in
Catawba county near
Newton. He was edu-
cated in the common
schools of his native
state. He began life as
a carpenter. He went
to South Carolina and
Florida, where he fol-
lowed his trade.
In 1860 he went to
Louisiana, where he
volunteered in the Con-
federate service, joining
Cc. 1, 3d Louisiana Volun -
teers. In the battle of
Pea Ridge he was wound-
ed in the right hip, and
fell into the hands of
the enemy; but, after a
few days, escaped and
inade his way to the hospital at Little Rock. Later, was honorably
discharged from the service on account of his wounds.
He afterwards re-enlisted in Company K, 46th Volunteer Infantry.
He was in some of the most important engagements of the war. He
served faithfully until the surrender. In 1869 he went to Texas and
settled in Jefferson, Marion county, where he engaged in business. He
went to Ennis, Ellis county, Texas, in 1875, and engaged in cotton
ginning. He ginned perhaps more cotton than any other man in Ellis
county; and always maintained the fullest confidence of his customers.
He was a successful business man and accumulated good property.
He was married in 1869 to Miss Sarah G. Deal, of Lenoir, N. C. To
this union were born ten children. His wife and seven childi'en survive.
He was a devoted Christian gentleman, a member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, in which he was a ruling elder. He was a mem-
ber of Camp James Longstreet, U. C. V. He died at his home. No.
304 W. Knox St., Ennis Texas, Wednesday evening. July 10, 1901.
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and He delight-
eth in his way."
Seitz, John Q., enlisted March 13, '62; he died since the
Setzer, Calvin, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he is still living.
I entei'ed the service
at the age of seventeen
years in Company K,
46th N. C. Regiment in
the fall of 1864. I found
the Company at or near
Petersburg, Va. I was
in several engagements,
and on the25th of March
(the same day Lee made
his raid at Petersburg)
was captured on the
picket line with Mark
Boyd, Mark and Lank
Poovey, all being in a
rifle pit. We wert
taken to City Point:
from there to Washing
ton City; then to Point
Lookout. We remained
there until the surrender
and fared reasonably
well. On the 14th of
May we were sent to
our homes, making our
way as best we could. We found destitution here. No shoes or cloth-
ing; rations were scarce, but we were grateful that we were at home.
I took hold of the dilemma, and during the summer made enough of
provisions for the next year; all I lacked was money. Time passed; and
finally I married and continued to acquire little by little, and today I am
at ease, surrounded with plenty— a jolly, active citizen.
Setzer, D. A. enlisted March 13, '62; he was killed at
Fredericksburg, December 13, 62.
Setzer, W. S.. enlisted March 13. '62; he was wounded
at Sharpsburg; he died in 1908.
Shuford, M. C, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he was promoted
Corporal ; he died September 8, '62.
Summit, Pinkney, enlisted March 13, "62; he died at
Petersburg, July 4, '62.
Wilburn Setzer enlist-
ed in Co. K. 46 Regi-
ment March 27, 1862.
He made good during
his term of service. He
was wounded several
times during the w&r.
After his return home,
he tilled the soil, and is
one of Catawba's good
farmers. Still living.
Summit, Isaac L., enlisted March 13, '62 ; he was pro-
moted Corporal ; he died during the war.
Sherrill, Robert, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he died since
the war,
Sherrill, Henry, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he died at Win-
chester in '63.
Sherrill, Christopher, enlisted March 13, '62 ; we have no
further account of him.
Smith, Isaac, enlisted March 13, '62; he died at Martins-
burg in '63.
Sigmon, Lafayette, enlisted March 13, '62; he was killed
at the Wilderness battle.
Sigmon, Reuben, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he was killed at
Sharpsburg, September, '62.
Scronce, Joseph, enlisted March 13, '62; he was wounded
at Sharpsburg; he died at Orange Court House.
Settlemyre, Adolphus, enlisted March 13, '62; he was
killed at the battle of the Wilderness.
Setzer, Daniel, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he died quite r;-
Smyre, Walter G., enlisted March 13, '62; he died sinc.^
the war.
Sigmon, Loirs, enlisted March 13, '62; he died but re-
cently. (See photo and sketch.)
Lewis Sigmon enlist-
ed in Co. K., 46th Regi-
ment March 13th, 1862.
He was another faith-
ful soldier of the war,
and came out of the
war sound bodied. He
was a successful farmer,
and was never known to
have about him poor
stock of any kind, es-
pecially horses. "The
righteous man regard-
eth the life of his
beasts, but the tender
mercies of the wicked
are cruel."
Tucker, Geo., enlisted March 20, '62 ; he was wounded at
both Fredericksburg and McPhernell, S. C. ; he is still living
Thornburg, L. L., enlisted March 13, '62; he died since
the war.
Travis, Levi, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he was wounded
at Fredericksburg ; he died since the war.
Whitener, Leander, enlisted September 25, '62; he is now
Whitener, Miles M., enlisted March 16, '63.
Whitener, Geo. L., enlisted March 16, '63.
Whitener, William D., enlisted March 13, '62.
Wilson, David, enlisted March 20, '62; he was killed at
Wilson, Geo., enlisted March 20, '63; he was wounded
at Fredericksburg-; he is still living.
Wilson, James L., enlisted March 13, '62 ; he was wound-
ed at Fredericksburg; he died since the war.
Watts, John, enlisted March 13, '62; he died at Jordan's
Springs, Va., October 2, '62.
Witherspoon, A. H., enlisted March 13, '62; he died Oc-
tober 5, '62 at Richmond.
Workman, H. J. K., enlisted March 13, '62 ; he was
wounded at Fredericksburg; he died since the war.
Weaver, Henry, enlisted March 13, '62 ; he is now dead.
Weaver, Frederick, enlisted March 13, '62; he has been
dead for some years.
Walker, Elisha, enlisted March 13, '62; he died at his
home on March 9, '63.
Whitener, Logan G., enlisted March 13, '62 ; he died since
the war.
In reminiscent mood, we undertake the incumbent duty
of giving to our friends and posterity a brief history and
I'ecord of each member of Company I., 49th North Carolina
Regiment. It is both, alternately, a pleasant and painful
task. When we think of the time back yonder, when our
bleeding Southland was calling to her young manhood to
come and defend her; and how grandly each member of
Company L, 49th North Carolina, like all their true com-
rades, barkened to her call and dedicated their lives to
her cause, then it is that our hearts swell with admiration,
and no duty could be so pleasant as to relate how nobly
they marched away from home and loved ones to the battle-
fields of Virginia, bearing themselves like true heroes born
of the pure and incomparable heroines of the South. When
our mind goes back down the corridors of time, and we
recall how each member of Company I., 49th North Caro-
lina Regiment, filled with life's hope and fidelity, left every-
thing behind him and bravely turned his face to the enemy,
that was devastating his beloved country, then it is that
our enthusiasm arises and our duty remains a pleasant one.
But when we think of so many of those who, forgetting all
things else, intrepidly marched away to return nevermore,
then the meditations of our heart grow serious and there
lingers with us a pang that only time will efface, which
time shall be when we hear their long-hushed voices from
out the past calling us to come and join them in that great
innumerable army "Over There," Nor shall the remaining
few of our Company have long to wait the final summons,
for we are fast travelling towards life's sunset, and one
by one we are entering into the gathering shadows.
Company I., 49th North Carolina Regiment was organ-
ized March the 19th, 1862, at Catawba, N. C, with the
following officers, viz :
W. W. Chenault was elected Captain. He was a brave,
efficient and faithful officer; especially was he khid and
■ onsiderate to his men and proved his fidelity to the South-
ern Cause by discharging every obligation required of him.
He lived only a short time after going into the service, but
h's valor was none the less dimmed, for he gave up his life
10 the country he loved so well. No man can do more.
The memory of him will be cherished by the members of
Company I. as long as there is one of this band remaining.
He died at Petersburg, Va., February, 1863.
Jeptha Sherrill, elected 1st Lieutenant, heh:ed to raise and
')rganize the Company, and was in the fi"ht at Malvern
Hill. He disDlayed marked courage, carrying and using
pn Enfield rifle like a private soldier. He died at Peters-
hurg, July, 1862.
C. F. Connor, elected 2nd Lieutenant, was as brave and
cool in battle as ever drew a sword. He was always at his
oost of duty, ever ready to lead his men in the thickest of
the fight or wherever ordered by his superior officers. He
v/as promoted to 1st Lieutenant in July, 186'^, and then to
(Captain of the Company in February, 1863, succeeding
Captain Chenault, who died, and remained its Captain until
"he close of the war, after which he engaged in agriculture.
He left behind him a record both in war and private life
of which his descendants and friends can justly be proud,
one of a pure and exemplary character, imuarting to those
who mingled with him the great principles of brotherly
love and Christian fellowship. He died on his farm, in
March, 1901. Peace to his ashes. (See sketch and photo.)
Jacob Sherrill, elected 3rd Lieutenant, was wounded at
Sharpsburg in 1862, which disabled him from further
service in the army. He resigned his commission in Feb-
ruary, 1863. He died in January, 1911, a respected and
worthy citizen. (See sketch.)
Stephen Witherington, elected Orderly Sergeant, was a
quiet and deliberate soldier. He resigned and was elected
3rd Liutenant. He was badly wounded at the storming of
Fort Steadman, called by the Confederates "Fort Hell."
He is now living in Tennessee.
Lieutenant Charles F.
Connor, son of the Hon.
Henry W. Connor and
Lucy Hawkins Connor
(a daughter of Governor
Hawkins,) was born at
•'Greenwood," near the
Sherrill Ford in Cataw-
ba County, in 1840. His
father, H. W. Connor,
served as major in the
War of 1812, and was a
member of Congress
•for twenty years. He,
Charles F. Connor, vol-
unteered in the North
Carolina Cavalry in 1862
and was elected 2nd
Lieutenant. He served
with his command along
the Roanoke river in
North Carolina and Vir-
ginia — a very important
line between the two
armies— but when the
end came he was at
home. A very sad thing occurred in connection with young Connor.
Just as the war was closing in 1865, he went to Newton to have a set-
tlement with Mr. Moses, a Jew living there at the time. While there
the Federal troops came into Newton, and Connor and many others fled
to keep from being captured, and poor Connor was shot at long range
and killed. He was a fine man and but few, if any enemies. He left a
widow and three children, namely, T. Frank Connor, doing a large busi-
ness at Terrell in Catawba County, and Etta, who married the Rev.
W. L. Sherrill, now living in Charlotte. The baby, Charlie Emma,
married Dr. W B. Ramsay of Hickory. She died some years ago and
is survived by Dr. Charles Ramsay and Mrs. Nina Hall and their father
Dr. W. B. Ramsay.
J. W. Sigman was elected 3rd Sergeant. He was a brave,
good soldier, one in whom his superior officer could place
implicit confidence. He possessed a lovely disposition,
which is characteristic of him in his old days. He was
wounded at Petersburg. He is still living and is one of
our most excellent citizens, and will leave his impress upon
chose around him of a beautiful and well-spent life, which
like the waves created by a pebble thrown into the sea,
grow larger and larger long after the pebble has sunk, so
will the influence of his life expand more and more long
after he has entered into rest. (See sketch and photo.)
J. W. Sigmon enlisted
in Company I, 49th
Regiment on March 19,
1862, and was elected
5th Sergt., later promot-
ed 4th Sergt. He serv-
ed faithfully during the
war, and on his return
engaged in farming,
making a good and hon-
est living.
One thing must be
said of him— he lived a
goodly life, and was
always found on the
right side of every moral
issue. The reader may
see in the photo a ripe
subject for the King-
"I have been young
and now am old, yet
have I not seen the
righteous forsaken, or
his seed begging bread. ' '
B. F. Moody was elected 4th Sergeant. He had previously
served in a South Carolina Regiment, and was at the bom-
bardment of Fort Sumter. At the expiration of his term
he was honorably discharged and then joined Company I.
He was the first Color Bearer of the 49th Regiment. He
became sick after the battle of Malvern Hill and died in the
hospital at Richmond, Va.
Freeman Jones was elected 5th Sergeant and filled the
office faithfully and honorably. He was captured at Five
Forks, and carried a prisoner to Point Lookout. He is
still living and is an upright, exemplary citizen.
Jacob Shenill was
born March 27, 1832,
and enlisted in Company
I, 49th Regiment April
1st, 1862, and was
wounded at Sharpsburg
Sept. 17, 1862, which
disabled him for the rest
of the war. In 185.5 he
was married to Miss
Harriett Sherrill. After
her death he was mar-
ried again to Miss Susan
Robinson in 1887.
He was a good farmer
and devoted his life to
that calling. He died
Jan. 27, 1911; leaving
six daughters. He was
a good man and will be
greatly missed in his
community. "For Me
to live is Christ, but to
die is gain."
Hosea Brown was elected 1st Corporal. He made a
.splendid and lojal officer, always at his post of duty. He
was killed at Petersburg in 1864.
I>eing an old man, he died at home soon after the war.
W. T. Long was elected 2nd Corporal and was promoted
to 2nd Sergeant. He filled that office through the remainder
of the war. He was a valiant officer, always looking out
after his duties. He died at his home in Lincoln County,
after having spent a life beneficial to his community.
G. W. Moss was elected 3rd Corporal, which office he held
throughout the entire period of the war. He was an excel-
lent soldier, ever ready to obey all orders intrusted to him
with cheerfulness. He was wounded at Sharpsburg. He
IS still living, being a useful citizen and helpful to his
James H. Sherrill was elected 2nd Sergeant, and pro-
moted to Orderly, which office he filled with honor to him-
self and gratification to his Company until he was elected
2nd Lieutenant, and then promoted to Captain of Company
A. of his Regiment, which office he filled until the close of
the war. He was a brave soldier, ever kind to his men
and never shirking any duty imposed upon him. It was
with regret that Company I. gave h'm up, as he was loved
i' jit; i ^i ' «u"jyi
hy them all. It is recorded in the history of the 35th North
Carolina Regiment that Captain Sherrill, assisted by Cap-
tain Johnson, rushed forward and extricated Gen. M. W.
Ransom from a perilous situation when his horse had fallen
on him at the battle of Five Forks. He was at the sur-
render at Appomattox. He is still living and engaged in
agriculture. He is as good citizen as he was a soldier, ever
ready to help those in distress, more ready to give than
receive. (See photo.)
J. S, Lee was elected 4th Corporal. He was an intrepid
soldier and was Color Bearer when killed at Brewery's
Bluff in May, 1864. Thus another one of the many from
our number spilled his blood upon the battlefield for our
common cause.
Abernethy, Milton, was promoted to Corporal and then
to Sergeant. He was a courageous soldier, doing his duty
without a murmur. He is still living. He was captured at
Five Forks and carried to Pomt Lookout as a prisoner.
His record as a soldier is excelled by none.
Bumgarner, Monroe, was wounded at Malvern Hill. He
served throughout the war, leaving an excellent record to
redound to his credit as a soldier. He died at home.
Brown, Thompson, was killed at Brewery's Bluff the
"16th of May, 1864. He served his country under very
great difficulties, being hampered with a physical defect
which caused blindness at night.
Brown, Jacob, served through the war. He was captured
at Brewery's Bluff May 16th, 1864, but was exchanged and
I'ejoined the Regiment and was captured again at Five
Forks. He is now dead.
Brown, William, was an enthusiastic though obedient
soldier. He was captured the 25th of March, 1865, and car-
ried a prisoner to Point Lookout. He came home and died.
Benfield, W. P., known as "I Cott," being a dutchman,
Avas unexcelled as a soldier. A better one never carried a
musket. He went into the battle at Fredericksburg bare-
footed through the snow. He was captured at Five Forks,
and taken a prisoner to Point Lookout, and came home.
He is now dead.
Brady, George, was a good and a splendid soldier,
t'ver at his post of duty without murmuring. He was cap-
tured at Fort Steadman. He came home and died, mourned
as an excellent citizen.
Brady, John, was a kind-hearted soldier, eager to per-
form every detail of his duty in a manner becoming one
who wore the gray. He was captured at Fort Steadman,
laken to Point Lookout. He died at home.
Brown. A. E.. was a Musician, later promoted to Orderly
>er§reant. finally being promoted to Lieutenant. He was
recognized as one of the best soldiers of the Cgmpany. al-
ways cheerful and well disposed, and constantly vigilant as
to the interests of his men. He was ever ready to lead them
in combat, and would go where any other soldier dared to
iTO. He was captured at Foit Steadman the 25th of March,
1865. and carried a prisoner to Point Lookout. He came
home from prison and is still li\-ing. He is \'alued as one
of the best citizens of the county. ( See photo.)
Lieut. A E. Brow::
enlisted in Company L
-49ch Regiment, and dur-
i:ig: the si^re of Peters -
burgr. he had a most
wonderful esca]>e froi::
death, his life beinc
slaved by a Bible whicr.
he had in his pocket. .A.
ball struck the lowe:
comer of the book a :
exactly the iirst chapter
of Xehemiah. breaking-.
at the same time, 50 !«.'
75 pasres more. At the
point reached by the
balL and immediately
under it were the worvis :
'Stand ye fast, ar.o
Blakely. William L.. served throughout the entire period
of the war. He was captured at Fort Steadman and taken
io Point Lookout. He was a ver>- good soldier. He died
at home after having served his country- justly in peace as
well as in war.
Bandy. Quin. was a very old man. He was with us only
• little while. He came home and soon died.
Brotherton, Hugh, first served with Mallett's Battalion
until it was disbanded, then he joined the 49th Regiment.
Kis every act as a soldier was marked with valor. He was
^o badly wounded at Fort Steadman that he was captured
at the hospital at Petersburg, and then was taken to New-
y.ort News. He came home and died in 1905. He was one
ot those men whose lives brighten the pathway of mankind
and leave a lustre that time cannot corrode.
Hugh Brotherton was
born March 12, 1829. He
enlisted in Company I,
49th Regiment, and was
wounded in the leg short-
ly afterward, which
caused him great suffer-
ing until his death. It
was a great delight to
him to have his friends
visit him, and especially
did he enjoy those visits
to the Reunion, where
he could hear his old
comrades talk of gone-
by days. He died Feb-
ruary 13, 1904, being 74
years 11 months and 1
day old.
Blakely, James M., bore a most satisfactory record as a
man and soldier. There was no necessity to urge him to
J) is duties, for he was always there doing what he conceived
to be right. He. died at Richmond in the year 1863.
Brawley, Peter, was with us but a short time when he
was transferred to the 18th North Carolina Regiment.
While with us though, he evinced a desire to do well his
part, which his record sustains.
Caldwell, Abel, was a remarkable soldier, always cheer-
ful and ever ready for a chance to strike the enemy. He
was wounded at Drewry's Bluff. He was taken prisoner
at Fort Steadman, Came home and is still living. He is
one of the country's most sturdy and respected sons.
Connor, Augustus, enlisted in the 6th North Carolina
llegiment, but was transferred to Company I. during Oc-
tober, 1862, and was promoted to Lieutenant, which office
he retained to the end of the war. Like his brother, Cap-
tain Connor, he was a cool and courageous officer, and was
loved by all his men. He was often on the picket line, his
;^uperiors having the utmost faith in his ability to execute
all orders. No man has a better record as a soldier and
i-itizen tha Gus Connor. He is still living, possessing hosts
of friends and no enemies.
C. A. Connor enlisted
in the 8th Regiment on
March 28, 1861, and was
transferred to Company
I, 49th Regiment on
October 6, 1862. He was
promoted 2nd Lieut, on
March 16, 1863. He
survived the war, and
today is an honorable
citizen and worthy man.
Caldwell, James, Jr., was a teamster during the war. He
came home and is now living in Caldwell County.
Caldwell, William J., was a fearless soldier and always
ready for action. He was promoted to Sergeant. He was
captured at Fort Steadman and carried a prisoner to Point
Lookout. He came home and was the father of sixteen
( hildren. He is now dead, having rounded out a well-spent
life as a model citizen.
Caldwell, Lawson, took sick after the Seven Days battle,
in which engagement he served valorously. He died in the
Brigade hospital near Brewery's Bluff.
Caldwell, James, Sr., was with us but a very short while
Clark, David, was a true soldier. He survived the war.
oame home and is still living, a useful man in his com-
Collins, Henry, was a brilliant soldier, always offering
lijs services freely when a call for volunteers was an-
nounced. When out on videt, he picked up a shell that
was thrown into his rifle pit and threw it back over to the
other side before it bursted. He was wounded at Peters-
burg June 22nd, 1864, and died the next day.
Collins, James P., was a daring soldier. He was wound-
ed at Drewery's Bluff and at the Yellow House. He was a
sharp-shooter when captured at Five Forks. He survived
the war, came home and went West. He now lives in Ok-
Davis, James, was know as "Ash Cat," but he was ever
iiue to his colors. He went through the entire war, came
},ome and is now living in South Carolina.
Davis, Andrew, died in some hospital. He was a very
good soldier. Like all true soldiers, he died upon the altar
o/ his country in sacrifice for her.
Day, William, was a dignified and illustrious soldier, ever
having his mouth black from biting off cartridges. He
drew more cartridges than any other man in the Company,
lie was daring in executing orders. Often he was a sharp-
shooter, and just before the surrender he and a Yankee
took it shot about for seven rounds, the Yankee having a
Repeating rifle and he an Enfield rifle. He is recognized
as one of the leading citizens of the country, and has filled
the important office of County Treasurer for four years to
the satisfaction of all. He is the only private in North
Carolina that has written a history of his Company, oT
which they are justly proud. He is still living and is en-
■jaged in his trade as a -blacksmith. He is a man with a
Vreat big heart, which vrbrates with love for all his com-
Drum, Phillip, was known as "Dry Fip." He bears the
excellent record of never having missed a march and was
in every engagement the Company participated in. A bst-
ter soldier never carried a gun. He surrendered at Ap-
pomattox and then came home, and is now living. He is
cV noble citizen. What grander tribute could any soldier
have than to have it recorded of him that he never missed
a march nor engagement? His private life is as perfect
as his war record. (3ee photo.) ' '^- 15 '.
Drum, John, was in the service but a very short ^vhile,
l»ut he did his duty nobly. He was killed at Bootte's Mill
soon after .fbrhing the army. . . .. .!^.- • •
Drum, Thomas, was another courageous soldier of whom,^
100 much cannot be said. He was wounded at Malvern
Hill, and while he was disabled for further duty, he was
never discharged. At the battle of P^^tersburg on June
18, 1864, he brought in the Company rations. While thsre
th.e enemy advanced and he did as noble service as any
man on the line. He is still living and is a grand old man.
(See sketch and photo.)
Thomas F. Drum en-
listed in Company I on
April 1st, 1862, and
joined the 49th Regiment
at Raleigh, and went
from there to Goldsboro.
After drilling at Golds-
boro for sometime he
went with his Company,
which formed a part of
the 49th N. C. Regi-
ment, to Petersburg,
and went into camp at
Dunn's Hill. After
leaving there he went to
Richmond, arriving just
after the battle of Seven
Pines, but in time to
take part in the Seven
Day's Fight around
On July 1st he was in
the thickest of the fight
at Malvern Hill, Where
he received a severe
wound in the thigh.
After being wounded he lay all night on the battlefield in the hardest
kind of rain. He was then taken to a horse stall, in which he lay two
days, after which he was moved to Richmond and placed in the hospital.
After remaining there about a month he was given a furlough and sent
home. After being at home a considerable time he returned to his
Company at Weldon, N. C,, and remaii ed it until the close of the
war. '
Owing to the fact that his wound resulted in a stiff knee for many
weeks, he was detailed, part of the time as cook for his Company;
but, notwithstanding his lameness, he took part in several hard fought
en^jaments. He was near the famous "Blow-up" at Petersburg, and
was on the spot in a few mmutes after it occurred.
From Petersburg he went to Appomattox, and was present at the
surrender, at which place he received an honorable discharge, and re-
turned home to his native county. Thomas is still alive and in good
health for a man of his age— 82.
Banner, Monroe, was a superb soldier. He gave his life
lor the cause, being killed at Petersburg. His comrades all
mourned his death. He was an even-tempered man, and
no man stood any higher in the estimation of the officers
and men.
Banner, John, was a magnificent soldier. He answered
every call made upon him without a murmur. Like his
orother, he was even-tempered and always in good spirits.
He was wounded at the Yellow House and was captured at
Fort Steadman, then taken to prisor* at Point Lookout. He
came home and is now one of our most substantial and un-
assuming citizens, liked by everyone.
Brum, Peter Monroe, was an old man, but was an excel-
lent soldier. The Yankees ran over him twice, but he got
away from them each time. Up until a month or two ago
he was the oldest man of the Company living, but has since
Brum, Rufus, was an old man, but valiantly did his duty
as a soldier. He died at home.
Bouglass, Elam, was with us but a short time also, being
transferred to the 6th North Carolina Regiment.
Elliott, John, was known as "Long John," and always
:stood at the head of his Company. He was captured at the
battle of Five Forks, taken as a prisoner to Point Lookout,
and came home. He is still living.
Eller, Alexander, was with us but a little while. He was
nt the engagement at Malvern Hill, and died at Brigade
Hospital, at Brewery's Bluff.
Edwards, Abel, died at Raleigh soon after enlisting.
Edwards, Simon, died at Raleigh soon after enlisting.
Had he lived to enter active engagement, he would have
done his part well.
Fisher, Reuben, was killed at Malvern Hill.
W. H. Ellis enlisted
late in the war in Com-
pany I. 49th Regiment.
On his return he engag-
ed in the mercantile
business in the then vil-
lage of Hickory. In this
he acquired quite a com-
petency, and at his death
a few years ago he left
a widow and two daugh-
ters and a handsome
i it tie fortune.
Fisher, Thomas, was as meek as a lamb. He was a mag-
:-!ificent soldier. He served under physical difficulties, be-
ing blind after dark. He was captured at Fort Steadman,
carried to Point Lookout and came home and died.
Fisher, Joseph, served only for a short period. He was
killed at Petersburg by a mortar shell which tore him all
to pieces.
Fisher, Elkanah, was an excellent soldier, always doing
his duty cheerfully and uncomplainingly. He was captured
i nd taken to prison at Point Lookout. He same home and
is still living.
Fisher, William, was with us but a little while. He was
captured at Fort Steadman, carried as a prisoner to Point
Lookout, came home and is still living.
Fish, Elkanah, was promoted to Corporal. He was a
daring and bold soldier, never swerving from his duty. He
was wounded at Petersburg, came home and was a good
and useful citizen until his death.
Freeman, John, was discharged on account of old age.
He died at the Soldiers' Home,
Fox, Allison, was another excellent soldier. He was
wounded at the Crater at Petersburg and honorably dis-
charged. He died at home.
Gilleland, Reuben, died at Raleigh soon after enlisting.
Gilleland, Marcus, was known as "Stuttering Mark."
However, his impediment of speech did not deter him from
doing his complete duty, for he was always at the front
until killed at Fort Steadman. He was loved by all his
Gilleland, Thomas, was with us only for a short time.
He was captured at Fort Steadman and taken to Pomt
Lookout as a prisoner and died.
Gilleland, Elbert, was a recruit, nevertheless he respond-
ed nobly to all his tasks. He was captured at Fort Stead-
man and taken io Point Lookout. He came home and livv^d
a useful life. Now he is dead.
German, John, was known as "Old Zip." He waded he
Potomac river twice after brandy, after our nriny had re-
treated. He was as good soldier as ever shoulderod a t,un.
He surrendered at Appotomax, came home and is supposed
to be dead.
Goble, Lawson, was an old man. He was killed at
Goble, Davidson, served with us only a limited while as
he was a recruit. He is now living in Caldwell County.
Goodman, Frank, died at Raleigh soon after enlisting.
Harwell, James T., was a dignified yet daring soldier.
He could always be found at his post of duty, a cheerful
all-round good fellow. He was wounded twice. Once bid-
den, he did nobly what was planned. All of his comrades
liked him very much. He went through the war, came
home and is now a good and useful citizen. He will be
long remembered by the younger generation for the in-
i^truction they receive'] from him in the school room. He
is now, and has been, a magistrate for several years. He
takes a lot of interest in the history of his Company. (See
sketch and photo.)
James T. Harwell was
born on the 15th of May
1843. Enlisted as a Con-
federate soldier under
Capt. W. W. Chenault.
Company I, 49th N. C.
Regiment, in March,
1862, and was in the
Seven Day's fight below
Richmond in June of the
same year. He was
wounded at Sharpsburg,
Md., and at Grade's
Dam in front of Peters-
burg; also November 24,
'64. in the trenches.
He was captured at
-Five Forks on the first
day of April, 1865.
Harwell, Robert, was another remarkably good soldier,
lie went with his command to Maryland and was lost sight
of. He is evidently dead, as he was true to his colors and
faithful in duty.
Harwell, John, was one of the liveliest of soldiers. He
cooked part of the time for the officers of his Company,
though always ready to respond to any call and go wher-
ever ordered. He was wounded at Malvern Hill, and also
.slightly at Fredericksburg. He survived the war, and died
at home beloved bv all his neighbors. While on picket duty
lie shot a Yankee out of an apple tree.
Harwell, Elbert, was a fine soldier, ever at his post of
duty and faithful to his colors. He survived the M'ar and
died at home.
Hamilton, Leonidas, was honorably discharged. He was
afterwards killed in the 32nd North Carolina Regiment.
Hager, John, was Commissary for a while, and then
-t rved the Ambulance Corps until his death at Weldon, X.
C. in 1863. His record as a soldier is unimpeachable.
Hager. William, was a soldier with an enviable record,
lie was killed at the siege of Petersburg in 1864.
Hager, Thomas, was another one who wore the gray
V- ith honor to himself and country. He died at home from
vounds received at Malvern Hill in 1862.
Hager, James, died at Goldsboro in 1862 soon after en-
Hill, Isaac, was detailed at Richmond to make shoes for
Mie soldiers, and was captured in the Stoneman raid on
Richmond and remained North until after the war.
Hill, John, was as game a boy as we had. He was killed
at Drewry's Bluff in May, 1864.
Hunsucker. Calvin, was a good soldier. He served through
the war, came home and is a good citizen. (Photo.)
Calvin A. Hunsucker
entefed the army with
the first conscripts, be-
tween the a^e of 21 and
35 years. He was de-
tailed with the State
Troops in August. 1S62.
The first battle he was
in was atKinston. N.C..
on December 12th. 1862.
He remained in the
State Guards 16 months,
and -.vas then assigned
to Company I. 49th Reg-
iment. He was in the
Petersburg siege. June
16. and remained there
nine months to the day.
The most important
tight was that of the
Crater on July 30, 1864.
He was captured April
1st, 1865. and sent to
Point Lookout, where
he remainedt wo month?
He returned home June 20, 1865, and is one of our best citizens.
Holdsclaw, William J., was a jolly good fellow and sol-
dier ; the hea\'ier the duties the more cheerful he was. He
served through the war, came home and is still living. His
character as a man is irreproachable, for he is well liked
by everyone. He has made more good grain cradles than
jiny other man in the State. In his old age, he is as jovial
and humorous as he was when a young man.
Jones, William, was another good soldier. He was once
wounded, survived the war, and is now living in Lincoln
County, a prosperous and industrious citizen.
Jones, Pinckney L., was wounded at Malvern Hill. He
possessed a fine reputation as a soldier and beautiful dis-
position as a man. He survived the war and died at home.
Jones, Wilson, died at home on sick furlough soon after
entering the service.
Jones, Milton, died in the hospital at Petersburg soon
after enlisting. (See sketch and photo.)
Milton Jones enlisted
in Company I, 49th N.
C. Regiment April 1st,
1862, and died at Peters-
burg, Va. June 10, 1862.
His war career was,
indeed, short but. had
he lived, he would have
done much good for his
Country's cause.
Jones, Julius, died at Goldsboro soon after entering the
Jones, Bedford, was known as "Kildee." He was a very
delicate man, but served his country well and faithfully
until he died in the hospital at Gordonville.
Jones, Jer)tha, known as "Doctor," was a spendid soldier.
He survived the war, came home and lived an existence as
useful to his neighbors as was his help to his Company in
the war. He is now dead.
Jones, Elbert, was a courageous soldier. He, too, sur-
vived the war, came home and has since died, honored and
respected by all who knew him.
Jones, Evelin, enlisted late in the war, but what time he
was there, he served valorously. He came home and today
is an excellent citizen.
Jenkins, William, was known as "Colonel." In the whole
of Lee's army, there was no braver soldier than he. He
was wounded at Malvern Hill. He survived the war, came
home and is still living.
Kale, Ephriam, was discharged on account of his age
soon after entering the service.
Kale, Sidney, was a good, easy soldier. He was captured
at Fort Steadman. He came home and lived a quiet, useful
life. He is now dead.
Kale, Jefferson, was wounded at Petersburg and was
retired from further service. He came home and moved to
Texas, where he has since died,
Kirksey, William, was another soldier that bore a repu-
tation for good service. He survived the war, came home
and is still living.
Kirksey, Jackson, was taken sick at Fredericksburg and
claimed to be disabled the remainder of the war.
Keever, Andrew, died at Petersburg soon after entering
the service.
Lowrance, Clinton, was one of our men who could be re-
lied upon on all occasions. He was as brave as a warrior
could be. He gave up his life to his country, being killed
at the seige at Petersburg. He was faithful to his friends
and loved by his comrades.
Lowrance, Nelson, possessed traits as a soldier which
could be commended in any quarter. He carried horse-
shoes and pebbles from the Potomac river to Wilmington,
N. C. ; also carried the biggest knapsack of any man in the
Regiment. He was always at his post of duty. He sur-
rendered at Appomattox. Was wounded at Malvern Hill.
He came home and died after having lived a life that was
l^eneficial to his country. (Photo.)
Litten, Elijah, was a magnificent soldier. He died at
the Brigade Hospital at Brewery's Bluff after the battle
of Malvern Hill.
Litten, Elkanah, was a brave soldier. He died at the
Hospital at Gordonsville.
Litten, Jackson, was another excellent soldier. He sur-
vived the war, came home and died in Iredell County.
Lee, Robert G., was a member of the Ambulance Corps.
He gave most of his time to this duty, and did it well. He
is still living and noted for raising big hogs. In every re-
-spect, he is a good man.
Lee, Bird, entered the service late in the war, as he was
an old man. He survived the war and died at home.
Loftin, Franklin, was a fine, cheerful and kindly disposed
.'^oldier. He was killed at Drewry's Bluff in 1864.
Lackey, Theopholis, entered the service late in the war,
though did his duty well. He survived the war and died
at home.
Marshall, Clark, was a soldier of the right material. He
survived the war and died in Alabama.
McCoy, James, was first a member of the 4th North
Carolina Regiment. He was wounded, discharged, and aft-
erwards joined the 49th Regiment. He was also a good
soldier. He came home and died recently.
Null, George, was wounded at Malvern Hill and died a
prisoner of war at Fort Delaware.
Powell, Tate, was Orderly for Colonel Ramseur. and was
afterwards discharged. He came back to the Regiment in
1863, was wounded at Drewry's Bluff in 1864, and later
transferred to the Band. He came home, studied medicine,
and died in Florida.
Pool, William, was promoted for bravery, being made
Corporal. In action he would go where any dared to lead.
He was captured at Five Forks and carried a prisoner to
Point Lookout. He came home and is now living in Lincoln
County, being one among her best citizenship.
Pope, Silas, was one of our very best soldiers, always
ready for any emergency and cheerful under all circum-
stances. The harder the duties, the more cheerful he seem-
ed to be, and when everyone was worn out and cross, Silas
would sing his little song, "Let it rain, hail or snow, we
l)oor soldiers are bound to go.' He was wounded at Mal-
vern Hill, but survived the war, came home and died in
South Carolina.
Pope, David, was a soldier of good repute. He was in
the battle at Malvern Hill, then took sick and died at
Brigade Hospital, at Drewry's Bluff.
Powell, Andrew, was another brave soldier, always lively
and full of fun. Late in the war, he was transferred to the
Band, and after the war he came home and then went to
Arizona where he has prospered. He is still living. (See
sketch and photo.)
The subject of this
sketch entered Company
I, 49th Regiment N. C.
Volunteers when but a
boy at Weldon in the
fall '63. He served 22
months regular and did
efficient service. He
was wounded at the
"Blow-up," and also in
the battle of Weldon R.
R. , both being very
slight wounds. He was
at the surrender at Ap-
pomattox, and came
home in company with
Uncle Pink Shuford, his
brother— Tate Powell,—
Kerr and Rome Cline.
and Miles A. Abernethy,
reaching home ten days
after the surrender.
"Soon after, " he says,
"I went west, following
mining and prospecting,
but always on the frontier, and was in two fights with the Indians, (in
'69 and '72.)
"I married in Colorada -a Miss Flora Walls,— who was born in New
Zealand, being of English and Scotch parentage. There were born to us
eleven children — five sons and four daughters are still living, all of whom
are doing well.
"I have not made a fortune, but am in my own home, no debts and
a bank account. I have been, and am still, in the employ of the Arizona
Copper Company, being on the A. & M. R. R. for the last eight years.
"I had the honor of speaking to Lee once, as I was returning,
wounded, from the battle of Weldon R. R. in 1864. At another time
Silas Pope and I slipped up to a rifle pit and found there two Federals
dead. One had an open Bible in his hand. I reached over, took the
Bible, Pope remarking: 'Too late now to read the Bible; if you're kil)-
ed todiay youu'll go to h anyway." Soon after We had to retreat,
and hearing a familiar voice, I looked and heard Pope praying, and
behold, a shell had cut off a sapling and it had fallen on Pope, holding
him fast. I had to guy and laugh, until Pope got to swearing instead
of praying. I called to several Federal prisoners to help me loose him.
"Once at a hospital, Shuford and my brother Tate came to see me,
and as I had picked off the battlefield a pocketbook with $26.00, (two
ten dollar greenbacks and six dollars in silver,) I took the boys to the
market house for each of us a square meal. On our way a Jew banker
gave me $600.00 in Confederate for one $10, and the meals cost me
$545.00, leaving me $55 for $10, plus three square meals. "
Pope, Franklin, was transferred late in the war from
the 18th North Carolina Regiment to the 49th. He sur-
vived the war, and died in South Carolina.
Richardson, John was lost sight of after the battle of
Malvern Hill.
Reynolds, William, was a true and noble soldier, and lost
his life at the seige at Petersburg. He was much liked by
all his comrades.
, Rufty, Michael, entered the service late in the war. He
Was captured at the storming of Fort Steadman. He was
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Hudson. Hiram, enlisted February 15, '63 ; he died in '64.
Hicks, William, enlisted February 12, '63 ; he died since
the war.
Johnson, Andrew J., enlisted April 24, '62 ; he died in the
army, March 5, '63.
Johnson, Richmond, enlisted April 19. '62; he is still
Keever, James M., enlisted May 23, '62.
Martin, Leander, enlisted January 29, '63; he is still
Mull, Ezra, enlisted April 24, '62 ; he was promoted Ser-
geant in May, '62 ; he was wounded and died at Petersburg,
^'a.. in February, '65.
Mull. John M., enlisted May 23, '62 ; he was a ?.Iusician ;
he was captured at the Wilderness ; he died a prisoner at
Elmira. N. Y.
Pope, Lafayette, enlisted April 21, '62; he died in the
army on September 24, '62.
Seagle. William S.. enlisted Auril 22. '62; he was wound-
ed and died in prison, August 20, '64.
Shuford. Franklin, enlisted April 22, '62 ; he is still liv-
Shuford, Peter, enlisted April 24, '62; he is still living.
Smith, John, enlisted May 10, '62 ; he died since the war.
Stamey, James P.. enlisted April 24, '62; he was a Music-
ian ; he died at home after the war.
Walker, James P., enlisted October 11, '62; he died at
iiis home since the war.
Wise, Levi, enlisted April 24, '62 ; he was killed at Falling
Water, Md., July 14, '64.
Young, Samuel, enlisted April 22, '62 ; he was killed at
^Vashington, N. C, September 6. '62.
This Company was organized at Salisbury, N. C. ; hence,
the error in Moore's Roster. Captain Daniel Rhyne took
a number of Catawbians to Salisbury to guard prisoners ;
and soon thereafter, organized them into a Company, with
the following officers :
Rhyne, Daniel, Captain.
Yount, Lafayette, 1st Lieutenant.
Cochran, William, 2nd Lieutenant. (Photo.)
William Cochran, a
brother of G. W. Coch-
ran, enlisted in Company
E, 57th Regiment, and
was elected 2nd Lieut.
We have no record as to
his length of service,
save that he, like his
three brothers that
were in the service, was
true and brave. After
the war he married a
Miss Rhinhardt and set-
tled in the Grace Church
neighborhood. The au-
thor there had the pleas-
ure of teaching his eld-
est son. He was a very
companionable fellow.
He afterward moved to
Washington Territory,
now a state, and has
done well there. So far
as the author knows he
is still living.
Wycoff, William, 3rd Lieutenant.
Huffman, Joel, 1st Sergeant.
Cline, Elcanah, 2nd Sergeant. (Photo.)
Yount, Patrick, 3rd Sergeant.
E. E. Cline enlisted in
Co. E. 57 Regiment for
12 mjnths, in which
company he held the
office of 2nd Lieutenant.
This regiment was form-
ed at High Point, the
13th of August, 1861.
From there, they went
to Wilmington to
winter, where the regi-
ment enlisted for the
war. His next enlist-
ment was at Salisbury,
in Capt. Rhine's Com-
pany — C. 57th Regi-
ment." From there,
says Mr. Cline, "We
went to Richmond,
where we were introduc-
ed into the ravages at
Fredericksburg, where
I was severely wound-
ed, carrying a minnie
ball for ten months. We
were marched to Bris-
til Station, but our Regiment did not engage in that battle. On my re-
t'lrn, my wound bacame inflamed and had to be operated upon, extract-
ing the minnie, I thus saving me from a life-long cripple. This was just
before the battle of Rappahannock, where all of my company was cap-
tured, save the sick left in camp.
Our next move jy^as to Kingston, N. C, where we spent the winter
of 1863, until early in the Spring. There the picket moved upon New-
bern and captured 23 of our men who had deserted. They were court-
martialed and executed, —an appalling sight.
From there, we went to Richmond again. Here, when Hunter made
his raid on Lynchburg, Early was ordered to look after him. We then
set out for th? Valley of Virginia to Harper's Ferry; then to Fi-ederick
City, Md., on by way of Washington, which drew heavy reinforcements
from Richmond, and thus the ball was opened.
The first was on the Shenandoah River next below Winchester then
at Fisher's Hill; then on Sept. 19th, at Wii ..haster, the enemy attacking
us at day break. We hald our own, however, until Generals Rhodes and
Gordon were killed. We then retreated up the valley to Fisher's Hill
taking position after day light. We here captured many prisoners,
wagons, and artillery, gaining a complete victory only to be lost on the
evening of the same day. Again we went to Richmond and Petersburg
the battle of Mine Run determining the fate of these cities.
Here we lost our brigade by capture, except the sharpshooters on
the morning of April the 6th.
It is difficult at this late hour for us old soldiers to think and revive
all our experiences, but let the little we can give be saved for our pos-
I have spent these 50 years at farming in which I have been success-
ful. I am now called old, but I am a well preserved man, as you can
see, and like lively wires as my companions. I am living my days in
plenty and hereby greet my old comrades.
Gilbert, Jake, 4th Sergeant.
After organizing as above, the Company took some pris-
oners to Richmond, Va., and there went into Camp of in-
struciton. Captain Rhyne resigned in '62, and the Com-
pany made the following changes : Gilbert was elected
1st Lieutenant; W. W. Sherrill, 2nd Lieutenant; Cain Cline,
1st Sergeant ; Frank Rabb, 2nd Sergeant, and William Car-
penter, 3rd Sergeant. The Company went through the war
with few other changes.
Anthony, Daniel, enlisted July 4, '62; he died in the war;
he was a good soldier.
Anthony, Jacob, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken pris-
oner July 20, '64 ; he is still living on his farm.
Bost, Amzi, enlisted July 4, '62; he died in camp at Win-
Beard, J. W., enlisted July 1, '62; he died since the war.
Bolick, A. E. L., enlisted July 1, '62 ; he died since the war.
Bolick, E., enlisted July 4, '62; he was a valiant soldier;
he is still living.
Burns, F. A., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died since the Vv^ar.
Bost, J. C, enlisted July 4, '62; he was killed at Gettys-
burg. (Bost was Color Bearer).
Barger, B., enlisted July 4, '62; he died while in prison.
Baker, Henry, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died since the war.
Conrad, W. J., enlisted July 4, '62.
Coulter, P. A., enli«>ed July 1, '62. (See sketch.)
Cline, Eli, enlisted July 4, '62; he died in camp.
Cline, Cicero, enlisted July 4, '62. (See sketch and
Phillip A. Coulter,
born June 15th, 1834;
died, January 17, 1903.
Joined Co. E., under
Daniel Rhine, in the
Spring of 1862, 57th Re-
He was a successful
farmer, a quiet, peace-
able man.
Ephraim Bolick enlist-
ed in Co. E. 57th Regi-
ment, July 4th, 1862.
He was in the battles of
Fredricksburg, Chancel-
lorsville, Winchester,
Gettysburg, Culpepper,
C. H., and some other
minor battles. At the
battle of Culpepper, he
was taken prisoner,
carried to Washington,
D. C, then to Point
Lookout, where he was
parolled March, 1865;
after the war he went on
the farm and has made
quite a success.
Cicero Clins enlisted in Co. E. 57th Regiment, July 1st, 1862. He
was one of the bravest of tli3 Company. In one battle, he did not
observe the Company falling back, and continued to fire until he ex-
hausted his cartridge box, and narrowly made his escape after finding
his Company had retreated. Cicero is now engaged in getting out, a
family record of the entire Cline family— a task as difficult as the "Ca-
tawba Soldier of the Civil War."
Campbell, E., enlisted July 1, '62; he was wounded at
Fredericksburg, losing an arm.
Cansler, G. W., enlisted July 4, '62; he was taken pris-
oner November, '63 ; he is still living on his farm.
Deitz, Fred., enlisted July 4, '62; he substituted, but re-
turned, and died in the war.
Drum, Joshua, enlis'ed Tuly 4, '62 ; he died since the war.
Drum, Miles, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was killed at Fred-
Fry, William, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died in camp.
Flowers, Henry, enlisted July 4, '62; he was taken pris-
oner November 7, '63 ; he died in the war.
Fry, Cain, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died in the war.
Fry, William, enlisted July 4, '62; was taken prisoner
July 7, '63 ; he died in camp.
Frazier, H. D., enlisted April 4, '63 ; he was missirg at
Brandy Station ; he died since the war.
Frazier, William, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died during the
war at Petersburg.
Frazier, C. J., enlisted November 1, '63 ; he died since
the war.
Gilland, H. A., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken prisoner
November 7, '63 ; he was a good soldier, and is still living.
The subject of this sketch was born in Catawba county, August
15, 1845, and enlisted in Company F. 57th Regiment in February, 1845.
He served until the end of the war and was with Lee at the sur-
render at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. Mr. Gantt escaped without a
wound, but had several narrow escapes. He was in the battles of Brew-
ery Bluff, the Wilderness, and all the battles around Richmond, Peters-
burg, and in the Shenandoah valley. Upon his return home he went
to farming, and has followed it ever since. Mr. Gantt was married to
Miss Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Mr. R. G. Lee, of Catawba county, in
1871, this being his second marriage, having married Miss Molly Wike
first, who died in less than a year thereafter. A private who never
shirked duty in the war, Mr. Gantt, as a private citizen since the war,
has done his full duty, and is esteemed and respected by his fellow
Hauss, W. G., enlisted July 4, '62; he died in Savannah,
Ga., in '63.
Huffman, Hosea, enlisted July 4, '62.
Huffman, Marcus, enlisted July 4, '62; he died since the
Harbison, Henry, enlisted July 4, '62; he died since the
Hallman, E., enlisted July 4, '62; after the war closed he
went West, where he died.
Hoke, G. A., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he is still living.
Huffman, Daniel, enlisted July 4, '62; he was taken pris-
oner July 20, '64 ; he is still living.
Hallman, R. L., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he made a good sol-
dier ; he is living and doing well in Greenville, S. C.
Max Huffman enlisted
in Co. E. 57 Regiment,
and was engaged with
the company in all its
conflicts. He survived
the war, and has lived
by farming. He is now,
like all the old soldiers,
rapidly declining in
health. .^Ictt ^^^"^
Halman, Laban, enlisted July 4, '63 ; he died since the
Huffman, Hosea, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken pris-
oner July 9, '64; he died since the war; he was a good,
brave man.
Holler, G. W., enlisted July 4, '63 ; he was taken pris-
oner November 7, '63 ; he died in 1909.
Hunsucker, S. A., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken pris-
oner November 7, '63 ; he is still living.
Hartzoe, Lawson, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken pris-
oner November, '63 ; he died since the war ; he was a good
Isaac, Levi, enlisted July 4, '62; he was taken prisoner
July 20, '64 ; he is still iiving.
Isaac, John, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died during the war.
Killian, L. S., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken prisoner
November 7, '63; he died since the war.
Leonard, Dankl, enlisted July 4, '62; he died while in
prison ; he was a good soldier.
Leonard, Eli, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he is still living.
Leatherman, L. M., enlisted March 1, '64; he died since
the war.
Lutz, M. C, enlisted July 4, '63 ; he was captured, and
died at Fortress Monroe, in November, '63.
Leonard, J. M., enlisted June 25, '62; he was transferred
from the 23rd Regiment to the 57th Regiment ; he is still
living on his farm.
Michael, Ambrose, enlisted July 4, '62; he died during
the war.
Michael, Jacob, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died in a hospital.
Miller, D. A., enlisted July 4, '62. (See sketch.)
David A. Miller, en-
listed July 4th, 1862, in
Daniel Rhine's Com-
pany, and was wounded
first at Appomattox
Court-house, in the hip,
and again at Gettys-
burg, in the face, at
which place he was cap-
tured, and remained in
the enemies' prison five
months, then returned
to his command and re-
mained until the sur-
While charging the
enemies through the
streets of Gettsyburg,
he saw a lady lying in
the street with the top
of her head shot off; her
babe lying near by cry-
ing; a heart-rending
sight to him, even
though charging the
Miller, G. W., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken prisoner
November 7, '63; he died at home during the war.
Miller. J. M.. enlisted S. *d2: he wa^; taken prisoner July
S. >>o : he died in 1909.
MoCaslin. A. C enlisted July 4. '62; he was taken pris^-
oner November 7. '63 : he died since the war.
McCaslin. H. F.. enlisted July 4. '62: he was taken pris-
oner November 7. '63: he is still living, and runs a good
Mauney. J. S^ enlisted Juh- 4. *62: he died since the war;
he was a good soldier.
N&u^le, Levi, enlisted July 4. d2; r.r /. r ' " :hf -- .i-jh
to Gett\"sbur§:.
Null. Jo^m. enlisted July 4. '62 : he was .. " ;
he died since the war.
Pitts, David. «ilisted Ju'v 4. '6:1 .< :w:c^ :
he died since the war.
Pn^pst. WiUiam, enlisicvi April 1. "o4. t
WUfiwBH. Profet join-
ed Co. E. diT RefrnMBt
and serred slKreki
tlunwgii tike vnu-. He
retcmed to las aatrre
comtr. and sfvent kis
fifie in ImnBiagr and tke
■anofatetare of fknr.
He kas no apologiKS to
BBBike for las Im»k^
look as lie vas standby
in firoat of las Bsill m &
ataBKr's dress^ He still
&res. ausui is active-
Propst, Frank, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he died in camp.
Propst, F. L., enlisted March 13, '64 ; after the war he
went West, where he has since died.
Pro'^st, W. A., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken prisoner
November 7, '64. (See sketch and photo.)
Wallace A. Propst en-
listed in Co E. 57th
Regiment, July 4th,
1862, and was captured
November the 7th, 1863.
After the war, he re-
turned home, and took
up farming for a livli-
hood. Today, in add!
tion to valuable farming
lands, which he owns,
he has some valuable
property in the City of
Hickory. He is an
honored Citizen of Ca-
tawba, up in years, de-
clining in health.
Pope, Daniel, enlisted July 4, '62; he was wounded May
4, '64; he died since the war.
Pope, Frank, enlisted July 4, '62; he was taken prisoner
July 20, '64, at the first fight at Fredericksburg; he is still
Robinson, A. J., enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was a substitute
for Conrad.
Rhinehardt, John J., enlisted July 4, '62; he was taken
prisoner November 7, '63 ; he died since the war.
Roderick, C, enlisted July 4, '62; he died since the war.
Raby, William, enlisted July 4, '62 ; he was taken prisoner
November 7, '63 ; he died but recently^
I enlisted July 4. 1862,
inXo. E. 5Ti:h Regriment.
Went to Salisburj- to
guard prisoners. There
we were organized into
a company, and was
o Richmond with
prisoners. We remain-
ed in camp of instruc-
tion until fall; fron:
there we were sent : to
Culpepper; thence to
Fredericksburg, where
the 57th made one of the
most memorable
charges during the war.
Here I was wounded in
my side. There we
went into winter quar-
ters. Next to the
Chancellorsville fight:
next we were on the
Gettysburg campaign.
In the City of Gettys-
burg. I had my hat brim
shot by a lady, from the
window of a house. In the second day's cnarge. at rne turr.taoie on the
railroad. I ordered a yankee nearby to surrender, and he ordered me to
surrender, both having unloaded guns. I got mine loaded tirst: he ran
into the cellar and I captured him. On our return to Virginia, we re-
mained in the valley all that fall, being engaged with Sheridan. X4; he is li\-ing in Con-
cord. X. C.
Huett, N., 3rd Sergeant; enlisted May 21, '64; he is a
Notary Public.
Hawn, J. L., 4th Sergeant; enlisted May 21, '64; he died
in 1900.
Wyantt, T. H., 5th Sergeant ; enlisted May 21, '64 ; he is
now living in Texas.
Moser, R. A., 1st Corporal ; enlisted May 21, '64.
Roney, W. P., 2nd Corporal; enlisted May 21, '64; he is
still living, farming for a livelihood.
Shuford, J. M., 3rd Corporal; enlisted May 21, '64. (See
sketch and photo.)
John W. Shuford en-
listed in Co. E. 72 Regi-
ment, and in the battle
of Kingston was captur-
ed.- On his return after
9th of April, he engag-
in farming on the old
homestead. He finally
moved to Hickory, and
engaged in merchand-
ising. He afterward
retired to his lots on the
out-skirts of the city,
and engaged in trucking
and fancy poultry. He
makes these two pay
well. He has served
the county for a term
of years as Commission-
er—ever against his pro-
test. He married Miss
Alice Wilson, daughter
of Maj. M. M. Wilson
from which Union
then were two sons and
two daughters, the
younger son being a most successful surgeon. He has recently com-
pleted an up-to-date Hospital in the city of Hickory. The other son
is the Senior Druggist of the city.
Helton, J. W., 4th Corporal ; enlisted May 21, '64.
sketch and photo.)
John W. Helton, a
member of Company E.
72nd Regiment of Junior
Reserves, enlisted with
the seventeen year old
boys, and vi^as, with
nearly all of them, cap-
tured at Kinston, N. C,
December 25th, 1864.
He remained in prison
until April or May, 1835.
He became a farmer
after the war, and also
engaged in the manu-
facture of jugs.
Abernethy, J., enlisted May 21, '64 ; he is still living.
Angel, A., enlisted May 21, '64; he is still living.
Arndt, L. A., enlisted October 16, '64.
Berry, M. N., enlisted May 21, '64.
Bolick, G., enlisted December 2, '64.
Bolick, C, enlisted January 4, '64; he is still living.
Ballard, J. F., enlisted October 16, '64; he died in 1908.
Burns, W., enlisted October 14, '64 ; he is still living.
Bushbee, F. H., enlisted February 24, '64.
Carpenter, A. A., enlisted May 24, '64 ; he was taken
prisoner December 25, *64 at Point Lookout, and paroled
January 17, '64.
Childress, M. A., enlisted May 24, '64.
Clay, E., enlisted November 24, '64; he is still living.
Coulter, J. Summey, enlisted May 21, '64. (See sketch
and photo.)
J Summey Coulter en-
listed as a Junior Re-
serve, and hence is
found in the 72 regi-
ment. On Xmas day,
1864, he was captured
at Kingston, carried to
Point Lookout, and
paroled, therefrom. As
he attempted to return,
he found the enemy near
his home; he kept in
concealment with his
father's stock until the
enemy left. He engag-
ed in farming, and like
many others, made a
success of it.
L. A. Bollinger join-
ed Company E, 72nd
Regiment Junior Re-
serves and served out
the term of enlistment,
though the latter part
was in prison He is
still living, having spent
all these years farming
near Newton.
In his calling he has
been in the front, and
has therefore succeeded.
A good and respected
Cantrell. D. C. enli.-ted November 16. '64.
Campbell. L. A., enlisted May 21. '64.
Chester. C. enlisted January 20. '65.
Christopher. D.. enlisted October 16. '64.
Crawford. F. 0.. enlisted October 2. '64.
Cranford. J. E., enlisted December 20. '64.
Chapman. G. W.. enlisted May 21. '64.
Cline. J. C. enlisted November 10. "64; he is still living.
Drum. W. A., enlisted May 21. '64.
Drum. J. M.. enlisted May 21. '64.
Deal. J., enlisted May 21. '64; he is a mechanic.
Duncan. W.. enlisted October 16, '64.
Erwin. E. L.. enlisted May 21. '64.
Edwards. G. W.. enlisted May 21. "64.
Eskard. E.. enlisted January 5. '65. , -
Frazier. F. A., enlisted May 21. '64.
Finger. A., enlisted October 16. '64.
Fry. A., enlisted October 30. '64.
Graham, J. B.. enlisted May 21. '64: he is still living-.
Gabriel. J., enlisted September 1. '64.
Huffman. J. M.. enlisted May 21. '64: he died since the
Hoke. Poly, enlisted May 21. '64: he is still living.
Huffman. E., enlisted October 16, '64 : he is still living.
Heavner, J., enlisted October 4. '64.
Holler. S. S.. enlisted May 21. '64: he is still living.
Harbison, H. M.. enlisted May 21. "64: he died at Point
Hauss. H.. enlisted May 21, "64.
Harmon. S.. enlisted January 4, *65.
Hart, J., enlisted December 20. '64.
Isenhour, D., enlisted May 21, *64.
Jarrett, J. F.. enlisted May 21, *64. (See sketch and
photo. 1
Jarrett, W. J., enlisted November 20. '64.
Jones. \V.. enlisted November 20. "64: he died in Tarboro.
N. C. during the war.
Keever, C., enlisted May 21. "64.
Little, Wilbur, enlisted — : he is still living.
James F. Jarrett was
a Junior Reserve of"the
72 regiment, having en-
listed May 21st, 1864.
He together with nearly
all of his company, was
captured at Fort Fisher,
near Wilmington, N. C.
They were carried to
Point Lookout; were re-
leased on parole and re-
turned home June 2(>,
1865. He engaged in
farming and lumbering,
at which he acquired
some means. He is still
living at the age of 64.
Lael, N., enlisted October 14, '64; he is still living.
Leatherinan, S., enlisted November 20, '64; he is .still
Leatherman, B., enlisted November 20, '64; he is still
Mouser, J. W., enlisted May 21, '64. (See sketch and
photo. )
Martin, H. T., enlisted October 16, '64; he is still living.
Moore, J., enlisted October 9, '64.
Miller, L., enlisted January 4, '65.
Pope, J. D., enlisted May 21, '64.
Reep, L., enlisted May 21, '64; he is still living.
Rowe, A. E., enlisted May 21, '64 ; he died since the war.
Richie, J. M., enlisted October 14, '64.
Randall, W., enlisted October 14, '64.
Rockett, C, enlisted October 14, '64.
J. W. Mouser enlisted
with the 17 year boys
and served with them
until captured at Kings-
ton on Christmas Day
1864. He remained in
prison until the sur-
render. On his return
he engaged in farming,
and has connected that
with teaching in the
public schools during the
winter, and surveying-
much for the general
public. He is a worthy
citizen and has done
much to elevate the best
interests of the county.
He attended school
sometime after the war
in filling himself for
teaching. He is now
among the older teachers
of the county and one
among her best.
D. Madison Whitener
enlisted with the seven-
teen year old boys. Co.
E. 72 Regiment. He
was captured at Fort
Fisher, taken to Camp
Chase, and released on
parole June 13th, 1865.
On his return, like all
other undaunted sold-
iers, he laid hold upon
the distaff and made a
competency at farming
ind manufacturing lum-
He has always been
an industrious and
peaceable citizen, and
bids fair to live to a ripe
old age.
Rudasill, C, enlisted May 21, '64; he was killed at Fort
Ehyne, A. M., enlisted May 21, '34; he died since the war.
Shuford, W., enlisted May 21, '64; he is still living.
SDeagle, D., enlisted May 21, '64; he is st'll living.
Shook, W., enlisted May 21, '64; he is still living.
Shook, D., enlisted May 21, '64; he is still living.
Smith, J. F., enlisted May 21, '64; he is still living.
Smith, P., enlisted January 4, '65.
Sherrill. A., enlisted May 21, '64.
Simmors, C, enlisted May 21, '64: he is still living.
Sigmon, J. C, enlisted October 14, '64; he is still l^'vincr.
Settlemyre, M. P., enlisted May 24, '64 ; he is still living.
Stine, Daniel, enlisted May 24, '64.
Seagle, H., enlisted May 24, '64.
Weaver, W., enlisted May 21, '64. (See sketch.)
In the year 1864, on
the morning of Dec.
25th, we were ordered
to Fort Fisher. The
Federal army opened
fire on us at nine o'clock
in the morning. We had
no protection; the fort
was full of men. We
were face to face with
our enemies.
They threw shells at
us fom nine o'clock in
the morning until three
in the afternoon, throw-
ing at the rate of 60 per
minute. Some of our
men lost their lives in
that fierce struggle. At
three o'clock they land-
ed and then
fought with rifles. At
seven that night, we
were captured, and put
on boats. We didn't
see any land for four
days. We were on our way to Point Lookout, where we were put in
prison and i"-Tr-rf
j-:siEr_ X:
-5ca£ Anns: lA. t6*; ie issc >. F. 52ad Reg'm.Mit, April 1861. He
wds ciiptared naar P^jtersbjrg, March 20th, 1865. Since his return
home, he has farmed in little Mountain section, in Catawba County.
He is now 6) years old, awaitina: the sumnons to j )in his war-mates of
the sixties who have preceded him
He enlisted in Co. F.
23 Regiment, July 15th
1868. He served his
country faithfully dur-
ing the war, and after-
ward, he engaged m the
nursery busii ess. In this
he made good. He died
in 19U8 a respected citi-
zen. His sons are now
continuing his enterprise
at Startown.
(This is another that
was left out of his origi-
nal company and had to
be put in the Scattered.
Henry Setzer enlisttd
in 1862 in Co. C. 57 Re-
g-iment. He was in five
battles and was captur-
ed and held a prisoner
of war sixteen months.
He returned and made
good at farming. He is
still living.
A sketch of James
Ferdinand Robinson ap-
pears on page 122 in
Company A, 12th Regi-
ment, in which he serv-
Dr. R. A. Yoier, the
author of "The Origin of
Catawba Dutch," and the
writer of Prof. G. W.
Huhn's sketch. His pic-
ture should have appeared
just before his artic e.
Henry Linck, founder
of Hickory, should have
appeared before the
History of Hickory —
another error.
Was the founder of
Concordia College at
Conover, a sketch of
which appears else-
where in this book.
When war was declared against the Kingdom of Soain,
and the President called for Volunteers, Catawba County
immediately responded; and Colonel Armfield says that she
furnished more soldiers than any County in the State
save one. Below is a complete I'st of the mmes :
Deal, Milton F., enlisted April 27, '98; he was a Musician.
C-arvin, Frederick T., enlisted A'^ril 27, '98; he was dis-
charged November 4, '98.
Campbell, James H., enlisted April 27, '98.
Keever, Herbert 0., enlisted April 27, '98.
Wilh"ams, WHliam H., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yount, Albert O.. enlisted A^ril 27, '98.
Yoder, Ainslie T., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yount, Lee C, enlisted June 15, '98.
Yount, Thomas E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Yount, William H., enlisted April 27, '98.
Camobell, William 0., enlisted April 27, '98 ; he was dis-
charged July 1, '98.
Sherrill, Charles M., enlisted April 27, '98; he was dis-
charged April 31, '98.
McCorkle, Charles M., enlisted April 27, '98; he was dis-
charged December 31, '98; Corporal.
Cilley. Gordon H., Corporal ; enlisted April 27, '98 ; he
was discharged June 31, '99.
Kale, Avery E., enlisted August 14, '98; he was dis-
charged April 8, '99.
(All those who were discharged were discharged with
honor, in Company A.)
Rufty, Robert D., Sergeant; enlisted April 27, '98.
Seaboch, Luther E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Erwin, Erwin O., enlisted April 27, '98.
Gains, Fleming W., enlisted April 27, '98.
James, Frank A., enlisted April 27, '98.
Lafon, Pinkney E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Lafon, Lawrence A., enlisted April 27, '98.
Sigmon, John W., enlisted April 27, '98.
Benfield, Robert E., enlisted April 27, '98.
Payne, G. W., Cornoral; enlisted April 27, '98.
Gaimes, Fleming W., enlisted April 27, '98.
James, Frank A., enlisted April 27, '98.
Pierce, Edward T., enlisted June 15, '98.
Hoke, Charles W., enlisted April 27, '98.
Arm.field, J. W., enlisted April 27, '98.
Hawn, Perry W., enlisted May 15, '98 ; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Hill, John W., enlisted May 15, '98 ; he was mustered
-out November 10, '98.
Isenhour, David B., enlisted May 15, '98 ; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Jones, Joseph, O., enlisted May 15, '98; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Lael, Daniel H., enlisted July 1, '98; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Miller, Thomas C, enlisted May 15, '98 ; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Mull, George P., enlisted June 9, '98; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Pendleton, Horace, enlisted — ; he was mustered out — .
Tolbert, Charles E., enlisted June 2, '98 ; he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Williams, Ivey, enlisted — ; he died at St. Augustine,
Fla., in August, '98.
Williams, Ambrose M., enlisted March 15. '98.
Hallowell, Herl, enlisted May 11, '98; he was mustered
out November 10, 98.
^NIiill. Frank R.. enlisted ^lay 24. '98: he was mustered
out November 10. '98.
Mull, Sidney W.. enlisted May 24. '98 : he was mustered
out November 10, '98.
Norton. Henry A., enlisted June 29. '98 ; he was m.ustered
out November 10, '98.
Hutfman, Joseph H,. enlisted May 20. '98 : he was mus-
tered out November 10, '98.
The Negroes were equally responsive to the call for \'ol-
unteers, as is sho^^Tl by the organization of the 3rd Regi-
ment. But few, however, are to be found from Catawba
County. The list is as follows :
Holloway, James D., enlisted April 27. '98 : he was mus-
tered out February 8. '99.
Bell. Augustus, enlisted June 23. '98 ; he was a ^lusician :
he was mustered out February 8. *99.
Evans, Robert, enlisted June 23. '98 : he was mustered
out February 8. '99.
Harshaw. Alexander, enlisted June 23. *98 ; he was mus-
tered out February- 8, '99.
Lutz. Robert, enlisted June 23, '98 : he was mustered out
February 8. '99.
Pickenpack. Thomas, enlisted June 23, '98 ; he was mas-
tered out February 8, '99.
Shores, Clarence, enlisted June 23, '98 : he was mustered
out February S. *99.
James. Martin, enlisted June 23. *98 ; he died September
10, '98.
The heading of this article is taken from the law of David.
Before he was king, David was not only a sweet singer and
a brave solaier, but a just law giver. David with select
soldiers left their homes and country to join the army
of th3 Philistines. Finding thair mistake, they returned to
their own South-land. On reaching home, instead of meet-
ing loved ones, devastation and gloom on every hand greet-
ed them. In their absence, the Amalekites had invaded their
land, had burned their city and had taken all their property,
together with their wives and children.
So, Dav'id and his six hundred soldiers, with their flocks,
herds and supplies— as was the custom of armies in that
day — started in pursuit of the enemy. In the rush, at the
brook Besor, two hundred men broke down and could go no
farther. Leaving them with their flocks, herds, etc. David
and the other four hundred crossed over the brook and soon
came up with their invaders. After a battle continuing from
one evening until the next, they succeeded in killing all the
Amalekites, save four hundred young men who fled.
They not only recovered their property and wives and child-
ren, but captured all that the enemy had. It was a glorious
victory, one rich in spoils.
On their way back the soldiers began to discuss the hon-
ors, the spoils. They reasoned that as they had won them
in battle, all the spoils rightly belonged to them. They were
willing that those who did not go to battle should have their
own wives and children, but said:" We will not give them
aught of the spoils that we have recovered. ' ' But David said :
"Ye shall not do so." David then issued the following law
which has been in force in righteous code since, viz: "As
his part is that goeth down to battle so shall his part he that
tarrieth by the stuff.''
Now, in this connection, the writer desires tocontribute
a few lines in honor of the wives and mothers of the Con-
federacy, He was rol in the war, but had two brothers and
a father there. And one brother never returned home ahve.
It is true he does not know from experience the many hard-
ships the soldiers, in camp, in the march and in battle, had
to endure. But, being the oldest of a large family of child-
ren, he knows, not only what struggles his miother had, but
how hard other mothers in like condition, had to battle day
and night, and often single handed against the greatest of
all enemies— want, anxiety, sickness and often death in the
home, and father gone.
The writer loves the memory of his father and brotheis
and would not withhold a single honor due them, or any
other soldier for all they did and endured, yet he feels that
it would be ingratitude in him to sit idly by and not say a
word in behalf of the wives and mothers of the Confederacy,
and divide the honors, so worthily won, equally with them.
For without what they did, we would have very little of
which to boast. While the men stood bravely behind the
musket and cannon, the women more bravely stood by and
protected the home which was the inspiration and power
behind the men. But for the work, influence and encourage-
ment of the women, the war would have ended two years
sooner, and to our everlasting disgrace.
Now let us give a brief summary of some of the noble
deeds they did. They furnished the men— the husbands and
sons. They cheerfully took care of the homes. They labored
and not only fed and clothed their children, but sent cloth-
ing and rations to the men. Many of them had to go to the
field and plough, or to the woods and chop all day, and then
card, spin and weave until a late hour at night. Above all
the anxious care of the children was upon them day and
night. Many of them actually had to manufacture the salt
that went in their bread, and that saved their pork. Not
only this, but they had to be their own physicians and nurses
in times of sickness. And often they even had to bury their
own, or each others dead. Yet, in it all, they never des-
paired, or even refused to give the tenth of the little they
made to feed the soldiers. And amid all the hardships, they
alv^ays wrote cheerful and encouraging letters to those he-
hind the gun. In no age, and in no country have women oi-
even men, ever shown more wisdom, faithfulness and en-
dured more hardships and stood up under it more patriotic-
ally than did the women of the Confederacy. All we got
out of the war was honor for our bravery, love of country
and patient endurance of hardships. And as we honor the
men who went down to the battle so let us equally honor the
women who stood by the stuff.
J. F. Click.
In addition to what the foregoing sketch has said, let
future generations know all the facts relative to the priva-
tions, and sufferings endured, and the economy and substi-
tut93 resorted too to keep body and soul together and thus
encourage the father, husband, and sons who were standing
loyal to the guns in defence of the dear homes left behind.
Let it ever be remembered that soon after the beginning of
the war in 1861, the ports were all blocked, and further, the
South was almost wholly an agricultural country, and hence,
our good women were deprivedof thousands of sundry house-
hold necessities, —such as sugar, coffee, spices, colorings,
salt, shoes, delf, and clothing. To supply a substitute, or
to econpmize, our noble women substituted and resorted
wholly to "Long Sweetening", by raising sorghum; for
coffee, rye, wheat, dried sweet-potatoes, etc. ; for coloring,
or dyes, they raised the indigo plant for blue; walnut leaves
for brown; many leached the earth dug from old smoke-
houses and evaporated the liquid for salt; shoes were rudely
made by a few old cobblers, and perchance, a young lady got
a "Store" pair, and to make them last would carry them to
Church or elsewhere, and put them on while there, carrying
them home on her return; clothing were wholly textile
fabrics, and sometimes were wonderfully pretty and durable;
shoes were sometimes made for the children out of squirrel
hides to protect little feet from the piercing cold, the uppers
of old castaway shoes being used for soles; and for delf,
knives and forks, the rudest kind of pottery was used, and
many of the poorer families used "Adam and Eve's" kind.
How many good, self-sacrificing mothers, wives, and daugh-
ters would, after deducting the tithes for the government,
(tithes of everything they raised) send to the dear ones
during the winter a box of the best raised on the farm.
And how tenderly the mothers watched over the
little ones, although she had the cares of family, farm, stock
and all on her shoulders. When we look back over these fifty
years, —years of progress which have not a parallel in history,
ons sees the privation and destitution, of our wives, moth-
ers and sisters who should share equally the honors, —
if honors it be, — of the Civil War. Mothers, the remnant of
the old soldiers still living cannot forget your heronism, your
sacrifices, your industry your economy, and above all, your
devotion to those of us on the front line. We realize your
anxiety after a hard fought battle, for your dear ones whom
you knew were in the battle, wondering, watching, waiting
with bated breath, "Is my husband or my boy safe; or is he
killed or wounded? What, Oh what, is the result? Will not
the next mail bring something definite?" And with trembling
hands in opening the long looked for letter, and finding
"Killed", we can hear those pitiful wails from thousands of
mothers, wives, and the dear little children clinging to mo-
ther's dress, "Dear papa, dear brother, will never come home
again"; Even to-day, women of the South, the tender heart-
ed old soldiers weep to realize your poverty, your harships
and your patient endurance. We gladly and willingly here-
by share the honors with you, and your descendants, all the
heroism, the privations, the suffering; it is due you; accept
it from the trembling hands of an old comrade of your hus-
band, son, and when you accept it from him, you have ac-
cepted it from all who are still living. Take it, it is yours—
you have won it worthily.
This book would not be true to its one leading object,
if it did not acknowledge its indebtedness to M. 0. Sherrill,
A. P. Hoyle, P. C. Little, A. M. Abernethy, C. L. Hahn,
W. E. Sigmon, S. E. Killian, James H. Sherrill, Peter Mull,
and Frank Rabb for their introductions to each of the 12
companies, made up and organized in Catawba County.
Thanks to every one who honored the book with his photo,
and sketch each additional one making the book the Author's
Ideal— his ideal being photographed and sketched in full.
And to the boy now in school who shall in 1961 write Vol.
2 of the Semi Centenial History of Catawba. Look well to
your opportunity, and keep your record straight through
these year— that you may be able to give a perfect Record
of the fifty next years.
And, finally, Catawba pleads with each county in the
state to go now, and make a similar record, and let us save
by counties much valuable history that, if not given this per-
manent form will be buried with the "Old Soldier."
Shuford I. Whitencr's
:-: Page :-:
His interest in the pub-
lication of "The Catawba
Soldier of the Civil War:"
A check for five dollars to
aid in the publication, and
more if needed.
He IS a son of P. W.
Whitener, whose photo
and sketch is contained
herein. ''Render unto
Caesar the things that be
Phones: Store 99
Residence 42
Calls Given Prompt
Attention at Any Hour
^ HE HICKORY DEMOCRAT is a paper of high character,
l|l which was established in 1899 and in 1905 was consolidated
^^ with the old Hickory Press, edited in the past by such men
as Tomlinson and Murrill. Its editor, Mr. Howard A. Banks,
was trained on the Charlotte Observer under the late J. P. Cald-
well, and was awhile managing editor of that paper. Later he
was for two years on the local staff of the Philadelphia Record.
His large experience tells in the excellent paper he is making of
The Democrat.
Harris & Little
Hickory - - - North Carolina
For Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Groceries
and Provisions. Sell them your produce
and buy what you want.
K^lare/nont \Lolleoe
^ickorij, = = ^J\orf/i Uaro/i'/ia
7[2 STABLISHED in 1880. Instruction given
^C ^^ ^11 studies usually taught in High Grade
"^ Colleges. Muical Department under the
direction of a Specialist. Thorough course
in Painting and Expression.
Charges reasonable. Building well arrang-
ed. Location unsurpassed.
For further information, address,
p. E. Isenhower J. A. Isenhower
P. E. Isenhower & Son
Dealers in
General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats,
Caps, Clothing, Groceries & Hardware
Country Produce a Specialty Conover, N. C.
Gloss or Domestic Finish Latest Improved Machinery
Hickory Steam Launday
J. L. LEACH, Proprietor
1208 10th AVENUE HICKORY, N. C.
C^etzer Or ^Jvussell
Will sell you up-to-date
clothing, hats, dry goods
and notions at lowest
prices and will give the
highest price for coun-
try produce. : : : :
C^etzer Or ^Jvusse/l
Hutton & Bourbonnais Company
Hickory, N. C.
Manufacturers of Lumber, Boxes, and Mouldings,
Maple Flooring for Factories a Specialty.
Rotary Cut Poplar Veneers.
Box Shocks, Cloth Boards, Dimension Stock,
Kiln Dried and Dressed Lumber, Ceil-
ing and Flooring.
Poplar, Oak, Chestnut, White Pine, North Caro-
lina Pine Bottle Crates.
L^oncorc/la iLo/teae
iLonover, .JY. C
Co-educational. Full Classical and Elective
Courses leading to Degrees. Tuition moderate.
Location Healthful.
For further information apply to the Presi-
*j/ie xJvev. cfeorge ,>T. i/^a /noser,
J. nesir^ent
L. P. Henkle, President David J. Ciaipr, Secy. & Treas.
H. J. Dunavant. 1st V.-Pres. Thos. L. Hcnl