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Horton, Director Mi This publication has been cataloged as follows: Neylan, D. L, (David L.) Methods for determining sources c (Information circular / United Sta reau of Mines ; 8921) Bibliography: p. 15 . , Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27:8921. 1. Air pollution— Measurement. 2. dustries — Environmental aspects. I. II. Law, Stephen L. III. Title. IV. S< States. Bureau of Mines) ; 8921. f mercury vapor in the workplace. :es Department of the Interior, Bu- Mercury — Analysis. 3. Mineral in- Triantafillou, H. C. (Heidi C). ;ries: Information circular (United 622s [622\8] 82-600371 HNzytJ.U4 L 1 JJoo (Jvloi J Or ft. CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Chemical spot tests 2 Sensitivity 7 Reagent shelf life 7 Spot test techniques 8 Selected spot tests 9 Mercury vapor test papers 10 Portable mercury vapor detectors 11 Portable analytical Instruments 13 Conclusions 14 References 15 ILLUSTRATION 1. Gold-film analyzer for locating sources of mercury vapor 12 TABLES 1 . Reagents for mercury detection 2 2. Portable mercury vapor detection devices 11 3. Portable analytical instruments 13 *0 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT cm centimeter mg/m 3 milligram per cubic meter g gram mm millimeter m3 cubic meter nm nanometer mg milligram Mg microgram mL milliliter M L microliter METHODS FOR DETERMINING SOURCES OF MERCURY VAPOR IN THE WORKPLACE By D. L. Neylan, 1 H. C. Triantafillou, 2 and S. L. Law 3 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines evaluated various methods for identifying sources of mercury vapor in excess of the threshold limit value (TLV) of 0.05 mg of mercury per cubic meter of air set by the American Council of Govern- ment and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) for mines and mineral processing plants. Chemical spot tests and portable devices for mercury determina- tion were evaluated, based on information from published sources and performance in laboratory tests. Among the parameters examined were sensitivity, interferences, cost, ease of use, and other factors perti- nent to field application. More than 50 methods were evaluated. The investigators found that many readily available methods are suita- ble for identifying sources of mercury vapor in mines and mineral pro- cessing plants. The best method appears to be one that uses a commer- cially available mercury test paper sensitive only to mercuric ions. For some of the more promising chemical spot tests, this report in- cludes step-by-step instructions for field application. INTRODUCTION In order to enable the mining and mineral processing industry to com- ply with Federal regulations and to ensure workers' health, portable methods are needed for the on-site identification of sources of mercury vapor. In this report, many such methods are evaluated. Although the TLV for mercury vapor in mines and mineral processing plants is set by ACGIH, Part 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations as- signs enforcement of this limit to the Mine Safety and Health Adminis- tration (MSHA). At MSHA's request, the Bureau undertook the evaluation of chemical spot tests and instrumental methods for mercury determina- tion described in this report. A commercially available mercury test paper evaluated by the Bureau as the best indicator for mercury is cur- rently under study by MSHA for possible routine use in mine and mineral processing plant inspections. i Research chemist. ^Chemist. 3 Research supervisor. All authors are with the Bureau of Mines, Avondale Research Center, Avondale, Md. CHEMICAL SPOT TESTS Spot tests are portable, provide on- site results, and are less expensive than other qualitative methods for determining the presence of metal ions. Because spot tests offer these advantages, the Bureau evaluated more than 50 spot test reagents to determine their suitability for iden- tifying sources of mercury vapor in mines and mineral processing plants. These re- agents are listed in table 1. For each reagent, the table lists the positive re- sults observed when mercury is present, sensitivities, and interferences. Generally, chemical reagents will not react directly with mercury or undis- solved minerals containing mercury. Therefore, dissolution of some of the mercury-containing material with an ap- propriate acid is usually the first step in a chemical spot test. To achieve the desired test reaction, it may also be necessary to further adjust the dissolved mercury to the mercuric or mercurous va- lence state, adjust the acidity of the mercury and acid solution, or take other steps. The references in the last column of table 1 provide the guidance needed to perform spot tests using each of the listed reagents, and for some of the re- agents an additional source of informa- tion is cited. Table 1 does not list all the reported chemical methods for detecting mercury; only those for which sensitivities could be found are listed. Additional tests are mentioned by Feigl (2^,4 Welcher (11- 14), and others. However, most, if not all, of the tests in popular use are sum- marized in table 1. ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this report. TABLE 1. - Reagents for mercury detection Reagent ' Reaction indica- tive of mercury Sensitivity, Ug Hg Comments Refer- ences 2 ORGANIC REAGENTS Acridine thiocyanate 3 . Yellow needles .... 0.5 Yellow crystals also formed by Bi, Cd, U, Zn. 13 Dark precipitate. . 100 Reacts only with Hg + ion. 11 Colorless needles. .06 Precipitates also formed by Ag, Ce, Co, Cu, Fe, Pd, Zn. 12 Reddish-violet color with Hg 2 2+ ; bluish-gray ring with Hg 2+ . 40 15 Also reacts with Ag, Al, Mg, U. 14 20 Forms a violet-red ring with Pb. 14 Crystals or precipitate. .5 Also reacts with As, Bi, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, and others. 14 See footnotes at end of table. TABLE 1. - Reagents for mercury detection — Continued Reagent Reaction indica- tive of mercury Sensitivity, US Hg Comments Refer- ences 2 ORGANIC REAGENTS— Continued Pink to red color. .1 Also reacts with Ag , Au , Cu , Os , Pd . Ammonium chlorstan- nate causes the color. 14 2-Carboxyphenyl-5- azo-8-hydroxyquino- line. Rose-violet precipitate. 200 Also reacts with Ag, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pd. 11 Bright yellow precipitate. 10 Ag, Fe, Ti inter- fere. No reaction with mercury chlorides. 2, 11 2 , 3-Diaminophenazine . . Red precipitate... 10 Also reacts with Cu. Fe and ammonia interfere. 12 Diethylaminophenyl- imi no camphor. Rich pink or scar- let color. 20 Color from Hg 2+ van- ishes upon exposure to ammonia; color from Hg 2 2+ turns black upon exposure to ammonia. Also reacts with Ag and Bi. 13 p-Dimethylaminobenzal- rhodanine. Pved-violet color or precipitate. .33 In the presence of chlorides, acetate must be added. Al- so reacts with Ag and Cu. 13 Dimethylaminophenyl- iminocamphor . Rich pink or scar- let color. 20 Color from Hg 2+ vanishes and color from Hg 2 2+ turns black upon exposure to ammonia. Also reacts with Ag and Bi. 13 Di-a-naphthylcarba- zone. Gray-violet color. .05 Also reacts with Cd, Cu, Fe, Mo. 13 Di-3-naphthylcarba- zone. .015 13 Di-( O-nit rophenyl ) carbazone. Gray-blue color... .08 Also reacts with Cu, Fe, Mo. 13 See footnotes at end of table. TABLE 1. - Reagents for mercury detection — Continued Reagent Reaction indica- tive of mercury Sensitivity, yg Hg Comments Refer- ences 2 ORGANIC REAGENTS— Continued Di-(m-nitrophenyl) carbazone. Red-brown color... .05 Also reacts with Cu, Fe, Mo. 13 Di-(p-nitrophenyl) carbazone. .025 do 13 Violet or blue precipitate. 1 Also reacts with Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo. Chlo- rides interfere. 2, 13 .05 Also reacts with Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn. 2, 13 Yellow or brown crystals. 400 Also reacts with Al, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zr. 14 .25 Reacts with many metal ions. In acid solution, Au, Bi, Cu, Pt metals, Sb, Sn are main interf erents. 2, 13 Pink precipitate. . 10,000 Reacts only with Hg 2 2+ . 14 Hexamethylenetetra- mine. 5 Light yellow color .035 Color results from addition of iodide. Also reacts with Ca, Li, Mg, others. 13 Gray precipitate.. 10,000 Reaction is with Hg 2 2+ ions. Also reacts with Sb and Sn. 14 Methylene blue iodide. .021 Also reacts with Ag and Sn. 14 ct-Naphthylamine 3 » 5 . . . . Yellow precipitate 37 Also reacts with Cr, Cu, Au, W, others. 12 o-Nitrosophenol 3 > 4 . . . . Reddish-violet solid. .1 Reacts only with Hg 2+ ; similar re- sults with Cu 2+ , Ni, Zn, Fe 2+ . 13 See footnotes at end of table. TABLE 1. - Reagents for mercury detection — Continued Reagent Reaction indica- tive of mercury Sensitivity, Ug Hg Comments Refer- ences 2 ORGANIC REAGENTS— Continued Phenyl-5-azo-8- hydroxy quinoline . Violet precipitate 100 Also reacts with Cu, Au, Mo, Ni, Pd, Zn. 11 Phenylhydrazinephenyl- thiocarbazinate. 3 Reddish-purple precipitate. 10 Excess reagent must be avoided. Cr0 4 2- , Mo0 4 2-, V0 3 ~ interfere. 14 Phenylthiodantoic acid Yellow precipitate 5 Similar results are obtained with Cu, Bi, Sb. 14 Grayish-black precipitate. 20 Reaction is with Hg 2 2+ ion. Sensi- tivity of 20 yg is for Hg 2 2+ ; sensi- tivity for Hg 2+ is 1,000 yg. Also re- acts with Ag, Cu + , Au-5 + , Pd 2 + , Pt4 + . 14 Red precipitate... 20 Reacts in the pres- ence of sodium acetate. 13 20 Br", Cl~, I", CN~, SCN" interfere. Also reacts with Cr, Fe, Sb, Sn. 11 Yellow precipitate .15 Also reacts with Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Ag, and many others. 14 Red precipitate... 4,000 Forms a violet pre- cipitate with Ag. 13 Colorless needles. .32 Also reacts with Bi, Cd, Co, Sn, and others. 13 Dark red precipitate. 1,000 Also reacts with Au, Bi, Mo, Sb, W, and others. 14 Sodium diethyldithio- carbamate. 100 Reaction is with Hg 2+ . Also reacts with Cd, Co, Mn, Pb, Sr, Zn. 14 See footnotes at end of table. TABLE 1, - Reagents for mercury detection — Continued Reagent 1 Reaction indica- t ive of mercury Sensitivity, Mg Hg Comments Refer- ences 2 ORGANIC REAGENTS— Continued Yellow precipitate 5 Reaction is with Hg 2 2+ . Also reacts with Ag, Pb, Tl, N0 2 ~. 11 5-(p-Sulf ophenylazo)- 8-hydroxyquinoline . Bright red precipitate. 50 Cl~ interferes. Re- acts also with Cu, Ni, Pd. 11 Yellow-white precipitate. 10,000 Reacts with many ionic species. 12 Tetramethyl-p-phenyl- enediamine (Wurster's reagent) , 3 Violet precipitate 1 Also reacts with Ag, Cu, Fe, Os. 12 Rose-colored solution. 1 Also reacts with Cu, Zn. 14 INORGANIC REAGENTS 0.0001 Neutral solution needed. Hg is amalgamated with Al using current from a flashlight battery; alumina 2 formed gives red color with Alizarin. Deep red to orange color. .003 Oxidants, Ag, Au, Mo, Pd, Pt, W interfere. 2 Hydrogen sulfide and formic acid. 3 Colored colloidal suspension. , 10 Also reacts with As and Pb. Colorimeter used for detection. 12 Hypophosphite-tin-IV. . Red or light pink color. .1 Cacotheline used to form color with tin-II. Ag, Os , and noble metals interfere. 2 Absence of blue color in test solution. .14 Same reaction with Ag. 14 .02 I 2 is dissolved in equal amounts of ethanol and toluene. 11 See footnotes at end of table. TABLE 1. - Reagents for mercury detection — Continued Reagent Reaction indica- tive of mercury Sensitivity, pg Hg Comments Refer- ences 2 INORGANIC REAGENTS- -Continued Potassium dichromate- pyridine. 3 * 5 Orange crystals . . . .075 Both Hg 2 2+ and Hg2+ cause the reaction. 13 Potassium iodide- glycerol. Black precipitate. 50 Ag, Pb, Tl also precipitate with iodide, but are avoided in the test. 11 Stannous chloride- aniline. 3 Brown, gray, or black precipitate. 1 Aniline is used to provide proper al- kalinity and avoid Sb interference. Ag may interfere. 2 1 A11 reagents should be considered hazardous. Before use, properties such as tox- icity, carcinogenicity, explosibility , etc. , should be determined by consulting such references as "Cancer Causing Chemicals" by N. I. Sax (Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 1981, 466 pp.), "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials" by N. I. Sax (Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 5th ed. , 1979, 1258 pp.), "Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards" by L. Bretherick (CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. , 1975, 976 pp.), and "The Merck Index" (Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J. , 9th ed. , 1976, 1313 pp.). For the reagents listed above, no listed hazards were found except as other- wise noted. 2 For each reagent, these references generally give the chemical symbol, molecular weight, alternate nomenclature, and guidance for performing spot tests; for the less common organic compounds, preparation procedures are also given. 3 Has toxic properties ranging from irritant to highly poisonous. 4 Explosive or flammable. ^Possible or known carcinogen. SENSITIVITY The sensitivities of the spot test reagents listed in table 1 range from 0.0001 to 10,000 yg. If the mercury to be determined is in a form that dis- solves slowly in acid, the more sensi- tive reagents are recommended because they minimize the time needed to obtain a positive test. However, if a reagent is to be used to locate fine droplets of a mercury spill, and low levels of mercury or mercury compounds with low solubility are not of interest, it may be better to use one of the less sensi- tive reagents that will test positive only for relatively high levels of dis- solved mercury. For example, a reagent sensitive to mercury at the 10,000-yg level will detect — though perhaps with a weak color change — a droplet of mercury (density 13.6 g/cm 3 ) that is only 0.0007 cm 3 in volume. For locating sources of mercury vapor in the workplace, test reagents of inter- mediate sensitivities are recommended. Their use avoids positive results for trace amounts of mercury but produces strong color changes for readily soluble forms of mercury at part-per-million lev- els of concentration. REAGENT SHELF LIFE Several of the reagents listed in table 1 need to be prepared fresh daily because they deteriorate rapidly upon exposure to actinic light (ultraviolet radiation capable of initiating photo- chemical reactions) or oxidation by air. These reagents would not generally be considered for field applications. In laboratory testing of various re- agents, it was found that chronotropic acid, Wurster's reagent (tetramethyl-p- phenylenediamine) , and dithizone contin- ued to give positive results for over 4 weeks after preparation if stored in low- actinic-glass (colored glass that absorbs actinic light) containers and kept out of direct sunlight. When stored in clear glass containers, all three were ineffec- tive within 4 days of preparation. Dith- izone changed to an ineffective yellow solution after only 1 day of exposure to sunlight. By comparison, symdiphenyl carbazide showed no effect from exposure to the direct sunlight. As a rule of thumb, all reagents should be prepared fresh, kept away from heat, and stored or carried in light-opaque, tightly stop- pered containers. Proper safety contain- ers should be used for the few reagents that require flammable organic solvents of high vapor pressure. SPOT TEST TECHNIQUES Chapters 1 and 2 of Feigl's text on spot tests (2) give a thorough overview of various techniques used in conduct- ing spot tests. Some general guidelines are given in this section for the tests selected by the Bureau for mercury detection. As mentioned in the previous section, low-actinic containers should be used for the organic reagents to retard deteriora- tion. In the field, it is recommended that amber polyethylene dropping bottles with screw-cap tops be used. Even so, many of the organic reagents need to be prepared fresh for reliable results. Low-actinic containers are not needed for the 1:1 nitric acid used to dissolve the mercury for each test, but the container should be acid resistant. A Teflon^ fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) dropping bottle or a drop dispensing bottle with a screw-cap top is useful for this purpose. ^Reference to specific trade names is made for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. It is important that the tip of the eyedropper pipet used to deliver the rea- gents remain free from contamination. The tip of the pipet should not be touched against the receiving surface. The pipet tip should be no more than 1 or 2 cm above the place where the drop is to be delivered to assure accurate delivery and avoid splashing, but the drops should be allowed to fall freely. Not only does this technique avoid contamination, but the size of the drops remains fairly uni- form, thereby allowing a semiquantitative comparison of mercury in the samples based on color intensities. Direct testing on surfaces in a mill or mine is generally not possible nor desir- able. A portion of the dust or material to be tested should be scraped from the surface with a spatula and placed on a filter paper or in a white glazed spot plate, a watch glass, or a micro test tube for attack by the 1:1 nitric acid. The acid is diluted with distilled water, generally by a factor of 3, before it is combined with the color-producing rea- gent. If the mercury is dissolved in a container other than filter paper, some of the liquid is then transferred to a white filter paper using an eyedropper pipet. If cotton is placed in the tip of the pipet, it will separate the liquid from the solids for a more interference- free observation of the color change. However, this separation is not usually necessary because the solution containing the dissolved mercury will diffuse away from the solids through the capillaries of the paper. The color-producing rea- gent is added to the solvent -moistened portion of the paper around the solids whether the solids are treated with the nitric acid directly on the paper or are transferred to the paper along with the solvent from a separate dissolution vessel. The capillary action and adsorptive effects of filter paper make it the preferred substrate for spot reactions. Color reactions that appear to be rel- atively insensitive when diluted with the solvent in a spot plate or test tube may have excellent sensitivities on an appropriate filter paper. This is be- cause the colored, soluble, or insoluble reaction products of the test are held near the site of their production by the capillaries of the paper and are more readily seen because of the white back- ground of the paper. Precipitation and filtration take place in the plane of the paper, resulting in a local enrichment and improved visibility of the colored reaction product. When the mercury is dissolved from the sample directly on the filter paper, as recommended for some procedures, an acid- hardened paper such as Whatman 50 or Schleicher and Schuell 576 is recommend- ed. These papers have a slow filtering speed, resulting in increased acid con- tact with the sample; they are acid- resistant; and they retain very fine precipitates on their smooth, white, lint -free surfaces for easy observation. SELECTED SPOT TESTS From the spot tests for mercuric ions listed in table 1, the Bureau selected the four tests described below as repre- sentative of those applicable to conven- ient field testing for sources of mercury vapor in the workplace. These tests were selected because of their simplicity, sensitivities, minimal interferences, and strong positive color changes in the presence of mercury. The sample size for each test is ap- proximately half of a 3- by 10-mm spatula spoonful. The mercuric ions for each test are obtained by dissolution of mer- cury metal or compounds from the sample using 1:1 nitric acid prepared by adding 50 mL of reagent-grade concentrated ni- tric acid to 50 mL of distilled water. All chemicals should be reagent grade and prepared with distilled water. Once pre- pared, the reagents should be tested with a blank 1:1 nitric acid sample for mer- cury contamination. Cuprous Iodide Test Reagents 1. Potassium iodide-sodium sulfite solution: 5 g KI and 20 g Na 2 S0 3 *7H 2 in 100 mL water. 2. Copper sulfate solution: 5 g CuS0 4 •5H 2 in 100 mL IN hydrochloric acid (83 mL reagent-grade concentrated hydro- chloric acid diluted to 1 L with dis- tilled water). Reagent Paper The filter paper is impregnated with the reactive reagents in the laboratory, minimizing the chemicals needed in the field. This is done by soaking an ab- sorbent filter paper (e.g., Schleicher and Schuell 598 or Whatman 1) in the po- tassium iodide-sodium sulfite solution and then in the copper sulfate solution. The excess reagents are rinsed from the papers , and the papers are allowed to dry prior to their use in the field. The papers should last for several weeks if kept dry and if long exposure to direct sunlight or oxidizing environments is avoided. Field Procedure 1. Add 1 or 2 drops of 1:1 nitric acid to the sample in a spot plate and let stand for 1 min. 2. Add 3 times as many drops of dis- tilled water to dilute the acid. 3. Remove a portion of the liquid with an eyedropper pipet, and place a drop on the reagent paper. A red or orange color indicates the presence of mercury. Diphenylcarbazide Test Reagents 1. Diphenylcarbazide solution: 2 g diphenylcarbazide in 10 mL acetic acid and 10 mL ethanol. (Use low-actinic bot- tles. The solution is reddish-orange while effective.) 2. Sodium pyrophosphate solution: 3 g Na 4 P 2 7 '10H 2 in 100 mL water. 3. 3 pet hydrogen peroxide solution if chromates may be present. Field Procedure 1. Add 1 or 2 drops of 1:1 nitric acid to the sample on a filter paper and let stand for 1 min. 10 2. Add 3 times as many drops of dis- tilled water to dilute the acid. 3. Add 2 drops of sodium pyrophosphate solution to eliminate interferences. If chromates are present, a drop of 3 pet hydrogen peroxide may also need to be added. 4. Add 1 drop of diphenylcarbazide solution at the edge of the solids. A violet or blue fleck indicates the pres- ence of mercury. Chromotropic Acid Test limit of 25 mg Hg 2+ per liter is ob- tained. Bureau tests with nitric acid solutions of Zn, Pb, Cu, Bi, and Cd did not produce a color change, This ob- servation is in agreement with the man- ufacturer's claims that there are no interferences for this paper. MSHA has selected this test paper for field evaluation. Field Procedure 1. Add 1 or 2 drops of 1:1 nitric acid to the sample in a spot plate and let stand for 1 min. Reagent 1. Chromotropic acid solution: 5 g sodium salt of chromotropic acid in 100 mL distilled water. (Use low-actinic bottle.) Field Procedure 1. Add 1 or 2 drops of 1:1 nitric acid to the sample on a filter paper and let stand for 1 min. 2. Add 3 times as many drops of dis- tilled water to dilute the acid. 3. Add 1 drop of chromotropic acid solution at the edge of the solids. A bright yellow color indicates the pres- ence of mercury. Commercial Test Paper Description and Characteristics A commercially available test paper sensitive only to Hg 2+ ions is manufac- tured by Machery, Nagel and Co., Duren, West Germany, and is available in the United States from Gallard Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp., Carle Place, N.Y. The cost is under $10 for 200 strips mea- suring 20 by 70 mm. No information is given by the manufacturer about the ac- tive ingredient in the paper. In the presence of Hg 2+ ions, the grayish-brown paper turns white. If a capillary or micropipet is used to apply 10 to 20 yL of solution to the paper, a sensitivity 2. Add 3 times as many drops tilled water to dilute the acid. of dis- 3« Touch a strip of the test paper to the liquid or use a capillary tube to touch the liquid to the paper. A white discoloration of the paper indicates the presence of mercury. MERCURY VAPOR TEST PAPERS Two test papers applicable for the direct detection of mercury vapor — as opposed to mercury ions, which are needed for reaction with most of the reagents listed in table 1 — can be pre- pared in the laboratory. Filter paper impregnated with a 1 pet solution of palladium chloride and then dried pro- vides a sensitive test for traces of mercury vapor in air (2) . When mercury vapor comes in contact with the paper, the light brown color turns light gray to deep black. The stain can be made more visible by briefly holding the paper over concentrated ammonia. The formation of tetrammine palladium (II) chloride [Pd(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 2 ] changes the light brown paper to white, and the gray metallic palladium formed by the mercury vapor is easily seen against the white back- ground. The most sensitive tests are obtained when the paper is completely dry. A selenium sulfide test paper for mer- cury vapor can be prepared by bathing filter paper in a water solution of selenious acid, exposing the paper to 11 hydrogen sulfide, then washing and dry- ing it (2). Black mercuric selenide and mercuric sulfide are formed when the selenium sulfide is exposed to mercury vapor. Both mercury vapor test papers must be exposed to vapor for several hours if used as a passive monitor (J7) in order to detect the 0.05 mg/m 3 TLV for mercury. Pumping the air across the test paper will shorten the time required for a pos- itive test, and the degree of darkening of the selenium sulfide paper is propor- tional to the square root of the velocity of the air (7). PORTABLE MERCURY VAPOR DETECTORS Several portable, commercially avail- able devices for mercury vapor detec- tion are compared in table 2 for relia- ble measurement range, cost, and mode of mercury detection. Mercury vapor absorp- tion of ultraviolet light at the 253.7- nm wavelength is the means of measuring relative concentrations for the Bach- arach and Beckman instruments. Organic vapors, dust, or other components of the air that absorb ultraviolet light at the specified wavelength will give false in- dications of mercury, but generally this is not a problem. Background correction for broadband absorption could be added to the instrumentation, although this would add to the expense, bulk, and weight of the instrument. TABLE 2. - Portable mercury vapor detection devices Vendor Model Detection principle Reliable measurement range , ' mg Hg/m 3 Approx- imate cost (1982) Bacharach Instrument Co. , Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238. MV-2 Hg vapor absorption of UV light. 0.01 - 0.2 $1,800 Beckman Instruments, Inc. , Fullerton, Calif. 92634. K-23 .005- 1 2,200 Bendix Corp. , Largo, Fla. 33543. Tube 40 Absorption of Hg in a tube causes cupric iodide color change to orange. .05 -13 200 Jerome Instrument Co. , Concord, N.H. 03301. 401 Absorption of Hg by Au film increases electrical resistance. .01- .5 3,000 Mine Safety Appliances, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235. C-210 Absorption of Hg by iodine- impregnated charcoal; Hg determined by laboratory analysis. .01- .3 400 National Draeger, Inc. , Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235. Mercury Absorption of Hg in a tube causes cupric iodide color change to orange. .1- 2 400 3M Co., St. Paul, Minn. 55101. 23600 Absorption of Hg by an Au film which is sent to man- ufacturer for analysis. .005- .20 ( 3 ) 1 Actual detection limits able measurement. 2 Personnel mercury vapor 3 $160 for 5 film badges. are generally lower than the lowest values given for reli- monitor (film badge). 12 The Jerome instrument (fig. 1) works on the principle that the electrical conduc- tivity of a gold film changes as it forms an amalgam with mercury vapor from the air (b_, 8). Interference by dust, organ- ic vapors, or other air components is avoided unless a vapor that is reactive with gold, e.g., chlorine, is present. The 3M Co.'s personnel film badge moni- tors also work on the principle of mer- cury collection by gold, but the mercury is measured in the lab using electrical resistivity ( 5_) . The remaining three mercury vapor de- tection systems listed in table 2 — sold by Bendix Corp., Mine Safety Appliances, and National Draeger, Inc. — use the chemical reaction of mercury with iodine to detect the vapor. In the Bendix and National Draeger absorption tubes, the red to orange color of the cupro- tetraiodomercuriate is the indicator of the presence of mercury vapor. The Mine Safety Appliances system uses iodine im- pregnated charcoal to trap the mercury, which must then be chemically eluted from the charcoal and determined in the labo- ratory. Although the lower limit of the reliable measurement range of the Nation- al Draeger tube is 0.1 mg/m 3 , the actual detection limit — the level at which the characteristic red coloring begins to ap- pear — is below the 0.05 mg/m 3 TLV set by ACGIH. A comparative study of personal mercury sampling devices has been report- ed by McCammon (4). FIGURE 1. - Gold-film analyzer for locating sources of mercury vapor. 13 For the purpose of on-site location of mercury vapor sources , the need to return to the laboratory for mercury determina- tion would eliminate from consideration the 3M Co. and Mine Safety Appliances detectors. The absorption tubes sold by Bendix and by National Draeger show a cumulative mercury level, with the red color advancing through the tube with continued exposure to mercury vapor, and therefore lack the ability to show fluctuations in mercury vapor concen- trations from one minute to the next as the device is moved from place to place. The most useful devices for the intended purpose are the more expensive battery-powered ultraviolet and gold- film-resistivity instruments. Each in- strument has a survey mode that contin- uously samples the air, denoting areas of high mercury concentration near sources of mercury vapor contamination. PORTABLE ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS The portable analytical instruments listed in table 3 have the capability, except for the Perkin-Elmer (formerly Coleman) model MAS-50A, of determining other elements in addition to mercury. The MAS-50A is designed specifically for the cold-vapor atomic-absorption deter- mination of mercury ( 1_) . Samples must be taken from the area being surveyed before instrumental analysis can be performed using the MAS- 50A. This is true also for the Graphic Controls ion-selective electrode and the Hach Chemical ultraviolet spectro- photometer. In each case the mercury must be dissolved from the sample and chemically treated. When the cold-vapor atomic-absorption method is used, the mercuric ion is reduced to the metallic state and then vaporized so that mercury can be determined by atomic absorption at the 253.7-nm wavelength. The ion- selective electrode method uses a sens- ing component for the direct determina- tion of mercuric ion activity, or the mercuric ion may be determined indirectly by titration with iodide until an excess of iodide is detected by an iodide- selective electrode (10). However, ac- curate determination of mercury using the ion-selective electrode may be diffi- cult because of interferences from chloride, bromide, iodide, cyanide, thiocyanates, sulfide, and silver. The ultraviolet spectrophotometric method is TABLE 3. - Portable analytical instruments Vendor Model Type of instrument Approximate cost (1982) Columbia Scientific, Austin, Tex. 78766. 700 $8,000 Graphic Controls Corp. , Buffalo, N.Y. 14240. PHI 96100 Ion-selective electrode. . 300 Hach Chemical Co. , Loveland, Colo. 80537. DR/2 750 Panametrics, Inc., Waltham, Mass. 02154. Panalyzer 4000 6,400 Perkin-Elmer Corp. , Oakbrook, 111. 60521. MAS-50A Cold-vapor atomic absorp- tion analyzer. 2,400 14 indirect: Dithizone is used as the ac- tive ingredient to complex the mercuric ions, and the complex is then extracted into chloroform (3). The mercury concen- tration is determined at the point where an excess of dithizone gives an absorb- ance at the 610-nm wavelength. (For an indication of the many interferences that are possible when dithizone is used, see table 1). The usefulness of any of these three techniques (cold-vapor atom- ic absorption, ion-selective electrode, and ultraviolet spectrophotometric) for on-site location of mercury vapor sources is greatly restricted by the need to col- lect samples and chemically treat the samples to obtain results. The utility of fluorescent X-ray spec- trography for determining trace concen- trations of heavy metals in various matrixes is well documented. The devel- opment of portable X-ray instrumentation has extended this application to in situ determinations of trace elements in ore samples (9). Mercury concentrations of 0.7 pet Hg in a 1-g sample can be deter- mined. Sensitivity is a function of the detector resolution and the activity of the radioisotope used for sample excitation. The type of detector used in a portable X-ray analyzer greatly affects both cost and sensitivity. Scintillation detectors and proportional counters have long been used to detect X-rays in analytical in- struments. The two devices listed in ta- ble 3 use sealed proportional counters. They are rugged, inexpensive, and provide moderate sensitivity in portable devices when coupled with balanced filters to discriminate the X-rays of interest from a complex spectral background. Only one element is determined for each set of balanced filters. The alternative approach is to use a device similar to the "X-site" alloy- sorting instrumentation marketed by Kevex Inc. This system uses a solid-state semiconductor detector (lithium-drifted silicon) , and simultaneous multielement determinations are therefore possible. The probe head containing the detector is portable, but the required power supply and the computer hardware are not. The silicon detector gives the system greater flexibility for resolving complex spectra than a proportional counter has, but the detector requires constant liquid nitro- gen cooling and costs much more than a proportional counter. The only commercially available porta- ble X-ray analyzer with a solid-state de- tector is a gold analyzer marketed by Ortec Inc. It has a germanium detector, requires liquid nitrogen cooling, and costs about $60,000. Its sensitivity for gold is less than 0.1 pet Au in ore sam- ples, and its sensitivity for mercury is probably comparable, because gold and mercury X-rays have similar energies. The germanium detector is able to detect higher energy X-rays than the proportion- al counter, and fewer interferences exist for the K-alpha X-rays of mercury; there- fore, consistently lower detection limits for mercury in different types of samples would be expected. CONCLUSIONS Of the more than 50 reagents for mer- cury identification spot tests that were examined, many could be applied for the identification of sources of mercury vapor in mines and mineral processing plants. Poor shelf life, nonselectivity , and lack of sensitivity would eliminate some from consideration. At least two spot tests that react to mercury vapor are available; the others require the presence of mercury ions for positive test results. One commercially available mercury test paper, sensitive only to mercuric ions, appears to best meet the need for locating sources of mercury vapor in the workplace. Portable mercury vapor detectors that could be used for real-time surveying in a mine or mill range in cost from $1,800 to $3,000. Less expensive vapor detec- tion devices require laboratory backup or cannot provide the flexibility needed to pinpoint a mercury vapor source. 15 Portable analytical instrumentation is also limited for field use by the need for sample collection, dissolution, and chemical treatment in every case except for the X-ray analyzers. However, the portable X-ray analyzers are the most ex- pensive of all the detection systems ex- amined, ranging from $6,000 to $8,000 or more. Methods of identifying sources of mer- cury vapor in mines and mineral process- ing plants are readily available with no need for further research and develop- ment. The inexpensive, commercially available mercury test paper mentioned above appears to have no interferences and requires minimal skills to obtain re- liable results. REFERENCES 1. Dumarey, R. , R. Heindryckx, R. Dams, and J. Hoste. Determination of Volatile Mercury Compounds in Air With the Coleman MAS-50 Mercury Analyzer Sys- tem. Anal. Chim. Acta, v. 107, 1979, pp. 159-167. 2. Feigl, F. Spot Tests. Elsevier Pub. Co., New York, v. 1, 1954, 518 pp. 3. Kolthoff, I. M. , and P. J. Elving, eds. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, part II, v. 3, 1961, 380 pp. 4. McCammon, C. S., Jr., S. L. Ed- wards, R. D. Hull, and W. J. Woodfin. A Comparison of Four Personal Sampling Methods for the Determination of Mercury Vapor. J. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc, v. 41, 1980, pp. 528-531. 5. McCammon, C. S., Jr., and J. W. Woodfin. An Evaluation of a Passive Mon- itor for Mercury Vapor. J. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc, v. 38, 1977, pp. 378-386. 6. McNerney, J. J., and P. R. Buseck. Geochemical Exploration Using Mercury Va- por. Econ. Geol. Bull. Soc Econ. Geol. , v. 68, 1973, pp. 1313-1320. 7. Nordlander, B. W. Selenium Sul- fide — A New Detector for Mercury Vapor. Ind. Eng. Chem. , v. 19, 1927, pp. 518- 521. 8. Ohkawa, T., H. Uemoyama, and M. Kondo. (Mercury Analysis in Ambient Air by Means of Thin Gold Resistors.) Eisei Kagaku, v. 22, 1976, pp. 11-19. 9. Rhodes, J. R. , C. S. Barrett, D. E. Leyden, J. B. Newkirk, P. K. Predecki, and C. D. Ruud, eds. Advances in X-Ray Analysis. Plenum Press, New York, v. 23, 1980, 390 pp. 10. Sekerka, I., and J. F. Lechner. Behavior of Ion Selective Electrodes Based on Silver or Mercuric Sulfide Sel- enide and Telluride. Anal. Lett., v. 9, 1976, pp. 1099-1110. 11. Welcher, F. J. Organic Analytical Reagents. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, v. 1, 1947, 442 pp. 12. . Organic Analytical Rea- gents. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, v. 2, 1947, 530 pp. 13. . Organic Analytical Rea- gents. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, v. 3, 1947, 581 pp. 14. . Organic Analytical Rea- gents. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, v. 4, 1948, 624 pp. -&U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1983-605-015/11 INT.-BU.OF MIN ES,PGH.,P A 26680 PD 181 <* ''TVi* -*0 T .7« A l* ..*'_•« c° .•; 7* A o^ *s '-f^ a* V'?^\o* V '•?,:•" ^- '^'*^t--o v % --.-.7.- " * % 49G&*« "V ^ V**77\7* ' #> ~o <* *'TVt % ^& V*W?V V--^-> V-Sfff'V V-^-'V V™V -•••' .♦ .^.. ^ .^, ^* :SBK"- V* -'W- V :"|S'- V* •' .**%. «* o-.- ^ A . - •. ^. ft* .»••. ^O iV ..... «*. ft* .»..- ♦ o * o °o. .G v V ♦ VMS* ►** V^*/ %*^%° v^'V^ v H o r/ -^ ^ o5 ^ ^♦- -i$»-- x/ .-afc %/ .-m&'- \-^ DOBBS BROS. INC. vV" *•• '• A V ^«. V^ 1 ^"^