I M "■fS" /f-8 SIS! class i n$4£. Book_ .W4-1— Copyright N° COPYRiGHT DEPOSIT. SURVEYING AND TABLES BY G. A. WENTWORTH Author of a Series of Text-Books in Mathematics SECOND REVISED EDITION BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS CI)e SltbcnaE-ttm ^Jress 1903 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Two Copies Received OT 16 1903 Copyright Entry CLASS Cc XXc. No. S U- k / 3 COPY B. MATHEMATICAL TEXT-BOOKS BY GEORGE A. WENTWORTH Elementary Arithmetic Practical Arithmetic Mental Arithmetic Primary Arithmetic (Wentworth and Reed) Grammar School Arithmetic Advanced Arithmetic Exercises in Arithmetic (wentworth and Hill) First Steps in Algebra School Algebra New School Algebra Higher Algebra Elements of Algebra Complete Algebra Shorter Course in Algebra College Algebra (Revised Edition) Exercises in Algebra (Wentworth and Hill) First Steps in Geometry (Wentworth and Hill) Plane and Solid Geometry (Revised) Plane Geometry (Revised) Solid Geometry (Revised) Plane and Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonometry (Second Revised Edition) _ * Analytic Geometry ' ' , Logarithms and Metric Measures Geometrical Exercises Syllabus of Geometry Examination Manual in Geometry (Wentworth and Hill) Exercise Manual in Geometry (Wentworth and Hill) Plane Trigonometry (Second Revised Edition) Plane Trigonometry and Tables (Second Revised Edition) Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Second Revised Edition) Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and Tables (S0c(jn'd Revised Ed'itior) Plane 'pigpaomptry and Surveying, and Tables /'Second Revised Edition) Surveying and Tables (Second Revised Edition) Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Surveying, and T§.biis t (Seoo c nd Revised Edition) Plaice ard ,'Sphencal Trigonometry, Surveying, and Navigation (Second Revised Edition) Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables Seven Tables (Wentworth and Hill) Complete Copyright, 1882, 1895, 1896, 1903, by G. A. WENTWORTH ALL EIGHTS RESERVED l-tQ0g(a PREFACE The object of this work on Surveying is to present the subject in a clear and intelligible way, according to the best methods in actual use, and in so small a compass that students in general will find time to acquire a competent knowledge of this important study. The author is under obligation to G. A. Hill, A.M., of Cambridge, Mass. ; to Professor James L. Patterson, of Chestnut Hill, Pa. ; to Dr. F. N. Cole, of New York, N.Y. ; to Professor S. F. Norris, of Baltimore, Md. ; and to Professor B. F. Yanney, of Alliance, Ohio. Professor Yanney has done most of the work on the second revision, and Miss M. Gertrude Cross, of Boston, has furnished the drawings. G. A. WENTWORTH. Exeter, N.H., 1903. CONTENTS SURVEYING [ The numbers refer to the pages.] CHAPTER I. Field Instruments : Definitions, 1 ; classification, 1 ; operations comprised, 2 ; the sur- veyor's chain, 3; the engineer's chain, 3; accompanying pieces, 4; how to chain, 4 ; special constructions by means of the chain, 5 ; obstacles to chaining, 7 ; the tape, 9 ; the compass, 10 ; kinds of compasses, 11 ; bearing of a line, 12 ; checking bearings, 13 ; obsta- cles, 14 ; measurement of horizontal angles, 14 ; measurement of vertical angles, 15 ; verniers, 15 ; uses of the compass vernier, 17 ; magnetic declination, 19 ; surveyor's transit, 23 ; uses, 24 ; measure- ment of horizontal angles, 26 ; measurement of vertical angles, 26 ; stadia measurements, 26 ; the solar compass, 28 ; to establish a true meridian, 32 ; the Y level, 36 ; the leveling rod, 36 ; substitutes for the Y level, 39 ; the plane table, 40 ; to orient the table, 42 ; to plot' any point, 43 ; to plot a field, 43 ; the three-point problem, 44. CHAPTER II. Office Instruments : Definitions, 46 ; the diagonal scale, 46 ; the circular protractor, 47 ; constructions, 48 ; the planimeter, 49 ; the slide rule, 49. CHAPTER III. Land Surveying: Definitions, 50 ; special methods of surveying, and of computing areas, 51 ; rectangular system of co-ordinates, 52 ; general method for farm surveys, 57 ; field notes, 58 ; computation of the area, 58 ; balancing the work, 60 ; supplying omissions, 61 ; to make a plot, 63 ; modification of the latitude and departure method, 66 ; location surveys, 67 ; illustrative problems, 67 ; laying out the public lands, 71 ; reference lines, 71 ; townships, 71 ; subdivision of townships, 73 ; meander lines, 73. vi CONTENTS CHAPTER IV. Triangulation: Definitions, 74 ; classification, 75 ; measurement of base lines, 75 ; measurement of angles, 76. CHAPTER V. Leveling: Definitions, 77 ; corrections for curvature and refraction, 77 ; dif- ferential leveling, 78 ; single setting of the level,' 78 ; several settings of the level, 79 ; profile leveling, 80 ; field work, 81 ; making the profile, 84 ; topographic leveling, 85 ; drainage surveying, 86 ; field work, 86 ; plot and profile, 86. CHAPTER VI. Railroad Surveying : Laying out the route, 89 ; establishing the roadbed, 89 ; excava- tions, 89 ; embankments, 90 ; curves, 91 ; methods of laying out the curve, 92. CHAPTER VII. City Surveying: ■4 Eield-work instruments, 94 ; streets, 94 ; blocks and lots, 96 ; plots, 96 ; records, 96. SURVEYING CHAPTER I FIELD INSTRUMENTS SECTION I DEFINITIONS Definition. Surveying is the art of determining and repre- senting distances, areas, and the relative position of points on the surface of the earth. Classification. Of surveying there are various kinds, depend- ing upon the extent, the purpose, or the method of the survey. The following are the principal divisions : 1. Plane Surveying, in which the part of the earth's surface surveyed is regarded as a plane ; Geodetic Surveying, in which the true figure of the earth is regarded. 2. Land Surveying, in which boundary lines, contents, and outline maps are the chief things aimed at ; Topographic Sur- veying, in which differences in elevation and contour maps are chiefly sought ; Hydrographic Surveying, in which the purpose is to determine the configuration and topography of the bed or basin of a body of water ; Mine Surveying, in which the posi- tion and extent of underground excavations are determined and graphically represented. 3. Rectangular Surveying, in which a system of perpen- dicular lines is used as reference lines ; Triangular Surveying, which proceeds by means of a system of triangles referred to a well established base line. 1 2 SURVEYING Operations Comprised. Surveying commonly comprises the following three distinct operations : 1. The Field Measurements, or the determining certain lines and angles by direct measurement. 2. The Computation of the required parts from the meas- ured lines and angles. 3. The Plotting, or representing on paper the measured and the computed parts in relative extent and position. Historic Note. Surveying is undoubtedly one of the oldest of the arts of civilized man. The Bible contains several admonitions not to remove " the ancient landmark," as in Proverbs xxii. 28. To the Baby- lonians is credited the division of the circle into 360 degrees. The Egyp- tians were known to survey frequently the valley of the Nile, a necessity owing to the periodic overflow of that river. Thence came Geometry. The Egyptians also possessed rules for finding the area of land of various shapes. Moreover, on Egyptian soil the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes made the first attempt at determining the circumference of the earth by meas- uring an arc of the circumference. This was in 276 b.c. Among the Romans Surveying was considered one of the liberal arts, and received impetus in the time of Julius Caesar from his sweeping order that the entire empire should be surveyed for the purpose of equitable adjustment of taxes, and also from the introduction of the more practical parts of Greek Geometry. The works of Roman surveyors served as models for centuries, and much that we have to-day is only improvements on what has been handed down from them. For a brief account of surveying in the United States, see Cajori's " The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States," pp. 92, 286. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 3 SECTION II THE CHAIN Surveyor's Chain. The Surveyor's Chain, or G-unter's Chain as it is often called, is made of iron or steel wire and is 4 rods or 66 feet long, composed of 100 links connected by small rings, and provided with a tally mark at the end of every 10 links. A link as a unit of measure includes a link of the chain and half the rings that connect it with adjoining links. Each link is 7.92 inches long. Since a chain is 4 rods long, a square chain contains 16 square rods, and since an acre contains 160 square rods, a square chain is one-tenth of an acre. A square chain contains also 10,000 square links and, therefore, an acre contains 100,000 square links. Hence, if a given area is expressed in square chains, it is reduced to acres by pointing off the last figure, and, if expressed in square links, it is reduced to acres by pointing off the last five figures. The tally marks are appropriately notched to facilitate counting links from either end, the one at the middle of the chain being rounded so as to be distinguished readily from the others. Handles form part of the end links, to which they are so attached as to prevent twisting and to allow lengthening or shortening of the chain. The Surveyor's Chain is used in measuring land. Engineer's Chain. The Engineer's Chain differs from the ordinary Surveyor's Chain chiefly in that it is 100 feet in length, the length of each link being 1 foot. It is used in surveying railroads and canals, and often in other surveys where extensive lines are to be run. Both the Surveyor's Chain and the Engineer's Chain are generally provided with attachments, so that from the full chains half-chains can be made up, to be used in case of rough or hilly country. 4 SURVEYING Accompanying Pieces. Usually eleven, sometimes ten, Mark- ing pins go with the chain. These are of iron or steel, about 14 inches long, pointed at one end and formed into a ring at the other end. In case eleven pins are used, the first one is placed at the beginning of the line to be measured, and there- after one at the end of each chain. The last pin in the ground is, therefore, not to be counted. In case ten pins are used, the first one is placed at the end of the first chain, and so on, the last pin in the ground being counted. Strips of red cloth should be fastened to the ring ends of the pins so as to make them easily visible. Ranging poles, which are of various lengths, are necessary for alignment. These are commonly made of wood, and are steel shod, graduated to feet, and painted in alternate red and white stripes. How to chain. Ranging poles should be placed, one at each end of the line to be measured, and' at such intermediate points as the necessities of the case require. A head chain- man or leader, and a rear chainman or follower are required. The follower takes one end of the Chain, and one pin, which he thrusts into the ground at the beginning of the line. The leader takes the other end of the chain and the remaining ten pins, and moves forward until the word " Halt " from the fol- lower warns him that he has advanced nearly the. length of the chain. At this signal he stops, and the follower, mean- while having placed his end of the chain against the pin at the beginning of the line, directs the leader by the words " Right" and "Left" until he is exactly in the line. This being accomplished, and' the chain tightly stretched in a hori- zontal position, the follower says, " Down." The leader then puts in a pin at the end. of the chain and answers, "Down" ; after which the follower withdraws the pin at his end of the chain, and the chainmen move forward, repeating the process just described until the end of the line is reached. If the marking pins in the hands of the leader are all placed FIELD INSTRUMENTS 5 before the end. of the line is reached, after putting the last pin in the ground he waits until the follower conies up to him, gives him the ten pins in his hands and records the fact that ten chains have been measured. The measuring then proceeds as before. If the distance from the last pin to the end of the line is less than a chain, the leader places his end of the chain at the end of the line, and the follower stretches tightly such part of the chain as is necessary to reach the last pin, and the number of links is counted. If the ground slopes, one end of the chain must be raised until the horizontal position is attained. By means of a plumb line or a slender staff or, less accurately, in case of the leader by dropping a pin (heavy end downwards), the point vertically under the raised end of the chain may be determined. If the slope is considerable, half a chain or less may be used ; in which case care must be taken that the correct number of full chains and links is found. For instance, if a tally shows 15 half chains and 35 links, the appropriate measure is 7 chains and 85 links, or, as it is usually expressed, 7.85 chains. Special Constructions by Means of the Chain. 1. At a given point in a given line to construct a perpendicular to that line. Let LE (Fig. 1) be the given line, and P the given point. On LE measure off PB = PA = 20 links. Then place one end of the chain at B and the other end at A. Stretch the chain from the middle point, and mark that point, as C. PC is the perpendicular required. (Why ?) Or, make PB = 30 links. Place one E A P B end of the chain at P, and the end of ' Fig. l the 90th link at B. Then, taking the chain at the end of the 40th link from P and stretching both portions tightly, mark that point, as C. Then PC is the perpendicular required. (Why ?) 6 SURVEYING 2. Through a given point without a given line to construct a perpendicular to that line. Let LE (Fig. 1) be the given line, and C the given point. Take any point as B in the line and stretch the chain between C and B ; then swing the chain about C until the point at B is again in the line, as at A. Measure the distance between A and B. Then P, the mid-point of AB, is a second point in the required perpendicular. (Why ?) Or, let the middle of the part of the chain between C and B be held in place, and swing the end at C until it meets the line as at P. PC is the required perpendicular. (Why?) 3. At a given point in a given line to construct an angle equal to a given angle. Let P (Fig. 2) be the given point in the given line LE, and angle A the given angle. Make PD = AB. At D and B, respectively, construct perpendiculars DF and BC. Make DO = BC. Then angle OPD is the angle required. (Why ?) 4. To construct any given angle, as 25° 40'. Find from the tables the tangent of 25° 40', which is 0.4806. Lay off PD (Fig. 2) =100 links. Construct the perpendicular DF and lay off DO = 48.06 links. Then angle OPD is the angle required. (Why ?) 5. Through a given point to construct a line parallel to a given line. Let P (Fig. 3) represent the given point, and LE the given line. Through P lay out any convenient line as BA FIELD INSTRUMENTS 7 intersecting LE. Construct angle BPB = angle PAE. Then the line CD is the required line. (Why ?) E A IT D E Fig. 3 Obstacles to chaining. In general practice various obstacles are encountered in chaining. The circumstances in each case must decide the best method to be used. Only a few sugges- tive cases can be considered in this work. 1. To measure a line when a building, or other object, stands in the way. In Pig. 4 construct the perpendicular AB, the per- -^— pendicular BC, the perpen- dicular CD = AB, then the perpendicular DE, which fig. 4 will be in line LA prolonged. Then, LA + BC + DE = LE. (Why ?) As a check, another series of perpendiculars may be constructed. 2. To measure across a body of water. At A (Fig, 5) lay out AP, making angle ^£ = 60°. This can be done by laying out the equilateral tri- angle ABB. At P range out PC, mak- ing angle APC = 60°. Then measure AP. 8 SURVEYING The line AC is equal to AP. (Why ?) If C is some fixed point in LE, across the stream, accessible or inaccessible, we may proceed as follows : After laying out AP, as already described, with 90 links of the chain stretched in the form of an equilateral triangle, and with one side of this triangle in AP, move the triangle until the point C is in line with the forward side of the triangle. Then proceed as before. 3. To measure a line the end of which is invisible from the beginning, and the intermediate points are unknown. C l d; e B ~~^~-J L R Let LE (Fig. 6) represent the line. Lay out the line LR so that; R shall be beyond E and visible from L. Construct from E the perpendicular EA to LR. Measure LA and AE. LE can then be computed. (How ?) If intermediate points on LE are to be sought, take any point in LA, as B ; construct BC perpendicular to LA ; then measure off BD of such length that BD : AE = LB : LA The line LR is called a random T e line. 4. To measure the dis- tance between two inaccessi- ble points. Let L and E (Fig. 7) be two inaccessible points. Select some point as P from which both L and E are ,' visible. Measure PL and PE by the method in 2. Eange E' FIELD INSTRUMENTS 9 out PL' in line with LP and equal to L,P ; similarly, RE' = ER. Then measure L'E', which is equal to LE. (Why?) EXERCISE I 1. Range out a line which, by estimation, is more than 10 chains long. Then measure it with the chain out and back. 2. Prolong a line beyond a building, or other obstacle which prevents continuous alignment. 3. Find the distance from a point to a line when the dis- tance is more than a chain. 4. Lay out a square field each side of which shall be 5.76 chains long. 5. Find the length of a line by means of a random line. Then, as a check, find its length by direct measurement. SECTION III THE TAPE Kinds of Tape. The tape measure used by the surveyor or engineer consists of a thin ribbon of steel, or of linen with interwoven wires of brass, wound upon a reel, often in a leather or metal case. Tapes vary in length from 25 feet to 500 feet or more. They are variously graduated to links, to feet and inches, to feet and tenths of a foot, to metric units, or to a combination of these. A common combination is feet and tenths of a foot on one side, and links on the reverse side. Uses. The kind of tape determines to a great extent the use to which it is to be put. If 33 feet or 66 feet long and graduated to links, the evident purpose is for land survey- ing. If 50 feet or 100 feet long and graduated to feet and 10 SURVEYING tenths of a foot, the tape is especially designed for city work. Other kinds are employed in bridge, road, or mining work, in very accurate measurements of base lines, or as standards of comparison for other instruments of measurement. SECTION IV THE COMPASS Parts and their Uses. The essentials of the compass, one style of which is shown in Fig. 8, are : the compass circle, graduated to half degrees and figured from 0° to 90° each way Fig. 8. The Surveyor's Compass Note. The letters E and AV on the face of the compass are reversed from their true positions. The reason for this is that if the sights are turned towards the west, the north end of the needle is turned towards the letter W, and if the north end of the needle is turned towards E, the sights are turned towards .the east. If the north end of the needle points exactly towards E or W, the sights range east or west. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 11 from the north and south points, for indicating the directions of lines ; the magnetic needle, pivoted on a pin at the centre of the compass circle, for showing the direction of the mag- netic meridian ; and the sight standards, attached to the ends of the main plate, for alignment. To the main plate are attached two spirit levels at right angles to each other for leveling the instrument; underneath is a needle-lifting screw which, by actuating a concealed spring, lifts the needle from the pivot and presses it against the glass covering of the compass circle when the instrument is not in use ; a tangent screw, and almost directly under it a clamp screw, which operates the vernier; and a small dial plate for keeping tally in chaining. The north end of the needle usually has some ornamentation to distinguish it from the south end, and a coil of fine wire is wound on the south end to prevent the needle from dipping. The sight standards have fine slits nearly their whole length, with circular openings at intervals to facilitate sighting upon an object ; on the edges of the north standard are tangent scales for reading vertical angles, and on the outside of the south standard are two eyepieces at the same distance from the main plate as the zeros of the tangent scales, respectively. The telescopic sight is an attachment to the south standard, now often used. The instrument entire turns horizontally upon the upper end of a ball spindle, the lower end of which rests in a spherical socket in the top of a Jacob's staff, or a tripod, which supports the instrument. The socket of the compass which fits to the ball spindle is provided with a clamp screw and a spring catch. From the centre of the plate at the top of the tripod a plummet is suspended by which the centre of the compass can be placed directly over a definite point on the ground. Kinds of Compasses. The compass described is the vernier compass, or surveyor's compass, and is the one in general use. If there is no vernier attachment, the compass is called a plain 12 SURVEYING compass and is used in running new lines and the preparation of maps. A railroad compass has all the features of the vernier compass, and has also a vernier plate and graduated limb for measuring horizontal angles. Hints on the Use and Care of Instruments. The instruments described in this work are adjusted by the maker. If they should require readjustment, full directions will be found in the manual furnished with the instruments. Before begin- ning to use any instrument, make a thorough study of its various parts and their uses. In moving or adjusting any part always know what you are doing and why you are doing it. When an instrument is not in use keep it in a place that is free from moisture and dust. Bearing of a Line. The magnetic meridian of a place is the direction which a bar magnet assumes when freely supported in • a horizontal position. The magnetic bearing of a line is the angle it makes with the magnetic merid- ian. To take the bearing of a line proceed as fol- lows : Place the compass so that the Jacob's staff, or plummet of the tripod, is directly over one end of the line, and level by press- ing with the hands on the main plate until the bub- bles are brought to the centres of the spirit levels. Turn the south end of the instrument toward you, and sight at the ranging pole at the other end of the line. Read the bearing from the north end of the needle. First, write N. or S. according as the north end of the needle is nearer N. or S. Fig. 9 FIELD INSTRUMENTS 13 of the compass circle ; secondly, write the number of degrees between the north end of the needle and the nearest zero mark ; thirdly, write E. or W. according as the north end of the needle is nearer E. or W. of the compass circle. Thus, in Fig. 9 (a), the bearing is K 45° W. ; (b), N. 60° E. ; (c), S. 60° W. ; (d), S. 45° E. If the needle coincides with the N.S. or E.W. line, the bearing is N., S., E., or W. according as the north end of the needle is over N., S., E., or W. As the compass circle is divided into half degrees, the bearing may be determined pretty accurately to quarter degrees. It will be noticed that the letters E and W on the face of the compass are reversed from their true positions. These are so placed in order that when the sights are turned towards the west the north end of the needle will point towards the letter W, or if the sights are turned towards the east, the north end of the needle will point towards the letter E. It turns out that if the south sight standard is always turned towards the observer, the reading at the north end of the needle will indicate the true bearing of the line. Should the north sight standard be turned towards the observer, the read- ing at the south end of the needle would then be taken. Checking Bearings. When the bearing of a line has been taken, the instrument should be removed to the other end of the line and the reverse bearing taken. The number of degrees should be the same, but the letters should be reversed. Eor instance, if the direct bearing is N. 35§° W., the reverse bearing should be S. 35f° E. In case the reverse bearing is not what it ought to be, there is some mistake, or some local disturbance, or both. To detect errors a second trial at the direct bearing should be taken. To detect local disturbances take the direct and reverse bearings of other lines ranged out from the beginning of the line whose bearing is sought. If they all show the same difference between their two respective bearings, the evidence of some local disturbance, as iron, 14 SURVEYING iron ore, etc., is pretty conclusive. In this case the true bear- ing of the line can be obtained by making the necessary cor- rection. In all cases, precautions should be taken to have the chain, pins, and other instruments that would affect the direc- tion of the needle sufficiently removed from the compass. Obstacles. When a fence or other obstruction interferes with placing the instrument over the line the instrument may be placed at one side, the ranging pole being correspondingly placed at the other end. If one end of the line cannot be seen from the other end, run a random line. Then (Fig. 6, p. 8) tan EL A = AE -s- LA, whence the angle EL A can be found. This angle combined with the bearing of the random line will give the bearing required. Or some point can be selected from which the ends of the line are visible. The distances to the ends may be measured, and the angle between the two auxiliary lines may also be measured: - Of the triangle thus formed, the angle at the beginning of the given line may be computed, and, when properly combined with the bearing of the first auxiliary line, will give the required bearing. If a single triangle is not sufficient, a series of triangles may be employed until the end of the line is reached. Measurement of Horizontal Angles. To measure a horizontal angle by means of the needle, place the compass over the vertex of the angle, take the bearing of each line separately, and combine these bearings according to the following rules, as suggested by Fig. 10 : 1. If the first letters of the bearings are alike, and also the last letters, find the difference of the bearings. 2. If the first letters are alike, and the last letters unlike, add the bearings. 3. If the first letters are unlike, and the last also unlike, subtract the difference of. the bearings from 180°. 4. If the first letters are unlike, and the last alike, subtract the sum of the bearings from 180°. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 15 Measurement of Vertical Angles. A vertical angle is an angle the sides of which are in a vertical plane. If one side of a vertical angle is horizontal and the other ascends, the angle is called an angle of elevation; if one side is horizontal and the other descends, the angle is called an angle of depres- sion. To measure an angle of elevation by means of the com- pass, sight through the lower eyepiece to a point that is as far above the point whose elevation is sought as the instru- ment is above the point from which the elevation is to be taken. Read off the degrees of the right-hand tangent scale, marked by a card placed squarely across the face of the south standard, the top of the card being in the line of sight. To measure an angle of depression, proceed in the same manner, using the upper eyepiece and the left-hand tangent scale. If the compass is provided with a telescopic sight that has a vertical circle attachment, these should be used instead of the eyepieces and tangent scales. Verniers. A vernier is a contrivance for measuring portions smaller than those into which a line is divided. We shall describe two kinds. Let AB (Fig. 11) be a portion of a line graduated to tenths and hundredths of a foot. VR is the vernier. In (a), nine parts of the line are divided into ten equal parts on the vernier. Hence, a division on the vernier is less than a division on the line by the difference between T i^ of a foot and ^o of T ^ of a foot, or T oV o °^ a f°°t- Now, if the vernier 16 SURVEYING is moved so that 1 of the vernier coincides with 1 of the scale, it has moved over a space equal to T J fT of a foot. If the vernier is moved so that 2 of the vernier coincides with 2 of the scale, it has moved over a space equal to tv %q of a foot ; and so on. In (5), 6 of the vernier coincides with 9 of the scale, which indicates that the zero of the vernier has moved past 3 of the scale a space equal to T q% „ of a foot. The reading, then, is (a) I en ^a ^t- g$ o CiCpfsca^^^^N ^a3Ntoio -4t I II I ! II \R T~1~M , gj 3j •*-* C» B ( c > yi mi -* to 00 I I . I I I \ B Ci Cot^COU^-y-f^©**-! A V J V^ »* <£> 00 N U I i i 1 1 1 1 1 II B (d)\ CiC0>J,«O»OH 1 1 - <0 U5 4 if tne vernier is moved so that 1 of the vernier coincides with 10 FIELD INSTRUMENTS 17 of the scale, i.e., the end of the 6th tenth, the vernier has moved over a space equal to j^q o °^ a foot- ^ the vernier is so moved that 2 of the vernier coincides with 9 of the scale, the vernier has moved over a space equal to t -£qq of a foot ; and so on. In (d), 6 of the vernier coincides with 7 of the scale, which in- dicates that the zero of the vernier has moved past 3 of the scale a space equal to T ^ f of a foot. The reading here is 0.636 foot. - This form of the vernier is known as the retrograde form, since the figuring on the vernier proceeds in the opposite direc- tion from that on the scale. In either form the following rule for using and reading the vernier may be adopted : Move the vernier tintil its zero line, or index, is at the point to which the required measurement is to be taken; read the main scale to the nearest division below the index, and that number of the division line of the vernier which stands opposite a line of the main scale. Fig. 12 Compass Vernier and its Uses. Let LL' (Fig. 12) repre- sent the limb of the compass graduated to half degrees, and VV the vernier divided into thirty equal spaces, equal to twenty -nine spaces of the limb. Then, one space of the vernier is less than one space of the limb by l'(=30' — J^ of 29x30'), and the reading may be obtained to single minutes. 18 SURVEYING In Fig. 12 the index, or zero, of the vernier stands between 32° and 32° 30', and the line of the vernier marked 9 coincides with a line of the limb. Hence, the reading is 32° 9'. When the index moves from the zero line of the limb in a direction opposite to that in which run the numbers of the limb, the number of minutes obtained as above must be sub- tracted from 30' to obtain the minutes required. (Why ?) If, however, the vernier is made double, that is, if it has thirty spaces on each side of the zero line, it is always read directly. The usual form of the double vernier, shown in Fig. 13, has Fig. 13 only fifteen spaces on each side of the zero line. When the vernier is turned to the right less than 15' past a division line of the limb, read the lower figures on the left of the zero line at any coincidence ; if moved more than 15' past a division line of the limb, read the upper figures on the right of the zero line at any coincidence ; and vice versa. In this form of the double vernier it will be observed that the spaces on the vernier are larger than those on the limb, since the 30 equal spaces of the former are equal to 31 half-degree spaces of the latter. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 19 The most important use of the vernier compass is in setting off the variation of the needle explained just below. If the variation of the needle at any place is known, by means of the vernier screw the compass circle may be turned through an arc equal to the variation. If the observer stands at the south end of the instrument, the vernier is turned to the right or left according as the variation is west or east. The compass now gives the bearings of the lines with the time meridian. In order to retrace the lines of an old survey, turn the sights in the direction of a known line and move the vernier until the needle indicates the old bearing. If no line is defi- nitely known, the change of variation from the time of the old survey will give the arc to be set off. Magnetic Declination. The magnetic declination, or varia- tion of the needle, at any place is the angle which the magnetic meridian makes with the true meridian, or north and south line. The variation is east or ivest, according as the north end of the needle lies east or west of the true meridian. Western variation is indicated by the sign +, and eastern by the sign — . The kinds of magnetic declination are put under three heads : 1. Irregular variations, which are sudden deflections of the needle due to magnetic storms or other causes not well understood. 2. Solar-diurnal variations, which in northern latitudes reach their farthest point east about 8 o'clock a.m., and their farthest point west about 2 o'clock p.m., varying from 5' in the winter in some localities to 20' in the summer in other localities. 3. Secular variation, which is a change in the same direction for a period of years, then in the opposite direction for about the same time. It is not accurately known how long it takes a complete secular variation to run its course, but from data already obtained it seems probable that the period of time covered is not less than two and a half or three centuries. 20 SURVEYING ■w »OlN050(NT|l!ONlOQOH!flOO«(NO(0>0»t-H«) ' I— O i-H © © H OdrJrtNNHHOWfNMNN^MMHMmijiidN ! i-i C00'*0>iO<#'*HHO)NNO>O^OOt»00 " r.l o a n in ■* CM i-l i-H i-H i-l .MNt-NOONHiO^CSNOl'^NiOCOtD^IN'XI . i— 1 i— 1 i— 1 r-l i— 1 i— It— ii— li— i » (Mfflr- 1 00 Tt< CO OS CM ■— l INOJiO f~ CO •># (NCOOOlN g t»a©iOOffi01ffiiOlO«lOHffiMHO'*iO!C3!lOiONM'0'-iNMi-i JlNHilr-riHHHHH i-l i-H i-H i-l '*!ociiid'*(NidMH^iM 2 (N I-H t-H r-( r-l i-l l-l i-H ^H r-l i-Hr-l i-H £ OS © OS eo CO CO ffl»Ot> ^iHXCWO © r- i— i (M ■* -* t- g ONOJOfMOCOOOt-aWNXOiffflffiCONXHOlTtlN^iOXH ^©^uirt^indddd^NdxNxdocoTiir-iTiiNi-iMsidNfN Ql— ll— ll— li— ll— ll— li— ll— li— I i-H 1—1 d> 'H « U3 ri a ■* OS LO O t- i— I CO © CO CM OX ©OOIM C05qHNC0M Mx'dc6dddddc6xdoxNdt^io''*(No:dc6iHdoiridrtH IB i-H i—l i-H i-H i-H I ffl ' S CO CO r^ i— l CO CO CM i-*C0 rjH iO CO CM ©H . £ ^XH(M^ci5t-01MI>u3 0NMCBO<0,T)IHTji(NNXiMXM«0'* M^^'«x'dxN^cidididNdNd^coi-iNd«ddddi-id . C0 1-1 1—1 1-1 1—1 II Q ' ' S OOOCOO •* tH tH t- CM . £ a«aiNiotoaHHiiHi>iNt-oioM«5XH!No;©HOHHN cJ'Aoo©i^a6^cDi^cMcd^^^^a6o'^cM©©©'©cM© . M©OOOOOHHHHISIMWMCi5M'*'*iOiOO®OtC«ONNMa q COCOcor-t-f-r-r-^l^t-t^r^t^lr-t-l.^r^r^r^t-t-r^r^t-t-C^r^r— - ©-^oooo©^cMcoco©©cococo©©co©i^cocor~cocococor--iocs i-i TtliOTti©C0©(MCNTtl»O^tli— lcM-*00"*-'#00-<*iiO>OCMi-ii— i i— l >J3 © iO CO (=1 5PrH-*T(((jqoi5CO(NOsr-©CO»0'NCC' q T^^rt*J4 ^§1 ° «--^"£ 5 a 3 £ c^PQ -^S rt * £ £ aO o „ O a 03 ©a CD • • • Q . . aPn>- OJ 03 " 2 3 'S OPiO a, 5 sh =5 a &d a O B fj fl h a c« .-i xj ^= 11,3 ha. J2 b» 1 *Ti(MKlr»r^OrHQOOOiOHCOOHCO « CM 00 CC CM CO IM ■* M -^^^T^iOTti^^CNTfi-^icyciCOCOcCNi— iOOO + !zi O 3 > — — T. =: — y. s 00 - — -r X C: ~1 — X CD 60 CD 3 lO C CM CO lO ^ N « 00 O C CO H H to a O) O CO O © G CO O H O «0 N i- 1 O05^OCMCMrH(MrHHMrtT)iC0C0^«OCMffi»N0000C000CMOt- i i ii i i i i i i i 7 i i i i 777777 CD it - C» JO (M lO >0 CO ■* CM O O OS i— 1 COrt CD CO "* Cv CO CSHOCO© OOO^OCJNLOOJO^CSiOceOCMCBCOClUOiOOOCOOOOlMCMiOCO OC0C0rHCMCMOrHHr4^IM^00'*«3l0iOaNCRC0CO'*CO00CMOt- 1 1 111111111111111777^77 CO & Q CD 60 lO OS 01 CO CM r-- CO -ti O CO CO -* CM -# OS COCOCOOOO"MCCCMQOtHC» ■*^(C5O>OiOCM(10MNrt>OMiO'*»iO'*OrHCMM^i0i0MCM>0CO ONCMCMHCOOOCMCN'OCOi.OTtiU]iOCOOOCOO'MO'*OOOCNCDN 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiii7i7M777 c j"77 CO CO O t~ ?. LO 00 -t N O lO LOCO CM-^t^-^OO-^HlOT-H O t-CSIOlMMXOCOi-OTllcOCOCOt-ONCONCCO'^NrHrH^CMMrH'ctt HHHCOO^OOOO'^'O'litOiOCOCS^NOOOHOOiOCOCOHCON 1 1 IIM ' Ml I'l'llllllll V - 03COCO CBM't^lH CO Ir~ O CO O) t- CM OrH»0)COOOOiOO)0'*'*N ■OHIO ■ -COr-CM • -co •■*© coo'd^dcdcNH^iodLO i>'co • r-^ cd ad ' 'cmoo " *cm" ■ 10 cd 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1777 : 17, ."77 CO So -4.05 '-■6.39 -4.7 -1.4 -6.86 -2.84 -1.1 -4.99 -5.0 -6.7 -7.50 -6.1 -6.71 -7.96 -12.6 -9.8 -11.79 -14.54 -16.0 CD So 50 -4.55 -6.46 -1.8 -3.1 -0.5 -4.89 -6.84 -5.81 -7.12 -10.69 -13.6 -15.1 -a a a 3 ft c oi CD - OHiaiOCM»COOiOM»'*Ot-M«OiOCD^NCO'*XO'#^OI^* ■0000-*-*OCMCMi— i-liiOr- 1 CO »£> O O 1— iO-^O-^CMOOt— icMCMCM C:OOHHrHCOT)('*©COCONNNOOOOCM'*inNWiOHNfMCMTl< l^XXXXCCCCCC»CO»CX3CCCX)XCCO;0102ffl©05050>HHCMCMCM q NCOaiOOCOHOCCLOOOOHO^CMOOOCOCCCONNlOCOCMCOCOCO iiOJOOMCONWOOOiiOliOO^ttJCOitHrtHOJ^-liiiCO^M CMOCMCMHiJNOOWCDHOHMOCJCOCOCJHOttOOCMt^t-O CO^^CO^C^l-rtl^CO^CO^COTt<-*COCMCO-^ICM-^C0cMCO-*C0-^C0-* J Charleston, S.C. . Pittsburg, Pa. . Erie, Pa Savannah, Ga. . . Cleveland, 0. . . Key West, Fla. Detroit, Mich. . . Sault Ste. Marie, Mich Cincinnati, 0. . Grand Haven, Mich. Nashville, Tenn. . Michigan City, Ind. Pensacola, Fla. . . Chicago, 111. . . . Milwaukee, Wis. . Mobile, Ala. . . New Orleans, La. . St. Louis, Mo. . . Duluth, Minn. . . Galveston, Tex. Omaha, Neb. . . . Austin, Tex. . . San Antonio, Tex. Denver, Col. Salt Lake City, Utah San Diego, Cal. Seattle, Wash. . . San Francisco, Cal. C. Mendocino, Cal. 22 SURVEYING The agonic line, or line of no variation, is a line joining those places at which the magnetic meridian coincides with the true meridian. At the beginning of the present century this line crossed the United States in an irregular way from Michigan to South Carolina. It is gradually moving west- ward, so that the variation is increasing at places east of this line, and decreasing at places west of the line. East of this line the variation is westerly, and west of this line the varia- tion is easterly. Lines that join places of equal magnetic declination are called isogonic lines. Table of Magnetic Declination. On pp. 20, 21 will be found a table showing the variation in magnetic declination at different places in the United States and contiguous territory during the nineteenth century ; also the annual change for the epoch of 1900. EXERCISE H 1. Lay out a field of five sides and take the bearings and measures of the sides in order, beginning at the most westerly point and going about the field clockwise. 2. From the bearings obtained in Example 1 find the value of each of the interior angles. What is their sum ? 3. Lay out the field the bearings and distances of whose sides are given in Example 1 of Exercise VI, p. 64. 4. Eange out a line whose bearing is N. 38° 30' W., and at some point in this line range out another line making a right angle with it. What is the bearing of the second line ? 5. Set up the compass at a spot near which there is known to be some local disturbance, as iron in a building, or an iron fence, and find the variation of the needle due to such disturbance. FIELD INSTKUMENTS 23 SECTION V THE TRANSIT Surveyor's Transit. The transit is the most important instrument used in surveying. There are many modifications of it, each adapted to its own particular use. All, however, have about the same essential features. The one described here, and shown in Fig. 14, is the surveyor's transit, the one of most general use. The essential parts are the telescope with its axis and two standards, the circular plates with their attachments, the sockets upon which the plates revolve, the leveling head, and the tripod. Within the telescope are two fine cross wires, at right angles to each other, whose intersection determines the optical axis, or line of collimation, of the tele- scope. Under the telescope, and attached to it, is a spirit level by which horizontal lines may be run, or the difference of level between two stations be found. The axis of the tele- scope carries a vertical circle which measures vertical angles to single minutes by means of a vernier. The vernier plate, which carries the telescope and also the compass circle, has two verniers diametrically opposite to each other, and it moves entirely around the graduated limb of the main plate. The sockets are compound ; the interior spindle attached to the vernier plate turning in the exterior socket, when an angle is taken on the limb, but when the plates are clamped together the exterior socket itself, and with it the whole instrument, revolves in the socket of the leveling head. The transit is leveled by four leveling screws which pass through a plate firmly fastened to the ball spindle and rest in small sockets, these resting in turn on the upper side of the tripod plate. On the underside of this lower or tripod plate is an arrange- ment called a shifting centre, which enables the surveyor to change the position of the vertical axis horizontally without 24 SURVEYING moving the tripod ; besides this there is, if specially ordered, a device called a quick-leveling attachment to bring the transit quickly to an approximately level position by the pressure of the hands after which the leveling screws are used. Uses. The transit may be used for all the purposes for which the compass may be used, but with much greater precision. The principal use, however, is in measuring hori- zontal angles by means of the graduated limb and verniers. It may be used, furthermore, in obtaining differences of level ; also, provided there is the attachment to the telescope known as the stadia, in measuring distances, especially over broken ground. A still further use, when the transit is supplied with what is known as a gradienter attachment, is in fixing grades as well as measuring distances. Getting the Transit Ready. The instrument should be set up so as to be firm, the tripod legs- being pressed into the ground until the plates are as nearly level as can conveniently be done by this means. For the subsequent leveling turn the instrument until the spirit levels on the vernier plate are parallel to the vertical planes passing through opposite pairs of the leveling screws. Take hold of opposite screw heads with the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and turn both thumbs in or out as is necessary to bring the bubble to its proper place, the left thumb always moving in the direction that the bubble is to move. For precise work, in addition to leveling by the leveling screws, it is advisable to level the plates by the telescope level, as this is much more sensitive than the levels on the plate. • In this operation the position of the level on the telescope must be observed over both sets of leveling screws, one half the correction being made by the axis tangent screw, the other half by the leveling screws. Before an observation is made with the telescope, the eye- piece should be focused by its pinion until the cross wires appear distinct ; the object glass is then focused by its pinion FIELD INSTRUMENTS 25 Fig. 14. The Surveyor's Transit 26 SURVEYING until the object to be observed appears well defined. This latter process must be repeated when the distance to the object is changed. Measurement of Horizontal Angles. Place the instrument directly over the vertex of the angle, and level. Set the limb at zero by the tangent screw of the plates, and turn the telescope in the direction of one of the sides of the angle, directing it to the object by the tangent screw of the leveling head. Then unclamp the main plate and turn the telescope until it is in the direction' of the other side of the angle, and read the angle by the verniers. The object of the two verniers. on the vernier plate is to correct any mistakes that might arise from the want either of exact coincidence in the centres of the verniers and the limb or of exact graduations on the limb. The correct reading may be obtained by adding to the reading of one vernier the supplement of the reading of the other, and taking half their sum. Measurement of Vertical Angles. Direct the telescope to the object ; clamp, and read the angle indicated on the vertical circle by the vernier. The angle read will be an angle of elevation or depression as the case may be, the horizontal line being the line of collimation of the telescope when in a hori- zontal position. Stadia Measurements. As already stated on page 24, the stadia is an attachment to the telescope used in measuring distances, especially over rough ground. It consists essen- tially of two horizontal wires fastened to small movable slides, and so adjusted as. to include a given space, say one foot on a rod 100 feet distant. These wires will then include, two feet on a rod 200 feet away, or a half-foot at a distance of 50 feet, and so on. Usually the instrument is so adjusted that the zero of the indicated distance is in front of the centre of the instrument; hence, the true distance is the indicated distance plus the distance of this zero from FIELD INSTRUMENTS 27 the centre of the instrument. This latter distance is deter- mined for each instrument by the maker, and noted on a card placed on the inside of the instrument box. It is known as the constant of the instrument. The readings are taken on a rod, specially designed for the purpose, known as the stadia rod. This is graduated to feet, and tenths and hundredths of a foot. Any ordinary leveling rod, if similarly graduated, will answer the same purpose. Obviously in taking stadia meas- urements the rod must always be held at right angles to the line of sight. This statement has special reference to measurements taken up or down hill-slopes. In this case, if horizontal distance is required, the measured distance must be multiplied by the cosine of the angle of elevation or depression. (Why ?) EXERCISE m 1. By means of the transit, measure the interior angles of the field of Example 1, Exercise II, p. 22, and compare with the results obtained in Example 2 of the same exercise. 2. Lay out the entire angular magnitude about some point into four or more angles, and measure each one of them. What should the sum of them equal ? 3. If the constant of a transit adjusted to one foot 100 feet away is 3.8 inches, what is the true length of a line when the indication on the rod is 2.35 feet ? 4. Measure a line by the stadia, and compare with measure- ments taken by the chain and also by the tape. 5. Compute the height of a tall object, as a tree or steeple, by first measuring its distance from some convenient point and measuring the angle of elevation at that point. 6. Lay out a square field containing just one acre. 28 SURVEYING SECTION VI THE SOLAR COMPASS Description and Uses. A full description of the solar com- pass, or Burt's solar compass, as it is often called from its inventor, with its principles, adjustments and uses, forms the subject of a considerable volume, which should be in the hands of the surveyor who uses this instrument. The limits of our space will allow only a brief reference to its principal features. Fig. 15 exhibits the instrument by itself; Fig. 16, p. 31, is a graphical illustration of the solar apparatus as an attachment to the transit, the circles shown being intended to represent those supposed to be drawn upon the concave surface of the heavens. The form of the solar compass shown in Fig. 15 has the arrangement of its sockets and plates -similar to that of the transit, the standards similar to those of the compass, the solar apparatus being placed on the upper vernier plate and taking the place of the needle, for which it operates as a substitute in the field. The solar compass consists mainly of three arcs of circles, a the latitude arc, by which is set off the latitude of the place, b the declination arc, by which is set off the declination of the sun, and c the hour arc, by which is set off the hour of the day. The arm h is movable about a point at the extremity of the piece containing the declination arc, there being at each end a solar lens having its focus on a silvered plate on the other end. The arc of the declination limb turns on an axis, and one or the other solar lens is used, according as the sun is north or south of the equator. Fig. 15 shows the position of the decli- nation arc when the sun is south; Fig. 16, when it is north. The needle box is moved about its centre by a slow-motion screw. It contains a magnetic needle, and is furnished with a graduated arc about 36° in extent. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 29 Fig. 15. Burt's Solar Compass FIELD INSTRUMENTS 31 Fig. 16. Transit with Solak Attachment The circles shown in the cut are intended to represent in miniature circles supposed to be drawn upon the concave surface of the heavens. 32 SURVEYING The solar compass may be used for most of the purposes of a compass or transit. Its most important use, however, is to run north and south lines, especially in laying out the public lands. It may be used also in determining the latitude of a place. To establish a True Meridian. Set off on the latitude arc the latitude of the place. Set off on the declination arc the declination of the sun, corrected for refraction. Set the instrument over the station ; level, and turn the sights in a north and south direction by the needle. The surveyor then turns the solar lens to the sun, and with one hand on the instrument and the other on the revolving arm, moves both from side to side until the sun's image is made to appear on the silvered plate, precisely between the equatorial lines. The line of sights then indicates the true meridian. The bearing of any line from the meridian may be read by the verniers of the horizontal limb. • ^When a due east and west line is to be run, these verniers are set at 90°, and the sun's image is kept between the lines as before. Other Methods. By North Star at Culmination. The North Star, or Polaris, at present revolves about the north pole of the heavens at the distance of about li° ; hence, it is on the meridian twice in 23 h. 56 m. 4 s. (a sidereal day), once above the pole, called the upper culmination, and 11 h. 58 m. 2 s. later below the pole, called the lower culmination. The time of the upper culmination of Polaris may be found by means of the star Mizar, the middle one of the three stars in the handle of the Dipper (in the constellation of the Great Bear). It crosses the meridian at nearly the same time as Polaris. Suspend a plumb line, placing the bob in a pail of water to lessen its vibrations. South of the plumb line, upon a horizontal board firmly supported, place a compass sight, or any upright with a small, opening or slit, fastened to a board a few inches square. At night, when Mizar by estimation approaches the meridian, place the compass sight in line with FIELD INSTRUMENTS 33 Cassiopeiae Polaris Polaris and the plumb line, and move it so as to keep it in this line until the plumb line falls also on Mizar (Fig. 17). Note the time ; then (1903) 3 m. 39 s. later Polaris will be on the meridian. If then Polaris, the plumb line and the com- pass sight are brought into line, the plumb line and compass sight will give two points in the meridian ; or if the telescope of the transit is brought to bear on Polaris, and a light is held near to make the wires visible if necessary, the telescope will then lie in the plane of the meridian, which may be marked by bringing the telescope to a horizontal position. For each year subsequent to 1903 add 21 s. to 3 m. 39 s. If the lower culmina- tion takes place at night, the time may be found in a similar manner. When Mizar cannot conveniently be used, 8 Cassiopeiae (Fig. 17) may be employed, the method being the same as in the case of Mizar. The interval, however (1903), is 4 m. 24 s. and the annual increase of the interval '•■'■■ ■<■ about 20 s. By North Star at Greatest 'Elongation. When Polaris is at its greatest apparent angular distance east or west of the pole, it is said to be at greatest elongation. It attains its greatest eastern elongation and western elongation, respectively, 5 h. 59 m. 1 s. after lower and upper culmination. The azimuth of a star is the angle which the meridian plane makes with the vertical circle passing through the star and the zenith of the observer. If now we know the time of either extreme elongation and also the azimuth of Polaris at an extreme elongation, we can from these data establish a true meridian. The latter of these Pole Great Bear Fig. 17 34 SURVEYING data is given for various latitudes and for years to come in tables, to which the surveyor is supposed to have access. To obtain a line in the direction of Polaris at greatest elongation, we may proceed as follows : A few minutes before the time of greatest elongation, place the compass sight in line with the plumb line and Polaris, keeping it in line with these until the star begins to recede. At this moment the sight and plumb line are in the required line. Or bring the telescope of the transit to bear on the star, and follow it keeping the vertical wire over the star until it begins to recede. The telescope will then be in the required line. In either case, after having the transit sighted in the direction of the line just found, turn it in the proper direction through an angle equal to the azimuth as found from the tables. The accompanying table * gives the Washington mean time of each tenth transit of Polaris (upper culmination) at the meridian of Washington, D.C. The last column contains the variation per day, to facilitate the interpolation of the time for any intermediate transit. The transit which occurs October 17 is the tenth transit following that which occurs on October 8. This is because two transits occur on October 13 ; the interval separating them being 23 h. 56 m. 4 s. of mean time. These two transits are introduced in the table for greater convenience, and as a safe- guard against error respecting the particular day of transits in that vicinity. The double lines merely call attention to the break thus caused in the series. By interpolation we may, by taking account of the longitude of any given station, find the local mean time of transit of Polaris at that station for any particular day. Thus, to find the Cincinnati mean time of the upper culmination of Polaris at Cincinnati, on May 15, 1902, we have (p. 36) : * Furnished by the Director of the Nautical Almanac Office, Wash- ington, D.C. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 35 Day of Local Mean Time Change in the Year of Every 10th Transit 1 Day 1902 (Civil Time.) Jan. 1 Qh 41m igs PM . - 3™ 56*.8 11 6 1 51 " 56.9 21 5 22 22 " 56.9 31 4 42 53 " 56.9 Feb. 10 4 3 24 " 56.8 20 3 23 56 " 56.7 Mar. 2 2 44 29 " 56.6 12 2 5 4" 56.4 22 1 25 41 " 56.2 Apr. 1 12 46 20 " 56.0 11 12 7 1 " 55.8 21 11 27 44 a.m. 55.7 May 1 10 48 28 " 55.7 11 10 9 14 " 55.3 21 9 30 2 " 55.1 31 8 50 51 " 55.0 June 10 8 11 41 " 55.0 20 7 32 31 " 54.9 30 6 53 22 " 54.9 July 10 6 14 13 " 54.8 20 5 35 5 " 54.9 30 4 55 56 " 54.9 Aug. 9 4 16 47 " 55.0 19 3 37 37 " 55.1 29 2 58 26 " 55.2 Sept. 8 2 19 14 " 55.3 18 1 40 1 " 55.4 28 1 46 " 55.5 Oct. 8 12 21 30 " 55.7 Oct. 13 12 1 51 A.M. Oct. 13 11 57 55 p.m. Oct. 17 11 42 12 p.m. 55.8 27 11 2 53 " 56.0 Nov. 6 10 23 32 " 56.1 16 9 44 10 " 56.3 26 9 4 46 " 56.4 Dec. 6 8 25 21 " 56.5 16 7 45 55 " 56.7 26 7 6 27 " 56.8 36 6 26 58 " - 3 56 .9 36 SURVEYING Local mean time of transit at Washington, May 11, 1902 = 10 h 9 m 14 s a.m. Longitude of Cincinnati ivest of Washington = + h 29 m 40 s = + d .021. May 15 d + d 021 = May 15 d 021. Preceding tabular date == May 11. Therefore, interval = 4 d .021. Daily variation = - 3 m 55 s . 3 = - 235 s . 3. Total change = 4.021 x (- 235 s .3) = - 15 m 46 s . 10 h 9 m 14 s a.m. -15 46 9 h 53 m 28 s a.m. Therefore, the required time is 9 h 53 m 28 s a.m., May 15, 1902. SECTION VII THE Y LEVEL Description. The essential parts of the Y level (Fig. 18) are, the telescope, which is of various lengths, usually about 20 inches, and rests on supports called Y's, from their shape ; the spirit level, which is under the telescope and attached to it ; and the leveling head and tripod, which are similar to the same parts of the transit. Leveling Rod. There are several kinds of leveling rods, each possessing some merit peculiar to its purpose. The one shown in Fig. 19 is known as the Philadelphia leveling rod, and is the one in most common use. It is made of two pieces of wood, sliding upon each other, and held in position by a clamp. The front surface of each piece is graduated to hun- dredths of a foot up to 7 feet ; the back surface of the rear piece is figured from 7 to 13 feet, reading from the top down, FIELD INSTRUMENTS 37 Fig. 18. The Y Level 38 SURVEYING and it also has a scale by which the rod is read to half hun- dredths of a foot as it is extended. The target slides along the front of the rod and is held in place by two springs which press upon the sides of the rod. It has a square opening at the centre, through which the division line of the rod oppo- site to the horizontal line of the target may be seen. It also carries a scale by which heights may be read to half hundredths of a foot. For heights not greater than 7 feet, the target is moved up or down the front surface, the rod being closed and clamped; but when a greater height is required the target is fixed at 7 feet and the rear half of the rod extended to the required height. The rod thus becomes a self- reading rod 13 feet long* How to use Level and Rod. When the leveling instrument is used, the tripod should be set firm ; the spirit level should then be brought succes- sively over each opposite pair of leveling screws and leveled in each position, the operation being repeated until the bubble remains in the middle of the tube through an entire rotation of the tele- scope. Each time before taking an observation the instrument should be examined to see if it is still level. Care should be taken to bring the cross wires of the telescope precisely in focus and the object into such perfect view that the wires will appear, to be fastened to the surface, how- ever the eye is moved. For very accurate work the instrument should be shielded from the direct rays of the sun. FlG 19 The leveling rod should be held in a truly vertical position, the rodman standing squarely behind it. 9i 5i FIELD INSTRUMENTS 39 The target is then raised or lowered at the signal of the leveler until its horizontal line is cut by the intersection of the cross wires of the telescope. The reading is done by the leveler or the rodraan according to the kind of rod used. Substitutes for the Y Level. For ordinary work, the Sur- veyors or Engineer's Transit is often used. The plumb level (Fig. 20) consists of two pieces of wood joined at right angles. A straight line is drawn on the upright perpendicular to the upper edge of the crosshead. The instru- ment is fastened to a support by a screw through the centre of the crosshead. The upper edge of the crosshead is brought to a level by making the line on the upright coincide with a plumb line. — £ 9 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 22 A carpenters square can be made into a level by being supported by a post (Fig. 21), the top of which is split or sawed so as to receive the longer arm. The shorter arm is made vertical by a plumb line, which brings the longer arm to a level. The water level, as shown in Fig. 22, consists of two upright glass tubes cemented into a connecting tube of any material. The whole is nearly filled with water and sup- ported at a convenient height. The surface of the water in the uprights determines the level. The water should be colored. 40 SURVEYING A level line may be obtained by sighting along the upper surface of the block in which an ordinary spirit level is mounted. For many purposes not requiring great accuracy, any of the foregoing simple instruments in connection with any graduated rod will be sufficient. EXERCISE IV 1. Set up the level and take the readings on the leveling rod at two stations equally distant from the instrument. What does the difference of these readings indicate ? 2. Set up the level successively at the two stations in Example 1, taking the readings on the leveling rod placed where the instrument was first. What does the difference of these readings indicate ? Ought this difference to be the same as that in Example 1? Explain. 3. In the field of Example 1, Exercise II, p. 22, set up the level successively at the middle of each of the five sides, taking the readings on the rod each time at both adjacent stations of the field. Find the difference between the sum of the hind- sights and the sum of the foresights. What should this difference equal ? SECTION VIII THE PLANE TABLE Description and Uses. The plane table, an approved form of which is shown in Fig. 23, consists mainly of a drawing board made of well-seasoned wood, arranged in sections to pre- vent warping, and supported at a convenient height by a tripod and leveling head, with attachments for horizontal movement. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 41 Fig. 23. The Plane Table 42 SURVEYING The board is provided with rollers or clamps or both, for keeping the paper secure and even. The plumbing arm has its end brought to a point which, however placed on the paper, is directly above the corresponding point on the ground determined by the plummet. The alidade is a ruler of brass or steel supporting a telescope with stadia or sight standards, whose line of sight is in or parallel to the same vertical plane with the beveled edge of the ruler. A compass with two spirit levels serves both to level the table and, when applied by the edges parallel to the zero line of the compass circle, to determine the magnetic bearing of the lines drawn on the paper, or the direction of the table itself. After the principal lines of a survey have been determined and plotted, the details of the plot may be filled in by means of the plane table ; or, when a plot only of a tract of land is desired and extreme accuracy is not required, this instrument affords the most expeditious means of obtaining it. There is little use for it outside of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and the United States Geological Survey. To orient the Table. This operation consists in placing the table so that the lines of the plot shall be parallel to the corresponding lines on the ground. This may be accomplished .approximately by turning the table until the needle of the compass indicates the same bear- ing as at a previous station, the edge of the compass coinciding with the same line on the paper at both stations. If, however, the line connecting the station at which the instrument is placed with another station is already plotted, the table may be placed in position accurately by placing it over the station so that the plotted line is by estimation over and in the direction of the line on the ground ; then making the edge of the ruler coincide with the plotted line, and turn- ing the board until the line of sight bisects the signal at the other end of the line on the ground. FIELD INSTRUMENTS 43 To plot any Point. Let ab on the paper represent the line AB on the ground; it is required to plot c, representing C on the ground. 1. By intersection. Place the table in position at A (Fig. 24), plumbing a over A, and making the fiducial edge of the ruler pass through a ; turn the alidade about a until the line of sight bisects the signal at C, and draw a line along the fiducial edge of the ruler. Place the table in position at B, plumbing b over B, and repeat the operation just described. Then c is the intersec- tion of the two lines thus drawn. FlG ^ 2. By resection. Place the table in position at A (Fig. 25), and draw a line in the direc- tion of C, as in the former case ; then remove the instrument to C, place it in position by the line drawn from a, make the edge of the ruler pass through b, and turn the alidade about b until B.is in the line of sight. A line drawn along the edge of the ruler will intersect the line from a in c. 3. By radiation. Place the table in position at A (Fig. 26), and draw a line from a toward C, as in the former cases. Measure AC, and lay off ac to the same scale as ab. To plot a Field ABCD • • • By radiation. Set up the table at any point P, and mark p on the paper over P. Draw indefinite lines from p / •> v 1 1 \ 1 X b ^a B Fig. 25 44 SURVEYING toward A, B, C, ■ ■ ■ Measure PA, PB, • • • , and lay off pa, pb, suitable scale, and join a and b, b and c, c and d, ■ ■ ■ to a t» ^a B By progression. Set up the table at A, and draw a line from a toward B. Measure AB, and plot ab to a suitable scale. Set up the table in position at B, and in like manner deter- mine and plot be ; and so on. Fig. 27 By intersection. Plot one side as a base line. Plot the other corners by the method of intersection, and join these points in proper order by straight lines. By resection. Plot one side as a base line. Plot the other corners by the method of resection, and join these points in proper order by straight lines. The Three-Point Problem. Let A, B, C represent three field stations plotted as a, b, c, respectively (Fig. 28) ; it is required fig. 2s to plot d representing a fourth field station D, from which A, B, and C are visible. Place the table over D, level and orient approximately by the compass. Determine d by resection as follows : Make the FIELD INSTRUMENTS 45 edge of the ruler pass through a and lie in the direction a A, and draw a line along the edge of the ruler. In like manner, draw lines through b toward B and through c toward C. If the table is oriented perfectly, these lines meet at the required point d, but ordinarily they will form the triangle of error, ab, ac, be. In this case, through a, b, and ab ; a, c, and ac ; and b, e, and be, respectively, draw circles ; these circles will inter- sect in the required point d. For at the required point the sides ab, ac, be must subtend the same angle as at the points ab, ac, be, respectively. Hence, the required point d lies at the intersection of the three circles mentioned. The plane table may now be oriented accurately. The three-point problem may also be solved by fastening on the board a piece of tracing paper and marking the point d representing _D, after which lines are drawn from d toward A, B, and C. The tracing paper is then moved until the lines thus drawn pass through a, b, c, respectively, when by pricking through d the point is determined on the plot below. This method, however, is impracticable in case the wind blows. CHAPTER II OFFICE INSTRUMENTS SECTION IX PLOTTING INSTRUMENTS Definitions. A map is a representation by means of points, lines, and conventional signs on a plane surface, as on paper of a surveyed portion of the earth's surface, including objects upon it. If only the boundary lines- are drawn, the repre- sentation is called an outline map, or plot. The plot is a figure similar to the original, and the ratio of a line of the field to the corresponding line of the plot is called the scale. In surveying it is customary to designate the scale as so many chains to the inch. Principal Minor Instruments. The principal minor instru- ments used in plotting are a' ruler, pencil, straight-line pen, hair-spring dividers, compasses, a right triangle of wood or hard rubber, a T-square, and a parallel ruler. The Diagonal Scale. A portion of this scale is shown in Fig. 29. AB is the unit. AB and A'B' are divided into ten equal parts, and B is joined with h, the first division point to the left of B'; the first division point to the left of B is joined with the second to the left of B', and so on. The part of the horizontal line numbered 1 intercepted between BB' and Bh is evidently t l of J^ = T ^ of the unit ; the part of the hori- zontal line numbered 2 intercepted between BB' and Bh is T f „ of the unit, and so on. 46 OFFICE INSTRUMENTS 47 The method of using this scale is as follows : Let it be required to lay off the distance 1.43. Fig. 29 Place one foot of the dividers at the intersection of the horizontal line numbered 3 and the diagonal numbered 4, and place the other foot at the intersection of the vertical line numbered 1 (CC) and the horizontal line numbered 3 ; the distance between the feet of the dividers will be the distance required. For, measuring along the horizontal line num- bered 3, from CC to BB' is 1 ; from BB' to Bh is 0.03 ; and from Bh to the diagonal numbered 4 is 0.4 ; and 1 + 0.03 + 0.4 = 1.43. The Circular Protractor. This instrument (Fig. 30) usually consists of a semicircular piece of brass or german silver, with its arc divided into degrees and its centre marked. Some protractors have an arm which carries a vernier, by which angles may be constructed to single minutes. Still others embrace an entire circle and have several arms with verniers. A rectangular protractor, having the degrees marked off on three sides of a plane scale, is sometimes used. Often this form of the protractor is found on the reverse side of the diagonal scale. 48 SURVEYING Constructions. 1. To lay off an angle with the circular protractor. Place the centre over the vertex of the angle, and make the diameter coincide with the given side of the angle. Mark off the number of degrees in the given angle, and draw a line through this point and the vertex. Fig. 30 2. To draiv through a given point a line parallel to a given line with a right triangle and ruler. Make one of the sides of the triangle coincide with the given line, and, placing the ruler against one of the other sides, move the triangle along the ruler until the first side passes through the given point; then draw a line along this side. 3. To draw through a given point a line perpendicular to a given line with a right triangle and ruler. Make the hypotenuse of the right triangle coincide with the given line, and' placing a ruler against one of the other sides of the triangle, revolve the triangle about the vertex of the right angle as a centre until its other perpendicular side is against the ruler ; then move the triangle along the ruler until the hypotenuse passes through the given point, and draw a line along the hypotenuse. OFFICE INSTRUMENTS 49 SECTION X COMPUTING INSTRUMENTS The Planimeter. This is an instrument for measuring the area of any irregular field, by applying it to a plot of the field drawn accurately to scale. The form in most common use is that known as the polar planimeter. The essential parts are two arms, one fixed in length, the other adjustable, and a rolling wheel mounted on an axis parallel to the adjust- able arm. The outer end of the arm of fixed length is made fast to the plot by means of a needle point, and the free end of the other arm is made to trace the perimeter of the figure to be measured. A disk records the area in the unit for which the instrument is set. The Slide Rule. This is an instrument for effecting the processes of multiplication, division, involution, and evolution by means of logarithms. It consists of a series of scales so arranged that by sliding one upon the other the addition or subtraction of logarithms is mechanically performed. For a full description of this labor-saving device in its various forms, the student is referred to some treatise on the subject. CHAPTER III LAND SURVEYING SECTION XI DEFINITIONS Land Surveying is the art of measuring, laying out, and dividing land, computing parts and areas from measured parts, and preparing a plot. An original survey includes laying out the boundary lines and establishing the corners. A resurvey is the retracing of old boundary lines -and the finding of corner monuments, or the relocating of them when lost. Rules for Areas. The unit of land measure is the acre = 10 square chains = 4 roods = 160 square rods, perches, or poles. Areas are referred to the horizontal plane, no allowance being made for inequalities of surface. Let A, B, and C be the angles of a triangle, and a, b, and c the opposite sides, respectively, and let s = %(a + b + c). Area of triangle ABC = \ base x altitude = ^ be sin A a 2 sin B sin C ~ 2 sin (B + C) = y/s (s — a)(s — b) (s — c). Area of rectangle = base x altitude. Area of trapezoid = ^ sum of parallel sides x altitude. Note. Spanish American units are in use in Texas, California, and Mexico. In this system the vara is the unit of length, which in Texas is 50 LAND SURVEYING 51 reckoned 33£ inches, in California 33 inches, in Mexico 32.9927 inches. The area of a square 1000 varas on a side is called a labor, and of a square 5000 varas on a side is called a league. SECTION XII SPECIAL METHODS OF SURVEYING, AND COMPUTING AREAS Triangular Fields. Measure, as may be most convenient, the three sides, two sides and the included angle, two angles and the included side, or a side and the altitude upon that side, and compute the area by the appropriate formula. Fields having More than Three Straight Sides. Divide the field into triangles and take the sum of the areas of the triangles. Or, run a diagonal and perpendiculars to it from the opposite vertices ; take the sum of the areas of the right triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids thus formed. A third method is as follows : Let ABCD (Fig. 31) repre- sent a field, and P and P' two stations within it. (They may be without the field.) Measure D PP' with great exactness. Meas- ure the angles • between PP' and the lines from P and P' to the corners of the field. In the triangle P'PD, PP' and the angles PP'D and P'PD are known ; hence, PD may be found. In like manner, PC may be found. Then, in the triangle PDC, PD, PC, and the angle DPC are known ; hence, the area of PDC may be computed. In like manner, the areas of all the trian- gles about P or P' may be determined. Area ABCD = PAD + PDC + PCB + PBA; also, area ABCD = P'AD + P'DC + P'CB + P'BA. 52 SURVEYING Fields having Irregular Boundary Lines. Let A GBCD (Fig. 32) represent a field having a stream AEFGHKB as a boundary line. Run the line AB. From E, F, G, H, K, prominent points on the bank of the stream, let fall perpendiculars EE', FF', GG', etc., upon AB. Regarding AE, EF, etc., as straight Fig. 32 Fig. 33 lines, the portion of the field cut off by AB is divided into right triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids, the necessary ele- ments of which can be measured and the areas computed. The sum of these areas added to the area of ABCD gives the area required. If the offsets are at regular intervals, then the area of the part cut off by AB may be found by adding the offsets and multiplying by the common distance between them. When the irregular boundary line crosses the straight line that joins its extremities, as in Fig. 33, the areas of AEFH and HGB may be found separately, as in the preceding case. Then, the area required = ABCD + HGB — AEFH. Rectangular System of Co-ordinates. Let XX' and YY' (Fig. 34) be two fixed perpendicular lines intersecting at the point O. Let the four parts into which these lines divide the plane be called Quadrants, as in Trigonometry, and be distinguished by naming them, respectively, first, second, third, and fourth quadrants. Suppose the position of a point is described by saying that its distance from YY', expressed in terms of some chosen unit LAND SURVEYING 53 II N III ?-F IV M -II Y Fig. 34 of length, is 3, and its distance from XX' is 4. Then there is in each quadrant one point and only one which will satisfy these conditions. The position of the point in each quadrant may be found by drawing parallels to YY' at the distance 3 from YY', and parallels to XX' at the distance 4 from XX' ; E~ then the intersections P v P 2 , P 3 , and P 4 satisfy the given condi- tions. X rrt k !-- X In order to determine which one of the four points, Pi, P 2 , P s , P 4 , is meant, we adopt the rule G- that distances measured from YY' to the right are positive; to the left, negative. Distances measured from XX' upward are positive ; downward, negative. Then, the position of P 1 will be denoted by + 3, + 4 ; of P 2 , by - 3, + 4 ; of P 3 , by — 3, - 4; of P 4 , by + 3, - 4. The fixed lines XX' and YY' are called the Axes of Co-ordi- nates ; XX' is called the Axis of Abscissas, or Axis of x ; YY', the Axis of Ordinates, or Axis of y. The intersection is called the Origin. The two distances (with signs prefixed) which determine the position of a point are called the Co-ordinates of the point ; the distance of the point from YY' is called its Abscissa ; and the distance from XX', its Ordinate. Abscissas are usually denoted by x, and ordinates by y, and a point is represented algebraically by simply writing the values of its co-ordinates within parentheses, that of the abscissa being always written first. Thus, P x (Fig. 34) is the point (3, 4), P 2 the point (— 3, 4), P, the point (— 3, — 4), and P 4 the point (3, — 4). In general the point whose co-ordinates are x and y is the point (x, y). 54 SURVEYING This system of co-ordinates may be applied to the determi- nation of areas in the following manner : Suppose the field to be ABODE (Fig. 35). Lay out the two axes so that the field shall lie wholly within the first quad- rant. Then measure the co-ordinates of each of the vertices and designate them as follows : for A, (x 1} yd ; for B, (x 2 , y 2 ) ; for C, (x 3 , y 3 ) ; for D, (x±, y 4 ) ; for E, (x 5 , yd- Evidently each of these co-ordinates is positive. Then, area ABODE = area LABM + area MBCP + area PCDR — area NEDR — area LA EN; or, in terms of the co-ordinates, area ABODE = %(y x + yd (x % — x x ) + \ (y 2 + y s ) (x 3 — x 2 ) + £ (y» + yd ( x i - » 8 ) - iO'+ yd («4 - *s) = h\ x i (ys — yd + x* (yi - yd + * 3 (y* - yd + %i (y s - yd + * 5 (>4 -yd\- This method can be put in the form of a general rule : Take one-half the algebraic sum of the products obtained by multiplying the abscissa of each vertex by the difference between the ordinates of the two adjacent vertices, taken in the clockwise order. LAND SURVEYING 55 EXERCISE V 1. Required the area of a triangular field whose sides are 13 chains, 14 chains, and 15 chains. 2. Required the area of a triangular field if it has two angles 48° 30' and 71° 45', and the included side 20 chains. 3. Required the area of a triangular field whose base is 12..60 chains, and altitude 6.40 chains. 4. Required the area of a triangular field which has two sides 4.50 chains and 3.70 chains, and the included angle 60°. 5. Required the area of a field in the form of a trapezium, one of whose diagonals is 9 chains, and the two perpendicu- lars upon this diagonal from the oppo- site vertices 4.50 chains and 3.25 chains. 6. Required the area of the field ABCDEF (Fig. 36), if A E = 9.25 chains, FF' = 6.40 chains, BE = 13.75 chains, DD' = 7 chains, -DB = 10 chains, CC = 4 chains, and A A' = 4.75 chains. fig. 36 7. Determine the area of the field ABCD from two interior stations P and P', if PP' = 1.50 chains, PP'C= 89° 35', PP'D = 349° 45', P'PB = 3° 35', P'PA = 113° 45', PP'B = 185° 30', PP'A = 309° 15', 8. Required the area of the field ABCDEF (Fig. 37), if AF' = 4 chains, FF' = 6 chains, A EE' = 6.50 chains, AE' = 9 chains, AD = 14 chains, AC" = 10 chains, AB' = 6.50 chains, BB' = 7 chains, CC = 6.75 chains. P'PD = 165° 40', P'PC = 303° 15'. 56 SURVEYING 9. Kequired the area of the field AGBCD (Fig. 32, p. 52), if the diagonal A C = 5, BB' (the perpendicular from B to AC) = 1, DD' (the perpendicular from D to A C) = 1.60, EE' = 0.25, PP' = 0.25, GG> = 0.60, ##' = 0.52, KK'= 0.54, .4P' = 0.2, E'F' = 0.50, F'G' = 0.45, £'#' = 0.45, H'K' = 0.60, and K'B = 0.40. 10. Eequired the area of the field AGBCD (Fig. 33, p. 52), if AD = 3, AC '= 5, .45 = 6, angle £U C = 45°, angle BA C = 30°, J1.E' = 0.75, AF' = 2.25, AH = 2.53, .1G-" = 3.15, EE' = 0.60, FF' = 0.40, and GG' = 0.75. 11. Determine the area of the field A BCD from two exterior stations P and P', if PP' = 1.50 chains, P'PB = 41° 10', P'PP = 104° 45', PP'B = 132° 15', P'p.4 = 55° 45', PP'D = 66° 45', +PP'A = 103° 0'. p'PC = 77° 20', PP'C = 95° 40', 12. Find the area of the field ABCDE (Fig. 35, p. 54), if the co-ordinates, in chains, of the vertices taken in order are (1.40, 6.75), (4.60, 8.32), (9.00, 9.05), (12.15, 5.58), and (5.27, 1.16). 13. Find the area of the field ABCDE (Fig. 35, p. 54), by measuring distances as follows : AL = 400 feet ; BM = 700 feet ; CP = 680 feet ; DR = 380 feet ; EN = 200 feet; LM = 150 feet ; MN = 250 feet; NP = 200 feet ; PR = 220 feet. 14. Lay out a field of four sides, and find its area by the method of triangles and also by the method of rectangular co-ordinates. 15. Lay out a field of six sides, and find its area by the method of triangles and also by the method of rectangular co-ordinates. LAND SURVEYING 57 SECTION XIII GENERAL METHOD FOR FARM SURVEYS Definitions. A course is the bearing and length of a line. The latitude of a course is the distance between the parallels through its extremities, and is called a northing or a southing, as the course is northward or southward. The departure of a course is the distance between the meridians through its extremities, and is' called an easting or a westing, as the course is eastward or westward. The meridian dis- tance of a point is its distance from a meridian. The double meridian distance of a course is double the meridian distance of its mid-point, and therefore equal to the sum of the meridian distances of the extremities of the M course. Let AB (Fig. 38) represent a line, whose bearing and length are known. Let MN be a reference meridian ; and let j) and^' be parallels through A and B, and m and m' meridians through the same points. Then, N angle mAB represents the bearing FlG " 38 of line AB. The latitude of the course AB is AE, and its departure EB. The meridian distance of the point B is BC and of A, AD. Evidently, the double meridian distance of the course AB is ±(BC + AD). Again, in the triangle AEB, A E = AB x cos EAB, and EB = AB x sin EAB. Hence, latitude = distance x cos of bearing, and departure = distance x sin of bearing. From these formulas, the latitude and departure of any course may be found by means of a table of natural sines and cosines. They may be found also 58 SURVEYING from the Traverse Table, which is merely the tabulated results of the foregoing method for given courses. Field Notes. The field notes are kept in a book provided for the purpose. The page is commonly ruled in three col- umns, in the first of which is written the number of the station ; in the second, the bearing of the side ; and in the third, the length of the side. Field Notes N 1 N. 20° E. 8.66 2 S. 70° E. 5.00 3 S. 10° E. 10.00 4 N. 70° W. 10.00 Fig. 39 To obtain the field notes, say of field ABCD (Fig. .30), place the compass at A, the first station, and take the bearing of AB (p. 12) ; suppose it to be N. 20° E. Write the result in 'D the^cond column of the field notes opposite the number of the station. Measure AB = 8.66 chains, and write the result in the third column of the field notes. Place the compass at B, and, after testing the bearing of A B (p. 13), take the bear- ing of BC, measure BC, and write the results in the field notes ; and so continue until the bearing and length of each side have been recorded. Computation of the Area. The survey may begin at any corner of the field ; but, for computing the area, the field notes should be arranged so that the most eastern or the most western station shall stand first. For the sake of uniformity, we shall always begin with the most western station and keep the field on the right in passing around it. LAND SURVEYING 59 The field notes occupy the first three of the eleven columns in the tablet below. Columns IV, V, VI, and VII contain the latitudes and departures corresponding to the sides, taken from the Traverse Table. The line represented by each number is indicated immediately above that number. Column VIII contains the meridian distances of the points B, C, D, and A, taken in order. Column IX contains the double meridian distances I II HI IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI Side Beaking DlST. N, S. E. W. M.B. B.M.D.. N.A. S.A. AB BC CD DA N.20°E. S.70°E. S. 10° E. N.70°"W. 8.66 5.00 10.00 10.00 AB 1 8.14 D'A 3.42 B'C 1.71 CD' 9.85 BB' 2.96 C"C 4.70 D'D 1.74 DD' 9.40 BB' 2.96 CC 7.66 DD' 9.40 BB' 2.96 BB' + CC 10.62 CC'+DD' 17.06 DD' 9.40 2 ABB' 24.0944 2 ADD' 32.1480 2 C'CBB' 18.1602 2 D'DCC 168.0410 33.66 11.56 11.56 9.40 9.40 56.2424 186.2012 (186.2012 sq. ch. - 56.2424 sq. ch.) + 2 = 64.98 sq. ch. = 6.50 acres. of the courses. Their composition is indicated by the letters immedi- ately above the numbers. Column X contains the products of the double meridian distances by the northings in the same line. The first number, 24.0944 = 2.96 x 8.14 = BB' x AB' = twice area of triangle ABB' ; "32.1480 = 9.40 x 3.42 = DD' x AD' = twice area of triangle ABB'. Column XI contains the products of the double meridian distances by the southings in the same line. The first number, 18.1602 = 10.62 x 1.71 = (BB' +-CC) x B'C — twice area of trapezoid C'CBB' ; 168.0410 = 17.06 x 9.85 = (CC + DD') x D'C" = twice area of trapezoid D'DCC. The sum of the north areas in column X = 56.2424 = 2 (ABB' + ADD'). The sum of the south areas in column XI = 186.2012 = 2 (C'CBB' + D'DCC). But (C'CBB' + D'DCC) - (ABB' + ADD') = ABCD. Hence, 2 (C'CBB' + D'DCC) - 2 (ABB' + ADD') = 2 ABCD ; that is, 186.2012 - 56.2424 = 129.9588 = 2 ABCD. Hence, area ABCD = i of 129.9588 sq. ch. = 64.98 sq. ch. = 6.50 A. 60 SURVEYING Balancing the Work. In the survey, we pass entirely around the field ; hence, we move just as far north as south. There- fore, the sum of the northings should equal the sum of the southings. In like manner, the sum of the eastings should equal the sum of the westings. In this way the accuracy of the field work may be tested. In the example on page 59 the sum of the northings is equal to the sum of the southings, being 11.56 in each case ; and the sum of the eastings is equal to the sum of the westings, being 9.40 in each case. Hence, the work balances. In actual practice the work seldom balances. When it does not balance, corrections are generally applied to the latitudes and departures by the following rules : 1. The perimeter of a field is to any one side as the total error in latitude is to the correction required. 2. The perimeter of a field is to any one side as the total error in departure is to the correction require'd. Example. The perimeter of a field measured 306.62 chains and one side 72.47 chains, with a total error of 22 links in latitude and of 18 links in departure. Then 306.62 : 72.47 = 22 links : x = 18 links : y. Whence x = 5 links and y = 4 links. Hence the correction in latitude applied to the given side is 0.05 chains, and the correction in departure is 0.04 chains. If special difficulty was found in taking a particular bear- ing, or in measuring a particular line, the corrections should be applied to the corresponding latitudes and departures. The amount of error allowable varies in the practice of dif- ferent surveyors, and according to the nature of the ground. An error of 1 link in 8 chains would not be considered too great on smooth, level ground ; while on rough ground an error of 1 link in 3 chains might "be allowed. If the error is consider- able, the field measurements should be repeated. LAND SURVEYING 61 As another example let it be required to find the area of field ABCDEF from the following Field Notes 1 N. 73° 30' W. 5.00 2 S. 16° 30' W. 5.00 3 N. 28° 30' W. 7.07 4 N. 20° 00' E. 11.18 5 S. 43° 30' E. 5.00 6 S. 13°30'E. 10.00 Side Bearing DlST. N. S. E. W. M.D. D.M.D. N.A. S.A. AB BC CD DE EF FA N.20°00'E. S.43°30'E. S.13°30'E. N. 73°30"W. S.16°30"W. N. 28° 30'W. 11.18 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 7:07 10.51 1.42 6.21 3.63 9.72 4.79 3.82 3.44 2.33 4.79 4.80 1.42 3.37 BB 3.82 C'C 7.26 DD 9.59 E'E 4.79 F'F 3.37 0.00 BB 3.82 B'B+C'C 11.08 CC + D'D 16.85 DD + E'E 14.38 E'E + F'F 8.16 F'F 3.37 2 ABB' 40.1482 2 D'DEE' 20.4196 2AFF' 20.9277 2 C'CBB' 40.2204 ID'DCC 163.7820 2 F'FEE' 39.0864 43.25 18.14 18.14 9.59 9.58 9.59 81.4955 243.0888 43.25 : 5 = 0.01 : x. Area = 8.08 acres. The first station in the field notes is D, but we rearrange the numbers in the tablet so that A stands first. The northings and southings balance, but the eastings exceed the westings by 1 link. We apply the correction to the westing 4.79 (the distance DE being in doubt), making it 4.80, and write the correction. In practice, the corrected numbers are written in red ink, and often all the latitudes and departures are rewritten in four additional columns, headed, respectively, N', S', E', W. Supplying Omissions. If for any reason the bearing and the length of any side do not appear in the field notes, the lati- tude and departure of this side may be found in the following ' manner : 62 SURVEYING Find the latitudes and departures of the other sides as usual. The difference between the northings and southings gives the northing or southing of the unknown side, and the difference between the eastings and westings gives the easting or westing of the unknown side. If the length and the bearing of the unknown side are de- sired, they may be found by solving the right triangle, whose sides are the latitude and departure found by the method just explained, and whose hypotenuse is the length required. Obstructions. If the end of a line is not visible from its beginning, or if the line is inaccessible, its length and bearing may be found as follows : By means of a random line (p. 8). When it is impossible to run a random line, which is fre- quently the case on account of the extent of the obstruction, the following method may be used : Let AB (Fig. 40) represent an inaccessible line whose extremities A and B only are known, and B invisible from A. Set flagstaffs at convenient points, C and D. Find the bearings and lengths of AC, CD, and DB, and then proceed to find the latitude and departure of AB. Fig. 40 Example. lowing notes (see Fig. 40) : Suppose that we have the fol- Side Bearing DlST. N. s. E. w. AC CD BB S. 45° E. E. N. 30° E. 3.00 3.50 4.83 4.18 2.12 2.12 3.50 2.42 ,- 4.18 2.12 8.04 LAND SURVEYING 63 The northing of AB is AE = 2.06, and the easting, EB = 8.04. These numbers may be entered in the tablet ha the columns N. and E., opposite the side AB. If the bearing and length of AB are required, . „.„ BE 8.04 tan BAE = = AE 2.06 Hence, the angle BAE = 75° 38'. Also, 5.903. AB = ~^AE 2 + BE 2 = V8.04 2 + 2.06 2 = 8.30. Therefore, the bearing and length of AB are N. 75° 38' E. and 8.30. To make a Plot. A plot or map may be drawn to any desired scale. If a line 1 inch in length in the plot represents a line 1 chain in length, the plot is said to be drawn to a scale of 1 chain to an inch. In this case (Fig. 41) the plot is drawn to a scale of 8 chains to an inch. Draw the line NAS to represent the meridian, and lay off the first northing AB' = 8.14. Through B draw an indefinite line perpendicular "to NS and lay off B'B, the first easting, = 2.96. Draw AB ; then the line AB represents the first side of the field. Through B draw BC" perpendicular to BB', and make BC" = 1.71, the first southing. Through C" draw C"C perpendicular to BC", and equal to 4.70, the second easting. Draw BC. The line BC represents the second side of the field. Proceed in like manner until the field is completely represented. The extremity of the last line F'A, measured from F', should fall at A. test of the accuracy of the plot. Fig. 41 This is a 64 SURVEYING By drawing AC, AE, and EC, the hexagonal figure ABCDEFA is divided into triangles, the bases and altitudes of which may be measured and the area computed approxi- mately. Another method is as follows : Draw MN (Fig. 42) to represent a meridian. Let the' point A in this line be taken as the first station in the rearranged field notes of page 61. With the circular protractor mark off each of the bearings as b, c, d, e, f, and a. Draw AB to scale through b. With triangle and ruler (p. 48) or with parallel ruler draw to scale BC parallel to Ac ; and so on. After some * practice, still other methods will be suggested, but the methods given are among the best. Fig. 42 & & EXERCISE VI Find the areas of the following and make a plot of each. In 3 and 7, detours were made on account of obstructions (p. 62). The notes of the detours are written in braces. 12 3 St a. Bearings DlST. 1 S. 75° E. 6.00 2 S. 15° E. 4.00 3 S. 75° W. 6.93 4 N. 45° E. 5.00 5 N. 45° W. 5.19* Sta. Bearings DlST. 1. 2 3 4 N. 45° E. S. 75° E. S. 15° W. N. 45° W. 10.00 11.55 18.21 19.11 Sta. Bearings DlST. 1 S. 2°15'E. 9.68 2J N. 51°45'W. 2.39 S. 85°00'W. 6.47 1 S. 55°10'W. 1.62 3 N. 3°45'E. 6.39 4 S. 66°45'E. 1.70 5 N. 15°00'E. 4.98 6 S. 82°45'E. 6.03 LAND SURVEYING 65 STA. Bearings DlST. 1 N. 6°30'W. 6.08 2 S. 82°30'W. 6.51 3 S. 3°00'E. 5.33 4 E. 6.72 Sta. Bearings DlST. 1 2 3 4 N. 6°15'W. S. 81°50'W. S. 5°00'E. N. 88°30'E. 6.31 4.06 5.86 4.12 Sta. Bearings DlST. 1 N. 20°00'E. 4.621 2 N. 73WE. 4.16* 3 S. 45°15'E. 6.18* 4 S. 38°30'W. 8.00 5 Wanting Wanting Sta. Bearings DlST. '{ S. 81°20'W. 4.28 N. 76°30'W. 2.67 2 N. 5°00'E. 8.68 3 S. 87°30'E. 5.54 r S. 7°00'E. 1.79 4 S. 27°00'E. 1.94 S. 10°30'E. 5.35 i N. 76°45'W. 1.70 Sta. Bearings DlST. 1 K 89°45'E. 4.94 2 S. 7°00'W. 2.30 3 S. 28°00'E. 1.52 4 S. 0°45'E. 2.57 5 N. 84°45'W. 5.11 6 N. 2°30'W. 5.79 9. An Ohio farm is bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 13, thence N. 1£° E. 132 rods and 23 links to a stake in the west boundary line of said lot ; thence S. 89° E. 32 rods, and 15 t 4 q links to a stake; thence N. li° E. 29 rods and 15 links to a stake in the north boundary line of said lot ; thence S. 89° E. 61 rods and 18 t 6 q links to a stake; thence S. 32^-° W. 54 rods to a stake ; thence S. 35^° E. 22 rods and 4 links to a stake ; thence S. 48° E. 33 rods and 2 links to a stake ; thence S. 7^° W. 76 rods and 20 links to a stake in the south boundary line of said lot ; thence N. 89° W. 96 rods and 10 links to the place of beginning. Containing 85.87 acres, more or less. Verify the area given and plot the farm. 66 SURVEYING Modification of the Latitude and Departure Method. The area of a field may be found by a modification of the latitude and departure method, if its sides and interior angles are known. Let A, B, C, D represent the interior angles of the field ABCD (Fig. 43). Let the side AB determine the direction of reference. The bearing of AB, with reference to AB, is 0°. The bearing of BC, with reference to. AB, is the angle b = 180° — B. The bearing of CD, with reference to AB, is the angle c = C — b. The bearing of DA, with reference to AB, is the angle d = A. The area may now be com- puted by the latitude and depar- ture method, regarding AB as the meridian. In practice, the exterior angles, when acut^e, are usually measured. As the interior, angles may be measured with considerable accu- racy by the transit, the latitudes and departures should be obtained by using a table of natural sines and cosines. EXERCISE VII 1. Find the area of the field ABCD, in which the angle A = 120°, B = 60°, C = 150°, and D = 30° ; and the side AB = 4 chains, BC = 4 chains, CD = 6.928 chains, and DA = 8 chains. Keep three decimal places, and use the Traverse Table. 2. Find the area of the farm ABCDE, in which the angle A = 106° 19', B = 99° 40', C = 120° 20', D = 86° 8', and E = 127° 33'; and the side ,45 = 79.86 rods, BC = 121.13 rods, CD = 90 rods, DE = 100.65 rods, and EA = 100 rods. Use the table of natural sines and cosines, keeping two decimal places in the results. LAND SURVEYING 67 General Remarks on determining Areas. Operations depend- ing upon the reading of the magnetic needle must lack accuracy. Hence, when great accuracy is required (which is seldom the case in land surveying) the method of pp. 58-61 cannot be employed. The best results are obtained by the methods explained on pp. 51-54 and 66, the horizontal angles being measured with the transit, and great care exercised in measuring the lines. SECTION XIV LOCATION SURVEYS Definition. In surveying proper we measure lines and angles as we find them, while in location surveys we mark them out on the ground where they are required to be in order to inclose a given area, or conform to a specified shape, or meet some other given condition. Laying out, parting off, and dividing up land are included in this class of surveys. The surveyor must, for the most part, depend on his general knowl- edge of Geometry and Trigonometry, and his own ingenuity, for the solutions of problems that arise in location surveys. Illustrative Problems. Problem 1. To divide a trian- gular field into two parts having a given A ratio, by a line through a given vertex. Let ABC (Fig. 44) be the triangle, and A the given vertex. f>j) Divide BC at D, so .that equals the given ratio , an d draw A B. A BB and ^4 D C are the parts O required ; for ABB-.ABC = BB:BC. Problem 2. To cut off from a triangular field a given area, by a line parallel to the base. SURVEYING Let ABC (Fig. 45) be the triangle, and let DE be the division line required. Then ABC : ABE = AB 2 : AD 2 . 'ABC : VADE = AB : AD. <4 AD = AB- APE >ABC' iQ Problem 3. To cut off from a Fig. 45 triangular field a given fraction of the field, by a line from a given point in a side. Let ABC (Fig. 46) be the triangle, and P the point from which the line PD is to be located so as to cut off, say, one-third the area of the triangle. AD = AB x AC -T- SAP. For ABC:APD = AB X AC : AP x AD = 8:1. Fig. 46 Problem 4. To divide any field into two parts having a given ratio, by a line through a given point in the perimeter. Let ABCDE (Fig. 47) represent the field, P the given point, and PQ the required division line. The areas of the whole field and of the required parts having been determined, run the line PD from P to a corner D, dividing the field, approximately, as required. „ Determine the area PBCD. The triangle PDQ represents* the part which must be added to PBCD to make the required division. LAND SURVEYING 69 Hence, Area PBQ BQ i x PB x BQ x sin PBQ. 2 x areaPPQ PD x sin PBQ Note. BQ = 2 x area PDQ This perpendicular from perpendicular from P on BE P on Di? may be run and measured directly. Problem 5. To divide a field into a given number of parts, so that access to a pond of water is given to each. Let ABCBE (Fig. 48) represent the field, and P the pond. Let it be required to divide the field into four parts. Find the area of the field and of each part. Let AP be one division line. Run PE, and find the area APE. Take the differ- ence between APE and the area of one of the required parts ; this gives the area of the triangle PQE, from which QE may be found, as in Problem 4. Draw PQ ; PAQ is one of the required parts. In like manner, PQR and PAS are determined; whence, PSR must be the fourth part required. EXERCISE VHI 1. Prom the square A BCD, containing 6 acres 1 rood 24 perches, part off 3 acres by a line EF parallel to AB. 2. Prom the rectangle ABCD, containing 8 acres 1 rood 24 perches, part off 2 acres 1 rood 32 perches by a line EF parallel to AD which is equal to 7 chains. Then, from the remainder of the rectangle, part off 2 acres 3 roods 25 perches, by a line GH parallel to EB. 3. Part off 6 acres 3 roods 12 perches from a rectangle ABCD, containing 15 acres, by a line EF parallel to AB ; AD being 10 chains. 70 SURVEYING 4. From a square ABCD, whose side is 9 chains, part off a triangle which shall contain 2 acres 1 rood 36 perches, by a line BE drawn from B to the side AD. 5. From ABCD, representing the rectangle, whose length is 12.65 chains, and breadth 7.58 chains, part off a trapezoid which shall contain 7 acres 3 roods 24 perches, by a line BE drawn from B to the side DC. 6. In the triangle ABC, AB = 12 chains, AC = 10 chains, and BC = 8 chains ; part off a trapezoid of 1 acre 2 roods 16 perches, by the line DE parallel to AB. 7. In the triangle ABC, AB = 26 chains, AC = 20 chains, and BC = 16 chains ; part off a trapezoid of 6 acres 1 rood 24 perches, by the line DE parallel to AB. 8. It is required to divide the triangular field ABC among three persons whose claims are as the -numbers 2, 3, and 5, so that they may all have the use of a watering place at C ; AB = 10 chains, AC = 6.85 chains, and CB = 6.10 chains. 9. Divide the five-sided field A B CHE' among three persons, X, Y, and Z, in proportion to their claims, X paying $500, Y paying $750, and Z paying $1000, so that each may have the use of an interior pond at P, the quality of the land being equal throughout. Given AB = 8.64 chains, BC = 8.27 chains, CH= 8.06 chains, HE = 6.82 chains, and EA = 9.90 chains. The perpendicular PD upon AB = 5.60 chains, PD' upon BC = 6.08 chains, PD" upon CH = 4.80 chains, PD'" upon HE = 5.44 chains, and PD"" upon EA = 5.40 chains. Assume PH as the divisional fence between the shares of X and Z, it is required to determine the position of the fences PM and PN between the shares of X and Y and between the shares of Y and Z. 10. Divide the triangular field ABC, whose sides AB, AC, and BC are 15, 12, and 10 chains, respectively, into three equal LAND SURVEYING 71 parts, by fences EG and DF parallel to BC, without finding the area of the field. 11. Divide the triangular field ABC, whose sides AB, BC, and AC are 22, 17, and 15 chains, respectively, among three persons, A, B, and C, by fences parallel to the base AB, so that A may have 3 acres above the line AB, B 4 acres above A's share, and C the remainder. SECTION XV LAYING OUT THE PUBLIC LANDS Reference Lines. The public lands north of the Ohio Biver and west of the Mississippi are generally laid out in accord- ance with what is known as the rectangular system of surveying. First, an initial point is selected with great care, and then astronomically established. Through this point a principal meridian, or true north and south line, is run by means of the solar compass, or the transit with observations on Polaris ; and also an east and west line, called a base line. Crossing the principal meridian at intervals of 24 miles, both north and south of the initial point, are run other east and west lines, called standard parallels, or correction lines. Northward from the base line and from each of the standard parallels, at intervals of 24 miles, both ways from the princi- pal meridian, are run true north and south lines, called guide meridians. Thus, the land is divided into blocks approxi- mately 24 miles square. Six principal meridians have been established, in addition to which and connected with which there are twenty or more independent meridians in the western states and territories. Division from Reference Lines; Townships. Within each block parallels to the base line, or to a standard parallel, are run at intervals of 6 miles. These are called township lines. 72 SURVEYING At the same intervals are also run north and south lines, called range lines. Thus, the tract would be divided into townships exactly 6 miles square if it were not for the con- vergence of the meridians on account of the curvature of the earth. An east and west series of townships is called a tier, and a north and south series is called a range. A township is designated by giving the number of the tier north or south of the base line and the number of the range east or west of N D \f' 1, i l\k I '[l 1 m\ j- t" \p" B t' \P' 1 t A ■ \p „ r i ■ i V r' r" | G' 1 1 G ■ D- — ' C ■ 1 L' E S Fig. 49 the principal meridian. Thus, T. 3 N., R. 2 W., read town- ship three north, range two west, means that the township is in the third tier north of the base line, and in the second tier west of the principal meridian. Let NS (Fig. 49) represent a principal meridian ; WE a base line; DL and D'L' standard parallels; GM and G'M' guide LAND SURVEYING 73 meridians ; rl, r'l', . . . , range lines ; tp, t'p', . . . , township lines. If Or is taken as 6 miles, then O'l will be less than 6 miles. O'k being equal to 6 miles and O'l being less, it will be observed that there will be offsets on the base line and on standard parallels at intervals of 6 miles. Township A would be designated thus : T. 2 1ST., E. 3 E. How would townships B and C be designated ? Subdivision of Townships. The townships are divided into sections approximately 1 mile square, and the sections are divided into quarter sections. The township, section, and quarter-section corners are permanently marked. The sections are numbered, beginning at the northeast corner, as in Fig. 50, which represents a township divided into sections. The quarter sections are designated, according to their position, as N.E., KW., S.E., and S.W. Section FlG . 50 lines are surveyed in such an order as to throw the errors on the northwest quarter sections, which are carefully measured and their areas calculated. Meander Lines. If in running a line a navigable stream or a lake more than 1 mile in length is encountered, it is meandered by marking the intersection of the line with the bank and running lines from this point along the bank to prominent points which are marked, and the lengths and bearings of the connecting lines recorded. Manual. For detail of methods, see the "Manual of Sur- veying Instructions," issued by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, at Washington, D.C., for the use of Surveyors-General. 6 7 18 19 30 31 5 8 17 20 29 32 4 9 16 21 28 33 3 10 15 22 27 34 2 11 14 23 26 35 1 12 13 24 25 36 CHAPTER IV TRIANGULATION SECTION XVI DEFINITIONS The third method of surveying explained on page 51 is an example of triangulation on a small scale. The simple principle there involved is elaborately worked out in hydro- graphic or topographic surveys, or in the measurement of terrestrial arcs, as in the " Transcontinental Triangulation and American Arc of the Parallel," recently completed by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Let F (Fig. 51) represent a point whose position with reference to the base line AB is required. Connect AB with F by the series of triangles q ABC, ACD, ABE, and DEF, so that a signal at C is visible from A and B, a signal at D * visible from A and C, a signal at E visible from A and D, and a signal at F visible from D and E. In the tr ian gle A B C, the side AB is known, and the angles at A and B may be measured; hence, AC may be computed. In the triangle A CD, AC is known, and the angles at A and C may be measured ; hence, AD may be computed. In like manner, DE and EF or DF may be determined. DF, or some suitable line connected with DF, may be measured, and this result 74 TRIANGULATION 75 compared with the computed value to test the accuracy of the field measurement. This net or chain of triangles enables us to determine the relative position of all the points with respect to each other. If the point A is, furthermore, astronomically located, and the azimuth of line AB is known, then we have sufficient data also to determine the absolute geographical position of each of the points. Classification. Three orders of triangulation are recognized, viz. : primary, in which the sides are from 20 to 190 miles in length; secondary, in which the sides are from 5 to 40 miles in length, and which connect the primary with the tertiary ; tertiary, in which the sides are seldom over 5 miles in length, and which bring the survey down to such dimensions as to admit of the minor details being filled in by the compass and plane table. Measurement of Base Lines. Base lines should be measured with a degree of accuracy corresponding to their importance. Suitable ground must be selected and cleared of all obstruc- tions. Each extremity of the line may be marked by cross lines on the head of a copper tack driven into a stub which -is sunk to the surface of the ground. Poles are set up in line about half a mile apart, the alignment being controlled by a transit or theodolite placed over one end of the line. The preliminary measurement may be made with an iron wire about one-eighth of an inch in diameter and 60 meters in length, or with a steel chain of the same length. The final measurement is made with the tape line, or with bars 6 meters long, which are supported upon trestles when in use. These bars are placed end to end, and brought to a horizontal position, if this can be quickly accomplished; if not, the angle of inclination is taken by a sector, or a vertical offset is measxired with the aid of a transit, so that the exact horizontal distance can be computed. A thermometer is attached to each bar, so that the temperature of the bar may 76 SURVEYING be noted and a correction for temperature applied. Some- times the bars are laid in melting ice, in which case accuracy to at least one five-millionth part of the length measured is attainable. Measurement of Angles. Angles are measured by means of the transit with much greater accuracy than with the com- pass, since the reading of the plates of the transit is taken to minutes, and by means of microscopes to seconds, while the reading of the needle of the compass is to quarter or half- quarter degrees. In order to eliminate errors of observation and of adjust- ment, and errors arising from imperfect graduation of the circles, a large number of readings is made and their mean taken. Two methods are in use, viz., repetition and series. The method of repetition consists essentially in taking as many readings of an angle as is desired, the reading in each case after the first being from the index of the next preceding reading, and then taking the mean. The method of series is the one generally used when several angles about the same point are to be measured. It con- sists essentially in taking the readings successively on each station, then reversing the telescope and repeating the obser- vations in the reverse order, which completes a series. This process is repeated a number"of times, each series beginning with a different index. Then the mean of the different series is found. On account of the curvature of the earth, the sum of the three angles of a triangle upon its surface exceeds 180°. This spherical excess, as it is called, becomes appreciable only when the sides of the triangle are about 5 miles in length. To determine the angles of the rectilinear triangle having the same vertices, one-third of the spherical excess is generally deducted from each spherical angle. CHAPTER V LEVELING SECTION XVII DEFINITIONS A level surface is a surface parallel with the surface of still water, and is, therefore, slightly curved owing to the spheroidal shape of the earth. A level line is a line in a level surface. The line of apparent level of a place is a tangent to the level line at that place. Hence, the line of apparent level is perpendicular to the plumb line. Leveling is the process of finding the difference of level of two places, or the distance of one place above or below a level line through another place. Corrections for Curvature and Refraction. In ordinary leveling no distinction is made between true and apparent levels. In precise leveling the difference between the two is measured, i.e., correction is made for curvature of the earth. There is sometimes also a correction made for refraction of light. Let t (Fig. 52) represent the line of apparent level of the place P, a the level line, d the diameter of the earth ; then c represents the cor- rection for curvature. To compute the correction for curvature : t 2 = c(c + d). {Geometry, § 381.) t 2 a 2 Therefore, c = = — > approxi- c + d d ^ mately, since c is very small compared with • d, and t = a, very nearly. fm. 52 77 78 SURVEYING Since d is constant (=7920 miles, nearly), the correction for curvature varies as the square of the distance. Example. What is the correction for curvature for 1 mile ? By substituting in the formula deduced above, l 2 . miles = 8 inches, nearly. _ a _ C ~ ~d ~ 7920 Hence, the correction for curvature for any distance may be found in inches, approximately, by multiplying 8 by the square of the distance expressed in miles. If correction for refraction is also made, it is customary to diminish the above by about one-sixth of itself; or, c = f of 8 a 2 . SECTION XVIII DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING Single Setting of Instrument. To find the difference of level between two places when both are visible from some intermediate point, and the difference of level does not exceed 13 feet, only one setting of the level will usually be necessary. Let A and B (Fig. 53) represent the two places. Set the Y level at a station equally distant, or nearly so, from A and A' Fig. 53 B, but not necessarily on the line AB. After leveling the instrument, bring the telescope to bear upon the rod (p. 38), and by signal direct the rodman to move the target until its horizontal line is in the line of apparent level of the telescope. LEVELING 79 Let the rodman now record the height A A' of the target. In like manner find BB'. The difference between A A' and BB' is the difference of level required. If the instrument is equally distant from A and B, or nearly so, the curvature and the refraction on the two sides of the instrument balance, and no correction for curvature or refraction is necessary. Several Settings of Instrument. When both places are not visible from the same place, or when the difference of level between them is considerable, two or more settings of the level may be necessary. Let A and D (Fig. 54) represent the two places. Place the level midway between A and some intermediate station B. Fig. 54 Find A A' and BB', as in the preceding case, and record the former as a backsight and the latter as a foresight. Select another intermediate station C, and in like manner find the backsight BB" and the foresight CC ; and so continue until the place D is reached. The difference between the sum, of the foresights and the sum of the backsights ivill be the difference of level required. Since, BB' + CC + DD' - (AA' + BB" + CC") = BB' - BB" + CC - CC" + DD' - AA' = B'B" + CC" + D'D - A A' = A' A" - A A' = A A". 80 SURVEYING SECTION XIX PROFILE LEVELING Definitions. The intersection of a vertical plane with the surface of the earth is called a section, or profile. The term " profile," however, usually designates the plot, or representa- tion of the section on paper. Profile leveling is leveling to obtain the data necessary for making a profile or plot of any required section. A profile is made for the purpose of exhibiting in a single view the inequalities of the surface of the ground for great distances along the line of some proposed improvement, such as a railroad, canal, or ditch, thus facilitating the establishment of the proper grades. The data necessary for making a ru-ofile of any required section are the heights of its different points above some assumed horizontal plane, called the datum plane, together with their horizontal distances apart or their distances from the beginning of the section. The position of the datum plane is fixed with reference to some permanent object near the beginning of the section, called a bench mark, and in order to avoid negative heights is assumed at such a distance below this mark that all the points of the section shall be above it. The heights of the different points of the section above the datum plane are determined by means of the level and leveling rod ; and the horizontal length of the section is measured with an engineer's chain or tape, and divided into equal parts, usually 100 feet in length, called stations, marked by stakes numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. Where the ground is very irregular, it may be necessary, besides taking sights at the regular stakes, to take occasional sights at points between them. If, for instance, at a point LEVELING 81 40 feet in advance of stake 3 (Fig. 55) there is a sudden rise or fall in the surface, the height of this point would be determined and recorded as at stake 3.40. The readings of the rod are ordinarily taken to the nearest tenth of a foot, except on bench marks and points called turning points, where they are taken to thousandths of a foot. A turning point is a point on which the last sight is taken just before changing the position of the level, and the first sight from the new position of the instrument. A turning point may be coincident with one of the stakes, but must always be a hard point, so that the foot of the rod may stand at the same level for both readings. Fig. 55 Field Work. To explain the method of obtaining the field notes necessary for making a profile, let 0, 1, 2, 3, • • •, 11 (Fig. 55) represent a portion of a section to be leveled and plotted. Establish a bench mark at or near the beginning of the line, measure the horizontal length of the section, and set stakes 100 feet apart, numbering them 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. Place the level at some point, as between 2 and 3, and take the reading of the rod on the beneh = 4.832. Let PP' repre- sent the datum plane, say 15 feet below the bench mark; then 15 + 4.832 = 19.832 is the height of the line of sight AB, called the height of the instrument, above the datum plane. 82 SURVEYING Now take the reading at = 5.2 = A, and subtract the same from 19.832, which leaves 14.6 = F, the height of the point above the datum plane. Next take sights at 1, 2, 3, 3.40, and 4, equal, respectively, to 3.7, 3.0, 5.1, 4.8, and 8.3, and subtract the same from 19.832 ; the remainders 16.1, 16.8, Fig. 56 14.7, 15.0, and 11.5 are respective heights of the points 1, 2, 3, 3.40, and 4. * Then, as it is necessary to change the "position of the instrument, select a point in the neighborhood of 4 suitable as a turning point (t.p. in the figure), and take a careful reading on it = 8.480 ; subtract this from 19.832, and the remainder, 11.352, is the height of the turning point. Now carry the instrument forward to a new position, as between 5 . and 6, shown in the figure, while the rodman remains at t.p.; take a second reading on t.p. = 4.102, and add it to 11.352, the height of t.p. above PP'; the sum 15.454 is the height of the instrument CD in its new position. Take sight upon 5, 6, and 7, equal, respectively, to 4.9, 2.8, and 0.904 ; subtract these sights from 15.454, and the results 10.6, 12.7, and 14.550 are. the heights of the points 5, 6, and 7, respectively. The point 7, being suitable, is made a turning point, and the instrument is moved forward to a point between 9 and 10. The sight at 7 = 6.870, added to the height of 7 gives 21.420 as the height of the instrument EF in its new position. The LEVELING 83 readings at 8, 9, 10, and 11, which are, respectively, 5.4, 3.6, 5.8, and 9.0, subtracted from 21.420 give the heights of these points, namely, 16.0, 17.8, 15.6, and 12.4. Proceed in like manner until the entire section is leveled, establishing bench marks at intervals along the line to serve as reference points for future operations. The bench marks should be described with sufficient minuteness to enable any one not connected with the survey to locate them easily and unmistakably. A record of the work is given in the following table : Station + s. H.I. -s. H.S. Eemabks B 4.832 15.0 Bench on rock 20 ft. 19.832 5.2 14.6 south of 1 3.7 16.1 2 3.0 16.8 3 5.1 14.7 3 to 3.40 turnpike road 3.40 4.8 15.0 4 8.3 11.5 t.p. 4.102 8.480 11.352 - 5 15.454 4.9 10.6 6 2.8 12.7 7 6.870 0.904 14.550 8 21.420 5.4 16.0 9 3.6 17.8 10 5.8 15.6 11 9.0 12.4 B Bench on oak stump 12 27 ft. N.E. of 12, etc. etc. The first column contains the numbers or names of all the points on which sights are taken. The second column con- tains the sight taken on the first bench mark, and the sight on each turning point taken immediately after the instrument 84 SURVEYING has been moved to a new position. These are called plus sights (+ S.) because they are added to the heights of the points on which they are taken to obtain the height of the instrument given in the third column (H.I.). The fourth column contains all the readings except those recorded in the second column. These are called minus sights (— S.) because they are subtracted from the numbers in the third column to obtain all the numbers in the fifth column except the first, which is the assumed depth of the datum plane below the bench. The fifth column (H.S., height of surface) contains the required heights of all the points of the section named in the first column together with the heights of all benches and turning points. Making the Profile. Draw a line PP' (Fig. 56), to repre- sent the datum plane, and beginning at some point as P, lay off the distances 100, 200, 300, 340, 400* feet, and so on, to the right, using some convenient scale, say 200 feet to the inch. At these points of division erect perpendiculars equal in length to the height of the points 0, 1, 2, 3.40, 4, • • •, given in the fifth column of the above field notes, using in this case a larger scale, say 20 feet to the inch. Through the extremities of these perpendiculars draw the irregular line 0, 1, 2, 3, • • •, 11> and the result, with some explanatory figures, is the required plot or profile. The making of a profile is much simplified by the use of profile paper, which may be had by the yard or roll. If a horizontal plot is required, the bearings of the differ- ent portions of the section must be taken. Such a plot should be made, if it will assist in properly understanding the field work, or if it is desirable for future reference in connection with the field notes. Sometimes both the profile and the plot are drawn side by side on the same sheet ; in this case, if the line leveled over is hot straight, the profile will be longer than the plot. LEVELING 85 SECTION XX TOPOGRAPHIC LEVELING The principal object of topographic surveying is to show the contour of the ground. This operation, called topographic leveling, is performed by representing on paper the curved lines in which parallel horizontal planes at uniform distances from each other would meet the surface. It is evident that all points in the intersection of a horizontal plane with the surface of the ground are at the same level. Hence, it is necessary only to find points at the same level and join these to determine a line of intersection. The method commonly employed will be understood by reference to Fig. 57. The ground ABCD is divided into equal squares, and a numbered stake driven at each intersection. By means of a level and leveling rod the heights of the other sta- tions above m and D, the lowest stations, are determined. A plot of the ground with the intersect- ing lines is then drawn, and the -P height of each station written as in the figure. Suppose that the horizontal planes are 2 feet apart ; if the first passes through m and D, the second will pass through p, which is 2 feet above m ; and since n is 3 feet above m, the second plane will cut the line mn in a point s determined by the proportion mn :ms = 3 : 2. In like manner, the points t, q, and r are determined. The irregular line tsp ■■• qr represents the intersection of the second horizontal plane with the surface of the ground. A 86 SURVEYING In like manner, the intersections of the planes, respectively, 4, 6, and 8 feet above m are traced. The more rapid the change in level the nearer these lines approach each other. SECTION XXI DRAINAGE SURVEYING Preliminaries. The locality to be drained should first be carefully reconnoitered, with the view of ascertaining the general feature of the land so as to enable the surveyor properly to locate the drains ; the beginning, route, and terminus of which should all be definitely planned. By the beginning of a drain is meant its highest point. Field Work. The field work is essentially the same for under drains and for open drains. The first thing is to establish the line of a drain. This includes' the setting of stakes at intervals of from 50 feet to 100 feet, and also wherever there is an angle in the line ; the bearings and lengths of the successive straight-line sections, beginning with the instrument set over the beginning of the drain ; and the designation by distances of the points of meeting of roads and land lines. Levels of the lines are then taken in accordance with the method described on pp. 81-83. If circumstances will permit, it is sometimes of advantage to have the leveling process go hand in hand with the estab- lishing of the line. Plot and Profile. If a considerable region is to be drained, a plot should be made of the entire tract, and on this plot should be drawn, in proper position, the lines of the drain and its branches. In a suitable place on the sheet should be noted the courses of the various sections of the drain and the number of linear feet* belonging to each owner of land within the tract drained. A profile should also be made, LEVELING 87 as shown on page 84. From this profile inspection will determine whether a single grade will suffice, or whether a succession of different grades will be better. EXERCISE IX 1. Find the difference of level of two places from the fol- lowing field notes: backsights, 5.2, 6.8, and 4.0; foresights, 8.1, 9.5, and 7.9. 2. Stake of the following notes stands at the lowest point of a pond to be drained into a creek ; stake 10 stands at the edge of the bank, and 10.25 at the bottom of the creek. Make a profile, draw the grade line through and 10.25, and fill out the columns H.G. and C, the former to show the height of grade line above the datum, and the latter, the depth of cut at the several stakes necessary to construct the drain. Station + s. H.I. -s. H.S. H.G. C. Remarks B 6.000 25 Bench on rock 10.2 20.8 0.0 30 ft. west of 1 5.3 5.3 stake 1 2 4.6 3 4.0 4 6.8 5 4.572 7.090 6 3.9 7 2.0 8 4.9 9 4.3 10 4.5 10.25 11.8 Horizontal scale, 2 ch. = 1 in. Vertical scale, 20 ft. = 1 in. 88 SURVEYING 3. Find the difference in altitude between the highest point and the lowest point of the campus or of a field. 4. Obtain the data necessary for a profile of a half mile of highway, and mate the profile. 5. Write the proper numbers in the third and fifth columns of the following table of field notes, and make a profile of the section. Station + S. H.I. -S-. H.S. Remarks B 6.944 20 Bench on post 22 ft. 7.4 north of 1 5.6 2 3.9 3 4.6 t.p. 3.855 5.513 K 4 4.9 - 5 3.5 6 1.2 CHAPTER VI RAILROAD SURVEYING SECTION XXII LAYING OUT THE ROUTE Preliminary Survey. After it has been decided which of several feasible lines is the best, a preliminary survey for final location should be made. This should include, among other things, data referring to elevations, depressions, streams to be crossed, highways, buildings obstructing, character of soil, and natural resources affording materials for construc- tion ; also data referring to proximity to towns, titles of land, rights of way, and so on. Establishing the Roadbed. When the general route of a railroad has been determined, a middle surface line is run With the transit. A profile of this line is determined, as on page 84. The leveling stations are commonly 1 chain (100 feet) apart. Places of different level are connected by a gradient line, which intersects the perpendiculars to the datum line at the leveling stations in points determined by simple proportion. Hence, the distance of each leveling station above or below the level or gradient line which represents the position of the roadbed is known. SECTION XXIII CROSS-SECTION WORK Excavations. If the roadbed lies below the surface, an excavation is made. Let ACBD (Pig. 58) represent a cross 89 90 SURVEYING section of an excavation, f a point in the middle surface line, /' the corresponding point in the roadbed, and CD the width of the excavation at the bottom. The slopes at the sides are commonly made so that A A ' = f A'C, and BB' = f DB'. When ff and CD are known, the points A, B, C, and D' are readily determined by a level and tape measure. If from the area of the trapezoid ABB' A' the areas of the triangles AA'C and BB'D are deducted, the remainder is the area of the cross section. In like manner the cross section at the next station may be • determined. These two cross sections, if similar, are the bases of a frustum of a quadrangular pyramid whose volume will be the amount of the excavation. In case the cross sections are not similar, the computations should be made by means of the Prismoidal Formula (Geometry, § 733). Embankments. If the roadbed lies above the surface, an embankment is made, the cross section of which is like that of the excavation, but inverted. Fig. 59 represents the.cross section of an embankment which is lettered so as to show its relation to the excavation of Fig. 58- RAILROAD SURVEYING 91 SECTION XXIV CURVES Piinciples. When it is necessary to change the direction of a railroad it is done gradually by a curve, usually the arc of a circle. Let AF and AG (Fig. 60) represent two lines to be thus connected. Take any convenient length AB = AE = t. The inter- section of the perpendicu- lars BC and EC determines the centre C, and the radius of curvature BC — r. The length of the radius de- pends on the angle A and the tangent AB. triangle ABC, BC For, in the right Hence, tan BA C = — — > or tan i- A AB 2 r — t tan-^1. The degree of a railroad curve is the angle subtended at the centre of the curve by a chord of 100 feet. If D is the degree of a curve and r its radius, 50 sin \ D = — } and r = 50 esc \ D. For example, a 6° curve has a radius of 955.37 feet. Sometimes the topography of the route is such as to neces- sitate a successive series of curves of different radii, in which case the whole series of curves is called a compound curve, the principles involved being the same for each component as for a simple curve. 92 SURVEYING Methods of laying out the Curve. 1. Let Bm (Fig. 61) represent a portion of the tangent. It is required to find mP, the perpendicu- lar to the tangent meeting the curve at P. Fig. 61 But mP = Bn = CB — Cn. CB = r, and Cn = ^~CP 2 - Pn 2 = Vr' 2 — t\ Hence, mP — v — Vr 2 — t' 2 . 2. It is required to find mP (Fig. 62) in the direction of the centre. mP = mC But mC PC. Fig. 62 VlBC' 2 + Bm 2 = V>- 2 + t\ Hence, mP = Vr 2 + t 2 — r. 3. Place transits at B and E (Fig. 63). Direct the tele- scope of the former to E, and of the latter to A . Turn each toward the curve the same number of degrees, and mark P, the point of intersection of the lines of sight. P is a point in the circle to which AB and AE are tangents at B and E, respectively. 4. If the degree B of the curve is given and the tangent BA at B (Fig. 64), place -the transit at B and direct the tele- scope toward A. Turn off successively the angles ABP, PBP', Fig. 63 RAILROAD SURVEYING 93 P'BP", • • -, each equal to \D, and take BP, PP', P'P", ■ ■ ■, each 100 feet, the length of the tape. Then, P, P', P", ■ ■ ■ lie on the required curve. If the angle A and the tangent distance BA = t are given, D can be found from the formulas 50 Fig. 64 sin £ D = — > and r = t tan \ A. 50 Whence, sin \ D = — cot \ A. EXERCISE X 1. The cross-section areas at five stations, 100 feet apart, of a railroad cut are, respectively, 576.8 square feet, 695.1 square feet, 809.5 square feet, 652.0 square feet, and 511.7 square feet. Compute the volume of material in this portion of the cut : (i) on the hypothesis that the cross sections are similar; (ii) on the hypothesis that they are dissimilar, the alternate cross sections being regarded as mid-sections. 2. Find the radius of a curve of 1°, of 2°, of 3°, of 4°, of 5°. 3. Two adjacent straight sections of a railroad form an angle of 148° 16'. They are joined by a curve touching each of them at the distance of 388 feet from the vertical point. Find the radius and the degree of the curve. 4. Lay out a curve by the first or second method, and check the work by means of one of the transit methods. CHAPTER VII CITY SURVEYING . SECTION XXV FIELD WORK Instruments. Since the principles in city surveying are essentially the same as those in land surveying, instruments of the same general character as the instruments already described may be used, except that in this class of work the ordinary compass and the chain are seaside. For the smaller cities, an instrument such as the surveyor's transit is suffi- cient in accuracy for the purposes of angle measurement and for leveling. However, when extreme accuracy is demanded, as in the case of large cities, specially made instruments should be used : a transit reading to 30 seconds, or even to 10 seconds ; a high-grade Y level of at least 20-inch length ^ and a standard tape, tested for sag and temperature. Streets. In most cases the city engineer must take the streets as he finds them. When a city has outgrown its original plan, if indeed it had any, sheer necessity may demand the location of additional streets or changes in existing streets. If a proposed town or city is to be laid out, the general contour of the ground and location of the site determine to a great extent the system of streets to be adopted. Experience has shown that wherever possible a rectangular system of street lines, with a few well-located diagonal streets, is the most satisfactory. Streets ordinarily vary in width from 50 to 100 feet, and each sidewalk from 7 94 CITY SURVEYING 95 Vincent Simpson .570 ' Athletic 9) s Field < ~1 C-O-l-1- 6-ff-e Sewer i^r^^^ s i t^t^ TQ"^^ ^: Fi<;. 65 to 15 feet. The principal improvements of streets are grad- ing, paving, setting curbs, laying sidewalks, constructing sewers, and laying water pipes. 96 SURVEYING The field work necessary for all these may be included under the heads of leveling, locating lines, and locating points, which have already been described. Blocks and Lots. There is no established rule for the size of either blocks or lots. Fig. 65 gives some idea of their dimensions. The location of a block is described by refer- ence to the streets which bound it. A lot is described by number and block, or by number alone, or by giving the location and length of its bounding lines. The co-ordinate system of location of points, described on page 53, has much in its favor for use in city surveying. Monuments at points of reference and at intersections of streets and corners of lots should be of permanent character, and set with extreme care. SECTION XXVI OFFICE WORK Plots. Among the more important plots that should be prepared by the city engineer are a complete city map, drawn to scale, showing the streets and alleys, blocks and lots, with dimensions, and the location of railroads, street-car lines, sew- age system, water-pipe lines, and so on ; a topographical map of the entire city, including as may be found desirable por- tions of the surrounding region ; a profile map of the streets. These are made from the field notes, which should be amply and carefully prepared.. Records. No work of importance, whether done in the field or in the office, should fail to be recorded in some perma- nent form. Field notes, computations, plots, and copies of work specially prepared should be properly indexed and filed away. ANSWERS 97 v SURVEYING Exercise II. Page 22 2. 540°. 4. N. 51° 30' E. Exercise III. Page 27 2. 360°. 3. 235 ft. 3.8 in. Exercise V. Page 55 1. 8 a. 64 p. 6. 13 a. 6^ i>. 11. 4 a. 35 p. 2. 16 a. 74|| p. 7. 2 a. 58| p. 12. 4 a. 110 p. 3. 4 a. 5^ r- »• 11 a. 157 p. 13. 6 a. 23|| p. 4. 115-.fr p. 9. 7.51925. 5. 3 a. 78 p. 10. 13.0735. Exercise VI. Page 64 1. 2 a. 26 p. 3. 8 a. 54 p. 5. 2 a. 78 p. 7. 5 a. 42 p. 2. 20 a. 12 p. 4. 3 a. 122 p. 6. 6 a. 2 p. 8. 2 a. 151 p. Exercise VII. Page 66 1. 2 a. 12| p. 2. 98 a. 92 p. Exercise VIII. Page 69 1. AE=S.lb ch. 4. AE = 5.50 ch. 2. AE = 3.50 ch. ; 5. CE = 4.456 ch. EG = 3.42 ch. 6 AI) _ 2 .275 ch. ; BE = 1.82 ch. 3. AE = 4.55 ch. 7. ylZ> = 4.51 ch.; BE = 3.61 ch. 8. The distances on ^4B are 2 ch., 3 ch., and 5 ch. 9. EM (on EA) = 2.5087 ch. ; AN (on AB) = 6.4390 ch. 98 SURVEYING 10. Let EG>BF; then AE = 12.247 ch., AG = 0.798 ch., AD = 8.660 ch., AF = 6.928 ch. 11. LelDG>EF; then CG = 14.862 ch., CD = 13.113 ch., CF= 11.404 ch., CE= 10.062 ch. Exercise IX. Page 87 1. 9.5. 2. Column H.G. 20.8, 20.4, 20.0, 19.6, 19.2, 18.8, 18.4, 18.0, 17.6, 17.2, 16.8, 16.7. Column C. 0.0, 5.3, 6.4, 7.4, 5.0, 5.1, 6.2, 8.5, 6.0, 7.0, 7.2, 0.0. 8 9 10 10.25 5. Third column : 26.944 opposite ; 25.286 opposite 4. Fifth column : 20, 19.5, 21.3, 23, 22.3, 21.431, 20.4, 21.8, 24.1. Exercise X. Page 93 1. 9986.5 cu. yd.; 9994.9 cu. yd. 2. 5730 ft.; 2865 ft.; 1910 ft.; 1433 ft.; 1146 ft. 3. 1365 ft.; 4° 11' 53". FIVE -PLACE Logarithmic and Trigonometric TABLES ARRANGED BY G. A. WENTWORTH, A.M. G. A. HILL, A.M. Boston, U.S.A., and London PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY 1903 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by G. A. WENTWORTH and G. A. HILL in the office of the Librarian of Congress. a\ Washington Copyright, 1895, by G. A. Wentwoeth and G. A. Hill. INTRODUCTION. 1. If the natural numbers are regarded as powers of ten, the exponents of the powers are the Common or Briggs Logarithms of the numbers. If A and B denote natural numbers, a and b their logarithms, then 10 a = A, 10 6 = B ; or, written in logarithmic form, log A = a, log B = b. 2. The logarithm of a product is found by adding the logarithms of its factors. For, AX B = 10" X 10* = 10" + b . Therefore, log (A x B) = a + b = log A + log B. 3. The logarithm of a quotient is found by subtracting the logarithm of the divisor from that of the dividend. A 10 a For — = — =lo<* — i> A Therefore, log — = a — 6 = log A — log B. Jt> 4. The logarithm of a power of a number is found by multiply- ing the logarithm of the number by the exponent of the power. For, A n — (10 a )« = 10 are . Therefore, log A n — an = n log A . 5. The logarithm of the root of a number is found by dividing the logarithm of the number by the index of the root. For, y/A = \/To« = 10". Therefore, log yfI = - = ^^ • n n 6. The logarithms of 1, 10, 100, etc., and of 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, etc., are integral numbers. The logarithms of all other numbers are fractions. IV LOGARITHMS. For, 10° = 1, hence log 1 = 10 1 = 10, hence log 10 = 1 102 - ioo, hence log 100 = 2 10 3 = 1000, hence log 1000 = 3 10-i = 0.1, hence log 0. 1 = — 1 10-2= 0.01, hence log 0.01 = —2 10-s - o.OOl, hence log 0.001 = — 3 and so on. If the number is between 1 and 10, the logarithm is between and 1. If the number is between 10 and 100, the logarithm is between 1 and 2. If the number is between 100 and 1000, the logarithm is between 2 and 3. If the number is between land 0. 1 , the logarithm is between and — 1. If the number is between 0.1 and 0.01, the logarithm is between —1 and —2. If the number is between 0.01 and 0.001, the logarithm is between —2 and —3. And so on. 7. If the number is less than 1, the logarithm is negative (§ 6), but is written in such a form that the fractional part is always positive. Tor the number may be regarded as the product of two factors, one of which lies between 1 and 10, and the- other is a negative power of 10 ; the logarithm will then take the form of a difference whose minuend is a positive proper fraction, and whose subtrahend is a positive integral number. Thus, 0.48 = 4.8X0.1. Therefore (§ 2), log 0.48 = log 4.8 + log 0.1 = 0.68124 - 1. (Page 1.) Again, 0.0007 = 7x 0.0001. Therefore, log 0.0007 = log 7 + log 0.0001 = 0.84510 - 4. The logarithm 0.84510 — 4 is often written 4.84510. 8. Every logarithm, therefore, consists of two parts : a positive or negative integral number, which is called the Characteristic, and a positive proper fraction, which is called the Mantissa. Thus, in the logarithm 3.52179, the integral number 3 is the characteristic, and the fraction .52179 the mantissa. In the logarithm 0.78254 — 2, the inte- gral number — 2 is the characteristic, and the fraction 0.78254 is the mantissa. 9. If the logarithm is negative^ it is customary to change the form of the difference so that the subtrahend shall be 10 or a multiple of 10. This is done by adding to both minuend and subtrahend a number which will increase the subtrahend to 10 or a multiple of 10. Thus, the logarithm 0.78254 — 2 is changed to 8.78254 — 10 by adding 8 to both minuend and subtrahend. The logarithm 0.92737 — 13 is changed to 7.92737 — 20 by adding 7 to both minuend and subtrahend. 10. The following rules are derived from § 6 : — If the number is greater than 1, make the characteristic of the logarithm one unit less than the number of figures on the left of the decimal point. If the number is less than 1, make the characteristic of the loga- rithm negative, and one unit more than the number of zeros between the decimal point and the first significant figure of the given number. INTRODUCTION". V If the characteristic of a given logarithm is positive, make the number of figures in the integral part of the corresponding number one more than the number of units in the characteristic. If the characteristic is negative, make the number of zeros between the decimal point and the first significant figure of the correspond- ing number one less than the number of units in the characteristic. Thus, the characteristic of log 7849.27 = 3 ; the characteristic of log 0.037 = — 2 = 8.00000 — 10. If the characteristic is 4, the corresponding number has five figures in its inte- gral part. If the characteristic is — 3, that is, 7.00000 — 10, the corresponding fraction has two zeros between the decimal point and the first significant figure. 11. The logarithms of numbers that can be derived one from another by multiplication or division by an integral power of 10 have the same mantissa. For, multiplying or dividing a number by an integral power of 10 will increase or diminish its logarithm by the exponent of that power of 10 ; and since this exponent is an integer, the mantissa of the logarithm will be unaffected. Thus, log 4.6021 =0.66296. (Page 9.) log 460.21 = log (4.6021 X 10 2 ) = log 4.6021 + log 10 2 = 0.66296 + 2 = 2.66296. log 460210 = log (4.6021 X 10 5 ) = log 4.6021 + log 10 5 = 0.66296 + 5 = 5.66296. log 0.046021 = log (4.6021 ■¥ 10 2 ) = log 4.6021 - log 10 2 = 0.66296 - 2 = 8.66296 - 10. TABLE I. 12. In this table (pp. 1-19) the vertical columns headed N con- tain the numbers, and the other columns the logarithms. On page 1 both the characteristic and the mantissa are printed. On pages 2-19 the mantissa only is printed. The fractional part of a logarithm can be expressed only approx- imately, aud in a five-place table all figures that follow the fifth are rejected. Whenever the sixth figure is 5, or more, the fifth figure is increased by 1. The figure 5 is written when the value of the figure in the place in which it stands, together with the succeeding figures, is more than 4^, but less than 5. Thus, if the mantissa of a logarithm written to seven places is 5328732, it is written in this table (a five-place table) 53287. If it is 5328751, it is written 53288. If it is 5328461 or 5328499, it is written in this table 53285. Again, if the mantissa is 5324981, it is written 5325.0 ; and if it is 4999967, it is written 50000. VI LOGARITHMS. This distinction between 5 and 5, in case it is desired to curtail still further the mantissas of logarithms, removes all doubt whether a 5 in the last given place, or in the last but one followed by a zero, should be simply rejected, or whether the rejection should lead us to increase the preceding figure by one unit. Thus, the mantissa 13925 when reduced to four places should be 1392 ; but 13925 should be 1393. To Find the Logarithm of a Given Number. 13. If the given number consists of one .or two significant figures, the logarithm is given on page 1. If zeros follow the significant figures, or if the number is a proper decimal fraction, the characteristic must be determined by § 10. 14. If the given number has three significant figures, it will be found in the column headed N (pp. 2-19), and the mantissa of its logarithm in the next column to the right, and on the same line. Thus, Page 2. log 145 = 2.16137, log 14500 = 4.16137. Page 14. log 716 = 2.85491, log.0?716 = 9.85491 - 10. 15. If the given number has four significant figures, the first three will be found in the column headed 1ST, and the fourth at the top of the page in the line containing the figures 1, 2, 3, etc. The mantissa will be found in the column headed by the fourth figure, and on the same line with the first three figures. Thus, Page 15. log 7682 = 3.88547„ log 76.85 = 1.88564. Page 18. log 93280 = 4.96979, log 0.9468 = 9.97626 — 10. 16. If the given number has five or more significant figures, a process called interpolation is required. Interpolation is based on the assumption that between two con- secutive mantissas of the table the change in the mantissa is directly proportional to the change in the number. Required the logarithm of 34237. The required mantissa is (§ 11), the same as the mantissa for 3423.7 ; there- fore it will be found by adding to the mantissa of 3423 seven-tenths of the difference between the mantissas for 3423 and 3424. The mantissa for 3423 is 53441. The difference between the mantissas for 3423 and 3424 is 12. Hence, the mantissa for 3423.7 is 53441 + (0.7 x 12) = 53449. Therefore, the required logarithm of 34237 is 4.53449. INTRODUCTION. Vll Required the logarithm of 0.0015764. The required mantissa is the same as the mantissa for 1576.4 ; therefore it will be found by adding to the mantissa for 1576 four-tenths of the difference between the mantissas for 1576 and 1577. The mantissa for 1576 is 19756. The difference between the mantissas for 1576 and 1577 is 27. Hence, the mantissa for 1576.4 is 19756 + (0.4 X 27) = 19767. Therefore, the required logarithm of 0.0015764 is 7.19767 — 10. Eequired the logarithm of 32.6708. The required mantissa is the same as the mantissa for 3267.08; therefore it will be found by adding to the mantissa for 3267 eight-hundredths of the difference between the mantissas for 3267 and 3268. The mantissa for 3267 is 51415. The difference between the mantissas for 3267 and 3268 is 13. Hence, the mantissa for 3267.08 is 51415 + (0.08 X 13) = 51416. Therefore, the required logarithm of 32.6708 is 1.51416. 17. When the fraction of a unit in the part to be added to the mantissa for four figures is less than 0.5 it is to be neglected ; when it is 0.5 or more than 0.5 it is to be taken as one unit. Thus, in the first example, the part to be added to the mantissa for 3423 is 8.4, and the .4 is rejected. In the second example, the part to be added to the mantissa for 1576 is 10.8, and 11 is added. To Find the Antilogarithm ; that is, the Number Corre- sponding to a Given Logarithm. ) 18. If the given mantissa can be found in the table, the first three figures of the required number will be found in the same line with the mantissa in the column headed 1ST, and the fourth figure at the top of the column containing the mantissa. The position of the decimal point is determined by the charac- teristic (§ 10). Find the number corresponding to the logarithm 0.92002. Page 16. The number for the mantissa 92002 is 8318. The characteristic is ; therefore, the required number is 8.318. Find the number corresponding to the logarithm 6.09167. Page 2. The number for the mantissa 09167 is 1235. The characteristic is 6 ; therefore, the required number is 1235000. Find the number corresponding to the logarithm 7.50325 — 10. Page 6. The number for the mantissa 50325 is 3186. The characteristic is — 3 ; therefore, the required number is 0.003186. Vlll LOGARITHMS. 19. If the given mantissa cannot be found in the table, find in the table the two adjacent mantissas between which the given mantissa lies, and the four figures corresponding to the smaller of these two mantissas will be the first four significant figures of the required number. If more than four figures are desired, they may be found by interpolation, as in the following examples : Find the number corresponding to the logarithm 1.48762. Here the two adjacent mantissas of the table, between which the given man- tissa 48762 lies, are found to be (page 6) 48756 and 48770. The corresponding numbers are 3078 and 3074. The smaller of these, 3073, contains the first four significant figures of the required number. The difference between the two adjacent mantissas is 14, and the difference between the corresponding numbers is 1. The difference between the smaller of the two adjacent mantissas, 48756, and the given mantissa, 48762, is 6. Therefore, the number to be annexed to 3073 is T 6 ¥ of 1 = 0.428, and the fifth significant figure of the required number is 4. Hence, the required number is 30.734. Find the number corresponding to the logarithm 7.82326 — 10. The two adjacent mantissas between which 82326 lies are (page 13) 82321 and 82328. The number corresponding to the mantissa 82321 is 6656. The difference between the two adjacent mantissas is 7, and the difference between the corresponding numbers is 1. The difference between the smaller mantissa, 82321, and the given mantissa, 82326, is 5. Therefore, the number to be annexed to 6656 is f of 1 = 0.7, and the fifth significant figure of the required number is 7. Hence, the required number is 0.0066567. In using a five-place table the numbers corresponding to man- tissas may be carried to five significant figures, and in the first part of the table to six figures.* 20. The logarithm of the reciprocal of a number is called the Cologarithm of the number. If A denotes any number, then colog A = log — = log 1 — log A (§ 3) = — log A. Hence, the cologarithm of a number is equal to the logarithm of the number with the minus sign prefixed, which sign affects the entire logarithm, both characteristic and mantissa. *In most tables of logarithms proportional parts are given as an aid to interpolation ; but, after a little practice, the operation can be performed nearly as rapidly without them. Their omission allows a page with larger-faced type and more open spacing, and consequently less trying to the eyes. INTRODUCTION. IX In order to avoid a negative mantissa in the cologarithm, it is customary to substitute for — log A its equivalent (10— log A)— 10. Hence, the cologarithm of a number is found by subtracting the logarithm of the number from 10, and then annexing — 10 to the remainder. The best way to perform the subtraction is to begin on the left and subtract each figure of log A from 9 until we reach the last significant figure, which must be subtracted from 10. If log A is greater in absolute value than 10 and less than 20, then in order to avoid a negative mantissa, it is necessary to write — log A in the form (20 - log A)— 20. So that, in this case, colog A is found by subtracting log A from 20, and then annexing — 20 to the remainder. Find the cologarithm of 4007. 10 -10 Page 8. log 4007 = 3.60282 colog 4007= 6.39718 — 10 Find the cologarithm of 103992000000. 20 -20 Page 2. log 103992000000 = 11.01700 colog 103992000000 = 8.98300 — 20 If the characteristic of log A is negative, then the subtrahend, — 10 or — 20, will vanish in finding the value of colog A. Find the cologarithm of 0.004007. 10 - 10 log 0.004007 = 7.60282 - 10 colog 0.004007 = 2.39718 With practice, the cologarithm of a number can be taken from the table as rapidly as the logarithm itself. By using cologarithms the inconvenience of subtracting the log- arithm of a divisor is avoided. For dividing by a number is equivalent to multiplying by its reciprocal. Hence, instead of subtracting the logarithm of a divisor its cologarithm may be added. LOGARITHMS. Exercises. Find the logarithms of : 1. 6170. 2. 0.617. 3. 2867. 4. 85.76. 5. 296.8. 6. 7004. 7. 0.8694. 8. 0.5908. 9. 73243. 10. 67.3208. 11. 18.5283. 12. 0.0042003. Find the cologarithms of 13. 72433. 14. 802.376. 15. 15.7643. 16. 869.278. 17. 154000. 18. 70.0426. 19. 0.002403. 20. 0.000777. 21. 0.051828. Find the antilogarithms of : 22. 2.47246. 23. 7.89081. 24. 2.91221. 25. 1.26784. 26. 3.79029. 27. 5.18752. 28. 9.79029-10. 29. 7.62328 — 10. 30. 6.15465-10. Computation by Logarithms. 21. (1) Find the value of x, if x = 72214 X 0.08203. Page 14. log 72214 = 4.85862 Page 16. log 0.08203 = 8.91397 — 10 By §2. logx =3.77259 Page 11. x = 5923.63 (2) Find the value of x, if x = 5250 -=- 23487. Page 10. Page 4. Page 4. log 5250 colog 23487 logx .-. X = 3.72016 = 5.62917 - 10 = 9.34933 - 10 = log 0.22353 = 0.22353 7.56 X 4667 X 567 '899.1X0.00337X23435 Page 15. log 7.56 = 0.87852 Page 9. log 4667 = 3.66904 Page 11. log 567 = 2.75358 Page 17. colog 899.1 = 7.04619 — 10 Page 6. colog 0.00337 = 2.47237 Page 4. colog 23435 = 5.63013 — 10 Page 5. log x = 2.44983 = log 281.73 .-. x = 281.73. INTRODUCTION. XI (4) Find the cube of 376. Page 7. log 376 = 2.57519 Multiply by 3 (§ 4), 3 Page 10. log 3763 = 7.72557 = log 53158600 .-. 37 6 3 = 53158600. (5) Find the square of 0.003278. Page 6. log 0.003278 = 7.51561 — 10 2 Page 2. log 0.003278 2 = 15.03122 — 20 = log 0.000010745 .-.0.0032782= 0.000010745. (6) Find the square root of 8322. Page 16. log 8322 = 3.92023 Divide by 2 (§ 5), 2 )3.92023 log V8322 = 1.96012 = log 91.226 .-. V8322 = 91.226. If the given number is a proper fraction, its logarithm will have as a subtrahend 10 or a multiple of 10. In this case, before divid- ing the logarithm by the index of the root, both the subtrahend and the number preceding the mantissa should be increased by such a number as will make the subtrahend, when divided by the index of the root, 10 or a multiple of 10. (7) Find the square root of 0.000043641. Page 8. log 0.000043641 = 5.63989— K 10 -10 Divide by 2 (§ 5), 2 )15.63989 — 20 Page 13. log V 0. 000043641 = 7.81995 — 10 = log 0.0066062 .-. V0.000043641 = 0.0066062. (8) Find the sixth root of 0.076553. Page 15. log 0.076553 = 8.88397-10 50 -50 Divide by 6 (§ 5), 6 )58.88397 — 60 Page 13. log V0. 076553 = 9.81400 - 10 = log 0.65163 .-. \/0.076553 = 0.65163. Exercises. Find by logarithms the value of : 45607 5.6123 2.567 ' 31045* ' 0.01987' ' 0.05786' Xll LOGARITHMS. 0.06547 ' 74.938 X 0.05938° r 4.657 X 0.03467 ' 3.908 X 0.07189' 0.0075389 X 0.0079 ' 0.00907 X 009784' 312 X 7.18 X 31.82 * 519 X 8.27 X 5.132* 0.007 x 57.83 X 28.13 ' 9.317 X 00.28 X 476.5* 5.55 X 0.0007632 X 0.87654 9. 2.79 X 0.0009524 X 1.46785 /(XOOj \o.oo; r . 003457 X 43.387 X 99.2 X 0.00025 '" 005824 X 15.724 X 1.38 X 0.00089 s/ 23.815 X 29.36 X 0.007 X 0.62487 X/ 0.00072 X 9.236 X 5.924 X 3.0007 ,^1416 X 0.031416 X 0.0031416 '■Vi 7285 X 0.017285 X 0.0017285 TABLE II. 22. This table (page 20) contains the value of the number nr its most useful combinations, and their logarithms. Find the length of an arc of 47° 32' 57' 1, in a unit circle. 47° 32' 57" = 171177" log 171177 "= 5.23344 log \ = 4.68557 - 10 ° a " • ■ log arc 47° 32' 57" = 9.91901 - 10 = log 0.82994 .-. length of arc = 0.82994. Find the angle if the length of its arc in a unit circle = 0.54936. log 0.54936 =9.73986-10 colog — = log a" = 5.31443 ° a log angle = 5.05429 = log 113316 .-. angle = 113316" = 31° 28' 36". INTRODUCTION. X1H 23. The relations between arcs and angles given in Table II. are readily deduced from the circular measure of an angle. In Circular Measure an angle is defined by the equation , arc angle = — -. — , ■ radius in which the word arc denotes the length of the arc corresponding to the angle, when both arc and radius are expressed in terms of the same linear unit. Since the arc and radius for a given angle in different circles vary in the same ratio, the value of the angle given by this equa- tion is independent of the value of the radius. The angle which is measured by a radius-arc is called a Radian, and is the angular unit in circular measure. C -J- C Since C = 2 ttB, it follows that — = 2 7r, and ■*=- = it. Therefore, Jx K If the arc = circumference, the angle = 2 nr. If the arc = semicircumference, the angle = it. If the arc = quadrant, the angle = ^ it. If the arc = radius, the angle = 1. Therefore, tt = 180°, \ it — 90°, £ it = 60°, ± it = 45°, £ it — 30", £ it = 22^°, and so on. Since 180° in common measure equals it units in circular measure, 1° in common measure = zr^ units in circular measure ; 180 -....., 180°. 1 unit in circular measure = m common measure. 7T By means of these two equations, the value of an angle expressed in one measure may be changed to its value in the other measure. Thus, the angle whose arc is equal to the radius is an angle of 180° 1 unit in circular measure, and is equal to , or 57° 17' 45", 7T very nearly. TABLE III. 24. This table (pp. 21-49) contains the logarithms of the trigo- nometric functions of angles. In order to avoid negative character- istics, the characteristic of every logarithm is printed 10 too large. Therefore, — 10 is to be annexed to each logarithm. On pages 28-49 the characteristic remains the same throughout each column, and is printed at the top and the bottom of the column. XIV LOGARITHMS. But on pp. 30, 49, the characteristic changes one unit in value at the places marked with bars. Above these bars the proper characteristic- is printed at the top, and below them at the bottom, of the column. 25. On pages 28-49 the log sin, log tan, log cot, and log cos, of 1° to 89°, are given to every minute. Conversely, this part of the table gives the value of the angle to the nearest minute when log sin, log tan, log cot, or log cos is known, provided log sin or log cos lies between 8.24186 and 9.99993, and log tan or log cot lies between 8.24192 and 11.75808. If the exact value of the given logarithm of a function is not found in the table, the value nearest to it is to be taken, unless interpolation is employed as explained in § 26. If the angle is less than 45° the number of degrees is printed at the top of the page, and the number of minutes in the column to the left of the columns containing the logarithm. If the angle is greater than 45°, the number of degrees is printed at the bottom of the page, and the number of minutes in the column to the right of the columns containing the logarithms. If the angle is less than 45°, the names of its functions are printed at the top of the page ; if greater than 45°, at the bottom of the page. Thus, Page 38. log sin 21° 37' = 9.56631-10. Page 45. log cot 36° 53' =10. 12473 -10 = 0. 12473. Page 37. log cos 69° 14' = 9.54969 — 10. Page 49. log tan 45° 59' = 10.01491 — 10 = 0.01491. Page 48. If log cos = 9.87468 — 10, angle = 41° 28'. Page 34. If log cot = 9.39353 — 10, angle = 76° 6'. If log sin = 9.47760 — 10, the nearest log sin in the table is 9.47774 — 10 (page 36), and the angle corresponding to this value is 17° 29'. If log tan = 0.76520 = 10.76520 — 10, the nearest log tan in the table is 10.76490 — 10 (page 32), and the angle corresponding to this value is 80° 15'. 26. If it is desired to obtain the logarithms of the functions of angles that contain seconds, or to obtain the value of the angle in degrees, minutes, and seconds, from the logarithms of its functions,, interpolation must be employed. Here it must be remembered that, The difference between two consecutive angles in the table is 60". Log sin and log tan increase as the angle increases ; log cos and log cot diminish as the angle increases. INTRODUCTION. XV Find log tan 70° 46' 8". Page 37. log tan 70° 46' = 0.45731. The difference between the mantissas of log tan 70° 46' and log tan 70° 47' is 41, and ^ of 41 — 5. As the function is increasing, the 5 must be added to the figure in the fifth place of the mantissa 45731 ; and Therefore log tan 70° 46' 8'' = 0.45736. Find log cos 47° 35' 4". Page 48. log cos 47° 35' = 9.82899 — 10. The difference between this mantissa and the mantissas of the next log cos is 14, and ^ of 14 = 1. As the function is decreasing, the 1 must be subtracted from the figure in the fifth place of the mantissa 82899 ; and Therefore log cos 47° 35' 4" = 9.82898 — 10. Find the angle for which log sin = 9.45359 — 10. Page 35. The mantissa of the nearest smaller log sin in the table is 45334. The angle corresponding to this value is 16° 30'. The difference between 45334 and the given mantissa, 45359, is 25. The difference between 45334 and the next following mantissa, 45377, is 43, and ff of 60" = 35". As the function is increasing, the 35" must be added to 16° 30'; and the required angle is 16° 30' 35". Find the angle for which log cot = 0.73478. Page 32. The mantissa of the nearest smaller log cot in the table is 73415. The angle corresponding to this value is 10° 27'. The difference between 73415 and the given mantissa is 63. The difference between 73415 and the next following mantissa is 71, and ff- of 60" = 53". As the function is decreasing, the 53" must be subtracted from 10° 27'; and the required angle is 10° 26' 7". Find Exercises. 1. log sin 30° 8' 9". 9. log tan 25° 27' 47". 2. log sin 54° 54' 40". 10. log cos 56° 11' 57". 3. log cos 43° 32' 31". 11. log cot 62° 0' 4". 4. log cos 69° 25' 11". 12. log cos 75° 26' 58". 5. log tan 32° 9' 17". 13. log tan 33° 27' 13". 6. log tan 50° 2' 2". 14. log cot 81° 55' 24". 7. log cot 44° 33' 17". 15. log tan 89° 46' 35". 8. log cot 55° 9' 32". 16. log tan 1° 25' 56". XVI LOGARITHMS. Find the angle A if 17. log sin A- 9.70075. 25. log cos A — 9.40008. 18. log sin A= 9.91289. 26. log cot A = 9.78815. 19. logcos^4= 9.86026. 27. log cos A - 9.34301. 20. log cos A= 9.54595. 28. log tan A = 10.52288. 21. logtan^= 9.79840. 29. log cot A = 9 65349. 22. log tan J. = 10.07671. 30. log sin A = 8.39316. 23. log cot A = 10.00675. 31. log sin A = 8.06678. 24. log cot A= 9.84266. 32. log tan A = 8.11148. 27. If log sec or log esc of an angle is desired, it may be found from the table by the formulas, sec A = 7 ; hence, log sec A = colog cos A. cos A ° esc A = — - ; hence, log esc A = colog sin A. sin A Page 31. log sec 8° 28' = colog cos 8° 28' = 0.00476. Page 42. log esc 59° 36' 44" = colog sin 59° 36' 44" = 0.06418. 28. If a given angle is between 0° and 1°, or between 89° and 90°; or, conversely, if a given log sin or log cos does not lie between the limits 8.24186 and 9.99993 in the table; or, if a given log tan or log cot does not lie between the limits 8.2 ; |192 and 11.75808 in the table ; then pages 21-24 of Table III. must be used. On page 21, log sin of angles between 0° and 0° 3', or log cos of the complementary angles between 89° 57' and 90°, are given to every second; for the angles between 0° and 0° 3', log tan = log sin, and log cos = 0.00000 ; for the angles between 89° 57' and 90°, log cot = log cos, and log sin = 0.00000. On pages 22-24, log sin, log'tan, and log cos of angles between 0° and 1°, or log cos, log cot, and log sin of the complementary angles between 89° and 90°, are given to every 10". Whenever log tan or log cot is not given, they may be found by the formulas, log tan = colog cot. • log cot = colog tan. Conversely, if a given log tan or log cot is not contained in the table, then the colog must be found ; this will be the log cot or log tan, as the case may be, and will be contained in the table. On pages 25-27 the logarithms of the functions of angles between 1° and 2°, or between 88° and 90°, are given in the manner employed on pages 22-24. These pages should be used if the angle lies between these limits, and if not only degrees and minutes, but degrees, minutes, and multiples of 10" are given or required. INTRODUCTION. XV11 When the angle is between 0° and 2°, or 88° and 90°, and a greater degree of accuracy is desired than that given by the table, interpolation may be employed ; but for these angles interpolation does not always give true results, and it is better to use Table IV. Find log tan 0° 2' 47", and log cos 89° 37' 20". Page 21. log tan 0° 2' 47" = log sin 0° 2" 47" = 6.90829 - 10. Page 23. log cos 89° 37' 20" = 7.81911 — 10. Find log cot 0° 2' 15". 10 -10 Page 21. log tan 0° 2' 15" = 6.81591-10 Therefore, log cot 0° 2' 15" = 3.18409 Find log tan 89° 38' 30". 10 -10 Page 23. log cot 89° 38' 30" = 7.79617 — 10 Therefore, log tan 89° 38' 30" = 2.20383 Find the angle for which log tan = 6.92090 — 10. Page 21. The nearest log tan is 6.92110 — 10. The corresponding angle for which is 0° 2' 52". Find the angle for which log cos = 7.70240 — 10. Page 22. The nearest log cos is 7.70261 — 10. Ihe corresponding angle for which is 89° 42' 40". Find the angle for which log cot = 2.37368. This log cot is not contained in the table. The colog cot = 7.62632 — 10 = log tan. The log tan in the table nearest to this is (page 22) 7.62510— 10, and the angle corresponding to this value of log tan is 0° 14' 30". 29. If an angle x is between 90° and 360°, it follows, from formulas established in Trigonometry, that, between 90° and 180°, between 180° and 270°, log sin x = \og sin (180° — x), log sin a; = log sin (x — 180°)„, log cos x = log cos (180° — x) n , log cos x = log cos (x — 180°)„, log tan x = log tan (180° — x) n , log tan x = log tan (x — 180°), log cot x = log cot (180° — x) n ; log cot x = log cot (x — 180°) ; between 270° and 360°, log sin £ = log sin (360° — x) n , log cos # = log cos (360° — x), log tan x = log tan (360° — x) n , log cot cc = log cot (360° — x) n . XV111 LOGARITHMS. The letter n is placed (according to custom) after the logarithms of those functions which are negative in value. The above formulas show, without further explanation, how to find by means of Table III. the logarithms of the functions of any angle between 90° and 360°. Thus, log sin 137° 45' 22" = log sin 42° 14' 38" = 9.82756 — 10. log cos 137° 45' 22" = log„ cos 42° 14' 38" = 9.86940 n — 10. log tan 137° 45' 22" = log„ tan 42° 14' 38" = 9.95815„ — 10. log cot 137° 45' 22" = log,, cot 42° 14' 38" = 0.04185„. log sin 209° 32' 50" = log, sin 29° 32' 50" = 9.69297 n — 10. log cos 330° 27' 10" = log cos 29° 32' 50" = 9.93949 — 10. Conversely, to a given logarithm of a trigonometric function there correspond between 0° and 360° four angles, one angle in each quadrant, and so related that if x denote the acute angle, the other three angles are 180° —x, 180° +x, and 360° — x. If besides the given logarithm it is known whether the function is positive or negative, the ambiguity is confined to two quadrants, therefore to two angles. Thus, if the log tan = 9.47451 — 10, the angles are 16° 36' 17" in Quadrant I. and 196° 36' 17" in Quadrant III. ; but if the log tan = 9.47451„— 10, the angles are 163° 23' 43" in Quadrant II. and 343° 23' 43" in Quadrant IV. To remove all ambiguity, further conditions . are required, or a knowledge of the special circumstances connected with the problem in question. TABLE IV. 30. This table (page 50) must be used when great accuracy is desired in working with angles between 0° and 2°, or between 88° and 90°. The values of S and T are such that when the angle a is expressed in seconds, S = log sin a — log a", T = log tan a — log a". Hence follow the formulas given on page 50. The values of S and T are printed with the characteristic 10 too large, and in using them — 10 must always be annexed. Find log sin 0° 58' 17". 0° 58' 17" = 3497" log 3497 = 3.54370 S = 4.68555 — 10 log sin 0° 58' 17" = 8.22925 - 10 Find log cos 88° 26' 41.2". 90° - 88° 26' 41.2" = 1° 33' 18.8" = 5598.8" log 5598.8 = 3.74809 S = 4.68552 - 10 log cos 88° 26' 41.2" = 8.43361 — 10 INTRODUCTION. Find log tan 0° 52' 47.5". 0° 52' 47.5" = 3167.5" log 3167.5 = 3.50072 T = 4.68561 — 10 , log tan 0° 52' 47.5" = 8.18633 - 10 Find log tan 89° 54' 37.362". 90° - 89° 54' 37.362" = 0° 5' 22.638" = 322.638" log 322.638 = 2.50871 T = 4.68558 — 10 log cot 89° 54' 37.362" = 7.19429 — *o log tan 89° 54' 37.362" = 2.80571 Find the angle, if log sin = 6. 72306 — 10. 6.72306-10 S= 4.68557 — 10 Subtract, 2.03749 109.015" = log 109.0K = 0° 1' 49.01 Find the angle for which log cot = 1.67604. colog cot - T Subtract, = 8.32396 - = 4.68564 - 3.63832 4348.3" 10 10 = log 4348.3 = 1° 12' 28.3 Find the angle for which log tan = 1.55407. colog tan = 8.44593 — 10 T = 4.68569 — 10 Subtract, 3.76024 = log 5757.6 5757.6" = 1° 35' 57.6", and 90° — 1° 35' 57.6" = 88° 24' 2.4". Therefore, the angle required is 88° 24' 2.4". TABLE V. 31. This table (p. 51), containing the circumferences and areas of circles, does not require explanation. TABLE VI. 32. Table VI. (pp. 52-69). contains the natural sines, cosines, tangents, and cotangents of angles from 0° to 90°, at inter- vals of 1'. If greater accuracy is desired it may be obtained by interpolation. Note. In preparing the preceding explanations, we have made free use of the Logarithmic Tables by F. G. Gauss. For Table VI. we are indebted to D. Carhart. TABLE VII. 33. This table (pp. 70-75) gives the latitude and departure to three places of decimals for distances from 1 to 10, corresponding to bearings from 0° to 90° at intervals of 15'. XX LOGARITHMS. If the bearing does not exceed 45° it is found in the left-hand column, and the designations of the columns under " Distance " are taken from the top of the page ; but if the bearing exceeds 45°, it is found in the right-h.a,n&. column, and the designations of the columns under " Distance " are taken from the bottom of the page. The method of using the table will be made plain by the follow- ing examples : — (1) Let it be required to find the latitude and departure of the course K 35° 15' E. 6 chains. On p. 75, left-hand column, look for 35° 15' ; opposite this hearing, in the vertical column headed "Distance 6," are found 4.900 and 3.463 under the headings ' ' Latitude ' ' and ' ' Departure ' ' respectively. Hence, latitude or northing = 4.900 chains, and departure or easting = 3.463 chains. (2) Let it be required to find the latitude and departure of the course S. 87° W. 2 chains. . As the bearing exceeds 45°, we look in the rigttt-hand column of p. 70, and opposite 87° in the column marked "Distance 2 " we find (taking the designa- tions of the columns from the bottom of the page) latitude = 0.105 chains, and departure = 1.997 chains. Hence, latitude or southing = 0.105 chains, and departure or westing = 1.997 chains. (3) Let it be required to find the latitude and departure of the course K 15° 45' W. 27.36 chains. In this case we find the required numbers for each figure of the distance separately, arranging the work as in the following table. In practice, only the last columns under ' ' Latitude ' ' and ' ' Departure ' ' are written. Distance. Latitude. Depaetuee. 20 = 2 X 10 7 0.3 =3 -M0 0.06 = 6 + 100 1.925 X 10 = 19.25 6.737 2.887 -M0 =0.289 5.776 -£.100 = 0.058 0.543 X 10 = 5.43 1.90 0.814 -M0 =0.081 1.628 -7- 100 = 0.016 27.36 26.334 7.427 Hence, latitude = 26.334 chains, and departure = 7.427 chains. TABLE I. THE COMMON OK BEIGGS LOGAEITHMS OF THE NATUEAL IUMBEES From 1 to 10000. 1-100 N log N log N log N log N log 1 0. 00 000 21 1.32 222 41 1.61278 61 1. 7S 533 81 1.90 849 2 0. 30 103 22 1.34 242 42 1. 62 325 62 1. 79 239 82 1. 91 3S1 3 0. 47 712 23 1.36173 43 1. 63 347 63 1. 79 934 83 1. 91 908 4 0. 60 206 24 1.3S021 44 1. 64 345 64 1.80 618 84 1.92 428 5 0.69 897 25 1. 39 794 45 1. 65 321 65 1. 81 291 85 1. 92 942 6 0. 77 815 26 1.41497 46 1.66 276 66 1. 81 954 86 1.93 450 7 0. 84 510 27 1. 43 136 47 1.67 210 67 1. 82 607 87 1. 93 952 8 0. 90 309 28 1. 44 716 48 1. 68 124 68 1. S3 251 88 1. 94 448 9 0. 95 424 29 1.46 240 49 1.69 020 69 1. S3 885 89 1. 94 939 10 1.00 000 30 1. 47 712 50 1. 69 897 70 1. 84 510 90 1. 95 424 11 1.04139 31 1. 49 136 51 1.70 757 71 1. 85 126 91 1.95 904 12 1.07 918 32 1.50 515 52 1. 71 600 72 1. 85 733 92 1.96 379 13 1. 11 394 33 1. 51851 53 1.72 428 73 1.86 332 93 1.96 848 14 1.14 613 34 1. 53 14S 54 1. 73 239 74 1.86 923 94 1.97 313 15 1.17 609 35 1. 54 407 55 1.74 036 75 1. 87 506 95 1. 97 772 16 1.20 412 36 1. 55 630 56 1.74 819 76 1.88 081 96 1. 98 227 17 1.23 045 37 1. 56 820 57 1. 75 587 77 1.8S649 97 1.98 677 18 1. 25 527 38 1.57 978 58 1.76 343 78 1. 89 209 98 1.99123 19 1.27 875 39 1. 59 106 59 1. 77 085 79 1. 89 763 99 1. 99 564 20 1. 30 103 40 1. 60 206 60 1. 77 815 80 1. 90 309 100 2. 00 000 N log N log N log N log N log 1-100 2 100-150 Sf O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 00 000 00 043 00 087 00130 00173 00 217 00 260 00 303 00 346 00 389 101 00 432 00 475 00 518 00 561 00 604 00 647 00 689 00 732 00 775 00 817 102 00 860 00 903 00 945 00 988 01030 01072 0x115 01157 01199 01242 ,103 01284 01326 01368 01410 014S2 01494 01536 01578 01620 01662 104 01703 01745 01787 01828 01870 01912 01953 01995 02 036 02 078 105 02119 02160 02 202 02 243 02 284 02 325 02 366 02 407 02 449 02 490 106 02 531 02 572 02 612 02 653 02 694 02 735 02 776 02 816 02 857 02 898 107 02 938 02 979 03 019 03 060 03100 03 141 03181 03 222 03 262 03 302 108 03 342 03 383 03 423 03 463 03 503 03 543 03 583 03 623 03 663 03 703 109 03 743 03 782 03 822 03 862 03 902 03 941 03 981 04 021 04 060 04100 HO 04139 04179 04 218 04 258 04 297 04 336 04 376 04 415 04 454 04 493 111 04 532 04 571 04 610 04 650 04 689 04 727 04 766 04 805 04 844 04 883 112 04 922 04 961 04 999 05 038 05 077 05115 05 154 05 192 05 231 05 269 113 05 308 05 346 05 3S5 05 423 05 461 05 500 05.538 05 576 05 614 05 652 114 05 690 05 729 05 767 05 805 05 843 05 881 05 918 05 956 05 994 06 032 115 06 070 06108 06145 06183 06 221 06 258 06 296 06 333 06 371 06408 116 06 446 06 483 06 521 06 558 06 595 06 633 06 670 06 707 06 744 06 781 117 06 819 06 856 06 893 06 930 06 967 07 004 07 041 07 078 07115 07151 118 07188 07 225 07 262 07 298 07 335 07 372 07 408 07 445 07 482 07 518 119 07 555 07 591 07 628 07 664 07 700 07 737 07 773 07 809 07 846 07 882 120 07 918 07 954 07 990 08 027 08 063 08 099 08135 08171 08 207 08 243 121 08 279 08 314 08 350 08 386 08 422 08 458 08 493 08 529 08 565 08 600 122 08 636 08 672 08 707 08 743 08 778 08 814 08 849 08 884 08 920 08 955 123 08 991 09 026 09 061 09 096 09132 09167 09 202 09 237 09 272 09 307 124 09 342 09 377 09 412 09 447 09482 09 517 09 552 09 587 09 621 09 656 125 09 691 09 726 09 760 09 795 09 830 09 864 09 890 09 934 09 968 10 003 126 10 037 10 072 10106 10140 10175 10 209 10 243 10 278 10 312 10 346 127 10 380 10 415 10 449 10 483 10 517 10 551 10 585 10 619 10 653 10 687 128 10 721 10 755 10 789 10 823 10 857 10 890 10 924 10 958 10 992 11025 129 11059 11093 11126 11160 11193 11227 11261 11294 11327 11361 130 11394 11428 11461 11494 11528 11561 11594 11628 11661 11694 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200-250 250-300 5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 39 933 9 250 39 794 39S11 39 829 39S46 39 863 39 881 39 898 39 915 39 950 251 39 967 39 985 40 002 40 019 40 037 40 054 40 071 40 OSS 40106 40123 252 40140 40157 40175 40 192 40 209 40 226 40 243 40 261 40 278 40 295 253 40 312 40 329 40 346 40 364 40 381 40 398 40 415 40 432 40 449 40466 254 40 4S3 40 500 40 51S 40 535 40 552 40 569 40 586 40 603 40 620 40 637 255 40 654 40 671 40 688 40 705 40 722 40 739 40 756 40 773 40 790 40807 256 40 824 40S41 40 85 S 40S75 40 892 40 909 40 926 40 943 40 960 40976 257 40 993 41010 41027 41044 41061 4107S 41095 41111 41 128 41 145 258 41 162 41 179 41196 41212 41229 41246 41263 412S0 41296 41313 259 41330 41347 41363 41380 41397 41414 41430 41447 41464 414S1 260 41497 41514 41531 41547 41564 41581 41597 41614 41631 41647 261 41664 41681 41697 41714 41731 41747 41764 41780 41797 41814 262 41830 41847 41863 41 S80 41S96 41913 41929 41946 41963 41979 263 41996 42 012 42 029 42 045 42 062 42 078 42 095 42 111 42 127 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96 820 96 825 96 830 96 834 96 839 96 844 930 96 848 96 853 96 858 96 862 96 867 96 872 96 876 96 881 96 886 96 890 931 96 895 96 900 96 904 96 909 96 914 96 918 96 923 96 928 96 932 96 937 932 96 942 96 946 96 951 96 956 96 960 96 965 96 970 96 974 96 979 96 984 933 96 988 96 993 96 997 97 002 97 007 . 97 011 97 016 97 021 97 025 97 030 934 97 035 97 039 97 044 97 049 97 053 97 058 97 063 97 067 97 072 97 077 935 97 081 97 086 97 090 97 095 97100 97104 97109 97114 97118 97123 936 97128 97132 97137 97142 97 146 97151 97155 97160 97 165 97169 937 97174 97179 97183 97 188 97 192 97197 97 202 97 206 97 211 97 216 938 97 220 97 225 97 230 97 234 97 239 97 243 97 248 97 253 97 257 97 262 939 97 267 97 271 97 276 97 280. 97 2S5 . 97 290 97 294 97 299 97 304 97 308 940 97 313 97 317 97 322 97 327 97 331 97 336 97 340 97 345 97 350 97 354 941 97 359 97 364 97 368 97 373 97 377 97 382 97 387 97 391 97 396 97 400 942 97 405 97 410 97 414 97 419 97 424 97 428 97 433 97 437 97 442 97 447 943 97 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987 97 991 97 996 955 98 000 98 005 98 009 9S014 98 019 98 023 98 028 98 032 98 037 9S041 956 98 046 98 050 9S055 98 059 98 064 98 068 98 073 98 078 98 082 98 087 957 98 091 98 096 98100 98 105 9S109 98 114 98 118 98 123 98127 9S132 958 98137 98141 98146 98 150 98155 98159 98164 98168 98173 9S177 959 98182 98186 98 191 98195 98 200 98 204 98 209 98 214 98 218 98 223 960 98 227 98 232 98 236 98 241 98 245 98 250 98 254 98 259 98 263 98 268 961 98 272 98 277 98 281 98 286 98 290 98 295 98 299 98 304 98 308 98 313 962 98 318 98 322 98 327 9S331 98 336 98 340 98 345 98 349 98 354 98 358 963 98 363 98 367 9S372 98 376 98 381 98 385 98 390 98 394 98 399 98 403 964 98 408 98 412 98 417 98 421 98 426 98 430 98 435 98 439 98 444 98 448 965 98 453 98 457 9S462 98 466 98 471 98 475 98 480 98 484 98 489 98 493 966 98 498 98 502 9S507 9S511 98 516 98 520 98 525 98 529 98 534 98 538 967 98 543 98 547 9S552 98 556 98 561 98 565 9S570 98 574 98 579 98 583 968 98 588 98 592 98 597 98 601 98 605 98 610 98 614 98 619 98 623 98 628 969 98 632 98 637 98 641 9S646 98 650 98 655 98 659 98 664 98 668 98 673 970 98 677 98 682 9S686 98 691 98 695 98 700 98 704 98 709 98 713 98 717 971 98 722 98 726 98 731 98 735 98 740 98 744 98 749 98 753 98 758 98 762 972 98 767 98 771 98 776 98 780 98 784 98 789 98 793 98 798 98 802 98 807 ,973 98 811 98 816 98 820 98 825 98 829 98 834 98 838 9$843 98 847 98 851 974 98 856 9S860 9SS65 98 869 98 874 98 878 98 883 98 887 98 892 98 896 975 98 900 98 905 98 909 98 914 98 918 98 923 9S927 98 932 98 936 98 941 976 9S945 98 949 98 954 98 958 98 963 98 967 98 972 98 976 98 981 98 985 977 98 989 98 994 98 998 99 003 99 007 99 012 99 016 99 021 99 025 99 029 978 99 034 99 038 99 043 99 047 99 052 99 056 99 061 99 065 99 069 99 074 979 99 07S 99 083 99 0S7 99 092 99 096 99 100 99105 99109 99114 99118 980 " 99123 99127 99131 99136 99140 99145 99149 99154 99158 99162 981 99167 99171 99176 99 180 99 185 99189 99193 99198 99 202 99 207 982 99 211 99 216 99 220 99 224 99 229 99 233 99 238 99 242 99 247 99 251 983 99 255 99 260 99 264 99 269 99 273 99 277 99 282 99 286 99 291 99 295 984 99 300 99 304 99 308 99 313 99 317 99 322 99 326 99 330 99 335 99 339 985 99 344 99 348 99 352 99 357 99 361 99 366 99 370 99 374 99 379 99 383 986 99 388 99 392 99 396 99 401 99 405 99 410 99 414 99 419 99 423 99 427 987 99 432 99 436 99 441 99 445 99 449 99 454 99 458 99 463 99 467 99 471 . 988 99 476 99 480 99 484 99 489 99 493 99 498 99 502 99 506 99 511 99 515 989 99 520 99 524 99 528 99 533 99 537 99 542 99 546 99 550 99 555 99 559 990 99 564 99 568 99 572 99 577 99 581 99 585 99 590 99 594 99 599 99 603 991 99 607 99 612 99 616 99 621 99 625 99 629 99 634 99 638 99 642 99 647 992 99 651 99 656 99 660 99 664 99 669 99 673 99 677 99 682 99 686 99 691 993 99 695 99 699 99 704 99 708 99 712 99 717 99 721 99 726 99 730 99 734 994 99 739 99 743 99 747 99 752 99 756 99 760 99 765 99 769 99 774 99 778 995 99 782 99 787 99 791 99 795 99 800 99 804 99 808 99 813 99 817 99 822 996 99 826 99 830 99 835 99 839 99 843 99 848 99 852 99 856 99 861 99 865 997 99 870 99 874 99 878 99 883 99 887 99 891 99 896 99 900 99 904 99 909 998 99 913 99 917 99 922 99 926 99 930 99 935 99 939 99 944 99 948 99 952 999 99 957 99 961 99 965 99 970 99 974 99 978 99 983 99 987 99 991 99 996 1000 00 000 00 004 00 009 00 013 00 017 00 022 00 026 00 030 00 035 00 039 N O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 950-1000 20 TABLE II. -LOGARITHMS OF CONSTANTS. Circumference of the Circle in degrees = 360 Circumference of the Circle in minutes = 21 600 Circumference of the Circle in seconds =1 296 000 If the radius r = 1, half the Circumference of the Circle is 7T = 3. 14 159 265 358 979 323 846 264 338 328 log 2. 55 630 250 4. 33 445 375 6. 11 260 500 0. 49 714 987 Also : 2tt= 6.28 318 531 4tt = 12.56 637 061 £ = 1.57 079 633 2 - = 1.04 719 755 — = 4.18 879 020 3 £= 0.78 539 816 4 - = 0.52 359 878 6 -= 0.31830 989 2*" 3 47T ■ = 0.15 915 494 = 0.95 492 966 = 1.27 323 954 = 0.23 873 241 log- 0. 79 817 987 1. 09 920 986 0. 19 611 988 0. 02 002 862 0. 62 208 861 9. 89 508 988 - 10 9. 71 899 862 - 10 9. 50 285 013 - 10 9. 20 182 013 - 10 9. 97 997 138 - 10 0. 10 491 012 9. 37 791 139 - 10 1 4- 3/„ — y/ir — 1 _ 3)_3_ = 9. 86 960 440 = 0. 10 132 118 = 1. 77 245 385 = 0.56 418 958 = 0. 97 720 502 1.12 837 917 1. 46 459 1S9 0.68 278 406 2. 14 502 940 0. 62 035 049 0. SO 599 598 log 0. 99 429 975 9. 00 570 025 - 10 0.24 857494 9. 75 142 506 - 10 9. 98 998 569 - 10 0. 05 245 506 0. 16 571 662 9. 83 428 338 - 10 0. 33 143 325 9. 79 263 713 - 10 9. 90 633 287 - 10 Arc a, whose length is equal to the radius r, is : 180 in degrees a in minutes a' in seconds a" 10 800 648 000 = 57.29 577 951°. = 3 437. 74 677' . . = 206 264. 806" . . Arc 2 a, whose length is equal to twice the radius, 2 r, is 360 in degrees 2 a° . . . . = . . . 7T 21600 in minutes 2 a' : in seconds 2 a" .... = 1 296 000 If the radius r = 1, the length of the arc is-; 180 " for 1 degree .... for 1 minute .... for 1 second for J degree for I- minute. . . . for \ second or _1 a'"' J_ a"'" 1 2tt°' 1 2 a'" 1 2 a"' 10 800 IT 648 000 ' IT 360"" 21600 = 114. 59 155 903° = 6 875.49 354'.. = 412 529. 612" . . = 0. 01 745 329. . . = 0. 00 029 089. . . = 0.00 000 485... . = 0. 00 872 665. . . . = 0. 00 014 544. . . = 0.00 000 242... 1 296 000 Sin 1" in the unit circle = 0. 00 000 485. , log 1. 75 812 263 3. 53 627 388 5.31442 513 2. 05 915 263 3. 83 730 388 5. 61 545 513 8. 24 187 737 - 10 6.46372 612-10 4.68 557487-10 7. 94 0S4 737 - 10 6. 16 269 612 - 10 4. 38 454 487 - 10 4. 68 557 487 - 10 21 TABLE III. THE LOGARITHMS OF THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS : From 0° to 0° 3', or 89° 57' to 90°, for every second ; From 0° to 2°, or 88° to 90°, for every ten seconds ; Prom 1° t( Note. T log sin ) 89°, for every minute is to be appended. log tan = log sin log cos = 10, 00 000 o all the logarithms — ] 0° tt 0' 1' 2' tt tt 0' 1' 2' tt 30 . 6. 46 373 6. 76 476 60 30 6. 16 270 6. 63 982 6. 86 167 1 4. 68 557 6. 47 090 6. 76 836 59 31 6. 17 694 6. 64 462 6. 86 455 29 2 4. 9S 660 6. 47 797 6. 77 193 5S 32 6. 19 072 6. 64 936 6. 86 742 28 3 5. 16 270 6. 48 492 6. 77 548 57 33 6. 20 409 6. 65 406 6. 87 027 27 ■4 5. 2S 763 6.49175 6. 77 900 56 34 6. 21 705 6. 65 870 6.87 310 26 5 5. 38 454 6. 49 849 6. 78 24S 55 35 6. 22 964 6.66 330 6. 87 591 25 6 5. 46 373 6.50 512 6. 78 595 54 36 6. 24 188 6. 66 785 6. 87 870 24 7 5. 53 067 6. 51 165 6. 78 938 53 37 6. 25 378 6. 67 235 6. 88 147 23 8 5. 58 866 6. 51 808 6. 79 278 52 38 6. 26 536 6. 67 680 6. 88 423 22 9 5. 63 982 6. 52 442 6. 79 616 51 39 6. 27 664 6. 68 121 6. 88 697 21 10 5. 6S557 6. 53 067 6. 79 952 50 40 6. 28 763 6. 68 557 6. SS 969 20 11 5.72 697 6. 53 683 6. 80 285 49 41 6. 29 836 6. 68 990 6. 89 240 19 12 5. 76 476 6. 54 291 6. 80 615 4S 42 6. 30 882 6. 69 418 6. 89 509 18 13 5.79 952 6. 54 890 6. 80 943 47 43 6. 31 904 6. 69 841 6. 89 776 17 14 5. S3 170 6. 55 481 6. 81 26S 46 44 6. 32 903 6. 70 261 6. 90 042 16 15 5. 86 167 6. 56 064 6. 81 591 45 45 6. 33 879 6. 70 676 6. 90 306 15 16 5.88 969 6. 56 639 6.81911 44 46 6. 34 833 6. 71 088 6. 90 568 14 17 5. 91 602 6. 57 207 6. 82 230 43 47 6. 35 767 6. 71 496 6. 90 829 13 18 5. 94 085 6. 57 767 6. 82 545 42 48 6. 36 682 6. 71 900 6. 91 088 12 19 5.96 433 6. 58 320 6. 82 859 41 49 6.37 577 6. 72 300 6. 91 346 11 20 5. 98 660 6. 58 866 6. 83 170 40 50 6. 38 454 6. 72 697 6. 91 602 10 21 6. 00 779 6. 59 406 6. 83 479 39 51 6.39 315 6. 73 090 6. 91 857 9 22 . 6. 02 800 6. 59 939 6. S3 786 38 52 6. 40 158 6. 73 479 6. 92 110 8 23 6. 04 730 6. 60 465 6. 84 091 37 53 6. 40 985 6. 73 865 6. 92 362 7 24 6. 06 579 6. 60 985 6. 84 394 36 54 6. 41 797 6. 74 248 6. 92 612 6 25 6. OS 351 6.61499 6. 84 694 35 55 6. 42 594 6. 74 627 6. 92 S61 5 26 6.10 055 6. 62 007 6. 84 993 34 56 6. 43 376 6. 75 003 6. 93 109 4 27 6. 11 694 6. 62 509 6. 85 289 33 57 6. 44 145 6. 75 376 6. 93 355 3 2S 6. 13 273 6. 63 006 6. 85 5S4 32 58 6. 44 900 6. 75 746 6. 93 599 2 29 6. 14 797 6. 63 496 6. S5 876 31 59 6. 45 643 6. 76 112 6. 93 843 1 30 ft 6. 16 270 6. 63 982 6. S6 167 30 60 6. 46 373 6.76 476 6. 94 085 59' 58' 57' tt tt 59' 58' 57' ft log cot = log cos log sin = 10. 00 000 89 c log cos 22 0° t tt log sin log tan log COS ft I t tt log sin log tan log COS tt t 10 00000 60 10 7. 46 373 7. 46 373 10.00000 50 10 5.68 557 5. 68 557 30.00000 50 10 7. 47 090 7. 47 091 10.00000 50 20 5.98 660 5.98 660 10 00000 40 20 7.47 797 7.47 797 10.00000 40 30 6. 16 270 6. 16 270 10.00000 30 30 7. 48 491 7. 48 492 10 00000 30 ' 40 6. 28 763 6. 28 763 10.00000 20 40 7. 49 175 7. 49 176 10.00000 20 50 6. 38 454 6. 38 454 10.00000 10 50 7. 49 849 7. 49 849 10.00000 10 1 6.46 373 6. 46 373 10 00000 59 110 7.50 512 7.50 512 10.00000 49 10 6. 53 067 6. 53 067 10.00000 50 10 7. 51 165 7. 51 165 10.00000 50 20 6. 58 866 6. 58 866 1000000 40 20 7.51808 7.51809 10.00000 40 30 6. 63 9S2 6. 63 982 1000000 30 30 7. 52 442 7. 52 443 10.00000 30 40 6. 68 557 6. 68 557 10.00000 20 40 7. 53 067 7. 53 067 10 00000 20 SO 6. 72 697 6. 72 697 1000000 10 50 7. 53 683 7. 53 683 10.00000 10 2 6.76 476 6.76 476 10 00000 58 12 7. 54 291 7. 54 291 10 00000 48 10 6. 79 952 6. 79 952 10.00000 50 10 7. 54 890 7. 54 890 10 00000 50 20 6 83 170 6. 83 170 10.00000 40 20 7. 55 481 7. 55 481 10 00000 40 30 6. 86 167 6. 86 167 10 00000 30 30 7.56 064 7.56 064 10.00000 30 40 6. 8S 969 6. 88 969 10 00000 20 40 7. 56 639 7. 56 639 10.00000 20 50 6. 91 602 6. 91 602 10.00000 10 50 7. 57 206 7. 57 207 10.00000 10 3 6. 94 085 6. 94 0S5 10 00000 057 13 7. 57 767 7. 57 767 10.00000 047 10 6 96 433 6. 96 433 10 00000 50 10 7.58 320 7.58 320 10.00000 50 20 6. 98 660 6. 98 661 10 00000 40 20 7.58 866 7.58 867 10 00000 40 30 7. 00 779 7. 00 779 10 00000 30 30 7. 59 406 7. 59 406 10.00000 30 40 7. 02 800 7. 02 800 10 00000 20 40 7. 59 939 7. 59 939 10.00000 20 50 7. 04 730 7. 04 730 10.00000 10 50 7. 60 465 7. 60 466 10.00000 10 4 7. 06 579 7.06 579 10.00000 56 14 7. 60 985 7. 60 986 10.00000 46 10 7. OS 351 7. 08 352 10.00000 50 10 7. 61 499 7. 61 500 10.00000 50 20 7.10 055 7. 10 055 1000000 40 20 7. 62 007 7. 62 008 10.00000 40 30 7.11694 7. 11 694 10.00000 30 30 7. 62 509 7. 62 510 10.00000 30 40 7. 13 273 7. 13 273 1000000 20 40 7. 63 006 7. 63 006 10.00000 20 50 7. 14 797 7. 14 797 10.00000 10 50 7. 63 496 7. 63 497 10.00000 10 5 7. 16 270 7. 16 270 10 00000 55 15 7.63 982 .7.63 982 10.00000 45 10 7. 17 694 7. 17 694 10.00000 50 10 7. 64 461 7. 64 462 10.00000 50 20 7. 19 072 7. 19 073 10.00000 40 20 7.64 936. 7.64 937 10.00000 40 30 7. 20 409 7. 20 409 10.00000 30 30 7. 65 406 7. 65 406 10.00000 30 40 7. 21 705 7. 21 705 10 00000 20 40 7.65 870 7.65 871 10.00000 20 50 7. 22 964 7. 22 964 10.00000 10 50 7. 66 330 7. 66 330 10.00000 10 6 7. 24 188 7. 24 188 10.00000 54 16 7.66 784 7.66 785 10.00000 44 10 7. 25 378 7. 25 378 10.00000 50 10 7. 67 235 7. 67 235 10.00000 50 20 7. 26 536 7.26536 10.00000 40 20 7. 67 6S0 7. 67 680 10.00000 40 30 7. 27 664 7. 27 664 10.00000 30 30 7.68121 7. 68 121 10.00000 30 40 7. 28 763 7. 28 764 10.00000 20 • 40 7.68 557 7.68 558 9.99999 20 50 7. 29 836 7. 29 836 10.00000 10 50 7. 68 989 7. 68 990 9.99999 10 7 7. 30 882 7. 30 882 10.00000 53 170 7. 69 417 7. 69 418 9. 99 999 43 10 7. 31 904 7. 31 904 10.00000 50 10 7. 69 841 7. 69 842 9. 99 999 50 20 7. 32 903 7. 32 903 10.00000 40 20 7. 70 261 7. 70 261 9. 99 999 40 30 7. 33 879 7. 33 879 10.00000 30 30 7. 70 676 7. 70 677 9. 99 999 30 40 7. 34 833 7. 34 833 10.00000 20 40 7.71088 7.71088 9. 99 999 20 50 7. 35 767 7. 35 767 10.00000 10 50 7. 71 496 7. 71 496 9. 99 999 10 8 7. 36 682 7. 36 682 10.00000 52 18 7. 71 900 7. 71 900 9. 99 999 42 10 7.37 577 7.37 577 10.00000 50 10 7. 72 300 7. 72 301 9. 99 999 50 20 7. 38 454 7. 38 455 10.00000 40 20 7. 72 697 7. 72 697 9. 99 999 40 30 7.39 314 7.39 315 10.00000 30 30 7. 73 090 7. 73 090 9. 99 999 30 40 7. 40 158 7. 40 158 10.00000 20 40 7. 73 479 7. 73 480 9. 99 999 20 50 7. 40 985 7. 40 985 10.00000 10 50 7. 73 865 7. 73 866 9. 99 999 10 9 7. 41 797 7. 41 797 10.00000 051 190 7. 74 248 7. 74 248 9. 99 999 041 10 7. 42 594 7. 42 594 10.00000 50 10 7. 74 627 7. 74 628 9. 99 999 50 20 7. 43 376 7. 43 376 10 00000 40 20 7. 75 003 7. 75 004 9. 99 999 40 30 7. 44 145 7. 44 145 10.00000 30 30 7.75 376 7.75 377 9. 99 999 30 40 7. 44 900 7. 44 900 10.00000 20 40 7. 75 745 7. 75 746 9. 99 999 20 50 7. 45 643 7. 45 643 10.00000 10 50 7. 76 112 7. 76 113 9. 99 999 10 100 7. 46 373 7.46373 10.00000 50 20 7.76 475 7.76476 9. 99 999 4O t tt log cos log cot log sin . tt t t tt log cos log cot log sin tt t 89 c 0° 23 t " log sin log tan log cos ft t t tr log sin log tan log COS rt t 20 7. 76 475 7. 76 476 9. 99 999 40 30 7. 94 084 7. 94 086 9. 99 998 30 10 7. 76 836 7. 76 837 9. 99 999 50 10 7. 94 325 7. 94 326 9. 99 998 50 20 7. 77 193 7. 77 194 9. 99 999 40 20 7. 94 564 7. 94 566 9. 99 998 40 30 7. 77 548 7. 77 549 9. 99 999 30 30 7. 94 802 7. 94 804 9. 99 99S 30 40 7. 77 899 7. 77 900 9. 99 999 20 40 7. 95 039 7. 95 040 9. 99 998 20 50 .7. 78 248 7. 78 249 9. 99 999 10 50 7. 95 274 7. 95 276 9. 99 998 10 210 7. 78 594 7. 78 595 9. 99 999 39 31 7. 95 508 7.95 510 9. 99 998 29 10 7. 78 938 7. 78 938 9. 99 999 50 10 7. 95 741 7. 95 743 9. 99 998 50 20 7. 79 278 7. 79 279 9. 99 999 40 20 7. 95 973 7. 95 974 9. 99 998 40 30 7. 79 616 7.79 617 9. 99 999 30 30 7. 96 203 7. 96 205 9. 99 998 30 40 7. 79 952 7. 79 952 9. 99 999 20 40 7. 96 432 7. 96 434 9. 99 998 20 50 7. 80 284 7. SO 285 9. 99 999 10 50 7. 96 660 7. 96 662 9. 99 998 10 220 7. 80 615 7. SO 615 9. 99 999 38 32 7. 96 887 7. 96 889 9. 99 998 28 10 7. 80 942 7. SO 943 9. 99 999 50 10 7. 97 113 7. 97 114 9. 99 998 50 20 7. 81 26S 7. 81 269 9. 99 999 40 20 7. 97 337 7. 97 339 9. 99 998 40 30 7. SI 591 7. 81 591 9. 99 999 30 30 7. 97 560 7. 97 562 9. 99 998 30 40 7. SI 911 7.81912 9. 99 999 20 40 7. 97 7S2 7. 97 784 9. 99 998 20 50 7. 82 229 7. 82 230 9. 99 999 10 50 7. 98 003 7. 98 005 9. 99 998 10 230 7. 82 545 7. 82 546 9. 99 999 37 33 7. 98 223 7. 98 225 9. 99 998 27 10 7.S2S59 7. 82 860 9. 99 999 50 10 7. 98 442 7. 98 444 9. 99 998 50 20 7.83 170 7. 83 171 9. 99 999 40 20 7. 98 660 7. 98 662 9. 99 998 40 30 7. 83 479 7. S3 480 9. 99 999 30 30 7. 9S 876 7. 98 878 9. 99 998 30 40 7. 83 786 7. S3 787 9. 99 999 20 40 7. 99 092 7. 99 094 9. 99 998 20 50 7. 84 091 7. S4 092 9. 99 999 10 50 7.99 306 7. 99 308 9. 99 998 10 240 7. 84 393 7. 84 394 9. 99 999 36 34 7. 99 520 7. 99 522 9. 99 998 26 10 7. 84 694 7. 84 695 9. 99 999 50 10 7. 99 732 7. 99 734 9. 99 998 50 20 7. 84 992 7. 84 994 9. 99 999 40 20 7. 99 943 7. 99 946 9. 99 998 40 30 7. 85 289 7. S5 290 9. 99 999 30 30 8. 00 154 8.00156 9. 99 998 30 40 7. 85 583 7. 85 584 9. 99 999 20 40 8. 00 363 8. 00 365 9. 99 998 20 50 7. 85 876 7. 85 877 9. 99 999 10 50 8.00 571 8.00 574 9. 99 998 10 250 7. 86 166 7. 86 167 9. 99 999 35 35 8. 00 779 8. 00 781 9. 99 998 25 10 7. 86 455 7. 86 456 9. 99 999 50 10 8. 00 985 8. 00 987 9. 99 998 50 20 7. 86 741 7. 86 743 9. 99 999 40 20 8. 01 190 8. 01 193 9. 99 998 40 30 7. 87 026 7. 87 027 9. 99 999 30 30 8. 01 395 8. 01 397 9. 99 998 30 40 7. 87 309 7.87 310 9. 99 999 20 40 8. 01 598 8. 01 600 9. 99 998 20 50 7. 87 590 7. 87 591 9. 99 999 10 50 8. 01 801 8. 01 803 9. 99 998 10 260 7:87 870 7. 87 871 9. 99 999 34 36 S. 02 002 8. 02 004 9. 99 998 24 10 7. SS 147 7. 88 148 9. 99 999 50 10 8. 02 203 8. 02 205 9. 99 998 50 20 7. SS 423 7. SS 424 9. 99 999 40 20 S. 02 402 8. 02 405 9. 99 998 40 30 7. 88 697 7. S8 698 9. 99 999 30 30 8. 02 601 8. 02 604 9. 99 998 30 40 7. SS 969 7. 88 970 9. 99 999 20 40 8. 02 799 8. 02 801 9. 99 998 20 50 7. 89 240 7. 89 241 9. 99 999 10 50 8. 02 996 8. 02 998 9. 99 998 10 270 7. S9 509 7.89 510 9. 99 999 33 37 8. 03 192 8. 03 194 9. 99 997 23 10 7. S9 776 7. 89 777 9. 99 999 50 10 8. 03 387 8. 03 390 9. 99 997 50 20 7. 90 041 7. 90 043 9. 99 999 40 20 8 03 581 8. 03 5S4 9. 99 997 40 30 7. 90 305 7. 90 307 9. 99 999 30 30 8. 03 775 8. 03 777 9. 99 997 30 40 7. 90 568 7. 90 569 9. 99 999 20 40 8. 03 967 8. 03 970 9. 99 997 20 50 7. 90 829 7. 90 S30 9. 99 999 10 50 8. 04 159 8. 04 162 9. 99 997 10 280 7. 91 088 7. 91 0S9 9. 99 999 32 38 8. 04 350 8. 04 353 9. 99 997 22 10 7. 91 346 7. 91 347 9. 99 999 50 10 S. 04 540 8. 04 543 9. 99 997 50 20 7. 91 602 7. 91 603 9. 99 999 40 20 8. 04 729 8. 04 732 9. 99 997 40 30 7.91857 7. 91 858 9. 99 999 30 30 S. 04 918 8. 04 921 9. 99 997 30 40 7.92 110 7.92111 9. 99 998 20 40 8. 05 105 8. 05 10S 9. 99 997 20 50 7. 92 362 7. 92 363 9. 99 998 10 50 8. 05 292 8. 05 295 9. 99 997 10 290 7. 92 612 7. 92 613 9. 99 998 031 39 8. 05 478 8. 05 481 9. 99 997 021 10 7. 92 S61 7. 92 862 9. 99 998 50 10 8. 05 663 S. 05 666 9. 99 997 50 20 7. 93 10S 7.93 110 9. 99 998 40 20 8. 05 848 8.05 851 9. 99 997 40 30 7. 93 354 7. 93 356 9. 99 998 30 30 8.06 031 8. 06 034 9. 99 997 30 40 7. 93 599 7. 93 601 9. 99 99S 20 40 8. 06 214 S. 06 217 9. 99 997 20 50 7. 93 842 7. 93 844 9. 99 998 10 50 8. 06 396 S. 06 399 9. 99 997 10 30 7. 94 084 log cos 7. 94 086 9. 99 99S 30 40 8.06 578 8. 06 581 9. 99 997 20 t tt log cot log sin tt t r ft log cos log cot log sin tt t 89 c 24 ° f " log sin log tan log COS tt J t tt log sin log tan log cos it t 40 8. 06 578 8. 06 581 9. 99 997 20 50 8. 16 268 8. 16 273 9. 99 995 01O 10 8. 06 758 8. 06 761 9. 99 997 50 10 8. 16 413 8.16 417 9. 99 995 50 20 8. 06 938 8. 06 941 9. 99 997 40 20 8.16 557 8.16 561 9. 99 995 40 30 S. 07 117 8. 07 120 9. 99 997 30 30 8. 16 700 8. 16 705 9. 99 995 30 40 8. 07 295 8. 07 299 9. 99 997 20 40 8. 16 843 8. 16 848 9. 99 995 20 50 8. 07 473 8. 07 476 9. 99 997 10 50 8. 16 986 8. 16 991 9. 99 995 10 410 8. 07 650 8. 07 653 9. 99 997 19 510 8. 17 128 8. 17 133 9. 99 995 9 10 S. 07 826 8. 07 829 9. 99 997 50 10 8.17 270 8. 17 275 9. 99 995 50 20 8. 08 002 8. 08 005 9. 99 997 40 20 8.17 411 8.17 416 9. 99 995 40 30 S. 08 176 8. 08 ISO 9. 99 997 30 30 8. 17 552 8.17 557 9. 99 995 30 40 8. OS 350 8. 08 354 9. 99 997 20 40 8. 17 692 8. 17 697 9. 99 995 20 50 8. 08 524 8. 08 527 9. 99 997 10 50 8. 17 832 8. 17 837 9. 99 995 10 420 8. OS 696 8. 08 700 9. 99 997 018 52 8. 17 971 8. 17 976 9. 99 995 8 10 8. OS 868 8. 08 872 9. 99 997 50 10 8.18110 8. 18 115 9. 99 995 50 20 8. 09 040 8. 09 043 9. 99 997 40 20 8. 18 249 8. 18 254 9. 99 995 40 30 8. 09 210 8. 09 214 9. 99 997 30 30 8. 18 387 8. 18 392 9. 99 995 30 40 S. 09 380 S. 09 384 9. 99 997 20 40 8. 18 524 8. 18 530 9. 99 995 20 50 8.09 550 8. 09 553 9. 99 997 10 50 8. 18 662 8. IS 667 9. 99 995 10 430 8. 09 718 8. 09 722 9. 99 997 017 53 8. 18 798 8. 18 804 9. 99 995 7 10 8. 09 886 S. 09 890 9. 99 997 50 10 8. 18 935 8. 18 940 9. 99 995 50 20 8.10 054 8.10 057 9. 99 997 40 20 8.19 071 8. 19 076 9. 99 995 40 30 8. 10 220 8. 10 224 9. 99 997 30 30 S. 19 206 8.19 212 9. 99 995 30 40 8. 10 3S6 8. 10 390 9. 99 997 20 40 8. 19 341 8. 19 347 9. 99 995 20 50 8. 10 552 8. 10 555 9. 99 996 10 50 8. 19 476 8. 19 481 9. 99 995 10 440 8.10 717 8. 10 720 9. 99 996 016 54 8.19 610 8. 19 616 9. 99 995 6 10 S. 10 881 8. 10 884 9. 99 996 50 10 8. 19 744 8. 19 749 9. 99 995 50 20 8. 11 044 8. 11 048 9. 99 996 40 20 8. 19 877 8. 19 8S3 9. 99 995 40 30 8. 11 207 8.11211 9. 99 996 30 30 8. 20 010 8. 20 016 9. 99 995 30 40 8. 11 370 8. 11 373 9. 99 996 20 40 8. 20 143 8. 20 149 9. 99 995 20 50 8.11531 8. 11 535 9. 99 996 10 50 8.*20 275 8. 20 281 9. 99 994 10 450 8. 11 693 8. 11 696 9. 99 996 015 55 8:20 407 8. 20 413 9. 99 994 5 10 8. 11 853 8. 11 857 9. 99 996 50 10 8. 20 538 8. 20 544 9. 99 994 50 20 8.12 013 8.12 017 9. 99 996 40 20 8. 20 669 8. 20 675 9. 99 994 40 30 8. 12 172 8. 12 176 9. 99 996 30 30 8. 20 800 8. 20 806 9. 99 994 30 40 8.12 331 8. 12 335 9. 99 996 20 40 8. 20 930 8. 20 936 9. 99 994 20 50 8. 12 489 8. 12 493 9. 99 996 10 50 8. 21 060 8. 21 066 9. 99 994 10 460 8. 12 647 8. 12 651 9. 99 996 014 56 8. 21 189 8. 21 195 9. 99 994 4 10 8. 12 804 8. 12 SOS 9. 99 996 50 10 8. 21 319 8. 21 324 9. 99 994 50 20 S. 12 961 8. 12 965 9. 99 996 40 20 8. 21 447 8. 21 453 9. 99 994 40 30 8. 13 117 8. 13 121 9. 99 996 30 30 8. 21 576 8. 21 581 9. 99 994 30 40 8. 13 272 8. 13 276 9. 99 996 20 40 8. 21 703 8. 21 709 9. 99 994 20 50 8. 13 427 8. 13 431 9. 99 996 10 50 8. 21 831 8. 21 837 9. 99 994 10 47 8. 13 581 8. 13 585 9. 99 996 013 57 8. 21 958 8. 21 964 9. 99 994 3 10 8. 13 735 8. 13 739 9. 99 996 50 10 8. 22 085 8. 22 091 9. 99 994 50 20 S. 13 8SS S. 13 892 9. 99 996 40 20 8.22 211 8.22 217 9. 99 994 40 30 8. 14 041 8. 14 045 9. 99 996 30 30 8. 22 337 8. 22 343 9. 99 994 30 40 8. 14 193 8. 14 197 9. 99 996 20 40 8. 22 463 8. 22 469 9. 99 994 20 50 8. 14 344 S. 14 348 9.99996 10 50 8. 22 588 8. 22 595 9. 99 994 10 480 8. 14 495 8. 14 500 9. 99 996 012 58 8. 22 713 8. 22 720 9. 99 994 2 10 8. 14 646 8. 14 650 9. 99 996 50 10 8. 22 83S 8. 22 S44 9. 99 994 50 20 8. 14 796 8. 14 800 9. 99 996 40 20 8. 22 962 8. 22 968 9. 99 994 40 30 8. 14 945 8. 14 950 9. 99 996 30 30 8. 23 086 S. 23 092 9. 99 994 30 40 8. 15 094 8. 15 099 9. 99 996 20 40 8. 23 210 8. 23 216 9. 99 994 20 50 8. 15 243 8. 15 247 9. 99 996 .10 50 8. 23 333 8. 23 339 9.99 994 10 490 8. 15 391 8. 15 395 9. 99 996 011 59 8. 23 456 8. 23 462 9. 99 994 1 10 8. 15 538 8. 15 543 9. 99 996 50 10 8. 23 578 8. 23 585 9. 99 994 50 20 8. 15 6S5 8. 15 690 9. 99 996 40 20 S. 23 700 8. 23 707 9. 99 994 40 30 8. 15 832 8. 15 836 9. 99 996 30 30 8. 23 822 8. 23 S29 9. 99 993 30 40 8. 15 97S S. 15 982 9. 99 995 20 40 S. 23 944 8. 23 950 9. 99 993 20 50 8. 16 123 8. 16 128 9. 99 995 10 50 8. 24 065 8. 24 071 9. 99 993 10 50 S. 16 268 8. 16 273 9. 99 995 01O 60 S. 24 1S6 S. 24 192 9. 99 993 t it log cos log cot log sin. tt t t tt log cos log cot log sin ft t 89 c 1 O 25 / " log sin log tan log COS tt t i ft log sin log tan log cos tt t 8. 24 186 S. 24 192 9. 99 993 60 10 8. 30 S79 8. 30 888 9. 99 991 50 10 8.24 306 S. 24 313 9. 99 993 50 10 8. 30 983 S. 30 992 9. 99 991 50 20 ' 8. 24 426 S. 24 433 9. 99 993 40 20 8. 31 0S6 8. 31 095 9. 99 991 40 30 ; 8. 24 546 S. 24 553 9. 99 993 30 30 8.31188 8. 31 198 9. 99 991 30 40 8. 24 665 S. 24 672 9. 99 993 20 40 8. 31 291 8. 31 300 9.99 991- 20 50 | 8. 24 785 8. 24 791 9. 99 993 10 50 8. 31 393 8. 31 403 9. 99 991 10 1 8.24 903 8. 24 910 9. 99 993 59 110 8. 31 495 8. 31 505 9. 99 991 49 10 : 8. 25 022 8. 25 029 9. 99 993 50 10 8. 31 597 8. 31 606 9. 99 991 50 20 S. 25 140 8. 25 147 9. 99 993 40 20 8. 31 699 8. 31 708 9. 99 991 40 30 8. 25 25S 8. 25 265 9. 99 993 30 30 8. 31 800 8. 31 809 9. 99 991 30 40 8. 25 375 S. 25 382 9. 99 993 20 40 8. 31 901 8.31911 9. 99 991 20 50 8. 25 493 S. 25 500 9. 99 993 10 50 8. 32 002 8. 32 012 9. 99 991 10 2 8. 25 609 S. 25 616 9. 99 993 58 12 8. 32 103 8.32112 9. 99 990 48 10 8. 25 726 8. 25 733 9. 99 993 50 10 8. 32 203 8.32 213 9. 99 990 50 20 1 8. 25 842 8. 25 849 9. 99 993 40 20 8 32 303 8.32 313 9. 99 990 40 30 8. 25 958 8. 25 965 9. 99 993 30 30 8. 32 403 8.32 413 9. 99 990 30 40 i 8. 26 074 8. 26 0S1 9. 99 993 20 40 8. 32 503 8.32 513 9. 99 990 20 50 8. 261S9 8. 26 196 9. 99 993 10 50 8. 32 602 8. 32 612 9. 99 990 10 3 8. 26 304 8.26 312 9. 99 993 057 13 8. 32 702 8.32 711 9. 99 990 47 10 8.26 419 8. 26 426 9. 99 993 50 10 S. 32 801 8.32 811 9. 99 990 50 20 8. 26 533 S. 26 541 9. 99 993 40 20 8. 32 899 8. 32 909 9. 99 990 40 30 ! 8. 26 648 8. 26 655 9. 99 993 30 30 8. 32 998 8. 33 008 9. 99 990 30 40 ] 8. 26 761 8. 26 769 9. 99 993 20 40 S. 33 096 8. 33 106 9. 99 990 20 50 8. 26 875 8. 26 882 9. 99 993 10 50 8. 33 195 8. 33 205 9. 99 990 10 4 8.26 9SS 8. 26 996 9. 99 992 56 14 8. 33 292 8. 33 302 9. 99 990 46 10 S. 27 101 8. 27 109 9. 99 992 50 10 8. 33 390 8. 33 400 9. 99 990 50 20 S. 27 214 8. 27 221 9. 99 992 40 20 8. 33 488 8. 33 498 9. 99 990 40 30 S. 27 326 8. 27 334 9. 99 992 30 30 8. 33 585 8. 33 595 9. 99 990 30 40 S. 27 438 8. 27 446 9. 99 992 20 40 8. 33 682 8. 33 692 9. 99 990 20 50 S. 27 550 8. 27 558 9. 99 992 10 50 8. 33 779 8. 33 789 9. 99 990 10 5 8. 27 661 8. 27 669 9. 99 992 55 15 8. 33 875 8. 33 886 9. 99 990 45 10 8. 27 773 8. 27 780 9. 99 992 50 10 8. 33 972 8. 33 9S2 9. 99 990 50 20 8. 27 SS3 8. 27 891 9. 99 992 40 20 S. 34 06S 8. 34 078 9. 99 990 40 30 8. 27 994 8. 2S 002 9. 99 992 30 30 S. 34 164 8. 34 174 9. 99 990 30 40 1 8. 2S 104 8.28112 9. 99 992 20 40 S. 34 260 8. 34 270 9. 99 989 20 50 8.28 215 8. 28 223 9. 99 992 10 50 S. 34 355 8.34 366 9. 99 9S9 10 6 8. 28 324 8. 28 332 9. 99 992 54 16 8. 34 450 8. 34 461 9. 99 989 44 10 8. 28 434 8. 28 442 9. 99 992 50 10 8. 34 546 8. 34 556 9. 99 989 50 20 8. 28 543 8. 28 551 9. 99 992 40 20 8. 34 640 8.34 651 9. 99 989 40 , 30 8. 28 652 8. 28 660 9. 99 992 30 30 8. 34 735 8. 34 746 9. 99 989 30 40 8. 28 761 8. 28 769 9. 99 992 20 40 8. 34 830 8. 34 840 9. 99 989 20 50 8. 28 869 8. 2S S77 9. 99 992 10 50 8. 34 924 8. 34 935 9. 99 9S9 10 7 8. 28 977 8. 28 9S6 9. 99 992 53 170 8. 35 018 8. 35 029 9. 99 989 43 10 8. 29 0S5 8. 29 094 9. 99 992 50 10 8.35 112 8. 35 123 9. 99 989 50 20 8. 29 193 8. 29 201 9. 99 992 40 20 8. 35 206 8. 35 217 9. 99 989 40 30 8. 29 300 8. 29 309 9. 99 992 30 30 S. 35 299 8. 35 310 9. 99 989 30 40 8. 29 407 8. 29 416 9. 99 992 20 40 8. 35 392 8. 35 403 9. 99 989 20 50 8.29 514 8. 29 523 9. 99 992 10 50 8. 35 485 8. 35 497 9. 99 989 10 8 8. 29 621 8. 29 629 9. 99 992 52 18 8. 35 578 8. 35 590 9. 99 989 42 10 8. 29 727 8. 29 736 9. 99 991 50 10 S. 35 671 8. 35 682 9. 99 989 50 20 8. 29 833 8. 29 842 9. 99 991 40 20 8. 35 764 8. 35 775 9. 99 989 40 30 8. 29 939 8. 29 947 9. 99 991 30 30 8. 35 856 8. 35 867 9. 99 989 30 40 8.30 044 8. 30 053 9. 99 991 20 40 8. 35 948 8. 35 959 9. 99 989 20 50 8. 30 150 8. 30 158 9. 99 991 10 50 8. 36 040 8.36 051 9. 99 989 10 9 8. 30 255 8. 30 263 9. 99 991 51 19 8.36131 8. 36 143 9. 99 989 41 10 8.30 359 8. 30 368 9. 99 991 50 10 S. 36 223 8. 36 235 9. 99 988 50 20 8. 30 464 8. 30 473 9. 99 991 40 20 S. 36 314 8. 36 326 9. 99 988 40 30 8. 30 56S 8.30 577 9. 99 991 30 30 8. 36 405 8.36 417 9. 99 988 30 40 8. 30 672 8. 30 681 9. 99 991 20 40 8. 36 496 8. 36 508 9. 99 988 20 50 8. 30 776 8. 30 785 9. 99 991 10 50 8. 36 587 8. 36 599 9. 99 988 10 1O0 8. 30 879 8. 30 888 9. 99 991 50 20 8. 36 678 8. 36 689 9. 99 988 40 t tt log cos log cot log sin it t t tt log COS log cot log sin tt t 88 c 26 ] t tt log sin log tan log COS tt t t tt log sin log tan log cos ft t 200 8. 36 673 8. 36 689 9. 99 988 40 30 8. 41 792 8. 41 807 9. 99 985 30 10 8. 36 768 S. 36 780 9. 99 988 50 10 8. 41 872 8. 41 8S7 9. 99 985 50 20 8. 36 S58 S. 36 870 9. 99 988 40 20 8. 41 952 S. 41 967 9. 99 9S5 40 30 8. 36 94S 8. 36 960 9. 99 988 30 30 8. 42 032 8. 42 048 9. 99 985 30 ' 40 8. 37 038 8. 37 050 9. 99 988 20 40 S. 42 112 8.42 127 9. 99 985 20 50 8.37128 8. 37 140 9. 99 988 10 50 8. 42 192 8. 42 207 9. 99 985 10 210 8.37 217 8. 37 229 9. 99 988 39 310 8. 42 272 8. 42 287 9. 99 985 29 10 8.37 306 8.37 318 9. 99 988 50 10 8. 42 351 8. 42 366 9. 99 985 50 20 8. 37 395 8. 37 408 9. 99 9S8 40 20 8. 42 430 8. 42 446 9. 99 985 40 30 8. 37 484 8.37 497 9. 99 988 30 30 8.42 510 8.42 525 9. 99 985 30 40 8.37 573 8. 37 585 9. 99 988 20 40 8. 42 589 8. 42 604 9. 99 985 20 SO 8. 37 662 8. 37 674 9. 99 988 10 50 8. 42 667 8. 42 683 9. 99 985 10 220 8. 37 750 8. 37 762 9. 99 988 38 32 8. 42 746 8. 42 762 9. 99 984 28 10 S. 37 838 8. 37 850 9. 99 98S 50 10 8.42 825 8.42 840 9. 99 984 50 20 8. 37 926 8. 37 938 9. 99 988 40 20 8. 42 903 8. 42 919 9. 99 984 40 30 8.38 014 8. 38 026 9. 99 987 30 30 8. 42 982 8. 42 997 9. 99 984 30 40 8.3S101 8.38114 9. 99 987 20 40 8.43 060 8.43 075 9. 99 984 20 SO 8. 38 189 8. 38 202 9. 99 987 10 50 8. 43 138 8. 43 154 9. 99 984 10 230 S. 38 276 8. 38 289 9. 99 987 037 33 8. 43 216 8. 43 232 9. 99 984 027 10 8. 38 363 8. 38 376 9. 99 987 50 10 8. 43 293 • 8. 43 309 9. 99 984 50 20 8.38 450 8. 38 463 9. 99 987 40 20 8. 43 371 8. 43 387 9. 99 984 40 30 8. 38 537 S. 38 550 9. 99 987 30 30 8. 43 44S 8. 43 464 9. 99 984 30 40 8. 38 624 8 38 636 9. 99 987 20 40 8. 43 526 8. 43 542 9. 99 984 20 50 8. 38 710 8. 38 723 9. 99 987 10 50 8. 43 603 8. 43 619 9. 99 984 10 240 8. 38 796 8. 38 809 9. 99 987 36 34 8. 43 680 8. 43 696 9. 99 984 26 10 8. 38 882 8. 38 895 9. 99 987 50 10 8. 43 757 8. 43 773 9. 99 984 50 20 8. 38 968 8. 38 981 9. 99 987 40 20 8. 43 834 8. 43 850 9. 99 984 40 30 8. 39 054 8. 39 067 9. 99 987 30 30 8.43 910' 8.43 927 9. 99 984 30 40 8.39.139 8. 39 153 9. 99 987 20 40 8. 43 987 8. 44 003 9. 99 984 20 50 8. 39 225 8. 39 238 9. 99 987 10 50 8.44 063 8.44 080 9. 99 983 10 250 8. 39 310 8. 39 323 9. 99 987 35 35 8.44139 .8.44156 9. 99 983 25 10 8. 39 395 8. 39 408 9. 99 987 50 10 8.44 216 8.44 232 9. 99 983 50 20 8. 39 480 8. 39 493 9. 99 9S7 40 20 8. 44 292 8. 44 308 9. 99 983 40 30 8. 39 565 8. 39 578 9. 99 987 30 30 8. 44 367 8. 44 384 9. 99 983 30 40 8. 39 649 8. 39 663 9. 99 987 20 40 8. 44 443 8. 44 460 9. 99 983 20 50 8. 39 734 8. 39 747 9. 99 986 10 50 8.44 519 8.44 536 9. 99 983 10 260 8. 39 818 8. 39 832 9. 99 986 34 36 8.44 594 8.44 611 9. 99 983 24 10 8. 39 902 S. 39 916 9. 99 986 50 10 8.44 669 8.44 686 9. 99 983 50 20 8. 39 986 8. 40 000 9. 99 986 40 20 8.44 745 8.44 762 9. 99 983 40 30 8. 40 070 8. 40 083 9. 99 986 30 30 8. 44 820 8. 44 837 9. 99 983 30 40 8. 40 153 8. 40 167 9. 99 986 20 40 8. 44 895 8. 44 912 9. 99 983 20 50 8. 40 237 8.40 251 9. 99 9S6 10 50 8.44 969 8.44 987 9. 99 983 10 270 8. 40 320 8. 40 334 9. 99 986 33 37 8. 45 044 8. 45 061 9. 99 983 23 10 8. 40 403 8.40 417 9. 99 986 50 10 8.45 119 8.45 136 9. 99 983 50 20 8. 40 486 8. 40 500 9. 99 986 40 20 8. 45 193 8. 45 210 9. 99 983 40 30 8. 40 569 8. 40 583 9. 99 986 30 30 8. 45 267 8. 45 285 9. 99 983 30 40 8.40 651 8. 40 665 9. 99 986 20 40 8. 45 341 8. 45 359 9. 99 982 20 50 8. 40 734 8. 40 748 9. 99-986 10 50 8. 45 415 8. 45 433 9. 99 982 10 280 8. 40 816 8. 40 830 9. 99 9S6 32 38 8. 45 489 8. 45 507 9. 99 982 22 10 8. 40 898 8. 40 913 9. 99 986 50 10 8. 45 563 8. 45 581 9. 99 982 50 20 8. 40 980 8. 40 995 9. 99 986 40 20 8. 45 637 8. 45 655 9. 99 982 40 30 8. 41 062 8. 41 077 9. 99 986 30 30 8. 45 710 8. 45 728 9. 99 982 30 40 8. 41 144 8. 41 158 9. 99 986 20 40 8. 45 784 8. 45 S02 9. 99 982 20 50 8. 41 225 8. 41 240 9. 99 986 .10 50 8.45 857 8.45 875 9. 99 982 10 290 8. 41 307 8.41321 9. 99 985 031 39 8.45 930 8.45 948 9. 99 982 21 10 8. 41 388 8. 41 403 9. 99 985 50 10 8. 46 003 8. 46 021 9. 99 982 50 20 8. 41 469 8. 41 484 9. 99 985 40 ' 20 8. 46 076 8. 46 094 9. 99 982 40 30 8. 41 550 8. 41 565 9. 99 9S5 30 30 8. 46 149 8. 46 167 9. 99 982 30 40 8.41631 8. 41 646 9. 99 985 20 40 8. 46 222 8. 46 240 9. 99 982 20 50 8. 41 711 8. 41 726 9. 99 985 10 50 8.46 294 8.46 312 9. 99 982 10 300 8. 41 792 8. 41 807 9. 99 985 30 40 8.46 366 8.46 385 9. 99 982 20 t tt log cos log cot log sin . it t t tt log cos log cot log sin tt t 88° ] o 27 f tt log sin log tan log COS ft f t ft log sin log tan log COS tt t 40 8. 46 366 8. 46 385 9. 99 982 20 50 S. 50 504 8.50 527 9. 99 97S 1O 10 8. 46 439 8.46 457 9. 99 982 50 10 8. 50 570 8. 50 593 9. 99 978 50 20 8.46 511 8. 46 529 9. 99 982 40 20 8. 50 636 8. 50 658 9. 99 97S 40 30 8. 46 583 8. 46 602 9. 99 981 30 30 8. 50 701 8. 50 724 9. 99 978 30 40 8.46 655 8. 46 674 9. 99 981 20 40 8. 50 767 8. 50 789 9. 99 977 20 50 8. 46 727 8. 46 745 9. 99 981 10 50 8. 50 832 S. 50 855 9. 99 977 10 410 8. 46 799 8.46S17 9. 99 981 19 510 8. 50 897 8. 50 920 9. 99 977 9 10 8. 46 870 8. 46 889 9. 99 9S1 50 10 8. 50 963 8. 50 985 9. 99 977 50 20 8. 46 942 8. 46 960 9. 99 981 40 20 8. 51 028 8.51050 9. 99 977 40 30 8. 47 013 8. 47 032 9. 99 981 30 30 8.51092 8.51115 9. 99 977 30 40 8. 47 084 8. 47 103 9. 99 9S1 20 40 8. 51 157 8. 51 180 9. 99 977 20 50 8.47155 8. 47 174 9. 99 981 10 50 8. 51 222 8. 51 245 9. 99 977 10 42 8. 47 226 8. 47 245 9. 99 981 18 52 8. 51 287 8.51310 9. 99 977 8 10 8. 47 297 8.47 316 9. 99 981 50 10 8.51351 8. 51 374 9. 99 977 50 20 S. 47 368 8. 47 387 9. 99 981 40 20 8.51416 8. 51 439 9. 99 977 40 30 8. 47 439 8. 47 458 9. 99 981 30 30 8. 51 480 8. 51 503 9. 99 977 30 40 8. 47 509 8. 47 528 9. 99 981 20 40 8. 51 544 8. 51 568 9. 99 977 20 50 8. 47 580 8. 47 599 9. 99 981 10 50 8. 51 609 8. 51 632 9. 99 977 10 430 8. 47 650 8. 47 669 9. 99 981 017 53 8. 51 673 8. 51 696 9. 99 977 7 10 8.47720 8. 47 740 9. 99 980 50 10 8. 51 737 8. 51 760 9. 99 976 50 20 8. 47 790 8. 47 810 9. 99 980 40 20 S. 51 801 8. 51 824 9. 99 976 40 30 8. 47 860 8. 47 880 9. 99 980 30 30 8. 51 864 8. 51 888 9. 99 976 30 40 8. 47 930 8 47 950 9. 99 980 20 40 8. 51 928 8. 51 952 9. 99 976 20 50 8. 48 000 8. 48 020 9. 99 980 10 50 8. 51 992 8.52 015 9. 99 976 10 44 S. 48 069 8. 48 090 9. 99 980 016 54 8. 52 055 8. 52 079 9. 99 976 6 10 8. 48 139 8. 48 159 9. 99 980 50 10 8.52 119 8. 52 143 9. 99 976 50 20 S. 48 208 8. 48 228 9. 99 980 40 20 S. 52 182 8. 52 206 9. 99 976 40 30 8. 48 278 8. 48 298 9. 99 980 30 30 8. 52 245 8. 52 269 9. 99 976 30 40 8. 48 347 8. 48 367 9. 99 980 20 40 8. 52 308 8. 52 332 9. 99 976 20 50 8.48 416 8. 48 436 9. 99 980 10 50 8.52 371 8. 52 396 9. 99 976 10 450 8. 48 485 8. 48 505 9. 99 980 15 55 8. 52 434 8. 52 459 9. 99 976 5 10 8.48 554 8. 48 574 9. 99 980 50 10 8. 52 497 8. 52 522 9. 99 976 50 20 8. 48 622 8. 48 643 9. 99 980 40 20 8. 52 560 8. 52 584 9. 99 976 40 30 8. 48 691 8.4S711 9. 99 980 30 30 8. 52 623 8. 52 647 9. 99 975 30 40 8. 48 760 8. 48 780 9. 99 979 20 40 8. 52 685 8. 52 710 9. 99 975 20 50 8. 48 828 8. 48 849 9. 99 979 10 50 8. 52 748 8. 52 772 9. 99 975 10 460 8". 48 896 8. 48 917 9. 99 979 14 56 8. 52 810 8. 52 835 9. 99 975 4 10 8. 48 965 8. 48 985 9. 99 979 50 10 8.52 872 8. 52 897 9. 99 975 50 20 8. 49 033 8. 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8. 49 997 9. 99 978 20 40 8. 53 797 8. 53 823 9. 99 974 20 50 8. 50 042 8. 50 063 9. 99 978 10 50 8. 53 858 8. 53 884 9. 99 974 10 49 8. 50 108 8. 50 130 9. 99 97S 011 59 8. 53 919 8. 53 945 9. 99 974 1 10 8. 50 174 8. 50 196 9. 99 97S 50 10 8. 53 979 8. 54 005 9. 99 974 50 20 8. 50 241 8. 50 263 9. 99 978 40 20 8. 54 040 8. 54 066 9. 99 974 40 30 8.50 307 8. 50 329 9. 99 978 30 30 8. 54 101 8. 54 127 9. 99 974 30 40 8.50 373 8. 50 395 9. 99 978 20 40 8. 54 161 8. 54 187 9. 99 974 20 50 8. 50 439 8. 50 461 9. 99 978 10 50 8. 54 222 8. 54 248 9. 99 974 10 50 8. 50 504 8. 50 527 9. 99 978 01O 60 8. 54 282 8. 54 308 9. 99 974 O t tt log cos log cot log sin tt t / /' log cos log cot log sin tt t m 28 1° f log sin log tan log cot log cos t 8 8 11 9 241S6 24 192 75 SOS 99 993 60 1 24 903 24 910 75 090 99 993 59 2 25 609 25 616 74 3S4 99 993 5S 3 26 304 26 312 73 6SS 99 993 57 ' 4 26 9SS 26 996 73 004 99 992 56 5 27 661 27 669 72 331 99 992 55 6 2S324 28 332 7166S 99 992 54 7- 2S977 2S9S6 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734 87 1S7 7 54 82 467 95 291 04 709 87175 6 55 82 481 95 317 04 683 S7 164 5 56 82 495 95 342 04 65S 87 153 4 57 82 509 95 368 04 632 87 141 3 58 82 523 95 393 04 607 87 130 2 59 82 537 95 41S 04 5S2 87119 1 60 82 551 95 444 04 556 87107 9 log COS 9 log cot IO log tan 9 log sin t - t 42 c t log sin log tan log cot log cos / 9 9 10 9 82 551 95 444 04 556 87107 60 1 82 565 95 469 04 531 87 096 59 2 82 579 95 495 04 505 87 085 58 3 82 593 95 520 04 480 87 073 57 4 S2 607 95 545 04 455 87 062 56 5 82 621 95 571 04 429 87 050 55 6 82 635 95 596 04 404 87 039 54 7 82 649 95 622 04 378 87 02S 53 8 82 663 95 647 04 353 87 016 52 9 82 677 95 672 04 328 87 005 51 10 82 691 95 69S 04 302 S6 993 50 11 82 705 95 723 04 277 S6 9S2 49 12 82 719 95 748 04 252 86 970 48 13 82 733 95 774 04 226 86 959 47 14 82 747 95 799 04 201 S6 947 46 15 82 761 95 825 04175 S6 936 45 16 82 775 95 850 04 150 86 924 44 17 82 7S8 95 875 04 125 S6 913 43 18 82 802 95 901 04 099 86 902 42 19 82 816 95 926 04 074 S6S90 41 20 82 830 95 952 04 048 86 879 40 21 S2 844 95 977 04 023 S6S67 39 22 82 858 96 002 03 998 86 855 3S 23 82 872 96 02S 03 972 86 844 37 24 82 885 96 053 03 947 86 832 36 25 82 899 96 07S 03 922 86 821 35 26 82 913 96 104 03 896 86 809 34 27 82 927 96129 03 871 86 798 33 2S 82 941 96155 03 845 S6 7S6 32 29 82^55 96180 03S20 86 775 31 30 82 968 96'205 03 795 86 763 30 31 82 982 96 231 03 769 S6 752 29 32 82 996 96 256 03 744 S6 740 28 33 83 010 96 281 03 719 S6 72S 27 34 83 023 96 307 03 693 86 717 26 35 83 037 96 332 03 668 S6 705 25 36 83 051 96 357 03 643 86 694 24 37 83 065 96 383 03 617 S6 682 23 3S 83 078 96 40S 03 592 86 670 22 39 83 092 96 433 03-567 86 659 21 40 83 106 96 459 03 541 86 647 20 41 83 120 96 484 03 516 S6 635 19 42 83 133 96 510 03 490 86 624 18 43 83 147 96 535 03 465 S6 612 17 44 83 161 96 560 03 440 86 600 16 45 83 174 96 586 03 414 86 589 15 46 83 188 96 611 03 389 S6 577 14 47 83 202 96 636 03 364 86 565 13 48 83 215 96 662 03 338 86 554 12 49 S3 229 96 687 03 313 86 542 11 50 83 242 96 712 03 2SS S6 530 10 51 S3 256 96 738 03 262 86 518 9 52 83 270 96 763 03 237 S6 507 8 53 83 283 96 78S 03 212 86 495 7 54 83 297 96S14 03 186 S6 4S3 6 55 S3 310 96 839 03 161 S6 472 5 56 S3 324 • 96 864 03 136 86 460 4 57 S3 33S 96 890 03 110 S6 448 3 5S S3 351 96 915 03 085 86 436 2 59 S3 365 96 940 03 060 86 425 1 60 83 37S 96 966 03 034 86 413 9 9 10 9 t log cos log cot log tan log sin t 48 c 47 c 43 c t log sin log tan log cot log cos t 9 83 378 9 96 966 10 03 034 9 86 413 60 1 83 392 96 991 03 009 S6 401 59 2 83 405 97 016 02 9S4 86 3S9 58 3 83 419 97 042 02 958 86 377 57 4 83 432 97 067 02 933 86 366 56 5 83 446 97 092 02 90S 86 354 55 6 83 459 97 US 02 882 86 342 54 7 83 473 97 143 02 857 S6 330 53 S S3 4S6 97 16S 02 832 86 31S 52 9 83 500 97193 02 807 86 306 51 10 S3 513 97 219 02 781 S6 295 50 11 83 527 97 244 02 756 S6 2S3 49 12 S3 540 97 269 02 731 86 271 48 13 S3 554 97 295 02 705 86 259 47 14 83 567 97 320 02 680 S6 247 46 15 83 581 97 345 02 655 86 235 45 16 83 594 97 371 02 629 86 223 44 17 83 608 97 396 02 604 86 211 43 18 83 621 97 421 02 579 86 200 42 19 83 634 97 447 02 553 861SS 41 20 S3 648 97 472 02 52S 86176 40 21 83 661 97 497 02 503 86 164 39 22 83 674 97 523 02 477 86 152 38 23 S3 6SS 97 54S 02 452 86140 37 24 83 701 97 573 02 427 86128 36 25 S3 715 97 598 02 402 86 116 35 26 83 728 97 624 02 376 86104 34 27 83 741 97 649 02 351 S6 092 33 28 83 755 97 674 02 326 S6 0S0 32 29 83 768 97 700 02 300 86 068 31 30 83 781 97 725 02 275 86 056 30 31 S3 795 97 750 02 250 86 044 29 32 83 SOS 97 776 02 224 86 032 28 33 83 821 97 801 02 199 86 020 27 34 83 834 97 826 02 174 S6 00S 26 35 83S4S 97 851 02149 85 996 25 36 S3S61 97 877 02 123 S5 984 24 37 83 874 97 902 02 098 85 972 23 38 83 8S7 97 927 02 073 85 960 22 39 83 901 97 953 02 047 S5 94S 21 40 83 914 97 978 02 022 85 936 20 41 83 927 98 003 01997 85 924 19 42 83 940 98 029 01971 S5 912 IS 43 83 954 9S054 01946 85 900 17 44 83 967 98 079 01921 S5 888 16 45 83 9S0 98 104 01896 85 876 15 46 83 993 98 130 01S70 85 864 14 47 84 006 98155 01S45 S5 851 13 48 84 020 98 180 01820 S5S39 12 49 84 033 98 206 01794 S5S27 11 50 84 046 98 231 01769 85S15 10 51 S4 059 98 256 01744 85 803 9 52 84 072 9S-2S1 01719 85 791 8 53 S4 0S5 98 307 01693 85 779 7 54 84 098 9S332 0166S 85 766 6 55 84 112 98 357 01643 85 754 5 56 S4 125 98 3S3 01617 85 742 4 57 84 138 9S40S 01592 85 730 3 5S 84 151 98 433 01567 S5 718 2 59 S4 164 98 458 01542 85 706 1 60 84 177 98 484 01516 85 693 9 9 10 9 -H t log cos log cot log tan log sin ' 44° 49 t log sin log tan log cot log cos t 9 84 177 9 98 484 10 01516 9 85 693 60 1 84 190 98 509 01491 85 681 59 2 84 203 98 534 01466 85 669 58 3 84 216 98 560 01440 85 657 57 4 84 229 9S5S5 01415 85 645 56 5 84 242 98 610 01390 85 632 55 6 84 255 98 635 01365 85 620 54 7 84 269 9S661 01339 85 608 53 S S4 2S2 98 6S6 01314 85 596 52 9 84 295 98 711 01289 85 583 51 10 84 30S 98 737 01263 85 571 50 11 84 321 98 762 01238 85 559 49 12 84 334 9S7S7 01213 85 547 48 13 84 347 9S812 01188 85 534 47 14 84 360 98 838 01162 85 522 46 15 84 373 98 863 01137 85 510 45 16 84 385 98SS8 01112 85 497 44 17 84 398 98 913 01087 85 485 43 18 S4 411 98 939 01061 85 473 42 19 84 424 98 964 01036 85 460 41 20 84 437 98 989 01011 S5 44S 40 21 84 450 99 015 00 985 85 436 39 22 S4 463 99 040 00 960 85 423 38 23 84 476 99 065 00 935 85 411 37 24 84 489 99 090 00 910 85 399 36 25 84 502 99116 00 884 85 386 35 26 84 515 99141 00 859 85 374 34 27 84 528 99 166 00 834 85 361 33 28 84 540 99191 00 809 85 349 32 29 84 553 99 217 00 783 85 337 31 30 84 566 99 242 00 758 85 324 30 31 84 579 99 267 00 733 85 312 29 32 84 592 99 293 00 707 85 299 28 33 84 605 99 318 00 6S2 85 2S7 27 34 84 618 99 343 00 657 85 274 26 35 84 630 99 368 00 632 85 262 25 36 S4 643 99 394 00 606 85 250 24 37 84 656 99 419 00 581 85 237 23 3S 84 669 99 444 00 556 85 225 22 39 84 6S2 99 469 00 531 85 212 21 40 84 694 99 495 00 505 85 200 20 41 S4 707 99 520 00 480 85 187 19 42 84 720 99 545 00 455 85 175 18 43 84 733 99 570 00 430 85 162 17 44 84 745 99 596 00 404 85 150 16 45 84 758 99 621 00 379 85 137 15 46 84 771 99 646 00 354 85 125 14 47 84 784 99 672 00 328 85 112 13 48 84 796 99 697 00 303 85 100 12 49 84 809 99 722 00 278 85 087 11 50 84 822 99 747 00 253 85 074 10 51 84 835 99 773 00 227 85 062 9 52 84 847 99 798 00 202 85 049 8 53 84S60 99 823 00 177 85 037 7 54 84S73 99 848 00152 85 024 6 55 84 885 99 874 00 126 85 012 5 56 84S9S 99 899 00101 84 999 4 57 84 911 99 924 00 076 84 986 3 58 84 923 99 949 00 051 S4 974 2 59 S4 936 99 975 00 025 84 961 1 60 84 949 00 000 00 000 84 949 O 9 10 10 9 t log cos log cot log tan log sin t 46 : 45 50 TABLE IV. HAN CAN BE DONE BY For Determining wite [ Greater Accuracy i means of Table III. : 1. log sin, log tan, and log cot, when the angle is between 0° and 2° ; 2. log cos, log tan, and log cot, when the angle is between 88° and 90° ; 3. The value of the angle when the logarithm of the function does not lie between the limits 8. 54 684 and 11. 45 316. FORMULAS FOR THE USE OF THE 1STUMBERS S AND T. I. When the angle a is between 0° and 2° : log sin a = log a" + S. log a" = log sin a — S, log tan a = log a" + T. = log tan a — T, log cot a = colog tan a. = colog cot a — T. II. When the angle a is between 88° and 90° : log cos a = log (90° - a)" + S. log (90° - a)" = log cos a - -s, log cot a = log (90° - a)" + T. = log cot a - - T, log tan a = colog cot a. = colog tan a — T, . * and a = 90° - (90 >-«). »«VKo« Values of S ato T, . a" S log sin a a" T log tan a a T log tan a — — 5146 8. 39 713 4. 68 557 4. 68 557 4. 68 567 2 409 8. 06 740 200 6. 98 660 5 424 8. 41 999 4. 68 556 4. 68 558 4. 68 568 3 417 8. 21 920 1 726 7. 92 263 5 689 8. 44 072 4. 68 555 4. 68 559 4. 68 569 3 823 8. 26 795 2 432 8. 07 156 5 941 8. 45 955 4. 68 555 4. 68 560 4. 68 570 4 190 8. 30 776 2 976 8. 15 924 6184 8. 47 697 4. 68 554 • 4.68 561 4. 68 571 4 840 8. 37 038 3 434 8. 22 142 6 417 8. 49 305 4. 68 553 4. 68 562 4. 68 572 5 414 8. 4.1 904 3 838 . 8. 26 973 6 642 S. 50 802 4. 68 552 4. 68 563 4. 68 573 5 932 8.45 872 4 204 8. 30 930 6 859 8. 52 200 4. 68 551 4. 68 564 4. 68 574 6 408 8. 49 223 4 540 8.34 270 7 070 8.53 516 4. 6S 550 4. 68 565 4. 68 575 6 633 8. 50 721 4 699 8. 35 766 7173 S. 54 145 4. 68 550 4. 68 565 4. 68 575 6 851 8.52 125 4 853 8. 37 167 7 274 S. 54 753 4. 68 549 4. 68 566 7 267 8. 54 684 5 146 8. 39 713 a" S log sin a a" . T log tan a a T log tan a 1 TABLE V.— Circumferences and Areas of Circles. 61 If .ZV"= the radius of the circle, the circumference = 2 ?r n: If JST = the radius of the circle, the < irea = TriV 2 . If iV = the circumference of the circle, the radius = — 2tt N. If iV" = the circumference of the circle, the area = — 4tt 2V 2 . N 2TT2? Wjf2 2ir if 0.00 N 27TJV irJT* ±jst 2ir 47T 0.00 0.0 0.000 50 314. 16 7 854 7.96 198. 94 1 6.28 3.1 0.159 0.08 51 320. 44 8171 8.12 206. 98 2 12.57 12.6 0.318 0.32 52 326. 73 8 495 8.2S 215. 18 3 18.85 28.3 0.477 0.72 53 333. 01 8 825 8.44 223. 53 4 25. 13 50.3 0.637 1.27 54 339. 29 9161 8.59 232. 05 5 31.42 78.5 0.796 1.99 55 345. 58 9 503 8.75 240. 72 6 37.70 113.1 0.955 2.86 56 351.86 9 852 8.91 249. 55 7 43.98 153.9 1.114 3.90 57 358. 14 10 207 9.07 258. 55 8 50.27 201.1 1.273 5.09 58 364. 42 10 568 9.23 267. 70 9 56.55 254.5 1.432 6.45 59 370. 71 10 936 9.39 277. 01 10 62.83 .314.2 1.592 7.96 60 376. 99 11310 9.55 286. 48 11 69.12 380.1 1.751 9.63 61 383. 27 11690 9.71 296. 11 12 75.40 452.4 1.910 11.46 62 389. 56 12 076 9.87 305. 90 13 81. 6S 530.9 2.069 13.45 63 395. 84 12 469 10.03 315. 84 14 87.96 615.8 2.228 15.60 64 402. 12 12 868 10.19 325. 95 15 94.25 706.9 2.387 17.90 65 408. 41 13 273 10.35 336. 21 16 100. 53 80+. 2 2.5+6 20.37 66 414. 69 13 685 10.50 346. 64 17 106. 81 907.9 2.706 23.00 67 420. 97 14103 10.66 357. 22 IS 113. 10 1017.9 2.865 25.78 68 427. 26 14 527 10.82 367. 97 19 119. 38 1 134. 1 3.02+ 28. 73 69 433. 54 14 957 10.98 378. 87 20 125. 66 1 256. 6 3.183 31.83 70 439. S2 15 394 11.14 389. 93 21 131.95 1 385. 4 3.3+2 35. 09 71 446. 11 15 837 11.30 401. 15 22 138. 23 1 520. 5 3.501 38.52 72 452. 39 16 286 11.46 412. 53 23 144. 51 1661.9 3.661 42.10 73 458. 67 16 742 11.62 424. 07 24 150. 80 1 S09. 6 3.820 45.8+ 74 464. 96 17 203 11.78 435. 77 25 157. OS 1 963. 5 3.979 49.74 75 471. 24 17 671 11.94 447. 62 26 163. 36 2 123. 7 +. 13S 53.79 76 477. 52 18146 12.10 459. 64 27 169. 65 2 290. 2 4.297 58.01 77 483. 81 18 627 12.25 471. 81 28 175.93 2 463. 4.456 62.39 78 490. 09 19113 12.41 484. 15 29 182. 21 2 6+2. 1 4.615 66.92 79 496. 37 19 607 12.57 496. 64 . 30 18S. 50 2 827. 4 4.775 71.62 80 502. 65 20106 12.73 509. 30 31 19+. 78 3 019. 1 4.934 76.47 81 508. 94 20 612 12.89 522. 11 32 201. 06 3 217.0 5.093 81.49 82 515. 22 21124 13.05 535. 08 33 207. 35 3 421. 2 5.252 86.66 83 521. 50 21642 13.21 548. 21 34 213. 63 3 631. 7 5.411 91.99 84 527. 79 22167 13.37 561. 50 35 219. 91 3 84S. 5 5.570 97.48 85 534. 07 22 698 13.53 574. 95 36 226. 19 4 071.5 5.730 103. 13 86 540. 35 23 235 13.69 588. 55 37 232. 48 4 300. 8 5.8S9 108. 94 87 546. 64 23 779 13.85 602. 32 3S 23S. 76 4 536. 5 6.048 114.91 88 552.92 24 328 14.01 616. 25 39 245. 04 4 778.4 6.207 121. 04 89 559. 20 24 885 14.16 630. 33 40 251.33 5 026. 5 6.366 127. 32 90 565. 49 25 447 14.32 644. 58 41 257. 61 5 281.0 6.525 133. 77 91 571.77 26 016 14.48 658. 98 42 263. 89 5-541.8 6. 6S5 1+0. 37 92 578. 05 26 590 14.64 673. 54 43 270. 18 5 SOS. 8 6.8++ 147. 14 93 584. 34 27 172 14.80 688. 27 44 276. 46 6 0S2. 1 7.003 154. 06 9+ 590. 62 27 759 14.96 703. 15 45 2S2. 74 6 361.7 7.162 161. 14 95 596. 90 28 353 15.12 718. 19 46 289 03 6 647. 6 7.321 168. 39 96 603. 19 28 953 15.28 733. 39 47 295.31 6 939. 8 7. 4S0 175. 79 97 609. 47 29 559 15.44 748. 74 4S 301. 59 7 238. 2 7.639 183.35 98 615. 75 30 172 15.60 764. 26 49 307. SS 7 543. 7.799 191. 07 99 622. 04 30 791 15.76 779. 94 50 314. 16 7 854. 7.958 198. 94 100 628. 32 31416 15.92 795. 77 N 2 7TiV irN 2 l-N JL^a N 2ir_iV ±-V ±-N* <2,ir 4ir lit 47T 52 TABLE VI. -NATUBAL FUNCTIONS • / o° 1° -2° 3° 4° f sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos o 0000 1.000 0175 9998 0349 9994 0523 9986 0698 9976 60 i 0003 1.000 0177 9998 0352 9994 0526 9986 0700 9975 59 2 0006 1.000 0180 9998 0355 9994 0529 9986 0703 9975 58 3 0009 1.000 0183 9998 0358 9994 0532 9986 0706 9975 57 ' 4 0012 1.000 0186 9998 0361 9993 0535 9986 0709 9975 56 5 0015 1.000 0189 9998 0364 9993 0538 9986 0712 9975 55 6 0017 1.000 0192 9998 0366 9993 0541 9985 0715 9974 54 7 0020 1.000 0195 9998 0369 9993 0544 9985 0718 9974 53 8 0023 1.000 0198 9998 0372 9993 0547 9985 0721 9974 52 9 0026 1.000 0201 9998 0375 9993 0550 9985 0724 9974 51 10 0029 1.000 0204 9998 0378 9993 0552 9985 0727 9974 50 11 0032 1.000 0207 9998 0381 9993 0555 9985 0729 9973 49 12 0035 1.000 0209 9998 0384 9993 0558 9984 0732 9973 48 13 0038 1.000 0212 9998 0387 9993 0561 9984 0735 9973 47 14 0041 1.000 0215 9998 0390 9992 0564 9984 0738 9973 46 15 0044 1.000 0218 9998 0393 9992 0567 9984 0741 9973 45 16 0047 1.000 0221 9998 0396 9992 0570 9984 0744 9972 44 17 0049 1.000 0224 9997 0398 9992 0573 9984 0747 9972 43 IS 0052 1.000 0227 9997 0401 9992 0576 9983 0750 9972 42 19 0055 1.000 0230 9997 0404 9992 0579 9983 0753 9972 41 20 0058 1.000 0233 9997 0407 9992 0581 9983 0756 9971 40 21 0061 1.000 0236 9997 0410 9992 0584 9983 0758 9971 39 22 0064 1.000 0239 9997 0413 9991 0587 9983 0761 9971 38 23 0067 1.000 0241 9997 0416 9991 0590 9983 0764 9971 37 24 0070 1.000 0244 9997 0419 9991 0593 9982 0767 9971 36 25 0073 1.000 0247 9997 0422 9991 0596 9982 0770 9970 35 26 0076 1.000 0250 9997 0425 9991 0599 9982 0773 9970 34 27 0079 1.000 0253 9997 0427 9991 0602 9982 0776 9970 33 2S 0081 1.000 0256 9997 0430 9991 0605 9982 0779 9970 32 29 0084 1.000 0259 9997 0433 9991 .0608 9982 0782 9969 31 30 0087 1.000 0262 9997 0436 9990 0610 9981 0785 9969 30 31 0090 1.000 0265 9996 0439 9990 0613 9981 0787 9969 29 32 0093 1.000 0268 9996 0442 9990 0616 9981 0790 9969 28 33 0096 1000 0270 9996 0445 9990 0619 9981 0793 9968 27 34 0099 1.000 0273 9996 0448 9990 0622 9981 0796 9968 26 35 0102 9999 0276 9996 0451 9990 0625 9980 0799 9968 25 36 0105 9999 0279 9996 0454 9990 0628 9980 0802 9968 24 37 0108 9999 0282 9996 0457 9990 0631 9980 0805 9968 23 38 0111 9999 0285 9996 0459 9989 0634 9980 0808 9967 22 39 0113 9999 02SS 9996 0462 9989 0637 9980 0811 9967 21 40 0116 9999 0291 9996 0465 9989 0640 9980 0814 9967 20 41 0119 9999 0294 9996 0468 9989 0642 9979 0816 9967 19 42 0122 9999 0297 9996 0471 9989 0645 9979 0819 9966 IS 43 0125 9999 0300 9996 0474 9989 0648 9979 0822 9966 17 44 0128 9999 0302 9995 0477 9989 0651 9979 0825 9966 16 45 0131 9999 0305 9995 0480 9988 0654 9979 082S 9966 15 46 0134 9999 0308 9995 0483 9988 0657 9978 0831 9965 14 47 0137 9999 0311 9995 ■ 0486 9988 0660 9978 0834 9965 13 48 0140 9999 0314 9995 0488 9988 0663 9978 0837 9965 12 49 0143 9999 0317 9995 0491 9988 0666 9978 0840 9965 11 50 0145 9999 0320 9995 0494 9988 0669 9978 0843 9964 10 51 0148 9999 0323 9995 0497 9988 0671 9977 0845 9964 9 52 0151 9999 0326 9995 0500 9987 0674 9977 0848 9964 8 53 0154 9999 0329 9995 0503 9987 0677 9977 0851 9964 7 54 0157 9999 0332 9995 0506 9987 06S0 9977 0854 9963 6 55 0160 9999 0334 9994 0509 9987 0683 9977 0857 9963 5 56 0163 9999 0337 9994 0512 9987 06S6 9976 0860 9963 4 57 0166 9999 0340 9994 0515 9987 0689 9976 0863 9963 3 58 0169 9999 0343 9994 0518 99S7 0692 9976 0866 9962 2 59 0172 9999 0346 9994 0520 9986 0695 9976 0S69 9962 1 60 0175 9999 0349 9994 0523 9986 069S 9976 0872 9962 O cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin r 89° 88° 87° 80° 85° t NATUKAL SINES AND COSINES. 53 / 5° 6° 7° 8° 9° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos o 0872 9962 1045 9945 1219 9925 1392 9903 1564 9877 60 1 0874 9962 1048 9945 1222 9925 1395 9902 1567 9876 59 2 0877 9961 1051 9945 1224 9925 1397 9902 1570 9876 58 3 0S80 9961 1054 9944 1227 9924 1400 9901 1573 9876 57 4 0SS3 9961 1057 9944 1230 9924 1403 9901 1576 9875 56 5 0SS6 9961 1060 9944 1233 9924 1406 9901 1579 9875 55 6 0889 9960 1063 9943 1236 9923 1409 9900 1582 9874 54 7 0892 9960 1066 9943 1239 9923 1412 9900 1584 9874 53 8 0S95 9960 1068 9943 1241 9923 1415 9899 1587 9873 52 9 089S 9960 1071 9942 1245 9922 1418 9899 1590 9873 51 10 0901 9959 1074 9942 1248 9922 1421 9899 1593 9872 50 11 0903 9959 1077 9942 1250 9922 1423 9898 1596 9872 49 12 0906 9959 1080 9942 1253 9921 1426 9898 1599 9871 48 13 0909 9959 1083 9941 1256 9921 1429 9897 1602 9871 47 14 0912 9958 1086 9941 1259 9920 1432 9897 1605 9870 46 15 0915 9958 1089 9941 1262 9920 1435 9897 1607 9870 45 16 0918 9958 1092 9940 1265 9920 1438 9896 1610 9869 44 17 0921 9958 1094 9940 1268 9919 1441 9896 1613 9869 43 18 0924 9957 1097 9940 1271 9919 1444 9895 1616 9869 42 19 0927 9957 1100 9939 1274 9919 1446 9895 1619 9868 41 20 0929 9957 1103 9939 1276 9918 1449 9894 1622 9868 40 21 0932 9956 1106 9939 1279 9918 1452 9894 1625 9867 39 22 0935 9956 1109 9938 12S2 9917 1455 9894 1628 9S67 38 23 0938 9956 1112 9938 1285 9917 1458 9893 1630 9866 37 24 0941 9956 1115 9938 1288 9917 1461 9893 1633 9866 36 25 0944 9955 1118 9937 1291 9916 1464 9892 1636 9865 35 26 0947 9955 1120 9937 1294 9916 1467 9892 1639 9865 34 27 0950 9955 1123 9937 1297 9916 1469 9891 1642 9864 33 28 0953 9955 1126 9936 1299 9915 1472 9891 1645 9864 32 29 0956 9954 1129 9936 1302 9915 1475 9891 1648 9863 31 30 0958 9954 1132 9936 1305 9914 1478 9890 1650 9863 30 31 0961 9954 1135 9935 1308 9914 1481 9890 1653 9862 29 32 0964 9953 1138 9935 1311 9914 1484 9889 1656 9862 28 33 0967 9953 1141 9935 1314 9913 1487 9889 1659 9861 27 34 0970 9953 1144 9934 1317 9913 1490 9888 1662 9861 26 35 ■ 0973 9953 1146 9934 1320 9913 1492 9888 1665 9860 25 36 0976 9952 1149 9934 1323 9912 1495 9888 1668 9860 24 37 0979 9952 1152 9933 1325 9912 1498 9887 1671 9859 23 38 0982 9952 1155 9933 1328 9911 1501 98S7 1673 9S59 22 39 0985 9951 1158 9933 1331 9911 1504 9886 1676 9859 21 40 09S7 9951 1161 9932 1334 9911 1507 9886 1679 9858 20 41 0990 9951 1164 9932 1337 9910 1510 9885 1682 9858 19 42 0993 9951 1167 9932 1340 9910 1513 9885 1685 9S57 IS 43 0996 9950 1170 9931 1343 9909 1515 9884 16S8 9857 17 44 0999 9950 1172 9931 1346 9909 1518 9884 1691 9856 16 45 1002 9950 1175 9931 1349 9909 1521 9884 1693 9856 15 46 1005 9949 1178 9930 1351 9908 1524 9883 1696 9855 14 47 1008 9949 1181 9930 1354 990S 1527 9883 1699 9S55 13 4S 1011 9949 1184 9930 1357 9907 1530 9882 1702 9854 12 49 1013 9949 1187 9929 1360 9907 1533 9882 1705 9854 11 50 1016 9948 1190 9929 1363 9907 1536 9881 1708 9853 10 51 1019 9948 1193 9929 1366 9906 1538 9881 1711 9853 9 52 1022 9948 1196 9928 1369 9906 1541 9880 1714 9852 8 53 1025 9947 1198 992S 1372 9905 1544 9880 1716 9S52 7 54 1028 9947 1201 9928 1374 9905 1547 9880 1719 9851 6 55 1031 9947 1204 9927 1377 9905 1550 9879 1722 9851 5 56 1034 9946 1207 9927 13S0 9904 1553 9879 1725 9850 4 57 1037 9946 1210 9927 1383 9904 1556 9878 1728 9850 3 58 1039 9946 1213 9926 13S6 9903 1559 9878 1731 9849 2 59 1042 9946 1216 9926 1389 9903 1561 9877 1734 9849 1 60 1045 9945 1219 9925 1392 9903 1564 9877 1736 9848 cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin t 84° 83° 82° 81° 80° t 54 NATITKAL SINES AND COSINES. / 10° 11° 12° 13° 14° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos 1736 9848 1908 9816 2079 9781 2250 9744 2419 9703 60 1 1739 9848 1911 9816 2082 97S1 2252 9743 2422 9702 59 2 1742 9847 1914 9815 2085 9780 2255 9742 2425 9702 58 3 1745 9847 1917 9815 2088 9780 2258 9742 2428 9701 57 ' 4 1748 9846 1920 9814 2090 9779 2261 9741 2431 9700 56 5 1751 9846 1922 9813 2093 9778 2264 9740 2433 9699 55 6 1754 9845 1925 9813 2096 9778 2267 9740 2436 9699 54 7 1757 9845 1928 9S12 2099 9777 2269 9739 2439 9698 53 8 1759 9844 1931 9812 2102 9777 2272 9738 2442 9697 52 9 1762 9843 1934 9811 2105 9776 2275 9738 2445 9697 51 10 1765 9843 1937 9811 2108 9775 2278 9737 2447 9696 50 11 1768 9842 1939 9810 2110 9775 2281 9736 2450 9695 49 12 1771 9842 1942 9810 2113 9774 2284 9736 2453 9694 48 13 1774 9841 1945 9809 2116 9774 2286 9735 2456 9694 47 14 1777 9841 1948 9808 2119 9773 2289 9734 2459 9693 46 15 1779 9840 1951 9808 2122 9772 2292 9734 2462 9692 45 16 . 1782 9840 1954 9807 2125 9772 2295 9733 2464 9692 44 17 1785 9839 1957 9807 2127 9771 2298 9732 2467 9691 43 18 1788 9839 1959 9806 2130 9770 2300 9732 2470 9690 42 19 1791 983S 1962 9806 2133 9770 2303 9731 2473 9689 41 20 1794 9838 1965 9805 2136 9769 2306 9730 2476 9689 40 21 1797 9837 1968 9804 2139 9769 2309 9730 2478 96SS 39 22 1799 9S37 1971 9804 2142 9768 2312 9729 2481 9687 38 23 1802 9836 1974 9803 2145 9767 2315 9728 2484 9687 37 24 1805 9836 1977 9S03 2147 9767 2317 9728 2487 9686 36 25 1808 9835 1979 9802 2150 9766 2320 9727 2490 9685 35 26 1811 9835 1982 9802 2153 9765 2323 9726 2493 9684 34 27 1814 9834 1985 9801 2156 9765 2326 9726 2495 9684 33 28 1817 9834 1988 9800 2159 9764 2329 9725 2498 9683 32 29 1819 9833 1991 9800 2162 9764 2232 9724 2501 9682 31 30 1822 9833 1994 9799 2164 9763 2334 9724 2504 9681 30 31 1825 9S32 1997 9799 2167 9762 2337 9723 2507 9681 29 32 182S 9831 1999 9798 2170 9762 2340 9722 ■2509 9680 28 33 1831 9831 2002 9798 2173 9761 2343 9722 2512 9679 27 34 1834 9830 2005 9797 2176 9760 2346 9721 2515 9679 26 35 1837 9830 200S 9796 2179 9760 2349 9720 2518 9678 25 36 1840 9829 2011 9796 2181 9759 2351 9720 2521 9677 24 37 1842 9829 2014 9795 2184 9759 2354 9719 2524 9676 - 23 38 1845 9828 2016 9795 2187 9758 2357 9718 2526 9676 22 39 1848 9828 2019 9794 2190 9757 2360 9718 2529 9675 21 40 1851 9827 2022 9793 2193 9"757 2363 9717 2532 9674 20 41 1854 9827 2025 9793 2196 9756 2366 9716 2535 9673 19 42 1857 9826 2028 9792 2198 9755 2368 9715 2538 9673 IS 43 1860 9826' 2031 9792 2201 9755 2371 9715 2540 9672 17 44 1862 9825 2034 9791 2204 9754 2374 9714 2543 9671 16 45 1865 9825 2036 9790 2207 9753 2377 9713 2546 9670 15 46 1S68 9824 2039 9790 2210 9753 2380 9713 2549 9670 14 47 1871 9823 2042 9789 • 2213 9752 2383 9712 2552 9669 13 48 1874 9823 2045 9789 2215 9751 2385 9711 2554 966S 12 49 1877 9822 2048 9788 2218 9751 2388 9711 2557 9667 11 50 1880 9822 2051 9787 2221 9750 2391 9710 2560 9667 10 51 1882 9821 2054 9787 2224 9750 2394 9709 2563 9666 9 52 1885 9821 2056 9786 2227 9749 2397 9709 2566 9665 8 53 1888 9820 2059 9786 2230 9748 2399 9708 2569 9665 7 54 1891 9820 2062 9785 2233 9748 2402 9707 2571 9664 6 55 1894 9819 2065 9784 2235 9747 2405 9706 2574 9663 5 56 1897 9S18 206S 9784 2238 9746 2408 9706 2577 9662 4 57 1900 9818 2071 9783 2241 9746 2411 9705 2580 9662 3 5S 1902 9S17 2073 9783 2244 9745 2414 9704 2583 9661 2 59 1905 9S17 2076 9782 2247 9744 2416 9704 25S5 9660 1 60 1908 9816 2079 9781 2250 9744 2419 9703 2588 9659 cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin t 79° 78° 77° 76° 75° ' | NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. 55 / 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos 25S8 9659 2756 9613 2924 9563 3090 9511 3256 9455 60 1 2591 9659 2759 9612 2926 9562 3093 9510 3258 9454 59 2 2594 965S 2762 9611 2929 9561 3096 9509 3261 9453 58 3 2597 9657 2165 9610 2932 9560 3098 9508 3264 9452 57 4 2599 9656 276S 9609 2935 9560 3101 9507 3267 9451 56 5 2602 9655 2770 9609 2938 9S59 3104 9506 3269 9450 55 6 2605 9655 2773 9608 2940 9558 3107 9505 3272 9449 54 7 260S 9654 2776 9607 2943 9557 3110 9504 3275 9449 53 8 2611 9653 2779 9606 2946 9556 3112 9503 3278 9448 52 9 ' 2613 9652 2782 9605 2949 9555 3115 9502 3280 9447 51 10 2616 9652 2784 9605 2952 9555 3118 9502 3283 9446 50 11 2619 9651 27S7 9604 2954 9554 3121 9501 3286 9445 49 12 2622 9650 2790 9603 2957 9553 3123 9500 3289 9444 48 13 2625 9649 2793 9602 2960 9552 3126 9499 3291 9443 47 14 262S 9649 2795 9601 2963 9551 3129 9498 3294 9442 46 15 2630 964S 2798 9600 2965 9550 3132 9497 3297 9441 45 16 2633 9647 2801 9600 296S 9549 3134 9496 3300 9440 44 17 2636 9646 2S04 9599 2971 9548 3137 9495 3302 9439 43 IS 2639 9646 2807 9598 2974 9548 3140 9494 3305 9438 42 19 2642 9645 2S09 9597 2977 9547 3143 9493 3308 9437 41 20 2644 9644 2812 9596 2979 9546 3145 9492 3311 9436 40 21 2647 9643 2815 9596 2982 9545 3148 9492 3313 9435 39 22 2650 9642 2818 9595 29S5 9544 3151 9491 3316 9434 38 23 2653 9642 2821 9594 2988 9543 3154 9490 3319 9433 37 24 2656 9641 2823 9593 2990 9542 3156 9489 3322 9432 36 25 265S 9640 2826 9592 2993 9542 3159 9488 3324 9431 35 26 2661 9639 2829 9591 2996 9541 3162 9487 3327 9430 34 27 2664 9639 2832 9591 2999 9540 3165 9486 3330 9429 33 2S 2667 9638 2835 9590 3002 9539 3168 9485 3333 9428 32 29 2670 9637 2837 9589 3004 9538 3170 9484 3335 9427 31 30 2672 9636 2840 9588 3007 9537 3173 9483 3338 9.426 30 31 2675 9636 2843 9587 3010 9536 3176 9482 3341 9425 29 32 2678 9635 2846 9587 3013 9535 3179 9481 3344 9424 28 33 26S1 9634 2849 9586 3015 9535 3181 9480 3346 9423 27 34 2684 9633 2851 9585 3018 9534 3184 9480 3349 9423 26 35 2686 9632 2854 9584 3021 9533 3187 9479 3352 9422 25 36 2689 9632 2S57 9583 3024 9532 3190 9478 3355 9421 24 37 2692 9631 2S60 95S2 3026 9531 3192 9477 3357 9420 23 38 2695 9630 2862 9582 3029 9530 3195 9476 3360 9419 22 39 269S 9629 2865 9581 3032 9529 3198 9475 3363 9418 21 40 2700 9628 2868 9580 3035 9528 3201 9474 3365 9417 20 41 2703 962S 2871 9579 3038 9527 3203 9473 336S 9416 19 42 2706 9627 2874 9578 3040 9527 3206 9472 3371 9415 IS 43 2709 9626 2876 9577 3043 9526 3209 9471 3374 9414 17 44 2712 9625 2879 9577 3046 9525 3212 9470 3376 9413 16 45 2714 9625 2882 9576 3049 9524 3214 9469 3379 9412 15 46 2717 9624 2885 9575 3051 9523 3217 9468 3382 9411 14 47 2720 9623 2888 9574 3054 9522 3220 9467 3385 9410 13 4S 2723 9622 2890 9573 3057 9521 3223 9466 3387 9409 12 49 2726 9621 2893 9572 3060 9520 3225 9466 3390 9408 11 50 2728 9621 2896 9572 3062 9520 3228 9465 3393 9407 io 51 2731 9620 2899 9571 3065 9519 3231 9464 3396 9406 9 52 2734 9619 2901 9570 306S 9518 3234 9463 339S 9405 8 53 2737 9618 2904 9569 3071 9517 3236 9462 3401 9404 7 54 2740 9617 2907 9568 3074 9516 3239 9461 3404 9403 6 55 2742 9617 2910 9567 3076 9515 3242 9460 3407 9402 5 56 2745 9616 2913 9566 3079 9514 3245 9459 3409 9401 4 57 2748 9615 2915 9566 30S2 9513 3247 9458 3412 9400 3 58 2751 9614 2918 9565 3085 9512 3250 9457 3415 9399 2 59 2754 9613 2921 9564 3087 9511 3253 9456 3417 9398 1 60 2756 9613 2924 9563 3090 9511 3256 9455 3420 9397 cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin t 74° 73° 72° 71° 70° t 56 NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. / 20° 21° 22° 23° 24° r sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos o 3420 9397 3584 9336 3746 9272 3907 9205 4067 9135 60 1 3423 9396 3586 9335 3749 9271 3910 9204 4070 9134 59 2 3426 9395 3589 9334 3751 9270 3913 9203 4073 9133 58 3 3428 9394 3592 9333 3754 9269 3915 9202 4075 9132 57 - 4 3431 9393 3595 9332 3757 9267 3918 9200 4078 9131 56 5 3434 9392 3597 9331 3760 9266 3921 9199 4081 9130 55 6 3437 9391 3600 9330 3762 9265 3923 9198 4083 9128 54 7 3439 9390 3603 9328 3765 9264 3926 9197 4086 9127 53 8 3442 9389 3605 9327 3768 9263 3929 9196 4089 9126 52 9 3445 9388 3608 9326 3770 9262 3931 9195 4091 9125 51 10 3448 9387 3611 9325 3773 9261 3934 9194 4094 9124 50 11 3450 9386 3614 9324 3776 9260 3937 9192 4097 9122 49 12 3453 9385 3616 9323 3778 9259 3939 9191 4099 9121 48 13 3456 9384 3619 9322 3781 9258 3942 9190 4102 9120 47 14 3458 9383 3622 9321 3784 9257 3945 9189 4105 9119 46 15 3461 9382 3624 9320 3786 9255 3947 9188 4107 9118 45 16 3464 9381 3627 9319 3789 9254 3950 '9187 4110 9116 44 17 ' 3467 9380 3630 9318 3792 9253 3953 9186 4112 9115 43 18 3469 9379 3633 9317 3795 9252 3955 9184 4115 9114 42 19 3472 9378 3635 9316 3797 9251 3958 9183 4118 9113 41 20 3475 9377 3638 9315 3800 9250 3961 9182 4120 9112 40 21 3478 9376 3641 9314 3803 9249 3963 9181 4123 9110 39 22 3480 9375 3643 9313 3805 9248 3966 9180 4126 9109 38 23 3483 9374 3646 9312 3808 9247 3969 9179 4128 9108 37 24 3486 9373 3649 9311 3811 9245 3971 9178 4131 9107 36 25 3488 9372 3651 9309 3813 9244 3974 9176 4134 9106 35 26 3491 9371 3654 9308 3816 9243 3977 9175 4136 9104 34 27 3494 9370 3657 9307 3819 9242 3979 9174 4139 9103 33 28 3497 9369 3660 9306 3821 9241 3982 9173 4142 9102 32 29 3499 9368 3662 9305 3824 9240 5985 9172 4144 9101 31 30 3502 9367 3665 9304 3827 9239 ' 3987 9171 4147 9100 30 31 3505 9366 3668 9303 3830 9238 3990 9169 4150 9098 29 32 3508 9365 3670 9302 3832 9237 3993 9168 4152 9097 28 33 3510 9364 3673 9301 3835 9235 3995 9167 4155 9096 27 34 3513 9363 3676 9300 3838 9234 3998 9166 4158 9095 26 35 3516 9362 3679 9299 3840 9233 4001 9165. 4160 9094 25 36 3518 9361 3681 9298 3843 9232 4003 9164 4163 9092 24 37 3521 9360 3684 9297 3846 9231 4006 9162 4165 9091 23 38 3524 9359 3687 9296 3848 9230 4009 9161 4168 9090 ■ 22 39 3527 9358 3689 9295 3851 9229 4011 9160 4171 9088 21 40 3529 9356 3692 9293 3854-9228 4014 9159 4173 9088 20 41 3532 9355 3695 9292 3856 9227 4017 9158 4176 9086 19 42 3535 9354 3697 9291 3859 9225 4019 9157 4179 9085 18 43 3537 9353 3700 9290 3862 9224 4022 9155 4181 9084 17 44 3540 9352 3703 9289 3864 9223 4025 9154 4184 9083 16 45 3543 9351 3706 9288 3867 9222 4027 9153 4187 9081 15 46 3546 9350 3708 9287 3870 9221 4030 9152 4189 9080 14 47 3548 9349 3711 9286. 3872 9220 4033 9151 4192 9079 13 48 3551 9348 3714 9285 3875 9219 4035 9150 4195 9078 12 49 3554 9347 3716 9284 - 3878 9218 4038 9148 4197 9077 11 50 3557 9346 3719 9283 3881 9216 4041 9147 4200 9075 10 51 3559 9345 3722 9282 ■ 3883 9215 4043 9146 4202 9074 9 52 3562 9344 3724 9281 3886 9214 4046 9145 4205 9073 8 53 3565 9343 3727 9279 3889 9213 4049 9144 4208 9072 7 54 3567 9342 3730 9278 "3891 9212 4051 9143 4210 9070 6 55 3570 9341 3733 9277 3894 9211 4054 9141 4213 9069 5 56 3573 9340 3735 9276 3S97 9210 4057 9140 4216 9068 4 57 3576 9339 3738 9275 3S99 9208 4059 9139 4218 9067 3 58 3578 9338 3741 9274 3902 9207 4062 9138 4221 9066 2 59 3581 9337 3743 9273 3905 9206 4065 9137 4224 9064 1 60 3584 9336 3746 9272 3907 9205 4067 9135 4226 9063 cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin t 69° 68° 67° 66° 65° ; NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. 57 t 25° 26° sin cos 2 1° 28° 29° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos 4226 9063 4384 S98S 4540 8910 4695 8S29 4848 8746 60 1 4229 9062 4386 S987 4542 8909 4697 8828 4851 8745 59 2 4231 9061 4389 S9S5 4545 8907 4700 8827 4853 8743 58 3 4234 9059 4392 89S4 4548 8906 4702 8825 4856 8742 57 4 4237 9058 4394 8983 4550 8905 4705 8824 4858 8741 56 5 4239 9057 4397 S9S2 4553 8903 470S 8823 4861 8739 55 6 4242 9056 4399 8980 4555 8902 4710 8821 4863 873S 54 7 4245 9054 4402 8979 4558 8901 4713 8820 4866 8736 53 8 4247 9053 4405 897S 4561 8899 4715 8819 486S 8735 52 9 -4250 9052 4407 8976 4563 8S98 4718 8817 4871 8733 51 10 4253 9051 4410 8975 4566 8897 4720 8816 4874 8732 50 11 4255 9050 4412 8974 4568 8895 4723 8814 4876 8731 49 12 425S 9048 4415 8973 4571 8894 4726 8813 4879 8729 48 13 4260 9047 4418 8971 4574 SS93 4728 8812 4881 8728 47 14 4263 9046 4420 8970 4576 8892 4731 8810 4884 8726 46 15 4266 9045 4423 8969 4579 8890 4733 8809 4886 8725 45 16 4268 9043 4425 S967 45S1 8889 4736 8808 4889 8724 44 17 4271 9042 4428 8966 4584 888S 4738 8806 4891 8722 43 18 4274 9041 4431 8965 4586 8SS6 4741 8805 4894 8721 42 19 4276 9040 4433 8964 4589 8885 4743 8803 4896 8719 41 20 4279 9038 4436 8962 4592 8884 4746 8802 4899 8718 40 21 42S1 9037 4439 8961 4594 S882 4749 8801 4901 8716 39 22 4284 9036 4441 8960 4597 8881 4751 8799 4904 8715 38 23 4287 9035 4444 8958 4599 8879 4754 8798 4907 8714 37 24 4289 9033 4446 8957 4602 8878 4756 8796 4909 8712 36 25 4292 9032 4449 8956 4605 8877 4759 8795 4912 8711 35 26 4295 9031 4452 8955 4607 8875 4761 8794 4914 8709 34 27 4297 9030 4454 8953 4610 8874 4764 8792 4917 8708 33 • 28 - 4300 9028 4457 8952 4612 8873 4766 8791 4919 8706 32 29 4302 9027 4459 8951 4615 8871 4769 8790 4922 8705 31 30 4305 9026 4462 8949 4617 8870 4772 8788 4924 8704 30 31 430S 9025 4465 8948 4620 8869 4774 8787 4927 8702 29 32 4310 9023 4467 8947 4623 8867 4777 8785 4929 8701 28 33 4313 9022 4470 8945 4625 8866 4779 8784 4932 8699 27 34 4316 9021 4472 8944 4628 8865 4782 8783 4934 8698 26 35 4318 9020 4475 8943 4630 8863 4784 8781 4937 8696 25 36 '4321 9018 4478 8942 4633 8862 4787 8780 4939 8695 24 37 4323 9017 4480 8940 4636 8861 4789 8778 4942 8694 23 38 4326 9016 4483 8939 4638 8859 4792 8777 4944 8692 22 39 4329 9015 4485 8938 4641 8858 4795 8776 4947 8691 21 40 4331 9013 4488 8936 4643 SS57 4797 8774 4950 8689 20 41 4334 9012 4491 8935 4646 8855 4800 8773 4952 8688 19 42 4337 9011 4493 8934 4648 8854 4802 8771 4955 8686 IS 43 4339 9010 4496 8932 4651 8853 4805 8770 4957 8685 17 44 4342 9008 4498 8931 4654 8851 4807 8769 4960 8683 16 45 4344 9007 4501 8930 4656 8850 4810 8767 4962 8682 15 46 4347 9006 4504 8928 4659 8849 4812 8766 4965 8681 14 47 4350 9004 4506 8927 4661 8847 4815 S764 4967 8679 13 48 4352 9003 4509 8926 4664 8846 4818 8763 4970 8678 12 49 4355 9002 4511 8925 4666 8844 4820 8762 4972 8676 11 50 4358 9001 4514 8923 4669 8843 4823 S760 4975 8675 10 51 4360 8999 4517 8922 4672 8S42 4825 8759 4977 8673 9 52 4363 8998 4519 8921 4674 8840 482S 8757 4980 8672 8 53 4365 8997 4522 8919 4677 8839 4830 8756 4982 8670 7 54 4368 8996 4524 8918 4679 8838 4833 8755 4985 8669 6 55 4371 8994 4527 8917 4682 8836 4835 8753 4987 8668 5 56 4373 8993 4530 8915 4684 SS35 4838 8752 4990 8666 4 57 4376 8992 4532 8914 46S7 8834 4840 8750 4992 8665 3 5S 4378 8990 4535 8913 4690 8832 4843 8749 4995 8663 2 59 4381 8989 4537 8911 4692 S831 4846 8748 4997 8662 1 60 4384 S9S8 4540 8910 4695 8829 4848 8746 5000 8660 O cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin r 64° 63° 6: 2° 61° 60° t 58 NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. / 30° 31° 32° 33° sin cos 34° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos 5000 8660 5150 8572 5299 8480 5446 8387 5592 8290 60 1 5003 8659 5153 8570 5302 8479 5449 8385 5594 8289 59 2 5005 8657 5155 8569 5304 8477 5451 8384 5597 8287 58 3 5008 8656 5158 8567 5307 8476 5454 8382 5599 8285 57 ■ 4 5010 8654 5160 8566 5309 S474 5456 83S0 5602 8284 56 5 5013 8653 5163 8564 5312 8473 5459 8379 5604 82S2 55 6 5015 8652 5165 S563 5314 8471 5461 8377 5606 8281 54 7 5018 8650 5168 S561 5316 8470 5463 8376 5609 8279 53 8 5020 8649 5170 8560 5319 8468 5466 8374 5611 8277 52 9 5023 8647 5173 8558 5321 8467 5468 8372 5614 8276 51 10 5025 8646 5175 8557 5324 8465 5471 8371 5616 8274 50 11 5028 8644 5178 8555 5326 8463 5473 8369 5618 8272 49 12 5030 8643 5180 8554 5329 8462 5476 8368 5621 8271 48 13 5033 8641 5183 8552 5331 8460 5478 8366 5623 8269 47 14 5035 8640 5185 8551 5334 8459 5480 8364 5626 8268 46 15 5038 8638 5188 8549 5336 8457 5483 8363 5628 8266 45 16 5040 8637 5190 8548 5339 8456 5485 '8361 5630 8264 44 17 5043 8635 5193 8546 5341 8454 5488 8360 5633 8263 43 18 5045 8634 5195 8545 5344 8453 5490 8358 5635 8261 42 19 5048 8632 5198 8543 5346 8451 5493 8356 5638 8259 41 20 5050 8631 5200 8542 5348 8450 5495 8355 5640 8258 40 21 5053 8630 5203 8540 5351 8448 5498 8353 5642 8256 39 22 5055 8628 5205 8539 5353 8446 5500 8352 5645 8254 38 23 5058 8627 5208 8537 5356 8445 5502 8350 5647 8253 37 24 5060 8625 5210 8536 5358 8443 5505 8348 5650 8251 36 25 5063 8624 5213 8534 5361 8442 5507 8347 5652 8249 35 26 5065 8622 5215 8532 5363 8440 5510 8345 5654 8248 34 27 5068 8621 5218 8531 5366 8439 5512 8344 5657 8246 33 28 5070 8619 5220 8529 5368 8437 5515 8342 5659 8245 32. 29 5073 861 S 5223 8528 5371 8435 4517 8340 5662 8243 31 30 5075 8616 5225 8526 5373 8434 '5519 8339 5664 8241 30 31 5078 8615 5227 8525 5375 8432 5522 8337 5666 8240 29 32 5080 8613 5230 8523 5378 8431 5524 8336 5669 8238 28 33 5083 8612 5232 8522 5380 8429 5527 8334 5671 8236 27 34 5085 8610 5235 8520 5383 8428 5529 8332 5674 8235 26 35 5088 8609 5237 8519 5385 8426 5531 8331 5676 8233 25 36 5090 8607 5240 8517 5388 8425 5534 8329 5678 8231 24 37 5093 8606 5242 8516 5390 8423 5536 8328 5681 8230 23 38 5095 8604 5245 8514 5393 8421 5539 8326 5683 8228 ■ 22 39 509S 8603 5247 8513 5395 8420 5541 8324 5686 8226 21 40 5100 8601 5250 8511 5398 -8418 5544 8323 5688 8225 20 41 5103 8600 5252 8510 5400 8417 5546 8321 5690 8223 19 42 5105 8599 5255 8508 5402 8415 5548 8320 5693 8221 IS 43 5108 8597 5257 8507 5405 8414 5551 8318 5695 8220 17 44 5110 8596 5260 8505 5407 8412 5553 8316 5698 8218 16 45 5113 8594 5262 8504 5410 8410 5556 S315 5700 8216 15 46 5115 8593 5265 8502 5412 S409 5558 8313 5702 S215 14 47 5118 8591 5267 8500 5415. 8407 5561 8311 5705 8213 13 48 5120 8590 5270 8499 5417 8406 5563 8310 5707 8211 12 49 5123 8588 5272 8497 - 5420 8404 5565 8308 5710 8210 11 50 5125 8587 5275 8496 5422 8403 5568 8307 5712 8208 10 51 5128 8585 5277 8494 5424 8401 5570 8305 5714 8207 9 52 5130 8584 5279 8493 5427 8399 5573 S303 5717 8205 8 53 5133 8582 5282 8491 5429 839S 5575 8302 5719 8203 7 54 5135 8581 5284 8490 -5432 S396 5577 8300 5721 8202 6 55 5138 8579 5287 8488 5434 8395 5580 8299 5724 8200 5 56 5140 8578 52S9 8487 5437 8393 5582 S297 5726 8198 4 57 5143 8576 5292 8485 5439 8391 5585 8295 5729 8197 3 58 5145 8575 5294 8484 5442 8390 5587 8294 5731 8195 2 59 514S 8573 5297 S482 5444 8388 5590 8292 5733 8193 1 60 5150 8572 5299 8480 5446 8387 5592 8290 5736 8192 cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin r 59° 58° 57° 56° 55° t NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. 59 / 35° 36° 37° 38° 39° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos 5736 8192 5878 8090 6018 7986 6157 7880 6293 7771 60 1 5738 8190 5880 8088 6020 7985 6159 7878 6295 7770 59 2 5741 8188 5883 8087 6023 7983 6161 7877 6298 7768 58 3 5743 8187 5885 8085 6025 7981 6163 7875 6300 7766 57 4 5745 8185 5887 8083 6027 7979 6166 7873 6302 7764 56 5 5748 8183 5890 8082 6030 7978 6168 7871 6305 7762 55 6 5750 8181 5892 8080 6032 7976 6170 7869 6307 7760 54 7 5752 S180 5894 S07S 6034 7974 6173 7868 6309 7759 53 8 5755 8178 5897 8076 6037 7972 6175 7866 6311 7757 52 9 - 5757 8176 5899 S075 6039 7971 6177 7864 6314 7755 51 10 5760 8175 5901 8073 6041 7969 6180 7862 6316 7753 50 11 5762 8173 5904 8071 6044 7967 6182 7860 6318 7751 49 12 5764 S171 5906 8070 6046 7965 6184 7859 6320 7749 48 13 5767 8170 590S 8068 6048 7964 6186 7857 6323 7748 47 14 5769 8168 5911 8066 6051 7962 6189 7855 6325 7746 46 15 5771 8166 5913 8064 6053 7960 6191 7853 6327 7744 45 16 5774 8165 5915 8063 6055 7958 6193 7851 6329 7742 44 17 5776 8163 5918 8061 6058 7956 6196 7850 6332 7740 43 18 5779 8161 5920 8059 6060 7955 6198 7848 6334 7738 42 19 5781 8160 5922 8058 6062 7953 6200 7346 6336 7737 41 20 5783 8158 5925 8056 6065 7951 6202 7844 6338 7735 40 21 5786 8156 5927 8054 6067 7950 6205 7842 6341 7733 39 22 5788 8155 5930 8052 6069 7948 6207 7841 6343 7731 38 23 5790 8153 5932 8051 6071 7946 6209 7839 6345 7729 37 24 5793 8151 5934 8049 6074 7944 6211 7837 6347 7727 36 25 5795 8150 5937 8047 6076 7942 6214 7835 6350 7725 35 26 5798 8148 5939 8045 6078 7941 6216 7833 6352 7724 34 27 5800 8146 5941 8044 60S1 7939 6218 7832 6354 7722 33 28 - 5802 8145 5944 8042 6083 7937 6221 7830 6356 7720 32 29 5805 8143 5946 8040 6085 7935 6223 7828 6359 7718 31 30 5807 8141 5948 8039 6088 7934 6225 7826 6361 7716 30 31 5809 8139 5951 8037 6090 7932 6227 7824 6363 7714 29 32 5812 8138 5953 8035 6092 7930 6230 7822 6365 7713 28 33 5814 8136 5955 8033 6095 7928 6232 7821 6368 7711 27 34 5816 8134 5958 8032 6097 7926 6234 7819 6370 7709 26 35 5819 8133 5960 8030 6099 7925 6237 7817 6372 7707 25 36 '5821 8131 5962 8028 6101 7923 6239 7815 6374 7705 24 37 5824 8129 5965 8026 6104 7921 6241 7813 9376 7703 23 38 5826 8128 5967 8025 6106 7919 6243 7812 6379 7701 22 39 5828 8126 5969 8023 6108 7918 6246 7810 6381 7700 21 40 5831 8124 5972 8021 6111 7916 6248 7808 6383 7698 20 41 5833 8123 5974 8020 6113 7914 6250 7806 6385 7696 19 42 5835 8121 5976 8018 6115 7912 6252 7804 6388 7694 IS 43 5838 8119 5979 8016 6118 7910 6255 7802 6390 7692 17 44 5840 8117 5981 8014 6120 7909 6257 7801 6392 7690 16 45 5842 8116 5983 8013 6122 7907 6259 7799 6394 7688 15 46 5845 8114 5986 8011 6124 7905 6262 7797 6397 7687 14 47 5847 8112 5988 8009 6127 7903 6264 7795 6399 7685 13 48 5850 8111 5990 8007 6129 7902 6266 7793 6401 7683 12 49 5852 8109 5993 8006 6131 7900 6268 7792 6403 7681 11 50 5854 8107 5995 8004 6134 7898 6271 7790 6406 7679 10 51 5857 8106 5997 8002 6136 7896 6273 7788 6408 7677 9 52 5859 8104 6000 8000 6138 7894 6275 7786 6410 7675 8 53 5861 8102 6002 7999 6141 7893 6277 7784 6412 7674 7 54 5864 8100 6004 7997 6143 7891 6280 7782 6414 7672 6 55 5866 8099 6007 7995 6145 7889 6282 7781 6417 7670 5 56 5S68 8097 6009 7993 6147 7887 6284 7779 6419 7668 4 57 5871 8095 6011 7992 6150 7885 6286 7777 6421 7666 3 58 5873 8094 6014 7990 6152 7884 6289 7775 6423 7664 2 59 5875 8092 6016 7988 6154 7882 6291 7773 6426 7662 1 60 5878 8090 6018 7986 6157 7880 6293 7771 6428 7660 cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin t 54° 53° 52° 51° 50° r 60 NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. / 40° 41° 42° 43° 44° t sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos. 6428 7660 6561 7547 6691 7431 6820 7314 6947 7193 60 1 6430 7659 6563 7545 6693 7430 6822 7312 6949 7191 59 2 6432 7657 6565 7543 6696 7428 6824 7310 6951 7189 58 3 6435 7655 6567 7541 6698 7426 6826 7308 6953 7187 57 • 4 6437 7653 6569 7539 6700 7424 6828 7306 6955 7185 56 5 6439 7651 6572 7538 6702 7422 6831 7304 6957 7183 55 6 6441 7649 6574 7536 6704 7420 6833 7302 6959 7181 54 7 6443 7647 6576 7534 6706 7418 6835 7300 6961 7179 53 8 6446 7645 6578 7532 6709 7416 6837 7298 6963 7177 52 9 6448 7644 6580 7530 6711 7414 6839 7296 6965 7175 51 10 6450 7642 6583 7528 6713 7412 6841 7294 6967 7173 50 11 6452 7640 6585 7526 6715 7410 6843 7292 6970 7171 49 12 6455 7638 6587 7524 6717 7408 6845 7290 6972 7169 48 13 6457 7636 6589 7522 6719 7406 6848 7288 6974 7167 47 14 6459 7634 6591 7520 6722 7404 6850 7286 6976 7165 46 15 6461 7632 6593 7518 6724 7402 6852 7284 6978 7163 45 16 6463 7630 6596 7516 6726 7400 6854 ■7282 6980 7161 44 17 6466 7629 6598 7515 6728 7398 6856 7280 6982 7159 43 18 6468 7627 6600 7513 6730 7396 6858 7278 6984 7157 42 19 6470 7625 6602 7511 6732 7394 6860 7276 6986 7155 41 20 6472 7623 6604 7509 6734 7392 6862 7274 6988 7153 40 21 6475 7621 6607 7507 6737 7390 6865 7272 6990 7151 39 22 6477 7619 6609 7505 6739 7388 6867 7270 6992 7149 38 23 6479 7617 6611 7503 6741 7387 6869 7268 6995 7147 37 24 6481 7615 6613 7501 6743 7385 6871 7266 6997 7145 36 25 6483 7613 6615 7499 6745 7383 6873 7264 6999 7143 35 26 6486 7612 6617 7497 6747 7381 6875 7262 7001 7141 34 27 6488 7610 6620 7495 6749 7379 6877 7260 7003 7139 33 28 6490 760S 6622 7493 6752 7377 6879 7258 7005 7137 31 29 6492 7606 6624 7491 6754 7375 £831 7256 7007 7135 31 30 6494 7604 6626 7490 6756 7373 •68S4 7254 7009 7133 30 31 6497 7602 6628 7488 6758 7371 6886 72'52 7011 7130 29 32 6499 7600 6631 7486 6760 7369 6888 7250 7013 7128 28 33 6501 7598 6633 7484 6762 7367 6890 7248 7015 7126 27 34 6503 7596 6635 7482 6764 7365 6892 7246 7017 7124 26 35 6506 7595 6637 7480 6767 7363 6894 7244 7019 7122 25 36 6508 7593 6639 7478 6769 7361 6896 7242 7022 7120 24 37 6510 7591 6641 7476 6771 7359 6898 7240 7024 7118 23 38 6512 7589 6644 7474 6773 7357 6900 7238 7026 7116 22 39 6514 7587 6646 7472 6775 7355 6903 7236 7028 7114 21 40 6517 7585 6648 7470 6777 7253 6905 7234 7030 7112 20 41 6519 7583 6650 7468 6779 7351 6907 7232 7032 7110 19 42 6521 7581 6652 7466 6782 7349 6909 7230 7034 7108 IS 43 6523 7579 6654 7464 6784 7347 6911 7228 7036 7106 17 44 6525 7578 6657 7463 6786 7345 6913 7226 7038 7104 16 45 6528 7576 6659 7461 6788 7343 6915 7224 7040 7102 15 46 6530 7574 6661 7459 6790 7341 6917 7222 7042 7100 14 47 6532 7572 6663 7457 6792 7339 6919 7220 7044 7098 13 48 6534 7570 6665 7455 ■ 6794 7337 6921 7218 7046 7096 12 49 6536 7568 6667 7453 6797 7335 6924 7216 7048 7094 11 50 6539 7566 6670 7451 6799 7333 6926 7214 7050 7092 10 51 6541 7564 6672 7449 6S01 7331 6928 7212 7053 7090 9 52 6543 7562 6674 7447 6803 7329 6930 7210 7055 7088 8 53 6545 7560 6676 7445 6805 7327 6932 7208 7057 7085 7 54 6547 7559 6678 7443 -6807 7325 6934 7206 7059 7083 6 55 6550 7557 6680 7441 6809 7323 6936 7203 7061 7081 5 56 6552 7555 6683 7439 6811 7321 693S 7201 7063 7079 4 57 6554 7553 6685 7437 6814 7319 6940 7199 7065 7077 3 58 6556 7551 6687 7435 6816 7318 6942 7197 7067 7075 2 59 6558 7549 6689 7433 6818 7316 6944 7195 7069 7073 1 60 6561 7547 6691 7431 6820 7314 6947 7193 7071 7071 O cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin t 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° r NATUKAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 61 t 0° 1° 2° 3° 4° r tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 0000 Infinite 0175 57.2900 0349 28.6363 0524 19.0811 0699 14.3007 60 1 0003 3437.75 0177 56.3506 0352 28.3994 0527 18.9755 0702 14.2411 59 2 0006 1718.87 0180 55.4415 0355 28.1664 0530 IS 8711 0705 14.1821 58 3 0009 1145.92 0183 54.5613 0358 27.9372 0533 18.7678 0708 14.1235 57 4 0012 859.436 0186 53.7086 0361 27.7117 0536 186656 0711 140655 56 5 0015 687.549 0189 52.8821 0364 27.4S99 0539 18.5645 0714 140079 55 6 0017 572.957 0192 52.0807 0367 27.2715 0542 1S.4645 0717 13.9507 54 7 0020 491.106 0195 51.3032 0370 27.0566 0544 18.3655 0720 13.8940 53 8 0023 429.718 0198 50.5485 0373 26.8450 0547 18.2677 0723 13 8378 52 9 0026 3S1.971 0201 49.8157 0375 26.6367 0550 18.1708 0726 13.7S21 51 10 0029 343.774 0204 49.1039 03 7S 26.4316 0553 18.0750 0729 13.7267 50 11 0032 312521 0207 48.4121 0381 26.2296 0556 179S02 0731 13.6719 49 12 0035 286.478 0209 47.7395 0384 26.0307 0559 17.8863 0734 13.6174 48 13 0038 264.441 0212 47.0S53 0387 25.S348 0562 17.7934 0737 13.5634 47 14 0041 245.552 0215 46.4489 0390 25.6418 0565 17.7015 0740 13.5098 46 15 0044 229.1S2 0218 45.8294 0393 25.4517 056S 17.6106 0743 13.4566 45 16 0047 214.858 0221 45.2261 0396 25.2644 0571 17.5205 0746 13.4039 44 17 0049 202.219 0224 44.6386 0399 25.0798 0574 17.4314 0749 13.3515 43 IS 0052 190.984 0227 44.0661 0402 24.8978 0577 17.3432 0752 13.2996 42 19 0055 180.932 0230 43.5081 0405 24.7185 0580 17.2558 0755 13.2480 41 20 0058 171.885 0233 42.9641 0407 24.5418 0582 17.1693 075S 13.1969 40 21 OOol 163.700 0236 42.4335 0410 24.3675 0585 17.0837 0761 13.1461 39 22 0064 156.259 0239 41.9158 0413 24.1957 05 88 16.9990 0764 13.0958 38 23 0067 149.465 0241 41.4106 0416 24.0263 0591 169150 0767 13.0458 37 24 0070 143.237 0244 40.9174 0419 23.8593 0594 16.8319 0769 12.9962 36 25 0073 137507 0247 40.435S 0422 23.6945 0597 16.7496 0772 12.9469 35 26 0076 132.219 0250 39.9655 0425 23.5321 0600 16.6681 0775 12.8981 34 27 0079 127.321 0253 395059 0428 23.3718 0603 16.5874 0778 12.8496 33 28 0081 122.774 0256 390568 0431 23.2137 0606 16.5075 0781 12.8014 32 29 0084 118.540 0259 38.6177 0434 23.0577 0609 16.4283 0784 12.7536 31 30 0087 114.589 0262 38.1885 0437 22.903S 0612 16 3499 0787 12.7062 30 31 0090 110.892 0265 37.7686 0440 22.7519 0615 16.2722 0790 12.6591 29 32 0093 107.426 0268 37.3579 0442 22.6020 0617 16.1952 0793 12.6124 28 33 0096 104.171 0271 36.9560 0445 224541 0620 16.1190 0796 12.5660 27 34 0099 101.107 0274 36.5627 0448 22.30S1 0623 16.0435 0799 12.5199 26 35 0102 9S.2179 0276 36 1776 0451 22.1640 0626 15.9687 0802 12.4742 25 36 0105 95.4895 0279 35 8006 0454 22.0217 "0629 15.8945 0805 12.4288 24 37 0108 92.9085 0282 35.4313 0457 21.8813 0632 15.8211 0808 12.3838 23 38 0111 90.4633 0285 35.0695 0460 21.7426 0635 15.7483 0810 12.3390 22 39 0113 8S.1436 02SS 34.7151 0463 21.6056 063S 15.6762 0813 12.2946 21 40 0116 85.939S 0291 34.3678 0466 21.4704 0641 15.6048 0816 12.2505 20 41 0119 83.8435 0294 34.0273 0469 21.3369 0644 15.5340 0819 12.2067 19 42 0122 81.8470 0297 33.6935 0472 21.2049 0647 15.4638 0822 12.1632 18 43 0125 79 9434 0300 33.3662 0475 21.0747 0650 15.3943 0S25 12.1201 17 44 0128 78.1263 0303 33.0452 0477 20.9460 0653 15.3254 0828 12.0772 16 45 0131 76.3900 0306 32.7303 0480 20.8188 0655 15.2571 0S31 12.0346 15 46 0134 74.7292 0308 32.4213 0483 20.6932 0658 15.1893 0834 11.9923 14 47 0137 73.1390 0311 32.1181 0486 20.5691 0661 15.1222 0837 11.9504 13 48 0140 71.6151 0314 31.8205 0489 20.4465 0664 15.0557 0840 11.9087 12 49 0143 70.1533 0317 31.5284 0492 20.3253 0667 14.9898 0843 11.8673 11 50 0146 6S.7501 0320 31.2416 0495 20.2056 0670 14.9244 0846 11.8262 10 51 0148 67.4019 0323 30.9599 0498 20.0S72 0673 14.8596 0S49 11.7853 9 52 0151 66.1055 0326 30.6833 0501 19.9702 0676 14.7954 0851 11.7448 8 53 0154 64.85S0 0329 30 4116 0504 19.8546 0679 14.7317 OS54 11.7045 7 54 0157 63.6567 0332 301446 0507 19.7403 0682 14.6685 0857 11.6645 6 55 0160 62.4992 0335 29.8823 0509 19.6273 0685 14.6059 0860 11.6248 5 56 0163 61.3829 0338 29.6245 0512 19.5156 0688 14.5438 0863 11.5853 4 57 0166 60.3058 0340 29.3711 0515 19.4051 0690 14.4823 0866 11.5461 3 58 0169 59.2659 0343 29.1220 0518 19.2959 0693 14.4212 0869 11.5072 2 59 0172 5S.2612 0346 28 8771 0521 19.1879 0696 14.3607 0S72 114685 1 60 0175 57.2900 0349 28.6363 0524 19.0811 0699 14.3007 0875 11.4301 r cot tan 89° cot tan 88° cot tan 87° cot tan 86° cot tan 85° i 62 NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. t 5° 6° 7° 8° 9° t tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot o 0875 11.4301 1051 9.5144 1228 8.1443 1405 7.1154 1584 6.3138 60 1 0S78 11.3919 1054 9.4878 1231 8.1248 1408 7.1004 1587 6.3019 59 2 0SS1 11.3540 1057 9.4614 1234 S.1054 1411 7.0855 1590 6.2901 58 3 0SS4 11.3163 1060 9.4352 1237 8.0S60 1414 7.0706 1593 6.2783 57 •4 0887 11.2789 1063 9.4090 1240 8.0667 1417 7.0558 1596 6.2666 56 5 0890 11.2417 1066 9.3831 1243 8.0476 1420 7.0410 1599 6.2549 55 6 0S92 11.2048 1069 9.3572 1246 8.0285 1423 7.0264 1602 6.2432 54 7 0895 11.1681 10.72 9.3315 1249 8.0095 1426 7.0117 1605 6.2316 53 8 0898 11.1316 1075 9.3060 1251 7.9906 1429 6.9972 1608 6.2200 52 9 0901 11.0954 1078 9.2806 1254 7.9718 1432 6.9827 1611 6.2085 51 10 0904 11.0594 1080 9.2553 1257 7.9530 1435 6.9682 1614 6.1970 50 11 0907 11.0237 1083 9.2302 1260 7.9344 1438 6.9538 1617 6.1856 49 12 0910 10.9882 10S6 9.2052 1263 7.9158 1441 6.9395 1620 6.1742 48 13 0913 10.9529 1089 9.1803 1266 7.8973 1444 6.9252 1623 6.1628 47 14 0916 10.9178 1092 9.1555 1269 7.8789 1447 6.9110 1626 6.1515 46 15 0919 10.8829 1095 9.1309 1272 7.8606 1450 6.8969 1629 6.1402 45 16 0922 10.8483 1098 9.1065 1275 7.8424 1453 6.8828 1632 6.1290 44 17 0925 10.8139 1101 9.0821 1278 7.8243 1456 6.8687 1635 6.1178 43 18 0928 10.7797 1104 9.0579 1281 7.8062 1459 6.8548 1638 6.1066 42 19 0931 10.7457 1107 9.0338 1284 7.7883 1462 6.8408 1641 6.0955 41 20 0934 10.7119 1110 9.0098 1287 7.7704 1465 6.8269 1644 6.0844 40 21 0936 10.6783 1113 8.9860 1290 7.7525 1468 6.8131 1647 6.0734 39 22 0939 10.6450 1116 8.9623 1293 7.7348 1471 67994 1650 6.0624 38 23 0942 10.6118 1119 8.9387 1296 7.7171 1474 6.7S56 1653 6.0514 37 24 0945 10.5789 1122 S.9152 1299 7.6996 1477 6.7720 1655 6.0405 36 25 0948 10.5462 1125 8 8919 1302 7.6821 1480 6.7584 1658 6.0296 35 26 0951 105136 1128 8.8686 1305 7.6647 1483 6.7448 1661 6.0188 34 27 0954 10.4813 1131 8 8455 1308 7.6473 1486 6.7313 1664 6.0080 33 28 0957 10.4491 1134 8.8225 1311 7.6301 1489 6.7179 1667 5.9972 32 29 0960 10.4172 1136 8.7996 1314 7.6129 1,492 6.7045 1670 5.9865 31 30 0963 10.3854 1139 8.7769 1317 7.5958 1495 6.6912 1673 5.9758 30 31 0966 10.3538 1142 8.7542 1319 7.5787 1497 6.6779 1676 5.9651 29 32 0969 10.3224 1145 8.7317 1322 7.5618 1500 6.6646 1679 5.9545 28 33 0972 10.2913 1148 8.7093 1325 7.5449 1503 6.6514 1682 5.9439 27 34 0975 10.2602 1151 8.6870 1328 7.5281 1506 6.6383 1685 5.9333 26 35 0978 10.2294 1154 8 6648 1331 7.5113 1509 6.6252 1688 5.9228 25 36 0981 10.1988 1157 8.6427* 1334 7.4947 1512 6.6122 1691 5.9124 24 37 0983 10.1683 1160 8.6208 1337 7.4781 1515 6.5992 1694 5.9019 23 38 0986 10.1381 1163 8.5989 1340 7.4615 1518 6.5863 1697 5.8915 22 39 0989 10.1080 1166 8.5772 1343 7.4451 1521 6.5734 1700 5.8811 21 40 0992 10.07S0 1169 8.5555 1346 7.4287 1524 6.5606 1703 5.8708 20 41 0995 10.0483 . 1172 8.5340 1349 7.4124 1527 6.5478 1706 5.8605 19 42 0998 10.0187 1175 8.5126 1352 7.3962 1530 6.5350 1709 5.8502 18 43 1001 9.9893 1178 8.4913 1355 7.3800 1533 6.5223 1712 5.8400 17 44 1004 9.9601 1181 8.4701 135S 7.3639 1536 6.5097 1715 5.8298 16 45 1007 9.9310 1184 8.4490 1361 7.3479 1539 6.4971 1718 5.8197 15 46 1010 9.9021 1187 8.4280 1364 7.3319 1542 6.4846 1721 5.8095 14 47 1013 9.8734 1189 8.4071 1367 7.3160 1545 6.4721 1724 5.7994 13 48 1016 9.8448 1192 8.3863' 1370 7.3002 1548 6.4596 1727 5.7894 12 49 1019 9.8164 1195 8.3656 .1373 7.2844 1551 6.4472 1730 5.7794 11 50 1022 9.7882 1198 8.3450 1376 7.2687 1554 6.4348 1733 5.7694 10 51 1025 9.7601 1201 8.3245 1379 7.2531 1557 6.4225 1736 5.7594 9 52 1028 9.7322 1204 8.3041 . 1382 7.2375 1560 6.4103 1739 5.7495 8 53 1030 9.7044 1207 8.2S3S 1385 7.2220 1563 6.3980 1742 5.7396 7 54 1033 9.6768 1210 8.2636 .1388 7.2066 1566 6.3SS9 1745 5.7297 6 55 1036 9.6499 1213 8.2434 1391 7.1912 1569 6.3737 1748 5.7199 5 56 1039 9 6220 1216 8.2234 1394 7.1759 1572 6.3617 1751 5.7101 4 57 1042 9.5949 1219 8.2035 1397 7.1607 1575 6.3496 1754 5.7004 3 5S 1045 9.5679 1222 8.1837 1399 7.1455 1578 6.3376 1757 5.6906 2 59 1048 9.5411 1225 8.1640 1402 7.1304 1581 6.3257 1760 5.6809 1 60 1051 9.5144 1228 8.1443 1405 7.1154 1584 6.3138 1763 5.6713 r cot tan 84° cot tan 83° cot tan 82° cot tan 81° cot tan 80° t NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 63 r 10° 11° 12° 13° 14° t tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 1763 5.6713 1944 5.1446 2126 4.7046 2309 4.3315 2493 4.0108 60 1 1766 5.6617 1947 5.1366 2129 4.6979 2312 4.3257 2496 4.0058 59 2 1769 5.6521 1950 5.1286 2132 4.6912 2315 4.3200 2499 4.0009 58 3 1772 5.6425 1953 5.1207 2135 4.6845 2318 4.3143 2503 3.9959 57 4 1775 5.6330 1956 5.1128 2138 4.6779 2321 4.3086 2506 3.9910 56 5 177S 5.6234 1959 5.1049 2141 4.6712 2324 4.3029 2509 3.9861 55 6 17S1 5.6140 1962 5.0970 2144 4.6646 2327 4.2972 2512 3.9812 54 7 17S4 5.6045 1965 5.0892 2147 4.6580 2330 4.2916 2515 3.9763 53 S 17S7 5.5951 1968 5.0814 2150 4.6514 2333 4.2859 2518 39714 52 9 1790 5.5857 1971 5.0736 2153 4.6448 2336 4.2803 2521 3.9665 51 10 1793 5.5764 1974 5.065S 2156 4.6382 2339 4.2747 2524 3.9617 50 11 1796 5.5671 1977 5.0581 2159 4.6317 2342 4.2691 2527 3.9568 49 12 1799 5.5578 19S0 5.0504 2162 4.6252 2345 4.2635 2530 3.9520 48 13 1802 5.5485 1983 5 0427 2165 4.6187 2349 4.2580 2533 3.9471 47 14 1805 5.5393 19S6 5.0350 2168 4.6122 2352 4.2524 2537 3.9423 46 15 1808 5.5301 1989 5.0273 2171 4.6057 2355 4.2468 2540 3.9375 45 16 1811 5.5209 1992 5.0197 2174 4.5993 2358 4.2413 2543 3.9327 44 17 1814 5.5118 1995 5.0121 2177 4.5928 2361 4.2358 2546 3.9279 43 IS 1817 5.5026 1998 5.0045 2180 4.5864 2364 4.2303 2549 3.9232 42 19 1820 5.4936 2001 4.9969 2183 4.5800 2367 4.2248 2552 3.9184 41 20 1823 5.4S45 2004 4.9894 2186 4.5736 2370 4.2193 2555 3.9136 40 21 1826 5.4755 2007 4.9819 2189 4.5673 2373 4.2139 2558 3.9089 39 22 1S29 5.4665 2010 4.9744 2193 4.5609 2376 4.2084 2561 3.9042 38 23 1832 5.4575 2013 4.9669 2196 4.5546 2379 4.2030 2564 3.8995 37 24 1835 5.4486 2016 4.9594 2199 4.5483 23S2 4.1976 2568 3.8947 36 25 1838 5.4397 2019 4.9520 2202 4.5420 2385 4.1922 2571 3.8900 35 26 1841 5. 4308 2022 4.9446 2205 4.5357 2388 4.1868 2574 3.8854 34 27 1844 5.4219 2025 4.9372 2208 4.5294 2392 4.1814 2577 3.8807 33 28 - 1847 5.4131 2028 4.929S 2211 4.5232 2395 4.1760 2580 3.8760 32 29 1850 5.4043 2031 4.9225 2214 4.5169 2398 4.1706 2583 3.8714 31 30 1853 5.3955 2035 4.9152 2217 4.5107 2401 41653 2586 3.8667 30 31 1856 5.3868 2038 4.9078 2220 4.5045 2404 4.1600 2589 3.8621 29 32 1859 5.3781 2941 4.9006 2223 4.4983 2407 4.1547 2592 3.8575 28 33 1862 5.3694 2044 4.8933 2226 4.4922 2410 4.1493 2595 3.8528 27 34 1865 5.3607 204-7 4.8860 2229 4.4860 2413 4.1441 2599 3.8482 26 35 186S 5.3521 2050 4.S788 2232 4.4799 2416 4.1388 2602 3.8436 25 36 1S71 5.3435 2053 4.8716 2235 4.4737 2419 4.1335 2605 3.8391 24 37 1874 5.3349 2056 4.8644 2238 4.4676 2422 4.1282 2608 3.8345 23 38 1877 5.3263 2059 4.8573 2241 4.4615 2425 4.1230 2611 3.8299 22 39 1880 5.3178 2062 4.8501 2244 4.4555 2428 4.1178 2614 3.8254 21 40 1883 5.3093 2065 4.8430 2247 4.4494 2432 4.1126 2617 38208 20 41 1887 5.3008 2068 4.8359 2251 4.4434 2435 4.1074 2620 3.8163 19 42 1890 5.2924 2071 4.8288 2254 4.4374 2438 4.1022 2623 3.8118 18 43 1893 5.2839 2074 48218 2257 4.4313 2441 4.0970 2627 3.8073 17 44 1896 5.2755 2077 4.8147 2260 4.4253 2444 4.0918 2630 3.8028 16 45 1899 5.2672 20S0 4.8077 2263 4.4194 2447 40867 2633 3.7983 15 46 1902 5.2588 2083 4.8007 2266 4.4134 2450 4.0815 2636 3.7938 14 47 1905 5.2505 2086 4.7937 2269 4.4075 2453 4.0764 2639 3.7893 13 48 1908 5.2422 2089 4.7867 2272 4.4015 2456 4.0713 2642 3.7848 12 49 1911 5.2339 2092 4.7798 2275 4.3956 2459 4.0662 2645 3.7804 11 50 1914 5.2257 2095 4.7729 2278 4.3897 2462 4.0611 2648 3.7760 10 51 1917 5.2174 209S 4.7659 2281 4.3838 2465 4.0560 2651 3.7715 9 52 1920 5.2092' 2101 4.7591 2284 4.3779 2469 4.0509 2655 3.7671 8 53 1923 5.2011 2104 4.7522 2287 4.3721 2472 4.0459 2658 3.7627 7 54 1926 5.1929 2107 4.7453 2290 4.3662 2475 4.0408 2661 3.7583 6 55 1929 5.1848 2110 4.7385 2293 4.3604 2478 4.0358 2664 3.7539 5 56 1932 5 1767 2113 4.7317 2296 4.3546 2481 4.0308 2667 3.7495 4 57 1935 5.1686 2116 4.7249 2299 4.3488 2484 4 0257 2670 3.7451 3 58 1938 5.1606 2119 4.7J81 2303 4.3430 2487 4 0207 2673 3.7408 2 59 1941 5.1526 2123 4.7114 2306 4.3372 2490 4.015S 2676 3.7364 1 60 1944 5.1446 2126 4.7046 2309 4.3315 2493 4.0108 2679 3.7321 t cot tan 79° cot tan 78° cot tan cot tan 76° cot tan 75° 77° / (34 NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. t 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° r tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 2679 3.7321 2S67 3.4S74 3057 3.2709 3249 3.0777 3443 2.9042 60 1 26S3 3.7277 2871 3.4S36 3060 3.2675 32:^2 3.0746 3447 2.9015 59 2 26S6 3.7234 2S74 3.4798 3064 3.2641 3256 30716 3450 2.8987 58 3 26S9 3.7191 2S77 3.4760 3067 3.2607 3259 3.06S6 3453 2.S960 57 '4 2692 3.714S 2SS0 3.4722 3070 3.2573 3262 3.0655 3456 2.S933 56 5 2695 3.7105 2SS3 3.46S4 3073 3.2539 3265 3.0625 3460 2.S905 55 6 269S 3.7062 2SS6 3.4646 3076 3.2506 3269 3 0595 3463 2.8878 54 7 2701 3.7019 2S90 3.460S 30S0 3.2472 3272 3.0565 3466 2.S851 53 S 2704 3.6976 2S93 3.4570 30S3 3.2438 3275 3.0535 3469 2.SS24 52 9 270S 3.6933 2S96 3.4533 30S6 3.2405 327S 3.0505 3473 2.S797 51 10 2711 3.6S91 2S99 3.4495 30S9 3.2371 32S1 3.0475 3476 2.S770 50 11 2714 3.6S4S 2902 3.4458 3092 3.233S 32S5 3 0445 3479 2.8743 49 12 2717 3.6S06 2905 3.4420 3096 3.2305 32SS 3.0415 3482 2.S716 4S 13 2720 3.6764 290S 3.43S3 3099 3.2272 3291 3.03S5 3486 2.S6S9 47 14 2723 3.6722 2912 3.4346 3102 3.223S 3294 3.0356 34S9 2.8662 46 15 2726 3.66S0 2915 3.430S 3105 3.2205 329S 3.0326 3492 2.S636 45 16 2729 3.663S 291S 3.4271 310S 3.2172 3301 3.0296 3495 2.8609 44 17 2733 3.6596 2921 3.4234 3111 3.2139 3304 3.0267 3499 2.S5S2 43 IS 2736 3.6554 2924 3.4197 3115 3.2106 3307 3.0237 3502 2.S556 42 19 2739 3.6512 2927 3.4160 3118 3.2073 3310 3.020S 3505 2.8529 41 20 2742 3.6470 2931 3.4124 3121 3.2041 3314 3.01 7S 3508 2.S502 40 21 2745 3.6429 2934 3.40S7 3124 3.200S 3317 3 0149 3512 2.S476 39 22 274S 3.63S7 2937 3.4050 3127 3.1975 3320 30120 3515 2.S449 3S 23 2751 3.6346 2940 3.4014 3131 3.1943 3323 3.0090 35 IS 2.S423 37 24 2754 3.6305 2943 3.3977 3134 3.1910 3327 3.0061 3522 2.S397 36 25 275S 3.6264 2946 3.3941 3137 3.1S7S 3330 3.0032 3525 2.S370 35 26 2761 3 6222 2949 3.3904 3140 3.1845 3333 3.0003 352S 2.S344 34 27 2764 3.61S1 2953 3.3S6S 3143 3.1813 3336 2.9974 3531 2.S31S 33 2S 2767 3.6140 2956 3.3S32 3147 3.17SO 3339 2.9945 3535 2.8291 32 29 2770 3.6100 2959 3.3796 3150 3.1748 3343 2 9916 3538 2.8265 31 30 2773 3.6059 2962 3.3759 3153 3.1716 3346 2.9SS7 3541 2.S239 30 31 2776 3.601S 2965 3.3723 3156 3.16S4 3349 2.9S5S 3544 2.8213 29 32 27S0 3.597S 296S 3.36S7 3159 3.1652 3352 2.9S29 354S 2.S1S7 2S 33 27S3 3.5937 2972 3.3652 3163 3.1620 3356 2.9S00 3551 2.8161 27 34 27S6 3.5S97 2975 3.3616 3166 3.15SS 3359 2.9772 3554 2.S135 26 35 27S9 3.5S56 2978 3.35S0 3169 3.1556 3362 2.9743 3558 2.8109 25 36 2792 3.5S16 29S1 3.3544 3172 3.1524 3365 2.9714 3561 2.S0S3 24 37 2795 3.5776 29S4 3.3509 3175 3.1492 3369 2.96S6 3564 2.S057 23 3S 2793 3.5736 2987 3.3473 3179 3.1460 3372 2.9657 3567 2.S032 22 39 2S01 3.5696 2991 3.3438 31S2 3.1429 3375 2.9629 3571 2.S006 21 40 2S05 3.5656 2994 3.3402 31S5 3.1397 337S 2.9600 3574 2.79S0 20 41 2S0S 3.5616 2997 3.3367 31SS 3.1366 33S2 2.9572 3577 2.7955 19 42 2S11 3.5576 3000 3.3332 3191 3.1334 33S5 2.9544 35S1 2.7929 IS 43 2814 3.5536 3003 3.3297 3195 3.1303 33SS 2.9515 3584 2.7903 17 44 2S17 3.5497 3006 3.3261 319S 3.1271 3391 2.94S7 35S7 2.7S7S 16 45 2S20 3.5457 3010 3.3226 3201 3.1240 3395 2.9459 3590 2.7S52 15 46 2S23 3.541S 3013 3.3191 3204 3.1209 339S 2.9431 3594 2.7827 14 47 2S27 3.5379 3016 3.3156 3207 3.1178 3401 2.9403 3597 2.7801 13 4S 2S30 3.5339 3019 3.3122 3211 3.1146 3404 2.9375 3600 2.7776 12 49 2S33 3.5300 3022 3.30S7 3214 3.1115 340S 2.9347 3604 2.7751 11 50 2S36 3.5261 3026 3.3052 3217 3.10S4 3411 2.9319 3607 2.7725 10 51 2S39 3.5222 3029 3.3017 3220 3.1053 3414 2.9291 3610 2.7700 9 52 2S42 3.5183 3032 3.29S3 3223 3.1022 3417 2.9263 3613 2.7675 8 53 2845 3.5144 3035 3.294S 3227 3.0991 3421 2.9235 3617 2.7650 7 54 2849 3.5105 303S 3.2914 3230 3.0961 3424 2.920S 3620 2.7625 6 55 2S52 3.5067 3041 3.2SS0 3233 3.0930 3427 2.91S0 3623 2.7600 5 56 2855 3 502S 3045 3.2S45 3236 3.0S99 3430 2.9152 3627 2.7575 4 57 2S5S 3.49S9 304S 3.2S11 3240 3.0S6S 3434 2.9125 3630 2.7550 3 58 2S61 3.4951 3051 3.2777 3243 3.0S3S 3437 2.9097 3633 2.7525 2 59 2S64 3.4912 3054 3.2743 3246 3.0S07 3440 2.9070 3636 2 7500 1 60 2867 3.4S74 3057 3.2709 3249 3.0777 3443 2.9042 3640 2.7475 cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan t 7 4° 73° 72° 7 1° 70° t NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 65 t 20° 21° 22° 23° 24° t tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 3640 2.7475 3839 2.6051 4040 2.4751 4245 2.3559 4452 2.2460 60 1 3643 2.7450 3842 2.6028 4044 2.4730 4248 2.3539 4456 2.2443 59 2 3646 2.7425 3845 2.6006 4047 2.4709 4252 2.3520 4459 2.2425 58 3 3650 2.7400 3849 2.5983 4050 2.46S9 4255 2.3501 4463 2.240S 57 4 3653 2.7376 3852 2.5961 4054 2.4668 4258 2.3483 4466 2.2390 56 5 3656 2.7351 3855 2.593S 4057 2.4648 4262 2.3464 4470 2.2373 55 6 3659 2.7326 3859 2.5916 4061 2.4627 4265 2.3445 4473 2.2355 54 1 7 3663 2.7302 3862 2.5893 4064 2.4606 4269 2.3426 4477 2.2338 53 8 3666 2.7277 3865 2.5871 4067 2.4586 4272 2.3407 4480 2.2320 52 9 3669 2.7253 3869 2.584S 4071 2.4566 4276 2.3388 4484 2.2303 51 10 3673 2.722S 3872 2.5826 4074 2.4545 4279 2.3369 4487 2.2286 50 11 3676 2.7204 3875 2.5804 407S 2.4525 4283 2.3351 4491 2.2268 49 12 3679 2.7179 3879 2.57S2 4081 2.4504 4286 2.3332 4494 2.2251 48 13 3683 2.7155 38S2 2.5759 4084 2.4484 4289 2.3313 4498 2.2234 47 14 3686 2.7130 3885 2.5737 40SS 2.4464 4293 2.3294 4501 2.2216 46 15 3689 2.7106 3889 2.5715 4091 2.4443 4296 2.3276 4505 2.2199 45 16 3693 2.7082 3892 2.5693 4095 2.4423 4300 2.3257 450S 2.2182 44 17 3696 2.7058 3S95 2.5671 4098 2.4403 4303 2.3238 4512 2.2165 43 IS 3699 2.7034 3899 2.5649 4101 2.4383 4307 2.3220 4515 2.2148 42 19 3702 2.7009 3902 2.5627 4105 2.4362 4310 2.3201 4519 2.2130 41 20 3706 2.69S5' 3906 2.5605 4108 2.4342 4314 2.3183 4522 2.2113 40 21 3709 2.6961 3909 2.5533 4111 2.4322 4317 2.3164 4526 2.2096 39 22 3712 2.6937 3912 2.5561 4115 2.4302 4320 2.3146 4529 2.2079 38 23 3716 2.6913 3916 2.5539 4118 2.4282 4324 2.3127 4533 2.2062 37 24 3719 2.6SS9 3919 2.5517 4122 2.4262 4327 2.3109 4536 2.2045 36 25 3722 2.6865 3922 2.5495 4125 2.4242 4331 2.3090 4540 2.2028 35 26 3726 2.6841 3926 2.5473 4129 2.4222 4334 2.3072 4543 2.2011 34 27 3729 2.6S18 3929 2.5452 4132 2.4202 4338 2.3053 4547 2.1994 33 2S 3732 2.6794 3932 2.5430 4135 2.4182 4341 2.3035 4550 2.1977 32 29 3736 2.6770 3936 2.5408 4139 2.4162 4345 2.3017 4554 2.1960 31 30 3739 2.6746 3939 2.5386 4142 2.4142 4348 2.2998 4557 2.1943 30 31 3742 2.6723 3942 2.5365 4146 2.4122 4352 2.2980 4561 2.1926 29 32 3745 2.6699 3946 2.5343 4149 2.4102 4355 2.2962 4564 2.1909 28 33 3749 2.6675 3949 2.5322 4152 2.4083 4359 2.2944 4568 2.1892 27 34 3752 2.6652 3953 2.5300 4156 2.4063 4362 2.2925 4571 2.1876 26 35 3755 2.6628 3956 2.5279 4159 2.4043 4365 2.2907 4575 2.1859 25 36 3759 2.6605 3959 2.5257 4163 2.4023 4369 2.2889 4578 2.1842 24 37 3762 2.6581 3963 2.5236 4166 2.4004 4372 2.2871 4582 2.1825 23 38 3765 2.6558 3966 2.5214 4169 2.3984 4376 2.2853 4585 2.1808 22 39 3769 2.6534 3969 2.5193 4173 2.3964 4379 2.2835 4589 2.1792 21 40 3772 2.6511 3973 2.5172 4176 2.3945 4383 2.2817 4592 2.1775 20 41 3775 2.6488 3976 2.5150 41S0 2.3925 4386 2.2799 4596 2.1758 19 42 3779 2.6464 3979 2.5129 4183 2.3906 4390 22781 4599 2.1742 IS 43 3782 2.6441 3983 2 5108 4187 2.3886 4393 2.2763 4603 2.1725 17 44 3785 2.6418 3986 2.5086 4190 2.3867 4397 2.2745 4607 2.1708 16 45 3789 2.6395 3990 2.5065 4193 2.3847 4400 2.2727 4610 2.1692 15 46 3792 2.6371 3993 2.5044 4197 2.3828 4404 2.2709 4614 2.1675 14 47 3795 2.6348 3996 2.5023 4200 2.3808 4407 2.2691 4617 2.1659 13 48 3799 2.6325 4000 2.5002 4204 2.3789 4411 2.2673 4621 2.1642 12 49 3802 2.6302 4003 2.4981 4207 2.3770 4414 2.2655 4624 2.1625 11 50 3805 2.6279 4006 2.4960 4210 2.3750 4417 2.2637 4628 2.1609 io 51 3809 2.6256 4010 2.4939 4214 2.3731 4421 2.2620 4631 2.1592 9 52 3812 2.6233 ■ 4013 2.4918 4217 2.3712 4424 2.2602 4635 2.1576 8 53 3815 2.6210 4017 2.4897 4221 2.3693 4428 2.2584 4638 2.1560 7 54 3819 2.6187 4020 2.4876 4224 2.3673 4431 2.2566 4642 2.1543 6 55 3822 2.6165 4023 2.4855 4228 2.3654 4435 2.2549 4645 2.1527 5 56 3825 2 6142 4027 2.4834 4231 2.3635 4438 2.2531 4649 2.1510 4 57 3829 2.6119 4030 2.4813 4234 2.3616 4442 2.2513 4652 2.1494 3 58 3832 26096 4033 2.4792 423S 2.3597 4445 2.2496 4656 2.1478 2 59 3835 2.6074 4037 2.4772 4241 2.357S 4449 2.2478 4660 2.1461 1 60 3839 2.6051 4040 2.4751 4245 2.3559 4452 2.2460 4663 2.1445 t cot tan 69° cot tan 68° cot tan 67° cot tan 66° cot tan 65° t 66 NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. f 25° 26° 27° 28° 29° r tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 46b3 2.1445 4877 2.0503 5095 1.9626 5317 1.8807 5543 1.8040 60 1 4b67 2.1429 4881 2.0488 5099 1.9612 5321 1.8794 5547 1.802S 59 2 4670 2.1413 4885 2.0473 5103 1.9598 5325 1.S781 5551 1.8016 58 3 4674 2.1396 4888 2.0458 5106 1.95S4 532S 1.8768 5555 1.8003 57 4 4677 2.1380 4892 2.0443 5110 1.9570 5332 1.8755 5558 1.7991 56 5 4681 2.1364 4895 2.0428 5114 1.9556 5336 1.S741 5562 1.7979 55 6 4684 2.1348 4899 2.0413 5117 1.9542 5340 1.8728 5566 1.7966 54 7 46S8 2.1332 4903 2.0398 5121 1.9528 5343 1.S715 5570 1.7954 53 8 4691 2.1315 4906 2.0383 5125 1.9514 5347 1.8702 5574 1.7942 52 9 4695 2.1299 4910 2.0368 512S 1.9500 5351 1.8689 5577 1.7930 51 10 4699 2.1283 4913 2.0353 5132 1.9486 5354 1.8676 5581 1.7917 50 11 4702 2.1267 4917 2.033S 5136 1.9472 5358 1.S663 5585 1.7905 49 12 4706 2.1251 4921 2.0323 5139 1.9458 5362 1.8650 5589 1.7893 48 13 4709 2.1235 4924 2 0308 5143 1.9444 5366 1.8637 5593 1.7881 47 14 4713 2.1219 4928 2.0293 5147 1.9430 5369 1.8624 5596 1.7868 46 15 4716 2.1203 4931 2.0278 5150 1.9416 5373 .1.8611 5600 1.7856 45 16 4720 2.1187 4935 2.0263 5154 1.9402 5377 1.8598 5604 1.7844 44 17 4723 2.1171 4939 2.024S 5158 1.9388 5381 1.8585 560S 1.7832 43 IS 4727 2.1155 4942 2.0233 5161 1.9375 5384 1.S572 5612 1.7820 42 19 4731 2.1139 4946 2.0219 5165 1.9361 5388 1.8559 5616 1.7808 41 20 4734 2.1123 4950 2.0204 5169 1.9347 5392 1.8546 5619 1.7796 40 21 4738 2.1107 4953 2.0189 5172 1.9333 5396 1.8533 5623 1.7783 39 22 4741 2.1092 4957 2.0174 5176 1.9319 5399 1.8520 5627 1.7771 38 23 4745 2.1076 4960 2.0160 5180 1.9306 5403 1.8507 5631 1.7759 37 24 4748 2.1060 4964 2.0145 5184 1.9292 5407 1.8495 5635 1.7747 36 25 4752 2.1044 496S 20130 5187 1.9278 5411 1.8482 5639 1.7735 35 26 4755 2 1028 4971 2.0115 5191 1.9265 5415 1.8469 5642 1.7723 34 27 4759 2.1013 4975 2 0101 5195 1.9251 5418 1.8456 5646 1.7711 33 2S 4763 2.0997 4979 2.0086 5198 1.9237 5422 1.8443 5650 1.7699 32 29 4766 2.0981 4982 2.0072 5202 1.9223 .5426 18430 5654 1.7687 31 30 4770 2.0965 4986 2.0057 5206 1.9210 5430 1.8418 5658 1.7675 30 31 4773 2.0950 49S9 2.0042 5209 1.9196 5433 1.8405 5662 1.7663 29 32 4777 2.0934 4993 2.002S 5213 1.9183 5437 1.8392 5665 1.7651 28 33 4780 2.0918 4997 2.0013 5217 1.9169 5441 1.8379 5669 1.7639 27 34 4784 2.0903 5000 1.9999 5220 1.9155 5445 1.8367 5673 1.7627 26 35 4788 2.0887 5004 1.9984 5224 1.9142 5448 1.8354 5677 1.7615 25 36 4791 2.0872 5008 1.9970 5228 1.9128 5452 1.8341 5681 1.7603 24 37 4795 2.0856 5011 1.9955 5232 1.9115 5456 1.8329 5685 1.7591 23 38 4798 2.0840 5015 1.9941 5235 1.9101 5460 1.8316 5688 1.7579 22 39 4802 2.0825 5019 1.9926 5239 1.9088 5464 1.8303 5692 1.7567 21 40 4806 2.0809 5022 1.9912 5243 1.9074 5467 1.8291 5696 1.7556 20 41 4809 2.0794 5026 1.9897 5246 1.9061 5471 1.S278 5700 1.7544 19 42 4813 2.0778 5029 1.9883 5250 1.9047 5475 1.S265 5704 1.7532 18 43 4816 2.0763 5033 1.9868 5254 1.9034 5479 1.8253 5708 1.7520 17 44 4820 2.0748 5037 1.9854 5258 . 1.9020 5482 1.8240 5712 1.7508 16 45 4823 2.0732 5040 1.9840 5261 1.9007 5486 1.8228 5715 1.7496 15 46 4827 2.0717 5044 1.9825 5265 1.8993 5490 1.8215 5719 1.7485 14 47 4831 2.0701 5048 1.9811 5269 ' 1.8980 5494 1.8202 5723 1.7473 13 48 4834 2.0686 5051 1.9797 5272 1.8967 5498 1.8190 5727 1.7461 12 49 4838 2.0671 5055 1.9782 5276 1.8953 5501 1.8177 5731 1.7449 11 50 4841 2.0655 5059 1.976S 5280 1.8940 5505 1.8165 5735 1.7437 10 51 4845 2.0640 5062 1.9754 5284 1.8927 5509 1.S152 5739 1.7426 9 52 4849 2.0625 5066 1.9740 5287 1.8913 5513 1.8140 5743 1.7414 8 53 4S52 2.0609 5070 1.9725 5291 1.8900 5517 1.8127 5746 1.7402 7 54 4856 2.0594 5073 1.9711 5295 1.8887 5520 1.8115 5750 1.7391 6 55 4859 2.0579 5077 1.9697 5298 1.8873 5524 1.8103 5754 1.7379 5 56 4863 2 0564 5081 1.9683 5302 1.8860 5528 1.8090 575S 1.7367 4 57 4867 2.0549 5084 1.9669 5306 1.8847 5532 1.8078 5762 1.7355 3 5S 4870 2 0533 5088 1.9654 5310 1.8834 5535 1.8065 5766 1.7344 2 59 4874 2.0518 5092 1.9640 5313 1.8S20 5539 1.8053 5770 1.7332 1 60 4877 2.0503 5095 1.9626 5317 1.8807 5543 1.8040 5774 1.7321 t cot tan 64° cot tan 63° cot tan 62° cot tan 61° cot tan 60° t NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 67 t 30° 31° 32° 33° 34° t tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 5774 1.7321 6009 1.6643 6249 1.6003 6494 1.5399 6745 1.4826 60 1 5777 1.7309 6013 1.6632 6253 1.5993 649S 1.53S9 6749 1.4S16 59 2 5781 1.7297 6017 1.6621 6257 1.59S3 6502 1.5379 6754 1.4807 58 3 5785 1.72S6 6020 1.6610 6261 1.5972 6506 1.5369 6758 1.479S 57 4 5789 1.7274 6024 1.6599 6265 1.5962 6511 1.5359 6762 1.4788 56 5 5793 1.7262 6028 1.65SS 6269 1.5952 6515 1.5350 6766 1.4779 55 6 5797 1.7251 6032 1.6577 6273 1.5941 6519 1.5340 6771 1.4770 54 7 5801 1.7239 6036 1.6566 6277 1.5931 6523 1.5330 6775 1.4761 53 8 5S05 1.722S 6040 1.6555 6281 1.5921 6527 1.5320 6779 1.4751 52 9 '5808 1.7216 6044 1.6545 62S5 1.5911 6531 1.5311 6783 1.4742 51 10 5812 1.7205 6048 1.6534 6289 1.5900 6536 1.5301 6787 1.4733 50 11 5816 1.7193 6052 1.6523 6293 1.5890 6540 1.5291 6792 1.4724 49 12 5820 1.7182 6056 1.6512 6297 1.5880 6544 1.5282 6796 1.4715 48 13 5824 1.7170 6060 16501 6301 1.5S69 6548 1.5272 6800 1.4705 47 14 5828 1.7159 6064 1.6490 6305 1.5859 6552 1.5262 6805 1.4696 46 15 5832 1.7147 6068 1.6479 6310 1.5849 6556 1.5253 6809 1.4687 45 16 5836 1.7136 6072 1.6469 6314 1.5S39 6560 1.5243 6813 1.467S 44 17 5840 1.7124 6076 1.645S 6318 1.5829 6565 1.5233 6S17 1.4669 43 18 5S44 1.7113 6080 1.6447 6322 1.5S1S 6569 1.5224 6822 1.4659 42 19 5S47 1.7102 6084 1.6436 6326 1.5808 6573 1.5214 6826 1.4650 41 20 5851 1.7090 60SS 1.6426 6330 1.579S 6577 1.5204 6830 1.4641 40 21 5855 1.7079 6092 1.6415 6334 1.5788 6581 1.5195 6S34 1.4632 39 22 5859 1.7067 6096 1.6404 633S 1.577S 6585 1.5185 6839 1.4623 38 23 5863 1.7056 6100 1.6393 6342 1.576S 6590 1.5175 6S43 1.4614 37 24 5867 1.7045 6104 1.6383 6346 1.5757 6594 1.5166 6847 1.4605 36 25 5871 1.7033 6108 1.6372 6350 1.5747 659S 1.5156 6851 1.4596 35 26 5875 1.7022 6112 1.6361 6354 1.5737 6602 1.5147 6S56 1.45S6 34 27 5879 1.7011 6116 1.6351 6358 1.5727 6606 1.5137 6860 1.4577 33 28 5883 1.6999 6120 1.6340 6363 1.5717 6610 1.5127 6864 1.4568 32 29 5SS7 1.69SS 6124 1.6329 ' 6367 1.5707 6615 1.5118 6S69 1.4559 31 30 5890 1.6977 6128 1.6319 6371 1.5697 6619 1.5108 6873 1.4550 30 31 5894 1.6965 6132 1.6308 6375 1.5687 6623 1.5099 6877 1.4541 29 32 5S9S 1.6954 6136 1.6297 6379 1.5677 6627 1.5089 6SS1 1.4532 28 33 5902 1.6943 6140 1.6287 6383 1.5667 6631 1.5080 6886 1.4523 27 34 5906 1.6932 6144 1.6276 63S7 1.5657 6636 1.5070 6S90 1.4514 26 35 5910 1.6920 6148 1.6265 6391 1.5647 6640 1.5061 6894 1.4505 25 36 5914 1.6909 6152 16255 6395 1.5637 6644 1.5051 6899 1.4496 24 37 5918 1.6S9S 6156 1.6244 6399 1.5627 6648 1.5042 6903 1.4487 23 3S 5922 1.6S87 6160 1.6234 6403 1.5617 6652 1.5032 6907 1.4478 22 39 5926 1.6875 6164 1.6223 6408 1.5607 6657 1.5023 6911 1.4469 21 40 5930 1.6S64 6168 1.6212 6412 1.5597 6661 1.5013 6916 1.4460 20 41 5934 1.6853 6172 1.6202 6416 1.5587 6665 1.5004 6920 1.4451 19 42 5938 1.6842 6176 1.6191 6420 1.5577 6669 1.4994 6924 1.4442 18 43 5942 1.6831 61S0 1.6181 6424 1.5567 6673 1.4985 6929 1.4433 17 44 5945 1.6820 6184 1.6170 6428 1.5557 6678 1.4975 6933 1.4424 16 45 5949 1.6S0S 61SS 1.6160 6432 1.5547 6682 1.4966 6937 1.4415 15 46 5953 1.6797 6192 1.6149 6436 1.5537 6686 1.4957 6942 1.4406 14 47 5957 1.6786 6196 1.6139 6440 1.5527 6690 1.4947 6946 1.4397 13 48 5961 1.6775 6200 1.6128 6445 1.5517 6694 1.4938 6950 1.4388 12 49 5965 1.6764 6204 1.6118 6449 1.5507 6699 1.4928 6954 1.4379 11 50 5969 1.6753 620S 1.6107 6453 1.5497 6703 1.4919 6959 1.4370 io 51 5973 1.6742 6212 1.6097 6457 1.54S7 6707 1.4910 6963 1.4361 9 52 5977 1.6731 6216 1.6087 6461 1.5477 6711 1.4900 6967 1.4352 8 53 5981 1.6720 6220 1.6076 6465 1.5468 6716 1.4891 6972 1.4344 7 54 5985 1.6709 6224 1.6066 6469 1.5458 6720 1.4SS2 6976 1.4335 6 55 5989 1.6698 6228 1.6055 6473 1.5448 6724 1.4872 69S0 1.4326 5 56 5993 166S7 6233 1.6045 6478 1.543S 672S 1.4863 69S5 1.4317 4 57 5997 1.6676 6237 1.6034 6482 1.5428 6732 1.4854 6989 1.4308 3 58 6001 16665 6241 1.6024 64S6 1.5418 6737 1.4844 6993 1.4299 2 59 6005 1.6654 6245 1.6014 6490 1.5408 6741 1.4835 6998 1.4290 1 60 6009 1.6643 6249 1.6003 6494 1.5399 6745 1.4826 7002 1.4281 t cot tan 59° cot tan 58° cot tan 57° cot tan 56° cot tan 55° t NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. t 35° 36° 37° 38° 39° t tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 7002 14281 7265 1.3764 7536 1.3270 7813 1.2799 8098 1.2349 60 1 7006 1.4273 7270 1.3755 7540 1.3262 7818 1.2792 8103 1.2342 59 2 7011 1.4264 7274 1.3747 7545 1.3254 7822 1.2784 8107 1.2334 58 3 7015 1.4255 7279 1.3739 7549 1.3246 7827 1.2776 8112 1.2327 57 4 7019 1.4246 7283 1.3730 7554 1.3238 7832 1.2769 8117 1.2320 56 5 7024 1.4237 7288 1.3722 7558 1.3230 7836 1.2761 8122 1.2312 55 6 7028 1.4229 7292 1.3713 7563 1.3222 7841 1.2753 8127 1.2305 54 7 7032 1.4220 7297 1.3705 7568 1.3214 7846 1.2746 8132 1.2298 53 8 7037 1.4211 7301 1.3697 7572 1.3206 7850 1.2738 8136 1.2290 52 9 7041 1.4202 7306 1.3688 7577 1.3198 7855 1.2731 8141 1.2283 51 io 7046 1.4193 7310 1.3680 7581 1.3190 7860 1.2723 8146 1.2276 50 11 7050 1.4185 7314 1.3672 7586 1.3182 7865 1.2715 8151 1.2268 49 12 7054 1.4176 7319 1.3663 7590 1.3175 7869 1.2708 8156 1.2261 48 13 7059 1.4167 7323 1.3655 7595 1.3167 7874 1.2700 8161 1.2254 47 14 7063 1.4158 7328 1.3647 7600 1.3159 7879 1.2693 8165 1.2247 46 15 7067 1.4150 7332 1.3638 7604 1.3151 7883 12685 8170 1.2239 45 16 7072 1.4141 7337 1.3630 7609 1.3143 7888 1.2677 8175 1.2232 44 17 7076 1.4132 7341 1.3622 7613 1.3135 7893 1.2670 8180 1.2225 43 IS 7080 1.4124 7346 1.3613 7618 1.3127 7898 1.2662 8185 1.2218 42 19 7085 1.4115 7350 1.3605 7623 1.3119 7902 1.2655 8190 1.2210 41 20 7089 1.4106 7355 1.3597 7627 1.3111 7907 1.2647 8195 1.2203 40 21 7094 1.4097 7359 1.3588 7632 1.3103 7912 1.2640 8199 1.2196 39 22 7098 1.4089 7364 1.3580 7636 1.3095 7916 1.2632 8204 1.2189 38 23 7102 1.4080 7368 1.3572 7641 1.3087 7921 1.2624 8209 1.2181 37 24 7107 1.4071 7373 1.3564 7646 1.3079 7926 1.2617 8214 1.2174 36 25 7111 1.4063 7377 1.3555 7650 1.3072 7931 1.2609 8219 1.2167 35 26 . 7115 1.4054 7382 1.3547 7655 1.3064 7935 1.2602 8224 1.2160 34 27 7120 1.4045 7386 1.3539 7659 1.3056 7940 1.2594 8229 1.2153 33 28 7124 1.4037 7391 1.3531 7664 1.3048 7945 1.2587 8234 1.2145 31 29 7129 1.4028 7395 1.3522 7669 1.3040 7950 1.2579 8238 1.2138 31 30 7133 1.4019 7400 1.3514 7673 1.3032 7954 1.2572 8243 1.2131 30 31 7137 14011 7404 1.3506 7678 1.3024 7959 1.2564 8248 1.2124 29 32 7142 1.4002 7409 1.3498 7683 1.3017 7964 1.2557 8253 1.2117 28 33 7146 1.3994 7413 1.3490 7687 1.3009 7969 1.2549 8258 1.2109 27 34 7151 1.3985 7418 1.3481 7692 1.3001 7973 1.2542 8263 1.2102 26 35 7155 1.3976 7422 1.3473 7696 1.2993 7978 1.2534 8268 1.2095 25 36 7159 1.3968 7427 1.3465 7701 1.2985 7983 1.2527 8273 1.2088 24 37 7164 1.3959 7431 1.3457 7706 1.2977 7988 1.2519 8278 1.2081 23 38 716S 1.3951 7436 1.3449 7710 1.2970 7992 1.2512 8283 1.2074 22 39 7173 1.3942 7440 1.3440 7715 1.2962 7997 1.2504 8287 1.2066 21 40 7177 1.3934 7445 1.3432 7720 1.2954 8002 1.2497 8292 1.2059 20 41 7181 1.3925 7449 1.3424 7724 1.2946 8007 1.2489 8297 1.2052 19 42 7186 1.3916 7454 1.3416 7729 1.2938 8012 1.2482 8302 1.2045 18 43 7190 1.3908 7458 1.3408 7734 1.2931 8016 1.2475 8307 1.2038 17 44 7195 1.3S99 7463 1.3400 7738 1,2923 8021 1.2467 8312 1.2031 16 45 7199 1.3891 7467 1.3392 7743 1.2915 8026 1.2460 8317 1.2024 15 46 7203 1.3882 7472 1.3384 7747 1.2907 8031 1.2452 8322 1.2017 14 47 7208 1.3874 7476 1.3375 -7752 1.2900 8035 1.2445 8327 12009 13 4S 7212 1.3865 7481 1.3367 7757 1.2892 8040 1.2437 8332 1.2002 12 49 7217 1.3857 7485 1.3359 7761 1.2S84 8045 1.2430 8337 1.1995 11 50 7221 1.3848 7490 1.3351 7766 1.2876 8050 1.2423 8342 1.1988 10 51 7226 1.3840 7495 1.3343 7771 1.2869 8055 1.2415 8346 1.1981 9 52 7230 1.3831 7499 1.3335 7775 1.2861 8059 1.2408 8351 1.1974 8 53 7234 1.3823 7504 1.3327 77S0 1.2853 8064 1.2401 8356 1.1967 7 54 7S39 1.3814 7508 1.3319 7785 1.2846 8069 1.2393 8361 1.1960 6 55 7243 1.3806 7513 1.3311 7789 1.2838 8074 1.2386 8366 1.1953 5 56 7248 1.3798 7517 1.3303 7794 1.2S30 8079 1.2378 8371 1.1946 4 57 7252 1.3789 7522 1.3295 7799 1.2822 8083 1.2371 8376 1.1939 3 58 7257 1.3781 7526 1.3287 7803 1.2815 S088 1.2364 8381 1.1932 2 59 7261 1.3772 7531 1.3278 7808 1.2807 8093 1.2356 8386 1.1925 1 60 7265 1.3764 7536 1.3270 7813 1.2799 809S 1.2349 8391 1.1918 ' cot tan 54° cot tan 53° cot tan ' 52° cot tan 51° cot tan 50° i NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 69 t 40° 41° 42° 43° 44° t tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot 8391 1.1918 8693 1.1504 9004 1.1106 9325 1.0724 9657 1.0355 60 1 8396 1.1910 8698 1.1497 9009 1.1100 9331 1.0717 9663 1.0349 59 2 8401 1.1903 8703 1.1490 9015 1.1093 9336 1.0711 9668 1.0343 58 3 8406 1.1896 870S 1.1483 9020 1.1087 9341 1.0705 9674 1.0337 57 4 8411 1.1889 8713 1.1477 9025 1.1080 9347 1.0699 9679 1.0331 56 5 8416 1.1882 8718 1.1470 9030 1.1074 9352 1.0692 9685 1.0325 55 6 8421 1.1875 8724 1.1463 9036 1.1067 9358 1.0686 9691 1.0319 54 7 8426 1.1868 8729 1.1456 9041 1.1061 9363 1.0680 9696 1.0313 53 8 -8431 1.1861 8734 1.1450 9046 1.1054 9369 1.0674 9702 1.0307 52 9 8436 1.1854 8739 1.1443 9052 1.1048 9374 1.0668 9708 1.0301 51 io 8441 1.1847 8744 1.1436 9057 1.1041 9380 1.0661 9713 1.0295 50 11 8446 1.1840 8749 1.1430 9062 1.1035 9385 1.0655 9719 1.0289 49 12 8451 1.1833 8754 1.1423 9067 1.1028 9391 1.0649 9725 1.0283 48 13 8456 1.1826 8759 1.1416 9073 1.1022 9396 1.0643 9730 1.0277 47 14 8461 1.1819 8765 1.1410 9078 1.1016 9402 1.0637 9736 1.0271 46 15 8466 1.1S12 8770 1.1403 9083 1.1009 9407 1.0630 9742 1.0265 45 16 8471 1.1806 8775 1.1396 9089 1.1003 9413 1.0624 9747 1.0259 44 17 8476 1.1799 8780 1.1389 9094 1.0996 9418 1.0618 9753 1.0253 43 IS 8481 1.1792 8785 1.1383 9099 1.0990 9424 1.0612 9759 1.0247 42 19 8486 1.1785 8790 1.1376 9105 1.0983 9429 1.0606 9764 1.0241 41 20 8491 1.1778 8796 1.1369 9110 1.0977 9435 1.0599 9770 1.0235 40 21 8496 1.1771 8801 1.1363 9115 1.0971 9440 1.0593 9776 1.0230 39 22 8501 1.1764 8806 1.1356 9121 1.0964 9446 1.0587 9781 1.0224 38 23 8506 1.1757 8811 1.1349 9126 1.0958 9451 1.0581 9787 1.0218 37 24 8511 1.1750 8816 1.1343 9131 1.0951 9457 1.0575 9793 1.0212 36 25 8516 1.1743 8821 1.1336 9137 1.0945 9462 1.0569 9798 1.0206 35 26 8521 1.1736 8827 1.1329 9142 1.0939 9468 1.0562 9804 1.0200 34 27 8526 1.1729 8832 1.1323 9147 1.0932 9473 1.0556 9810 1.0194 33 28 8531 1.1722 8837 1.1316 9153 1.0926 9479 1.0550 9816 1.0188 31 29 8536 1.1715 8842 1.1310 9158 1.0919 9484 1.0544 9821 1.0182 31 30 8541 1.1708 8847 1.1303 9163 1.0913 9490 1.0538 9827 1.0176 30 31 8546 1.1702 8852 1.1296 9169 1.0907 9495 1.0532 9833 1.0170 29 32 8551 1.1695 8858 1.1290 9174 1.0900 9501 1.0526 9838 1.0164 28 33 8556 1.1688 8863 1.1283 9179 1.0894 9506 1.0519 9844 1.0158 27 34 8561 1.1681 8868 1.1276 9185 1.0888 9512 1.0513 9850 1.0152 26 35 8566 1.1674 8873 1.1270 9190 1.0881 9517 1.0507 9856 1.0147 25 36 8571 1.1667 887S 1.1263 9195 1.0875 9523 1.0501 9861 1.0141 24 37 8576 1.1660 8884 1.1257 9201 1.0869 9528 1.0495 9867 1.0135 23 38 8581 1.1653 8SS9 1.1250 9206 1.0S62 9534 1.0489 9873 1.0129 22 39 8586 1.1647 8894 1.1243 9212 1.0856 9540 1.0483 9879 1.0123 21 40 8591 1.1640 8899 1.1237 9217 1.0850 9545 1.0477 9884 1.0117 20 41 8596 1.1633 8904 1.1230 9222 1.0843 9551 1.0470 9890 1.0111 19 42 8601 1.1626 8910 1.1224 9228 1.0837 9556 1.0464 9896 1.0105 18 43 8606 1.1619 8915 1.1217 9233 1.0831 9562 1.0458 9902 1.0099 17 44 8611 1.1612 8920 1.1211 9239 1.0824 9567 1.0452 9907 1.0094 16 45 8617 1.1606 8925 1.1204 9244 1.0818 9573 1.0446 9913 1.0088 15 46 8622 1.1599 8931 1.1197 9249 1.0812 9578 1.0440 9919 1.00S2 14 47 8627 1.1592 8936 1.1191 9255 1.0805 95S4 1.0434 9925 1.0076 13 48 8632 1.1585 8941 1.1184 9260 ] .0799 9590 1.0428 9930 1.0070 12 49 8637 1.1578 8946 1.1178 9266 1.0793 9595 1.0422 9936 1.0064 11 50 8642 1.1571 8952 1.1171 9271 1.0786 9601 1.0416 9942 1.0058 10 51 8647 1.1565 8957 1.1165 9276 1.0780 9606 1.0410 9948 1.0052 9 52 8652 1.1558 8962 1.1158 9282 1.0774 9612 1.0404 9954 1.0047 8 53 8657 1.1551 8967 1.1152 9287 1.0768 9618 1.039S 9959 1.0041 7 54 8662 1.1544 8972 1.1145 9293 1.0761 9623 1.0392 9965 1.0035 6 55 8667 1.1538 8978 1.1139 9298 1.0755 9629 1.0385 9971 1.0029 5 56 8672 1.1531 8983 1.1132 9303 1.0749 9634 1.0379 9977 1.0023 4 57 8678 1.1524 8988 1.1126 9309 1.0742 9640 1.0373 9983 1.0017 3 58 8683 1.1517 8994 1.1119 9314 1.0736 9646 1.0367 9988 1.0012 2 59 8688 1.1510 8999 1.1113 9320 1.0730 9651 1.0361 9994 1.0006 1 60 8693 1.1504 9004 1.1106 9325 1.0724 9657 1.0355 1.000 1.0000 O cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan cot tan t 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° / 70 TABLE VII. ■ -TRAVEKSE TABLE. Bearing, Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. o t Lat, Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o t 15 1.000 0.004 2.000 0.009 3.000 0.013 4.000 0.017 5.000 0.022 89 45 30 1.000 0.009 2.000 0.017 3.000 0.026 4.000 0.035 5.000 0.044 30 45 1.000 0.013 2.000 0.026 3.000 0.039 4.000 0.052 5.000 0.065 15 1 1.000 0.017 2.000 0035 3.000 0.052 3.999 0.070 4.999 0.0S7 89 15 1.000 0.022 2.000 0.044 2.999 0.065 3.999 0.087 4.999 0.109 45 30 1.000 0.026 1.999 0.052 2.999 0.079 3.999 0.105 4.998 0.131 30 45 1.000 0.031 1.999 0.061 2.999 0.092 3.998 0.122 4.998 0.153 15 2 0.999 0.035 1.999 0.070 2.998 0.105 3.998 0.140 4.997 0.174 88 15 0.999 0.039 1.998 0.079 2.998 0.118 3.997 0.157 4.996 0.196 45 30 0.999 0.044 1.998 0.087 2.997 0.131 3.996 0.174 4.995 0.218 30 45 0.999 0.048 1.99S 0.096 2.997 0.144 3.995 0.192 4.994 0.240 15 3 0.999 0.052 1.997 0.105 2.996 0.157 3.995 0.209 4.993 0.262 87 15 0.998 0.057 1.997 0.113 2.995 0.170 3.994 0.227 4.992 283 45 30 0.998 0.061 1.996 0.122 2.994 0.183 3.993 0244 4.991 0.305 30 45 0.998 0065 1.996 0.131 2.994 0.196 3.991 0.262 4.989 0.327 15 4 0.998 070 1.995 0.140 2.993 0.209 3.990 0.279 4.988 349 86 15 0.997 0.074 1.995 0.148 2.992 0.222 3.989 0.296 4.986 0.371 45 30 0.997 0078 1.994 0.157 2.991 0.235 3.988 0.314 4.985 0.392 30 45 0.997 0.0S3 1.993 0.166 2.990 0.248 3.986 0.331 4.983 0.414 15 5 0.996 0.087 1.992 0.174 2.989 0.261 3.985 0.349 4.981 0.436 85 15 0.996 092 1.992 0.183 2.987 0.275 3.983 0.366 4.979 0.458 45 30 0.995 096 1.991 0192 2.986 0.288 3.9S2 0383 4.977 0.479 30 45 0.995 0100 1.990 0.200 2.985 0.301 3.980 0.401 4.975 0.501 15 6 0.995 0.105 1.989 209 2.984 0.314 3.978 0.418 4.973 0.523 84 15 0.994 0.109 1.9SS 0.218 2.982 0.327 3.976 0.435 4.970 0.544 45 30 0.994 0.113 1.987 0.226 2.981 0.340 3.974 0.453 4.968 0.566 30 45 0.993 0.118 1.986 0.235 2.979 0.353 3.972 0.470 4.965 0.5S8 15 7 0.993 0.122 1.985 0.244 2.978 0.366 3.970 0.487 4.963 0.609 83 15 0992 0126 1.984 0.252 2.976 0.379 3.966 0.505 4.960 0631 45 30 0.991 0.131 1.983 0.261 2.974 0.392 3.966 0.522 4.957 0.653 30 45 0.991 0.135 1.982 0.270 2.973 0.405 3.963 0.539 4.954 0.674 15 8 0.990 0.139 1.981 278 2.971 0.418 3.961 0.557 4.951 0.696 82 15 0.990 0.143 1.979 0.287 2.969 0.430 3.959 0574 4.948 0.717 45 30 0.989 0.148 1.978 0.296 2.967 0.443 3.956 0.591 4.945 0.739 30 45 0.988 0152 1.977 0.304 2.965 0.456 3.953 608 4.942 0.761 15 9 0.988 0.156 1.975 0.313 2.963 0.469 3.951 0.626 4.938 0.782 81 15 0.987 0.161 1.974 0.321 2.961 0.482 3.948 0.643 4.935 0.804 45 30 0.9S6 0.165 1.973 0.330 2.959 0.495 3.945 0.660 4.931 0.825 30 45 0.986 0.169 1.971 0.339 2.957 0.508 3.942 0.677 4.928 0.847 15 10 0.985 0.174 1.970 0.347 2.954 0.521 3.939 0.695 4.924 0.868 80 15 9S4 0.178 1.968 0.356 2.952 0.534 3.936 0.712 4.920 0.890 45 30 0.983 0.182 1.967 0.364 2.950 0.547 3.933 0.729 4.916 0.911 30 45 0.982 1S7 1.965 0.373 2.947 560 3.930 0.746 4.912 0.933 15 11 0.982 0.191 1.963 0.382 2.945 0.572 3.927 0.763 4.908 0.954 79 15 0.9S1 0.195 1.962 0.390 2.942 0:585 3.923 0.780 4.904 0.975 45 30 980 0.199 1.960 '0.399 2.940 0.598 3.920 0.797 4.900 0997 30 45 0979 0.204 1.95S 0.407 2.937 611 3.916 0.815 4.895 1.018 15 12 0.978 0.208 1.956 0.416 2.934 0624 3.913 0.832 4.891 1.040 78 15 0.977 0.212 1.954 0.424 2.932 0.637 3.909 0.S49 4 886 1.061 45 30 0.976 0.216 1.953 0.433 2.929 0.649 3.905 0.S66 4.881 1.082 30 45 0.975 0.221 1.951 0.441 2.926 662 3.901 0S83 4.877 1.103 15 13 974 0.225 1.949 0.450 2.923 0.675 3.897 0.900 4.872 1.125 77 15 0.973 0229 1.947 0.458 2.920 0.688 3.894 0.917 4.867 1.146 45 30 0.972 0.233 1.945 0.467 2.917 0.700 3.889 0.934 4.862 1.167 30 45 971 0.238 1.943 0.475 2.914 0.713 3.885 0.951 4.857 1.188 15 14 970 0242 1.941 0.484 2.911 0.726 3.8S1 0.968 4.851 1.210 76 15 0.969 0.246 1.938 0.492 2.90S 0.73S 3.877 0.985 4.846 1.231 45 30 968 0.250 1.936 0.501 2.904 0.751 3.873 1.002 4.841 1.252 30 45 0.967 0.255 1.934 0.509 2.901 0.764 3.868 1.01S 4.835 1.273 15 15 0.966 0.259 1.932 0.518 2.89S 0.776 3.864 1.035 4.830 1.294 75 o r Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o t Bearing Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. 75°-90 c o°- -15° 71 Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing, o r Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o r 15 6.000 026 7.000 0.031 8.000 0.035 9 000 0.039 10.000 0.044 89 45 30 6000 0.052 7.000 0.061 8.000 0.070 9000 0.079 10.000 0.087 30 45 5.999 0.079 6.999 0.092 7.999 0.105 S.999 0.118 9.999 0.131 15 1 5.999 0.105 6.999 0.122 7.999 0.140 8.999 0.157 9.999 0.175 89 15 5.999 0.131 6.99S 0.153 7.99S 0.175 8.998 0.196 9.998 0.218 45 30 5.998 0.157 6.99S 0.183 7.997 0.209 8 997 0.236 9.997 0.262 30 45 5.997 0.1S3 6.997 0.214 7.996 0.244 8.996 0.275 9.995 0.305 15 2 5.996 0.209 6.996 0.244 7.995 0.279 8.995 0.314 9.994 0.349 88 15 5.995 0.236 6.995 0.275 7.994 0.314 8.993 0.353 9.992 0.393 45 30 5.994 0.262 6.993 0.305 7.992 0.349 8.991 0.393 9.991 0.436 30 45 5.993 0.2S8 6.992 0.336 7.991 0.384 8.990 0.432 9.989 0.4S0 15 3 5.992 0314 6.990 0.366 7.989 0.419 8.988 0.471 9.986 0.523 87 15 5.990 0.340 6.989 0.397 7.9S7 0.454 8.986 0.510 9.984 0.567 45 30 5.9S9 0.366 6.9S7 0.427 7.985 0.48S 8.983 0.549 9.981 0.611 30 45 5.9S7 0.392 6.985 0.458 7.983 0.523 8.981 0.589 9.979 0.654 15 4 5.9S5 0.419 6.983 0.4SS 7.981 0.558 8.978 0.628 9.976 698 86 15 5.9S4 0.445 6.9S1 0.519 7.978 0.593 8.975 0.667 9.973 0.741 45 30 5.9S2 0.471 6.97S 0.549 7.975 0.628 8.972 0.706- 9.969 0.785 30 45 5.979 0.497 6.976 0.580 7.973 0.662 8.969 0.745 9.966 0.828 15 5 5.977 '0.523 6.973 0.610 7.970 0.697 8.966 0.784 9.962 0.872 85 15 5.975 0549 6.971 0.641 7.966 0.732 8.962 0.824 9.958 0.915 45 30 5.972 575 6.968 0.671 7.963 0.767 8.959 0.863 9.954 0.959 30 45 5.970 601 6.965 0.701 7.960 0.802 8.955 0.902 9.950 1.002 15 6 5.967 0.627 6.962 0.732 7.956 0.836 8.951 0.941 9.945 1.045 84 15 5.964 0.653 6.958 0.762 7.952 0.871 S.947 0.980 9.941 1.089 45 30 5.961 0.679 6.955 0.792 7.949 0.906 8.942 1.019 9.936 1.132 30 45 5.95S 0.705 6.951 0.823 7.945 0.940 8938 1.058 9.931 1.175 15 7 5.955 0.731 6.948 0.853 7.940 0.975 8.933 1.097 9.926 1.219 83 15 5.952 0.757 6.944 0.883 7.936 1.010 8.928 1.136 9.920 1.262 45 30 5.949 0.7S3 6.940 0.914 7.932 1.044 8.923 1.175 9.914 1.305 30 45 5.945 0.809 6.936 0.944 7.927 1.079 8.918 1.214 9.909 1.349 15 8 5.942 0.835 6.932 0.974 7.922 1.113 8.912 1.253 9.903 1.392 82 15 5.93S 0.861 6.928 1.004 7.917 1.148 8.907 1.291 9.897 1.435 45 30 5.934 0.8S7 6 923 1.035 7.912 1.182 8.901 1.330 9.890 1.478 30 45 5.930 913 6.919 1.065 7.907 1.217 8.895 1.369 9.884 1.521 15 9 5.926 0.939 6.914 1.095 7.902 1.251 8.889 1.408 9.877 1.564 81 15 5.922 0.964 6.909 1.125 7.896 1.286 8.883 1.447 9.870 1.607 45 30 5.918 0.990 6.904 1.155 7.890 1.320 8.877 1.485 9.863 1.651 30 45 5.913 1.016 6.899 1.185 7.884 1.355 8.870 1.524 9.856 1.694 .15 10 5.909 1.042 6.894 1.216 7.878 1.389 8.863 1.563 9.848 1.737 80 15 5.904 1.068 6.88S 1.246 7.872 1.424 8.856 1.601 9.840 1.779 45 30 5.900 1.093 6.S83 1.276 7.866 1.458 8.849 1.640 9.833 1.822 30 45 5.895 1.119 6.877 1.306 7.860 1.492 8.842 1.679 9.825 1.865 15 11 5.S90 1.145 6.871 1.336 7.853 1.526 8.835 1.717 9.816 1.908 79 15 5.885 1.171 6.866 1.366 7.846 1.561 8.827 1.756 9.808 1.951 45 30 5. 880 1.196 6.859 1.396 7.839 1.595 8.819 1.794 9.799 1.994 30 45 5.874 1.222 6.853 1425 7.832 1.629 8.811 1.833 9.791 2036 15 12 5.869 1.247 6.S47 1.455 7.825 1663 8.803 1.871 9 782 2.079 78 15 5.S63 1.273 6.841 1.485 7.81S 1.697 8.795 1.910 9.772 2.122 45 30 5.858 1.299 6.834 1.515 7.S10 1.732 8.787 1.948 9.763 2.164 30 45 5.852 1.324 6.827 1.545 7.803 1.766 8.778 1.986 9.753 2.207 15 13 5.846 1.350 6.821 1.575 7.795 1.800 8.769 2.025 9.744 2.250 77 15 5.840 1.375 6.814 1.604 7.7S7 1.834 8.760 2.063 9.734 2.292 45 30 5.834 1.401 6.807 1.634 7.779 1.868 8.751 2.101 9.724 2.335 30 45 5.828 1.426 6.799 1.664 7.771 1.902 8.742 2139 9.713 2.377 15 14 5.822 1.452 6.792 1.693 7.762 1.935 8.733 2.177 9.703 2.419 76 15 5.S15 1.477 6.785 1.723 7.754 1.969 8.723 2.215 9.692 2.462 45 30 5.S09 1.502 6777 1.753 7.745 2.003 8.713 2.253 9.6S2 2.504 30 45 5.802 1.52S 6.769 1.7S2 7.736 2.037 8.703 2.291 9.671 2.546 15 15 5.796 1.553 6.761 1.812 7.727 2.071 S.693 2.329 9.659 2.588 75 o f Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o t Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. 75°-90 c 72 15°- -30° Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. o t Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. O f 15 15 0.965 0263 1.930 0.526 2.894 0.789 3.859 1.052 4.824 1.315 74 45 30 0.964 0.267 1.927 0.534 2.891 0.802 3.855 1.069 4.818 1.336 30 45 0.962 0.271 1.925 0.543 2.887 0.814 3.850 1.086 4.812 1.357 15 16' 0.961 0.276 1.923 0.551 2.8S4 0.827 3.845 1.103 4.806 1.378 74 15 0.960 0.280 1.920 0.560 2.880 0.839 3.840 1.119 4.800 1.399 45 30 0.959 0.284 1.918 0.568 2.876 0.852 3.835 1.136 4.794 1.420 30 45 0.958 0.288 1.915 0.576 2.873 0.865 3.830 1.153 4.788 1.441 15 17 0956 0.292 1.913 0.585 2.S69 0.877 3.S25 1.169 4.782 1.462 73 15 0.955 0.297 1.910 0.593 2.865 0.890 3.820 1.186 4.775 1.483 45 30 0.954 0.301 1.907 0.601 2.861 0.902 3.815 1.203 4.769 1.504 30 45 0.952 0.305 1.905 0.610 2.857 0.915 3.810 1.220 4.762 1.524 15 18 0.951 0.309 1.902 0.618 2.853 0.927 3.804 1.236 4.755 1.545 72 15 0.950 0.313 1.899 0.626 2.849 0.939 3.799 1.253 4.748 1.566 45 30 0.948 0.317 1.897 0.635 2.845 0.952 3.793 1.269 4.742 1.587 30 45 0.947 0.321 1.894 0.643 2.841 0.964 3 788 1.286 4.735 1.607 15 19 0.946 0.326 1.891 0.651 2.837 0.977 3.782 1.302 4.728 1.62S 71 15 0.944 0.330 1.S8S 0.659 2.S32 0.989 3.776 1.319 4.720 1.648 45 30 0.943 0.334 1.885 0.668 2.828 1.001 3.771 1.335 4.713 1.669 30 45 0.941 0.338 1.882 0.676 2.824 1.014 3.765 1.352 4.706 1.690 15 20 0.940 0.342 1.879 0.684 2.819 1.026 3.759 1.368 4.698 1.710 70 15 0.938 0.346 1.876 692 2.815 1.038 3.753 1.384 4.691 1.731 45 30 0.937 0350 1.873 0.700 2.810 1.051 3.747 1.401 4.683 1.751 30 45 0.935 0.354 1.870 0709 2.805 1.063 3.741 1.417 4.676 1.771 15 21 0.934 0.358 1.867 0.717 2.801 1.075 3.734 1.433 4.668 1.792 69 15 0.932 0.362 1.864 0.725 2.796 1.087 3.728 1.450 4.660 1.812 45 30 0.930 0.367 1.861 0.733 2.791 1.100 3.722 1.466 4.652 1.833 30 45 0.929 0.371 1.858 0.741 2.786 1.112 3.715 1.482 4.644 1.853 15 22 0.927 0.375 1.854 0.749 2.782 1.124 3.709 1.498 4.636 1.873 68 15 0.926 379 1.851 0.757 2.777 1.136 3.702__ 1.515 4.628 1.893 45 30 0.924 0.383 1.848 0.765 2.772 1.148 3.696,1.531 4.619 1.913 30 45 0.922 0.387 1.844 0.773 2.767 1.160 3.689 1.547 ' 4.611 1.934 15 23 0.921 0.391 1.841 0.781 2.762 1.172 3.682 1.563 4.603 1.954 67 15 0.919 0.395 1.S3S 0.789 2.756 1.184 3.675 1.579 4.594 1.974 45 30 0.917 0.399 1.834 0.797 2.751 1.196 3.668 1.595 4.585 1.994 30 45 0.915 403 1.831 0.805 2.746 1.208 3.661 1.611 4.577 2.014 15 24 0.914 0.407 1.827 0.813 2.741 1.220 3.654 1.627 4.568 2.034 66 15 0.912 0.411 1.824 0.821 2.735 1.232 3.647 1.643 4.559 2.054 45 30 0.910 0.415 1.820 0.S29 2.730 1.244 3.640 1.659 4.550 2.073 30 45 0.90S 0.419 1.816 0.837 2.724 1.256 3.633 1.675 4.541 2.093 15 25 0.906 0.423 1.813 0.845 2.719 1.26S 3.625 1.690 4.532 2.113 65 15 0.904 0.427 1.809 0.853 2.713 1.28*0 3.618 1.706 4.522 2.133 45 30 0.903 0.431 1.805 0.861 2.708 1.292 3.610 1.722 4.513 2.153 30 45 0.901 0.434 1.801 0.869 2.702 1.303 3.603 1.73S 4.503 2.172 15 26 0.S99 0.438 1.798 0.877 2.696 1.315 3.595 1.753 4.494 2.192 64 15 0S97 0.442 1.794 0.885 2.691 1.327 3.587 1.769 4.484 2.211 45 30 0.895 0.446 1.790 892 2.685 1.339 3.580 1.785 4.475 2.231 30 45 0.S93 0.450 1.786 0.900 2.679 1.350 3.572 1.800 4.465 2.250 15 27 0.891 0.454 1.782 0.908 2.-673 1.362 3.564 1.816 4.455 2.270 63 15 0.889 0.458 1.77S 0.916 2.667 1.374 3.556 1.831 4.445 2.289 45 30 0.8S7 0.462 1.774 0.923 2.661 1.385 3.548 1.847 4.435 2.309 30 45 0885 0.466 1.770 0.931 2.655 1.397 3.540 1.862 4.425 2.328 15 28 0.S83 0.469 1.766 0.939 2 649 1.40S 3.532 1.878 4.415 2.347 62 15 0.881 0.473 1.762 0.947 2.643 1.420 3.524 1.893 4.404 2.367 45 30 879 0.477 1.758 0.954 2.636 1.431 3.515 1.909 4.394 2.386 30 45 0.877 0.481 1.753 0.962 2.630 1.443 3.507 1.924 4.3S4 2.405 15 29 0.875 0.485 1.749 0.970 2.624 1.454 3.498 1.939 4.373 2.424 61 15 0.872 0.489 1.745 0.977 2.617 1.466 3.490 1.954 4.362 2.443 45 30 0.870 0.492 1.741 0.985 2.611 1.477 3.481 1.970 4.352 2.462 30 45 0.868 0.496 1.736 0.992 2.605 1.489 3.473 1.985 4.341 2.481 15 30 0.866 0.500 1.732 1.000 2.598 1.500 3.464 2.000 4.330 2.500 60 O f Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o r Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. 60 o -75 ( 15°- -30 o 73 Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. o t Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o r 15 15 5.7S9 1.578 6.754 1.S41 7.71S 2.104 8.683 2.367 9.64S 2.630 74 45 30 5.782 1.603 6.745 1.871 7.709 2.138 8.673 2.405 9.636 2.672 30 45 5.775 1.629 6.737 1.900 7.700 2.172 8.662 2.443 9.625 2.714 15 16 5.76S 1.654 6.729 1.929 7.690 2.205 8.651 2.481 9.613 2.756 74 15 5.760 1.679 6.720 1.959 7.6S0 2.239 8.640 2.518 9.601 2.798 45 30 5.753 1.704 6.712 1.988 7.671 2.272 S.629 2.556 9.5SS 2.840 30 45 5.745 1.729 6.703 2.017 7.661 2.306 8.618 2.594 9.576 2.882 15 17 5.73S 1.754 6.694 2.047 7.650 2.339 S.607 2.631 9.563 2.924 73 15 5.730 1.779 6.685 2.076 7.640 2.372 8.595 2.669 9.550 2.965 45 30 5.722 1.S04 6.676 2.105 7.630 2.406 8.583 2.706 9.537 3 007 30 45 5.714 1.829 6.667 2.134 7.619 2.439 8.572 2.744 9.524 3.049 15 18 5.706 1.854 6.657 2.163 7.608 2.472 8.560 2.781 9.511 3.090 72 15 5.698 1.S79 6.648 2.192 7.598 2.505 8.547 2.818 9.497 3.132 45 30 5.690 1.904 6.63S 2.221 7.5S7 2.538 8.535 2.856 9.483 3.173 30 45 5.6S2 1.929 6.629 2.250 7.575 2.572 8.522 2.893 9.469 3.214 15 19 5.673 1.953 6.619 2.279 7.564 2.605 8.510 2.930 9.455 3.256 71 15 5.665 1.978 6.609 2.30S 7.553 2.63S 8.497 2.967 9.441 3.297 45 30 5.656 2.003 6.598 2.337 7.541 2.670 8.484 3.004 9.426 3.338 30 45 5.647 2.02S 6.588 2.365 7.529 2.703 8.471 3.041 9.412 3.379 15 20 5.638 2.052 6.57S 2.394 7.518 2.736 8.457 3.078 9.397 3.420 70 15 5.629 2.077 6.567 2.423 7.506 2.769 8.444 3.115 9.382 3.461 45 30 5.620 2.101 6.557 2.451 7.493 2.802 8.430 3.152 9.367 3.502 30 45 5.611 2.126 6.546 2.480 7.481 2.834 8.416 3.189 9.351 3.543 15 21 5.601 2.150 6.535 2.509 7.469 2.867 8.402 3.225 9.336 3.584 69 15 5.592 2.175 6.524 2.537 7.456 2.900 8.388 3.262 9.320 3.624 45 30 5.582 2.199 6.513 2.566 7.443 2.932 8.374 3.299 9.304 3.665 30 45 5.573 2.223 6.502 2.594 7.430 2.964 8.359 3.335 9.2S8 3.706 15 22 5.563 2.248 6.490 2.622 7.417 2.997 8.345 3.371 9.272 3.746 68 " 15 5.553 2.272 6.479 2.651 7.404 3.029 8.330 3.408 9.255 3.787 45 30 5.543 2.296 6.467 2.679 7.391 3.061 S.315 3.444 9.239 3.827 30 45 5.533 2.320 6.455 2.707 7.378 3.094 8.300 3.480 9.222 3.867 15 23 5.523 2.344 6.444 2.735 7.364 3.126 8.285 3.517 9.205 3.907 67 15 5.513 2.368 6.432 2.763 7.350 3.158 8.269 3.553 9.188 3.947 45 30 5.502 2.392 6.419 2.791 7.336 3.190 8.254 3.589 9.171 3.988 30 45 5.492 2.416 6.407 2.819 7.322 3.222 8.238 3.625 9.153 4.02S 15 24 0, 5.481 2.440 6.395 2.847 7.308 3.254 8.222 3.661 9.136 4.067 66 15 5.471 2.464 6.382 2.875 7.294 3.286 8.206 3.696 9.118 4.107 45 30 5.460 2.488 6.370 2.903 7.280 3.318 8.190 3.732 9.100 4.147 30 45 5.449 2.512 6.357 2.931 7.265 3.349 8.173 3.768 9.0S1 4.187 15 25 5.43S 2.536 6.344 2.95S 7.250 3.381 8.157 3.804 9.063 4.226 65 15 5.427 2.559 6.331 2.9S6 7.236 3.413 8140 3.839 9.045 4.266 45 30 5.416 2.5S3 6.318 3.014 7.221 3.444 8.123 3.875 9.026 4.305 30 45 5.404 2.607 6.305 3.041 7.206 3.476 8.106 3.910 9.007 4.345 15 26 5.393 2.630 6.292 3.069 7.190 3507 8089 3.945 S.9SS 4.3S4 64 15 5.3S1 2.654 6.278 3.096 7.175 3.538 8.072 3.9S1 8.969 4.423 45 30 5.370 2.677 6.265 3123 7.160 3.570 8.054 4.016 8.949 4.462 30 45 5.358 2.701 6.251 3.151 7.144 3.601 8.037 4.051 8.930 4.501 15 27 5.346 2.724 6.237 3.178 7.128 3.632 8.019 4.0S6 8 910 4.540 63 15 5.334 2.747 6.223 3.205 7.112 3.663 8.001 4.121 8.890 4.579 45 30 5.322 2.770 6.209 3.232 7.096 3.694 7.983 4.156 8.870 4.618 30 45 5.310 2.794 6.195 3.259 7.080 3.725 7.965 4.190 8.850 4.656 15 28 5.298 2.817 6.181 3.286 7.064 3.756 7.947 4.225 8.829 4.695 62 15 5.285 2.840 6.166 3.313 7.047 3.787 7.928 4.260 S.809 4.733 45 30 5.273 2.863 6.152 3.340 7.031 3.817 7.909 4.294 8.788 4.772 30 45 5.260 2.886 6.137 3.367 7.014 3.848 7.S91 4329 8.767 4.810 15 29 5.248 2.909 6.122 3.394 6.997 3.878 7.872 4.363 8.746 4.848 61 15 5.235 2.932 6.107 3.420 6.9S0 3.909 7.852 4.398 8.725 4.8S6 45 30 5.222 2.955 6 093 3.447 6.963 3.939 7.833 4.432 8.704 4.924 30 45 5.209 2.977 6.077 3.474 6.946 3.970 7.814 4.466 8.682 4.962 15 30 5.196 3.000 6.062 3.500 6.928 4.000 7.794 4.500 8.660 5.000 60 O f Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. t Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. 60°-75 c 74 30°- -45 O Bearing. Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. o r Lat< Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o t 30 15 0.864 0.504 1.728 LOOS 2.592 1.511 3.455 2.015 4.319 2.519 59 45 30 0.862 0.508 1.723 1.015 2.585 1.523 3.447 2.030 4.308 2.538 30 45 0.859 0.511 1.719 1.023 2.578 1.534 3.438 2.045 4.297 2.556 15 31 0.857 0.515 1.714 1.030 2.572 1.545 3.429 2.060 4.286 2.575 59 15 0.855 0.519 1.710 1.038 2.565 1.556 3.420 2.075 4.275 2.594 45 30 0.853 0.522 1.705 1.045 2.558 1.567 3.411 2.090 4.263 2.612 30 45 0.850 0526 1.701 1.052 2.551 1.579 3.401 2.105 4.252 2.631 15 32 0.848 0.530 1.696 1.060 2.544 1.590 3.392 2.120 4.240 2 650 58 15 0.846 0.534 1.691 1.067 2.537 1.601 3.383 2.134 4.229 2.668 45 30 0.843 0.537 1.687 1.075 2.530 1.612 3.374 2.149 4.217 2.686 30 45 0.841 0.541 1.682 1.082 2.523 1.623 3.364 2.164 4.205 2.705 15 33 0.839 0.545 1.677 1.089 2.516 1.634 3.355 2.179 4.193 2.723 57 15 0.836 0.54S 1.673 1.097 2.509 1.645 3.345 2.193 4.181 2741 45 30 0.834 0.552 1.668 1.104 2.502 1.656 3.336 2.208 4.169 2.760 30 45 0.831 0.556 1.663 1.111 2.494 1.667 3.326 2.222 4.157 2.778 15 34 0.829 0.559 1.658 1.118 2.487 1.678 3.316 2.237 4.145 2.796 56 15 0.827 0.563 1.653 1.126 2.480 1.688 3.306 2.251 4.133 2.814 45 30 0.824 0.566 1.648 1.133 2.472 1.699 3.297 2.266 4.121 2.832 30 45 0.822 0.570 1.643 1.140 2.465 1.710 3.287 2.280 4.108 2.850 15 35 0.819 0.574 1.638 1.147 2.457 1.721 3.277 2.294 4.096 2.868 55 15 0.817 0.577 1.633 1.154 2.450 1.731 3.267 2.309 4.083 2.886 45 30 0.814 0.581 1.628 1.161 2.442 1.742 3.257 2.323 4.071 2.904 30 45 0.812 584 1.623 1.168 2.435 1.753 3.246 2.337 4.058 2.921 15 36 0.809 0.588 1.618 1.176 2.427 1.763 3.236 2.351 4.045 2.939 54 15 0.S06 0.591 1.613 1.183 2.419 1.774 3.226 2.365 4.032 2.957 45 30 0.804 0.595 1.608 1.190 2.412 1.784 3.215 2.379 4.019 2.974 30 45 0.801 0.598 1.603 1.197 2.404 1.795 3.205 2.393 4.006 2.992 15 37 0.799 0.602 1.597 1.204 2.396 1.805 3.195 2.407 3.993 3.009 53 15 0.796 0.605 1.592 1.211 2.388 1.816 3.184 2.421 3.980 3.026 45 30 0.793 0.609 1.587 1.218 2.380 1.826 3.173* 2.435 3.967 3.044 30 45 0.791 0.612 1.581 1.224 2.372 1.837 3.163' 2.449 • 3.953 3.061 15 38 0.788 0.616 1.576 1.231 2.364 1.847 3.152 2.463 3 940 3.078 52 15 0.785 0.619 1.571 1.238 2.356 1.857 3.141 2.476 3.927 3.095 45 30 0.783 0.623 1.565 1.245 2.348. 1.868 3.130 2.490 3.913 3.113 30 45 0.780 0.626 1.560 1.252 2.340 1.878 3.120 2.504 3.899 3.130 15 39 0.777 0.629 1.554 1.259 2.331 1.888 3.109 2.517 3.886 3.147 51 15 0.774 0.633 1.549 1.265 2.323 1.898 3.098 2.531 3.872 3.164 45 30 0.772 0.636 1.543 1.272 2.315 1.908 3.086 2.544 3.858 3.180 30 45 0.769 0.639 1.538 1.279 2.307 1.918 3.075 2.558 3.844 3.197 15 40 0.766 0.643 1.532 1.286 2.298 1.928 3 064 2.571 3.830 3.214 50 15 0.763 0.646 1.526 1.292 2.290 1.938 3 053 2.584 3.816 3.231 45 30 0.760 0.649 1.521 1.299 2.281 1.948 3.042 2.598 3.802 3.247 30 45 0.758 0653 1.515 1.306 2.273 1.958 3.030 2.611 3.788 3.264 15 41 0.755 656 1.509 1.312 2.264 1.968 3.019 2.624 3.774 3.280 49 15 0.752 0.659 1.504 1.319 2.256 1.978 3.007 2.637 3759 3.297 45 30 0.749 0.663 1.498 1325 2.247 1.988 2.996 2.650 3.745 3.313 30 45 0.746 0.666 1.492 1.332 2.238 1.998 2.984 2.664 3.730 3.329 15 42 0.743 0.669 1,486 1.338 2.229 2.007 2.973 2.677 3.716 3.346 48 15 0.740 0.672 1.480 1.345 2.221 2.017 2.961 2.689 3.701 3.362 45 30 0.737 0.676 1.475 1.351 2.212 2 027 2.949 2.702 3.686 3.378 30 45 0.734 0.679 1.469 1.358 2.203 2.036 2.937 2.715 3.672 3.394 15 43 0.731 682 1.463 1.364 2.194 2.046 2.925 2.728 3.657 3.410 47 15 0.728 0.685 1.457 1.370 2.185 2.056 2.913 2.741 3.642 3.426 45 30 0.725 0.688 1.451 1.377 2.176 2.065 2.901 2.753 3.627 3.442 30 45 0.722 0.692 1.445 1.383 2.167 2.075 2.889 2 766 3.612 3.458 15 44 0.719 0.695 1.439 1.389 2.158 2.084 2.877 2.779 3.597 3.473 46 15 0.716 0.698 1.433 1.396 2.149 2.093 2.865 2.791 3.582 3.489 45 30 0.713 0.701 1.427 1.402 2.140 2.103 2.853 2.804 3.566 3.505 30 45 0.710 0.704 1.420 1.408 2.131 2.112 2S41 2.816 3.551 3.520 15 45 0.707 0.707 1.414 1.414 2.121 2.121 2.828 2.828 3.536 3.536 45 o r Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. O f Bearing, Distance 1. Distance 2. Distance 3. Distance 4. Distance 5. Bearing. 45° -60°" 30°- -45 O 75 Bearing. Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. Distance 10. Bearing. O f Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o t 30 15 5.183 3.023 6.047 3.526 6.911 4.030 7.775 4.534 8.638 5.038 59 45 30 5.170 3.045 6.031 3.553 6.893 4.060 7.755 4.568 8.616 5.075 30 45 5.156 3.068 6.016 3.579 6.875 4.090 7.735 4.602 8.594 5.113 15 31 5.143 3.090 6.000 3.605 6.857 4.120 7.715 4.635 8.572 5.150 59 15 5.129 3.113 5.984 3.631 6.839 4.150 7.694 4.669 8.549 5.188 45 30 5.116 3.135 5.968 3.657 6.821 4.180 7.674 4.702 8.526 5.225 30 45 5.102 3.157 5.952 3.683 6.803 4.210 7.653 4.736 8.504 5.262 15 32 5.088 3.180 5.936 3.709 6.784 4.239 7.632 4.769 8.481 5.299 58 15 .5.074 3.202 5.920 3.735 6.766 4.269 7.612 4.802 8.457 5.336 45 30 5.060 3.224 5.904 3.761 6.747 4.298 7.591 4.836 8.434 5.373 30 45 5.046 3.246 5.887 3.787 6.728 4.328 7.569 4.869 8.410 5.410 15 33 5.032 3.268 5.871 3.812 6.709 4.357 7.548 4.902 8.387 5.446 57 15 5.018 3.290 5.854 3.838 6.690 4.386 7.527 4.935 8.363 5.483 45 30 5.003 3.312 5.837 3.864 6.671 4.416 7.505 4.967 8.339 5.519 30 45 4.989 3.333 5.820 3.889 6.652 4.445 7.483 5.000 8.315 5.556 15 34 4.974 3.355 5.803 3.914 6.632 4.474 7.461 5.033 8.290 5.592 56 15 4.960 3.377 5.786 3.940 6.613 4.502 7.439 5.065 8.266 5.628 45 30 4.945 3.398 5.769 3.965 6.593 4.531 7.417 5.098 8.241 5.664 30 45 4.930 3.420 5.752 3.990 6.573 4.560 7.395 5.130 8.217 5.700 15 35 4.915 3.441 5.734 4.015 6.553 4.5S9 7.372 5.162 8.192 5.736 55 15 4.900 3.463 5.716 4.040 6.533 4.617 7.350 5.194 8.166 5.772 45 30 4.885 3.484 5.699 4.065 6.513 4.646 7.327 5.226 8.141 5.807 30 45 4.869 3.505 5.681 4.090 6.493 4.674 7.304 5.258 8.116 5.843 15 36 4.854 3.527 5.663 4.115 6.472 4.702 7.281 5.290 8.090 5.878 54 15 4.839 3.548 5.645 4.139 6.452 4.730 7.258 5.322 8.064 5.913 45 30 4.823 3.569 5.627 4.164 6.431 4.759 7.235 5.353 8.039 5.948 30 45 4.808 3.590 5.609 4.188 6.410 4.787 7.211 5.385 8.013 5.983 15 37 4.792 3.611 5.590 4.213 6.389 4.815 7.188 5.416 7.986 6.018 53 15 4.776 3.632 5.572 4.237 6.368 4.842 7.164 5.448 7.960 6.053 45 30 4.760 3.653 5.554 4.261 6.347 4.870 7.140 5.479 7.934 6.088 30 45 4.744 3.673 5.535 4.286 6.326 4.898 7.116 5.510 7.907 6.122 15 38 4.728 3.694 5.516 4.310 6 304 4.925 7.092 5.541 7.880 6.157 52 15 4.712 3.715 5.497 4.334 6.283 4.953 7.068 5.572 7.853 6.191 45 30 4.696 3.735 5.478 4.358 6.261 4.980 7.043 5.603 7.826 6.225 30 45 4.679 3.756 5.459 4.381 6.239 5.007 7.019 5.633 7.799 6.259 15 39 4.663 3.776 5.440 4.405 6.217 5.035 6.994 5.664 7.772 6.293 51 15 4.646 3.796 5.421 4.429 6.195 5.062 6.970 5.694 7.744 6.327 45 30 4.630 3.816 5.401 4.453 6.173 5.089 6.945 5.725 7.716 6.361 30 45 4.613 3.837 5.382 4.476 6.151 5.116 6.920 5.755 7.688 6.394 15 40 4.596 3.857 5.362 4.500 6.128 5.142 6.894 5.785 7.660 6.428 50 15 4.579 3.877 5.343 4.523 6.106 5.169 6.869 5.815 7.632 6.461 45 30 4.562 3.897 5.323 4.546 6.083 5.196 6.844 5.845 7.604 6.495 30 45 4.545 3.917 5.303 4.569 6.061 5.222 6.818 5.875 7.576 6.528 15 41 4.528 3.936 5.283 4.592 6.038 5.248 6.792 5.905 7.547 6.561 49 15 4.511 3.956 5263 4.615 6.0.15 5.275 6.767 5.934 7.518 6.594 45 30 4.494 3.976 5.243 4 638 5.992 5.301 6.741 5.964 7.490 6.626 30 45 4.476 3.995 5.222 4.661 5.968 5.327 6.715 5.993 7.461 6.659 15 42 4.459 4.015 5.202 4.684 5.945 5.353 6.688 6022 7.431 6.691 48 15 4.441 4.034 5.182 4.707 5.922 5.379 6.662 6.051 7.402 6.724 45 30 4.424 4.054 5.161 4.729 5.898 5.405 6.635 6080 7.373 6.756 30 45 4.406 4.073 5.140 4.752 5.875 5.430 6.609 6.109 7.343 6.788 15 43 4.388 4.092 5.119 4.774 5.851 5.456 6.582 6.138 7.314 6.820 47 15 4.370 4.111 5.099 4.796 5.827 5.481 6.555 6.167 7.284 6.852 45 30 4.352 4.130 5.078 4.818 5.803 5.507 6.528 6.195 7.254 6884 30 45 4.334 4.149 5.057 4.841 5.779 5.532 6.501 6 224 7.224 6.915 15 44 4.316 4.168 5.035 4.863 5.755 5.557 6.474 6.252 7.193 6.947 46 15 4.298 4.187 5.014 4.885 5.730 5.582 6.447 6.280 7.163 6.978 45 30 4.280 4.206 4.993 4.906 5.706 5.607 6.419 6.308 7.133 7.009 30 45 4.261 4.224 4.971 4.928 5.681 5.632 6.392 6.336 7.102 7.040 15 45 4.243 4.243 4.950 4.950 5.657 5.657 6.364 6.364 , 7.071 7.071 45 o t Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. o t Bearing, Distance 6. Distance 7. Distance 8. Distance 9. ] Distance 10. Bearing. 45°-60 c A TABLE OF THE ANGLES Which every Point and Quarter Point of the Compass makes with the Meridian. North.. Points. 0-14 o- 1 ! 0-% 1 t 11 2 48 45 5 37 30 8 26 15 11 15 Points. o-i| 0-34* South.. N. by E. N. by W. S. by E. S. by W. N.N.E. N.N.W. 1-% 1-34 2 14 3 45 16 52 30 19 41 15 22 30 I-V4 I-V2 l-3/ 4 2 S.S.E. S.S.W. N.E. by N. N.W. by N. 2-1/4 2-V2 2-34 3 25 18 45 28. 7 30 30 56 15 33 45 2-V4 2-V2 2-% 3 S.E. by S. S.W. by S. NE. N.W. 3-% 3-i| 3- 3 i 4 36 33 45 39 22 30 42 11 15 45 3-1/4 8-« 3-3/ 4 4 S.E. S.W. N.E. by E N.W.byW. 4-1/4 4-i/ 2 4-% 5 47 48 45 50 37 30 53 26 15 56 15 4-% 5 S.E. by E. S.W. by W. E.N.E. W.N.W. 5-V4 5- 1 ! 6-% 6 59 3 45 61 52 30 64 41 15 67 30 5-V4 5-% 6 E.S.E. W.S.W. E. by N. W. by N. 6-y 4 6-% 6-% 7 70 18 45 73 7 30 75 56 15 78 45 6-V4 6-i| «-% 7 E. by S. W. by S. East. West. 81 33 45 84 22 30 87 11 15 90 7-i/ 4 7-V, r-% 8 East. West. iPR 15 1903 WtVi LIBKAHY Ul- UUNtiKCSS 020 186 234 6