THE CRADLE OF THE REPUBLIC Jamestown and James River Seal of Virginia, 1606-1652 (Obverse and Reverse.) BY '•\ , LYON GARDINER TYLER, LL. D. PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA RICHMOND, VA. The Hermitage Press, Inc. 1906 Jiil. IliiRARY of CONGREisj { Two Copies Received | I FEB 23 190/ j 4aSS a XXC, No, COPY B First Edition Copyrighted BY LYON G. TYLER, 1900. Second Edition Copyrighted BY LYON G. TYLER, 1906. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. In giving this book to the public I wish to express my ac- knowledgments to Philip Alexander Bruce and Alexander Brown for the assistance which they have rendered me through their monumental works, The Economic History of Jlrginia ill the Seventeenth Century and The First Republic in America. My sincere thanks are also due to H. B. Smith, of the city of Williamsburg, who aided me very materially in preparing the charts of Jamestown Island and James River, and to Robert Lee Traylor, of Richmond, who placed his library at my ser- vice, and aided in correcting the proof-sheets. Lyon G. Tyler. Williamsburg, Va., May 14, 1900. Ill PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The first edition of this work was the first serious attempt to deal with the topographical history of Jamestown and James River. As the pioneer work, it did not escape some serious errors, which I am now able to correct by access to two new sources of information — the collection of manu- scripts lately purchased by the Library of Congress from a member of the Ambler family, and the excellent monograph The Site of Old Jaiiiesfozviie, compiled by Samuel H. Yonge, who, as engineer under the direction of the United States Engineer Department, had charge of the erection of the water guard now protecting the western end of Jamestown Island. The Ambler collection in the Library of Congress com- prises several charts and many original patents, deeds, and leases, covering a long period of time from 1640 to 1809, and show'ing the location of many lots and the gradual consolida- tion of the Island property into a few hands. In his monograph, The Site of Old Jaiiiestozviie, Mr. Yonge has accurately fixed many details of the ancient habitations, and it would not now be a difficult matter to reconstruct James^ town in wood and brick just as it stood in 1676. It is gratify- ing that much of the author's identification of localities has received the endorsement of Mr. Yonge. Passmore's Creek, Black Point, Pitch and Tar Swamp, Block House hill, " Friggett Landing," the glass house, etC;, were all unknown quantities, until they were placed upon the map in " The Cradle of the Republic." My chief mistake con- sisted in following too literally Mr. Richard Randolph, who, citing the authority of the records of James City County court, put the body of the town west of the old church tower. Under this impression as to the situation of the town, while I properly located the first state house on the southern shore, I placed it west instead of east of the church tower. I was more correct in regard to the third and fourth state houses, v vi Preface to the Second Edition. which I placed on what Mr. Yonge calls the " third ridge," referred to in the first edition of this book as the " first ridge," i. e. the first ridge to the north of the plateau fronting the river, named " fourth ridge " by Mr. Yonge. See Cradle OF the Republic, ist. ed., 19, 40, 59, 116, and index 174. To avoid confusion, I have followed the old style, which was ten days behind the new ; except that I have made the years run from January i instead of March 25, as was cus- tomary with our English ancestors, wdio dated events between January i and March 25, as of the previous year. Lyon G. Tyler. Williamsburg, Va., May 14, 1906. CONTENTS I. New Foundland and Roanoke r II. Colonies of the London and Plymouth Companies 7 III. The Indians Along James River^. 1 1 IV. The Island of Jamestown '. 22 V. The English at Jamestown 30 VI. The Fort 109 VII. The Church 116 VIII. Block Houses 150 IX. The Glass House IS3 X. The Governor's House 158 XL The State House 164 XII. Social Conditions 181 XIII. Political Conditions 197 XIV. Origin and History of Places Along James River 201 Appendix . . 255, Vll THE CRADLE OF THE REPUBLIC. NEW FOUNDLAND AND ROANOKE. The settlements at Roanoke and Jamestown were the fruits of England's rivalry with Spain. During the latter part of the fifteenth century, Spain began that development which made her for a hundred years the greatest power of the world. In 1469, Ferdinand V. united the kingdoms of Arragon and Castile by his marriage with Queen Isabella, and in 1492 he conquered and annexed the kingdom of Granada. Then under his auspices occurred the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and not long afterwards began the importation into, Spain of the treasures of Mexico and Peru. Ferdinand died in 15 16, and the prestige of Spain Avas im- mensely increased by the election of his grandson, King Charles I., as emperor Charles V. of Germany. The son of Charles, Philip II., who succeeded to the Spanish throne in 1555, was the mightiest monarch of Europe, being master not only of the Spanish peninsula and the New World of the West, but of Naples and Milan, the richest and most fertile districts in Italy, and of the Netherlands and Flanders, at that time the great centre of the world's trade. Moreover, he was the head of the dominant religious influence and military power of Europe. The history of England during this time is the story of the rise and development of a small kingdom into a successful rival with this gigantic power. Although John and Sebastian Cabot had acquired for England in 1497 the glory of being the first kingdom to make discovery of the continent of North America their enterprise did not reflect the spirit of the English people. At the beginning of the sixteenth century English commerce [I] 2 The Cradle of the Republic. was of small dimensions. The discovery was not followed up, and Sebastian Cabot left England, and enlisted in the service of the king of Spain. For half a century, only one substantial connection existed between England and America. The fisheries on the Banks of New Foundland encouraged a few to take long voyages, and there gradually grew up in England a band of hardy and experienced seamen. Meanwhile, the Protestant reformation swept over Europe, and in 1534 Henry VHI. disavowed allegiance to the Pope, and asserted his supremacy of the Anglican Church. Thus England gradually became the champion of the Protestant cause as opposed to Spain, who represented the Catholic Church. About the same time as Henry's quarrel with the Pope, industrial activity began in England on a wide scale. The treasures of Mexico and Peru, introduced into Spain, diverted the people from serious labor into speculative enter- prises, and England was called upon to supply Spain and her American possessions with most of their clothing and other manufactured goods. In 1549, this widely spread activity of the English people struck out boldly from the shores. The new era began with the return of the grand old seaman, Sebastian Cabot, from Spain, where he had been for many years. He was made grand pilot of England, and under his auspices a company for discovery was formed to create new lines of commerce with foreign countries. Fear of Spain caused the energies of this company to be employed during the reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Mary in creating trade relations with Eastern countries rather than with the Western Continent. Russia was dis- covered, and lines of commerce were speedily established with Barbary, Persia and Turkey. But when in 1558 Elizabeth ascended the throne, a spirit more daring than ever before prevailed in England, which found expression in the career of the bold Sir John Hawkins, the first to throw down the barriers withholding English ships from this continent. He carried negro slaves from Guinea, and contrary to the laws of Spain, who wanted the slave trade all to herself, entered into a profitable communication with the West India planters. New Foundland and Roanoke. His example was followed by the great seaman, Sir Francis Drake, who, in 1 577-1 580, visited the west coast of the South American continent, plundered the Spanish settlements, and in his ship, loaded with treasure, circumnavigated the globe. The spirit of adventure became gen- eral, and Drake's exploits were repeated by Sir Thomas Cavendish, while Sir Martin Frobisher and Captain John Davis per- formed their glorious voy- ages to the northwest and left their names upon the icy waters of Labrador and British America. queen Elizabeth, 1558-1603 Scarcely less adventurous, but of far higher purpose, was Sir Humphrey Gilbert, of Devonshire, who conceived the noble design of planting an English colony in America, as the best means of weakening Spain and promoting the grand- eur of England. In 1578, he obtained from Queen Elizabeth a patent of colonization — which gave him full power to in- habit and fortify all lands, not yet possessed by any Christian prince or people. Under this charter he attempted two ex- peditions to New Foundland, both of which proved futile and in the second of which he lost his life. His last words as his ship went down will ever be kept in precious remembrance : " We are as near to Heaven by sea as by land." Sir Walter Raleigh renewed the undertaking for which his heroic half-brother Gilbert had sacrificed his life. After send- ing out an exploring party in 1584, he dispatched in 1585 an expedition to Roanoke Island in North Carolina under a brave soldier named Captain Ralph Lane with 108 settlers. These were of that daring, pushing material of which the pioneers of the world have ever been made, but the example of the Spaniards disposed them to despise stock rais- ing and to rest their hopes of a plantation upon the discovery 4 The Cradle of the Republic. of a gold mine or the South Sea. Consequently, when neither was found, they became discouraged and returned to England. Then Raleigh sent out in 1587 a new expedition under Captain John White, consisting of 150 settlers, of whom seventeen were women and nine were children. They intended to go to Chesapeake Bay, but the pilot would not take them there ; and so they settled again on Roanoke Island. Four weeks after their land- ing. Governor White's daughter Eleanor, wife of Ananias Dare, one of his coimcillors, was delivered of a daughter, and she was christened Virginia, because she was the first Christian child born in Virginia — a name given by Queen Elizabeth to all North America. By unanimous- consent. White was sent back to England to hasten on the supplies, but a weary time passed before he succeeded in returning to his charge. When he reached home in November, 1587, he found all England in a ferment over the expected attack of the Span- iards, who had collected a large army and an enormous fleet for the subjugation of England. In 1588, a great naval battle was fought in the English Channel with the Spanish Armada, and the English under Lord Charles Howard, assisted by Raleigh, Drake, Hawkins, Cavendish, Frobisher, and Lane won a great victory, the most fortunate in the annals of the world ; as it saved not only England, but North America, to the English. It was not until 1591, more than three years after his return home, that White was able to carry assistance to his friends in Virginia. But when he reached Roanoke, he found no sign of the colonists except the word Croatoan engraved upon a SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT. New Foundland and Roanoki tree at the fort. The ships weighed anchor for this place, v/hich was a sandy island on the outer coast of North CaroHna ; but a storm arose, and the crew, becoming afraid to Hnger longer during that dangerous season of the year, not only refused to go to Croatoan, but returned to England. This was a sad ending of the voyage, but Raleigh sent out ships and kept up the search for eleven years longer ; yet some- how it was the same old story of misfortune, and no word came from the lost colony. Years afterwards, when Jamestown was settled, some Indians who professed to know the Roanoke colonists related that, after living at Croatoan till about the time of the arrival of the colony on James River, they were cruelly massacred at the insti- gation of Powhatan, only seven of them — four men, two boys, and a young maid — being pre- served from slaughter by a friendly chief. ^ Despite their reverses, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh will always be esteemed the true parents of North American colonization. They are glorious twan spirits who stand on the ^^^ walter raleigh. threshold of American history. If the one started the idea and sacrificed his fortune and his life for it, the other popular- ized it be3^ond any other man. It was through Raleigh's enter- prise that two of the products of that country — the potato and tobacco were popularized in England, and to him is due the ultimate selection of the Chesapeake Bay region as the proper place of settlement. Raleigh never lost hope in America, and in 1603, just before his confinement in the Tower, he wrote to Sir Robert Cecil regarding the rights which he had in that country, and used these memorable words : " I shall yet live to see it an English nation." 1 Strachey, Travailc into Virginia, 26, 85. 6 The Cradle of the Republic. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. I 492- I 602. From the discovery of America (1492) to Samuel Mace's voyage (1602) Oct. 12, 1492. — Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. June 24,1497. — John Cabot and Sebastian, his son, discover North America. 1549. — Sebastian Cabot made grand pilot of England, and organizes a company of discovery. 1562. — Sir John Hawkins opens the way to America by en- gaging in the Slave trade with the Spanish Planters in the West Indies. 1572-1580. — Sir Francis Drake ravages the Spanish settlements in South America, and sails around the world. 1576-1578. — Sir Martin Frobisher's explorations of the Northeast coast of North America. Nov. 19, 1578. — Sir Humphrey Gilbert leaves Plymouth, England, upon his first voyage to plant a colony in America. June II, 1583. — He leaves Plymouth on his second voyage to America. Sept. 10, 1583. — He is drowned at sea. April 27, 1584. — Sir Walter Raleigh sends Arthur Barlow and Philip Amidas from England to explore America for the seat of a colony. April 9,1585. — Raleigh's first colony to Roanoke Island, under Cap- tain Ralph Lane, leaves Plymouth, England. 1585-1587. — Captain John Davis explores the waters of Labrador, and discovers Davis's Strait. July 21, 1586. — Thomas Cavendish sails to plunder the Spanish settle- ments on the west coast of South America, and cir- cumnavigates the world. May 8,1587. — Raleigh's second colony under Captain John White leaves Plymouth, England. July 29 I 1588. — Defeat of the Spanish Armada in the English Channel Aug. 7 ) by the English fleet under Lord Charles Howard. March, 1591. — Captain John White goes in search of "The Lost Colony " of Roanoke Island. 1596. — Victory of the English fleet under Lord Howard in the harbor of Cadiz. 1602. — Voyage of Samuel Mace, sent by Sir Walter Raleigh, in search of " The Lost Colony." II. COLONIES OF THE LONDON AND PLYMOUTH COMPANIES. Sir Walter Raleigh was executed in 1618 upon an absurd charge of conspiring against King James, but he lived long enough to be comforted by the realization of his confident hope of an English nation in Virginia. From 1602 to 1605 Bartholomew Gosnold, Martin Pring and George Weymouth conducted exploring expeditions to the coast of New England and brought back good accounts of the country ; and in the latter year Spain, humbled and shorn of power, made peace with England. Relieved of their fear of Spain the English people once more directed their energies to the settlement of Ameri- ca ; but now, in the place of private enterprises like Gilbert's and Ra- leigh's, organized capi- tal undertook the solu- tion of the problem. Raleigh could not take an active part, but his friends and relations ^^^^^ J^^^^^ ^■' 1603-1624. were foremost in the new colonization schemes. Two large associations were formed, one composed of knights and mer- chants of London, and the other of persons resident in the cities of Bristol, Exeter and Plymouth ; and they obtained from King James in 1606 a joint charter, which defined Virginia as the portion of North America lying between the 34th and 45th parallels of north latitude — practically the present United States. In this vast extent of country, the company first named, called the London Company, was permitted to establish a settlement anywhere between 34 and 41 degrees; and the second, called the Plymouth Company, anywhere between 38 and 45 degrees. The actual juris- [7] The Cradle of the Republic. diction of each company was represented by a rectangle extending north and south of the place of settlement lOO miles, and east and west lOO miles inland and loo miles to sea. ^ Neither the company nor the colonists were to have any share in the government, but the management of both sections of Virginia, including the very limited grants to the companies, was conferred upon one royal council, which was to name a local council for each of the colonies in America ; and both superior and subordinate councils were to govern " according to laws, ordinances, and instructions " to be given by the king. These "laws, &c." when issued provided that the property of the two companies should be held in a " joint stock," and the local councils were authorized to elect or remove their presidents, to remove any of their members, to supply their own vacancies, and to decide all cases occurring in the colony civil as well as criminal not affecting life or limb." The Plymouth Company, in August, 1606, sent out exploring ships, and in May, 1607. they dispatched a colony to the mouth of the Kennebec in Alaine, but after a \Mnter of great severity these emigrants abandoned their settle- ment and returned to England. The single product of their stay in jMaine was the pinnace Virginia, the first ship built by Englishmen in America, and which was destined three years later in the South Vir- ginia colony to perform a memorable part.^ The expedition of the London Company was more successful. It con- sisted of three vessels — the Sarah Constant of 100 tons, the Godspeed of 40 tons and -66. SIR THOMAS SMITH, First treasurer, or president, of the London Company 1 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 57- 2 Ibid.. I., 67-76. 2 Strachey, Travaile into J'irginia, 162-180. The London and Plymouth Companies. 9 the Discovery of 20 tons, commanded respectively by Chris- topher Newport, Bartholomew Gosnold and John Ratcliffe — old sailors renowned for discovery and daring. The ships carried 104 men and the crews, and among the leading men, besides the three named, were Edward Maria Wingfield, who had served gallantly in the Low Countries ; George Percy, brother to the Earl of Northumberland, who had been trained also in that school of war ; John Smith, already dis- tinguished for a career of romance and adventure ; George Kendall, a cousin of Sir Edwin Sandys ; Gabriel Archer, a lawyer and member of Gosnold's expedition to New Eng- land in 1602 ; John Martin, who was commander of one of the vessels in Drake's voyage in 1585-1586; and Rev. Robert Hunt, a pious and exemplary minister, recommended by Richard Hakluyt, the naval historian of England and friend of Sir Walter Raleigh. The expedition left London December 20, 1606, but, as the colonists went by way of the West Indies, they were four months on the voyage. In the West Indies, Smith and Wing- field had a quarrel, and the latter charged Smith with plotting mutiny, so that he was arrested and confined till some weeks after Virginia was reached. April 26, 1607, they saw the capes of Virginia, and some of them landing at Cape Henry were fiercely assaulted by Indians, who wounded Gabriel Archer and Mathew Morton. That night the sealed box which contained the names of the councillors was opened, and they w^ere found to be Wingfield, Gosnold, Newport, Smith, Ratcliffe, Martin and Kendall. April 29, they set up a cross at Cape Llenry, and next day visited the Indian town of Kecoughtan, on the east side of Hampton River, after which Captain Newport and some of the settlers coasted in a shallop up the main river in advance of the ships, seeking a place of settlement. They went as far as Appomattox River, and, May 12, returned to the ships. The same day they discovered a point of land, which they called Archer's Hope in honor of Captain Gabriel Archer ; and " if it had not been disliked because the ships could not ride neare, we had settled there to all the colonies contentment." On the next day the ships came to the west end of a peninsula in the 10 The Cradle of the Republic. Paspahegh country five miles above Archer's Hope, which they chose for a place of settlement and called it Jamestown, in honor of James I., king of England. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. I 602- I 607. From the voyage of Bartholoinezv Gosnold (1602) to the settlement at Jamestozvn Island (1607). March 26, 1602. — Bartholomew Gosnold and Bartholomew Gilbert sail from Falmouth, England, to the New England coast. ,. — Captain Pring sails to visit the New England coast. Voyage of Captain George Weymouth to the Kennebec River. • Charter granted to the Plymouth and London Com- panies by King James I. Henry Challons sent out by the Plymouth Company on a trial voyage. Trial voyage of Thomas Hanham and Martin Pring. ■ The colony sent out by the London Company leaves London. They anchor at the Downs. 1607. — They leave the coast of England. '. — They reach the Virginia coast. ■. — They reach Jamestown Island. ivxcu 1^1 April 10, 1603.- March 31, 1605. April 10. 1606. Aug. 12, 1606.- Oct., 1606. Dec. 20, 1606. Jan. 5. 1607. About Feb. 8, April 26, 1607. May 13, 1607. COAT-OF-ARMS OF THE LONDON COMPANY.. III. THE INDIANS ALONG JAMES RIVER. At the time of the arrival of the Enghsh in Virginia, the Indians inhabiting the Tide-water section were united in a confederacy, of which Powhatan was the head war-chief or werowance. They belonged to the Algonquin race, and were far less barbarous than the wild inhabitants of the Mississippi region. Each tribe had a territory defined by natural bounds, and they lived on rivers and creeks in fixed villages, consisting of huts called wigwams, oval in shape, and made of bark set upon a frame-work of saplings. Sometimes their houses were of great length accommodating many families at once, and at Uttamussick in the peninsula formed by the Pamunkey and Mattapony were three such structures sixty feet in length, where the Indians kept the bodies of their dead werowances under the care of seven priests or medicine men. Near every wigwam there was a cleared spot, in which corn, tobacco, gourds, pumpkins, beans and cymlings were planted. The tribes received their werowances from Powhatan, and these petty werowances numbered in all about thirty-four. On the south side of Chesapeake Bay the Chesapeake Indians had their cornfields and villages. It would appear from Strachey that they were new-comers in that region, and successors of others who had fallen victims to the jealousy and cruelty of Powhatan. " It is not long since," says^ Strachey, " that his priests told Powhatan that from the Chesapeake Bay a nation should arise which should dissolve and give end to his empire, for which not many years since (perplext with this divelish oracle and divers understanding thereof), according to the ancyent and gentile customs, he destroyed and put to sword all such who might lye under any doubtful construccion of the said prophesie, as all the inhabitants, the werowance, and his subjects of that province." Perhaps it was the memory of this event and this prophecy that made the Indians in the 1 For accounts of the Indians in Virginia see Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 47-82, 360-378; Spelman, in Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), cv-cxiv ; Strachey, Travailc into Virginia, 44-114; Beverley, History of Virginia (Campbell's reprint, 1855), 126-185. [Ill 12 The Cradle of the Republic. Chesapeake region So quick to resent the landing of the whites at Cape Henry, April 26, 1607. Above the Chesapeakes, on the same side, were the Nanse- monds, governed by four werowances — Weyhohomo, Ama- petough, Weyingopo and Tirchtough. Their villages were, for the most part, on the Nansemond River, which meant a neck "where there was a fishing place" — (Naus-amung). Next came the Warrascoyacks residing in the county of Isle of Wight. Their chief town was probably near " Old Town," on Pagan River, " where a Bay wherein fallcth 3 or 4 prettie brookes and creekes halfe intrench the inhabitants of Warrascoyac,"^ — a word meaning " point of land." At Pagan Point there was a small village called Mokete and on Burwell's Bay another small village called Mathomank. The Werowance was Sasenticum and his son was Kaintu. The neighbors of the Warrascoyacks were the Quiyoughco- hanocks, whose territory extended through Surry and Prince George counties. The werowance was Pepiscumah, called for short Pipisco, who kept on good terms with the whites. How- ever, in 1610, he had been deposed by Powhatan, and one of Powhatan's wives, Oholasc, was queen in the minority of her son TatacQpe, who lived at Chawopo with Chopoke. one of Pipisco's brothers.- Ouiyoughcohanock was on Upper Chip- pokes Creek, near the present Claremont. The name " Tapahanah " was for a time wrongfully applied to Oui}-oughcohanock by the whites. When in the Spring of 1607 the Indians in Virginia heard of the arrival of the ships in James River, some of them from a distance came to the banks of the and temporarily established habitations there, in order to assist in resisting the landing of the explorers. Among these Indians were the chief Tapahanah or Tapa- hanock, and a body of his men from the Rappahannock or Tappahannock River. The extensive marsh at Brandon, famous for its wild ducks, still preserves the evidence of this mistake — being known as " Tapahana (Tappahannock) marsh." ^ 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 346. - Strachey, Travaile into Virginia, 57. In Surry County there was a plantation near " Four Mile Tree," called Pipsico, probably an adapta- tion of Pipisco. ^Tooker, Some Pozvhatan A'anicst in American Anthropologist (N. S.), VI., No. V. The Indians Along the -James River. 13 AN INDIAN VILLAGE 14 The Cradle of the Republic. Quiyoughcohanock was one of the ceremonial places of the Indians, where the boys intended to be priests or Quiyough- quisocks were initiated into the mysteries of their cult. Next in order were the Weyanokes, who had towns on both sides of the river. Their chief town, situated on the south side, was known as " Weanock," or "Wyanoke," or "Wynauk," meaning " the going around place " or " place about which the river winds itself." A land grant^ issued in 1650 located " Weyanoke Old Town " at the head of Powell's creek on Flowerdew Hundred plantation. Numerous Indian relics have been found there, and earth-works evidently thrown up for fortification are still extant. The place in 1705 was known as Powhatan town, and there was a ferry connecting it with Swineyards on the north side of the James.^ The chief of the Weyanokes in 1612 was Kaquothocun. Above the Weyanokes were the people of the Appomattox country between the river of that name and the James. The bestowal of the name on the stream was done by the colonists and not by the natives, and the same is true of all the naming of rivers noted on Smith's map. In explaining the etymology, some have derived it from Apameteku, " a sinuous tidal estuary," indicative of the curls in the river at that locality. But the eminent anthropologist, William Wallace Tooker, explains it as meaning " the resting tree " or " bower," from the mulberry tree under which Queen Opussoquionuske, sitting on a mat, received the voyagers in 1607. Above the Falls of the River resided the hereditary enemies of the Pow- hatans — the Manakins or Monacans — on the site of whose chief town in Nicholson's administration the French Hugenots were established. Along the north side of the James River there were several tribes, and the first met with was the Powhatans, whose chief village stood on a hill opposite to an island about three miles from the Falls, and was separated from the river by a meadow of 300 acres planted with Indian corn, tobacco, pumpkins, gourds and other vegetables. The word Powhatan is derived from Powwow-atan meaning the " Powwow hill," or the hill 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., X., 25. 2 Campbell, History of Virginia, 129, note. The Indians Along the James River. 15 where the great chief held his powwows. Here Powhatan was born, but at the coming of the English the werowance at the Falls was Parahunt, one of Powhatan's sons, called Tanx Powhatan, " Little Powhatan." Below the Powhatans were the Arrohatecks, whose chief town was just above the Dutch Gap Canal, in Henrico County, opposite Proctor's Creek, in Chesterfield County. A farm in that quarter, owned by the Cox family for many years, still retains the Indian name. The word Arrohateck is cognate with Xatick ahaiieJitaii " he laughs at him," and the idea is expressed in "Arrohatecks Joy " applied by Gabriel Archer to the village of the Indian werowance xA-shuaquid.^ Adjoining them was the territory of the Weyanokes, whose chief town was, however, on the south side of the river as already observed. Next to the Arrohateck Country was the territory of the Paspahegh Indians, from about Sturgeon Point, in Charles City County, to Skiffes Creek, in James City County. As Jamestown was in this district, these Indians and their chief Wowinchopunk were brought into more important relations with the whites than any other of the tribes. Their chief town was formerly about a mile from the Island called " Old Pas- paheghs," but at the time of the coming of the English, Wowinchopunk resided at Sandy Point, nearly opposite to Quiyoughcohanock. The etymology of the term Paspahegh had reference to the mouth of the Chickahominy, which opened into the James in the Paspahegh territory. The same term was applied to the mouth of the Connecticut River, and in the Indian deed for Gardiner's Island we find " Pashpes- hauks als Saybrook Forte ; " while on Long Island it occurs as " Puspatick, a locality at the mouth of a creek." " Paspeiouk " meant land " at the flowing out," or at a stream's mouth. Finally, near the mouth of the James was the district of the Kecoughtans — a word which meant " great town," identical with the Natick " Keihtotan." Some years before the English arrived, the Kecoughtan tribe was very powerful, and their country was sometimes the seat of as many as a thousand 1 Tooker, in WiUiam and Mary Coll. Quart., XIV., 62. i6 The Cradle of the Republic. Indians and three hundred houses. There was a large open district in the neighborhood of nearly two or three thousand acres, and the fishing was excellent. Powhatan regarded the power of the tribe with suspicion, and while things were in confusion, on account of the death of the old Kecoughtan werowance, he suddenly invaded the territory, killed the new chief and most of the tribe, and transported the survivors over the York, where he quartered them with his own people. After much suit, these survivors obtained from him the country of Pianketank, in Mathews County, which country he likewise dispeopled in 1608. When Captain Smith and his company, in January, 1609, visited Werowocomoco, they saw the scalps of the unfortunate Pianketanks hanging on a line between two trees. In the room of the former inhabitants at Kecoughtan, Powhatan placed his son Pochins and some of his own men on whom he could rely ; and at the arrival of the English their chief village was on the left side of Hampton River, near the Soldier's Home.^ The fighting strength of these Indian tribes was esti- mated by Strachey, as follows: Chesapeakes, too warriors; Nansemonds, 200 ; Warrascoyacks, 60 ; Tapahanas, or Quiyoughcohanocks, 60; Weyanokes, 100; Appomattocos, 120 ; Powhatans, 50 ; Arrohatecks, 60 ; Paspaheghs, 40 ; and Kecoughtans, 30 — in all, 820 warriors. Close by, on the York River, were numerous other tribes, the nearest of whom were the Chiskiacks, two miles above Yorktown under their werowance, Ottahotin. The name of the tribe meant " wide land," " broad place," and is quite de- scriptive of the locality where the Indians resided, which is still known as " Indian Fields." Upon the Pamunkey River, a branch of the York, were the villages of Powhatan's three brothers, Opitchapan, Opechancanough and Kecatough. Along the Chickahominy, where there were fine bottom lands, lived a tribe of three hundred fighting men, who, while they paid tribute to Powhatan, did not receive any werowances from him, but were governed by their priests, assisted by their old men, whom they called Cawcawwassoughes. Ac- 1 Strachey, Travaile into Virginia Britannia, 60, 61 ; Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 378. The Indians Along the James River, 17 cording to Mr. Tooker, Chickahominy was not a place name, but the designation of a people who contributed corn to the colonists, thus saving them from starvation. He gives its etymology as Cliick-aJiam-inin-anaugh " coarse pounded corn people " or in brief " hominy people."' The extent of Powhatan's dominions was greater than any of his predecessors in authority ever had. He had inherited only the countries of Powhatan, Arrohateck, Appomattox, Pamunkey, Youghtamund and Mattapanient ; but he had by craft and arms extended his dominions till they included all the country from the Roanoke River on the south to a pali- saded town called Tockwogh, standing at the head of Chesa- peake Bay, in forty degrees north latitude, or thereabouts. He was known among the Indians in 1607 as Powhatan from the place of his birth at the Falls, but his proper name was Wa- hunsenacawh. He had other titles, and the Indiums sometimes referred to him as Ottaniack and sometimes as Mannatowick, which last signified " Great King." He had several " seates or houses," but his chief abode, ^ when the whites came into the country, was upon the north side of York River at Portan Bay (i, e, Poetan or Powhatan Bay), fifteen or sixteen miles from West Point. On the earliest chart of York River (Tin- dall's chart), the place is called Poetan, but it was generally known as Werowocomoco, meaning the house of the wero- wance, or " Kings-house," as Strachey says. In 1609, becom- ing uneasy at the neighborhood of the whites, he removed to a place " at the top of the river Chickahomania between Yought- amund (Pamunkey) River and Powhatan (James) River."" This new seat was called Orapaks, being a combination of Oro " solitary " and paks (peakes) " a little water place," aptly descriptive of " White Oak Swamp " near Richmond. This terrible old chief was over seventy years old, when the English first intruded upon his dominions. He bore his years well ; and in stature he was tall and powerfully framed. His thin grey hair floated over his broad shoulders, and his counte- nance was furrowed and melancholy. He had a round face and some few hairs upon his chin and upper lip. He had a 1 Strachey, Travaile into Virginia, 49. 2 William and Mary Coll. Quart., X., 2-4. i8 The Cradle of the Republic. regular system of finance, and an organized force of tax- gatherers, whom he sent around regularly to make collec- tions. His laws on the subject were rigid and despotic. Every werowance had to pay Powhatan eighty per cent, of all the commodities which his country yielded or the chase afforded; " insomuch that they dared not dress a single deer- skin or put it on until Powhatan had seen and refused it." To enforce his commands, he kept about him fifty of the choicest men in his kingdom, who were always ready for war. As he knew no mercy or compassion for those who offended PORTAN BAY. him, the werowances everywhere groveled before him in abject terror. He had a dozen wives, whose names, as they stood in his affection, were : Winganuske Ashetoiske Amopotoiske Ottopomtacke Attosomiske Ponnoiske Appomosiscut Appimmoiske Ortoughnoiske Oweroughwough Ottermiske Memeoughquiske In 1 6 12, Powhatan had living twenty sons and twelve daughters including the celebrated Pocahontas, " the nonpareil of her race." The succession of the government, however, The Indians Along the James River. 19 was not to his children but to his three brothers and to his sisters, and after them to the heirs male and female of his eldest sister, but never to the heirs of his brothers. So when Powhatan died in April, 1618, he was succeeded by his brother Opitchapan, who, like Powhatan, had several other names : Taughaiten, Itopatin, Istan, Sassapen, etc. ; and after the latter's death the chief authority was held by the able and ferocious Opechancanough, whose name meant " the white hair man ;" probably from the white robe of fur about his shoulders.^ He planned the massacres of 1622 and 1644; and when he died in 1646, he was succeeded by Necotowance, probably son of the eldest sister. Then came the Queen of Pamunkey of the " blood royal," who was living in 1676, at which time her au- thority had shrunk to a command of the Indians in Pamunkey Neck. A fragment of her tribe still exists on a reservation near West Point, and they regularly elect a chieftain. The religion of these Tide-water Virginia Indians, like that of all the other Indians formerly found on the coast, consisted in a belief in a great number of devils, who were to be warded ofif by powwows and conjurations. Captain Smith gives an account of a conjuration to which he was subjected at Utta- mussick when a captive in December, 1607. At daybreak, they kindled a fire in one of the long houses and by it seated Captain Smith. Soon the chief priest, hideously painted, be- decked with feathers, and hung with skins of snakes and weasels, came skipping in, followed by six others similarly arrayed. Rattling gourds and chanting most dismally, they marched about Captain Smith, the chief priest in the lead and trailing a circle of meal, after which they marched about him again and put down at intervals little heaps of corn of five or six grains each. Next they took some little bunches of sticks and put one between every two heaps of corn. These pro- ceedings, lasting at intervals for three days, were punctuated with violent gesticulations, grunts, and a great rattling of gourds." The Indian men occupied themselves, for the most part, in hunting and fishing, and the women tended the crops and did the housework, but both sexes were very fond of dancing and 1 Tooker MS. 2 Tyler, England in America, 45, 46. 20 The Cradle of the Republic. revelling. During- the visit to Werowocomoco in January, 1609, Captain Smith was witness to a very charming scene, in which Pocahontas was the leading actor. While the English were sitting upon a mat near the fire, they were startled by loud shouts, and a party of Indian girls came out of the woods strangely attired. Their bodies were painted, some red, some white, and some blue. Pocahontas carried a pair of antlers on her head, an otter's skin at her waist and another on her arm, a quiver of arrows at her back, and a bow and arrow in her hand. Another of the band carried a sword, another a club, and another a pot-stick, and all were horned as Poca- hontas. Casting themselves in a ring about the fire, they danced and sang for the space of an hour, and then with a shout departed into the woods as suddenly as they came.^ The Indians had their love songs, wdiich they sang wuth some idea of tune, and they had also their angry and scornful songs against the Tassantassees, as they called the English, one of which is given by Strachey.^ It celebrates an attack upon the English at the Falls of the James River in 1610, when Lord Delaware sent an expedition from Jamestown to search the country above the Falls for gold mines. In this attack Lord Delaware's nephew. Captain William West, was killed and Simon Skore, a sailor, and one Cobb, a boy, were taken prisoners. The song was as follows : Matanerew shashashewaw erawango pechecoma Whe Tassantassa inoshashaw yehockan pocosack. Whe whe yah haha nehe wittowa wittowa. Matanerew shashashewaw erawango pechecoma Capt. Newport inoshashaw neir inhoc natian matassan. Whe whe yah haha nehe wittowa wittowa. Matanerew shashashewaw erawango pechecoma iThom Newport inoshashaw neir inhoc natian monacock. Whe whe yah haha nehe wittowa wittowa. Matanerew shashashewaw erawango pechecoma Pochin Simon inoshashaw ningon natian monacock. Whe whe yah haha nehe wittowa wittowa. The W'Ords of the song boasted that the Indians had killed the English in spite of their guns (pocosack) and copper 1 Tyler, England in America, 48. 2 Strachey, Travaile into Virginia, 79, 80. The Indians Along the James River. 21 (matassun), meaning the copper crown which Captain New- port had presented to Powhatan (hoping thereby to secure his friendship) ; that Thomas Newport (that is, Thomas Savage, whom Captain Newport had given to Powhatan, calling him his son) had not frightened them with his sword (monacock) ; and neither had Simon Skore's weapon saved him from capture. The ivhe zvhe of the chorus made mock lamentation over the death of Simon Skore, whom they tortured ; and the words yah halm nehe zvittozva ivittozva conveyed a jeering, laughing commentary upon the English lack of fortitude under torment. In the Powhatan name for A'irginia occurs one of the few instances in which is found an Indian name applied to a country so extensive. It was called by them "Attanough- komouck," meaning " land enclosed for producing or grow- ing," and so by free translation " a plantation," in which sense it was perhaps understood by the Virginia colonists.^ 1 Tooker, The Poivhatan name for J'irginia, in American Anthrobo- logist (N. S.) VIII. No. I. AN INDIAN WEROWANCE. IV. THE ISLAND OF JAMESTOWN. Jamestown Island lies on the north side of James River, and is distant about sixty-eight miles from Richmond and thirty miles from the mouth of the river at Newport News. It is about two and a half miles in length, and in width varies from five hundred yards at its western extremity to a mile and a half near its eastern end. The area of the Island, according to a recent survey, is about 1,400 acres, much of which is marsh land. Its soil is very fertile, and produces fine crops of corn and wheat. It is surrounded on three sides by James River, and on the north side by Back River, which separates it from the main- land. It is traversed by Pitch and Tar Swamp on its northern * part and by Passmore's Creek on its southern part. Pitch and Tar Swamp begins at James River at the west end, winds around the church tower, passes back of the spot where the first state house stood, and, gathering its waters as it goes, empties into Back River, through a creek anciently known as " Kingsmill's Creek." Branches of the swamp pene- trate the Island in many directions, forming numerous little ridges ; and one of these branches, known as the *' Orchard Run," and entering the river about 700 yards below the church tower, was originally the eastern limit of the town. Passmore's Creek, named after Thomas Passmore, a car- penter, who was living on the Island in 1623. traverses the lower end of the Island. It begins at James River, about a mile below the present church tower, and runs southeasterly, nearly the course of the James, cutting off about one-third of the v/hole area of the Island. The upper part of the strip of land between this creek and the river is known as " Goose Hill." It is composed of seven long ridges, about three feet high, made by little slashes of the swamp of Passmore's Creek, and running north and south. The point at the extreme eastern end is called in the land grants " Black Point." [22] TO :HART of JAMESTOWN ISLAND A— First ridge of the Island, formerly connected with the mainland by a neck. B — Second ridge, formerly patented by John Baldwin. C— Third ridge, site of the third and fourth state houses, 1665-1698. D— Fourth ridge, site of the confederate fort, the brick churches, and the Jaquelin-Ambler house, a a a — Probable shore line in 1607. b b b — Present sea wall, d d d — Ancient house foundations. 1 — Sandy Bay. 2 — Site of blockhouse. 3 — "Friggett" Landing. 4 — Present bridge across Back River. 5 — Lone cypress, 300 feet from the seawall. 6 — Site of powder magazine, built in 1697. 7 — Block of houses composed of the country house, Philip Ludwell's three houses, and the State house, 1665-1698. 8 — ^Robert Beverley's lot, 1G94. 9 — Richard Lawrence's let, 1676. 10 — Confederate fort. 11— Island house brick foundations. 12 — Landing place May 14, 1607, (signified by a cross). 13— Brick fort constructed about 1673-1676. 14 — Confederate fort. 15 — Church tower. 16 — Dale's "Bridge" or wharf, 1611. 17 — First steamboat wharf. 18 — Second steamboat wharf. 19 — Third steamboat wharf. 20— Site of the "old State house" on fourth ridge. 21— Old turf fort, 1663. 22 — Ruins of Jaquelin-Ambler house. 23— Old cart way (1624) over Pitch and Tar swamp to the Island house. 24 — Confederate fort. 25 — Travis graveyard. 26 — Present farm house. 27 — Confederate fort. 28— >nfederate fort. 29—^ d well. 6', I" 18' — Varying depths of the river channel. ESTOWN SLAN D ...-.J^M^K^.^._Ay_f^r/-^^Pfi^'^^ ^IS^" '^"^^'^ ■^'* '^^6- The Island of Jamestown. 23 The western portion of the Island is composed of four ridges, the highest of which does not rise over fourteen feet above low tide. The first and second ridges are separated by a slash of the Back River; the second and third by a slash of Pitch and Tar Swamp ; and the third and fourth by a depres- sion inclining to Pitch and Tar Swamp from the southern point of the Island, which in 1607 projected into the river several hundred feet further than it does at present, forming with the southern shore a beautiful cove. The western shore extended in 1607 about 400 feet beyond the present sea wall, and the low ground between the third and fourth ridges widened at the head of the Island into a valley, in which a brick fort was placed at the close of the century.^ A " lone cypress," standing about 300 feet in the water, marks the course originally taken by the branch of Pitch and Tar Swamp separating the second and third ridges. The most important artificial landmarks are the church tower, and the ruins of the Jaquelin-Ambler House. Of the former I shall have much to say in the succeeding pages, but the history of the latter may be conveniently given here. These ruins stand on the fourth ridge of the Island about 350 yards east of the church tower, in the best part of what was once known as New Towne, very near the site of the houses of Sir Francis Wyatt, William Peirce and Richard Kempe. The Back Street ran close in front, and the turf fort of 1663 lay nearly south upon the river. This house was first built by Edward Jaquelin about 17 10, and on his death in 1739 passed to Richard Ambler, who married his daughter. It was burnt in the Revolution and was restored by John Ambler, Richard Ambler's grandson. It was burned again in 1862, when the country was in the hands of the Federal troops ; and it acci- dently caught on fire and was burned a third time in 1895. It has not been restored since, but its ragged and massive brick walls attest the dignity of the building. When the first white settlers came to Virginia in 1607, the tract of land thus described, though called an Island, was in fact a peninsula, because of an isthmus or neck connecting it at the northwest corner with the mainland. The head of 1 Yonge, Site of Old Jamestownc, 12. I have in this edition named the ridges after the more exact designation of Mr. Yonge. 24 The Cradle of the Republic. Back River was then a creek, called Powhatan Creek, which, flowing from the country beyond, opened at the neck of the Island into a bay called " Sandy Bay." East of this bay, where the present bridge spans the Back River, was a landing called " Friggett Landing," proving by the name that the Back River was navigable for shipping. Further eastward down the Back River was a point called " Pyping Point "^ — indicating a spot perhaps where the laborers " piped it " (smoked), after meals. It is interesting to trace the history of the neck since the first settlement, for the rush of the waters and the beating of the tides have made great changes in the whole western shore of the Island. Strachey described the isthmus in 1610 "as a slender neck no broader than a man will quaite a tileshard." Mrs. An. Cotton, evidently referring to the middle of the neck, estimated- the width across in 1676 as ten paces (fifty feet), but it was orobably more, as in 1688 Rev. John Clay- ton put the width (probably of the middle) at sixty or ninety feet,^ though he added that during the Spring tides the whole of the neck was usually submerged. On the other hand, the distance from Back River to James River at Block House hill, which was at the beginning of the neck on the Island side, was stated in a granf* to William Sherwood in 1694 as " six chains" or 198 feet ("33 feet to a chain"). We have no further information till the year 1748, fifty- four years later, when we learn that, long before that time, Richard Ambler, who owned the ferry on the Island, had found it necessary to place over the neck a causeway, which the relentless waves had so affected that the people of James City in the year referred to petitioned the assembly to make Ambler repair the same.^ Thirty-three years later, as we learn from Tarleton's Caiiipaigus, Jamestown was separated from the mainland b}' a small gut " not two feet wide at the 1 Patent to Richard James, J 'a. Land Register, III., 368. 2 Oitr Late Troubles in Jlrginia, written in 1676 by Mrs. An. Cotton of Q. Creeke. (Force, Tracts, I., No. ix.) ^A Letter of Mr. John Clayton, rector of Crofton at Wakefield in Yorkshire, May 12, 1688. (Force, Tracts, III., No. xii, p. 23.) 4 Fa. Land Register, VIII., 384. 5 Council Journal. The Island of Jamestown.' 25 reflux of the tide ; " but that water was now the prevalent feature of the spot is shown by the fact that the crossing was known at this time as " Jamestown Ford." Nevertheless, according to Louis H. Girardin, formerly professor of modern languages, history and geography in William and Mary Col- lege, a bit of connecting land remained as late as 1805, though he spoke of it as " very narrow " and as inundated " at the time of high water," /. e. at each high tide ; and further said that the force of the river " threatened soon unless counter- acted to form a new channel through the Island, a denomina- tion which Jamestown may shortly assume."^ When we next read of the Island in 1837, we learn that the neck " had long since disappeared, having been washed away by the force of the current and the tide." ^ The Island had passed the year before into the possession of Colonel Goodrich Durfey, and he, feeling the necessity of better communication with the outside world, constructed about 1844 a bridge in the water over the submerged neck, and upon this bridge passed a stage carrying the mail and passengers to the wharf at Jamestown, where the steamer received them.^ In 1848, Benson J. Lossing visited the place and found John Coke, father of Richard Coke, late senator from Texas, in possession. Dr. Lossing made a sketch of the Sandy Bay from the opposite shore, then *' four hundred yards " distant from the Island, and this view, which is printed, shows the piles only of the bridge. The bridge itself, erected by Colonel Durfey, had been swept away some months before by a tremendous gale and high tide, which submerged a large part of the Island, for three days keeping Mr. Coke and his family, who resided there, close prisoners, and causing them to use for fuel ornamental trees near the house, in the absence of other material.^ In October, 1856, Bishop Meade, in company with Dr. Silas Totten, of William and Mary College, and others, visited the Island then owned by Major William Allen, of Clermont. The mainland and the Island were found separated by " a third of 1 The Late Jubilee at Jamestozvn (1807), p. 8, note., 2 Richard Randolph, in Southern Literary Messenger, III., 303, 3 Mr. J. R. Bacon's Statement, see Appendix A. 4 Lossing, Field Book of the American Revolution, II., 446. 26 The Cradle of the Republic. a mile( ?) of water," and the only access was by row-boat. A large portion of the most beautiful part of the Island had been engulfed by the waves and the bank was giving away within 150 yards of the old tower to the church.^ Now how much land has the Island lost at the upper end since the voyagers landed in 1607? In 1716, Hon. Philip Lud- well, disturbed by the claims that " the Governor's Land " of 3,000 acres belonging to the public took in a part of Green- spring, said that the shore for three miles above Jamestown,, along the mainland, where the Governor's Land was situated, had lost by the encroachments of the river 100 acres in a period of thirty years, which showed a recession of the shore line of more than nine feet a vear.^ VIEW OF JAMESTOWN FROM THE RIVER. (Sketched in 1857 by Catherine C. Hopley, an English lady.) In 1805, Professor Girardin declared that " many yards of the palisades erected by the first settlers " were still to be seen at low tide standing at least 150 or 200 paces from the shore. But really Girardin did not know whether the " first settlers " had anything to do with these palisades or not, and he was at best only guessing at their distance.^ In 1895, the ladies of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities obtained from Congress an appropriation 1 Meade, Old Churches, &c., I., in. 2 Va. Magazine, V., 386. 3 The Late Jubilee at Jamestown, 7. The Island of Jamestown. 27 of $10,000 for protecting the Island against the encroachment of the waters. Large flat rocks were placed at the west end against the shore bank, but the waves scooped out the sand from behind them and caused them to fall. In five years the shore receded by my measurement some fifteen feet, or on the average about three feet a year, but the recession was doubtless much retarded by the rocks. April 28, 1900, the author, in company with Mr. H. B. Smith, of Williamsburg, repaired to the western end of James- town Island and made some measurements and observations. The distance of the " lone cypress tree " from the shore was measured and found to be about 290 feet. As this cypress tree in 1845 stood at time of low tide at the water's edge, this would suggest, after making allowances for our line of measurement being out of the perpendicular, a recession annually of about five feet. Supposing then five feet to be the average annual loss of the western shore for 300 years, the diameter of the prism of abrasion if continuous would be as much as 1,500 feet, which would indicate the absorption of over fifty acres of land. But Mr. Yonge points out^ that as long as the protecting shore along the mainland above the Island stood firm, the abrasion must have been very slight, and that as the protecting shore did not begin to give way till about i/oo, twenty acres would be a liberal allowance for erosion. This conjecture is supported by an interesting plat preserved in the Ambler MSS., and made in 1680 by John Soane, surveyor, for William Sherwood. As shown by this plat, the difference in length of two lines — one from the ancient shore line of 1680 to a northerly line run- ning through " Friggett Landing," and the other from the sea wall to the same northerly line does not exceed 400 feet, which is even less than Mr. Yonge's estimate of the diameter of the prism of abrasion (480 ft.). The ravages of the water at first appear to have been directed against the connecting isthmus, and a comparison of the plat with the present topography shows that " Block House hill " stood out in the water 900 feet from the present sea wall. As the " lone cypress," now about 300 feet from the sea wall, was near the shore in 1845, most of the erosion of the Island must have happened after that 1 Yonge, Site of Old Jamestozvn. 14. 28 The Cradle of the Refublic. year — a fact attributable, according to Mr. Yonge, to the introduction on the river of side-wheeled steamers. At the time of my visit to the Island in 1900, the average depth, at low tide, of the water upon the submerged neck was found to be about two feet. From the Island to the mainland, following the line of the piles, the distance was about 1,700 feet or nearly one-third of a mile. On the mainland we found the bed of the old highway to Williamsburg, with large trees growing in its middle. The distance from a tree standing on the first ridge along the river side to the southern shore of the fourth ridge was found to be very nearly 1,500 feet. From the latter point to the middle of the third ridge, it was 300 feet. On the shore at this place were the last relics of a brick building reputed a powder magazine ; and along this ridge scattered brick and an old well indicated where some buildings once stood. From the middle of the third ridge to the middle of the branch of Pitch and Tar Swamp separating the second ridge and third ridge, the distance was 361 feet; from the last point to the top of the second ridge, it was 339 feet ; and from the top of this ridge to a tree on the first ridge near the sub- merged neck, it was 500 feet. As is shown by various land grants, the general direction of the western shore of the Island was approximately the same 250 years ago as it is today — nearly north and south. The James River varies in width from three and one-fourth to one and one-eighth miles, corresponding, in the widest measurement, to the eastern end of the Island, and, in the narrowest, to the western end. The mean tidal rise and fall is about two feet, and as might be expected the greatest depth of water, eighty-one feet, is in the narrow part of the river, while in the widest part opposite to Goose Hill the channel shallows to about twenty feet. The varying depth of the channel at Jamestown Island has had remarkable efi^ect upon the history of Virginia. It was because the channel was so deep and approached so near the shore at the upper end that the Island itself, and especially that part of the Island, was selected for settlement ; and it was because the water ofi^ Goose Hill flats did not afford a sufficient depth to allow the ironclad Virginia to pass to Rich- mond in 1862. that she was blown up by the Confederates off Craney Island. The Island of Jamestown. 29 The map of Virginia, engraved by Frederick Bossier from actual surveys by James Madison, President of William and Mary College (who died in 1812), gives an excellent repre- sentation of the topography of Jamestown Island and vicinity, but the scale is too small to admit of many details. SEA WALL. Lately erected at the western end of the Island. THE COUNTRY NEIGHBORING JAMESTOWN ISLAND. The portion of the country beyond the neck on the west side of Powhatan Creek was called The Main. The portion of the country on the north side of Back River, hetween Powhatan Creek and Mill Creek, which enters the Back River from the north at the lower end of the Island, was called Neck of Land. This should be carefully distinguished from the " neck of land " descriptive of the isthmus formerly connecting Jamestown Peninsula with the mainland. The country on the north side below the Island, between Coleman's Creek and Archer's Hope Creek, was called Archer's Hope. On the other side of the river a creek known as Gray's Creek cut off Szvann's Point, opposite to the Point on James- town Island above the church. The early settlements in that region were called the Plantations Across the JVater. Further up the river on the same side were Four Mile Tree and Pace's Pains. And down the river nearly opposite to Archer's Hope was Hoz Island. V. THE ENGLISH AT JAMESTOWN, May 13, 1607, the Sarah Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery came to Jamestown Island, and lay " so neare the shoare that they were moored to the trees in six fathom water." And now the organization of the council was com- pleted by the election of Edward Alaria Wingfield as president for one year.^ The landing- took place the next day, May 14, 1607, at the southwest point of the Island, which projected into the water about 300 feet more southerly and 400 feet more westerly than it does now, forming a cove. As the land there was very low, the}> selected for their habitation place the rising bank a little east of the ships.- The first work undertaken was to clear an opening in the dense growth of trees for a stockade, and Avhile it was building Captain Newport, in the shallop, left Jamestown May 22, with twenty others, to look for a gold mine at the Falls of James River. He was gone only a week, but, before he returned, the Indians assaulted the settlement, and his assistance was necessary in building the palisades. The stockade was completed June 15, was " trianglewise, having three bulwarks (one) at every corner like a halfe Moone," and in each bulwark a piece or two of ordnance was mounted. It enclosed a little more than an acre of land, for the side facing the river was 420 feet long and the other two sides 300 feet each. Through each curtain was a gateway, and each gateway was protected by a piece of ordnance inside.^ Within the enclosure, the settlers placed their rude habi- tations, of which the best consisted of rails covered with sedge and earth, and plastered inside with bitumen or tough clay. Some of the settlers lived in holes in the ground, called on' the western plains, "dug-outs," where they are sometimes used. The cabins were very hot in summer and cold in winter. Near the fort, on two little knolls (called "mountains" by George 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 91. 2 Yon^c, Site of Old Jamcstowne, 18. 3 Purchas, His Pilgrimes, IV., 1752, 1753. [30] The English at Jamestown. 31 Percy), they planted most of their EngHsh wheat, and by the time the fort was finished it had sprung " a man's height from the ground." This was the first essay at farming on James River. ^ Newport departed with the ships for England June 22, and after this the sufferings of the colonists were too great to permit any more improvements during the summer. They were besieged by Indians, a small ladle of " ill conditioned " barley meal was the daily ration, the brackish water of the river served them for drink, and dissensions broke out between the president and councillors. In a short time Gosnold died ; Kendall, detected in a design to desert the colony, was shot ; and Wingfield was deposed from the presidency, and sub- stituted by John Ratclifife. By September 10, of the one hun- dred and four men left behind by Newport only forty-six remained alive. September 17, occurred the hvo first jury trials in America, when Jehu Robinson and John Smith sued the deposed president for slander, and recovered verdicts from the jury, — Robinson for ioo£ damages, and Smith for 20o£.^ In September the Indians made peace with the settlers and sent them daily supplies of corn and wild meat ; and, the cool weather coming on, the river was full of wild fowl, which sup- plied the survivors with nourishing food and restored them to health. The settlers purchased^ the Island from the Pas- paheghs, and resumed their work upon the frail habitations ;* and when in November the Indians declined in their kindly attentions, Smith, as cape merchant, was sent to Kecoughtan and other places on James River to trade for corn, in which business he was very successful. In December, while on an exploring trip up the Chickahominy, he was captured by the Indians, who killed two of his companions and carried him from village to village, and finally to Werowocomoco on York River, where he was saved from death by Pocahontas, Pow- hatan's daughter. Through her influence he was sent back to Jamestown, where on his arrival January 2 he was promptly arrested by the council and sentenced to death under the Levitical law for the loss of the two men killed by the Indians. 1 Percy, Discourse in Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), Ixx. 2 Wingfield, Discourse in Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), Ixxxiii. 3 True Declaration. (Force, Tracts, III., No. xvi.) 4 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 392. 32 The Cradle of the Republic. And he would have been executed the next day, had not that self same evening Newport returned with the " First Supply " of men and provisions and caused his release from custody.^ Newport found only thirty or forty persons surviving at Jamestown, and he brought about seventy more. Five days after Newport arrived at Jamestown, the habi- tations in the fort, together with all the ammunition and pro- visions, were destroyed by a fire so intense that it burned the palisades though eight or ten yards distant. The result was that as the winter was very severe; many died from exposure while working to restore the town ; but with the help of Cap- tain Newport and his mariners the palisades, cabins, church, and storehouse were partially rebuilt before the Winter was out.^ The provisions brought in this supply were scant, and the mortality would have been even greater, but for the relief afforded by Pocahontas and her Indians, who frequently resorted to the fort. Nevertheless, to satisfy the expectations of the authorities in England, the settlers, instead of being put to clearing and planting the ground when Spring came, were forced to give all their time to loading the ships with cedar and clapboards and digging for " fool gold."^ April 10, t6o8, Newport left the colony, and ten days later Captain Francis Nelson arrived in the Phoenix, with forty additional settlers. He stayed till June, and during the inter- val most of the time of the settlers was taken up in providing another load of cedar. So that no improvements were made at Jamestown beyond some slight repairs made by Smith and Scrivener upon the frail habitations in the. stockade.^ Conse- quently, the second Summer at Jamestown was characterized by misfortunes similar to those of the first. Ratcliite in his turn was deposed, and after a brief administration by Scrivener, John Smith, who had been absent most of the time exploring Chesapeake Bay, became president, September lo, 1608. Resuming the work of making repairs, he enlarged the area of the fort by the addition of about three acres and changed 1 Wingfield, Discourse in Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), Ixxxvi. 2 Ibid. ^ A Breifc Declaration in State Senate Doc, extra (1874), 70- 4 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 409. Island of Jamestown. 33 the plan to a "five square forme" (i. e. a pentagon). While thus engaged, the Second Supply arrived in October, bringing *^ with it seventy passengers, who added to the fifty persons found at Jamestown raised the population to about 120. Among the new comers were eight_Po|es and Germans sent over to makev'' glass, pitch and soap ashes, and two women Mrs. Forrest and her maid Ann Burras, who were the first of tTieir sex to settle on James River. The marriage in the church at Jamestown about two months later of this Ann Burras to one of the settlers named John Laydon, a carpenter by trade, was tJie first recorded EnglisJi marriage on the soil of the United States,^ and their child, Virginia, born^ the following year, was the first child horn in the first permanent Eng- lish settlement on the Western Continent. Newport brought a let- ter from the superior council in England which showed that they were not at ail satisfied with the cargoes sent home at the cost of so much labor and suffering, and the colonists were directed to explore the country above the Falls for a gold mine. Com- pliance with these instruc- tions took them off to such an extent from their neces- sary labors that, had not Newport and Smith during the Winter following made repeated visits to the Indians, they might ail have starved before the Spring. The account which Smith gives of the labor performed by the colonists, from February to May, 1609, speaks much for their endurance. It was by itself a herculean task to cut down forty acres of trees and prepare the land for corn ; but besides this, they dug a deep well in the fort, re-covered their church, 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 130. 2 Hotten, Emigrants to America, 185, 245. 3 CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. 34 The Cradle of the Republic. erected twenty new cabins, manufactured a supply of glass, set up a block house at the isthmus, and built a new fort up Gray's creek opposite to Jamestown.^ The misfortunes which interrupted these proceedings are to be attributed not to the colonists, but to the carelessness of Smith, who reigned sole ruler — the other councillors being all dead or gone to Eng- land. While they were engaged at the fort across the river, it was suddenly discovered that most of the corn on which the colonists depended was consumed by rats. And as the re- mainder was " unfit to eat," Smith, in order to save the colony, had to disperse the settlers, sending some to live with the In- dians, and others to the oyster banks down the river, where at the end of nine weeks the oyster diet caused all their skins '' to peel off from head to foot as if they had been fleade." - While these matters were happening, the reports brought by the ships of the dissensions in the council at Jamestown received the attention of the London Company. In May, 1609, a new charter was issued,^ extending the company's territory for 400 miles along the coast and inland west and northwest to the South Sea, and giving the stockholders the power to appoint " a sole and absolute governor," for Virginia. Not long afterwards a Third Supply was made ready, and in June, 1609, Sir Thomas Gates took passage as governor with about 500 settlers. But the voyage over was very unfortunate ; for an epidemic broke out among the passengers, and there fol- lowed a great storm which scattered the fleet and wrecked upon the Bermuda Islands the Sea Venture, which bore the governor and one hundred and fifty other passengers; and though the rest of the fleet reached Jamestown in safety, their arrival only added to the troubles already existing there. The new settlers brought with them the yellow fever and the London plague, and their supplies were all ruined by the rain and sea water. Moreover, Smith received their leaders very unkindly, and after several violent quarrels he took passage for England in October, 1609, with the returning ships, leaving as president, George Percy, brother to the Earl 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed), 471. ^A Brcife Declaration, 70. SHening, Statutes at Large, I., 80-98. Island of Jamestown. 35 of Northumberland. Smith says that at his departure, James- town was well protected by ordnance and contained forty or fifty cabins, but it is probable that most of these houses weio put up by the new arrivals, about 250 in number.^ There succeeded nine months of terrible suffering known as the Starving Time, during which most of the settlers died ; and when the Spring of 16 10 arrived only some sixty wretched survivors were living at Jamestown ; and these were saved at the last moment in an almost miraculous manner. In the month of May, when all hope seemed lost, two ships were discovered one day coming up the river. When they cast anchor, they were found to contain Sir Thomas Gates and the passengers of the Sea J'enfnre, whom all at Jamestown considered lost at sea. These ships had been constructed by the castaways out of the cedar that grew in the Bermudas, and bore the names of the Patience and Deliverance — words of significant import to all the actors in this historic tragedy. But if the colonists at Jamestown were astonished at the coming of the ships. Gates and his companions were much more so at the strange sights which met their eyes on the sorrow-stricken Island. As stated by Gates himself in a letter^ written not long after: "Jamestown seemed raither as the ruins of some auntient (fortification), then that any people living might now inhabit it ; the palisadoes he found tourne downe, the portes open, the gates from the hinges, the church ruined and unfrequented, empty houses (whose owners un- timely death had taken newly from them) rent up and burnt, the living not hable, as they pretended, to step into the woodes to gather other fire-wood ; and. it is true, the Indian as fast killing zvithont as the famine and pestilence ivithin." Gates relieved the immediate distress by the prompt distri- bution of provisions, and then asserted order by the publication of a code of martial law drawn up in England. Next he called a council of the leading officers, and, on their advice, decided to abandon the settlement, as the provisions brought from the Bermudas were only sufficient to last the company sixteen days longer. 1 Smith, Worlds (Arber's ed.), 612. 2 Brown, Genesis of the United States, 405. 36 The Cradle of the Republic. And now it appeared, indeed, as if another sickening failure would be added to the long list of fruitless endeavors to plant an English colony in America. Sending ahead the pinnace Virginia, built on the coast of Alaine in 1607, to Point Comfort to take on Captain Davis and the guard there, the company at Jamestown made ready for their own departure. June 7, 1610, Gates ordered all the small arms to be carried aboard, buried the cannon at the fort gate, and commanded every man to repair to the Patience and Deliverance at the beating of the drum ; and while the men were going aboard, lest some one might set fire to the buildings in the town which they were abandoning, he caused his own company, under Captain George Yeardley, to embark after the rest, and was himself the last to leave the shore. ^ It was in the evening that they left Jamestown, and they halted that night at Hog Island about six miles below the fort. The next morning they resumed their voyage, and had reached Mulberry Island, about eight miles further down, Avhen they saw the white sails of a little vessel coming to meet them. It was the pinnace Virginia, and never did vessel bring more important message. Edward Brewster, its commander, informed Gates that Lord Delaware had arrived at Point Com- fort with 150 settlers; and, thereupon, the colonists very unwillingly put back to Jamestown, and that evening took possession again of their forlorn habitations. Sunday, June 10, Lord Delaware arrived and went ashore in the afternoon with Sir Ferdinando Wainman. This was a great occasion and one duly appreciated at the time. Sir Thomas Gates caused his company to stand in arms, and William Strachey, the secretary of state, acted as color bearer. As soon as the Lord Governor arrived near the south gate of the fort opening towards the river, he fell upon his knees, and made a long and silent prayer to God. Then arising, he walked to the entrance of the town, Strachey bowing before him with his colors, and letting them fall in the gateway at his Lordship's feet, who passed on to the church, where Rev. Richard Buck (" Sir Thomas Gates his preacher"), delivered an impressive sermon. 1 Brown, Genesis of the United States, 406. The English at Jamestown. Z7 After this, Lord Delaware caused his ensign, Anthony Scott, to read his commission, which entitled him " Lord Governor and Captain General," during his life, of the colony and plantation in Virginia (" Sir Thomas Gates our Governor hitherto, being now styled therein Lieutenant General "), upon which Sir Thomas Gates delivered up to his Lordship " his owne commission, both patents, and the Counsell scale." Delaware next made the crowd a speech, in which he mingled words of reproach, warning, advice and cheer. He set the men to cleaning the town, and rehabilitating the houses, after a much more substantial manner. Boards were hewed and placed upon the roofs, and the sides of some of the houses were pro- tected with Indian mats, which rendered them much more defensive against heat and cold. The chimneys were made of wattles daubed with clay and were wide and large, permitting great fires in the winter. Stra- chey accurately describes the new houses in the fol- / lowing quaint verses: THOMAS WEST (Lord Delaware). " We dwell not here to build vs Bowers And Hals for pleasure and good cheere, But Hals we build for vs and ours To dwell in them whilst we live here." The settlement of four acres was defended by new palisades, and everything was made safe and comfortable for the time being.^ Delaware next proceeded to settle matters with the Indians, and, in retaliation for the killing of Humphrey Blunt opposite to Blunt Point, he ordered Gates to attack and drive Powha- 1 Purchas, His Pilgrimcs, iv., 1753. 38 The Cradle of the Republic. tan's son Pochins and his tribe from Kecoughtan ; and when this was done, he erected two forts at the mouth of Hampton River, called Charles and Henry, about three miles from Point Comfort. In the Autumn he sent out an expedition to the Falls of James River to search for gold mines, but, like its prede- cessors, the expedition proved a failure and many of the men perished by the Indians. In a short time Delaware himself fell sick, and to save his life he departed the colony March 28, 1611,^ leaving George Percy again in charge. The houses in Jamestown having been built of unseasoned timber did not last long in the changeable climate of Virginia ; and it is not surprising that Sir Thomas Dale, who arrived at Jamestown as deputy governor, ]\Iay 21, 161 1, found it necessary to make repairs on most of the buildings which Strachey had praised.- He also started some additional im- provements, which were completed by Sir Thomas Gates, who came as lieutenant governor August i. Besides repair- ing the church and storehouse they erected a stable, munition house, and a sturgeon dressing house ; brick was made ; and, as the water of the old well was contaminated, a new well was dug in the fort. "A bridge'' (that is a wharf), "the first in the country," was built out to the channel about 200 feet distant " to land our goods dry and safe upon ;" and a block house was put up on the Back River. Then a new platform for ordnance in the fort was raised and three storehouses joined together were constructed, making a block forty feet wide and 120 feet long. By the care and providence of Sir Thomas Gates, there were at Jamestown in 16 14, when Ralph Hamor, Strachey 's successor as secretary of state, wrote an account of Jamestown, " two rows of faire houses, all of framed timber, two stories and an upper garret or corn-loft high, besides some other houses without the town."^ Among the houses referred to by Hamor was one built by Gates for a governor's house,'* which was probably outside of the stock- ade, and in the section of the Island afterward known as 1 Brown, Genesis of the United States, 1., 490. ^' Ibid., 492. 3 Hamor, True Diseourse, 33. ^A Breife Deelai'ation, in Va. State Senate Doc. (extra), 1874, p. 80. The English at Jamestown. 39 " New Tovvne." Gates stayed in Virginia till February, 1614, and after his departure the government was administered by Dale, marshal of the colony, till May, 1616. They subjected the colonists to the strictest martial law, and under the severe system of labor instituted " many young men of Auncyent Houses and born to estates of £1,000 by the year," perished^ at Jamestown and at the new settlements up the river — Henrico, Bermuda Hundred and Charles Hundred. During this period, however, there were interesting dealings with the Spanish, Indians and French. In 161 1, a Spanish ship, sent to spy on the English colonists, came to Point Com- fort where three of the officers — alcayde Don Diego de Molina, ensign Marco Antonio Perez, and pilot Francis Limbrye — going ashore, were arrested and remained prisoners at Jamestown for several years. Two years after this incident, succeeding some heavy punishments inflicted upon the Indians by Dale, Pocahontas was captured by Argall, and brought also to Jamestown. Not long afterwards, Gates and Dale, hearing that the French in Nova Scotia and Maine were preparing to settle New England, sent Argall with an armed vessel, who dispossessed the intruders and brought fifteen of them to Virginia, where they were added to the list of captives at Jamestown. The colonists must have been much excited over this inter- esting collection, but if any of them were given to writing. Dale did not give him the time or opportunity to print his account. Most of the colonists during this period were engaged up the river, building Henrico, Bermuda Hundred and Charles City, where they were subjected by Dale to a more than " Scythian cruelty." At Jamestown, according to the report^ of John Rolfe, who succeeded Hamor as secretary, there were in 161 5 under the command of Lt. Sharpe, " in the absence of Captain Francis West," about sixty persons only, " whereof thirtie one are farmers ;" who all maintained themselves with " food and rayment." The " farmers " referred to were of the fortunate class to whom Governor Dale gave three acres of land to be 1 The Tragical Relation, in Neill, J'irginia Company. 407-411. - Rolfe, Relation in Southern Lit. Messenger, V., 401. 40 The Cradle of the Republic. cultivated in their own way, on condition of their paying two and one-half barrels of corn, and giving one month's ser- vice in every year to the public. These were really dark days, and emigration from England entirely ceased. When Dale left in 1616, there were only 351 persons in the colony, and the enterprise might have been given over entirely had not, in the cultivation of tobacco begun by John Rolfe in 161 2, a fresh hope been found. Dale frowned upon the new occupation, but after his departure Captain George Yeardley, who acted as deputy-governor for a year, gave the " w^eed " every encouragement, with the result that emigration set in again with force. Private companies were formed, who sent colonies of their own to Virginia; and, despite martial law which slew its hundreds and climatic disease which slew its thousands, the colony slowly increased in population. Three years after Dale's departure for Virginia the number of inhabitants had risen from 351 to 1,000.^ In the meantime, import- ^ f^ /l/lf^y/^^ /2^2yP^ ant changes ensued in Eng- ^/^llff^l^^vf^ land in the constitution of the London Company. Till 1612 all power had been invested in the treasurer, Sir Thomas Smith, and his council, but in that year the stockholders applied for and obtained a third charter limiting all important business to a quarterly meeting of the members. On the question of governing the colony, they soon divided into two parties, the " court party " in favor of continuing martial law, headed by Sir Robert Rich, after- wards Earl of Warwick, and the country or "patriot party" led by Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Edwin Sandys, the Earl of South- ampton, Sir John Danvers, and John and Nicholas Ferrar. Of the two, the " country party " was the more numerous, and when the joint stock partnership expired November 30, 161 6, they appointed Captain Samuel Argall, a kinsman of Treasurer Smith, to be deputy-governor of Virginia, with instructions to give every settler a dividend of fifty acres, and to permit him to visit England if he chose,^ a privilege hitherto denied. 1 Va. Company Proceedings (Va. Hist. Soc. Coll., new series, VII., pt. I., 6s). 2 Brown, Genesis of the United States, II., 775-779, 797-799, 1015. The English at Jamestown. 41 Argall sailed to Virginia about the first part of April, 1617, and was received at Jamestown by Yeardley in military style, " his right hand file being led by an Indian."' According to his own statement he found Jamestown in a very neglected condition. Only five or six of the " farm houses " described by Hamor were habitable, the palisades were rotten and broken, the wharf was in pieces, and even the well dug in 161 1 was polluted and not fit to drink from. Argall attributes the evil to the rage for tobacco, and says that the market place, the margin of the streets and all other spare places were set Avith the plant. ^ He was partially correct, but the decay was really more truly attributable to the sappy timbers of which the works of the colony were constructed, and the deadening influences of martial law, which de- prived labor of its natural stimulus of pride or self interest. But Argall, though he had been very useful in a subordinate capacity, proved wholly tmscrupulous as deputy- governor. Instead of obeying his instructions, he continued the common slavery under one pre- tense or another, and even plundered the com- ^^^ ^^^^'^^ sandys, J. 11 ., , , Second treasurer, or president, of tlie pany of all the servants and London Company. live stock belonging to the " common garden." Beyond patching up the houses he con- structed no new buildings at Jamestown, except a wing to the governor's house erected by Gates, and a church, which was, however, paid for by the inhabitants.^ In April, 1618, the company incensed at his behavior dispatched the Lord Gover- nor Delaware to arrest him, but Delaware died on the way over, and Argall continued his tyrannical government one year longer. 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 535. ^ A Breife Declaration, in State Senate Documents (extra). 1874, P- 8o- 42 The Cradle of the Republic. During this interval, Sandys was associated with Sir Thomas Smith in preparing a paper wdiich gave America its first experience of a written constitution for internal affairs. It abolished martial law and communism, assured to every settler a dividend of land, and authorized the people of the colony to elect representatives, who should share with the company in making laws. To put the constitution into effect Sir George Yeardley was sent in January, 1619, as " Governor and Captain General," and he arrived at Jamestown April 19, and made known the intentions of the London Company. At nearly the same time the supervision of Virginia affairs in England fortunately passed into the hands of Sir Edwin Sandys and his noble friend, the Earl of Southampton, assisted especially by the sincere and pure-hearted brothers John and Nicholas Ferrar, sons of Nicholas Ferrar, Sen. Under the orders to Yeardley, Jamestown was made the capital of one of the four new corporations, comprising the settlements, and called " James Citty," which continued after- wards its official designation. Other events render the year memorable — the meeting of the first legislative assembly on July 30, the introduction in August of the first negro slaves, and the arrival from England of a ship with twenty young maidens " pure and undefiled," sold to the settlers for wives at the cost of their transportation, viz : one hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco, equivalent to $500, in present cur- rency. Despite martial law, the culture of tobacco, which brought sometimes as much as $12 a pound in the London market, had already effected a great change. This is seen from an act of this earliest assembly which taxed every man according to the apparel worn by him or his wife,^ and from a letter" of John Pory, written two months after the assembly adjourned, containing this paragraph: "Now that your lord- ship may know that we are not the veriest beggars in the world, our cow-keeper here of James citty on Sundays goes accowtered all in freshe flaming silke ; and a wife of one that in England had professed the black arte, not of a schollar, but of a collier of Croyden, weares her rough bever hatt with a faire perle hatband, and a silken suite thereto correspondent. '\ ' Va. State Senate Doc. (extra), 1874, 20. "Massachusetts Hist. Soc, Collections, 4th series, IX., 11-13. The English at Jamestown. 43 Soon, in place of the old log cabins, there rose at Jamestown and elsewhere framed buildings " better than many in Eng- land," and for three years this prosperous condition kept up, notwithstanding an appalling mortality among the swarms of settlers sent over by the vigorous managers of the London Company. One. thousand people were in \'irginia at Easter, 1619, and to this number 3,560 were added during the next three years; yet only 1,240 were resident in the colony on Good Friday, March 22, 1622, a day when the horrors of an Indian massacre reduced the number to 893. Since 1614, when Pocahontas, during her captivity with the English, married John Rolfe, peace with the Indians prevailed with some slight interruptions. But in April, 1618, Powhatan died and the chief power was wielded by his brother Opechan- canough, who secretly formed a plot for exterminating the English. In Novem- ber, 1 62 1, Sir Fran- governor, and soon | / ' • yQ'(2T^!_^i/^yi/ after the blow was /" ^__— — ^ ^'^ y^'r9^^ struck, Jamestown >*' Cu^ was fortunate enough to receive notice, and repelled the savages when they appeared before the fort in four canoes. The scattered and dispersed mode of living in Virginia had enabled the savages to attack with deadly result, and after the massacre the colonists determined to abandon the weaker plantations and concentrate the surviving population in five or six well fortified places. Jamestown peninsula was one of these, and as the old quarters were overcrowded, William Claiborne, who, as surveyor general, came with Wyatt, laid out in 1623 a new section for habitation on the fourth ridge, east- ward of the old stockade. The addition was called " New Towne," and commanded a beautiful view of the river, and here probably was already established the governor's house built by Gates in 1610, enlarged by Argall in 1617, and granted by the company in 1618 to the use of Governor Yeardley and his successors.^ 1 Instructions to Yeardley in Va. Magazine, II., 158. 44 The Cradle of the Republic. PLh .'So a M .in IN o 1- IN u-? ^ >,■ o C "5 7h4 The English at Jamestown. 45 According to the census of 1624, the number of inhabitants living at Jamestown and in the immediate neighborhood amounted in all to 353, distributed as follows: Jamestown, 182 persons, including three negroes; the Island outside, 39; the Main, 88; Neck of Land, 25; the Glass-house 5, and Archer's Hope 14. There were at this time in Jamestown four pieces of ordnance, twenty-two dwellings, one church, one merchant's store, three storehouses, and one large court-of-guard (guard house). The new houses at James- town were framed buildings, and being made of seasoned lumber they were necessarily a great improvement over the sappy edifices hitherto constructed. In reference to the houses generally in Yir-f ginia Rev. William Alease tokP the Londoners that " throughout his majesty's dominions here (in Eng- land) all labouringe men's houses (well wee chiefly pfess ourselves to be) are in no wise generally for good- ness to be compared unto X NICHOLAS FERRAR, JR. them. And for the bowses of men of better ranke and quallity they are so much better and convenyent yt noe man of quallity without blushinge can make exception against them." The leading men resident in Jamestown were Sir Francis Wyatt, the governor; Sir George Yeardley, the ex-govcrnor; Dr. John Pott, appointed in 1621 physician to the colony, on the recommendation of the distinguished physician Gulstone, who spoke of him as " a Master of Arts and well practised in Chirurgerie and physique ;" Captain Ralph Hamor, Jr., for- merly Dale's secretary of state ; Captain William Peirce, father of John Rolfe's third wife Jane, and successor to Captain William Powell as captain of the fort ; Captain Roger Smith, whose wife Jane in 1624 was probably widow of John Rolfe, 1 Neill, London Company, 402, 46 The Cradle of the Republic. as she had Elizabeth Rolfe, daughter of Jane Rolfe, living with her, and came to the colony in 1609 in the same vessel The Blessing; Edward Blaney, who came in 1621 in charge of a magazine of goods sent by the company in England, and who married the widow of Captain William Powell ; Captain Richard Stephens, noted as party to the first duel fought in an English colony, wounding his antagonist George Harrison so severely that he died in a few days ; Captain John Harvey of Lyme Regis, Dorset, England, afterwards governor ; John Chew, a great merchant, who about 1649 removed to Maryland and was ancestor of Chief Justice Benjamin Chew, of Germantown, Pennsylvania ; Captain George Menifie, who in 1635 took a leading part in the deposition of Sir John Harvey, resided afterwards at '* Littletown " in James City County, and died about 1647 at " Buckland " in Charles City County. All these lived in the " New Towne," and the following will perhaps give some idea of the Island as it appeared in 1 624- 1 628. There was a highway, called in later land grants the " Old Great Roade," and sometimes the " Maine Roade," which ran from the block house at the Isthmus, first near the river shore and then over the second and third ridges, past the old quarter of the town, and on by the northeast corner of the churchyard, till it connected with the Back Street in the " New Towne," and the road that passed along the river side. " New Towne " began at Orchard Run, a branch of " Pitch and Tar Swamp," and on the first lot westward of this branch lived Captain John Harvey.^ This lot, which contained six and one-half acres, lay between Back Street and the river bank; and as its west side was twenty-six poles or 143 yards, this approximately represented the distance of Back Street from the river at that point. Next to Harvey's lot was George Menifie's tract- of three roods and twenty poles, bounded as the patent states " northward upon the bounds over along to the ground belonging to Back Streete." Separated from Menifie by a cross street was Captain Ralph Hamor's^ town lot 1 Va. Land Register, I., 7. 2 Ibid., I., 6. 3 Ibid., I., 5- The English at Jamestown. 47 of an acre and a half, which " abutted southward upon the highway along the banke of the Maine River and northward upon the Back Streete." Its breadth " alwayes "" was eleven poles, and its eastern side was twenty-two and its western nineteen poles in length. Next to Hamor was Captain Richard Stephens, whose wife Elizabeth was daughter of Abraham Peirsey, cape merchant of the colony, and married secondly Captain John Harvey. His lot^ contained sixty rods, and reached back to the lot- of John Chew, which contained one rood and nine poles and faced north upon the Back Street. Next to Captain Richard Stephens, was a lot belonging to one Jackson (probably John Jackson), which lay nearly south of the present ruined Jaquelin-Ambler house. On the north of Back Street, opposite to Captain John Harvey's lot, and fronting upon the street twenty-five poles, was Dr. John Pott's lot^ of three acres, which he enlarged in 1628 by adding nine acres in the rear. On his west was a small tract belonging in 1624 to Captain William Peirce, whose house was pronounced by George Sandys, the poet and brother of Sir Edwin Sandys, the " fairest in Virginia." Sandys had a room there, in which he raised silkworms and turned into Eng- lish the Latin of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Next to Peirce, was the lot of Governor Sir Francis Wyatt, not far from the site of the ruins of the Jaquelin-Ambler house ; and north of Wyatt's lot were the four acres of Captain Roger Smith described in the patent as bounding " South upon the pale of the Gover- nor's Garden, north upon the ground of Sir George Yeardley divided by the highway, eastward upon the bridge in the said highway leading into the Island," (f. e. the part of the Island north of Pitch and Tar Swamp) " and also upon the yard of Captain William Peirce, and W'Cst upon the highway leading into the Parke. "^ A cartway passed from Back Street through Captain William Peirce's lot over the Bridge across the swamp to the " Island House " of Richard Kingsmill, 1 Va. Land Register., I., i. 2Ibid.. I., 7- 3 Ibid., I., 8. ^The leaf in the record book containing this grant was torn out a few years ago, when the agents of West Virginia copied the books in the Land Office ; but I had previously made a careful copy of the descriptive part, as above. 48 The Cradle of the Republic. Finally, in the rear of Smith on the third ridge was Sir George Yeardley's lot^ of seven acres and one rood, and it abutted " northerly upon the Back River, southerly upon the ground of Captain Roger Smith, easterly upon the railes and fence which pteth the same from the land of the Maine Island and westerly upon the Parke." Of an ancient English family, Yeardley came to Virginia a poor man, but from the culture of tobacco amassed so much money that at his appointment as governor in 1619 he was able to spend £3,000 in providing an outfit.- In 1625, he was the richest man in Virginia, and had, at his residence in Jamestown, his wife. Lady Temperance Yeardley, his three children, sixteen white employees, and eight negro slaves.^ The parts of the Back Street located by the patents extended from Orchard Run to the ruins of the Jaquelin-Ambler man- sion, a distance of about 400 yards. . The " street " was sixty feet wide, and had the same general direction east and west as the highway referred to in the patents as the " way along the Create River" or "the Maine River," which constituted the front street of the New Tovvne. " The Back Street," says'^ Mr. Yonge, "could not have been a street in the modern significa- tion of the word, with sidewalks and pavements, for paving before the doors of houses, even in ' London Towne,' was not introduced until 16 14. It seems to have merged into the ' old Create Road,' which led to the head of the Island and passed near the northeast corner of the old churchyard, a few rods from the same corner of the present one, near which there appear to be traces of a road. " Traces of the highway along the river-bank, bordered by 1 William Claiborne, who surveyed this lot, adds a note in the rec- ords : " This ground by measure conteyneth as said seaven acres and a quarter on that side towards the back river it conteynenth thirtie two poles there lying a little marsh between the same and the back river, the aforesaid towards Capt. Smith's ground is little more than thirtie fower poles." This patent was lost from the records at the same time as Roger Smith's, but it was copied by Dr. E. D. Neill, who published it in the Macallester Historical Contributions (ist series), No. i, 32.- 2 John Pory's letter in Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections (4th series), IX., 14-16. ... 3 Hotten, Emigrants to America, 173, 222. ^ Yonge, Site of Old Jamestozvne, 34-35. The English at Jamestown. 49 its gnarled and riven mulberries, lineal descendants, no doubt, of some cited in several patents as reference trees, are still to be seen. The planting of mulberry trees for feeding silk- worms was initiated in 162 1, and made compulsory by statute. Silk culture received attention as early as 1614, but the enter- prise was never a commercial success. Foreign workmen were imported to teach silk making, and a present of silk was sent Charles II. by Sir William Berkeley in 1668. " New Towne after 1624 was the most thickly inhabited part of James City, and the grants for land show that the loca- tion has not been encroached upon to any considerable ex- tent by the waters of James River." In the section of the Island, north of " New Towne," we know of only one person at this time — Richard Kingsmill, and he owned eighty acres called the " Island House " Tract, situated between Back River and Pitch and Tar Swamp. In the section of the Island east of James City, Ensign William Spencer had some land^ near Black Point, and ad- joining him on the west was John Johnson, yeoman, wdth fifteen acres. ^ West of Johnson were twelve acres, between Back River and " the highway leading to Black Point," belonging to John Southern, gent. ;•" and, separated by a marsh called Tucker's Hole, were twelve acres south of Kingsmill's Creek,'* patented February 20, 1620, by William Fairfax, and -sold by him December 18, 1620, to Rev. Richard Buck who died in 1623. A "green thicket" parted this tract from Mary Bailey's tract of ten acres which lay still further west. Adjoining his tract already mentioned and bounding south on the land^ of Mary Holland, widow of Gabriel Holland,, and west on that of Thomas Passmore, carpenter, John Southern had another tract of twelve acres. Mary Flolland's land referred to amounted to twelve acres " lately in the tenure of her former husband William Pinke, alias William Jones," and Thomas Passmore's land*^ also comprised twelve acres, which lay " south upon the highway running close to 1 Va. Land Register, I., 15. 2 Ibid. "Ibid, I., ^5. 4 Ibid., I, 648. Mbid., I., ir. 6 Ibid., I., 10. 4 50 The Cradle of the Republic. Goose Hill Marsh," and extended east and west forty-eight poles and north and south forty poles. Near by, and "' south of the highway leading to Black Point," were eight acres^ of Richard Tree, carpenter, " who came as a freeman in the George, with Captain Abraham Peirsey, cape merchant.'' His neighbor on the south was Edward Grindall. Abutting on the "' Maine River," at Goose Plill, three ridges of land, containing eight acres each,- belonged respectively to Sir Thomas Dale, William Spencer, yeoman, " an antient planter," and John Lightfoot, also '" an old planter,'' who came in the Sea Venture in 1610 with Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Somers. Finally, as appears from the above account, there was a road which con- nected Black Point with the river street of " New Towne " at the head of Passmore's Creek. Probably, at the building of " New Towne," some were sanguine enough to hope that a real city would ;v rise at Jamestown, but these hopes, if entertained, received a severe shock by the order, not long after, permitting the re-establish- ment of the old plantations. The colonists carried fire and sword among the In- dian villages along James River, and soon drove the Indians far back into the forests. Jamestown Island, therefore, instead of becoming a town with a steadily increasing population, served the bulk of the colonists chiefly as a safety place for their hogs and cattle, which found HENRY WRIOTHESLEV, Earl of Southampton. Third treasurer, or president, of the London Company. 1 Va. Land Register, I., 19. 2 Ibid., II., 9, 10. The English at Jamestown. 51 good feeding in the rich marsh land of Passmore's Creek and Pitch and Tar Swamp. ^ In the meantime, the attention of the people of Virginia was directed to a danger in England which threatened their rights as freemen. The Spanish government regarded English pos- session of Virginia as an intrusion on Spanish territory, and the A'irginia tobacco trade, coming in competition with the West India product, excited their jealousy. As force was out of question. Count Gondomar, the Spanish ambassador at London, tried to poison the king against the company ; and in this work he was aided by a faction in the company itself headed by Sir Thomas Smith and Alderman Johnson. The king was already jealous of Sandys and Southampton, who opposed him in Parliament ;. and, as the massacre and amazing mortality in Virginia afforded him an excuse, he was now easily persuaded to take action. In 1623. he sent several commis- sioners to Virginia, and on their one-sided report of the condition of things had the charter declared null and void in the court of the king's bench, May 24, 1624. Thus fell the great London Company, which in settling Vir- ginia expended upward of £200,000 (equal to $5,000,000 in present currency), and sent more than eight thousand emi- grants. In this service the company did not escape the troubles incident to the mercenary purpose of a joint stock cor- poration, }et under Sandys and Southampton it assumed a national and patriotic character, which entitles it to be con- sidered the greatest and noblest association ever organized by the English people. The heavy cost of the settlement w^as not a loss, for it secured to England a fifth kingdom and planted in the new world the germs of civil liberty. The change proved to the advantage of the colony, which had outgrown the management of a distant corporation.^ At Jamestow-n. s}'mpathy with the company was so openly expressed that Wyatt and his council ordered their clerk, Edward Sharpless, to lose his ears for giving to the king's commissioners copies of some of their papers ; and in January, 1624, a protest called the Tragical Relation was addressed to the king, denouncing the administration of Sir Thomas 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 887. - Tyler, England in America, 88. 52 The Cradle of the Republic. Smith, and extolling that of Sandys and Southampton. Although Wyatt cordially joined in this protest, and was a most popular governor, the general assembly in the same year passed an act^ which inhibited the governor from laving any taxes or impositions upon the colony except with the consent of the assembly. By this act Virginia first asserted on the American continent the indissoluble connection of taxation zvitJi representation. After the dissolution of the London Company, affairs were very much depressed in the colony on account of the death of James I., the uncertainty attending land titles, and even the form of government. Yet emigration continued, and while Jamestown served chiefly as a landing place for colonists who settled elsewhere, the wealth and population of the colony in- creased. In June, 1627, the following action took place- at Jamestown : A court held 25th. June, 1627, S'" George Yeardley, K°t. Governor &c., Capt. Smyth and M^' Claybourne : whereas M^' Wihiam Barnes and Robt. Paramor did on Thursday last behave themselves very negli- gently on their watch, it is, therefore, ordered that they shall pay 3, days work apiece in cuting dov/ne and clearing ofif all shrubs and lowe . wood as are before the town in the fields, & likewise that GoodmanJ Osborne^ for the like offence give one day's work. | This order was doubtless entered to guard against the savages, who still carried on a desultory war with the English. November 13, 1627, Sir George Yeardley died at James- town, and was interred either in the church or churchyard. This good man was one of the greatest benefactors of Vir- ginia, and with Sir Edwin Sandys deserves a monument at the hands of the people of the United States. If Sandys instituted the move for a representative government on this continent, Yeardley executed the orders and proved himself always the sympathetic friend of liberty. After Yeardley's death Charles I. sent directions to acting Governor Francis West to summon a general assembly, and March 26, 1628, after an interval of four years, the regular ^ Hening, Statutes at t^arge, I., 124. 2 Va. Magazine, IV., 160. 3 John Osborne. The English at Jamestown. 53 law-making body again assembled at Jamestown — an event second only in importance to tbe original meeting in 1619. Jamestown Island was now pretty well freed from trees, and was, for the most part, " pasture and gardens." The soil was rich, and in 1629 " J\Irs. Pearce " (wife of Captain William Peirce), "an honest and industrious woman," who "had been there (in Virginia) neere twentie years and now returned to England " reported^ that she had gathered from her garden '" neere an hundred bushels of figges," and that " of her own provision she could keepe a better house in Vir- ginia than here in London for 3 or 400 pounds a yeare, yet went thither with little or nothing." The population of the colony at large chiefly under the stimulus of tobacco had risen from 893 after the massacre in 1622 to about 3.000 in 1629. In October of this year (1629) George Calvert, Lord Balti- more, who planned to obtain a large grant of land in A'ir- ginia, visited Jamestown with his wife and children. Dr. John Pott had succeeded West as acting governor ; and now Pott and his council suspecting Baltimore's motives tendered him the oath of supremacy, which the various instructions of the king strictly enjoined upon them to require of all new comers. This oath, Baltimore, as a Catholic, refused to take, and he soon after sailed away to press his suit in person at court. During his stay at Jamestown, Baltimore was treated coldly ; but, when one Thomas Tindall " gave him the lie and threatened to knock him down," the council vindicated \'irginia hospitality by putting the ofifender in the pillory for two hours." As Baltimore was unable to take his wife and children with him back to England, they were hospitably cared for at Jamestown for some months. Baltimore obtained a charter in England, which resulted in the first spoliation of Virginia territory under the charter of 1609 by the establish- ment of Maryland as an independent colony. 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 887. 2 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 552. 54 The Cradle of the Republic. These were exciting days at Jamestown, and Col. William Claiborne, the surveyor of " New Towne," who had settled a colony at Kent Island in the limits of Maryland, became the central figure in the colon}'. John Hai-vey. who succeeded Pott as governor in 1630, courted the favor of Lord Baltimore, and in 1635 Claiborne's friends in the council and assembly arrested Harvey and shipped him ofif to England. However, Charles L pronounced the deposition of Harvey as an act of " regal au- thority ;" and, fearing the precedent, gave an order for his reinstate- ment. He did not re- turn, however, until about eighteen months after his deposition ; and in the meantime Cap- tain John West, brother of Lord Delaware, acted as governor. Harvey reached Vir- ginia the second time in ^January, 1637, and the as- sembly which met him at Jamestown, February 20, 1637, made a special effort to promote the growth of the place. They passed an act^ confirmed at a subsequent session February 20, 1638, ofTering "a convenient proportion of ground for house and garden " to every person who should build thereon within two years. Harvey joined his endeavors with the rest, and in January, 1639, he wrote" home as fol- lows: "there are twelve houses and stores since built in the. -Co^^- 1 Va. Land Register. I., 689. 2 Calendar of State Papers, colonial, 1574-1660, p. 288. The English at Jamestown. 55 town, one of brick by the secretary (Richard Kempe, Esq.), the fairest ever known in this country for substance and uni- formity, by whose example others have undertaken to build framed houses and beautify the place." Harvey stated also that he and the council, as well as the masters of ships and the ablest planters, had liberally sub- scribed for a brick church, and that a levy had been laid for a state house, but that the recent instructions permitting" ships c- - ..« ^y^''^. ^^^?5»2V«^ RICHARD KEMPe's GRANT OF AN HALF ACRE IN NEW TOWNE IN 1638. A copy about 1683. to land goods elsewhere than at Jamestown had disheartened the investors. Till that order " there was not one foot of ground for half a mile together by the river side that was not taken up and undertaken to be built upon." Several of those who obtained lots at this time — such aa Richard Kempe, Arthur Bayley, Captain Thomas Hill, Richard Tree and Georsfe Alenifie — located them in New 56 The Cradle of the Republic. Towne. Rev. Thomas Hampton secured a tract on a ridge " behind the church," presumed to be the old framed church erected in 1617-1619 at the site of the subsequent brick churches. And Alexander Stonar, " brickmaker," obtained a small tract " near the brick kiln," which the description shows to have been near the neck of the Island.^ It was doubtless from this brick kiln that the bricks for Kempe's house referred / .,, .^^^^/z '^i:^^// /^' - : '^^.:.^?z, -^ r w' s- /^^ ^ " V '.'^ /^'"'-f/ .^^/^.r^^: . y:'^;^c, ^/7r,^^^^^_J/^^^J:^''^^^^ ^. .7?^ .<--'-^. COURT ORDER OF LAND FOR SIR FRANCIS WYATT IN 164I. A copy about 16S3. to by Harvey, and for the other brick buildings now erected, were obtained. Richard Kempe's brick house stood in a half acre lot- on the Back Street, very near the site of the present Jaquelin- Ambler House : and when the liberal Sir Francis Wyatt, once governor before, superseded Harvey in November, 1639, this 1 Va. Land Register, I., 67. 2 Ibid., L, 587. The English at Jamestown. 57 property was sold by Kempe to him; and in October, 1641, the general court gave Wyatt three acres more, covering the site of his old lot in 1624. Wyatt was succeeded by Sir William Berkeley, whose instructions dated August i, 1641, directed him, by way of encouraging the building of substantial dwelling houses in the colony, to give 500 acres to every person who should build a brick house twenty-four feet long and sixteen feet broad, with a cellar to it; and, "because the buildings at Jamestown were for the most part decayed and the place found to be unhealthy and inconvenient in many respects." he was, with the advice of his council and of the general assembly, permitted to change the chief town to another place, " retaining the ancient name of Jamestown.''^ Nevertheless, the general assembly preferred to keep the old site, and, March 2, 1643, passed an act^ that all persons who had built upon deserted lots since January, 1641, or should hereafter do so, should be pro- tected in their occupation against the original proprietors, wdio might have an equal quantity of ground in some other places conveniently near. Under this act, Richard Sanders, Edward Challis and Radulf Spraggon each obtained an acre on the river at the west end, beginning near the block house and Thomas Paule and Richard Clarke secured land at " Friggett Land- ing," where the bridge now crosses Back River. There were also grants to Rev. Thomas Hampton, Captain Robert Huchin- son and John White, which are useful in locating the church and state house. In 1639, and again in 1640, levies were laid for a state house, and April 17, 1641, the general assembly purchased two houses formerly belonging to Sir John Harvey in which the public business had been transacted. These appear to have been built tenement wise ; and they were transferred to Sir William Berkeley, w^ho erected a third house against the west wall, and thus made a block of houses 120 feet long by 20 feet wide. The buildings were situated on the shore east of the church tower, and the middle building continued to be " the 1 Fa. Magazine, II., 284. 2 Hening, Statutes at Large, I.. 252. 58 The Cradle of the Republic, state house " under Berkeley, as it had been under Harvey, until its destruction by fire in 1656. The civil war was raging in England, and the Indians, under Opechancanough, made another attempt to exterminate the colony; and April 27, 1644, the day before Good Friday, they attacked the plantations and killed 300 settlers. But the colony, which had now a population of about 12,000. hardly felt the shock, and after the first surprise the current of Virginia life flowed on as usual. The settlers accepted the gauntlet thrown down by the Indians, and waged a vigorous war upon them, till, in a resolute march in 1646 by Sir William Berkeley in person, the grim chief Opechancanough, aged and blind, was captured, and brought to Jamestown. However, we are told that he retained his usual haughty spirit, for hearing one day foot-steps in his room he requested his eyelids to be raised, when, perceiving about him a crowd of curious persons, he called loudly for the governor, and,, upon his appearance, exclaimed : " Had it been my fortune to- take Sir William Berkeley prisoner, I would have disdained to make a show of him." About a fortnight later, one of his guards shot him in his prison house, and, languishing awhile of the wound, he died at Jamestown, and was probably buried there.^ Necotowance, his successor, made peace with the white people soon after. In March, 1646, to discourage the sale of licjuor on the Island, the general assembly confined^ the privilege of "retailing wines, or strong waters" (whiskey), to licensed ordinary keepers, which was the first temperance legislation attempted in Virginia. In October, 1646, the general assembly, to encourage the- manufacture of linen, decided^ upon the erection of two houses at Jamestown, which were to be forty feet in length, twenty in width, and eight in pitch; and to have roofs of boards and a brick chimney placed in the center of each. Governor Berkeley undertook the contract of building, for 10,000 pounds of tobacco, " to be paid him the next crop," and. the different counties were respectively required to furnish 1 Beverley, Virginia, 49-50. 2 Hening, Sfatufcs at Large, I., 319. 3 Ibid., I., 336. The English at Jamestown. 59 two poor children, male or female, of the age of seven or eight years at least, to be instructed in the art of carding, knitting and spinning. This act, and others like it, in the colonial records, give reason to believe that there was more manufacturing done in Mrginia than has been generally supposed. In 1649, the general assembl}^ established^ a market ai Jamestown on every Wednesday and Saturday ; and the market place was bounded " from the Sandy Gutt, commonly called and knowne by the name of Peter Knight's storehouse westward, and soe to the gutt next beyond the house of Lance- lot Elay eastward, and bounded on the north side with the Back River." " Sandy Gutt " mentioned here was probably " Orchard Run ; " for in 1656 Lancelot Elay had land there, and in a deed- dated 1736 the market is referred to as " ad- joining a ditch " which opened upon the River six and one fourth chains (about 206 feet) south 31° west of "the garden pales " of the Jaquelin-Ambler house. Within the area of land designated in the act, stretching across the Island, all bonds, bills or other writing attested by the market clerk for anything sold in the market on a market day, were to have the force of a judgment. Near the market was probably the ferry between the Island and Crouch's Creek and Swann's Point on the Surry side ; for, besides the natural connection of the two, a deed^ in 1755 shows that the Island ferry then was at Orchard Run. At least, that is what I infer from the location of an acre of land described as " bounded on the east by the slasJt which separates it from the ferry-house land, on the soufli by James River, on the north by the Main Roade, and on the zvest by the acre of land lately conveyed to John Smith." These were turbulent days in the mother country between roundheads and cavaliers, and after the battles of JMarston Aloore and Naseby there was a large emigration of the latter class to Virginia. As the culture of tobacco by reason of its low price no longer held out much inducement, these new settlers came not so much to make tobacco as to make homes. 1 Hening, Sfafutcs at Large. I., 362. 2 Ambler MSS. in Library of Congress. 3 Ibid. 6o The Ci^\dle of the Republic. The health of Virginia was generally improved by the open- ing of the forests, and though of the new emigrants " many were landed men in England and have good estates there," few, we are told, ever desired to return.^ This accession was to some extent offset by Berkeley's expulsion of the Puritans on Elizabeth and Nansemond rivers, who to the number of i,ooo left Virginia in 1649, ^"d settled in Maryland. Never- theless, by 1652 the population of Virginia had certainly reached upwards of 20,000. The execution of Charles I., in 1649, created much indig- nation at Jamestown, and the assembly, largely influenced by the newcomers, denounced the act as murder and proclaimed Charles II. as king. This brought the colony into direct collision with Parliament, and in 1651 a fleet was dispatched to reduce it to terms, whereupon, Governor Berkeley called out the train bands and prepared to resist. But the council and assembly meeting at Jamestown in March, 1652, con- vinced of the hopelessness of the king's cause, overruled the governor and made an honorable accommodation. The Virginians, for their part, recognized- the authority of the commonwealth of England, and promised to pass no statute contrary to the laws of Parliament ; while the commissioners accepted the submission of Virginia, " as a voluntary act not enforced nor constrained by a conquest upon the countrey ;" and conceded her right " to be free from all taxes, customs, and impositions whatever, not enforced by the General Assembly." In particular, it was stipulated that " Virginia should have and enjoy the antient bounds and lymitts granted by the charters of the former kings." Berkeley retired to his country residence " Greenspring," distant three miles from Jamestown ; and Richard Bennett succeeded him at the head of affairs and was governor for three years. March 30, 1655, Sir William Berkeley sold^ to Bennett the westermost brick house of the state house block, but the next year all three tenements were burned, and after this, for several years, the assembly occupied, it is believed, near '^ Leah and Rachel (Force, Tracts, III., No. xiv). 2 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 363-367. ^ Ibid., I., 407. The English at Jamestown. 6i the ruined structures, a rented or purchased house, which, in 1660, fell a victim also to the flames. March 31, 1655, Edward Digges, of " Bellfield," on York River, fourth son of Sir Dudley Digges, master of the rolls to King Charles I., succeeded Bennett as governor, and chiefly distinguished himself in silk culture, employing two Armenians in the work; but Digges, like his predecessors, failed to turn the inhabitants away from their favorite occu- pation of tobacco raising. While Digges was governor, a ship landed in \'irginia the first two Quaker preachers, Josiah Cole and Thomas Thurston, whose bold harangues calling on men to repent, as John the Baptist did in the wilderness, incurred for them the vigorous opposition of the authorities. They were arrested and con- fined in a prison at Jamestown, which is described^ as " a dirty dungeon where wc have not the benefit to do what nature requireth, nor so much as air to blow in at a window, but close made up Avith brick and lime." Digges was succeeded in March, 1658, by Samuel Mathews of " Denbigh," who died in January, 1660, during the time of anarchy in England following the resignation of Richard Cromwell from his office as lord high protector. The burgesses assumed the supreme power in Virginia, and in March, 16C0, recalled Sir \\'il]iam Berkeley to the govern- ment. Two months later. General Monk proclaimed Charles II. in London, and the example was followed at Jamestown by Sir William Berkeley, September 20, when the following proclamation- was issued : By his Matyes Govern'" and Captain Generall of Virginia : Itt is thought fitt & accordingly ordered for the speedy & better dispatch of all Affaires tending to the peace and welfare of this collony and the Inhabitantes yereof that all officers whatever within this Countrey doe remaine & continue wiyin their severall offices until furyer Order to y<^ contrary. ^ Neill, Virginia Carolonim, 285. 2 Published for the first time from York County records in William and Mary Coll. Quarterly, I., 196. 62 The Cradle of the Republic. And, forasmuch as it hay pleased Ahnighty God to Invest our most Gratious Soveraigne, Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, ffrance, & Ireland in the dominions & Just Rights of his Royall ffayer of Ever Sacred Memory. These are, therefore. In his Alatyes Name strictly to chardge and comand you and every of you fforthwiy to cause the said King to be proclaimed in every of y'^' respective Counties, and that all Writts and warrants from henceforth Issue in his Majestyes name. Hereof faile not as you will answer y^ contrary at yo^' uttermost perile. Given at James Citty under my hand this 20th of Septemb'", sixteen hundred and sixty. William Berkeley. As Virginia had been the asylnm of many fugitive loyalists, the joy produced by the Restoration w^as great. Throughout the colony music, drinking, and the firing of guns were the order of the day, and this is evidenced by entries in the York County levy-^ in i66i : YORK COUNTY LEVY 1661.') / Lbs. tobacco. At y^ proclaiming of his sacred Malesty To ye HonWe Govn.r ^ a barrell powd^' 112 lbs 00996. To Cap*, ffox six cases of drams 00900. To Capt. ffox for his great Gunnes 00500. To Ml'. Philip Malory 00500. To ye trumpeters 00800. To Ml-. Hansford 176 gallons Syd''. at 15, and 35 gall at 20: caske 264 03604. Among the cavaliers living in Virginia at the Restoration, or shortly before it, were Sir Thomas Lunsford, lieutenant of the Tower of London; Rev. Alexander Murray, former companion of Charles II., in his wanderings, and afterwards in 1673 minister of Ware parish in Gloucester Co.; Col. Main- waring Hammond ; Sir Philip Honeywood ; Col. Guy Moles- worth, who had received twenty-five wounds while battling for the king; Francis Moryson, Richard Moryson, and Robert Moryson, brothers-in-law of Lucius Gary, Lord Falk- land ; John Woodward, assay-master of the mint, and Thomas, his son, afterwards surveyor general of North Carolina; Anthony Langston, ensign in Prince Maurice's regiment; Major Richard Fox; Major John Brodnax ; Nicholas Dunn, chief clerk of the king's kitchen; Alexander Culpeper, brother of Lady Berkeley, whose father " lost all his estate, life and liberty '' for the king; Dr. Jeremiah Harri- i William and Mary Coll. Quart., I., 196. The English at Jamestown. 63 son and his wife Frances Whitgreave, whose father, Thomas Whitgreave, saved the hfe of Charles II. at the battle of Worcester ; Peter Jenings " who faithfully served his ]\Iajesty's father;" Sir Dudley Wyatt, an officer in the royal army, who died at Jamestown in 1650; Sir Gray Skipwith, baronet, son of Sir Henry Skipwith of Prestwould in Leices- tershire ; Sir Henry Chicheley, brother to Sir Thomas Chich- eley of Charles II. 's privy council ; and Sir Henry Moody, who died about 1662 at Col. Francis Moryson's house in Virginia. In token of the loyalty as well as importance of the colony, King Charles gave V^irginia a new seal, which recognized her in the number of his kingdoms by the words En dat Virginia Oiiintuni. England, France, Scotland and Ire- land were four kingdoms to which he laid claim, and Vir- ginia made the fifth (Ouintum Regnum ) . After the Restoration, Berke- ley visited King Charles in England, leaving Francis Mory- son as acting governor, and on his return, a year later, brought with him instructions to induce the planters in Virginia to make silk, flax, hemp, pitch and potashes and build a city on every river. Accordingly, the general assembly in December, 1662, passed an elaborate law,^ for building James City, and the terms were a significant com- mentary upon the attempt so long persisted in. The place had been occupied for fifty years, and yet the provisions of the act proceeded as if the foundations of the place had yet to be laid. The act provided that the town to be built should consist of thirty two brick houses, each " forty foot long and twenty foot wide " within the walls, and " eighteen foot " high with a slate or tile roof " fifteen foot " pitch. The bricks were to be statute bricks, and to cost, per thousand, 150 pounds of tobacco, and brickmakers were to receive — in addition to their diet, wood SEAL OF VIRGINIA 1661. ^ Hening, Statutes at Lar,^e, II., 172. 64 The Cradle of the Republic. for burning the bricks, and the help of six laborers — forty pounds of tobacco for every thousand of bricks " moulded and burned." To expedite the work, each of the seventeen counties was required to build a house, and to every county or private con- tractor the promise was made of 10.000 pounds of tobacco gratis, to be paid out of a levy of thirty pounds per poll laid throughout the country. The erection of any more wooden houses, or even the repair of any already standing, was strictly forbidden ; and to encourage merchants and storekeepers, the / /a . r^^ town was made the sole mart /^^. c4^UirPl^tra^i^ of the three counties of James ''^ City, Charles City and Surry, and the sole place of shipment for their tobacco. Danger from an Indian attack was now deemed so remote that on September 17, 1663, it was debated^ in the general assembly " whether it was not fit to order the townsmen to pull up all the stakes of the old wars about Jamestown and to build no new ones in the face of the town." But we are told by Professor L. H. Girardin, in his Amocnhatcs GraphiccB that in 1803 " many yards of the palisades erected by the first settlers were still to be seen at low tide standing at least 150 or 200 paces from the present shore." 7Ut(o&u. oHcALi^ SCA — - If Col. Francis Moryson, the agent for \"irginia, is to be believed, " only four or five buildings " were the result up to 1665 of our " poore assaye of building "" under the act of 1662,^ but among these buildings was doubtless a new state house; since Thomas Ludwell, the secretary of state, writing during the same year, declared^ that in obedience to the king's instructions " they had begun a town of brick, and already built enough to accommodate the affairs of the country." The best built part of the town was east of the present 1 Hening, Statutes at Large, II., 205. 2 Neill, Fa. Carolonim, 205. ■^ Yonge, The Site of Old Jamestotvne, 64. The English at Jamestown. 65 Jaquelin-Ambler house, and there on the Back Street were the most substantial houses — among them Richard Kempe's house, and a brick house called the " Country House," for- merly belonging" to the colony, and sold by the general assembly to i\Iajor Richard Webster, who assigned it to Richard Rix, Avhose wddow Elizabeth, with her second hus- band, Edward Shipdam in behalf of John Rix, the heir-at-law, sold it to John Phipps, from whom it came to Captain John Knowles, the owner in 1665.^ This "Country House'' was like some of the houses in James City a block of three buildings,^ which is shown on a plat made for Knowles by Captain John Underbill, surveyor. Nearl}^ opposite to the " Country House " was Air. William May's house, and a short distance to the east was a house formerly belonging to Mr. John Phipps — then the property also of Captain John Knowles. On the west of the country house was Richard Kempe's old l^rick house, - enlarged by a brick addition of thirt}"-sevcn feet in width, made by Walter Chiles, Jr., who inherited it from his father, Col. Walter Chiles, to whom Sir William Berkeley had sold it '^' in 1650. Southw'cstward of William May was John Fitchett's house, and on the river bank to the south of Mav was, it is believed, the turf fort erected a year or two before as the result of a scare springing from a conspiracy of the servants.^' A list of those who obtained patents in " New Towne '' from .' 1654 to 1665 would include John Barber, Robert Castle, Thomas AVoodhouse. Thomas Hunt, Jolm Phipps, John Fitchett. John Knowdes, and \\^illiam Harris. Outside of " Xew Towne " the Island was chiefly held as follows : ( I ) John Bauldwin had a tract near the block house 1 Deed in Ambler HISS, in Congressional Librar}'. "Country house''' meant a house belonging to the country, i. e., the Colony. 2 Houses were built in this way in order to save two walls in six. 3 Hartwell, Blair and Chilton, Present State of rirginia, 56. 56 The Cradle of the Republic, reputed at first to be fifteen acres and sixty-nine poles, but subsequently found by a new survey to be twenty-eight and one-half acres, (2) Richard James had 150 acres east of Bauldwin and north of Pitch and Tar Swamp; (3) Nicholas Meriwether had the "Island House" Tract of eighty acres, pur- chased in 1656 from Nathaniel Bacon and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heiress of Richard Kingsmill. This was situated, as already stated, east of Richard James between Back River and Kingsmill's Creek; (4) John Knowles had about 133 acres south of Richard James and north of " New Towne," where besides the " Country House," he owned Dr. John Pott's old tract of twelve acres and other property ; (5) John Senior had 150 acres in the eastern section of the Island near Passmore's Creek; (6) Edward Travis, son of Edward Travis and Ann Johnson, daughter of John Johnson, an early settler in the east end, had 326 acres beginning at Black Point; (7) Walter Chiles had seventy acres south of Edward Travis; and (8) William May had 100 acres at Goose Hill. The new state house stood at the west end of the Island on the third ridge. On March 12, 1673, the following action^ took place at Jamestown : Present : Sir William Berkeley, Governor ; Thomas Ludwell, Secre- tary. Edward Digges and Col. Nathaniel Bacon, Esquires: Upon the Peticon of the several inhabitants of James City Island, it is ordered that all marsh lands vmpatented in James City Island forever hereafter be and remain in common for a pasture to the use of those who now, or shall hereafter, live in the said Island or towne. It appears from this order that there was no town govern- ment in Jamestown, but that, like our present city of Wash- ington, the authorities were the general authorities of the whole country. For the year 1676, famous as the year of Bacon's Rebellion, there are descriptions of the town from two different sources. According to one description found in the report of the com- missioners sent over to enquire into the causes of the out- break, Jamestown " consisted of twelve new brick houses and a considerable number of framed houses with brick chimneys, besides a brick church and state house." 1 Randolph MSS. The English at Jamestown. 67 Then in Mrs. An. Cotton's "Bacon's Prosecdings,"^ the Island is described as follows : The place on which the towne is built is a perfect Peninsulla or tract of land allmost wholly incompasst with water : haveing on the sowth side the river (formerly Powhetan, now called James River) 3 miles brode incompasst on the North, from the Easte pointe with a deep creek rangeing in a cemicircle, to the west, within 10 paces (50 ft.) of the River; and there by a small Istmos tackt to the Continent. This Iseland (for so it is denominate) hath for Longitude (East and West) nere upon two miles, and for Latitude about halfe so much, bearing in the wholl compass about 5 miles, littlle more or less. It i;: low ground, full of Marches and Swomps, which make the Aire especially in the summer insalubritious and unhelthy. It is not at all replenished with springs of fresh water, and that which they have in their wells, brackish, illsented, penurious and not gratefull to the stomack which render the place improper to endure the commence- ment of a seige. The Town is built much about the midle of the sowth line close upon the River, extending east and west about 3 quarters of a mile ; in which is comprehended some 16 or 18 houses, most as is the church built of brick, faire and large ; and in them about a do:sen familccs (for all their lioivses are not inhabited) getting their livei)igs by keeping of ordnaries, at extrcordnary rates. From this latter account it appears that the ambitious design of the thirty-two new brick houses contemplated by the act of 1663 was never fully realized. The people did not care for towns, and regarded the work at Jamestown as a mere excuse for taxes. Doubtless, the prominent men of the colony fully realized the impracticability of town building in Virginia, but their anxiety to please the English authorities induced the general assembly not only to favor town building, but to acquiesce in the extensive projects proposed b}^ Berkeley about the same time for building courthouses, prisons, churches, public roads, forts, warehouses, etc. ; and the burdens which these improvements imposed created widespread discontent, which was heard from later on. At the time of Bacon's Rebellion, there lived at Jamestown two particular friends of the rebel leader, Richard Lawrence, a " thoughtful gentleman," who had been a student at Oxford University, and William Drummond, a Scotchman, who acted under .Sir William Berkeley's appointment as first governor of North Carolina. Elizabeth Lawrence, wife of the former, had been a rich widow, and kept one of the ordinaries referred to by ]\Irs. An. Cotton, being very popular with persons of the " best quality " in the colony. Ller home was 1 Force, Tracts, L, No. xi, p. 25. 68 The Cradle of the Republic. situated^ on the third ridge near the new state house ; and west of the churchyard was a half acre lot- belonging to Sarah Drummond (wife of William Drummond) to whom it was given in 1661 by Edward Prescott (probably her father). Bacon's Rebellion is probably the most dramatic episode to be found in the history of the English colonies. Tobacco had been steadily declining in price, and the operation of the navigation act passed first in 1651 caused a continuous further reduction. Then titles to lands were rendered very- uncertain by extensive grants to court favorites, and there was a heavy burden of taxation due to the extravagance of officials in Virginia. Tlie same assembly continued for fourteen years,, and by it taxes were imposed, as we have seen, for towns that never flourished, and for public utilities that exceeded the needs of the people and cost three times as much as they were worth. To all these things were added invasions, in 1667 and AUTOGRAPH OF NATHANIEL BACON, THE REBEL. ''-^73^ by Dutch fleets, which destroyed the shipping in the river, and the ravages of a great storm in the former year, which blew down 15,000 houses, principally tobacco barns, in Virginia and Maryland. At length, in 1676, matters were brought to a crisis by troubles with the Indians, who com- mitted many murders on the frontiers of the settlements, which stretched at that time to the falls of the different rivers. The people begged Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., of Curls, in Henrico. Countv, to protect them ; and he, after petitioning Governor Berkelev in vain for a commission, went out against the Indians on his own authority. He won a great victory over the Occaneeches on an island in the Roanoke River ; and on his return home was elected to the new assembly which convened at Jamestown June 5, 1676. Berkeley resented Bacon's fight- ing without his authority, and, when the latter came to the 1 Va. Land Register, VIIL, 400. 2 Ibid., v., 634. The English at Jamestown. 69 assembly, he had him arrested for high treason ; but as Bacon's friends were very numerous. Berkeley soon let him go, and restored him to his seat in council. The conciliation was not cordial, and after a few days Bacon, fearing that his life was in danger, secretly left James- town and hurried home to Henrico. Here his neighbors thronged around him, and begged him to lead them down to Jamestown. Bacon consented, and on June 23, he was again at the Island, this time with 500 men at his back. Yielding to force, the governor gave him a commission, and the legis- lature passed some verv wholesome laws, correcting many long standing abuses ; and among them was one making the bounds of " James Citty " include the whole Island as far as Sandy Bay, and giving the people within those limits the right for -the first time of making their own local ordinances. Bacon returned to Henrico, and was on the eve of going out a second time against the Indians, wdien news arrived that Berkeley was over in Gloucester Co., endeavoring to raise forces to surprise and capture him. This caused him to give up his expedition, and to direct his march to Gloucester, wdiere, being arrived, he found that the governor had fled to Aecomac. Bacon thus left supreme summoned the leading men of the colony to Middle Plantation, and there on August i made them swear to stand by him. even as against soldiers sent from Eng- land, saying "500 A'irginians might beat 2,000 red coats." ^ After this his next move was to lead his troops against the Pamunkeys, whom he discovered and defeated in the recesses of the Dragon Swamp,- somewhere in King and Queen County. But his troubles did not end, and when he returned to the settlement, he found the governor once more established at Jamestown. Bacon made straight for his antagonist, and, having arrived on September 13 in " Paspahegh Old Eields," across from the Island, found that Berkeley had fortified the isthmus on the Island side. Pie caused his men to throw up some earthworks ; 1 Bacon's conversation with John Goocle, in Fiske, Old Virginia and her Neighbours, II., 71-7.S. The author remembers, as a boy, that the boast was frequently made on his father's plantation in i86i"that "one Virginian could whip four Yankees" (!), the exact proportion repre- sented in Bacon's remarks. ~ William and Mary Coll. Quart., XIII., 194. 70 The Cradle of the Republic. and in an engagement on the neck soon after killed some of Berkeley's soldiers, which so disheartened the rest that they took ship and abandoned Jamestown. Bacon, thereupon, entered the town, and, supposing that Berkeley would soon return, gave orders for its destruction, setting the example by applying a torch to the church, while Lawrence and Drum- mond, his two most important supporters, fired their own j0i^ Wmui ^e/rlu houses. In the general conflagration, the state house and church perished with the other buildings, but Drummond did a good deed in saving the public records. Berkeley, driven from Jamestown, made the house of Col. John Custis in Northampton County his headquarters, while The English at Jamestown. 71 Bacon after pillaging Greenspring marched to Gloucester and encamped at Major Pate's house, near Poropotank Creek, liere he was taken sick, and died October 26, 1676, and the Rebellion being without a real leader soon collapsed. It con- tinued, however, for a few months longer under Ingram and Walklate, but they soon made haste to ensure their own safety by surrendering West Point in January, 1677. Lawrence who was at the " Brick Blouse " opposite, informed of the treachery, fled to the forest, and was never heard of again ; but Drummond was taken and presented to Berkeley at King's Creek, January 19, 1677, the day he first set foot on the west- ern shore after the flight from Jamestown in September previous. When Drummond Avas brought before him, Berkeley said with mock politeness: "Mr. Drummond, I am more glad to see you than any man in Virginia. You shall hang in half an hour.'' And he was true to his word, for the next day he caused Drummond to be hanged at the Middle Plantation, seven miles distant. Berkeley called an assembly to meet at Green- spring, February 20, at which time all the laws passed by the previous June assembly were repealed. At this assembly a petition was presented from York County for making Middle Plantation the seat of government, but the assembly gave their preference to TindalTs Point (Gloucester Point). ^ In the meantime, a new authority had established itself in Mrginia. When the news of Bacon's Rebellion reached Eng- land, the king sent over a commission, composed of Col. Her- bert Jefl:"re3^s, Col. Francis J\Ioryson and Sir John Berry, authorized to enquire and report regarding" the causes of the disturbances. They arrived in James River February 2, 1677, and were accompanied b}^ a thousand troops, who were con- veyed to Jamestown and encamped there during the rest of the Winter and most of the ensuing Spring. Jeltre3^s had a com- mission to succeed Berkeley, but coming as he did after hostilities had ceased, neither he nor his troops had any occa- sion to exercise their courage. Jamestown being in ruins, the commissioners made the residence of Col. Thomas Swann at Swann's Point over against Jamestown their headquarters, but when Berkeley left for England, Jefl^reys, now governor, marched the soldiers to IMiddle Plantation, where they took 1 Heningf, Staiiitcs at Large, II., 405. /^ The Cradle of the Republic. part in celebrating a peace with the Indian chiefs on his Majesty's birthday May 14, 1677. While the soldiers were in camp at Jamestown, some of them had a curious experience, which may be worth narrat- ing. Among the plants of native growth was a weed named after the town itself — the well-known Jamestown ( " Jimson ") weed, which sprang up in the early Spring in the rich ground under the shadow of the burned walls. Some of the soldiers boiled the new sprouted leaves for salad and ate of it plenti- \ FRANCES CULPEPER, LADV BERKELEY. fully, and it turned them " natural fools." One soldier would blow a feather up in the air. and a second would rush furiously forward and tire himself out darting straws at it. A third stripped himself naked, sat in a corner, and made faces at all wdio passed ; while a fourth, taking an amorous turn, kissed and caressed his companions, and leared in their faces. The The English at Jamestown. 73 fit lasted for eleven days, and during- a part of the time these soldiers were confined to prevent their doing themselves injury. Such is the stor}- as told by Beverley.^ but it is more than likely the soldiers were playing a joke, as the Jamestown weed, while it has remarkable cooling powers which are use- ful in reducing inflammation, is not believed to have any dangerous characteristics such as Beverley describes. The following persons- were reported to Jeffreys and the other two commissioners as the heaviest losers b}- the burn- ing of Jamestown: "Col. Thomas Swanne who had a house burned and ye Goods in it; Major Theophilus Hone, who had also a laouse and goods destro}-ed by the fire; Mr. Will Sher- wood and the of one ^Ir. James, whose house was burnt downe by the rebell Lawrence, and the losse estimated at least at 1,000 £ sterling. There are Divers other poor Inhabitants whose pticular names and losses wee cannot give in, that were great sufferers by this calamity that befell James Citty after the Governor and his party left it." The total value of all pri- vate propertv destro}-ed in the town was estimated at " 1,500,- 000 pounds of tobacco" (about £30,000 sterling in present value.) In December, 1678, Jeft'reys died, and was succeeded by Sir Idenry Chicheley, and in Alarch, 1679, the privy council of England, on the recommendation of the commissioners, ordered that Jamestown be rebuilt and be the metropolis of Mrginia, " as the most ancient and convenient place." Accordingly, when Eord Culpeper was appointed to the head of affairs in A^irginia, he brought with him instructions to rebuild James- town, and the members of the council were requested to erect houses and dAvell there. The need of ports of entry in other rivers induced the further recommendation that a town be built in the valley of each of the principal water courses.-'^ Culpeper arrive-d in the colony in ]\Iay, 1680, and the general assembly which met him at Jamestown passed an act"' to con- demn fifty acres for a town in every county in the colony. The purchase price of the land in each place was to be ^Beverley, J'irginia, no. ^V.a. Magazine, V., 68. . ^ Bruce, Economic History of rirgiiiia. II., 547- ^ Hening, Stattitcs at Large, II., 471. 74 The Cr.\dle of the Republic. 10,000 pounds of tobacco ; and, as an encouragement to settlers, the towns were made the sole places of import and export for the respective counties. Half an acre of land was offered to every person building a residence and warehouse and paying down 100 pounds of tobacco ; and all brickmakers and other laborers were declared free from arrest for debt. As this act would have operated as a great hardship upon Jamestown, the inhabitants through William Sherwood, Thomas Clayton, and William Harrison presented a petition against it, a rude copy of which, as preserved in the Ambler MSS., reads as follows : To the Honble [ ] embly of Virga; The Inhabts & freeholders of James Citty : Humbly pfsent That ye sd. Citty accordi[n]g to Capt Smiths discovery of Virga; vvas dated in ye yeare [i]6o7 & hath ever since beene jjd this ye seate [o]f ye cheife Co^'ts of Judicature, & metropolis of Act was this his Mamies Cclcny Country & dominion yett ylts] drawne vp ccrtaine limittes & boundes, hath not b[y] any publiq A[c]t & Passed or Instrument beene ascert[a]in'd, although b[y] report of A^"*'i682 y*^ ancient Inhabts : itt be[g]ins att ye Sandy Bay & soe includes all ye La^ Island, feetw«55« Riv-e-r & Creeke ff-3fn All ye tbsnc-C— ic— ye-run or slush by-Wr-Briscof— y^^SmitJ^ r ?- "/y" Island to y^ bac4i Creefee. We humbly pray yt y[e] said bounds may be ascertain'd by Act of Assembly. And [wjhereas by one A[c]t of y® last Sessions, of Ass^ly itt was enioyned yt 50 acres of land should be laid out for a Town in James Citty att ye rate of loooo li tobco : We humbly inform yor hours ; yt ye land in Ja the sd. Citty is of considerable value & not an acre there but cost above 5I' ster' besides our great charg in building. And therefore we humbly ppoase, yt we & ye owners of the land in ye sd. Citty may have libty to build store bowses there (in case itt be enioyned & if we fayle, that then any others may have land for l-and assigned y™ : by ye County Co^t : vpon paymt of soe mils is to rnirch as ye land se-^ral-'t^-^t shall be valued att, by an able be valued jm-y, accordiug to ye Law & presidentes of Engl=^.-~ /jGa- 'Cp-^-yi '^U-i c-/' ;/.'.- A (>ria •f ?■ £-pr?-3:(r^ ^^-(^^-^ ^^f^.^ZIit Ao Qj t^/^ /"^ /G«V <^^>W '^"^2^9 ^W ::^^^" ^Vi.*-''" ■-*-\?' Meriwether's deed for willtam may's house and lot to major william white. 78 The Cradle of the Republic. House," joining which last were the ruins of three brick houses, belonging to Philip Ludwell, jun., standing in a lot of one and one-half acres. ^ West of these ruined houses (burned probably in Bacon's Rebellion) was the state house, which was separated by the main road from a lot of three acres, one rood, and three poles patented- in 1694 by Robert Beverley. Then east of Beverley's property was a lot, patented^ in 1683 by Col. Nathaniel Bacon, Sen., first cousin once removed of Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., " the Rebel." It comprised three and three-eighths acres, and was a part of a lot formerly belonging to Richard Lawrence, wdio, " being guilty of high treason against his Majestry, not daring to abide his trial, fled for the same, whereby all his goods, chattels, lands and tenements are forfeited to his Majesty." Lawrence's or Bacon's lot thus referred to stretched across the low ground between the third and fourth ridges to a lot on the latter elevation, also belonging to Col. Bacon and cover- ing most of the eastern part of the present Confederate fort. On the fourth ridge, at the southwest point of the Island, adjoining the brick fort, were two acres and seventeen chains formerly patented"' in 1683 by Edward Chilton, then clerk of the council, and in 1697, attorney general. Adjoining westerly were seventy and one-half perches of land patented"' in 1690 by William Edwards, Sen., whose western line corre- sponded with the eastern line of the Chilton tract. Next was Col. Bacon's land in the Confederate fort alread}^ referred to, and then a tract adjoining the churchyard of one hundred and seventy-two poles patented*^ in 1690 by John Howard. In that part of the town east of the church tower, first called " New Towne," the land on Orchard Run had come into the hands of James Chudleigh, who was the second husband of Ann Holder. She obtained it partly by gift from her first 1 Va. Land Register, VIII. , 315. 2 Ibid., VIII., 400. 3 Ibid., VII., 300. 4 Ibid., VII., 292. 5 Ibid., VIII., 42. cibid., VIII., 82. rayrc^ L&y ^'^ oJ3d The English at Jamestown. 79 husband's father, WiUiam Briscoe, Sen., a blacksmith, and partly by inheritance from her own father, Richard Holder. James Chudleigh's neighbor was William Edwards, Jr., son of William Edwards, clerk of the council, who had purchased from Chudleigh an acre of land on the river. ^ Thomas Holli- day had property adjoining Edwards, and next to him was Henry Hartwell, Esq., one of the council, whose western line was about 550 feet from Orchard Run and passed along the angular points of a trench which embraced two of the eastern bastions of "an old ruined turf fort" (the fort of 1663), Hartwell's house was the former residence of William May, who in 1670 left it by will to Nicholas IMeriwether, by whom it was deeded in 1677 to Major William White; and when the latter died without issue about 1686, the land escheated and was patented- in 1689 by Henry Hartwell, who married White's widow, Jane Meriwether, sister of Nicholas Meri- wether. At this time William Sherwood owned the lots on the north side of the old Back Street on which formerly stood the house known as Richard Kempe's and the " Country House," both burned in Bacon's Rebellion. He had bought the " Country House " lot in 1677 from David Newell, with the land already mentioned north and east of " New lowne," which Newell's brother bought from John Knowles ; and the three and one-half acres, containing the ruins of Squire Kempe's old brick building, he had obtained the same year from John Page, who in 1673 purchased them from Rev.' James W^adding and his wife Susannah, widow of Walter Chiles, Jr.2 William Sherwood resided on the country house lot, where as early as 1681 he is described as having builf* "a faire house and app(ur)t(enan)ces." '^Ambler l\ISS. in Library of Congress. 2 Virginia Land Register, VII., 701. -Ambler MSS. ^ J 'a. Land Register, VII., 98. 8o Tpie Cradle of the Republic. (»tiJl- ■JU>^^ •<®^^—> HENRY HARTWELL's DEED TO WJLLIAM EDWARDS FOR A EOT ON THE BANK OF THE RIVER ADJOINING THE TURF FORT. Tluis the town had been pretty well restored by 16.97, but the evil genius of misfortune still pursued it. In September, 1698, King William superseded Sir Edmund Andros with Col. Francis Nicholson, and the instructions given him con- tained the usual orders " to rebuild and enlarge Jamestown ;" The English at Jamestown, 8i but before he arrived in the colony a fire occurred October 31, 1698, b_v which the state house, the prison, and probably all other buildings on the third ridge, except the magazine, which stood apart, were destroyed. In announcing the calamity to the Lords of Trade Governor Andros. congratulated himself that the records and papers had again been saved. In February, 1699, Nicholson wrote that it would require about £2,000 " to build a new court house where the house of burgesses also sat;*' but, ambitious to be the founder of a city, he se- lected jMiddle Plantation as the site of the proposed building. The last meet- ing of the assembly at James City v/as held in the liouse of ]\Irs. Sarah Lee, alias Smith, ^ and an act. was passed^ for removing the seat of government to IMiddle Plantation, whicli Nicholson named Will- iamsburg in honor of William III., king of England. This abandon- ment of the ancient seat of government must have produced with many a spirit of sa'dness, but Jamestovv'u had performed its mission, and could afford to be neglected. Plow totally unlike the feeble colony of 1607 was the \'irginia of 1699 with its population of 80,000, stretching to the foot of the mountains. And not Virginia alone was the exhibit, but all the other English colonies along the Atlantic coast, for they also owed the au- thority and inspiration of their existence to the heroic resi- dents of the little han:let of Jamestown. COL. JOHN PACE. 1 Council Journal in Library of Congress. 2 Hening, Statutes at Large, III., 197, 213, 471. 6 82 The Cradle of the Republic. The extinction of Jamestown as the capital of the colony was almost coincident with the deaths of the two largest landed proprietors on the Island — William Sherwood, and Edward Travis (third of that name). William Sherwood was born in the parish of White Chapel, Lon- don, was bred to the law and served in the office of Sir Joseph Williamson, England's secretary of state. As the resnlt of some youthful indiscretion committed against his patron, he came to Vir- ginia in 1668, where he conducted himself in such a manner as to w'in the good will, not only of Williamson, but of all who knew him. His first five years in the colony were spent as deputy sheriff of Surry County, and there is on record a declaration of the court testifying highly to his " discretion and integrity.''^ He removed to Jamestown, where he practiced law in the general court, and married Rachel James, widow of Richard James, one of the early land proprietors. He was present at Jamestown, when Bacon forced a commission from Berkeley, and wrote to Sir Joseph Williamson an interesting account of the affair. In ]\Iarch, 1678, he was appointed attorney general and served about two years, when he was succeeded by Edmund Jenings, Esq. He was coroner and justice of James City Co. ; and in 1684 and again in 1696 represented Jamestown in the house of burgesses. He died in 1697, and was buried in the churchyard at Jamestown, where a broken tombstone refers to him as " a great sinner waiting for a glorious resurrection" — words inscribed by the express di- rection of his will. The other proprietor, Edward Travis (son of Edward Travis and Elizabeth Champion, his wife, and grandson of Edward Travis and Ann Johnson), died November 12, 1700, and was buried in a trravevard at the east end of the Island, where his ^ For William Sherwood see IVilliam and Alary Coll. Quart., V., 51-53; X., 166. The English at Jamestown. 83 tombstone may 3'et be seen. By his wife, Rebecca (born in 1677), he had issue a son, Edward, who was fourth of the name from the original Travis emigrant. The rights of these two proprietors — Sherwood and Travis — were represented after their death by two new comers — Edward Jaquelin and Wihiam Brodnax. who married their respective widows, and by Edward Travis referred to above as son of Edward Travis and Rebecca, his wife. Jamestown, however, did not lose its historic character, and it is a noteworthy fact that in his address of welcome to the general assembly in Williamsburg delivered April 21, 1704, Governor Nicholson declared that three years hence he de- signed to celebrate a jubilee in honor of the centennial of the settlement at Jamestown — a suggestion, the consummation of which he never witnessed, because of his recall to England in 1705- Nor did Jamestown lose at once its public character ; for after the removal of the seat of government it retained its representation in the assembly, and had a fort, county court liouse (made in 1706 out of the bricks of the old state house), a church and public ferry; but they all gradually passed away in the course of years, till after 1776 only the ferry remained. The fort went first, for, in 17 16, the place was visited by John Fontaine,^ who reported as standing at James- town only " a church, a court house, and three or four brick houses." There was also " a small rampart with embrasures," but it was deserted and gone to ruin. A 3'ear or two later, Williamsburg was made the site of a new court house for the county, and in 1722 Jamestown was described^ by Rev. Hugh Jones as " an abundance of rubbish with three or four inhabited houses." The church continued in use for many years longer, till in 1751-1758 it was also abandoned for one *' newly built " on the ATain,^ and in 1781 Thacher in his " Military Journal " reports only two houses as standing by the river side ; one of which must have been the manor house of I\Ir. John Ambler (great-grandson of Edward Jaquelin, pro- 1 INIaury, Huguenot Faiuily, 271. 2 Jones, Present State of rirginia, 25. ^ Va. Magazine, V., 246. 84 The Cradle cf the Republic. prietor of the western end.) Before this, through the action of the state convention of 1776, the Island lost its representa- tion In the general assemhly. By the time of the Revolution, most of the land on the Island had been consolidated into the hands of the Amblers and Travises, as shown by the following history. Wil- liam Sherwood, having no children, bv his will, left all his land, with the exception of twenty-eight and one-half acres at Block House hill which he gave by deed to his nephew, John Jarrett), to his widow Rachel for life, and after her death to Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys, of London. Rachel Sherwood ( previously Rachel, widow of Richard James), mar- ried Edward Jacjuelin, son of John Jaquelin, of Kent Co., England, and Elizabeth Craddock his wife ; and in 1704, Jeffre3's surrendered all "■^""^ his title to Ra- chel's new hus- band, estimating the area at 400 acres. Jacjuelin built a house near the site of the house of Sir Francis Wyatt, and, surviving his first wife Rachel (who was old enough to be his mother), married secondly, in 1707, Martha Cary, daughter of William Cary, of Warv/ick Co., by whom he had three daughters to survive him viz. : (i) Martha, born January, 1711, died in 1804. aged ninety -three years, w"ho remained single and was known as " Lady Jacjuelin," on ac- ijaqnelin was born in 1668, but it seems from the Ambler MSS. that Rachel, his first wife, had by Richard James, her first husband " Richard born the 14th day of December, 1660." She afterwards married William Sherwood, and thirdly Edward Jaquelin, about 1697. Jaquelin was then about 29, while Rachel his wife must have been about 57. The English at Jamestown. 85 count of her high aristocratic ideas ; for it is said she waited for a duke or count to come over and address her. (2) Mary, born in 1714, and died Oc- tober, 4, 1764; married John Smith, of "Shooter's Hill," Middlesex Co., and had eight children among whom was Gen. John Smith, of " Hackwood." (3) Elizabeth, born Octo- ber, 1709, died 1756, mar- ried Richard -Vmblcr, col- lector of the port at Yorktown, son of John Ambler, of Comity York, England, and Elizabeth Bickadike, his wife. Jaque- lin died at Jamestown in 1739, aged seventy-one years, and under his will Richard Ambler, his son-in-law, succeeded to his lands at the old metropolis. Six years later Ambler largely increased his estate by a pur- chase from Christopher Perkins of land, the history of which is as follows: About 1700 there came to the Island a gentle- man named William Brodnax, who was son of Robert Brodnax, a goldsmith of God- mersham in Kent Co., England, and a great nephew of Major John Brodnax, a cavalier offi- cer, wdio in 1657 died in York County, \'irginia. William Brodnax, who was born February 28, 1675, married, soon after his arrival in A'irginia, the widow Rebecca Travis, and afterwards from time to time acquired an extent of interest in the Island represented by about 280 acres. This comprised the Howard lot of 172 poles by the church, the Beverlev tract of three acres, one rood and six poles on the third ridge, the old Bauldwin tract of twenty-eight and one- half acres near the connecting neck (given by Sherwood to his MARTHA (cARY) JAQUELIN. 86 The CradLe of the Republic. nephew, John Jarrett), twelve acres called "Thorny Ridge,"" the ferry formerly owned by Lt. Edward Ross, and two large tracts containing 107 and 127 7/10 acres respectively. The western boundary of the last named tract began " at a Ditch adjoining the market place in Jamestown,'' and ran thence north thirty-one degrees east six and one-quarter chains to. the " Garden pales of Richard Ambler, Esquire, formerly of Edward Jaquelin." ^ Brodnax died in February, 1726,, and after his death, the property above mentioned fell to his son William Brodnax, Jr., who in about ten years removed: to Prince George County, where he married Ann Hall. In- 1744, William Brodnax and Ann, his wife, sold their interest a't Jamestown to Christopher Perkins, of Norfolk Count}-, and a year later Christopher Perkins and Elizabeth, his wife, sold all the lands thus devised to Richard Ambler. To the property thus acquired further additions of land were afterwards made by said Ambler — the most interesting of which was a half acre, portion of the three and one-half acres on which formerly stood Squire Kempe's old historic brick house, sold by John Page to William Sherwood in 1677. This lot was purchased- in 1753 by Ambler from Edward Champion Travis, who bought it of William Drummond, to, whom it was given by his father, William Drummond, Sr.,^ 1 Deed in Ambler MSS. For Brodnax family, see William and Mary Coll. Quart., XIV., 52-q8. 2 Deed in Ambler MSS. 2 Son of William Drummond, of Bacon's Rebellion. The English at Jamestown. 87 and the last named bought it in 1701 from John Harris, to whom Wilham Sherwood sold it in 1696, describing" it as the property "late in the occupation of Secretary (Ralph) Wormeley," and as " beginning at a stake in the line of Omoone's land, formerly Fitchett's, and running along the south side of the mulberry trees 90 foot, thence northwardly toward the main road 40 foot, thence northwest near the main road to the corner of Omoone's land 100 foot, and AUTOGRAPH AND SEAL OF WILLIAM DRUMMOND, SR. SO along the line of Omoone's land to the place or stake it first began." Richard Ambler died at Yorktown in 1766, and his three sons, Edward, John and Jaquelin. shared his large estate be- tween them. To Edward was given his Yorktown property and extensive interests in Caroline, Hanover and Warwick counties, and to John the ferry at Jamestown and the negroes there, as well as all the land and houses on the Tsland except the land " between the Fort Hill and the churchyard and the houses erected thereon," which were willed to Jaquelin Ambler, who was also presented with £1,000 sterling in the hands of Samuel Athawes and company in London.^ John Ambler, who received most of his father's propertv at Jamestown, was born in Yorktown December 31, 1735, and was educated at Leeds Acad- emy, near Wakefield, in York- shire, and at the university of Cambridge and the Middle Temple, from which last he gradu- ated as barrister of law. After his return to America he was considered one of the most accomplished scholars in the ^ Will of Richard Ambler in JVilliam and Mary Coll. Quart. , XIV., 126. The Cradle cf the Republic. colony, and represented Jan.icstown in the general assembly in 1760 and 1765. Attacked by consumption, he went to Barbadoes for his health, but died there unmarried, May 2^, 1766. His body was brought to Jamestown and deposited in the old graveyard at the church, and over his remains a splendid marble monument was placed, of which hardly any vestige now remains. After John Ambler's death, Edward Ambler inherited his brother's interests at Jamestown, and was one of the wealthiest men in Virginia. He was born in 1733, was schooled like his brother at Wakefield and at Cambridge, and finished his edu- cation by a " grand tour " of Europe. Returning to Virginia, he was made collector of York River, and married Mary Cary (daughter of Wilson Miles Cary, of Ceeley's in Elizabeth City Co.), who is said to have been " a sweetheart " of George Washington, her elder sister marrying George William Fairfax, Washington's intimate friend. Edward Ambler settled at Yorktown, but upon the death of his brother John, in 1766, he went to Jamestown to live, where he died October 30, 1768, in the thirtieth year of his age, leaving his Jamestown estate to his wife Mary Amb- ler, during her widowhood. She remained there with her young children till 1777, when for greater safety she removed to " The Cottage " in Elanover, and continued there till her death in 1781.^ After this time the Ambler interests on Jamestown Lsland, which comprised nearly all the western portion as far as Passmore's Creek, fell to John Ambler, Edward Ambler's only surviving son, who was born September 25, 1762, and ^ For Ambler family see William and Mary Coll. Quart. , IV., 49"; v., S4: Meade, Old Churches, etc.. I., 9^-110; Richmond Standard, Tan 20. 1889: Call, Reports. IV. 6o^ MARY C.VRY. The English at Jamestown. 89 married three times, viz.: (i) Frances Armistead, daughter of Gill Armistead of New Kent; {2) Lucy Marshall, sister of Chief Justice John Marshall; (3) Catherine, widow of John Hatley Xorton, and daughter of Philip Bush, of Winchester. He was a member of the house of delegates, and Lt.-Col. of State troops during the War of 1 81 2. Remov- ing from Jamestown, he lived hrst in Hanover County and then in Rich- mond, where he died April 8, 1836, and was buried in Shockoe Hill cemetery. The Travis family, in the meantime, was repre- sented at Jamestown dur- ing the first ]jart of the eighteenth century by Ed- ward Travis, already re- ferred to as the fourth of that name. His son was Col. Edward Cham- pion Travis, who was born in 1/21, and married Sus- anna Hutchings, daughter of Col. Joseph Hutcliings, of Nor- folk, Col. Travis represented Janiestown in the house of bur- gesses in 1752, and other years, and died in lyyq. Champion Travis, the latter's son, was a member of tlie first state convention, and married Elizabeth Boush, daughter of Capt. Francis Boush, of Norfolk. As John Ambler was the last Ambler, so Champion Travis was the last Travis to live on the Lsland."^ July 4, 1781, Eord Cornwallis moved, at the head of his army, from Williamsburg, where he had his headquarters in the president's house at the college,- towards Jamestown 1 For Travis family see William and Mary Coll. Oiiarl.. V., 16. 2 Hunt, fragiiicnls of Revolutionary History, 45. JOHN AJIELER, Last proprietor of the name. jojn^ 90 The Cradle of the Republic. with a view of crossing James River and retiring to Ports- mouth. La Fayette, who commanded an American army, hastened to fall on his rear, when Cornwallis should have passed over the river the greater part of his soldiers ; but Corn- wallis, suspecting the intention of his adversary, hid his main army in a dense pine wood near the " church on the Main,'' three miles from Jamestown and made a show of posting a few troops on the Island and at Jamestown Ford, where they could be seen. While making this disposition, he employed himself in transporting over the river his baggage of every description, which were mistaken by the American scouts for the army itself. La Fayette reached Greenspring in the morning of July 6, and, supposing that he had only Cornwallis's rear guard to deal with, left General Steuben with the main body of the militia at Greenspring, and marched to attack with the Con- tinental troops under General Wayne. The Americans crossed the causeway leading through the swamp from Green- spring to the Williamsburg road, and very soon came into collision with the main body of the British. Probably only the 'lateness of the evening saved them from a great defeat; they were repulsed, with a loss of ii8 men killed and wounded, and Cornwallis taking advantage of his victory, marched to Jamestown Island, and safely crossed the river with his army three days later. Some part of the earthworks cast up by him to protect the army in the woods may yet be seen on the right bank of Powhatan Creek on the Williamsburg road. Fifteen weeks later, Cornwallis, who had in the meantime moved over from Portsmouth, surrendered at Yorktown ; and thus Amercian Independence was won within twenty miles of the spot where English civilization was first permanently planted in America by the mother country. In the year 1807, the second centennial anniversary of the landing of the colonists was celebrated at Jamestown by the citizens of Williamsburg, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton, Petersburg, and the surrounding country. There was present from Norfolk Captain Peter Nestell with his volunteer State artillery ; James C)'Connor, editor of the Norfolk and Ports- mouth Herald; the talented Thomas Blanchard and his son C. K. Blanchard; Major John Saunders, of the United States The English at Jamestown, 91 army, stationed at Fort Nelson. From Petersburg came John D. Burk, the historian ; from Wilhamsburg Chancellor Samuel Tvler, Bishop James Madison and many others. Con- spicuous among the older people were Colonel Thomas New- ton, of Norfolk, Colonel Champion Travis, of Jamestown, and Colonel Wilson Allies Cary, of Ceeley's, Elizabeth City County — surviving members of the Virginia Convention of 1776, which had been the first to declare for State independence and to recommend to con- gress and the other States similar action. The dawn of the 13th day of Alay, 1807, was ushered in by a salute from cannon, and the eye rested on an attractive picture at Jamestown. There were thirty-two vessels in the " crescent cove "' of the Lsland, and the crowd numbered about 2,000, among whom were over 400 ladies. A procession was formed and the visitors marched in dignified man- ner to the graveyard of the old church, then rep- resented as now by its solitary brick tower ; and there Bishop ]\Iadison, standing on a tombstone, delivered an eloquent prayer. After this, the procession returned to the ground in front of Colonel Travis's house, where orations were delivered by Briscoe G. Baldwin and John Aladison, and odes by C. K. Blanchard and Leroy Anderson — all four stu- dents of William and IMary College. When these exercises were ended the ladies dined in the spacious apartments of the Travis mansion house, ^ and in the evening and night there were dances in the long room by the water side. 1 From the reference to the location of the house it would appear that Col. Travis was then living; near the churchyard. BRISCOE G. BALDWIN, Orator at Jamestown in 1807. 92 The Cradle of the Republic. The morning of the 14th, Hke that of the 13th, was ushered in hy cannon, and at eleven o'clock the visitors attended the funeral of a young man at the graveyard, who had fallen a victim to the heat and " the too free use of ice in cider." Next a meeting was held at which Thomas Newton presided, and several resolutions were adopted looking to making the 13th of AIa_\" an annual holidav for the State. On the 15th, the pilgrims assembled at Williamsburg in the very room of the Raleigh Tavern, where exactly thirty- one years before the " Declaration of Independence " had been drafted by the committee of the Virginia convention. Samuel Tyler, chancellor of the Williamsburg District, acted as president, and James Semple as vice-president ; and among the toasts drank at tlie dinner was " The virtuous and en- lightened, the patriotic convention of the State of Virginia, that body which with one voice dared to declare themselves independent, and to propose a similar declaration to their sister States." And after dinner .a procession commenced, at the head of which were borne in triumph Colonels Cary, Newton and Travis, surviving members of the A'^irginia convention.^ In 1816, the Pozuhafaji, the first steamer to navigate the waters of the James, arrived from New York, and began to make regular trips between Norfolk and Richmond. The trip one way took about twent}'-two hours and cost the pas- senger $10.- In 1822, another celebration was held at Jamestown Island, the orators being, as on the former occasion, students of Wil- liam and Mary, William Barton Rogers, Robert Saunders and ,^Ir. AlcCrcary, the first two of whom v/ere afterwards distinguished professors at their Alum Mater; and William Barton Rogers became founder and first president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Robert Saunders became president of AA^illiam and Mary College." ' 1 Proceedings of the Late Jubilee at Jamestozvn in 1807. 2 James, Lozver Norfolk County Antiquary, IV., 49. 3 Richmond Enquirer, May 14, 1822. The English at Jamestown. 93 In 1837, ^Ir. Richard Randolph, of WiUiamsbur,<:j, called the antiquary, published a description of the Island in the South- ern Literary Messenger of which the following is a synopsis.^^ There was then only one residence on the Island — the Ambler house (with its outhouses and negro quarters), where the brick ruins are now seen. At the west end some portions of the brick fort were visible, but most of it had been washed away by the encroaching tides. To the right of the fort, a few hundred Awards distant, was a small brick building called a powder magazine. Xear this house were the remains (consisting of bricks, plas- _,-"' ter, &c. ) of a large building, which ]\Ir. Randolph cor- rectly conjectured had been the state house. All that existed of the church above ground was the tower, but in the graveyard there was quite a number of old tomb- stones, among which now missing were the monu- ments to John Ambler ( first of the name) and William Lee. The Island was inter- sected by a great number of ditches, indicative of lots which once existed, on some of which were to be found the foundations of brick buildings : and on one there was an old well, " the brick walls of which Avere quite perfect and sound." Skeletons might be found in many places near the site of the town, showing that the church- yard was not the only graveyard. The Island was in a high state of cultivation and was esteemed a most valuable estate. ■' The soil," concludes I\Ir. Randolph, " is well adapted to the growth of corn, wheat, oats, and paliua christi, and the Island and surrounding country abound in game of almost every \\'ILLIAM BARTUX ROGERS, C>rator at Jamesto\-\'n, 1S22. ^Southern Literary Messenger, III., 303. 94 The Cradle of the Republic. description — • partridges, pheasants, wild turkeys, waterfowl and deer." In 1S31, the Amblers and Travises parted with their interest on the Island to David Bullock, of Richmond, who then became the first sole proprietor. Five years later it was assessed to. Colonel Goodrich Durfey, and in 1846 to John Coke, father of Hon. Richard Coke, late U. S. senator from Texas. Then in 1848, it was assessed to Martha Allen Orgain, daughter of Colonel William Allen, of Clermont on James River, from THE AMBLIIR BRICK HOUSE, BEFORE IT WAS BURNED. wdiom it came in 185 1 to AA^illiam Allen Orgain, her son, who by legislative enactnient took the name of William Allen and was the owner of the Island during the war between the States. May 13, 1857, the 250th anniversary was celebrated under the auspices of the Jamestow^n Society, organized in 1854 by Virginia residents in Washington.^ As the then owner of ^ See account of the celebration in the Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. XX I Y. The English at Jamestown. 95 Jamestown had devoted the land surrounding the old church to agricultural purposes, the ceremonies were held at the east end, two miles back, near the burial ground of the Travis family. The crowd included the governor, Henry A. Wise, and upwards of 8,000 people ; and the orator was Ex-President John Tyler, and poet was James Bar- ron Hope. The weather Avas intensely dry and \varm, and at night there was a great fall of rain. One sentence in Ex- President Tyler's speech has more than ordinary interest. Referring to his early recollections of the houses, he said that, when he was a student at Will- iam and Mary College in 1802-1807, a line of ruined houses stood "in a con- nected street running east and west from the present dwelling house ( Jaquelin-Ambler House)- to the ruins of the church." " The connected street " vs^as undoubtedly the Back Street of old " New Towne," and the ruined houses indicated where the business part of the Island once existed. May 13, 1859, a pilgrimage was made to the Island by Edward Everett, the great orator of Massachusetts, in com- pany with the poet, John R. Thompson editor of Lhe SoiifJicni Literary Messenger and some fourteen other persons. The Virginia creeper wdiich had covered the tower of the church had died out, and the object of the visit was to plant ivy at the base of the old ruin. ]Mr. Everett made some very happy remarks, and referred to the tower " as marking the spot, where the first germs of this mighty republic, now almost coextensive with the continent, were planted in 1607." In 1861, the Island was occupied by about 500 Confederate soldiers consisting of companies from Petersburg, and James MAJOR WILLIAM ALLEN. 96 The Cradle of the Republic. City, Bedford and Hanover counties, and near the church was th.rown up an earth fort called " Jamestown battery." About the same time earthAvorks were constructed on the second ridge commanding the Back River, and at other points of the Island, notably near Passmore's Creek and at Black Point. ^ These works were raised by the late E. D. T. Meyers, as military en- r^^ JOHN TYLER, Orator at Jamestown, 1S57. gineer, acting under Lt. Catesby ap R. Jones, afterwards famed as captain of the iron clad I'iri^iiiia in her battle with the moni- tor Ericsson. The battery at Jamestown had five faces, and was intended to have sixteen guns, though it does not appear to have ever had this number. When General Johnston withdrew his armv to Richmond, the defences at Jamestown and ^Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies (Series l), Vol. VI., 699; Vol. VII., 473, 566. The English at Jamestown. 97 Archer's Hope were abandoned by the Confederates, and they soon after fell into the hands of the Federals, who found in the works nine eight inch army columbiads, and four navy thirty-two pounders. In a letter dated December 28, 1900, Major E. D. T. Meyers wrote as follows : There was no bridge across the creek in 1861, nor any causeway across the marsh on the north side of the creek, nor do I recall any evidence of the former existence of either. I built the bridge and causeway for military purposes soon after I went there. I do not distinctly recall any houses, other than the mansion itself, then not in very good repair, but entirely habitable, and the ruins of the old church. There may have been, and probably were, some small frame buildings at the shore end of the wharf. The Lsland was in a very good state of cultivation, and I recollect General Lee bemoaning the sacrifice of a promising wheat lield to a square redoubt. The Island at that time belonged to William Allen. The battery, which was built just above the old tower, was not far from the brink of the river bank, which I understand (for I have not been there since the war) has been heavily encroached upon by the river. During the course of the war the Ambler house was burned to the ground. Travel by steamboat necessitated the establishment of wharves for the public convenience at intervals on James River, and the first wharf at Jamestown was placed just above the Confeder- ate fort, very near where stood in 161 1 " the bridge " of Sir Thomas Dale. This was done to save expense, as it only required a short wharf to reach the channel. After some years, however, the site was abandoned, be- cause the point of the Island above made it incon- venient and even dangerous to efifect a landing. The wharf was then built (about 1850) down the Island be- low Orchard Run, but after the war of i86t-'65, this site was also abandoned, because of the expense of maintenance ; and the present location, being a 7 ^f. JAMES BARRON HOPE, Poet at Jamestown, 1S57. 98 The Cradle of the Republic. compromise between the two old positions, was selected. The respective sites of the old wharves may still be exactly deter- mined by the lines of piles standing out in the water in the vicinities mentioned. The rest of the history of the place is familiar to many. When the college oi William and Alary was reorganized in 1888, the earliest celebration attempted by the faculty and students was held in the very shadow of the old tower. -^ Then followed the munificent act of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barney, who presented twenty-two and one-half acres of land including the churchyard, to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, consisting of representative ladies of Virginia. Among the most notable events since was the gathering upon the Island, May 13, 1901, of the bishops of the Episcopal church, representing the different States of the American Union. Under the auspices of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities now having charge, the United States government has erected, in the last few years, a substantial sea wall at the western end of the Island ; and recent excavations have unearthed both in the churchyard and other places many relics of old buildings and tombstones. The Island is a beautiful spot, and is one of the best plan- tations on the James River. There is now a fine artesian well affording very pure and palatable water. Many of the swampy places have been drained, and its health under present con- ditions is excellent. Preparations are now making for a suitable celebration of the foundation of the colony at Jamestown, on the Tercentennary, May 13, 1907, of the arrival of the settlers. In the senate of Virginia, Hon. D. Gardiner Tyler was the first to offer a bill calling upon the president of the United States and congress to make a national commemoration of the event. It was duly passed, and the ringing proclamation of President Theodore Roosevelt sets forth the significance of the settlement and the purposes and intention of the government, and deserves a closing place in this historic compendium. 1 In 1895. an address was delivered by the president of the college, and in other years addresses were made by J. Lesshe Hall, professor of history in the college. The English at jAMESXowisr. 99 A PROCLAMATION PitESIDENT OF THE UNITED StATES OF AMERICA. Whereas the congress of the United States has passed an act ap- proved March 3, 1905, and entitled "An act to provide for celebrating the birth of the American nation, the first permanent settlement of English speaking people on the Western Hemisphere, by the holding of an international naval, marine and military celebration in the vicin- ity of Jamestown, on the waters of Hampton Roads, in the State of Virginia, to provide for the suitable and permanent commemoration of said event and to authorize an appropriation in aid therefor and for other purposes." And whereas section 3 of the said act reads as follows : " Section 3. The President of the United States is hereby author- ized to make proclamation of said celebration, setting forth the event to be commemorated, inviting foreign nations to participate by the sending of their naval vessels and such representation of their military organizations as may be proper;" Now, therefore, I. Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, by virtue of the authority vested in me by said act, do hereby declare and proclaim that there shall be inaugurated in the year 1907, at and near the waters of Hampton Roads, in the State of Virginia, an international naval, marine and military celebration, beginning May 13 and ending not later than November i, 1907, for the purpose of com- memorating in a fitting and appropriate manner the birth of the Ameri- can nation ; the first permanent settlement of English speaking people on the American continent made at Jamestown, Virginia, on the 13th day of May. 1607, and in order that the great events of the American history which have resulted therefrom ma\^ be accentuated to the present and future generations of American citizens. And in the name of the government and people of the United States, I do therefore invite all the nations of the earth to take part in the commemoration of the event which has had a far-reaching effect on the course of human history, by sending their naval vessels to the said celebration and by making such representations of their military organ- izations as may be proper. In testimony thereof, I have now set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the city of Washington this twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and five, and in the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-ninth. By the President : Alvey A. Adse, Acting Secretary of State. Theodore Roosevelt. lOO The Cradle of the Republic. CENSUS OF INHABITANTS. A' allies of the first settlers at Jaiiiestozvn, 1607. (From Smith, U'orks, [Arber's ed.] p. 389). Council. Master Edward Maria Wins'field Captaine Bartholomew Gosnoll Captaine John Smith Captaine John Ratcliffe Captaine John Martin Captaine George Kendall Gentlemen Master Robert Hunt, Preacher Master George Percie Anthony Gosnoll George Flower Captaine Gabriell Archer Robert Fenton Robert Ford William Bruster Edward Harrington Dru(e) Pickhouse Thomas Jacob John Brookes Ellis Kingston Thomas Sands Benjamin Beast Jehu Robinson Thomas Mouton Eustace Clovill Stephen Halthrop Kellam Throgmorton Edward Morish Nathaniell Powell Edward Browne Robert Behethland John Pennington Jeremy Alicock George Walker Thomas Studley Richard Crofts Nicholas Floulgraue Thomas Webbe John Waller John Short William Tankard William Smethes Francis Snarsbrough Richard Simons Edward Brookes Richard Dixon John Martin Roger Cooke Anthony Gosnold Thomas Wotton, Chirurg. John Stevenson Thomas Gore Henry Adling Francis Midwinter Richard P^-ith Carpenters William Laxon Edward Rising Thomas Emry Robert Small Labourers John Laydon William Cassen George Cassen Thomas Cassen William Rodes William White Old Edward Henry Tavin George Goulding John Dods William Johnson William Vnger Jam: Read, Blacksinith Jonas Profit, Sailer Thomas Cowper, Barber Wil Garret, Brieklayer Edward Brinto, Mason William Lone, Taylor Nic : Scott, Drum Wil : Wilkinson, Chirurg. Samuel Collier, boy Nat Pecock, boy James Brumfield, boy Richard Mutton, boy With divers others to the number of one hundred. (The total number left at the Island on June ?2, 1607, was 104.) The English at Jamestown, lOI A^amcs of those who came in the First Supply: (From Smith, JVorlcs, [Arber's ed.] p. 411), Mathew Scrivener appointed to be one of the Councell. Gentlemen. Michaell Phittiplace. William Phittiplace. Ralph Morton. Richard Wyffing. John Taverner. William Cantrell. Robert Barnes. Richard Featherstone. George Hill. George Pretty. Nathaniell Causy. Peter Pory. Robert Cutler. Michaell Sicklemore. William Bentley. Thomas Coe. Doctor Russell. Jeffrey Abbot. Edward Gurgana. Richard Worley. Timothy Leeds. Richard Killingbeck. William Spence. Richard Prodger. Richard Pots. Richard Mullinax. William Bayley. Francis Perkins. John Harper. George Forest, lohn Nichols. William Griuell. Laborottres. Raymond Goodison. William Simons. John Spearman. Richard Bristow. William Perce. lames Watkins. lohn Bouth. Christopher Rods. Richard Burket. lames Burre. Nicholas Ven. Francis Perkins. Richard Gradon. Rawland Nelstrop. Richard Savage. Thomas Savage. Richard Milmer. William May. Vere. Michaell. Bishop Wiles. Taylers. Thomas Hope. William Ward, lohn Powell. William Yonge. William Beckwith. La(w)rence Towtales. Apothecaries. Thomas Field, lohn Harford. Dani : Stallings, Jeweller. Will. Dawson, a refiner. Abram Ransack, a refiner. Wil. Johnson, a Goldsmith. Peter Keffer, a gunsmith. Rob : Alberton, a perfumer. Richard Belfield, a Goldsmith. Post Ginnat, a Chirurg(ion). lohn Lewes, a Cooper. Robert Cotton, a Tobacco-pipe- maker. Richard Dole, a Blacksmith. And divers others to the number of 120. N'aines of those who came in the Second Supply: (From Smith, JJ'orks, [Arber's ed.] p. 445). Captaine Peter Winne } were appointed to be Captaine Richard Waldo j Councell. Master Francis West, brother to the Lord Le VVarre. Gent. Gabriel Beadle. Thomas Graues. John Beadle. Raleigh Croshaw, lohn Russell. r /6 of the I02 The Cradle of the Republic. William Russell, lohn Cuderington. William Sambage. Henry Leigh. Henry Philpot. Harmon Harrison. Daniel Tucker. Henry Ceilings. Hugh Wolleston. lohn Hoult. Thomas Norton. George Yarington. George Burton. Thomas Abbay. William Dowman. Thomas Maxes. Michael Lowick. Master Hunt. ■ Thomas Forrest, lohn Dauxe. Tradesmen (i. e., Artizans). Thomas Phelps, lohn Prat, lohn Clarke. Jeffrey Shortriclge. Dionis Oconor. Hugh Winne. Dauid ap Hugh. Thomas Bradley, lohn Burras. Thomas Lavander. Henry Bell. Master Powell. David Ellis. Thomas Gibson. Labourers. Thomas Dawse.-- " Thomas Mallard. William Tayler. Thomas Fox. Nicholas Hancock. Walker. W^illiams. Floud. Morley. Rose. Scot. Hardwyn. Boyes. ]\Iilman. Hilliard. Mistresse Forrest, and Anne Burras her maide ; eight Dutch men and Poles, with some others, to the number of seaventie persons, &c. N'aijics of inhabitants of Jauicstoivn in 1624: (From Hotten, Lists of Emigrants to America, 173-178.) Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor, Margaret. Lady Wyatt Hawt Wyatt, Minister Kathren Spencer Thomas Hooker John Gather John Matheman Edward Cooke George Nelson. George Hall Jane Burtt Elizabeth Pomell Mary Woodward Sir George Yeardlev. Knight Temperance, Lady Yeardly Argall Yardley Frances Yeardlev Elizabeth Yeardley Kilibett Hichcocke Austen Combes John Foster Richard Arrundell Susan Hall Ann Grimes Elizabeth Lyon Younge Negroe { ^y Negroe \ Alice Davison — vid Edward Sharpies Jone Davies George Sands, Treasurer Captain William Perce Jone Perce Robert Hedges Hugh Wms. (Williams) Thomas Moulston Henry Farmor John Lightfoote Thomas Smith Roger Ruese Alexander Gill John Cartwright, Robert Austine Edward Bricke The English at Jamestown. 103 William Ravenett Jocomb Andrews vx Andrews Richard Alder Ester Evere Angello A Negar Doct. John Pott Elizabeth Pott Richard Townsend Thomas Leister John Kullaway Randall Howlett Jane Dickenson Fortune Taylor Capt. Roger Smith Mrs. Smith Elizabeth Salter Sarah Macocke Elizabeth Rolfe Chri Lawson vxor eius Lawson Francis Fouler Charles Waller Henry Booth Capt. Ralph Hamor Mrs. Hamor- Jereme Clement Elizabeth Clement Sarah Langley Sisley Greene Ann Addams Elkinton Ratcliffe Frances Gibson James Yemanson John Pontes Christopher Best Thomas Clarke Mr. Reignolds Mr. Hickmore vx Hickmore Sarah Riddall Edward Blaney Edward Hudson vx Hudson William Hartley John Shelley Robert Bew William Ward Thomas Mentis Robert Whitmore Robert Chauntree Robert Sheppard William Sawier Lanslott Damport Math. Loyd Thomas Ottway Thomas Crouch Elizabeth Starkey Elinor Mrs. Perry Lifans Perry Frances Chapman George Graues (Graves) vx Graues Rebecca Snowe Sarah Snowe John Isgraw (Isgrave) Mary Ascombe vid Banamy Bncke Gercyon Bucke Peleg Bucke Mara Bucke Abram Porter Bridget Clarke Abigail Ascombe John Jackson vx Jackson Ephraim Jackson Mr. John Burrows Mrs. Burrows Anthony Burrows John Cooke Nicholas Gouldsmith Elias Gaill Andrew Howell An Ashley John Southern Thomas Pasmore Andrew Ralye Nath. Jefferys vx. Jefferys Thomas Hebbs Clement Dilke Mrs. Dilke John Hinton Richard Stephens Wassell Rayner vx. Rayner John Jackson Edward Price Osten Smith Thomas Spilman Bryan Cawt George Menify Moyes Ston 104 The Cradle of the Republic. Capt. Holmes Mr. Calcker Mrs. Calcker infans Calcker Peccable Sherwood Anthon}^ West Henry Barker Henry Scott Margery Dawse Mr. Cann Capt. Hartt Edward Spalding vx. Spalding Puer Spalding Puella Spalding John Helin vx. Helin John Osbourn vx. Osbovrn (Osbourn) George Pope Robert Constable William Jones vx. Jones John Johnson vx. Johnson infans Johnson Johnson John Hall vx. Hall William Cooksey vx. Cooksey infans Cooksey Alice Kean Robert Fitts vx. Fitts John Reddish puer Helin infans Helin Thomas Graye et vx. Jone Graye William Graye Richard Younge vx. Younge Jone Younge Randall Smalwood John Greene William Mudge Mrs. Southey Ann Southey Elin Painter Goodman Webb In James Island. John Grevett. vx. Grevett John West Rhomas West Henry Glover Goodman Stoiks vx. Stoiks infans Stoiks Mr. Adams Mr. Leet William Spence vx. Spence infans Spence James Tooke James Roberts Anthony Harlow Sarah Spence George Shurke John Booth Robert Bennett. The English at Jamestown. 105 Members of the House of Burgesses, 1619-1776. iPartial List.) July 30, 1619. — Capt. William Powell, Ensign William Spence. March 5, 1624. — Richard Kingsmill, Edward Blaney. October 16, 1629. — Richard Kingsmill, George Menifie. March 24, 1630. — John Southerne, Robert Harrington. February 21, 1632. — John Southerne, Lieutenant Thomas Crumpe. September 4, 1632. — John Jackson. February i, 1633.1 — .John Corker, Gent. June 5, 1666. — Major Theophilus Hone. June 7, 1676. — Richard Lawrence. Nov. 10, 1683. — Thomas Clayton. April 16, 1684. — Henry Hartwell. April 25, 1688. — William Sherwood. March 2, 1693. — Capt. Miles Gary. September 24, 1696. — William Sherwood. 1697. — Philip Ludwell. December 5, 1702. — Robert Beverley. November 16, 1714. — Edward Jaquelin April 23, 1718. — Archibald Blair. May 9, 1722. — William Brodnax. May 12, 1726. — William Brodnax. August 13, 1736. — Lewis Burwell. May 22, 1740. — Lewis Burwell. May 6, 1742. — Philip Ludwell. Sept. 4, 1744. — Philip Ludwell. July II, 1746. — Philip Ludwell. March 30, 1747. — Philip Ludwell. Nov. 3, 1748. — Philip Ludwell. April 10, 1749. — Philip Ludwell. Feb. 5, 1752. — Edward Champion Travis. Nov. I, 1753. — Edward Travis. Feb. 14, 17.54. — Edward Champion Travis. Aug. 22, 1754. — Edward Champion Travis. Oct. 17, 17.S4. — Edward Champion Travis. May I, 1755. — Edward Champion Travis. Oct. 27, 1755. — Edward Champion Travis. March 25, 1756. — Edward Champion Travis. April 3, 1757. — Edw^ard Champion Travis. Feb. 22, 1759. — Edward Champion Travis. Nov. I, I7?Q.— ^John Ambler. 1760. — John Ambler. Nov. 3, 1761. — Edward C Travis. Jan. 14, 1762. — Edward C. Travis. March 30, 1762. — Edward C. Travis. Nov. 2. 1762. — Edward C. Travis. May 19. 1763. — Edward C. Travis. Jan. 12^ 1764. — Edward C. Travis. Oct. 30, 1764. — Edward C. Travis. 1 In 16^4 the plantations were formed into counties and Jamestown appears after that to have had no representative apart from James Uty County until i66t. But in March. 1661, the general assembly gave Jamestown the right to elect one of itself. And this privilege was ex^ «rcised down to the adoption of the State constitution, m i77o. io6 The Cradle of the Republic. May I, 1765. — Edward C. Travis. Oct., 1765. — John Ambler. Nov. 5, 1766. — Edward Ambler. March, 1767. — Edward Ambler. March 31, 1768. — Edward Ambler. May 8, 1769. — Champion Travis. Nov. 7, 1769. — Champion Travis. May 21, 1770. — Champion Travis. July II, 1771. — Champion Travis. Feb. 10, 1772. — Champion Travis. March 4, 1773. — Champion Travis. May 5, 1774. — Champion Travis. June I, 1775. — Champion Travis. Members of Conventions. March 20, 1775, February 17, 1775, December i, 1775, IMay 6, 1776. — Champion Travis. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. From the landing of the first colony sent by the London Company to tiie abandonment of Janiestozvn in 1699. First Charter, April 10, 1606. May 14, 1607. — Landing of the colonists at Jamestown. June 22, 1607. — Capt. Christopher Newport leaves for England. Sept. 10,1607. — Wingfield deposed, and Capt. John Ratcliffe president. Jan. 2,1608. — Capt. Newport arrives with the "First Supply'' of men and provisions. April 10, 1608. — Newport leaves for England. April 20, 1608. — Arrival of Capt. Francis Nelson from the West Indies (a belated part of the First Supply). Sept. 10, 1608. — Ratcliffe's year expires and John Smith becomes president. Oct., 1608. — Arrival of the Second Supply. Dec, 1608. — First marriage in Virginia — John Laydon and Ann Burras. Dec, 1608. — Return of Newport to England. Aug., 1609. — Arrival of the Third Supply. Sept. 10,1609. — Capt. Smith's presidency expires and Capt. George Percy made president. , 1609. — Virginia Laydon, the first English child born in Virginia. Oct. 5, 1609. — Capt. Smith returns to England. Second Charter, May 22, 1609; Third Charter, March 12, 1612. May 23, 1610. — Arrival of Sir Thomas Gates, first governor, with that portion of the Third Supply which was wrecked in the Bermudas. June 7, 1610. — The colonists abandon Jamestown. June 10,1610. — Lord Delaware arrives at Jamestown. March 28, 1611. — Lord Delaware sails for England, leaving Capt. George Percy deputy-governor. May 21, 1611. — Sir Thomas Dale arrives. Aug. I, 161 1. — Sir Thomas Gates arrives. Sept., 161 1. — Henrico founded. The English at Jamestown. 107 , 1612. — John Rolfe introduces the culture of tobacco. Christmas, 1613. — Bermuda Hundred founded. March, 1614. — Sir Thomas Gates returns to England, and Sir Thomas Dale acts as deputy-governor. About Aprils, 1614. — Pocahontas marries John Rolfe. May, 1616. — Sir Thomas Dale returns to England, and Capt. George Yeardley made deputy-governor. March 21, 1617. — Pocahontas buried in the Parish Church at Gravesend, England. May, 1617. — Capt. Samuel Argall arrives as depuly-governor. April, 1618. — Powhatan dies. April 10,1619. — Capt. Argall leaves Jamestown and Capt. Nathaniel Powell becomes deputy-governor. April 19, 1619. — Sir George Yeardley arrives as governor and cap- tain-general of Virginia. July 30, 1619. — Eirst legislative assembly. Aug., 1619. — First negroes landed; African slavery introduced. Nov. 18, 1621.. — Sir Francis Wyatt becomes governor. March 22, 1622. — Indian massacre; 347 whites slain out of a population of 1,258. Royal Government. May 24. 1624. — Chief- Justice Ley declares the charter null and void. May 17, 1626. — Sir Francis Wyatt sails for England, and Sir Geoi'ge Yeardley becomes governor, the second time. Nov. 13, 1627. — Sir George Yeardley buried at Jamestown, and the next day Capt. Francis West becomes deputy- governor by the councils election. March 5, 1629.— Capt. West goes to England, and Dr. John Pott elected deputy-governor by the council. March 24, 1630. — Sir John Harvey arrives as governor and captain- general of Virginia. April 28, 1635. — Harvey deposed, and Capt. John West elected by the council deputy-governor. Jan. 18, 1637. — Sir John Harvey reads his commission at Elizabeth City to be governor a second time. Nov., 1639. — Sir Francis Wyatt arrives governor. Feb., 1642. — Sir William Berkeley becomes governor. April 17, 1644. — Second Indian massacre; 300 English killed in a popu- lation of 8,000. June, 1644. — Richard Kempe elected by the council deputy-gov- ernor in tlie absence of Governor Berkeley. June, 1645. — Sir William Berkeley returns to Virginia. 1646. — Opechancanough dies at Jamestown. March 12, 1652. — Surrender of the colony to the Parliament. April 30, 1652. — Richard Bennett elected governor by the assembly. March 31, 1655. — Edward Digges elected governor. March 13, 1658. — Samuel Mathews elected governor. Jan., 1660. — Death of Mathews. March 13, 1660. — Sir William Berkeley re-elected governor by the as- sembly. May 8, 1660. — Charles II. proclaimed in London. Sept. 20,1660. — Charles II. proclaimed in Virginia. April 30, 1661. — Col. Francis Moryson deputy-governor in the absence of Sir William Berkelev in Europe. Sept.-Nov.,T662. — Berkeley returns to Tamestown from Europe. Sept. 19,1676. — Jamestown burned by Bacon. Oct. 26, 1676. — Nathaniel Bacon, Jr , dies. I( The Cradle of the Republic. May 5, 1677. — Berkeley leaves the country, and Col. Herbert Jeffryes becomes lieutenant-governor. Dec. 17, 1678.— Col. Jeffryes dies, and Sir Henry Chiclieley succeeds as deputy-governor. May 2, 1680. — Lord Culpeper arrives governor of Virginia. Aug., 1680. — Lord Culpeper visits England, and Sir Henry Chich- eley acts as deputy-governor. Dec. 17,1682. — Lord Culpeper arrives the second time in Virginia. May 28, 1683. — Lord Culpeper goes back to England, and Nicholas Spencer, Esq., president of the council, acts as deputy-governor. April 15, 1684. — Francis, Lord Howard of Effingham, governor. Oct., 1688. — Nathaniel Bacon, president of the council, deputy gov- ernor. May 16, 1690. — Francis Nicholson lieutenant-governor. Sept. II, 1692. — Sir Edmond Andros lieutenant-governor. Oct. 9, i6g8. — Col. Francis Nicholson lieutenant-governor till August 15. 1705- Oct. 31, 169S. — State house at Jamestow-n destroyed by fire. April, 1699. — Act of the general assembly for building the capitol at Williamsburg. SE.VL OF VIRGINIA DURING THE REIGN OF GEORGE III. VI THE FORT. There were at different periods in the history of Jamestown three forts erected by the settlers. The first fort was a triangu- lar stockade made of poles of oak and poplar about fourteen feet high, and set four feet in the ground, each of the poles forming a load for three or four men.^ As stated elsewhere, the side facing the river was 120 yards in length, and the other two sides were 100 yards each, making the fort include a little more than an acre. In each corner was a platform on which a piece or two of cannon were mounted, and there was an en- trance or port through each side commanded by a piece of ordnance stationed within.- George Percy and Gabriel Archer described^ the difficulties incurred from the savages, while the fort was building, in the following language : j\Iay 14, 1607, " We landed all our men; which were set to work about the fortification, and others some to watch and ward as it was convenient.'' About midnight some savages came close to the fort, but ran away when the alarm was given. The Island lay in the territory of Wowinchopunck, wero- wance of the Paspaheghs, and a day or two later messengers " bravely dressed with crownes of coloured hair upon their heads," came to announce the werowance's speedv arrival. May 18. This day Wowinchopunck arrived attended by 100 savages armed with bows and arrows. As the savages thronged into the fort, one of them stole a hatchet from one of the soldiers, who struck him on the arm and took it from him. Thereupon, another savage came up with a wooden SAvord fiercely raised. The settlers then rushed to their arms, and Wowinchopunck and his company departed in great ansrer. 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 612. 2 Strachey in Purchas. His Pilgrims, IV., 1752, 1753. 3 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), lii-lv., Ixvi-Ixviii. [109] no The Cradle of the Republic. May 20, Wowinchopunck sent forty Indians with the pres- ent of a deer, who asked to sleep in the fort at night, but were refused. " One of our Gentlemen hauing a Target which hee trusted in, thinking it would beare out a slight shot, hee set it vp against a tree, willing one of the Sauages to shoot : who tooke from his backe an Arrow of an elle long, drew it strongly in his Bowe, shoots the Target a foote thorow, or better : which was strange, seeing that a Pistoll could not pierce it. Wee seeing the force of his Bowe, afterwards set him vp a Steele Target : he shot again, and burst his arrow all to pieces. He presently pulled out another Arrow, and bit it in his teeth, and seemed to bee in a great rage: so hee went away in great anger. Their Bowes are made of tough Hasell, their strings of Leather, their Arrowes of Canes or Hasell, headed with very sharpe stones, and are made arti- ficially like a broad Arrow : other some of their Arrowes are headed with the ends of Deeres homes, and are feathered very artificially." May 26. While the fort was yet- unfinished, the Indians of Paspahegh made a fierce assault. There came above 200 Indians with their werowance. They came up almost into the fort, shot through the tents, and killed a boy and wounded eleven men, whereof one died after. " We killed dyvers of them.'' The council stood in front, and four out of the five present were wounded (Gosnold, Ratclifife, Martin and Kendall), and "our President, Mr. Wingfield (who shewed himselfe a valiant gentleman), had an arrow cleane through his bearde, yet escaped hurte." May 28. " We laboured pallozadoing our fort." Captain Newport, who had now returned from a trip up the river, caused his sailors to assist in the work. May 29. The savages made a second attack, and shot more than forty arrows into and about the fort, but did no harm beyond killing a dog. May 30. All was quiet. May 31. The Indians came lurking among the thickets and long grass, and shot six arrows into a gentleman named Eustace Clovell, who had left the fort unarmed. June I. Some twenty Indians appeared, but their arrows fell short of the fort. The Fort. hi June 2 and 3. All was quiet and the settlers worked upon their fort and cut clapboard for the ships to take back to England. June 4. Three savages crawled unperceived through the long grass under one of the bulwarks and shot arrows through the clothes of one of the emigrants, " but missed the skynne." June 8. Master Clovell, who was shot on May 31, died of his wounds. June 13. " Eight salvages lay close amonge the weedes and long grasse : and spying one or two of our Maryners Master Ihon Cotson and Master Mathew ffitch by themselves, shott Mathew fifytch in the (?) somewhat dangerously, and so rann away this Morning." June 14. Two friendly savages visited the fort and in- formed the emigrants that the war was not the act of all the tribes, but of the Paspaheghs, Tapahanas, Weyanokes, Apamatecohs and Chiskiacks. June 15. " We had built and finished our Fort, * * *." The cabins of the settlers were within the fort, in three lines parallel to the sides of the stockade, and separated from them by a street twenty-four to thirty feet wide, and in the middle of the open space were the church, the storehouse, and the guardhouse. As already noticed, the stockade, with all the cabins, was burned^ January 7. 1608 ; and when restored, being made up of sappy timber, it required frequent repairing from year to year. In the fall of 1608, three acres adjoining the fort were palisaded so as to form, with the original stockade, a pentagon, or " five-square." At this time " a plain " by the west bulwark was used for drilling the men, which was called " Smithfield " (after Sir Thomas Smith) ; where sometimes more than a hundred savages would stand in amazement to witness a file of soldiers shoot at a mark on a tree.^ In October, 1609, there were, according to Captain Smith. •'^ at his departure from Virginia, twenty-four cannon of differ- ent calibers in the fort, culverins, demi-culverins. sakers and falcons, " most well mounted upon convenient platforms." 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 407. 2 Ibid., 434. 3 Ibid. 112 The Cradle of the Republic* In 1613, Don jMolina, a Spanish prisoner at Jamestown, reported^ that the fort at Jamestown had six guns ; and a little later Count Gondomar, the Spanish ambassador, declared" to his king that there were five forts in Virginia — James, Henerique (Henrico), Charles, Point Comfort and Henry, " which were surrounded with earthworks on which they plant their artillery." In 1610, the captain of the fort Avas George Webb. In 161 1, the captain was George Percy; in 1615, Francis West, in whose absence Lt. John Sharpe commanded; in 1617, William Powell ; and when he was killed by the Indians, in 1622. Captain William Peirce succeeded him. The site of the stockade is supposed to be, in part, covered by the Confederate fort, but most of it lies under the water west of this fort. When the Confederate fort was constructed in 1861, pieces of armor, sword hilts, gold, silver and copper coin were discovered, a good evidence of an earlier occupation. The second fort was an earth fort, described by the Rev. John Clayton in 1688 as " a sort of tetragone with something like bastions at the four corners." It was probably erected after the Birkenhead conspiracy, in 1663, in obedience to the orders of the king, to be a curb " upon all such traitorous attemptes for the future." ^ In a granf* to Henry Hartwell in 1689 the western line of his tract is described as " passing along by the angular points of ye trench which faceth two of ye eastern bastions of an old ruined turf fort." In a deed dated November 6, 1710. the remains of this fort referred to as " the old fTort," is described as near the bank of the river, not far from the house of Edward Jaquelin. In 1667, Virginia was invaded by a Dutch fleet of four ships, and as the fort of Point Comfort was out of repair, they burned an English frigate-of-war and a number of merchant ships at the mouth of the river. After this we learn that the fort at James City had fourteen old guns, to which ten more, rescued from the burned frigate, were added.^"* 1 Brown, Genesis of the United States. 651. 2 Ibid., 660. . 3 Hartwell, Blair and Chilton, Present State of Virginia. •^ J 'a. Land Register, VII., 701. 5 Cal. of State Paps. Col., 1661-1668, p. 474. The Fort. 113 The third fort grew out of the wars with the Dutch, Despite the king's orders, the colonists were averse to relying upon the fort at Point Comfort, and a law was passed in 1667 by the assembly for five forts on the principal rivers — that for the protection of James River to be built at Jamestown Island, at the charge of the counties of James City, Surry, Charles City and Henrico, Each of the new forts was to be capable of holding eight great guns, and to have walls " ten foote high, and towards the river or shipping ten foote thick, at least." The forts w^ere built ; but, as the material was not substantial or lasting, an act passed in 1671 directed that they should be constructed of brick ; and, thereupon, William Drummond, Theophilus Hone and Matthew Page contracted to do the work at Jamestown. The contractors were in no hurry, and a fresh invasion of the Dutch in 1673 caused a complaint to be lodged wnth the governor and council that the fort was not yet erected, and " only some brick had been made." Thereupon, Drummond and Hone, Page being dead, were peremptorily ordered to complete the work.^ On April 6, 1674, Matthew Swann and his associates, engaged in a mutiny in Surry, were fined, and the fines given to the fort ; but on their due submission these fines were remitted. Air. Hubert Farrell, of James City County, and ]\Ir. Richard Lawrence, of Jamestown, did not fare so well. The former, on April 7, was fined, to the use of the fort, 10,000 pounds of tobacco for scandalizing Mrs. Tabitha Bowler at the house of Mr. White : and the latter, on April 9, was fined, to the same use, 500 pounds of tobacco and cask, " for enter- taining the Hon'ble the Governor's servants." The fort was probably completed before June, 1676, when Bacon sent a squad of troops to hold it. It had the shape of a half moon, and lay at the head of Pitch and Tar Swamp, in a vale near the original landing place, where the river channel ran close to the shore. This fort was criticised by the minister, John Clayton, in the following language : Jamestown Island is rather a peninsula, being joyned to the con- tinent by a small neck of land, not past twenty or thirty yards over, and which at spring tides is overflowed and is then an absolute Island. '^General Court Records (1670-1676). 8 114 The Cradle of the Republic. Now they have built a silly sort of a fort, that is a brick wall in the shape of a half moon, at the beginning of the swamp, because the chan- nel of the river lies very nigh the shoar ; but it is the same as if a fort were built at Chelsea to secure London from being taken by shipping. Besides, ships passing up the river are secured from the guns of the fort, till they come directly over against the fort, by reason the fort stands in a vale, and all the guns directed down the river, that should play on the ships, as they are coming up the river, will lodge their shot within ten, twenty or forty yards in the rising bank,l which is much above the level of the fort; so that if a ship gave but a good broadside, just when she comes to bear upon the fort, she might put the fort into that con- fusion, as to have free passage enough. There was indeed an old fort of earth in the town, being a sort of a tetragone, with something like bastions at the four corners, as I remember ; but the channel lying further off to the middle of the river there, they let it be demolished, and built that new one spoken of, of brick, which seems little better than a blind wall, to shoot wild ducks or geese. In 1697, Sir Edmund Andros took a notion to strengthen tlie fort, and in the cotmcil book for December 9, 1698, there is an order for paying Edward Ross, gunner of the fort at "" James Citty," his salary of £10 sterHng. This Ross dwelt not far off in a house near the head of Pitch and Tar Swamp, on a lot of 5 roods and 7 perches, now under water beyond the " Lone Cypress." As the result of Andros's activity, the fort in 1 701 contained 20 guns, but the removal of the capital to Williamsburg, in 1699, was fatal; and in 1716, it is men- tioned^ as deserted and gone to ruin. In 1837, Mr. Richard Randolph wrote^ that some of the walls and mounds of the fort were then to be seen, and he added that the fort evidently extended some distance beyond ■' its present termination," having been gradually washed av/ay by the encroaching tides. When Lossing visited the Island in 1848, some portion of the fort was still to be seen at low water, several yards from the shore.'* Nothing now is visible ; but the site of the fort may still be identified by masses of brick under water at the head of the Island. Pozi'dcr Magazine. When the brick fort at the head of the Island was repaired in 1697, there was erected on the third ridge, several hundred yards distant, a powder magazine, concerning which Dr. James 1 A grant to Edward Chilton April 16, 1683, describes the shore of James River near the fort as a hill. Va. Land Register, VII., 292. 2 Maury, Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, 270, 271. 3 Southern Literary Messenger, III., 303. 4 Lossing, Field Book of the American Revolution, 446, note 2. The Fort. 115 Blair, in a memorial^ against Sir Edmund Andros, commented in the following language: "He (Andros) has thrown away a great deal of money in raising an old fort at Jamestown, & in building a powder house, and in making a platform for 16 great guns there, and another platform at Tindall's Point ni York River. I never heard one man that pretended to understand anything of Fortifications that, upon sight of these works, did not ridicule & condemn them as good for nothing but to spend money. The Guns at Jamestown are so placed that they are no defence to the town, wdiich being much lozver in the rifcr, might be taken by the Enemies' shipping, without receiving any the least assistance from those Guns. The powder house stands all alone without any Garrison to defend it, and is a ready prey for any foreign or domestic Enemy." President Tyler, in his address- at Jamestown in 1857, men- tioned " a tradition " that this building had been used for a jail to confine Opechancanough — which only shows that tradi- tions are interesting, but not of much historic value. When Col. Goodrich Durfey owned the Island (1836-1846), the magazine was still in good condition, and was used as a resi- dence for W'hite carpenters. In 1837, it was referred to by Mr. Randolph as follows : "A few hundred yards to the right of the fort stands a small building, which tradition says was a powder magazine. Underneath this there is a cellar, arched and paved with brick, in which in all probability the ammuni- tion w'as deposited.'' He further said that on the north side of the house were numerous impressions in the walls, " evidently made by balls fired against the building by Bacon's party or the Indians''! The magazine stood on the third ridge, about 100 yards inland, in 1837, but the waves advanced, and in 1891 all that remained was the eastern foundation w^all, which was then located and found to be about thirty-two feet long. In 1900, the powder magazine was visited by the editor in com- pany with ]\Ir. John Gilliam, whose father had resided in the magazine. At that visit only one corner of the wall was to be seen; and when the present sea wall was built, all the remaining bricks, being in the way, were removed. 1 Perry, Papers Relating to Hist, of the Church in Va., 14. 2 Tyler, Letters and Times of the Tylers, I., 1-34. VII THE CHURCH. The beginning is thus stated^ by John Smith : " When I went first to Virginia, I well remember wee did hang an awn- ing (which is an old saile) to three or foure trees, to shadow us from the Sunne, our walles were railes of wood, our seates unhewed trees, till we cut plankes ; our Pulpit a bar of wood nailed to two neighbouring trees ; in foule weather we shifted into an old rotten tent ; for we had few better, and this came by way of adventure for new. This was our Church till we built a homely thing like a barne, set upon cratchetts, covered with raftes, sedge and earth ; so was also the walls : The best of our houses (were) of the like curiosity, but, the most part, farre much worse workmanship, that neither could well defend wind nor rain ; yet wee had daily Common Prayer morning and evening, every Sunday two Sermons, and every three months the holy communion, till our minister died (the Rev. Mr. Hunt) : but our prayers daily, with an homily on Sun- daies, we continued two or three years after, till more Preach- ers came." The First CJutrch. The 'first church was within the fort, and was, as Smith states, fashioned like " a barn set upon cratchetts," and covered with " raftes, sedge and earth." It was consumed^ by fire January 7, 1608, five days after the arrival of the " First Supply," when Mr. Hunt lost his library, and nearly all the houses in the fort were burned. Tlie Second Cliiirch. The second church was also in the fort, and was not much superior to the first. It was built^ by Captain Newport and his sailors, and Smith and Scrivener made repairs'^ in the Spring of 1608, and again in the Spring of 1609. In this church was doubtless performed, by Rev. Robert Hunt, the first marriage in Virginia. When the " Second 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.). 95S. 2 Brown, Genesis of the United States, 175. 3 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), Ixxxvi. 4 Ibid., 105, 154. [116] The Church. 117 Supply " arrived, in October, 1608, it brought the first gentle- woman, Airs. Forrest ; and her woman servant, Anne Burras, about two months later, married John Laydon, a carpenter.^ THE OLD CHURCH TOWER AT JAMESTOWN. In the same church was doubtless baptized a year later the fiist child of this marriage — Virginia Laydon (or Layton), 1 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), 130. ii8 The Cradle of the Republic. v/ho was the first fruit of the first Enghsh Protestant marriage in the New World. ^ The parents and child survived the " Starving Time," and the Virginia Council of 1632 recognized officially the birth by a gift to John Laydon of 500 acres of land, situated in Elizabeth City County. In 1625, there were living at Elizabeth City John and Anne Laydon and their children, Mrginia, Alice, Katherine and Margaret Laydon : — all born in Mrginia." Some future genealogist may be able to trace the descend- ants of these children in Virginia, when perhaps the fortunate -representative of this first Virginia marriage may receive special recognition ! Sir Thomas Gates, who came ^la}' 23, 1610, during the horrors of the " Starving Time," found the church in a " ruinous " condition, and Lord Delaware, who by his timely arrival prevented the desertion of the colony, had the church overhauled and reconstructed. The church was made of tim- ber, and was sixty feet long by twenty-four feet wide, and it was fitted with a chancel of cedar and a communion table of black walnut. All the pews and pulpit were of cedar, with fair, broad windows, also of cedar, to shut and open as the weather should occasion. The font was hewn hollow like a canoe, and there were two bells in the steeple at the west end. " The church was so cast as to be very light within, and the Lord Governour caused it to be kept passing sweet, trimmed up with divers flowers." There was a sexton in charge of the church, and every morning at the ringing of a bell by him, about ten o'clock, each man addressed himself to prayers, and so at four o'clock before supper. There was a sermon every Thurs- day, and two sermons every Sunday, the two preachers (Rev. Mr. Buck and the preacher brought by Lord Delaware) taking their weekly turns. Every Sunday, wdien the Lord Governor went to church, he was accompanied by all the councillors, captains, other officers, and all the gentlemen, and with a guard -of fifty halberdiers in his lordship's livery, fair red cloaks on each 1 Brown, First Republic. 113. 2 Hotten, Eniigrants to America, 185, 245. The Church. 119 side and behind him. The lord governor sat in the choir on a green velvet chair, with a velvet cushion before him, on which he knelt, and the councillors, captains, and officers sat on each side of him, each in their place, and when the lord governor returned home, he was waited on in the same man- nor to his house. ^ The most noted event supposed to be connected with this church was the marriage of Pocahontas to John Rolfe, about April 5, 1614, celebrated by Rev. Richard Buck. Her father, Powhatan'" approved the match, and her old uncle, Apaschisco, attended as the deputy for Powhatan, and gave her away ; two of her brothers were also present, and a general peace ensued which lasted as long as Pocahontas lived.^ The distinction of this couple warrants some further state- ment. John Rolfe, the bridegroom, came of an ancient family of Heacham, County Norfolk, England, and was the son of John Rolfe and Dorothea Mason. He was baptized in the church at Heacham. May 6, 1585, and in 1609 went to Bermuda, in the Third Supply, with Sir Thomas Gates. While there, a wife married in England bore him a daughter, who was christened Bermuda by Rev. Richard Buck, but soon died. The parents reached Virginia in May, 1610, where the mother died. In 1612, John Rolfe was the first English- man to introduce the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia. He succeeded Ralph Hamor as secretary of state in 1614, and went to England with his Indian bride in 1616, where he wrote an account of \'irginia for King James and Sir Robert Rich. After the death of Pocahontas he married, thirdly, Jane, daughter of Captain William Peirce, by whom he had several children. He was a member of the council of Virginia in 1619, and met his death, it is believed, in the massacre of 1622 at the hands of the Indians, whose spiritual welfare he had hoped to elevate by his marriage with Pocahontas. His widow, Jane, married, secondly. Captain Roger Smith ; and in 1625 Elizabeth Rolfe, her daughter by John Rolfe, is men- tioned as living with them at Jamestown. The bride was the daughter of Powhatan, head-war-chief of all the Indians in Tide-water Virginia, and was born in 1 Purchas, His PilgrUncs, IX., 1752. 2 Hamor, Trtic Discourse, 11. 120 The Cradle of the Republic. 1595. Pocahontas, the name by which she is usually known, was a pet name for " Little Wanton," for her true name was Matoaka. During the infancy of the colony at Jamestown she was often the means of providing the settlers with provisions, and, by her influence with her father, saved the lives of two men prominent in colonial annals — Captain John Smith and Captain Henry Spellman. In April, 1613, while on a visit to the Potomac Indians, she was captured by Captain Samuel Argall, and brought to Jamestown, where she was converted to Christianity and baptized under the name of Rebecca. About April 5, 1614, she married John Rolfe, and is supposed to have lived at Varina with her husband till she accompanied him to England in 1616. There she attracted much atten- tion, and her portrait was engraved by the celebrated artist, Simon de Passe, and Lord and Lady Delaware iritroduced her at court. While in England she met Captain John Smith ; and when Smith saluted her as princess, Pocahontas in- sisted on calling him father, and having him call her his child. When Argall sailed to Virginia, about the first part of April, 1617, he took Avith POCAHONTAS. huii Pocahoutas' husband, John Rolfe. Pocahontas was to have gone with him, but she sickened and died, and was buried at Gravesend, March 21, 1617. She left one son, named Thomas, who was educated in England by his uncle, Henry Rolfe. and afterwards resided in ATrginia. He married a Miss Poythress, and had a son, Anthony, of England, and a daughter, Jane, who married Robert Boiling, of \^irginia ; and the most distinguished descendant in Virginia was John Randolph, of Roanoke. Pocahontas was the Urst of her race, within the limits of the original English colonies, to be converted to Christianity and baptized. Her union with John Rolfe was the Urst The Church. 121 recorded lawful marriage between Indian and white man in the hmits of the present United States. The Third ChiircJi. When Captain Argah arrived in 1617 as deputy-governor under Lord Delaware, the colonists were so absorbed in the culture of tobacco that Jamestown was much neglected. The church was " down," and a storehouse was used instead. Captain Argall enlarged the governor's house, and a new church of timbers was built " 50 foote in length by twenty foote in breadth," wholly at the charge of the inhabit- ants of Jamestown.^ On the arrival of Sir George Yeardley in 1619, he called a general assembly of the plantations to meet at Jamestown on Friday, July 30, of that year.- This was an epoch in the history of not only Virginia, but the United States. This first American popular legislative body sat in the choir of the church : " Where Sir George Yeardley, the Governor, being sett downe in his accustomed place, those of the Counsel of Es- tate sate next to him on both handes, except onely the Secre- tary (John Pory), then appointed Speaker, who sate right be- fore him ; John Twine, clerke of the General assembly, being placed next the Speaker; and Thomas Peirse, the Sergeant, standing at the barre, to be ready for any service the Assembly should comand him. " But forasmuche as men's affaires doe little prosper where God's service is neglected, all the Burgesses took their places ill the Quire till a prayer was said by ]\Ir. (Richard) Bucke. tlie minister, that it would please God to guard and sanctifie all our proceedings to his owne glory and the good of this Plantation. " Prayer being ended, to the intente that as we had begun at God Almighty, so we might proceed with awful and due re- specte towards the Lieutenant, our most gratious and dread Soveraigne (James L), all the Burgesses were intreatted to retyre themselves into the body of the Churche, w*^'^ being done, before they were fully admitted, they were called in order and by name, and so every man (none staggering at it) took the oathe of Supremacy, and then entred the Assembly." ^A Brcifc Declaration, in Virginia State Senate Doc. (extra), 1874, p. 80. 2 " The General Assembly convented at James Citty in Virginia July 30, 1619," in Va. State Senate Doc. (extra), 1874, 9-32. 122 The Cradle of the Republic. The general assembly consisted of the governor, six coun- cillors and twenty burgesses, two from each of ten plantations. It sat six days, and did a great deal of work in a very intelli- gent manner. There is reason to believe that the church building, thus made famous, was not in the same place as its predecessors, but lower down the river shore. The recent excavations made at Jamestown disclosed, in addition to the foundations of two brick churches, the side walls of a narrow^er building having an inside width of about twenty feet, and consisting of a foot- ing of cobble-stones one foot thick capped by a one-brick wall. The length of the superstructure could not be ascertained, as only the western ends of the foundations of the two walls remained, but the slenderness of the foundations indicate that they supported a building of timber. Now^ the width of a building matching the foundations would be the same as that given for the church built during Argall's term as deputy- governor, a good indication that they were the same. More- over, in making the before-mentioned excavations, the work- men disclosed three distinct sets of floor tiles lying at slightly different levels across the east end of the building formerly belonging to a chancel five and one-half feet by twenty-two feet. The lowest layer of tiles probably belonged to the third church at Jamestown, the next lowest to the fourth church, and the highest layer to the fifth and last church. In case its end walls were enclosed in the same manner as its side walls, which seems quite likely, the length of the third church would have been about fifty feet — the extent of the Argall church of 1617-1619.^ The land grants afford additional evidence regarding the location of the third church. November 4, 1639, the Rev. Thomas Hampton received a grant^ for land described as " on a ridge behinde the church," running east and west eighty-two poles, and north and south thirty-six paces. June 12, 1644, he received a second grant^ of land on the same ridge, " contain- ing from the easternmost bounds westerly one hundred and ' Yonge, The Site of Old Jamcstozvnc, 47. 2 Virginia Land Register, I., 689. 3 Ibid., II., 105. The Church. 123 twelve paces (five foote to the pace), and running the same breadth northerly to the Back River." A grant^ of one acre to John White, x*\ugust 28, 1644, was " bounded west upon the Church Yard, East upon the land ap- pertaining to the State house. North toward the land of JMr. Thomas Hampton and South upon James River; the Length (of the lot) being 23 poles and the breadth seven poles, almost." Then there is another grant- — one to Radulph Spraggon, August 18, 1644 — for an acre of land at the west end of the Island situated south of the " way Leading towards the Mayne " and " east towards the land of Air. Hampton." Mr. Hampton's land must have been on the second ridge, and the natural position of a church to satisfy these references could have been no other than the site of the later churches. TJic Fourth Cliurch (First Brick Church). In January, 1639, Sir John Harvey reported^ that the council and himself, as well as the ship-captains and ablest planters, " had largely contributed to the building of a brick church." Building did not proceed very fast in those days, and the inclosure of the foundations of the third church by the fourth suggests that, while the later church of brick was being constructed around the earlier one of timber, the latter was used for service. This brick church was still unfinished in November, 1647, at which time Southwark Parish in Surry (then part of James City County) was made into a separate parish, and it was provided* by the general assembly that the inhabitants of Southwark " pay and satisfie unto the minister of James Citty all customary tithes and dues, and all rates and taxes already assessed, and to be assessed, for and toiuard the finishing and repairing of the church at James Citty." Last to be completed was probably the tower situated at the western end of the church, which is interestingly described by Mr. Yonge in the " Site of Old Jamestown.'' As it stands to-day it is a dignified old pile of sombre detail and lasting workman- ship, approximately eighteen feet square in the plan, with walls three feet thick at the base, diminished by offsets in the inner 1 Va. Land Register, II., 10. 2 Ibid., II., II. 3 J^a. Magazine, III., 30. * Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 347. 124 The Cradle of the Republic. faces at each story to about seventeen inches thick at the belfry. " The brick work is in the so called English bond quaintly embellished after the fashion of the period with glazed headers." ^ The present height of the church tower is about thirty-six feet, but from the ground to the peak of the wooden steeple that surmounted it, the original height was about forty- six feet. The tower itself was divided into three stories; and the first story openings were arched doorways through the front and back walls. The second story had probably a win- dow in the west wall and a door in the east wall, the latter opening into a gallery across the western end of the nave of the church, as in the old brick church at Smithfield. But the masonry is absent from the wall space between each opening and the doors below, and thus each pair of openings is merged in one, about twenty and eighteen feet high respectively. The third story was lighted by six loopholes, two in front and two on each side wall." September 19, 1676, this church was fired by a torch in the liands of Nathaniel Bacon, Jr. Tlic Fifth Church (Second Brick Church). This churcli was, like its immediate predecessor, of brick ; and, as there is no trace of a new line of walls or tower foundations, there can be little doubt that it was a mere restoration of the fourth. The speed with which it was made ready for use goes to con- firm the supposition; for as early as June 25, 1679, the vestry of Bruton church made its doors the model for the doors of the brick church building at Middle Plantation. It was then ordered'" that " ye west door and chancell door (of Bruton church) be according to the dimensions of James Citty church doors, only to be one foot higher and 1/2 foot wider than they are." In 1690, there assembled in the restored church the first regular convention of the clergy of Virginia, presided over by James l^lair, commissary of the bishop of London, of whose diocese Virginia formed a part. This convention made itself memorable by digesting the scheme of a college, which they recommended to the governor and general assembly. This 1 Yonge, Site of Old Jamestozvne, 53. • 2 Hall, Jamestozvn ■ — History and Present Condition, 24. 3 CliurcJi Reviezv. The Church. 125 was the last great connection of the Jamestown church with State affairs, and nine years later the seat of government was transferred to Middle Plantation, or Williamsburg. The church building was, however, in active use in James City Parish for many years after this, and was regularly fur- nished with preachers. After seventy-five years or more, the difficulties of access to the Island and the dwindling population of the neighborhood suggested a change. In the time of Governor Dinwiddle ( 1751-1758) a "new brick church,"^ called the upper church of James City Parish, was erected on the Main farm, about three miles from Jamestown, near the road from Williamsburg to Barret's Ferry. From this time preaching was discontinued at Jamestown, and the church, which doubtless demanded repair even before the desertion, fell rapidly into ruins ; and before the end of the century the tower alone remained above ground. The American Revolution produced a general awakening of interest in historic matters, and in 1803 W'illiam Wirt published his " British .Spy ;" and one of his best sketches has a senti- m.ental account of a visit to the tower of Jamestown. In 1804, John D. Burk printed the first volume of his " His- tory of Virginia," in which the sufferings of the early settlers at Jamestown were graphically portrayed. This was followed in 1805 by a pictorial representation of the tower, by Frederick Bossier, which was published at Richmond, in a magazine alike pretentious in form and title, edited by Louis H. Girardin, formerly professor of modern languages, history and geography in William and Mary College, and later a teacher in a female seminarv in Richmond. This magazine, entitled Grapliicce Amocnitatcs, with a half dozen other descriptive words, was a quarto, and its first number, which was also its last, contained, besides the Jamestown tower, five other colored plates by the same engraver. Since that time the old tower has welcomed numerous sight- seers, and witnessed many celebrations held in its shadow. October 2"/, 1856, Jamestown was visited by Bishop William IMeade, Rev. Dr. Silas Totten, of William and Alary, Mr. Richard Randolph (called the antiquarian), and Colonel 1 ]'a. Magazine, V., 245. 126 The Cradle of the Republic. Goodrich Durfey, a former proprietor of the place ; and they made the first serious effort to take measurements, and dis- covered the foundations of the brick church to be fifty-six by twenty-eight feet ; probably an outside measurement. In 1901, excavations were made by Mr. John Tyler, Jr., under the auspices of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, and the inside measurement of the foun- dation walls was found to be |ifty and six-tenths feet and twenty-two and seven-tenths feet respectively. Other valuable knowledge regarding the brick walls^ acquired through the excavations, has been given in another place, but it remains to say that several graves and tombstones, as well as mortuary tablets, were discovered in the old foundations. In the chancel, lying with its head to the north, was an iron tablet, probably formerly a cenotaph, once embossed with inlaid brasses, now missing. Over the foundations of the church has been lately erected, by the ladies of the A. P. Y. A., a wooden shed, to protect the sacred relics thus exposed. The Colonial Dames of America have undertakened to erect next year (1907) a beautiful church on this hallowed spot. Furniture and Service at Jantestozvn Church. Some of the sacred vessels of Jamestown are still preserved, viz.: A silver chalice and' paten, with an inscription on each; a silver plate, being part of a communion service ; a silver alms- basin or plate ; and lastly, a silver vase, or font for bap- tism. The first two pieces — the silver chalice and paten — are now in possession of Bruton church, in Williamsburg, and each bears the inscription, " not holy things zvith profane/' and about the rim at the bottom, " E.v dono Francisci Morrison, Arniigeri. Anno Donii 1661," (The gift of Francis ]\Toryson, 1661.) Francis jMoryson was at the time acting governor of the colony. The maker of this service, whose mark was " T. W.," was also the maker of a celebrated cup owned by the Blacksmiths' Company, London, 1655, and sub- sequently purchased at a sale for £378. As to the third piece, the silver alms-basin, it is now at the Union Theological Seminary, in Alexandria. It has a Latin The Church. 127 JAMESTOWN CHURCH SERVICE. Presented in 1661 by Col. Francis Moryson. 128 The Cradle of the Republic. inscription which shows that it was given in 1694 "' for the use of the Jamestown Church," by Sir Edmund Andros, knight, governor of the colony. Finally, the fourth article, which is now in the possession of the Monumental church in Richmond, the vase for baptism,, was presented to the Jamestown church in 1733 by Martha Jaquelin, widow of Edward Jaquelin, and their son Edward. It may not be out of place to add, in this connection, that the stone font of the " Church on the Main " is preserved, with the other relics, in the old powder magazine in Williamsburg. This font was probably in use at Jamestown before worship was abandoned there, and was removed to the church on the Main at the time of its erection, in 1751-1758.^ The Churchyard. A patent- to John lioward, in 1694, shows that the enclosure about, the churchyard was of "rails;"' and we are told by Bishop Meade^ that John Ambler and William Lee erected the present brick wall after the American Revolution from the brick of the church, then deserted and falling to ruins. The same patent discloses the fact that the railing furthest from the water ran " north 87 degrees westerly," or nearly east and v/est ; and thus it is prol^able that the two other sides were nearly north and south. The area of the present enclosure is about one-sixth of an acre, which is known to have been much less than the original extent. Bishop Meade, who received his information from nearly first sources, states that the original churchyard covered an area of about half an acre, in which he is doubtless right. The patent of John Howard appears to give the length of the railing on the north side as 3 —^ chains (two rods or 33 feet to a chain), which would make that side about 130 feet long. With this breadth a tract included be- tween the road and the river could not have exceeded half an acre. The yard must have been a burying place from the earliest davs. The finding of a human skeleton crossed by a wall of 1 The font in Bruton church, sometimes said to be the font in which Pocahontas was baptized, was brought from England for the use of Bruton church in 1691. J 'a. Calendar of State Papers, I., 35. 2 Va. Land Register. VITL, 320. * S Meade, Old Churches, etc.. I., 112. The Church. 129 the church near its southeast corner shows that there was a burial ground at its site before the brick churches were built, and possibly even before the building of the timber church, 1617-1619, which covered almost all the ground occupied by its successors. It is hardly presumable that the hundreds who died during the periods of the first and second wooden churches could have been buried in the limited enclosure of the stockade.^ At one time there must have been a great many tombstones in the churchyard, for comparatively recently monu- ments of massive make, like those of John Ambler and William Lee, have disappeared. Among the objects which attracted attention in 1807, during the jubilee of that year, was a young sycamore tree, whose trunk had become fastened between the tombstones of Dr. James Blair and his wife. Sarah Blair, and tended incessantly to pro- pel them from their centers.- This sycamore, now grown into a large tree, shattered both tombstones and carried some six feet from the ground a fragment of the monument of Mrs. Blair, imbedded partially in its trunk. The writer has often seen the fragment thus suspended above the ground, but when; in 1895, the tombstones were temporarily removed for the pur- pose of cleaning the yard, this piece of marble was unfortu- nately released from the embrace of the tree, which has since proceeded to close the cavity. Here, then, is authentic evidence of one tree, at least, upwards of a hundred years old in Virginia. At the east end of the Island, in a clump of trees, is the pri- vate burial ground of the Travis family, in which some tomb- stones may still be seen. Tombstones in the Yard of the Chureh. Fragment of Lady Frances Berkeley's tombstone. It will be remembered that generally she called herself Lady Berkeley, even after she was Mrs. Ludwell. yeth the Bod LADY FRANC KLEY 1 Yonge, Site of Old Jamestown, 48. 2 Proceedings of the Jubilee at Jamestown, 1807. ■ 9 130 . The Cradle of the Republic. Fragment of the tombstone of Philip Liidwell, second of the name ; the inscription partiahy supphed from the Richmond Dispatch for May 15^ 1857. Here lies interred the body of PHILIP LUDWELL who died the nth of January 1726 in the 54th year of his age, some- time auditor of his Majesty's revenue and twenty-five years member of the Council. Tombstone of Mary Knig'ht. Here lyeth the body of Mary the wife of John Knight who departed this Hfe Febr nth 1732-3 in the 59th Year of her age Waiting for a joyful resurrection. Tombstone of Ursula Beverley, now missing. Description from Richmond DisfatcJi for May 15, 1857. Plere lyeth inter'd the body of URSULA BEVERLEY, late wife of Robert Beverley, and daughter of y^ very Honorable Wm. Byrd, who departed this Life the ii"' day of October 1698, being much lamented by all that knew her, aged 16 years 11 months and 2 dayes. Tombstone of EHzabeth Edwards, now missing. Inscription partially supplied from Richmond Dispatch for May 15, 1857. Parts in brackets added by the author. f-fere lies interred the body of [Elizabeth Edwards,] wife of William Edwards of [James] Citty, Gent^ and daughter of ^Benjamin Harrison] of y® [county of Surry, who was born the] sixth day of January — , [and died] the 14th. day of [aged] seventeen years and dayes. 1 William Edwards and Elizabeth his wife are parties to a deed, among the Ambler MSS., for lands at Jamestown, dated 1709. The Church. 131 Tombstone of John Ambler, Esq., now missing. Supplied from Richmond Critic, January 20, 1889. JOHN AMBLER, ESQUIRE. BARRISTER AT LAW Representative in the Assembly for Jamestown and Collector of the District of York River in this Province. He was born the 31st of December 1735, and died at Barbadoes 27th of May, 1766. In the relative and social duties — as a son, and a brother and a friend — few equalled him, and none excelled him. He was early distinguished by his love of letters, which he improved at Cambridge and the Temple, and well knew how to adorn a manly sense with all the elegance of language. To an extensive knowledge of men and things he joined the noblest sentiments of liberty, and in his own example held up to the world the most striking picture of the amiableness of religion. Tombstone of Hon. William Lee (now missing-), of " Green- spring who died June 2y, 179S Aged fifty-eight Years," Tombstone of James Blair, D. D. Very little of Commissary Blair's tombstone remains, but by comparing the fragments with the version given in Meade, Old Churches, etc., Dr. L. B. \Miarton made the restoration as follows : H. S. E. [Hie sepultus est] Vir Reverendus et Honorabilis JACOBUS BLAIR, A. M. In Scotia natus. In Academia Edinburgensi nutritus Primo Angliam deinde Virginiam venit : In qua parte terrarum Annos LVIII Evangelii Preconis, LIV Commissarii, Gulielmi et Mariae Praesidis, e Britanni[a] Principum Conciliarii, Concilii Presidis, Coloniae Prefecti, munera sustinuit ; ornavit eum oris venusti Decus ; [Accepit ornjate, hilari, sine Luxu, hospitali[modo;] munificent — issimo egenis [dediti largo omnibus ; comi [animo] superavit. Collegio bene diversam i'?2 The Cradle of the Republic. fundaverat, moriens Bibliothecam suam ad alendum Theologiae studiosum [et] juventutem pauperiorem instituendam Testamento legavit. [ante] Cal. Mali in die [XIV decessit], MDCCXLIII aetat: LXXXVIII. [eximjiam desideratissimi senis Laudem snis nepotibus commendabnnt [olpera marmore perenniora Translation. Here lies buried The Reverend and Honorable James Blair A.M. Born in Scotland, Educated in the University of Edinburgh, He came First to England, then to Virginia; In which part of the world He filled the offices For 58 years of Preacher of the Gospel, For 54 of Commissary, Of President of William and Mary, Of a Councillor to tlie British Governors, Of President of the Council, Of Governor of the Colony. The comeliness of a handsome face adorned him. He entertained elegantly, in a cheerful, hospitable manner, without luxury;. most munificently he bestowed charity upon all needy persons ; in affability he excelled. For the College a well varied Library he had founded. Dying his own Library by will he bequeathed for the purpose of informing students in Theology and instructing the poorer youth. He departed this life the XIV day before the Calends of May [April i8th]. MDCCXLHI. At the age of LXXXVIII. Works more lasting than marble will commend to his nephews The surpassing praise of a well beloved old man. Tombstone of Mrs. Sarah Blair. Mrs. Blair's epitaph was published in the Petersburg Constel- lation for September 17, 1835, which gave the account of a visit to Jamestown, copied from the Norfolk Beacon. Only a few fragments of the tombstone remains. The Church, [33 Memoriae Sacrum. Here Ives in the hope of a Blessed Resurrection ye Body of Mrs. SARAH BLAIR, wife of Mr. James Blair, Commissary of Virginia, Sometime Minister of this Parish. She was daugliter of Col. Benjamin and Mrs Hannah Harrison of Surry. Born Aug. ye 14^11 1670. Married June ye 2'^ 1687. died May ye 5, 1713 exceeding beloved and lamented. TThan follows a long Latin inscription partly concealed by the tree which clasps it.] Tombstone of Rev. John Clough. Here Lyeth [the] Bodv of [the Rev.] JOHN CLOUGH [late Minister] of this Place Who [departed] This Life [February 15"', 168% ] And Waiteth [in hopes of] A joyful Res[urrection] Tombstone of William Slierwood. [H]ere Lyeth WILLL\M SHERWOO[D] That was Born in the parish of White Chappell near London. A Great sinner Waiting for a joyfull Resurrection Tomljstone of ]:Iannali Ludwell. Under this Stone lies interred The Bodv of Mrs. HANNAH LUDWELL Relict of The Hon. Philip Ludwell, Esq., By whom She has left One SON and Two DAUGHTERS. After a most Exemplary Life Spent in chearful Innocence And The continual Exercise of Piety Charity and Hospitality She Patiently Submitted to Death on the 4"' Day of April 1731 in the 52^' Year of Her Age. ^ t34 1 I5E Cradle of the Republic. Tombstones in the Burial Ground of the Travis Family In the eastern portion of the Island. Tombstone of Edward Travis. Here lyeth the Body of EDWARD TRAVIS who departed this life the I2t'i day of November in the year of our Lord 1700. Tombstone of John Champion. [SkuU and cross honcs.l Here Iveth in the hope of A glorious Resurrection the body of JOHN CHAMPION who was borne the lo'h day of November in the yeare of our Lord 1660 and departed this life the i6ti» day of December in the year of our Lord 1700 And likewise JOHN CHAMPION the son of John Champion who was borne the ii"> day of Dec^ in the yeare of our Lord 169=; and departed this life the ii'^'> day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1700. Tombstone of Susanna Travis. SUSANNA TRAVIS wife of Edward Champion Travis and Daughter of John Hutchings of the Borough of Norfolk Merest And Amy his Wife who Departed this life October the 28"!: 1761 in the 23rd Year of her Age much Lamented by all her Acquaintance And leaving Issue three Sons and one Daughter. Nigh this Place are also Interred The Following Children of the said Edward Travis and Susannah his wife ELIZABETH who was born August 24*'! 1748 and Died September 22^ 1749 AMY who was bom October 9*^ 1752 and Died October 2"^ 1755 JOHN who was born December 9*^^^ I755 and Died November 25'^'> 1759. Ministers. Rev. Robert Hunt, first minister of Jamestown church, was probably the Rev. Robert Hunt, A. M., who was appointed to The Church. 135 the vicarage of Reculver, Kent, January 18, 1594, and resigned in 1602.^ On the recommendation of Dr. Richard Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, the post at Jamestown was offered to Richard Hakkiyt, the friend of Gilbert and Raleigh, at a salary of 50oi, but Hakluyt sent Hunt in his place." All parties unite in praise of him, as he was not infrequently the means of reconciling the warring factions at Jamestown, and was tireless in waiting on the sick and administering religious consolation to the dying. He is thought to have performed the marriage ceremony for John Laydon, a carpenter, and Anne Burras, the maid of Mrs. Forrest — which was the first English marriage in America. He certainly died before October, 1609. Rev. Richard Buck came to Virginia with Sir Thomas Gates, and is said to have been a graduate of Oxford University. While in the Bermudas, he baptized John Rolfe's infant daughter, Bermuda, by his first wife, but the child soon died. He reached Jamestown with Gates, May 23, 16 10, and, on landing, held services in the church, and made " a zealous and sorrowful prayer " over the spectacle of death and starvation in the fort. On the arrival of Lord Delaware, he divided with the minister whom the latter brought over the duties of the church at Jamestown, " the two preachers taking their turns weekly." He united in marriage John Rolfe and Pocahontas, about April 5, 1614, and July 30, 1619, acted as the chaplain of the first general assembly that ever met in Virginia, being- mentioned as " a verie good preacher." His opening words were that it would please God " to guard and sanctifie all our proceedings to his owne glory and the good of this Planta- tion."^ < He pjirchased on December 18, 1620, from William Fairfax, " yeoman and ancient planter, who had remained eight years in the country, and Margery his wife, an old planter also that came into the country married to said Fairfax," twelve acres of land, a mile from Jamestown, in the eastern part of the Island, on which were " a dwelling house and another little house."'* 1 Brown, Genesis of the United States, II., 929. . 2 Smith, Works (Arber's ed.), II., 958. 3 Brown, Genesis of the United States, II., 835. ^ J 'a. Land Register, 1., 650. 136 The Cradle of the Republic. He patented also 750 acres and had a glebe of 100 acres. ^ The glebe land is still known as such, and is situated at Archer's Hope, across from the east end of the Island. '^ ^ ^ ^ - ^^^:v.-X /C^ ^^„^ ^ ^^ >„ ^ y- ^' »'— »Af died in 1677, while rector of Bletchingly, in Surry.^ Rev. Thomas Hampton came to Virginia before 1637, in which year he secured several grants for land in the Upper County of New Norfolk (afterwards Nansemond county). In 1640, he received from the general court an order for 100 acres in addition to the 100 acres of glebe belonging to the rectory of James City Parish. November 4, 1639. he received a grant, pursuant to an act for building James City, dated February 20, 1637, for land on a ridge between two swamps behind the church, running in length east and west eighty-two poles, and in breadth northerly and southerly thirty-six paces (five feet to every pace). Another patent, June 12, 1644, gave him eight acres on a ridge behind the church, extending from the eastern- most bounds of his former lot, westerly 112 paces, and running the same breadth northerly to Back River. About 1646, Mr. Hampton moved to York County, where he was rector of Hampton Parish. An order of York County does not present him in a very enviable light. Whereas it appears to the court that " Mr. Thomas Hampton clerk obteyncd the guardianship of the orphans of John Powell late of yis county dec and hath possesst himselfe with yere estates & hath also removed one of y«= s^^ orphants with most of y*^ s\ a free school for boys. QQO A^ ^Irs. Whaley died in Eng- ■^rC^2/^'''A^^7VAt <5^^ land, in 1742, leaving most ^^ ^^y of her estate to this school. To get the money the church wardens of Bruton Parish, who had charge of the school, sued the executor in England. But soon after the suit was instituted, the Revolution broke out and the school sus- pended ; and the fund in England was lost sight of. Nearly a hundred years later, in 1867. some money belonging to this 1 Perry, Papers Relating to the Church in Virginia, 170. The Governor's House. 163 charity was handed over by the EngHsh courts to the author- ities of WilHam and Mary College, who, undertaking to ad- minister the trust, erected the brick building now standino where the palace once stood, and established in it a school called " the Mattey Whaley Observation and Practice School of William and Mary College."^ In the churchyard of Bedfont Parish, England, is the tombstone of Mary Whaley, and in the churchyard of Bruton Parish, Virginia, lies buried her husband, James Whaley. The upright marble slab, which forms the eastern end of James Whaley 's box tomb, has upon it engraved these words : MATTHEW WHALEY lyes Interred here Within this Tomb upon his FATHER dear. Who Departed This Life the 26*1^ of September, 1705. Aged Nine vears. onlv child of TAMES WHALEY and MARY his wife. 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., IV., 3-15. XI. THE STATE HOUSE. The first general assembl}' of Virginia, which met July 30, 1619, held its meetings in the new timber church erected not long before at the present brick tower. It consisted of the governor, six councillors, and twenty burgesses representing ten plantations. The burgesses of Martin's Brandon were refused a seat because of the independence asserted by the proprietor, Captain John Martin. The speaker of the as- sembly was John For}", a master of arts of the university of Cambridge, and at that time colonial secretary of state. As is tlie custom in the house of commons to-day, the mem- bers Avore their hats, and insisted on their privileges. Many important acts were passed, and the earliest assembly in the oldest of the original States, at its first session, took measures for the education of the Indians and for the erection of a imiversity and college.^ In imitation of a Scotch parliament, the governor, council, and burgesses in the first assembly sat as one bocW, but it is probable, however, that this practice prevailed only during the existence of the company, and that, Avhen the assembly came together in 1628 after the dissolution of the charter, the burgesses in imitation of the house of commons sat apart. We have none of the early journals of the general assembly after 1619 and previous to 1652, but in Hening's Stafitfcs at Large one of the acts passed- in the year 1647 has a reference to the " members of both houses," showing that the council and burgesses sat apart at that time, and probably had been doing so ever since the reorganization in 1628. From 1652 on, there is plenty of evidence of the bi- cameral nature of the general assembly. Thus in the orders published by Flening for the sessions during the common- wealth (1652-1660) the burgesses clearly act as an organized ^Journal of the Assembly of 1619, in State Senate Doc. (extra), 1874. 2 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 341. [164] The State House. 165 body independent of governor and council.'' are called a house,- and have their own clerk^ and rules of government.'* The same condition of things is revealed by the journal after the Restoration,'"' and we have the authority of Rev. Roger Green,*^ who had been to Jamestown and wrote in 1662 as follows: " AVhatever is of public concernment in Virginia is determined by their Grand Assemblies, wdiich are usually held once a year and consist of Governor and Council, which make the upper house, and the Burgesses wdiich represent the People, and make the lower house, and are chosen out of every county by the People, after the manner that Burgesses are chosen for Parliament in England '•'' " ''\ What- soever passes into an act of Assembly must be agreed'd upon by the major part of the Burgesses ''•' ''■'■ '' ." And in 1676, T. ]\I.'s narrative shows that the council and bvirgesses had dil^"erent rooms in the state house." With this evidence it seems impossible to reconcile Bever- ley's statement^ that " the council and burgesses were joined till 1680, when Lord Culpeper, taking advantage of some disputes among them, procured the council to sit apart from the assembly." And yet probably Beverlev's words must not be taken too literall}' as there was some commingling" of the two houses previous to 1680 or, at least, previous to 1676, which did not exist after that time. A resolution-' of the burgesses in 1658 that " all propositions and laws " — " shall be first discussed among the Burgesses only " * * '•'' in private " * ■•■ and not in presence of the Governor and Council," indicates that previous to 1658 the governor and councillors sat sometimes as advisers with the burgesses. After 1658, it was the practice for two councillors to sit, in 1 See Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 371, 372, 37^, etc. 2 Ibid., L, 507, 509, 511. 3 Ibid., I., 377. 4 Ibid., I.. 507. ^ Ibid., II., 20-], 206. ^Virginia's Cure (Force, Tracts. III., No. xv). ■^ Force, Tracts, I., No. viii. s Beverley, Virginia, 187. Ii> another place in his history, page 37, the language might be interpreted to nxean that the council and burgesses never joined their houses again after the first meeting. ^ Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 497. i66 The Cradle of the Republic. an advisory capacity, with the committees of the house, but this practice was discontinued about 1680, so that Beverley may have had this in mind when he wrote. It is almost certain that more than one session of the assembly was held in the old church, but how many we may never know. During Harvey's administration the council, and probably the burgesses, held their sessions at his residence, which was described as " a general harbor for all comers." It was the scene of an interesting incident in Harvey's time, when the colony was excited over the disruption of Virginia's territory by the charter of Maryland to Lord Baltimore. Har- vey, who was very unpopular as a friend of Lord Baltimore, suppressed a petition addressed by the people to the king on the subject of the tobacco trade and justified an attack by Lord Baltimore's men upon a pinnace of Claiborne engaged in the fur trade from Kent Island. At York on April 5, 1635. a meet- iiig of protest was held at the house of William Warren, near the present Yorktown, where the chief speakers were Captain Nicholas Martian, an ancestor of Washington, Captain Francis Pott, and William English, the sheriff of Charles River County (York). Harvey was enraged at the proceeding and caused the leaders to be arrested and threatened them with the gallows. Then he called a council at his house at Jamestown, and de- manded the execution of martial law upon the prisoners ; and, when the council declined to give the order, he paced up and down the council room in great anger. After a while, he took his seat, and with a frowning countenance demanded an imme- diate answer to this question : " Wliat do you think they deserve that have gone about to persuade the people from obedience to his j\Iajesty's substitute?" George Menifie, of Littletown, to whom the question was first directed, adroitly evaded it by saying, " I am but a young lawyer, and dare not upon the sudden deliver my opinion." The governor required this answer to be set down in writing; and when William Farrar of Henrico, another member, com- plained of the unreasonableness of the question, Harvey, in his majesty's name, forbade him to speak until his turn. Captain Mathews, of Denbigh, not deterred by this, commenced with a The State House. 167 i68 The Cradle of the Republic. remark similar to Farrar's, and was interrupted by a like com- m,and. But after this, the rest of the council began to speak, and refused to be so questioned. The next day there was another meeting, and Harvey sternly demanded the reason of the country's opposition to him. When Menifie informed him, Harvey rose in a great rage, and said to Menifie, " And do you say so?" He replied "Yes." In a fury Harvey clapped Menifie on the shoulder and said, '* I arrest you on suspicion of high treason to his Majesty." Captain John Utie, who was nearest, returned the blow, and said in a loud voice, " And we the like to you, sir." And, thereupon, the councillors crowded around Harvey ; and Captain ]\'Iathews, throwing his arms about him, forced him into a chair, telling him to be quiet as no harm was intended to him. In the meantime, Dr. John Pott, who stood at the door, waved his hand, and fifty armed musketeers, previously concealed, appeared. In May, an assembly was convened, which ratified the work of the council, and confirmed as governor Captain John West, brother of the late Lord Delaware ; and Harvey was soon after put aboard a ship and sent ofif to England in the custody of Francis Pott and Thomas Harwood. The deposition of Sir John Harvey was the first vindication on the American continent of the con- stitutional right of a people to order their own government. In 1637, Harvey had returned, and in 1639 he wrote that a levy had been laid by the general assembly for building a state house, and an act, passed in January, 1640, provided for a further levy of two pounds of tobacco. George IMenifie was sent to England for mechanics, and about this time the coun- try house in " New Towne " was erected for their entertain- ment. But it is not believed that a state house was actually built. In the vicissitudes of party, AVyatt succeeded Harvey in No- vember, 1639, and Wyatt's council ordered all the late gov- ernor's property to be sold to pay his debts. And, accord- ingly, Harvey on April 7, 1641, conveyed^ to the colonial government for 15,700 pounds of tobacco " all that capital, messuage or tenement now used for a courthouse, late in the tenure of Sir John Harvey situate and being with- 1 Robinson's Abstracts of Council Proceedings. The State House. 169 in James Citty Island in Mrginia, with the old house, and granary, garden, and orchard, as also one plot of ground lying and being on the west side of said capital and messuage, as the same is now enclosed." This property is believed to have been the two houses and orchard which were presented^ by the general assembly, in 1642, to the new governor, Sir William Berkeley. The latter built a third brickhouse adjoining the two, and the three formed a block, of which the middle, the " old courthouse," was what is referred to in the records as " the state house." Probably Sir William Berkeley lived in the last of the build- ings ; and when he removed to Greenspring after the change in government, he sold- it for 27,500 pounds of tobacco to Richard Bennett, Esq., describing it as '" the westermost of those three brick houses which I then built." Several grants of land show that this first state house was in the " New Towne " east of the churchyard. There is first a grant^ of an acre, 23 rods long, to John White, dated August 28, 1644, placing the churchyard on the west, the land apper- taining to the state liouse on the east, and the land of Rev. Thomas Hampton towards the north. There is the lease'* of one acre in 1643 ^ Captain Robert Hutchinson, " Anciently belonging to Mr. Samuel Mole, bounded South upon the River, North towards Passbyhaes. West upon the land of John Osborne and towards the State House." " Passbyhaes," re- ferred to here, was a general direction, as any of the country outside of the Island was in the Indian district " Passbyhaes." The state house must have ceased to be used for govern- ment purposes sometime previous to June, 1656, since in De- cember of that year Thomas Woodhouse, an ordinary keeper, was allowed"" by the assembly 2,500 povmds of tobacco " for the quarter courts (general court) setting at his house two courts and for the committee's accommodation." The two previous quarter courts sat in June and September, 1656. . Abstracts of three deeds of Sir William Berkelev, dated 1 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 267. 2 Ibid., i., 407. ^ Va. Land Register, II., 10. ■*Ibid., I., 944. 5 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 425. I/O The Cr.\dle of the Republic. April 3, 1670, once on record in the general court, affirm that the state house was destroyed by fire, and that it was the middle building of three, each forty feet by twenty, all of which were generally referred to as the " State House." By the terms of the deeds mentioned, Sir William conveyed " the ruins " of all three buildings to Henry Randolph, of Henrico,, and the westernmost, which sold for twenty-five pounds ster- ling, was described as " the remains, foundations and brick work of a certain house or messuage that was burned, forty feet long by twenty feet broad, being the westermost part of the ruined fabric or building adjoining the old State House, which said ruined messuage was formerly in the occupation of Richard Bennett, Esq.," including half an acre adjacent.^ -, There is a grant- to Thomas Ludwell and Thomas Stegge, dated January i, 1667, for an half acre in James • City, lying on the river side, and adjoining to the westermost of those three houses, " all of which joyntly were for- merly called by the name of the State House," be- ginning " close to the wall where the said wester- most house joynes to the middle house, thence run- ning southwesterly 34 de- grees 67 feet to high-water mark, thence northwesterly 56 de- grees up the river side 120 feet, thence northeasterly 34 degrees. 181 feet and halfe, thence southeasterly 56 degrees 120 feet, thence southwesterly again 34 degrees through the said old State House, and the partition wall dividing the said wester- most house and middle house, 114 feet and halfe to the place w^here it first began." It appears then that the three buildings \ Sir Thomas Lunsford, Knight. 1 J 'a. Magazine, VIII., 408. 2 J 'a. Land Register, VI., 223. The State House. 171 of which the state house was the middle constituted a block which was distant 67 feet from high-water and had a frontage of 120 feet and a depth of 20 feet. They stood in a lot ex- tending along the river 280 feet and running back 181 feet. Henry Randolph did not long retain the buildings ; for April 7, 1671, he sold the westernmost fabric to Thomas Ludwell and Thomas Stegge, the middle building to Nathaniel Bacon, Sr,, executor of Allies Cary, deceased, and the eastern building (said to have been formerly in the occupation of Thomas Bailey) to Colonel Thomas Swann. Then bv his will proved Alay 15, 1671, Thomas Stegge left to Thomas Ludwell his interest in a 'house bought jointly with Ludwell of Henrv Ran- dolph.^ Subsequently Ludwell got a patent for half an acre of land adjoining this tenement, and on Alarch 17, 1672, recon- veyed the tenement with the land so adjoining to Sir William Berkeley, who originally owned it, for 150 pounds sterling. - As for several years after December, 1656, there is no fur- ther payment made by order of the assembly to ordinary keepers, the general assembly probably hired a building for governmental purposes. It therefore constituted the second " state house," and stood like the first on the fourth ridge ; for in October, 1656, John Bauldwin patented'^* ten acres on the river at the western shore of the Island, which is described as South upon the slash which lyeth between the State House " and Richard James" land. James' land was bounded by a southern line from " Frigett Landing," a«d east of this line Pitch and Tarr Swamp became the southern boundary of the fourth ridge. The second state house appears to have per- ished by fire before October, 1660, as during the assembly held that month an act was passed for allowing Thomas Hunt, an ordinary keeper, 3.500 pounds of tobacco for the use of his house for the assembly, and Thomas W'oodhouse 4.000 pounds for the use of his house for governor and council. Indeed, in October, 1666, reference is made in an act to " two severall fires," which had destroyed some of the records in the secretarv's office. 1 Nezv England Hist, and Gen. Mag., XXXIX., 161. 2f'ff. Magazine. VIII., 409. STa. Land Register, IV., 88. 172 The Cradle of the Republic. In October, 1660, Sir William Berkeley was asked by the general assembly to contract for a new state house, and sub- sequently in ?vlarch, 1661, a general subscription was started in order to avoid a tax levy. The governor, councillors, and burgesses headed the list ; and an order was passed that the several county courts and vestrys take subscriptions from the ether inhabitants.^ Probably no great sum was raised, and the assembly continued to hold their meetings at the ordinaries for several vears. September 16, 1663, the question was sub- mitted in the house of burgesses : " Since the charge the country is yearly at for houses for the quarter courts and assemblies to sit in v/ould in two or three years defray the pur- chase of a State House ; whether it were not more profitable to purchase for that purpose then continue forever at the expense, accompanied with the dishonour, of all our laws being made, and our judgments given, in ale houses." The next day. Col. William Barber, Col. Gerard Fowke, Lieutenant Colonel Kendall, Mr. Warren, Mr. Rawleigh Traverse and Mr. Thomas Lucas were appointed a committee to confer with the governor about the matter.^ The assembly had in December, 1662, passed an act to build a town of thirty-two brick houses at Jamestown, and April 10, w 1665, Thomas Ludwell, the secretary of state, wrote' to Lord Arlington that they " had already built enough to accommodate the affairs of the country," by which it is supposed that the state house had been erected. The new state house, instead of standing like the other two on the river shore east of the church, stood on the third ridge above it, and its dimensions were seventy-four feet by twenty feet within the walls. It w^as two stories high, had probably garrets and dormer win- dows, and its roof was covered with tiles. The space in the first story was divided into two rooms, and the eastern division, wdiich was about forty-three feet long, was used by the council 1 Hening, Statutes at Large, II., 38. 2 Ibid., II., 204, 205. s British State Papers, Colonial, 1661-1668, p. 290. The State House. i73'. Ill discharge of its triple duty as the general court, advisory body to the governor, and upper house of legislation. The NA'estern room, about thirty-one feet long, was probably used as a waiting room for those having business at court. ^ On the north of the building was a wing, and on the south a porch connected with it bv a hall in which ran the stair-case to the upper story containing the apartments of the house of bur- gesses, and the ofiice of Thomas Ludwell, secretary of state.- Joining on to the state house was Philip Ludwell, Jr.'s block of three houses in length 3^ chains or 123^ feet, and westerly attached by a common wall was a " Country House," which must not be confounded with the country house in " New Towne." These four united buildings were each about forty feet square within the walls, and were divided longitudinally by a middle wall, in the nature of a prolongation of the north- ern wall of the state house, which suggests that these houses were enlarged to just twice their original size, being first forty by twenty feet, according to the specifications of the act of December, 1662, for rebuilding the town.'^ In February, 1903, the earth overlying was removed, and the brick founda- tions of this block of connected buildings, and of the state house, about two hundred and forty feet long, were disclosed. Here in June, 1676, occurred an interesting incident in the history of the colony. On the 5th of the month, the assembly convened in the state house to take measures against the sav- ages, who had attacked the frontier settlers and committed many murders. Now, not long before, Nathaniel Bacon, one of the council, against the wishes of Governor Berkeley, went with an army and defeated the Occaneechees near the North Carolina line. .So when he came to the assembly, as a delegate from Henrico County, Berkeley, in towering wrath, had him arrested by ]\Iajor Theophilus Hone, high sheriff of Tames City Couijty. Sympathy, however, with Bacon was widespread, and Berkeley, soon finding it to his interest, aft'ected forgiveness, and offered to restore Bacon to his seat in the council on his making the proper apologies. Bacon was very unwilling to 1 Yonge. Site of Old Jamestozvnc, 68. 2 Ibid., 70. 3 Ibid., 66. 174 The Cradle of the Republic. humiliate himself, but was persuaded by his cousin Col. Na- thaniel Bacon, Sen., to make the submission required of him, and this is how it was done, as told by " T. M." in his narra- tive of Bacon's Rebellion} The burgesses, having elected their speaker, marched in a body downstairs to the council chamber to hear the governor's address ; and when they were all in the room, the governor, standing up before them, made this announcement: " If there be joy in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repent- cth, there is joy now, for we have a penitent sinner come before us. Call Mr. Bacon." In response Mr. Bacon came forward, and resting " upon one knee at the bar, delivered a sheet of paper, confessing his crimes, and begging pardon of God, of the King and the Governor." After this there was a profound silence which was broken by Berkeley with the words thrice repeated : " God forgive you, I forgive you." Thereupon, Col. William Cole, of the council, and afterwards secretary of ^^^^^^^ fCo^e j/?5»?-w--* state, asked " and all that were with him? " " Yea," said the governor, " and all that were with him." Apparently, in this way, the affair between Berkeley and Bacon was settled, and that evening, as T. M. passed the door of the council cham- ber, he saw Mr. Bacon in his " quondam seat," with the governor and council. But as it resulted, it was only a brief truce, and the quarrel soon broke out between the two men with greater virulence than ever. Shortly afterwards, the house of burgesses appointed a committee on Indian aft'airs, and the governor sent -two members of the council to sit with them and give advice. The queen of Pamunkey, a relation of Opechancanough, was called before the committee, and she entered the chamber " with a comportment graceful to admiration," at- 1 Force, Tracts, I., No. viii. The State House. 175 tended on her right by an English interpreter and on her left by her son, a young man of twenty years. She was clothed in a mantle of dressed deer skins, having the hair outward and cut in fringes six inches long, from her shoulders to her feet ; and around her head she wore a " pleat of black and wdiite wampumpeake," three inches broad. After she had taken her seat at the table, the chairman asked her how many men she could provide for the colony in the war which now threatened them. At first she declined to speak, and by a motion of the head passed the question to her son, who also remained silent. When the chairman reiterated his question, the queen, after further silence, broke out in vehement reproaches against the English for their injustice and ingratitude. Twenty years before, her husband. Totopotomoi, had been slain with many of his men while assisting the Eng- lish in a battle with the Ricahecreans near a creek in Hanover County still bearing Totopotomoi's name, but she had never received the slightest compensation for her loss. " With a high shrill voice and vehement passion, she cried ' Totopotomoi Chipiack ! Totopotomoi Chipiack ! ' Totopotomoi is dead, Totopotomoi is dead ! " When her harangue was over, the chairman of the commit- tee, instead of show'ing sympathy, roughly pushed the question again : " How many Indians will you contribute ? " The queen looked at him scornfully, and when he again demanded an answer she, in a "slow slighting voice," answered ''Six" — although, at that very time, she had as many as 150 men in her towns in Pamunkey Neck. Further questioned, she said sul- lenly " Twelve," after which, as if disdaining to have any further treaty with the white men, she rose from her seat and abruptly quitted the room. Several days later, the governor resolved to rearrest Bacon, and early in the morning sent soldiers to search Lawrence's house where Bacon staid. But Bacon received notice of Berkeley's intentions, and hastened from the town to his plan- tation at Curls Neck thirty miles up the river. Here his friends rallied about him, and presently finding himself with a sufficient force he set out for Jamestown a second time. The governor, at first, was full of fight, but, finding his friends of a different mind, soon gave up the notion of defend- 176 The Cradle of the Republic. ing the place. June 23, 1676, Bacon crossed to the Island unopposed, and following the " Old Great Roade "marched to the third ridge, where, after dispatching squads of troops to secure the fort, the ferry, and the neck by which he had crossed, he drew up the rest of his forces, " horse and foot," on the green " not a flight shot from the end of the State House." Shortly the drum beat for the assembly to meet, and Bacon sent into the state house to demand a commission against the Indians. Thereupon, Sir William Berkeley came out, and at first angrily refused, dramatically tearing open his breast and crying out: "Here, shoot me — fore God, fair mark." But Bacon only replied, " No, ma}- it please your Honor, I come not. nor intend, to hurt a hair of your head, but I come for a commission against the heathen, who are daily spilling our brethren's blood ; and a commission I will have before I go." Many more words passed, till Bacon, growing tired of the interview, turned to his soldiers, and swearing a mighty oath, called out : " Make ready, present ! " The soldiers promptly directed their pieces to the windows of the state house, crowded with burgesses and councillors. One of these seeing the danger, shook a handker- chief out of the window and cried out to the sol- diers : " For God's sake, hold your hands and for- bear a little, and you shall have what you please." Upon which there was much hurrying and solici- tation, and the governor was finally induced to give the commission de- manded of him. Then, Lucius Gary, Lord Falkland. Bacon, who had now ob- tained all he desired, left town with his soldiers, and marched up to the Falls of the river, preparatory to going out a second time ac:ainst the Indians. The State House. 177 As related on page 69, Bacon returned not long after and burned Jamestown, September 19, 1676; and this so greatly discouraged the general assembly . that, after peace was restored, they had some thought of establishing the capital in some other place, but they soon set to work to re-establish Jamestown, and on December 4. 1685, Mr. Auditor Bacon^ was ordered by the general assembly to pay " Col. Philip Ludwell £400 sterling out of ye money accruing from ye duty of three pence pr. gallon upon liquors for and in consequence of rebuilding ye State House, upon payment of which money Mr. Auditor is desired to take bond from Col. Ludwell for ye full compleating of ye House in such manner as shall be fully satisfactory to his Excellency, ye Council, and ye House of Burgesses, answerably good and equivalent to the condition of ye same." The following extract from a message addressed to the house by the governor during the session of the assembly of 1685 shows that the third and fourth state house buildings occupied the same site and probably were of the same shape and proportions : " This day an addresse and some orders of yi' House have been presented to me & ye Council by some of yr members, and doe much wonder, you should propose soe unreasonably, as to desire our concurrence, in ye memorial (removal?) of ye secretaries office, wch ever since ye State House zcas first built, until burnt, has been continued in ye place you allot for an office for ye Clerk, soe that Mr. Secre- tary justly claims it by prescription, and you yourselves have soe consented and alsoe desired, that it be enlarged as by ye agreement made ye last Gen'l Assembly with Col. Ludwell." The new building then was the third state house restored, but, as indicated by the language of the order above cited, some changes were made in the assignment of the rooms. Con- trary to the wishes of the governor, the house of burgesses appropriated to their clerk, Robert Beverley, the porch room adjoining their hall on the second story, deeming the proximity of the secretary of state " both inconvenient and incom- modious to them whilst sitting : there being nothing spoken or proposed in ye House that was not equally to be heard there as 1 Nathaniel Bacon, Sen. 12 1^8 The Cradle of the Republic. well as in ye Assembly room itself, besides ye same gave con- tinual opportunity to all sorts of persons to crowd before the Assembly room, under pretence of coming to ye Office." Lord Howard finally agreed to yield, if a room in the chamber adjoining the council room should be partitioned off: and fitted up for the secretary of state with shelves, tables and benches, at the cost of the country (the colony).^ Robert Beverley, the clerk, who was at the bottom of this contention, was one of the most interesting men of his times. During Bacon's Rebellion he and Philip Ludwell, brother of .Secretary Thomas Ludwell, had been Governor Berkeley's chief supporters, and when the war was over, they and other friends of Berkeley fell under the displeasure of the king's commissioners. Col. Herbert Jeffreys, Col. Francis Moryson, and Sir John Berry. In their zeal to get at the beginnings of Bacon's Rebellion upon which they were charged to report, the commissioners demanded the journals of the house of bur- ^^/^^2^-^^e^l^T^ gesses, now composed of the friends of Sir William Berkeley ; but Beverley, who had them in charge declined to hand them over. This was a most fortunate incident for the fame of Bev- erley, as it identified him with the dearest rights of the popular branch of the legislature. A few years later, in 1682, he be- came identified with another great principle, the personal liberty of the citizen ; for being arrested by Governor Culpeper for participation in the conspiracy of the " Tobacco Plant Cutters," he underwent much persecution, and was denied the right of the habeas corpus writ, for which he applied. Still later he figured as the champion of the right of the assembly to lay taxes ; for when Lord Howard, of Effingham, endeav- ored to induce the house of burgesses to authorize him and the council to exercise that power, Beverley was foremost in urg- ing the burgesses to decline the request, which they did. As a consequence, he was deprived of his clerkship August i, 1686, 1 McDonald Papers, in State Library. The State House. 179 and the king, assuming the right of appointment, commis- sioned Captain Francis Page as his successor. Robert Bever- ley died about April, 1687, leaving a number of sons, among whom was Robert Beverley, the historian.^ The site of the fourth state house at Jamestown Island, and consequently of the third, is fixed by a patent^ for land at the west end granted in 1694 to William Sherwood, which describes the head of a branch of Pitch and Tar Swamp, begin- ning at the west end of the Island, as " next above the State House." This is further confirmed by recent excavations on the third ridge, which have disclosed the extensive brick foun- dations already referred to, corresponding to the outward manifestations described in 1837 by "Sir. Richard Randolph, who stated that there then existed on the ridge great quan- tities of bricks, plaster and other debris, prompting his con- jecture that " they were the remains of the Governor's or State House. "^ October 31, 1698, flames once more attacked Jamestown, and in this fire the state house and most probably all the other buildings on the third ridge, except the powder magazine, were destroyed. The consequences were fatal to the town, for no attempt was made to rebuild, and in 1699 the seat of govern- ment was removed to Williamsburg. There at the east end of a spacious avenue, facing the college at the west end, a brick building, in the form of the letter H, too pretentious in the eyes of Governor Nicholson to be called a state house, was erected. It was the first capitol so-called in the United States. It stood till 1746, when a fire broke out and destroyed it also. A new capitol was erected soon after on the same walls, which stood till 1832, when it was attacked by the same devouring agent, and perished like its predecessor. In 1840, a portion of the brick walls was used for the construction of a female 1 J^a. Maga:;ijic, II., 40^-ai3 ; William and Mary Coll. Oitarf..Ul., 149. 2 T'a. Land Register. VIII.. 384. ^Southern Literary Messenger, III., 303. And in the Ambler MSS. in the Library of Congress there is a deed in 1694 from William Sher- wood to Francis Bullifant for two acres which are described as "bounded west by James River, southerly by the slash or branch that parts this land and the State House, easterly by the Create Roade, and northerly by the said slash that p[ar]ts this la'nd and the block house land." i8o The Cradle of the Republic. academy, which was in use till the war of 1861-1865, when the school was discontinued, and after several years the build- ing became the property of the Old Dominion Land Company, who pulled the academy down and removed the bricks. In 1897 this company presented the site to the ladies of the Asso- ciation for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, and they have laid bare the ancient foundations of the capitol and patri- otically erected a monument on the spot where so much of the constructive work of the Revolution was performed. THE LONE CYPRESS 300 feet from the western shore line of the Island. XII. SOCIAL CONDITIONS. Character of the emigrants. The emigrants sent over in the original ships and the " First " and " Second SuppHes " were largely gentlemen of the fearless stamp of Drake and Hawkins, and many of them had endured all sorts of hardships on land and sea. Indeed, it is a truth generally conceded that in all affairs requiring courage, fatigue and endurance young men of birth and station are to be preferred. The emigrants were Christian Protestants, who were very exact in the performance of religious duties, and among the first things attended to was the service of Gcd. The misfortunes of the first two years are to be attributed not to the colonists, but to circumstances over which they had little control. These were the form of government, which pro- duced discord and faction ; the policy of the London Company, which, for a present return of profit, demanded the sacrifice of all measures necessary to the welfare of the colony ; the place of settlement, which was without springs of fresh water, and was covered with huge trees, marshes and morasses ; the scanty and ill conditioned provisions received at Jamestown ; the absence of private property, the natural stimulus of labor; the severe and unceasing hardships and exposures experienced by the settlers ; a climate singularly fatal to new comers ; and the neighborhood of a numerous and ferocious body of In- dians, who resented bitterly the intrusion of the whites upon their territory. Thus the conditions were in every respect the reverse of those of the Plymouth settlement on Cape Cod Bay ; for there the Pilgrim Fathers had the control of their own government, the advantage of a dry and healthful situation, a sparkling stream of fresh water at their doors, open fields deserted by the Indians, whose nearest town was forty miles distant, a bay teeming with fish and a country abounding in animals whose skins brought a large profit in England. And [i8i] i82 The Cradle of the Republic. yet favored as they were, had they not been succored by Vir- ginia ships, the settlers might have all perished of famine. ^ As to the " Third Supply," who were afterwards stigmatized as a " lewd company " and " gallants packed thither by their friends to escape worse destinies at home," they appear from the broadsides issued by the company to have been chiefly artisans of all sorts. Probably Rev. William Croshaw stated^- the case fairly in a sermon which he preached in 1610 that " those who were sent over at the company's expense were,, for aught he could see, like those who were left behind, even of all sorts better and worse " and that " the gentlemen who went on their own account " were as good as the scoffers at home, and it may be " many degrees better." They had all the troubles of the early emigrants besides evils peculiarly their own, namely, imported pestilence and absolute w^ant of victuals and leadership, so that it is no wonder that they nearly all died in less than nine months. After the " Starving Time," for nine consecutive years^ most of the emigrants who came were laboring men, but they did not endure as w'ell as the gentlemen of the earlier times, and most of them died under the hardships of martial law as administered by the iron-handed Dale. Nor after the introduction of free institutions, in 1619, was the story of mis- fortune in any great degree changed. The emigration con- tinued for many years to be that of laboring people, but cli- matic diseases slew them by hundreds ; for w'e are told that the people on James River died like " cats and dogs " in the months of July and August,^ and hardly one in five survived even the first year of his stay.* When after 1642 the civil wars in England drove thousands of people to Virginia, two causes tended to reduce the death rate — the better material of the emigrants, being persons of genteel families, and the better health conditions in the colony itself, brought about by the opening of the forests. The mor- tality after this still fell chiefly upon the servants exposed to 1 Bradford, Plymouth Colony, 150, 153. 2 Brown, Genesis of the IJnftcd States, I., 364. 3 De Vries, Voyages (New York Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d series), 2i7'^ ^William and 'Mary Coll. Quart., VII., 66, 114. Social Conditions. 183 the malaria of the tobacco fields, and especially upon the criminal class who were most friendless and forlorn, and this continued until negroes took the place of white labor. As the mortality among the white servants was so dreadful, Mr. Jefferson's estimate^ of 4,000, as the number of convicts and their descendants in Virginia at the time of the Revolu- tion, appears not far fetched. The influence of this class, form- ing as they did a small percentage of the servants, never amounted to anything as the law of Virginia forbade any con- vict from ever holding any position of honor or trust in the colony. About the close of the seventeenth century negro labor was substituted for white labor, and thus the bulk of the white emigration of the eighteenth century was composed of free citizens, the greater part being thrifty and intelligent Scotch- Irish people driven by persecution to Virginia. This emigra- tion was very large as shown by the census — the total white population in 1700 being about 70,000, whereas in 1776 it was about 296,852. In the nineteenth century a verv small per- centage of the immense European emigration to the United States came southward ; so the South missed the flood of paupers and criminals, against whom in the end the Federal Congress found itself compelled to pass stringent laws. The white population of A^irginia is thus the most strictly homogeneous American population on the continent. The following figures may be taken as approximately repre- senting the population of the colony at different times from 1607 to 1776. The number of emigrants brought over to June 10, 1610, inclusive of Lord Delaware's company, was about 800. Between this time and December, 161 8, 1,000 arrived, making a total of 1,800 persons, and of this number 1,200 died, leaving 600 survivors. Then in the interval between December, 1618, and November, 1619, 840 emigrants arrived^ who made with the survivors 1,440 persons, of whom 540 died, leaving about 900 survivors. There were sent to Virginia between November, 1619, and February, 1625, 4,749 emigrants, who with the 900 of November, 1619,. made a total of 5,649, of whom only 1,095 were living in Virginia February 20, 1625 ; showing a total mortality 1 Writings of Jefferson (Randolph), I., 406. 184 The Cradle of the Republic. in about eighteen years of 6,294 persons out of 7,389 imported.^ After this time the violent fluctuations of the early years ceased, and there was a slow but steady in- crease. In 1629, the population of Virginia was about 3,000;^ in 1634, 5,000 r in 1649, 15,000 (of whom 500 were negroes) ;^ in 1654, 21,600;^ in 1665, 40,000 (of whom 2,000 were negroes);*^ in 1681, 70,000 or 80,000;" in 1715, 95,000 (of whom 23,000 were negroes) f in 1755, 295,672 (of whom 120,156 were negroes) ;•' and in 1776, 567,614 (of whom 270,762 were negroes ).^° Houses. In Jamestown the first houses were log cabins, but in 1614 framed houses were built two stories and a half high, which being of sappy timber soon decayed. Afterwards, about 1619, seasoned timber was used, and about 1630 the first brick houses were erected,^^ after which the houses in Jamestown were chiefly of brick, two stories high, with dormer windows. Outside of Jamestown where rural conditions prevailed, the buildings pursued the same general development, but wooden structures always remained in the majority. About the middle of the seventeenth century the typical country house was a framed building one story and a half high, with brick chim- neys at either end,^- but as shown by the inventories, there were framed buildings in each county two stories high with garrets besides. The country brick houses were generally one and a half story like the Cocke residence at Malvern Hill, but there were also, as in the case of the wooden houses, some brick houses two and a half stories high, of which " Bacon's Castle " in Surry, " Ringfield " in York County, built about 1680, and the Burwell house in Gloucester, built in 1694, have survived to the present day. We are told by Beverley that the I Brown, First Republic. 285, 329, 612. ^Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1574-1660, p. 89. 3 Ibid. ^A Perfect Description of Virginia (Force, Tracts, II., No. viii). 5 Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 151. 6 Winder Papers, I., 187. '' Cnlpeper's Report. 8 Chalmers, American Colonies, II., 7. ^ Dinzviddie Papers, II., 345. 10 Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 151. II The house of Sir John Harvey, afterwards called the state house, was certainly of brick. 12 Hammond, Leah and Rachel (Force, Tracts, III., No. xiv, 18). Social Conditions. 185 Virginians of the seventeenth century did not hke " towering fabrics," because of the high winds which often prevailed.^ Thus the "great gust" of August, 1667, blew down 15,000 houses in Maryland and Virginia, though from notices in the county books the victims were chiefly tobacco barns and other outhouses. After the forests were cleared away, these violent storms became less frequent. During the eighteenth century the great influx of wealth arising from the employment of negro labor resulted in greatly improved architecture. The generality of the country houses remained the typical house of one story and a half, but they were much larger than their predecessors of the seventeenth century, and the woodwork was much superior, being hand- somely planed and polished. Many of the rooms were panelled to the ceiling, and the banisters leading upstairs were made of the best lumber and finely carved. Many specimens of these houses still survive. The brick houses, which were now become numerous, were as a rule large square buildings two stories and a half high, situated on the waterways at intervals of about two or three miles ; and some of them like Westover and Shirley had large brick wings in the form of a court. In 1 78 1, a French traveller, who visited Virginia, wrote as follows : "As we advance towards the South, we observe a sensible difference in the manners and customs of the people. We no longer find, as in Connecticut, houses situated along the road at small distances, just large enough to contain a single family, and the humblest furniture, nothing more than is barely necessary; here are spacious habitations consisting of different buildings, at some distance from each other, sur- rounded with plantations that extend beyond the reach of the eye, cultivated not by hands of freemen, but by those imhappy blacks wdiom European avarice and injustice has taken from their native regions of Africa to cultivate posses- sions not their own, on a foreign soil. The furniture here is constructed out of the most costly kind of wood and the most valuable marble, enriched by the elegant device of the 1 Beverley, T^irginia, 235. i86 The Cradle of the Republic. artist's hand. Their riding machines are Hght and handsome and drawn by the fleetest coursers managed by slaves richly dressed." Roads and Vehicles} Until 1630 the settlements in Vir- ginia were all upon the James River or Accomac shore, and communication between the settlers was chiefly by boat and sloop. In 1630, Chiskiack and York on the York River were planted, and in 1632 Middle Plantation was laid out. Settle- ments now began to spread into the interior, as shown by the grants of land, and at first, of course, the communication with the interior was by horse-paths, or bridle-paths, generally following some old Indian trail, which, as the settlements ex- tended further inward and counties were formed, grew into roads. Thus the road that passes by William and Mary Col- lege up the Peninsula follows the Indian trail to Rockahock on the Pamunkey, which in the old records repeatedly comes up in the boundaries of patents. In 1632, the general assembly passed the first general law in regard to roads and ordered that " the Governor and Council, or commissioners for the courts, or parishioners of a parish, shall lay out highways, according as they might seem convenient." This order was entered, two years after the first settlement was established on the York. The parish churches, court-houses, ferries and ordinaries became the focal points for roads, and the existence of roads, if other proofs were wanting, would prove the exist- ence of carts, for which they were necessary. Carts were used at Jamestown before 1624. In 1658, the general assembly appointed surveyors of the roads, who were commanded to clear all the general ways from county to county and to church, and in 1662 the sur- veyors were required to keep the roads forty feet wide and to call out the citizens for that purpose. Besides carts there were some carriages and coaches intro- duced during the last quarter of the seventeenth century.- Nevertheless, it may be said that in this century travelling by horseback was the usual way. During the eighteenth century there were many coaches in. 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., VIII., 37-43- 2 Sir William Berkeley had a coach in 1677. Social Conditions. 187 the colony, and Hugh Jones in 1722 declared that " most families of any note in Williamsburg had a coach, chariot, Berlin or chaise." In 1753, Francis Jerdone, a merchant of Yorktown, wrote ^ that " second hand goods were in no ways saleable in Virginia. Our gentry have such proud spirits that nothing will go down but ecjuipments of the nicest and newest fashions. You'll hardly believe it when I tell you that there are sundry chariots now in this country which cost 200 guineas and one that cost 260." As to the horses in use in the colony, Hugh Jones wrote in 1722: "Almost every ordinary person keeps a horse;" and in 1759 Burnaby declared: "The horses are fleet and beautiful, and the gentlemen of \'irginia, who are exceedingly fond of horse-racing, have spared no expense or trouble to improve the breed of them by exporting great numbers from England." Brissot de Warville said in, 1788: "The horses of Virginia are without contradiction the finest in the country,, but they have doubled the prices of those in the Northern States." Numerous laws have been passed on the subject of the roads during and since the colonial days, and there was never, in fact, any lack of roads in A'irginia at anv time, as thev inter- laced all parts of the country. The temptation has been to have too many roads, and the expense of maintaining them has proved too much for the scattered population of the country. Travelling in Virginia before the Revolution was very good nine months of the year, but in the winter months the roads, owing to the rains and ice, were generally bad. Of course, there were some roads that kept good all the year round, as for instance the roads from Yorktown to Williams- burg and Hampton, which a traveller in 1746 pronounced- better than most in England. Thus to quote a passage from this writer : "The most considerable houses (in Yorktown) are of brick,, some handsome ones of wood — all built in the modern taste, and the lesser sort of plaister. There are some very pretty garden spots in the town, and the avenues leading to Williams- 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., XL, 238. ^Itinerant's Observations in America (London Magazine, 1746). i88 The Cradle of the Republic. burg, Norfolk, etc., are prodigously agreeable. The roads are, as I said before, some of the best I ever saw, and infinitely superior to most in England. The country surrounding is thickly overspread with plantations, and the planters live in a manner equal to men of the best fortune, some of them being possessed of 500 or 1,000 a year sterling." Table Diet. The mode of living was distinctively higher than in the Northern colonies. We are told of excellent gardens in Virginia at a very early date, and Jamestown Island was famous for its figs and Littletown for its peaches. In 1656, Hammond wrote ■} " The country is full of gallant orchards," and besides fruits of many kinds, " the gallant root of potatoes is common, and so are all sorts of roots, herbes and Garden Stuff." " Beef, veal, milk, butter, cheese," and " other made dishes," pork, bacon and pigs, oysters and fish were plentiful. Poor people could not fare badly under such conditions, and though their diet was chiefly pork, corn bread and vegetables, this seemed to be quite as good as the fare in other colonies. In New England, as late as 1725, the popular dinner of the lower classes consisted of salt meat stewed with cabbage and other vegetables served on wooden trenchers.^ The condition of things in Virginia during the last quarter of the eighteenth century is thus described by Beverley.^ " Hogs swarm like vermin upon the earth, and are often accounted such, insomuch that when an inventory is taken by the executors the hogs are left out and not listed in the appraisement." " The Virginians have," said he, " plenty and variety of provisions for their table." They had abundance of beef, pork, turkeys, capons, ducks, oysters and venison. Their bread was either of wheat or corn. The soil of New England was too cold for melons and other fruit, but the \'irginians had " all the culinary plants that grow in Eng- land, and in greater perfection than in England," besides " several roots, herbs, vine fruits and sallard flowers peculiar 1 Hammond, Leah and Rachacl (Force, Tracts, III., No. xix). 2 Weeden, Economic and Social History of Neiv England, 541. 3 Beverley wrote his book in 1703, and it was published in 1705; and, therefore, his description of things may be taken to represent Virginia in the last quarter of the century. Social Conditions. 189 to themselves." " The gentry pretend to have their victuals dressed and served up as nicely as if they were in London." Education} The benefit of schools was early recognized by the settlers, and one of the subjects discussed in the first assembly in 16 19 was the establishment of a university at Henrico. Friends of the colony also raised funds for a free school to be established at Charles City, and lands were ap- propriated for the purpose and servants sent over ; but an Indian massacre in 1622 destroyed both university and school. Nevertheless, the colony was not left without an educational system. Now as early as 1619 it was the custom of the richer classes to send their children to England for education, and afterwards the vestries of the different churches had the supervision of all poor children, and saw that they were taught reading and writing. The county courts had an annual " or- phan's court," Avhicli looked after the vestries, and there are numerous orders in the vestry books and county court records having in view the education of children. In 1635, the first free school was established, that of Benja- min Syms, located on a branch of the old Pocoson or Back River in Elizabeth county. In 1659, Thomas Eaton estab- lished a free school close to that of Benjamin Syms ; and a fund amounting to $10,000, representing these two ancient charities, is used to carry on the Syms-Eaton Academy in Hampton. In 1655, Captain John Aloon of Isle of Wight County left a legacy for the education of " poor fatherless children ;" in 1659, Captain William Whittington left 2,000 pounds of tobacco for a free school in Northampton County ; in 1668, Capt. Henry King of Isle of Wight County gave 100 acres of land for the maintenance of a free school ; in 1675, Henry Peasley of Gloucester County gave 600 acres together with ten cows and a breeding mare; in 1691, Hugh Campbell, for the support of persons to teach school, gave 200 acres in each of three counties, Norfolk, Isle of Wight and Nanse- mond ; and in 1700, ^^"illiam Horton endowed a free school in Westmoreland County. Beverley, who wrote in 1703, says: "There are large tracts of land, houses and other things granted to free schools 1 WUUam and Man' Coll. Quart.. V., 219-223; VL, 1-7, 71-86, 171-186; VII., 1-9, 65-77. 190 The Cradle of the Republic. for the education of children in many parts of the country, and some of these are so large that of themselves they are a handsome maintenance to a master ; but the additional allow- ance which gentlemen give with their sons render them a comfortable subsistence. These schools have been founded by the legacies of well inclined gentlemen, and the management of them hath commonly been left to the direction of the county court or the vestry of their respective parishes." After this time we learn of many such schools in the county records, the most interesting being Mrs. Mary Whaley's free school in York County established in 1706, Samuel Sanford's in Accomac established in 1710, and William Broadrib's in James City County, established about the same time. When- ever such schools were wanting, the citizens clubbed together and organized private schools, of which there were some- times as many as four in a parish. In 1693, the college of William and Mary was established, 'and most of the leading V^irginians were educated there. In the eighteenth century, there were many tutors employed by wealthy landowners, and many young planters attended the English universities. Jef- ferson wrote to Joseph C. Cabell in 1820 that "the mass of education in Virginia before the Revolution placed her among the foremost of her sister States." This is borne out by an examination of records published and unpublished. The inventories preserved in the county books in Virginia show that nearly every independent settler from the very earliest times had a few books ; and the marriage bonds prove that a large proportion of the population during the eighteenth century could read and write, a result doubtless due to the argus-eyed churchwardens, wdio reported to the court parents neglectful of their children. There w^ere several reasons why Virginia, despite its scat- tered population, was able to preserve so good an educational appearance in an age when the masses everywhere had limited opportunities. The great Puritan emigration to New England from 1628 to 1642 brought with it many Englishmen of the stamp of Winthrop and Bradford whose writings compare favorably with the best productions of their contemporaries in England. But after 1642 the emigration stopped, and New Social Conditions. 191 England concentered became exceedingly narrow and isolated, so that native born New Englanders had little of the literary graces of their emigrant ancestors. The Theocracy that grew up cut society entirely off from the finer fields of poetry and art, and after Bradford and Winthrop there is no work of real literary excellence in New England down to the Revolu- tion, except the history of Thomas Hutchinson. In Virginia, on the other hand, contact with the better opportunities of the mother country was continually kept up. All ministers were obtained from England, and, though their morals were not always of the best, they were necessarily university grad- tiates. Then the emigration of teachers and men of cultivation from England was not for one generation, as in Massachusetts, but for many generations. Particularly noticeable was the great cavalier emigration in 1649, si^cl after that there was a constant succession of emi- grants of wealth and leisure. The libraries of Virginia were superior to those of any other colony in numbers and literary value ; and the native literary output, if not as abundant, was not inferior to that of Massachusetts. Parallel with Brad- ford and Winthrop as writers were John Smith, Ralph Hamor, John Rolfe, William Strachey, and George Sandys. Then to be noticed are the accounts of William Bullock, Henry Nor- wood, John Hammond, and the numerous documents and letters written during the eighteenth century by men like Yeardley, Wyatt, Ludwell, Moryson and other officials upon the aft'airs of the colony. At the dawn of the eighteenth cen- tury appeared the " Plistory of Virginia," by Robert Beverley,^ a writer described- by Professor Jameson, of the Carnegie Institution, as " the one American historian " of his time who vv^as "' not mentally annexed to Europe, but retained an orig- inal spirit." Later were the charming " Westover Manu- scripts " of William Byrd, the " Present State of Virginia " by Rev. Hugh Jones, the " History of Virginia " by the ac- complished W^illiam Stith, and the poems of Goronwy Owen, Avhich, though written in the Welsh language, were composed in a frontier county of A'irginia. Finally, we may quote what 1 Son of I\Iayor Robert Beverley, of Bacon's Rebellion. 2 Jameson, Historical Writings in America, 62. 192 The Cradle of the Republic. a traveller, J. F. D. Smythe, wrote in 1773 in regard to colonial Virginia : " The first class are here more respectable and numerous than in any other province in America. These, in general, have had a liberal education, possess enlightened understandings and a thorough knowledge of the world that furnishes them with an ease and freedom of manners and con- versation highly to their advantage in exterior, which no vicissitude of fortune or place can divest them of, they being actually, according to my ideas, the most agreeable and best companions, friends and neighbors that need be desired. ^The greater number of them keep their carriages, and have hand- some services of plate ; but they all, without exception, have studs, as well as sets of elegant and beautiful horses." As there was no system of vestries and churchwardens in New England, some general education law like that of 1646 in Massachusetts proposing a system of common schools for the towns was a necessity. But this law, w'hile it showed the good intentions of the lawgivers, was deficient in providing adequate machinery. Some of the larger towns levied taxes for the support of schools, but more generally the parents had to pay the teachers, and these were hard to get. So that oftentimes the order of the town meetings " to set up a school " this year was a mere formality.^ Throughout the colonial period, in ^Massachusetts, teachers when obtained taught " but two or three months in the year," and " in most schools there was little progress beyond the elementary rudi- ments."^ Few towns of ^Massachusetts escaped fines for neglecting their schools, and the records of town officers, and accounts preserved in private families, are " miserably illit- erate."^ As late as 1723 Harvard College Library contained no volumes from Addison or his fellows, nothing of Locke, Dryden, Smith or Tillotson. Shakespeare and Milton had been acquired recently.* That there was a large class of very ignorant people among the fishermen and small fanners of New England cannot be doubted, but that the fishermen were as degraded, as Mr. Adams said*^ in 1776; or that only ^ Bliss. Colonial Times on Bu::::ard's Bay. 163. 2 Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England, 283, 861. ■' Bliss and Weeden. 4 Weeden, 545. ^Jefferson's Works (Randolph's edition), I., 23. Social Conditions. I93 one in ten of the men '' could read writing, and still fewer could write," as the Baron Riedesel declared^ in 1781, may well be doubted. The people of Eastern Virginia came in part from South- western England, where the English slurred their " r's," which accounts for this phenomenon in some parts of Vir- ginia. This element was found in early times, especially in the counties on the south of the James, and in Henrico ccfunty perhaps, which were practically colonies of the great south- western city of Bristol. Nevertheless, the bulk of the popula- tion, and especially the population on the north of the James, as far indeed as the great Potomac, were from Middle Eastern England, where the classic English language of Shakespeare prevailed. It must be remembered that the great company of London merchants first controlled the colony, and the records of the old counties on the north of the James conclusively show that these London merchants were largely represented in that part of Virginia. The trade of the Peninsula counties and of the Gloucester, Rappahannock and Northern necks was, during the seventeenth century, almost entirely with the great English metropolis. In fact, the deeds and powers of attor- ney show that the population was largely from London and the environing counties — Middlesex, Essex, etc. There is perhaps, despite the universal neglect and injuries of war and fire, more evidence of refinement in Virginia preserved by means of tombstones, book-plates and records of libraries^ than in any other of the colonies. Moreover, there is plenty of evidence that the speech of the people of Virginia had from very early days comparatively little of the provincial or dialectic about it. A single witness suffices — the able professor of mathematics in the college of William and Mary in 1722 — Rev. Hugh Jones, A. M. In his " Present State of Virginia " he says that " the planters of Virginia, and even the native negroes, talk good English 1 Memoirs of the Revolution, 1., 226. 2 Specimens of Virginia libraries have been published in William and' Mary Coll. Quart, and the Virginia Magazine. John Eliot had the most comprehensive library in New England, between 1713 and 1745, but Eliot's library was largely exceeded by the libraries of William Byrd, Richard Lee, Charles Brown, William Dunlop and others in Virginia. 13 194 The Cradle of the Republic. unfhout idiom or tone, and discourse handsomely on most common subjects:" that they, in fact, looked down upon all Englishmen who did not come from London, affecting to be greatly amused at the jargon of persons from Bristol, the smaller cities in England, the rural districts, and from Scotland. Criminal Code. Capital crimes were the common law offenses of rebellion, murder, arson, rape, crimes against nature, and house breaking, and in the first assembly selling fire arms to the Indians was made capital and afterwards horse stealing also. Persons were sent to prison, whipped and fined for religious opinions, but no one was ever put to death on that account. The same may be said of persons accused of witchcraft. The case of William Harding, of Northumberland County, who by order of the county court in 1656 was given ten stripes and banished from the county, was the worst case v/hich has come under my notice.^ This comparative gentleness in an age when human pas- sions were not held in subjection, as they are now by a more enlightened public opinion, finds curious expression in an act of the assembly passed the same year. A previous act had provided that criminal causes concerning life or member should be tried in the county court, " for the benefit and ease of the people." But in 1656 it was commanded^ that the trial should take place in the quarter court, and the following was given as the reason: " We conceive it no ease nor benefitt to the people to have their lives taken away with too much ease. And though wee confesse the same to be done in England, yet wee know the disparity between them and vs to be so great that wee cannot with safety follow the example, for noe countrey (county) there but makes at least ten times the number of people here, and the juries there are more practised in criminall causes then ( than ) , by the blessing of God, wee are here and have more to informe them in case they should err. And 'tis a maxim that no deliberation can bee too much pondered that concenics the life of the meanest man." If two very respectable witnesses are to be believed, there 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., I., 127. 2 Hening, Statutes at Large, I., 397. Social Coxditions. 195 were very good reasons for a mild administration of the law in Mrginia. John Hammond, the first of these in point of time, testified, in 1656, as follows ■} " I can confidently affirm, that since my being in England, which is not yet four moneths, I have been an eye witnesse of more deceits and villanies (and such as modesty forbids me to utter) than I either ever saw or heard mention made of in Virginia, in my one and twenty years aboad in those parts." The other witness was Alexander Spotswood who in October, 1710, used this language to the bishop of London:^ " I shall conclude with doing justice to this Country as far as my Discoverys have hitherto been able to reach, and declare sincerely to Yo'r Lord'p that I have ob- served here less swearing and Prophaneness, less Drunkenness, less un- charitable feuds and ani- mositys, and less Knav- erys and Mllanys than in any part of the world where my Lot has been." Alexander spotswood Manufactures and Commerce. Many attempts to institute manufactures on a public scale were made in Virginia, but rural life was not favorable to their development. For private consumption, however, much cloth and other things were manufactured on the plantations, and about the time of the Revolution there was quite a number of iron factories, full- ing mills, paper mills, and rope walks. Domestic commerce, in fact, was much more extensive than has been represented, for we are told that the rivers and creeks swarmed with small craft, all of which were made in A'irginia. As early as 1690 ships of 300 tons were built, 1 Hammond, Lcali and Rachel (Force, Tracts, III., No. xiv). " Spotszuood's Letters, I., 27. 196 The Cr.\dle of the Republic. and afterward trade to the West Indies was conducted in small sloops of \^irginia make.^ There are still many places on the rivers and creeks known as " Shipyards,'' and in 1693 Hon. Thomas Mathews presented to the county which bears his name (lying on Chesapeake Bay), a seal emblematic of '* the mechanic inhabitants of the county of Mathews who have been in the habit of shipbuilding. "- Distinctions in Society. The application of both official and conventional titles was a matter of careful observance in all the English colonies. Only a small number of persons of the best condition had the designation of " Mr." or " Mrs." prefixed to their names, and this respect was always shown in Virginia to ministers, lawyers, justices of the peace, and vestrymen. " Goodman " and " Goodwife " were the appro- priate addresses of persons above the condition of servitude and below that of gentility. In Virginia the term " Gentle- man " was applied to men of large landed estates, and " Esquire " was strictly confined to members of the council and the sons of knights, of whom there were very few in the colony. " Clerk " was a term descriptive not only of clerks of courts, but of ministers of the Gospel. These remarks apply for the most part to the 17th century, for during the i8th century when negro slaves were sub- stituted for white servants, race became a badge of aristocracy, and all free white men were addressed as "Mr;" and the poorer the white man the more he insisted on his independence and equality before the law. Thus, in 1790, Marquis de Chastellux wrote that " a Virginian never resembles a European peasant," and, in 1842, Henry A. Wise explained^ that " wherever black slavery existed, there w^as found at least (political) equality among the white population." 1 Mair, Bookkeeping Modernised, 495. 2 J 'a. Magazine, III., 313. 3 Congressional Globe, 1841-1842. p. 173. XIII. POLITICAL CONDITIONS. Divisions. The settlers of Virginia were mostly city people, and they naturally expected society to develop as in England ; and, therefore, the political units were in the beginning settle- ments along James River called cities, boroughs, towns and hundreds. In 1619, these scattered settlements were gathered into four large corporations with a capital city in each. I. The corporation of Elizabeth City (capital, Elizabeth City), extending from the bay up the river, on the south side, to about Chuckatuck Creek, and on the north side, to above Newport News. II. The corporation of James City (capital, Jamestown), extending on the south side, from about Nansemond River to Upper Chippokes Creek, and on the north side, from Newport News to the Chickahominy River. III. The corporation of Charles City (capital, Charles City, at* the present City Point), extending, on the south side, from Upper Chippokes Creek to the beginning of the pale run by Dale, between the Appomattox and James rivers, so as to include Bermuda Hundred and Jones' Neck, and on the north side to Farrar's Island. IV. The corporation of Henrico (capital, Henrico, on Far- rar's Island), extending from Charles City corporation to the Falls. Each corporation contained one or more boroughs, and each borough was represented by two burgesses in the general assembly, for the first time called in 1619. This system of corporations did not continue long, because the wealth of water-courses and the cultivation of tobacco pro- voked separation and isolation, and society became very soon distinctly agricultural and rural. As a consequence, after fifteen years, borough representation was abandoned, and the whole colony was divided into eight counties or shires. All but two of these — Accomac on the Eastern Shore, over the [197] 198 The Cradle of the Republic. bay, and Charles River County, subsequently York, on York River — were situated on James River, as follows : I. Elizabeth City County, extending on both sides of Hamp- ton Roads — on the south side to Chuckatuck Creek, and on the north side to Newport News, and including a small part thereof. II. Warrascoyack County, subsequently, in 1637, Isle of Wight county, extending, on the south side, from Chuckatuck Creek to Lawne's Creek. III. Warwick County, extending, on the north side, from Elizabeth City county to Skiffes (Keith's) Creek. lY. James City County, extending on both sides of the river — on the south side from Lawne's Creek to Upper Chip- pokes Creek, and on the north side from Skiffes Creek to above Sandy Point. V. Charles City County, extending on both sides of the river — on the south side from Upper Chippokes Creek to Appomattox River, and on the north side from Sandy Point to Turkey Island Creek. YI. Plenrico County, extending from Charles City County indefinitely westward. In 1637, the part of Elizabeth City County lying on the south side of Hampton roads was made into New Norfolk County, which immediately after was divided into Lower Nor- folk County and Tapper Norfolk County (called in 1645-46 Nansemond county). In 1691, Lower Norfolk County was divided into Princess Anne and Norfolk counties. In 1652, the south part of James City County was formed into Surry county. In 1702, the south part of Charles City County was formed into Prince George County. In 1720, the Chickahominy was made the boundary of James City and Charles City counties. In 1748, the southern part of Henrico was formed into Chesterfield County. Government. The government under the first charter (1606) was that of a supreme council in England appointed by the king and a subordinate council in Yirginia ; and neither the London Company nor the settlers had any political author- ity. Lender the second charter (1609) the government was centered in England in a treasurer and council, who selected Political Conditions. 199 a governor for Virginia having authority independent of the local council. The third charter (1612) vested the authority in England in the company, but the government in Virginia remained unchanged until 16 19, when a popular assembly was called to share with the London Company in legislation. In 1624, the London Company was abolished, and the gov- ernment of the colony was vested in a governor and council, appointed by the king, and a general assembly composed of the governor and council and a house of burgesses elected by the people. The latter body gradually assumed the chief power, and for many years the governor and council acted a secondary part. The council, which was made up of the richest men in the colony, held three political relations : first they formed an advisory board, of which the governor was the executive; secondly, they formed a supreme court (styled originally the quarter court and afterwards the general court), of which the governor was chief justice; and thirdly, they acted as a senate, of which the governor was president; but they seldom originated legislation, and contented them.- selves for the most with revising the action of the house of burgesses. The governor's power was more in theory than in practice, for he seldom acted outside of the council meet- irigs, where in all cases the majority controlled. Suffrage} Rural life, while it hindered co-operation, pro- moted a spirit of independence among the whites of all classes which counteracted the aristocratic form of government. Suf- frage was looked upon not as a privilege, as in New England, but as a right, and down to 1670 every one above the condition of a servant voted for members of the house of burgesses. In that year suffrage was apparently limited to householders and freeholders, but as the law did not define the ireehold, manhood suffrage remained practically the constitution of Virginia till 1736, when the first real restriction on the sufifrage Avas made. Nevertheless, even after that time the proportion of voters in Mrginia. as shown by Professor Jameson, was greater than in Massachusetts. To the influence of country life, which promoted the independence of the citizens, was added that of negro slavery, which made race and not wealth ^William and Mary Coll. Quart., VI., 7-13; VII., 71-73; VIII., 81. , 200 The Cradle of the Republic, the great distinction in society. In colonial Virginia there was, it is true, an aristocratic class who monopolized the offices, but their authority was a mere veneering on the social life, and went to pieces at the first shock of the Revolution.^ In New England, where there were annual elections, the government was in form more democratic than in Virginia, but in substance it was more aristocratic." There was a very limited suffrage in the different towns, and the peculiar forms of election made almost permanent the tenure of the office holders. This was but natural, for it is the common experi- ence of every one who has watched the proceedings of popular assemblies that the power is certain to be exercised by a few smart managers. The ultimate consequences of society in Virginia and New England was seen after the Revolution, when for the first time the different communities had the opportunity of directing without foreign restraint the govern- ment of their country. Virginia became the headquarters of the Democratic Republican party of popular ideas, and New England that of the Federalist party — the party of aristo- cratic ideas. 1 Edmund Randolph, who was one of the F. F. Vs., referred to the influence of the aristocracy as " Little and feeble, and incapable of dar- ing to assert any privilege clashing with the rights of the people at large." — Henry, Patrick Hcnrv. I., 209. 2 Weeden, in his Social and Economic History of Nezv England, says that the New England institutions were " democratic in form but aristo- cratic in the substance of the administration." J = <^ Vr Work i , pocosdn>\: XIV. JAMES RIVER. (Named after King James I.) Origin and History of Places Along James River. The distance of Point Comfort to Richmond by the river is about no miles. The distance from Cape Henry to Rich- mond is about 127 miles. South Side. Cape Henry. Named in honor of Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James I. The cape opposite, separated by fifteen miles of water, is called Cape Charles, in honor of Prince Charles, another son, afterwards King- Charles I. At Cape Henry, on April 26, 1607, the first settlers made their first landing. Three days later they set up a cross. In 1727, the establishment of a lighthouse was mooted in the general assembly of Virginia, but the first law in relation to it was not passed till 1752. Lit- tle or nothing was done under this law, and in 1772 the gen- eral assembly passed another act in conjunction with Mary- land. In 1773, some rock and other material were brought to Cape Henry, but the American Revolution caused another de- lay. In 1789, Virginia ceded two acres at Cape Henry to the United States for a lighthouse, and not long after the struc- ture, so many years in contemplation, was actually erected. Chesapeake Bay. After passing the capes the visitor beholds the wide expanse of the bay of Chesapeake, which is an Indian name. The bay is 186 miles long, having an average width of twenty miles, and is a grand basin running parallel to the coast, which receives the waters of the James, York, Happahannock, Potomac, Patuxent, Patapsco, Gunpowder, Susquehannah, Nanticoke, Choptank and several other rivers of Virginia and Maryland. Perhaps no bay in the world has such diversified scenery. The numerous rivers divide what is called Tide-water Virginia and Tide-water Maryland into long and narrow peninsulas, which are themselves furrowed by deep creeks, making numerous necks or minor peninsulas of land. Up these rivers and creeks the tide ebbs and flows for many miles. [201] 202 The Cradle of the Republic. Lynnhaven Bay. It appears on Smith's map as Alorton's Bay, because here Matthew Morton and Captain Gabriel Archer were wounded by the Indians. Present name derived from the town of Lynn in England. It is at present famous for its oysters, said to be the finest in the world. Hampton Roads. At Willoughby Point Chesapeake Bay connects with another bay called Hampton roads, into which discharge the waters of Elizabeth, Nansemond, James and v" Hampton rivers. This bay, which is one of the finest harbors in the world, receives its name from Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, treasurer of the London Company from 1620 to 1625, Hampton being a contraction for Southampton. Few men have a nobler memorial. IVilloiigJiby Point. Named from Thomas Willoughby, a member of the Council from 1-644 to 1650, who belonged to the family of Lord Willoughby, governor of Barbadoes. Mason's Creek, which empties into Willoughby Bay, ob- _\ tains its name from Captain Francis Mason,, one of the lead- ing settlers, who died about 1648. SezveU's Point. From Henry Seawell, a burgess for Lower Norfolk county in 1639, now represented in Vir- ginia by the descendants of his daughter Anne, who married Colonel Lemuel Mason. Sewell's Point is made by Elizabeth River and Tanriers Creek, which receives its name from Daniel Tanner, of Canter- bury, England, who died on the creek in 1653, leav- ing a son John. Elisabeth River. Named for Princess Elizabeth, PRINCESS ELIZABETH. daughter of King James I., and afterward queen of Bohemia. Upon this river are situ- ated the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. Norfolk was begun in 1680, when fifty acres for a town was condemned by the o-eneral assemblv " on Nicholas Wise his land on James River — South Side. 203 the eastern branch of Elizabeth River at the entrance of the Branch." In 1705, it was given the name of Norfolk, and in 1736 granted a borough charter. During the Revolution it was burned, and its trade suffered very much by the results. It has a fine harbor and a population of 60,000. Portsmouth is situated on the left bank of the Elizabeth River, immediately opposite to Norfolk, and was established in 1752 on the land of William Crawford; and is the seat of a U. S. naval hospital and navy yard. The Elizabeth River has three branches — Eastern, Southern and Western, and upon the Southern branch, twelve miles from Norfolk, occurred on December 9, 1775, the battle of Great Bridge, in vhich the A'irginians under Col. William Woodford defeated the troops of Lord Dunmore, the royal governor. Craney Island. This place, which, during the War of 1812, was fortified as a protection to Norfolk, received its name, at a very remote date, from an early resident of Norfolk county. Admiral Cockburn, with the British fleet, attacked it and was repulsed. In 1862, the Confederate iron-clad steamer Virginia, or Merrimac, was blown up in the waters nearby. Nansemond River. From the Indians of that name, who had several towns upon it. Bennett's Creek, which derives its name from Governor Richard Bennett, who resided upon it, cuts off (Col. Thomas) Dew's point, Avhere in 1680 the general assembly designated a town. The town did not materialize, and, in 1742, the general assembly established, about thirteen miles above " Old Town," the town of Suffolk, eighteen miles southwest of Norfolk. Suffolk is near the Dismal Swamp, which lies partly in Virginia and partly in North Carolina, and extends from north to south nearly thirty miles, and east and west about ten. In the interior is a beautiful lake called " Lake Drummond," which has been celebrated by Tom [Moore, the poet of Ireland, in verses telling of the wanderings of a young man in search of his lady love : But oft from the Indian hunter's camp This lover and maid so true. Are seen at the hour of midnight damp, To cross the lake by a firefly lamp, And paddle their white canoe. 1 1 Howe, Historical Collections of Virginia, 403. 204 The Cradle of the Republic. Clnickatuck Creek. About seven miles up the creek, on the road from Suffolk to Smithfield, is the village of Chuckatuck, an Indian name. Nasezvay Shoals. From " Lt. Col. Tristam Norsworthy, of ye Ragged Islands in Virginia, Gent.," living in 1656. His name was originally pronounced " Nosory." Pagan River. From " Pagan Point." probably so called because of the Indian village Mokete, on the south side ; origin- ally Warrascoyack and afterwards New Town Haven River, and still later Pagan River. In 1680, a town was established on the left bank of the river about two miles from the mouth at " Pates field," not far from the site of the old Indian village of Warrascoyack. The spot is still known as " Old Town," and about four miles higher up the river is Smithfield, established in 1752 on the land of Arthur Smith. Within an hour's ride from Smithfield is an old church called St. Luke's, which, after having been deserted for a long time, has been lately rehabili- tated and adorned with stained glass windows and memorial tablets. On the west side of Pagan River near its mouth was a tract of 300 acres patented by Captain Nathaniel Basse and others November 21, 1621. Here settlers were landed, but the low marshy country was very unhealthy to them, and many died. In 1622, the Indians killed twenty persons at Basse's Choice. Peter Knight patented it in 1640, and sold it to John Bland, who sold it to Thomas Taberer, who devised it in 1692 to his grandson, Joseph Copeland, of Isle of Wight county. Day's Point. At the western point of Pagan River Bay, named from Captain James Day, formerly of London, who has left numerous descendants in Virginia. Bennett's Plantation, or Warrascoyack. It was situated at the Rock Wharf on the present Burwell's Bay. Patented November 21, 1621, by Edward Bennett, a rich London mer- chant, in partnership with his brother, Robert Bennett, and nephew, Richard Bennett, governor of Virginia in 1652, and others. Edward Bennett's daughter, Silvestra, married Major Nicholas Hill, of Isle of Wight county. Another daughter, Mary, married Thomas Bland, whose daughter Mary married Captain James Day, of Day's Point. This early plantation became absorbed in the estate of Major Lewis Burwell. James River — South Side. 205 Biirzvell's Bay. Named for Major Lewis Burwell (died 1710), who married Abigail Smith, niece of Colonel Nathaniel Bacon, Sr.. and acquired, partly through his wife, a large ] estate in this quarter. Here Robert Burwell, his son, lived in ' a brick house two stories high, sixty feet long by twenty-six feet wide. Robert's only son, Nathaniel, was clerk of Isle of Wight from 1772 to 1787, and his daughter, Lucy, married. Governor John Page, of Rosewell in Gloucester county, a patriot of the American Revolution. Lazi'iie's Plantation. In Isle of Wight county, patented by Captain Christopher Lawne and his associates. Captain Lawne " arrived in Virginia April 17, 1619, and located his plantation near the mouth of Lawne's Creek (sometimes called " Lion's Creek"), which afterwards was made the dividing line be- tween the counties of Surry and Isle of Wight. It was repre- sented in the first general assembly by Captain Lawne and' Ensign Washer. Hog Island. It obtained its name as early as 1608 from being used by the colonists as a place for the safekeeping of hogs. Represented in the general assembly, 1624, by John Chew and John Utie, prominent colonists. John Bailey, who first settled at Berkeley Hundred in 1620, patented 600 acr^s here. He died before 1624, and his only daughter and heii^, Mary Bailey, marrying Randall Holt, the island came into the Holt family, and continued their property for nearly 200 years. Of late years it was very much improved by Mr. E. E. Barney, and named " Homewood." Loiver Chippokcs Creek. An Indian name. Enters James River on the west of Hog Island. Near by is an old brick house known as Bacon's Castle, erected about 1655 by Arthur Allen, ancestor of the late William Allen, of Clermont. It is prob- ably the oldest brick house now standing in Virginia. During Bacon's Rebellion, it was fortified by Captain William Rookins, Robert Burgess, and other friends of Bacon.^ College Creek. On this creek there was a very old plantation known as the College plantation. How the name originated is not known, for it is not believed that any college was ever contemplated here. In August, 1667, " the great gust," or 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., V., 189. 2o6 The Cradle of the Republic. storm, which destroyed 15,000 houses in Maryland and Vir- ginia, blew down at College Creek " three sixty-foot wall-plate tobacco houses," and one " fifty-foot rafted house." The two dwelling-houses, one " thirty foot " and the other " twenty foot " and a quarter " fifteen foot " withstood the fury of the storm. They had been erected by Anthony Stanford, merchant of London, and belonged at the time to Francis Newton, of Surry.^ Crouch's Creek. This creek, named for Lieutenant Richard Crouch, living in 1625, is situated nearly opposite to James- town Island, about five miles above Lower Chippokes Creek. Li this quarter, in 1625, the poet George Sandys, then treasurer •of the colony, had a settlement protected by a large stockade mounting one piece of ordnance. Among his other property were " a house framed for silkworms, a garden of an acre, and a vineyard of two acres." The total number of houses in this region in 1625 was eighteen dwellings, five stores, four tobacco houses, one stone house (the only one in the colony), and one silk house. - Cobhaui. This place was established in 1772. at the mouth of Gray's Creek, but is now nearly deserted. It is a little west of " Scotland M^harf," the terminus of the Surry, Sussex and Southampton Railroad. Gray's Creek. First called Rolfe's Creek, after Thomas Rolfe, son of Pocahontas, who had a plantation of 150 acres upon it " the gift of the Indian Kinge." In 1654, he sold the property to William Corker describing it as lying between " Smith's Fort old feild and the Divills woodyard swampe." " Smith's Fort " was two miles up the creek, on a bluff, and was probably the fort erected in 1608 to provide a refuge for the people at Jamestown in case of need.-^ In 1680, Smith's Fort was made by the general assembly the site of^a town for Surry county. The creek gets its present name from Thomas Gra}-, who patented lands upon it in 1639, and is an- cestor of numerous people in Virginia and other parts of the Union. Szvann's Point. From Colonel Thomas Swann, of the 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart., V., 190. 2 Brown, First Republic, 623. 3 William and Mary Coll. Quart., V., 190. James River — South Side. 207 council of Sir William Berkeley (1676), son of William Swann, an early settler. His son, Samuel, speaker of the North Carolina assembly, married Sarah, daughter of Colonel William Drummond, hanged for supporting Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., in 1676. Colonel Swann's tombstone with his coat- of-arms upon it was still to be seen a few years ago in a neighboring field. Here, in 1677. the commissioners sent over by the king to enquire into the causes of Bacon's Rebellion held court. This commission consisted of Colonel Herbert JefTreys, Sir John Berry and Colonel Francis Moryson. Four Mile Tree. This name preserves the memory of a tree on the south side of James River, wdiich marked, in 1619, the western extremity on James River of the corporation of James City as defined by Governor Argall.^ Here, in 1624, John Burrows patented 150 acres and called the place " Burrows' Hill." The place afterwards passed to one John Smith, whose executors sold the land, under the name of "Smith's Mount," to Col. Henry Browne, one of Sir Wil- liam Berkeley's council, who in 1643 obtained a patent for 2,000 acres, including Pace's Pains. '' Four Mile Tree plan- tation '" remained in the Browne family for 200 years, and the handsome manor house is still standing. There is in the graveyard near the house the tombstone of Alice Jordan, daughter of John Miles of Branton, Herefordshire, and wife of Col. George Jordan, attorney general of Virginia in 1670. The tombstone states that Mrs. Jordan died January 7, 1650 (1651). There is only one older tombstone in Virginia — that of Col. William Perry at Westover, who formerly lived at Pace's Pains, and died in 1637. But the inscription on this tombstone is now entirely worn away. Pace's Pains. Adjoining Burrows Hill was Pace's Pains, an estate of 600 acres planted by Richard Pace, Francis Chap- man and Thomas Gates. In the massacre of 1622, Richard Pace saved Jamestown and many of the colonists. A con- verted Christian Indian. Chanco, who stayed with him, revealed the plot ; and Pace, after securing his house, rowed off to Jamestown in the early morning and informed the governor. His wddow, Isabella, married, secondly. Captain 1 Brown, First Republic, 287. ^ 2o8 The Cradle of the Republic. William Perry, of the council. His son and heir was George Pace, who married Sarah, daughter of Captain Samuel May- cock, of the council, killed by the Indians in the massacre. George Pace moved to Captain Maycock's plantation, near Powell's Creek, in Prince George county, where his son Richard was living in 1659. Wakefield. This was the residence of Nathaniel Harrison (1677-1727), and is distant about four miles from Upper Chippokes Creek. Sunken Marsh. This is a very old name in the records, being found in the land books as early as 1642. In 1678, " Sunken Marsh Plantation " was one of the numerous plantations of the London merchant, John Bland, whose brother, Theodorick, was the founder of the prominent Vir- ginia family of that name. It was situated opposite to Danc- ing Point on the other side of the river. Clermont, and Upper Chippokes Creek. The Indian town of Quiyoughcohanock was near this creek, opposite to Pas- pahegh town on the other side. At a very early date Mr. Arthur Allen patented lands here on the east side of the creek, and his descendant Major William Allen, at the time of the war (i86i-'65), owned 12,500 acres stretching along the river side. His brick residence " Clermont," pronounced " Claremont," is still standing, and gives its name to a town at the terminus of the James River Division of the Atlantic and Danville Railway. Brandon. There are two Brandons in Virginia — Brandon on the Rappahannock, formerly the home of the Grymes family, and Brandon on the James, which last, as rich in soil as in memories, was patented in 1617 by Captain John Martin, one of the first council for Virginia, and the only man who protested against the abandonment of Jamestown in 1610, after the " Starving Time." In 1619, he sent to the first general assembly as burgesses from Brandon Mr. Thomas Davis and Mr. Robert Stacy, but that body would not allow them to sit, unless Martin would relinquish certain high privileges, which his patent conferred. Martin, then the only member of the original council living in Virginia, declined, and said : " I hold my patent for my service don, which noe 2IO The Cradle of the Republic. newe or late comers can meritt or challenge." Martin's grant read: "He was to enjoye his landes in as large and ample manner to all intentes and purposes as any Lord of any Manours ih England doth hold his grounde." He was after- wards fortunately induced to surrender this high authority. Martin was son of Sir Richard Martin, and brother-in-law of Sir Julius Ctesar. His daughter, Dorcas, married Captain George Bargrave, son of Robert Bargrave, of Bridge in Kent. George Bargrave came to Virginia and was largely inter- ested, with his brother, John Bargrave, in the trade of the colony. A Captain Robert Bargrave, as stated in a land grant in 1637, sold Martin's Brandon to Symon Sturgis, John Sadler and Richard Quiney, of London, merchants. In 1643, as stated in another grant, the general assembly confirmed to William Barker, John Sadler and Richard Quiney 4,550 acres known as " Martin's Brandon, between Chippokes Creek and Ward's Creek, due them by purchase from the heire of Cap- tain John Martin, dece'd." So this Captain Robert Bargrave was doubtless a grandson of Captain John Martin. Brandon and Merchant's Hope, or Powell Brook, became the joint property of Richard Quiney and his brother-in-law, John Sadler. The Ouineys were from Stratford-on-Avon. Thomas Quiney married Judith, the daughter of William Shakespeare. Richard Quiney 's wife, Ellen Sadler, daughter of John Sadler, was aunt of Anne Sadler, the wife of John Harvard, founder of Llarvard College. Richard Quiney 's moiety in Brandon, as well as in Powell Brook, descended to his son Thomas, who in his will left the same to his great-nephew Robert Richard- son, and he in 1720 conveyed the same to Nathaniel Harrison, to whom the other moiety doubtless had not long before passed from the Sadie rs. The plantation has remained in the Harrison family ever since. It is divided into two estates — Lower and Upper Brandon. The house at Lower Brandon contains a collectior of portraits of eminent persons, formerly the property of William Byrd, of Westover. Ward's Creek. Captain John Ward came to Virginia in April, 161 9, and was actively employed for several years with his James River — South Side. 211 ship in procuring fish and suppHes for the colony. His patent seems to have called for 1,200 acres on the river side, and the land east of the creek which bears his name appears to have been included in a grant to Rice Hooe in ^lay, 1638. Ward's plantation was represented in the first General Assemblv by Captain John Ward and Lieutenant John Gibbs. ^ Floiver deiv Hundred. In 1618, Sir George Yeardley obtained a grant of 1,000 acres on the west side of a creek opposite to Weyanoke and called both creek and plantation " Flower dew Hundred." In 1619, the plantation was repre- sented in the first general assembi_; by his nephew, Edward Rossingham and by John Jefl:"erson, the ancestor of Thomas Jefferson. Sir George sold " Flower dew Hundred " before 1624 to Captain Abraham Peirsey, one of the leading mer- chants of A'irginia. In that year there were on Peirsey's land (which included Windmill Point) twelve dwellings, three storehouses, four tobacco houses, and one windmill. Peirsey, who married Frances W^est, widow of Nathaniel AVest and daughter of Sir Thomas Hinton, died in 1627. After his death his widow married, thirdly. Col. Samuel Mathews, and his daughter Elizabeth married, first, Captain Richard Stephens and, second, Sir John Harvey, governor, and his daughter I\Iary married, first. Captain Thomas Hill and, secondly, Thomas Bushrod. Captain Richard Stephens' son, Captain Samuel Stephens, was the first husband of Lady Frances (Culpeper) Berkeley, wife of Sir William Berkeley, After Peirsey's purchase " Flower dew Hundred " was called " Peirsey's Hundred," but in 1635 Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens patented it as " Flower deue Hundred." Shortly afterwards, she sold it to William Barker, mariner. At the close of the century, it was owned by Captain John Taylor, of Prince George county, who devised it to his daughters, Henrietta Maria and Sarah, who married respect- ively John and Francis Hardiman. They sold it to Joseph Poythress, and about the close of the century it became the property of John V. AA^illcox, whose descendants still own it. JVindinill Point. This in the early records is known as Tobacco Point, but it took its present name " Windmill Point " from a windmill established there, in 1621, by Sir George Yeardlev, the first in the United States. 212 The Cradle of the Republic. The Indians appear to have called the point Weyanoke Point. Maycock's Plantation. This place is situated east of Powell's Creek, and was patented by Captain Samuel May- cock, who came to Virginia about 1618. He was made by Sir George Yeardley a member of his council, and continued as such under Sir Francis Wyatt till he was killed in the Indian massacre of 1622, when five others of the council perished. Among the killed at Captain Maycock's plantation of 200 acres adjoining Flower dew Hundred was Edward Lister, who came over in the Mayflozver to Plymouth, Mass., and was a signer of the " Compact." After Captain Maycock's death, his daughter Sarah married George Pace of " Pace's Paines," whose father, Richard Pace, had saved Jamestown in 1622. There is a deed in the Charles City County records, by which " Richard Pace, of Powell's Creek, son and heir- apparent of George Pace, son and heire as the first issue by my mother j\Irs. Sarah Macocke, wife unto my aforesaid father, both dcced," confirms a sale of 800 or 900 acres " lying near vmto Peirce's Himdred als Flower due Hundred " to Mr. Thomas Drew as per bill of his father, October 12, 1650. In 1723, John Hamlin sold " Maycock's," containing 250 acres, purchased of Roger Drayton in 1696, to Thomas Ravenscroft, of Wilmington Parish, James City County. In 1774, David Meade of Nansemond purchased 600 acres, including May- cock's. The land was poor except twelve acres about the house, but the situation was not inferior to any on the river. Meade Avas one of the earliest devotees of horticulture in the United States, and he arranged his twelve acres of fruitful ground in a way to produce the most charming and enchanting effect. " Forest and fruit trees are here arranged as if nature and art had conspired together to strike the eye most agreeably. Beautiful vistas which open many pleasing views of the river; the land thrown into many artificial hollows or gentle swell- ings, wdth the pleasing verdure of the turf, and the complete order with which the whole is preserved, altogether tend to form it one of the most delightful rural seats that is to be met with in the United States."^ 1 Mass. Hist. Society Collections. III., 90. James River — South Side. 213 Powell's Creek. At the head of this creek on Flower dew Hundred Plantation was situated Weyanoke Indian Town. On the river was the plantation of Captain Nathaniel Powell, a valiant soldier, who came to Virginia among the first emigrants, and acted as governor on the departure of Samuel Argall in 1619. He married a daughter of Master William Tracy, but he and his wife and ten others were slain in the massacre March 22, 1622. His place of 600 acres lay on the west of Powell's Creek. Thomas Powell, of Powell- ton, Suffolk county, England, yeoman, his brother and heir, sold the estate to John Taylor, " citizen and girdler," of London, who in turn disposed of it to William Barker, mari- ner, Richard Quiney and John Sadler, merchants of London ; and they in 1638 patented it (with 1,250 acres additional) as " Merchant's Hope, formerly known as Powle Brook." It finally passed to Nathaniel Harrison in 1720. Near by there is still standing a very old brick church, known as Merchant's Hope Church. The courthouse of Prince George was first seated near the church on Chappell's Creek. Chappell's Creek. Named for Thomas Chappell, who came to the colony in the ship of Captain William Barker in 1635. He has numerous representatives in the South. Bickers Creek. Named for William Bicker, or Bykar, killed in the massacre of 1622. Chaplin's Choice. This place was first patented in 1619 by Captain Isaac Chaplin who represented it in the House of Burgesses. It lay east of Captain Woodlief's land, near Jordan's, and in 1686, Captain Nicholas Wyatt patented it anew, describing it as in area 361 acres, and as lying on James River between Parson's and Bicker's creeks. He states that it was for a long time in the possession of his late father, Captain Anthony Wyatt. By the burning of his father's house and that of the secretary at Jamestown, the original patent to Chaplin's had been lost. Captain John Woodlief's Plantation. He was a member of the London Company, and came first to Virginia in 1609 from Prestwood in Buckinghamshire. When Berkeley, Thorpe, Tracey, Smith, and other Gloucestershire men, formed a com- 214 The Cradle of the Republic. pany^ he was empowered in 1619 to be governor of their new plantation at Berkeley Hundred." He afterwards settled on the south of the James, and left numerous descendants. Jordan's Jorney, or Beggars BitsJi. Captain Samuel Jor- dan, in 16 1 9, patented at Jordan's Point on James River 450 acres, bounded by Captain Woodlief's land. At the time of the massacre in 1622, Captain Jordan gathered together his neighbors " at Beggar's Bush where he fortified and lived in despight of the enemy."' He died the next year, when his widow Cecilly was courted by Captain William Far- rar, after the minister Rev. Greville Pooley had received, as he alleged, a promise of marriage. The affair was brought before the council, who thought it of such ill consequence that they issued a proclamation prohibiting women in the future from contracting themselves in marriage to " two several men at the same time." At Jordan's Jorney in 1676 the volunteers of Charles City County (Prince George County) had their encampment, pre- vious to pressing Bacon into service to lead them against the Indians. In 1677, the place had become the property of John Bland, of London, merchant; and nearly a hundred years later, was the residence of Richard Bland, " the antiquary," the first per- son to show in a formal pamphlet that America had no con- nection with England except the tie of the crown. Bailey's Creek. From Temperance Bailey, who in 1626 had two hundred acres there. " ' City Point. This name is a contraction for Charles City Point, a public settlement begun by Sir Thomas Dale about Christmas, 161 3. It was first known as Bermuda City, but the name was soon changed to Charles City in honor of Prince Charles, afterwards King Charles I, In March, 1617, the three years' time of service of the incorporators of Bermuda City expired, and they being freed, " with humble thanks to God, fell cheerfully to their own particular labors." Here it was, in 1621. that the company proposed to erect the East India School, which was to be a feeder to the college at Henrico. James River — South Side. 215 The place is spoken of in the records of Prince George county in 1720 as " City Point," /. c, " Charles City Point." On April 24, 1781, the British force landed here under General Phillips and captured Petersburg. In the war of 1861-65 it was an important military depot for the army of General Grant, who had his headquarters here. At City Point is the residence of the Eppes family, called " Appo- mattox," which has been in the Eppes family since it was first patented by Colonel Francis Eppes in 1635. President Lincoln was here on a visit to General Grant when Richmond was evac- uated. It is connected with Petersburg by a railroad. Appomattox River. Up the Appomattox is a number of fine old plantations : Cazvsons, formerly a seat of the Blands, and the birthplace of John Randolph ; Conjurer's Neck, the seat of the Kennon family ; Broadzvay, named for Alexander Broad- way, an early settler ; and Matoax, a mile from Petersburg, which was the residence of John Randolph, father of John Ran- dolph, of Roanoke. At the Falls of the Appomattox is Peters- burg, founded in 1733 by Peter Jones, a descendant of Col. Abraham Wood, an early patentee for land in the neighbor- hood. Bermuda Hundred. This place lies in Chesterfield countv, near the mouth of the Appomattox, across from City Point. It was laid out by Sir Thomas Dale at the same time as Bermuda City, or Charles City. He named the place Bermuda Hundred " by reason of the strength of the situation," which likened it to those coral girt islands, the Bermudas. He annexed to it many miles of "' champion and wood land in several hundreds, as Rochedale Hundred (afterwards known as the Neck of Land in Charles City, and now as Jones' Neck), the Upper and Nether Hundreds (Curls Neck and Bermuda), West's Sherley Hundred (Shirley) and Digges' Hundred." In the first general assembly the plantations of Bermuda Hundred, Sherly Hundred and Charles City were represented by Samuel Sharpe and Samuel Jordan. On May 2, 1781, the British forces under Generals Phillips and Arnold, returning from their attack on Petersburg, em- barked at Bermuda Hundred. 2i6 The Cradle of the Republic. For many years previous to the war, before the upper portion of the river was deepened, this was an important shipping point, and was the port of Richmond for large vessels. In 1864, General Butler, with a force of thirty thousand men, was, in the language of General Grant, " bottled up " here by the Confederates, and just outside of this peninsula may still be seen many heavy outworks thrown up by him. Bermuda Hundred is now the terminus of the Farmville and Powhatan Railroad. Neck of Land, or Rochedale Hundred. This place is now known as Jones' Neck, and was a part of Dale's settlement in 161 3. It was first called Rochedale Hundred and afterwards " Neck of Land in Charles City " to distinguish it from " Neck of Land " in James City County. A creek on the western side still retains the name of Rochedale Creek. On the west side of Jones' Neck is " Meadowville," the handsome estate of Mrs. Edward E. Barney, originally called " Woodson's," being the original seating place of Robert Woodson, the first emigrant ancestor of the Woodson family of Virginia. Gatesz'iUe and Osborne's. In 1720, the name of Dale Parish was given very appropriately to that part of Henrico County on the south side of the river, the scene especially of Dale's labors. The glebe of Dale Parish (one hundred acres) was opposite to the present Farrar's Island, and, in 1761, an act was passed authorizing the division of this land into lots for a town to be called Gatesville (in honor of Sir Thomas Gates, who was Sir Thomas Dale's superior officer). In April, 1781, the British forces captured and destroyed here about twenty-five vessels loaded with tobacco, flour, etc. On April 27, 1781, after a hot action with the British, the vessels of the small Virginia navy then in James River were captured and destroyed about four miles above Gatesville. After this, the little town of Gatesville, ceased to be mentioned, and the wharf near by is now known as Osborne's. For a number of years this was the shipping point for coal from the Clover Hill mines, in Chesterfield County. Co.vendale. This is the bend west of the bend called Far- rar's Island across the river. When Sir Thomas Dale set to James River — South Side. 217 work in 1611 to build his city at Henrico, he ran a pale across this neck and secured it by several forts : Charity Fort, Eliza- beth Fort and Fort Patience. He also built a retreat or guest house for sick people, called Mount Malado — which appears on Fry and Jefferson's map (1751) under the spelling of " Mt. Malawdy." In Coxendale Alexander Whitaker, son of the ■celebrated Dr. William Whitaker, a Puritan divine, had his parsonage. Proctors Creek. This creek gets its name from " IMistrisse (Alice) Proctor a proper ciuill modest gentlewoman," who, in 1622, defended her plantation here against the savages with great bravery. She afterwards refused to obey the order of the council to abandon her house^ and would not retire till the officers had threatened to burn it down. She was the wife of John Proctor, an early settler. Sheffield's Plantation. Three miles from Falling Creek. Thomas Sheffield, the first proprietor, was slain here by the Indians in 1622. About 1770, the place was the residence of Seth Ward and his family. Drewry's Bluff. The Confederates had here strong fortifi- cations during the war of 1861-1865, which were the means of inflicting a severse repulse, in 1862, upon the Federal fleet, in- cluding the iron clad Monitor. Falling Creek. This creek was the site of the first iron works in America. In 1619, Sir Edwin Sandys informed the London Company of one Mr. King, who was to go with fifty persons to Virginia and set up iron works there, and the same year 150 expert workmen, chiefly from War- wickshire and Staffordshire, were sent over. The works cos{ the company four thousand pounds, the equivalent of one hun- dred thousand dollars in present money, and were first under the charge of Captain Bluett ; but, he dying shortly after his arrival, the care of the iron industry was committed to John Berkeley, son of Sir John Berkeley, of the castle and manor of Beverston, in Gloucestershire, an eminent branch of the noble family of the Berkeleys of Berkeley Castle. The iron was made from bog ore found in the vicinity, and it was reported that "no better iron existed in the world." Unfortunately, in 1622, the works were broken up by the Indians, who killed 2i8 The Cradle of the Republic. Berkeley, and all his employees, except a boy and a girl, who managed to hide in the bushes. Colonel Archibald Cary owned mills upon the creek at the time of the Revolution, which were destroyed by Tarleton ; and a mill still exists near a picturesque little fall. Ampthill. This was the estate of Colonel Archibald Cary, chairman of the committee of the Virginia Convention which drafted, in 1776, the Declaration of Rights and State Constitu- tion — the first in America. The house, a fine square brick building, is still standing. li'arwick. The chimney standing on the right bank of the liver near Ampthill marks the old site of the village of War- wick, established in the twenty-second year of the reign of George II. While the bar in the river above remained, it was a place of much importance. At the time of the Revolution there were here mills, warehouses, storehouses, rope-walks and a ship-building yard, which were all destroyed by the British in 1 78 1. Chastellux, who was here in 1782, describes it, never- theless, as a charming spot, " where a group of handsome houses form a sort of village, and there are several superb ones in the neighborhood, among others that of Colonel Cary, on the right bank of the river, and Mr. Randolph's on the opposite shore." Goode's Creek. Named from John Goode, who was a sup- porter of Bacon in 1676. The name of his place is " Whitby," through which the creek runs. NORTH SIDE. The Falls, and Richmond. After the landing at Jamestown Island, May 14, 1607, President Wingfield, in accordance with instructions from the London Company, sent a body of men in a shallop to discover the part of the river above them. They left Jamestown May 21, 1607, under Captain Newport, and six days later arrived at an Indian town called Powhatan, consist- ing of some twelve houses pleasantly situated on a hill. Below it were three fertile islands, and it was separated from the river by a meadow of 200 acres, in which were planted Indian com,, tobacco, pumpkins, gourds and other vegetables. The town James River — North Side. 219 was distant three miles from the Falls^ and the description of the place corresponds with either the present " Marin Hill," or " Tree Hill " plantation. It was the native country of Pow- hatan, but the chief here, in 1607, was Parahunt, a son of Pow- hatan, called Tanxpowhatan (Little Powhatan). After the arrival of the Third Supply in August, 1609, Cap- tain John Smith, in the absence of Sir Thomas Gates, the new governor, sent Captain Francis West with one hundred men to form a settlement at the Falls. West purchased a site from the Indians in a low place subject to overflow, now known as Rocketts, and called his settlement Fort W^est. After a time Captain John Smith came up the river, and finding West absent ordered the settlers to move to the hill on which the Indian town was situated, which he purchased from the Indians, and called " Nonsuch." After a while West returned, and not liking Smith's interference ordered the company back to their original settlement. But here they were attacked by the Indians, and the colonists returned to Jamestown. After the second massacre, in 1644, a fort was built near this place. It was rebuilt in 1676, but was soon abandoned. Finally Captain William Byrd became possessed of much of the land in this vicinity ; and his son. Colonel William Byrd, had at the Falls several mills. In 1742, Richmond, having been surveyed by Col. William Mayo, was established as a town on land belonging to Colonel Byrd. A mile from Richmond is a place called Powhatan, long the home of the Mayos, who came from Barbadoes to Virginia. GiUee's Creek. Named for Gilleygrow Marin, living in 1769. Tree Hill. Formerly the residence of Colonel Miles Selden (died May 18, 181 1), and for a long time celebrated for its race-track. Chatszi'orth. This was formerly the seat of Colonel Peter Randolph (son of Colonel William Randolph, Jr.), member of the council and surveyor-general of the customs (died 1767). The last male of this immediate branch was Air. William B. Randolph, who died since the war. This was the birthplace of Beverley Randolph, governor of Virginia ; of Colonel Robert Randolph, of Eastern Viezv, Fauquier County, Va., ancestor of the present Bishop Randolph, of Virginia ; and of Mrs. Fitz- 220 The Cradle of the Republic. hugh, of " Chatham," grandmother of Airs. General Robert E. Lee. Wilton. Colonel William Randolph, son of Colonel William Randolph, of Turkey Island, built the present brick mansion early in the eighteenth century. It stands nearly opposite to Falling Creek, on the opposite side of the river. The best known of his descendants who lived here was Innes Randolph, the poet, and Anne Randolph, who married Colonel Benjamin Harrison, of Brandon, a member of the first State executive council (1776). She was a noted belle of the period just prior to the Revolution, and was referred to as Nancy Wilton. ChafRn's Bluff. Fortified by the Confederates in 1861-65. Next below is " Newstead," location of the Confederate signal station. Farrar's Island, and Dutch Gap. In June, 161 1, Sir Thomas Dale went up James River to search for a new site for the chief town, the London Company having become dissatisfied with Jamestown. The privy council had already named the pro- posed site, " Henrico," in honor of Henry, oldest son of King James I. In September, 161 1, with permission from Sir Thomas Gates, who had in the meantime arrived as governor, Dale went up to Henrico, and began the settlement on the peninsula (now an island), known afterwards as Farrar's Island, after William Farrar, who patented it. He cut a ditch across the neck (Dale's Dutch Gap), such as he had learned to make while campaigning in Holland, and strongly faced it with palisades. There were in the town three streets of framed houses, and a church of timber. The foundations of the houses were of brick made on the spot by the brickmakers brought by Gates from England. For the town's security, there were five block houses upon the verge of the river. In the main, two miles from the town, they ran a pale from river to river two miles long and, on the other side of the river, they impaled the bend west of Henrico called Coxendale. Henrico was distant from Bermuda Hundred by water fourteen miles, but by land only five miles. In the first general assembly Henrico and Coxendale, together with Arrohateck just above Henrico, was represented by John Dowse and John Polentine. But the place did not James River — North Side. 221 flourish, and it was reported as containing in 1619 only " two or three old houses, a poore ruinated church, with some few poor buildings." At Henrico it was proposed in 1619 to build a college, and ten thousand acres of land were appropriated to the purpose. The first rector was to be the Rev. Patrick Copland, while George Thorpe was made superintendent of the buildings and plantation. The Indians, in 1622, put a stop to the project by almost wiping the place out of existence, and Virginia waited many years for a college. Finally, in 1693, Dr. James Blair, who was minister of this same parish from 1685 to 1694, inspired doubtless by the earlv memories of the place, consum- mated the original design, though the general assembly chose Williamsburg, many miles distant from Henrico, as the seat of the college. In this locality the river makes great loops, and to avoid the Confederate battery at the extreme end of Farrar's Island, called Hewlett's house battery, General Butler attempted, in 1864, to deepen Dale's old ditch or gap, so as to admit a pass- age from the rear to the river above. The work, however, owing to the Confederate sharp-shooters, was not completed at this time, but in 1871-72 the United States government deepened it to its present practicable condition, and thus re- duced the distance to Richmond by seven miles. J^ariiia. A little more than a mile below the Dutch Gap Canal is J^ariiia, so named, it is said, because of the superior character of the tobacco raised in the neighborhood, which resembled a high-price Spanish tobacco called Varina. This was long the county-seat of Henrico, and here, it is said, resided, after their marriage, John Rolfe and Pocahontas. At Varina was also the glebe of Henrico Parish, where resided James Blair, who founded William and Mary College, and William Stith, another of its presidents, who wrote the History of J'irginia. Some forty years ago the sites of the glebe, court- house, jail and tavern were pointed out. Under the name cf Aiken's Landing. Varina was well known during the war of 1861-65 ^s a place of exchange of prisoners. Four Mile Creek. Opposite to the point of " The Neck of Land." or Jones' Neck. It receives its name from its distance — four miles — from Henrico (Farrar's Island). 222 The Cradle of the Republic. Ciirls Neck. This place obtains its name from the surprising '' curls " which the river makes in this locality. To go six miles from Farrar's Island to City Point, the river takes a course of sixteen miles. Curls Neck was at first divided into a number of small farms, which gradually became consolidated. Chief among the inhabitants here in 1676 was the famous Nathaniel Bacon. Jr. In 1698, William Randolph of Turkey Island patented two certain tracts of land in the county of Henrico — one tract called " Curies, formerly Longfield," the other called the " Slashes," containing together twelve hundred and thirty acres, " late in the seizin and iiilieritanee of Nathaniel Bacon, Jim., Esq., dcce'd, and fonnd to escheat to his most sacred Majesty by the attainder of tJie said NatJianiel Bacon, Junr.^ of high treason." William Randolph purchased the land for one hundred and fifty pounds. " Longfield," originally containing 400 acres, was first patented by Edward Gurgany October i, 161 7. and was bequeathed, in 1619, by his widow, Ann Gurgany, to Captain Thomas Harris, who patented it with 300 acres additional in July, 1637. William Randolph, of Turkey Island, became the owner of a large part of the Neck, and he left it to his son, Richard Ran- dolph, grandfather of John Randolph of Roanoke. In later years the estate, containing 3,000 acres, became one of the numerous plantations of Major William Allen, of Clermont. The present owner is Charles H. Senff, Esq. Brenio, and Malvern Hill. Bremo was patented by Colonel Richard Cocke in 1639, and continued the residence of the Cockes for nearly 200 years. Near by, just back of Turkey Island, is another estate of the Cockes, called " Malvern Hill," after some hills in England of that name, which divide the counties of Hereford and Worcester. The old dwelling house at Malvern Hill is still standing, and is described as " one of the best specimens of colonial architecture." It was here that one of the most sanguinary conflicts of the war took place in 1862 between the armies of General George B. McClellan and General R. E. Lee. Turkey Island. A short distance below Bremo is Turkey Island Plantation, so called because the first explorers up the river found in the neighborhood an island having many turkeys James River — North Side. 223 upon it. But the description seems more applicable to the peninsula opposite, called Presque Isle, or Turkey Island Bend. In 1676, Turkey Island was owned, in part at least, by Colonel James Crews, one of Bacon's most loyal friends, who was hanged at the glass house near Jamestown by Sir William Berkeley. In 1684, his heirs — wSarah Whittingham, wife of William Whittingham, of London, Gent., a n d daughter of his brother Edward Crews, and Mat- thew Crews, " citizen and haberdasher of London," . SIR JOHN RANDOLPH. son or his brother rrancis Crews — sold the land (600 acres) to William Randolph, " late of Warwickshire in England," a half-nephew of the poet Thomas Randolph and founder of the eminent Virginia family of Ran- dolphs. William Randolph mar- ried Mary Isham, daugh- ter of Henry Isham, of Bermuda Hundred, and granddaughter of William Isham, of Xorthampton- shire, in England. He had issue, nine children : (i) \A'illiam. of Turkey Island; (2) Thomas, of Tuckahoe, in Goochland LADY SUSANNA RANDOLPH. Couuty ; (3) Isham, of Dungeness, in Goochland; (4) Sir John, of Williamsburg, an eminent lawyer; (5) Colonel Richard, of Curls Neck; (6) 224 The Cradle of the Republic. Elizabeth, who married Richard Bland, of Jordan's; (7) Mary^ who married John Stith, and was mother of William Stith,. president of William and Mary College; (8) Edward, a sea captain; (9) Henry, who died, unmarried, in England. Will- iam Randolph was the common ancestor of Thomas Jefiferson, John Marshall, Robert E. Lee and Edmund Randolph. The old dwelling-house at Turkey Island was destroyed by the gun- boats of General McClellan, when he took refuge here with his. army after " the Seven Days' Battles." At one time during the late war the estate was owned in part by General George E. Pickett. Shirley. This place was first occupied in 161 3, when Sir Thomas Dale established B e r m u d a Hundred. It was called originally West-and-Sher- ley-Hundred. It was origi- nally the property of Thomas West, Lord Dela- ware, and his three brothers. Captain Francis West, Captain Nathaniel West, and Captain John West, who all resided in ROBERT CARTER. Virginia. Thomas West, Lord Delaware, married Cecilly, daughter of Sir Thomas. Sherley. In 1664, 2.544 acres at Shirley Hundred were pat- ented by Major Edward Hill, Sr., a man of great prominence in the colony. The land was inherited by his son Colonel Edward Hill, Jr., who left a son. Colonel Edward Hill,, and two daughters, Hannah, who married Edward Chil- ton, the attorney-general, but died without issue, and Elizabeth, who married John Carter, secretary of state, and son of Robert (King) Carter. Colonel Edward Hill, third of the name, died in 1720 without children, and Shirley descended to his sister Elizabeth Carter, and has since re- mained in the Carter family. This was the birthplace of Anne Hill Carter, wife of " Light Horse " Harry Lee, and mother of General Robert E. Lee. The plantation is one of the James River — North Side. 225 i^nest in Virginia, and the buildings, which were erected about the beginning of the eighteenth century, are elegant examples of colonial architecture. Among the portraits at Shirley is an excellent one of Washington by Peale. Cawsey's Care. Nathaniel Causey was an old soldier, who came in the First Supply in January, 1608, and patented 200 acres, called " Cawsey's Care," on Kimage's Creek December 10, 1620. John Causey sold this land in 1634 to Colonel Wal- ter Aston, son of Walter Aston, of Longden, Stafford County, England. The latter patented, August 12, 1642, 1,040 acres on Kimage's Creek, of which Cawsey's Care was part. Colonel Aston left a son, Walter, who, in 1666, devised the estate to Mr. George Harris, of Westover, merchant. He died without issue, and Cawsey's Care fell to his brother, Thomas Harris, of London, merchant. This last sold the estate to Colonel Thomas Grendon, Jr., who by his will, proved December 3, 1684, devised the same to William Byrd, Jr., son of William Byrd, whereupon it became absorbed in the Byrd estate.^ Sarah Crendon, the wife of Colonel Thomas Grendon, Jr., was one of the heroines of Bacon's Rebellion, being the only woman ex- cepted from pardon in the act of " indemnitie and free par- don," passed in 1677. Berkeley. On February 3, 1619, the London Company granted to Sir William Throckmorton, Sir George Yeardley, Richard Berkeley, George Thorpe and John Smith, of Nibley, a plantation in Mrginia, W'hich became known as Berkeley Hundred. On December 4, 1619, The Margaret arrived from Bristol at Jamestown, bringing thirty-five passengers, under the conduct of Captain John Woodlief. These were the first settlers of the " Town and Hundred of Berkeley," which was located between West-and- Sherley's rlundred and Westover. William Tracy, to whom Sir William Throckmorton assigned his interests, and George Thorpe came over in pe;rson and suc- ceeded Captain Woodlief in the management of the settlement.- In 1 62 1, Rev. Robert Pawlett. a kinsman of Lord Pawlett, was preacher at Berkeley Hundred. But in the massacre of 1622 nine persons were killed there, and the plantation was tempor- 1 William and Mary Coll. Quart.. IV., 148. 2 John Smith of Nibley, Papers in Bulletins of New York Public Library, 1899. It; James River — North Side. 227 arily abandoned. In 1636, the plantation was patented anew by Captain William Tucker, Maurice Thompson, George Thomp- son, William Harris, Thomas Deacon and Cornelius Loyd, of London, merchants, and Jeremiah Blackburn, of London, mariner, who had purchased it from the " adventurers of the company of Berkeley Hundred." It was described as consist- ing of 8.000 acres, bounded east by the land (Westover) of Captain Thomas Pawlett (brother of Lord Pawlett), and on the west by King's Creek, and extending back into the woods. After some years their interests passed to John Bland, of Lon- don, merchant, whose only son, Giles, resided here till his exe- cution in 1676 for complicity with Bacon. After this the estate went to Benjamin Harrison, the third of that name, who died April 10, 1710. It descended then to Col. Benjamin Harrison, speaker of the House of Burgesses, who died in 1744, and at the time of the Revolution was owned by his son, Benjamin Harrison, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and father of William Henry Harrison, presi- dent of the United States, born at Berkeley, February 9, 1773. Berkeley is better known to Northern soldiers and people as Harrison's Landing, headc|uarters of General McClellan after his retreat from Malvern Hill. At that time there were no less than 600 war vessels and transports anchored in the river near by, and the river shore for miles was covered with the camps of soldiers. The handsome brick house of the Harrisons is still standing. Westover. During the summer of 16 19, Captain Francis West selected the site of Westover for the lands of Henry West, fourth Lord Delaware, son and heir of his brother, Thomas West, third Lord Delaware, governor of Virginia. The three brothers of Lord Delaware (who all acted as goy- ernors of Virginia), had separate plantations here — Captain Francis West, Captain John and Captain Nathaniel West. Only Captain John West is known to have left descendants in Virginia. His son. Colonel John W^est, of West Point, was the first child of English parents born on York River. In 1622, six persons fell beneath the tomahawk at Westover. In February, 1633, the representative for Westover and Flower dew Hundred was Captain Thomas Pawlett, who, in January, 1637, patented 2,000 acres of the plantation called Westover. 228 The Ciladle of the Republic. Pawlett was brother of the first Lord Pawlett, and was born about 1578, and came to Virginia in 1618. He appeared in th~e first American assembly at Jamestown as a representative from " Argall's Gift." Pawlett's grant describes the place as " 2,000 acres in Charles City County, bounding to the river south, northward to the main, eastward to the land of Captain Perry, west upon Berkeley Hundred land, extending by the river side from Herring Creek to a gut dividing Westover from Berkeley." Captain Thomas Paw- lett died in 1644, and his brother Lord John Paw- lett, in 1666, sold West- over to Theodorick Bland, brother of John Bland, merchant, of London. Theodorick Bland died in 1674, when the West- over tract went to his sons Theodorick and Richard Bland. In 1688, they conveyed 1,200 acres to William Byrd, Esq., son of John Byrd, goldsmith, of London, for three hundred pounds English money, and 10,000 pounds of tobacco. Captain Byrd took part with Bacon during the civil war in 1676. He was living at that time near Richmond, and was Bacon's neighbor. At Westover, in 1690, he built a wooden residence, and died there in 170 1. He was succeeded by his son. Colonel William Byrd, who was by long odds the most accomplished man in America — statesman, scholar and fellow of the Royal Society. He built the present noble brick mansion at Westover, and gathered about him the finest library on the continent. He wrote several very entertaining tracts upon Virginia, which have no equal in colonial literature for grace of style and composition. WILLIAM BYRD, OF WESTOVER. Fellow of the Ro^'al Society. James River — North Side. 229 Buckland. This settlement adjoined Westover and contained the plantation of Captain George Menifie, of the council (who in 1635 took a prominent part in deposing Harvey), and of Captain William Perry (died August 6, 1637), who married Isabella, widow of Richard Pace, of Pace's Pains. Captain Plenry Perry, son of Captain William Perry, married the daughter of Captain George Menifie, and became possessed of the whole of Buckland. Captain Perry left two daughters — Elizabeth, who married John Coggs. of Rainslipp, ]\Iiddlesex County, England, and Mary, who married Thomas Mercer, a stationer of London. In 1766, Buckland, containing 10,000 acres, was the property of Colonel William Cole. This place, or a part of it. is now owned by the Willcox family, of Charles City County. Szi'iiicyards. This place probably gets its name from Thomas Swinhow, whose wife and sons, together with four other per- sons, were slain in the massacre of 1622. The name of the place appears variously as '* Swinhows,"" " Swiniares," ^ Swineherds," " Swineyards." It was owned in 1769 by Col- onel William Cole, who also owned Buckland at that time. Weyanokc. This place was called by the Indians " Tanks Weyanoke " (Little Weyanoke), to distinguish it from the ter- ritory from Appomattox River down to Powell's Creek on the south side of James River, which was called " Great Weya- noke." In 1617, Opechancanough presented to Yeardley a large tract of land at Weyanoke, and, in 161 9, the London Company confirmed the gift. In their deed they described it as contain- ing "' twenty-two hundred acres, all that piece of marsh ground called Weyanoke, and also one other piece and parcell of land adjoining to the said marsh, called by the natives Kenwan, one parcel thereof abutteth upon a creek called ]\Iapsock to the east, and the other parcell thereof towards a creek, there called Queen's Creek, on the west, and extendeth in breadth to landward from the head of said creek called Mapsock up to the head of said creek called Queen's Creek (which creek, called Queen's Creek, is opposite to the point there which is now called Tobacco Point, and abutteth south upon the river and north to the landward)." 230 The Cradle of the Republic. About 1624, Sir George Yeardley sold Weyanoke and Flower dew Hundred, on the opposite side of James River, to Captain Abraham Peirsey. In 1665, Joseph Harwood located a grant in Weyanoke, and the place descended for many years in the Harwood family. Major Samuel Harwood was a dis- tinguished member of the convention of 1776. The land descended, in part at least, to his descendants, the Douthats, • who still reside there. ^ Southampton Hundred. This land ran from " Tanks Weya- noke " to Chickahominy River, and contained about 80,000 acres. It was located in 161 7 by a pow- erful association in England, of whom Sir Thomas Smith was the head. The hundred was at first known as " Smith's Hundred," but when Sir Edwin Sandys became treasurer of the London Com- pany Smith sold his shares, and the name in 161 9 Avas changed to South- ampton Hundred, in honor of the Earl of Southampton, who was a member. The organization was a strong one, owning ships, etc., and had an interest in Hog Island as well. Sir George Yeardley was for many years captain or commander of the hundred. COMMUNION CUP OF It was represented in the first general SMITH'S HUNDRED assembly by Captain Thomas Graves ,Q (The oldest church plate j j i in America.) and Air. Walter Shelley. Mrs. ]\Iary Robinson gave £200 sterling and a silver gilt communion cup and other ornaments for " St. Mary's Church in Smith's Hundred in Virginia," which were brought to the colony in 161 9. The cup is still preserved by the church at 1 The descent seems to run thus : Josephl Harwood, living in 1665, had issue Samuel,^ who married Temperance Cocke, dau. of Capt. Thomas Cocke, Sr., of Henrico, and had issue: Sainuel,3 whose will was proved in Charles City Co., in 1745, by his widow Agnes. Samuel^ and Agnes Harwood had issue : Samuel,* member of the State Con- vention, 1776. who married Margaret Woddrop, daughter of John Woddrop, of Nansemond, and had Anne,^ who married Thomas Lewis, Agnes,^ who married Fielding Lewis, son of Col. Warner Lewis, of "Warner Hall," in Gloucester Countv, and Eleanor Bowles, his wife; and Margaret^ who married Robert Munford. Fielding Lewis' daugh- ter, Eleanor, married Robert Douthat, Esquire. James River — North Side. 231 Hampton, and bears the hall-mark 1617, with the inscription above mentioned. This plate is by long odds ilic oldest church plate in the United States. After tlie massacre of 1622 South- ampton Hundred was abandoned, and in 1635 ^'""e associators in this company complained that they had spent upwards of i6,ooo in planting settlements, and had nothing left but a stock of cattle in the hands of Captain John Utie. About 1637, the governor began to grant out the territory in parcels to new applicants; and ?kIilton, Sherwood Forest, Sturgeon Point, Bachelor's Point, the Row, and Sandy Point — all lie in what was once Southampton Hundred. Milton. This place, it is believed, was named after Richard Alilton, who patented lands in Charles City County as early as 1636. Shcrzvood Forest. This place reaches the river opposite to Brandon, and was the property in 1842 of Collier Minge, who sold the same to John Tyler, president of the United States. His residence still stands about two miles back from the river, and three miles further, near Charles City court house, is his birthplace, " Greenway," the former residence of his father, Governor John Tyler, Sr. Sturgeon Point. This place appears to obtain its name from the sturgeons which were caught in great numbers in the river here. Bachelor's Point. PIcrc resided the family of William Hunt, a sympathizer with Bacon, and who died in 1676. His tomb- stone lies on the hill. Sandy Point. This place is nearly opposite to Clermont, and is one of the most fertile tracts of land on the north side of the river. Here at the time of the arrival of the colonists was seated the Indian town of " Paspahegh." About 1700, it be- came the plantation of Colonel Philip Lightfoot, of the council of Virginia, grandson of Richard Lightfoot, rector of Stoke- Bruern, in Northampt'on.-^hire, England. It remained many vears in the Lightfoot family. The house is said to have been built in the j^ear 1717, and is called " Tedington," the name of a place near London. Dancing Point. There is a waggish story that this point, which is at the mouth of the Chickahominy River, got its name 2j2 The Cradle of the Republic. from a dancing match had here between the devil and Mr, Lightfoot. who Hved at Sandy Point, the stake being some marsh land. ]\Ir. Lightfoot outdanced the devil, and won the land. ' But about 1637, many years before the Lightfoots set- tled at Sandy Point, this point was patented by John Dance, and on Fry and Jefferson's map of Virginia the point is called Dance's Point, which was readily corrupted into Dancing Point. Chickahoiuiny River. This river is famed in the early his- tory as the seat of a numerous tribe of Indians who preserved a qnasi-indc pcndencc of Powhatan. At the head of this river, perhaps in New Kent county, John Smith was captured in 1607. During the war between the States, its extensive swamps and morasses played an important part in determining military results. Governor's Land. In 1619, 3,000 acres were laid out as the Governor's Land, extending from the Chickahominy to James- town, on the land '' formerly conquered or purchased of the Paspahegh Indians." It was tilled at first by employees of the London Company for the support of the governor's office. After the revocation of the charter in 1624, the land was leased on terms of ninety-nine years to individuals, with a nominal rent. This system was kept up till after the Revolution, when the legislature, in May, 1784, vested " the lands near James- town, in the county of James City, and all the lots and houses in Williamsburg, which are the property of the commonwealth, and not yet granted " in the college of William and Mary. Ar gall's Gift or Town. This place was located in 161 7 about a mile from Jamestown towards Chickahominy. Captain Ar- gall contracted with some of the Martin's Hundred people to cut down the wood on 300 acres for f6oo, and with Captain William Powell to clear the ground and put up houses for £50. In July, 1619, they were represented in the first house of bur- gesses by Captain Thomas Pawlett and J\Ir. Gurgany. But inasmuch as this tract was embraced in the district of 3,000 acres appointed by the company for the Governor's Land, the people petitioned the Assembly for relief from payment to Captain Argall. Their petition was granted, and the place appears to have been abandoned. 's^''ii^MWu.i:.sAis-jLs-^ j«-vii"-.-' : -, -£-«■' .^^^aHmSU 150, 151, 152, 189, 234, 248, 261. Back Street, 3, 46, 47, 48, 56, 65, 79, 95- Bacon, J. R., 69, 255. Bacon, William E., 255. Bacon's Castle, 184, 205; picture, 209. Bacon, Elizabeth, 66, 76, 156, 235, 249, 257. Bacon, Nathaniel, Jr., 67-72,^ 78, 82, 107, IIS, 143, 155, 156, 160, 171, 173-177, 207, 214, 218, 222, 223, 227, 228, 231, 249; autograph, 68. Bacon, Nathaniel, Sr., 66, 7^, 78, 108, 124, 156, 161, 162, 177, 205, 235, 257, 265 ; autograph, 162, 257. Bacon's Rebellion, 66-73, 78, 79, 142, 143, 162, 173-179, 205, 207, 214, 225, 231. Bailev, John, 205; Mary, 49, 205; Temperance, 214; Thomas, 171; Walter, 248. Bailey's Creek, 214. Baird, John, 2O5. Baldwin, Briscoe G., 91, portrait, 91. Baldwin, (Bauldwin), John, 65, 66, 76, 85, 152, 171, 260, 261, 265. Ballard, 156. Baltimore, Lord, 53, 54, 166, 247. Bancroft 135- Bandon, 241. Barber, John, 65, 265 ; William, 172. Bargrave, 210. Barker, 210 211, 213, 218. Barlow, 6. Barnes, 52. Barney, 98, 205, 216. [271] X Index. Barret's Ferry, 125. Barrington, 105. Barroll, 146. Ban-on, 250, 253. Basse's Choice, 204. Bassett, 252. Batte Family, 140, 141. Bayley, 55. Bedford Parish, 163. Beggar's Bush (Jordan's Jorney), 214. Bellfield. 61. Bennett's Plantation, 204. Bennett Family, 204. Bennett, Richard, 56, 60, 61, 107, 159, 169, 170, 174, 178, 186, 203, 204, 223, 225. Bently, 239. Berkeley (Berkeley Hundred), 205, 213, 225, 227, 228; picture of house ot, 233. ■ Berkeley, Sir William, 49, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 82, 107, 108, 139, 143, 155, 156, 159.- 160, 161, 164, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 186, 207, 211, 213, 218, 220, 223, 225, 227, 228, 252, 255, 256; portrait, 70; autograph, 70. Berkeley,- Lady Frances, 62, 129, 161, 211. portrait, 72. Berkeley, John, 217. Berkeley, Richard, 225. Berkeley, Rev. M., 148. Bermuda, 35, 106. 119, 135, 214, 2x5, 240. Bermuda City. 215. Bermuda Hundred, 39, 107, 197, 205, 214, 215, 216, 220, 223, 224, 228. Berry, 71, 178, 207, Beverley, Robert, 78, 85. 105, 130, 165, 166, 177. 178, 179, 184, 1 88. ■189, 191, 265; autograph, 178; Ursula, 130. Beverley, Historv of Virginia, 11, 58, 7:1, 165. 184, 185. 188. 189. Bickadike, 85. Bicker or B3dvar's Creek. 213. Birkenhead, it2. Blackljeard. (Teach). 249; portrait, 240. Blackbeard Point, 249. Blackburn, 227. Black Point, 22, 49. 50, 66, 96. Blair, Dr. Archibald, 65, 105, 145 ; James, y6, 80, 115, 124, 129, 131, 132. 133, 144, 145, 221; portrait 144; John, 161; Sarah, 129, 132, 133- Blanchard, C. K., Thomas, 90, 91. Bland, Eliza, 48; Giles, 227; James, 221 ; John, 204, 208, 214, 227, 228; Mary, 204; Richard, 214, 224, 228; Sarah, 129, 132, 133; Theodorick, 148, 208, 228; Thomas, 204; William, 148. Blaney, 46, 103, 105. Blessing, The, 46. Bliss, Colonial Times on Bussards Bay, .192. Block houses, 34, 38, 46, 150-153. 154, 179, 261, picture, 151. Block house Hill, 24, 27, 84, 152. 262, 265. Blow's Neck, 236. Bluett, Caotain, 217. Blunt, 37, 245. Blunt Point, 37, 238, 239, 240, 245. Boiling, 120. Bolton,- 138. Bonnell Family, 246. Booth, Dr. E. G., 237. Bossier, 29, 125. Boswell. 250. Boush, 89. Bowler, 113. Bowles, 230. Bownas, 237. Boyle, 143- Boys, -236. Bradford, 182, 190, 191. Brandon, 12, 208, 2io,_ 220, 231,; Lower, 209, 210; picture, 209; Upper, 209, 2T0 ; picture, 209. Bray, 156, 235. Bremo, 222. Brewer, 238. Brewster, 36, 234, 237. Brice, 2.^4. "Brick House," 71. Brick houses, 55, 56, 57, 63. 64, 65, 66, 67, 78, 79- Brick and brickmakers, 38. 56, 63, S3, 93, 220, 250. Brick kiln, 56. A Brief Declaration. 32, 34- 3^- ^21, 158. Briscoe, 79, 265. Brissot de Warville, 187. Broadrib, 157, 190. Broadway, 86, 215. Brocas, 56. Brodnax, Ann, 86; autograph, 86; John, 62, 85 ; Rebecca, 83 ; Robert, Index. ■85; William, 83, 85, 86, 105, 157, 265 ; autograph, 86. Brown, Charles, 193. Brown, Genesis of the U. S., 35, 36, 38, 112, 116, 135, 182. Brown, First Republic, 118, 184, 206, 207. Browne, Henry, 207. Bruce, Economic History, /3, 154. Brumfield. John, 137. Bruton Church, 124, 126, 128, 143, 145, 146, 162, 163. Buchanan, 243. Buck, 36, 49, 103, 118, 1 19, I2T, 135, 136, 137, 234, aiitograpli letter, 136. Buckland, 46, 229. Buck Roe, 245, 246, 247. Bullivant, 179, 263, 265. -Bullock, 94, 191. Burk, 91, 125. Burnaby, 187. Burgess, 205. Burgesses of Jamestown, 105. 106. Burnaby, Andrew, 187. Burras, 33, 106, 117, 135. 239. Burrows' Hill, 207. Burrows, John, 103, 137. 207. Bursh, 257. Burwell Family, 205; Carter, 236; Lewis, 105, 1S4. 204, 205, 235, 236. Burwell's Bav, 12, 204, 205. Bush, 89. Bushrod, 211. Butler. 216, 224. 238. Byrd, John, 228; AYilliam, 130, 145. 146, 191, 193, 210, 219, 225, 228, portrait. 228. Cabell, 190. Cabot, I. 2, 6. Caesar. 210. Calamy. Noiiconfpniiists Memorial, Calendar of State Papers. Colonial, 54, 112, 128, 156, 172, 184. Calvert,- George, S3 '• Leonard, 248. Call, Reports, 88. Campbell, 189. Campbell, History of J^irglnia, 14. Cape Charles, 201, 254. Cape Cod, 181. Cape Henry, 9, 12, 154, .201. Capitol, The, 162, 179. Capps, William, 245, 251. Capps' Point, 251. Carts and Cartways, 47, 186, 260. Carter, 224, 236; Robert's portrait, 224. Carter's Grove, 236; picture of, 209. Gary, Archibald, 218; Henry, 250; Mary, 88;' portrait, 88; Martha, 84; Lucius, 62, 251; portrait, 176; Martha, 84; Miles, 171, 252; Thomas, 252; Wilson Miles, 88, 91, 92, 105, 171, 244; William, 84. Castle, 65. Causey, 225. Cavaliers, 59, 62, 63. Cavendish, 3, 4, 6. Cawsey's Care, 225. Caw son's, 215. Cecil, 5. Ceeley, 239, 244. Ceeleys, 88, 91, 244. Census of Inhabitants, "100-105, 183, 184. Chaffin's Bluff, 220. Challes. 57, 151- Challons, 10. Chalmers, American Colonics, 184. Champion, 82, 134. Chanco, 207. Chandler, 242. Chaplin's Choice, 213. Liiapman, 207. Chappell's Creek, 213. Chappell, Thomas, 213. Charles City, 39, 214, 215. Charles City Corporation, 197. Charles City County, 198, 214. Charles Hundred, 39. Charles L, i, 52, 54, 60, 61, 201, 214. 2d2, 251, 252. Charles ^River County (York\ 166. Charles II., 49, 60, 61, 62, 63, 107, T40. 252. Charles, Prince, 20T, 214, 254. Chastellux, ig6. 21S. Chatham, 220. Chatsworth. 219. Cliawopo. 12. Cheriton Creek, 254. Chesapeake Bay, -i, 5- it, 17, 32. T38, 196, 201. 202, 247. Chesapeake Indians, ir, 12, t6. Chester, Anthony, 44. Chesterfield County, 198, 216. Chew. 46, 47- 205- Chicheley, 6?„' 73, 108, i6r, 261; Sir Henry's autograph, i6t. Chickahominy, 15, 16, 17, I97, iqS, 230, 232. Chidleig-h (Chudlcigh), 78, 79, 265. 274 Index. Chiles, Susannah, 142; Walter, 65, -/ 142, 159; Walter, Jr., 65, 66, 79, 142, 255, 256, 260, 262. Chilton, Edward, 55, 65, 78, 112, 114, 224; Hannah, 224. Chippokes Creek, 210 (See Upper Chippokes Creek, Lower Chip- pokes Creek). Chiskiack, (Kiskiack), 16, iii, 186, 237- Chopoke, 12. Chuckatuck Creek, 197, 198, 204. Chudleigh (Chidleigh), 78, 79, 265. Church Review, The, 124. Churches, at Henrico, 220 ; at James- town, 32, 38, 41, 55, 70, 83, 85, 95, 128, 1 16-149, 164; St. Mary's at Smith's Hundred, 230; at Wil- liamsburg, 124, 126, 128, 143, 14s, 146, 162, 163 ; at Merchant's Hope, 213; at Elizabeth City, 248; Church on the Main, 90, 128, 148, 149; at Smithfield, 204; at Mul- berry Island, 238. Church Service, 126, 127, 230. City Point, 197, 214, 215, 222. Claiborne, William, 43, 48, 52, 54, 166, 247, 249, portrait, 54. Claremont (Clermont), 12, 25, 94, 205, 208, 222, 231. Clarke, Richard, 57, 77. Clarkson, 142. Clayton, John, 24, 76, 112, 113, 143, 144, 160, 264, 265 ; Thomas, 75, 105, 144- Clough, John, 133, 143. Clovell, 100, no. III. Clover Hill Mines, 216. Cobb, 20. Cobham, 206. Cocke, 222, 230. Cockburn, 203, 250. Coggs, 229. Coke, 25, 94. Cole, Josiah, 61 ; Susanna, 242 ; William, 174, 229, 239, 242, ; autograph, 174] Coleman, 155. Coleman's Creek, 29. College Creek, 205, 206 ; Plantation, 205. College in Virginia, 144, 145, 221. Collier, 247. Colston, III. Columbus, I, 6. Confederates, 28, 95, 97, 216, 217, 220, 221, 244. Confederate Signal Station, 220. Consress, The. 243. Congressional Globe, 196. Conjurer's Neck, 215. Convicts, 183. Cookson, 156, Copland, Rev. Patrick, 204, 221. Corker, 105, 206. Cornwallis, 89, 90. Corotoman, 252. Cotson, 100, III. Cottage, The, 88. Cotton, Mrs. Ann, 24, 67, 143. Country House, 65, 66, 76, 79, 168^ 173, 262. Council Journal, 24, 81, 145, 250. Counties, genesis of early, 198. Cox, IS, Coxendale, 216, 217, 220. Craddock, 84, 254. Craney Island, 28, 203, 244. Crawford, 203. Crews, 156, 223. Criminal Code, 194-196. Croatoan, 4, 5. Cromwell, 61, 139, 140. Croshaw, Rev. William, 182. Cross at Cape Henry, 9, 202. Crouch's Creek, 59,206. Crump, 105, 137, 234. Culpeper, 184; Alexander, 62, 256 r Frances, 160; Lord Thomas, 7Zt 75, 108, 161, 165, 178. Culpeper's Reports, 161, 184. Cumberland, The, 243. Curls Neck, 68, 175, 215, 222, 223. Curtisspeck, The, 255. Custis, 70. Dale, Sir Thomas, 38, 39, 40, 45, 50, 97, 106, 107, 137, 150, 182, 197, 214, 215, 216, 220, 221, 224, 24s, 254- Dale's Gift, 254, Parish, 216. Dance, 232. -^ Dancing Point, (Dance's), 208, 231, "^^ 232. Dandridge, Martha, 143. Danvers, Sir John, 40. Dare, 4. Davis, James, 36, 251; John, 3, 6; Thomas, 208. Day, 204. Day's Point, 204. Deacon, 227. Deep Creek, 239. Delaware, Lady, 120; Lord, 20, s6r 37, 38, 41, 54, 106, 118, 120, 121^ Index. ^7S 135, 168, 183, 224, 227, 237, 239, 243, 245, portrait, Z7- Denbigh, (Denbie), 61, 166, 238, 239; Parish, 240. Deliverance, The, 35, Z^> 240. Depasse, 120. Derby (Digby), 156. De Vries, Voyages, 182, 242. Dew, 203. Digby (or Derby), 156. Digges, 61, 66, 107, 239, 242, 260. Digges' Hundred, 215. Dinwiddie, 125, 184, 253. Discovery, The, 9, 30. Dismal Swamp, 203. Douthat, 230. Dowse, 220. Dragon Swamp, 69. Drake, 3, 4, 6, 9, 181. Drayton, 212. Drew, 212. Drewry's Bluff, 217. Drummond, Lake, 203. Drummond, Sarah, 68, 207; Wil liam, 67, 68, 70, 71, 86, 87, 113, 207, autograph, 87. Duke, 249. Dungenness, 223. Dunlop, 192. Dunmore, 203. Dunn, 62. Durand, 139. Durant, 235. Durfey, 25, 94, 115, 126, 255. Dutch Gap, 15, 220, 221. Dutch invade Virginia, 68, 112, 252. Eastern View, 219. Eaton, 189. 248. Education in Virginia, 189-194. Edwards, Eliza, 78, 130, autograph, 78; William, 78, 79, 80, 130, 265, autograph, 78. Eggleston, 157. Elay (Ely), 59, 260. Ellegood, 246. Eliot, 193. Elliot, 142. Elizabeth City County Records, 250. Elizabeth City Corporation, 197, 241-248. Elizabeth City County, 140, 198, 250. Elizabeth, Queen, 3, 4, portrait, 3. Elizabeth, Princess, 202, 245, por- trait, 202. Elizabeth River, 202, 203. Elizabeth River Parish, 139. Elizabeth City Parish, 250. Eltonhead, 161. Emigrants to Virginia, 100-105, Character of, 181-184. England, i, 2, 4, 51, 188, 195. English, William, 166. Eppes, 215. Ericsson, The, 96. Everett, Edward, 95. Fairfax, 49, 88, 135, 234. Falkland, Lord, 62, 176, 251; portrait, 176. Falls of James River, 14, 15, 17, 30, 33, 218. Falling Creek, 217, 220. Farrar's Island, 197, 216, 220, 221, 222. Farrell, 113. Ferdinand V, King, i. Ferrar (Farrar), John, 40, 42, 154; Nicholas, Jr., 40, 42, portrait, 45 ; William, 166, 168, 214, 220. Ferry, 59, 86, 87. Fiske, Old Virginia and her Neigh- bours, 69. Fitchett, 65, 87, 155. Fitch, III. Fitt, 234. Fitzhugh, 219. Flint, 238. Flower de Hundred, 14, 211, 212, 213, 227, 230. Fontaine, James, 145; John, 83, 250; Peter, 145. Force, tracts, 24, 60, 67, 76, 160, 165, 174, 184, 188, 195. Forrest, 33, 117, I35- Forth, 162. Forts, at Jamestown, ist. 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 109; 2nd. 65, 79> 112, 264; 3rd." 78, 83, 93, 113- 114; Confed- erate, 78, 95, 112; at Elizabeth City, Charles, 38, 112, 245; Henry, 38, 112, 245; at Point Comfort, Algernourne, George, Monro, 112, 251-254 at Henrico; Patience, Charity. Elizabeth. 217; at Rip Raps, ' Calhoun, Wool, 253 ; at Norfolk, Nelson, 91 ; at James River Falls, West, 219; at Gray's Creek, Fort Smith, 34, 206. Foster, Oxford Matriculates, 138, 142. Four Mile Creek, 221. Four Mile Tree, 12, 29, 207. Fowler, 234. ^76 Index. Fowler's Neck, 234. Fowke. 172. Fox, 62. French Huguenots, 14. "Frigsfett Landing," 24, 27, 57, 171. Frobisher, Sir Martin, 3, 4, 6. Fulcher, John, 'j^i, 261. •Garclens,_ 47. 53. 235. Gardiner's Island, 15. 'Gates, 34, 35- Z^- Z7^ 38, 39, 4i, 43, 50. 106, 107, 118, 119, 13s, 137, 150, 151. 158, 207, 216, 219, 220, 237, 240, 245. Gatesvilie. 216. General Court Records, 113, 142. Gibbs, 211. Gift of God, The, 236. Gilbert, Bartholomew, 10; Sir Hum- phrey, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13s, por- trait, 4. Giles, 227. Gillee's Creek, 219. Gilliam. 115, 255. Girardin. 25. 26, 64, 125, 223. Glass house, 45, I53-I57- Gloucester, 69, 142, 143,' 193. Gloucester Point, 71. Glover, 137. Godspeed, The 8, 30. Godwin, 141. Gondomar, 51, 112. Gooch. 145, 253. Goode's Creek, 69, 218. Gookin, 241, 242, 244. Goose Hill, 22, 28, 50, 66, 265. Gosnold, 7, 9, 10, 31, 100, no. Gough. 143, 261. Governor's House, 43, 158, 163. Governor's Land, 26, 232. Governor's Garden, 47. Government, 198, 199. Granada, i. Grant, Gen. LT. S., 215, 216. O Graves, 230.^^ Gray. 206. Grav's Creek, 29, 34, 206. Great Bridge. 203. "Great Gust," The, 68, 185, 205. Create Roade, 170. Green, 140, 14T, 165. Greenspring, 26, 60, 71. "JS, 90, 131, 156, 159, 160, i6t, 169. Greenway, 23T. Grendon, 225. Grindall, 50. Grove, 235. Grvnies. 208. Gulstone, 45. Gurgany, 222, 232. liackwood, 85. Hakluyt, Richard, 9, 135. Hall, Amy, 234; Ann, 86; Christo- pher, 234 ; J. L., 98, 124. Hall, Jamestozvn, History and Pres- ent Condition, 124. Hamlin, 212. Hammond, 62, 188, 191, 195, 252. Hamor, 38, 39, 41, 45, 46, 47, 103, 119, 151, 191, 245. Hamor, True Diseoursc, 38, 119, 158. Hampton, Thomas, 56, 57, 122, 123, 138, 139, 169; William, 138. Hampton Parish, 142. Hampton Town, 187, 231, 249, 250, 251. Hampton River, 9, 16, 38, 202, 243, 251- Hampton Roads, 99, 198, 202, 244, 245. Hanham, 10. Hansford, 62. Harding, William, 194. Flardiman, 21 T. Harmer, 56, 257. Harris, 65, 87, i55, 222, 225, 227. Harrison, Anne, 220; Benjamin, 130, 133, 145, 220, 227; George, 46; Hannah, 133; Jeremiah, 62; Nathaniel, 208, 210, 213; Sarah, 145; Thomas, 139; William Henry, 227; William, 74, 75, 234- Harrison's Landing, 227. Harrop, 236. 251. Hartwell, Henry, 79, 80, 10=; 112, 26s, deed by, 80; Jane, 79, 80. Hartwell, Blair and Chilton, Pres- ent State of Virginia, 65, 112. Flarvard College, 192, 210. Harvey, Elizabeth, 211; John, 46, 47- 54, 55, 56. 57, 58, 107, 123, I5S, 159, 166, 168, 1S4, 211, 229, 234, 2i8, 251. ^Harwood. 138, 168, 230, 236. Hawkins. 2, 4, 6, 181. Hening, Statutes at Large. 8, 34, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64. 71, 73, Si, 123, 137, 140, 159, 164, 165, 169, 172, 194. 252. Henrico, 39, 106, 170, 189. 217. 220, 221, 222, 237. Henry. Prince of Wales, 201, 220. Henrv, Patrick Henry, 200. Index. Herring Creek, 228. Heyman, 249. Hey ley, 238. Higginson, 160, 235. Hill, Edward, 224, 256; Elizabeth, 224; Hannah, 224; Mary, 211; Nicholas, 204 ; Silvestra, 204 ; Thomas, 55, 211. Hinton, 211, 239. Historical Summaries, 6, 10, 106- 108. Hog Island, 29, 36, 205, 230. Holder, 78, 79, 265. Holland, 49. J-Iolliday, 79, 265. Holt, 205. Homewood, 205. Hone, Theophilus, /S, 105, 113, 142, 173- Honeyvvood, 62. Hooe, 211. Hooke, 248, 251. Hopkins, 263. Hope, James Barron, 95, por- trait, 97. Hopley, 26. Horton, 189. Hotten, Emigrants to America, 33, 48, 118, 136, 155. Hough, 240. Houses, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47. 57, 63, 67, 160, 184-186. Howard, John, 78, 85, 128, 265. Howard, Lord, 4. 6, 75, 108, 161, 178. ; Howe, Historical Collections, 203. Hoivlett's House, 221. Hulcher, 'John, 265. Hungar's Creek, 254. Hunt, Robert, 9, 100, 116, 134, 135; Thomas, 65, 171 ; William, 231. Hunt. Fragments of Revolutionary History, 89. Hutchings, 89, 134. Hutchinson, 57, 169, 191. Indian Fields, 16. Indian House Thicket, 247. Indians : Tribes along James River, ii-2i;.war with, 30, 35, 39, 43, 50, 68; massacres by, 43, 44, 58, 107, 151, 212, 217, 219, 225, 227, 231, 234, 240, 246, 247 ; peace with, 31, 43, 58, 72 ; village, picture of, 13 ; werowance, picture of, 21. Ingram, 71, Ironworks, 217. Isabella, Queen, i. Island House, 47, 49, 176, 257, 260. Isle of Wight County, 198, 204,. 205. Isham Family, 223. Istan, 19. Itopatin, 19. Jackson, 47, 105, 236. James I., 7, 10, 52, 119, 220, 245, portrait, 7. James, Rachel, 82, 84 ; Richard, 24, '^6, 73, 76, 82, 84, 92, 171, 260, 261 ;. Thomas, 139. James, Lozver Norfolk County Anti- quary, 92, 139. James City County, 198, &c. James City Corporation, 197, 207. James City Parish, 147, 148. Jameson, Historical JJ'''rifi)igs in America,. 191, 199. Jameson. Professor, 199. James River: Indians along, 11-21: depth of, 28 ; places along, 201- 254 ; views of homes on, 209, 226, 233 ; chart of, opposite to page 201. Jamestown: English at, 10, 30-108; chart of Island, opposite to page 22 ; the Island of, 22-29 ! names of settlers, 100-105 ; burgesses of, 105, 106; forts, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 65, 78, 79, 83, 93, 95, 112, 113, 114; powder magazine, 28, 93, 114, 115, 128; church, 32, 38, 41, 55, 70, 83, 85, 95, 128, 1 16-149, 164; church tower, 23, 91, 95, 98, 125, picti-1-e, 117; church plate, 126, 127, piu . turc, 127; font. 128; churchyard, 128, 129; tombstones, 129-134; ministers. 134-149; blockhouses, 34, 38, 46, 150-154, 179. 261, pic- ture, 151 ; glass house, 45, IS3-I57, governor's house, 43. 158-163 ; State houses, 22, 58, 7S, 108, 123, 152, 158, 164,-180, 263 picture, 167; Ferry, 59, 86; market, 59, 86; descriptions of, 38, 67; burned, 32, 71, 81, 107; views of, frontis- piece, 26; view of seawall, 29; plats of land. 258, 259, 262; cele- brations at, 83, 90, 92, 94, 98, 99; marriages at, 33, 43, 117, 119; prominent men buried at, Gosnold, Hunt, Yeardley, Opechancanough, Sherwood, Dr. James Blair, Wil- liam Lee, Edward Jaquelo, John Ambler, Edward Ambler; park, 48; gardens, 47, 53, 86; brick kiln. 278 Index. 56; wharves, 38, 97, 255; bridge, 97; causeway, 24, 25, 255; wells, 33, 38, 93; tobacco, cultivated, 40, 119; African slaves, 42; first general assembly, 42, 121 ; popu- lation, 45 ; new towne, 23 silk worms, 49, mulberry trees, 49; linen factory, 58 ; cavaliers, 59, 62, 63 ; town government, 74 ; James- town weed, 72; country houses, 65, 66, 76, 79, 168, 173, 262, sur- rendered to Parliament, 60; con- vention of clergy, 75, UA', the fire flies, 143; sycamore tree, 129; capital removed to Williamsburg, 8i- ^, J Taquelin family, 84, 85; Edward, 23, 83, 84, 86, 105, 112, 128, 264, 26s, portrait, 84; Martha, 84, 128, portrait, 85. Jaquelin-Ambler house, 23, 47, 4°, 56, 59, 65, 95, 97, 158, 264. Jarrett, 84, 86, 264, 265. Jarvis, 249. Jefferson, John, 211; Thomas, i»3, igo, 211, 224. ^ , Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 184, 192. Jeffreys, Jeffrey, 73, §4; Herbert, 7h 73, 108, 161, 178, 207. Jenings, 63, 82. Jerdone, 187. Johnson, Alderman, 51; Ann, 66, 82; Elizabeth, 235; James Bray, 235 ; John, 49, 66, 104 ; Philip, 235. Joh-aston, Joseph E., 96, 244. T nes, Catesby, 96, 243; Hugh, 83, 146, 187, 191, 193; Peter, 215; Roger, 242; Rowland, 143; Sam- uel, 141, 142; William, 49. Jones's Neck, 197, 215, 216, 221. ^ Jones, President of State of Vir- ginia, 83. Jordan, Alice, 207; Cecily, 187, 214; George, 207; Samuel, 214, 215. Jordan's Jorney (Beggar's Bush), 214, 224. Kaintu, 12. Kaquothocum, 14. Kecatough, 16. Kccoughtan (Kikotan), 9, 15, 16, 31, 38, 240, 245-250. Keith, 198, 237; George, 145, 237, 248. Kempe, Richard, 23, 55, 56, 57, 65, 79, 86, 107, 159, 25s, 256, 262, jbicture of deed, 55- Kendall, 9, 31, 100, no, 172. Kennedy, 250. Kennon, 215. Kenwan (Kettiwan), 229. Kent Island, 54, 166. Key, Thomas, 239. Kimage's Creek, 225. King, 217; Henry, 189. King's Creek, 71, 139, 161, 227, 254. Kingsmill's Creek, 22, 49, 66, 76, 257. Kingsmill, Elizabeth, 235 ; Richard, 47, 49, 66, 76, IDS, 234, 235, 257. Kingsmill Neck, 235 ; Plantation, 234, 235. Kirkeman, 142. Kiskiacke, 237 (see Chiskiack). Knight, Edward, 155; John, 130; Mary, 130; Peter, 59, 204. Knowles, John, 65, 66, 76, 139, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, avitograph, 65, 260. La Fayette, 90. La Guard, 246. Lake Drummond, 203. Lane, 3, 4, 6. Langston, 62. Laughing King, 254. Lawne, Christopher, 205. Lawne's Creek (Lion's Creek), 145, 198, 205. Lawne's Plantation, 205. Lawrence, 67, 70, 71, 73, 78, 105, 1 13, 162, 175. Laydon, 33, 100, 106, 117, 118, 135, 239- Lee, Anne Hill, 224 ; "Light Horse" Harry, 224; Richard, 193, 256; Sarah, 81 ; Robert E., 97 ; 222, 224; Mrs. R. E., 220; William, 93, 128, 129, 131, 161. Le Neve, Rev. William, 146, 147. Lewis Family, 230. Ley, 107. Libraries 193, 228. Lighthouse, 201. Lightfoot, 50,231, 232. Limbrye, 39. Lincoln, Abraham, 215. Linen, manufacture of, 58. Lister, 212. Little England, 251. Little Powhatan, 15, 219. Littletown, 46, 166, 168, 188, 235. London Company, 7, 8, 10, 34, 40, 42, 43, 45, 51, 52, 53, 107, 124, 126, 140, 144, 154, 158, 181, 193, 198. Index. 279 199, 202, 213, 217, 218, 220, 225, 229, 230, 232, 236, 240, 241, 245; arms of, 10. London Magazine, Itinerant's Ob- servations ill America, 187. Lone Cypress, The, 23, 27, 114, 180; view of, 180. Longfield, 222. Lossing, Field book of the Amer- ican Revolution, 25, 114. Lower Chippokes Creek, 205, 206. Lower Norfolk County, 139, 198. Lowry, 250. Loyd, 227. Lucas, 172. Ludwell, 161, 191 ; Frances, 129, 160; portrait, 72; Hannah, 133; Hannah Philippa, 164; Lucy, por- trait, 160; Philip, 26, 160, 177, 178, 179. autograph, 160, po trait, 159; Philip, Jr., 78, 105, 130, 133, 161, 173, autograph of, 161 ; Thomas, 64, 66, 160, 170, 171, 172, 173, 178, 191, autograph, 172. Lunsford, Sir Thomas, 62; portrait, 170. Lynnhaven Bay, 202. Mace, 6. Macock (Mavcock), 212. MacAllester Historical Contribu- tions, 48. Madison. James. 29, 91, 148, 149. portrait, 149; John, 91. Main, the, 8, 29, 45, 83, 125, 128, 149, 157. Mair's Bookkeeping, 196. Mallory Family, 62, 140, 141, 162. Malvern Hill, 184, 222, 227; picture of house at 226. Manakins (Monacans), 14. Mannatowick, 17. Manufactures, 195, 196. Mapsoc (Mapsaco), 229. Marable, 157, 264. Marin Hill, 219. Market Place, 59, 83. Marriages, 33, 43, 117, 119. Marshall, Lucy, 89 ; John, 89, 224. Margaret, The, 225. Margaret and John, The, 234. Marston Parish, 141. Martian, Nicholas, 166. Martin, Dorcas, 210; John, 9, 100, no, 164, 208, 210; Richard, 210, 236. portrait, 236. Martin's Brandon, 145, 164, 210. Martin's Hundred, 143, 232, 236. Maryland, 53, 54, 60, 68, 139, 146. 166, 185, 201, 206, 248. Mary's Mount, 240, 241. Mason, 119, 202. Mason's Creek, 202. Massachusetts Hist. Society's Col- lections, 42, 212. Massachusetts, education in, 192. Mathews, Elizabeth, 211; Frances, 239; John, 239; Samuel, 61, 107, 166, 168, 211, 238, 239, 251, autograph, 61 ; Thomas, 196. Mathomank, 12. Mattapony, 11. Mattapanient, 17. Matoaka, 120. Matoax, 215. Maurice, Prince, 62. Maury, Huguenot Emigrants, 83, 114, 146, 250. May, 6^, 66, 77, 79, 142, 260, 262, 265. Maycock, (Macock) 208, 212. Maycock's Plantation, 212. May-Rower, The, 212. Maynard, 249. Mayo, William, 219. McClellan, George B., 222, 224, 227. McCreary, 92. McDonald Papers, 178. Meade, 125, 128, 145, 212. Meade, Old Churches, &c., 26, 88, 128. 148. Meadowville, 216. Mease, 45, 245. Menifie, (Menify), 46, 55, $6, 103, 105, 166, 168, 229, 235. Mercer, Thomas, 229. Merchant's Hope, 210, 213. Meriwether, Francis, 76, 80; picture of deed, 77; Jane, 79; Nicholas, 64, 66, 76, 77, 79, 257, 260, autograph, 64. Merrimac, The, 203 ; see The Vir- ginia. Merry Mount, 241. Merry Point. 241. Meyers, E. D T., 96, 97. Middle Plantation, 69. 71, 81, 124, 125, 137, 143, 161, 186, 234. Miles, 207. Mill Creek, 29, 245, 253. Milton, 231. Mimeoughquiske, 18. Minge, 231. Ministers at Jamestown, 134-149. Minnesota, The, 243. Mokete, 12, 204. 280 Index. Mole, Samuel. 169. Molesworth, Gu}', 62. Molina, 39, 112. Monitor, The, 96, 217, 243, 244. Moody, 63. Moon's free school, 189. Moore, Tom, 203. Morton, 9, 202. 241. Morton's Bay, 202. M'oryson, 191; Charles, 252; Fran- cis, 62, 63, 64, 71, 107, 126, 127, 155, 170, 178, 191, 207, 252, a.utograph, 64; Letitia, 251; Rich- ard, 62, 248, 251, 252; Robert, 62, 252. Mt. Malado, 217. Mulberry Island, 36, 146, 147, 237, 238. Mulberry Trees, 49. Munford, 230. Murray, Alexander, 62. Nansemond, 138, 141, 197, 198, 202, 203, 212, 230, 252. Nansemond Indians, 12, 16, 240. Naseway Shoals, 204. Natick, 15. Naugatiick, The, 244. Neck of Land, 29, 45, 151, 215, 216, 220, 221, 234. Necotowance, 19, 58. Neill, 48. Neill, London Company, 39, 45, I54- Neill, Virginia Carolorum, 6[, 64, 138, 141, 142. Neill. Virginia Vctnsta, 136, 138, 155. 158. Nelson, 32, 106. Nestell 90. New England Hist, and Gen. Mag., 171. Newfoundland, i. 2, 3. Newce, 241, 246, 247. Newcestown, 241. Newell. 76, 79. New England, 188, 190, 191, 192, 200. New Norfolk County, 138, 198. Newport, Christopher, 9, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, 106, no, 116, 153, 218; Thomas, 21. Newport News. 22, 197, 198, 240- 244. Newstead, 220. Newton, 91, 92, 206. New Town Haven River, 204. New Towne, 23, 39, 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 56, 65, 66, 76, 78, 79, 95, 158, 168, 169, 173', 259, 262. Nibley Papers, 225. Nicholson, Francis, 14, 75, 80, 81, 83, 108, 161, 162, 249; autograph, 162. Nonsuch, 219. Norfolk, 188, 202, 203, 243. Norfolk County, 198. Norsworthy (Nosory), 204. Northampton County, 70. Northern Neck, 193. Norton, 89, 154. Nosory (see Norsworthy),- 204. Norwood, 191, 252. Nutmeg Quarter, 239, 240. Oakland, 246. Occaneeches, 68, 173. O'Connor, 90. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies, 96, 243. Oholasc, 12. Old Dominion Land Company, 180. Old Great Roade, 46, 48, 176, 262,: 263. Old Plantation Creek, 254. Old Town. 12, 203, 204. Omoone, 87. O'Neil, 240. Opechancanough, 16, 19, 43, 58, 107. 115, 160, 174, 229. Opitchapan, 16, 19. Opussoquionuske, Queen, 14. Orapaks, 17. Orchards, 257, 263. Orchard Run, 22, 46, 48, 59, 75, 78,- 79.. 97- Orgain, 94. Ortoughnoiske, 18. Osborne, 52, 104, 169. Osborne's, 216. Ottahotin, 16. Ottaniack, 17. Ottermiske. 18. Ottopomtacke, 18. Owen, Goronwy. 191. Oweroughwough, 18. Oysters. 34. Pace, 207, 208, 212, 229. Pace's Pains, 29, 207, 208, 212, 229,. Pagan River, 12, 204. Page, Elizabeth, 156; Francis, 179; John, 79, 86, 156, 162. 205, por- trait, 81; Lucy, 205; Mary, 162; Matthew, 113, 162. Pamunkey, 11, 16, 17, 19, 69, 175, 186; Queen of, 19, 174, Index. 281 Parahunt, 15, 219. Paramor, Robert, 52. Parson's Creek, 213. Parteridge, 257. Partin, 248. Passbyhaes, 169. Paspahegh, 10, 11, 15, 16, 31, 109, no, HI, 153, 208, 231, 232. Paspahegh Old Fields, 69, 155, 208. Passmore, Thomas, 22, 149, 103. Passmore's Creek, 22, 50, 51, 66, 88, 96. Passpeiouk, 15. Pate, 71, 143, 156, 204. Patesfield, 204. Patience, The, 35, 36, 240. Paule, 57. Pawlett, 225, 227, 228, 232. Peaches, at Elizabeth CitJ^ 247 ; at Littletown, 235. Peale, 225. Peasley, 189. Peirce, (Pearce, Perce), Jane, (Jone), 102, 119, 237; William, 23, 45, 47. S3, 56, J02, 112, 119, 155, 237, 238, 256. Peirce's (Persey's) Hundred (als Flowerdue Hundred), 211. 212. Peirse, 121. Peirsey, Abraham, 47, 50, 211, 230, 239; Elizabeth, 211; Frances, 211, 239; Mary, 211. Pembroke Farm, 248, 250. Pepiscumah, 12. Peppet, 238. Percy, 9, 31, 34, 38, 100, 106, 109, 112, 153, 251. Percy, Discourse, 31. Perkins, 85, 86. Perry, 103, 207, 208, 228, 229, 263, 264, . 265. Perry, papers relating to the Church in Virginia, 115, 146, 147, 162. Perez, 39. Petersburg, 215. Petsworth Parish, 142. Pettus, 235. Phillip II., I. Phillips, General. 215. Phillips, Career of the Virginia, 244. Phipps, 65, 155, 257, 260. Phoenix, The, 32, 106. Pianketank, 16. Pickett, 224. Pilg-rim Fathers, 181. Pinke, 49. Pioisco, 12. Pipsico, 12. Pirates, 249. Pitch and Tar Swamp, 22, 23, 28, 46, 47, 49, SI, 66, 76, 113, 114, 152, 171, 179, 257, 260, 261, 265. Plantations across the water, 29, 206. Plymouth Company, 7, 8, 10. Plymouth Settlement, 181. Pocahontas, 18, 20, 31, 32, 39, 43, 107, 119, 120, 128, 13s, 160, 206, 221 ; portrait, 120. Pochins, 16, 38, 245. Pocosin River, 189. Point Comfort, 36, 38, 39, 113, 201, 243, 248, 251, 252, 253. Point Hope, 241. Pollentine, 220. Political conditions, 197-200. Political divisions, 107. Poole, 137, 238, 246. Pooley, 214. Ponnoiske, 18. Poropotank Creek, 71, 143. Portan Bay, (Poetan or Powhatan Bay). 17, picture of, 18. Portsmouth, 90, 202, 203. Pory, 42, 48, 121, 164, 251. , Pott, Francis, 166, 168, 251 ; John, 45, 47, S3, 54, 66. 103, 107, 159, 166, 168, 234, 251. Potomac. 201. Powder Magazine, 28, 93, 114, 115. 128. Powell. Ensign, 153, 154; John. 138; Nathaniel, 107, 213; Thomas, 213; William, 45, 46, 105. 112, 138, 232. Powell Brook, 210. Powell's Creek, 14, 208, 212, 213. 229. Powhatan, Country, 17; Creek, 24. 29, 90, 234; River, 17, 66] Swamp, 160. Powhatan's Tree, 160. Pozvhafan, The, 92. Powhatan. 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 31, 37, 43, 107, 119, 153, 218, 219, 232, 254. Powhatan, Little, 15. Poythress. 120, 211. Prescott. Edward, 68. Presque Isle, 223. Preston. 147, 148. Prince George County, 198, 214. Princess Anne County, 198. Pring, Martin, 7, 10. Pritchard, 240. Proctor's Creek, 15, 217. 282 Index. Pryor, 148. Pure has, His Pilgrims, 30. 37, 109, 119. Puritans, 60, 139, 190. Puspatick, 15. Puttock, 154. Pyping Point, 24. Quakers. 61, 142, 237. Queen's Creek, 229, 234. Quincy, 210, 213. Quiyoughcohanock, 12, 14, 15, 16, 208. Quiyoughquisock, 14. Ragged Islands, 204. Raleigh, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 135; por- trait of, 5. Raleigh Tavern, 92. Randolph Family, 183, 218-224; Edmund, 200, 224; Henry, 170, 171, 220, 224; John, 120, 215, 222, 223 ; Sir John's portrait, 223 ; Richard, 25, 93, 114, 115, 125, 179; Lady Susanna's portrait, 223 ; William, 219-224. Randolph MSS._, 66. Randolph, Writings of Jefferson, 183. Rappahannock, 12. 161, 201, 208. Ratcliffe, 9, 31, 32, 100, 106, no, 158, 251. Ravenscroft, 212. Rebecca, 120. Restoration, The, 61, 62. Ricahecreans, 175. Rich, Sir Robert, 40, 119. Rich Neck, 160. Richardson, 210. Richmond, 17, 218. Richmond Standard, 88. Richmond, Enauirer, 92. Riedesel. Memoirs of the Revolution, 193- Ringfield, 184. Rip Raps, 253. Rix, 65. Roads, 186-188. Roanoke, i, 3, 5, 6, 17, 68, 120, 141, 222. Roanoke, The 243. Robins, 240. Robinson, Jehu, 31 ; Mary, 230. Robinson's Abstracts of Council Proceedings, 168. Rockahock, 186. Royal Society of England, 143, 144, 228. Rochedale Creek, 216. Rochedale Hundred, 215. Rocketts, 219. Rock Wharf, 204. Rogers, William Barton, 92, pot trait, 93. Rolfe, Anthony, 120; Bermuda, 135; Elizabeth, 46, 119; Henry, 120; Jane, 45, 46, 120, 237; John, 39, 40, 43, 45, 107, 119, 120, 13s, 191, 221, 237, 238; Thomas, 120, 206, 221. Rolfe, Relation, 39. Rolfe's Creek, 206. Rookins, 205. Roosevelt, President, 98, 99. Rosegill, 161. Rosewell, 205. Ross, 86, 114, 263, 265. Rossinsfham, 211. Row, The, 231. Sadler, 210, 213. Sal ford's Creek, 244. Salt Works, 254. Salter's Creek, 244. Sanders, 57, 151. Sandy Bay, 24, 2,^, 69, 152. Sandy Point, 15 198, 231, 232. Sandy, Sandys, Sir Edwin, 9, 40, 42, 47. SI, 52, 154, ISS, 158, 217, 230; George, 47, 51, 102, 154, 155, IQI, 206, 217, 325, portrait, 155; Margaret, 158. Sanford, 190. Sarah Constant, The, 8, 30. Sasenticum, 12. Sassapen, 19. Saunders, 90, 92, 148. Savage, 21, 254. Savage's Neck, 254. Savbrooke Fort, 15. Schools, 157, 162, 163, 189, 191, 214, 248. Scotland Wharf, 206. Scott, ^7. Scrivener, 32, loi, 116. Sea Venture, The, 34, 35, 50, 240. Seal of Virginia, 6^, 108, picture of, title page, 63, 108. Seawell, 202. Selden, 219. Semple, 92. Senff, 222. Senior, 66, 155. Seven Davs Battles, 224. Sewell's Point, 202. Sharpe, 39, 112, 215. Index. 283 Sharpless, 51. Sheffield, 217. Sheffield's Plantation, 217. Shelley, 230. Sherley, Cecilly, Sir Thomas, 224. Sherwood, Rachel, 84; William, 24, 27, 7Z, 74, 75, 76, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85. 86, 87, 105, 133,. 152, 179, 261, 262, 263, 265, autograph, 82; plat to land on Jamestown Island, 27. 152, 262. Sherwood Forest, 231 ; picture of liouse at, 233. Shipdam, Edward, 65. Shipyards, 196. Shirley (Sherley) 185, 215, 224, 225, picture of house at, 226. Shockoe Hill Cemetery, 89. Shooters Hill, 85. Shoreham, The, 249. Silk, 49, 61, 246. , Skififes Creek, 15, 198, 236, 237. Skipwith, 63. Skore, 20, 21. Slavery and Slave Trade, 141, 142, 183, 186. Smith, Abigail, 205, 235 ; Arthur, 204; Christopher, 157; H. B., 27; Jane, 45 ; John, 9, 14, 16, 19, 20, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 48, 74, 85, 100, 106, III, 116, 120, 153, 158, 191, 207, 213, 219, 225, 232, 234, 239, 251, 254; portrait of Capt. John, 33; Lydia, 157; Roger, 45, 47, 48, 52, 103, 119, 234; Sarah. 81; Sir Thomas, 40, 42, 51, in, 230, portrait, 8. Smith, Works, ii, 12, 16, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 51, 53, 109. in 116, 117, 135, 150, 158, 247. Smithfield, in, 124, 204. Smith's Fort, 206. Smith's Hundred, 230, . picture of Communion Cup, 230. Smith's Island, 254. Smth's Map, 142, 202, 241. Smith's Mount, 207. Smythe, J. F., 192. Smyth, John, 225. Soane, 27. Social conditions, 181-184. Society, distinctions in, 196. Soldier's Home, 16, 245. Somers, 50, 240. Southampton, Earl of, 40, 42, SO, 5i, 54, 202, 230, 245, portrait, 50. Southampton Hundred, 230, 231. Southampton River, 245. Southern, John, 49, 103, 105. Southern Literary Messenger, 93, 94, 95, 114, 179. Southwark Parish, 123, 143. Spain, I, 2, 4, 6, 51, 251. Spanish Armada, 4, 6. Spellman, 120. Spence, 105, 234. Spencer, 49, 50, 108. Spotswood, Alexander, 195, 249, portrait, 195. Spraggon, 57, 123. Sprague, American Pulpit, 144. 140, 148. Springs, 160, 242. Stacy, 208. Stafford, 242. Stanford, 206. Stanley Hundred, 238. Starving Time, 35, 118, 150, 153, 182, 208. State Houses, 22, 58, 78, 108, 123, 152, 158, 164-180, 263, picture of, 167. Stegge, Thomas, 170, 171. Stephens, Elizabeth, 47. 211; Fran- ces, 211 ; Richard, 46, 47, 103, 211 ; Samuel, 211. St. James Southam parish, 148. St. Luke's Church, 204. St. Mary's Church, 230, 248. St. Stephen's parish, 146. Steuben, 90. St. Lazvrence, The, 243. Steven's Battery, The, 244. Stith, 191, 221, 224. Stoakes, 239. Stockton, 246, 247. Stonar, 56. Strachev, 11, 24, 36. 37 38, 109, IS4, 191- . ... Strachey, Travaile into Vtrgtma, 5, 8, II, 12, 16, 17, 20, 154. Stratton, 239. Strawberry Bank, 2/1=;, 248. Sturgeon Point, 15, 231. Sturgis, 210. Suffrage, 199, 200. Suffolk, 203, 204. Sully, 151. Sunken Marsh, 208. Supplies. First, 32, loi, 106, 116, 181, 22s ; Second, 33, loi, 106, no, 116, 117, 153, 181: Third, 34, 106, 119, 182, 219. Surrv County, 198, 205;. 206. Swann, Matthew, 113; Sarah, 207; 284 Index. Samuel, 207 ; Thomas. 71, TZ^ 171, 206, 207, 265 ; William, 207. Svvanu's Point, 29, 59, 71, 206. Svvinyards, (Swinhows, Swiniares, Swineherds), 14, 229. Symonds, 139. Syms, Benjamin, 189, 248. Syms-Eaton Academy, 189, 248. Tabb, 248. Taberer, 204. Table Diet, 188-189. Tanner, 202. Tanner's Creek, 202. Tanxpowhatan, 15, 219. Tanksweyanoke, 229, 230. Tapahanah, 12; Indians, 12, 16, III ; marsh, 12. Tappahannock, 12. Tarleton, 24, 218. Tatacope, 12. Taughaiten, 19. Tayloe, 235. Taylor, 211, 213. Teach (Blackbeard), 249. Tedin.sfton. 231. Thacher, 83. Thacker, 261. Thompson, George, 227 ; John R., 95; Maurice, 227; William, 139. Thorny Ridge, 86. Thorpe, 213, 221, 225. Throckmorton, 225. Thurston, 61. Tindall, 53. Tindall's Point, 71, 115, 252. Tindall's Chart, 17. Tirchtough, 12. Tobacco, culture of, introduced, 40, 119; raised at Jamestown, 41, 42; prevents the growth of, James- town, 41, dZ' 197- Tobacco Point, 211, 229. Tobacco Plant Cutters, 178. Tockwogh, 17. Tombstones, at Jamestown, 129, 134; at Bachelor's Point, 231 ; at Four Mrile Tree, 207 ; at Westover, 207 ; at Swann's Point, 207 ; at King's Creek, 139. Tooker, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19. Tortugas, 251. Totten, 25. 125. Totopotomoi, 175. Tracv, 213, 225. Tragicall Relation, 30 51. Traverse. 172. Travis Family, 84, 92, 94, 95, 129, 26s; Amy, 134; Edward, 66, 82, 83- 89, 134; Champion, 89, 91, 92, 106; Elizabeth, 82, 89, 134; Edward Champion, 86, 89, 105, 106, 134; autograph, 89; John, 134; Rebecca, 83, 85; Susannah, 89, 134- Tree, Richard, 50, 55. Tree Hill, 219 . Tuckahoe, 223. Tucker, William, 227, 245, 247. Tucker's Hole, 49. Turkey Island, 220, 222, 223, 224; Creek, 198 ; Bend, 223. Tuttey's Neck, 235. Twine, John, 121. Tyler, John, 95, ii?, 231, portrait, 96; D. Gardiner, 98; John, Jr., 126; Samuel, 91, 92, 235. Tyler, England in America, 19, 20, SI, 115. Underbill, 65, 258. University at Henrrco, 164. Upper Chippokes Creek, 12, 197, 198, 208. Upper Norfolk County, 198. Upper and Nether Hundreds, 215. Uoton, 234. Utie, 161, 168, 205, 231. Utopia Bottoms, 235. Uttamussick, 11, 19. Va. Historical Society, Collections, 244- Fa. Historical Register, 253. Va. Land Register, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 56, 68, 78, 112, 114. 122. 123, 128, 135, 137, 140, 151, 152, 153, 169, 170, 171, 179, 257. Va. Magazine, 26, 43, 52, 57, 72,, 83, 123, 125, 142, 158, 160, 170, 171, 179, 196, 244, 253. Van Brunt, 243. Vander. 44. Varina, 120, 144, 221. Vehicles, 186-188. '^."est, loi. Vincenzio, 154. Vinedressers, 246, 247. Virginia, The, 8, 28, 2>^, 96, 203, 22,7, 24^ 244. Virginia, named by Queen Eliza- beth, 4; Indian name for, 21; social conditions in, 181-197; mortality in, 43, 51, 182; health improved, 60; population, 39, 43. 53, 58, 60, 89, 183, 184; political Index. 285 conditions, 197-200; education in, 189-194; criminal code of, 194- 195 ; manufactures and commerce of, 195-196; society in, 196; table diet in, 188 ; roads and vehicles, 186-188; Madison's map of, 2^. Waddino", 79, 142, 143. Wahunsenacawh, 17. Wainman, Sir Ferdinand, 36. Wakefield, 87, 88, 143, 208. Waldo, loi. Walker, 237, 248, 250, 252. Waller, 153. Walklate, 71. Ward, 210. 211, 217. Ward's Creek, 210. Warden, 145. Wareham Ponds, 235, 236. Warner Hall, 230. Warnett, Thomas, 138. Warrascoyack , 12, 16, 198, 204. Warrascoyack County, 198, 204. Warren, 166, 172. Warrington, 250. Warwick, 40, 84, 198, 218, 237, 239. Warwick Town, 239. Washer, 205. Washington, 88, 143, 166, 225. Watts' Creek, 240. Waters, Edward, 240. Waters Creek, 240. Wayne, 90. Weanock (see Weyanoke), 14. Webb, 112, 245. Webster, 65. 234. Weeden,6"or/a/ and Economic His- tory of New England, 188, 200. Wells, ^3, 38, 93, 246. Werowocomoco, 16 17, 20, 31. Werrum's Run, 236. West, Cecilly, 224; Francis, 39, 52, 53. loi, 107, 112, 159, 219. 224, 227; Frances, 211; Henry, 227; John, 54. 56, 107, 168, 224, 227; Nathaniel, 211, 224, 27, 239; Temperance, 158; Thomas, 224, 227; William, 20. West and Sherley-Hundred, 215. 224, 225. Westover, 145, 146, 185, 186, 207, 210, 225, 227-229, 230, picture of house at, 233. Westover manuscripts, 191. West Point, 17, 19, 227. Weyanoke, (Weanok, Wyanoke, Wynauk), 14, 15, 16, in, 145, 211, 212, 213, 229, 230; picture of house at, 233. Weyanoke Old Town, 14. Weyhohomo, 12. Weyingopo, 12. Weymouth, 7, 10. Whaley, 162, 163, 190; Mary, autograph, 162. Wharton, 131. Whitaker, 217. Whitby, 218. White, 4, 6, 113; Eleanor, 4; John, 4, 6, 57, 113, 123, 169; William, y7, 79, 262. Whitgreave, 6^. White Oak Swamp, 17. Whittingham, in, 223. Whittington, 189. Wilberforce. 142. Wilkinson, William, 248, 262. Willcox, 211, 229, 254. William HI., 80, 81. William and Mary College, 25, 29, 89. 91, 92, 95, 98, 125, 132, 146, 147, 148, 149, 157, 162, 186, 190, 221, 224, 232, 234, 237 ; picture, 147- Williamsburg, 27, 28, 81, 83, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 108, 114, 125, 126, 128, 143, 145, 146, 147, 162, 179, 187, 221, 223, 232, 234,, 249. 264. William and Mary College Quar- terly, 14, 17, 61, 62, 69, 82, 86, 87, 88, 137, 142, 143, 15s, 161, 163, 182, 186, 187, 189, 193, 194, 199, 205, 206, 206, 225, 242, 245. Williamson, 82, 83. Willoughby Point, 202. Wilmington parish, 212. Wilton, 220. Winder Papers, 184. Windmill Point, 211. Winganuske, 18. Wingfield, 9, 30, 31, 32, 100, 106, no, 218. Wingfield, Discourse, 31, 32. Winue, lOi. Winthrop, 139, 190, 191. Wirt, William, 125. Wise, Henry A., 95, 196; Nicholas, 202. Wissaponson Creek, 254. Woddrop, 230. Wood. 215. Woodford, 203. Woodhouse, 65, 169, 171. Woodlief, 213, 214, 225. Woodlief's plantation, 213. Q^. 286 Index. Woodson's 216. Woodward, 62. Worden, 243. Wormeley, Agatha, 161 ; Christo- pher, 142, 251; Frances, 142; Ralph, 87, i6r, 245. Wowinchopunk, 15, 109, no, 153. Wriothesley, Henry, 50, 202, 245. Wyatt, Anthony, 213 ; Sir Dudley, 63 ; Edward, 137 ; Sir Francis, 23, 43, 45- 47, 51, 52, 56, 57, 84, 102, 107, 137, 138, 158, 159, 158, 191, 212, 239, 241, 246, 256; court order for, 56; Hawte, 102, 137; Henry, 137; George, 137; Mar- garet, 102, 158; Nicholas, 213; Thomas, 137. Wythe, 237, 250, 252. / Yates, 148. Yeardley, Argall, 102, 158; Eliza- beth, 102, 158; George, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43. 45, 47, 48, 52, 102, 107, 121, 158, 191, 211, 212, 225, 229, 230, 234, 238, 254; Francis, 158; Temperance, 102. Yeocomoco, 252. Yonge, Samuel H., 27, 28, 48, 64, 122, 123, 129, 173. York, 140, 161, 166, 186, 198. York County, 61, 62, 71, 138, 139, 141, 142, 162, 184, 190, 237. York River, 16, 17, 61, 161. Yorktown, 16, 85, 87, 88, 90, 166, 187, 244. Yorkhampton parish, 138. Young, John, 162. Youghtamund, 17. ¥f (J! .rC966 ■■■«4.\ /