a- 60th Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J Report 1st Session. \ 1 No. 1176. TO ESTABLISH A BIOLOGICAL AND FISH-CULTURAL STATION IN THE IPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. March 6, 1908. — Coininitted to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. Mr. Wilson, of Illinois, from the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries, submitted the following REPORT. [To accompany H. R. 13659.] The Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 18659) to establish a biological and tish- cnltural station in the Second Congressional district of the State of Iowa, having considered the same, respectfully report with the recom- mendation that it do pass with the following amendments, to wit: Amend the title of the bill so as to read: "A bill to establish a biological and fish-cultural station in the upper Mississippi Valley." Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to establish and equip a biological and tish-cultural station for the propagation of fresh-water mussels in the Upper Mississippi River V^ alley at some suitable point to be selected by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor; the cost of establishing the same, including purchase of site, construction of buildings and ponds, and equip- ment, not to exceed the sum of twentv-tive thousand dollars. The purpose of this bill is to make possible the perpetuation of the supply of raw material for the growing American industry of manu- facturing pearl buttons from the shells of fresh-water mussels and the industries collateral to it. By reason of the growth and development of this industry the supply of mussel shells is threatened with exhaus- tion. By establishing the station proposed in this bill it is believed that the question of artiticial propagation will be completely solved, and that the supply of these shells will be perpetuated by propagation which can henceforth be carried on without material additional expense to the Government. In the last session of Congress an additional appropriation of money for scientific investigation under the United States Fish Commission was granted for the purpose of making an investigation of^ the fresh- water mussels of the United States in their relation to the pearl-button i-iyw^ 2 FISH-CITLTUKAL STATION IN UPPER MISSISSIPPI ^'ALrTEY. industry. This investigation was ordered bv the S<^eretary of Com- merce and Labor on a sliowing made to him that this Amerfcan indus- try of manufacturing pearl buttons from the shells of fresh-water mussels had grown to considerable proportions during the past few- years, and that the rapidity with which these shells were beino- taken from the streams of the United States threatened the extinction of these mussels, thereby cutting off the source of the raw material for this industry and the consequent doom of tli^ industry. It was found that comparatively little knowledge had been obtained bv scientists and mvestigators regarding the life history of our fresh-water mussels, and so a commission was created under the supervision of Prof. Paul Bartsch, an eminent biological authority. This commission made an examination of many of the principal streams of the country where the fresh-water nmssels abound and secured nnich valuable information on the subject. The work of this commission has been carried forward by Professors Lefevre and Curtis, of the University of Missouri, who, by the way, have been conducting these investigations without' com- pensation. They have determined the mode of development of fresh- water mussels, and it has been found to differ from what occurs m any of their marine relatives. This difference lies in the fact that the embryo lives for a time as a parasite upon fresh-water fishes and can only develop in this parasitic condition. With this fact established, careful experiments have been made in inoculating fishes with these embrj^o clams. These experiments have been conducted by Professors Lefevre and Curtis, and the results thereof indicate that the infection of fishes on a large scale is entirely possible, and that there is ample reason to believe in the success o'^f such work in building up the supply of mussels. It is clearly pointed out that the steady decline of the beds demands some such remedial measures if the supply is to be maintained for more than a very few years. There are still many fundamental scien- tific facts relating to the subject which are yet to "be determined. For example, we do not know the exact breeding seasons of any one of the button mussels. We do not know what fish are best adapted to carry- ing the glochidia of each species, nor what are the best methods for work on a large scale. These facts can be ascertained if proper facili- ties for work are provided, and they must be ascertained before the process of artificial propagation can be established on a sound basis; but since many of them can only be learned by the actual experience of attempting artificial propagation on a large" scale the investigation and the propagation must go hand in hand. To carry on such work properly, there is necessary a station, properly equipped, for the whole- sale collecting and transporting of fish and mussels to the tanks and ponds of the station, where the infections are to be performed. In this way there could be liberated hundreds-of thousands of fishes loaded with these embryo clams, and thus sow these clams broadcast in our rivers. It may be added that this process of propagation is in no way harmful to the fish. The establishment of such a station as is provided for in this bill is recommended by the United States Commissioner of Fisheries. The following statement of the principal facts in the life history of our fresh-water mussels and the means proposed for incieasing" the supply w^as written by Professors Lefevre and Curtis, who have°been and are now conducting experiments under the direction of the United D. or D. 5 FISH-CULTURAL STATION IN UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. '^ ^ States Fish Commission. This statement is made a part of the report ^ and will be found most interesting: The fre^h-water clams or mussels of the United States and similar forms from other parts of the world exhibit a mode of development which differs from what occurs in any of their marine relatives. This difference lies in the fact that the embryo lives for a time as a parasite upon the gills or fins of fresh-water fishes, and can only develop in this parasitic condition, the life history being, briefly, as follows: The eggs of the female clam are fertilized by the sperm of the male, which enters the body of the female in the water current that brings the clam its food. These eggs begin development within the female, where they are contained in sacks formed by the animal's gill. Development proceeds as far as a stage known as the glochidium (PI. ia), which has the two halves of a nuniature shell and looks much like a gaping clam shell, but which has none of the internal organs necessary for the life which the adult clam leads in the mud of the bottom. The glochidia are shed out of the parent as they become ripe and they fall to the bottom, where, having no power of locomotion, they remain motionless unless washed about by the currents. Experiments prove that they will die before many days when left in this condition. If, however, the glochidium chances to come in contact with the fins or gills of a fish, which brushes against the silt of the bottom, it fastens itself, and within twenty-four hours has caused the skin of the fish to grow over it, so that the young mussel is completely imbedded within the living tissue of the fish. In this (condition it rests securely, receiving its food from the blood of its host, and leading a truly parasitic existencfe for some months. During this period the glo- chidium changes until all the organs of the adult are developed, though it has not increased in size. At the end of its parasitic existence, when the organs are fully formed, the young clam effects the tissue of the fish in such a way that the skin opens and the young clam drops to the bottom, where it begins the life which it will lead throughout the remainder of its existence. The attachment to a fish is entirely a matter of chance, but where nmssels and fish are abundant it must often occur under natural conditions, as is seen from the exami- nation of fish taken in nature. Still the fishes thus infected will almost never be found carrying as many of the parasites as they can without serious injury. If the fish are taken and placed in a tub or bucket of water containing large numbers of glochidia, which have been obtained from removing them from the ripe mussel, it is possible to cause the attachment of hundreds of the parasites for every one that would be found there by the chance of nature. A fish under 6 inches in length may thus be riiade to carry several hundred glochidia, and thus a thousand fish artificially infected may do the work of several hundred thousand in a state of nature. PJxperiments with small numliers of fish under observation in the laboratory indicate that their infection on a large scale is entirely possible, and the experiment now in progress at La Cro.'sse, in wliich over 25,000 young fish have thus been infected, gives every indication that such Avork may be begun even with the scanty knowledge we now possess. While there is ample reason to believe in the eventual success of such work in keeping up the supply of mussels, and while the steady decline of the beds demands some such remedial measures, if the supply is to be maintained for more than a very few years, we are not yet in a position to proceed safely with this work, because we are still ignorant of many fundamental scientific facts. For example, we do not know the exact breeding seasons of any one of the button mussels. We do not know what fish are best adapted to carrying the glochidia of each species, nor what are the best methods for work on a large scale. These facts can be ascertained if proper facilities for work are provided, and they must be ascertained before the process of artificial propagation can be established on a sound basis. But since many of them can only be learned by the actual experience of attempting artificial propagation on a large scale, the investigation and propagation must go hand in hand. To carry on such work properly, there is necessary a station properly equipped with l)oats and a steamer for the wholesale collecting and transporting of fish and mussels alive to the tanks and ponds of the station where the infection could l)e performed. Nature is jirodigal with the sujiply of glochidia, but so great is the chance again.st any ever fastening themselves upon the fish and against any ever dropping from the fi&ii to a place on the bottom where they can succeed in the struggle for life that, with the added destruction of hundreds of millions of shells each year for com- mercial purposes, we may easily exterminate before many years the forms upon which the button industry depends. If we can discover the places in the life history where the waste is greatest and aid the species at those critical stages, there is every reason to hope that the supply of mussels can be maly he more difficult than the passage of new ones. In conclusion, we may say that the parasitism on the fish makes the propagation of mussels go hand in hand with the propagation of our fresh-water fishes, since the fish is in no wise injured by the presence of the parasites. When we liberate a hun- dred fish each loaded with its hundreds of glochidia we not only sow the clams broadcast on the bottom but we are also distributing fish which, when their work for the clams is done, are just as useful as though they had never known such an experience. Wholesale infection gives every promise of success, but the means must be provided at once for work on a large scale, and unless something radical is soon accomplished the making of buttons from our fresh-water shells is doomed. As indicating the size of the pearl-button industry in the United States and the large number of wage-earners engaged in such manu- facture, the following table, taken from the report of the Census of Manufacturers for 1905, gives a comparative summary of the industry by States for the years 1905 and 1900: Comparative summary — Fresh-ivater pearl buttons and button blanks, by States: 1905 . and 1900. Cen- o a) Salaried offi- cials, clerks, ete. Wage-earners and wages. Miscel- laneous ex- penses. Cost of materials used. Value of S^*^**- SUS. t,4 a D 2; Salaries. Mai gg Wages. products. United States. 1905 1900 1905 1900 1905 1905 1900 1900 1905 1900 1905 1900 1905 1900 1905- 1900 1906 1900 1905 1900 ^905 51900 150 '83,234,379 122 r, 109, 572 385 117 $276,491 85,646 5,085 3,574 81,621,669 1,147,252 S319,593 89,414 11,911,187 940,838 1S4,926,458 2,766,053 Illinois 13 148, 313 10 37, 643 3 67, 901 51 1 1 173 Sfifi 16 8,530 1 259 11 6,172 237 4 3,460 : 139 116 74 fi85 1 1 QSfi 95,486 85, 071 39, 459 653,520 438, 168 141,200 55,314 17, 821 140,311 75, 679 406, 837 254, 027 16, 224 17,138 117,568 73,247 58, 700 32, 108 38, 250 12, 793 14,280 1 54,353 2,616 i 42,332 4,035 14,042 92, 530 f>3.^ Q1 7 209, 500 181,704 69,068 1,500,945 822,478 304, 400 136, 994 34,529 480,765 310, 954 1, 844, 432 771,482 50, 216 56,008 333,732 193, 823 164, 229 63, 125 136,577 27, 550 Indiana- Iowa Massachusetts •' . Missouri New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania .. Wisconsin All other states. 50 3 8 8 11 11 27 15 3 3 8 6 17 9 9 7 314, 685" 270, 597 126, 968 26, 995 273,215 77,550 904, 447 155, 834 59,008 48, 120 303, 830 110, 299 113,340 34,499 63,491 33,350 38 10 IB 1 22 9 163 28 5 i 4 11 4 7 6 24,756 19,200 5. 671 300 29,584 9,500 122, 300 16, 613 2,539 4,086 19, 826 2, 424 5,420 1,425 4,476 1.170 1,335 388 180 64 330 193 1,461 906 66 66 397 223 187 96 130 66 30, 853 12, 783 7,588 962 36, 491 4,323 96, 952 19,355. 4,002 5,487 47,020 3,875 10, 510 ■^ 1,830 6, 185 1,330 185, 257 72, 188 34, 135 12,525 199, 114 129, 569 818, 679 366, 040 23, 796 19, 962 135, 019 87, 697 58, 064 18, 751 40,068 6,517 1 Includes $556,217 worth of oceaD pearl buttons. -No establishments reported in 1900. ^Included in " all other Stasts" in 1905. ■•Includes establishments distributed as follows: Arkansas, 3; Massachusetts, 2; sissippi, 1; Nebraska, 1; Tennessee, 1. ''Includes establishments distributed as follows: Arkansas, 1; California, 2; braska, 2. Minnesota, 1; Mis Minnesota, 2; Ne- FISH-CULTURAL STATION IN UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 5 An unofficial statement of the fresh-water pearl button industry for the year 1906 is also submitted herewith. This report furnishes additional information regarding; the industry and is as follows: Fresh-water pearl button industry report, 1906. BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT, Amount of money invested in plant, machinery, etc $1, 488, 200 Amount of business done during year 1906 5, 650, 000 Number of gross manufactured during year 1906 25, 200, 000 Average price of button, 21| cents per gross 5, 481, 000 Amount of crushed shell waste material used for chicken feed, 30,726 tons, at $5.50 per ton 169, 000 Expended for paper boxes, cards, silver foil, etc 335, 000 Amount of money paid in wages 3, 450, 000 Amount of money paid for shells 737, 280 HELP AND WAGES. 3, 000 cutters (male), $14 average wages per week 42, 000 1, 800 operators (female) $8 average wages per week 14, 200 600 employed as foremen, $18 average wages per week 10, 800 Manager, salesmen, buyers, office force. 1, 000 employed at home sewing buttons (female) 3, 000 6, 400 Total wages per week 69, 000 50 weeks wages per year 3, 450, 000 SHELLS. Amount of shells, district, etc. Wabash River Ohio River Arkansas River.. Mississippi River. Other rivers 48,000 tons .shell, average price $1.5.36 , Tons. 14, 400 13, 440 9,120 8,640 2,400 Average price. 48,000 115. 00 15.00 15.00 17.00 15.00 Total cost. S216, 000 201,600 136, 800 146, 880 36,000 737, 280 737, 280 Estimated 3,000 clammers working five months in the year, average amount received by each man for year's work, besides amount received for pearls, etc. , for year $204. 50 Freight paid for shells for year ' 120, 000. 00 These tables do not indicate the full size of this comparatively new and growing industry. There are collateral industries which have grown up as a result of the manufacture of pearl buttons in the United States from fresh-water mussels. The sale of pearls and baroques which are found in these fresh-water mussels has grown to large pro- portions, and a conservative estimate would place the value of these pearls at $1,000,000 per annum. Another industr}^ which has grown up as a result of the manufacture of buttons from these shells is the manufacture of buckles and other articles of adornment, including stick pins, brooches, and other articles of jewelry. No data are at hand as to the magnitude of this particular industry, but it has already attained considerable proportions. 6 FISH-CULTURAL STATION IN UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. In addition the manufacture of button-making machinery has grown to considerable proportions, and the progress in the manu- facture of buttons is marked by a corresponding progress in the manufacture of labor-saving machines, some of which rival the modern typesetting machines in their intricacy and perfection of action. In the light of these facts the committee recommends the passage of the bill. o 60th Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, i Kept. 1176, 1st Session. j ( Part 2. TO ESTABLISH A BIOLOGICAL AND FISH-CULTURAL STATION IN THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY. March 13, 1908. — Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. Mr. Spight, from the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fish- eries, submitted the following- as the VIEWS OF THE MINORITY. [To actornpany H. R. lo(>59.] The bill as reported b\' the committee oug'ht not to pass. This bill is in the interest of the manufacturers of pearl buttons, 1 already, under general law, ampl}- protected bj' a tariff dut}'. This proposition goes far beyond the doctrine of protection. It seeks to have the Government appropriate money from the Treasury to advance the interests of a private enterprise operated for profit. It is altogether different from the tish hatcheries established by the Gov- ernment for the breeding- of young fishes of approved varieties and their distribution to the water courses, lakes, and ponds all over the countr\' for increasing the food supply of all the people. The mussel is not edible, and its only value is its shell, which is of use solely to the button factories. The effect of this bill, if passed, will be to fur- nish raw material to these factories. As evidence that such is the purpose, an effort was made to amend the bill so as to limit its opera- tion to a scientific investigation as to the best method for the propa- gation of the fresh-water nuissel. This was promptly voted down b}^ the friends of the measitre. If we inaugurate the policy of appropriating public money for pri- vate enterprises, where shall the line be drawn ? It is said that the manufacture of pearl buttons, ornaments, etc., is a young and grow- ing industry in the United States, and that it gives employment to many wage-earners. Grant that this is so. It is equally true that it is a profitable business to those engaged in it or they would seek other avenues of investment. They are not in the business from any motives of patriotism or for the public good, but solely for private gain. The laborers are given work to do not because of S3aiipathy for the unem- ployed, but because their services are profitable to their employers. 2 BIOLOGICAL AND FISH-CULTUKAL 'STATION. Then why should the public Treasury be made to contribute to their already profitable business? While the bill as originally presented has been so amended by its friends as to read, "A biological and fish-cultural station," the expres- sion is, perhaps unconsciously, misleading, because there is no dis- guising the fact that it is intended to apply alone to mussels. In the interest of the popularit}'^ of the measure it has been so amended as to apparently eliminate the restriction that the proposed plant shall be established in the Second Congressional district of Iowa, by substituting the words "In the Upper Mississippi River Valley." It may be, however, that there is no one so disingenuous as to suppose that the passage of the bill would mean anything else than that the station will be located in the Second district of Iowa, which is the only localit}'^ asking for it. We think the proposed legislation is unnecessary, unwise, and vicious in principle, and therefore oppose it. Tho. Spight. j. a. goulden. J. W. Alexander. Ci. W. Fairchild. J. T. Watkins. William E. Cox.