IE 207 L2 M98 I Copy 1 ('W' AN EULOGY ON LAFAYETTE, DELIVERED IN BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA. ON THE NINTH OF MAY, 1835, AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITIZENS AND STUDENTS. BY ANDREW VVYLIE, D. D. PRESIDENT OF INDIANA COLLEGE. CINCINNATI: TAYLOR AND TRACY. 1835- E"2 0-7 CINCINNATI: PRINTED BY F. S. BENTON. CORRESPONDENCE. President Wylie: Sir,— At a meeting of the citizens of Bloomington and students of Indiana college, on Saturday, the sixteenth instant, the undersigned were appointed a committee, to request for publication, a copy of an address delivered by your- self, a week previously, on the life and character of General Gilbert Mortier de Lafayette. A compliance with this request will be highly gratifying to our citizens, and to none more so than Your obedient humble servants, DAVID H. MAXWELL, BEAUMONT PARKS, . Commtltee PARIS C. DUNNING, ^ %.ommiuee JOSEPH G. McPHEETERS, Bloomington, May 18