Sidelights on Mexico By AN AMERICAN ^^'^2 81915 Some Facts Never Before Printed "Every man has a right to his chance in life. Nobody knows what he will do with it until the trial has been made. The constitutionalists ])ropose to give every man his chance." — General Lucio Blanco. L, O. Pub- lit!. The writer of this pamphlet has no investments in Mexico, and no motive except to place before any who are sufficiently interested to read it, some facts which are usually overlooked, and leave the decision to the innate sense of justice which abides in most men. Neither party in Mexico has any knowledge of, or responsibility ior its publication. This trouble was started in the United States, and it is an open secret that much of the money to keep it going was supplied from the same source. It does not take long to decide that American capitalists do not buy arms and ammunition for a foreign people without having some definite object in view, and it does not take the American common people long to iind out what that object is. Nine out of every ten have formed con- clusions which, differing in non-essential details, in the main are very nearly the truth. Mexico has suffered enough at our hands. All she asks now is to be let alone. She makes no protest at the non-inter- vention policy, and any inconvenience which she may suffer by reason of the exclusion of arms and ammunition from this side of the river will be more than compensated if the embargo can be extended so as to exclude all forms of activity in Mexican affairs. This pamphlet is intended for free distribution, and copies will be sent on request where stamps are enclosed to cover cost of mailing. Address, 'fttd't^. ' ^^■"'■" v//