[H4tIX5| CO' ?:j< "thConckessI house of representatives {'nSTsso'' HENRY T. HELGESEN ( Late a Representative from North Dakota ) MEMORIAL ADDRESSES DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES /ry /i> SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS Proceedings in the House March 10, 1918 Proceedings in the Senate April 11, 1917 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING .-; ./ . L {' I'l 3 WASHINGTON 1919 6ry fl %^ T)7 of i. fO 11 J920 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page- Proceedings in the House -J Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Coiidcn, D. D 5,8 Memorial addresses by — Mr. George M. Young, of North Dakota 11 Mr. John M. Baer, of North Dakota 15 Mr. Gilbert Haugen, of Iowa 20 Mr. Charles O. Lobeck, of Nebraska 22 Mr. Charles H. Dillon, of South Dakota 25 Mr. Ernest Lundeen, of Minnesota 28 Mr. Patrick D. Norton, of North Dakota 33 Proceedings in the Senate 41 [3] HON. HENRY T_ HELGESEN DEATH OF HON. HENRY T. HELGESEN Proceedings in the House of Representatives Wednesday, April 11, 1917. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaphiin, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following j)rayer: We come to Thee, God our Father, witli glad and thankful hearts that we are involved in a plan which can not fail of its ultimate purpose because of Thine infinite wisdom, power, and goodness. Yet history, observation, and experience teach emphatically that we may retard its progress as individuals, as a Nation, a race, by oppos- ing the will of its Projector. Teach us, God our Father, how to work together with Thee for the end which all true men long for, hope for, pray for, that Thy will may be done in us. We have been touched by the going of a Member of this House, which leaves a void in our hearts. Comfort his colleagues, friends, and family by the blessed promises of the immortality of the soul, and help us to look for- ward with faith and confidence to the fulfilling of Thy plans in the larger life beyond the grave. And all praise be Thine through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Mr. Norton. Mr. Speaker, it becomes my sad duty to announce the death of the Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, a Rep- resentative from the State of North Dakota, who died in the city of Washington on yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hel- gesen's career was a most distinguished and honorable [5] Memorial Addresses: Representative Helgesen one. For the last six years he was one of the most liighly respected Members of this body, and for more than 30 years he has been a leader in the civic and political activi- ties of North Dakota. I shall ask, Mr. Speaker, at some future time that a day be set apart when Members of this House may be afforded an opportunity to pay suitable tribute to his worth and character. At this time I send to the Clerk's desk a reso- lution, for which I ask present consideration. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolution. The Clerk read as follows: House resolution 4G Resolved, That the House has lieard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, a Representative from the State of North Dakota. Resolved, That a committee of Members of the House, with such Members of the Senate as may be joined, be appointed to attend the funeral. Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to talie such steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of these resolutions, and that the necessary ex- penses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. The question was taken, and the resolution was unani- mously agreed to. The Speaker pro tempore. The Chair, by unanimous consent, announces the appointment of the following committee. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Young of North Dakota, Mr. Norton of North Dakota, Mr. Haugen of Iowa, Mr. Dillon of South Dakota, Mr. Johnson of South Dakota, Mr. Gandy of South Dakota, Mr. Nicholls of South Carolina, Mr. Clark of Florida, Mr. Kincheloe of Kentucky, and Mr. Booher of Missouri. , [6] PUOCEEDINGS IN THE Hoi'SE Mr. Norton. Mr. Spoakor, I olTor the following reso- lution. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolution. The Clerk read as follows : Hesolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 24 minutes p. m.) the House, under its previous order, adjourned to meet at 11 o'clock a. m. on Friday, April 13, 1917. Friday. April 1.3. 1917. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Waldorf, its enroll- ing clerk, announced that the Senate had passed the following resolutions: Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of the Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, late a Representative from the State of North Dakota. Resolved, That a committee of 10 Senators be appointed by the Vice President, to join the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to attend tlie funeral of the deceased. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these reso- lutions to the House of Representatives. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the Senate do now adjourn. And that in compliance with the foregoing resolutions the Vice President had appointed, under the second reso- lution, as the committee on the part of the Senate, Mr. Gronna, Mr. McCumbcr, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. La Follette, Mr. Jones of New Mexico, Mr. Husting, Mr. Cummins, Mr. Broussard, Mr. Smith of South Carolina, and Mr. Fernald. Wednesday, March G, 1018. Mr. Baer. Mr. Speaker, I desire to ask unanimous con- sent that Sunday, March 24, 1918, be set aside for addresses [7] Memorial Addresses: Representative Helgesen on the life, character, and public services of Henry T. Helgesen, late Representative in Congress from the first district of North Dakota. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from North Dakota [Mr. Baer] asks unanimous consent that Sunday, March 24, 1918, be set aside for eulogies upon the life, character, and public services of the late Henry T. Helgesen, a Representative from North Dakota. Is there objection? There was no objection. Thursday, March 7, 1918. Mr. Baer. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the memorial exercises for the late Representative Helgesen, of North Dakota, be held on the 10th of March next at 12 o'clock instead of on the 24th of March. The Speaker. The gentleman from North Dakota asks unanimous consent to change the date for the memorial services for the late Representative Helgesen from the 24th to the 10th of March. Is there objection? There was no objection. Sunday, March 10, 1918. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to ordcrby Mr. Norton as Speaker pro tempore. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, so near and yet so seemingly far; Speak to him Thou, for he hears, and spirit with spirit can meet; Closer is he than hreathing, and nearer than hands and feet. In pursuance to a long-established custom of the Con- gress of the United States, we assemble here to-day in memory of a Member who served with fidelity, interest, [8] Proceedings in the Hoi se and ability his district, his State, and Nation for many years on the floor of this House. His work done. Thou hast called him to the larger life and to a larger service. Death always comes with a shock. It is one of the pro- found mysteries which our limited knowledge can not solve. The mind that thought, willed, and obeyed; the heart that loved and poured its affections out to whom it was sent; the eyes through which the soul looked; the hand that clasped with warmth the friends and loved ones are stilled; and we look with awe and reverence upon the prostrate form. The angel of faith comes to our relief. Hope says, be still, sad heart, and cease repining, For behind the clouds is the sun still shining. So we trust and rest our grief in Thee, for love is im- mortal, and, though long delayed, it shall at last be satis- fied. This comforts us and all who mourn for the de- parted; that we may look forward to a brighter day in a brighter realm, where our loved ones shall dwell for- ever in our presence; in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will read the spe- cial order for to-day. The Clerk read as follows : On motion of Mr. Baer, by unanimous consent, Ordered, That Sunday, March 10, 1918, be set apart for addresses upon the life, character, and public services of Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, late a Representative from the State of North Dakota. Mr. Baer. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the following reso- lutions be reported. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolutions. [9] Memorial Addresses: Representative Helgesen The Clerk read as follows : House resolution 268 Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended, that opportunity may be given for tributes to the memory of Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, late a Member of this House from the Stale of North Daliota. Resolved, That as a particular mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, and in recognition of his distinguished public career, the House, at tlie conclusion of these exercises, stand adjourned. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That the Clerk send a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. The Speaker pro tempore. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. rio] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mr. Young, of North Dakota Mr. Speaiver: Henry T. Helgesen, late a Member of Congress from the first district of North Dakota, whose memory we have met to honor to-day, was born near Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa. After having been educated in the public schools, nonnal institute, and busi- ness college of Decorah, he entered the mercantile busi- ness there. He moved to Milton, then in the Territory of Dakota, in 1887. He at once became an active and per- manent figure in the business and political life of the Territory. He served two terms as commissioner of agi'i- culture and labor, retiring from that office in 1892. He was at all times a staunch friend of education. He stood for higher standards for the public and high schools as well as the institutions of higher learning. In this con- nection he served as a member of the board of university regents for 10 years. A man of sterling honesty and integrity as well as a close student of historj' and political economy, Mr. Hel- gesen was an idealist in politics. In this respect he was typical of the idealism characteristic of his race. He was one of the first men in North Dakota to appreciate the need for a reform in the political methods then in vogue. He stood for clean primaries, clean conventions, and, above all, for placing the reins of power in the hands of [11] Memorial Addresses: Representative: Helgesen the people. He fought for the restoration of genuine representative government in North Dakota. To that end he was active in the organization of the Scandinavian League. That league was for a number of years a pow- erful factor for clean politics. Later he became interested in the movement known as Progressive Republicanism. Living at a long distance from my home, I had not until then become personally acquainted with him, though he was a well-known figure in the State. From that time I was intimately associated with him in political matters. In 1908 we were the candidates of the Progressive fac- tion for the two positions of Representative in Congress, our State not having been divided into congressional dis- tricts at that time. While we were both defeated, the long and vigorous speaking campaign which we engaged in was thought by many to have been in large part the cause of the election of one-half of our ticket, it being our habit to talk for the principles underlying our cause rather than in aid of our candidacies. Two years later, having received the highest vote among those defeated at the former election, I was invited at two different State meetings of Progressive Republicans to become a candidate for Congress as a running mate for Mr. Helgesen, the support of Progressive Republicans being assured to both of us. Representative Gronna having become a candidate for the Senate, there was a vacancy in the House, and it was believed that one Pro- gressive Republican could be elected. As our State had not yet been divided into congressional districts, I would have in a sense been a candidate against Mr. Helgesen, as it was improbable that we could both be elected. Mr. Hanna was serving his first term and, according to custom, was thought to be sure of a second term. I re- fused to be a candidate. This circumstance is mentioned somewhat in detail as evidence of my great respect and [12] Address of Mr. Youno, of North Dakota love for our departed friend. I am proud to have thus had the opportunity in a rather tangible way to show my admiration and esteem of his many excellent qualities. He was nominated and elected along with Mr. Hanna. Within a few months the North Dakota Legislature di- vided the State into congressional districts. So the way was opened for me to come here, where I joined Mr. Hel- GESEN in the Sixty-third Congress. My service with him here will always be a pleasant memory. We were closely associated. I am proud to have had his confidence. I valued his advice, and he seemed to regard mine as worth while. The day before he went to the hospital, never to return, he called at my office and we spent almost three hours discussing some pending legislation. I admired Mr. Helgesen because of his splendid cour- age. Having reached a decision as to what would be the right course, he would stand fast, stand firm, and stand alone, if need be. It was this trait of character which endeared him to the people of his State and commanded the respect and love of his colleagues in the House. He had the spirit of William Lloyd Garrison when he said: I will not excuse, I will not equivocate, I will not retreat an inch, I will be heard. To be first in advocating a good and, perhaps, unpopu- lar cause is to be lonely, but to be thus lonely is to be noble. It was tliis nobility of soul which characterized Henry T. Helgesen. Underlying all his business dealings and public acts was a sublime faith in the religion of Jesus Christ. Pro- gressive and advanced in his thought in all other respects, he was old-fashioned in his religious ideas. Perhaps that accounts for his rugged honcstv. He lived his re- CIS] Memorial Addresses: Representative Helgesen ligion. When the lime came he was ready to go, and, I fancy, passed on in the spirit of one of the hymns he loved : love, that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul on thee; 1 give thee back the life I owe, That in thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be. O light, that fol!owccl all my way, I yield my flickering torch to thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray That in thy sunshine's blaze its day May brighter, fairer be. joy, that seekest me through pain, I can not close my heart to thee; 1 trace the rainbow through the rain. And feel the promise is not vain That morn shall tearless be. love, that lifted up thy head, I dare not ask to fly from thee; 1 lay in dust life's glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall endless be. tl4] Address of Mr. Baer, of North Dakota Mr. Speaker: The United Slates is riglitly termed the melting pot of the world. From every clime and nation men and women seek onr broad land to find their right- ful place "in the sun" and eventually to become a part of our citizenry. Of all the peoples who thus come to our shores none more fully embody the elements of good citizensliip than do the Norwegians. Intelligent, thrifty, and hard-working, they quickly and readily adapt them- selves to the new land which they have sought from afar. No " hyphenated Americans " they, but an integral part of our body politic. That community or State may call itself fortunate which numbers among its peaple a goodly proportion of citizens of Norwegian birth or ancestry. It was the good fortune of the late Congressman Henry T. Helgesen to be the direct descendant of such stock. It was also his good fortune to be born poor. I do not mean in grinding, abject poverty, but in those circum- stances and conditions that teach lessons of frugality and inculcate habits of thrift and industrj'. His birthplace was a farm in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa. He received his education in the public schools and normal and business colleges of that town. There he spent his youth and early manhood. After leaving school Mr. Helgesen engaged in mercantile pur- suits and quickly became one of the prominent young business men of Decorah. Great was the regret of his fellow townspeople when, in 1881, the pioneer spirit of his ancestors stirring within him, Mr. Helgesen, with his young wife and babies, removed to the then Territory of Dakota. He was one of the first settlers in Milton, of which town he remained a citizen until his death. [15] Memorial Addresses: Representative Helgesen It was not my privilege to enjoy the personal acquaint- ance of Mr. Helgesen, but, as his successor in represent- ing the first district of North Dakota in Congress, I have learned much of his nobility of character and the high esteem in which he was held by the people of his adopted State. A letter written to him a short time before his death by a North Dakota man well expressed this esteem. The writer opened his letter with these words: "Dear and beloved by all your constituents Mr. Helgesen." The words " a prophet is not without honor save in his own country " could never be truthfully spoken of Mr. Helgesen, for in his home town of Milton the love and respect manifested bj^ the people who knew him best — his friends and neighbors — is deeplj' touching. He was their Congressman, but he was more — he was their trusted friend and neighbor. He was " Henry " to them, and tears still dim the eyes of many as they recount the kind words and deeds of him whom they loved. His life was one of service in the best sense of the word. You who knew Congressman Helgesen well know that his splendid physique, vigorous strength, and command- ing personality were the outward indication of a keen intellect, an analytical mind, and invincible courage. The most kind-hearted of men, he could be combative and aggressive for what he believed to be right. He was essentially a man of the people and a friend of the poor. He loved liberty, hated oppression, and detested hy- pocrisy. His friendship was true. It could be depended upon. He never betraj'ed a trust. He was honest in thought, in word, and in deed. Mr. Helgesen's public and political career commenced long before his election to Congress. When tlie Territoi-y of Dakota was divided he was the first commissioner of agriculture and labor in the new State of North Dakota, [16] Address of Mr. Baer, of North Dakota and held that oflice for two terms. For 10 years he was a member of the board of regents of the University of North Dakota. He placed a high value on education and took a great interest in the welfare of young people. When he became an employer of men it was his delight to engage a struggling young man anxious for an educa- tion and by every means in his power help such an one to attain the goal of his ambition. Many a prosperous young man in Iowa and North Dakota owes his start in life to the helping hand extended by Congressman Helge- SEN. So unostentatiously were his kindly deeds per- formed, however, that but few other than the recipients had knowledge of them. In private and in public life Mr. Helgesen was hearty and sincere. He was outspoken with the candor of truth. His home in Washington was headquarters for any of his constituents who visited the Capital City, and warm- hearted hospitality was always extended to the folks from "back home." In his office or at his home his friends were always welcome, but he had no time nor inclination for intercourse with those who had proven themselves insincere. He was a leader in the fight for cleaner politics in North Dakota, and never in the many vicissitudes of commercial, private, or political life was his good name tarnished or his honor stained. His rule of conduct was the golden rule, and his slogan was "A square deal for all." A plain, practical man, Mr. Helgesen yet possessed a strain of sentiment of which only his close friends were aware. A beautiful picture, a toucliing poem, and fine music were deeply appreciated by him. Among his per- sonal papers were always to be found clippings of short poems and bits of literature which had appealed to him and were treasured for their charm of pathos or senti- ment. [17] Memorial Addresses: Representative Helgesen His personal tastes were intellectual. He was a man of wide and varied study and numbered among his friends writers and scientists of world renown. His scientific work and research in geography and current historj^ were extensive, and his contributions to the literature of geographical exploration have attracted the attention and won the highest commendation and indorsement of men of learning and science. Four times in succession was Mr. Helgesen elected to represent the people of North Dakota in Congress, once as Congressman at Large and tlii-ee times as Representa- tive from the first district. During his term of service he was an honored and useful Member of this House, and his active work on the Agricultural Committee will long be remembered by his constituents and colleagues alike. Blessed with a keen mind and sound common sense, he fought gallantly for any measure which seemed to him to be for the best advantage of his constituents and the people of the Nation at large. Having spent his boyhood days on a farm, and repre- senting a constituency largely composed of farmers, Mr. Helgesen was ever alert to the agricultural interests of the country. His speech in the House in 1911 on reci- procity with Canada is still quoted as embodying the soundest arguments advanced on that question from the farmer's point of view. He was an ardent advocate of woman suflfragc and was ever ready to speak a good word for that worthy cause. In regard to our foreign policies, Congressman Hel- gesen felt deeply, thought clearly, and acted with the co.urage of liis convictions. Always independent of slavish precedents, he did not hesitate to cast his vote with a hopeless minority when he felt that minority to be i-ight. As an opponent he was a fair and generous fighter. He always fought in the open. He never stabbed an [18] Address of Mr. Baer, oe North Dakota antagonist in the back or shot I'roni ambush. He never faltered in a fight, even tliough he foresaw the loss of the battle. To him — It was not tlie loss of tlie battle that counts, But how did you fight, and why? Mr. Helgesen was a loving husband and a kind an the best and strongest characters the world has known. He was devoted to his country, faithful to his trust, sin- cere in all his relations with his fellow men, and suddenly taken from us in the jirime of his faculties and the pleni- tude of his usefulness. Death has bereft us of his pres- ence. Death can not bereave his family, his friends, or his country of the high service he rendered nor of the tender memories his manly personality inspired. While North Dakota's soil would have been proud to have guarded his mortal remains, it was fitting that, after life's duties nobly done, he should have been taken home to the green hillsides of beautiful Winneshiek County, Iowa, where he first saw the light of day. We laid him to rest near the home of his boyhood, where he first met, loved, and won the good wife with whom God so blessed his life and of whom he was so justly proud. He sleeps where hardy Norsemen and their descendants have made with their toil and their intelligence a para- dise out of once wild prairie lands. He sleeps near the shadows of famed Luther College, an institution of learn- ing which I know he admired greatly. He sleeps the last long sleep, as he wished to sleep it, on a wonderfully beau- tiful hillside overlooking the quiet but charming little city of Decorah, where it can be truly said health, happi- ness, and contentment cheer all who labor there. With hearts full of sorrow we can truly say of him the best that can be said of any man — the world is better be- cause he lived in it. Mr. Norton resumed the chair. Mr. Young of North Dakota. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- mous consent that all Members shall have five days within [38] Proceedings in the House wliich to extend their remarks upon the life, cliaraeter, and public services of the late Henry T. Helegsen. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from North Dakota [Mr. Young] asks unanimous consent tliat all Members have five days in which to extend their remarks upon the life, character, and public services of the late Henry T. Helgesen. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. Under the special order for tlie day the House now stands adjourned until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow. Accordingly (at 1 o'clock and 10 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned until to-morrow, Monday, March 11, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon. [39] Proceedings in the Senate Wednesday, April 11, 1917. A message from the House of Representatives, by E. T. Taylor, jr., one of its clerks, communicated to the Senate the intelligence of the death of Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, late a Representative from the State of North Dakota, and transmitted resolutions of the House thereon. The Presiding Officer. The Chair lays before the Sen- ate resolutions of the House of Representatives, which will be read. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: In the Holsk of Representatives of the United States, April 11. 1917. Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, a Representative from the State of North Dakota. Resolved, That a committee of Members of tlie House, with sucli Members of the Senate as may be joined, be appointed to attend the funeral. Resolved, That tlie Sergeant at Arms of the House be autliorized and directed to false sucli steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of tliese resolutions, and that the necessary ex- penses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That tlie Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn. Mr. McCuMBER. Mr. President, I otfer the following res- olutions and ask that they be read. [41] Memorial Addresses: Representative Hei.(;esen The resolutions were read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: Resolved, That the Senate lias lieard with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of the Hon. Henry T. Helgksek, late a Representative from tlie State of North Dakota. Resolved, That a committee of 11 Senators be appointed by the Vice President, to join the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to attend the funeral of the deceased. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these reso- lutions to the House of Representatives. The Vice President appointed, under the second reso- lution, as the committee on the part of the Senate: Mr. Gronna. Mr. McCumber, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. La Follette, Mr. Jones of New Mexico, Mr. Husting, Mr. Cummins, Mr. Broussard, Mr. Smith of South Carolina, and Mr. Fernald. Mr. McCumber. Mr. President, as a further mark of re- spect to the deceased Representative I move that the Senate adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to and (at 6 o'clock and 20 minutes p. ni.) the Senate adjourned until to-mor- row, Thursday, April 12, 1017, al 12 o'clock meridian. message from the house Tuesday, March 12. 1918. A message from the House of Representatives, by G. F. Turner, one of its clerks, transmitted to the Senate resolu- tions on the life and public services of Hon. Henry T. Helgesen, late a Representative from the State of North Dakota. [42] LBJa'21 i