^^\ %.,^^ '>Ka:\ -^.^^ /, %. "- r sV- .... ^c .% ^ :iM^' ^ %y4^_-:^ ^^ ,^o^ ^y 9x ^^^ :. o .A^#, . Ci A. s^^ j:^ ^ A*^ . ^ ""7 ,, s^ A^ <- '/ ^V ^ ^^^ ^- ^%^'^ s ^. .^^ % .. Vt my^^ ^^0^ //,&C^'^^%o^ 0^ ■ ^^ ^ - ^^ ^AO^ ^•^> ^-"'"-\^\^..,--, ■^z. d< >{\|f/)),\'%,0^ ^Ho^ c?.*, >^ 'A. ^ %„ .A^ -^jA^^A,'^ % A^' -^^^^A.'^ "^^ TO KY FRIEND TO MY FRIEND By JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY Decorated by Emily Hall Chamberlain The BobbS' Merrill Company publishers Copyright, 1883, 1888, 1891, 1910, 1913. 1914 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY SEP iCI9l4 CI.A370454 You alius had a kind word of counsul to impart. Which was like a healin' 'intment to the sorrow of my hart. J^^ASJi^JJJJ ^JA,K^JJ^^ >^.- And sence 1 can remember, from the time we've neghbored here. In all sich friendly actions you have double-done your sheer. &££!:£:i!£k£znT^5S5^ .. i 7^ 1>Y''- d. i^\ Ways was devius, William Leachman, that me and you has past; But as 1 found you true at first, 1 find you true at last s And, now the time's a-comin' mighty nigh our jurney's end. I want to throw wide open all my soul to you, my friend. With the stren th of all my bein , and the heat of hart and brane, And ev'ry livin drop of blood in artery and vane, When we had to go on hoss-back, and sometimes on "Shanks's mare/' And "blaze" a road fer them behind that had to travel thare. SSfHS^^f^ WM And now we was a-trottin 'long a level gravel pike, In a big two-hoss road-wagon, jest as easy as you like- .U % V kj -^viTv^^^^KKl ?^37??7f777rjrJ7-- OCT 4 - 1950 . ^^^ °- ,'«..■' \*'^' '^ ' ~ ** v>^^-^.%;'--\>* I* ^ i-S^ rV J. % ^ ^'^^4- ^^ '•,^^^".*' ^/ \ '•) o/ % ''•) . ^^ -i - ■eel ^ » ^ ^ -^ s Rr;i¥ :,% ^. -<^ ■■/'^cs^.* .^y" -^ ". ^^ ■ / % --X . V V 1^'"" "% ^^'^<3. XX^' ". i-* .\V '^^ .v^ V » ^^d' -. ^. •^^d< ^^^o^ o fi cu iP ">-. ^• 0^ V. >.3fT - .■ay <^ \- ^ <-""-' J".:' ■" '^' % f^<^ ■■S ^o^ ^j.0^ •' '-^^1 ''i,v iX ♦ J^ • >^.- <*' ^•»^%;■"^'v^*^^•»,%.'"•^%^* •^^ .1^ % .^t.