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Many ages ago the eloquent Pericles, in an oration in honor of the hero-dead who fell lighting for the liberties of Greece, declared in true and burning words the good of doing honor to the memory of the noble dead. It was not that they — immortal in their deeds — needed temple or column to perpetuate their fame or reward their virtues, but because the living, by thus spurring emulation of the good and heroic dead, inspired and ennobled themselves. Their homage was proof that they were not ungrateful, nor insensible to the deeds that constitute glory and renown. No wreath is given, and no monument reared by a nation to the memory of its illustrious dead, but it blossoms with ijood for the livinitaf'hs and buries our 7'ery tombstones." The practice of erecting memorials of some kind is almost coe%'al with the existence of the human race, but at what precise date epitaphs were fir,-t intro- duced, and by what nation, is involved in obscurity. The first we have been able to find is that about S76 B.C., when Sardanapalus, the last King of the Assyrians, ordered the following inscription to be engraved on his tomb, which was found at Anchiale in the time of Alexander, 543 years later: — " Sardanapalus built Anc/iiale and Tarsus in one day. Go., Passenger., eat.^ drink^ and rejoice, for the rest is nothitig.'' Epitaphs have long been declared as a means of communication between the living and the dead ; a means of instruction as well as a reminder of our mortality. It is that we may make acquaintance with those who have lived before us, to in- quire into their habits, their peculiarities, to investigate their history, which is not the least interesting object of the student and the antiquary, and to the biog- rapher they are legitimate sources of inquiry. The importance of monuments and inscriptions cannot be too strongly stated. But for these, many persons, as well as events worthy of remembrance, would have been forgotten. In the early days of epitaphial writings, inscriptions were prohibited except upon the monuments of illustrious persons; but now it is the universal custom among all classes of people to adopt them. An epitaph to the honor of the dead has ever been regarded as of all praise the most noble and the most pure, especially when it expresses the character and actions of the good. Private virtues are as much entitled to this homage as public ones, and the title of a good parent, a good friend, and a good citizen is worthy of being engraved on brass or marble. Thus the tomb of a good man may in some degree be made to supply the want of his presence, and attach a veneration to his memory, and prove a benefit by his example, " Records on tombstones," says Leigh Hunt, "are introducers of the living to the dead, makers of mortal acquaintances; and 'one touch of nature,' in making the whole world kin, gives them the right of speaking like kindred to and of one another." An eminent writer says. " When I properly look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies within me, — when I read the epitaphs of the beauti- ful, every inordinate desire goes out, — w^hen \ see the grief of parents for chil- dren, my heart melts with compassion, — and yet,, when afterwards I have beheld the tombs of parents themselves, I see \]|i«. vanity of grieving for those that we must follow, — when I see kings lyi.i;i;g^, perhaps, by those who deposed them, — VI PREPACK. when I consider rivals who are ]ihiced side hy side, or the great men who divitled the world with their contests and disputes, in the same situation, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions, and dehates of man- kind, — and finally, wlien I read the several dates on the tombs of some who died recently and some wiio died many years ago, I consider that great day when we shall be all cotemporaries a id make our appearance together."' The author of this work lias for a long time been exceedingly interested in col- lecting memorials of persons who ha\-e been distinguished as citizens as well as in the annals of fame, and whose memoiy should be cherished with a reverence due to their position. Among the many places that the writer has visited, none has exceeded in interesting associations that of Plymouth and of "Burial I/ill." and as the interest attached to this beautiful spot, once trodden by the steps of our early fathers, has become so universal, the long-cherished purpose of preserving the memorials of this locality has at last been realized, and the results are now offered to the public in this volume, with the hope that all may find as much personal gratifi- cation in its perusal as has the writer in its compilation. Epitaphs descriptive of the personal character and social lives of those who lie beneath them are interesting and instructive, especially when drawn \\\\\\ truth and discrimination, and the advice given to the living in many of them are worthy of more than a passing thought. It would seem but natural that in a burial ground found in the oldest town of New England, the grave-stones shouUi be the earliest to be found anywhere; but such is not the case. There are found elsewhere many whose records antedate those on Burial llill, but none more interesting. Those buried here are mostly descendants of the early Pilgrims, as will appear by a careful perusal of the index at the end of this volume. Here there are not only single graves representing a family, but whole liouse- holds, — parents, brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren, — all grouj^ed together in immediate proximity; these, united in life, are not separated in death. Among these occupants of the soil may be found persons of prominence as well as those from theordinary walks of life. Here rest the remains of many of the earliest settlers of the colony and children of the next generation, none of whom are now living. Here, too, may be found ministers who led the devotions of the saTictu- ary near bv, which, for many years, was the only church in the town, and those who, by their lengthy terms * of faithful pastoral duties, manilested an interest in their fellow-worshippers, and desired to remain in their midst after death. Here moulders the dust of several prominent physicians who completed their terms of usefulness to their fellovv-townsmen. and lie within this sacred enclosme 'beside those whom even their skill could not save. Here also may be found the names of those who were called to take an active part in the councils of the nation when the country was in peril during the rev( - lution, and a long list of those who died in their country's service in the late rebejlion. Many also who have lost their lives on the perilous sea have found their iuial resting-place beneath the turf in these grounds. At the time of commencement in copying these epitaphs, nearly forty years since, there weix' a large number of badly broken and defaced grave-stones lying about tlie ground. Since the work was begun a still larger numl)cr of slates * Rev. I ir. KcniliU was pastdr of llie First Churcli for ne.irly sixty years. PREFACE. VI! hnvc given way to the ruthless stonns of years, or have been removed and others of a more imposing kind have taken their places, in the form of marble Tnonn- inents and tablets or enduring granite. This will account for some of the in- scriptions being found in different places m the volume, as the earlier ones are printed as foimd on the slate stones which afterward were removed, and on the new monuments the same names and dates were placed. There are also a large number of inscriptions herein for which no stone can be found. The list of such will render this work the more valuable, as it will preserve the names of many which otherwise would have been forgotten. It was originally intended to print these epitaphs to the year 1858, but time has wrought so many changes, and so many additions have been made since that date, it was deemed advisable to bring them to the present time. Great pains have been bestowed in the copying, and it is believed the results will be of great value to the antiquary, the genealogist, and the historian, as well as to the pub- lic at large. It will be noticed that much labor and expense have been bestowed on this work in illustrating many of the monuments wliich it is thought would add much to the interest as well as value to the volume. The author would respectfully acknowledge the kind assistance and encour- agement he has received from many friends in Plymouth as well as elsewhere, during the progress of this work, and would especially mention Hon. William T. Davis, late president of the Pilgrim Society, as well as historian of Plymouth ; Dr. Thomas B. Drew, curator of the Pilgrim Society at Pilgrim Hall ; also to the family of the late William S. Russell, Esq., who did much in preserving the historical records of Plymouth, and publisher of " Recollections of the Pilgrims ; " also to David Pulsifer, Esq., the well-known antiquary of Boston. To Captain Charles C. Doten, editor of the ''Old Colony Memorial," he is indebted for the free use of files of that paper; and to his son. Charles M. Doten, Esq., correspondent of the Boston Herald, for the kindly assistance rendered, he tenders his hearty thanks. y^)idence was on Summer street, but afterwards removed to Rocky Nook, where he died. The remains of his lellar are visible a short distance north of the residence of the late Hezekiah Ripley. The colonial records say, " He was a godly man a)id an ancient professor in the wa\s of Christ, and proved a useful instrument of good in his place." His descen- dants are quite nuinetous. The late Reverend John Howland of Carver, Mass., was giai (Ison of Mr. Howland. He wa> the last man of them that came over in the May- tli wer, who settled in Phmouth. On the passage to this country in the Mayflower the weather was tempestuous, and in a severe storm Mr. Howland fell overboard and came near losing his life. The following is a record of the accident in Bradford's own words. : — "And in one of them as tliey thus lay at hull, in a mighty storme, a lustie yonge man (called John Howland) coming u])on some occasion above ye grattings, was, with a seele of ye shipe throwne into [ye] sea; but it ])lea.sed (iod yt he caught hould of ye tope-saile halliards, wliicii htinge over boaril, & rane out at length ; yet he held his hould ('hough he was sundrie fadomes under water) till he was hald up by ye same rope to ye brinie of vc water, and then with a boat hooke & other means got into ye shipe againe, & his life saved; and though he was something ill with it, yet he lived many years after, and became a ])rofitable member both in church and comone wealthe." 3. Here Lycth ye Body | of EDWARD GRAY | Gent Aged Abovt I 52 years & Depart'l | this life ye Last of | June 1 68 1. Mr. Gray cama to this conntrv with his lirother Thomas about 1643. Thomas removed to Tiverton, R.I., and Edward settled in Plymouth. His name frequently 4 EPITAPHS FROM ISLMUAI, IflLL, ajipears in tlic records of that town, and he became a large owner of real estate. IJy his habits of industry and good management, he acquired a large property, his estate having been estimated the highest in the colony, at one time amounting to ;i^[2 5i sterling. He was a large owner of land at Rocky Nook, Kingston, where tlie o d family mansion still stands on the old road leading from Plymouth to Kingston, and is now owned and occupied by his descendants. lieside his gravestone is a painted sign erected by the town of Plymouth, as fol- lows : — The i,n-ave of | EDWARD GRAY, | Died | June i6Si. 4. Here lyes btiried | y^ body of Mr. | WILLIAM CROWE | Aged Abovt 55 \'ears | who dec"^!- Jaiuiar\- | 168.^. He married Hannah, daughter of Josiah and Margaret (Bourne) Winslow, a brother of Governor Edward Winslow, in 1665. She afterward became the wife of John .Sturtevant, and died March, 170S-9. Beside this gravestone is the following inscription on a ])ainted signboard : — The t,rrave of | WILLIAM CROWE | Died | Jan. 1683. 5. Here Lyes ye Body of | M''^ HANNAH CLARK wife To M'- William Clark | Dec^' I'Y^b'y yc 2otii | 1687 in the 29th \ear of her age. 6. Here Lyes ye Body of | M' THOMAS CLARK Aged | 98 Years departed | this hfe March | ye 24^^ 1697. "It is a well received tradition that this ancient man was the mate of the May- flower, and the one who first landed on Ji'T'^'^y^fWW^^^rt^v" the island in Plymouth Harbor which bears his name. Little is known of the life and circumstances of the mate of the Mayflower; his name is not among the signers of the original compact, nor mentioned among the first settlers. It may therefore be conjectured, that he was considered merely as an officer of the ship, and that he returned to England in her with Captain Jones, and subsec[uent!y came over and settled in this town. We find his name among those who received allotments of land in 1624; and he also shared in the division of cattle in 1627. He resided at Ee\ River, and it is supposed that his family were among the sufferers in the house of William Clark, when attacked by a party of savages, March 12,1676. He being himself absent at meeting escaped, while eleven others were massacred and his son tomahawked, who ever after wore a silver plate on his head from which he was called Silver-Head Tom. Numerous lineal descendants from Thomas Clark now reside at Eel river in this town, and in other parts of the Old Colony. There is a handsome China mug whose pedigree is traced through the Clark family back to Thomas Clark, which had been i)resented to the cabinet of the Pilgrim Society by Betsey B. Morton, a descendant, ancl also a leathern pocket-book with the initials T. C. impressed on its cover, presented by Amasa Clark. These relics afford additional evidence that the mate of the Mayflower died in this town, and that his ashes rest in the grave in our burial place designated by a stone with the above in- scription." There is a sign board at the side of this gravestone on which is the following in- scription : — The grave of THOMAS CLARK ] Died | March 24, 1697. KriTAl'IIS FROM IJL'RIAL HILL. /. Here lyeth buried y^ body | of that precious servant of | God, Mr THOMAS CUSHMAX, who, | after he had served his | j^eneration accordin^c^ to | the will of God and | particularly the Church of I Plvniouth for many years in | the office of a rulini; I'Llder, | fell asleep in Jesus Deem'' | yc lo^'' 1691, and in }•<-" | 84''! year of his age. I'^klcr CusH.MAN came to I'lynioulh in the "Fortune,"' in 1621. He was l)roiiglU uj) and educated in the family of (""lovernor DracU'ord, and was always his intimate and confi- dential friend. He servetl the chiuxh of Plymouth as Ruling Elder nearly 43 vears, having lieen chosen April 6, 1649. His gravestone is on the southerly brow of the Hill in a beautiful locality commanding a full view of the harbor of Plymouth as well as the town, the green hills in the distance, and of the "Meeting House," where, for over seventy years he had prayed and worshipped. Tiiis gravestone was erected bv the church in 171 5, iwenty-tivc years after his death, and is a plain slab of mica slate, probably imported from England. It is in a good state of preservation, and the in- scription is still distinct and legible. His wife was Mary, daughter of Isaac Allerton, who came over in the ".Mavtlowcr" the ])revious year. Soon after his marriage he removed to "Rockv Xook" in Kingston, (then Plvniouth I. 'I"he locality of his house has often been visited by antiquarians and others interested in early Colonial matters. There is a famous spring of excellent water near his resi- dence, that has received the title of "Elder Spring," near the railroad on land now owned by .Mr. Samuel P. Cole in Kingston. .\t the grave of Elder Cushman is a signboard of recent date, directing the visitors to the grounds to the grave of one of the most noted of the old Pilgrims. The grave of | Eld. THOMAS CUSHMAN | Died | Dec. lo, 1 69 1. CUSHMAN MONUMENT. On the 15th of August, 1S515, the descendants of the Cushman ancestors and their relatives, met together to Plymouth, in honor of their venerated ancestors, Robert Cushman, the right hand of the Plymouth forefathers, and Elder Thomas Cushman, his son, who for about forty-three years acceptably served the church of the Pdgrinis as Ruling Elder. On the following day the persons assembled from almost every State in the Union, visited the grave of their ancestor, the Elder, and before ]jarting resolved to erect an enduring nuMiument over the remains of this venerable man. This object was subsequently consummated ; and on the i6th of September, 1S5S, in commemoration of the sailing of the Mayflower from I'lymouth, iii England, for the new home in New iMigland, the monument was consecrated with becoming exercises and ceremonies. The Cushman monument stands in a conspicuous j^osition within the ancient ceme- tery of the Plymouth fatiiers, upon ISurying Hill, within sight of the hospitable har- bor where the .Mavtlower lav safely moored in the inclement winter of 1620; and also, of the far-famed solitary rock of that sandy shore whereon tb.e forefathers first set foot on the memorable twenty-first of December, and almost beneath the drippings of the first Christian sanctuary in New luigland. The monument is a massive and tasteful structure, built of smoothly hewn '^)uincy granite, of the finest and inost fhnable quality, and is highly creditable to the skill and faithfulness of Messrs. C. R. & C. M itchell, the contractors. Its form is that of an obelisk with plainly chamfered edges, having a Crecian base standing upon an orna- mented pedestal, also chamfered to its base, and containing simken panels; the pedes- tal rests ujwn two square plinths, and the whole structure ujion blocks of hewn gran- ite occupying the whole space enclo-sed by a quadrangular fence, constructed with large stone ])osts and substantial iron rails. The whole height of the monument, in- cluding the stone blocks on which it stands, is about iwenty-sevcn and one-half feel; llie base of the pedestal is about five feet square, and of the lowest ])linth about eight feet. The space within the railing is about twelve feet square. The tablets, which contain the inscriptions in raised letters, occupy the four panels of the pedestal, EPITAPHS I-'ROM BURIAL HILL. and measure about thirty-six by twenty-two inches. They are of metallic bronze, and were cast at the foundry of Messrs. Henry N. Hooper & Co., in Boston. The following are the inscriptions on the tablets: — (PVont or East .Side.) Erected | by | The Descendants ok | ROBERT CUSH- man i in memory of tlieir pilgrim ancestors | xvi September, MDCCCLVIII. (North Side.) Fellow Exile wrrii the Pilgrims in Holland, | yIpter- WARDS THEIR CHIEF AGENT IN ENGLAND, | ARRIYED HERE IX November, MDCXXI, | \yith Thomas Cushman his son : | Preached IX December, | his memorable sermon on "The Danger of Self-Love | and the Sweetness of True Friendship." | Returned to PLnciland XIII December, | To vindicate the enterprise of Christian Emigration; | And there Remained in the service of the Colony | till MDCXXV, I when, having prepared to make Plymouth | HIS permanent home, (West Side.) He died lamented by the forefathers | as "their ancient friend, WHO WAS | AS THEIR RIGHT HAND WITH THEIR FRIENDS | THE ADVENTURERS, AnD FOR DIVERS YEARS | HAD DONE AND AeilTATED ALL THEIR BUSINESS | WITH THE.M TO THEIR GREAT ADVANTAGE." " And you, my loving friends, the Adventurers | To this plant.vtion, as your care has p.een first | to settle religion here before either trofit | or popularity, so, i pray you, go on. — I REJOICE THA'T you THUS HONOR GOD | WITH YOUR RICHES, AND I TRUST YOU SHALL BE REPAID | A(;AIN DOUBLE AND TREBLE IN THIS WORLD, YEA; | AnD THE MEMORY OF THIS ACTION SHALL NEVER DIE." YDcdicatiou of Ihc Sermon:] (South Side.) THOMAS CUSHMAN, | son of Robert, died X Decem- ber, MDCXCI, I aged nearly EXXXIV Years. | For more THAN XVII years he WAS I RULING ElDER I OF THE FIRST EPITAI'IIS KROM liURIAL HILL. Church in Plymouth, | By whom a Taiu.et was i'LAced. to ^lvrk hls graye | on iii is sl'ot, | now consecrated Anew f.y a more endurinc; mi:mokl\l. MARY I WH)OW OF lU.DER CUSH>L\N AND DaUCIH'IER OE Isaac Allerton | I)n;n XXVIII November. M.D.CXCIX, Aged about XC. | The last suryiyor oe the eirst co.nh£rs L\ THE MaYEOWER. 8. NATHANIEL y^ Son | of Nathaniel ] Thomas Esq & j Mary liis Wife | Died ye s^^' of | April 1697 | in yc 23^ Month I of his ai^c. 9. Here Lyes Interred three | children — three | sons of Rev'' Mr I JoHX Cotton who | died in the work | of the Gospel | Min- istry Charles I town in South | Carolina Septr ye 18''' | 1699,! Where he had great | success And 7 | Sons of JOSIAII CoTTON [ Esq'' who Deceased | in their infanc)'. Rev. John Coiton was born in Boston, Match 13, 1640. Graduated at Harvard College, 1657. Settled pastor of the Pirst Church in Plymouth, June 30, 1669. Dis- missed, October, 5, 1697. Sailed for Charleston, S. C, Nov. 15, 169.S. I'rcached in Connecticut and NLartha's Vineyard, 1664 to 1667. He was ennnent for his knowl- edge of the Indian language, and fre([ucntly ])rtachcd to the aborigines at Plymouth in their native tongue. He revised and corrected Eliot's Indian Bible, printed at Cambridge in 1685. His residence was on the north side of Leyden street. His sons, John, Roland and Theophilus, were clergymen. Hon. JosiAll Cotton, son of the above Rev. John, was born in Plymouth, Jan. S, 16S0. Studied theology, but was not ordained over any church; taught school in Plymouth seven years; 'acquired a knowledge of the Indian language, and preached to'thc Indians of Plymouth and vicinity for a long lime. He was author of an Indian grammar; became Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and afterward Judge of the same; was also Register of Deeds for the County of Plymouth. He died Aug. 19, 1756. 10. Here Lyeth | Buried y^ Body | of JOSl^TI | BART- LETT who I Departed this | Life Aprill y^ 9th | 1 703 | In yc 38th )-ear | of His Age. On the footstone are the following lines: J. B. Tkousaiids of years after blest .Ihcli's Jail, T^vas sail! of him being dead lie speak">^ yet ; From silent grave mc thinks I hear a call. Pray fellozv mortal, don't your death forget ]'ou that your eyes cast on this grave, I Knozv yon a dying time must have. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. It is said In- sonic elderly persons that the gravestone of Mr. Bartlett was the fust placed on liinial Hill, although by the records he died subsequent to Edward (rrav. He was son of Joseph and Hannah (Fallowell) ISartlett, who was son of Robert Bartlett, a passenger in the Ann, in 1663, by Mary, a daughter of Richard Warren. II. Here lyes ye body | of Honourable Major | WILL- IAM BRADFORD | who ex- pired Feb"^ y^ 20^'^ | i/of Aged 71 years. lie lived long hut still 7L'as doDig gooJ, S^ i)i his country'' s service lost vuuli blood. After a life 'cvell spent l.Ss now at rest. His 7'err name and memory is blest. Major William Bradford, son of the Governor, early obtained high distinction in the (Jolony, having been elected an Assistant and chief military commander soon after the decease of his father. He was a Major in the army, and was an active officer in King Philip's war. When the colonial govenmient terminated, in 1692, he became Deputy Governor, and afterward a Counsellor <:>f Massachusetts. He had fifteen children, nine sons and six daughters. The late Ebenezer Cobb of Kingston, who lived to the remarkable age of loS years, well remembered the funeral of Deputy Governor Bradford. The public road between Kingstcjn and Plymouth was obstructed by deep snow, and the corpse was carried from his familv residence near Jones' River, along the seashore, it l)eing the expressed desire of the deceased to be buried near the body of his father. His tombstone indicates the spot where the Governor was prol^ably buried, the father lying on the east side of the son, while Joseph lies in another row, northerly. 12. MARY GRAY dau to | John & Joanna | Gray his wife I March 17''^ | 1701' | y^ 16 }'ear | of her age. I3. Here lyes ye body | of Mr FRANCLS LE BARRAN | Phytician who | Departed this life | Aug^t ye S^'i 1704 | In ye 36 year | of his Age. Dr. Francis LrdiAKuN was a surgeon on a French privateer, fitted out at Bor- deaux, and cruising on the American coast, was wrecked in Buzzard's Bay. The crew were carried to Boston as i)risoners of war. Dr. LeBaron came to Pl\ mouth, and having performed a surgical operation, the selectmen petitioned the executive, Lt. Governor Stoughton, for his liberation, that he might settle in that town. This was granted; and he married Mary Wilder, and practised medicine in Plymouth, where he died at the age of 36 years. His religion was Roman Catholic. He made a donation of ninety acres of wood land to the town. He had a son, Lazarus, who was a physician in Plymouth for a long time. It is probal)le that nearly all of this name in this conirtry descended from Dr. Le- liaron, and have become cjuite numerous and highly respected. EPiTArns FR()^r ijuriai. hili. 14. Here Lyes y^ | body of | JOSEPH CHURCH | aged 25 year^ ( died Octo'' ye | I3(h 1707. 15. Here lycth | ye body of | WARREN Gent. | who dcce- Oct I ye 29. 1707 in ye 48^11 | year of his age. 16. Here lyes | ye body of | GILES | RICKARD | Aged 30 I years died | January ye — | i 709. 17. Here lyes ye body | of M^^ HANNAH | STURTEVANT aged I Above 64 years | dec^ in March | [ 7 o ^ 18. Here lyes ye body | of REBECKAH ye | wife of Joiix | CHURCIIELI, aged | 52 years died | April the 7tb | 1709. 19. Here Lyes | Buried ye Body of M'^ | HANNAH BART- LETT wife I to Mr Joseph Bartlett | Deccsd March ye I2t'i | 1710, In ye 72^1 year j of her age. 20. Here Lyes ye | body of M'' JOSEPH | BARTLETT De- ceased I Febru'v ye iS^'i 171 1, In ye | 73CI year of his age | Lo here their body s near togath'^r lay Till y brig'it morn of y-' Rcsurcction day. 21. Here lyes buried | ye body of | JOHN RICKARD | Aged about 55 years | Deces"^' March ye | 25''^ 171 2. 22. Here lyes buried | ye body of | MARY RICKARD | Aged 35 years | deces'l August ye | 28^'^ 17 12. 23. Here lyes buried | y- body of Mr | THOMAS LITTLE | Practioner in | Physick & Chyrurgery | Aged 38 years deed [ Deccmr ye 22, I712. Mr. Li'iri.K was born in Marshfield, .Mass., 1674, graduated at Harvard College, 1695, married Mary Mayhevv, i6g8. He was a lawyer and iihysician, and at one time was a large owner of real estate in the central portion of Plymouth. 24. SARAH LITTLE daughr | to Charles & Sarah | Little aged 17 | M'^ Dec- JONATHAN | BURNES Aged I about 73 years | died Augs' ye 20'li | 1714. 29. Pierc lyes ye | body of ELKNEY | CUSHMEN aged | about 37 years | died Jan""}' ye 9th | 1714-15. Mr. CuSHMAN married Hester, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabetli Barnes, Feb- ruary 23, 1702. .She married Un her second husband, Benjamin Warren, Octol)er 25, 1 716, a grandson of Richard, who came over in the Mayflower, bv whom she had four cliildren. I lis gravestone is about five feet from the grave of Elder Thomas Cusli- inan. 30. Here lyes y^ \ body of MARCY | COOK who deed | Feb'y ye S^'^ | i 7 i 4-5 in | ye t,6^^^ \ year of | her age. 31. Here lyeth ye body | of the Honourable | JAMES WAR- REN Esq*" I who deceased June | ye 29th 171 5 | in ye 50''^ year | of his age. Mr. Wakrkn was son ot Nathaniel and Sarah (Walkci) Warren, and grandson of Richard of the Mayflower. He was a sheriff of Plymouth County and held other ])ublic offices of trust; a gentleman of great integrity and capacitv. The records of the first church say he was "an exceeding loss to the Church, Town and County." He was taken suddenly ill while on his wav to the assembly. 32. Here lyes interred ye body of | M^ JOSEPH BRADFORD son to the ] late Honourable WiLLIAM Bradfor" | Esq"" Gover- nor of riyniouth | Colony who dejiarted | this life Jul\" the lO'li 1715 I in the 85 year of his age. Mr. BradfuRI) was born 1630, married Jael, daughter of Rev. Peter Hobart, the first minister of Hingham, May 21^, 1664. She died 1730. His residence was about one mile from the mouth of Jones' River, at a place called "Flat House Dock" in Kingston, Mass., so called from the fact that his house had a flat top. 33. Here lyes ye | body of M'' SAMUEE | RYDr:R who dec'l I July ye i8'l> | I 71 5 about | \-e 85t'i }-ear | of his age. 34. Here ye lyes ye bod\^ of | HANNAH WARRE'' | wife of Benjamen I VVarRFX, aged ^~,/ \ Died | November y- 3'! | 1715- 35. Here lyes )-e body u( \ M'^ MARY CHURCIH£EE| wife to Mr Eleazar | Churchell aged 60 | years decesj Deer I )'e I I til 1 7 1 5 . 36. Here lyes ye body of | M'' EEEAZAR CHURCHELL | died March }'e 25th lyif, | in y^- 64''' }-ear of | his age. 37. Here lies )-e body of | NATHANIEL CLARK Esq"" | deed Janiy 31^1 171 7 | In the 741b \-ear ] of his age. 38. Here lyes ye | body of MARYE | CURTIS wife to [ ICpexEZER Curtis | died March ye j I7tb 171 7 | in ye 31st year ] of her age. EriTAPHS FK()^r HURIAL hill. II 39. Here lyes y^ body of | M^^ JANE FAUNCE | wife to Eld'' Thomas Faunce | Aug^t yc 6^'' 1717 | in the 671I1 year | of her age. The husbatul of Mrs. F;iiiiice was the last ruling elder of the First Clhurch in I'lv- niouth. 40. I lerc lyes y<^ body of M"" | ROBERT BARTLETT died | January the 3^1 j 1718 | In yc 55111 year | of his age. 41. Here lyes the | body of Eli^Nl^ZER | SPOONER who died I hY^Kv the 5''' | I 7 1 7-8 | About yc 52^1 | year of | his age. 42. Here lyes y*-^ body of | M'^ SARAH l^ARNES | Aged about I 32 years Uect' j Aprily^' iitli | 1718. 43. Here lyes yc body | of MARTHA HOWLAND | aged about 46 I years dec*-' | Aug^ y^ i ith | 17 18. 44. Here lyes y^ body | of M'^ HANNAH | COOPh:R wife to Mr I RiciLVKl) Cooler dec'l | Dec y'^ 16^'' | 1718 in | y*^ 57''! year | of her age. 45. 1718 I 40''' )'ear | his age. The above is a loose fragment on the ground. 46. SAMUEL A— I JOSIAH y^ .sons of | John Cotton | JOSIAH, ANONYMOUS, | EDWARD, JOSIAH, EDWARD | ROLAND, ROLAND, 7 son/ I of Joslvh Cotto.\ | who died be- tween I ye year 1 719 | & 1 734- 47. Here lyes yc body | of M-" JOHN WARD | dec'' March ye I 15111 1719-20 I In ye 53'! year | of his age. 48. Here lyes ye body of | EPHRAIM KEMPTON, | who | deccl dec'' | — '■> 1720 | In ye i8'h | year of his age. 49. Here lyes ye body of | JOHN DREW aged 79 | >-ears died Jul)- I The 27^" I 72 I. 50. Here lyes y^ body | of Mr CALEB COOK | who dec^ Febry j ye ^th 172.1 I in the 72<^1 | year of | his age. Caleb CuOK, son of Jacob and Damaris (Hopkins) Cook, born >Luch 29, 1651, and resided at Rocky Nook, Kingston. He will be reniendjered as the person con- nected with the death of King Lliili]) He was a soldier under the lead of Col. Ben- jamin Church, and while closely pressing the Iudian>, Cook, and an Lulian named Alderman, of the Seaconet tribe were jjlaced on duty to watch I'hilip, lest lie should get out of a swamp, where he had hidden, and if l^ossible to kill Philip. He soon had a chance, and fired at him, but his gun missed. He then bid Alderman to fire, and he soon became their victim, having been shr>t through the heart. Mr. Cook exchanged guns with the Indian, and the 17J2 Agfl 7 D--^ | A dauL,di'- dcc^ April | 29tli 1723 Agd I I Da. I DOROTHY dcc^i Jan-' | 2^ 1730 Ag'' | 3 y 7 m" i3Da I JAMES deed jan'' | 15 1730 Ag'' | i y 8 m" | A dan'' dectl Jan'" | 17 1730 Ag"-! | — 52. JAMES BARTLET | aged 22 years | died Jan')' | y^ 13"^ I 1723. 53. Here lyes ye body | of JEHOSEBETH ROBB | ENS died March ye | 28 in y^ year | 1723 in y^ 83 | year of her age. 54. Here lyes yc | body of M"" JOHN | FOSTER J'"- who | dyed April ye | 26th, 1723 and | aged 22 \-ears. 55. Here lyes ye body | of M-"^ HANNAH | CHURCHELL wife to I M'' John Churchell | deed April ye 29''! | 1723 in ye 61-' I year of her age. 56. Here lyes ye body of | M' JOHN CHURCHELL | de- ceased June \'e I 13th 1723 I in ye 66tli )'ear | of his age. 57. HANNAH daut to | Deacon John | Atwood & | Sarah his wife ] dec^ July y^ 14^'^ | 1723 aged | Abo"t 4 mon'^. 58. Here lyes ye body | of LOTHROP BARTLETT | /on to Sa.nh:l-el I & ELiztii Bartlett | Aged 16 weeks | deed Sep^ ye -7 I U~5- 59. Here lyes buried the body of | the Reverend M' EPH- RAIM LITTLE | Pastor of the Church of Christ at | Pl)-mouth aged 47 years 2 m" & 6 D^ | Deceased Nov"" ye 24''' 1723. Rev. I'.i'KKAiM Little was the son of Epliraini and Mary (StiirtcvaVt) Little; l)orn 1673. Oraduated at Harvard College 1695; ordained as pastor of the I'lynioiith Church 1699, married .Sarah, daughter of William and Hannali (Oriswold) Clatk iGgcS, and died leaving no children. The town supported his widnw bv annual grant.'; to lier during her life. He was the first minister buried on the hill. " He was a gentleman more inclined to the active, than the studious life; but slmukl be remembered for his useful services as a minister, and for his exemjilarv life and conversation, being one of good memory, of cpiick invention, having e-xcellent gift in ])raver, and in occasional performances also excelling. But what can never be siiHicientIv commended, was the generosity of his s[)irit, and liis readiness to lielp all that were in di'-tress." 60. Here lyes ye | body of MARY ] STEPHENS wife to | Edward Stephens | deed Janry ye 251!'' | 1723-4 in | ye 35th year | of her age. 61. HOLMeS CRYMlU.h: | son to (jnxTi.x | and Eliza- beth I Crvmble his wife | deed March ye 20^'' | 1724 In | ye 4th x'ear j of his age. EPITAPHS FROM KURIAL HILL. 62. Here lyes y^ \ body of ^r>■ RICHARD | COOPER who deC^' I Maixli }-^' 29''' | 1724 in | y-" 85^11 year | of his age. 6^. — CRVMHLh: | Dan to OriNTiN | & Elizap.ktii Crvm I BLE his wife | dec'' April ye 14111 | 1724 In j y^ 5th Month I of her age. 64. ELIZABETH— | yt was still | Borne Oct^r ye ] joth 1724. 65. Here Lyes Bnried | The Body of | Mr ISAAC DOTEN | died April y^ 15111 | 1725 In ye 461'' | year of his Age. 66. Here lyes buried | y body of M^^ | SARAH WATSON wife I to John Watson | of Plymouth Esq"" I Deceased July ye 2^ I 1725 Aetatis 31. 67. JOHN son to I M"" John & M""* | Betiiiah Churchill | his wife: dyed | Sep"" ye 28^'^ | 1725 | Aged lyear | 11 Months. 68. Here lyes ye | body of ABIGAIL | RIDER who Deed | Novmr ye 3th I 1725 I In ye 26^^^ | year of | her age. 69. Here lyes the | body of MrsSARAH | ATWOOD wife to I Deacon John Atwood | Dec'' Jan^y ye | 22^' 1725-6 | in ye 37ih I year of | her age. 70. Here lyes interred | ye body of ANNA | Dautr to ye Rev'' I Mr NATHANIEL Leo | nard Born Nov'^r | ye 23d 1725 | dec■ WILLIAM | RING who deed ] Sum time in April | 1729 in | y*-' //"'^ year | of his age. 87. Here lyes buried | y^ body of MA | RGARET dau-" to | Mr Samuel & Mr^ | Elkzaukii Bar'i-i.et | dec' April yc 25"! | Anno 1729 I Aged one year | & 3 Da\s. 88. Here lye 2 childni | to M"' Joiix & Mr-^ | Hannah Sl'ARIIAWK. IIannaii| Dec'l June | ye I5'''| | JOHN | Dec'' June | ye 20t'i | I 729 1 Aged I A Bout I 2 Moni\ | 1 730 | Aged I A Bout \6 Weeks. 89. Ucrc lyes ye | body of M^s MARY | OSMKNT who dee'I I Aug-^t ye 17th | 1730 in | ye 72'' year | of her age. 90. Here lyes yc body | of MARY dau'' to | ye Rcv^ Mr | Nathaniel Leonard | & Priscilla his | wife dec^ Sept | 26 1729 I Aged 2 Mon^i | & 18 days. 91. Here lyes ye | body of JOB | CUSHMAN who dec'' ] Nov't the I2''i I 1729 in | ye 19111 year | of his age. Mr. CusH.MAN was the son (if Job and Lydia (.Vrnold) Cnsliinan, who was an inn- liohler of Plymouth: born 1710. His grave is ten feet south of the grave of Elder Thomas Cushman. 92. Here | lyes ye body of | CALEB CURTTIS who j dec'I Nov'"" )'e 19'!' I 1729 in )'e i8''i I year of his Age. 93. Here lyes ye | body of Mr« | REBEKAH DREW | wife- to M"- I Nicholas Drew | who dec^ Nov'^'" | 1729 in | \-e 45ii> }'ear j of her age. 94. FREEMAN LOTHROP | son to M"" Lsaac & | M-"^ Han- nah LoTHRoi' j Aged 4 weeks & 5 D^ | dec^ Janry yc 9th | 1730. 95. Here lyes ye body | of Capt" WILLIAM | SHURTLIFF who Deed I Feb'T the 4tl' | 1729-30 In | the 72^ year | of his age. Captain William SHaRiLEiK was the son of William and Elizabeth (Letticc) Shurtleff; born in Plymouth 1657. Married Susanna, daughter of Parnabas and Elizabeth (Hedge) Lothrop. He was a Selectman of Plymouth several years, and a delegate to the Provincial Assembly in 169), and held otlier positions of honor and importance. 96. Here lyes buried | the body of | M'--^ MARYWESTRON wife I to Mr Thomas Westron | aged about 28 years | deed Feb'y yc 13th | 1730. I 6 KPITAITIS FROM BURIAL J I ILL. 97. Here lyes buried | the body of Mrs | HANNAH THOMAS wife | to M"" Nathaniel Thomas | dec^ Feb'y ye 19th 1730 I in the 23'' }-ear | of her age. 98. Here lyes ye body | of M-" JOHN | CHURCHILL who dec-:' I Feb'y ye 25tli day | 1729-30 | in y*^ 39'!' year | of his age. 99. EXPERIENCE, dauf | to Deacon John | &MrsSARAH | Atwood his I wife dec^' | July y^ 7^1^ | 1730 in | >'*? 6tl^ year | of her age. 100. ELIZABETH dauf | to Richard & | Mary Waite | Aged 13 M'> & 20 I Ds dec^l Sep"" ye 16: 1730. 101. Here lyes ye body of | SARAH COLE wife to | Ei-ll- ■ RAI.M Cole, dyed Ocf ye | 26"^ 1730 Aged | about 32 >'ears. their son EPHRAIM aged 12 years | dec'! 1730 SARAH, j their daut' aged 7 | years dec'l 1730. 102. Here lyes ye body | of Mrs REbECKAH MORTON | wife to M'' Er.EAZAR I Morton who dec' | Nov'^"" ye CA \ 1730 in I )'e 66' li \ ea: | of her age. 103. Here lyes ye bodys of PELEG | & MAREY DURPHEY his wife. He dec'l | Nov^' 15th j i ^^q I She dec^l j Oof ye 23'^ | 1730 in I ye 34th year | of his age. | in | ye 33^1 year | of her age. P1<>LEG their son dyed Nov^r ye | 19th ly^o aged 4 years. The mother was daughter of Ephraim and Rebecca (Gray) Cole. 104. PILISHA son to | Thomas & Lois | Foster his wife | dec'l Noyl"- ye | 19th 1730 | aged 6 Mont'' | & 7 days. 105. Here lyes buried | the body of M^s | HANNAH LOTH- ROP wife I to Mr Isaac Lothrop Junr : | dectl Deer ye nth 1730 I in the 22^' year | of her age. 106. Here lyes ye body | of Mrs DOROTHY CARVER | wife to Mr JosiAH I Carver decc' Janry | ye 20'''' 1730-1, aged | 2S year^ I i Mont'^^ | ly days, & Near | her 5 of their Chil" | as may be seen | on ye foot ston. 107. Here lyes ye body | of Mr EPHRAIM | COLE who dec<^J j May ye 15th | 1731 in | ye 71st year | of his age. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 17 108. Here lyes buried | the body of | M"" THOMAS MOR- TON I Son to M-- I Tii()MA> MoRTox | & M^s Martha | his wife who I dec*' July y^' 10''' | 1731 in | y«-' 31^^ year of | his ai^e. 109. Here lyes buried | the body of | M^s JEMIMA SAM- SON wife to I M"" Lazarus Samson | Dec*' July y^ 20th 1731 | in y"^ 27''' }-ear | of her age. no. Here lyes y^ | body of FRANCIS | LKBARON who dcC^' I August yc 6'*^ I 1 73 1 in I y^ 31^' year | of his age. Francis LF.iiARO>f son of Dr. Francis and Mary (Wilder) Lel'arnn, married Sarah, daughter of Jcjsejjh and Lydia (Griswold; Bartlctt. 111. Here lyes the body of | M^ SylMUKL COLE | dec^I Augt )'e ]8th I ij^i I in yc 23'! year | of his age. 112. Here lyes y-" | body of SAMUEL | WEST who dec*' | Aug ye 22f' I 173 I in I ye 20"^ year | of his age. 113. Here lyes ye | body of JOHN | COB who dec | 1733 in | y^ 251'^ year | of his age. 134. In Memory of | MATHEVV Son to | M' Matiiew | Eemote & Mrs I Mary his | Wife ]^orn Aug« | y^ 1 8th 1730 | Deed July ye 15th: | 1733. 135. In Memory of | JOSEPH Son to | — Matmew Le | MOTE& Mrs j Mary his Wife | Born Nov: ye 3ot'> | 1732 Dec^ | July ye 22d I 1733. 136. ZACCHEUSson to | M"" Stephen & | Mrs Exi-eRiENCE Churchill | his wife. Dec^' | Sep^ ye ipt'^ | 1733 aged I 13 year 10 Mo I & 19 days. Here Lyes | ye Body of | 137. Here lyes | ye Body of I RICHARD HOLMES | Who Dec'l I Nov-l"- y^ 12^'' j 1733 I in ye i5tl> I year of j His age. 138. Here lyes | Body of | ELENER HOLMES | Who Dec^l I Dec"" y^' 12^'' | 1733 | In ye 24^11 I year of | Her age. NATHii HOLMES | Who Dec^l I Novl^r yc 14th I 1-33 I in ye 3 2d I year of | his age. Here Lyes | ye Body of | JOSHUA HOLMES | Who dec^l I Decl^r ye 131'' | 1733 | In ye 29th I Year of | His age. 139. Here lyes ye body | of Mrs HANNAH DYER | wife to Capt" John | Dyer who dec'l | Ded^r ye 23d | 1733 in | ye 68"^ year | of her age. 140. JOSEPH Son to I Mr Ap.ieil & Mr^ | Bethia PULSI- FOR I His wife depart | ed this life ] Dec'^r }-e 28t'i | 1733 | Aged 3 Weeks. 20 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 141. Here lyes ye body | of DANIEL son to | y^ Rev^' M^ | Nathaniel Leonard | & Priscilla his | wife decf' Jrivy \ iS'h 1733-4 Aged I 9 days. 142. Here lyes ye | Body of Mrs PHEBE | HOLMES Wife to Mr I EbENEZER HOLMES | Who Deed April ye | 16''^ 1734 In I ye 62^ year | of her age. 143. ELIZtii dau"- to | Mr TiMOTHV & Mr^ | Mary Morton ] his wife deed | May y^ 3d | 1734 aged | i year 4 M^ j & 14 days. 144. In Memory of | ABIGAIL Daiighr | to M^ Matiiew | Lemote &Mrs I Marey his | Wife. Born June | ye gth 1733 | Deed Octr ye 25th I 1734. 145. Here lyes ye | Body of JOHN | FAUNCE who deed | Nov'j*^ ye 28th I 1734 in I ye 26 year | of his age. 146. Here Lyes ye | Body of ELEAZAR | RING who deed j Febry ye 3d | 1734-5 in | ye 31st: year | of his age. 147. Here lyes ye | Body of NATHd | KING who deed ] Febry ye 7th | 1734-5 in | ye 28th year | of his age. 148. Here lyes ye | Body of Mr^ MARY | MORTON wife to M>" I Timothy Morton who | died Ma^eh ye 22d | 1735 in j ye 47^'^ year | of her age. 149. Here lyes ye | Body of HANNAH | HOLMES who died May ye lo^'i | 1735 in ] ye 23d year | of her age. 150. Here Lyes ye | body of | PRISCILLA HOLMES ] who deceased j August ye 8t'i | 1735 In | ye 21st year | of her age. 151. Here Lyes Interd | ye Body of Mr^ | BETHIAH PUL- S^FER wife | to M"- AuiEL | PULSIFER who died | Sept'" yc 25th j '735 aged | 21 years 3 mon'^ | & '7 Days. 152. Here lyes ye body | of M' NICHOLAS | DREW ^ho departed | this life Qct^^ ye | — 1735 | Aged about | 51 year. 153. Here Lyes Interd ye | Body of Mrs MARTHA | WAITE who Departed | this Life Nov'^r ye | 28'h 1735 In | ye 791'! year | of her age. 154. Here lyes ye | Body of Mr^ | RELIANCE MORTON | Wife to Mr John | Morton who died | Dec^'r ye 4th | 1^35 5r, j ye ^^ih year | of his age. FFTTAI'IIS FROM BURIAL HILL. 2 1 155. To I Mr Ai!iKL & Mr« I Betiiiaii Pulsifer | His wife Dec^l I Jaiiry ye — th | 1735-6 | Ai^^cd— 156. HANNAH Daur To | •^ir Thomas cH: Mr« | RFbiXKAii With | erlv his wife | Dcc'^' June y^' | lo''' 1736 | Aged 3 years | & 10 Mon'^. 157. Here lyes buried | y^ body of | PRISCILLA FAUNCE I DauL^'- to Eider | Thomas Fauncf | who deed Sep"" y« I 8^'^ 1736 in ye 53'! | year of her age. 158. LOIS Dauf To I John & Lois | Holmes his wife | Died Spter ye | nth 17.5 j ^gcd 20 Moil's. 159. Here lyes ye | Body of ELI-^AbETH | PHILLH'S who dec^ JanO- yc 5th | i-ji^-j in | yc 50'h year | of her age. 160. Here lyes the body | of M''^ PENELOPE | WARRICN the wife of | James Warren Esqr | who departed this | life May the 25'h I 1737 in the ly'^ \ year of her age. 161. TILDEN son to | M"" Joseph & Mr-^ | Abic.AiL Rider | his wife aged | i year 4 M"•• 13111 | 1738 Li | y^ qUi year | of his age. 168. Here lyes y | Body of M^ JOHN MORTON who deed | Febry yc 4111 | 1738-9 in | ye 59tli year | of his age. 169. GERsHEM/on to | Gar/hem & Lvdia | Holmes his Wife I Died Augst ye 22^ | 1739 | Aged 10 M" | & 2 Days. 170. MATHEW/on to | M^ Mathew Le | MOTe & Mrs | Marcy his Wife | Born June ye 25th | 1738 Deed | Sep 1739. 171. Here lyes y^ | Body of Mr^ LYDIA | BARTLhLTT Wife To Mr I Benj" Bartlett She | Deed October ye 21^^ | 1739 I" I y*^ 37^^^^ year | of her age. 172. Capt'i I Thomas | Howland ] Deed 1739. This inscription appeared on a foot-stone. 173. NATHi son to | ^i'" NathI Forster | & Mercy his | wife died Dec'"" | yc ijth 1739 | Aged 4 Month"^ | & 2 da)'s. 174. Here Lyes ye | Body of MARG't | Daiif of SaM'' | BARTLEir Esq' & | ELIZAt'^ His wife | Born April ye | 15'^ 1737 I Deed Dec'" ye I 31st 1739. 175. Here lyes ye | Body of Mr^ | LYDLA. DREW | wife to Mr I Nicholas Driav | Dec — | 1736. 176. In Memory of | ISAAC TOTMAN | who died March | ye 20tli 1740 Aged I 13 Months & 9 days | son of M'' Slmo" | & M's Sarah Totman. 177. Here lyes ye | body of JOHN | MORTON he died | March ye 21^^ | 1740 in | ye 24''^ year | of his age. 178. Here lyes ye body of | HOLMES | dan to Nath" | Holmes who decd| July ye 6''^ I 1740 in | }-e 32d year| of her age. 179. HANNAH Dan' To | ^i' Tno.M^ Wethrkh, [ Jn^ & ElizaiiLTH I his wife tlied | Jul)' ye 26"' | 1740 | Aged 14 Mo" | & one day. 180. I'^LIsAB'i' dan" to | h^RAlNe'^ CoURiMKS | jti'' (S: Imjsa- Bl'lTH j his wife died | Jan'Y ye 26t'' | 1740-1 | Aged 17 Mo" | (S: 26 days. 181. SAMUIU. BURN ye | son of MncHLi.L | & Eliz'" Bl RN I Died May 8^'' | 1741 | Aged 7 months. El'ITAl'llS KK(J.M ni'RlAL IllLL. 23 182. In Memory of Mr^ | DEBORAH CROADE | ye Con- sort of I M"" John Croade | And Daii<,^ht'' of | ye late HonL>ie | NatII' Thomas E^q^ \ who died in ye | 73^1 year of her | a^^e June ye 14^11 | 1741. 183. Here Lies Ikiried | Cap' JOHN DYAR | who Died | October 18''^ | 1741 | In yc 70 year | of his A<;e. 184. Here lyes buried the | Body of | Deaeon JOHN EOS- TER I who Departed this Life | December ye 24''^ 1741 | in ye yO year of his a<^e. 185. Here Lyes ye Body | of Mrs RUTH JACKSON | Wife To M"" Nath'I I Jackson who Dec' | March ye 29^^ | ,743 In | ye 79'!' year | of Her ai^e. 186. JOSEPH son of] Mr , Con^H)Kr & Mr« | Ruth How- land 1 He Died May | ye i ith 1742 | Aged 3 Mo | & 3 Days. 187. Here lyes buried | ye body of Mr^ | LIDIA LEBARON wife I to Docfr Lazarus | LeBaron who Dec^ | May ye 29th | 1742 aged I 44 years 4 Mo | & 29 Days. 188. MARY Dautr To | Mr JA^H:s & Mr^ Eaith I Shurtlefk His I Wife Died May | 1742 In ye | i3ti> Month of | Her age. 1 89. Here Lyes ye | Body of MARY | KEMPTON wife To | Tho"' Kempton she I Died Sep"" ye 13th | 1742 In | ye 30'h year | of Her age. 190. CONSIDER Son to | Mr Consider & Mr^ | Ruth HowLAND I Died Feb^y ye | i6t'^ 1742-3 | Aged 7 years | & 16 Days. 191. Here lyes ye body | of 13ANIEL JOHNSON | junr son to Dan' I Johnson Esq"" & | Bettv his wife | who died March ye 271I1 I 1743 I in ye 17111 year of | his age & in | ye 5111 month of his I Apprentisship with | Roi!' Brown P2sq^ 192. Here Lyes ye | Body of Mr^ | EAITH SHURTLIEE | wife to Mr James | Shurtlh-f She Dec' | March ye 28ti> | 1743 In I ye 27''> year | of Her age. 193. Here Lyes Interr^l | ye Body of M-" [THOMAS WETH- REIL I who DeC^l April ye | 2pt 1743 in | ye 6y^ year | of His age. 24 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL 194. Here lyes Interr'd ye | Bodyes of NATHANIEL & LUCE I THOMAS, children to Nathaniel | Thomas Esck & Elizabeth his wife. | NATHANIEL Born Ocf 17''^ 1742 | Dyed June i6th 1743. LUCE Born | Decern'' 51'! 1743 Dyed iS''^ Instant. 195. Here Lyes Buried | The Body of | M.- NATH. JACK- SON I who died July yc 14th ] 1743 I,-, the 79th | year of his age. 196. Here lyes Inter'd the Body | of the Hon^^le | ISAAC LOTHROP Esq'- | Who Departed this Life | Sept 7^'' 1743 in the 71st year of his age. 197. Here lyes Buried | the Body of | M'« LOIS EOSTER the wife of Mr TllOMAS FOSTER I who died September ye 2i^t | 1743 with one child buried | in her arms and five more | by her side. Viz. ELISHA, JOHN | GERSHOM, GERSHOM & HAN- NAH. 198. Here Lyes Buried | The Body of | M^ LEMUEL COBB I Died Ocf 22'' 1743 | In The 38th year | of his age. 199. MARY ye Daughter | of Nathaniel | Thomas Esq & | Mary his Wife | Died ye 3 of | April 1744 | in ye 5^1 year | of Her age. 200. Here lyes buried | the Body of \ M^ JOHN BARNES | Deccl May the 15 1744 | in the '/6^^'^ year | of his age. 201. Here lyes Buried the | Body of Madam | PRISCILLA BROWN I the wife of ROBERT Brown | Esqrwho Died Septem- ber I the 7''i 1744 In the 441'! | }'car of her Age with three | Children Buried by her Side viz | ROBERT, MARTHA & MARGRET. 202. In memor}' of JO/L'\H /on to | M^" John Cobb & Sarah his | wife who died Sept ye 10''' | A. D. 1744 in ye 6^'' year of his Age | Like\v"se A daughter not | named Aged i i Days. 203. Here Lyes the Body | of SAMUEL FOSTER | son of M'' Samuel Foster | & Margaret his wife | aged 18 years i | M" & 7 iJMvho died | Sep ye 271!'' 1744. EPITAPHS FROM PL' RIAL HILL. 25 204. In Memory of | ZACHEUS CURTIS | son to Mr | ZacHEUS Curtis | and Lvdia his wife | who died Sep yc 121'' | 1744 Aged I I I months & 9 days. 205. Here lyes Buried | the Body of M'- | ICLTZAHh.TI I WARREN I Daughter of Jamls | VVakrp:n Esci^ & Sarah | His Wife Deed NoV | ye 511' 1744 Aetatis ^t,. 206. Here Lyes Buried | The Body of | M'^ SARAH BART- LETT I wife To M' RoPl'RT | liARPLETr who Died | Febry \< 8^1i 1744-5 I In y= 74^" year | of Her age. 207. Here lyes Buried | The Body of | M'^ MARTHA DOTEN wife | To Mt Isaac Doten | Died Sept' 91'' 1745 | In yc 65th year I of Her Age. 208. Here lyes buried the Body | of M'^ ELIZABETH BARTLIHT | the virtuous wife of Samuel | Bartlett Esq' and daughter | to the Hon''''-' Isaac Lothrop Esq^ | (Dcc'>)& Elizabeth his wife | departed this life Nov'' y'^ I*' | 1 745 in the 41'*' year of | Her age and lies inter'd by | 5 of Her Children | only one child surviving. 209. Here Lyes Buried | the Body of M-" | SAMUEL JACK- SON He I Departed This Life | Nov'^-- y^ 2'' | i 745 Ii^ I >"" 5 5-'' year | of his age. 210. Here lies buried | Mr JOHN BARNES | who dec^ decern'' | y^ i ith 1745 | jn ye 52'' year | of his age. 211. Here lyes buried | the body of M^*^ | MERCY WAR- REN I who died Jan''y | the 17''' 1745-6 [ in y^ 42<^1 year | of her age. 2! 2. Here lyes buried | the Body of | M' THOMAS FAUNCE I ruling Elder of the first | Church of CHRIST in | Plymouth decea/ed Feb^v | 27''' An: Dom 1745-6 in | the 99H1 Year of his age. | The h'athers, where are they. | Ble/sed are the dead who | die in the Lo/W. Elder Thomas Fai nck was tlie son of John and Patience (Morton) Faunce. Born 1647; married Jane ilangliter of 'Williani' and Martha (Ford) Nelson 1672; or- dained Deacon of the First (Jhiiich of Plymouth, l)ecend)er 26, 16S6, also Town Clerk of Plvmouth from 16S5 to 1723 His father having died when he was a child, Cap- tain Thomas Southworih took him by the hand at the grave, led him to his own home, and from that time bestowed on him jiaternal affection. In the familv of Mr. South- worth he was educated and instructed, and here his mind received the rudiments of those principles of humility and piety, by which he was so remarkably distinguished 26 EriTAl'HS FROM HURIAL HILL. ill after life. It lias been related, that the Elder has often l)cen heard to say that for this education he should have reason to lilessGodto all eternity. He was first chosen Deacon and afterwards I'^lder, and was the last who held tliat office. In those days the otiicc of Elder was one of great consideration. An Ekler was regarded as the virtual representative of the church, and on an equality with the Pastor. lie was bound to keep a watchful eye over the doctrines jireached as well as the princi- l)les and iiractices of the brethren. The Elder's house stood on the west side of the road near lOcl River bridge. His descendants are numerous, antl are represented in the names of Kempton, 1 )oten. Paddock and Finney, as well as by his own family name. 213. Here lyes btiried | the Body of | Capt BENJAMIN WARREN I died Ma)- y^ 301'^ | 1746 in y^ 761'^ | Year of His age. 214. Here lyes buried | the Body of M'^ | EL1ZA]^I-:TH BARTEETT | the daughter of | Samuel IVvrtlett Esqr | & ELlZAi;i:rii his wife | born Augt 25th 1725: | died Sept"" 30^'^ 1746. 215. The Remains of M-'s MERCY FOSTER | wife to Mr Natii' lM)STERwho 1 tlied Decern'' yc 24''^ 1746 | in yc T,y^ year of Her Age | daugh^'' to the Rcv'l M'' PErER | THATCHER late of Midlel'dec'l I April the 22'1 1744 | The Remains of SUSANAH daugr I to Mr N.Vlll & M's MERCY P^OSTER | died Jan'T y^ 20tli 1746. 216. Here Lyes buried | the I^ody of | M-" NATHl HOW- EANl) I Died Dec y 29"' 1746 | In the /6^^^ year | of His age. 217. Here lyes buried | the Body of M--^ HANNAH | FOS- Tl'^R the wife of | Deacon JoiIX I'\)STER ] died April y<-^ 30"' 1747 I in the "/^^^ year | of her age. 218. AHICiAIE Dl'.ElCNO | dan- to M'' Nathan | & M'^ I^ArilsilEJ'.A I Di;i.E\<» aged 1 year | 6 m" & 4 D^ died | Ma\' y"^ lotli 1747. 219. In memor\- of | HANN/\H h'OSTl'^R | Daughter to Mr I Thomas Eosti'.r | Jun ds: Mb:R(A' his | wife who Decs | April 25 174.S I aged 7 Months | & 6 Da\-s. 220. Here Eyes The l^od\- | of MARY l^ARTEl'/FT Daur | To Mr John and M^^ | Sar.mi BARiLEir who | Died Aug^ i6t'i 1748 I In y^' 18"'' year of Her age. 221. Here lyes Buried | the Body of | M's SARAH SAM- SON wife I to M'' JoNATiiAX Samson | died Augt }-^' 2i«f 1748 | in the 22'-l year | of Her age. EPITAPHS FROM liURIAl. IIILI,. 222. Here lies buried | the Body of ] Mr=^ EXPERIENCE LOTHROP I the wife of | Capt BEN7AMIN Lotiirop | died Sept 5"^ 1738 in the | 471'^ Year of her Age. 223. In Memory of | MARY BOWEN Who | dec'' Sci)' yc 2ist I 1748 in y'^ 27"! I year of Her | age. 224. Mere Hes the | body of M' | JONATHAN BARNES | Who dec'l I Oct'^'' y^ 2'1 | 1748 aged | 45 years. 225. Here lyes y<^ Body | of PETER MORTON j Son of M"" J()/i-:pii I Morton Jun^ & M'^ | Anna liis Wife Who | died Nov'^r i6t'i 1748 in I ye 91'^ year of his age. 226. Here lies buried | the body of M^s | MARY THOMAS | the wife of Docf | WiLLIAM TllOMAS | Aged 26 years | Died April ye 23^1 I 1749. 227. Here lies Buried M^^ | ELIZABETH Wife of | M-" Doughty Randall | & daughter of Capt ] Edmond Tillson & Elizabeth his Wife | who died July 22fl I 1749 in yc 281'' | year of her Age. 228. JENNY Dau To | M-" John & M>-s Sarah | Bartlett Died I Sept 16^'^ 1749 | In y^ lo''^ year | of her age. 229. GEORGE WATSON | son to M>- George | & Mrs Abigail Watson | who departed | this life | Scpt> yc 26''> 1749 | Aged 27 Days. 230. In Memory of Mr EPHRAIM | CHURCHELL Who Dec'l Dec'iT yc | 14111 1749 in ye 41st Year of his age : |In Memory of Mr'^ PRISCILLA | ye Wife of Mr Ephrai.m ChurcH | Who Dec^l Dec""- ye 1 71I1 1749 | Aged 41 Years. 231.. Here lies ye Body | of Mr JOHN GODDARD | who dec | 1750 in the 591'' | year of his Age. 233. Here lies Intcrr'd the Body of | M^s ABIGAIL WAT- SON wife of I Georcje Watson 1^S(^' | and Daughter to the Hon^le j Richard SaLTONSTALL p^sq"" | who departed this Life| EPITAPHS FROM Vd RIAL IHI.L. March y^ 15^11 1750 /E 22 | al/o | their son stillborn March i i^'^ 1750. 234. This Stone is | erected to the nieniory of | that unbias'd Judge I faitliful officer sincer-' Friend | and honest Man | C"" ISAAC LOTPIROP | who resigned this Life | on the 261I1 day of April 1750 I in the 43 year of his age. Ha(/ ]lrtitcs Charms tlic pcnoer to save Its faithful ]\itarics from the Grave This Stone had ne'er possess' - THOMAS MUR- DOCH Son I of John Murdoch Esq'" | who Departed this Life on I the 30^'' Day of September ] 1751 And in the 50''! | year of His Age. 245. In memory of | LYDIA HOLMES wife | of M-" Jo- seph I Holmes, Formerly | wife of M'' JOSEPH | Bartlett (Dec'l) I who dec' Jan'y | 6''i 1752 in y^ 81^^ | year of her age. 246. Here Lies Buried | M-" JOHN STURTEVANT | Who Died j h'ebruary 4^1' | 1752 | Aged About 92 | }'ears & 5 months. 247. Here lies Buried | Mr^ RUTH DOTICN | ye Wife of Mr Ja.MEs I DoTEX who dec'l Marc'i | ye 221' 1752 in ye 241'' | year of her Age. 248. Here lies buried | the body of | M^s SARAH CHURCHILL I the Wife of | M"" John Churchh^l | who died March 31st 1752 | in the 22'1 Year of her Age. 249. Here lies ye Body of | M-" EBENEZER COBB | who Died I July 29th | 1752 | In ye 71st year | of his age. 250. REBECCA HARLOW | Dau>- to M^ Am.v/aau \ and Mrs Lois Harlow j aged 11 Months j died Sepf 30''' | 1752. 251. In Memory of | SARAH Daughter; | To Mr Thonlvs | Jackson J"r & | Mr^ Sarah His | Wife >e Child | Born April ye I 22"'l 1752 I Dec'l Octr )-e 3'! | 1 752. 30 EPITAPHS J'ROM BURIAL HtLL. 252. Here lies | buried the J^Mxly of | JOHN WATSON lvs(i' I who departed this Life | Jan^ 3<1 1753 j in the 37'li year | of his a<^e. 253. Here lies the j l^ody of NU^ PHE | BE liARNES widow I of Mr Jonathan | 1?aknes who | dec^i May \-e 23'' | '753 ;ik^^''l i 49 }'ears. 254. In Memory of | BATHSHEBA MAY | who (hed July }^' 3' I 1753 ill I y'' 5"' year of | Her Ai^^e A DAUghf | of Mr John May | & Bathsheba | his wife. 255. THOMAS Son of] The Rev'l Mr | Ja('OH Bacox & | AiARV his Wife j liorn EebO- yc 151I1 | 1753 Died | Augu/t 6ili| 1753. N.S. Rev. Jacoi; liACON was born in W'rentham, Mass., 1706; graduated at Harvard ("ollege 1731. .Settled over a church in Keene, N. H. aljout ten years. Installed jiastor of the P'irst cluirch in Plyniouth in 1749, where he continued his labors of love, till 1776, when he was dismissed by mutual consent. After preaching about eighteen months in Plympton, Second Parish, now Carver, he retired to Rowley, where he dietl, 17S7, in the eighty-first year of his age. 256. Here lyes the | body of JOHN | MAY who died | Aui^ust ye 71'! I 1753 I in y^ 2*^ year | of his age. 257. In menioiA- of | BETHIER CHURCHEL | who died December | ye 28^'! 1753 | Aged 2 Months | & 28 days A | Daughter of | M^ Ehenezer | Churchee & Mercy | his wife. 25S. Here Lies Buried | Mrs SARAH BRAMHALL | who Died January 26''> | 1754 In ye 25tli year | of lier Age Rehct to | Capt JosEi'H Bramhall I who Died at Jamaica | Janry 26''i 1753. 259. Here lyes buried | yc body of Mr | JOSEPH MOR- TON I Who Departed this hfe | Eebry yf 241'! 1754 in ye | 7^1 Year of His Age. 260. In Memory of | Mr JOHN MAY | who died June | ye 3'1 1754 I in }e 67''* year | of his age. 261. The memory of ye Jii/t is Ble//ed | Here lyes the Body of I Mr JOHN ATWOOD, Who Died | on the 6tli of Augu/t A. D. I 1754 /litatis 70 years. " He was a Man of Piety & Religion | Adorned with every Cliristian grace | & Virtue & therefore well qualified | for ye office of a Deacon, which he | diycharged in }-e first Church of | Kl'ITAI'IlS FROM t5UKIAl, IIILt., Christ in this Town for about 40 | Years witli Honesty & uprii^ht- 110/; I and in the Couryb of his Life | adorned y'^ Doctrine of liis Saviour | !:>)■ a well orderetl Conveiyiition : " 262. Mere lies Ikiried the | Body of M-' ICLEAZl-.R lIOLMhLS I wlio died Aui:^^' 2l^t | 1754 | A<^cd 65 Years lO Months I & 5 Da>-s. 263. In Memory of | M' ICLEZAR | CIIURCIIirj. | Who Dec^l I Sepf }'^' 2i^t I 1754 In y<-' \ 72"'! Xcav of j His Age. 264. Here Lies Buried the | Bod\- of that Virtious | Woman Mr« RUTH | TURNI':R Wife To M"" | David Tlrner & Daui^di"- I To Mr Natiianifj, Jack^"" | She was A Member of | The pt Church of | Christ in Plymouth | She Dec'! March ye 28'!^ I 1755 Aged 55 I years & 5 Months. 265. In Memory of Mrs | BATHSHEBA DELE | NO the Wife of I Capt Nathan | Delleno Who deed j April 21^1 1755] Aged 5 I years & | 5 Months. 266. Here Lies the | Body of MORI AH | HOWES Daught | cr of Mr Jeremi I All Howes & Mrs | Moriah his wife | who dec^ Ma\- \-e | 31st 17-- jn her 13th | year of her age. 267. In Memory | of | JA^' REBEC AH \ WETHRELL wife of I M'- THOMAS I WETHRELL \ Dec^l died Nov-- | 1755 Aged — . 268. In Memory | of M>-^ MARY | BRIMHALL Who | Dec^ Decem'J'' | ye 21-^t 1755 | I" y'^ 49''^ yt-'^ir | <'f Her Age | Wife of Mr I SiLVANAS I^RI.MHAI.L. 269. In Memory of M^ | JOHN RIDER Who | Dec'! March ye I ith I 1756 Aged 47 | years Wanting | 4 Days. 270. Here Lyes Entred | The Body of JOHN | MURDOCK Esq who I Departed this Life | March y^ — 1756 | In ys — )-ear of I His Age. 271. In memory of | EXPERIENCE Da | ter To M-" Gri)- Eox I WiiiiE & Joanna | His wife who | Dec^ May yc 51I1 | 1756 aged 9 I Days. 272. Here lyes ye Body of | M^s HANNAH COTTON | Wife of I JosiAH Cotton P^sq | who Died | May 271I1 1756 | Aged 69 years | and i Month. 32 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 273. In Memory of | LOTIIROP BARTLETT | son of Sam- I'El, I Harii.E'IT y.sq & I Mr^ Vaa/.W.KTW his I Wife Born Aug- ust I }"-■ 7'li 1755 Dcc'l I June y^' 131I' 1756. 274. Here lies the 15ody of | DANIEL WATSON son | of John Watsox TLsq'' | & ElizaI'-KTH his wife I Died June 29^'^ 1756 I Aged 6 Years 9 months | & 13 Days. 275. In Memory of M'- j EDWARD STEPHENS | whoDecd July )-e 30"! I 1756 in y'^ yf^^ year | of his Age. 276. Here lyes the Body | of the Hon'^:*-^ | JOSIAH COTTON Esq I who Died | Auguy"t 19''^ J/S^ | Aged y6 }-ears ] and 7 months. (.See page 7.) 277. In Memory of M>- | JOHN MURDOCK | Who Dec^l Sept yc ijth I lyc^Q I In ye 65111 }'ear | of His Age. 278. In Memory of hANN-^'' | Daughf of M^" | Benjamin Morton | born Aug^t j ye 15th 1755 dec^ | Oc"" y^ 16^'^ 1756. 279. Here lyes yc Body of | M^^^ MAKCV MORTON Wife | to M>- JOSEPH MORTON \ Who Departed this Life | Ocf y^ iS^li 1756 in ye I 72^ Year of Her Age. 280. In Memory of SETH FOSTER | Who died Ocf y^ 18 1756 In I yc 4tl> year of his age) | & of EUNICE Fo.ster died Mare'i | yc i6'li 1757 aged one Week | Both children of | TlloM.VS Im)STER Esqr | & Marv his Wife. 281. In Memory of Mr^ | LYDIA LEBARON | Wife to Doc"- I Lazarus Lebaron | Who dec'l Octi^'' y^ 281'^ | 1756 in ye ojth I year of her Age. 282. Here lyes Buried | M'« ELIZABETH TILLSON | y^ wife of I Mr Peres Tillson | the only daughter of | Coll. Thomas Doty | who died November 8t'i | 1756 In ye 32*^' | year of her age. 283. In Memory of MAR | CARET Daughter to | Doc^'' Lazarus & Mr« | Lvdia Leijaron l^orn | July A-e 5tH 1^55 | Died Novl"' yc 201'' | 1756. 284. In Memory of ] ELIZABETH Daugh | ter to M^ Gideon | White & Mi^ J(\\nna | His Wife Born April | ye ist 1 75 I died I Deem'' )-e 26 1756. KI'ITAPIIS FROM BURIAL HILL. ^T^ 285. Here Lies The Body | of SARAH HOWES | Daughter of M"" I Jeremiah Howes & | Mr« Moriaii His | Wife who Dec^ DecC I yc — ''^ 1756 Jii l^*-''' I 6''^ )-ear of her age. 286. Here Lies ye ]iody | of Uv^ MERLVII | HOWES y= Wife of M'' I Jeremiah Howes | Who Departed | This Life Feb'T y^ 14^'^ | 1757 Li Her 43^1 | year of Her Age. 287. Li memory of JOSEPH ] son to Mr William ] Torrev & Marv his I Wife who died April i ye 25''' 1757 aged \ 18 months & 4 | da\-s. 288. Here Hes buried the Body of | Collo JAMES WARREN Esq'- I who departed this Life | y///i' the 2'' 1757 | \n the 58''^ }-car I of his Age. CqI. James Warrkn was the son of James and Sarah (Doty) Warren; l:)orn 1700. Married Penelope, daiigluer of Isaac and Sarah (Wensley) Winslow, of Marshfield, 1724, and had five children, one of whom, (jeneral_/?w<'.f, became famous as an officer in the Revolutionary war. 289. Here Hes the Body of | GEORGE 1VATS0.V son of | GEORGE WATSON Esq"- | & ELIZABETH his wife | Died August lO^'i I 1757 I Aged 16 Days. 290. In Memory | of M^^ HANNAH ] CHURCHILL | (wife of M"- 1 Eleazer Ciiu I RCHILE) who | died Sept ye 19th | ijz,j in ye I 66'!^ )'ear of | her age. 291. In Memory of | WILLIAM son to | M"" James Drew | & Mrs Mary his | Wife born Decmr | ye 29th 1755 | DeC^ Sep' ye 2511^ I 1757. 292. In memory of Mr^ | PRISCILLA DREW ye | wife of M"- Lemuel | Drew who dec'i | Oct \-e 2^1 1757 I Aged 25 years | 5 months & 2 days. 293. Here Hes Buried | M'^ RUTH DOTY | (the Wife of | CoHo Thomas Doty) | Who Departed this Life | October ii''^ 1757 1 In ye — year ] of her Age. 294. Here Hes Interr'd | the Body of | M--^ ELIZABETH LOTHROP I ReHct to the | Hon^^ie Isaac Lothrop lisq^ | She departed this Life | Ocf the ig''* 1757 in the | Si^t Year of her age. 295. Here Lies The | Body of EBENEZER | HOWES son of Mr I Jeremiah Howes | & Mr^ Moriaii His ] Wife who Deed No I vcm"- ye 71)1 1757 | In ye 16''^ year of | His Age. 34 EIMTAlilS FROM IU'RIAL HILL 296. In Memory of | JAMES HARLOW | son of M"" SAMUEL & Mrs I MERCY HARLOW who \ died Dec y^ 26 1757 I A;^cd 7 weeks & 6 da}'s. 297. In Memory of | Mr^ HANNAH | HOLMES y^ Widdow I of Mr Elezer | HOLMES Born | March ye 15th | 1692 dec'l I April >'C 7^'^ | 1758 | Aged 66 years. 298. In Memory of | LYDIA Daughter | to M'' Cornelius | Holmes & Mrs | Lvdlv his Wife | Who dec'l July | ye igt'^ 1758 j Aged I year 6 | Months & 13 | days. 299. In Memory of ] M^s MERCY LEMOTE j Wife to M"" Mattiiew I Lemote She Dec^l | Augs' ye S^h | 1758 in ye 54111 | year of her Age. 300. In memory of | BRADEORD son to M^ | Caleb S-rrrsoN & | Mr^ Abigail his | Wife Who Dec^' | Sept ye 5th 1758 I Aged I year 3 | months & 13 | Days. 301. ELIZABETH Daughter | to M"" Perez Tillson | & Elizaketii his W^ife | And grand daughter of | Capt TllOMAS DOTV I Died Oct^ 26^1' N. S. | 1758 In ye 711^ | year of her Age. 302. Here Lies Buried | M-", LOTHROP RICKARD | Who Died March | ye 6tli 1759 | Aged 27 years. 303. THOMAS I (sonof Capt | Gideon & | M''^ Johanna j White) Died | April ye io*h | 1759 Aged | 10 Months | & 10 Days. 304. In Memory of DEBORAH | ye Daughter of M^ j Thomas & Mrs Sarah | Davee Who Dec^i | May ye 4111 1759 j Aged 9 years 1 1 Months | & 26 Days. 305. In Memory of | BliNJAMIN /on to Mr | P:benezer Samson | & Mr* Hannah | His Wife Who Dec^l | June ye 21st 1759 I in ye 191'^ Month | of his Age. 306. In I Memory | of | M>- CON/IDER HOWLAND | who I departed this life | Augt 8^^ 1759 | aged | 60 years. 307. In Memory of | M«-s ESTHER HOLMES wife | of Mr ELEAZER HOLMES \ who died Augt 26 1759 in ye | 39 year of her age. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 35 308. In Memory of IVU | BKXJAMIX l^ARNES | son of Mr William | Bar\i-:s He Dec*^' April | y<^ i2t'i jj^q in yc 431^ | year of liis age. 309. In Memory of M>- | ZRPIIENIAII \ MORTON \\\\o \ deed Oct« ye iQt'i | 1760 in )-e | 46^11 year of | his age. 310. In Memory of Mr« | LYDIA HOLMES Wife | Of Mr Gershum I Holmes Who Dec'i | Nov'' y^ 2o''i 1760 | In ye 47'^ year | of Her Age. 311. Here lye/the body of | Mr yOFIN COOPE'' \ who deed Decemb"' | the d^'"" 1760 aged | 62 year/ 11 month/ — & 14 day/ 312. In Memory of | Capt JABEZ SHURTLEEF | Who Dec*^' Janu'T yc 22^ | 1761 In yc | jy year of His | age. 313. Here Hcs buried | Doctr JO/EPH LEBARON | Wlio dectl May y^ ii | 1761 In ye 39th | year of his age. Dr. Joseph LeBaron was the son of Dr. Lazarus and I-ydia (Bartlett) LeBaron; born 1722; was a physician in the West Indies for a time, and returned to his native town where, he died, as above. 314. In Memory of | Capt JOSIAH | MORTON Who | Dec- | ye 3d 1762 In ye 26th I year of Her Age, El'ITAPIIS FROM HURIAL HILL. T^J 333. Here Lies | Buried yc Body of | M'" THOMAS SPOONER I who Departed this | Life Decern'"- iQ^h | Anno Domini 1762 I in y^ 68'1> )-ear | of liis | A^e. 334. In Memory of M' | JOSHUA BRAMHALL | Who deed Janu^y y^ | 21st 1763 In | ye So'l^ \'ear of Iiis | age. 335. Here lye/ the body of | Mr« HANNAH COOPER y^ | wife to Mr JOHN CooPER ] who dec*' March yc 141I1 | 1763 aged 52 yeary | 4 Months & 18 days. 336. In Memory of Mr^ | ELEZEBETH MORTON Wido^^ | ofCapt JosLMi Morton | Who dcc^ March ye | 2i«t 1763 | In ye ^jst year of I her age. 337. Here hes buried ] M'' SAMUEL CLARK ] who died April I ye 2"^' 1763 | aged jG years. 338. Here Lies Buri | ed ye Body of M^s | HANNAH JACKSON I widdow of M"" Jeremlaii Jack ] /on who Dccea/'l | June 29^'^ 1763 | in ye 84^'^ year | of her | Age. 339. In Memory of ELIZABET'^ | Daughter to M-" | Sa.MLEL & Mrs ExPERlNce | Jack/on his Wife who | dec^l July ye 31st I "jGi I Aged 1 1 days. 340. In Memory of | ABNER Son to M-" | Ebenezer Rider Ju'i & I Mrs Sarah His | Wife Boren June | ye 291'^ 1760 | Dec'^- Augs< I ye I9ih 1763. J*} 341. In Memory of Mr^ | SARAH STEPHENS ye wife | of Mr Eleazer Stephens | who dec'i Oct" ye 28^11 | 1763 In ye 43d )'car I of her age. 342. Here lies ye body | of Mr^ ABIGAIL HEDQe | Daugh- ter of M*" I Barnabas Hedge | & Mr^ Mercy his j Wife who decfl I Decm^^r ye 9*11 1763 | Aged 26 years. 343. Here lyes buried | 4 children of M^ EPHRAIM | SpoonER & Mrs Elizabeth his wife,| Viz lA A Son born April i/t 1764 | lived 20 hours, 2'' ELIZABETH dec^ | April 17'h 1767 Aged i year 7 | Months & 12 Days, 3d EPHRAIM j deed Deer 2d 1769 Aged 2 years | & 7 Months, 4th EPHRAIM deed | Aug 4th 1775 Aged 4 years | & 4 Months, 38 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 344. Here lies buried | ELIZABETH Daughter | to M"- B'-'NJA^^^■ | Barns & Mr^ ELizanETii | his Wife who | Died April }'e 2 I St I 1764 aged one | \-ear & 8 months. 345. Memento Mori | In Memory | of | Capt JOSEPH FULGHUM I who I Departed this Life June 14th | 1764 Aged about 44 Year^. 346. In Memory of | ELIZABETH WATSON | Dau> of GEORGE I WATTSON Esq-" & | ELIZi^' his wife j Died Septic"" 14(1^ I 1764 I Aged 15 Days. 347. Here Lies buried | the Body of M-' | THOMAS BARTLETT | who Departed this | Life Sept y'-' 28^1^ 1764 | In ye 71st year I of His Age. 348. Here Lies buried I the Body of Mr^ | ABIGAIL BARTLETT ye | wife of M' Thomas | Bartlett who Depar- ted I this Life March ye 13th | 1765 in ye 68^'' | year of her age. 349. In Memory of | BARNABV son to | M^ Benjam" | Morton born | Janay ye 28th I 1759 dec'l Aug^t | ye 28'^ 1765. 350. Here Lyes Buried \ Mr^ MARY CLARK | ye Widow of Mr Samuel | Clark who Decci | Oct" ye ist 1765 | in y^ 73^1 year of | Her age. 351. Here lies buried | Mr^ PRUDENCE Widow to | M"" Thomas We/ton | who dec^l Jan'V ye 4th | 1766 In ye 59th | year of her age. 352. Here lies Buri | cd ye Body of | That Virtuous | Woman Mr^ REBE | CCA TURNER | (wife of M-" | David Turner) | Who died Jan^ | ye 21 1766 Aged | 54 Years 10 Mont | hs & A I I Days. 353. Here lyes buried | 5 Children of Capt SLMEON \ SAMSON & Mrs DEBORAH his wife | Viz i^t SIMEON born May 6th 1765 | dec'l March 22^ 1766 | 2^1 SIMEON born Dec^ Stl^ 1766 I deed Deer iQth 1766 | 3d A Son /till born Sepr 15th 1770 I 4th MARY born June 3'' 1775 | dec^ Octr i^t 1777 | 5''^ MARTHA WASHINGTON born Sepr | 4th ,779 jec'd Sept 25th 1780. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 39 354. Here Lies buried | ANNA Daf^r to M"- | Na'IHANIEL Goodwin | & Mr^ Lydia his wife | who Dec' July ye 14th | 1766 Aged 1 I Months | & 3 days. 355. Hero Hes ye Body | o{ HAXNAH ROBBfNS \ Dau'" of the Rev'd | M>- CHANDLER & | M'> JANE ROBBINS \ Died July 17th 1766 I Aged lO Months. 356. P^ere lies buried ye Body of | M-" WILLIAM RICK- ARD I who departed this Life | Augu/t 2o"» 1766 | Aged 32 Years. • 357. In Memory of | ABIGAIL RUSSELL | Daughter of Mr JOHN j RrSSELLSc J/iTA'D' his wife | Aged 18 Months | Died Ocf 23'' 1766. 358. Here lies buried | Mr^ ABIGAIL RIDER | ye Widdow of Mr I Jo/eph Rider Daughf" | to Capt Benjamin | Warren Dec'l who I Departed this life Dece^r | yc 5tl» 1766 in )-e 6j^^ \ year of her Age. 359. Here lyes buried | JOSEPH RIDh:R | — Dec^l | Dec^ 29''^ j 1766 In 1 ye 95th year | of his Age. 360. Here Lies buried | Mr^ SU/ANNA | STEPHENS Wife to Mr I PLleazer Stephens who | Dec^ Decemr ye 30th | 176(5 in ye 37th year | of her Age. 361. Here lies Interr'd ] the Body of Mr | JAMES CURTIS | who departed | this Life Januar)- | ye 15111 A. D. 1767 in | ye 32*^ year of his | Age. 362. Here lies Interr^ | the Body of Mrs | SARAH SPOON \ ER who dece | a/ed January | ye 25^11 A. D. 1767 | in ye 72^ Year of | her Age She was widow | to Thomas SPOONer. Z6i. Here Lies burie^ | Mrs PATIENCE | JOHN/ON | ye wife I of Mr Jo/iah I John/on who | Deed Febry ye jst | 1767 | aged 38 years. 364. Here Lies buried | REBEKAH Daf^r | to Mr Andrew | CRO/WELL& Mrs I Mary his wife | who Dec^ feb | ye 2^ 1767 | Aged 5 days. 365. Here lies buried \ Mr* ELI/ABETH HILL wife | To Mr Andrew Hill who | Dec^ F^ebry ye 3^ 1767 | In ye 22"^ year of I her Age. 40 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 366. Here Lies Interr'd the Body of ] Mrs. ELIZABETH WATSON I the wife of | GEORGE Watson Esq"- | & Daughter to the I Honl^ie PETER OLIVER Esq'- \ who Departed this Life } February ye 191'^ 1767 | Aged 32 years. 367. Here hes Interr'd | the Body of | M'^^ PATIENCE WATSON \ \\\c \\\{^ of I Mr ELK AN AH WATSON \'^\\& Departed this Life | April 20^1^ 1767 | In the Thirty fourth Year of her Age. 36S. In Memory of Mrs | HANNAH WATERMAN ye wife | of Mr John Waterman Who | Died May yc 4(1^ 1767 In ye | 54th yr of her age | & of 6 of their Sons & 2 | Daughters buried by her | who all Died In their | Infancy; their Son ELK-^ dieiJ | In Jamaica Augs' ye 31st 1759 | In ye 27'!^ year of his Age. 369. Here lies buried LIDEAY | Daughter of M^ Tiio.MAS | Jack/ox Ju""" & Mr^ Sarah | his Wife was Born | JanLv ye 16^'' 1767 I Dec^l June ye | i2tl> 1767. 370. Here Lies Interred | the Body of j Capt SAMUEL | HARLOW who | Departed this Life | June yc 17th 1767 | In ye 41st year of | his Age. 371. Here lies the Body of M's | BATH/HEBA DREW Wife 1 to Mr Nicholas Drew | who departed this | Life June ye i8ih I A. D. 1767 Aged 55 | years & 3 Months. On this foot-stone is the following inscription. 372. BATH/HEB'-i | DREW | 1767. 373. Here Lies Interrd | the Body of Capt. | JAMES NICOLSON I who departed this | Life August ye 4 1767 | Aged 58 Years i Month | & 17 Days. 374. Here Lies buried | NOAH Son to M^ | SiLVANUS Harlow & | Mrs De/ire his wife | who Dec' August | ye 23^1 1767 I Aged 3 Weeks. 375. In Memory of | M"" PEREZ TIL/ON | Who Deed Sep y^' 3 I 1767 in ye 42""^ Year j of his age. 376. Here lies buried | DEBORAH Daff to | Mr Samuel Jack/ ON | & Mrs Experience | his wife Born oc'"J ] ye 17*11 I766 Deed I oc'o ye 9th 1767. EPITAPHS FROM IJURIAL HILL. 41 lyy. Here lies buried | ye Body of I/AAC | SYMMS Son to M' I I/aac & Mrs Hana'^ I SVMMES who depar | ted this life Nov^'' ye li^t I 1767 aj^ed 5 Months. n^. Here lies buried | Capt HEZEKIAH | JACKSON who I dcc'I Fcbry yc | 6''' 1768 | In ye 30^^ year | of his Age. 379. In Memory of JOSEPH | Son of Capt Joseph | & M>-s LlRAiXA Fl'L(;iium I who | Departed this Life | FebO' 6'h 1768 Aged I I I Ycar-^ & 8 months. 380. — Mr — I & Mr-^ Elizapkth his ] wife Born march yc | 17''^ 1768 DeeJ I march ye 26''! 1768. 381. In Memory of | THOMAS SPOONER /on of | Mr Thumas Spooner & I Mrs Deborah his wife | who was Drown'd near | Clarks Island June 2\f' | 1768 age J 12 years. 382. Here Lies buried | Mr* ELI/ABETH DIMAN | ye wife of Mr 1 Damel Diman | who Dcc^l July ye i i^h | 1^(38 In yc ^gth I year of her age. 383. Here lies Buried BENj^MAN | son of Mr CORNELIUS | Holmes Jur & Mrs Lvdia | his wife who died | Augst ye 7th 1768 I aged one year 7 | months & 14 days. 384. Here lyes the body | of ye Rev^l Mr WARD | COTTON late Minister of j ye Go/"pel at HamPto" | who dyed at Plymouth | Novr ye 27 1 768 | Aged 57 years 2 | Months & 8 days. 385. In Memory of | Mr DAVID TURNER | who Deed | Janry ye 1 8th J76Q I III ye 7(5th year | of his Age. 386. Here lies Enterd | ye Body of | SAMUELL BAR- TLETT E/qr | who departed this | life March ye 25th | 1769 Aged 72 years. 387. Here lyes Inter'd the j Body of SALOME | Daughter of I William Hall | Jack/on & Deborah | his wife who de | parted this life ye | 2"] of July A. D. 1769 | Aged 10 Mounths j & 2 days. 388. Here lies Interrd ye body | of M^s MERCY THOMAS \ ye wife of Doctor | Willi AM Thomas | who departed this life | Augu/t ye 3d A. D, 1769 I in ye 44th year of her | Age. 42 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 389. Here Lyies Intcr'd | the Body of M-" | SAMUEL MARSON I who departed this | Life Augt 28 A. D. 1769 | aged 6^ years | 4 Months & 25 Da)-s. 390. In Memory of | M"" JOHN MAY | who Dec^' Sept yt | 4th 1769 Aged I 46 }'ears & 8 months. 391. Here Hes buried | EXPERIENCK Daugh"" | of Capt Jai;i:z Harlow | & Mr^ Experien'CE | his wife who | dec' Sep"" ye ijth 1769 I aged 13 years 4 | Months & 18 days. 392. In Memory of | Mr^ BETHIAH [ WATERMAN | Who Dec^l I Sept ye igth | i^^q | Aged 18 | years & i | Day. On a foot-stone is the foUmving inscription. Also the letters B. J. 393- 1769 I i8t'' \-ear of his tige. 394. Here Hes buried | Mr« SARAH BARN^ ] ye Wife of M"" I Seth Ba^NS I who dec^I March | y^' 191'! 1770 | In ye 67^'! year | of his Age. 395. In Memory of | Mr^ BETH/HEBA MAY | ye widow of M'" JoH\ I Mav, who Dec^I May ye 20''^ | 1770 Aged: 45: years | & 3 : months. 396. Here hes burie'i Mr^ | E/THER WARREN | widow of Capt I Be"jamin Warren who | dec^ Novb>' ye I'^t j i^-j-^q ^ged 88 >-ears. 397. Here hes buried | M-" JOHN HARLOW | who Dec'' Jan'^' I ye 30t'> 1771 Aged 87 | years i Month & 2"^ days. 398. Here hes Buried ye | Body of M^s LYDIA HOV | EY kite wife of James | Hovey Esq'" & Daughter | of ye late Dec'i John I Arwooi) dec^' she died | Febi'V ye 23=' 1771 In ye | 56''^ year of lier age. 399. In memory of | Mr THOMAS DAVIE | who died at Sea I March 5 1771 aged 27 \-ears | Also in memory of | Mrs JANE DAVIE I who died Janry 25 1824 | aged 75 years | widow of the above | Blessed are the dead that die in the LORD. 400. Here lies Interrd | the Body of M>- | NATHANIEL GOODWIN I who departed this Life | ye Twenty third Day of | Ma\' one Thoii/and [/even hundred and j /eventy one | in y^ forty eight year [ of his Age. EF'irAi'IIS FROM HURIAI, HILL. 4^ 401. Here lies Interr'd | the Body of | M"" MELATIAIT LOTHROP 1 who Departed this Life | July 6'^' 1771 \ Aged 70 years. 402. Mere lies buried | DANIEL Son to M^ | Daniel Ho/E.v & M'"'^ I Haxna'^ his Wife | Born Jan''y ye | 291'^ 1769 dccfl | Sept'- ye 2711^ 1 77 1. 403. To 1 The Memory | of | AK--^ ELISABKTH CLARKl-: [ who (lied | September 27t'> 1771 | /ET. 26. T/io' tJic pale coi'pfe is in the Grave ConfiJie'd She leaves a Pattrr.i for her Sex behind. The Sun of Virtue never can decay, It shines in Time, &" gives eternal Day. 404. Here lies Interrd | ye body of LEWIS | y« Son of John Bar I 'iLETT & Dorothy | his Wife who de | parted this Life | Januar\' y'- 9''> 1772 | Aged i }-ear 9 mo | nths & 20 Da)-s. 405. Here lies burie'l | Mr^ MARCY HARLO^v | Widou- 1 > Mr ! WiLLLVM Harlow | Who dec'l Janu'^y | \-'-2ist 1772 in y \ jy^^'^ year of her Age. 406. To the memory of | HANNAH Daughter | of Na TH' Goodwin | and Molly his Wife | Who died May yc 5 | 177- yEtatis 8 Days. 407. Here lies Interred the body | of AL WILLIAM RIDER | Who departed this Life | June the 29''! ] A. D. 1772 j In the 49'h year of his Age. 408. In Memor\^ of | ELIZABETH Daughter of M-" | Jamls Drew & M-"^ Mary | his wife who died Jul\- 24''^ | 1772 aged 2 years 10 months | & 12 days. 409. Hero Lyes Inter'd yc | Body of SOUTHWORTH | son to IcHAiioi) I Shaw & Priscilla | his wife he died | Sepf >''^ 9th Day I A. D. 1772 | Aged 7 Month^ and | 6 Days. 410. Here lies Buried | 4 children of Cap' JoHN Bi/llOl' | & M'- Adkiaii, his wife | Viz \A MARY died Sep"" 24^^^ 1772 \ aged I year f; 11 months | 2 J ABIGAIL died JanX 17'*^ 1774 | aged 7 days I 3^1 MARY died JanX 151!^ 1774 | aged 15 days | 4^'' JOHN died Sep''25-» 1778 | aged 11 months. 44 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 411. To perpetuate yc memory | cf M''-' MARY BACON \ Consort of y^ Rcv'l M-" | JACOB BACON wXio \ departed thi;> Life much | Lamented, Nov. 17 1772 | in y'^ 55 Year of her Age | is this Stone here /ct | up & thus marked | with her name. 412. Here lyes buried 4 children of ]\Ir | Je/se Churciiell & M's Abigai. his wife | Viz I ft JE/SE born Nov^ lo^h 1772 | Aged 12 Days 2d ABIGAL WORCESTER | born June 25th 1778 Aged 2 Months | & 12 Days 3d ABIGAL born March | 23d 1782 dcc'd July 24th 1783 I 4th DAVID born July 30 17S4 dec'd I Jany i i 1788. 413. REBECCA FULLER | Deceased Deceml"" | 25'!^ 1772 Aged I I year 4 months and | 13 Days Daughf^r of | M"" John Fuller and | Rebecca his Wife. 414. Here lies Interrd the | Body of M'' | JOHN BAR- TLETT I who departed this | life February the 6th | A. D. I 773 /E -j-j years. 415. Here lies y^ body | of Capt JABEZ II AR \ LOW \xho died I March ye 8^'^ A. D. 1773 | in ye 40^^ Year of his | Age. 416. In Memory of M'^ \ HANNAH HO/EA | Wife of M-" Daniel | Ho/EAwho deed March | ye ijth lyyi^ jii ye 24th | year of her age: Daugh^r | to Dec" JOSEPH Bartlett. 417. Here lies buried | JO/EPH Son to Mr | Jo/eph Bar- TLETT & Mt's I Mary his Wife who | deed March ye 26'h 1773 | Aged I Month & i \ days. 418. Here lies buried | the Body of | Mrs MARY CROS- WELL I wife of M'' Andre^ Croswell | who departed this Life Augu/t I 30''! 1773 in ye 29^'^ year | of her Age. 419. In Memory of ] Doctor LAZARUS LE BAROxN | who departed this Life | Sep"" 2d 1773 /Etatis Sual 75. My flesh fJiall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpei'sjoyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviour s image rise. Dr. Lazarus Le Baron w.is the son of Dr. Fr.incis and Mary (Wilder) Le Baron ; born 1698; married Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Lydia ((iriswold) Bartlett, 1720. Studied medicine and became an eminent physician, and had extensive practice from 1720 to the day of his death as above. EI'ITAI'MS FROM BURIAL Hll.L. 45 420. To the memory of I M"^ HANNAH SYMMES | the wife of I M"" Isaac Svmmf.s | who died Oct'^"" lA | 1773 /l£t. 3, 421. Here Hes | buried PATIENCE | Daughf to M^ | David Turner | & M''^ Debc^raii | his Wife who | dec'* I)ecm'> ye I gth i-jji Aged I 4 Months | & 27 days. 422. In Memory | of | M>-s JOANAH HOLMES | who de- parted this I Life Dec"" 17''^ 1773 in | y^ 'jG-^^ year of her | Age. 423. In Memorx- | of | M''^ SARAH SPLNKS | who departed tliis Life I April y^ 3'! 1774 Aged | 38 \-ears wife | of AL NICHO- LAS SriNK. 424. Here lyes Buried ye body | of M^^^ MARY HOVEY late I wife of James Hovev E/q | /he dyed on ye 2^1 day of j June A 1774 in )'e 44th Year | of her Age. 425. This Stone | is erected to the Memory | of | Cap' ABRAHAM HAMMATT | who | departed this Life June 23*1 | and in the )-ear of our Lord 1774 | /Etatis 55. 426. This Stone is erected | to the memory of | Mi's PATIENCE HOWLAND | who departed this Life | July ye 23^1 I 774 in ye 52<^1 year | of her Age she was Widow | of Cap' JOHN HOWLAND I who died on ye Florida shoar | A. D. 1750 in ye 59'^ year of his Age. 427. In Memory of I SARAH Daughter of M"" | Jc/erh Tribell Ju^ & MI'S I Sarah his wife who died | Ocf 28 1774 aged I )'ear. 428. In Memory of | W^ MARCY FOBES | widow of | M^ Joshua P\)BES | who died Novr 19''^ 1774 | in ye 78^11 year of her Age. 429. In Memory | of | M^s MARY TORREY wife to | Deacon JohnTorrey I who departed this Life | Dec^ ye 31/-' 1774 in ye 43"^! I )'ear of her Age. 430. In I memory | of | M^s RUTH HOWLAND | Relict of I Mr Con/ider HowlanI) I who I departed this life | Jan ii«'i J 775 I aged 61 years. 431. In Memory | of | ROBERT BROWN | who | Departed this Life | January ye 21^' A. D. 1775 | in ye 93'i )-ear of his Age. 46 EPITAPHS P^ROM BURIAL HILL. 432. This stone is Erected | to the memory of ROBERT | ROBERTS who died at the j Ishmd of St. Domingo Apr. 12 j 1775 in the ^2 year of his age | Also in memory of SARxA-H | R0BL:RTS Widow of the Above | who died March i 1826 | aged 78 years | Also their Daughter SARAH | who died March 4 '775 I aged 2 years & 6 months. Ti// Christ shall come to ronsc the shiuibcr'nig dead Farezvell pale lifeless elay a loiig- fareivell. 433. In Memory of | M-" NEHEMIAH RIPLEY | who departed this Life | April ye 28''^ 1775 in y^ | 75th year of his Age. 434. To I the memory | of | Cap^ JOHN HARLOW | who died June 20''^ 1775 | aged 44 years. 435. In Memory of | REMEMBER Daugh"" of | Cap' Samuel Harlow | & Mrs Remember his | Wife Born Novi^r ye | 1 2th \-j-jo Died I June ye 23^^ 1775- 436. In Memory | of | Capt THOMAS JACKSON [ who departed this Life | July ye 10''' 1775 Aged | 75 years. 437. In memory of | SILVANUS /on of Cap' | SiLVANUS Harlow and | M^^ Desiaii his wife | who died Sep'r ye 5th | I 775 Aged I I years. 438. In Memory | of | M>- EPHRAIM COBB | who departed this Life I Sep"" ye 6''^ 1775 Aged | 6-j years. 439. In Memory of | M-" DAVID TURNER | who died Octo'^r I ye 4th 1775 in I ye ^rth yga^ of j his Age. 440. In Memory of | BENJAMIN /on of | Setii Harlow and I SAF-iAH his wife who | died Ocf ye 17111 | 1775 aged II years. 441. In :\Icm..ry of | PACIENCE COLEMAN | TURNER Daughi'- to I Mr David Turner & | M^s Deborah his | wife deed Octo'"- | ye 191I1 1775 | Aged lO Months | & 4 days. 442. In Memory of [ M^^ ELIZABETH JACKSON | wife of I Mr N.VTIIANIEL Jacksox I who departed this Life Ocf | 27''> 1775 Aged 28 years. EriTAPIIS FROM r.URIAL HILL. 47 443. In Memory of | the dec'd Children of M"" | WiLLLVM & Mrs Sarah | Le Baron Viz WILLIAM | dec'd Novi"- 18 1775 aged I 7 days WILLIAM dec'd Ocf | 21 1788 aged 17 months. 444. In Memory of | REMEMBER Daughr | of Cap' Sam- uel I Harlow & M^s | Remember his wife | Born AugA yc 4th 1773 I Died Nov'^r ye 20^'! 1775- 445. To the Memory of I JOSEPH Son of | AL JosEi'H Croswell 1' I & Lucy his wife who | died Dec"" 8"i 1775 | Aged 5 }'ears i | Month & 11 Days. 446. To the Memory of | DEBORAH Daughter | of Mr WILLIAM I HARLOW %L M''^ SARAH \ his wife who died | Dec 23<^1 A. D. 1775 | Aged 7 Year & 6 months. 447. In memory of | JOHN LEWIS Son | of IVL John BarTLETT I and M'"^ DOROTHV | his wife who died | April ye i^t 1776 Aged I 2 }'ears & 2y \ Days. 448. In Memory | of | M"" NATHANIEL | MORTON ye 3d who I departed this Life Novbr | ye 20''^ i^jG in ye 23^ | year of his Age. 449. In Memory of | M^-^s MERIAH Dau^ of | M^ JERE^^AH 6 Mrs I Hannah Howes who | Died Dec 2'' 1776 | In ye 15th Year of | her Age. 450. In Memory of | M^^ HANNAH DIER Widow of | Mr John Dier who died Deer 2 j 1776 in ye 79 year of her age. 451. In Memory | of | JOHN r<97^7?^FEsqr | who departed this Life | Decemr ye i6th 1776 in ye 60th | year of his Age. /;/ Faith he dyd, in Dust he lies: But Faith foresees that Dust shall rise When Jesus with almighty tvord, Calls his dead Saints to meet the Lord. 452. To the memory of | Mrs ABIGAIL SAMPSON | wife of Mr I Stephen Sampson | who died of the j Small pox Janry ye 9 A. D. 1777 I in the 45 year of her age. 453. In Memory | of | Mr JOB FOSTER \ who departed this Life | JanY ye 22^^ 1777 in ye 22^ | year of his Age. 48 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 454. In Memory | of | THOMAS FOSTER Esq-" | who departed this Life | JanY ye 24^11 1777 in y^ 741'! | year of his Age. 455. Here lies Buried the Body of | M'"'^ HANNAH GOODWIN \\^c wife of | M^ JOHN GOODWIN and Daughter of I Mr THOMAS and M^s SARAH JACKSON \ who departed this Life March 8^'^ A. D. 1777 | in the 22cl Year of her Age. A Soul prepay d Needs no delays The Smnmoiis eonies, the Saint obeys Swift was Her flight & short the Road She clofed her Eyes &" saw Her God The Flefh refts here till ycfits comes And claijus the Treafnre from the Tomb. 456. In Memory | of | M^^^ JERU/HA DOTEX | wife of Capt I Thomas Dotkn | who departed this | Life Apriel ye 241'^ ^m I ''I >''^ 3'-^^ \xar of her Age. 457. In Memory | of | M's REBECCA MORTON | wife of M-- NATHANIEL \ MORTON who departed | this Life May ye 1 -th 1777 I in ye 41st year of her age. 458. In memory of | CORBAN Son of Cap' j CORBAN BarXP:s & Mrs I Marv his wife who | died July ye 21st 1777 | Aged I year 2 Months | & 15 Days. 459. Here lies buried | ANDREW /on of M'' | Andrew & M'S Sarah | Croswell who dec'i | Sep'' 23^' 1777 ^-Et. 13 | months & I 7 da\'s. 460. In Memory of | 4 Children of M'" SAMUEL & M^— | Viz SAMUEL died Sep'" 28 1777 | I/AAC died Sep'" 14 1703 aged 5 — I died Sep^ 25 1786 aged i year — | 1791 aged 9 months & 19 da\-s. 461. In Memory of ] — HOS /on of Capt Amos Rider & | Mrs Mehitable his wife who died | Oct. 14 1777 | Aged i year 5 mont | & 25 days Al/o In Memory of | AMOS their 2'' /on who died Feby 14 | I 788 Aged 3 months & i I days. 462. In Memory | of i M^s HANNAH JACKSON | widow of Capt THOMAS \ JACKSON dec'd who | departed this Life Jany ye | 21A 1778 Aged 70 years. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 49 463. In Memory | of | M> NATHANIEL CURTIS who | was Drowned att Mar/h | field March y<^ 8''^ 1778 Aged | 21 years 1 1 mon'^'s & 1 2 Da\'s. 464. In Memory of | JOS'' WARREN ALBERT"" | son of Mr Jacoh I Alhkrsox & LVDLV I his wife who was | born June 25'^^ 1778 I dec^' the same day. 465. In Memory I of I Mrs HANNAH DIMAN | wife of Deacon JON^ Diman | who departed this Life July ye 6^^' \ 1778 in ye 65^'r year of her age. 466. In memor\- of | LAZARUS /on of | NatiH Goodwin Esqr I and M^s MoLLV his | wife who deed July | y^ 29^'! 1778 ^tatis I 6 Days. 467. ANNA WETHRELL | wife of | Thomas VVethrell | Born Feb 20'!^ 1747 | Died Sept 121'^ 1778 | UVLL/AM their son I Deceased Sep 6^'i 1770 | aged i year. 468. Memento Mori | In Memory of | M'^ LURAINA wife of I Capt Joseph Fulohum | who Departed this Life | Nov"" ye 28'h 1778 In the I 53CI year of her Age. 469. In Memory | of | M^s SARAH BR AM HALL | Widow of Joshua Bramhall — who departed this Life | Dec^ ye 15th 1778 in ye 97th I year of her Age. 470. In Memory of | Cap' In Memory | of M^ DAN- JOHN I KU//EL Died | | ILL | HALL Died | Dccm^r Decm^Jr 1 ye 26th 1778 | Aged j ye 26'^ | 1778 in | ye 25th 3 I years. | year | of his Age. Capt. John Russell, of Barnstalilc, Mass., was a commander of the marines, and Daniel Hall was a Lieutenant on board of the l)rig "Oeneral Arnold," which was shii>wrecked in December I77>S, at Plymouth, in which so many lives were lost. The stone to their memory is on the brow of the hill, south east side. 471. In memory of I Mrs MARTHA DARLING— wife of Jonathan Darling & j Daughter of Joshua Bramhall | who Departed this life | January the 7th 1 779 | in the 6;^ year| of her age. U7iv J/ow )nv tears ivhy should I Not rejoice — At their deliv ranee from this combrows Clay; I soon shall meet them.' hear their Gentle voiee — Welcome my soul to everlasting day. 50 El'ITArilS FROM BIKIAL HILL. 472. IN MEMORY (3F SEVENTY TWO SEAMEN, WHO I'KRISHEl) IN PLYMOUTH HAR 150R ON THE 26f'i & 27th OF DECEAHU^R 1 778, ON BOARD THE I'RIVATE ARMED BRIG GENERAL ARNOLD OF TWEN- TY GUNS NUMBERING IN OFFICERS AND CREW ONE HUNDRED AND SIX PERSONS IN ALL, JAMES MAGEE OF BOSTON C(^MMANDER, SIXTY OF WHOM WERE BURIED ON THIS SPOT, AND TWELVE IN OTHER PARTS OF THE HILL. The inhabitants of Piynioath were calleti to witness a most distressing catastrophe in the month of December, 177S, of whicli the following is a reliable account as pnb lished in the Boston Gazette, June 4, 1779: '•On Friday, the 25th ult , at six a. m., the wind to the westward, sailed from this port the brig General Arnold, James Magee, commander; and about meridian the wind chopped round to north-east, and looking likely for a gale, they thought best to put into Plymouth, and came to anchor in a place called the Cow-yard. On Saturday, the gale increasing, she started from her anchor and struck on the White Flat. They then cut both cable and masts away, in hojjes to drive over; but she immediately bilged; it being low water, left her quarter-deck dry, where all hands got for relief. A schooner lying within hail heard their cries, but could not assist them. On Sunday the inhabitants were cutting ice most of the day before they got on board, when they saw seventy-five of the men had perished, and thirty-four very much frozen, which they got on shore and on Monday they got on shore and buried the dead. Great part of her stores, etc., will be saved. Some evil-minded jjersons have raised a report that she was plundered by the inhabitants, which is entirely false, as they Ijchaved with the greatest humanity. The following are the persons taken off the wreck of the General Arnold, that survived \.\\q ship-wreck: Capt. James Magee, John Steel, Jotham Haughton, George Piisl)ury, Peter Moorfield, Robert Hinman, Dennis Flin, Thomas Farmer, — Stevens, John Bubbev, James Hutchinson, Andrew Kellcv, P'rancis Fires, Daniel English, Robert Mitson, James Kent, — Robertson, James Rughley, of Boston: James Williams, David Williams, Chelsea; (ieorge Chocklev, Bedford; Eleazcr Thaver, — Potter, Providence; Wm. Russell, Vineyard; Abel Willis, Edwaril Bur- gess, Jethro Naughton, — Coffin, — Merchant, William Gardner, — Chajjman, Martha's Vineyard; — Dunham, P'almoulh; Barnabas Lathrop, Barnabas Downs, Jun'r, BarnstaljJe." The inhabitants of Plvmouth provided for the comfort of the survivors in the best ])ossible manner and ministered everything necessary to their restoration, with a ten- derness and social svmpalhy characteristic of our best ]:)eople. On Monday the inhabitants passed over the ice to the wreck. Here was ])resented a scene unutterably awful and distressing. It is scarcely ])ossible for the human mind to conceive of a more appalling spectacle. The ship was sunk ten feet in the sand: the waves had been for about thirty-si.K hours sweeping the main deck; the men had crowded to the C|uarter deck, and even here they were obliged to pile together dead bodies to make room for the living. .Seventy dead bodies, frozen into all im- aginable postures, were strewed over the deck, or attached to the shrouds and s])ars; about thirty exhibited signs of life, but were unconscious whether in life or death. The bodies remained in the posture in which they died; the features dreadfully dis- EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 51 torted. Some were erect, some bending forward, some sitting with the head resting on the knees, and some with both arms extended, clinging to the spars or some ])arts of the vessel The dead were piicd on the floor if the Court House, and it is said that Dr. Robbins fainted when called to jjerform the religious services. Among those who perished were IJr. Mann, of Attleborough, and Dr. Sears. Sixty jiersons were buried in one ]iit, on the south west side of the l)urial hill, at which is the above tablet. 473. In Memory of | M' LEMUEL MORTON | who departed this Life | JaiiY y^ 26''^ 1779 in yc 75th | year of His Age. 474. In Memory of | JOSHUA son of M^ | Joseph Bram- iiALL I & Mr^ Remember | his wife who died | Febry ye -th jj^g aged I 3 months & 8 Days. 475. In Memory | of | M'^ ELIZABETH THOMSON | for- merly wife to Thomas | Murdoch deC^' she departed | this Life Feb ye 24''! 1779 | in y^ 75tl> year of her Age. 476. This Monument | is erected to | the memory of | M"" SILVANUS I^UNHAM | who died in Martinico Feb'y | 1779 aged 29 years. 477. In memory of j M-" GIDEON WHITE | who departed this Hfe March | ye 6th 1^79 Aged 62 years | Al/o In Memory of | Capt CORNELIUS WHITE \ his son who Founder'd at Sea Sepr I ye 22d 1779 aged 35 years. 478. In Memory | of | M"" SILVANUS— | who departed this life I March ye 14th ijjg in ye — j year of his age. 479. In Memory of | JOHN HARLOW | who Dec'd March iQth 17 — I in ye 73d year of his age | Al/o In Memory of | ALs MARY HARLOW \ his wife who Dec'd April 2^1 | 1779 in ye 64''! yea'- of her Age. 480. In Memory of | M'' JOSEPH RIDER Ju' | who departed this Life | Ma)- ye 13''' 1779 in ye 651'! | year of his Age. 481. In Memory | of | M'^ MERCY DAVIS | wife of | Capt Thomas Davis ] who departed this Life | Sep'' }e 20«f' 1779 in yc 45th I year of her Age al/o | their son Still born i8''\ 482. In memory of I Mrs ELISABETH l^ARlLl-yiT | wife of Thomas BarTLETT | who departed this life j Sep 20 1779 | in the 32 year | of her age. 483. In Memory of | JOHN son of M> Joiix | Torrev & Mrs Meriah I his wife who died | OcU^ ye 7tl' 1779 | Aged | i year 4 Months & 19 | Days. 52 I'.ri lAi'iis i-RoM nruiAi. hill. 484. In I incm..r\- of | lllOMAS SOUTHWORTH | HOWLAXl) who I departed this life | Oct' 15^'' 1779 | ac,^ed 45 | years | In memory of] Cap^ CONSUMER IIOWLAXl) \vh(i Avas I lo/t aty'ea Oct'' 1 780 as^^ed 35 \-ears. 485. To the memory of I M'^ MOLLY GOODWIN" | wife of I Xatilwiim. GooDWIX I"^s([' I who departed this life | Octr ye 22(1 A. 1). 1779 I /Etatis 30 years. 486. In Memory of 2 Children of] M'' CunfWK LrcK & M''^ I IClizai'.f.HI his wife Viz. I'^LKANAH | died Xo\' 5 1779 aged 1 >-ear | 3 months & 1 I da\-s CRO/BK | born June 25 1780 & died the | /ame da)-. 4S7. In Memory of | M'' 1-:ZRA ALLEN | who | tlepartcd this Life Xo\->' | y^ 22'', 1779 aged 61 | Years. 488. To the memory of | M' JOHN CHURCHILL | Who whas lo/t at .Sea | In the year 1779 aged 34 >'ears | Al/o | To the memory of | M^s OLIVE CHURCHILL | Died June 28^'' 1780 aged 29 )-ears | Relict of | M'' Joiix CilLKCHlLL, | Here lies interred | The body of ] M' JOHX CHURCHILL | Died October 28^'' 1800 | In the 21-^^ )'ear of his age | onl\- son to the above Parents. Hark! the- ArcJi aiigcF s tntuipct rends tlic skies. From liarth and Ocean, see the Dead arise. The J\x rents — Son — and Daughter, meet again Wliere perfect love shall banifh fear and pain. 489. In Memory of | NANCY Daughter of M-- | JoilN GooDWLX and I M'-^ Fkar his wife who | dec'd Jan 17"' 1780 | Aged I Month & 25 Days. 490. Sic Transit (iloria Mnndi \ To | the memor\- | of | M'/=^ HANNAH HOWLAND j who died | of a Languishment | January y^ 25^1^ 1780 | /Etatis 26. Tor ns they languish & for ns they die, And shall they languish shall they die in vain. 491. In Memory of | REBPXCA Daughter of | M'' Joseph Ck()S\vl:ll & I Mr^ LUCV his wife | who died Feby y^' y\ \ 1780 Aged 8 Months | & 5 Days. EPITAl'IIS FROM IJL'RIAL HILL. 53 492. In Memory of | M- SAMUEL BARTLETT | who departed this Life | April /''' 1780 in yc 54th | year of his Age. 493. M--^ ELLEN LOTHROP \ Con/ort to NATW LOTHROP I and only Dauohter of the late Rev'' | Mr NOAH HOBART o( Fair field | was born October 56^1 1741 | and Died June ist 1780 I This Stone | An unavailing Tribute of affliction | is Erected by her Hu/band | To her Memory. 7'o name her J ^irtiics ill befits my grief, What once ivjs blifs can iuko give no relief, A Ilnfoand ino'^rns — The reft let friendship tell, Frieiids knew her ivorth : a Ihifoand knezu it well. 494. Li Memory of | M>-s HANNAH NICOLSON | wife of | Capt James NiCOLSON | who died Sept 24 1780 | aged 75 years. 495. In llcmory of | JAMES HOVEY Esq | who dec'd Jan'y ye yth I 78 I I in y^ 72<^' year of his Age. 496. A. D. I 1 78 1 I March 4 died ] WILLIAM WATSON Jun I Aged 24 years | June 24 died | BENJAMIN WATSON | In the 2 1st Year of his Age | Only sons of WiLL'" Wai/on Esq"- | And Elizabeth his Wife. | And | Here lie | Interred | B. W. | W. W. 497. In Memory of | M>-s MARY MORTON | wife of | Mr Nathaniel Morton | who dec'd March 7^'! 1781 | in ye 63<^- year of her Age, 498. In Memory of | AL^ MARGARET KEEN [ widow of I M"" WiLLL\M Keen | who departed this Life April | 26^^^ 1 78 1 in yc 66^^^ year | of his Age. 499. Memento Mori | In Memory of M^s EUNICE | wife of Mr Ebene/er Robins | who Died June ye 4th 2781 | In ye 46''^ year of her Age | In Memory of EBENEZER their | son who died in Captivity In | the 21/^ year of his Age | Af/o | InMemor\-of 4 infant children | viz CONSIDER, LEVI, JOANNA & LEVI | who Lie buried by her. • 500. In Memory of | MARY BENNET Daughter | of M^ Joseph Bramhall | & M^s Remember his | wife who dec'ijuly I ye 20th 1 78 1 Aged I I year & 4 Days. 54 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 50 r. In Memory of | M-" NATHANIEL MORTON | who departed this Life | Augu/t 13''^ 1 78 1 in | ye 50^'^ )-ear of his Age. 502. In Memory of | STEPHEN /on of | M-" William Bartlett I & Mrs Mercy his | wife who died Sep"" | ye lo^'' 1781 in ye 2^ I year of his age. 503. In memory of | JONATHAN /on of | Cap^ Elkanah Bart | left & M'^ Sarah | his wife who died | Sept ye 17th 1 78 1 I Aged 15 months. 504. To the memory | of | M^s SARAH DELENO | wife of I Capt Nathan Deleno | who died Sept 21./? 1781 | in the 69th year of her age. 505. To I the memory of | Coh THEOPHILUS COTTON | who departed this Life | FebY ye iS^'i 1782 — /Etatis 66 years. " T/ie finn Patriot there Who made the welfare of mankind his car'' Shall know he cojiqiieredy Col. Theophilus Cotton was the son of Josiah and Hannah (Sturtevant) Cotton ; born 1716, married Martlia Saunders 1742. He was a zealous and active whig and patriot, and served sometime in the provincial army. He left several children. 506. In Memory of | M-^s LYDIA WASHBURN | wife of Mr JOHN 1 WASHBURN \\\\o dec'd | May ye 12th 1782 in ye | 47t'i year of her Age. 507. To the Memory of | Mr^ MERIAH rORR^-Y \\\{ 1782 .4^1=* | i year & 4 days. 511. In memory of | 2 Cliildren of W Lazarus | HarLOW & M--* Sarah his | wife Viz. LAZARUS died Oct | 3 1782 aged 14 montlis I GRACY died April 21 1790 | aged 6 years. 512. In Memory of ! M-- SILAS MORTON | who died Goto ye 30tli I 1782 In the 55^'' year | of his Age. 513. Nov'' )■ — I Aged II years & — | Not youth, nor parts, nor friends could save. The ufisuspecting victim from the i^rave Like a fair flower that fades in early bloom, In life s bright morn he met his early tomb Thd harsh the stroke and most severe the rod Cease mourner cease — // ivas a stroke from God. This stone is broken. On tlie foot-stone is inscribed: ISAAC SAMSON | 1782. 514. In Memory of | M--^^ MARTHA wife of | M"- SiLAS MoRTOiX who j died DeC ye 12th 1782 | Aged 52 Years | & 8 Months. 515. Here lies buried ye body | of M^-^ 7,^/5 COLIJNGS | wife of Mr JAMES COL \ LLNGS \\'\X.\\ an Infant | in her amies who died | March \/^ 1783 in ye 28th | year of her age. 516. In Memory of | M^s JEMIMA TAYLOR | wife of Capt JACOB TAYLOR \ who dec'd March I4t'^ 1783 | in ye 52'! year of her Age \ Al/o In Memory of M-" JACOB \ TAYLOR their Son who was Drown'd | Nov"" 26i'» 1783 in ye 21// year of his Age. 517. In Memory of | Dea" JOSEPH BARTLETT | who died May 30 1783 I in ye 80 year of his age. 518. In Memory of | Mrs ABIGAIL DOTEN | Wife of Mr WILLIAM I DOTEN \\\\o dec'd | Julys 17^3 Aged | 25 years. 519. In memory of | WILLIAM /on of | David & M"^^ Elizabeth | Drew who died July | 21/'' 1783 Aged i year | 6 Months & 21 days. 5 6 KlMTAl'IIS FROM ISURIAL HILL. 520. In memory of | HENRY Son of M"- | BARNABAS & M^s | POLLV his wife who | died July y^' 22'1 1783 | Aged lO months & 8 I Days. 521. In Memory of 2 Children | Sons of M"" Richard Holmes | & M'« Aimcail his wife [ ist REUBEN born June 8''' 1782 died Aug. 2 1783 | 2'i REUB born Sep"" 17111 | died 26^^ I 78 5. 522. In Memory of | 2 Children Daughters of M"" | JUDAH Delano & M--* Penelope | his wife, Viz \P SALOME died | Scpr 6tl^ 1783 Aged I year 5 | months — Days, 2^1 PENELOPE | died April 9 1784 Aged 2 Days. 523. In Memory of | M^^ ELIZABETH BARTLETT | widow of I M"" Samuel BartleTT | who departed this Life | Sepi" I2tli 1 783 in ye 48''! I year of her Age. 524. In Memory of | THOMAS FORSTER PRINCE I Son of Mr JA^U':s | Prince & Mr« Eunice | his wife who died Sepf | 13^11 1783 Aged I year | & 4 Months. 525. In Memory of | DAVID /on of M^ | Joseph Croswell & I Mrs LUCV his wife ] who died Sep^ 29''! | 1783 aged I year 2 I months & 8 days. 526. In Memory of | EZRA THAYER JACKSON /on of | Mr TIIO^L\s Jackson 2^^ & | M^s Lucy his wife who | died Novr 23^1 1783 Aged I 25 Days. What did the Littl: hasty sojonni*' find So forbidding' cV disgustful in our upper World to oc cat ion its prtcipita?it exit. 127. To the Memory of | M's HANNAH SYMMES | wife of I Mr I/aac Symmes I who died Deer 13111 | 1783 M^ 35^11. 528. To the memory of | 3 Children of ICHABOD HOLMES Jr I & Rebekah his wife i^t a /on | ICHABOD Died Augu/t 26 1784 I aged 1 1 days 2^ a daughter REBEKAH j Died Noyr 13th EriTAI'IIS FROM BURIAL IIILI,. 57 1786 aged 2 I months & 14 days 3'' a /on j ICHABOD Died Jani'y 13 1799 aged j 17 months. Fresh ill the jnorn the fuDiiiicr rose Hangs ivithered ere its noon We searee enjoy the balmy gift. But mourn the pleafures gone. 529. In memory of | Mrs DEBORAH HOWLAND | wife of I Mr Calep. Howi.AM) I who departed this Life | Sep"" 8''^ 1784 in yc 48^'^ I year of her Age. 530. In Memory of | Mi/s BATH/HEBA HOLMES | Daughter of M^ Elnatiian | Holmes & Mrs liATiisiiEUA | his wife who died Sepr iit'i | 1784 aged 16 years I I montli* | & 4 days. 531. In Memory of I DANIEL/on of Mr | David Dl\L\X& Mrs I Lois his wife who died | Octr 9^'^ i 784 Aged [ 2 years & 5 Days. 532. In Memory of | JOHN /on of Mr John | Torrev & Mrs Elizabeth | his wife who died Octr 19 | 1784 aged 3 days. 533. In Memory of | Mrs MARY ALLEN | Rehct of | Mr Ezra Allen | why dec'd Jany 20th | 1785 yE. 63. 534. Here hes Inter'd | Mrs SU/ANNA ATTWOOD | (& her Infant in her armes) | wife to | Mr Wait Attwood | died Feb 5 1785 in | the 35 year of her | Age. 535. To I the memory ] of | Capt THOMAS DAVIS | who departed this hfe ] March 7th A. D. 1785 | in the 63^1 year of his age I and here hes interred. 536. In Memory of | the deceased Children of | WiLLIAM & LvDiA C. Goodwin | to wit I/A AC born April fir/t | 1785 & died the /ame day | CHARLES died Aug' 10 1791 | aged 14 months. 537. In Memory of | SARAH Daughter of Mr | Lemuel Morton & Mrs | Sarah his wife who | was born April i"^ 1785 | & dec'd yc/ame day. 58 IMM'l'AIMIS FROM IIURIAI. HILL. 538. Here lies buried | the Body of | M^s SARAH MORTON I wife of | M' Lemuel Moktox | who departed this Life I April 17'-'' 1785 in y«^ 23'^! | year of her Age. /// Her united all that' Fair & good, Short tvas her Race yet J 'Irt/ns Path she trod. 539. In Memory of | LBLNEZER /on of AL | Samikl D()Tl-:x & M""^ I I'LUMCE his wife who | died April 28^'^ 1785 | Aged 4 months & 3 | Days. 540. hi Memory of | Mrs MARY BARTLETT | wife of M-" WiLLLVM Bartlett who died July | 16 1785 in y^ 56 year | of lier age. 541. In Memory of | M--^ MARY RIDER | widow of | M'' John Riuer | who dec'd Aug/t 24^^ | 1785 aged 69 )-ears | 10 niontlis & 25 da)-s. 542. In Memory of | M-' ELEAZER STEPHENS | who departed this Life | Sep"" 5^'^ 1785 in y^ 63^1 | year of his Age. 543. In Memory of | 2 Children of M^ Barnap.as | CiiL'RciiiLL & Mrs Sarah his | wife Viz: BARNABAS died Sep' I 14 1785 aged lO months & 14 | days BARNABAS dietl Dec 8 I 1789 aged 10 months & 3 days. 544. In Memory of I M^s SARAH BARTLETT | wife of | Dea'i Joseph BARii.ETr | who died Dec'' 23 1785 ] in y^ 80 year of her age. 545. In Memory of | SAMUI'T. \Vh:/"T /on of M'' | Richard Bac.\ELL& M""* | Bethiah his wife who died | Jany 12 1786 aged 4 months | & 24 days. 546. Here lies buried | the body of | M^« ELIZABETH TUETS j wife of | M-- Jonathan Tlets | who departed this Life I Jany 12th 1786 aged 39 years. 547. In Memory of | Capt. EZRA EINNEY | wiio was Lost at Sea | in the winter of 1786 | aged t,7 yrs | Also Mrs. HAX- XAII his wife | who died | June 17 18 14 ] aged 64 yrs. 548. In Memory of | JO/EPH Son of Mr | LEMUEL DREW & Mrs I Elizabeth his wife ] who died March 4^11 | 1786 Aged 2 years | 3 Months & 1 7 Days. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 59 549. Cap CHARLIES I)YI':R | died at Sea March | 1786 aged 47 y.rs | BlillllAll his wife | died June 8 1837 I ^t?^'*^' '^l yrs I Their son CHARLES — died May 7 1822 | aged 46 yrs. 550. In Memor\- of | LKMUEL STEPHENS ROBBINS | Son of M' Jo/eph Rop.hins | & M'''^ Elizabeth his wife i who I )-ear of her Age. 553. In memory of | Capt NATHAN BACON | who died at Sea I April 10 1786 aged 50 years | Also Mrs MARY BACON his wife | who departed this life | January 17 1825 | aged 84 3ears. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. 554. In Memory of | Cap' JAMES DOTEN | who departed this life I July 25''^ 1786 in \-e 58^'! | year of his Age. 555. In Memory of | Mr SAMUEL COLE | who dec'd July 30''' 1786 I Aged 30 years. 556. In Memory of | M>-> MARY MORTON \s\{c of | Mr THOMAS MORTON \\\\o \ died Aug* 28 1786 in y^ 52 | year ■of her age. 557. In Memory of | HENRY SAMPSON Son of | M-" Davh) B.\C0.\ & Mrs I AniGaii. his wife who died | Jany 21 1787 Aged 14 Days. 558. In Memory of | Mr RICHARD HOLMES | who Dec'd June 5'>i 1787 I in \^ 44^11 year of his Age | Al/o In Memory of I Mrs MERCY HOLMES ] his wife who Dec'd May 2Q^\^ 1779 1 in y^ 45''! year of her Age. 559. In Memory of | ELIZABETH Daughter of Mr | Crosbe Luce & Mrs Elizabeth | his wife who died Augu/t 5"! 1787 | in ye 7th year of her age. 6o EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 560. In Memory of | 2 Children of M^ I/AAC | BARNES & M^s Lucy his | wife, Viz. SALLY died Oct'' 1 1 | 1787 aged 1 1 months 6 9 days I POLLY died Sepf 5 1789 aged | 2 years I month & 20 days. 561. Li Memory of I THOMAS SMITH /on of | Josiah Cotton l-^sq'' & Mrs I LvDiA his wife who died | Ocf iit'i 1787 aged 4 I months & 18 days. 562. To I the Memory | of | the amiable M>-' LYDIA COT- TON I Con/ort of JOSIAH COTTON Esq"- | who died No\r \J'' 1787 in yt-- 3 5tli year | of her Age. 'Tis God who lifts our comforts high, Or finks tJicui in the grave; He gives and (blefsed be his jiainef) He takes but ivJiat he gave. 563. In Memory of | 2 Children of M>- WiLLIAM & | M^s- Ruth Bradford Viz | ELIZABETH died Nov' 17 | 1787 aged 7 weeKs JAMES | died Dec'' 28 1788 aged 7 | weeks & 6 days. 564. In Memory of | HANNAH Daughter of M'' | Lewis We/tox & Mrs Lucv I his wife who died Eeby 9 | 1788 aged I year 4 months. 565. In Memory of | FREDERIC /on of M^ THOMAS | Jackson & Mrs Lucy his wife | who died March 15^'^ 1788 aged | I year & 5 days. 0! Happy Trobationer/ accepted witliont being exercifedf It 7aas thy peculiar Privi- lege not to feel the f lightest of thofe Evils, liliich opprefs thy furviving kindred. 566. In Memory of | GRACE Daughter of M^ | Jo/eph Bramhall & Mrs I Remember his wife who | died March 17 1788 aged 1 6 months & 12 days. 567. In Memory of | Mr EDWARD STEPHENS | who died April 9 1788 in y^ | 66^'^ year of his age. 568. To 1 the memory | of | Capt JACOB TAYLOR | who [ died May 2 1788 | aged 59 years. Through life he bravd her foe if great or f mall And marclid out foremost at his Country s call. EPITAPHS FROM PURIAL HILL. 6 1 569. In Memory of | M-" JAMES DRI^W | who died Ma> 5th 1788 in ye 60''^ I )'ear of his age. 570. In Memory of I Mr^ BATH/IIEBA WA/HBURNj wife of Mr Benjamin | Wa/hburx who died July | 13 1788 aged 26 years. 571. In Memory of | JES/E /on of M"" Jes/e IIarldw ! — Mrs Hannah his wife | — died Jul>- \6 1788 | — 4 months & 19 days. 572. In Memory of | DAVID Son of M"" David | Diman & M's Lois his wife | who died Aut,^^ 4 1788 | ai;cd 3 }-ears i month & 26 I days. 573. Died Aug/? 22 1788 I DE/IRE JACK/OX | Daughter of I M'- Thomas Jack/on | & M^s Lucv his wife | Aged 2 months & i 3 | days. 574. In Memory of j M^s ABIGAIL BARTLETT | wife of Mr SOLOJ/O.V I BARTLETT who died Sepr 11 j 1788 aged 40 3'ears. 575. In Memory of | Mrs SARAH NICOLSON | Con/ort of | Capt Thomas Nicolson | who died Octr 24^'^ 1788 | in \"-^ 36^1^ year of her age. 576. In Memory of | SARAH Daughter of Mr | Edward Morton & Mrs | Sarah his wife who died | Nov-r 12 1788 aged 7 }'ears | 9 months & 9 da)'s. 577. In Memory of | THOMAS /on of Mr Thomas | J.vck- SON 3"^! & Mrs Sarah his | wife who died Deer 24 17S8 | aged 31 -s HANNAH LEWIS | wife of | M^ N.vrilAXlEL Lewis | who died May 29 1790 | in y^ 38 year of her age. 593. In Memory of | O/BORN /on | of M"" 0/born ] MOR- TON & Mrs Patience his | wife who died Sep'' 18 1790 ] aged 4 )'ears & 10 months. 594. In Memor)' of | JO/EPH Son of Dr Stephen | Marcy & Mrs LUCV his wife | who died Ocf 16 1790 aged | i }'ear & 9 months. 595. In Memory of | SUKEY THACHER who died Dec" | 8 1790 aged 2 years & 8 months | & of JAMES THACHER who died | Dec'' 12 1790 aged 2 days | Children of Dr James ThacheR 1 & Mrs Su/\NNAH his wife Both of I who/e remains are here depo/ited. Sleep on viy babes &f take your qniet rest, 'Tivas God who called you when he thought it best. EPrrAI'HS KROM BURIAL HILL. 65 596. In Memory of | MARCY WARREN Dauijhtcr of | M^ Benjamin Bramiiall & M"-^ | Pri/cilla his wife who died ] Nov"" I I 1790 aged i )'ear 7 | months & 7 days. 597. In Memory of ] 2 Children of M^ JUDAH & M'-' | Plxk- LOI'L Dki.axo Viz IIEXRICY | died XoV >4 1790 aged 2 years &4 I months & 8 da\-s died a Daughter | Feby 4 1785 aged I da}'. 598. In Memory of | M^^ MARY BRADFORD | wife of | Mr Lemuel Bradford | who died Dec 21 1790 in y^ | t,6 year of her age. 599. To I the memory | of | M^ THOMAS FINNEY | who died JanO' 5th | A. D. 1791 in the 53^1 | year of his age. 600. In Memory of | M^s HANNAH OTIS | wife of Mr yOHN OTIS I who died March 28 1791 | in y^ 47 year of her age. 601. To the memory of 5 children of | M"" W"i BarNES & M'-'^ Mercy his wife | viz ELENOR died March 28'li 1791 | aged 8 days I 2'' MERCY died Augu/t 12th 1801 | aged 3 months & 14 days I 3d NATHANIEL died Sept^ i5ih 1802 | aged 3 months & 9 days | 4^^ CALVLN CARVER died Ocf 19th 1802 | aged 4 years & 2 months | 5th CALVIN CARVER died April 2.2'^ 1805 I aged I year & 7 months | and 7 days. /// early days, away from us they fly. No more their plcafiiii^ actions charuies our eyes. A happy change from earth to Jure above, Nozv take their chvelling i)i the reahues of love. 602. ANCEL /on of M"- Samuel Dotev | & M'^ Eunice his wife who I died June 17 1791 aged i year | &7 months. 603. In Memory of | M''^ PATIENCE RIDER \ wife of | Major BENJAMIN RIDER \ who died June 18 1791 in yc | 42^1 year of her age. Why do zee mourn departing friends. Or f hake at deaths alarms, 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends. To call them to his arms. 66 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 604. In Memory of | M-'s SARAH CHURCHILL | wife of M"" Samuel j Churchill who died | June 26 1791 in ye ] 40 year of his Age ] Al/o in memory of their /on | who was born June 15 1786 I & died the/ame day. 605. In Memory of | EUNICE Daughter of M"" | Ebenezer Howard & M^^ ] Bethiah his wife who died | July 10 1791 aged 3 years | I month & 7 days. 606. In Memory of | M>- KIMBALL CROMBIE | who died July 13 1791 aged | 24 years. 607. In Memory of | M'^ RUTH MAR/HALL | wife of M"" Bartlett I Mar/hall who died | July 24 1791 Aged | 37 years. 608. In memorv- of | M^'^ SARAH LUCE wife of | M^ SETH LUCE who died | July 26 1791 in the 53 year | of her age. 609. In Memory of | MARY Daughter of Dr | R0//ETER & MI'S Pri/cilla I Cotton who died Aug' ] 26 1791 aged 15 months j & 6 days. 610. Died I Mr ISAAC SYMMES | Augu/t 27 1791 I i" the 48 year | of his age. Here lies a man zvho never luas uiijiift ; His body flozvly ntoulderiiig into duft But ivhen Time eeafes, joyfully he II rife And meet his Savionr s face in fweet furprise. 611. In Memory of 2 Children of M-" | Seth & M^s Elizabeth Churchill | Viz LUCY died Sep"- 2 1791 aged | 2 years & 2 months, DAVID died ] Sep-- 30 1791 aged 9 months & | 3 days al/o a 3d SETH ] died Sep"" 24, 1795 aged | i year 4 months & 5 days. 612. In memory of | POLLY Daughter of M^ John | & M'« Lydia Edwards who | died Scp^ 11 1791 aged 5 | years & 3 months. 613. To the memory of | M-" JOSEPH MITCHELL | who died December y^ 30 | 1791 .Eltatis 54 M^s MARY | his wife died May 22^ 1790 | ^tatis 51. El'ITAI'IIS FROM P.URIAL HILL. 6/ 614. To the Memory | of | Mrs MERCY HEDGF: | Relict of I Capt Barnabas Hedge | who died | December 25 A. D. 1 79 1 I aged 83 years. 615. In Memory of | M>« MARY DIMAN | wife of | M-" Daniel Dimax ] who died Feby 15 1792 | in )-e 55 year of her age. 616. Beneath this Sod | Hes buried all that was mortal, | of Mi/s LUCIA WAT/ON | (the younge/t Daughter of M-" Klka- nah I & MI'S Patience Wat/on) | who, at the age of 26 years | without one reluctant Sigh | Calml}^ rcyigned her Spirit | to the Creator who gave it | firmly pciyiiaded that in his | Infinite Benevolence | She /"hould injoy an endless & | a happy Immor- tality I She was born November 11 1765 ] Died March 20 1792. 617. In Memory of ] M^^ HANNAH SAM/ON | wife of M"" Ebenezer I Sam/on who died May | 13 1792 in yc 72 year | of her age. A^o Pain, nor Grief, no anxious Care nor Fear Invade fhcse f acred Boinids No mortal Woes Can reaeJi or vex the pions Sleeper here May Angels gently watch her foft Repose. 618. To the memory of I M-" LEMUEL BARTLETT | who departed this life | May 20''^ 1792 /Etatis yj. With filent fteps he meekly tracd the way To the bright relms of love his ivisJid abode Nor did lie ask a moments longer stay When the last fnmmons calV d liis foul to God. 619. In Memory of [ M^s PATIENCE COBB | widow of AF JOB COBB I who died July 26 1792 | aged 70 }-ears. 620. In Memory of | NANCY Daughter of M^ | Jo/lAll & Mrs Rebecca Finney | who died Aug' 13 1792 aged i | month. 621. In Memory of | Cap' JAMES RU^ELL who died | Sep"- 28 1792 aged 32 years | And al/o M>- THOMAS RLT//"ELL | /uppo/ed to be lo/t at Sea in a /evere | snow /torm DeC 4 & 5, 1786, I aged 24 years both Sons of the late | M'' John & M^s Mercy Ru//ell. 6S EriTAPIIS FROM BURIAL HILL. 622. To the memory of | — LENOR CHURCHILL | Daugh- ter of I Capt Stei'IIEN Ciiurciiili, | And Lucv his Wife | Who died Oct 3 1792 I in the lO^'^ }'ear | of her age. 623. In memory of | MARTHA TORREY Daughter of | M'' James & M^s Martha | D(-)TEx who died Novf 26 | 1792 aged 1 1 months & 6 days. 624. In Memory of | JOHN BARTLETT Son of M^ | John & Mrs Dorothy Bartlett | who died Jany 25 1793 | aged 17 years. , TJiofc eyes which once fo fparklcd zvith delight Are een now clofcd in Death's eternal niglit. 625. In Memory of | ZENAS /on of M^ Zenas & | M^s Elizabeth Sturtevan' | who died March 24 1793 | aged i year 2 months & I 5 | days. 626. In Memory of | M'* ELIZABETH BARTLETT | ReHct of j Samuel Bartlett Esc|'' | who died March 29 1793 in ye I 'jj year of her age. 627. In memory of | DAVID BARNES | Son of JosiAil & | Rachel Cotton | who died April 27 1793 | aged Seven months. Dear Babe sleep their in the dnst Till thy Saviour say ai'ise with the Just. 628. This Stone is | Erected to the | Memory of JAMES [ HERSEY THACHER who | Died 27^1^ April 1793 | Aged \ year And 4 months ] And CATHERINE THACHER | Who Died 10 Eebr}' 1800 | Aged 3 years Children of D^ | James And Mrs Susanna Thacher. Early Bright Transeint Sweet As Morning Dew They Sparkled Were Exhaled And woit to Heaven. 629. To the memory of | M>-s HANNAH HOWES | wife of | Mr Jeremiah Howes | Relict widow of M"" | Stephen Church- ill I who died June ye 12th | A. D. 1793 in ye 75th | year of her aee. EI'ITArilS FROM BURIAL HILL. 69 630. Ill I memory of | two Sons of | M'' JoHN DoTEN & | J/'-f Sally his wife | JOHN Died July 18 1793 | aged 3 months | and nine days | WILLIAM Died Aug' 24^'^ 1794 j aged two years one | month & 16 da\'s. Our days i<.'Ci'C fczv on earth Wc could no longer stay The hlefsed J liSUS doth appear To bear our souls azoay. 631. In Memory of | M'^ MARY JENNINGS | wife of | M-" Joseph Jennings | who died Aug' 5 1793 in yc 43 | year of her age. Also In Memory of their | Children Viz 3 Sons& i Daughter who died in Infancy. 632. To the memory of ] POLLY ROGERS | Daughter of | M"" William Rogers | & M^s Eli/abetii his wife | who died Sep"" 5*''' 1793 I aged i year & 10 months. 633. In memory of | HARRIET Daughter of M'' | Samuel & M's Hannah ] Jack/on who died Scpr 15 j 1793 aged 10 months & i 5 days. Babes thither caught from Womb Sr Breaft. Claiuid Right to fing above the reft Becaufe they found the happy fhore, They never fazu nor fought before. 634. In Memory of | MARY Daughter of— D^ | Ro^eter & Mrs Priscilla I Cotton who died Sepr 24 | 1793 aged 12 months. Sleep on fweet Babes & take thy reft ' Tivas God that call'd when he thought beft. 635. In Memory of | M-"* LYDIA REED wife of | M"" NATHAN REED who \ died Octr 12 1793 in yc t^z \ year of her age. 636. Mr TIMOTHY BURBANK I died Oct''' ,311, , ^(^3 iCtatis 90 I ^i''^ MERCY his wife | died Jan'y 27^1 1771 /Etatis 61 I and here lie interred. 637. In Memory of | SOUTH WORTH Son of M-" Joi; & Mrs Rebecca Rider | who died Oct'' 15 1 793 | aged 6 years & 3 months. yO EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 638. To the memory of | two Children of M"" JOHN | Paty & Deborah his wife | viz SILVIA died Oct y^ 22 | aged 3 years 6 months & | 26 Days MERIAH Died Aug^ | ye i i A. I). 1793 aged I }'ear — st | & 26 Days. 639. To the memory of | M^s ELI/ABETH NEL/ON | wife of I Capt Sam' Nicols Nelson j who died Oct 26^^ 1793 | aged Gj }-ears. 640. In Memory of | W^ PRISCILLA THOMAS | Con/ort of I Mr Nathaniel Thomas | who died Dec 6 1793 aged 36 years. 641. SAMUEL H — I Samuel Harmo — | Lvdlv his wife — I 9 1793 aged 7 years | & 9 days. This was probably tiic family of Sanuiel Harmon. 642. In memory of | Mr WILLIAM BRADFORD | who died in Roxbur}- Jan)' 14 1794 [ aged 44 years | Also of Mrs RUTH BRADFORD his wife | who died May 22 1813 | aged 60 years | Also of two of their children | viz AMOS who died in Martinico | Aug' 3 1794 | aged 17 years | And ISAAC who died March 16 | 1806 aged 21 years. 643. In Memory of | M-" SAMUEL LANMAN ] who died Jany 19 1794 I in y^ "jt, year of his age. /;/ thy fair book of Ife divine, I\Iy God inf crib f my Jiamc, There let it fill fome hmnble place, Beneath the f laughter d Lamb. 644. Here | lies inter'd | the Body of | Q^" THOMAS LOTHROP I who departed | this Life | January 23 1794 | aged 54- 645. To 1 the memory I of I Capt. THOMAS DOTEN \ who I died F^b'Y 28tli 1/94 | in the 49''! year of his age. 646. To I the memory | of | M^ JO/EPH RIDER | who died I March 19th 1794 | aged 65 | years. 647. In Memory of | BET/Y Daughter of Mr j Samuel & M''^ BE'I/v Brooks | who died April 19 1794 | aged 5 years & 6 months. EPITAl'IIS FROM BURIAL HILL. 71 648. Here lies f intcr'd the body | of Mi/s HANNAH | SYMMES eldc/t Daughter | of M' l/.wc & M-^-" Hannah | Symmes who at the earh' | period of 28 )'ears after being | long excrci/d with bodil}' pain | with christian fortitude | yielded her Spirit to its | benevolent Autlu)r | Born JanV 30 1766 | Died May 27 1794. 649. To the I memor\' | of the amiable | M^s JANE DOGGET I who died Ma\- 3 :/' 1794 | in the 26^'' year of her age I also an infant Daughter b}- her /"ide. Come view the seen 'tivill fill yon tvitk fnrprise Behold the lovelieft form in natnre died At noon sJie flonrifli d bloo7ni>ii^ fair and ga)f At evening an extended eorpfe fhe lay. 650. In Memory of | M^ JAMES DOTEX Jun'' | who Died June 6 1794 I in \c 32 \-ear of his age. Death is a debt too natnre dne, Whieh I have paid & fo ninft you. 651. In I memory of | WILLIAM W | Son of | William & Sarah | StuRTEVANT | who died | June 13 1794 | aged 2 years | and 4 mons. 652. In Memory of j M^s POLLY HOLMES | wife of Joseph Holmes | who died July 3 1794 | aged 26 years. Death is a debt to natnre due Whieli / have paid & fo mnftyon. 653. ET ego L\ COLUMBIA VIXI | To | The memory | of | Mrs ANNA JACKSON | Wife of | WiLim Jack/on | Obiit | July 20 I 1794 I Aged | 28 years. Death is the privilege of human natnre And life without it zvere not zvorth our taking Thither the poor, the unfortunate, and Mourner Fly for relief, & lay their burdens down. 654. In Memory of | PETER HOLMES | who died at Port Au Prince j September 15 1794 | aged 38 years | Also | MAR\' HOLMES 1 Consort of Peter | Who died Sept 2 1829 | aged ji years. 72 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 655. In Memory of | M^ JOSEPH FLASKET | who died August I j A. D. 1794 in the 48 | year of his age. All yon that doth behold my stone Consider hozv soon I was gone Death does not always zvarnitig give Therefore he earefnl hozv yon live Kepejit in time no time delay I in my prime ivas ealled away. 656. To 1 The Memory | of \ THOMAS JACKSON Esq"" [ This I Monument | Is erected | Obiit | September 19 | 1794 j Aged I 6"] years. The fpiders moft attennated thread Is cord is eable to mans tender tie. 657. To the memory | of MARY BREW/TER HOLMES 1 Daughter to Elnathan | Holmes & Deborah his | wife who died Sep 2 1 1794 | aged 2 months al/o | tharc /on who died Sep 17 1795 aged 5 hours. The Babe thats eanglit from wond) & breaft Claim right to fing above the reft Beeause they found the happy shore They }iever faw nor fought before. 658. To tlie memory of | M>s OLIVE WA/HBURN | wife of I Mr Abiel Wa/hburn I with an infant in her arms | who died Oct. 14 1794 in | the 30 year of her age. 659. SARAH WETHRELL | wife of | Thomas Weth- REEL I Born Aug 6''^ 1753 | Died Oct 30^11 1794 | LUCL-i their Daugh. I Deceased Oct 27''! 1790 | Aged i year. 660. To the memory of | M^s MARY POPE | wife of ] AL Thomas Pope | who died Jan'y ye | 9th 1795 in the 27111 | \ear of her age. 661. In Memory of I LYDIA PRINCE Daughter of | Mr David & M^s Lydia | Turner who died Jany 19 | 1795 aged 9 months & 12 days. Of fnch is the kingdom of heave?i. EPITAPHS FROM I5URIAI. HILL. 662. Erected August 22 1824 | In memory of | JOSEPH BARNES who died | in Cape Francois January ] 25 1795 aged 58 years | HANNAH l^ARNES Widow | of the above died November | 12 181 5 Aged 76 years | HANNAH HARLOW wife of I Zaciieus Hari.ow & Daughter | of the above died December | 26 1807 Aged 47 years | Also NATHANIEL BARNES I who died in Martinico | July 9 1794 .Aged 23 years. 66^. To I the memory of | M'^ ELIZABETH FINNEY | wife of I M"" THOiMAS FiNNEV I who died | March 3'! 1795 in the | 53^1 )-car of her age. 664. In memor}- | of | LAZARUS GOODWIN P/qr | who died I June 27''' 1795 | aged 42 | years. 665. To the memor)- | of | Mr ROBART DAVEE | who died Jul\- 4''i 1695 | in the 54^'! \-ear of | his age. 666. Died Aug 18 1795 | PATIP:NCE CHURCHILL | Daughter to the late | Cap' Ehenezer CllURClliLE | & M^s Jean his wife | in the 18''^ year of her age. 667. To the memory of | M's POLLY HOLMES | wife of | Cap' Eleazar Holmes | and Daughter of | Cap' Corban Barnes | and MARY his wife | who died Sep 16 1795 /Etatis | 28 and her Infant Daughter Jenny | by her /ide who died Dec 5 .^tatis I year | and 8 months. A'o age exempt the tender Mother fir ft Bozvs to Deaths Empire &" returns to Dnft Searee had th' afflieted Confort zuip'dhis tearful ejes Jl'hen lo Heaven ealls the lovely Infant dies. 668. To the memory of | GEORGE COOPER /on of | Mr JoSEP£l Cooper & Lucy | his wife who died Nov"" | 7 1795 aged 2 years | & 22 days. 669. To I the memory | of | JO/IAH HARLOW | /on of | Capt Zephaniaii Harlow | & Mrs Patience his wife | who died Novr 10''^ 1795 | in the 16^''' year of his age. 670. Died Novr 13'^ 1795 | JENNE ELLIS | Daughter of | Mr Nathaniel Ellis | & Mrs Jenne his wife | in the^o'h year of I her age. 74 KI'ITAPIIS VKOSl BURIAL HILL. 671. To the memory of I M^s MARY HILL | wife of | Mr Jonathan Hill | who died Nov'' 14^11 1795 | in the 42^ year of her cii^e. 672. In I memory of | THOMAS TRIBBEL | son of | M"" Jo/KI'H TrH'.BEL I & M^^^ Mary his wife | who died Novf 18'^ 1795 I '\^'^"tl ' • months | Al/o | In memory of | MARY TRIB- BEL I daughter of | Mr JOSEPH Tribbel and | M^s Mary his wife I who died Ocf 18"^ 1/99 | aged i year & 14 days. 67:,. In memory of | HENRY HOLMES | Son of | M'' Nathaniel Holmes | and Mary his wife | who died Deer 3111 1795 I aged 2 }'ears | 8 months & 8 days. 674. To the I memory of | SU/ANNA NICHOLS | daughter of M'' Mo/es I & Mrs Sl[/anna Nichols | who died Dec^ 17''^ 1795 I in the 6 year of her age. 675. ABIGAIL LEACH | Died DeC" 24 1795 aged 10 years | EBENEZER LEACH | Died JanY 31 1796 aged 13 years | Children of | M^ Caleb & M^s Abigail Leach | And here He interred. 676. To the memory of | M^s BETSEY SHAW \ wife of | M' ICHABOD SHAW ]vnV \ who died Deer 26 1795 [ aged 20 3'ears | al/o her infant daughter | Bet/EY Holmes by her/ide | aged 7 months & i 5 days. 677. To the memory of | Capt WILLIAM SHERMAN | who died at /ea Jan^y 9th | 1799 and was interred at ' Martha's Vinej-ard | in the 12^ year of his age. 0)1 life's rough ocean toft a dark abode! By nature s optics he defcried a GOD: Reafon his pole ftar, by zvJiofe friendly ray He fleered his courfe to fhores of endless day. 678. Capt. WILLIAM SHERMAN | died at sea | Jan 9 1796 I aged 32 years | ELIZABETH SHERMAN | his wife | ■died Oct 9 1849: j aged 83 years | 10 months. God calls our loved ones, but zve lose not xvholly. What he hath given; They live on earth, in thought and deed, as truly As in His Heaven. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 75 679. To the memory of | Capt COOMER WESTON | who died at Martha's Vineyard | (and is there interred) | Januarv lO'*^ A. I). 1796 I In the 34'li year of his aije. That manly virtue ivliich adoni\i thy bloom Friendfhip recalls and weeps upon thy tomb There fad remembrance drops a filent tear And chafte affection ftands a mourner there. 680. To the memory of | ELIZABETH BARNES | daughter of I Mr Jo/KPH Barnes | & M^^ Elizabeth his wife j who died Jan^y 12 1796 | aged 3 years 5 months | & 22 days. 681. In memory of | RO/bETER/on of | Ro/sETER Cottox E/q I & Mi^^^ Pri/cilla his | Wife who died j January 30 | 1796 | aged tw'o years. 682. To the memory | of SETH LUCE | /on of j M-^ Ebexezer Luce | & M^s Sarah his wife | wlio died Eeb^y 14 1796 I in the 16 year of his age. 683. To the memory of I M^^ MARGARET COBB | widow of the late | M^ Ephraim Cobb | who died Feb^y 26 1796 | aged 85 years | Al/o to the memory of their /on | Cap' LAZARUS COBB who died in Jamaica | 1771 aged 27 years. 684. In memory ] of | M^s LUCY HARLOW | wife of | M-" Amaziah Harlow | who died March 6 1796 | in the 42 year of | her age. 685. To the memory of 3 Children | of Richard Holmes jun"- & I Sarah his wife i/^ a Daughter | EUNICE Died March 8''' 1796 I aged i year 6 months & 18 Days | 2^ a Daughter MARCY Died Oct | 13th 1796 aged 7 months & 13 | Days 3^' a /on RICHARD Died Aug/^ | 6'1» 1798 aged 5 years & 10 months. May their parents confolation find May they never think that Heaven's unki"'^ Herring zvifiom faw t was fit and be ft To call thefe Children early to their rest. 686. To the memory of | WILLARD SEARS | /on of | Mr Willard Sears | & M^s Sarv his wife | who died May 22 1796 I aged 20 }-ears. 76 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 687. In memory of | MARTHA COTTON | Relict of ] Capt Theoi'HILUS Cotton Esqf | who | died April iQtii | A. D, 1796 aged 79 }'ears. Mail]' years I li-vd Many painfull scows I passed Till Liod at last Call' d vie /iodic. 688. Departed this Life | June 23'! 1796 | in the 90''^ year of her Age | Madam PRISCILLA MOBART | Relict | of the Rev^^ NoAlI HoBART I late of Fairfield in Connecticut ] her third Hus- band I her first and Second | were | JOHN WatsON Esq | and | Honb'e Isaac Lothrop. 689. FREDERICK \ W'» JACKSON | born July 21 1796 | died Aug 16 1796. 690. Died Sept iQii' 1796 I ANDREW CROSWELL | I^qr Aged 59 years & | 1 1 days | The /vveet remembrance of the Ju/t. 691. Died Sep-- lotl^ 1796 | LUCY JACK/ON | Daughter of 1 Mr Thomas JacR/ON | & Mr^ Lucv his wife | aged i year 3 months | & 9 days. 692. In memory of Mi/s DOLLY | BARTLETT Daug. of Mr John & | Mrs DciROTHV Bartlett who died | Sep' i i 1796 in her 25 year. Tlic virtuous yoiitli ivhofc diift is laid III the drear man f ions of the dead Shall rise and leave its native ground At the last Trniiipct' s foleinn found. 693. To the memory | of] M's DE/IRE HARLOW | wife of I Mr SiLVANUS Harlow | who died Oct'' 8"i 1795 | aged 58 years. Thrice happy thofe tliats gone to reft For they f ha 1 1 be forever bleft. 694. In memory | of | M^s SARAH LE BARON | wife of | William Le Baron Esq | died Oct 29''^ 1796 | aged 46 years. 695. To the memory | of M^s SARAH DAVEE | Daughter of Mr I ROBART Davee & M^s | ELIZABETH his wife | who died Nov'' 13''^ I 1796 in the 30^'! year | of her age. KI'ITAl'MS FROM BURIAL HILL. n 696. In I memory of] WILLIAM HENRY VIRGIN | /on of I Cap' John VlR(]lN and j M""^ Pri/cilla his wife | who dicJ Dec 9'h 1792 I aged 5 days | Al/o | In memory of | WILLIAM HENRY VIRGIN | /on of | Capt Joux Virgin and | M^s Viu.f- CILLA liis wife who | died Sep'' 13''' 1798 aged 9 | months and 4 days. Unhlcmiflicd innocence ivhat beauty Huflit to reft, fhrondcd from i/h Which riper years infest. 697. To tlic memory of | M'"^ ELIZABETH DAVEE | wife of I M'' Ror.ARr Davee | who died I^^eb^y iit'i | 1797 | aged 52 years. 69S. Here re/t the Remains | of ] Dea» JONATHAN DIMAN I who re/igned his mortal j Life in hope of Glory | Feby 25^11 1797 in the 85^'' | year of his age. Where fhorild the dying vievdiers reft But zvith the dying Head. 699. U\ memory | of | M>-s JANE WARREN | Con/ort of | Maj. Be\JA» Warren | who died | Febry 28'^ 1797 in | the 59''' year of her age. See me bcJiold me mouldering into dnft. As yon fee me fo eertain/y yon mnft. 700. To I the memory | of | M"" THOMAS DAVEF. | who died April 6^'^ 1/97 | aged 26 years. 701. To the memory of | HENRY BI/HOP | /on of | Dea" John Bl/nor | & M"^^ Abigal his wife | who died April 14 1797 I in the 8''^ year of his age. ' Tis God luho lifts our comforts high Or finks them in the grave He gives and blessed be his name He takes but xvhat lie gave. 702. To I the memory | of | M^s REBEKAH BARTLETT ] wife of I M'' Elkanah Bartlett I who died July 17th 1797 | jn the 28t'^ year of her j age [ al/o REBEKAH their Daughter | who in her i i*'^ month died | June 9''^ 1797- 78 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 703. To I The memory | of | SARAH MAY JACKSON | This Monument | is erected | by | Her afflicted Parents | M"" Thomas Jackson Jun | and M's Sarah his Wife | died | Sept. 26^^ 1797 I aged 3 years 11 months. 704. To the memory of | M'" ELI/HA NEL/ON /on of | Mr Ebenezer Nel/on & | M"-* Ruth his Wife | he died Oc' the 6 I 1797 I In the 22^1 year | of his age. 705. In I This /acred /pot | Are depo/itcd the remains | of Capt ABRAHAM HAMMATT | Who died of a mahgnant | Fever October 13''^ 1797 ^tatis 47 | And of his daughter SOPHIA who I on the F/'^ December following | Fell a victim to thc/ame | Di/ea/e ^tatis 13. Nrrs "cLurs the uiildncfs of tJic rifing Morii And his the radiance of the rifen day. 706. In memory of | Mr. ISAAC CHURCHILL & Son | was lost at Sea Ocf 1797 | Mr ISAAC CHURCHILL aged 40 years | ISAAC CHURCHILL Ju^ aged 16 years ] Also In memory of I WILLIAM CHURCHILL | who died Augu' 10 1 8 1 7 I aged 2 1 years. 707. To I the memory | of | MARY W. HAYWARD | Daughter | of | Dr Nathan Hayward | and | Joanna his wife j who was born the 16''^ | and | died the 29''^ October | 1797. 708. To I the memory | of | M>- DANIEL DIMAN | who died Dec i6t'i | 1797 aged 69 years | and 10 months. But the falvation of the Righteous is of the Lord he is their ftrength in tinie of trouble. yog. WILLIAM RICHMOND | died 1797 | aged 56 yrs | also I SALOME wife of the above | died June 8 1836 | in her 90'''' yr. 710. To the memory j of | M-" SETH CHURCHILL | who died JanO' 15^11 | A. D. 1798 in the 44^'^ | year of his age. 711. In memory of I Capt. THOMAS NICOLSON | who died in the | Island of Guadaloupe | February 9 1798 | in the fiftieth year | of his age. EPITAI'IIS FROM liURIAL HILL. 79 712. To I the memory | of | M"" ELEZKR HOLMES I who died Feb'y2i 1798 | /Etatis 84. Tkro a long life in devious paths I trod And livd alas! forgetful of my God: But oh! the triumph of redeeming Potver .1 Sinner ranfomed at the £lei'e"th hour Repairs to Christ the Lord his Righteoufnefs And dies proelaimijig free and fovereigji Graee. 713. To the memory I of I M'-'^ MERCY BRAMHAEL | reliet of | M'' SiLVANUS Bramhall | who died | March 21 A. D. I 798 I agetl 'j'j )-ears. 714. In I Memory of | M"" GEORGE D.THOMSON | Attor- ney at Law I who died April 2^ 1798 | aged 24 years. Till the great Rifing Day this Duft muft lie, IVhieh loudly f peaks, Reader, prepare to die. 715. Died July 27 1798 I Mrs BET/Y HOLMES wife | of Capt Lewis Holmes | Aged 27 Year | al/o 3 children by her /ide I REBEKAH DIMAN died 1796 | Aged i Year & i month I E/THER 1798 Aged 5 Month'^ | PHEBE LEWIS 1799 Aged I 1 1 Months. 716. To I the memory I of I M>-s RUTH CHURCHILL | wife of I Capt BENJAMIN CHURCHILL | who died AugA 22^ 1798 I aged J I years. 717. To the memory of | MOLLY I. GOODWIN ] daughter of I Mr Thomas & M^s | Abigal Goodwin of | Portland who | died Aug'^'' 24'!^ I 798 | aged I 5 months. 718. Here lies intered | the remains of | M^s ELIZABETH WATSON I wife of | William Watson E/q^ | who departed this life I Septr 2 peculiarly devotional and fervent. Dr. Robbins lived during a remarkable period of the nation's history. In the revolutionary struggle he was a most ztalous advocate for liberty and independence, and rendered essential service in his sphere vi action. He was anioi g the foremost of our patriotic clergymen, and subsequently, when our political hcmis- ]ihere was darkened l:>y party spirit, he 'pursued a consistent course in the support of order and good government. Mr. Robbins' wife was a niece of Rev. Thomas Prince of Boston. He had five sons and two daughters who lived to an old age. A doctorate of divinity was conferred on him by Dartmouth College in 17Q2, and by the University of Edinburgh in 1793. He was buried in old Burial Hill ground, the Reverends Mr. Sawyer and Shaw ofiiciating in the services in the First Church The following is a list of published works by Dr. Robbins: Replies to Essays of Rev. John Cotton, on the practice of tne half-way covenant. — Sermon on the death of Madam Watson, consort of George Watson, Escp of Ply- mouth. — Sermon on the death of Mrs. Hovey, wife of James Hovey, Esq. — At the ordination of Rev. Lemuel Le Baron, at Rochester, 1772. — At the annual election, Boston, 1791. — Address conunemorative of the French Revolution, 1793 — Sermon on the anniversary of the landing of the Fathers at Plymouth, December 22, 1793. — Century sermon at Kingston, April 2,1794,31 the request of its subject, Ebenezer Cobb. — Sermon before the Massachusetts Convention of Ministers, 1794. — Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Eliphalet Gillet, at Ilallowell, August 12, 1795. — .Address before the Massachusetts Humane Society, June 14, 1796. — Sermon at the ordinati(,)n of Rev. Ward Cotton, at Boylston, Mass., 1797. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 83 735. To the memory of | Mr WILLIAM GODDARD | who died at/ea & was buried | at Martha'/ Vineyard July lo'li | 1799 a<^ed 26 years. & Here Hes buried WILLIAM /on | of the above William GODDARD I & Sarah his wife who died j Sep' 22 1798 aged 1 year & 9 | months. JV/iv do wc nioitni departing fricjuis Or f hake at death' s alarms lis but the voiec that J ef us fends To call tlicui to his arm?,. -Jl^. To I the memory | of | M''^ MARY COBB | who died Aug-/'' dtli 1799 I in the 58'!' \-ear of her | age. 737. To I the memory of | M-" SILVANUS HARLOW | who died Aug^t 14 | 1799 | In the 62 | year of his age. 738. In I memory of | ELIZABETH HUE/TEN | COVEN- TON daughter of M"" ] THOMAS CoveNTON & | M^s Elizabeth his wife | who died Sep"" | 12''^ I799 aged i year & 3 | months & 14 days. TJic infant fuiiles in lisping fpeecJi And in t lie grave in filence flceps. 739. ENOCH RANDALL | Died Sept^ 25th 1799 in | the 33 Year of his | Age | & is here Inter'd. No more to foreign climes the bark he ftecr^ No more his fafe return his kindred cheers Snatch' d in his prime; of life's best Joys pofseft; lis (iod's command, "whose name be ever blest. 740. In memory of | M-" BARTLETT MARSHAL | aged 45 I Also of i SAMUEL MARSHAL aged 16 | both lost at Sea in 1799 I Also of I BARTLETT MARSHAL J»» aged 19 | who died in Charleston S. C. | of a Malignant Fever 1799 | Also of | HANNAH MARSHAL who died | Sepf 26^11 1806 Aged 21 years j She only is here Interred. Their fudden change & fhorten'd date Bid Youth &" Age prepare: Their lifelcfs clay defcribes our fate And sJiows /una frail xve are. 84 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 741. In I memory of | Capt ABNER SYLVESTER | who died I October 9''! 1799 j atjed | 74 years. 742. In Memory of | MERCY Jy\CKSON | died Oct' 13^!^ 1799 I Aged 29 years. A/ tliy counnand flic meekly yields Her body to the diift Jcfns, fhe tnifts alone in thee And knoii'S in whom f he trufts. 743. To the memory of | M-^ JEREMIAH HOLMES Jun'' | who died | October 17^^^ 1799 | in the 43'^' year of his age | Also In memor}' of | M^s NANCY his wife | who died at Orrington | in the Count}' of Hancock | April 3^' 1797 | Agetl ^i"] years. 744. Here lies buried | BARN ABE Son to | M' Ben'JAMIX | Morton & M''-'^ | Hannah his Wife | Who dec^ Nov^r | ye jth 17-4 aged 10 days. 745. To 1 the memory | of | M"-^ ELIZABETH WARREN | Relict of I M'- William Warren | & daughter of Cap^ An/el | Lothrop Dec<:l I who died Novf 26''^ 1799 ] aged 58 years. 746. Here lyes ye | body of ^'"^^ AblGAIL [ DREW wife to Mr I Nic 1 1 OLA/ Drew | who dec^' — 17 — . 747. To the memory | of | M^s DEBORAH CROMBIE | Con/ort of | Capt WILLIAM Crombie | who died JanO' 3d | i 800 in the 32 | year of her age. 748. Mrs. IRENE THOMSON | died January A. D. 1800 | aged 53 years. Weeping may endure for a night. But joy cometh in the morning. 749. To 1 the memory | of | M'' EZRA BURBANK | who died I Feby 25''^ 1800 | aged 62 years. 750. This Monument | is erected | To the memory of | M^s HANNAH COTTON | who died May 25^11 1800 | in the Seventy third year | of her age | Relict of John Cotton E/q. " Blefsed are the dead which die in the LORD " From henceforth, yea faith the Sperit " That they may reft from their labours, '' And their Works do follotv them." KriTAPHS FROM ULRIAL HILL. 85 751. To the I Memory of | SALLY DREW | Daughter of | Mr Lemuel Drew | & M^s Sally his wife | Who died July 27 j 1800 I Aged 2 yeiirs | & 9 months. 752. To the memor)- | of | M'" ICPMRAIM BARTLETT | who was drowned on the | (irand-bank Sep'" 9'^ i goo in the | 34th year of his age. The voice of this alarmi)ig fccnc Maj every heart obay Nor be the heavenly zuarnitig vain Which calls to watch and pray. 753. This /tone | con/ecrated to the memory | of Madam yANE ROBBINS \ con/ort of tlie late | Rev^ D"" ROBBINS \ who langui/hed/rom his death | 30''> June 1799 till I2fl> Septem- ber 1800 I when in the 60^^ year of her age | /he commenced her I in/eparable union with her | much beloved Hu/band and her God | is erected by the Piety | of her afflicted Children, Unfading Hope ivhen Life' s I aft Embers burn. When f Old to foul and duft to duft return, Heavn to thy charge refigns the aivful hour; Oh then thy Kingdom comes Immortal Power/ Mrs. Jane Rohhins was the accomplished daughter of Mr. Prince, and niece of Rev. Thomas Prince of the Old South Church, Boston, the famous annalist of New- England. 754. To the memory | of 2 children of | M"" Lewis & Mi's [ Elizabeth We/fon | i''^ a /on LEWIS died j Sept 2\J^ 1800 aged 1 I year 7 months and | 20 days 2^' a /on LEWIS | died May y^ 1802 aged | i month and 21 days. 755. Hear Lies the Boddy | of M--^ ELIZABETH BATTLES I The wife of M"- John j B.vftles who died Sept the | 29th 1800 Aged 23 years | And 5 Months. Fragrant the rose but it ivill fade in Tinie. Such and so with*^ ring are our Early Joys ivhich time or sicknefs Spiedly distroys. 756. To I the memory | of | LILLIS GILL MARSH | Daughter of [ M"- THOMAS MARSH | And M^s Marcv | his wife | who died Ocf i^t 1800 [ Aged 15 months. 86 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 757. JOHX RUSSELL I died Oct 11 1800 | /Lt. 42] CHARLES son of | Joiix & Marv Russell | died Nov 2 1791 vEt I I NANCY daughter of | John & Marv Russell | died Aug 10 1797 yEt. 2 I MARY\ relict of JOHN RusSELL | died Oct. 18 i826.-Et. G^. 758. JOHN MAY WETHRELL | Son of | M^ Thomas Wethrell J"'' I & M''^ Nancy his wife | died Oct'^"" 2Sth 1800 | aged 8 months & 23 days. 759. THOMAS Born July i8t'i 1799 | died Nov'' 9'!' 1800 | WILLIAM THOs Born April 14th | 1801 died .Sep>- 24''^ 1801 Children | of Cap' Thomas & Mrs | Margaret Y Bartlett his wife | and here He Enterred. Surely life is, as a vapour that appearet^' For a little time ami vauifheth a^oay. yeo. To the memory of | ELEAZER S. TURNER | /on of | Capt LOTHROP & Mrs | Sl/anna TURNER who | died Nov-r 9"i 1800 aged I I year & 39 da}'s. "jGi. To the memory of | Two Children of | Mr HENRY Jackson & | Mrs Huldah his wife | i^' a Son FOSTER | who Died Novr 2 1 St 1800 I aged I year & 8 months | 2^ a Daughter BETSY I who Died Sepr 7th 1807 | aged one year & 5 months. Sleep oil sioeet babes and take thy rest While angels guard thy graz'es The almighty God the Sovereign king He takes but what he gave. 762. To the memory of \ JANE CRANDON | Daughter of | Mr Benjamin Crandon | & Mrs Sukev his wife | Died | Nov'" 2\ 1800 I Aged 8 months. ye^. In memory of \ Capt ROBERT DAVIE [ who Deceased Dec"^ the 17^'' 1800 | In the 32 year of his age J al/o | In mem- ory of ELIZABTH DAVIE | Daughter to Cap^ RoBErr & Mrs Jeru/ha Davie | wlio Died Aug the 30'h jgoo | Aged 11 months and 4 Days. Defstrefsing feene to fee in life fair prime A 1 1 uf band parent languish out of time Confolirig thoughts our faviour is the door To zvorlds of blifs ivhere parting is noe more. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 87 764. G. W. In Memory of | GEORGE WA TSOX Esq-' | who died the 3^1 of December 1800 | in the ^i'^ Year of his Age. No folly ^vaftcd his patcnial Store, N^o guilt, no fordid ai'' rice made it more: With houeft fauie, and foher plenty crotinid, He liv d and fpread his cheering influeuce 'round. Pure was his walk and peacefull was his end — We blefsdhis rev rend length of Days, And hair d him in the public zvays, ]Vith veneration and zuith praife Our Eather and our Eriend. It falls to the lot of but few people to leave such a reputation as that of Mr. Watson. IV,' his uprightness of character and uniform dignity of manners, he preserved the respectability of his family to the grave, and we need no better testimonial of departed worth, than to know that his fellow citizens, assembled in town meeting, reconmiended tlic church bell to be tolled three hours on the day of his burial, a suspension of the usual business in the town, the closing of shops and stores, and a display of flags at half-mast on the shipping in the harbor. He was of an ancient and honorable familv and died in a ripe old age. Rev. Dr. Kendall attended his funeral services and l^reached a sermon which was printed. Those who are familiar with North Street in Plymouth, the place of his residence, will call to mind the great pleasure Mr. Watson took in the cultivation of those fine linden trees at the front and rear of his house, and under the shadow of whose limbs, and in the cool refreshing shade of which he spent so many happy hours and days. In person Col Watson was portly and well proportioned, his countenance noble and placid, and his urbanity and courtesy were proverbial. He left three children* Mary who married Elisha Hutchinson Esq., son of Governor Hutchinson of Massa- chusetts, and died in England before her father deceased. Sarah who married Mar- tin Brimmer Esq , a merchant of Boston, and died in August, 1S32. Elizabeth who married Hon. Thomas Russell, a merchant of Boston. After the decease of Mr. Russell, the widow married Sir Grenville Temple, and died in Rome about 1806, leaving three children. 765. In memory of | GEORGE STRAFFIN. | who was kiU'd with Hght- I ning in the Bay of Biscay | Jan. 10, 1801, | aged 32 y'rs. I MARY S. widow | of the above | died March 30, 1843, | aged Ji y"rs. | Also their two sons, | GEORGE, died at sea | July 7, 1824, I in the 26th year of his age ! | ROBERT, was lost at sea | Jan. 1821, aged 21 )''rs. 766. To the I memory of | M' NATHANIICL DOTEX | who died I March 12''^ 180 1 | aged 60 | N'ears. 767. To I the memory | of | PENELOPE P. HAVWARD | Daughter | of | Dr. NATHAN Havward | and | JOAXNA his wife I who was born the 21'h | ^^id | died the 22'h March | 1801. 88 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. y6S. In memory | of | M>« LYDIA GOODWIN | Relict of | M'' Nathaniel Goodwin | Died | March 24''^ 1801 | aged ] y6 years. 769. This Stone | Consecrated | To the memory of | M^^ ELIZABETH RIPLEY | Consort of | Capt Nathaniel Ripley I who died Ma)' 15''! 1801 | In the 55 year of her | Age. 770. To the memory of | M>-s ELIZABETH KEMPTON | wife of JA JOHN KEMPTON \ who died May 23th 1801 | aged 82 years, | Al/o in memory of 6 | Children of M"" JOHN & I Mrs Elizabeth Kempton | viz JOHN & SAMUEL died June 2tli j 1757 aged i month NATHANIEL died | Aug/t 9^^ 1756 aged 13 years PRI/CILLIA | died AugA 15th 1750 aged 4 years SARAH ] died Feby 23^'^ 1770 aged 13 years SAMUEL I died at /ea Aug/^ 1777 aged 22 }'ears. Beneath this uioiiiuncnt lies Zion diift, Which in the refurrection of the juft. Shall rife in union to its head, And fit in Glory that f hall never fade. 771. In memory of | ABIGALL THOMAS | DUNHAM Daughter of | M"" William and M'^ PLlizabeth Dunham his wife 1 who died July 2 1 801 | aged 9 years. 772. To the I Memory of | W'" MORTON | Son, to M-" | Daniel Jackson | & M^s Rebecca | his wife | Died July 9th j 1 80 1 I iE. 4 years & 6 months. y-jl. To I the memory of | M's JOANNA HOLMES | Daughter of the late | M'' lU'llRAlM HOLMES and ] M^s LuCY his wife who died | Augu/t I2t'i A D 1801 in | the 22 year of her That Female J 'irtne ivhieJi adorn d thy bloom Friendship recalls &" zveeps lepon thy tomb There fad remendirance drops a filent tear And chafte affection ftands a mourner there. 774. In memory of 2 Children | of DoC STEPHEN and M'^ I Lucy Mercy i/' a /on | THOMAS J. MP:RCY who died | Aug/t 17^'^ 1 80 1 aged i | year & 3 months. | 2'^ a Daughter MARY who 1 died Aug/t 19^1^ 1801. | aged 2 years & | 11 months. EriTAPIIS FROM BURIAL HILL. 89 775. In memory of | M^s HANNAH STEPHENS | Daughter of the late | Mt" Elea/er Stephens and | AI^s Elizabeth his wife who I Died August 28''^ 1801 | In the 25^'' year of her | Age. -jl^. In I memory of ] M^^ MARY TORREY | Daughter of the hite | Deacon J(^HN ToRREY | who died /ep"" 19^^^ | 1801 in the 45'h year | of her age. -j-j-]. To I the memory | of | LhLMUEL COBB ROBBINS I son of I Cap' Ansel Robbins | and Hannah his wife | who died Oct 2scl 180 1 | aged I year & 10 days. We have no Reason for to Moarn For gods IV ill must be don He lent Jiiui for a Little space But sudden Call'd liivi home. 778. To I the memory of | M>-^ REBEKAH LEONARD | wife of I Mr William Leonard | who died | Oc' 2''^ 1801 in the 32 I Year of her Age. 779. To 1 the memory | of | M-^s. HANNAH LUCAS | wife of I Capt Levi Lucas | who died — Ocf 6^^ 1801 | in the 29'h year of her age. 780. In memory of | Capt AN/ELM RICKARDS | who died I of a maHg"ant fever at | Martinico Oc' 6''i AD 1801 j in the 34^'^ year of his age. 781. To I the memory of | SARAH TYLER BRECK ] daughter of M"" MosES | Breck and M^s Mary his | wife who departed | this Hfe Ocf 71'^ 1801 | aged i & 8 | months. Tliey die in jefus and are bleft hoiv kind their f lumbers are from fufferings and f-om fins releafed and freed from every fnare. 782. To I The Memory of | LOIS DIMAN, | the much la- mented Daughr I of Mr David Diman | & Mrs Lois his Wife ; I who died Oct 8. 1801 : | In the 10''^ Year | of her Age. Whe7i blooming youth is snatch' d azvay By death's resistlefs hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay, Whieh pity mitft demand. 9() KPITAI'HS FROM BURIAL HILL. J^S. In mcmon- of | LEMUEL BROWN | who died Ocf 13''' iSoi I ai^cd I )-ear 7 months | Al/o in memory of | SARAH PALMIER BROWX | who died Ocf 5 1802 j aged i year 2 months | Children of | Mr LEMUEL Brown and | M^^ Saraii his wife. 7S4. To I the memory of | M-' LICMUKL NELSON | who died Ocf 30^1' | 1801 in tlie 30^11 | year of his | age. 785. To 1 the memory of | M^s SARAH CHURCHHX | wife of Mr Barnahas Churchill | Who Died Novcmb'-''' 9^'' 1801 I in the 48i'> Year of her Age. 7S6. To I the memory of \ M^s MORLVH MENDIL | who died Nov"" 22t'^ 1801 | aged So years wife of | M'' Jabez | Mendil. Mt'meiito Mori. 787. In memory of W^ \ Sh:LAH Wife of Mr | pEl.HAM BR.\l)F()Ri)/he I Died Nov"" 29^1^ 1801 | Aged 22 Years 1 month I & 7 I)a>s. 788. In I the memory of | M'' BENJAMIN BARTLETT | who Died Dec'' 241'^ 1801 | aged 64 years | Likewise his late Consort I JAMIMA BARTLETT | who | Died Eebruar)- 151'' | 1808 I aged 66 years. 789. Here Lies | Buryed the body of | JOSICPH DOTEN Son of I Mr JosKi'ii DcjTEX and | Mr^ \i\.VA\v,v:v\\ his wife | Who Departed this life | Eebry ii^l^ 1 8o2 aged 2 | Years 7 months & 8 days. 790. To the memory of | Mr JOSEPH TRASK | who died Eeby 26''i I 1802 aged Gj )-ears, | Al/o in memory of 3 | Sons of Mr JosEi'ii & Mr^ jKRi'/HA Tra/k viz. | JOSEPH & THOMAS died I at /ea aged 2^ years | WILLIAM aged 15 \-ears. (jO 1802 I aged i year 7 months | and 2 days. 796. To I the memory | of 1 M>- DAVID BATES [ who died I Jul}- ii'l^ 1802 in I the 66''i year of his age. 797. This I /tone is erected | To the memory of | HENRY OTIS the /^cond | /on of Barnabas Otis and | Polly his wife who died I in the I/land of Martinico | July 26 '^ A D 1802 aged I 5 I years 5' months | and | 20 days. 798. I'Lrected in memory | of | THOMAS DIKE /on of | Capt Anthony Dike | and Mollev his | wife who died in | Martinico Jul\- 26'li 1802 | in the 18^'^ year of | his age. 799. In memory of ] Capt JOHN BI/HOP Jun^ | who de- parted this life I July 27 A D 1 802 in | Dominica in the 24th year | of his Age. | Allso in memory of | GEORGE BISHOP who departed | this life Augu/t i^' 1802 in | Dominica in the Fifteenth | )'ear of his age. Sho't is the date of Siibluiiary Joys The evening hnvers soon as the sun heavi-'^ rife Sho't is the uncertain life of helplefs man His days hozv Justly likeiid to a fpan. 800. In I memory ] of | M^ LEWIS LUMBER who departed I this life July 2 7tl> A D 1802 in | Dominica in the 24''! year of his age ] All/o in memory of ELIZABETH LUMBER | who died Sepf 13^11 1802 in the 16th | year of her age. Sleep silent dust till the Archangels sound Bid soul & Body both unite again And call thee forth from underneath the ground To meet thy God with him to live and reign. 92 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 80 [. In I memory of | M'^ MARY DREW | Widow of | Mr James Drew | who died Augf 29''! 1802 | Aged 72 years. 802. To I the memory of | NANCY ATWOOD | Daughter of M"" I John Atwood and | M's Nancy his wife | who died | ybptr /til 1 802 I aged i year I | months 1 5 | days. 803. In memory of | GEORGE TAYLOR BACON | /on of M"" Geor(;e I Bacon and Mi's Bet/v his wife | who died Sep"" | the 8''i 1802 aged 18 j months 8 >-^' days. 804. In I memory of | DAVID WARREN | Son of | Cap' Davh) Warren | and | M^s Sally his wife | who died Sep"" 12^11 1802 I Aged 2 years 4 months. 775 Goi/ luJio lifts our comforts high And sinks thcui in the grave He gives and blessed be his name He takes but zvhat he gave. 805. To the memory j of MARY B — | daughter o. | WlL- LL\M & Mrs I Anna Bradford | who died Sept j^th | 1802 aged I )-ear & I | month i day. 806. WILLIAM THOMAS, M. D. | Died Sept. 20, 1802, | Aged 84 years. | MERCY, j Daughter of | W"i & MERCY Thomas | Died Nov. 1776, | Aged 17 years. Dr. Thomas was the son of William and Anne (Patershall) (Kreck) Thomas; born in Boston 17 18. He was a descendant in the sixth generation from William Thomas, a merchant adventurer, who came to America, from Yarmouth, England, in the " Mar\e and .Ann," in 1637, and settled in Marshfield, Mass. He was an eminent physician, of extensive practice in Plymf)uth for upwards of fifty years. He was a member of the medical staff in the hazardous and successful enterprise against Louisburg in 1745, and at Crown Point in 175S. He was an active man in the struggles with the motiit-r country during the Revolution. Soon after the first blow was struck at Lexington, in 1775, he, with his four sons, joined the first organized revolutionary corps, jtoshua became aiJe-dc-canip to General Thomas in the expedition to Canada in 1776, and, at the conclusion of peace, Judge of Probate for Plymouth County; Joseph was a captain of an artillery company; and John was on the medical staff, and upon the termination of the struggle settled at Poughkeepsie, in the State of New York, in the practice of his profession, where he diecl in i8tS, leaving a son and one daughter. The other sons settled in Plymouth. A daughter married and settled in Charlestown, N. H. He married, ist, Mary Papillon, of Boston; 2d, Mercy Bridgham, of Boston; y\, Marv I lowland. 807. To I the memory of ] EDWARD TAYLOR | DAVEE the /un of | Capt Solomon Davee | and | Mrs Jedidah, who I died Sepr | the 21^^ 1802 | aged I year 4 | months 18 days. EI'ITArilS FROM BURIAL HILL. 93 808. To I the memory | of | M>-s MERCY JACKSON | Con- sort of I VV"i JACKSON I'Vq'- ] Obiit ] Sepf 241'' 1802 | At^ed 39 years. 809. To the memory | of I'LLIZABETH TAYLOR \ BREWS- TER daughter of | Capt William & Mrs | Elizabeth Brewstlr I who died Sep 2 5tl» 1 802 | aged i year 4 months | 17 da}-s. 810. To I Perpetuate the memory | of | CHARLES HENRY BACON I Son of David Bacon | and Mrs. Abkiail his wife | who died September 26 1802 | in the Sixth year of liis age. /// i\7r/r life pre par d for Death Heaven calTd and I resign d my Breath Weep not dear Friends ; your tears dismifs Nor wish me from the Realms of Bliss. 811. Li I memory of | REBECK AH BARTLETT | daughter of I Mr John Bartlett and | M^^ Rkbp:ckaii his wife | who died Sepf 27''^ 1802 I aged 3 v-ears & 2 months | & 17 days. Tis God ivho lifts our eomforts high. Or finks them in the grave. He gives and bleffed be his name He takes but what he gave. 812. In I memory | of | Pi ARIOT BARTLETT | daughter of I Mr Stephen Bartlett | and | Mr^ Polly his wife | who | died Sept 28''^ 1802 | aged 2 }'ears. 813. In I memory of | DAVIU TURNER /on of | M^ David Turner & | M""* Lvdlv his wife j who died /ept 29th 1802 | aged I year & 9 | months & 1 3 | days. 814. To I the memory of | Two Children of | Cap^ Ele.vzer Holmes & | M^s Bet/v his wife ] i^ii a /on SAMUEL A | who died Sepr 29'^^ 1802 j aged 9 months & 10 days. | 2*^ a daughter ELIZA who I died June 25th 1803 aged | 3 years & 3 months & 19 I days. Frefh in the morn the fummer rofe, Hangs xvithar d ere its noon. We fear ce enjoys the balmy gift. But mourn the pleafure gone. 94 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 815. To I the memory of | THOMAS BARTLETT ] /on of I M"" Thomas & | M^s Ruth Bartlett [ who died Sepf 29^^ 1802 I aged I year 2 months & | 11 days. TJic zvoncc lov d form noiv cold cf dead, Each monrnfidl thought imploys. And nature ivccps his comforts fled And zvithcred ail his joys But ceas fond nature dry thy tears Re I i go 11 pints on high. And ever laf ting fprifig appears. And joys that never die. 816. In I memory of | THOMAS PATY /on of | M^ Thomas Paty and | M'^ Jeku/HA his wife | who departed this life I Oc^ 7'h 1802 aged 2 years | 10 months and 20 days. And muft thy children dye fo foon. 817. To I the memory of | HANNAH C. LUCAS | Daugh- ter of M"" I Lazarus and M""^ | Nancy Lucas who | died Ocf 7^'^ 1802 aged I 2 years & 28 days. 818. To I the memory | of | JOHN DICK/ON j /on of | M^ John & | Mrs Phebe Dick/on j who died | Ocf 7th 1802 | aged I year i month & | 9 days. /// early days away from us he fly s, A^o more his pleafing actions charmes our eyes. Gofic but not loft I fee Jiim from a fare. That fnldime part like a bright morning f tar, A happy change from earth to fure above. Now takes his dwelli?ig in the realms of love. 819. To the memory of | PRICILLA DAVE A | Daughter of I Capt ROBART & Mrs | Jeru/ha Davea who I died Ocf ii^^ 1802 I aged I year 7 months | & 11 days. Babes rather caught from womb and brcaft. Claim a right to fing above the reft. Becaus their found that happy shore They never faw nor fought before. EPITAl'IIS FROM BL'RIAL HILL. 95 820. ANNA MAY WETHRELL | Daughter of | Thomas Wlthrell JiT" I and Nancy his Wife | died Octor 12, 1802 | Aged 15 Months | and 16 days. 821. In I memory | of | VV'" R. JACKSON | /on of | W>" & Mercy Jackson | Obiit | 12^'^ Ocf | 1802 | aged one year. 822. In I memory | of | Mrs RUTH BARTLhLTT wife of | M"" Thonlvs Bartlett | wlio Died Ocf h^'^ 1802 | in the 22 year of her age. TlW/> not for iiic, but ii'ci'p for jonr selves. 823. To I the memory of | RICHARD HOLMES | Son of | Mr Willlam Holmes | & M^s Hannah his wife | who died | October 15^^ 1802 | aged 2 years | ii mounths & 12 days. 824. In i memory | of | WILLIAM S. HOLMES | Son of | Mr Joseph Holmes | and | Mrs Martha his wife | who | died Oct 2ith 1802 I aged I year and 4 months. 825. In memory of | ICHABOD SHAW HOLMES | Son of I Capf Chandler Holmes & | Mrs Phebe his wif | who died Novr 1st 1802 I aged i year 4 months. The tender Parants have sc^rse time to zvipe Ther xvcepiiig eys loe heaven cauls and the other dies. Al/o in memory of | CHANDLER HOLMES ther Son | who died Nov. 6''^ 1802 | Aged 4 year 10 months. 77^1?/ 7vare Lovely & Pleasant in ther Life And in ther Death ivare not Devided. 826. JOANNA DAVIE. | wife of Capt Ich.vbod | Davie, | died Nov. 3, 1802 ; | in the 31st year of her age. 827. Erected | in ^h•nLory of | Txvin Daughters \ of Cap' Tho^ Atzvood, I and Mehetabel, his Wife, | Born Nov. 2, 1802: | Died Nov. 4, 1802. I Also I In Memory of Darius, Son | of Capt Tho^ Atzvood and | Mehetabel his Wife who | Died Jan. 23, 1809 Aged 2 mo & 8 days. Here, here they lief oh! could I once more viezv Those dear remains; take one more fond adieu g6 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Of til Wivk of God, their beauteous clay, ivhich here In infant charms so lovely did appear. As thd' in nature's nicest model east. Exactly polisli d, zvrought too fine to last — /) r t/ie same hand that icrought, again shall they arise To bloom more gay more lovely in the skies. 828. To I the memory of | M--^ SARAH ROBBINS | Con- /ort of I M"" Jesse Robbins | who died Nov"" 6'^ | 1802 in the 24''* I year of her age. Here lies intomb'd ivithin this Jioufe of clay The mortal part of an engageing wife Whofe virtue f hone amid the blaze of day Whofe kind affection ended ivitJi her life Till Gabriel's trumpet' s animating found Bid foul and body meet and reunite Here reft in f Hence in the vaulted ground Then meet thy God zvith rapture & delight. 829. To I the memory | of ] M^s LUCY JACKSON | wife of I Mr Thomas Jackson ] who died | Nov^ lo''^ 1802 | aged 39 years. The fainted partner and the friend fincere. The tendereft parent, traveller, slumbers here Smote by the ftorm zvit/i blooms arid verdure crotvnd So falls the tree and fpreads a fragrance rouful. 830. To the memory | of HANNAH HUK/TEN | daughter of I M"" William & M^^ \ Mary Hue/ten | who died Nov"" 16^'^ I 1802 aged 2 years 2 | months & 15 days. 831. In I memory ] of | W^ LOIS WARREN | Con/ort of | Maj"" Benj'i Warren | Deceas'i Nov igt'^ 1802 | In the 53d year of her I Age. 832. In I memory | of | ANNA JACK/ON ] Daughter of | VV" & Mercy Jack/on | Obiit | 27th Nov"- | 1802 | aged 3 years. 833. In I memory of | WILLIAM BATTLES | son of | W^ Deborah B.vitles | who died | Decem'^ 12th 1802 | aged 2 months | & 18 days. EI'ITATFiS FROM BURIAL HILL. 97 834. To the memory of | JANE BARTLETT | Daughter of Capt James & M^^ Marv | Bartlett who died Dec 24th | 1802 aged 2 years & 7 months. My iiiui's of fornnv and of joy Great God ai\' in thy hand My clioiccft come forts eoine from thee And go at thy eommand. 835. In 1 memory | of | Mr AMMAZIAH HARLOW | who \ Departed this Life | December 25 1 802 | In the 55 \-ear of his 1 Age. 836. In memory of I Four Children of | M"" Zacheus Kemp- TOX I & Sarah his wife viz | SALLY aged ^6 years | CHARLES z^ed 21 years | WOODARD aged 17 years'] ROB- INS OX iv^cd 2 )-ears | the}' died between | 1802 & 1820. Stop traveller and shed a tear Upon the fate of children dear. 337. EPHRAIM WHITING. | Died in Jamacia | W. I. 1803 : j Aged 28 y'rs. | also | ELIZABETH, | widow of the late | Epiiraim Whitixc, I Died Sept. 2". 1855 ; | Aged 80 y'rs. May their souls meet in heaven. 838. To the memory of | THOS. LEONARD, | lost at sea. on a voyage | from Martinique to | Pl}'mouth, Jan. 19, 1803, aged 32 yr's | Also his wife | SALLY | who died Dec. 22 1834, I aged 67 }r's. 839. Sacred | to the memory | of | CHARLES ROBBINS | Master Mariner | who died at | St. Pierre Martinique | Jan. 22, 1803, I aged — about 34 years, | Also to JLAR]' his wife. | who died I Sept. 23, 1854, | aged 84 years. 840. To I the memory | of | Cap^ JOSEPH DOTEN | who | died at Guadaloupe | Februarv 4'h 1803 | in | the 2>3 year of his age. Time on its iving conveys ns home, To the mouldring grou)id zvhence we come: Prepare to meet the solemn call, When the last trumpet calls ns all. q8 epitaphs from burial hill. 841. To the memory of | MyVRY TORREY daughter of | Co' John & | M^^ Elizaketh | Torkkv who died | March 2"^ 1 803 aged I 3 months & 2 i | days. 842. Erected | to perpetuate the memory | of two SONS | of TlI()^L\s & Sarah Wethrell | Who died in the West Indies I WIEEIAM WETHRELL Dec^l at St Thomas | March 23^^ 1803. I aged 22 years. | ISAAC WETHRELL | Dec^ at Mar- tinico January 23<:1 1803 | aged 19 years. By foreign liands, thy dying eyes ivcrc closc^ By foreign hands, tliy decent limbs eonipos'^ By foreign hands, thy hnmble graves adorn'^ By strangers hononrd, and by strangers mourn'^. 843. In I memory of | two Daughters of M>- JOHN SILVES- TERS I & Lvi)L\ his wife I i«t ^ABIGAIL WASHBURN | who died March 27^11 1803. | aged i year 7 months | 2*^^ ABIGAIL WASHBURN who died Nov"- 28'^ 1804 aged | i year 3 months. Farewell vain world 7oe bid adien. 844. To I the memory | of | M--^ RUTH NI- LSON | wife of M'' Ehenezer Nelson | who died April 29111 AD 1803 aged 69 I years. 845. To I the memory | of M''* LUCY HAMMATT | who died I April 30th 1803 | Aetatis -j-j Composed in suffering, & in Joy sedate. Good without show, for just diseernnient great. 846. To I the memory ] of M>« ZERULAH CROMBIE | Confortof 1 Dea" William CuoAnnE ] who died May | i^^' 1803 in the 66^^ \ year of | her ] age. 847. In memory of | Mr ABNER HOLMES | who | died May 26'li AD. 1803 j Aged Twenty-five years | Also in memory of I M'-' MARY HOLMES relict of M^ Abxer Holmes | who died April ij^"^ 1804 | aged 24 years | and of their infant MARY who died July 2i'li 1803 aged 4 months. What is this World — %oe saiv this youth fnl fair Belovd and Jiappy — every prospect fair Now in the grave — but Kindred cease your sighs To them 'twas but the path to Christ above the skies. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 99 848. In I memory I of I Mrs SARAH FAUNCE | wife of Cap' Barnabas Faunck | died July the 15^1 1803 | in the 55^'' | year of her age. 849. To the I memory of | M""^ POLLY BARTLETT | Con- /ort of 1 Mr David Bartlett | who died July 22<^^ \ 1803 in the 25^'^ year | of her age. | al/o in memory of DAVID | /oN of | M"" David & M^^ Polly | Bartlett who died Dec 30'h | 1803 aged I year 2 months & 14 days. DcatJi like an ovcr-flozving fircam, Sweeps us aivay our life's a dream, An empty tale a mooring flower, Cut down and witlierd in an hour. 850. To I the memory | of | M^s REBEKAH HOLMES | Consort of | Capt ICHABOD HOLMES ] who j died July 25'''' 1803 I in I the 75*'! year | of | her age. 851. To I the memory of | DAVID LEACH Son | of Capt Finney Leach | and M^s Mercy | his wife | who died Aug. 9'^ 1803 I Aged 2 months | and 8 days. IV/i're sliall i go zvhere shall i flee But to my lovcing Saviours breast TJiere within his arms to lie And safe beneath his wing to rest. 852. In I memory | of | ESTHER COOPER | daughter of | M^ John Cooper & | M^s Jerusha his wife | who died | Sepf 9^1^ 1803 I Aged 2 years & 2 months. The infant smiles in lisping speach And in the grave in s He nee sleaps. 853. To the memory | of GEORGE SAM/ON | /on of [ M"- George & | W^ Patience Sam/on | who died Sepf 15th | 1803 aged I year 7 months & 6 days. Uncertain life hozv foon it flies, Swift as an hour how fhort the bloom. Like fprings gay verdure once did rise Cut dozvn ere night to fill the tomb. lOO EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL, 854. In memory of | LUCY TAYLOR COOPER \ Daughter of I Capt. Joseph Cooper | and M's LUCY his wife | who died Septet" i^th 1803 I Aged one year 5 months. A/i emblem in this glass ive see Of zvhat xve all must qiiiekley be The iiifajit has resigned its breath, Sleeps in the icy arms of death. 855. To I Perpetuate the memory | of | M' SAMUEL BAR- NES I who died | September 25^^1803 | in | tlie 2 3rtl )-car ] of | his age. 856. FATHER AND MOTHER | OLIVER KEMPTON | died Sept. 30''^ 1803 | on the Banks of Quereau, | in his '^6'^'^ )''r I SALLY I his widow | died Feb. 18th, 1855, | Aged 84 )'ears. There is rest in Heaven. 857. Also in memory of P^ANNY H | GARDNER daughter of M^ Harwood I & Mrs Mehetabel Gardner who | died Octr 6''^ 1 803 aged i year 5 | months & 1 7 days. The upper part of this stone is broken off. 858. In I memory of | JAMES CROMBIE | Son of | M-" Calvin Crombie I & M'^ Naomi | his wife | died October 9th 1803 I aged I year 10 months. 859. Sacred to the memory | of | M>-s PRISCILLA HAM- MATT I widow of I Capt ABRAHAM Hammatt I & youngest daughter of the late | Doct'' Lazarus Le BARON, | who departed this life I the 14th of Oct. 1803 | aged 50 years. 860. In memory | of | iW ELISHA DUNHAM \ who died j Nov'' 14''^ 1803 in I the 58 year of his | age. 861. To I the memory | of | G. W. & J. A. HAYWARD | twin Children | of | D"" N. Havward | & | Joanna his wife | who were born & died | 17'h November | 1803. 862. To 1 the memory | of | M-^^ REBECKAH | BART- LETT Con/ort of 1 Mr JoHN Bartlett I who died | DeclJ"- i8th 1803 in the | 26^11 year of her age. That female virtue icieli adorn' d thy bloom Friendship recalls, and zveeps upon thy tomb Their fad remembrance drops a filent tear. And chafte affection ftaiids a mourner their. EFITAl'IIS FROM BURIAL HILL. lOI 863. In I memory of j THOMAS BRADFORD | Son of ( Mr Thomas Bradford | & M^s Mary his wife | died Jan. 9'^ 1804 I aged I year | 1 month & 7 days. 864. WILLIAM BRE\VSTI':R | who died | Jan^y i2tH 1804 I in the | 34^11 year | of | his age. ' Twas thine to knoiv the bcft delights of life A lovely off fpi'ing and endearing ivife, At du'y s call the rich-fratigJit bark did ft guide To distant climes on oceaji s fzvclling tide. But noiv alas those blifs-ful scenes are o'er Thy fafe retnrn fhall cheer thy friends no more 'Thy comfort monrns — 7i.'ith her ive fympathife And hope ivith Christ tJiey'^ meet in happier skies. 865. To I the memory | of | Capt WILLIAM CROMBIE | who died | Feb^y 9''^ 1804 | in the 40^'^ | year of his | age. Captain Crombie, born in Plymouth, May 24, 1764, was the son of Deacon William and Zeruiah (Kimball) Crombie, of Andover, Mass., who removed to Plymouth about 1762, and for nearly forty years was Deacon of the church in Plymouth. He married Deborah, daughter of Samuel and Experience (Atwood) Jackson, of Plymouth. 866. To the memory | of | Docf STEPHEN MARCY | who died I March 24th 1804 | Aged 45 | years. 867. In memory of | WILLIAM BREWSTER | Son of f Cap^ William Brewster | & M^s Elizabeth Brewster his wife I died April 5^1^ 1804 | aged one year | 5 months & 13 days. 'The father & the childreti dead We hope to Heaven their souls are fled The zvidow noiv alone is left Of all the family bereft May she noiv put her trust in God To heal the wotind made by his rod. 868. In I memory | of | M^s NANCY DUNBAR | confort of I John D. Dunbar Esq"" | Deceased | May 3'! 1804 | in | the 33d year of her | age. 869. To I the memory of | PRISCILA HARLOW | daughter of I Mrs Setii Harlow | and M^s Triscila | his wife | who died I June 22nd 1804. I aged 3 months & 12 | days. I02 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 870. FANNY CROA'IBII-: | daughter of | M"" Calvin Crom- inK & 1 M''^ NAO^^ his wife | Departed this hfe | June 25111 AD 1804 I in the S^h year | of j her age. As yon II i^ as beautiful ! and f oft as young And gay as f oft ! and innocoit as gay. 871. Here was buried | the body of | ELIZABETH SYM- MES j daughter of | M"" Lazarus Symmes | & PoLLY his wife I who I died July 21^'^ 1804 | aged one year | 6 months | & 9 days. Tlu'ir n'st in peace thou lovely Thier sleep in sweet repose From earthly parents thou art gone A better parent chose. S72. Erected to the memory of five | Children of Cap' At- wooi) Drew j & M^s Lydia Drew his wife, viz | LYDIA died August 25, 1804, I aged one year 10 months. | ELIZA A. DREW died Sep"" 5, 1805 | aged one year 4 months, | LYDIA VV. DREW died Apr' 11, 1806 | aged 7 months, | WILLIAM R.DREW died Ocf 9, 181 5 | aged 10 months. | ELIZA DREW died Ocf" 17, 18 17 I aged one year 6 month. // is not the -will of your father which is iii heave ii. That one of these little ones should perish. Christ. 873. This stone is placed here | To the memory of | M^ ELK AN AH WATSOX \ who Died Sepf 7'>i 1804 | aged 73 years ] Also CHARLES LEE WATSON his son | who died 16^11 of the same month | aged Eleven years. 874. In memory of | M-" ELKANAH CHURCHILL | who was I drowned at Sea | October 7th 1804 | in the 27th year of his age 1 Also in memor)- of | M'^ EUNICE his wife | who died NoV P"^ i8c3 I in the 24''^ year of her age. Not blooming health nor beauty pleasing Charmes Can shield or save them from the Tyrants arms God in his Unerring wisdom had desig?i'd A watery Grave to be my Tomb. EIMTAI'IIS 1-RUM BURIAL HILL. lO' 875. In I memory of | FRANCIS COBB | Son of | William Cobb Esq. | & I'Ilizabetii | his wife | Died Oct 8''^ 1804 | aged 3 years | & 7 months. 876. To the memory | of | Maj' BKXJAMIX RIDKR [ who died I Ocf 12''' 1804 ] aged 71 years, 877. In memory of | Mi^« GRACE COBB | Daughter of | Mr Cornelius Cobb | & M^s Grace his wife | who | Died Oct'' 29''^ 1804 ) in the 24''^ year of her age. 878. Here Hes Inter'd the body of | Capt EDWARD MOR- TON I who Died | Nov^ 14th AD 1804 | In the 52 year of his Age I Likewise his late Consort | M^^ SARAH MORTON | who Died I Feb. 21 AD 1805 | Aged 49 years. Healthful at Dawn, soft slumbers left his cj'cs, " I'z'C rested well," he said and in a moment dies ! Shocked ivith the seene, with lingering grief opprest, His consort met him, where the weary rest." 879. Consecrated to the memory of | M' DAVID LOTH- ROP I who died November | 1804 in the 56 year | of his age | Also his Consort | M^s BATHSHEBA LOTHROP | who died Oct. 1, 1817 I in the 63 year of her age. 880. To I the memory | of | Capt ELEAZER HOLMES | this I monument | is Erected | Obit | December 22 | 1804 | aged I 47 years. 881. this Stone j is Erected ] To Perpetuate | the memory of I Mi-s ELIZABETH HARLOW | Consort of | Capt Jksse Har- L(nv I who I Departed | this hfe | January 24th 1805 | in the 65 year | of her j age. 882. In I memory | of | HARVY CASWELL | son of | Daniel Caswell | and | Caroline | his wife | who | died Jana>' 26 | 1805 | Aged 4 years | and 2 months. 883. To I the memory | of | Miss SARAH COBB | who ciied I in Jany 1805 ] aged | 59 years. I04 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 884. ANDREW FARRELL | of respectable connexions | In Ireland | Aged 38 years, | Owner and Commander | of the Ship llibernia, | Sailed from Boston JanY 26, | And was wrecked on Plymouth Beach | JanY 28 1805 : | His remains | With five of seven seamen, | who perished with him, j Are here interred. " O piteous lot of mail's uncertain state'/ " What woes on life's eventful Jonnuy wait — " By sea luhat treacherous calms ; zohat sudden storms ; " And death attoidant in a thousand forms." 885. In memory of | M^s POLLY DOTEN Consort of | Mr THOMAS DOTEN who Died | February 24th AD 1805 | in the 25'^ year of her age | Also their Son an infant | who Died February 9 aged 23 days. Amidst the bloom of life The fondest joys decay And here in filence fleeps Till the grate rising day. 886. To the memory of | M-^* DOROTHY BARTLETT | Widow of I M"" John Bartlett | and Daughter to | Deacon Jo- SIAII Carver, | who Died | March ii'h 1805 aged 69 years. Alas and has She gone and has She fled Gone to the Silent mansions of the dead Shes is gone we trust to join the joys on high JVith Saints and angels der the Starry sky. 887. Consecrated | to the memory of | M^ SAMUEL JACK- SON I who departed this life | March 27th 1805 | in the 74th year of his age. Let Earth dissolve, yon ponderous orb descend And grind us into dust, the soul is safe The man emerges mounts above the loreek As towring fame from nature's funeral pyre. 888. In memory of | M-" JABEZ DOTEN | who Died | April G-^ 1805 I In the 50''^ year of his age | Also in memory of | Four infant Daughters of | M"" Jabez Doten and M^s HANNAH his wife. KrriAriis from iiikial hill. 105 889. Consecrated ] to the | Memory | of | M''^ MARY DYER I who died April i 7^1> A 1) 1805 | aged 241!^ Years. One tliiii^^ is needful And Mary hath ehosen that Good part Whieh shall not be taken azvay from her. 890. This I Stone is Erected | to the memory of | ^l^^ RE- BEKAH FINNEY | Consort of | M"" JosLVll Finnev | the Eldest Daughter | o^ Ma/'' Innj" ]Varren \ who Died Jun^' 4''^ 1805 | in the 37'1> year of her | age | Also to the memory of | their .Son y OS/AH \\\\o I was born May 22 1805 ] Died May 28, 1802. 891. In 1 memory of | M-"^ LYDIA HARLOW | Consort of | Cap' Ezra Harlow | who | Died July 9''^ 1805 | in the 30'ii \-ear | of her age. .S92. In I memory | of | "SV^ ABIGAIL FAUNCh: | wife of | Cap' Barnabas FauncK | died July i^^^ 1805 | in | the 32- RUFUS GODDARD | who | De- parted this life I August 26^'' 1805 | in the 29'*^ year | of his age. I06 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 897. In I Memory of | M'' JOSEPH BR AM HALL | who | Departed this Hfe j Septemb' 17th 1805 | in the 62^^ year | of his age. 898. In memory | of | M'-s .SARAH COVINGTON | Consort of I Capt THOMAS COVINGTON | who Died | Octo>- 19th 1805 1805 I aged 51-^t years. 899. This Stone | Is Erected to the | memory of | M"" JO- SEPH TRIBliELL I who Died | November 17'h 1805 | in the y6 year | of liis age. 900. This I .Stone is Erected | To | the memory j of | M'' JOHN KEMPTON | who died April 18 1806 | in the 90 year of his age. / as^- the 1)1, whcticc their viet')y eaine They with united breath Ascribe tlieir eoiiquest to the Lamb Their triitinpli to his deatli. 901. In I memory of | M^s ELISABETH STEPHENS | widow of the Kate | PIleazer STEPHENS Deceasd | who Died April 30, 1806 I in the 71 \'car | of her age. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trttmpet joy full sound Then bust the chains ivith sweet surprise And in my saviours image rise. 902. To I The memory | of | M-" BARTLETT Le BARRON I who departed this life | June 24'^ 1806 | aged 6"/ years. 903. In I memory | of | MERC A TURNER | Daughter of | M"" Davh) Turner | and M's Lydia | his wife | who died July lo'l^ I 1806 I aged 5 months. 904. In memor>- of | M"" WILLIAM LEWIS | who died July 15, 1806 I in the 30 year | of his age. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the chains with szveet surprise And in my Saviours imaire rise. El'ITAl'IIS FROM IIURIAL HILL. 107 905. In memory of] M""^ MERCY MORTON | wife of M"" Seth Morton | who Died Aug 24 1806 | in the 72 year of her age. My Jlcsh shall slumber in the (ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the ehains li'ith sweet surpris' And in my saviour's imaj^e rise. 906. In I memory of I Mr JOSh:PH ROWLAND | who | Died Sept gth 1^06 | in the 56 year of his age. 907. BKTSY L. BARTLETT { Consort of M-" jE.ssK \\\KV- LETT I Born Dec 25 1781 | and died | Sept 23 1806. By this event a Husband is deprived of his best Friend 'Three ehildren of an affectionate parent A Mother of her only Child. Farewell those Happy days that once f knew Adieu my FrieJid I bid a Long Adieu Till ive united Shall that hand adore That parted lovers on this Earthly shore. 908. In I memory of | M-" THOMAS FISH | who | Died September 29^'^ | 1806 | in the 25^'^ year of his | age. 909. In 1 memory | of | MARCLV LEACH | Daughter of | Cap' Finney Leach | and ] Mercv his wife \ born Febux lot'^ 1805 1 died Oct-" 6^'^ 1806. God in his lovely ivord has said Children ivere for his kingdom made Then may zee all to God submit Who ealls them home as he sees fit. 910. In memory of] LEWIS HARLOW, | who died | Oct. 10. 1806. I in the 35th. yr. | of his age. | HANNAH | widow of the above | died Aug. 3, 1848. | aged 72 years. Ken as the Fat,her willed, The path of Life was trod : Rest, for ye have fulfilled The mission of your God. Io8 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Earth to its native earth, And dust to dust be gi^'oi : But the pure spirit's birth Hath made it lieir of Heaven. 911. Mrs BETSY HARLOW | Consort to M'' John Harlow, I was born Feb 22'^' 1786, | and Died Nov. 22^^ 1 806 | This Stone — an unavailing | tribute of affection, | Is erected by her Husband | to her memorx'. WitJi Iter was eroioifd my earthly blip's. Home zvas my Joy and Happiness But ah noio soon Death's arroio flies! Depriv d of her I love. On Christ alone my hope relies, We yet may meet above. 912. This stone is erected | in memory of DAVID HOLMES I son of David & Rebecca Holmes | who supported a good character j till a few days of insanity | which occasioned his [ melancholy death Nov'' 2^ \ in the 32 year of his age | in the year y\nno Domini 1806. The tedious day the gloomy night Dreiv fast the bands of zvoe and grief Often bezoilder'd in my sight I souglit for death to find relief. 913. To I the memory of | M^s BETHIAH CHURCHILL j wife I of I M'' Ansell Churchill | who died Dec 6"i 1806 j in the 6 1st year of her age. 914. In I memory | of | M>-s SALLY TORRE Y | Consort | of M*" J(XSHUA TORREV [ who Died Dec'" ;''' 1806 | in the 44''^ year of her age. 915. MRS. I EXPERIENCE. | wife of Dea. | Josiaii Rob- lUNS. I born Sept. 22, 1789. | died Feb. 11, 1807. | PELLA MORTON I ROBBINS | born Feb. 3. 1807. | died March 3, 181 I. I MRS. ANN G. I wife of Dea. | Josiaii Robbixs, | died Sept. 6, 1 81 7 I Aged 29 years. | JOSIAH J/^.-J J/5 died | Aug. 24. 1816, ^. 7 m's. I ANN G. CUSHMAN | died Sept. 19. 1817 I aged 6 weeks. | MRS. REBECCA | JACKSON. | wife of Dea. Kl'ITAI'HS FROM ];L'kIAL HILL. 109 JOSIAH RoRBIXS I died Oct. 19, 1S50. | Aged 6 1 years | & 26 days. I REBECCA J. | ROBBINS \ born Nov. 5, 1819. | dkcl Jan 31, 1820. I ANN CUSHMAX | born Jan. 16. 1825. j died Jul)' II, 1825. 916. In memor\- of | M^s POLLY RIPLEY | Consort of | M-" Levi Ripi.KV | wlio died March 8 1S07 | in the 34 year of lier age I Allso their Child LE]'[ \ died March 3 1807 | aged one year. Here peaceful rest till Christ shall come To call the from beneath the groniul His poiver fill voice shall rouse the Tomb With s7oeet salvation in the sound. 917. In I memory \ of | M'--^ POLLY DILLARD | Consort | of I M'' Benjamin Dillard | who ] died March 1807 | in the 22 year | of her age. 918. In memory of | M^s ABIGAL HOLMES | Consort of | Cap' Richard Holmes | who | died April 8^'! 1807 | in the 53 ye;ir j of her age. 919. In I memory of I ELIZABP:TH DIMAN | who departed this life I April 14''^ I 807 | in the 47 year of | her age. Tlessed are the dead That die in the Lord. 920. In I memory of \ Capt WILLIAM BARTLETT | who Departed | this life April 19 1807 | in the 79 }'ear | of his age. 921. To I the memory of | M'" MOSES BRECK | who de- parted this life I May i/-' I 807 | in the 40''i }-ear of Iiis age. Strangers ^r friends ivhile you gaze on my urn Rcmend'cr death ivill call you in your turn Theref 01 e prepare to meet your God on high When he rides glorious through the upper sky. 922. In memory of | Capt CORBIN BARNES | who was Drowned off the | Gurnet May 28, i S07 | aged 75 years, and liis 1 Grandson STEPHEN HARLOW \ in the ijth year of his age I Also ^LRS. JLARV BARNES \ who died May 9th, 1824 | in the 83 )'ear of her age | widow of the above. The zvithcring age and Blooming youth Must yield to death ; ivc feel this trutJi. IIO EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 923. In memory of | Capt THOMAS MATHEWS [ who was born in | South Shields, England | Feby 17^'^ 1725 died June | 1807 Aged 82 years | Also in memory of | M^s DESIRE MAT- HEWS I his wife who died | September 15, 1807 | aged 75 years. 924. In memory of | Mrs. TABITHA PEASKET j who died June 10, 1807 I aged 64 years. Adieu vain zoo rid I Jtavc seen enough of the And I a 1)1 eareless zvhat thou sayst of nie, Thy smiles I zoish not ; Nor thy froivns I fear, [ am now at rest, my head lies quiet here. 925. In memory of | Miss THANKFUE SHURTLEFF, | who died | July 10, 1807, | aged 57 years. 926. SACRED I to the memory | of | Docf ISAAC BAR- ROWS I who died July \cf^^, 1807 age^' IJ years. Oh the blaek eloud that shadozos o'er his eyes Ha?igs there immoveable and never flies Fain zoould I bid tlie envious gloom begone Ah fruitless zvish hozu are his eurtains drazon. 927. In memory of | M--^ HANNAH BARTLETT | the wife of I Mr Nathaniel Bartlett j who Departed | this life July 28 1807 I in the 40 year | of her age | Allso in memory of | F'our children of | M"" NATHANIEL Bartlett | & M^s H.\nnaii Bart- lett I his wife. 928. In I memory of | LUCY STURTEVANT | Daughter of Capt William Sturtev.\nt | and Sally his wife | who died August 7''^ 1807 I aged 4 years | and i i months. 929. In memory of | LUCRETIA ANN, | Born April 12. 1806. I Died Aug.st. 10 1807 I ELIZABETH MILLER, \ Born Sept'r 18 1810 j Died Feb.y 28 1811. | BENJAMIN MARS- TON I Born April 16, 18 16 | Died March 26 181 7 | Children of B. M. & L. B. W.vrsoN. 930. In I memory of | M^s JERUSHA TRASK | who Died y\ug' 20 1807 I in the 68 year | of her age. .SV;/.s- promisd joys are tiirnd to pain And i am divzvnd in Grief EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. If I But my dear Lord returns again He flies to my relief. Seizing my Sonl zvith szveet surprise He draws zvith loving bands Divine Compassion in his eyes And pardon in his hands. 931. In memory of | THOMAS POPI^. son of | Cap Thomas Pope I and Prisctlla his wife | who Died Augst 31st 1307 | aged 7 years & three months. The zvork of god that hcautio"^ clay zvhieh here In infant smiles so lovely did appear As though in natures nicest model cast Exactly polished zvrought tzvo fine to last By the same pozverfull haw^ again shall rise To bloom more gay more lovely in the skies. 932. Sacred to the memory of | SAMUEL DICKSON son of I Mr Samuel Dickson | and Mary his wife | who Died Sep"" 10''^ 1807 I aged one year | 5 months & 22 days. Receivd but yesterday the gift of brea^^ Nozo caird to slumber in the armcs of dca"'- 933. In memory of | AMELIA CHURCHILL ] Daughter of Cap' Joseph Churchill | and Mercy his wife j died Sep"" 12th 1807 I aged 7 months & 5 days. The infant's bloom zvith morning smile Did let the parenf s hearts beguile Faded in death nozv pale She lies And fills the parents hearts zvith Sighs. 934. In memory of | LEAVITT RIPLEY f Son of | Cap» Nath^^ Ripley | who died j Sep"" 17^'! 1807 | in the 21st | year of his age. The all surrounding hcavn the Vital air Is big zvith Death. 935. I I am erected | by JosiAii CoTTON Esqr | in remcn- brance of RACHEL | his pious and Virtuous | Wife | who died JanuY i/i'i 1808 1 aged 50 years. In belief of Christianity I lived, In hope of a glorious Resurrection I died. 112 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 936. In mcnior)- of | M'^ SARAH TRIBBEL ] widow to the late I JosKPH TRIliliKI. I Deceas'd | who died | January i4<'' 1808 i a<^ed 75 \-ear.s. 937. This monument j is erected in memory of | M"" JAMES BARTLETT Jun-- | who died \ in the Island of Dominico | Feby 4^11 1808 I in the 23 \-ear of his age. 77/i- time teas once iiiy yoiithfitl fyiciids I livd & blooDi d like the The time ivill eome tis hast'iiiiii^ on When yo/i shall fade like me. 938. In I memory of | ELKANAH CHURCHILL | /on of | M^ hJ'HRAiM Churchill | and Sally his wife | who died Ai)ri 13''' 1808 I aged 2 months | and 7 da}'s. 939. This Monument | Erected by | Mr. IV'". P. Ripley \ In remembrance of | M'^ POLLY LkIPLEY \ his Amiable wife | Who Died | May 5^'^ 1808 | in the | 30''^ year of her age. The ] Irtiioiis are truly happy. 940. To perpetuate the memory of | M^s SALLY ROBBINS, consort of | M"" William R. Robbins | of North Carolina | who was born September 5. 1777 | and deceased May the 27 1808 | aged 3 I >'ears. So fades the bloomi)ig floxver Siteh and so ivitiicri)ig are our early joys. 941. Sacred | To the memory of | LSAAC LOTHROP Esq. I who departed this Life | the 25 of Jul)' i 80S | in the 75 year I of his age. Mr. Loi'iiRDi" w.is tlic son of Isaac and Priscilla (Thdnias) (Watson) Lothro]), and was l)>)rn in Plymouth, December 11, 1735, ^'^^^ eldest of live children, and, like his father, was a merchant, as well as Judge. He was a]5pointed Judge of Probate for the county of Norfolk, which office he held ti'l his death. The unbending up- rightness of his conduct in his official capacity, the fidelity with which he discliarged his duties, as well as his ability and gentlemanly l)earing in all the works of life, will Ion" l)e remembered with affectionate respect. He cherished with lively ardor a natu- ral fondness for anticpiity, and so e.xalted was liis veneration for pious ])lanters in New England, who first landed in Plymouth, that he delighted in tracing their every foot- step, and the minutest circumstances of their history were treasured in his mind. He was one of the early members of the Pilgrim .Society, and also one of the earliest members of the Humane Society. "In his friendships he was steady, ardent and sincere; undisguised in his feelings, and removed from the least tincture of duplicity, his bosom was a sacred depository of confidential intercourse. If his prejudices were strong, they were invariably pointed at what he devoutly believed to be profligacy in princijile, or dishonesty in practice. Such in fine was Mr. Lothrop's scrupulous integrity, such his thorough detestation of every species of iniquitous, or even temporizing procedure, that the inscription on the tombstone of his beloved father, would be an appropriate one for his own." — Thach^r. EPITAPHS FROM P.URIAL HILL. II3 942. SILVANUS I TAYLOR BARTLETT | Son of | James Bartlett Jun>' I and Sarah his wife | died August 7^1^ 1808 | aged 7 months | and 29 dax's. 943. To I tlie memon- of | IVLs SARAH CARVER | who | Departed this life | August 12. 1808 | aged 64 }'ears. 944. To I the memory | of | EDWARD W. HAYWARD | Son I of I Dr Nathan Hayward | & | Joaxxa his Wife | wlio was born the uSt'^ | & | died the 19th of August | 1808. 945. In ] Memory of | EXPERIENCE JACKSON | rehct of I Samuel Jackson | who died | August 23 1808 | aged 72. 946. In I Memory of | Mr^ HANNAH DOTEN | Rehct of | M"" Jabez Doten, I who died | Sepf" ii^'i 1808 | in the 49 )-ear of her age. 947. In memory of | Mr THOMAS BARTLETT | who de- parted this IKc I Sepr 17 1808 | in the 6~ year | of his age. 948. Sacred | To the memory | of | ANNA LEWIS GOOD- WIN I Daughter of | Cap' Lewis Goodwin | and M^s Anna his wife I who departed this hfe | September 26 1808 | aged three months | and 26 Days. 949. In memory of | M-'s SUSANNA LEONARD | wife of M"" William Leonard | who died Dec 14111 1808 | in the 45''! year of her age. Their infant EPHRAIM | BARTLETT LEONARD died Januy I 31*' 1809 aged 7 months | and 14 Days. 950. Erected | to the Mcmo/y of | M^s MEHETABEL Wife I of Capt THO^ ATIVOOD, | who died Jan 14. 1809, | In the 38 year of her Age. | In early life, her feeble constitution | gave painful premonitions of her early | exit. She however, unex- pectedly passed the | meridian of life, discharging, in a ver}- | laudable manner, filial, parental & conjugal | duties. At length, the seeds of death were | planted in her vitals — she sickened, languished | and expired, in hopes of a blessed immortalit\\ Short is our longest day of life. And soon its prospect ends; Yet on that days uncertaiti date Eterfiity depends. 114 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 951. Consecrated | to the | Memory | of | Mrs SARAH KE^NDALL, | amiable consort | of | Reverend James Kendall, I Who departed this Hfe | Feby 13th 1809, | In the 33d year of her age, | Leaving to her surviving friends | The best consolation, I The remembrance of her virtues | In life ; | Her pious calm- ness, christian resignation & triumphant hope | In death. '' Blessed arc the dead zvlio die in the Lord; yea saith the Spirit; For they rest from their labors and their works do follozv the}?i." Revelation. Also I Their Infant, | ELIZABETH; | who died Dec. 14^1 1808 I aged 13 da}'s. "// is not the will of your Father whieh is in heaven. That one of these little ones shonld perish." Christ. 952. Sacred ] To the memory of | SUSANNA COBB | wife of I John K Cobb | who died Febv 201I1 1809 | in the 26 year of her I age. Here lies entomb' d within this honse of clay The mortal part of an engai^eing loife JJ7iose virtue shone amid the blaze of day Whose hind affection ended zvith her life. 953. In I memory of | Mr. ISAAC DOTEN | who died March 6 | 1809 in the 74 year | of his age. 954. In I Memory of | Mrs MARY DOTEN | who died March 10 | 1809 aged 90 years. 955. In memory of ] Capt RICHARD BAGNELL, | who died March 22, 1809, | in the 56^'! year | of his age. Also JiFTHIAH, his wife | who died Jan 22, 1847, I ''^ the 90''^ year | of her age. 956. To the memory of | Mr EBENEZER NELSON | who died June 29 | 1 809 in the 86 year | of his age. 957. In memory of | M'-'^^ POLLY LOTHROP | Daughter of I Mr David Lothrop | and M^^ Bathsheba | his wife | who dietl July 12*1' 1809 | in the 32 year of her age. EPITArHS FROM BURIAL HILL. II 958. This stone | is | erected | to the | memory | of | Cap* JESSK HARLOW | who died | Aug 20 1809 | aged sixty | nine. 959. To I the memory of Mi^« SALLY liOLBROOK | Daughter of | Cap^ GlDEON HcH.liROOK | and AK^ Sally his wife I who Died | August 29 1809 | in the 18 year of her age. O youth li'lioccr thou art stop read my death, Consider well the God ivJio holds thy breath Remember too, e'er long yon must appear Before your judge your final doom to hear. 960. Sacred | to the memory | of LEWIS GOODWIN | Son of Capt Lewis Goodwin | and Mi's Axxa his wife | who was Born I and Died | September | the 2'^1 1809. 961. Son of I Capt William | and Mr^ Elizabeth Brewster 1 who died Sep' 22^^ 180- | aged 3 years 6 months | & 22 days. Hush 2i>eepijig parents and ye kindred dear. Weep not for us nor shed a mournful tear, Our bodys sleep within the silent dust Our souls redeem' d are happy ivith the just. This stone is broi^en. 962. In memory of | Miss LYDIA SHURTLEFF, | who died I Octr 31, 1809 I aged 6"] years. 963. THOMAS WETHERELL. | Born Dec 4^11 1742, | Died Dec lo'h 1809. 964. Son of I Capt Ellis Brewster | and Mrs Nancv his | wafe died Dec'' I3''i 180- | aged 4 years. lie listeii d for a wJiile to hear Our mortal griefs then turn' d his ear To angel harps and songs and cried To join their notes celestial sigh'd and d'yd. This stone is broken. 965. Sacred | to the memory | of | M^s MARTHA BART- LETT I wife of M"^ SVLVANUS Bartlett I who Deceased Dec 31 1809 I aged 83 years. 966. In memory of | M^s SALLY HARLOW | Consort of | I I 6 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Capt Lazarus Harlow | who died Jany ii 1810 | in the 56 year of her age. Prepare me Lord for thy right hand Then come the Joy full day Come Death and some celestial hand To bear my Son I aivay. gey. In I memory of | W^ MARY BROWN | the wife of ROBERT BROWN \ who departed this Hfe March 4 | 18 10 in the 58 year of her age | Also in memor)- of two children | of ROBERT BROWN and Makv his | wife Viz WILLIAM died August 9^1^ 1783 I aged 2 years | MARGARET died April 28^^ I 794 I aged I year. 968. In I Memory of | Cap ANTHONY DIKh: | who died | March 14 18 10 in the 60''^ | year of his age. 969. In I memory | of | LYDIA | youngest daughter | of | Reverend Jamks Kendall, | who died March 21, 1810, | aged three years. 970. In 1 memory of | M-" ROBERT BROWN | who departed this Life | April 13 18 10 in the 69 year | of his age | Also in memory of ROBERT | Son of ROBERT Browx & | Marv his wife who died | at the Cit}' of Washington | October 14 1805 | aged 26 years. 971. Erected | to | the memory | of | Mrs. BETSEY TOR- REY I wife of | Col. John Torrev | who died | April 15 1810 | Aged forty seven )ears. ''She pin\{ in t/ionght." 972. H II I In memory of | Mr. HEMAN HOLMES. | who -died I Ma\' 8'1>, 1810, | aged 45 v'cars | and 10 months. Those, 10 ho lov d the living, And lament the dead. Pay their last tribnte To thy gentle shade. 973. In I memory | of | DEBORAH LUCAS | Daughter of j M"" Alden Lucas | and M'"^ Deborah | his wife | Died July 24^'' 1 8 10 I aged i )-ear & 8 days. The infants soul has begat her clay We hope to heaven has %vingd aiuay. KITlArHS FROM KURIAL HILL. 11/ 974. In I memory of | LUCY, wife of | GEORGE Bramhall, & daughter of Tlio's & and RUTII Morton ; | who died July 24, 1 8 10, j aged 32 years & 10 mo. | Also LUCY J/ | daughter of George & | Lucv Bramhall: | died Feb. 6 1824 | aged 20 years & 5 mo. 975. To the memory of | Mr Jh:SSE HARLOW | This stone is Erected | who Died August 4, 18 10 | aged 50 years | in this Death his wife | Lost an agreeable Companion | his children | an affectionate Parent. 976. To I the memory of | M^s JOANNA WHITE | wife | of I Captain GiUEON White ] who died September 2^'^ \ 1810 | in the 95''^ year of her age. 977. To the memory of | M--^ MARY HOLMES | wife of William Holmes 3' 21 1805 | aged two months. '" Peace peace no i/iitniinr lis the xvill of God, ''That GOD zvho orders all thin i^s for the best, ''Tis oars to Ihko and kiss the ajjlictini^- rod, "Vicas hers to seel' the 11/ a 11 si on s of the blest." 99[. To I the memory of | CHARLES L. HAYVVARD | Son of I Beza Havwari) Esq. I and Experience his wife | who was born I January 21 1802 | & died August 17 | 181 i. 992. Consecrated | To the memory of | M'^ PEGGY HOL- BROOK I wife of M^ Jeremiah Holbrook | who departed this life I August 28 181 1 aged 26 years | Her amiable Disposition | endeared her to her | friends and died lamented j by all who knew her. Though harsh the stroke arid most severe the rod Cease vinrnuir cease it zvas a stroke from God. 993. To I The memory | of | M^s SARAH JACKSON | Rel- ict of I Thomas Jacksox Esq. | ObiitOcf 27th 1811 | Aged 78. Although spard to life' s utmost verge The tender Parent dies too soon For those luho still survive. 994. To I The memory of | Miss HANNAH CHURCHILL j Daughter of | Cap Jesse CHURCHILL and | Mrs Abigail his wife 1 who died Nov. 6. 181 1 | In the | 23 year | of her | age. All you that do behold my stone, Consider Jioxv soon I was gone; Death does not aliuays %varuing give. Therefore, be cautious how you live: Repent in time, no time delay. T in my youth was calTd azvay. 995. Sacred | to the memory | of | M-" SYLVANUS BART- LETT who I Deceased | Nov. 16 in the year 1811 | Aged | 92 years. 1 20 EriTAl'lIS FROM BURIAL HILL. 996. In memory of | SUSAN MASON DUNHAM | Daugh- ter of I Mr Isaac Dunham | and M''^ Betsy his wife | who died Dec I. 181 1 I aged one year 11 months | and 10 days. 997. Sacred | To the memory of M-" | BARNABAS OTIS lun' who Died j at Sea May 18 1812 Aged 27 years | From in- cHnation he commenced | traversing the Ocean in early Hfe | and was attended by a series of uncommon | misfortunes and disas- ters on that I element until his death. Cold is the breast, zvhcrc pure affection floiv d. 998. In memory of | LUCY STURTEVANT 1 Daughter of | M'' SiLVAXUS Sturtevant I and M's Hannah his wife | who died July 4''i I 812 | in the I 7^'^ year of her age. Relations and my Parents dear Mourn not for nie F ni Sleeping here. My Debt is paid noio Death is free Therefore prepare to folloio vie. 999. Sacred | to the memory | of ANNA HAMBLIN j Daughter of I Hamhlin Til.LSON | and Susanna his wife j who died July 4th | 1812 aged | I 8 months 9 days. So fades the lovely Bloouiing fiozvcr frail Smiling solace of an hour So soon our transient Comfor fly and pleasure only blooms to die. 1000. In I Memory | of | Mr SAMUEL BATTLES ] who died July 31 1812 | in the 78 year | of his j age. 1 00 1. To the memory of | Mrs RUTH CHURCHILL | wife of Mr Wilson Churchill | who died September 26, 1812 | in the 33 }'ear of | her age. Remember me as you pass by As you are nozv so once was I As i am now so yon must be Therefore prepare to follow me. 1002. In I Memory of j SALLY KEMPTON | died Dec' 20, i8i2. I in the 13, y. r ] of her age. | Daughter of Oli\t:r & Sally Kemiton. EriTAl'lIS FROM JITKIAI. IIH.L. 121 Here sleep dear daughter all alone With aehing hearts ivc leave thee To the our sornnos are not ktunon Xor ean our absenee grieve thee. 1003. Consecrated | to the Memory of | Mrs. ELIZABETH ATWOOD, I amiable consort of | Capt TilO^ A'rwooD, | died April II, 1813 : | in the 31^' Year | of her aije. T'lc seasons as they fly '"Snateli from us in their eourse, year after year, "Some sioeet eonneetion, some endearing tie. 1004. To I the memory of | Mrs ESTHER DAVEE | wife of I Mr Solomon Davee Ju'' | who | departed this life | August 8, 1813 I Aged I 22 }-ears. Here rests the patient sufferer tender ivife Partner of Joy of my life. In the midst of life I am eut down And here lie mouldering in the ground To leave this ivorld my friends and all Willing to die tvhen GOD doth eall. 1005. This stone is | Consecrated | To the memory of | Mrs ANNA RIPLEY | Consort of | MrW^ P. Rii'lev | who departed I this life I Augt 14 18 13 | in the 38th year | of her age. "■Blessed are the dead, that die In the LORD. 1006. In Memory of [ Capt ZEPHANIAH HOLMES | who died Sep"" 13, 1813, | in the 47 year | of his age | Also their Children | RUFUS HOLMES | died Augu.st 5, 1799 | NANCY HOLMES I died October 13, 1802, | aged 2 years | & 22 days. 1007. Sacred to the memory of ] Mrs MARY WILLIAMS wife of I Mr Elias Williams and Daughter | of Mr Barnahas Otis & Polly his wife | died at King & Queen County | Virginia Oct. 3, 18 1 3 aged 23 j-ears | and was there interred & in March j 181 7 her remains were taken from | that place and brought to Plymouth | and here deposited. Too good the misries of this loorld to share The hand of mercy took her from our sight Released from this abode of grief and care Her gentle spirit sought the realms of light. 122 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1008. iM-cctetl 1 In Memory of | DARIUS | son of | Capt Thqs Arwooi), & Mrs. lu.lZABKTH I his Wife | died Oct. 8. 1813. I Aged I I Months | & 12 Days. 1009. In memor>' of | Mr WILLIAM DOTLN | who died Ocf 12, 1813, j in the 6], \-ear of his atjje ( Also his wife | Mrs JAIN DOTEN I died May 14, 181 3 | in the 58 year of her age. loio. T'Ms Stone is Erected | to the memory of | Mr IVORY HARLOW, I who departed this life | November 2 18 13, | in the thirtieth )'ear | of his age. Make Christ your friend wlio never dies. All other friends are vanity. Make him your life yon r end your all; Prepare for death that solenui call. loii. In I memory of | PARNEY YOUNG | daughter of Simeon | & Mary Dike | who died Nov. 23 | 1813 Aged i year I & 9 months also | an infant. Sleep on Sweet babes And take thy rest GOD call'd the home He thought it best. 1012. To I the memory of I Miss ELIZABETH WETHRELL I who I departed this life | January 5 18 14 | in the 39 )-ear | of her I age, 1013. Sacred | to the memor\- of | two Children of Mr Ebe- nezer Nelson jun'' | and Mary his wife, | EBENEZER born & died I January 16. 18 14, | LEWIS born JanuY 3. 1818, | died April 18, 1820, 1 aged two years | three months | & 15 days. 1014. In memory ] of | Mr BEZA HAYWARD J'" | Son of Bez.\ H.\YW.\RD Esq. I who was drowned in Plymouth Harbour j Feby 5. 1 8 14: in the 22 | year of his age. 1 01 5. This Stone is erected | to the memory of | Mr NEHE- MIAH BURBANK, | who died February 8. 18 14 | in the 37 year of his age. 'lis GOD who lifts our comforts high. Or sinks them in the grave: He gives and {blessed be his name.') He takes but luhat he gave. EPITAI'IIS FROM i:URIAI. HILL. 1 23 Psalm Verse ist 133 G vir tuc 1 01 6. Erected for the memory ] of | Capt. LEVI LUCAS, | who died I April 6. 1814 ] AET. 46. Behold, how good arid hozv pleasatit for brethren to dtvell together in unity. 1017. in memory of | JOHN HARLOW son of | Mr Joiix Harlow, | & Mrs Betsey his wife | who died August | 7 18 14 aged 7 months & 3 day. Frail tho endured the tie The stronger band of grace, Shall last ivhen; Death itself shall die. 1018. In I Memory of | SOPHIA DIMAN, | wife of | Dea" JosiAll DiMAN, I who died August 7, 18 14, | in the 36 year j of her age. Far from this ivorld of toil arid strife, They r present with the LORD The labors of their mortal lif' End in a large rezvard. 1019. JAMES I THOMAS BARTLETT | Son of | James Bartlett Jun I & Sarah his wife | was born May i 1814 | and died I 31 August | following. 1020. In memory of \ Mrs ELIZABETH CHURCHILL | wife of I Mr. Seth Churchux | died Sepf 5 1814 | in the 53 year | of her age. 1 02 1. This I Stone is erected | to the memory of | Caj^t. JOHN VIRGIN, I who died | October 3 1814. | aged Forty Seven. Protected by thy Saviour friend. Whom wind & seas obey, Here peaceful rest till time shall :nd Then rise to endless day. 1022. Died I Mr. JOHN CHURCHILL | October 14 1814 | aged 39 years. Death burst the revolving Cloud and all zvas day. 1 24 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1023. This stone is erected | to consecrate the memory of | Miss MARY B. PERRY j daughter of Mr John Perry | and Mrs Rhoda his wife | who was born October 28 1793 | deceased October 30 1814 | aged | 21 years & 2 days. Couic t'U'w tlic scene Txvill fill you icith surprise Behold the loveliest form iji nature dies. 1024. In I memory of | Deacon | WILLIAM CROMBIE, I who H\'cd & died | in the good mans hope | the 26 of Nov*" 1S14 I in his '^l year. 1025. In I memory of | SILVANUS H. ROBERTS | son of I Cap RoHERT Roberts | & Eliza his wife who | departed this life I January 13 181 5 | aged 5 years | & 6 months. 1026. This Stone is erected | to the memory of | Capt ELI- PHALET HOLBROOK | who died | Feb>-y 7 181 5 | Aged 70 years. What is the life of man, tvith all his cares, Tis like a shade which quickly disappears. But if that taper GOD allows to nioi; Contijiue burning threescore years and ten; Yet zvhen 'tis spetit and death puffs out its light. Is like a talc thats told or watch by nigJit. 1027. The remains | of | Mr DANIEL NICOLSON | who was born March 11. 1796 | and who died March 6, 1815 | are here I Intcred. 1028. In I Memory of | JOHN VV. HOWARD | Son of | Cap James Howard & Mrs Hannah his | wife born March | 20 181 5 j died April 2 181 5. He glanced into our world to see A sample of our misery." 1029. This monument is erected | to the memory of | Cap JEREMIAH HOLBROOK ] who departed this Hfe | April 18 181 5 aged 31 years | Also in memory of | LUCY HOLBROOK daughter | of JEREMIAH HoLBROOK and | Bethiah his wife | who died June 7 1817 aged 10 months. ElTlArHS FROM BURIAL HILL. I 25 1030. In I memory I of I HonW WILLIAM WATSON, | faithful in public trust, | in cver\' relation | exemplary, | this stone is erected. | with grateful recollections, | of | his kindness and worth, I by | his surviving children. | Born May 6. AD 1730. (). S. I Died April 27 AD. 181 5. | Resurgam. Mr. NVa'son was tlie son of Jolin ;uul Prisciila (Thomas) Watson, was liorn May •6, 1730. (Jiaduatcd at Harvard College in 1751. In 1775 was appointed by the Pro- vincial Congress the first postmaster ever in the town. On the 28th of Septeml:)er, 17S2, lie was ajipointed Naval Otticer of the Port of Plvniouth. In 1789, again appointed hv Washington as Collector, which office he continued till 1803. In 1790 he received a commission from Timothv Pickering as Deputy lV)stmaster of Plymouth, liv authority of the United .States. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Marston of Manchester, liv whom he had William, Elizabeth, who married Hon. Nathaniel Nilcs •of Vermont, lienjamin. Pollen, who married ILju. John Davis. 103 I. To I the memory of | Capt NATHANIEL CARVER j who I Departed this life | April 30 1 81 5 | aged 74 years. 1032. In I remembrance of | Miss HARRIET WETHRELL j who I resigned this Life | May 7 181 5 | aged 23 years. ''Cabn be thy rest Soft as the si limbers of a saint forgiven. And mild as opening gleams of promised Heavin." 1033. In memory of | Mr. WILLIAM RICHMOND | who •died June 7 181 5 | in the 30 >x'ar of his | age. 1034. Erected in memory of two | children of ZabDIEL Sampson Esq. | and Mrs. Ruth his wife, (viz) | ALGERNON SIDNEY, who died July 15, 181 5, aged 6 )'ears and 5 | months: and MILTON, who died | at New Bedford Jul)- 19. 1806 | aged ■9 months. 1035. BATHSHEBA TRIBBEL, wife of | JOHX TRIB- BEL, died July 24''!, | 1815 ; in the 30^^ year of her age | AL- BERT TRIBBEL, died March | 30^1^ 1817; in the lOt'^ year of his age ) MARC Li TRIBBEL, died February | i^t, 1818; in the 4th year of her age | GUST A IT'S TRIBBEL, died July | 51I' 1821 : aged 2 years & 9 mon. | LAJ'ANTLA TRIBBEL, died 'Slavch I 9th, 1824; aged 2 years & 9 mon. | CHRISTIANA D. TRIBBEL, Died | December 2'' 1824; aged 19 years. 1036. In I memory of | SYLVIA COOPER | Daughter of | Joseph Cooper Jun | & Sylvia his wife | who died Octobr 7. 1 81 5 I aged one )-ear & 2 months. 126 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. T/ioiti^h our fond hopes & schcuics are cruslid A)ui until the laid betieath the dust, Yet still tee ivoiild not dare eoui plain: Our loss is thy eternal gain. 1037. To the memory of | ELIZABETH DREW, | wife of Dkac. Lemuel Drew, | who died November 4, 1815. | Aged 67 )-ears and 48 days. "■Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." 1038. In memory of | Mrs THANKFUL BATES | wife of Mr. David Bates | who died | November 11. 1815 | in the 71 year | of her age. 1039. This Stone | is Consecrated | to the memory of | Mrs ELfZA CARVER \ Consort of | Capt JOSIAH CARVER \ who died Novr 22 1815 | in the 43 year of her age. Mourn not my friends, nought but my dust lies here To be in Glory ealls not for a tear. Prepare for death, and tJien we all shall meet In realms of Bliss, fruitioti all complete. 1040. to the memory of MARY TILDEN | daughter of Benjn & Joanna Weston | Born March i 1813 | & died Nov 22 I 1815. GOD in his holy zvord has said Children were for his kingdom made. 1041. Mrs I LYDIACUSHING GOODWIN | died DeC 15th 181 5 I aged 53 years. | WILLIAM GOODWIN Jr. | died at Havana DeC 15th 1821 | aged 38 years. | WILLIAM GOOD- WIN I died July i/'li 1825, | aged 69 years. | SIMEON S. GOODWIN, I died July 27, 1847, | aged 65 years. William Goodwin, Senr., was the son of Nathaniel & Lydia (Le Baron) Good- win, born in 1756, married Lydia Gushing, daughter of Gapt. Simeon & Deborah (Gushing) Sampson. He held the office of Assessor and Selectman of the town. For many years was Postmaster, and was the first Gashier of the "Plymouth Bank" from its organization till his death. He had a clear and discriminating mind, active and intelligent, and was esteemed as a man of integrity and usefulness. Of his children, his son Isaac, became a distinguished lawver and antiquarian in Worcester, where he died in 1832; Frederic, died at New Orleans in 1S33; Hersey Bradford, was ordained in the ministry at Goncord, Mass.; Marv Ann, was the wife of Thomas Russell; William, became a merchant and died as above. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 12/ 1042. This stone is Erected | to the memory of | two Sons of Capt George Bacon | and Elizabeth his wife | Viz GEORGE T. BACON 2'K^l I who departed this hfc | Janv 11, 1816 in the 12 year of his age | Also NATHAN BACON who departed | this Hfe Nov"" 7 18 1 5 aged 13 months. JfV liavc Btiricd three Blooming Fknvers Which zvare nip^ in iDicxpectcd hours. 1043. Erected | In memory of | Mrs ABBIGAIL MARCY | wife of I Capt Charles Marcy | who died June i jt'^ | 1816 in the 26 I year of her age. 1044. The memory of | Mr BENJAMIN MORTON | died April 9. 1 8 16 I aged 53 years | Their Son JOSEPH MORTON I died August 24 1795 | aged I year | and 5 months. 1045. MICHAEL HODGE A. M. | graduate of | Harvard College, I formerly of Newburyport | Counsellor at Law, | died July 6''m 816. I Aged 36 years. | Genius and sensibility | Science, virtue and benevolence | adorned his life : | The tears of friend- ship and love | embalm his memory. 1046. WILLIAM BRADFORD | Born June i, 1775, [ Died July 25, 1816 I AE. 41. I Also his wife ] NANCY, | Born Jan'y 28, 1775, — Died Jan'y 27, 1843, | AE. 68. 1047. In memory of | Capt. NATHANIEL ELLIS, | who died I July 30th, 1816, | in his 59th yr. | Also | of his Widow | JANE ELLIS, I who died | June ist. 1851, | in her 87th )'r. 1048. In memory of Four Children | of Mr Samuel Alex- ander I and Mrs Deborah his wife. | viz SILVANUS P. ALEX- ANDER I died August 14, 18 16: aged | one year and 7 months. SOPHRONIA ALEXANDER died | June the 3, 1818: aged one year and 3 months. | GEORGE ALEXANDER died | Sep 14, 1824: aged 9 months. [ CHARLES ALEXANDER died Aug. 19 1826: aged Eight | months and 21 days. 1049. This I Stone is erected | in memory of | WM LE BARON Esq'' j who deceas'd at Fairhaven | and their intered | the 23 day of October | in the year of our LORD | one thou- sand eight hundred & Sixteen aged 65 years. 128 El'irArilS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1050. In I memory of] Miss PATIENCE C. TURNER, | Daughter of | Capt LoTHROP TURNER | and Mrs Susan his wife I who died No\-'' lO, 18 16. | aged 15 years | and 9 montlis. The pale consinnption sure hut liJigeriiii:; ptncer, Xip' (i at an early date the tender Jlo^cer: She uiark'd its near approaeh zoithont a sigh Mildly resign' d alike to live or die. 105 I. In memory of | M-" BENJAMIN HARLOW -^1 | who died j November i8'h 1816 | aged 34 | years. 1052. ICrected | In memory of | Mrs CHARLOTT MARCY I wife of I Mr Joseph Marcv | who died Dec 7111 | 1 8 16 in the 24''^ I \'ear of her age. 1053. To the memory of | Mrs MERIAH M. JACKSON | the wife of | Mr WooDWORTll Jackson | who died | December 25 1816 j aged 37 }'ears. 1054. In I memory | of | Mr. TIMOTHY GOODWIN | who died Januar)' 24 | 181 7 | in the 70 }'ear of his age. "/ have icalked in mine integrity I have trusted also in the LORD." 1055. In Memory of I Miss MATILDA, \ Daughter of Mr. Darius | and Mrs. Matilda Fuller, | who died Feb. 17, 181 7 I aged 17 years 8 months | and 7 Da}'s. Here lies the rose, stceet innoeent/ Dear ^ESC-'S to her parents lent, Hozo soon he eall'd a short adieu. Dear ehild, ive soon must folUno you. 1056. Erected | In memory of | Mr JOSEPH MARCY | who died March 6''^ | 18 17 in the 26 | year | of his age. 1057. In memory of | Mr JOHN OTIS, | who departed thi.s life I March 27, 181 7 in | the 74 year of his age, | Also in mem- ory of I his Oldest Child I Mrs. TEMPERANCE COTTON, | Consort of Cap' JosiAii Cotton, | who departed this life | de- cember 24, 1816 | in the 49 year of her age. They Sleep in Death But will arise in (iLORY. Kl'lTAI'llS VKOM niklAI, IIII.I.. 1 29 1058. In I Memory | of | Capt ICHABOD HOLMES | who was I Born February 17, 1725 | died April 10, 1 817. | Aged 92 years. 1059. To the memory of | Mrs HANNAH BRADFORD. I Consort of | Mr I-^riiRAiM Bradim )R1) | died April 27, 1817 | in the t^t, year of her age | Also their Daughter | ELENOR MORTON I died Sept' i i, i S07 | aged 13 months. 1060. In memory of | Mrs. RUTH COBB | wife of | Mr. Job Cobb | died June 22 1817 I in the 70 }'ear | of her age. 1 06 1. In memory of | Capt ELLIS BREWSTER, | who died at Sea, | August 27, I 817, | in the 49 \'ear | of his age. 1062. Sacred | to the memory of | ITIEBE J BRAMHALL, I A native of Virginia | & wife of | Bknj Bramhall J"" | who tlied August 27, 1817 | Aged 21 }-ears. Possess d of an amiable disposition. She endear d herself to all around her. ]\\e/> not for her in her Spring time she flezv To that lajid, zvhere the xvings of the soul are unfurl' d And nozv, like a star beyond eve)iing s cold dew. Looks radiantly dozen on tJie tears of this zvorld. 1063. Erected ] In memor}- of | ELIZABETH GALE | wife of I Daniel Gale | and daugl;ter of | Edward Winslow | of Duxbury | Died Sep 6, 18 17, | aged 19 }-ears. As in Adam all die even so in CHRIST, shall all be made alive. 1064. In I memory of | LORENZO SIMMONS | Son of | Capt George Simmons | and Mrs Mercy | his wife who died | Septem 26 I 81 7 | aged two \-ears. 1065. In memory of | WILLIAM R. HOLIMES. | Son of | WiLLiA.M Holmes y^ \ & Mrs. Batiisiieba his wife, j wlu^ died October 20, 18 17, | Aged one \ ear 6 months. Our days are as the grass Or like the morning Jlozcer, If one sharp blast szueep o'er the field It zvithers in an hour. 130 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1066. In memory of | REBECCA BARTLETT | Daughter of I Isaac and Rebecca BartleTT | who died November 14, 1817, I aged 4 years & 3 months. BtJiold a sivcet and lovely Child Which one so fair serene and mild has bid the world adien. To sa-c'e the darling cJiild from zvoe And guard lier from all harm. From all the griefs you feel behnv I eair d her to my arms. 1067. In memory of] Mrs BETSEY PATY | wife of Mr. Ephraim Paty I who departed this Life | December 31 AD 1817 I aged 30 years. Of this vain ivorld she took her last adieu, The promised land zuas now witJiin her view; With pleasure, she resign' d her mortal breath, And fell a zoilling sa orifice to DEATH. 1068. In I memory | of | Mrs LUCY GOODWIN | who died January 28 | 181 8 | in the 68 year of her age. ".S7/t' opened her mouth with wisdom; And in her tongue was the laiv of kindness Let her own zvorks praise her. 1069. In memory of | two children of Abraham j and Patience Dunham, | ABRAHAM died May 10, 1818 [ aged 2 years & 5 months, | ELIZABETH C. DUNHAM, | died May II, 1 8 1 8 I aged 4 years & 24 days. 1070. In memory of | Cap' JAMES HOWARD | who de- parted this Life | at St Martins | West Indies June | the 15, 18 18 I aged 41 years, Lif' what a fleeting hour it is How sivift our moments fly, Here to day we drazv our breath. But soon zve groan and die. 1071. In memory of I Miss MARY BARDAN, | Daughter of I Mr Gershom Bardan and | Mrs Mary his wife, | died June 18, 181 8 I in the 19 year of her age. EPITAPHS FRO.M JJUKIAL HILL. I31 Farewell bright Soul, a short fcrrcwcll, Till we shall meet again above In the Sweet groves where pleasures dwell. And trees of life bear fruits of Love. 1072. To the mcninn- of T.UCY WESTON | Consort of Cap' Harvey Weston | who dietl July the 19, 1818, | aged 22 years 1 1 months & 5 chu's. // is finished, yes The raee is run The tattle is fought The vietory is won. Also to the memory of William | their Son who died Nov"' 26, 1817 I aged three montlis & 12 days. So fades the lovely Blooming flower Frail Smiling Solaee of an hour So soon our transient Comforts fly, And pleasure only Blooms to Dye. 1073. In memory of | Mrs SUSAN BARTLETT | wife of | Mr. Nathaniel Baktlett | who died July 26 181 8 j in the 24 year of her age. Peace all our angery passions then Let each rebellious Sigh Be silent at his Sovcring will And every murmur die. 1074. To I the memory of I Mr CHARLES JACKSON | who departed this life | August 8, 181 8 | aged 48 years. 1075. In memory of | Mrs MARY WHITING, | Consort of I Mr Levi WhitiN(; | who died Sep 28, 1818, aged | 40 years. Alas! and has she gone and has she fled. Gone to the silent mansions of the dead. She is gone we trust to Join the Joys on high. With saints and angels o'er the starry sky. 1076. In memory of | DEBORAH PAINE wife of | John S. Paine | died October 10, 1818 | aged 27 \ears | MARY BREWSTER PAINE | Daughter of John S | and Dedokah Paine [ died March 2, 18 18 | aged 6 months. I -12 EPITAPHS FROM DURIAL HILL 1077. To I the memory of \ M^s LUCY JACKSON | widow of tlie late I CUAl-lLKS Jackson Dec^^ | who departed this life | October 15, 1818 | a;4ed 50 }-ears. 1078. This stone is erected | to the memor)' of | Mr SAMUICL Slll'.RMAN, ] who died Novem 8, 1818 | in the Gj year of his a^e. Hail L^ioiioNS moon, aiispitioiis day! ]]liai CHRIST s/ta// -uurkc t/ic s/c'r/>i/i^o^ cldv; 1J7u'// ])ioultT riiii^ dust shall i-isc and Jiiiil, Sal:'afioi! free for all inaiikii/ff. 1079. In memory of I Mrs JOANNA MORTON | widow of the late | NATHANIEL Morton deceased | who died No\-cmber 14^'^ I 1818 in the 86 \'ear | of her ai^^e. 1080. Erected to the memor>' of | Mrs LUCY T. GLEASON wife of I Mr James G. GleasON died ] November 23^ 1818. \ aged I 8 years. Calm bo tin' rost, Till tlio last trump shall Sound, And then aioako to sing the Clarions song Worthy the Laml>. 108 I. This Stone is l'>ected | to the memor)- of | Mr GEORGE MORTON I who departed this Life | November 30 I 81 8 | in the 60 year of his age. 1082. JAMI':S T. I son of James | & Sarah Harteett, j was born Oct. 29. | 1818 | & died Dec 14, | 1818. 1083. Tc. I the memory of | Gen'. NATHANIEL GOOD- WIN I who I departed this life | March 8'1> 1819 ] aged 70 years. Gen. Goodwin was the son of Nathaniel and I-vdia (LeBaron) Goodwin ; horn I74S, married Mollv, daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Woodworth) Jackson, 1769. His father was a merchant, and he was educated in the same line, under his father's care and discipline. He soon established a reputation for industry and jierseverance. Upon the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, he was soon found in the army, enterinL; the service in the otike of .Major of Militia, and was attached to Colonel Gerrisfr's regiment, and was located at Boston and Cambridge, to guard the conven- tional troops taken under Burgoyne at Saratoga. He was a Major in tlie expedition to Rlu)de Island in 177S. Afterwards promoted to the office of Brigadier, and later to Major-General of Militia, which office be retained till his death. For many years he represented the town of Plvmouth in the Cieneral Court, and was also a magistrate, having the (pialities of animjiartial judge. In all the duties to which he was cnlK-d he was assiduous and capable, and was held in the highest esteem for probity, in- tegrity and other virtues. EPITAPHS FROM IJURIAL HILL. 1 33 By his first wife he had seven children. He married, 2d, Ruth, daughter of Rev. John and Ruth (Angier) Shaw of Bridgewatcr, 17S2, by whom he had two children — Anne, who married Dr. Caleb Boutelle, and Ezra Shaw, who for twenty years was Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Sandwich, where he died Feby. 5, 1S33. 1084. NANCY WIXSLOW | Dau-litcr of | Mr William P. RiPLEV I & Mrs Anna his wife j Horn June i. 1815 | died March 15 1 8 19 I aged I 5 years & 9 months. 10S5. This Stone | is I'^rccted in memory | of Mrs PA- TIP:NCK warren | consort of | Maj- I^ENJAMIN Warren | who died .\pril 15 1819 | in the 69 year of her age. Blessed are the Dead That die in the LORD. 1086. .Sacred | to the memory of | JOSIAH COTTON Esq | formerl}^ .Settled | in the ministry at Wareham | who was called from I this transitory scene | April 19: 18 19 aged 71 years. He deliver d the poor that eried And those that had none to help them, .Ind eansed the Widoiu's heart to sing for Joy." Job 29, 13. 1087. In memory of | Miss DEBORAH RICHMOND | who died Ma\- 29 | 1819 | aged 40 years. 1088. Capt THOMAS COTTON* | Born January 171'^ 1785 | Died in Havana | June gi'i, 18 19. | ROSSITER M. COTTON, | Born July ii^'i, 1798. | Died in Jackson C" | Louisiana Oct^. 4''i, 181 7. I WILLIAM C. COTTON 1 Born April 17. 1804. | Died August 23, 1805 I Children of | RossiTER & Priscilla Cotton. 1089. In memory of | M-" JOSEPH STURTEVANT | who died I Jul)- 6''i 18 19 j in the 281*' year of his age. l'~arewell my i^nfe and children dear, I leave yon for a w/iile: For God has called and i must go. And leave yon all behind. 1090. In memory | of | D'. CALICB BOUTELLE, \ who died I September 2. 1 8 19, | aged 35 years. "//t' that believe th on nu\ Though he zvere dead, yet shall he live." * .See number 5S3, page 63, ante. 134 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 109 1. In I memory of 1 Capt RICHARD COOPER ] who | Departed this Hfe | September lO. 1819: | aged 80 years. 1092. Sacred | to the memory of | MARY ELIZABETH, | (dau. of Charles & Abigail Churchill) | who died Sept. 13. I 1 8 19: aged 6 weeks & 4 days. | Also NANCY, | (dau. of Thomas & Mary j Churchill of Plympton) died Jan. 10. 1796: I in her 16 year. 1093. In memory of | GEORGE T. BACON 3d | son of George Bacon | and Elizabeth his wife | who died Oof 11, 1 8 19 I aged 2 years & 7 months | Also Leverett T. Bacon | who died July i, 1823 | aged 6 weeks | and 3 days. 1094. Erected | to the memory of | Mrs NANCY B. J/VCK- SON I widow of I Mr Cornelius S. Jackson, | and daughter of I Mr Benjamin Crandon, ] who died Nov"" 2, 1819 aged | 27 years & six months | Also | to the memor\' of | Mr CORNELIUS S. JACKSON, I who died at Gaudalope | August 31 AD. 1815 j aged 33 years. 1095. Erected ] to the memory of | Miss MARY B. CRAN- DON, I daughter of Mr Benjamin Crandon, [ and Mrs Sukev his wife | who departed this life | December 6 AD. 18 19, | in the I 5 year of her age. 1096. SALLY, I wife of | N.athaniel Harlow, [ died Deer 7, 1819, I aged 44 y'rs. | Also three children, viz. j SALLY, died Sept. 26, 1817, | aged 17 y'rs. | SALLA', died April 12, 181 8, 1 aged 7 Mon. | CALEB BOVVTEL, | died June 7, 1820, | aged 9 Mon. TJieir flcsJi shall sliiuiber iit the ground. Till the last tniuipcf s joyful soiiiuU Then burst the ehains with sweet surprise And in their Sai'iours image rise. 1097. To I The memory | of | WILLIAM STURTEVANT Esq-" I who I Departed this | Life | Decem^Jr 15 i^ig | aged 58 years. 1098. In memory of [ Mrs. SUSANNAR BURGESS, | wife of I Capt John Burgess JnS | who departed this life j December 20, 1 8 19, I aged 33 years & 5 months. EriTAPHS l-KU.M ISURIAL HILL. 135 Thoii lovely chief of all my Joys, Thou Sov reign of my heart. How eould I bear to hear thy voice Proiioiniee the somi/l — depart. 1099. ISAAC LeBARON. I Born Jan. 1743:] Died Dec. 1819: I his wife I MARTHA HOWLANl), | Born Dec. 1739: | Died June, 1825. 1 100. Erected | to the nicnior)' of | Miss SARAH CRAX- DON I Daughter of | Mr Bkxja.mix Craxdox. | & Mrs SUKEV liis wife, I who Departed this hfe | March 24 AD. 1820. | in the 23 year of her age. I loi. In I memory of | Mrs. ABIGAIL SYLVESTER | who I died June 20, 1820 | aged 88 years | wife of Abxer SYLVESTER. 1 102. In memory | of | Capt. WILLIAM WESTOX \ who died I June 27, 1820. | in the | Ninetieth \-ear of his age; Reader, Prepare to meet thy GOD. 1 103. To I the memory of | Cap^. THOMAS POPE. | who was born Nov"", i, 1770 | Died July 6, 1820 | in the 50 year | of his age. 1 104. In I memory of | Mrs. PRISCILLA TUFTS. | wife of I Mr. JONATHAX TUFT.s | who died | August 20, 1820, | aged 55 years. 1 105. Erected | in memory of | Mrs. SYLVIA COOPER, | wife of Capt Joseph Cooper Ju'' | who died | September 29, 1820, in the 25 year of her age. That once lo'vd form, nozv cold and deady Each moiirnfil tJionght employs. And nature xveeps, her comforts deady And zvitherd all her Joys. 1 106. Sacred | to the memory of | MrWILLIAM NELSON, ) who died October 9 1820 | in | tlie 53 }-ear of his age. God my Redeemer lives. And often from the skies, Looks dozvn and ivatches all my dust Till he shall bid it rise. T36 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAT. IITI.L 1107. KHKR HALL, | lost at sea Oct. if, 1820 | aged 29 y'rs. I ELIZABETH. | his wife | died Sept. 12. 185 i,— aged 61 y'rs. I MARY, ] their dau. | died Dec. 15, 1813, | aged 8 mo's & 26 d's. EriCtcd by tktir chiLircii. I 108. Sacred I to the memory of | Capt RICILYRD HOLMES j who (hed I October 22. 1820, | in the 76 year | of his age. (jod, iiiy Kcdtciiicr lives — And often from the skies Looks dozvii and loote/ies all my dust. Till he shall bid it rise. T109. \\\ I remembrance | of | Miss BETSEY RUSSELL j who I resigned this life | Nov'' 3*' i8jo | aged 30 )'ears. Heai'en ^i^'i'oes /is friends to bless the present seene, Resnines them ti> prepare /is for the next. I I 10. In memory of] ABIGAIL W. KEMPTON | Consort of I Zachkus Kkmi'Tox J'- I who thed Novem"' 26 1820 | aged 25 )'ears | and 6 months. Ciod, my Redeemei' lives — And often from the skies Looks doion and loatehes all my dust Till he shall bid it rise. I II I. In memor\- of | two Chikh-e" of Wn.L^i MORKV | and Polly his wife viz | CORNEILUS died Dec'' 8. 1820 | aged one month & 23 days | MARY E. MOREY died March j the 20^^ 1823 aged one | )'ear 5 months & 7 chu's. I I 12. In memor\- of | 3 chihh-en of | M' JolIN B. CHANDLER I and M'^- Hawah liis wife | viz. JOHN T. CHANDLER | died December 1 i''^- 1820 | aged 6 months and 21 thi}-s | LUCY S. CHANDLI':R | ched December 29th. 1820 | aged 5 years ii months I .md 13 da\s | HANNAH B. CHANDLER | died January \}f^^- I 821 | aged 4 )-ears 6 months | and 13 th\\'s. Their Souls are gone to Heaven loe trust Ciod ealled them home lie thought it best. 1113. In I memory of | AUGUSTUS, Son of | Is.\.\c & Lois Tkir.l'.LE, I born July 5 | 1816 | died Dec^- 20 | 1820. EIMTArilS FROM lURIAI. Hir.L. T37 1 1 14. Sacred | to the memory of | Mr B1-:.\JA.MI\ DR1-:\V, I wiio died Deer. 22, 1S20: | Aj^ed 82 yr's. | also PIiSlRIt, dau'tr I of Bkxjamix & ICi.tz Ar.i-:rii Dkkw, | who died Xov'r 15, 1815: I Aijed 39 \-r's. I and S/J/J:OX, their son | who died Nov'r I. 1815: I Aged 35 \'r's. U7/tr/ tlioiii:;li this sad (Vui j^looiiij' hill co// tains Of Kclatii'c's and friends the loved remains. Vet in onr breasts let cheering hopes arise. Again to meet in " mansions of the skies. I I 15. l':rccted | to the memor>- of | Mrs Al^IGAIL LEON- ARD I wife of I Mr W'li.i.iAM y LEONARD ] who died Jan)' 4, 1 82 1, I in the 48 \-ear of lier ac^e. Raised from the dead loe live anew Andjnstijied by (irace We shall appear in Glory too And see onr father's J'aee. I 1 16. To I the memory of 1 LSAAC EAMES COBB, | who | was born JanY 19, 1789 | and ch'ed JanX 14, 1821. Possessed he talents ten, or jive or one The work he had to do that zoork zaas done Tniprov d his mind, in wisdoms ways he trod, Relnetant died, bnt died resign' d to GOD. I I 17. In I memory of | Capt JOHN PATY. | who died] January 17, 1821, | in the 62 year of his age. See smiling patience smooth his hrozo See bending angels dozvnzvard bozo To cheer his zvay on high, While eager for the blest abode lie joins zvith them to praise the GOD Who tanght him hozo to die. 1 1 18. \n\ memory of | Mr JONATHAN TUETS, | who died I January 19, 1821 | aged 74 years. 1 1 19. In memory of | Mr JOSHUA PERKINS, | who died, ] February 9, 1821 | aged | 34 years. 138 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. I I 20. Sacred | to the memory of | RKRI'XCA BARTLinT wife of I Joseph Bartlktt Esq. | who died | March 5"i> 1821 j aged 55 years. This i^'oman ivas full of i:;oo(i i^'orks And alms deeds i^diich She (fid. I 13 1. Ill memor)- of I SARAH W. NICLSON | Daughter of I Stepiikx S and | Emilia Nelson | who died Mar. 6 1821 | Aged 3 years 3 months | and 24 days | Sweet flower soon nip'd. /n' vc also ready. 1 122. Erected in memory of | VVIELLAM ATWOOD | Con- sort of Temperance Atwood | who was drowned at Sea | March ii, 1 82 I : aged 42 years | Also their Children | WILEIAM ATWOOD y I died October 1. 1807: | aged one year | ISAAC R. ATWOOD, I died March 24, 1814; | aged Eour years. | HENRY R. ATWOOD | died May 30, 1828: | aged sixteen years. 1123. CAPT. WM. FINNEY, | died at sea | April 4. 1821, | aged 37 \-ears. | And his wife | MARTHA, | died Aug. 4. 1856, ] aged 69 \-rs. 8 mos. 1 124. Sacred | to the memory of | Miss DESIRE HARLOW \ who was born Sep'' 27, 1797, | and died Ma)- 12 | 1821. Deaj- hon'd spirit, if angels e'er />es/o-u' A tJiought oil what is acted here beloic JVith pitying eye tliis zoeak attempt sur:'ey. The last sail tribute whieh thy frieiid eaii pay. 1 125. In memor)- of | Mr. EEVI WHITING, | who died May 20, I 82 I, I in the 58 year | of his age. I\ath but entombs the body Life the Son I 1126. In memor)- of | S.\R.\1I, | wife of EemL'EL Brown | who died | June 5'h. 1821, | aged 46 years. | SARAH PALMER I died June 30, 1807, aged 2 )-ears & 7 months, j ANNTC RICE j died June 29, 1 809, aged ii years. | children of LEMUEL & Sarah Brown. EriTArilS FROM UURIAI. HILL. 1 39 1 127. In Memory of | Mrs. DEBORAH, wife of | Caj/- Robert Hutciiixsox, | who died June 30^^. /^j) 1821, | Aged 28 y'lT. I Also their son JOB />'. died | Sepf- 29tl>. AD. 1821. | aged 4 months. Though justly in this vale bclozv ; A Hnsbatufs love she shard. She luith her babe zcas calT d to go And leave this zvorld of care. I 128. Father. | JOHN DICKSON, | Died July 13, 1821, | Aged 46. I 129. l-:rected | In memory of | Capt- BARTLETT SEARS. I who I departed this life | August 2, 1 82 1, | aged 45 years. The once loved fonn, uozv cold and dead. Each nionrnful thought employs ; And Jiatnre weeps, her comforts fled. And zo it he red all her joys. 1 1 30. In Memory of | Mr. ICHABOD SHAW, | wno died Aug. 25, 1821, I aged 87 y'rs | also | PRISCILLA his wife | who •died I July 24, 1824. | aged 84 y'rs. 1131. To I the memory of | ELIZABE:TH COBB. | widow of I Is.\.\C E. Cor.H, I who was born July 27, 1797, | and died Augu' 28, 1 82 I. She is not dead, but sleeps to rise An heir of glory in the skies. With spirits pure, from flesh set free T' enjoy a bless d eternity. 1 1 32. In I memory of | Mr BARNABAS CHURCHILL 1 who died | August 29, 1821, | in the 74 year | of his age. 1133. In memory of | NANCY E. LANMAN | Daughter of I N.vrHANlEL C. Lanman I and Nan'CV his Wife | died Oct. i^t l82F ; I aged 3 years | and 9 months. Sleep on szveet child and take thy rest For GOD has done as he thought best. 1 1 34. In memory of | LUCIA ROBBINS | Daughter of | "Nathan B. Robbins | & Luclv his wife | died October I, 1 82 1 I aged I year 9 months | and 19 days. 140 KPITAPHS FROM HrRIAL III 1.1, So /(!{/(• s tlic lowly blooming floiocr Frail siniling solcroo of an hour So our trausicut couiforts fly Pleasure ouly blooms to tlic. I 135. In incnioi-y | of | Cap^ XATIIAMEI. RIPLl'A' | who died I October 23, 1.S21. | in the So \-ear | of liis ai;e. I 136. In memory of | CATIIARINI-: LUCAS | Dan-hter of Mr Isaac Ia'cas | ^K: Caiiiakixe his wife | died October 24. 1 82 I I aged 15 months iK: 24 days. Christ said suffer little Chilelren to eome to me; and forbid them not for of sueh is the Kingdom of heaven. 1137. Here are interred | in adjoining gra\es, | the remains of I SARAH BRADFORD, | rcHct of | LkUvrox Bradford | of Bristol Rliode Ishand, | Born June 29, 1754, | Died Xov. lO, 182 I, I and of their son j LeBAROX BRADFORD, | 15orn 1780 I Died Xov. 1846. Mrs. .Sarah Bkadkurd \v.-is the daughter nf Thomas and Mercy (Hedge) Davis of I'lymouth, Ijorn 1754. I 138. In I memory of | WOODWORTH jACKSOX | who I died Nov'' lO, 1 82 I aged 47 years. I 139. HKXRY McCARTER, | died in Martinique W. I. | Jan. 7th 1822, | aged 34 yr's. | XAXCY MtCARTh:R | wife of the above | died Jan. 1st, 1827, | aged 34 }-r's & 3 ms. A living faith the soul sustains When death a f fears in dreail arrow It triumphs der our mortal fains, A)id foints on high to endless day, Jl'he/r liafpy ransomed spirits dzoells 7 he triumphs of the eross to tell. 1 140. SILVAXL'S '['. I son of Jamfs | ^n: Sarah Bartlett I was born Feb. 2, | 1820; j & (hed April 14, | 1822. I 141. In I memory of | MARY GODD.\Rl ) | widow of | 1)E.\JA.MIX G()l>DARD, | who died April 2^ j 1822, aged yy years. KI'ITAl'IIS FROM lURlAl. HILL. I41 1 142. In nu'inor)- u( [wn cliildrcii | (if Isaac & Rki'.f.cca ]l\RII.E'ri". I An infant Son l^orn June 6, \ ami died June 9, 1822; I CALliB born April 21, 1S24; | and died July 24, 1826; Hozo szvcctly sleeps the siiiiliiii^ Jiozvers, Born but to blossom and deeay O God! Iioiv solemn 7iUTS the hour U7ien their blest spirits fled aivay. Mav a/ii^els loateh around their bed And yjiSi\S his kind merey show Till GOD shall bid their bodies rise And bloom luhere lastins^ I i Hies grow. 1 143. To the memory of | Mr. LKMUKL ROBBINS | who departed this life | July 28, 1822, in the 64 | \-ear of his age | Also in memory of | Mrs MARY ROBBINS | his wife who de- parted this life I March 5 1821 in 62 | }-ear of her age. ]'e living men, the ft'mb snrverl Jfhere yo// must shortly dwell. Hark.' how the awful snmtnons sonnds In ev ry fnnrral knell. 1 144. In memory of | Mrs. SUSANNA NICHOLS | wife of I Mo.SES Nrciini.s I who died Aug. 5, 1822. | in the 57 )-car | of her age. ]\'hv do we monrn. lehy do we weep, For a departed friend. For she has left a world of wo And gone to a 'J/ist friend. 1 145. Erected | to the memory of | Miss NANCY CHURCH- ILL I dau of Mr Joiix CHURCHILL | and Mrs Nancv his wife | who died Aug. 21, 1822 ; | aged 14 years. ]\'hen spotless innoeenee resigns her breath. And beanty s faded in the amies of death. When yonth' s eonsigned to mingle with the dead How pungent are the tears s//rvivors shed. 1 146. MAR^■ JANI-: I dau. of Mr. Joiix. | & ICsTKK Kex- NADV I who died Sept. 21. 1822. | aged 14 months. T42 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. So /adt'S tJic lovely bloouiiug floivcr. Frail sniilhig solace of an hour. So soon our transicjit comforts fly And pleasure only blooms to die. 1 147. In memory of | Mrs MKRCY CHURCHILL ^v^fc of [ Mr Joseph Churchill who died ] October 2. AD 1822. | in the 42 year of her age. | Also in memory of tlieir children | ED- WARD who died | January 8. 1809 j aged one year. | GEORGE who died Oct. 21, 1811 I aged 3 months. | CHARLES THOMAS who died | September 13. 1825 j aged 4 }'ears & 5 months. I 148. In I memory of | WILLIAM BISHOP. | who died I Oct'r 13, 1822: I aged 30 >t's. " His loas the radiance of the risen day." 1 149. Erected | in memory of | Cap^ JOHN VIRGIN | wha died at Sea. | on his passage from | St. Ubes to Boston | Oct'- 23. 1822 j in the 32 year of his | age. Death but entond^s the body Life, the soul. II 50. Erected | to the memory of | Miss JOANNA COTTON. I Daughter of | John Cotton I£sq. | and Hannah his wife, \ wlio died Novem'' 2, 1822 | aged 62 years. I 151. Consecrated | in memory of | Mrs liUZABETH F. RIPLEY I Consort of | Mr WILLIAM P. RIPLEY, \ who died Dec'' 19. 1822, I in the 31 }-ear of her age. Forgive, blest shade! the tributary tear. That mourns thy exit from a world like this : Forgive the loish that would have kept thee here, And stayd thy progress to the seats of bliss. I I 52. WILLIAM ROGERS Jr. ] died Dec. 23d. 1822, | Aged 34 >i-'s. I JOHN ROGERS. | died Dec. ist 1825. | Aged 27 yrs. I ICHABOD ROGERS, | died March i8tH 1854, | Aged 50 y'rs & 10 Mon. I I 53. In memory of | LYDIA | widow of | PjARTLETT Lk Baron, | who died | Jan. 1st. 1823. | aged 66 years. Blessed are the dead ivhieh die in the Lord. EI'ITAI'IIS I'KOM I'.rRIAI. IIILL. I4; 1154. ELIZABETH I born Fcb'y. 28, 1823, | died Jan'y 2, 1823 I SARAH XVE. I born Fcb'y. 15, 1S30. | died Dec. 18, 1837, I Children of lU- X.IAMIX & | JOANN WestoN. Thoii, art gone to the grave ive no longer beJiold thee ; Nor tread the rongh paths of the ivorld by thy side: But the wide arms of vierey are spread to enfold thee: And sinners may die for the sinless has died. 1 1 5 5 . In Memory of | JONATHAN STURGES, | Born April 8 1822, I Died Jan'y 20 1823. | Mrs. LUCRETIA WAT.SON, | wife of I Rev. H. B. Goodwin | of Concord | Born Feb'y 15 1808. I Died Nov'r 11 1831. | Children of B. M. & L. B. Wat- son. ' I 56. This stone is erected | to the memory of | Twin Child- ren of I Ephraim Finney ] and Phebe his wife | who were born Ocf 27, 1822 I ELIZABETH died March 10, 1823 | EZRA died September 14, 1823 iMy frietids behold what death has done Taken these babes when they were young Prepare to live prepare to die Prepare for long Eternity. 1 1 57. Erected | to the memory | of | Cap^- ATVVOOD DREW, 1 who departed this life | May 10, 1823 | aged 43 years. '' Mourners forbear ; the ways of heaven are fust, Affiieted mortals should belive, and trust, By a zc'ise ha/id the universe is szvayd Whieh justly limits every life it made. 1 1 58. Consecrated | to the memory of | MARGARET J. WASHBURN I Consort to ] Capt- George Washburn | who died I June 4 AD. 1823, | in the 32 year of her | age. Rest! gentle Spirit: rest: thy toi-is are o'er: The place that knew thee knozvs thee now no more Cease mourners cease: sivcet consolation dies. We part — but tis to meet in happier skies. 144 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1 159. Capt I EL1':AZAR MORTON | Died June 5, 1823,^. 69 \-'rs I yjiM/MA liis wife died | Feb')- 26, 1S23. AL. 66 \-'i-s j Also eii^dit children. | /.AZARCS S. was lost at Sea, | Dec. 1800. JE. 22 >-'rs. j KLl'.AZAR Jr. WILLI. \M, | Zl^Pli ANL\I I, AMASA, I JLMIMA. JI-:RUS1IA, JANE. I 160. \\\ I memory | of | J(?)HX T. CLARK, | .Son of | Joiix Clark, 3^' i & Ap.UJAIL his wife | who died Auy-t- 20. I 1823 I a;4ed 2 )-ears. 1161. \\\ memory of I THI'IADORE S. CARVER, Son | of Capt- JosiAlI Carvkr j and Aphic.AIL his wife j who died Sep'' 5, 1823 I aged Three }'ears | one month and twent)' se\'en | da\'s. Suffer little cJiildrcH to couic unto mc And forbid thcni not. \ 162. In I memory of | Miss RUTH NELSON | who died | September 13, 1823 | in the 64 year | of her age. II 63. \n \ memory of | Capt. yA T/l^- .U0K7VX \ who died I September 21 1S23 | aged 39 years. U7n' do IOC mourn dcpartiiii^' friends/ Or shake at death's alarms.' lis but the voice lohieh Jesus sends To call them to his arms. ur.4. In memor)- of | FENELON T. BURGISS, | Son of Joseph & | Sally IiLRCiss, | who died Oct. 2-. 1823, | aged 15 months & 19 da}-s. He s left a ivorld of sorroio sin and pain Wish not to call him back to life a_ei'(riu 7 his lovely bud be^e^inniui:; to expand Was soon transplanted to that happy land. 1165. In memoryof | !\Ls. SARAH R. KhAHTON | wifeof | Mr. ZacHELs KiaiI'ToN | who died |anuar\- 31, 1824 | aged Sixt}' one }-ears I ami height month.-^. Why do loe mouri/ lohy do 'coe 'a'cep For a departed friend I' or she has left a loorld of icoc And gone to a Just friend. PM'TTAl'IIS FROM RURIAI, IIII.!.. 145 1 166. Sacred | to the memory of | Miss CAROLINE SAMP- SON I dau. of Mr. Geor(;e & | Mrs. Hannah Sampson: | She died I Feby- 5 1824. | asjjctl 22 )-cars. | i mo & 26 days. ^'^Hcrs zvas the milc/jicss of tlic risiNg Jiioni." 1167. In mciiior)- of | SALL]\ dau'r of Joi; & | Hannah Churchill | died Febr')- 16, 1824: | A^^cd i year & 2 moil's. I Also I In Memory of | SALLY who died | April 2, 1823 : | aged r year & 5 mo's. I 168. In memory of | Mrs. SARAH HARLOW | wife of | Mr Seth Harlcjw | who departed this Hfe | Feb)' 28, 1824 | aged 82 years. 1 169. In memory of | Mrs MERCY DILLARD. | Consort of Mr Benjamin Dillard. | who died | March 28, 1824 | aged 44 years. 11 70. In memory of | REBEKAH MORTON | Daughter of James | & Betsey Morton | who died | June 15, 1824 | aged four months | and 21 days. For of such is tlic kingdom of heaven. 1 171. In memory of | Mrs DEBORAH GAMMONS | wife of I Mr Benjamin Gammons | who died | August i^' 1824 | aged 72 years. Make Christ your friend uLio never dies. All other friends are vanities, Make him your life your all, Prepare for Death that Solemn call. 1 172. PIRSES. wife of Eliai: Wood. | died Oct. 5tli 1824, I in the 38 }''r | of her age. Let thy mercy, LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee, 11 73. MERCY DOTEN | widow of Nathaniel Doten, | died Oct. nth 1824, | aged 86 y'rs. | Also three Children of I Prince & Susan Doten. | Viz. SAMUEL, died April 3. | 1825, aged II days. | SYLVANUS H. died Oct. 12. | 1825, aged 2 y'rs and 2 mon. | A Dau. died July 13th. | 1826: aged 3 hours. 146 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1174. In I memory of | Mrs. ]-:UXICE HOLMES | who died Ocf 16, 1S24, i aj^cd I 40 years. " W'/uii holy frictidship drops tJic pious tear, " And sacred i^arlan(/s deck the ha//owed bier. " Can boiiiiteo/is Jieave)i a i^reater solace s^ive, " 'jyiati that ivhich iL'hispcrs, "'friends departed live. 1 175. Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. ELIZA DAVIS Consort of | Mr JosKi-ii Davis | & Daughter of JosilUA | & ElizABTKII Coi.liV of 1 Newburyport ] who died Xo\''- 8, 1824 | aged 30 }-ears. 1176. In I memor)- of | Mrs. SALLY BUIvGIS | Consort of I Mr. JosKl'II HlRCls I who died ] Dec^ 29, 1824 | aged 35 years. 1177. :\L-. LEWIS WESTON, | died Jan. 22(1, 1825, | aged 47 y'rs. I Mrs. IlETSliW his wife. | died Oct. 28th. 1851, | aged -J I y'rs. I Also Eour Children Viz. | UARRUiT, died Jan io''i. 1825 I in her 9th. _\'r. | A/:7f 7.S", died Jan. 2 5i''- 1838 | in his i6t'> y'r. I LEWIS, died Sept. 2 P^ 1800 | aged 17 Months. | IJiU'/S, died May S^'^ I 802, | aged 2 months. 1178. In memory of | VA.VAiWWA'W OWICX | Daughter of IIi:nr\' I and Anic.AiL IIoli.IS, | died January 30, 1825. | aged 3 year & 5 months. A las her tuneful icarbling breath. Is hushed forever hushed in death ; And that still heart icithin the bier. Can feel not e'en a parents tear. 11 79. FREDERICK RUSSICL, | son of | F. .X: ]•:. Frkkmax I died I Feb. i, 1825 aged 17 days. 11 80. In memory of | JOHN T. JACKSON | Son of W(-)Oi)- WORTH I & Mhriaii J.\ckson DeC^l | who died I'^eb 4, 1825 I aged I I }ears. 1181. In Memory | of | Mrs. RUTH GOODWIN | widow of I Gen. Nath'- Goodwin, | who died, Feb'}-. 10. 1825 | Aged 79 years. I 182. Died of a Lingering | Distressing Sickness | Mr JOHN H.ARTLI-yiT I February 16, 1825 | in the 29 year | of his age. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. I47 O Death lover and friend Hast thou put far from. His bere'^ved Consort, and her Acquaintanee into darkness. 1183. Erected | In memory of | Mr. WILLIAM KEEN, | who died | February 18. 1825, | aged 69. This modest stone, zv hat few vain marbles ean May truly say " Here lies an honest man: " Calmly he look'd on either life, and here Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear: From Nature's temperate feast rose satisfied ThaJik'd heav n that he had livd, and that he died. 11 84. In memory of | Mr. DAVID DREW | who departed this Hfe I April 16, 1825, | in the 48 year of his age. | Also three children Viz. \ LUCINDA died July 29, 1807 aged 4 mon. | SOLOMON died April 6, 1813, aged 9 mon. | SOLOMON AUGUSTUS died Feb. 15, 1821, | aged 8 months. /'cen early called to engage in its mimicipal affairs, he entered into its duties assidimusly. He never sought political distinction, and whenever called into jjublic service it was with reluctance. He represented the town of Plymouth in the General Court as Representative, and in 181 2 and 181 3 was a member of the Executive Coun- EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. I :; I cil; one of the Selectmen of the town for about thirty years; President of the Ply- mouth Bank, and at the liuie of his deaiii was Vice-President of tiie i'ilgrim Society, in which he was deeply interested, lie was of cheerful temper, of social habits, faith- ful and discreet in the ilischarge of his public trusts, and displayed an energy and activity which served to animate and cheer others with whom he was associated, and his death caused a deep, heartfelt sorrow. Mr. Davis married Rebecca, daui^hter of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Jackson) Mor- ton, of Plymouth, 1781, and had William, 1783: Nathaniel Morton, 1785; Thomas, 1791: Elizabeth, 1803, married Alexander HIiss; and George Bancroft. Mr. Davis was grandfather of Hon. William T. Davis, the historian of Plymouth. 1211. To the memory of | LUCIA W. ROHBINS | Consort of j Nathan B. Robbins | who died Jan: 19, 1826 I aged 28 years. Thus from thy kindred early torn And to thy grave untimely borne, Vanisli d forever from my vieio Thou partner of my youth adieu. Still, ivith my first ideas twined, Thine image oft zvill meet my mind, And, li'hile remembranee brings thee near Affeetion sad will drop a tear. As in Adam all die, even so in CHRIST Shall all be made alive. 1212. Erected in memory of | Mr. SETH RIDER, | who died Janu 21, 1826: | in the 82 year of his age. | Also in memory of I Mrs. HANNAH RIDER his | wife who died Sept. 26, \ 1 8 14: I in the 60 )'ear of her age. Our age to sevnty years is set, Hoiv short the term.' how frail the state! And if to eighty we arrive, We rather sigh and groan than live. 12 1 3. In Memory of | JOHN WATSON Esq. | Born Aug'st 26 1748, I Died Feb'y i 1826. | also his Wife | Mrs LUCIA WATSON, I dan'tr of ] BENJAMIN Marston Esq. | of Salem, | Born Feb'y 15 1748, | Died Oct'r 25 1793. John W.\TSon was the son of John and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Watson. He grad- uated at Harvard College, 1766; was one of the early founders of the Old Colony Club, in 1769, and the last surviving member of that association. He was the first vice-president of the Pilgrim Society, and succeeded Judge Thomas as president of the same, which ottice lie helil till his death. Mr. Watson was the proprietor of " Clark's " Island, in Plymouth harbor, where he resided for forty years; a spot to which he was very much attached, affording to him many antiquarian associations, in which he delighted to indulge, and to recount to his family and friends. 152 EPITAniS FROM BURIAL HILL. By his first wife he had John, 1769; George, 1771; Sally Marston, 1772; Benja- min Marston, 1774; Lucia, 1776, married John Taylor; Daniel, 1779; William, 1783; Winslovv, 1786, and l^rooke. He married, 2d, Eunice, widow of Le Barron Goodwin and daughter of John Marston of Boston, and had Edward Winslow, 1797; Eliza Ann, 1799; Albert Mortimer, iSoi. 12 14. In memory of | Mr. WILLARD SEARS | who died ] Februar}- 5, 1826: | in the /S year | of his age. ]\yiat is tilt life of mail ivitli all his cares 'lis life' a shade zohieh quickly disappears. 1215. In memory of | Mrs. DEBORAH PATY, | Relict of the Late | Capt- John Patv, | who died Feby- 7. 1826: | aged 6"] years. Bless d Iioitr, when virtuous friends s/iall juect. Shall meet to part no more, And loitJi celestial luclcome greet. On an immortal shore. 1216. Erected | to the memory of | THOMAS CHURCH- ILL 1 Consort of | Marv Churchh.L, | formerly of Plympton | who departed this Hfe | I'ebruary 26, 1826; | aged 70 years. I 2 17. In Memory of | Mr JOB CHURCHILL | died March 23. 1S26 I in the 39th year | of his age. 12 1 8. Here Hes buried | the Remains of | Mrs LUCY LOTHROP I Consort to | Doctor Nathaniel Lothrop | who died April 17. | 1826 in the J2 year | of her age. 12 19. GEORGE. I died May 2 1826 Mi. \ 4 days. Also | SALLY. I died Nov. 6. 1837. yEt. | 8 mo. 19 ds. Children of | David & Sally Warren. ]]u\p not for ?KS Our parents dear, While ice the richest Blessings share. 1220. Erected | to the memory of | Mr JOHN C. HOLMES I who I departed this life | May 17, 1826; | aged 28 years. Lean not on earth; twill pierce thee to the heart A broken reed at best: but oft a spear. On its sharp point peace bleeds, and hope expires. EI'ITAI'IIS FROM UURIAL HILL. 1 53 1221. In memory of | Mrs RKBEKAH BARNES | Consort of I Mr Bexjamlx Barnes J'- | who died June 10, 1826: | in the 55 year | of licr -d'^c. Hush our moans let all our tears be dry. Ere long our souls must quit their day, and fly To meet our friend in heaven, to part no more, And praise that GOD, lue here on eartJi adore. 1222. In memory of] Mr ZOHETH CLARK, \ who died I June I2tli. 1826; I in the Go^'i year | of his age. Tis done he sleeps the sleep of death. Nor will he ivakc again. Till the last trumpets aivful voice, Shall rend the grave in tzvain. 1223. Erected | In memory of | Cap. RUFUS ROBBINS, | who died at New Orleans | July 4, 1826: aged 45 years. | Also in memory of | Mrs MARGARET ROBBINS | his wife | who died JanuY 14, 1827: | aged 43 years. 1224. Erected in memory of | Cap'- ELLIS J. HARLOW, j who Departed this life | Jul}' 11. 1826: aged 33 years. No nobler form has nature showed Than here has met an early blight. No fairer eye has ever glowed And beamed with intellectual Light. Yet scarce 7ve mourn his Juanly form When once his nobler heart zee vie%v. In love so kind in friendship warjn, In honor and devotion true. O grave.' thy triumph all shall be. To guard awhile this precious ditst. The LORD of life, is LORD of thee And thou shall render back thy trust. 1225. In memory of | SOLOMON HINKLEY | Son of 1 Solomon Richmond | and Anna his wife | who died July 20 ] 1826; aged one year | eight months and | twenty seven days. 154 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL 1226. To the memory of | CHARLliS son of Truman | and Experience Bartlett | who died July 22. 1S26: | ae^ed 6 years & 7 mon. The bcaiitious floii'cr that charuis the eye And decks the smiling plain With winter s blast does fade and die, Bnt dies to bloom again Then loJiy sliould sorroio ivring thy hrozv Say monrner say ivhy zoeepest than. 1227. Erected | to the memory of | RICHARD FISHER aged 31 ; | of Salem, \ JOHN JACOBS aged 28; and | WII- IJAM WRIGhlT iv^&<\ 21 ; j o{ Neiv York, \ who were drowned by the | oversetting of a | boat in Plx'mouth | Harbour Aug'- 9. 1826. time is a stream Jloiving rapidly onzoard, As life is advancing, %ve rush without fear On temptations rough sea, and pleasure s bland zcurvc. Till zve sink in its current, and reach the dark grave. 1228. ELIZABETH DAVIE, | dau't. of Capt. I( habod & I Joanna Davie, | died Aug. 15, 1826: | /E. 25 yr's. Fa reive 1 1 but not a long Farcxvcll In heaven may I appear: The trials of my faith to tell. In thy transported ear. And sing ivith thee eternal strain : M'orthy the lamb that once was slain. 1229. In memory of | MARY ATWOOD COLLIER | daughter of | Ezra & Marv S. Collier | who died | August 28, 1826: I aged 10 months & 3 days. " oj such is the Kingdom of heaven A 1230. In memor>' of SAMUEL BRADFORD | Son of Samuel Bradford | and Lucy his wife | died Sep 13, 1826; aged 2 )'ears | and 3 months. Death may the bands of life utilose But cant dissolve my love Millions of infant souls compose The family above. EI'ITAI'IIS FROM IJL'RIAI, III I.I,. I 55 1231. In ! memory of i Mrs. HANNAH COOPKR | wife of Capt- Richard Cooper | who departed this life | September 23, 1826, I aged 82 )-ears. 1232. In memory of | RUTH NELSON | Daughter of | Georce Nelson | and Rurn liis wife | Died Sep'- 27 1826; | aged 6 months. Lovely babe thy days arc ended. All tliy painful days belozv, And thy spirit has ascended Where living pleasures ever Jlozv. 1233. Erected | to the memorx' of | liLRAXOK IIOWARP Consort | of the late yOHX HOWARD, \ who died Oct. 12. 1826: I aged 75 )-cars. | Also to the memor}' of | Capt. J(,)H\ HOWARD, I who was lost at Sea [ March 1788; | aged 43 years. 1234. In memory of I HANNAH CURTIS PATY | Daugh- ter of I Cap'- William Patv | and Mrs Jane his wife | who •died Ocf- 17, 1826: I aged 4 years and 6 mo. Of sueJi is the kingdom of heaven. 1235. In memory of | Mr ASA JOYChL | who died j Nov. 5. 1826: I aged 57 years. | Mrs. LUCY A. JOYCE, | his wife | ■died Jul}' 24. 1852; I aged 81 }'ears. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. 1236. In I memory of | GEORGE SAMPSON. | who died | Nov. 9. 1826, I in the 52 year of his age. | Also of | PATIENCLi his wife | who died j Oct. 18, 1835, | in the 58 }-'r | of her age. 1237. In I memor>- of | Capt WLLJJAM BARNES, \ who ■died Nove'"- 22, 1826, | in the do^^ year | of his age. " The year rolls round and steals aivay The breath ivhieh first it gave ; What'er zoe do, lohere er loe be, IVe're trav'ling to the grave." 1238. In memory of | LOTHROP son of Jesse | and Marv E. Harlow | who died | November 2t,, 1826; | aged i month | and 2 I days. 156 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. .S"(; tJic lovely blooming flour Fades and loitlwrs in ati hour So our transient eoviforts fly Pleasure only blooms to die. 1239. In memory of | ELLIS J. HARLOW | Son of | Cap Ellls Harlow and | Mrs Jerusha his wife | who cHed Novem- ber 24. 1826; I aged 17 months. 1240. Sacred to the memor\' of | Rew .\D( )XIRAM JUD— SOX, j who died Nov. 25, 1826, .'E. 75. A faitliful j and devoted Minister of Christ. | ELNATHAN JUDSOX, M. D. | who died at Washington City May 8, 1829, | /E. 34 years. ANN /I. JUD- SON, liis dan. | died May 30, 1832, Ai. 7 years. ELLEN. \ YOUNG, his wife, died Nov. 25, 1832, yE. 30 y'rs. | ANN H. JUDSON. I Missionary to Burmah, who died at | Amherst, B.E. Oct. 24, 1826. /E. 37 y'rs. ] ROGER W. JUDSON, died May 4, 1 8 16, /E. 8 mo. 1 MARL A E. B. JUDSON, died April 24, 1S27. .E:. 2 y'rs 3 mo. SARAH 11. JUDSON, missionary | to Burmah, who died in the port of St. | Helena, Sept. I, 1845, A.Y.. 42 y'rs. I ADONIRAM JUDSON D.D. | Missionary of the American Baptist I Missionary Union to the Burman | Empire, who died at Sea, | April 12, 1850, Ai. 62 years. | EAL/L.V C. widow of AdonHvAM I JUDSON D.D. & Missionary to Burmah, | died June I, 1854. yE. 37 y'rs. Rfa'. Ad(jnikam JiJDSD.M was the first Pastor of the Thu-d Congregational Society of Plvniouth, and was installed May 12, 1S02. He was horn in Woodbury, Conn., graduated at Vale College 1775, ^'^^ pastor of a church in Maiden from January, 178.S, to September, 1701; in Wenham, Mass., 1792 to 1799. In 1817 lie, having changed his views and become a Baptist, was dismissed Aug., 1S17. He died in .Scituate in 1826. His children were Elnathan, who became a surgeon in the United States Navy; Abigail, and Adoniram (born in Maiden, August 9, 17S8), who became a noted mission- ary at i^urmah for about forty years. He graduated at Brown University 1807, An- dover Seniiiiarv i8[0. At one time lie kejjt a private school in Plymouth, and was the author of "Elements of English Grainmar" and "Young Ladies' Arithmetic," ])ublishetl in 1S08 and 1S09. He was ordained February 6, 1812, and married, ist, Ann Haselline, who died in 1S26; 2d, Mrs. Sarah Boardman, in April, 1834, widow of the late (ieorge Dana ]5oardnian, also a missionary in India. She died September i, 1S45. 3d, limily Chubbuck, well known as " Fanny Forrester," Jime, 1S46. He pub- li>he(l a sermon on bajitism In 1812 and a Dictionary of the JJurman Language in 1826 See memoirs of his life bv Francis Wayland, 1S53; J. ("lenient, 1S52 ; 1). T. Midleditch, 1854; Mrs. H. C. Conant, 1856, and W. Hague, 1851. .Mso Dr. James Thacher, 1S37, and W. T. Davis, 1SS3. 1 241. MARY THOMAS, | widow of ] Dr. WiLi.Lur Thomas I Died Dec. 4, I 826, | Aged 94 years. Widow Mary Tho.MAS was the daughter of (Jonsider and Ivuth (Bryant) How- land, born 1732. EI'ITAI'IIS FROM r.URIAL HILL. 1 57 1242. In memory of | THOMAS S. SAUNDERS | Son of JolIX and | l^HTSKV S.\l xnKks | Died DcC 22, 1826: I aLjcd 2 years. 1243. In memory of | CONSIDER BRADFORD | Son of James Bradford | and Elkaner his wife | who died December j 25, 1826; I at^ed II mo. & 17 days. Short ivas thy stay sweet babe but this will j^ivc A loHij^cr space of heavenly life to live Yet with delight you drciv your balmy breath And the first pain yon scent d to feel was death. 1244. Erected | In memory of | Mrs HARRIOT DA VI I-:, | wife of Capf- Roi'.KRi" Davie, | who departed this life | January 12, 1827: I aged 28 years. | Also their Daughter | HARRIOT E. DAVIE, I died JanY- 20. 1827; aged | 4 years & 21 days. Ihns from thy kindred early torn And to thy grave untimely borne Vanish'd forever from my viciv Thon partner of my youth adieu. As in Adam all die even so in C/fRfST Shall all be made alive. 1 145. In memory of | BETS1-:Y M. JACKSON | daughter of WooDWORTll I and Meriah Jackson I who died | June 10, 1827; I aged 26 years. 1246. h:EIZAIM-:TH, I wife of I William Rogers, | died June 14th. 1827. I Aged 58 y'rs. 1247. To the memory of | MERCY M. BRIGHAM, | Dau. of AXTII'AS I^RIGIIAM | and Mercv his wife | Died June 15. 1827. I aged 9 mo. and 5 da\s Sleep lovely babe thy toils are o'er The choicest comforts of her parents That CiOD of love has called her home Why do ive weep why should we mourn. 1248. E. D. I In memory of | Mr. ITTJAH DUNHAM | who died I Augt- ii''^ 1827, | aged 75 )-ears. 150 EPITAl'IlS I'ROM BURIAL HILL. My flcsli, ivIiHl buried in the dust, Jesus shall be tliy eare. These witheriuy; liinbs 7vitli thee I trust To raise them stroui^ aud fair. 1249. SARAH DAVIE. | daut of Capt. IcnAiioD & | Joanna DaviK, I died Sept. 12. 1827: I /E. 29 y'rs. While o\'r these dear reuiaius affection iveeps, A voice proclaims she is not dead but sleeps. Jesus again descending from the skies Shall break her slumbers saying maid arise, Then gently lead Jicr to her fat/ier's feet, IVith hind command to give her angels meat; Ascend in hope ive loait the promised hour, Tis sown in loeakness it is raised in Power. 1250. lu-cctcd I to the memory of | Mrs SARAH LANMON I who departed | this hfe Sep. 18. 1827: | in the 74 year of her age. Cold, in the dust, /ler perish' d heart may lie, But that which warm'd it once, will never die! 1 25 I . In memory of | three Dau. of Samuel | & Sally Cole, Viz. I JANE R. 1 died Sept. 27, 1827, | aged 18 mo. | DE- BORAH B. I died April 30, 1837, | aged 18 years. | CARO- LINE E. I died Sept 13. 1842, | aged 20 years. ]\Iay we not meet in Heaven above With love that has no trendding fears In that dear home far far above This land of tears. 1252. JOANNA DAVIE, | daut. of Capt. Ichabod & [ J(JA\NA Davie, | died Dec. 3, 1827: | /E. 28 y'rs. Her rest is S7veet in eartlis cold arms, She mingles dust with dust; On Jesus breast she leans her head. In firm unshaken trust. Quickly she II burst the bolted tomb; And rise in full unfaditig bloom. EPITAPHS FROM I'.URIAI. IIII.L. 1 59 1253. In I memory o{\ DEBORAH, Wife of | Bknja.MIX Thomas, | died Janu. 5. i82(S, | aged 2^6 years. | Also their son JOSIAII. I died Jan. 13, ii. 1307. In I memory of | ELIZABETH SAVERY | wife of | Lemuel Sayery | who died | August i, 183 i | aged 71 years. El'irAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1 69 Rcnioiibcr inc as you pass by As yon arc lunv so otwc zuas /, As [ am now you soon must bee Prepare for death to folloiv me. 1308. Father & MOTHER | JOHN PERRY | died Aug. I9«h 1 83 I. I in his 64^1' y'r. ] RHODA PERRY, | died July lo'h 1855 I in her 83d. \''r. Why do ive mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms i' Tis but the voiee that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. 1309. In I memory of | Capt CHANDLER HOLMES J^ | who died | October 4. 1831. | aged 27 years. He spoke the meaning of his heart Nor slandered with his tongue Would scarce believe an ill report Nor do his neighbour zvrong. 13 10. FRANCELIA | Daughter of Daniel | & Lvdia Rider | who died | Oct. 6. 1831, | aged 6 years ] 8 mon. & 23 days. 1 3 11. Erected I to the memory of | LUCY WESTON. | Daughter of | Seth & LuCY VVeston | late of Duxbury | who died Oct. 22, 1831, ] aged 33 years. Farewell, dear friend, a short farewell, Till we shall meet again above, Where endless Joys and pleasures dwell And trees of life bear fruits of love. 13 12. In I memory of | NATHANIEL HUESTON. | who died Oct. 23. 1831. | in the 45 year | of his ] age. Where ere thy steps are bent. Death hovers by thy side. Thou kiunvest not what an hour May to thy fate betide. 13 13. SALLY, wife of Robert Dunham. | died Oct'r 29, 1831: aged 56 years. | ROBERT DUNHAM | died Jan'y 13. 1833: aged 54 years. I70 KITIAI'IIS FROM BrUIAI. HII.L 1314. In mcm..i-\- o[ \ THOMAS GOODWIN, | was lost at Sea. Oct. 1831. I /K. 45 y'rs. | HKVERLAND '1\ GOODWIN | his son died I Jan'y 12. 1823. JE. 6 mo. | DESIRE GOODWIN, his dau. died I April 30, 1823, Ai. 3 y'rs | HEVERLAND T. GOODWIN, I his son died | June 10, 1830, M. 3 mo. | CHARLES T. GOODWIN, | his son died | Eeb. 7, 183 i, Ai. 10 mo. 13 1 5. In I mcmor\' of | NANCY WILLIAMS, | a faithful (African) servant | in the family of | Rev. F. Freem.\N. | died Nov. 21. 1 83 I, 1 aged 25 years. '' Honour and shame from no conditio)i rise- Act 7oell your part; — there all the tumour lies." 1 3 16. To the memory of] Capt. WILLIAM PERSONS | who died | Nov. 25. 1 83 I, | aged 72 years. . / trezv Patriot cV Hero of the Revolution. 13 17. Sacred | to the memory of | Mr JAMES MORTON 2^1. I who died Dec'r 5, 1831 ; | aged 38 yrs. | Also | of ABRA- HAM C. I son of James & Betsey Morton, | who died Nov'r 5, 1825 ; I Aged 7 )'r's. | And of four deceased infant children. Above life's seenes faith lifts her eye To brighter prospects given, Where rays divine disperse the gloom ; Beyond the confines of the tondi Appears the dawn of heaven. 1318. LOIS DIMAN ! wife of | David Dimax | died Dec. 16, 1 83 I, I in the 75 year | of her age. Look dozon and viezv The holloiv gaping tojnb: This gloomy prison zoaits for you Whener the summons come. 1 3 19. Erected | to the memory of | WILLIAM BARNES. | who died | Dec. 29'*^ 1831, | aged 66 years. " I nnnortality d erszveeps All pains, all tears, all times, all fears — and peals Like the eternal thunders of the deep Into my ears this truth — Thou livst forever." EliTAl'IIS FROM DURIAL HILL. Ijl 1320. HANNAH PAINK, | Widow | died Jan. 3, 1832. | JE. 80 y'rs. I Also her Husband | STEPHEN PAINE, | died at Liverpool, | N. S. 1794. | /E. 48 y'rs. 1 32 1. * LUCY, ANN I died Jan. 17, 1832, | a^^ed i )-ear. | Dau^dUer of | RUFWS & LtH-y | VV. CHURCHILL. li'it/i equal voice, in unknown Worlds, Old men and babes appear. 1322. To I ROSELLV L. | dau"" of Joseph | & Jane Barnes I who died | P'eb'' 2. 1832. | in the 23 year | of her age. An ajfectionate child and sincere christian. 1323. In memory of | Mr. EBENEZER DyWIE, | who died Feb. 10. 1832, I aged 56 years & ii mo's. | GEORGE DAVIE, I son (jf the above, was | drowned at sea. Aug. 11. | 1831, aged 18 \'ears. Seize mortal ! seize the transient hour; Improve each moment as it flies: Life's a short summer man a flower, He dies, Alas ! ho%u soon he dies.. 1324. THOMAS NELSON | died Feb. 17. 1832, | aged 66 y'rs. I ABIGAIL, his wife | died March 10, 1838, | aged 71 y'rs. I Also MARTHA, their Dau. | died July 15, 1839, | aged 45 y'rs. 1325. BENJAMIN F. | son of Benjamin | & Alice Dun- ham I died March 2. 1832, | aged 14 days. 1326. Erected | in memory of | MARY ANN, | dau. of | N.Vlli' & LvDiA Goodwin, | died April 7. 1832, | aged 26 y'rs & 6 mo. I Also their Son | EDWARD J. GOODWIN, | died in Havana | March 16. 1828. | aged 24 yrs. & 6 mo. 1327. Erected | to the memory of | EZRA CHURCHILL, | who departed this life | April 11, 1832, | in the 27^^ year | of his age. *This stone lies on the ground. 172 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Life's but a jnomcnt, friend repress thy tear. My second life's begnn an end/ess year; ] 'on soon like me ivJiile in your yonth may fade, Seek then a house above with hands not made. 1328. In memory of | Capt ANDREW BARTLETT. | who died I May 6. 1832, \ aged 67 yrs. & 5 mo. | Also ELIZABETH, I widow of the above | who died | July 9. 1844. | aged 73 yrs. & 4 mo. JVhen we at Death must part, Hoiv keen how deep the pain. But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 1329. Erected | to the memory of | Mrs BETSEY BART- LETT, I wife of I Mr Eleazer S. Bartlett | who died | May 9, 1832, I in the 25th year | of her age. My son I, my body I will trust With him, who numbers every dust. My Saviour, faithfully ivill keep His oivn — their death is but a sleep. 1330. In I memory of | Mrs. LOIS ROBBINS | wife of | Mr. William Robbins | who died | May 2&^ 1832, | in the 68''» year | of her age. 1 33 1. In I memory of | Mrs. MARY HUESTON | wife of I Mr. William Huestox | who died May 30t'> 1832 | in the 74 year | of her age. My soul my body I ivill trust With hint zvho numbers every dust; My Saviour faithfully will Keep His oivn — their death is but a sleep. 1332. In memory of | WILLIAM TRIBBLE, | who was | born Jan. 2. 1783, | died June 14. 1832. 1333. In I Memory of | Mr. THOMAS POPE, | who died | July 20, 1832., I aged 23 years. KI'ITAl'IIS FROM r.URIAI, HILL. Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb, Take this iieiv treasure to thy trust: And give these sacred relies room To slumber in thy silent dust. No pain, no grief , no anxious fear Invade thy bounds: no mortal woes Can reaeh the peaceful sleeper here While angels watch its soft repose. 1334. died Aug 4ti>, 1832. I GEORGIANA MINERVA | daug. ofC. J. & C. W. 1 Warrex aged 14 Mon. Here sleep, dear daughter, all alone, ^^^.^ . With aching hearts we leave To the our sorrows are not ^'^^^'"'^''^ thee. Nor can our absence grieve 1335- ^"^^ Father which art ix Heaven ANTIPiVS BRIGHAM | died | August 6, 1832, | Aged n years. 1336. Ill Memory of | JAMES H. HOWARD, | who re- turned to his friends | from Eastport, Me, June 2 | after an absence of several j years on account | of feeble health, | died Aug'st 7, 1832 : I /Et. 24 yr's & 9 mo's. His mind was tranquil a?id serene, No terrors in his looks zuere seen. His saviour's smiles dispelled the gloom, And smooth' d his passage to the tomb. 1337. Mrs SARAH R. BARSTOW | wife of | Mr. Ichabod W. Barstow I and Daughter of | Mr JOHX & Mrs. Mary Clark, I who died | August ] z,^^^< 1832, | aged 36 years. .Stveet spirit dear, a sad fareivell Till we shall niect again, The place where happy souls do dwell. Is free from toll and pain. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAI, HILL. Great were her siiff rings might j GOD We heard her groan a?id die. But yesus Christ's most preeioiis blood Was shed on Calvary. 1338. LYDIA ALLEN BROWN | died Aug. 20. 1832 | Aged 6 }''rs. 1339. In memory of | Deac. LOT HARLOW | died Sept. io''i 1832 I aged 64 years. | MARY, Relict of Deac. Lot Har- low, j died Sept. 2i»t 1832, | aged 62 years. | STEPHl'^N HARLOW, their Son | died Dec. 23d 1831, | aged 25 years. 1340. In memory of j CYRUS COLE, | Son of the | Rev. Tlmothv j & Susan Cole, | who died ] Sept. 28, 1832, | aged 4 weeks. I 341. In I memory of | Mr. JAMES MORTON, | who died | Oct'r 19, 1832, I aged 58 years. The eye of him that hath seen me Shall see me no more. 1342. In memory of | JANE, | daughter of | WiLLlAM & Sarah Sturtevant, | who died Nov. 8, 1832: j aged 38. | Also of her sister | HANNAH, | wife of Thomas J. LoBDELL, | who died & was entombed | at Boston Oct. 3. 1818: | aged 22. 1343. Sacred | to the Memory of 1 EPHRAIM BARTLETT, I who was born Feb'y 19, 1809 | died Dec'r 3, 1832. There is a ealm for those zvho zveep, A rest for weary pilgrims fonnd; And zvhile the monlderitig ashes sleep Loiv in the ground. The son I of origin diznne, God' s glorions Image freed from elay In Heaven's eternal sphere shall shine A star of day . 1344. Erected | In memory of | Capt- ZEACHUS BARNES. I who Departed this life | December 26. 1832, | aged 34 years. Oft as the bell zvith solemn toll, Speaks the departure of a soul, Let eaeh one ask himself, a?n I, Prepared, should I be ealled to die." Erri'Al'IIS I'Ro.M IILRIAL HILl.. I 75 1345. Capt. I WILLIAM HOLMES | died Jan'y 3. 1833, | ac,^ed 65 years. | HANNAH, widow of | William Holmes, died fpcb. 22. 1854. Ai. 87 y'rs. | Also Miss POLLY HOLMES, | died April 2. 1849, | .-E. 69 y'rs. 1346. To the memory of | Mrs. BETSEY JOHNSON, | wife of I Mr. Joseph Johnson', | who departed this life \ Jan. 15, 1833. I aged 63 years. T/w grave is ready let me rest No longer linger here oppressed Cold in the dnst, nif perished heart may lie But that whieh, loarni d it onee, icill never 1347. In memory of | Miss CHARLOTT BARNES, | who died I Feb. 22, 1833, | in the 60^^ year | of her age. / eali that legaey my ozvn. Which Jesns did bequeath Twas purcJiasd with a dying groan And ratified in death. 1348. In memory of | ELIZABETH, ] wife of the | Rev. Frederick Freeman, | who died j March 12, 1833, | aged 33 yrs. I Leaving her husband and | five children to deplore | their loss, and cherish the | dear remembrance of j her worth. " Her childreft rise np and call her blessed; her linsband also and he praiseth Jury Rev. Frederick Freeman was son of Nathaniel Freeman, of Sandwich, Mass.; was settled as Pastor of the " Third Church " in Plymouth, 1824; dismis.sed in May, 1833. Mr. Freeman was the author of the History of Cape Cod, published in two volumes in 1858. 1349. In memory of I ISAAC SAMPSON, | who died May 7, 1833: I Aged 42 yr's. | Also ISAAC, \ Son of Isaac & Elizabeth ] Sampson died Dec'r | 1 1, 1833 : | Aged 3 yr's & 8 mo's. " //o7t> vain is all beneath the skies, Hoiv transient every earthly bliss. How slender all the fondest ties, That binds ns to a world like this.'' 176 EPITAI'IIS FROM r.lRIAL 1111. L. " 'riicii let the hope of joys to coiiic Dispel our eares and ehase our fears, ff (lod be ours loe re travelluii:; home, Thonj^/i passing through a vale of tears." Isaac Sampson (the faihei) w.ts the son of Benjamin and Priscilla (Churchill) Sampson, of Kingston, Mass.; b in December, 17S9; married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Drew) Sherman, of IMymouth, January i, 1822, and had three children — Elizabeth, George and Isaac. He was a dry goods merchant in Plymouth. 1350. Departed this life | May 24, 1833: | in the 74th, yr. of her age | Mrs. REBECCA RUSSELL, | Relict | of Jonathan- Russell. I late of Barnstable. 1351. Li I memory of [ Miss DRUSILLA GOULD, | late of Franklin, | (Mass.) | who died | May 31 1833, | aged 64 years. 1352. Died I June 20. 1833 | Aged 15 years & 7 mon. j EBENEZER NELSON. | Died | Sept. 13. 1826 | Aged 2 years. 1 LYDIA NELSON | Children of Lemuel & | Bathsheba Bradford. 1353. \i\ memor\' of j ADALfNE, daug. of | Mrs. BETSY E. and | Capt- ROBERT HuTCHiNSON | died June 28th- AD. I833, I aged 10 months. | GEORGE W. their son | died Feby. 27th- AD. 1835 I aged 5 )'ears | 6 months. | Also | their two infants. Here in this hnv and grassy bed Brothers and Sisters dear are laid. Cold Death has nipfd them in the bw^ And they are gone to rest with God. 1354. In memory of | SARAH, | daughter of | WiLLlAM & Sarah Sturtevant. | who died ] July 7. 1833 ; | aged 2,2>- 1355. Erected | to the memory of | Mr. HENRY HARLOW 1 who died | July 15, 1833, | in the 51 year. | of his age. 1356. BATHSHEBA. | the affectionate wife of | Ansel H. Harlow, and dau'tr of | Capt W-"'* HoL.MES 3^ she died | Aug'st II 1833 : aged 20 yr's. Beliold, I shew yon a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall be ehanged. In a moment, in the tivinkling of an eye, at tlie last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and zvc shall be changed St. Paul. EliTArilS IROM liURIAL IIII.I.. 1 77 1357. Erected | In memory of | P A MEL/A, wife of \ Samuei, ROBBINS Jr. I who died Sepl'r 5, 1833: | Aged 50 yr's. | Also their Sons. | EDWARD, died Nov'r 5. 1802 | Aged 5 mo's. | ADONIRAM. died March 16, | 181 5: aged 6 mo's. | LEWIS F. died Feb'\- 14. 1824 | Aged I i mo's. " .Is wi' have bonic the liiiaiir of the earthy, TiT sha// a/so bear the Iniaj^-e of the Jieavenly." St. Paul. 1358. In memor)- of | JAMES P. son of | Philii' & Nancy Taylor, ] who died Oct. 6, 1833, | aged i i \-ears | & 6 mon. So fades the lovely blooming Jiozver, The smiling solace of an hour So soon our transient eomforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die. 1359. WILLIAM DUNHAM. | Born Oct 13, 1764; | Died Oct. 8, 1833 ; I /E. 69 years. Our life is ever on the iving, And death is ever nigh: The moment ivhen our lives begin, We all begin to die. 1360. In Memory of | Mr. THOMAS MORTON, | who died Oct. 15, 1833, I in the yj year of his age. | Also his Son THOMAS. I who died at Sea on a | Passage from Savannah | to Philadelphia | July 14, 181 5, | aged 18 years. 1 36 1. REBECCA T. | Dau. of James | & Sarah Bartlett, I was born Dec. 31 | 1828. | & died Oct. 23, | 1833. 1362. MARY HARLOW | Daughter of | W. & M. 15. SYL- VESTER I died October 31, 1833 | aged 3 months. 1363. MARTIN L. I died Nov. i. 1833. ] /E. 4 y'rs. | CHARLES A. ] died Jan. 13, 1847. | .E. 4 mo's. | Children of Martin | and Phere Benson. Parents eease your bitter weeping Although ehastened by the rod. For tJiy Children noxv are sleeping In the bosom of their God. I 78 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1364. In memory of ] LYDIA ANN. | Daughter of | Charles & Lvdia Wesgate | who died Nov. 14, 1833 | aged 5 y'rs & 3 mon. 0/ir (/a/ti^htcr ;rs/s boicath the sod. Our /warts arc ivith her there, Her spirit it hath j^oiie to GOD, To dwell forever there. 1365. GEORGE SCHUYLER | son of Schuyler and | Sarah T. Sampson, | died Nov'r 22, 1833; ] aged 12 mo. & 24 ds. " This lovely bud, so young so fair, Call'd he nee by early doom, Just came to shozv hozv siveet a flower In paradise would bloomy 1366. Erected | to the memory of | Mr. LEMUEL SIM- MONS, I who died Dec. I I, 1833, | in the 85 year of his age. | And I Mrs. ABIGAIL, his wife | died Oct. 2. 18 17, | in the 66 year of her age. Their happy spirits o)rward rise To you blest world abo7(is )}iHch respected by ail who knczu him. 1452. In memory of | Mrs. SARAH M. JACKSON, | widow of I Thomas J.\ckson Jr. | who died | Sep^ 27th, 1837: | aged "](> years. 1453. MARTHA T. | Dau'r of Elisha | & Betsey W.vier- MAN I died Nov. 7, 1837, I aged 4 y'rs | and 4 mon. 1454. In I Memory of | Miss MERCY HARLOW, | died | Nov. 9. 1837, I in the 60 y'r | of her age. She died in hope, She died i)i faitli A life of stiff eriiig o'er She smiling met the shafts of death And lives to die no more. 1455. In memory of I Mr. NATHANIEL BRADFORD, | who died Nov. 24, 1837, | in the 90th. year of his age. | Also RE- BECCA, his wife | died June 15, 1838, | in the 85th. year of her age. I ELIZABETH, their dau. | died Oct. 1800, aged 6 yrs | NATHANIEL, their son | died in New York | June 11, 1830, aged 55 yrs. 1456. NAOMI, I died Dec. 7, 1837, | aged 9 mo. | & 18 ds. I HORACE, I died March 4, j 1841 | aged 6 mo. & 9 ds. | Children of | P2DWARD & JULIA | SEYMOUR. 1457. SUSAN BRADFORD | wife of | Hamblin Tillson, I departed this life | December 11, 1837. | in the 58th year | of her age. Her Children arise up and call her blessed. 1458. Sacred | To the memory of | Mrs. MARY LANMAN I Widow of I Mr. Peter Lanman | who died Jan. 5, 1838, | aged 73 y'rs. 192 EPITArilS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1 4 59. S;ici-cd I to the memory of | JAMES MORTON ] who died I Jan. 18, 1S3.S, | aged 31 \-'rs. 'J'is but at most a short farewell. We bid to those ive fondly love, SooJi death loill s mm 11 on ns to dwell lllth then/, In brigliter speres above. 1460. NATHANIEL E. | son of | At.ba & Huldy | Wood I died Jan. 19, | 1838 | aged 2 mo's. 1 46 1. Erected | to the memory of | Mrs. LYDIA RIDER | widow of I Mr. WlLl.lAM Rider, j died March 2, 1S38 | in the 80 year of her age. / now eon fide in Christ alone No other guide nor Lord I own Be glad viy son I rejoice a)id sing He's both thy Saviour and thy A'ing. 1462. In memory of | Miss MARY THACHER | who died J March 3. 1838, j aged 81 years. 1463. Erected to the memory of | HENRY HOLLIS, | who died Mar. 9, 1838, | aged 45 years. 1464. In memory of | NATHANIEL THOMAS, | born | Nov. 22. 1756: I and died | March 21, 1838. 1465. REBECCA W. MOORE, | wife of | Rev. JosiAM MoORE, I and the hist | of the daughters of | WiLLiAM Sturte- VAXI" Esq. I died of Consumption, | at | Duxburv', April 7th, | 1838: I aged 33 \-ears. 1466. Sacred | to the Memory of | ANGELINE. | dau'tr of Truman | and Experience Bartlett | died April 24, 1838: | Aged 20 \'rs. JTee/) not for her, whom the veil of the tomb In life s haff>y morning hath hid from our eves, Ere sin threiu a blight der the spirit's young bloom Or earth had profaned zohat ivas born for the skies. 1467. In memory of | LYDIA, wife of | JACOB T. MOR- TON, I who died | May 15, 1838, | aged 53 years, | Also 3 Chil- dren 1 2 Daughters & I Son. EriTArHS FROM BURIAF. HILL. 1 9; 1468. AMY ALLEN. | Daughter of Joiix & | Lucv BuR- BANK, I died June 6th. 1838, j aged 2 years. " As the siucct jioivcr that scents the iiioni But IV it hers in the rising day: Thus lovely -was this infants dawn. Thus swiftly Jled its life azvay." 1469. Mrs. NANCY CHURCHILL | widow of | Mr. John Churchill, | died ]n\y II, 1838, | in her 54th year. | Also their Son JOHN. | died May 15, 1806 | aged i i nion. Yet again zve hope to meet the''. When the stay of life is fled, Then in heaven with joy to greet thee Where no farewell tear is shed. 1470. DORCAS, wife of | Ephraim Morton'. | died | June 12, 1838: I in the 54th yr. | of her age. | Also | their dau'tr | DORCAS, died, ] Oct'r 16, 1806: | Aged 3 yr's. 1 47 1. MARY EDWARDS, | died | June 12, 1838: ] aged 2 y'rs 8 mo, & 2 ds. | WILLL\M THOMAS, | died | May 10. 1838: j aged 3 weeks & 3 ds. | Children of WiLLLWl | & SUSAX S. MOREY. See the lo%>'ly blooming Jiozvers, Fades and ivithers in an hour. So our transient comforts Jiy, Pleasiirs only bloom to die. 1472. In memory of | DEBORAH C. DAVIE | who died | July 13. 1838. aged | 25 years. 5 mo^ | & 27 days. She winged her way to realms above. Where all is light, and life, and love. Forever luith her Savior blest. Her home His bosom, there to rest. 1473. In memory of | Capt. SAMUEL | ROBBINS, | who died I July 27, 1838. | aged 86 years. 1474. Erected | in memory of | Mrs ANNA GOODWIN | wife of I Capt. LEWIS GOOUWIN. | died Aug, 7, 1838. | in the 59 yr I of her age. 194 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL, Cease then to inn r inn r; — knoiv that G»d is just; Afid learn this truth; for, it is His decreeing; Though dust must mingle xvith its mother dusty The Spirit flies to Him ivho ga7'e it being." 1475. JOSEPH THOMAS, | born Jany- 8th, 1755, | died August lO^h. 183S: I Captain of Artillery | during the War of the I Revolution. 1476. CHARLP:S field ] Bom Jan. 14. 1804. | Died Aug. 22, 1838. 1477. SARAH ANN ELIZABETH | dau of Willl\m & 1 Sarah Nelson, | died Sept. 8'^, 1838: | aged i year & 6 mo. Thus fades a parents hope, The earnal turns to el ay; In dust the soul )io more luill grope. But bloom in e)idless day. 1478. EUNICE, I Relict of the late | JOHN Watson, | Born. Feb. 5. 1759, I Died Sept. 14, 1838, | ELIZA ANN, | Dau. of the above, j Born March 28, 1799, | Died Sept. 14. 1847. 1479. ABNER F. I Son of Nath'i- & | Betsey D. Freeman I Died Sep. 1838 | aged 3 years. 1480. ABIGAIL ROGERS \ died Oct. 7. 1838, \ aged %6 y'rs I Consort of | SAMUEL ROGERS | who died at Sea | July 1795' I aged 42 y'rs. 1 48 1. In memory of 1 Mrs. NATHAN HOLMES, | who died 1 Nov. 3. 1838; I in the 63d. yr. j of his age. " Nozv he resides where Jesus is Above this dusky sphere; His soul was ripen'd for that bliss, While yet he sojojirn'd here.'' 1482. MARY W. I daughter of | Mr. JOSEPH B. & Mrs. Mary D. Lothrop. | died | Nov. 15, 1838: | aged 6 ms. 13 ds. Though hard for us to spare the now God sazu the here opprest; And sent his angel dow}i to earth To bring the hence to rest. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1 95 1483. MARIA THOMAS | daughter of | THOMAS and I Maria P. TRinBLi;, | died Nov- 25, 1838. | M.X. 17 y'rs 16 days. Calm be the spot, zvhere her fonii Now rcposctJi: May the friends who so loved Revisit the grave. And feel — though t/ie eold sod Her ashes eiieloseth: She lives in the presenee of him WJio can save. 1484. To I the memory of | Mrs. Sarah Sturtevant, | widow of I William Sturtevant Esq'r | departed this Hfe | Dec'r 5 ; 1838, | aged 69 years. 1485. In memory of | PRISCILLA, | wife of JOHN Davie : I who died | Dec. 10, 1838, aged | 19 years & 10 mos- | JOHN L. DAVIE, I their son, died Jan. 20, 1839, aged | 5 mo^ & 20 days. i486. Sacred | to the memory of | Dea. JOSHUA TORREY I who departed this life | Dec. 22. 1838, | aged 71 years. /;/ faith and hope he trod the heavenly way, To meet the Saviour in the realms of day. 1487. Erected | to the memory of | WILLIAM WESTON, | who departed this life | Decem. 28th, 1838, | aged 82 years. | h\%o MARY, his wife | departed this life | March 7th, 1843, [ aged 83 years. 1488. In memory of | two children of Cha's | & Mary R. Whitten, I JOSEPH W. | died Jan. 3. 1839, | ^. 10 mo. | ED- WARD W. I died April 6, 1849, \ J^. 5 y'rs 6 mo. 4 ds. 1489. ELIZA I wife of | Albert G. Goodwin | died. | Jan. i6tH 1839: I aged 39 years. 1490. In memory of | Mr. JOSEPH BARNES \ who died | Jan. 28. 1839, I aged 75 y'rs. 1491. HEZEKIAH B. REED, | Died | Feb. 10, 1839, | ^. 42 y'rs 8 mo. | Also his Infant daughter | EUNICE. Our life is ever on the zving And death is ever nigh." 196 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1492. In 1 Memory of | Capt. jfAMIiS CO/JJXS \ d\c(\ Feb. 17. 1839, aged 90 \-'r.s. 1493. OBED K1':M1T0N I died | February 24. 1S39: | Aged 24 years. | OV>\iD W. KEMPTON | died June 17. 1S55 : | Aged 16 )'ears. 1494. lu-ected I to the memory of | Mr. Hl^NJAMIN \\.\i\- NI'^.E I who died | Mareh 8. 1839, | in tlie 47 )'ear | of his age. I Also ELIZA niiTH. \ chui. of Benjamin .^ | Li cv B.\(i\Ki,L. I died Jan. 26, 1834, | aged 4 years & 8 mou. 1495. GRACE I wife of | iM.l.lS IIOLMES, | thed Mareh 30. 1839 I aged 71 )'ears. | Also POLL)', their Dan. | tlied .S(,-])t. 7. 1813. I aged 22 mon. 1496. iM-ected 1 to the memory of | Capt. SOLOMON DA- VEE, I who died | May 31, 1839. | in the 79 \ear | of his age. . /// lloiust Mail, IS the noblest ivork of (iOD. 1497. Dan. & Motii. I in Memory of | MEHlTAl^Lh: P. LYNCH, I who died June 5, 1839, | in the 2() \''r | of her age. | also I MICHITABLE P. SMITH, ] who died April 22. 1826, | aged 44 y'rs. 0/irJhsh sJiall slinitbcy in t/ir i^'ronnd, Till the last trumpets joyful sound. Then burst the ehaiiis ivith sweet surprise, And in our Saviour s iinaj^e rise. 1498. \n memory o[ \ THOMAS BURGh:SS, | who died | June I 1, 1839, I in the 51 }'ear | t)f his age. 1499. ELIZABETH | Widow of | Samuel Churchill. | died Jul}' 7th 1839, I in the 83d \'ear | of her age. 1500. BhyrSEV I Daughter of Jon.x .S: | Lucv Burhanr, | died Aug. 18th, 1839, | aged 10 )ears & i mo. //er inothe's hopes of earthly Joys are flown; Oh! who can tell her grief so 'reft and lone! Her lovely daughter, late her sole, delight, J'^or whom she lived, no more ean bless her sight. 150L In memory of | NANCY, wife of | BE^MA^^N Holmes 2cl, I died I August 29th, 1839. I in the 27th yr. | of her age. EI'ITArHS FROM BURIAL HILL. I97 1502. Sacred \ to the memory of | GEORGE MORTON, | Son of I James & Betsey Morton | who died Sept. 14, 1839. | Aged 1 8 years. Brother thou art gone above — thy precious soul has Jlowu, Where tears are xviped from every eye, and sorrow is unknown: And when the Lord shall snnimon us, whom tJtou hast left to mourn May we, iintainted by the zuorld meet at our Father s throne. 1503. WILLIAM JACKSON ^-.Q^x \ Born July 14, 1763, | Died Oct'r 22, 1836, | aged 73. Here rests an affectionate Parent A sincere friend &" Christian. 1504. BETSEY I wife of | Eliab Wood, | died Oct. 23, 1839, I in the 49th y'r | of her age. 1505. Erected | to the memory of | Capt FINNEY LEACH, I who departed this hfe | Nov'' 5th, 1839, | in the 65 year | of his age. Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in Heaven. Scrip. Tread lightly o'er this sacred ground, A resting place for mortal man Free from all care ivhich earth abounds. For this short life is but a span. Stop! view your bed of earthly clay And think lioiv soon your race is not. Prepare yoiirself xuitJiout delay. For soon must be your setting sun. 1506. In Memory of | MARTHA L. TURNER | wife of | David Turner | who departed this \\{^ \ Nov. 6. 1839, | aged 29 yrs. Farewell? thou sainted one, farewell/ Though death each earthly tie hath rivett, With heavenly hope our bosoms swell. That we shall meet agatJi in Heaven. 198 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1507. ABIGAIL T. SAVERY, | wife of | THOMAS SPIN- NKY, I of Boston Mass, |' Obit Nov. 7, AD. 1839, Aged 42. | Also In memory of her son | Robert Huntress Spinney, j who died in | New Orleans, on the 14 of | August 1843, aged 22. 1508. In memory of | Mrs RUTH HOLMES, | wife of | Mr. Nathan Holmes, | who died Nov. 15. 1839, | in the 63d. )-r | of her age. " Thrice happy souls, who' re gone before To tJicit inheritance divine! Tliey labor, sorrozv, sigh no more. But bright in endless glory shine.'' 1509. In memory of | LYDIA | Widow of the late | Wil- liam Keen, | died Dec. 7th 1839, | aged 72 y'rs. But no, I zvould not call the hence — For thou art with the blest, And oh, may I prepare to be A sharer in thy rest. 1 5 10. WILLIAM DREW | Born Sept. 21, 1779. | Died Dec. 16, 1839. 15 1 1. MARY HOLMES | dau. of | Willlvm R. and | Mary Ann Cox, | died Dec. 23. | 1839 aged 7 mo. | and 9 ds. 15 12. LYDIA H. I dau of America | & Eliza Rogers died I Jan. 17th, 1840, I aged 2 yrs. & I mo. Cease thy regrets, fond parents cease. Thy infant dwells in joy and peace, Tis free from care, grief and pain; To her thy los, is perfect gain. 1513. ELIZABETH ANN | HAYWARD, | daughter of Na- than & Joanna | Hayward, | died Feb. 3, 1840, | aged 35 years. 1 3 14. Erected | to the memory of | Miss NANCY HAR- LOW I who died 1 Feb. 3. 1840, | in the 55 year | of her age, 15 15. In memory of | LUCY, wife of | SAMUEL BRADFORD, 1 died Feb. loth. 1840, | in the 44th yr | of her age. EPITAPHS FROM I'.UKIAL HILL. 1 99 Farezvell my friends a)u{ kindred dear, Farewell my children too, Farewell niy husband near and dear, I bid yon all adieu. Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD. 1 5 16. BRIDGHAM RUSSELL Ksq. | died March 29th 1840: I aged 47 years. The many exeleneies of his character in public and private life — endeared him to an extensive acquaintance, who will long cherish his virtuous memory. Blest thought/ he is not lost But gone before us. 15 17. ALMIRA JUDSON, | dau of JUDSON | & Almira Rice, | died j April 27, 1840. | aged 5 years 4 mo. The loved one sleeps she sleeps serene. In the dark bosom of the tomb. And the pale moon with trembling beam. Is gliding bright its dreary gloom. 15 18. In memory of | NATHANIEL CLARK. | who died April 28. 1840, I aged 75 years. | Also | ABIGAIL CLARK, | wife of the above. | died Nov. 18. 1817, | aged 54 }'ears. 15 19. In I memory of ] Mrs. MARY COLLINS | widow of ] James Collins | who died | Ma\- 28th, 1840, | aged 83 years. 1520. CORDELIA B. | wife of Charles Tufts, | died June 20, 1840; I Aged 32 years. | CHARLES HENRY, | Son of Charles & | Cordelia B. Tufts, | died July 15, 1841 ; | Aged 2 years. I 52 1. In memory of | LYDIA, | wife of Ebe.\R Davie. | who died I June 29, 1840, aged | 63 years. ] NATHANIEL C. DAVIE, I their son, died at Amsterdam, | Oct. 6. 1839. | aged 19 years, 10 mos & 6 days. 1522. ELEANOR, wife of | James Bradford, | died | July 200 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 29. 1840, I aged 43 yrs. | WILLIAM, their son | died Oct. 24, 1836, i aged 9 yrs. But tJioii, licavcu, keep, keep ivlaxt thou heist taken, And li'itli our treasure keep our hearts on high: The spirit meek and yet by pain unshaken, The faith, tJie love the lofty eonstancy — (j'uide us lohere tliese are ivith our blessed flonni; hey zoere of tliee, and t/iou hast claimed thine oivn. 1523. REREKAH | Relict of | NOAII Gale, | Died | Aug. 10. 1840, I .-Et. 86. I NOAH GAEE, ] Lost in a storm on | Block- Island 1 Nov. 1806. yEt. 49. Rest in peace. 1524. MARY B. I dau. of | Solomon & Anna | Richmond, died I Aug. 14th, 1840, | aged 7 mo & 5 ds. 1525. SUSANNAH VV. | wife of | Ignatius Pierce Jr. ] died Aug. 24. 1840, | aged 22 years. | Also their .Son | died July 26, 1838. A husbands care a Iiusbands love Could not save her from the grave Witli thy child noiv szoeetly rest And learn the ant/ieins of the blest. I 526. In memory of | NANCY D. PAULDING | who died | Aug. 27, 1840, I aged 43 years. Christ my Redeemer lives A nd often from the skies Looks doivfi and watches all my dust Till he shall bid it rise. 1527. JANE WIGHT I Dau. of Bradford L. | & Nancy Battles, | died Sept. 4. 1840, | aged 4 years | and 5 Months. 1528. LUCY 1 Daughter of) Capt. Ignatius | & Betsfy Pierce i died Oct. 16, 1840, | aged 18 years. My flesh shall rest beneath the ground Till the great trumpets Joyful sound Then ill azcake in glad sjir prise And in my Saviours image rise. EriTAI'lIS FROM r,URIAI, HILL. 20I 1529. In 1 memory of ] Mrs. LUCY WESTON, | who de- parted this I life Oct. 16, 1840, | in the 84 }-car | of her age. Bli'ys:(i arc the dead who die in the LORD. 1530. Sacred | to the Memory of | Mr. SOLOMON RICH- :\IOND, I who died I Oct. 16^'^ 1840: | aged 58 yr's. I 53 I. GEORGL-VNA. | dau. of | Nathaxikj, .^- | Jam; Bur- (;kss, I died | Oct. 18, 1840, | aged 7 yrs. 3 mo. 1532. In I memory of | MARGARI<:T JAMES, | wife of | Capt. TlI()>L\S BartlktI', j who died | Oct. 23d. 1840, | aged O5 }-ears. 1533. I/e that wounds can heal. Sacred to the memory of | Capt. EZRA HARLOW, who died I suddenly Oct. 27th, I 840, aged 68 yrs. Our loss is his gain, though the body lies mouldering bene | ath this sod, the Spirit has gone to God, there to receive the | reward of all his labours of love, he lived a life of self denial that I he might releive the distres'd, though dead he lives for- ever more, | O glorious hope, O bless'd abode I shall be near and like my God, | O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowled | ge of God ! how unsearchable are his judgments: and I his ways past finding out ! / leave the ivorld ivithont a tear, Save for the friend I hold so dear To heal her sorrozus, Lord! descend, And to the friendless, prove a friend. The sick the pris ncr, poor and blind, And all the sons of grief , Ln him a benefactor found — LLe loved to give relief. Tis love that makes religion sweet Tis love that makes us rise. With willing minds and ardent feet. To yonder happy skies. 1534. In I memory of | Mr. THOMAS JACKSON | who died I Nov. 10, 1840, | aged 86 years. 202 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1535. MARY I'). I wife of VVm. Nickerson, | died Nov. iS. 1840: ! aged 37 }-ears. j MARI/V H. | died Oct. 3. 1826: | JE. 1 day. lied Mar. 8. 1830 J\L. 2 days. ]\IARIA A. died June 21,1 832 : AL. 2 mo's & 22 da)'s. Children of WlLI.IAM & MaRY | NickerSON. 1536. HEM AN CHURCHILL, | died Nov. 22. 1840. | in his 69 yr. I Also JANE, his widow, died April 2. 1848. | in her 73 yr. " Wliy do wc moani dcpart'nig friends, Or shake at death's alarms/ Tis but the voice that Jesus sends. To eall us to his annsT 1537. JERUSHA, I wife of | Charles L. Faunce | died | Dec. 5th, 1840, I aged 26 years. She hath gone to that radiant shore, Where the hozvers are mansions of rest; JVhere iveepin^ for ever is o'er. And the spirit for ever is blest. 1538. JAMES BARTLETT, | Born Aug. 7. 1760, | Died Dec. 22. 1840. 1539. This stone is erected | by her surviving connexions, | to perpetuate the memory of | HANNAH WHITE, | daughter of Gideon and Joanna White, | who died January 3, 1841. | aged 93 }'cars. I Her long pilgrimage on earth | was ennobled by the ])ractice of the duties | of Christianity. | cheered by its hopes, | and sustained b\- its faith. 1540. To the Memory of | Mr. LEMUEL COBB, | who died ] Jan'}- 4th, 1841, I in the 66th, y'r | of his age. That majily virtue, that adorned tJiy bloom. Friendship reealls and weeps upon thy tomb, The sad reniembranee drops a silent tear, While chaste affection stands a mourner here. 1 541. EXPERIENCE, | wife of Truman Bartlett, | Born April 5th, 1780: I Died Jan. nth. 1841, | STEPHEN, Son of Truman & | Experience Bartlett | died at Buenos Ayres | Dec. 1 6th. 1840: I aged 38 }'cars. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 203 1542. Erected | to the memory of | PHEBK C. | wife of | Thomas Bartlp:tt 2^1- | who died Jan. 25, 1841. | aged 29 years. Farczvcll viy luisband in'ar and drar. Farewell my children too, Trust in GOD for happiness. And xvisdoms paths persiie. 1543. HULDY I wife of | Alp.vWood, | died March 3, 1841, I aged 48 years. 1544. ANSEL HOLMES | Consort of | Miriam C. Holmes, died AL-xrch 3d, 1 84 1, | aged 38 years. | Also their Son ANSEL \ died Sept. ii'h, 1840. | aged 3 months. 1545. Sacred | to the memory | of | RIZPA NICHOLS. | wife of Moses Nichols, | who died March 4, 1841, | aged 84 years. 1546. In memory of ] WILLIAM H.JEWETT, | who died | March 31, 1841, | in the 26 \'ear | of his age. 1547. LEMUEL F. I Son of L. T. & | Lvdia Robbins, | died May I 1 84 1, I aged 3 years | & 3 mon. 1548. SARAH, reHct of | THOMAS MORTON. | died | May 22, 1 84 1, I aged 81 years. & 9 mos. My Saviour summons me azvay, A brighter world to see. Although a ivhile behind yon stay. Weep not, weep not for me. 1549. Erected | to the memory of | Capt. JOHN CLARK, | who died | May 30, 1841, | aged 74 years. Hark! the sad sound, that spirit bright has fled. That once bright form lies numbered zvith the dead, He was a tender husband, father, dear, Come, all zvlio knezv him drop a social tear. 1550. CAROLINE JACKSON | died | June 5. 1841. | aged 48 years. I 55 I. In I memory of | BETSEY S. | Wife of | Eliab WoOD Jr. I who died | June 13. 1841, [ aged 25 \-ears. 204 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1552. In memory of I JOHN DAVIE. | who died | June 27. 1841 as^ed I 32 years I i mo^ | & 15 days. 1553. Erected I in memory of | RICHARD HOLMES, | Born Sept. 7. 1777. | died July 4, 1841. Hear 7vliat tJw voice froui Heaven proclai}ns For all the pious dead; Sweet is the savour of their )iai)ies And soft their sleeping- bed. Far from this zvorld of toil and strife. They re prescjit ivith the Lord; The labors of their mortal life Fnd in a large retaard. 1554. In memory of | Mrs. PATTY WESTON, | who died | July 27, 1 841, I aged 78 years. | THOMAS WESTON, | son of Capt. COOMER and | Mrs. Patty WesTOX | died at St. Pierres | Martinique, | Dec. 10. 1 808, | aged 20 years. 1555. PHINEAS PIERCE | died Aug'st loth 1841, | aged 37 years. | Also | REBECCA JANE. | Daugh'r of Phineas | & DORCA.S M. Pierce, | died Sep'r 8th, 1833, | aged 4 years. 1556. THOMAS BARTLETT, | Born March 10, 1776, j Died August 18, 1841, | LUCIA, j daughter of Truman | and Experience Bartlett, | Born July 4, 1813. | Died October 3, 1 84 1 . 1557. Erected | to the memory of] Miss SARAH WHIT- MARSH, I of Boston, I who died | Sept. 19th. 1841, | in the 64th \''r. I of her age. She ivas beloved by all ivho knew her Worth. 1558. In I memory of | BENJ. CRANDON Esq, | who died Sept. 28, 1841, I in his 78th | year. He was appointed Inspector of the Customs of Duxbury, [ under the administration of Gen. Washington, | and held the office of Dep. Collector and Inspector of I Plymouth, untill April 20^'^' 1 84 1, having held | the office under every President of the I United States. EriTAI'IIS FROM ISURIAL HILL. 20 = 1559. Sacred j to the memory of | JANE | wife of FRED- ERICK I ROBBINS: I wlio died Oct. 11, 1841, | aged 38 y^- i mo. I and II day.s. | HANNAH HARLOW ] dau. of the above, died May I 27, 1838, aged i y"". & 1 1 days. When the Christian's race is run, Tho knv she slnuibcrs in the gronnd. Her virtues, like the setting sun. Shall shed a heavenly lustre round. 1560. CATHARINE, | Daug. of Nathaniel | & Betsy Harlow, | died Nov. 30'^- 1841, | Aged 11 y'rs 2 mon. | & 28 da\-s. 1561. HARRIET N. | Daugh. ofELEAZER | & Polly Sears. 1 Died Dec. 29th, 1841, | Aged 19 years. From the grave so dark & drear TJioughts of comfort rise, Our darling Sister is not here She lives beyond the skies. 1562. In I memory of | Miss. ESTPIER HOLMES | who died I Jan. 6. 1842, | aged 32 yrs. 1563. Erected | to the memory of | Mr. NATHAN REED. I who died | January 12, 1842, | in the jZ y'r | of his age. So man lieth doiun, and riseth not: till the Jieavens be no jnore, they shall not azvake, nor be raised out of their sleep. JOB, 14, 12. 1564. Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. ABIGAIL, | wid. of the late Rev. | Adoniram Judsox | who died | Jan. 31. 1842, aged I 82 years. Her hope ivas in the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour jfesus Christ. She felt the balm and efficacy of those lea- -ves zvhich are for the healing of the nations. A guilty lueak and helpless zvorni, On thy kind arms I fall; Be thou my guide and righteousness. My yesus and my all. 206 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1 565. NANCY CARVER, | Dau. of Benj. & | Joanna Wes- ton, I died March 18, 1842, | in the 27 y'r | of her age. Could our fotid gaze but follow luJicre thou art, Well might the glories of this zvorld Seem naught, To the one promise given the pure in heart. 1566. ZERUAH THOMAS, [ Born in | Middleboro' | Died in Plymouth | March 23, 1842, | Aged 52 years. 1567. In memory of | Mr. SAMUEL ELLIS, | who died | April 2. 1842 I aged 49 years. 1568. Sacred | to the memory of | ISRAEL HOYT, | who died I May. 6, 1842, | aged 53 yrs. | Also BETSEY M. dau. ] of Israel & Ruth | Hoyt, died | Jan. 6. 1824, | aged 3 yrs. 7 mo. 1569. Erected | to the memory of | Mrs. LUCY MARCY; | wife of the late | Dr. Stephen Marcy, | who died June 13, 1842 I aged 83 years. " Servant of GOD ivell done; Rest from thy loved employ ; The battle fought: the victory won, Enter thy Master s Joy.'' 1570. ELIAB WOOD I died June 14, 1842 | in the 57 year j of his age. For our hearts shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. 1 571. HARRIET ELIZABETH | dau. of Wm. & H. M. | Atwoou, died | June 29, 1842, | aged 3 yrs 4 mo. Yet, O child beloved, ivhile my loss i mourn. Not a tear is shed for thee; For thy soul u?icaged has fed to its home. In a world of purity. 1572. HENRY O. I died July 27th. 1842. | aged 4 mon. & 19 days. I HENRY O. | died Sept. 4th 1843. I aged 2 mon. & 5 days. I CLARIBELT. | died Dec. 29th 1844, | aged 4 years & 17 days. I Children of HENRY O. | & BethiaH STEWARD. EPITAlilS FROM 1!L'RIAI, HI], I.. 20/ ycsus said suffer Utile ehi/dreii, and forbid them not, to eomc unto me, for of sueh is the kiiigdovi of Jieaven. 1573. WILLIAM H. I died Aug. 2, 1842; | aged 1 y'r & i mo. I CHARLES B. | died Oct. 4, 1849; | aged 5 mo's & i 5 d's. JAMES S. I died Feb. 2, 1854; | aged 14 y'rs & 6 mo's. | Chil- dren of TriADius & I Mary A. Faunce. By age Is borne they fly to rest, We knozv 'tis well nay more 'tis best; When we onr Pilgrim path hath trod. We hope to meet them all with God. 1574. MARCIA, I born December 16, 1840, | died August 2, 1842, I ANDREW, i born March 7, 1839, | died July 9, 1845, I SOPHIA GORDON, | born March 15, 1833, | died September 20, 1845. I Children of Jacob & Joann Jackson. | Also LA- VANTIA, I born June 14, 1831, | died September 23, 1851. 1575. ELIZABETH S. | died | Aug. 4. 1842, | aged 2 mo. & 7 ds. I REBECCA F. | died Oct. 6. 1847, I aged 2 yrs & 9 mo. | Children | of Ebenezer S. | & REBECCA Griffin. | GEORGE W.) 14 mo. I Innocence. 1576. Erected I to the memory of | Miss POLLY BUR- BANK I who died | Aug'st 23d 1842, | aged 70 years. 1577. Erected | in memory of | LYDIA GOODWIN, | Con- sort of I Nath'iel Goodwin, | died Aug. 29. 1842, | in her 74th year. 1578. In memory of | MRS. LUCY wife of | Capt. Joseph Cooper, | who died. Oct. 13. 1842, | aged 70 years. 1579. NATHANIEL CARVER, | died Oct. 18, 1842, | aged 78 yrs. I JOANNA CARVER. | died April 10, 1842, | aged 76 yrs. I NATHANIEL CARVER Jr. | died Oct. 2, 1823, | aged 32 yrs. I BETSEY, his wife | died Sept. 23, 18 14, | aged 27 yrs, | NANCY, his wife | died Feb. 22, 1826, | aged 30 yrs. I NANCY I dau. of Nathaniel | & Nancy Carver. | died Sept. 2. 1824, I aged 13 mo. ] STEPHEN, | died March 14. 1790, | aged 45 208 KI'ITArHS FROM BURIAL HILL. ds. I NANCY. I died Sept. 24, 1798, ] aged 1 yr. & 8 mo. | NANCY, I died Nov. 27, 1814, | aged 14 }-i-s, &9 mo. ] MARY, I died Nov. 10. 181 1. | aged 3 mo. | Children of | NATHANIEL & Joanna | Carvkr. 1580. "IIavin(; a DI'.sirk to DKPARr and lo i;k with ClIRIS'l'." I Sacred | to the memory of | Dea. WILLIAM P. RIPLLY, i who died Ncn-. 1 o. 1842; | aged 67 \-ears. | A friend of the oppressed [ and enslaved. The poor loill cherish his iiiej/iorj. The 7C'i(io:o am/ the fatherless sliall eall hiui blessed. His life was gentle, and serene his mind. His morals pnre, in every aetion just, A hnsband dear, and as a parent kind; As sneh he lies lamented in the dust. While weeping- friends bend d er the silent tomb, Reeount his virtues and his loss deplore. Faith's piereing eye darts through the dreary gloom. And hails him bless d where tears shall flow no more. 1 58 1. In memory of] JOHN ALEXANDER. | who died | Dec. 5, 1842, I /Et. 32 y'rs 27 ds. | Also his daugh. GEOR- GIANNA, I /Et. 14 mo. 1582. MARY VV. I Daughter of the late | Zeachels & Marv I Barne.'^. I died Dec. iith. 1842, | aged 14 \-ears. Think of that bright world where I No more shall suffer pain. And of that Haven wliere all of us May hope to meet again. 1583. MARY SOPHIA BROWN | aged 21 | died Dec. 19, 1842. " JUessed are the pure in heart." 1584. WILLIAM BRADEORD | Born June i, 1775. | Died July 25. 1 8 16, I Ae. 41. I Also his wife | NANCY. | Born Jan'y 28, 1775, I Died Jan'y 27, 1843, | Ae. 68. 1585. ESTHER DOTEN [ widow of | Edward Dotex, | died Jan, 27, 1843, | aged Gj years. | Also their son LFAVIS, \ died Eeb'r\- 27, 1839. | aged 26 years. EPITAPHS FROM PURIAL HILL. 209 1586. In memory of | Mrs. LYDIA COTTON, | widow of ] Capt. JosiAlI Cotton, | died Jan. 28th 1843, | aged 63 yrs. 1587. In I Memory of | SAMUEL COLE. | who died | April 1st, 1843, I aged 62 years. y'cs thou art gone and zuc no more Shall know thy ihvclling here belozu, But yet ice trust a brighter shore Is thine beyond the bounds of icoe. 1588. EUNICE STURTEVANT, 1 died May 10, 1843:! aged 15 years. ] SAMUEL DREW, | Was lost at Sea Feb. r, ^^Z7 '■ I -'igC'J 18 years. | Children of PEKKIXS & I ELIZABETH Raymond. That gentle one has passed away A'o more to roam zuith us beloiv: And gone to reahns of brighter day, Where storms of zvoc shall ceas to flow, Where'er our eyes do chanee to fall. We find some relie left behind That zi'ill her feeble form reeall And bring her peaceftil voiee to mind. Then zuell not zuish her baek again. But thi)ik she's happy nozo on high: No more to strive zuith earthly paiji, A^o more to zveep & groan & die, And as zee ne'er ean meet belozu. Our only zuish & prayer shall be That zuhen far henee zue're called to go We may in Jieaven her spirit see. 1589. In Memory of | PHEBE SOULE, | wife of | J. Rus- SELL Dike, | who died I May 16. I 843, | AL. 24 y'rs. | Also their son RUSSELL R. | /E. 3 mo. 1 1 days. 1590. Erected | to the memory of | SIMEON DIKE, | who died I June 4th 1843, i 'iged 62 y'rs. " Sleep dearest Husband, zuhile above the^' Flozus the sad and silent tear; Oft at eve shall those that love thee. Weep and pray unnotieed here." 2IO EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1591. Erected | to the Memory of | ELIAS COX, | who died I June 8, 1843, I in the 71 y'r | of his age. 1592. MARY ELLEN. | Dau. of | William H. & | Mary S. Morton, | died June 23. I 1843 I aged 10 weeks. 1593. LYr3IA ANN, | dau. of Joshua | & Lydia Standish 1 died July i. 1843 | aged 3 yrs. & 8 mo. 1594. In I memory of | Mrs. LUCY, | widow of | Mr. Thomas Burgess, ] who Departed this Hfe | July 5^11 1843, | aged 58 y'rs. 1595. In memory of I MARY, | Consort of | Lewis CHURCH- ILL, I died July 19. 1843, | aged 32 y'rs. [ Also two Children | STEPHEN, aged i y'r. | STEPHEN, aged 3 mo. 1596. LUCRETIA, I wife of | John Pierce | and consort of Cyrus B. Phillips, | died Sept. 8, 1843, | in the 46th. yr. | of her age. 1597. In 1 memory of | CYNTHIA BARTLETT, | widow of I John Bartlett 3d. | who died | Sept. nth, 1843, | aged 47 years. She died in hope, she died in faith A life of siifferiiti^ o'er She smiling met the shafts of death And lii'es to die no more. 1598. Erected | In memory of | CHARLES ALWIN, | GRA- TON I son of Alwin M. & Mary D. | Graton, | who died Oct. 10, 1843, I yEt. 19 years 6 mo. 1599. Mrs. BETSEY, wife of | David Bradford, | died Nov. 26. 1843. I aged 46 yrs. 4 mo. | Also 5 children | DESIRE H. died | July 28, 1825, aged 19 mo. | ANDREW J. died | June 10, 1833, aged 18 mo. | LYDIA H. died | Aug. 9. 1834, aged 8 mo. | LYDIA H. died | Sept. 27, 1837, aged 2 yrs. 2 mo. I DAILD L. died | Aug 31, 1838, aged 17 yrs. 4 mo. Rest sweetly, dear Wife and lovely Children until morni)ig; Then will the Archangel witJi his shrill trumpet. Burst thy tomb; a?id cause thee to spring into Life Eternal, Sparkling ivith brightness. EPITArHS FROM HURIAL HILL, 211 1600. In memory of | JAMES BAXTER, | who died | Dec. II, 1843, I aged 52. I and three of his children. | ABXER MOR- TON I died All- 29, 1826, 1 aged 3 ; | CHARLES HOMER | died Aug. 29. 1843, I aged 8; | ANN ELIZABETH | died Dec. 29, 1844, I aged 15 years. 1601. In memory of | Capt. CHANDLER HOLMES, | who died I Jan. 14th, 1844, | in the 72 year | of liis age. 1602. In memory of | Miss MARY FAUNCE | died Feb. i, 1844, I aged 61 yrs. 1603. MARIA, I died Feb. 12, 1844, aged 15 y'rs & 8 mo's. She bid farewell to all below To dwell among the Just, And thus resigned licr yontliful form To Slnnibcr in the dnst. To parents, brothers, sisters dear, She speaks in tones of love, J shall meet you all again 1)1 realms of bliss above. When every tear is tviped aivay. From all our weeping eyes. When the last trumpets joyful sound Shall eeho through the skies. JOHN, died Jan. 10. 181 9, | aged i yr & 11 mo's. | JACOB, died May 16, 1823, | aged 1 y'r & 8 mo's. ] JACOB, died Aug. 16. 1825, I aged I yr & r mo. | Children of | John & Lydl\ NiCKERSON. 1604. In I memory of | ISAAC DREW, | who departed ] this life I March 2^1 1844, | aged 54 years | & 6 mon. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. 1605. Erected | in memory of | SETH MORTON, | who died I April 12th. 1844. | in the 70th. year | of his age. 1606. In memory of | Miss SARAH TUFTS, | who died | April 18, 1844, I aged 49 years. 1667. In memory of | JAMES THACHER, M. D. | a sur- geon in the army during | the war of the Revolution ; | after- 212 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. wards, for man}- N'cars, | a practising; ph\'sician | in the county of ri\'nioiitli ; I the author of several historical | and scientific works: | esteemed of all men | (ov [)iety ers rest, But with their dying Head. 1627. In I memory of | SARAH, w'xdow of the | late TllOMAS Jackson, | who died Jan. 30. 1846, | in her 70^^ year. 1628. I Erected | to the memory of | JOHN B. CHANDLER I who died | March 4, 1846, | aged 61 yrs. | Also his wife | HANNAH, I died Nov. 5, 1845, | aged 58 years. Into thine hand, O GOD of truth. Our spirits ivc commit. 1629. BETSEY j widow of | William Tribp.le. | born Sept. 8, 1789, I died April 24, 1846, | FRANCIS, their son | died | Feb. 14, 1830 I aged 5 mo. 1630. in I memory of Miss MARY COLLINS | died June 14th, j V846. I aged <5o y'rs 1631. CHARLP:S THOMAS, ] son of James M. | & Phebe Atherton, I died Aug. 7, 1846, | aged 2 yrs. & 4 mo. 1632. ALMIRA E. I Dau. of Silas H. | & Almira A. Burt, j flied Aug. 16, 1846, I aged 6 mo. | & 16 d's. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 21 5 Adieu szoeci babe a short farezvc/l. The Saviour Calls — luith him to dwell. 1633. CHARLES BROWN, | died Sept. 20, 1846, \ in th- 2 5ti> y'r I of his age. | Also CHARLES, \ Son of Charles ^^m Charlotte Ann Brown, | died Jan. 29^11, 1853, | aged 5 y'rs cc 1 1 Mo. Why aui I left alone. 1634. Erected | to the memory of | CHARLES BRAD- FORD, I Lost at Sea | Sept. 1846, | Aged 25 yrs. & 8 Mon. | Also I HANNAH E. BRADFORD, | Died March 23d 1854 | Aged 21 years. Onr Saz'iour suuinious Jis aivay, A brighter ivorld to vieiv, Although aivhile beJiiud you stay. Weep not — zveep not for us. 1635. WILLIAM F. MANTER | died Oct. 30, 1846; | aged 19 y'rs & 6 mo's. | WINSLOW MANTER | died Dec. 7, 1835 ; I aged 7 y'rs. | LUCY E. MANTER | died Oct. 25, 1837; | aged 6 y'rs. & 10 mo's. | LUCY M. MANTER, | died Sept. 7, 1842; I aged 13 mo's. | Children of ] W^- & Lucv B. Manter. 1636. In memory of | ESTHER SHAW | Widow of the Late I ICHABOD Shaw, | who died Nov. i. 1846, | in the 78 yr. I of her age. 1637. Erected | to the memory of | Capt. THOMAS PATY I who died Nov. 26, 1846, | aged 73 years. | Also his Grandson THO'S P. HARLOW | who was lost at sea Sept. 1848, | JE. 25 years. Blessed arc the dead who die in the Lord. 1638. SOUTHWORTH SHAW, | Born | July 28, 1775, | Died I January 18, 1847 I aged 71 years, | 5 mo^- 21 days. 1639. In memoiy of | Mrs ANN BROWN | widow of | Mr. Lemuel Brown, | Born : 14111 March 1783, | Died 28^11 Jany- 1847- 1640. Erected | to the memory of | THOMAS DAVEE, | son of Johnson and | Phebe Dayee, [ died Feb, 12, 1847, I ^^• 5 years, [ TnnO'Cenee. 2l6 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1 641. SUSAN BARTLETT | died | Feb. iS, 1847. | aged 52 yrs. 1642. In memory of I REBECCA DAVIS | relict of | Hon. William Davis | Born December 30, 1762, | Died April i, 1847. 1643. I" Memory of | Susan C. wife of | | IcilABOD T. Holmes, | who died | April 14, 1847, | M't 31 y'rs 4 mo's. Her soul has i^oiic to Heaven zee trust, God called her liouie lie t It ought it best. 1644. ABIA, I widow of | Capt.' William Pearson | died April 21, 1847. I -igcd 84 years. 1645. In memory of | PHYLANDER SAMPSON, | who died May. 18, 1847, I /Et. ^G }-ears. | Also two children of PllVLAN- DER I and Sarah A. Sampson, | SARAH li. died April 18, 1845, I /Et. I 4 y'rs 3 mo. ALBERT L. died May 6, 1845, I ^Et. 6 y'rs 2 Ho. Calm be the spot where their forms iiozv repose, May the friends zoho so loved them revisit the grave, And feel, thoiigli the cold sod their ashes enclose, They live in the presence of liim zolio can save. 1646. BETSEY J/, wife of | Lloyd Keith | of Bridge- water, I and dau, of j Israel Hoyt | of Plymouth. | Died June 7, 1847, I in the 22'^1- }'r, | of her age. God lent US the flower: and nozv doth reclaim The exotic in radiant bloom: In love from onr Eather, the reaper. Death, came And exhaled the spirif s perfume. The casket is all that is left us beloiv: 'The gem that it bore, lives above; ]]'hile mem' ry its incense, around us doth throw. As we guard this dear spot with our love. 1647. Erected | to the memory of | POLLY S. | wife of j TH()\L\S DiMAN, I died Aug. 22'1- 1847, | aged 42 y'rs & 5 mon. I Also I two of their Children | POLLY S. | died Oct. i i. 1835 I aged 2 mon. & 11 Da}-s. | MARY 11. j died Nov. 31st. 1838. I aged 9 mon. EPITAPHS FROM P.URIAT, IITI.I.. 21'] 1648. Erected I in memory of j PIllCHl^ FINNEY, j wife of Capt. ICphraim Imxnkv, | died I Sept. 26, 1S47, | a£(ed 64 }ts. & 7 mo. 1649. Sacred to the memory | of | NICHOLAS II. DREW | who died I October 21, 1847. | aged 41 years. " The righteous hath hope in his death,'' Thou art ^su^oiie to thy rest dear Husband, Whilst I am left to viourn; And travel on in sorroiv, And trouble here alone But again I hope to meet thee When the ills of life arejled: And in Heaven I hope to greet thee. Where no farewell tear is shed. 1650. In memory of | Mrs. BETHIAH, | relict of the late | Capt, I ZepiiaNIAII Hoemes, I who died Oct. 25, 1847, I i'l ^^t^"' 69 y'r. 165 I. In memory of 1 Mrs. | POLLY DIMAN, 1 Consort of the late Dea. JosEVH DE^L\^■, | died Nov. 15, 1847, | aged 71 years. .S"^.* Jesus slept; — God's dying Son J^ass'd thro' the grave, and bless' d the bed; Rest here, blest saint, till from his throne The morning break, and pieree the shade. 1652. Died I 17th Nov. 1847, I <^apt. I AMERICA BREW- STER, 1 aged 74 }-rs. 1653. Erected | in memory of | Miss LUCY WESTON. | who died | Jan. i. 1848, in the | 6}, yr. of her age. 1654. In memory of I ICHABOD DAVIE, | Born Nov. ii, I 77 I. I Died April 4, I 848. Affeetiom to thy elierished memory rears I'his stone — a tribute poor to worth like thine: But Faith alone can cheek her flowing tears. And point to realms of peace and joy divine. Where thy pure spirit dwells, which earth could not I'tis /trine. Blessed are t/ie dead who rest in humble hope. 2l8 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1655. Ill memory of | JOSEPH HOLMES, | who died | July 4. 184S, I /E. 60 y'rs 3 mo. | & 20 days. Calui be the spot xvhcrc his form lunv repose. May the friends zvho so loved Jiim revisit the £-rave, And fee/, tho/{<^h the eold sod his ashes e/ielose, He lives in the presence of hint ivJio can save. 1656. Erected | to the Memory of | BETSEY DAVEE. | dau. of the late | Cap'- SOLOMON Davee | Born July 25, 1787, | Died Aug. 18, 1848, | in her 62 year. | Meefcness. 1657. WILLIAM 1 JOHNSON. | son of | Johnson & | Marv B. Brown, j died Sept. 12. 1848. ] Aged 8 mon. 165S. In memory of | THOMAS DAVIS | son of | Willl\m & Rebecca Davis, | Born April 3. 1791 | Died Sept. 14, 1848. 1659. In memor)^ of | Five children of JameS | & Marv Burns, | Drowned at Manomet Point | Nov. 20th, 1848, | ELLEN, Aged 11 years. CATHARINE " 9 y'rs. HENRY " 7 y'rs. MARY " 5 y'rs ROSE " 3 y'rs. From the Sch'r Welcome Return. Reqiiieseant in Pace. Anien. 1660. SALLY K. I wife of | James Kendrick, [ Died Dec. 15, 1848, I aged 27 yrs. | Also an Infant Daughter. Rest, kind Mother & Co;//panion rest. Thy cares are all o'er, O may loe meet in Heaven above y And there to part no more, 1 66 1. In memory of | MARY, | wife of [ DANIEL GoDDARl), who died | Dec. 30. 1848, | in her 52 yr. [ Also | DANIEL, | their son who died j Sept. 2'S. I 821. | aged 16 mon. 1662. JOHN NOONNEN. | Died Dec. 31. 1848, | aged 52 y'rs. I & his son WILLIAM H. | Died March 19, 1855, | aged 19 y'rs I 2 mo. EriTArilS FROM BURIAL IITLL. 2I9 Tis God, wJio lifts our comforts high, Or sinks than in the grave; He gives — and blessed be his name? He takes but what he gave. 1663. MARY L. I dau. of Jksse | & Mary L. Harlow, | Born Aug. 18, 1829, | Died Jan 18: 1849, Spring will revisit us. Summer appear, Brozvn autumn folloiv With winter so drear, But Jllary no more Thy smile and thy voice Blend freely zvith ours; The zest of our joys. Bright was thy blooming, Szuift thy decay E'en as a fiozver TJiy life passed azvay. 1664. Erected | to the Memory of [ JEDIDAH DAVEE, | widow of the late | Capt. SoLOMON Davee, | Born July 25, 1763, I Died Jan. 19, 1849, | in her 86 year. Our Mother. 1665. AUGUSTA GRATON \ died Feb. 27, 1849, | aged 4 y'rs 6 Mo. | Daughter of j William S. & | Hannah Holmes, Step Lightly round th is holy spot. For one of Christ's Lambs is Sic cping here. 1666. AMBROSE E. | son of | William & Betsey | Nick- ERSON, I Died Feb. 27. 1849: j aged 4 y'rs. & 4 nio's. 1667. GEORGE M. 1 Son of George | M. & Lydia N. | Collins, | died | March 11, 1849, | /E. 5 mo. 7 ds. | Innocence. 1668. In memory of | SARAH B. dau. of | L. T. & Lydia | ROBBINS, who died | March 19, 1849, | /E. 6 years. 1669. BETHIA, I wife of | Thomas B. Bartlett, [ died | March 24, 1849, | aged 42 years. 2 20 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1670. In memory of ! LYDIA JACKSON, ] dau. of | Thomas Jacksox l'2sq. | & Sarah his wife. | born April 8, 1768, I died March 27, 1849. Tli: mortal rciiu'iins arc deposited here, but the spirit has returned to God loho >^ave it. 167 1. MARGAR1<:T IIODGE | and | BENJAMIN GLEA- SON I Children of | GliORCiE and LvDiA A. | RaYxMOND, j April 1849- 1672. T/ie fathers have eaten sour ti'rapes, and the ehildren's teetli are set on edge. ANN L. I died April 2, 1849, | aged 3 y'rs & i Mo. | Dau. of TiichMAS I & Mary J. Churcihll. O ivlio ivould cling to earth J The J/ a brighter Sphere awaits lis. 1673. In memory of | MARY ELLEN, | dau. of | Leavitt & Mary | W. Finney, | who died | April 20, 1849, | yE. 3 y'rs 1 1 mo's. " Tis God, ivlio lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave; He gives — and blessed be his name! He takes bnt ivhat he gave. 1674. Erected | in memory of | MERCY, | widow of | VVlL- LlAi! Barnes, | who died | April 21, 1849, | in the 79 y'r | of her age. 1675. MARY h:DWARDS, | Daughter of | William H. & I Mary S. Morton, | died May 14, ] 1849, | aged 2 y'rs 6 mo. I and 1 6 da\'S. 1676. In memory of | MARIA V. \ wife of | TlIOMAS Trib- I'.LK, j who died July 16, 1849, | /E. 44 \-'rs | 5 mo. & 16 ds. 1677. In memory of | DANIhIL GODDARD Jr. | who died 1 Aug. 1, 1849, I ''^ li'^ 53 year. EPITArilS FROM IIURIAL HILL. 22 1 1678. In memory of | ISAAC Le BARON, | born March II, 1777, I died Jan. 29, 1849. | of MARY DOAXE | his wife- born July 19, 1787. I Died June 18, 1863. | And of their child- ren I ISAAC FRANCIS, | Born Oct. 29, 18 14. | Died June 28, 1 8 16. I FREDhLRIC, | born Feb. 28, 18 16. | died July 5. 1851. | MARY JANE, | born Aw^. 12, 1817. | died Nov. 28, 1855. | ISAAC, I born Dec. 6, 18 19, | died Dec. 24, 1853. 1679. CEPHAS A. I Son of | David C. & Louisa S. | Holmes, | Died Feb. i i, 1849 [ Aged 9 years. 1680. ABBY JANh:. | Daughter of | Cait. Willlam & | Sarah Jane Atwood, | died Feb. 22, 1849 | aged 6 Mon. 1681. Cait. | WILLIAM HOLMES | died Jan. 3, 1833. | aged 65 yrs. | HANNAH, widow of | William Holmes, died | Feb, 22, 1854, AL. 87 yrs. Also Miss POLLY HOLMES. | died April 2, 1849, | AL. 69 y'rs. 1682. In Memory of | two children of CllAS. | & Mary R. WlHTTEN, I JOSEPH W. I died Jan. 3, 1839, | AL. 10 mo. | EDWARD W. I died April 6, 1849, | AL 5 y'rs 6 mo. 4 ds. 1683. SAM'L \W. BAGNELL, I died June 18, 1849. | aged 62 years, | LOIS | his wife. | died Dec. 20 1820, | aged 32 years, 1684. Capt. EPHRAIM PATY, Jr. | Died | in California, July 24, 1849. I Aged 43 yrs. | WILLIE A. | Died Feb. 30, 1847. I Aged 13 mo's 12 d's. \ SARAH C. | Died Aug. 19, 1850. I Aged 14 y'rs 9 mo's. | WILLIE A. | Died Sept. 5, 1850. I Aged 13 mo's 23 d's, | LIZZIE F. | Died July 11, i860. I Aged 10 y'rs 7 mos. | Children of | Cai'T. Ephrmm Jr. & I Sarah C. Patv. 1685. JOSEPH STURTEVANT | died Nov. 3, 1849. | aged 35 y'rs & 3 Mon. | Also three children of | Joseph & Marcia SturteVANT, I viz. I JOSHUA P. died Aug. 23, 1842, | aged 5 Mon. & 24 days. | JAMES T, died Jan. 14, 1845, | aged i year 222 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. & 7 Mon. I MARCIA ANN, died Sept. 15, 1746, | aged i year & 18 days. Then shall the dust return to the earth As it was : and the spirit shall return Unto God, zvho gave it. 1686. Erected | to the memory of | SAMUEL HARLOW, | who died | Nov. 30th, 1849, | aged Ji yrs. 1687. MARGARET H. | wife of | Samuel N. Diman, | Died Dec. 8, 1849, | Aged 32 yrs. | and 6 Mon. Rest, sleeping dust, in silence rest. In the cold grave that Jesus blest ; In faith and hope we lay thee there. Safe in our Heavenly Father's care. 1688. In memory of | NANCY, | wife of [ BENJAMIN DlL- LARI), I who died | Dec. 22d, 1849, | in her 6^ yx. 1689. In I memory of | Capf. THOMAS BARTLETT, [ who died | Dec. 30, 1849, | in the 80th year | of his age. 1690. GEORGE I RAYMOND Jr. | Drowned | at Billing- ton Sea I Jan. 12, 1850, | aged 45 years. 1691. HENRY, I Son of PiiiLLir | & Elizabeth Smith, | died, Jan. 30, | 1850, | aged 3 mon. | & 8 days. 1692. In Memory of | MARIAH, widow of | Benjamin Holmes, | who died | April 13, 1850, | zE. 75 y'rs 4 mo's. Thrice happy souls who re gone before, To that inheritance Divine, They labor, sorroza, sigh no more, But bright in endless glory shine. 1693. MISS SUSAN I W. HOLMES, | Died April 29, 1850 I aged 43 years. 1694. Capt. I JOHN BURGESS, Jr. | bom March 26, 1785, I died May 4, 1850. EriTAPHS l-ROM IIURIAL IIILI.. 223 The anchor s dropt — tJic sails are furled! Life's voyage nozv is o'er; By faitli s bright chart he has gained that world Whire storms arc felt no more. 1695. In memory of | ELIZABETH A. wife of | Sii.VANUs Harlow, | Born Oct. 28, 1812 | Died June 4, 1850, | AL. ij y'rs 7 mo. & 7 days. We mourn who loved her here, And ivho that kneiv her ne'er could fail to love, Yet we ivould dry the tear, And strive to meet her in the world above. Also their dau. ELIZABETH A. | Died Jan. 13, 1842, | JE 3 weeks & 2 ds. With chastened heart we'll strive to bear Submissive to God's zuill, ' Tis He that gives, 'tis He that takes, And lue zuill bless Him still. 1696. In this town | June 7, 1850, | MARY ALLERTON | dau. of Sam'l & Rebecca j Sampson | /E 3 y'rs 10 mo. 1697. HANNAH ELLIS, | wife of | Joseph W. Burgess, | aied Au<,^ 11, 1850, | in her 34th year. | Also 4 infant children. Mourn not for her, ye ivJio belozv Beneath th' ajjlictive stroke are bending. For your loved one has gone to know A bliss above which has no ending. 1698. HAMBLIN TILLSON | departed this life | August 16, 1850, I in the 70th year | of his age. The memory of the Just is blessed. 1699. In Memory of | ELIZABETH C. | dau. of SI1A^\NUS and I Elizabeth H-Churchh^l, | who died | Aug. 27, 1850, | /E. II y'rs I mo. | Also 4 Infant sons | WILLIAM C. 1822, | WILLIAM C. 1829, I Twins 1833. 224 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1700. In memory of | JOHN C. | Son of | STEPHEN D. & , LVDIA W, Drew, | Died Sept. 10, 1850, | Ai. 11 Months. 1 701. MARIA SHAW | wife of | Southvvorth Siiaw, i Born I March 20, 1778, | Died | October 5, 1850; | aged 72 years | 6 mos. i 5 days. 1702. SARAH, 1 Widow of | Capt. | America Brew- ster, I died Dec. 22, 1850, | aged 75 y'rs. 1703. CATHERINE BRIDGHAM, | daughter of | Charles and I Abigail Churchill, | age 11 years, | Dec. 31, 1850. 1704. EBENEZER DREW, | Died | Jan. 6, 185 1, | Aged yy y'rs. | DEBORAH | his wife ] Died April 15, 1844, | Aged 72 y'rs. 1705. In memory of | MOSES HOYT, | died Jan. 23d 1 85 I, I aged 71 y'rs. [ Also two Sons Viz. | MOSES, | died in Peru, 111. I Oct. 3rd 1838, I in his 30th yr, ] OTIS, | died Jan. 19, 185 I, I in his 28th yr. 1706. In I memory of | REBECCA, | Consort of | DANIEL Jackson, | deceased January | 24th 185 i, | aged 90 years | & 10 Months. 1707. In I memory of | EXPERIENCE, | widow of the late I Beza Havward, Es(^. | who died | March 4th, 1851, | Aged 88 years | & 8 Months. 1708. In I memory of | WILLIAM TAYLOR, | aged 47 | Born in London | April 25, 1 804, | Died in Boston | June 27, 1851. 1709. GEORGE I AUGUSTUS. | son of Simon R. | & Jane K. Burgess, | died July 31, 1851, | /E. 9 y'rs 3 mo's. 1 7 10. In memory of | LVDIA, | Widow of | Ebenezer Nelson, ] who died | Oct. 21st, 1851, | aged 87 years. 1 7 11. BETSI'.V P. I died Oct, 25, 1851, | in her 19th y'r. | HELLEN I dicdScpt.4th, 1847, | aged7years. | LOUISA S. | EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 225 died Sept. 12, 1847, I ^ged 3 years. | Children of Edward & | Salina Dotex. ' Tis (lie blest hope that they shall meet Their daughters in the skies; And with their friends, shall jesus greet — That lamb-like sacrifice. 171 2. LEWIS VV. PERRY, | died Oct. 30, 1851, | in his 28th y'r. I Also LEWIS F. | son of Lewis W. & ] Charity S. Perry, | died March 29, | 1852. 1 71 3. In memory of | Capt. | JOSEPH COOPER, | who died Nov. 25, 185 i, | aged 82 years. 1 7 14. JANE, I widow of | Nathaniel Thomas, | died Dec. 22d, 1 85 I, I in her 8 1 St y'r. | Also | NANCY | their Daughter | died Jan. 1 8th, 182 1, | aged 18 y'rs. 1 71 5. Our Father & Mother | Have gone to Rest, j LAZ- ARUS SYMMES I Died Dec. 25, 1851, | Aged 70 y'rs.' | Also his wife | MARY, | Died Dec. 4, 1863, | Aged 79 y'rs. / am the ressurrection a)id the life, he that bclievetJi in Me though he were dead, yet shall he rise. 1716. Father & Mother | JOAB THOMAS, | Born | Ma}- 20, 1782, I Died March 20, 1852. [ LOIS THOMAS | his wife, I Born April 4, 1782, | Died June 2, 1870. ''Father, I will that they also ^oho?n thou hast given me, be with me zuhere I am." " Forever with Jesus." 1717. SARAH T., I Daughter of [ William & C. B. ] Bishop, | Died Apr. 3, 1852, \ Aged 3 mo's. 17 18. MARY BARTLETT, [ w?dow of | James Bart- LETT, I Born May 19, 1759, [ Died April 9, 1832. Note. — See No. 1538. 1 7 19. W) LOUISA, [ Dau. of | David C. & Louis/ S. I Holmes, [ Died Apr. 15, 1&52, [ Aged 17 yrs. 3 mos. 226 EPITAniS FROM BURIAL IITLL. 1720. CURTIS F., son of | Curtis & Harriet | Hoyt, who died ] July i, 1852, | /E 2 y'rs, 8 mo. Because thy smile ivas fair, Thy lips and eyes so bright : Because thy cradle care Was shcIl a fo)id delight ; Shall love tvith weak embrace, Jhy Heavemvard flight detain ? No ! angel, seek thy place Amid yon cherub train. 1 72 1. In memory of | LYDIA W., | wife of | STEPHEN D. Drew, | who died | Aug. 28, 1852, | Ai. 41 y'rs, 5 mo. My Jioiir has come, I lay me doivn, With the dark grave in viezv ; And, hoping for a Jieavenly crotvn, I bid the ivorld adieu. 1722. EUNICE B. I Daughter of Eleazer I & PoLLV Sears, j Died Sept. 14, 1852, | Aged 27 years. Rest sleeping dust in silence rest In the cold grave that Jesus blest. In faith and hope ive lay thee there Safe in our Heavenly Father s care: O, may we hear thy wariiing given Prepare to die and go to Heaven. T723. ERECTED I In memory of | BATHSHERA, | widow of the late | Capt. Bartlett Sears, | who departed this life | Sept. 25th, 1852, I aged 74 years. 1724. In Memory of | BETHIAH, ] wife of | Henrv O. Steward, | who died | Oct. 1, 1S52, j .E. 35 y'rs i mo. | & 25 days. 1725. WILLIAM T. I Son of Maryev & j Olive L. Rav- MONJi), \ died Nov. 12, 1852, | aged 2 y'rs & 4 mo's. Parents and Friends Weep not for nie. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. -'-'/ Nor ovr this Bodey mo urft, Soon, soon yoii'll meet With me Again; wheti Christ shall call joti Jiome. 1726. ELIZABETH | Wife of | Edward BURT, | died | Nov. 13, 1852 ; I yE. 54 y'rs & 2 mos. 1727. Capt. ANSELM RICKARD, | Died | at Martinico, | Oct. 6, 1 80 1. I Aged 34 y'rs. ] MARGARET | his wife | Died Nov. 21, 1852, I Aged 81 y'rs, | 1728. JOHN WILLIAMS 1 Born March 4, 1800; | Died Nov. 23, 1852. I ELIZA ANN, | Born June 30, 1829; | Died April 6, 1830. I JOHN, | Born July 3, 1831, | Died Sept. 8, 1M31. I children of | JoiiN & Eliza Williams. 1729. LYDIA A. I dau. of | Elkanah & Lvdia | Church- ill, I died Dec. 17, 1852 ; | aged 15 y'rs. & 3 mo's. Her yonthfiil hopes ivcre like the morning flower , Cut Dozvn at noon and withered in an hour; But hopes more fair, and bright than youth or health can give Rise in immortal bloom beyond the grave. 1730. In memory of | MRS. REBECCA HARLOW, | Relict of I Capt. Ezra Harlow, ] Born Jan. 5, 1795, | Died Dec. 18, 1852. '^ There is rest in Heaven T 1 73 1. In memory of | CHARLES | son of CHARLES & | Lucy Nelson, | died Dec. 31, 1852, \ in his 20th y'r. He died in hope, he died in faith, A life of suffering o'er; He smiling met the shafts of death, A nd lives to die no more. Also an Infant Daughter. 228 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1732. In memory of | LEMAN L. | Son of | STEPHEN D. & I Lydia W. Drew, | Died Jan. 24, 1853, | AL 6 Months. 1733. MALACHI DREW, | Died | Feb. 22, 1853, | A^ed 78 y'rs. 1734. ANNABELLA, | daughter of Jacob | & Deborah B. Swift, | died Feb. 27 1853, | aged 17 months. £re sin could blight or sorrozv fade Death came ivith friendly care The opening bud to Heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there. 1735. HARRIET L. WATSON, | Died in Boston, Mar. 24, 1853, I /E 68 yrs. | Grant to her oh Lord | we beseech thee, eternal rest. | Her husband | WiNSLOW Watson, | Died at sea, Dec. 17, 1816, I M 30 yrs. Their affectionate children place this stone to their memory. 1736. JEROME W\ j died May 6, 1853; | aged 16 yrs. & 6 Mo. I MARY E. | died Sept. 22, 1846. | aged 1 y'r & 10 Mo. I children of | WiLLlAM & Lydia | C. Purington. Those buds itS3, | in the :8i y'ir>of her age. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 229 1 741. LUCY D. BARTLETT, | Widow of | Capt. Joseph Bartlett, I Died I July 30, 1853, | Aged 75 y'rs. 1742. LIZZY RYAN, | Aged 2 yrs. [ & 8 Mon. | died | Aug. 1st, 1853. 1743. GEORGE WASHBURN, | Son of George and | Priscilla Washburn, | Died in Montgomery, | Alabama, Sept. 4, 1853, I Aged 25 y'rs & 6 mo. The only son of a Widozvd Mother. 1744. HENRY ERLAND, | Born in Devonshire, Eng. | Mar. 7, 1798, ! Died Sept. 6, 1853. His virtues ivill embalm his memory. 1745. In memory of | MARY H. | Dau. of CHARLES | & Lydia N. I WlllTTEN, I who died | Sept. 12, 1853. | JE. 3 mo. 7 ds. 1746. WILLIAM RANDALL, | died Nov. 23, 1853; | M. 60 y'rs 3 mo's & 16 d's. | Also his two sons, | GEORGE, | died Sept. 17, 1835; \ JE. 12 y'rs & 9 mo's. | CHARLES, j died Aug. 30, 185 i ; | /E. 25 y'rs & 10 mo's. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 1747. In memory of | DEBORAH, | wife of | SAMUEL Alexander, | died Dec. 20, 1853, | Aged 68 y'rs, | 8 months " There is rest in Heaven.'' 1748. REBECCA ELLIS, | Died Jan. 11. 1854. | Aged 50 years | & 9 Months. | NATHANIEL ELLIS, | Lost at Sea, Dec. 6, 18 12, I Aged 21 years | & ii Months. 1749. JOHN OSGOOD 1 died | Jan'y 31, 1854, | /E. 25 y'rs 9 mo. | & 3 days. 1750. Erected in memory of | EPHRAIM PATY, | who died Feb. 9, 1854; | aged 70 y'rs & 10 mo's . | Also his son | 2 30 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. GEORGE WINSLOW, | who died at sea | July 14, 1853, | aged 19 yrs. & 5 mo's. *' Blessed are the dead wlio die in the Lord, And their 7vorks do folloiv them. 1751. NATHANIEL BARNES, | died Feb. 20, 1854; | aged 60 years. | His daughter | BETSEY G. ELLIS, | died Dec. 9 1848; I aged 27 years. | NATH'L BARNES jR. | died Feb. 7, 1854, I aged 25 years. 1752. GRANVILL S. | Died Dec. 20, 1852, ] Aged 19 y'rs. 5 mo's. I EDWARD P. | Died March 18, 1854, | Aged 16 y'rs 7 mo's. I REBECCA J. | Died Oct. 10, 1851, | Aged 10 mo's | Children of Granvill & | Rebecca D. Griffin, Gone, but not forgotten. 1753. WILLIAM ROGERS Jr. | died Dec. 23d, 1822. | Aged 34 yrs. 1 JOHN ROGERS, | died Dec. ist, 1825. | Aged 27 yrs. I ICHABOD ROGERS | Died March i8th, 1854. | Aged 50 yrs. & 10 Mon. 1754. HARVEY H. RAYMOND | Born | Sept. 19, 1809 [ Died I March 18, 1854. 1755. In memory of I MRS. LUCY, | wife of | Benjamin Bagnell 1 who left us I Apr. 19, 1^54, | yE 61 yr's & 9 ms. " There shall be no more death, neither s/iall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed azvay^ 1756. WINSLOW M. I Died Aug. 3, 1853, | Aged 10 mo's. I ANN E. | Died May 26, 1854, | Aged 10 yrs. ii mo's. I Children of | John R. & Betsey B. | Davis. 1757. ELIZABETH, ] widow of | William Dunham, | Born Mar. 20, 1770; j Died July 20, 1854; [ yE. 84 y'rs & 4 mo's. EPITAPHS FROM PURIAL HILL. 23 1 When the Christian' s race is run, Though low she slumbers in the ground; Her virtues like the setting sun, Shall shed a heavenly lustre round. 1758. In I memory of | SALLY ILALL, | who died | Oct. 8th, 1854, I Aged 62, ys. I Also I NATHAN HALL, [ who died I Feb, 12th, 1854, | Aged 25 yrs. 1759. In I memory of | ELLIS HOLMES. | died Oct. 18, 1854, I in his 88th yr. 1760. Erected | in memory of | JACOB SWIFT, | Died Nov, I, 1854, I Aged 43 years | and 5 mon. 1 761. Erected | to the memory of | JERUSHA PATY, | widow of the late | TliOMAS Patv, | who died Dec. 29, 1854, | aged 81 years. The love that seeks another s good, In her did zvarnily burn, — Oh, let us imitate that love, Nor ask for her return. 1762. KATE C. I Wife of | Harrison Finney | Died Jan. I, 1855, I Aged 30 y'rs. | HARRISON K. | their son | Died Apr. 22, 1853, I Aged 2 y'rs. 2 mos. 1763. LEMUEL BRADFORD, | died | March i, 1855, I aged 66 years. Calm be the spot where his form nozv repose. Ma}' the friends zvho so loved him revisit his grave. And feel though the cold sod his ashes enclose. He lives in the presence of one who zvill save. 1764. Sacred | to the memory of | DANIEL CHURCH- ILL I who departed this life | March 2, 1855, | aged 83 years. 1765. BETSEY, I wife of | William Nickerson, | died 232 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Mar. 19, 1855, I /E. 36 years & 8 mo's. | CHARLES H. | their son died Mar. 4, 1853 ; | /E. 4 y'rs. 6 mo's. & 17 days. A bitter Clip the angel gave, * To her, a mother and a iuI/q; She drank, death was not in the wave, To her it was eternal life. Beyond the dark and szvelling flood. She vanished from our yearning sight; The radiant gate of Heaven inclosed. And zvelcomed home the child of light. 1^66. In memory of | ELIZABETH | daughter of | Thomas NiCOLSON I born in Plymouth July 11, | 1777, | died in Boston, Apr. 20, 1855, I M. "/"J years. 1767. In I memory of | HANNAH S. BARTLETT, [ who died I Apr. 20th, 1855, | Aged 65 years. Faithful in life. 1768. MANLY M. I son of Dr. E. & | Harriet W. | Web- ster. I died May 28th, | 1855. | JE. 3 Mon. & 22 d's. 1769. BETSEY ROBBINS, | Died March 22, 1839, | Aged 51 years. | SALLIE CURTIS. | Died Sept. 10, 1839, | Aged 11 years. ] JESSIE ROBBINS. | Died June 3, 1855, | Aged 74 years. 1770. In I memory of | ELON S. | Daugh't of Robert & | Keziah D. Swinburn, | who died | July 27, 1855, | Aged 10 y'rs. & 6 d'ys. | Also an infant Son. For thee this heart shall beat, For thee these tears shall floiv; And thy fond name Til repeat When sad tvith many a woe. 1 77 1. LYDIA, 1 Widow of | George Raymond Jr. | Died Aug. 13th, 1855, I Aged 47 y'rs 6 mo. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 233 1772. JOHN E. I died | Sept. 7, 1854, | /Et. 10 mo's. 12 d'ys. I JOHN E. I died [ Au^^. 23. 1855, | yEt. 4 weeks. | Child- ren of 1 Ellis T. & | Jane Lanman. 1773. EOUISA SAVERY | Wife of | David C. Holmes. | Died I Sept. 4, 1855, | Aged 45 yrs. 6 mo, 1774. In memory of | HANNAH J. GOODWIN. | daughter of John & | Hannah Goodwin, | who died | Sept. 6, 1855, I Aged 81 years. 1775. HORACE JACKSON, | Died | in Norfolk, Va. | Sept. 9, 1835 ; I yE. 27 years & 5 mo's. 1776. EPHRAIM WHITING | Died in Jamacia | W. I. 1803 ; I Aged 28 yrs. | also | ELIZABETH, | widow of the late I Efhraim Whiting, | Died Sept. 27, 1855, | Aged 80 y'rs. May their Souls meet in Jicavcn. 1777. JOHN BATTLES | born Feb. 26, 1778, | died Sept. 29, 1855. I ELIZABETH, | his wife | died Sept. 29, 1800 | aged 23 yrs. 5 mo's. | LYDIA, | wife of | JOHN Battles, | died Apr. 20, 1865, I aged 86 yrs. 3 mos. Note. — See No. 755. 1778. In memory of | JAMES SULLIVAN, | who died | in Plymouth \ Oct. 6, 1855, | aged 22 y'rs. A native of County | Cork, Ireland, Parish | of Castletownscnd. 1779. In memory of | SALLY, | Widow of the late | Samuel Cole, | Died Oct. 23d, 1855, | in her 73d. year. For I knoiv that my Redeem \ er liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. — (Job 19 ; 2-5.) 1780. JOHN CHASE I Died | Dec. 15,1855, | I^. 74 years. I ABIGAIL, I His wife j Died Sept. 17, 1872, | yE 89 yrs. 4 mo's. 1 78 1. In Memory of | GIDEON H. Son of j Isaac & Lois Tribble, I Born March 3, 1813, | Died Dec. 19, 1855, | aged 42 y'rs. 9 mo's, j and 16 days. 234 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1782. SAMUEL R. I Sen of | S. R. & R. F. ] Dickson | Died Jan. 13, 1856, | Aged 21 yrs. 8 mos. | 19 days. 1783. In memory of | AM ASA ROBBINS, | who died | Jan. 28, 1856, I aged | 2>3 yrs. 10 mons. | " T/w casket lies boicath the sod but Heaven claims the gem. 1784. TIMOTHY BARRY, | died Feb. 5, 1856; | yE. 58 yrs. 2 mos. & 25 dys. Fare thee well; though woe is blending With the tones of earthly love. Triumph high and joy unending, Wait thee in the realms above. MARIA BARRY. | died Apr. 12, 1824, aged 2 dys. | TIMOTHY BARRY Jr. | died Dec. 29, 1836, aged 7 wks. & 4 ds. 1785. In Memory of | RUTH G. | Born Sept. 26, 1852, | Died Feb. 22, 1856. | RUTH G. 2d | Born March 2, 1856, | Died Sept. 12, 1856, | Children of ICHABOD | T. & RUTII Holmes. 1786. In Memory of I LYDIA DELANO | who died Mar. 22, I 1856, ] aged 52 yrs. 4 mos. | & 22 days. TO OUR SISTER. A marble monument marks the spot And these u'ords on it arc graven, Though her body lies here in the still church-yard Our sister lives in Heaven. 1787. MARY E. I daughter of James & | Deborah Ken- DRICK I died Mar. 29, 1856, ] /E. 2 y'rs. 10 mos. | & 13 days. 1788. ELIZABETH B. | only daughter of | Bridgham & Betsey F. Russell, | died May 7, 1856; | aged 27 yrs. & 3 mo's. Alay her dear memory serve to make Our faith in goodness stronj^. EPITAPHS FROM liL'RIAL HILL. 235 1789. MARIA T. JACKSON. | Died | May iS. 1856, ] ac^ed 52 years. | Also LAVANTIA, j born June 14, 1831, | died Sep- tember 23, 185 I. She was the daughter of Jacoh and Joan Jackson. 1790. DKBORAir, I wife of | James Kexdrick | Died | June II, 1856, I Aged 27 years. " U'/icu C/irisi ivlio is our life shnll appear, then shall ye also appear with him in i^loryy 1791. OLIN E. I son of | Dr. Ervin & Harriet W. | Web- ster I passed onward | Aug. 28, 1856 aged | 4 years, | 4 mo. & 20 days. 1792. ERVIN WEBSTER, M. D. | passed onward | Aug. 28, 1856, I aged 1 28 years, 2 months & | 28 days. 1793. JERUSHA T. TALBOT, | wife of | Samuel Tal- bot, I Died Sept. 8, 1856; | .-E. 54 years. Peace to thy soul; no more shall earth Thy spirit pure oppress; No more shall sorroiv waste thy frajfie, For thou hast gojie to rest. NANCY E. I their daughter, | died Apr. 22, 1838, | aged 19 mo's. 1 794. MARIA TILLSON | Daughter of | Hamrlin & Susan B. I TiLLSON, I Born July 24, 1822, | Died Sept. 23, | 1856. 1795. LUCY B. I wife of | William Manter, | died Dec. 3, 1856, I /E. 48 yrs. & 5 mo's. 1796. Erected | In memory of | NATHANIEL GOOD- WIN, I died Feb. 13, 1857; | in his 87 year. 1797. ELIZABETH J. | wife of | William A. Perkins, | died March 5, 1857, | aged 35 years. | PRISCILLA, | died July 30, 185 I, I aged 16 years. | PELLA M. | died March 25, 1853, | aged 28, years. | Daughters of Joseph & Eliza Holmes. 236 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1798. OUR M0THP:R I PHEHE J. BARNES, | Died | April 20, 1857 I Aged 58 y'rs 2nio. | Holy thoughts cluster about thy name. 1799. DAVID N. I son of David & | Mary Ann Craig | died May 24, 1857, | in his 8th yr. Suffer little Child ren to come uuto me and forbid th em not, for of sue h is the kingdom of Heaven. 1800. FREDERICK JACKSON, | Born | May 19, 1791 ; | Died June 27, 1857. 1801. JOHN L. MORTON, ] died July 22, 1857; | M. 68 years and 9 mos. | SALLY, | his wife, died Oct 6, 18 10; | aged 20 years. No more can zve their forms behold, Which nozv in death lie lifeless — cold; But may we meet zvhcn life is o'er And dzvill at last on Canaan s shore. JOHNB. MORTON, [ died Mar. 6, 1811 ; | aged i year & 3 mos. 1802. Mother | MARY W. | Wife of [ Edward L. Do- ten I Died July 30, 1857, | Aged 27 y'rs 6 mo's. ''Blessed arc they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.^' 1803. AN INFANT, | son of Isaac B. | & Harriet A. | King, died | Aug. 27, 1857, | aged 10 weeks. 1804. Father | CHANDLER ROBBINS, | Born | Jan., 1793, I died I Oct., 1857. " 7'he memory of the fust is as a shining light." 1805. LITTLE I CHARLIE, | son of J. A. & j N. E. Dun- ham, I died Oct. 5, 1857, | aged 8 mo. 17 ds. EPITAPHS FROM HURIAL HILL. 237 1806. .CAPT.WM. STEPHENS, | died at Matanzas, Oct. 15, 1857 I JE. 46 yrs. 9 mo's & 20 dys. | AUGUSTA FRANCES | daughter of VVm. & Jane Stephens, | died Aug. 4, 1854 | AL. 3 yrs. 6 mos. & 17 days. Though distant frovi jts thoii ivast called Beneath a tropic sun To hear thy Master call for thee, Yet, Lord! Thy ivill he done. We mourn as those zvho have a hope. For death to thee zvas srain; In habitations of tJie blest. Thou ivilt forever reign. 1807. JACOB JACKSON ] born January 9, 1794, ] died October 22, 1857. | JOANN HOLMES ] His wife | born Jan- uary 23, 1803, I died January 2, 1879. | MARCIA, | born De- cember 16, 1840, I died August 2, 1842. | ANDREW, | born March 7, 1839, I died July 9, 1845. | SOPHIA GORDON | born March 15, 1833, | died September 20, 1845. I Cliildren of Jacob & Joann Jackson. 1808. ALPHEUS RICHMOND | died Aug. 30, 185S, | /E. jG years, 3 mos. | ABBIGAIL, | his wife | died Nov. 30, 1857. I ^. Ti years, 6 mos. | ALPHEUS RICHMOND, Jr., | was lost at sea, | Mar. 18, 1854, | yE. 47 years 4 mos. 1809. ROBERT D. TALBOT, | Born May 13, 1834, | Died Dec. 2, 1857. His zvas an early summons to the tomb, But though so brief, his life was not in vain; God does not call his children home too soon; For such, " to live is Christ, to die is gain.'' 1810. HATTIE S., I Daughter of Timothy | & Maria Bar- ry, I Died Dec. 30, 1858; | JE. 15 years 2 mo. | & 19 days. Thy gentle spirit passed azvay Mid pain the most severe ; So great zve could not zvish thy stay A moment longer here. 2^8 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Tlioit iiiiiii^It'st now in tliat bright throng Around the eternal throne^ And join' st the everlasting song IVith those before thee gone. t8ii. In mcniory of | LUCY MAYHl-AV, | daughter of | TlloNLAS NicoLsoN, | Jk)rn in Plymouth, July 28, | 1778 | died in lU)ston Jan. 22, 1858, | /E. 79 years. 1812. NAl^lU', I Willow of I William Brown, Esc^., | Dicil h'ci). 8, 1858; I in the 74th year of | her age. 1813. Sweetly fell asleep in | Jesus, Feb. 17, 1858, | ELIZ- ABETH ABBY I cnly dau. of Otis & | lu.iZAi'.LTll B. WRIGHT, I Aged I I y'rs, i i mo., 2 ds. The once loved form nozv cold in death, Each mournful tJiought employs; A)id nature iveeps her comforts Jled, A)id loithered all her jovs. Hope looks beyond the bounds of time. When what ive now deplore. Shall rise in full inunortal prime And bloom to fade no )nore. 1814. MOTIII'lR I PHI'LBE DICKSON | Died February 26, 185S, I Aged 81 1815. In n^.emory of | NANCY II. SYMMES | died March 15, 1858. I A\. 71 y'rs, 4 mo. | & 13 days. Say -why should friendship grieve for those Who safe arrive on Canaan's shore, Released front all there hurtfull foes. They are not lost but gone before. 1 8 16. 0L1V1-: \V. GRIFFIN | Died | May 21, 1858. 1R17. JOHN NICKh:RSON, Jr., | Died | May 31, 1858. | Aged 39 years | 9 mo's. EPITAPHS FROM TJURIAL HILL. 239 Whcji a feiv short years have fleated, WJien onr work on earth is done. May our circle all Jinbroken, Fifid with thee in Heaven our liome. 1818. FATHER I MERRICK RYDER, | Died | June 8, 1858. I Aged I 68 y'rs, 9 nio's. 1819. MARY, I Wife of | Abner Pierce, | Died | Aug. 25, 1858, I Aged 33 years | ALSO | An infant daughter. 1820. ELLIS BARNES, | Died \ in Whatcom, | Washing- ton Territory, | Aug. 29, 1858, | Aged 35 y'rs. An affectionate Son and Brother. 1 82 I. rRI<:SCILLA WASHBURN, | Wife of William Drew, I Born Dec. 7, 1786, | Died Sept. 21, 1858. 1822. In Memory of | ISAAC J. LUCAS, Jr., | Born Feb. 20, 1830, I Died Oct. 17, 1858, | Aged 28 y'rs 8 mo. Mark tJie perfect man, and behold the upright, for the cud of that man is peace — Ps. JJ '- 37. 1823. POLLY MORTON, | Died | November 4, 1858, | Aged 73 7ears. Dearest sister, we will meet thee In that land where all is blest; There ivhere sorrows never enter, We will dxvell forever blest. 1824. FATHER & MOTHER | Sacred | To the memory of I CAPT. GEORGE BACON, | who was drowned at Sea, | on a voyage from Hamburg, | to New York, | .Sept. 6, 182G, Al. 53 years. | ELIZABETH, j his widow, died | Jan, 6, 1859, | /E. 79 y'rs & 4 months. There is rest in J leaven. 1825. DEA. I JOSIAH ROBBINS | died Jan. 30, 1859. | Aged 72 years lO mo. See No. 915 Ante. 240 EPITAPHS FROM P.URIAL HILL. 1826. ABRAHAM JACKSON, | Born | November 29, 1791, I Died I February 6, 1859; | AL. 6y years. 1827. REBFXCA, I wife of | Nathan Reed, [ Died | March 2d, 1859, I Aged 81 y'rs & | 9 mo's. " T/ie memory of the just is blessed." " Tlic reapers are the angels'' "AS A SHOCK OF CORN IN HIS SEASON." 1828. REV. JAMES KENDALL, D.D., | Ordained i Jan. 1800, I Died 17 March, 1859, | Aged 89 Years. For Sixty Years Minister of the First Parish in this Town. " My peace I give unto yon." " The gift of God is Eternal life." 1829. EMMA CORDELIA, | daughter of | Charles & Cordelia B. | Tufts, died Mar. 19, 1859, | aged 22 y'rs. 1830. ALICE A. NEAL, | Dau. of Samuel | and | Alice A. Brown, | Died April 7, 1859, | Aged 29 y'rs, 7 mo's, 2 d's. 1 83 I. REV 1 AURIN BUGBEE, | Born | Sept. 12, 1808, | Died I April 14, 1859. 1832. ELIZABETH FAUNCE, | widow of the late | Capt. Barnabas Faunce, | died Apr. 23, 1859; | yE. 85 years. ''Blessed are they who die in the Lord." 1833. LUCIA W. I wife of | WILLIAM H. | MORTON, j died May 4, 1859 | aged 25 years, | & 4 mos. " Ohf wliy should ive in angnisJi zueep." " S/ie is not lost, but gone before." 1834. SARAH ELIZABETH, I daughter of | Charles & Cordelia B. ] Tufts, j died July 3, 1859, | aged 24 yrs. 1835. WILLIAM H ROGERS | Died | July 12, 1859 | aged 23 yrs. 5 mos. | Only son of ] A. B. & Eliza Rogers. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 241 1836. In memory of | DAVID HARLOW, | who died | July 22, 1859; I /E. 60 years, 6 mos. Dear as thou wcrt, and justly dear, We ivill not iveep for t/iee; One thought shall check the starti)ig tear, It is that thou art free. 1837. Sacred | to the memory | RUTH | widow of | Israel HoVT, I died Aug. 10, 1859, | aged 60 y'rs. 4 mos. | & 6 da} s. 1838. MARY H. I died Sept. 12, 1853; | J\L. 3 mos. & 7 days. I WILLIE BRADFORD | died Sept. 4, 1859; | ^. 3 weeks & 2 days. 1839. PHILLIP, I Born Jan. 20, 1855 [ Died Sept. 22, 1859, j yp:. 4 y's. 1840. ABIGAIL, I widow of | Henry Hollis, | died Sept. 27. 1^59; I aged (ii yrs. " Whosoever liveth and believetJi in Me shall never die.'' —John, //, 26. 1 84 1. PRISCILLA COTTON, | widow of | Josiah Cotton j Born Sept. 30, 1760, | Died Oct. 4, 1859. 1842. REBECCA, I wife of | Jacob Tinkham, 1 Died | Oct. 17, 1S59. I /Et. 76. '^Blessed are the dead, that die in the Lord." 1843. GEORGE W. TALBOT, | Born December 29, 1838 | Died November i, 1859. 'M good boy.'' 1844. Father & Mother. | Capt. IGNATIUS PIERCI-: | Died I Aug. 24, 1853. | aged 68 years. | BETSEY, | his wife, | Died Nov 30, 1859, | aged 73 years. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 1845. I'^ Memory of f MARY A. B., | wife of | Ira Ali r,\. j and dau. of Davii) & | Sally C. WaRREN, | died Dec. 31, i859> I aged 29 y'rs. i mo. 16 ds. 242 EPITArHS FROM P.URIAL HILL. 1 846. WINSLOW M. TRIBBLE | died Jan. 5. 1S60; | /E. 49 years & i mo. Also three of his children: | MARSTON W., | died Dec. 2, 1858; I yE. 25 years & 2 mos. | IIORACK G., | died Nov. 7, 1859; I .E. 21 years & 4 mos. | CHRISTIANA D., | died Sept. 22, 1837; 1 /E. I year & 25 days. Eteiiial Hpivard progressioi is tJie destiny of all in Spirit life. 1847. IDA LIZZIE, 1 dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth R. Spear. | died Jan. 23, i860 | /E. 3 years & 4 mos. 1848. NATHANIEL HOLMES Jr.. | died Aug. 29, 1805; in the 31st year of his age. | ELIZABETH HOLMES, | his widow I died Jan. 30, i860; | yE. 86 y'rs, 7 mos. & 8 days, | BETSEY C.HOLMES, | their daughter | died Feb. 26, 1848; | in the 48th year of her age. 1849. Our I HATTIE | Aged 7 years. | Little CLARA | Aged 3 years, 8 mos. | Children of VVlLLlAM & SuSAN A. WES- TON, I died Feb. 22, i860. Treasures in Heaven. 1850. Father & Mother | ISAAC TRIBBLE, | Born July 31, 1789. I Died Feb. 16, 1865. | LOIS TRIBBLE, | Born Dec. 14, 1788, ! Died Mar. 31, i860. 1 85 1. MARY A., I wife of Lewis Hall | died Apr. 27, i860; I /E. 43 & 6 mos. " Blessed are the dead w/io die in the Lord.'" 1852. NATHANIEL SPOONER | died at sea ] Mar. 9, 18 17; i aged 31 years. | LUCY VV. SPOONICR, | iiis wife | whose remains lie beneath, | died in Plymouth, j April 29, i860; I aged yj years. 1853. WHITTEN. j LYDIA N. | wife of ] Charles Whit- ten, Jr., I called home, | Apr. 30, i860; | /E. 30 }'ears. s.tJIJ .art dear, ikoujgh iiiunbei-ed with the dead. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 243 1854. LUISE, I daughter of | Valentine & Caroline Zaun, | died May 31, i860; | AL. 2 y'rs & 3 mos. 1855. JOHN KING, I died June i, i860; | .E. 78 years & 5 mos. I FOLEY, | his wife | died Jan. 10, 1847 ; | /E. 62 years 6 9 mos. 1856. GEORGE E. CHASE | tiled 1824; | vE. 15 years. | WILLIAM CHASE | died 1830; | JE. 23 years. | SAMUEL R. CHASE I died Aug. 21, 1849; I ^- 20 years & 7 mos. | HEX- RY CHASE I died July i860; | /E. 43 years. | SONS OF JoiiN & Abigail Chase. —1. H. S.— 1857. In memory of | ANN | wife of | JOIIN Cassady, | who died | July 20, i860; | in her 77th year. 1858. CAPT. DAVID BRADFORD | Born April 28, 1786; Died July 22, i860. 1859. In memory of | CURTIS HOYT. | Died Aug. 3, i860. I Aged 42 yrs. " / am tlie resurrection and the life'' i860. MARY BROWN | died Aug. 16, 1760; | aged 71 years, 6 mos & 22 days. 1 86 1. SONNY- B. Lent, but not given; To bud on earth A)id bloom in Heave 71. HORACE B. JENKS | Died Oct. i, i860, | Aged 3 } Vs, 3 mos, 2 1 ds. 1862. PHEBE, I wife of | James G. Gleason, | died Oct. 10, i860; I aged 70 yrs. i mo. Dear is the spot where our loved ones sleep. And siveet the strain which angels pour; 0, zvhy should we in anguisli weep? They are not lost, — but gone before. 244 EPTTAniS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1863. JULIA ANN I died Sept. 4, 1842; I .E. 3 y'rs & 7 mos. I NATHANIEL T., | died June 25, 1853; | Al. 19 mos. | ALMIRA W. I died Mar. 6, 1855; | /E. 11 weeks. | LAURA W. I died Mar. 7, 1858; | /E. 19 mos. | LAURA A. | died Oct. 13, I860; I Ai. 8 mos. I Children of James & Almira Sears. 1864. MARY T. BACON | died Nov. 12, i860. | Aged 50 yrs. 10 mos. 1865. LYDIADREW | widow of— Capt. Atwood Drew | Born Jan. 7, 1782; | Died Jan. 3, 1861. IVi' viouyii for her; 7jc still do zveep; No more ivcll sec her here; In Jcsiis she doth siveetly sleep; Wliy sited for lier a tear? 1866. BATHSHEBA BRADFORD | wife of | Lemuel Bradford | died Jan. 22, 1861 ; | aged 68 y'rs. 10 mos. & 12 days. Dear as thou ivert, and Justly dear; We ic'lll not weep for thee; One th.onght shall check the startling tear; It is, that thon art f re. 1867. GEORGE STEWARD I Died Feb. 13th i86i;| Aged 28 }'ears. 1868. ANNETTE C. | daughter of JoiiN E. | & Mercv H. Morrison, | died Mar. 26, i861 ; | aged 2 y'rs, 2 mos. & 10 days. Sleep, dear Nellie, sleep, Till Jesns bids thee rise; Then may ive also be prepared To meet thee in tlie skies. 1869. MARY A. LUCAS, | wife of | Isaac J. Lucas. Jr., | Died Apr. 8, 1861 ; | aged 28 years 5 mos. 1870. Our Mother. | irETSEY MORTON | died June 11, 1S61 ; I aged 64 years. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 245 Dear mother, yoti have soared aivay To dwell in everlasting day. Up to the shining courts above, To enjoy your Saviour and your God. 1871. Our Motiihr. | REBl'XCA, | widow of | William Rogers, Jr. | died June 19, 1861 ; | Ai. 70 years & 2 mos. 1872. CLARISA A. I Wife of | George F. Green, | died Aug. 7, 1 86 1 I aged 25 years 4 nios. 1873. CHARLir: IRVING | Son of J. D. | & E. B. Baxter I fell asleep Aug. 8, 1861 ; | aged i year, 9 months & 12 days. Our dearly loved otic will not be forgotten. 1874. In Memoriam. I SARAH [BRINLEY] \ wife of Samuel Nicolson; | born in Boston May 23, 1798; | died in Cambridge Sept. 9, 1861. Beloved and lamented. SAMUEL NICOLSON, | son of | Thomas & Hannah [Otis] | Nicolson | born in Plymouth, | Dec. 2, 1791, j died in Boston, | Jan. 6, 186S. 1875. SYLVANUS ROGERS | Born Nov. 24, 1798 | Died April 20, i860 I /E. 62 yrs & 7 mos. | JANE ROGERS, | his wife I Born Jan. 12, 1800 | Died Sept. 15, 1861 | /E. 61 y'rs & 8 mos. I Also their daughter | JANE F. [ born Jan. 54, 1824, | died Sept 12, 1825 | /E. i year, 8 mos. There is rest in Heaven. 1876. MOTHER I Died Oct. 1861 | Aged 43. 1877. Mrs. SARAH SHERMAN | Died | Dec. 20, 1861, | Aged ^6 y'rs, i mo. | 2 days. 1878. CHARLOTTE T. | Wife of Asa Kendrick | died July 14, 1862; I aged 62 years 6 mos. | REUBh:N R. KEN- DRICK I died Mar. 18, 1862; | aged 24 years. | MARY B. | wife of Reuben R. Kendrick [ died May 2, 1862; | aged 22 years. | ELIZABETH F. | daughter of Asa & | Charlotte T. Kendricg I died Jan. 19, 1858; | aged 17 years 9 mos. 246 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1879. ELLEN M. I daughter of Samuel B. | & Caroline Remand | sweetly fell asleep with | Jesus, May 25, 1862; | JE. 10 y'rs, 8 mos. & 2 d'ys. T/ij/ gentle spirit passed mvay Mid pain the most severe ; So great zve coitld not zvish thy stay A moment longer here. 1880. In memory of \ NATHANIEL BARTLETT, 2ND. | Died I June 23, 1862 ; | aged 56 years & 6 mos. 1 88 1. NANCY RIPLEY, | wife of | William P. Ripley, | Died Aug. 16, 1862, | Aged 83. yrs. She trusted in the mercy of the Lord: and now rejoices in his salvation. 1882. In memory of ] LOIS COLLINS, | born May 20, 1787, I died Aug. 23, 1862, | /E. 75 years, 3 mos. & 3 days. 1883. SUSAN THACHER, | Wife of | William Bartlett I died August 25, 1862, | CE. 68 years. 1884. EDWARD BURT \ died July 6, 1861 ; | yE. 66 y'rs & 10 mos. I THOMAS B. | Son of Edward & | Elizabeth Burt, | died at | Harwood Hospital, | Washington, D. C. | Oct. 31, 1862 ; I /E. 23 yrs & 9 mos. j A member of Co. E, 29 Reg. Mass. Vols. 1885. Capt. JOSEPH W. COLLINGSWOOD | Co. H, i8th Reg. Mass. Vols. | wounded at the battle ] of Fredericksburg, Va. I Dec. 13, 1862; | Died Dec. 24, 1862, | Aged 41 years. He who gives his life for his country, gives his ow?i, but for a higher life. 1886. HENRYS. HOLMES, | Died | Dec. 19, 1862 | Aged 3 y'rs, I mo. 28 ds. 1887. SAMUEL A. I Son of Antonio & | Sarah C. Frank, I Born May 4, 1849; | Died Jan. 12, 1863. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 247 He was 07ir best loved one Kindly and gentle ever Death early claimed his own, IVc can forget him never. 1888. WILLIAM S. RUSSELL, | Born Jan. 11, 1792. | Died Feb. 22, 1863. 1889. SARAH FRENCH, | Only daughter of | John B. & Sarah A. F. | Russell, [ died Mar. 13, 1863; | /!•:. 3 years, 7 mos. 26 days. She has gone to heaven before us, But she turns and ivaves her hand. Pointing to the glories o'er ?/s. In that happy spirit land. 1890. ALFRED C. FINNEY, | a member of | Co. E, 5th Reg. Mass. Vols. | died at Newbern, N. C. | Mar. 13, 1863 ; | J^. 21 years, 6 mo. 24 days. " Drop a kind tear for the soldier that's gone, Jor 'tis manly to zveep for the brave'' 1 89 1. In Memory of | Capt. ROBERT COWEN I who died Mar. 30, 1863 ; | /E. 62 years & 10 mos. 1892. In Memory of | LYDIA BRADFORD, | Born Jan. 25, 1795, I Died Apr. 14, 1863. | Also of | CORNELIUS BRADFORD, | who died at New Orleans, | Aug. 16, 1824. /E. 31 years. 1893. THOMAS H. GIBBS, | Co. A, | 3 N. Y. Reg't. | Died Apr. 29, 1863. | /E. 17 y'rs 8 mos. 1894. In memory of | SARAH | wife of | Robert Searson I & daughter of DENNIS | & Sarah Deleany. | Born June 6, 1832; I Died May 3, 1863. / will remember thee love wJicn many have forgot, and may you rest in peace icith God. ' 248 EPITAPHS FROM P.URIAL HILL. 1895. Our Mother— Gone Home. | PHILAH. | Wife of | Dr. Isaac Hatch, \ Died | May 14, 1863; | aged 56 years, 9 months. 1896. FREDERIC HOLMES, | Lieut. 38, Mass. Vol. In- fantry, I aged 28 years, | was killed June 14, 1863, | while leading his men to | the assault on the enemy's | works at Port Hudson, La. His memory \ shall not be less green, nor \ heroic virtues less honored, \ that his body lies amid the ruins \ of the Rebellion he gave his life to destroy. 1897. Capt. GEORGE SIMMONS | died July 26, 1863; , aged 81 years. | MERCY SIMMONS ] his wife | died Nov. 29, 1858 I aged 75 years. 1898. Lieut. HORACE A. JENKS, | Co. E. | 29 Reg't Mass. Vols. I Died at Milldale, Miss. | July 26, 1863. | Aged 30 years. Though not upon the Battlefield He breathed his latest breath For freedom and for country, still He died a hero's death! Promoted from the ranks beloiv To join the ranks 07i high, In bleeding lie arts he loved and left, His name shall never die. 1899. WILLIAM BARTLETT | Died | July 30, 1865, | aged "J"] years. 1900. GEORGE E. WADSWORTH, | of Co. E. 29th Mass. Reg., | died | at Crab Orchard, Ky. | Aug. 31, 1863; | Aged 35 y'rs 8 mos. " .S"^ calm, so constant -u'as his rectitude That, by his loss alone, we know its worth, And feel Jiow true a man has zvalked With us 071 earth. EPITAPHS MsOM P.URIAL HILL. 249 1901. THOMAS W. HAYDEN, | of Co. E., 29 Mass. Vol's. I Died ( at Crab Orchard, Ky. | Sept. 4, 1863. | Aged 33 years I & 2 nio's. A precious sacrifice for freedom. 1902. CAROLINE A. | Wife of | Nklsox P. Pkrkv, | & daucrhter of Jlm)S()N | & Almira RiCE, | Born Mar. 5, 1831, | Died Sept. 5, 1863. A beloved zuife, an affectionate dan<^htcr and a trne friend. May she find rest in heaven. 1903. WILLIAM I Son of | Ichapod & Marv | Morev, | Died Oct. 13, 1863, | Aged 27 y'rs i mo. | 18 days. The pains of death are past, Labor and sorrow cease ; And his life's ivarfarc closed at last, P/is soul iioiv rests in peace. 1904. HANNAH J. WASHBURN | daughter of Isaac J. | & Catherine Lucas | Died | October 17, 1863 ; | /E. 36 years 6 mos. 1905. In Memory of | CAPT. GEORGE WESTON | who died Nov. 28, 1844, [ Aged 54 years | MARY | his wife | died Oct. 23, 1863 I aged 72 years, 3 mo's. See No. 13S7, Ante. 1906. LEMUEL SIMMONS ] Died | Dec. 6, 1863 | aged 73 years | 4 months. He xvas universally beloved and respected ; honest and upright, with a cheerful and pleasant manner, and a kind benevolent heart. To know him zoas to esteem him. 1907. JOHN H. BRADFORD ] Born | July 14, 1780, | Died I Dec. 7, 1863. 1908. ANN ELIZA, I daughter of John I & Betsey Ann Eddy, j died Dec. 31, 1863; | aged 16 y'rs, 9 mo. | 16 days. 1909. JOHN B. BARLOW | Died Jan. 8th, 1864, | aged 2 yr's and 8 months. 250 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1910. ELIJAH J. WESTON | died Jan. 14, 1864; | aged 30 years, 6 mos. / t7-nst viy blood ivns spilled for thee, Who shed thy precious blood for me. Here lies a husbmid and a father. Who was kind and gentle ever. Death early claimed thee, We shall forget thee never. Also our gentle child | JOHNNY C. | Son of Elijah J. & | Susan Weston, | died Aug. 12, 1863; | ^. i year, 8 mos, 5 days. They were dearly loved on earth by us all. I trust now they are loved in heaven. 1911. HENRY F. EDDY \ Co. E. | 29 Mass. Regt. | Died Jan. 20, 1864 I Aged 23 y'rs 2 m's. 19 1 2. MARY T. BARTLETT | Daughter of ] James & Mary Bartlett, | Born Jan 11, 1784, | Died Feb. 15, 1^64. 1913. ELISHA C WHITTEN, I Died] March 4, 1864, ] Aged 23 y'rs 2 mo's | 14 days. '"Blessed arc the dead ivhich die in the Lord.^' 1914. ALBERT R. ROBBINS | Co. E. | 29 Mass. Regt. | Died Mar. 5, 1864 [ aged 22 y'rs 5 m's | 23 days. 1915. In memory of I GliORGE COOPER, | who died | April 29, 1864; I /E. 66 years 8 mos. 1916. JAMES T. DEVINE | Died May 8, 1864 | Aged 2 yr's 5 mos 21 days. 19 1 7. OUR MOTHER. | ABAGAIL T. | Widow of | Thomas Goodwin, | died May 11, 1864; | aged yy years. 19 1 8. Erected in memory of | MARTHA i Wife of | Eph- RAIM Patv, 1 who died May 12, 1864, | aged 69 yrs, 5 mos, | 16 days. Asleep in fesus. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 25 1 1919. JOHN B. ATWOOD | Died | May 12, 1864, | aged 60 y'rs. 1920. JOHN K. ALEXANDER | Co. E. 29 Mass. Vols. | Died at j Fredericksburg, Va., | May 12, 1864, | aged 28 y'rs. And tindcriicath the cvei'green Azuay from grief and care, Alone bene at II its leafy screen They laid a loved one there. 192 1. MOTHER I SALLY DREW | Born | May 7, 1782; I Died I May 17, 1864. 1922. HOMER BRYANT | Co. E. | 23 Mass. Regt. | Died I June 6, 1864 I Aged 45 years. 1923. ELIJAH RICKARD | Died | July 22, 1864, | Aged 80 y'rs, "Ar/ me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his.'' LUCY RICKARD, | Died April 3, 1863, | Aged 70 yrs. ''Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." 1924. In Memory of | SETH W. EDDY, | a member of | Co. H. 58th Regt. Mass. Vols. | who died | Aug. 13, 1864; j aged 27 years | and 8 days. WILLIE O. I Son of Setii W. | & Frances M. Eddy, | died Mar 5, 1859; | aged 4 mos. Bloom brightly sweet roses Bloom brightly above The inonnd that encloses The form that wc love. 1925. LUCIE S. j Wife of I Charles W. Johnson | died Aug. 19, 1864; I yE. 21 yrs 6 mos & 6 d. We shall meet with these our loved ones, That ivere torn from our embrace, We shall listen to their voices, And behold the ni face to face. . - 252 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Also I JAMES H. I GRACE D. | & ELLA P. | children of Jam lis J. I & Nancy G. Paulding. 1926. In memory of ] MRS. LUCRETIA BURR WATSON I widow of I 15ENJAMIN M. Watson, | Born at Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 21, 1 78 1, I Died at Plymouth, Aug. 29, 1864. 1927. Erected | to the memory of | JOSHUA SAWYER, | who died J Sept. 10, 1864; | Aged 33 years. To this lone spot I love to stray, Where sleeps tlie dust of that dear one Who fled so soon from earth azuay, lire yet his life 70 as searec bej^iin. lowly spot! O husband dear, 1 almost envy thee thy bliss; O, gladly would I leave earth' s care, For sueh a resting plaec as t/tis. 1928. OUR FATHER, | JOHN HARLOW, I Born | Sept. 15, 1777, I Died I Sept. 5, 1864. 1929. GEORGHC I God ealled thee home, He thought it best. Son of I F. W. & A. \\. I RiCKARi). | Died Sept. 22, 1864, | aged 6 mo's 14 d's. 1930. ROBERT McLAUTHIN | Co. B. | 14 Mass. Rcgt. | Died Oct. 13, 1864 | Aged 20 y'rs 6 m's 3 days. 1 93 1. LSAAC DAVIE | Died ] Oct. 29, 1864, | Aged 75 y'rs I 8 mo's. ''Whieh hope wc have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast and which entcreth into that IV i thin the vail. 1932. In memory of ] CHARLES WADSWORTH, [ of Co. 1^. 39th Mass. Reg. | who died | a Prisoner of war | at Salisbury N. C. I Nov. 10, 1864; I aged 31 y'rs 4 mos. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 253 W/io sJialL offer yoiitJi and beauty, On a Nation's si trine, With a loftier sense of duty. Or truer heart than thine. 1933. ANNA M. BARTLETT, | Born | January 31, 1771 ; I Died I November 20, 1864. " Asleep in Jesus." 1934. SARAH B. I Born Feb. 22, 1850, | Died Dec 15, 1864. The above inscription is on a small stone in the Robbins Lot. 1935. OUR MOTHER. | LYDIA STANDISH, Died | Dec. 27, 1864, I aged 44 y'rs 4 m's | 14 days, 1936. JOHN D. HAMROSA | Died Dec. 30th, 1864, | aged I month. 1937. CATHERINE HOWLAND | Wife of | Isaac J. Lucas, | Born July 17, 1800; | Died Jan 18, 1865, | AL. 64 y'rs 6 mos. Also three children | CATHERINE H., LEWIS F. \ & GEORGE W. 1938. BRIDGET CASSIDY, Born Jan. 2d, 1864 [ Died Feb. 19, 1865, aged I yr i mo 17 ds. 1939. HANNAH, I dau. of | david & Eliza S. j harlow. | died march 2, 1865 | /E. 26 years 7 mo's. Lojie are the paths and sad the hours, Since thy loved spirit' s gone. But Oh! a brighter Jiome than ours. In Heaveti is ?iow thine own. 1940. EMMA FRANCES, | Dau. of | Ellis & Ml- lixda | Rogers, | died March G, 1865, [ aged 16 y'rs, 4 m's, j &6 days. 254 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Our dear one is gone to the land where no care Can ever approach her or trouble her there Her Saviour has called her to enter the fold Prepared for the righteous as promised of old. 1941. U7.7AE G. DIMAN, | died | May 7, 1863, | aged 25 y'rs, I mo. i day. HATTIK A. DIMAN, | died Feb. 8, 1864, | aged 21 y'rs 9 mo's I 5 days. MIRIAM G. DIMAN, | died Apr. 9. 1865, | aged 18 y'rs 5 mo's, I 9 days. A sleep in Jesus. 1942. GEORGE F. I Son of Francis H. & | Sarah J. P. RoP.niNS, I died Apr. 20, 1865 ; | aged 1 year 8 mo. | & 21 days. Also an | an infant daughter. 1943- FATHER [ WILSON CHURCHILL, | died | April 21, 1865, I aged 85 y'rs 2 mos. 1944. MOTHER. I LUCY DELANO | Wife of | Merrick RvDKR, I died | April 28, 1865, | aged | 70 y'rs, 9 mo's. 1945. In memory of | ANN T. CO WEN, | who died May 16, 1865, I /E. 57 years ii mos. [ & 9 days. 1946. LILLY R. MORTON, | Wife of | John L. Murton, I died I May 17, 1S65 ; | /E. 74 years. Dear as thou wert, and justly dear We will not weep for thee ; One thought shall check the starting tear, It is, that thou art free. 1947. WM. H. SHAW, I Co. E. | 32 Mass. Regt. | died Aug. 6, 1865, I aged 35 y'rs. 1948. LOVICA T. McGLATHLIN, | Born | Sept 28, 1780, I died I Aug. 28, 1865. We shall meet beyond the River. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 255 1949. MARTHA T. | dau. of | Charles &LucY | Nelson, I died Sept. 8, 1865, | Aged 25 yrs. | 7 mo's. Rest, blessed spirit, rest. Life s fitful fever s o'er, Earth's circle numbers one the less But heaven, one seraph more. 1950. LYDIA VV. ELLIS, | Wife of | Samuel Ellis, | Died Sept. 8, 1865 | Aged 71 yrs. 1951. VALENTINE DITMAN | Z)/V«^ | Oct. 14, 1865,! Aged 39 y'rs, 5 m's, | 24 days. 1952. In memory of | Mrs. JEAN PATY | Wife of \ Capt. Wm. Paty. I Died Nov. 2, 1865, yE. 68 years. 1953. ELLA MARIA. | Only daughter of | ZoETii & Re- becca M. I Clark, | died Dec. 17, 1865, | aged 14 y'rs, 4 m's I & I day. And lo! above the detcs of night The vesper star appears; So faith lights up the mourner s heart Whose eyes are dim mitli tears. Night falls, but soon the morning light Its glorie shall restore; And thus the eyes that sleep in death Shall ivake to close no more. 1954. ELLEN, I Wife of [ William H. Richmond | died | Dec. 21, 1865, I aged 43 y'rs. WILLIAM H. I their son [ died July 24, 1872, | aged 27 y'rs 3 mo's, I 6 days. WILLIAM H. RICHMOND \ died | January 19, 1864; \ aged 49 years 7 mo's. *'Just as I am ivithont one plea. But that thy blood was shed for me And that thou bidst me come to thee O lamb of God, I coyney 256 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 1955. HANS WITTE, | Died Jan. 10, 1866, [ Aged 46 yrs, 9 nios, 26 (Is. 1956. 15KTS1':Y FARRIS RUSSELL, | wife of I Bridg- IIAM Russkll, i Died March 3, 1866. | Aged 72 years. A devoted ivife, a fond viothcr, a kind and syDipatJiizing friend to all ill distress or ajjlietion. 1957. SALLY, I Wife of | Capt. Joseph Wright, | Died March 21, 1866, | Aged 63 yrs. 7 mo. 1958. BETSEY HARLOW, | Died \ March 27, 1866, | Aged 53 years. I BENJAMIN HARLOW, | i^/V./ | Aug. 18, 1846, I Aged 35 years. ''Blessed are they that mourn, for tJiey shall be comforted." 1959. PRISCILLA, I wife of | GEORGE Raymond, | Died | Apr. 6, 1866, I Aged 81 y'rs, 6 nio's. " fesns saith, Beeaus I live, ye shall live also." 1960. HANNAH T. | his wife | died Apr. 8, 1866, \ Aged 76 }-ears. | Wife of Jois CHURCHILL, 1 96 1. ELLYS E. CON 1 Son of | Elias & Eliza Co.\ | Died I April 8, 1866, | Aged 27 years, 6 nios. | 28 days. So near perfection in liis early day, jrhj' should ive iveep to see hi)n snatched aioay; To see liim reach at once the immortal prize, And rise triumphant to his native skies. 1962. lUCTSl'LY, I Wife of I NATHANIEL ILvRLOW, I Died \ K\)\W 23, 1866, I Aged ']•] years. " Heaven is my home." 1963. FRANK C. I Son of | T. S. & I-:. T. Rophins. j Passed away | June 14, 1866. | Aged 17 y'rs 1 1 nios. Loviui^ and loved — Jiis life to ours J I 'as like the sunshine from above. His sudden call from unseen poioers, Makes him immortal in our love. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 257 THOMAS S. ROBBINS | Died [ May 16, 1861. | Aged 43 y'rs, 4 nio's | 16 da}-s. He S7tffercd many ivcary years. " To him tJic grave no victory had and death no sting." FRANKIE L. j Son of | T. S. & E. T. Robbins, | Born Feb. 15, 1846. j Died Dec. 20, 1847. " IVeep not for those lJ7w sink witliin the arms of deaths 'Ere yet the chilling zvintry breath Of sorrozu o'er them blozvs.'" 1964. MARY D. I Dau. of | William & Jane | Stephens, I Died July 24, 1866, | /E. 21 y'rs 8 mos. Cold is that form once filed zvith youthful bloom; It sleeps, alas.' zvithin the lonely tomb; Commingling with the dust, it ivcars azvay, Companion only for its fellozv clay; But that ethereal spark of " heavenly flame Too strong to live zvithin its earthly frame. Has winged its flight, zee trust to realms above, Forever to enfoy a Saviour' s love.'' 1965. NANCY HOLMES, | Wife of [ Nathaniel Huesten I Born I June 30, 1791, | Died | Sept. 4, 1866. " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." 1966. SOPHIA V>. I Wife of | Peliiam Whiting, | Died Sept. 4, 1866, I Aged 41 years. 1967. WM. HEMMERLY, | Died Sept. 21st, 1S66 | Aged 3 I yr, 6 months. 1968. In memory of | our Mother | ELIZABETH | widow of I the late TlI()^L•\S Atwood. | Born in Truro, June 30, 1778. I Died in I^'airhaven, Nov. 2, 18C6. [ Aged 88 y'rs, 4 mo's, 3 ^i's. 258 EriTArilS FROM 15URIAL HILL. 1969. Our Mother. | ZORADAY T. | Wife of] Capt. T. E. Cornish, | Died Nov. 10, 1866, | Aged 61 years. 1970. TICNIA. I Gone home loved one. | bouquet. | But we sliall meet again. | ALI^^I-.RTICNIA L. | Dau of | L. W. & E. A. WniTTEN, I Died Dec. 24, 1866, | Aged 12 y'rs, 8 mos, | 18 days. 1 97 1. MAGDALEN A BUERKE ] Died Jan. — 1S67. | Aged — yrs 6 mos. 1972. WM. T. NICKERSON, | Son of William & Mary NiCKLRSON I Died Jan. 11, 1S67 | Aged 29 y'rs, 9 mos, | 22 days. 1973. Miss ABBY BARTEETT, | Died | Jan. 22, 1867. | Aged 72 y'rs, 6 mos. " There is rest in Heaven^ 1974. PETER J. DEVINE, | Died Feb. 13, 1867. | Aged 9 mos. 5 days. 1975. HARRIP: W. I Son of I H. & F. M. HoLMES, | Died Ajjril 10, 1867. I Aged 1 year, 4 mos. | 14 days. ^Tis Jcsiis speaks: " I fold" says lie, These Iambs 7ciihiii viy breast; Protection they shall find in vie, In nie be ever blest. \()76. JAMES BURNS. | ALVRY ] Wife of j James Burns, I Died I April 17, 1867, | Aged 54 yrs. Reqiiieseant in peaee. Amen. 1977. JA^Il'-^ BARTL1:TT I Died | June 17, 1867, | Aged 64 y'rs, I mo. 1978. Gl-:ORGl': V. SNOW, I Died | July 22. 1867, | Aged 31 y'rs, 3 mo's. " Therefore be ye also ready; for in sneh an hour as ye think not the Son of Man eo>net/i." EPTTArilS FROM BURIAL IITTJ.. 259 1979. BENJAMIN F. BATES | Co. E. 29 | Mass. Regt | Died June 17, 1867. | Aged 30 yrs, lO m's. | 29 days. 1980. REUBEN HALL, | Died | Aug. 30, 1867, | Agod 53 y'rs. 4 mo's. Dear Husband, dear father, nozu sivcctly at rest. United forever ivith those that are blest, Nozu an angel in heaven before the zvliite throne, Praising God for His goodness in taking thee home. We miss that szveet smile and loving caress, So fondly bestozued on tliosc yon loved best, But that smile is nozu siueeter and the love is more strong And the angels in chorus have joined your glad song. 1 98 1. GEORGE F. HEMMERLY, | Died [ Sept. 7, 1867 | Aged 2 yrs, 10 nios. 1982. EMMA M. I Dau. of | S. S. & R. M. Rowland | Died Sept. 15, 1867 | Aged 15 y'rs, 12 ds. Affection lives beyond death's dark and zu it he ring zuill. EMMA. I Gone from us [ the child we loved. 1983. Li memory of | NANCY DAVIE, | Born Oct. 30, 1785, I Died Oct. 10, 1867. 1984. In Memory of | MARY C. | wife of | Geokc;e Cooper, ] died Nov. 3, 1867, | AL. 70 years 10 mos. 1985. JULIA. I JULIA S. SHAW, [ Died | Nov. 29, 1867 | Aged 17 y'rs, 6 mo's | & 7 days. 1986. Father & Mother | Caff. LEWIS FINNEY, | Lost at sea, ] Sept. 181 8, | Aged 39 y'rs. | ELIZABETH, | His widow I Dec. 2, 1867, [ Aged 80 y'rs, 3 mos. 1987. In memory of | MY MOTHER | HARRIET T. | Widow of I Samuel J. Jones, | died Dec. 19, 1867, [ Ag^d 62 years, | & 2 mo's. Beloved and lamented. 26o EPITAriTS FROM BURIAL ITTLL. 1988. CHARITY S. I Wife of | Stephen D. Drew, | Died Jan, 25, 1868, I Aged 41 y'rs. 1989. LUCY COTTON JACKSON, ] Wife of | Charles BkcnVN, I Died Feb. 9, 18G8 | aged 69. Hozv sweet to think of peace at last. And feel that death is gain. 1990. PFXHAM FINNEY, | Died | Feb. 12, 1868, | Aged 56 yrs. 7 mos. I WILLIAM H., | PELIIAM W., | CLARA, | ALMIRA J., I Children of | Peliiam & Mary A. Finney. 1 99 1. MARY RKIDLE, | Died | Feb. 14th, 1S6S, | Aged 33 years. 1992. MARGE CALLHAN, | Died | Feb. 25, 1868, | Aged 6[ y'rs. My looyk is with viy God. 1993. HANNAH WESTON, | Died | March 22, 1868, | Aged '^2 y'rs, 4 mo's. 1994. Parted Belo\v. — United Above. | SARAH HOLMh:S, I Died | April i, 1868, | Aged 86 years. 1995. ANSEL HOLMES, | Died { April 2, 1868, | Aged 90 y'rs, II mo's, | 21 days. | P'ATHER. | Parted Belo\v. 1996. ASA A. WHITING | Died j April 29, 1868, | Aged 55 y'''^. I 9 mos. " TJie gift of God is eternal life.'' 199;. WILLIE ^c GF.ORGIF I Sons of | Cait. Wm. & Sarah J. Atwood. ] WILLIAM PlU^LIiY, | Died May 26, 1868. I Aged 18 y'rs, i day. | GEORGh: Hi:Ri51-:RT. | Sup- posed to have been | lost at sea, j Aug. 2, 1867, { Aged 14 y'rs, I I mo. I da)'. 1998. HELEN. 1 II1':LEN M. SHAW, j Died { June 29, 1868, j Aged 18 y'rs, i mo. | & 7 days. EPITAPHS I'ROM PURIAI, 11 1 PL. 261 1999. CATHARIM-: RKIULI':, | Died | Aug. 17th, 1868 \ Aged 6 months. 2000. ZKPIIANTAir BRADFORD, | Died ] Sept. i, 1868 I Aged 69 y'rs, i mo. | 17 days. * 2001. ANTOINETTE, I Wife of | Franklin ]]. IIulmls, I died Sei)t. 25, I 868, | aged 39 y'rs 2 mo's. W'aitijii^ on tlic otlicr shore. 2002. SAMUEL D. BALLARD, | died | Sept. 27, 1.S68, | aged 41 yrs 8 mo. / kiioiv he ivaits beside the i^ate, Juv us to come, on 7' child and me; He'll meet ns when life's day j^rows late, And 7VC, too, cross the billowy sea. Yes, we shall meet in the land above. For heaven is light, and "God is love." 2003. P.I*:TSI':Y, | widow of j William ICllis, | died Oct. 19, 1868, I aged 93 y'rs 3 mos. W^ILLL\M, I Their son | Drowned | Sept. 24, 1837, | aged 22 years. 2004. GI':OR(iE S., 2nd. I Lost at sea I Dec. 15. 1868, | aged 19 y'rs 3 mo's. MARY 11. | died Nov. 22, 1868, | aged 24 y'rs 18 d's. Children of STEVENS & Helena C. Ellis. 2005. CAPT. R015ERT HUTCHINSON. | died | Dec. 27, 1868, I aged 80 y'rs. D1':B0RAH, | His wife | died June 30, 1 82 I, I aged 2S y'rs. ''Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight." 2006. LUCRP:TIA, I Wife of I Capt. Otis Rogers, | died Jan. 10, 1869, I aged 40 y'rs 29 d's. The memory of tJiy name, dear one, Lives in my inmost heart. Linked with a thousand hopes and fears That will not thence depart. :62 EriTAI'llS FROM P.URIAL IITLL 2007. SARAPI, I Wife of | Lewis Perry, | & dau. of | David & Sally Drew, | died Jan. 10, 1869, | aged 65 y'rs 9 mo's. ] V/, a/i — a?2(/ let mc lij^htly tread — She sleeps beneath this stone, Ami %vould have soothed my dying bed, A ad ivept for me when gone. 200S. MARY REITER, j died | Feb. nth, 1869 | aged 12 yrs 6 mos. 2009. SUSAN WESTON, | died | Feb. 27, 1869 | aged 55 yrs 7 mos. | 14 days. ''The memory of the just is blessed." 2010. Our Father | JOSHUA PRATT, | died March 17, 1869, I aged ^^J y'rs 5 mo's. Also his wife | ELENER BOYSE, I died May, 1829, | aged 45 y'rs. God calls 07ir loved ones, but we lose not zcholly J J Via t he has given. They live on earth in thought and deed as truly As in heaven. 2011. Our Mother j MARY A. | Wife of | Joshua Pratt, I Died March 25, 1869, | aged 55 y'rs 5 mo's. Also three infant children. // hath heard the angel zvclcome, Met the friends who've gone before, Robed itself in light and beauty On the radiant spirit shore. There it lives to zvatch and guide us. On our path to sited a light Walk an angel form beside us, Through the shadozvs of the night. 2012. WILLIAM FINNEY I died [ Apr. 13, 1869, | aged 61 yrs 6 mos. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 263 2013. DAVID TURNER. | Died May 14, 1869, | aged 66 yrs I 4 mos. " When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, tlien shall ye also appear ivitJi. him in glory.'" 2014. In memory | LYDIA \V. SIMMONS | died | Feb. 6, 1864. I aged 37 y'rs 10 mo's. GKRSIiOM SIMMONS, | died May2i, 1869, | aged 54 y'rs. IRAETTA | theirdau. | died Apr. 22, 1862, | aged i y'r 7 mo's. 2015. BENJ. BATES, | died | Dec. 21, 1868, | aged 60 y'rs 1 MARTHA I his wife ] died May 29, 1869 | aged 58 y'rs. | I BENJ. F. I their son | died June 17, 1867, J aged 30 y'rs 10 mo's I 29 da)'s. Go}ie but not forgotten. CHRIST IS OUR VICTORY, EVEN HERE. 2016. SUSAN E. VVADSWORTH, | died | July 7, 1869. I aged 38 y'rs. 2017. JESSE H. TURNER, | died [ July 14, 1869, | aged 53 yrs. 2018. HENRYETTA MILLER, | Born | in Germany, | July 22, 1807, I died June 13, 1869. 2019. CAROLINE I Infant child of | CuNRAD & IMagda- LlNE I Shade. | died July 29 | 1869. 2020. REBECCA A. I^ARTLETT, | Daughter of | James, & Mary Bartlett, | Born Aug. 3, 1798, | died Aug. 2, 1869, 2021. SOPHRONIA ALEXANDER | NICKERSON, | died I Sept. 4, 1869, | aged 50 y'rs 4 m's. | 12 days. Meet me in Heaven. 2022. SAMUEL L. ALEXANDER | Died | Sept. 21, 1869, I Aged 69 y'rs. 264 EriTAPIIS FROM BURIAL IITLL 2023. JOAN BRADFORD | Wife of | VVm. Nickerson, ] Died I Oct. 13, 1869, I Aged 61 y'rs, i mo. | & 11 days. A/u/ those dear eyes have shoioi through tears, But never looked unkind. For shattered hopes and troubled years, Still eloser seemed to bind Thy pure and trusting heart to mine, Not for thyself didst thou repine, But all thy husband' s grief zvas tliine, My beautiful, my ivife. 2024. OUR I WILLIE I '^Thy ivill be done on earth as it \ is in Heaven. WILLIAM L. WESTON, | Died Oct. 3 1, 1869, | aged 21 y'rs 6 mo's, | 1 5 days. 2025. ANSELMRICKARD, | Died | Nov. 20,1869, | aged, 71 years. CYNTHIA, I his wife | Died March 6, 1867, | aged 72 yVs. 2026. hXIZABETH S. | Dau. of | Bknj. & Lucy | Bagnell I died Dec. 21, 1869, | aged 32 y'rs 9 mo's. 2027. HIRA BATES, | Died | Jan. 13, 1870, | aged 50 y'rs 6 mo's 29 days. 2028. EBENEZER N, BRADFORD, | Killed on Rail road, I at Copetown, Canada, | Jan. 28, 1870. He giveth his beloved sleep. On liack of stone is the following: Born Oct. 31, 1S36. 2029. In memory of | PRISCILLA TUFTS | died | April 9, 1870 I aged 72 years. 2030. In memory of | OUR MOTHER | MARY ANN, | Widow of I George W. Callaway, | died Apr. 20, 1870, ) aged 65 y'rs. 9 mo's | 16 da}^s. Though I "walk through the valley of the shadoiv of death I will fear no evil; for thou art ivith we, thy rod and thy staff they cotnfort me. EPITAPHS FROM RURTAL HILL. 2G5 2031. Mv Husi-.AND I CAPT. ALBERT HOLMES | died \ June 4, 1S70, I ac^ed 48 years. Lifcs uncertain, death is sure, Sins the zvotaid, and Christ the cure. 2032. FATHER & MOTIIKR | JOHN l^ARTLI^TT I Died I June 12, 1870, I ai^cd 71 y'rs. CAROLINI-: | His wife | Died May 31, 1 846, | aged 46)'ears. | Gone Home. 2033. FATIIER I CAPT. COOMER WICSTON, | died July 7, 1870, aged 85 y'rs 8 mo's. 2034. WHTJAM E. PARNP:S, | Died | Aug. 27, 1870, | J\L. 34 yrs 8 nio's | i 5 days. God calls our loved ones, but loe lose no li'holly What He hath given; They live on earth, in thoug/it and deed, as truly As in his Heave//. 2035. BETSEY HOPART. | died Aug. 29. 1870, aged 78 y'rs. I & former wife of | JOSHUA 1T^:RKINS | who died Feb. 9, 1820, I aged 34 y'rs. And their children | BirPSEV M. | died Nov. 16, 1837, aged 26y'rs. J.AMES A. | died Nov. 22. 1840, aged 26 y'rs. CHARLES T. | died June 8, 1842, aged 24 y'rs. I Gone before. 2036. PRINCE DOTEN, | died | Nov. 11, 1870, | aged 89 years. | He has gone to tJie land of the blest. We shall meet beyond the river. 2037. HORACE. I PIORACE, | Son of Tv(^kv L. & Re- becca B. Harlow. | Died Nov. 29, 1870, j Aged 23 y'rs 3 nio's. 2038. NANCY K. ! Wife of Lewis PAI.^^■R, | Died Dec. 14, 1870, I aged 52 yrs. 1 1 mos. | & 6 ds. WEEP NOT. Siueet IV as her life — exceeding s^iveet, To deeds of kindness given; A rounded life — by love complete And bearing her to heaven. 266 EPITAPHS FROM r,URTAL HILL. 2039. WM. BREWSTER BARNES, | Died | Dec. 14, 1870, I Aged 59 y'rs 10 m's. An affectionate Husband and Father. 2040. DAVID C. HOLMES | Died | Dec. 21 1870 | Aged 69 years. 2041. CHARLES TUFTS, | l^orn July 29, 1803. | Died Jan. 22, 1 87 1. Blessed are the dead ivhich die in tlie Lord. 2042. BETSEY HAYWARD | Wife of | Michael Hudge, Died Feb. 27, 1871, | Aged 84 y'rs 8 mo's. 2043. SAMUEL ALEXANDER, | Died | March 30, is7i j Aged 91 y'rs, 2 m's, j 23 days. Blessed are the dead zoho die in the Lord. 2044. JACOB T. MORTON | Died | May 4, 1871, j Aged 8- }-rs. 1 LYDLY, \ His Wife | Died May 15, 1833, I Aged 53 years. 2045. THOMAS COLGAN, | Born in | King's Co., Ireland, I Nov. 6, 1825, I Died Sept. ii, 1871. | JOHN, | Son of | Thomas & Axn Colgan, ] Died Dec. 12, 1861, | Aged 4 y'rs. ^Lay they rest in peace. 2046. MARTHA HOLMES, | Died | Oct. 17, 1871, | Aged 90 yrs 3 mo's | 12 days. | MOTHER. | UNITED Above. 2047. MARY T. HOLiMES. I Died ] Oct. 21, 1871, | Aged 95 y rs, 5 mo's | 19 days. Blessed are tlic dead ivhich die in tlie Lord. 2048. JAMES H. BURNS, | Locomotive | Fireman, killed at I his post of duty, | during the inundation | of Rowley Marshes, | Nov 15, 1871. | Son of James & | Marv BURNS. | 2 I yrs. 6 mo's. Erected by the Eastern R. R. Co. 2949. In memory of I LYDIA, | wife of | Dani EL GoDDARD I died J Dec. 9, I 86 1, \ Aged 65 y'rs. | 4 mos. El'ITAI'IlS FROM UURIAL HILL. 267 > . 2050. IIARRIP:T OTIS, | wife of I AiiRAHAM Jackson, | Died Jan. 21, 1873 | Ai. 74. 2051. CHARLES A. | Son of | Edward & Sai.ixa | Doi'K.V, I Died Mar. 23, 1872, | Ag;ed 23 y'r 2 nio's. 2052. AIICRCV, I His wife I Died April 10, 1872, | Ac^ed 96 y'rs. I JF//i' 0/ Ca[^t. Sctli Morton. 2053. CATHARINl':, j Wife of | JamksT. Tauldino | Died May 7, 1872, j Aged 46 y'rs, 6 nios. 2054. JAAH^S KENDRICK | Died | May 18, 1872, | Aged 51 y'rs, 10 mo's, | 18 da\'s. | HATTIl'^ 1^. | Dii'd Eeh. 22, 1864 I Aged 3 days. | Dan. of Ja.mks & I\lraxore Kendrick. Rest, kind Husband and Father, rest, Until t/ie trump of God shall sonnd. When thon shall be raised to i^'lorj, Immortality i^nd eternal life, To dwell with God, and thy loved of earth, To part no more. 2055. SARAH DREW | Wife of | Abbot Drew | Died [ May 18, 1872, I Aged 54 )'rs, i mo. 2056. REBECCA CHURCHILL, | died | Sept. 15, 1872; | aged 84 y'rs, | I i mo's. Not slothful in hnsiness; ferve)it in Spirit, serving the Lord. — Romans XII, II. 2057. JOHN B. WILLIAMS | Died | Oet. 9, 1872, [ Aged 2058. LUCY, I Wife of I Ivory Harlow, 1 Died Oct. i8, 1872, I Aged 88 y'rs, | 10 mo's. 2059. MOTHER. I BELINDA T. [ Wife of | Daniel H Sears, 1 Died Oct. 21, 1872, j y\ged 58 y'rs, 2 mo's. | 15 days. 2060. MERCY B. LOVICLL. [ Wife of | Leander Lovell, I Born April 22, 1796 | Died Nov. 6, 1872. 268 EPITAPHS FROM PURIAL HILL. 2061. MERCY STURTKVANT | Died | Nov. 12, 1872, \ A.qcd 78 y'rs, 5 mo's, | 15 days. | MERCY A. | Her dau. | Died July 19, 1839, I Aged 23 y'rs, 3 mo's. 2062. JOHN KING, Jr., | Feb. 4, 1S73, | Aged 63 'yrs | 7 mos. 2063. MARTHA T. | Died Feb. 18, 1872. | Aged 19 y'rs 3 mo's. I NinJJE F. I Died Jan. 21, 1873, ] Aged 11 y'rs, 5 mo's. I WHJJE ]). I Died Sept. 18, i860, \ Aged 4 y'rs, 2 mo's. WTELIE L. ! Died Aug. 10, 1855, | Aged 11 mo's. | Children of Thomas & M. A. Collingwood. Dear Children gone to rest. On Canaan liappy sliorc; And wc hope to meet again. Where parting zvill be no more. 2064. Father & Mother. | WHXIAM C. GREEN. | Died Oct. 18, 1846, I Aged 40 yrs. | MARCIA C. | his wife | Died Mar. 9, 1873. | Aged 78 y'rs, 6 mo's. WJiy do we monrn departed friends. Or shake at death's a/arms. ' Tis but the voiee that Jesus sends, To eall them to his arms. 2065. ICHABOD SHAW, | Died | March 20, 1873, | Aged 69 years. | MARY SAMPSON, | Wife of Ichap.od Shaw | I Died May 18, 185 I, | Aged 47 y'rs. | MARY ELIZABETH 1 Died June 23, 1858, | Aged 27 y'rs. | REBECCA BART- LETT, I Died April 16, 1859, | Aged 25 y'rs. | Daughters of IcHAPOD I & Mary S. Shaw. 2066. SAMUEL B. RAYMOND, | Died | April 3, 1S73, | Aged 43 y'rs, 5 mo's, | 23 days. Husband, tlioii art gone to rest, Tliv sins are all forgiven. And saints in light have loeleomed thee, To Joy the shares oj Heaven. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 269 2067. ALLEN HATHAWAY | Co K. | 99 N. Y. Rcgt. | Died June 3, 1873 | Aged 71 y'rs 20 d's. 2068. LEMUEL D. HOLMES, | Died | June 4, 1S73. | Aged 75 y'rs 4 nio's. | POLLY, | his wife | Died Sept. 13, 1866 I Aged 65 y'rs i mo. | MARY E. | their dau. | Died Dec. 30, 1832, I Aged 4 y'rs 2 mo's. 2069. Mrs.LYDIA KEYES, I Died | Nov. 18, 1861, | Aged 89 y'rs. I Miss LYDIA KEYES, | Died June 30, 1873, | Aged 75 y'rs. 2070. SALLY C. ERLAND | Widow of | Henry Erland, I Died Sept. 30, 1873, | Aged 78 y'rs 3 mo's. | 13 days. Entered into rest. 2071. ELLIS ROGERS | Died | Nov. 27, 1873. | Aged 64 y'rs & 6 mo's. 2072. SUSAN I Wife of | Prince Doten | Died Jan. 25, 1874, I Aged 86 y'rs. 2073. Eatiier & Mother | LEONARD SNOW, | Died | March 7, 1874. | Aged 76 y'rs, 5 mo's. | MARIA, | His wife j Died Sept. 30, 1870, | Aged 72 y'rs, ii mo's. ''When Christ ivlio is onr life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory." 2074. RUTH 1 Wife of | John Perry, | Born Feb. 24, 181 1, I Died June 18, 1874. Safe in the arms of Jesns. 2075. Father & Mr)TnER | JABEZ SWIFT, | Died [ Marcli 14, 1865, I Aged 47 y'rs, 6 mo's. | LUCY B. | His wife I Died July 2, 1874, ] Aged 54 y'rs, 10 mo's. Loved ones wc shall meet and rest Mid the holy and the blest. 2076. BETSEY HOLMES, | Died | Sept. 5, 1874, | Aged 86 y'rs, ] 5 mo's. Died in Faith. 2/0 EriTAniS FROM BURIAL HILL. 2077. In memory of | ANN GOODWIN BOUTELLE ] wlio died I Oct. 2, 1874, I Aged 89 y'rs. " yc'sus said iiJilo licy, I am the resurrection and t/ie life." 2078. ABIGAIL, 1 Wife of | Charles Churchill, | Died Nov. 8, 1874, I Aged yy y'rs, 5 mo's, | 3days. 2079. Husband. | LEWIS H. WRITTEN, | Died | Nov. 24, 1874, I Aged 43 y'rs, 7 mo's. Waiting on the other shore. 2080. LUCY, I Wife of j CHARLES Nelson, | Died Nov. 26, 1S74, 1 Aged 69 y'rs, 11 mo's. 2081. MARIA S. DIMAN, | Died | Jan. 15, 1875, | Aged 38 y'rs, 8 mo's. | 23 days. Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep ! From ivhich none ever ivake to weep. 2082. ADELINE W. I Wife of | Freeman W. Rickard, | Died Jan. 18, 1875, | Aged 49 y'rs. 18 d'ys. S/ic has go>ie to heaven- before us. But she tiiriis and waves Iter hand, Pointing to the glories o'er us In that happy spirit la?id. 20.83. SARAH J. j Died | Feb. 5. 1875, \ Aged 66 y'rs, | Daughter of | Capt. | SOLOMON Davek. 2084. ANTONIE FRANK. | Died Feb. T9th. | A. D. 1875, I Aged 6"^ years. 2085. 1<:UNICE, 1 Wife of RuFus Churchill, | Died | March 25, 1875, | Aged | 97 y'rs, 11 mo's. 2086. LYDIA L. CHURCHILL, | Died | April 28, 1875, 1 Aged 81 y'rs. 2087. EMMA E. I Dau. of | William & Jane | Stephens, I Died Sept. 11, 1875, j /E 21 y'rs, 7 mo's, | 20 days. The viemorv of thy loveliness Shall round our every pathioay smile, Like moonlight where the sun has set, A sweet a/ul tender radiance yet. KPITAl'IIS FROM TiURTAI. HILL. 2/1 2088. DANIEL DEACON, | Died | March 13, 1842, | Aged siy'rs. | POLLY T. | His widow | Died Sept. 28, 1875. | Aged 82 y'rs. | SUSAN A. | Their daughter, | Died May 22, 1836, I Aged 3 y'rs. 2089. Husband. | BENJAINHN GODDARD, | Born | March 3, 1813, | Died Oct. 15, 1875. I ANN E. GODDARD, | Born Sept. i, 1841, | Died Aug. 3, 1842. Beloved ones rest in peace. 2090. THOMAS T. JACKSON, | Born | Sept. 11, 1798. Died I Jan. 4, 1876. 2091. HIVING B. I Son of | H. & F. M. \ Holmes, | Died Jan. 21, 1876, I Aged 3 y'rs, 4 mos. 2092. NANCY B. I Dau. of | Eltzatieth & Willl\m | Rogers, | Died Feb. 3, 1876 | Aged 69 y'rs, 7 mos. | 4 days. 2093. KATIE B. I Daughter of | WiLLL\M & C. \\. \ Bishop | Died Apr. 2, 1876, | Aged 15 y'rs, | 10 mos. 2094. MEHITABLE HOLMES | Born | March 2, 181 i, | Died I May 9, 1876. Safe in the arms of Jcstis. 2095. In memory of I ELIZABETH H. CHURCHILL | Died June 22, 1876, ] yE. ""] y'rs, 9 mos, | He raiseth up the sonl and ligJitencth the eyes: He givcth health, life, and blessing. 2096. NANCY F. I Wife of ] John A. Morse, | Died July 9, 1876, I Aged 63 y'rs, | 22 days. 2097. EDWARD W. WATSON | Born on | Clark's Iskuid, I Dec. 17, 1797, I Died Aug. 8, 1876. 2098. REBECCA RUSSELL | Died | Aug. 26, 187G, | Aged "/G y'rs, i mo. ] 12 days. 2099. F.VTHER & Mother. | ABRAHAM T. DUNHAM, j Died I Aug. 23, 1847, | Aged 60 y'rs | PATIENCE, | iiis widow I Died Sept. 23, 1876, | Aged 73 y'rs, 9 mos. 272 EriTAPIIS FROM BURIAL HILL. 2100. LEWIS TERRY [ Died | Oct. 11, 1876, | Aged 78 y'rs, 7 mo's. jc's//s can make a dying bed Feci soft as doivny pilloivs are. While on Iiis breast I lean my head. And breath my life out szcectly there. 2101. BEULAH SIMMONS | Died, | Nov. 28, 1876, | Aged 74 y'rs, 2 mos. | 28 days. 2102. SALLY C. I Wife of | David Warren, | Died Feb. 13, 1877, I Aged 75 y'rs, 9 mo's, | 6 days. 2103. OLIVr: FAUNCE, I Wife of | Peleg Faunce, | Died March 22, 1877, | Aged jj years. At Rest. 2104. JOSEPH B. WHITING, | Died | July 2, 1877, \ Aged I 36 y'rs, 4 mo's. 2105. Wife. | LUCY, | Wife of | Benjamin Goddard, | Born Jan. 10, 1S14, | Died Jul\' 24, 1877. Gone home to enjoy the promised rest. 2106. ]\HNERVA, I Wife of | Samuel W. Bagnell, | Died Dec. 8, 1877, | Aged 82 }''rs, 4 mo's, | 8 days. 2107. ISAAC J. LUCAS, I Born | July 3, 1797, | Died Dec. 20, 1877, I Aged 80 y'rs, 5 mo's, | 17 days. Trusting in Jesus. 2io8. ELIAS COX, I Died | Jan. 20, 1878, | Aged 79 y'rs, j 1 1 mo's. 2109. WILLIAM SWIFT, | Co. E. | 29 Mass. Regt. | Died Fel). iiS, 1878, I Aged 52 y'rs. 2! 10. In memory of | SILVANUS CHURCHILL, | Died Marci\ 2, J 878, I Ai. 81 y'rs, 8 mo's. / 7L'iI/ hiiul Up that lohieli is broken and strcngtJien tJiat luhieh is 7vcak. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 273 21 I I. 1':LIZA a. WILLIAMS, | Died ] May 5, 1878, | Aged 45 y'rs, | 9 mo's. 21 12. In memory of | MRS. POLLY BARTLETT, | Wife of I Ansel Bartleit, | Died June 23, 1878, [ Aged 95 y'rs, 9 mo's. 21 13. MERCY C. I Wife of | Samuel Elliot, | Died | July 8, 1878, I Aged 71 y'rs. 21 14. HARRISON FINNEY, ] Died | July 27, 1878, | Aged 64 y'rs 4 mo's, | 1 1 days. 2115. HANNAH. I Widow of I Nathaniel Barnes, | Died Aug. 12, 1878, | Aged i^T, y'rs, 7 mo's, | 33 days. 2116. LEVONZO D. BARNES, | Co. B. | 3 Mass. Regt. | Died Aug. 30, 1878, | Aged 62 y'rs, I mo. 21 17. JOHN S. PAINE, I Died | Sept. 29, 1878, | Aged 89 y'rs, 7 mo's, | 24 days. | SUSAN B. \ Dau. of John S. & | Susan W. Paine, | Died Oct. 19, 1835, | Aged 4 mo's. 21 18. PELEG FAUNCE, | Dca. First | Baptist Church. | Died Oct. 3, 1878, I Aged 80 years. /;/ /w/>e. 21 19. FREDDIE A. | Died | March 20. 1858, /E. 15 mo's | MINNIE S. I Died j Jan. 28, 1862, | Ai. 7 mo's & 14 d';^. | I'^ZRA C. I Died Sept. i, 1862, | /E. 7 yrs, 4 mo's. | & 22 d's. I Children of DANIEL, | & SuSAN E. CuRRlER. Treasures to their parents j^iveii IHanted 0)1 earth to bloom in Heaven. EZRA CHURCHALL | Died | April 11, 1832, | In his 2Sih year, j SUSAN A. | his wife | died Oct. 18, 1878, | /P^. 70 yrs. 3 m's. [ 7d's. I DANIEL CURRIER. | SUSAN E. | Wife of | 274 EPITAPIIS FROM 15URIAL HILL. Daniel Currier | & daughter of Ezra, & Susan A. Church- all I Died April i8, 1S64, | Al. 32 yrs, 11 d's. AltJiongli her earthly sun has set, Its lii^ht sJiall linger round us yet, Pure — radiant — blest! 2120. BETSEY, I Widow of | Mosks IIoyt, | Died Jan. 3, 1S79, I Aged 88 y'rs. 4 mos. | CROSBY, | their son | Died Sept. 23, 1857, I Aged 42 y'rs. 2 12 1. ADDIE I Dau.of I AiiBOTT & I'^etsey | Drew | Died Eeb. 15, 1S79, I Aged | 37 y'rs. 6 ms. 20 ds. 2122. LEANDER LOVELL, | Born, ] March 9, 1799, 1 Died I Oct. I, 1879. 2123. EDWARD SOUTH WORTH j Died | Feb. 7, 1863, | Aged 93 y'rs. 5 mos. | 20 days. | RUTH V>. \ His wife | Died May 8, 1S79. | Aged loi y'rs. 10 mos. | 13 days. 2124. SALLY H. I Wife of | Zephaniaii Bradford [ Died Oct. 24, 1879, I Aged 81 }'r's. i mo. | 23 days. -> \ '> \ 125. WHJJAM K. I Son of | William & I^arpara [ HEM^^■:RLV, | Died in Boston, ] Feb. 8, 1880, ] Aged 21 y'rs, 4 nio's, I I days. 2126. ABIGAIL, I Widow of | Capt. John Virgin [ whose earthly life | closed Feb. 13, 1880, | Aged '^J y'rs, 7 mo's | 16 days. " Blessed are the pure in heart." 2127. ZILPAH, j Wife of Henrv Rickard, | Died May 8, 1880, I Aged 50 y'rs, 9 mo's, | 18 days. Divided I'elozi', United above. 2128. Mother, | MARY A. | Wile of [ Leavitt Imvnev | Died j Aug. 5, 1880. | Aged 65 y'rs, 8 mo's, | 29 da>-s. Not lost blest thought but gone before, Where ive shall meet to part no more. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 275 2129. IRENE HARLOW, | Dau. of | Ellis & Mellxda | Roc.KRS, I Died Aug. 16, 1880, | Aged 25y'rs,4 m'os, | 24 da's. Resting, siuectly resting. 2130. JAMES T. PAULDING, | Co. B. 3 Mass. Regt. | Died Aug. 19, 1880. | Aged 59 y'rs. 2131. RUBY F. I Wife of Samuel R. Dicks(W, | Died | Aug. 25, 1880, I Aged 68 y'rs. 2132. NANCY HOLMES. | Wife of | James Cox. | Bern Feb. 17, 1803, I Died Sept. 13, 1880. 2133. FRANKLIN B. HOLMES, ] Died | Oct. 23, 1880, 1 Aged 55 y'rs, 9 nio's, | & 22 d'ys. 2134. IvEBECCA D. I Wife of | Granville Griffin, | Died I April 9, 188 I, j Aged 72 years, 24 d'ys. Gone but tiot forgotten. 2135. Ann, I ANN M. WESTON, | Died [ Aug. 3. 1881, I Aged 68 y'rs, 2 nio's. 2136. CHARLES CHURCHILL, | Died | Oct. 9, 1881, | Aged 89 y'rs, 29 d'ys. 2137. RHODA C. DAVIE, | Died ' Oct. 11, 1881, | Aged 86 years, ] i nio's. Rest for the toiling hand, Rest for the anxious broiv, Rest for the zoeary ivayivorn feet, Rest from all labor nozv. 2 1 38. GEORGE H. DREW, | Woxw \ Oct. 21, 1808, i D:rd Nov. 23, 188!, I Aged "l y'rs, i mo, | & 2 d'ys. 2139. REV. ISAAC WETHRELL, | Son of | TiiOMA.^ & Naxc:v [Shaw] | Wlfiirell, | Born in Plymouth, Octo'. er 24, 1806, I Died in Boston | November 30, 1 88 1. Reqniescat in pace. 276 EriTATIIS FROM r.UKIAL HILL. 2140. Al^BOT DREW | Died | Dec. 3, 1881, [ Aged J 80 y'rs. 8 nio's, i 8 ds. 2 141. IIusiiANi). ! FREEMAN W. RTCKARl), ] Died | Jan. 2 1, 1882. I Aged Cy~ y'rs, | 9 ino's, 10 ds. 2142. IlAXXAii. I JIANNAII D. BOURASSO, | Died | Feb'y. 20, 1882, | Aged 73 y'rs, 3 mo's, j & 19 d'ys.. 2143. CAROEINE A. PERRY, | Daughter of | Pf.I.kg & Ol.lXH Faunce, I Died March 2, 1882, | Aged 48 years, 9 ino's. WITH CHRIST. 2144. KEZIAII D. I Wife of | Rop.ert Swixrurn, | Died Mar. 26, 1882, I Aged ^^ y'rs. 4 mos. | & i i d'ys MOTHER ^^ Dear ivifc and mother^ To lis you have done your ditty, N^oiv lie here and res/, It zvas God' s will to take you from us, For he k)iew ivhat zaas best. 2145. SALLY BRADFORD. I Daughter of | Nathaniel & Rei;ecca I Bradford. | Died April 19, 1882 | Aged 99 y'rs 3 mos. I I I das. ''Site loas the last of t/te sixth generation in direct descent from the Pilgrim Governor.'' — WiLLlAM BRADFORD. 2146. ANSl'.L II. ILARLOW. | 15orn | Dec. i, 1804. | Died I May 21, 1882. 2147. Iora | Aug. 8, 1804, | Died | Dec. 16, 1882. I Aged 78 y'rs. 4 ms. | 8 da)'s. ElMTAPIIS FROM IJUKIAI, III I.I,. 2/7 2150. ELIZA H. CLARK, | Dau. of | the Late Capt. Joiix I & ALvKV Roberts Clark, | Died Dec. 23, 1SS2. | Ai^ed 78 y'rs, i nio, | & 10 d'ys. " / am the Resurrection and tlic Life." 215 1. JOSEPH HOLMES, | Co. F. | 32 Rcgt. Mass. Vols. I Died Mar. 7, 1883, | Aged 59 y'rs, 4 nio's, | 7 days. 2152. i860 I MORTOX. I CATHARINE B. | Wife of ] Seth Morton | Died | July 8, 1883, j Aged | JJ years I mo. 2153. " Oh for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice t/iat is still. LUCY N. [MoirroxX] | the beloved wife of | Edward Hatii- AWAV I Born in Carver, | Aug. 15, 1821, | Died Aug. I I, 1883. I AL 62 y'rs, 11 mo's, 27 ds. " Turn those dear eyes. Once so beiiignant to me, upon mine. That open to their tears such uncontrolled And such continued issue. Still a^vhilc Have patience ; I zvill come to thee at last. A few more prayers, a feiv more tears, And the long agony of life luill end, And I shall be ivith thee. If I am 'ivanting. To thy well being, as thou art to mine Have patience, I will come to thee at last. 2154. Parted below, United above. | PRISCHXA [WHIT- ING,] I the affectionate wife of | EDWARD IlA'niAWAV, [ P)orn in Bucksport, Me. | October 22, 181 8, | Died June 29. 1842; | /E 23 y'rs, & 9 mo's. " Fareivell dear zvife, until that day more blest When if deserving, I zvith thee shall rest ; U'ith thee shall rise, zvith thee shall live above, « I// zvorlds of endless bliss and boundless love. 2155. I love thee. MARY 15. C. | wife of j James Morton I Died Sci)t. 12, 1883, I Aged 66 years, | 11 mo's. '78 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL / lean ocr tlicc my Best Beloved, Jlfv heart on thy heart lay, I lean o' cr thee and do ivccp, For the time to eome for ns to meet. 2156. SAMUEL TALBOT, | Died ] Sept. 28, 18S3, | Aged 88 y'rs, 2 mo's, j 14 da}'.s. 2157. CAPT. HARVEY WESTON, ] Died | July 7, 1876, I Aged 84 yearb. | SALLY C. | His wife | Died Oct. 21, 1883. I Aged 83 years. | SARAH E. ] Their Dau. [ Died May 12, 1858, I Aged 18 years. 2158. ADONHIAM J. HOLMES. I Co E. | 32 Regt. Mass. Vols. I Died Nov. 15, 1883, | Aged 68 y'rs, 3 m's, | 6 days. 2159. LUCY EMILY | Dau. of | Benj. & Lucy Bagnell, I Died Jan. 2, 1884, | Aged 61 y'rs, 4 mo's. He give til his beloved sleep. 2160. SETH MORTON, | Died | Jan. 6, 1884, | Aged | Z6 years i mo. 2 161. WILLIAM NICKERSON ] Died \ January 15, 1884 I Aged 79 y'rs. 1 1 mo. j ii days. At Rest. 2162. Father & Mother | JACOB HOWLAND | Died | June 3, 1876, I Aged 82 y'rs. 8 mos. | SALLY, | His wife j Died Jan. 20, 1884, | Aged 88 y'rs. 4 mos. | Also, | WILLIE | LIZZIE 1 WILLIE. 2163. ABIGAIL BROWN JUDSON. | born in March 21, 1791, I died in Plymouth, Jan. 25, 1884. See ante, pages 156 and 205. Miss Judson was the danghter of Rev. Adonirnni and AI)igail (Brown) Judson, born in Maiden, Mass., and was sister of Rev. Adoni- rani Judson, L).I)., missionary to Burmah. 2164. Husband, | K. of P. | JOHN W. PERRY. | Died Feb. 9, 1884. I Aged 45 years. | 5 mos. 2165. ELIZABETH, | Wife of | Isaac Sampson | Born | June 19, 1795 I Died | February 22, 1884. EPITAniS FROM F.URIAI, IIII.T,. 279 2166. ELTZA O. I Wife of | Elias Cox, | Died Feb. 24, 1884 I Aged 81 y'rs. 4 mo's. | i i days. 2167. CATHERINE B. | Wife of | William Bisiiol | Died I July 16, 1884, ! Aged 57 y,rs 3 ni'os. 21C8. JOHN A. GOODWIN | Died at Lowell, Sept. 21, 1884. I aged 60 years. Hie noil corpus scd illi locus carissinms. See No. 1041, ante. Hon. John Ai;i!Ott Goodwin was son of Isaac and Eliza (Hammett) Goodwin, born 1S24, and resided in Lawrence, Mass., where he was edi- tor of a newspaper. Removed from that city to Lowell. Mass., in 1S54, and was connected with the well known paper called Vox Popiili, also editor of the Lowell Courier. Represented the city of Lowell in the Legislatures of 1857, 1S59, and was Speaker of the House in 1S60 and 1861. Postmaster at Lowell from 1.S61 to 1874, besides filling other local oftices. He was deeply interested in historical studies, and has given to the public the results of his labors in his work entitled, "The Pil- grim Republic," an excellent work on the early history of the Old Colony, for which he had a special adaptation. He died at Lowell, Mass , Sept. 21, 18S4, universally respected by those who knew him, and lies buried on this hill, which he took a great interest in. 2169. WILLIAM WESTON | Born | Jidy 19, 1S19, | Died I Oct. 18, 1884. 2170. PRISCILLA D. WASHBURN, | Daughter of | George and Priscilla Washburn, | Died Dec. 31, 1863; | Aged 33 y'rs. & 11 mo. | PRISCILLA | Wife of | George Washburn | Died March 7, 1885, | Aged 81 y'rs. 2171. Father. | LEAVITT FINNEY. | Died | June 3, 1885, I Aged 72 y'rs. 4 mos. | 29 days. No pain, no grief , no anxious fear Can reach the peaceficl sleeper here. 2172. NATHANIEL DOTY | Died | Dec. 9, 1872, | Aged 63 y'rs. 2 inos. ] JOANNA | His wife | Died | Sept. 5, 1885, | Aged 59 y'rs. 10 mos, 2173. JOHN T. HALL | June 6, 18 19. | Sept. 21, 1885 | / shall be satisfied, when I aivake zvith thy likeness. 2174. FANNY EDDY, | Widow of ] Capt. Robert Davie I Born 1 Aug. 11, 1804, | Died ] Oct. 16, 18S5. -8o EriTAIIIS FROM r.URIAL HILL. 2175. RICHARD BAGXKLL, [ Died | March 4, 1S6S, | .\gcd (:>■] \-cars. | LYDIA, | His wife | Died Dec. 10, 1885, | Aged 83 years. 2176. JOHN R. DAVIS, I Died | Dec. 28, 1885, | Aged 73 }',rs, 10 Ill's, I loda\-s. He died in the hope of d g!oi'i(>HS rescrreetioii. 2177. RF.HFXCA W. I Widow of I Capt. JcsKiMi W. CoL- I.TNCrM'OOl), I iJied Oct. 29. 1886, ] Aged 70 y'rs, 11 nio's, | 4 days. " Her children shall rise up and call Jier blessed!' 2178. SETPI Mc GLAUTHLIN, | 1 812— 1869. | I'RIS- CILLA, I His wife [ 1813— 18S6. 2179. WIFE. No sill, fioiii-ief, no pain, Safe in my happy home. EMELINE A. I Wife of ] Lj-avis H. VViiitten. | Died | Jan. 13, 1887, I Aged 54 y'rs, 4 nio's, | 15 days. RUSSELL. 2180. On the, 1()]i of this liill, not f;ir fi'om tlic moiiumeiil, of Gover- nor Jh'iidfor(h may be seen ;i granite liouldcr, l)rou;j,ht from ihc pine, lulls of " Manomct," 011 which is neatly cut the followini; inscription : THOMAS RUSSELL, r.ORN, Sei"']'. 26, 1825, DIED, E>:]!, 9, 1887. Hon. Thomas Russeli., was the son of Thumas and Maiv Ann ((loodvvin) Ku^SL■ll, ot Plvnioulh, born Septendsor 26, 1S25. His early home was on Leytlen Street, the first Street of the Pilgrim Fathers, and liere he received his earliest im- pressions of tlie trials and endurance of the founders of New England, and com- menced earlv in life to iionor the histcjry t)f their lives in which he ahvavs took a lively interest. ]''ioni early boyhood he was of a livel v turn of mind, (|uiid<, biight and active, aiul a good scholar, receiving his edn(ation in the excel t nt scliools wliich ids native village afforded; lie entered Harvard College at an e.irl\- age, Irom wlience lie graduated in 1845, with high honors. He studied law at Harvard Law EPrrAi'iis FROM r.URiAi. Tin. I,. School, and in the office of Hon. Jacob II. Loud at Plym'imli, till 1847, when lie became a resident of Boston, and was a member of the Suffolk bir. Although a citizen of another municpiality he never ceased to remember the town of his nativity, and was active in promoting the interests of her citizens, and the historical associa- tions connected with the old mother town. Me was chosen i)resident of the Pilgrim Society in 1S79, to succeed Hon. William T. Davis, and retained that position till his death. He was also instrumental in having inscribed upon the rcjck on Clark's Inland the words, " On the Sabboth day wee rested," in remembrance of the first Sabbath spent on the shore by the Pilgrims. Judge Russell did not i)ractice his chosen profession long, for in 1853, at the early age of 27 years, Governor Houtwell appointed him Judge of the Municipal Court of IJoston, a position which he filled with such general satisfaction that, in 1S59, (jov- crnor Hanks selected him as a proper person for Associate Justice of the Su[)eiior Court, where he remained luitil 1S67. I^ ^^'^^ while he occupied tlic judicial chair of this court tliat he displayed those traits of firmness in his convictions and good judg- ment which were prominent characteristics belonging to him as a m;>gi.>-trate. Among the many good things the judge did while in tlie fearless discharge of his duties was the record he made in putting down g.irrotting in the streets of I'oston. His sentence to the extent of the law was so promptly given that a reign of terror soon followed among all who were disposed to commit crimes of that nature, the in- iluence of which has lasted to the present time. In 1S66 lie resigned his position on the bench to become collector of tlie port of Boston, which position lie held until 187.^, when he resigned, and was soon after appoinied by President Craiit Min- ister Resident at Caracas, Venezuela, where he remained till Mnrcli, 1S7S. In 1S79 he represented Boston in the Massachusetts Legislature, and became an influential and useful memlier of that body. In June, 1S79, he was appointed by Governor Talbot liailroad Commissioner, a position he filled, as chairman of the board, at the time of his death. Besides the foregoing, lie occupied many other ]3ositions of honor and trust. In iS;'8 he was President of the Emigrant Savings Bank, and was an Overseer of Harvard College, a Trustee of the State Reform School and the Nautical School Sh\p, and during the war was a Draft Commissioner, and was intensely loyal to the Union, and always looked after the interests of the soldier, prompt and patriotic in all his acts. Judge Russell was of a kindly disposition, genial temperament, and had many social traits that won for him hosts of friends; of much original wit and humor, a wonderful conversationalist, full of varied information acquired by extensive reading. His humanity was large, and his love of liberty was such that it was not strange that we find him identified with such men as Garrison, Phillips, Andrews, and others in the Anti-Slavery cause, and a leader in the Free Soilers' ranks. Upon the occasion of the visit of General Grant to Plymouth, it was Judge Russell's privilege, as President of the Pilgrim Society, to receive the CJencral, and place in his hand the sword of Captain Myles Standish. lie saw the bright side of life, and enjoyed it. He was, indeed, eminent as spe- cialist, jurist, statesman, and orator. Among his best elfoits as a public orator was the occasion of the obsequies of General Grant, August 8, 1SS5, by Post 76, G. A. R. "which was an eloquent, appropriate and fitting eulogy upon tiie great Chieftain." His last public address was upon the occasion of the Anniversary of the Pilgrim Societv at a dinner at whicli Hon. James Russell Lowell was present, December 21. 1S85. He was a member of Mt. Lebanon Lodge, A. F. and A.M., Boston, and had 2^2 EriTAl HS I'ROM BURIAL HILL. spokeii at a great many asseniblies, and wns well known in political, judicial and social circles of Boston, as well as thrdugliout the .'^tnte. His death took place Feb- riKirv 9, 1SS7, at his In nie, 20 Ilanock Street, in ISoston, and in accordance with his oft rti)eated desire to be burietl on ISurial Hill, his request was granted. B. K. 2i.\R\I':S, I Died Oct. 6, 1836, I A^^^ed 21 \'rs, 6 mo's. " /'",'/■ if IOC biHcvc thai Jcsiis died and rose attain, even so them also \ohich sleep in Jesus will (lod brint^' zoith hint." 2206. CIIAKROTTI": A. I Dan-hter of j A.niioriAv 1'.i;tsi-.v I DRIAV, j Died Jiil>- 5, 18.1.3, I Ai,u;d 5 }''rs, 10 m's, 18 d's. 220;. r1':tsi:y ciiURc:iiiid., Wifeof ai^ik)ttdriav | Died I Mar. 2, I 848. ] A;4ed 43 y'rs. 2208. WILLIAM Nh:LSON | Died | Nov. 16, 1S48, | Alfred 3 y'rs, 9 mo's. | Son of j I. & M. S. PlKRCE. See No. 161 2, page 212. 2209. MISS ALARY HARLOW | Died | Nov. 17, 1848, | Aued 86 \' 'rs. EPITAPHS FROM PURIAL HILL 22 lo. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, | Died | 1854. Tlie above inscription is on a wood tablet. 22 1 1. GEORGi: Lc BARON RAYMOND, | Died Jan. 24, i860. I AL 27 )''rs. 2212. DAVID DIM AN, | 1794— 1 861. | ABIGAIL L,. DIMAN, I 1800— 1843. I ABIGAIL N.DIMAN, | 1819—1860. Tlie above inscriptions are on finely ]iolished granite blocks, on the light of the path leading from the cliurch to the summit of tlie hill. 2213. Corporal | THOMAS COLLINGWOOD, 1 CO. I-:. 29 Reg. Mas.s. Vol, | Died at Crab Orcliard, Ky. | Aul|. 31, 1863, I Aged 32 y'l's, 9 ino's, | 21 days. Jl7iv do ivc mourn /())■ dying friends, Or shake at deaths alarms, Tis but the voice that jfesns sends, To call them to his arms. 2214. BEULAH, his wife | Died Nov. 19, 1863, | Aged 89. Wife of Daniel Ooddard. 2215. JERUSHA T. I Wife of | Cai'T. Alpert Holmes I Died Jan. 30, I 864, | AL 37 years, 5 mos, 25 days. | CARRII'2 CLIETON, I Died April 9, 1861, | /E 3 years, 10 mos, 16 days. I CHARLI-:S EDWARD. | Died March 31, 1857, | M 2 years, 8 mo's. | A.LBERT HENRY. | Died April 7, 1845, ] Ai 4 nio's, 25 days. [ Children of | Alplrt & Jerusila T. I Holmes. 2216. OUR FATHER. | WILLIAM P>ARNES. | Died | April 31, i>>65, I Aged 70 y'rs 4 mo. Ilozu szi'cet and ever green tliy memory. 2217. IIEXRY RICKARD | Died | Dec. 18, 1867, | Aged 36 y'rs, 10 mo's, | 20 days. 2218 GEORGE R.VYMOND. | Died | May 23, 1868, | Aged I 85 y'rs, lO mo's. 2219. ALBERT L). ) Son of | James & Eleanor | Kex- DRICK. Called from earth to bloom in Heaven. 286 EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL, The following inav be found on the back of the marble : Died I May 26, 1874, | Aged | i y'r, 6 mo's 28 d's. 2220. ANNA ELIZABETH. | Wife of | Wm. M. Barnes, I Dan. of I Capt. Gideon Holbrook [ Died | Oct. 27, 1881 ] Aged 59 y'rs, 7 mo's, 4 ds. 2221. Dearly Loved One! jfcsus called thee koine to adorn a brighter sphere. ANNA FRANCIS BARNES, | died June 4, i860, ] aged 8 y'rs, 9 mo's, I 5 d's. In the same enclosure with tlie last, on a small marble block, is a small Iamb cou- chaiit, antl "LlTTLK WiLl.iE" on the same in front, also, "Willie H. Barnes," | Died Aug. 16, 1850, /E 10 mo's, 11 d's. Another small neat marble tablet, on which is "Little Lizzie," is in the same en- closure. 2222. Goodwin Tomb \ Mrs. LYDIA GUSHING GOODWIN. I died Dec. 15th, 181 5. | aged 53 years, j WIL- LIAM GOODWIN, Jr., I died at Havana, Dec. 15th 1821. | aged 38 years. \ WILLIAM GOODWIN, | died July 17th, 1825, i aged 69 years. | SIMEON S. GOODWIN, | died July 27, 1847, I aged 65 3^ears. | ISAAC GOODWIN. | died at Wor- cester, Sei)t. 10. 1832, I aged 46 years. | JOHN A. GOOD- WIN, I died at Lowell, Sept. 21, 1884, | aged 60 years. See No. ::i6S, page 279. No. 1041, page 12G. 2223. Darling | ALMA MAY. | Daught-r of | J. S. & M: r.. I Butli:r I Died Dec. 17, 1888, | aged 9 y'rs, 2 mo's Her heart was folded deep ill ours. 2224. OUR I FATHER, | SAMUEL ELLIOT. J June 12, 1 801 I Aug. 3, 1890. 2225. MARY T. BACON, | Died Nov 12, i860, | Aged 50 y'rs 10 mo's. j BETSY BACON, | Died Jan 23, 1891, | Aged 82 y'rs, | REBECCA BACON, | Died Mar. 27, 1891, | Aged 78 y'rs. | Daughters of | Capt Geo. & Elizabeth | BACON. The above inscriptions are on a handsome polished granite tali'ft. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 28/ 2226. RUTir C. HOPKINS, I Died I July 7, 1891. | Aged I S3 y'rs, 18 mo's, 20 days. " Rest ill peace, tlioii gentle spirit Throned above — Souls like thine ivith God inherit Life and love." 2227. ETJZA ANN I and | ELIZABETH THACHER. | chiKlren of WiLLiAM | and | SUSAX T. Baktlktt. This lot is on east brow of the hill, with granite jjosts and iron rail. 2228. Twins. | ALBERT B. | & BETSEY J. HARLOW | yE 5 months. The above is inclosed with a white painted fence, on the east slope of the hill, and the inscription is on a maible scroll tablet. 2229. Mother. | NANCY, | Wife of | WM. STEPHENS. By the side of the above is a marble tablet, on the top of v^hich is " Fathkk." On the front is William Stephens, hituattd on the east tlope of the hill near the Jackson lot. 2230. Father & Mother. ] WILLIAM C. NYE. | BETSEY NYE. 1 ANN H. NYE. Arise, let us go to our Father. LUCY NYE died June, 1S44. | WILLIAM NYE died Feb. 25, 1849. | WILLIAM C. NYE died June 5, 1S07. | BETSEY NYE died Feb. 10, KS19. \ ANN H. NYIC died Mar. 13, 1834. The above deaths are from the Town Records. 2231. PAULDING. I Claribel. | Allie B, | Fr.ances A. [ Herbert S. | Svlvaxus S. In this lot are two marb'e headstones, one marked "Father," the other " Mother," and each of the foregoing names has a separate marble tablet. 2232. PHEBE, I Wife of | Capt. Thomas Farmer. | Aged 40 y'rs. 2233. ELKANAH BARNES. | CYNTHIA D. BARNES. These inscriptions are at the southwest side of the hill, near to the boundary line. In the lot of William Keen at the westerly end of the ground, mav be found two wooden tablets, having on them the names " WILLIAAI " and "JOANNA." 2;^8 K'lrAI'ilS FIIOM r/JRIAL IIM.L. AnaiORAXDL'AI Of Onn ami T.rokkn ^imm-.s voiixd i\ X'mooks Poktioxs of rnv. (Iround, lllK In -CRII'I'lONS OF WIlKll A 1; K CoI'lKl) AS hoTNI). Child of CAT r. i:llis r.i^ii':\vsT]-:R. Dec. 13, 180— Ciiilcl of CAP r. WILLIAM I'.RIAVSTI'.R. Sept. 22, iSo— 1\> the mcnior\- of. Ji:RLS1LV ILARTLhyiT, wife of JCJIIN I5ARTL1':TT, no date. IvIDI'dv — 29, 1767, -n his 95tli year. 1 t!iL' T.)W!i Records w fi:) 1 [ wc!)'\ Ki>lc:- dircl Oct. 20, I7l')6. Ki':Bh:ci:.\ir dan. of j.\i^]-:z & loxphLRiExci-: harlow dii'd ALiy 10 — JO! IX HARLOW. Died :\Iar. lO. 17 — in his j^ year. C.\Ll-:r. CDOK. Died l'\-h. 5, 17'i ill his 72 >-ear. KLlZA15I-:r;i LHILLII'S. Died Jan. 5. 17— in her lOth year. MRS. hddZ AILCi'Il TILLSOX— CALT. LDWARD TILL- SO X,—L)ot stones. JOr> MORFOX I 76 1. KLIZA .AXX .X I'ddZAlUyni T. Chihlren of W.M. & Sus.\N r. I)AIMl.Kri'. JCLISII.V /dORI'OX. died Oct. 23, 172— in his 15th }-ear. :\1RS. ABIGAIL DRIAV, wife of Xicholas Drew— Died — LVi)L\ wife (jf Xicoi.AS Dk!:\v Deed. — 173 — JL\R.\.\I'.1C, son of Hi;\jAMi.\ .Mori'mx Xov. 7, 17 — 4 ai;cd 10 days. JOIIX (iODDARI), died Feb. 3, 174— aged ^^^ years. .\ >:n:ill fiaumeiit oi sloiic has the followiiiL; only, — 43d year of her a!_;e. ]-5ai._ I of Mr.— I — DUXIIAM. | at the a-e | on April.— also a son still — | — side. (ii:D. A. IJOLT- I 15 months. Th'..' frma ut this ,-FATh»'^^ he 6 itathpy ' Elej<;fnar the oPi 'd tIpLORD FAUNCE GRAVESTONE. we come to the grave of JUDGE Tho^l\s Russell, which is covered by a huge bowlder brought from the "Pine Hills of Manomet." (See No. 2180, page 290.) Adjoining to the last named is the tomb of the Russell family, having a horizontal marble slab supported by four stone col- ums, on which are the following inscrip- tions: John, Charles, Nancy and Mary Russell. (See No. 757, page 86.) russell tomb. A few feet distant from the Judge Russell monument to the eastward may be seen the white marble obelisk erected several years since to commemorate the memory of GOVERNOR VVn.- LIAM Bradford, the second Governor of Plymouth Colony. This shaft is about eight feet in height, and is situated in a most prominent position on the hill, commanding a full view of the town below, the harbor and the bay. and has become a central attraction for many thousands of visitors to the resting place of the jjilgrims. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 293 Here multitudes have gathered under the shadows of the beautiful elm and larch trees, and lingered to contemjilatc iji their minds the wintry scenes of 1620. This is the central point of interest on the hill. (See No. i, page i.) From this last monument, following the path northerly on the right, we read the names of Bradford, Barnes, Bartlett, Cooper, Dotex, Holmes, Sampson, Siiurtleff and Sylves- ter, while those on the left are BRADFORD, CoPB, Jackson, Morton, Rickard, Trip.p.le and Wetherell. The last named is enclosed by an iron fence and is near to the main path. At the junction of the main path with the north path leading to the westerly entrance of the ground may be seen a solid granite monument about 5 feet high, on the front of which is a panel in bronze commemorating the memor}^ of one of Ply- mouth's late well-known physicians, Dr. Zacheus Bartlett. (See No. 1415, page 185.) In the Morton enclosure, on the north-easterly slope of the hill is a marble monument 4 feet high, having on the same, neatly cut, a chain in a circle, with "Parted Below, United Above." (See No. 1833, page 240.) At the northerly end of the main path is a double base gran- ite monument, having an octagon shaft about ten feet in height, on which are the names of Churchill and CURRIER. (See No. 2119, page 273.) In a wooden fence enclosure in the northeast section, on a polished granite block, is the name of ELLIS D. B.\RNES. (See No. 2194, page 283.) At the extreme north part of the hill may be found the fol- lowing names : Barnes. Bart- LE'iT, Bradford, Brew.ster, Brown, Ciilirchill, Clark, Cooi'ER, C<)Li,iN(;\vooD, Cur- rier, Gleason, Goodwin, Griffin, Hall, Huesion, Holmes, Nelson. Perrv, Raymond, Richmond, Rip- ley, Roberts, Shaw. Ste- phens, Tribble, WiirnEN and Wood. Passing from the monument of Dr. Bartlett in a south-west- erly direction, a short distance on the right hand, are two slate stones marking the graves of Joseph and Tabitha Plasket, at which visitors would do well to pause, and read the quaint in- \\ •y' In mpinory of a I i\fc;, Tabitha Plaskot g I who died Jane H),\mj.& i;,:;:;ac[e'd."'" 61 Years. '!§, w^^ ^w ■ , ■ ' I ^Adiea vain worklhsucseencmwphiitlhf^ )Andl 3mcc■ y amnow al resl my head liefqmrt hrrr^ 294 EPITAPHS FROM P.URTAL HILL. CHURCHILL GRAVESTONE. scriptions on the same. (See No. 655, pai^c 72, and No. 924, page I 10.) Adjoining the last-mentioned graves is a polislied granite monument, 5 feet high, enchxsed b}- a substantial iron railing and stone corners. This lot belongs to the well-known family of John T. Hall, late a merchant of Plymouth. (See No. 2 173, page 279.) A short distance north of the IIall lot is a large slate stone, 5x2;. feet, to the memory of Capt. Joseph Church- ill, who was lost at sea in 1836. This is a finely executed representation of a brig at sea in a storm in bass-relief. Erected | in memory of | JOSEPH CHURCHILL I who sailed from Boston I Nov. 1836 I in the Brig Pl\'mouth Rock I of Plymouth | Bound to Rochelle in France, | and supposed Foundered | at Sea, aged 54 years, | Also to his Children | JOSEPH LliWIS, died at | sea on Bi)ard the Brig | Androscoggir of Portland | Aug. 1842, aged 37 years. I MARCIA GOODWIN | died May 2, 1^39 I ^gcd 22 )'eais. (See No. 1434, page 188.) To the west a few feet is a granite block, on which rests a thick marble tablet 412 feet high, on the top of which is "Wnrr- TEN." On the north summit of the hill cast of the main path is a fine specimen of slate-stone cutting on the tablet, 30x48, of 1\ ICHARD Flsher, consisting of three willows, the centre s[)reading two others, representing three arms. (Sec No. 1227, page 154.) On the left hind of the path leading from the Dr. l^.irllett monument to the Russell street entrance, are the following graves in their order, viz: Lucas, Gc)(lr)^L\N, BOU'IELLK, DEA- CON, Holmes, Dlmon, Gammon, Finney, Johnson, Hol.mes and Farmer. In the northeast section of the hill, on the easterly slope, is a group of names of the COLLINGWOOD famil\% a name well known for their faithful service in the cause of their countr\' in the re- bellion of 1 86 1. There are three polished granite blocks in the lot. (See No. 219, page 2S3, also memorial list, page 290.) Near to this last lot is the B.\RNES enclosure, with a wood fence. In it is a granite block with "Will" upon the same. The Perry lot, with iron rail and granite posts, is near to the Barnes lot above named. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL MILL. 295 The grave of Cait. Joseph livRTLElT is also enclosed like the last. The Brown family has some fine slate stones at the north end of the main path, with engravings of a sarcoi)Iiagus on the same. The Rn'EEV family grave is at the junction of the main path with the path leading to the west. Here are some interesting carvings on large slate stones. Adjoining the last named are the graves of ICHABOD Shaw's family. Near the above mentioned lot on the cast, and near the path leading to School street, is the f/ G()OD\VL\ To^HJ, a large thick marble slab sup[)ortcd by six square freestone columns. See GOODWIN T0MP>. No. 1041, page 126, No. 2168, page 279, and No. 2222, page 286.) The lot of Franklin Ix Holmes, south of the Goodwin tomb, is enclosed by a wooden fence. To the east of the main path is the white granite monument of the ROBBINS family, 12 feet high, enclosed by a rustic iron fence, on the gateway of which is "L. T. Rorrlms, 1859." Southeast of the last lot, on the easterly brow of the hill, is an enclosure with granite curbings and corners, belonging to one of the BarTLETT family. To the southeast of the Rob- bins monument is a lot enclosed by a rustic iron fence, repre- sented by another of the Bari - LETT family. On the east of the main path is the marble tablet of Rev. AURIN Bugbee. (See No. 1 83 I, page 240.) On the left hand side of the path leading from the main path to Russell street is one of the oldest stones on the hill. A wooden sign has been erect- ed beside the same, as the old slate is much defaced, and al- most illegible. Nearly opposite the head of the path leading from the First JL'DSON TOMB. '.gO EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. Church, ill the rear of the site of the "watch house," is the JUD- soN Tomb, enclosed by a wooden fence, and containing several inscriptions on the marble top. (See No. 1240, page 156.) »'V' „.r„ South of the site of the watch house, and under the limbs of a larch tree, is the white marble tablet to the memory of Rlv. Jamls Kendall, D. D., on f) which is a fine sculp- tural design of a Reap- er with a sickMe in h.and cutting corn. (Sec No. 1828, page 240.) Also, near by is the memorial to Sarah, wife of Rev. Dr. Ken- dall. (See No. 951, page 114.) Passing along the path in a southerly di- rection leading towards the CusHMAN monu- ment on either side, we notice the names of Bartlett, Barnes, Conse cr atedi to the .;;.'"' Memory i (I MA 'JQMIl. .- iiii'i amiable consori j ■, |l'' of ,,,:'''■ '3Wiavw&j,')fi(mLt) T\iifu.lalSijj who departed this life, ,,|i In the 53^year ofheragej. Leaving (oihei" suiviving fi'ienda' The best cunsoliiicn.,,^it Therenietiibranc£ofhervi(luES 'j in life _ ^ „||'|j[jl H;r pnuscnimness r.hihVm resijnitior anii triumphant hnpBin deathliilj SIcsscdSfslliediiiKliitdieintbclcid feasiilhlheici'ilh/tli-ynstf/imtheir litcrnndtheiivtaik^lllltethiM thum. 1 also Riielxtinn. Their lnfanL,iiii*i| ^ whodie'y 3)"!7I7. op HIS AsE. CLAKK GRAYE-STON'E. I.AKK MONII.MKNT. EPITAl'IIS VRCni nURTAI. HILL. HERE LIES BURIED YE BODY OF MR. THOMAS CLARKE. Aged 98. DEPARTED THIS LIFE MARCH 24, 1697. Thomas Clarke came to Plymouth from luiglaiul ill the ship Anne, 1623. He married Susan Rini; of Plymouth, 1634. Their Children were A^ndrew, James, William, Susanna, Nathaniel, and John, from whom descended a numerous i)osterity. He married his second wife Mrs Alice Hallett Nichols of l^oston and also in Harwich of which town he was one of the original proprietors. He died in Piymoutli, having lived in the reigns of Six British Sovereigns and the Commonwealth. THIS STONE IS EKECTKD TO HiS :.:y.J'.ORY BY HIS DESCENDANTS A. D. 1S9I. In the rear of the Bugbee lot, to the west, is a low wooden fence, enclosing some pink marble tablets of the Nicholas and Ani;()r Drew families. (See No. 152, page 20, and 2140, page 276.) West of the Drew ground is a Jackson lot enclosed with an iron fence, pointed palings. The lot of Solomon Richmond joins the Drew lot, in the western part of the hill, and has a wooden rail fence. (See No. 1 530, page 201.) Another lot in the west part of tlie hill is the lot of JoilN T. and VVooDWoirrii Jackson, enclosed with an iron fence. (See No. I [38, page 140, and No. I 180, page 146.) Near the latter, to the east, is a lot enclosed by a wood fence, the family lot of Jacor Jackson. In this lot is a large marble slab supported on columns, antl several names on the same. (See No. 1807, page 237, and No. 1574, page 207.) In the westerly portion of the hill and directly south of the last named Jackson lot is the monument erected to mark the spot where sixt^'- of the crew of Brig General Arnold were buried, known as the "Macee Monument," after the name of the captain of the lost brig. It is a marble shaft on a granite base enclosed within a rail, and granite posts. (See No. 472, page 50.) EPITArilS FROM BURIAL IIILR 303 mum':' niv ■■■■"' ';;)/r';-/^ ■/:"';'»' MAGEE MONITISIKXT. Here follow the inscriptions that are on the four sides of the monument, viz. : — North, or Front, Side. — In memory of seventy-two seamen, who perislied in Ply- mouth harlior on the 26 and 27 days of Decemlier, 177S, on board the j^rivate armed brig Gen. Arnold, of twenty gims, numbering in olticers and crew one hundred and six persons in all, James Magee, of Boston, Commander, sixty of whom were buried on this spot, and twelve in other parts of the hill. East .Side. — This monument marks the resting place of sixty of the seventy two mariners who perished in their strife with the storm, and is erected l)y Speimien Gale, of I^ortland, Maine, a stranger to them, as a just memorial of their suffer- ing and death. South Side. — "Oh ! falsely flattering were yon billows smooth, When forth, elated, sailed in evil hour That vessel, whose disastrous fate, when told, Filled every breast with sorrow and each eye with piteous tears." West Side. — Capt. James Magee, died in Roxbury, February 4th, uSoi, aged 51 years. 304 EI'ITAPHS FROM IIURIAL HILL. In the south-west portion of the hill, and south of the Magee lot, is a tall gothic marble tablet of Allen C. Spooner. (See No. 1739, paj^e 228.) Next to the last named, south-west, is the David Warren lot, with iron posts at the cor- ners connected by chains. (See No. 804, page 92.) In the central portion of the west end of the hill is a pecu- liar shaped slate-stone erected to mark the spot where An- drew Farrell, captain and owner of the ship "Hibernia," with five other seamen, were buried. They were wrecked on Plymouth Beach, Jan. 28, 1805. (See No. 884, page 104.) In the west section of the hill are the family lots and graves of many of the well- known citizens of the town, among whom are the Brad- ford, Cornish, Cotton, Davis, Drew, Harlow, Jack- son, Paty, Washburn and Weston names. (For the in- scriptions on the stones and Si/ monuments see the index of [ANDREW FARRELL of'irespecfableiconfiectibfi 1m Ireland, Ag'ed 38 yeaKs. fOwnee ft' Commanclef' of the Ship Hi hernia Sailed from Boston Jaiii'26 I And waswrcchcd on }^iyiiiiijthBeiif(i| Jan? 28 i8o5 Mis remains With five of s e v en 'seacrienl Who pci'ished'wilh hiiVil Are here intoKred'. fd piwous lot of man 's uiu v v k //? s/i/c \ ■What W0S3 on lites iVEnttiil journey^ [Fy sea whbl trsucherausLdlm.nhitsji^i.n itms\\ \diCi\\\stfzdmVin a U.cus&nd foims'. Among the earliest gravestones on the hill is that of EDWARD Gray, 1681, which has been sup- posed to be the oldest; but the late Dr. Nathaniel Lothrop is said to have information from an aged relative by which it appears that the stone of JoSEl'H BarTLET'I", who died in 1703, was the earliest placed there, and that Mr. Gray's was erected at a later date. The accotnpanying engraving is a cor- rect copy of the grave-stone of Mr. Bartlett, situated on the top of the hill, a short distance west of the head of the main path as one ascends from the church, and near to the grave of Rev. Dr. Kendall. (See No. 10, page 7.) BARTLETT UKAVE-STONE. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 305 The visitor to the hill, on arriving at the summit, near the head of the path, and on the main avenue, will notice an oval marble block on a pedestal, marking the site of the old Watch House. At the corners of the lot are short granite posts indicating the bounds of the same. (See ante pages XI and XII.) The two following engravings represent two of the Davis gravestones, and are situated at the west end of the hill. This family have long been among the prominent names in the town of Plymouth : — DAVIS GRAVE-STONE. (See No. 1210, page 150.) DAVIS C.RAVE-STONE. (See No. 1273, page 162.) THE OLD POWDER HOUSE. The accompanying engraving of the Old Powder House will be recognized by many of the older residents and others. It was erected in 1770, of brick, and stood on the north-east part of the hill. A little mound is said to have been built by the scholars of Mrs, Cotton at the time of Queen Anne's war, a short dis- tance from the same in a south-east di- rection. 3o6 EPITAPHS FROM I5URIAL HILL. Ij htRELVES JNTERRED ^ BOD/OF W t)M''J05EPH BRADFORD SON roitf LATE HONOURABLE WILLIAM BRADFOR ES^GOVERMOUR OF PLYMOUTH '•OlOHY WHOl||DEPARTC D THIS LIFE lULV THE (O' 17 INTrt 85 yEAP OF H!^ 'KL.t l^ JOSEPH BRADFORD GRAVESTONE. We present to our readers on the two following pages some of the grave-stones of the Bradford family. The oldest is that of Jo-SEPH Bradford, the youngest son of Governor William and Alice (South- worth) Bradford, born in 1630, and was a resident of what was well known as "Flat House Dock," about one-half a mile from the mouth of Jones River, and known as Kingston. He lies buried quite near his father, on the top of the hill, in immediate proximity to others of the same name. The name of Bradford has always been an honored one, and the various branches are widely scattered throughout this country. The principal seat of the family was in Plymouth in colonial days, and also at Plympton, Kingston and Duxbury. In later days they are found in Maine, Rhode Island and all other sections of the United Sates. While the descendants of Gov. Bradford have been numer- ous, they have also occupied prominent public positions of honor and trust. They have been among our Governors, Mem- bers of Congress, Officers in the Revolutionary Army, as well as in the ranks of the Militia. Hon. Alden Bradford, the late Secretary of Massachusetts, and author, was a descendant from Duxbury, and Governor William Bradford, of Bristol, R. I., was a descendant from Plympton, formerly the west precinct of Ply- mouth. He married, April, 1751, Mary Leiiaron, daughter of Dr. Lazarus and Lydia (Bartlett) LeBaron, of Ply- mouth. The LeBaron Bradfords mentioned on the grave- stone accompanying this article were respectively son and grandson of Gov. William Bradford, of Bris- tol, and lie buried at the west section of the hill, near to the Davis graves. NATHANIEL BRADFORD GRAVE-STONE. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 307 The writer of these articles has always taken a great interest in the earliest families of the Colony of Plymouth, and for the purposes of information paid a visit to the English home of the Here are intorf-Gd in adjoining graven, the remains of Sarah Bradford reflet of Le Baron BradforJ of Bristof Rhode Island Born June 29 1754- Died Nov. 10, 1821. and of their son Le Baron Bradford Born 17fl0, Dird]^ov.l84R. Pilgrim P'athers in June, 1 888, visiting the little church in Austerfield in which was the oaken chest containing the Bap- tismal register of WiLLiAxM Bradford, afterwards the Governor of Plymouth, and the ancestor of the Bradford family of Massachusetts. The little graveyard adjoining the stone church was also vis- ited, to learn how many burials of the name might be found. Austerfield, on the Great Northern road, is a village in Yorkshire about two and one-half miles north of Scrooby, following the course of the River Idle, and from the old Manor House, where Brewster and other of the Pilfjrims held their meetings. Wmwmwmw ERADKORD GRAVESTONE. Thc manor house of their day has long since disappeared. There is but little now remaining except traces of the old moat which once surrounded the same. Carved oaken timbers are now domg duty in one of the farm barns of the occu- pant of the grounds. The The writer has some pieces of the same, presented to him as a reminder of his visit to Scrooby. There is an old Mulberry tree on the premises, however, said to have been planted during the occupancy of William Brewster, afterwards known as "Elder" Brewster in the new colony of Plymouth, America. It has been well settled that this place was where the early meetings of the Pilgrims were held, and it is appropriate that mention should be made of the P2ng- lish homes, as well as their *i'' last resting place here. SALLY BRADFORD DauphtsKof Nathaniel & Rebecca Bradford Died April 19,1882 A^ed 99yrs.2 mos. II das. y She was thc last of the sixth \ gene/3t/cn in direct descent from the Pi/gum Governor Williim Bndfbrd. HKADKORU GRAVE-STONE. BIOGRAPHICAL. THE OLD SEXTON. Those who have made an annual pilgrimage to Plymouth of late years have missed the genial and kind- hcarted "Old Sexton." He no longer can be seen at the entrance of the church door, tolling the bell, nor travelling among the graves of those he long since laid away. His name was Clement Bates, a native of Hanover, Mass., born Oct. 4, 1792. He was the son of Clement and Rebecca (Stetson) Bates, and died July 13, 1885, at the age of nearly 93 years. Mr. Bates came to Plymouth in 1S09, and previous to 1 83 1 worked at the trade of caulker and graver. In that year he was chosen sexton of the P"irst Parish and of the town, to which ^ which position he was annually cho- sen to the year 1883, when he re- signed. His duties have been to ring the church bells daily, and to bury the dead. And it is said he has buried 3250 persons, equal to about one-half the present population of the town. He rang the bell four times a day, besides those for church services on the Sabbath, for funerals and for fire alarms for fifty-two years, without a failure and only two mistakes. His mental and physical faculties he retained to an unusual degree till his death, and his memory of occurrences was clear and reliable. In early life he was quite ah athlete, of jovial disposition and fond of jokes, besides being a good story teller, of cheerful tempera- ment, loved and respected by all. We can almost see him, with bowed form and leaning on his cane, making his way around the town at a rapid pace. Gen. James Warren was the son of James and Penelope (Winslow) Warren, born in Plymouth, Mass., 1726. He descended from Richard Warren, one of the earliest settlers of CLEMENT BATES. EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. 309 Plymouth; graduated at Harvard College in 1745, and became a merchant. In 1757 he succeeded his father as high sheriff, which ofTicc he retained till the Revolution. In 1766 he was a member of the General Court from Plymouth. He is said to have been the originator of the plan for establishing "committees of correspondence" in the various towns and cities. In 1775 he be- came a member of the Provincial Congress, and upon the death of Gen. Joseph Warren he was appointed President of that body. While the army was at Cambridge he was chosen Paymaster General. In 1776 he was appointed Major General of the Mass- achusetts Militia. In 1780 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor under Hancock, but declined to serve. He was for several years Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was ap- pointed to the office of Judge of the Supreme Court, which he declined. He served as Commissioner of the Navy Board for some time. At the close of the war he retired from public life, in order that he might enjoy the ease of domestic life, and be- came interested in agricultural pursuits. He was soon called from private life to serve in the councils of the government. For some years he resided at the Gov. Hutchinson seat at Milton, but returned to his native town, where he resided till his decease, Nov. 28, 1808. His residence was at the corner of Main and North streets, in the house now standing. Pie mar- ried Mercy, the daughter of Hon. James and Mary (Allyne) Otis, of Barnstable, Mass, She was a sister of the patriot and orator. Mrs. W^arren was the author of a "History of the War." She died Oct. 19, 1814, at the age of 86 years. James, son of the above, was for several years postmaster of Plymouth, and was with Paul Jones in the "Bon Homme-Richard," and lost a limb in one of the battles. He was buried in the grave with his father; and Henry was collector of the port of Plymouth, and died July 6, 1828, aged sixty-four years. Gex. James Warren, | died November 28, 1808; | aged 82, I Mercy Warren | his wife | daughter of James Otis | of Barnstable | died October 19, 18 14; | aged 86. Rev. Dr. James Kendall was the youngest son of Major James and Elizabeth (Mason) Kendall; born in Sterling, Mass., Nov. 3, 1769. After the usual preparation for college, he en- tered Harvard College in 1792, and graduated with high honor in 1796. On leaving college he passed two years at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., as assistant teacher, at the same time pursuing his theological studies under the direction of Rev. Dr. Tappan, then Professor of Divinity at Harvard College, and with Rev. Jonathan French. He receiv^ed approbation to preach from the Andover Association in 1795. In that year he was chosen tutor of Greek in the college, and removed to Cam- 3IO EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL. bridge, continuing his theological studies at the same time. He first preached at Plymouth as a candidate in October, 1799, and was ordained as pastor of the First Church of Plymouth Janu- ary I, 1800, Rev. Jonathan French of Andover preaching the installation scrmos. Here he continued his labors of love for thirty-eight years alone, till 1838, when Rev. George \V. Briggs, a graduate of Brown University, was settled as colleague pas- tor, and remained as such till 1852, he continuing to preach in his own pulpit and others in the neighboring towns. He died March 17, 1859, in the ninetieth year of his age. His funeral sermon was preached by his former colleague. Rev. Dr. Briggs, then of Salem, Mass. Dr. Kendall married Sarah, daughter of Dea Daniel Poor, of Andover, Mass., by whom he had six children. (See No. i82g, page 240.) Dr. James Tiiacher, the late eminent surgeon and phy- sician of Plymouth, was the son of John and Content (Norton) Thacher, and was born in Barn- stable, Mass., in 1754. At an early date he began to devote his attention to medicine, and studied the profession with Dr. Abner Hersey, a very cele- brated physician of Barnstable. Upon arriving at the age of 2 1 years Dr. Thacher was appoint- ed by the Provincial Congress a surgeon in the Revolutionary army, and in Jul\', 1775, com- menced the active duties inci- dent to hospital life, at Cam- bridge. He was afterwards at Albany and West Point, N. Y., and was j^resent at the execu- tion of Benedict Arnold for jf, treason. He was also present ^'^' at the surrender of Lord Corn- wallis, Oct. 19, 1780. In 1824 he published a journal of events occurring while he was in the army. At the termination of the war he settled in Plymouth as surgeon and physician, where he enjoyed the entire confidence of his fellow-citizens, and was eminently successful in his practice. He devoted a great deal of time to antiquarian researches, and was a member of several literary societies. He was an active member of the Pilgrim afterwdrds for manyyeai a practising physician inthecDunl/ of Plymouth the author of sevEwl hisTorical, and scientific worl'-'nr\,--\ ,. y./,(,Al, Length and in U.e bound- ^^^W^^'^^^-W^ less opportunities of his country, such as Walt Whitman would describe — the late Edward W. Watson of Clark's Is- land might have been the model. In him nature was every- thing, art and literature but accidents ; and it made little differ- ence that he had been all his days occupied with the sim- ple pursuits and the narrow vicissitudes of a sea-side farmer and countryman, living within sight of Plymouth Rock. He was at home there, but so he would have been anywhere in the world, if sea room, open air, the key of the fields and the companion- ship of his fellowmen were allowed him. He was a Homeric person without the Homeric proclivity to fight and steal ; and I have seen him slay and apportion a lamb as deftly and gravely as Agamemnon or any of his confederate chieftains. It was good, also, to see him walk barefoot, like an old Greek, along the ooze and into the foam of the sea, tending his boat or bringing his freight or passengers on shore when the tide was low. Such comrnon acts he did with an apostolic and joyous unconcern, quite ignoring the modern refinements of costume and attitude — stepping from boat to boat as his friend Thoreau says of a very different person, ' with a divine ease and sureness.' Yet no fine gentleman was less embarassed in good society than he — having been so long accustomed to the best society — that of his own family traditions, clear thoughts and generous purposes. The respect he won was like that the Highlander expressed when he said of his chief, 'Wherever the MacDonald sits is the head 314 EPITAl'IIS FROM P.URIAL IIIIJ,. of the tabic' If, novv-and-then, a city lady eyed him askance, and questioned in her conv^entional mind the apparent propriety of his coat and shoes, it was soon revealed to her that this was a gentleman of such great courtesy that he might wear what he pleased without criticism. The homeliest surroundings were idol- ized by his romantic presence, and his island became a place where life, amid many inconveniences, took on an enchanted, charming aspect, for old and young. " There blows the clover summer-long, There figs grow ripe and full, In orchards ring the robin's song, The grapes climb up the wall ; The lily springs to deck the bride, The melon creeps to see ; The slumbrous poppy nods beside The whispering poplar tree. The gleaming water, day and night, Flashes along the shore. And out beyond the double-light Swells ocean's heavy roar. The breezy hill is white with sheep. The fields are green with corn — But never deem the enchantment deep Was of these beauties born. Nor yet, though more endeared than these. Was all the charm from thee, Old friend, that walked amidst thy trees As stately and as free. For thee that sweet enchantment found, Though lord of isle and stream; Thee, too, did magic walls surround, Thy life a gentls dream. With joy, with thee, we hailed the spot Where sorrow never dwelt, Where all things ill were soon forgot. And only b'iss was fejt. We heard thy wise and laughing words, Thou lord of isle and stream, Mixt with the music of the birds. Fresh breeze and sunny beam. Now sadly ]iarting from the strand In thy delaying boat, We bid farewell with voice and hand To thee returning not. No more on this brief voyage bnuid. Thou sail'st a brighter wave Than thine, which, sighing, circles round The stillness of thv grave. "Such a life as Edward W. Watson's, without being unfaith- ful to any duty, and with no conspicuous greatness or success, was like a long poem of fourscore stanzas — each quatrain a re- volving year, in which winter rhymed with summer and spring with autumn in a pleasing melod}-, now l\'ric, now id\'llic, now pastoral, and sometimes grave and diadatic, but always with a EPITAPHS FROM BURIAL HILL, 315 genial moral. Wordsworth, in his 'iVlathcw' and in other sketches, has tried to describe such men. But they do not come to full maturity in h^ngland, I suppose, lacking the per- fect freedom and unconstraint of our American country life. 'Much dotli nature's love excel To the souls that never fell, To swains that live in happiness, And do well because they please. Who walk in ways that are unfamed, And feats achieve before they're named.' "Living thus embosomed in poetry and on the most friendly terms with nature in all her aspects, it was natural that he should write verses — but they had less merit than his most casual remark, which was sure to be worth remembering. It was true of him as of that friend of his who said — 'My life has been the poem I would have writ, But I could not both live and utter it.' "What he wrote was sometimes printed, and if collected in a volume would pleasantly remind us of the writer, especial]}- if along with thcni should be presented his handsome portrait, adorned with thick white hair. He was not so remarkable in appearance as his neighbor on the mainland, Daniel Webster, who used to come sailing down to Marshfield into the waters where Mr. Watson bore sway; but he was a more wholesome, buoyant and attractive person, and one who lived on better terms with himself; renouncing wealth and ambition, and con- tenting himself with the sovereignty of his own island and its waters, and the companionship of his friends. But better than anything that he wrote would be his daily conversation, if that could be preserved as the table-talk of more famous men have been. He talked as the birds sing and the breezes blow — with- out forethought or restraint, and with all the freshness of boy- hood, while he uttered the mellow wisdom of age. But why strive longer to describe the indescribable? for such was he. ' Thou soul of God's best earthlv mould, Thou happy soul! and can it be That these three words of glittering gold Are all that must remain of thee?' " 3i8 INDEX. Fear, iTcderick, llcnry, licnry, Jr., Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah S., Harriot, James, James, Jr., JaniLS T., Janus, James Thomas, Jaiiies, Jane S., Jerusl.a, Jemima, Jenny, Jane, Jolm, Julin, }u\)l). Join,, Jul:,,, John, John Lewis, Jonathan, Joseph, Josepli, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, J.-seph, Jr., J,e\\ is, J.cUhrop, Lothrop, Lemuel, J Aicia, l.uey 1)., Margaret, Margaret, Margaret James, Mary, Mary, Mary A., Mary, Mary, MaryT., Martha, Nathaniel, I'iiebe C, I'oUy, Polly, ]\ebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rcijccca, Rebecca A., Rebecca T., iiS Ruth, 95 Henry, 77 Sally 1 1., 274 54 Robert, u John, 43 Sally, 276 i6i Samuel, 27 John, 91 Samuel, 154 i6i Samuel, 41 |ohn, i^'5 Sarah, 140 9 Samuel, 1^3 "Mary, 43 Sarah, 186 I lO Samuel, 53 Sarah T., 225 Selah, 90 iS .■^arah. 17 William, 142 'Thomas, lOI i«5 Sarah, 5« Katie B., 271 William (Cov.), I 232 Sarah, 28 William, 8 93 Sarah Taylor, I S3 BOURASSO William, 70 12 Stephen, 54 Hannah, 276 William, 127 112 Stephen, 202 William, 162 ij^ Susan, 13' BOUTELLE William, 2CO 202 Susan, 2I() Ann (Joodwin, 270 Willie, 241 '-3 Susan Thacher, 246 Ann 1.., 185 /ephamiah, 201 -'5^ Sylvan us, 119 Caleb, ^33 lis Sylvanus T., 140 Ellen C, 185 BRAMHALL 18 Sylvanus Taylor, 113 Nathaniel C., 1^5 Grace, 60 90 Thomas, 3« Josejih, 1 00 27 Thomas, 80 BOWEN. Joshua, 37 97 Thomas, 94 Mary, 27 Joshua, :, I 44 Thomas, 113 Lucv, i'7 64 Thomas, 222 BRADFORD Luc'v M., i'7 OS Truman, 204 Amos, 70 Mary, 31 1^3 William, 109 Andrew ]., 210 Mary liennett. 53 140 William, 248 Haihsheba, 189 xMary Helen, I^O 205 William 'Thomas 80 Bathsheba, 244 Marcy Warren, ^5 47 Zacheus Dt., 185 Betsy, 210 Mercy, 79 54 Charles, 2>5 Bhebe J., 129 9 BATES. ("ornelius, 247 Sarah, 49 7 John B. 168 Consider, 157 Sarah, 30 44 Abby W., 168 David, 243 Sylvanus, 51 55 I lira, 264 David L., 210 1^3 lienjamin. 263 Desire H., 210 BRECK. 1^5 IJenjamin F., 259 ICbenezer N., 176 Moses, 109 43 Martha, 2()2 I'lbenezer N., 2(^ Sarah 'TVler, 89 12 David, 91 lai/abeth, ()0 32 Thankful, 126 Eleanor, 1 99 BREWSTER 67 Eleanor Morton, 129 America, 217 204 BATTLES. Elizabeth, 191 Elizabeth 'Taylor, 93 229 Elizabeth, -33 Hannah, 129 Ellis, 129 15 Jane Wight, 200 Hannah E., 215 Sarah, 224 22 John, ^33 Isaac, 70 William, lOI 201 Lydia, 233 James, 60 Son of Captain 26 Samuel, 120 [ames, 180 \\'illiam, 115 5S William, 96 John H., 249 Son of Ellis and i()i Josejih, 10 Nancy, 115 117 BAXTER. Lemuel, 159 225 James, 211 Lemuel, 231 BRIGHAM. 250 Abner Morton, 211 Lvdia, 159 Antijias, 173 115 Ann Elizabeth, 211 I.ucy, 198 Mercy M., 157 246 Charles Horner, 211 Le r>aron. 140 203 Charles Irving, 245 Lydia, 247 BROOKS. 99 Lydia IL, 210 r.etsy, 70 273 BENSON. Lvdia Nelson, 176 77 Charles A., 177 Mary, 6c BROWN. 77 Martin L., 177 Mary B., 92 Abigail Allen, 213 93 Mary IL, 241 Anne, 215 100 BISHOP. Nancy, 127 Anne Rice, 13S 130 Abigail, 43 Nathaniel, 191 Barnabas A., 214 13S Abigail, 165 Nathaniel, 29 Charfes, 215 263 Catherine B., 279 Rebecca, 191 Alice A. Neal, 240 177 Cjeorge, 91 Ruth, 70 Lemuel, 90 INDEX. 319 Lucy Cotton, 260 BURNS. Abigail Worcester, 44 Marcia Goodwin, 1 88 Lydia, 213 Ellen, 218 Adriana, 190 Mary, 210 Lydia Allen, 148 Catherine, 218 Amelia, III .Mercy, 142 Lydia Allen, 174 Henry, 218 Ann L., 220 Nancy, 141 ALartha, 24 Mary, 218 Barnabas, 58 Nancy, 193 Margaret, 24 Rose, 218 Barnabas, 139 Nancy, 134 Margaret, 116 Mary, 25S Bethiah, 30 Nathaniel, 9 Mary, 54 James H., 266 Bethiah, 108 Olive, 52 Mary, 116 Catherine B., 224 I'atience, 73 Mary, 243 BURT. Charles, 275 Priscilla, 27 Mary Sophia, 20S Almira E., 214 Charles Thomas, 142 Rebecca, 9 Nahby, 23S I':iizabeth, 227 Daniel, 231 Rebecca, 267 Priscilla, 24 Edward, 246 David, 44 Rebecca T., 184 Robert, 18 Hannah, 284 David, 66 Rufus, 159 Robert, 116 Laban, 284 I'.dward, 142 Ruth, 79 Robert, 45 Thomas B., 246 l-.leazar, 10 Ruth, 120 Sarah, i3« Eleazar, 31 Sarah, 29 Sarah Palmer, 90 CALLAWAY Lienor, 68 Sarah, 66 Sarah I'almer, 1 38 Mary Ann, 264 j-jkenah. 102 Sarah, 90 William, 116 El ken ah. 112 Sarah, 150 William, 213 CALLHAN. Elkenah, 214 Sally, 145 William Johnson 218 Marge, 260 Elizabeth, 184 Sally, 1 68 Elizabeth, 123 Sally C, 159 BRYANT. CARVER. Elizabeth, 196 .Samuel, 117 Homer, 251 Betsy, Dorothy, 207 16 Elizabeth C, Elizabeth H., 223 271 Seth, Seth, 66 78 BUERKE. Dorothy, 12 Ephraim, 27 Stephen, 29 Magdalena, 258 Eliza, 126 Ephraim, 35 Stephen, 210 184 James, 12 Eunice, 270 Solomon, BUGBEE. foanna. 207 Ezra, 171 Susan, 283 Rev. Aurin, 240 Josiah, I J Ezra, 273 Susan A., 273 Rev. James TL, 181 'Mary, 208 Esther, 190 SyLanus, 272 Xancy. 64 Eunice, I02 lliomas. 152 BULLARD. Nancy, 207 George, 142 William, 78 Benjamin Uexter 164 Nancy, 20S Hannah, 12 Wilson, 254 Mary, 184 Nathaniel, 125 Hannah, 33 Zacheus, 19 Nathaniel, 207 207 Hannah, 119 BURBANK. Nathaniel Jr., Hannah T., 256 CLARK. Amy Allen, 193 Sarah, 113 Heman, 178 Abigail, 199 Betsy, 19b Stephen, 207 Heman, 202 Eliza IL, 277 Daniel Torrcy, 119 Theodore S., 144 Isaac, 78 Elizabein, 43 K/ra, 84 Jane, 178 Ella Maria, 255 1 iannah. 119 CASSIDY. Jane, Jane H., 202 Hannah, 4 John, 149 Ann, 243 17S John, 203 John Jr., 185 Bridget, 253 [esse. 44 John T., 144 Lydia, 149 Job, 152 Mary, 38 Mercy, 69 CASWELL [ohn. 12 Nathaniel, 10 Nehcmiah, 122 Harvey, 103 J(3hn, 13 Nathaniel, 199 Polly, 207 John, 16 Samuel, 37 Timothy, 69 CHANDLER. John, 52 Thomas, 4 BURjESS. Hannah, 28 John, 123 Zohelh, 153 Fenelon T., George Augustu? Georgiana, Hannah Ellis, John Jr., Lucv, Sally, Susanna, 144 224 20 1 223 222 2IO 146 134 1 [annah, Hannah B., John B., John T., Lucy S., CHURCH. 214 136 214 136 136 John, Joseph Joseph Lewis, Lemuel B., Lucy, Lucy Ann, Lydia, 193 188 1 88 17s 66 171 148 CHASE. Abigail, George E., Henry, John, Samuel R., 233 243 243 233 243 Joseph, 9 Lydia A., 227 William, 243 Thomas, 196 CHURCHILL. Lydia L., Mary, 270 10 COBB. BURN. Abigail, 44 Mary, 184 Cornelius, 164 Samuel, 22 Abigail, 270 Mary Elizabeth, 134 Ebenezer, -9 320 INDEX. Elizabeth, 139 James, 196 \ COURTIES [Nathaniel, 49 Ejihraini, 46 Lois, 55 Elizabeth, 22 Zacheus, 25 Erancis, 103 Lois, 246 Grace, 105 Mar^■, 199 COVINGTON. CUSHING. Grace, iiS Mary, 214 Elizabeth IE, S3 Nathan C.., 179 Isaac Eames ^il . Marv, 147 Job, 35 1 COOK. Sarah, 106 CRYMBLE. Jnb, I ^'5 Caleb, II Thomas (Capt.) 149 Elizabeth, 13 Julm, 17 Marcy 10 Holmes, 12 John, 28 COWEN. John, Johiah, La/arus, Lemuel, Lemuel, 3(^ COOPER. Anna T., 254 CURRIER. 24 jEmeline P., 184 99 73 Mary Ann, 181 Daniel, 273 75 Esther, Robert, 181 Ezra C, 273 24 202 George, George, Robert, 247 I'rcdi'ie A., -Minnie S., 273 iMary, 83 250 COX. -73 Marcy, 13 75 Elias, 210 CUSHMAN. Margaret, CORNISH Elias 272 256 El kail a v, 10 Patience, 67 Hannah, II Elias E., Job, IS Ruth, 129 Hannah, 37 Eliza 0., 279 282 Mary, 7 Sarah, 103 Hannah, 155 Tame', rhomas. 5 Susanna, 114 John, 35 Mary Holmes, 108 Joseph, 2-^5 Nancy Holmes, 275 DARLING. COLE. Lucy, 207 Martha, 49 Caroline E., 15S Lucy Ta)lor, 100 CRAIG. Gyrus, 174 Mary B., 282 David N., 236 204 DAVIE and DAVEE. Deborah B., Ephraim, Isaac, '58 16 149 Mary C, Richard, Richard, Sylvia, Sylvia, Zorailay, 259 13 Li4 CRANDON. lienjamin, Betsy, Betsy T., Deborah, 21S 189 34 James, 13 125 lane, 86 Deborah C, 193 1 71 Jane K., i5ii 135 Marv B., 134 167 Ebenezer, Ivebecca, 9 258 Ruth, Edward Ta) lor. 92 Samuel, 17 Sarah, 135 184 Elizabeth, 77 86 Samuel, eg COTTON. Sukey, Elizabeth, Samuel, 1 1 7 David Barnes, 68 Elizabeth, 154 Samuel, 209 Edward, II CROADE. Esther, 121 Sally, 233 Hannah, 31 Deborali, 2-. Fanny Edd}-, 279 Sarah, 16 Hannah, 84 George, 171 Joanna, 142 CROMBIE. Harriot, 157 187 COLGAN. [osiah. II Calvin, 117 Harriot Frances, John, 266 [osiah. 32 Deborah. ^'5 Harriet E., 157 Thomas, 266 Jiisiah, U3 Deborah, 84 [chabod, 217 Josiah, 162 h'anny. 102 Isaac, 252 42 COLLIER. [olin (Rev.), 7 lames. ICO Jane, Mary iVtvvood, 154 }.,hn. 63 Kimball, 66 Jedidah, 219 Lydia, 60 i William, lOI Joanna, 95 158 COLLINGWOOD. Lvoia, 200 William, ir.t Joanna, Beulah, ^^5 M'arv, 66 Zeruiah, 9S John, 204 Eleanor, 2S3 i -Mary, 69 John L., 195 John, 2t>3! Mariha, 76 CROSWELL Lydia, 199 Joseph W., 240 IViscilla, 241 Vndrevv, 48 Mancy, 259 "Martha T., 2()S Rachel, III \ndrew. 76 Vathaniel C, 199 Marv, 3'\^ Roland, II Dnvkt, 5<^' Priscilla, 94 Nellie E., 26S Rossiter, 75 i foseph, 47 Priscilla, 195 Robert S., 2S3 Kossiter M., 133 NLary, 44 Rhoda C, 275 Thomas, 2S.S i Samuel A., II •iebecca. 30 \obart. 73 Willie r... 26S| Sarah, 162 ! \ebecca. 52 \obert. 86 Willie L., 2(,s ! remperance. 128 -!arah. 55 Robert (Capt.), 163 William, 2S3 rheophilus (Col.^ '54 Samuel C.(Ca])t.), 188 Thomas Smith, 60 CURTIS. Sarah, 76 COLLINS. rhomas (Capt.), 133 < ;alcb. 15 ■^arah. 158 Gamaliel, 59 Ward (Rev.), 41 . ames. 39 Sarah J., 270 (ieor^e M., -'9 1 William C., U3 Vlary, 10 Solomon (Capt.), 196 INDEX. 3 21 Sylvester, i8o : Daniel, 781 Louisa .S., 224 Mary, 92 '1 hoinas, 4^ David, 6i Martha, 25 Nicholas, 20 Thomas, 77 David, 285, Martha Torrey, 68 Nicholas IL, 217 'Ihoinas, 215 I'.lizabeth, 41 M ercy, 145 Piiscilla, 33 Klizaiieth, 109 Mary, 114 Priscilla W., 239 DAViS. ' Hatiie A., 254 Mary, 182 Rebecca, 15 Ann E., 230 Hannah, 49 Mary W., 236 Sallv, 85 Eliza, 140 Jonathan, 77 Nathaniel, 87 .Sally, 251 John R., Mercy, 2^0 Josiah, 80 Polly, 104 Sarah, 147 51 Josiah (Dea.), 163 Prince, 265 Sarah, 267 Rebecca, 210 I.izzie G., 254 Ruth, 29 Snneon, •37 Samuel, 162 Lois, 89 Samuel, 145 Solomon, '47 Thomas (Capt.), 57 Lois, 170 Susan, 269 Solomon A., •47 Thomas, 216 Margaret H., 222 Sylvanus 11. , 145 Susan 11. Allen, 213 Wentiall (Hon.) 107 Maria S,, 270 Thomas (Capt.), 70 William, 33 \Villiam (Hon.), 150 Marv. 67 William, 69 William, 55 Winslow Al., 230 Mary H., 2l6 William, 122 William. 164 Mirriain G., 254 William, 198 DEACON. Polly, 217 DOTY. William R., 102 Daniel, 271 Polly S., 216 Ancel, 65 Tolly i., 271 Sophia, 123 Joanna, 279 DUNBAR. Susan A., 271 Susanna, 80 .\athaniel, 279 Nancy, lOI Susanna, 59 Ruth, 33 DELANO. DUNHAM. Abigail, Bailisheba, 26 DIER. DREW. Abigail Thomas, 88 31 Hannah, 47 Abbott, 276 Alifaham, 130 lienry, Lydia, 65 234 DITMAN. Abigail, Ai)igail, 14 84 Abraham T., Benjamin F., 271 171 Penelope, 56 \'alentine. 255 Addie, 274 Charlie, Elijah, 236 Salome, b^ Atwood (Capt.) 143 •57 Sarah, 54 DYER. Bathsheba, 40 Elisha, 100 DEVINE. John, Hannah, 23 19 Benjamin, Benjamin, 91 137 Eunice, Elizabeth, 182 230 James 'I'., 250 Charks, 59 Betsy Churchill, 284 Elizabeth C, 130 Peter J., 258 liethia. 59 Charlotte A., 284 George, 61 Mary, 105 Charity S., 260 Nancy, 61 DXK30N. David, 147 137 Patience, 271 John, 94 DYRE, Desire, Sally, 169 John, 139 Hannah, 17 Deborah, 224 Susan Mason, 120 Phebe, 23« Ebenezer, 224 Silvanus, 51 Ruby F., 275 DOGGETT Eliza, 102 William, 177 Samuel, III Elizabeth, 18 Eliza A,, 102 Samuel R., 234 Jane, 71 Elizabeth, 43 DURFY or DURPHEY I'^lizabeth, 81 Marey, 16 DIKE. DOTEN. Elizabeth, 126 Peleg, 13 Anthony, 116 Abigail, 55 George H., 275 Peleg, 16 Parney ^'oung, 122 Betsy P., 224 Hannah, 17 Phebe Sohle, 209 Charles A., 267 Hannah, 19 EDDY. Rebecca, 182 Ebenczer, 58 Helen Augusta, 186 Ann Eliza, 249 Russell R., 209 Esther, 20S Isaac, 211 Ann Elizabeth, 187 Simeon, 209 Hannah, 113 James, 61 George, 187 Thomas, 91 Hellen, 224 [ohn, II Ilenrv F., 250 William \\ C, 1^5 Isaac, 13 John C, 224 Seth W., 251 Isaac, 114 Joseph, 58 Willie ()., 251 DILLARD Jabez, 104 Lenmel, 147 Mercy, 145 James (Capt.), 59 Lucinda, 147 EDWARDS. Nancy, 222 James, Jr., 71 Leman L., 228 Polly, 66 Polly, 109 Jane, 122 Lvdia, 22 John, 69 Lydia, 102 ELLIOT. DIMAN. Jerusha, 48 Lydia, 244 Clarissa, 183 Abigail B., 285 Joseph, 90 Lvdia W., 102 Mercy C., 273 Abigail N., 285 Joseph (Capt.), 97 Lvdia W., 226 Samuel, 286 Daniel, 57 Lewis, 208 Malichi, 228 Susan Louisa, 117 322 INDEX. ELLIS. Nancy, 67 GARDNER Ruth, 146 Betsy, 261 'Pelham, 260 Fanny H., 100 Simeon S., 126 George S., 261 'Pelham W., 260 Thomas, 170 Jane, 127 Phebe, 217 GLEASON Timothy, 128 Jennie, 73 Reiiekah, 105 Lucy T., 132 William, 126 Lydia W., 255 Thomas, 65 Phebe, 243 William, Jr., 126 Mary 11., 261 William (Capt.), 138 Nathaniel, 229 William, 262 GODDARD. GOULD. Nathan'l (Capt.) ,127 William H., 260 Abigail Otis, 91 Drusilla, 176 Rebecca, Samuel, William, 229 206 191 FISH. Thomas, 107 Ann E., BenjiTrmin, Daniel, 271 271 218 GIBBS. Thomas H., 247 FISHER. Daniel, 212 GRATON. ERLAND. Richard, 154 Daniel Jr., 220 Alvin M., 147 Henry, 229 Grace Hayman, 91 Charles .\Iwin Sally C, 269 FLEMMONS John, 27 Mary D., 147 Charles R., 1 86 John (Dr.), 91 FARRELL Lemuel, 212 GRAY. Andrew (Capt.), FARMER. Phebe, 104 2S7 FOBES. Marcy, FOSTER. Elisha, 45 16 Lucy, Lydia, Lydia, Mary, 272 36 266 140 Edward, Mary, GREi^N. 3 8 FAUNCE. Abigail, Caroline A. P., Charles B., Eunice, Gershom, 32 19 24 26 Mary, Mary S., 218 80 Clarissa A., Marcia C, 245 268 105 270 207 Gersham, Hannah, John, John (Dea.), [ohn. M ercy. Folly, Rufus, 36 36 105 William C, GRIFFIN. 268 EHzabeth, James S., 240 207 1 2 23 24 47 24 26 22 William, 83 Edward P., Elizabeth S., 230 207 Jane, II [ob, GOODWIN tiranville .S., 230 Jerusha, John, John (Capt.), Mary, Nathaniel, Peleg (Dea.), 202 20 181 Lois, Mercy, Nathaniel, Anna, Anna, Anna Lewis, 39 193 113 George W., Olive W., Rebecca D., 207 238 275 211 19 273 Samuel, Seth, Susanna, 24 32 26 Abii;ail T., Charles, Charles T., 250 57 170 Rebecca F., Rebecca J., 207 230 Priscilla, vSarah, 21 99 Thomas, 48 Desire, Fdward J., 170 171 HALL. Daniel, 49 I ;6 Thomas (Elder) 25 FRANK. Eliza, '95 Ebcr, William H., 207 Antonie, 270 Hannah, 43 Elizabeth, 136 Zilpah, 191 Samuel A., 246 Hannah, 48 John T., 279 Hannah fackson. 233 Mary, Mary A., I lb FIELD. FREEMAN. Ilaverland T., 170 242 Charles, 194 Abner F., 194 Isaac, 57 Nathan, 231 Llizalicth, 175 Isaac, 286 Sally, I u FINNEY. Frederic Russell, 146 John A. (Hon.), 279 * J Alfred C, 247 Lazarus, 49 HAMMETT. Almira J., 260 FULGHAM. Lazarus, 73 Abraham, 45 Clara, 260 Joseph (Capt.), 38 Lewis, U5 Abraham (Capt.) 78 Elizabeth, 73 Joseph, 41 Lewis (Capt.), 1S7 Aliraham, iiS Elizabeth, 143 Luraina, 49 Lucy, 130 John Howland, 148 Elizabeth, 259 Lydia, 88 Lucy, 98 Ezra, 58 FULLER. Lydia, 207 Priscilla, 100 Ezra, 143 Matilda, 128 Lydia Gushing, 126 Sophia, 78 Harrison, 273 Rebecca, 44 Lorenzo, 187 Harrison K., 231 Mary Ann, 171 HAMROSA. Josiah, 105 GALE. Molly, 52 John D., 253 Kate C, 231 Elizabeth, 129 Molly L, 79 Leavitt, 279 Noah, 200 Nancy, 52 HARLOW. Lewis (Capt.), 259 Rebekah, 200 Nathaniel, 42 Albert, 159 Martha, 138 Nalhan'l (Gen.), 132 Albert B., 287 Mary A., 274 GAMMONS. Nathaniel, 235 Aniaziah, 97 Mary Ellen, 220 Deborah, 145 Roby, 35 Ansel H., 276 INDEX. ?>^?> Barnabas L., IJathshcba, Benjainin, lienjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Betsy, Betsy, Betsy, Betsy J., Catherine, Caleb Boutelle, David, Deborah, Desire, Desire, Ellis T. (Capt.), Ellis }., Elizabeth, Elizabeth A., Elizabeth Y., Experience, Ezra (Capt.), George H., Gracy, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Henry, Horace, Ichabod, Ivory, Jabez (Capt.), James, Jerusha, Jesse, Jesse (Capt.), Jesse, Jesse (Dea.), John, John (Capt.), John, John, John, John II., Josiah, I-evvis, Lewis O., Lot (Dea.), Lothrop, Lucy, Lucy, Lydia, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary L., Mary L., Marcy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, 213 Nancy, 198 HILL. F'sther, 205 176 Noah, 40 Elizabeth, 39 Esther P., 165 46 Patience, 159 Esther, 34 128 Priscilla, lOI HOBART. Franklin B., 275 256 Rebecca, 29 Priscilla, 76 Frederic, 248 283 Rebecca, 227 Grace, iy6 108 Remember, 46 HODGE. Gershom, 22 185 Remember, 47 Betsy 1 1 ay ward, 266 Hannah, 20 256 Remember, 81 Michael, 127 Hannah, 34 287 Sally, 115 Hannah, 175 205 Sally, 134 HOLBROOK. Harrie W., 258 134 Sarah, 161 Bethiah, 184 Heman, Hi 241 Samuel (Capt.), 81 Eliphalet (Capt.) 124 Henry, 74 47 Samuel (Capt.), 40 Jeremiah (Capt.) 124 Henry S., 246 76 Samuel, 222 Lucy, 1 24 Ichabod, 56 138 Seth, 91 Peggy, 119 Ichabod, 57 153 Sylvanus, 46 Sally, 1 1 5 Ichabod, 90 156 Silvanus, 83 Ichabod (Capt.) 129 103 Stephen, 109 HOLLIS. Ichabod Shaw, 95 223 .Stephen, 174 Abigail, 241 Irving B., 271 213 Thos.P. (Capt.), 215 Elizabeth Owen, 146 Jerusha T., 285 42 William, 29 Henry, 192 Jeremiah, 84 201 Joanna, 45 159 HARMON. HOLMES. Joanna, 88 55 .Samuel II., 70 Abigail, 109 John C, 152 73 Abner, 98 Joseph, 150 188 HATCH. .Vdoniram J., 278 Joseph, 218 107 Philah, 24S Albert (Capt.), 265 Joseph, 277 253 Albert Henry, 285 Joshua, 19 176 HATHAWAY. Alvin E., 149 Lemuel D., 269 265 Allen, 269 Ansel, 203 Lewis (Capt.), 81 159 Lucy N., 277 Ansel, 203 Lois, 21 122 Priscilla Whiting 277 Ansel, 260 Louisa, 225 44 Antoinette, 261 Louisa Savery, 2o2, 34 HAYDEN. Augusta Graton, 219 Lydia, 29 105 Thomas W., 249 Barnabas, 190 Lydia, 34 61 Bathaheba, 57 Lydia, 35 115 HAYWARD Bathshebe James, 166 Marcy, 75 117 Beza, 165 Benjamin, 41 Mariah, 222 i8i Beza, Jr., 122 Benjamin, 187 Mary, 7^ 42 Charles L., 119 Bethiah, 217 Mary, 98 46 Edward W., 113 ]3etsy, 79 Mary, 117 51 Elizabeth Ann, 198 Betsy, I So Mary, 198 252 Experience, 224 Betsy, 269 Mary E., 269 ^23 George Wash'n, 190 Betsy C, 242 Mary Brewster, 72 185 John Adams, 100 Carrie Clifton, 2S5 .Mary S., 159 73 Mary W., 78 Charles Edward, 2S5 Mary T., 206 107 Penelope P., 87 Cephas A., 221 Martha, i5., Tolly, Rebecca, Sylvanus, AVilliam, William, William II., ROLFE. Horace II., Mary Augusta, Mary T., RUSSELL. Abigail, Betsy, Betsy Farris, Bridgham, Charles, F.li/,ai)eth Y>., James (Capt.), James, John, John, Mary, M ercy, Nancy, Rebecca, Rebecca, Sarah French, Thomas, Thomas (Hon.), William S., 142 261 19S 276 271 69 245 245 142 240 168 loS 163 39 136 256 199 86 234 07 184 49 86 86 189 86 176 271 247 67 280 247 RYAN. Phylander, Ruth L., Samuel, Sarah, Sarah E., Simeon, Simeon (Capt.), Zabdiel (Hon.;, SAWYER. Joshua, SAUNDERS. Thomas, SAVERY. Ann M., Cordelia !>., Elizabeth, Lemuel, Louisa, SEARS. Almira W., iJartlelt, Bathjheba, Belinda T., Daniel IL, luinice Ij., Harriet N., Hiram U., Julia Ann, Laura y\., Laura \V., Mary Ann, Nathaniel T., Rebecca, Willard, Willard, 216 iSouthworth, 189 William IL, 215 224 Lizzie, 229 SAMPSON. Abigail, Albert L., Alice Bradfiird, Algernon Sidney, Benjamin, Benjamin, Caroline, l'',lizabeth, Ceorge, ( ieorge, (leorge Schuyler, I lannah, Isaac, Jemima, M artha W., Mary, Mary Allerton, ISlary Ann, Milton, Patience, 47 216 282 125 34 35 145 278 99 155 178 67 175 17 3« 3« 223 149 125 155 28: 26 216 3S 62 160 252 157 iSi 181 168 l8£ 233 244 139 226 267 276 226 205 180 244 244 244 186 244 61 75 152 SEARSON. SHERMAN. Elizabeth, Samuel, Sarah, William (Capt.), 74 132 245 74 SHURTLEFF Faith, Jabez, Lydia, Marv, Thankful, William (Capt.), SIMMONS. Abigail, Beulah, George (Capt.), Gershom, Iraetta, Joani\ White, Lemuel, Lemuel, Lorenzo, LytHa W., Mercy, Priscilla, SMITH. Henry, Mehe'table P., 23 35 115 23 1 10 15 178 272 248 263 263 14S 178 249 129 203 248 I S3 Ephraim, Lucy W., Nathaniel, Sarah, .Susan L., Thomas, Thomas, STANDISH. Lydia, Lydia .\nn, STEPHENS. Augusta Frances, Edward, Edward, Ekazar, Elizabeth, Emma E., Hannah, Marv, Mary D., Nancy, Sarah, -Susanna, William (Capt.), STETSON. Bradford, Mary, 37 242 242 39 228 37 41 253 210 237 32 60 5S 106 270 89 12 257 287 37 39 237 34 105 196 SNOW. George F., 258 Leonard, 269 Maria, 269 Sarah, SEYMOUR. Horace, Naomi, SHAW^. Betsy, Betsy Holmes, Esther, Helen M., Ichabod, Ichabod, Ichabod, Julia S., M aria, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Sampson, Priscilla, Rebecca P>., Southwotth, 247 191 191 74 74 215 260 139 190 2()8 259 224 268 268 139 208 43 SOMES. STEWARD. tTaribel T., 206 Ijethiah, 226 Henry O., 206 George, 244 STRAFFIN. George, 87 Mary S., 87 Robert, 87 Lucia, 1 84 SOUTHWORTH. Edward, 274 Ruth B., 274 SPARHAWK. Hannah, 15 Ida Lizzie, 242 John, 15 SPINKS. Sarah, 45 SPINNEY. Abigail T.S.. 1 98 Robert Huntress, 198 SPOONER. Allen C, 22S Ebene/er, 1 1 Elizabeth, 37 STURTEVANT. Hannah, 9 lames T., 221 Jane, 174 John, 29 Joseph, ^33 Joseph, 121 Joshua P., 221 Lucy, no Lucy, 120 Marcia Ann, 221 .Mercy, 268 Mercy A., 268 Sarah, 176 Sarah, 195 'i'hankful. 118 William. 134 William W., 71 Zenas, 68 SULLIVAN. James, 233 INDEX. 329 SWIFT. Annabella, 228 Jabez, 269 Jacob, 231 J.ucy B., 269 William, 272 SWINBURNE. Elon S., 232 Keziah D., 276 SYLVESTER. Abigail, 135 Abigail W., 98 Abner, 84 Elsey, 165 Fanny, 179 Mary Ann, 179 Mary Harlow, 177 Nath'l (Capt.), 165 William Alfred, 190 Solomon, 1 79 Hannah, Mope, Jane, Joab, John, J()se])h (Capt), Josiali, Luce, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mercy, Mercy, Xancy, Nathaniel, Nathaniel (Hon. Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Priscilla, William, William (Dr.), Zuriah. 16 14 225 225 21 194 24 24 27 41 92 225 7 ).2I 24 192 70 9 92 206 SYMMES. Elizabeth, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Isaac, Isaac, Joanna, Joanna, Lazarus, Mary, Nancy IL, TALBOT. George W., Jerusha, Jerusha T., Nancy E., Robert D., Samuel, TAYLOR. Edward (Capt.), Jacob, Jacob (Capt.), James P., Jemima, William, THACHER. Catherine, James, James (Dr.), James Hersey, Mary, Sukey, Susan, THOMAS. Deborah, THOMPSON. 102 Elizabeth, -jl George D., 45 Irene, 56 Juliann, 41 Martin Benson, 55 Rebecca T., 63! 183 TILLSON. 225 Anna Hamblin, 225 I Elizabeth, 238 'Elizabeth, Hamblin, Maria, 241 Perez, 164 jSusan Bradford, 235 235 TORREY. 237 Betsy, 278 Elizabeth, Heaviland, Ijohn, 8d ijohn, 55 ijohn, 60 Joseph, 177 Joshua, 55 I Mary, 224 I Mary, Mary, Meriah, 68 Sally, 64 TOTMAN. Isaac, 51 79 84 150 150 241 120 32 34 223 235 40 191 TRIBBELL. Albert, Augustus, Bathsheba, Betsy, Christiana D., Christiana D., PVancis, Gideon H., Gustavus, Hiram, Horace G., Issac, Isaac, Joseph, Joseph, Jr., Lavantia, Lois, Marcia, Maria P., Maria Thomas, Mary, Mary, Marston W., Robert F. Sarah, Sarah, Thomas, Thomas, Winslow M., William, William, William Thos., 116 17 19 47 51 57 2,3 195 45 89 98 54 108 211 68 192 j 64 TRASK. 212 I Jerusha, Joseph", jThomas, 159 William, -6S 125 167 242 186 242 106 159 1-5 242 125 220 195 74 159 242 159 45 112 74 167 242 159 172 167 j Jesse (Capt.), Jesse H., Lothroj), Lydia Prince, Merca, Martha L., Rebecca, Ruth, Susanna, 167-284 263 184 72 106 197 38 31 190 VIRGIN. 'Abigail, 274 John (Capt.), 123 John (Capt.}, 142 \Villiam Henry, 77 WADSWORTH. George E., 248 Susan Edwards, 150 Susan E., 267 WAITE. Charles, Elizabeth, Martha, 20 Mary, 21 252 16 110 90 90 90 TUFTS. Charles, 266 Charles Henry, 199 Cordelia B., 199 Elizabeth, 58 Emma Cordelia, 240 James W., 164 'Jonathan, 137 jMary Jane, 164 Priscilla, 13c Priscilla, 264 Sarah, 211 Sarah Elizabeth, 240 William Drew, 1 17 TURNER. Patience, 45 Patience C, 46 Patience C, 128 David, 41 I David, 46 I David, 79 David, 93 David, 263 Elizabeth, 62 Elizabeth 1 1., 180-284 Eleanor S., 86 WARD. Ijohn, 1 1 WARLAND. Sarah, 211 WARREN. '\bigail Rider, Benjamin, David, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Esther, (ieurge, (ieorgianna M., JIannah, James (Col.), James (Hon.), Jane, Lois, .Mercy, Nathaniel, Patience, Patience, Penelope, Sally, Sally C, 39 26 92 25 84 42 152 173 10 23 10 77 96 25 9 63 152 272 WASHBURN. Bathsheba, 61 George, 229 Lydia, 54 Margaret J., 143 Olive, 72 Priscilla, 279 330 INDEX. I'riscilla I). 279 WATERMAN. Bethiali, 42 Klkanah, 40 ■♦Elisha, 188 ^ Hannah, 40 . Martha '1"., 191 WATSON. Abigail, lienjaniin, Benjamin M., Benjamin M., Charles Lee, Daniel, Edward Winslovv Eliza Ann, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, P:iizabeth Mills, Elkanah, Eunice, George, (Jeorge, George, Harriet L., John, John, John, Jonathan Sturgis, Lucia, Lucia, Lucretia, Lucretia Ann Lucretia Burr, Patience, Phebe. Sally Marston, Sarah, William, Jr., William (Hon.), Winslow, WEBSTER. Ervin (Dr.), 27 53 no i«5 102 3~ 271 194 28 40 3S 79 194 27 33 «7 2 2S 17 30 151 143 67 151 143 no 252 40 150 152 13 53 125 228 Manly M., Olin E., -J>5 ^VEST. Samuel, WESTGATE Lydia Ann, Susan, 262 Susan .S., 2S2 Thomas, 204 William (Capt.), 135 William, 195 William, 279 William L., 264 ,yj^ ■William, 131 17 WESTON. Ann AL, Betsy, Clara, Coomer (Capt.), Coomer (Capt.), Elijah J., Elizabeth, George, George (Capt.), Hannah, Hannah, "° [Harriet, I Harvey, Hattie, James H., Jane Leonard, Johnny C, Lewis, Lewis, Lewis, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lydia H., Mary, M ary, Mary, Mary, Mary Tilden, Xancy Carver, Patty, Priscilla, Prudence, Sally C, Sarah E., 235 Sarah Nye, 275 146 242 75 265 250 143 182 249 60 260 146 278 242 182 148 250 79 «5 146 131 169 20 1 217 189 15 I 105 I 195 249 126 206 204 228 3^ 278 278 143 WETHERELL. Anna, Anna May, Elizabeth, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Harriet, Isaac, Isaac (Rev.), John May, ijoshua, Lemuel, 'Lucia, Nancy, Rebecca, Sarah, Thomas, Thomas, William, WHliam, 49 95 122 21 22 212 125 98 275 86 14 22 72 118 31 72 23 115 49 98 WHITE. Cornelieus(Capt.), 5 1 Elizabeth, 32 Experience, 31 Gideon, 51 Hannah, 202 Joanna, 117 Thomas, 34 WHITING. Asa A., Elizabeth, Ephraim, Joseph B., Levi, Mary, 260 97 97 272 138 131 Sophia B. 257 WHITMARSH. Sarah W., 204 WHITTEN. Albertenia L., 258 Edward W., 195 Elisha C, 250 Emeline A., 280 Harriet B., 213 Lewis IL, 270 Lydia N., 242 Joseph W., 195 "Mary IL, 229 Samuel, 213 WILLIAMS. Eliza A., 273 Eliza Ann, 227 Eliza, 282 John, 227 John B., 267 Mary, 121 Nancy, 170 WOOD. Betsy, 197 Betsy S., 203 Eleanor, 159 Eliab, 206 1 1 uldy, 203 Isaac L., 159 Mary Elizabeth, 148 Nathaniel, 192 Persis, 145 W^RIGHT. Elizabeth A., 233 Sally, 256 William, 154 WITTE. Hans, 256 ZAHN. Luise, 243 0^ •C.. A^ V. .\^ ^\' .r. '>. 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