' -*-.> ^ S tf ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Vt^^T? ffl^p. ©apji-ig'^l f 0. Shelf ....(L.7..B 3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HISTORY OF THE mum ifii \mm, i^' lift (' BY JAMES U. BARNHILL, A. M., M. D., COLUMBUS. OHIO. ^^"^^'^-^ /^/-dl ^ ^ 1892 Copyright, 1892, r.v the Author. Private and Public Schools of Columbus. Ohio. THE SCHOOLS. I. SCHOOL LtGlSLAl'ION. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. The history of the Schools of Columbus properly begins with those of Franklin- ton, the pioneer village of the Capital City, and would be incomplete without an account of the generous gifts and wise policy of the National Government which so greatly promoted the cause of education, and which have contributed directly. to the support of the schools. Before the pioneer settlement of Central Ohio was planted "on the low banks of the slow winding Scioto," Congress made certain provisions for the maintenance of schools within the territory in which that settlement was after- wards situated, thus anticipating its welfare by a " sort of parental providence." On May 20, 1785, in an ordinance for disposing of western lands, Congress provided that " a thirty-sixth of every township of the western territory " should be reserved from sale for the maintenance of public schools within the township. Tlie ordinance of July 13, 1787, for the government of the territory northwest of the river Ohio con- firmed the provisions of the land ordinance and further declared that "religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to gcod government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education should forever be encouraged." The original reservation of land for school purposes did not provide like donations for the support of schools in certain tracts in Ohio, amon^ which was the Virginia Military District in which a part of Columbus is situated. The first constitutional convention requested that a "like provision be made for the support of schools in these districts," and on March 3, 1803, Congress assented and appropriated lands to the amount of one thirty-sixths of each of these tracts for the use of schools therein, and provided that all the lands " appropriated for the use of schools in the State should be vested in the legislature, in trust, for the maintenance of schools and for no other use, intent or purpose whatever." The Constitution of 1802 embodied the famous educational clause of the Ordinance of 1797, and supplemented it by declaring that schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged by legislative provision not inconsistent with the rights of conscience. It further declared that the doors of the schools, academies, and universities endowed in whole or in part from the revenue arising from the land grants, shall be open for the reception of scholars, students and 3 PUBLIC SCHOOL LIP.RAKY The Schools. I. 5 teachers of every grade. The school lands were to be leased and the revenue applied impartially to the education of the youth, but owing to the newness of the country it was many years before the income from this source could materiall}' aid in maintaining schools. The income to the Columbus schools from the land grants will be separatel}' considered, but before any such revenue was realized the chil- dren were needing school facilities, and hence private schools or schools supported by donation or some form of local taxation were necessary. The early inhabitants were men and women of intelligence who held the church and the school to be indispensable to the welfare of the community. With the usual promptness of our western pioneers they first provided places, however rude, for divine worship, and second, places for the education of their youth. The same building served fre- quently, if not usually, the purposes of both a church and a school. Private schools and academies Avere liberally sustained, and for several years after the organization of the public schools the predominant sentiment was in favor of the former. But even these schools were favorably influenced by the educational policy of the gov- ernment and by the general awakening of interest in education occasioned by the land grants and subsequent school legislation. The private schools directed atten- tion to the subject of public education and emphasized the truth that general intel- ligence is necessary- to the prosperity of a community. They nurtured a sentiment in favor of good schools and inculcated the noble idea that school privileges should be extended to all classes, so that finall}-, by the side of the exclusive private school the general subscription school also flourished. Donations were not infre- quently made for the maintenance of schools or to pay for the tuition of the needy. When at length State laws made adequate provision for the support of good public schools almost all others were discontinued. The private schools formed a memor- able episode in the educational history of the infant capital, and fulfilled an impor- tant mission in its social development. Common schools sustained by the State and patronized by all classes are, of comparatively recent date. Massachusetts first proclaimed and established the principle that it is the right and duty of government to provide by means of fair and just taxation for the instruction of all the youth of the community, and free schools were among her earliest institutions. The article on education in her con- stitution of 1780 was one of the first of the kind ever incorporated into the organic law of a State. The fii'st law for the support of schools in the State of New York was passed in 1795, and not until 1834 did Pennsj^lvania adopt a general free school system. The school history of the City of Columbus will be here treated under the fol- lowing general topics in the order of their mention : School funds and school leg- islation, private schools, and the public school system. The schools of Franklinton and subsequently those in that portion of Colum- bus west of the Scioto River have been supported in part by the Virginia Military School Fund. The Virginia Military School Lands, consisting of 105,155 acres, were not finally located until February 13, 1808. They were located in Wayne, Holmes, Ashland, Richland, Crawford and Morrow counties. Provision was made by the legislature for leasing the school lands for the purpose of improving f, History of the City op Columbus. the same and thereb}' rendering them more productive in order that the profits which tlie.y should yield might be applied to the support of the schools, but the lands were really not leased and the rental derived from them was small. In his annual message of 1821 Governor Brown said: "So far as my information extends the appropriation of the school lands in this state has produced hitherto, with few exceptions, no very material advantage in the dissemination of instruc- tion — none commensurate with their presumable value." In 182G the income from all the lands then leased was about five thousand dollars. Pursuant to a pro- vision of law the people of this reservation voted in 1828 their assent to the sale of their school lands, and within the same year the unleased portions were ordered to be sold. Prior to 1838 sixtyeight thousand one hundred and fiftyfive acres had been sold for 8129,549.29 ; the annual rental on the remainder was then $4,503.76, which made an annual income from this source of $12,276.71. The proceeds from the sale of these lands have been loaned to the State, and the annual interest at six per centum on this money and the rent on the unsold lands constitute the Vir- ginia Military School Fund, whicli fund is distributed annually among the several counties of the reservation in proportion to the youth of school age in each. From 1821 to 1828 the State borrowed the income of these school lands, compounding the interest annually, during which time the fund amounted to $54,000. Early in the following year this amount was distributed proportionately to the schools ot the Virginia Military district. Our County Auditor's ledger shows that Distinct Number Two of Franklin Township of this county received on March 10, 1828, the sum of $73,873, or $1,717 for each householder in the district. The annual distribution thereafter was of course much less. In 1835 the income distributed was $11,091.77, or about eighteen cents for each school youth; and in 1837 it amounted to about seventeen cents for each youth between four and twentyone yeai's of age. These school lands have all been sold, except a few sections which ^-e under perpetual lease without revenue, at twelve cents per acre. The total amount of the proceeds of the sale of this land up to 1890 was $192,622.68, and the interest on this fund and on the unsold land for that j^ear amounted to $11,800.87, which amount was distributed according to law to the counties and parts of coun- ties embraced in the reservation. In lieu of Section Sixteen of Montgomery Township, which was a part of the Refugee grant, Section Twentyone of Madison Township of this county was selected March 4, 1806. There seems to be no record to indicate whether or not any income was realized from this land prior to its sale. It was sold October 15, 1828, in half quartersections severally to John Swisher, Adam Sarber, Benjamin Cleringer and Adam Rarey for $2,688.84, to be paid in four equal annual instalments, with- out interest on deferred payments. This money was loaned to the State and the interest on it at six per centum has been annually applied to the support of schools in this township. In 1882 there were 1,052 youth between five and fifteen years of age in the township, 886 of whom lived in the school districts of Columbus. This fund therefore amounted to fifteen cents and three mills for each youth of school age, or $135.55 for these districts, which sum at that early day gave great encourage- ment to the schools. The Schools. I. 7 The first general school law of Ohio, entitled an " act to provide for the regula- tion and support of common schools," was passed January 22, 1821. This law authorized the division of townships into school districts, the election in each dis- trict of a school committee consisting of three resident householders, and the assessinent of a school district tax, not for the maintenance of a free public school, but only "for the purpose of erecting a school house," and of "making up the deficiency ,T/r-"'-t'';'.'fLf,' ■*■■■? LL..rr'jf<*-'^y''.PV"' - ^"' -^^ ■ T'^.wJjA.'a 111 A SCHOOL DISTRICT MAP OP COLUMBUS, 1826-1845. that might accrue by the schooling of children whose parents or guardians wer® unable to pay for the same." The law was entirely inadequate to provide good schools, but it is of historical interest as the first statutory provision of the State for local taxation for school purposes. The law of February 6, 182n, being an act to provide for the support and better regulation of common schools, required county commissioners to levy and assess onehalf of a mill upon the dollar to be appropriated for the use of common 32 8/ History of the City of Columbus. schools in their respective counties "for the instruction of youth of every class and grade, without distinction, in reading, writing, arithmetic and other necessary branches of a common education." This law made it the dutj^ of the County Auditor to open an account in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, with eacli township, in which the several townships should be credited with the amount col- lected on their duplicates for the use of schools. The]amount so collected in each town- ship was required to remain in the county treasuiy for the use of the schools, and it was made the duty of the trustees of each township to lay off the same into districts, the numbers and descriptions of which were to be communicated in writing to the clerk of each township, who was required to record the same. The law further provides that The trustees shall take or cause to be taken an enumeration in writing of all the house- holders residing in the district, and the clerk shall record the same ami deliver to the County Auditor the number and descrijition of each school district and also the list or enumeration of the householders residing in each, and all alterations which shall from time to time be made. Onethird of all the householders of a district assembled in pursuance of due notice shall constitute a legal meeting for the transaction of business ; they shall elect three school directors to manage the concerns of said district, and have power to designate and determine upon the site of a schoolhouse and to provide the means of building the same and to provide the necessary funds for organizing a school. It shall be the duty of said school directors to employ a teacher and also to receive and faithfully expend all funds, subscriptions, donations or dividends of school funds. The Court of Common Pleas of each county shall appoint annually three suitable persons to be called examiners of common schools, whose duty it shall be to examine every person wishing to be employed as a teacher, and if they find such person qualified and of good moral character, to give a certificate to that effect. No person shall be allowed to teach any district school or recover at law any wages for teaching until such person be examined and receive a certificate of approbation. The township trustees shall pay over to the school directors of the several school districts a dividend of all rents or moneys received on account of section sixteen for the use of schools, or other lands in lieu thereof, in proportion to the number of families in each district. School directors shall pay the wages of the teachers employed out of any money which shall come into their hands from the revenues arising from donations made by Congress for the support of schools or otherwise so far as such money shall be sufiicient for the purpose, and for the residue of the wages of any such teacher the school directors shall give him a certificate stat- ing the length of service and the balance due him on account of wages thereof. . . . This law, from the pen of Nathan Guilford, Senator from Hamilton County,, was the first adequate legislative provision for the establishment of free coinmonl schools. For its enactment great credit is due to the commission appointed by Governor Allen Trimble in 1822 to devise and report upon a common school system. This commission consisted of Caleb Atwater, Chairman ; Eev. James Hoge, Rev. John Collins, Nathan Guilford, Ephraim Cutler, Josiah Barber and J. M. Bell. In 1827 a supplementary act was passed which crcatcn- tation as an astronomer, mathematician or almanac-maker; that he believed in witches and ghosts, a belief which he took special pains to communicate to his scholars; that he was looked upon as a prodigy of knowledge and a village oracle, "the indispensable terror of school youth;" that in general he was a scholar according to the books; a stickler in spelling and arithmetic, but knew little or nothing about hunmn nature; not unfrequently ])rofessing to know a great deal about dead languages but having really little knowledge of the living ones. Some of the |)ioneer teachers of Franklinton and Col undjus possessed their full share of these characteristics, but most of them were well qualified and successful. A few made teaching their life work, while many exchanged it for other callings and became leading citizens of the community. At a very early date, not exactly known, Ijucas Sullivant built a roundlog schoolhouse which was about fifteen or sixteen feet square with puncheon floor, I'ough slab benches su])p()rted at either end by a pair of hickory pins inserted into auger holes ; battened doors with wooden hinges and latch raised from its notch with a string; a clapboard roof with weight poles, and a fireplace and stick chimney. It is probable that this village scholhouse of early times, like its suc- cessors of later years, had greased white paper for window light in winter and o|)en windows in summer. This building was located about a square and a half north of the Old Courthouse west of Washington (now Sandusky) Street, and was le^ Htstoky ok the City of Columbus. probably built before or about the year 180G. It is the first school building in the Franklinton settlement of which we have any recood. Many persons still living remember this primitive schoolhouse. At tirst it was warmed by means of a large " fireplace," but later by a stove. Joseph Sulli- vant said his first acquaintance with school life began in this " cabin with its slabs for seats polished by use, and big chimney with downward drafts, with fleas inside and hogs under the floor, no grammar, no geography, but a teacher who ruled with a rod." Miss Sarah Reed, afterwards long and favorably known as an instructor and Christian worker, was one of its early teachers. She is said to have ii(ii'i;(iii(ii(|liillliii'"*"i''>>'i-'--' ^■^ THE OLD ACAJ)EMV, assisted Doctoi- Ilogc in organizing the fii'st Sundayschool of the town. Miss Mary Wait, whose ])arents came to Franklinton in 1803, taugiit scliool tliere at a very early date. It is probable that Misses Keed and Wait both taught in this primitive schoolhouse. The following article of agreement between one of the early teachers who afterwards became prominent in Columbus, and the patron of his school, is an extract from the diary of Joel Buttles, whose parents settled in Worth- ington in 1804: These presents witnesseth : That, on condition that Joel Buttles shall attend duly live days in one week and six days in the otiier, alternately, and six hours in each day for the space of three months and teach roadint;, writing;- and arithmetic according to the hest of his knowledge, we the suLscribers promise and oblige ourselves to pay said Joel Buttles at the expiration of said term of three months, each for lumself, one dollar and sixtytwo and a half The Schools. I. 27 cents for each scholar we may respectively subscribe, and shouUl some unavoidable or unfor- seen accident hinder said Buttles from attendinu; the whole of said term, we obligate our- selves to pay said Buttles in a due proportion for the time he may attend. And likewise the subscribers are to bear each his just proportion in boarding said Buttles, and to furnish a con- venient schoolhouse together with a sufficient quantity of firewood so that school may com- mence the first daj' of January next. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal this 14th day of December, ISOS. Name of subscriber : Robert Molean, two pupils; Michael Rareden, three ; Charles Warde, one and onehalf; Philip Woollet, one; Alexander Dennixon, two ; Philip Hare, one; William Hamilton, one. This school was probably located in or near Worthington. The following notice appeared in the FreeiiuDis Chronicle of Februar}^ 4, 1810 : J school II I aster wanted. — A man well qualified as a teacher for young scholars, and can be well recommended by respectable characters to be trustworthy and exemplary in that emj)]oyment will, on application to the editor, be furnished with proposals from a few individuals of good standing wherein the necessary encouragement will be given by them to a teacher as aforesaid to take charge of a school in Franklinton. In the Chronicle of February 25, same year, this notice appeared : A schoolmaster wanted. — A person possessing a good moral character and the necessary qualifications for a teacher of a school of young scholars will meet with employment on application to Lucas Sullivan t. It is thus evident that the pioneers took an active interest in providing school advantages for their children. The leading men of the town were endeavoring to secure good teachers. They wanted teachers "well qualified, trustworthy and exemplary in that employment." Peleg Sisson, afterwards a prominent physician of Columbus, taught school in Franklinton in the log schoolhouse just described, "boarding around" a week at a time with the patrons of his school. The follow- ing is an extract from a letter written by Mrs. Judge Price, ncV McDowell, now of Hillsborough, Ohio: In 1816 Doctor Sisson had a school in Franklinton which I attended. It was a log schoolhouse built, I think, for that purpose, the only furniture being benches made of slabs of wood with legs in them. My uncle, Lucas SuUivant, had it built. As no one in those early days took boarders, Doctor Sisson made his home for a week at a time among his different pupils, with the rich and poor alike. The only two pupils I remember who attended this school were my cousin, the late Joseph Sullivant, and Mr. Elijah Backus, now of Toledo. Il was a good school, for Doctor Sisson was a man of high character. I was studying the elementary branches and do not know what else was taught. At a very early day William Lusk, an Irish schoolmaster who came here from Massachusetts, settled in Franklinton and taught a common subscription school. In 1817 he began the publication of an alamnac entitled the Ohio Register cuuJ Western Calendar^ a pamphlet of aboutsixty or seventy pages which he published annually for about thirtyfive years. In 1818 or 1819 Mr. Lusk established an academy. In his almanac of 1821 he said: "There are in Franklinton a common school and an academy; in the latter are taught English Grammar, geography, bookkeeping, (double and single entry), mensuration, geometry, trigonometry, (plane and spherical), surveying, navigation, algebra, and astronomy." 18 History of the City of Columbus. First Schools East of the River. — In 1814 a school was o})encd in the log Pres- byterian Church on Spring Street. In Zion Cha])el, which was a hewed log house built in 1815 on the present site of the Public School Library building on Town Street, William T. Martin conducted a school in 1816-17. lie taught the advanced scholars and his wife the younger ones. One of his pupils, Elijah Glover, speaks in the highest terms of Mr. Martin as a teacher and says that he cannot recollect an instance of any chastisement in any form in this school during the time of his attendance. Joseph Olds, who afterwards became a prominent lawyci-, taught school in a building on Broad Street, subsequently known as the Broadway Hotel. While teaching, he prepared a manual on astromomy. About this time Uriah Case and John Peo])le8 were also engaged as teachers. The first classical school in Columbus was opened in 1817, in the west room of a frame building on the northwest corner of Town and High streets, where the United States Hotel now stands. Its first teacher was a Mr. Butler, who conducted it for two years, and was succeeded by Doctor P. Sisson who had moved his school from Franklinton to a room in the Pike Tavern, which room he abandoned to take charge of the classical school, which contained several quite advanced students, "thus justifying its enrollment in the list of early seminaries of the State.' From the Pike Tavern, says Mrs. Price, above quoted, " Doctor Sisson removed to a build- ing which stood on the present site of the United States Hotel and which, I think, was built by subscription for a schoolhouse. This was Doctor Sissons largest school, and I think he had an assistant. He had previously taught both boys and girls, but now his school consisted of boys alone. About this time Mrs. Smith, wife of the editor and proprietor of one of the papers published in Columbus, o])ened a school for girls only on Front Street near the old Presbyterian Church. She had twelve or fifteen pupils. In addition to the instruction in the different branches of learning, we were taught to embroider samples, and had lessons in needlework on satin and painting in water colors. She [Mrs. Smith] was a refined, intelligent and cultivated woman. " Rudolphus Dickinson taught the languages to a class of boys in a frame house on Front Street, not far in rear of the Neil House. The Exj)lanatory Monitor, a schoolbook, was published in Columbus in 1818. Samuel Bigger, afterwards an able lawyer and Governor of Indiana, and Daniel Bigelow, were among the early teachers. During the settlement period the number of schools was sufficient to accom- modate all who desired to attend. "There was not," says Hon. J. R. Osborn, " as early as 1817 the same demand for schools that would be found perhaps in similar-sized villages of the present day, and in the absence of a general law for the maintenance of schools ])ublic sentiment was not sufficiently advanced to ])ermit an assessment for the education of all the children of the community." The advantages of general education were not then regarded as indispensable to the welfare of the State, yet it was sufficiently esteemed to secure to this isolated community fair school o))portunities at moderate cost. When it is remembered that in 1817 there were less than two hundred dwellings in Columbus and about seventy in Franklinton, it will be perceived that this community was fairly provided with schools and with excellent teachers, for a pioneer settlement. The Schools. I. ■l^ From 1820 to 1830 the number of private schools increased from about four to eio-bt or ten, all grades included. From that time the private schools for small scholars diminished in number until 1845, by which time nearly all of them were discontinued. John Kilbourne's Ohio Gazetterr for 1826 says: "Columbus con- tains four or five English schools and a Classical Seminary," there being " two hundred dwellings and fourteen hundred inhabitants." Near the close of that year the first public school was established, and with the gradual growth of the public school system the private school pupils, especially the younger ones, were drawn to it. Nevertheless, many primary pay schools were maintained, while instruction in the higher branches was left almost wholly to the private schools, which, under the names of academies, seminaries, classical schools and institutes, prospered until the introduction of the graded public school system. The number and character of the schools indicates a strong sentiment in favor of education. Persons who took " bound ' children to rear were required to send them to school at least one quarter in each year and " to teach them reading, writing and the three rules of arithmetic." The term of school usually lasted three months but some of the schools were kept in almost continuous operation. Until the advent of the common school system the primary schools in which the rudimentary branches were taught bore the name of "common," and the academies and seminaries received the more advanced pupils. The terms "subscription" and "pay," as applied to schools, came into use to distinguish the private ones from those which were public or free. Many schools designated as academies and seminaries were simply subscription schools into which pupils of all ages were admitted, and in which little else than the common branches was taught, while others contained classes of advanced scholars and merited the names applied to them. On December 1, 1820, John Shields, a Newlight preacher, afterwards a justice of the peace, opened a school called the New Academy, in the second story of the old markethouse, a single room being used both for schools and for church purposes and another for a printing office. Mr. Butler, already mentioned, and others, also taught in this building. In 1820 Miss Sarah Eeed taught a school on the east side of High Street near Broad ; the same lady afterwards taught a " Female Seminary " in a frame house on the west side of High Street north of Main. Among the textbooks used were Murray's Grammar and Morris's Geog- raphy. There being but two copies of the geography in the schools, the scholars learned their lessons from them by turns. Drawing and painting were taught in a rudimentary way. The Columbus Academy. — In 1820 Lucas Sullivant and about twenty other citizens organized a school company and built what was known as the Columbus Academy, a singlestory tworoom fi-ame building near the site of the present Second Presbytei-ian Church on Third Street. Its furniture was of primitive style — " desks built around the room where scholars could conveniently sit with backs to their teacher, while their eyes, unobserved, might look out at the open windows or else be employed with pocketknives upon the smooth surface of the desk." This building stood away out in the commons "among the pawpaw bushes, with but 20 History of the City of Oolumbiis. three otlier houses in the vicinity." The Academy was opened tor the reception of students, having as its first teacher, Aaron G. Brown, a graduate of the Ohio University, who was "a gentle and kind man, a good scholar and a good teacher." One of his pupils refers to him as kind, good, patient Mr. Brown. He was after- wards a professor in his alma mater and still later became a noted lawyer. His successor as teacher was Cyrus Parker, a man of education and high character, who taught in the Academy for a number of years, usually in the north room after it was removed to Front Street. Moral suasion was not an element of school management with him. Although he had a partially withered right hand, he excelled all the other teachers of the town in the administration of corporal punishment. His frequent and immoderate use of the whip sometimes trans- cended even the tolerance of that age of physical force and heroic living. During the winter months Parker also taught an evening school. At the close of each term, certificates of diligence and good behavior were given to the scholars who merited them. Besides the common branches, geometry and astronomy were taught. The textbooks were Webster's Spellingbook, Murray's English Grammar, and Pike's and Daball's arithmetics. Among the pupils during the first two or three years after the school Avas opened were J. Sullivant, W. A. Piatt, John Overdier, Daniel Overdier, Margaret Livingston, J. R. Osborn, Robert and John Armsti'ong, Henry Mills, Keys Barr, Margaret Hoge (afterwards Mrs. Judge Baldwin), Elizabeth Hoge and Rev. Moses Hoge. The Academy was several times removed ; about 1826 it was taken to the southwest corner of Sugar (Chapel) Alley on Fourth Street, the latter being then the eastern limit of the town, beyond which were cowpastures and cornfields. In close proximity to this location was a large pond which occupied the territory on which now stands the Central Markethouse. At a later date William Lusk, the almanac-maker, in good nature and with lax discipline, taught a crowded school, composed usually of boys, in one room of this building. Often, as he took his afternoon nap, the boys would steal away to skate on the pond or to enjoy their games of " two and fourhole cat " and " round the stake. " After the nap was completed, a wave of the teacher's old umbrella or at most a short trip down to the pond brought back the troop of boys who, after mild reprimand, returned to their studies. Mr. Lusk also taught in other ])arts of the city. He is said to have been well educated ano closed for a number of months and the students returned to their homes. I desired to utilise tliese months in earning a little money. Through the aid ot Professor Schmidt I secured quite a number of jjupils in German, to whom I imparted instruction in the little frame church on Third Street, where, in after years, the Universalist Church was erected. At that time there were only six or seven German families in Columbus. A larger number of my pupils belonged to prominent American families among whom a lively interest had been awakened for the German. At last, in the height of the plague, I was also forced to close my school." The department of classical and general education of the Lutheran Theological Seminary was opened in 1831 under the superintendence of Rev. William Schmidt. For fifteen or twenty years instruction was given in the elementary branches to students preparing for the ordinary business of life as well as to those preparing for the advanced studies of the Seminary. Neither the teacher nor the students in this department were required to bear any special relation to the Lutheran sect. The school was conducted first in the basement of the Reformed Church which stood on the south side of Town Street; in 1849 and 1850 in the Covert Building on Town Street; and later in the University Buildir)g on South High Street. The literary department was afterwards undvr the dii-ection of C. K, Scliaeff>.r and 33 24 History of the City of Columbus. Charles Juckseh, and special instinictioii was also given in the training of teachers. P. Pence, C. P. Schaeffer and S. Ileyl were the managing committee api)ointcd hy the Board of Directors. Throughout the early history of the city the basenientH and lecture rooms of the churches were very generally used for school purposes. In 18H8-9 a Higli School for Young Ladies was conducted in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian Church by Miss Mary A. Shaw, who had formerly tauglit in other parts of the city. Rev. J. Labaree conducted a school in this room sit one time, the pupils reciting French to Monsieur Gauthior. Abiel Foster and others TriE Schools. I. -25 also taught school in this elim-ch at different times. The Wells sisters, Susannah, Ahbioand Anna, were identified with the schools of the city as prominent teachers for many years. They taught a Young Ladies' School in a rude building on High Street just north of the Doshler Block, and also in the Exchange Building. Among other schools of less note between 1830 and 1845 may be mentioned one on the corner of Front and Cherry, taught by Jacob Hare, subsequently founder of the Hare Orphans' Home; a " Ladies School for instruction in the vari- ous branches of a useful and polite education," by Miss E. Johnstone; a school for the study of French, Spanish and Italian, by Carlo de Haro ; a school in the base- ment of Mrs. E. Campbell's residence on Front Street by Mary B.Smith ; instruc- tion in music, singing, drawing, painting, French and Gl-erman by Edward Kersten, late from Paris; a school in Numher 5, ('ommercial Kow, by Samuel D. Pi-eston ; "an evening school for gentlemen in Greek, Latin, bookkeeping and Euclid, " by J. K. Hoffer; instruction in "common and higher branches, together with the French language, also drawing, painting and needlework, by Miss H. Shaw, tuition four to ten dollars per term;" school for young ladies and misses in the Exchange Building, over the store of Cashing & Warner; "boarding and day school for young ladies by Mrs. and Miss Heilson ; " a school by Doctor and Mrs. McCauly at their residence, Number 32 East Town Street ; a Female Seminary in Mrs. O. Parish's residence by the Misses De Bartholds ; the Columbus Female Seminary by B. Gonzales; a young gentlemen's select school in the Buttles Block, corner of High and Town, by J. S. Brown; and a school for instruction in survey- ing, engineering, drawing and mathematicsin the Exchange Building by Valentine Gill and others. We here perceive the great variety of this class of schools and of their location. There was no uniformity in their courses of study or textbooks. Many of them existed for onh^ a short time. A High School was opened June 18, 1832, by Hoi'ace Wilcox, in a building erected on State Street by Colonel Olmsted. It contained three departments, each having its appropriate studies and textbooks best adapted to the ages of the pu])ils and their capacity for improvement. Its managers endeavored to make its course of study and thoroughness of instruction compare favorably with those of the best contemporary institutions of its kind, but during the following winter it was dis- continued for want of a suitable building. In the ensuing spring it was reopened with some modification and in more commodious apartments. As reorganized it was styled the Columbus High School for Young Ladies. Horace S. Gillett was engaged as one of its assistant teachers. Adjacent to the building were five or six acres of land planted with shrubbery and fruit trees, and used as a playground. The school was subsequently removed to Town Street and is said to have been equipped with chemical and philo.«ophical apparatus. The tuition was three dol- lars in its primary, four dollars in its junior, and five dollars in its senior depart- ment, per quarter. In July, 1836, a Charity School was established under the patronage of a few ladies who became convinced of the necessity for it while engaged as almoners of the Female Benevolent Society. It was instrumental in doing much good. The ladies who founded it organized a society of representatives of all the Christian 2o History of the City op Columbus. denominations of the city. The annual subscription fee was one dollar. At the time of the December meeting in 1837 seven hundred and fifty dollars had been raised and the school had been conducted five quarters at an expense of $287.55, on a lot in rear of Mrs. Parish's, which had been presented to the society by Alfred Kelley and on which a commodious brick schoolhouse was erected. Of ninetytwo children received, thirtynine were fatherless and several motherless. The average daily attendance had been thirtyfive and the average annual expense of each child less than 16.20. The colored people of Columbus have been active in their efforts to secure educational opportunities for their youth, and their school progress has been in advance of that of their people generally throughout the State. Prior to 1836 the colored people maintained a school in the southern part of the city, near Peters's Run. In that year they organized a school society with David Jenkins, B. Eoberts and C. Lewis as trustees. In the fall of 1839 they had sixty dollars in their treasury and a subscribed building fund of $225.00. The estimated cost for schoolhouse and lot was $700.00. M. M. Clark was their authorized agent to solicit subscriptions. Within the year ended August 31, 1840, a colored school with sixtythree scholars enrolled was maintained for six months. On September 7, 1840, the School Fund Association of the colored people of Ohio met in the Methodist Church, and received the cooperation of citizens of Columbus in promoting its objects. In spite of many discouragements the colored people secured fair school privileges for their children so far as possible to do so by their own efforts, and by prudent manage- ment prepared the way for the final withdrawal of the color line from the schools. In 1841 Alfred Kelley, John L. Gill and Peter Hayden, as a company, erected a building on the northeast corner of Oak and Fifth streets, and established a school therein which was successfully conducted for several yeai-s by Robert Barrett. The building is now used as a residence. On May 11, 1840, the Columbus Institute was opened under the direction of Abiel Foster and his sister, Miss Catherine Foster. It was begun in a new building on the corner of Rich and Front streets. Its course of instruction included reading, writing, composition, English grammar, geography, Latin, Grreek, mathematics and higher branches. It was graded at first into two departments, and was soon removed to the Eight Buildings, where a third department was opened under the care of Augusta Foster. In two rooms on the second floor girls were taught by the Misses Foster, while Mr. Foster taught the boys " down stairs." One of the tricks of mischievous boys in this and other schools of that day is said to have been that of throwing crackling hackberries on the floor and stairways, which startled the pu])ils as they walked over them and often prefaced the morning exercises with a fusillade. The Fosters were well educated and capable teachers. They introduced new methods of instruction and were quite successful. Special attention was given to good reading. The Columbus Literary and Scientific Institute, a school for advanced scholars, was opened November 2, 1840, in a private residence on Town Street, under the supervision of Rev. John Covert, formerly of Black River Institute at Watertown, New York, and Rev. Leicester A. Sawyer, from New liavo-u, Connecticut. A Female The Schools. I. ^^ SciiiiiKiiy under Mrs. S. S. Covert was attached to this institution, of which the general inunui^'enient was entrusted to a board of trustees the members of which were H. N. llubbell. President, Joseph llidgway, Junior, Vice President, J. R. Swan, D. VV. Deshler, Ermine Case, Peleg Sisson, Joiin Covert, Warren Jenkins, Ichabod G. Jones, William Cha])in, M. J. Gilbert and L. A. Sawyer. In the follow- ing year the name of the institution was changed to that of Columbus Academical and Collegiate Institute. On June 1, 1841, the corner-stone of a building for this Institute was l.iid. A twostor}' brick house of four rooms, ])leasantly situated on GARFIELD SCHOOL. Town Street, in a '' retired part of the city " was erected. It is now the residence of Mrs. J. J. Person. The Institute was designed to partake of the nature of both an academy and a college, and consequently offered instruction in a great variety of studies. It was })rovided with chemical and ])hilosophical apparatus and a library of some hundreds of volumes. Rev. Leicester A. Sawyer was President ; Rev. John Covert Vice President ; R. S. Bosworth Professor of Chemistry ; and Mrs. S. S. Covert Principal of the Female Department. - The following j'ear Rev. J. Covert became Principal, and Robert Thompson, C. Runyan and W. B. Hubbai'd were added to the 28 History of the City op Columbus. board of trustees. Miss Mjuy A. Shaw was afterwards employed as an assistant in the Female Department. T. C. Hunter was the teacher of vocal music, and R. S. Bosworth of mathematics, surveying and astronom3^ Mr, Bosworth had a telescope of considei'able power mounted upon a ])ile of rocks in the Statehouse yard for the use of his classes. The Institute was closed in 1846 or 1847. A Female Seminary, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. E. Schenck, the former a graduate of the United States Military Academy and the latter from Mrs. Wil- lard's Female Seminary of Troy, New York, was established in a new brick build- ing at the corner of Broad and High. It began on Monday, April 3, 1843. and continued until Mr. Schenck's death in 1848. In 1846, the trustees of this school w^ere J. E. Swan, Adams Stewart, O. Follett, Joel Buttles, N. H. Swayne, P. Sis- son, John Noble and John W. Andrews. ' The Esther Institute was opened October 4, 1852, in a ])rivate residence on Eich Street, under the name of the Columbus Female Seminary, with Profe.ssor Charles Jlicksch, Profe.ssor T. G. Wormley, Miss Hermine A. P. Tctu, Samnia Schnedly, Mary W. Atcheson and G. Machold as the corps of teachers, and Christian He}^ as business manager. In 1853, the present Irving House, near the northwest corner of Fourth and Broad streets, was erected for this school, which was opened therein September 28, 1853, under the name of Esther Institute. Miss Agnes W. Beecher was principal and Miss Margaret A. Bailey was teacher of mathematics. Tlie Institute was closed in 1862, and its building was converted into a military hospital. Financially, it was not successful. Throughout the earlier history of the city many of its prominent families sent their children to the seminaries and colleges of other towns or cities; at the same time the schools of Columbus were also much patronized from abroad. Some of the disadvantages of the jjrivate schools were : 1. The unsuitable character of their apartments, which were usually adapted for other purposes and were insuflfi- ciently heated and ventilated. Of the seven private schools in operation in 1847, four were taught in basements and the remainder in a room space affording less than one hundred cubic feet of air per scholar. 2. The incompetency of many teachers and their transient character, which precluded the adoption of neces.sary means for testing their efficiency. 3. The want of uniformity in courses of study. In perhaps the majority of cases, in order to make up a school of sufficient num- bers, scholars were received without any reference to pi-evious attainments, and were allowed to pursue such studies as their own caprice or that of their parents dictated. Hence it was not uncommon to find scholars studying natural philoso- phy or astronomy who did not know the multiplication table; or studying botany, geology, or rhetoric without being able to spell the most common words or to read intelligibly a single paragraph in the English language. 4. Irregularity of attendance, wdiich was not infrequently encouraged by the practice of exacting j)ay only for the time of actual presence in the school. 5. The cost of tuition, in the better class of seminaries and higii schools, was so high as to prevent the great majority of those who attended them fi-om continuing long enough to secure anytliing like a thorough education. But the day of private schools was by this The Schools. I. 20 time past. They liad served a good pui-pose, but a new and better systein had become established in the hearts of tlie people. Various societies have at different times been formed in the city for mutual education. Among these was the Columbus Lyceum, organized in October, 1831, under the personal direction of Josiah Holbrook, founder of the Boston Lyceum. Kev. James Hoge was its President; Hon. J. W. Campbell, Vice President; William Preston and Henry Espy its Secretaries; P. B. Wilcox its Treasurer; James Labaree and Messrs. Parker and Smith its Curators. The design of the Lyceum was " to procure for youths an economical and practical education, and to diffuse useful information throughout the community generally by means of essays, discussions and lectures.'' An-English and Classical School was begun by Misses L. M. Phelps and B. H. Hall in 1884 in the Arnold House on East Broad Street with seventeen pupils. During its second year it occupied more convenient apartments in the Eogers House, a few doors from its former location, and at the end of that year was removed to the Gwynne House, which is its present location, on East Broad Street. The school prospered from its inception, and in 1890 the trustees of the estate erected the present handsome and commodious building which it now occupies on Fourth Street and which is admirably adapted to its needs. The rooms are large, well lighted and well ventilated, and accommo- dations are provided for both boarding and day pupils. The purpose of the school is to furnish the girls a liberal education while giving special attention to conduct and health. The school embraces four departments: The Kindergarten, Primary, Intermediate and Classical, the latter including the studies of the usual curriculum in higher institutions of learning. A well-selected librar}^ and suitable apparatus are among its equipments. The present teachers are : Miss L. M. Phelps, Mental and Moral Philosophy and Logic ; Miss B. H. Hall, Mathematics, History and Ehetoric; Miss Ellen Dewey, Drawing, Painting and Art Criticism; Miss Charlotte E. Parmele, Primary Department; Miss Elizabeth Kindergarten ; J. D. H. McKinley, Latin, Greek and Mathematics; Miss Catharine Preston, Latin and English Literature; F. W. Blake, M. D., Physical Science; Miss Anna Petersen, French Language and Literature; Miss Zaide Von Briesen, German Language and Literature; Miss Mary Shattuck, Elocution and Physical Culture; Mrs. Emma Lathrop-Lewis, Vocal Music; Professor Hermann Ebeling, Instrumental and Class Music; Professor Hermann Schmidt, Instrumental Music. The Columbus Latin School was opened under the name of a Preparatory School for Boys in the full of 1888 in a building on the corner of Fourth and State streets, by Charles A. Moore, a graduate of Yale College. During the first year twentythree pupils were received. Mr. Moore having accepted a tutorship at Yale, Mr. Frank T. Cole, a graduate of Williams College, took charge of the school in the fall of 1889 and removed it to East Town Street, where it has since been con- ducted under the name above given. Professor Amasa Pratt, also a graduate of Williams College, became associated with Mr. Cole in the management of the school, the object of which is to prepare boys for college. The ancient and modern languages are embraced in the course of instruction. During the last two years 30 History of the City of Columbus. the school has had an average attendance of fort}'; its graduates thus far number eighteen. It has a boarding department, but depends chiefly on the city for its patronage. The city being an important commercial and manufacturing center, it has given rise to numerous business colleges, many of them of high standing. The Columbus Business College, established in 1864, prospered for twentyfive years. The Capital City Commercial College, established in 1878, continued in operation eleven years. These two schools were consolidated in 1889 under the name of the Columbus Commercial College, which was discontinued in 1891. The National Business College, established in April, 1889, by H. B. Parsons, is located in the Sessions Block, and instructs classes both day and evening. The Columbus Business College, now managed by W. H. Hudson, on North High Street, was established about seven years ago. Yarnell's Business College, also on High Street, gives special attention to bookkeeping. A school of penmanship was established in 1888 by C. P. Zaner. A school in stenography and typewriting is now conducted in the Wesley Block by Professor W. H. Hartsough. Several kindergartens are sustained as individual enterprises; others which are free are maintained in different parts of the cit}' by the Woman's Educational and Industrial Union, of which, at present, Mrs. J. N. Dunham is President and Mrs. F. C. Maxwell, Secretary. These fi"ee kindergartens are intended for children under school age, and especially those whose parents are unable to send them to the subscription schools. The Union also maintains at its central build- ing on the corner of Oak and Fourth streets, a training school for preparing teachers in kindergarten work. CHAPTER XXX. THE SCHOOLS. II. BY JAMES U. BARNHILL, M. D. Pvhlir Schools. District School Maruujcmcnt, 182(j to 1H38. — In keeping with the enlightened sentiment of the famous educational compact the pioneer settlers of Franklinton and Columbus provided fair school privileges for their children. Before revenues from the land grants were realized or general school laws enacted, private schools and means of education had been ver}^ generously encouraged. In the very infancy of the town of Columbus its founders had constructed a school- house for the benefit of the community. In 1820 a school company formed by leading citizens for the extension of school facilities erected an academy, organized a school and otherwise aroused public interest in education. An academy on the west side and a classical school and the academy on the east side of the river had been liberall}^ patronized. A great many subscription schools had been main- tained. Some of the teachers were college graduates and the leading spirits of tlie community were men of learning. The general sentiment seems to have been in favor of popular education, but there were very naturally differences of opinion as to the best modes of securing it. Lucas Sullivant and Orris Parish were among the incorporators of the Worthington College. They with other proniinent citizens had taken an active interest in securing efficient legislation for the maintenance of schools. Not only had schools been encouraged but the claims of moral instruc- tion had not been disregarded. The church and school were planted side by side and fostered as cardinal interests. The schools were frequentl}" conducted in church buildings and the New Testament was used as a textbook in reading. Eev. Dr. James Hoge, the founder of the first church and first Sunday school of the settlement, was a zealous friend of popular education, was identified with the efforts to promote its interests and greatly aided in molding the educational sentiment of the community. In January, 1822, Governor Allen Trimble appointed a board of commissioners in which Caleb Atwater, Eev. James Hoge, and Rev. John Collins were the active men, to report a system of common schools for Ohio, and although the system agreed upon by these commissioners was not adopted " they are entitled to grate- ful i-emembrance for what they did in awakening an interest upon which more was ficcomplished th^^n they deemed advisable to i-ecommend." They prepared the way 31 33' 1 History op the City op Columbus. for the enaclment of the Guilford law of 1825, which was the first general law for the support of schools in the State. On April 25, 1826, the Court of Common Pleas of this county appointed Eev. James Hoge, Rev. Henry Mathews and Doctor Charles H. Wetmore as the school examiners for the county. The examiners appointed by the court in 1828 were .Eev. James Hoge, Doctor Peleg Sisson and Bela Latham ; in 1829 Samuel Parsons, Mease Smith, P. B. Wilcox; in 1830 S. W. Ladd, E. Tute, E. W. Cawley and Doc- tor C. H. Wetmore; in 1832 Isaac N. Whiting, Eev. W. Preston and Isaac Hoge, Cyrus Parker being at the same time appointed examiner of female teachers ; in 1834, John VV. Ladd, Erastus Burr, Eev. James Hoge, Eev. W^illiam Preston, Eev, George Jeffries, William 8. Sullivant, Jacob Grubb, Doctor A. Chapman, W. H, Eichardson, Jacob Gander, Eev. Ebenezer Washburn and Timothy Lee; in 1835 J. C. Brodrick, W. T. Martin, Joseph Sullivant, Jacob Grubb and M. J. Gilbert; in 1836 David Swickard, James Williams, Joseph Moore, Henry Alden, J. E. Eodgers, Cyrus S. Hyde, David Smith, and Arnold Clapp. Among the first teachers to receive certificates were Joseph P. Smith, W. P. Meacham, C. W. Lewis, Eli Wall, H. N. Hubbell, Nancy Squires, John Starr, Eobert Ware, J. Waldo, George Black, Kate Eeese, Margaret Livingston, Cyrus Parker, Lucas Ball and Ira Wilcox of Montgomery Township ; Ezekiel Cui'tis, Caleb Davis, Phoebe Eandall and William T. Dcnson of Franklin Township; Lucy Wilson, Wil- liam Dunlev}', Priscilla Weaver, Isabella Green and F. J. Starr of Sharon ; Grace Pinny, John Sterrett and Benjamin Bell of Mifflin ; Flora Andrews, Emily Maynard and W. G. Harper of Clinton; Eachel Jameson, W. H.J. Miller, Pymela White, Hannah Calkins and S. Lucius of Blendon ; Joiin Scott and Daniel Wright of Plain; W.G.Graham, Mary Eoss, Samuel Gould and David Graham of Truro; Orange Davis and Jacob Keller of Norwich; Peter Sharp, J. M. Cherry and T. J. Howard of Madison ; Frederick Cole, JinUs Wail, O. Eisby and Isaac Lewis of Pleasant ; C. S. Sharp, Henrietta Christie, J. W. Maynard and D. Benton of Hamilton; John Juds of Jackson ; J. K. Lewis, Jacob Feltner, T. Kilpatrick, Joseph Ferris and Jacob Kilbourne of Perry ; Peter Mills and Willis Spencer of Jefferson. All of these taught in their respective townshi})s prior to December 31, 1829, and for such service were paid by the County Treasurer. Franklin Townshij) was divided on May 10, 1826, b}' its trustees into five full dis- tricts, of wliich the second and third included the town of Franklinton, which con- tained at that time about sixtyfive houses and three hundred and fiftysevcn inhabitants. The boundary of District Number Two was thus described : " Com- mencini,' at tiie Scioto Eiver where the road leading from Newark to Springfield (West Broad Street) ci'osses it, then along said road to the west line of the town- shij), thence northerly with the township line to the northwest corner of the township, thence down said river to the ])lace of beginning." The householders of this district were Joseph Grate, Eeuben Golleday, Nanc}' Park, Sarah Jameson, Lewis Eisley, Joseph Davidson, Polly Perrin, Homer L. Thrall, William Barger, Nathan Cole, Samuel Flemming, Jacob Eby, Henry Saunders, Jacob Grubb, Mrs. Sterling, Elisha Grada, Horace Walcott, Earl Frazel, Joseph K. Young, Edward Green, William Eoss, Williain Flemming, John Swisgood, .1. B. Menelc}', John The Schools. TI. 33 Fowler, Mrs. Haiiiuih Mciicley, Mrs. Broderick, Jucol) Keller, Esther Waldo, John Scott, Joseph Badger, Samuel Johnson, S. Wickson, William Scott, George Read, George Skidmore, Mrs. Marshall, A. Hopper, J. E. OJodown and Jennie Robinson; forty in all. District Number Three was thus bounded : '• Beginning with District Number Two, thence down the Scioto River to the line dividing I. Miners and Thomas Morehead's land, westwardly with said line until it intei'sects the Hillsborough Road, thence northeastwardly with said road until it intersects the road loading from Newark to Springfield, thence along with said road to the place of begin- ning." The householders in this district were Joseph Brackenrage, William Per- rin, Samuel Deardorf, Jacob Armitage, William Lusk, A. Brotherlin, John Robin- son, Ezekiel Pegg, Mr. Monroe, Samuel Scott, Jacob Runels, Mrs. Park, E. Curtis, William Domigan, Temperance Baccus, Mrs. Lord, Robert W. Riley, Mrs. Barr, Epkin Johnson, David Deardurff, Katharine Deardurff, Urias Perrin, Elias Pegg, Elizabeth Swan, William Wigdin, Lewis Williams, Thomas Reynolds, Arthur O'Harra, Isaac Miner, J. Ransburg, Andrew Jameson, John Mannering, Mrs. Rabourn, Cornelius Manning, Mrs. Bennett, Lewis Slaughter, Widovv Fanny; total thirtyseven. This list is certified in behalf of the trustees by Ezekiel Curtis, Town- ship Clerk. In the entire township there were one hundred and fortysix house- holders. The school directors were elected in the fall or winter of 182(5. In the following year Caleb Davis and Ezekiel Curtis were emploj'ed as teachers in the second and fifth districts respectively. Winchester Risley, William Badger, Samuel Deardurff and Horace Wolcutt were among the earliest directors in the Franklinton districts. The amount of school funds appropriated to the second and third districts respectively for the 3'ear 1826 was $9,845 and $9,107; for 1827 $9.52 and $8.29; for 1828 $10.48 and $11.53. From the levy of five mills for school purposes in 1826 Franklin Township received $35.86, Montgomery Township $162.31, Hamilton $61.04, Truro $17.75, Jefferson $10.63, Plain $9.68, Mifflin $16.27, Clinton $27.73, Perry $22.80, Sharon $42.62, Norwich $15.18, Blendun $22.96, Washington $10.02, Prairie $12.58, Pleasant $17.43, Jackson, $10.60. On July 26, 1828, that part of District Number Two lying west of the " Cattail Prairie and a line extending northerly to the river near the stone quarry" was set apart as District Number Seven. The householders of the Second District still numbered forty. Many had moved out of the district, while the following new names appeared: Fredom Bennett, Ambrose Canfield, John Robinson, Nathan Cole, Ignatius Wheeler, Peter Lisk, Wesley Srieves, Samuel Scott, William S. Sullivant, William Mitchell, John Hickman, William St. Clair and Israel Gale. The following new names appeared in the third district in 1828; Michael L. Sullivant, Griffin Miner, Levi Taylor, Abram Mettles, William Riley. Henry Saunders, Winchester Risley, Enos Henry, Benson Sprague, Rile}' Thacker, and Jane Brown. The total number of householders in the district was fbrtythi-ee. Montgomery Township was divided by its tj'ustees into school districts in the spring of 1826. According to William T. Martin the first school mooting foi- the district embracing the town plat of Columlms was hold pursuant to the act of 1825 at the old Presbyterian Church on Front Street November 21, 182(). Orris Parish 34 History of the City of Columbus. was chosen chairman and William T. Martin secretary; and Doctor Peleg Sisson, Rev. Charles Hinkle and William T. Martin were elected school directors. Soon afterwards a Mr. Smith was employed as teacher and a public school which continued about three months was organized. This teacher was probably Joseph P. Smith, who a short time before had been engaged in teaching a private school in the Academy on Fourth Street, and who, as the records show, taught during the fol- lowing year a public school in the fifth district. However, before the school funds for 1826 were distributed, the township had been divided into seven districts con- taining respectively 29, 59, 27, 36, 34, 59 and 24 householders. The total number FR.\NKI,1NT0.\ SCHOOL. of householders in the township in 1826 was 268, about two hundred of whom rcsiiled in the town. The distribution of the school funds to the districts for 1826, as entered on the Count}' Auditor's books, was as follows : First District 817.416, second $35,365, third §18.170, fourth $21,644, fifth $20,505, sixth $35,150, seventh $14,063; total $162,313. The following additional entries appear : "March 31,1827. The Trustees of Montgomer}' Township met and new-districted the township for school pui'poses as follows, to wit: FirPt District to be composed of all that part of the town of Columbus and township of Montgomery lyinj; north of Lonji Street in said town and as far eastward as the eastern extremity of the outlets of said town [line of East Public LaueJ; householders, John Van- The Schools. II. ^>5 Voorst, John Brickell, Stephen Robinson, John Doherty, David Jones, Margaret Johnston, Benjamin Piatt, H. Rochester, Abraham Jayoox, Samuel Cady, Jonathan Fuller, Thomas Dawson, John Hamm, John Jackson, John Jones, John Loutharos, James Dean, Joseph Gamble, Bela Latham, Thomas Tipton, Solomon Miller, Elizabeth Sparks, Thomas Robins, Gustavus Swan, G. Leightenaker, William Gimpson. Martin Baringer, Sarah Philips, Thomas Locket, Samuel Ayres, James Wood, Jane Lusk, John Thomas, Elizabeth Zinn. Total thirty- four. [The Clerk says this should be tiftyfour. The estimated number of children in the district from five to fifteen years of age was sixtyone.] ' Second District, to be composed of all that part of the town of Columbus lying between Long and State streets ; householders, R. Pollock, D. Rathbone, Henry Brown, Charles Knoderer, G. B. Harvey, Cyntha Vance, Jarvis Pike, D. W.Desbler, Orris Parish, R. Osborn, R. Armstrong, Mary Kerr, Mary Justice, Jacob Elmore, E. Browning, Thomas Johnston, Thomas Martin, Edward Davis, John Young, John Marcy, R. M. McCoy, J. McLene, John Loughry, James Hoge, William Doherty, Mrs. Miller, William Latham, Joseph Ridgway, Samuel Crosby, John Jones, (tailor), Elizabeth Culbertson, David Lawson, James Coudson, Benjamin Henly, William Montgomery, Mary Peoples, Mrs. Adams, James Robinson (teacher), Robert Dawson, William Waite, Henry Hawkin, Hiram Plate, A. J. McDowell, John Cunning, M. Smith, E. Herrington, P. B. Wilcox, Theodore Nealy, Samuel Leonard, Ebenezer Butler ; fiftyone. Estimated to contain sixtynine children from five to fifteen. Third District to be composed of all that part of the town of Columbus lying between State and Town streets, including the white bouse at the end of Town Street ; householders, R. Rupill, P. M. Olmsted, James Robinson, R. Brotherton, F. Stewart, L. Reynolds, William Long, David Smith, Joseph Jameson, Henry Farnum, Joseph Leiby, C. Fay, L. Goodale, William Armstrong, J. Neereamer, J. M. Walcutt, Otis Crosby, R. Lalaker, George McCor- mick, Abraham Raney, Mrs. Lanford, Elijah Cooper, M. Northrup, Joel Buttles, Mrs. Tumey, Ed. Phenix, George Riardon, M. Gooden, Joseph P. Smith, John Wilson ; thirty. Estimated to contain fiftyfour children from five to fifteen. Fourth District, to be composed of all that part of the town of Columbus lying between Town and Rich streets ; householders, Alex. Patton, William K. Lawson, J. C. Brodrick, John Greenwood, Peter Putnam, John Kilbourn, Jeremiah Armstrong, William Madison, John Whitsel, Nathan Soals, David Brooks, A. Benfield, J. Vorys, A. Backus, Benjamin Sells, John M. Edmiston, Gibbs Greenham, Samuel Barr, C. Lofland, Margaret Wherry, William Altman, M. Matthews, Jacob Overdear, John Stearns, Thomas Wood, Henry Butler, James Bryden, Amos Jenkins, Samuel Parsons, James Harris, John Wise, Conrad Notestone, Mrs. Powers, Jennet Vanderburgh, James Uncles, John Boiland, Hamilton Robb ; thirty- seven. Estimated to contain sixtyseven children from five to fifteen. Fifth District, to be composed of all that part of the town of Columbus lying between Rich and Friend streets; householders, John McElvain, James Cherry, Peleg Sisson, John Kelly, Ira B. Henderson, Mary Nichols, William John, J. W. Flinniken, John Emmick, C. Heyl, John Warner, Conrad Heyl, Peter Sells, George Nashee, Dennis Faris, Amos Menely, Jacob Hare, Aaron Mathes, William St. Clair, John D. Hodgkins, John Robinson, Samuel Gelin, William T. Martin, Mrs. Wynkorp, John B. Compston, Moses Jewett, Thomas Piper, John John, William McElvain, Elizabeth Strain, H. S High, Sarah Stahl, Moses R. Spingien, William Thrall, Mrs. Wright ; thirtyfive. Estimated to contain sixtyfive children from five to fifteen. Sixth District, to be composed of all that part of the town of Columbus and of the town- ships of Montgomery as lies south of Friend Street, and as far eastward as the eastern extremity of the outlots excepting, however, such territory and families as have been attached to Hamilton Township for the formation of a school district from a part of each township ; householders, Matthias Kenney, David Gibson, Caleb Houston, John McLoughlin, Ebenezer Thomas, N. W. Smith, Jesse K. Nixon, Mrs. I^ooth, Joseph McElvain, Jo.soph O'Harra, Arthur O'Harra, Nathaniel McLean, Purdy McElvain, Christian Cruin, Thomas Bryson, ■ ^^> iiisT(»Ry OF THE City of Columbus. Hiram Barret, Andrew Wood, James Pierce, John Scott, William Parker, Jacob Shier, James Parish, George Dolten, Philip Boreman, Peter Yarnel, Hugh McMaster, James Young, William Young, Thomas Webb, Jacob (ioodhen, Adam Kerns, John Cutter, Richard Fluig, Samuel Price, Brincklej' Daniels, Robert Williams, James Brown, George Eastwood, Mrs. Huster, Thomas Carpenter, Elijah Tolle, Alphan Tolle, Walter Vanhorne, Henry Jewett, - Colbert Stewart, Mrs. Putnam, Jacob Robinson, John Miller, Thomas Jones, Nathaniel Turner, Anson Smith, George JefFeries, L. Sharp, Nathaniel Powers, Gilbert Jewett, Jacob Leaf, David Shead, John D. Rose, Elijah Glover, Gardiner Bowen, Jonathan Farrer, Edwin Burnley, Henry May, David Bowen, Charles Hinkle, Julius G. Godman ; sixtysix. Esti- mated to contain eightyeight children from five to fifteen. Seventh District, to be composed of the Alum Creek settlement including all that part of the township not already inckuled in any of the foregoing districts ; householders, Alexander Mooberry, Thomas Hamilton, Sarah Ross, George Turner, William Turner, Elizabeth Kooser, C. L. White, Daniel Boothe, William Shaw, David Nelson, Junior, John Lewis, John Barr, John Wallace, John White, Catharine Vining, George White, Frederick Otstott, Robert Barrett, Edward Livingston, William White, John Moobery, Isaac Taylor, Harvey Adams; twentyfour. Number of children not returned A correct extract from the township record. W. T. Martin, Township Clerk. According to this report the six districts embracing Columbus contained two hundred and seventy three householders an(J four hundred and five children from five to fifteen years of age. On October 4, 1832, the first district, containing 180 school children, was divided, on petition of Augustus Piatt, John Starr and others, into two districts, the part east of High Street and the new turnpike to remain district number one and the western part to be renumbered as district number eleven. At a called meeting the inhabitants of the sixth district petitioned the township trustees to divide their district, as it was " much too large for an}' common school," and on October 4, 1832, it was divided and renumbered so that the portion south of Friend Street and east of High should remain district number six ; the portion west of High and north of South (Fulton) Street, extending west with the section line to the river, should be numbered twelve ; and the portion lying south of South Street and west of High should be numbered thirteen. On October 23, 1833, the northern portion of the first and eleventh districts, the dividing line between which was the north corporation line, then Naghten Street, was desig- nated as district number fourteen, the portion of these districts between Long Street and the corporation line remaining as district number one. On March 7, 1838, Columbus became by legislative enactment a separate school district, to which, by consent of the district, the townshij) trustees, on October 13, 1838, attached all tlie territory within the following boundaries : Beginning at the Scioto River on ti)e southwest corner of Henry Brown's land, half-section twentynine, and running east on Moler Jload to the east line of said section, thence north to the south line of halfsection number thirty, thence east to the east line of said halfsection, thence north on a line of the said halfsection continued to a point half a mile north of North Public Lane to the Whetstone Eiver, thence with the raeanderings of the Whetstone and the Scioto to the place of beginning. This dis- trict, comprising the whole town plat and part of the township, and embracing five and twotenths square miles, was divided by the directors into subdistricts in The Schools. II. '27 such a maimer "as best to nieol the needs oC the inhahitants." The disli-ic.l was bntsliu-htly altered until February 5, 1845, when l>y a specinl act of the legislature, the cori>orate limits of the cit}^ became again its boundaries as they have since remained, except that certain territory within the city limits has occasionally been attached to the district for school purposes. In 1856 the school district extended south to Kossuth Street, east to East Public Lane (Parsons Avenue), north to North Public Lane and the Johnstown Plank Road, and on the west to the (Jolum- bus Feeder, the river and Penns^dvania Avenue. In Franklinton the boundaries of the districts remained about as oi-iginally described for thirtythree years. To entitle the third district as well as as the second to the use of the old Courthouse for school purposes, the dividing line was fixed on April 18, 1853, as follows: "Commencing at the centre of the National Road where the same crosses the Scioto River, westward to a stake directly south of the west side of the south door of the Old Courthouse, then embracing the entrance to, and upstairs, and all the upper story of said building and onehalf of the courthouse lot, then from said stake westward to the line between the Ranee and Stevenson survey, near the twomile stone. The southern boundary of the third district was the Columbus and Harrisburg Road. On September 10, 185S, subdistricts numbers two and three were united and designated sulidistrict number two. On December 5, 1870, the corporation line was extended westward with the Scioto River to Darby Street, thence south along that street to the Harrisburg Pike, and thence eastw^ard to the river, including most of the Franklinton Dis- trict, while the remainder of it was attached to the city for school purposes. Division of the history of the public schools of Columbus into periods ma}' be made as follows: 1, From 1826 to March 7, 1838, twelve years, during which the schools were under township district management under the law of 1825 ; 2, from the end of the first period until February 5, 1845, seven years, during which time Columbus was a separate school district under the law of 1838 ; 3, from the end of the second period until May 1, 1873, twentyeight years, Columbus being during that time a city school district under the law of 1845 and subsequent local legisla- tion ; 4, irom the end of the third period until the present time, eighteen years, during which the schools have been conducted under general laws, Columbus being a "city district of the first class." Franklinton was divided into two districts from 1826 to 1858, and was included in one district from that time until 1870, when its identity was lost in the capital city which had absorbed it. Prior to 1830 the school funds remained in the hands of the County Treasurer and were paid out only on the order of the Auditor; hence the records of these officials show the amount of school money raised, the dividends to the several districts and the names of the teachers employed up to that time. During the remainder of the first period the school money passed through the hands of district treasurers, and during the second period the Township Treasurer was custodian of the school fund. In the spring of 1827 school directors were elected in several districts and schools were organized. Among the first directors chosen were William T. Martin, Doctor Peleg Sisson, David Smith, Otis Crosby, William Long, D. W. Deshler, Orris Parish, Andrew Backus, Rev. Charles Hinkle, Thomas Carpenter and Joseph 38- , History of the City of Columbus. Hunter. The pioneer teachers of the public schools were Joseph P. Smith, W. P. Meacham, C. W. Lewis, Caleb Davis, Eli Wall and H. N. Hubbell. After the new districts had been formed the directors chosen in the fifth district, between Eich and Main streets, were Peleg Sisson, William T. Martin and James Cherry, two of whom had been directors in the previous year. They employed Joseph P. Smith as teacher. The time of his service is not given, but the following transcript from the Auditor's journal shows part of his salary: "June 7, 1827. Paid Joseph P. Smith in part for his services as school teacher in the fifth district of Montgomerj^ Township as per voucher No. 520, $19,625." This account was paid by the County Treasui-er June 16, 1827. It is the first item of expenditure for school purposes found in the records of the County Auditor and Treasurer. The second teacher to draw a salarj' was W. P. Meacham, who taught in the district south of Friend, now Main Street, probably in the hewed log schoolhouse on Mound Street. The record runs: "June 30, 1827, paid W. P. Meacham as schoolteacher in district No. 6, of Montgomery Township, $34.00." In the fourth district, between Town and Eich streets, Andrew Backus was one of the first directors and C. W. Lewis was employed as teacher. A record of payment to Mr. Lewis from the public funds reads: "Julj- 4, 1827. Montgonery Township, To Paid C. W. Lewis as schoolteacher in district No. 4, $21,644." According to this record Caleb Davis was the first teacher to receive public money for his services in Franklinton, as appears by the following entry : "August the 12, 1827. Paid Caleb Davis as school teacher in district Number two, Franklin Township, $9,845." Mr. Davis probably taught in the Sullivant log schoolhouse, as that was the only building in the village at that time exclusively devoted to the use of schools. The second district paid its first dividend of school money to Eli Wall. The record reads : " September the 8, 1827. Montgomery Township, To Paid Eli Wall as school teacher in district No. 2 $35,365,' which was a fair salary at that day for a service of three months as teacher. The school directors of the third district — Otis Crosby, David Smith and William Long — who had bought the old academy on Fourth Street " for the sole use of the inhabitants of the said school district for the use and support of a school therein according to the statute passed Januar}^ the 30, 1827, respecting common schools," employed Horatio N. Hubbell, afterward first superintendent of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, to teach a common school, concerning which service we find the following record : "October 11, 1827. Montgomery Town- ship, To Paid H. N. Hubbell as school teacher in District No. 3 in said township in full of all money due said district as per voucher No. 198, $18.17." The Mr. Smith who was employed in November, 1826, may have been paid out of school money which came into the hands of the Township Trustees for the School Directors as rents froni the section of school lands, and would not therefore appear in the county records. Some of these first teachers are known to have been men of education and ability who distinguished themselves in later years. The names of the directors are a suflScient guaranty that the school funds were wisely used. As to the respectable character of tiie teachers emj)loyed and the liberal public TiiK Schools. II. 39 sentiment wliicli prevailed witli reH])ect to education, we have the tollowino- testi- monial in tlu^ Ohii) Sfiifc Joiininl o^ A.\)y\\ 19, 1827: This town has been laid off into school districts and teachers of respectability have been employed. Onr citizens seem disposed to give the system a fair experiment, and if found deficient, endeavor to obtain such amendment as will remedy any defe(;ts that may at present exist in the laws upon the subject. One of the first acts of the dii-ectors of the third district — the territory between State and Town streets — was to purchase the academy on Fourth Street for school purposes. This historic building, the first school property acquired by the town, or any part of it, was purchased nineteen days after the organization of the district. The instrument of conveyance of this property reads as follows: John Cunning to Schowl Directors. This indenture made this nineteenth day of April, A. D. 1S27, between John Cunning of Franklin County State of Ohio of the one part, and Otis Ciosby, David Smith and William Lotig as school directors of school district No. '.\ in the township of Montgomery, and county aforesaid of the second part, witnesseth that the said John Cunning for and in consideration of the sum of thirty dollars to him in hand paid by said school directors hath and does hereby sell and convey infeoff unto the said school directors and their successors in office an inlot in the town of Columbus in the County of Franklin numbered on the town plat of said town six hunclreil and twenty to have and hold Siud inlot with tlie appurtinences unto said Otis Crosby, David Smith and William Longasschool directors as aforesaid and unto their successors in said office for the sole use of the inhabitants of said school district for the use and support of a school therein ect, according to the statute passed January 80, 1827, respecting common schools. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the ay the tuition of (diildren whose parents or guardians were uiuible to pay tlie tuition fee; butas the ne\vspaj)er files show, there was from the first a strong opposition to this misapplication of the school fund. In either case, however, the fund was used to provide free instruction to school 3'outh. Assuming that the wages of male teachers was at that time fifteen dollars per month, and the average attendance in these schools fift}^ this amount of money TWENTYTIIIKD STKliET SCHOOL. would have provided one quarter's schooling to one hundred and fortyone children ; or, if simply used to ))ay the usual tuition fee of S2.50 per quarter, it would have provided free instruction to fiftyono school youth, or more than oneseventh of all the children of the districts between the ages of five and fifteen. The school money collected and ai)portioned to the districts of Montgomeiy Township under the levy of 182G amounted to sixty cents and five mills to each householder, or about fortyone cents for each child between the ages of tive and fifteen years. The dividends apportioned to the same district for the year 1827 amounted to fiftyone cents and three mills for each householder. The dividends for 1828 were $31.06, TiiK Schools. II. 41 $16.56, $10.85, $19.32, $19.31, $35.7(5 ; for 1S29, $47.03, $40.80, $27.24, $33.60, $31.78, $59.93. In 1880 the first ,^^ ^^^_^^^ ^^^^.,„^, ,,„ ,„,„,,„, note ihat while llie &uiie .a. FIFTH AVENUE SCHOOL 8c'„.ol levjMl.e levy U>v "'7 :'^^;^" X the third district for that year wa generally sa,„.orted. The scho 1 7;y„„„^, ,„,„;„,» „ft,,e Frank,i„ton d.tr.et $103.72, or Jl.lU lo'' ^»"^h seholai. ^ History (»f the City of Columbus. during the ensuing seven years averaged S181.90. Caleb Davis, Ezekiel Curtis and William Lusk were the first teachers in the public schools of Franklinton, the earlier schools of which were probably held in the log schoolhouse already described, as it was still used for such purposes in the thirties. In 1837 William Caldwell and J. D. Perrin were directors, and A. Cole clerk of the second district. The clerks report for that year shows as follows: Male children of school age, fifty: female, fortyeight: public schools, one: private, two ; public school kept two months: private schools twelve ; forty public and thirty- five private school scholars; fortysix male and fortyfour female scholars in attend- ance more than two months : paid .public school teacher -378 ; paid private school teachers 8150.00: amount of school tax, 837.30. The studies pursued were read- ing, writing, arithmetic, spelling, geography and grammar. John Perrin, William H. Stevenson and Elias K. Dearduiif were the directors and J. Caldwell the clerk of the third district in 1837. ^N^o public school was kept in the district during that year, but the sum of 8302.88 was paid to the teachers of two subscription schools. A male and a female teacher were employed. The number of scholars in usual attendance was seventytwo. The textbooks were usually selected by the teachers. The amount of school tax was 831.13; studies, reading, writing, arithmetic. Since 1840 the school funds have been suflBcient to provide schools to all who apply for admi.s.si<»n. Fur many years the old Courthouse was used for public schools, the second district occupying the lower story and the third the upper one. The following persons served as school directors in Franklinton : Arnold Clapp, 1853, two years: Michael L. Sullivant, 1853, six years; A. Hall, 1855, five years; P. X. White, 1855, two years; T. J. Kerr, 1857, two years; J. D. Couden, 1858, two years; A. O'Harra, 1860, two years; F. Mull, 1863, six years ; M. 8. Hunter, 1864, four years ; H. B. Deardurff, 1867, three years. In 1853 the .schools of Frank- linton were maintained seven months, and 8315.00 was levie, by the way, generally have nothing to cover their nakcdnes.s but dirt and a short piece of dirty linen) The Schools. II. 47 reared like stock on a farm." Witliin the .^ame year a resident of tiie city recorded his observations thus: " There are amongst our old citizens, permit me to sa)', as much order, temperance and morality as can be found amongst the same population anywhere. AVe have abroad the reputation of being a plodding, industrious, sober, hospitable and going-to-meeting people; but there are many children growing up amongst us whose parents entirely neglect their education. They are wholly illiterate and enjoy at home neitlier the benefit of precept or example which ought to be imitated. Youlh nightly infest our streets with riot and din, accompanied with the most shocking profanil}-. What few schools we have are for the most part left to themselves and their teachers to manage their pupils in their own way. Teachers see to the moral.s of the little ones entrusted to them no further than the hour.s of exercise, and even then sometimes suffer a state of insubordination wholly inconsistent with improvement.' On returning from a tour through the State in 1838, the Superintendent of Schools remarked : " The spirit of the people in favor of schools amounts almost to enthusiasm. ' May Heaven speed the cause of common schools," has been the prayer of many hundreds as the}' hid me farewell. Heaven has heard and is answering the pra3'er. " The drift of sentiment, however, was still in favor of private schools. The interest in " seminaries "' and " institutes " far exceeded that in the common schools. The advanced studies of these independent institutions, their high sounding names, their respectable buildings and their chartered privileges gave them a decided advantage over the public schools which professed to teach only the com- mon branohes. A spirit of exclusiveness also tended to foster the private and retard the jjrogress of tlie free schools, w^hile the selfish motives of private instruct- ors very naturally led them to o])pose a S3'stem of free education. The critics of the public schools further sought to bring them into disrepute by calling them pauper schools. Nevertheless, with the low school levy from 1826 to 1838, the i-esults achieved in Columbus compare favorably with those of any other town in the State. The chief cause of the unpopularity of the common schools was tlie insufficiency of funds to make them in all respects good. Schools maintained only three months a year, in wretchedly inadequate apartments, overcrowded by chil- dren who had no other educational advantages, would naturally be disliked by ]»eoplc who were able to patronize the private institutions. There seems to have been no oj)position in Columbus to the principle of taxation fbi" school j)urj)08es. Within two months after the enactment of the law of 1838, which increased the levy for school purposes fourfold, the leading citizens of the town held public meetings to devise the best means of " securing uniformity of action and the greatest possible benefits under its provisions."' This indicated a wholesome senti- ment in favor of the free school s^'stem. Columbus deserves credit for the impulse that was given to the cause of popular education in 1837, and also for assistance rendered in securing the wise scIkjoI legis- lation of 1838. Alfred Kelley, Eej)rese!itativo of Franklin County in the General Assembly, who was Irom the tii'sl a warm friend of the jiublic sehool sy.->tem, in January, ISiiT, introduced a resolution in the House instructing the standing Committee on Schools to inquire into the expediency of creating the office of .State 48 History of the City of Columbus. Superintendent of Common Schools. As a result of tliis movement, on March 30, 1837, Samuel Lewis became the first incumbent of that office. By his efficiency and general interest and activity in the cause of education, Mr. Lewis awakened popular interest in that cause and secured legislation for its benefit. His travels over the State within the first year after his appointment amounted to over twelve hundred miles, and were chiefly made on horseback, the streams which he encountered being often crossed by swimming or rafting. He visited forty towns and three hundred schools, urging upon school officers "augmented interest, upon parents more liberal and more active cooperation and upon teachers a higher standard of morals and qualification." In his report to the legislature lie repre- sented that the spirit of the pe<)})le from the humblest cabin to the most splendid mansion was in favor of schools, mothers and fathers especially speaking of the education of their children with the utmost zeal ; that where the schools were free to rich and poor alike the}' flourish best. He recommended the cTeatit)n of a State school fund, the establishment of school libraries, the publication of a school journal and pro])er care of the school lands. He desired that school officers should make reports and was authorized to call upon county auditors for information. The General Assembly to which the Superintendent addressed himself was distinguished for its ability. In the Senate were Benjamin F. Wade, David A. Starkweather and Leicester King; in the House, Seabur}- Ford, William Medill, Alfred Kelley, William B. Thrall, William Trevitt, John A. Foote, Otway Curry, Nelson Barrere and James J. Faran. The clerks of the Columbus and Franklin- ton districts made the reports called for to the County Auditor, in whose office tiiey are still on file. Some of these reports have been quoted in this history, but it would seem that that they did not reach the State Su])erintendent, as lie does not mention Franklin County as one of those which i-esponded to his call for information. The Superintendent was seconded in his efforts to secure improved school legislation by some of the leading public men of Columbus, notably by James Hoge, Alfred Kelley, Mathew Mathews, P. B. Wilcox and Smithson E. Wright. Meetings were held to arouse public interest and to carry out the provisions of the new school law. At one of these school meetings held April 27, 1838 — Joel Buttles, Chairman, and Smithson E. Wright, Secretary —a committee consisting of David W. Deshler, Mathew Mathews, John McElvain, William Hance, Joseph Kidgway, Junior, E. Bixby and P. B. Wilcox were appointed a committee to examine the new school law and inquire what steps were necessary to be taken under it to secure uniformity of action and the greatest possible benefit. This committee was instructed to report to an adjourned meeting the result of its inquiries and such suggestions as it might deem appropriate and useful. >Sr/iO()l Kramiiicrs, 1838 to 1845. — The school examiners during this period were: Warren Jenkins, 1839, one year; Noah H. Swayne, 1839, two years; William Smith, 1839; Mathew J. Gilbert, Lewis Heyl, Doctor A. Curtis, Rev. F. Cressy and Abiel Foster, Junior, 1840; Samuel T. Mills and Rev. H. L. Hitch- cock, 1842; James K. Sinse, 1843; Charles Jucksch and Smithson B.Wright, 1845. The Schools. II. 49 The passage of the law of March 7, 1838, marked a new era in the history of the schools. Cohuubus became, as an incorporated town, a separate school district over which the township trustees had no authorit}'. This g-ave it enlarged powers. Elected for three years, the directors were authorized not only to divide the district into subdistricts, but were authorized to establish sehools of different grades, and were directed to estimate the amount of money required additional to the dis- tributable funds " to provide at least six months good schooling to all the white unmarried youth in the district during the year ensuing." The separate school dis- trict, as created b}' law, comprised the incorporated territory of the town. Seven months later contiguous territorj^ was attached for school purposes. The manage- ment of the schools by a board of directors was under the general supervision of the corporate authority of the town, the town clerk being clerk of the school board. In 1838 twelve schools were maintained in the Columbus district, the amount of school funds being more than $3,000. Although power was given in 1839 to county commissioners to reduce the school levy, the amount of school taxes, as shown by the Auditors books, indicates that a fair assessment was maintained in Franklin Count}' during that time. The receipts for school purposes during seven years beginning with 1838-9, were, bj' years, respectively: $3,502.10; $3,182.00; $2,128.91 ; $2,081.79 ; $1,946.86 ; $2,212.82 ; $2,174.80 ; the average annual enumera- tion during this time being 1,645, and the average tax being one dollar and fifty cents per annum for each youth of school age. From 1838 to 1840 Colunibus was the battlefield upon which a great victory was won for the cause of popular education. The persuasive eloquence of Super- intendent Lewis was heard in the legislature and frequently in public meetings in behalf of education. Doctor W. H. McGuifey and Professor C. E. Stowe spoke on the same subject in the churches of tlie city. Eev. McGuffey preached on educa- tion in the Methodist Church on Sunday, August 26, 1838. At the Ohio Educa- tional Convention which met in Columbus on December 18, 1838, its Chairman, Rev. James Hoge, and its Secretary, Rev. F. R. Cres.sey, both of Columbus, took an active part in the deliberations, and Professoi's Smith and H. A. Moore, also of Columbus, read papers. The newspaj^ers of that day made frequent allusion to the cause of education, and did much to popularize the free school system. The increased interest in educational aftairs bore evidence to the active spirit of the new school law, which had stirred up the " whole commonwealth upon the subject of pojnilar education." On August 28, 1838, one of the Columbus pajjers said editorially: The people are becoming deeply interested in the subject. They see plainly that tlie .system of free common schools is, more than all other state legislation, calculated to secure to all equal privileges ; and since the people have taken this matter into their hands we may depend on its ultimate triumph. At an adjourned meeting of citizens held at the courtroom on Septembers, 1838, with P. B. Wilcox as Chairman and J. C. Brodrick as Secretary, a committee was api^ointed to ascertain the probable cost of a suitable lot and house and to recommend measures relative to the common schools for consideration at a sub- sequent meeting. Joseph llidgway was chairnian of this committee. Another 50 History of the Citv of Columbus. committee was appointed to "recommend three suitable persons as candidates for the office of school director of the city of Columbus "' at the " approaching annual school election to be holden on the tvventyfirst instant." Colonel Noble, of this com- mittee, reported the names of P. B. Wilcox, First Ward ; M. Mathews, Second Ward ; and Warren Jenkins, Third Ward. Consideration of this report was post- poned to an adjourned meeting in the Presbyterian Church September 11, at which Alfred Kelley presided and Superintendent Lewis was present. At this meet- ing Joseph Pidgway, Junior, in behalf of the committee on lots and schoolhouses, made an elaborate report which was accepted and in its main features endorsed at the annual school meeting. The committee expressed the belief that it would be necessary to make arrangements for accommodating during the current and com- ing year about eight hundred scholars, and suggested that the buildings should be large and commodious, having some pretension to architectural taste, " since the recollection of that house would be among the most familiar things in memory." The report continued : , Our halls for the administration of justice, our temples dedicated to the worship of the Almighty, are generally intended to display a taste and beauty in their designs and execu- tion to which we can refer with a proper feeling of pride and satisfaction. Should we not then feel as much solicitude to render the buildings which are intended for the education of our children worthy of a place amongst the public edifices toward which we might point with some little feeling of pride ? Is not this a matter of more deep and vital interest than any other winch can possibly command our attention ? Does not the earthly prosperity as well as the eternal welfare of our children depend wholly upon their education? It is important, then, to elevate the standard of morals for the rising generation; to instil into their nunds a love of the chaste and beautiful. Let us, then, begin by cultivating a taste for such things in early youth. Give them the planting of trees, and the cultivation of shrubs, of flowers, in a schoolhouse yard. Set before them forms of classical beauty. The committee recommended that a tax should be assessed, at the ensuing election for directors, sufficient to purchase a lot and build one schoolhouse. " The location of such a house," says the committee, "is a matter of little importance to any of our citizens, as the erection of the requisite number to accommodate all of our children must necessarily follow in the course of another year." The report proceeds to say : The committee recommend the erection of hut one house the present season in conse- (^luence of the great tax which would be entailed ujton us were we to build the required num- ber at tliis time It is probable also that our legislature, in the course of their next .session, will provide a funro- portion and should be siirmounteil by an appropriate cupola. One such huiiding would acconimodate from 250 to 'JSO scholars and w(! slufuld consecjuently re(iuire about three such houses for our present poj>ulation proviiled all the children can he sent to these schools. The committee consieiired in one of the eit^^ papers Mareh 22, 1839, illustrates tlic eilucational spirit of the coinmunit}" : It is not generally known in other parts of this State that there are now twelve teachers employed in the common schools of this city, and that the schools are free and conducted as nearly upon the plan of the Cincinnati schools as they can be until we have ourschoolhouses built, the schools being taught now in rented rooms and, of course, subject to great inconven- ience. There are now in daily attendance in these schools more than four hundred scholars, many of whom but for these institutions would not have the means of instruction, while children of the most intelligent and worthy citizens of the place are found in the same room and in the same classes ; and the progress of the pupils generally would do credit to any town in the State. I speak advisedly when I say that some of the common schools of Columbus, both male and female, are as good for the branches taught as the best private or select schools ; and the whole number will bear a fair comparison with any other equal number of schools of the same grade. These things are stated as facts, and they reflect no small share of credit on the members of the present Board of Directors, who have had the chief labor and direction in introducing so much order and advancing the schools so far in the short time since the work was begun. It is said that the public funds are now sufficient, without increasing the school tax, to keep a free school for all the children the year round, if it were not for the expense of renting school rooms which has hitherto been necessarily paid out of the tuition fund. The city has, by a vote of the people, purchased three handsome schoolbouse lots and levied a tax of $3,500 to pay for the same. Shall these lots remain unimproved and at the same time the city be taxed $600 per year for room rent for the miserable accommodations now furnished in the rented rooms, or shall the people borrow money enough to build at once the three schoolhouses that are required to accommodate the children ? The interest on the loan will not exceed the amount now paid for rent; the expense must be borne by the city and will be the same either way. Will not the parents of four hundred youth now in these schools, as well as all others who have the prosperity of the city at heart, take hold of this subject and secure convenient accommodations for their offspring? Will they suffer the children to contract disease and death by confinement to unhealthy rooms and seats when they have the right and power to secure good rooms and seats? While the State is expend- ing millions here for the accommodations of her legislature and olher public bodies shall there be no attention paid to the people's colleges ? Where are the patriotic females that sus- tained a charity school when there was no other sufficient provision to include the poor ? It will take less effort on their part to procure the erection of three good common school houses with four rooms each than it took them to sustain the charity schools for a few. Is the whole of less importance than a part, or are you unwilling to have the poor sit with the rich ? The very suggestion, if made in earnest, you would consider an insult. Let us all then take hold of this work, and by taking the only step now required, place Columbus on tbe most elevated ground in reference to common school advantages. It is not improbable that the author of this letter, V7 ho signs himself "M.," was Kev. Mathevi^ Mathews from whom we have elsewhere quoted, but whether it was from this warm friend of the common schools or not it is evidently the testi- mony of an intelligent and public spirited citizen. In November, 1840, the Directors made arrangements to open an evening school in the Eight Buildings for the benefit of sucli white male youth as could not attend a day school. Arithmetic, bookkeeping, geography and other useful branches were taught; the school was under the care of Messrs. Soyer and Covert. Each pupil furnished his own light; in other respects the instruction was free. The Directors also maintained a night school in the middle ward. The Schools. II. •53 In September, 1841, Jjuues (Mieny, P. 15. Wilcox mu-I Pclcg Sisson were chosen School Directors lor the term of three ye.irs. The niinual report of the directors of tlie common schools of (;olnml)iis for the year 1S|2 shows tlic followini,^ facts: Since hist i)rcvioiis rcpoiM, dated Sciilcmhcr 17, 1S41, thirteen common schools were kept until the fiiiuls were exhausted ; one of these was German ; five were taught by male and eight by female teachers; spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic. geogra})hy and other English hranches were taught, aiuonling to the capacity of the chihircn ; the number of scholars varied from (500 to 750 ; pay of male teachers eighty and of female teachers fiity dollai-s jR-r (|u:irter; money SIEBKKT STIIEET SCHOOL. drawn since last report $2,677.38, viz. : For pay of male teachers $946.90, for pay of female teachers $1,144.47, for rent $409.00, for w^ood $45.37, for stoves and putting them up $50.50, for cutting wood and sundry e.Kpenaes $81.14. These dish unse- ments included a portion of the expenses for the preceding year; amount still due on schoolhouse lots purchased $500.00; no school money likely to be in the treasury until the following spring. According to this report, which was sub- mitted in behalf of the Directors by P. B. Wilcox and addressed to " the Clerk of School District in Columbus," five schools taught by male teachers were kept in operation seven months, and those taugiit by female teachers eight and a half 54 History of the City of Columbus. nioiitlis ol" lliat school year. There heiiig 1,59S childi-eii of Hchool aij^e in the ilistriet, forl3'eiicht |)ei' cent, oi' them were enrolled in the pnMic schools. On Decenibei' 2>>, 1S42, a niec1in<; of teachers and the friends of education was held at the ('overt Institute on Town Street and a teachers' association Ibr inijirovciuent of the schools and elevation of the profession of teaching was organized. The teachers who signed the call for this meeting were William Chapin, M. J. Gilbert, A. W. Penneman, W. H. Churchman, H. N. Hubbell, J. S. Brown, J. Covert and H. S. Gilbert. The association was maintained for many years. On April 1, 1843, fourteen schools were opened and in the course of the year an additional one was organized. Of the fifteen teachers employed three were males (one a German) and ten were females. The Directory of Columbus, published in 1843, states that " the schools and seminaries of learning" comprised fifteen district or free schools with over seven hundred scholars; a respectable academy for both sexes conducted l>y llev. John Covert ; a German Theological Seminary, and "some half ilozen small subscri[>tion common schools."' The first annual report of the Board of Education made pui'suant to the law of 1845 and signed b}^ Smithson E. Wright, Secretary, states that when the Board entered uj)on the discharge of its duties on April 7, 1845, there were in operation thirteen public schools, of which five were taught by male and eight b}- female teachers. Thus it a])pears that throughout the period from 1838 to 1845, which was one of financial depression and slow municipal growth, from twelve to fifteen common schools were maintained for twentyfour to thirtyone weeks per annum, and that the aggregate amount expended for school purposes during the period was $17,229.18. From 1836 the schools were graded into at least two departments, one for the primary and one for the advanced scholars. The primary schools were usually taught by female teachers, those for the larger and more advanced pupils by males. The number of teachers increased during the period from twelve to fifteen in 1843 and thirteen in 1845. Of 1,231 youth of school age in the district in 1838-9, six hundred, or fortyeight per cent., were enrolled in the public schools. In 1845 the enrollment comprised only fortjthree per cent, of the school enumeration. While the attendance in the public schools had not kept pace with the growth of the population, this was chiefly due to the lack of school accommodations. The schools were even at that time I'egarded as " established facts and not as experi- ments." Their defects were beginning to be regarded as results of mistaken man- agement rather than of the principles of the system. That the common school system possessed superior advantages as a plan for securing general education had become evident, and the conviction had been deeply rooted in the public mind that it was the duty of ever}- community to educate all its youth. Hence all publicspirited citizens anxiously anticipated such legislation as would secure practical imjtrovements in the management of the schools. In the autumn of 1844 juiblic meetings were held for the purpose of awakening public interest in education for securing such legislation as would insure better regulation of the schools and for raising money to erect school build- ings. This movement took shape in an effort to secure "union graded schools." Its leading spirits were Joseph liidgway, Alfred Kelley, P. B. Wilcox, James Tfik SriTooi.s. tl. 55 Clu'ri-v, Mathew Matliews and .1, 11. 'riioiiipson. On Deconibec 4, 1S44, Hon. .Joso])li Hi(li.\vjiy, Junior, IJepivHcnlative of Kraiilvlin County in tiio (Jeneral Assembly, introduced in the House a bill to i)rovide for the better regulation and support of the common schools of Columbus. This bill was endorsed by Hon. Alfred Kelley, then a member of the Senate, and became a law February 6, 1845. This statute, understood to have emanated from the pen of Joseph Ridgway, Junior, laid the foundation of our present public school ajstem and marked an important era in the educational progress of the city. Oiya/u'-dtion of the Schools under the Act of 1845.— ^;>;v7 15, 1845 to May 14, 1847.— At the annual election of city officers which took place April 7, 1845, William Long, P. B. Wilcox, James Cherry, H. F. Huntington, J. B. Thompson and Smithson E. Wright wore elected common school directors. This was done in pursuance of the act of Febi-uary IJ, 1S45. On April IS, they organized by appoint- ing William Long President, S. F. Wright Secretary and H. F. Huntington Treasurer. Those directors and their successors in office constituted a body politic and corporate in law by the name of the Board of Education of the Town of Colum- bus. It was decided by lot that the first two of the directors above named should serve for thi-ee years, the next two for two years and the last two for one year. At the same election a vote was taken, as required by law, on the question of levying a tax for erecting schoolhouses, and resulted in 404 votes in favor of the tax, 211 against it and 501 blanks. This unfortunate result indicated apathy rather than enmity in the public mind with reference to the needs of the public sdiools. The |)revious Board of Directors, \oytx\ to the interests of the schools, served until their successors were qualified and then turned over to them thirteen schools then in session, five of which were taught by male and ciirht by female teachers. These schools had enrolled 750 scholars. For the year 1844 5 the receipts forsehool purposes from all sources amounted to 12,174.81, of which sum |l,277.<*o was expended by the previous board ; of the remaine made (or the admission of scholars already loo fur iidvanced to be profited by the grammar schools, and it was perceived that unless instruction could be furnished to such it would be impossible to secure in behalf of the system the favor and cooiieration of many citizens and taxpa3'ers. On September 22, 1847, announcement was made in one of the daily papers that the Iligii School department of the ))ublic schools would be opened in the west room of the Middle Building on that date, and that in this apartment instruction would be given in the higher bjuglish branches, mathematics anart of the sehool ^^stem wuh earefull}^ deliherated by the Board. The eonehi.sions reached were : 1 . That such a department was nece.ssar}' in order to give the course of insti'uction its requisite conipleteueNs, .system and eiticienc}'^ and to enable it to meet public expectation ; 2, that the diflereiice in the average cost of tuition inclusive or exclusive of a High School was very trifling corajjared with the intlu- once and eflSciency imi)arted to the whole system by such a department; 3, that without sue!) a school the advanced scholars could not be properly iusti'ucted without neglecting the majority of the school ; 4, that thei'e was not a city in the Union with flourishing schools, which did not possess or contemplate such a depart- ment; and 5, that while more than a hundred towns and cities had established such a department, not one had abandoned it after trj'ing the experiment. 8uch are some of the considerations which induced the Board of Education to make the High School a ]»ei"manent part of the system, b}^ which step a more influential pati'onage was obtained. A systematic and consecutive course of study was prescribed. The required time for comj)leting the coui'se of study in the lower grades was from two to three years and in the High School four years. Pupils from five to seven years of age were assigned to the primary department; from seven to ten, to the secondary grade ; those over ten to the grammar grades, and those over twelve, who were prepared for it, to the High School, in which, during the year 1848, an English and classical course was arranged. The studies of the lower grades comprised exercises in elementary language sounds, spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic — mental and written — geography with globe and outline maps, and English gram- mar. In all the schools instruction was given in the meaning and use of words, the elements of geometry and in vocal music. The English course in the High School included the sciences and was fully equal to that of the best academies. The classical course was more extensive than was then required for the preparation of college students. During its second term this school became so large that the Covert building, now Mrs. J. J. Person's residence on Town Street, was rented for it, and the school was opened in that buihling on Wednesda}", April 19, 1848. S. S. Rickly began service as an assistant teacher June 5, 1848. He taughtabout one year, and on April 3, 1849, was succeeded by E. D. Kingsley. From May, 1849, until some time in the following winter the High School occupied the basement of the Reformed Church on Town Street at the present site of the Hayes Carriage Woi'ks. From thence it returned to the Covert Building, where it remained until the com])letion of the State Street building in 1853, in which it found a home for nine years. Twentyfive pupils attended the High Scho^ during the first quarter, thirtythree the second and fifty the third. For some time the Superintendent visited the schools several times per week, and after the organization of the High School at least once a week, for the pur- pose of aiding the scholars, estaljlishing proper order and discipline and inciting due diligence. For the purpose of awakening deeper interest in the schools a series of juvenile concerts was given during the fall and winter of 1847 in the largest churches of the city. m lIlSTOllY OF THE ClTV OF CcjLUMTUTS. One school for partly colored children had been suatuiiicd since the passage of the act of IH39, and was still maintained with about fifty scholars who were instructed at an expense of about three dollars each. Two such schools were sustained in 1853. From the organization which took place under the law of 183H to 1845 one and perhaps more German schools had been maintained as a ])art of the public system. In 1845 there were two German-English schools, and at the beginning of Doctor Lord's administration three, occupying the South Building and a rented LllSUAKY KOO.M, I'UliLIC SCHOOL l.llil£AHY. room. In 1S50 the three schools of this character had an enrollment of 207 scholars. From the first, teachers were I'cquired to attend at the I'oom of the 8i4)erin- tendent three hours cveiy Satui'rlay morning for review of all the studies taught and for instruction as to tuition, government and discipline. In addition to this the teachei's foi'med a society for mutual im])rovement which met biweeUly. The visitation of teachers by one another during schooltime for profit by mutual sug- gestion and ol>sei"vation was requested by the Board. Besides these means of improvement the teachers attended county institutes which were held in April. The Schools. II. g- Al tlie close of the first yuur of Doctor Lords supcrinteiideiicy, the Bo;ird spoke with pleasure of the great change that had taken place in public sentiment in regard to the schools, and of the faithful services of the Superintendent and teachers, the schools having " succeeded beyond their highest expectations. ' The following official statement of Samuel Galloway, Secretary of State, ex officio State Superintendent of Common Schools, is of interest as coming fi-om a man who, with favorable opjiortunities, closely watched the indications of school progress: As evidence of the improveiuent which may, by appropriate exertions, be realized, and as deservedly complimentary to those who have conducted and sustained the laudable enter- prise, it may be stated that an intelligent citizen of this State who recently visited the public schools of this city remarked that their organization, mode of instruction and advantages were superior to those which he had seen or in which he had been educated in his native New England state. The Superintendent's salary was increased to $800 in 1848 and to $1,000 in 1849. In 1848-9 the average cost of tuition in all the schools for each of the 1,800 instructed was 82.80; for those in actual daily attendance, 85.37. The cost of tuition in the High School was 818.60; in the grammar schools, 87.80 ; in the secondary, 84.15 ; and in the primary, 82.87. The price of tuition in private schools varied from ten to forty dollars per year. In December, 1850, evening schools were opened in each of the districts under the instruction of teachers of the grammar schools, and were attended by one hundred and fifty thi-ee scholars, varying in age from twelve to thirty two. The High School teachers and their salaries in 1850-1 were as follows: Asa D. Lord, 81,000; Almon Samson, 8700; Anna C. Mather, 8400. The grammar school teachers were, D. C. Pearson, 8500; William Mitchell, 8500 ; John Ogden, 8500. Secondary teachers. Misses M. L. Wheeler, 8225.50 ; J. E. Welles, 8225.47 ; S. J. Hull, 8225.45; M. E. Eobertson, 8225.52 ; H. S. Gregory, 8225.49, and H. S. Car- ter, 8225.49. Primary teachers, Mrs. W. F. Westervelt, 8225.63 ; Misses M. Bunker, 8225.60; C. E. Wilcox, 8225.47; S. S. Miner, 8225.48; Amelia Byner, 8225.55; P. H. Brooks, 8225.46, and Mary Sawhill, 8225.56; Mrs. M. J. Ogden, 8225.54. German-English teacher, Peter Johnson, 8400.60 ; Gustavus Schmeltz, 8300.51 and Christian Pane, 8300.96. In 1851, r^. Doolittle, Secretary of the Board of Examiners, reported that the schools had been constantly rising in public favor and confidence. The Sui^cr- intendent had guarded them, he said, with a parent's care and his judicious management and unwearied vigilance had eminently contributed to their pros- perity. The enrollment in all the schools for the eight years from 1847 to 1855 was, respectively, 1,750, 1,800, 2,000, 2,000, 1,691, 2,400, 2,483, 2,800 ; the average enrollment for these years being seventyfour per cent, of theaverage enumeration. The number of teachers increased from seventeen to twentyseven and the annual expenditure from about 85,000 to 823,000. Prior to 1850 the annual school tax, exclusive of the sum paid to the State fund, was less than one mill })er dollar on the taxable valuation. In January, 1851, the German-English schools, four in num- 62 History of the City of Columbus. ber, liad im ciii-ulliiic^nt of Bid ami an average daily atleiulauce of fitt}' eacli. Their classification was improved. On November 7, 1851, the Board piii-cliased a lot on Fourth and Court streets, 93 X 120 feet, valued at $2,000, and erected thereon in 1852 a frame onestory build- ing, 32 by 70 feet, at a cost of $3,000. The (irerman-English schools were removed to this building during the winter of 1852-3. The present site of the Sullivant School building was purchased in 1852, and upon it a plain brick building, 60 by 70 feet, three stories and basement, was erected. Its estimated cost was fifteen thousand dollars. To this building the High School, which had been previously taught in the Academy on Town Street, was removed in 1853. These two buildings accommodated seven hundred scholars. In 1854-5 the instruction at the High School embraced a full English course, a l)usiness course and an academic course. The twentythrce schools taught during the last 3'ear of this administration were, one High School, thi-ee grammar schools, seven secoiidaiy, seven ])i'ini:irv, three German English, and two colored. In the course of the year two arayer, which has been pur- sued by a majority of the teachers has had a most excellent influence upon our sciiools and perliaps done more than any other thing to secure order and obviate the necessity of a resort to discipline. Having accej)ted a call to the su])erintendency of the State Institution for the Blind, Doctor Lord retired from the superintendency of the Columbus schools. He was indeed a masterbuilder in the educational enterprises of the city. Erasmus D. Kingsley, A. M., third Superintendent of the Columbus schools, was a native of Whitehall, New York, and was for one year Principal of the Aurora Academy. In 1848 he graduated at the New York State Normal School at Alban}-. Li 1848-9 he was one of the teachei-s in the Columbus High School. From the termination of that cng;igcment until his return to Columbus he was Superintendent of Public Schools at Marietta, Ohio. In 1854 he received the degree of Master of Arts from Marietta College. Ilis election to the superinten- dency ot the public schools of Colutnhus took place .Inly 11, 185G. He filled the position for nine years. Tbe Schools. II '^^ In 185»> the five scliool buildini^ owned bj the city wei-e that erected in ls53 on State Street, the north, middle and south buildings, and the German school- house on Fourth and Court streets. Added to thes*c were rented buildings, mak- ing the whole number of sch.x>l room.s in use thirtjsix. On July 18, 1856, an additional lot be.side that occupied by the German sch.jol on the corner of Fourth Street and Strawberry Alley was pureha.'*e«l for §490. On February 25, 1857, the Board purchased a lot adjoining that occupied by the South Building and now forming part of the present Rich Street site. A large lot in Medary s Sub^livision, now fo^mins the site of the Douglas School, was bought about the same time. On March 20, 1858. the Board purchased lot Number 645 on the corner of Long and Fourth streets, then valued at S2.500. The school house sites were at that time estimated to be worth f 33.700, and the schwl buildings, §32,000. In 1859 the Middle Building was declared unfit for use, and in 1860 a plain, twostory brick structure of seven rooms was erected in its stead at a cost of $15,000. This was the third generation of school buildings on that site, and represents the prevail- ing style of architecture at that period. At the sugsreslion of Superintendent Krngsiey it was provided with cloakro;)ms. This building serve.1 as a model for tho.-*e afterwards erected on Third and Sycamore streets, on Sprinij Street, on Second Avenue, on Park Street, and on Fulton Street. In 1859 the Board of Education purchased -of Trinity Church for §8,820 a lot 99x200 on the southeast corner of Broad and Sixth streets, inclusive of a stone foundation which bad been laid on tbe premises in 1856. On this foundation, originally intended as the substructure of a church, the Board erected the main part of the present High Sch.jol building in 1860 61 This building, opened f^^r u-sc at the ensuing autumn term, was at the time considered an architei-tural orna- ment to the city. From the northwest corner of its main part, 60x200. rose a tower one hundred and fifty feet in height. The first floor comprised the Superin- tendent s room, in the tower, three large school ro«>ms, a laboratory and an apparatus TOf*m. On the second floor were three school rooms, a library and a reading room. On the third floor a large room for chapel exercises and an audienl-e room were arranged. The building cost §23,400, and accommodated about three hundred pupils. A few year> later some contiguous ground was pur- chased and two additions to the building were made. During Mr. Kingsley s administration the number of buildings belonging to the Board increased to twelve : the number of school rooms fr»jm thirtysix to fifiyseven and the number of teachers from twentyseven to sLxtythree: the number of school- age youth from 4,366 to 7,759, and the enrollment from 2,881 to 4,148 in 1864. Notwithstanding the distractions of the CivU War. the average daily attendance increased from fii\yone per cent, in l-5f^-7 to seventvfive per cent, in 1864-5. and fiftyone per cent, a year later. , In 1856-7 the Board had under Us supervisiuu twentynvo English, four German and three colored schools. Of the forty teaehers employed, ten were males- Special teachers were engaged for classes in German, French, penmanship and niusic. The German language was taught in the High School by C. E. Boyle, and mu^ic in all the schoofs bv S. B. Phipps. The teacher of writing was % History of the City of Columbus. Mr. Rittenberg; of French, Adolph Mott. In 1859 the Principals wore: High School, Horace Norton; grammar, State Street Building, A. W. Train; North Building, Osmer W. Fay; Middle Building, J. B. Peck; South Building, CI. W. Hampson ; Gorman schools, H. N. Bolandor ; colored schools. J. A. ( ENTHAI, IIKill SCnOOI.. T'hoinpsoii. The buildings wei-e at that time crowded to tlioir utmost capacity. The total attendance numbered 2,000 children, of whom 388 wore in the German schools and 120 in the colored. During Mr. Kingsley's administration the rules governing the schools were made more ample and explicit and the courses of The Schools. II. 67 study were revised. The classification was chnnged fi-oin four to five depai'tinents, designated primary, secondary, internicdiate, grammar and liigli. The grounds appurtenant to the buildings were enlarged and so divided as to provide separate plaj'grounds for the sexes, whicli were also separated in the High School. Pro- grammes designating the hours of" study and the daily exercises were prepared for the use of teachers, and special ])ains were taken to secure uniformity in the studies of each grade. Natural methods of instruction were adopted and special attention was given to the elementary branches, particularly reading and spelling. The office of principal of the scliools of the district, or building, was created. In 1856 Mr. Ivingsley introduced the word method of instruction in reading. This method he thus defined : Instead of commencing with the alphabet, the child is tanjiht at once a few easy and significant words from cards or blackboard; these words are then combined into short and simple sentences. The scholars are required to reproduce each lesson on their slates as an exercise in spelling, and to impress the words more firmly on their minds. The parts that compose the words are frequently dwelt upon and by such means the child learns tlie force of letters better than in any other way. Tlie names of the letters can soon be taught by occasionally calling the attention of the scholars to them as they occur in words. It has been the universal testimony of teachers that by the word method in a single term children can be taught to read fluently in easy reading. The only practical use of spelling is the proper arrangement of tlie letters that enter into the construction of words in written composition. The old routine mode of teaching by pronouncing columns of words to be spelled orally failed to secure the desired end. There is no certainty that scholars who have been taught to spell orally, correctly, can write the same words without making nnstakes, but it is certain that those who spell correctly in writing will be prepared, if necessary, to spell audibly ; hence, written exercises should be mididy relied upon in teaching. Oral spell ing is simply a tax of the memory ; written exercises in spelling are mental and mechanical, and correspond with practice in after life. Pupils entei'ing the primary" grades were required to furnish themselves with slates and pencils. From the organization of the schools under Doctor Lord, it had been the custom to invite committees of citizens to visit them, assist in the examinations and make reports to the Board. The course in music was by order of the Board confined to the grammar, intermediate and secondary schools, and the music instructor, Mr. Phipps, was provided with a room at each of the bui'd- ings where he had the same control of his pupils as that exercised b}' other teach- ers. The average age of the pupils in 1857, was thus stated : Primary, seven and onefifth j'^ears; Secondary, eight and fiveninths years; Intermediate, eleven and onefourth j^ears ; Grammar, thirteen and onehalf years ; High School, sixteen years; average in all the departments, eleven years. In 1858, Mr. Joseph Sullivant, a devoted and useful promoter of the educational interests of the cit}', procured for the High School, at great personal sacrifice of time and effort, a wellselected collection of apparatus to illustrate the principles of natural science, including Obcrhauscr's achromatic compound microscope, a solar and oxyhydrogen microscope, Atwood's machine illustrating laws of gravitationi working models of the electric telegra])h, an extensive set of electrical apparatus, a powerful magic lantern, and various other interesting articles. 68 History op the City of (^olumhiis. Niujlit schools and teachers' meetings were maintained throui^hout this admin- istration, which was a period of steady growth and prosperit}-, signalized by increased patronage and improved equipments. In 1801, (leorge E". Twiss suc- ceeded T. H. Little as J'rimipal of the Third District. Until 18t)4, the members of tlic JJoard were elected on a general ticket by the whole city, but in that j^ear a special act, drawn by J. J. Janney, was passed changing the time of election and authorizing each ward to choose a member of the Board. The first election by wards in pursuance of this law took place April 11, 18G4, and the Board thus chosen organized in the ensuing Maj' by %, ^^^^^^Hj^K^^H electing Frederick Fieser as its President and H. T. Chittenden as its Secretary. E. D. Kingsle}' was at the same time reelected Superintendent and Jonas Hutchin- son was chosen as Principal of the High School. Hon. Thomas W. Harvey, then of Massillon, was elected Superintendent of the Columbus schools on July 10, 18G5, WILLIAM .unciiEj,L. byt decHncd the appointment. William Mitchell, A. M., fourth Superintendentof the Columbus Public Schools, elected September 11, 1865, was educated at the Ashland (Ohio) Academj^, under Lorin Andrews, and received the degree of Master of Arts from Kenyon Col- lege. Prior to his teaching service here he had been Superintendent of Schools at Fredericktown, Norwalk and Mt. Vernon. In 1862 he entered the National Volunteer Army at the head of a company. In the position of Superintendent of the Columbus schools he served six years. Subsequently he practised law in Cleveland and removed from thence to North Dakota, where he was elected State Super- intendent of Public Instruction and died in March, 1890. Until 1867 one of the members of the Board of Education served as its Treasurer, but in that year a special act was passed by virtue of which the Treasurer of the County became e.r officio Treasurer of the School District. Under Captain Mitchell's administration, as had been the case before, the school buildings were overcrowded ; accordingly, additional grounds were pur- chased. These acquisitions in 1866 comprised three lots on the northwest corner of Park and Vine streets, and one on the corner of Third and Sj^camore. On each of these tracts a brick building costing about $15,700 was erected, hi 1867 six lots on the northeast corner of Spring and Neil streets and five on East Fulton Street were purchased at a cost, in each case, of about five thousand dollars. In 1868 a building was completed on each of these tracts, the whole cost being $34,000. These four buildings were all patterned after that on Rich Street. They were of two stories, plain, and contained besides an office and a recitation room, three school rooms each. In 1870 the old State Street building was condemned and in 1871 the Sullivant building, so named in honor of Joseph Sullivant, who had done so much for the cause of education in the city, was erected at a cost of .$68,992.27. It is an impos- ing structure and was the beginning of another era in local school architecture The Schools. U. "69 although not. except in size, subsequently patterned aftei- in other IniiUlings. It contained originally nineteen rooms including one for reception and an offiee. Two playrooms were provided in the basement. The lurnishings, wiiicii were very complete, included an electrical clock and a system of signals from the prin- cipal ortice to the other rooms — a contrivance constructed under the direction of Protessor T. C. Mendenhall, who was at that time teaching in the High Sehool. The Central German building, corner of Fulton and P'ourth, was completed the same year; cost, 817,981.14. Thus, within tiie six years of Captain Mitchell's administration, six buildings with an aggregate .seating capacity of about three thousand, were erected; aggregate cost, §174,530.27. This increased the number of buildings from ten to nineteen and more than doubled the rooms available. The school enumeration in 18t55 was 8,216 ; in 1871 it was 10,117. The aver- age daily attentiance increased meanwhile from 2,773 to 3,70.'). From §70,786.78 in 1866, the annual expenditures increased to 8140,229.95 six j'ears later. This shows that the educational progress of the city kept abreast with its material growth. In 1865-6 the number of children instructed was 4,087; in 1870-1 it was 5^683 — in each case over fifty per cent, of the enumeration. The number of teachers increased during this time from sixtyfive to ninetyfive. In 1869 the city was divided into nine school districts. The schools were still classified into five grades, with a grammar department, when practicable, in each subdistrict. The school 3'ear, beginning on the first Monday in September, comprised three terms aggregating forty weeks. The rules and regulations were revised and in large part remained unchanged for several years. The course of study was rear- ranged, but still covered a period of nine years excepting the High School course. These nine grades were designated as Lower and Higher Primary, Lower and Higher Secondary, Lower and Higher Intermediate, and C, B and A grammar. The High School course of four years compri-sed the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Departments. The textbooks then in use were Webb's Word Method, McGutfey's Headers, De Wolf's Speller, Guyofs Geography, Stodilard's Arithmetics, Quackenbos's English Grammar and Rhetoric, Sclmabel's Erstes Deutsches Sprach- buch, Berthlet's and Adlers German Readers, Goodrich's United States His- tory, Worcester's General History, Youman's Chcmistr}-, Gray's Botany, Rays Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Spalding's English Literature, Woodbury's German Grammar and various textbooks in the languages. The methods of instruc- tion were those most approved by the leading educators of the time. Children under six years of age were not received, although the legal school age was not raised from five to six j-ears until four years later. Special attention was given lo school dis- cipline and government. Contemptuous language, passionate reproof and the imposi- tion of additional tasks as a penalty were held to be improper modes of punishment, and teachers were adnionished that their fitness would be judged in great measure by their ability to maintain good discipline by mild measures and gentle influences. Success in government took rank before length of service or variety of scientific acquirements. Guided by such enlightened sentiments, the teachers sought opportunity for professional improvement, regularly attended the teachers' meetings, collected libra- '^^ History- OP the City of roLuMBUs. rios and r()()p('r!it(>(l zealously and harmoniously with the Superintendent and the Boanl. Corporal imnishment averaged one case in a school of fifty every twenty- tive days; tardini'ss avera,u;ed one case to one hundred and twenty days of attend- ance ; the truanc}' record showed one case to every thirteen j)npils enrolled. Oidy sixtyfour scholars wei'e re|>orted to the Superintendent for infractions of the rules. "Compared with loi-nier ^-ears,' says the Superintendent, "those items, though quite too large, show a satisfactorj' falling off." The final examinations of each year were us far as possible written. Advances from class to class and from grade to grade were made on the ground of scholarship simply, but honorable promo- tion could take place at any time on the ground of good conduct united with good scholarship. The names of all pupils found worthy of honorable promotion were inscribed on a Table of Honor. Pupils whose general standing reached ninety per cent, or over were exempt from examination. A general standing of at least ninety per cent, was a necessary condition to honorable promotion. Pupils whose general standing was below sixty per cent, were classified without examination in the next lower grade except that when such low standing was due to |)rotracted illness the scholar could be examined and passed with his class on condition. Pupils whose general standing was between sixty and ninety per cent, were examined and obliged to make an average of seventy per cent, or be set back to the next gi'ade below. Frederick Fieser, President of the Board in 1S69, called attention to the fact that the school attendance was proportionately larger in Columbus than in any other city of the State, and in his annual report of the same year the Super- intendent said: 'There is no (^ity in the State nearly equal in size to Colum- bus which has in its High School an enrollment and attendance as large in propor- tion to the enrollment and attendance in the other grades." Superintendent Mitchell resigned August 25, ISliS, and S. ,J. Kirkwood was elected to succeed him, but Professor Kirkwood declined and thereupon Mr. Mitchell was reelected at a largely increased salary. Prior to 1871 the buildings in which the colored schools were conducted were unsuitable both in character and in situation, but the active efforts of a few leading colored citizens, among whom were W. Ewing, W. H. Roney, James Poindexter, Butler Taylor, J. T. Williams, James Hall, J. Freeland, J. Ward and T. J. Washing- ton, brought the subject pron\inontly before the public, and on May 23, 1871, the Board of Education decided to reconstruct the school building on the corner of Long and Third streets and assign it to the colored schools. At the suggestion of Mr. Andrews it was designated as the Loving School, in honor of Doctor Starling Loving, the member of the Board who had been the prime movei- in its establish- ment. In the fifth and sixth districts, comprising the southern ])art of the city, the children were taught to read German and afterwards English ; subsequently the reading exercises comprised both languages. The schools of the eighth district were exclusively for colored children, whose thoroughness and vaiv, of jirogress, said the Superintendent, compared favorably' with the achievements in the other schools. Male principals were employed in each district which contained a large building, and The Soiioni,s. II. 71 R. W. STEVENSON. were ehiirifc*! with eiitorcoinent of tlie rei;uljiti(ms of tlie 15o;u-(l. It was iiiude the duty of each pi-incipal to visit all the rooin.s under his chargo at least three times a week and announce " hy the riui^-inu;- of the hell the hour of beginning and closing school, recesses and recitations." J^uringthis administration the average attendance varied from ibrtyeight to filtyseven per cent., and the average daily attendance from sixtyfour to seventyfour per cent, of the enrollment. Robert W. Stevenson, A. M., the tifth Superin- tendent of the Columbus schools, was a native of Zanesville, Ohio. His election to that position took |)Iace July IH, 1S71. He had previously performed similar service at Dresden and Norwalk, in this State. As subsidiary to his professional duties he took an active part in educational societies and movements, and was a frequotit contributor to the current educational literature of the da}'. In 1889, lie was appointed Superintendent of Public Schools at Wichita, Kansas, a position which he, at the pi'csent time, continues to occupy. During his long administration of the schools of this city, their devel- 0])ment in extent and usefulness was steady and gratifying. Prior to 1875, one of the members of the Board of Education acted as its Secretary- From 1875 to 1885, Granville A. Frambes, who was Assistant Superintendent, served also as Clerk of the Board, l)eginning with a salary of $1,200, which was increased to $2,200. In 1885, O. E. D. Barron was elected Clerk at a salary of $1,200, and now holds the jiosition at a salary of $2,100. By the extension of the corporate limits of the city in 1872, the following s^iool property came into the possession of the Board : Franklinton Building — the Old Courthouse — total value $1,890 ; Mount Airy Schoolhouse ; Friend Street Schoolhouse ; Mount Pleasant Schoolhouse; North Columbus Schoolhouse, total value, $3,620; South German Schoolhouse; North High Street Schoolhouse; Johnstown Road Schoolhouse; East Broad Street Schoolhouse; all of which except the Franklinton Building were suburban. In 1873, the Fieser school building and a twostory, fourroom building on East Main Street and Miller Avenue were erected. In 1875, a fourroom addition to the Fieser school was built. The Douglas school, fifteen rooms, was erected in 1876, and in the same year a sixroom addition was made to the High School. Most of the large buildings were heated by steam and supplied with water by the Holly system. In August, 1879, the corner stones were laid of a twelverooni building on the corner of Third and Mound streets, of a fourroom building on the site of the Old Courthouse in Franklinton and of another fourroom structure on Northwood Avenue and High Street. In 1882, the Loving School building was abandoned and sold. The Garfield School building, on the southeast corner of Garfield and Mount Vernon avenues, was built in 1881-2. In 1882, nearly all the schools were provided with slate blackboards, and during the same year a tract of ground 187^ 86 '- History op the City op Columbus. feet square on the northeast corner of Front and Long streets was purclinsed at a cost of $41,977.10. On the ground thus acquired a tlireestory building which cost $54,783 was erected in 1885. A tract measuring 145x2(j2^ feet on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Highland Street was purcliased June 3, 1884,and two years hiter a threestory building of tifteen rooms was erected thereon at a cost of $40,(i7(1.48. This was the last of the threestory schoolhouses, the building committee of the Board having made it plain that l)uildings of two stories were more convenient, economical and conducive to health. I'he average cost per schoolroom of eighteen of the principal school buildings of the city at that time was $3,200, wliilc the average cost per room of the threestory buildings was $3.5()0, and of the twostoiy buildings S3, 141. Tlie entire school proj>ertv controlled by the Board in ISSO had an estimated value of $700,000. The Ruttan-Smead system of warming and venti- lating was about this time introduced in several of the buildings ; most of them have since been equipped with it. On June 14, 1887, six lots extending from Reinhard Avenue to Siobert Street, east of the City Park, were purchased for $3,G00, and on the same date a site on the southeast corner of Twentieth Street and Mount Vernon Avenue, 200 x 150 feet, was purchased for $5,500. On June 28, 1887, the Board purchased a site on the corner of Eighth and Wesley avenues for $7,500, and in the following ^^ear a twostory, tearoom building was erected on the Siebert Street ground and a twostoiy, fifteenroom building on Tweutythird Street. In 1884 the Board of Education created the office of Superintendent of Buildings, at a salary of $1,200, and Henry Lott was elected to that position. The office was abolished three years later, but was again established in 1888, at which time it was conferred upon Frederick Schwau at a salary of $1,800. In 1890 Schwan was succeeded by Frederick Krumm. During the eighteen years of Mi-. Stevenson's administration the extent and value of the school jH-operty of the city were largely increased and many improve- ments w^ere made in the equipments of the schools. The few oldfashioned double desks which remained in the buildings in 1871 were soon displaced by single desks. The amount expended for slate blackboards alone was, in 1882, $1,751.75. Much atten- tion to the ventilation, lightiug and sanitation of the buildings was given. Radical changes in the organization were made. On July 12, 1871, a plan reported from the Committee on Salaries was adopted by which the city was divided into three school departments or districts, each to be composed of subdistricts, and a male prin- cipal for each department and a female one for each subdistrict were provided for. E. P. Vaile, Alfred Humphreys and C. Forney were elected supervising principals of the three departments, among which the schools were divided as follows: 1, Park and Spring Street schools and the suburban ones in the northern part of the city; 2, the SuUivant school, the Middle Building and the schools of Franklinton and "Middletown" (Fieser); 3, The South Building, the (rerman-English schools and the suburban ones in the eastern and southern portions of the city. A female superintendent was placed in charge of each largo building, and the A-Grraramar classes which had been distributed among six buildings were united in three classes, of which two were assigned to the SuUivant and one to the Central Ger- TiiK Schools. II. 7^3 iiKVii-Kiiio-lisli scliool. The duties of Mr. Vuile vvcu'c divided, upon his resignation, whieli soon took' place, between the two reniainint;- supervising- principals. The course of study was thoroughly' revised and its length reduced from thirteen years to twelve. The grades wei-e designated as A, B, and D Primary and A, B, C and 1) (rrammar. The elements of zoology, botany and phj'sics were introduced, and in tlie grammar grades one hour per week was devoted to oral instruction in NORTH SIDE HIGH SCHOOL BUILDINtl, 18!)2. these sciences. To secure full and accurate statistics of the work performed new blanks for teachers' reports were prepared. In lieu of the practice of marking daily recitations, periodical examinations were adopted. On the basis of these examinations many promotions from lower to higher grades took place; the standing shown by the examinations was considered in the promotions made at the end of the year. Meetings of teachers for discussion and comparison were fre- 74 History of the City of Colttmbus. (juent. Tlic salaiy of tlic Supcriiitcndont was raised to $:),0()0; of tlic assislanls to 11,500 each ; of the Principal of tlio High .Sciiool to $2,000; of the ].i'iiicii).ils of the Grammar and Primary departments from $S00 to $1,000; of the other teachers the salaries varied from |400 to $700, according to efficiency and experience. T. C. Mendenhall, then teaching in the High School, gave, outside of school hours, a course of triweekly lectures on ph3\sic8 for the benefit of the teachers. Visiting committees whose duty it Avas to inspect the various grades to which they were assigned at least once a month, and to attend and report upon the public exaniina- tions, were appointed by the Board. The standard of ])roficiency required in the High School was fixed at sixty per cent, as the minimum in any one study and at seventy per cent, as a general average. The requirement for ]iromotion from the A-Grammar grade to the High School was fortyfive per cent, minimum and sixt}' per cent, as the general average; in the B, C and D Grammar and the Primary grades forty per cent, was the minimum and sixty the general average. As the years passed, this standard was raised. At the end of the school year 1872-3 Professor T. C. Mendenhall retired from the High School to assume the duties of Professor of Physics in the Ohio Agri- cultural and Mechanical College. Albert G. Farr, who had for several years been associated with Professor Mendenhall in the High School, was elected teacher of physics. Soon after the beginning of the school year 1873, C. F. Krimmel I'csigned from the duties of Assistant Superintendent, which were thereupon assumed by the Superintendent and his remaining assistants. Drawing and music were made prominent features of the course of instruction, which was revised from tin\e to time accoriling to the suggestions of experience. In accordance with sug- gesLions from the Board, additional time was given to English literature and com- position, and courses denominated English, German-English, Latin-English and Classical wci-e ju'ovided for. The English course was one of three years; the others contained English literature in their first and last years. In 1877 the three- year and the classical courses were abandoned and the other two were combined with elective studies and English through most of the curriculum. In 1884 Greek was dropi)ed from the High School and in 1885 a " business course " was adopted. The German-English schools have always formed an integral part of the Columbus system, of which they have constituted a proportion varying from one- eighth to onefourth. Generously sustained, they have also been wisely directed and have been patronized by many native American families on account of their superior advantages for language study. They send up to the High and Normal schools pupils of unusual thoroughness in scholarship. In 1872 they were attended by over fifteen hundred, and in 188G by more than three thousand scholars. They were mostly located in the southern part of the city. The study of German was permitted only on the request of parents and was found to be no hindrance but rather an advantage in the completion of the English course. Institutes for the teachers of the city began to be held in 1874 and were frequently visited by dis- tinguished educators from abroad. A City Teachers' Association, organized in October, 1880, was maintained for several years afterwards. In 1875 the sujjer- TnK Schools. II. 75 vising Ibi'cu \\■a^^ ruduced l>y uddiiig llie duties of the (Jlcrlc of llie l)0:ii-d of I^]diicu- tion to those of the Assistuiit Superintendent. At the recjuest of the National Bureau of Education at Washington the Boarils were admitted after having completed the High School course, or its equivalent, and having been tested in the fundamental branches by the City Board of Examiners. In 1889 the school was reorganized in pursuance of TiiK Schools. 11. *;_ a plau reported by the normal scliool cominittee of the Board of Education adopted July 10. Thenceforward the normal course comprised a department of theory and two dej):iilnuMjtsof jiractice, one of the latter consist! n2. John L. Gill, I. (J. Jones, J. Neereamcr,.(ieor<^e Jeffries, George Delano, Andrew Backus. 18;i:{. John L. Gill, I. G. Jones, J. Neereamer, David Smith, D. W. Deshlcr, Andrew Backus. 18:M. John Ream, D. W. Deshler, H. Delano, Andrew Backus, James Ciierry, T. Peters. 1836. Joiin L. Gill, 1. G. Jones, J. Neereamer, I. Wilson, D. W. Deshler, James Cherry, The Schools. II. ,9j 1837. William Armstrong, J. Neereamer, I. G. Jones, Mathew Mathews, George W. Slocum, John Otstot, Robert Cloud, Elijah Glover. 1838. Peleg Sisson, Adam Brotherlin, G. W. Slocnm. 1841. James Cherry, P. B. Wilcox, Peleg Sisson. 1845-G. WMlliara Long, P. B. Wilcox, James Cherry, J. B. Thompson, H. F. Huntington, S. E. Wright. 1840-7. J. B. Thompson, S. E. Wright, P. B. Wilcox, James Cherry, William Long. The first three names of each list denote those of the President, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. 1847-8. William Long, S. E. Wright, H. F. Huntington, P. B. Wilcox, J. R. Thompson, James CherrJ^ 1848-9. William Long, S. E. Wright, H. F. Huntington, J. R. Thompson, P. B. Wilcox, A. F. Perry. 1849-50. William Long, J. L. Bates, H. F. Huntington, J. R. Thompson, S. E. Wright, J. W. Baldwin 1850-L J.B.Thompson, J.L.Bates, H. F. Huntington, William Long, S. E.Wright, J. W. Baldwin. 1S51-2. J. B. Thompson, J. L. Bates, H. F. Huntington, William Long, S. E. Wright, Joseph Sullivant. 1852-3. J. B. Thompson, J. L. Bates, H. F. Huntington, S. E. Wright. Joseph Sul- livant, Thomas Sparrow. 1853-4. Joseph Sullivant, S. E. Wright, Thomas Sparrow, H. F. Huntington, J. K. Lin- nel, James L. Bates. 1854-5. Joseph Sullivant, S. E. Wright, Thomas Sparrow, J. K. Linnel, J. J. Janney, J. L. Bates. 1855-6. Joseph Sullivant, S. E. Wright, J. J. Janney, J. K. Linnel, A. B. Buttles, A. S. Decker. 185G-7. Joseph Sullivant, S. E Wright, J. J. Janney, J. G. Miller, A. B. Buttles. 1857-8. Joseph Sullivant, A. B. Buttles, S. E. Wright, A. G. Thurman, J. G. Miller, A. S. Decker. LS58-9. Joseph Sullivant, A. G. Thurman, Thomas Sjiarrow, J. G. Miller, William Tre- vitt, George Gere. 1859-60. Joseph Sullivaut, Francis Collins, Thomas Sparrow, A. G. Thurman, Doctor Eels, J. H. Smith. 18()0-1. Joseph Sullivant, John Greiner, Thomas Sparrow, A. G. Thurman, J. H. Smith, George Gere. 1S61-2. Joseph Sullivant, Otto Dresel, Thomas Sparrow, George Gere, J. H. Smith, Star- ling Loving. 1862-3. William Trevitt, Otto Dresel, Thomas Sparrow, George Gere, Starling Loving, E. Walkup. 1863-4. William Trevitt, Otto Dresel, E, Walkup, Starling Loving, E. F. Bingham, S. S. Rickly. 1864-5. Frederick Fieser, H. T. Chittenden, E. F. Bingham, T. Lough, C. P. L. Butler, K. Mees, H. Kneydel, S. W. Andrews, J. H. Coulter. 1865 6. Joseph Sullivant, S. W. Andrews, Frederick Fieser, E. F. Bingham, H. Kneydel, J. H. Coulter, K. Mees, T. Lough, H. T. Chittenden. 1866-7. Joseph Sullivant, Peter Johnson, Frederick Fieser, E. F. Bingham, K. Mees, Isaac Aston, Starling Loving, S. W. Andrews, T. Lough. 1867-8. Joseph Sullivant, Peter Johnson, Frederick Fieser, K. Mees, E.F.Bingham, Lsaac Aston, Starling Loving, S. W. Andrews, T. Lough. l.SOSO. Frederick Fieser, Peter Johnson, Jose|)h Sullivant, Otto Dresel, F. Lough, Star- ling Loving, K. Mees, S. W. Andrews, C. P L. Butler. 82 History of the City of Columbus. 1SG9-70. Frederick Fieser, R. C. Hull, C. P. L. Butler, Starling Loving, Otto Dresel, Daniel Carmichael, K. Mees, R. M. Denig, Lewis Hoster. 1870-L Frederick Fieser, R. C. Hull, C. P. L. Butler, Starling Loving, C. T. Clark, Daniel Carmichael, K. Mees, R. M. Denig, Louis Hoster. 1871-2. Frederick Fieser, R. M. Denig, Starling Loving, C. T. Clark, K. Mees, S. W. An- drews, Louis Hoster, C. P. L. Butler, T. C. Mann. 1872-0. Frederick Fieser, R. M. Denig, Starling Loving, K. Mees, E. F. Bingham, S. W. Andrews, Alexander Neil, Louis Hoster, V. Pausch, I^. J. Critchfield, L. D. Myers. 1873-4. Starling Loving. Otto Dresel, L. D. Myers, L. J. Critchfield, C. C. Walcutt, J. B. Schiiiler, S. VV. Andrews, Louis Siebert, V. Pausch, Alexander Neil, Rudolph Wirth. 1874-5. C. C. Walcutt, S. W. Andrews, L. D. Myers, L. J. Critchfield, Horace Wilson, J. B. Schiiiler, Philip Corzilius, Louis Siebert, J. W. Hamilton, Alexander Neil, Rudolph Wirth. 1875-(3. C. C. Walcutt, J. E. Huft", L. J. Critchfield, Horace Wilson, J. B. Schiiiler, C. Engeroff, Philip Corzilius, Louis Siebert, J. W. Hamilton, J. H. Neil, Alexander Neil. 1876 7. C. C. Walcutt, Charles J. Hardy, J. E. Huff, Horace Wilson, John B. Schiiiler, Henry Olnhausen, Louis Siebert, Starling Loving, J. H. Neil, Alexander Neil, Christian Engeroff. 1877-8. Starling Loving, J. E. Huff, Charles J. Hardy, C. C. Walcutt, Horace Wilson, George Beck, Henry Olnhausen, Louis Siebert, J. S. Andrews, A. Neil, Christian Engeroff. 1878-9. Starling Loving, J. E. Huft", Charles J. Hardy, C. C. Walcutt, Charles E. Pal- mer, George Beck, Henry Olnhausen, Louis Siebert, J. L. Andrews, Alexander Neil, Christian Engeroff. 1S79-S0. Henry Olnhausen, J. E. Hufl', C. J. Hardy, C. C. Walcutt, C. F. Palmer, George Beck, Louis Siebert, Starling Loving, J. L. Andrews, Alexander Neil, Christian Engeroff. 1880-1. C. C. Walcutt, Louis Siebert, Christian Engeroff, George Beck, P. H. Bruck, J. E. Huff, C. T.Clark. J. L. Andrews, P. W. CorziUus, L. D. Myers, G. H. Stewart, T. P. Gordon, Alexander Neil. 1881-2. C. C. Walcutt, J. B. Schiiiler, P. W. Corzilius, R. Z. Dawson, G. D. Jones, G. H. Stewart, S. H. Steward, P. H. Bruck, Starling Loving, T. P. Gordon, G. H. Twiss, E. Pagels, C. T. Clark, Alexander Neil. 1882-3. C. C. Walcutt, R. Z. Dawson, P. W. Corzilius, J. B. Schiiiler, G. D. Jones, B. N. Spahr, S. H. Steward, W. H. Slade, Starling Loving, F. C. Sessions, G. H. Twiss, E. Pagels, C. T. Clark, Alexander Neil. 1883-4. Edward Pagels, J. B. Schiiiler, P. W. Corzilius, C. A. Miller, C. C. Walcutt, W. R. Kinnear, B. N. Spahr, J. Z. Landes, W. S Huff, Starling Loving, George H. Twiss, F. C. Sessions, F. Schwan, Alexander Neil. 1884-5. Edward Pagels. J. B. Schiiiler, P. W. Corzilius, B. N. Spahr, J. J. Stoddart, C. C. Walcutt, W. R. Kinnear, J. Z. Landes, W. S. Huff, James Poindexter, G. H. Twiss, Edward Pryce, F. Schwan. Alexander Neil. 1885-(). B. N. Spahr, W. R. Kinnear, C. C. Walcutt, Frederick Krumm, P. W. Corzilius, J. B. Schiiiler, J. N. Bennett, W. S. Huff, James Poindexter, J. E. Sater, Edward Pryce, W. H. Albery, F. Schwan, Alexander Neil. 1880 7. B. N. Spahr, W. R. Kinnear, C. C. Walcutt, Frederick Krumm, John Hein- miller. J. B. Schiiiler, J. N. Bennett, W. S. Huff, James Poindexter, E. J. Wilson, W. H. Albery, Alexander Neil, J. E. Sater, F. Schwan. 1887-8. B. N. Spahr, W. R. Kinnear, C C Walcutt, Frederick Krumm, John Hein- miller, Frederick J. Hier, J. N. Bennett, W. S Huff, James Poind li.vter, K. J. Wilson, J. A. Hedges, Alexander Neil, D. P. Adams, F. Schwan, J. E. Sater. 1888-9. J. E. Sater, F. J. Heer, John Heinmiller, F. Krumm, C. C. Walcutt, W. R. Kin- near, E. O. Randall, J. N. Bennett, W. S. Huff, James Poindexter, K. J. Wilson, J. A. Hedges. W. A. McDonald, D. P. Adams, B. H. DeBruin. TiiK Schools. II. 8^ ]S,S1M)0. J. K. S:iter, B. II. DeBriiin, .1. II. Hennctt, J. A. Hedges, J. U. Barnliill, James Poindexter, E. J. Wilson, E. O. Randall, F. Krunini, F. J. Heer, John Ileinniiller, W. S. Hufi", W. A. McDonald, D. P. Adams, C. C. Walcutt. ISOO-I. J. A. Hedges, J. U. Barnhill, F. J. Heer, John Heiiimiller, J. J. Stoddart, C. C. Walcntt, T. H. Kieketts, J. N. Bennett, F. (innsaulns, James Poindexter, E. J. Wilson, W. A. McDonaUI, D. P. Adams, William A. Inskeep. Albert Cooper. lSi)l-2. E. J. Wilson, James Poindexter, F. CJunsaulns, J. X. Bennett, Thomas 11. Ricketts, Thomas C. Hoover, C. C. Walcutt, John J. Stoddart, Henry Olnhausen, F. .1. Heer, G. "W. Early, W. A. McDonald, E. R. Vincent, W. A. Iiiskeep, Lewis C. Lipps. 1892-8. J. J. Stoddart, F. J. Heer, T. C. Hoover, J. N. Bennett, JaJnes Poindexter, G. W. Early, E. R. Vincent, L. C. Lipps, H. Olnhausen, Junior, C. C. Walcutt, Z. L. White, F. Gunsaulus, T. A. Morgan, W. A. McDonald, R. S. Albrittain. SCHOOL EXAMINERS. 1S26-1892. 1820. James Hoge, C. H. Wetmore, Henry Mathews. 182.S. Peleg Sisson, Bela Latham, Samuel Parsons. 1829. Mease Smith, P. B. Wilcox. 1832. Isaac N. Whiting, William Preston. 1834. John M. Ladd, Erastus Burr, George Jeffries, W. S. Sullivant. 1835. W. T. Martin, Joseph Sullivant, Mathew J. Gilbert. 1836. Joseph Williams. 1837. Cyrus S. Hyde, Arnold Clapp, Henry Alden, J. R. Rogers. 1839. W. Smith, Warren Jenkins, Noah H. Swayue. 1840. Mathew J. Gilbert, Lewis Heyl, A. Curtis, T. Cressey, Abiel Foster, Junior. 1842. Henry S. Hitchcock, S. T. Mills. 1843. James K. Simse. 1845. Charles Jiicksch, Samuel T. Mills, Suiithson E. Wright, John P. Bruck. 1840. Samuel C. Andrews, A. P. Fries.' 1847. A. D. Lord, N. Doolittle, A. F. Perry. 1850. S. C. Andrews, James H. Smith, F. J. Mathews. 1860. E. D. Kingsley, F. J. Mathews, S. C. Andrews. 1872. W. F. Schatz, Abram Brown, Charles E. Burr, Junior. 1873. E. E. White, Charles E. Burr, W. F. Schatz. 1870. Frederick Fieser, T. C. Mendenhall, R. W. Stevenson. 1878. Frederick Fieser, R. W. Stevenson, J. J. Stoddart. 1889. J. A. Shawan, J. J. Stoddart, J. J. Lentz. 84 History of the Citv of Columblts. SCHOOL BUILDIN(J8 AND SITES. lS27-lSi)2. When erect- e.J. NAME. 1827 Acadoiny 1S3!) Rich Streot l,s4r)Mi(l(lle Building 1,S45 N'ortli Building IS-lo South Building l,So2 (ieinian-English IS.'i.S Addition North Building- ^S'^'i Addition South Building- ISoljICentral Fourth Street ],sr)3[01d State Street l,S()U|Rich Street ISliljHigh School ],S(;(l|Park Street 18(Hi'Third Street lS(i.s:Spriiig Street 1, SI ).s: Fulton Street^ 1,S71 1871 1871 Central Fulton Loving School Sullivant 1872iFranklinton 1873 Second Avenue 187:'. 187.'! LS73 1873 187:! 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1875 1875 1870 187U 1879 1879 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881 1884 1885 1880 18»7 1888 1888 1888 1889 1889 1890 ]S9() 1890 1890 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 New Street First Avenue Fieser North High North Columbus Mount Airy Johnstown Road East Hroad South High Franklinton Friend Street Mount Pleasant Addition to Fieser East Friend Street Douglas Addition to High School Northwood Mound Street Franklinton Addition to First Avenue — Addition to Park Street Garfield School Addition to Fulton Street- -- Addition to Second Avenue Beck Street Front Street Fifth Avenue Addition to Franklinton Siebert Twentythird Street Addition to Northwood Eighth Avenue Addition to East Friend Addition to First Avenue — Addition to High School Addition to Ficbor Fair Avenue Library Avondale North Side High School Medary Addition to New Street Cost of anil .Site. 30 00 {)00 00 15,490 00 37,500 00 :^9,070 00 29,540 00 17,050 00 38,900 0(1 39.550 00 20,781 00 ] 0,000 00 73,497 00 22.371 00 24,574 00 19,731 00 12,100 CO 3,500 00 1,100 00 i,o:^o 00 1,000 00 2,300 00 10,500 00 1,000 00 1,350 00 9,345 00 12.710 00 40,848 00 16,301 00 22,217 00 51,4:30 00 14,551 00 7,944 00 15,400 00 58,783 00 10,2(59 00 15,400 00 13,900 00 9(),500 00 52,582 00 11,140 00 35,400 00 4:},500 00 10,500 00 ()0,000 00 13,193 00 13,203 00 5,500 00 i:3,(jnl 00 38,(392 00 45.000 00 No. of Rooms. 9 8 L". 9 9 i:; 4 19 2 14 9 4 14 I 1 1 1 1 10 2 3 4 No. of Seiits. 100 (iO 00 (50 (50 586 404 2(5() (510 415 493 504 170 240 (599 i:;o 010 490 (5:50 (500 20 35 IS '9 75 400 19 19 15 10 17 14,000 00 18 15 4 10 15 4 12 4 4 7 4 8 18 14 14 14 4 400 738 410 080 784 180 600 045 200 385 541 000 location. Sugar Alley and Fourth. Third near Rich. Third near liich. Long and Third. Mound and Third. Fourth near Fulton. Fourth and Fulton. East State near Fifth. Third and Rich. Sixth and Broad. Park and Vine. Third and Sycamore. Spring and Neil. Fulton and Washington Avenue. Fourth and Fulton. [-ong and Third. East State near Fiftli. West Broad and Sandusk}'. East Second Avenue. New and Steward Streets. First Avenue and Joiin Street. State and Starling Streets. West Broad and Sandusky. East Main and Miller Avenue. State and Starling. East Main and Miller Avenue. Douglas near Oak. Sixth and Broad. North High and Northwood .\ve. Third and Mound. West Broad and Sandusky. First Avenue and John Street. Park and Vine. Ciarfield and Mount Vernon Ave. Fulton near Washington Avenue East Second Avenue. Beck and Briggs. Front and Long. Fifth Avenue and Highland. Hroad and Sandusky. Siebert Street and Reinhard Ave. Twentythird and Mount Vernon. North High and Northwood. i'-ighth Aveiuie and Wesley Street. East Friend and Miller Avenue. First Aveiuie and Harrison Ave. Sixth and I5ri'a. ENUMERATION, ATTENDANCE AND EXPENDITURE. 1S2()-1892. Year. 182(1- 1820-27 1827-28 1828-29 1829-30 1830-31 1831-32 1832-33 1S33 34 1834-35 1835-30 1830-37 1837-38 1838-39 1839-40 1840-41 1841-42 1842-43 1843-44 1844-45 1845-40 1840-47 1847-48 1848-49 1849-50 1850-51 1851-52 1852-53 1853-54 1854-55 1855-56 1856-57 1857-58 1858-59 Euum- eratiou. AV. Daily Ati'iid. Num- ber of Tench's 244 1 273 5 250 311 (> 300 790 () 880 1,015 1 1,208 7 1,295 8 1,381 9 1,506 9 1,557 9 1,231 400 12 1,230 400 12 1,431 420 12 1,598 480 13 1,598 430 13 1,612 465 15 1,612 420 13 2,430 500 15 2,129 528 14 2,419 798 17 2,520 910 18 2,825 1,075 20 2,785 1,107 22 2,790 1,100 22 3 710 1,224 24 4,323 1,343 24 5,005 1,575 38 4,320 1,533 37 4,366 1,442 30 4,503 1,550 37 5,234 1,787 38 F.xpenditures $148 25 152 77 139 87 245 S8 430 20 510 05 541 01 709 90 704 78 829 12 1,101 55 1,172 39 1,507 50 3,502 10 3,182 00 2,128 91 2,077 38 1 ,940 80 2,212 82 2,174 80 3.377 34 2,053 82 17,770 16 5,122 00 6,643 52 7,992 75 13,009 63 19,145 33 33,249 92 23,605 33 18,497 51 29,656 28 30,547 88 24,833 40 Year. 1.S.59 (iO 1800-01 1801-02 1802-f)3 1803-04 1804-05 1805-00 1800-07 1807-08 1808-09 1809-70 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-70 1870'- 7 7 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 Eiium eratiou Av. Daily Atl'nd. 1,828 Num- ber of Teaeh's 41 5,034 5,9()2 1,700 40 0,55:5 1.919 39 7,494 2,390 48 7,241 2,558 56 7,759 2,038 f)3 8,210 2,773 08 8,598 3,088 70 8,019 3,515 84 9,373 3,000 88 9,518 3,052 91 10,117 3,705 91 1 10,514 3 7i:; 107 11,31() 4,402 104 11,751 4,710 110 12,198 4,952 124 12,080 5 082 128 14,209 5,403 133 14,240 5,559 144 14,178 5,707 137 14,662 5,953 137 15,889 6,103 157 16,531 6,542 100 16,858 6,854 178 17,498 7,4:^8 190 17,498 7,723 201 19,682 8,003 207 22,404 8,400 217 23,451 8,940 219 25,648 9,181 229 26,164 9,576 255 26,001 10,404 279 27,000 11,000 297 Expenditures. $28, 1 1 1 0() 38,315 18 37,889 72 29,763 48 4I,17(! 30 52,239 02 68,908 70 90,373 42 88,353 94 98,769 82 112,488 18 137,581 65 148,846 28 137,270 51 150,027 11 170,224 11 1 75,434 50 I02,2(i0 70 182,005 12 164,709 36 135,857 10 183,775 95 266,538 17 237,238 99 202,795 44 209,058 64 243,811 09 227,540 87 264,745 79 347,087 40 364,826 58 459,166 79 433,000 00 86 History of rriE City of Ooijimbtts. GRADUATES OF THE HIGH SCHOOI,. 1S51. Ili'iiry 'J'. Chittrndi'ii, Isabt'lla Poole, Maria H. Dnntoii, Maria Cutler, Melane I'arl, Sterne riiittenden, Mary K. Cnol, Jane Fitch, Mary M. Dryer, FJizuheth D. Mor<,'an, Amelia N. Darlinir, I-tuty M. Wileox, Ipabella Brown. 1852. Ahel W. Hall, En<;enia Gray, Elizabeth C. Thompson, Mary C. McClelland, Melissa IJ. VWbf-ter, Vir^nnia A. Sampson. 1853. Cornelia Johnson, Elizabeth E. Thatcber, Eleanor Morgan, Francis E. Scarritt, Henry Butler, Henry V. Hitcbock, Mary E. Finley, Mary E. Armstronfr, Montgomery H. Lewis, Mary E. Gooding, Martha Thompson, Sarah J. Laugblin. ISoJ. Frances V. Washington, Frank Higgins, Jane Shepherd. Kate Gardiner, Mary A. Thursten, Pamela B. Neil, William H. Hubbell. 1855. Anna C. Foos, Eliza K. Ball, Edward C. Stone, Howard Fay, John N. Champion, John Z. Hall, John F. Hitchcock, Lizzie B. Gardiner, Lucy H. Peters, Mary E. Barnhart, Margaret Richards, Mary W. Campbell, Melinda 8. Holmes, Mary S. Whitney, Theodore S. Greiner. 1856. Clarissa Cram, Charlotte Herd, Euphemia Duncan, Charles W. Remington, Mary E. Cutler, Josiah H. Jenkins, William J. P. Morrison, George P. Roberts. 1857. C. Sullivant, Edward Bates, James Kilbourne, John M. Wheaton, Jennie Stump, Kate Dunning, Lizzie Christian, Louisa Staflord, Lucy Weaver, Minnie Awl, Mary Jones, Mattie Thompson, Mary Howie, Martin Wright, Mary Hirsh, Nettie Johnson, Sarah Siebert, Tillie Hayden, William H. Rice. 1858. A. Wright, A. S. Field, Linda Clarkson, Lizzie Cooke, C. W. Breyfogle, Emma Humphreys, Ed. Rudisill, Gus. M. Ba.scom, H. J. Page, H. Raynor Wood, Jennie Hurd, Lizzie F. Merrick, Marion E. Gault, M. B. Gilbert, Mary Tnther, L. Babbitt, R. G. Alexander, Wood Awl, W. H. Day, W. W. Olds. 1859. Anna Hall, Annie Washington, Charles H. Hall, Emma McClelland, Georgiana Williams, Hannah Wilier, Henry O'Kane, Hiram McArthur, Irene Barnhart, John A. Ball, Julia A. Pryce, I auraTruax, Lizzie Denig, Lou. Brownell, Mattie Riley, Minnie Lowe, Mattie Simonton, William P. Brown, Thomas J. Janney. 18(30. Amanda McDonald, Amelia Sanderson, D. H. Zigler, Ermine Case, G. W. Shields, John S. Roberts, L. S. Sullivant, Martha Powell, Mary E. Wetherby, Mary E. Dunl)ar, Mary H. Wirth, W. H. Smith, W. B. Headley. LSfil. C. E. Baker, C. L. Osborn, Carrie Strong, C. G. Piatt, B. F. Stage, Emma Black, P. H. Brack, F. W. Merrick, Minnie Neal, Mary S. Bates, Nellie S. Walker, Selina R. Whitsel, R. J. Nelson, Mary L Taylor. 1862. Antonie E. Mees, Gertrude Green, Louisa F. Boyle, Mary E. Edwards, Pauline S. Mees. 1863. Annie E. Marshall, C. Clay Corner, Emma J. Brown, Fannie B. Scarritt, George W. Ball, Jennie Howell, Julia A. Felton, Julia A. Freeman, J. M. Bennett, Kate Stone, Louise C. Christie, Sarah E. Ogan. 1864. Clara C. Wetmore, Florence S. Williams, Hattie L. Cutler, Isabella Frost, Jennie Proctor, Jay A. Coatesworth, John P. Bruck, Mary Douthart, Morris S. Booth, Mary E. Denny, Nettie R. Curtis, Lillie Nelson, Lucy A. Booth, S. F. Aspinwall. 1865. Annie E. Peters, Arthur Mees, Ellen A. Hartford, Grace E. Reed, Helen M. Hayden, Helen Millay, Isadora Runnels, Minerva S. Louder, Martha H. Pilcher, Theodore M. K. Mees. 1866. Anna B. Kilbourne, Ada Shewry, Carrie R. Thacker, Delia Roberts, Eugenia G. Pearce, George Reuhlen, Josie E. Romans, Jennie Hall, Lucy Benton, Lydia J. Milne, P^lwood Williams, Emma C. Willard, Emily A.Jennings, F. I). Albery. W. IL Albery, Maggie A. Lewis, R. H. Hurd, Snrah D. Crozier, W. C. Stewart. 1867. Albert A. Hall, Alice M. Denning, Belle Clark, Clara A. Pamar, Ella M. Stage, Ella Harrison, Frank B. Fassig, George S. Knapp, George C. Mall, Julia A. Young, Josiah R. The Schools. II. ^ Smith, Mattie M. Jenkins, Maggie B. Eldridge, Marion Neil, Leiie S. Dniry, Mary A. Ruggles, Robert A. McGowan, W. P. Little. ISOS. Alexaiuler W. Krnmni, Anna M. Janney, Artliur M. Gray, Anna E. Riordan, Emma Arm.strong, Ellen A. Ruchlen, Francis ,1. Reed, James L. Harrington, Julia A. Powell, Josephine Klippart, Kate R. Millay, Linda E. Work, Linnie S. Wood, Maria L. Shield, Mary E (jlale, R. R. Rickly, Rush S. Denig, Libby L. Tarbox, W. L. Jamison, Z. F. Westervelt. lS()i). Augusta Pfeiffer, Arthur H. Smythe, Alice Williard, Alexander Eraser, Clara G. Brown, Cornie Lonnis, Carl L. Mees, Lizzie Briggs, Laura A. Ritze, Lizzie White, Laura AfHeck, Lucinda B. Weaver, Mary S. Case, Mary M. Harrington, Frank Merion, Frank B. Everett, Frank H. Eldridge, Frank C. Burt, George S. Innis, Hattie J. Comstock, John S. Galloway, John N. Eldridge, Susie A. Mendenhall, Mary H. Fowler, Mary Graves, M. Alice Shaw, Maggie E. Dennis, Nannie S. Wise, Anna E. Sims, Rosa D. Weaver, Sallie M. Harker, William H. Silver. 1S70. Annie E. Spen(;er, Annie Palmer, A. G. Fare, Ella E. Palmer, Emma Franken- berg. Flora A. Brooks, Helen M. Wheeler, Jessie A. Neate, Jennie Miner, Jennie M. Tracy, Katie C. Ellis, Kate L. Phelps. Luura V. Schilling, Mary G. Overdier, Mary L. Fisher, R. Grace Denig. 187L Alexander L. Smith, C P. L. Butler, Clara M. McColm, Ella Eraser, Grace M. Dungan, Isaac M. Bortle, Isabella C. Innis, Julia L. Lott, Kate B. Foos, Kate B. Ritson, Lucy B. Stone, Percy R. Wilson, Retta M. Cox, Ralph O. Smith, Belle Williams, Sallie M. Dering, Frances G. Janney. 1872. Anna A. Monypenny, Alice Ilayden. Carrie L. Olds, David W. Pugh, Edward T. Williams, George W. Stockton, George B. Stewart, John C. L. Pugh, Virginia S. Clark, Louise Knoderer, Lida Postle, Mary M. Denig, Samuel Bevilheimer. 1873. Delia Bingham, Jessie F. Wood, Hattie L. Brocklehurst, Emma F. Harris, Ella Jones, I,aura B. Ware, George M. Halm, Curtis C. Howard, Lilla Southard, Frank P. Ross, Emma B. Thompson, Frank D. Jamison, Eva J. Jones, Wilbur B. Marple, Edward C. Moore, Annie M. Osgood, Annie M. Perley, Sarah F. Perry, Eva M. Preston, Addie L. Palmer, Alice L. Duval, Ira H Wilson. 187+. William Wallace, Allie L. Cherry, Nettie H. Martin, Laura Belle Matthews, Ida M. Evans, George W. Lattimer, Lillie E. Eastman, A.da A. Bell, Ada S. McDowell, John Field, Rosella A. Moore, Jennie Ethelyn l^ewis, Minnie Hammond, L. Anna Cornell, George T. Spahr, Sadie A. Henderson, Dida Phillips, Wade Converse, M. Laura Cornell, Belle M. Coit, Jane D. Sullivant, Anna M. Spencer, G. Stanton Coit, Edward Pfeiffer. 1875. Ella M. Earhart, Flora E. Shedd, Julia E. Ware, Clara E. Piatt, Jessie Creighton, Jennie S. B. Cashatt. Julia T. Hyer, Mary J. Rowland, Annie E. Hull, Olive M. Beebe, Min- nie M. Bohanan, Mary Mullay, John H. Williams, Lillie M. Davies, Almeda E. Loomis, Libbie M. Cherry, Osman C. Hooper, Clara L. Remmy. 1876. Mary D. Anderson, Harry Barcus, George A. Backus, Kate K. Tower, Janie M. Earhart, Charles D. Everett, John F. Evans, B. Gard Ewing, Caddie M. Field, Harry M. Gal- loway, Annie Houck, Fannie D. Clark, Jenny Kelley, Anna Lofland, Hattie Adair, Sarah Murray, Christina Robertson, Cora B. Runyan, Noble L. Rockey, Ada Stephens, F. Belle Swickard, Charles B. Spahr, Ida Strickler, F. Josie Tippett, Edward R. Vincent, Nettie A. Wasson. 1877. Kate T. Ayers, Harriet E. Akin, Emma Bancroft, Jennie Bailey, Ida M. Stitts, Kate Deterly, Wilbur T. Eldridge, Bertha V. Farr, Edith Fales, Fred W. Flowers, Nellie S. Gill, Kittle Tablant, Emma M. Howald, Mary P. Jones, Lily Jamison, Fannie I. Kinsell, Rebecca L. Kelly, Emily J. Ogier, Mary L. Miller, Ida E. Marshall, Annie R.Jenkins, Esther A. Reynolds, Mary E. Rose, Mary H. Ritson, Anna B. Smith, M. Ella Stimpson, Thomas G. Spencer, Cora Breggs, Kate E. Smith, Fannie B. McCune, Ida B. Rankin, Lizzie Wallace, Charles A. Woodward, E. J. Warning, Mary Hall. 37 ^ History of the City of Columbus. 1878. Emma Pegg, Caroline Beatty, Edith C. Bingham, CalHe M. Breyfogle, Flora 8. Barnett, Laura Monett, Harriet G. Bortle, Emily S. Butler, Mary L. Case, Lettie H. Clark, Lizzie F. Curtiss, John W. Champion, Mary E. Cunningham, Helen M. Day, Phena Nesbitt, Martha L. Day, Thomas M. Earl, Mary H. Evans, M. Ada Evans, Lolla J. Foos, Neoma Fank- house, M. Miller, Lelia J. Griffin, Sada J. Harbargar, Flora Hesse, Sylvester W. Hoffman, Ida B. HufTman, Joseph C. Hull, Adelia M. Hanlen, Louise Harpham, Rosa Hesse, M. Leonora Horlocker, Minnie B. Hughes, Mary E. Knight, Jane E. Kershaw, Eva S. Knopf, Emma E. Lesquereux, Margaret C. Livingston, Kate M. Haller, Orville McAninch, Frank B. Miller, Thomas A. Morgan, Kate A. MuUay, Fred C. Marvin, Mary P. McVay, Henry A. Morgan, Sarah J. Morris, Sarah J. Mullay, Lizzie B. Nagle, Ella C. Nevin, Mary H.Neil, Mary Osborn, Clara G. Orton, Emma M. Newburg, Minnie P. Pickles, Mary E. Poste, Rosa A. Reed, Mary A. Ross. Cora M. Ross, A. Mary Runyan, Charles L. Schwenker, Frank R. Shinn, Mortimer C. Smith, Lucy T. Sells, Carrie O. Shoemaker, Louisa D. Stelzer, Harriet E. Thompson, Clara Tippett, George A. Weaver, Charles R. Wheeler, Hattie M. Taylor, Kate Williams. 1879. Allie E. Bancroft, M. Abbie Booth, Sarah D. Broadis, Edward B. Champion, Oliver J. Gaver, Nettie C. Claypoole, Minnie S. Davis, Carrie A. Durant, Edwin Eberly, Mary K. Esper, Olive Flowers, Belle Gardiner, Annie E. Griffiths, Henry F. Guerin, Emma J. Hall, Hugh Hardy, Mamie E. Johnson, Fannie Kahn, Louisa A. Krumm, Julia Loomis, Minnie Loy, Ella G. McCoy, Cora A. Miner, George W. Mitchell, Thomas H. Mullay, Anna Pfeiffer, Lewis L. Rankin, James L. Rodgers, Edwin Fay, Ernestine O. Schreyer, Florence M. Snell, Carrie B. Staley, Mary Stokes, Flora Stump, Gertrude Swickard, Lizzie Thomas, Edward O. Trent, Eliza S. Huffman, Ellery W. Wilkinson, Riley F. Williams. 1880. Harry E. Armbruster, Charles Bauer, Harry C. Cook, William G. Benham, Eagle- ton F. Dunn, Milton H. Fassig, Warren W. Gifford, Henry Gumble, Edward O. Horn, Fred- erick W. Hughes, Ewing Jones, David Tod Logan, Charles E. McDonald, James D. Osborn, Frank C. Smith, J. Macy Walcutt, Alice B. Barnett, Emma C. Elliott, Helen L Bortle, Helen M. Capron, Lizzie L. Crook, Lizzie S. Denig, Emma Deterly, Louise Dunning, Fannie F. Elliott, Ella J. Evans, Leanor Fankhouse, Fannie M. Farringer, Dora Frankenberg, Jessie Eraser, Lizzie C. Ginder, Fannie S. Glenn, Belle Goodel, Ella M. Graham, Louta A. Hamil- ton, Mary Hanlen, Carrie Hegner, Ida B. Henry, Florence M. Holton, Julia Horton, Emma F. Irwin, Anna D. Jenny, Katie B. Evans, Lizzie Jones, Louise W. Kanmacker, Maggie H. Kanmacker, Clara E. Kemmerle, Emma Kienzle, Madie E. Knepper, Emma Litchford, Lida R. McCabe, Cora A. McCleery, Maggie L. McElvain, Stella M. Nelson, Cornelia C. Olnhausen, Frankie C. Park, Nellie J. Perley, Adah A. Phelps, Kate B. Porter, Louise Reither, Maggie B. Remmy, Rae F. Sanders, Xenia L. Schaefer, Emma B. Schneider, Mattie Stelzig, Blanche Stevens, Florence Todd, Geneva Trent, Helen I. Twiss, Lizzie fu. Vincent, Lizzie Vogle- gesang, Ella F. Warren. 1881. William Benbow, John H. Davis, Clyde L. Farrell, Arthur Gemuender, Theodore E. Glenn, J, Nicholas Koerner, Edmund J. Montgomery, Charles A. Pryce, John J. Pugh, George R. Twiss, Lizzie Alexander, Jennie Armstrong, E. Louisa Painter, Tuza L. Barnes, Ella Boyer, Ada D. Charters, May M. Cherry, Emma J. Clark, Ottilie Clemen, Mamie Cornell, Emma L. Dieterich, Alma Dresel, Lizzie Earl, Florence Eberly, Bessie M. Edgar, Mae F. Elliott, Flora L. Engeroff, Eva Ewers, Anna Finn, Lottie I. Geren, Mattie Glover, Ida Gottschall, Marie S. Greenleaf, Ella M. Grove, Augusta Haberstich, Mary Haig, Emma Holton, Laura M. Hughes, Addie Johnson, Minnie Jackson, Mattie V. Kershaw, Carrie D. Houck, Annettie Lakin, Jennie Lee, Mignon Loechler, Oliver LoelUer, Mina Loomis, Lydia Mahlmann, Harriet C. Marple, Carrie W. Martin, Zitta McConnell, Mattie E. McGrew, Alma McKenzie, Jennie Merion, Clara E. Miller, Louisa S. Mulligan, Mary E. Nagle, M. Helen Osgood, Willie A. Phelps, Louisa Piersche, Nettie Poindexter, Sallie E. Price, Lena M. Schoedinger, Alice H. Sells, Lizzie Shoemaker, Lulu Stelzig, Mamie Taylor, The Schools. II. 89 Alwina M. Turkopp, Emma C. Uhlmann, Mary E. Vercoe, Caroline M. Viet, Adelia I;. Waring, Dora H. Weis, Carrie Williams, Nellie C. Wilson, Jessie G. Zigler. 1SS2. Robert H. Allen, Harry Bingham, Charles E. Chandler, Albert B. Fletcher, Alfred A. Jones, Gustavus J. Karger, Harvey Kirk, Carlton Nelson, Leonce A. Oderbrecht, George W. Siiielair, Lillian Auld, Stella Baker, Grace Barcus, P^lta M. Benbow, Luella A. Boston, Caroline Buclusieb, Flora M. Burdell, Susan Cunningham, Jessie Edwards, Estelle A. Farmer, Ella K. Farquhar, Alice A. Fassig, Lizzie R. Fassig, Emma P. Felch, Margaret A. Felch, Clara Fisher, Georgia A. Fornoflf, Margaret A. Godsall, Kate Hertenstein, Carrie D. High, Louise M. Hittler, Carrie F. Johnson, Ida M. Joyce, Agnes W". Keagle, Anna R. Kinney, Florence Kinsell, Ida M. Knell, Emma Lentz, Hattie J. Levy, Emma L. Linke, Frances E. Loudin, Florence A, Martin, Annetta McDonald, Bertha McVay, Rose B. Mullay, Sallie B. Olmstead, Sallie Phillips, Adelaide E. Pugh, Harriet M. Ritson, Norma E. Schueller, Belle T. Scott, Nora F. Seegur, Susan Senter, Viva Torrey, Laura E. Vorhees. 1883. Mary Johnson, Anna B. Keagle, Clarence Jones, Belle Kinsman, Minnie Schaub, Ella Hesse, E. Corner Brown, Cassius C. Collins, Robert Eckhardt, Charles E. Hampson, John B. Metiers, Emma Jones, Mary Jones, Ordelia Knoderer, Mary B. Lakin, Carrie M. Lash, William H. Siebert, Harry Taylor, Mattie Allen, Fannie Bancroft, Emilie Bauer, Nellie B. Bordie, May Comstock, Lulu Conway, Fannie Doherty, Maggie Ebin, Alice Ewing, Lizzie Fearn, Hilda Finn, Lida Filler, Mazie Geren, Benigna Green, Ella M. Graves, Lizzie Griswold, Antoinette Haberstich, Minnie Hofllman, Annie L. Holman, Lizzie A. Hughes, Nora B. James, Beatrice Joyce, Henrietta Lesquereux, Fannie Litchford, Abbie McFarland, Clara Miller, Sallie Morgan, Anna Moore, Mary Mulligan, Cora J. Neereamer, Ada Otstott, Laura Owen. Margaret Pinnev, Mary Reed, Minnie Reese, Minnie Reynolds, Ida Rowland, Lulu B. Runyan, Rettie Russell, Lizzie Sinclair, Nellie G. Smith, Ida Stelzig, Leah Thomas, Clara Weinman, Fannie Wheeler, Emilie Wirth, Clemmie Watson. 1884. Jennie Chamberlain, Josephine M. Mcliuffey, Theodore B. Comstock, Emma Parsons, Maude Alexander, Ida L. Pryce, Richard Bebb, George Constock, Rudolph Day, Joseph A. Frambes, Harry Holton, Daniel Hughes, James Judge, Harry Lum, Edward McConnell, Morton McDonald, Birnie Neil, Howard C. Park, John F. Robinson, Benjamin Talbot, Lincoln Wagenhals, Allen W, VViiliams, Jennie Arthur, Katie Aston, Emily Bortle, Alice L. Brown, Amalia Buchsieb, Jennie T. Burr, Hattie C^lark, Maggie Dent, Clara Dresel, Lulu M. Fankhouse, L. Minnie Ferrell, Marion (iiarner, Bessie Garwood, Mary Etta Gatch, Jessie L. Glenn, Addie C. Gordon, Kena M. Haig, Jennie Hammond, Nannie Harrison, Laura Hoft'man, Florence Hopper, Jessie Jelleff, Jessie Jones, Louisa C. Junker, Kate M. Lacey, Emma C. McCloud, Jessie B. McKim, Effie G. Millar, Henrietta Moler, Telia Miller, Anda G. Morin, Wilhelmina Ochs, Julia L. Palmer, Mamie B. Price, Laura J. Pryce, Sadie Reed, Minnie M. lijeichard, Eudora F. Ross, Carrie L. Scott, Jennie L. Shilling, Josie Sullivant, Clara Spohr, Nellie K. Thatcher, Emma E. Trott, Mea J. Williams, Sarah A. Williams 1885. William B. Abbott, William Altman, Philip Cullman, William P. Dunlap, Gran- ville S. Frambes, F]arl M. Gilliam, A. H. Huston, John C. Lincoln, Harry F. Miller, William H. Reams, Andrew D. Rodgers, Frank W. Savage, Sherman T. Wiggins, Charles A. Wikoff, Thomas D. Williams, Sadie D. Akin, May Baker, May F. Barratt, Pauline Beck. Maude F. Beller, Elizabeth E. Bortle, Maude E. Botimer, Helen Bradford, Eleonora Brunning, Josie M. Burck, Sarah A. Carr, Maude Collins, Nellie M. Crawford, Jennie M. DeHaven, Lillie E. Dougherty, Bertha Drobisch, Anna P. Fischer, Kate FornofF, Margaret S. Getz, Clara Good- man, Florence A. Holmes, Jestina Jones, Ella Kershaw, Margaret Koerner, Clara McDonald, Fannie K. Morrell, Mary K. Park, Jennie D. Patterson, Julia T. Phelps, Mary H. Ransom, Rose M. Rittinger, Emma A. Ruppersburg, Emma Schaub, Laura E. Schreyer, Eda H. Schueller, Stella E. Schueller, Minna A. Schafler, Ada M. Shipley, Nellie B. Skinner, Nellie A. Spring, Nellie Talbot, Bessie T. Taylor, Minnie Williams, Alice C. Willson, Emma Wirth, Adaline E. Woods, Flora L. Ziegler. ^: History of the City of Columbus. 1886. Maude C. Baker, Mabel Basterdes, Harry L. Bean, Nellie Beggs, Frank Benbow, M. H. Bliss, Junior, Clara T. Bucbsieb, Hallie G. Brown, Carrie C. Bidleman, H. W. Cham- berlain, George N. Cole, Lucy Corbin, Lillie M. Crethers, May A. Collier, Mary Doherfy, May B. Davey, Retta J. Dutoit, Lollie Flowers, Tillie T. Gill, Alice H. Moodie, Arabella Marks, Laura M. Martin, Ernestine Mayer, Mary P. Martini, Camma Neil, Clarice G. Nessmith, Mary J. Orton, Margaret M. Owen, Martha Ochs, Sarah D. Patterson, Thomas C. Pugh, Florence M. Eeasoner, Grace T. Roberts, Jennie A. Roberts, Grace E. Radebaugh, Bessie S. Seibert, Ella A. Somermier, Daisy Schaefer, Zalmen P. Gilmore, Gertrude K. Gregg, Hattie L. Hall, Minnie G. Jeffrey, Frank Jennings, Lizzie Jung, Harriet Knight, Lulu Stout- senberger, Ray Steward, Myra Slyh, Florence Turney, Dora Walter, May L. Weaver, Mina L. Waring. 1887. Carrie E. Allen, Edna Adelia Archer, Martha H. Bailey, Margaret Alice Beach, Hattie M. Blackwood, Mary Blakiston, Clara Blesch, May V. Bromley, M. S. Browne, Olivia Bruning, Carrie M. Bryson, Le Ora L. Burington, Joseph P. Byers, Charles L. Clark, Junior, Charlotte L. Claypoole, George S. Cooper, Theresa M. Daly, Jane McC. Doren, Annie L. Diinlap, Lillian S. Fassig, Laura J. Garner, Daisy Z. Glenn, Mary E. Gormley, H. Louise Hall, Rose Hammond, Florence E. Henderson, Margaret E. Huston, Helen G. Jaynes, Annie 0. Jones, Marie Jane Lash, Clarence Metters, Martha Moses, Edwin A. Myers, Elizabeth H. Naddy, Desdemona E. Neil, Mary V. Nessmith, May O'Harra, Sarah E. O'Kane, Katherine Palmer, Lila J. Piper, Edward W. Poiner, Norah Prentice, Isaac Pugh, Elmer G. Rice, Ida Richards, Grace H. Rose, Emilie Schaub, Lucy Alice Seely, Hany J. Shaw, Alica B. Sherman, Christopher E. Sherman, Esther Steinfield, Mignonnette Talbott, Edward L. Taylor, Atta M. Terry, Mary J. LTart, Hattie B. Waggoner, Edwin R. Wheeler, Ida Wirth. 18S8. Riley H. Bean, Elmer J. Butterworth, D. F. Callinan, W. R. Colton, Harry F. Flynn, James E. Meek, Arthur L. Pace, William E. Restieaux, William C. Safford, Herbert S. Talbot, Olive Alison, Mary E. Bainter, Emilie L. Beck, Mary Beekey, Lois E. Bradford, Lizzie M. Bratton, Hortense H. Brooks, Henrietta Browning, Etta G. Bryson, Nannie Colf- nian, Gertrude Conklin, Carrie A. Cooke, Cora B. Crane, Grace E. Croy, Abbie E. Dean, Esther Dent, Minnie E. Fearn, Ruth E. Fenimore, Evangeline Fox, Grace Fox, Eunna A. Fritsche, Emma M. Gates, Margaret M. Greenwood, Louise Herrick, Harriet A. Judd, Emma K. Kaefer, Bathsheba A. Lazelle, Gertrude C. Leib, Anna N. Loudenslager, Adah V. Millar, Ella Miller, Lora D. Dix, Helen Monroe, Mary F. Nelson, Juliet E. Nesmith, Alice Pflieger, Mary W. Roberts, Alma Schaub, Cora L. Sch rock, Winifred A. Scott, Ella M. Shupe, Ada M. Skinner, Olive Slade, Anna M. Spencer, Carolena M. Stock, Daisy J. Swickard, Florence M. Taylor, Lucy B. Tucker, Clara B. Turney, Clara A. Tussing, Wilhemina L. Volk, Anna F. Williams. 188!). Conrad C. Born, John W. Butterfield. Dennison D. Byers, Jesse H. Comsauth, William E. Dawson, Walter English, William L. Graves, Christian Jaeger, John K. Krumm, William H. Krumm, Sinclair B. Nace, John Newton Patton, Frank R. Shepherd, John G. W. Slemmons, William C. Williard, James H. Zinn, Margaret F. Ackerman, Renetta M. Ayers, Maude G. Archer, Dorothy B. Beach, Lillie Von Behren, Cora W. Brooke, Minnie Buchsieb, Luella B. Crook, Anna G. Dill, Helen C. Fickey, Grace M. Ford, Mary C. Gale, Minnie G. Hanawalt, Alice D. Hare, Florence L. Hess, Carrie B. Humphrys, Amelia Jaeger, Florence M. Jaquith, Emma L. Jenkins, Dickie Joyce, Anna L. Kaiser, Lillian M. Lee, Theresa L. Lentz, Nellie Lombard, Elizabeth Lucas, Ella R. Mayhugh, Clara McGuire, Fannie W. Mix, Minnie A. Mock, Grace O'Harra, Grace A. Piatt, Nettie M. Reitsche, Elizabeth Samuel, Anna L. Schwarz, Elizabeth Scott, Maud V. Smith, Emma L. Schiele, Laura E. Stoner, Sarah A. Vandegriff, Anna Wilcox, Elizabeth Williams, Mae Willoughby, Lillie Witter. 1890. Grace G. Alexander, Lois E. Atwood, Louise C. Balz, Effie F. Beach, Albert Bean, Flora D. Becker, Mary E. Bell, Grace B. Bidleman, Mary A. Blakely, Erden E. Blackwood, Ella A. Brooke, Ashley Bradford, Amy F. Bratton, Bertha B. Browne, Grace S. Burdell, Frederick V. Burington, Grace D. Butterfield, Mary E. Carr, Martha A. Carter, Arthur W. The Schools. II. 9i ColtoD, Alice Comstock, Emma Criswell, Edith L. Daiiu, Nellie K. Davis, Meitie I. Davis, Bertha Dille, Abigail Donovau, Katherine L. Doren, Rstelle Dubois, Carrie L. Earnest, Mary Eisenbise, Laura H. Eswein, Fannie O. Fassig, Martha J. Fisher, Maud A. Fowler, Oscar R. Flyun, Francis E. Gill, Joseph C. Goodman, Maud E. Graham, Jessie C. Graves, Mary Green, Jeannette B. Hall, Charles Hiell, Lulu P. Henry, Ida Hoffman, Chester Hardy, Mary L. Hull, Holmes Hubbell, Gracie M. Jamison, Ida M. Jones, Rachel E. Jones, Adeline Kaefer, Edward Kaemmerer, Flora Kercher, Anna S. Kilroy, Blanche A. Kroesen, Leanora M. Krumm, Gertrude A. Leport, Elizabeth M. Lisle, Mamie L. Loewenstein, Bertha Maddox, May McClane, Grace E. Martin, Clara J. Miller, Helen E. Ziegler, Mary G. Miller, Charlotte E. Moore, Amelia Moritz, Kate L- Neereamer, Edith B. Newman, Albert Nickens, August Odebrecht, Elizabeth H. O'Harra, Elsie M. Phaler, Anna L- Phelps, Clara Pfeifer, Maud L. Piatt, Lewellyn E- Pratt, Mary Pumpelly, Maud Ray, Minnie Ray, Anna L. Rickel, Susan A. Ritter, Charles A. Roedelheimer, Kate V. Sands, Charles Swan, Annie Sheppard, Alice G. Shilling, Josie P. Slemmons, Ida Steiuhauser, Ethel M. Stewart, Lily M. Thomas, Helen M. Tippett, Mary G. Twigg, Tessa Wharton, H. O. Williams, Elva H. Young, Harriet A. Ziegler. 1891. Nellie Bachtell, Jessie Barber, Lulu Barton, Emma Blesch, Edith Benbow, Mabel Booth, Nellie Bradford, Daisy M. Brooke, Grace Conaway, Estella Conklin, Mary E. Conwell, Grace Crawford, Phena Davis, Emma Drake, Rica Hynemau, Leona D. Humphreys, Ida Jones, Emma Lentz, Maud Jeffrey, Clara Kaiser, Katherine Kiser, Lillian L- Krumm, Daisy Loewenstein, Lena Lockhart, Cora Livingston, Ida Ines Martin, Gertrude Owen, Lida Park, Nellie N. Smith, Effie L. Stewart, Grace Thompson, Lucy Thomas, Daisy Tootle, Daisy Tyhurst, Edith M. Twiss, Clara Volk, Mary Walker, Nellie Webster, Hattie Wilcox, Grace Williams, Christine Wood, Harry Alexander, Cora Eichhorn, Mary E. Ewiug, Georgietta Fisher, Clara Garner, Clara German, Maud Gillespie, Delia Gunning, Helen M. Hague, Rose Havilaud, Nellie Herrick, Retta Howell, Maria H. Peters, Edith Prall, Florence Pritchard, Mary Pyne, Fannie Riggs, Grace D. Saviers, Lena Schenck, Alice Schrock, Abbie E- Simpson, Blanche Saiith, George H. Calkins, W. C. Cole, Harry Frost, Charles Herbert, Newton Jenkins, Otto H. Magley, William A. Marsh, Perry L. Miles, George A. O'Bryau, Marcus Simonton, Anna N. Cody, Edna P. Collins, Jessie Crane, Lillie Howie, Sarah Shay, Bessie Shields, Lulu Townsend, William Beitel, Frank J. Dawson, Oscar A. Newfang. The universities and colleges of the city and the parochial schools were omitted in this historical sketch for the reason that it was originally prepared for a larger work — Captain A. E. Lee's History of Columbus — in which these subjects were presented in separate chapters. They will be included in a subsequent edition. The Roman numerals in map on page five indicate the school districts of 1826 and 1827, outlined by fine dotted lines. The continuous line bounds the district of 1838, and the dot and dash line bounds the school district in 1S45. I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following persons who furnished invalu- able information and otherwise kindly assisted in the preparation of this histor)' : Mrs. J. Sullivant, Mrs. Judge Price, Mrs. David Taylor, Mrs. Martha U. Merion, Mrs. Emily Stewart, Mrs. Stacy Spade, Mrs. Mary Higgins, Mrs. Mary F. Going, Mrs. Sarah O. Miner, Miss Margaret W. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Innis, Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Gill, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Denig, Dr. Starling Loving, Rev. W. E. Moore, Rev. J. Poindexter, Gen. C. C. Walcutt, ex-Superintendents E. D. Kiugsley and R. W. Stevenson, Superinten- dent J. A. Shawan, Hon. Henry C. Taylor, Principal A. Brown, Messrs. O. E. D. Barron, J. H. Spielman, John Otstott, Richard Hodgkins, J. Neereamer, J. M. Kerr, W. G. Deshler, B. F. Martin, H. Armstong, E B, Armstrong, S. S. Rickley, R. Cloud, W. B. Brooks, John Shilling, C. M. Parsons, and the principals and teachers of the schools. ^2 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ohio School System, by J. A. Taylor ; Records of Court of Common Pleas ; Report of Clerk, Franklin Township; County Auditor's Journal, No. i, and Ledger 1826 and 1827. Reports of Clerk, Montgomery Township ; History Franklin County, W. T. Martin ; County Treasurer's Account Book, No. i ; Proceedings of Trustees, Montgomery Township ; History Columbus, J. H. Studer ; Columbus Directory, 1843. J- R- Armstrong; Ohio State Journal, 1826 to 1892 ; Ohio School Directory ; Ohio Gazetteer ; History of Education, Taylor ; School Reports ; Education in Ohio ; Columbus Ga/.etteer ; Columbus Dispatch. ERRATA. Page 20, sixth line, read Fourth instead of Front street. Page 22 fourth line, read Steven instead of Stern. Page 23 . twelfth line, read Lynn instead of Lazelle. Page 2j, twenty-fifth line, read Young instead of Fifth. K^'^-^v ■^-'"^t "^mm; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 166 972 1