R Z 4-01 £73 «*«$»■ 1*^a93* mm mMi&Jite :_\ ..... _r v - ^»- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©fc*P-' @wW 1° — Shelf .3A^ 3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ^jSflVf* ULgfift ^ ¥r ::.. S^% BOOKS BY M. E. CRAMER. Basic Statements and Health Treatment of Truth. Cloth, 50 cts. Lessons in Science and Healing. Cloth, $1.50. BOOKLETS. Who and What God is; Him Declare I Unto You ..... 15 cts. The Finding and Acceptance of God and True Lifting Up from the Earth 15 cts. Faith as a Grain of Mustard is Success in All Undertaking 15 cts. Now is Christ Risen in Us for God is Here, 15 cts. Unity of Life 10 cts. There is an Ever Present Help for All .... 10 cts. BASIC STATEMENTS AND Health Treatment of Truth, A SYSTKM OF INSTRUCTION IN Divine Science Treatment for Class Training, AND FOR HOME AND PRIVATE USE. Perceived Through a Study of Divine Science, and Through Eepeated Demonstration Proven to be Imper- sonal and Applicable Alike to All. BY s 1/ M; E. CRAMER, Author of "Lessons in Science and Heading." Editor of Harmony. ^^TnvTn7>^ '"OCT 23 !893 San Francisco, \^0f WASH^ HTzToZo 1893. t ^Z 4-0 7 3 COPYRIGHT, 1893, By M. E. Cramer. Basic Statements and Health Treatment of Truth. PREFACE The arrangement of this consecutive course of con- densed lessons under the heading of BASIC STATE- MENTS and Treatment, is designed to be a simple, practical method which, when understood and prac- ticed, will enable students to realize within themselves and for others, wholeness; which is pure Being, perfect thought and the result of such thought. Wholeness means health, satisfaction and success in general. Wholeness, includes the all of Life, Intelligence, Truth and Substance, for which all are seeking. CONTENTS. PART I. DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS AND HEALTH TREATMENT. I. Heading by the Chris? Method n BE SINCERE IN ALL EFFORT. PART II. Introductory 27 Directions for Application of Treatment 28 What to Reject and What to Accept,, as Taught at Home Colfege. I. Statement of Being. Agree with Thine Adver- sary Quickly. Treatment of Agreement and At-one-ment 31 II. Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make you Free. Treatment for Freedom Through the Realization of Truth 35 III. I Have Overcome. Treatment for Reconcilia- tion and Perfect Adjustment 37 IV. The Way of Life. A Guide to Truth; and Treatment for Purity of Heart 40 V. Strait is the Gate and Narrow is the Way which Leads Unto Life. Treatment: I Have Entered In 43 VI. He that Believeth on Me, the Works that I do shall he do also. treatment of llfe and Power. Now is the Accepted Time 45 VII. All Thine are Mine and all Mine are Thine. Treatment : All Power in Heaven and Earth is Given Unto Me 48 VIII. Specific Treatment, Against the Belief in Lim- itation, and Desire for Liquor 51 PART I. DIVIDE SCIENCE STATEMENTS AND HEALTH TREATMENT. DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS HEALTH TREATMENT. HEALING BY THE CHRIST METHOD. \ I /HE BASIS of the manifestation of power in the Christ Method of Hearing is a realized knowledge of the at-one-ment of man with God. "I and my Father are one 3 " means one and the same, and not two. The Creator of an ever-present, living creation must necessarily be an infinite and limitless Creator, from eternity to eternity; hence, there is no finite being to be limited, and no limitation. Most people believe that creation was an event of the past, and that creative action ceased with the accomplish- ment of that event. Where this is believed, creation is claimed to belong unto time and place. This view is a false conception, for whatever lives, lives within, and unto the omnipresent God, or Creator, and is, therefore, living within and unto eternity; hence, must have be- ing, beginning, finishing, and ending in God, now and in 12 DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. the eternal now. If the being and beginning of all that exists was not in eternity, existence would have no rela- tionship with God now. "The way, the truth, and the life/' must be the origin and the beginning of all living things ; hence, all things must find an ending where they begin. As / Am the Word which is the light of the world, and of every man that cometh into the world, everything that lives within Me is illumined with My glory, even as the burning bush was to Moses, aflame with the light of My Holy presence. Not until we conceive that all things are now living unto eternity, and not unto time, are we able to witness the beginning of creation. When we cease thinking, speaking, and acting, as if the body, or anything pos- sessed by us, belongs unto time, and is dependent on place, we shall have ceased talking about death, and planning for the grave. A full understanding of the living truth of what we are is Divine Science, or Knowl- edge of God in creation; for creation is Self-manifesta- tion. HEALING. The attention of the people is, in various ways, being called to the Christ Method of Healing. Some are interested through hearing of others having been healed, and are thus caused to give it their consideration; want- ing healing, as they do, either for themselves or others, they are induced to try this method, which results in CHRIST METHOD OF HEALING. 13 the health and satisfaction for which they have long sought. They who say, "If one can be healed, another can; hence, healing is for me," speak wisely. They virtually declare the eternal truth for themselves, that "God is no respecter of persons." This, and similar decisions, make receptive all mental conditions and beliefs, and is a preparation for successful results. Again, others are advised by friends to try the Christ Method ; and as they have done all they knew to be done — having ex- hausted every method that has been thought out for the salvation of man — they accept the advice, and resolve to try again, and are made whole. The methods by which people are induced to investi- gate Science and Truth's practice may vary, but what all are seeking to know is, when and how to begin. Now is always the accepted time. The moment you want to be healed is the right time to commence the work. It is understood by all that there can be no result without a beginning, and no beginning but action, and no action without result following. Hence, the beginning must necessarily precede the result. There is something for you to do, though the nature of the work to be done differs from every previous attempt made to regain your health. Much has been said in the class-room, and written, explana- tory of methods by which healing is done, which are considered helpful in their nature ; but in the Christ 14 DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. method, a knowledge of Being, and of being that which is whole, is the one consideration. How can we heal others, when there is a beam in our own eye? A belief that there is something in truth, or that has reality, the obverse of God, will see motes and blemishes in others; and that which sees and describes false belief as real, is false belief itself. No one believes error to be truth, who knows what truth is. When a child understands the principle by which to solve his problem, he does not believe that error is truth, or that a mistake stands for true calculation. The responsibility as to the result of Treatment does not rest exclusively with the person employed in giving the treatment. Christ, in the patient, who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life," compels no one to accept Him, and be whole in his thought and belief; for God creates all things, but does not create our beliefs concerning them. It is a matter of free will whether we pronounce with Him, or otherwise. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve," whether it be the truth that the infinite whole is God, and is perfect, or whether it be the false supposition that there is something else that is imperfect, which is not in Truth. Those wanting to be healed must do their part and be willing to recognize and receive unto themselves, and be that which is whole. The record of Life says that we have eternal life with God. This being true, we must necessarily have eter- nal health, and be satisfied and happy. CHRIS T ME THOD OF HE A LIXG . 15 The teaching of Jesus stands above all other, in that he taught that a knowledge of the Truth, when applied, healed, or put an end to all sickness; for there can be no sickness in God or Good, hence can be none in Truth. His practice was proof of the truth of His preaching; for he not only healed the sick when called upon to do so, but the command to the disciples was to go forth into all the world, and preach the gospel unto every creature under heaven, and heal the sick. It is not sufficient unto Truth to think the thought of truth for a portion of the earth; but it must erase the false belief of the world's apostasy from God; we must pro- ceed forth from the Holy Spirit into all the w r orld, even unto the ends of the earth. "Go show yourselves to the Priests," Jesus said unto the ten lepers who called upon him to have mercy on them. The appeal was made as he approached, which, spiritually speaking, made the conjunction or at-one-ment in thought, and they went their way; but their way was according to his direction or command- ment, and the result was a realization of wholeness : they were cleansed. The first requirement in the Christ method of heal- ing is that of giving up the false supposition and selfish belief of a separate self-hood from God. This change of thought is the spiritual act of baptizing unto repent- ance, which must precede the taking on of at-one-ment, which is baptism of the Holy Spirit. At-one-ment is 16 DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. the yoke that is easy, or it is the bond of union which makes light all burdens. Where two are agreed upon earth as touching any one thing, there is at-one-ment, and / am in the midst. What is agreed upon, shall be granted unto them. No line is to be drawn between the one em- ployed in giving treatment and the one receiving. The two should agree; hence, be one concerning the Truth which is asked for. If it be health, which is the free- dom and harmony of Truth, that is sought to be real- ized, the first thing to do is to agree that health is> and is for you; and if for you, it is present. For what is not present cannot be realized, enjoyed, or demonstrated. In this, you have the whole plan of success. You have now determined to shape your thought, word and deed, according to the truth of what is, and is for you, and is at hand. So, there is no postponement, neither is there seeking for something to come from afar. "No" should never be taken for an answer, and in order to prove that "No" is not an accepted answer you are to cease making negative claims. God accepts no excuses, even as the principle in mathematics will accept no ex- cuse in the solution of a problem, but demands that the principle be adhered to and demonstrated in the ex- ample. Make your claims according to Truth. Claim to be what is Truth, and your words will be words of Life — the pure, white "Yes" of God. The Canaanitish woman was so determined to have her daughter healed CHRIST METHOD OF HEALING. 17 that she refused to recognize any obstacle to that result. All should be thus determined who ask for healing, and the result following will be one and the same. As the Word which was with God, and was God, made the world, and is its light and life, you should stop discussing the question as to whether it is God's will that you be healed, or made to realize wholeness. The will of an all-powerful God to make whole must be one and the same at all times. God must be with- out variation or shadow of turning. His will must be for the absolute perfection and goodness of each one, in every respect. Hence, the habit of setting up ob- stacles, claiming difficulties, and making excuses must be given up. The infinite All, when accepted as being all Good, or God, proves to be health, success, and harmony without limit. After having heard the Truth, nothing but a willingness to continue in old lines of thought and belief can hinder any one from having a full realization of wholeness. Since it is God's will that all should feel well, through right habit of thought there is no reason why all should not enjoy health. It is an easy matter to reject the belief that there are dif- ficulties to be overcome, and obstacles in the way, or excuses to be made; and to accept the whole Truth, and know true freedom. Begin your work at once by saying: What has been done, I can do. I can realize myself to be whole. Speak these words in faith, and 18 DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. persist in acting in line with them; actions speak louder than words, sometimes. BE SINCERE IN ALL EFFORTS. If it be true that you have tried in many ways — and spent a fortune in trying — in the search for health, and have failed to find, do not hesitate to try the Christ method. It will heal you. Your past experience has embraced methods of treatment, accompanied with hope of getting well, which, at best, can only change one con- dition for another. These changes have been brought about by change of locality, of scenery, or perhaps by a few little pellets. These changes are made only in belief, and to condition, but do not touch the plane of eternal Life, or Being; hence, do not touch unchang- ing health. The Christ method of healing proves that wholeness alone is in Truth. It demonstrates that health is eternal with God; that success is ever at hand. Your past experience has been but a hope of getting well. Now, try the only true method of knowledge and faith — that of being well. u Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Perfect being must neces- sarily precede perfect thinking; and perfect thinking must precede perfect results, either in words, deeds, or sensations. This is infallible law. If physicians have said that your case was incurable; if they have exhausted their skill upon you, and said there is no help for you, remember their skill was in CHRIST METHOD OF HEALIXG. 10 administering external remedies, and in performing operations. "In vain shalt thou use many medicines, for thou shalt not be cured." Their skill is not that of bearing fruit of the spirit of Truth, and creating anew, which is the only true health there is ; healing, is produc- ing results direct from Spirit, or Principle. Take no thought of what your friends have said about your case. Let your determination to succeed be a matter wholly between you and God. God never pronounces against any one, and will not say that your case is incurable or hopeless. He has no method but the one of perfection. He says: "Be whole"; "Thy faith hath made thee, whole"; "Thou art loosed from thine infirmities." Age is not an obstacle in the way of either knowing or demonstrating the freedom of Truth. The notion that mental faculties must fail with increasing years is a false notion, and is at one with the belief that mental facul- ties are born of the brain, and that mind is evolved from the body. The truth is that the mental faculties, brain, and entire body are born of mind, and mind never fails. Hence, you are always just old enough to be well, and to think right, and to know and remember all there is in truth. Now is just the right time to prove that you have health, and are happy and satisfied. Now is the time to bring eternal Life and immortality to light, and bear witness of the truth of what you are. Because you have spent large sums of money trying to get well, do not hold that as an objection against try- ing this method. 20 DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. When it is once settled in your thought that you want to, and can, realize freedom and wholeness, the only question that should arise is: Do I want to realize it more than anything else? Be not divided in your thought between money and what may be accomplished. Let not money, time, or anything be as an obstacle in your way. Your determination will not falter, if your purpose is one, and not divided. Say: My birthright is health, wholeness, and satisfaction; do not barter it for any number of excuses. If necessary, give up every habit, every former way of thinking, talking, and act- ing, and conform all to Principle. Jesus never denies the Christ within him, but says, in the hour of seeming need: " To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." Say: I am here to bear witness of the truth, as much in the hour of seem- ing need as at any other time, and this is my time. To this end was / born. My existence bears witness of truth and life. I need no medicine. I cannot serve God and Mammon. The taking of medicine will not prove that I am eternal Life and Truth. I therefore declare I am the Truth and Life, and am health. I and my Father are one, and not two; hence, I am complete in Him, and find nothing to remedy in my existence. The I Am is sufficient unto all things needful. As you have proven that all external things are powerless to give the unwavering health and satisfac- CHRIST METHOD OF HEALING. 21 lion for which you are seeking, begin your work from the plane of Being, and being in God, and you will find. If you have had no opportunity of studying Divine Sci- ence, either join a class, or seek to find some one who can give you private instruction. Find some one who understands the Truth, and agree to unite with that one; then be as faithful to Truth as you have been in obeying the doctor's directions. Put yourself entirely in the hands of Truth, and do as the healer directs. Argue not in y our thought. Do not talk as if you were personally too good to have brought about your conditions, but that God brought them upon you, and that you must therefore endure. Let the Christ knowledge speak in you in all things. Say that nothing that I have be- lieved in the past can prevent the thought of God in the demonstration of freedom for me. Do not criticise this "new and living method" of Divine Science, nor condemn the statements made by the teacher and heal- er ; for if you ask, and ask not amiss, it is necessary that you assume, mentally, the attitude of one receiving. See, therefore, that you are willing to receive, by gladly acknowledging that you do possess what you have asked for. Your teacher and healer, knowing what is the truth, will give you the necessary instruction to lead you into the consciousness of Truth. Expect no one to devote their time to you with- out making some return for it. The law of giving is also the law of receiving, and the entire business of the 22 DIVIXE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. world is accomplished through this law of exchange, or law of giving and receiving, and receiving and giving. It is both spiritually and literally true that they who give, receive: and they who receive, give. Equal ex- change, in the business world, is justice. The great desire of the world that is under general cultivation is that of getting something for less than what it is worth. This desire prevents many from realizing wholeness; for it is just the opposite of the work of the Holy Spirit, and of divine justice, which renders exact measure ac- cording to that which is given. There is no rea 1 free- dom in this desire, nor is there any real possession in the desire to get something without rendering a just equivalent. As "the laborer is worthy of his hire," one might as justly demand another's money for nothing, as to demand that one should give his time and labor for nothing. To render a just equivalent for all things in our dealings with each other is honorable, righteous, and helpful. No teacher or healer ever thinks of charg- ing for the truth; hence, the charge is for the time spent in behalf of the students and patients. If healing is not instantly realized, be reasonable, sincere, and willing to persevere. Do not say: I have given it a fair trial with a few treatments ; but say to yourself : I am willing to believe that health is ; hence, I am willing to say that 1 do not believe that I have any disease. Be as faithful in claiming that you have health, and that you are in a state of perfect har- CHRIST METHOD OF HEALIXG. 23 mony, as has been the false belief that claimed you to be diseased and inharmonious. Be as willing to per- severe with Truth as you have been willing to take medicine and to try external remedies; and you will soon prove that Divine Science is all you need to give you the full realization that God is your sufficiency. The instant there is perfect at-one-ment of your thought and real belief with the idea of God, you will realize freedom. Do not postpone being well to the future. Do not postpone for to-morrow what ought to be done to-day. The belief that you will receive by and by keeps putting off, and prevents you from realizing in the sweet, happy now. You cannot speak the truth of Infinite Spirit without saying: I am well now; I am free now; I am health now; I am satisfied now. You can- not say: I hope for these things some time, and speak the word of God. Thus it is clear that the Christ method is the demonstration of Principle. This is Life's "ever new and living way." Speak as God would speak, and your words will be Truth and Life, and your conditions, feelings, environments, and success will be shaped accordingly. Then will you be glad that you were told to say these things. The Infinite's idea is kept before you in this method. Avoid thinking, talking, or reading of sickness, or of any kind of trouble. Do not describe symptoms or sensations to any one. When friends or members of your own family ask after your feelings and symptoms, 24 DIVINE SCIENCE STATEMENTS. if you describe them, it prevents you from yielding thoroughly to the treatments ; for when these conditions are talked about, they are still in thought and memory; hence, they have not been given up. You can do much for yourself by avoiding everything that tends to keep in memory the conditions from which you wish to be free. To prove the Christ method, you are to be cour- ageous, determined, and faithful, and think and act from the truth that you have being in God now. Study Di- vine Science, and get an understanding of divine law, and you will realize freedom, and be able to liberate others from their false claims and conditions. As Good, or God, is no respecter of persons, say to yourself: I can do all that has been done. " He that believeth shall do the things that I do," is a promise for all. Yet, of myself I can do nothing. It is God in me who is doing the works. The law to be demonstrated in the Christ method is mathematically exact. When whole- ness is fully comprehended it is realized; and it is known that there is no disease in Truth. Ease, peace, and eternal rest are in the truth of at-one-ment. One is the number of unity, and not two. PART II INTRODUCTORY. INTRODUCTORY. \ I /o Be, is in the present. To act, is in the present. The result of action, is in the present. Action and the result of action have no power over Being - , neither do they attempt to have. The true idea of a future is to be found in the eternity of the present. As the Life or Being, that now is, is eternal, we are now in Life or Being, what we shall ever be. As eternity is an extension of the present, to Be at all, is to Be what is and is real now; and what is and is real now is eternal. The postponement of any pos- session, attainment, or occurrence to the future is a prophecy; but the fulfillment of all prophecy must be in the present. Any and all action is in the present. We cannot begin the accomplishment of any work in the past or future; hence, the beginning is always in the present; so, " When ye pray, believe that ye re- ceive, and ye shall have." There can be no result in the present without acting in the present, and no pres- ent action without Being. Now is the time to Be, to Do and to have the example or result. For now is 28 DIRECTIONS FOR TREA TMENT. the accepted time. This means that the free gift of God is the perfect at-one-ment now. It is to be understood that the treatment is to heal now, for to-day is the day of salvation. These lessons are designed to correct the mistakes made by the entire race by trying to solve the problem of Life from a mental or thought standpoint, and not from the plane of Principle, or God. Hence, they strike at the root of error and all seeming discord, by what- ever name called, whether sin, sickness, mental or phys- ical, or death. They establish in thought and realiza- tion the true Christ consciousness of unity, health, harmony and eternal life, which is the truth of I and my Father being one, and not two. DIRECTIONS FOR APPLICATION OF TREATMEMT. God, being the infinite Whole, the one All, it is God that makes whole, or manifests in His own image and likeness. To ask in His name is to ask for or ac- knowledge wholeness for ourselves ; and as He neither gives nor accepts anything but wholeness, to ask and ask not amiss, is to offer ourselves whole and with- out spot or blemish, in spirit and in truth. This is keeping the covenant of at-one-ment. In the thoughts and words of God alone, is to be enjoyed the full realization of wholeness. These treat- ments are, therefore, intended to be used and realized as representing the truth of God speaking the absolute .DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT. 29 in all living. We can realize the true at-one-ment by virtue of our being in God and thinking His thoughts and speaking His words only. Do not hesitate to make statements that are true of God — the infinite Whole. In Truth there is nothing higher and nothing lower. Your realization of the truth of what you claim will be according to the faith that you have in your claims. To believe that you are heirs of God, and to realize that you have received and are in possession of your inher- itance, is to believe that you are every whit whole, and that every part and member of your body is alive unto God forever more. These lessons and treatments should be committed to memory. In the application of these treatments the student should begin with Number I (after having made the statement of Being his own), and devote one day to the study and application of each treatment, with its basic statement, by affirming its truth for all alike, and thus continue until familiar with all, and the mean- ing of every treatment is made fully his own and is re- alized to be the declaration of God within. These les- sons and treatments will correct the error in belief of separation from Principle, Life, or God, just where the misconception takes place in the attempt to solve the problem of Life; and will erase the false race belief of a fall, or separation from God, and enable the student to understand and enjoy the truth that the problem of Life is already solved and demonstrated in his exist- 30 DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT. ence. Then will the truth of Principle be seen to spring forth speedily in health, satisfaction and success ; which may be likened to a well of pure water springing up within you unto everlasting life. Each statement of Truth, spoken with knowledge and Faith, believing that it is true, is sufficient in itself to heal. The numerous statements of truth have been made in the treatments that the student may cover the ground, and know that all conditions are subject and may be erased. Also, that the Infinite's idea, or poten- tiality, may be more fully comprehended. Before giving a treatment make the following state- ments : God is Infinite; and fully realize that it means He is All; and because He is All, you are: then know that all true claims are true of God, and what you claim that is true of God you are — the same has come unto you. Go forth each day to perform your work or duties clothed with the affirmations of Truth, given in the treatments, believing that you are whole and that you are not subject to conditions and influences or environ- ments, and you will find that by thus doing the will of God the affirmations will prove to be a shield against all adverse beliefs and conditions; for against Truth there is no law. " Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and Thy law is truth." " There is no power but of God." WHAT TO REJECT AND WHAT TO ACCEPT, As Taught at Home College, STATEMENT OF BEING: To be Understood as the Basis for Truthful Statements, and Applied in all Treatment. I. \ I /HERE can be but one All. One is the number of unity. Unity is to be found in the truth that the One All, is God. God is infinite; and because there is an infinite God, there can be nothing else. The infinite whole is Life and all that Life contains and manifests. Life is Love, Truth, Wisdom, Knowl- edge, Substance, Intelligence, Consciousness and Pow- er; and all idea and goodness; and all these are princi- ple, and because God is all these and is All in All, a sup- position that there is separation from God, or that there is something that is not God, is "a missing of the mark" ; falsehood; denominated sin, or the adversary; for God says: Beside me there is none other. The Principle of wholeness is the Holy Spirit of Truth. 32 BASIC STATEMENTS. At-one-ment is Harmony. Nothing can be made manifest that is not before it is manifested. That which is, can be, and is, manifested; and is an ever-present creation. A good source cannot produce an evil result, neither can it employ any method less perfect than itself to produce that result. Atonement is Salvation. "Thou shalt not partake of the knowledge of good and evil." To partake of a thing means to spiritually assimilate with, and be the thing of which we partake. To believe that there is something that is separated from and that is not God, is to believe that there is something that is separate from and is not Good ; hence, to believe that there is anything that is sep- arate from and that is not God, or Good, is to believe that there is an evil power and evil things. All con- ditions resulting from such belief are looked upon as evil, and as being adverse to both God and Man. Error, or sin, appears only as falsehood, for its begin- ning is in a supposition that there is separation,— some- thing that is not. Error, therefore, is no part of God or man, for they are one Truth. Out of nothing noth- ing comes. A false conception is no conception at all. It is not a living creation: it comes to nothing. To ignore the Truth, is to suspect that there is some- thing that is not. Ignorance, therefore, is unsuspect- ingly taking things for what they are not. HEALTH TREATMENT. &3 AGREE WITH THINE ADVERSARY QUICKLY. Falsehood is all that is the adverse of Truth; hence, falsehood is called an adversary. That which is, is Truth. It is impossible for anything to BE that is not. A knowledge of Truth only, can agree with, and know that the adversary is falsehood; and that a false suppo- sition is nothing unto and is not in Truth. TREATMENT I. OF ACxREEMENT AND AT-ONE-MENT. God is All, and there is nothing to resist. There is nothing to find fault with. Non-resistance is the way of Life. I am "the way." I do not believe there is any- thing the adverse of Truth. Not to agree that false- hood is falsehood, is resistance; and in Truth there is nothing to resist. I agree with the adversary quickly, by agreeing that it is what it claims to be — the adverse of Truth ; that error does not voice the Truth of any- thing that is. It represents nothing that is. There is no sin or separation from God in Truth. Error is nothing that is. There is no adversary in Truth. There is no condemnation in Truth. All that is, is Truth. All that exists within me, is Truth. I am one perfect whole. I am agreement, 34 BA SIC S TA TEMENTS. unity. All that I manifest is complete within Me. In- dividually, my conception is now immaculate. The Holy Ghost has come upon me. The Spirit of wholeness is within me. My offspring is of God. My faith has made me whole. All that is manifest within me is free, now. My Father and I are one, and not two. I am in the enjoyment of life, liberty and happiness. My body is the offspring of God and belongs unto Him. It has no Father or Source beside Him. Every member is a member of righteousness and power; every atom of which it is composed is alive unto God. Every atom is liv- ing unto eternity. Christ is the end of righteousness unto every one that believeth. I do now believe unto Christ- righteousness, because I know the Truth. This mind is in me which was also in Christ Jesus; who, though being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. There is one Spirit and one body. All that is, is Spirit. "That which is born of Spirit, is Spirit." "My body is Spirit." To-day, "a body Thou hast fitted me." All things are reconciled unto God, and there is no adverse belief, condition, or disease either in God or Him manifest; either in God or crea- tion. God and His creation are without variableness or shadow of turning. I am eternal, NOW am I unity. I now agree that sin, sickness and death, so called, are what they claim to be — non-possession ; postponement; nothingness. All are now forgiven, for I do not be- lieve error to be anything, for the gift of God is eternal Life. Against Truth there is no law. HEALTH TREATMENT. 35 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT. II. "KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH, SHAI.L MAKE YOU FREE." To know the Truth is to perceive and know that which already is. To be made free by knowing the Truth is to be that which is, and is already free from all condi- tions that are not at one and eternal with God. What your highest conception of Divinity is, that claim to BE, and you will press forward to the mark of your high call- ing of at-one-ment; and "put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand:" "for Christ is the end of righteousness unto every one that believeth." TREATMENT II. FOR FREEDOM THROUGH THE REALIZATION OF TRUTH. Make the tree good and the fruit good. Affirm the following truths for all; make them fully your own; do this for the purpose of conforming all your ways to them. 36 BASIC STATEMENTS. God is infinite; Like produces like; God is Spirit, the only Creator; That created by Spirit is Spirit; We are conceived in right- eousness and born in true holiness; All forms are manifesta- tions of Spirit; We are immaculately con- ceived in the spirit of whole- ness, and are begotten of God; In the beginning God cre- ated heaven and earth; " Heaven and earth, the seas and all that in them is," are living unto eternity; for God is the God of the living. Therefore, There is no finite. 11 There is no production the opposite of God. There is no physical cre- ator or creation. No thing created is of the earth and earthly. We are not conceived in sin nor born in iniquity. 1 There are no material forms. We are not conceived in corruption nor born of the Flesh. 1 There is no material heaven or earth. " There is no heaven or earth or seas or anything therein, that is born of time or place: for God is not the God of the dead. The tree is good, and the fruit is good. God is good, and I am good. The Creator is good and the creature is good. God is manifest and dwelling in our midst. God's will was done, in creating earth as it was in creating heaven; and thus His Law is fulfilled, against which there is no law. HEALTH TREATMENT. 37 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT. III. "I HAVE OVERCOME." To overcome is to come over from effects unto God, who, because infinite, is the only One that can produce a living thing, and thus be above all effects: then, have no beliefs the opposite of God. It is true that I am hid with Christ in God; hence, my possibility is God's pos- sibility or idea of Himself; and my existence is this possibility or idea made manifest; for beside God there is none other. It is God who says: Be ye holy, be- cause I am holy. As God-knowledge is all knowledge, or as God is all-knowing, we cannot have knowledge apart from Him. Knowledge does not consist of suffer- ing, of failure, or dissatisfaction. For this reason, from the standpoint of at-one-ment, we can wipe out the false sense of suffering, of failure and dissatisfaction. It is God, the infinite One> who says that to know self is to know all there is to know ; hence, we are neither vain nor deceitful in claiming God-knowledge; for in truth, are we blessed of the Lord. True knowledge is a cer- tain perception of the truth of at-one-ment. 38 BA SIC S TA TEMENTS. TREATMENT in. FOR RECONCILIATION AND PERFECT ADJUSTMENT. "THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK, THEY ARE SPIRIT AND THEY ARE UFE." There is no enmity. I am infinite and all-per- vading love. I, Love, have manifested all things and they live unto me. I am both Love and loving in all things that live and move and have being within me. I am unmoved by all that live. I move within and act upon all living things. I am love in the midst of all climates and changes of the weather. I am not affected by the wind, the storm, or the calm. I am touched by neither heat nor cold. My love possesses all things and is master of all things. No power is given unto existing things, conditions, circumstances, or events that I do not give. " There is no power but of God." All that I manifest is spirit and is life. I now realize the perfect adjustment. Spirit, Mind or Life, is Father, Source and Cause of all form or creation. God is All, and effect is included in the All. There is one Spirit and one body. Spirit is Cause ; form is effect in Spirit. Spirit is Intelligence, Substance and Power; form is the show- ing forth of Intelligence, Substance and Power, and can never be separated from its Source or Cause. Form is not made with hands, and is eternal in the heavens. HEALTH TREATMENT. 39 Form is the silent utterance of eternal Life, and is the spoken word of that which is with God and is God in the beginning. My body is not subject to a false sense of things ; neither is it subject to disease, or to any of the false race beliefs, that there is sin, mortality, or corruption. My body, being that which is formed, it is forever at one with the source and cause of all form. It is not the maker of itself, neither is it the maker of other forms. It is subject to nothing but God who made it. God, who made it, is its life, intelligence, sub- stance and power. It is not sick in its life, intelligence, substance or power; and there is nothing within it the opposite of what these words imply. I am one with God, and am in no way dependent upon my bodyvfor life, in- telligence, substance and power. God is His own dem- onstrator ; His own manifester; His own revealer. I have being, demonstration, manifestation and revelation in God only. I am the fulfillment of law and of prophecy. I have taken captivity captive. My senses are spirit- ual. I am self-illumined. I and my Father are one, and not two. My house is now set in order; for it is the temple of the living God; and all things therein are adjusted unto Him according to His will. Against this there is no law. 40 BASIC STATEMENTS. BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT. IV. THE WAY OF LIFE. "Whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he thinketh that he hath." To claim that you possess the opposite of what you ,are seek- ing, prevents the realization and enjoyment of that which is sought. Whosoever believes that he is not whole, from him is taken away that health which he thinks that he has. Health and wholeness are not realized and enjoyed. THE BROAD WAY. Error never claims to be life, or to be free: hence, it does not possess truth, or bear wit- ness of anything that is. Hereby know we the claims of falsehood. 1 * Take heed how ye hear : for whosoever hath, to him shall be given." To claim that you possess that which you have sought, gives the full realization and enjoyment of it. Whosoever believes in his heart that he is whole, to him health is given, and Wholeness is realized and enjoyed. THE NARROW WAY. Truth always claims to be eternal Life and to be free: hence, it possesses all there is, and bears witness of what it is. Hereby know we the Spirit of Truth. HEALTH TREATMENT. TREATMENT IV. 41 A GUIDE TO TRUTH AND TREATMENT FOR THE REAL- IZATION OF PURITY OF HEART. " God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must wor- ship Him in Spirit and in Truth? "As the Father hath life in Himself, so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself!' All that is, is Life; for all that is, hath power to be, and to bear witness of the truth, that it is eternal. Therefore, declare in thought, word and act, that : There is no death, error, or ignorance within me ; There is no hate, covet- ousness or pride of attain- ment within me; There is no doubt, fear or weakness within me : There is no selfishness, prejudice or aversion with- in me; There is no evil, disease, or sense of dissatisfaction within me; I do not think evil thoughts. I know not failure. For •' I am " Spirit, and Spirit is Life, Truth and Wisdom. " Spirit is Love, Justice, and Perfection. Spirit is Knowledge, Faith and Love. Spirit is impersonal and all- pervading presence, and has no respect to person. Spirit is Goodness, Base, and Satisfaction. I am pure in heart and clean in thought. God is His own success. " The pure in heart see God. " 42 BA SIC S TA TEMENTS. " That which is born of Spirit is spirit. " " I and my Father are one, and not two." I am free with God-freedom. I am alive with God- life. I am at rest and at one with all that is. God is my life, and my life is the life of the living. In these affirmations I worship God in the Life of the living, and in the Spirit of Truth. I claim to have all that eternal life implies, and to me it is given. HEALTH TREATMENT. 43 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT. V. * 'STRAIT IS THE GATE AND NARROW THE WAY WHICH IKAD- ETH UNTO LIFE ; AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT." I have found that the narrow way which leads unto Life is the "new and living way." The way is unity. They who find it are they who see that the " outer is as the inner," the creature as the Creator; the tree good and the fruit good; the All, as one Infinite God mani- fest. I realize eternal Life and enjoy the heaven with- in me, because in this at-one-ment God's will is done. To believe that evil, sin, sickness and death are in Truth, and that we are subject to them, is to have other gods before Me. What we believe we are subject to, our beliefs are servants of. " Ye believe in God, be- lieve also in me." This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom God hath sent. TREATMENT v. I HAVE ENTERED IN, THEREFORE, I AFFIRM: There is no evil power or All power is of God, and all thing. things are good. There is no matter. All that is, is Spirit. 44 BASIC S TA TEMENTS. My body is not subject to That which lives, lives unto pain or disease. God and is subject only to His peace and rest. Feeling is not of the body. Feeling is in thought. I do not sense pain. My thoughts are the thoughts of God There is no sin in Mind. The divine Mind, which is in Christ Jesus, is the only mind. There is no sickness in Truth. All that is, is free with the freedom of Truth. There is no death in Life. Life is eternal ; All in All. After creation God says, " I am that I am, and beside Me there is none other." " I am, is my name forever." In at-one-ment I am to be found, and I am perfect har- mony. All my works are done in truth, and perfect harmony pervades and sustains them all. Now am I the Truth that I perceive and know. Individually He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition, having abolished in his flesh the enmity. I am immersed within the infinite Good; " buried with Christ in baptism, wherein I am risen with him." "I have entered in at the strait gate, and the peace of God rules in my heart." Against me there is no law. HEALTH TREATMENT. 45 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT. VI. "HE THAT BKlvIKVETH ON ME, THE WORKS THAT I DO SHAI/T, HE DO ALSO." To believe on Jesus, the Christ, is to know that you are in the kingdom of God's dear Son, and that you are just the same in being and existence as is Jesus, the Christ. "And at that day ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in Me, and I in you." The Comforter that the Father sends, which shall abide with you, is the Spirit of Truth. Now is always the time to believe in the truth of what you are ; and be comforted. TREATMENT VI. COMFORTING WORDS OF LIFE AND POWER. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. I believe that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, and that I shall do the work of Christ. " There is, therefore, now, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Therefore, know; I am the Light that is come into the world, and say: 46 BASIC STATEMENTS. There is no fear; There is no fear of sep- aration fromGod within me ; There is no fear of sin, sickness or sorrow within me; There is no fear of pov- erty, weakness or death within me; I have no fear, anxious care or doubt; I do not fear that I shall become helpless and bur- densome to my friends; I do not fear age of body; I do not fear failure of mental faculties, sight or hearing; God hath not given us the spirit of fear; For God is all-pervading Love. 11 God is One and inseparable. Now am I saved in righteous- ness and health, and my joy is complete. " God is my Wealth, Strength and Life. I dwell in love and love dwells in me. The gift of God is eternal Life, and this life is in me. I re- alize what manner of Life and Love I am. My body is living unto eter- nity. " In God there is no failure. I am eternal sight and hearing. " There is no fear in Love: and there is no fear in me. I, Love, resist not, fear not, doubt not. Because Love is without fear, it knows not fear. I am complete and perfect in God-love. I am Life, Intelligence and Power. I now realize that I possess all for which I have asked. I am in the Holy of Holies; self-illumined. I demonstrate perfect health, peace and satisfaction. I am at rest in my thoughts. I am clean in thought and pure in heart. I see God as All in All, and I have no HEALTH TREATMENT. 47 life or self-hood apart from Him. I am satisfied and happy. I am lifted up from the earth and have drawn all unto me. Now, the accepted time, is God's law fulfilled. I have entered into his rest. 48 BA SIC S TA TEMEXTS. BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT. VII. "Ail, THINK ARK MINK AND ALI, MINK ARK THINK." This text expresses the true idea of possession. Our inheritance is purity throughout; mentally and visibly. We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. In Christ, the creature itself has the glorious liberty of a child of God, and is heir of God. The spirit of wholeness and power thus declares it, and that in substance it is free from the beliefs of corruption and mortality. When anything is bequeathed to us, there is a speci- fied time when we are to receive it. Now is the ac- cepted time, specified by Eternity to Be, and possess. To-day is the day of salvation; hence, it is to be under- stood that there is no mortality within Life. " Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ," of the redemption of our body. Since this is The Truth, that God is The One All, and yet I am, there is no true idea of possession that is not conveyed in the words of Christ: " All Mine are Thine and all Thine are Mine, and I am glorified in them"; hence, " If I judge, My judgment is truth." HEALTH TREATMENT. 49 TREATMENT VII. 11 ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH IS GIVEN UNTO ME." THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE AND I AM HERE. Because the Holy Spirit is> I am holy. Now I am in possession of My inheritance bequeathed by the Father. Now I possess all possibility that I can ever manifest. I am eternal Life, and I manifest it fully. I am in the Spirit and it is the Lord's day. I have been baptized unto Christ and have put on Christ. He who anoints with the spirit of Truth is God. I am perfect in thought and word, motive and deed. I am harmonious in feeling and sensation. I am accurate and definite in all that I think and do. I am the true idea of success; and failure I know not, for failure is not. I am sight, hearing, faith, power and under- standing. I manifest love, charity, harmony and peace. The divine attributes are manifest in all that I think and do. I am not a servant, but a son, radiating the light and glorifying the life of the Infinite One. I am steadfast in the liberty with which eternal Life is free. My possessions are immortal, incorruptible, unalterable. The whole earth and the fullness thereof is lifted up unto me. Father, in this I have glorified Thee on earth; I have finished the work which Thou hast given me to do. All mine are Thine and all 50 BASIC STATEMENTS. Thine are mine. Of all that Thou hast given me I can lose nothing; for of all that are. Thine, nothing can be lost. All Thine are at one with Thee, and all Thine are at one with me, and I am glorified in them. I have received my inheritance. I have accepted the truth that there is no corruption and no mortality, and death is swallowed up of Life, and there is no enemy. God is Life and beside Him there is no Life. "Be Still and Know That I Am God." Against these affirmations of wholeness and at-one- ment, there is no law. HEALTH TREATMENT. 51 Specific Treatment against the belief in limitation, and the desire for liquor. VIII. In this manner prepare and make receptive your thought to apply the following treatment : Our Father, which art Infinite and everywhere pres- ent, we turn to Thee for every blessing. We thank Thee for the knowledge that Thou art All, and art in all — the ever-present Life and living good. As such, we glorify Thee in the spirit of wholeness, and worship Thee " on earth." We sanctify in Thy Truth all things made, because Thou sanctifiest all with thy presence — Thy eternal Being. We love to say, there is no limi- tation or lack of goodness in the vast universe of Cause and effect; for in acknowledging this Truth we enter- tain Thee as our constant companion and enjoy Thy presence without omission. We love to affirm the Truth for all, that Thou hast made all things like unto Thyself and placed upon them no limitation; for truly Thou dost not measure thy spirit to Thy children. Thy wholeness of Being is unto each and all alike. 52 BASIC STA TEMENTS. We love to say that now is our brother in Thy Being, the all-embracing love and sustaining power. Thou art the only Being to sustain and guide his thought aright in paths of peace. We understand that Thou hast made him whole, pure and good and that there is nothing impure or unholy, in and of itself; and as Thou hast pronounced all things good, forbid that we pronounce against Thee. TREATMENT VIII. There is no attribute or idea of limitation in God, sensuous appetite and desire; hence, our brother is not the seeming appetite and desire for liquor, which sen- suous beliefs claim him to be. He cannot express any- thing real that does not represent the divine attributes of Being; therefore, he is free in Truth at this time; nothing binds or limits him. Thou art, O God, pronouncing him good, free and whole, in Thy limitless Being and Love at this time. Dear brother James, listen to the voice of the Spirit of God speaking within you, "You do not slumber in sense delusion; there is no sense delusion. You are not limited or controlled by desire. There is no desire in Truth. You are free to hear and understand My supreme words of freedom. This voice says you are HEALTH TREATMENT. 53 free to witness My presence working in you. Listen and understand what I say to you: liquor is neither the life, intelligence, substance, power, nor peace for which you are seeking. It cannot give you strength, success, health, or satisfaction; it is effect, and can never be a cause and source of happiness to you. You do not be- lieve that you desire or need it; you know that you are immortal and have eternal life with Me. You are in no way dependent upon liquor for either health, strength, success, or happiness. I, alone, am the source of all that you need. Your body is radiant with My presence now. The Truth that I speak unto you has erased all false belief, and darkness has disappeared. You now understand that what I say to you is Truth. I am your Life, your love, your truth, your substance, your peace, and you are filled with perfect satisfaction at this time." My brother and I thank Thee, O Infinite Source of all Good, that we know that Thou art throughout the vast universe; and that we are all resting within Thee, and that Thou art our abiding place now and forever. Amen! "Behold ! thou art made whole." HOME COLLEGE, 324 SEVENTEENTH ST., Bet. Valencia and Mission, - San Francisco. g|^HlS COLLEGE was incorporated under the laws of ^-^ and chartered by the State of California, on the 4th day of May, 1888, for Educational, Ethical and Re- ligious purposes. M. E. CRAMER, : : President. ^3 HftRffi6HY> dA Montl?^ Marine, Demoted to ^ru^. In Each Issue is Given Practical Lessons in Divine Science and the Method of Healing. PRICE OF YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, - Sl.OO. Single Copies, lO Cents. Kditkd and Published by M. E. CRAMER, 324 Seventeenth St., - San Francisco, Cal. The intentions of the editor of Harmony are : To teach that God is Infinite and ever present, and that there is no other Power or Presence. That there is bnt one Life, Mind or Spirit. And that Form (matter so called) has no power over Life, Mind or Spirit. To show that knowledge and faith realized, is wholeness, health and happiness realized. That the only true Religion is Truth; and that to accept this Religion is freedom from all the ills to which humanity believes itself subject. To supply a simple method by which all may realize Truth, and demonstrate the Christ method of healing. To supply to students and practitioners of Divine Science practi- cal lessons on healing. To bring about a unity of thought, purpose and work. To bring about a correct use of terms that will truthfully express the knowledge that God is Infinite; that will convey the Truth in every sentence, that all that ever was, or ever will be, is Now. To interpret Scripture from the plane from which it is written. To notice publications of the day, and supply interesting infor- mation of value to students. •iZ&r'tiiJ *% '*Sm£d 4 ^/Vr pf^f . aSk A WJI v £ *H Vfc LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OOOEbfi^Olll