nass Book - - — COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Shewey's Quid^ apd Dir^etory TO SAINT LOUIS AND A HAND-BOOK OF Historical, Statistical and Chronological INFORMATION. Arista C. Shewey, 14 pine st. st. louis, mo TH Favorite Route / St. Louis. Solid Vestibuled Trains, :TOE Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Grand Central Station, New York, With Through StttPiNO Cams VIA NIAGARA FALLS TO D ^^ O T /^ M THROUGH THE AND TO tSwW I \JlH HOOSAC TUNNEL. Palace Dining Cars ON CHIC AGO, NEW YORK a nd BOSTON TRAINS. TO KANSAS CITY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, DES MOINES, ST. PAUL, AND MINNEAPOLIS in£ITHOV7T CHKNGB, PfiLRCE Reclining Chuir Crrs, Shuts Free OH flUU THROOOH TRAlflS. ST. LOUIS TICKET offices: S. E. Cor. Broadway and Olive Street and Union Depot. Shewey'S * * Quid^ ai^d Directory TO SAINT LOUIS AND A HAND-BOOK OF Histopieal, Statistical and Chronologieal INFORMATION. Arista C. SheweYj^^, -, -^ 714 pine st. st. louis. mo. COPYRIGHT SECURED 1892. EXPLANATORY. Believing tliat tlie public will generally appreciate the compilation of the conditions and principal events concerning oiir marvelous City into a handy little reference book, the publisher has caused this publica- tion to be issued. Examin tion will discover that the field has been covered to a large degree in the most limited space The size will permit of constant carrying, convenient filing and mailing. Great care has been taken to have the informa- tion reliable, and it is believed that few errors will be found. Corrections offered, with authority for the same, will be greatly appreciated by THE PUBLISHER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Academies and Colleges 30, 31 Asylums 13, 14 Autumnal Festivities Ass'n. Officers «& Committees 90,91 Banks 49 Beer Manuf'cd in St. Louis.. .122 Boarding Houses 50, 51 Boards of Trades 14 Boots and Shoes 52 Boulevards 53 Building and Loan Asso- ciations 14 to 19 Building Improvements 48 Business Establishments .. 56 Cab and Coupe Companies.. 34 Chronlogical Events 8 to 10 Churches 19 to 27 City Council and Commit- tees 58 City Government 27, 28 Coal Received in St. Louis, 02 Commercial Palaces . 60 Comparative Business 61 Convents 28,29 Custom House Transac- tions 63 Delegates, names of each Ward 84 Dispensaries 29 Distances from St. Louis by Missouri Kiver . . 64 to 66 Eads Bridge 60 Exposit on, St. Louis 67 Express Offices 34 Fair Grounds 60 Ferry companies 41 Fii<'"Al:u-m 68 to 73 Fire Dfpartment 35-68 Fire K Main, sw. cor. Walnut. MISSOURI RIVER. Kansas City & Missouri River Transportation Co.; office, wharfboat, foot of Olive. St, Louis & Rocheport Packet Co.; office, 115 Vine. 40 transportation-Continued, ILLINOIS RIVER. St. Louis, Naples & P(3oria Packet Co. ; office, wharf] )oat, foot of Olive. TOW BOAT COMPANIES. Dolphin Transportation Co.; office, 620 Chestnut. Michael Transportation Co.; office, 2451 Kosciusko ave. The Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis; office, Laclede Bhl^., 219 N. 4th, and wharfboat, foot of Pine. Western Coal and Tow Co.; office, wharfboat, foot of Carr. FERRIES. Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Railroad Ferry; foot of Poplar. Madison County Ferry; office, 204 N. 3d. St. Clair Ferry & Transfer Co.; office, 015 Chestnut. The Waterloo & Carondelet Turnpike Road and Ferry Co.; office, 615 Chestnut. Wiggins Ferry Co.; office, 3d, se. cor. Chestnut. MARKETS. Allen, 12th, nw. cor. Russell ave. Biddle, 13th. Piddle and O'Fallon. Central, 320 S. Broadway. French, Convent, junction 4th and Broadway. Reservoir, 22d, near Benton. Soulard, west side 7th, near Carroll. ' South St. Louis, 7703 S. Broadway. Sturgeon, North Market, Broadway and 9th. Union, Broadway to 6th, Morgan to l.^ 1;^ t;^ g g >-'a^^ ^. ri '^ P rr^ ^ A rkll^O 1^; 53 732 != = 55 ;:; H£ ccp WP tThrlS^ ^ W ^ O CO p fi^PPE OOOr;-cra:i-:cs p W c: 5' -. ^ r p o ^£:£aQ2<^ ^5 p - CfQ b^7 CD O t^a> ^ ts '-i i-j o o hj ^ p ^§'^ a. o «5 (ii p lL — P cc CD P p p w ai S 2. O O ^ ffl I-! i-s rti 2" ^r ^ w o tro tr- cr - cc- !» O iX .O C O 24 O 2. :,J(-Cgv22 s^p 1^ 5^"^ ii w|;^^pooppg o^'-'^p- ^- . . ■ . ■ • • -^ - '►rr K • ."^ • r^ • • • -. n (^ h-" Oi oooios^-'lco^-'«'Ol-'~^-^O^l-'0^c^Ol-'N:'00<:;^^ogIlot::;oc£J OOCnOOOOOOOOtnOOOOOC'i'CrCrCrrc: — iijOOO o o o o o op apppp ppppp p p p p p p p p p ppp' o'o'o'o ooo o ooo'o o o o o c 'c b c b '= '- '- - 2 S 2 2 ooooooo ooooo oooocc =: r rcrcr £_ = S22 OOOOOOO ooooo OOOOO'C;:^^:^: — ooooooo 49 BOARDING HOUSES. Abf'ln John B. 3fi01 N. llth. Aelstrodt Fi ed'k, 1700 N. B'way. Arth John, 1214 N. Main. Assmanu Ernst, 1336 Franklin av. Avis Kate, 8508 Lindell av. Bach Fred. 509 S, 2d. Barry Annie, 2301 Washington av. Heekman Margaret A. 2216 Olive. Beffa Alexander, 6 N. Levee. Beier Daniel, 2902 Manchester rd. Blakeley Mary, 729 S B'way. Blued rn Theo. 3914 Fairfax av. Boelling Friedolf, 320 Walnut. Bongartz Gustav, 3657 Manches- ter rd. Bovvers Caroline, 200 S. 12th. Brass August, 613 S. B'way, Broekhoff John B. 1711 N. "B'way Brown Bcttie, 1520 Lucas pi. Brown Charles H. 1412 N. Main. Brown & Hamburg. 933 N B'way Bruch Elizabeth, 710 S. B'way. Bui'Chler GeoriiC. 3516 N 14t i. Bunn Benton, 3750Easton av. Bunte Frederick, 2320 Chouteau av. Button Melia J. 1324 Olive Casey Mollie 15(X) Olive. Cliai)niaii Kate, 1707 Olive. Chark-sworth Christine, 915 Franklin av. Ceary Franci.s, 110 N. 12th. Collins Margaret, 308 8. 3d. Coogan James, 4464 Clayton av. Coughlin Margaret A." 4100 N. 2d. Cowan Peter, 703 S. Jefferson av. Cramer Mercy O. 1424 Washing- ton av. Crawford Thos. A. 815 Clinton. Creech Mary J. 1812 N. B'way, Cronin p]llen, 1109 ("hestnut. Crump Lydia, 3414 Lucas av. Cullinane Kate, 116 S. 9 h. Davis Charles W. 1826 N. B'way. Dols Henry, 818 N. ISIam. Donnerberg Mary, 17 S. 16th. Drew Eliza J. 2910 Olive. Duffy Michael, 1120 Locust. Eaches Ann E. 2600 Chestnut. Ehlen Christoph, 3117 Atlantic. Ehrhardt Frederick, 2.3.35 S. 2d. Eickmann Wm. 7948 N. B'way. Eiswirth Peter, 3616 N. B'way. Eller Catherine, 318 S. 4th. Ellis John, 4832 N. B'way. Endris Maria, 3212 Olive. P]ngel John, 2002 Kosciusko. Etzkorn Anna M. 2607 Gravois av. P'enwiek Mary, 1104 Pine. Fulgham S. 908 St. Charles. Funck Edward S. 2112 Franklin av. Funck Rosina, 2000 Morgan. Galligan Jas H. 4531 Easton av. Garvin Maggie, 3548 Lindell av. Gerner Charles. 700 .S. 3d. Girard John, 705 8. 2d. Goodman Newton F. 402 N. 10th. Goodrich Rose C. 1623 Washing- ton av. Gordon Abigail, 1545 N. B'way. Gross Andrew, 2311 N. 9th. Grueni- ger Helena, 420 S. 2d. Hardy Margaret, 1115 Washing- ton av. Hellmers John, 706 S. B'way. Helmer Henry, 500 S. B'way. Hessey James, 1426 Olive. Hessf elder C. 3900 N. B'way. Hilden Sebastian, 627 S. li'way. Hodo Ellen, 418 E. Courtois. Holman Christine, 5 S. 3d. Hooker Melissa A. 1422 Mor- gan. Hughes James, 1450 N. 7th. Ikemeyer Agues, 214 Mound. Jaeger (ieoige W. 2205 N. B'way Ja< ger .John, 1512 Walnut. Johnson Frank H. 1402 North Park pi. Jones Elizabeth, 708 S. B'way. Kanning Frederick, 509 S. 22d. Kingston Nellie, 27 16 Locust. Knapper Albert S.W. 14 6 Wash- ington av, Kogel Robert, 1019 N. 6th. Kogelschatz Minnie, 1123 N. 10th. Krieger John F. 1210 N. 3d. Kropp Louise, 726 S. B'way. Kuehner Charles. 1021 >J. 6th. Lefever Alexander, 179 Carroll. Leunon John, 4553 Easton av. Lother Robert, 1524 N. 10th. Mackeoli James, 1405 Washing- ton av. Magnus Annie, 3141 Franklin av. Maher James, 906 Walnut. Wassler Carl, 1503 Cass av McCawley Wm. 1309 Washing- ton av. 50 BOARDING HOUSES— Continued. McDonald Martha, 2033 Olive. McEviney Tutrick, 2343 lian- dolpli. McMillen George, 903 Bremen av. Metz John, 3025 N. B'way. Milehani Cath'ne A. 1703 Wash- ington av. Miller Mary, 1009 Chouteau av. Mitter Christopher, 210 Wal- nut. Moody Mattie A. 1709 Olive. Nussbauni Joseph, 618 Franklin av. Nussbaumer Katherine, 2614 S. 2d. O'Brien Ella, 141i Olive. O'Hara Kate, 3216 Easton av. Ottenlips John, 1003 Biddle. Pablick Eluiora, 1701 Washing- ton av. Pardek Ferdinand, 504 S. 7th.- Parke Mary L. 944 Chouteau av. Potyra Carl, 305 S. 3d. Preston Bridget, 1028 N. 3d. Raab Mary, 3010 Olive. Richardson Elvina, 3250 Olive. Robinson James, 2404 N. B'way. Rothenberger Matilda, 421 S. 2d. Runde John I). 1311 N. B'way. Rupprecht Jno. C. 2123 Chippe- wa. Ryan Julia, 3014 Easton av. Sanders INIartha, 1514 Chestnut. Sawyer Laura E. 3558 Lindell av. Saxey Mary M. 1801 Wash. Schaaff Casper, 1228 Clark av. Schad Leopold, 1124 Cass av. Schaub Philip, 1102 Market. Schmid Jos .5:'.()2 Ciiouteau av. Sc-liinidt (iiarlcM, i-lOT K'iit;ii'r. Schneider Fit'cr Michael L. 2000 DeKalb. Wcidcr Louis, 510 S. B'way. White Lizzie, 1803 Lucas pi. Wilburn Benjamin F. 3246 Olive. Williams Anna, 921 Pine. Winkelnuyer John, 2845 Bis- marck. Wohii Valentine, 1111 Washing- ton av. Yocuni & Lumpkins, 1537 N. B'way. 51 BOOTS AND SHOES But a decMde ago St. Louis' total output of boots and shoes was valued at the paltry $000,000 for a year. Ten fleeting years, and to-day that same output foots uj) $8,000,000. Last year St. Louis received 244,000 cases of shoes from Boston; Chicago and New York each ranked away above her by over 60,000 cases, but a miglity change has taken place in the past twehe months and St. Louis has pushed past her two former superiors and fills first place with the handsome aggregate of 310,489 cases to lier credit. Chicago comes second with 288,001 cases, and New York is content with 284,544 cases. Following is a table showing the shipments from Bos- ton to the principal distributing x)oiuts throughout the country : Cases. St. Louis 310,489 Cliicago .- 288,001 New York 284,544 Baltimore . .192,367 Philadelphia 117,573 Cincinnati 106,605 Nashville ! 76,041 Memphis 57,775 Cleveland 56,580 Louisville 54,268 NewOrleans 47,886 At this rate of progress in five years from now St. Louis will lead the world in the number of shoes manufac- tured and in the aggregate distribution of same. She has 2)lowed her way through to the front, laboring under the difficulties of inexperience and lack of reputation. Inch by inch she has gained supremacy over all competitors, with but a single exception. Her goods are worn through- out the greater ])art of our country and find their way \uto export channels. 52 . BOULEVARDS. The Street Commissioner of St. Louis is now at work on the plans and construction of a system of boulevards -which will make this city a worthy rival of the older European cities in the beauty of its driveways and great thoroughfares. The system, as outlined by the Board of Public Improvements, will comprise boulevards embracing the following sections of the city: Columbia avenue from west line of Clifton Heights to Kings- highway, and then continued along Magnolia avenue to Grand, 7,200 feet or 1,36 miles. Delmar avenue from Grand to city limits, 22,324 feet or 4.23 miles. Florissant avenue from Hebertstreettocity limits, 25,643 feet or 4.86 miles. Forest Tark Boulevard from Grand avenue to Kingshighway, y,l77 feet or 1.74 miles. Grand avenue from Carondelet Park to Park avenue;, 20,147 feet or 3.82 miles. Grand avenue from Natural Bridge road to Broadway, 4,387 feet or 0.83 miles. Hebert street from 12th street to Florissant avenue, 2,193 feet or 0.42 miles. Kingshighway from Arsenal street to F'lorissant avenue, 30,716 feet or 5.82 niiles.' Loughborough avenue fi-om Broadway to Gravois, 11,360 feet or 2.15 miles. Lindell avenue from Grand avenue to Kingshighway, 9,411 ftiet or 1.78 miles. Maeklin avenue from Arsenal street to Forest Park, 8,619 feet or 1.63 miles. McCausland road from Clayton road to Manchester road, 8,070 feet or 1.15 miles. Park avenue from 11th street to KingshigliAvay, 19,096 feet op 3.62 miles. Pine street from 12th street to Kijigshighway, 20,346 feet or 3.85 miles. Page avenue from Easton avenue to city limits, 20,818 feet or 3.94 miles. Russell avenue from 12th street to Grand avenue, 8,215 feet or 1.56 miles. St. Louis avenue from 12th street to city limits, 26,262 feet or 4.97 miles. Skinker road from Clayton road to Florissant avenvie, 33,100 feet, or 6.27 miles. Twelfth street from Russell avenue to Ilebert, 17,795 feet or 3.37 miles. Union avenue from Forest Park to Natural liridge road, 13,632 feet or 2.58 miles. Total, 316,511 feet or 59.95 miles. 53 ST. LOUIS BRIDGES. Eads. Merchants. Centre span 515 ft, 533 ft 5 in. Other spans 497 ft. 521 ft. 5 in. The pier foundations of the Eads Bridge are 136 feet below the river surface ; cost $9,000,000. The Merchants cost, with approaches, $3,000,000. ST. LOUIS STREET RAILWAYS. MILES. Benton-Bellefontaine (Electric) 8 Baden and North St. Louis (Horse) 3 Cass Avenue and Fair Grounds (Horse) 7 Forest Park and Laclede (Electric) 5i Jefferson Avenue (Horse) 5.70 Lindell, three lines (Electric) 35 Missouri, two lines (Cable and Electric) 18 J Mound City (Electric) 8 Northern Central (Horse) 10 Peoples' (Cable) 10 Southern (Electric) 8.30 Union (Horse) 8 Union Depot, three lines (Electric) 27 St. Louis and Suburban (Electric) 24.61 Citizens' (Cable) 15.50 St. Louis (Cable) 14| Fourth St. and Arsenal Railway (Horse and Cable) 6 Total 214.36 SUMMER GARDENS. Schnaider's Mississippi and Chouteau avenues. Uhrig's Cave Jefferson and Washington avenues. Bodeman's Grove ... Grand avenue and Wyoming street. Concordia Park Thirteenth and Wyoming streets. Klausman's Cave 8639 South Broadway. Koerner's Lafayette and 2d Carondelet avenues. The Bellevue Easton avenue and King's Highway. 54 BUSINESS OF ST. LOUIS BRIDGES AND FERRIES, 1891, And comparison with previous years. Amouut of freight in tons transferred across the river at St. Louis during 1891, PROM ST. LOUIS TO EAST ST. LODIS, VENICE AND CARONDBLET. BY The St. Louis Bridge Tile St. TiOuis Bridge, by wagon MerelKiuts Bridge The Wiggins Ferry Th(^ Wiggins F<'rry, by wagon The Caronchdet Ferry Louisville, Evunsville & St. L. Ferry The Madison County Ferry Cars. 95,741 28,623 35,701 Tons. 1,349,733 190,103 581,826 417,322 Total Tons. 1,539,836 344,191 999,148 72,195 8,625 43.364 Total tons West to East durii ig 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 3,007,359 2,735,595 2,144,524 2,104,140 1,72<»,481 << H it n 1,628,530 1,650,725 u l,89f),680 FROM EAST ST, LOUIS, CARONDELET AND VENICE TO ST. LOUIS. BY Cars. Tons. Total Tons. The St. Louis Bridge 128,871 2i,i06 66,792 2,869,550 448,132 1,105,464 718,391 Th(; St. Louis Bridge, by wagon 3,317,682 357 663 The Wiggins Ferry '.'..' '''.!7.;;."."' The Wiggins Ferry, by The Carondelet Ferry.. Louisville Evunsville S^ wagon 1,823,855 230,412 r .Qf T. Ve^rrv 18,743 The Madison County Ferry., 72,411 Total tons East to W est during 1891 " 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 5,820,766 4,897,358 4,481,842 n a 4,226,761 u u 4,474,531 « a 4,068,165 " " 3,626,585 3,437,233 Total both Ways 1 " " 1 1 " 1 1 391 . . .. 8,S2R,125 B90 7,632,953 889- 6,626,366 888 6,330,901 887 . ^,204,012 55 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Artists, 61. Bakeries, 326. Banks, 26. Barber shops, 545. Boarding houses, 166. Boots and shoes, wholesale, 15; manufacturers, 20; retail, 710. Breweries, 27. Carpenters, 380. Cigars, 442. Clothing, wholesale, 40 ; retail 80 Coal, wholesale, 51; retail, 40. Commission merchants, 25 '. Confectioners, wholesale, 15; ret;iil, 150. Dentists, 92. Dressmakers, 454. Druggists, whol.,11; retail, 280. Dry goods, com., 2; wholesale, 11; retail, 300. Furniture, whol., 45; retail, 115. Groceries, whol., 48; retiiil, 1,410. Hardware, mfrs., 9; wholesale, 9; retail, 90. Insurance companies, accident, 22; life, 42; fire, 60. Hotels, 60. Laundries. 78. Lawyers, 350. Meat markets, 728. INIidwives, 250. aiilk depots, 35. IMilliners,wholesale,8;rctail,87. Music teachers, 225. Notaries Public, 181. riiysicians and surgeons, 800. Printers, 150. Publishers, 150. Heal estate,. ^50. Restaurants, 70. Saloons, 1,3.33. Tailors, wholesale, 50; retail, 350 1 Normal. 85 Public schools. 35 Academies, colleges, etc 85 Parochial schools. SCHOOLS, ETC. 15 Libraries. 9 3Iedical dispensaries. 23 Ho.^pitals. 33 Cemeteries. SECRET SOCIETIES. 55 Masonic; A. F. and A. M., 29; Royal Arch Chapter, 7 ; Royjil and Select Masters, 1 ;Knights Templar, 6; A. anxl A. Scottish Rite Masons, 6; Order of the Eastern Star, 5; St. Louis Ma- sonic Board of Relief, 1. Odd Fellows. Knights of Pythias. Pythian Sisters. Knights of Honor. Knights and Ladies of Honor. K. and L. of Industry. Legion of Honor. Chosen Friends, Order of the Helping Hand. Order of Scottisli Clans, Grand Armv of the Republic. Woman's Relief Corps. Union Veterans Union, Dept. of Missouri. Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. Ancient Order of Foresters. A. O U. W. Gr'nd Leg'n S. K. of A. O. U.W. Order of Mutual Protect on. U S. Benevolent Fraternity. Am rican Protestant Assns. U. A. of Druids. Harugeri. 0. D. 11. S. Sons of Hermann. 1. O. F. B. (True League.) Seven Wise Men. Good Ladies. 1 Pliittdeutsche. 6 Red Men. 9 Order of Aegis. 20 Supreme Sitting Order of the Iron Hall. 25 American Legion of Honor. 2 Knighls of the Golden Eagle. 1 Christian Benevolent Ass'n of America. 2 Bands of Hope. 1 Knights of Hope. 8 Independent Order Good Templars. 1 Knights of the Golden Rule. 18Hel)rewI.O.B. B. 22 Royal Arcanum. 1 Royal League. 2 Shield of Honor. IBencNolent and Protective Order of Elks. 8 Nation 1 Union. 3 Patriotic Order Sons of Amer. 34 Catholic Knights of America. 22 Knights of Father Matthew. 10 Ancient Order of Hiberians, 32 Knights of Labf)r. 36 Trades Unions, etc. 17 United Brotherhood of Car- penters and Joiners. .30 Singing Societies. 10 Turn Vereine Societies. 26 Bohemian. 224 Miscellaneous. Total number 850. 56 CHIEFS OF POLICE. APPOINTMENT ANO RETIREMENT. NAME, APPOINTMENT. EETIEEMENT. McDonough, Jas. R April 10, 1861. Oct. 18, 1861. March 16, 1865. Oct. 22, 1866. June 22, 1868. Sept. 30, 1870. June 1, 1874. Nov. 30, 1875. June 8, 1881. Aug. 1, 1882. Oct. 9, 1883. Nov. 6, 1883. Jan. 8, 1884. May 4, 1886. May 20, 1890. Oct. 18, 1861. Couzins, Jno. E. D Laibold, Bernard. March 16, 1865. Oct. 22, 1866. Finn, Wm. F June 22, 18(J8. Lee, William Sept. 26, 1870. McIX)nough, Jas. R March 10, 1874. Harrigan, Laurence Nov. 18, 1875. McDonough, Jas. R. Kennett, Fred. B Campbell Jno. W June 8, 1881. Aug. 1, 1882. Oct. 9, 1883. Taffe, Bernard P Campbell, Jno. W llanigau, Laurence llueljler, Anton. Nov. 6, 1883. Dec. 28, 1883. May 4, 1886. May 20, 189 ». Harrigan, Laurence.". Present Chief SALARIES. Board of Police Commissioners, each $1,000 per year Secretary 2,500 Chief of Police 3,500 Captain of Police 1,800 Chief of Detectives 1,800 Detectives 1,200 " Sergeants 1,200 " Patrolman 1 000 Probationary Patrolman 720 " Turnkeys 780 " 1 Chief of Police; 1 Assistant Chief of Police; 7 Captains; 65 Sergeants ; 662 Patrolmen ; 16 Detectives ; 24 Turnkeys; 1 Chief of Detectives. Tlie police force of St. Louis is conceded to be one of the finest in America in efficiency, consisting of G18 men. To these $636,012.26 are paid in salaries. The city is divided into five districts and a district of mounted police, over which the force x^atrols. 57 CITY COUNCIL. officers: Cykus p. Walbkidge, President. Wm.M.Horton, Vice-President. Wm. H. Osmer, _ Secretary. Chas. Gundlach,... Assistant Secretary Thos. Bkady, Sergeant-at-Arms. COMMITTEES-APPOINTIVE. Ways and Means — Nelson Cole, John C. Bensiek, Wm. Culliuane. Public Improvements — Wm. M. Horton, Chas. James, Wm. T. Anderson. Sanitary Affairs — Chas. James, Andrew Hoolan^ John A. Sloan. Police — John C. Bensiek, Andrew Hoolan, Chas. E. Wehner. Claims— E. F. W. Meier, Chas, James, Wm. T. Anderson. Fire Department — Wm. Cullinane, John C. Bensiek, John A. Sloan. Railroads— Chas. E. Wehner, E. F. W. Meier, Andrew Hoolan. Markets— Chas. James, Andrew Hoolan, Wm. M. Horton. Engrossed and Enrolled Bills— Albert Arnstein, Charles James, Nelson Cole. Municipal Affairs— M. M. Flesh, Wm. Cullinane, Wm. T. Anderson. Legislation — Andrew Hoolan. Chas. James, M. M. Flesh. Elections and Registration— Wm. T. Anderson, Wm. M. Horton, E. F. W. .Meier. Council — ^Wm. Cullinane, John. C. Bensiek, M. M. Flesh. MuLLANPHY Fund — Albert Arnstein, John. A. Sloan, Chas. James. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. OFFICERS: Thomas J. Ward, Speaker. James H. Townsend, Sx^eaker pro tern. Thos. E. Barrett, „ Clerk. John H. Stussel, __ Assistant Clerk. James F. Mooney, Sergeaut-at-Arnis. Daniel R. Gibson, Page. COMMITTEES— APPOINTIVE. Ways and Means— James H. Towasend, Edward P. Grimley, Thomas Cosgrove, James E. Hagerty, Louis Spelbrink. Public Improvements — Conrad Huber, Jos, Rauer, Thos. G, Kaye, Wm. H. O'Brien, James A. Dacey, Henry Alt, Julius Lehman n. Railroads— Thos. F. Bradshaw, Jas. P. Egan, Jas. H. Cronin, Edward J. McGroarty, Patrick H. Clark. Claims — Peter O'Brien, John Courtney, Patrick Mul- larky, Sylvester P. Keyes, Louis Diekman. Fire Department — Joseidi Rauer, James A. Dacey, Jas. H. Cronin, Henry O. Siegmuud, Frederick G. Uthoff. Police AND Workhouse — Thomas J. Kinnavey, John Courtney, Charles Schoenbeck. Sanitary Affairs— James E . Hagerty, Thomas Cos- grove, Edward J. McGroarty, John J. Bogard, Henry Alt. Legislation — Edward P. Grimley, James H. Town- send, Peter O'Brien, John J. Bogard, Hy. O. Siegmund. Markets — James P. Egan, Conrad Huber, Patrick H. Clark. Public Accounts — Patrick Mullarky, Tlios. J. Kinna- vey, Julius Lehmau. Election and Registration — Wm. H. O'Brien, Thos. G. Kaye, Louis Spelbrink. House of Delegates — Thos. G. Kaye, John Courtney, Sylvester P. Keyes. Engrossed and Enrolled Bills — Thomas Cosgrove, Thos. J. Bradshaw, Louis Diekmann. 69 COMMERCIAL PALACES. Merchants' Exchange cost, $3,000,000 Cup}3les' Building, 7 stories " 1,500,000 Security Building, 11 stories " 1,000,000 Equitable Building, 10 stories • " 1,000,000 Exposition Building " 750,000 Odd Fellows' Hall, 8 stories " 700,000 American Cen. Building, 8 stories " 500,000 Mercantile Library, 6 stories " 400,000 Laclede Building, 8 stories " 400,000 Commercial Building, 8 stories " 400,000 Globe-Democrat Building, 8 stories " 360,000 Boatmen's Bank Building, 7 stories " 350,000 Bank of Commerce Building, 8 stories " 300,000 Turner Building, 8 stories " 3,00000 Fagii\ Building, 8 stories '' 250,000 Houser Building, 7 stories " 180.000 FAIR GROUNDS. The annual Fair (Agricultural and Mechanical) has gained a world-wide rei)utation as being the finest Fair Grounds and giving the greatest exhibition of its character on the continent. Over $70,000 in i)remiums distributed. It contains 143 acres; amx)hitheater holds 100,000 people; entrance 25 cents, fair week 50 cents; race track occuj)ies 63 acres, one mile track, arranged for hurdle; trotting and running stables for 600 horses. Admittance to Fair Grounds and race track and chair in grand stand, $1,00. Boxes, seating six persons, $10,00. THE GREAT BRIDGE Cost $10,000,000; five years in building; built by J. B. Eads ; entrance at Third street and Washington avenue. Total length, 6,220 feet ; width, 55 feet ; center span, 55 feet above the Avater ; center arch 520 feet ; pipes sunk 90 feet to solid rock. Promenade ticket, 5c ; 'bus. 10c ; horse and buggy, 25c carriage, 35c ; each passenger, 5c extra. 60 COMPARATIVE BUSINESS rN LEADING ARTICLES AT ST. LOUIS FOR 1890-91. ARTICLES. Flour, am'nt manufactured bbls. " " handled Wheat, total receipts bushels Corn, '* '' Oats, *' " '' Rye, '' " " Barley, " " All grain received (includ- flour reduced to wheat) " Cotton receipts bales Bagging, manufactured yards Hay, receipts tons Tobacco, receipts hhds Lead, receipts in pigs 80 lb., pigs Hog product, total shipments, lbs Cattle, receipts head Sheep, " " Hogs, '' " Horses and Mules, receipts. . '* Lumber and Logs, " .. feet Shingles, " . . pes Lath, " . . " Wool, total receipts lbs Hides, " " Sugar, received " Molasses, shipped galls Coffee, received bags Rice, receipts pkgs Coal, " l3ush Nails, '* kegs Potatoes, receipts bush Salt, *' bbls " " sacks " " bush, in bulk Butter lbs Tons of freight of all kinds rec'd and shipped 1890. 1,872,005 4,313,567 11,730,774 45,003,681 12,229,955 501,054 2,794,880 77,795,232 587,187 12,000,000 114,092 37,558 1,756,850 379,346,147 630,014 358,496 1,359,789 82,071 681,810,588 64,173,150 16,336,650 20,540,503 28,245,828 140,281,225 2,467,060 222,765 115,970 69,477,225 471,352 1,476,913 326,189 33,848 168,030 13,661,924 1891. 1,748,190 4,932,464 25,523,183 21,530,940 12,432,215 1,149,490 2,108.546 68,835,754 765,784 15,000,000 141,398 41,042 1,739,977 358,595,516 779,499 402,989 1,380,569 55,975 865,398,011 73,980,750 20,231,050 21,975,954 34,744,949 253,960,132 2,657,990 253,154 87,192 72,078,225 440,679 1,832,137 381,671 42,478 388,440 13,791,258 16,505,733 16,420,027 The progress that our city has made in manufactures is especially worthy of notice, demonstrating that a city can succeed both as a commercial and manufacturing center. 61 AMOUNT COAL RECEIVED IN ST. LOUIS, R. R. ROUTE. . . 1891. Bushels. 1890. Bushels. Ohio and Mississippi. Chicago, Alton & St. Louis C. C. C. and St. Louis St. Louis and Iron Mountain St. Louis, Vandalia add Terre Haute Cairo Short Line 12,078.475 901,650 5,407,200 83,875 11,456,950 12,348,050 6,344,375 5,932,675 7,514,300 3,618,550 3.372,800 1,597,500 4,150 18,175 1,399,500 10,847,950 568,475 3,455,125 151,150 12,977,025 13,824,900 7,418,225 4 012 000 Wabash Louisville and Nashville l^ouisville, Evansville and St. Louis. Mobile and Ohio 7,305,800 3,787 150 Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City. . Jacksonville Southeastern Missouri Pacific 3,085,875 5,050 St. Louis and San Francisco From Ohio River 2,038,500 . 72,078,225 69.477,225 Note.— Receipts of Anthracite Coal, included in |abOve receipts: TONS. 1881 42,000 1882 60,000 1883 , 52,000 1884 62,000 1885 80,000 1886 70,000 1887 65,000 1888 65,000 1889 50,000 1890 75,000 1891 74,000 Receipts of Coke: 1879 4,17.3,500 bush, of 40 lbs 1880 9,547,100 1881 ...12,860,700 1882 10,086,600 1883 6,956,500 1884 .3,190,150 1885 3,500,000 1886 5,4fi3,950 1887 9,584,350 1888 6,757,550 "■ " 1889 :. 8,646,200 1890 9,919,850 " ♦' 1891 6,924,250 " " Not included in receipts of Coal. 62 CUSTOM HOUSE TRANSACTIONS, 1891. COMMODITIES Ale and Beei' A nvils Artworks Books and Printed Matter Bricks and Tile Barley, bushels, 38,232 Brushes Carpets - Cement Chemicals and Drugs China and Earthenware Corks and Manufactures of Cutlery Diamonds and Precious Stones Fancy Goods Fish Free Goods Glassware Guns, Fire Arms, etc Hops Jewelers' Merchandise Manufacturers of Cotton... " " Linen.... " " Iron " " Leather " " Metals ... " " Paper " Silk " Wood " Wool uments its >l()rs :. Musical Insit Nuts and Vv\ Paints and C Rice, Granulated Seeds, etc Steel, Bars Steels, Wire Tin Plate Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes Varnishes Wines Window Glass Woolen Dress Goods Spirituous Liquors Sugar, Maple and other f Released free under new law Suear i Apr. 1, 1891, on which duty I ° ) would have been: pounds, f I 14,931,547; $880,411.74. J Miscellaneous Merchuudise Collections from additional duti storage and oter sources Value. Duty. $ 29,239 00 $ 11,340 80 23,874 00 8,556 84 5,010 00 865 10 4,9(52 80 1,360 80 207 00 120 15 24,044 00 11,469 61 19,800 00 7,944 00 3,622 00 2,340 42 59,803 00 12,302 17 134,701 00 31,542 99 167,580 OC 97,605 95 54,719 00 14,231 30 36,700 00 30,364 60 44,9S9 00 4,498 90 31,655 00 13,915 28 13,833 00 3,905 41 334,631 00 73,262 00 53,771 33 71,882 00 28,370 10 30,447 (K) 10,331 85 2S,9S(; 70 7,437 25 252,094 00 143,052 95 122,0(;9 00 52,639 01 17,344 00 8,359 07 • 8,871 00 1,995 31 213,146 00 95,843 94 13,596 00 3,899 65 30,922 00 16,463 96 17,369 00 6,524 57 30,776 00 24,867 65 3,873 00 1,447 95 7,517 00 2,028 12 12,908 00 3,322 05 167,468 00 25,259 96 12,304 00 2,577 58 10,520 00 3,371 26 122,64.S 0(3 57,394 59 299,17s 0(3 87,870 00 105,817 00 126,378 96 1,291 00 451 85 119,93() 00 64,679 21 201,748 00 54,385 89 61,264 00 53,475 43 51,833 00 52,674 46 6,297 00 887 20 6(;0,2!)5 00 39,822 00 $3,785,723 50 $3,785,723 50 12,831 00 $1,254,956 47 6i,354 95 $1,316,311 42 This statement includes merchandise constructively re- ware- housed and withdrawn. 63 DISTANCES FROM ST. LOUIS TO POINTS ON THE MISSOURI RIVER The distances from St. Louis to jioiuts on the Mis- souri are as follows : Miles. To mouth Missouri river 20 Bellefontaine Bend . 5 Jamestown 2 Charbonier 8 St. Charles 10 HowartlBend 12 Bonhomme Island . 1 Howell's Ferry 4 Dozier 5 Port Royal 1 Tavern Roek 1 Mount Albans 1 Augusta 6 Jones Point 2 South Point 4 Basoni 1 Washington 1 Tuqvie Point 1 St. John's Landing. . 2 Newport Landing 2 Miller's Landing 9 Hermann 23 Gasconade 8 Portland 12 St. Aubert's 10 Shipley's 4 Bonnot's Mills 7 Osage 2 Moreau 5 Jefferson City .. 5 Claysville Marion Martin's Landing 7 Nashville 7 Mount Yernon 7 Rocheport 8 Boonville 12 La Mine 8 Arrow Rock 8 Total, f 2o' 25 27 35 45 10 69 70 76 78 82 83 84 85 87 89 98 121 129 141 151 155 162 164 169 174 181 191 198 205 212 220 •232 240 248 Miles. Glasgow 17 Cambridge 9 Brunawick 26 Miami 15 Waverly _ 31 Dover Landing 13 Lexington 12 Wellington .. 8 Camden 13 Napoleon 8 Richfield 24 Liberty 15 Kansas City 21 Kansas River 2 Leavenworth 13 LittlePlatte 1 Weston 33 Atchison 15 DoniiDhan 7 Maysville 28 Palermo 24 St. Joseph 11 Nodaway 25 Iowa Point 30 Brownsville 40 Nebraska City 30 Plattsmouth 21 PlatteRiver 3 St. Mary's 2 Council Bluffs 15 Florence 10 Fort Calhoun 10 DeSoto 15 Tekama 30 Sioux City 60 Yellowstone River 1075 Great Falls 675 Rocky Mount. Gates 110 Total. 265 274 300 315 346 359 371 379 389 397 421 436 457 459 472 473 506 521 528 556 580 591 616 646 686 716 737 740 742 792 822 882 1957 2632 2742 64 DISTANCES FROM ST. LOUIS TO POINTS ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER, The distauces from St. Lou Mississippi are as follows : Miles. Total To Mouth of Missouri... 20 20 To Alton 5 Grafton 18 Cap au Gris 27 Worthington 10 Hamburg 10 Clarksville 15 Louisiana 12 Cincinnati, 111 15 Saverton 8 Hannibal 7 Marion 10 Quincy 10 La Grange 10 Canton 8 Tully 2 Warsaw ... 20 Keokuk .... 5 Montrose .... 12 Fort Madison 12 Pontoosac 6 Dallas . . 2 Burlington .... 15 Oquawka .15 Keithbury 12 New Boston .... 8 Port Louisa .. . 12 Muscatine 18 Rock Island :^o Hampton .. 12 Le Clair . .. 6 Camanche . ... 18 Albany 2 Fulton . . 10 Sabula 18 Savanna 2 Galena 30 Dubuqvie 25 Will's Landing. . . . 12 Waupaton 8 25 ii 70 80 te id av. 571 Cabanne pi. and Belt av. 71 FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH-CoNTrwuED. 572 578 574 575 576 577 578 579 5S1 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 641 642 643 644 Stations. Taylor and Delmar avs. Bell and Pendleton avs. Lindell and Taylor avs. Page and Spring avs. Easton and H;imilton avs. Maple and Hamilton avs. Delmar av. & King's High- way. Bayard and Page avs. Taylor and Cote Brilliante avs. Taylor and Maffit avs. North Market and Goode av Evans and Prairie avs. Goode and Kenn erly avs. Kennerly andCora avs.. Euclid and Kennerly avs. Ashland and Fair avs. Ashland and Taylor avs. Easton and Pendleton avs. Marcus and Cote Brilliante avs. Goodfellow and Gates avs. Page and Union avs. Ridge and Florence avs. Bayard av. and St. L. S. Ry. Euclid and Cote Brilliante avs. Cliristian Brothers College. Chouteau ai.d Theresa avs. Hickory and McKenzie avs. Caroline and Cardinal av. Park and Ewing avs. Chouteau and Ewing avs. Rutger and Ohio av. Chouteau and Ohio avs. Jefferson and Lafayette avs Compton and Russell avs. Coiupton and Lafayette avs Oregon and Lafayette avs. California and Russell avs. Geyer and Ohio avs. Jefferson and Russell avs. Jefferson and Gravois avs. Gravols and California avs. Arsenal and Gravois av. Arsenal and Jefferson av. California av. and Juniata. Cherokee and Iowa av. Cherokee and Jefferson av. Chippewa and Jefferson a v. Chippewa and Oregon av. California av. and Miami. Gravois av. and Wyoming. .Gravois av. and Cherokee. Lafayette and Mississippi avs.' Park and Armstrong avs. Chouteau and Missouri avs. Chouteau and Mississippi No. Stations. 645 Rutger and 2d Cardt. av. 646 Lafayette and 2d Cardt. avs. 647 Geyer and 2d Cardt. avs. 648 Geyer and McNair avs. 649 Shenandoah and Missouri av. 651 Cherokee and 2d Cardt. av. 652 Arsenal and 2d Cardt. av. 653 Buena Vista and Shenan- doah. 654 McNair av. nr. Gravois av. 655 Pestalozzi and Salena. 656 Sidney and Cambria. 657 Barton and 2d Cardt. av. 658 Crittenden and McNair av. 659 Lynch and McN air av. 661 Utah and Wisconsin av. 662 Penn and Liberty. 663 Lynch and 2d Cardt. av. 664 Indiana av. and Pestalozzi. 665 Shenandoah and Ohio av. 667 Michigan av. and Rappa- hannock. 668 Wyoming and Ohio av. 669 Shenandoali andOr gan av 671 Jefferson av. and Miami. 672 Osage and Iowa av. 673 Chippewa and Pennsylvan- ia av. 674 California av. and Henrietta 675 Ohio and St. Vincent avs. 676 Todd av. and Henrietta. 677 Compton and Park avs. 678 Joab and Hickory. 679 Cardinal and Chouteau avs 681 Geyer and Minnesota avs, 682 Gasconade and Nebras" aav 683 Park and Jefferson avs. 684 Chippewa and Compton av. 712 Manchester rd. and Clayton av. 713 Manchester rd. and Chou- teau av. 714 Old Manchester rd. and Tower Grove sta. 715 Mount Vernon and Norfo'.k avs. 716 Clayton and Boyle avs. 717 Manchester rd. and Mack- lind av. •718 Manchester rd.and Sublette av. 719 Manchester rd.and Sulphur av. 721 Manchester rd. and Caban- ne av 722 Grand and Lafayette avs. 723 Shaw and Grace avs. 724 Grand av. and Rappahan- nock. 725 Grand and Gravois avs. 1 72 FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH-Continued. No. Stations. No. Stations. 726 Morgan Ford rd., Russell- 832 St. Louis av. and 23d. ville. 833 Hebert and 22d. 727 King's Highway and Reber 834 Sullivan av. and 19th Insane Asylum. 835 Wright and 19th. 728 836 Wri-ht and 13th 729 Female Hospital. 837 Dodier and 25th, 731 Laciede and Vandevcnter 838 St. Louis av. and Parnell. avs. 839 Jefferson av. and Wright. 732 New Manchester rd. and 841 Mallinckrodt and 11th. Tower Grove av. 842 Broadway and Buchanan. 733 New Manchester rd. and 843 Destrehan and 2d. King's Highway. 844 Mallinckrodt and 2d. 734 Grand av. and Shenandoah 845 Broadway and Salisbury. 735 Clayton rd, and Newstead 846 Salisbury and Hall. av. 847 Bremen av. and 2d. 736 Clayton rd. and Briggs av. 848 Un on Stock Yards, Bre- 737 Duncan and fcjarah. men av. 738 West End of Reber pi 849 Laclede Rolling Mills, Far 73^ Poor House. ry St. 741 Morgan Ford rd. and Mera- 851 Salisbury and Florissant av mec. 852 Sa isbury and Biair av. 742 King's Highway and Old 853 Bremen and Blair avs. Manchester rd. 854 Destrehan and 19th. 743 Morgan Ford rd. and Grav- 855 Angelrodt and Blair av. ois av. 856 Branch and 20th. 751 Clayton rd. and Sarah. 857 Bremen av. and 23d. 752 New Manchester rd. and 858 Glasgow av. and 25th. Prather av. 859 Nat. Hdge rd. and Thomp- 812 St. Louis av. and Hall. son av. 813 Wright and 2d. 861 Palm and 25th. 814 St. Louis av. and 10th. 862 Salisbury and Palm. 815 Hebert and 11th. 863 New house av. and 20th. 816 Branch and 9th (CarWorks) 864 Newhouse av. and Broad- 817 Branch and Broadway. way. 818 Dock and Commercial. 865 Ferry and 20th. 819 Dock and 9th. 866 Broadway and Grand av. 821 Buchanan and 11th. 867 Broadway and Prairie av. 822 Angelica and 9th. 868 Broadwav and Withers. 823 Broadway and Cornelia. 869 2d and Talcot. 824 Angelica and Main. Main and Douglas. 871 Adelaide and 2d. 825 872 Broadway and Carrie av. S26 Douglas and 2d. 873 Broadway and Bittner, Ba- 827 Blair av. and Bissell. den. 828 Penrose and 14th. F74 Grand and McKissock avs. 829 Bremen av. and 11th. 875 Blair av. and Pabn. 831 Sullivan av. and 23d. 876 Jefferson av. and Hebert. 73 FIRE RECORD FOR 1891 MONTHS. Insurance. Loss to Ins. Companies. January February March ;.;.;.;;;;;::;:; April May June July ■■.v;z:.;:;;;:;.:;;:': August : September $ 726,453 00 630,269 45 416,148 76 1,319,705 00 876,845 00 685,795 22 557,733 68 541,025 00 1,009,297 99 318,150 00 2,020,178 76 458,580 00 $ 58,596 47 268,563 20 67,789 23 81,231 75 20,953 30 274,382 10 71,948 89 145,337 81 576,204 63 October 29,043 86 November December 998,444 32 200,444 20 Totals $9,659,181 86 $2,792,939 76 NUMBER OF ALARMS. Box Alarms 1051 Still Alarms 320 False Alarms 85 Second Alarms 20 Third Alarms 9 Fourth Alarms 2 No Alarms . 192 Total Alarms 1679 INSCRANCK LOSSES AND PERCENTAGES ON BUILDINGS AND CONTENTS DURING TWENTY TEARS. Year. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882. 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887. 1888 1889 1890 1891 No. fires and Alarms 234 20f) 222 246 301 297 293 407 461 491 582 671 737 727 827 953 802 977 1021 1572 Amount of Insurance. $2,442,945 00 1,693,834 00 2,214,133 00 1,871,248 00 2,161,890 00 3,859,706 42 2,057,346 00 2,918,863 00 3,398,819 08 8,651,654 80 5,429,954 36 3,724,893 37 4,850,511 52 3,949,542 19 4,294,175 00 6,774,717 93 4,134,079 49 6,388,535 00 6,671,510 03 9,659,181 86 Amount of Losses to In- surance Co.'s, $ 944,231 00 633,317 00 503,937 00 358,520 00 401,147 00 1,999,800 18 372,186 67 1,056,634 83 1,111,725 34 1,473,132 94 1,282,421 65 1,067,135 03 1,281,860 60 475,194 59 1,325,483 30 1,990.629 83 752,887 12 1.549,101 59 1,067. 130 SO 2,792,!>39 76 Per centage. 38 57 37 37 27 75 19 15 18 55 31 08 18 09 36 20 32 70 40 .35 21 22 28 65 26 42 12 03 30 86 34 03 18 21 22 51 15 9!t 28 91 74 AMOUNT OF FLOUR MANUFACTURED IN VARIOUS CITIES. 1891, Bbls. Minneapolis 7,877,947 St. Louis 1,748,190 Baltimore 458,044 St. Paul 12,001 Philadelphia 240,000 Milwaukee 1.827,284 Buffalo ..... 700,000 Toledo 270,000 Detroit 380,000 Chicago 578,180 Duluth 684,000 Kansas City 250,000 Peoria 124,248 Cincinnati 227,963 Cleveland 518,000 San Francisco 300,000 1890. 1889. BblH. Bbls. 6,988,830 6,088,865 1,872,005 2,066,442 526,191 573,717 i, '397, 039 1,265,833 1,500,000 250,000 211,500 166,000 430,609 431,000 84,446 474,480 209.000 111,000 116,412 226,212 382,000 FLOUR INSPECTION. Report of Flour Inspected by the Exchange Board of Flour Inspectors. 1891. Bbls. January 32,775 FebruaVy 38,825 March 49,671 April 36,107 May 31,645 June 36,426 July 44,003 Aiigust 43,216 September 40,317 October 43,357 November 39,510 December .4 2.978 Total barrels.. 478, 830 594 1)arrels Patent. 80.545 " Extra Fancy 2,552 " . Fancy. 1891. 1891. Bbls. Bbls. 41,048 45,938 71,013 68,747 60,779 63,184 66,056 50,384 60,624 43,559 50,055 49,403 69,974 50,357 73,632 77,058 55,277 82,096 45,787 70,696 33,507 50,073 29,972 49,737 657,697 701,232 UKING 1891. 3,279 barrels Choice. 1,436 Family. 487 XXX. irjoioco-^oooi-ococoooio ^5 SM C^) Ol >-l 1-1 I 00 S^ CV| Ca >-( iH i-O 1-H eo^- .■' r" -^i . r ; "^ ^ >— ^ M r--^ •" , d :S'=<<<=i ii - s o o o ■ a o © S S d !=C;g O :::oo.5o<4H SbCO^':^^ O -i O oco»-HO-t < lOO- t- O CD O O C7S rt O CD OO -*< O ^ CD OO lO > O oooooo I in CO QOO CC ! O 1- o: w:2 « c3 MO fl s o S y:;^ fl --I S « o o o : ■J'E '^R 5- '^ O O : ^ O : -.'a ■■ o to :^^ i^o ; io :■ ^ 0.2^0 O^ : ti; 2^ « ^5 3 g K ;= ,r /^^^^-^ .^*3 76 STATISTICS OF MANUFACTORIES. ELEVENTH CENSUS— 1890. Number of establislmieuts 5,403 VALUE OF PLANT— Land $13,088,076 Buildings 16,193,068 Machinery, tools, etc 17,538,554 Total $45,739,698 LIVE ASSETS— Raw materials $15,705,113 Stock in process and finished products. . 31,543,430 Cash bills, accounts receivable, etc 37,782,587 Total $75,030,119 Total capital in direct investment $130,759,817 Value of property hired 36,194,170 Total aggregate capital $146,953,987 MLSCELLANEOUS EXPENSE ITEMS— Kent $ 3.130,316 Power and heat 70,165 Taxes 7,434,785 Insurance 797,664 Ordinary repairs, buildings and mach. . 1,193,767 Interest on cash used in business 703,693 Sundries not elsewhere reported 4,433,300 Total $16,751,589 Depreciation of bldgs & mach since June 1 , 1880, 875,918 Summary of Labor and Wages of all Classes, including liecework. HANDS EMPLOYED— Males above 10 years 70,081 Females above 15 years 13,535 Children 3,336 Aggregate number of hands employed. . 85,943 WAGES PAID— Males above 16 years $44,543,577 Females above 15 years 3,631,145 Children 391,009 Aggregate wages paid $48,555,731 MATERIALS USED— Cost of principal materials $99,933,958 Cost of fuel 1,538,309 Cost of mill supplies 1,513,418 Cost of other materials 11,154,116 Total cost of all materials $114,138,701 GOODS MANUFACTURED— Value of principal products $199,966,989 Val. all other products, repairs, etc. . . . 13,233,379 Total value of all products $313,199,368 77 VALUE OF GOODS MANUFACTURED IN ST. LOUIS IN 1890. The following table presents the amount of capital directly invested and the value of goods manufactured during the census year 1890, in twenty of the i^rincipal manufacturing industries in the city of St. Louis : ITEMS. Total Boots and Shoes (Factory product) Brick and Tile Carriages and Wagons Coffee and Spices(roast'g & grind'g) Cooperage Drugs and Chemicals Flouring and Grist Mill products- Foundry & Machine shop products. Furniture jron and Steel Liquors (Malt) Lumber, sawed and planed, includ- ing packing boxes, and sash, doors and blinds Oil (Linseed) Paints Patent Medicines Plumbers' Materials Printing and Publishing, and the Periodical Press Saddlery and Harness Slaughtering and Meat Packing (wholesale) Tobacco (Chew., Smok. and Snuff Capital. $73,003,533 $114,303,676 Value of Product. ; 3,333,527 2,531,128 2,651,880 816,588 1,042,643 1,5^7,044 4,320,955 12,132,803 1,878,289 1,724,000 15,898,817 3,376,391 1,018,562 3,498,108 1,482,966 1,280,486 5,089,152 2,159,638 3,286,236 3,894,320 $ 4,250,961 1,691,692 3,629,579 2,466,392 1,912,779 2,864,980 12,641,000 14,566,852 3,321,612 2,513,761 14,308,059 5,102,383 1,438,201 3,228,632 1,916,251 1,465,371 8,273,139 2,800,261 11,556,606 14,354,165 78 MAYORS OF THE CITY. Washington King. John How. John M. Wimer. Oliver D. Filley. Dan. G. Taylor. Chaun. I. Filley. Jas. S. Thomas. Nathan Cole. Joseph Brown. Arthur Barrett. James H. Britton. Henry Overstolz. Henry Overstolz. Wm. L. Ewing. D. R. Francis. Geo. W. Allen. E. A. Noonan. * Disqualified in consequence of holding ofl^lce under general government. J. W. Johnson elected in his place. t Bied April 22, 1875. J. H. Britton elected to fill vacancy. \ Declared elected by City Council February 9, 1876, instead of John II. Britton. § D. R. Francis elected Governor of Missouri, and resigned January 2, 1S89. II Geo. W. Allen, being President City Council, became Mayor 1823-28 Wm. Carr Lane. 1855 1929-32 Daniel D. Page. 1856 1833* Samuel Merry. 1857 1833-34 J. W. Johnson. 1858-60 1835-37 John F. Darby. 1861-62 1838-39 Wm. Carr Lane. 1863 1840 John F. Darby. 1864-68 1841 John D. Daggett. 1869-70 1842 George Maguire. 1871-74 1843 John M. Wliner. 1875t 1844-45 Bernard Pratte. 1875 1846 P. G. Camden. 1876t 1847 Bryan Mullanphy. 1877-81 1848 John M. Krum. 1881-85 1849 James G. Barry. 1885-89§ 7850-52 L. M. Kennett, 1889 :853-54 John How. 1889-92 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. LARGEST IN THE WORLD. James Ayer, Manager. Work commenced June, 1889, completed May 1, 1880. Commenced operations May 1, 1890, under 1,800 arc ughts in service. Load December 31, 1891, 3,428 arc lamps. Eight thousand incandescent lamps, incandes- cent dynamos added October, 1891, 11,000 poles and about 1,600 miles of No. 6 and larger wire. Arc system — Wood's. Incandescent apparatus, Slattery system. 79 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. PRESIDENTS OF MERCHANTS EXCHANGE SINCE ORGANIZATION. Year President. No. Memb. Year President. ^f^^ 1862 H. J. Moore. 675 1878 George Bain. 1290 1863 Geo. Partridge. 518 1879 John Wahl, 1260 1864 Thos. Richeson. 725 1880 A H. Smith. 1303 1865 Barton Able. 990 1881 Mich. McEnnis. 3533 1866 E. 0. Stanard. 1110 1882 C. E. Slayback. 3565 1867 C. L. Tucker. 1068 1883 J. C. Ewald. 3566 1868 John J. Roe. 1268 1884 D. R. Francis. 3565 1869 Geo. P. Plant. 1332 1885 H. C. Harstick. 3505 1870 Wm. J. Lewis. 1289 1886 S. W. Cobb. 3364 1871 Gerard B.Allen 1282 1887 F. Gaiennie. 3312 1872 R. P. Tausey. 1369 1888 C. F. Orthwein. 3296 1873 W.H.Sciidder. 1363 1889 Chas. A. Cox. 3261 1874 W. M. Samuel. 1307 1890 J. W, Kauffman 3190 1875 D. P. Rowland. 1442 1891 M. Bernheimer. 3116 1876 Nathan Cole. 1397 1892 I. M. Mason. 3001 1877 J. A. Scudder. 1327 Secretary and Treasurer— Clinton B. Fisk, 1862. J. H. Alexander, 1863-64. Geo. H. Morgan, 1865-92. Number of Members Jan. 11, 1892, 3001. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1892. President— Isaac M, Mason. First Vice-President— Wm. T. Anderson. Second Vice-President— Wallace Delafield. DIRECTORS. 1892-93. Marcus Bernheimer, Wm. G. Boyd, e. a. pomeroy, Wm- D. Orthwein, Edgar Reynolds. John W. Kauffmann, T. Carroll Taylor. D. C. Ball, L. C. DOGGETT, E. H. Barnes. Secretary and Treasurer— Geo. H. Morgan. Assistants— D. R. Whitmore, S. H. Hewlett. Caller— Joseph P. Carr. Doorkeeper— James P. Newell. Attornej'^ — F. N. Judson. 80 NAVIGATION Navigation Days Suspended. Suspended Winter of 1879-80 15 " 1880-81 78 " 1882-83 29 " 1883-84 48 " 1884-85 47 " 1885-86 55 " 1886-87 49 " 1887-88 43 " 1891-92 23 Navigation has l^een suspended at St. Louis on account of ice as follows: Navigation Days Suspended. Suspended. Winter of 1865-66 27 1866-^7 38 1867-68 40 1869-70 7 1870-71 32 1871-72 42 1872-73 51 1874-75 58 1876-77 A 58 1878-79 46 1868-69, 1873-74, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1881-83, 1889-90 the river was open, and navigation was not suspended . Navigation closed on account of low water: 1877 closed for 36 days. 1879 closed for 41 days. 1878 closed for 16 days. 1880 closed for 4 days. The record of the highest water noted at the St. Louis Signal Station since its establishment is as follows : 1872— June 12, 13 and 14, 23 feet, 1873^ April 11, 25 feet 5 inches. 1874— April 24, 18 feet 11 inches. 1875— August 3, 29 feet 11 inches. 1876— May 10 and 11, 32 feet 5 inches. 1877— June 14, 26 feet 6 inches. 1878— June 15, 25 feet 8 inches. 1879— July 3, 21 feet 2 inches. 1880— July 10, 11 and 12, 25 feet 4 inches. 1881— May 5, 33 feet 7 inches. 1882— July 5, 32 feet 4 inches. 1883— June 25, 34 feet 8 inches. 1884— April 9, 28 feet 2 inches. 1885— June 17, 27 feet. 1886— May 13, 27 feet. 1887— April 3, 20.5 feet'. 1888— June 3 and 4, 29.3 feet 1889— June 1, 24.4 feet. 1890— June 30, 20.7 feet. 1891— July 4, 23.7 feet. 81 PARKS. lu dependent of her magnificent Fair Grounds, St. Louis has a park area of 2,125.30 acres. The parks, eigh- teen in number, are so situated as to afford convenient places of healthful resort to the people of all parts of the city. All of them, except Tower Grove and Lafayette Parks, are under the supervision of the City Park Com- missioner, who is appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Municipal Assembly. The names and areas of the different parks,- how acquired, original cost and cost of improvements and maintenance, are set forth in the following schedule : O S .^. 5 Oi ® <-? CM grj -• r^ ^- .«■ O * HMl § gflll yette Par er Gr've P npton Hi s. Park tal : CiiWM ic U to ^ s ss ^ s ss 3 ??5 s Is •^ S-'O •d P o p ^o i M 3 f-p rt- CJ CD S i£ y^ :>i 8 «:> *^ § p^ ic ir • —1 1»^ t\ ■■ .-r : wo t-C S 8 INS 4^ Ic -ii*^ OT ^ pP W wo C£ 8 ^1 — f-^ ^ ^^'^ b b> Qc ic CO ►- O) bo ic U cc ic b '>-' ic oja cctoto-^tci».-as<:;it*-aio -t o p o wo W Wc1*'5 W W*'d tv W W CO! §? 'C C-'d ' P O f= 2 1^: O In5 O 0> OCQCXOCaOOOGCiClCOCODQO to W H- ^I -J *.. -J : g; rODCD O to 1^1 >*- Oi W ■ 00 to ^1 ~j 'C««o to f-* o »» «» C cO(^tot-'toa;ic»-'io>*«.~:i -i :c** _j*-3; asoD^jp Oio; a> oil-* os co oo o:"cc oioi'J-' w'tf^.^QoosoD'cn o "w :OtO OOQCtt^00CD*-O>*^-l^ 05 05 •jip toQcj;'j(».jOf;'wpioQcw ^i -a ' ' ' * * ) f— i*. *» ^ ic b to ►-■ . ifi. itk lO T- ( Room 108, Ninth street corridor. issSant Postmaster; \ ^^^^'^^"^ ^^«^"-^' ^ '"• "^- *^ ' ^- '^" ^^^'^P* Cashier and Account- ( Room 110, Ninth street corridor, ant / Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., except Sunday. Superintendent of the ) Corner Eighth and Locust streets. Mailing Division ] Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., except Sunday, Superintendent of City f SudlfLrrierf the ^'^'^^^ «^^^«* f™nt. General Delivery, La- C dies and Gentlemen's ! East end, Olive street front, windows and Adver- ) Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. m., excejit Sunday, tised Letters (. Superintendent of the f Money Order Divi- Rooms 114, 116 and 118, Ninth street corri- sion (Foreign and< dor. Domestic Money Or- J Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., except Sunday, ders paid and issued) ( Superintendent Regis- ^ North end. Ninth street corridor, try Division I Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., except Sunday. Inquiry Office (Lost \ Room 106, AVest end, Olive street corridor. letters,packages,etc. ( Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., except Sunday. StarriTi T)ivi«ioii ? West end, Olive street front. Stamp Division ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ except Sunday. Newspaper Exchange ) Eighth street corridor. Case ) Accessible day and night. Post Office Inspectors. ..Room 232, 2d floor, Locust street corridor. Superintendent of the ( Rooms 411, 412, 414, 416 and 418, 4th floor, Railway Mail Service ( Ninth and Locust street corridors. LOCATION OF P. O. STATIONS. Station A.— .3706 North Broadwav. B.— 6915 South Broadway. " C. — Corner Easton and Leonard avenues. D.— 2918 South Broadway. " E.— 1113 South Jefferson "avenue. 86 STATEMENT OF BUSINESS OF ST. LOUIS POST OFFICE DURING 1890-91. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. POSTAL RECEIPTS. DERIVED FROM SALE OP POSTAGE STAMPS, ETC. Receipts during month ending December 31st: 1891 Increase, 5 2-10 per cent. $110,952 81 . 116,674 .35 5,721 54 Receipts during years ending December 31, 1890-1891 : 1891. 1890. Increase. Per cent. First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter.. Fourth Quarter $307,650 12 296,728 42 321,591 25 336,002 32 $297,573 53 290,318 59 299,136 94 311,332 17 $10,076 59 6,409 83 22,454 31 24,670 15 $63,610 88 3 4-10 2 2-12 7 5-12 7 9-10 Totals $1,261,972 11 $1,198,361 23 5. 3-10 DISTRIBUTION AND DISPATCH OP MAILS. 1891. Lbs. 1890. Lbs. Increase Lbs. First clas.s mail matter: Letters originating at St. Louis . .. Postal Cards " " Second class mail matter: Newspapers and Periodicals to regular subscribers originatrng at St. Louis Third class and transient newspaper: Price Currents, Circulars, Books, &c., originating at St. Louis Fourth class mail matter. Merchan- dise originating at St. Louis.. .. 940,190 38,322 9,011,1.37 3,376,786 569,033 793,419 48,280 8,.397,824 3,198,621 392,910 146,771 *9,958 613,313 177,165 176,125 Totals in pounds 13,934,468 12,831,254 1,103,514 Matter received from postal routes and other post offices FOR distribution AND DISPATCH. Letters, Postal Cards and Circulars . Papers and Merchandise 46,682 871,508 55,90fi 945,639 *9,228 *74,181 Totals in Pounds 918,189 14,.352,657 1,001,598 *33,409 Grand Totals in Pounds 13,832,852 1,020,105 ♦Indicates decrease. 87 RAILROADS. A definite idea of the importance of St. Louis as a railroad center may be inferred from the fact that, of the 5,967 miles of railway constructed during 1890, 1,263 miles, nearly one-quarter of the whole amount, were built in States directly tributary to this city. The erection at an early day of a magnificent Union Depot, and St. Louis railway facilities and conveniences will then be second to those of no city in the Union. The following is a correct list of the railroads centering here and their mileage : NAME OF ROAD. Express Mileage r'liifnp-n "Rnrlino-ton & Ouincv, 218 N. B'way Amer.. Pac. . Ad'ms Amer. Pac. . Pac. .. U.S Ad'ms Pac. . U.S S'uth'n Ad'ms Ad'ms Ad'ms Nat'n'l Ad'ms Ad'ms Amer.. W. F. 6,646 5,094 2,664 2,183 2,078 1,828 1,415 1,441 1,222 Missouri Pacific, 102 N. 4tli Louisville & Nashville, 114 N. 4th_ Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. L., 19 N. B'way Wabash, Broadway and Olive and Union Depot Missouri, Kansas & Tesas, 104 N. 4th Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis, 103 N. B'way St. L. &SanFranciso (Santa Fe Route), 101 N. B'way St Louis Arkansas & Texas, 215 N. 4th Chicago^ Alton, 216 N. B'way Mobile & Ohio, 108 N. B'wav '850 688 Ohio & Mississippi, 105 N. IVway 624 405 Terra Haute & Indianapolis (Vandalia line), B'way and Chestnut 475 Toledo, St. Louis&kansasCity (Clover Leaf Route) 215 N.4th St. Louis, Alton &Terre Haute (Cairo Short Line), 217 N. 4th St. Louis & Hannibal, 105 N. B'way 451 240 128 St. Louis, Alton & Springfield, 105 N. B'wav 105 St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado, ICl N. B'Avay 61 Total mileage 28,548 RAILROAD DEPOTS. Union. — Twelfth and Poplar streets. Street cars at Fourth and Pine. Blue cars on Washington avenue pass two blocks west. Main Street.— Main street, near Washington ave. Iron Mountain. — Fourth and Chouteau avenue for passengers for Carondelet; take 4th streetcars. SAINT LOUIS flutamnal festivities Association This Association was organized on May 11, 1891, at a public meeting at the Exposition building, when it was resolved to raise a fund of one million dollars for festivity and other j)uiposes during the years 1891, 1892 and 1893. Upwards of $600,000 was raised during 1891, and the work is now in active progress. The following is the organi- zation: S. M. Kennard, President. E. O. Stanard, 1st Vice-President F. A. Wann, 2d Vice-President. JOHN S. MOFFITT, 3d Vice-President. RoLLA Wells, 4th Vice-President. 0. H. SAMPSON, 5th Vice-President. Frank Gaiennie, Secretary. Walker Hill, Treasurer. A. D. Brown, R. P. Tansey, D. D. Walker, J. 0. Wilkinson, S. C. Bunn, Jacob Furth, W. T. Haydock, M. C. Wetmore, W. F. Nolker, Geo. E. Leighton, T. B. Boyd, EXECUTIVE COMMITT Goodman King, C. D. McClure, M. Bernheimer, T. K Niedringhaus, H. J. Meyer, Jonathan Rice, Aug. Gehner, J. J. Kreher, C. H. Turner, L. D. Kingsland, H. C. Townsend, Chas. M. Hayes, EE. R. 31. Scruggs, F. J. Wade, Jerome Hill, A. T. Kelley, Geo. D. Barnard, D. S. Holmes, W. H. Woodward, Patrick McGrath, Joseph Specht, W. H. Thompson, Geo. M. Wright. ST. IiOUIS flUTUlWflflli FESTIVITIES— Continued. FINANCE COMMITTEE. John S. Moflit, Chairman. Marcus Beniheimer, Thomas Booth, Henry J. Meyer, Geo. D. Barnard, Vice- Chairman, T. B. Boyd, S, C. Bunn. BUREAU OF INFORMATION. Goodman King, Chairman. Joseph Franklin, Vice-Chairman. James Cox, Sec'y, Joseph Specht, Geo. S. M'Grew, J. Furth, H. C. Townsend, F. J. Wade, J. J. Lawrence. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. E. O. Stanard, Chairman. E. F. Williams, B. S. Brookings, E. C. Simmons, F. A. Wann, D. D. Walker. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Frank Gaiennie Chairman. C. H. Sampson, W T. Haydock, Rolla Wells, W. H. Woodward, F. A. Wann. ILLUMINATION COMMITTEE. J. C. Wilkinson, Chairman. Geo. B. Thompson, B. Nugent; E. McMillin, S. A. Coale, Jr. T. K. Niedringhaus, A. T. Kelley. T. B. Boyd, HOTEL COMMITTEE. M. 0. Wetmore, Chairman. Henry J. Meyer, Rolla Wells, W. J. Thompson, J. W. Buel. Adolphus Busch, J. B. Case, J. G. Butler, A. Mansur. 90 LEADING TAXPAYERS OF ST. LOUIS. Allen, Mrs. A. R... $1,343,550 Allen, Geo. L -• 221,910 Allen, G. B. estate 885,000 Ames, Henry S and Edgar estate 503,320 Bailey, David 126,650 Barada, Mary L 113,160 Biddle, Anna E 143,100 Boyce, Mary E 195,0(30 Bradford, Alfred 160,000 Collins, Esther 203,000 D'Anchold, Anna L 200,000 Glark, Wm. G 200,000 Chouteau, J. G 233.000 Cullin, Daniel G 367,000 Cooper, Abner 270,000 Cooper A.Dean 221,000 Copelin, EmmaC 237,000 Davis, John T 595,000 Drummond, James T 249,000 Faris, M. Clemens 199,000 Giddings,Fred. S 365,000 Hayer, Eliza 256,000 Green, Charles - 503,000 Harney, John M. estate 270,000 Hart, Oliver A : 352,000 Kauffman, John W 348,000 Kennett, Agnes 366,000 T.emp,W.J 384 000 Lindell, Jesse estate 1,423,000 Lionberger, John R 405,000 Marmaduke, Catherine A 579,(»00 Martin, Edward 429,000 Lucas, Jos. D 439,000 Lucas, J. B. C 455,000 Lucas, James D 236,000 Lucas, Robert J 227,000 McLean, J. H. estate . 233,000 Nicholson, David estate 250,000 O'Fallon, JohnvJ 230,000 0'Neil,PeterA 233,000 Patterson, M. E 231,000 Patterson, Winnifrcd 679,000 Price, Enoc estate 566,650 Sanford, Benjamin, trustee 200,400 Shaw, Henry estate 1,000,000 Shepley, Mary A 221,200 Stifel, Charles G 1,000,000 Spalding, Charles A 324,000 Soulard, Henry G :.- 293,000 Taylor, George R. jr. et al 225,000 Thbmasson, Emily G 206,000 Thompson, William H 424,000 Van Studdiford, Harry estate 235,000 Tutt, Thomas E 273,000 Tower, George F - 227,000 Tiffany, Hannah K 211,000 Wallace, T. H. P 266,000 Weil, Jos. Estate - 261,000 Wells, Erastus 223,000 91 PillNCIPAL THEATRES. OI«.A^IVr> OI»E?I«^V HOXJ^E^, 516 Market St ADMISSION: Seats 2,25C Box $12.00 and $10.00 I Parquette Circle $1.00 Parquette 1.00 | Balcony 75 ai.d 50c GEO. McMANTISf Business Manager. THE^ M.^OA.IV, 10th and Pine Sts. Seats 2,250 ADMISSION: Box, $10 ; Lodge Box, $6.00 I Parquette Circle $1 .00 Parquette 1.00 | Balcony 75 & 50c HAVLIN & HAG AN, Managers. Or^"^I%J:F»IO, 107 South Broadway. Seats 2,409 ADMISSION: Boxes $10.00 I Parquette Circle $1.00 Parquette 1.00 | Balcony 75 and 50c PAT SHORT, Manager. r»OI*EJ'«S, 9th and Olive Sts. Seats 2,300 ADMISSION: Boxes $10.00 I Parquette Circle.. 75 & 50c Parquette 75c | Balcony 25 & 35c HAVLIN & HAG AN, Maitagpts. H^^^VI^IIV'^, 6th and Walnut Sts. Seats 2,200 ADMISSION: Box I Parquette Circle.. 75 & 50c Parquette 75c | Balcony 35 & 25c J. H. HAVLIN, Manager. «ar.A.IVI3A.I«i:>, 7th and Walnut Sts. Seats 2,250 ADMISSION: Box.. $3.00 I Parquette Circle 50c Parquette 75c | Balcony 35 & 25c ED. BUTLER, Manager. I>I0K:^WI0K:, 2021 Washington Ave. Seats 1,000 MUMORTAI. HAL.I., 19th and Lucas Place. ADDINGTON HAI.I., 17th and Olive Sts. SSHER'S, 712 St. Charles St. LAFAYETTE PARK, 1749 Second Carondelet At« LONDON, 34 South Fourth Street. PALACE THEATRE, 620 Elm Street. URI6*S CATE» 2600 Washington ATenue. 92 STREET DIRECTORY, STREETS AND AVENUES. Academy av. n to s from 5101 Delmar av. to 5100 Eastou av., 1 blk west of King's highway. Accomac, e to w from 2201 California av. to 2200 Nebraska av. Adams, e to w from 401 S. 21st to 400 S. Ewing av., thence from 401 Montrose av. to 400 Rankin av. Adelaide av., e to w from Mississippi River to 5400 Rosalie, 7 blks north of E. Grand av. Adele av., n to s from 5500 Manchester rd. to 5449 Shaw av., 6 blks west of King's highway. Adelia av., e to w from River des Peres to city limits, at th*^ southern terminus of Virginia av. Agnes, e to w from .8423 Blair av. to 3410 N. 21st. Ailanthus, n to s from St. Louis Cable and Western Ry. to Maple av., 4 blks east of western city limits. Alberta, e to w from 8929 Missouri av. to .3928 Jefferson av. ; also from .3933 Louisiana av. to 3932 Grand av., 1 blk south of Keokuk. Albion pi., e to w from 1501 Missouri av. to 1600 S. Jefferson av. Alexander, n to s from 4000 Chippewa to 4001 Keokuk, 5 blks west of S. Grand av. Alfred av.,n to s from 4500 Shenandoah to 4501 Magnolia av., 1 blk west of Shaw's Botanical Garden. Algernon, n to s from 5335 Warne av. to Harris av., part of the western boundary of O'Fallonpark. Alice av., from 2001 Warne av. to 5368 Rosalie, 1 blk south of Adelaide av. Allen av., e to w from 2001 S. Broadway to 2000 California av. Alsace av., e to w in northwestern suburbs, from 3601 Marcus av. to 3600 King's highway, ] blk south of Natural bridge rd Anderson av. e to w in northwestern suburbs, from 4.301 Newstead av. to 4300 Snead av., 7 blks north of Natural bridge rd. Angelica, e to w from 4101 N. Wharf to 4100 N. 2.5th Angelrodt, e to w from 3401 N. Wharf to 2051 Branch. Ann av. e to w from 2201 S. Broadway to 2134 California av Anna, e to w from 2701 S. Wharf to 2700 S. Broadway. Antelope, e to w from junction of Wabash Ry. and Broadway run- ning eastwardly. Arch, n to s from Newman av. to Aurora av.. 1 blk east of Wabash Ry, Argyle av., n to s from 2938 Manchester rd. to 2931 Atlantic. Arkansas av., e to w from 3500 Shenandoah to MSOl Osage. Arlington av., n to s from 5401 Page to 5300 Hazel av. Armand, e to w from 2235 S. Jefferson av. to 2234 Ohio av. Armstrong av., n to s from 2200 Chouteau a v. to 2201 Park a v. Arsenal, e to w from 3101 S. Wharf to McCausland rd., east of western city limits. Arthur av., e to w from 3401 Ivanhoe av. to River des Peres, 5 blks south of Arsenal. Ashland av., e to w from 3501 Prairie av. to Lay av., 2 blks south of Natural bridge rd. 93 STREETS AND AVENUES— Continued. Ashley, e to w from 12H5 X. Wharf to 1228 N. Broadway. .rktchison pi., n to s from 1451 Wash to 1450 Carr, east of Carr park. AthloBe av., from Mississippi River to 4201A Penrose, 4 blks north of Adelaide av. Atlantic, e to w from 701 S. 22d to west of Cabanne. Aubert av. n to s from 4943 Delmar av. to 4944 Easton av., 1 l)lk east of King's highway. Audubon av., e to w from 401 S. Taylor av. to 400 S. Lay av., 1 blk south of Duncan av. Aurora av., e to w from Mississippi River to 7400 N. Broadway , 2 blks south of Calvary av. Austin, e to w from 701 S. 12th to 700 S. 18th. Autumn, e to w from 1331 S. 9th to 1334 S. 13th. Axtell, n to s from Penrose to Brown av., forming part of King's highway. Bacon, from 3501 Cass av. to 3500 Natural bridge rd. Baden av., e to w from Maline Creek to 8200 N. Broadway, near the junction of Broadway and Hall's Ferry rd. Bailey av., e to w from 4001 Glasgow av. to 4000 Grand av. Baldwin, from 2851 North Market north to 2832 St. Louis av. Balson av., e to w from 2401 Ecoff av. to Missouri Pacific Ry., 2 blks south of Manchester rd. Bamberger av.,n to s. from 3800 Potomac to 3801 Keokuk, about 2 blks west of S. Grand av. Bancroft av., e to w from east of McCausland av. to River des Peres, 5 blocks south of Pernod av. Banks, e to w from 3501 2d Cardt. av. to .3500 Lemp av. Bar7ies av., e to w from .301 Lay av. to .300 King's highway, 1 blk south of Forest park boulevard. Barracks, n to s from 122 Cherokee to 115 Cahokia. Barrett, e to w from 3901 Glasgow av. to 3900 Gra*d av. Barron av., sw from 5.300 Wise av. to 5201 Manchester rd, 2 blks west of King's highway. Barry, e to w from 1501 S. Wharf to 1416 S. 9th. Bartle av., from 4100 Duncan av. to 4101 Manchester rd., 2 blks west of Manchester rd. Bartmer av., in northwestern suburbs, from 1301 Union av. to western city limits, 8 blks north of Forest park. Barton, e to w from 2401 S. Wharf to 2400 2d Carondelet av. Bates, e to w in S. St. Louis from 5600 Broadway to 5600 Gravois av- Bay, n to s from 2620 Keokuk to Osage, 1 blk west of S. Broadway. Bayard av., in western suburbs from 4801 Delmar av. to 4844 Eas- ton av., 2 blks west of Taylor av. Beach av.,n to sin western suburbs from 5936 INIaple av., south- wardly, 4 blks east of "western city limits. Beacon, e to w from 701 Taylor ay. to 700 S. King's highway, 1 blk north of Clayton rd. Beaumont, north from 2701 Laclede av. to 2700 Franklin av. Beaumont, south from 2700 Laclede av. to 2701 Clark av. Beauty al., e to w from 2200 Shenandoah to 2400 Indiana av., in blk 1400. 94 STREETS AND AVENUES— Continued. Beck av., e to w in southwestern suburbs from ciTOl Oak Hill av. to King's highway, 1 blk north of Chippewa. Bell av., e to w from *J17 Pawing av. to 900 Walton av. Belief ontainerd., e to w from 4401 Broadway to 44(X) N. 11th. Belleglade av., n to s from 4135 Easton av. to 4134 Keunerly av.,7 blks west of N. Grand av. Belleview, n to s from Bellefontaine rd. to O'Fallou park, 1 blk w est of Broadway. Bellmont, o to w from 319 S. 14th to 318 S. 15th, in blk 217. Belt av., in northwestern suburbs from 5501 Delmar av. to 5500 Ma- ple av., 4 blks west of King's highway. Benedict av., n to s from 59P E. Grand a v. to 338 Adelaide av.,1 blk east of Wabash W. Ry., Lowell. Benjamin, cto w fiom 3751 Florissant av. to N. 23d, Bent av , in southwestern suburbs, n to s from 4200 Arsenal to 4201 Tholozan av., 2 blks east of King's highway. Benton pi. n to s from 2150 Hi(!kory to 2101 Park av. Benton, e to w from 2501 N. First to 2500 Garrison av. Berlin av., e to w from 351 Newstead av. to 300 King's highway, 3 blks west of Vandeventer av. Bernard, e to w from 501 S. Jefferson av. to 500 Ewing av. ; also frpm 501 Montrose av. to 500 Rankin av. ; also from 501 Theresa av. to 1 blk west of Cabanne, and from Vandeventer av. west- wardly 2 blks. Berthold av., e to w from junction of King's highway and Man- chester rd. to west of Tamm rd., 1 blk south of Forest park. Biddle, e to w from 1201 N. WHiarf to 1200 N. Jefferson av. Billon av., n to s from 6100 Clayton rd. to 6101 Manchester rd. Bingham av., S. St. Louis, e to w from Virginia av. to Morgan Ford rd,, 1 blk south of Meramec. Bircher, from Mississippi River to western city limits, 1 blk south of Bellefontaine Cemetery. Bischoff av., from 2201 King's highway west to 2200 Sublette av., 1 blk north of Old Manchester rd. Bismarck, n to s from 316 Russell av. to 401 Lami; also from 400 Barton to 423 Dorcas. Bissell, e to w from 4501 Broadway to 4500 Florissant av. Bittner, in northern suburbs from Maline Creek to Switzerav.,2 blks south of junction of Broadway and Hall's Ferry rd. Blair av., n to s from 1435 Biddle to 1500 College av. Blase av., e to w, east of 7850 X. Broadway, 2 blks north of Thatcher av. Bleek av., e to w from 2501 Ecoff av. to Missouri Pacific Ry.,2 blks north of Old Manchester rd. Blendon pi., n to s from Bruno north, Iblk west of McCauslandrd. Blow, e to w from Mississippi River to Morgan Ford rd. Boardman, n to s from 5000 Northrup av. to 5001 Bischoff av., 1 blk west of King's highway. Bonhommerd., in western suburbs, from Delmar av. west, 6 blks north of Forest park. Botanical av., e to w in southwestern suburbs, from western boundary of Shaw's Garden to King's highway, 2 blks north of Arsenal. 95 STREETS AND AVENUES— Continued. Bowen, e to w from Mississippi River to 6201 S. 8th. Bowman av., e to w from Simpson av. to Elizabeth av., in Clifton Heights, 1 block south of Wilson av. Boyce av., e and w of Boyle av., 1 blk south of Duncan av. Boyle av., n to s from 4300 Olive to 4301 Papin, 2 blks west of Van- deventer av. Bradley av., e to w from east^of Ivanhoe av. to .3254 Frisco av. Branch, e to w from 3101 N. Wharf to 3344 Florissant av. Brannon av., n to s from 5300 Old Manchester rd. to Scanlon av., 1 blk west of King's highway. Brantner pi., e to w from 1425 Webster av. to 1412 Francis. Breden, n to s from 1418 Clark av. to 1419 Poplar. Bremen av., e to w from 3901 N. Wharf to 3900 N. 25th. Briggs av., from 4340 Clayton rd. south, 1 blk east of Martin av. Broadway, north from 501 Market north to northern city limits. Broadway, south from 500 Market south to southern city limits. Brooklyn, e to w from N. Wharf to 1900 N. 12th. Brown av., e to w from King's highw^ay to 4200 Semple av., 3 blks north of Natural bridge road. Bruno, e to w from 2201 Forest av. to city limits. Buchanan, e to w from 3301 N. Wharf to Branch. Buena Vista, n to s from 1900 Gravois av. to 1901 Victor. Bulwer av., n to s from 201 E. Grand av. to 600 Calvary av. Burd av., n to s from 5551 Easton av. to 5550 St. Louis av., 3 blks east of Goodfellow av. Buschman, n to s from lA Penrose to 2A Ferry. Cabanne, av., e to w from 1101 King's highway to 900 Hamilton av.' 2 blks south of Maple av. Cabanne, n to s from 3747 Chippewa to 3800 Bell av. Cahokia, e to w from 3833 S. Wharf to 3832 Marine av. Caldwell, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 5700 Compton av. Calhoun, e to w from 1873 S. 11th to 1866 Linn. California av., n to s from 2800 Chouteau av. to 2801 Osceola. Call,n and s alley in blk 998, bet. Stoddard, Wash Easton av., Glasgow av. and Leffingwell av. Calvary av. from Mississippi River southwest to 5201 Natural bridge rd., dividing Bellefontaine and Calvary Cemeteries. Cambria, n to s from 1900 Sidney to 1901 Lynch. Campbell av., from Mississippi River west to 6500 N. Broadway, 11 blks north of Warne av. Capitol av.,n to sfrom 193i Utah to south of Cherokee; also from 1950 President to 1925 Chippewa. Cardinal av., north from 3101 Laclede av. to 3100 Easton av. Carlyle, in western suburbs from 1601 Macklind av. west to 1600 Sublette av., 1 blk south of Missouri Pacific Ry. Caroline, e to w from 1401 S. Jefferson av. to 1400 S. Grand av. Carr, e to w from 1101 N. Wharf to 1100 N. Jefferson av. Carrie av., e to w from Mississippi River to 6200 Newstead av., northern boundary of O'Fallon park. 96 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. (.;arr Lane av., n to s from 3538 Chouteau av. to St. Vincent av. Carroll, e to w from 1601 S. Wharf to 1600 2a Carondelet av. Carter av., in northwestern suburbs from 5401 Rosalie to Shrevc av Cass av., e to w from 1501 N. First to 1500 Prairie av. Castleman av., e. to w from 2001 S. Grand av. to 2000 Tower Grove av. Catalan, inS. St. Louis, e to w from Mississipi River to Virginia av, Catalpa, n to s from 6035 W. Oabanne pi. to 6036 Maple av., 2 blks east of Hodiamont av. Gates av., e to w from 845 Clara av. to 850 Hamilton av., 3 blks south of Maple av. Cave, e to w from 3349 Broadway to 3350 S. 9th. Cecile, n to s from 20OO Shenandoah to 2001 Victor. Cedar, c to w from 743 S. wharf to 738 S. 4th. Central av., e to w from 1201 Hodiamont av. west to city limits, 3 blks south of Page av. Center, n to s from 1320 Market to 1321 Clark av. Cerre, e to w from 701 S. 4th to 600 S. 12th. Chadwick, in S. Carondelet, e to w from 8801 Vulcan to 8801 Polk, 1 blk north of River des Peres. Chamberlain av., e to w from 1101 Florence av. to 1036 Goodfel- low av. Chambers, e to w from 2001 N. Wharf to 2000 N. 16th. Channingav., north of 3401 Laclede av. to 3400 Thomas. Chariton, e to w from 4301 Piedmont av. to 4300 Compton av. Charless, e to w from Beauty al. to 2400 S. Jefferson av., running 2 blks. Cheltenham av., e to w from 1301 League 1300Tamm, 1 blk north of Manchester rd. Cherokee, e to w from 3401 S. Wharf to 3400 S. Grand av. Chestnut, e to w from 101 N. wharf to 100 N. Grand av. Childress av., n to s from south of Clayton rd., to south of Nash- ville av., 1 blk west of Tamm. Chippewa, e to w from 3801 S. Wharf to King's highway. Chouteau av., e to w from 1001 S. Wharf to Manchester rd. Christian, in northern suburbs, from east of 7900 N. Broadway to Wabash W.Ry., opposite northeast cor. of Calvary Cemetery. Christy av., e to w from 701 N. Wharf to 700 N. 11th. Church rd., in northern suburbs, from 1001 Bittner to 8442 Hall's Ferry rd., 1 blk west of Broadway. Cintra av., n to s from 4601 Penrose to 4600 Carter av., 2 blks west of Newstead av. Clara av., n to s from 5601 Delmar av. to St. Louis av. Clarence av., e to w from Mississippi River to 4301 Penrose. Clarendon av., n to s from 5201 Delmar av. to 5200Cabanne av. Clark av. e to w from 301 S. Wharf to 3300 Manchester rd. Clarkson pi., n to s from Morgan to alley rear of Delmar av., 1 blk west of Cabanne. Clay av., in northwestern suburbs, from Labadie av. north to Ro- salie, 2 blks west of Fair Grounds. 97 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued Clayton rd., o to w from 501 Manchester rd. to western city limits, passing through the southeastern part of Forest park. Clemens av,, in western suburbs, e to w from 745 Clara av. to 750 Delmar av., 2 blks north of Delmar av. Cleon, from President to Miami, 1 blk east of Broadway. Cleveland av., e to w from 2238 S. Grand av. to 2232 Tower Grove uv., and from Tamm to St. Louis &San Francisco liy. Clifton av.,n to s from Wilson av. to 6201 Old Manchester rd., in Clifton Heights, 1 blk east of Tamm. Clifton pi., e to w from 1445 Webster av. to 1436 Francis. Clinton pi., bet. 11th and 12th and Madison and Monroe. Clinton, e to w from 2201 N. Wharf to N. 17th. Coalbank rd., from Columbia bottom rd. west, near northern city limits. Cockrill, n to s in western suburbs, from 6201 Page av. to 6200 Ridge av., 1 blk west of Hodiamont av. Coleman, n to s from 3201 Magazine to junction with Garrison ay. College av., from 5251 N. Broadway to 3933a Penrose. Collins, n to s from 219 Franklin av. to 230 Florida. Columbia av., e to w in southwestern suburbs, from 2651 King's highway to Tamm, 1 blk north of Old Manchester rd. Columbia Bottom rd., n to s from 8900 N. Broadway to northern city limits, 1 blk west of Mississippi River. Commercial, north, n to s from 51 Market to 52 Washington uv. ; also from 51 Franklin av. to 52 Angelrodt. Commercial, south, s to n from 52 Market to 51 Elm, Compton av., north, s ton from 3201 Laclede av. to 3200 Euston av. Compton av., south, n to s from 3200 Laclede av. to Bowtni. Conde, n to s from 1901 Linton av. to 1900 Adelaide av., 5 blks west of Broadway. Congress, e to w from 2717 Cambria to 2730 McXair av. Connecticut, e to w from 3133a Louisiana av. to 3132a Gustine av. Convent, e to w from 1201 S. Wharf to 1200 S. 4th. Cook av., e to w from 1201 N. Grand av. west to 1134 Walton av. Cooper, n to s from 5200 Northrup av. to 5201 Old Manchester rd., 3 blks west of King's highway. Cora av., n to s in northwestern suburbs, from 4601 Easton av. to 4600 N. Market, and from Kennerly av. to Mattitt av., and from Natural Bridge rd. to Margaretta av., 1 blk west of Taylor av. Cornelia, eto w from 4401 N. First to 4400 N. Broadway. Cote Br-.lliante av., o to w from 1801 N. Grand av. to 1900 Goodfellow av., 2 blks north of Easton av. Cottage av., e to w from 2601 Prairie av. to 2600 Marcus av., 6 blks north of Easton av. Courtois, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi lliver to River des Peres. Cowan, from 5051 N. Broadway west to Hutchinson, 3 l)lks north of Grand av. Cozens av., e to w from 1453 Francis to 1430 Prairie av. Crittenden, e to w from SOOl S. 9th to 3000 Minnesota av. Cushing, e to w from 2401 Cecilc to 2201 Victor. 98 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continucd. Daggett av., in southwestern suburbs, from 2001 King's liigliway to 2000 Sublette av., 3 blks north of Manchester rd, Dakota, o to \v from 4501 S. Wharf to 4500 Compton av. Dale av., e to w in western suburbs, from 6451 Manchester rd. to 1400 McCausland rd., 2 blks south of Clayton rd. Dalton, in southwestern suburbs, from 5800 Columbia av. to 5801 Arsenal, 9 blks west of Kiug*s highway. Darby, in northwestern suburbs, n to s from 6001 Natural Bridge rd. to 6000 Bircher, 1 blk east of western city limits. Davis, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to River des Peres. Dayton, e to w from 1231 N. Jefferson av. to 1230 Garrison av. DeBaliviere av., in western suburbs, from Wabash Ry. to Kings- bury boulevard, 3 blks west of Union av. Deer, in northwestern suburbs, n to s from 4555 Evans av. north to 4542 Lucky, 1 blk west of Taylor av. DeGiverville av., in northwestern suburbs, from 301 Union av. to 300 Sk inker rd., 3 blks north of Forest park. DeKalb, nto s from 116A Soulard to U. S. Marine Hospital tract. Delmar av., e to A^from 701 N. Grand av. to western city li mits. Delor, c to w from Mississippi River to 5000 Gravois av. Dennis, n to s from 3300 Gratiot to 3301 Papin. DeSoto av., from Mississippi River southwest to 3933 Penrose, 4 blks north of Grand av. Destrehan, e to w from 3501 N. Wharf to 8500 Florissant av. DeTonty, e to w from 1727 S. Grand av. west to Mercy. Devlin, in southwestern suburbs, n to s from 6000 Cheltenham av. south to 1600 Sulphur av., 2 blks west of Sublette av. Devolsey, n to s from Beauty al. to Gushing, 1 blk west of McNair av., n and s of Gravois av. Dexter, e to w from Montrose av. to 100 Compton av. Dickson, e to w from 1401 N. Wharf to 1400 N. Broadway, and from 1401 N. 22d to 1300 Webster av. Dillon, n to s from 1500 Chouteau av. to 1501 Carroll. Division, e to w from 1223 N. 17th to 1222 N. Jefferson av. Dock, e to w from 3201 N". Wharf to 3154 N. 11th. Doddridge, in northern suburbs, from Maline Creek to Rnoo N. Broadway, east, 5 blks north of Calvary av. Dodier, e to w from 1401 AYright to 2900 Spring av. Dolman, n to s from 1732 Chouteau av. to 1331 Shenandoah. Dorcas, e to w from 2901 S. Wharf to 2850 S. 9th. Douglass, e to w from Gingrass Creek to 4432 N. Broadway. Dover, in S. St. Louis, eto w from Mississippi River to Compton av. Duchouquette, e to w from 2301 S. 2d to S. Broadway. Duncan av., in western suburbs, from east of Vandeventer av. west to 400 King's highway, 2 blks south of Laclede av. Dunnica av., e to w from 3839 S. Grand av. to 4166 Gravois av. Eads av., e to w from 1601 S. Jeffersoii av. to 1600 Theresa av. Eager rd., in western suburbs, from 1701 Old Manchester rd. west to 1700 King's highway, 1 blk northwest of Shaw's Botanical Garden. 99 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. B.Iowa av., from N.Gasconade south to S. Gasconade, eastern boundary of Laclede park. E. Michigan av., from N. Dakota south to S. Dakota, eastern boundary of Carondelet park. Easton av., e to w from 2801 Franklin av. northwest to western city limits. E. Railroad av., n to s from Calvary av. to N. Broadway. East rd., in western suburbs, n to s from 5100 Berthold av. to 5101 Manchester rd., 1 blk west of King's highway. Ecoff av., n to s from 6800 Manchester rd. south to 6801 Old Man- chester rd. Edmund av., in western suburbs, from 4300A Clayton rd. south, 3 blks west of Bartle av. Edwards, in southwestern suburbs, n to s from 5300 Northrup av. to 5301 Old Manchester rd., 4 blks west of King's highway. Eichelberger, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to River des Peres. Eighteenth, north, s to n from 1801 Market to 1800 N. Market. Eighteenth, south, n to s from 1800 Market to 1801 Chouteau av., and from Osceola to Neosho. Eighth, north, s to n from 801 Market to 800 Mound. Eighth, south, n to s from 800 Market to 801 Ann av., and from 4501 Virginia av. to Ivory av. Eiler, e to w from from Mississippi River to Virginia av., and from S. 7th to S. 16th. Eleventh, north, s to n from 1101 Market to Gano av. Eleventh, south, n to s from 1100 Market to 1101 Arsenal, and from 3536 Osceola to 1101 Kansas. Elizabeth av., in southwestern suburbs, from 3001 Cooper west to Clifton av., 1 blk north of Old Manchester rd. Ella av., in northwestern suburbs, from 1401 Hodiamont av. west beyond new city limits, 3 blks south of Easton av. Ellendale av., n to s from 7100 Old Manchester rd. south to 7101 Ro- salie, 2 blks east of city limits. Elliot av., s to n from 2701 Franklin av. to 2700 Hebert. Ellwood, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 5900 Michigan av. Elm, e to w from 201 S. Wharf to 200 S. 7th. Emilie, e to w from 3001 Ellendale av. west to Missouri Pacific Ry. 2 blks south of Old Manchester rd. Emily, from 2101 Grand av. north to 2100 Wame av. Emma av., e to w from Mimika av. west to city limits, 3 blks south of Florissant av. Emmet, e to w from 1835 S. 9th to 1834 Linn. Espenschied, in S. St. Louis, e to wfrom Mississippi River to 8500 Virginia av. Etzel av., in northwestern suburbs, from 5500 Page av. to western city limits. Euclid av., e to w from east of McCausland av. west to Rjv«er des Peres, 1 blk south of Pernod rd. Eudora av., in southwestern suburbs, from 3800 Chippewa to 3801 Keokuk, 3 blks west of S. Grand av. 100 STREETS AND AVENUES— Continued. Eugene av., in southwest Oarondelet, from 3700 Loughborough av. south to 3701 Upton, 1 blk west of Grand av. Eugenia, e to w from 201 S. 18th to 228 Leffingwell av. Evans av., e to w from 1451 Francis to 1400 Marcus av. Ewing av., north, s to n from 2901 Manchester rd. to 2900 Easton av- Ewing av., south, n to s from 2900 Manchester rd. to 2901 Park av. Fair av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4151Labadie av. to 5501 Ro- salie av., 8 blks west of Grand av. Fairfax av., in western suburbs, e to w from 1035 Vandeventer av. to 1038 Taylor av , 1 blk south of Finney av. Fairview av., e to w from 3443 S. Grand av. to 3442 Gustine av. Fall av., n to s from 3651 North Market to 3650 St. Louis av., 1 blk west of Grand av. Famous av., e to w from 2001 Knox av. to 6301 Wilson av., 1 blk south of Manchester rd. Fannie av., e to w from River des Peres to Jefferson Barracks rd., 5 blks south of Marceau, South Carondelct, Farlin av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4100 Xewsteadav. east, 4 blks north of Natural Bridge rd. Farrar, e to w from 3801 N. Broadway to 2601 Palm. Fassen, S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to Virginia av. Fern, n to s from 7200 Emilie to 7201 Rosalie, in Ellendale, 1 blk east of Missouri Pacific Ry. Ferry, e to w from 4301 N. Wharf to 4300 Grand av. Field av., n to s from 3800 Loughborough av. to River des Peres, 2 blks west of Grand av., South Carondelet. Fifteenth, north, s to n from 1501 INIarket to 1900 Wright. Fifteenth, south, n to s from 1500 Market to 1501 Singleton; also from Osceola to Eichclberger. Fillmore, in S. St. Louis, e tow from Mississippi River to Grand av. Finney av., e to w from 1101 N. Grand av. to 1100 Taylor av. First, north, s to n from 101 Market to E. Grand av. First, south, n to s from 100 Market to Dorcas, and from Guthrie to Marine av. Flad av., e to wfrom 2201 S. Grand av. to 2200 Tower Grove av. Flora av., e to w from 2145 S. Grand a v. to 2144 Tower Grove av. Florence av.,n to s in western suburbs, from 5501 Maple av. to north of St. Louis av., 2 blks west of Union av. Florida, e to w from 1559 N. AVharf to 1520 N. Broadway. Florissant av., western boundary of O'Fallon park, from 2127 He- bert to northern city limits. Fordey, in northern suburbs, from 501 Thatcher av. to 500 Ante- lope, 2 blks east of N. Broadway. Forest av., in western suburbs, from 5501 DeGiverville av. north to 5500 Kingsbury boulevard, 1 blk west of Union av., and from 6900 Glades av. to 6901 Manchester rd. Forest Park Boulevard, in western suburbs, from 201 Grand av west to 200 King's highway, 3 blks south of Lindell av. Forster al., n to s from 551 Biddle to 550 O'Fallon, in city blk 556. Fountain av., e to w from 1101 Walton av. west to 1100 King's highway. Fourteenth, north, s to n from 1401 Market to 1400 Bissell, 101 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Fourteenth, south, n to s from 1400 Market to 1401 Chouteau av., and from Osage to Eichelberger. Fourth, north, s to n from 401 Market to 400 "Wash. Fourth, south, n to s from 400 Market to Convent. Francis, from 3501 Easton av. to 3500 Cass av. Franklin av., e to w from 901 N. Wharf to 900 N. Grand av. French av. in southwest Carondelet, from 7001 Grand av. west to 7000 Eugene av., 1 blk south of Carondelet park. Frisco av., n to s from 6950 Scanlan av. south to McCaushmd av., 1 blk east of McCausland av. Front, from 51 Grand av. north to 50 Adelaide av., 1 blk west of Mississippi River, LoAvell. Fyler av., in southwestern suburbs, from 3301 Morgan Ford rd. west to McCausland rd., 3 blks south of Arsenal. Gaine, e to w, an alley in city blk. 1,400, bounded by Shenandoah, Gravois av. and Indiana av. Gamble, e to w from 1201 N. Jefferson av. to 1200 Garrison av. Gano av., e to w from Mississippi River to 3801 Kossuth av., 2 blks north of Grand av. Garden, e to w from 3523 N. 19th to 3522 N. 20th, Garesche Boulevard, e to w from Mimika av. west to city limits, 5 blks south of Florissant a v. Garfield av., e to w from 1901 N. Grand av. to Taylor av., and from 1951 Clara av. to 1950 Goodfellow av. Garner av., e to w from 2101 Kraft west to 2100 Forest av. Garnier, nto s from 4250 Beck av. south to 4251 Chippewa,! blk east of Morgan Ford rd. Garrison av., n to s from 2951 Manchester rd. to 3200 St? Louis av. Garrison court, e to av from 51 Ewing av. to 52 Montrose av. Gasconade, e to w from Mississippi River to Grand av.,3 blks south of Chippewa. Gass av., in western suburbs, from 501 Lay av. west to 500 King's highway, 5 blks south of Pine. Gay, e to w from 815 N. 12th to 816 N. 14th. Geroldine av., in northwestern suburbs, from 1333 Hodiamont av. west to city limits, 5 blks south of Easton av. Geyer av., e to w from 2001 Kosciusko to 1900 Louisiana av. Gibbons, parallel with and near Iron Mountain Ry. track, south of Neosho. Giles av., n to s from 8700 McDonald av. to 3701 Keokuk, 2 blks west of Grand av. Gimblin rd., in northern suburbs, from Maline Creek to Hall's Ferry rd., 6 blks north of Calvary av. Glades av., e to w from 2001 Kraft west to 2000 McCausland av. Glasgow av., n to s from 2901 Easton av. north to 4251 Florissant av, Glasgow pi., e to w from 1439 Garrison av. to 1430 AVebster av. Goode av., from 420lAEaston av. north to 4200A Kennerly av., 8 blks west of N. Grand av. Goodfellow av., in northwestern suburbs, from 5801 Delmar av. north to 5900Bircher, 4 blks west of Union av. Grace av.,n to s from 3646 DeTonty south to 3645 Shaw av., and from 3636 McDonald av. to 3639 Gravois av. ]02 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Graham, n to s in western suburbs, 2 blks south of Forest Park, and from 6300 Clayton rd. south 2 blks, 5 blks west of Sublette av. Grand av., east from 4601 N. Wharf southwest to Florissant av. Grand av., north, s to n from 3601 Laclede av. north to Florissant av. Grand av., south, n to s from 3600 Laclede av. to River des Peres. Grant, from 2131 Wame, northwest to O'Fallon park, 1 blk east of Florissant av. Gratiot, e to w from 801 S. Wharf to Boyle av. Grattan, n to s from 1700 Chouteau av. to 1601 Lafayette av. Gravois av., e to w from 1752 Russell av. to western city limits. Green Lee pi., e to w from 4239 Wame av. west to 4240 Harris av., 1 blk north of Penrose. Greenwood, from 115 Warren, north to 126 St. Louis av. Grove, n to s from 3001 Bailey to 4301 Florissant av. Grundy, in S. St. Louis, from Mississippi River to Michigan av, Gustine av., from 3900 Arsenal to 3901 Tholozan av., 5 blks west of Grand av. Guthrie, from B701 S. Wharf to 8700 Kosciusko. Guy, from 4301 Grand av. west to Warne av. Gypsy, in northern suburbs, from 629 Carrie av. north to 228 Morin av., 3 biks east of N. Broadway. Uall, from 21 North Market to Calvary av. Hall's Ferry rd., in northern suburbs, from 8301 N.Broadway to northern city limits, Baden. Hamilton av., in northwestern suburbs, from 5901 Delmar av. north to 5900 Easton av., 1 blk east of Hodiamont av. Hammett pi., e to w from 2425 Marcus av. west, 3 blks north of Easton av. Hancock av., e to w from 3439 Ivanhoe av. west to River des Peres, 6 blks south of Arsenal. Harper, e to w from 3801 Glasgow av. to 3800 Grand uv., 1 blk north of Natural Bridge rd. Harris av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River to 4201 Penrose, 2 blks north of Adelaide av. Hartford, e to w from 8133 Louisiana av. to 3136 Gustine av. Haven av., in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to Caron- delet park. Central Carondelet. Hawk av., in western suburbs, from 4000 Clayton rd. south to south of Gratiot, 1 blk west of Manchester rd. Hawthorn av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River to 4239 Penrose, 3 blks north of Adelaide av. Hawthorne, e to w from 2201 Louisiana av. to its junction with Longfellow av., 1 blk north of Shenandoah. Hazel av., e to w from 4301 Arlington av. west, 5 blks north of Natural Bridge rd. Heber, from Grand av. north to Adelaide av., 5 blks west of Miss- issippi River. Hebert, e to w from 2901 N, 10th to 3500 Prairie av. Helen, n to s from 1848 Madison to 1837 Mullanphy, l blk east of N. 19th. 103 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continucd. Hempstead, e to w from 1827 N. 2d to 1804 N. 9tli. Henrietta, e to w from 1633 Ohio av. to 1654 Theresa av. Herder, e to w from 3323 Blair av. to 3320 N. 19th. Hereford, in western suburbs, from 5100 Northrup av. south to 5101 Bischoff av., 2 blks west of King's highway, Hermitage av., n to s from 6900 Old Manchester rd. south to River des Peres, in western suburbs, 1 blk east of McCJausland av. Hewitt av., n to s from 7200 Lanham av. south to 7201 Old Manches- ter rd., 1 blJs east of city limits. Hiawatha, e to w from 4633 S. Compton av. to 4632 Virginia av., 1 blli south of Neosho. Hic]iman,from 4131 Marine av. west to city blk 2618,1 blk nortli of Meramec. Hickory, e to w from 1201 S. Broadway to Carr Lane av., and from Cabanno west to St. Louis & San Francisco Ky. Hicks, an alley in blk 181, bounded by Olive, Locust, Scveutli and Eighth. High, s to n from 1231 Lucas av. to north of 1231 O'Fallon. Hodiamont av.,in western suburbs, from 6101 Delmar av. northeast of 6100 Easton av., 1 blk east of western city limits. Hoehn, n to s from 1600 Picker to blk 820 south, 1 blk west of Linn. Hogan,s ton from 1829 O'Fallon to 1824 North Market,! blk west of N. 18th. Holly av., in northwestern suburbs, from Mississippi lliver to 4239 Peni-ose. Horner av., e to w from 1501 McCausland rd. west to city limits, in western suburbs. Hornsby av., in northern suburbs, e to w from 8601 N. Broadway to 8900 Hall'sFerry rd., 1 blk south of northern city limits. Horton pl.,e to w from 1039 Hamilton av. west to city limits, 5 blks south of Page av. Howard, e to w from 1701 N. Wharf to 1800 N. 17th, and from N. 22d to Garrison av. Hull pl.,n to s from 4033 Kossuth av. north to 4032 Lee av., 1 blk west of Warne av. Humboldt av., from Mississippi Biver to 7200 N. Broadway, 3 blks south of Calvary av. Humphrey, e to w from Louisiana av. to 3232 Gustine av., 5 blks south of Ai"senal, Hunt av., e to w from 1451 S. Grand av. to west line of Laclede Race Course, 1 blk north of Park av. Hurck, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to S. 7th. Hutchinson, n to s from 1401 Prairie av. north, 1 blk west of N. Broadway. Illinois av,. n to s from 2100 Wyoming to 2101 Gasconade. Indiana av., n to s from 2352 Ann av. to 2301 Keokuk. loAva av., n to s from 2752 Lafayette av. to 2751 Chariton. Iron, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to west of S. Grand av. Itaska, e to w from 4701 S. Broadway to 4700 Gravois av. Ivanhoe av., in southwestern suburbs, from 6700 Old Manchester rd. south to south of 6700 Hancock av., 2 blks east of McCaus- land rd. 104 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Ivory av. from Jimctlon of Michigan av. and |Steins, in S. St. Louis, southwest to River dps Peres. Jackson pL, from 11th to 12th, bet. Monroe to Benton. Jacob av., in northwestern suburbs, from 5901 DeGiverville av. north to 5900 Kingsbury boulevard, 3 blks west of Union av. James, e to w from 2415 Ceeile to alley in block 1396 S. Jamieson av., n to s from' 6900 Smiley av. south to 6901 Hancock av., in southwestern suburbs, 1 blk east of McCausland rd. January av., in western suburbs, from 5700 Manchester rd. to 5701 Arsenal, 1 blk west of Sublette av. Jasper Park, n to s from 5601 Fyler av. north, in southwestern suburbs, 3 blks west of Sublette av. Jefferson av., north, s to n from 2601 Market to 2600 Palm. Jefferson av., south, n to s from 2600 Market to S. Broadway. Jefferson av., south of Gasconade to Piedmont av. Jefferson Barracks rd., outside city limits, south of River des Peres. Jennings av., e to w from Mimika av. west to city limits, in north- western suburbs, 2 blks north of Bircher. Joab, n to s from 3000 Chouteau av. to 3001 Park av. John av., e to w from Mississippi River to 3725 Penrose. Jones, n to s from 3930 Page av. to 3931 Cook av., 1 blk. west of Vandeventer av. Josephine, n to s from 2800 Papin to south of 2752 LaSalle. Jules, from 2200 Ann av. south to 2201 Shenandoah, 1 blk east of Missouri av. Julia, from 1561 S. 7th to 1652 S. 11th, 1 blk north of Soulard. Julian av., from 5601 Clara av. to 1250 Hodiamont av. 5 blks south of Easton av. Juniata, e to w from 3151 Ohio av. to 3100a Gustine av. Kansas, in S. St. Louis, e to w from 6101 Water to Wilmington rd. Kayser, in S. Carondelet, from S. Broadway west, 1 blk south of River des Peres. Keber av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River to 6900 N. Broadway, 5 blks south of Calvary av. Kemper pi., e to w from 3151 King's highway to 3150 Brannon av. 1 blk south of Arsenal. Kennerly av., in northwestern suburbs, from 2701 Sarah west to 2700 Marcus av., 7 blks north of Easton av. Kennett pi., e to av from 1601 2d Carondelet av. to 1600 Mississippi av. Kenrick, in northern suburbs, from 501 Bittner north, 2 blks east of N. Broadway. Kentucky av., n to sfrom 4170 Manchester rd. to Pacific Ry., east of King's highway. Keokuk, e to w from 3901 Kosciusko to 4001A Meramec. Kingsbury Boulevard, in northwestern suburbs, from 501 Union av. west to city limits, 4 blks north of Forest park. King's Highway, n to s from 7001 Florissant av. south to 6801 Gravois av. west of Grand av. and eastern boundary of Forest park. Kittenreiner av., e to w from 1429 Compton av. to 1428 Mackenzie av. Klein, n to s from 1405 Buchanan to 1418 Destrehan. 105 STREETS AND AVENUES— Continued. Klemm, n to s from 4200 Park av, south to south of 4200 Tyler av., 1 blk east of Tower Grove av. Kloek, from 4133 Louisiana av. west, 1 blk north of Meramec. Knapp, n to s from 1929 Howard to 1928 Madison, and from 1927 Hebert to 1926 Branch. Knight, in northwestern suburbs, from 1237 Lay av. west to 1228 King's highway, 2 blks north of Kaston av. Knox av., n to s from 6200 Manchester rd. south to 6201 Wilson av., 2 blks east of Tamm. Koeln av., in S. Carondelet, from Mississippi River west to Eu- gene av. Kosciusko, n to s from 144 Park av. to 109 Osage. Kossuth av., n to s from 4101 Glasgow av. to west of Newstead av- Kraft, in southwestern suburbs, from Dale av. south to 6700 Mna- chester rd., 2 blks northeast of P.enton Rta. Kraus, in S. St. Louis, e to w from 6801 Water to 6800 Virginia av. Krum av., from 8801 Finney av. to 3800 Cook av., 2 blks west of Grand av. Labadie av., e to w from .3001 Prairie av. to Marcus av., 4 blks south of Natviral Bridge rd. Labeaume, e to w from 1901 N. 2d to 1900 N. 10th. Laclede av , e to w from 1 S. Jefferson av. to 2 King's highway. Lafayette av., e to w from 1801 S. Wharf to 1700 Grand av. Laflin, from 3101 Magazine north to 2601 Garrison av. Lake av., n to s from 5201 Park rd. north to 5200 Portland pi., 1 blk east of Union av. Lalite av., e to w from Mimika av. west to city limits, 2 blks north of Jennings av. Lambdin av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4201a Kennerly av. north to 4200A Ashland av., 1 blk west of Goode av. Lami, c to w from 2351 S. 2d to 2400 Cecile. Lamwtte av., n to s in western suburbs, from 3950 Duncan av. to 3951 Bernard, 1 blk west of Vandcventer av. Lanham av., e to av from Missouri Pacific Ry. west to city limits, 1 blk north of Old Manchester rd. LaSallo, e to AV from 1101 B. Wharf to west line of Shepley & Mc- pherson's addition. Laura av., e to av from Mimika av. west to city limits, 1 l)lk north of Jennings av. Laurel, n to s from St. Louis Cable & W. Ry. north to 5836 Maple av., 1 blk Avest of Goodfellow av. Lawrence, n to s from north of 4001 Park av. south to south of . 4000 Tyler av. Lay av., n to s from Ashland av. to Forest park, 1 blk east of King's highway. League av., n to s in western suburbs, from 5422 Wise av. south to 5421 Carlyle, 1 blk Avest of Macklind av. Leduc, in nortliAvestern suburbs, e to w from 1901 Marcus av. west, 2 blks north of Faston av. Lee av., e to av from 4129 Glasgow av. to Avest of Newstead av. LeffingAvell av., north, s to n from 2801 Laclede av. north tf) 2800 Dodier. 106 STREETS AND AVENUES-Contniued. Lefflij^well iiv., south, n to s from 2800 Laclcdo av. to 2801 Ran- dolph. Lemay Ferry rd., outside city limits, south of River des Tores. Lemi) av., n to s from 1900 Lynch to 3G01 S. Broadway. Leonard av., from 8301 Manchester rd. north to 3300 Laclede av., thence from 3301 Olive north to 3300 Easton av. Lesperance, e to w from 2001 S. Wharf to 2000 S. Broadway. Lewis, from 1 Biddle to 2 Florida. Lexington av., in northwestern suburbs, from Clay Jav. west to Marcus av., 1 bik south of Natural Bridge rd. Liberty, n to s from 2000 Sidney to 2001 Lynch. Lilly av., in western suburbs, from 5600 Wise av. south to 5501 Bis- Choff av., 6 blks west of King's highway. Lincoln av., e to w from 2G01 Spring av. to 2700 Sarah, 7 blks north of Easton av. Lindell av., e to w from 299 Channing av. to King's highway. Linden, e to w from 719 N. 12th to 718 N. 13th, 2 blks north of Wash- ington av. Lindenwood pi., e to w from east of McCavisland av. west to River des Teres, in southwestern suburbs, 3 blks south of Ternod av. Linn, n to s from 1352 Hickory to 1313 Geyer av. Linton av., from 5201 N. Broadway southwest to 3901 A Tenrose, 7 blks north of Grand av. Lismore, n to s from 2551A Sullivan av. to 2550a Hebert, 1 blk east of Jefferson av. Little, in western suburbs, from 1801 Adele av. southwest tt) 5501 Shaw av., 2 blks west of Macklind av. Lloyd av., e to w from 1469 Tamm west, 2 blks N. of Manchester rd. Locust, e to w from 401 N. AYharf to 400 N. 13th, thence from 401 N. Jefferson av. to 512 Ware av. Lombard, e to w from 901 S. Wharf to 900 S. Broadway. Longfellow av., e to w from 1901 Minnesota av. to 2200 Grand av., 1 blk south of Russell av. Lorentz, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to south- ern city limits. Loretta av., e to w from 1601 Sulphur av. west to 1600 Billon av., in western suburbs, 1 blk north of Manchester rd. Lorraine av., in northwestern suburbs, from 3551 Marcus av. west to 3400 King's highway, 2 blks south of Natural Bridge rd. Loughborough av., in S. St. Louis, e to w from 6000 Water to Gravois av. Louis, in Southwest Carondelct, from 3517 Grand av. west, 1 blk north of River des Teres. Louisa, e to w from 3737 S. Wharf to 3736 S. 2d. Louisiana av., u to s from 3400 Tark av. to 3401 Meramec. Louisville av., n to s south o-f Clayton rd., 2 blks west of Tannn. Lowell, in northern suburbs, from 701 Gimblin rd. north, 1 blk east of Broadway. Lucas av., e to w from 701 N. 11th to 700 N. Grand av. Lucas pi., e to w from 401 N. 14th to 400 N. Jefferson av. Lucille av., e to w from Mimika av. northwest to city limits, in northwestern suburbs, 3 blks south of Florissant aV. 107 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Lucky, e to w from 1701 N. Grand av. to 1700 Cora av. Lucky, n to s from 4?36 rernod rd, south to 4335 Tholozau av., in southern suburbs, 1 blk west of Morgan Ford rd. Luther av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River west to 7000 N. Broadway, 5 blks south of Calvary av. Lynch, e to w from 2801 S. AYharf to west of Gravois av. Lyon, n to s from 401 Lynch to 400 Dorcas, 2 blks east of S. Broad- way. Mackenzie av., n to s from 3000 Chouteau av. to 3301 Park av. Macklind av., in southwestern suburbs, from Forest park south to 5401 Arsenal, 5 blks west of King's highway. Madison^ e to w from 2101 N. Wharf to 1700 Webster av. Maeder, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi Eiver to 5100 Vir- ginia av. Maffitt av., e to w from 2701 Spring av. to 2800 Marcus av., and east of Union av., 7 blks north of Easton av. Magazine, e to w from 1801 Leffingwell av. to 1700 Bacon. Magnolia av., from 2701 Grand av., near Tower Grove Park, west to Sublette av., and from Ecoff av. to McCausland rd. Maiden Lane, e to w from 1851 Hogan to 1816 N. Jefferson av. Mallinckrodt,e to w from 3601 Hall to 3600 K 25th. Malt, in S. St. Louis, e to w from 6601 Water to 6600 S. 9th. Manchester rd., e to w from 2700 Laclede av. to western city limits. Maple av., eto w from east of. Union av. west to city limits. Marceau, in St. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to Ivory av. Marcus av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4700 Page av. northeast to 6700 Florissant av., 3 blks east of King's highway. Mardel av., e to w from east of McCausland av. to River des Peres, in southwestern suburbs. Margaretta av., in northwestern suburbs, from. 4001 Fair av to 4000 Snead av., 3 blks north of Natural Bridge rd. Maria, from 51 E. Grand av. north to 310 John av., 1 blk west of Hall. Marie, e to w from 2901 Ellendale av. west to Missouri Pacific Ry., 1 blk south of Old Manchester rd., in Ellendale. Marine av., n to s from 3624 S. Broadway to Meramec. Marion, e to w from 1531 S. First to 1500 S. 11th. Marion pi., from 11th to 12th, bet. Benton and Montgomery. Maiket, e to w from 1 S. Wharf to 2 Beaumont. Marmaduke av., e to w from 2901 Tamm rd. west to St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. Marquette av., e to w from 3501 McCausland av. west to River des Peres, in southwestern suburbs, 2 blks north of Pernod av. Martin av., in western suburbs, from 4400 Duncan av. to 4401 Man- chester rd., 2 blks east of Forest park. Mary av., e to w from 5339 Florissant av. to 5300 Rosalie, 1 blk west of Warne av. Maryland av., in northwestern suburbs, from 351 Boyle av. west to King's highway, 1 blk north of Lindell av. Meryville av., in nortliern suburbs, from 5872 Maple av. south to St. Louis Cable & W. Ry., 1 blk east of Hamilton av. 108 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Mason, n to s from Hickory to Rutger, bet. 6th and 7th. Maurice av., e to w from 3401 Watson rd. to 3400 Ivanhoe av., 3 blks south of Arsenal. Maury av.,in western suburbs, from 4601 Magnolia av. north to Shenandoah, 1 blk east of King's highway. May, from Gingrass Creek west to 4532 N. Broadway, 1 blk south of Grand av. McCausland rd., in southwestern suburbs, n to s from 7001 Ban- croft av. to 7000 Clayton rd., l blk east of western city limits. McCune av., e to w, 1 blk east and west of Ivanhoe av., 1 blk south of Old Manchester rd. McDonald av., e to w from 3400 S. Grand av. to 3400 Gustine av. McGirk, e to w from 2701 S. 11th to 2700 S. 12th. McKean av., e to w from 3329 Gravois av. to 3332 Grand av., 1 blk north of Cherokee. McEissock av., from 101 Grand av. north to 500 Adelaide av.,2 blks east of Broadway. McLai-an av., in northern suburbs, from 8500 Hall's Ferry rd. to western city limits, 2 blks east of Wabash Ry. McNair av., n to s from 2100 Ann av. to 2101 Arsenal. McNulty, from 1451 2d Carondelet av. west to 1500 Vail pi., 1 blk south of Park av. McPherson av., from 3801 Lindell av. west to King's highway, 2 blks south of Olive. McRee av., e to w from 1633 S. Grand av. to 1600 King's highway. Mead, in northwestern suburbs, from 1901 Wabash Ry. to 1900 Mc- Laran av., 1 blk east of city limits. Menard, n to s from 1028 Park av. to 1027 Victor. Meramec, e to w from Mississippi River to 3700 Morgan Ford rd. Merchant, e to w from S. Second to 1400 S. Broadway. Mercy, n to s from 3801 Shaw av. to 3800 DeTonty, 2 blks west of Grand av. Miami, e to w from 3699 Cleon to 3600 Grand av., and from Lucy to Pauline. Michigan av., n to s from 3128 Lafayette av. to River des Peres. Miller, e to w from 1451 S. Wharf to 1410 S. Broadway. Mills, e to w from 1019 N. Jefferson av. to 1024 Leffingwell av. Mimika av., n to s from Jennings av. to Emma av., 2 blks east of city limits, in northwestern suburbs. Minerva av., in northwestern suburbs, from 1301 N.King's high- way to western city limits, 3 blks south of Easton av. Mincke, e to w from 16th to 17th, 1 blk south of Poplar. Minnesota av., n to s from 3100 Lafayette av. to River des Peres. Mississippi av., n to s from 2000 Chouteau av. to 1951 Gravois av. Missouri av., n to s from 2300 Chouteau av. to Meramec. Mitchell av., in western suburbs, e to w from east of 1601 Prather av. to 1600 McCausland rd., 5 blks north of Manchester rd. Monroe, e to w from 2801 N. First to 2300 N. 18th. Montana, e to w from 4033 Louisiana av. to Grand av., and front 4033 Missouri av. to 4031 S. Broadway, 1 blk south of Osage. Montgomery, e tp w from 2701 N. Wharf to 2500 Spring av, 109 STREETS AND AVENUES— Continued. Montrose av., ii to s frqui 3000 Manchester rcl. to Pacilic Ry. Moore, u to s from 1652 Market to 1651 Clark av. Morgan Ford rd., n to s from 4300 Arsenal south to River des Peres, 1 blk east of King's highway. Morgan, e to w from 801 N. Wharf to 800 Union av, Morin av., innoi'thern suburbs, from Mississippi Kiver west to 6400 Florissant av. ; also southern boundary of Bellefontaine Cemetery. Morrison av., e to w from 1301 S. 9th to 1300 S. I3th. Motard av., no to s from 3626 Chouteau av. to 3627 Vista av., 1 blk west of Grand av. Mound Lane, n to s from 1051 Howard to Mound, in blk 649. Mound, e to w from 1727 N. Wharf to 1737 N. 10th. Mount Vernon av.. in western suljurbs, from 4400 Ma-nchester rd. south to Pacific Ry., 1 blk east of King's highway. Mullanphy, e to w from 1601 N. Wharf to 1600 N. Jefferson av. Murdock av., e to w from River des Peres to city limits, north of Watson rd. Nagle av., in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to Virginia av. Nashville av., e to w 1343 Tamin to 1344 Louisville av., 2 blks south of Clayton rd. Natural Bridge rd., e to w from 3701 Vest av. to western city limits. Nebraska av., n to s from 2920 Park av. to 4901 S. Broadway. Nellie av., in S. Carondelet, from River des Peres west to Jeffer- son Barracks rd., 3 blks south of Marceau. Neosho, e to w from Mississippi River to S. 18th. Newcomb pi., e to w, in city blk 3777, bet. Easton av. and Page av. running one -half a blk east of Walton av. Newhouse av., e tow from 4001 N. 11th to Vest av. Newman av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River west to 6700 N. Broadway, 8 blks south of Calvary uv. Newstead av., in western suburbs, from 4401 Duncan av. to 2300 Marcus av., 1 blk east of Taylor av. Nicholson pi., n to s from 2052 Lafayette av. to 2051 Geyer av. Niggemann av., n to s from 4400 Arsenal to 4401 Scanlan av., 4 blks east of King's highway. Nineteenth, north, s to n from 1901 Market to 1900 Grand av. Nineteenth, south, n to s from 1900 Clark av. to 1901 Gratiot, and from Osceola to Delor. Ninth, north, s to n from 901 Market to north Penrose. Ninth, south, n to s from 900 Market to Cave, and from Osceola to River des Peres. Norfolk av., in northwestern suburbs, from 1301 Boyle av. to west line of Laclede Race Course, 2 blks south of Manchester rd. North Dakota, from East Michigan av. to West Michigan av., 1 blk south of Osceola. North Gasconade, from East Iowa a v. to West Iowa av., northern boundary of Laclede park, 1 blk south of Osage. North Market, from 2401 N. AVharf to 2500 Marcus av., and from 2501 Clara av. to 2500Goodfellow av. North Park pi., e to w from 3935 N. 11th to 3952 N. 14th. no STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Northrup av., in western suburbs, from 1701 S. King's highway west to 1700 Adele av., 2 blks south of Manchester rd. North Trudeau, e to w from S. First to S. 2d., 1 blk south of Rus- sell av. Oak, from 33E Ferry north to Cornelia, 3 blks east of Broadway. Oak Hill av., in southwestern suburbs, from 4100 Arsenal to 4151 Chippewa, 7 blks west of Grand av. Obear av., from 3701 Kossuth av. to 4701 Von Phul. Oberbeek, in northwestern suburbs, from 901 Christian, north, 1 blk west of Broadway. Odell av., in southwestern suburbs, from 2901 S. King's highway west to Sublette av., 1 blk north of Arsenal. O'Fallon, e to w from 1301 N. Wharf to 1300 N. Jefferson av. Ohio av., n to s from 2700 Chouteau av. to 2701 Dakota. Old Manchester rd., from Junction of Manchester rd. to western city limits. Oleatha av., e to w from 3539 McCausland av. to Wabash av., 1 blk north of Ternod av. Olive, e to w from 301 N. Wharf to 4800 Washington av. Oregon av.,nto s from 2830 Lafayette av. to Itaska. Osage, o to w from Mississippi River to 4000 S. Grand av. Osceola, e to w from Mississippi River to 4400 S. 9th. Ouida av., in northern suburbs, from 735 Carrie av. north to 734 Morin av., 1 blk east of Broadway. Page av., e to w from 1401 Francis to western city limits, 1 blk north of Cook av. Palm, e to w from 3001 N. Wharf to 3600 Prairie av. Papin, e to w from 901 S. Broadway to 845 Taylor av. Park av., c to w from 1401 S. First to 4300 Manchester rd. Park rd., e to w from 201 N. King's highway to 200 Union av. Parker av., e to w from 3901 Gustine av. to .3400 Bent av. Parnell, n to s from 2557 Warren to 2500a Hebert, 1 blk west of N. 25th, and from 2501a Palm to 3900 Glasgow av. Pattison av., in western suburbs, from 1801 King's highway west to 1800 Adele av., 2 blks south of Pacific Ry. Paul, n to s from 816 Chouteau av. to 813 Hickory. Pauline, n to s from 4401 Tholozan av, to 4400 Pernod rd. Peck, n to s from 3501 Bailey av. to 4501 Florissant av. Pelham av., in northern suburbs, from 701 Bittner 2 blks north, 1 blk east of N. Broadway. Pendleton av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4301 Washington av. to north of 4300 Kennerly av., 5 blks west of Vandeventer av. Penn, e to w from 2631 Cambria to 2652 McNair av. Pennsylvania av., n to s from 3000 Lafayette av. to Catalan. Penrose, e to w from 4201 N. Wharf to 4201 Semple av. Pernod rd., in southwestern suburbs, from 3501 Morgan Ford rd. west to River des Peres, 3 blks south of Arsenal. Perry, e to w from 4229 N. 14th to 4228 N. 20th. Pestalozzi, e to w from 3001 S. Broadway to 2901 Compton av. Phillips av., e to w from 3733 Giles av. to 3732 Cabanne, and from 4051 Gravois av. west to 3800 oak Hill av. Ill STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Picker, e to w from 1801 Linn to 1752 Dolman. Piedmont av., n to s from Gasconade to Mississippi River, 1 blk east of Texas av. Pierce av., in western suburbs, from 5800 Wise av. to 5801 Wilson av., 2 blks west of Sublette av. Pine, from 201 N. Wharf to 100 N. King's highway. Pitzman av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River west to 6800 Broadway, 5 blks north of Calvary av. Plateau av., in western suburbs, from 6501 Manchester rd. south- west to city limits, 1 blk north of Manchester rd. Pleasant, n to s from 3201 Bailey av. to 4401 Florissant av. Plum, e to w from 701 S. Wharf to 700 S. 4th. Plymouth av., in northwestern suburbs, from 5801 Goodfellow av. west beyond city limits, 2 blks south of Page av. Poepping, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 8100 Waddell av. Polk, n to s from Mississipp'i River to River des Peres. Pope av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River to New- stead av., 2 blks south of Bellefontaine Cemetery. Poplar, e to w from 601 S. Wharf to 400 S. 21st. Portland pi., e to w from 401 N. King's highway to 300 Union av. Potomac, e to w from 3501 S. Wharf to 3500 S. Broadway, and from 3501 Lemp av. to 3500Gustine av. Powder, from lA Grand av. to 100 Luther av., 1 blk west of Front. Powhattan, e to w from 2601 Minnesota av. to 2600 S. Grand av. Prairie av., from 3751 Cook av. to Mississippi River, 3 blks north of Grand av. Pi-ather av., in Western suburbs, from 6801 Manchester rd. north, 3 blks east of city limits. Prescott av., in northern suburbs, from 5601 N. Broadway to 700 Luther av. President, e to w from 3601 S. Wharf to 3520 Wisconsin av. Preston pi., n to s from 1900 Lafayette av. to 1901 Geyer av. Primm, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to River des Peres. Prospect av., n to s from 3656 Forest Park Boulevard south to Chouteau av., 1 blk west of Grand av. Provenchere pi., e to w from 3151 Lemp av. west, 1 blk south of Arsenal. Putnam, in S. St. Louis, n to s from Fassen to Bates, 1 blk west of Virginia av. Quincy, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 7000 Vir- ginia av. Race Course av., in western suburbs, from 1451 Old Manchester rd. west, 5 blks south of Manchester rd. Randolph, e to w from 601 S. 12th to Lefflngwell av. Ranken av., n to s from 3400 Laclede av. to 3400 Caroline. Rappahannock, e to w from 2737 Gravois av. to 2800 Grand av. Rauschenbach av., from 2123 Maiden Lane to 2122 Hebert. Rebecca, e to w from Grand av. to Meramee, 1 blk south of Keokuk. 112 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Reber pi., in southwestern suburbs, e to w from Brannon av. to Old Manchester rd., 2 blks north of Arsenal and opposite west gate of Tower Grove Park. Re^d Bud av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4251 Natural Bridge ' rd. to 4250 Margaretta av., 3 blks east of Newstead av. Reilly av.,in S. St. Louis, n to s from Mississippi River to River dea Peres. Rice, n to s from 2001 Gratiot north, 1 blk east of 21st. Richmond pi., in northwestern suburbs, from 801 Taylor av. west to 800 Walton av., 1 blk north of Delmar av. Ridge av., in northwestern suburbs, from 1401 King's highway to western city limits, 2 blks south of Easton av. Ridgley, e to w from 551 S. 14th to 550 S. 16th. Ripple, in western suburbs, n to s from 6200 Cheltenham av. south, t blks east of Tamm. Risley, n to s from Lombard to Chouteau av., bet. S. 1st and S. 2nd. Robbins Lane, from 1601 St. Charles to 1626 Lucas av., crossing Washington av. at 1627. Robert av., south of River des Peres to Lorentz. Outside of city limits. Robert, in S. St. Louis,e to w from Mississippi River to 7300 Morgan Ford rd. Rosalie, in northwestern suburbs, from 4301 Warne av. northwest to Newstead siv., 1 blk west of O'Fallon park. Rosedale av., nw to se., from 6101 Bonhomme rd. to Delmar av. Ross well av., in southern suburbs, from 7201 Grand av. west to 7200 Field av., 3 blks south of Carondelet Park. Russell av., e to w from 2101 S. Wharf to 2100 Tower Grove av. Russell pi,, in south westsrn suburbs, from Arsenal south to 4004 Tholozan av., 6 blks west of Grand av. Rutger, e to w from 1301 S. Wharf to Tiffany. Ruth av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi River to 5500 N. Broadway, and from 5501 Algernon to 5500 Rosalie, 1 blk north of Adelaide av. Sacramento av., in northwestern suburbs, from 3801 Fair av. to .S800 Newstead av., 1 blk north of Natural Bridge rd. SaLena, n to s from 1928 Lynch to 1935 Arsenal. Salisbury, to w frohi 3701 N, Wharf to 2555 Palm. San Francisco av., in northwestern suburbs, from 3901 Fair av. to 3900 Cora av., and from 3901 Snead av. to 3900 Calvary av., 2 blks north of Natural Bridge rd. San Jacinto av., n to s from Dale av. to 6600 Villa av.,3 blks west of Tamm. Sarah, n to s from 4128 Ashland av. to 4101 Duncan av., 2 blks west of Vandeventer av. Sarpy av., in western suburbs, from east of Vandeventer av. west to 700 Boyle a v., 1 blk south of Clayton rd. Sarsfleld pi., n to s from 1929 O'Fallon to 1928 Cass av. Scanlan av., in southwestern suburbs, e to w from King's highway to Brannon av., and from Tamm rd. to McOauslaud rd., 2 blks south of Arsenal. Schild av., e to w from 1801 2nd Carondelet av. to 1800 Preston pi. 113 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Schiller av., in northern suburbs, from Wabash W. Ry. west to 7300 N. Broadway, B blks south of Calvary av. Schirmex, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to River des Peres. Schopl, e to w from 1101 Cardinal av. to west of Channing av. Scott av., e to w from 601 S. 21st to 600' Lay av. Second Carondelet av., n to s from 1800 Chouteau av. to 3539 S. Broadway. Second, north, s to n from 201 Market to 400 Adelaide av. Second, south,; n to s from 200 Market to U. S. Marine Hospital tract. Selby pi., n to 9 from 1501 Wash to 1500 Carr. Semple av., in northwestern suburbs, from 5443 Easton av. north to Bircher, 1 blk northwest of Union av* Seventeenth, north, s to n from 1701 Market to Clinton. Seventeenth, south, n to s from 1700 Market to 1701 Chouteau av., and from Osceola to Itaska. Seventh, north, s to n from 701 Market to junction with Broadway. Seventh, sovith, n to s from 700 Market to 3401 Broadway, and from - Virginhi av.,to River des Peres. Sharp av., n to s from 4000 Loughborough av. to Primm. Shaw av., e to w from 1901 Grand av. to 1900 Sublette av. Shenandoah, e to w from 2301 S. Broadway to 2300 King's highway, 3 blks north of Tower Grove park. Sheridan av., eto w from 1429 N. Jefferson av. to 3301 Easton av. Short, in blk 1107, bet. AVarren, Montgomery, N. 15th and N. 19th. Short al., in blk 1397, bet. Gushing, Victor and McNair av. Shreve av., in northwestern suburbs, n to s from Lee av. to 4700 Bircher, 3 blks west of Newstead av. Sidney, e to w from 2601 S. Wharf to 2600 Minnesota av. Silver, in western suburbs, e to w from 1401 Macklind av. to 1500 Sublette av., southern boundary of Missouri Pacific R. R. Simpson av., e to w and n to s, around Clifton park, in Clifton Heights, 2 blks north of Old Manchester rd. Singleton, e to w from 823 S. 14th to 852 S. 18th, and from 21st to 22nd. Sixteenth, north, s to n from 1601 Market north to Howard. Sixteenth, south, n to s from 1600 Market south to Randolph, and from Osceola to Eichelberger. Sixth, north, s to n from 601 Market north to N. Broadway. Sixth, south, n to s from 600 Market south to 601 Park av., and from Vii-ginia av. to 7901 Ivory av. Skinker rd., in western suburbs, from 7001 Clayton rd., north to 6200 Bonhomme rd., western boundary of Forest park. Slevin av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4101 Snead av. north- west to 4100 Calvary av., 2 blks north of Natural Bridge rd. Smiley av., e to w from 3149 Ivanhoe av. to Frisco av., 1 blk south of Arsenal. Smith, e to w from 1501 N. Wliarf to 1428 N. 1st. . Snead av., in northwestern suburbs, from 6901 Florissant av. south- - west to 4901 Natural Bridge rd., 1 blk east of King's highway. 114 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Sopor, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 6500 Michi- gan av. Sopliie av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4201 Natural Bridge rd. north to 4200 Margaretta av., 1 blls west of Fair Grounds. Soulard, e to w from ITOl S. Wliarf to 1700 Linn. South Dakota, e to w from E. Michigan av. to W. Michigan av., 4 blks south of Meramec. South Gasconade, from E. Iowa av. to W. Iowa av., southern bound- ary of Laclede park. South Trudeau, e to w from 2201 S. 1st to 2200 S. 2nd. Soutli rd., in western suburbs, from 5501 Manchester rd. to Lilly av., 1 blk soutli of Cheltenham av. Spaulding av., in northwestern suburbs, from 2601 King's highway west to 2600 Union av., 2 biles nortli of Easton uv. Spring av., s to n from 3701 Finney av. to 3700 Natural Bridge rd. Spru(;e, e to w from 401 S. AVharf to 3.52 S. 2lst. Stansbury, e to w from 3731 Illinois av. to S. Broadway, 1 blk north of Chippewa. St. Alphonsus, from 8633 Bell av. to 8628 Finney av. St. Ange av., n to s from 1400 Chouteau av. to 1601 Linn. St. Anthony, e to w from 1271 S. Broadway to 1272 S. 6tli. St. Charles, e to w from 511 N. 3rd to 500 N. Jefferson av. St. Cyr av., in northern suburbs, from 9401 Columbia Bottom rd. to western city limits. St. Ferdinand av., e to w from 2501 Prairie av. to 2500 Marcus av., 5 blks north of Easton av. St. Joseph, e to w from 1235 S. Broadway to 1234 S. 6th. St. Louis av., e to w from 2801 N. Wharf to 2800 Clara av. St. Louis pi., bet. Maiden Lane, Ilebert, 21st and Bauschenbacli av. St. Vincent av., e to w from 1551 S. Jefferson av. to 1550 Ohio av., 1 blk south of Park av., and from 1551 Nebraska av. to 1532 Theresa av. Stanley av., e to w from 2101 McCausland rd. to 2100 Blendon pi., 2 blks north of Manchester rd. Steins, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 7600 S. Grand av. Stewart pi-, n to s from 5433 Wells av. to 5432 Easton av., 2 blks west of Union av. Stockton, n to s from ic Grand av. north to 200 Luther av., 4 blks west of Mississippi River. Stoddard, e to w from 1101 N, Jefferson av. to 1100 Glasgow av. Stringtown rd., n to s from Bates to junction with Compton av. Sublette av., in western suburbs, n to s from 5000 Berthold ay., to 5401 Pernod rd., 8 blks west of King's highway. Sullivan av:, e to w from 2951 N. 13th to 3100 Prairie av. Sulphur av., in western suburbs, from 1400 Billon av. to 6001 Wilson av., 3 blks west of Sublette av. Swan av., in western suburbs, from 1201 Boyle av. west to ISlount Vernon av., 1 blk of Manchester rd. Sweringen av., in northern suburbs, from Mississippi liver west to 6600 N. Broadway, 12 blks north of Adelaide jiv. 115 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Switzer av., in northern suburbs, n to s from 7801 N. Broadway to northern city limits, 1 blk east of Wabash W. Ry. Talcott av., e to w from Mississippi River to 5200 N. Broadway, 5 blks north of Grand av. Talmage av., in western suburbs, from 4138 Manchester rd. to 1301 Old Manchtester rd. Tamm rd., in western suburbs, from 6400 Berthold av. south to 3201 Watson rd., 12 blks west of King's highway. Targee, n to s from 1418 Market to 1419 Clark av. Taylor av., in western suburbs, from Papin north to Newstead av., 7 blks west of Grand av. Telegraph rd., in south Carondelet, beyond city limits, continua- tion of S. 7th, 3 blks east of Grand av. Tennessee av., n tos from 3432 Shenandoah to 3451 Keokuk. Tenth, north, s to n from 1001 Market to 1000 Hebert. Tenth, south, n to s from 1000 Market to 1001 Arsenal. Termination, e to w from 4801 Minnesota av. to 5000 Virginia av., 6 blks south of Meramec. Terry av., e to w from 2838 Union av. east, 1 blk north of Maf- fltt av. Tesson, in S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to River des Peres. Texas av., from 2632 Eads av. south to Osceola. Thatcher av., in northwestern suburbs, from Mississippi River to 7700 N. Broadway, 1 blk north of Calvary av. Theodosi a av., in northwestern suburbs, from proposed Bayard av. west toGoodfellow av., 1 blk north of Easton av. Theresa av., north, s to n from 3501 Laclede av., to 3500 Lindell av. Theresa av., south, n to s from 3500 Laclede av. to 3501 Lafay- ette av. Third, north, s to n from 300 Market to junction with Broadway. Third, south, n to s from 300 Market to 301 Arsenal. Thirteenth, north, s to n from 1301 Market to 3201 N. 11th. Thirteenth, south, n to s from 1300 Market to 2501 S. Broadway ; also from Osceola to Eichelberger. Tholozan av., e to w from 3651 S. Grand av. to Cabanne. Thomas, e to w from 1401 N. Jefferson av. to Ware av. Thompson av., from 3201 St. Louis av. north to 3200 Bailey av. Thornby pi., n to s from 5841 Maple av. to 5840 Bartmer av., 1 blk west of Goodfellow av. Thurman Boulevard, n to s from north of 4101 Magnolia av. to north of 4400 Park av. Tiffany, in western suburbs, from 3800 Gratiot to 3801 Vista av., 3 blks west of Grand av. Todd av., n to s from 3020 Park av. to 3001 Lafayette av. Tom, e to w from 2014 Eugenia to 2015 Clark av. Tower Grove av., in western suburbs, from 4301 Magnolia av. north to Old Manchester rd., also boundary of Shaw's Garden. Tracy rd., in northwestern suburbs, from south of Florissant av. northeast to Hall's Ferry rd., 1 blk north of Calvary Cemetery. Trudeau, e to w from 2201 S. Wharf to 2200 S. Broadway. U6 STREETS AND AVENUESContinued. Turner av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4201a Natural Bridge rd. north to 4200A Margaretta av., 5 blks west of Warne av. Twelfth, north, s to n from 1201 Market to 1200 Branch. Twelfth, south, n to s from 1200 Market to 1201 Pestalozzi, Twentieth, north, s to n from 2001 Market to 2000 College av. Twentieth, south, n to s from 2100 Market to 2101 Poplar. Twenty-fifth, s to n, from 2500 Sheridan av. to 4100 Glasgow av. Twenty-first, north, s to n from 2101 Market to 2100 College av. Twenty-first, south, n to s from 2100 Market to 2101 Chouteau av. Twenty-fourth, s to n from 2401 Carr to 2400 Cass av. Twenty-second, north, s to n from 2201 Market to 2200 Angelica. Twenty-second, south, n to s from 2200 Market to 2201 Chouteau av- Twenty-third, north, s to n from 2301 Market to 2300 Angelica. Twenty-third, south, n to s from 2400 Market to 2301 Chouteau av. Tyler av., e to w from 2333 S. Grand av. to 2332 Tower Grove. Tyler, e to w from 1945 N. Wharf to 1900 N. 13th. Union av., in western suburbs, from Forest Park north to Natural Bridge rd., 2 blks west of King's highway. Union rd., outside city limits, south of River des Peres. University, e to w from 2901 N. 22nd to 2836 Glasgow av. Upton, in S. St. Louis, from Mississippi River to 7400 Michigan av., and from Grand av. to Eugene av. Utah, e to w from 3301 S. 9th to 3300 Gustine av. Vail pi., n to s from McNulty south, 1 blk east of Mississippi av. Valentine, e to w from 501 S. Wharf to 500 S. Broadway. Van Buren, in S. St. Louis, n to s from Mississippi River to Catalan. Vanderburgh av., n to s from 3533 Hawthorne av. to 3551 Arsenal. Van de venter av., north, s to n from 3901 Laclede av. north to Labadie av, Vandeventer av., south, n to s from 3900 Laclede av. south to Chouteau av. Vandeventer pi., c to w from 951 N. Grand av. to Vandeventer av. Vernon av., in northwestern suburbs, e to w from 4600 Page av. to 1200 Walton av., and from 929 Belt av. to 928 Goodfellow av., along Narrow Gauge R. R. Vest av., n to s from 2529 Salisbury to 2528 Newhouse av., 1 blk west of 25th. Victor, c to w from 2501 S. Wharf to Shenandoah. Villa av., e to w from San Jacinto av. to Dale av., 3 blks south of Clayton rd. Vine, e to av from 501 N. Wharf to 500 N. 4th. Vine Grove av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4301 Labadie av. north to 4300 Ashland av., 2 blks east of Taylor av. Viola av., e to w in blk 2782, east of Tamm rd., and 1 blk north of Clayton rd. Virginia av., n to s from 3300 Lafayette av. to River des Peres. Vista av., e to w from 1401 S. Giand av. to west of Tiffany, 2 blks north of Park av., and from 1401 Boyle av. to west line of La- clede Race Course. 117 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. Von Phul, n to s from 1401 E. Grand av. to 1400 Adelaide av., 2 blks west of N. Broadway . Von Verson av., in northwestern suburbs, e to w from 745 Clara av. to city limits, 1 blk north of Delniar av. Vulcan, in S. St. Louis, n to s from Mississippi Kiver to River des Peres. AVabash av., e to w from 3539 Oleatha av. to 7101 Bancroft av., 1 blk west of McCausland av. Waddell av., n to s from River des Peres to road, 1 blk west of Grand av. Waddingham, n to s from 119 Franklin av. to 118 Carr. Wagner av., in northwestern suburbs, e to w from 1201a Hodia- mont av. west beyond western city limits, I blk south of Page av. Waldemar av., e to w from 6701 Manchester rd. to 2140 Forest av. to Benton. Walnut, e to w from 101 8. Wharf to 100 Theresa av. VV^alsh, '.n S. St. Louis, e to w from Mississippi River to 5200 Morgan Ford rd. Walter av., n to s from 8345 N. Broadway to 8345 Gimblin rd., in Baden. Walton av., in western suburbs, from 4601 McPherson av. to 4800 Easton av., 4 blks east of King's highway. Ware av., n to s from 3501 Lindell av, to 3500 Bell av. Warneav., n to s from McPherson av. to Olive, and from Easton av. to Adelaide av. Warren, e to w from 2601 N. Wharf to 2G00 N. Jefferson av. Wash, e to w from 1001 N. Wharf to 1000 N. 1st., and from 1001 N. Broadway to 2801 Easton av. Washington av., e to w from 601 N. Wharf to King's highway. Water, in S. St. Louis, n to s from Dover to River des I'eres. Waterman av., in northwestern suburbs, from 401 Union av. west to 400 Skinker rd., 3 blks north of Forest park. Watson rd., in southwestern suburbs, from 6000 Old Manchester rd., southwest, beyond city limits, 7 blks west of King's high- way. Waverly pi., n to s from 2100 Lafayette av. to 2101 Geyer av. Way, e to w from 1501 Sulphur av. to 1500 Billon av., 2 blks north of Manchester rd. Weber rd., in south Carondelet, from Adelia av. to 3Iorgan Ford rd., 1 blk south of River des Peres. Webster av., from 3101 Easton av. north to 3119 Magazine. Weil av., e to w from 4401 Watson rd. to city limits, south of River des Peres. Wells av., in northwestern suburbs, frorrvl428 Union av. northwest to city limits, 1 blk south of Easton av. W. Cabanne Court, n to s, 1 blk east of Hodiamont av., south of St. Louis Cable & ^Y. Ry. W. Cabanne pi., e to w from 901 Hamilton av. to west of Cabanne Court, 1 blk south of St. Louis Cable & W. Ry. West End av., in northwestern suburbs, from 4600 Page av. south, 1 blk to 4601 Cook av. 118 STREETS AND AVENUES-Continued. TV. Iowa av., from N. Gasconade to S. Gasconade, western bound- ary of Laclede park. W. Jefferson av., n to s from junction Avith Jefferson av. to 2701 Chouteau av. W. Michigan av., from N. Dakota to S. Dakota, 1 blk west of jNIin- nesota av. Westminster pi., from H2.'} Cabanne to 500 Lay av., 1 blk south of Olive, W(;stmoreland pi., e to w from .301 King's highway to 250 Union av. W. Railroad av., n to s from 501 Calvary av. to 600 Thatcher av., 1 blk east of N. Broadway. Wharf, along the entire river front. TVliitman, in northern suburbs, n to s from IB K. Grand av. to Ade- laide av. Whittemore pi., c to w from 1601 Missouri av. to 1684 S. Jeffer- son av. Whittier, in Avestern suburbs, n to s from 4201 Lindell av. to T^aba- ■ die av. Wilmington rd., in S. St. Louis, e to w from 6601 Michigan av. to 6400Gravois av. Wilson av., in western suburbs, from 2101 King's highway west to Tamm rd., 2 blks south of Shaw av. Windsor pi., e to av from 1021 St. Alphonsus to Vandeventer av. Winnebago, e to av from 3701 Marine av. to 8700 Oak Hill av. Winona av., e to av from east of 3800 McCausland av. to city limits, 4 blks south of Pernod av. Wisconsin av., n to s from 2000 Lynch to Marine av. Wise av., in Avestern suburbs, e to av from 1201 East rd. west to Tierce av., 1 blk north of Manchester rd. Withers av., e to av from Mississippi River to N. IJroadAvay, 7 blks north of E. Grand av., LoAvell, Withnell av., e to av from 3225 S. 9th to 3258 Missouri av. Wittenburg av., n to s from 1430 Old Manchester rd. to Missouri Pacific Ry., 1 blk west of Kentucky av. Woods, in southwestern suburbs, from 5901 Arsenal to 5900 Eliza- beth av., 6 blks west of King's highAvay. Wright, e to w from 2901 N. Wharf to 2900 N. 20th. Wyandotte, e to av from Mississippi River to 4434 S. Broadway, Wyoming, e to av from 3201 S. Broadway to 3200 Gustine av. Zealand, in nortii western suburbs, n to s from 1401 Linton av. to College av., 3 blks west of N. Broadway, Zepp, e to av from 3435 S. Wharf to 3484 S. Broadway. 119 STREET RAILWAYS. BADEN & ST. LOUIS R. R.— From E. Grand av. and Broadway to Hall's Ferry rd. Office and stables, 8236 N. B'way. Geo. S. Case, pres. and sec; John A. Becker, vice-pres.; H. Nelson, supt. BENTON . BELLEFONTAINE RY.— (Electric.)— From 3d and Washington av., via Washington av., 10th and 11th sts., to Wate^ Tower, thence west on Grand av. to Florissant av., thence north on Florissant av. to John av. Office and stables, 4238 N. 20th. Jas. Campbell, pres. ; Robert McCulloch, sec. and treas. CASS AV. & FAIR GROUND RY.— Office, 3820 Easton av.; sta- bles, Cass av. cor. Glasgow av. Route, Broadway and Walnut, north on 7th to Cass av., thence to Glasgow a v. north to St. Louis av., west to Grand av. and Fair Ground; return by same to 8th, south to Walnut; thence to Broadway. Officers — David G. Ham- ilton, pres.; Robert McCulloch, vicepres. and gen'l mngr.; C. N. Duffy, sec. and treas. ; M. J. Moran, supt. CITIZENS* RAILWAY CO.— (Cable)— From 4th and Morgan to Grand av. via Franklin av. Extensions to Six Mile House, Easton av. ; on Grand av. to Fair Ground; also Marcus av. to Four Mile House, Nat. Bdge. rd. David G.Hamilton, pres.; Robert McCul- loch, vice-pres. and gen'l mngr. ; Julius S. Walsh, vice-pres.; C. N. Duffy, sec. and treas. Office, 3820 Easton av. EAST ST. LOUIS CONNECTING RY. CO —John Scullin, pres. ; H. L. Clark, sec. ; C. H. Sharman, mngr. Office, 24 N. 3d. FOREST PARK, LACLEDE AV. & FOURTH STREET RY. CO.— (Electric)^Offlce, 10 S. Compton av. P. C. Maffitt, pres. ; John R. Lionberger, vice-pres ; William D. Henry, sec. Route, from 4th and Market to Forest Park. FOURTH STREET & ARSENAL RY. CO.— From 4th and Morgan to Dorcas, via 2d and 3d. Charles Green, pres. ; Robert J. Mae- Donald, sec; John Mahoney, gen'l mngr. Office, 1801 Park av.; stables, cor. 2d and Victor. JEFFERSON AV. RAILWAY CO.— Office and stables, Montgom- ery, nr. Jefferson av. ; P. C. Maffit, pres. ; W. D. Henry, sec. LINDELL RAILWAY CO.— (Electric, Yellow Cars)— From 3d and Washington av. to Garrison av. ; north to Lucas av. ; west to Grand av. ; north on Grand av. to Finney av. ; thence west on Fin- ney av. to Taylor av. ; thence south along Taylor av. to Delmar av. ; thence west on Delmar av. to where DeBaliviere av. if ex- tended north from De Giverville av. would intersect Delmar av. ; thence to Forest Park returning same way; to Compton av ; thence south on Compton av. connecting with regular tracks. (Blue Cars), to Forest Park via 14th and Chouteau av.; Page av. branch same as yellow cars to Taylor av. ; thence north on Taylor av. to Page av. ; thence west on Page av. Vandeventer av. branch, from intersection of Mo. Pac. Ry. and Vandeventer av. north to Fair Ground. George D. Capen, pres. ; Charles F. Orthwein, vice- pres ; James Adkins, sec and treas. Directors— George D. Cap- en, Charles F. Orthwein, Edwards Whitaker, John Whitaker, Charles D. McLure. Offices, 601 Locust, 2330 Chouteau av., and Finney av. se. cor. Vandeventer av. MISSOURI RAILROAD CO.— (Electric Division)— From 4th and Market to Tower Grove Park. Cable Division from 4th to Boyle av. on Olive; thence south on Boyle av. to Maryland av. ; thence west on Maryland av. to King's Highway, returning same way. P. C. Maffitt pres. ; John R. Lionberger, vice pres. ; Frank R. Henry sec. ; James F.Davidson, supt. Office, 10 S. Compton av. ; cable power house, 3303 Olive. 120 STREET railways-Continued. MOUND CITY RY. CO.— (Electric)— Gen'l office and stables, 2500J. St. Louis av. Juo. ScuUin, pres. ; Harry Scullin, sec and treas. ; James Scullin, supt. Uoute, from Pine, cor. 4th to 9tli; tlience north to St. Louis av. ; west to Elliot av. ; Elliot av. to Sul- livan av. ; Sullivan av. to liacon; Bacon to Nat. IJdge. rd. and Fair Grounds. Return same route to 14th, south on 14th to Biddle; east to 13th; south to Pine; east to 4th. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO.— From 4th and Locust, west to 6th; north to Wash; west to 14th; north to liiddle and Gamble; west to Lefflngwell av. ; north to Thomas; west to Garri sonav. ; north to North Market; west to Spring av. Extension, Spring av, north to Natural lidge. rd.; west to Newstead av.; also to Fair Ground. David G. Hamilton, pres.; Robert McCulloch, vice-pres. and general mngr. ; C. N. Duffy, sec. and treas.; Thomas Bergin, supt. Office, 3820 Easton av. ; stables, 2401 Spring av. PEOPLE'S RAILWAY CO.— (Cable.)— From 4th and Morgan to Tower Grove Park, by Chouteau, Park, Mississippi and Lafayette avs. Charles Green, pres.; Robert J. MacDonald, sec; John Ma- honey, geu'l mngr. ; James O'Toole, supt. Office, 1801 Park av. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO.— (Electric )— Thomas L. Johnson, pres.; A. V. Dupont. vice-pres.; Joseph S Minary, sec. Line of route, north from Osage along Broadway and Jefferson av. ; east on Pestalozzi; north along 9th; east on Lafayette av. to 8th: north to Hickory, east to 6th; north to Market; returning same to Pes- talozzi; south on 8th to Arsenal; thence west to Jefferson av. and south to office, 4041 S. Broadway. ST. LOUIS & SUBURBAN RAILWAY CO.— (Electric.)— From 6th and Locust, west to 13th: north to Wash; west on Wash to Easton av.; west on Franklin av. to Grand av.; south to Morgan; west, thence along the line of the late Narrow Guage R. R. and running to Florissant. Office, Franklin av. ne. cor. Channing av. Charles H. Turner, pres.; Samuel M. Kennard, vice-pres.; Stephen D. Barlow, jr., sec. and treas. ST. LOUIS RAILROAD CO.— (Cable)— D. G. Hamilton, pres.; O. Peper, vice-pr s. ; Robt. McCulloch, gen mngr. ; R. B. Jennings, sec. and treas.; Chas. Ischer, supt. From E. Grand av. on north to Keokuk on south, via Broadway and 7th st., 7}4 miles. Office, 3710 N. Broadway. ST. LOUIS & EAST ST. LOUIS ELECTRIC RY. CO.— Office, 115 N. 3d. UNION DEPOT RAILROAD CO.— (Electric)— Jno. Scullin, pres.; Harry Scullin, vice-pres. and treas. ; James H. Roach, sec. ; James Scullin, supt. Gen'l office and stables, Gravois av. sw. cor. Jeffer- son av. CALIFORNIA AV. DIVISION— (Electric.)— Lucas av. B'way, 6th. Pine, 12th, Chouteau av., 11th, Park av., Linn, Lafayette av., Miss- issippi av., Geyer av., California av., Meramec to Virginia av. TOWER GROVE PARK DIVISION— The same as California av. Division to Geyer av., thence Jefferson av., Gravois av.. Arsenal to King's Highway. NINTH & STATE ST. DIVISION— The same as California av. Division to Park av., thence 9th, Russell av., 12th, Sidney to Gravois av and ArsenaL Return on Gravois av. to Victor, 2d Cardt. av., Russell av., 9th to Park av. UNION RAILWAY' CO.— From 4th and Locust to Hyde Park and Fair Ground, David G. Hamilton, pres ;Robt. McCulloch,vice-pres. and gen'l mngr.; C. N. Duffv, sec. and treas. ; Michael Moran, tupt. Office 3820 Easton av. ; stables 3629 Kossuth av. 121 BEER MANUFACTURED IN ST. LOUIS. 1877 471,233 barrels or 14,608,193 gallons. 1878 531,084 " 16,172,204 1879 613,667 " 19,033,677 1880 838,073 " 25,670,232 1881 959,236 " 29,739,313 1882.... 10,69,715 " 83,661,165 1883 1,100,000 " 34,100,000 1884 1,122,265 " 34,790,215 1885 1,086,032 " 33,666,993 1886 1,280,091 " 39,682,831 1887 1,383,361 " 43,575,872 1888 1,482,883 " 46,710,815 1889 1,546,587 " 48,717,490 1890 1,856,888 " 58,491,814 1891 1,810,813 " 56,135,173 Shipments for export to foreign countries for the past year were : 814,199 gallons. TEMPERATURE. All the figures in the following table were obtained from Prof. F. E. Nipher, for many years Director of the Missouri Meteorological Bureau; they refer only to the city of St. Louis: 1887; 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891 98.8 96.2 95.5 100. 92. —15.0 —8.8 —2.2 3.2 5.0 90.0 89.5 86.4 90.3 85.8 74.1 70.8 69.8 69.8 65.9 87.2 8.^.2 85.3 83.5 84.9 71.0 67.0 66.9 66.1 65.6 Maximum Temp Minimum Temp i\v'ge Daily Max. for July.. Av'ge Daily Min. for July . Av'ge Daily Max. for Aug.. Av'ge Daily Miu. for Aug. Mean temperatures based on the observations of fifty- three years: July, 80°.4 ; August, 76^^.5 ; January, 81^.1. The difference between the average daily maximum and the average daily minimum shows the range between day and night. This difference is seen to be about eighteen degrees . 122 EXPLANATION TO INDEX. To find locations of any street draw a line from east to west and north to south across the map; at or near where these lines cross will be found the desirsd street. For instance : Sarah L. 23 — draw from 23 on both sides of the map and from L on top and bottom — near where this line crosses will be found "Sarah." STt^HHTS RJiD ilVHJSlUHS. Academy ave G 28 Accomac J iS Adams T 21 .Adelaide S38 Adele ave G 16 Adelia ave C 2 Adeline D 16 Agnes U 30 Ailanthus A 27 iAlberU T 9 Albion PI T 18 Alexander N 9 Alfred ave K14 Algernon F35 Alice ave P 34 Allen ave S 17 Alsacre ave I 33 Almanda D 16 Anderson ave J 35 Angelica S 32 Anglerodt X 32 Ann ave V^ 16 Anna X 14 Antelope Y i Arch N40 Argo ave .{, I 20 Argyle ave R21 Arkansas ave P 15 Arlington ave £ 29 Armand S 16 Armstrong ave T 19 Arsenal W 13 Arthur ave A 10 Ashland ave •' . K 32 Ashley Z 25 Atchison PI W 25 Athlone ave S39 Atlantic .S 21 Aubert ave H 26 Audubon ave I 22 Aurora ave Z i Austin V20 Autumn W 18 Axtel I 34 Bacon Q 28 Baden ave X 2 Eiailey ave R 31 Baldwin R 28 Balson ave A 14 Bamberger ave O 9 Bancroft ave A 7 Banks V 11 Barnes ave H 22 Barracks W 10 Barrett R31 Barron ave H 18 Barry Y 18 Bartle ave L21 Bartmer ave B 28 Barton X 15 Bates S 2 Bay T 9 Bayard ave I 26 Beach ave A 27 Beacon I 21 Beaumont S 23 Beauty al Beck ave K 9 Bell Ave G 26 Bellefountaine Road.. X 37 Belle Glade Ave M 28 Belleview Q 36 Bellmont W 21 Belt Ave D 26 Benedict ave R 37 Benjamin S 31 Bent ave L 11 Benton Place U 19 Benton W 28 Berlin ave H 24 Bernard S 21 Bernays Bertholdave E 18 Biddle Z 25 Billon ave D 17 Bingham ave M 8 Bircher Q40 123 Sf. Louis Street Guide. Streets and Avenues-Continued. Biscoffave G 15 Bismark X 14 Bissell ....S33 Bittn«r X i Blackstone ave C 29 Blaine ave L 17 Blair ave R 35 Blase ave X i Bleeck ave A 14 BlendonPl A 15 Blow C 7 Boardman I 16 Bonhomme Rd A 2S Botanical Ave J 14 Bowen Q i Bowman ave D 1 4 Boyce ave K 21 Boyle ave K 21 Bradley ave A 11 Branch W 30 Brannon ave H 13 BrantnerPt Q 26 Breden W21 Bremen ave W 34 Briggs ave K 21 Broadway North Y 22 Broadway south X 16 Brooklyn Z28 Brown ave , — H 34 Bruno :.. A 14 Buchanan X 32 Buena Vista U 15 Bulwer ave Q 37 Burd ave K 3° Buschman V 3«i Cabanne ave C 27 Cabanne O 15 Cabanne PI A 27 Cadet ave I 19 Cahokia V 9 Caldwell S 2 Calhoun V 17 California ave S 11 Call S»5 Calvary ave Y i Cambria V 14 Campbell ave O 39 Canterbury ave .A la Capital ave U 10 Cardinal ave Q 21 Carlyle F 17 Caroline Q 19 Carpenter Place N 24 Carr Z 25 Carrie ave P 38 Carr Lane ave P 19 Carroll.. X 17 Carter ave ' L 35 Cass ave Z 27 Castleman ave M 16 Catalan D 2 Catalpa A 27 Gates ave B 26 Cave V 12 Cecile U iS Cedar Z 20 Center -..W 22 Central ave. A 28 Cerrc X 20 Chadwick E i Chamberlain ave C 28 Chain of Rocks Y 40 Chambers Z 29 Channing ave P 23 Chariton T 7 Charless T \S Cheltenham ave C 18 Cherokee T la Chestnut Z 22 Childress ave C 17 Chippewa W 9 Chouteau ave Z 19 Christian ave X i Church Road X a Cintra ave L 34 Clara ave D 30 Clarence ave P 38 Clarendon ave F 26 Clark ave Z 21 ClarksonPl N 24 Clayave O 33 Clayton Rd J 21 Clemens ave X i Cleon V II Cleveland ave, L iS Cliftonave D i± Clifton PI W 28 Clinton PI Q 26 Clinton W a8 Coalbank Rd Cockrill A 30 Coleman Q 27 College ave P 33 Collins Z 24 Columbia ave E 14 Columbia Bottom Rd.Y 7 Commercial W 32 Commonwealth ave... A 10 Compton ave Q 22 Conde Q 35 Congress U 14 Connecticut L la Convent Z 18 Cook ave L 27 Cooper , — H 15 Cora ave K 3a Cornelia — , T 34 Cote Brilliant ave I 29 Cottage ave .J 3» Courtois C S Cowan R 35 Crittenden T 13 Cushing U iS Cozens ave O 26 Dagget ave G 16 Dakota R 6 Dale ave B 16 Dalton ave F 13 Darby C 35 Davis B 4 Dayton R 2S DaBaliviere ave C 24 Deer -J 28 DeGiverville ave B 24 DeKalb Y 1) Delmar ave F 26 Delor S 3 Dennis ' Q 20 DeSotaave T 38 Destrehan U 31 DeTonty O 17 Devlin E 17 Devolsey • T 15 Dexter Q 2a Dickson Z 26 Dillon V 19 Division T 25 Dock X 2a Doddridge X r Dodier S aq Dolman V 17 Dorcas X la Douglas T 34 Dovei S I Drury Lane V a Duchouquette X 15 Duncan ave J 22 Dunnica ave N o Eadsave P 18 Eager Road East Iowa ave S 8 East Michigan ave.. ..R 5 Eastonave Q 2$ East Railroad ave East Road H 18 Ecoff ave A 14 Edmund ave K 21 Edwards H 14 Eichelberger P 4 Eighteenth V 24 Eighth Y24 Filer S 2 Eitman ave E 14 Eleventh X 24 Elizabeth ave G 15 Ella ave A 30 EUendale ave A 13 124 St. Louis Street Guide- Stre«ts and Avenues— Oontinu«d. Elliott ave S 25 Elwood S I Elm Z 21 Elmbanlc ave L 31 Emilie ave A 12 Emily F34 Emma ave E 40 Emmet. W i7 Espenchied E 2 Esplanade A ii Esther ave E 14 Etzelave B 28 Euclid ave A 9 Eudora ave N 9 Eugene ave M i Eugenia 923 Evans ave O r^ Eveline E 16 Ewing ave R i9 Fair ave N 32 Fairfax ave K 26 Fairviewave N ii Fall ave P28 Famous ave Di5 Fannie ave B i Farlin ave N 31 Farrar S31 Fassen S 2 Fern ave A 12 Ferry S33 Field ave B 6 Fifteenth W24 Fillmore. S i Finney ave K. 27 Fir»t... Z 2J Flad ave Li5 Flora ave L 16 Florence ave E 29 Florida Z 27 Florissant ave O 34 Folsom ave Lis Fordey Y i Forest ave E 24 Forest Park Blvd I 22 Forster Al. N. toS Fountain ave H 27 Fourteenth W 25 Fourth Z 22 Francis P 26 Franklin ave Z 24 French ave C 7 Frisco ave Front T 38 Fyler ave Eii Gaine T 15 Gamble R 25 Ganoave U 37 Garden U 31 Garesche ave E 40 Garfield ave N28 Garner ave E Gamier ave L 9 Garrison ave R 23 Garrison Court R aa Gasconade T 8 Gass ave H ax Gay. W24 Garaldine ave H 30 Gerandine Geyer ave... Z 16 Gibbons S 5 Gibson ave I 20 Giles ave O 9 Gimblin Road X 3 Glades ave AiS Glascow ave R 26 Glascow Place Q26 Good« ave M 28 Goodf ellow ave C 28 Grace ave On Graham D 17 Grand Ave O 23 Grant P35 Gratiot Z 20 Grattan V 19 Gravois ave Q 13 Green Lee ave O 33 Greenwood ave X 30 Greer ave I 31 Grove R 32 Grundy Q i Gustine ave Nii Guthrie W 10 Guy P 33 Gypsy O38 Hall ^ R38 Hall's Ferry Koad....W3 Hamilton ave B 28 Hammett Place I 30 Hancock ave A xo Harney ave I 38 Harper Q 31 Harris ave Q 37 Hartford N 13 Haven E 7 Hawk ave M 21 Hawthorn ave P 15 Hawthorne ave S39 Hazel ave G36 Heber S37 Herbert S 39 Helen V 27 Hemstead Z 28 Henrietta P 17 Herder. E to W Hereford H 15 Hermitage ave A 13 Hewitt ave A 13 Hiawatha , Q 5 Hickman u 9 Hickory W 19 Hick's Al. High X24 Highland ave B 32 Hodiamont ave A 29 Hoehn V 17 Hogari V 26 HoHey ave R39 Horner ave A 17 Hornsbyave W 3 Horton Place A 27 Howiid Zvj Hull Place 032 Humboldt ave Z i Humphrey N la Hunt-,ave J x8 Hurck C 3 Hutchinson R y^ Illinois ave Uii Indiana ave. T 16 Iowa ave S ix Iron .: R I Itaska P 5 Ivanhoe ave B 11 Ivory ave C 3 Jackson PI W 28 . acob ave B 24 . ames U iS . [amieson ave A 10 January ave F 14 'asperPl Fii efferson ave S aa efferson Barracks Rd . B i ennings ave E 39 essica ave L 8 aob R X9 _ ohn ave U 37 Johnson U 20 Jones N26 Josephine S 18 iules T 16 Julia X 17 Julian ave B 29 iuliaPl F31 . uniata : ..L12 i^ansas G 7 ;Cayser C I Keber ave N 39 Kemper PI I 112 Kennerly ave K 30 Kennett PI U 18 Kenrick X 3 Kentucky ave Z 19 Keokuk ..V 9 Kingsbury Bid B 25 Kings Highway A 25 Kittenreiner ave Q 18 X25 Sf. Louis Street Guide. Streets and Avenues— Continued. Klein U 31 Klemm M 15 Klock Q 7 Knapp.. ., U 27 Knight }l 27 Knox ave D 15 Koeln C S Kosciusko Y 15 ■Kossuth ave P 32 Kraft B 15 Kraus F 6 Krum ave O 26 Labadie ave L 31 Lalcher A 15 Lebeaume Z 25 Laclede ave P 22 Lafeyette ave Z 16 Laflin Q 27 Lake ave G 24 Lalife ave.. ...... . ..E40 Lambdin ave M 31 Lami Z 15 Lamotte ave M 22 Lanham ave A 13 La Salle Z 19 Laura ave E 40 Laurel B 27 Lawrence N 15 League ave G18 Leduc I 29 Lee ave M 33 Leffingwell ave S 22 Lemay Ferry Road Lemp ave U 12 Leonard ave Q 22 Leopold Lesperance Z16 Lewis. Z26 Lewis Place J 27 Lexington ave K 32 Liberty U 14 Lilian ave I 36 Lilly ave F 17 Lincoln ave N 29 Lindell Blvd I 24 Linden \V 24 Lindenwood Place .... A 8 Linn V17 Linton ave P 33 Lismorc R 29 Little G 16 Lloyd Ave C 16 Locust Z 23 Lombard Z 19 •Longfellow ave Q 16 Lorenz C i Loretta E 17 Loraine ave I 32 *-«Siv