.^■ > PREFATORY $ ^( %^ PRESENTING this directory. I have en- V. ^Tl ^^ deavored to gather such facts and int'orma- ^h\A^/At^ tion as I deemed of sufficient j^eneral impor- tance to appear on these pages. In the treatment of the matter at hand. I have endeavored to be fair and unprejudiced, and, if any names are omitted or any mistakes appear, it is because of an error or that I have been misinformed. I hope that this work may be of suticient interest to the general jjublic to in some measure rei)ay them for their confidence and support. I appreciate the hearty su])port I have met with throughout the county and desire to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all who have so kindly assisted me. Respectfully. W. H. Sheridan McGlumphy Kingston. March. UlOd. Author of "Village Verse" and compiler of this directory DIRECTORY TAX-PAYERS CALDWELL COUNTY MISSOURI Compiled and Arranged =:=:by==^ W. H. SHERIDAN McGLUMPHY u NGSTON, MISSOURI, MARCH 190 p Cz s CALDWELL COUNTY COURT HOUSE This buildin>i- was built in 1898, taking- the place of an old brick structut-e that burned the year before. It is a lar^e and commodius brick building, trimmed with Bedford stone, steam heated and pipe for waterworks and gas light ing. The dimensions are 70ft. x 100ft, three stories and base- ment. It was built by the Stanberry Pressed Brick Co. after plans furnished by L. Grant Middaugh, of Kansas City. Col. J. W. Harper, of Hamilton, then Presiding Judge of the C'ounty Court, superintended the building of it. This building is taken care of by S. W. Thompson, fam- iliarly known as "Scotty'', who has given his entire time to the janitorship since June 1903, his services having been entirelv satisfactory to the officials and the County Court. I Caldwell County Missouri | W Historical and Descriptive. Area 432 Square fliles |j S Population 18,000 M In many respects, north-west Missouri excels any part of the United States. For agriculture, its prairies rival any of the west: for thrift, enterprise and hospitality it stands the peer of any land. Caldwell County is located in this, the Eden of the west: in the midst of a land of plenty, of lowing- herd and fattening swine. The first settler to make his home within the present limits of Caldwell Countyi is said to have been Jesse Mann, Sr., who settled near the present site of Kingston in the spring- of 1831. At that time this territory was known as Caldwell Township, Ray County, and while there were scattering settlements from that time on yet, up to the year 183H, there was not a town or even a store, in what is now Caldwell county, the nearest being at Richmond. The first town in the county was Salem, two miles south-east of the present site of Kingston. Caldwell County was organized in 1836, the intention being to have a county made up entirely of Mormons, who selected Far West as their New Jerusalem and at which place the seat of justice was established. Mormons came pouring in rapidly from all over the United States until at the time of the exodus, the population of the county was about six thousand, and Far We«t was the largest town in Missouri, north of the river, and the largest town that ever was within the borders of Caldwell County, having- about 2500 inhabitants. It was here the Mormons made preparations to build a Grand Temple, which, however, they were not permitted to build. Nothing- now remains to mark the location of Far West except the excavation for the temple, which may be seen at almost its orig-inal depth, a few stone scattered about the temple site and the visitor is also shown the "stone that fell from heaven" to iSe the chief corner stone. The cemetery, where sleep many followers of Josepj Smith, fell into disuse and has long since been in cultiva- tion and pasturage. Far West is buried in the past as effectually as if the eartii had opened and eng'ulfed the Mormon city. The Mormon war occuring in 1 838, resulted in the ex- pulsion of that sect from the stats, only a few remaining. Amid many privations they made their way to Nauvoo,Ill. during- the winter of 1838-39, reducing- the population of the county to perhaps less than one thousand. Far West continued to be the county seat- until in i842. when commissioners appointed for that purpose, selected Kingston, and in 1843 all offices and records were trans- ferred to that place. An attempt was made to locate the county seat at Sa- lem, but it was unsuccessful. This town too, is but a re- membrance. The Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad was built in i'85t) and opened up a way of communication to this vast section of as fine prairie as ever the sun smiled on. It was not until 1887 that the southern part of the county was opened up by the building- of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. The county has twelve townships and has been under township organization since i872. Judj^e J. W. Rice Judjj^e Geo. N. Elliott Presiding Judge J. N. Chapman The Caldwell County Court is composed of the above gentlemen, whose services as such court have been hig-hly satisfactory. Presiding- Judge J. N. Chapman, was born in Quebec, Canada, in 1846, but was reared in Wisconsin. Has been a resident of this county thirty six years and is one of the leading- farmers and stockman of FairvieAv twp., owning a large and well stocked farm. He is serving a second term and has made a very able official and carefully looked after the interests of the county. Judge J. W. Rice, of Eastern Dist. born in Ohio, in 1846. At the age of seventeen he inlisted in the Union army and served until the close of the civil war, on the gun-boat Curlew, No. 12 Mississippi Squadron. Coming to Caldwell in 1869, he has made this his home ever since and has been very successful as a farmer. He lives at Cowgill and has made a creditable record as a county official in his present position. Judg-e Geo. N. Elliott, of the Western Dist., was born in Ohio in 1849, and came to this county at the age of nine- teen and has since resided near Mirable, Judge Elliott is a farmer and owns a well improved farm. Judge Elliott cer- tainly deserves a second term for his record has been one of efficient service and he is a gentleman of undoubted integrity. Caldwell county has had four court houses, two of which were burned, and now has a new building and one of the neatest in the state, costing- about $30,000. The g-reater part, perhaps all of the county is under- laid with a fine quality of bituminous coal, one mine being- in operation at Hamilton. Oil and g-as also are thoug-ht to abound in certain parts of the county and immense beds of limestone are found in many places. The Klondike rock quarry, one and a half miles soutli east of King-ston. is one of the larg-est quarries in the state, and has been pronounced by experts to be even better than the famous Bedford limestone. Taxable waalth of Caldwell County is about $8,000,000. Horses, mules, sheep, cattle and hog-s are the principal live stock raised and have a taxable wealth of about $7,000,000. The county is entirely out of debt, has g-ood public build- ing-s: the various streams of the county are spanned by many steel bridg-es and there is about $80,000 in the school fund of the county. which is loaned at 6 per cent. The coun- ty is rapidly coming to be one of the leading- dairy coun- ties in the state. There are 78 schools in the county, employing- 95 teach- ers and accommodating- 4436 pupils. Taxes assessed for school purposes ag-greg-ate $50,000 annually. Tlie churches and lodges are well represented in the various towns and further mention will l)e made in the descriptive write up of each town. There are also ten newspapers in the county which will also be referred to later. The people of Caldwell County are enterprising; and I)rog-ressive as is evidenced by the find public building's, schools and churches and many fine residences scattered throug-hout the country. It is well supplied by modern conveniences such as the telephone and free rural mail delivery, almost all parts of the countv being- reached by both telephone and mail. It is certainly a pleasure to dwell in a county so fav- ored by nature and amono- the refined and cultivated class of people that ^o to make Caldwell County one of the best in orand old Missouri. Caldwell County is a land of plenty: no man within her borders need f>() without em])loyment. for the various in- dustries are enou^^-h to sui>ply work foi- all tliose who will work: way-es are u()()d and day laborei-s. al)le and willin;^- to '^vork, are always in demand. And yet the county is susce})tible to ji'reater develo])- ment. With a railway openin^f up the central part o+' the county, with its coal, stone and shale, the i)ossi])ilities are- j^reat indeed. Politically, the county is republican, but the fact re- mains that of whatever party, the num who wishes to serve the pe()})le. must be a man of character and fully capable . to discharo-e the duties and responsibilities likely to come with the office to which he aspires. On another pa^j-e will be ^i'lven the vote of The different precincts in the election of 11)04. HON. FRANK B KLEPPER A writer for the "Success"" iiiaji-azine chose the subject of this sketch as one of ten new membei's of Cont^ress who are types of the self-made man. Mr. Klepper came from a larye family and. from force of circum- stances, was compelled to help his father work the home farm, attend pubhc school and read law at the same time. i orn at St. John, Putnam coimt.v. Mo.. June 22. 1864. the family removinji- to Mirabile in l,St55, and ten years later to Clinton County, three miles fiom Lathrop. where Frank walked to school, luckmn: one year of completing the hiyh school. Later attended Baker University and tauKht school two yecirs. After spending a few years at home with his atied parents, he attended the Missouri State University Law School and graduated. Was elected in 1900 and re-elected in 1902 to the office of Prosecutintr Attorney of Caldwell County, after practicing law at Polo a few years, and Le made an enviable record as Prosecutintf At- torney. Married Miss Lela Madden of Clinton county, to which union was born three childten: Robert Donald, Lela Frances and Georye Madden, ayed ten. seven and two re-ipectively. Was nominated and elected" to Cont^ress in 1904. making- a re- markable campaign and being the first republican ever elected from this, the third district. Mr. Klepper is a man of strong personality, narked abillity and undoubted Integrity. He enjoys the reputation of being the second largest man physically, in the House, is of commanding appearance, and. unlike most new members, is not sitting idly by, but is taking an ae-tive part in the deliberaiions and is on some very important t onjnjittees. CIRCUIT COURT .1. W. Al.'xand.-f. .Iiidnv. M. F. t'haivs. Clerk ( 'oiivencs: Tliird Monday in March Foui'tli Monday in .Tuiu'. Tliii-d Moiidav in Noscinhcr COUNTY COURT J. N. Cliapnian. I'rcs. .Indue. J. W. Uice, .Tuduv |<:. Dist. Geo. N. l-'Jliott. .Indue VVi-stci-n Disl. ("onvcncs: Kirst Mondays in Fchniai-y. May, August and Novemhei-. Also holds adjourned tci-nis moiilhh. PROBATE COURT Geo. K. Uoduv, Judoe, and Kx-OIVicio Clerk. ('onvenes: Second Mondays in Fei)riiai\\ . May, Auuust and Novembei-. County Officials Member of Con^Tess Representative Presiding- Judge County Court Judg-e Eastern District Judo-e Western District .Tudg"e of Probate Clerk Circuit Court Recorder of Deeds Deputy Recorder of Deeds Clerk County Court Deputy Clerk ( 'ounty ( "ourt Deputy Clerk County Court Prosecuting- Attorney Sheriff Treasurer Coronor Public Administrator Surveyor County Superintendent School; Hon. Frank B. Klep])er Hon. W. F. Blair Joseph N Chapman Jacob W. Rice Georg-e N. Elliott George K. Dodge Reginald F. Phares Frank B. Veatch Mrs. F. B. Veatch Roy A. McCoy Lee Bridgewater Mrs. Ruby S. McCoy Dorman E. Adams Frank L. Parker Welcome B. White R. H. Watson, M. D. Charles W. M. Love Sleptien C. Rogers Prof. J. H. Eckelberrv COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH J. N. Chapman, President. J. E. Galtside, M. D.. Sec J. W. Rice G. N. P^lliott J. E. Gartside. M. D.. Kinoston. Health Officer. FFvANK L. PARKER (^)uiet and unassiiminji-. a man of u-ood business ability and well qualified for the otlice. Mr. Parker is maRino- one of the best sheriffs Caldwell county has ever liad. He has been a resident of the county almost all his life, having- been born in Henry (\)imty. Iowa. November 14-. 186(>. but removed to Missouri while yet a small boy. He lias been very successful as a farmer also servin.u- three terms as assessor of King'ston township and bein^- elected sheriff in November. 1904. His official career since his electicm. has proved that the confidence reposed in him by the people has not been misplaced, for he has discharged the duties of the office in a manner creditaS>le alike to lumself and the county. Mr. Parker is a candidate for re-election and well deserves the earnest su])])ort of his })arty. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS BRECKENRIDGE TOWNSHIP Trustee Henry ( 'olvin Clerk E . L. Reed Collector C. D. Grun Constable W. H. Bush Member BoardW. M. White Member Board . . . J. H. Hall Justice Peace. . .S. J. Dewey Justice Peace .T. M. Parker HAMILTON TOWNSHIP Trustee Ira Houghton Clerk J. C. White Constable Jas Wears Collector Linus Hopson Member Board. M.F. Nevitt Member Board. F.C.Gibson Justice Peace. .W. R. Burks Justice Peace Jas Scott MIRABILE TOWNSHIP Trustee J. B. Sloan Clerk H. W. Leig-hing-er (Collector John Arey Constable Oliver Adams M. Board I . . . . Samuel Wise J. Peace \ W. W. CJevenger NEW YORK TOWNSHIP Trustee . . \Vm. J. Wag'goner Clerk Chas. Casper Collector Wade Swaithes Constable Joe King- Member Board Geo. Frazier Member Board I. M, Puckett Justice Peace . .Geo. Frazier Justice Peace . .James Mcfee GOMER TOWNSHIP Trustee C. Barlow- Clerk Ollie Dunlap Collector Geo. Kautz Constable. . .Geo. Townsend M. Board . . \ Dexter Snyder J. Peace . . . ) Wm.Blacksten KIDDER TOWNSHIP Trustee Jas Dillard Clerk G. A. Park Collector T. J. Jacobus Constable T. D. Miller Member Board G. W. Stiles Members Board W. C. Tracy J. Peace C. S. Cole J. Peace M. J. Ellis KINGSTON TOWNSHIP Trustee A. W. Bishop Clerk D. A. Glenn Collector W. H. Hieser ( 'onstable Wm. Spivey Member Board H. B. Fort Mem. B'dD. P. Stubblefield •T. P D. P. Stubblefied J. P T.H. Robison FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP Trustee • John Shultz Clerk G. W. Sprouse Collector Frank Seiters Constable J. E. Waters M. Board \ . A. W. Hughson J. Peace ) P. E. Hughs DAVIS TOWNSHIP Trustee Alex Wells Clerk C. D. Gearheart Collector E. T. Messenbaugh Constable Isaac Hays Member Board ...D. Michel Mem. Board A. J. McKnight Justice Peace. Ben . H. Kite Justice Peace J. J. Lane GRANT TOWNSHIP Trustee J. W. Sloan. Clerk J. P. Mesimer Collector J. T. Hunter Constable. . .D. Montgomery Mem. B'd j . Joel McGlothlin J. Peace "j Earlv Sloan LINCOLN TOWNSHIP Trustee S. F. Thompson Clerk R. A. McCray Collector D. M. Tait Constable Thompson Member Board . . J. E. Kelly Member Board. .D. Toomay Justice Peace. . .E. M. Clark Justice Peace J. C. Goe ROCKFORD TOWNSHIP Trustee K. A. Robison Clerk R. H. Hutchinos Collector J. F. Pollard Constable.. .. I. S. Groves Member Board Justice Peace C. E. Frazier...T. J. Mount REGINALD F. PHARES. This u-entleman is a Caldwell County Product, having been born in 1877, reared in Fairview Township and educat- ed for the most part in the district schools. From the farm he went to Kidder Institute where he graduated ii. 1900. A year later he entered the office of Re- corder of Deeds as deputy and served one year. Was elect- ed to the office of Circuit Clerk in 1902 and has handled the business of the office in a very satisfactory manner. Was married to Miss Maud Sherman, of Kingston. Oct. I8th, 1904. Mr. Phares is a canidate for re-election and bases his claims on his record, having- faithfully discharged his offi- cials duties and demonstrated his ability to handle the business of the office in such a way as to becreditable to the county and to himself as well. ■^ Vi/ \if )tii \)< lii \ki \t> tir \i/ Vt/ \tff \ti \if vii \if Vii \i( till \ti) \fo (t/i tl/ \lui (t< Vii \)» Xiii \ii \i/ \if itl^ I KINGSTON I I THE COUNTY SEAT | THE land on which Kin^'ston is hx'ated was donated to the county, for county seat purposes by James Ram- sey and Samuel Hill. It was laid out in 1842, lots sold at auction and proceeds applied to the erection of a court house. The town was named in honor of Gov. Aus- tin A. Kinu-. In 1843 all offices and records of the county were moved from Far West to Kin^'ston and the business in u-eneral was transferred to the new county seat. Kin^-ston has not made the rapid g'rowth of other towns. ])ut its g-rowth has been permanent and it has kept pace with the general improvement of the county. Its people are enterprising- and progressive and have endeavored to build up the town and make it a desirable place to live in and a capital of which the county mig-ht be proud. It has been the ambition of King-ston to have railway facilities, and at one time, for a ])eriod of about ten years. it had a short line to Hamilton. wJiich was forced to dis- continue because of the arbitrary policy of the Burlina|)ers. niort^a.u'e. bonds, eti-.. and uave full insl nuM ions as to all steps neeessai-y to make them le^^al. wldcli wei-e carried out. Tile mort^ia^^'e was recorded, the bonds si»>iu'(i and sealed and a c()inniitt(H>. inchidin^i- the Tresideiit and Treasurer of Hie Hamilton vV ICin.uston \{. K. ('o..carr-ie(r them to the Lincohi Trust Co. at St. Louis todelivei- them, expecting- to return with the funds to extend the road. In the mean- time. howe\'er. the 1 Uirl i nj^ton had been busy and ['resident Case said that he had had a talk with Mr. hllliottof the I )Ui-I in<,'ton. anewhere. but few indeed, know of the blow thus dealt the county by tlie Hiirlini>ton. The i-oad was ojXM'ated for about six _\ears lonj^'er. at a loss to the ))ubl ic-spi i-it<'d little com|)any. but the polic_\ of the l>urlino-ton made its downfall inevitable. As an evidence that the i'oantilied with the interests of Caldwell county foi- the. past fifteen years, as principal of schools, county School ( "ommissicmer and County Surveyoi-. He also founded the Kinton telephone exchano-eand is a u-entleman of wide business experience and undoubted inte^'rity. Kino-ston is a city of the touHh class. havin,ii- a popula- ti(m of about 701). The present officials are: Mayor, J. H. ilobinscm: Clerk. C.W. M. Love: Marshal. Jacob V. Clute: Aldermen, W. C. Paul. (^ T. Jones. Lee Bridgwater and (jeorti'e x\rmstron^". It has one newspapei-. Hampton's Kingston Mercury, edited ])y P. AV. Hami)ton, who is also postmaster and en- joys the reputation of bein^' on(> of the most forceful writers amon^- country editors in Missouri. Kingston has a ^'ood l)rick school building. *>f f'>^u' rocHBs and in ^'ood repair. Four teachers are employed and about V.Vl scholars are in attendance. [n addition to this there is a colored school. emi)loyin.u- one teacher and having- 4U scholars. Kinjj-ston is well supi^lied with churches. The Method- ist Kpiscopal is the strongest in \u>\n\ of membership, hav- \uo- over lOO members. They have a lar^e and well fur- LEE BRIDGWATER. The present Deputy County Clerk was born on the home farm adjoining' Kingston, in 1873 and has lived there all his life until his marriage to Miss Eliza H. Wag-g'oner in 1900. As a farmer he has been progressive and very success- ful and has also served as clerk and assessor of Kingston township. Always active in political affairs and doing good work for the canidates of his political faith. He was Secretary of the Republican County Central Committee for four years. Three years ago he was honored by being ap- pointed as Deputy County Clerk, a position he has faith- fully filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public. Being capable and trustworthy he has been an able assistant to Mr. McCoy and deserves credit for the manner in which he has performed the duties assigned to him. iiislu'd frame r!)ui\-li huildin.--. willi a new l':it\v«)i-th hca^iic room addition jusl l.uilt last year winch, wilh otlu-r im- pi-ovenie.nts wciv made al a cost of $'.)i)i». 'i'liis is the onl v clunvh in town supi)()i'tiii^- apastor »i'ivin,u' his lull tiinc lu-rc They also havi' a n-at ])ars!>na^\' i)roi)(M-l v. The l'rcsl)\t M-ians id-nlificd with Ih- church althis place inunhci- about I.'). Thi'V have a ncal IVanic Imildin,-- and also a nice parr-ona.^c The Christian cinii-ch i- ih.' s;>cond ston.u'vst denoinina- lion. havin- al)out Si) m -iid. -rs and have a Irainc huildin-- in o-()()d repaii". The M. Iv Church. Soulh. hav.' ahoul 'M) uienihers and ;,,.,. hiiijdin^- a n(>\v l.rii-k-veneered l.uildin.u-. (iiU't x 4;{ft, modern in e\^erv way : ha v in- a n andiloriuin. Sunday scliool room, pastor's study and ladies' parlor and will cost $;'»:)()(). They also have a parsona-- adjoining- the church. ''I^h(> La1t'i--da\ Saints also have a larj^i" frame l)uildin;i- aiul have a u'oodly iiundter ot memh(>rs. At the head oftlie list of lodues is Kingston A. K. .V A M. No. lis with a memlrM->hip ofovt-r a hmuhvd. of which IJ. C. ,I,,nes is W. M., an<. Secretai-\ . 'l^liis lod.u'e <.wns perhaps the lar.i^- -1 and l);'st lod.^v room and l>an(|U(M Iwill in this paiM of the stale. The (). I'l. S. mi ets in the sanu' hall, and have a m<>m- hership of 11.") members. Mrs. W. C. I'aul is \V.M.,Le.. IJridowat.er. W. I'., and Hoy A. McCoy. Secretary. This lodo-cls in<'xcelleid woi-k in-' ord-r and receivin-- many ad- ditions. The I.O. ( ). V. have a membership of about one Innidi-ed. Dan Cud-ell is N. C. and Krvin M'Mvdith. Secretai'y. TlH«y own a nice hall, are well situated, and have a nicely fiM'nished lod^'e i-oom. 'I^he C. A. 11. aNo have a small lod.u'e. also the \V . ( ). \V. and the Kratei-nal Home, bul they donot meet i-e^iilarl\ . The C. C. C. (Cai)ital Culture Chd.) has a niembersliii) of ;')(). C.VV.M. Love is l'i-;-sident. and. I. Iv 1 leri'iott. Secre- tary. Tlu'V nu'cl weekly at the home of some inenUxM- and toi)'ics of ji'eneral in!ere-,t ai-e pi-e,entctl each evenini:-. Kingston Taxpayers l^ Parrners are desitinated by ;i star (*) and stoc-ki by a double star (^■*) Allen A B ivstJiuraiit *Are.v Bros ^Alexander Wm Allie J V hotel Ack^rley E W i)ou]tr\ Ai-note Lee Armstrong" Geo *Adair G A Adams D K lawyer Belioiit Mrs. ( ' T * Burnett O Brown Wm Bell Thos Brown W Brooks Sam])s<)n *Brateher S *Bowers Geo "Beal Thos *Buruer P J ^Baldwin W W Ji- *Bebout Geo *Bebout E S Bebout Mrs. M J * Butts J W Buelianan AYm Bi-own Jolin H Bi-idiiwater Lee Brown Wm -M Bryant K M ^Bridgwater Hal ^Bennett Margai-ett Bovd J P Bell J H *Butts Wm M *- Bethel C L ^BishopG E Butts Mary A *Brooks Martin ^-Bell Mel V in Brown L W *Bonar J W Bridgwater Saiu <4i-<)(*er\ Bell Nelson Bunn 8 P Brelsford N *Bell Sam Brooks Ellen Baker Sarah J *Bassett Garett Baker Hardin Bishop A W g-en store *Bateman Mrs. A ■=^Bateman A F *Bateman G W ^ Baker H T *Br<)oksliire J li Brown B F DOKAIAN K. ADAMS The present incumbent of tlie office of Prosecuting Attorney was ])<)i-n in Adams County, 111., in 18()0, cominjn' to Mis- souri eleven years later, and to Caldwell County in iSiMJ, For eleven years he was a telegraph operator, but decid- ed to enter the profession of law and graduated with hon- ors from the law Department of State University at Cohun- bia in IHUiy. He was a citizen of Braymer when elected to Ids presMit office 2 years a.ij-o when he moved to the count \ seat. The i)o]icyof Mr Adams has l»een to dischar«ie the dut- ies of his office without i)rejudice or partiality and he has made a sjiledid record as an official. He is a candidate toi- i-e-election, and having demonstrated his fitness and abil- ity, desei-ves the confidence and sui)port of all law abiding citizens. KINGSTON TAXPAYERS— Continued Brown Daniel ^Brundage J H *Burdick P E Craig Mrs. ( " L * Carter E U * *Clark Jas H *Cope Earl T *Cline J B *Cline S B Cadman A liotel. **Cope O C Cope Ray *Clark P F Clute Jacob "Clark John H Cottman Mike *Craven C J *Chesire Solomon ^Connor D N *Curti.s John *Carter G W *Cox Albert F *Cashavv Frank Carter Mrs.R A **Crockett A D *Cowg-ill W M *Clair Thos *Cullison P G **Cox R W *Cashaw Geo *Carlile Oscar *Corbett R B *Corbett James *Corbett John H *Corbett L C *Cook J C *Clark Willis Delong Fra^ik Dunn Ben *Dorkins Henrv *Dustin R P *Dunkle James Dodge Geo K Probate J' Dunn Emma *Davis Grant *Dunn John *Dustin H H Dodge Nancy E Dodd John *Dustin H P *Dustin W W *Donr u'vifing them . Phone No. 90 at Kingston, No. 41 at Polo JUDGE WILLIAM McAFEE ATTORNEY AT LAW HAMILTON, MISSOURI Does a ,u'enei*al law business, makes eollectioiis, writes insurance, rents ])ropertA' and collects rents. Makes a specialty of prolmte l)nsiness. Office up stairs next door north Hamilton Savings Bank NOTE— Mr. McAfee is well known over the county, having served three terms as Prosecuting Attorney and one term as Probate Judge. After a residence of ovor thirty years in Kingston, he has decided to change his location and has moved to Hamilton— Compiler. j H A M I L T N | t Population 2,000 g XTAMILTON, the Prairie City, and metropolis of Cald- •^■^ well County, is situated in the northern part of the county and near the center, east and west, and on the Han- nibal & St. Joseph railroad. It is about 159 miles west of Quincy, 50 miles east of St. Joseph and about 70 miles from Kansas City. Hamilton was laid out by the Hamilton Town Company in 1856, but made little progress for two or three years and in 1859 had but three families residing there. The building of the Hannibal in that year however, infused some life in- to the town but it did not make much permanent advance- ment until after the war. Within the past fifteen years it has made considerable advancement, has begun to take on metropolitan airs and is a flourishing city of the fourth class. It has the best electric light plant in this part of the state and its telephone exchange, the first to be built in the A iKil i \'c oT M issoui'i. li;i \'iiiii- l)ri'ti Ixini in I );i \ is cuim! y ill 1S7L*. t'oiiiiii;^- 1() ( ';i 1(1 we 1 1 ( 'oiinl V six yrji i-s hitrr. :i nd since that liinc has ln-cn a fili/cn of this coimtv. Allhou^h a voun^" man. .ludj^p Dod^^'c lias Im'ch honorcc] by Ix'in'j |)l;u* mI in (UK' of most i'cs))(»nsil)l(' comity oHiccs in the L;'ilt <>l Ih«' |)(M)])h'. Me has |)i"<)V(Mi his ability by a jiisl and iiiiparlial Itct'loi-niancc df the complex (hilics dcvol vin;^- tipon him. .Iu(l<.;<' Dod^c was admiltcd to tlic bar at tlic a.^c of Iwcn- ty-tvvo and pi-acticcd law and carried on a successful abstiact l)usiness until his|election to the of1ici> of I'l-obate Judo-e in l!)()2. succeedino- .Tudj^e McA lee. He is especially pi-olicienl in rea 1 estate and |)i'(»bale la w and finds time amon;^ his otluM- duties to attmd to his a b- sti'iict busin(^ss. Was mai-ried Sept. ISili), to Miss Mildred llenUins. Jud^e IJodye W(>11 deserves a re-election to this office, havinjf shown a special fitness for the place. He will »i-o before the j)eopli' with an enviable rei-oid to back up his candidacy for a second tei-m. county, has been lately remodeled and the service greatly improved. It is well supplied with granitoid sidewalks and cross- inu-s and has lb public cisterns for the use of tlie tire de- partment. New fire apparatus has lately been purchased and the fire fio'hters do good work in subduing the firey elements. METHODIST EPlS<'OPAL (.'HLTRc H The city has a nice park located in the southern pai't of the city. Bonds to the amount of $25,000 were voted last year to build new school buildings which have been com- pleted at a cost of about $30,000, are modern in every re- spect and speak of the progressive spirit of the city. There are nine rooms, em})loying as many teachers and accom- modatin^- at present .')54 pupils, aside from tlie colored school, which has 30 pupils and employs one teacher. The city' tax is only 50 cents on the one dollar valua- tion which is very: low for a city the size of Hamilton. The churches of Hamilton are a credit to the city and speak well for the moral and religious atmosphere of the place. Perhaps the lar^vst and costliest structure is that of the Methodist Episcopal church which was built two or three years ago at a cost of $5,000. This building- is a modern structure and nicely furnished, a cut of wiiich ap- pears in this directory. The Presbyterian and C-ong-regational churches are also new and up-to-date buildings, costing about $4,000 each and in harmony with the advancement of the cause they represent and of the times. Among the frame church buildings are the Christian, the Baptist, Episcopal and Advents, the first two being- larg-e and commodious and well furnished. The Catholics have secured suitable ground for a church and will build this year. Lodg-es too, are well represented. The Fraternal Home being a home enterprise, which is spreading rapidly over the state. The , K. P. Lodge has a membership of 150. H. H. Weaver is C. C, and Dr. J. C. Stone. Keeper of Records. The [. O. O. F. com.^s next with a membership of 150, of which A. D. Cravens is N. G. and S. M. Young-, Secre- tary. The Masons have a growing lodge, having now about 85 members. C. F. Ridings is W. M., and Henry Murphy is Secretary. The Royal Arch Masons have 50 members, W.J.Wyatt being High Priest and Embry Owen. Scribe. This is the only Royal Arch Lodge in the county. The Rebecca Lodge, of which Mrs. J. F. Anderson is N. G. and Mrs. Laura Filson, Secretary, has 130 members W. B. WHITE Born in Guernsey County. Ohio, September 2()th. 1841. the subject of this sketch entered the Union service at the ao-e of 24 and served during the civil war. He came west in 1865 but returned to Ohio wliere he lived until 1881. Coming- to Indiana he remained for a year then to Nebraka. residino- there for twelve years when he came to Caldwell County where he has since resid- ed. He was assessor of Hamilton Township two terms and is now serving- his second term as County Treasurer. He has filled the office in a way entirely satisfactory and it is regretted tliat tlie law precludes his re-election for a a third term. Mr. White is a genial gentleman and his pleasing per- sonality will be greatly missed at the expiration of his term of office. and the Rathbone Lodge has a membership of KM). Mrs. Frank CosgTOve being- Most Ex. Chief and Mrs. Cora Brown, Mistress of Records. There is a friendly rivalry between these two lodges and a great interest manifested in their work. The O. E. S.,only lately organized, has about 40 mem- bers. Mrs. Frank Clark is W. M., C. F. Ridings. W. P., and Miss Sarah Tuttle, Secretary. The Woodmen are also represented but do not meet regularly. H y^ HAMILTON'S SCHOOL BUILDINCiS Hamilton has two well patronized newspapers, both having a good circulation. The Farmers' Advocate is the only democratic organ in the county, has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the county, is owned by Holman & Ridings and edited and published by C. F. Rid- ings. The Hamiltonian is one of the leading republican news- papers and is owned, edited and published by W. J.Clark. Morton's Printery is a new job printing ofiice owned by C. E. Morton, and has received very liberal support. This Directory is a fair sample of the work Mr. Morton is prepared to do and certainly compares favorably with the work done by larger printing establishments of the cities. Hamilton has the lar^'est civamery in the state and also has a eoal sliaft in operation emj)loyin^" about 75 men. CITY OFFICIALS OF HAMILTON Mayor, S. M. Younji-: Clerk. J. O. Thornton: Marshall. Geo. Piekell: Aldermen. Dr. T. R. Hill, H. Tilley, C F. Ridinjj's. and O. ('. Howard. FRANK B. VEATC'H The office of Recorder of Deeds is acceptably filled hy tlie o-entleman whose likeness appears above and who is a popular and careful official. Mr. Veatch is a Caldwell County ])r()duct. having- been born in Fairview Township, November 13, 18(i8, educated in tlie district schools and at Braymer and havino- tauolit school in the county for nine years. For three years pre- vious to his election to office m 11)02. lie clerked for one of the leading mercantile establishments of Braymer. He was married February 19, 1894, to Miss Mny Michael who ably assists him in his official duties. Mr. Veath has made a very efficient public servant and his administration of the affairs of this office is sufficient reason that he be returned for a second terra. Hamilton Tax Payers ^^" Farmer! re desitinated by a star (*) and stockmen by a double star (**) A ppleman J H LA *Arnote Dan ^ *Austil Frank L\nderson J F ^Alden Irving' Andersoi. Joseph merchant Anderson W W Anderson C S Anderson E M Austin Maria Austin Elizabeth Austin Mrs. M F Austin Irene Austin C M Armstrong- Harley Aulthouse Wm L hotel Aulthouse J H Abbot W L painter Adams H D Atwell Ralph Altman Mrs. W N Alle Taylor Alexander Sam Altman B F carpenter Adams Cris Atwell J M Aplin W H MD. *Austil G L *Alexander E E Atherton S E Baker C H * Boutwell R W ** Blackston EG* ^Bolen J B *Bryant J F *Bryant Geo W *Boor Clem C *Brvant H H *Boutwell Enis * Boutwell C M Barron Thos. *Blackston W P Brown Eliza Brouse Mary S Boroft" Lucindia Brown Mary Bisbee Marv A *Brouse H H Bennett Thos HAMILTON TAXPAYERS-Continued * Bennett W M Bainter H L feed mill Bauer F J Bauer John tailor Borden Jane Banks John Bell Sidney Bom^-arner Moses Ben j amen J B *Bowers J W *B aid win W W Brown Nancy Barnes G A telephone Barrett E L Blades John Bodwell H G *Bell G D Br i son W M Bell Arthur Bradley Jack Brown H Y blacksmith Brant S S Brown Mrs. Bell W Booth Dan banker Bush Martin Batson L M Boyle Mrs. C E Bristow Mary J Black Mrs. Susan Brandt Amanda Brown Emma Brown Jane Bater E H Burnett C B barber Bo*>-arth Howard *Bathgate Thos *Bennett James *Buster Dan Bradford J H Boroff Kate Barker Frank tinner Bell N B real estate *Bennett John H Bays Miles Bush W R Brown A M Bristow S L Burns Wash Brown A H dentist Borden Geo well drill Bell R Brown L D veterinai'v Bowers G D o-rocery Brown Tinsley MD.' Brown Pete * Bowman F L Brown A F *Baynes M T Batson J E * Bug's' ►'^ A *Bonar E S *Burkett W C . Bellomv Ed *Blackerby L A *Blevins Jennie *Bebemire H C *Bowers N * Bowers John *Bowers David * Bowers J R *Bradlev Chas E *Boutwell R W /^i-umbaugh M M* ^^ ('lampitt Irvin* *Christianson M C'lamj)itt Nancy Canby Geo *Cary'j M *G()nnor J H *('onnor S B Co well J W Graven s A D Colby Wm hdw. lumber Campbell C C liveryman Cox Amanda C Craig- M V wagon maker Chain Emma Chain Sallie Carv E J HAMILTON TAXPAYERS— Continued Curry J M liveryman *Conrad C W Oonley J C Cosgrove Mrs. B A Gulp G K barber Gannon J A drug-gist *Clevenger H L *Cooper L W Carson Chas ^Cox John H *Cox Frank Clark W J ed. Hamiltonian Cosgrove L W painter Clark Amos *Conrad Henry Colby Mary Clark Mrs.' Lou Calvin W A Champ Geo *Cox John D *Cox Robt *Campbell Henrv *Conrad A W Carey S C Christian Dan Clark E E asst cashier *Catron W F *Clarkson Nathan *ClarKson Charles Crockett G R Campbell E B liveryman Campbell C W liveryman Cathcart Mrs. Mable Clark Ftank miller Courtney Wm Crockett WW carpenter Clifton H B real estate ^Calvin M G *Cox J P Corn D C *Cullison J W *Cullison H S Cox H S *Connor C A *Carroll C D Crist S C *Cramer D *Clevenger M A *Cox B E Cox Nancy *Cox James S *Cox Louis *Cox Nathan *Cox E G *Combs E P Dunlap Geo L* Dawson O W* Dunlap Mrs S *Dustin John H *Dunlap O C *Dole Freeman Daley A W grocer Deadrick C A real estate Dunham D E barber Dwight K M MD. Doole Annie P Doole W I Rev. Douglas Frank Douglas Wm Drain Bert Dwight Mrs. R S Dort B C *Deaver N J *Diven Fred *Dolan J A Dolman J W Davis J R Dossett C L Dodge Hattie Dennison Elva poultry Drain Wm Daley E H *Dodge Silas D Dodge D D *Dunnivan David *Diestlehorst F V Dunn Dwight carpenter Davis Louis Dierdoff I S HAMILTON TAXPAYERS-Continued Dunn Chas Douglass Anna M boug-lass J E *Dodridg-e B P Dewey Eugene Doll Chas Dudley E J Dudley G G Dudley Ghas. M Doll John H *Dunavan Geo. Davis Mineryia (" Evans W H Evans J T *Edwards Walter Erving- C A Egg^leston Louisa Ellis Robt B Edminster J *Eckelberry M L Easterday E L Ellio.tt David Eads Lee J MD. Elliott M V *E1y Geo Eckelberry Mary I *Esteb E C Edwards M Erwin W J druufgist Eng-le Lelia *Edwards W S *Edwards Thos ^Edwards Chester *Edwards Amos *Edwards Wilford *Edwards Haywood *Edwards A B *Edwards Solomon *Edwards Rozzie Fields W T Filson T A *Ferris M V. Fisher Fred Frazier Mrs AUie *Feig-lev H E Filson W T Fitterer Oscar plasterer Farr F C Flynn Catharine Fulwood Wm Fronk John harness Farabee Harve Filson Laura Frank C F restaurant Feltch C W carpenter *Feltch Fv T Galloway W A * Grove S * *Gurley E F Gurley Mrs S E *Gurley C A *Grover D F Gidding-s Catharine *Gav David H *Gillett W D *GUck M M Galpin A C Gwynn W H blacksmith Graer F E ^Gilbert F M *Gibson G W * Gibson J C *Gibson F C *Gibson Geo *Gibson J D ^Gibson G F *Gee Henry *Guffey S R George T D Galpin A E Grimes Chas C *Goodman J W Green C C butcher *Gordon M A Green Samuel Goodman Mollie HAMILTON TAXPAYERS— Continued Goldsben-v J E *Georj^-e H "P Giddin>>'s Jas B Gri^'bsy Jj L Gardner A W Gay Geo S creamery Gaipln E W poultry Gal pin John Gritting- R S *,Gastineaa G M *Greo-o- H L *Gre»-g- M K *Gilker C W *Gill John Goodman P T Gilbert A F Gibson Thos I meat mark Hemerv I E * Hartley Wm * *Hawks S Pv Haig-h Christina *Hemrv Isaac *mcks"S P *Hemery J R Hemery E E carpenter Hooker Mary S Howard John S jeweler Holliday Mary Hawk J W real estate Hutchino-s James Hall Alfred L ^Hopson Liniis Hill M Hill T R dedtist Humphrey Mrs J B Hunter Archie Howard J H Hicks Ben Hawley W M Houghton Sarah *Hooker Frank *Hall L J ^Harrington J T Howard A G druggist *Hog-sett Ghas Hooker Mary A Hockstedler J M Hook Elizabeth Howe A R poultry Hockstedler A J ^Huffman J B Hemrv Lois Holmes T H Howard Alma Harber W I Heberlin F W Rev Houghton John furnitur t Harris Gilbert Hale Henry blacksmith Hartley G C carpenter Hudgens Francis *Hartley J C *Houghton Ira Harper J W Hale J M merchant Hemry WA carpenter Hare T H photographer Harlow Maud *Haneswoth A J *Havnie J G *Hosman A G Houghton Ira Hug-hson Will L Ince Gris Judd Dorr " Jones Allen Johnson Thos Johnson Elsworth Johnson A.deline Johnson John Johnson Nelson Johnson Thos Jordan Hattie Dr. A. H. Brown Guarantees Satisfaction HAMILTON TAXPAYERS -Continued Jacobson Wm painter- Jones Eliza J Jones Matilda Jones Mary K Jones Pheobe Jacobson Carl painter *Jones James Johnson C C lawyer Johnson Crosby lawyer Jackson James Jewell C: O Kline W J * Keenev J F * *Kautz HR *Kellar SL *Kinnie Burton Kinnie Ollie E *Kinnie M B *Kinnie Jason *Kinnie [ra R *Kinnie M J res *Kline John *Kennard L M Kincaid S F Kress John A ^Kennedy Thos Sr Knai)p J W Kyle J W carpenter Kautz James ^Kennedy Mat Kautz Mary H Kincaid Elliza ^Kennedy Edward Kober August King- Gertie Kindig Abraham Kennard Mrs. L M ^Kennedy Thos Kendig Chas King Fred *King D M *Kelley C E *Kearns J L ^Kendall C M ^King J L T" aughlin Wm* ■^^Long Virgil * *Lollis E E Lindley W T MD **Lucas Berry Lampton C H harness *Lewis B F Low Mrs. M J Low Florence *Lindley R H Lee A E Lamison Annie Lewin J P Lamson Hattie Leeper Rachel Logan Wm blacksmith Laidlaw Margarett Lohman A A g-ardner Lyon O M *Lay K L "lyTcFee G W* •"-•■McFee James * *McC;ielland A J *McLain S H *McLain John *McLain Steve McBrayer Claud horse buyer McBrayer Sol horse buyer McBrayer W J horse buyer McBrayer Sarah McGill' James McQuillen K E printer McPerson Phillip McCov WC McCoilum S K McC'Ollum Frank McPherson Frank bai'ber McPherson Geo L barber McCrary Harvey McArdle C A merchant McGill Geo McAdoo A R McAdoo Jas McAdoo L g-rocery H AMILT :N taxpayers— Continued McLallen Julia MeMaster H A McWilliams Fannie McCreary Sherman McCreary W M McCrearv J W McGlumphy W H McLean J W clothier *McBride C D McBride Martha McGarvin G W *Mc(Uelland J D *McC;ielland Sam *McQueen C G McGlumphy N K *Matchett Ed *Merryman W G *Moran James *Murrel J I Miller A E Martin C A g"rocery Murrell Jas M Mallory Sarah Mai lory Pearl Mallory Earnest *Mapes Fred *Mapes Frank *Mapes James *Mooney S A *Mooney Lou *Miller Daniel Morg-an J L blacksmitli *Muller Harry ** Morris R M* *Mohler M G Martin S F *Mayfield Henry Moore G W tombstone Moore Lena H Morton M A Martin G B Minger John Murphv Henrv Martin" John W *Mag-ee Geo O *Miller Robert Moody S V Mitchell J D *Merryman Ethel Merryfield F plaster Morton John N Ming-er R J res Mendenhall J D Rev Mitchell P A Mitchell Thos paper hang'er Myers E O harness ' Moore Mrs. R C Montg-omery S B paper hnr Morris Mary L *Miller Norman Martin F A hdw NavlorMrs. Etta Nichols C F * *NicholsWillard ^Nichols A A *Nevit,M F *Newton W F *Netcher Geo Naylor J F Newhall Frank Naug-le W P miller Nash J D Napier R W horseman Napier W A Neal John A Naylor Priscilla Naiigle J F miller Og-den S F Orr Fred * *Orr Edd *Orr Moses OldfieldMarv A Dr. A. H. Brown, D. D. S. Hamilton, Mo. HAMILTON' TA XPAYERS Continued Owens W J horse buyer Okell Levi liorseman ''Oshorn C W Oneil H B Owens Sarah Ogden Minnie Opfdan A J Pearse Andrew * Parker O F * *Pahneter O E *Pemberton W R *Parmenter W R *Peabodv Steve "Pickle W N Porter R C *Parmenter John •^Peck F S *Power J W Prou|jfh John S Prou^h M A Pickell Geo Price W H dentist *PerrVman J A *Pearse W H Peddicord Caroline . Peddicord W N *Palmeter L Paofe E Parr T D casliier Parker T M furniture Park James F Peck D P sta a^t O B & Q *Penney E S Pile Sarah C Prvor Hattie Pease C M Preston J C Prentice Gideoi, Pearse A D Parrish Frank hardware Penny Mrs Fannie *Paustain M O *Perrvman S ( ' *I'uckett I M *Puckett James M *Puckett Harry *Primm S G Roo-ers Geo F * Railsback Wm * *Rutledu-e C E ^Reynolds Milo Ridinu's F ed Advocate Royer G W cij>ar Richards J M blacksmitli Reed Tilman carpenter Richardson Geo W Richardson Sarah Robberts Perry real estate Reddie Geo Rauber Anton stone cutter Rohrbauuh John *Rekate Ed ^Roberts D S *Riley John ^Robison Elmer RodjJ-ers John Rohrboug-h A Richardson L Rauber Ida Royer Mar^^arett Royer Frank L cij^ar Reed Gharles painter Rauber Wm stone cutter ^Riley Patrick *Rodjjfers D G Runvan J A ^Richey J W Ranev Fred *Rog-ers M F Sloan SB* Streeter Judson *Sampson W B *Sampson W G * Snyder W F * Stew art John HAMILTON TAXPAYERS -Continued ^Snider Colman *Snider J H *Sm\iie J V ^Smylie Hugh *8tock John *Shively Wm *Snider J L, *Shartzer J B *Smith Lee *Shipinan H L *Sturu-is Fred *Sears James Sandals Joseph Sturg-is W J Sales F Rev Sears J B teacher *Shively G W * Stone Lee *Stephenson Archie * Stone C Splawn Sarah ^ Stone Leo-rand Shirk D H *Snyder C B Scoville Henry saw mill Sargent Mrs. C E *Shiner A P Stewart James hdw Stewart EC Stone Mrs. C *Stowell Byron *Snyder Geo W Simpson Henry Stubblefield Grace Stockton Lousia Sears Norman *Streeter W H *Steeter C E *Streeter M J *Streeter Geo W *Streeter Harve "Simpson John S *Simpson Thos < ' *Simpson Geo *SAvitzer J D *Switzer P A Surface H ( " Shotwell J S g-rocery Smith Chas Stokes G B Smith Hannali Sheppard Wm Shul] G W Smylie Joseph Sandals Asher Smith Mollie Sanderson C G *Scott Jas H *Streeter Perry Shepard O G *Streeter P H Sims J W blacksmith Scoville Frank sawmill Snyder Mrs. Jennie Smart Emma Stewart Albert sawmill Stone J C Swarts S H Stotler Matilda *Stotler W D *Shoenberg-er R H Smith Wiley B ' - Stock Aron' Snape Geo Shaw D F g-ardner Schalfer Henry Schull Jesse P Scoville Grant sawmill Scott Stephen carpenter Smith N C Temple James * Temple Howard * *Tuo-o-le Frank ^Thompson Willis *Twing- L R Tiffin Clavton M D *Tattershall J W Thompson Asa Tindell S A HAMILTON TAXPAYERS— Continued Tilley Hiram Thornton Mary I Thornton J O drug-^'ist Thornton Hattie Tindell M L barber *Terry C H Townsend Lorinda Thompson Guy Tippit E A Turner L L Torrev A R Tuthill T E *Turner Samuel E *Tatershall W F *Tatershall Geo *Tatershall Jas Tatershall Retta Tuttle Mary I *Tuttle R M *Toon W H *Teagarden Geo *Tospan Frank Tospan Lousia *Teagarden I J Tullar F M hotel *Turner A D *Temple E L Thompson C H Vokes Geo H * VanVolkenber^- J D VanVolkenberg- H E *Vermillion C A Varley Mary A Vaughn J W *Vaughn E B *Vaug-hn S H W atson Thos Jr * Wilson Z B * *Whitmire Harlev *Whitmire W J *Wilson O H *Whitmire John Whitman R F iewler *W^ right L W *Whistler G C *Webster E S *Winscott J C ^Warren J W *Wallace E G *Whitt W J *Worthinton S J Whitcraft W H Winburn M E Wheeler W H Whitt John T Wears Jas White Rov L grocery * Wilson FS ^Winscott Richard *Worthington Wilber *Wells W C Wolcott A R Wines J H *Wilson S H Winburn Hattie Weaver Hugh '•Whitsell W H Watkinson John Ward Etta Wilson Luella White Jas C Wyatt W J real estate *Wklker Edward Wilmont Clara E Walrath C W Wheeler W W *White Ralph Wood W F Whitsell F N *Wheeler C Y ^Williams F E auct *Watson R H MD. Wainright Harley mer Young § M lawyer *Zener J M *Zumbrunen Jessie First National Bank HAMILTON, MISSOURI Capital and Surplus $80,000.00 Strong and Conservative With the best facilities for handling all accounts we solicit your business \)AN BOOTH, P/r.v. H. TILLEY, V-J're.s. TRUE I ). 1\\ RR, Ca.sk. C. A. GREEN, .^.s.st. C. C.A. MARTIN GROCER Try our P P P Flour HAMILTON, MISSOURI WANT YOUR [. I. (ifliPiN I CO, 1^6 fiiiefs Mnm HAMILTON, MO. Poultry, Eggs, Cream A larij-er circulation than any other newspaper pub- lished in Caldwell County and all kinds of produce Honest Weights, Fair Tests and A Hint to the Wise Satisfaction Guaranteed Advertiser Give Us a Trial E. W. Galpin & Co. Call Phone No. 44 Hoiman & Ridings PRINTERS North Main St. Hamilton, Mo. West Side Main Street Filson's Abstracts Are the Best T. A. FILSON Attorney and Abstracter HAHILTON, MO. TELEPHONE 160 You Want It You Need It The Mamiltonian Always Readable Always Reliable The paper that jjives all the Caldwell County news and gives it while it is new. ONE DOLLAR BRINGS IT TO YOUR HOME 52 times in one year. Cheaper than borrowing- or askino- your neiu-hbor ''what's the news?" ONLY $L00 THE YEAR W. J. Clark, Publisher Telephone 41 HAHILTON, HO. JOHN HOUGHTON WILL L. HUGHSON Licensed Embalmer Houghton 6i Hughson HAMILTON, MO. Special Attention u-iven to Fine Furniture, Rugs, Carpets Sewing Machines and Funeral Work Phone No. 2 Distance cuts no fio-ure with us ( KOSBY JOHNSON, Pres. JOHN N. MORTON. V-Pres. T. D. GEOPvGP:. Cashier E. E. OLARK. Ass't Oasliier The Hamilton Savings Banic Hamilton, Missouri Capital $60,000 Surplus and Profits $20,000 Does a General Commercial Banking Business We accord liberal treatment to anies, thus affording- our dejjositors and patrons increased safety for their funds in our kee])ing. We respectfully solicit your patronage J. A. Cannon Squibb Pharmacy Prescriptions Carefully Compounded First door north H.tel DePorter H A M £ .: T (J N . MISSOURI S. M. YOUNG Attorney at Law M ' HAMILTON, MISSOt-RI T. I. GIBSON Fresh and Salt Meats Game and Fish in Season Oysters and Ceackers HAMILTON, MO. J AS. 0. THORNTON Drugs, Books Kodaks Parker "Lucky Curv»" Fountain Pens or. p. S;ivint.'s Bank HAMILTON. MO. Palace Barber Shop Gibson & McPherson Everything Strictly First=Class Aii^ents for P^irst-ehiss I^aundiy HAMILTON. M O . Burnett Bros. First-Class Barber Shop and Eath Rooms Dunhams Old S5and Hamilton, Ho. Printing That bears the Stamp of Quality Fine Commeruiai Work a Specialty Morton's Printery HAMILTON. niCSOURI W. J. WYATT Attorney at Lay, Notary Rea! Estate, Loan Insurance and Collecting Agent HAMILTON, MISSOURI CURRY'S Livery & Feed Stable South riain Street HAHILTON, no. H. B. CLIFTON HAMILTON, MISSOURI Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans Do You Want a Good Cheap Home? Then come and go with me on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to Middle or Western Kansas. Also Pan Handle of Texas. No finer soil or climate can be found in United States. Gall on or address H. B. CLIFTON HAMILTON - . MISSOURI North Missouri Lumber Company H. D. ADAMS. Manager Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. Acme Cement, Plaster and Lime All Grades of Fencing' Fane; front doors a Specialty Telephone 100 HAMILTON, MISSOURI r<^-jHoz ^o vsW^ 4 "^l -^^«&' % ^® ^F i^ \^ X '^'■i ^OStDgH^Hc^ Q IT < >- hi Z < o a z < (0 !^ DC o u. UJ _ ^^ > ^ S CD g c a T3 S 'X r- SECTION OF OFFICE AND MARBLE SALESROOM <^i MAKE monuments that please my customers— also make attrac- J3i^ tive prices that sell them. Pleased customers are my best ad- vertisements and 1 won't be undersold by any house that does ^ood work. Don't fail to see my desio-ns and prices before buyinu- a mon- ument. Yours For Business G. W. MOORE HAMiLTON, - - MISSOUR IBRECKENRIDQEI I Population J200 | Hi'wkfnrid^c, a hustlinj^ little city, situated in the noj-tli east |)art of theeounty on the Hannibal and St. Joseph rail- r'oad. is surrounded by as fine praii-ie land as the eye could wish to see. The postoft'ice at this place was oi-ij>inal]y called (irand Iliver post office, but in IHofi it was named l^reckenrid^e by J. B, Terrill, who was a ^reat admirer of John ( '. Breckenrid^-e. The town was laid out after the survey had been made for- the'Hannibal and St. Joseph R. K.. and tlie jrpowth was slow, it was incor])orated in 186!) and has made a steady, thoui^h not raj)id j^rowth since that time. Breckenridj^e has, however, in past few years awakened to the necessity of doin^ things. Jt has a nice |)ark with yi-and stand and paved walks and a memb-rs. Royal Neighbors. Mrs. B. fl. Golburn. Oracle" Mrs. Stella R?3dy. Recorder. Fraternal Home. Ghas. T. SteiJhenson, Pres., G. W. Sander. Secretary. TOWN OFFICIAL.S Chairman of Bt)ard or Mayor, Geo. Brown: Clerk, .lolm Whitelaw. Jr.: Marshall, D. C. Miller. THA\ER HALL Kidder Institute was founded in ISXI under the ausi)ices of the Cono-reg-ational church of Missouri. Thayer Hall was purchased for that purpose, havino- l.een vacant some twelve vears. It is beautifully situated, is a substantial brick, four stories, 44 feet x 80 feet, and orig'inally costing- $30,000.00. The Principal, Prof. G. W. Shaw, has won a larg-e place in educational circles by fifteen years faithful service and steadfast devotion to duty. He is both a gentleman and a scholar and is meeting with deserved success in the man- agement of the school. There are now 160 students, the at- tendance having- steadily increased the i)ast few years. Kidder Tax Payers IW" Fai-mers are designated by a star (*) and stockmen by a double star (**) Alden Marietta Alden C C* Allen C R Allen Marg-arett Allen M G Ament J H groceries Aronhalt Marf F Bailev R T* Baker J B Baldwin J C Beaudry A Beaumont James *Bell Jerry Bexman A M Rev Black W A publisher *Bolen W A *Bonar A J Brice J J *Brookshire J M Brown G H Buck E M *Bunch Wm Bench W T Burbank D J Burpank I P *Burkett Sam Burkett J H * Burrows H E *Brown Elias Bacon Jason .Butts J W Burkett G W Bristow Earnest Burkett Geo W Cannon Jon W MD Carter C W Castor Eliza Castor J J Chambers James ^Christian R H Clark L R *Cott"ey E S *Coffey Daniel Coffey J L Coleman J W Cole C S real estate cari)i^ntei' ( ollins (' (' ("oult S (' *( 'I'ouse J W Carrol Martha Dvkes Jesse booley Patrick Dunkle Isaac Dillard J W miller DeWeese A A Deems J W *Davis A G *Davis L E Fox Mau-oie Fairall T ( Ford A B Fort Mary A *Fulton Frank Gittin^"er J N merchant Green G A merchant Greenwalt Mrs J H Gurney E J (4iirney E S Henderson Lewis* H addon M W* ^Hamlet Joe *Hamlet Thos J *Hamahan John *Harter Jeff ( ' Harter Mrs S J Harter T J Harter W A restaurant Haves J H *Hewitt B ( ' Hohltield S B Holtzapple W V *Hooper H T ^Howard A F Huckley James Harpster Sarali Hendricks Simon c *Hendricks Isiah *Havden J A KIDDER TAXPAYERS— Continued In^jflehart Gha? Jones J M barber Johnson C W* * Jewel I G W * Jewell J S * Jewell C II TT'enney P S* ■*"^Klepper John *Knoch John *Knoch P P Koons J J furniture Larrabee Ben merchant Martin W M Martin W S *Mears H J Meloy R E Meecer Wm C Metz Chas A Micheals Noah ^Millard Henrv Miller J D *McBeath A W *McBeal,h J K *McDaniel W G *McDonald Erve McDonald Mary J *McMurtrev c: T druy *McWilliams J S *McKee Adison *McBride Jas *McM aster Sam *McKee F L N ash G (" Nelson Mart>arett * Nichols L A -^Nichols J E Netcher Mrs Ann Nichols T H arpenter IJark G A* -■■ Parker H i Park Lovina KIDDER TAXPAYERS -Continued **Pennev Eli **Petree J E **Phillips G E Phillips G H Pile H L *Potts John A Purvis G M Reed Fred Ream Adam* Ream Conrad *Ream Harvey *Ream Jesse *Ream Wesley *Roper J T Reedey Lawerence Stevenson A W Sweaney G H Stiles W R ^Stiles Geo *Stiles Geo W Stephenson Eliza *Spurlock G B *Sparks C W Song'berg'er A Smith Phillip Shaw Nellie M Shaw Frank Shaw G W teacher Shaw Chas L druu-jj-ist Sears W W *Seaton E B *Seaton B M Sackett E D Saddler M H Saunders G W *Shaw C T Thomas H T Teag-arden O G * *Thiel J A Tuttle D E Tuttle Verne *Turner Jacob Turner J H Turner Fred livery Vallandig'ham G W *Vaug'hn E B Wyman C F Wilson W H Wilson James post master Windle Isaih merchant Whitelaw Jonn Sr. lumber Whitelaw John Jr. lumber Webster C B ^Whitehead A O *Writ E P Wood E C Zook A B Zook W O Keen and Klean lie m vmM Black Publishinji' Company Editors and Proprietors VV. A. Black Mrs. W. A. Black Satisfactory to its Readers. Profitable to its Advertisers Our Job Printini>' possesses that pleasiiiij- quality than o-uarantees S A T I S F A (' T [ O N Phone 40 Black Building;- Kidder. Mo. J. W. DILLARD Flour and Feed Of All Kinds Proprietor of KIDDER FEED MILL Office Tel. 3v) Residence Tel. 48 J. N. Gittinger An Up=to=date Stock of General Merchandise Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Shoes, Etc. i~i" rlOUR AND FEED Earnestly Solicit Your Patronage. Telephone 23 W h i t e I a w Si Sons ,1 full line of sitplf and heavy hardware, American field fence, field seeds, agricul- tural implements, buggies and wagons, lumber and all kinds of builders' supplies ivill be found at our ])lace of business. Our thirty A^ears of experience hiis tcUigiit us how {U\{\ wiuit to ])u\' Let Us Figure With You Whitelaw & Sons KIDDER, MO. OHN WHITELAW. President THOS. L. HAMLET. V c ?-Pres. ROSCOE L. TERRY. Ca.sliier KIDDER BANK \\\' assure our eustoniei's e()nsei*\^ati\\^ ])anking\ eorteous treatment, g'reatest ])()s- sihle aceoniniodation, liisliest sense of re- s])()nsihility, confidential husiness relation == Your Business Solicited Upon These Terms ^ DIRECTORS JOHN WHITELAW THOS. L. HAMLET A. F. HOWARD J. N.GITTINGER J. A. THIEL R. L. TEKRY "Ml ■^'^^^£3^ ii.i|iiir-# Kidder Institute KIDDER, MISSOURI Full Classical, Scientitie, Business, Teacli- ers^ and Musical Courses. Pi*e pares for college and fits for teacliing and business. Teacliei'S are specialists in i'especti\'e de- pai'tnients. Exp)enses reasonal)le. Students mav enter at an\^ time. For Catalogue and Other Information Address- Q. W. SHAW, A. M. Principal 1^ POLO I Population 700 | This lively little city is situated in the southern part of the county, and on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, about fifty miles north-east of Kansas City and six miles directly south of the county seat. The settlement of Polo commenced in 1871 and five years later had a population of about one hundred and fifty. It was not platted until nearly ten years later than this, in 1886, just a short time before the building- of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Pvailroad. At the present time, Polo is a thriving little city of the fourth class, and during the past year or two has made very great advancement. Several new buildings have been built and granitoid sidewalks and crossings are becoming more in evidence and add much to the convenience and im- provement of the place. One building that has been built within the past few years and which is deserving of special mention, is the new Methodist Episcopal Church, South, a cut of which appears in this directory. It was finished somewhat more than two years ago at a cost of about -$(),')00 and is a modern struc- ture and one which many a larger town could point to with pride. While speaking- of new building-s it w^ould be well to menti-tar (**) A rev G C* ■^^Arey Grace K *Arnote A Mc Achenbacli H F carpenter Achenbach ('has miller Achenbach C G barber Adams A S Albrio'ht D E stock shipper Alderdice F M carpenter ^Arnold H F Arnote J T telephone '^Arnote K V *Arnote O F * Arnote James "'•Arnote W M Atkinson I N blacksmith *Arev S G *Arev M E *Are*y J B Albertson Geo B ains G * Baldwin D L editor Belt Oscar Brelsford M S *Brelsford H B ^Brelsford H M *Baker J G * Baker J W Bluejacket M P * Beckett B F Barber W L *Bathg-ate L B Bathg-ate W S gen store Bathgate J as B cashier Bathg-ate Thos Bathgate Ghas gen store Beckett W H real estate *Bowers W F * Bowman J M *Brice Wm * Brewer Henry Brown M G *Brown Aron * Brown A J Brown H S Burns Mary ^Buchanan T J *Buchanan Frank Burnett E E barber POLO TAXPAYEliS -Continued ^Burdick R W *Burdick F M Grouse J Cain James* Cawthon America *Carlile Frank *Carlile Orin *Carr Sherman Carr Robert Carr Alonzo Carr B F physician *Carrol Mary J *C'arrol Henrv *C^arrol T J *Cleveng-er J M *Cates W M ^ Chapson C S Clark C W Clark G W painter *Clark D C *Clark Willis *Clark E S *Cleven^'er C H *Carlisle Wm *Crowley T M Cook Sam F Canlaw Samuel Coen J W meat market Cowley A A hdw Cox J A blacksmith Crouse P L merchant *Crawford J T ^Craven T A *Crowlev Levi *Dickson Thos H Dickson G H merchant **Divinia W C Dodge R K physician *Dorkins John *Dovvning G W EUenberg-er A J* Ellenberger J H* *Ellenberg-er J E *Elienberg-er H E *Ellenberg-er J R *Elliott G N Judge Co Court W Dist *EL-kelb9rry O E *Emberton J L *Estes Wm *Estes James Early Geo livery Foster J D* Foster John* ^Fairbanks M K ^Flint M E Flint Elizabeth Foster James plasterer *Frazier C E ^Fowler E M *Fowler F D *Fowler O- *Fovvler E G *Fo\vler Wm ^Fowler M R *Fort Georg-e Frazier Joseph dentist Dixon JoVj* Dixon Sam^ *Davis J H Davis H V Davis J M lumber Davis W T lumber "Dennis Herbert Dickenson Henry Garrett W A* Gilbert OR Goodson I N *Gilbv John *Gilby G H ^Gentry James *Gentry Chas *Green D R POLO TAXPAYERS— Continued Grimes H C Hickman C A* Hardman J B* *Hardman S B *Hardman D B *Hardman V D *Harlow E T *Harlow J S *Havter John G Hayter T B carpenter Haworth H S *Henry W L *Hartpence A *Hickman Sam *Henry J C Hendren J H Hendren J hotel *Hemry Kate B ^Henderson W H Hemry Elizabeth *Hendricks Jake *Hendricks John Hig-^ins D A Vet *Howell Chas * Howell Gary *Howell J F *Hively E E *Hively Edgar *Hicknian John *Hendricks Will *ffiatt W F ^Hiatt John *Hill Virgil *Hill D W Hines Mrs Jennie *Hazelton B D *Hocklander D H Holman James Hopkins G G merchant ^Hickman Gatharine *Hickman Serena *Hunter J T Hudson G T Hudson G P life ins Hudson E H *Hunt W W *Hunt John Hunt Wm druggist Hyder M E carpenter *Hickman John *Houghton G W Ireland Roy * Ireland Fred * ^Ireland T S ^Ireland W H Jones W R* Jones John* W *Jones Geo F * J ones Solomon Jones Mrs T A Jones G N editor New? Jones Strother * Jennings Benj Johnson R G Johnson T T Kelmel D A** Kincaid Mary* Kincaid Elizabeth *Kincaid H J *Kincaid G D *Karr James King- Wm King- Isaac Kern G B Kern G F Leg-g Henry* Leamer j'S* *Leamer R R Lebo Isaac Lebo M A Lebo M O painter *Tjegg Frank *Linville John E Linville Thos E *Lewis J M *Ludding-ton J H POLO TAXPAYERS— Continued Madden J T Manbeck W S* Marr W A Maytum N C sta a^-t **Mesimer J P *Mesimer J A Ming-er F S restaurant * Moats M L *Moats R J *Mount Ben *Mount H Mount R L physician Montgomery D J *Moats D a' *Martin M T Miller Thos *Mays J C *MountT J *Mofflt J T *Murrav R L *Murray D E Murray J W Murray Glen wool *Murray J C *Murphy John a *Mulender \ Mumpower E M carpenter *Mumpower D C *Mumpower J C Mumpower L J plasterer McQuillen E L *McCubbin John Nevins D A* Nevins J R* *Nevins D R *Orr J H *Orr Arthur Payne W I carpenter Parker W B* Parks A J *Pate Stephen *Pate C W *Pate John A *Peoples C H Phillipson Wm *Phillipson Chas Pollard John *Pollard S W *Pollard J S *Pollard H F *Pollard W J *Pollard W S *Pollard S M Pryor M P furniture Robinson E A* Robinson C O* *Regan Wm Reynolds M X *Rhodus C O *Ribelin J H *Robinson J H *Roberts H L *Roberts W A *Roper T A *Rone J A *Robinson J S *Robinson A L Reid Arthur *Ray Allen *Ruidon B F *Rug'don Henry Russell R C poultry Russell Nancy Salsbury Mary Shirk i A* Salle R L *Santee Iseral *Schuster B S *Schuster John *Shouflfler J D Shutt Fannie Shumate J H harness *Shanks A L *Shearer Ben *Stonumn J W *Sauders J C PCLO TAXPAYERS -Continued Sloan W M *Sloan J W *Sioan A E *Slack Henry *Sleig-hbaug-h J M Slover R W *Smott G W *Smoot Jolin W *Smo()t A J Smith H H Smith R M Smith E A *Smith R L Smith J A Smart C H carpenter *Spicer W R *Spicer J F *Sturgis W H *Sturg-is C H ^Sturgis B C *Sheppard J E *Swoftord H L *Swol1:"ord J M *Sellars Thos •^Stockton Frank ^ Stair M E *Stoutimore J W *Stone W P * Stone VV C *Stone K H *Stone Frank *Stone J H *Stillwel W H *Sturgis Wm *Swott"ord T H Swickard Albert Tate Mary A Taylor W M* Taylor Ann E *Tatt Frank *Teagarden J P *Tingey J I Tihslev J W **Thompson R F *Thomnson Matilda ^Thompson W A. *Thompson J Roy ^Thompson James *Thompson J E Tunnel B O res ^ Thompson Ida V VailJ V Van Trump Susan Vick W A Vincient C W druggist *Van01inda J D * Vance W M Waters Geo* Watson N B** *- Walker P A * Walker W J Wears A E poultry * Walker J W Webb Walter Webb Ida M Welbourne John ])hotog- *Wheaton G W Whitsett Pauline * Winger C J Winger M H Lawyer Winger C H salesman Wilkerson W W blacksmith Withers J G cashier bank *Wollard Wm *Wormsley Thos Wollard Docia *Wollard J T Wood J H Wonsettler S L hdw Yates R J Zmimerman L W Zimmerman Ida M Zimmerman Margarett Zimmerman Mary A *Zeikle Abe *Zeikle Stephen *Zeikle J VV *Zeikle N D *Zeikle H H I J. B. McVeigh, Pres. ; J. B. Bathgate, Cashier W. M. ESTES, 1st V-Pres. E. J. McCOLLOUGH, 2d V-P First National Bank 1 of POLO, MO. Capital $30,000 j Couihiue ahsolute safeiij irith satisfactorj/ \] ' E S L T CI T YO UB FA TB .YA Q E mmwm^. The Vindicator J. D. VanOlinda, Pres. J. T. ArnoLe. Sec. A weekly newspaper published in the interest of Polo and vicinity and editor im JflD Ml D %U ! Prices Reasonable Office in First National Bank Building. Polo. Missouri Connected with all local toll lines Lono- distance service with Kansas City Home Tele. Co. WINGER & BALDWIN. Prop.s. & Pubs. Engfland & Pile A Bran New Stock of General Merchandise w Selected from the latest and best things from the leading wholesale houses. Every- thing new and up-to-date. We carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes, Carpets, Rugs, Straw Matting, Etc. Also a comijlete stock of Fresh Groceries. We ask you to call and examine goods and prices — no trouble to show g'oods. We respectfully solicit your trade. Yours to please, England & Pile J. E. LINVILLE, Pres. W. C. STONE. 1st V-Pres. JOHN G. WITHERS. Cashier W. S BATHGATE. 2d V-P. E. C. MUCK. Asst. Cashier fs ii m 1 Capital $26,000 Surplus and Profits $6,000 Every accommodation given that is consis- tant with safe hanking. Collections a spe- ciality. We solicit your business, large or small. M. p. PRYOR DEALER IN Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Picture Frames, Picture Glass and Moulding Sewing Machines and Supplies Also give careful attention to Undertaking M. H. WINGER The Polo News POLO, MO. CLYDE SID JONES Editor An independent weekl\ newspaper that o-ives the news. : : : : : | JoDloflBSpec a i i Attorney at Law Abstracts Loans and Insurance Office Tel. 41 Res. Tel. :?.=. J. A. Thompson PROPRIETOR OF X. L. C. R. Livery, Feed aod Sale Stable POLO, MISSOURI Off'ei' I// J/ semicea to the traveling /)(it>lic, rates reas()nal)te. 1 respeetfullu xtilicH i/our business. TELEPHONE 38 Achenbach & Son riillers and Grain Dealers Wholesalers and Retailers of Flour and Feed Manafactwrprs of Grahatti, Corn Meal and Buckivheaf Floar WELBOURNE Joseph Frazier DENTIST POLO, MISSOURI T E L P: P H O N E 4 Photographer All Kinds of Photographing Done POLO, MISSOURI B. O. TUNNELL DEALER IN Restaurant Goods, Tobacco Cigars, Candy, Etc. Meals and Lunch Served at All Hours I Want Your Trade Ernest Shuman, Pres. S. H. Martin, V-P. C. J. Wintrer. Treas. M. H. Winger. Sc. Breckenridye Elmira Polo Polo The Caldwell County Mutual Fire InsuranceCompany Insures Farm Property of All Kinds at Actual Cost DIRECTORS AND AGENTS S. C. Coult, Kidder J. S. Rathbun, Braymer W. F. Blair, Breckenridge Ernest Shuman, Breckenridge O. C. Cope, King-ston C. J. Winger, Polo Ellsworth McNew, Cowgill Jas. C. White, Kingston S. H. Martin, Elmira Geo. A. Winstott, Mirabile F. E. Williams, Hamilton , irgrg ^mmw^m ^-^m smm w^mw^m ^mmmmm--§mm-^-^m-^-^m^^ I B R A Y M E R I t Population 1500 | ■%:§':i':&g-:f-:g§i':&^ ■^g;g-:gg-:g-:&g:g:g-:^^ Braymer, situated in the south-eastern part of the county on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, is, with- out question, the liveliest city in the county. The town was laid out and platted in April 188-7, by the Milwaukee Land Company, the year that the road was built, the company buying- the land from Robert Steenrod at $40 per acre, which was considered a good price for the land at that time. In the vicinity of Bra\^mer now, land frequently sells. for from $75 to $100 per acre and there is perhaps no land within a radius of 10 miles that can be bought for $40 per acre. Mr Steenrod, now a mail of perhaps 70 years of age, is yet living in his farm house which is located in the center of Braymer. Braymer is surrounded by a very fertile section of country and has a large territory to draw from and has a marvelous trade and ships more stock than any town on the Milwaukee Railroad between Ottumwaand Kansas City. It has two or three of the largest stocks of goods and many of the most enterprising business men to be found in the county. ill^^^Popuhition is KHK). instead of 15(H) as Kiven above which Is a typo- graphical cnor. A brick and tile plant is operated by Wm McCubbin and is taxed to its utmost capacity and yet is not able to fill all orders coming in and is compelled to ship from other points. A broom factory is also among" its enterprises and is operated by Mr Hewitt which has received a large local and foreign patronage. Two newspapers are published here. The Braymer Bee by C. P. Dorsey, is an independent weekly, having a cir- culation of over a thousand. The Comet is edited by C. K. Fleming and is a Republican weekly newspaper having a circulation of about nine hundred. These papers receive a liberal patronage of the business men and are good exam- ples of a thrifty country weekly. There are two telephone exchanges, which is a very un- fortunate condition, as it works a hardship on the merchants and business men generally, who are compelled to have both phones. Vitrified brick walks have the preference in Braymer, althoug'h there are many nice granitoid walks, while the pre- vailing street crossing is of wood. Braymer seemingly lacks public enterprise, due perhaps to the fact that its business men are engrossed in individual business affairs and enjoying a large degree of prosperity and do not take the time to consider the public enterprise because of pressing individual business. Of course the fact must be taken into consideration that Braymer has sprung into existence in the past twenty years and has not developed as other towns of like size but older in years. The people are hospitable. Men, women and children greet the stranger on the street much the same as they do an acquaintance, a peculiarity that makes him feel at home and compels a comparison between Braymerites and the in- habitants of other towns, in which comparison Braymer does not suffer. There are two banks located here and have a very sat- isfactory business in the banking line. These are the First National Bank and the Bank of Braymer. The Bank of Bra ymer was org^anized in 1887 and m 1888, S. F. Faraar, the present cashier, became identified with it and has since conducted its affairs as cashier. This bank has never failed to pay its semi-annual dividend and has enjoyed a good business and the confidence of the peo- ple. Its stockholders and directors, a list of whom may be seen in the advertising columns, are men of influence and their personalities add great strength to this bank. Mr. J. R. Dalbey, the President, is also engaged in the mercantile business and has one of the largest stocks of g"eneral merchandise in the county and is one of the most substantial and influential business men of Braymer. The bank is well equipped with two vaults, protected by electrical appliances, steel lining and burglar alarms and is a member of the American and the Missouri Bankers Association. It has a good corps of officers and assistants. Mr. Farrar is a popular and efficient cashier. Braymer is a thriving citj of the fourth class, is rap- idly extending its limits and shows evidences of greater g-rowth. The Mowder addition has been lately platted and is the largest addition that ever was laid out to any town in the county, containing over forty-five acres, composed of twelve blocKs with an aggregation of 143 lots of various dimensions. It lies to the north of Braymer and the lay of the land is such as to make beautiful building places and already a large number of lots have been sold. These fine lots aa^e being sold at very reasonable prices-. Mr. C. L. Mowder who platted this addition, is also postmaster and exerts a strong influence for the upbuilding of Braymer. He has taken great interest in political af- fairs and, m 1895 was Reading Clerk of the House, being the first Republican to hold that position since reconstruc- tion days. He was one of the two delegates from this dis- trict to the National Convention that nominated McKinley and Roosevelt and was the Missouri member of the Com- mittee on Credentials, Mr. Mowder lias also been a very successiul newspaper man, having edited The Comet ior several years and hav- ing- been connected with several i ther papers from time to time. BRAY^IER SCHOOL BUILDING Braymer claims for its schools the highest standard of excellence of any in the county. Seven teachers are era- ployed and about 350 pupils are in attendance of whom 75 are from neio-hboring- districts, who come here to take ad- vantag"e of the superior facilities oti'ered by this school. Two years ag-o a new building- was completed at a cost of $14,000 of which a cut appears herein. In hotel accommodations, Braymer excels any other town in the county, having the best equipped hotel. The Franklin, of which a cut is here given, is a four-story brick, steam heated and lighted by electricity. Hot and cold water apparatus is being installed and the house is well furnished throughout, Mr. J. R. Wilson, the present proprietor, has demon- strated his ability to care for the hungry wayfarer and has made a successful landlord. This is one Of the best hotels in this section of the country, Mr. Wilson has been in charge about four years. ^. W-A^- -^^ W^ ^■"""" ^S mm : r' , \ 1 u^B^. E m^a^'i-'^f^ THE FRANKLIN HOTEL Braymer is the home of one of the popular young at- torneys of the county, Mr. L. R. Kautz, who is a Caldwell county boy, having been reared in the vicinity of Hamil- ton. He is a graduate of Kidder Institute and has also taken the law course at Columbia. He has an in increas- ing legal business, represents some of the best insurance companies, makes collections, loans, etc., and at present he is city attorney. In connection with the advance of Braymer is given a cut of S. M. Coffinan (the Braymer Jeweler and Optician) and a model engine built by him. This model was built for the J. I. Case Thrashing Machine Co., of Racine, Wis., and delivered in February of this vear. This is the largest company of its kind in the world and has just completed a new office building that is claimed to bs the finest in the United States, and this model is now on display in its win- dows and is a remarkable piece of mechanism. It repre- sents their twelve horse power traction engine, and is a perfect working model of the same, made on a scal'e of one S. E. COFFMAN AXD MODEL EXCUXE BUILT BY HIM and a half inches to the foot, or one-eighth size. It is compos9d of 3150 parts, there being 882 pieces in the two rear wheels and 41 pieces in the differential gearing It has 30 flues, water and steam guage, governor and safety valve and whistle and is just as complete in every way as the engine it represents. Mr. Coffman has surmounted innumerable difficulties in this work, even making* most of the tools with which to do the work. He takes especial deligiit in work that to the ordinary mechanic seems impossible and no task is too dif- ficult for him to attempt. He is an inventor of many labor saving- devices and ranks among- the best in this kind of work. He is now at work on a model separator for the same company and will also build another engine. L. R. KAUTZ, BRAYMER There are five churches in Braymer of which the Metho- dist Episcopal has much the strongest membership, having- about 225 members. It owns a good brick church building- which will not long* suffice for this denoirination as it is too small for a church of this membership which is alive and growing'. ■ The Baptists are next in point of numbers and 1 ave somewhat more than 100 members and a very nice frame building. The United Brethern have a membership of fifty and a frame building-. Thers are two Christian Churches, the original Antioch church becoming- divided on the question of an organ some live years ag-o. Antioch was established in 1875, some eig-ht years before the town was started and now has a membership of about 40 and worship without the organ. The other members organized into a church in 1901 and now have about fifty members, a good frame building- and add the melodious strains of the organ to their devotions. The following- lodges are represented: Bra vmer Lodge, No. 135 A. F. & A. M., membership 75, C. B. Woolsey, W. M., O. R. Motsinger, Secretary. | Braymer Chapter, O. E. S. Organized a year ago and has 30 members. Miss Pearl Snodgrass, W. M. A. ; Dr. J. Herndon, Secretary. Caldwell Lodge No. 410, I. O. O. F., membership 90. E. S. Trowbridge, N. G. ; Dr. J. A. Nevitt, Secretary. Bravmer Lodge No. 212, Daughters of Rebecca, mem- bership 85; Mrs. J. S. Divelbiss, N. G. ; Mrs. C. D. Owens. Secretary. Garland Lodge No. 203. K. of P.; membership 168: F. F. Seiter, C. C. ; J. A. Schroeder, K of R and S. Garment Temple No. 41, .Ratlibone Sisters; member- ship 60; Mrs. H. M. Toland, C. C. ; Eva Day, Secretary. Friendship Council No. 666, Knights and Ladies of Se- curity : membership. 40; E. S. Trowbridge, Pres. ; Mrs. Emma Lay ton. Secretary. Fraternity Lodge No. 14, Fraternal Home: membership 30; H. E. Wilhelm, Pres. ; Mrs. E. L. Pye, Secretary. Braymer Camp No. 196, W. O. W. ; membership 32; A. E. Orr, C. C. : J. C. Milroy, Clerk. Braymer Camp No. 2441, M. W. A.: membership 80; Geo. W! Buxton, V. C. ; J. E. Paul, Clerk. C.L. MOWDER, POSTMASTER b:-;aymek city officials Ma vol". W. ('. Lvon. Treasurer. J; Rathbun. CUerk & Atty. L. R. Kautz. Police Judge, John Tait. Marshall, \X . R. Whk?. Health Officer, Geo S. Dowell. AULnMivi: c:ias. O. Proctor. John K. Shackelford, J. S. Divelbiss. and ( '. D. Ow.^ns. f^ URAYI.iEK M. E. CI-lL KCH Braymer Tax Payers 3^^" Farmers are designated by a star (*) and stockmen by a double star (**) Axton Henry* Axton F E* *Austin Anne Andre Minnie ^Alexander Thos *Amos J W Atkins Spencer, merchant Barcus Orville* Boyer A L* *Butchli E T *Bretz Geo A *Boyer Joe *Bisel Kelsie *Brvant R F *Blynn A M *Blynn James *Barcus W A *Barnett N L *Bryant Horace *Boler Dan *Buxton Geo Bowman J W furniture Brock Clifton lunch house Brown Caleb Brown Perry Bowman Mrs A H Blacketer Flora T Bragg" Jole- *Braymer Daniel * Braymer Geo V *Brvant J A *Burnett C M *Battle Thos Barnes Mrs Mag'gie res Brown Geo *Barbee A J * Brown Amos *Bales Chester R *Bristow Howard Bales Van Boyd J K Bristow D Beistle C A telegrapher Bemer John painter *Buxton Sadie *Blevins John Bromley D F blacksmith Bradv B F telephone Brady J M *Bunch Jackson Burnett James telephone *Bunch H N Brison G D BRAYMER TAXPAYERS— Continued Ores well D* Cullins Francis* *C()nstant Mary *Cullins James *Cutberth E E *Cowan W P *Cowan W H *Coleman G W *Cox S D *Curd J P Craig Mary A Chambliss Thos W Rev Coffman S F lumber Clute Albert Cuaningham L R Carroll G W *Carmon E J *Cox W L *Cox S E *Cox J F *Cox Simon *Connor David *Cain James , ^Collins G R n'ollins H E *Colvin Oscar Corkins Belle C'ross E G hat'ness Cooper Mary Chowning- James Cramer Tilda Coffman Albert C off man L E TjavisMF* ■■-^Day Cooper *Dillman David *Divelbiss Chester **Davis Wm Dennison Mrs S *Dennison John Dusenberry Elmer Dalby H C merchant Dalbv J R merchant Dixon T T res Dorsey C P editor Donaldson J H *Deam Fred *Deam Earnest „ *Deam Martha Deam Harry Dowell G S MD Divelbiss James hdw Divelbiss John *Ditmus J T *Davis E W *Davis Amos *Davis Jeff *Davis T O teacher *Davis M F *DavisPIi Davis Charles merchant ■p^llseasser T* ■^-^Eckelberry J H teacher Eichler Bertha Eichler John Else Ed hotel *Else D W *Emery Bert *Emerv Samuel *Etherton W G Etherton H C teacher *Etherton J E *Eichler Winter *Eichler Mary J *Eichler Chas *Eichler E L *Eichler Lewis *Eichler Clyde Farrar S F cashier Fields Sam* *Fields Isaac ^Fields H Ford Ed Feese Mrs E *Feese Frank *Fulcher W L *Findlev Geo BKAY.MEK T.\ XP.vYERS -Continued *Fisher' Sarali Foreman R L bai-bLn- Foley John Flemino- A Consul Ford Herbert Fleming- Clyde editor Ford L R merchant Garrison S A * Gier J G* *Gallaher Newion **Gordon T J Gleason P T miller *Goll Wm *Goe John Goddard Merritt hdw *Goddard Robert *Goddard Chas D *Gill Jessie Gill Joe livery Goldsworthv M R carpenter Gunby Ella Gordon M B jeweler *Gray Elwood *Gray Walter Goin Mrs L Gray Anna • Gilmore F M Glick J \V *Goll J G *Goll Ed *Gearhart W H *Gearhart C D Gray Elza Hibner WW* Hibner S R* *Hughson J G *Hughson A W *Hamer Geo *Hankins Ed ^Hankins P L *Honeycutt Moses *Holmes Wm *Hutchins W G ^Havens A W *d[utchinson J P **Hall E S *Hankins E E *Hagiies Richard *Hays J W Hazlip Maiy Hewitt W S broom factory Hampton Kate * Harris Ed Hale John *Hudson J F *Harlow S Hatfield Fannie Herndon Barnard carpencer Herndon Jos T Hug-hson Lydia Hugh son -Ynna L Hughson Wilson *Hoider G C Holder J F Hays Mose Havs Perry HaVs Mrs M T Hail Ellen Howes B F *Halfield G W Hays Isaac Hays Warren real estate Herndon Joseph painter Herndon J A dentist ^Holder W A *Holder E S *Holder Harriett ^Holder Albert Hays Frank Hull Dill liveryman Hott Adam Hill Mary Hazlep Geo Havs MO *Isom J M Ingersoll Mrs Pheobe Tames Edgar carpenter ^ Jones J W drug-g-ist BRAYMEK TAXPAYERS— Continued Jones John W Jennings Mrs A F James Ira King- O A Knipe J R *Kepiey Geo ^Kromeich Albert *Kromeich Charles *Kromeich A *Kleeman Joe *Keefe Eugene Kirpatrick M S cari)entei Kir pa trick Ray *Kincaid W J *Keley Ellis Kite B H auct Kincaid Marv *Keith C L *Kelev Joe ^Keley J M *Kelev John *Keley John E Keel J D grocery Kline Julius Lindsev S S Lane J F* Loomis J M *Lane Josh *Lane J R *Lane C B ^Lane W H *Luckey R F. *Lewis W L *Lorette Micheal *Lorette John ^Leslie S R *Leslie W E *Leslie D A Leslie Oscar *Lane Thos Lane C W merchant Lamely Ruth Love Otto Leeper C C MD Layton Fred plasterer *Loomis A D *Loomis J H Lyons W O *Ludington D C Lundy G W Vet *Louiselle J B Layton Chas plasterer Lyons W C Lewis A N Lybarger Elizabeth McLaughlin Sarah J* McCartney C B* *McLaughlin J H McBee Kate *McEl\vee T J McGinnis Paulinia McKim Mrs A W McCubbin Wm brick c^ tile *McAlear Albert * McBee Jess ■•'•McBee Moses *McBee J W *McKnight J T *McKnight A J *McCray Ola *McCray Friend *Meneely J W Martin Mvrtle *Moore J t *Morris Walter W Merchant F E grocery ^Morris Edward *Morev Ceo *Miller J M ^Martin Cale *Morris Dan *Morris W P Micheal Lucy Meneely Addie ^ Meff ert H B *Morris Richard Miller Anna BRAYMER TAXPA YERS-Continued Monett L T Rev Musson Geo H lawyer *Marsh G H *Mount John Mowder C L postmaster *Moad D D Montsinger W L teacher *Mayberry G B *Mayberry J H *Moorman L F *Moorman John *Micheal AM *Micheal Dan *Micheal D D Sr Micheal Mrs Eva Messenbaugh E T drug-gist Maginess C L N ichols James* Nichols Levi* *Nichols R F *N ichols Henry *Norris Dillard Nevitt J A dentist *Norris J R Oldfield Elmer E* Oster C O* *Oster Wm O *Oster S M *Oster Jessie Owens C D hdw *Owens Pate Oneal Ed Oneal Chas Orr A E grocery BJroctor W D -^ Phares John* *Proctor John M *Phares James M *Proctor F G *Proctor O E *Peirce B F *Phares C E *Parker W A *Proffitt Benj *Proctor J R Proctor Marv J **Proctor P S ' Phares Ellen *Phelan John Pendarvis OE MD *Poor A E *Plummer John *Parker J W *Pemiston W H *Plummer Thos *Proffltt John Pve W H Sr merchant PveWHJr ^Paul Theo Paul J E bai-ber Post A L Proctor Chas O merchant *Phillips W A *Phillips Robert *Phillips E E *Phillips O N *Phillips David *Phillips F M *Phillips Jacob F *Phillips J N Petree Mildred Parsons Sarah Pool Mrs N C *Pollard D S Pemberton Aleda Phillips Mrs Nancy *Pierce John Pool G W teacher Robertson Lillie* Rathbun J S* *Rolloft' Henrv *Reeve J D *Railsback Thos Riddle Wm *Rice M F *Reeve Geo BKAYMER TAXPAYERS— Continued *Raymor Guy Roberts O M furniture Richey Chas carpenter ^Rowland Caleb *Redhair G J Rosenbaun Win *Ross P T *Ross J T Ray I R *Ross B B Rea Cyrus horse dealer Rea Ben horse dealer *Rathbun Samuel Rathbun J A cashier *Rig-g-le Eli *Rig8'le Elmer *Rig-gle John *Rig-g-le H W Rosenbaum John Stubblefield B F* Stubblefield Guy* *Stagner Roy *Stubblefield R M *Stag*ner Lyte **Shultz Chas *Spencer Thos **Seitters Gus **S\vindler J C *Shultz J A *Smith Thos *Sparks John ^Stubblefield D P Jr Snider O M *Smith Thos *Sprouse Andrew ^Stubblefield R L *Sprouse W A * Stubblefield S R * Shiner W F *Seitter F F *Sprouse G W Stephens H J *Shouse Z T Smith Mary A Shellabarger Rosa *Smith A B *Silkwood Wm ^Street B B *Steenrod Robt *Shaffer Fred *Sulkwood Geo *Stathem Edd Sims L C *Shinog-le H Scott J W * State Orin * State W P *Shrum Sam " Shrum Lee *Shrum John *Shrum Caroline Sheffer Geo Jr Surface Martha Surface Chas E merchant Strine Emiline *Smith John Snyder Geo blacksmith Smith Geo harness *Smith J W * Smith Rov * Smith Robt *Smith Sam *S\vitzer Sam Shiner Millie Strine O S merchant Smith Mrs S E Stalling- Carl merchant *Smith B F Sloan J T horse dealer Shroder H A MD Stauffer E A Smiley W T Shiveiy C W bakery Shackelferd John grocery Snodgrass Mirinda Shaff Elizabeth *Strosnider S Strovelle Mary *Shiner Jasper Skinner H lumber BRAYMER TAXPAYERS— Con timed Thomas S R* Truitt Sam* *Tlu)mas A J *Tunks G W Thomas S A V)lacksmith *Truitt C E ^Truitt Thos ^Toomav Wm *Toomav G H *Timbrook S R Tait Lovina *Tuji|i-le Geo *Toomay Mike Thomas Arthur *Todd Law Till Lousia Towland H M hdw *Tunks Clive Trowbridge E S ])liotOij;- Tweedy Eliza])eth Tracv^M E Tevaidt Belle Tavlor J D *Tve T A *Tre E O *Tye Nelson Thomas Harry Thomas Stephen Tait John miller Tait M D lumber Thomas Marv I *Ui)p Elsworth V anderpool Jeft' - VanvSickle Jennie Vanoleit Mrs D *Veatch C Wallace Effie teach?r Woolsev C B MD Woolsev Mrs G B *Wells John ^Waters J E Wilson W MH **Wells C W *Waters S J -Wheeler John F *Weidmier Geo *Wells G^o *Widmeir Charley *Widmeir Walter Waters U G *Weidmier Andrew W^eidmeir MoUie *Welker Norman * Wheeler W F Widmeir I{!)i/al>eth *Whitworth John Whitworth Wm Woodard W Watls GH Williehn li E dru^-^iist Wilson .] R hotel Wetzel Gus *Woolard C A Wooden Geo Waters E E painter * Waters J A *Welker Sam *Welker Dill Ware N A ice man Wai-e E N Rev Welker Geo C furniture *Welker A "Welk:?r Wm *Whitworth Geo Whitwortli Isaac Whitworth John *Wilds P Jr *Wilds PSr White Geo Wheeler Jolm D White W R "Wheeler Lou * Wheeler Chas *Wriu-ht Gibson *W^ri^-lit Wm *Wriufht Harvey *Wrio-ht Chas Braymer's Big Store BRAYMER, MISSOURI I.s shoKnng the hirgeaf open .stock of gener- al nierchandise in CaldtrelJ eonntij and is headqua rter.s foi Black Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods Silks and Trimmings MILLINERY Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries Men's and Boy's Clothing Hats, Caps and Gloves Furnishing Goods Queen Quality Shoes Star Brand Shoes Rugs, Carpets and Mattings When in Braymer pay this store a visit. You are always vvelcomt First National Bank BRAYMER, MISSOURI Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 O U R POL I C Y To be liberal; to l^e strong; to hold our customers' in- terests as identical Avitli our own, protecting them accord- ingly; to do business Avith you toda}^ on the principle that we expect to do busi- ness AYith you alAvays. : : : OFFICERS C. W. WELLS. President W. R. LEE. V-Pres, J. A. RATHBUN, Cashier It ieaclies the People With an acLual average circulation of more than 1000' copies. THE BRAYMER BEE carries the mes- sages of its advertisers into a large number of the best homes in one of the richest farming sections of Mis- souri. Its careful covering of the local news held makes it a welcome friend at every ttreside and give its advertising double efiiciency. THE BRAYMER BEE BRAYHER, HO. E- S.Trowbridge -M. Photographer ■&m Latest Photographic Styles BRAYMER, MISSOURI M u t u a 1 Phone N o (^•^ GORDAN Braymer' s Jeweler and Optician OnlTj the best nw/'k (lone. Glasses carc- f idly and accuratelj fitted for any erf or of refraction and the best results guaranteed. Special attention given to repairing, tiineing and adjusting watches. By far the finest and best stock of goods carried, in CaJdwell county. Imported French china, cut glass, toilet goods, iratch- es, clocks, silverware, emblern goods, rings, general jew el ery. YOUB PATRO.YAGE IS RESPECTFUIIY SOIICITED. J. R. Diilbey, President Edv. aid Tooiijay, V-Frei^. ; . p. Farrar. <,'ast. Miss Pearl SnodRrass, Lawrence E. Coffman. Asst. Cashiers The Bank of Braymer Capital Stock $20,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $14,000 Safe c a 1 1 s e rvativ e b Ksiii e ,s s frai i s a c fed . Careful aft ention given to all I) (fastness entrusted to us DIRECTORS J. R. Dalbey Edward Toomay O. B. Dorse V David Creswell S. F. Farrar THe COAST BRAYMER, MISSOURI C. R. FLEMING, EDITOR AND MANAGER ^ coME? More news for your money than any paper in Caldwell county Home Circulation 950 Copies Weekly Fine Book and Job Printing- Subscription Price $1.25 ])er Year a Specialty in Advance New Furniture Store BRAYMER, MO. Furniture, Shades, Carpets and Lace Curtains, Etc. Special Attention Given to Undertaking EO. C. WELKER Phone No. 20 (Brady) Braymer Roller Mills M. D. TAIT, Proprietor Complete Roller System Daily Capacity 100 Barrels Manufacturer of High Grade Wheat Flour Bran and All Kinds of Feed OUR FLOUR BRANDS RED WHEAT HARD WHEAT Bravmer Best K. P. Strai^-ht Patent Special Attention Good Luck Given to All Orders n. D. TA I DEALER IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors,Blinds,Paints Mouldings, Lime and Cement Agricultural tmplements JVagoTLs and Buggies, Ploivs, Corn Planf- CTS, Stalk Citfters, Harrmvs, Moivcru and Binders, Grain and- Seed.. Special Attention Given to Estimates on = Buildings S. F. COPFMAN, Manger J. R. DALBEY & SON DEALERS IN Dry Goods, ]S^otions, Clotliing Cloaks, Boots, Shoes, . Hats, Caps, Carpets, Mattings, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Etc. Ladies and Gent\s Tailor Made Clothing Also a Large Stock of Fresh Groceries Flour, Salt, Etc. Market Price Paid for All Produce Also Handle Windmills and Mc- Gornnick Mowers and Binders Respectfully solicit your trade Telephones --M utual and Brad y -N o . 2 1 I C O W G I L L I I Population 450 I Cowg-ill is a prosperous village located in Lincoln Township, located on the Chicag-o, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, 55 miles from Kansas City and about six miles east of Polo. Like its neighbor on the east, Braymer, it came into existence as a result of the building- of the railroad and was platted in March, 1887, by the Milwaukee Land Co. which has also laid out several additions since that time. During the past two or three years the town has seem- ingly, taken a new lease of life and many new residences and some new business buildings have been built and the place has taken on an air of prosperity. Granitoid walks are given the preference in C'owgill and it has more of this walk than towns of much larger popu- lation and the coming summer will see large contracts for this work completed. Cowgill has the largest single business Imilding in the county, which is also the best lurnished hardware store. It is a two-story brick building owned by E. C. Petty, is 74x120 feet, and has lately b-en eomplit?d at a cost of $13,000. E. C. PETTY BUILDING CowgiU's public schools employ four teachers but do not have a very large attendance, ha ving on.y about 110 pupils, but on the whole, the school is rather above the average for a village of this size. The building is a large and commodious two-story brick and is practically a new building. The school is fairly well sui)plied with maps, charts, etc., and has also a small library. Tlie town has one newspaper. The Cowoill Chief, edited and published by Geo. B. CowJey, but does not have a very extensive circulation. The First National Bank is the only bank and is doino' a ^-ood business and is represented in the advertising- col- umns herein. .J. D. ALLEN This town is the home of J. D. Allen, a member of the (/aldwell County bar, and who is clerk and attorney for the town. Mr. Allen has been practicing- law for ten years past, having- read law with J. M. Davis & Son of Chillicothe, and located in Cowgill for the practice of his profession seven years ago. He is a Missouriail, being- born and reared in Livingston county and educated in the country and high schools there. Has been identified with the interests of Cowgill now several years and has had a marked degree of success in his chosen profession. During- the past year and a half he has not lost a case, which certainly speaks well of his ability as a lawyer. He has an extensive foreign practice. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH Cowg-ill is well supplied with churches, having five frame buildings owned by as many different denominations. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, is perhaps the best frame church buildina' in the county, being built a few years ag-o at a cost of about $8,000, and is a very neat place of worship. This denomination has a membership of about 150, and is the strongest representsd at this place. The Baptists have the next strong-est membership, which is perhaps about 100 members. The Methodist Episcopal church have fifty members and the Christians and Presbyterians have about the same number. ilotii acco-nnolatioas are g-ood at Cowgill. The PJankington House is a well furnished hotel. The present PLANKERTON HOTEL AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK proprietor, J. M. Davidson, who has had charge of the house only about six months, but during that time has carefully looked after the comfort of his patrons and has given very general satisfaction as a landlord. He has had several years experience before coming here. The build- ing is lighted by a private gas light plant and is well loca- ted and well patronized. The postnja.ster of C>ow|j-ill, is'A. F. McCray, who has for his assistant, his daughter. Miss Merle McCray. Mr. McCray was the first postmaster in the United States to be appointed by the McKinley administration and has render- ed efficient service. He is also ons of the leading auction- eers of north Missouri, and his son, Frank McCray, assists him in this work. Last year their total sales aggregated the sum of $157,820, and their services are always in demand. Mr. McCray is a veteran of the civil war, and lost a limb in-ths s-erviC3 of his country. " Has b33n- a rasident of the- county many years and has the respect of the community in which he lives, enjoys a large accquaintance and is a genial and whole-souled gentleman. Cowgill has uiany progressive business men who be- lieve in hustling and advertising as will appear by refer- ence to the advertising columns. Among the lodges represented here are the I O. O. F.. with a membership of 100, C. M. Thomson is N. G.,' and,^ S. J. Seiss, Secretary. The A. F. and A. M. have 00 members and John AT" Petty is W. M., and R. A. Thomson is Secretary. The officers of the O. E. S. are: Mrs. D. M. Tait, VY. M.: John Michaels, W. P.: D. M. Tait, Secretary. The officers of the Rebecca lodge are: Miss Cora McCray, N. G.; Mrs. Gertrude Wild, Secretary. The village of Cowgill is incorporated and has the fol- lowing officers: Chairman of Board, A. J. Austin; Attor- ney and Clerk, J. D. Allen; Marshal, J. L. -Wilson; Trus- tees, A. B. Alspaugh, A, J. Austin. C. G. Alspaugh and S. J. Seiss. Cowgill Tax Payers ]^^" Farmers are designated by a star (*) and stockmen by a double star (**) A xon Henry* ■^^*Axon Sam *Axon Catha *Axon B E Alspaug-h C G meat market Allen J D atty Alspaug'h NH carpenter Austin A J hardware Alspaugh A B Jr carpenter *Adams M D *Adams W W Alspaug-h A P Alspaug-h Katie "Dliss J E* ■*-^ Bales Salina *Basham J E *Blevins M D L *Basham J A *Basham Henrv *Basham F P ^ *Burns Arthur *Bliss S L B re wen J T Brewen C C * Baker Wm *Brown Alex Brown S R Buchan Wm barber *Baker Jas C *Baker Resin *Bemer Wm *Baker D E painter *Baker J C Brown Susan A *Busick C V Clayton J G* Crist R M* Carr F W *Clavton L F *Clark M E ^Casey Dan *Casey John ('ravens Jas Cowley Mrs Mary Cowley G B editor Chief *Carman J O *Cain Wash Cleveng'er J C *Cravens Wm ^Clapper J L COWGILL T A XPA YERS -Continued Cowley Anna R *Cowg'ill Jessie *Coffman OW Connett D W painter Cleveng-er L B *Casey J F *Cain Sam Cullumber F R jewler Crawford W H (Uark G W *Cain John *Clark E M Craig- Mrs M A *Clark Frank *Chesire J R Clapper Nephi *Cooper C C *Cooper D L *Copple W L Crawfor.d Geo Craig- F E shipper Dixon Mrs G A Diddle A W* *Diddle B F Dixon W W *Diddle John *Donahew N R *Donahew Bina ^Diddle B N Dawson Eliza *Dawson W C Diddle Mrs Jas *Davis Geo *Davis John T *Davis Isom G Donaldson S J *Diddle James *Davis H *DiddIe A W Dotson J J Delaney A M hdw Dav FA Davidson J M hotel E aton James* Evans W B Fell Catarine Fields John* *Frazier J G *Frazier A J *Eields Olliver *Fields Lawerence Fell P J Frazer C A Foreman J P *Firth R W *Firth W T *Farmer John Fesler D R Firth Luke Firth Ola *Firth O T Gastineau P L* Goddard Henry* *Goddard J S Gritt'ing- W F Grant J D *Grant N N Grav John .*GritiingLH *Griffing R A *Garrett W E Gritflng- J H carpenter Goe J C *Goodnow F E Griffing H L carpenter *Gordon T J B Garrett D A Harrell S J* Harrell J M* Hart Chas *Hill Win *Hinson J J Hughes R M *Hendrix J A COWGILL TAXPAYERS— Continued ^Holl ins worth W A *Hollinsworth B H *Hinson A *Harris G W *Hoath E Harle G D blacksmith Hanks S O Howard G W *Hawse J Jj Hyatt Arrelia *Harris H C *Hines W W Harter J W merchant Jones G G* Jacobs Geo W^ *Jameson Ed *Jesse B G *Jesse J W *Jones L A Johnston Mary Kernan Jacob* Kasper Margarett *Kernen Jacob Jr *Kernen John *Kasper Chas Kelley Andy Kasper Wm Kellev J E *Kelley H A Kiple Mrs E W Kerns Chas Kiple H W King- Emily Kavanaug-h L D Lindsey L E Latimer J L* *Linville J A *Lane J J *Lane John F *Lane J R Lee R J house mover Luddington S C *Lukens E B *Lile W H *Lukens W J Lord Mrs A J McPheeters R A McCrav C Frank* *McCray M F *McNew Oscar McCray J C real estate McLallen T B McCray A F auct *McPheeters J T *McCray E M *McNew'^ Ellsworth *McPheeters G R *Mayes W P *Mayes G W Mann Abbey *Misenhelter L D *Mills Henry Maves Nancv *Metz J *Moad W T *Maynes S T *Mohn J G *Murdock J C *Micheal J N Muzingo Mrs E J Meridith S G MD Mvers J W banker Mays W H *Micheal D A Myers S G Neil J T* Neil Thomas* *Neil Frank *Newell Virgil *Newell F A Nichols Celia Nutter W A merchant o dell W J Odell J W* COWGILL TAXPAYERS— Continued Pearse W H* Post J A Post Mrs N L Poor A *Poor W C *Poor J K| *Pearse R G *Perkins E L Pepple Mrs M C ' *Pfost A *Phillips D A *Phillips Salina Peterie N B drug-^'ist *Petty W T Rodg-ers J N* Rader Wm *Ross W W *Rog'ers Geo Roberts G M *Rodg-ers Noah *Rodgers J B *Rigg-s Melviii *Rigg"s Chas Reed C A *Reed S F Rice J W Co Judg-e *Rig-g-s Orin Rice J M ^Rodg-ers N A Gmith John^ ^^Schneiter Chris* *Schneiter Susan *Schneiter Ernest *Smith J E * Stephens Evan ^Stephens Wm Jr Stephens Eliza ^Stephens John Stephens Ed *Stephens Thos *Stephens Wm *Smith John A *Switzer Jacob * Schuster Steplien *S later R O *Schuster Jacob Saunders W T J *Sackman C E Siess S J ^Simkinson G G Scog"gan J A *Switzer O C ^Stoner J S Shaffer P M Sturtz C R carpenter *Schuster Stephen Shields F B Stalling-s Joe Sturtz A H cheese maker Sears G L Shover L E Shellenberger P S mere ^Schuster Leonard Smith Hattie *Switzer J F Sackman G F *Stoner S S Smith Sarah J *S toner J W *Smith Susan *Swaithe Bob Toomav D T* Th anker Mary A *Thomas Marv A ^Tucker J H *Tait D M *Toomat David T *Taylor Jonathan Th acker Marv *Thacker:Gola *Terry Chas ^Thompson Wm *Thompson Sid F *Thomson S M Thomson C M ^Tucker H H *Terrv P F COWGILL TAXPAYERS- Continued *Tucker L E ^Thompson J A *Tucker H N "Thomson R A *Todd James J Tucker K E barber Thomson H K Tucker W F *Tucker O W ^Tanderpool Monday* ^ Vanderpool \lbert* *Vanderpool M D * Vanderpool P L *VanderpOol J S *Vanbebber J C *Vanbebber G N Wvbrow Jacob* Wells Robert * Walker Wm West Nancy *Wonsettler S Q * Waggoner T F Wheeler Amy Walker Mrs M E Walker W D Wheeler W F Wheeler J G Ward J P Wonsettler Sarah L Wallace W H painter Wilson E J Wells C L poultry *Whitsett J H *Wao-goner J M Wilkerson J O MD ^^oung- J A* ■^ Yoakum P A livery *Yoakum Euin Yoakum W H livery *Zumbrunen John J. W. Myers. Pres. .1. H. Wild. ra>h. J. K. rhesfiier. \'. l' First National Bank COWGILL, MISSOURI No, 6926 Capital $25,000 Surplus $3,000 K. M. THOMPSON H. K. THOMPSON Cow^ill and Regal Telephone Co. /' "\ \ I Firrst-r/cfss /oca/ an(/ /ong distance service. Connected with a// /oca/ e a- changes and with the Home Telephone Company of Kan- sas City. • ' I E. C. PETTEY DEALER IN Hardware, Farm Implements, Vehicles, Harness, Grain, Seeds A modern buildino-. Up-to-date stock. Pop- ular prices. The laro-est stock of this kind ever shown un- der one roof in North-west Missouri. Everything' kept in a first-class hardware store is found here. My line of Farm Implements. Wag"ons. Hay- ino- Tools, etc.. are unsurpassed anywhere. Bug-j^ies. Surries and Driving- Wag'ons in variety, headed by the famous Galion Line. Strictly Hand-made Harness, no machine used Pumps. Windmills. Grs Pipe. Plumbing. Tin- work of all kinds done. Call and See Me in My New Building Cow^ill, Missouri B. M. HICKS DEALER IN Furniture of All Kinds, Car pets, Wall Paper, Curtains, Pictures Specialty of Sewing Machines and Pianos Cowgill, Missouri Telephone No. 17 W. A. NUI TER & CO. Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Cloaks, Millinery, Furs, Clothint>-, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Carpets, Matting-s, Gil Cloths, Lin- oleums, Groceries, Queensware, Flour, Salt, Etc We buy all kinds of PRODUCE — pay highest market price for same. When ever tn Cowg'ill come in and see us. With thanks for your patronage in the past we remain, Yours truly. W. A. NUTTER & COMPANY A. M. Delany A. J. Austin Delany & Austin DEALER IN SheU and Builders' Hardware Lumber, Paints, Grain, Seeds, Etc. Jfe have a' large stock of lumber of all grades, ai jrrices uwrth your ivhile to investigate. Make a Specialty of Stoves and Ranges Also carry American Fencing We handle the famoas John Deere Velie Buggies W k' solicit a comparison of p i' i c e s an d l> o ( > d s ■^ yti \lt \iit \ii \b \t/ \lii Ui \)/ vib \t/ \l/ \it \kt \kt \lit vlii n^ \t/ yit \li \i* \ii \lii \^ xln xti \it \lii \in \i/ \lli \ki yii \it viz vtt \ti ^ I n I R A B I L E I I Population 150 | Mirabile, a pleasant little village, is situated in tliy western part of the county and is the next oldest town in the county, being laid out by Wm. E. Marquam in 184J). It is yet without any town or villag-e org-anization, and, in fact, has little need of it, for its citizens are inclined to the ways of peace and the arm of the law is seldom invoked for the preservation of either life or property or to pre- serve th^ dig-nity of the state. The land on which Mirabile is situated was entered by John Gregg-, a Mormon, in 1836, and three years later when he lefti^for Navoo, 111., the land was bought by Mr. Marquam who also purchased a stock of goods and a log- building at Far West and removed them to the sight of the store building no^ occupied by John H. Clark. This was known as "Marquana^ Store" for some time, but other buildings were soon built and, finally, Mr, Marquam plat- ted and laid out the town and called it Mirabile, Until the building of the Hannibal & St. Joseph K. K.. Mirabile merchants hauled their goods from Camden, on the Missouri and Mirabile became quite a trading point. During the war, Mirabile was thoroughly Union in sympathies, and it is said that nearly every able-bodied man did service.' It was here that Capt. Johnson's and Capt. James's Home Guards were organized in 18(il. being the first to organize in North Missouri. L. L. FROST Mirabile was the scene of some stirring events during the war. The Thrailkill raid in 1864, is perhaps the most notable. Coming from Kingston where he had sacked the town. Thrailkill })roceeded to plunder Mirabile. The stoip of Dr. W. H. Crawford was entered and nearly everythino- taken or destroyed. The safe was opened where $4,7H5 in cash was found, over half of which was money belongin^^- to different parties who had left it there for safe keepin;^-. Crawford's loss was $2,700 cash and $2,300 in g'oods. Other stores were pillaged and many lost considerable in goods and cash as a result of this raid while some were taken prisoners and came near losing their lives. At present, Mirabile has three general stores, a drug store, hotel, mill, blacksmith shop and harness shop and several nice residences. The Mirabile school employs one teacher, has about 40 pupils in attendance and is housed in a commodious frame building. There are two frame church buildings, the one belong- ing to the Presbyterians and the other to the M. P. and Baptist congregations. The M. P. denomination is the stronger here, having abont 65 members. The I. O. O. F. is the strongest lodge with a member- ship of 80. ■ T. O. Stinson is N. G. and A.L. Reed, Sec'y. The W. O. W. have 65 members. Geo. A. Umstott is C. C. and Fred Cunningham, Secretary. The Knights and Ladies of Security have 45 members. Walker Sackman is President and Harry Leighinger, Secretary. The Daughters of Rebecca have 45 members. Mattie Hudson is N. G. and Mrs. Ella Clark, Secretary. The Woodman Circle have a small membership. Mrs. B. F. Brazelton is Guardian and Mrs. G. A. Umstott, Clerk. Mirabile Tax Payers ^;W Farmers are desig-nated by a star (*) and stockmen by a double star (**) A rbogast Sarah A ^^Arbogast Henry* "^Anderson John Balling-er J T Bryant Thos* Brazelton W A Bassett E F carpenter Brazelton B F furniture Bryant Chas gen store Chivens B F* Clark J L* ^Cunningham E eleven ger O L *Clark R L *Eads J A Fort Daniel hdw* Fort G W *Frost Sidney D **Frost L L *Farr A Fv *Grant Geo W Hillyer J F* Haworth I B gen store Haworth W O Hartpence John hotel *Hootman Isaac Lewis Wm* Lewis A W* *Lewis C V McCuloughL W Morris J H *Moffit L E Nichols J F druggist Preston A G Sr MD Preston Clarence* *Preston A G Jr Pollard Martha *Reed A L Sackman G W* Seeley Laura W ^Sackman J D MIRABILE TAXPAYERS— Continued *Sturg'is Chas *Sturgis B F *Trout W H Umstott McCov teacher Wise Samuel* West.! J* Whitehead Wm *Wise H E *Wiandt S R *Wilkins Thos John L. Clark Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Notions, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Etc. Groceries, Flour, Etc. I want your produce — will pay hig-hest market prices. Re- spectfully solicit your trade. John L. Clark mirabile, mo. B. F. BRAZELTON Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness of All Kinds Strictly First Class, best stock, hand stitch- ed and guaranteed in every respect Undertaking a Specialty. Hearse Furnished TELEPHONE 39 ,y#^-^^^ I . B. HAWORl H DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Footwear and Notions High Grade Flour, Tea, Coffee, Etc. ''Kelley's Best beats all the rest" of flours NOTE— Mr. Hayworth has lived at Mirabile since 18H7 coming- there from Tennessee. He has been in business there now 19 years and enjoys a good trade.— Compiler. TUTEkSY, No. 8913, Champion Sow of American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas Citv. Oct. 19-24, '03. TO BE IN IT you need some World's Fair O.I.C. blood in your herd. I have plenty of it for sale at reasonable prices, as my heard won 71 ribbons and $3,107.00 in cash at the World's Fair in I904-, more money and more ribbons than any other Chester exhibitor. Write Your Wants I'll Treat You Right A d d r e s s L. L. FROST irabile, Mo, I N ETTL ETON 1 I Population 100 | Nettleton is quite a village on the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad about an equal distance between Hamil- ton and Breckenridg-e. It was laid out undjr the namo of Gomsr in 1808 but the name was afterwards changed to Nettleton. It has never made much growth and the outlook is not bright, from the fact of theclose proximity of other towns. It has two frame church buildings, belonging- respectively to the M. P. and Baptist denominations. The Christians hold services in a hall. The schools of Nettleton employ two teachers and have about 65 pupils. Nettleton has a telephone exchange with connection with all local lines. The one lodge is the W. O. W. .with a membership of 25. . C. C: J. W. Starrett, Clerk. Nettleton Tax Payers ^" Farmers are designated by a star (*) and stockmen by a double star (**) Alspaugh Ira Barliw Cvrus* Bowers J A* *Bowers J F *Bowere W F *Baker O P Bumgarner Mattie F PO *Brooks J L *Baker L W *Bothwell Geo *Baker R M * Bennett W R C reason D C hotel Christiansen B B *Cornelious A F *Clark J C F ^Crawford A *CoxT *Clevehg"er M E *Combs Seth *Curp Wm Davis J F* Davis Peter* Doutrlas Miss H Darety G W *DeForest John *Dunhal] iVron *Darnell Hattie *Dolan F H *Dolan G E *Dovle Peter *Dolan J D Emerv Wallace Edwards R F* ^Edwards S *Edwards U F *Edwards Jabez ^Edwards A S *Estes Thos *Estes J P *Evans G R *Evans Georg-e NETTLETON TAXPAYERS— Continued F rver Wm Frazier W S* Frazier G B (Goodrich T A* ^^ Grove J A* *Grove A *Guffev W F *Guffev W A *Guffey W B Henderson W G* Hug-hson F G* *Hicks Ralph Hargrove R H merchant Hall C Hetherington J *Harlow Geo J *Hartweg-e Herman *Hopper W S ^Harlow J W *Henkins Hattie *Hill G B James A A Johnson G B* *Jones M R *Jadobs A D *Jones C R ' *Jones E E XTibler A G* ■^^Kaufman Henry* *Koyle John Koyle Mary Kaufman Anna G Keeney Mrs A A *Kaughman Justice Karr K Lile A O* Lile V E *Lotz Martin ^Lotz W J cLaughlin W E ■McLaughlin M M *McGlain Wm *McGlelland Alice *Miller Adam *Miller A A *Miller D A *Moorshead Arthur *Millett James *Melvin M Oldfield G N* Ogburn J A* *Ogburn A L Oldfield Mrs L *011iver J W "Oowell Geo* ■*■ Powell Isaac* *Potts C W *Potts J H *Potts Emily ^ Potts R W *Pearce Edward *Pearce J H *Pausey Fred *Patton Joseph *Pausey John •*Patten Jake *Pearce John *Poulon Edward *Primm J G Russell G W Rowan A W Riissell Geo W Shaney J S* Scott A D* Scott J P *Starett J W *Snyder Dexter * Smith Arthur *Smith J W *Swaithe J G NETTLETON TAXPAYERS- Continue *Staonei- J H Tiffany Mrs E A *Siebert iMrs M A Towne S M . *Siebert Ernest ^Tierman J A *StumD Ben ^^^ ^Swindler J M \A/ ^^^ "^ ^* ^Sessions Polly Wright E H ^Swindler George Wright Wm *Sessions C Wrig-ht W A ^ Smith W H Wrig'ht J W * Sessions S *Worden A *Seedom Chas *Watson R G *Walsh Geo ea garden S F * Watson Thos Sr Temple C *"t..i. _ .t. .. T *Wilson P S *Wallace Perrv CAMEROM, Population 3000 Cameron, is situated in the north eastern part of (Clin- ton County and is one of the largest towns in this section of Missouri. It is so near the county line of Caldwell County that quite a large number of taxpayers of this county are served by the rural routes out of Cameron. Cameron has waterworks, paved streets, electric lig-hts and other evidences of city life. It is here, too, that the Missouri Wesleyan College is located, which is one of the coming colleges of the west. The following tax])ayers may be addressed at Cameron * Bryant J W A dams Smith* *Burnett C S •^^Adams .xodrew * Brown Sarah Burns Thos* / ' raw! Burnett J M* ^^ Cop( ford E W* 'opeland G B *Brown Oscar *C'hambers J W *Battle J C *Chambers W L *Bozarth V C *Calloway R M *Boulton Lydia P *C-arp Daniel *Blakenship M A *Cross Frank CAMERON TAXPAYERS— Continued *Calley J H *Cross J H *Chaldicott W J *Chafen J W *Cleveng'er W W *Cover C M *Carter C T *Carter J L *Carter J D Doleman JohnP* DeWeese A L* *DeHaven C M *Dewalt J M *Dewalt W O *Donald Geo O Earl Geo W* Ellenberg-er R F* *Ellis M J *Ecton Asa *Ecton John *Entriken Anna *Entriken Eli *Entriken F L Tpinch J J* -^ Finch C F* *Plopd John *Feltis Frank *Feigley E H *Felts F L *Filley Hiram *Filley Geo W *Feltis M E Garnet Robert* Garvin S C* *Garvin J J *Grinstead J W *Gufifey W J *Grant Robert *Ganote G E *Gillliand G I XTenderson D A* ■^■^•Henderson J C* *Houg"h Nancy J *Houg'an Nicheal *Hudson H J * Hutchinson John P Tnnis R H* ^Innis Wm* Jones M F* Jones W H* *Jones John *Judy Jessie *Jacobus J J Jones Mrs S B *Johnson Arthur * Johnson Alice Kannan Mary Kannan P J* *Kendric John . Kendric Nancy J *Keeney James *Keeney John *Keeney Sarah *King O T *Kinsella Margarett *Kinsella Annie *Kinsella Micheal . *Kresse J F *Kuhnert R F T aws Margaret ■^^Larimore J J* 4(.Lyons Fox McCrea C C* McCrea Mrs J ^^McDaniel John *McDaniel J R *McDonald J I *McVickers Frahk *McVickers H S *McBeath T L W CAMERON TAXPAYERS -Continued *McCrackin Mrs *Mabe James M *Mabe W C *Maddox E F *Meagher Patrick *Meagher Timothy *Monroe D W ^Montgomery R V *Munsell S H *Munson Tunis *Munson H A *Morris Nancy W *Morris C I *Musser W F *Musser E D *Mnsser S H *Musser vSusanah *Marlatt L Nelson HR* Nelson L J* *Nicholson J T *Nicholson T vS ^Nicholson C *Nicholson H o donnell W E* Odonnell S D* Parker Mrs Bell* Parker Sam S* *Paustain C H *Porter W B *Pollard J C *Paul M R Reed Alf* Ryan Joanna* *Roberts W C *Robinson xMary *Roberts E S *Rice J E *Ritter H H *Rice Mary A *Reed E A *Reed M E *Rommell H G *Rommell Jacob *Rommell C E *Rog-ers A B *Robinson J G Rommell Rosanah Smith A S* Smith C C* *Sloan Thomas *Sloan J H *Sloan H S *Sloan D M *Swaggart S L *Swag"gart G W *Stocks Herman *Staft'ord O M *StaiTord A D *Stinson Mathue *Sturgis W A '^Sackman H B *Sloan T A *Sackman J F *Stinson J H *Stinson G R *Slater Ed *Sloan G W ^ Sloan Wm Jr *Sloan R C *Stewart S H *Simmons S H *ShumaterF B *Stream Frank *Stucker S C *Sackman E F *Stephens B A *Sloan R E *Sackman W I *Sell Noah *Stinson T O *Sloan Claud *Sackman W B *Stinson J B *Sevan Wm Sr The Cameron Trust Co. CAMERON, MO. $100,000.00 Capital FULLY PAID UP It does a general banking business, and is the only bank pay- ing interest on all accounts. It pays interest on daily balances on checking accounts, as well as on time de])osits. Rates Paid are from 2 to 4 per cent It has the only burglar-proof vaults in Cameron. Boxes rent for $1.00 per year A. J. AULSHOUSE, Pres. J. H. BOTTHOFF, Treas. MISSOURI WESLEYAN COLLEGE CAMERON, MISSOURI An endoAved institution, capable faculty; choice body of students; and a new build- ing erecte'd at an expense of $50,000.00. Departments College of Liberal Arts Preparatory School Conservatory of Music and Elocution Normal and Business Institute Students may enter at any time. For the low rates and splendid advantages address Walter D. Agnew, President CAMERON TAXPAYERS— Continued *Stoner J H *Sloan Thos *Sloan Claud *Sloan Jas *Sloan T J *Sturii-is Mrs Wm Woner JL* Wyward Frank* *Wyckoff Emma ■^Williamson W A *Willhoit J S *Weibke A M *Ward C M ^Ward J B *Ward J E *\Yhitaker F H ^ Whitaker Da a id *Wyckolf John T * Wall ace J M *Welsh A S * Wallace Orin *Whitmer Mrs C A * Wiley T L Lathrop, Population 200 Lathrop is situti Burling-ton & Quinc taxpayers of Caldwe *Albri^ht C P *Burton J D *Cog-er Chas *Cooper J L *Cooper W S ^Crawford C O *Fry J E *Hickman J H *Holman L J *Jones M P *Karr AP *Parman J O *Parman Wm *Parman J F *Porter M A *Pollard Wm *Pollard J H ted in Clinton County, on the Chicao'o, y Railroad and serves the following 11 County by Rural route: *Pollard W H *Ross G W *Rheard A L *Rogers J W *Stoffle C D *S\vio-art J H *Swioart Frank *Swig'ar C A *Stockton W S ■^Turner J R *Turner J A *Upchurch G B *VanW^inkle S M *VanWinkle E J *Ward W N *Ward W W Turney, Population 100 Turney situated in Clinton County, on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad and has a Rural mail route overlapping part of Caldwell County and delivers mail to the following taxpayers: TURNEY TAXPAYERS— Continued *Adams Olliver *Bowman A E *Burkhart Ered *Greg"ory A C *Goodin^ C J *Montg-omery J L *Montg-omery Mary C *Middaug'h Wm *Pendleton J H *Renfrew J W *Riley Thos *Strope W K *Strope Luther * Scott M A *Stilllield G T *SloanA J *Stillfield T R *Smith J C *Hartig-an M E *Koger J H *Kemper Q M ELM IRA, Population 50 Elmira, is located in Ray County, On the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St- Paul Railroad and has a Rural mail route coming- into Caldwell County and delivering mail for the following taxpayers: *Brelsford Jos *Brelsford J G *Brelsford Lee *Belt W T *Childress E C *Cooper W F *Cooper J S *Crowley S J *Cudworth L B *Cudworth S D *Daniel J R *Douglass A J *Douglass J M *Grimes R S *Groves I S *Galloway W E *Galloway W L *Greenwalt J R *Greenwalt J B ^Gordon P G *Hutchings R A *Hutchings P C *Halloway G W *Kimball S N *Martin J P "Martin S H *Mabe H C *McDonald Nathan *Pollard J R *Pollard S M ^Pollard Wm M *Sturgis Chas *Sturgis J A *Sturgis Geo *Searcv B D *Sharp J F *Sharp A E *Sharp Eli *Smith J L Smith S E Sweatmen C M Tillett John Trotter J A Utt Arthur Zeikle John Zeikle Albert Kerr Taxpayers Atkinson E T blacksmith *Buck A L *Bryant R L *DeWalt J V *Friend H J Gover S R sen store *Holbrook G W *Haarimen O A *Kog"er I B ^Lister Manervia *McBeath J B * McDaniel E A *Riddle W R *Slogn M D *Swenson G L Jr *Sparks T F *Sloan Zada *Smith G W *Stegall J E *Swenson Sween *Wray J W > Brecken'ig Gomer . . . Hamilton Hamilton Kidder . . . Mirabile. Kingston New York Fairview. Davis. . . . Lincoln .. Grant . . . Rockford. November 8 1904 . ::..::... '^^^. o \ to 1 K^ t— 1 h— li H^ Ivi t— ' 1— ' to h- * 1— ' to 15 1 ^ ~ ^ ox ai GO io h+- GO M r; Lo -J Ol h-'lOGO-Jh^GO^f-iCOJOl— '^h^ Republican Pres. Electors 4- H-» ^ I— » »— ' t— ' h- 1 H-' h-' c: Oi to ^ 4^ OO o c: K^ io O -a c: O ■•■C' to W to GO W CO Ot 'Ot 4 1 to Democratic Pres. Electors hJ|— 't— 'tOH^ lOI— »l— 'h- 't— '(— »tO »— 'Oi W tc hf- GO to 4- -I CO -T O CJ^ oJoaTioK--iioH^c^atGoGoo Governor Walbridge R s ^ Oi -I CO W Oi CO h^ ^ 1 Ot to CO GO oo o -J a» to 4^ c: 1— ' at 4^ 1— * c: o Folk D at c: to 1 o 4^ 'X! CO— J I-* to o -J -i CO h- ' c:' 05 1+^ Ci Oi O ^ :o ct cc to Cong-ress Sulling-er D lO h- H^ 1— ' l-O H-^ LO »— ' 1— ' to h-' t— 1 LO Cji 1 ^ OT *- CC *- --C' 4- 4- 00 H-^ 00 lO O vi 1 o -JO :^. ^^ -^ o -J K-' io ^ -I at o Klepper R ^ 1— '1— 't-^ I—" h-ih- 'h- ' t— Ol 1 a:' C: LO LO 4^ CC 1— ' -J t-O 4^ 1— ' CC' -1 oo 1 o oo GO Lo at on a:> o C7: to 00 o oo Judg-e Alexander D S h:i5^:^l^:^oo^1;ti:;^gS^^^ Johnson R felocooi^PooccoitOGoo^OMto 05 K^^H^ H-H- MK^H^ h^ Representative CO 4^ OO o 4^ 1— OO w i-j to CO 4^ CO imsiey ±3rown JJ i Ku4^4^co4-ooh-iccr. -JO:i-'o: vV. 1^. Jjiair ±1 H-'atootoo:toatcoooooc:cc cr 1 : : M : : : : : Mto <^<^- Judge E Dis. g 1 : : ggs^Sg: : : : : t^3 Sam Russei D f ::SwGoo:::::cow J. w. Rice R ^1 H-: : : 1— ' 1— ' 1— ' H-' • • o c: *«. OO 1— ' • • -J CO oo 4^ O • • Co. Judge W dis. Geo Jewell D. 4^ 1 ^ O- • • *- oo to M CO • • G. N. Elliott R 1 1 t—'h- 'h- ' 1— ' (—'(—'I—' 1— ' 1 c:;c:tOh-'*-cci— 'Citooooooci ! O 4^ oo -J iC h- O CO 4^ GO OC' to c: Pros. Atty. Paul J. Bird D to 1 h- H- h-^ to 1— ' _^ to h^ h^ to h^ 1-^ to ici OGOGOOiOCOCCWOWOtOtO D. E. Adams R iC ►-' t— ' h- h- ' (— ' KJ h- » h-^ CD C^ -J 1— ' r-- 4^ 00 W cr: h- W O GO O: O O CC W OD CC -I O 'Oi cc to ^io O _l— ' to H-' h-* 1— ' to 1— ' to (—' t— ' to 1— ' 1— ' to 4^ 1— »WCiOi4^C004^00hJCC>tO-a Ot OCDH-rf^COW-JOOtOMOM— '4^ Sheriff J. M. Esteb D F.L.Parker R SI §§S^fe^|g^iigS Treasurer Q. T. Jones D 00 K-at4^4^4^Goai4^-jtootoa: h- O4^oocccoaicicoccato^toa( W. B. White R Oil t—'^'l— ' h-" 1— 'f— 'h-' 1— ' o 1 ic o ro to 4^ oo to oo to — r ic CO Oi Ox \ «:;4^ojc:'ioaiw:^oocoo:-jc: 1 Surveyor 1 John W. Tippitt d to (—1 1— » 00 h^-I00WC04^^O?0O0J-~TO S. C. Rogers R i g^SSSsiiBgs^i 1 Pab. Admr. Wm. Pickell D 1 1— ' t-i 1— ' to M 1— ' ai 4^ Ot 4^ 1 h-^ -JOO K^ CO to t— ' I— ' (— ' h- ' H- ' to QOO04^-JCCO0l— '-J ccat4^ccoo-j-ao C. W. M.Love R m ''n fD n o rt- ^ »— • 1-^. O crq 3 ? X? ft c rf cr C n' n P 3 CD !3 7^ O^ o O < ft 3 a* fp o n m G» CO nS 9h O o a Clothing of Quality THE KIND THAT HAS TONE, fine WEARING QUALITY and STYLE. The kind that distingviishes the wearer who is never out of place in any gathering. Such clothing you can get here, all styles and sizes, all weaves and patterns. They are the "LOEWENSTEIN" Made and are the recognized Clothing of Quality We are the dot hie rs for Caldwell an I a(lji,iinui> counties. AluKiijs the latest styles anl apt for everijhod ij. Come and se" fo. McLEAN 1st Door Norih P. O Hamilton, Mo. THE CLOTHIER fB * ^ '•^•K * > =. s " ' 0' ,4 ^^. y^. * <>' DOBBSBROS. * ^^^ /^ %r LIBRARY BINDING fc „ %