3F 1301 . MS 2opy 1 SOBO agMagaBapagacaBagacagagagaeagacg^ lectures bp tbr Spirit of <^» Series of Twelve Lectures oa Various Subjects ff^S^PilfTfflrWffiffi Wffri rUffflffl P*V*1nrH •"■ ■••'.:;> Spiritual Cectures COMPRISING A Series of "DwelveTCectures on various subjects Dictated to Dr. S. Toman through W. B. Murphy, Medium Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. BY TftE Sf irtt of W. B. Sttab Great English Journalist, after Passing to Spirit Life » v $ ,^v Copyrighted 1913 by S. Toman ©CI.A350825 ft*/ v ■ TO ALL TRUTH LOVING SOULS OF THE WORLD IN GENERAL THIS VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THE SPIRIT OF W. T. STEAD TCectures I Allotment of Man in the Spirit World 13 II Vindication of Man 15 III Stages of Development in First Sphere 18 IV Continuity of Man 22 V Science of Psychology 25 VI Science of Astrology 28 VII Evolution 32 VIII PSYCHOLIZATION OF MAN 35 IX Spirit Molecular Magnetism 37 X Spirit Levitation 40 XI Central Sun of All Sun's Spiritual Levitation 43 XII Conclusion or Review 47 "preface In presenting this volume to the public, I will not burden the reader with many words in the preface — but will give a brief explanation how these lectures were obtained. In the first place my friend R. A. Boner and I went to have a seance with W. B. Murphy, the medium, 16 Barnet Street, Dayton, Ohio. After the control, John Murphy, a brother of the medium, opened the seance, and a few friends communicated, the control announced that we will hear from a spirit way up in intelligence. And shortly W. T. Stead took the trum- pet and gave us his first message through this medium — by trumpet. He stated, that he wanted to give a number of lectures to the world, and he told me that he wanted me, Dr. S. Toman, to record them and have them printed and circulated all over the world. I asked him how I may know that the intelligence talk- 8 Preface ing is really the spirit of W. T. Stead, of London, England. He said, "The Control introduced him as W. T. Stead just the same as if you would have come to London and some one there would have introduced me to you. You would not want me to prove my identity. I am no other than the Spirit of W. T. Stead and I find the conditions favorable to communi- cate to the people of the Earth plane — and I would like to have you record them and send them broadcast to the world in general. W. B. Murphy developed trumpet talk in about four years. He also got the peculiar method of what he called slate writing also, in the light. He sat near a stand and held the slate in his left arm and pencil in the right hand and used the whole arm movement all the time, running the pencil in cir- cles, curves, sweeps, etc. I could not detect one letter or word, but he could see the words flashed upon the slate and would read them aloud, and I recorded them as he uttered them. I asked W. T. Stead how he did the writing and he said that the control hypnotizes the medium and then he is brought into a negative condition, and by wireless mental electro molecular induction the words are flashed upon the slate visible to the medium. Words come forth similar to the words upon a graphaphone. The spirit intelligence, purporting to be the spirit of W. T. Stead, after that, gave a lecture every Wednesday, and I recorded them Preface 9 as faithfully as possible. These lectures, you will see, were all given in the light in the presence of the named witnesses in the latter part of the book, and each and every lecture was read in the presence of the witnesses and approved by W. T. Stead in the seance room. He used that room for proof reading. THE MEDIUM W. B. Murphy, the medium, is a common house painter — is a man of common education, having never advanced farther than the Fifth Grade in the common school. For a man of such primary education, and no reader, to deliver these lectures himself would certainly be nothing less than a miracle. The medium stated that he could only read the words as they came fresh at the end of the pencil. The Intelligence communicating is a very positive character, when he talked, it was apparently with authority — loud and distinct. I had received eleven lectures up to the time of the famous flood in Dayton, Ohio, and did not get the twelfth lecture until June 4, 1913. I lacked one lecture to complete the series. A Verification The Spiritualists of Dayton had a mass meeting, and a strange medium from Hamilton, Ohio, told me that W. T. Stead said I should keep on and the book would 10 Preface be finished I was a perfect stranger to the medium, who gave me the test in the presence of 50 or 60 witnesses. Yours truly, SAMUEL TOMAN, 1839 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio. Appeal to tl)e Worl6 INTRODUCTION To Dr. S. Toman, of Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. I, W. T. Stead, wish to express to you tonight, through the medium W. B. Murphy and his Guide, my heartfelt thanks to all mankind on the Earth Plane. I, W. T. Stead, do hereby acknowledge the great truth of Spiritualism — founded on the grandest truths of progress of all things that were and are in existence. It was the wonderful truths delivered by the Amer- ican seer Andrew Jackson Davis, that started me in my investigations of psychical phenomena and the grand truth of Spiritualism. My son, also having passed over to the spirit plane of life, brought me in- disputable facts relative to spirit return. And I, W. T. Stead, give to you the right to record my series of lectures, and publish them to the world in general. (If at the end of this series of lectures you see mis- 12 Introduction takes or typographical errors, you will please correct them and charge them to my account.) I wish to thank all the people who manifested an interest in me, and all the editors who espoused my cause. They all receive my heartfelt thanks, for rec- ognizing me as an intelligent man and had the courage to expound what I thought to be the truth regarding Spirit return. I studied about all the branches that were taught in the colleges, and the reading of Thomas Payne stimu- lated my reasoning facilities. In delivering these series of lectures, I will endeavor to be as explicit and concise as possible. This is only a preliminary to one of the grandest lectures ever given to mankind on the Earth Plane. Yours truly, W. T. STEAD. Cecture 5t