a"& .£* Xv <" V * A _> '•*. A &\ *•'•>* ' V * aV *>U x C^"*J~| * A? ^ o VU&AK * a_v *>^, . &= ■p* .*1^% -£pensation of Providence, that this House will transact no legislative business until after the funeral obsequies of the deceased shall have been performed. Resolved, That the members of this House will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed in conjunction with the committee which may be appointed by the Senate, to make arrangements for the funeral. Resolved, That this House adjourn until Monday next. The resolutions were agreed to, and the following gentlemen were ap- pointed the committee on the part of the House, viz : Mr. Hopkins, of Virginia ; Mr. C. J. Ingersoll, of Pennsylvania ; Mr. Cave Johnson, of Tennessee; Mr. J. Q. Adams, of Massachusetts ; and Mr. D. P. Bar- nard, of New Yoik. ,. GENERAL ORDERS: WAR DEPARTMENT, February 29, 1844. In the deepest grief the President of the United States has instructed the undersigned to announce to the Army that, from the accidental ex- plosion of a gun yesterday, on board the United States steam ship Princeton, the country and its government lost, at the same moment, the Secretary of State, the Honorable A. P. Upshur, and the Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable T. W. Gilmer. Called but a few days since to preside over the administration of the War Department, it is peculiarly painful to the undersigned that his first official communication to the Army, should be the announcement of a calamity depriving the country of the public services of two of our most accomplished statesmen and popular and deeply esteemed fellow citizens. Their virtues, talents, and patriotic services will ever be retained in the grateful recollection of their countrymen, and perpetuated upon the pages of the history of our common country. Deep as may be the gloom which spreads over the community, it has pleased the Almighty Disposer of events to add another shade to it by blending in this melancholy catastrophe the deaths of an eminent citizen, Virgil Maxcy, Esq., lately Charge d' Affaires to Belgium, a gallant and meritorious officer of the Navy, a chief of a Bureau, Captain B. Kennon, and a private citizen of New York, of high and estimable character, be- sides others, citizens and sailors, either killed or wounded. As appropriate honors to the memory of these distinguished Secreta- ries, halt-hour guns will be fired at every military post, furnished with the proper ordnance, the day after the receipt of this order, from sunrise to sunset ; the national flag will be displayed at half-staff, during the same time ; and all officers of the Army will wear, for three months, the cus- tomary badge of mourning. WM. WILKINS, Secretary of War. wr V!-*B q! w.>* *i >i-jtu m i*' jw GENERAL ORDER. Navy Department, Feb. 29, 1844. As a mark of respect to the memory of the late Hon. Thomas W. Gilmer, Secretary of the Navy, whose career, at his entrance upon the duties of his office, which wo.ild have be«;n nobly mainted by that ability and vigor, of which his whole p»evious life had been the guarantee, the flags of all vessels in commission, at Navy Yaids, and Stations, are to be hoisted at half-mast on the day after the receipt of this order ; minute guns, to the number of seventeen, are to be fired between sunrise and sun- set, and crape is to be worn on the left arm and upon the sword for the space of three months. L. WARRINGTON, Secretary of the Navy, ad interim. By COMMAND OF THE PRESIDENT. GENERAL ORDER. Navy Department, February 29, 1844. On the day after the funeral honors have been paid to the late able and lamented Secretary of the Navy, minute guns, to the number of thirteen, will be fired between sunrise and sunset ; mourning for the space of thirty days will be worn on the left arm, and the flags of the vessels in commis- sion, at the Navy Yards, and Stations, will be hoisted at half-mast, as a token of respect to the memory of the late Captain Beverly Kennon, Chief of the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair, who had won for himself the highest rank of the service, by the faithful and dili- gent discharge of his duty, and by his acknowledged gallantry and uni- formly officer-like deportment. L. WARRINGTON, Secretary of the Navy, ad interim. By command of the President. Washington, March 1, 1844. In pursuance of authority vested in us by the President of the United States and the Committees appointed on behalf of Congress, we have determined upon the following official arrangements for the funeral so- lemnities of Abkl P. Upshur, late Secretary of State ; Thomas W. Gilmer, late Secretary of the Navy ; Captain Beverly Kexnon, United States Navy, late Chief of the Bureau of Construction and Equipment of the Navy ; Viiigtl Maxcy, of Maryland, late Charge d'Affaires of the United States to Belgium; and of the Hon. David Gardiner, late of New York. W. BRADFORD SHUBRICK, RICHARD S. COXE, WM. D. MERRICK, J. H. AULICK, ROGER JONES, SELAH B. STRONG, JOHN H. EATON, JOHN T. McLAUGHLIN. ORDER OF PROCESSION. Funeral Escort in Column oe March. Volunteer Troops. Batallion of United States Marines. Squadron of Cavalry. Troop of United States Light Artillery. Commander of the Escort and Staff. Dismounted Officers of Volunteers, Marine Corps, Navy and Army, in the order named. Mounted Officers of Volunteers, Marine Corps, Navy and Army, in the order named. Major General Walter Jones, commanding the Militia, and Staff. Major General Scott, commanding the Army, and Staff. CIVIC PROCESSION. The Mayors of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria. Clergy and Medical Faculty of the District of Columbia and elsewhere. Committees on the part of Congress and the Executive. Pall-Bearers — to precede the hearse. PALL-BEARERS. The Hon. Mr. Archer, of Vir- ginia, and the Members of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. w H — -x> 01 «> t H K o a tn PALL-BEARERS. The Hon. C. J. Ingersoll of Pa,, and ttie Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Re- presentatives. Family and Relatives of the late Hon. Mr. Upshur. The Hon. Mr. Bayard, of Del- aware, and Members ot the Committee on Naval Af- fairs of the Senate. a — b, O O ° % < a a 02 The Hon. Mr. Parmenter, of Mass., and Members of the Committee on Naval Af- fairs of the House of Re- presentatives. Family and Relatives of the late Hon. Mr. Gilker. Capt. Smoot, U. S. N., Com. Morgan, " Com. Bolton, " Col. Totten, U. S. A. Gen. Worth, " Gen. Gibson, " -i O S >» —* s a a •_ - - 3 U <_ « < -, H- I— I (D . — 3 ~ ' PALL-BEARERS. Hon. Mr. Carroll,NewYork. Hon. Mr. Davis, Hon. Mr. Hunt, Hon. Mr. Barnard, Col. Murray, Darius Olagett, Washingt'n Family and Relatives of the late Hon. Mr. Gardiner. The President of the United States and Cabinet Ministers. Ex-Presidents of the United States. The President of the Senate and Secretary. Senators and officers of the Senate. The Speaker and Clerk of the House of Representatives. Members and Officers of the House of Representatives. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices and Officers of the Supreme Court. Foreign Ministers and Suites. Governors of States and Territories and Members of State Legislatures. Judges of the Circuit and Criminal Courts of the District of Columbia, with the Members of the Bar and Officers of the several Courts. The Judges of the several States. The Comptrollers of the Treasury, Auditors, Treasurer, Register, Solicitor, Commissioners of Land Office, of Pensions, Indian Affairs, Patents, and Public Buildings. The Clerks, &c, of the several Departments, preceeded by their respective Chief Clerks. And all other Civil officers of the Government. Corporate Authorities of Washington. Corporate Authorities of Georgetown. Corporate Authorities of Alexandria. Such Societies and Fraternities as may wish to join the Procession to report to the Marshal of the District, who will assign their respective positions. Citizens and Strangers. The troops designated to form the escort, will assemble in the avenue, north of the President's House, and form line precisely at 10 o'clock,, 9 A. M., on Saturday the Id instant, with its right (Capt. Ringgold's troop of Light Artillery) resting opposite the western gate. The procession will move precisely at 11 o'clock, A. M., when min- ute guns will be fired by detachments of Artillery, stationed near St- John's Church and the City Hall, by the Columbian Artillery at the Capi- tol, and by the Commandant of the Washington Navy Yard. At the same hour the bells of the several Churches in Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria will be tolled. The Adjutant General of the Army and the General Commandant of the United States Marine Corps are charged with the military arrange- ments of the day, to be aided by the Assistant Adjutants General on duty at the Headquarters of the Army and the Staff of the Marine Corps. The United States Marshal of the District of Columbia, aided by such assistants as he may appoint, is charged with the direction of the civic PJIOCESSION. 10 U. S. SKIP PRINCETON, Potomac River, off Alexandria. Wednesday evening, Feb. 28, 1844. Minutes of the proceedings of the committee designated by the President to remain with, and to make the preliminary arrangements for the in- teiment of the bodies of those killed by the bursting of the cannon on board the Piinceton, February 28, 1844. The committee consisting of Com. W. B. Shubrick, U. S. N., Lieut. J.T. McLaughlin, U. S. N., Gen. Roger Jones, U. S. Army, Col. Murray, of >iew York, Gen. Hardin, Hou-e of Reps., Mr R. S. Coxe, of Washington, Hon. M. Brown, House of Reps., Mr. Reuben M. Whitney, of Pa., Captain Aulick, U. S. Navy, Gen. J. H. Eaton, of Washington, Captain Ramsay, U. S. Navy, Dr. Thomas, of Washington, Captain Powell, U. S. Navy, met in the cabin of the Princeton, and organized by appointing Com. Shubrick, Chairman, and Lieut. McLaughlin, Secretary ; when, upon motion, A sub-committee, consisting of Gen. Jones, Capt. Aulick, the Hon. Mr. Brown, and Mr. Richard S. Coxe, were deputed to visit Alexandria, to make the necessary arrangements with an undertaker to prepare the bodies for interment. The sub-committee having visited Alexandria, and returned on board, reporteJ that coinus, &c, would be furnished on the following morning, at 9 A. M. It was then, on motion, Resolved, Tha' a sub-committee be appointed by tbe Chair, to wait on the families of the d.' ■v A" <> * • * * I j£ ° " ° 4 <^ '* «/ °3\ oVjW* av *$\> ♦©IIS* <£ V A i «f» A , o * a . <£ ^ * »- : * * ^* 1 J» aV<* -^6^P« e$*tx o * * I 01 ^ * °^ nS3S^°. w refill: ?** M o V'-^V • » 1 *A(j* e „ o lO-t\ '°V <£