Peniv5ylvAivirV'^ocidy Soissf of fKep^volv^ion ^xegi Tnonumenium cere per enmus. The Constitution Society of Sons of the Revolution By-L aws Pennsylvania Society. Constitution accepted June nth, 1890. By-IvAws adopted ApriIv 30th, 1894. PHILADELPHIA. 1894. A Gift m^ Mrs. Julian Jaaaes 1912 X ennsylvania oociety. Instituted April 3d, 1888. Incorporated September 29th, 1890. FOUNDERS: Oliver Christian Bosbyshell, George Horace Burgin, Herman Burgin, Richard McCall Cadwalader, James Edward Carpenter, Robert Porter Dechert, William Churchill Houston, Jr., John Woolf Jordan, Josiah Granville Leach, Elon Dunbar Lockwood, Charles Marshall, Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, John Biddle Porter, William Brooke Rawle, William Wayne. The Constitution. I T being evident, from a steady decline of a proper celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declin- ing, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect, on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes, to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which they lived ; therefore, the Society of the Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the Independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anni- versaries of the birthday of Washington, and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, and other documents relating to that period; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers ; and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State So- cieties, which shall meet annually on the day appointed therefor in their respective by-laws, and oftener if found expedient ; and at such annual meeting the reasons for the institution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies, at each annual meeting, shall (3) choose, by a majority of the votes present, a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such other ofiBcers as may by them respect- ively be deemed necessary, together with a board of man- agers consisting of these officers and of nine other members, all of whom shall retain their respective positions until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annu- ally, or oftener, to the other State Societies, a circular letter calling attention to whatever may be thought worthy of observation respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general Union of the States, and giving infonnation of the officers chosen for the year ; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary, to be preserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society ; judge of the qualification of their members, or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this Constitution ; and expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman or a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the commu- nity in general or of the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each member shall contribute, upon his admission to the Society and annually thereafter, such sums as the by-laws of the respective State Societies may require ; but any of such State Societies may provide for the endowment of mem- berships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a permanent fund, the income only of which shall be expended. The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every three years, and special meetings may be held upon the order of the General President or upon the request of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of the General Officers and a representation not exceeding £^xegi monvmentum, cere per ennius. The Constitution Society of Sons of the Revolution By-L aws Pennsylvania Society. Constitution accepted June nth, 1890. By-Laws adopted ApriIv 30th, 1894. PHILADELPHIA. 1894. Pennsylvania bociety. Instituted April 3d, 1888. Incorporated September 29th, 1890. FOUNDERS: Oliver Christian Bosbyshell, George Horace Burgin, Herman Burgin, Richard McCall Cadwalader, James Edward Carpenter, Robert Porter Dechert, William Churchill Houston, Jr., John Woolf Jordan, Josiah Granville Leach, Elon Dunbar Lockwood, Charles Marshall, Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, John Biddle Porter, William Brooke Rawle, William Wayne. The Constitution. TT being evident, from a steady decline of a proper ■^ celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declin- ing, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect, on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes, to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which they lived ; therefore, the Society of the Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the Independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anni- versaries of the birthday of Washington, and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, and other documents relating to that period ; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers ; and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State So- cieties, which shall meet annually on the day appointed therefor in their respective by-laws, and oftener if found expedient ; and at such annual meeting the reasons for the institution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies, at each annual meeting, shall (3) choose, by a majority of the votes present, a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such other officers as may by them respect- ively be deemed necessary, together with a board of man- agers consisting of these officers and of nine other members, all of whom shall retain their respective positions until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annu- ally, or oftener, to the other State Societies, a circular letter calling attention to whatever may be thought worthy of observation respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general Union of the States, and giving information of the officers chosen for the year ; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary, to be preserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society ; judge of the qualification of their members, or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this Constitution ; and expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman or a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the commu- nity in general or of the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each member shall contribute, upon his admission to the Society and annually thereafter, such sums as the by-laws of the respective State Societies may require ; but any of such State Societies may provide for the endowment of mem- berships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a permanent fund, the income only of which shall be expended. The regular meeting of the General Society shall .be held every three years, and special meetings may be held upon the order of the General President or upon the request of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of the General Officers and a representation not exceeding five deputies from each State Society, and the necessary expenses of such meeting shall be borne by the State Societies. At the regular meeting, a General President, Vice-Presi- dent, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Chaplain shall be chosen by a majority of the votes present, to serve until the next regular general meeting, or until their successors are duly chosen. At each general meeting the circular letters which have been transmitted by the several State Societies shall be considered, and all measures taken which shall conduce to the general welfare of the Society. The General Society shall have power at any meeting to admit State Societies thereto, and to entertain and deter- mine all questions affecting the qualifications for member- ship in or the welfare of any State Society as may, by proper memorial, be presented by such State Society for consideration. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one who, as a military, naval, or marine officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority, or a descendant of one who signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Inde- pendence by services rendered during the War of the Rev- olution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the Goverment of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. The Secretary of each State Society shall transmit to the General Secretary a list of the members thereof, together with the names and official designations of those from whom such members derive claim to membership, and thereafter upon the admission of members in each State Society, the Secretary thereof shall transmit to the General Secretary information respecting such members similar to that herein required. The Society shall have an insignia, which shall be a badge suspended from a ribbon by a ring of gold ; the badge to be elliptical in form, with escaloped edges, one and one- quarter inches in length, and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle, with wings displayed, inverted ; on the obverse side a medallion of gold in the centre, elliptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier in Continental uniform, with musket slung ; beneath, the figures 1775 ; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side, in the centre, a medallion corresponding in form to that on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face the Houdon portrait of Washington in bas-relief, encircled by the legend, " Sons of the Revolution ;" beneath, the figures 1883 ; and upon the reverse of the eagle the number of the badge to be engraved ; the medallion to be surrounded by a plain gold border, confonning in dimensions to the ob- verse ; the ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged with buff, one and one-quarter inches wide, and one and one-half inches in displayed length. The insignia of the Society shall be worn by the mem- bers on all occasions when they assemble as such for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony ; it shall be carried conspicuously on the left breast, but members who are or have been officers of the Society may wear the insignia suspended from the ribbon around the neck. The custodian of the insignia shall be the General Secre- tary, who shall issue them to members of the Society under such proper rules as may be formulated by the General Society, and he shall keep a register of such issues wherein each insignia issued, may be identified by the number thereof. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a Minute-man in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry ; in his left hand he holds a musket and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope ; above, the cracked Liberty Bell ; issuing therefrom a ribbon bear- ing the motto of the Society, Exegi rnonuvientum csre perennms ; across the top of the ladder, on a ribbon, the figures 1776 ; and on the left of the Minute-man, and also on a ribbon, the figures 1883, the year of the formation of the Society ; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of one inch wide ; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each ; at the bottom the name of the General So- ciety, or of the State Society to which the seal belongs. By-Laws. SECTION I. This Society shall be known by the name, style and g^^^^^^^*^^ title of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution. SECTION 11. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of f^^^'f^^^er"' good character, and a lineal descendant of one who, as a ship, military, naval, or marine officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and re- maining always loyal to such authority, or a lineal descend- ant of one who signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress, or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Independence by services rendered during the War of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to convic- tion of treason against the Government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. Provided^ That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an ancestor in the ' ' minute men ' ' or ' ' militia, ' ' it must be satisfactorily shown that such an- cestor was actually called into the service of the State or United States, and performed garrison or field duty ; and Provided further^ That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an ancestor as a " sailor ' ' or "marine," it must in like manner be shown that such service was other than shore duty and regularly performed (9) lO in the Continental Navy, or the navy of one of the original thirteen States, or on an armed vessel, other than a mer- chant ship, which sailed under letters of marque and reprisal, and that such ancestor of the applicant was duly enrolled in the ship's company, either as an officer, seaman, or otherwise than as a passenger ; and Provided further^ That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an ancestor as an "official," such service must have been performed in the civil service of the United States, or of one of the thirteen original States, and must have been sufficiently important in character to have rendered the official liable to arrest and imprisonment, the same as a combatant, if captured by the enemy, as well as liable to conviction of treason against the Government of Great Britain, Service in the ordinary duties of a civil office, the per- formance of which did not particularly and effectively aid the American Cause, shall not constitute eligibility. In the construction of this article, the Volunteer Aides- de-Camp of General Officers in Continental Service, who were duly announced as such and who actually served in the field during a campaign, shall be comprehended as having performed qualifying service. The civil officials and military forces of the State of Vermont, during the War of the Revolution, shall also be comprehended in the same manner as if they had belonged to one of the thirteen original States. No service of an ancestor shall be deemed as qualifying service for membership in the ' 'Sons of the Revolution' ' where such ancestor, after assisting in the cause of American Independence, shall have subsequently either adhered to the enemy, or failed to maintain an honorable record through- out the War of the Revolution. No person shall be admitted unless he be eligible under one of the provisions of this article, nor unless he be of good moral character and be judged worthy of becoming a member. II SECTION III. Applicants for adinission to niembersliip in this Society Nomination ^ ^ . and election to must be proposed by two members in good standing, to membership, whom the applicant is personally well known. The proposers to give the full name, occupation, and residence of the candidate, and other recommendations as to his worthiness for membership in the Society, This information shall be sent to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Board of Managers, and if approved by them, he shall furnish application blanks which must be filled out in accordance with the instructions accompanying the same, and be forwarded to the Secretary, who shall submit them to the Committee on Applications, and upon their approval the Board of Managers shall have the power to elect the applicant to membership. Applications shall contain, or be accompanied by, proof of eligibility, and such applications and proofs shall be submitted to the Board of Managers, who shall have full power to determine the qualifications of the applicants who, upon favorable action by said Board, and upon payment of the initiation fee, shall thereupon become members of the Society. SECTION IV. The initiation fee shall be ten (lo) dollars, payable within ^^^^ f"*" bcrsliip. thirty days after date of election ; the annual dues three (3) dollars, payable in advance. The payment at one time of fifty (50) dollars shall constitute a life membership. The payment at one time of one hundred (100) dollars shall constitute a perpetual or endowed membership, and upon the death of the member so paying, the membership shall be held by his eldest son, or such other lineal descendant from the ancestor whom he claims as he may nominate ; in failure of such nomination having been made, the Board of Managers may decide which one of such lineal descendants shall hold the membership : Provided^ alzvays^ That the mem- 12 Society reserves to itself fhe privilege of rejecting, by its Board of Managers, any nomination that may not be accept- able to it. All applicants for life or endowed memberships shall be exempt from the payment of the initiation fee, and annual dues from the date of their admission ; after admis- sion, any member availing himself of a life or endowed membership shall be exempt from future annual dues only. Permanent fund. Annual meeting and election of officers. SECTION V. All initiation, life, and endowed membership fees, as well as donations and legacies, unless otherwise specified by the donor, which shall hereafter be paid to the Society, .shall remain forever to the use of the Society as a perma- nent fund. SECTION VI. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in the city of Philadelphia, on the third day of April, at which a general election of officers, managers and delegates, by ballot, shall take place, except when such date shall fall on Simday, in which event the meeting shall be held on the following day. In such election a majority of the ballots given for any officer shall constitute a choice ; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receive such majority, then a further balloting shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer shall determine the choice. Order of business. SECTION VII. The following shall be the order of business at the annual meetings of the Society : — Prayer by the chaplain. Reading of the minutes of the meeting. Reports of officers and committees. Unfinished business. New business. 13 6. Election of officers — an appointment by the President of a judge and two tellers to count the votes and declare the result. 7. Reading of the rough minutes of the meeting. SECTION VIII. At all meetings of the Society twenty-five (25) members Quorum, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SECTION IX. Ayes and nays shall be called at any meeting of the ^-yes and nays. Society upon the demand of five members. SECTION X. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, officers. First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian, Chaplain, and nine Man- agers, who shall be elected as herein provided for. SECTION XI. The President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice- Presiding Presidents, in the order named, or in their absence a chairman pro tempore^ shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society, SECTION XII. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence secretarj'. of the Society. He shall notify all members of their elec- tion, and of such other matters as he may be directed by the Society. He shall have charge of the seal, certificate of incorporation and by-laws, and records of the Society, other than those deposited with the Registrar. He, to- gether with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. He shall, under the direction of the President 14 or Vice-President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society ; and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceed- ings of the Society affecting them, or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall be Secretary of the Board of Managers, and shall keep the record of their meetings in the reeular minute-book of the Society. Treasurer. SECTION XIII. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society ; and so often as those funds shall amount to one hundred (lOo) dollars, they shall be deposited in some bank or trust company in the city of Philadelphia, to the credit of the "Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution," and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the Society or by the Board of Managers. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and, at each annual meeting, render the same to the Society. A committee shall be appointed by the President to audit his accounts. He shall give such security as shall be required by the Board of Managers. SECTION XIV. Registrar. ^he Registrar shall keep a roll of members, and in his hands shall be lodged all the proofs of membership qualifi- cation, and all the historical and other papers of which the Society may become possessed ; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make copies of such similar documents as the owners thereof are or may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. He, if practicable, shall be a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 15 SECTION XV. The Historian shall keep a detailed record, to be de- Historian. posited with the Registrar, of all the historical and com- memorative celebrations of the Society ; and he shall edit and prepare for publication such historical addresses, essays, papers, and other documents of an historical charac- ter, other than a register of members, as the Secretary may be required to publish ; and at every annual meeting, if there shall be a necrological list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same with carefully prepared biog- raphies of the deceased members. SECTION XVI. The Chaplain shall be a regularly ordained minister of a chaplain. Christian denomination, and it shall be his duty to open all meetings of the Society with customary chaplaincy services, and perform such other duties as ordinarily appertain to such office. SECTION XVII. The Board of Managers shall consist of seventeen, f"^"^*^"^ '^ . Managers. namely : the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian, and Chaplain, ex-officio^ and nine other members ; at least three of the latter shall not be residents of the city of Phila- delphia, and all of whom shall be elected at the annual meeting. In case of a vacancy in any of these offices the Board may fill the same until the next annual election. They shall judge of the qualifications of the candidates for admission to the Society, and shall have power to elect the same to membership. They shall have charge of all special meetings of the Society, and shall, through the Secretary, call special meetings at any time, upon the written request of ten members of the Society, and at such other times as they see fit. They shall reconnnend plans for ( i6 promoting the objects of the Society, shall digest and prepare business, and shall authorize the disbursement and expenditure of unappropriated money in the treasury for the purposes of the Society. They shall generally super- intend the interests of the Society, and execute all such duties as may be committed to them by the Society. At each annual meeting of the Society they shall make a general report. At all meetings of the Board of Managers five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Committee on applications. SECTION XVIII. The chairman of the Board of Managers shall appoint annually three members thereof as a Committee on Applications, whose duty it shall be to pass upon the applications of candidates for admission to the Society, and report to the Board of Managers. Expulsion or suspension of members. SECTION XIX. The Board of Managers shall have power to suspend any enrolled member of this Society who may, in the judgment of the Board, render himself unworthy to continue a member : Provided^ That he shall have received at least thirty days' notice of the complaint preferred him, and of the time and place for hearing the same, and have been thereby afforded an opportunity to be heard ; and Provided further^ That such suspension shall become absolute, and such member shall cease to be a member unless he shall within thirty (30) days after notice of such suspension appeal to the Society, when a special meeting shall be called to pass upon and decide the case. The Board of Managers shall also have the power to drop from the roll the name of any enrolled member of the Society who shall be at least two years in arrears in the payment of dues, and who, on notice to pay the same, shall fail and neglect to do so within thirty days thereafter, and, 17 upon being thus dropped, his membership shall cease and terminate, but he may be restored to membership at any time by the Board of Managers on his application therefor, and upon his payment of all such arrears and of the annual dues from the date when he was dropped to the date of his restoration. SECTION XX. An annual church service shall be held on the Sunday commemora- nearest to the 19th day of December, commemorative of ^'"'^ ^^'^'^^®' the commencement of the American Army's encampment at Valley Forge. Other commemorative services may be held at the discretion of the Board of Managers. SECTION XXI. No alteration of the By-Laws of the Society shall be Alteration of made unless such alteration shall have been proposed at a ^^" ^^^' previous meeting, and shall be adopted by two-thirds of the members present at a subsequent meeting of the Society, at least two weeks' notice thereof having been given to each member. CHARTER OF THE Pennsylvania Society OF Sons of the Revolution. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Cojudwji Pleas ^ No. /, of the County of Philadelphia : — In compliance with the reqnirements of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved the twenty- ninth day of April, A. D. 1874, and the supplements thereto, the undersigned, all of whom are citizens of Penn- sylvania, having associated themselves together for the purpose of maintaining a Society to keep alive among themselves and their descendants the patriotic spirit of the men who, in military, naval, and civil service, by their acts and counsel, achieved American Independence; to collect and secure for preservation the manuscript rolls, records, and other documents relating to the War of the Revolution, and to promote social intercourse and good feeling among its members now and hereafter, and desiring that they may be incorporated according to law, do hereby certify First. — The name of the proposed corporation is the ' ' Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution. ' ' Second. — Said corporation is fonned for the purpose of maintaining a society for patriotic purposes in connection (i8j 19 with the War of American Independence, the collection and preservation of manuscripts, records, and documents relating to the War of the Revolution, and for social enjoyment and intercourse. Third. — The business of said corporation is to be trans- acted in the County of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. Fourth. — Said corporation is to exist perpetually. Fifth. — The names and residences of the subscribers are as follows : William Wayne, Paoli, Chester County, Penn- sylvania; Richard M. Cadwalader, 1614 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; GEORGE H. Burgin, 76 Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania; Robert P. Dechert, 406 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; John W. Jordan, 806 North Forty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; J. Edward Carpenter, 228 South Twenty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; J. Granville Leach, 2118 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Sixth. — The number of Directors of said corporation is fixed at nine (9), and the names and residences of those chosen for the first year are : J. Edward Carpenter, 228 South Twenty-first Street, Philadelphia, Penna.; Oliver C. Bosbyshell, 4046 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna. ; E. Dunbar Lockwood, Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Penna.; Samuel W. Pennypacker, 1540 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Penna.; Herman Burgin, 76 Chelten Ave- nue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Penna. ; Thomas McKean, 1925 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; CharlES Marshall, Germantown, Philadelphia, Penna.; William Henry Egle, Harrisburg, Penna.; Clifford Stanley Sims, Mount Holly, New Jersey. There is also a President of the said corporation, a Vice-President, Secretary, Treas- urer, Registrar, and Chaplain and Historian. 30 The officers chosen" for the first year are: President, WiivLiAM Wayne, Paoli, Chester County, Pennsylvania; Vice-President, Richard M. Cadwalader, 1614 Locust Street, Philadelphia; Secretary, George H. Burgin, M.D., Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia; Treasurer, Robert P. DecherT, 406 South Broad Street, Philadel- phia; Registrar, John W. Jordan, 806 North Forty-first Street, Philadelphia; Chaplain, Rev. George Woolsey Hodge, 334 South Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia; His- torian, J. Granville Leach, 2 118 Spruce Street, Phila- delphia. Seventh. — There is no capital stock. Witness our hands and seals this fourth day of July, A. D. 1890. William Wayne, Robert P. Dechert, Richard M. Cadwalader, John W. Jordan, George H. Burgin, J. E. Carpenter, J. Granville Leach. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, Before me, the subscriber. Recorder of Deeds of said County, personally appeared Richard M. Cadwalader, George H. Burgin and J. Edward Carpenter, three of the subscribers to the above and foregoing certificate of Incorporation of the " Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution," and in due fonn of law acknowledged the same to be their act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal, this twelfth day of July, 1890. JOS. K. FLETCHER, Deputy Recorder. 21 DECREE. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 4, of Philadelphia County. In the matter of the Incorporation of the " Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution." And now to wit, this 29th day of September, A. D. 1890, the above certificate of Incorporation having been on file in the oflSce of the Prothonotary of said Court since the twelfth day of July, A. D. 1890, and due proof of publica- tion of notice of intended application having been pre- sented to me, I do hereby certify that I have perused and examined said Instrument and find the same to be in proper form and within the purposes named in the first class of corporations specified in Section 2 of the Act of April 29th, 1874, and that purposes are lawful and not injurious to the community. It is therefore ordered and decreed that the said charter be approved and it is hereby approved, and upon the recording of the said Charter and its endorsements and this order in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for said County, which is now hereby ordered, the subscribers thereto and their associates shall thenceforth be a corporation for the purpose and upon the terms and under the name therein stated. M. ARNOLD, Judge of Court of Common Pleas No. 4, First J2idicial District of Penna. Recorded in the office for the recording of Deeds, &c., in and for the City and County of Philadelphia, in Charter Book No. 16, page 413, &c. Witness my hand and seal of office, this tenth day of November, A, D. 1890. GEO. S. PIERIE, * Recorder of Deeds. 21 DECREE. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 4, of Philadelphia County. In the matter of the Incorporation of the " Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution." And now to wit, this 29th day of September, A. D. 1890, the above certificate of Incorporation having been on file in the ofiice of the Prothonotary of said Court since the twelfth day of July, A. D. 1890, and due proof of publica- tion of notice of intended application having been pre- sented to me, I do hereby certify that I have perused and examined said Instrument and find the same to be in proper form and within the purposes named in the first class of corporations specified in Section 2 of the Act of April 29th, 1874, and that purposes are lawful and not injurious to the community. It is therefore ordered and decreed that the said charter be approved and it is hereby approved, and upon the recording of the said Charter and its endorsements and this order in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for said County, which is now hereby ordered, the subscribers thereto and their associates shall thenceforth be a corporation for the purpose and upon the terms and under the name therein stated. M. ARNOLD, Judge of Court of Conrnon Pleas No. 4, First Judicial District of Penna. Recorded in the office for the recording of Deeds, &c., in and for the City and County of Philadelphia, in Charter Book No. 16, page 413, &c. Witness my hand and seal of office, this tenth day of November, A. D. 1890. GEO. S. PIERIE, Recorder of Deeds. I