TX 715 .045 Copy 1 EXPERIENCE ALLOWS NO DISPUTE. ^ COLORADO Cook Book, PUBLISHED BY THE YOUNG Ladies' Mission Band CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. DENVER, COLORADO. Price, 35 cei»ts. NIESZ & CO. KEEP NOTHING BUT Solid Boots and Shoes NO SHODDY. P^; No Paper Soles We sell you good Shoes at the same price common goods are sold, We will keep ours in repair [except the soles] until they are worn out. We are able, by our New German Method, to fit any foot, however crOOked, Wide or narrow it may be. Send in your orders by Postal Card. 286 FIFTEENTH ST, DENVER. YoK cannot cook in Co/ or ado as you did East. COLORADO Cook Book, PUBLISH liU BY The Young Ladies' Mission Ba? ND CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. EVERY RECIPE IN THIS BOOK IS ATTESTED BY THE LADY WHOSE NAME FOLLOWS IT. IF YOU FAIL TO GET GOOD RESULTS IT IS YOUR FAULT, AND NOT THE FAULT OF THE ^ DIRECTIONS. FOR DIRECTIONS AS TO THE PLACES TO GET THE RIGHT KIND OF MATERIALS AND DO YOUR SHOPPING, SEE THE ADVERT1SEM.EN-TS - -^^ AT THE TOP OF THE PAGES. ''v.'V.X.^.^'^^^^ r. o ^^'"^ 7 1883 M jJOPYI^IQHTED. \^ H(>.J^.f^X3~,V/ ^ vyA«wit4©t DENVER, COLORADO. a4 AN INDISPENSIBI.E INGREDIENT. A young lady, whose mother was famous for her good cake, was once asked by some friends where she was visiting to make them some cake such as her mother made at home. She said she could not, as she did not have all the ingredients. To this they replied, that she would have no trouble on that account, as they would buy her every- thing she needed. "No," said she, "when mother makes a cake she puts in lots of common sense, and you cannot buy that at the store." Moral: Let all who use this Cook Book count this as part of each recipe : USE convrnvnoiT seijtse .A.ccoi2.3Di3src3- a?o t.a.ste. DENVER : f CULLIEK & CLEAVELAND, rUINTEKS •- 188-. K — -^-^-f- — Tomato Soup. Pare and chop two good sized tomatoes. Put into one quart of boiling water, and let boil twenty minutes. Then turn in one quart of milk, at the same time adding a tea-spoon full of baking powder to prevent the ascidity of the tomatoes turning the milk. Add six rolled crackers, a piece of butter the size of an egg, salt, and let boil up. Add a little pepper. Mrs. Abbott. Tomato Soup. Haifa three-pound can of tomatoes, a pint and a half of boil- ing water. Boil fifteen minutes. Add a small salt-spoon full of cooking soda, and then a pint and a half of sweet milk. Salt, but- ter and pepper to taste. Crumb in a few oyster crackers. Mrs. Brooker. Potato Soup. Take Irish potatoes ; pare and cut into small bits, so that there will be about two quarts when they are all cut up. Put them in a pot containing about four quarts of boiling; water, and let them boil till soft. Put into a frying pan about half a cup full of butter; let it melt, and add a cup full of Hour; stir it and keep smoothing it with a knife till it is nicely brpwned. Do not let it get into too large lumps. Here and there a piece not quite as large as a pea will be right, but the most of it should be finer. When the potatoes are done, put the browned flour into the pot with them. Season with pepper and salt, and the soup is done. Mrs. H. C. Doll. Noodle Soup. For Stock: Boil one shin of beef, and strain; after it cools, skim off fat. For noodles : One egg, half an egg-shell of water, one tea-spoon full of salt, flour to mix. Roll thin as paper; then roll as you do a jelly cake, and cut very thin and spread to dry. On the second day put on the stock and heat to boiling hot, then add the noodles and boil ten minutes. Mrs. J. Montgomery. SOUPS-MEATS. B. L JAMES & CO., Mixed House Paints, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER. 373 Arapahoe Street, Denver, Colorado. Bouillon. To three pounds of lean beef, oft' the round, and chopped fine, take two quarts of cold water ; let it simmer for four or five hours, or till all the juice is extracted from the meat ; let it come to a boil once in a while, then skim. After the juice is extracted, season with salt and pepper, then strain and serve hot. For Soup. — Cook rice, barley, tomatoes and potatoes well, and then add to this liquor, letting them simmer together for half an hour. Mrs. H. C. Doll. Barley Souii. Buy a shank and have the butcher cut it into several pieces ; wash it and put it into cold water to boil ; add salt and boil three or four hours. Set it aside. The next day take off' all the fat. Strain it. Add vegetables to suit. As soon as it boils put in your barley, one cup full or more, according to quantity, and let it boil one hour. Mrs. George. DyCEA-TS. '^^flh-^ Siiiotliered Clilckeii. Dress young chickens ; wash and let them stand in water half an hour to make them white ; put in a baking pan (first cutting them open at the back ;) sprinkle salt and pepper over them, and put a lump of butter here and there, then cover tightly .with another pan the same size, and bake one hour. Baste often with butter. A delicious dish. It is a Southern method. Mrs. H. C. Doll. MEATS— ENTREES. J. COLLIER, PHOTOGRAPHER, 415K LARIMER STREET, Denver, Colorado. Veal Loaf. Three pounds finely chopped veal, three eggs, six small crack- ers, two table-spoons full of salt, one tea-spoon full of pepper ; mix well ; bake two hours ; add a little butter. Baste with butter and water. Mrs. H. C. Doll. Miiice liOaf. Six pounds of raw veal or beef, twelve water crackers rolled fine, six eggs beaten together light, two table-spoons full of salt, two table-spoons full of pepper, and butter the size of an egg, Mrs. Howard. "^{^^^Z/""-*— * — — — *— •-'I'Z/Z^t -•^1^- Cliickcii Croquettes. Two pounds of cold fowl or veal, two or three sweet-breads par-boiled and minced fine, season with salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, rind and juice of a lemon, a tea-spoon full of French mustard, butter the size of an egg, one egg. Wet the whole with milk or cream sufticient to make a paste, mould in forms with the hands fimnel shape, cover with cracker-crumbs and egg, fry in lard light brown ; insert a sprig of parsley in the small end after they are fried. Send to the table hot. Mrs. John Howard. Potato Croquettes. Season cold mashed potatoes with pepper and salt ; beat to a cream, with a table-spoon full melted butter to every cup full of ENTREES. J. J. Smedley, D. D. S. J. H. Beals, D. D. S. Drs. Smedley & Beals, DENTISTS, Room 7, Skinner's Block, Cokner i6th and Lawrence Streets, Denver. Nitrous oxide gas used for the painless extraction of teeth. potatoes. Add two well beaten eggs and some minced parsley. Roll into small balls, dip in beaten ^%'g, then in crumbs and fry in hot lard. Mrs. W. F. Thompson. Omelet. Three eggs; beat whites and yolks separately; one tea-spoon full of flour beaten with yolks; a piece of butter half as large as an English walnut, melted in a cup of sweet milk. Stir in the whites just before putting it in the well buttered spider, and add a little salt. Partly cook on top of the stove and set in the oven to brown. A. V. Wells. Macaroiiii and Clieese. Boil the macaroni until tender. Then put in an earthern dish first a layer of macaroni, then one of grated cheese. Add butter and a little salt. Fill the dish with milk and put in the oven until brown. Same as above with the exception of mushrooms with the cheese. Mrs. Abbott. Clieese. One tea-cup full of cheese, two tea-cups full of milk, two tea- cups full of bread crumbs, tea-spoon of pepper, salt, a little mustard. Mrs. Abbott. Iiitliaii Bannock. Into one pint of corn meal stir one pint of sour milk, half tea- spoon full of salt, one table-spoon full melted butter, two table- spoons full sugar, two well beaten eggs; then stir one pint of wheat flour, half tea-spoon full of soda dissolved in warm water. Bake fifteen minutes in shallow pan. Mrs. Howard. ENTREES. MADAME KEITH, FASHIONABLE MODISTE SHOPPING and DRESS REFORM AGENCY. COUNTRY ORDERS SOIilCITED. SAMPIiE OP GOODS SENT. Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. and DRESS REFORM AGENCY. COUNT] SOIilCITED. SAMPIiE OF GOODS SENT 471 Champa Street, Denver, Colorado. Calf's Brains. Soak in salt and water an hour. Par-boil five minutes, adding to the water one tea-spoon full vinegar and a little salt. Then plunge them into cold water. When cool, remove the fibrous membranes around them, cut in neat slices about one-half inch thick, egg and bread-crumb them and fry in a skillet with part butter and part lard, mostly lard. Mrs. M. Benedict. Fried. S^veet Breads. Cooked exactly the same as brains, except to parboil a little longer and do not add the vinegar. Mrs. M. Benedict Sweet-ljread Croquettes. Soak two sets of sweet-breads in salt and water for an hour. Then par-boil twenty minutes. When, cool remove li-ttle pipes and skin and cut in small bits. Make a roux by putting in a sauce pan one table-spoon full of butter; when bubbling hot stir in one and one-half table-spoons full flour and add one tea-cup full of milk; let come to a boil. Add to this the bits of sweet- breads; take from the fire, add the yolks of two well beaten eggs and return to the fire a few minutes to set, but do not boil. When cool, form into croquettes, roll them first in cracker crumbs, then dip in beaten egg, then again in cracker, and fry in boiling lard. Mrs. M. Benedict. VEGETABIiES. KILPATRICK & BROWN, FURNITURE. The largest and Best Furniture House in Denver 410 AND 412 LAWRENCE. ■•^l^-r- Frlecl Corn. Cut down through each row with a knife, then cut from the ear. Put into spider couple slices of pork, frying out the fat; then put in the corn, frying about fifteen minutes, turning often to keep from burning, but letting both sides brown. Mrs. Abbott. Fried Tomatoes. Have the tomatoes all even size, rather small than large. Peel them; Roll in Hour, in which mix salt and pepper. Have ready a skillet of hot drippings or butter into which drop them. Fry brown and turn them, taking care to preserve the form. It will take about half an hour to fry done. Then lift on to meat platter carefully, turn milk with a little butter into skillet, or cream is better, season and thicken with flour, and turn over tomatoes. Makes a nice breakfast or supper dish. Mrs. H. C. Doll. Fried Sqiiasli. Take crooked neck squash, cut it in thin slices and soak for about two hours in salt and water. Dip in a batter made of milk, eg^ and flour, then fry brown in butter. Mrs. Abbott. Corn Oyster^. One pint of grated green corn, two eggs, as much wheat flour as will make it adhere together; beat the eggs, mix them with the grated corn, add flour to make a paste ; fry as you do oysters. Mrs. John Howard. VEGETABLES— SAL.ADS. 9 H. G. DIERCKS. DAY & DIERCKS, MANUFACTURERS. And General Job Workers in Metal, 290 Seventeenth Street, Denver, Colorado, Restaurant and hotel work. Dairy cans and shipping cans for oils. We pay special attention to job work of every description. Oreeii Com Piiddiug. Take one dozen ears of sweet corn, one pint cream, three eggs, four table-spoons full of flour, one table-spoon full of sugar, a little butter and salt to the taste. Grate the corn, beat the eggs and stir all well together, the whites last. Bake one hour. Mrs. Howard. a^— }-%■ Cold Slaw. Otie tea-spoon full of flour, two tea-spoons full of sugar, one tea-spoon full of mustard, one-half cup full of milk, one-half cup full of vinegar, one spoon full of butter, one egg and one-half tea-spoon full each of salt and pepper. Mix flour, sugar, mus- tard, milk and eggs; heat vinegar boiling hot and then stir in vcixyXMx it very rapidly ; let boil one minute and then pour over cabbage chopped fine. Einima V. Ratcliffe. Cream Dressing for Salad. One cup of sweet cream. Heat almost to boiling. Stir in a table-spoon full ot corn starch, wet with a little milk first. Roil two minutes, stirring all the time. Add two tea-spoons full of sugar, and take from fire. When half cold beat in whipped whites of two eggs When cold whip in two table-spoons full of best salad oil, some pepper, made mustard, salt, three table-spoons full of vinegar, and pour it over the salad. Mrs. George. 10 SAI.ADS. irPTsFlNING; DEALER IN ^ PAPER, z^- 369 HoLLADAv Street, Denver, Colorado. Dealer in Book, News and Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Printers' Ruled Goods r News, Book and Job Inks ; Gold Leaf, Bronze Powders, and Printers' Supplies gen- erally. Telephone No. 332. Grreeii Dressing for Liettnce or Fisli. Two medium sized pickles, two anchovies or a tea-spoon full of the paste of three soft and two hard boiled eggs, the yolks only, one tea-spoon full of French mustard, two even table-spoons- full of chopped parsley, salt to taste. Rub up with oil to the con- sistency of cream, Mrs. John Howard. Cliickeu Salad. Beat the yolks of three raw eggs very light in a deep dish and mix in gradually one pint of olive oil. Then add one and one- half table-spoons full of mustard, mix the yolks of four hard boiled eggs with two mashed potatoes and one-half tea-cup full of vinegar. Stir this slowly and lightly into the former. Clean and chop four heads of celery leaving it to soak in cold water ; then turn it into a cloth and wring it dry. Preserve the leaves to gar- nish the dish. This dressing is sufficient for one pair of large chickens, the meat of which must be chopped fine and seasoned with salt and pepper before the dressing. Mrs. Spining. Mexican Clilclcen Salad. Boil tender one nice chicken, chop the meat well, removing every scrap of fat, gristle and skin. Take the best part of a small cabbage, discarding all the pith and green leaves. Chop fine. There should be about one pint when chopped. Chop half as much cellery, and mix well with the chicken. Boil four eggs very hard. Work the yolks to a paste. Take a gill of good sweet olive oil, or a gill of melted butter, and mix it with the ^t^-g. Add one tea-spoon full of pepper, two table-spoons full of mixed mus- tard, one tea-spoon full of vinegar, and one table-spoon full of salt. If you like, add half a cup of grated horse radish. Mix it all together half an hour before using. Mrs. GEORCiE. SALADS— SAUCES. ii SKINNER BROS. & WRIGHT, WHOLESALE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, AND MERCHANT TAILORING. Corner Lawrence and Sixteenth Streets, Denver, Colorado. -Liobster Salad. To the yolks of four hard-boiled ^gg'i add a little pepper and salt and a gill of vinegar. Stir this all together. Cut up some celery or cabbage fine, mix carefully with the lobster in the dish in which it is to be .served. Then pour the mixture over it. Mrs. George. Tomato Salad. Take off the skins, cut in thin slices, and lay in a salad bowl. Make a dressing by working a tea-spoon full of salt and made mustard, a little pepper, the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, with two table-spoons full of melted butter. Then whip in five table- spoons full of good vinegar. Pour over the tomatoes, and let it cool for an hour before serving. Mrs. George. S^TJOES. Wild Plum Catsup. To ten pounds of plums take five pounds of sugar. Boil, mash and strain the fruit. For every quart of juice add rather more than one and one-half pints of vinegar. Add cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Boil fifteen minutes. Mrs. Howard. Tomato Catsup. Boil tomatoes and strain in a sieve. To one gallon of juice put four spoons full of salt, four of black pepper, four of ground mustard, three of allspice, two of cinnamon, one cup of sugar, one quart of vinegar. Boil until thick. Mrs. L. B. France. l« SAUCES. ROBT MARQUIS & CO., Corner i6th and Stout Streets, Denver, (Bancroft Block.) Dealers in Fine Groceries, CHOICE FRUITS, ETC. Cold Catsup. Peel one-half peck ripe tomatoes, cut in small pieces, drain in sieve. One cup full of salt, one cup full of sugar, one cup full of mustard seed, one root of horse radish grated, two roots of celery chopped (good sized ones), two table-spoons full of black pepper, one tea-spoon full of cinnamon, one tea-spoon full of allspice, one tea-spoon full of mace, three pints of strong cider vinegar. Ready for use in a week. Mrs. Abbott. Cli^ll Sauce. Three dozen large, ripe tomatoes, one dozen onions, eight green peppers, twelve tea-cups full of vinegar, three tea-spoons full each of cloves, cinnamon and ginger, five table-spoons full of salt, sugar to taste. Chip fine and boil four hours, or until thick as you like. Mrs. D. B. Keeler. Cliill Sauce. Eleven pounds of tomatoes peeled, six green peppers, three large onions, four coffee-cups full of vinegar, three table-spoons full of salt, six table-spoons full of sugar, three tea-spoons full each of ginger, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg. Chop the tomatoes, peppers and onions. Boil two or three hours. Mrs. Kilpatrick. PICKL.ES. la Robertson Carriage Co. Fine Carriages, MANUFACTORY, REPOSITORY, REPAIRING, ^ A^ji^ ^•^^Aj.Av^w 379 and 381 Arapahoe, between 15th and i6th Streets. N. ROBERTSON, Manage?-. p. o. 80x2321. H. C. DOLL, Secretary ^^ IPIGKIIjIBS. ^- CllOWCllOAV. One peck green tamatoes, three onions, six green peppers, all chopped, one-half pint of salt. Let them stand over night in a cullender or sieve, then drain off the brine. Cover with vinegar and boil slowly one hour. Put this into a kettle. Take one pound of brown sugar, one table-spoon full of ground cinnamon, one table-spoon full of allspice, one-half tea-spoon full of cloves, one-half tea-spoon full oi pepper, one-fourth cup full of mustard. Add it to three pints of vinegar, boil it and pour over the chopped pickles and cover up. " Mrs. Abbott. Ciiciinil>er Pickles. -Put the cucumbers down in salt and let them stand twenty- four hours. Then take them out and drain. Put enough vinegar over the fire to cover the pickles. Spice with black pepper, cloves, allspice, bay leaves, horse radish and green peppers. Let this all come to a boil, then put in the cucumbers and skim while boiling. Take out the cucumbers and place them in a jar, and pour the hot vinegar over them. Then put them in a cool place. Mrs. L. B. France. Wasliiii^on Pickle. One peck of green tomatoes, two onions, two green peppers, a hand full of horse radish. Cliop fine and sprinkle with salt. Let them stand twenty-four hours, then drain. If too salt pour fresh water through them. When drained spice with one table- I* BREADS. J. A. Chain. S. B. Hardy. B. C. Bancroft. CHAIN & HARDY, BOOKSELLERS ^^ STATIONERS, Art Department Second Floor. PICTURES. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, FRAMES, Motddings , FisJmig Tackle, Fancy Goods, Etc. 414 Larimer Street, Denver, Colorado. spoon full of cloves, one table-spoon full of cinnamon, two table- spoons full of white mustard seed, one table-spoon full of celery seed, one pound of sugar. Cover with o^ood vinegar. Cook slowly three or four hours, stirring often, Mrs. Raymond. Excellent Baker's Yeast. Pare nine potatoes the size of an q%^. Then take one pint of hops, tie them in a muslin bag and put them with the potatoes in a pot with three pints of water, and boil until the potatoes are very soft and there remains one quart of water. Take out the hops and mash the potatoes through a cullender into a stone jar. Add one table-spoon full of ginger, two of salt, three of brown sugar and one coffee-cup full of good, fresh hop yeast. It should be mixed rather warm and kept in a warm place to ferment. Let it stand twenty-four hours, then stir well and put into a glass jar or stone jug and cover tightly. Stir up when used as the potatoes settle to the bottom. One tea-cup full of this will make three loaves of bread. Save one coffee-cup full to start new yeast again. Do not put flour in this yeast. Mrs. E. S. Hays. Brown Bread. Three tea-cups full of graham flour, two tea-cups full of corn meal, one-third tea-cup full of molasses, three large cups of milk, one tea-spoon full of soda, a little salt. Bake one and one-half hours. Mrs. Keeler. BREADS. 15 Donald Fletcher. Osgar R. Burchard. FLETCHER & BURCHARD, BROKERS, ^^45 Sixteenth Street, Denver, Colorado. Peal in all kinds of Real Estate in Colorado and the Territories. Effect Loans on Real Estate. Make Investments for Non-Residents. Have more than 2,000 Lots on Capitol Hill, the finest residence portion of Denver. We solicit the business of all who have property to sell or wish to purchase, and of those who wish to loan or borrow money. Yeast. Peel and boil six medium sized potatoes in three pints of water. Wiien soft pour off the water on half a pint of flour. Mash potatoes thoroughly and stir into the flour and water. Put aside to cool. Soak one cake of Ashard's dry yeast. . .When soft stir into the mixture. After the first rising beat thoroughly, allow it to rise again, and after a second beating pour into a close covered vessel and keep it cool. Will keep several weeks. One cup full is sufficient for four loaves. Mrs. R. Holme. AVliite Bread. Allow a pint of wetting to each loaf of bread. Let half of this be buttermilk, or sour milk. Take some flour in a pan, and put in some lard, allowing a half a table-spoon full to each loaf. Pour over this the hot whey from the scalded milk. Sift flour, adding cold water enough to wet the quantity of flour you wish, and soft yeast in the proportion of a gill for two loaves. In mixing this sponge, it should be beaten very thoroughly. When light, knead well, adding flour to make it quite stiff. Let it rise again until very light, and mold lightly, adding as little flour as possible, and put in well greased tins. Mrs. L. Brooker. Buns. Three cups of sweet milk warmed, one cup of sugar, one cup of yeast. Thicken with flour to a batter and let rise over night, very light. Then add one cup of butter and one cup of sugar, worked thoroughly together first, three-fourth pound of currants, one tea-spoon full of soda, some nutmeg; thicken to dough to mould and rise again. Then roll out and make in small balls and put far apart in pans and rise very light. When baked rub over with butter. Mrs. Abbott. BRSADS. Wm. T. Rogers. C. W. McCord. ROGERS & MCCORD, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ROOMS 28 AND 29, 283 FIFTEENTH STREET, Den'ver, Colorado. Brown Bread. One cofFee-cup full of milk, one-half coffee-cup full of mo- lasses, salt-spoon full of salt, graham flour to make into batter about as thick as for cake, two heaping tea-spoons full of baking powder. Bake one hour in moderate oven. Mrs. Spining. Pounded Biscuit. One pint of water, a small tea-cup full of lard or butter, a little salt. Make very stiff and work until brittle. Make out with the hand. Do not roll too thin. Prick with a fork. Bake in rather slow oven until dry through. Mrs. Howard. Potato Biscnit. Two pints of mashed potatoes, without milk, very small tea- cup full of lard. Knead very stiff. One tea-cup full of yeast. If wanted for tea make in the morning. Make out in rolls after dinner. Mrs. Howard. MiiMns. Beat four eggs separately. Take a little less than a pint of milk and the same quantity of flour. Add a tea-spoon full of sugar, a salt-spoon full of salt and a table-spoon full of melted butter. Dissolve two tea-spoons full of baking powder in the milk. To be eaten very hot. Miss Armsby. Muffins. Mix one quart of flour with one and one-half pints of milk, two well beaten eggs, one tea-spoon full of salt, two tea-spoons full of baking powder, two table-spoons full of melted butter. Put in buttered rings or cups and bake till a light brown, E. E. Raymond. BREADS. IT C. N. GUYER, DENTIST. Nitrons Oxide Gas used for the painless extraction of teei/i. Lawrence Street, between i6th and 17th, I ^ T'^'P\]\''Th l> Room 37, King Block, \ UEI\ V Ll\. Steamed Corn Bread. Three cups full of corn meal, one cup full of flour, three cups full of milk, one cup nearly full of molasses, one tea-spoon full of soda, one tea-spoon full of salt. Steam four hours. E. E. Raymond. Frencli Rolls. One quart of warm water or milk, one tea-cup full of home made potato yeast, a little salt, stir in flour to make thick sponge and set in moderately warm place for four or five hours. When light add one well beaten egg, two table-spoons full of melted butter or lard and flour to make soft dough. Knead well. Let rise till light, when roll and cut. Spread each roll with a little butter and lap over one half upon the other. When very light bake fifteen or twenty minutes in hot oven. Mrs. M. Benedict. Oraliain. Bread. One cup full of sweet milk, one cup full of sour milk, one table-spoon full of molasses, one tea-spoon full of soda, one tea- spoon full of salt, graham flour to mix a stiff" batter. Bake one hour. Mrs. W. F. Thompson. Soft Gingerbread. One tea-cup full of molasses, one tea-cup full of butter, half a tea-cup full of boiling water poured over and stirred in one pint of flour. Bake in a shallow pan. Mrs. Howard. Gingerbread . One cup of butter, one cup of molasses, spice to taste, one cup of sour milk, one cup of sugar, two and a half cups of Mour, four eggs, two tea-spoons full of soda. Mrs. D. B. Keeler. 18 PANCAKES. Domestic Bakery, J. E. BUSSEY, Proprietor, BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. 58T and 589 Cliampa Street, Denver, Colo. The only exclusive Wholesale Delivery Wagons in the city. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL, PARTS. Apple Fritters. To one pint of sour milk add a little salt, and half a tea-spoon full of soda. Put in chopped apple (tart). Use enough flour to make quite stifif, and fry in lard. Mrs. Abbott. Potato Pancakes. Grate seven or eight good sized potatoes. Drain off all the water through a sieve, then scald with half a pint of boiling sweet milk. Add yolks of four or five eggs. Mix well. Add salt, and half a cup of flour. Add whites of eggs, beaten stiff. Miss Armsbv. Griddle Cakes. One pint of sour milk, part of it cream if convenient. Flour to make medium thick batter. A little salt. Half a tea-spoon full of soda, dissolved in a table-spoon full of warm water. Last of all, two eggs, well beaten. These cakes can be varied by making batter of part corn meal and part flour. Mrs. M. Benedict. CAKES. 19 COLLIER & CLEAVELAND, Lithographers, Steam Printers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, 386 Holladay Street. Magazines and Pictorials ( Bouiitl to Order. | White Cake. Whites of one dozen eggs, two full cups of A sugar, half cup of butter, half cup of lard, three cups of flour, two tea-spoons full of baking powder, half cup of milk, one table-spoon full of corn starch. Mrs. Wallace. White Cake. Two cups of sugar, half cup of butter, one cup of sweet milk, three cups of flour, whites of four eggs, three tea-spoons full of baking powder. Beat sugar and butter to a cream, then stir in the milk and flour. Add whites of eggs last. Mrs. Abbott. W^liite Cake. Half a cup of butter, one and one-half cups of sugar, three cups of flour, whites of five eggs, two thirds of a cup of sweet milk, one tea-spoon full of baking powder. Mrs. J. S. Dillon. Silver Cake. One and a half cups of pulverized sugar, half a cup ol butter, two and a half cups of flour, half a cup of milk, whites of six eggs, one tea-spoon full of baking powder. The lunger beaten the better. " ' Mks. D. E. Keelek. 20 CAKES. W. F. THOMPSON, DEALER IN Native and Eastern Lumber, MSH, DOORg, BLWDg AND BOILOiM PAPER. 196 Sixteenth Street, Denver, Colorado. Yankee Cake. One teacup of sugar, three teacups of flour, one egg, two table- spoons full of butter, one tea-spoon full of cream tartar, half tea- spoon full of soda, one cup of sour cream, to be mixed with the flour. Mrs. Howard. Clioeolate Cake. One cup of sugar, one cup of milk, two eggs, one table-spoon full of butter, two and a third cups of flour, two tea-spoons full of baking powder. For frosting, use the whites of two eggs, mix with sugar and grated chocolate ; or cocoanut may be used in- stead. Rake in three layers. E. E. Raymond. Cocoanut Cake. Two-thirds of a cup of butter, two cups of sugar, two and a half cups of flour, half a cup of sweet milk, six eggs, two tea- spoons full of baking powder. For frosting, beat the whites ot three eggs to a froth, add nine table-spoons full of sugar (pulver- ized), and half a pound of cocoanut. Spread like jelly cake. Mrs. Abbott. Zollicoffer Cake. Half a cup of butter, one cup of sugar, two cups of flour, half a cup of milk, three eggs, one tea-spoon full of baking powder. Filling. — One cup of sugar to one egg and two table-spoons full of water, one cup of figs cut up fine, one-quarter of a cup of citron, one cup of almonds blanched and cut up, one cup of stoned raisins. Make in two layers and spread between, like jelly cake. Mrs. Abbott. CAKBS. al J. M. BAGLEY, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD Room 91 Tabor Opera House, iti^'^yavi-r of the Rncky Aloiottaiits. } EsladUs/iCii JS72. j T/ie Pioneer Eitift-avfr o_f the Rocky AToiiHtahis. ? T~)'R'l\JV"R'R (^OTO Webster Cake. One cup of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of milk, one cup of butter, two eggs, one pound of raisins, one tea-spoon of soda, spice of all kinds, sufficient flour to make it thick enough to drop. Bake three hours. If one loaf, add citron and currants. Mrs. Abbott. Corn Starcli Cake. Two cups of sugar, one cup of butter, one cup of sweet milk, two cups of flour, one cup of corn starch, whites of eight eggs, one tea-spoon full of baking powder. Frosting : Seven table-spoons of grated chocolate, whites of three eggs, half cup of pulverized sugar. Mrs. Abbott. Orange Cake. One cup milk, four cups flour, two cups sugar, butter the size of an egg. Beat the yolks of five eggs and the sugar and butter to a cream. Add the whites, beaten to a stiff' froth. Then add the flour. Jelly. — One cup of sugar, four oranges, whites of four eggs. Mrs. W. F. Thompson. Orange Cake. Two tea -cups of sugar, five eggs beaten together, three cups of flour, two tea-spoons full of baking powder, half a cup of water, a pinch of salt, the juice and grated rind of one large orange. Be- tween layers put frosting made as follows : Whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff" froth, two and a half cups of sugar, one tea-spoon full of corn starch, the juice and grated rind of one large orange. Mrs. Ed. S. Day. ^2 CAKKS. John Sinclair. . R. W. Callaway. John M. Walker. John Sinclair & Co., MERCHANT TAILORS, Men's Furnishers & Shirt Manufacturers, 384 LARIMER ST. JD'JElJ^'^T'^lTl, - - . _ COX-iO:E^-^3DO. Delicate Cake. The whites of nine eggs, half a cup of butter, one and a halt cups of pulverized sugar, half a tea-spoon full of extract of lemon, even tea-spoon full of baking powder^two cups of sifted flour, half a cup of sweet milk. Mrs. Kilpatrick. ^Vafer Cake. One egg, a small piece ot butter, flavor with lemon, mix all with flour, roll very thin, and fry in hot lard. When cold, sprinkle with sugar. Mrs. George. Hickoryniit Cake. Two and a half cups of sugar, one cup of butter, four cups of flour, one cup of new milk, whites of nine eggs, half tea-spoon full of soda in two tea-spoons full of water, one tea-spoon full of cream of tartar, one pint of nuts chopped fine, one pound stoned raisins, half pound of fresh dates. Bake two and a half hours in a slow oven. Mrs. Howard. Two-thirds of a cup of butter, one and two-thirds cups of sugar, three cups of flour, four eggs, half a cup of milk, one tea-spoon I of baking powder. Flavor to taste. Mrs. Abbott. Orange Cake. Two scant cups of sugar, three and a half cups of flour, a pinch of salt, the yolks of five eggs, the whites of three eggs, the juice and grated rind of one orange, half a cup of cold water, two tea- spoons full of baking powder. Icing: Beat whites of two eggs to stifle froth, add sugar and the juice and rind of one orange. Spread and put together. E. E. Raymond. CAKES. 33 JOHNSON & CO., PLUMBERS, OA^ A^ivo !S5;tea.3j: fitters, ?e?ep?o°nViSi: DENVER, COLO. VENTILATION AND SEWERAGE. Sponge CaUe. Very Nice. Three-quarters of a pound of powdered sugar, half a pound of sifted flour, ten eggs, a tea-spoon full of extract of lemon. Beat the yolks first. Add the powdered sugar. Beat the whites to a stiff froth. To the yolks and sugar add alternately a handful of the flour and a spoon full of the whites, stirring very slowly. Mrs, L. Brooker. Pork Cake. One pound fat salt pork, free from lean or rind, chopped So fine as to be like lard ; half pint boiling water poured over this ; one pound raisins, seeded and chopped ; quarter of a pound of citron, shaved into shreds ; half pound figs, chopped, (this maybe omitted) ; two cups of sugar ; one cup of molasses, into which stir one tea-spoon full of saleratus rubbed fine, four and a half pints of flour, one ounce of nutmeg, one ounce of cloves, two ounces of cinnamon. Bake slowly until done. Mrs. Abbott. Black Frnit Cake. One pound of flour, one pound of sugar, one pound of butter, twelve eggs. Beat the butter and sugar. Add the flour and eggs. To this add four pounds raisins, two pounds of currants, one pound of citron, half an ounce of cloves, one ounce of cinnamon, one nutmeg, a little salt. Flour the fruit well, and stir into the cake. Bake two hours, letting it cool over night, in the oven if possible. Mrs. Spining. Sponge Cake. Three eggs, two cups of pulverized sugar, two cups of flour measured after it is sifted, half a cup of cold water. Bake pretty fast. Mrs. L. B. France. 34: CAKES. . AV. A. HOVER & CO., —DEALER IN — DRUGS, FINE GHEMICAIS, EXTdllCIli, iC, Cor. Sixteenth and Curtis Sts. Sponge Cake. The weight of three eggs in sugar, and the weight of two eggs in flour. Beat the yolks and whites separately, and mix them with the sugar. Then add the flour. Stir as little as possible to mix all together. Flavor with the juice and grated rind of half a lemon, or one tea-spoon full of lemon extract. Put into oven without delay. Mrs, Wilder. Sponge Cake. Ten eggs (if large, eight), two scant cups of flour, two scant cups of sugar. Beat yolks and sugar thoroughly ; then whites ; mix, and add flour. Bake in quick oven twenty minutes. Mrs. Keeler. Hot^W^ater Sponge Cake. Six eggs, two cups full of sugar, two and three-fourths cups of flour, half a cup of boiling water. Beat the yolks and sugar to a froth; also beat the whites to a stifl" froth. Add the boiling water to the yolks and sugar, next the whites, and last of all the flour. Mix one and a half tea-spoons full of baking powder with the flour. Flavor with lemon. Bake in two sheets, in a moderate oven. Mrs. S. B. Hardy. Delicious Fruit Cake. Four eggs, five cups of flour, two cups of sugar, one cup of molasses, one and a half cups of butter, one cup of sour milk, one pound of seeded raisins, quarter of a pound of citron, one tea- spoon full of soda, one tea-spoon full each of cloves, cinnamon and mace, the rind of one lemon grated. Makes two large loaves. Mrs. L. B. France. CAKES— COOKIES. 35 E. A. TUN N ELL & CO., Denver's Confectioners, ■ 370 CURTIS STREET. QmBAMB, iCESi ANB FANQY GAMEB, Clove Cake. One pound of sugar, one pound of raisins, one pound of flour, half pound of butter, four eggs, one cup of sweet milk, one tea- spoon full of soda, one table-spoon full of cloves, one table-spoon full of cinnamon. Mrs. W. H. WXllace. OOOKIIES. Cookies. Two cups full of sugar, one cup full of butter, one-half cup full of milk, four eggs, two tea-spoons full of cream tartar, one tea-spoon full of soda. Flavor with lemon and nutmeg. Mrs. Wm. Hastings. Oraudma's Plain Cookies. Witlioiit Eggs. Six heaping cups full of flour. Into this rub thoroughl)^ three- fourths of a cup full of butter, add two heaping cups full of sugar, some nutmeg and caraway seed. Mix this with one and a half cups full of sour milk, to which one tea-spoon full of saleratus has been added. Flour enough to roll out. They should not be kneaded. ' Mrs. Kelsey. Cookies. Half pound of butter beaten to a cream, quarter of a pound of sugar mixed with it, the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs grated fine. Flavor with lemon, or to taste. Mix flour enough to roll the dough, not too stiff. Mrs. George. 36 COOKIES. J. Jay Joslin, DRY GOODS lit o^mE,^^^ wMJEtmm'ww, 384 AND 386 LAWRENCE ST., DENVER, COLO. One cup full of molasses ; let come to a boil. Then add two tea-spoons full of soda. When cool mix one cup full of butter, three-fourths cup full of sugar, two eg:gs well beaten together. Then add 5^our molasses and two table-spoons full of water, two table-spoons full of ginger, one tea-spoon full each of cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Add flour and bake in a quick oven. Mrs. Abbott. One cup full of sweet milk, three eggs, one-half cup full of butter, one cup full of sugar, one tea-spoon full of baking pow- der, a litde cinnamon, flour until thick enough to roll out. Mrs. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Riuniple's Jum1)les. One pound of sugar, one pound of flour, three-fourths pound of butter, whites of three eggs and one whole one. Flavor with rose water. The best 1 ever ate. Mrs. Howard. Dougliiiuts. One egg, two-thirds cup full of sugar, one cup full of sour milk, two table-spoons full of melted lard, one-half tea-spoon full of soda, a little salt and some spices. Mrs. Abbott. Coffee Cake. One cup full of cold coffee, one cup full of brown sugar, one , cup full of molasses, one scant cup full of butter, one egg, spice and fruit if you wish, one-half tea-spoon full of soda. Mrs. John Howard. COOICIES— PUDDINGS. 37 A. H. WEBER. W. R. OWEN. WEBER OWEN & CO. {Successors to Weber. Hoiuland &• Co.,) DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW AND BUCK GOODS, Wholesale. Rear of 382 Larimer Street, Retail, III Larimer Street, DENVER, COLORADO. Scotcli Cake. One pound of brown sugar, one pound of flour, one-half pound of butter, two eggs, cinnamon. Roll very thin to bake. IVIrs. Howard. Sand Tarts. Two pounds of brown sugar, two pounds of flour, one and one-fourth pounds of butter, three eggs. Roll very thin to bake. -Mrs. Howard. •-" FXJIDIDIIsrG-S. IB •o<>o. Cliocolate Pudding. One quart of milk, two ounces of grated vanilla chocolate, three table-spoons full of corn starch, two eggs, one-half cup full of pulverized sugar. Boil the milk, stir in the chocolate, starrh, sugar and beaten yolks of the eggs. Bake. When the pudding is cold beat the whites of the two eggs to a froth and stir in half a cup of pulverized sugar. Place this frosting on the pudding and serve. Emma V. Ratcliffe Spouse Pnddiug. Into one pint of hot milk stir two table-spoons full of flour, one table-spoon full of butter, three table-spoons full of sugar, six eggs, beaten well, flavor with lemon. Bake until brown. Put the dish containing pudding into one larger containing water. Eat cold with cream. Mrs. J. S. Dillon 28 PUDDINGS. C. N. HART, M. D., DISEASES OF WOMEN, Residence, 508 Arapahoe. S.S.SMYTHE,M.D. SURGEON, Residence, 4r53 Curtis. HART & SMYTHE, KING BLOCK. Suet Piiddliig. One cup full of New Orleans molasses, one cup full of chopped suet, one cup full of cold water, four cups full of flour, one tea- spoon full of ginger, one-half tea-spoon full of allspice, one-half tea-spoon full of cinnamon, one-half tea-spoon full of cloves, one- half of a nutmeg, one cup full of currants, one cup full of raisins, pinch of salt, three tea-spoons full of baking powder. Steam three hours. Sauce. — One cup full of sugar, three-fourths cup full of butter. Stir to a cream. Add yolk of one egg and one cup full of boiling water. Beat white and put on top. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. Mrs. Abbott. Ijemon Pudding. Two cups of bread crumbs soaked in one quart of milk, yolks of four eggs, one lemon and rind, grated, and the juice, two spoons full of cream or butter. When baked have the whites well beaten with white sugar, and just brown. Eat cold. Mrs. Frank Jerome. Suet Pudding. Excellent. One cup full of chopped suet, one-half cup full of molasses, one cup full of raisins, one cup full of sour milk, one tea-spoon full of soda, four cups full of flour. Steam three hours. To be eaten with hot sauce. This will keep a week or more and is nice steamed over. Miss Armsby. Suet Pudding. One egg, one cup full of suet, one cup full of molasses. New Orleans, one cup full of sour milk or coflee, one tea-spoon full of soda, two cups lull of flour, one cup full of raisins, one cup full of currants. Mrs. D. B. Keeler. PUDDINGS. a9 CHARLES WESTLEY, General Subscripfion Ag't/""i:^r Denver Colo. BOOKZS SOXjX) Oasr IlTST^«i.L3yEE3SrTS- Fine art publications of Casseli, Petter, Galpin & Co., London and New York; Dante's Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise, illustrated by M. Gustave Dore ; Milton's Paradise Lost ; Dore Bible Gallery; Egypt: Description, Historical and Picturesque, by Prof G. Ebers ; Cassell's Illustrated Shakespeare ; The Countries of the World ; The Life of Christ, by Rev. F. W. Farrar, D. D., F. R. S.; The Child's Life of Christ; The Early Days of Christianity; The Harmony of the Bible with Science. Any of the above books taken to your house for examination, at your request by postal card. Tapioca Piiclding. Six table-spoons full of tapioca soaked over night in two tea- cups full of cold water. In the morning beat the yolks of three eggs, put them into one quart of milk, add one heaping tea-cup full of sugar, and a little salt, also the tapioca. Boil this mixture like custard. When nearly cold, flavor with vanilla or lemon. Then bake it. After this add a frosting made from the whites of the eggs and one table-spoon full of sugar, and brown it in the oven. Very nice when cold. Mrs. E. V. Wells. Clieese Pnddiug. One pint of bread crumbs on the bottom of a pudding dish. Then add a sprinkle of grated cheese, a little butter in small pieces, a little salt and pepper. Alternate until the dish is full. Beat one egg lightly in a cup of sweet milk, pour over and bake fifteen minutes. Mrs. Howard. L