m «s •I •■•!- ,». ■•"**►< E BOTH e II I « « 4^ i« «l ANTIETAM TO APPOMATTOX " •i CAMPAIGNS PEN^SYLVAWIM VOLUNTEERS i.^»,^»>t>'.^i X '^ o S 5 . < = o s < t U I'NDER THE MALTESE CROSS A N T I E T A M TO APPOMATTOX THE LOYAL UPRISING IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 1861— 1865 CAMPAIGNS 155TH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT NARRATED BY THE RANK AND FILE PUBLISHED BY THE 155TH REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION PITTSBURG, PA. 1910 Copyrighted, 1910, by t JOHN T. PORTER, Financial Secretary, Pillsburg, Pa. V All Rights Reserved. Printing and Binding: — The Werner Co., .\kron, O., and Pittsburg. Engraving:— J. C. Bragdon, Pittsburg. Stenographic Work and Typewriting: — John T. Porter, Pittsburg, I'hotographers :— Brady, Washington, D. C. ; Cargo, Pittsburg; W. S. Bell, Pittsburg; W, H. Tipton, Gettysburg; Dabbs, Pittsburg; Dana, Pittsburg; and R. W. Johnston, Pittsburg. Artists- — Edwin Forbes; David C. Blythe ; Wm. Batchelor, Pittsburg; Geo. Gillespie, Pittsburg; and Robert E. Smalley, Pittsburg. ^CI.A^HOSJM^'- ^, Preface '■ The Peninsular Campaign is a Failure! The Union Arms have not EEN Victorious! They have been driven back to the Gates of Washing- )N, notwithstanding all reports to the contrary!" Had it not been for these fateful words, just quoted, uttered by Governor -drew G. Curtin, at a great war mass-meeting, held on the West Common, .ilegheny, Pa., on the 2-lth day of July, 1862, the history of the One Hundred .nd Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers would probably never have been written. Up to that period the attempted secession of the Southern States had been e all-absorbing subject of public interest; but the real magnitude of the war .■ the Union had not been fully realized by the people of Western Pennsylvania. t was felt somehow that with the mighty eflforts already put forth by the Na- "jnal Government, the Rebellion must be short-lived, and the national authority ,01 m restored throughout the South. The solemn and impressive declaration of the Chief-executive of the great I'ommonwealth of Pennsylvania that the war thus far had been a failure awoke he people with a shock to the real danger of the situation. The effect of the jovernor's words was not discouraging ; they simply aroused the people from the sense of false security under which they had hitherto been resting, and stirred p all the latent patriotism in their hearts, resulting in a firm determination that 'le war henceforth should be waged relentlessly till the last armed foe to the ion should ground his arms. Many youths who had never hitherto entertained a thought of enlisting, denly felt themselves impelled to enroll themselves in defense of the integrity heir native land; and thus it happened that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth e into existence. The Itinerary and Narrative in the following pages is but a record mainly of he rank and file of the Regiment, their hardships and sufferings, their sacrifices of life, limb, and health, in behalf of their beloved country. The opening Chapter begins with the firing on Sumter, the official date of the beginning of the Civil War, and portrays the state of the public mind, which called forth upon the stage of action the patriotic devotion to the Union of so many heroic men and women in Western Pennsylvania. Their acts and sacri- fices speak for themselves in the following pages. ii UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. The authors of this history mostly belonged to the rank and file of the Regi- ment, and they have carefully avoided censorious criticisms, being content simply to narrate their story of the stirring events of the campaigns, under the Maltese Cross, the badge of the Fifth Corps, Army of Potomac, compiled from/ records, diaries, home letters, and narratives of actual participants, and leavinsf the reader his prerogative of passing upon the same. j The numerous War-time illustrations and photo groups of Reunions ano Monument Dedications appearing in the volume is somewhat of an innovation, which, with the passage of time, will greatly enhance the work as an Illus- trated Souvenir History of the greatest war of modern times. The comrade authors are pleased to announce that the Governor, the Audi- tor-General, and the Adjutant-General of the State have given their official imprimatur to the contents of this volume. This approval of their labors is not only most gratifying to the authors, but adds to the authenticity of the work. E. JAY ALLEN, JOHN H. KERR, JOHN EWING, JOHN C. SLAS, S. W. HILL, JOHN T. PORTER, CHARLES F. AlcKENNA, Regimental Committee on History. *l Index to Portraits Adams, Capt. David F ... 705 Albree, Joseph . . ... 38 Allabach, Col. Peter H ... 97 Allen, Bradford . . ... 458 Allen, David . . . ... 459 Allen, Col. E. Jay . 59, 516, 620. 683, 710 Allen, Capt. Wni. E. ... 474 Alter, T. Kins;- . . . 449, 55G Anderson, Corp. John A. . . 478 Anderson, Sgt. Thoma s C. . . 496 Anshutz, Capt. Lee ... 100 Ashworth, Daniel . . . . 705 Armstrong, Sgt. J. D . . . .506 Ayres, Gen. R. B. . ... 665 Baldwin, Theodore . . . . 278 Bardeen. Charles ... 601 Barr. Col. James P. ... 44 Barrett. Corp. Spencer P. . . 504 Bartlett, Brig.-Gen. ]o seph T. . 326 Beals, Hiram . . . ... 466 Bell, Lieut. Arthur \\' ... 118 Bell, Capt. John S. . . . T06 Bell, Capt. John T. . . . 496 Birch, William . . ... 683 Boisel, Capt. Daniel . . . 706 Bollinger, Geortje . ... 419 Booth, Sgt. Georo-e . . . 429 Black, Col. Samuel ^^' ... 25 Blair, Lieut. Samuel Q . ... 477 Bradley, Corp. George . 456, 732 Bradley, John . . ... 705 Bradley, Ralph . . ... 494 Bratton, George W. . 437, 601 Brinton Capt 350 Breed, Lieut. H. A . . . 683 Bruden, Corp. Jacob . . . 475 Brunn, Capt. Jacob . ... 12 Brunot, Hon. Eelix R ... 39 Bunton, Charles . . ... 561 Burchfield, A. P. . ... 707 Burnside, Maj.-Gen. .^ 'l. E. 02, 579 Cain, Lieut. -Col. John H. 117. 620 Calhoun, Ephraim J. . . . .503 f Callen, Theophilus S 284 Campbell, Sgt. Harry S. . Cargo, Lieut. Joseph M. . Carnegie, Andrew . . . Carson, Lieut. Alexander. Carroll, Corp. James J. . Chamberlain, Gen. J. L. . Childs, Col. James H. Childs, Miss Laura . . Clapp, Capt. E. E. . . . Clark. Rev. John B., D. .D. Clever, Corp. Robt. O- . . 729 . . 414 ■ ■ W: 103, 424' . . 456 219, 694 . . 73 . . 33 . . 265 . 52, 806 . . 505 340, 620 . . 23 677 56 219 196 398 407 407 475 154 Cline, Major John A Collier, Col. Frederick H. . . Collner, Capt. William F. . . 297, 463 Collord, Lieut. -Col. James . . Coulter, Gen. Richard .... Cowan, John Crawford, Jacob O Craig, Isaac Craig, John Craig, Sgt. Washington A. . . Crawford, Maj.-Gen. S. W. . Culbert, Robert 495 Culbert, Samuel 495 Gulp, Robert R 408 Curll, Corp. D. Reid .... 475 Curry, Color-Corp. Henry M. . 457, 561, 583, Curtin, Gov. Andrew G. . . 29, Dalzell, John K. .. . Davis, Corp. R. B. . . Davis. Thomas D. . . De Ford, Lieut. Risdon Dehner. Leonard . . Denniston, Capt. John T Dewalt. William H. . Dickson, Dr. Joseph . Dickson. Dr. John . . Dickson, Dr. Thomas . Dickson, Thomas H. . Dillon, John .... Dittman, Adam . 718 49 . 456 402, 406 708 501 466 120 391 198 198 40 456 398 466 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Domenec, Rt. Rev. M. ... 31 Douglass, Howell 489 Douglass, Robert P. . . 546, 634 Eagan, Rev. C. L 313 Elder, Col. Jas. J 799 Errett, Maj. Russell .... 38.5 Euwer, Corp. A. N. . . .583, 609 Evans, William 384 Ewing, Lieut.-Col. John 398, 630, 683 Farley, Capt. Porter .... 187 Fillman, Josiah 466 Finnegan, James 105 Fleming, Dr. Andrew .... 34 Fleming, Corp. K. G. . . .503, 583 Fleming, John A 504 Foster," Lieut. J. A. H. . . . 503 Frick, Col. Jacob G 805 Friend, Jacob S 572 Fullerton, Nathan N 611 Fulton. Charles W 478 Fulton, Sgt. Geo. P 434 Gallaher, Dr. Thomas ]. . . . 198 Gamble, Oliver P 443 Garrard, Gen. Kenner .... 319 Garris, David 456 Gilmore, Corp. Franklin . . . 398, 596, 599 Gilson, J. H 708 Glass, Capt. John P 13 Glass, Com. -Sgt. William B. . 83 Grant, Gen. U. S. . 335. 364, 579 Gray, Calvin 509 Gregory, Col. E. M 319 Griffith, John 569 Griffin, Maj.-Gen. Charles 350. 665 Grounds, William 409 Grubbs, Capt. H. W 401 Hagan, Corp. Isaac N. . . . 481 Halleck, Gen. H. W 541 Hampton. L H 51 Hancock. Maj.-Gen. W. S. 579, 607 Harnish. Corp. Horatio S. 255. 728 Harper, Capt. Samuel .... 34 Harriger. Harry 478 Hartiiian, M^illiam D 480 Hartman. Lewis 480 Havs. Gen. Alexander . . . 256 Hays. John A 399 Hays, T. Milton 638 Hazlett, Capt. Charles E. . . 169 Heaslev. Henry W 495 Heath," Oliver M 495 Heflick, Samuel J 409 Heisey, Capt. Augustus H. . 413 Henderson, James R 509 bo, 439, 101, F. Hess, William Hill, Corp. Samuel W. 453, 623, Hindman, William S. . 277, Hooker, Maj.-Gen. Joseph 116, Horner, Daniel K Howard, Rev. William D., D. D. Howe, Gen. Thomas M. . . 8, Huey, Capt. Ben . . . Humphreys. Major-General Andrew A Hunter, Sgt. George . . Hunter, John Hunter, John F Irwin, Sgt. James J. . Irv^fin. Sgt.-Maj. John H. Jackson, Brig. -Gen. Conrad Jamison, John .... Jenkins, Col. David T. . Johnson. Rev. Herrick, D. D Johnston. Capt. Charles C. Johnston, David Johnston. Lieut. Ed. P. Johnston, James P. Jones, B. F Tones, Capt. William R. Justice, Sgt. W. H. . Kaster, James M. Kerr, Capt. Benjamin B Kerr. Geo. R. . . . Kerr. Sgt. John H. . Ketcham. W. P. . . . Kier. Samuel M. . King. Dr. James King, Lieut, ^^'nl. H. . Kirkpatrick. Sgt. D. C. Kirkpatrick. Hon. John M Kitchin, Dr. E. C". . Kilgore, Capt. Samuel Kohen, F. P. . . . Kribbs, Lieut. John A Kuhn, Wilbur W. . Lafferty, Stanley Lancaster. Sgt. J. M. Lapine. Capt. Jacob Laughlin. Maj. George M. 3.50, 433, 446, 680, Lawson. Color-Sgt. Thomas C. Lee. Lieut. Elijah M. . . 477', Le Goullon. G Leonard, Hugh Lemon. Corp. Michael P.. Lewis. John A Lewis, Peter Lincoln. Abraham Linderman, F"red 471 683 441 135 439 30 49 .507 623, 462, 435, 796 431 444 536 477 128 15 459 346 37 368 490 399 399 33 108 398 480 118 480 650 459 49 41 455 506 384 595 422 705 634 437 398 .585 137 720 603 636 495 431 354 479 479 3 426 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. Lindernian, Philip Lindsay, William Liken, William A Littlehales, William .... Loutzenheiser, Newell D. . . Lowry, Hon. Jas. Jr Locke, Col. Fred T Logan, Sgt. William .... Lyon, Capt. D. E Lyon, Patrick Lutes, J. H Mackin, Color Corp. John H. .344, Mackin, John Markle, Capt. John .... Marlin, Color-Sgt. Thomas 1. . ".iOO, Marshall, Col. Charles, (C. S. A 436 398 299 308 438 51 446 493 474 267 449 583 540 454 D Marshall, Lieut. D. Porter Marshall, E. S. . . . Marshall, Hawdon Marshall, Thos. M. . Martin, Thomas C. . . Mateer, Rev. Joseph. D Mathews, William . . Meade, Maj.-Gen. (jeorge G. . 152, Meagher, Gen. Thomas Francis Melchi, E. R Merriman, Jackson Miller, A. "S Montooth, Maj. E. A. 83, 620, Montgomery, \\'illiam Moody, Lieut.-Col. William H. Mooney, Lieut. John .... Moorhead, Hon. James K. . Moorhead, Maj.-^^'illiam J. . Morgan, Miss Eva Morgan, Capt. Geo. F. . 117, Morgan, Thos. E. . . . 449, Murphy. Corp. Richard Myers.' Alilton L. . . McCabe. Sgt. \^'alter . . 333, McCandless. Hon. Wilson . . McCann. Dr. James .... McClellan. AJaj.-Gen. Geo. B. . McClelland, Capt. Geo. P. . . McClelland, William \Y. . . McClintock, Oliver .... McCook, Dr. George .... McConnell, Lieut. Daniel W. . McCush, Color-Corp. Thos. 492. McFadden, James McFadden, Patrick .... 373 .501 447 225 51 488 323 436 579 136 447 442 705 635 361 24 477 38 175 681 464 517 431 40] 407 51 200 63 458 706 33 401 583 431 431 43 McFadden, Miss Rachel . . 33 McGimpsev, Sgt. H. W. . . 440 McGaughe'y, Robt. L. . . . 508 McKee, Capt. S. A. . . 300, 485 McKenna, Charles F. 623, 635, 683 McMillan, James A. 401, 403, 404 McMiUen, William C. . . . 407 McPherson, Color-Corp. L. E 416, 559, 561, 683 Negley, Maj.-Gen. James S Nevil, John A. . . . Nevin, Col. John L . Niederlander, Joseph . Nilan, Michael . . . O'Brien, Col. Edward O'Neill, James P. . . O'Rorke, Col. Patrick H Ott, Charles W. . . . Palmer, Capt. J. B. . Pangburn, Noah H. . ( Park, Sgt. Hugh . . Park, James, Jr. . Parker, Sgt. James F. Patterson, Col. John \A'. Pearce, Lieut. James D. Pearson, Gen. A. L. 11 Pence, Harmon . Pitcairn. Robert . Poland, Maj. John . Porter, Gen. Fitz John Porter, John T. . . .47 Porter, Sgt. ^^■m. D. . Power, Lieut. J. T. . Prestley, Rev. James, D Price, Elijah N. . . . Quay, Col. M. S. . . Plalston, O.-M.-Sgt. John Ramsey, John L. . . Ramsey, Corp. \\'m. B. Rankin, James A. . Rankin, John .... Rankin. Samuel G. Rankin, Corp. William Reed, Dr. J. A. E. . . Reid, Maj. Bernard J. Richards. James B. Rippey, Col. Oliver H. Robbins. Moses . Rowand, A. H. Jr. . . Rowe, Col. D. Watson Rowlev, Gen. Thomas A Russell, Corp. John C. Rvan, Col. George . Sackett, Edward W. . Sackett. Capt. Joseph B 3, D 4 468 28 471 407 805 223, 442 166 407 117 451 443 33 630 21 494 635, 663 448 11 14 665 619, 625 505 435 30 398 532 82 404 508 299 601 488 493 9, .592 679 443 27 399 372 799 20 508 245 449 230 VI UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. B Sallade, Corp. Martin \". B, Savage, Mrs. Kate Scott, Col. Thomas A. Scott, William J. . Schemerhorn, Capt. Secrist, Sgt. Asbury Shawhan, Sgt. Jos. . Shaw, Dr. Thomas \\ Sheridan, Maj.-Gen. P. H Shore, Sgt.-Maj. William, Jr. . 360, 4-3:, Sias, John C 490, 494, Smith, Sgt. Albert K, Smith, Gen. " Baldj' ' Smith, Dill A. . . Smith, George M. . Smith, Jeremiah Speakman, Col. Frank- Stafford, Miss Mary _ Stanton, Sec'y.-of-\\'ar Stewart. Sgt. David Stewart, Maj. R. E. Strong, Lieut. James Sweeney, Capt. John C. Sweitzer, Bvt. -Brig. -Gen Bowman .... Sykes, Gen. George . Taggart, Capt. Samuel Taylor, Thos Thomas, John J\L. Chapl Thaw. William . . . Thompson, Color-Corp. l-"rancis 487, Thompson, Lieut. Robert . . Thorn, Ellis C. Hosp. Steward Tomer, Color-Corp. Thomas T- M. 4-38 43 9 433 3.50 35.5 415 198 348 681 635 419 579 49 324 697 807 45 .541 480 707 346 428 389 665 16 466 84 35 601 434 79 164 Tyler, General E. B Tyler, Maj. Horatio K. . . . \'an Gorder, Frank .... \'anosdol, Thos. Y \'an Tassel, James Wadsworth. Gen. James S. \\'all, Tos. S. . . " Walter, Dr. Albert G. . . . ^^'alters. Color-Corp. Charles A 494. Ward, Maj. Frank B \Varren, Gen. G. K. . 579. 665, ^^'atson, Mrs. Ellen Murdoch . Weaver, Corp. PL F. . . 197, W^eed, Gen. S. H Wells, Lieut. James .... Welton, William Weyman. William P Whipple, Gen. Amiel \\'. . . White, Andrew White, Gen. Harry .... ^Vhite, Corp. William John . Wilkins. Hon. \\'illiam . . 5. Will, Franklin Williamson, R. L Wilson, Rev. S. J., D. D. . . Wilson, Surgeon W. S. . . 79, Winger, Josiah G Winthrop, Brig. -Gen. Fred . . Wiseman. Color-Sgt. Thomas 101. Witherow, ^\ illiam Woll, Leopold . . . Woods, Sgt. Thomas L . 366. Wright, Gen. H. G. . Wycoff, Sgt. Isaac 813 706 82 443 397 357 449 199 583 31 715 43 635 166 425 195 37 138 482 606 436 49 466 495 51 710 471 352 601 707 494 404 579 195 Index to Illustrations Death of Color Guards — Charge Marye's Heights .... Frontispiece View of Pittsburg and Allegheny in 1861 xvi The "Old 13th" in Action, 1861 18 National Officers and Delegates, United States Christian Commission . 36 Humphreys" Division Flag Insert 64-65 Lutheran Church, Sharpsburg 75 Lincoln's Visit to McClellan at .\ntietam 77 Fredericksburg, 1862 94 Stone Wall and Marye"s Heights 104 Burnside's " Muddy March " 110 Burnside " Stuck in the Mud " 112 Brig.-Gen. P. H. Allabach and Staff 114 Camp Humphreys, Near Falmouth, \'a Insert 114-115 " Hoe-Down," Camp Humphreys 123 President Lincoln and General Hooker Reviewing Army 125 Crossing Rappahannock — On Way to Chancellorsville 130 Chancellorsville House 132 Scene — Battle of Chancellorsville 134 Departure 123rd Pa. Vols, from Camp Humphreys for Home .... 143 " Sykes and Ayres " Division Flag Insert 144-145 " Reveille and Tattoo" . . . ! 148 Gettysburg, Meade's Headquarters 159 Gettysburg— July 2, 1863 161 General Warren on Little Round Top 168 Devil's Den, Gettysburg 171 General Vincent's Monument 202 Mine Run, 1908 Insert 214-215 Winter Quarters, Warrenton Junction 217 Zouave in Action 227 The " Long and the Short " in Zouave Uniform 229 Griffin's Division Flag Insert 232-233 The Bivouac " Night Before Battle of Wilderness " 241 Lieut. -General Grant's Headquarters, Culpeper Court House, May 1, 1864 242 Fifth Corps Crossing Rapidan — Germanna Ford. May 4, 1864 .... 243 Fifth Corps Replenishing Ammunition, May 5, 1864 250 Removing the Wounded at Wilderness 252 On March by Left Flank to Spottsylvania 260 General Warren and Staff at Spottsylvania 270 Fifth Corps at Spottsylvania 272 Pontoon Crossing North .^nna at Tericho Ford 274 viii UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. General Meade's Headquarters in Field, 1864 280 Skirmishing — Bethesda Church 285 Petersburg, 1864 293 General G. K. Warren and Staff, Siege of Petersburg 304 Group at Corps Headquarters 31& Fifth Corps Headquarters, Yellow Tavern, Weldon R. R 318 Squad Company C in Camp, Peebles' Farm, Petersburg 32^ Appomattox, Showing Position of 155th Pa. Vols, on Receiving Flag of Truce 358 McLean House, Appomattox 363 General Lee Leaving McLean House at Appomattox 369 Generals Grant, Lee and Meade and Their Staflfs at Appomattox . . 370 The Final Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac 380 155th Pa. Vols. Entering Old City Hall to Receive Welcome by City of Pittsburg, June 5, 1865 387 Public Reception and Dinner to General A. L. Pearson and Veterans of 155th Reg. Pa. Vols, by City of Pittsburg, June 5, 1865 .... 388 Captain Laughlin and Private McKenna Detailed from Petersburg Trenches to Headquarters Fifth Corps 445 " Breaking Home Ties "—Off for War 518 " Come and Get Your Quinine " 523 On the Road to Antietam — Up South IMountain 535 "How-Dye-Do, General?" 538 First Lesson in Military Manners, " Salute to Superiors " 529 Return to Company in Disgrace 531 Colonel Quay's Orderh' and 155th Stockade Guard Under Arrest . . 533 General Humphreys' Court of Inquiry 535 Interviewing Secretary Stanton Under Difificulties 543 Uncle John Mackin Joins the Ranks for Battle 545 On Temporary Provost Duty, Grant's Headquarters 561 Bivouac — Wilderness 562 Field of Battle Gettysburg from the 155th Pa. Vols. Monument . . . 561 General Meade's Headquarters, Gettysburg 553 Guarding Fifth Corps Train in Wilderness 560 Praj-er Book Found on Body of Dead Soldier at ^^'ilderness .... 566 Skirmishers — Hunter, Friend and Lemon, at Opening Battle of Wilder- ness 573 " Hoo-doo-ed " On the Road to North Anna 577 War Time Photos of Grant and Corps Generals 579 Building Breastworks Under Fire 581 Color Guard, 1864-5 583 The Fatal Vidette Outpost, Bethesda Church 586 The Detail for Vidette Duty — Lancaster, Douglas, McKenna and Hipsley 587 Sketch of Callen's Grave, Bethesda Church 589 Final Resting Place of Theophilus S. Callen, Village Church Yard . . 591 Return of Regimental Flag to State of Pennsylvinia, 1866 . Insert 606-607 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ix Color-Sgt. Thomas J. Marlin Returning Regimental Flag to State, July 14, 1866 Insert 608-60f> Lafayette Hall, First Re-union, 1875 635 Unveiling Monument, Sept. 17, 1886 and Re-union Group . Insert 636-637 155th Monument— Little Round Top 639 Warren's Monument. Little Round Top 651 Company E, 1894 Reunion Group 659 Company F, 1894 Reunion Group 661 Reunion 1894, Duquesne Park 670-671 Around the Camp Fire 673- Reunion 155th Pa. Vols., Clarion 1S96 674-675 Executive Committee — Reunion, 1903 683 Reunion, 1903, Kennywood Park 684 Snapshot of Comrades — Reunion. 1903 685 Reunion, 1905, Kennywood Park 687 Regimental Executive Committee — Reunion 1905 688 Reunion, Kennywood Park 689 Reunion— Bellevue, 1906 691-3 Reunion— Bellevue, 1906 695-6- Dress Parade and Review of Survivors By Colonel Allen, Bellevue, 1907 698-9 General A. A. Humphreys' Monument 701 Reunion, at Unveiling Monument to General Humphreys, Fredericks- burg. Nov. 1], 1908 70» The Allegheny County Soldiers' Memorial Hall, 1910 711 City of Pittsburg, 1910 794 Table of Contents LOYAL UPRISL\G IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANL\: INTRODUCTORY— Epitome of Events, ISGl-lSG"? . . SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS:— I Aluster-iii at Pittsljurg — Forced March to Train .... 46 II Arrival in Washington, Camp Chase 62 III Forced March to Antietam 68 IV Scenes and Events in Camp McAuley. Antietam .... 81 V Fredericksburg Campaign, Dec. 186-.' 91 VI General Hooker — Chancellorsville 115 VII Return to Camp Humphreys — Forced Marches .... 142 VIII The Battle of Gettysburg 160 IX Scenes and Incidents of the Battle of Gettyslnirg . . . 179 X Retreat of the Confederate Army — Aline Run 304 XI The Battle of the Wilderness 340 XII The Battles of Laurel Hill and Spottsylvania 359 XIII Battles of North Anna— Bethesda Church— Cold Harbor . 371 XIV Petersburg Campaign — Weldon Railroad 392 XV Hatcher's Run. Weldon Railroad Raid 317 XVI Five Forks — Appomattox — Surrender — Paroling .... 343 X\TI Appomattox Incidents — Homeward Alarch — Grand Re- view, Washington — Home Reception — Mustered Out 371 COMPANY HISTORIES— PERSONAL ETC.— 1863-181).-) :— Memories of Company A . Organization of Company B . Last Two Years in Company B Company C, the Color Company In the Ranks of Company D Officers and Men of Company E Roll Call of Company F . . Sketch of Company G . . . Company H Recollections of Company I . With the Colors. Reminiscences of Company K SKETCHES. CASUALTIES, Bv Wm. H. Dewalt . . 391 By H. F. Weaver . . . 400 By Tas. A.. McMillan . . 402 By Jos. M. Cargo . . . 412 Bv William T- Scott . . 423 Bv Noah H. Pangburn . 432 Bv Samuel W. Hill . 453 By John A. Kribbs . . 463 Bv Tohn T. Porter . . 472 Bv John C. Sias . . . 485 Bv Thomas I. Marlin 499 Xll L'XDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES BY COMRADES :- The Colonel's Tribute By Edward Jay Allen " Breaking Home Ties " . . . . By Thomas E. Morgan How I Found My Regiment . . By W. Stockton Wilson The Rise and Fall oj. an " Orderly " By John T. Porter . . Quay's Quandary By John T. Porter . The Battle of Fredericksburg . . By Henry F. ^^'eaver . Uncle John Alackin's War Exper- ience By Charles F. jMcKenna W'ithin the Enemy's Lines — Chan- cellorsville By Robert P. Douglass At Gettysburg — Under Front and Rear Fire By Henry F. Weaver . The Kiskiminetas Squad .... By J. King Alter . With Grant at Opening of Wilder- ness By L. E. ]\IcPherson . W'ounded and a Prisoner .... By John Griffith . . . My Capture and Prison Life . . . By Jacob S. Friend . The Battle of North Anna ... By Charles F. McKenna Perils of \'idette Duty By John M. Lancaster Story of the Regimental Surgeon . By J. M. E. Reed . . Reminiscences of Hatcher's Run and Five Forks By Elias A. Kitchin At the Front and in the Hospital . By P'ranklin Gilmore . The Flag of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth By Thomas C. Lawson Return of Regimental Flag to State, 18G6 ! ' . . By S. \\'. Hill . . . A Country Boy in the Army . . By Arch N. Euwer . Campaigning with Company A. . By Nathan N. Fullerton The Charge at Five Forks . . By J. A. McDowell The Last Man Killed in the Army of the Potomac By John H. Kerr . . Memories of Appomattox . . . By George M. Laughlin The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in War and in Peace. A Roll Call of Survivors By John T. Porter . 515 517 520 526 532 537 540 546 550 556 559 568 572 576 585 593 594 596 600 606 609 611 613 614 616 619 REUNIONS AND DEDICATIONS:— Organization of Regimental Association 633 First Reunion. 1875— Old LaFavette Hall 633 Reunion. Pittsburg, Sept. 12, 1884 660 Unveiling Monument and Reunion. Gettyslnirg. Sept. 17, 1886 . 637 Dedication of State Monument to Regiment, on Little Round Top, Gettysburg, Sept. 18, 1889 . . " 649 Reunion 'at Clarion, Pa., July 29 and 30th, 1896 676 Reunion at Kennywood Park, 1903 682 Reunion at Bellevue Club, June 25, 1906 690 Dedicator}- Ceremonies, Fredericksburg, Nov. 11, 1908 .... 703 Unveiling of General Humphreys' Monument, Nov. 11, 1908 and Regimental Reunion 704 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. xiu MEMOIRS AND SKETCHES:— Action on Death of General W^arren Corporal Harr}' M. Curry .... Brevet-Major George M. Laughlin Colonel John H. Cain Brevet-Major-General A. L. Pearson Captain Samuel A. McKee . . Captain George Pressley McClelland Corporal Horatio S. Harnish, Com- pany H Sergeant Henry R. Campbell. Com- pany B Reverend Joseph Mateer. D. D., Chaplain Corporal George Bradley, Compan}' Color-Sergeant Thomas J. Marlin . Color-Sergeant Thomas Wiseman . Brevet-Major Samuel Kilgore . Private James P. O'Neil. Company E ". Colonel Peter H^Allabach. 131st Pa. Vols, f Colonel Patric/H. O'Rorke. 140th N. Y. Vols Frederick Winthrop, Brevet-Major- General, U. S. Vols Stephen H. Weed, Brigadier-General Regimental Minute . . . By Col. E. Jay Allen . . . Resolutions Resolutions Resolutions By Sgt. John H. Keer . . By His Pastor 716 ;ir 719 723 724 725 736 PJy ^\'m. D. Hartman . . . 737 By Richard M. Davis . . 730 Bv Colonel John Ewing . . f' . . . ." 731 732 By Rev. J. A. Thompson . By Alexander Dempster . . Resolutions 733 734 735 Press Obituarj' 736 Press Obituary 737 B}' Captain Porter Farley . 738 I'.y Maj. Geo. M. Laughlin . I'Vom U. S. Register . . . 739 741 ROSTERS:— Field and Stafif— Rank and File— Revised to Date ... 743 to 792 Field and Staff 745-746 Company A 747-751 Company B 751-755 Companv C 756-760 Company D 760-764 Company E 764-769 Company F 769-773 Company G 774-778 Company H 778-783 Company I 782-786 Company K 787-791 Record of 155th Pa. Infantry 792 APPENDIX :- Sketches of Regiments Composing Humphreys' Division in An- tietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville Campaigns and Ofificial Reports 795 .^ '9 U N ION AND CONSTITUTION n^Tiii RamiiMii Epitome of Events, 1861-1863. N EPITOME of the rapidly forming events of 1861 to 1863, trans- piring in Western Pennsylvania up to the summer of 1863, when iJBJ^BW the youths composing the rank and file of the One Hundred and MxJJ^mS j Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment volunteered for the Union cause, is believed to be a fitting introduction to the history of the campaigns of the Regiment. In this chapter, therefore, will be found a summary of impor- tant events and incidents occurring in the Nation and locally during the first year of the war. All Western Pennsylvania had been aroused by certain acts and declarations of Southern representatives in the closing days of 1860. So that when an order from the Secretary of War, John B. Floyd, was issued directing the shipment of heavy ordnance from the Allegheny Arsenal to distant points in the South for fortifications, the greatest indignation of the citizens of Pittsburg was aroused. Already some of the cannon had been conveyed to the steamer Silver Wave at the Pittsburg wharf, when a public meeting was called and held in January, 1861, on the Court House grounds in Pittsburg. It was a representative meeting of loyal citizens. Prompt action was taken in protesting against the removal of the cannon. James Buchanan, the President of the United States, had many warm personal friends in Western Pennsylvania, and in response to the demand of the citizens at this meeting at the Court House, presided over by Doctor George McCook, Sr.. it was resolved that a formal protest should be telegraphed to the President. The telegram read as follows : " James Buchanan, President of the United States : 'J " Sir — An order issued by the War Department to transfer the effective munitions of war from the Arsenal in this city to Southern military posts has UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. DR. GEORGE McCOOK. created great excitement in the public mind. We would advise that the order be immediately comitermanded. We speak at the instance of the peo- ple, and if not done, cannot answer for the consequences. " William Wilkins, " William F. Johnston, " Thomas Williams, " Charles Shaler." On the receipt of this telegram the President promptl_v counter- manded Secretary Floyd's order for the removal of the cannon, and the excitement tliereupon subsided. President-elect Lincoln in Pittsburg. On the evening of I'ebruary 14, 18G1, occurred another important event in the history of this period. This was the arrival from Springfield, 111., of Abraham Lincoln, President-elect, en route to be inaugurated President of the United States. He was received at the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway station, on Federal street, Alle- gheny City, by an immense multitude, anxious to see the man destined to fill the most important position in the most critical crisis of the American nation for the four years to follow. On Smithfield street, at the Monongahela House, the crush was so great that the military companies were required to clear the way for the Presidential carriages. In response to loud and repeated calls for a speech, Mr. Lincoln stood upon a chair in the lobby of the hotel, and begged to be excused from then ad- dressing the assemblage, declaring that he had promised the Reception Com- mittee that he would have " a few words " to say to the public the next morning. He facetiously said, " Some people think I am like a town pump," referring to the persistent demands for a speech. — " that all that has to be done is to shake my hand and demand a speech and it will come like the water upon shaking the handle of the pump." The military. General James S. Negley in command, formed the Presidential escort while the President was in the city. The ne.xt morning fully ten thousand people gathered around the Monongahela House to hear Mr. Lincoln's promised speech from the portico of the Hotel, on Smithfield street. His patriotic ad- dress on that occasion lasted but fifteen minutes. It was remarkable, as was his subsequent address at Gettysburg, for its simple, easily-understood utter- ances, all appealing to his countrymen to act for the good of the country, and UNDER THE ^FALTESE CROSS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 4 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. to be true to the Constitution and the laws under which the Nation in the provi- dence of God had so prospered. This speech had a decided effect in enhghtening the people of the whole country as to Mr. Lincoln's broad statesmanship and comprehension of the conditions confronting the Nation at that time. The First C.vll to Arms. With the dawn of real war caused by the firing on Sumter on April 13, 1861, the call to arms in Western Pennsylvania was promptly sounded, and with Pittsburg as the metropolis, nowhere else was there quicker and heartier response. On the 15th of April the President's first call to the States for seventy-five thousand militia to serve for three months was issued. At that date there were still living and active in the crmmunity many survivors of the Mexican War. These men still preserved the martial spirit of veterans : and because of their military experience, they were among the first to volunteer in response to the call of the President. They were re- warded with commissions, and at once set about organizing companies and regiments. Chief among those patriotic surviv- ors of the Mexican \\'ar may be men- tioned General James S. Negley, com- manding the State militia of Allegheny county in 1860 and 1861; Colonel Thomas A. Rowley ; Colonel Robert An- derson ; Captain Alexander Hays ; Cap- tain Oliver H. Rippey ; Captain Samuel W. Black : and Captain Samuel A. Mc- Kee. Nor at that date had all the veter- ans of the War of 181"3 passed away. MAJ.-GEN. JAMES S. NEGLEY. -r, , • -^ ^ 1 I „„ tU„-<. ■^ riiough mcapacitated by age, these venerable patriots became enthusiastic, and exerted patriotic influence by their language and loyal sentiment in support of the country's flag. Fro.mpt Filling of Quota. Soon regiments and companies were recruited, and promptly placed at the disposal of the Governor of the State, in numbers far surpassing the quota of Western Pennsylvania. This produced great rivalry in recruiting. The companies and regiments thus promptly recruited and mustered into service from Allegheny county and Western Pennsylvania were all assigned to the army of General Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia, a distinguished soldier of the Mexican War. The troops of this command were ordered by the Gov- ernment at Washington to remain at points in Pennsylvania — at York, and alouF the Northern Central Railroad to guard it from raids bv bodies of the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 5 enemy in Maryland and \'irginia, who frequently threatened the Hne of com- munication with the troops in Washington and at the front. This military ex- perience, however, was beneficial in educating officers and men in the school of a soldier ; and at the end of their term of service these companies and regi- ments served as the nucleus to furnish numerous colonels and generals and of- ficers of rank to regiments organized later to serve three years or during the war. As indicating the promptness of the responses, Colonel R. P. McDowell, of Pittsburg, with three companies, was mustered into the United States service HON. WILLIAM WILKINS. on April 30, 18G1, and made Colonel of the Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. From Sunday, April 14th, to Wednesday, April 2Jb, 1861, the record shows that there had been recruited, armed, and sent to the front from Allegheny county two thousand volunteers, and that as many more had tendered their services to go on an hour's notice. Gre.\t W.ar Mass Meeting. The prompt action of the citizens of Pittsburgh, on the news of the firing on Fort Sumter, was indicated by a mass meeting of the citizens of Allegheny 6 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. county and vicinity, held at City Hall on the evening of April 15th, just two days after the fall of Sumter. The meeting was so largely attended that there was not space for all who applied for admission, and man}- hundreds were turned away. Honorable William W'ilkins, who presided at that great mass meeting, had been a prominent Democrat, and a friend of General Jackson. He was called from his retirement and the tranquility of his old age to preside at this great meeting. The intense ardor of his eloquent and patriotic appeal for the preser- vation of the Union had an electrical effect on the audience, and exerted a lasting influence on the community. Colonel James P. Barr, editor of the " Post " ; William Neeb, of the " Freiheits Freund " ; Honorable Thomas J. Bigham; and James Park, Jr., were appointed to draft resolutions on the state of the country. At this great mass meeting addresses of great force and eloquence were also made by Honorable Thomas M. Marshall, Honorable P. C. Shannon, Hon- orable A. W. Loomis, Honorable Robert ]\IcKnight, Doctor E. D. Gazzam, Ex- Governor William F. Johnston, and Marshall Swartzwelder, Esq. The resolutions read by Colonel James P. Barr, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Resolutions, and unanimously adopted at the mass meeting, pledged the support of the people of the community without regard to party, to President Lincoln's administration in support of the laws and Constitution of the United States, and the preservation of the Union, until the Great Rebellion against the Government should be suppressed. Judge Wilkins, as Chairman, announced the Committee of Public Safety, whose duty among other objects was declared to be " to keep a sharp lookout for traitors." The following citizens constituted the Committee of Public Safety, who, throughout the entire period of the war, de- voted their time and means unremittingly to the patriotic duties of the times. The names and memories of every one of these loyal citizens deserves to be per- petuated in the history of the country as examples of devoted patriotism : Wm. J. Morrison. James P. Barr, Wm. F. Johnston, Dr. Geo. McCook, John Marshall, Thos. J. Bigham, Joseph Dilworth, Chas. Barnes, David Fitzsimmons, C. L. Magee, Sr., John Harper, Andrew Miller, James Park, Jr., C. H. Paulson, Alex. Nimick, N. P. Fetterman, John D. Scully, David E. Bayard, Jonas R. McClintock, James Kelly, James Salisbury, Wm. Martni, Wm. Robinson, Jr., Wm. Bishop, Harry Wainright, Wm. H. McGee, Dr. Thos. J. Gallaher, Thos. Steele, Russell Errett, Wm. Caldwell, Dr. Ed. Simpson, Dr. James King, John J. Dravo, Joseph R. Hunter, Samuel Rodgers, Alfred Slack, Christopher Zug, John Birmingham, John Wright, John McDonald, Wm. Barnhill, Jr., Wm. Owens, Jared AI. Brush, Robert Morrow, John M. Killen, Christopher Magee, Colonel Leopold Sahl, Dr. Wm. M. Simcox, Alexander Speer, Henry Hays, Joshua Rhodes, UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Dr. Geo. S. Hays, Benjamin Coursin, John Mackin. A. G. Lloyd, John J. Muse, Wm. Bagley, Thos. M. Howe, C. W. Ricketson, Joseph Kaye, J. B. Poor, J. Herron Foster, Chas. AlcKnight, Wm. Neeb, John D. Bailey, John W. Riddell, James A. Sewell, Wm. M. Lyon, Thomas Bakewell. Wm. J. Howard, Sol. Schoyer, Jr., John P. Pears, Reuben Miller, Jr., Henry L. Ringwalt, Geo. W. Wilson, James Rees, J. W. Barker, R. H. Patterson, W. K. Nimick, Geo. S. Gallupe, A. Nicholson, David F. McKee, Wm. Phillips, Wm. M. Edgar, Dr. L. Oldshue, Dr. Geo. L. McCook, Robt. McElherron, Frederick H. Collier, Thos. A. Rowley, James Herdman, Andrew Scott, S. H. Keller, Wm. M. Hirsh, Chauncey B. Bostwick, Nat. Holmes, Jr., Samuel Riddle, John Scott, Thos. B. Hamilton, Arch. McBride, Andrew Fulton, Wm. Simpson, Alexander Hilands, George A. Berry, William Carr, James Benn}', Jr., J. B. Canfield," H. L. Bollman, Wm. B. Holmes, David D. Bruce, Wm. A. Lare, Robert Finney, A. L. Russell, N. P. Sawyer, Wm. S. Lavely, B. F. Jones, E. P. Jones, P. C. Shannon, Dr. E. D. Gazzam, Geo. P. Hamilton, Thos. M. Marshall, J. R. T. Noble, Henry McCullough, James A. Hutchinson, Francis Sellers, D. S. Steward, Henry A. Weaver, R. H. Hartley, J. R. Murphy, Geo. W. Irwin, John M. Irwin, Wm. C. Barr, James Floyd, Alex. Moore, James Verner, John N. Tiernan, Thomas S. Blair, Samuel McKelvy, John N. McClowry, G. L. B. Fetterman, Max. K. Moorhead, George W. Cass, Walter H. Lowrie, Dr. E. Dilworth, ■ David Irwin, Andrew Burke, James R. Hartley, Wm. G. McCartney, John Atwell, M. L Stewart, Robt. B. Guthrie, Hugh McAfee, Hugh Kane, Samuel Cameron, R. J. Grace, Joseph Woodwell, John McDevitt, James B. Murray, James McAuley, Adams Getty, Edward Gregg, John Dunlap, John C. Dunn, John Brown, John E. Parke, A. W. Loomis, Wm. Wade, John GraJiam, Wm. Holmes, Daniel Negley, Wm. Woods, George H. Thurston, Edward Campbell, Jr., Wm. H. Smith, John P. Penny. Organization of Committee of Public Safety. The Committee of Public Safety, thus appointed by Judge Wilkins, promptly organized by the selection of General Thomas M. Howe as chairman. General 8 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Howe had been for many years one of the most prominent and successful busi- ness men of Pittsburg. He entered upon the active duties of the position, which became so absorbing as to take up his entire time so that his private business was turned over to others. As the war progressed, General Howe's duties as chair- man of the Committee of Public Safety were very much increased. In his strenuous labors throughout the four years of the war, he presented the highest type of patriotism. As long as a veteran of the Civil War or his descendants survives in Allegheny county the memory of this esteemed and patriotic citizen should be cherished for his great services to the Union cause. GEN. THOMAS M. HOWE. The various sub-committees of the Committee of Public Safety were quickly organized, — the Executive Committee, Committee on Transit of Munitions of War, Committee on Support of Volunteers not yet Accepted by the Government, Committee for the Aid of Families of Volunteers, and later the Subsistence Committee, etc. Under the supervision of this Committee of Public Safety Allegheny's quota of volunteers was speedily raised in answer to President Lincoln's first call for seventy-five thousand men. This was the beginning of the Committee of Public Safety's activity in aid of the LInion cause. Not only did the city and UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. county furnish soldiers for the war, but during the entire period the manu- facturers, merchants, and the banks of the city aided the Government in sup- plying equipment, clothing, food, and money. On April IT, 1861, the Board of Bank Presidents sent a telegram to the Governor stating that, " The banks of Pittsburg will cheerfully respond to the call for money to meet tiie late ap- propriation to be used in enabling the Government to sustain the Constitution and the laws." Services of Pennsylvania Railroad. Simultaneous with these early events should be mentioned the patriotic part and prompt service rendered by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company tc^ the cause of the Union. J- Edgar Thompson was President of the Railroad. Thomas A. Scott was Vice-President, and Andrew Carnegie was serving as Superintendent of the Pittsburg Di- vision. At the special request of Honorable Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, Vice-President Scott was asked to report in Washington to place the rail- road and telegraph lines in proper con- dition and control to co-operate with military movements, and to meet all emergencies. At Colonel Scott's request Andrew Carnegie was detailed to accompany and assist Colonel Scott in this branch of the work. This was early in April, 1861, and Mr. Carnegie was first placed in charge of the United States Military Telegraph Corps, with headquarters at Alexandria, Va. Mr. Carnegie organized and operated this Military Telegraph Department until November, 1861, estab- lishing it on so firm a basis and putting it into such thorough working order that, at President Thompson's request, he was relieved and returned to duty as Super- intendent of the railroad for the Western Division of Pittsburg. The transpor- tation of troops and military supplies for the vast armies in the field had so- increased and had become of so paramount importance to the railroad company^ and to the Nation that Mr. Carnegie was called upon to discharge the strenuous- duties of the position. On this important duty he served during the remainder of 1861 and throughout 1862, discharging the difficult duties of the position so- successfuUy as to merit the highest encomiums of the officials of the railroad company and also of the Government. The record of this period will establisli beyond a doubt that no official of the Government rendered greater service to- the cause of the Union than did Mr. Carnegie, by his extraordinary foresight in the prompt transportation of troops and supplies to the points of army activi- COL. THOMAS A. SCOTT. 10 UNDER THE },IALTESE CROSS. ties. His great services as organizer and first chief of the United States Military Telegraph Corps were of vital importance in military campaigns. They are matters of history, and the value of that corps to the army in the field cannot be overestimated. It may lie well to mention in this connection the prompt and efficient services ANDREW CARNEGIE. of Robert Pitcairn, Superintendent of the Altoona Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Ukiox ]^I.\ss AIeetixgs. During 1861 and the spring of 186"2, war meetings continued to be held nightly in Pittsburg, Allegheny, and vicinity. Lecturers became public advo- cates for the Union. Ministers and lawyers went on the platform to plead the cause of the country. Many halls and rooms were rented for meetings. Henry UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 11 Ward Beecher, of New York, was one of the earliest of these war orators in the country, and later he was appointed to visit Great Britain, there to deliver Union orations to the English people. After him came Professor Amasa McCoy, of the Smithsonian Institute, an orator of national reputation, who spoke at a great mass meeting in the Opera House at Pittsburg. Many other orators of na- tional fame delivered stirring addresses for the Union in all the large cities. Clergymen preached patriotic sermons. Teachers caught the inspiration. Every- body anxiously awaited events that came all too soon and all too sad. A Flag Incident. The intense patriotism of the times robert pitcairn. manifested itself in the universal dis- play of the flag, so that bunting soon became a scarce article. An incident happened at this period which showed the trend of the public mind. About the year 179S the United States Government erected a fort on a site fronting on the Allegheny river and bounded by Hand street, Libert}' avenue and Garrison alley. In 18G1 the storehouse and barracks of this fort, at the corner of Penn street and Garrison alley, was still standing, being in charge of Major Henry Talliaferro, U. S. A. The Major was a \'irginian, a man at that date well over seventy years of age. He had served as an ensign in the War of 1812, and had been with General Andrew Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. When, amid the extensive display of bunting throughout the city, this rendezvous and bar- racks was distinguished onl}- by its absence, suspicion was excited. The old Gov- ernment buildings mentioned continuing to be flagless, a few ropes were strung by over-loyal people on nearby lamp posts to intimidate all disloyal persons, and specially as a hint to Major Talliaferro, in command of the rendezvous. An anonymous letter conveyed to the Major the purpose of these ropes, and demanded that he show his colors immediately by putting out the flag on the public buildings, under pain of being publicly denounced as a traitor. This epistle was secretly at night tacked upon the door of the barracks. The Major, on discovering the insult- ing aspersion, vehemently denounced the anonymous author of the letter. He published a card in all the daily papers announcing his sincere loyalty to the Union cause, and declaring that repeated requisitions for flags had been made, in answer to which the Government had reported that it had run out of bunting, and that his requisitions had been delayed. This card satisfied the people of the venerable patriot's loyalty, and the incident was closed. 12 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. A Central ^Iilitary Rendezvoi's. The rapid arrival and departure of large bodies of troops from points in Western Pennsylvania outside of Pittsburg, and from Ohio and the West, most of whom remaining over for various periods of time, converted Pittsburg in those days into a great military rendezvous. The Pennsylvania volunteers who were not accepted by the United States Government under the first call of the President did not disband, but con- tinued their organizations. The wise provision of Governor Andrew G. Curtin in recruiting at this period the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps for future emer- CAPT. JACOB BRUNN, FRIEND RIFLES. gencies resulted in the forming of two great camps, namely. Camp Wilkins, on the old State Fair grounds at Penn and Twenty-ninth street ; and Camp Wright, at Hulton's station. Camp Wilkins was established April "27, 1861, and named in honor of the distinguished Honorable William Wilkins. Camp Wright was organized on May 28, 1861, by General George A. McCall, of Philadelphia, an officer of the Regular Army detailed by Governor Curtin for that purpose. It was at first called " Camp McCall." At one time, at a meeting in Wilkin's Hall, Pittsburg, forty-six complete companies were reported as organized, representing over four thousand men UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 13 ready for war. The local militia were also well organized and splendidly equipped. Parades, reviews, drilling, flag presentations and dress-parades were every-day occurrences in Camp Wilkins and Camp Wright. The ladies of the city were usually the donors of flags, and were attendants as honor guests at the evening dress-parades. At one o'clock in the morning of the 16th of May, 18(51, Alajor Robert Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter, passed through the city, en route to Wash- ington, and received an enthusiastic ovation despite the unusual hour. Western Pennsylvania sent from Pittsburg to Wheeling and other points adjacent upwards of four hundred recruits to be organized into companies for the loyal portion of Virginia. Pennsylvania's quota under JMr. Lincoln's second call in 1861 was so promptly filled that recruits too late for enrollment under the State's quota were obliged to enlist in other States whose quotas were un- filled. Western Pennsylvania thus furnished a large number of men, who subse- quently rendered efficient service in the " Mountain State," being known as the Second Loyal Regiment of Virginia. Among the prominent Pittsburgers thus enlisting in the Second \^irginia in the service of the Union were Colonel John D. Owens ; Captain Chatham T. Ewing. commanding a battery ; Major A. J. Pente- cost, Quartermaster; \\'m. H. Graham, Colonel David L. Smith, who was pro- moted to the position of Commissary of the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac; James R. Hutchinson, Joseph Forsythe, John Seibert, Captain A. C. Hays. Cap- tain C. McClure Hays, and Samuel Scott. Private Wm. H. Graham, after three years' service, the term of his regi- ment in active service, remained a year longer with the army, and has the dis- tinction of being one of the survivors who wit- nessed the surrender of the Confederate army at Appomattox, serving with Sheridan's command on that occasion. For the same reason the Friend Rifles, Cap- tain Jacob Brunn, and the Pittsburg Zouave Cadets, Captain John P. Glass, two companies recruited in Pittsburg, went to New York and were promptly accepted and mustered into the famous " Excelsior Brigade," commanded by General Daniel E. Sickles, to serve for three years. Augustus H. Beckert. Ex-Commissioner of Allegheny County, lost a leg in battle whilst serving in the latter company. Other well known citizens of Alleghen\ county, Pennsylvania, who, after service in the three-months' campaign, re-enlisted at Pittsburg in August, 1861, in the First Maryland Cavalry, were Captains Robert H. Patterson, John H. Stewart, Leopold Sahl, Jr. ( killed in battle Jan- uary 18, 1862), John Seiferth and James M. Schoonmaker, O. AL Serg't (later Colonel Four- capt. john p glass. 14 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. teenth Pennsylvania Cavalry ) . and late Private Wm. Boston, forty years Tipstaff in Allegheny County Court, Common Pleas No. "2. and Privates ^^'illiam Caches and Edward and Wm. Zacharias. The full realization of the war and its horrors were first brought home to the people of Pittsburg by the casualties befalling the Friend Rifles and the Pittsburg Zouaves at the battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 186"2, where both these splendid Pittsburg companies, then in New York regiments, in Sickles' Excelsior Brigade, in Hooker's Division, participated in that severe action, the brunt of which fell upon Hooker's Division. The brave Captain Jacob Brunn, MAJ. JOHN POLAND. commanding the Friend Rifles, was instantly killed in leading the attack, and his death was soon followed by that of the First-Lieutenant of his company, Martin \'. Miller. Second-Lieutenant Joseph F. Dennison was also seriously wounded, resulting in the loss of his leg. Thus, in a few moments, the company was wholly without officers. Captain John P. Glass' company, the Pittsburg Zouaves, also suffered heavy losses in the same battle. The enemy outnumbered the Union forces, and caused heavy losses in the rank and file. Fully a score of Captain Brunn's Company were L'.XDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 15 taken prisoners, and paroled within a few days after their capture. These pris- oners returned to Pittsburg in time to serve as pall-bearers to their gallant cap- tain. Captain Brunn was an accomplished linguist, and had been frequently called upon in earlier days by the courts of Allegheny county to act as interpreter in the German. French, Italian, Spanish, Swiss, and other foreign languages, which he had acquired !)}• his seven years' service in the Prussian army. The death and public burial of Captain Brunn, being the first occurring to a Pitts- burg officer, created profound sorrow. The funeral of JMajor John Poland, of the One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania \'olunteers, who was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, was the next to follow that of the lamented Captain Brunn. The Scott Legion, survivors of the ^Mexican War, in which Major Poland had served, attended the funeral service at St. Paul's Cathedral, where Bishop Domenec preached a jiatriotic funeral sermon. The Duquesne Greys acted as funeral escort to the remains of their late comrade, to St. Mary's Cemetery. Org.vnization of Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Pittsburg was well represented in the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. In the Eighth Reserves were Company B, Captain Robert E. Johnston ; Company C, Captain George S. Gallupe : and Company E, Captain E. P. Schoenberger. Colonel George S. Hayes, of Pittsburg, commanded this regiment. The Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves was substantially a Pittsburg regiment. Colonel Conrad Feger Jackson, the regiment's first colonel, and who had been promoted to Brigadier-General, was killed in battle at Fredericksburg, Va. He was succeeded in the Colonelcy by Colonel Robert Anderson, a gallant and beloved officer, a former postmaster of Pittsburg, and a veteran of the Mex- ican War. Eight companies were re- cruited in Pittsburg for this regiment, one in Beaver county, and one in Craw- ford county. The One Hundred and Sixteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, of Philadelphia, commanded by Colonel St. Clair Mulholland, also had representa- tion from Pittsburg in companies re- cruited by ^lajor David Magraw, of Allegheny city, and by Captain Samuel Taggart, who was killed at Ream's Sta- tion, Va., August 3.5, 1864. The news of Colonel Ellsworth's tragic death, ]\Iay 24, 18G1, was received in Pittsburg with every manifestation of profound sorrow, as the memory of his BRiG.-GEN. CONRAD F. JACKSON. triumphal tour, his wonderful control of Ki UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. CAPT. SAMUEL TAGGART. men, and the visit of the Chicago Zouaves to Pittsburg were all still fresh in the mind of the public. His death added much to the prevailing excitement. Colonel S.\muel W. Black. Early in June, 18G1, Colonel Samuel W. Black, an eminent Democratic lawyer of Pitts- burg, returned from Nebraska, of which terri- tory he was serving as Governor, having resigned to recruit a regiment for the defense of the Union. He was a veteran of the Mexican War, in which he had acquired military experience as Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. Colonel Black promptly issued a call ior volunteers, and in a very brief period recruited a regiment for the war, which later became famous as the Sixty-second Pennsylvania \'olunteer Infantry. The regiment was mustered into service at Pittsburg, July -i. ISGl. The story of the organization of the gallant Sixty-second Regiment Penn- sylvania \'olunteers at that period is interesting. Colonel Sam Black, on July i, 1861, was serving as Chief-of-StaiT to General William Wilkins, commander-in- <:hief of the forty or fifty companies of Home Guard organizations which had sprung up in all parts of the city and county, and which rallied in the parks of Allegheny city for review and patriotic demonstration. General Wilkins' ap- pearance on horseback, with imposing chapeau of Revolutionary style, and im- mense epaulettes, and accompanied by a brilliant staff of young officers in full iniiform. led by Colonel Black, presented an imposing spectacle of a most im- pressive character, long to be remembered. On the return of the companies to the city from this great review, a telegraph messenger handed to Colonel Black a despatch from Secretary of War Cameron authorizing him to recruit a regiment of volunteers in Western Pennsylvania. On Penn avenue Colonel Black, on horseback, with this message in his pocket, overtook the Eighth ward Home Guards, commanded by Captain E. S. Wright. Out of respect to Colonel Black the company halted and divided its ranks so as to allow them to present arms as Colonel Black passed through on his way from the review. The Colonel stopped to thank Captain Wright for the honor of the salute, and ainiounced to him the contents of the dispatch just received from Secretary of War Cameron, stating that, although he was thus authorized, he had not as yet secured a single recruit for his regiment. He ended by inviting Captain Wright to have his company of Home Guards to be the first to volunteer for his new regiment. Captain Wright ordered his company to break ranks for a few niiiuites in order to act upon Colonel Black's message and invitation. At the €nd of five minutes the question of volunteering had been submitted, and it liad l:.ieen unanimously agreed that the company would volunteer to join Colonel UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 17 Black's regiment, and that Captain Wright should be continued in the new company as Captain ; also that First-Lieutenant William J. Patterson, of the Home Guard Company, should retain his office. Captain Wright's company of Home Guards became Company F of the new regiment, and he and Lieutenant Patterson served the full three years of the Sixty-second Regiment. Colonel John W. McLain reported, at Camp Wilkins early in May, 1801, with a magnificent regiment, one thousand strong, recruited in Erie county, for the three months' call. Its commander. Colonel John W. McLain, of Erie, was made Commandant of Camp Wilkins. The dress-parades and drilling of this fine regiment during the first three-months of the war drew great crowds to the camp daily. This brave officer, like Black and Rippey, met a soldier's death at the head of the Eighty-third Regiment, in front of Richmond. Patriotism of German Americans. No nationality responded to Mr. Lincoln's call for troops more promptly or loyally than did the American citizens of German birth, residing in Allegheny county. The German organization of Turners were among the first to tender their services, almost in a body. On the expiration of the three months' campaign the German companies immediately re-enlisted in regiments for three years' service. The Seventy-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in Pittsburg by Colonel Alexander von Schimmelfennig, a distinguished graduate of the Ger- man army. He earned promotion to a Brigadier Generalship for gallant and meritorious services with his regiment in the campaigns of the Army of the Pot( )mac. Many companies composed wholly of German citizens were early recruited in Allegheny county by Captains Hadtmeyer, F. Gerard, Gus Schleiter, Louis Hager and Bardel Galisath. achieving fine military records. President Lincoln's Second Call for Troops. In August, 1862, President Lincoln's second call for three hundred thousand more soldiers was issued. Under this call many mere boys were accepted for military duty, some not being over fourteen years of age. Fully one-half of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was recruited from boys between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. The mortality tables show that these youths resisted disease and exposure better than did soldiers of maturer age. Pennsylvania's quota under the first call for troops was twelve thousand five hundred men, and twenty thousand one hundred and seventy-five had been furnished. Lender the second call, Pennsylvania's quota was eighty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty-five men for three years. For this call eighty-five thousand one hundred and sixty were actually recruited. The Pennsylvania Reserve Corps and other organizations in Camp \\'ilkins and Camp Wright, by this call, secured their long-desired chance to be mustered into the United States service for active duty. Recruiting received a great impetus and became 18 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 19 an actual business. Pittsburg otificers also enlisted many recruits for the United States Navy, and especially large numbers for the gun-boat, ram, and marine service on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. General John C. Fremont passed through the city on July 26, 1861, and vi'as accorded a public and enthusiastic welcome. The next day Major-General George B. McClellan, fresh from his victories over General Lee's Confederate army in Western Virginia, passed through the city, receiving a reception even much more enthusiastic than that accorded General Fremont. General McClellan was at that time the hero of the hour on account of his great victory for the LTnion cause. As elsewhere in the North, the people of Western Pennsylvania turned out on the occasion to make General McClellan's reception at the Union Station an ovation. On the 23d of July, 1861, another great war meeting was held in City Hall, presided over by Sidney F. VonBonnhorst, Postmaster of Pittsburg. Honorable Thomas M. Marshall delivered an impassioned patriotic opening address. Colonel Samuel W. Black followed as the orator of the evening. Colonel Black was in fine spirits to aid the objects of this great Union mass meeting when he delivered his address. He soon after marched with the famous Sixty-second Regiment to the front, and this proved to be his last public address. David Blythe, a painter of the humorous in Pittsburg, who, by his war pictures attained national celebrity, immortalized on canvas, the strenuous life and duties at Commissary Headquarters, at York, Pa., of the famous old Thir- teenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the three-months' service, showing Captain J. Heron Foster, proprietor of the Pittsburg Dispatch, serving with a regiment ; Max K. Moorhead, Quartermaster of the Regiment, and Captain Leopold Sahl, all prominent citizens and soldiers, on duty in the camp. This rare painting of Blythe was loaned for copying in this work, by the late Major William G. Moorhead. Return of the Three Months' Troops. At this period the three-months' regiments commenced returning to the city from their bloodless campaigns in Maryland and in parts of Pennsylvania, guarding railroads. Most of the returning volunteers felt disappointed in not having seen anything of actual war. They soon responded to Mr. Lincoln's second call, and now volunteered for three years, or during the war. Immense crowds at railroad stations and in the streets enthusiastically welcomed these returning braves. Colonel Black had no difficulty in recruiting the Sixty-second Regiment. Colonel Oliver H. Rippey recruited ten companies. His regiment marched to the front and became famous as the Sixty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Colonel Alexander Hays, a graduate of West Point and a veteran of the Mexican War, in a brief period recruited ten companies. He was commissioned Colonel of the organiza- tion to become known as the Sixty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, which was destined to participate in every battle of the Army of the Potomac. 20 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. General Hays fell at the head of his di- vision in the second day's battle of the \\"ilderness, having attained the rank of iMajor-General. General James S. Xegley, who was made a Brigadier-General in the three- months' service, at the end of said term, soon recruited a brigade, consisting of the Seventy-seventh, Seventy-eighth and Seventy-ninth Infantry Regiments, from counties of \\'estern Pennsylvania. Thomas E. Rose, of Pittsburg, be- came Colonel of the Seventy-seventh Regiment. He was captured by the Con- federates later, and escaped from Libby prison by the celebrated tunnel. The departure of General Xegley 's brigade from Pittsburg for the seat of war in Kentucky aboard six large steam- ers from the Monongahela wharf, on October IS, 1861, formed a flotilla of beauty. The event attracted great at- tention along the Ohio river towns and landings until its destination was reached. Colonel Thomas A. Rowle\-, having returned with the old Thirteenth Regi- ment from the three-months' service, recruited a new regiment, which became the One Himdred and Second Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry. General Row- ley became a Major-General by brevet. This regiment shared the glory of the old Sixth Corps in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Its brave Colonel, John W. Patterson, of Pittsburg, was killed in the \\'ilderness. Colonel D. B. Morris, Lieutenant-Colonel David M. Armor, and Captains James Chalfant and George W. Bowers recruited companies in the One Hundred and First Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers, which rendered valuable service to the L'nion cause. Colonel Theodore F. Lehman recruited a regiment which became the One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania, four companies of which, namely, C, F, I and K, were furnished by x-\llegheny county. Company G, of the famous Eleventh Pennsylvania Infantry, which was recruited by Colonel Richard Coulter, of Greensburg, was furnished by Allegheny county. This regiment earned great distinction in its campaigns, being noted in Fox's book of regimental losses for its high percentage of casualties. GEN. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. Cavalry Recruits. The first cavalry company was recruited in the southern part of the county, and in the adjacent townships of Washington county. The organization became Company K of the First Pennsylvania Cavalry. Company G of the same Regi- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 21 MAJ. FRANK B. WARD. mem was recruited by Captain O. H. Robin- >on and Colonel David Campbell, of the old Twelfth Infantry. The Allegheny county companies — B, E and G — in the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, were commanded by Captains Samuel B. M. ^'oung, James A. Herron and Benjamin F. Blood. Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Childs was promoted to Colonel of this Regiment in March, 18fi3, and was killed at the battle of Antietam. Captain Samuel B. M. Young, at the close of the war, had attained the rank of Colonel of this regiment. Dr. C. P. Seip, the well-known Pittsburg physician, served as bugler of this regiment throughout the war. Many officers and men of the Ander- son Troop, first known as " Buell's Body Guard," also enlisted in I'ittsburg. This troop later became the Fifteenth Regi- ment Pennsylvania Cavalry. Serving in this regiment, the gallant Major Frank B. Ward, of Pittsburg, lost his life in battle at Stone river. Judge James W. Over, Associate Law Judge of the Orphan's Court of Allegheny county, served throughout the war in this regiment, earning a most enviable record as a faithful trooper. Colonel James 'SI. Schoonmaker recruited the Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He was awarded a Medal of Honor by the Congress of the United States for gallant and meritorious services in the field. The late Colonel William Blakely became Lieutenant-Colonel of this regiment. Among the early cavalry enlistments from Pittsburg was that of the heroic Captain Patrick Kane, who fell commanding his company under General Sheridan, in the action at Hawes' Shop, May 28, 186-1:. His company of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry was recruited from the " Shields Guards," a volunteer company which, un- der Captain Kane, was the pride of Pittsburg's Irish population for some years preceding the Civil War. Orgaxizatiox of Batteries. The Artillery service was early an attractive one to youths seeking to enlist. Captain James Thompson, an esteemed Irishman, a veteran of the Crimean War, was commissioned Captain by Governor Curtin, to rank from September "24, j,qj^ john w Patterson. 22 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 18(31. His Battery was officially designated, " Independent Battery C, Pennsyl- vania Artillery." Captain Joseph M. Knapp, organizer of Knapp's famous cannon foundry of Pittsburg, was next in line with a commission dated October 5, 1861. He was followed by Captain Robert B. Hampton, commissioned October 17, 1861. These artillery companies were all mustered in in the fall of 1861, and were best known locally, and also in the service, by the names of their first captains. They won great distinction as Thompson's, Knapp's, and Hampton's Batteries. Their itinerary records include the history of the Army of the Potomac ; also of Sher- man's campaigns and " March to the Sea." Captain Thompson served through- out the war, and survived after its close to the ripe age of eighty-nine years. Captain Knapp, after honorable service, resigned in 1863. Captain Hampton met a soldier's death on the bloody field of Chancellorsville. A fine monument in the public parks in the city commemorates his memory. Companies C and E of the Fifty-seventh Regiment Peimsylvania Infantry were recruited in Pittsburg in the fall of 1861 by Captains \\'illiam B. Neeper and James B. Moore, two active members of the Duquesne Greys, who won honors and promotion in the field. Captain Neeper became Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, specially distinguishing himself at Chancellorsville, and in a number of other battles in which his regiment suffered most severely. Review .\nd Dress Parade in Parks. Before General Negley's Brigade embarked for Louisville on October 17, 1861, it was arranged to have it publicly reviewed in the West Common in Allegheny, and it was made a memorable and attractive occasion. From sur- rounding counties of Western Pennsylvania large numbers of people attended to witness the farewell parade. On this occasion Governor Curtin, accompanied by his staff in full uniform, presented each regiment with a beautiful stand of colors. The Governor made a most eloquent and soul-stirring address. The presentations were in themselves striking object lessons in patriotism, and had a great effect in promoting enlistments. Allegheny county's part in recruiting during the first year of the Civil War, up to the immediate formation of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment and the other organizations responding to President Lincoln's call of July, 1863, has been described at some length, as far as the limited space allotted per- mits. Recruited and in Camp Howe at the same time, August 1, 1862, with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by Reverend Colonel John B. Clark, of Allegheny city; the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, of ten companies, commanded by the late Colonel Thomas M. Bayne ; the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, recruited by Colonel Fred- erick H. Collier. Many companies of these regiments, while rendezvousing at Camp Howe, were recruited, however, from the counties of Beaver, Butler, Lawrence and Allegheny. All these regiments were hurried to the front in time to participate UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 33 in the Antietam campaign, and each of them suffered very severely in killed and wounded in the great battle of Fredericksburg, in December, 1862. Recruiting was also very vigorously conducted for the United States Regular Army, both of cavalry and infantry, and many recruits, preferring the artillery and the marine branch, entered those arms of the service. During this period COL. FREDERICK H. COLLIER. Alleghen\ county's quota, through the eagerness shown in enlisting, was in the incredibly short space of thirty days, fully furnished the Government. Such is, as brief as possible, a review of the times and the events that oc- curred leading up to the formation of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Contemporaneously with it was another gallant three years' regiment, the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania, under Colonel Frederick H. Collier, for many years a Judge of Common Pleas Court No. 1, of 24 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Allegheny county. LIEUT.-COL. WM. H. MOODY. The One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Regiment was but a few days in advance of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth at the seat of army- activities, and later wore the Sixth Corps badge with pride and glory in all the campaigns of the historic Army of the i^^ '^mr^ \ Potomac. Brevet-Colonel \\'illiam H. .jfljl^ ^9 Aloody, in command of the One Hun- '^^^^■mIF ^ dred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Vol- ^^^^^^V^^^L unteers, was killed at Cold Harbor. The ^^^^mm^^^^r^ efiicient Quartermaster of this regiment -t'll^lftKfl^^ I was the late Captain Samuel Harper. In .\ngust, 1862, there was also re- cruited in Allegheny county Company D. of the One Hundred and Forty- ninth Pennsylvania, Colonel Roy Stone, commanding. The officers of this com- pany were Captain James Glenn, First- Pieutenant Jacob F. Slagle, Second-Lieu- tenant W'm. M. Dalgleish. The latter served on General Reynolds' staff on the first day at Gettysburg. The ( )ne Hundred and Forty-ninth became later a gallant Fifth Corps regiment, and formed part of the celeljrated Bucktail Brigade. Lieu- tenant Slagle was promoted to Major, and became better known, in later years, as a Judge of the Common Pleas Court No. 1, of Alleghenv coimtw until his death in 1901, First LTnion Victories Celebr.\ted. The early L'nion victories by Burnside at Roanoke Island and Elizabeth City, in North Caro- lina, in the East, and Forts Henry and Donelson, in the West, under General Grant, caused great re- joicings and public demonstrations in Pittsburg and surrounding counties. On the 2d of Februarw 1862, Mayor Sawyer directed that a himdred gun>. be fired in honor of the L'nion victories mentioned. President Lincoln promptly placed General Mc- Clellan in command of all the armies of the United States, and assigned him the work of organizing and drilling the fresh levies of troops, and moulding from this material the grand army with which he, a year later, on the Peninsula and at Antietam, con- tested the legions of the Confederacy under its most famous generals. CAPT. SAMUEL HARPER. UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 35 COL. SAMUEL W. BLACK. 26 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Bitter Fruits of the War. The patriotic people of Western Pennsylvania, among whom had been re- cruited and forwarded to the front so many thousands of brave officers and men early in the summer of 1863, began to hear ominous tidings from the ad- vance of the Union army on the Peninsula, in the campaign against Richmond. The malarious climate had stricken down many youths, the hosiptals were filled, and many had died from the sarue cause. The names of the killed and wounded in the battles and skirmishes following the opening of the cam- paign were promptly bulletined each day. the lists increasing as the campaign progressed. The battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Gaines' Mills, Malvern Hill, and the Second Bull Run. all contributed thousands of names to these lists. Crowds daily surrounded the various newspaper offices, eagerly awaiting the mortality reports. As the central point for Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio at this period, Pittsburg soon learned that the sights and scenes of suffering and misery produced by the combats in the field would require prompt attention, and that ar- rangements for the prompt care and comfort of these soldiers would become an imperative duty. Men on crutches from loss of limbs, and otherwise maimed and disfigured from woimds in action, began to appear in numbers on the streets of the city. Returned soldiers, home for treatment of wounds or disease, became numerous and retiuired immediate care. Organizations of patriotic men and women, without delay, assumed charge of this charitable work. Soldiers' funerals were also numerous, not only from the casualties of bat- tle, but also of youths who, unable to endure the exposures of the field, gave up their lives from disease. Sadness and sorrow filled many homes during that eventful period. Among the most prominent officers who fell in the great battles just enu- merated was the gallant Samuel W. Black, of the Sixty-second Regiment Penn- sylvania ^'olunteers. At the head of his brave regiment, in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Colonel Black was killed, his body remaining within the Confederate lines. His remains were recognized by the Confederates, and he was buried in a local cemetery, and his grave duly marked. Two years later, on the advance of Grant's army in the second campaign against Richmond, Colonel Black's burial place was discovered within the Union lines. Under authority of General Grant, who had served in Mexico with Colonel Black, a guard of honor from the Sixty- second Regiment Pennsylvania V^olunteers was detailed to accompany the re- mains to Pittsburg. An incident out of the ordinary occurred on the disinterment of Colonel Black's body, which seems proper to mention. In the inside pocket of his coat there was found a small morocco pocketbook in good state of preservation, in which, with memoranda and cards, was found a small photograph of the Colonel in the full uniform of his rank, and bearing his autograph. The picture was found to be in excellent condition, and was turned over to his daughter. Mrs. William J. Moorhead, of Pittsburg, who very kindly favored the committee of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania \'olunteers with the privilege of having the same copied and enlarged for the Regimental history. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 27 COL. OLIVER H. RIPPEY. 28 L'XDEK THE MALTESE CROSS. Colonel Oliver H. Rippey, of the Sixty-first Pennsylvania Regiment, fell, like Colonel Black, at the head of his regiment in the battle of Fair Oaks. He had served in the ^Mexican War with Colonel Black, and had also practiced with him for years at the Pittsburg Bar, attaining the front rank in his profession. Colonel Rippey "s remains were sent home nnder a gnard of honor from his regiment. The highest honor was paid his memory by the Allegheny county Bar and by the municipality, he having resigned the lucrative office of City Solicitor to recruit the Sixt\-first Regiment. His remains repose near Colonel Black's in Alleghenv Cemeterv. Colonel John I. Xevin, of Sewickley, was among the earliest to respond in April, l.Siil, to the call of President Lincoln, jjy his efforts. Companies A and G of the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania \'olunteers were recruited in Sewickley. He was chosen Second-Lieutenant of Company A, and reported in Philadelphia to Colonel John \\'. Geary, commanding the regiment. In February. ISli"?, he, while on dut)', was captured, and confined in Libby and Salis- l)ury prisons for six months. On being ex- changed, he organized Independent Battery IL and was made Captain. Later he be- came Lieutenant-Colonel of the Xinety- third Pennsylvania \'olunteers, participating with it in the Gettysburg campaign under General Sedgwick, on July ".', 18(33. As Lieutenant-Colonel, he was in command of the regiment, which took a prominent part in the defense of Little Round Top when assaulted bv Longstreet's columns. COL. JOHN I. NEVIN. A Memorai'.i.i-: War Meeti.ng. Diuing those early days of the war, party lines had in the, main vanished. The L'nion party was the only party. The third call of the President, which was for three hiuulred thousand men, was issued in July, ISiivJ. On the "^-tth of that month. Governor Curtin attended a great war mass-meeting, held on West Common, Allegheny. Judge William Wilkins presided, and General Thomas I\L Howe was chairman of the Committee on Arrangements. Both Judge Wilkins and Governor Curtin made impassioned patriotic speeches. Other eloquent speakers were Judge Wilson ]\lcCandless, Ex- Governor William F. Johnston, Reverend Doctor Samuel J. Wilson, of the Pres- byterian Theological Seminary : Judge P. C. Shannon : John H. Hampton, Esq. ; Reverend Doctor James Prestley : J. J. Siebeneck, Esq.: Colonel Francis Felix; and ^^'illiam C. Moreland, Esq. The number of citizens in attendance at the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. •39 meeting was estimated at over fifteen thotisand, and many speaking-stands were erected. Many additional stands for overflow meetings were also constructed and used on the occasion. The speeches were all strong pleas for the Union and that it must be preserved, and that the only way to save it was for the youths of the countrv to enlist. Never was eloquence more fervid, and never more suc- cessful. This was the largest and most imposing demonstration ever witnessed in Western Pennsylvania. It had immediate results, and many men and youths present then and there decided to enlist. There the One Hundred and Fifty- GOV. ANDREW G. CURTIN. fifth certainlv obtained its share. The reported defeat and disaster to the Union armies only stimulated the people to greater eiTorts and to renewed patriotic responses. Church Influence in the W.\r. Church influence of all denominations in those trying days was most actively exerted in patriotic and charitable work in behalf of the soldiers and the Union cause. Prayers were offered in all churches for the success of the Union cause and for the President of the United States. Many ministers also became 30 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. active in urging enlistments in their congregations, and also in arranging for the care of soldiers' families, and for the sick and wounded. Reverend Doctor Howard, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg ; Reverend Doctor James Prestley, Pastor of the Sixth United Pres- byterian Church; Reverend John Douglass. D. D., of the Covenanter Church; Reverend W. A. Passavant, of the Lutheran Church ; Reverend Doctor Swift, of a United Presbyterian Church of Alleghen}- : Reverend Doctor Wilson, of the Western Theological Seminary; Doctor L C. Pershing, of the Methodist Church; Reverend Doctor John B. Clark, of a United Presbyterian Church of Allegheny; and all the ministers throughout the two cities and the county were exceedingly active and outspoken in sustaining the President and the L'nion. Church edifices, as well as public buildings, had the national flag displayed. Reverend Denis Kearney, at that date a^-sistant at St. Paul's Cathedral, was an outspoken, patriotic Union man. It was by his direction that, within one week after the fall of Sumter, a trained steeple-climber was brought from Philadelphia to Pittsburg for the purpose of putting a flag on the Cathedral, then the highest spire in the city. The churches of all denominations throughout the county also floated flags from their spires and edifices, thus showing a true union of spirit in the churches of all creeds for the Constitution and the Union. The Right Reverend Michael Domenec, Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburg, a native of Spain, in response to President Lincoln's request, went to the Court of Spain to assist in thwarting the intrigues of Pierre Soule, of Louisiana, and other Confederate emissaries in obtaining the recognition by Spain of tlie .South- REV. JAMES PRESTLEY. D.D. REV. WILLIAM D. HOWARD. D.D. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 31 RIGHT RKV DOMENEC. ern Confederacy. Bishop Domenec, who was a man of great learning and of extensive influence, is beheved to have been successful on this mission. He received the thanks of President Lincoln and also that of Secretary of State William H. Seward for his successful efforts. The prompt action of Bishdj) Domenec in the matter of urging loy- alty and devotion to the Union cause was most gratifying and beneficial in its patriotic lessons to all citizens. On the Sunday following the firing on Sumter. Bishop Domenec ordered read from the pulpits of all the Cath- olic churches throughout the Diocese an address replete with lo}alty and patriotic exhortations in behalf of the Union and its preservation. In St. Paul's Cathedral the Bishop person- ally read the address, and in addition expounded the duty of citizens in the prevailing emergency. He particularly reminded naturalized citizens like himself that they had taken oaths of fidelity to the Constitution of the ITnited States, and that the allegiance due by them was as strong as that of those born in the United States, and obligated them equally to rally to the defense of the Union whether attacked by internal enemies or foreign foes. Pointing to the dome of the Cathedral, the Bishop eloquently appealed to Heaven, and prayed fervently that victory would be granted against those attempting to succeed in the great re- bellion against the Union. His earnestness and zeal in the Union cause united his clergy and people on the side of law and order, and induced thousands of the followers of his faith in the Diocese of Pittsburg to volunteer in defense of the Union. The Pittsburg Subsistence Committee. As the gateway between the Great West and Northwest and Washington City, D. C, Pittsburg early in the war felt the importance of an organized sys- tem of some kind to afford relief to the vast numbers of soldiers passing through the city, both going to and returning from the front. Railroad trains and steam- boats transporting troops were often unavoidably delayed en route, and the sol- diers, having exhausted their rations, frequently arrived in the city without food, and were often compelled to make the entire journey to the scene of army activ- ities fasting. About the last days of July, 1861, the late B. F. Jones, of the firm of Jones & Laughlin, passing along Liberty street one morning, noticed a train of soldiers UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. standing on the tracks of the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company. The men, having been started from their camp without rations of any kind, and being locked in the coaches, were clamoring to get out to procure some- thing to eat. Not many mintites elapsed before Air. Jones had pur- chased the entire stock of apples and crackers of a neighboring grocery ■-tore, and had them distributed among the soldiers to satisfy their pressing wants. No active step was taken toward effecting an organization to provide relief for such cases until Tuesday, August 3. ISiil. The arrival in the city about midnight on Saturday a few days previous, July 24, 1861, of the Twenty- fourth C)hio Regiment, weary and hungry, with no means of relief in a land of plenty, emphasized the necessity of speedy action toward forming an association for the assistance of such cases. On Sunday morn- ing this regiment was marched to the railroad station, where, standing in line, they were served by a number of patriotic citizens, with ham, bread and coffee. On Tuesday. August 3, ISGl, a public meeting was held and the Pittsburg Subsistence Committee was organized with the following Executive Committee and members : B. F. JONES. Executive Committee — William P. W'eyman. Chairman : Joseph Albree, Henrv M. Atwood. Doctor .\ndrew Fleming. Medical Director. AIembers. Albree, R. C, Caldwell, C. L., Carnegie, Thos. M., Donnell, J. J., Edwards, Geo. B., Edwards, W'm. B.. Fleming, Dr. Andrew. Howe, Honorable T. M. Jones, B. F., Lemon, Oliver, Howard, Miss Rebecca, Haines, :\Iiss J. B., Kennedy, iliss Bessie (.Mrs. Coll), Kennedy, Miss Alice (Mrs. W. R. Howe), Kennedy, ]\Iiss Emma (Mrs' W. H. Forsythe), Kennedy, Miss Sallie (Airs. Speer), Bruchlocker, Aliss Marj-, Breed, Miss Emma (Mrs. T. F. Phillips), Lothrop, Miss Martha (Mrs. W. P. Weyman), Lemon, Miss Sidney, Laughlin, Miss Lizzie (Mrs. H. S. Bailey), Maitland, Aliss Mary, Aloorhead, Miss Mary E., UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 33 OLIVER McCLINTOCK. JAMES PARK. Jr. MISS RACHEL McFADDEN. MISS LAURA CHILDS (Mrs. Oliver llcClintock.) 34 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Lane, A. H., Little, Geo. W., Mattern, J. C, McClintock, Oliver, McClure, G. W., Nevin, Edw. H., Park, James, Jr., Robinson, Harry, Riggs, C. H.. Breed, Miss Sarah (Mrs. Chas. Zug), Denniston, Miss Kate (Mrs. Stockton), Dalzell, Miss Martha (Mrs. Jas. M. Bailey), Howard, Miss Mary (Mrs. Henry M. Hay), Schwartz, J. Ernest, Scott, John, Semple, Frank, Thaw, Wm., Travelli, John J., \ andervort, B. F., W'eyman, B. Frank, Woods, J. McQ., Weyman, Geo. W. Young, W. W., Albree, Mrs. Jos., Albree, Miss Lizzie B., Arthurs, Miss Ann, McFadden, Miss Rachel, Atwood, Miss Lizzie, Bryan, Miss Mary (Mrs. R. C. Albree), Moorhead, Miss Hettie, Park, Miss Mary (Mrs. Jas. A. Lowrie), Robinson, Miss Mary, Rodgers, Miss Julia (Mrs. D. C. Mattern), Thaw, Miss Annie C., Thaw, Miss Lidie (Mrs. Geo. B. Edwards), Townsend, Miss Sabina (Mrs. A. J. Rankin), Lane, Miss Maria E., Lane, Miss E. P., Weyman, Miss H. K., Wade, Miss Bessie, Childs. Miss Laura (Mrs. O. McClintock), The duties of this committee were to provide for the subsistence of such companies and regiments as were in process of recruiting in the city, until they were regularly mustered into the United States service, and to supply transient wants of soldiers passing through the city. To serve this purpose the committee rented the old Leech warehouse, corner of Penn and Wayne (now Tenth) streets, and fitted up the same with dining-room and kitchen sufficient for the accommodation of an entire regiment at one time. On the next Sunday morning, August 8, 1861, one week from the time the Twenty- fourth Ohio Regiment was fed, the Twentieth Indiana Regiment, en route to the front, was marched to the newly-furnished quarters, and given a breakfast consisting of ham, bread and butter, and cofifee, by the Pittsburg Subsistence Committee. On all incom- ing through trains the Committee dis- tributed a circular inviting sick and wounded soldiers to avail themselves of the means of assistance furnished by the committee. Many other regiments and com- panies were taken care of in the old Leech warehouse imtil October of the same year, when city councils granted the free use of the City Hall, then one of the largest and finest buildings in the county, for this purpose, and the head- DR. ANDREW FLEMING. quarters of the Committee were trans- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 35 WILLIAM THAW. ferred to it. On the main floor of the hall were placed ten long tables suf- ficient for the accommodation of twelve hundred soldiers at one meal. Doctor Andrew Fleming, a lead- ing physician of the city, took charge of the Medical Department, and under his supervision an adjoining room was fitted up as a hospital, where the sick and wounded soldiers might receive the best medical attention, in addition to the many little delicacies that " often do more good than medicine." Here the subsistence work was carried on with renewed diligence, the Committee entering earnestly and heartily into the work of supplying the wants of the brave defenders of the Union. No appeal was made to the public for funds, with a single excep- tion that when the treasury was empty at one time, a call was made by the Committee upon the banks and busi- ness men, who responded most liberally. From that time the public voluntarily contributed so freely that the treasury was never exhausted. Among the most liberal contributors to the funds of the Subsistence Com- mittee was the late William Thaw, whose open purse helped out the Committee in oft-occurring emergencies. It was found by experience that owing to the distance of City Hall from the railroad station, many soldiers who arrived by one train and departed by the next, could not avail themselves of the hospitality of the Committee. To obviate this disadvantage, on January 18, 1863, the second floor of the warehouse at 347 Liberty street, opposite the station, was fitted up as soldiers' quarters, and called the " Soldiers' Home," meals being furnished here day and night. Upon one occasion, the railroad having given notice a few hours in advance, thirty members of the Subsistence Committee fed five thousand soldiers in twelve hours. The walls of Old City Hall contained two memorable tablets, one bearing this inscription : " Pittsburg Subsistence Committee, Organized August, 1861, Dissolved January, 1866, Sustained by Voluntary Subscriptions of the Citizens." On the other inscription, " 409,745 Soldiers Entertained in This Hall, 79,460 Sick and Wounded Provided for at the Soldiers' Home, Total 489,205." The Pittsburg Subsistence Committee needs no other record to speak to posterity. 36 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 37 The Christian Commission. The ^^'estern Pennsylvania branch of the Christian Commission was or- ganized April G, 1863, and relieved the Pittsburg Subsistence Committee of all its duties except that of providing refreshments and medical attendance for all regiments, companies or individual soldiers passing through the city to and from the seat of war. On the date above mentioned the Subsistence Committee transferred all its hospital and medical stores to the army branch of the Christian dimmission. and REV. HERRICK JOHNSON. D.D. WILLIAM P. WEYMAN. the latter at once became active in collecting and distributing supplies for sick and wounded soldiers. At a meeting of the ministers of the various denominations of Pittsburg and vicinity, held in the Second Presbyterian Church, April (i, 18(>3, the Army Com- mittee of Western P'ennsylvania was organized, and the fullnwing officers elected: President. Reverend Herrick Johnson : Chairman of Executive Committee, Honorable Robert McKnight : Secretary, Robert C. Totten ; Treasurer, Joseph Albree : Receivers, William P. \\'eyman, John R. AlcCune, Joseph Home, Henry W. Atwood ; General Committee, Reverend \\'illiam D. Howard. D. D.. Reverend S. J. Wilson, D. D., Reverend \\'m. Preston, Reverend Wm. A. Snively, Reverend 38 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. HON. JAS. K. MOORHEAD. M.C. JOSEPH ALBREE. Geo. S. Chase, Reverend I. C. Pershing, Reverend li. H. Higbee, Reverend S. Stewart, Reverend E. E. Swift, Reverend C. E. Swope, Reverend W. J- Reid, Reverend Reuben Hill, Reverend J. D. Herr, Honorable J. K. Moorhead, Harvey Childs, B. Wolff, Jr., Joseph McKnight, G. Follansbee, James ]\IcCandless, Charles Arbuthnot. J. G. Backofen and Robt. H. Davis. On the evening of April 16, 1863, the first public meeting was held, and from that date the new Committee began active work in connection with the United States Christian Commission. In 1864, Mr. Albree took the title of Field Sec- retary, and William Frew became Treasurer. A band of patriotic men and women had been trained to the work. The previous work of the Subsistence Committee had been so remarkably efficient that its transfer of this part of its duties to the Christian Commission secured for the latter a corresponding con- fidence and influence. To the noble devotion of Messrs. Albree and \\'eyman belongs no small portion of the credit for the grand record which the Pittsburg branch of the Christian Commission presents. The field of operations of the Commission included Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West \"irginia. Local committees were everywhere organized, and the entire territory was thor- oughly and systematically canvassed. The press and transportation companies placed their facilities at the disposal of the Commission and were immensely helpful to the noble cause. The Pittsburg branch of the Christian Commission was associated with those auxiliaries of the LTnited States Christian Commission, whose field of work was with the armies of the Southwest, having their principal depot at Nashville. Considering the fact that the immense work carried on by the Commission UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 39 was entirely gratuitous, no salaries being paid, its success was remarkable. The annual increase in the amount of stores received was about five fold. In addi- tion to cash receipts of $158,334.37, stores were collected to the value of $679,- 66-4.89 ; cash value of all receipts, $837,999.26. This magnificent showing was in excess of any other branch of the United States Christian Commission. The total cash value of supplies collected by the Pittsburg branch of the Christian Com- mission was only a little less than that collected by the central office. The total expense for collecting and forwarding the large receipts of the Pittsburg auxiliary was only $3,787.35. During the later years of the war the various Conferences and Presby- teries in the home field Commission, at their own expense, kept delegates at the front, co-operating with the Government in caring for sick and wounded soldiers, and ministering to the comfort of the troops generally. Felix R. Brunot. Honorable Felix R. Brunot, a distin- guished citizen of Pennsylvania, past the age of military service, early volunteered as an organizer of the United States Christian Commission to visit the army camp hospitals to relieve the many sick and wounded requiring care and atten- tion. Whilst Mr. Brunot was engaged on this duty on the Peninsula with General McClellan's army, the great Seven-Days battles before Richmond occurred, and the Confederates captured in battle many thousand Union soldiers and many thou- sand more of the badly wounded and sick in the field hospitals also fell into the enemy's hands, together with the sur- geons, nurses, hospital attendants and members of the United States Christian Commission. Mr. Brunot was taken to Libby prison — the Confederates declining to recognize him as a non-combatant entitled by military law to immunity from imprisonment. Mr. Brunot, in Libby prison, was invited by the Confederate au- thorities to visit Secretary Stanton in Washington to secure a modification of the existing orders prohibiting the introduction of medical supplies to any part of the Confederacy. The unexpectedly large number of Federal wounded and sick prisoners captured found the Confederates wholly unprepared for their care, and their condition appealed strongly to the sympathies of Mr. Brunot. He accepted the mission to Washington. His appeal and request for the suspension of the existing military orders was refused by Secretary of \'\"ar Stanton. Mr. Brunot was urged in Washington not to return to Richmond to resume imprisonment in FELIX R. BRUNOT. 40 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Libb\ . The plea was made to him that he was a non-combatant entitled by usages of war to immunity from imprisonment. These urgent appeals of personal friends were not entertained, iNIr. Brunot asserting that he had given his parole of honor to return within the Confederate lines, and that no mere personal discomfort would justif\- him in di^ hcinoring his parole. He accordingly returned to Rich- mond and delivered his answer to the Confederate authorities of his failure to secure from the Federal Government the medical supplies solicited for the suffer- ing wdunded and sick L'nion soldier ])risoners. Few more chivalrous incidents of exemplary honor during the Civil War is to be found than is illustrated by the conduct of Mr. Brunot on this occasion. The Confederate authorities, unable to provide for the unprecedented large number of woimded and sick Union prisoners, soon after the return of Mr. Brunot from Washington paroled all the wounded and sick, and included him m the exchange. As an officer of the Christian Commission, Mr. Brunot resumed his duties and at- tentions to the care of the returned ])risoners in camp and to the soldiers in field-hospitals. ]\Ir. Brunot con- tinued until the close of the war most active in the work of the United States Christian Commission and later to the United States Sanitary Com- mission in its great field of labor on the field with the Union armies. Doctor Thomas Dickson, one of the three brothers, eminent surgeons of that name, practicing in Pittsburg, and all of whom left their home pa- tients, in the first battles of the war, contracted typhoid fever while serving with the United States Christian Com- mission in the camps of McClellan's army besieging Richmond, anil fell a martyr to that disease. His two brothers. Doctors Jolin and Joseph Dickson, were serving with him at the time, and continued to respond with their personal attendance and services to calls for volunteer surgeons on every great battlefield of the Army of the Potomac iimil the end of the war. DR. THOMAS DICKSON. WoiiEXs Work ix the War. The valuable and devoted services of the women of Pittsburg to the sol- diers in the field and in the hospitals cannot be too highl}- extolled. They ex- hibited a consecration to the work of humanity that is sacred and beautiful beyond words. Also among the first to tender their services to the Government as nurses UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 41 were the Sisters of Mercy, of Allegheny county. They soothed man\- a fevered brow, and watched the glorious young life ebb from many a patriot youth. Their four years' work at the West Penn Hospital during the war is part of Pittsburg's patriotic history. There lives to-day many a white-haired man who cherishes in memory's choicest casket the tender recollection of a gentle, loving, kind-faced Sister of Mercy, in somber robe, who was ever at his bedside when his life trembled in the balance. No sooner were the Union soldiers victims to the missiles of the enemv, or prostrated by the many camp diseases than a corps of trained and experienced nurses of that day, the ladies composing the Sisters of Mercv of the diocese of Pittsburg, tendered their services to the Gov- ernment of the United States, to go to any place where the sick or wounded required attention. President Lincoln, in a grateful letter to Bishop Domenec, returned his thanks, and at once accepted this kind offer. The (jovernment, which had taken possession of the West Penn Hospital of Pittsburg, with Doctor James King as surgeon in charge, at once turned over the entire management and conduct of the institution to the Sisters of Mercy, and to the corps of surgeons of whom Doctor King was chief, who had so heartily endorsed their qualifica- tions. Their services were continued from earlv in the war until long after its conclusion. During those four years many thousands of Union soldiers, badly wounded and afflicted, became pa- tients under the charge of these Sisters. The development of the war, and the great battles following recpiired an in- crease of hospital accommodations in Washington, and a second draft upon the Sisters of Merc\- of Pittsburg was made bv Secretarv of War Stanton, and they were placed in ciiarge of the new Stanton Hospital, Washington City, probably the largest institution for wounded soldiers in that citv. .\ score or more of Pittsburg's Sisters of Mercy served faithfully and devotedly there throughout the war. Under the supervision of the Christian Commission the first low-diet kitcherj in connection with military hospitals was established by a Pittsburg lady. Miss Mary Moorhead, in the Cumberland Military Hospital, at Nashville, Tenn. This kitchen was maintained about two years, feeding during that period from one thousand to fifteen hundred patients. Of the one hundred and six ladies commissioned for the work in these low- diet kitchens, thirteen were from Pittsburg and vicinity, namely. Miss Mary E. Moorhead, ^liss Ellen R. Murdoch, Miss Hannah Shaw, ^iiss Hetty Lathrop, Miss Mary A. Little, Miss Mattie J. Fowler, Miss Mary Humbert, Miss Emily DR. JAMES KING. 43 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Hunnings, Miss Maggie Hopper, Miss Phebe Nease, Miss Mary Hunnings, Miss Lizzie DeHaven, Miss Howells. Among these ladies thus devoted to the Union cause, none was more distinguished for zeal and self-sacrifice in charitable work in the hospitals of the Union armies than Miss Ellen R. Murdoch, now Mrs. Ellen Murdoch Watson. MRS. ELLEN MURDOCH WATSON. In this field of work of Miss Mary E. Moorhead and the volunteer ladies, assistants, the Commission was enabled to accomplish prompt and efficient relief for the soldiers through her father, the Honorable James K. Moorhead, one of the most influential Congressmen during Lincoln's entire administration, and an intimate personal friend of Secretary of War Stanton. These Pittsburg ladies mentioned above also set up a low-diet kitchen at White House Landing during General McClellan's Peninsula campaign. Mrs. Watson, quoting from her interesting diarj-, says that, being attracted on one UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 43 occasion by the spectacle of a steamer coming down the James river from Rich- mond under a flag of truce, they were astonished and dehghted to see their townsman, Honorable Felix R. Brunot, step ashore from the steamer, having been released from his imprisonment by the Confederate Government, together with thousands of paroled prisoners of war. It is due to the memory of an esteemed and worthy lady of Pittsburg to mention the name of Mrs. Kate Savage, lately deceased, whose husband, the late John Savage, was proprietor, during the war, of a hostelry known as the " Amer- ican Hotel," on Liberty and Grant streets, and immediately parallel with the old Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station at Liberty and Grant streets, since replaced with the Union Station. Trains from the East and the West almost daily bearing regiments and companies as well as individual soldiers on fur- lough came into the station at all hours, and particularly often during the night, many being sick or wounded, and all hungry. The late Hunt M. Butler, Union Depot master during the Civil War, in a card to the Pittsburg newspapers, wrote a just tribute to the patriotic zeal and affectionate solicitude shown throughout the war by this good lady. To the soldiers, sick and wounded, without pay or reward of any kind to his knowledge, Mr. Butler says she furnished meals and lodging, and assisted many a poor, distressed, wearied, and often penniless sol- dier passing through the city. She co-operated in every way with the zeal and charity of the ladies of the Pittsburg Subsistence Committee in number- less cases. It often occurred that exhausted and stricken soldiers, broken down by the long ride on the cars, were unable to walk or be conveyed to the bountiful table provided in Old City Hall for soldiers, or even to the Soldiers' Home, and in such cases Mrs. Savage and her servants would carry food and refreshments to them in the cars. Mr. Butler, who was a daily witness to these benefactions so cheerfully and gratuitously rendered the soldiers by Mrs. Sav- age, all without ostentation or display of any kind, urged that a permanent tribute to commem- orate her deeds of charity to the soldier should be made in Pittsburg's war history. An instance of wounded soldiers being cared for, far from home and far from the battlefield where they fell, is recorded in the fact that seventy of the wounded from the battle of Pitts- burg Landing were brought to Pittsburg by a hospital steamer, and cared for and tenderly nursed by the loving women of the loyal city of Pittsburg. First Soldiers' Orphans' Home. The mortaHties, casualties and sufferings in- cident to the Civil War found the State of Penn- MRS KATE SAVAGE sylvania unprepared, with her many other 44 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. pressing obligations during the tirst years of the continuance of the war, to pro- vide homes and ciuarters for the many or])han children of soldiers throughout the Commonwealth. The private homes, hospitals and orphan asylums of the various religious denominations were wholly inadecjuate. To assign those unfortunate soldiers' orphan children to the county poor-house was not to be thought of. To Colonel James P. Barr. of Pittsburg, is due the distinction of being the first to display a practical interest and devotion to the soldiers" orphans by his establishing in Pittsburg the tirst Soldiers' Orphans' Home, located on BluiT and Stevenson streets. This school was opened early in 1861, and continued to be maintained throughout the years of the Civil War and after, until the year 1867, when the State of Pennsylvania established the system of State Orphans' Homes and Schools, in all parts of the State. There were sheltered and pro- vided for in the Pittsburg Soldiers' Or- phans' Home, founded by Colonel Barr, upwards of a thousand children of sol- diers who fell in battle or died of disease contracted in the military service. The matron of this home was Miss Mary J. Stalford, a native of Pittsburg, selected for possessing the peculiar sympathetic qualities and patriotic devotion to the welfare of the wards placed imder her charge. Colonel Barr, although at the head of a great daily newspaper during this period, which made great demands upon his time, manifested great personal interest in the development and mainte- nance of this school, which was supported wholly by the generosity of himself, and a few other public-spirited citizens of Pittsburg. During the continuance of this Or- phans' Home, the patriotic founder, to reside closer and to more readily visit and superintend the institution, removed from a remote part of the city to a dwelling next door to the home. P.\TRIOTISM, 1801-186-2. The foregoing images, comprising the introductory chapter of this history, from Sumter to Appomattox, constitutes a brief review of the rapidlv transpiring events of 1861 and 18()'? in ^^'estern Pennsylvania. To this is added the names and records of citizens, and tributes proper to preserve the memory of those heroic patriots who so promptly, unselfishly and unremittingly sacrificed their time and their means so liberally in sustaining the Government of the United States in the great crisis of the Civil \\'ar. They rose above partizanship in their zeal for the Union cause, disdained personal benefit or profit arising from the necessities of the Government, in vivid contrast with the prevailing commer- COL. JAMKS 1' BARR. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 45 cialism of the present times. Without exception, no grander galaxy of loyal, disinterested, public-spirited and true men than the one hundred citizens com- posing the Committee of Public Safety could be found in any other country. Nor was the loyalty, philanthropy and zeal manifested by the citizens named in this chapter deserving of any greater acknowledgment or gratitude than that of the ladies who so promptly rallied to the relief of the sick and wounded sol- diers on the field, in the hospitals and in their journeys to and from the seat of war. With such conspicuous and persevering examples of loyalty and pa- triotism of the citizens of Western Pennsylvania, it is not strange that the younger generation of youths composing the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, on their enlistment, should have been imbued with the same noble principles and desires to spare no sacrifices in defending the Union. MISS MARY J. STAFFORD. •16 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. REGIMENTAL ITINERARY. Chapter I. THE PRESIDENT'S CALL FOR 300,000 MEN. Governor Curtin's Proclamation; Call for State's Quota. — Prompt and Rapid Recruiting of. — Cause of Activity. — Disasters of McClellan's Army ON Peninsula Doubted. — Great War Meeting in West Common. — Recruit- ing Stands. — Reports of Meeting. — Eloquent Speeches. — Reverend John B. Clark Organizes One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volun- teers. — College Students, Farmer Boys and Apprentices Rally as Recruits TO One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers. — Promoters of Companies Become Officers Without Election. — Physical Examination of Recruits. — Clarion County Companies Join Regiment at Camp Howe. — Colonel E. J. Allen Chosen Colonel. — Recruits Organized Into a Regi- ment and Ordered to Washington, D. C, September 3d. — Forced March of Two Miles from Camp Howe to Railway Station. — Three Hours to Each Mile. — Departing Scenes. — Freight and Stock Cars. — Railway Journey in Dark. — Receive Arms and Accoutrements at Harrisburg. — Reach Baltimore. ^RESIDENT LINCOLN, on July 2, 1863, issued a call for three hun- dred thousand additional troops to assist in defending the Union and Constitution. On July 7, 1863, the Adjutant-General of the United States Army made requisition on Governor Andrew G. Curtin, requesting him to raise in Pennsylvania, as soon as practicable, twenty-one new regiments of vol- unteer infantry, and on July 21, 1862, Governor Curtin issued a proclamation as follows: Pennsylvania — ss. : In the name and by the authority of the State of Pennsylvania, I, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of said Commonwealth, issue the following Proclamation : To sustain the Government in times of common peril by all his energies, his means and his life, if need be, is the duty of every loyal citizen. The President of the United States has made a requisition on Pennsylvania for twenty-one new regiments, and the regiments already in the field must be recruited. The existence of the present emergency is well understood. I call on the inhabitants of the counties, cities, boroughs and townships throughout our borders UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 47 to meet and take active measures for the immediate furnishing of the quota of the State. I designate below the number of companies which are expected from the several counties of the State, trusting the support of her honor in this crisis, as it may be safely trusted to the loyalty, fidelity and valor of her freemen. Given under my hand and Great Seal of the State at Harrisburg, this 21st day of July, in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G. CURTIN. By the Governor. Eli Slifer, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Governor Curtin Addresses Great W.'^r Meeting. The newspaper reports for months previous, emanating from Washington, of desperate lighting and great victories had aroused the people of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and led them to regard the L^nion armies as invincible ; so that when the news of the disasters befalling McCIellan's army on the Peninsula, and Pope's army on the plains of Culpeper, Warrenton and Manassas, in the closing days of July, 1863, and the sullen and stubborn retreat of the Union army to the defenses of Washington, reached Pittsburg, the public was appalled. While the terrible news was received in sorrow, it caused no dismay, but stimulated to fresh efforts the latent patriotism of the youths of the country. Allegheny county was aroused, and to this patriotism formal expression was promptly given in a great war meeting held on the 24th of July, 1863, in the West Common, surpassing in numbers and intense interest any previous war meeting held in the State of Pennsylvania. Preparations for the meeting had been in progress for several days previous, which resulted in an assemblage of between fifteen and twenty thousand people. The speakers were Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania ; Honorable William Wilkins; Judge Wilson McCandless ; Professor Samuel J. Wilson, of the Western Theological Seminary ; Thomas M. Marshall, Esq. ; Honorable Judge P. C. Shannon; Honorable T. J. Bigham ; Ex-Governor William F. John- ston, and other highly distinguished citizens. Professor J. T. Wamelink, organist of St. Paul's Cathedral, with a corps of singers, occupied a stand, and rendered inspiring, patriotic music, both vocal and instrumental. There were five speakers' stands, and two stands for speakers of overflow impromptu meetings. At the meeting were also many citizens in charge of recruiting booths, with martial music and transparencies, inviting young men to " fall in " and join the com- panies then being recruited. The strong emotions that filled the minds of the citizens of Western Penn- sylvania at that period are exhibited in the extensive newspaper descriptions of the meeting. The powerful and stirring eloquence of the orators exerted great influence on the youth of that day. The earnest resolutions of loyalty to the Union which were adopted voiced the sentiment of the people of Pennsylvania, 48 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. in the darkest hour of the Civil War, to stand by President Lincoln. The meet- ing caused a fresh uprising of the patriots of the State. In less than two weeks following this great war meeting ten new regiments of infantry, two new inde- pendent batteries, and several cavalry regiments were recruited in Allegheny county, attributed directly to this meeting. As bearing on the development of the future One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, Captain S. A. McKee, Colonel John H. Cain, Captain Lee Anshutz, and Captain Samuel Kilgore all attended this great meeting as recruiting officers. It was there that they rallied the nucleus of their future companies. General Thomas M. Howe presided over this great assemblage, and an- nounced the list of officers for the various stands. General Howe had a State- wide reputation as a public-spirited, patriotic citizen and successful business man, and from Sumter to Appomattox devoted his time to aid the Union cause. The Chairman, Honorable Thomas M. Howe, in calling the meeting to order, announced the list of officers : Stand No. 1 — Honorable William Wilkins, president, assisted by over one hundred vice-presidents, comprising most valued and respected citizens. Secretaries — Robert Finney, J. R. Hunter, Samuel Harper, E. A. Mon- tooth, William B. Negley, William C. Moreland, Thomas M. Bayne, H. E. Davis. Stand No. 2 — General William Robinson, Jr., acting president, assisted by Simon Drum, John Morrison, C. T. Ihmsen, J. McDonald Crossen, and Thomas McKee, vice-presidents. Stand No. 3 — Thomas Bakewell, Esq., acting president, assisted by B. C. Sawyer, G. L. B. Fetterman, John Birmingham, J. Sampson, and B. A. McVay, vice-presidents. German Stand — G. G. Backofen, Esq., acting president, assisted by N. Voeghtly, Francis Felix, Major D. Fickeisen, Doctor A. H. Gross, and A. Hol- stein, vice-presidents. Reverend W. D. Howard, D. D., at the opening of the meeting, addressed a. fervent prayer to the Throne of Grace, which was listened to with great attention. Honorable P. C. Shannon then introduced Judge Wilkins, the Chairman, and proposed three cheers for him, which were cordially given. The pres- ence of a man of the magnificent appearance of the venerable William Wilkins, then in his eighty-seventh year, appearing like a voice from the Revolutionary period in which he was born, appealing to the youth of later generations, added very much to the impressiveness of the occasion. In person he was fully six feet tall ; of fine classical features, heightened by extreme age ; displaying a wealth of snow-white hair resembling that of Andrew Jackson. His ai)pear- ance united with the beauty of his diction and the vigor of his eloquence and appeals for the supremacy of law and the preservation of the Union, marie his powerful oration convincing and far-reaching in its efi'ect. The very eloquent address delivered on that memorable occasion by Prof(--sor Samuel J. Wilson, D. D., wrought the populace to the highest pitch of enthus-asm. His commanding appearance, the earnest and impressive manner of his or- 'iry. UN'DER THE MALTESE CROSS. 49 .50 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. as with uplifted hand he appealed to the youth to rally for the Union, and in- voked in forcible terms the noblest attributes of the human heart, thrilled the vast assemblage. His impressive interrogatory, " What is gold — what is silver — as compared with the honor of the Nation? It is offal when thrown into the balance against the liberties of our country," electrified his hearers. The speaker's impassioned eloquence, and appeal to the youth to go forth and battle for the Nation's life, reached the sublimity of patriotic oratory. The attendance of Governor Andrew G. Curtin at this mass-meeting in his official capacity attracted the greatest public interest because of his tmtiring zeal and labor for the Union. Governor Curtin was at that time in the prime of mature manhood, having a manly, erect figure, pleasing countenance, and a fine voice, and with his iron gra\' hair Ire presented all the attractive qualities which his reputation as a gifted orator had gained for him. On this eventful occasion he seemed more solemn, more earnest, aild bore marks in his countenance of profound c. haiid->prings and mischievous pranks generally, their physical fitness, cciiivmcing the examining surgeons so as to pass the strenuous youths in a body. Quite a minority, however, of the recruits, on one pretext or another, were very backward about being examined, and succeeded in avoiding the ordeal. A few others were absent paying farewell visits to Bacchus, etc., but all were finall\' allowed to be mustered in. Many of the quota thus excused from examination, in active service soon proved to be physically unfit for active campaigning. Many of these, who did not die, were quite early mustered out on surgeons' certificates of disability. Rendezvous in C.vmp Howe. The companies named above, upon being mustered in, were ordered to report under their temporary officers at Camp Howe, now in the Fourteenth ward of Pittsburg. The camp at that time was composed of a large tract of land known as " Linden Grove," containing fifty acres, well laid out and watered, with comfortable barracks and quarters erected thereon for the accommodation of soldiers. It was occupied during the Civil \\'ar as a rendezvous and drilling ground for recruits. The companies named, and subsequeiUly merged into the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, were all promjitly clothed in ill-fitting blue uniforms, unbleached underwear and astonishingly large army brogans. With the startling instructions — though there was probably not a cartridge in the camp — to shoot on sight any individual atteiupting to enter or leave Camp Howe, with or without the countersign, the recruits were promptly armed with nuiskets beiongmg to die camp, and detailed for camp guards. The company from Clarion county, subsequently Company H, is conceded, on the evidence of its future Captain, John Ewing, the honor of having one of its recruits shed the first blood in his country's cause at Camp Howe. The recruit thus honored insisted to a camj:) guard on duty that he had a right to go in or out of the camp with or without the countersign. To end the discussion, the Com- pany H recruit was given a prod with the bayonet by the guard that drew the claret. This claim of first blood, however, was later seriously disputed on behalf of Private James Fielding, of Company E. Fielding insists that a jab from a pro- truding bayonet, which a recruit carelessly left sticking out of a tent at night,' drew blood from his big toe. From this wound Fielding was forever afterward rendered hors du combat. Not being able to decide between Company H and Company E on this gra\e subject, the compilers of this history are compelled to remit the determination of the rival claims to the category of undecided contro- versies arising out of the Civil \\'ar. Life and Scenes in C.\mp Howe. The first assemblage and residence of the companies in Camp Howe was marked with great spirit and gayety. The country boys, recruits from the Kis- kiminetas, the Youghiogheny and the Monongahela valleys, and from the Clarion 56 UXDER THE MALTESE CROSS. In the barracks at night there were " hoe- inging ranging at times from and the Red Bank rivers, had bronght with them to camp their musical instru- ments, vioHns, flutes, guitars and mandohns. The city men and boys, in addition to their musical instruments, formed a glee club, George P. Fulton performing on the guitar, and Harry Campbell and Robert Culp on the mandolins. Among the many good vocalists were Colonel E. Jay Allen, Captain A. L. Pearson, John H. Ralston, Jack Campbell, and Lieutenants E. A. Montooth, George F. Morgan and Samuel Kilgore. The week's sojotirn in the camp was thus rendered a period of marked enjoyment and conviviality downs," and music both instrumental and vocal, the the martial to the humorous and the pathetic. Every day was marked by visits of delegations of ladies and friends from the city and vicinity. Even though the new uniforms did not fit. the recruits put forth their best efforts to please their visiting friends. This paradise of pleasure was rudely marred by the bill of fare and abom- inable cooking arrangements of the camp. Shortly after the arrival of the com- panies at Camp Howe, so-called camp-cooks were provided ; and then began an experience of which the country boys, accustomed to mother's cooking, had never before dreamed. Food of the most abominable character was served — ^vile smelling and vile tasting. The country boys, who were compelled by force of circumstances to live on these rations, soon began to experience the first symptoms of home-sickness. The city boys, however, did not remain in camp for meals, only reporting daily, and consequently escaped this unpleasant experience. The companies were entirely free and independent up to that time, there being no regimental organization in Cainp Howe, although it was generally un- derstood that E. Jay Allen was to be the Colonel of the Regiment because of his previous military experience in the field. On the 3d of September, 18(32, however, the nine companies then in camp were ordered to report immediately at ^^'ashington un- der command of Colonel Allen, who was commissioned Colonel at Harrisburg, as Regiment was on its way to the former city. Colonel Robert Anderson, commanding the Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves, on the day before the Second Battle of Bull Run granted a furlough to Sergeant James Col- lord to join a company in Camp Howe,, which had been recruited for him by his friends at home. This company later be- came Company F of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Sergeant Collord declined ac- cepting the furlough until after the battle which was then impending. The battle oc- curred the next day and Sergeant Collord LiEUT.-coL JAMES COLLORD. ^^^^ badly wotmded. On report of the sol- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 57 diely conduct of CoUord in thi? battle. Governor Curtin recalled an intended Cap- tain's commission for him, and instead issued to the brave Sergeant a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel of the newly-formed One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment. Owing to the se\erity i^f Lieutenant-Colonel Collord's wounds and con- tinuance of disabilities he resitiiied at the end of two months. Marliiixi, (Jrders. — Packing L'p. While the cnm])anies were thus enjoying themselves with festivities, and in getting used to their misfit uniforms and infamous food at Camp Howe during the last week in August, 18i)'^. history was being made fast in the vicinity of Washington. The disastrous campaign of Pope's army, which had been driven to the very gates of Washington, cut short the jovialty of the several regiments hastily recruited and quartered at Camp Howe. The One H^undred and Twenty- third Regiment, Colonel John B. Clark : the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth, Colonel Thomas ]\L Bayne : the (Jne Hundred and Thirt}--ninth, Colonel F. H. Collier; and a number of cavalry and artillery companies were all in the same rendezvous, at Camp Howe. They were all ordered to the beleaguered Capital at Washington as fast as the F'ennsylvania Railroad trains could carry them. On the memorable 'id of September. ISfi"-', marching orders were received for the future r)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth to break camp and march to the Union station on Liberty street, next da_v, and there to take the cars for Wash- ington, to share in checking the onslaught of the enem\'. The scene on the eve of Waterloo described by Byron's immortal stanzas. " There was a sound of revelry by night." and the gayet\- at Brussels, rudely interrupted by the dashing messenger who conveyed the order to the officers in the ball-room to march to the battle of ^^'aterloo, is paralleled by the orderly who brought the startling news that night to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, annoimcing marching orders for Washington at daylight. The new soldiers left the gay ball-room in the concert hall of the barracks, some abruptly terminating friendly games of cards in their quarter-;, on receipt of the ominous marching orders, all probably being duly impressed that unless the Regiment hurried to the relief of the imperiled Capital, the Confederates would catpure it. The freight or cattle car>, or probably both, which the Penns}-lvania Railroad at that time was able to provide for the departing Regiment, it was announced in orders, would not leave the station until T p. m. Through some mysterious cal- culation as to the time required to accom])lish this short march of three miles from Camp Howe to the Liberty street Station, it was deemed imperatively neces- sary to enable the march to be accomplished in tune, to sound the reveille as early as five o'clock in the morning. This very liberal allowance of fourteen hours to accomplish the packing up and short march of the new command could not be complained of as being too severe or arduous on the new recruits, even in the exciting emergency. Contrasting the time allowed for the march from Camp Howe to the railroad station with the rapid-transit gait the same men acquired later, in their memorable forced marches of twenty-eight and thirty miles a day in the Maryland and (ilettysbiu'g campaign, it seemed most amusing. However, 58 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. the elaborate preparations, the minil.)er of contlictiny orders, the delays, the ob- structions, the countermanding; of orders to getting read}' to " fall in " and to " fall out " for the march from Camp Howe to the relief of Washington via the Libert}' street Station, will never be forgotten by those participating. Heavy Kxai'.sacks. — A AIemorakle March. All the morning of the 3d of Se])tember in C'amp Howe was not unlike many of the mornings spent and time lost by armies in active campaigning, in getting ready to fight. In Camp Howe, the new recruits were occupied up until three o'ldock in the afternoon before they got under way, and bade farewell forever to Camp Howe and its varied memories. The day of the departure was unusualb' hot. The men in the ranks were still l:)urdened with home presents and gifts and material thought to be necessary in active warfare, stowed away, making their knapsacks quite heavy. The contents of the latter were, of course, Bibles, albums, shoe-brushes, clothes-brushes, tooth-brushes, soap, spoons, knives and forks, cujis and saucers, suspenders, gloves, neckties, mirrors, shirts, vests, extra caps, etc., etc., swelling up the knapsack to an inordinate size. Some men in the ranks, providing against rainy days, carried umbrellas. To all these were added heavy blankets, and haversacks gorged to re]iletion with fruits and pre- serves, to guard against |K)ssible starvation en route. Many of the canteens also were filled with beverage — whether with water, coffee, or ardent spirits must ever be a subject of conjecture. A march of one or two short squares brought the greatest disorder and confusion to this untrained, undisciplined, and undrilled corps, not unlike, for diversity of step, deportment, uniform and imsoldieily gait, Falstafif's famous guard. At the end of the first two s(|uares, which brought the column to Fifth avenue, the ranks were broken for tci\vn-])umps and watering troughs to bathe the fevered brows of the fatigued marchers. The right to rest at this stage was conceded the column; and in half an hour, by coaxing and threatening, the recruits resumed position, where the}- could recognize it, with their own companies. The need of a fifer or drummer or band-master was at this stage sadly felt. Although there was plenty of material in the regiment, the Government in the emergenc}' had fiu^nished neither fife, drum nnv flag to the new organization. The second " fall-in " after this half-hour's rest was followed bv a slow and easy march for another half hour, when by unanimous consent, but without a formal vote, a second halt took place in the vicinity of Craft avenue, for the double purpose of a rest as well as to allow the stragglers to catch up. Three- quarters of an hour's halt was deemed necessary at this point to enable the wearied recruits to regain strength sufficient to make the next mile inning. ]\Iuch of this being down hill, was accomplished with less fatigue and straggling in the ranks, althotigh a number took a half-way halt in the classic precincts of Soho, and tarried there long after the Regiment had passed. Flag Presentation En Route. Before reaching the scene of the flag presentation scheduled to take place in the vicinity of Ross street and the Court House at i; o'clock p. m., several more UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 59 60 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. halts were agreed upon by the embryo officers and their men. but the cohimn was very much decimated by the time it reached the Second ward school-yard on Ross street, where the flag presentation was to take place. The departing Regi- ment, which was scheduled to depart from the Liberty street Station at 7 o'clock p. M., was, by the compliment of the railroad authorities, indulged until half- past nine, so as to allow the last tardy straggler from Camp Howe to rejoin his company. Straggling had set in early and continued late. Alany of the men did not know their officers. The Regiment had no designation ; and, until the future officers would get their commissions, authorit}' was very tenderly exercised. The nine hundred men composing the nine companies made the three-mile forced march at the rate of a mile in three hours. Many broke down, and sought trans- portation in passing wagons and carts ; others loaded their baggage and persons on the one-horse bob-tailed street-car line that had been recently constructed. The final long-halt made at the Second ward school-house was for the purpose of listening to a flag presentation by the ladies of the Second ward to Colonel E. Jay Allen, the future commander of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, With this rest the survivors of the march straightened up and. displaying considerable sprightliness and improvement of step, as the ladies and crowds on the sidewalks cheered them, marched down Fifth avenue to ^^'ood street, thence to Liberty street, where the train awaited them. The accession of the new flag thus pre- sented also seemed to inspire the patriots with renewed vigor for the completion of their journey to the railroad station. Bef..\kin"g HoifE Ties. — F.xrewell .Scenes. Liberty street, wht-re the cars awaited the soldiers from Camp Howe, was literally crowded by the friends and acquaintances of the departing soldiers : so that when they broke ranks to enter the cars assigned them, they were beseiged with demonstrative attentions of their friends and relations. The patriotism of the young ladies of that day was so exuberant that they did not confine their farewell embraces of hugging and kissing to sweethearts and relatives only, but bestowed their favors and attentions on the boys in blue indiscriminately. At this final farewell the embracing and farewell kisses of mothers, wives and sweethearts, and smacks in general, resounding from every quarter, lasted until the train departed at 9 :3(i p. m., tlie crowd cheering to the last echo as the train bore the loved ones away, manv of them never to return. At the debut of this undisciplined, hastily organized collection of city boys and country }ouths. who added to the heavy -burdened knapsacks in many cases, a walking arsenal of Bowie knives and horse pistols, ready for the emer- gencies of war, it would seem hardly possible, that they would so soon, in a few months, under efficient officers, become converted to well-drilled and disci- plined soldiers. Yet it is a fact that these same raw recruits, for perfection in drill, and especially in the bayonet exercise, were rewarded by the Government at the end of their first year, with the unique and fancy dress uniform of zouaves, constituting one of the three vcilunteer regiments honored by the Gov- ernment bv being assigned to serve in the same division with Svkes' United States UNDER THE IMALTESE CROSS. 61 Regulars. Not only did they excel in drilling, but their forced marches from twenty-eight to thirty miles a day in the ^larjland-Gettysburg campaign, carry- ing muskets and sixty rounds of ammunition, exhibited their great development in rapid-transit marches over their first and memorable march from Camp Howe. Oakland, to the Libertv street Station a short vear before. Ox TO Harrisburg and Washixgtox. The train ^teamed out of the Liberty street Station at !i:3o r. m. The departing train was made up of freight cars, there being neither lamps, candles nor lights of any kind, and the recruits retired early, and were soon in the land of nod, after their early rising, fatiguing day's labor and marches. No stops occurred on the route to the State Capital, where they arrived (juite early. The Regiment was immediateh- detrained, and marched a mile or more to Camp Curtin for breakfast, being assisted and escorted on this early march by the accommodating Provost Guards on duty at Harris- burg. All day of the 4th of September was spent at Harrisburg, and many of the recruits escaped from the camp and inspected the Capital and the city at large. While at Harrisburg it was announced to the Regiment that Colonel E. Jay Allen had received his commission and was to be recognized as Colonel of the Regiment, which was to be numbered and known as the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. At the State Arsenal in Harrisburg. the Regi- ment was armed with very heavy ordnance called the Belgian rifle, and immediately entrained for Washington via Baltimore. The accession of the very heavy guns and cartridge-boxes to the alread\- heavy-laden recruit made his life very burdensome. On arriving at Baltimore, the Regiment detrained anil bivouacked on the sidewalk of Eutaw street, where they partook of the bounty of the Government in the shape of a meal composed of raw pork, hard- tack, and black, unsugared, uncreamed coffee. recruit and Belgian rifle. '^ Noah H. Pangburn. 63 UXDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. Chapter II. CAMP CHASE. Regimext Reaches Washington at il a. m. — Takes Breakfast .\t Soldier's Retreat in S\v.\mpoodle District. — Hardtack, Coffee and Salt Pork for Breakfast. — ]\L\rch to Camp Chase. — Long Roll Sounded at Midnight in Camp Chase. — One Hundred and Fiftv-fifth Assigned to Allabach's Brig.\de, Humphreys' Division, Fifth Corps. — March to Fairfax Semi- nary. — March to the City of A\"ashingtox. — Colonel Alle.x Orders ^^'AG0N Lo,\D OF Oy'sters. — Humphreys' Division Exchange Belgian Rifles .and Sword Bayonets for Harper's Ferry" Muskets with Buck-and-B.\ll Car- TRIDGK. HaLLECK OrDERS HuMPHREYS' DIVISION TO MoVE. Arrival in W'ashingtox. m FTER a short stop in Baltimore and a detention en route at the Relay uOBrll House, the Regiment reached ^\'ashington, still in the uncomfortable freight cars, at al furtune in thiH >\vindling the Government. In place of these useless arms, left at the Arsenal in \\'ashington, the Regiment received the Springfield rifles, being the old-fashioned muzzle loader, with ram- rod and percussion cap accompaniments. The ammunition used in these ex- changed guns w^as three buckshot and a bullet, called " buck and ball," which in actual service became destructive only at close range. As further evidence of the extraordinary confusion existing in Washington, in the administration of General H. W. Halleck. an incident connected with Humphreys' Division at this date is worthy of mention. As General-in-Chief, Halleck issued the subjoined order on September 13th to General Humphreys, ordering him to leave Washington with his newly-formed division within a few hours, under pain of being court-martialed. This censure of one so energetic and fiery a leader as Humphrexs for tardiness and want of zeal, it is needless to state was most uncalled for. ( Cop)- ) " 1 lead(|uarter> of the Army, Washington, Sept. 13th, ISG^. Unless (ieneral Humphreys immediately leaves to take command of his division in the field, he will be arrested for disobedience of orders. ( Signed i H. W. Halt^eck, ( ieneral in Chief. Addressed to (jeneral A. A. Humphreys." This astonishing dispatch to General Humphreys was a most uncalled for aspersion and betrayed lamentable ignorance on the part of Halleck of the situ- ation. This controversy involving the commander and men of Humphreys' Division is deemed of sufficient importance to incorporate in the Appendix. Gen- eral Humphreys officially replied to Halleck's charge, and demanded that a Court of Inquiry be convened to exonerate him from the unju>t accusation implied in Halleck's peremptory order just quoted. 4^ 68 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Chapter III. FORCED .MARCH TU AXTIETAM. ^Iarch of Humphreys' Divisiox fcir \\'esterx Maryland Commenced Sunday' ^Iorxing, September 14th. — ]\Iake Fifteen ]\Iiles in Heat and Dusty Roads. — Cannonading Heard During the D.\y in Direction of South Mountain. — General Humphreys at Head of Column. — ^L\rch Continued on September I-jth. — Abandoned Articles of Clothing and Kn.apsacks Along the Route. — Forced March Resumed. — Reach Cl.\rksville Late in Evening. — Forced ^L\rch Resumed September 16th. — September 17th Humphreys Division Re.\ches jMonocacy' River. — Debris of Burned Bridge. — First Real Evidence of War. — Paroled L'nion Prisoners. — Humphreys' Division H.\lts at Frederick. — Covers Approaches to Washington. — Forced j\L-\RCH TO Join Army of Potomac Resumed. — Humphreys' Division Arrives AT Antietam in Morning of 18th. — H.\rro\ving Sights and Scenes. — Humphreys' Dinision Takes Position in Reserve of Army of Potomac. — Confederate Dead and Wounded Left in Hands of Union Forces. — Cordial Reception of Commander-in-Chief. — Company G of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Selected to Engage in Reconnoissance. — Camp McAuley. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth \\'ithout Shelter or Medical Supplies. — President Lincoln Reviews Army of Potomac. — Colonel J- H. Puleston. Representing Governor Curtin, Presents State Flag to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. — Regiment \^"ITH0UT Accommodations for Sick or the Benefit of Clergy. The Antietam Campaign. [IE march into Maryland of the eight new regiments of Pennsylvania troops, aggregating eight thonsand recruits, composing Humphrexs' Division, was commenced very early Sunday morning, September 14th. the shortest route from ^^'ashington to join ]\IcClellan's army Ijeing in the direction of A\'estern Maryland. The troops, though heavily burdened, marched all day in the great heat and dusty roads, making fifteen miles, which was regarded as a most satisfactory feat for fresh troops but little over a week from home. Late in the afternoon the Division, or rather those who kept up with the colors, encamped for the night on the outskirts of the beautiful village of Rockville. Md. This camp will be remembered as the l>lace where private Robert A. Hill, of Company " F." was shot in the foot by an over-officiou-^ guard fur trespassing on a peach orchard. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 69 General Hu.mphkevs at the Head of His Duision. During this day's march the caniTinading opening the battle of South Moun- tain could be distinctly heard by the troops. As the colunni was hurriedly march- ing in that direction, it was obvious to all that serious work was before the Regiment. General Humphreys, the Division commander, made his appearance with his staff at the head of the Division during this day, and became very con- spicuous, riding backward and forward along the column on his superb charger, appearing to be the very embodiment of energy and martial bearing. At this time General Humphreys seemed to be a man of about forty-five years of age, having fine classical features, wearing glasses, a military cape, and a black slouch hat. He had a sturdy, well-knit figure, and in his movements and con- versation displayed a most earnest and determined manner. Rockville, Md.. where the Regiment camped that night, proved interesting, as being the site of General McClellan's army headquarters two days previous. September 1.3th was spent in continuing the march from Rockville from early in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon, when a long halt was taken for dinner. Among the noteworthy incidents of the forced march made b}' Humphreys' Division the preceding two days, were mimerous well-filled knap- sacks lying on each side of the route where they had been tossed bv foot-sore men who had carried them. Xew army overcoats and blankets issued by the Government had also been thrciwn away by soldiers whii were unable to carrv them farther on the fatiguing marches. Teamsters with the arnn- wagon-trains, who followed, often dismounted and picked up these abandoned articles on the roadside, and in many cases were known tci sell them to citizens along the route. i^fter dinner marching was resumed, and the same scenes continued until late in the evening, when the column reached Clarksville and bivouaced for the night, tired and worn-out by the severe inarching in hot weather. Early next day, September irith. the column resumed the march, passing through the villages of Hyattstown and I'rbana, the populations of which treated the marching troops very co(illy. There were no cheers nor encouraging words uttered liy any df the inha1)itant> as the Union troops marched thrriugh these places. The Regiment this day manifested evidences of fatigue, and many more knapsacks, overcoats and impediments to marching were thrown away by the command. Xight overtook many of the men who were unable to keep up, lagging far behind the advance of the Regiment, unable to maintain the speed which General Humphreys, Colonel Allabach, Colonel Allen, all riding superb horses, so strenuousl}' urged them to do. Nature asserted itself in many cases, and from sheer e.xhaustion many of the troops could go no farther. (Jthers turned in at points where they broke down and formed tempi.n-ary messes and groups for the night. One of the rendezvous afl:"ording a night's shelter for the broken- down and foot-sore inexperienced soldiers was a Young Ladies' Seminary build- ing, recently vacated. There were many rooms and dormitories in the building, also a fine orchard of ripe apples and peaches adjoining, and plenty of limpid water, all nf which made it for a nii;'ht's lodirinsj- a ni(i>t welcome discoverv. All TO L'XDER THE -MALTESE CROSS. the rooms on the different floors were occupied by the soldiers who had dropped out of the ranks from exhaustion. The fatigued occupants retired very early. The Confederates of Longstreet's Corps had occupied this building a few nights previous. They had written their autographs, and many unpatriotic inscriptions, with burnt sticks, on the beautifully, white-plastered walls. They had registered their names, ranks, and regiments conspicuously : some recording disloyal epi- grams and other epitaphs on Abraham Lincoln. The L'nion troops (about one hundred in number i who found shelter in the hospitable seminary also took burnt sticks and recorded tributes far from complimentary to one Jeflferson Davis and the Southern Confederacy, indulging at the same time in loyal cartoons of Lincoln. Washington, etc. The names of John ^L Lancaster, Theophilus Callen. Xewell D. Loutsenheiser. Thomas P. Tomer, James P. O'Xeil, Robert P. Douglass, Hugh Leonard. James Finnegan and John Crookham, all of the C)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth, are among those now re- called as having duly recorded their names, rank<. etc., that night on the walls of the parlors of the seminary. Private McKenna, of Company " E," especially distinguished himself on fhis occasion as a lightning artist, and was given three cheers by the comrades who witnessed his performance, and vinanimously voted Regimental artist. Before resuming the march the next morning the seminary orchard was invaded by the visiting Union soldiers and the ripe apples and peaches liberally appropriated at breakfast. Scenp:s at Monocacv River. — Paroled Prisoners. Humphreys" Division, after resuming the march September ITth, reached the Monocacy river about ten o'clock .\. m., where it halted for considerable time. The trocips very generally availed themselves of the opportunity presented to enjoy a much-needed bath. All the regiments of the Division, having loaded their guns soon after departing from Washington, their officers decided that they should either discharge them or get rid of the loads by drawing the car- tridges. A number also took occasion at Monocacy to indulge in target firing. It was amusing to see how these inexperienced marksmen, many of them firing guns for the first time in their lives, often missed not only the target but even the large tree on which it was placed. Humphreys' column pushed on, resuming forced marching, bemg prodded by the fiery (General and his staff. The Regimental and coiupany officers also stimulated the men b}' referring to the reports that McCleilan s death-grapple with Lee made it imperative that every man of Humphreys' Division should join the main L'nion army to accomplish an assured Cnion victory over the Con- federate troops. The scenes at the [Nlonocacy were the first real evidence of war and its blighting effects that the new troops of Humphreys' Division had witnessed. At the Monocacy Railroad Junction, on the Monocacy river, the railroad bridge had two days before been blown up by the Confederates; the timbers, debris and wreckage of all kinds being plainly visible as Humphreys' column halted close UNDER THE ^FALTESE CROSS. ri bv. ^lany things that fell iiiKler the observation of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth were very suggestive of war. The corpse of a negro killed in the blowing up of the bridge was still exposed. It was currently reported that he was the man the Confederates employed to apply the torch which caused the explosion and destruction of the bridge. Xear this point another surprising spectacle awaited Humphreys' men on their f<.irced luarch to re-in force AlcClellan's army then engaged with the enemy. This was the jjresence of twelve thousand prisoners of war captured and paroled by the Confederates at Harper's Ferry. They w^ere all Ohio regiments who had been captured by Stonewall Jackson and paroled by him not to take up arms until duh" exchanged. This large body of L'nion troops, thus paroled at this critical period, marching to the rear instead of to the front, appeared sad, and man\- of the men ])aroled betrayed despondency as they spoke of the great prowess and skill of Stonewall Jackson. As the paroled prisoners passed by the One Hun- dred and l-"ift_\-lifth Regiment, who had so shortly before left Pittsburg for the front sanguine in their expectations of defeating and capturing the Confederates, the eltect ma}- be more easily imagined than described. The incident was certainly one which tended to chill the ardor of the most enthusiastic patriot at the time. Xo doubt the chronic dread of uncovering Washington still haunted General- in-Chief Halleck, and had much to do in influencing his orders on the advance of .McClellan's ariu\- against the Confederate forces invading Maryland. It was well knr .Vntictam, Humphreys' Division passed through Frederick City, where the troops were cheered and applauded enthusiastically by the residents, indicating by the large number of Union flags displayed and the warmth of the reception that the loyal citizens of that place were in the majority; also that but little success had attended the Confederate etTorts to induce the citizens of Maryland to rally around the banners of the Confederacy. But three days before this reception to Hum]ilu'eys" Division, Bradley Johnson, himself a JMarvlander. with his Confederate cavalry, had posted handbill proclamations to Alarylanders along the line of the march of Lee's army, appealing to all Con- federate s}mpathizers to aid the Southern cause. Under the pressing orders of General Fitz John Porter just quoted and the earnest zeal of the Division Commander, General Humphreys, and of the brigade commander^. Colonels Allabach and Tyler, and also of the Colonels commanding regiments, the forced night march to Antietam was marked by few halts for rests, the grave emergency not permitting it. The patriotism of the men in the ranks and their desire to reach the battlefield in time to take part in the action inspired them to demonstrate greater endurance, and to make a better record for continuous marching than was ever achieved by any other fresh troops in any previous campaign. Many of the men broke down and gave out from sheer exhaustion on this memorable forced night-march. Many more, from over- exertion on that night's campaign, contracted disabilities that made them cripples and invalids for life. The ambition of the new and inexperienced troops to respond to the orders and appeals of McClellan's army for help sustained them, enabling them to demonstrate their marching qualities : so that there was less than the usual dropping out of the ranks to straggle or rest. During- the night-march the column passed through ^liddletown. a village ■which bore niany evidences of its proximity to the battlefields of South ^Mountain UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. and Antietani, the principal buildings being converted into hospitals for the Federal wounded. On leaving the city of ^^'ashington, Humphreys' Division was estimated to be eight thousand strong. General Humphreys, at the head of his troops, reached Antietam, and reported to General AlcClellan on the field about seven o'clock in the morning of the ISth. It was estimated that a thousand, foot-sore, wearied and exhausted men of his command had broken down from fatigue on the forced march of the night, and that after short rests to recuperate, the luajority of them had reji lined their command, cuntinuing to report in detachments until near noon. On the last hour's luarch to join AlcClellan, the L'nion soldiers enjoyed the comforting spectacle of seeing upwards of one thousand Confederate prisoners in their gray and butternut uniforms, who were ca])tured from Stonewall Jack- son's command in the action at Antietam. The Division soon after passed through the village of Bonnsboro, the streets of which were thronged with ambulances conveying wounded soldiers of Mc- Clellan's army to the buildings which had been improvised as hospitals. From these ambulances men of the Ninth Penns}'lvania Reserves from Pittsburg, who had been wounded in the famous cornfield, from their seats in the ambulances, recognized and called the names of many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment as it was marching to its position on the battlefield. In an ambu- lance passing the Regiment, as it halted by the roadside, was the dead body of Major-General J. K. F. ^lansfield, a Union corps commander, who had been mortally wounded on the previous day. The Pittsburgers and Western Pennsylva- nians also manifested inuch sorrow as the body of Colonel James H. Childs, commanding the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, who had been killed in the cornfield the day previous, passed in an ambulance. Colonel Childs, as a native Pitts- burger, was known to most of the officers and men of the C)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and his death caused a feeling of profound sorrow. In the words of Colonel Allen. " \\'e could realize what his death meant to those at home — a sorrow, as we were to know, but one of many thousands, because of the dead whose bodies as yet lay stark upon the bloody field of Antietam." COL. JAMES H. CHILDS. Humphreys' Division Forms Reserve. General McClellan, on General Humphreys' reporting that his Division had accomplished the march and were ready for duty, ordered the General to relieve 74 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. General Alorrell's Division of the Fifth Corps, which had been held in reserve, and about eleven o'clock a. .m.. General Humphreys marched his command to the position of reserve of the Army of the Potomac. The men loaded their guns and formed in their first line of battle as the reserve of the army. After some changes of position, the Regiinent with the Division encamped in line of battle for the night — in military parlance. " sleeping on their arms "' for the first time. It was a marked compliniLMit to the One Hundred and P'ifty-fifth and to all of Humphreys' Division composed entirely of new troops and officers, to be selected by General AlcClellan for the responsible position of reserve for his army at Antietam. Though inexperienced, undrilled, and undisciplined as they were, yet the stamina and the courage they exhibited on the memorable forced march indicated that the honor was not misplaced, and that had the enemy not retreated during the night, Humphreys' Division was prepared for any emergency. As developed, no better illustration of the rapid transfomiation of the American youth from citizen to soldier could be displayed than was demonstrated in the discharge of this first duty as it was fulfilled by Humphreys' Division within two weeks from' the time they first donned a military uniform. It was. therefore, no surprise that these self-same new troops, after a short two-months' drilling under General Humphreys, Colonel Allabach, Colonel Allen and the other Regi- mental and Company officers, should have become so reliable and excellent in discipline and soldierly qualities as to be soon again honored by General Burn- side, McClellan's successor in command of the Army of the Potomac. Hum- phreys and his Division of Pennsylvania soldiers was assigned a most important duty at Fredericksburg. When Couch's, Sumner's and Hancock's Divisions, of the Second Corps of Sumner's Grand Division, the celebrated Irish Brigade, and the United States Regulars were each in turn repulsed in their dreadful assaults upon Marye's Heights, it was Humphreys' Division that Burnside held in reserve, having selected it to lead the " forlorn hope " against the stonewall and fortifica- tions of !Marye's Heights. How well they discharged their duty is shown in the official reports of Generals Burnside, Hooker and Humphreys, who, in the strongest language, singled out the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania and its gallant commander, Colonel E. Jay Allen, and the One Hundred and Twent}-third Pennsylvania, Reverend Colonel J. B. Clark, as entitled to special mention for conspicuous gallantry in that famous charge, Fi.AC OF Truce at Antietam. General Lee's Confederate army, having been driven back through Sharps- burg to the Potomac, left the battlefield in possession of the Union Army. The Confederate dead and wounded, therefore, fell into the hands of the Union forces. It is a conceded fact that the casualties at Antietam for a single day's battle surpassed in numbers and severity than of any other single day's battle on either side occurring during the war, and consequently attests the very severe fighting and terrible carnage (in both sides. The care of the Confederate wounded and prisoners, thus falling into UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 75 General McClellan's hands in such large numbers, togetlier witli the unusually heavy losses sustained by his own army, imposed vipon him the duty of looking after the wounded and sick of both armies. General Lee sent in a flag of truce and asked leave to have his own Confederate surgeons remain on parole with his wounded, to assist in caring for the same. This request was granted. Pre- paratory to retreating. General Lee is reported as having called his ranking ofifi- cers together, stating that as he expected ]\IcClellan to follow up the advantage gained in the recent battle, he ordered the Confederate army to halt on the south side of the }V:)tomac, there throw up works and to resist to the utmost the advance of the L'nion army if it attempted to f(illow. That General McClellan contemplated the immediate pursuit of the Con- federates is indicated by the prompt advance of the whole army over the battle- THE LUTHERAN CHURCH. SHARPSBURG. field and through the town of Sharpsljurg. which the enemv had evacuated at daylight on September 19th, a few hours previous. Battlefield Sights. — S ii arpsburg. Sharpsburg, as the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth marched through it to the Potomac, bore many evidences of the fiery ordeal it had sustained during the battle of the ITth. ]\Iany houses and several churches showed immense holes and fissures resulting from being struck by shot and shell. The village grave- yard did not escape, and many headstones were shattered by the projectiles which lay around quite numerously. C)n porches and in back yards were to be seen terrible effects of the battle, many dead bodies of Confederate soldiers, terribly mangled, lying where the\' fell. These scenes being the first introduction that the new troops had to real war made a deep impression upon all. 76 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. The inhabitants of the town of Sharpsbnrg who, during the battle had taken refuge in cellars or fled beyond the danger line, were beginning to reappear in their deserted houses, some bringing their families with them. General AlcClellan and his staff moved into the village about the same time the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was passing through, and a large United States flag was soon stretched across the main street. General ]\IcClellan, always very popular with the troops, was greeted with the most enthusiastic and cordial cheering, which he most cour- teously acknowledged. It was the first appearance of the Commander-in-Chief to Humphreys' Division, and the reception so cordiall}- and spontaneously bestowed upon General McClellan indicated that he enjoyed their love and esteem for the great victory achieved at Antietam, Rkcoxxoissaxce Across the Potom.-\c. McClellan"s entire army moved toward the Potomac, imlicating an intention at the time to cross the river and renew the battle with the Confederates on \'ir- ginia soil, Humphreys' Division, after passing through the town of Sharpsburg and a mile beyond, came to the banks of the Potomac, and at once a reconnoissance was ordered by General Fitz John Porter, commanding the Corps, The One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania Regiment, known as the Corn Exchange Regiment of Philadelphia, was selected to make the reconnoissance, and crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown. For some unknown, mysterious, and inexplica- ble reason, Com]iany G. of the One Hundred and Fiftv-fifth Regiment, recruited in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, was also selected to cross the river at Shep- herdstown, and to engage in what appeared to be either a supporting or an independent reconnoissance. The cause for the expressions of surprise at the remarkable ^election of Company G for this special service- is occasioned by the fact that it^ officers were probably the most inexperienced, and least competent at that time, of any in the Army of the Potomac, for so important a duty; al- though the men of the company justly earned the reputation of being the equal of any troops in the service for soldierly qualities. The reconnoissance ordered by General Porter resulted most unfortunatel}- for the Corn Exchange Regiment, as the enemy were behind works, and were prepared for and expected a much larger demonstration from a pursuit across the Potomac by ^IcClellan's army. The loss in thi^ repulse was unusually large, a great many of the wounded and retreating men of the Corn E.xchange Regiment being drowned in the river. Company li of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was more fortunate in that res])ect. as it escaped from its reconnoissance without the loss of a man and saved even their knapsacks, which Captain Klotz stayed back on the north side to guard. The cannonading during the reconnoissance was interesting but not dangerous, and towards evening the C)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth was withdrawn from the vicinity of the front and bivouaced for the night on the banks of the canal running along the Potomac river, where Allabach's Brigade was placed on picket duty. This was new duty to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and most mysterious orders and countermanding of orders and man-\- comical incidents occurred to alt UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 77 the novices mi picket duty. " All \va> i:|iiiet on the F'otoniac " during the Regi- ment's first night on this duty, and when daylight appeared, the surpassing beauty of the sttrrounding scenery filled all with admiration. Picket duty along the Potomac became the lot of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and of Humphreys" Division, for several weeks in succession. Camp AIcAuley was the name given the bivouac occupied by the Regiment during several weeks following. This camp was later the scene of much suftering and misery because of the inadeciuate provision for the care of the sick and the in- LINCOLN'S VISIT TO McCLELLAN AT ANTIETAM. 15. Hancock; 14, Griffin: 13, Svkes; 12. Hooker: 11, Morrell; 3, Webb: 2. McCIellan: 4. Meade: 16 Warren; 5, Custer; 6. Hunt; 7, Porter; 8, Locke; 9, Humphreys; 10. Burnside. crease of the mortalit}' among the soldiers was very great. Although within a comparatively short distance ("fifty or sixty miles) of Washington City, the headquarters of army supplies, the reiiui-itions of Colonel .Allen for shelter tents, necessary clothing, surgeon's supplies and medicines for his regiment, although approved by General Humphreys and forwarded by General McCIellan to Wash- ington with lu'gent appeals for relief, received no attention whatever from the department at \\'ashington. No one seemed to be responsible for ignoring these requisitions and demands, and consequently great dissatisfaction prevailed in the .army. Recriminations, charges, and complaints were daily occurrences, and dis- :S UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. cipline was severely impaired through this cause. The hospitals were filled and the mortality, as stated, became alarming. The Government at ^^'ashington >eemed incapable of meeting or unwilling to meet the emergency. Private relief, public spirited citizens, the Christian Commission and other charitable organiza- tions were touched by this condition of affairs, and finally brought relief and con- solation to the suffering soldiers in the camps about Antietam. The visit of President Lincoln to General ^IcClellan at Antietam, making his headcjuarters with General Fitz John Porter. Commanding Fifth Corps, also brotight additional relief to the Army of the Potomac at this time. President Lincoln, immediately after the great battle, wired the thanks of the Xation to General McClellan and his gallant army for the victory at Antietam, and shortly after paid them a visit. General ^NlcClellan. on this visit, arranged to have the Army of the Potomac reviewed by the President. Lincoln's appearance on horseback, with his singularl}- out-of-date silk hat and familiar but homely features, attracted great attention, and elicited every mark nf love and esteem as the head of the Xation and the soldiers' greatest friend. Camp McAulev. — Flag Presextatiox to Regiment. In this camp also the State of Pennsylvania fulfilled its duty of furnishing State flags to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the other regiments of Humphreys' Division. Governor Ctirtin had arranged to discharge in person the duty of presenting" these colors to the variotis Penns}-lvania regiments, and was expected to visit the camp of Humphreys' Division, composed exclusively of Pennsylvania troops. However, he was prevented, and one of his staff, Colonel ]. H. Puleston. who was temporarily detailed from the British War Office, in London, to assist the \^'ar Department at ^^'ashing■ton and Governor Curtin in organizing armies, discharged that duty in an eloquent address, to which Colonel Allen responded in fitting and eloquent terms as follows : Colonel; — In behalf of the One Hundred and F'ifty-tifth Pennsylvania \ ol- unteers, I receive at your hands with pride and pleasure this glorious proof that the old Commonwealth has not forgotten her sons who went forth from her bosom to battle for the integrity of the Federal arch of which she is the key- stone. While I am proud that Pennsylvania deems us worthy of so precious a trust. I receive it with a saddened heart, for gazing tipon its starry folds I remem- ber the tried and the true who have gone down to the silent dead in this struggle for freedom again>t despotism, while the end for which they fought was yet unaccomplished. Brave spirits! Gallant souls I INIay the memory of their deeds nerve tis in our hour of battle that we may gamer the harvest of which they planted the seed. Remembering the calm grandeur of these heroic dead, it is not for us to make promises of our future, but we may say to you, the honored representative of onr native State and home, that we feel the deep responsibility resting tipon all Americans in this struggle, and hope that when we go forth to the fray, we will merit the confidence of those who love us. and some day may return toward home and deliver this banner once again to Penn- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 79 DR. J. A. E, REED, Surgeon. W. STOCKTON WILSON. Assistant Surgeon. ELLIS C. THORN, Hospital Steward. so UNDER TFIE ^lALTESE CROSS. syh'ania. And grouped about it. may say with pride and with truth. " Tattered though it be by the winds of heaven : soiled though it be by the dust of earth ; stained by the blood of our comrades in the field, we give it again to thy trust, O Pennsylvania, undimmed by shame, unstained by dishonor." One of the great inconveniences suflrered by the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth from the time it left Pittsburg and on its march to Sharpsburg, was a lack of surgeons and medicines. Doctor J. A. E. Reed, of Lancaster, Pa., and Doctor W. S. Wilson, of Blairsville, Pa., received appointments as Assistant Surgeons of the Regiment, and reported for duty in the bivouac at Camp JMcAuley near Antietam. \^'ithout medical supplies, hospital tents, or accommodations of any kind for the nursing and caring for the sick, these devoted officers were very much handicapped professionally in administering to the relief of the sick. Nor had the Regiment the " benefit of clergy " of any kind, as no chaplain was ap- pointed until the SSth of December following, when the Reverend Joseph Thomas, an esteemed Methodist minister of Pittsburg, was appointed Chaplain. The only medical attention the Regiment had from Camp Howe to Antietam was that received from Ellis C. Thorne, a private of Company F. who was later promoted to Hospital Steward because of his having served as drug clerk in civil life. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 81 Chapter IV. SCENES AND EVENTS IN CAMP McAULEY. Regiment Spends Month of October in Camp McAuley. — Many Changes JN Regimental and Company Organizations Since Departure of Regiment FROM Pittsburg. — Daily Drill, Discipline, Picket Duty, Inspections, Re- views, Dress Parades, Fatigue Duty, Roll-calls and Reconnoissances. — Religious Services in Various Companies. — Recreation and Sports in Camp McAuley. — Company Cook System a Failure. — First Military Funeral in Regiment. — Emancipation Proclamation Read to Regiment at Dress Parade. — Orders Received to Pack Up and Break Camp. — Army of Potomac in Motion. — Orders of General McClellan Forbidding Foraging. — General A. E. Burnside Succeeds General McClellan in Command of Army of Potomac. — -Grand Review of Army of Potomac. — Farewell Ad- bress of General McClellan. — General Fitz John Porter Relieved of Command of Fifth Corps. JLL of the month of October, 1863, was spent b\' the Regiment at Camp McAuley. in the suburbs of Sharpsburg, on the banks of the Potomac, where the boys really first became acquainted with their company otlicers. The Regimental organization, with the company formations, had been subjected to many changes in the short time •elapsing from the departure of the Regiment from Pittsburg. Major John H. Cain was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel ; Captain A. L. Pearson was pro- moted to Major ; Lieutenant Frank J. Burchard became Captain of Company A ; Lieutenant E. A. Montooth became Adjutant; Frank Van Gorder, who had been ■commissioned Captain of Company E, was appointed Quartermaster of the Regi- ment, and in his place Lieutenant Joseph B. Sackett became Captain of Company E ; Corporal WiUiam B. Glass, of Company F, was the first Commissary Sergeant of the Regiment, and served as such during the entire term of service ; Sergeant John H. Ralston, of Company F, was made Quartermaster Sergeant ; Hawdon Marshall, Private in Company F in this camp, became Principal Musician, as the important office of Drum Major was known on the muster rolls. Another officer of very great importance to the Regiment, although not known at all on the army pay-rolls, made his appearance in this camp and conducted a flourishing busi- ness — that of Regimental sutler, a very necessary office, which was held by Samuel Pollock, of Pittsburg, aided and abetted by William Robinson and Gil- bert McMasters, and subsequently by Ed, F, Pearson. This sutler quartette composed a jolly set, and besides their stores of eatables they contributed much to the good humor and entertainment in the camp. 83 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. FRANK VANGORDER. Quartermaster. JOHN RALSTON, Quartermaster Sergeant. Between the sickness caused by exposin'e ami scarcity of food and medi- cines supplied by the Government in Camp AIcAuley. and the bill of fare con- sisting of canned stuff and venerable eggs and sturdy pies supplied by the sutler, it became a question which cause contributed most to the population of the hospitals in the camps. The sutlers accommodated the soldiers with a line of credit, taking as collateral security orders on the monthly pay-rolls from their customers. During the six weeks' occupancy of this camp, which may be said to be the formative period of the Regiment from the raw and fresh material composing it to the development of the soldier by the daily drills, discipline, picket duty, inspections, reviews, dress parades, fatigue duty, roll-calls, and re- connoissances. Attention was also paid to having company cooks and frequent policing of camp during this period. Chaplaix Appointed. — Religious Services. As has been said, the Regiment was entirely without a Chaplain or spiritual guidance the first few months of its service, until the Reverend John M. Thomas was appointed Chaplain, December 28, 1863. This, however, did not deprive the Regiment from previously holding very frequent religious services in the various companies. Companies K, from Armstrong, and H and G, from Clarion coimty, it may be said, set the first example of prayer-meetings, and the singing of religious hvmns each evening after drills, and especially on each Sunday. The city companies, while possessed of many most exemplary Christian youths, did not shine so conspicuously or seriously in devotional exercises as did their UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 83 rural companions. Reverend John B. Clark. D. D., of Allegheny, a minister of the United Presbyterian Church and Colonel of the One Hundred and Twenty- third Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the same camp and brigade of Humphreys' Division, had an unusual number of young men, professed Christians, in his Regiment. On Sundays many of the officers and soldiers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and neighboring regiments, attended his preaching, until the Regiment succeeded in securing a regular Chaplain. Colonel Allen, in this camp, issued an order that as many of the Regiment professed the Catholic faith, they had his permission, and indeed his earnest recommendation, to attend divine service each Sunday, in the adjoining camp of General Meagher's Irish P)rigade, where chaplains of that faith held services. As a result, the Regiment might be said to have fared verv well in the matter of relieious instruction. ' On the other hand, recreations and sports were not overlooked whilst in this camp. The violins and musical instruments, which had made Camp Howe so full of pleasant memories, were often reproduced in this camp, and the strains of music were frequently heard until late hours, or until what was called " tattoo " sounded. Colonel Allen, Lieutenant-Colonel Cain, Major Pearson, Adjutant Montooth, Sergeant Harry Campbell, Geo. P. Fulton, and many non-commis- sioned officers were good singers, and at Regimental headquarters an impromptu glee-club could nightly be heard at this camp on the banks of the Potomac. One afternoon the entire Regiment, not on duty, and many of the officers, adjourned to a grove to witness a " set-to " in a ring, arranged between two pri- vates, who had a dispute, according to the Marquis-of-Oueensbury rules of the London prize ring. A rope was arranged, and ring formed, seconds chosen, and a referee se- lected in approved form. Two boy gladiators came into the arena, each frowning at the other, threw off their blouses, rolled up their sleeves, took hitches in their belts, and glared at each other from their corners, as they took seats WM. B. GLASS, Commissary Sergeant. E. A. MONTOOTH. Adjutant. 84 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. on camp-stools provided for the occa- sion. In addition to " bottle-holders," a large bucket of water and horse sponges procured from a corral near by were placed in position for use. When all was ready, a commotion was heard in the crowd, which was compelled to open ranks a space back, whilst two other sol- in Pittsburg, many ofificers in- voked the name of General Sigel as a popular hero of the hour to aid in re- cruiting. This letter was an explanation indicating to those who wanted " to fight mit Sigel " that it was through no fault of General Sigel that their wishes had not been realized. UNDER THE AJALTESE CROSS. 91 Chapter V. FREDERICKSBURG CAMPAIGN. First Official Act of General Burnside to Order Reviews by Various Corps Commanders. — Rumor of Coming Battle at Fredericksburg. — Gen- eral Burnside's Headquarters. — Enemy Strengthens Fortifications on Hills of Fredericksburg. — Balloon Service of Army of Potomac. — Burn- side Reorganizes Army of Potomac into Three Grand Divisions. — General Hooker Promoted to Command Grand Center Division. — General Daniel Butterfield Succeeds to Command of Fifth Corps. — Failure of Pontoons to Arrive from Washington, D. C. — Confederates Strengthen Fortifica- tions Daily. — Heavy Cannonading by Both Armies. — Laying of Pontoon Bridges. — Humphreys' Division in Reserve as " Forlorn Hope." — Incident OF Uncle John Mackin. — Humphreys" Division on Pontoons Bombarded by Enemy. — Position of Regiment Opposite Marye's Heights. — Humphreys' Division, .\s " Forlorn Hope," Prepares to Assault. — Colonel Allen Com- mands Regiment in the Charge. — Humphreys' Division Charges on Con- federate Position Protected by Stonewall .\t Foot of Heights. — Charge Made with Bayonets Only. — Humphreys' Division Repulsed with Loss of 1,700 Men. — Courage of Colonel Allen, Commanding One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. — Regiment Remains on Battlefield Nearly All Night. — Army Cross Rappahannock to Old Camps. — Captain Anshutz, Company C, and Color-Sergeant Thomas E. Wiseman Killed. — Staff of Regimental Colors Cut by Canister Shot. — Color-Corpokal Thomas C. Lawson Rescues AND Carries Flag S.^fely Off the Field. — Longstreet's Description of Charge of FIumphreys' Division. — Vandalism Committed by Non-com- batants and Camp Followers. — Sorrowful and Distressing Scenes in Hospitals in Town of Fredericksburg. — Retreat of Burnside's Army. — Burnside's " Mud March." — Casualties. JHE hrst official act of General Burnside, on his advent to power, was to order reviews of his command liy the various corps commanders. C)n Sunday, November li5th. General Hooker, the new commander of the Fifth Corps, conducted a grand review of the three divisions composing the Fifth Army Corps. The next day the army broke camp near Warrenton, passing through the town, which seemed deserted by all the inhabitants except one or two indignant females well up in years, who scolded and denounced the " Yankee troops " generally as they passed by. By slow and easv marches the next two days the different corps reached positions. No con- certed plan of action on these movements could be recognized, unless it was that 92 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the movements were intended to conceal from the enemy the real object of Burnside. On the 23d of November. Humphreys' Division was in camp six miles from Fredericksburg, on the north side of the Rappahannock, where rumors were first circulated that a battle would soon take place and an attempt be made to drive the enemy, then occupying Fredericksburg and its adjacent heights, from that locality. To many of the troops in the ranks what importance or significance, strategetically or otherwise, there would be in the capture of Fredericksburg, could not be understood any more than was General Halleck's strateg}- in persist- ing upon the retention of Harper's Ferry as important in the Antietam campaign. This thought was especially impressed upon the men of the Pennsylvania Re- serves and other regiments of McDowell's Corps, which had, the previous spring, occupied quiet and peaceful possession of Fredericksburg. They had for several weeks held the town and the natural fortifications surrounding it. and without being compelled to do so, had quietly evacuated the position ; and it was now proposed to give the enemy battle to re- iiccupv the position. Finally Humphreys' Division marched to the village of Fal- mouth, a point on the hills bordering the Rappahannock, immediately opposite the town of Fredericksburg. There General liurnside at once opened up the head- quarters of the army, and settled down for some weeks to a period of inaction ; although the enemy, divining his plans, had commenced to work on breastworks night and day, with details of contraband labor, in plain view of Burnside's head- i|uarters. strengthening the terraced hills and strong natural defensive positions surrounding the town of Fredericksburg and making the same practically impregnable. The balloon service of the Army of the Potomac here, being a corps organ- ized by General Fitz John Porter in the Peninsula campaign, attracted great at- tention. The balloon made daily captive ascensions to discover the movements, the works, and the positiijns of the enemy. MAJ.-GEN. A. E. BURNSIDE. Prep.xrixg for the B.mtle. General Burnside took this occasion of militarv- inaction to reorganize the Army of the Potomac into three grand divisions. General Hooker was pro- moted to the command of the Center Grand Division, which led to the assign- ment of General Daniel Butterfield. a very popular officer, to the command of the Fifth Corps. Whilst it was generally known that the objective point of the movements of the Armv of the Potomac was Fredericksburg, it had also been UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 93 known for a long time previous that the delay of the army in crossing to storm the heights, was the non-arrival of the necessary pontoon trains from Washington City. General Burnside had sent written orders making requisition for pontoons, which went through the regular departments with as little celerity as in " piping times of peace," and week after week passed, however, and the pontoons from Washington, but sixty miles distant, failed to arrive. The red tape of the de- partment at Washington was indifferent to the fact that the Confederates were strengthening their fortifications daily and bringing i:p reinforcements; and General Burnside. with an abundant stafif and aids, preferred waiting on the cir- cumlocution office in Washington, to detailing an officer of his staff and sending him to the engineer corps in Washington, or to the War Department itself, to take the pontoon trains which were stored in the ^^'ar Department buildings in Washington, to the Army of the Potomac. At last, when the enemy seemed to have strengthened his last weak point, and to be at the very maximum of his strength, the long-delayed pontoons arrived. The Commander-in-Chief, General Burnside, unmindful of the greatly strengthened position of the enemy so ma- terially added to during the long delay in the arrival of pontoons, determined to accommodate the willing enemy by making direct attacks upon his strongest positions, and so the battle of Fredericksburg w'as inaugurated. It is not within the scope of a regimental history to describe more than what fell under the observation of the members of the regiment : or at most, the division, and hence the orders and strategy and movements relating to other corps or divisions in that disastrous and ill-fated battle, will not receive mention. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment remained in camp near Fal- mouth from November 23d to December 11th, except three days in which the Regiment was on picket. On Thanksgiving day a sermon was delivered by Colonel John B. Clark, of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, which, it is needless to say, was an eloquent discourse, coming from such a source. While encamped here a new base of supplies was formed at Acquia Creek for the Army of the Potomac, and a military railroad thirteen miles in length conveyed supplies to the army in this position. On Thursday, December 10th, Humphreys' Division received marching orders and the Regiment was aroused before daylight by the sound of heavy cannonading from Stafford Heights, where over one hundred pieces of Federal artillery, under General Hunt, were posted. It was soon answered from the enemy's works back of Fredericksburg. The duel between the contending forces lasted for several hours during the day. The various columns of troops marched closer to the army headquarters of General Burnside. so as to be ready to de- scend from the heights of Staft'ord to the banks of the Rappahannock, thence to cross the pontoons to Fredericksburg, which was still in the possession of the enemy, and the south banks of the Rappahannock being lined with Confederate sharpshooters. Friday, December 12th, Humphreys' Division was moved a short distance closer to the sound of the firing, which was kept up all day. Professor Lowe's balloon, already mentioned as accompanying the army, was kept busy making 94 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ascensions and reporting to Burnside. This really seemed unnecessary, because of the fact that Stafford Heights, occupied by the Federal artillery, aft'orded a magnificent view of the valley beneath on the opposite side of the Rappahannock, on the plateau of which the town of Fredericksburg is located. The positions of the artillery and the infantry of the enemy occupying the works could be plainly seen with the aid of military glasses. Crossing Poxtoons Under Fire. The laying of the pontoon boats opposite Fredericksburg, on which Hum- phreys' Division and other troops were to cross directly opposite the town, was a most difficult and hazardous undertaking, by reason of the Confederate sharp- FREDERICKSBURG, 1862. shooters and the regular troops lining the banks of the river and resisting every attempt to float the pontoons into shape for tying and bridging purposes. The fire of the enemy was so concentrated at first that the Union engineer corps in charge of the work were driven from their positions b\' the enemy, and for a "time it looked as if the laying of the pontoons at the point in question would have to be abandoned. The engineer corps, however, was re-enforced by com- panies of volunteer infantry soldiers, who jumped into boats and were rowed across by oarsmen while they fired in squads and got accurate range on the sharpshooters and troops of the enemy occupying the Fredericksburg bank of the river. These boats thus laden with soldiers and sharpshooters in large luim- bers, soon crossed, and on landing, drove the enemy, not only from the banks and hiding- places, but also up through the streets of Fredericksburg, which the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 95 eneni}- made no further serious attempt to hold. Under the protection, therefore, of the Union troops who had thus landed and occupied in force the banks of the river and the town of Fredericksburg, two bridges of pontoons were quickly laid across the Rappahannock to a street located about the center of the town. No further resistance from the city or the shore being offered, the Union columns, corps after corps of Hooker's Grand Division, occupied the greater part of the ■day in crossing, with the large supply and ammunition trains. The enemy, from the works back of Fredericksburg, sought to repulse the crossing on the pontoons by severely shelling the location occupied by the bridges, but their range being far from perfect, but few of the shells from the heavy cannonading struck either the bridges or the soldiers occupying them. Humphreys' Division, it was de- termined by General Burnside, should participate in the direct charges he had ordered against Marye's Heights, and should be the last command to make the assault in case the others should be repulsed. This was because the Division was composed of fresh troops, and this was its first battle ; also because of General Burnside's great confidence in Humphreys, its dashing General. The officers and men of this Division alike — this being their baptism of fire — could be said, for this battle at least, " to be eager for the fray." In fact, it can be truly doubted whether they were ever again as " eager for the fray " as they were upon this occasion. To hear the cannons roar nearly all day, to know of the repeated charges, and repulses of Federal troops under Couch and Sumner and Hancock and Griffin and Sykes and Meagher, and to know that Humphreys' Division was reserved to be the last to make the attack, and in fact, to be the " forlorn hope," as was communicated in a vigorous address delivered to the command I)y General Humphreys, made it indeed a very trying occasion, and a test of the soldierly qualities of the command. But, undismayed and undaunted, the men touched elbows, and determined to do their dutv. Inxident Before the B.xttle. \Miilst awaiting the final order to cross the pontoon, an incident occurred regarding a well-known I'ittsburger and his son, a soldier in the Regiment, which deserves mention. Uncle John Mackin was the esteemed citizen referred to. He had succeeded, through Colonel Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War, in securing a pass to visit his son. Corporal John Mackin, serving as color guard in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. During this visit, on the eve of battle, Colonel Allen, Regimental commander, provided him with quar- ters and rations from his own mess. As the battle was imminent. Uncle Mackin's war spirit rose to the occasion, and he demanded of Colonel Allen a gun and permission to accompany the Regiment in the " forlorn hope " assigned it on the occasion. The sight of rough-box coffins piled up by the hundred at the freight station adjacent to Burnside's headquarters, being intended for the soldiers killed in the coming battle, had no disheartening effect upon citizen Mackin's intentions. He was not permitted, however, to accompany his son across the pontoon bridge to Fredericksburg, the most that could be conceded him was to allow him to remain on the north-side bridge approach, where an 96 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. occasional shell from the enemy's bombardment was lighting. There he re- ceived a farewell kiss and embrace from his beloved son, who left the marching ranks for that purpose, as the Regiment was rapidly marching to cross the Rappahannock to engage in the battle of Fredericksburg. The artillery and musketry fire of the morning, as stated, could be seen but dimly by the waiting troops of Humphreys' Division by reason of the smoke and fog, but later in the afternoon, when the Division was ordered to descend the ravine from Stafford Heights and cross the pontoons, the fog had disap- peared, and the smoke did not obstruct the view. The enemy's artillery, how- ever, which earlier in the day had very poor range, seemed to take advantage of the disappearance of the fog at this hour, and as the Division was getting into line and marching down the hillside to the pontoon approaches, the shells had better range, and occasionally struck and killed and wounded men, and also struck the caissons and batteries crossing on the other pontoon bridge, which was also within the range of the enemy's artillery. In crossing the pontoons, the troops experienced a singular sensation. The fact that one's chances of being either killed on the bridge or drowned if wounded and knocked off the pontoons into the stream, was far from consoling. Officers and men, however, recognized the dilemma and hurried across, not a halt occurring during the passage of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. Once on the banks and in the town of Fredericksburg, the Union troops were comparatively safe from the range of the enemy's fire, the Confederates manifesting no disposition at the time to shell or destroy the city, which they could easily have done. General Humphreys Leads " Forlorn Hope." With great celerity General Humphreys conducted the advance of the Division through the streets of Fredericksburg, and up to the position opposite Marye's Heights, where the great fighting of the fore part of the day had taken place. Couch's Division, composed of the flower of the Army of the Potomac, veterans under Hancock, had already been repulsed in the charges against the stonewall at Marye's Heights; General Thomas Francis Meagher's celebrated Irish Brigade, the " forlorn hope " on many previous campaigns, had also been repulsed with heavy losses, after making gallant assaults. It was in the lull following these repulses, that Humphreys' Division arrived on the scene. It is said that General Hooker, commander of the Grand Division, observing the ter- rible repulses and slaughter, as he termed it, of the gallant commands in at- tempting to assault Marye's Heights, before giving the final order for Hum- phreys' Division to make the final attack as a " forlorn hope " of the Army of the Potomac, rode back to General Burnside, and invited his confirmation of the existing order for General Humphreys to attack the position with the bayonet. Burnside is said to have replied with great determination, " Yes ; those heights must be taken, and why should General Hooker ask such a question at this time?" "Because," replied General Hooker, "I thought that, in view of the terrible losses of Couch's Division, Hancock's, Meagher's and the other brave UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 97 commands in assaulting the position, that the loss you had started out to accom- plish, had been attained, and that, therefore, the renewal of assaults by the magnificent Division of General Humphreys would be unnecessary." Burnside then repeated the order, and Hooker rode away, and most reluctantly repeated it to the Corps Commander, General Butterfield, who in turn delivered the order to General Humphreys. Colonel Allen, with that solicitude for his men which marked his whole service, made a detail of the very youngest and least sturdy looking boys of the Regiment to guard the knapsacks, which had been unslung and piled up just COL. PETER H. ALLABACH, Brigade Commander. preparatory to the advance and charge un Alayre's Heights. General Humphreys, who seemed ubiquitous, in making his final preparations for the " forlorn hope," soon after discovered half a dozen lioys hanging round the piled-up knap- sacks, a short distance from the troops, and in his excitement, ignorant that the boys had been detailed there by Colonel Allen, indignantly and profanely ordered the knapsack guards to report at once to their companies, insinuating most un- justly that they were a lot of skulkers. Two of the boys thus ordered to their companies in less than half an hour later were killed in the charge ordered. The knapsacks were never recovered, and it was just as well that General Humphreys ■98 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. dispersed the guards to their companies, for had they remained, they would un- doubtedly have been captured by the enemy. At this date probabl}- the most accurate description of the participation of the Regiment in the battle up to which the reader has been led, is contained in the official report of General A. A. Humphreys, the Division commander, and that of acting Brigadier-General Colonel P. H. Allabach, and also the report of Colonel E. J. Allen, connnanding the Regiment, which, being ofScial and on the archives of the Government at Washington, may be relied upon as accurate and complete for the purpose of this history. The same is, therefore, appended as being well worthy of perusal. The preparations for the " forlorn hope " and the assault by Humphreys' Division, described in extracts of the official reports, it may be further stated, were extensive and thorough. Report of Brigadier-General Andrew A. Humphreys, U. S. Army, Com- manding Third Division, Fifth Army Corps, at Battle of Fred- ericksburg, December 13th, 1862. " Headquarters Third Division, " Camp near Fredericksburg, " December 16th, 1863. " General : " I beg leave to submit the following brief report of the part taken in the action of the 13th inst. at Fredericksburg, by the Division under my command. " My Division, about four thousand five hundred strong, being massed about the Phillip's house received orders at 3:30 p. m. to cross the river and enter Fredericksburg, which being done, it occupied, by your order, in quick succession three different positions." " One hundred and fifty yards in advance of the position my command was ordered to occupy was a heavy stonewall, a mile in length, which was strengthened by a trench. This stonewall was at the foot of the heights in rear of Fredericksburg, the crest of which running four hundred yards distant from the wall was crowned with the enemy's batteries. The stonewall was heavily lined with the enemy's infantr\-. The Second Brigade, led by Colonel Allabach and myself, moved rapidly and gallantly up to General Couch's troops under the artillery and musketry fire of the enemy. " As soon as I ascertained the nature of the enemy's position I was satisfied that our fire could have but little eft'ect upon him, and that the only mode of attacking him successfully was with the bayonet." " The charge was then made, but the deadly fire of musketry and artillery hroke it after an advance of fifty yards. " Our loss in both brigades was heavy, exceeding one thousand, including a number of officers of high rank. The greater part of the loss occurred during the brief time they were charging and retiring." UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ' 99 " The cool courage of Colonel E. Jay Allen. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers. in bringing up his command to the charge and in conducting them from the field fell particularly under my own observa- tion, and I desire to bring his conduct to your notice." Report of Colonel Peter H. All.abach, Commanding Second Brig.ade, Third Division, at Battle of Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. " Headquarters Second Brigade, " Near Potomac Creek. Va. " December 19, 1862. " General : •-^ ^ ^.- 'A- A= ^- ^ ^ '-'.^ ^ t- " The charge was made and the line pressed forward to within twelve paces of the stonewall under a galling fire of musketry and of grape and canister from a battery on the right. " Too much praise cannot be given to Colonel E. Jay Allen, of One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers for the fine style in which he con- ducted himself and maneuvered his regiment." ^ Report of Colonel Edward Jay Allen, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. " December 13, 1862. Marched across pontoon bridges, crossing the Rap- pahannock about 2 : 30 p. m. Marched through the city, crossed a canal and filed to the left, the brigade marching left in front. The One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment was in advance on the left. All the command marched over a plateau some four hundred yards towards the enemy's rifle pits and batteries. Halted within fifty yards of their first line, where they were covered by a stone- wall, and for about an hour and a half replied to the fire of the enemy. Twice the Regiment attempted to charge their lines and to carry them by the bayonet, but owing to the heavy fire in front and an excess of enthusiasm in the rear were compelled to fall back to their position. The Regiment, by command of Brigadier-General Humphreys, commanding Division, was withdrawn with the entire brigade about dark and formed again on their first line under the slope. "The Regiment receiving no orders to fall back into the city, remained until nearly daylight, when by order of Colonel Allabach, commanding Brigade, it marched down into the city to renew their ammunition, and receiving enough to make up quota of sixty rounds, marched back again to the cover of the slope and remained there until Sunday evening, the l-lth, when they marched into the city, bivouaced in the streets that night and next day, and about an hour from daybreak on the morning of the 16th recrossed the Rappahannock, taking posi- tion in our old camp. Loss, nine killed, fifty-eight wounded. Captain Anshutz, Company C, and Color- Sergeant Thos. Wiseman killed, and entire Color Guard, 100 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CAPT. LEE ANSHUT2. except Color-Corporal Thos. C. Lawson, were killed. Lieutenant E. E. Clapp, Company F, wounded and included in above aggregate. " Respectfully submitted, " Edward Jay Allen, " Colonel One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment " Pennsylvania Volunteers. " Colonel P. H. Allabach. " Commanding Second Brigade." UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 101 Color Sergeant and Color Guards Killed. Amid the malignant, deadly storm of leaden hail that penetrated the flesh and splintered the bones of the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, the flag was borne aloft by Color-Sergeant Thomas Wiseman till a mortal wotmd caused it to fall from his nerveless grasp. As the brave Color-Sergeant reeled backward, Color-Corporal Charles Bardeen seized the colors and carried them forward, when he, too, received a death wound. The staff of the colors was cut in twain by a canister shot, but the silken folds of the flag, with fourteen perforations by minie balls, had not yet touched the ground, when Color-Corporal George W. Bratten raised them again. He, too, was laid low, and Color-Corporal Thomas C. Lawson grasped the splintered staff, and, keeping the flag unfurled, bore it through the bloody conflict and carried it safely off the field. Color- Corporals Frank Thompson and John Rankin, Jr., both of Company I, also fell mortally wounded. Hunter, of Company C, while serving as a personal and General A. A. Humphreys, and delivering orders in this great charge, was badly wounded, having his horse shot under him and beings,-! sufferer confined to the hospital from his wounds for several years after his discharge from the service. Private John F mounted orderh- to THOMAS E. WISEMAN, Color Sergeant. JOHN F. HUNTER, Mounted Orderly. 103 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. There had been four files of Confederates beyond that parapet and the stonewall on Marye's Heights, which Humphreys was expected to carry. Al- though all previous assaults by the flower of the troops under the bravest com- manders, had been repulsed, to quote from a Confederate authority, " The last assault (Humphreys) seemed to promise so nuich determination that an addi- tional file of men was sent into the Confederate works. These extra men were loading muskets for the ones in front, and this made a continuous fire. The sharpshooters on the slope and in the trees, under all kinds of cover, had their own way, subject to no return fire." The charge of Humphreys' Division was one of the grandest events of the war. It was nearly dusk when the Regiment received orders to fall back. Colonel Allen, being junior of the brigade, was complimented by General Humphreys, by assigning him to the command of the remainder of the brigade on the battlefield, and under his command the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Twenty-third, Colonel Clark, commander, withdrew from the field. It is quite certain that very few Confederates were killed in this last assault. Their fire was incessant, and the sharpshooters supported the battle-line by shoot- ing at their leisure. The bullets from Humphreys' columns could be heard dis- tinctly spattering against the stonewall. The loss in Humphreys' Division reached one thousand seven hundred men killed and wounded, in a charge oc- cupying less than ten minutes in execution. General Longstreet, in his pub- lished volume on the war, speaking of the assault of Humphreys' Division, says : " No troops could have displayed greater courage and resolution than was shown by those brought against ■Marye's Heights, but they miscalculated the wonderful strength of the line beyond the stonewall. The position held by Cobb surpassed strength and resolution." A writer in the " Confederate Veteran," a historical magazine, for many years published at Nashville, Tenn., states that in a communication from a courier who, during the battle, carried a message from General Lee to General Kershaw, commanding the defenses at the stonewall, occurs this passage : " When we left the wall the gallant Federals in five lines of battle were on the charge. I have since learned this was Humphreys' Division of Hooker's Reserves. They were allowed to come within fifty yards of our line. Then our quintuple line rose up from behind the stonewall and delivered their withering fire, and the batteries on the hill vomited double charges of canister. The first line melted, but the second came steadily on over the dead and dying of the former charges, to share the same fate, but still no halt ; its other lines came on. Ye gods ! it is no longer a battle, it is a butchery! Confederates might have made a more impetuous charge, but for cool persistent courage there is no instance in the whole history of the war that surpasses this charge of Humphreys." Night Scenes on B.-\ttlefield. It was a relief at dusk to find the Regiment sheltered by the slope at the mill-race, subject to no direct fire of the enemy, except from occasional shells and frequent renewal of sharpshooting when the men unnecessarily assumed a UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 103 standing or even a sitting position, exposing themselves. Quite late in the even- ing it was discovered that the remainder of the brigade had left the battlefield to go to the town of Fredericksburg. No orders had been received by Colonel Allen, in command of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, to leave the field, and they, there- fore, assumed that they were ordered to remain. A heavy fog set in, and points became undistinguishable. The cries of the wounded with the calls of names of the various regiments to attract attention could be heard at frequent intervals, and an occasional stray shot still penetrated the fog and reached the lines. As the fog grew denser, volunteers were called for to ascertain where the Regi- ments were, and also to bring in all the wounded they could secure. Lieutenant Alexander Carson, of Company D, with an occasional relief of men, at great per- sonal risk, brought in all wounded men found in the Regiment's front, not ceas- ing initil one hundred and twenty wounded men had been rescued. One of those rescued was Color-Corporal Chas. F. Bardeen, of Company F, who received a mortal wound, shattering his jaw. Li the early morning, just before the fog lifted, several ambulances came along, which, had they not been halted, would have gone directly into the ene- my's lines. Several were loaded up with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth wounded whom they conveyed to the hospitals in the town of Fredericksburg, Corporal Bardeen being among them. Sad to state, although poor Bardeen was tenderly helped into the ambulance, and a detail sent to accompan}- the wounded to the hospitals in the town of Fred- ericksburg, all of Colonel Allen's subsequent efl'orts to discover the location of the hospital or even the lot of this brave fellow, were unavailing, ami his fate will probably never be known. As stated, the two regiments left on the held under Colonel Allen were without orders. It was discovered late in the night that they were completely cut ofl: from communication with any other parts of the Union army. Major Pearson was sent to penetrate the fog and the mystery of what had become of the rest of the army. The Major not reporting after an interval. Adjutant Mon- tooth was despatched on a similar errand, and he, too, could not find his way back, as both he and Pearson subsequently reported in describing their wan- derings and endeavors to keep out of the Confederate lines. So dense was the fog that hours passed by and they could not find either the regiments or the LIEUT. ALEXANDER CARSON. 104 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 105 town of Fredericksburg. Colonel Allen then left the field, and, after much trouble, crossed the canal leading into the town, where he soon found General Humphreys' headquarters, it being explained there that the two regiments named had been entirely overlooked. Orders were immediately given to Colonel Allen that, as soon as the fog permitted, the two regiments named should march into the town, which they did, joining the rest of the brigade in the streets of Fredericksburg. Street Scene ix Fredericksburg. The streets of the town where the troops of Humphreys' Division were sta- tioned, it was noticed, were full of loot, and great scenes of vandalism and use- less destruction of books, furniture, carpets, pianos, pictures, etc., were visible. This conduct was contrary to the orders of the commanding General, but the acts had been committed b\' non-combatants and camp-followers. The army soldier, discharging his duty, has no time nor inclination for such disreputable work. Many buildings had been dreadfully shattered by the shell and shot, but this afforded no excuse for the wanton destruction of private property, or its unauthorized confiscation by men masquerading as soldiers in the uniform of blue. The sights and scenes during the liivouac of the troops in the streets of Fredericksburg were often quite amusing, even amid the gloom prevailing as a result of the great disastrous battle. Human nature, as studied, revealed all varieties of tastes and inclinations on the part of those troops who left the ranks to inspect the city. Some of those characters might be seen with musical instruments, with big horns, violins, accordions, and banjos, confiscated from a deserted music store ; others rolled out barrels of flour and delivered them in their companies, where, with the aid of water and fire and griddles, flapjacks were hastily baked and dis- tributed among companions. Drug stores gratified the tastes of others, who provided themselves with medi- cines and instruments to be found in such stores. The enterprising James Finnegan, a character of Company D. whose education abroad did not include either reading or writing, rifled the desk of an abandoned express office and foimd bundles of receipts, old notes and cancelled checks, which he gathered up with great care and concealed until its return to camp for exami- nation, being under the impression that it was a bank instead of an express company he was burglarizing, and that his captured booty would enable him and Lieutenant Carson, whom he intended to let into the secret, to retire to Ireland, there to spend the remainder of their lives in opulence and luxurious living. It was during this sojourn on the streets of Fredericksburg that a detach- ment of the Union Signal Corps, which had climbed up and occupied the interior of the tall spire on the Episcopal church of the city, attracted by the waving JAMES FINNEGAN. 106 UNDER THE IMALTESE CROSS. of signals the attention of the batten- commanders on Alarve's Heights. These batteries, in a few well-directed shots at the steeple, caused a panic in the Signal Corps, and the members of that body, with their little flags, withdrew very pre- cipitately from their elevated position. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, which was stretched along the sidewalk or curbstone in front of this church, concurred most heartily in the rapid descent of the signal men from the steeple, as the enemy's shells, directed at the steeple, occasionallv fell short and unpleasantly close to the Regiment enjoying a rest on the sidewalk. Also whilst occupying this position on the streets. General Burnside and his entire staff and cavalry escort left the army headquarters on the north side of the Rappahannock and came over in person to the city of Fredericksburg, halting at a pujjlic building not far from the position of the regiments composing Humphreys' Division. As General Burnside and his staff proceeded to dismount, the enemy's batteries, which had observed his conspicu- ous crossing on the pontoons and passing through the streets with his escort and flags, thought proper to direct a few shells at this cavalcade as it halted. The shots thus aimed came very nearly ending the earthly career of General Burn- side, as a solid shot within a few feet of him killed one of his mounted orderlies. As soon as Burnside and staff entered the house, the shelling of the enemy ceased, as they seemed to desire to avoid the destruction of the buildings. This fatal incident did not seem to disturb General Burnside or the members of his staff' in the least as they entered the new headquarters. Most sorrowful and distressing were the sights and scenes in the hospitals in the town of Fredericksburg. The Court House, Market House and every church and public building were literally crowded with amputating tables and beds on the floor, containing the Union wounded, the death-rate of whom was very great, necessitating the coffining and grave-digging for many. Burnside Proposes to Renew the Assault. It was currently believed and generall\- circulated that Burnside's visit to the town was to demonstrate his confidence in the ability of the men of his old corps to charge successfully and capture Marye's Heights by a direct at- tack, although so many other assaulting columns had been repulsed. It was asserted also that he had declared his intention to prove this by leading in per- son the Ninth Army Corps in the assault, having organized and commanded that corps in battles, and he, therefore, proposed to stake all on this new and direct attack on Marye's Heights. This undeserved reflection on the eft'orts of all the other troops and their commanders who had been repulsed on the most brilliant charges with heavy losses, was not received favorabl}' by any of the commanders of divisions, corps, or grand divisions, and they so warned General Burnside : but he was irre- vocably committed to the plan of leading a new storming column in person. It was known in advance of this campaign that all the Generals of the Army of the Potomac, who had fought inider General McClellan in his campaigns and who had become so personally attached to him, would be closely scrutinized in UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 107 the battle in which his successor commanded, and with this notice it can be said that Sumner, Hooker. Couch, Franklin, Hancock. Humphreys, Sykes, Griffin, and General Meagher, commander of the Irish Brigade, and all officers under McClellan, never fought better or co-operated more zealously with any other commander than they did in the ill-fated and disastrous battle under Burnside at Fredericksburg. President Lincoln, on receiving word of Burnside's determi- nation to renew the direct assault upon Marye's Heights, intervened, and from an intimation from him to Burnside, the latter abandoned his intention, and the arrangements were accordingly changed so that the entire army at nightfall was to fall back, and retreat to the north side of the Rappahannock, there to occupy their old camps. It was fortunate, however, that word of General Burnside's intention to resume the attack on the next morning by leading the Ninth Corps in person reached General Lee through the capture by the Confederates of a staff officer conveying such information to General Franklin, commanding the left wing of the LInion army, at the lower crossing of the Rappahannock. This message thus captured was the cause of preventing orders to General Stonewall Jackson's command and other Confederate troops for a night assault on Burn- side's army camped on the streets of Fredericksburg. General Lee, in answer to critics, after the battle, censijj-ing him for not attack- ing the Union army and preventing its retreat to the north of the Rappahannock, is said to have asserted his belief in the truth of this captured message conveying word of the renewal of the assault on ]\Iarye's Heights by Burnside in person. Lee, therefore, averred, in answer to critics, that his works and positions were impregnable, and that he had decided to postpone the attack on the Federals in Fredericksburg until after the expected attack of Burnside's assaulting column on the following morning. Night Retre.xt of the Union Army. The retreat of the L'nion army under Burnside from Fredericksburg was conducted with great skill and success, considering the number of men and the shortness of notice. It was to prevent the noise of the large bodies of marching columns from attracting the attention of the enemy, that the men in the ranks were ordered to remove their bayonet scabbards from the same side of the person on which the canteens and tincups hung, which ordinarily made a noise in rapid marching not unlike the proverbial cow-bells. Even talking in the ranks above a whisper was prohibited because of the retreat and the necessity of its being conducted quietly and rapidly. This necessity being communicated to the men, they knew its significance, and readily reciprocated with the officers in obeying the orders. The night was dark, rendered so b\- the heavy fog, and brigades and divisions were soon in line, and a constant procession the entire night, occupied the pontoon bridges from the center of Fredericksburg to the north side of the Rappahannock. Ammunition trains, and ambulances convey- ing the wounded men necessaril\- occupied one of the bridges, while the other bridge was used b}' the troops, so that towards morning the whole town was evacuated by the Union army. 108 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Singular to state. Humphreys' Division, the last to cross on the pontoons, to serve as the " forlorn hope " in the last charge against Marye"s Heights, had the honor in turn of being the last to recross to the north side on the pontoons, and was assigned the distinguished honor of covering the retreat of Burnside's army. Among the remarkable incidents occurring on the night of the retreat was the overlooking of many of the pickets. Owing to the confusion incident to the retreat no orders were given for the retiring of the Union pickets and guards who were on their posts. As a result, quite a number, accidentally discovering the retreat of the main army and being without orders, left their posts and reported at the river bank just in time to witness the last pontoon being taken up, leaving them on the south shore of the Rappahannock. Fortunately, the continuing fog, sleet and rain thoroughly concealed the entire movements of the Union army from the enemy ; and time was given guards and pickets to waken up and call in from posts nearby other pickets and guards and those who were ofif guard taking rest. These men, too late to cross on the pontoons, to avoid being captured, gathered on the bank, and determined, cool as the weather was, that they had no resort but to swim the stream, and, abandoning guns, equipments and knapsacks, plunged into the river and swam across. Among many others thus abandoned, Corporal Frank Gilmore, of Company A, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, one of the guards at the court-house in Fredericksburg, used as a hospital, swam the stream. COXFEDER.VTE WiNE CONFISCATED. A cheerful incident attending the evacuation of Fredericksburg occurred concerning Colonel Allen, General Hum- phreys and many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, and as the sequel shows, a few uninvited comrades of a neighboring regiment bivouacked on the streets of the town. Some in- ijuisitive spirits, members of the Regi- ment, found a cellar full of other spirits close by ; and upon reporting the discovery early in the afternoon. Colonel Allen sanctioned, for the sake of the -ick and wounded in the hospitals, the appropriation of the contents of this wine cellar, by a reliable committee from the Regiment. The bottles were handed up one at a time through a vault hole in the sidewalk and passed along in quan- tities aggregating over four hundred bot- tles, when the work of the receiving comrades at the top of the grating re- quired a rest. At this point a comrade. CAPT. WILLIAM R. JONES. who later became famous in Western UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 109 Pennsylvania, being none other than the late William R. Jones, late manager of the Carnegie Steel Works at Braddock, but at that time serving as a private sol- dier in the One Hundred and Thirty-third Pennsylvania Regiment, from Johns- tovi^n, Pa., volunteered to relieve the over-worked men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, in the labors of receiving bottles of wine passed up to them through the grating in the street. Private Jones kindly relieved the labors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth men, but soon diverted a goodly number of the last hun- dred bottles to himself and companions for services rendered. This diversion was not discovered by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth until the next day, when, through Colonel F. B. Speakman, commanding the One Hundred and Thirty- third, Jones' good joke on the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth leaked out. Colonel Allen thought the confiscation of the wine justifiable, in view of the arduous duties of the troops and the inclement weather, and that rations of this superb wine should be distributed to his Regiment. The Colonel also sent a bountiful supply of the wine to the sick and wounded in the hospitals. Gener.al Humphreys S.xmples the Wine. Orders had been issued by General Humphreys against the troops' interfering with private property of any kind, and in the interest of discipline the direst penalties were threatened to officers tolerating any violation of these orders. It was, therefore, not without considerable curiosity as to how General Hum- phreys, the Division Commander, might, if invited by Colonel Allen to share the Colonel's ration, take the tender of a little of this confiscated wine. Without any misgivings, however, Colonel Allen did induce General Humphreys to share his hospitality, although it was disturbed once or twice by an occasional shell or stray shot striking the building where the modest banquet to Humphreys was being tendered. At the proper period of the feast, Colonel Allen produced from beneath the table a bottle of wine, and in politest terms, asked General Hum- phreys to share a bumper with him. The General, who at times could be as polite as any man in the world, proved it on this occasion by most courteously accepting the Colonel's offer and in the absence of silver goblets or fine cut-glass- ware, the plain army tin cup was utilized and filled with the tempting beverage. General Humphreys pronounced a warm eulogy upon it, and demanded to know how Colonel Allen was so fortunate as to secure a bottle. The latter e.xplained to him that he had another bottle, and could furnish him another cupful, which the General received with great gusto. \Mien finding that General Humphreys would not likely be shocked with the truth, he explained that to prevent vandalism and the destruction of the wine, he had taken the contents of the entire cellar for his sick and wounded in the hospitals, which report met with the hearty and cordial approval of Humphreys as a wise and humane act, instead of censure. When. however, Colonel Allen admitted that he had already distributed a hundred bot- tles of this fine beverage to his own men bivouacking in the streets, Humphreys professed to be shocked beyond measure at the awful waste of such fine wine on such raw material as private soldiers. After some extenuating defense by Colonel Allen, and pleading specially the gallant charge of the One Hundred 110 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Ill and Fiftv-hfth Regiment on Marxe's Heights, Humphreys became reconciled to the wanton waste of fine wine on private soldiers, and the Colonel produced a third bottle from under the table and another cupful, which the Division Gen- eral disposed of with great apparent relish. \\'ith the gift of a few more bottles to General Humphreys, he and Colonel Allen separated with a cemented friend- ship of a lasting character. The enemy did not discover the retreat of the main army until late in the day. when the fog lifted ; and great must have been their chagrin and disappoint- ment over the masterly retreat of Burnside's army. The casualties on the Union side have never been fully or carefully tabulated, but they are approximated to have reached not less than seventeen thousand men, mostly killed and wounded, a few being taken prisoners. As the distance from the north-side end of the pontoons, on which the army crossed to their old camps was very short, and as the winter huts of the camp were all intact, the same as they had been left a few days before, Burnside's army soon resumed their old positions and camps. About the only prominent general who took part in the battle of Fredericks- burg that escaped official and personal denunciation by General Burnside was General Humphreys, whom Burnside, in his official report recommended to be breveted Major-General for conspicuous bravery and gallantry in leading the " forlorn hope " by his Division on Marye's Heights. This recommendation Lincoln adopted, and General Humphreys was accordingly so honored. The charges preferred by General Burnside against seventeen of his leading Gen- erals, growing out of this Fredericksburg battle, when presented to President Lincoln, were met by the latter in his characteristic, homely and commonsense way. He said to Burnside that, as between removing these other distinguished Generals, who had won distinction on many battle-fields, and removing him as the commander of the Army of the Potomac, it would occasion less trouble to the Union cause to remove him. The Cabinet influences, however, that secured the appointment of Burnside, were able to overcome this opposition, and to secure him another chance to redeem his lost reputation as a General. Burnside's Mud-march Camp.-mgn a Fiasco. Accordingly, about the 20th day of January, 1863, Burnside organized an- other campaign against the Confederates, and prefaced the opening of the same with the remarkable address that " the auspicious moment had now arrived to strike the enemy a blow," which, in view of the sequel, was ridiculous. When the army broke camp to follow up, or take advantage of " the auspicious moment " mentioned, the weather was fine, and the roads very good for military move- ments; but where the blow was to be struck was, of course, a profound secret to all but Burnside and his advisers. All that the men in the ranks knew was that the lijie of march was towards the upper fords of the Rappahannock, or possibly the fords of the Rapidan where Hooker and Grant in later campaigns crossed to meet Lee's army. But fate seemed to be once more against Burnside, as at the end of the first half-day's march a decided change in the magnificent weather took 113 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. >< < 2 < Q S U X O D W Q Z a « UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 113 place by a storm of drizzling rain and snow, which in a few hours made the roads over which the heavy wagon and ammunition trains and the troops had to march, impassible by reason of the muddy condition of the same. In many places the roads became almost liquid. It was not unusual to see wagon trains, sutlers' wagons and artillery wagons sunk to the hubs of the wheels, and the poor mules were unable to budge their loads, it being as much as they could do in some cases to keep their bodies or heads above the water and mud. At first the troops, to meet this most unexpected change in the weather, were detailed bv regiments, with axes, to chop down trees and build corduroy roads, but the storm con- tinuing, this became impossible, and the roads could not be used. The pontoon trains as well as the wagon trains stuck in the mud, and the entire movement was completely blocked — more effectually, in fact, than it could have been by any human enemy. Unwilling to abandon this unfortunate movement, which had suddenl)- become so iiiaitspicions, the command was given that the mules and teams in the pontoon trains stuck in the mud should be taken out, and in their places ropes should be tied to the wagons, and regiments of men detailed, like firemen, to pull the ropes of the wagons conveying the pontoons. The storm continued, however, with unabated force, so that fires could not be lighted, rations cooked or shelter secured for the men, and at last Burnside was most reluctantly compelled to abandon the movement which liad promised so well. The enemy got word of the movement promptly from some source, and as the troops came near the streams where the pontoons were to be laid, in derision, hoisted signs with the inscription " Burnside stuck in the mud." After three or four days of this miserable experience, the troops were marched back again to their old camps, and soon after Burnside's resignation was accepted, and (jeneral Joseph Hooker was named by President Lincoln to be his successor as commander of the Army of the Potomac. 114 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. When the day's march was over, the bivouac spread, The sky our canopy, the earth our bed — How close along the shadowy hill arrayed Mingled the campfires of our Brigade! Or, when through tra\el or in Ijattle spent. With what fraternal li i\e each regiment Shared with their comrades in their scanty store. And with kind offices each other's burdens bore ! UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 115 Chapter VI. GENERAL HOOKER TAKES COMMAND.— CAMP [lUMPHREYS. Official Order Assigning General Joseph Hooker to Command Army of Potomac. — Camp Humphreys. — Colonel Allen's Health Fails. — Lieuten- ant-Colonel John H. Cain Assumes Command of Regiment. — Changes and Promotions in Regiment. — Description of Camp Humphreys. — Routine of Camp Life. — Bayonet Exercise and Skirmish Drill. — Religious Exer- cises IN Camp. — ^Army of Potomac Reorganized by General Hooker. — Presi- dent Lincoln Visits Army of Potomac. — Grand Review of Army in Honor of President. — April 26th Marching Orders Received. — Regiment on Picket Duty at Fords of Rappahannock. — Army Crosses Rappahannock.^ Confederates Surprised. — Order from General Hooker Congratul.\ting Army. — Battle of Chancellorsville Begins. — Fifth Corps Supports Eleventh Corps. — Humphreys' Division Under Fire. — Takes Position at Front. — Regiment Supports Battery. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and One Hundred and Thirty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers " Feel the Enemy." — Affecting Incident of General Whipple's Death. — Humphreys' Division Covers Retre.\t of Army Across Rappahannock. — Strategic Ability of General Hooker. — Casualties. In the 36th day of January, 1863, the official order assigning General Joseph Hooker to the command of the Army of the Potomac was read at dress parade to all the regiments of the army. A few days after this announcement, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth moved a few miles nearer to Falmouth, to what was probably the finest camp and winter quarters it ever occupied during its term of service, known as Camp Humphreys. On February 3, 1863, a few days after the " Mud March," this new camp had been laid out in approved military fonn, with parade campus, fine company streets, officers' quarters and quartermasters' tents, and all the para- phernalia of a genuinely comfortable camp for winter quarters. The bad sanitary arrangements in the construction of the quarters in the previous camps and winter quarters and the resultant sickness were the reasons for the perfection of drainage and sanitary precautions attained in Camp Humphreys. The memories of the good health and comforts and pleasant days in this camp during February and March, and a large part of April, 1863, in the minds of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, will never be forgotten. Indeed, so picturesque and attractive was this encampment that the artist of the Regiment reduced its at- tractive appearance to paper, and had the sketch copied and lithographed in Pittsburg, and many copies were sold by the sutler in charge of the enterprise. 116 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. MAJ.-GEN. JOSEPH HOOKER. As a historic souvenir of that period, this bird's-eye view of Camp Humphreys is reproduced. This camp was remarkable, too, from the fact tiiat it was occupied by all the regi- ments coni])osing Humphreys" Division at this time. First, Colonel P. H. Allabach's head- (|uarters. with Brigade flag floating, is shown in the left of the foreground of picture: ne.xt, the One Hundred and Fifty- tifth Pennsylvania \'olunteer Regimental i|uarters in the foregrotind with the Regi- ment out on dress parade : next, the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers. Colonel John B. Clark ; following this, the One Hundred and Thirty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Allabach ; and lastly, the One Hundred and Thirty-tirst Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel F. B. Speakman. The other four Pennsylvania Regiments of Humphreys" Division, composing General E. B. Tyler"s Brigade, are not entirely visible in this picture of Camp Flumphreys, being partially concealed by the woods. Changes Occurring in the Regiment. Colonel Allen, whose strenuous and untiring labors and exposure in the cam- paigns of Antietam and Fredericksburg, had seriously alifected his health, finally broke down. After weeks of suffering in the field, his complaint — inflammatory rheumatism — not yielding to medical treatment, he was compelled, most reluc- tantly, to relinquish command of the Regiment, and accept a sick-leave, in order to secure home treatment. To one of his soldierly instincts, and with his fine record, his retirement was most disappointing to the men of his command, who, without excejition. honored and esteemed him. During Colonel Allen"s leave of absence for his health, the command of the Regiment was assumed by Lieu- tenant-Colonel John H. Cain, also a most popular and attractive oiilicer. Captain Frank \'an Gorder, the Regimental Quartermaster, resigned and re- turned to Pittslnirg immediately after the battle of Fredericksburg. This vacancy in the Ouartermaster"s oiifice caused the promotion of James B. Palmer from Sergeant of Company C to a Captaincy and Regimental Quartermaster, a posi- tion he filled most creditably until the end of the war. The resignation of Captain Charles Klotz, of Company G, already noted as so lovallv guarding the knapsacks of the Company when it crossed the Poto- mac at Shepherdstown. on the reconnoissance with the Corn Exchange Regiment, the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania, to discover the position taken by Lee"s army, on its retreat from Antietam. was accepted by Colonel Allen im- mediately following the battle of Fredericksburg. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 117 LIEUT. -COL. JOHN H. CAIN. MAJ. ALFRED L. PEARSON. J. B. PALMER, Captain and Regimental Quartermaster. CAPT. GEORGE F. MORGAN. lis UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. LIEUT. ARTHUR W. BELL. CAPT. BENJAMIN B. KERR. Sergeant-Major George F. Morgan, of Company E, was promoted and transferred to succeed Captain Charles Klotz. The death of Captain Lee Anshiitz, of Company C, at Fredericksburg, left a vacancy which was filled by First Lieutenant James S. Palmer. Doctor James M. Hoffman, Surgeon of the Regiment, who had been trans- ferred from the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry in October, 1862, was dis- missed March 22. 18G3. Doctor Joseph A. E. Reed succeeded Doctor Hoffman by promotion from Assistant Surgeon of the Regiment. Doctor ^^'. Stockton Wilson became the Assistant Surgeon of the Regiment at Antietam. Sergeant Arthur W. Bell, of Company E, was promoted to First Lieu- tenant to fill a vacancy occurring by the resignation of Lieutenant Miles P. Sigworth. of Company G. Ueutenant Bell was a brave, efficient officer and conscientious in the discharge of all duties. The promotion of Captain Alfred L. Pearson, of Company A, to be Major on December 31, 1862, occasioned the commissioning of First Lieutenant Frank J. Buchard to be Captain, who served for three months, when his resignation was accepted. He was succeeded in turn as Captain by John C. Stewart. Captain Benjamin B. Kerr, who organized Company B, was compelled by ill health in the camp to tender his resignation on April 3, 1863. His position as Captain was filled by Henry W. Grubbs, promoted from First Lieutenant. First Lieutenant George W. Lore and Second Lieutenant Benjamin F. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 119 Jennings, who were also active organizers of their Company, also tendered their resignations during this period following the battle of Fredericksburg. James J. Hall, who, with Samuel Kilgore and Alexander Carson, had recruited Company D, was discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 15, 1863, First Lieutenant Samuel Kilgore was promoted to the Captaincy of the Company. Second Lieutenant Edward Meeker, of Company G, who commanded the Company at Fredericksburg, resigned January 10, 1863, because of ill health. First Lieutenant John T. Denniston, of Company C, was promoted to Captain and transferred, November 10, 1863, to the stafif of Brigadier-General Thomas A. Rowley, U. S. \'olunteers. Regimental Quarters. — Camp Life. The location occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other regi- ments in Camp Humphreys was well selected, all the companies having good wide streets. There were also regimental quarters and campus, and quarters for the brigade commander and stafif officers. The regiments occupying Camp Humphrevs were furnished with axes and sent to the woods near by to chop trees and saplings from which to build log huts for winter quarters, each hut containing quarters for three men. The chimney was made of sticks and mud, surmounted by a bo.x to convey away the smoke. The roof was made of wood or slats, where obtainable, and in other cases tents were used. The interior of the quarters thus constructed was very comfortable, being daily inspected, the clothing aired and every precaution of a sanitary nature was taken to prevent disease. Virginia pines, being winter-greens, were planted in rows along the streets and borders of the camp, and arches of the same material were con- structed in front of the quarters of each Colonel in the Division. The streets, the parade-ground, and officers' quarters were policed regularly, so that it could be said to be a model camp of neatness and cleanliness and comfort. A very frequent practical joke, perpetrated by soldiers leaving the camp in the middle of the night for the outposts, was the covering, unobserved by the slumbering occupants of the quarters, of the chimney with a board or other ob- struction, which was sure to result in the smoking out of the inmates. Of course, by the time this occurred, the perpetrators of the mischief would be far away at their distant posts unsuspected. The Colonel, and all the commissioned officers of the Regiment at head- quarters, had servants, or men detailed during these winter quarters, to chop the fire-wood into nice pieces for their daily use. These sticks of fuel were gen- erally stacked up at night adjacent to each officer's quarters, and when no guard was on duty, as was frequently the case, the returning pickets on the winter nights, to save themselves the trouble of chopping fire-wood, would purloin an armful of this niceh'-chopped wood, and hide it in their own tents for use. Frequently officers would be roused by this breach of duty, and would raise a rumpus, shouting and calling for guards, and possibly using some profanity. In such cases, however, the officer, being in his retiring costume, never followed through 120 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CAPT. JOHN T. DENNISTON. the snow the absconding wood thief. (Jn one or two occasions, however, watches were set for these night prowlers, and several were caught in the act and made examples of by being required the next day in camp to carry a good-sized log on their shoulders, whilst the guard patrolled his beat to prevent their escape. The result of this vigilance made the wood-robbers more particular as to the officer upon whom they committed their depredations, and the shrewd ones were wont to relieve the non-combatant officers of the regiment of their fuel. The worthy Chaplain, whose peaceful instincts, they knew, could be safely relied upon to prevent their being shot, even if caught in the act. became their victim, and as a result his wood-pile was regularly diminished, and the good man. to his credit be it said, never raised a disturbance or made a complaint. Some of the most exemplar}' and devout comrades of the Regiment, and regular attendants upon the sermons of the Chaplain in this camp, it is sad to relate, were also the most regular attendants at his wood-pile whilst he was in the arms of Morpheus, The morale of the men of Humphreys' Division was never better than it was during their performance of picket duties, drilling and reviews, and the dis- charging of soldierly duties, such as guard-mounts, wagon-guards and an occa- sional scouting party, in this camp. As previously stated, the sanitary condition of the camp was perfect and the hospital cots unoccupied. The bugle call, " Come and get your quinine ! Come and get your quinine ! " for those suffering from temporary or imaginary ailments to report at the Regimental doctor's tent, met with few responses in this camp, and f(irmed a marked contrast to the experience of sickness, disabilities, and excuses from duty in preceding camps of the Division. An unfailing and enjoyable daily bugle call was, " Come and get your mail," UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 131 being the receipt of letters from home, a great antidote for home-sickness. The joy on tliese occasions was surpassed only by the receipt of boxes by express from home containing rolls of fresh butter, jellies, and many home delicacies. During the long winter evenings, continuing until spring set in, many recrea- tions were introduced in camp to relieve the dull monotony of the soldier's life. Thus, at Regimental headquarters a glee club was formed, and often late in the " wee sma" hours " of the night, from that quarter might be heard the sweet notes of " Lorena," " In the Old Louisiana Low-lands," and many other familiar ballads. Membership in this camp choir was not restricted to officers, but disci- pline was rela.xed and the private soldier known to have a good voice, or to play a musical instrument, was often excused from camp or picket duty to permit his attendance at Colonel Pearson's headquarters, to participate with Pearson, Adju- tant Montooth, Sergeant Ralston, Sergeant Harry Campbell, of Company B, Ouartemiaster-Sergeant George P. Fulton, Corporal Robert Culp and other tal- ented performers. Many of the Regiment who performed on musical instruments had their violins, banjos, accordions and mandolins sent from home during winter quarters, so that even in the company quarters select quartettes would often be formed. Frequent cotillions and hoe-downs were e.xecuted most gracefully in the compan\- streets with Corporal Bob Culp. of Company B, the Regimental fiddler, calling the figures. A snap-shot sketch of one of these festive occasions, drawn by the Regimental artist, has been reproduced for this history, in which portraits of Sergeant Walter McCabe, Dick ^ilurphy, Bill Jones and Pat Lyon, well-known comrades, appear as forming the set in the hoe-down. Professor Bob Culp is seated " rosining the bow " vigorously. Also heard nightly, but earlier in the evening, was the very loud and animated singing of religious songs' or hymns by Company K, noted as being the most religious company of the Regiment, having a number of preachers as officers, and elders and active church members in the ranks. This company was from Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, and in their lives and conduct were as exemplary Christians as were those of Cromwell's army, although not quite so austere and fanatical. Company E, a Pittsburg company, was camped on one side, and Company B, another Pittsburg company, was camped on the other side of Company K. The sweet strains of camp-meeting hymns were rendered in stentorian tones, and the nightly rendition of these devout songs, such as " The Sweet Bye and Bye," " In Heaven Above Where All Is Love," " In the Green Fields of Eden," etc., shouted by voices more vigorous than musical of this good company-, very much disturbed the nightly worldly enjoyments and pleasures of Companies E and B on either side of " K." This sonorous rendition of sacred music in con- nection with the sounds of prayer meetings in so close proximity to the two com- panies named was but little appreciated by the members of the latter companies, their piety being less demonstrative. A very different feature enlivening other companies in this camp was that of card-playing, prevalent during the hours of the devotional exercises in Company K. It must be confessed, also, that oc- casional private games of " poker " were indulged in by members of various com- panies, and that the stakes, to make the game interesting, were not always limited to a mere nominal sum. 122 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. d U c c u -^ . -^ •xif<^' ■il ■ -■ : ^^ M I. ■>■ >• ■V V, . CIS 1 ' ^ 0, %:. s X •-•-..Mi 11. < ./■ ■ ' 1 z / o o u o " ^i 1 K L'XDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 133 Discipline was relaxed on many pleasant days in these winter quarters and officers and men engaged in pitching quoits, whilst others procured boxing gloves and gave exhibitions of the manly art of self-defense. These diversions never interfered with the respect due Major Pearson, who often took an active part in these amusements. He was an excellent boxer and also surpassed as a pitcher of quoits. In fact, an era of good feeling was engendered between officers and men by this daily camp life through which they became better known to each other and also more attached. As indicating another variety of young men existing in the Regiment there were not a few in these winter quarters who sent home for school-books aban- doned on enlisting, and resumed their studies as opportunity gave them the time. In some cases this occurred with such success, that the soldier students were quali- fied, on returning home, to enter upon business or professional careers, and some obtained distinction without further school or college education. Drilling was not neglected, and the amount of attention paid to drilling the men in the bayonet exercise and the skirmish drill and target-firing in which the officers and men of the Regiment became very proficient, was of invaluable benefit to the service in the subsequent active campaigns in which the Regiment par- ticipated. This bayonet or skirmish drill superseded early in the war the old-time tactics coming down from the days of Waterloo, which was simply a useless waste of time and muscle in teaching a regiment of infantry how to form a hollow square, and to kneel down, and with fixed bayonets receive a charge of cavalry. It was found quite early in the Civil War that, however obliging the cavalry were in Napoleon and Wellington's time in charging these " hollow squares " of infan- try thus posted to receive them, that " Jeb." Stuart's and Fitz Hugh Lee's Confed- erate cavalry never manifested the slightest disposition to fight Union veterans that way. It cannot probably be said that any members of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, however eager for the fray, ever felt disappointed at the failure of the Confederates to impale their cavalry on the bayonets of the Regiment. During camp life in the pleasant winter quarters of Camp Humphreys, many subordinate officers of Allabach's Brigade seemed to be afflicted with various minor ailments, such as cramps, etc., for which no other remedy seemed so efficacious as frequent doses of Government " commissary." For a short period only, during the absence of Colonel Allabach, Colonel John B. Clark, command- ing the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was placed in command of the Brigade. Being a minister of the gospel and strictly temperate, he refused to sign the usual requisitions of officers for " commissar}'." except for urgent medical purposes. Just at this particular period, it is stated that cramps became very prevalent among certain officers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and the situation became peculiarly distressing on account of the inability of these officers, by reason of Colonel Clark's stand, to procure their favorite remedy. Lieutenant Alex. Carson, of Company D. while suffering greatly from the deprivation of his favorite beverage and medicine, with a canteen strung on his shoulder, visited Colonel Clark at brigade headquarters and presented the depressed condition of himself and his companions in so touching a manner that the good Colonel set aside his scruples for the nonce, and endorsed the requisition 1-34 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. enabling the genial yet thirsty Lieutenant to procure just uiic iaiitccn full of the coveted medicine. \\'ith a countenance expressive of great satisfaction, Lieutenant Carson has- tened to his c|uarters where he speedily procured assistance to alter the formal requisition by |)lacing after the figure one the figure four, so that the amended requisition would read fourteen instead of one. Thus amended, the requisition was duly honored by the commissary, and the cramps and kindred diseases af- fecting so many officers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, after a few doses of this sovereign remedy, disappeared like magic. During the occupancy of Camp Humphreys the Regiment was without a chaplain. Expecting to secure one soon, Lieutenant-Colonel Cain directed the erection of a chapel adjacent to the Regimental camp. The boys of the religions Company K, and many from other companies detailed for the task of building the chapel, entered upon the work with alacrity, and labored with diligence and pleasure. Private D. K. Stevenson, of Company E, who left a Methodist pulpit to shoulder a musket, was chosen architect of the sacred structure, and Lieutenant Alex. Carson, of Company D, was made superintendent of construction, and had charge of the gang of soldier laborers that felled the trees and squared the tim- bers. Among the Clarion and Armstrong county boys were many expert woods- men, and the work went on in good shape for several weeks, according to the elaborate plans. But, alas! before the completion and dedication of the chapel, the Chancellorsville campaign was on. The Regiment broke camp and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Xdlunteers' chapel was never completed. However, before it was actually roofed, the boys of Lieutenant Carson's detail had a dance in it, and the dulcet strains of the old-time tunes were duly brought forth from Piob (_'ulp's fiddle, " Andy " White, of Compan}' H, calling the regulation country-dance " figgers." Gexer.\t. Hooker Reorca.nizks Armw General Joseph Hooker had acquired, before his a]:>]:iointment, the reputation of being a most severe critic of all the previous Generals commanding the Army of the Potomac — a fact which, in a letter communicating his appointment. Presi- dent r^incoln referred to as being far from the cause of his appointment, and as- suring him that it was in spite of his caviling and harsh criticisms of other com- manders that he intrusted him with the command of the Arm}' of the Potomac. It is to be doubted whether in history there is a ]3arallel of a General accepting a promotion such as this, accompanied with the stern rebuke contained in this letter of the jiatient Lincoln. Personally, however, General Hooker's handsome appear- ance as an officer, his genial manners and aggressiveness in battle, earning the soubri(|uet of " Fighting Joe," made his appdintment a most popular one — the more so, because it relieved the army of General lUirnside, whose unfitness for general command was established beyond doubt. General Hooker's tact also served him well, and aided materially in restoring confidence to the arnn- sufl:'ering from the demoralization of Burnside's demonstration. General Hooker's first move was to disband the organization of the grand UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 125 < o z ? w > « W O O w o Q Z < 2 ►J O o z 126 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. divisions of the army made by his predecessor, and in their place restored the corps organizations and plan of army commands, as maintained by General McClellan. This change also relieved the Fifth Corps of General Daniel Butter- field, who became Chief-of-Staf¥ to General Hooker. General George G. Meade, destined to become so famous as the commander of the army at Gettysburg and at Appomattox with Grant, succeeded to the command of the Fifth Army Corps. Probably, however, no single act of Hooker's, as the new commander, did more to restore confidence and good spirits to the arm)- than the increase of rations to be distributed to the rank and file of the army, and the substitution of baker's bread and also fresh vegetable rations in camp in place of the irrepressible hard- tack. As a consequence, Hooker's appearance in the camps, on the march, and at reviews was marked by the liveliest cheering and demonstrations, indicating the appreciation of the men of his command of his efforts to increase their comforts. During the weeks following his appointment and preparations of plans for the spring campaign, drillings, inspections, reviews and target-firing were resorted to daily ; so that the army discipline was restored, and its tone and spirit was never better under any General who had previously commanded than it was when the orders to break camp were given by General Hooker, on the 'i7th day of April, 1863, beginning the march to Chancellorsville. President Reviews the Army. President Lincoln, on April 7, 1863, visited General Hooker in the camps at Falmouth, where the winter quarters of the Arm\- of the Potomac, on the north side of the Rappahannock since the retreat from Fredericksburg, had been. General Hooker made ample preparations to extend to the President, on the occasion of his visit, a review of all the corps of the Army of the Potomac. It was conceded that the army had reached the maximum of efficiency and morale at this time, and the displa}' on the occasion of this review by the President had never been surpassed by any similar event since the opening of the Civil \^'ar. Composing this grand amiy thus reviewed were commanders of distinction, several of whom afterwards fell in battle. At the head of the column. General John F. Reynolds, in command of the First Corps, rode with his staff and well- known colors and corps markers. General Hancock, styled by McClellan the " Superb," followed with his staff at the head of the famous divisions and brigades of the Second Corps, con- taining the decimated columns of the regiments of the Irish Brigade, with General Thomas Francis Meagher at its head, each regiment carrying the green flag of old Ireland side by side with the stars and stripes and Second Corps flag. The Third Corps, commanded by General Daniel E. Sickles, who, present- ing a magnificent soldierly appearance, followed with his staff', the historic Excelsior Brigade, and the division Generals Whipple and Berry, who were destined so soon to fall in battle at Chancellorsville, made an imposing sight. The Fifth Corps was led by General George G. Meade, fresh from the wounds received at Antietam and the honor of leading the Pennsylvania Re- serves at Fredericksburg. This Corps also contained the division commanded by UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 127 General Charles Griffin ; also the division of the L'nited States Regulars, under command of General George Sykes ; and the division of Pennsylvania regiments, led by the intrepid General A. A. Humphreys, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth, commanded by Colonel John H. Cain, was serving. The Sixth Corps followed next, commanded by General John Sedgwick, a veteran officer of the Mexican War who had also won distinction on many battle-fields of the Civil War. General O. O. Howard, with the empty sleeve recalling the loss of an arm in the Peninsula Campaign, with his stafT, led the Eleventh Corps, in which were the divisions of German troops, commanded by General Von Steinwehr, Schim- melpfennig, and Carl Schurz. The Twelfth Army Corps was led by Major-General Henry W. Slocum, of most distinguished record, in which General Geary, of Pennsylvania, commanded a division. This Corps completed the infantry troops in the review. General Stoneman, at the head of the magnificent divisions of cavalry, com- manded by Generals Pleasanton, Custer, Gregg and Buford, followed. The historic batteries of artillery, regular and volunteer, made a splendid appearance, all being under command of General Henry H. Hunt, whose handling of the hundred pieces of artillery in the recent battle of Fredericksburg had earned him great honor and distinction. General Gouverner K. Warren was promoted by General Hooker to be Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac. The pontoon boats on this occasion were not detained in Washington, nor " stuck in the mud," but with their guards and engineers, and General Warren at their head, also passed in review before the President and party. The number of troops participating in this review, it is estimated, exceeded one hundred thousand, and occupied the entire day from early morning until late in the afternoon in passing. Humphreys' Division had marched six miles to the open plain selected for this magnificent military pageant. However, as the weather was fine. President Lincoln, as seen on the reviewing stand, seemed to endure the fatigue of reviewing the long procession of troops well, and remained until the last pontoon at the rear of the parade had passed, returning with great precision and cordiality the salutations given him by the corps and other commanders. The orders for strict discipline on this occasion, prohibiting the men from making demonstrations, and, as required by military etiquette, to keep their eyes front, were frequently disregarded, especially when some of the famous brigades and regiments containing emotional individuals threw up their hats and cheered lustily for the much-beloved President. This flagrant breach of military etiquette was overlooked on this occasion, no offenders being sent to the guard-house for the infraction. Marching Orders. — Eight Days' Rations. One week later, the 26th of April, marching orders were issued by General Hooker to his army, together with the unusual direction that each soldier in the ranks should carry on his person eight days' rations. On no previous campaign or march of the army were the men in the ranks required to carry more than 128 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. JOHN H. IRWIN, Sergeant-Major. three clays' rations. This order in itself indicated a movement from the base of supplies and probability of hostilities lasting some days and marches to points where the army wagons with supplies could not promptly fol- low. This gave rise to a great deal of conjecture as to the objective campaign about to be undertaken by General Hooker. The secret, however, was well guarded, and the soldier in the ranks had to keep guessing as to the destination. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth bade farewell once more to Camp Humphreys, and just before the move was detailed for picket duty at Bank's Ford on the Rappahannock. The relations with the enemy at this time were so friendly that conversations and exchanges of civilities were frequent with the pickets on the opposite- side of the Rappahannock, no shooting at each other be- ing tolerated without previous notice. The left wing of the One Hundred and Fifty-fiftli composed of five companies, under command of Lieu tenant-Colonel Cain, remained at Bank's Ford, whilst th^ five other companies composing the right wing of the Regiment, under command of Major Pearson, was as- signed to picket duty at Kelly's Ford. Sergeant-Major John H. Irwin remained for duty with the left wing, with Lieutenant-Colonel Cain commanding, at Bank's Ford ; and Major Pearson, in command of the right wing, detailed Private Charles F. McKenna, of Company E, as acting Sergeant- Major of that wing. On this picket duty at these two fords, the Regiment re- mained quite comfortable until April 27th, when the Irish Brigade, under General Meagher, of the Second Corps, relieved both wings of the Regiment from picket duty. General George G. Meade, the new Fifth Corps commander, with his staff, had visited the picket-posts of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment at the fords named the day before the Regiment was relieved by Meagher's men. General Meade and staff made observations with their field glasses to ascertain the positions of the enemy opposite and the situation of the forces across the Rappahannock. The Regiment was returning to Camp Humphreys on being relieved from picket duty at the fords, when it met the other divisions of the Fifth Corps on the march, indicating the opening of the campaign for which the eight days' rations had been issued. General Meade personally halted the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment on its march to its old camp, and directed the officers to have the Regiment file off the road to the sides, so as to allow the marching column of troops to pass ; and that when Humphreys' Division reached the point where the Regiment had halted, the latter should fall into line and accompany it. The greeting of the other regiments of Humphreys' Division to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, halted on the roadside, was most cordial, and demonstrations of affection were particularly manifested by the nine-months regiments on the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 12? march, with whom the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth had been associated ever since enlistment. The Fifth Corps coUimn marched past Hart wood Church April 38th. General Hooker and staff rode by close to where the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth had halted in the column, and his presence was greeted with cheering and shouts of " eight days' rations," which seemed to amuse the (leneral very much, as he most courteously responded to the salutes of his men. The 'iSth and 29th were spent in marching to the point on the Rappahannock where it was intended to cross over to give the enemy battle. The Regiment, before starting on this campaign, had reached a high state of efficiency, being under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Cain. who. in the battle and subsequent movements of the Regiment, won the approbation of his superior officers and all the men of the Regiment for his soldierly conduct. Crossing the Rappahannock and the Rapidan. The Regiment, on the night of the 39th, camped on bluffs overlooking the Rappahannock. From these heights, on the next morning, a most impressive and picturesque view was witnessed in the movement across the Rappahannock on pontoons of the army composed of more than one hundred thousand men,, comprising infantry, cavalry and artillery. This, with miles of ammunition and headquarters wagons, presented a remarkable scene and one most impressive and interesting. It was dusk in the evening when it came the turn of Humphreys' Division to cross on the pontoons. The soil on the south side of the Rappa- hannock after this command had crossed was found to be marshy and sandy and most difficult to travel over, and the wagon and pontoon trains could scarcely move on these roads. April 30th, 1863, Humphreys" Division rose early and marched steadily, fording " Deep Creek," a stream knee-deep. After marching until late in the afternoon, the Division reached the Rapidan river at Ely's Ford. A halt of three or four hours occurred at this point, the delay being caused by a blockade of the roads by wagon trains. At first the proposition that all the troops should wade the Rapidan at this ford seemed incredible, considering that the weather was quite cool and that the troops had become very warm by their fatiguing march. However, the order was given to ford the stream, and it was cheerfully obeyed. Almost all of the troops stripped ofT their clothing and packed it in one miscellaneous bundle, which they placed on their shoulders with their guns, and timidly but firmly stepped into the cold water. Bundles and guns and clothes were lost by many of the men in crossing this stream, and various devices were invented to float or carry soldiers and officers across. The water was up to the chest of a man of ordinary size, and the stream was quite swift. All the Division trains, artillery, cattle and pack-mules, carrying hardtack and rations, forded the river. After crossing the stream, Humphreys' Division encamped in a dense pine woods for the night, starting big fires to dry their clothes, and receiving" rations of hardtack and fresh beef. Friday, May 1st, 1863, after resuming the march early and passing through 130 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. K O J u u z < X o o f- < UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 131 dense woods, about ten o'clock Humphreys' Division reached the open ground in the vicinity of what afterwards became famous and known as Chancellorsville. The Division formed in hne for inspection, during which a general order from General Joseph Hooker, commanding the Army of the Potomac, was read by the Adjutants to the respective regiments of the Division. The order congratulated the army on its successful series of marches of the last few days, and its great surprise to the enemy taken unaware, and promised the sure destruction of the enemy on his own soil. This order further declared that we had now got that enemy where he would have " to come from his strongholds and give us battle, or ingloriously retreat." The order thus read inspired the men with additional confidence and affection for Hooker, for the march had been a success and a total suq:irise to the enemy. After marching a few miles farther from this position. General Meade led Grififin's and Sykes' Divisions of the Fifth Corps to the roadside near the Chancellor House, and there formed a junction with the Second Army Corps under General Hancock, which had crossed the Rappahannock the night before at Bank's Ford. Whilst halted here an inspection of arms took place and the command was ordered to load their guns. The bugle-call sounded to resume the march. Many of the soldiers, from the excessive marching and the prospect of battle, threw away at this point their knapsacks and other impediments likely to become burdensome. Battle of Ciia.xcki.lousxtlle. The two Divisions of the Corps, Sykes' Regulars and Grififin's Division, marched out very rapidly on a road in the direction of Bank's Ford. Humphreys' Division was ordered to follow, and promptly did so, passing a Confederate encampment on the road which gave every sign of having been suddenly evacuated but a few hours before. Brisk artillery firing while on this reconnoissance towards Bank's Ford broke out and could be heard very distinctly by the command. But few of the shots or shells reached Humphreys' Division, which, as stated, was in the rear of the Fifth Corps column; but Sykes' Division and Griffin's Division received some of this artillery firing of the enemy. From some unexplained reason, Sykes' Division, which thus came across the enemy as the head of the reconnoitering column, was given orders by General Hooker not to fight or bring on a battle, and next was ordered to fall back to the place whence they started, near the Chancellor House. A singular scene took place on the retrograde movement of this column composed of the Fifth Corps. As it was falling back, panic-stricken teamsters, pack-mule drivers, with a number of wounded prisoners, some contrabands and the cattle train crowded the roadside and were in full retreat as if the enemy were following the troops which General Hooker had sent out on this road to make a reconnoissance. General Sickles, at the head of the Third Corps, on the return of the Fifth Corps from this reconnoissance, formed a junction with the Fifth and Second Corps. 133 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Humphreys' Division was detached from the Corps and assigned to a position on heights commanding the southern approaches to United States Ford. This was exactly the reverse of the position they had been picketing for two or more months previous on the opposite side. In taking this new position, strict orders were given to build no fires and to give no signs by which the enemy might know or discover the presence of Union troops occupying this position, and orders were also issued to be ready to fall into line at a moment's notice — virtually to " sleep on their arms." Saturday, May "?. 1863. All this day Humphreys' Division was engaged in KS-r =■ '^'■^: CHANCELLORSVILLE HOUSE. War Time Sketch by Edwin Forbes. (May 1, 186.S. at to 10 o'clock a. m.I Hampton Pennsylvania Battery is shown in the foreground. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, is seen on the right of the sketch. It has just loaded muskets and is marching with the First and Third Divisions, Fifth Army Corps, on the reconnoisance on the River Road to Fredericksburg, having got as far as Bank's Ford, when recalled by order of General Hooker, instead of connecting with General Sedgwick at Fredericksburg, Va. erecting earth works, rifle-pits and other defenses on the heights occupied by the Division. Batteries were placed in position, and a body of the enemy, gathering in the woods plainly in sight of the position occupied by Humphreys' Division, was treated to a shelling by the batteries and driven from their position. The battle of Chancellorsville was now on and very heavy cannonading and musketry firing were heard close by, indicating the severity of the engagement. While still engaged in throwing up works, the Fifth Corps received orders to march immediately to the right to assist in checking the advance of Stonewall Jackson's attack on the Union left held by the Eleventh Corps, The One Hundred UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 133 and Fifty-fifth knew by the sound of musketry coming from this unexpected quarter that the enemy had broken through the Union hues and the Regiment double-quicked to the scene of action. On the way they beheld most astonishing sights. Panic-stricken non-combatants, cattle, cattle-guards, ambulances, etc., completely choked up the road, impeding the passage; so that the troops were obliged to take a parallel lane leading to the front. This lane was also soon crowded with fugitives proclaiming terrible news about the disaster at the front towards which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was hastening. The Fifth Corps was ordered to relieve the Eleventh Corps under General Howard, and the latter under orders were marched to the rear to occupy the earthworks covering the approaches to United States Ford, which the Fifth Corps had been engaged in erecting. Humphreys' Division was soon under fire, and by the presence of these fresh troops the stampede was partially checked, and soon the whole Union line was advanced and the lost ground recovered. As night set in without a cloud, and the moon arose with imusual brightness, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was posted in the woods, throughout which the cry of the whip-poor-will was heard, furnishing a strange accompaniment to the incessant boom of heavy fighting — artillery, cavalry and infantry — the roll of musketry and picket firing all along the line lasting all night. De.VTH of " StONEWALI. ■' J.\CKSOX. It was during these early hours of the night — about nine o'clock — that General " Stonewall " Jackson lost his life whilst personally with his staff recon- noitering outside his picket lines, previous to rallying his forces and making a midnight assault on the L'nion lines. It appears that he was first seriously wounded by pickets firing between the lines, and while being carried back to his own lines was again wounded. No convincing evidence has ever been gathered or submitted to establish the Confederate claim that General Jackson was killed by the fire of his own pickets, mistaking him and his escort for Federal cavalry. The close proximity of the Union lines with skirmishers and pickets, and the con- tinuous firing in that vicinity, cast a shade of doubt over the Confederate claim that stronger proof than has ever yet been ofifered must be required to dispel. Sunday, May 3, ISG.I. The battle was resumed soon after daylight bv furious attacks of the enemy under General J. E. B. Stuart, who had succeeded General " .Stonewall " Jackson. Humphreys" Division advanced from the rifle-pits which they had nearly completed, being relieved by part of the Eleventh Corps, and took position, on marching to the front, near the Chancellor House. Alla- bach's Brigade was immediately assigned to support a battery, and after remain- ing there an hour or more on this duty stray shots and shells dropping around the position uncomfortably close to the Regiment, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Thirty-third Regiments were detached from the Brigade and marched to the right of the ^Vhite House, where General Hooker's head- quarters were located, and where with his stat¥ he seemed to be receiving reports from his subordinates. There had been fighting all along the line, and heavy skirmishing in the vicinity of the ^^'hite Flouse, which General Hooker had 134 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 135 \:^-!. MAJ.-GEN. JOSEPH HOOKER. selected for his headquarters. The enemy had range of the position and dropped many shot and shell in the immediate vicinity of the position occupied by the commanding General and his staff. General Hooker's deportment at this time was most soldierly and inspiring : and it was a matter of very great regret that soon after, whilst standing on the porch of the White House, a shot struck a column against which he was leaning and knocked him down, stunning him for some time. Instead of yielding to his injuries and seeking treatment, on first rallying from the effects of his injury. General Hooker insisted on mounting his horse and riding past the line of his troops to show that he was still alive and active. In this effort, however, the General overtaxed himself ; the exertion re- quired to maintain his equipoise being too much, and he broke down a second time, exhausted from his shock and injury, and was taken to his headciuarters in an ambulance. He was there put to bed, without his having made any provision or given any orders concerning the battle then in progress. General Covich was the senior Major-General on the field ; but, in view of what was supposed to be only a temporary disability of the commanding (^leneral, and not knowing his plans, General Couch hesitated and refused to give orders, or in any way e.xercise 136 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. control of the army, and. like the other corps Generals, remained inactive awaiting orders. General Humphreys, after getting his division into line of battle, took occasion at this point to address each particular regiment of his command. With his staff, he rode up in front of the troops, and in a most excited manner and accentuating his speech with vigorous gesticulations and profanity, demanded that each regiment of the Division stand up to the work before them in the impending battle. To many of the Division who had so re- cently won for General Humphreys his high honors and reputation in the great charge at Alarye's Heights, his address on this occasion was most surprising and was wholly uncalled for. Nothing in the conduct of the men in the ranks -go far had given any excuse for the insinuations involved in this excitable and un- expected speech. General Humthreys Orders Recoxnoiss.\xce. From the position occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and com- panion regiments of the Division, which was in the reserve line of battle, the Regiment had an excellent view of the columns of Union forces in the advance going into battle before it came the turn of Humphreys' Division to move. Whilst expecting at this point to advance in regular line of battle, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Thirty-first, which, as stated, had been detached, were deployed into the edge of the woods, where they observed before entering forty or fifty pieces of Union artillery in line, with lanyards drawn ready for action, all under command of Captain Stephen H. Weed, U. S. A. Whilst the Regiment was waiting for the final order to deploy into the woods, quite a number of Confederate prisoners who had been captured in the same woods passed to the rear of the Union lines ; also many Union wounded being carried back, whilst other wounded men were walking. A remarkable scene w^as also witnessed of a detachment of Meagher's Irish Brigade, accompanied by General Meagher himself and Colonel St. Clair Mulholland, of the One Hundred and Si.xteenth Pennsylvania \'oIunteers, coming out of the same woods where they had very severe fighting all morning, pulling by hand and ropes the Fifth Maine battery of ar- tiller^■, the horses of which had all been killed in the fight. The defence made by the efficient ofiicers and men of the famous battery exhibited s.jme of the severest and most stubborn fighting of the war. its brave and youthful Captain, Jacob Lapine. dying a true soldier's death at his post. Among the officers whose regiments were GEN. THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER, actively engaged in the same woods defending UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 137 Lapiiie's liattery. was Lit-utenant-Colonel \\'illiani I!. Xeeper. whose regiment, the Fifty-seventh Pennsylvania \'olunteers, was in the tliickest of the fight Colonel Keeper was well known to Colonel Cain. Major t'earson. Adjutant Mon- tooth, and many other Pittsburgers in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, having long been an active member of the Duquesne Greys, of Pittsburg. At last, the order was given for the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Thirty-first to advance from behind the position of the fifty- four pieces of artillery, already mentioned, in line ready to shell the enemy in the woods. The military temi for the duty of these two regiments is called ■' feeling the enemv," but, in point of fact, it proved to be the enemy feeling them. The two regiments named were ordered to go into the woods and advance silentlv as close to the enemy as possible, and that if attacked by the Confederates from behind works or by their batteries, they were to lie down flat on the ground to escape the range of the enemy's masked artillery and musketry, and that on no account were they to advance farther or to attempt to carry the enemy's works. At the first advance into the woods, the enemy evidently did not know of the approach of the two regi- ments and no shots were fired. A rather humorous incident took place at this time. Major Pearson, deeming it a proper occasion to imitate General Humphreys' inspiring ad- dress to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, made a speech demanding that each man stand up to his v^'ork : that no hiding behind trees or holding back should take place, etc. He had scarcely finished his impassioned ora- tory when the enemy, discovering the pres- ence of the tw-o regiments in the woods, opened out about as brisk a grape and canis- ter and musketry fire upon them as they did on Marye's Heights: so that without express orders every man in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth fell flat on the ground, including the redoubtable Pearson, who, his men after- wards claimed, got a little nearer down, ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^p^^^ and hugged mother Earth a little closer than his men. The range, however, of the Confederate artillery and musketry was all above the heads of the prostrate men. Soon the enemy ceased firing and, jumping over their breastworks, advanced to capture the deployed troops. General Humphreys, however, who was present and on the alert to the situation, ordered the men of the two regiments of his command to arise instantlv and retreat as promptly and rapidly as they could, so that the fifty- four pieces of artillery under Captain Stephen H. Weed could let loose their fire on the pursuing foe. This movement ordered by General Humphreys was executed, to use a hackneyed phrase, " with quickness and despatch ;" and the pursuing foe received the vollevs of a most destructive fire from the waiting artillervmen. 138 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. and the woods in which the two Union regiments had been deployed was soon covered with the bodies of dead and wounded Confederates, whose charge was repulsed with severe loss. As the two regiments of Humphreys" Division were falling back from the woods, the famous Chancellor House in the rear could be seen burning, having been set on fire by the shelling. The enemy's batteries resumed shelling the same woods and around the White House, which was still Hooker's headquarters, and near where Humphreys' Division was stationed and again exposed to desultory firing. General Hooker's continued disability prevented any general advance or movement, but during the night of this day. May 3d, the Regiment furnished details consisting of one hundred men with similar details from other regiments to throw up rifle-pits at this point, and when completed, as they were towards morning, Hayman's Brigade, of the Third Corps, occupied the position. The weather was extremely cold for the season ; the eight days" rations had not held out ; the overcoats and blankets had been thrown away on the march, and, as a result, there was considerable discomfort experienced by many of the troops. Gener.'\l Whipple's Death ; Affecting Scene. May -i, 1863. Skirmishing with the enenw's pickets was kept up all day in plain view of the position of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in the rear of the skirmish line. The Regiment, from its position in reserve, saw General Amiel W. Whipple, a distinguished officer commanding the Third Division of the Third Army Corps, mortally wounded by a Confederate sharpshooter while the Gen- eral was standing by or leaning against his horse writing an order. Stray shots struck others near where the General received his mortal injury. August Shmuck, of Company K, was wounded while taking observations and sighting a piece of artillery away in reserve of the skirmish line. General Whipple was carried on a stretcher past the line occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth on the road near the White House, followed by his staff. His wound being mortal and death imminent, the unusual spectacle was beheld of the stretcher- bearers stopping and depositing the stretcher with its occupant on the road- side, while Father O'Hagan, chaplain of the Excelsior Brigade, knelt down, as did all of the General's staff, mourn- GEN. AMIEL w. WHIPPLE. ^"11.^ following, and the consolations of UNDER THE :^IALTESE CROSS. 139 religion were administered to the dying man. and prayers appropriate for the oc- casion were uttered. It was truly a sad and pathetic scene to witness. The spot where this solemn ceremon)- took place was still within the range of the foe's sharpshooters, but no further casualties occurred at that point. General Whipple passed away within half an hour of the time of receiving the dying sacraments of his church. General Whipple had a distinguished career on the Peninsula, being one of Hooker's ablest lieutenants, and was beloved by his men for his soldierly qualities and courteous treatment of his subordinates. General \A'hipple was one of the old Regular Army officers, being a graduate of \\'est Point, and participating in the Mexican War and also commanding a division at Fredericksburg. His death caused profound sorrow in Washington, where he filled various military positions and enjoyed the personal confidence of President Lincoln. After his death the President interested himself to secure the appointment of General Whipple's two sons, then in their school days, as cadets at \\'est Point and Annapolis, respectively, where both in due time graduated. Charles W. Whipple, on the outbreak of the war wath Spain, was made Chief Ordnance Officer, with the brevet rank of Colonel, and after the close of that war was dispatched to the Philippines, where he continued to serve the Government for several years, until his arduous duties and the baleful climate so afifected his health as to cause his retirement. His brother, who entered the navy, did not long survive his graduation. General W'hipple's remains were removed to Georgetown, D. C, and were given the honors of a public funeral, which was attended by President Lincoln and Cabinet. GeXER.M. W.XRRE.V IX THE TRENCHES. A detail under Lieutenant James Wells, of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment, reported quite early on the morning of May 5th, at General Hooker's headquarters, w'hich had been moved a mile or two back beyond the range of the enemy's fire, the headquarters consisting of a wagon converted into a tent. General Hooker, when the detail reported, was pacing the ground in front of his tent in deep thought. He was evidently very weak and fatigued, for suddenly turning from his w-alk he entered his tent and wrapped himself in blankets. The detail from the Regiment, in connection with those from other regiments, in all aggregating a thousand men, was put to work constructing an immense line of fortifications under the direct charge of General G. K. W^arren, Chief of Engineers. The work w'as difficult at best, but was increased by heavy rains, which made the ground soft and muddy, and the men were kept hard at work. Here an incident occurred w-hich many who served on this detail will recall. General \\'arren, in charge of the construction of these works, noticing that some of the men and boys detailed were inexperienced in such work, and unfamiliar with the spade and tools, in a most kindly manner got down into the trenches personally, and aftectionately. as if he were a brother of the soldiers, took shovels and picks from their hands and showed them the knack and skillful Avay to use the same in throwing up earth. The General, in thus educating the men in the use of the tools, must have 140 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. gone along that entire line and thrown up perhaps a couple of hundred spadefuls of earth. This event was the first introduction of General Warren to the members of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, and, in fact, to Huni])hreys' Division. At first so modest was he and kindly in his action that no one suspected him of holding the rank of Brigadier-General, as he had no sword or epaulettes or style indicating his rank. Being intent on the work before him, he had no time for such ornaments. This work, however, was all in vain, as during the night Hooker's disability continuing, and no one superseding him or assuming the responsibility, there was no alternative but to abandon the action, and retreat across the Rappahannock. This was rendered the more necessary as the river was rising and the pontoons were in danger of being swept away, and there would then have been no way of supplying the army had it decided to remain on the south side of the Rappahannock. Humphreys' Division was again honored by being made the rear guard to cover the retreat of the army across the Rappahannock, as it had across the same stream under Burnside in the previous December. The Army of the Potomac, as already intimated from this account, had been evidently not defeated, because not more than one-third of it had been actually engaged in the battle. The allegation was made at that time that General Hooker's incapacity to command his army at Chancellorsville arose from intoxication. The men of Humphrevs' Division who saw him on that occasion until disabled by the injuries at the White House are living witnesses to the injustice of this charge against General Hooker. His strategic ability displayed in reaching the battle-field at Chancellors- ville so promptly with nearly one hundred and twentj'-five thousand troops and springing a surprise on Lee is itself a tribute to his character and refutes the charge that he had been drinking or exhibited any evidence of it to the observer. L^p to Chancellorsville the rapid movements of so large an army and the la^nng of pontoons crossing streams with such celerity and concealment from the enemy, was unprecedented, and stamped Hooker as a General of exceptional ability in the matter of prompt and successful movement of large armies, however unfortunate it was that his injuries disabled him and prevented his successful execution of plans to engage the enemy at Chancellorsville. MOVE.MENTS OF OnE HuNDKELI .VND FlFTV-FIFTH. While the (Jne Hundred and l^'ifty-fifth was, as the foregoing itinerary of the Regiment's participation in the Chancellorsville campaign shows it to have been, under fire at several difi^erent places, both on the reserve firing line as well as on picket and rallying to check the disaster to the Eleventh Corps, very fortunately the casualties were comparatively slight. This was due to the fact that none of the regiments of the Fifth Corps was called upon to make assaults or charges upon the enemy's lines, although " sleeping upon their arms " and ready at all times to do so. In the advance and deploy of tlie (Jne Hundred and Fifty-fifth and One Hundred and Thirty-first into the woods, as already mentioned, near the Chan- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 141 cellor House, these two regiments were used as a decoy to draw the enemy from his works in pursuit, so that the assembled fifty-four pieces of artillery under Captain Weed, U. S. A., could be used on the pursuers, hence but little loss was sustained. Adjutant P. S. Noon, of the One Hundred and Thirty-first, was killed in this advance in the woods. He was a most popular and gallant officer, having made many friends in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. He was a practicing attorney and a resident of Ebensburg. Cambria County, Pa. ^lany pickets and guards of the Union army on duty were abandoned at their posts lest their earlier withdrawal might be discovered by the enemy, and the retreat which General Hooker was anxious to conceal made known to the Confederates. The one hundred men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, as already described as detailed to construct earthworks, received no notice of the intended retreat of the ami}' until midnight, when they by mere accident discovered the passing of the colunms of the First and the Second Corps troops in full retreat for the United States Ford pontoons, with wagon trains hurrying to the same destination. Lieutenant Wells, in charge of the details, on making this discovery, hurried back to where Privates O'Neil, Jones, Walters, Hays, Morgan and others were sleeping. He hurriedly aroused the men barely in time to cross the Rappa- hannock with the last troops crossing on the pontoons. Just about daylight the last of the L'nion army reached the north shore ; but not until the enemy had been aroused and fired some shells across the Rappahannock, with no other result, however, than to hurry up the retreat. < -\PJ 1 142 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Chapter VII. RETURN TO CAMP HUMPHREYS.— FORCED MARCHES. Troops Regain Their Old Camps. — Expiration of Term of Service of Nine-months' Regiments. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Ninety- first Pennsylvania Volunteers Assigned to Third Brigade, Sykes' Second Division, Fifth Army Corps. — Camp Humphreys Abandoned. — Colonel E. J. Allen Returns to Regiment. — Army of Potomac Breaks Camp and Marches in Direction of Washington City. — Passes Over Battlefields of Previous Year. — Depressing Sights and Scenes. — Great Fatigue of Troops. — Fifth Corps Remains Week Near Aldie, Loudoun County, Va., in Support of Cavalry Protecting Wagon Trains. — Fifth Corps Resumes Forced Marching. — Physical Exhaustion of Men. — Hanging of "Spy" Richardson. — General Meade Succeeds General Hooker in Command of Army of Potomac. — General George Sykes Commands Fifth Army Corps. — General Ayres Succeeds to Command of Sykes' Division. — General Weed Commands Third Brigade. — Sykes' Division on Pennsylvania Soil. — Re- newed Martial Spirit Awakened in Troops. — Sunstroke and Blistered Feet. — Cavalry Engagement Near Hanover, Pa. — Forced March of Regi- ment Until Midnight of July 1st. — Sounds of Heavy Cannonading. |N MAY 6th, 1863, Humphreys' Division took up its hue of return march, which occupied all day, over muddy roads and in rainy, foggy weather, back to Camp Humphreys, the point from which they had started for Chancellorsville with such bright hopes and expectations of victory one short week before. The L'nion army was not demoralized, although somewhat disappointed, as but a fraction of it had been engaged. In regaining their old camps, the entertainments, drills, picket and guard duties, and also the amusements which had marked the camp all the previous winter, were soon resumed. The relations existing between the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania Regiment, on the marches to Antietam and to Falmouth, and in the Division camps at Falmouth and also in Camp Humphreys, were most friendly and intimate. The companies of the regiments, being mostly from Allegheny county, had strong ties of friendship as schoolmates and neighbors before enlisting. Colonel Clark, commander of the One Hundred and Twenty-third, was a brave soldier, who received from the dashing General Humphreys, the Division commander, the great compliment on the battlefield of Fredericksburg, where the regiment participated in the bloody UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 143 w s o X Oi o w >• w OS K 0. X o o > < 144 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. charge on Marj-e's Heights, that. " after all, the Preacher-Colonel would fight." The earnest and intense language used by the Division General in compliment to Reverend Colonel Clark was emphasized with profanity, which the reverend Colonel, under other circumstances, would undoubtedly have reproved. Humphreys' Division Disbanded. — Regiments Dep.\rt for Home. The One Hundred and Thirty- fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Edward O'Brien commanding, a native Pittsburger and a veteran of the Mexican War, was from Beaver and Lawrence counties, and had many warm friends — schoolmates and old neighbors — in tlie One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Both the One Hundred and Twenty-third and the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Regiments lost, as shown by the official reports, due to their exposed position, almost twice the number killed and wounded as the casualty returns show that any other regiment sustained in that dreadful action. These regiments, with this excellent record of officers and men, had enlisted for the term of nine months, which was to expire on May 9th. It was a source of sadness to .some of the homesick comrades of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth who had enlisted for three years' service to hear in Camp Humphreys each sunset, for thirty days before the term of the One Hundred and Twenty-third and other nine-months' troops expired, their demonstrative cheering that another day had expired, and that home and friends were accord- ingly so much nearer to their view. On May 8th, an equally solemn duty was assigned to those of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment who were homesick, namely, to escort Colonel Clark's regiment of Humphreys' Division to the railroad station on their way home. Homesickness was much aggravated by the circulation of reports invented by the active minds of the Ananias clubs which abounded in every regiment in camp. It was gravely asserted that an egregious blunder had been made by the War Department in mustering the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment into the United States service as a three-years' instead of a nine-months' term regiment. These veracious reporters asserted that the entire Cabinet of the President were excited over the startling discovery, and that there was no possible way out of this dilemma except promptly to discharge the Regiment as a nine-months organization. In consequence of these persistent reports, therefore, continuing until almost the night before the nine-months' regiments were to depart from Camp Humphreys, the boys of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth cherished the delusion of accompanying the other Pittsburg regiments that had enlisted for nine months and being mustered out with them in Pittsburg. The wish being father to this thought among the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, it may be well understood that sorrow and sadness prevailed, after their feelings had been so wrought up, when they were ordered to fall into line with their bands to escort the nine-months' regiments from Camp Humphreys to Stoneman's Station, there to entrain via Washington for Pittsburg. The disappointment to friends and sweethearts at home, to whom these members of the One Hundred and Fifty- SYKES' AND AYRES' DIVISION FLAG, May 16, 1863. to March 24, 1864. THE MAX WITH THE MUSKET. i knew him ! By all tliat is no))le. 1 knew This commonplace hero I name ! I've camped with him, marched with him, fought with him, too, In the swirl ui the tierce battle-flame! Laitghed with him. cried with him. taken a part Of his canteen and hlanket, and known That the throb of this chivalrous prairie boy's heart Was an answering -troke of my own. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 145 (fifth had given the most positive assurances that the Regiment would be dis- charged as a nine-months' regiment, must have also been harrowing. A practical joke was played on General Humphreys, the Division com- mander, by some mischievous devils of the nine-months' troops, who, the night before the disbandment of the Division and their homeward march, gathered up all their cartridges, and with the powder from the same laid a mine leading to •General Humphreys" tent. This they ignited by a slow match, thus giving them time to escape before its explosion. The detonation caused a great excitement and a scattering of tin cans and bottles in the vicinity of the distinguished General's headquarters. The irascible General, thus aroused from his slumbers, ■called the provost guard and made an awful commotion in the camp, almost as much so as if the enemy had broken through. It was generally supposed that if the General had possessed power, instead of deploying the peaceful One Hundred and Fifty-fifth — a three-years' regiment — to escort the nine-months' troops to the station the next morning, he would have enjoyed assigning that Regiment to the duty of shooting a couple of battalions of the nine-months' regiments of his late command for their terrible act of insubordination and violation of the rules and regulations and articles of war so dear to one so rigid in the enforcement of the same as was the General of the division being thus disbanded. On the morning of the Sth of May, the whole of Allabach's Brigade was ■drawn up in line in Camp Humphreys to bid farewell to the nine-months' regi- ments on their departure. Cheers were given and farewells were spoken. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was detailed to escort them to the station. This incident is also perpetuated in this history by a sketch made at the time by the Regimental artist. The disbandment of Humphreys' Division left General Humphreys without a command. He was soon assigned to the command of a division in the Third Corps under General Sickles, and at Gettysburg won great renown in the engage- ment in the Peach Orchard. He was promoted by General Meade before leaving the battlefield of Gettysburg to the position of Chief-of-Staff of the Army of the Potomac. This position he filled with great ability under Meade and Grant until the fall of 1864, when he was promoted to the command of the Second Corps. Regiment Transferred to Sykes' Division. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volun- teers, the remaining Regiments of Humphreys' Division, were assigned to the Third Brigade of General Sykes' Second Division of the Fifth Army Corps. Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York, was in command of this Brigade. The other two brigades of Sykes' Division were United States Regulars, for whom and for their fighting qualities the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth soon learned to have the highest regard and admiration. On the departure of the nine-months' troops. Camp Humphreys, with its memories and associations, was abandoned, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the Ninety-first Pennsylvania became residents of Camp Sykes, near United 146 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. States Ford, on the Rappahannock, spending several weeks in it. On June 3, 1863, this camp was broken up and the Regiment marched to the United States Ford, where it settled down to an idle camp life again. There was no drilling or roll calls or any routine of that kind in this camp, owing to the close proximity of the Regiment to the enemy immediately opposite on the Rappa- hannock. Conversation with the enemy, exchanges of newspapers and tobacco, floating of little paper boats across the stream, and many other civilities were daily exchanged with Confederates during the stay at this point. The particular detail of Confederates thus so courteous and considerate to the Union troops belonged to Phillips' Legion of General J. E. B. Stuart's Cavalry, who were principally Virginians. On Friday, June 5th, firing was heard in the direction of Fredericksburg, and on the 6th further firing was heard. Apparently, Hooker was testing, or, to use a military phrase, " feeling the enemy." In this camp at I'nited States Ford, Colonel E. Jay Allen returned from sick leave to the Regiment, having been detained at his home in Pittsburg for some months by severe sickness. The officers and men of the Regiment, however, were delighted to welcome the popular Colonel and many called at his tent to pay their respects. Major A. L. Pearson also returned at the same time from a brief leave of absence. Colonel Allen brought reports in circulation in Washington that the LTnion army was about to resume operations across the Rappahannock. Colonel Allen's appearance, on returning, indicated that he was still far from having recovered. The six weeks' confinement to bed and his room at home was undoubtedly compulsory and benefited him, so that on the first sign of sufficient convalescence he determined to disobey his physician's orders and disregard his familv's protests against his return to the Regiment. The possibility of an in- vasion of Pennsylvania by the Confederates detennined him to join the Regiment at once wherever located. But his condition of health on reaching camp was not sufficiently improved to permit his relieving Lieutenant-Colonel Cain in command of the Regiment. Colonel Allen, however, hoping to further improve under care of the Regimental surgeons, continued with the Regiment in camp and on the forced marches following. Marching Orders. Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Cain, in command of the Regiment, had read the " marching orders " at dress-parade on Sunday, June 7, 1863. The Regiment was kept on the anxious bench as to the time of moving until Saturday, June 13, in the meantime continuing the picket duty on the Rappahannock. On this date, while the Regiment was being inspected, orders were received to move at eight o'clock that night and requiring the men to pack up right away and be ready to move. The camp was accordingly broken at that hour in the midst of a heavy thunderstorm, the vivid lightning brightly illuminating the darkness of the roads over which this remarkable forced night-march was being made. At mid- night the column reached Hartwood Church, a well-known point, where the troops bivouacked. L'NDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 147 Sunday, June 14th, 1863, as early as five o'clock in the morning, the march was resumed in the direction of Washington City, and instead of mud causing annoyance this day the roads were dusty and the heat occasioned much sufifering. Continuously marching till night brought Sykes' Division, in which the Regiment was serving, a distance of twenty miles, near to Catlett's Station, on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, still on the march towards Washington. The heat was so great and the sun so strong that on this day's forced march ambulances follow- ing the troops were frequently filled with sufferers from sunstroke and exhaus- tion from heat, many dropping from the ranks. June 15, 1863, marched early from Centreville, the vicinity of the first and second battlefields of Bull Run, covering twenty miles in the march. It was a most fatiguing march owing to the great heat, causing the prostration of many in the ranks. On this march, the Regiment passed Bristoe Station, celebrated as the point where Generals Hooker and Kearney had engaged the enemy one year previous. During this day's march many graves of soldiers of the Union army who had fallen in action the preceding year were visible. Many of the graves were unmarked and all seemed neglected, the weather and rains having frequently washed away the mounds, leaving the bleached bones of the slain ex- posed, certainly not a cheerful or encouraging sight to behold. The column crossed Kettle Run, continuing along the line of the Orange & Alexandria Rail- road, passing by Manassas Junction and joining the remainder of the Fifth Corps in camp on the plains of Manassas, the identical Bull Run battlefield of 1861. Through the intense and debilitating heat of this day the Regiment marched twenty miles. Many more of the men in the marching column being prostrated were obliged to be placed in ambulances. An engagement was deemed highly probable at this halt, and General Griffin, commanding the First Division in the advance, placed artillery in position to protect the point occupied by the Fifth Corps, and Griffin's entire division was formed in line of battle. Tuesday, June 16, found the entire troops of the Fifth Corps halted and resting at Manassas. More graves — this time of Confederate soldiers killed in the first battle of Bull Run — could be seen here. Only one headstone could be seen, and the inscription upon it was: "Here lies the remains of George W. Scovill, Private, Fifty-second Georgia Volvmteers, aged twenty-one years, who died for his country, July 21, 1861." The ground where these Confederates were buried seemed well tramped over and neglected, and the place was well supplied with the remains of old Confederate forts, which had been constructed during the first year of the war. Wednesday, June 17, reveille sounded early in the morning and marching was resumed by the Regiment at daylight. The weather had become cooler, although the roads marched over were still very dusty. The column marched through the village of Centreville at six o'clock, having passed the famous stream of Bull Run, a few miles back. This village appeared to be a well-fortified place, the surrounding fortifications obscuring the village. After an hour's halt at Centreville, brisk marching was resumed for the remainder of the day. Many of the boys of the command were so fatigued and broken down by the continuous and rapid marching, and their eagerness to keep 148 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 149 up with their companies, that teamsters and wagoners often came to their reHef and favored them by permitting them to throw their knapsacks and guns into the wagons, which they could again get at the end of the day's march in the park of the wagon trains. During the march this day, the Regiment also passed near Chantilly. made famous as the site where, the previous September, General Phil Kearney, serving in Pope's army, lost his life whilst reconnoitering in advance of his command. The column camped this night near Goose Creek, four miles from Aldie, Loudoun County, Virginia, and remained there until June 36, about a week. The entire Fifth Corps remained encamped at this point, as a support to Pleasanton's Cavalry, which was protecting the large wagon trains of the x^rmy of the Potomac from the raids of the enemy. The cavalry had very severe fighting at Aldie and also at Upperville, and Sykes' Division of infantry was called upon several times and the Regiment was drawn up in line of battle, but the cavalry under General Pleasanton was so well handled as not to need the active assistance of the infantry-. The picketing in the camp was most enjoyable, as the Regiment was located on the Catoctin mountains, and had " lookout points " and signal stations communicating with all portions of the army. Every day of the sojourn in this camp, there was more or less, fighting, confined, however, wholly to the cavalry and artillery because of the fact that it was Stuart's cavalry which was harrassing and annoying the immense army trains accompanying the Army of the Potomac. Gexeral S. H. Weed Assumes Comm.\nd of Brigade. Brigadier-General Stephen H. Weed, lately appointed commander of the brigade in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was serving, arrived in this camp and relieved Colonel P. H. O'Rorke, who, up to this time, was acting Brigadier in command of the brigade. This camp was but ten miles from Leesburg, the county seat of Loudoun county. The picket guards in this camp were located in pleasant places; the cherries were plentiful and just ripe, and the farmers in the neighborhood were kind and obliging, although they acknowledged themselves " secesh." Being treated well and protected by the Regiment on picket, they reciprocated ever)- way possible the courteous treatment accorded them by the pickets. On one occasion (jeneral Pleasanton roile by the place where the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was stationed, with angered brow- and stopped the retreating cavalry, ordering them to " About Face ! " The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania and the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York stood ready to support this retreating cavalry, but under General Pleasanton's leader- ship the cavalry so rallied as to make the line of battle of infantry do nothing but await the orders to advance, w-hich never came. During the brief ten-days' sojourn m this camp, streets w-ere laid out in regular style and the comforts of camp tents, etc., enjoyed. Spare time was devoted to drilling and short summer excursions ; and, barring the recollection of 150 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. a most awful water-spout and rain which dehiged the camp, the memories of the Hfe in this bivouac were all of tiie most pleasant character. Forced Marches to Gettysburg. On June 26, 1863, at daylight, this pleasant encampment was broken up and forced marching was resumed by the entire Corps, which again forded the celebrated Goose Creek — without doubt the crookedest stream in the world. At a temporary halt in the road this day. General Meade, the Corps commander, together with Generals Sykes, Ayers and Weed, appeared and seemed to be in earnest consultation. The Corps reached the town of Leesburg about noon, which appeared to be a neat and clean place. This day it was learned from the inhabitants of Leesburg that General Lee's army was already in Pennsylvania, and, as an inhabitant of the town remarked, " they would give the people an idea of war and the way old Virginia was being treated." On June 36, 1863, the column marched at three o'clock .\. m. and at noon was at Leesburg. After a delay of an hour or two, the Regiment resumed the march and, passing Ball's Bluff, crossed the Potomac on pontoons at Edward's Ferry. At this period, the Regiment felt very much like encamping, and certainly ex- pected to do so, but the march continued and the column marched seven miles into Maryland and finally encamped at Poolsville. The distance accomplished by the Regiment in this day's forced march was from thirty to thirty-five miles, and was without doubt the most severe ever experienced up to that date by the Regiment. Many were stragglers from absolute physical exhaustion, and at the roll-call and distribution of rations at the camp at the end of the day's march but few responded. The missing of roll-call to the wearied straggler annoyed him but little, but the issue of rations missed by him added hunger to his already multiplied woes and had a depressing effect upon his spirits. June 27, 1863. After the unusually hard march of the previous day, the Regiment again moved and marched all day to within a few miles of Frederick City, having forded the Monacacy. The valley of the Potomac to that point was in vivid contrast to the sandy plains and untilled fields of the Old Dominion, over which the Army of the Potomac had operated. The beautiful fields of golden grain almost ready for the reaper, and the well-laden cherry trees, ripe and ready for the consumer, attracted the attention of all. ExECUTiox OF " Spy " Richardsox. Near the end of this day's march b\' the various corps of the Army of the Potomac en route for Frederick a grewsome sight was presented on a road in the suburbs of Frederick. The cavalry had captured on the march a man in citi- zen's clothes who had been a camp follower in the corps of Hooker's army during the winter quarters in Virginia, having secured a permit to sell stationery, pens and ink, song books and newspapers. No one ever suspected his loyalty or that he might be a Confederate spy. He was well known to the One Hundred and Fifth-fifth by his frequent visits to Camp Humphreys, where, during the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 151 winter he peddled his goods. He was a cheerful, lively individual, past middle- age, and had a refrain which he frequently shouted to the amusement of the soldiers in response to their bidding him " good-morning " or asking him the condition of his health, etc., to which he always made reply that with him " every- thing is lovely and the goose hangs high." The story of his subsequent capture on the march to Frederick was that the cavalry guards detained him, and finally, not satisfied with his explanation or references, searched him and found concealed on his person papers with details of the various army corps under Hooker and of their estimated strength. A drum-head court-martial was convened at night during a halt on the march, and on a hearing he was adjudged to be a spy and ordered to be hung at daylight. The individual was ever afterwards known as " Spy " Richardson. A placard with that inscription was tied around his body by the cavalry. Many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in passing recognized the features and the dress of " Spy " Richardson as that of the old stationery peddler, their frequent visitor in Camp Humphreys, who invariably wore a linen duster in all kinds of weather. Gener.'M. Meade's Appointment to Command. Sunday, June 28, ISfiS. The Regiment remained this day in camp, at Frederick, enjoying a well-needed rest. General Hooker, it was here learned, had been relieved from the command of the Army of the Potomac the night before by the acceptance of his resignation. General Meade, commander of the Fifth Corps, his successor, was roused from midnight sleep by a special messenger from Washington, assigning him to the command of the Army of the Potomac, this being his first intimation of the appointment. General Meade afterwards remarked that, when so summarily roused by the messenger from the War Department, instead of expecting the appointment to succeed Hooker, he feared that probably the message contained an order for his arrest or removal on un- founded charges. General Hooker's resignation was occasioned through a quarrel with General Halleck, the General-in-Chief, who refused to comply with Hooker's urgent request that the twelve thousand Union troops at Harper's Ferry should be sent to join the Army of the Potomac in the coming battle of Gettysburg. The first order General Meade issued on assuming command of the army was to direct that the troops under General French at Harper's Ferry should immediately join his army. General Meade's distinguished services under Generals McClellan, Burnside and Hooker made his appointment peculiarly welcome and gratifying not only to the people of the country, but more especially to the Army of the Potomac. The Fifth Army Corps was particularly elated that their General should be selected for the high command. The change placed General George Sykes in command of the Fifth Corps and General Romeyn B. Ayres succeeded to the command of Sykes' Division. General Stephen H. Weed became commander of the Brigade in which the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth was serving. General Meade, on accepting the command of the army, continued for the present all of General Hooker's stafif officers. 153 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. MAJ.-GEN. GEORGE G. MEADE. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 153 Monday, June 29, 18G3, General Meade, because of the enemy's operations in Pennsylvania and the panic prevailing there, did not tarry at Frederick, but pushed on for Pennsylvania at once to overtake the enemy, reaching on the first day's march a place called Liberty, a small village on the road leading to Pennsylvania. Many of the Regiment, as a result of the severe forced marching and wading the streams, suffered from sore feet and could not wear shoes. As a general rule, the pluck and desire of the troops to participate in the impending tattle sustained them and enabled them to keep up on the trying marches. Tuesday, June oil. 18(i3. Marching was resumed at an early hour, passing along the road from Liberty through the village of Union Mills to Frizzleburg. More beautiful country, with more grain ripe and ready for the harvest, heavily burdened trees of ripe cherries and fields of growing corn, unusually large red barns, and general appearances of contentment and comfortable rural life, were visible on the da\'s march. A memorable scene which impressed all the soldiers and cheered them as they marched along, footsore and weary, took place at Frizzleburg, Md. On the steps of the public school building were grouped a hundred children with flags in their hands, singing the " Star- Spangled Banner " and other loyal songs as the marching columns passed along. Marching still farther, as the Regiment advanced in towards the Pennsylvania line, the €nterprising inhabitants prepared bread, pies and cakes and also milk in bottles for sale at moderate prices to the soldiers as they passed. That any charge whatever was made by these thrifty farmers was very disappointing to the over- marched soldiers hastening to save Pennsylvania from the invasion of the Confederate army. At the end of a twenty-eight-mile march, the Regiment •camped this night close to the Pennsylvania line. The severe strain of these marches on the most stalwart soldier often caused blistered feet, which retarded progress. The Captain of a company often, on the recommendation of the Sur- ;geon of the Regiment, certified that the private soldier suffering from sore feet should be excused from duty and e.xempt from arrest by the provost guards following the army. One such pass to an afilicted comrade would be copied several times, signature and all. by sympathizing comrades and distributed to ■messmates, who, although similarly suffering, had not been fortunate enough to ■secure original passes. These copies so made in most cases passed the inspec- tion of the provost guard as well as did the genuine passes. At the end of this ■day's march the usual sixty-day muster for the pay-rolls was made, the com- panies averaging only thirty muskets present in the ranks. Pennsylvania Reserves Join the Fifth Corps. On the night of the 30th of June, 1863, the Fifth Corps marched until near ■midnight. The Corps was joined on the march by the Division of the Pennsyl- vania Reserves, under command of General S. W. Crawford. They were trained veteran regiments, which had been resting and recruiting their ranks for some months in the defenses of Washington, and to-day overtook the Fifth Corps in 154 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. which they had previously so long served. A number of these companies and regiments had been recruited in Pittsburg. The meeting of old friends by their comrades in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth en route was cordial and most welcome. At many points on the march these reinforcements, rallying to the defense of their native State, elicited loud cheers and enthusiastic demonstra- tions. With the arrival of these troops also came the report, which was circulated all along the line, that General McClellan had been restored to the command of the Army of the Potomac and was on his way to join the army. General Mc- Clellan's name and popularity on this report were also enthusiastically received ; but, alas ! it was doomed to contradiction as a mere camp rumor, as developments soon demonstrated. On Pennsylv.ania Soil. • Wednesday, July 1, 1863. General Sykes' Division of the Fifth Corps, with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, was up early and started on the march soon after daylight, and at the end of an hour's travel the State line between Pennsyl- vania and Maryland was reached. Strik- ing Pennsylvania soil awakened a differ- ent spirit, probably more natural than on any previous campaigns, as the troops, and particularly Pennsylvania regiments, deemed the Confederate invasion an ag- gravation of their offense in fighting the flag of the Union. As a consequence, despite the great fatigue from the forced marches, loss of sleep and other priva- tions, speaking for the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth men, it can be truly said that on reaching the Keystone State their determination to fight to the bitter end was most marked, and no signs of doubt of the result were visible any- where in the ranks. Disappointment, however, was experienced on crossing the State line that these feelings were not more cordially reciprocated by their fellow Pennsylvanians in the persons of the first inhabitants of the State met by the advancing columns of the Union army. So far from welcoming them, or displaying any sense of gratitude to the men in the ranks ready to die in the defense of the Union and of Pennsylvania, the first inhabitants, met by the columns as they marched by, were engaged at the various roadsides selling fresh milk in bottles to soldiers at ten cents a pint and fresh bread and cakes and pies and buttermilk at proportionate prices. These mercenary people so engaged were in many cases young athletic farmer boys, who, many soldiers thought, were capable and should have been willing to take guns and to harrass the invading MAJ.-GEN. S. W. CRAWFORD. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 155 columns of Lee, instead of turning the sad incident of the war to making money from the unfortunate footsore and over-marched Union soldiers. Many of the first inhabitants of Pennsylvania thus met by the Union army also seemed densely ignorant about the war for the L'nion or anything else. In the most unsophisticated manner, they protested against the action of General Jenkins, the Confederate cavalry leader, who had passed through that section a few days before, impressing cattle and horses for the use of his command without asking or securing the consent of the rural owners of the same. These injured citizens, in their complaint to Union soldiers following Jenkins' operations, asserted that his treatment was incomprehensible to them, as they were really his friends : that is, they had never done anything against the Confederates to justify such discourteous treatment. Jenkins, they said, had given in exchange for their fine horses he had carried off the broken-down and jaded beasts of the Confederate riders, which these farmers said were not worth their feeding. Not a few of the soldiers, and among them a number of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, thought it but fair to patronize these milk and pie vendors, the able-bodied young farmers and their wives, all apparently living in affluence, judging by the size of their great barns and fine dwellings, so they ordered canteens of milk and fine rolls of butter in the most lavish manner, caring nothing for expense. \Mien their orders were filled, these soldiers found themselves in a very great hurry to rejoin their commands, being thus often prevented from handing over the necessary change to the avaricious rustics. The excited milk and pie vendors were, however, assured b}' the hungry soldiers that the United States Government would cheerfully pay for the milk, pies, bread, butter and other articles thus obtained. If any dispute arose about the amounts to let the soldiers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania know, when thev would " O. K." their bills. NfARIXG GETTVSr.L'RG. NiGHT MaRCHIXG. The marching this day was brisk and the suffering of the men from heat and blistered feet was great. About noon General Sykes' Division reached the town of Hanover, York County, in the streets of which the day previous there had been heavy skirmishing between the advance cavalry of both armies. Many signs of the severity of this cavalry engagement were still visible. Dead horses killed in the skirmishing with the enemy still lay on the streets. Several build- ings bore the marks of artillery shots, while others presented evidences of the shots of cavalry carbines. All the remainder of the day there could be heard in advance cannonading, indicating that fighting had begun in earnest, and with renewed vigor the marching from Hanover was resumed. A few miles beyond the town orders were received just before sunset to go into camp and halt for the night. This order was most welcome to the fatigued troops and a camp bivouac on the hillside was promptly laid out in companies by each regiment. All arrangements were made and expectations for at least receiving a much-needed rest preparatory to which and an early retirement, the troops engaged in cooking their coffee and other food for their evening meal. This plain repast had hardly 156 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. been finished by all the regiments when a scene occurred which changed aU the plans in the minds of the troops for a good night's rest and compelled the immediate resumption of the forced march, lasting until midnight. The incident alluded to consisted in Colonel P. H. O'Rorke, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volunteers, accompanied by a courier from General Hancock, riding into the bivouac on the hillside. The courier and his horse, covered with foam, at- tracted the attention of all in the temporar)' camp as he rode up with Colonel O'Rorke and dismounted at General Sykes' headquarters. This courier was the bearer of despatches, conveying the ominous news that the Union and the Confed- erate armies had encountered each other outside of the town of Gettysburg and had battled during the entire day ; that the Union advance under Generals Buford and Reynolds had been repulsed and driven back to the town of Gettysburg; that General Reynolds had been killed early in the battle : also that it was absolutely necessary that the Fifth Corps troops should press on by a night march to Gettysburg to hold the place, and the enemy in check. Within five minutes from the delivery of this important message, the bugles of each brigade and regiment sounded the orders to pack up, and in not over ten minutes each regiment was in line to obey the orders. The sad news of the battle, the sounds of the cannonading they had heard during the day and the disasters to the Union arms reported by the courier's despatch to General Sykes became known with but little delay to the troops, and worn out as they had been with the long march of the day they cheerfully and promptly obeyed the orders requiring them to fall in for the resumption of the march by night, not a man of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth faltering. The march by slow and easy stages, thus resumed, continued until midnight, passing through ^IcSherrytown and other villages. Along the road this night the troops were treated well. The people along the line of march distributed bread and pies freely to the troops. Along the line of march, at the occasional short halts, the troops learned more particulars of the death of General Reynolds in the advance encounter with the Confederate forces. On this night's march the objective was the town of Gettysburg, where the fighting had taken place. The tired columns halted at one o'clock .\. m., too fatigued for further marching, and orders were given for the troops to lie down on the road itself instead of deploying into nearby fields. This was but a temporary halt, and orders were issued that but three hours' sleep would be allowed before marching was resumed. " Fren'ch Le.we." — Prisoners Rele.xsed to E.vter the P>.\ttle. .■\n episode worthy of mention occurred at the midnight halt, which concerns three well-known comrades of Company D, all of whom have long since passed away. Two of these comrades, \Mlliam Jones and Daniel Haney, were mere boys in their 'teens, and, although fearless soldiers, they had become homesick with the monotonous wearisome march through Maryland to Gettysburg, and openly expressed their intention to take a " French leave " for their home in Pittsburg as soon as they would strike the Pennsylvania line. The third one of UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 157 the trio was the redoubtable James Finnegan, of the same company, who, as he had a wife and several children living within the borders of Pennsylvania, was found in just the humor to pay a visit to the family with or without leave of his superiors. The comrades named carried their threats into execution promptly on crossing the State line by throwing away their guns and accoutrements, and defying any one to stop them from leaving the ranks for their homes. Captain Kilgore accepted the challenge and ordered the arrest of the three worthies for insubordination, mutiny and attempted desertion, and placed guards around the offending comrades. During the long forced marches the prisoners, relieved of gun and accoutrements, had much the best of the guards escorting them — the latter being weighted down with gun, bayonet and sixty rounds of cartridges. At the midnight halt in the middle of the road, from the faithful ranks of those who had trudged along the exhaustive lengthy day"s n.iarch, a detail of four privates was ordered to report for the ignoble and disgusting duty of serving as guards over the prostrate and sleeping forms of the three prisoners reposing in a fence corner. At that hour and for that duty the wearied guards almost mutinied. On reporting, it was found that Sergeant " Forty " Shawhan, of Company I. was to be placed in charge of the important detail. He was impressed with the absurdity of such duty over three prisoners who were too tired to escape even if they desired to do so. The genial Sergeant, destined later to fall in battle, directed the guards to follow his example by spreading their ■' ponchos " on the ground and enjoy a good and badl}'-needed rest, sleeping until called for duty. His example was followed, and neither guards nor prisoners were disturbed or aroused until daylight, when the sound of distant artillery w-as heard and the regiment was ordered to resume the march for Gettysburg, twelve miles distant, the scene of the preceding day's battle. The charges and specifica- tions against the three prisoners were promptly withdrawn, as they each demanded release and privilege to go into the fight with their company, which they did, all serving creditably. Opening of Battle of Gf.ttysburg. As is well-known, on the morning of July 1st, as the Confederate armies were complying with the orders to concentrate at Gettysburg, their advanced columns under General A. P. Hill, a short distaiice out of Gettysburg, encoun- tered the advanced pickets and skimiishers of the Union cavalry under General John Buford, whose men dismoimted, and in that capacity resisted and held back for several hours the line of battle of the advancing Confederates. The skir- mishing thus commenced opened the three days' battles of the contending armies under Lee and Meade at Gettysburg, ending on the night of July 4th in the complete retreat of the Confederate forces. This history is necessarily confined to the movements and actions of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers in the campaign now under consideration. It becomes necessary, however, for a proper understanding of the operations of the Regiment to em- brace, at times, the itinerary and descriptions as well as the positions occupied by the four regiments comprising Weed's Brigade and the two brigades of Regulars associated as component parts of General Ayres' Division, all under 158 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. command of General Sykes, of the Fifth Army Corps. This is now mentioned to account for the fact that space in this vohime would not permit an adequate or full description of the three great battles fought on July 1st, July 2d and July 3rd, respectively, at Gettysburg, and the fourth great battle fought by the cavalry of both armies, which in itself was conceded to be the greatest cavalry engagement of the war. The reader is referred to the admirable work of the Comte de Paris, occupy- ing an entire volume, devoted to a description of the great battle of Gettysburg, including the great cavalry encounter, which is considered to be a most ac- curate and thorough description of the operations at Gettysburg of the various corps of both the Union and the Confederate armies. The Comte de Paris, a graduate of the great French military college, St. Cyr., the West Point of France, was permitted by the French government to accept service during the Civil War in the United States army. \\'ith his brother, the Duke de Joinville, he rendered efficient service in the Peninsular campaign, participating in all the severe actions of that period — an experience especially qualifying him to describe military operations. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 159 OS E- < a < X 160 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Chapter VIII. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. Thursday, July 2, 1863, Near Gettysburg. — Fifth Corps Rests .\ Few Hours in Position on Battlefield. — Toward Noon on Reserve Near Center OF Army. — General Meade's Order Read to Army. — Sykes' Corps Changes Position to Power's Hill. — Troops Rest and Sleep. — Amusement Indulged- in Just Previous to the Great Battle. — Weed's Brig.\de Occupies Little Round Top. — Desper.\te Fighting on Little Round Top. — Enemy Repulsed BY Weed's Brigade. — Perfect Range of Enemy's Sh.arpshooters. — Bucktails' AND Berdan's Sharpshooters. — Scores of De.ad Confederate Sharpshooters Found in Rocks and Crevices of Devil's Den After the Battle. — Tremen- dous Artillery Fire Against Little Round Top. — Grand Attacking Column- Led BY General Hood. — ^Assaulting Column of Texan Troops. — Robertson's Brigade of Texans Assault the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. — Colonel Cain's Order to Regiment to Aim Low and Fire. — Pennsylvani.-\ Reserves Advance and Clear the Slope of Confeder.\te Sharpshooters. — No Mid- night Attack in Front of Little Round Top. — Fine View from Little Round Top in Afternoon of 3d. — Pickett's Charge. jHURSDAY. JULY -2(1, 1SG3, marked the opening of the Battle of Gettysburg to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania. At four o'clock A. M. this day the troops of General Sykes' Fifth Corps were aroused from their slumbers and resumed the march west- ward, being welcomed along the road nearing Gettysburg by many of the inhabitants, who freely distributed fresh bread, cakes, milk and other food to the wornout soldiers and relieved the drooping spirits of the troops with encouraging words as they passed. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth did not fail to receive its full share of these good fanuers' provisions thus distributed by their wives and families. The march continued until within two miles of the town of Gettysburg, the vicinity of the battlefield of the day previous. Fifth Corps Forms Reserve of Army. The first position taken by the Fifth Corps was in the rear of the positions held by Generals Hancock and Howard and the First Corps on the day previous. From this, after a few hours' rest, towards noon, the position of the Fifth Corps, aggregating about twenty thousand men, was changed so as to make it the reserve corps of the army and placed near the center, ready in any emergency when the enemv attacked, to be signalled or called to the relief of the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 161 r-l 3 o CQ > H H W O 162 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. threatened quarter. While the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth halted here with the other regiments of Weed's Brigade, the troops were massed in close column by divisions, in the rear of the troops who were deployed in line of battle with skirmishers advanced. The preparations all indicated the near proximity of the enemy in force. Of course, at that time the geography of the battlefield was entirely unknown to the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, but from the knowledge they have gained since, the Regiment was to the right, or eastward of Gulp's Hill. It was while waiting in that line of battle in reserve that Colonel Cain, in obedience to orders received read to the Regiment in a most impressive and significant manner a printed order from General Meade, the new Commander of the Army of the Potomac, and indeed the same order which is given below was read to every regiment in the Brigade. " Headquarters Army of the Potomac, "June 30th, 1863. " The commanding General requests that, previous to the engagement soon expected with the enemy, Corps and all other commanding officers address their troops, explaining to them the immense issue involved in the struggle. The enemy is on our soil. The whole country looks anxiously to this army to deliver it from the presence of the foe. Our failure to do so will leave us no such welcome as the swelling of millions of hearts with pride and joy at our success would give to every soldier of the army. Homes, firesides and domestic altars are involved. The army has fought well heretofore. It is believed that it will fight more desperately and bravely than ever if it is addressed in fitting terms. Corps and other commanders are authorized to order the instant death of any soldier who fails to do his duty at this hour. " By command of " Major Gexeral Meade. " S. Williams, " Assistant Adjutant-General. Colonel Cain, as required by this order, also addressed the Regiment in earnest and convincing terms. The scene, action, and words were of intense and dramatic interest. So many of the comrades of each company of the Regiment, wornout and exhausted by the march, had dropped out of the ranks that the companies as they stood and listened to this order looked very small, not averaging more than thirty men to each company. Solicitude was also felt by many anxious mess- mates for comrades who had straggled without permits and who had not been able to overtake the Regiment up to the reading of this drastic order. Stragglers Nearly Miss the Battle. On the forced marches to Gettysburg daily medical inspections of each company was held immediately after roll call — the object being to examine the sick and exhausted and to issue proper passes excusing from duty those unable to UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 163 niainlain place in the ranks. Whilst there ma}- have been some who desired these excuses and were not anxious to participate in the impending battle, it is simple justice to state that such cases were exceptional, as many instances of comrades well entitled to be excused occurred where they persisted luider the greatest difficulties in marching and keeping up with the company and participated in the great battle. An instance illustrating this feeling, as also indicating how two worthy comrades came near missing the battle of Gettysburg, occurred on the morning of June 30th, 1803, the day before the opening of the battle. At the morning roll-call and inspection a private appeared in ranks with his well-worn shoes dangling from the muzzle of his musket instead of on his feet. It was explained that his feet were too sore and blistered to allow him to wear his shoes and that he contemplated going into battle barefooted. Assistant Surgeon Wilson issued the usual " pass " excusing the private from duty and bespeaking mercy in case he straggled and fell into the hands of the inexorable detail of United States Regulars serving as division Provost Guards. Soon after the march was resumed this barefooted private kindly loaned his pass to his two messmates, and at the first halt these comrades made two copies of same, inserting, however, in each their own names as beneficiaries. The private owning the genuine pass stuck to the company and declined using its privilege. His two messmates fell out of the ranks early in the day and failed to report at the night's halt or to be present at roll-call the next morning. The com- pany became solicitous for the missing men who were both known as ideal brave soldiers and fears were en- tertained that they would be disgraced by absence with- out leave in the impending battle. Just a half hour be- fore the order issued to the Fifth Corps to " double quick' " to the left of the battlefield to the relief of Gen- eral Sickles in the Peach Orchard, the two tardy soldiers were spied emerging from nearby woods and joined the company in time for the battle. On reaching the summit of Little Round Top one of these comrades, who was a Color-Corporal, Thomas J. Tomer, fell badly wounded, mates. Privates O'Neill and McKenna, came to his relief and helped him back a few yards, where an immense boulder furnished him shelter until the stretcher- bearers conveyed him to the nearest iield hospital. His barefooted mess- From reminiscences of the Gettysburg campaign, by General A. L. Pear- son, published in the " Pittsburg Sunday Critic." July 20, 1880, the following extracts are given of incidents occurring on the forced marches to Gettysburg, in which further allusions are made to the incidents mentioned by Assistant Surgeon Wilson : " Early in the morning of July 1st, before resuming the forced march for Gettysburg, Colonel Cain, commanding the Regiment, detailed me to conduct an 1G4 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. inspection of the men of the Regiment with the Assistant-Surgeons, Reed and \\'ilson. and to order those found to be unfit to continue the marches to the hos- pital ambulances in the rear. The inspection resulted in finding over fifty men barefooted, unable to wear shoes, broken down, and too much exhausted to re- sume marching. These men were ordered to report to the hospital ambulances. Among those thus ordered out of the ranks and to the rear as unfit for duty, I recall the names of Sergeant James A. McMillan, of Company B, the most stal- wart man lA the command: also Sergeant William F. Collner, of Company G; and Privates Noah H. Pangburn and Charley McKenna, of Company E. The forced marches and the streams they had waded, the sand and pebbles getting into their shoes, had so blistered and bruised their feet as to prevent their wearing their shoes. The men I have iu>t named, with a number of others whom I cannot recall, refused to obey the orders to go to the rear to the hos- pital ambulances, claiming that as they were on Pennsylvania soil with an im- pending battle so close, they would strug- gle to remain with their companies and do their best to keep up. Assistant- .Surgeon Wilson thereupon prepared for- mal passes which I countersigned, ex- cusing each of the four'men named from all duty, and authorizing them to fall out of the ranks, with imnumity from arrest by the Provost Guards. " Collner, AIcKenna, and Pangburn. each managed to reach the Regiment in line of battle in time to participate in the storming and capture of Little Round Top. " Sergeant McMillan's fate was pa- thetic and extremely distressing. While bravely following his comrades on this day's forced march under the broiling sun, he completely broke down and be- came wholly unconscious, during which he was conveyed by ambulance to a hos- l^ital at Frederick. His case developed into a severe attack of typhoid fever. The battle of Gettysburg was over fully six weeks before he was sufficiently re- coLOR-coRP. THOMAS J. TOMER. stored to Understand how he had missed UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 165 the battle and came to be in a hospital ward. It was the only battle of the thirty- two to the credit of the Regiment that he missed." Sykes' Corps soon changed its position, and during the greater part of the remainder of that day all the regiments composing it lay upon Power's Hill, about a mile eastward from the spot where the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth monument now stands on Little Round Top. In this position the regiments were permitted to rest and make up for the loss of sleep and fatigue of the night and day before, although throughout the day the frec[uent sound of cannon firing could be heard, which, however, seemed far away and did not disturb the slumbers of the weary troops of the division. Indeed, as the afternoon wore away and the men wakened and cooked their meals everywhere there was evident the best of spirits and joviality, strangely in contrast with the harvest of sorrow and death so soon to follow. Many of the survivors of the Regiment will recall that the few hours immediately preceding the great battle on Little Round Top were enlivened by the singing by officers and men of man}- of the favorite camp songs and choruses, " Lorena," " The Virginia Lowlands," " Listen to the Mocking Bird," etc., by many of the officers. Other amusements w-ere indulged in and everywhere demonstrations of a cheerful character were visible during the few hours resting in reserve. This was also particularly true of the camp of the L'nited States Regulars of Ayres' Division, the immediate neighbors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Discipline seemed to be relaxed to a great extent. The fact that a battle was imminent appeared to have no disheartening eflfect upon the lively spirits ever present in the veterans of the Regular army. During this eventful rest opportunities to see more of the officers of the brigade were afforded. Many of the men of the Third Brigade had not seen General Stephen H. Weed, their new commander, until this occasion, as he had only joined the marching column a few days before at Aldie. But he was seen at this time in the day conversing and seemingly enjoying himself with Colonel O'Rorke, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York, his immediate predecessor in command of the Brigade. Colonel O'Rorke seemed so ga)- and light-hearted as he chanted familiar lines. In less than one hour after the pleasant social intercourse of the gallant young officers named at this point of rest in bivouac with their men, both lay dead amid the rocks of Little Round Top. both victims of the unerring aim of the Confederate sharpshooters concealed in the Devil's Den. The Capture of Little Round Top. The last resting place of the troops on Powers' Hill was occupied until late in the afternoon by Sykes' Fifth Corps. The artillery's lively play to the westward was heard without disturbing the serenit}- of the troops, and, strange to say, it seemed much more distant than it really was. The battle of the day with Sykes' Corps had actually opened, and the entire Corps was soon set in motion towards the high ground which could be seen to the westward, and which, in fact, proved to be Little Round Top. The First Division of the Fifth Corps, Brigadier-General Barnes commanding, and the Brigade of the United 166 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. COL. PATRICK H. ORORKE. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 167 States Regulars, of Ayres' Division, preceded the advance of Weed's Brigade to the left to the relief of General Sickles' Corps in its contest with Longstreet'? columns. Sykes' Corps passed along the road crossing the ridge at the foot of the northern extremity of Little Round Top. The two advanced brigades of Sykes' Corps, under Colonels \'incent and Sweitzer, soon became engaged in the furious battle at the farther side of Little Round Top. When Weed's Brigade was marching across the ridge to join them and had about reached the point where the railroad now crosses the roadway the missiles of the enemy screeching over their heads, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other regiments were halted and ordered to load, which, when done, and before moving farther, an incident oc- curred which changed the line of march of Weed's Brigade, and which proved to be a most important factor in the result of that day's battle. Early on the <;nd of July a signal station had been located, by the orders of General Meade, on the summit of Little Round Top, then unoccupied by Union troops, with instructions to signal operations of the enemy. Just before the opening of the battle and the assault on Sickle's Corps in the Peach Orchard by Longstreet's forces, General G. K. Warren, Chief Engineer of General Aleade's army, visited Little Round Top with Captain W. A. Roeb- ling, of his staff, and made observations with field glasses from the summit which disclosed the movement of Longstreet's columns in the dense woods nearly op- posite Little Round Top and, although the enemy was marching to avoid obser- vations, the flashing of the bright steel guns and bayonets in the sunlight dis- closed to Warren a strong column asserfibling opposite his position, being the extreme left of the Union army. General \\'arren at once promptly directed the signal corps detail to com- municate his timely discovery of Longstreet's movement to General Meade, with request that he order the Fifth Corps troops then in reserve to immediately ad- vance to occupy Little Round Top and the other positions in its front to check the movement of the enemy designed to flank or capture the position. The signal detail immediately complied with \\'arren's order and General Meade ordered the Fifth Corps from its reserve to at once advance at double-quick to the left, report to General Warren, and occupy the positions in front of Little Round Top. and also to occupy Little Round Top itself. Warren and Signal Corps. General Warren was wounded slightly in the neck whilst reconnoitering with his staff on Round Top. He insisted on the detail of signal corps remaining in position, waving their flags conspicuously so the enemy could see that the posi- tion was occupied by L'nion forces, whilst he dashed down the rocks to intercept Weed's Brigade to advance on Round Top. Note. — Captain Roebling, the young officer above mentioned, subsequently served until the close of the war as Engineer officer on the staff of Major-General Warren, commanding Fifth Corps, being promoted to Colonel for gallant conduct. In civil life he has attained national distinction as the engineer constructing the great Brooklyn bridge. 168 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. GENERAL WARREN ON LITTLE ROUND TOP. Just at the time the com- mand " Forward " \va> about to be given. General (j. K. Warren, Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac, with Captain W. A. Roebhng. a statt ofificer, rode down towards the head of the Cne Hundred and Fortieth New York Regiment, of Weed's Bri- gade, Irrm the direction of the summit of Little Round Top. His speed and manner indicated unusual excitement. Before reaching the One Hundred and Fortieth New York Regiment, which was bringing up the rear of the brigade, he called to Col- onel O'Rorke to lead his regi- ment up the Iiill, now known as Little Round Top. O'Rorke an^weretl him that (jeneral Weed had gone ahead and e.xpected the One Hundred and Fortieth to follow him. " Never mind that," an- swered Warren; " I'll take the responsibility." Warren's words and manner car- ried conviction of the importance of the thing he asked. Accepting Warren's assurance of full justification. O'Rorke turned the head of his regiment to the left and followed the staff officer who had been with Warren, leading it diagonally up to the eastern slope of Little Round Top. General Warren rode oft' evidently bent upon securing other troops. A few seconds later the head of the One Hundred and Fortieth New Y'ork reached the summit of the ridge. The march to the relief of the left of Little Round Top was on the double-quick, being, as stated, for the relief of the Third Corps, which was being severelv pressed. The incident mentioned of General Warren's separating the C)ne Hundred and Fortieth New York from its brigade and having it countermarched, and leading the way to the summit of Little Round Top. was soon followed by General Warren's orders to General Weed to have the other regiments of the brigade " about face," and •double-quick to follow the (jne Hundred and Fortieth New York in the occupa- tion of Little Round Top. ^\"hile thus double-quicking into position, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was under a heavy fire of the enemy. Captain S. A. McKee. of Company L was struck with a ball on the arm. Color-Corporal John Mackin, of Company F. was also wounded before reaching Little Round Top. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth on the reserve march of Weed's Brigade, in ascending Little Round Top. was in the rear, the Ninety-first Pennsvlvania and the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York having preceded it. Death of ^^■EED. O'Rorke. .\nd Hazlitt. Little Round Top is an eminence covered with immense rocks and boulders and small timber and at the time of the battle had no roads, thus making it UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 169 CAPT. CHARLES E. HAZLITT. irO UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. inaccessible. These impediments made it impossible for the battery horses of Captain Hazlitt's Fifth United States Artillery to haul the cannon up the steep hill. A squad of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth assisted in hauling up the four pieces to the summit of Little Round Top, where the battery did most effective execution. The Bucktails of the Pennsylvania Reserves, who had been detailed because of their long-range arms and their skill as sharpshooters, imme- diately left the front of the Regiment, and, advancing over the rocks as skir- mishers, soon answered the strong force of Confederate sharpshooters in the rocks known as the " Devil's Den." So accurate was the range of these Confederate sharpshooters concealed in the rocks of Devil's Den, in the immediate front of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, that Brigadier-General Stephen H. Weed, who had just succeeded in capturing Little Round Top and posting his men in position, was among the first picked off. Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, commander of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York, whose regiment led the advance of Weed's Brigade in the capture of Little Round Top, encountered a regiment of Confederates near the summit seeking to capture the position, and, in resisting this advance with sword in hand, inspiring his regiment, was instantly killed by a minie ball in the head. The struggle here was very severe, and the loss of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York in killed and wounded was very heavy. The action and brave stand of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York secured Little Round Top against the first assault of the enemy. Similar service in repulsing the attack of the advanced columns of the enemy seeking to capture the other slope of Little Round Top was rendered by Colonel Vincent, of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, and Colonel Chamberlain, of the Twentieth ]\Iaine, with their brave men. Colonel Vincent, like Colonel O'Rorke, however, being killed at the head of his regiment while rallying his men against the Confederate onslaught. The One Hundred and Fortieth New York held the position thus gained until reinforced by the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York, under Colonel Kennar Garrard : the Ninety-first Pennsj-lvania, Colonel Sinex, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, Colonel John H. Cain, the remaining regiments of Weed's Brigade, thus strengthening this naturally strong posi- tion against any attack of the enemy. The sharpshooters from Devil's Den continued their fire on these regiments as they were ascending Little Round Top. Captain Charles E. Hazlitt, Fifth United States Artillery, who had so promptly occupied Little Round Top with Battery D, fell a victim to a Con- federate sharpshooter's aim soon after gaining the position. Captain Hazlitt was killed while stooping over conversing with General Weed, who had been mortally wounded and carried back. It was a particularly sad sight to the remaining regiments of Weed's Brigade, as they reached the summit of Little Round Top, to see their beloved commander's dead body and that of the popular Colonel O'Rorke exposed to view, as the regiments were taking positions. After thus securing the heights by the repulse of the enemy by Weed's and Vincent's Brigades, a lull in the battle lasting half an hour or more occurred, during which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other regiments of the brigade were ordered, from the abundance of stone and small rocks in the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 171 a K » > H M O I 2 Q > Q 172 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. vicinity, to construct stone walls instead of earthworks, to protect themselves from the attacks of the enemy. But little time was lost in thus, from the abundance of material, constructing these defenses, which afforded ample pro- tection to the men against the Confederate sharpshooters in Devil's Den. So' perfect, however, was the range of these Confederate sharpshooters that fre- quently the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth would place their caps upon their bayonets, and expose the same above the top of their stone-wall breastworks as if being on the head of a soldier, to draw the fire of the enemy's sharpshooters. Their shots never failed to perforate the cap thus exposed. This exposure, how- ever, of the cap on the bayonet projected above the top of the stone walls used as defenses was given a verv practical turn to benefit the troops occupying Little Round Top. The details from the Pennsylvania Bucktails and Berdan's sharp- shooters, who had been detailed to the companies behind the stone wall occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, having telescopic rifles, answered the shots of the Confederates in Devil's Den when they fired at the exposed caps above the stone wall. When the enemy's sharpshooters fired, the Bucktail sharpshooters were enabled to observe whence the little curl of smoke emanated, and, conse- quently, with deadly aim, returned the fire of the Confederate behind the little column of smoke in the rocks of Devil's Den below. That this fire of the Union sharpshooters was very effective was disclosed later, when the Fifth Corps lines, after the repulse of Pickett's charge, were advanced beyond Devil's Den, reveal- ing scores of dead Confederate sharpshooters in the rocks, crevices and re- cesses of the Den. During the lull mentioned in the battle, except the sharpshooters' fire, suc- ceeding the capture of Little Round Top by Weed's Brigade, the opportunity of obtaining a view of the enemy was perfect to the occupants of Little Round Top. The Confederates seemed to be engaged in forming a column or making move- ments to renew the attack by a superior force, with a view of either capturing or flanking Little Round Top. Renewal of Attack bv Robertson's Texans. During tliis lull in the fighting with smaller arms, the enemy opened up a tremendous artillery fire against Little Round Top from a large number (forty or fifty) of their heaviest guns, almost causing the earth to quake among the rocks surmounting Little Round Top. The Confederate fire, however, although rapid and continuous, was inaccurate in aim, and for the most part went over Little Round Top, doing but little harm to the troops occupying it. General Meade's artillery, which was well posted, accepted the artillery challenge of the enemy, and answered in kind with an equal number of guns ; but, for some reason, the LTnion artillery after half an hour ceased firing, while the cannonading of the Confederates was still active. The men of Weed's and Vincent's Brigades could plainly see the formation of large columns of the enemy in the plain below, maneuvering for a renewal of the attack on Little Round Top. The bad range of the latter's artillery firing did not prevent the officers and men occupying Little Round Top from following the movements of the enemy opposite very closely. They saw the Confederate officers, when their line of battle was formed, dis- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 173 mount and, with sword in hand, lead their columns on in great force. Hazlitt's Battery, on Little Round Top, to the command of which Lieutenant B. F. Rittenhouse had succeeded, and other adjacent batteries, had perfect range of the formidable lines of the enemy, which had been massed as an attacking column against Little Round Top. This grand attacking force was led by the Confed- erate General Hood with his Texan troops. The destructive aim of the artillery on Little Round Top and the adjacent batteries, as the shots and shells shattered the Confederate column thus massed for the attack was plainly visible. The bravery and determination of the enemy in so boldly and courageously disregard- ing this destructive direct and enfilading fire, elicited the admiration of the officers and men who were awaiting the attack. No sooner had one company of the Confederate column been scattered by the bursting shells than its place was taken promptly and in good order by others. On came the advancing column across the open fields and across the stream, Willoughby Run, undaunted and determined. Weed's Brigade had not long been in the occupation of the position oil the rocky heights thus secured until the foe under Longstreet's direction made a diversion from the attacks on the Third Corps, and assaulted along the whole line of Weed's Brigade, with Hood's Texans and other troops, in efforts to carry the Union position on Little Round Top. From these heights occupied by Weed's Brigade on the summit, the maneuvering and preparations of the enemy were plainly visible in front of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth; the United States Regular Brigade of General Ayres' Division had advanced to the relief of Sickles, but, although making a most obstinate resistance and falling back on the retreat as if on drill, the Regulars were finally overpowered and driven back. They rallied frequently and did much execution on the attacking column, but they could not contend against the overwhelming numbers in the attacking party. After the repulse of the Regulars immediately in front of Little Round Top, the enemy emerged from the woods opposite to the point from which they had driven the Regulars, and directed their attention to the position of Weed's and Vincent's Brigades, occupying the summits of Little Round Top, a half mile distant. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, as has been already stated, was at a disadvantage compared with other regiments in this part of the action, as its arms consisted of the old Harper's Ferry muskets, using only buck-and-ball shot for ammunition and being eftective only at a ver}- short range. As a consequence, the Regiment, from its position, was obliged to witness this advancing column of the enemy across the open plain for a quarter of a mile in front of Little Round Top, and see them march triumphantly to the foot of the same, and to continue the advance until the}' were within twenty yards before the Regiment was allowed to shoot across the stone wall at the enemy. From this handicap the ■other regiments of the Brigade, having arms of longer range, began firing at the enemy first, and necessarily checked the enemy's advance in that direction. Not receiving any immediate fire from the part of the line occupied by the One Hundred and Fift)'-fifth, the Confederate officers, believing it to be a break in that position and not defended, directed Robertson's Brigade of Texans to the 174 L'XDER THE MALTESE CROSS. point in front of the One Hundred and Fiftj-fifth. Colonel Cain, commanding, however, and the captains of all the companies were strict in enforcing the orders that not a shot should be fired until the enemy got close within range. When the enemy's advance reached that distance, the order was given by Colonel Cain, and repeated by the company commanders, to fire and to aim low. The effect was immediate and checked the enemy, with fatal results, not sufficient, however, to stop their onward attack and advance to within not less than twenty feet of the Union line, where their officers and men rallied and poured destructive volleys into the firing line occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. This perilous position the enemy maintained for fully half an hour, returning volley for volley, until their losses compelled their retreat and abandonment of their attempt to capture Little Round Top in this second storming of the position. In this repulse of the enemy in their effort to capture the position, great loss was sustained by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and a number of its most valued and beloved members gave up their lives on this occasion. While thus exposed, and suffering considerable loss in repulsing the attack made by Hood's men on the position defended by the regiments of Weed's Brigade, it was a matter of astonishment to all concerned, in view of the closeness of the range and the number of volleys fired by the Confederates, that many more casualties were not reported. Without exaggeration, it can be said with truth that the enemy's bullets flew thick and fast, and it is only owing to their poor marksmanship that their firing was not more destructive. This can be explained only by the fact that the enemy being below the position occupied by Weed's Brigade and firing up hill their bullets fell short of the mark. After this repulse of the enemy and their withdrawal from the slopes of Little Round Top to the Devil's Den, their picket line, many sharpshooters of the Bucktails from the Brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves and from Berdan's took positions in the rocks and crevices on Little Round Top in advance of the positions of the Union main line and of the skirmishers, and rendered most effectual work in driving out from Devil's Den and adjacent rocks the remaining squads of sharpshooters who had lingered in concealed positions. Ch.\rge of Pennsylvani.\ Reserves on Enemy's Pickets. By orders of General Meade, who was inspecting Little Round Top during the action, General Fisher's and McCandless' Brigades, of the Pennsylvania Reserves, advanced to clear the rocks on the left slope of Little Round Top still occupied by many of the enemy's sharpshooters and also to establish an advanced picket line in front of Vincent's Brigade. The brigades of Reserves advanced and gained the ground, driving a few shaqashooters and advanced pickets of the enemy from the points lately occupied by Robertson's Confederates back to their own line, which was held by the Confederate General Law's Division. After the repulse of Robertson's Texans, among the wounded who came up from the base of Little Round Top was Major William G. Moorhead, of the Seventeenth Ignited States Infantr)-, which had suffered so severely at the opening of the battle of Little Round Top by the Fifth Corps. Major Moorhead UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 175 being so well known as the son of Pittsburg's Congressman, Honorable J. K. Moorhead, his appearance and bleeding condition attracted the notice and sympathy of his friends in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment as he passed through the Regiment to the field hospital. The occupants of Little Round Top were not doomed to further interruption from the enemy either by bombardment or skirmishing during the remainder of the day or night of the 3d of July. The cries and groans of the thousands of the wounded of both armies lying between the lines of the contending armies and also many within the lines, the latter being removed by ambulance, could be heard distinctly all night, disturbing the slumbers of many wearied soldiers. Little Round Top, being about two hun- dred and eighty feet in height and ex- ceedingly rough and rocky, afforded no soft couches upon which to rest the weary bones of the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the other regiments of Weed's Brigade on the night following this day's battle. The huge boulders and rocks interspersed on the summit of Little Round Top, many boulders being as large as from six to twenty feet long and having their rough edges and surface smoothed by time, fur- nished beds for two or three comrades, whilst others, fearing a renewal of the enemy's bombardment during the night, pitched their poncho beds behind the rocks on the bare earth, so that there were all kinds of couches and places of repose. However, no midnight attack or volleys or firing in front took place dur- ing the night. Early in the morning of the 3d of July the reveille was not sounded as usual, but instead the Captains and other of- ficers quietly visited the sleeping places of the men and roused them to be on the alert and ready in case the enemy suddenly renewed their attacks upon this most significant position of Little Round Top. All the morning of the third the enemy made no attack, being engaged in preparing for battle and generally arranging for attacks or charges along the L^nion line in hopes of regaining the lost ground of the day previous. Simultaneously with the opening of the enemy's batteries on the 2d, as already stated, General Hunt, commanding the Union artillery, gave orders for an immediate reply, and, as stated, for half an hour the Union batteries directed an enfilading and direct fire, concentrated with excellent aim, upon the enemy's positions in front of Little Round Top. During this heavy earth-quaking bom- MAJ. WILLIAM J. MOORHEAD. 176 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. bardment officers and men of the Fifth Corps were ordered to seek positions of shelter afforded by the large boulders and rocks so abundant on Little Round Top, there to remain until the enemy's artillery fire had ceased or orders to resume position in battle line were received. It was terrifying at times behind the im- mense rocks, when a shell short of range would burst in the air and strike some ■of the men hugging the rocks or ground adjacent. George R. Kerr, a private of Company H, and Lieutenant D. E. Lyon, of the same company, were both wounded from the fragments of shells thus striking them in their supposedly safe positions. For the most part, however, the enemy's heaviest fire missed the range entirely of the troops on Little Round Top, and the missiles and explosives alighted some distance in the rear, in many cases damaging and wounding the occupants of the field hospitals there located. Indeed, on this occasion the amputations necessary to be undergone by the wounded carried back to the field hospital were interrupted because of the severity of the enemy's shelling, which reached far beyond the rear of the Union lines. Battery D, Fifth United States Artillery, on the summit of Little Round Top, already mentioned, whose com- mander. Captain Charles E. Hazlitt, and many of its enlisted men had been picked off by the enemy's sharpshooters early in the action, and details from infantry replaced the fallen. ACTI\-ITV OF C0NFEDER.\TE Sh.ARPSHOOTERS. The presence of the Confederate sharpshooters among the rocks and crevices of Devil's Den, and their deadly aim, which had resulted in the picking of? of General Weed, Colonel O'Rorke, and Captain Hazlitt and the wounding of General Warren, besides killing and wounding so many of the rank and file, caused General Meade to detail two Companies of Berdan's New York sharp- shooters to the position occupied by the battery mentioned and the troops of Weed's Brigade. The Berdans had telescopic rifles, and, in securing positions and to avoid their own exposure, they could be seen creeping on hands and knees to get behind rocks or protecting crevices on the slopes of Little Round Top, from which to respond with deadly aim to the Confederate sharpshooters in Devil's Den and vicinity. Notwithstanding that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was behind the rocks and boulders and the stone wall it had erected on carrying the position on July 2d, and the concealed skirmishing of the Bucktail and Berdan sharpshooters in front with the enemy's pickets, the Confederate sharpshooters from their hiding places in Devil's Den promptly fired at any soldier who exposed himself. Hence, it was necessary under the strict orders of the officers of \\'eed's Brigade for the men to keep under shelter of the stone wall and surrounding rocks. .\bout ten o'clock, on the morning of the 3d of July, the enemy opened a very heavv artillery fire on the right of the Union line near Gettysburg and kept it up continuously for several hours. In the afternoon three large columns of Con- federates were seen emerging from the woods to the right of Little Round Top as if to renew yesterday's maneuver and contest. Battery D. Fifth United States Artillery, which was being supported by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 177 the morning, consisting of four guns, opened a very exact fire of shell and ■canister — the range being exact on the enemy's columns. The Confederate lines thus advancing endured several enfilading volleys from Battery D and also from the batteries adjacent. This finally caused the advancing columns of the enemy to retreat and to regain the cover of the woods from wrhich they had emerged for the threatened movement. The Confederates then resumed the shelling of the position occupied by Weed's Brigade on Little Round Top, with a view of silenc- ing the destructive fire of Battery D, as stated, in command of Lieutenant B. F. Rittenhouse, U. S. A., who succeeded the lamented Hazlitt. An Artillery Duel. This renewal of the shelling of the position on Little Round Top was light when compared with the awful earthquaking shelling to which those positions were treated by the Confederates later in the afternoon. From one hundred and forty guns of the Confederates posted on commanding positions immediately opposite the Union lines, a bombardment all along the line, including Little Round Top, took place. This artillery fire was promptly replied to by every battery, eighty and upwards in number, from the heights and positions opposite occupied by the Union forces. This great artillery duel continued more than an hour and was terrific in the extreme, surpassing any other occurring during the war. It was not so destructive in casualties as it might have been, the Confederate gunners failing to secure the proper range, and, as in the previous bombardments, the shells went so far over the heads of those on Little Round Top as to do practically no harm. The shells lighted half a mile and often a mile in the rear of Little Round Top. The immense rock and boulders found upon this elevation and the stone walls which the Regiments of Weed's Brigade had built for their protection along the line occupied by them on Little Round Top rendered excellent shelter from the enemy's artillery fire. These timely stone walls were a perfect protection from the enemy's sharpshooters. They stopped the minie balls per- fectly, but they would have been of no protection against the shot or shell of the enemy striking them in front. There was very little musketry firing beyond the skirmish on the left of the position occupied by the Fifth and the Third Corps, but there was a formation plainly visible from Little Round Top about one p. m. that day of large columns of the enemy on the right of Little Round Top, near the center of the LInion line. It was supposed at that time that the cause of the terrific artillery duel against Little Round Top and other positions of the Union forces was to cover an attack to follow on some part of the Union line by columns of infantry, the usual tactics of the Confederates under General Lee. That the fighting on the L^nion right occupied by Hancock was severe was known from the roll of musketry which was plainly heard, and also from the many exploding caissons on either side struck by explosive shells from the batteries exchanging fire at short range. Finally, the cheering all along the Union line reached Little Round Top. and the word was passed along the line that the Confederates' great charge under Pickett had failed. 178 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Pickett's Charge as Seen from Little Round Top. From Little Round Top, under shelter from the heavy bombardments of Long.street's batteries, which opened on the L'nion center, simultaneously with the assault of Pickett's troops, could be seen in the distant panorama Pickett's columns advancing on their fatal charge. From the same position on Little Roimd Top could be seen the lines of the gallant Second Corps ready and eager to welcome Pickett's attacking column. Prominent among the division com- manders under General Hancock was General Alexander Hays, commanding a division on the advancing tiring line. During the hottest of the fray General Hays seemed to bear a charmed life as he rode out along the Union lines, cheer- ing and stimulating his column to stand firm in the approaching assault, exposing himself recklessly. After Pickett's columns were finally driven back, a Union General rode up to General Hays, whose command occupied a position adjoining what has been called the " High-^^'ater Mark " of the battle for the Confederates in the center of the L'uion line, and said: " Well, General Hays, the rebels penetrated my line." Hays replied, with just pride: "Well, General, they failed to penetrate the line of my division." General Hays' Division is credited with having captured thirty Confederate flags in the action, receipts for which were sent him by the War Department. The close of this day's battle on the Union right and the cessation of hos- tilities on the left occurred at sunset. The night of the 3d, like the night of the ■2d, was again one of anxious solicitude. The groans and cries of the wounded still on the battlefield, as well as the heavy loss in able officers and many thousands of the rank on the Union side as the result of the three days' conflict, made all feel solicitous for the morrow. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 179 Chapter IX. SCENES AND INCIDENTS OF THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. Pastimes Indulged in by Troops During Lulls in Battle on 3d and 3d of July. — Many of Regiment Visit Devil's Den. — Confederate Sharpshooters Captured. — Cold Rain Sets in on Night of 3d. — -Discomfort of Troops. — Burial of Dead and Removal of Wounded. — Confederate Army Retreats ON 5th of July. — Sixth Army Corps Under General Sedgwick Leads Ad- vance IN Pursuit. — Instructions from General Halleck to General Meade. — Union Army's Position at Gettysburg Defensive. — Congress Votes Thanks of Nation to General Meade. — Brilliant Charge of General Farnsworth's Brigade of Cavalry. — Regiment of New York State Militia Arrives at Gettysburg. — Many of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Went Into B.\ttle Barefooted. — Feet Swollen and Blistered Unable to Wear Shoes. — Colonel Allen With His Regiment on Little Round Top. — Field Hospitals Located Near Firing Line. — Casualties. Recreations in Lull of Battle. JURING the lull in the fire of the battle and the uncertainty of how soon hostilities might be renewed, and while enjoying the shelter of the immense rocks and boulders of Little Round Top from the fierce artillery duel from the one hundred and forty Con- federate guns, lasting over an hour in the afternoon of the 3d, and also from the terrific bombardment on the 3d day of July, many of the men occu- pied themselves with very pacific pastimes. In some groups so securely sheltered cards were produced and games of euchre were enjoyed by proficients in the science of Hoyle. Others might be seen reading home newspapers several days old. Some, too, more seriously inclined, were perusing long-neglected Testa- ments, while not a few others thought the time and opportunity most appropriate to write letters home to parents or sweethearts. The apparent want of mail facili- ties, however, made it uncertain when the letters being thus written could be sent away. Some of a methodical turn were seen making entries in diaries, whilst the irrepressible Regimental artist of Company E was engaged in making snap- shots of Generals Meade and Warren in his sketch book. Unpatriotic Farmers Demand Pay for Straw. In the cessation of the firing and during the preparations of the Confederates for a renewal of the battle on the 3d of July, the One Hundred arid Fifty-fifth 180 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. and the other regiments of Weed's Brigade, now commanded by Colonel Kenner Garrard, were visited in their bivouac on a strange mission by some citizen farmers residing adjacent to Little Round Top. This delegation had a grievance, and the first officer they met to whom they poured out the story of their trouble was Major A. L. Pearson. With an obtuseness of the existing carnage and surround- ing misery caused by the meeting of the contending armies and before the full contest for supremacy had been decided, these phlegmatic farmers complained that the straw and hay in their barns nearby had been taken by the Union soldiers and carried away to the field hospitals for use of the wounded soldiers in the battle and maile demand for immediate payment for the same. This unseemly conduct so shocked Major Pearson that he gave the visiting farmers a stinging rebuke, and in stern language denounced their want of patriotism and their inhumanity in terms so strong that it must have penetrated the dense stu- pidit^■ of the claimants. Major Pearson ordered th e committee of farmers to leave Little Round Top, threatening that if they did not do so at once he would take the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment and destroy their barns and have their owners court-martialed for their disloyalty as well as their inhumanit}-. The next da}- other farmers visited the field hospitals where amputations of the wounded and burials of the dead were taking place, and with these spectacles before their eyes repeated their inhuman demands to the surgeons in charge, to be paid for the straw and hay thus used for the wounded. The dense ignorance of these peasants and their want of knowledge of the great war, its causes or ob- jects and their unconcern and total want of public spirit is the most charitable explanation of their action on this occasion. It is by no means intended to brand all the resident farmers of this vicinity as wanting in humanity or patriotism by reason of the shameful actions of the visitors mentioned, who as stated before the echoes of the cannonading at Little Round Top had died out were demanding pay for the hay and straw required for the wounded soldiers. These were no doubt exceptional instances and in marked contrast with many acts of kindness and public spirit shown the L^nion soldiers by the general population of the locality during the Gettysburg campaign. As a reflex from the repulse of Pickett's great charge on the left center of the Union line, the Confederates who had their skirmish line and sharpshooters in and about the Devil's Den withdrew them and their immediate supports on straightening their lines under the Confederate General Law, a considerable distance back from their previous advance. In falling back to reform their lines on the left, the Confederates abandoned many of their wounded sharpshooters who had been concealed in Devil's Den, and when the Union skirmish line and pickets advanced they found squads of Confederate soldiers as well as many of their wounded abandoned. Many Confederates were thus promptly captured and still more surrendered without question. Quite a number who were badly wounded came through the advanced LTnion picket line in front of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth. As the firing had ceased many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and of other regiments of Weed's Brigade availed themselves of the lull UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 181 in the battle and of the enemy's falhng back half a mile or more to re-form their lines, to go over the rocks and points fronting the scene of such severe fighting on the second. Among the officers who thus availed themselves of the enemy's falling back and yielding up possession of the intervening ground was Lieutenant George M. Laughlin, of Company E, and Lieutenant D. E. Lyon, of Company H. These officers had heard of the death in battle of Sergeant David R. Acheson, of the One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania, who had been their classmate in Washington College. The officers named found the position of the One Hundred and Fortieth and evidences of the terrible fighting under Sickles in the Peach Orchard and of the losses sustained by the sight of the number of unburied bodies of the slain. They were unable, however, to find the body of their missing classmate, their search being interrupted by the opening of the firing of the enemy to whose lines these officers had unwittingly approached too close. On a huge boulder in the Peach Orchard is carved and visible to-day the name "David R. Acheson, One Hundred and "Fortieth Pennsylvania," to mark the identical spot where this brave soldier fell. The redoubtable James Finnegan, of Company D, also took advantage of this peaceful situation to visit the hill-slope and valley below, including Devil's Den, which was now within the Union lines. Finnegan was unarmed and being quite small in stature his ordinary appearance was not such as would tend to terrify the ordinary Confederate soldier. He had no other business in that portion of the field than mere curiosity to see the dead and wounded. As he entered the huge rocks of Devil's Den, not less than four stalwart Georgian sharpshooters concealed in the rocks, noticing that Finnegan was unarmed, threw away their guns and called to him that they desired to surrender, as the Confed- erates had fallen back half a mile, leaving them to be captured. Finnegan ac- cepted their surrender unconditionally and proudly marched his prisoners up Little Round Top to the lines of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, where with great pride he reported his achievement to Major Montooth, Adjutant of the Regiment. In answer to the question of how he came to capture so many Confederates, Finnegan triumphantly replied: " Be gorra, I surrounded 'em." Corporal Frank Gilmore, of Company A, during the cessation of hostilities, also ventured down among the rocks very close to the enemy's new line in front of which the Bucktail and Berdan sharpshooters were already on duty with the LInion advanced line. Gilmore found a Confederate concealed among the rocks, who surrendered to him, and he brought his captive to the Regimental line, turning him over to Adjutant Montooth. The prisoner was suffering from a bullet wound in the jaw, and requiring medical attention was sent under guard to the field hospital for treatment. It was not long this day after the evacuation of Devil's Den till hundreds of the Union troops unarmed were permitted to leave their positions and to visit between the lines, some to help succor the wounded, others to witness the fearful sights of the battlefield of the two previous days, whilst still others got clothing and shoes, ammunition and guns, no longer useful to the army of the dead who remained for the time unburied. 18-2 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Curiosities of Artillery Contest. — Humane Incidents. Among the curiosities of the cannonading at Gettysburg were several re- markable instances where the enem\-'s sohd shot struck and penetrated a Union cannon squarely in the muzzle, in some cases cracking or bursting the gun thus struck and in other cases the solid shot lodging like a plug solidly wedged in the mouth of the cannon. Conspicuous instances of the humane feeling pervading the soldiers of either army so soon after the cessation of deadly firing and almost before the echoes of the musketry volleys had died out was observable at Gettysburg. Particularly noticeable was the reception of a few of the badly wounded Confederate sharp- shooters who came into the picket line in front of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth to whom these Confederates surrendered. Some were badly wounded in the jaw and face, interfering with their ability to eat the extremely hard oatmea' bread forming the ration of the Confederates. Recognizing this situation and the hunger of the prisoners. Private \Mlliam P. Ketchani. of Company F, took from his haversack a fresh loaf of soft bread which he had received in the morning of the 'id of Jul_\- before the battle, and insisted on a prisoner, whose teeth had been knocked out, taking the soft bread in exchange for the latter's very hardtack. Other One Hundred and Fifty-fifth pickets divided their rations at this outpost with the hungry Confederates, and exhibiting merer and humanity most exemplary and chivalrous to vanquished foes. Cess.\tion of Hostilities July 4tii. As is usual after very lieavy bombardments, a heav}- cold rain set in on the night of the third, continuing until morning. Much chilliness, on the bleak rocks and stone bedding, was felt by the soldiers thus exposed. The knowledge, how- ever, that the summing up of the day's fighting along the line had resulted in a victory for the Union arms cheered the spirits and hopes of all the troops so that they soon fell into a refreshing sleep, being undisturbed from war's alarms through the night. The choice of positions on the rocks for beds and quarters during this night was quite animated. Those who had retired early and secured spots beneath the friendly boulders which had sheltered them so generously during the bom- bardment fotmd the same objects of little use against the element pouring down from the canopy above. Pools of water in dug-out caves which had served the day before as bombproofs now made these quarters very undesirable. Upper stories on ledges and rocks were preferable, although their slope and shapes made them somewhat uncomfortable to the wearied soldier. A veteran, however, becomes used to all positions and accommodations, and with thanks that the enemy did not during the night contribute to their discomfort by re-opening the batteries or making other disturbing movements the Union soldiers slept soundly until the reveille sounded in the morning of the glorious Fourth of July. It was a most cheerless day so far as the prevailing chilliness and drizzling rain and annoyances attendant upon attempting to cook coflfee and prepare meals from the soldiers' rations could make it so. Their hardtack had become saturated with UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 183 water and swollen and tires to cook or warm food were difficult to make because ■of the prevailing rain and wet conditions. For this unsatisfactory state of things consolation was obtained by the agreeable disappointment that the enemy, whose lines were still visible, occupying every position of the day previous, had not resumed hostilities except by desultory picket firing at points distant from Little Round Top and the position of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. As the day progressed, this feeling of gladness at the enemy's cessation of hostilities increased, and the day was spent quietly by the troops resting from the unusual labors of the previous three days. Stretcher-bearers, ambulances and many of the troops were detailed in burial parties to visit the grounds and bury the thousands of the dead of both armies remaining on the field and to removp the large number of wounded of both armies to the field hospitals which had been ■established near the battle line. This burial of the dead was one of the saddest features of the bloody struggle. Many of the bodies, having lain on the field for two and three days beneath the scorching rays of a July sun, were so distorted and swollen as to be beyond recognition. Teamsters and supply trains were also kept extremely busy bringing up and distributing rations to the soldiers and hospitals as well as forage for the animals. The heavy demands of the battle which had exhausted the supply of artillery and infantry ammunition had \.o be met, and the same required replenishment before any movement of the army could be renewed ; consequently the teams of the am- munition train, drivers, and guards were kept busy on that duty all of the 4th of July. The Confederates engaged in retreating had no such difficulties to contend against as had General Meade. They left their dead and wounded, as well as several thousand prisoners, to the humanity of the L'nion army, and continued their foraging ofi^ the country for their supplies, having half a dozen excellent roads on which to conduct their retreat from Gettysburg to the Potomac. The preparations described as well as the conditions existing on the battle- field occupied every moment of the time and attention of General Meade and his surviving Generals on the 4th day of July. Retreat of Lee's Army and Pursuit. Early on the morning of the .5th of July it was discovered that the Con- federate army had, during the night, withdrawn their skirmishers from the line occupied by them up to night-fall of July 4th. General Meade at once directed General Pleasanton immediately to send the cavalry divisions of Gregg, Buford and Custer in pursuit of the enemy. General Meade also set in motion the Sixth Army Corps, under General Sedgwick, twenty thousand infantry, to pursue the retreating Confederates. The other corps of the army speedily followed in pursuit by different routes, but the Confederates had a full night's advantage in leading the retreat, and Stuart's Cavalry, the rear guard of Lee's columns, covered the retreat of the miles of wagon and ammunition trains, holding at bay Pleasanton's Cavalry imtil the Confederate trains had time to make good their •escape. 184 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Another phase peculiar to the Gettysburg campaign after the battle had ended was the fact that in every company there were at least several men who by reason of the excessive forced marches had their feet so blistered that they could not wear shoes, and many were seen on the last days of the campaign pre- ceding the battle with their shoes strung across their muskets as they marched in the ranks barefooted. A number of these men throughout the army, who were unable by reason of their exhausted condition, and further injury to their feet in going in on the rocky heights and positions to battle, were rendered unfit for further marching, and therefore could not take part in the pursuit. They were sent, by orders of the surgeon, in a large number of cases, to the field hospitals in Gettysburg, there to abide until their suffering feet were restored sufficiently again to wear shoes. It is supposed that at a low estimate upwards of two thousand of Meade's men were thus excused from the ranks on the renewal of marching. If, on the sunrise and reveille of that 4th of July, so bleak, so chilly and so miserable, with its sorrowful associations, there was any officer or enlisted man in Weed's Brigade, then holding position on Little Round Top, who was eager for a resumption of the battle and anxious for renewing the fray, he kept it so secret and subdued that it never reached the masses of the troops defending that important position. The anxiety for battle and thirst for gore and terms so freely used by descriptive writers, belongs to the domain of fiction, and de- scribes a sentiment far from the truth. Braver officers and men than those who withstood the continued bombard- ment and the desperate fighting and charges of the Confederates at Gettysburg never existed, and all would have obeyed orders instantly to resume the battle and to die as so many of their comrades had, in defense of their flag and country. Halleck's Instructions to Meade. Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, and the Governor of Alaryland had each issued calls, backed by the leading journals of the country, appealing to President Lincoln to save their respective States, and particularly Pennsylvania, from the invasion of the Confederate armies, that threatened a campaign of pillage and plunder, and to capture and sack the great city of Philadelphia and the Capital city of the State, Harrisburg; and that this duty thus devolving upon the Army of the Potomac was paramount to any other obligation of General Meade, its commander. How nobly General Meade, his officers and men, could justly con- clude, on discovering Lee's retreat and abandonment of his superior position on the ridges opposite that of the Army of the Potomac, that his army had, at great loss and sacrifice, more than accomplished its mission in responding to the appeals of the public that the Confederate army be driven from Pennsylvania soil and south of the Potomac, turning the invasion of Lee's triumphal army into a disas- trous defeat ! General Meade's instructions from General Halleck, President Lincoln's military advisor, were to follow up in close pursuit and overtake General Lee in his invasion of Pennsylvania, and to prevent the threatened capture by the Con- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 185 1 bare Juai irecci. i( be conspicuoufil^ ■>'d ,he ...n„«-V,.,j^,.„,°f Office, Jujje ig,i .j.^ 'r posted in the Ciu ' ""^'' ''°™ •»>» Co,,,,.. "^ AOlft, l^{^ ' "' ">'» »l"le. will, , , APPROACHING ! I MUST KELY UTON 'IHE PEOPLE FOR THE DEFENCE'«STATE! 1>D HAVE GALLED THE MILITIA rOK THAT ri KFOME. the term of service wiU only be whUe the danger to the State is imininent. Send forward Companies AS SOON AS POSSIBLE "^"^ ANDREW G. CURTXN. PLACARD ISSU-ED BY GOVERNOR CURTIN, OF PENNSYLVANIA, CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE STATE, JUKE, 1 863 186 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. federates of Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at the same time keeping Baltimore and Washington within his protection. With but three days' elevation to the command of the Army of the Potomac, General Meade had but little time to plan a great battle at Gettysburg while also being handicapped by his strict in- structions from the General-in-Chief, Halleck, to arrest the march of Lee's army against the cities named. The meeting at Gettysburg of the two armies was well known, to be merely accidental, and not preconcerted by either Lee or Meade. General Meade, therefore, because of his instructions, decided not to assume the offensive unless absolutely compelled to do so ; and; therefore, sought the very strong position presented by the ridges and topography of the locality of Gettysburg, to make the battle on his part what is known as a defensive battle. He, therefore, chose his position, posted his troops and battalions for miles in front of the enemy's strong positions, thereby challenging and awaiting the attack of the Confederates. The Confederate positions were veritable Gibraltar strong- holds, and had Meade and his Generals assumed the offensive, and sought to storm and capture the strong positions on the fortified ridges liberally supplied with batteries at every available point, it would have been welcomed by the Con- federate commander, as was the persistent disastrous attack made by Burnside on the fortified ridges held by Lee at Fredericksburg, and later by Grant's dis- astrous charges and repulses on Lee's position at Cold Harbor, and would no doubt have been followed by similar losses and final repulses. The wisdom of General Meade's decision to make the battle on his part purely defensive was verified soon after by the Confederate General's being compelled to assume the offensive against the Union line. The story of the Wheatfield, the Peach Orchard, Little Round Top, the repulse of Pickett's charge, the defense of Cemetery Hill, and the great cavalry encounter on the flanks of Meade's army, all attest the superiority and success of Meade's plans over that of the Confed- erate chieftain. General Meade, having with his army complied with his instructions to intercept the invading column of Lee, and to prevent the further invasion of Pennsylvania and the capture of Harrisburg and Philadelphia, as well as afford- ing protection to Baltimore and Washington from the Confederate army within a day's march of these cities, might well consider, as did all the Generals surviving the battle, that their successful efforts, ending in driving the Confederates south of the Potomac, would meet the prompt approval of General Halleck. General Meade and his army had, as stated, more than fulfilled General Hal- leck's instructions in every respect. Yet, strange to say, instead of thanks, General Meade's action in not totally annihilating the Confederate army was so sharply criticized by Halleck and others that General Meade promptly tendered his resignation as commander of the Army of the Potomac. It is needless to say, however, that the great and just Lincoln refused to accept his resignation, and compelled Halleck and other carpers against (iieneral Meade publicly to retract their unjust complaints. Congress, which was in session, also voted the thanks of the Nation to General Meade for his great victory at Gettysburg. A singular coincidence to the experience of General Meade may be men- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 187 tioned in tlio fact that General Lee, commanding the Cim federate army also tendered his resignation to the President of the Southern Confederacy because of the official censure and criticisms expressed by President Davis at the defeat of his army by the L^nion forces at Gettysburg, and the failure of General Lee to capture Harrisburg and Philadelphia, with the Confederate army invading Marvland and Pennsylvania. Public sentiment in the South, however, came to the relief of General Lee, and compelled the Confederate authorities to decline to entertain the resignation of General Lee. No Officiat. Reports of One Hundred axd Fifty-fifth on Little Round Top. The death of General S. H. Weed, commanding the Brigade, and of Colonel O'Rorke, killed early in the battle, pre- vented official reports from those sources. Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Cain, com- manding the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, resigning soon after the battle, filed no official report of the part taken by the Regiment in the capture and de- fense of Little Round Top on July ".'d and 3d. Fortunately, however, from two other reliable sources of actual partici- pants, accounts of the battle have been prepared and published, and so accur- ately describing the events that they are deemed appropriate f, and was serving with the General on Little Round Top, where the Confederate sharpshooter from Devil's Den luortally wounded that officer. Captain Palmer conlimied his services with General Garrard, tlie successor of (general Weed, during the remainder of the battle. Tiiic Casialties at Gettysburg. Corporal Mathew Hennett, of Company L was detailed by Colonel Cain a day or two before the battle of Gettysburg, to take charge temporarily of the colors during the absence of Color-Sergeant Thomas C. Lawson, who was for the time being incajiacitated for active duty by the severe marching, and Ser- geant Reimett performed his duty with credit to himself. Color-Cor]ioral John IL Mackin, of Company F, was wounded in the shoulder on ascending Little Round Top, but despite the severity of the wound, remained to the eiul of the battle, when, unable to resume the march, he reported to the hospital, his wound being imicli aggravated by his neglect to secure earlv medical treatment. Color-Corjioral fliomas J. Tomer, of Company E, who had a surgeon's pass in his pocket enabling him to straggle free from interference from the provost guards because of his fatigued and ex- hausted condition from forced marches, entered the battle with the colors, and was stricken down at the first fire of the enemy, on Little Round Top, being so badly wounded that he was never able to resume duty in the field, and causing him to be a sufferer for life. Also mortally wounded at Gettys- burg, in the attack of the Texan brigade on the position of the One Hundred and b'ifty-fifth, was Corporal David M. Smith, of Company B. He was wounded in the left groin, and was carried back a short time after the attack, but died just as he reached the foot of Little Round JOHN COWAN. Top. UNDER THE MALTl'-SIC CROSS. 19? Privalc W'illiaui Oouj^lass. of Com- pany 1!. about the same time was struck in the center of the foreheatl and with a piercing shriek fell back dead. In tlie very advance of his company. Corporal Henry F. Weaver, of Company B, one of the yolnisjest hoys in the Regi- ment, was wmnuk'd in the ball of the right ankle joint, necessitating immedi- ate am]nUalion at the Field Hospital, at a time when, as in a letter he describes it. " the balls kept coming as numerous ap- parently as drops of rain in a heavy shower," and as he farther states, he la\' there " exjiecting to get aiuither bullet in the head at any minute." Compan\ K had four men wounded and one killeil — Lieutenant Foster and Privates Shields. I let rick and David Kirkpatrick. the last-naniecl being struck by a ball, but not disabled. Private John Cowan was shot through the bowels and killed. The Regiment had no chaplain at Gettysburg. FlKI.U 1 loSl'LTAl.. CORP. HARRY F. WEAVER. i\ matter requiring acknowledgment here was the efficiency and zeal of the Regimental surgeons. Doctor j. A. E. Reed and Doctor W. Stockton Wilson, Assistant-Surgeon, and Ellis C. Thorn, hospital steward, in the Gettysburg campaign. These officers were indefatigable in their attentions and efforts to relieve the sufferings on the march and in camp, and to the great increase of their duties precipitated by the three days battles of Gettysburg. The emergency field hospitals at the rear of Little Round Top were opened immediately on the attack by the enemy on that stroughnld. and necessarily the field hospitals had to lie located as close as possible to where the injured fell. A nearby woods in a p(Vsition supposed to be somewhat sheltered was hastily se- lected by the surgeons as a site for the field hospitals, w hich were located in many instances within four or live hundred yards back of the position occupied by the regiments anil batteries in front. The Fifth Corjis and Sykes' Division field hospital were not far from General Meade's he;idi|uartcr-. during the battle. Corporal Weaver, Color-Corporal Tomer, of Com]iany E. and others who were carried back to these field hospitals described the scenes of the accumulated 198 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. DR. THOMAS J. GALLAHER. DR. JOHN DICKSON. DR. THOMAS W. SHAW. DR. JOSEPH DICKSON. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 199 thousands of wounded deposited by the stretcher-bearers on the grounds, await- ing their turn for treatment, or the amputation table, during the afternoon of the 2d and the 3d of July, as something terrific in its impressions. The enemy's bombardment and shelling reached the woods and rocks near these field hospitals, and the surgeons at their posts zealously discharging their duties, and in many cases whilst performing amputation operations on the table, were exposed to as deadl}' a fire from the enemy as were those in the front on the firing line : yet they did not desist or prove recreant to their duties. Volunteer Surgeons and Nurses Reach B.attlefield. Before the sounds of battle at Gettysburg had ceased, delegations of good people, principally physicians and Christian Commission members, reached the front and tendered their much-needed services to the already overworked sur- geons, nurses and hospital stewards. Philadelphia and Pittsburg surgeons arrived in considerable numbers, bringing with them supplies of medicines, instruments, lint and other needed articles. The men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment were gladdened by the visits of esteemed and skilled surgeons from Pittsburg, with home messages, and were especially delighted to witness their prompt devotion to their professional duties. Of the many patriotic surgeons so promptly on the battlefield, tendering their services, are recalled, Doctor Thomas W. Shaw, Doctor Thomas J. Gallaher, Doctor John Dickson, Doctor Joseph Dickson and Doctor George L. McCook, and others not now recalled. Abundance of supplies for the wounded and sick followed the departure of the delegation of surgeons for the bat- tlefield, being provided by the Christian Commission. No corps of surgeons labored more devotedly in the field hospitals on the battlefield and in the town of Gettysburg, than did the patriotic members of the Pitts- burg delegation, and too much praise can- not be awarded the noble deeds and acts of the surgeons named. All have long since passed away to their eternal reward. Nor was the patriotic devotion of the profession confined alone to those who so promptly rallied to the relief of the wounded and sick after each battle. Doctor Albert G. Walter, a surgeon of National reputation, conducted a hospital in Pittsburg during the Civil ^^'ar, and gave to soldiers his unremit- ting attention and highest skill. Doctor George AlcCook, Sr., also an eminent sur- geon of Pittsburg, gave freely of his skill and services to the Union soldiers, his ad- ^^ albert g. Walter. 200 UNDER THE AfALTESE CROSS. vanced age alone preventing his tak- ing the field of active service with his numerous kinsmen, the fighting Mc- Cook's of Ohio. The late Doctor James McCann, who attained the highest rank in the surgical profession in Pennsylvania, imbibed the patriotic spirit of his pre- ceptors, Doctors John, Joseph and Thomas Dickson, of Pittsburg, and immediately upon graduating at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, volunteered as Assistant Surgeon of the Fifth ]\egiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served until the close of the war. In the field hospital at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg and in Grant's ^'irginia campaigns, the young surgeon was un- remitting in his devotion to the wounded. Doctor Edward J. Don- nelly, surgeon of Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves, of Pittsburg, served in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac and at his post of duty on the battle- field, relieving the badly wounded. He was captured and taken prisoner by the enemv several times, declinino- to abandon the wounded. DR. JAMES McCANN. OFFICIAL REPORT GETTYSBURG. Report of Colonel Kenner G.\rr.\rd, One Hundred and Fortv-sixth Regi- ment New York Inf.\ntry, Commanding Third Brigade. Headquarters Third Brigade. Second Division. Fifth Army Corps. Camp near Berlin, Aid., July 16. 1863. Sir: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the Third Brigade in the late battle near Gettysburg : On the 'id instant, after changing position several times in the early part of the morning, the Brigade with the Division remained idle, lying by their arms until about 4 p. m. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 201 At this time the Brigade was moved rapidly forward (most of the time at the double-quick) nearly one and one-half miles, when it came under the fire of the enemy's musketry ; at this point the leading regiment, under the direction of General Warren, Chief Engineer Army, of the Potomac, was led to the left up on what is known as Round Top ridge. Hazlitt's Battery ascended the ridge im- mediately in the rear of this regiment (the One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volunteers, Colonel P. H. O'Rorke, commanding) and went into battery on the summit. The One Hundred and Fortieth was formed in line, and was im- mediately closeh' engaged with the enemy at short musket range on the left slope of the ridge. A portion of the First Division, Fifth Army Corps, was engaged to the left of the ridge, and this regiment and Hazlitt's Battery were brought up to assist the First Division in repelling a heavy assault of the enemy, with the evident design of gaining this ridge. Colonel O'Rorke was mortally wounded at the head of his regiment, while leading it into action. The other regiments. One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York \'olunteers and the Ninety-first and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania \'olunteers, were led to the right and front some dis- tance and formed in line in a narrow valley to support a portion of the Third Corps and Watson's Battery, then severely pressed by the enemy. Before be- coming engaged, however, orders were received for these regiments to return at double-quick to Round Top ridge, and secure and hold that position. The Ninety-first was posted on the left of the battery connecting with the One Hun- dred and Fortieth : the One Hundred and Forty-sixth and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were posted on the right, extending from the battery on the summit along the crest of the ridge to the gorge on the right. As soon as the regiments had their positions, men from each regiment were advanced down the slope to the front in among the rocks and together with those in line on the crest actively en- gaged the enemy during the rest of the day. At night this ridge, naturally strong, was strengthened by building a stonewall about half way down the slope wherever the rocks offered no protection to the men. The next day the Brigade remained in the same position and, though under the shells of the enemy and exposed to their sharpshooters, it was not engaged to any extent. When the Brigade and Hazlitt's Battery seized this ridge, it was done under a heavy musketry fire and was entirely unoccupied, excepting by a part of the First Division, on the extreme left, and I am gratified to report to the General commanding the Division, that the order to secure ami hold this ridge was faithfully executed. At no time during July 2d, 3d and 4th, after its position was assigned it, did any regiment of the Brigade leave its place, excepting at the time of the heavy assault, a portion of some of the regiments advanced to the front down the slope of the ridge, in order to have a better fire at the enemy. A few moments after General Weed, the Brigade Commander, had placed his command in position on this ridge, he was mortally wounded, on the summit near the Battery. Lieutenant Hazlitt, commanding the Battery, while offering his assistance to General Weed, fell, mortally wounded. I am pleased to report that all the regiments performed their duty well, and 303 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. that during the two days' battle, the officers and the men conducted themselves in the most praiseworthy manner. A report of the casualties has already been furnished. \'ery respectfully, your obedient servant, K. Garrard. Colonel One Hundred and Forty-sixth New ^'ork Volunteers, Commanding ESrigade. Geot?ge Rvax, Captain and A. A. A. G., Second Division, Fifth Army Corps. GEN. VINCENTS MONUMENT. 83RD PA. VOLS. Simultaneous with the advance of Weed's Brigaile with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers storming of Little Round Top on July 2d, under direction of General Warren, the Eighty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, led by Colonel Strong Vincent, was storming the opposite side of the mount, and met with fierce resistance from Confederate sharpshooters and a UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 303 hand-to-hand encounter (hiring which the brave Colonel \ iiicent fell, mortally wounded. He survived, however, long enough to receive direct promotion to a Brigadier-Generals rank, by telegraphic order of President Lincoln. Pennsylvania has erected a magnificent motuiment on Round Top to his memory and that of comrades of the 83d, who also fell in the battle. Colonel Vincent, as Brigade commander, spoke his last words in action to Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain, of the Twentieth Alaine \'olunteers, who assumed ■command of the Brigade on the fall of Vincent early in the battle. The heavy volleys of O'Rorke's regimet.t. (Dne Hundred and Fortieth New York, in the advance of \\'eed's brigade on the summit of the ridge was heard by Chamberlain, as his men engaged in a hand-to-hand conflict with the Texan troops of Longstreet's corps on the left slope of Little Round Top. It ended b}- Cham- berlain's, at the head of the Twentieth Maine, leading a successful bayonet charge against the Confederate column which was seeking to pass through the gap be- tween Little and Big Round Top Mountains, and thereby outflank the Union po- sition. The losses of \\'eed's and Vincent's Brigades were unusually heavy in this action, the destructive aim of the enemy's sharpshooters adding to the number of casualties. The late Lieutenant Arthur W. Bell, of the One Hundred and Fifty-tifth Regiment, who was in charge of the Ambulance Corps of \\'eed's Brigade, states in his report, that between 4 p. m. of July 3d and 3 a. m. of the 3d, the stretcher- bearers removed from the rocks and fields of the positions occupied by the bri- gades of Weed and \'incent over thirteen lumdred wounded. Retreat of Enemy Discovered. The picket firing continued all day of the 4th between the two armies. Re- connoitering parties of United States Regular cavalry had been sent out by General Meade at intervals during all day of the -Ith, and at dark the officers in charge reported to General Meade that the enemy still occupied all their works and picket lines, with no evidence of their abandoning anv portion of the same. Before daylight of the •'Jth Meade and all his stat¥ were awake and alert for action. General Warren, accompanied by Captain E. B. Cope, A. D. C, was dis- patched to make observations of the enemy's movements from Little Round Top as soon as daylight would allow a view. There, surrounded by the men of W'eed's Brigade, still fast asleep in their water-soaked blankets, Warren, with his powerful field glasses, made important ■observations which caused him for confirmation to ride to the advanced picket lines of Wright's division of the Sixth Corps. This division then occupied the Peach Orchard, the scene of the great fight of the Third Corps on July 2d. War- ren then made a personal reconnoissance across the picket line and out along the Emmittsburg Road and found all the positions of the enemy deserted, and that Iiee's entire army and trains had. under cover of darkness and of the heavy rains, retreated during the night. Warren, on this discovery, rejoined Captain Cope on Little Round Top and at once, representing Meade, delivered to General Sedgwick orders to have the Sixth Corps, then in reserve, immediately to march in pursuit of the retreating Confederate army. On Warren's reporting the retreat of Lee's army. General Meade dispatched his cavalry in pursuit. 204 L'XDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Chapter X. RETREAT OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY. Confederate Army Retreats Across Potomac. — Regulars Sent to New York. — Execution of Five Deserters. — Army of Potomac and Confederate Army Maneuver for Position. — Union Army Moves Toward Orange Court House. — Preparations for Battle. — Union Army Withdraws. — Winter Quarters at W'arrexton Junction. — Incidents of Mine Run Campaign. — Colonel Edwin M. Gregory, of Ninety'-first Pennsylvania, Becomes Com- mander OF Brigade. — New Year's Day, 1864. in Camp. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Receives Zouave Uniform. — Lieutenant-Colonel Pearson Assumes Command of Regiment. — Regiment Complimented for Proficiency Tactics by General Garrard. — Description of Zouave Uniform. — Religious Exercises in Camp. — Drowning of Captain Joseph B. Sackett, Command- ing Company E. — Lmpressive Military Funeral. — Regiment Transferred to First Brigade. First Division, Fifth Corps. — Major-General Gouveneur K. AX'arren SixcEEDs General Sykes as Commander of Fifth Corps. — Fare- well Address of Gener,al Sykes. — Orders Received to Break Camp. — Gen- eral Ayres Commands First Division, now Consolidated to Brigade. — -Fifth Corps Ca.mps for the Night on Outskirts of Wilderness. ^Jfe-S^^N THE morning of the 4th day of July, 1863, the Third Brigade, Sec- ■r^iw ""'-' Division, Fifth Corps, to which Colonel Kenner Garrard had Mr^X|M succeeded General Weed in command, together with the Sixth ' ^^^^^^ I'nited States Regulars of the Second Brigade, same Division, was ordered on a reconnoissance in front of Little Round Top. Moving about a mile to the frnnt, through the Wheatfield, it was found that Lee was still holding a strong position towards the center of the line, thus leaving the contested grounds of the battlefield of the three days previous all within the Union line, as stated, for a mile in front of Little Round Top. While this ad- vance of the Fifth Corps was being developed. General Slocum had made a reconnoissance on the right, and discovered that the Confederates had wholly withdrawn from the front of the right of the army. It is presumed that General Lee rather courted an attack from General Meade at this time, but the latter was too clear-headed to give up his defensive position when he knew that General Lee must attack him or run away. As already stated, the remainder of the 4th of July was fully occupied by the Union army in getting up its large wagon trains with supplies and ammunition, caring for the wounded, burying the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ^OS (lead, and putting things in order generally fur immediate pursuit of the Confederates. Instead of pursuing the Confederates on the direct line uf their retreat, the Union army made a flank movement by the east side of South Mountain. Lee's army, by direct march, reached Williamsport on the 7th of July, two days after retreating from Gettysburg, and finding that its pontoon bridge had been de- stroyed by the Union cavalry, and the river swollen to a height of seven feet by recent rains, immediately threw up intrenchments. and strongly fortified its position. The L^nion army, having crossed South Mountain, did not reach the vicin- JULY 4th. 1863' GENERAL ORDERS \ NO. 08. / •Tke Commanding General, in bebalf of the countiy, thanks the Army of the Po- yavoio for the glorious result of the recent operations. An enemy superior in numbers and flushed with the pride of a successful invasion, attempted to overcome and destroy thifl Army. Utterly baffled and defeated, he has now withdrawn from the contest. The privations and fatigue the Army haa endured, and the heroio courage and gallantry ij has displayed will be matters of history to bo ever remembered. Oar tasit is not yet accomplished, and the Commanding General looks to tho Army for greater efforts to drive from our soil every vestige of the presence of the invader. It is right and proper that wo should, on all suitable occasions, return our grateful thanks to the Almighty Disposer of events, that io the goodness of hia Providence He has.ibhoaght fit to give victory to tho cause of the just. liy command of MAJ. GEN. MEADE. S- "WiLUAMS, Asst. Adj. General Facsimile of Meade's announcement of his victory over Lee at Gettysburg. From ihe original id possession of Judge Samuel W. Pennypacker. ity of Williamsport until the l"3th, thus afifording the eneni)- nearly a week in which to further strengthen its works and prepare for an expected attack. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, in line of battle with other regiments of Ayres' Division, advanced several miles before coming into contact with the Confederates in their intrenchments. The Brigade and Division immediately began to fortify preparatory to assaulting the enemy's works. No movement was made, however, until the 13th of July, when the skirmishers along the line be- came engaged with the enemy and the Union troops prepared to make an assault. 30(i UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. No orders to attack, however, came before the morning of the 14th. when, on the advance of the Union troops, the Confederate works were found to be deserted, Lee's army having retreated across the Potomac at Falhng Waters, a short distance from Wilhamsport, during the previous night. The results of the campaign in pursuit of Lee by the Fifth Corps were several hundred prisoners captured from the enemy's rear guard before thev could cross the river. The Confederates also sustained a great loss in the death of General Pettigrew, who had led a brigade in Pickett's recent charge at Gettysburg. After crossing the enemy's works in the morning of the 14th, three brave boys of Company K — E. A. Calhoun and R. O. and G. H. Clever — while passing a house saw througli a window several Confederates enjoving a good breakfast before taking their departure for ^'irginia. The Company K boys captured the entire squad. Council of War. After a council of war on the night of the 13th of July, at which were present Generals John Sedgwick, John Newton, George Sykes, H, W. Slocum, O. O. Howard, D. B. Birney, G. K. Warren. Chief Engineer, A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Staff, H. J. Hunt, Chief of Artillery, and John Gibbon, succeeding Hancock in command of the Second Corps, the strength of the enemy's fortifica- tions and natural defenses were discussed, resulting in quite a division of opinion as to the chances of success in case of an assault by the Union army upon the Confederate strongholds. General Meade was from the first favorable to the assault, but was induced to delay by the many arguments adduced against it, until the end of the council, when he gave the order to attack. The 14th was spent in preparing for the assault : but when the advance was began no enemy was found, the Confederates having retreated during the night. The enemy's works were found to be of the most formidable character, ex- hibiting the highest military skill and engineering in construction. It was a matter of deep regret, in view of later developments as to Lee's condition, that he should have been allowed to escape once more to southern soil. There must have been a sting in the remark said to have been made by President Lincoln to General Aleade and his corps commanders shortly afterwards, that. " The fruit seemed so ripe, so ready for the plucking, that it was very hard to lose it." The next day, July 15th, the arm}' was again on the move, marching twenty-six miles across South Mountain. The next day the Fifth Corps moved down the Potomac to Berlin, and towards evening crossed the river on pontoons, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was again on " old Virginia soil." For the next few days the Fifth Corps moved along the Loudoun valley amidst the marvelous profusion of blackberries. The One Hundred and Fifty- fifth ate blackberries for breakfast, for dinner and for supper. There appeared to be berries enough to supply several armies. During the night bivouacs the UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. 207 -208 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. boys exercised llieir ingenuit}- in making blackberry shortcake out of crushed hardtack and berries. On the 24th of July, the Third Corps, commanded by General French, had a skirmish with the enemy at Wapping Heights, near Piedmont, in the mountains. Lee's army was retreating up the Shenandoah valley, and General Meade ordered General French to make a flank attack on the Confederate columns through a pass in the mountains. General French was so dilatory in obeying this order that the enemy's col- umns had all passed the point of the proposed attack before French reached the position. His advance consisted of a brigade of Hooker's old corps, who, as they moved forward toward the crest which the rear guard of Lee's troops was de- fending, coolly loaded and fired ; then ate blackberries a while ; then loaded and fired and moved onward and upward a few steps ; then ate more blackberries, all the while ridiculing their General. On the morning of the 2.5th of July, the Fifth Corps advanced in line of battle toward the Confederate position, but with the exception of some desultory skirmishing at a few points along the line with scouting parties of the enemy, no firing took place, the main body of the Confederate rear guard having retreated •during the night. After various marches and movements of little interest to the general reader, but very trying to the patience of the soldiers, the Fifth Corps and the other corps of the army retraced their steps through the mountain gap, and, moving by way of Warrenton, went into camp at Beverly Ford, on the Rappa- hannock, on August 6, 1863. Two Brigades United States Regulars Sent to New York. On the 13th of August, 1863, the two brigades of the United States Regu- lars, under General R. B. .\yres, were, with other troops, detached and sent to New York. It was expected that General Ayres' entire Division, with Garrard's Brigade and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, would be included in this New York detail, but at the eleventh hour the plan was changed and only the Regular brigades were sent. The object of this detail was to preserve and restore order in New York City after the reign of terror produced by the memorable draft riots. On the 20th of August, 1863, five deserters from the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania, belonging to the Fifth Corps, were executed. The solemn afifair took place in an immense meadow shaped like a large amphitheater. Orders were issued for the parading of as many regiments of the Fifth Corps as could be spared from picket and other duties. Five graves had been dug, and a coffin placed beside each grave. All were attended by ministers of their own faith — two being Catholic, two Protestant, and the fifth was a Jew. After the procession had been formed and the parade to the place of execution had taken place, the prisoners, riding in an open army ambulance, alighted and were UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 20» then seated on their coffins. The firing party, consisting of sixteen files of men, were drawn up in front of the place of execution, within sixty feet of the condemned men. The bearing of all these individuals was firm and steady, ex- cept the Jew, whose form of praying seemed to be hysterical, causing him to appear to be completely overcome. After a few minutes delay, the bugle sounded "attention," the signal f(ir the three chaplains to retire. The prisoners were then blindfolded, and the firing detail was marched to within ten paces of the prisoners, who were blindfolded, whilst a breathless silence pervaded the audi- ence of not less than ten thousand troops. " Ready! Aim! Fire! " rang out on the clear summer air, and the thirty-two muskets belched forth their flaming tongues, and the five men fell dead upon their coffins. But little time was lost, as the troops, playing lively airs, returned to camp. An apparent cessation of important movements of both the Union and the Confederate amiy now followed. On the 1.5th of September, 1863, General Halleck, by order of the President, urged General J\leade to move upon Lee's army, it being known that Longstreet's Corps had been detached from the Con- federate army and sent to Tennessee, and General Meade, therefore, issued orders for a forward movement. Then followed a series of maneuvering for position, and strategic tactics completely bewildering to the men in the ranks took place, without results, e.xcept over-marching and exhausting the troops. Both armies, like gladiators sparring for positions, frequently moved up and down the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, crossing the Rappahannock and Rapidan, and occupying and retreating from Culpeper alternately, so often as almost to be- come monotonous. In fact, from this time on until winter set in, the country about the Rappahannock and along the line of the Orange & Alexandria Rail- road became a chessboard on which General Lee and General Meade played a great game. It would be but a weary recital devoid of interest to the reader to narrate the many details of the movements of the rival armies during this period. It became a constant theme for newspapers in the North that the Army of the Potomac was simply a " police guard " for \\'ashington, and also urging that it should renew operations before another winter set in, when campaigning and marching of armies on \'irginia roads would be out of the question. MiXE Run Campaigx. — Bitter Cold. On the 7th of November, General Meade put his troops in motion to force a passage of the Rappahannock. By a brilliant charge at Rappahannock Station the Sixth Corps, supported by the Fifth, took the works and captured sixteen hundred prisoners. General David A. Russell, commanding the advanced Division of the Sixth Corps, was mortally wounded in the charge. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Ayres' Division were in the advance of the Fifth Corps in this action. The two corps then crossed to the south side of the river, and went into camp some four miles east of the railroad, occupying the log cabins constructed a few davs before bv the Confederates. As soon as the railroad 210 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 211 was repaired, General JMeade followed this move, by deciding to cross the Rapi- dan, and to advance rapidly towards Orange Court House. On the 23d of No- vember, therefore, marching orders were issued, but, a severe storm occurring during the night, the movement was delayed until the morning of the 36th. The Fifth Corps, imder General Sykes, crossed at Germanna Ford. On the 28th of November, disposition was made to attack the Confederates. After a march of several miles, the Confederates were found to have established themselves in strong fortifications on the west bank of Mine Run. The Fifth Corps moved and took position at four o'clock a. m., the SOth, in a thick forest immediately in front of Mine Run and the enemy's works. The opposite bank of Mine Run at this point had an elevation of over one hundred feet, with a gentle smooth slope to the creek of over one thousand yards. General Meade, having received favora- ble reports from his engineers, decided to make three assaults on the enemy's works — one on their left with the Fifth and the Sixth Corps, one on the center with the First and the Third Corps, and one on the Confederate right with the other corps, all under command of General G. K. Warren. After an inspection of the Confederate position. General Meade concluded to abandon the center attack, and to reinforce \\^arren's column with two divisions of the Third Corps, giving him nearly half the infantry under Meade's command. Orders were ac- cordingly issued. The battle was to be opened by the Union batteries on the left firing at eight o'clock a. m. on the 30th, this being a signal for General Warren to make the main attack ; and at nine o'clock, General John Sedgwick was to assault with his column. \\'arren Decides Enemy's Position Too Strong to Attack. Promptly at eight o'clock on the morning of the 30th, the Union batteries opened, the skirmishers of the First and the Third Corps advanced across Mine Run, and drove in the Confederate skirmishers, and every preparation was made by General Sedgwick and others for the assault. Fifteen minutes rolled by, yet nothing was heard from General \A'arren. Three-quarters of an hour passed and still nothing was heard from Warren, and General Meade was fretting like a war-horse under curb. At ten minutes to nine o'clock a dispatch was received by General Meade from General Warren to the effect that the position and strength of the enemy in Warren's present front seemed so formidable that he advised against making an attack ; that the full light of the sun showed him that he could not succeed. General Meade rode to General Warren's headquarters and, after inspecting the position of the enemy and concurring in the opinion of General Warren that it was hopeless to make an attack, reluctantly abandoned the assault: and, therefore, when night came, the Third, Fifth and Sixth Corps returned to their former positions. General Aleade, after mature deliberation, finding by this inspection that the Confederates had been working all night to render the only weak point in their position as strong as any other on their line, decided to withdraw his army. The newspaper war correspondents of the period bitterly arraigned General Meade for his action in abandoning the Mine Run campaign. These newspaper comments elicited a manly, courageous letter 212 UNDER THE [MALTESE CROSS. from General Meade, in which he declared that he stood ready at any time to surrender his sword and position as commander of the L'nion army rather than wilfully to sacrifice the precious lives of the men of his command unneces- sarily or without hope of great gain to the country. On the abandonment of the Mine Run campaign, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was, on the 2d of December, 18G3, back at Rappahannock Station with the remainder of the corps. The day following the Regiment moved to Warrenton, and was assigned the duty of guarding the Orange & Alexandria Railroad. On this duty the Fifth Corps was disposed of by brigades at intervals along the line from Brandy Station to Fairfax, and in these winter camps the annals of the Regiment for 1863 closes. \\'inter quarters were enjoyed, with all the pleasures and duties incident to the camps, until i\Iay 2, 1804, when, under General Grant, a new campaign was initiated in the Wilderness. Incidents or the Mine Ri'n Campaign. To the One Hundred and l''ift}"-fifth Regiment the experience at ]\Iine Run was unique in the extreme from the fact that after the most extensive prepara- tions for a battle had been made by the commander of the army under most cheerless and discouraging circumstances, no battle was fought. Scarcely had the movement of the army for Mine Run been undertaken by Meade, at the end of a month of beautiful weather, so well suited for campaigning, flian the most miserable, uncomfortable and finally distressingly cold, freezing weather set in, embarrassing movement and causing the greatest suffering and also a shortage of rations. When General Sykes, commanding the Fifth Corps, had massed his column of ten thousand picked men, concealed in the woods in front of the stream known as Mine Run, a magnificent view was afforded the troops of the fortified camps and positions occupied by the Confederate army in winter quarters. It was noted that the small stream had been dammed in front of the Confederate positions, thus producing so good a stage of water as to prevent a crossing im- mediately in front of their positions. On the opposite banks of the stream many large trees had been chopped down and the limbs trimmed and placed as a cordon of obstructions which the attacking party would be compelled to climb over to take the works : also there was an area of ground in front of the Confederate fortifications of a half mile in width, necessary to be crossed under the complete range of the many batteries which frowned from the ramparts of the enemy's fortifications. After witnessing these bulwarks of the enemy, many a veteran's mind, unbidden, averted to thought of similar embankments and ter- raced works surmounted with Confederate guns faced by them at Fredericksburg. The order issued to General Sykes required a picked body of troops, ten thousand strong, to form in the adjacent woods, concealed from the enemy, there to re- main ready on the signal to charge these extraordinarily strong fortifications of the enemy. The assaulting columns would have been obliged to cross the stream of Mine Run in plain view of the enemy, to reform in line of battle after crossing, to climb over the chevaux-de-frise and other obstructions defending the enemv's UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 313 works, and then to march across the open plain in direct and enfilading range of the enemy's batteries. The tortures of the zero weather were aggravated by the prohibition of the generals in command that to conceal the presence in the woods of so large a body of Union troops prepared to charge, no fires to cook coffee or other warm food should be allowed, lest the curling smoke from the same should be discovered by the enemy, and make known the position of the hostile hosts gathering to as- sault their works. One Hundred and Fiftv-fiftii Chosen fok Storming Column. — Chaplains ON Duty. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was selected for the post of REV. C. L. EGAN. Chaplain of Griffin's Division. honor in the storming column on the works at Mine Run. Knapsacks were un- strung and piled up in the rear. The faithful Regimental Chaplain, Doctor Mateer, appeared and volunteered his services to take charge of the spare funds and keepsakes of any of the Regiment who desired it, and also pinned the name of each soldier to the lapel of his blouse, in view of the expected charge and the extreme probability of its heavy mortality to the ranks of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, so that the bodies of the slain could be thus identified. The Ninth Massachusetts Regiment, also selected for the storming column, being mostly composed of Irish citizens of Boston, Mass., had a Catholic chaplain. Reverend Father C. L. Egan. who publicly admini-^tered the ceremony provided by his 214 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. church, of prayers of absohition to all soldiers going into battle. This venerable chaplain, standing on a stump or cliff in the woods, publicly invoked the blessing of Almighty God on all the troops there massed, and eloquently prayed for the success of the Union army. He also invoked divine forgiveness of sins to all present about to offer their lives for their country. This scene was most im- pressive and inspiring, irrespective of creed. Many thousands of troops knelt in reverence to the good man's prayer that God might forgive them all their sins. No signal for the charge reached the troops selected and thus massed for the attack. As the day wore on and the suft'ering from the cold and exposure became intense, as a culminating incident to the interesting situation of the troops thus awaiting the order for the attack, the medical supply wagons and ambulances, with the corps of doctors and stretcher-bearers, arrived in the same woods in the rear of the troops. The medical supply wagons, with surgical instruments and other material, were at once unloaded and tents for field hospitals were immediately put up in plain sight of the troops, all of which was far from in- spiring, the only gruesome particulars omitted from this depressing proceeding being coffins and ready-made graves. The assaulting column, however, remained until nightfall, when it was understood that a further inspection of the enemy's lines by General Warren, who had been given command of the charging columns to open the attack, had revealed the fact that the enemy had discovered, as Warren had reported to General Meade, the weakest part of their defenses, and that the enemy had occupied the night previous in strengthening that particular point ; so that when the fog subsided in the morning and Warren and his scouts renewed their inspection, preparatory to giving the signal agreed upon for the assaulting columns, Warren made the report already quoted to General Meade, and the attack had to be abandoned. Thus, in no previous battle in which the Regiment had participated had there been such elaborate preparations, or such harrowing accompaniments or such manifest determination of the men to make the attack, as marked Mine Run ; and yet it was a battle that never came oft', although it is inscribed upon the Regimental colors. It deserves, however, to rank as a great battle, for the suff'erings endured and for the maiiuenance in position for the attack in plain view of the enemy for so long a period. The Confederates never left their formidable works to make an attack or an advance at ]\Iine Run against Aleade's army. The only hostile demonstration was, in their anxiety to find out what was in the dense woods sheltering the storming column in which the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth was assigned, the shelling of these woods by the Con- federate batteries, which during the day dropped several shells into the same, in military parlance was merely intended as " feeling for the enemy." It was most fortunate for the Union arms, as the sequel showed, that no battle was fought by General Meade at Mine Run, as the Confederates had de- voutly prayed that he should do, for it would have been an engagement under most adverse and discouraging circumstances, and quite likely attendetl with great loss of life and the accomplishment of little good. MINE RUN— 1908. Sweet little ^lajnr, Ik- mniiiits nn' knee. And the tender blue eyes look at me. " Tell nie. l'a])sie. just once more. \\'hat did }-ou do when \-ou went to war?" ■' Say. tell me, Papsie. .sav von will — How many Rebels did yoii kill ? " So I told him the Iriiih. or near as might be- .~ls iiiaiiy of tlwDi as tlicy did of inc. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 315 Union Army Returns to Old Camps. — Re-enlistments Set In. As so many of the three-year troops' terms were then expiring and the Gov- ■ernment was anxious to secure their re-enlistment, a disaster at Mine Run, and probable repetition of Fredericksburg, would have so discouraged re-enlistments that it would have been a most serious detriment to the country. As it was, the army returned jubilant to its camp because no battle had been fought, and the next four months, hostilities being suspended by both armies, was spent in winter quarters most enjoyably, and re-enlistments for another three years of the men whose terms were expiring, became very popular, and benefited the Government •enormously in securing the continuance of trained soldiers in the field. The Mine Run campaign will be memorable to all the participants because of the thousands of Union soldiers in the woods where their guns were stacked, who might be seen, because of the extraordinary cold and absence of fire, chasing each other around the trees, keeping up the action all day, to keep themselves warm and their blood from freezing. Notwithstanding this, there was very great suffering and some loss of life from exposure. An Exciting Incident. On the march to Mine Run an incident occurred out of the ordinary which shows the boldness of the enemy. With Meade's army of eighty or ninety thousand men on the march for Mine Run, were their immense wagon-trains oc- cupying many miles in length, sandwiched between each infantry division column, conveying ammunition and rations, each army corps occupying perhaps ten miles of the line of marching. The division and corps wagon-trains were guarded by a regiment at the head and one at the end of each mile of trains. In addition to these front and rear guards for each mile of trains, individual and pioneer guards accompanied the wagons as protection, the teamsters also being well armed. In passing on the march beyond Culpeper, on the way to Mine Run, this im- mense column of cavalry and infantry, batteries, ammunition and commissary wagons, sub-divided into sections and guarded as described, was attacked by a regiment of Confederate cavalry, which had lain in ambush watching for a weak spot in the lines of train guards. The enemy dashed out in force, and succeeded in surprising and capturing the Federal train guards, pioneers, teamsters and a •dozen or more loaded army wagons, all belonging to Ayres' Division, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was serving. Among the wagons captured were several containing General Ayres' dress uniform and sword, as well as ample supplies of " commissary " for the General and his staff. Before the Union troops, marching in the front and the rear of this train, with infantry supports, could be rallied to the rescue, the Confederate raiders succeeded in escaping with all their plunder, taking the teamsters, wagon-guards and also a number of Union soldiers, prisoners. General Ayres, being, at the time, in command of a division of United States Regulars, received little sym- pathy from the volunteers, whom the regulars were forever charging with care- lessness and want of military sagacity. 216 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Rejnolds Fox, of Company H, a faithful private of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, was captured in this Confederate cavalry ambuscade of Ayres' wagon- trains on the march to Mine Run, and died at Andersonville, August 23, 1864, being buried in grave 6,649. After enduring the miseries of the night march in zero weather, on the return from Mine Run, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other troops were allowed to light fires in the morning. The severity of the frost and the miseries of the night march in the freezing weather, bore a wonderful resemblance in the minds of many at the time to the description of Napoleon's historic winter retreat from Moscow, though neither Cossacks nor Confederates harrassed or in any way disturbed the slow retreat of General Meade's army. At Brandy Station the army reached the very familiar Orange & Alexandria Railroad, where the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth crossed the Rappahannock. This crossing by actual count made the fourteenth time that the Regiment, during 1863, in its campaigns back and forward in that section of Virginia, had crossed and re-crossed that historic stream. The supply of eight days' rations with which the troops had been supplied on the reconnoissance to Mine Run became exhausted before the expiration of that period, and the miseries and discomforts of the severe winter weather were aggravated by the agonies of hunger affecting most of the troops before they reached camp or met the long-looked-for commissary, and again had their empty haversacks refilled. After a two-mile march from the Rappahannock along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad on December 3, 1863. the Regiment and the ac- companying brigades halted, and a most welcome distribution of rations took place. The next morning the march along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad to- wards Washington was resumed, passing Bealton Station, and halting at Warren- ton Junction, the place destined to be the winter quarters of the Regiment for some months following. Winter Of.^RTERS at W.\rren'to.\ Junction. The Fifth Corps was detailed all along this railroad to guard and protect it from the raids of Moseby's guerrillas. Warrenton Junction and vicinity was assigned to the care and observation of General Garrard's Brigade, of Ayres' Division, with which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was serving. Orders were given, on December 5th, to lay out the Regimental camp and to locate head- quarters of the Regiment. This involved the going of the men of each mess to the near woods, to cut, split and carry in timber necessary for the log huts of which winter quarters were to be formed. The camp was laid out in regular streets, the company officers' quarters being at the head of the streets, with non- commissioned officers next, followed by that of the privates. The architecture of these structures, although primitive, was uniform in style, being limited to space sufficient for three men occupying a joint bunk, and having a fireplace of old-fashioned style, and a chimney which frequently failed to carry upward all the smoke. No fenders, tongs, or mantlepieces graced the -fittings of the fireplace. The interior was free from anything like cupboards or boxes. The canteens UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Sir K H < 2 218 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. were hung upon the floor. The cooking utensils were very limited in number and primitive in style, the same tin bucket in which the meals and coffee were cooked, with scant rinsing from the limited supply of water, being made to do duty in cooking soups, boiling beans, or dried apples, making rice puddings, stewing elderberries and many other purposes. The only art decorations on the walls of the quarters consisted of cuts from Harper's and Leslie's, war pictures illustrating desperate cavalry charges and infantrj' engagements. The nncarpeted floors were composed of split timbers. The fires were made of sticks and logs of wood, the cordage of the same being under the bed to prevent being appropriated by mistake. The pitched roof of the huts were made of canvas tents furnished by the Government. Sometimes to keep the light from shining through the transparent white canvas after the- " tattoo " had sounded " lights out," the occupants, desiring to continue games of euchre or " penny-ante " after hours, would throw heavy blankets over the roof to shut oft the light from the '" Officer of the Day " charged with the en- forcement of camp orders after " tattoo " had been >ounded. The actual work of making these quarters fell very hard upon the city-bred boys in the companies because of their total non-familiarity with the use of hatchets, axes, or picks, or the tools necessary to build the quarters ; but the tie of comradeship was so strong that the woodsmen from the country com- panies, familiar with this sort of labor, cheerfully aided the inexperienced town- boy soldiers in the construction of their quarters. The streets of the camp were wide and commodious and policed regularly by the removal of all garbage. The chimneys on these structures or huts in the camp were unique features. A beer keg or cracker bo.x or any other kind of keg or box possible to obtain was considered a proper crowning article for the chimney surmounting the fireplace of the soldier's hut. When these could not be obtained, " hardtack " boxes were sometimes strengthened and used for the same purpose, and both forms of chim- neys served their purpose very well, although it must be admitted that all the smoke created in the soldiers' quarters did not go up the chimney. Life in Wixter Quarters. — AMrsE.MEXxs, Etc. Strong temptations were offered, as in Camp Humphreys of the previous year, and in fact, were often yielded to on many occasions in this winter camp by mischiveous comrades, to play jokes upon the inmates through the use of these chimneys. Long after " tattoo " and the occupants of the quarters had retired, the fire in the primitive fireplace being well slacked so as to keep the interior warm, the midnight guard called to leave camp for duty, before going^ to his distant post, would place a plank or board on the top of the chimney, thus soon driving all the smoke inside. The mischievous guard, in the meantime hav- ing proceeded to his post of duty out of camp limits, would be beyond suspicion, or, in case of being accused, would have a good alibi, when the irate inmates, nearly suffocated, would rush out of their huts and denounce the villainous deed, and the orderly sergeant or some other officer would be aroused to hunt for the invisible demon who, of course, could not be found. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 219 FIFTH CORPS BRIGADE COMMANDERS. 230 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. This form of disturbing the sleeping inmates was varied by the outgoing midnight guard's occasionally taking from his sixty rounds of ammunition a handful or two of cartridges, which, putting in a paper and tying with a string, he would lower down through the chimney to the slacked fire, when in a short time an explosion would follow from the discharge of the cartridges. During the excitement sure to succeed the explosion, the mischiveous guard would escape to his post of duty some distance beyond the camp limits, and of course all trace of the offender would be lost. From this camp. Colonel Kenner Garrard, of the One Hundred and Forty- sixth New York Volunteers, who, as senior Colonel, on the "M of July, had suc- ceeded to the command of the Brigade, took his departure as Brigade comman- der, having been promoted to a Brigadier-Generalship, and assigned to the com- mand of a division of cavalry in the Western army, where he later earned great distinction with Genera! Sherman. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment in particular owed General Garrard a debt of gratitude for the personal interest manifested by him in the welfare of the Regiment, and in enabling it to earn the high distinction it subsequently gained under Colonel Alfred L. Pearson. Colonel E. AI. Gregory, Commaxding Ninety-first Pennsylvania A'olun- TEERS, Succeeds General Garrard. General Garrard, as commander of the Brigade, was succeeded by Colonel Edward M. Gregory, of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, a popular and brave officer. Colonel Gregory subsequently became equally noted in the army for his zeal as a Christian worker, often varying the duties of military life by preaching and conducting prayer-meeting services at his own brigade head- quarters, and also at company and regimental meetings of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. The Ninety-first Pennsylvania, Colonel Gregory's own regi- ment, which had been recruited in the famous Moyamensing district of Phila- delphia, aiTorded a fine field for Christian missionary work for Colonel Gregory. The men composing the regiment, although being splendid fighters, were far from being angels, or piously inclined. In this camp Colonel Gregory started a religious revival in the ranks of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, which lasted for several weeks, and won a great many converts to experience religion. It is but proper to credit Companies K and G, of the Regiment, with these pious awakenings and converts. That extremes would meet on the subject of religious enthusiasm, even in the same companies, is made appai^ent on the perusal of a diar}' of a most worthy and exemplary Christian soldier of Company D, the late Corporal M. V. B. Sallada, which was submitted to the compilers of the Regimental history. In this journal there appears the solemn record entered under date of January 21, 1864, Camp Warrenton Junction, " The company was paid off to-day, and went on a general drunk." This was followed by a second entry on the same date, " Eight p. ii., held prayer-meeting services, conducted by Peter Tippin." Earlv in December, while in these winter quarters, the Regiment was called upon to witness on verv short notice the execution of a private soldier of the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 321 Eleventh United States Regular Infantry, convicted of desertion. Like the former executions previously described, General Sykes' entire division was drawn up in the three sides of a square to witness the sad ceremony. It was an af- fecting scene, and happily the last to be witnessed by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth during the remainder of its term of service. On December 26th, Companies E and K packed up and relieved part of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania on guard duty at Catlett Station, on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad. These companies went into the quarters of the Ninety- first Pennsylvania, which had been moved out that day, but the enjoyment of these fine winter huts by Companies G and K was of short duration, as within twenty-four hours they were sent to Bristoe Station, and at the end of three weeks were marched back to the Regimental camp at \\'arrenton Junction. Orders Allowing Ten-d.\y Furloughs Issued. In this camp, while the army was resting. General Meade, to add to the good feeling prevalent in the camps of his army, and to encourage re-enlistments, which the Government was most anxious to take place, issued orders that ten- day fiirloughs would be granted to worthy soldiers of each regiment, the only condition being that some good reason must be assigned in order to obtain the furlough, and that onl)' seven applicants should be absent from the regiment on furlough at any one time. As the precise reasons on which furloughs were to be granted were not specified, but were left to the discretion of the applicant, the greatest variety of declarations as to the urgency and necessity of the fur- lough was embodied in the petitions in order to insure the success of the request. The formality required in the application for a furlough was a respectful letter from the soldier to the Colonel of his regiment, who in turn, if the application was approved, forwarded it to brigade headquarters with his endorsement. If the application was not approved by the Colonel, it went into the waste basket. At brigade headquarters the application for a furlough went through the same process of treatment, and if approved, was sent to division headquarters by the brigade commander with his endorsement. LTndergoing the same mode of treat- ment at division headquarters by the division commander, the application was finally forwarded to corps headquarters. If, during its journey from the regi- mental headc|uarters to corps headquarters, the reasons assigned for wanting a furlough, were disapproved by the intermediate commanders, it found its way to the waste-basket. As a corps was composed of three divisions, each having twelve regiments and a number of batteries, the corps commander received for consideration over one hundred applications a day. At first, Major-General Sykes, commanding the Fifth Corps, undertook to read and pass upon the urgent reasons assigned, but the perusal of applications containing so many manifestly distressing cases of death, suffering and misery, necessitating the presence of the applicants at home, soon wearied General Sykes. After some weeks of this experience in reading the recitals in these applications, many of which he could not avoid suspecting as being fictitious, the General assigned the hundred or more daily petitions received, to the Adjutant-General 222 UNDER THE :\rALTESE CROSS. of the corps. In turn, this official struggled with the perusal of the harrowing reasons assigned for immediate furloughs, and wrestled with the puzzling prob- lems presented. After some weeks of this trying exrecise, the Adjutant-General, in turn, got rid of this duty by turning over subsequent applications to the enlisted men who were confidential clerks at corps headquarters. These clerks enjoyed the reading of the letters, being aware in many cases of the suspicious character of many of the contents. This task of reading the fabricated excuses finally became so monotonous that, for the peace and comfort of all concerned, the con- fidential clerks, to avoid reading the voluminous applications, decided to draw lots for the lucky seven, and the applications thereafter were decided in that way. New Year's in Camp. New Year's day, 1864, in this camp was made memorable to the men in the ranks by the presence of the Regimental sutler, who had on hand nice plump chickens at the cost of one dollar each, and fine fat turkeys at the price of six dollars a piece. Apples were sold by the sutler according to their size, and eggs according to their age. But prices did not deter the well-paid officers from in- dulging in both chickens and turkeys. There were very few messes of privates who could aft'ord the luxury of paying the prices demanded for the poultry. Uncle Sam, however, voluntarily distributed gratuitously old rye whiskey, styled " commissary," to the men, in honor of the day, in the proportion of one quart to twelve men. No excesses or abuse of this infinitesimal distribution of whiskey was apparent in the camp, and the best of feeling prevailed. The usual thoughts and reminiscences of the year just ended impressed the soldier, and thoughts of home and friends as well as anticipations of what the future might have in store for the Nation and for the individual in the army, also occasioned more than a passing thought. The day was also made memorable by the extremely cold weather, so intense as to prevent sleep. It was too cold even to sit before the fire. The boys on picket suffered very severely from this night's exposure. Jan- uary :3d was the first Sunday of the new year in this camp. Chaplain Mateer preached a sermon in the chapel, but the weather was so bitterly cold that the sermon had to be cut short and audience dismissed without the Doxology. COLOXEL JOHX H. CaIX RESIGNS. In this camp Colonel John H. Cain resigned the Colonelcy to resume business in Pittsburg, left in the hands of his partners on his entering the military service. Colonel Cain had risen from rank of private in the Twelfth Regiment Pennsyl- vania \'olunteers, in three months' service, to the Colonelcy of the One Hun- dred and Fift^■-fifth Regiment. He commanded the Regiment at Chancellorsville and elicited in official reports high commendations from both General Humphreys, commanding the Division, as well as from General ]Meade, in command of the Fifth Corps. He was also in command of the Regiment in the battle of Gettys- burg, where, on Little Round Top, he, with the Regiment, earned great dis- tinction. No more gentlemanly or popular commander ever served with the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 323 Regiment. Both officers and men were assembled to receive his cordial hand- shake — a farewell parting to the gallant officer. CoLO.XEL A. L. Pearsox Assumes Comm.\nd. Alfred L. Pearson, Lieut. -Col., was in Washington City when Colonel 'Cain's resignation was accepted, and he was at once commissioned Colonel and arrived in camp and assumed command. Colonel Pearson inaugurated more fre- ■quent drilling, and soon imparted enthusiasm and ambition to officers and men to win distinction for proficiency of drill and excellency of discipline. The promotion of Major John Ewing to rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and of Captain John A. Cline, to Major, soon followed, and gave great satisfaction as deserved recognition to worthy officers. Zouave Skirmish Drill. — Bayonet Exercise. — Target Firing. During the summer and fall previous, General Garrard had insisted upon the regiments of his brigade becoming perfect in the zouave drill and bayonet ex- ercise, and particularly in skirmish duties and target firing. So pleased was he with the efficiency attained by the regiments named that on his reports to General Halleck he received permission from Washington to offer as a prize for skill in the bayonet exercise and skirmish drill the French zouave uniform. The Gov- ■ernment accordingly ordered from Paris uniforms of that pattern for this t)rigade, in compliment and as a reward for the high efficiency achieved by all ZOUAVE BAYONET DRILL, PRIVATE JAMES P. O'NEILL. 224 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the regiments composing it in the drill and tactics so much desired by General Garrard. Every day in this camp, when the weather would permit, the Regiment had been deployed as a whole in open order and vigorously drilled by Colonel Pearson in the bayonet ex- ercise, resulting in the men becom- ing expert athletes in the use of the muskets and bayonets. There was no prouder officer in the army than Colonel Pearson on the day when these zouave uniforms were distributed as a prize to his Regi- ment : and in the orders read on dress-parade, Colonel Pearson con- gratulated the Regiment, and es- pecially the officers, for their close attention to the new tactics and the skill attained by the companies in the same. The e.xchange to the zouave uniform from the plain blue in- fantry uniform was enjoyed im- mensely b}' the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment, not only on account of their having earned the recognition, but also because of the great beauty of the uniform and the greater comfort and other advantages it possessed over the regulation uni- form. The zouave uniform may be described to those who have not seen pictures of it as being wide — very wide^dark blue knee-breeches with ma- terial enough in one pair to make two pairs of ordinary pantaloons, and shaped not unlike the bloomer costume worn by some women years ago. Next came the jacket of the same heavy, dark-blue material as the knee-breeches, and trimmed with yellow at the collar and the wrists and down the fronts. A feature of the uniform was the red flannel sash fully ten feet long and about ten inches wide. This sash was trimmed with yellow, and was wound around the waist of the soldier, adding much to the comfort, to the appear- ance and to the preservation of the health on marches and fatigue duties of the wearer. The foot-gear consisted of white canvas leggings, which came down over the shoes, and were buckled along the sides and around the ankles, reaching half wav to the knees, where the breeches were fitted into them. Lastly, m^'^ GEORGE M. SMITH. Regimental Bugler. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 225 HAWDON MARSHALL, Drum Major. -226 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the greatest and most impressive part of the uniform was the turban, after the Turkish plan. It was composed of a sash of white flannel about a foot wide and ten feet long, which would be nicely wound, so as to set or fit on a red fez skull -cap, to which was attached a blue tassel. This turban was seldom worn except ■on dress-parade or dress occasions : but the red fez cap with the tassel was always worn on fatigue or other duties. It took some time to get tised to this metamor- phosis, from the plain regulation uniform to the dudish colors and style of the zouave dress, and some most amusing contrasts were presented on the introduc- tion of this exchanged attire. The French soldiers, for whom this uniform was patterned and made, were, as a rule, much smaller in stature than the American soldier, and hence the imported zouave uniforms distributed, in many cases, were •entirely too short for the many giants in stature in the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment, and particularly in the companies where stalwart six-footers and ■over was the rule. First-Sergeant D. Porter Marshall, of Company K, being six feet nine inches in his stockings, had the greatest difficulty of any man in the Regiment in securing a zouave outfit to confonn to his stature. In contrast with Porter JNIarshall, the tallest man in the Regiment, was Private Tobias Diet- rich, of Company A, the shortest man in the command, who was awarded the longest pair of zouave trousers. There was no provision made in the army for a company or a regimental tailor, to cut down, enlarge, alter or mend uni- forms. Colonel Pearson, commanding, met the situation which faced Sergeant Marshall, the Regimental giant, by ordering the Regimental Quartermaster to issue two suits of zouave uniforms to the Sergeant, out of which he could at least make one suit nearly large enough to fit him. After some time, the Ser- geant presented himself in the new zouave uniform, presenting a most singular and grotesque appearance, on account of his stature and the novelty of the new uniform. ^^"hil^t this uniform had its advantages on the march and was comfortable on other occasions, occasionally it was found to have its drawbacks. Thus, on the march, if its wearers straggled, the singularity of their uniform distinguished them from all other soldiers, and aided in their detection. The ever-vigilant provost guards easily knew the camp locations of the stragglers, and easily identified them bv their peculiar uniform, whereas, has they been dressed in the ordinary regula- tion uniform, they would have escaped arrest. ]\IOSEBY AND HiS GUERILLAS. The guerillas under Moseby disturbed the even tenor of camp life, and in guarding of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad. One night, quite near the pickets of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, they captured a mail carrier near Bealton and killed him. The guerillas were pursued by guards of the Regiment, who captured two of them in possession of the mail which they had stolen. During this winter camp life many of the officers secured permission to have their wives visit the camp and share their headquarters. Among others who visited the camp, and enjoyed the dress-parades and reviews for a few days, were Mrs. Pearson, the Colonel's wife, and some lady friends. A few days, however. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ,237 ZOUAVE IN ACTION. 338 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. after these ladies left the Regimental headquarters. Aloseby's guerillas executed one of their frequent midnight raids. The guerillas, being dressed in Union uniform, went out and relieved the Union pickets, when, having secured charge of the picket line, they proceeded to raid the camp. They captured a Brigadier- General, two sutlers and a number of horses. Had they known it, and extended their raid a mile farther, they might have captured General Sweitzer and his good wife, who was at the time visiting the camp. An order was issued after these events withdrawing the permits for officers' wives to visit their husbands' headquarters because of the attending risk and danger. Religious Services. In this camp the religious fervor, resulting from the revivals which were inaugurated and maintained, culminated in the erection by the Regiment of a union chapel for the Christian Commission and the Regiment, under the direc- tion of the Regimental Chaplain, Reverend Doctor Mateer. The men vied with each other in their zeal in constructing this chapel, which was soon finished, be- cause of the lumber and material being so readily supplied over the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, which the command was engaged in guarding. This chapel was duly opened and prayer-meetings and Sunday exercises were regularly held in it for some weeks. The Reverend Constantine M. Egan, a Catholic priest, of Washington, D. C., through the petition of officers and men of the United States Regulars serving in the Fifth Corps, at General Griffin's request, was assigned to his headquarters. Father Egan had been given a commission at large to visit soldiers of his creed in the various camps, being assigned to no particular regiment, and serving with- out salary, in the performance of his mission. Reverend Egan called upon Colonel Pearson, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, who readily accorded him permission to hold services for the Catholic soldiers in the camp of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. The announcement was read by the Adjutant, John H. Irwin, at the usual dress-parade. Reverend Doctor Mateer, the Regimental chaplain, also cordially welcomed Reverend Father Egan, and tendered him the use of the Regimental chapel to conduct services and preaching during his visit. Colonel Pearson issued orders that all members of Father Egan's denomina- tion would be excused from guard or other duties from ten to two o'clock on the day of the celebration of services by Father Egan in the camp chapel. As all the boys liked to be excused from guard, fatigue and other duties in camp for the purpose of seeking amusements in card-playing, etc., in their quar- ters, and there being no orders how to test the faith of the soldiers deserving to be excused from duty, it was found that the entire Regiment, or a large majority of them, had suddenly professed the Catholic faith in order to secure exemption from duty, under pretense of attending divine service. Chaplain Egan's preach- ing was, therefore, well attended. He preached a plain, eloquent sermon from the gospel of the dav, exhorting all in patriotic terms to serve their coimtry faith- fully in its hour of great peril. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 329 M /:■ f :j>" «^. THE LONG AND THE SHORT, IN ZOUAVE UNIFORM. 230 UXDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Father Egan remained several days in cam]3. the guest of Reverend Doctor Mateer. It was an agreeable exhibition of Christian harmony to find these two ministers of different faiths working side by side, not only in the camp, but in the hospitals and on the actual battlefield, for the relief of the brave soldiers. Both these exemplary ministers frequently endured sacrifices on marches and exposures in battle as much as did the rank and file. Coincident with this religious revival in the cam]), it is to be regretted that the saving grace did not extend to some unregenerate individuals in the camp, who made up for the shortage of furniture in their winter quarters by midnight visits to the Regimental chapel, where they ])roceeded to lay their sacrilegious hands upon the nicely-planed boards out of which the pulpit was made, and feloniously carrying off the same, as was later discovered, to their tents and secreting them under their beds and blankets until the excitement of the vandalism had passed. The pulpit furniture, sad to relate, was then metamorphosed into tables for cards, meals and other profane purposes. The perpetrators were never discovered. Death of Captaix Sackett axd His Military Funeral. January 54, 18ii4. towards midnight, the intelligence reached the camp of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth of the drowning of Captain Joseph ]]. Sackett, commanding Company E, who had in the afternoon, in company with Quarter- master-Sergeant John H. Ralston, left camp on horseback to visit the United States Regulars, C)n returning to the camp of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth, about SI p. M., Captain Sackett lost his life in crossing Kettle Run. A heavy rain storm had come up while the Cap- tain and his companion were visiting the camp of the Regulars, which had caused the stream suddenly to rise, so that in attempting, on their return to camp, to re-cross at the same ford, the Captain's horse, in swimming, threw him oft' and kicked him, rendering him insensible and causing his drowning. Sergeant Ralston, on his horse, how- ever, reached the opposite shore in safety. A detachment of soldiers from the Regular camp recovered the Cap- tain's body soon after, and sent word of the accident to First-Lieutenant George ^L Laughlin, of Company E, in the camp of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Captain Sackett had been granted CAPT. JOSEPH B. sackett. fifteen days leave of absence at the time UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 331 of the accident, and intended to leave the next morning for Pittsburg. General Garrard issued orders to pay Captain Sackett the honors of a mihtary funeral from the camp of the Regiment to the railroad station, a mile distant. It was the first and only military funeral of an officer which the Regiment had been called upon to witness or participate in during its service. Whilst many officers of high rank and others had been slain in battle, the exigencies of the campaign did not permit of carrying out the regulations prescribed for military funerals occurring at posts or in military camps, as was the situation on the occasion of Captain Sackett's death. The entire Brigade was massed for the solemn occa- sion of the funeral, all except the Ninety-first Pennsylvania being attired in the new zouave uniform. The command of the funeral column was assigned by General Garrard to Colonel D. T. Jenkins, of the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York Volunteers. The body of Captain Sackett, enclosed in a handsome coffin, was borne upon an artillery caisson. The thirty-two musicians, with their instruments, composing the brass band of the United States Regulars, headed the cortege, and in compliment to the companionship, a regiment of the United States Regulars occupied a position in the funeral column. General Garrard, and all of his staff, with colors draped in mourning, participated in the procession. The sight was most impressive, the plain where the funeral procession was formed and paraded to the station afforded a fine view of the troops composing- the funeral cortege. The solemn strains of a dirge rendered by the band and the display of the entire Brigade troops not on duty marching with arms reversed and colors draped, and the escort of the United States Regular regiment, pre- sented a scene of grandeur and solemnity, and was a mark of honor and respect for Captain Sackett. Captain Sackett's command. Company E, was given the post of honor, being next the caisson carrying the remains in the procession. The remains were shipped to Pittsburg and there interred in the family lot in Allegheny cemetery. Captain Sackett was an unusually handsome officer, having commanded Company E with credit in the three great battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg. First-Lieutenant George ^L Laughlin succeeded Captain Sackett in command of Company E. Political \'isitors to C.amp. During the State campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania in 1863, the Legis- lature having passed a law enabling soldiers of the State serving in the armies of the United States outside of the State to vote for State officers, representatives of the State and of the political parties visited the camps in the Army of the Potomac, to distribute tickets as well as to do some electioneering, both parties being represented in the visiting delegates. Among those of prominence from Allegheny county, who thus visited the army camps of Western Pennsylvania soldiers, was a well-known divine. Reverend John Douglass. D. D., a retired Presbyterian minister of Pittsburg, who, in the political campaigns during the war, was quite active in addressing Republican meetings. On his army visit it is related that a very humorous episode took place in the camp of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, a great majority of whom were of the Democratic faith, having" 232 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. enlisted with Colonel Sam \\'. Black and J. Bowman Sweitzer. active leaders in the Democracy before enlisting in the service. Reverend Doctor Douglass was the guest of Colonel Sweitzer, enjoying the hospitality of his headquarters, which latter often included the best brand of Government " commissary." During a discussion of the relative merits of Democracy and Republicanism, and the Generals of both parties in the field, a warm debate ensued between the mighty host and his clerical visitor, lasting until the " wee sma' hours of the night,'" both combatants pugnaciously and aggress- ivel\' maintaining their diametrically conflicting views. The contest became so per- sonal that General Sweitzer felt constrained to warn the doughty divine that if it were not for his ministerial coat, he (Sweitzer) would thrash the life out of him for his unpatriotic utterances and denunciation of McClellan, Porter and other heroes of the war, who were of Democratic faith, and under whom Sweitzer had fought so inany campaigns. The Reverend Doctor Douglass, with true Irish courage, accepted the chal- lenge of Colonel Sweitzer, and declared that his ministerial coat need be no bar to determining right then and there the supreme question of the moment as to which of the two was the better man. Douglass whirled off his coat and defied Sweitzer, when the staff officer of the latter interfered and prevented the wordy combatants from coming to blows. In a day or two this incident was forgotten, and Colonel Sweitzer and Doctor Douglass ever after in Pittsburg, where they long survived the close of the war, continued the warmest of friends. Reviews, Drills, Amusements. February 11, 1864, will long be remembered by reason of a Brigade review, which was the first full-dress zouave review held in the Army of the Potomac. General Ayres, commanding the Division, was the reviewing officer, and he ex- pressed himself as well pleased, congratulating the officers commanding the Brigade. In this camp the Regiment had the usual out-door e.xercises — games of ball, pitching horseshoes, boxing, for which many had sent home for gloves ; sparring and wrestling matches, often took place. Fiddles that had been laid aside during the active campaigning, were unearthed ; cotillions, round dances and amusements generallv were invoked. The members composing the Regimental glee club of the ijrevious winter's camp, however, were missed. Colonel E. Jay Allen, himself a fine singer; Colonel John H. Cain, Adjiitant E. A. ^ilontooth, the leading per- formers in the concerts of the previous year, were absent, whilst George P. Ful- ton, Tallin Ralston, John H. Irwin. Sergeant Harry Campbell, Sergeant-Major Hawdiin ^larshall. Corporal Robert R. Gulp, and others survived, and gave the benefit of their music on the long winter evenings; yet the absence of the orig- inators i^f the glee club was felt. V'ALENTIXES IX C.\MP .\ND FRO.M HOME. .\ great season in this camp, however, was St. \'alentine's day, February 11th. The valentines sent and received bv the bovs added very much to the GRIFFIN'S DIVISION FLAG, March 24, 1864. to June 2. 1865. THE MAN WITH THE MUSKET. I knew him, I tell you ! And. also, I knew When he fell on the battle-swept ridge, That the poor battered body that lay there in blue Was only a plank in the bridge Over which some should pass to a fame That shall shine while the high stars shall shine ! ^'our hero is known by an echoing name, But the man of the musket is mine. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 333 revenues of the Postal Department, judging by their numbers. The sutler was supplied with a highly-colored assortment of humorous valentines. Sheets so prominent in the windows at home were in stock, and the sutler had large sales of them in this camp. Not satisfied, however, with these highly-colored pictures, many of the soldiers employed amateur artists and color-painters to make draw- ings and sketches suitable for sweethearts at home. The favorite drawing, in the absence of tin-types and photographs, was the cartoon-sketching of the soldier in the new zouave uniform, which afforded a fine field for the amateur painters in camp, using Osborn's water colors. These cartoons depicted the zouave in the attitude of resisting a cavalry charge, or bayoneting a fleeing Con- federate, etc. Lieutexant-Gexeral Grant ix Command. Early in !March, 1864, General Grant, who had been assigned to command the Army of the Potomac, passed the camp on the railroad, and, by many of the Regiment, a mental note was made of the significance of this arrival so near the approach of spring, and the conclusion was reached by all that it meant business of actual campaigning. On March 27th, at dress-parade, a notice was read by the Adjutant of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment that the Regiment had been transferred to the First Brigade of the First Division. Also that the Corps commander. General George Sykes, identified with the Fifth Corps from its formation, and commanding it at Gettysburg and up to the present time, had been transferred to the Western aimy; also that Major-General Gouverneur K. Warren had been promoted from Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac to succeed General Sykes as commander of the Fifth Army Corps. General Sykes was a most efficient and faithful officer in everj' battle of the Army of the Potomac, having won his fame and reputation as the commander of the United States Regulars. That General Sykes reciprocated the love and esteem the Corps had for him is shown by his farewell address, which was read to all the regiments at dress- parade, reading as follows : " Headquarters Fifth Army Corps, " March 24, 1864. " General Orders No. o. " Soldiers of the Fifth Corps: By direction of the War Department. I am relieved from duty with the Army of the Potomac. " In obeying an order so wholly unexpected. I part from you with the pro- foundest regret. We have been associated together since your organization as a corps ; we have shared all the campaigns of this glorious army and for months it has been my pride and distinction to be your chief. " The history of your achievements adds a lustre to the history of your country and in the great battle of the \^'ar. on the 2(1 of July, 1863, your heroism and valor indisputably saved the day. " I part from you feeling assured that your manly virtues, courage and patriotism will still be conspicuous in campaigns to come, and the insignia borne -334 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. upon your flags and worn upon your breasts, will, in the shock of battle, always be found in the thick of your country's foes. (Signed) George Sykes, Major-General. Last Days in Winter Quarters. In camp at Warrenton Junction, along the railroad, the Regiment passed the four winter months, a most pleasant and enjoyable rest. They had all learned from experience the life and duty of soldiers, and also the benefit of discipline ; and hence but little complaint or grumbling, such as had marked the dissatis- faction and discontent of soldiers in the early days of their enlistment, charac- terized this camp. The re-enlistments of the veteran regiments had been highly successful. Many recruits were sent to the decimated regiments of the Army ■of the Potomac, including the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth; and the army was brought to a high state of perfection, officers and men submitting to discipline, cheerfully and willingly undergoing the hardships incident to military life, -and looking forward to an early closing of the war in the approaching spring campaign. Lieutenant-Generaf. Grant Issues Marching Orders. May 1, 1864, orders were issued by General U. S. Grant, commanding the armies of the L'nited States, with headquarters with the Army of the Potomac, to break camp and to pack up and take up the march once more to cross the Rajipahannock river from Brandy Station, a distance of six miles, thus bidding farewell forever to our winter quarters and pleasant associations incident thereto. A feature on the resumption of campaign life is proper to mention here. It is the coincidence that while changes in the general officers from the highest to the lowest were constantly in progress by reorganizations and resignations, etc., reorganizations of the various messes of the enlisted men and non-commissioned officers in the commands were also taking place. Soon after enlistment the sol- diers selected their messmates, a mess being composed of two or three — generally three. No detail or assignments of messes was made by officers or others. The selections were amicable, being governed largely by congeniality. This frequently led to changes from disagreements, and but few of the original messes remained together even among the survivors until the end of the war. Many messes of three were wholly extinguished by the casualties of war though not always in one battle. Many other messes were broken up through sickness or ■disease causing deaths or discharges. Many more messes of three would be by promotions requiring a separation. Still more messes would be disintegrated by the detailing of members of the mess for special duty, such as guard-mount, •orderlies, clerks, hospital nurses, or other positions. Therefore, on this day, the breaking of camp on the resumption of the march marked as many changes in the formation of messes of both officers and men relatively as did the changes in the general army from Lieutenant-General Grant down. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 235 LIEUT. -GEN. U. S. GRANT. •236 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. May od. Ayres' Division, now consolidated to a brigade, after breaking up camp, slowly marched to Brandy Station, remaining there until about one o'clock, when the march was resumed at a slow pace. The column was halted near Culpeper, having accomplished six miles. This halt was supposed to be for the night, and the troops spread their ponchos on the ground and lay down for a night's rest, expecting no interruption until morning, although knowing that the march was to be resumed. This night, in view of the resumption of the campaign, the already heavily-laden knapsacks filled with trinkets accumulated in the four months of camp life, were overhauled with a view of making the same lighter by disposing of all unnecessary articles. !Many sat up late stripping their knapsacks of their contents for that purpose. Many more were in most earnest conjecture about the destination of the movement and the result of the same, in anticipation of meeting the Confederate army south of the Rapidan. Before the first sleep was had, about eleven o'clock, the Regimental bugle blew the familiar sound of " Pack up I Pack up! " No time was lost. It was a little past midnight before the column was in motion, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in its place in line. Daylight on May 4, 1864, found the column at Gernianna Ford on the Rapidan. Avres' Brigade was in advance, conse- quently the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was among the first to cross imme- diately after Sheridan's Cavalry, which had passed over at daylight, finding only a few Confederate pickets, who retreated without obstructing the way. Here, as they marched by at the Ford, the Regiment had a good view of General Phil. Sheritlan and his stall, who were halted near the Ford to allow the Fifth Corps to take position to follow the cavalry, and also to see that his cavalry wagon trains promptly followed the infantry column, .\fter crossing this Ford with the Corps the Regiment marched five miles, reaching the outskirts of the Wilderness at the intersection of the Germanna Plank Road and the Orange Court House Pike, where all the troops and the artillery seemed to camp. The spectacle on the plateau of several miles in extent selected for this night's camp for the arm)' was most remarkable and one which those witnessing it can never forget. It was a beautiful spring afternoon when the halt took place. The troops had had no fatiguing march, and were fresh and well rested by their long idleness in winter quarters, there being no stragglers. The breaking up of the winter camp and the present out-door life and the resumption of campaigning was most cheering and gratifying. Numerous fires were started, each mess prepared its meals leisurely, having an abundance of rations, and as stated, the troops were in magnificent spirits. The numerous brass bands of the United States Regulars and others attached to the divisions in the Fifth Corps were present in this bivouac, and bringing out their instruments, soon discoursed in- spiring music, adding very much to the animation of the occasion. The Cal^l that Preceded xfiE Storm. The Fifth Corps, which was thus camped on the edge of the Wilderness, was thirty thousand strong, and with the Corps artillery and teams and wagons all parked adjacent in that open country, as stated, mafle it a most remarkable UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 237 scene. The music of tlu- bands continued until the last ray of the setting sun had disappeared below the western sky and the shades of night had settled down upon the camp. Everything was indicative of peace, comfort and good cheer. No hostile sound or report from the enemy, who had fallen back quietly from the Ford and allowed Grant's columns to come unresisted to the Wilderness, had yet been heard. All was quiet and still in that dense underwood and jungle, or ground known as the Wilderness, except the song of the whip- poor-will and the occasional screeching of an owl. Where was the enemy? Why did the Confederates allow the crossing of the river by Grant's columns without resistance? Their silence was ominous. Usually in war the crossing of streams at the fords i> resisted, and works and ramparts are erected by the enemy to prevent the crossing by their foes. Yet the Confederates ofter no resistance and even abandon their defenses constructed at the Ford. Undis- turbed. Grant's army, thus halted and in bivouac, at the usual sound of " tattoo " at ten o'clock, lights went out and the troops retired and slept as soundly and peacefully as in any camp during their service. No enemy disturbed their slumbers, and but few had premonitions or discussed the prospects of the next day, or anticipated the terrible fighting in the Wilderness. The holocaust that closed the ne.xt day's lighting was in awful contrast to the already described peaceful surroundings of the troops on retiring this evening. The movements of that part of Grant's army as the troops packed up from their bivouacs and camps along the C)range & Alexandria Railroad where they had wintered, had been closely watched by the Confederate scouts and pickets, and more especially from the signal stations on Cedar and Pony Moun- tains, in the vicinity of Brandy Station and Culpeper. General Lee, in his fortified camp and winter ()uarti_-rs at Alinu Run and Orange Court House, was supplied with reliable information of every movement of the Army of the Potomac. No one knew this better than did General jNIeade, the commander, who, upon consultation with Lieutenant-General Grant, the new commander, directed General A. A. Humphreys, the able and efficient Chief-of-Stafif of the Army of the Potomac, to prepare and submit a project for the opening cam- paign in the spring of 18Gi. General Humphreys accordingly prepared a project that was approved by Generals Grant and Meade. To prevent the enemy from discovering the real intention of the Union commanders in the campaign about to open, no attempt at first was made by night marches or through woods to conceal the movements of the Second. Fifth. Si.xth and Ninth Army Corps, or of the cavalry. On the contrary, in broad daylight, these Corps, with the cavalry, aggregating on the army rolls at that date, over one hundred and thirty thousand men. broke camp and by slow and easy marches, commencing on April .30th, advanced to the Rappahannock, laid their pontoons and continued their advance through the pickets of the enemy south of the Rappahannock, halting at Brandy Station a day or two, and ex- tending their columns as far as Culpeper. This route was entirely in the oppo- site direction from where Lee's entire army was located, and threatened a march to Richmond away from the Wilderness or the subsequent movements of the Union army into the A\'ilderness on the Spottsylvania route. The miles of am- ■rSS UNDER THE I\1ALTESE CROSS. munition trains and man}- more miles of supply-wagon trains and quarter- master trains, together with the long column of artillery composing the one hun- dred or more batteries of the Amiy of the Potomac, not to mention the superb cavalry divisions of Generals Gregg, Merritt and Custer, and their wagon trains, must have attracted in the week occupied in the change of base the serious attention of General Lee and his vigilant vienerals. This open display of the movement of the Army of the Potomac as facing Richmond, indicating to the enemy an advance southward and away from the old battlefields of the ^^'ilderness and Chancellorsville after the movement had been started, was all suddenly changed. When nightfall came on the evening of the 3d of May, the Second, Fifth, Sixth and the cavalry corps, in advance, under Sheridan, were ordered, in conformity with the plan of campaign, to march to the Rapidan. and there to cross — Hancock's Corps at Ely's Ford, where the trains had delivered pontoons for bridges ; the Fifth and the Sixth Corps on pontoon bridges laid at Germanna Ford. General \\'ilson"s Cavalry Division led the advance of the columns across the Rapidan, meeting with no resistance except the feeble fire of a few Confederate pickets occupying the fortified points at the fords mentioned. The Ninth Corps, thirty thou- sand strong, under General A. E. Burnside. followed the Fifth Corps, under General Warren, and the Sixth Corps, under General Sedgwick, at Germanna Ford. General Grant's Movement to Wilderness Successful. The movement projected by General Humphreys for the various corps was carried out very successfully, being executed with precision and promptness, every corps and column of troops and the vast army trains occupying miles and miles of roads, and pai^ks of artillery, were found to be posted in proper posi- tions without confusion or interference with each other ; so that it was a subject of profound congratulation, indeed, to Generals Grant and Meade that their first movement in the opening of the campaign of 1864 was a decided success. This fact had much to do with the splendid morale and spirits pervading the entire army under its new commander in the opening of the battle in the Wilderness on May 5th. Neither General Grant nor General Meade was given to the issuing of vainglorious, bombastic orders, either before or after battles, as had so many previous commanders of the army, who had been unfortunate in issuing premature congratulations. General Flumphreys, in his volume on the " Campaigns of \'irginia," con- tradicts the assertion of General Badeau, in his " Memoirs of General Grant,'" that the plan of campaign involved battles in the Wilderness. On the contrary, General Humphreys asserts that the plan or project which he was ordered to prepare, and which met with the approval of Grant and Meade, contemplated no such thought as an engagement or campaign in so unsuitable a place as the twenty miles of Wilderness presented. Its many drawbacks — its so few and so narrow roads, all of which were familiar to General Meade and himself, from UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 339 previous campaigns, suggested its absolute unfitness for the maneuvering of large bodies of troops. Its impenetrable jungles and undergrowth of saplings made it impossible to handle a regiment, much less divisions and corps in- telligentl}'. or to form alignments. Besides, it was wholly impracticable, by reason of the absence of clearings or roads for either artillery or cavalry movements. Mmr"^'^^' -240 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Chapter XI. THE BATTLE OF THE WTLDERNESS. Description of Wilderness. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Ayres' Brigade Open Battle. — One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volunteers Suffers Terrible Punishment. — Battle Ground Not Adapted for Ar- tillery. — Captain George M. Laughlin Commands One Hundred and Fifty-fifth's Skirmish Line. — Ayres' Brigade Attacks with Tremendous Energy. — Battle Rages with Tremendous Fury. — Contest Too Unequal to be Maintained. — Enemy Falls with Fearful Energy on Ayres' Exposed Flank. — Brigade Compelled to Retreat. — Woods on Fire. — Many Dead and Wounded Left Between Lines Cremated. — Regiment on Skirmish Line During Night. — Overpowered by Enemy's Solid Battle Line. — Regiment Falls Back and is Fired Upon. — Heated Colloquy of Colonel Pearson with General Ayres. — Colonel Pearson Placed Under Arrest. — Many Wounded Become Prisoners. — Casualties. ]HE road over which the Fifth Army Corps had marched from Ger- manna Ford on the afternoon of the 4th of May, 1864, ran in a southeasterly direction for six or seven miles, where it formed a junction with the Orange turnpike, running almost due west from Fredericksburg to Orange Court House ; and the bivouac of the One Hundred and P^ifty-fifth that night was near the junction of these two roads, in the vicinity of the Old Wilderness Tavern. The slumbers of the troops during the night " before the battle " were serene and undisturbed. Daylight, which broke about five o'clock on the morning of May 5th, found the troops of Ayres' Brigade refreshed and on the alert for what the day should bring forth. The sequel showed they had but little time to await the discovery. The sun, in blood-red splendor, as if ominous of the dreadful carnage which was soon to follow in the dense entanglement of the jungle in which Grant's entire armv was soon to become enmeshed, was pouring his slanting beams through the openings in the woods so richly clad in the green robes of early summer. The Wilderness. — Combat Opens. The Wilderness, on the outskirts of which the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth rested so peacefully that calm spring night, and in the jungles and ravines of which it was so soon to participate in one of the mightiest and bloodiest, if UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 241 not decisive, battles of the war, is a wild, desolate region of worn-out farms ■covered with a dense growth of scraggy oak and pines, sassafras and hazel, in- terlaced with an entanglement of vines that rendered its recesses almost impene- trable. This forbidding forest, of twenty miles square, was intersected with only a few narrow roads and many deep ravines, which made only parts of it ac- cessible to the Confederates, who, however, were already familiar with every foot of ground within its boundaries. About nine o'clock on the morning of the 5th a rattling of carbines from the cavalry outposts in advance revealed the presence of the Confederates in the neighborhood, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth knew that Grant's quest had been successful. Ayres' Brigade, in the advance, was formed in two lines of battle on the right of the Orange Turnpike. The One Hundred and Fortieth THE BIVOUAC, "NIGHT BEFORE BATTLE OF WILDERNESS.' New York, on the left, prolonged by the United States Regulars on the right, composed the first line. The second line was formed immediately in the rear of the first by the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York on the left, just in the rear of the One Hundred and Fortieth, and prolonged by the Ninety-first and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania on the right, the latter regiment being in the rear of the Regulars, all these regiments forming and ready to ad- vance as a double line of battle. All the regiments composing these two battle lines un slung and piled their knapsacks, leaving guards over them. About noon the final command " Forward " was given, and the troops advanced slowly and laboriously through the undergrowth, with considerable noise caused by the rattling of tin-cups, bayonets and canteens clashing together. A most accurate ■and graphic account of this day's battle in the Wilderness by Captain Porter 243 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Farley, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York X'olunteers, in the same brigade and location as the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth is here introduced: Adjutant Porter Farley's Account hf the Battle. '"After crossing the river, we marched in a southeasterly direction about seven iniles on the road leading from Germanna Ford to the Orange Turnpike. All was quiet. We heard not a shot that day. An ominous silence was our only welcome as we found ourselves surrounded by the tangled thickets of the Spott- sylvania Wilderness. When we arrived at the junction of the two roads, we LIEUT.-GEN. GRANT'S HEADQUARTERS. CULPEPER COURT HOUSE, MAY 1, 1864. turned to the right and proceeded for about a mile up the Orange Pike and bivouacked in the woods on the right of the road. We had started out on this campaign a Regiment more than six hundred strong, and in point of material, dis- cipline and appearance, we had the vanity to think there was no other organiza- tion in the army superior to us. Our distinctive zouave uniform had made us well known throughout the army, particularl)' as we had spent the winter beside the railroad over which so man)- men and officers had passed on their way to and from Washington. That fatal 5th of May was to see this splendid Regiment shorn of half its strength, and mourning the loss of half its members. " About nine o'clock on the 5th of May we became aware that the enemy were in front up the Orange Turnpike. This road for some miles to the west- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 243 244 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ward was perfectly straight, so that we could clearly see groups of men crossing it some two miles distant from us. " No large bodies of troops could be seen moving upon it. which, however, was no proof against their presence in the woods on either side. Some one or two pieces of artillery were planted on the road, and began tiring in our direction, but at ver}- long range and doing no damage. A section of one of our batteries was sent a short way up the road, and there took position and replied to them. Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Otis, of our Regiment, was out in the woods in command of the picket line of our Division. The rebel skirmishers soon reached them and a rattling fire began. " Meanwhile we had piled our knapsacks, and had left them in charge of a guard of two men. The Regiment formed a new line a few rods in front of our bivouac, antl there waited for more than an hour expecting any moment to advance, the skirmish firing in our front continuing all this time. " At last, about noon, w'e got the order ' Forward,' and with the left of our Regiment guiding upon the turnpike, but not exposing itself upon it, we ad- vanced in line of battle through the woods. The Regulars of our Brigade were on our right and the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York was in our rear. The brush and undergrowth greatly impeded our progress, and prevented very exact alignment, but we went steadily though slowly forward. "After advancing about half a mile we reached our picket line, now act- ing as skirmishers, and engaged with those of the enemy. We marched right through and left them behind. The rebel skirmishers fell back as we went on. In about five minutes we reached an opening in the woods some acres in extent and forming a sort of valley or hollow^ two or three hundred yards in width directly across our line of march. The rebels were posted on the crest of the hill opposite us, just in the edge of the woods which skirted the hollow. The very moment w-e appeared they gave us a volley at long range, but evidently with very deliberate aim, and with serioits effect. The mare which Colonel Ryan rode was grazed by a bullet on the fetlock, and she kicked and plunged so that he had to dismount and leave her to be led to the rear. Lieutenant John Hume, who had lately been promoted from Regimental Commissary Sergeant, and who here went under fire for the first time, was struck in the knee, and lost his leg in consequence. Quite a number of enlisted men were also wounded, among them a man named William Hurle, of my company. His gun and accoutrements were immediately appropriated by our Regimental butcher, Casper Tromm, who had no arms of his own, but who, in obedience to orders, follow'ed the line up closelv, and now took his place in the ranks, " The moment we received this volley. Colonel Ryan ordered us to lie down and fix bayonets. In a minute or two one of General Ayres' staflf, either Captain Winthrop or Lieutenant Swan, rode along to see if we were ready to advance. In a few seconds the order was passed along the connnand, and the Regiment started at full speed with a shout which drowned all other sounds. Captain Grantson's was the color company, and mine was next to it on the left. \\'e were thus just in the middle of the line. Colonel Ryan was with us, he and I run- ning so near together that we exchanged words as we went across the field. Of UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 245 COL. GEORGE RYAN. course, the moment we sprung to our feet, the enemy opened fire upon us, and manv of our men fell before we reached the skirt of the woods where the rebels were posted. Unhindered by the fire that thinned its ranks, the Regiment never slackened its speed till it reached the woods, where it expected to close on the enemy with the bayonet, but they fell back just as we were about to reach them, retiring slowly into the undergrowth. The moment we reached the woods our speed was checked, and then for the first time we opened fire, but still kept advancing slowly. Ryan passed rapidly along the whole line, waving his hat, for he had no sword with him, having left it sticking in the girth of his saddle. He was full of energy, and though we were in a forest, he showed himself at every point of our thin line during these few desperate minutes. As we drove the enem\- before us, it soon became evident that our position was a very perilous one ; for, while we had charged across an open valley, the Regulars on our right, starting at the same time that we did, had been obliged to force their way through the bushes, and were consequently far behind us. Our right flank was thus exposed to a raking fire. The Regiment melted away like snow. Men disap- peared as if the earth had swallowed them up. Every officer about me was shot down. No other officers were now to be seen, and only a few men scattered here and there among the bushes. It seemed as if the Regiment had been annihilated. " In charging across the clearing, we had moved in a direction somewhat oblique to the road, so that our center companies were upon it when they reached the woods. Several times during the fight I crossed from one side of it to the other. Some two or three minutes later the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York, led by Colonel Jenkins, came up to the support of our right wing, though really by that time they had to take the brunt of the fight, for our organization was virtually destroyed. Jenkins' men came up in good style, and he led them on bravely. It was the last time I ever saw him. Strange as it may seem, though dressed in a Colonel's uniform, with shoulder straps, he was lost in that charge, and was never afterward heard of. The One Hundred and Forty-sixth advanced into the woods somewhat to the right of the road where I was stand- ing. A half dozen or so of our men were firing from behind shelter at the sides of the road, but they had no line of battle left. Just then there were two terrific explosions in the hollow behind us, accompanied by the crash of shot through the trees, and followed by a dense cloud of smoke which completely enveloped us. Taken completely by surprise by this fire in our rear, we jumped into a gulley 246 UNDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. COL. DAVID T. JENKINS. which had been worn by tlie rain beside the road, and in its friendly sheher retreated some rods down the hill. The guns blazed awa\-, and we could now see that they were a section of our own artillery planted in the hollow and firing up the road where we had been standing. At that same time we saw emerging from the woods on the right a rebel flag and full line of battle. We were nearly cut off. but taking our otily chance for escape, -tarted back across the open field. Sergeant .McDermott. of Company K, was my only companion in this inglorious retreat. It seemed as if the bullets flew about faster than ever, and I was never more surprised in my life than when we reached unhurt the shelter of the woods on the other side. The artillery men saw their danger at the same time, but it was too late. I\Iost of their horses were shot, and the others became entangled in their harness. The guns were lost and most of the men were killed or taken prisoners. The officer in command of the section, Lieutenant Shelton, of Battery D. First New York Artillery, was among those captured. His conduct was gallant to be sure, but from my standpoint, the road up which he fired. I can hardly call it wise. I have been informed by General Warren that he directed a section of artillery to accompany our Brigade, so that when the enemy should be broken the guns might open fire, and their sound being heard along the line, thus give confidence to our men. But the fact is that those two guns were un- limbered in about the lowest part of the hollow, and fired two or three rounds haphazard into the woods where some few of our men were yet left, and where the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York had just entered to sufl:'er a loss fully equal to ours. " Upon regaining the shelter of the woods at a point somewhat to the left of the turnpike, I found scores of men, some wounded and others not, but no organized troops. Working my way up the road, I there met Colonel Ryan, two officers and perhaps a dozen of our men. It was a wild meeting. Overcome by our conflicting emotions of wrath, excitement and mortification, we all talked at once. ' Mv God!" said Rvan, 'I am the first colonel I ever knew who couldn't tell where his regiment was." Each told hurriedly what he knew of those he had seen hurt, and as we were still in an exposed place where the bullets occasionally flew in among us. we fell back to the place where we had left our knapsacks. Then in an incredibly short time the remainder of the Regi- ment rallied. " The One Hundred and Fort\-sixth New York, Colonel Jenkins in com- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 247 niand, advanced nobly to the assistance of the One Hundred and Fortieth, and suffered severely." Captain George M. Laughlin, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment, Commands Skirmish Line. All the regiments in Ayres' Brigade on the right of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York did not sustain the enormous losses such as that Regiment did, but all suffered heavy losses. On the first advance of Ayres' Brigade, on the morning of the .jth, Colonel Pearson had detailed Captain George M. Laugh- lin to command the skirmish line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, who dis- charged that hazardous duty with his men under the greatest difficulties. In advancing the skirmishers. Captain Laughlin noticed something moving at a short distance in the woods in front. In order to find out whether it was the enemy lurking there, he ordered his men to fire in the direction of the sup- posed sounds and movements, although from the underbrush nothing certain was visible. The firing elicited the fact that it was the Confederate skirmish line, and that Captain Laughlin's surmise was correct. This, no doubt, was the opening of the ball, as it is termed, in the great battle of the Wilderness. The firing of the enemy at once became so severe, that Captain Laughlin ordered his men to lie down, and continue firing as rapidly as possible. While directing the fire of his men, he noticed the gun drop from the nerveless hands of the nearest man on his right, as the enemy's bullet pierced his flesh. An instant later the reclining soldier on the left of the officer was shot in the neck, inflicting a mortal wound. While still engaged in bravely facing the enemy in this perilous position. Captain Laughlin and his skirmishers were, re-enforced by the approach of the battle line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Ayres' Brigade. On first coming in contact with the enemy, Ayres' Brigade advanced to the attack with tremendous energy, driving them back with coinplete success, and if the Brigade had been properly supported it is quite probable that the Confed- erate troops would have been involved in hopeless disaster. As it was, however, a whole Confederate division was rushed to the rescue of their shattered column, and in what seemed the moment of victory, Ayres' Brigade was brought to a sudden standstill, and the battle raged with tremendous fury. The contest, how- ever, soon became too unequal to be long maintained by the Union troops. It had been intended that the line of Ayres' Brigade should be prolonged and sus- tained by a division of the Sixth Corps, but the denseness of the woods and the absence of roads prevented the troops from making connection. On the ex- posed flank of Ayres' Brigade, therefore, the enemy fell with fearful energy, and, being thus overpowered, the Brigade was compelled to fall back. The dense barrier of brushwood through which the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth had to make their way in the advance was difficult work, even without the effort to preserve alignment. Consequently, the line was very irregular and broken by the time it reached the thin line of Regulars who preceded the right 248 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. of Ayres' Brigade as skirmishers. In a few minutes the enemy, in overpowering: number, was encountered advancing swiftly to meet the advancing regiments of Ayres' Brigade, their front lines forced forward by those in the rear. Instantly the fire became general and the sulphurous smoke settled down over the combatants in the thicket as if it would shield the victims of the terri- ble " shouting, screaming war-demon " against which the furious fire from the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the other regiments seemed to have no visible effect. As if to hide from view the victims of man's wrath, everywhere a gentle steady rain of twigs and leaves was falling to the earth, pruned by the same hail that penetrated the flesh and splintered the bones of the devoted men of the few regiments that vainly fought to destroy or at least check this terrific on- slaught. The colors around which the men of the Regiment had so often rallied remained tightly furled around the stafif. \o room was there amid the thorns and briars of that enslaving jungle to imfurl the flag. Closer and yet closer came the hostile hosts. Faster and more furious fought the Union troops. Yelling like devils the enemy fell upon the Union line. A Confederate captain falls dead, shot by a soldier of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth. Three or four Confederates throw the body of their officer in a blanket and bear him off ; while their strong lines, yelling and cursing, burst upon and intermingle with the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. " Throw down your guns! Drop your colors! Surrender!" shouted the enemy. Sergeant Lawson, of Company H. of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, having no time to go aroimd, jumped into a thicket of brambles, tearing his way through, badly lacerating his body and leaving portions of his tattered garments impaled upon the thorns. Color-Sergeant ilarlin, with a firmer grasp of the colors, turned and, amid a shower of bullets, tore his way through the bushes toward the rear. The re- mainder of the Regiment quickly abandoned the unecjual conquest and retreated^ Had the enemy not become as badly disorganized as the men of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth, few of the wounded would have escaped. Indeed, quite a number of the Regiment, as it was, were both wounded and captured. The battle in the somber recesses of the Wilderness on the .jth of May, was a "pandemonium of horrid sounds and a panorama of awful scenes." Suddenly a sullen roar smote the ear, gradually dying out until the sounds resembled that made by a boy running with a stick pressed against a paling fence ; again swelling up into a con- tinuous roar. It could not be said with truth that Ayres' Brigade was whipped by the Confederates, but it was simply overpowered by vastly superior numbers. The Brigade was soon re-formed in the rear and was again ready and eager for action. Both officers and men. of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and the other regiments of Ayres' Brigade, chagrined and humiliated, declared that they had not been whipped, but simply overwhelmed by the enemy. Incidents of the B.\ttle. The clearing or open space, referred to in the narrative of Captain Porter Farley, over which Ayres' Brigade drove the enemy, was the homestead of a UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 24» Confederate named Major Lacy, whose house was surrounded by a lawn and o-reen meadows. In this opening of the battle of the Wilderness there was no ■desultory firing to mark the beginning of the fray, but the fire opened instantly on both sides as soon as the opposing forces came into contact, and became •deadly amid the bushes. So fierce was the contest that both lines of Ayres' Brigade became confused, and fell back, the underbrush between the lines being cut off as if it had been mown. The Regulars, the Ninety-first Pennsylvania and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania were thrown into confusion, and were unable to tell whether they were firing into friend or foe, and finally they fell back through the underbrush. The two pieces of Union artillery, mentioned by Captain Farley, got half way across the clearing when all their horses were shot, and the guns were abandoned between the lines. Ayres' Brigade was re- formed a short distance in the rear of the clearing by the continuous calls of the Brigade and Regimental bugles, the density of the woods obscuring the position •of the troops from each other. Colonel Pearson, having been assisted to mount an unsaddled horse, straightened himself up, and in a loud voice called " Atten- tion ! I want you to understand that this Regiment is not whipped yet," which was received by the Regiment with a good-humored laugh and cries of " cer- tainly not ! " The musketry fire at close range, continuous and deadly, was kept up all .afternoon and evening, with constant picket firing by both sides, particularly where covering the two pieces of artillery left between the lines. This entangle- ment of wilderness was totally unsuitable for artillery operations and maneuver- ing on this first day, and there were only three or four shots fired from the guns •on the opening of the fight. Both Generals Grant and Aleade had been at the old Wilderness tavern about eight o'clock in the morning of the 5th, and it was not the opinion of either of these commanders that the Confederates were present in any great force. On the contrary, it was their belief that General Lee had fallen back, and that the forces of the enemy with which the cavalry had come in contact were merely Lee's rear guard covering the latter's retreat. How they ■mistook the true situation, later events showed. Fire in Woods Adds to Horrors of W.\r. To add to the horrors of this battlefield, the woods took fire and many of the •dead and wounded left between the lines were cremated. This, no doubt, was the fate of the many accounted for as missing. So dense were the thickets through which the two battle lines had advanced that, in falling back rapidly, many of the men had their flesh so lacerated and their clothes so torn that from their bloody appearance they were supposed to be wounded, \\nien the gloom of night had cast its mantle upon this field of slaughter, intrenching began on the newly-formed lines, and was steadily carried ■on all night. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth constructed intrenchments at three difi^erent places, as they were shifted from point to point. Before daylight •on May 6th, however, Griffin's Division, with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, 250 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. left their newly constructed breastworks and advanced to their old position of the day before. The Confederates were just as busily occupied in building intrenchments at the same time as was Ayres' Brigade. During the night, in lulls of picket firing, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth could hear the sharp ring of the enemy's axes and the falling of trees. Very heavy skirmishing took place at intervals during the 6th, and that night the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, being deployed as skirmishers, were moved from point to point in the woods, the locations being in- dicated by Colonel Pearson, who whistled the bugle calls on the handle of his riding whip. While on this skirmish line the Regiment could hear intrenching operations being carried on, both in the direction of the enemy and in the rear of ii*^V^ FIFTH CORPS REPLENISHING AMMUNITION. MAY 5. 1864. the Regiment. Toward morning the skirmish line formed by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was located in front, or at the edge of a clearing, the men being posted by twos at close intervals. As day dawned, the advance of the Confederates to attack could be plainly seen by the skinnishers through the young green foliage. Nearer and nearer they came. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth held its fire and watched the Confederates halt and straighten their line. Then, when the bugles of the enemy sounded the charge, the firing began. The Confederate officers could be heard giving commands. Suddenly the enemy's solid battle line were upon the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth skirmishers, who opened fire at close quarters and then fell back. The other regiments of Ayres' Brigade during the night had constructed heavy breastworks, which were well manned. Before the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 351 One Hundred and Plfty-fifth skirmishers could fall back into the breastworks in the rear, a heavy fire of musketry and canister was opened right through their ranks upon the enemy from the Union troops in the rear. So severe was this fire that it quickly repulsed the Confederates, except some of the most advanced, who rushed into the skirmish line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and lay down with them to escape the fire of the Union troops. They were nearly all taken prisoners. As soon as the enemy retreated, the fire slackened, and the One Hundred and Fiftv-fifth skirmishers were ordered back into the breastworks. COLOXEL Pe.\R.SOX TEMrOR.\RILY RELIEVED. Upon reaching the works. Colonel Pearson, in command of the Regiment, had a heated colloquy with General Ayres over this firing into the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth by other regiments of his Brigade, in which the Colonel used lan- guage deemed disrespectful to General Ayres. The result was that Colonel Pear- son was immediately removed from command and placed under arrest, remaining so until the army had crossed the James river. Lieutenant-Colonel John Ewing, in the meantime, took command and remained in charge of the Regiment through- out the campaign until after the charge on the 18th of June at Petersburg. Xo formal charges were ever preferred against Colonel Pearson, and the matter was arranged by the transfer, some weeks later, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth to General Sweitzer's Brigade in Griffin's Division, Fifth Corps. To resume the narrative : C)n being ordered out to the skirmish line to re- lieve the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, the Twentieth Alaine left good fires burn- ing in the rear of the breastworks they had been occupying. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth boys were not slow in utilizing these fires for the purpose of making coffee. One fire composed of a pile of rails was surrounded by perhaps a dozen men watching their cups of coffee coming to the boil, when a twelve- pound solid shot from the Confederate lines struck the end of the rails, scattering rails, cups and coffee in all directions, fortunately, however, injuring no one. As the only convenient place for procuring water was imder dangerous shell fire from the enemy, it was very disappointing to have such an accident happen at such a time, and induced strong language from some of the boys. The Twentieth ]\Iaine relieved the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth as skir- mishers, and the latter took possession of the place behind the breastworks pre- viously occupied by the former when the Regiment proceeded to prepare the first cooked food they had had for forty-eight hours. The Twentieth Maine, Colonel J. L. Chamberlain, in advancing to the skirmish line which had been established by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth during the night, had a severe fight with the enemy, and suffered serious losses. A sergeant, who was some- what late in gathering up his accoutrements, followed his regiment quickly and in ten minutes thereafter was carried back dead, a shot having gone straight through his chest. The grief of his brother, who helped carry him back, was pitiable. May 7th was spent in the woods skirmishing and, in military language, 252 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. " feeling " the lines of the enemy, with occasionally heavy outbursts of musketry and artillery. After Observations. In the engagement that took place on the .5th of May, 1864, the men of the same army could not see each other at a distance of more than a few yards, and, of course, could not see the enemy at a greater distance. Regiments struggling through this mass of obstructions necessarily lost their bearings, and would sud- denly come upon each other, and upon similar bodies of the enemy. All direc- REMOVING THE WOUNDED AT WILDERNESS. tion being lost, there would be desperate fighting for the possession of ground, neither side knowing how much or how little, from a military point of view, the possession sought or defended was worth. It was impossible for corps com- manders to handle their troops with any co-operation. Even brigades became broken up so that they could not re-inforce any body of troops, or assist in taking advantage of temporary successes. To add to the perils of the fighting, several times fires broke out in the inflammable brush and dead leaves, literally smother- ing with smoke the combatants, and often seeking out the wounded who had help- lessly sought shelter. Colonel D. T. Jenkins, of the One Hundred and Forty- sixth New York, with many others of that Regiment, after being mortally UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 253 wounded, became enveloped in the prevailing conflagration, and were last seen in the flames. Ayres' Second Brigade and Bartlett's Third Brigade, of Griffin's Division, held their new positions until 3 P. M., when the Fifth Corps lines were readjusted in their original positions, the enemy having fallen back to their breastworks from which their deadly attack had been made. The recovery of the lost ground of the Fifth Corps, and especially of Ayres' Brigade, in the afternoon by the movement to straighten the lines to the original position, revealed a scene of distress and miserv- rarely surpassed in any other war. On this ground, thus re- taken between the lines, were strewn the bodies of several thousand soldiers of both enemy and foe, who fell in the awfully close range and frequently hand-to- hand struggle. At least a thousand wounded soldiers, unable to move, also were discovered, and many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, thus recovered, de- scribing the advance of the enemy over the ground in dispute and the falling back of the line of the attacking colunm of Ayres' Brigade, averred that the enemy, passing over them for dead, had robbed their persons of everything of value and carried ofi knapsacks and contents in the most heartless manner. Pathettc Ixcidexts. In the hand-to-hand encounter and stand of Ayres' Brigade, in the advance in the Wilderness, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment lost in prisoners and killed and wounded many of its most valued and beloved comrades. Ser- geant Harry R. Campbell, of Company B, a most popular and genial comrade, noted in camps as an accomplished musician, was captured in this struggle with the enemy, and destined to become a martyr in Libby and Andersonville prisons, there to survive eleven months from the horrible treatment, dying at Annapolis within a week after his exchange. He had become too much debilitated to jour- ney on to the loving friends and relatives in Allegheny, Pa., who were unfortu- nately kept in ignorance of his exchange. Private John Hunter, of Company E, who, in the midst of the fray, was clubbed into insensibility by a Confederate in the thicket, and captured and taken prisoner, also died at Annapolis, his experience at Andersonville having made him a physical wreck. His death at Annapolis occurred a few days after his exchange. Private Jacob S. Friend, of Company E, after being wounded in the shoul- der and wrist in two places, was left for dead on this battlefield, from the shock, and on reviving was taken prisoner by the retreating enemy, as the latter fell back over the same ground to their earthworks. Private F'riend, at the time of his capture, was the youngest and most delicate in physique of any in the ranks of the Company, but he survived the horrors of Andersonville treatment, and was exchanged after eleven months' captivity. It was many years after the war before the terrible effects of his long imprisonment were eradicated. Sergeant Hugh W. jMcGimpsey, a sturdy, small-sized man, in this fight at close range had an opportunity to display his well-known pugilistic abilities. He 254 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. CORP. MICHAEL B. LEMON. 1864 AND 1895. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 355 .got into a hand-to-hand encounter and wrestle with an able-bodied Confederate whom he downed on the first round. Hardly had McGimpsey accomplished this feat, however, when he was struck by a clubbed musket in the hands of another Confederate and knocked insensible. Private Jacob S. Friend, of Company E, who was standing next to McGirnpsey, and who himself was soon after struck insensible by the bullets from the enemy and taken prisoner, declared that he .actually believed all the time of his imprisonment that the blow thus received by McGimpsey had killed him. After recovering from the shock, the brave Ser- geant McGirnpsey, finding that the enemy had fallen back, made a " bee-line " for the new rallying ground of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment and Ayres' Brigade, surviving to participate in all subsequent campaigns of the Regiment. Corporal Michael B. Lemon, of Company E. also received in this day's action very severe wounds, disabling him for life. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment quickly recovered the ground thus lost in the afternoon and brought Corporal Lemon again within the Union lines, in reach of the stretcher-bearers, who carried him back to the field hospital. Color-Corporal John H. Mackin, of Company F. who was among the first to receive a wound at the battle of Gettysburg, was again unfortunate, while ■serving with the colors, receiving in this action a more severe wound in the left shoulder in almost the same place as his former wound. Many will recall a remark often made by ^Mackin on his return to the camp after recovering from the Gettysburg wound, that " lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place." Corporal Mackin was sent to the Wash- ington General hospital, and there died a month later from the effects of his wound. Horatio S. Harnish, of Company H, from Rimersburg, Clarion county, in the thickest of the fray, at the opening ■of the battle of the Wilderness, on this first day, was instantly killed. In the advance on the charge of Hum- phreys' Division, leading the " forlorn " hope against the stonewall on Marye's Heights, at Fredericksburg, Horatio S. Harnish fell, severely wounded, and was necessarily absent from the Regiment some months, but at the earliest oppor- tunity he rejoined the command in time to participate in the great battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and in the Mine Run campaign, but fell a victim to the enemy's fierce fire on the .5th of May. HORATIO S. HARNISH. 256 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. John Griffith, of Compan)^ H, on this day was on the skirmish line, detailed from the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth, commanded by Captain Laughlin. When the enemy, in response to the fire of these skirmishers, returned the fire,, thus opening the battle with a ter- rific attack along the Union line. Colonel A. L. Pearson, command- ing the Regiment, which, by reason nf the dense undergrowth, was not far in the rear of the skirmishers, rode along the lines and ordered his men to " cease firing " and to hug mother earth closely until the firing ended. The enemy, however, advanced over the skirmishers in superior numbers, driving theni back into the Regimental ranks. Griffith received a severe wound in his right shoulder from the enemy's fire, after which he remembered nothing for a period. On reviving, he found himself a prisoner, and although very weak and faint from the loss of blood, was sent to the rear of the Confederate army. Griffith endured all the horrors of Andersonville for the following eleven months. Private Harnet E. Meeker, of Company H, was wounded in the first day's fighting in the Wilderness. He was taken prisoner, and died a few months later in Andersonville prison. The great battle of the Wilderness, commencing on the 5th and lasting throughout the (ith and 7th of Alay, 1864, was a most remarkable struggle. It was a contest for two days and nights on lines approximately four miles in length, by the Union forces, comprising one hundred and thirty thousand troops in bat- tle columns against the Confederate forces of sixty-five thousand men, also lined up for battle on the defensive. The position of advances gained or lost by either army as a result of the severe fighting in the Wilderness on the 5th, 6th and 7th of May, carried with them no significance or military advantage. GEN. ALEXANDER HAYS. Death of General Alexander Hays. The loss, in the action of the Wilderness, of General Alexander Hays, of Pittsburg, who was mortally wounded while commanding a brigade of the Second Corps, reached the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, while alsc fighting in the same bewildering jungle near where General Hays fell. The UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 257 General being personally known to many of the One Hnndred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, the news of his death for the time being cast an additional gloom over the Regimental ranks. General Hays had served with the Army of the Potomac from its organization and in every great battle in the Peninsnla campaign and at Antietam under McClellan, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and more especially rendering most distinguished services in the famous Peach Orchard at Gettys- burg. This career had earned for him the highest military reputation and pro- motion to a Brigadier-Generalship for gallant services in the field. General Hays was a student at West Point with General Grant, and subsequently served with him in the Mexican War. On visiting Pittsburg in 18G7, Lieutenant-General Grant, in company with Captain David Shields, who had served as A. D. C. on General Hays' stafif, visited the grave of General Hays in Allegheny Cemetery and paid an affectionate tribute to the memory of his classmate. Another distinguished officer, endeared to the Fifth Army Corps, was Brigadier-General James S. Wadsworth, who was also killed in the battle of the Wilderness whilst engaged with his Division in straightening out the lines. Gen- eral Wadsworth's career illustrated the highest type of American patriotism. He was past sixty years of age at the outbreak of the war for the Union, and was also recognized at that time as the wealthiest landowner of the State of New York. At Gettysburg, General Wadsworth, with his snow-white hair, was con- spicuous on the first day in leading his division and later in the day in repulsing the enemy's columns and in saving the important position secured by the lamented General Reynolds, who fell early in the battle. General Wadsworth's body fell into the hands of the enemy at the Wilder- ness, and received the most tender care and marks of respect from General Lee. General Wadsworth lived long enough after he fell to express to his captors the patriotic sentiment, " I feel consoled that at my advanced age the mortal wound I have received has simply cut off but a few years of the life left me for service to my country." General Lee, as a trib- ute of respect and esteem, sent a flag of truce through the lines with an escort conveying General Wadsworth's body to General Grant's headquarters, where the General's son, Lieutenant James S. Wadsworth, Jr., who was serving on his father's staff, received the body, and with other officers on leave of absence, escorted the remains to the home of General Wadsworth, in the Genesee Valley in the State of New York. An incident occurred a few weeks later in the campaign which revealed the ^^^ ^^^^^ s wadsworth. -35S UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. public spirit and foresight and great consideration of General ^^'ads\vorth for his troops. It was found, when nearing Cold Harbor, that the Ouartemiaster's supply of amiy shoes for the troops of tlie Fifth Corps had run out, and that much time would be lost in securing fresh consignments from Washington. The forced marching and the fording of many streams by Grant's troops in the cam- paign was so severe on shoes that many of the soldiers were actually barefooted bv the time they reached the vicinity of Cold Harbor. General \\'adsworth"s Division, having suftered from a scarcity of shoes on fonner campaigns, the General, anticipating the possibility of this again occurring, previous to the open- ing of Grants campaign to Richmond, at his own expense, purchased and had delivered to his di\-ision train in ilie Fifth Corps, a number of boxes of shoes. These boxes were opened for deliverj' at Cold Harbor. Many of the One Hundred and Fifty-hlth Pennsylvania Volunteers will recall the joy of George P. Fulton. Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant, on receiving for distribution the Regiment's share of these shoes from the stock so considerately pro\-ided by the lamented General W'adsworth. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 259 Chapter XII. THE BATTLES OF LAUREL HILL AXU Sl'( )TTSYL\'ANIA. Night Makch ok Union Army to Spottsyi.vania Coikt Housk. — Flank MovuMKNTS Lku ]iv Siieridan'.s Cavalry. — Encounters Enemy in F'orce at Alsop's Farm Late in Morning. — Severe Engagement Ensues. — General Seijgwick Killed by Confederate Sharpshooter. — Generals Warren and Griffin Both Active in Directing Troops to Points of Attack. — Spirited Attack of Ayres' Brigade with One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Upon Con- federate Lines. — Fierce Contest. — United States Regular Band Renders Cheering and Inspiriting Music. — Enemy Routed by Fifth Corps. — • Enemy's Strong Positions Captured and Intrenched by Union Line. — Death of Captain Clapp in Battle of Alsop's Farm. — Heavy Loss of Regi- ment. — Lieutenant-Colonel John Ewing in Command of Regiment. — Casualties. jlJE ])ositions or advances gained or lost by either army as a result of the severe fighting in the Wilderness carried with them no sig- nificance or military advantage. The pine woods and impenetrable undergrowth so obstructing the view of the contending armies, added to the scarcity of roads, made all movements confusing and unsatisfactory. On the 7th of May, General Grant determined to evacuate the useless positions held by him in the Wilderness jungles, and directed General Meade to make a night march of the entire army to Spottsylvania Court House, a dis- tance of fifteen miles, so as to secure the advantage of the open country and also of the many roads radiating from that place. Grant's plan was to secure these roads before the Confederates could overtake him, and to cut of from Lee's army communication and supplies and stores from the outside, and also to enable the Union army to continue unmolested on its march towards Richmond. There were but two or three roads from the Wilderness to Spottsylvania Court House suitable for traveling or for movements of armies, and the race was soon commenced by both armies for the latter place. The extensive preparations on the after- noon of the 7th by General Grant's army for this change of base naturally led to great discussion on the part of the rank and file as to the destination of the march. Many miles of ammunition, quartermaster, commissary and headquarter wagon trains, with the proverbially balky mules and the consequent lurid swear- ing of their teamsters, not to mention the artillery and caissons with the accom- panying noise, made the scenes of this afternoon's preparations for the all-night 360 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. march most remarkable, and not soon to be forgotten. It naturally led in the minds of many in the waiting columns of troops by the wayside and in the in- trenchments who were not to move until the cover of the night concealed their movements, to thoughts concerning the new commander. General Grant, and of the significance of this night's evacuation movement by the left flank. Unbidden memories arose of the many sad retreats of the gallant Army of the Potomac under other commanders, when greatly outnumbering the enemy, as on the pres- ent occasion. The Union army had made retreats from Fredericksburg and from Chancellorsville, near the same territory now being traversed, to the north side of the Rappahannock, for no other reason than that the commanders, Burnside and Hooker, had demonstrated their total inability to handle so large an army. The ^iiu&. i\ •.< ►J >< O (X, wa < f/3 0. a o (J H UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 373 The Bloody Angle. Although the losses of all these corps had been verj- heavy, their depleted ranks were promptly filled up by reinforcements from Washington, fresh divis- ions and brigades and regiments appearing promptly and ready for action. The battle of Spottsylvania was opened promptly at daylight of the 12th. Hancock's Corps stormed the angle, since famous as the " Bloody Angle," because of the desperate character of the fighting and heavy losses to both armies. Hancock's troops, however, were successful, and captured four thousand prisoners, many guns and two officers, Major-General Edward Johnson and Brigadier-General George E. Stewart, who were commanding the defenses of Lee's army at that time. The news of this victory spread like wild-fire in the other Federal columns and lines of battle. The Fifth Corps, later in the day, had to fight hard to hold the Confederate works, which had been captured by Hancock, the enemy making repeated and desperate assaults to recover the captured works. The One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Regiment of Ayres' Brigade occupied part of the captured works. The losses on both sides were very heavy because of the closeness of the infantry and artillery firing. The troops under Warren in this vicinity were required to change positions so often because of the changes in the enemy's movements as to make it very difficult in the new country to distinguish the points of the compass. From the 13th to the ISth following, the four corps of Grant's army, occu- pying their own works and the works captured from the enemy at Spottsyl- vania, were never out of range of the enemy's artillery. The Confederates would not leave their works to attempt to dislodge the Union troops where intrenched. The positions of both armies were very strong, the fortifications being practically impregnable, and Grant and Lee were undoubtedly playing a game of chess with their armies in the matter of the movement of troops. During the occasional lulls of these days" battles, Brady's photographic wagon and outfit from Washington appeared in the reserved bivouac of the Fifth Corps. One day General Warren and his entire staff, while under a desultory fire from the front, were exposed to a different fire from the rear by the snap- shot of the large camera of the army photographer, which successfully executed the General and his staff' in a large picture. General Warren's staff was com- posed of a brilliant and capable set of young officers. Captain Robert Warren, Colonel Fred T. Locke, Assistant Adjutant-General, who had served in that ca- pacity since the organization of the Fifth Corps, attaining rank as Brevet Briga- dier-General for meritorious conduct at Five Forks and Appomattox. The engineers on Warren's staff when he assumed command of the Fifth Corps were Captain Washington A. Roebling, wlio subsequently earned distinction as the en- gineer constructing the great Brooklyn Suspension Bridge : Captain E. B. Cope, U. S. A., who, with Captain Roebling, was with Warren on Little Roinid Top ; and Captain Paine, LT. S. A. Captain James W. Wadsworth, son of General James S. Wadsworth, killed in the Wilderness, and Captain George B. Hal- stead, and Captain A. S. JMarvin were Assistant Adjutant-Generals, and A. D. C. on the staff. Captain ^^'illianl T. Gentry, U. S. A., was commissary muster 274 UNDER THE IMALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ~ 275 officer. Colonel H. C.Bankhead, U. S. A., was Inspector-General of the Corps. Colonel David L. Smith, of Pittsburg, was the efficient Commissary-General of the Fifth Corps, and an A. D. C. on the Corps staff. Captain Thomas was the Corps Quartermaster. More Flaxk Movements. During the night of May 13th, the army moved to the left, marching through mud and rain, and crossing the Nye river. It was so dark that the enemy could not see the movement, and the Union troops could see but a few feet ahead. Mounted men were placed at intervals along the road by General Warren's orders to prevent regiments from losing their way. General Grant had discovered, from his experience in the Wilderness, that it was useless to fight Lee behind intrenchments and fortifications for the mere positions gained, the mihtary advantages of mere positions not justifying renewals of further assaults and loss of life. The unanimous opinion of both armies at Spottsylvania Court House was that either of the armies behind intrenchments was unassailable, and that a front attack by either army was a foregone failure. They had acquired the art of rapidly constructing impregnable earthworks, all approaches being covered with abattis and slashed timber. The men of both these armies had re- fused to be driven from their positions, and died where they stood. At Spottsyl- vania they had fought for twenty-four hours with only a line of felled trees and a line of earth six feet thick between them, in a continuous rain, every thread of clothing drenched and soaked, water over their shoe-tops, no food but rain- soaked crackers. As showing the severity of the fighting, oak trees eighteen inches thick could be seen cut down by the constant patter of minie balls. At the end of twenty-four hours fighting at Spottsylvania, when the exhausted Con- federates were withdrawn, it was only to disclose the presence of another line of strong breastworks, constructed by the enemy, one hundred yards in the rear of their first line. General Grant evidently believed that if one of the large corps of the Union army was detached and exposed to a march of twenty miles in a southeasterly direction. General Lee would be tempted to leave his works and attack the ex- posed corps, and that while the Confederates were thus moving for the attack, he (Grant) could fall upon them with his main body and bring on a general engagement before they could again intrench. Accordingly General Hancock's Second Corps moved on the night of May "'Oth and reached Guinea Station the next morning. General Lee declined to attack the exposed Second Corps, but on the contrary moved rapidly south of the North Anna river to Hanover Junction, where he arrived May ?'2d, interposing his army between Grant and Richmond. Fording the Xortm Anna. Grant's entire army was in motion at 5 a. m., May 23d, the Second Corps, the most eastward, moving to Chesterfield Ford, on the North Anna river, the Fifth Corps to Jericho Ford, and the Ninth Corps to a crossing between the Second and the Fifth Corps. The scenery along the route of the army's move- S76 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. meiit was most beautiful, being an open country abounding in tine fertile farms, and every appearance of comfort and prci?])erity of the inhabitants, as com- pared with the portions of \'irginia previously occupied in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Ayres' First Brigade of Griffin's Division waded the North Anna stream at Jericho jNIills Ford, time not permitting the troops to wait for the pontoon bridges which were soon to follow. General Ayres' Brigade advanced the line fm^ther from the crossing as each Brigade of the Corps following got over. A strong skirmish line from Ayres' Brigade was posted ahead, driving the Confederate outposts in advance of them. The fording of these streams by so many men. in water so cold, and often in places so deep, was attended with great difficulty to the troops, but the urgency of the race for positions left no alternative, it being generally known that Breckenridge's and A. P. Hill's Confederate forces were in position at another portion of the stream where there was a ford, in anticipation that that would be the place where the Union troops would cross, instead of Jericho JMills. \Vhilst the Fifth Corps was crossing. Ayres' Brigade was in two lines in the edge of the timber. In front of the line formed by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other regiments of the Brigade was the skirmish line of the Fourteenth Regiment of United States Infantry, less than thirty feet in advance. After the divisions of the corps had all crossed the stream and secured positions without opposition being developed, muskets were stacked and blanket-rolls huns; on them. REPHATi-;n Attacks hy the Exe.mv. Towards sunset, after the men had their suppers cooked, and were engaged in eating, and non-combatants were peacefully bivouacked in the midst of the troops, not expecting battle, about 6 p. M.. the yells of the enemy were heard, as they crossed the fields in front, their advance being preceded by the flight of hogs and cattle, sheep and fowl, from the farms, in and through the lines of the Brigade pickets. The familiar " rebel yell " was recognized, and instantly the .stacked arms were seized and the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and all along the line, dropped to their knees and were ready. The first line of skirmishers fired steadily during the first and second attacks of the enemy. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Ayres' entire Brigade then advanced over the line of pickets, and repulsed three more very persistent charges of the Con- federates, the last severe charge occurring after dark, although during the entire night frequent renewals and attempts were made at very short intervals to drive Ayres' men from their position, which was being strengthened every moment by the erection of earthworks. During the night frequently both pickets and skirmishers were driven in, and the men behind the works engaged in strength- ening the same, dropped their tools and opened fire, checking the enemy's further advance. The attack was a total surprise. General Ayres, who led the advance, and who rallied the first troops that crossed around the Corps flag, was most active in directing the firing during the engagement. At the time of the first attacks and charges by the enemy, there being no intrenchments, the loading and firing of the troops of Ayres' Brigade was all L'XDER THE -MALTESE CROSS. done while kneeling. After the repulse of the eneni)-, the engineers' tools, the spade, shovel, a.x and pick were brought up and put to work, and as stated, were frequently exchanged during the night for the musket to repel the fierce assaults upon the pickets and skirmishers. Among the killed in the first attack by the enemy in this action were Privates William S. Hindman, of Company E, and Theodore Baldwin, of Company F. two of the youngest and most popular members of the Regiment, and no deaths produced greater sorrow to their comrades. On the morning of the "i.'Jth of ^lay. it was dis- covered that the enem}- had withdrawn from the battle- field of North Anna, leaving a large number of killed and wounded on the field. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment alone, in going over the field in front of their position, gathered up a wagon load of Confederate arms, with the ba_yonets still fixed, which had been left by the enemy on the field. Generals Meade and ^^'arren both, in orders, publicly congrat- ulated General Griftin, the Division commander, and General Ayres, commanding the advance Brigade, for the gallant style in which their commands repulsed the repeated attacks of the eneni\-. Tuesday evening, Alay 2G, 1864. the Fifth Corps was again cm the move, Ayres' Brigade leading the advance along the line of the A'irginia Central Rail- road. Details of troops were made up to tear up and destrov the track, which occupied all the day. Ties were piled up and set on fire, and the rails were laid across the piles of burning ties and heated. Squads of men then seized the rails at each end, and bent them into all sorts of shapes. The railroad bridges and much stock were also destroyed. But little time was given the troops for rest, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, under command of Lieutenant- Colonel Ewing, was among the busiest troops engaged this day. WILLIAM S. HINDMAN. On Wednesday morning. May 27, 18(U, whilst operating along the railroad mentioned, and advancing towards Hanover Junction and the Pamunkey river, Company E, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, \vith three companies of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania and the One Hundred and Fortieth and the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York, were detailed as advanced skirmishers. They were deployed in an open field, really serving as vidette posts, being pro- tected only by hastily gathered railroad ties, behind which the skirmishers lay and hid their bodies from the unusually accurate range of the enemy's sharpshooters, many of whom were posted on trees in the adjoining woods. The minie balls that raised the dust along this exposed skirmish line were very numerous, and con- tinued until night set in, when Company E was relieved fmm the skirmish line. 278 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. THEODORE BALDWIN. UNDER THE -MALTESE CROSS. 279 Coolness of General Griffin Under Fire. An episode which ehcited the admiration of the men on the skirmish line was the cahnness and coohiess displayed by General Griffin, the Division com- mander, while in a very dangerous position. As the General visited the vicinity ■of the exposed skirmish line of Company E, commanded by Captain George M. Laughlin, he approached the advanced position through heavily wooded timber where his division was concealed, walking along the public road towards the front, and making no effort to conceal his presence from the enemy. The Gen- eral, apparently unconscious of the danger, exposed himself to plain view of the enemy, as he approached the outposts of the skirmish line, in order to take ob- servations of the enemy's position. He was warned by Corporal John M. Lan- caster, of Company E, who was on duty closest to General Griffin's position, to ^et under cover, as the enemy's sharpshooters, concealed in the trees and other places, had full range of the position. The General, without the slightest exhi- bition of concern, continued his advance in the middle of the road; when the minie balls, raising the dust close around him, caused him to heed the advice of the Corporal. As General Griffin turned to leave the road for the cover of the woods, a minie ball struck the heel of his boot, on which the General turned towards the enemy, and said loud enough for the men on his own skirmish line to hear. " Johnny, your aim was bad ; you shot a little too low this time " ; and then disappeared in the woods. In less than ten minutes after, Genera! Griffin dispatched the Maryland Brigade of three regiments to take position in the field occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth skirmishers, to drive the ■enemy's pickets and skirmishers back from the position they occupied. This the Maryland Brigade did in gallant style, but not without heavy loss. The ground gained on the railroad, and property destroyed and track torn lip by Grant's army this day, while keeping the troops unusually busy, was quite satisfactory, and General Grant, evidently not desiring to have a battle on the railroad thus destroyed, issued orders to move on to the Pamunkey river. This led to the evacuation of the Union breastworks just completed for defensive purposes, as was done at Spottsylvania. Changes in Campaign Methods. And here it is proper to recognize a condition that began in front of Spottsylvania Court House and continued until the end of the war. In all engagements previous to Spottsylvania, the regiments were main- tained as units, each regiment usually having its front covered by a detail of skirmishers from its own ranks, and somewhat under the observations of the Regimental commanders. But in the strenuous fighting in the Wilderness and the first two days at Spottsylvania the limit of human endurance was reached. Commanders of brigades, regiments and companies could not personally super- vise every detail of the moving, fighting and care of their commands, every hour of the twenty-four hours of the day. No less could the rank and file stand up without sleep, food or rest. They had to be relieved from the firing line for sus- 280 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. OS w OS < c Q < a X Q <■ M s z w o UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 381 tenance, washing of face and hands, even though with a small amount of water poured from a comrade's canteen, issue and cooking of rations, replenishing of ammunition and cleaning of guns. During the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, the entire line of the Fifth Corps was held in close contact with the enemy's line at from two hundred to four hundred yards distant, with the intention of assaulting, if the enemy weakened his line in front by withdrawing troops to re-enforce other parts of the line in resisting the attacks of the Sixth, Second and Ninth Corps. The fighting on the skirmish line was constant and severe with many attacks on either side to test the resistance of the line in their front. To furnish this firing line, details were made from each Regiment for twenty-four hours duty, sometimes the right or the left wing (five companies) with a complement of one or two field and compan}- officers ; sometimes one or two or three companies, sometimes heavy details from all of the companies, the remainder of the command occupying the intrenchments. ready to support the firing line in either defence or attack. And so it came that in the fierce continuous fighting at Spottsylvania, the distinguishing services of any regiment or brigade or its commander disappears and is merged in that of the corps. But in this development of the subordinate officers and their detachments, came so many instances of personal gallantry that the pen fails to record and a record of the same would be wearisome to the reader. It produced in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment a long list of magnificent, unsurpassed outpost officers, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, cor- porals and privates, equal to any emergency. No night was too dark, no thicket too dense, no swamp too treacherous to establish a line of active skirmishers. In open ground and daylight a squad of four men, each with a couple of rails on his shoulder and musket in hand, made a rush to the ground selected in advance. On arriving on the ground selected, the four of each squad then combined their rails and dropped behind them, one firing and three digging. By this means, they intrenched in a few minutes the places thus selected with marvelous swiftness and skill, in close contact with the enemy. Did the position occupied by the enemy's skirmishers suit better, they were by the Union skirmishers boldly charged upon, their line penetrated and taken in reverse, prisoners sent to the rear and the pits made to face the other way. Reprisals were frequent on both sides, the fighting fierce and deadly — sharpshocting constant and skilful. The heroism, tenacity, endurance and suf- fering cannot be told. A man or regiment in a historical battle for an hour or fraction thereof can say he was in such a battle. What can be said for the de- tachments engaged in continuous, hourly battle for the many weary miles from Spottsylvania to the James river? The operations in advancing on Cold Harbor partook very much of the foregoing character. On May the '?7th and the ".'."^th. the Regiment marched twenty miles, and halted at night ver}' weary and fatigued, suffering much from heat and thirst. On the 28th of i\Iav. after reaching Hanoverton, the Regiment crossed the 282 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Tolopotomy river, and again began putting up as usual works for defense of position. Early in the morning, May 29th, the left of the Ninth Corps connected with the right of the Fifth Corps, the Sixth Corps on the right of the Ninth Corps, and the Second Corps on the extreme right, and the whole line thrown forward in front of Hawes" Store. May 30th, the Fifth Corps continued the advance of Griffin's Division to- wards Shady Grove Church, capturing two lines of earthworks. At the close of the day, the Fifth and Ninth Corps had been placed south of the Tolopotomy creek line held by General Lee. and on the right flank of Lee with the Second Corps passing the enemy's line along Tolopotomy creek from Atlee Station southeastwardly to vicinity of Cold Harbor. As fast as ground was gained from the enemy the new position was in- trenched, and usually a counter attack had to be repulsed. Occasionally several attack had to be repulsed in c|uick succession. More Flanking Movements. — Much Suffering. After very severe marching May 27th, and renewed on the 3Sth of May^ 1864, the Fifth Corps reached and crossed the Pamunkey river about noon,. where, on the south side of the stream, Ayres' Brigade and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were halted, and instead of resting, intrenching tools were dis- tributed among the already much fatigued men and the work of chopping down trees and building earthworks to defend the position of the Corps was imme- diately commenced. At this point in the campaign, from the protracted and continuous marches and fighting, there was much suffering among the troops. Hundreds of private soldiers could be seen the previous two or three days wending their way over the scorching, sandy roads with sorely blistered bare feet, unable to wear shoes, caused by wading the streams and marching over the sand and stones, and the bruises incident to the severe campaign. But little relief could be afforded the suffering on these marches which were necessairy and unavoidable. The men. though suffering, bore the hardships and fatigue with but little murmuring or complaining. The halt on this day and the construction of earthworks was near Hanoverton. The base of supplies for the army was trans- ferred, on reaching Hanoverton. to White House Landing on the Peninsula, as the latter place attorded a water base for supplies, which was a great advantage,, affording easier freight deliveries than by long-distance hauling from the Orange & Alexandria Railroad from ^^'ashington and the supply trains from Fredericks- burg following the marching army. Early on the morning of the 29th, the Ninth Corps moved into the interval between the Sixth and the Fifth Corps, and then the whole line was thrown forward in front of the Hawes" store. In this position the Regiment remained on the 29th. Generals Early, Breckenridge and Anderson, with their troops in line behind the Confederate breastworks, awaited attack. On the morning of the 30th of May, 1864, General Griffin's Division was ordered by General Warren UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 383 to drive the Confederate skirmishers of General Rodes' Division from the Union front. The enemy, however, made a determined resistance, and prolonged their line of defense, on which Crawford's Division of the Fifth Corps was brought lip, and with the assistance of Richardson's Battery, drove the enemy back. General Griffin, at this point, ordered General J. Bowman Sweitzer's Brigade to advance against the enemy, with the Twenty-second JNIassachusetts deployed as skirmishers, and the Fourth Michigan supporting them. These troops ad- vanced, and quite brisk fighting took place, ending in the repulse of the Confederates. The Sixty-second Pennsylvania lost heavily in this action. General Humphreys, in his " Mrginia Campaigns," says of the situation on Mav the .Tlst, " The Infantry Corps were pressed up against the enemy as close as practicable without assaulting, but the position was so strong, naturally, and so well intrenched and the intrenchments so strongly held that an assault was not attempted. The skirmish lines, however, were kept up against the enemy and an attack threatened." Tune 3, 186-1:. Griffin's Division was massed this day at Bethesda Church, where General " Baldy " Smith's newly-arrived Eighteenth Army Corps occu- pied the right. In the afternoon of the '3d of June, 1864, General Lee undertook to depart from his defensive policy, and assumed the offensive. He ordered General Early to attack the right flank of the Union army. General Bartlett's Brigade of the Fifth Corps held the extreme right and on the right of this brigade were skirmishers of the .Xinth Corps. Desultory firing by both armies was kept up all day until late in the afternoon, when the Confederates advanced on the flank of Burnside's and Bartlett's skirmishers. General Rodes, commanding the Confederate's advance, having cleared off everything that inter- posed, made a desperate charge along the whole line, which was met by Griffin's Division, which, in time, had discovered Early's movement. General Griffin formed Ayres' Brigade in line on the left, Bartlett in the center and Sweitzer on the right, and moved forward under musketry and artillery fire to the attack. They had the enemy in the open now and were ready to test their strength where everything seemed equal. These three brigades threw themselves upon Rodes and forced him back to his defenses, both sides incurring heavy losses. Treasure Trove. During the lulls in the firing on the 2d of June, 186-1:, while the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth was occupying its breastworks, some enterprising comrades of Companv F, in investigating a spot of newly-disturbed earth, quite unex- pectedlv discovered hidden treasure of value. The breastworks extended through an orchard and typical farm of a Virginia planter at Bethesda Church, along the Mechanicsville road, about ten miles from Richmond. This treasure, consisting of silverware and silver coin, with much Confederate paper money secreted in pitchers and cans, had been buried no doubt by the fugitive occupants of the farm, to conceal it from the Union troops advancing on Richmond. Privates Alexander Stevenson and James J. Carroll, of Company F, although at the time hourlv interrupted by the firing of the Confederates and the driving in of the 284 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Union skirmishers, were tlie lucky discoverers of this treasure-trove. The " find " amounted to several hun- dred dollars in good gold and silver coin of Uncle Sam's minting, considerable silverware, also thousands of dollars in Confederate notes, payable only " one year after the recognition of the Independence of the South- ern Confederacy," v\'hich Stevenson and Carroll and other companions, and, indeed, the whole of the Union army tinder Meade and Grant were then doing their very best to prevent. This discovery produced quite a sensation in the ranks. In the active campaigning then engaging the at- tention of the officers of the army, no inquiry was ever instituted to have these lucky soldiers disgorge the money and valuables thus found by them and ap- propriated to their own use. A few hours later. Sergeant Lancaster and Pri- vates McKenna, Hipsley and Douglass, of Company E, under the fire of the enemy on the advanced skir- mish line, rescued and carried in from the front the body of Private Theophilus S. Callen. of the same company, who had been killed on vidette outpost just before daylight that morning. \\'hilst engaged in burying their fallen comrade at the foot of a peach tree just inside the breastworks, the burial party unearthed buried treasure, consisting of silverware, cutlery and Confederate paper money, but no gold or silver coins. Many were wounded in broad daylight on this day from the frequent as- saults of the enemy's skirmishers. Two worthy privates of Company E, Daniel Horner and John Horner, brothers, received mortal wounds, and Private \\'illiam Evans received a double wound, one in the face, shattering his jaw, and the other in the arm and wrist. THEOPHILUS S. CALLEN. Cold H.\rbor Assaults. General ( irant had intended to make a general assault on Cold Harbor on the 2d, but it was postponed until the next day at 4 : .30 p. m., on the 3d. Three corps, commanded by Hancock, Wright and Smith, re- spectively, assaulted the Confederates works. The ground over which these corps moved was very much exposed, and in the charge the troops were subjected to a cross-fire which occasioned severe loss. In the meantime Burnside's Ninth Corps, assisted by part of the Fifth Corps also created a diversion, by attacking the enem}'s line near Bethesda Church, carrying the advanced line. The enemy again attempted to retake this position in the afternoon, but their attack was re- WILLIAM EVANS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 285 pulsed with considerable loss. General Ayres' Brigade and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth took part in this attack and repulse of the enemy. Immediately after the assault on the 3d of June at Cold Harbor, General Grant visited all the corps commanders, and, after interviews, decided to abandon offensive operations at that point. General Grant states, in his Memoirs, '" I have always regretted that the last assault at Cold Harbor was ever made. No advantage whatever was gained to compensate for the heavy loss sustained," General Humphreys, the Chief-of-Staff of the Army of the Potomac, and who, as Chief of Topographical Engineers in the Peninsula campaign under McClellan, had become thoroughly familiar with the strength of the Confederate defenses, protested to General Grant against making the charge and assaults upon the works at Cold Harbor, declaring, in his opinion, the same to be impregnable. From the disaster at Cold Harbor the army rested in the breastworks in the various positions occupied by the corps, with occasional skimiishing and changes SKIRMISHING— BETHESDA CHURCH. of unimportant positions, until June 12, 1864. Both armies were then in condi- tion for a cessation of hostilities from the unprecedented severity of the cam- paign, and daily engagements and skirmishes occurring since May 5th, in the Wilderness. General Grant had visited, as already stated, all the corps commanders at Cold Harbor, after the assault of the 3d, and had ordered General Hancock's column, after the first repulse of that desperate assault, to reform his line to renew the assault on the Confederate works, but that corps had lost so many Generals and field officers of high rank in addition to the very heavy losses of enlisted men, that Hancock reported to General Grant that his decimated corps and ranks could not be made to renew the assault. A flag of truce was soon afterwards sent to General Lee by General Grant for the burial of the Union dead in front of the Confederate positions. As a 286 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. result of the interviews with his corps coninianders. General Grant thereupon decided to abandon all offensive operations at that point. The Fifth and the Ninth Corps, with \\"ilson's Cavalry, covered the right of the Army of the Po- tomac, during the 2d and 3d of June, from the vicinity of Bethesda Church to the Pamunkey river, the main body of the Confederate cavalry being on Lee's left, with Fitz Hugh Lee's Division on his right. On the afternoon of the 'M, General Lee, having been re-in forced, determined to take the offensive, and with Early's Division, attacked in force the Union right, and being re-inforced by Rodes' Division, the latter troops succeeded in getting into the rear of the Fifth Corps skirmish line. While Generals ^^'a^ren and Burnside were thus engaged on the right of the line, repelling this assault. Generals .Smith and Wright, with their Corps, made an attack on the Confederate position at Cold Harbor, which was par- ticularly successful, General Smith capturing upwards of eight hundred prisoners and the first line of the enemy's works. The occupation on the right of the position held by the Fifth and the Ninth Corps engaged in heavy skirmishing on the 3d, prevented those two corps from participating in the intended general assault at Cold Harbor on the Confederate position. However, to create a diver- sion, the Ninth Corps, assisted by portions of the Fifth Corps, attacked and carried an advance line of the enemy at Bethesda Church, which in the after- noon the enemy, by a counter-attack, attempted to re-take, but were repulsed with considerable loss. These two corps, the Ninth and Fifth, while thus en- gaged, were serving the purpose on the 3d of preventing large portions of the Confederate forces from re-in forcing General Lee's defenses and assisting in the repulse of Hancock, Wright and Smith, in their unsuccessful assault, which was attended with such heavy loss of life of officers and men. In all these movements and attacks by Warren's troops, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was an active participant, as shown by the casualty returns. On June 7th. while the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was resting in the breastworks, George P. Fulton, Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, received, on requisition, a full supply of shoes for the Regiment, being a portion of the shoes provided for the Fifth Corps l)y the lamented General James S. Wadsworth at his own expense, previous to the beginning of the Wilderness campaign, in an- ticipation of their probable need at this time. So many of the Regiment being barefooted at this time, this foresight of General \\"adsworth was greatly appreciated. A Retrospect of the OvERr,.\ND C.\mpaign. Up to the crossing of the James River by the Army of the Potomac about forty days had elapsed since the beginning of the campaign, and never before in the history of the world had such continuous bloody fighting taken place in any war. During that entire period, day and night, some part of the army was engaged in battle. Frequently a single regiment on the skirmish line or on picket duty, being suddenly attacked, would hold its ground against the enemy until overpowered and cut to pieces. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 387 The troops were continuously within hearing of cannonading from some portion of the fighting zone, and they became so accustomed to the sounds that, like the ticking of a clock, they ceased to notice them. On one occasion during this overland campaign to Richmond, the Fifth •Corps, in the vicinity of Bethesda Church and Cold Flarbor, had, quite unex- pectedly to the Confederates, captured a position so favorable to military opera- tions that it was almost a certainty that a desperate attempt would be made by the enemy to recover it. Quickly forming in line of battle, the Union troops, with quickened pulses, awaited the enemy's onslaught. The line of battle thus formed extended across a ravine or water-course several hundred yards wide, covered by low-standing timber and underbrush that hid the troops occupying it from the view of the other parts of the line, and also concealed their position and strength from the enemy. The expected attack was not long delayed, but instead of assaulting along the entire line of the Fifth Corps the Confederates, from some cause — perhaps in the belief that it was the weakest part of the line — concentrated their efforts in fierce and persistent attacks against the part of the line occupying the ravine. The brave Michigan troops composing part of the brigade in the ravine, bracing themselves against the storm of lead and hail and bursting shells hurled against them, repulsed in turn the repeated attacks. The right and left wings of the Union line on the higher ground on each side of the ravine, stood at parade-rest in an expectant attitude, listening with breathless interest to the tumult of hell going on in the ravine, and giving but passing attention to the shells that went screeching over their heads from a distant Confederate battery. The suspense endured by the boys of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth while thus w-aiting to be attacked amid the commotion was worse than the actual furor of battle. The rapid and furious fighting in the ravine, charging and counter-charging, after a time resulted in a scarcity of cartridges, and soon came the cry from the heroic Michiganders for ammunition. To supply this want an ammunition wagon drawn by six mules was rapidly driven to the front, the drivers lashing and urging their animals to their utmost speed. The team went rushing through the parted ranks of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth to the front, and wheeled around, leaving the rear of the wagon towards the front. Immediately two sol- diers ran to the rear of the wagon, one on each side, to let down the endgate, while another mounted the wagon to push the boxes of ammunition to the ex- pectant soldiers. While engaged in this work a cannon shot with a demoniac screech passed between the soldiers at the endgate, struck the tar bucket hanging to the axle of the wagon, bespattering the soldiers with tar, passed under the wagon, out along the wagon tongue between the mules, and ricocheted over the heads of the Regiment, injuring neither man nor beast. While it is quite natural to suppose that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth boys were glad enough not to be down in the vortex of death and destruction going on so close to their position, yet such was the patriotism and the sympa- thetic emotion excited within the breasts of many that had there been no re- straint thev would have rushed to the assistance of their comrades in the midst 288 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. of the battle. Indeed, as it was, a young corporal of Company F, Samuel W. Hill, seized a box of ammunition and lugged it down the slope through the bushes into the midst of the zipping minie balls and hurtling fragments of burst- ing shells till compelled by exhaustion to relinquish his burden to stronger but not more willine hands. Successful Str.xtegic (Jperatioxs. On the 9th of June, 1864, General ]\Ieade directed Major Dunn, Chief En- gineer of the Army of the Potomac, to select and intrench a line in the rear of the position at Cold Harbor, to be held while the army was withdrawing and moving to the south of the James river. The intrenchments so ordered were im- mediately constructed, and were finished on the morning of the 11th of June. On the 10th, General Warren's Corps was directed to move, and advance to a position, keeping entirely out of the observation of the enemy, which the Corps did successfully. General Warren, being advised confidentially of the part his corps would take in the march to the James, was directed to move as soon as it was dark on the evening of the l"?th. General B. F. Butler, on the 9th of June, sent General Gilmore and General Kautz from City Point with the cavalry of the Army of the James on an expedition against Petersburg, to capture the city and also to destroy the railroad bridge across the Appomattox. The expedition con- sisted of four thousand infantry and fifteen hundred cavalry. General Gilmore says the pontoon bridge over the Appomattox river was not muffled as was prom- ised it should be, and that the crossing of Kautz Cavalry could be heard for miles, and no doubt put the enemy on his guard. These movements under Gen- erals Gilmore and Kautz were wholly unsuccessful. General Beauregard, com- manding the forts and intrenchments of Confederates at Petersburg telegraphed to Richmond that, having sent all his troops to re-inforce General Lee, he would be obliged to abandon the lines at Bermuda Hundred or those of Petersburg, unless his own troops with others to man the fortifications of Petersburg were at once sent to him by General Lee. Grant's Army Crosses the James River. The quietness and secrecy with which the orders of Grant and Meade for the crossing of the James River and change of base of the Army of the Potomac were carried out by Generals Warren, Hancock and Humphreys, Chief-of-Staff, exhibited the highest order of military skill on the part of those commanders. .It efifectually deceived General Lee, who disregarded the repeated requests and appeals of Beauregard, and ignored dispatches from other Confederates that the columns of the Army of the Potomac were being rapidly transported across the James to capture Petersburg. General E. P. Alexander, General Lee's Chief-of-Artillcry at Gettysburg and subsequent campaigns, in a very recently published history, departs from the usual style of Confederate writers by venturing to criticise and to question the infallibility of Lee's generalship in this campaign. In his ably-written work. General Alexander declares that General UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 289 .ml BVT. -BRIG. -GEN. J. BOWMAN SWEITZER. -290 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Lee was very much at fault in refusing to believe the warnings and notices from Beauregard and others that Grant's entire army was across the James en route tc Petersburg, and in scouting the information as unreliable and incredible, from the reports obtained by him through his officers and scouts on duty in front of Richmond. To General Humphreys, the Chief-of-Staff of General Meade, too much credit cannot be given for the successful carrying out of the project, or plan, to transfer bodily an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men — infantry, cav- alry and artillery and their immense wagon trains — across the James, success- fully eluding the unusually expert and vigilant enemy, from whose immediate front this army had withdrawn. Not a man of that great command was killed or captured by the enemy in this great movement over the James. So carefully had every point been guarded and every advantage taken to keep from view the movements, that it was, in fact, all accomplished without discovery by the enemy. In preparing to carry out the project made by General Humphreys for trans- fer of the Union army to the south side of the James, General Warren was di- rected to move his corps otit the Long-Bridge road, not only far enough to cover the crossing of the Chickahominy by the army, but also to hold the bridge over White-Oak swamp. It was expected that such a movement by General Warren would deceive General Lee, by giving him the impression that it was an advance upon Richmond. The movement evidently made the desired impression upon General Lee, and to a greater extent than was contemplated, as his subsequent movements and actions show. General E. P. Alexander states that Lee was uncertain what the Arm)' of the Potomac was doing until the afternoon of the l?th of June, when the entire Army of the Potomac was south of the James river with all its cavalrv and trains. OxE Hundred and Fifty-fifth Tr.a.nsferred to Sweitzer's Brigade. On the 16th of June the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, by steam-ferry, crossed to the south side of the James river, at Wilcox Landing. On the 15th of June, previous to crossing the James river, the Regiment was, by the follow- ing circular or order, transferred from the First Brigade of the Second Division of the Fifth Corps, General Ayres commanding, to the Second Brigade of the First Division of the same Corps, General Grififin commanding. " Headquarters Fifth Army Corps, " June 15, 1864. " The Ninety-first Pennsylvania \'oIunteers, Colonel Gregory, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Major Ewing, are relieved from duty with the Second Division, General Ayres, and will report to Brigadier- 'General Griffin, commanding the First Division. " By command of " Major-General G. K. Warren, " Fred T. Locke, Assistant Adjt.-Gen." UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. •i91 This order transferred the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment to the Brigade commanded by Colonel J. Bowman Sweitzer, composed of the following regiments: Sixty-second, Ninety-first and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania Volunteers and the Twenty-first Pennsylvania Cavalry, dismounted. This was a most gratifying order to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, because of the popularity of General Sweitzer and of the men of the Sixty-second Penn- sylvania Volunteers — fellow \\'estern Pennsylvanians with whom they were here- after to be brigaded. 292 UNDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. Chapter XIV. PETERSBURG CAMPAIGN.— WELDOX RAILROAD. June ISth, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Assaults Enemy's Fortifica- tions IN Front of Petersburg. — Disastrous Effect of Charge. — One Hun- dred AND Fifty-fifth Regiment Transferred to Sweitzer's Brigade of Griffin's Division. — Official Orders of General Griffin, Congratulating One Hundred and P'ifty-fifth on Brilli.ant Conduct in Charge of ISth OF June. — Fifth Corps Headquarters Established at Avery Mansion. — Siege of Petersburg Entered Upon. — Jerusalem Plank Road and Weldon Railroad. — Distressing Scenes on Battlefield. — Colonel Pearson Re- instated IN Command, Particip.\tes ix Eng.\gement. — Major Ewing Slightly Wounded in Foot. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in Trenches. — Departure of Sixty-second Pennsylvania. — Recruits of Sixty-second Pennsylvania Transferred to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. — Warren's Headquarters at Avery House. — Accuracy of Picket Firing. — Covered Ways. — Mortar Plants. — Explosion of ;\Iine. — Griffin's Division Destroys Railroad. — Impetuous Charges of Confeder.-vtes Upon Union Line.- — Re- pulse OF Enemy. — Furious Dash L'pon One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Bloody' Repulse. — Corps Headquarters of Gener.\l Warren at Yellow Tavern. — C.\sualties. Assaults. — Siege of Petersburg. Y MIDNIGHT of the 16th of June, 1864, the entire Army of the Potomac, with all its numerous wagon and artillery trains, had suc- cessfully moved from its positions in front of Richmond and the Confederate army of General Lee, and crossed the James River without the loss of a man, gun or wagon. General Wright's Sixth Corps covered the operation, being the last troops to reach the right bank of the James. The navy also assisted with its armored ships and gun-boats in covering the passage of the river ; but the movement being undiscovered by the enemy, neither army nor navy had occasion to inter- fere during the passage. General Hancock's Corps, on the 1-lth, was the first to cross, with all its infantry and four batteries of artillery, to the south bank of the James. The Fifth Corps, late at night on the 17th of June, was ordered by General Meade to make an assault in strong columns upon the enemy's works in front of Petersburg. At four o'clock on the following morning the attack was ordered UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 293 o S CO on K W U 294 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. to be made by the Fifth, the Ninth and the Second Corps, with portions of the Sixth Corps and the Eighteenth Corps, and other troops were to be held in readiness to support the attack. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was with this Fifth Corps assaulting column, but on the morning of the 18th it was found that the enemy had abandoned the intrcnchments which they had so sue- ■ cessfully defended the day before. The ground in front of the points previously assaulted was thickly covered with the killed and the trenches at those points filled with Confederate dead from the assaults of the previous day by Smith's, Hancock's and the Ninth Corps. Finding the Confederate line abandoned. Gen- eral Meade at once ordered the army to press forward and to make renewed attacks on the enemy's inner works before they could receive re-inforcements from Lee's army. The Fifth Corps on the left of the Ninth, in this new advance, had a very considerable distance to traverse to reach the second line of in- trenchments of the enemy's main line, and it was exposed to a very severe ar- tiller\- fire diu'ing the advance movement. Deep ravines and a Norfolk Railroad cut, which was held by the enemy at its nortJiern end, and from which an enfilading fire from batteries and skirmishers was kept up at frequent intervals, made it very difficult to cross. On the 18th of June, General Meade ordered a simultaneous attack on the enemy's works, and fixed the hour at twelve o'clock, directing all the corps to attack at the same hour with strong columns. General Burnside's and General Warren's Corps were kept occupied in endeavoring to drive the enemy out of the railroad cut in their front, so as to get close enough to the enemy's intrcnchments to assault. The ground to be passed over was open and exposed to the enemy's artillery fire for a long distance. General Meade again ordered assaults by all the corps with their whole force at all hazard as soon as possible, as he found it useless to appoint an hour to effect co-operation. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth ^L\kes B.woxet Charge. All the corps assaulted the enemy's works late in the afternoon and at hours not widely apart, but w^ere repulsed with considerable loss. General Warren's assault with the Fifth Corps was well made. Griffin's Division being particularly conspicuous and heavy losers. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, which had but a few days previous been transferred to Sweitzer's Brigade of Griffin's Division, led the advance in the charge on this day, many of its men being killed within twenty feet of the Confederate works, and many more, crossing over that distance, occupied the moat around the hostile works unobserved by the enemy be- hind the same. This charge of Griffin's Division and of Warren's Corps with fixed bayonets was no more successful than the other assaults. Lieutenant-Co.lonel John Ewing led the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth on this bayonet charge, and gave the order to fall back only when the enfilading fire of musketry and artillery of the enemy supplementing the direct destructive fire made the chance of success impossible. In this charge the loss of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was greater than in any other engagement during its campaigns. Captain Samuel A. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. -^95 McKee, of Company I, a veteran of the Mexican War, a brave and capable officer, fell mortally wounded leading this charge, dying on the field of battle, a true soldier's death. On the death of Captain McKee, the boy Captain of the Regiment, A. H. Heisey. took command of the storming column during the remainder of the battle, and when the order to retreat was given by Lieutenant-Colonel Ewing, conducted the movement successfully, under the direct and enfilading fire of the enemy. Captain Heisey received commendations from both Lieutenant- Colonel Ewing, commanding the Regiment, and General Sweitzer, the Brigade commander, for his cool courage throughout the action. Both Captains Heisey and Kilgore were particularly in demand as experts in the zouave skirmish drill during the campaign. Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain, of the Twentieth Maine, in Griffin's Division, also led his Brigade under the destructive fire of the enemy. Colonel Chamber- Iain was wounded in the leg, resulting in the loss of a limb whilst in command of his brigade in this assault. He received the distinction of being promoted on the field of battle to the rank of Brigadier-General by General Grant. General J. Bowman Sweitzer, of Pittsburg, commanded the Brigade, and was conspicuous for his bravery in this severe engagement. It occurred but a few days before the term of service of his regiment, the Sixty-second Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, expired, and made it a soldierly test. One Hundred and Fiftv-fifth Complimented. Generals Meade and W^arren both issued complimentary orders to Griffin's Division on the great valor and gallantry displayed by the men in this brilliant charge upon the enemy's fortifications. The following official dispatch was forwarded from the battlefield that night by General Griffin to General Meade, referring to the part taken by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in the charge: " Headquarters First Division, Fifth Corps. " June IS, 1864. " Colonel Locke, '■ Assistant Adjutant-General, Fifth Army Corps. " Colonel: In answer to your statement just received, I have to state that nearly all the dead and wounded were recovered. A very few of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania are still, I fear, outside, perhaps within twenty feet of the earthworks. " Very respectfully, your obedient servant, " Ch.^s. Griffin, Brigadier-General." The next morning at nine o'clock General Warren officially dispatched to General Meade a report of this charge, from which the following extract is 296 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. given concerning the participation of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in the great charge : "Headquarters, Fifth Army Corps. " June 19. lS6i, 9 a. m. " Brigadier-General S. Williams. " Acting Adjutant-General Army of the Potomac. ■■ Mv Division commanders report that all their dead and wounded were recovered last night, except a few of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania \^olunteers (Griffin's Division), which lie within twenty feet of the enemy's works. ■■ G. K. \\'akrex, Maj.-Gen. Commanding." General Sweitzer, before departing with his regiment, the Sixty-second Pennsylvania \"olunteers, for I'ittsburg. a few days after this memorable charge, wrote Colonel Pearson, who had again been restored to the command of the Regiment, that as he had vouched to General Griffin for the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, in requesting its transfer to his brigade from General Ayres" Brigade, he had asked General Griffin how he was satisfied with Pearson's zouave regiment, and that Griffin had emphatically replied that, in his opinion, no better troops or regiment existed in the Army of the Potomac, as their actions in the desperate charge on the isth of June had fallen under his own personal observation. General Griffin subsequently issued a formal order congratulating the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the other regiments of the brigade on their brilliant conduct in the charge of the 18th of June. IXCU)EXTS OF THE CHARGE. This battle of the ISth of June was fought on what is known as the " Avery Farm. " on which was erected a fine mansion of colonial style. This house, which was situated between the lines, was unoccupied, and was frequently struck by shot and shell, being, by the advance of the Fifth Corps quite close to the Confederate fortifications, the scene of the assault of June ISth. This family mansion, by the advance of the Union lines. Ijeing well within the same, later became the headquarters of General \\'arren and his stafif, attaches, orderlies and telegraph operators connected with the Corps. The advance of the Fifth Corps on the ISth of June to within twenty feet of the enemy's works, where assaulted by General Sweitzer's Brigade, as officially stated, was the high-water mark of the charge of Grant's army in the siege of Petersburg. Immediately after the charge, on the following day, the regular siege of Petersburg was entered upon, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth still holding its advanced position. The Fifth Corps works, as laid out by General Warren, were commenced, and a line was constructed on the position gained by the ad- vance of Sweitzer's Brigade in that memorable charge. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 297 SGT. WILLIAM F. COLLNER. 29S UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. LIEUT. -COL. JOHN EWING. A most remarkable incident occurred •during this charge. When Lieutenant- Colonel John Ewing, finding that , his men were falling thick around him. and that it was evident that his small force could not capture and hold the works of the enemy in front, ordered the men of the Regimnet to fall back: instead of obeying this order, Sergeant William F. Collner, of Company G. Private James A. Rankin, of Company I, and a number of others of the Regi- ment, thinking it safer to continue their advance, ran the short distance to the ■enemy's fort, being about a distance of not more than twenty feet, and took refuge in the ditch or moat surround- ing it. In this position they were completely protected from the direct and enfilading fire to which the Regiment had been ex- posed on falling back under Lieutenant- Colonel Ewing's orders. These members of the Regiment, probably a dozen in number, remained in this hazardous position undiscovered by the enemy until night, under cover of which, they, in turn, succeeded in escaping, crawling back on hands and knees within the Union lines. Private James A. Rankin, of Company I, was one of the parties who secured shelter in the moat of the Confederate fortification. Becoming impatient, and expressing fears of being taken prisoner with its known horrors, Rankin, against the urgent entreaties of all the comrades who were sheltered in the ditch, made a rush before dark to gain the open space between the lines, and thereby exposing himself to the Confederate sharpshooters, was instantly killed, his body falling back into the ditch. During the night the enemy, out of humanity, believing the parties in their front to be wounded, or engaged in removing the dead, did not open fire on the moving parties in the space between the lines. Captain AIcKee's body and that of Privates W. A. Liken and David Lear, of Company E, instantly killed in the charge, were removed in the night by comrades without molestation by the enemy and buried in the ravine below the crest from where the charge was made. Among the numerous narrow escapes in this assault was that of Color- Bearer-Sergeant Thomas I. Marlin, who received a slight wound on the chin, which paralyzed his jaws for several days. If the charge of the 18th of June already described, in which the First and the Second Brigade of Griffin's Division lost so heavily, and many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth storming the enemy's works were killed within twenty feet of the same, had taken place the day previous, the Regiment would un- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 399 WILLIAM A. LIKEN. JAMES A. RANKIN. •doubtedly have succeeded in carrying the works and entering Petersburg, as during the night of the 17th General Beauregard had been re-inforced from General Lee's army, Anderson's and Hill's Corps having both arrived and secured positions before the final LTnion assault was made. Lieutenant-General Grant, to whom General Meade reported the action on the advance of June 18th, made the following reply : " City Point. \"a.. June IS, 1804. lu o'clock p. m. '" Major-General Meade : " I am perfectly satisfied that all has been done that could be done, and that the assaults to-day were called for, with all the appearance and information that could be obtained. Now we shall rest the men, and use the spade for their protection, until a new vein can be struck. U. S. Gr.\nt, Lieutenant-General." Then began the long and tedious work of besieging the city of Peters- b)urg under the supervision of the army engineers. Frowning redoubts, long lines of breastworks, mortar batteries and field works of all kinds were con- structed — the sortie, the bomb-proof, the mine, the counter-mine, the covered ways, were all now to be added to the experience of those who had not partici- pated in the siege of Yorktown. This necessitated the encircling or covering of two railroads, the Weklon and the Lynchburg, as the siege of Petersburg ■demanded. 300 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CAPT. SAMUEL A. McKEE. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 301 June 21. 1S(M. The disa.^trous rcpul'^es of the several storming columns had convinced General Grant that the defenses around Petersburg were impregnable against direct assault; and henceforth the energies of the Union army were to be directed against General Lee's lines of communication with the South. On this day active operations were again commenced by the main army, having in view the capture of the \\'eldon Railroad. Battle of Jerusalem Plank Roau. The Second Corps advanced across the Norfolk Railroad and then marched rapidly southward, followed by Griffin's Division and the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Pennsylvania, under an intensely hot sun and stifling, blinding clouds of dust. In the afternoon the Second Corps, in advance, struck the enemy in the vicinity of the Jerusalem Plank Road which runs southward from Petersburg. From the nature of the earthworks constructed by the enemy parallel with the Jerusalem Plank Road, it was very evident that Lee understood the ver}' great importance of the Weldon Railroad, and was read}' and determined to defend it. A severe engagement took place on what was known as the Davis Farm, about three miles south of Petersburg. The Si.xth Corps came up during the night fol- lowing, and formed on the left of the Second Corps, prepared to move in con- junction with that corps against the railroad. The right of the Second Corps rested on the Jerusalem Plank Road, with Griffin's Division including the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth of the Fifth Corps, on the opposite side of the rail- road. On the 23d of June, when the advance against the Confederate works was renewed by the Sixth and the Second Corps, desiring to mass more closely, the left of the Second Corps began to press toward the right, thus creating a gap between the two corps. Quick to take advantage of this mistake, the Confederate General, Hill, pushed Mahone's Division into the gap. As was usual with the enemy, the attack on the Union lines was made with tremendous energy, resulting in the capture of many Union prisoners. On the afternoon of the 22d of June, the Fifth Corps, being camped in reserve, resting from its labors on the fatigue duty and work of the siege and picket, was suddenly summoned to break camp and to double-quick half a mile to the front in the vicinity of the Jerusalem Plank Road, at the advanced posi- tion in the breast works held by the Second Corps. The enemy had attacked in force the breastworks occupied by General Corcoran's Irish Legion, consisting of a brigade of New York regiments, and after meeting considerable resistance, the Confederates broke through the line, captured many prisoners and carried the breastworks. It was to relieve this part of the line that General Sweitzer's Brigade and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth of Griffin's Division was sum- moned. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the Brigade at once advanced beyond the lines of Corcoran's Irish Legion, which had suffered terribly, and the Regiment at once deployed as skirmishers, being only a few yards from the enemy in places. It was quite dark and the obscurity was further deepened by the woods in which the battle and skirmishing was being conducted ; but the Brigade held its advanced position until daylight, when it advanced and drove 302 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the enemy from the Union breastworks which they had captured the day previous. The scenes on the field when Sweitzer's Brigade and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth advanced through the hnes of the troops of the Second Corps, sur- passed in terrible agony and misery any that the Regiment had previously ex- perienced. This peculiar fact was caused by the closeness of the range of the enemy's artillery and musketry fire in the woods and roads. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was obliged at one point of the action to change position, and move across the Jerusalem Plank Road at a point commanded by a most perfect range of a Confederate battery. The officers in command of the Regiment with- held the order for the movement across the Jerusalem Plank Road, and leaving the woods sheltering it, until the enemy's battery in question had fired its volley along the Plank Road, and then before the battery could be re-loaded to fire again, the Regiment double-quicked across the narrow road to the new position on the line assigned it. A previous volley from the Confederate's battery commanding the road had poured its deadly shot into a regiment less fortunate than the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, while it was moving across the fatal point of this road. On the roadside crossed by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were dozens of men struck and mortally wounded, piled in the middle of the road, and crawling to the side, many shouting in their delirium of home, mothers, wives, and others appealing most piteously to the Almighty for relief. The dead also strewn upon the road from the same cause were very numerous. As stated, it may be doubted whether a more horrible sight than that met by Sweitzer's Brigade in rapidly crossing the Jerusalem Plank Road at this point, was ever witnessed on any battlefield. As to the desperate character of this action. General J. Bowman Sweitzer. who was commanding the Brigade, and whose long and honorable service in all the campaigns of the army of the Potomac had earned for him a Brevet Brigadier- Generalship, expressed the opinion that this aflrair of the 22d of June on the Jerusalem Plank Road was one of the severest engagements in which he or his command had ever participated. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was fortu- nate, however, in sustaining comparatively slight loss in this engagement, which resulted in recapturing the works taken from the Second Corps. Incidents of the Engagement. This was the first engagement in which Colonel Pearson had participated since his altercation with General Ayres and suspension from the command of the Regiment, in the battle of the Wilderness. Lieutenant-Colonel John Ewing was slightly wounded in the foot in this action, and four others of the Regiment were wounded. One of the comrades of Company E received a wound under most peculiar circumstances. His name was Hugh Bayne, who, although hale and hearty physically, and at home a coal miner by occupation and- used to laborious work, was discovered, after his enlistment and settling down to duty in the service, to be mentally weak. From this fact, commanders of the company would never allow him to take charge of a gun or musket in the camp, on the march, or in battle. Bayne was assigned duty to be performed with an ax or UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 303 shovel or other peaceful implement — work which he did cheerfully. By some extraordinary oversight in this day's engagement, Bayne, who did not realize what danger was, accompanied the Regiment and Company to the relief of the position of the Second Corps on the front of the line. Armed with a shovel, Bayne stood i:p at one point of the action, when all of the Regiment in response to orders of the officers had lain down and were hugging the earth as closely as possible to avoid the enemy's shots. In plain view of the Regiment. Bayne arose, and seeing the enemy's line very distinctly, turned around to inform his comrades of the fact, when the enemy sent a minie ball through his jaw. It is said this occurrence was the only time that poor Bayne was ever known to look serious. His wound, however, was not dangerous. He was taken to the hospital and, after recovery, discharged for mental incapacity. For half an hour in the same evening of the 33d, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was under the severest shelling at the closest range it had ever ex- perienced, the shells in great numbers striking in their front, in their midst, and in their rear, ricocheting and bursting with crashes as if the heavens were falling. And vet amidst the storm of fragments of ragged iron, the Regiment, hugging the earth closely, suffered comparatively little harm. The Fifth Corps was pushed up close to the Confederate works, occupying the ground a little to the eastward of the direct Petersburg front, being the iden- tical position in advance which it had captured in the assault of the ISth of June.' After re-capturing the works of the Second Corps from the enemy and hold- ing them a day or two the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth went back into reserve bivouac. SixTY-SECoxD Departs for Home. On the night of the 3d of July, 1864, the Sixty-second Pennsylvania Regi- ment, commanded by Brevet Brigadier-General J. Bowman Sweitzer, on account of the expiration of its three year's service, took its departure from the front for its journey home to Pittsburg. The night before, notwithstanding the picket firing and shelling and the bomb-proof places of refuge existing in front of Petersburg, special permission was given the officers and men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment for a display of good will and to bid farewell to General Sweitzer and to the officers and men of the Sixty-second Regiment. The officers of General Sweitzer's Brigade and General Griffin, commander of the Division, tendered General Sweitzer the honor of a farewell banquet — if the humble fare of the commissary stores and the holding of the same amid the firing of the enemy will admit of being designated a banquet. On the " menu," however, were " commissary '" and " hardtack " in abundance. Colonel Pearson, who had rejoined and resumed command of the Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Ewing. Major Cline, Captains Laughlin, Quartermaster Pal- mer, Kilgore, Allen and Heisey, participated on the behalf of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in these festivities. Among the giiests also in attendance was Brevet Brigadier-General Richard Coulter, Colonel of the famous Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteers. General Coulter, like General Sweitzer, had been per- mitted by the authorities at Washington to command various bodies of troops in 304 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 305 active service, performing, for two years, the duties of Brigadier-General, but, despite the repeated recommendations of Generals Meade and Grant, for gallantry in action, he had been refused the well-earned commission. In General Sweitzer's farewell remarks on the occasion, he congratulated •General Griffin, the Division commander, who was present, on the transfer of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment to his division, stating that he had re- quested the War Department, because of his special confidence in the gallantry and bravery of Colonel Pearson and Lieutenant-Colonel Ewing, so long the commanders of the Regiment in the active campaigns, that the three hundred men of the Sixty-second Regiment, whose terms of service had not expired, be assigned to and distributed among the companies of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment. He also declared, turning to Colonel Pearson, that he felt no uneasiness as to the future of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, after what he himself had witnessed of their storming and assaulting the enemy's works on the 18th of June, while serving in his (Sweitzer's) Brigade. The Sixty-second Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers left for home on the .3d of July, after the banquet in their honor held on the night of July 2d. Many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were permitted to accompany the officers and men of the Sixty-second some distance from their camp to ex- change farewells and to send messages to relatives and friends in Pittsburg and vicinity. The revised Regimental roster in the Appendix shows the names and ranks ■of the members of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers, thus transferred to serve unexpired terms in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, It is but due these officers and men, thus transferred, to record the fact that no worthier, braver, or more chivalric soldiers than they proved to be while serving in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, ever faced an enemy. AvERv Maxsion. — Corps Headquarters. Through the close proximity of all the officers and men to the corps General and staff, his orders are given immediate attention, and distributed to the division and brigade commanders of the corps without delay. The right arm of the corps General, at his headquarters, is called the Assistant Adjutant-General of the corps, with the rank of Colonel. He is furnished two assistants with the rank of Captain, and also a number of enlisted men detailed to assist in copy- ing orders and preserving records, and tabulating morning reports and other routine work. It is through the Adjutant-General of the corps that all executive work and details of the corps, as planned and directed by the corps commander, are shaped and formulated for action and communication to all subordinate division com- manders. Really, though usually but little seen or known to the public, the corps Adjutant-General is a most responsible officer, his office demanding constant •energy in the discharge of the duties in active campaigning. The Fifth Corps was most fortunate in having, during the three years' service of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Regiment in the field, the duties of Assistant Adjutant-Gen- 306 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. eral, performed by Colonel Fred T. Locke, of New York, who was wounded in action several times, and on special recommendation of General Meade, was brevetted Brigadier-General for gallantry and meritorious services in the field. The location of corps headquarters in the early days of the siege of Peters- burg in the Avery Mansion was a source of no little concern to the large colony to be described below as comprising the headquarters. The shelling by the enemy, the Cnion mortar firing and Confederate replies, made the locality and building most undesirable, especially at night, when coveting tired nature's sweet restorer. General Warren and his personal staff preferred the beautiful lawn, and erected their tents on that ground. This left the stately mansion for the United States Military Telegraph operators, the Signal Corps and other depart- ments. The upper stories were reserved for sleeping apartments, the accommo- dations being limited to sleeping on uncarpeted floors. During the first days of the siege, both armies were hard at work strength- ening positions and extending their defenses, working at night as well as all day, in regular relief working parties. On account of his reputation as a military engineer. General Warren, as corps commander, was, with the rank and file, kept unusually busy day and night in the great work of investing the Confederate army intrenched behind the miles of breastworks composing the defenses of Petersburg. In addition to the mili- tary fire-arms, the troops of this corps were furnished picks, shovels and spades and other tools, and were required day and night to serve on details for fatigue duty, as the hard labor in erecting forts and digging trenches, was termed. This work of the troops was done under frequent fire of the enemy, and the me- chanical implements of the soldier-laborer had frequently to be dropped for the gun and its deadly sharpshooting. General Warren, in directing and superintending with engineers this con- struction of siege operations, usually located corps headquarters close to the front, and in the vicinity of the siege works being constructed. A fine old colonial mansion, known as the Avery Mansion, situated near the Union firing line on the 18th of June, on the great charge, had been abandoned by its owners. It was, notwithstanding its continued exposed condition, taken possession of as Fifth corps headquarters, and continued to be occupied as such during the first month of the siege. It had been already damaged in actions before its spacious parlors, rooms and groimds were made corps headc|uarters. The latter ineans in active campaigning much mi:)re than the corps (jeneral and his personal staff. Head- quarters comprises, in addition, a large retinue of commissioned officers, such as corps Quartermaster, corps Commissary, corps Provost Guard, corps Medical Director, a company of sharpshooters, a company of cavalry as escorts, a number of motmted and unmounted orderlies, soldier clerks, L'nited States Military Tele- graph operators. United States Signal Corps, United States mail clerks, wagon- ers, teamsters and colored cooks and servants, in all forming a colony of from three to four hundred people, together with horses, mules, etc., all camped close together at the end of each night march, or in winter quarters. Also the medical, hospital and ambulance officers and new men formed quite a large contingent. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 307 It did seem unkind and even malicious in both armies during this strenuous period of the siege, that every night just as the wearied day fatigue parties and the occupants of the Corps headquarters mansion were seeking sorely-needed rest, that the Confederate and Union batteries should at intervals break out in duels lasting often an hour or more. Stray shells and spent cannon balls frequently added to the excitement by striking the old Avery Mansion, penetrating the roof or a window with a great noise, and arousing the slumberers and especially ter- rifying the contraband cooks and servants in the corps colony. The United States Military Telegraph Corps operators had their ticking machines on the first floor of the building destroyed by one of these unwelcome visitors. The heavy siege mortars introduced by General Warren to the grounds of the Avery Mansion, when discharged at the enemy, as was done daily, also jarred and racked the venerable mansion, adding to the discomforts of the inmates. However, but few casualties resulted from the fire of the Confederates during this period of Corps headquarters. Fourth of July Celebr.\tions. Tuly 4, 1864, was spent by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in the advanced trenches, and as bombardment and mortar firing by both armies continued throughout the entire day and night. Independence Day about Petersburg was celebrated by much more noise and waste of powder than marked the Nation's birthday celebrations at home. After spending a few days in reserve, resting, the Regiment was on this day moved to the camp formerly occupied by the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, now consolidated with the r)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth. John Adams' famous ad- dress about the proper celebration of Independence Day, contrasted with the boom and noise of cannonading, musketry and picket firing along the line in front of Petersburg, was more than literally complied with in the army. Earnest and serious work by the armies behind the trenches and in the siege works being con- structed occupied the time of the commanders and subordinate officers of both armies operating at Petersburg, on this anniversary of the Nation's birth. The lines of the contending pickets were very close, and although lulls in firing took place, eternal vigilance was manifested by the videttes and [lickets of both armies without relaxation on account of the Nation's holida}'. The survivors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment serving in the trenches could not refrain from recalling memories of the equally noisy celebra- tion of July 4th on Little Round Top, Gettysburg, where, in addition to the great victory of the gallant Army of the Potomac on that historic field, word was also received of Grant's great victory and the surrender of the Confederate army at Vicksburg. Thoughts of the cold, wet, drear}- day of the preceding July 4th came unbidden to contrast the soft side of the rocks and boulders on Little Round Top, the Regiment's only couches for resting, with the dusty, sandy, heated soil, their sleeping places in front of Petersburg. The Regiment, with the Corps, was located less than a mile from Peters- burg, and from their position an excellent view of the church spires and public buildings of the besieged town was plainly visible. The peaceful and sweet 308 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. chimes of the church bells were heard each Sunday, very frecjuently having for accompaniment the shrieking, angry sounds of the cannon and mortars of both armies. The Confederate's heaviest mortar gun became so regular in its firing at this stage of the siege as to be dubbed " The Petersburg Express." The terrible reverberating sounds of the heavy artillery and numerous shells fired into Peters- burg during the siege, made the Union soldiers think that but little would be left of the beautiful " Cockade City " at the end of the siege. In this they were mistaken, for after the surrender at Appomattox, preceded by the fall i:)f Peters- burg, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, in marching with the Corps through the town of Petersburg, could see but little of the efl:ects of the heavy and continuous bombardment by Grant's army, on an)- of the churches or high build- ings exposed. Changes in Regimext. — Details, Etc, A number of vacancies in details and positions in the Corps and Division was occasioned by the occupants returning home with the Sixty-second and other regiments, whose terms of service had expired. Captain George M. Laughlin, of Company E, was appointed Commissary of Musters of the First Division, on the personal staiT of General Charles Griffin, commanding the Division. It was a promotion and distinction for the Regiment, which occasioned great joy to all except the members of his own company, who, whilst appreciating the honor, deeply regretted the severance of the affectionate ties which had won their love and esteem. Captain Laughlin discharged the duties of his position so satisfactorily that, on General Grififin's promotion to the com- mand of the Corps, Captain Laughlin continued on his staff, and was finally brevetted Major for gallant and meritorious service in action. A special order was received on July 10th from General G. K. \\'arren, commanding the Corps, ordering Private Charles F. McKenna, of Company E, to report at once for special duty with Colonel Fred T. Locke, Assistant Adjutant- General of the Fifth Corps, Private McKenna left the trenches to obey this order, and served at Corps headquarters under Generals Warren and Griffin until the war ended, being present at Five Forks and at Appomattox on duty with Colonel Locke, Adjutant-General, Private John C. Sias, of Company I, was detailed as orderly at the Division Headquarters, and Private Edward W, Sackett, of Company E, was detailed at Brigade Headquarters. Sergeant Zerah C. Monks, transferred to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth from the Sixty-second Regiment, was appointed Orderly-Sergeant of Company E, and proved himelf to be an efficient and brave officer. At the action of Five Forks he became engaged in a hand-to-hand encounter with a Confederate, which ended in the death of Sergeant Monks' antagonist. Captain Ben Huey, also transferred to the Regiment from the Sixty-second, was assigned to Company K of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth as Captain, in which position he proved himself to be a capable and brave officer. He moved to Bellevue, Pottawatomie count}'. Kansa-^, where, in the year 1900, he died uni- versally esteemed. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 309 On the 5th of July, at this camp, the Regiment was visited by agents of the Sanitary Commission, and treated to a welcome addition, in the shape of canned fruits of various kinds, to their daily fare of hardtack and meat. From the 5th to the "^Oth of July the One Hundred and Eifty-fifth, through " fatigue " details, was almost constantly undergoing hard labor in the trenches, constructing forts and breastworks. While engaged in this toil, the Regiment became so callous to the sound of shrieking and bursting shells around them that they paid little heed to them. On Julv "20, 1864, the Regiment moved out to the front line at daylight, to relieve another Regiment of the Brigade, and the enemy's pickets on this part of the front being peaceably inclined were soon on good terms with the Union pickets. Eor another week there was no picket or general musketry fire, and but for an occasional shelling, which the Union and the Confederate batteries exchanged to keep themselves in practice, the Regiment was as comfortable on the front as it had been in its camp in the rear. The picket lines in front of the Regiment were not over one hundred yards apart, and indeed in many places closer. Many exchanges of small articles, such as newspapers, coffee for tobacco, etc., took place. Life in the Trenches. July "iSth. After dark the Regiment moved a mile to the right, to a much less comfortable position, being within range of the enemy's heaviest artillery, where the breastworks were so poor as to afford little or no protection. On the morning of the 29th, at early dawn, the One Hundred and Eifty-fifth, with many other regiments, was put to work cutting and carrying timbers to build up and strengthen the breastworks. No trenching was done during daylight, as the enemy, having accurate range of the position, seemed determined to prevent it. The Regiment would bivouac all day some distance away in the most pro- tected situation to be found, and details would be called to go out and work all night in the trenches. On this night the Regiment put in several hours of hard labor, and by morning was tolerably well protected. The shoveling was con- tinued during the night of the 30th, the w^orks were as well constructed as any along the line. The picket posts along in front of this portion of the breastworks were holes in the ground large enough to contain two men. The earth from the holes was banked up on the side next the enemy with narrow embrasures therein large enough to allow the men to look and shoot through. These exposed picket posts on both sides afforded fine opportunities for target practice, as when firing was going on the occupants were continually on the watch for a head or an arm to protrude above the pit. Frequently, to test the accuracy of the fire, a Union or a Confederate soldier would place an empty fruit-can upon the little breastwork, and in a moment the can would topple over perforated by a minie ball. Inside the hole next the bank of earth a few sticks or boards were placed forming a platform, or banquette, to kneel upon while firing. To walk across the open space between the Union breastworks and rifle-pits would have meant certain death ; therefore, communication with the picket lines was had through trenches and " covered ways." These trenches would commence at the main line and run 310 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. out in a zigzag direction to the picket post, the earth being always banked up on the side next the eneni}- to conceal the movement, constituted a covered way. Sometimes the trenches ran straight out perpendicular to the enemy's line, so that bombshells from the enemy's mortar plants could be dropped into them. In such cases, timbers or plank with a thick covering of earth formed a roof over the same. These trenches and " covered ways " were frequently deep and large enough to allow ammunition and supply wagons to be driven through them con- cealed from the enemy. In several places inside the enemy's main line the locality in the rear of the works was so much exposed to the range of the Union sharpshooters that it was very unsafe for the enemy to approach or to leave the same. To overcome this difficulty, the Confederates constructed " covered ways " wide and deep enough to allow ammunition and supply trains and columns of troops to pass through them unobserved by the Union troops. A distinguished Confederate officer. Honorable John S. Wise, of Virginia, who was present during the siege, relates that during the picket firing between the picket lines two Confederate pickets in a post, becoming weary of the etern?' vigilance required of them, fixed a mirror in the rear of their little excavation, so that by sitting with their backs to the embrasures and looking into the mirror opposite, they could see the reflection of the Union lines in front. One day these Confederate pickets, Hays and Collins by name, while engaged in a friendly game of cards, began a bantering scuffle over the game, when Hays incautiously lifted Collins slightly above the parapet of the rifle-pit. Instantly the watchful eye of a Union sharpshooter, detecting the exposure, sped a minie ball which perforated the neck of Collins, killing him instantly. Both sides had many mortar plants from which immense bombshells were dropped by each side into the breastworks of the other. These mortars were fired into the air at a sufficient angle to the horizon to allow the big shell to drop at almost any spot the gunner desired to reach. To protect themselves against these missiles that came down like great meteiirs from the heavens, the soldiers of both armies dug deep holes into the earth, like cellars, covering the same with roofs of earth ten to fifteen feet in thickness constituting bombproofs. These mortar shells, however, were not very dangerous, as they generally struck and buried themselves in the ground before exploding, and beyond covering the by- standers with earth, did little damage. During those long midsummer days of the siege of Petersburg, when the rays of the Southern sun beat down upon the occupants of the riflepits unrelieved by breeze or shade, when the slightest exposure of the body meant death or wound, life in the pits as well as in the breastworks became indescribably mo- notonous, and the prolonged strain on the nerves could not endure for long. By a tacit agreement, the pickets on both sides stopped firing at each other during the davtime, and as already stated, became c|uite friendly. On one occasion during the summer seige a party of young ladies from Richmond visited Peters- burg, and were conducted to the Confederate intrenchments defending the city. Encouraged by the peacefulness of the surroundings, the young lady sight- seers mounted to the top of the Confederate parapets to view the Yanks in their front. Thousands of Union soldiers were visible engaged in various occupations. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 311 some cleaning and polishing their arms, others in fighting an enemy unnamable in polite conversation or literature. "Hello, Johnny! is this ladies' day?" shouted a Yank from an adjacent pit. The Union troops were not fighting women, and the Confederate ladies were not molested. This silent compact between the Union and Confederate pickets not to fire on each other during the daytime, was always ended at night by one side or the other calling out, " Look out, Yank! (or Johnny!) we're going to shoot." The reflecting reader may be curious to know how these pickets and men in the trenches were supplied with water. The defect of streams and springs was remedied by the sinking of artesian wells. At a depth of ten or twelve feet beneath the sandy, porous soil an abundant supply of pure water could be had ; and many wells were sunk within the lines and along the picket posts of both armies. The Mine Explosion. July 2yth. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth iiien were about exhausted by the unintermitting shoveling in the trenches in which they had been engaged by details for the past three nights. In the evening of this day orders were read that at sunrise next morning a mine would be exploded under a fort a short distance to the right of the position occupied by the Regiment, and that firing upon the enemy would be commenced all along the line. The idea of this mine was originated by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pleasants, of the Forty-eighth Penn- .sylvania, who, as a mining engineer, was familiar with mining operations in the Schuylkill counties mining districts of Pennsylvania. To the Forty-eighth Penn- sylvania, composed largely of miners, was intrusted the construction of the mine. The work of excavation was commenced on the 25th of June, and com- pleted on the 26th of July. The utmost precautions were taken to prevent knowl- 'edge of the operation from reaching the enemy. The doomed fort was a little more than a mile from Petersburg, directly in front of the Ninth Corps, at a very familiar location to the One Plundred and Fifty-fifth as being the very point on which the Regiment had made its brilliant charge on the previous 18th of June. The excavation was commenced in the side of a ravine, surmounted by an earth- work on the Union line, and the distance to be mined to reach the Confederate fort was about five hundred feet. As the excavation progressed, the earth from the mine was thrown on the works to prevent the accumulation of heaps, which might cause suspicion and give rise to inquiry. When the mining operation was completed under the fort, the excavation was within twenty feet of the surface, and the nailing of planks and timbers in the enemy's fort overhead could be distinctly heard by the miners. Chambers for explosives were carefully con- structed in the mine, and the whole charged with three hundred and twenty kegs of powder, amounting to four tons. A fuse spliced in many places to make it of proper length, was carefully laid, and the mine was ready to be sprung. While the excavation was progressing, all intercourse between the opposing pickets was strictly prohibited and a constant skirmish fire was kept up in front of the Ninth Corps, while to the right and the left of the line the pickets were on amicable terms. Notwithstanding all the precautions as to secrecy taken by 312 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the Union officers, the enemy was not unaware that some such operation was being prosecuted. The artillerymen in the enemy's fort, lying with their ears to the ground, could distinctly hear the work going on beneath them. The Union pickets themselves, aware of the undertaking only by vague rumor, occasionally threw out vague hints, such as " Johnny, you're going to heaven soon," or " We're going to blow you up next week," etc. The Confederate engineers, evidently placing no reliance in the informa- tion coming from the rank and file, seemed uncertain as to the location of the mine, and after making two or three attempts to countermine at dififerent points, abandoned their efforts and awaited further developments. The plan of assault was that upon the explosion of the mine a fierce cannonading was to open all along the Union line upon the enemy's works, thus keeping them fullv employed, and preventing the withdrawal of any troops to reinforce the part of the line to be destroyed by the explosion of the enemy's fort. Then, before the Con- federates could recover from the consternation and confusion which the ex- plosion of the mine and the sudden burst of a tremendous artillery fire would naturally create, a strong assaulting column from the Ninth Corps would advance rapidly through the gap created by the explosion, passing to the right and left of the wrecked fort, to the crest of the ridge beyond, known as Cemetery Hill, which completely commanded the city of Petersburg, and which was the key to the extensive fortifications encircling the city. This fort that was to be blown up formed a salient in the enemy's line, and was the same in the moats of which many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth had taken refuge until darkness en- abled them to escape, in the famous charge and repulse on the 18th of June. The space between the fort and the Union line over which the storming columns would have to advance to reach the fort was about one hundred and fifty yards. To render success more probable. Genera! Grant, on the "26th and 27th, sent two divisions of the Second and the Nineteenth Corps, with Sheridan's Cavalry, across the James river to join with the Tenth Corps in a determined attack in front of Richmond, to distract the attention of the enemy and draw their troops away from the works in front of Petersburg. On the SOth. the gunboats on the James river joined in the attack, and Lee's suspicions being fully aroused that a serious assault upon his right was really impending, sent all his available troops from Petersburg to defend his menaced right flank. This was the opportunity Grant desired. Soon after dark on the 29th of July, ISG-t, all the troops that were to take part in the Union assault were placed in position. Ledlie's Division of the Ninth Corps was to lead in the advance, followed by Wilcox's and Pot- ter's Divisions of the same Corps. These troops were to be supported by the Eighteenth and the Second Corps on the right and the Fifth Corps on the left. The troops that had been sent across the James quietly returned during the night. The fuse was to be lit in the mine at half-past three on the morning of the 30th. Promptly at the time specified the match was applied to the fuse, but after wait- ing a reasonable time no explosion occurred, and it was decided that the fuse at some point was defective. Two brave men of the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, who had toiled in the mine night and day under the direction of Colonel Pleas- ants, having faith that their work was not a failure, volunteered to enter the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 313 mine and remedy the trouljle. The defect was found and repaired. The fuse was lighted a second time. This faiUire of the first attempt and the consequent repairing of the fuse consumed time, and the explosion did not take place until a few minutes before five o'clock in the morning, when there was a deep rum- ble and the earth in the neighborhood trembled as with an earthquake, and then with a tremendous explosion a conical mountain, seemingly half an acre in extent, rose in the air, carrying with it stones, timber, caissons, bodies and limbs of men, and some of the heavy guns of the fort. Remaining poised for a mo- ment, the black earth in the center streaked and serried with lightning, surrounded by white smoke which still came pouring out of the volcano, the mass settled back to the earth. Of the two hundred Confederates in the fort, many still asleep, none es- caped. For a moment the deepest silence prevailed ; then, as if old Chaos and all the thunderbolts of heaven were being hurled into that living Golgotha, one hun- dred heavy siege guns and seventy thousand muskets from the Union works, in compliance with the previous orders, opened fire upon the enemy's line. The Confederate troops in the works for nearly a quarter of a mile on both sides of the exploded fort left their positions, fleeing in terror from the wholly unexpected sight so much resembling the Day of Judgment. A great gateway to Cemetery Ridge and Petersburg was opened up, and surely Grant will lay a strong hand on Petersburg to-day. But why does not the Union storming column advance? Finally, after a waste of mucli precious time, Ledlie's Division of Burnside's Corps slowly advances — hesitates — halts — finally advances again as far as the crater, and again halts, blocking the way for the other divisions of the Ninth Corps. An hour passes. Where is Burnside, the commander of the Corps? Why does not Ledlie advance to the crest? Generals Grant and Meade were both at the scene of action. To General Meade's peremptory order to Burnside to advance, the latter replied that there were difficulties. What were the diffi- culties? He could not specify any. Is it any wonder that, under the circumstances, the troops of Ledlie's Divis- ion yielded to the calls of humanity, and entered the crater to render assistance to the torn and shattered fragments of human beings still alive, half buried in the debris, and begging piteously for help? — "For God's sake, a little water! Yanks, have mercy, take me out: I'll do as much for you some time! " This re- sponse to the calls of humanit}- was ruinous, for it gave time to the enemy to recover from the panic into which they had been thrown by the unexpected catastrophe. " But," says this distinguished Confederate author. Honorable John S. Wise, " If Burnside was deficient on the aggressive, the Confederate officer in command of the Division defending the position, was a Roland for his Oliver. * * * Bushrod Johnson held the rank of Major-General. He selected headquarters at a house in the rear of the lines, and there he remained vegetating, without any friendly intercourse with his command. When General Lee, some hours after the mine had been exploded, reached General Johnson's headquarters, Johnson knew no •details of the disaster, or of the dispositions made to repair it, although it was his own Division that was involved, and the enemy over the hill was not four hundred 314 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. yards distant. If the enemy had pressed forward at any time within two hours after the explosion, they would in all probability have found General Bushrod Johnson in bed. When General Lee arrived about eight o'clock, he found him actually ignorant of the peril." The stupidity — or whatever it might be called — which occasioned the delay of three hours in taking advantage of the opportunity to capture Petersburg created by the explosion of the mine, was fatal to the project; for it gave the enemy time to recover from the stupor occasioned by the explosion. The fierce fire from several batteries which the Confederate General, Haskell, had by that time placed in position on Cemetery Ridge, now poured upon the unfortunate Union troops huddled like sheep in and around the crater, aggravated the hor- rors of the scene. It was now impossible for the Union troops in that vicinity either to advance or to retreat, and the officers lost all control of their com- mands. The carnage was beyond description. The victims were crushed in the very jaws of Death itself. From the time of the explosion to its close, Generals Grant and Meade were on the ground, and both Generals Warren and Ayres occupying works and whose troops were in line of battle requested to be allowed to lead their men to the charge, but Grant and ]Meade refused. At nine o'clock General Meade ordered Burnside to withdraw his troops, but it was two o'clock in the afternoon before the order was executed. The detailed description of the mine explosion and its deplorable conse- quences is only adverted to in the history of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, because of the Regiment's participation with the Fifth Corps in firing at the enemy's line opposite, and also from their desire to follow their leader. General Warren, had his request to be allowed to leave the breastworks and charge the enemy's defenses opposite, been granted. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth maintained its position without change amid the bomb-proofs until the 18th of August, undergoing daily inspection, and house-cleaning to keep and promote proper sanitary conditions in its cramped quarters, varying this daily routine with the use of the shovel and pick. The mortar plants on both sides went through their daily and nightly performances, keeping the men in the trenches dodging to avoid the falling aerolites. During this period there was much good-natured badgering indulged in between the foes. " Grant's Petersburg Express " sent a great many iron messages into Peters- burg, especially the lower part of the city, in the neighborhood of the railroad bridge over the Appomattox. Life in the trenches at this time was very monoto- nous and unpleasant, the heat and flies preventing sleep in the daytime, and digging in the trenches at night allowing no time for it. CAPTURE OF WeLDOX RaILROAD. On the 18th of August, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Fifth Corps, being relieved in the trenches by other troops, marched out and started on another flanking movement to the left. In referring to movements to the left, the reader will understand the left flank or end of the Army of the Potomac and the right flank or end of Lee's army is meant. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 315 Griffin's Division being in advance, Ix'ing preceded by a brigade of cavalry, niarcbed in the direction of the W'eldon Railroad, and between seven and eight o'clock in the mornitig strnck the railroad at Six Mile Station. The One Hnndred and Fifty-fifth and Griffin's Division at once began tear- ing np the track, while the other divisions, under Ayres. Crawford and Cutler, marched up the track towards Petersburg, driving the enemy's skirmishers before them until the Union troops were within two and one-half miles of the city. At this point the Confederates of Hill's Corps, under Heath and Mahone, were encountered double-quicking down the railroad from Petersburg. The two divisions under Ayres and Crawford formed in line of battle at right angles to the railroad, in the open fields, Ayres being on the left of the railroad and Craw- ford on the right. About 'i P. M. the enemy emerged from the woods immediately in front, and made one of their usual impetuous charges upon the Union line, forcing it half a mile down the road to the Yellow, or Globe Tavern ; but the Fourth Division, under Cutler, advancing rapidly to the support of Ayres and Crawford, tfanked the enemy's line on the left. This turned the tide of the bat- tle, and the enemy was repulsed. The Union forces now began throwing up earthworks, and by daybreak on the lilth were strongly intrenched. The rain fell in torrents during the night, and the enemy, fearing an advance of the Union forces, kept up a vigorous shelling the entire night, making the work of intrenching very arduous and dangerous. It was not considered jirobable that General Lee would consent to give up one of his most important railway lines of communication without a determined effort to retake it. Steps were immediately taken by Grant to reinforce the Fifth Corps under Warren, and connect the earthworks just constructed with the Union main line on the right. The Ninth Corps, having arrived in the vicinity on the morning of the IDtii. and connection having been made with the Fifth Corps on the right, the whole line, preceded by a heavy line of skirmishers, ad- vanced .slowlv in the direction of Petersburg, throwing up intrenchments as they advanced. No opposition was felt until alx)Ut ten o'clock, when the enemy was encountered, in force, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the Fifth Corps, under \\'arren, prepared for a fierce resistance. About four o'clock in the afternoon, in the midst of a heavy downpour of rain, the enemy under Heth, yelling like demons, made a furious dash upon the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth and (iriffin's Division, capturing the advanced picket line and the strongly intrencfied skirmish line, driving the pickets and skirmishers back upon the main line. Here, however, the Confederates received a bloody repulse, not without, however, having inflicted a heavy loss upon the Brigade of United States Regu- lars under General Joseph Ha>es, who was among the wounded and captured. The Fifth Corps, under Warren, maintained its line without change of posi- tion during the -.'Dth, amid severe cannonading but no general fighting. On the 21st. however, the enemy renewed the attack on the Union lines, driving in the skirmishers and advancing again and again to the charge, but always receiving bloody repulses. On the ^Sd reconnoitering parties were sent out, and the enemy was discovered busily engaged in intrenching about three miles from Petersburg. The Corps headquarters of General Warren were then established 316 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. at the Yellow Globe Tavern, a strong skirmish line was established by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other regiments, and the troops went to work industriously with the spade, in the use of which they were becoming adepts. During this fierce contest for the possession of the Weldon Railroad, it was supposed that the enemy's heaviest attack would be made on the left of the Union line occupied by Griffin's Division, in an endeavor to flank the Fifth Corps and drive it oft" the railroad. The Second Brigade, with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, forming the left of Griffin's Division, it was supposed, would receive the brunt of the assault ; but the enemy, in charging on Griffin's Division, on account of some obstruction in the way, always obliqued to the right, thus shifting the force of its attack upon the right of Griffin's Division and upon the other divisions of the Fifth Corps. For this reason, the losses of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were much lighter than they might have been had the Confederate's columns reached the Union line at the points aimed at when their advance commenced. GROUP AT CORPS HEADQUARTERS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 317 Chapter XV. HATCHER'S RUN.— \\ELDON RAILROAD RAID. Confederate General Hampton's Cavalry Raid in Rear of Union Army. — Pickets in Front of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Attacked by Enemy. — Cavalry Reconnoissance in Direction of South Side Railroad. — Regi- ment Supports Cavalry on Squirrel Level Road. — Engagement at Chap- man's Farm. — Battle of Peeble's Farm. — Capture of Fort McRae by Griffin's Division. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Colors First Planted on Enemy's Works. — Farewell Serjion of Chaplain J. M. Mateer. — Orders TO Pack Up and Break Camp. — Enemy Encountered in Strong Force at Hatcher's Run. — Fifth Corps Regains Its Former Quarters. — Sutlers' Stores. — Weldon Railroad Raid. — Destruction of Track. — Contrabands. — Bushwhackers and Guerrillas Foraging. — -Apple Jack and Peach Brandy. — Sussex Court House Burned. — Regiment Goes Into Winter Quarters. — Griffin's Division on March to Left. — Engagement at Dabney's Mills. — Engagement of Second Hatcher's Run. — Lieutenant-Colonel Ewing WouNDED.^ — Casualties. Successful Cattle Raid by Hampton's Cavalry. |ERY early on the morning of the loth of September, 1864, General Grant received reports from the Union cavalry outposts that a mysterious movement of Confederate cavalry was taking place on the left of the Fifth Corps. A reconnoitering force composed of several regiments of Union cavalry and a brigade of infantry was sent out towards the Vaughan Road running nearly south from Petersburg. The enemy's outpost lines were broken through and the country traversed in various directions, and although Dearing's Confederate Cavalry was encoun- tered and a slight brush took place, the reconnoissance could obtain no knowledge of anything alarming, yet one of the most brilliant, daring and successful raids of the war was being made by the Confederate cavalry leader. General Wade Hampton. Setting out from Reams' Station on the Weldon Railroad, and making a wide detour of the Union left. General Hampton, with his Confederate cavalry and two batteries, appeared suddenly early on the morning of the 16th of September, 1864, in the rear of the center of the Army of the Potomac. One of Hampton's regiments, dressed in Union cavalry uniforms, relieved the Union pickets, thus making the surprise more complete. His object was to seize a herd of twenty-five hundred beef cattle pasturing southeast of Petersburg, near Syca- 318 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 319 more Church. The attack was so sudden and the surprise so complete that Spear"s Union Cavalry Brigade, which was picketing the locality, was driven away by the Confederates, and two regiments, the Thirteenth Pennsylvania and the First District of Columbia Cavalry, stampeded, the latter Regiment, with all its horses, arms, equipments, wagons and camp paraphernalia being captured. It is also related that General Grant and his staff, whose headquarters were close by, narrowly escaped being among the trophies of the daring Confederate cavalry leader. As soon as this great herd of cattle, with their herdsmen, guards, etc., were secured and driven ahead. General Hampton and his troopers set out on their return to the Confederate lines. General Kautz and Gregg's Union Cavalry Divisions soon followed in rapid pursuit, continuing as far as Belcher's Mill, on the Jerusalem Plank Road, where the Confederates, under Rosser and Dearing, made a stand, holding the Union cavalry at bay while the other portions of Hampton's columns moved leisurely off with the cattle. In addition to the •cattle herd, Hampton carried off three hundred prisoners, two hundred mules and thirty-two wagons ; also a telegraphic construction corps of forty men, with their trains and twentv miles of wire. Attack on Union Picket Line. The more effectively to conceal this raid of Hampton's cavalry, the Con- federates, early on the morning of the 16th of September, made a fierce attack upon the pickets all along the line of the Fifth Corps, driving many of them into the intrenchments. The 'attack in front of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth continued for more than an hour, but the L^nion pickets succeeded in re- pulsing the enemy. When the firing began on the picket line, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was called to arms, and the companies stacked their muskets in the company streets to await the result of the attack upon the pickets. While the Regiment was thus marshalled, a large black snake was seen to protrude its "head and neck from a hollow limb of a large oak tree in the camp, and a mem- ber of Company H. with an ax, climbed the tree to cut ofif the limb. Sitting astride the limb, with his back against the trunk of the tree, the soldier at- tempted to sever the limb between himself and the hole in which the snake was concealed. The strokes of the ax jarring the limb, caused the snake to poke Tiis head out of the hole and attempt to escape. The axman using the handle of his ax as a club, battled with the reptile to drive it into the hole again. This imique battle was kept up half an hour before the limb was finally severed from the tree and the serpent dispatched. During the progress of this snake fight more interest was displayed in it by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth than in the expected attack of the enemy. Engagement at Chapin's Farm. On the 29th of September, 1864, a reconnoissance was made by Gregg's •cavalry towards the left front of Griffin's Division, in the direction of the South- 320 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. side Railroad. In the afternoon of that day it was evident, from the heavy can- nonading in that direction, that the Union cavalry had come into contact with the enemy in force. In the meantime, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, having re- ceived orders to " pack up," moved, about five o'clock p. m., a short distance on the Squirrel Level Road, then turning to the right on a narrow country road, ad- vanced a mile, where it formed in line of battle to support the cavalry. The latter fell back through the lines of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, pursued by the enemy. After a slight skirmish, the Confederates, finding that they were fighting with infantry, fell back. The Regiment remained in position until darkness set in, and then marched back to its old camp. This skirmish was known as the battle of Chapin's Farm. The Action at Peeble's Farm. Earlv on the morning of the 30th of September. Griffin's Division returned to its position of the evening before, and with cavalry skirmishers in front, ad- vanced about a mile. At this point the enemy's skirmish line proving too strong for the cavalry. Griffin's Infantry Division formed in line of battle, and advancing slowly, pressed the enemy's skirmish line in a northwesterly direction. The Confederate artillery, supporting their skirmish line, seemed to have a good range as to distance, but their shells burst high in the air, doing but little damage. As Griffin's Division descended into a deep, heavily-wooded ravine, the enemy's shells cut down trees eight to ten inches thick, in the vicinity of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth. Several short halts were made in this ravine to straighten the alignment of the advancing columns. After crossing a small stream at the bottom of the ravine, Griffin's Division threw out a strong line of skirmishers, and awaited developments. The skirmish- ers met with little resistance, advanced up to the crest of the ridge on the opposite side of the valley, until reaching the open space beyond the crest, where they were met by a furious enfilading fire from an unseen foe lurking in the woods on the left front. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth skirmishers were well pro- tected by large oak trees, and the Confederate skirmishers, while making very close shots, failed to repulse them. This cleared space, known as Peeble's Farm, was of several hundred acres in extent and entirely inclosed by a fringe of forest on four sides. The ground descended slightly from the edge of the woods in which the Union troops were located to the middle of the plantation occupied by the homestead, barn and numerous ovitbuildings. then gradually ascended to the farther side of the farm. On commanding ridges on the opposite side of these fields, half a mile distant, was discovered a Confederate redoubt called Fort McRae, containing several rifled guns, and connecting on either side with lines of well constructed intrenchments erected by Confederates, having a clear sweep of the entire open ground of this farm. Across this space, a thousand yards wide. Griffin's Division was to charge on the enemy's works. Capture of Fort McRak. As the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth line of liattle advanced to and joined the skirmishers on the edge of the plantation, the fire from the enemy's position UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 3->l became furious. For some reason, the Regiment advanced on the charge before orders to do so were given. As the troops, with loud cheers, started on the " double-quick " into the open ground, Colonel A. L. Pearson, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, who had dismounted, shouted to the men to ■■ halt." Finding he could not make himself heard, the Colonel, with an oath,, exclaimed, " Well, if you will go, then go! " and starting after, was soon in the midst of the charging column. This assault of Grififin's Division on Fort McRae and the enemy's breastworks was to have been made in three lines, one behind another: but if the charge was so made, the lines soon became intermingled as one line. Color-Sergeant Thomas J. Marlin, of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth, seeing that the color-bearer of another regiment of Griffin's Division was likely to reach the Confederate works sooner than he, called on Corporal Thos. Anderson, of Company I, to assist him, and the two planted the colors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth on the enemy's works ahead of all the other regi- ments of Griffin's Division. \\'hen the charging column had approached to within one hundred yards of the enemy's intrenchments, the cannoniers in Fort AIcRae were seen limbering up their guns and hooking on their horses, and when the Union troops surged up over the breastworks like a huge, resistless billow, the Confederates had made good their escape, leaving but one gun and fifty or sixty prisoners in the hands of Griffin's victorious troops. A half-hour later Potter's Division, of the Ninth Corps, marched through the captured works in pursuit of the retreating enemy. An hour later heavy musketry and cannonading in the direction taken by the Ninth Corps announced the fact that they had overtaken the foe ; but as the tumult became louder and nearer, it also became evident that the Confederates were the victors. Shortly after the advance of the Ninth Corps in pursuit of the enemy and their ap- parent repulse, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth which with the Third Brigade had been massed near the spot where they had crossed the enemy's works, with Colonel Pearson leading, double-quicked to the left a short distance, with the enemy's bullets humming over their heads and through their ranks. The Regi- ment then charged through the woods to a field beyond, encountering the enem)^ flushed with victory, advancing to re-capture their lost works. It appears that after passing through the captured works and advancing some distance. Potter's Division of the Ninth Corps formed in line of battle and advanced until checked by the enemy in a strong line of works on a hill half a mile further on. Endeav- oring to carry this position, the Ninth Corps Division sufifered a severe repulse, and being thrown into confusion, allowed a gap in their lines to be created, through which the Confederates threw a strong flanking force, dispersing Potter's Division, and capturing more than fifteen hundred prisoners. Sweeping onward this flanking force of the enemy endeavored to re-capture their lost works at Peeble's Farm, and it was this force that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, as already de.scribed, under Colonel Pearson, encountered and drove back. The other troops of Griffin's Division, with a batter}-, soon came to the support of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and a hot engagement ensued, lasting until dark- ness put an end to the strife. For more than an hour during this engagement, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth lay on the ground loading and firing, directly in UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. O 05 d 3 o mo OS J!' M O W 5 ►J ca COM c W 3 O < -S a . < t u UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 3-^3 front of the guns of Griffin's battery, which fired over tlie heads of the prostrate Regiment, a position which finally became exceedingly uncomfortable, when this batter_v became engaged in a duel with a Confederate battery which had got the range. When night came on and the firing ceased, the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth, using their bayonets and tin-plates, threw up light intrenchments of earth. The next day, the artillery firing on both sides was kept up all day, with few casualties in the Regiment, IXTREXCHIXG OPERATION'S ReXEWED. On October 1, 1864, the One Hundred and Fiftv-hfth moved nearly a mile to REV. JOS. MATEER, D.D. Chaplain. 1863-4. the right, along the captured works, and began the work of changing them into Union defenses. On the ^d of October, because of some threatening movements of the enemy, the Regiment was moved back to the position which it had occu- pied on the afternoon and evening of the 30th of September. Beyond a severe shelling by the enemy, only skirmish firing took place. In the afternoon of the '?d the Regiment again moved to the right, taking a position nearly half a mile in advance of the enemy's works captured on the liOth ult., and for several davs labored hard in the construction of new defenses, with plenty of slashed timber in front. On October 7, 18(14, a recruit of Company H, who had been with the Regi- 3-34 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ment only five days, becoming demoralized with fear when assigned to picket duty, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head while on his post forty or fifty rods in advance of the breastworks. On October 8, 1864, the picket line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was advanced half a mile, the Regiment in line of battle supporting the movement. From the 8th to the 3Gth of October, 186-4, no event of unusual importance oc- curred to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Comfortable quarters had been erected, and the men daily performed the common routine duties of camp, such as guard-mount, inspections, sending out details to build new fortifications, strengthen old ones, etc. On October 33, 1864, the Regimental Chaplain, Reverend J. M. Mateer, D. D., preached his farewell sermon to the Regiment, General Gregory, of the Ninety- first Pennsylvania, who had a few days previous been promoted to a Brigadier- Generalship, taking an active part in the services. Chaplain Mateer's resignation was greatly regretted by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. His Christian char- acter was fully exemplified by his frequent visits and ministrations to the sick and wounded of the Regiment in the field hospitals. In the camp many a sol- dier's pathway was made smoother by the kindly advice of this simple-hearted Christian minister who sought only to do the Master's will. Frequently before battles. Chaplain Mateer became the repository of the money, valuables, memen- toes and letters of members of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, to be sent, in the event of their falling in battle, to relations and friends in the distant North. The trust thus reposed in him was always faithfully executed, and the burden of many a grief was lightened by the comforting words accompanying these messages. As this season of the year in Virginia, the fields and lanes contained an abundance of persimmon trees, the fruit of which was now ripe, and the forests a plentiful crop of wild fox grapes, of moderate size and good flavor ; but the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, not being permitted either by their officers or by the enemy, to roam the country at will, were compelled to forego the for- bidden fruit. The outlying pickets were more fortunate in this respect, as they occasionally gathered (piantitics of delicious fruit. Action at Hatcher's Run. On the 3(ith of October. 1864, orders to pack up and break camp were re- ceived, and at an early hour on the 3Tth of October, 1864, the Regiment, com- manded by Colonel A. L. Pearson, marched out of their works, near Peeble's Farm, and with other regiments of the Second Brigade, took its place in the columns of Griffin's Division, to attempt by another flank movement to get a grip on the Southside Railroad. Soon after passing through the Union picket line, the enemy's outposts were reached and their pickets driven two or three miles into their first line of works. Here the Confederates were encountered in strong force. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth doubtless were ready to renew the at- tempt to route them had the Regiment been ordered to charge on the works. In- deed, several of the most adventurous spirits of the Regiment did advance to UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 335 and mounted to the top of the enemy's defenses, and narrowly escaped being killed or captured for their rashness. Corporal George Clever, with some comrades of Company K, approached the hostile works without being discovered, the Corporal mounting to the top of the parapet. The enemy, not expecting an attack, had been paying but little attention to their front, and when Clever appeared upon the parapet, they were very much surprised, a Confederate officer exclaiming, " Look at the damned Yankee! Shoot him! Shoot him! " causing the Corporal to make a hasty retreat. Finding that probably no attempt would be made to assault the Confederate line, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth threw up light earthworks, whicli they occupied continuously until noon of the ISth of October, being under a desultory fire from the enemy the entire time. At this point on Hatcher's Run, the Fifth Corps was formed in three lines of battle. Griffin's Division being on the second line. During the period of the enemy's hottest fire, a New York regiment of fresh troops in the first line of battle, becoming panic-stricken, on the opening of the battle, made a rush through the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth for the rear, many throwing away in their flight guns, accoutrements and knapsacks. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, having before the Wilderness campaign, relieved themselves of all superfluous baggage, joyously availed themselves of this opportunity to secure a fresh supply of over- coats and well-stocked knapsacks, which, in many cases, they refused afterwards to restore to their original owners. It was learned later that the Second Corps, which was still further to the left than the Fifth Corps, had been unable, because of the impenetrable forests and marshes, to secure a favorable position to connect with Warren's troops, and as the enemy's fortifications were being rapidly manned with strong re-enforce- ments, an assault was deemed impracticable, and the Union troops were with- drawn. The previous night had been cold and wet, causing considerable sufifer- ing among the troops, and it was with much rejoicing that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, on the 28th of October, marched back to their former comfortable cuarters in the intrenchments. Camp Life. — Incidents. During the autumn just ending, the C)ne Flundred and Fifty-fifth, in its vari- ous movements, was never settled in a camp longer than a day until the Regi- mental .sutler pitched his tent and displayed his enticing wares for sale. A plenti- ful supply of tobacco, both for chewing and smoking, could always be obtained from the sutler's store at a very moderate price. If a youth had never been ad- dicted to the use of tobacco at home, it rec|uired but a short period after enlist- ment for him to acquire a taste for the weed. The articles of food kept in stock by the sutler was a decided variance from L'ncle Sam's fare, and had it not been for high prices and lack of money, the soldiers might have enjoyed many home luxuries. Butter was in greatest demand as a luxury to be used on the good soft bread rations issued by the Government to the troops when in camp, and eighty cents to a dollar a pound was not considered a high price for it, as being 326 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. of a much stronger quality than the home article, a much smaller (|uantity of it sufhced. About the 1st of November, 1864, the One Hudnred and Fifty-fifth was transferred to the Third Brigade of the First Division of the Fifth Corps, with Brigadier-General Joseph J. Bartlett, a brave and popular officer, as commander of the Brigade. Life in the trenches, camps and marches, drills and inspections continued daily during this month. Along in the first days of December, 1864, the hopes of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth of being ordered to go into permanent winter quarters, were much disturbed by rumors of another rlank movement by the Fifth Corps to- ward the Southside Railroad. The move- ment of the Sixth Corps to the rear of the Fifth Corps seemed a confirmation of these camp rumors : and when orders were received by the Regiment to " pack up," no surprise was felt. In the mean- time, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were delighted to learn that Colonel Pear- son had received a commission as Brevet Brigadier-General and Lieutenant- Colonel Ewing as Brevet Colonel, on recommendation of General Meade. fi:>r gallant and meritorious conduct in the field. BRIG.-GEN. JOSEPH J. BARTLETT. The W'eldox Railroad Raid. On the 6th of December. 1864, the Fifth Corps, including the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth, broke camp, and massed in the rear near the Jerusalem Plank Road, with a division of the Second Corps, and Gregg's Division of cav- alry, comprising in all about twenty thousand men, with twenty-two pieces of artillery. The massing of these troops on the Jerusalem Plank Road dispelled the idea of another " flank movement " to the left. The supplying of the troops with four days' rations, and the news that the supply trains carried additional supplies of rations for eight days, as usual in such cases caused much conjecture among the troops as to the destination of the impending movement. When, after a wet, disagreeable night, the troops started at daybreak southward on the Jerusalem Plank Road, rumor became busy and word spread that the destina- tion of this strong force was \\'ilmington. North Carolina, which town, the in- genious reporters asserted, was to be stormed by this expedition in the rear, whilst the L'nited States navy made a front attack. A march of about fifteen miles brought the Fifth Corps column near to Freeman's Bridge across the Nottoway river. Before reaching the bridge, the column filed to the right on a UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. 3•^r country road, crossing the Nottoway a mile above the bridge at a ford about three feet deep. The Union cavalry forded the stream, and the infantry crossed on pontoons without any delay, the entire force being on the south side of the river before dark. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth bivotiacked about half way between Sussex Court House and the Nottoway. Early on the morning of the 8th of December, lS6-i, the cohmm passed through the former place, marching in a southwesterly direction toward the North Carolina State line. Late in the afternoon the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth with the other troops reached the Weldon Railroad and immediately began tearing up the track, continuing the work of destruction until midnight. The rails were twisted from the ties, the latter piled up in square heaps and fires kindled, and the rails placed across the top. When the latter became heated to a degree that the ends sagged down, they were twisted by the troops around the trees that fringed the track, thus render- ing them forever useless for railroad purposes. As night set in, the long line of burning ties, extending for miles along the straight track, presented a most beautiful sight. The following day the column, still moving southward, continued to destroy the track in the same manner, until reaching Uellefield on the Aleherran river, nearly forty miles south of Petersburg. Before reaching Bellefield, distant some three miles, the troops encountered the enemy in some force at a small stream called Three Creek. Having burned the railroad bridge, this force disputed the passage of the stream. However, a Federal battery having opened upon the enemy's position, attracted their attention while the Tenth New York Regiment forded the stream and flanked their position, the Confederates falling back to Bellefield. Hicksford, across the river from Bellefield, was discovered to be well protected by strong defensive works, well manned by militia and a part of Hampton'? Confederate cavalry. The place was not considered of sufificient strategic importance to warrant the loss of life the taking of the position might occasion. A severe engagement later took place and Warren's troops were sub- jected to a very hot fire from the hostile works, but the enemy was finally driven from them, only to occupy another stronger position beyond the town. Return from Weldon Railroad Raid. On the morning of December 10, 186i, General Warren ordered a return march to the L'nion lines to commence. This was a great disappointment to the troops, as the work of destruction in which they had been engaged for the last two days was quite exciting, and they were more than willing to continue it. But the reconnoissance ordered by General Grant, to be conducted by General Warren's Corps, had been successful, and hence its return to the main line. The Weldon Railroad had been destroyed by the Union cavalry in June previous, to a point twelve or fifteen miles south of Petersburg, but the road was still used by the Confederates as far North as Stony Creek Station, in conveying supplies to Lee's army, wagon trains being used to convey military stores across a comparatively level country to the Southside Railroad for re-shipment to Petersburg. General Grant's design in sending out Warren's expedition was to :.i-^s UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ■destroy the railroad so far south as to render it useless as a means of communi- cation with the Confederate Capital, and in this duty the Corps had been successful. Ever since starting on this raid on the 6th of December, the weather had been very wet and disagreeable ; but now the increasing cold terminated in storms of sleet and snow, making the roads almost impassible for the trains and troops. Much suffering from exposure occurred, but the troops made few complaints. The wagon and artillery trains occupied the highways, while the troops marched on their flanks through muddy fields, forests and swamps as guards. Negroes from all directions left their masters and flocked to the protection of the Union troops, among them old men and women and little children, and as soon as a wagon of the supply train was emptied of its contents, it was filled with negro mothers with their childhen. So tightly were they packed into the canvas-covered wagons that little woolly heads often protruded from every crack and crevice in the cover, reminding one of the " Old woman who lived in a shoe." On the return, the enemy's cavalry followed the Union column and en- deavored to harrass the rear, but did not cause much trouble. On the 12th of December. 1864, Warren's expedition reached the Union lines in safety, though much exhausted from the forced marches and severe winter weather. iNCrOENTS OF THE R.\ID. During the progress of this expedition, known in general history as the Weldon Railroad Raid. General Warren issued strict orders prohibiting foraging or the committing of depredations by the troops upon the inoffending non-com- "batants along the route of march. Learning, however, that these supposedly peaceful inhabitants, in many cases, were engaging in bushwhacking and murder- ing stragglers who were unable to keep up with the colunm. Warren withdrew his orders against foraging, and the troops, taking advantage of the license, soon became possessed of all sorts of household articles. The principal forage, how- ever, gathered in h\ the troops consisted of hogs, turkeys, chickens, flour, sweet potatoes, with honey and jams and jellies as accessories. " Apple-jack " and peach brandy, another bi-product of that part of X'irginia, was discovered in lib- eral quantities, many of the troops soon showing the hilarious eflfects of the bev- erages. Few of the troops in this expedition had ever tasted the distillations known as " Apple-jack " and " Peach Brandy " — many had never even heard the name — consequently, being unaware of the intoxicating qualities of these se- ductive beverages and finding them delicious to the taste, drank copiously of the same. Being well aged, these liquors were quick in action and lasting in their -effects : and hundreds of the troops, becoming intoxicated, were unable to keep up with the column in the forced marching. Many were captured by guerrillas ; some were bushwhacked by the inhabitants, and, no doubt, a number perished from exposure. Cofl:'eepots were hastilv rinsed and used as vessels in which to stew chickens or turkeys. Fresh pork found its way into the frying pan so quickly that many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth declared they felt the animals still kicking UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 33!> as they swallowed the meat. A member of Company H, seeking flour to thicken his chicken broth, visited a plantation, where he was quickly surrounded by a troop of negro children of various ages, sizes and shades of color, all eager to inform him where everything was to be found. An old negro, who seemed to be manager about the place, solemnly informed the forager that there was not an ounce of flour on the premises, but that the warehouse contained an abun- dance of corn-meal. Compelled by necessity to accept the latter as a substitute for flour, the soldier borrowed a sack, which he proceeded to fill with meal, assisted by the aged servant. In the warehouse were several barrels of Sorghum syrup, the head of one of which had been knocked out. In the swarm of colored children scampering around was a lively girl of fifteen or si.xteen, who, to the- delight of the other little darkies, leaned over the barrel and lapped up a mouthful of the syrup with her tongue. " You can't do that again, Topsy," bantered the forager. Immediately Topsy dipped her tongue a second time into the barrel, and the soldier pushed her head down into the syrup. Lifting her head with a jerk and sputtering molasses over everything till she caught her breath, the girl shouted, " O, golly, isn't I sweet! " causing her younger companions to become fairly hysterical with merriment over the scene. On forced marches of columns of troops it is customary to halt for a rest of ten minutes after each hour's march. During one of these halts on this return march of Warren's troops, while the sleet was giving the ground and bushes a coating of ice, a soldier belonging to some other regiment of the Third Brigade passed through the column of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth resting on each side of the road. The mud was ankle deep. The comrade was hatless. His canteen was full of apple-brandy, and his head with the effects of it. He had ? brace of chickens fastened to his belt, his gun strapped over his shoulder, and a willow basket filled with honey on his head. As the joyous soldier waded through the mud, perfectly indifferent to the trickling down of the honey over his head and shoulders, his voice rang out in the strains of a patriotic song. The One Himdred and Fifty-fifth, with hearty cheers, sped the joyful soldier on his way. Cruelties of Bushwhackers. On the second day of this return march, the body of a murdered Union sol- dier was discovered pinned to the ground by a stake driven through his mouth. At Sussex Court House the bodies of half a dozen nude Union soldiers were found placed side by side near the road in front of the Court House — murdered by bushwhackers. In retaliation. General Warren ordered the torch to be applied to the Court House and all public buildings in the village and to all barns and storehouses along his line of march, and for many miles great columns of smoke rising above the tree tops, within half a mile of each side of the road, and many homeless families, were visible evidences of the penalty the inhabitants were paying for the inhumanity of residents. Many of the population along the route of march, however, showed a kindly feeling toward Warren's troops. At several large homesteads the white members of the family assembled on the porches and balconies to view the pageant of warriors, infantry, cavalry and artiller}' — - 330 UNDER THE JNIALTESE CROSS. perhajis tlie first they had ever seen — [lassing : while their slaves stood at the roadside with buckets of spring water, handing out dipjierfuls to the thirsty sol- diers as they passed by. It seemed a pity that these kindly-disposed — or at least humane — peo]ile should have to sutfer for the sins of their miscreant neighbors, who, in return for the jirotection alfordeil them by General \\"arren. should abuse his humanity by murdering his troops from aiuhush. It was not a time for discrimination, however, and General \\'arren was jierfectly justified by the laws of war iu retaliating by permitting his troojis to forage at will : and when these treacherous people resorted to the barbarous practice of murdering and mutilating their victims,- he was fully justified in applying the torch to their property. These bushwhackers, not being nui>tered inii.i the military or regular service of the Confederacy, nor in any way connected with the Confederate armies, were simply cut-throats and murderers, and, if captured, were entirely outside of the rules governing civilized warfare. Their trial by a drumhead court- martial would have been speedily followed liy the death penalty. Winter Ou.\rters, 1864. On reaching the I'nion lino, in the rear of Petersburg, on December I'-ith, after the \\'eldon Railroad raid, the Third Brigade filed off a short distance to the left of the Jerusalem Plank Road, and late in the afternoon went into camp. The night following was most dismal, the rain and sleet falling continuously all night, rendering the bivouac of the troops most miserable. About the loth of December, 1864, orders were received by the Regiment to construct quarters, and the men. believing they were to spend the winter in this pleasant locality far in the rear of the firing line, proceeded to build quar- ters of the most elaborate and substantial character. By the 'JOth of the month the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were housed iu the most commodious and comfortable quarters they had ever occupied. The extra clothing which the Regiment had packed up and sent to Washington for storage before breaking camp at \\'arrenton Junction the previous spring, was now retitmed and dis- tributed by the Regimental Quartermaster. Many had despaired of ever seeing these articles again, and their joy and appreciation on return of same was ex- pressed by many. Contemporaneous with the movements of the Army of the Potomac dtir- ing the previous autumn. General .'^herman was advancing on his famous " ]\Iarch to the Sea," the progress of which was watched by the Regiment and all soldiers in the Army of the Potomac with deep interest, and every scrap of news reaching camp from the expedition was scanned with the greatest eager- ness. The success of General Sherman and the fall of Savannah was announced to the Armv of the Potomac in general orders, followed by a salute of one hun- dred guns from the Union forts in front of Petersburg, causing great rejoicing and cheering among the troops. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 331 Christmas axd New ^'icaks. December 25, 1S64, Christmas Day, tlu- L'nitecl States Sanitary Commis- sion, backed by the good people of the North, treated the Army of the Potomac to many deHcacies. Many of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth thought the distribution of the good things should have commenced with the enlisted men and ended with the officers, instead of vice versa, as was the fact. After the officers were supplied, each enlisted man of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth re- ceived this day one large apple or two small ones. New Year's, 18G5, falling upon Sunday, January ^'d was observed instead. A reception was tendered the commissioned and the non-commissioned officers of the Third F>rigade by General Bartlett, Brigade commander, at his headquarters. The non-commissioned of- ficers of the One hundred and Fifty-fifth and of other regiments proceeded in a body to pay their respects to General Warren, at his corps headc|uarters. General Warren cordially welcomed their friendly visit, and feasted them royally. In the afternoon the privates of the Regiment, after enjoying well their feast of hardtack and one apple apiece, indulged in games of ball, boxing, wrestling matches and other amusements. During this holiday period and rest- ing in camp, many furloughs were granted to the Third Brigade, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth receiving its due share. During the holidays and con- tinuing the entire month of Jamiary, ISG.j, many Confederate deserters came into the Union line, an indication that the Confederates were rapidly losing hope of the success of their cause. These deserters, coming in often in squads of five or six, declared that Lee's army was almost on the verge of demoralization from starvation and exposure, and the ragged clothing and half- famished con- dition of these specimens strongly corroborated their assertions. Marching Orders. February -i, 1864, orders were received in the evening of this day to ''pack up " and be ready to march at a moment's notice. Being in the middle of win- ter, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth could hardly believe they were to leave their pleasant, comfortable winter quarters to begin a new campaign at that inclement season of the year, hence the officers of the Regiment advised leaving behind in camp all but absolutely necessary articles. The pickets of the Regi- ment also remained behind on the posts near the old camp and guards were left in the camp. Early in the morning of February 5th, General Bartlett's Brigade, in which the One Hundred and Fift}--fifth was serving, and Griffin's Division marched by way of the Weldon Railroad track south several miles, then to the southwest of Petersburg to Rowanty Creek, the approaches to which were guarded by Confederate breastworks. The enemy, in small force at this point, was easily routed, leaving some prisoners in the hands of Bartlett's Brigade. Crossing the stream, the First Division advanced in column to the \'aughan Road, some six miles distant. At this point an incident occurred which showed great bravery on the part of the enemy. General A\'arren. with his staff, in com- pany with General Griffin, approaching a squad of twenty or thirty Confederate 332 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. cavalrymen, guerrillas wearing Union uniforms, inquired to what command they belonged. The Confederates answered by firing a volley, a bullet of which passed through General ^^'arren's coat, thereby causing a hasty retreat by both Generals and their staffs. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth rested at this point for several hours. The night was cold and the ground frozen hard, making sleep impossible, and the Regiment was not sorry when orders came about midnight to resume the march towards the rear of the Confederate works at Hatcher's Run in a northerly direction. After a weary tramp of several miles in the darkness, the Regiment bi\ouacked in the rear of the same Confederate works they had been facing on the previous movement in October, 1864, in the vicinity of Hatcher's Run. The next da}-, the Gth of February, was quite cold and cheerless and was spent by the Regiment in transforming with pick and shovels the enemv's works, now evacuated, into Union defenses. B.VTTLE OF DaBXEY'.S ^IiLLS. In the afternoon of the Gth of February, heavy firing in front and to the right of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth indicated that the Second and the Third Divisions of the Fifth Corps had become hotly engaged with the enemy, and about 3 p. m.. Griflin's Division, in line of battle, crossed the Confederate works and advanced in the midst of a severe artillery fire, across a wide field to a woods in which the enemy were posted in strong force. \\'hile crossing this open space the Regiment met an aged colored man and a woman carrying a white child of two or three years. The old couple were badly frightened. Some of the troops shouted to them to seek refuge behind a large fallen tree, which the little group proceeded to do. After reaching the woods a short halt was made, the troops hugging the earth to avoid the severe musketry and ar- tillery fire being poured upon them. In a few minutes the command came to ad- vance and open fire on the enemy, both of which were done quite vigorously. the enemy being driven back nearly half a mile to a new line of defense, in which General Mahone's Division of Confederates, who had just arrived in sup- port of their retreating troops, awaited the assault of Bartlett's Brigade. General Bartlett, not deeming it prudent or necessary to risk the terrible fatalities which would probably ensue from a direct assault upon a foe superior in numbers and brave to recklessness, and protected by strong earthworks, ordered the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the other troops in the Third Brigade to fall back, which they did in good order. They were pursued slowly by General Mahone's strong division of Confederates. On account of the furious fire still kept up by the retreating One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the Third Brigade, Mahone's men did not press the pursuit very closely. As the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth approached the edge of the woods from which they had first advanced, a line of troops, said to have been the Second Brigade of Griffin's Division, composed partly of three New York Regiments of raw. undisciplined troops, the same that had become panic-stricken at Hatcher's Run the previous October, had formed in the edge of the woods to support the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other troops. As the humming UNDER THE ^[ALTESE CROSS. 333 of the enemy's niinie balls passing through the ranks and over the heads of the line of the One Hundred and Eifty-fifth, reached these raw troops, they again became demoralized, and commenced firing into the ranks of the withdrawing line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. The Regiment, thus placed " between the Devil and the deep sea," charged upon the panic-stricken Second Brigade, causing it to break and tin-n into a fleeing mob. In this state of aft'airs, it became impossible for the regiments of the Third Brigade to maintain their order, and utter confusion resulted. Amidst the buglers' assembly calls of the Brigade and Regimental bugles, the mass of troops fell back to a commanding ridge, on the crest of which several batteries had been quickly placed in position, the gunners standing with lanyards drawn, waiting until the disorganized mass of troops had passed through, then pulling the lan}-ards, the guns belched forth a storm of canister that suddenly checked the onward rush of the elated enemy. The re- treating troops fell back behind the captured Confederate works on the banks of Hatcher's Run, from which they had emerged two hours before, and within twenty minutes order was again established, every soldier being with his com- pany and regiment. As darkness set in, the enemy made an assault upon the position occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, but were easily repulsed. Thus ended the battle of Dabney's Mills, so-called from a sawmill located on Hatcher's Run. Further Incidexts of Life in the Trenxhes. The whole region betv\'een the lines of the contending armies during the siege of Petersburg was so cut up b}' " covered ways," " dug-out " roads, riflepits, etc., as to make it almost impossible to pass safely without losing one's way from the main lines to the picket posts, when the fog was heavy. In winter and early spring this marshy country, drained by Hatcher's Run and Gravelly Run. was subject to frequent fogs so dense in character that frequently from daybreak until ten o'clock, a soldier wandering a few rods from this camp would be imable to find his way back to the same. On one occasion during this winter campaign, Sergeant Walter McCabe, of Company B, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, in command of a large ^quad of pickets, started out in the morning to relieve the Union pickets already on duty. After wandering for some time in what seemed to be the direction of the Union picket line, the Sergeant and his squad were brought to a sudden halt, and challenged to give an ac- count of themselves. To the great consternation of the squad of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, they found themselves prisoners within the Confederate lines. On being lined up, the Confederates promptly relieved them of nearly all their clothing, and of all their valuables. SGT. WALTER McCABE. One of the enemv would exclaim, "Say, Yank! that's 334 UNDER THE AlALTESE CROSS. a nice overcoat, let's exchange." Another would exclaim, " Off with your shoes, Yank, I'll exchange with you ! " A mercenary Confederate would ask, " Have you an}- money? (_)ut with it — you'll not need it where you're going; I'll take care of it for you!" Others insisted on trading shoes "even up." the unfortu- nate Yankee giving a compulsory consent. When the exchanges were all completed, the scene presented the appearance of a Confederate company dressed in neat zouave uniforms guarding a company of Union soldiers dressed in ragged, tattered Confederate clothing, their heads sticking out through crownless hats, bare spots showing through rents in trous- ers, especially in the rear, together with soleless shoes, etc. As the Confederate cavalcade started to march with their Union prisoners for the rear of the Con- federate troops, they in turn became confused by the thick fog, and striking a covered way, unconsciously marched their prisoners right back into the Union lines. In turn the late captors were captured. It is needless to add that the fortunes of war having changed, the Confederates were made to disgorge their plunder in short order, and Sergeant [McCabe's squad promptly came into their own again without much ceremony. Whether it was Major-General G. K. ^\'arren's high reputation as a skillful engineer, or his eminence as a brilliant strategist and fighter and great coolness in cases of emergency, that led to his being selected by General Grant to lead all important and hazardous movements looking to the complete isolation of Lee's arm}- within the defenses of Petersburg is a problem the readers of this volume will each have to solve. Be the cause or causes what they may, however, the facts stand out so plain that he who runs may read. Ever}^ fresh advance into the enemy's .strongholds by General Warren's Corps involved the greatest dangers and necessitated not only courageous fighting qualities on the part of his troops, but the ability to perform very hard manual labor. Ever\- new position gained had to be fortified ; even,' intrenchment captured from the enemy had to be remodeled so as to make it a defensive position for the Union troops. Thus during the entire summer and autumn of 1864, as well as the greater part of the winter of the Petersburg campaign, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was constantly engaged either in fighting, or, through details of men, digging and shoveling in the trenches. Immediately upon securing a finn grasp of an important position. General Warren set his troops to work to fortify the same. As soon as the new works were made impregnable against the enemy's assaults, some other corps of the army of the Potomac would march in to occupy the position, and the Fifth Corps, under General Warren, would march out to make new conquests and fortify again. This order of campaigning ended only at Appomattox. That General Warren fully appreciated the hardships to which his brave, uncomplaining troops were subjected, goes without saying. The details from the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, who toiled in the trenches, all bear willing testimony to the kindness and sympathy shown them by the kind-hearted General, who often personally superintended their work. Frequently, when some youthful soldier, who from hi^ tender nurture and surroundings at home, had never handled a shovel before. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 335 would evince awkwardness in the use of the same, General Warren would get down into the ditch, grasp the tool, and kindly show the novice how to use it to advantage. During the siege of Petersburg, General ^leade received complaints that in many cases the enlisted men failed to extend the military salute to their su- perior officers, thus neglecting to show proper respect to their military superiors. In response to these complaints, General Meade issued a General Order, directing that thereafter all soldiers in the ranks should, in accord- ance with military regulation, salute their superior officers anywhere when meeting or passing them. On receiving this order. General Warren immediately requested General Meade to excejjt from the provisions of the order the hard- worked troops of the Fifth Cor])s, then engaged toiling in the mud and water of the trenches in fatigue details, day and night. General Meade thereupon qualified the General Order, making it appl}' only to " soldiers olt duty " in camps, or on guard duty, dress parades, or on distinctl}- military occasions, and not to include working details of soldiers engaged in constructing defensive works. TOPOGR.VPHY OF PETERSBURG DISTRICT, To the general reader the description of the various movements of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and of the battles fought by the Fifth Corps under General G. K. Warren, must be unintelligible without a clear understanding of the topography of the region in which those events occurred. Running south and southwest from Petersburg were several wagon roads and two railroads, which formed the main arteries of communication between Petersburg and Richmond and the southern States of the Confederacy, and over which were conveyed the principal supplies for Lee's army. The possession of these roads by the L^nion army, of course, meant the speedy surrender or evacuation of the Capital and strongholds of the Confederacy. The first important road of which the L'nion army obtained possession west of the Xorfolk & Petersburg was the Jerusalem Plank Road, running almost due south; which was followed a few weeks later by the capture of the Weldon Railroad, running south into North Camlina, and the Halifax A\'agon Road, running south parallel with this railroad. The only remaining railroad by which Lee's army could obtain supplies was what was known as the Southside Railroad, running in a southwesterly direction from Petersburg. The vital importance of this railroad to the Confederate Capital led General Lee to make use of every means at his command even to the utmost to protect it from capture. Before reaching the Southside Railroad from the Weldon Railroad, it was necessary to cross four important wagon roads running south from Petersburg — first, the Halifax Road ; second, the Vaughan Road ; next, the Boydton Plank Road ; and lastly, the White Oak Road. These wagon roads, about ten miles south of Petersburg, crossed, first. Hatcher's Run. flowing southeast ; second. Gravelly Run, flowing in the same direction, the two streams uniting to form Rowantv Creek. These various roads were connected by numerous narrow countrv roads crossing from one to the other. The distance from the Yellow 336 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Tavern and Four-Mile Station on the Weldon Railroad across to the Southside Railroad was about ten to twelve miles. The capture of Fort McRea and con- necting works at Peeble's Farm, by the Fifth Corps, reduced the distance to the Southside Railroad to about six to eight miles. The intervening space, howevei, was so strongly fortified with numerous lines of intrenchments and redoubts, ■also well manned by Confederate veteran troops that its capture by direct assault was hopeless to the Union Generals. With the bull-dog tenacit}', characteristic of General Grant, he determined to plant his forces on the Southside Railroad by flanking movements : that is, by pushing his troops around the western ends of the enemy's intrenchments and coming in on their rear. This necessitated the movement of the Union troops south several miles, then a march in a westward direction across the country trav- ersed by the country roads and streams already mentioned. The greater part •of this region was thickly covered with forests, and intersected and cut up by deep ravines and impassible marshes. Along the western crest of every ravine, and at the intersection of every ■cross-road with the main road, the Confederates had constructed surprisingly strong works. Should the Union troops successfully assault one line of de- fenses, the enem)' had only to fall back to a still stronger position in their rear, commanding the first position and rendering it untenable. This second position was commanded by a third earthworks still further in the rear. Not satisfied with this series of defensive fortifications behind which they could bid defiance to the Union army, the foe had constructed other earthworks facing to the south, following these up with others in the rear of the first, until the gloomy forests and swamps of that dreary region, ten to fifteen miles square, was cut up by a labyrinth of defensive works, of which the Confederate officers alone held the thread. It was impossible for General Lee, with his rapidly depleting army, to oc- •cupy continuously these defenses ; but his faithful scouts, always on the alert, kept him fully informed of every threatening movement by the Union troops in that direction, and holding the key to the position, that astute General was ■able to fill the works with his troops on short notice, and was never caught napping. Entangled in the intricate mazes of the Hatcher's Run forests, the Union troops were constantly in danger of being ambushed and shot down by unseen foes, or cut off from supports and captured by flank movements on the part of the enemy. General Warren and the Fifth Corps. To face these dangers and to undergo the hardships and exposures inci- ■dent to campaigning in such a region in the dead of winter, the reader will ob- serve that General G. K. Warren, with his Fifth Corps, composed of such troops as the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, was invariably selected by General Grant to penetrate the heart of Lee's network of supposed invincible intrenchments during the siege and extensions to the left, and finally to storm the enemy's strong position at Five Forks, and plant his faithful troops UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 337 on the coveted Southside Railroad, capturing at Five Forks more prisoners than he had troops in his command. Inclement Weather. On the night of the 6th of February. 18(35, to the 13th, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Griffin's Division suffered e.xtremely from cold and ex- posure. Having left all camp paraphernalia in their former quarters, some soldiers even leaving their blankets, and the weather continuing very inclement, the ground being frozen hard, it was impossible to attain restful sleep. In fifteen minutes after lying down the part of the body in contact with the frozen earth would become numb with cold, compelling the weary soldier to turn continually from side to side. Huge fires of oak logs were kept burning constantly, but the wind blew all the heat as well as the smoke away from the windward side, while the dense biting wood smoke was blinding and choking on the side to leeward. A more miserable week than that spent by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth ■during the lull following the Dabney's Mills campaign could hardly be imagined. New ^^■I^•TER Qu.-'iRters, 1865. On the 13th of February, 1865, the camp-guards and pickets, together with the camp property left behind at the former quarters, were restored to the Regiment. Having, by hard labor, changed the enemy's works which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth hatl captured on the banks of Hatcher's Run into strong Union defenses, the Regiment moved out as usual this day, and other troops moved in. The Regiment was moved back a mile or more to a forest of yellow pine timber, and ordered to erect new quarters. After another week of toil com- fortable houses were completed, and with the exceptions of regular details for " fatigue duty " in the trenches, the Regiment spent a few pleasant weeks in this •camp. The barns and other buildings torn down for the sake of the boards, not furnishing sufficient material for the needs of both officers and men, the latter were compelled to procure their share of the same surreptitiously, by running the gauntlet of guards at night and carrying off such boards and other material as they needed. Within a few rods of this new winter camp of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth was a fine large tabernacle erected by the Christian Commission, in which undenominational religious services were held nightly through the week and in daytime on Sundays. The soldiers in the field — in this portion of the army, at least — had heard much about the great work which the Sanitary Commission of the North was doing among the soldiers of the Army of the Potomac. The work of this Commission was evidently confined to the hospitals, as there were few visible signs of their presence at the front ; but the hearts of the troops were with the brave, self-sacrificing ministers and nurses of the Christian Commission, who were everywhere present ministering to the physical as well as the spiritual needs of the men in the trenches. Close in the rear of the battle line, often amidst the crashing of shells and the smoke of battle, these devoted men carried fuel and ■water to keep their vessels of hot coffee full and steaming; and with hands tender 338 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. as a woman's, fed the hungry, staunched the blood, and bound up the gashes made in human flesh by the deadly missiles of the enemy. These priests of God, Catholic and Protestant, asked no questions of the sufferer, but simply obeyed the divine precept to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and bind up the wounds of both friend and foe. Many a wounded Confederate owed the Chris- tian Commission a debt of everlasting gratitude. Helplessly wounded, in the hands of his foes, he was treated with the same tender consideration as if he were a friend, and all for Christ's sake. Camp Occupations. — Dril[.ixg Resumed. In a few days after the battle of Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1865, the weather moderated and became mild and pleasant, continuing so for weeks. After the middle of the month, rumors of another move circulated freely among the troops, and when orders were finally received to " pack up " and " send to the rear all superfluous clothing and baggage," the rumor increased to a certainty. General Warren with the ubiquitous Fifth Corps had threaded his way among such a net-work of Confederate intrenchments. successfully assaulting some and flanking others, that he had finally reached the point from which the whistling and rumbling of trains on the Southside Railroad were plainly audible. The war had been ended in the Southwest by the destruction of Hood's Confederate army at Nashville ; Sherman, in his march through the Carolinas, had successfully reached Goldsboro ; the Union forces were in possession of all the seaports and coast cities of the South ; Sheridan had cut the canal and destroyed the Lynch- burg Railroad northwest and west of Richmond ; the Union cavalry were probing the heart of the Confederacy, and wails of despair were filling the air throughout the South. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, expecting every day to be ordered to move, were bracing themselves for the final supreme effort ; for the whole command felt that the next move of their trusted Corps commander would place them across the Southside Railroad, the only remaining artery conveying blood to the impoverished brain of the Confederacy. Taking advantage of the beautiful weather, daily reviews were held. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, under command of Brevet Brigadier- General A. L. Pearson, was assiduous in its daily practice of deployments, skir- mish drills and the useful and graceful bayonet exercises. Every afternoon, on the immense fields in front of the Cumming's House, there was a review either by brigades or divisions, and frequently by the entire Corps, attended occasionally by Generals Grant and Meade and their staffs. At this time the wife of General Charles Griflin was in camp, and accom- panied her husband on these reviews. She was a handsome woman, a superb rider and rode a beautiful horse. At this time, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was at the zenith of its reputation in the Fifth Corps as one of the attractive regiments. Gaily dressed in its pleasing dark blue zouave uniform, white turbans, leggings and white gaiters, moving as one man with a light, free step, whether in company, regimental or division line, swaying in beautiful cadence to inspiring martial music, the Regiment presented an impressive picture. All these scenes were long to be remembered, and did much to prepare the Regiment for its crown- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 339 ing career in tlie battles yet to come, culminating in the final victory at Appo- mattox Court House. Second Battle of Hatcher's Run. On the morning of the 25th of JMarch. while the countr_v was covered with a fog so dense that the rays of the morning sun were too weak to penetrate, ter- rific cannonading was heard to the right, coming from the direction of Peters- burg. Bartlett's Brigade, including the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, was ordered to break camp and march. Leaving their comfortable quarters, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment marched amid the fog two or three miles to the right in the direction of the cannonading, eating a breakfast of hardtack as they marched. Halting, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth remained in one spot two or three hours, watching with great interest the hazy movements of a division of the Second Corps maneuvering in their front and left, having learned in the meantime that the heavy cannonading in the early morning was caused by a Confederate attack on Fort Steadman, and final repulse of the enemy. About noon, the Union troops half a mile in front and to the left of the position occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, became engaged with the enemy. The fog had lifted and disappeared, the sun shone bright and clear, warming the chilly air of early spring. The buds were swelling ready to burst. There was a balmy sweetness in the air, beauty in the landscape, but no birds. Instinctively the feathered tribe had deserted those regions when the terrible tempests of human wrath converted the once peaceful hills and valleys into scenes of tumult and horror. Soon the brazen-throated engines of war with ear-splitting deto- nations began to fill the air with missiles of destruction. The musketry firing increased to a continuous roar ; again subsiding to sounds resembling the ripping of canvas or the rattling of a stick over a paling fence. The firing increased and subsided continually, and as the battle extended the contending hosts became en- veloped in the smoke and lost to view. Awe-stricken, the One Flundred and Fifty-fifth gazed upon the sublime scene transpiring within a landscape which the deepest hues of the painter were powerless to portray, or words, the winged messengers of thought, to describe. About an hour before sunset, the C)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and other regiments under General Bartlett, marching in the direction of the heaviest firing, formed in line of battle in the rear of the troops on the firing line, which they ascertained to be the famous Irish Brigade of the Second Corps, and ad- vancing to the front, relieved them. The heavy volleys poured into the enemy's line by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth seemed for a time to stimulate their fire, and in a very short measure of time many of the Regiment fell killed or wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel John Ewing was wounded in the leg, and Major John A. Cline, who had lately been promoted from Captain of Company K, re- ceived a minie ball in the shoulder, but declined to leave the field. The Regiment lost two killed and about thirty wounded. The fire of the enemy was very severe, particularly for the two right com- panies, A and F. The slope of the ground somewhat protected the left companies. 340 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. MAJ. JOHN A. CLINE. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 341 It was growing dark, and the flash of the enemy's fire was very conspicuous. Above the roar of musketry came a voice, " Fire right oblique." It may have been the voice of a private or a sergeant, or a captain, but the inspiration was taken up by many voices, and that obHque fire was concentrated witli such mur- derous efi^ect that the fire of the enemy slackened and finally ceased. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth maintained its position until the enemy gave up the contest and retreated behind their breastworks about nine o'clock. In front of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, during this battle, lay many dead soldiers, and some members of the Regiment whose guns were becoming well worn, taking advantage of the opportunity presented, went out in the darkness and exchanged guns with the dead men, securing bright new arms in place of their own worn and rust-eaten weapons. In histor\- this engagement is known as the second battle of Hatcher's Run. By midnight the Regiment was back in the old camp which it had left in the morning. For two days the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, to employ a military term, " slept on their arms." That is, their guns were stacked in the company streets, their knapsacks were packed, and a constant supply of four days' rations were kept in their haversacks, so that the Regiment, had occasion required it, could have been on the march within five minutes after receiving orders to move. 343 ■ UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Chapter XVI. FIVE FORKS.— APPOMATTOX. Engagement of Lewis F.-xrh or Quaker Road. — Gallantry of Colonel Pearson. — Burying the Dead. — Furious Attack of Confederates on Fifth Corps. — Plan of B.^ttle of Five Forks. — Sheridan Orders Plan to be Put Into Execution. — Brilliant Charge of Fifth Corps. — Gallantry of Major George M. Laughlin, of Griffin's Staff. — Warren's Removal from Com- mand OF Fifth Corps. — Griffin Succeeds Warren. — April 6th, General Me.\de Resumes Control of Fifth Corps. — One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Under Command of Major Cline. — Regiment Deployed as Skirmishers in Advance of Brigade. — Flag of Truce. — Grant's Letter to Lee Proposing Surrender. — Lee's Letter Accepting Terms. — One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Among Regiments Designated to Receive Surrender. — Confederate Army Stacks Arms in Front of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Third Brigade. — The War Over. — Parole of General Lee and Staff. — Casualties. [^^S^^ARCH 29, 1865. This morning at daylight the One Hundred and 4w/illb\?VM Fifty-fifth marched out of its camp with the other regiments of the Fifth Corps, to initiate a new campaign, which proved to be the beginning of the end. No sheher except the canopy of the heavens was to cover them until the last armed foe of the glorious Stars and Stripes had grounded his arms. General Lee, with the knowledge that General Warren, who, with his invincible troops had gradually wrested from him his strongest positions, was now massed on the left near the Southside Railroad, Lee's last real artery, ready to strike for that coveted prize either by force or by strategy, must have considered his position extremely critical. To a man of weaker nerve and less fruitful of resource than Lee, the situation would have certainly seemed desperate. There was, however, still a net-work of strong defenses to be overcome by Warren before Lee's hold on his im- portant railroad was loosened. The latter, realizing this, immediately stripped his long lines of fortifications around Richmond and Petersburg of troops, leav- ing but a skirmish line to guard them, and concentrated the main body of his army near the threatened points, to meet General Warren with his troops in the advance, and Sheridan with his cavalry still farther to the left. The left of the Confederates' main line of intrenchments, beginning north- west of Richmond, which had never yet been broken, extended from Petersburg in a southwestward direction to Hatcher's Run at the point where the Boydton Plank Road crosses that stream; thence on the southside of and parallel with UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 343 the stream some distance westward to the White Oak Road, thirty-five miles in length. Tliis line of intrenchments protected Lee's right and rear ; but about four miles farther west from the termination of this main line on the White Oak Road, a detached line of intrenchments existed, running parallel with the White Oak Road, to cover an important strategic point known as " Five Forks." To reach the Southside Railroad in this roundabout way, it was necessary that General Warren should either circumvent or successfully assault these fortifica- tions. It was evidently Grant's plan to use both methods of reaching the coveted prize — Sheridan with his cavalr_v, to endeavor to flank the strong positions, while Warren's columns kept the enemy's troops so fully employed that they could not be used against Sheridan. To the latter commander must be given the credit of originating the general plan of this campaign, but to Warren belongs the glory of successfully carrying the details into effect. At an early hour of March 29th, 186.5, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth together with Warren's whole corps marched southwest to Rowanty Creek at the point where the Quaker Road crosses that stream ; thence north along that wagon road to a point where it crosses Gravellv Run, the southern branch of Rowantv Creek. The Battle of Lewis Farm. Shortly after crossing Gravelly Run on the Quaker Road, the First Brigade of Griffin's Division came into contact with the enemy in advance of their breastworks on Hatcher's Run, and a severe engagement ensued, the Con- federate pickets, unable to check the advance of the Union troops, rapidly fell back to their main line of battle. Here, a determined stand being made, the First Brigade was compelled to retreat in confusion. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, being nearest the scene of action, was promptly sent on the double- quick to the support of the discomfited First Brigade. Arriving on the ground, no organized Union troops were to be seen by the Regiment. One of Griffin's batteries, however, was holding its ground on a ridge a few rods in advance. Without taking time to form in line of battle, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth pushed on hastily and formed in the rear of the battery where the enemy's column was seen advancing on the double-quick to capture the guns. The battery boys maintained their position bravely, and the rapidity with which they loaded and fired cannister into the exultant enemy was surprising. The appearance of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth so suddenly in the rear of the battery in its support was like an apparition to the foe, and, after a few volleys had been poured into their column by the Regiment, the Confederates quickly retreated. Dashing Exploit of General Pearsox. — De.\th of Lieutenant Strong. A short distance in front and to the left of the position occupied by the battery was a long saw-dust pile, behind which, unknown to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, a large number of the Confederates were concealed. General Pearson, commanding the Regiment, who in some way became aware of the 344 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. presence of this hidden force, rode up to the " Color-Sergeant " and reached for the Regimental colors, which Color-Sergeant Marlin refused to yield, saying, " Show me where you wish the colors carried, and Til take them there." Gen- eral Pearson, however, seized the colors, and shouting, " Follow me, men, or lose your colors," galloped furiously up on this saw-dust pile, the Regiment following, cheering lustily. The enemy immediately took to their heels, leaving fifty or sixty prisoners in the hands of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. This gallant act of General Pearson was, on recommendation of General Charles Grif- fin, rewarded by a Brevet Major-Generalship. Lieutenant James Strong, of Company I, a gallant and faithful officer, was shot through the head and instantly killed in this action, falling close to General Pearson as he planted the colors on the enemy's position. As Lieutenant Strong lay on the field mortally wounded. Corporal Charles A. Walters left the ranks to relieve his sufterings. With true soldierly instinct, Lieutenant Strong bade the Corporal to spare his efforts, as his case was hopeless, and to return to the ranks of his Company. Lieutenant Strong left a wife and six children in a little cottage by the coal works on the Youghiogheny, where he had been employed, to mourn his death. After this short battle, the Regiment spent an hour or longer in succoring the wounded and burying the dead from their own ranks, as well as looking after the wounded of the brave members of the battery which had so gallantly held its ground until reinforced by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Several men were detailed with picks and shovels to dig a trench fifteen or twenty feet long, six feet or seven feet wide, and three feet deep. Over the bot- tom of these trenches were carefully spread blankets taken from the knapsacks of the dead men. The bodies were then tenderly laid side by side and covered with blankets. The trenches were then filled up. Where the identity of a dead comrade, through any letters or other documents about his person, could be ascertained, his name with his company and regiment was written or carved upon a stick or piece of board which was driven into the ground at the head of his position in the trench. An incident of heroism and devotion to duty occurred in this action and is worthy of notice. In the impetuous rush of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth to the support of Grifiin's battery in this action, in the midst of the rain of missiles that were raising dust spots in the ground over which the Regiment was double- quicking, a soldier of the First Brigade, which had become disorganized and scattered, imable to find his own command, vohmtarily joined the ranks of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and was thus going into battle among entire strangers. Early in the action this visiting comrade received a mortal wound and toppled over. Thus died in battle an unknown patriot. This brief engagement is known in history as the battle of the Quaker Road, or Lewis Farm. Later the same evening the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth ad- vanced a mile, and putting out a strong picket line, bivouacked for the night. At the apex of an angle in the road where a squad of the Regiment's pickets was posted a Confederate captain was noticed approaching, evidently reconnoitering. Unaware of the vicinity of the pickets, the officer approached within a few yards UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 345 of the post, on discovering which he demanded the surrender of Sergeant D. R. Curll, of Company H, and Lieutenant D. Porter Marshall, of Company K, They refused and in turn captured the daring Confederate officer. This movement of the Fifth Corps along the Quaker Road was supported on the right flank by the Second Corps, commanded by General Humphreys, the latter advancing by the Vaughan Road, intending to strike the enemy's works at Hatcher's Run at the point where the road crossed the stream, about four miles to the right of Warren. Thus both corps were marching north towards Hatcher's Run on parallel roads. Griffin's Division of the Fifth Corps, including the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, was the first to come into contact with the enemy at Quaker Road, or Lewis Farm, which action has already been described. The point where this engagement occurred was less than two miles from the enemy's main line on Hatcher's Run. The Division pressed on, forcing the Confederates into their works. Sheridan's cavalry, by a more circuitous route, had by this time reached Dinwiddle Court House, about six miles southwest of the position occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and Griffin's Division on the Quaker Road. The Second Corps, under Humphreys, marching north on the Vaughan Road, encountering many obstructions, had not yet reached the enemy's front on Hatcher's Run, when night set in. To resist this advance of the Union army. General Lee had twenty thousand muskets and a few brigades of cavalry in position, protected by a series of the strongest fortifications parallel with Hatcher's Run, as previously described, that modern military science could de- vise. The night of the 29th of March was exceedingly stormy and wet, but on the morning of the 30th the rain had ceased and the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth, with the other troops, were up and in position ready to strike. The ground, however, was ,so soaked with rain as to become almost a swamp, and the roads were impassible for artillery trains. Military operations were well nigh at a standstill. The firing along the outposts was continuous. The Second Corps extended its left and made connection with the Fifth Corps. It became a serious question to the Union army of getting up supplies of subsistence and ammunition. The wounded could not be carried back to the railroad, and had to be made as comfortable as possible in the woods, with the limited number of tents available for shelter. Grant's army at this point could neither advance nor retreat. Warren, however, pressed his troops close up to the Confederate works on the White Oak Road to keep the enemy occupying them from sending re- enforcements to the troops opposing Sheridan, who had advanced to assault the enemy's works at Five Forks. The Confederates having superior numbers, how- ever, easily repulsed the cavalry, and drove Sheridan's troopers back to Din- widdle Court House. Early on the morning of March the 31st, the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth and the other regiments of Griffin's Division extended their lines gradually still further to the left, endeavoring to connect with Sheridan and reach the right flank of the enemy's line so as to overlap it and get in their rear. The stormy weather and bad roads which had impeded the progress of Warren's troops, had been of immense advantage to Lee, giving him an oppor- 346 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. tunity to reinforce his works at Five Forks, which was threatened by Sheridan's cavalry, and Lee had all of his troops now well forward and in posi- tion to reinforce any part of his long lines on Hatcher's Run which might become hard pressed. Every hour's delay, however, meant increased peril to the enemy. Brave and full of resources to the last. General Lee resolved to repeat the tactics which he had used so successfully against the Union forces in the Wilderness, and by which he had so often foiled Grant's flanking movements. This was to launch strong bodies of his troops with the fury of a thunderbolt upon the flanks of Warren's troops while they were engaged in changing position and unprepared to resist a sudden attack. Battle of Gravelly Run. In the niovement westward on March the 31st, Ayres' and Crawford's Divisions of Warren's Corps marched by way of Boydton Plank Road, with Griffin's Division, including the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, in the rear, in what is known in military terms as en echelon. Extremely aiLxious to reach the flank of the enemy's position and connect with Sheridan, General Warren obtained permission from General Meade to make a reconnoissance in the evening, and, if he found it possible, to take position on the flank of the enemy's works. It was this reconnoitering movement that precipitated the conflict. The advance had scarcely begun when Lee, believing the op- portunit}- for which he was watching, had arrived, with the swiftness of lightning, hurled his veterans like an avalanche upon Ayres' Division, which, stunned by the blow, fell back upon Crawford's Division in turn, confused by the mass of fugitives rushing upon them from Ayres' Division, broke their lines, and fell back upon Griffin's Division and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. The enemy, flushed with victory, charged upon Griffin's Division, but were repulsed and sent staggering backward. Then, while the two former divisions were rallying and re- forming their lines, Grifiin's Division, includ- ing the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, charged upon the enemy, driving part of them back in a mob over their intrenchments, LIEUT. JAMES STRONG. ^ud the remainder disappeared down the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 347 White Oak Road towards P'ive Forks. Before the enemy could regain their in- trenchments. a large number of prisoners were left in the hands of Gril¥in's Division. Although Lee had failed in his attack on Warren, he was quickly ready for another bold and determined effort. Privates Edward R. Melchor, of Company E, and Alexander Eaton, of Com- pany H, were killed in this action. Among the wounded were Corporal John Saber, of Company B, Privates James Martin, Company D, Henry Starr and William H. Stitt, Company G, and Martin V. B. Sproull, Company K. Bad news flies fast. An exaggerated report of the disaster to the Fifth Corps, without information as to the glorious recoup, led General Grant, in issu- ing orders to the Fifth Corps to move to the assistance of General Sheridan that night, to authorize General Sheridan to relieve General Warren from the com- mand of the Fifth Corps in case \\'arren failed him. That evening General Warren was directed to withdraw from the White Oak Road, being relieved by the Second Corps, and to advance by crossing Gravelly Run and to make connection with General Sheridan. It was a slow, hard, all-night's march. Bridges had to be built crossing the swollen Gravelly Run, and maiiv places through the impassable swamp had to be corduroyed. The troops toiled all night and began to arrive at Sheridan's position soon after daylight, the rear of the Fifth Corps not arriving until noon, April 1, 1865. Battle of Five Forks. Meantime Sheridan had been making his dispositions to attack as soon as the troops of the Fifth Corps were available. General Custer's Division of cavalry was brought up and placed in position. The enemy occupied a line of intrenchments in front of the White Oak Road covering the road to Ford's Station, which, leading southward in two branches at its intersection with the White Oak Road, constituted the " Five Forks." General Sheridan deployed his dismounted cavalry in front of the enemy's works. With a scabbard he sketched for General \^'arren the location of the enemy's intrenchments on the White Oak Road, and directed Warren to advance across the White Oak Road past the enemy's flank, then to change direction to the west and advance rapidly taking the enemy in flank and rear, which would be a signal for advance by the cavalry. Warren immediately sketched a plan of attack, copies of which he furnished to his division commanders. After the orders had been given by General W^arren, the troops of the Fifth Corps marched two to three miles, and were in position for attack by 4 p. M., April 1st, near the White Oak Church. The attack was immediately made, advancing across the White Oak Road, Ayres on the left and Crawford's Division on the right, in line b)' brigades. Griffin's Division, in reserve, was in line by brigades in rear of Crawford's Division. Firing began at the White Oak Road. General Sheridan, who rode with General Ayres, was chafing with impatience. The moment General Ayres' strong skirmish line met the enemy, Sheridan put spurs to his horse and dashed along in front of the battle lines shouting encour- 348 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 2 < a K a X X &' 2 a 9 < s I'XDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 349 agement to the troops. As the hues moved forward, a man on the skirmish line was struck in the neck, crying, as he fell to the ground, " I'm killed." " You're not hurt a bit," shouted Sheridan. " jiick up your gun, man, and move on the front." The poor fellow grasped his musket, sprang to his feet, and rushed forward a short distance, then fell dead. It was found that the enemy's line did not extend as far eastward as General Sheridan had been led to believe by his scouts, but was covered on the left by a skirmish line of Munford's dismounted Confederate cavalry in deploy. Gen- eral Sheridan impetuously ordered an immediate change of direction by Gen- eral Ayres' left brigade, under command of General Fred Winthrop, and an attack on the flank of the enemy's line. This broke the connection of Winthrop's Brigade with the rest of Ayres' command. Winthrop gallantly attacked, and after driving the enemy a short distance, was himself attacked in flank and driven back with serious loss, the gallant General Winthrop himself being killed at the head of his brigade. General Ayres and General .Sheridan rapidly brought the other two brigades of Ayres to the assistance of \Mnthrop's Brigade, and then ensued some very sturdy fighting. In the meantime General Crawford, having lost touch with the division on his left by the sudden withdrawal of Ayres' troops, was advancing rapidly northward, driving the dismounted Confederate cavalry before him through the woods. General \\'arren's aides, having failed to get Crawford to change direction and follow Ayres, General Warren went after him in person, in the meantime sending orders to Griffin to change direction and move into the gap between Ayres and Crawford. This Griffin did handsomely, but there was iiuich very diffictilt gnmnd to be covered, and it took time, while Ayres and the cavalry were fighting hard. During this wheeling movement of the Fifth Corps many troops of the three s < w X h (i O > u K Q Z < OS o .J < z UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 381 hardy veterans as they marched in the review; kindly smiles and sweet words of welcome greeted the soldiers on every hand. The pride that swelled the hearts of the returning comrades participating in these great reviews can never be for- gotten. Elsewhere in this history will be found a more detailed description of the Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac, but it is deemed proper at this point specially to advert to the appearance of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment on the occasion of that grand pageant which occupied the entire day in passing the reviewing officers. Brevet Major-General A. L. Pearson, on this historical occasion, commanded the brigade in which his regiment was serving. Being at its zenith of proficiency in the zouave drill and bayonet exercise, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, under command of Major J. A. Cline, was de- ployed in the parade in what is known as " open order," the men carrying their guns on their shoulders, and with the alignment and accuracy of step of veteran soldiers, together with their brilliant-colored uniforms, they elicited admiration and cheering all along the line. The tattered flag of the Regiment, showing its shattered flag-staff, was still carried by the intrepid color-sergeant, Thomas J. Marlin, and attracted great attention. No Roman legions returning from con- quests of foreign lands ever received more enthusiastic applause than did this regiment of Pittsburg zouaves in that historic review. There was no prouder trio in the parade than Drum-Major Sergeant Hawden Marshall, who in the picturesque zouave uniform performed astonishing juggling feats with his baton ; and also the martial music of the veteran drum-and-fife corps of the Regiment, led by Sam Heflick, with whom the third member of the trio, the Regimental bugler, John Mooney, marched. It is to be regretted that the era of the kodak had not arrived at the date of this event so that the picturesque scenes of this Grand Review could have been perpetuated by the camera of to-day. After the Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac, the regiments com- posing the Fifth Corps were detained one or two weeks longer in the camps near Alexandria, while the muster-out rolls were being prepared and properly certi- fied. For some reason these lengthy muster rolls and rosters had to be executed in seven copies on blanks furnished by the Government, a tedious and laborious undertaking. General Meade's Farewell. — Scenes in Last Camp. In this camp was read to each regiment the following beautiful Farewell Address of General Meade to the Army of the Potomac, with whose fortunes that able General and devoted patriot had been associated from its organization to its disbandment: " Headquarters Anny of the Potomac, "June 38, 1865. " Soldiers : — This day two years ago I assumed command of you under the orders of the President of the United States. To-day, by virtue of the same authority, the army having ceased to exist, I have to announce my transfer to 382 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. other duties and my separation from you. It is unnecessary for me to enumer- ate all that has occurred in these two eventful years, from the grand and decisive battle of Gettysburg, the turning-point of the war, to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House. Suffice it to say that history will do you justice. A grateful country will honor the living, cherish and support the disabled, and sincerely mourn the dead. In parting from you, your com- manding General will ever bear in memory your noble devotion to your country, your patience and cheerfulness under all the privations and sufferings you have been called u]>on to endure. ■' Soldiers, — Havnig accomplished the work set before us, having vindicated the honor and integrity of our Government and flag, let us return thanks to Almighty God for his blessing in granting us victory and peace, and let us hon- estly pray for strength and light to tlischarge our duties as citizens, as we have endeavored to discharge then as soldiers. " George G. Me.vde. " Major-General U. S. A." Farewell Torchlight Parades. A memorable instance indicative of the prevailing joy, and of the harmony existing between the rank and file of the Fifth Corps, and also of their officers, occurred in this camp a few nights after the great Review in Washington. The tribute being entirely spontaneous and unexpected, its sincerity and significance was, therefore, the more to be appreciated and valued by the recipients. The closing days of May, 18G.5, in this camp, while the troops were awaiting muster- out, were marked by unusually fine weather. Amid the prevailing joy and pleas- ures in this peaceful camp was the singing by the company glee clubs of familiar songs suggestive of home and friends. One evening some enterprising comrades took the short pieces of candles distributed early in the evening to the soldiers of each company, and placed them duly lighted in the sockets of their bayonets. Not a breath of air was blowing to impair the candles thus lighted. As the darkness of night set in, the antics of these comrades with lighted candles took the shape of orders for the men to fall into lines, and with their lighted candles on their bayonets to form a line of march. Companies thus formed were soon organized into impromptu regiments ; regiments were soon rallied into brigades, and soon the enthusiasm of the candle lighters for a procession spread through- out the divisions. Privates in the ranks soon found themselves installed as Col- onels of provisional regiments in this demonstration. Other subalterns were suddenly elevated to command divisions in this grand demonstration. It was soon arranged that the candle-light parade under command of an improvised Major-General, should march to the Brigade, Division and Corps Generals' head- quarters to congratulate the Generals commanding, on the return of peace, and to testify by this farewell demonstration the afifection and esteem entertained by the troops for their leaders. Five or six thousand of the comrades, out of pure joy, rallied to the ranks of the parade, which was marked with excellent discipline. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 383 The candle-light column first waited upon Major-General Charles Griffin. Subversive of all ordinary discipline, the processionists immediately demanded that the General give them a " speech," and the cries of " Speech ! Speech ! Speech! " were heard. General Griffin resembled General Grant and many other West- Pointers in being wholly disqualified to make a speech ; and the cries for a speech embarrassed the General. A compromise was reached, however, and General Joshua L. Chamberlain, commanding a division of the Fifth Corps, was oiifered as a substitute, General Griffin occupying the background. General Cham- berlain, in response to calls, had to produce General Griffin on the stand (a cracker bo.x), where he bowed his acknowledgment and received the cheers of his men. General Chamberlain delivered an eloquent address which he, as well as Generals Griffin, Ayres, Gregory, Bartlett, Coulter, Pearson and the other Gen- erals and Colonels, felt for the rank and file of the Corps. From General Griffin's headquarters the procession moved to General Ayres', General Bartlett's, General Pearson's and to the headquarters of other com- manders. The oratory and exercises, however, were cut short by the ration of candles burning out, leaving all in the dark. En Route to Pittsburg. On June 1, 1865, the Regiment was ordered to report at Camp Reynolds, Pittsburg, for pay and final muster-out, a most gratifying order, doubly so in meeting the ever-welcome paymaster as well as prospects of reaching home. It is needless to say this order was obeyed with alacrity. Here it is proper to state that three hundred and sixty of the recruits and men transferred in July, 1864, to the Regiment from the Sixty-second Pennsylvania were here re-trans- ferred to the One Plundred and Ninety-first Pennsylvania. The parting of these faithful officers, and equally faithful comrades and messmates of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth was a disappointing ordeal to the recruits mentioned, as they had expected to accompany the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth on its homeward journey to Pittsburg. They were, however, mustered out a few weeks later. As a majority of the men and officers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were from Pittsburg, the municipality determined to accord the returning organi- zation on its return and before its final muster-out in Pittsburg, a public reception and dinner at City Hall. It was at the same time arranged by the city, through the Honorable James Lowry, ]\Ia}or of Pittsburg, that before the disbandment of the Regiment a short parade through the city, ending with a public e.xhibition of the zouave drill by the Regiment in the Allegheny parks, should take place. PuBLTC Reception to the Oxe Hundred and Fifty-fifth. On the morning of June T, 1865, two hundred and fifty surviving comrades of the Regiment, under command of General A. L. Pearson, arrived from Camp Reynolds, in the city of Pittsburg about ten o'clock, where they were joined by the Twenty-sixth Michigan veterans which had just arrived at the Union Station on its way home. The parade starting from Liberty Street Station, was headed 384 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. HON. JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK. by Young's Military Brass Band, fol- lowed by one hundred city police, march- ing by platoons. The Mayor of the city and speakers, and the councilmen of the city followed in open carriages. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth veterans in their gaudy zouave uniforms, marching in open order, came next, presenting a handsome and picturesque appearance. The stalwart veterans of the Twenty- sixth Michigan, fully equipped with their accoutrements and glistening arms, brought up the rear of the parade. From the Union Station the procession moved along Liberty street to Smith- field, along Smithfield to the Mononga- hela House, from the balcony of which the Honorable John M. Kirkpatrick paid an eloquent tribute to the survivors of the Regiment, alluding in pathetic terms to the many faces that were missing from the ranks of the returning braves, who had sealed with their life-blood their devotion to the cause of the Union and human rights. Ex-Governor William F. Johnston followed with an eloquent tribute to the soldier boys in general who had so patriotically defended their country. The formal reception exercises took place in the City Hall, the place during the entire Civil War of the reception and entertainment of Union soldiers of both Eastern and Western armies passing through Pittsburg. The program of exercises on the occasion of the reception and dinner to the Regi- ment consisted of an eloquent and patriotic address of welcome by Honorable James Lowry, Mayor of the city of Pittsburg, and a reply on behalf of the Regiment by General A. L. Pearson. These were followed by addresses of Wilson McCandless, General J. Bowman Sweitzer, Colonel E. Jay Allen, Rev- erend James Pressly, D. D., Honorable Thomas M. Marshall, Reverend John Douglass, D. D., and James Park, Jr., all delivering eloquent and patriotic trib- utes to the members of the Regiment, living and dead. The Pittsburg Subsistence Committee, assisted by a number of ladies, friends and relatives of officers and men, provided the verj' elegant repast, which was furnished by the well-known caterer, Schildecker. The festivities, in response to demands, were enlivened by the Regimental glee club, who ren- dered some popular war and camp songs, the members of the club announced on the printed programs being General A. L. Pearson. George P. Fulton, E. A. Montooth, John Ralston, Robert A. Thompson, Hawdon ' Marshall and the Regimental bugler, John Mooney. Sam and John Heflick and William Grounds, of the fife-and-drum corps, were also called to the platform, and UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 385 played martial airs. The camp-calls were sounded by John Mooney, Regi- mental bugler. In the afternoon the Regiment re-assembled at City Hall and formed for the street parade. Mayor Lowry and the Councilman of the city, in open carriages, joined the parade, crossing the St. Clair street bridge to the Alle- gheny parks, where General Pearson had company drills in the bayonet exer- cise and zouave tactics, ending with a final review and dress-parade of the Regiment. The assembled thousands filling the windows and balconies, and crowding the pavements along the line of march were not those of the usual sight-seers who gather out of curiosity to witness city parades. Far different was the sentiment that pervaded the multitudes assembled from city and country to do honor to the survivors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, sweethearts and wives, were there to catch a first glimpse of their hero for the safety of whom for three long years their daily and nightly prayers had ascended to heaven. Among the throngs of people were many who had lost loved ones by " War's cruel alarms," and whose tenderest .sympathies were manifested in their greetings to these sur- vivors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth by the tears which coursed down their cheeks. The bunch of flowers that fell at the soldier's feet was a greet- ing from a maiden whose shy glances, more eloquent than words, assured a welcome to her returning hero. For every heart throb in the ranks of the Regiment as they marked time to the strains of the inspiriting music there was a corresponding pulsation of love and sympathy somewhere in the vast throng. " Boys in blue," some with arms in slings, some with heads bandaged, some on crutches, occupied points of vantage from which to view the triumphal return of their Regimental comrades in many wearisome marches and bloody battle- fields. Finally Paid Off. — Guns Returned TO United St.^tes. The breaking ranks after this final parade and review was the last appear- ance of the survivors of the Regiment in zouave uniform as a body. The Regiment was formally paid off, and turned their guns in to the Government the next day at Camp Copeland, now within the limits of the industrial bor- ough of Braddock. On the 8th of June, 186.5, Major Russell Errett, paymaster of the United MAJ. RUSSELL ERRETT. 386 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. States army, appeared in Camp Reynolds, and paid the men their accrued wages for three months, each private receiving thirteen dollars per month, and being handed at the same time an honorable discharge paper. An unusual and certainly unnecessary requirement was exacted by the Gov- ernment from the veterans who had served it so faithfully when it demanded, on muster-out, that their muskets should be returned, or that in lieu thereof the sum of fourteen dollars be deducted from their wages. Indignation was felt at this order, and many soldiers resented the demand and in disgust sur- rendered their favorite guns rather than submit to the unreasonable deduction demanded. Many a veteran, as he received his honorable discharge and gave up his musket, bayonet, and cartridge-box, was conscious of the same feeling of sadness and regret that he had seen exhibited by the Confederates as they grounded their arms at Appomattox a few weeks before. Many, in later years, regretted that they had not paid the amount demanded and kept their faithful weapons, their companions in many campaigns and defense in many battles. With this grounding of arms, which, with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, was its first and last surrender, the career of the Regiment as a military organiza- tion ceased, its record and deeds in the war for the preservation of the Union thenceforth becoming part of the national liistory. The scenes on disbandment and parting of comrades in Camp Reynolds were more than ordinarily interesting, and quite pathetic. General Pearson, Lieutenant-Colonel Ewing, jMajors Cline and Laughlin, Captains Heisey, Sweeney. Allen, and many other popular officers were surrounded by the men of their late connnands, receiving from them many expressions of good will and esteem. The faithful color-bearer. " Tom " ]\Iarlin. in a brief address, formally confided tlie remnants of the Regimental colors to the temporary custody of General Pearson, eliciting hearty plaudits for both Pearson and Marlin, and most demonstrative applause for dear Old Glory. The messmates of the rank and file — cronies for three years in camps and comrades in marches and battles — indulged in many interchanges of reminis- cences of the past and hopes for the future. LInbidden tears welled up as the names of dear comrades were recalled, who had been left behind sleeping under the sod of Old A^irginia's grassy hillsides and green valleys. Vows were ex- changed that wartime friendships would ever be cherished throughout life. Delegations of friends from Kittanning, Clarion, Butler, Brownsville, and other towns in Western Pennsylvania had come to inform the companies and squads from those places of the cordial local receptions arranged in their honor by the dear home friends impatiently awaiting their arrival. The final hand-clasp and leave-taking was very impressive ; and when the last veteran had left the precincts of Camp Reynolds, the story of the marches, sieges, and battles of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers under the Maltese Cross, the most sublime and thrilling events that human pen i-an relate, came to an end. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 387 165TH REGT.. PA. VOLS., ENTERING OLD CITY HALL TO RECEIVE WELCOME AND DINNER TENDERED BY CITY OF PITTSBURG. JUNE 5. 1865. In this Historic Hall the Pittsburg Subsistence Committee, at the outbreak of the Civil War, fitted up kitchens and tables and provided meals to over 400.000 Union soldiers passing through Pittsburg, allowing no Union soldier to depart hungry. 1862 U;OMPAN¥lniI^TO)]RIIE lPEIRgONALi)KEfCME^ 390 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. "They invited me; still questioned me the story of my life from year to year; the battles, sieges, and for- tunes that 1 have passed through. I did consent." — Othello. UXDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 391 MEMORIES OF COMPANY A. By Private William H. Dewalt. I HE recruiting office opened in August, 1863, by Alfred L. Pearson and Edward A. Alontooth, of Pittsburg, then two newly-admitted members of the Pittsburg bar, was located in singularly unique and dilapidated quarters, in a four-story plain brick building, at the cor- ner of Fifth avenue and Smithfield street. The first floor of this structure, which was then known as the Splane Building, was occupied as a saloon. Had the structure not been torn down ten years ago to be replaced by the present Mellon buildings, it would doubtless have fallen down from sheer dilapidation. A drum corps composed of just two men, a drummer and a fifer, was stationed at the dismal, shaky. Fifth-avenue entrance to the recruiting office. This entrance, together with the shaky stairs to the fourth floor where recruits signed the roll, was really like an initial test of the courage of the boys desiring to enlist. The band discoursed patriotic tunes until a squad or even a single recruit was enlisted, when it exultingly paraded with the recruit or squad through the principal streets with a boy bearing a transparency announcing that the " ' Hilands Guards " were filling up rapidly," and that now was the time to enlist, etc. The names published on the hand-bills and advertisements for recruits as officers of the embryo company were A. L. Pearson, Edward A. ]\Iontooth, and Frank J. Buchard. Edward A. Montooth had alread}' recruited the greater part of a company called the " Hilands Guards." named after Alexander Hilands, a wealthy and public-spirited citizen, who long had held the position of Clerk of Courts of Allegheny county. Through the patriotic influence of their patron, this Company was favored with permission to bivouac on the Court House grounds, and also to conduct the drilling of " awkward squads " in full presence of the Court House habitues, and also in view of the jail prisoners peeping through the windows of the old jail. The " Arsenal Guards," recruited by A. L. Pearson, had also secured a number of recruits, and after due negotiations, the Hilands Guards and the Arsenal Guards were consolidated, and became ^j^, ^ dewalt 39-2 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. Company A of the One Hundred and Fift_v-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers. Pearson became Captain of the new company, Montooth accepted the First-Lieutenancy, and Buchard became Second-Lieutenant. The pleasant week spent in Camp Howe, and the rude " war's alarms " that occurred nightly, together with the performance of glee clubs and musical instru- ments, and the genuine " hoe down " dancing in the barracks by the one thousand recruits rendezvousing in Camp Howe, awaiting the summons to the front, would form an interesting and amusing chapter in itself, of which, no doubt, men- tion is made in this history by other comrades. Lieutenant Montooth was promoted to Adjutant of the new regiment at its first organization, and soon made, it was said, the finest adjutant in the Army of the Potomac. To this deserved tribute might justly be added that he became also the most popular of Adjutants. So far as military knowledge or training is concerned, none of this trio. Captain Pearson, Adjutant Montooth, or Lieutenant Buchard, had the least experience in the field, or ever smelled powder in any shape. Captain Pearson, however, had acquired a reputation as a popular and well-drilled officer of the " Home Guards " company, which he had, during the first months of the war, organized for later calls. Its flag presentations, reviews, parades, and competitive prize-drills the first year of the war, had made the " Arsenal Guards," of Law- renceville, under Captain Pearson, locally famous. The gay Captain and the festive youths composing the rank and file of the company attained great popularity, especially among the fair maidens of that period. The " Hilands Guards " furnished half the recruits, all enlisting for three years or during the war. Charles C. Johnston, Edward P. Johnston, and James P. Johnston, brothers, were among the first to enlist with Captain Pearson. They were sons of William Johnston, one of the pioneer settlers of the borough of Lawrenceville, and who had served three terms as postmaster. These boys all proved on many battle- fields to be chivalrous, knightly soldiers. Charles C. Johnston, who had at- tained the rank of First-Lieutenant, fell in battle at Laurel Hill, May 8, 1864; Edward P. Johnston lost his right arm in action at Cold Harbor. June 2, 1864, and was afterward promoted to the rank of Captain. James P. Johnston, the youngest of the brothers, after an honorable record in many battles, died of disease. Captain John C. Stewart, who had risen from the rank of Corporal, was a brave soldier, and who was present for duty in all the great battles from Antie- tam to the Wilderness, is pleasantly remembered for his kind and gentle treatment of his command. At the bloody battle of the Wilderness, Captain Stewart re- ceived serious wounds, forever incapacitating him from further military service. Lieutenant Charles C. Johnston, on the wounding of Captain Stewart, took com- mand of the company and, as stated, became engaged a few days later. May 8th, with the enemy at Laurel Hill, and was the first to fall in that severe action. Lieutenant Johnston was shot while leading his company into the battle. His body was carried to the rear and laid side by side with the body of Captain Edward E. Clapp, of Company F. who was killed in the same action. Two UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 393 nobler patriots than these brave officers, thus buried together, could not be found in any army. John M. Campbell, who rose to the rank of First-Lieutenant, and who served from Antietam to Appomattox, was a highly original character. He was well educated, having been a pupil of the old Pittsburg High school, of good family, brave as a lion, generous, witty, and ever cheerful. He was an all-round athlete, and had an intimate acquaintance with those sciences of which Hoyle is the recog- nized authority. In camp, with boxing gloves, he could hold his own with any other comrade of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth or neighboring regiments, in contests according to London prize-ring, or Marquis of Oueensbury rules. He freqtiently gave exhibitions of the manly art. In evenings in camp it required an able handler of cards to win stakes from him. Promotion to commissioned rank did not change " Jack's " deportment to his late comrades in the ranks. At his request they ignored his rank and title and salutes, and continued to call him " Jack." As an officer, in camp or any of its duties, or as a drill-master or disci- plinarian, " Jack " made no pretentions, and never aspired to be a martinet. In battle, however, no other soldier was more daring or insensible to fear, nor ex- hibited greater skill in leading his company, nor capacity to inspire his men to deeds of valor. After the war he drifted to the very far West, it was reported. Though all would have been delighted to welcome " Jack " Campbell to the Regi- mental reunions, he never attended nor communicated by letter. Whether scalped by Indians or " dying with his boots on " in some Cowboy disturbances, or pass- ing to the Great Beyond in a more peaceful way, or whether still in the land of the living, his surviving comrades have never heard. Just the opposite in deportment to " Jack." there was in the company the mild, quiet, patient, retiring, young Sergeant, William Justice, of Pittsburg, ever ready for duty and always performing it uncomplainingly. Never missing roll- call nor a battle was his record, with the words added, " wounded in action." Reared tenderly by pious parents, the often dangerous and immoral environments of camp life never affected his exemplary Christian character and charitable dis- position. Sergeant Justice has long slept in the Allegheny cemetery, where com- rades annually decorate his grave, and recall his amiable and chivalrous life as a soldier. No greater evidence of the efifects of time is manifest than in the efforts of the veterans of the Civil War to narrate the history and reminiscences of oc- currences happening forty-three years ago. The last shots fired at Appomattox, April 9, ]865, were fired by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers, which was then serving on the advanced skirmish line, its former Colonel, Brigadier-General A. L. Pearson, then commanding the Third Brigade, of the First Division of the Fifth Corps, having on that eventful morn- ing at Appomattox, specially deployed his old regiment for duty on the skirmish line. The Confederate army, having been constantly harrassed on its retreat from Petersburg, by Sheridan's troops in the front and in the rear, determined, on reaching the vicinity of Appomattox Court House, to make a last stand. For that purpose. Generals Longstreet and Gordon had halted the Confederate infan- try and artiller}', and, hastily throwing up breastworks, invited Sheridan's dis- 394 • UNDER THE MALTESE CR(JSS. mounted cavalr_v, their close pursuers, to advance and accept the wager of battle thus tendered. The Confederate commanders named, at this time, were totally ignorant of the fact that the entire Fifth Corps under General Griffin had by forced night marches arrived and were in battle line to support Sheridan's cav- alry. General Pearson, commanding the advance brigade of infantry, knowing that the end of the Confederate army was at hand, requested General Griffin, commanding the corps, that his old regiment, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, should be deployed to serve as advance skirmishers in the impending movement against Longstreet's and Gordon's Confederate forces. General Griffin granted General Pearson's request, and having placed all the Fifth Corps batteries in posi- tion for action, advanced his infantr}- to attack. This done. General Sheridan ordered his dismounted cavalry, which had been harrassing and pursuing the Conef derates, to fall back as if retreating from the fire of the Confederates. The Fifth Corps infantry columns then advanced and opened fire on the enemy. The appearance in battle line of the columns of the Fifth Corps infantry and batteries, and their action in immediately opening fire was an astounding revela- tion to the Confederate commanders, who, however, continued the unequal combat with the superior forces of the Union infantry. During the continuance of the firing a young Confederate courier appeared with a flag of truce, riding rapidly from the enemy's lines between the skirmishers of both armies, towards the Union line. Strange to say, both the Confederates and the Union troops disregarded the flag of truce and its bearer on his journey to the Union line. The firing of the skirmish lines was kept up, as no orders to cease firing had been received. The bearer of the flag of truce entered the Union line at the advanced position occu- pied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment then on skirmish duty. The truce bearer, who had narrow escapes from being shot by the fire of both armies, on reaching the Union lines, complained bitterly to Sergeant-Major William Shore, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, who was the first to receive him, that in open disregard of the flag of truce the Union troops had continued to fire iin the white flag. The Confederate courier also indignantly inquired of Captain George F. Morgan, serving as personal aid on General Pearson's staff, as to why the Union troops did not cease firing on seeing him approach with the flag of truce. Captain Morgan, who was equally indignant at the Confederates for keeping up their firing, minie-l)alls and shells falling close to him during his dialogue with the courier, inquired why the courier did not have the Confederate armv respect their own flag of truce by ceasing to fire. Captain Morgan then conducted the courier to General Pearson, who instructed him to take the messen- ger to General Charles Griffin, commanding the Fifth Corps. General Lee had furnished this messenger with a letter accepting General Grant's overtures for peace. The war then ended in an hour, no hostile shots being fired thereafter by either army. This matter of history of the surrender at Appomattox is preliminary to rendering a just tribute to the memory of A. L. Pearson, under whom the writer had the honor as a boy of seventeen, to enlist as a private soldier, in August, 1862, and who served in Company A, organized by Captain Pearson, until the last shot was fired at Appomatto.x. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 395 As Captain, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel, and as Brevet Brigadier, and Brevet Major-General, and as the recipient of a Medal of Honor for gallant and meritorious conduct in many battles, General Pearson never for a moment forgot his old company. The members of Company A and all surviving comrades of the Regiment claim to share in the glory, and the deserved promotions and the high honors which so rapidly came to their first Captain. In the great charge of Fredericksburg, Lieutenant Pearson, while serving as an officer of Company A, sheathed his sword, and seizing the gun of a fallen soldier, took his place in the ranks and loaded and fired with a zeal that encouraged his men to imitate him. The daring and courage, intelligence, enthusiasm, alertness, the intuitive percep- tion, and unerring judgment in action of General Pearson eminently qualified him for the distinguished honors heaped upon him as a natural-born soldier. The writer would like to protract this narrative by mentioning many dear comrades and many incidents of the war, but once one becomes reminiscent it is difficult to tell where or when to end. Understanding that Corporal Frank Gil- more and Private Xathan Fullerton have furnished personal sketches of their interesting experiences, the writer will close his contribution by referring readers to their articles. Privates Benjamin Strubel, who served the entire term in the field, and his brother, John H. Strubel, proved good and faithful soldiers, the former being early honored by being detailed to Fifth Corps headquarters. Private John Milton Hays, the youngest and shortest comrade, and John A. Ha3's, in camp life and in winter quarters were ever-present in good humor, doing much t(^ cheer their comrades. For the officers and others in camp they fre- quently gave dramatic recitals, evincing great talent in that line. The Roll of Honor, names of the killed and wounded of the Company, tells its own story of the Company's achievements and services on the many battle- fields of the Armv of the Potomac. Record Enrollment Casu.\lties, Etc., Company A. KILLED and died OF WOUNDS. Lieutenant Charles C. Johnston — Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Corporal George Tackelberr}- — Died March 27, 1865, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. Private Samuel Claypoole — Died August 5, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 4, 1864. Private William Davis — Killed at Peebles Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private George Edmunds — Died July 27, 1864, of wounds received at Peters- burg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Jeremiah Nolf — Died April 22, 1865, of wounds received at Quaker Road, Va., March 29, 1865. Private Isaac Nelson — Died January 31, 1863, of wounds received at Fred- ■ericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private Moses Robbins — Killed at Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. 396 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Private Samuel W. Smith — Killed at Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private Peter V. Boehr — Wounded and missing at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. DIED OF DISEASE. Corporal Joseph Bauer, January 1, 1864. Corporal McGrevv Wiley, February 25, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. Private Henry Holmes, August 5, 1864, in New York. Private Nicholas ]\Iarchand, November 19, 1862. Private Abraham Smeltzer, September 25, 1864, at City Point, Va. WOUNDED. Captain John C. Stewart, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Captain Edward P. Johnston, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864, with loss of arm. First-Sergeant William H. Justice, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Sergeant Brintnel R. Goodlin, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Corporal Franklin Gilmore, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864; Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Corporal John W. Smyers, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private Thomas B. Bilt, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. Private John Beck, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private William DeW'ah, Hatcher's Run, \'a., October 27, 1864. (Loss of arm.) Private Frederick Diviner, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. (Loss of arm.) Private George Fifer, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private Archibald Grilfin, discharged on account of wounds, February 35, 1865. Private Tolbert Richter, Hatcher's Run, Va.. March 25, 1865. Private Thomas Rosser, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private \\"illiam Roberts, Hatcher's Run, \'a., March 35, 1865. Private R. T. Robinson, Hatcher's Run, Va., October 27, 1864. Private Joseph Robbins, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private Moses Robbins, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Private George Sharp, Laurel Hill, Va., May 9, 1864. Private Henry A. Troutman, Bethesda Church, Va., June 2, 1864. (With Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers.) Private James R. Thompson, Petersburg, Va.. June 18, 1864. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 146 Killed and died of wounds 10 Died of disease 5 Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 48 Transferred to A^eteran Reserve Corps 3 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Deserted 6 Transferred to other companies and regiments 25 Not on Muster-out Rolls 5 Discharge at expiration of term 1 Discharge on habeas corpus 2 Veterans discharged by General Orders 4 Mustered out with tlie Regiment 44 397 JAMES VAN TASSEL. CO. A, and Brother of 4th Cavalry. 398 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. WILLIAM LITTLEHALES. WILLIAM LINDSAY. JOHN DILLON. STANLEY LAFFERTY. SGT. W. H. JUSTICE. JACOB O. CRAWFORD. CORP. FRANKLIN GILMORE. ELIJAH N. PRICE. UNDER TFIE MALTESE CROSS. 399 MOSES ROBBINS. LIEUT. ED. P. JOHNSTON. JAMES P. JOHNSTON. JOHN A. HAYS. iou UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ORGANIZATION OF COMPANY B. By Corporal H. F. Weaver. |HE writer, having by the fortunes of war become disabled by wounds received in battle on Little Round Top, Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, can only partially comply with the request to furnish a sketch of Company " B." All subsequent campaigns must be described by those who participated after the writer's compulsory withdrawal from the service. Captain Benjamin B. Kerr, of Pittsburg, who had acquired the prestige of a year's active service in the field as a member of Company A, Ninth Pennsyl- vania Reserves, organized Company B of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. The roster of commissioned and non-com- missioned officers mustered into the United States service at Pittsburg, at Camp Howe, in August, 1862, was as follows: Benjamin B. Kerr, Captain ; George W. Lore, First-Lieutenant ; Benjamin F. Jennings, Second-Lieutenant ; Henry W. Grubbs, First-Sergeant ; John Mc- Millan, Second-Sergeant ; Daniel W. McConnel, Third-Sergeant ; James J. Stewart, Fourth-Sergeant; James A. McMillan, Corporal; Milton L. Meyers, Corporal ; James D. Wilson, Corporal ; John Miller, Corporal ; John Saber, Cor- poral ; William Story, Corporal ; Adam Black, Corporal ; David M. Smith, Cor- poral. First-Lieutenant Lore resigned before the battle of Fredericksburg to enter the United States navy. Captain Kerr commanded the Company at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 186"2, soon after resigning because of ill-health. Lieutenant Benj. F. Jennings, after honorable service at Antietam and F'redericksburg battles, resigned. Sergeant Henry W. Grubbs and Sergeant John McMillan were commissioned First-Lieutenant and Second-Lieutenant to fill these vacancies. No one hundred more cheerful, active, mischievous, and diversified characters than formed the rank and file of this Company could be found in any army. Nearly all nationalities were represented. Old age and extreme youth, a few fanatical prohibitionists and a number of strong anti-temperance advocates characterized the Company membership. In civil life the recruits had varied occupations, and a number seemed to have had none. Coal miners and iron and steel workers from the vicinity of Pittsburg, however, formed the great majority of the recruits. Captain Kerr and the other officers in command, undoubtedly had their lives shortened with the troubles and difficulties occasioned in breaking in the wild mustangs and skit- tish colts of the Company, and making them understand the necessity of military UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 401 CAPT. H, W. GRUBBS LIEUT. DANIEL W. McCONNELL. SGT. JAMES A. McMILLAN. MILTON L. MEYERS. 403 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. " Spoony " Drake, " Dad discipline and unquestioning obedience to orders. All, however, being permeated with a patriotic spirit, the urgent exigencies of the service aided materially in demonstrating the necessity of discipline, and the raw recruits soon became ex- cellent soldiers, proving it on their first campaign and forced marches through Maryland, and at Antietam, as also in the famous charge on Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1863. Keeping no diary, the writer now only recalls in a most general manner the names and persons of many dear comrades, with whom he enlisted and touched elbows in battle from Antietam to Gettysburg. Whilst often boisterous, unruly, and difficult to control in the early days of their service, no kinder, better-hearted, or devoted friends to each other could be found than were those in the ranks of Company B. The peculiarity of the nick-names by which many came to be known is re- called as most amusing. There was " Spitty '" Grounds, " Greaser " Woods, ■ Craig, " Nervy " Fitzgerald, " Pat " Lyon, " Watty " McCabe, " Limpy " Stack, who answered these strange cognomens in camp as if they had been bestowed upon them at baptism. The most of these brave soldiers have long since passed to the Great Beyond, but as a survivor the writer cherishes only the most affectionate remembrances. It is due Captain Henry W. Grubbs, who rose from First-Sergeant to Captain, and served bravely from Antietam to the Wilderness ; First-Lieutenant John McMillan, who participated in every battle of the Regiment, having command of the Company on the last campaign and at Appomattox; and Second-Lieu- tenant Daniel W. IMcConnell, his brave and efficient assistant in all of the same battles, to say that their promotion was well earned. These officers returned home in command of the Company. Sergeant James A. McMillan and Corporal Richard B. Davis are recalled by the writer as faithful, brave soldiers, ever ready for duty and obedient to orders. In another part of this history, the writer contributes his recollections of Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, and having told the story here of the original organization of Company " B," the writer will conclude this sketch. CORP. R. B. DAVIS. LAST TWO YEARS IN COMPANY B. By Orderly-Serge.vxt James A. McMill.\x. CoRPOR.'\L H. F. Weaver's contribution describing the organization and roster of officers in the campaign to Gettysburg, where the gallant Corporal's military career was cut short by a Confederate bullet, disabling him for life, will shorten the writer's story, confining it to incidents in the last two years' campaigning. It UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 403 is no easy task after the lapse of forty- three years to tap one's memory to re- call the scenes and stirring events and interesting incidents of war days. The writer has, however, distinct recollec- tions of several incidents and episodes of service in Company B, which may be of interest not only to the survivors and their friends, but to the general reader. The Company was composed of men and boys gathered from many walks of life, farmers, tradesmen, coal miners, mill men, laborers and one solitary preacher, constituting the roll of the Company. No reflection is meant on the morality of the Company when the opinion is ex- pressed that there might have been more of the latter's holy calling to the profit of the remainder of the Company. One thing is certain and that is that the " peep-o'-day " boys, and the " mud- larks '■ of Saw Alill Run, so well represented in the ranks of the Company, could be relied upon in becoming busy when there was anything doing, from a raid on the sutler store to a battle with the " Johnnies." On either occasion they did their duty and reaped their rewards in their share of the spoils and in the honors of war. The fortunes of war deprived this Company within seven months from the time of leaving home of its original commissioned officers — Captain, First and Second Lieutenants — all having resigned and returned to their peaceful homes. JAMES A. McMillan. A Fat.\l Presentiment. All the battlefields of the Army of the Potomac, as well as the national cemeteries at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg, attest by their graves the heroism of members of Company B from Antietam to Appomattox. The incidents I shall describe may have been overlooked in the itinerary of this his- tory, and will not, therefore, encroach on the genera! narrative. At the battle variously called Laurel Hill and Alsop's Farm, on May 8, 1864, on the all-night march from the Wilderness, preceding the morning of this battle. First-Sergeant Thomas Innis Wood, one of the bravest and most energetic men in the Company, who had been promoted from the ranks, experienced a strange and pathetic presentiment as to his fate in the battle of the morrow. Its persistent domination so overcame him that he approached Captain H. W. Grubbs, commanding the Company, with the most unexpected and surprising request to be excused from service in the approaching engagement. The Captain inquired if he were sick 404 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. or disabled in any way, and on the Sergeant's answering in the negative, regret- fully refused his request. At a halt on the road on the line of march, Sergeant Woods was seen to leave the ranks and seat himself at the foot of a large tree, where he took from his pocket a diary and made entries therein. Of this action, although observed by the writer and others of the Company, Sergeant Woods offered no explanation, and as the column renewed its march no significance was attached to the action. An hour later the engagement opened and soon became a desperate conflict. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, with the Fifth Army Corps being in the advance, was soon ordered forward to assault the enemy's column. In doing so the Regiment lost from the severe fire of the encmv a number of its best soldiers. Among the latter, falling early in the action, was Sergeant Thomas Innis \\'oods, having been at first reported among the missing. The writer and other volunteers of the Company instituted a search in the woods at the scene of the assault by the Regiment, and found among the large number of >lain the dead body of their dearly- liL-loved comrade. The detail in re- moving his remains took from hi^ pocket his diary and watch which were given into possession of the writer. An examination of the diary, made as the Company buried his body in a battlefield grave, exhibited the last entry made by Sergeant Woods a short half hour before the battle in which he lost his life. This entry was addressed to the writer, and ex- pressed the belief that the Sergeant was certain he would fall in the im- pending battle, in which event he asked the writer to bury his body, and to mark his grave so that his friends could recover his remains after the war. The diary entry further requested the writer to read the 90th Psalm at his burial and also gave instructions as to the disposition to be made of his watch and personal effects. Thus the mortal career of one of the best, bravest, and most exemplary Christian soldiers was ended. JOHN L. RAMSEY, THOS. I. WOODS and JAMES A. McMillan. Another incident of a different character is recalled, and mav be worth re- peating here. On the last days of May, 1864, the Regiment, on crossing and fording the North Anna River and securing position on the south side, had a very active and busy time in getting into line before being discovered by the Confederates of Breckenridge's Corps, who were waiting for them at another ford. General Warren, being well aware of that fact through his scouts, directed UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 405 the march of his cokimns to an unguarded passage some miles higher up the stream, at Jericho Ford, and crossed the entire corps of infantry to the south side of the North Anna before being discovered. While in line awaiting the expected attack of the enemy, having arms stacked and cooking the frugal meal allowed on the march, one of the boys of Company B, who might have been " Pat " Lvon, was seen slowly marching to join his Company in its position await- ing attack. This comrade named had been wounded in the knee in the fight at Laurel Hill a few days before, and although unable to march with the Com- pany, he followed the army as best he could. As he came to the Company line before the opening of the battle, he was limping, but was also lugging a pillow slip half full of cornmeal, and also a genuine hickory-smoked Virginia ham. Some kindly-disposed native Virginian must have given these timely articles to comrade Pat, for he would not steal. Pat. on joining the Company, threw down the sack of cornmeal and the ham, and said to the Company, " There, youse hungry fellers can have something for supper." Elaborate preparations were at once started for a royal meal of corn cakes and ham. The Confederates, how- ever, must have smelled the odor of the frying ham, for they soon concentrated in our front, and then and there attempted to capture the meal in preparation. They made desperate efforts to drive the Regiment back over tl>e river, con- tinuing the attack at intervals all night. The Confederates did not succeed in forcing General Ayres' Brigade, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was serving, back to the North Anna, but they certainly did spoil that supper. All survivors of Company B to this day deeply regret that generous " Pat " Lyon's effort to supply his Company with a good supper on the battle line ended so disastrously. The memorable charge of the 18th of June, 18G-±, in front of Petersburg, is detailed so fully in the itinerary, both as to losses and strategic advances, as to require but little mention here. In this assault some comrades of Company B, the writer remembers, started for the right, opposite the center of the breast- works, and they ran into a wire fence which was stretched along the Baxter Road. Private R. B. Davis, the writer remembers, among others, in striking the wire fence turned a somersault head first into the road. Sergeant Walter McCabe being his running-mate on the occasion. The wire was concealed by the bushes, and caused the tumble on the part of Davis. The enfilading fire of infantry and artillery on this occasion was more severe than the direct fire, from the close range of the enemy's fort, in which Company B lost eight men out of thirty engaged. Corporal Robert Story received three bullet wounds, as did also Alexander Crowley, from which both died. Two comrades lost legs, one lost an arm, and only one of the wounded was able to return for duty again. In December, 1864. the Fifth Corps, to which the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth was attached, was ordered on a reconnoissance south, to destroy the Weldon Railroad that was of the greatest importance to the Confederates as a line of supplies. After quite a lengthy march the Union column reached the road. They went to work with a will, destroying the road, burning the ties, and twisting 406 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the rails. This work occupied nearly two days. The weather was extremely cold and disagreeable. On the afternoon of the second day the troops halted, and having no shelter or blankets, considerable suffering from exposure ensued. '■ Spoony " Drake, one of their water squad who had gone after water to make coffee, soon returned to camp drunk, and being asked if he had gotten any water, replied that he had not, but that he had obtained some of the best stuff' he ever tasted. On investigation it was found that his canteens and coffee- pot were filled with applejack, and he had also a comb of honey in his haversack. After sampling the stuff, and discovering it pleasant to the taste, the writer gave " Dick " Davis a pull of it. " Dick " at the time, was trying to dissect or masti- cate a portion of an old cow that had been picked up and slaughtered by the butchers and issued to the Regiment. In a very few minutes after taking his pull at the canteen, " Dick " could not connect his knife with the beef. On being informed that he was drunk, he frankly admitted the self-evident fact. On attempting to turn to give the writer his knife, Comrade Davis, sad to state, fell into the embrace of mother earth, and soon sub- sided into one of the quietest soldiers in camp. There were others. These, after partaking of the applejack, tried to dissect the cow, but were soon prostrated, and the writer declares his belief now that that quarter of the cow in question never was carved. In looking back, the writer is fully convinced that the entire command was applejacked, or in other words were drunk. All, however, could duly declare their ignor- ance of the qualities of the applejack, or, that they knew that the beverage was loaded. The return march of this reconnoissance to the Wel- don Railroad was marked by unusually severe, bitter cold, and sleety weather, causing the clothes of the troops to freeze as they marched. One shivers yet as he recalls that march. The discomfort of that night following will not bt forgotten while any of the participants live. A little incident also worth noticing occurred on the march back from this raid on the Weldon Railroad, to our camps in front of Petersburg. On pass- ing a large plantation some of the boys found a hogshead of molasses, turned it on end, knocked the head out, and helped themselves. The molasses began to get low, and in order to get to it it was necessary to balance on the top of the hogshead to reach tlie sweet contents. One poor fellow overbalanced and went head first into the molasses. When he was pulled out he was surely one of the queerest looking pickles one ever saw, and was nearly smothered. Oh ! but he was sweet. Not to protract this sketch the writer cannot close without expressing, even at this late day, the friendship and obligations for the many favors and kind- nesses in the daily life of a soldier received by him at the hands of this gallant company. The writer would like to name every one of the heroic dead and the RICHARD B. DAVIS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 407 MICHAEL NILON. ISAAC CRAIG. JOHN CRAIG. patriotic survivors who so faithfully served their country, but to do so in this sketch would be impossible. Where all did so well, it seems unjust to single out particular persons, but the writer could not forbear the tribute due Sergeant Thomas Innis Woods, for his good advice and excellent example during his service, nor can he overlook Comrade " Dad " Craig, still living. Can you for- get. Comrade " Dad," the night >ou stood the writer's watch at Laurel Hill, when tired nature exhausted the writer's power of endurance so that he could no longer stand ? Dear Comrade " Dick " Davis, still my neighbor, ever ready as a soldier for duty, unselfish as a mess-mate, with a never-empty haversack, and always ready to divide its contents, how can memory of you ever fade ! To brave Sergeant Walter McCabe, ever fearless unto recklessness at the front, honest, true, and faithful as a friend, a similar tribute is due to you. " Bob " Stoddard, always as ready to fight the enemy as he was in camp to forage for subsistence, gave up his life on the 18th of Ji-Wie, 1864. Little, but gallant, Sergeant " Johnny " Hays, faithful William Woods, reliable William C. McMillen, gentle and jolly " Mike " Nilon, the brave and dutiful " Charley " Ott, who lost his leg on the fateful WALTER McCAfiE. CHARLES W. OTT. WILLIAM C. McMILLEN. 408 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 18th of June, David M. Smith, killed at Gettysburg, sturdy and brave Lieu- tenant " Dan " W. McConnell, and gallant Corporal Harry F. Weaver, who lost his foot on Little Round Top, July 2, 1863, and the dutiful Corporal Milton L> Meyers, all are among the friends and patriots of Company B impressed on the writer's memory. Many have gone where war is unknown and all deserve tributes as earning for Company B its honored record. Handsome Sergeant Harry R. Campbell, whose sad fate it was to be wounded and captured in the open- ing battle of the Wilderness, and to be carried off to languish in Confederate prisons, brings a tear to the eyes of the writer. His death at Annapolis aboard the exchange steamer on the memorable 9th of April, 1865, his patriotic spirit passing away as his comrades of Company B at Appomattox were receiving the surrender of the Confederate army are but ^^^^ one among the thousand other like occurrences. ^^^^^^^^^^ of that terrible war. ^^^^^^^^BB At the recent unveiling of the Hum- '^f "^ "^ ^r^ phreys' Monument at Fredericksburg on No- vember 11, 1908, and at the reunion of the Regiment on the same occasion, but twelve survivors of Company B answered roll-call on - -^^^^^ the old battlefield on Marye's Heights, thus mk ^ " ^^^^ evidencing the ravages of time and the work W Uk .Sil^.^ ^^^^A of the grim messenger in the ranks of this famous Company, on whose rolls the names of one hundred and fifty men were carried. The fact that this Company furnished / music as well as fighters should not be over- looked, as but few performers on the ear- piercing fife in the army could surpass the ROBERT R cuLP niastcrly notes in playing of " Sam " Heflick and his younger brother, John Heflick, who^ joined his brother in the Company in the second year of the war, both proudly serving until the triumphal day at Appomattox, and in the parade through the streets of Pittsburg on the occasion of the reception accorded the survivors of the Regiment at the close of the war. To Company B must also be credited the honor of Corporal " Bob " Culp, the accomplished Regimental violinist, and no less skillful blacksmith. This Com- pany had also the honor of furnishing an able member of the Regimental Drum. Corps, in the person of Private William Grounds. Record Enrollment, Casualties, Etc., Company B. KILLED AND DIED OF WOUNDS. Sergeant Thomas L Woods— Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Corporal Robert Story — Died July 14th of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 409 SAMUEL J. HEFLICK AND WILLIAM GROUNDS of Regimental Band. 410 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Corporal Adam Black — Died July 9, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862. Corporal David M. Smith — Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Private Alexander Crowley — Died July 6, 1SG4, of wounds received at; Petersburg, \'a., June 18, 1864. Private William Douglas — Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1SG3. Private Henry Kaner — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private Abraham Miller — Killed at Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private Michael Seiffert — Killed at Spottsylvania ,Va., May 11, 1864. Private William C. Todd— Killed at Quaker Road, Va., March 29, 1865. MISSING IN .avCTlGN. Private Harrison Daverbiss, \\'ilderness, \'a.. May .5, 1864. DIED IN PRISON OR RESULT OF IMPRISONMENT. Sergeant Harry R. Campbell, at Annapolis, Md., April 9, 186.5. Private William A. Moore, at Richmond, \'a., September 16, 1864. DIED OF DISEASE. Private John L. Byers, at Bolivar Heights, Va., December, 1862. Private William Cronemeyer, at Camp Humphreys, Va., Alarch 17, 1863. Private Samuel Edmunds, at Stoneman's Switch, \'a., December 12, 1863. Private William Clenden, at City Point, Va., December 28, 1864. Private David Hopkins, at Annapolis, Md., March 17, 186-5. Private Archibald McMillan, at Sharpsburg, Md., November 7, 1862. Private .Alexander Porter, at Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1863. Private John Ramsey, at Appomattox C. H., Va., April 12, 186.5. Private William Smith, May 3, 1863. Private Carl Truxall, at Washington. D. C. July 13, 1864. Private Michael Weaver, at W'ashington, D. C, May 6, 18G5. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Sergeant John Hays, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Sergeant James P. Stewart, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Sergeant Francis A. Plarvey, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 18G4. (Loss of arm.) Corporal Harry F. Weaver, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. (Loss of foot.) Corporal John Saber, Boydtown Road, \'a., March 31, 1865. Private Robert R. Gulp. Hatcher's Run, \'a., October 27, 1864. Private Ferdinand Deitsch, Laurel Hill, Ya... May 8, 1864. Private John Eastwood, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Private John Gabel, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. (Loss of leg.) Private Patrick Lyons, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1861. Private John McKinley, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private Hugh McFarland, Hatcher's Run, A'a., October 27, 1864. UNDER THE r^IALTESE CROSS. 411 Private Charles McMahon, Petersburg, Va., July 18, 1864. Private Charles W. Ott, Petersburg, Va., July 18, 186-t. (Loss of leg.) Private Patrick Stack, Wilderness. Va., May 5, ISGl. Private Samuel Upcraft, Fredericksburg, \'a., December 13, 1863. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 157 Killed and died of wounds 13 Died of disease and in prison 13 Deserted 6 Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 46 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps 8 Transferred to other organizations 31 Never joined Company 6 Officers resigned 3 Discharged at expiration of term 3 Transferred men discharged by General Orders 4 Dishonorably discharged 1 Wounded in Action 16 jMustered Out with Regiment 86 .^^^e.■ , ' -^m- 412 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. COMPANY C— THE COLOR COMPANY. By Lieutenant Joseph M. Cargo. jOMPANY C may truly be said to have had its birth at the great Union mass-meeting held on the West Commons (now Park) of Allegheny City, in the latter part of July, 1863, when the news of repulse and disasters to the gallant Union army under General George B. McClellan startled the country and aroused the patriotic element predominating in the young and old of that day and generation. Among the recruiting stands opened on that memorable day, when twenty thousand people rallied to hear the sad news from the lips of Pennsylvania's own great War Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, and other patriotic orators, was John H. Cain, of Pittsburg. His recruiting booth was decorated with the Nation's flag under the folds of which, in United States uniform, a fifer and drummer kept time to the music of the day. During the progress of the meeting and after each stirring war address urging enlistment. Captain Cain's quota was rapidly filling and at last twenty-five names were enrolled. Besides the writer, who signed his name, he now recalls comrades Archie N. Euwer, L. E. Mc- Pherson, John McGee, Thos. B. Dunn, Thos. Wiseman, and Thomas Sprague, as among the gallant comrades with whom in the ne.xt three years' service in the field the writer was destined to become most intimate. Captain Cain had served three months in the Twelfth Pennsylvania Infantry un- der Mr. Lincoln's first call for three- months' troops. He had in that regiment the benefit of the military service in camp and on drills under two efficient and brave soldiers who later died for the Union cause — General Alexander Hays, who was killed in the Wilderness, Major of the Regiment, and Colonel James H. Childs, who fell commanding the Fourth Penn- sylvania Cavalry at Antietam, Captain of the company in which Captain Cain had served as a private. Lee Anshutz, of Pittsburg, at the same mass-meeting was recruiting for the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and se- CAPT. AUGUSTUS H. HEisEY. cured a number of volunteers. He had UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 413 achieved a reputation as an efficient Captain in command of a company of Home Guards in Pittsburg, known as the Park Rifles. It was drilled by the late James G. Weldon, a Sergeant in the Duquesne Grays. The company wore an attractive zouave uniform in mild imitation of that of the famous Ellsworth Chicago zouaves. Its gaudy uniform made the organization exceedingly popular in local circles, with its fancy drills and presence at flag presentations, reviews, etc. To the city school boys of fifteen and sixteen years of age, this company was es- pecially attractive. It is needless to add that for the same reason it became de- cidedly popular among the school girls and lassies of that day. They frequently attended the fancy drills and gorgeous dress parades daily had on the Allegheny Commons parade grounds. On these occasions the young ladies were wont not only to cheer the embryo heroes of the rank and file of Captain Anshutz' crack company with the bewitching smiles, but frequently accompanied the same with wreaths, bouquets, and small flags to emphasize their sympathy for the Union and the youthful zouaves of the Park Rifles. Among the boys still attending school or just leaving whom the writer now re- calls first meeting at the company, answering to Captain Anshutz's roll-calls, were John F. Hunter, Charles F. McKenna, John Mackin, and other boys who grad- uated the next year into full-fledged volunteers in the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment, none of those named having at the time passed his seventeenth year. Chas. Seibert, Nicholas Seibert, J. J. Ricketts, and F. C. O'Brien volun- teered from this home-guard company to join the Sixty-second Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers, being organized by Colonel Samuel W. Black. Scott C. McDowell, the handsome color-bearer of the Park Rifles, still later joined the same regiment and died a soldier's death in the famous Peach Orchard on the field of Gettysburg. Captain Anshutz, at the close of the great War meeting of July, 18G2, al- ready mentioned, merged the recruits who had volunteered with him with those already recruited by Captain Cain at the same mass-meeting, and thus Com- pany C of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was completed. It organized by the choice of John H. Cain as Captain. Lee Anshutz was made First-Lieutenant and James S. Palmer was appointed Second-Lieutenant. On organization of the Regiment, Captain Cain was commissioned Major and Lieutenant Anshutz was promoted to Captain, and James S. Palmer advanced to First-Lieutenant. John T. Denniston was promoted to the vacant Second-Lieutenancy of the Company. A Flag Reminiscence. In October, 1862, when the representative of Governor Curtin at Camp McAuley, Sharpsburg, Md., on behalf of the State of Pennsylvania, presented the beautiful new United States flag to Colonel Allen, commanding the Regi- ment, assembled on dress parade for the occasion, all will recall the eloquent and patriotic response of the Colonel in receiving the colors. Particularly pa- thetic is the recollection now recalled how at the bugler's call. Captain Anshutz and Color-Sergeant Thomas E. Wiseman, of " C " Company, marched to the front of the Regiment, where the Colonel handed the spotless new flag to Color- Sergeant Wiseman, accompanied with a solemn charge as to the duty of the 414 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Sergeant to forever defend the honor of the precious emblem entrusted to his custody. How vigorous and soldierly erect both Captain Anshutz and Color- Sergeant Wifeman appeared as they proudly marched back to the Regimental line with the sacred colors can never be forgotten by those who witnessed the impressive ceremony. What a distressing contrast in scenes and coincidences in the lives of these two beloved comrades occurred in less than two short months when the Regiment received its baptism of fire in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 1.3, 1862. It formed with seven other new Pennsylvania regiments, composing Humphreys' Division, the " forlorn hope "' or last desperate assault ordered by Burnside, and led by the intrepid General A. A. Humphreys against the stonewall defended by the Confederate army on Marye's Heights. Seventeen hundred and fifty men killed and wounded in the bayonet charge of this Division, occupying not over fifteen minutes, tells its own story. Among the killed of Company C were Captain Anshutz and Color-Sergeant Thos. E. Wiseman. The beautiful flag was badly riddled and torn by the ene- my's missiles. The flag staff was shat- tered and broken. Sergeant Wiseman, however, held on to the colors until they were rescued from his dying grasp by Color-Corporal Thomas C. Lawson, of Company H. Immediately around the prostrate forms of Captain Anshutz and Color-Sergeant Wiseman four of the color-corporals also lay mortally wounded defending the colors, being Chas. Bar- deen. Company F, Frank Thompson, Company I, Geo. W. Bratten, Company E, and Robert Rankin, Company I. Both Captain Anshutz and Color-Ser- geant Wiseman were buried by comrades of the Company in the Court House yard. The Court House was one of the largest buildings in the town. Its rooms were used for hospitals. It was over- crowded with wounded and dying. The numerous amputations and operations in progress greatly over-worked the large corps of surgeons. The many coffins we had seen piled up on Stafford's Heights, just before the army crossed over the Rappahannock on the pontoons to Fred- ericksburg, were all needed in this en- gagement. Private John F. Hunter, of Com- LiEUT. JOS. M. CARGO. P^n)' C, whilst serving as the personal UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 415 ■mounted orderly of General Humphreys in the great charge on Marye's Heights ■was shot in the shoulder and knocked off his horse by the fire of the enemy. It became necessary to amputate his arm at the shoulder joint. Comrade Hunter was so disabled by his terrible wounds that it was long after the close of the war ■before he was permitted to leave the hospital. Lieutenant James S. Palmer, on the death of Captain Anshutz, assumed com- mand of the Company during the remainder of the battle. He was rewarded with merited promotion, being commissioned as Captain, and Lieutenant Denniston was promoted to First-Lieutenant. Orderly-Sergeant Augustus H. Heisey, under whose discipline the raw material of the Company had been developed into trained soldiers, also received recognition, being advanced to a Second-Lieuten- ancy. In this capacity, owing to the pro- tracted sickness of Captain Palmer and the absence of Lieutenant Denniston on ■detailed staff duty for several monthsj Lieutenant Heisey frequently com- manded the Company. The casualty list of Company C, be- ginning at Marye's Heights, was fol- lowed by the death of Privates Abner Adams and Marion Hartley, who met their fate on the skirmish line on open- ing the battle of the Wilderness. Both hands Three in the SGT. JOS. SHAWHAN. todies fell into the enemy's and were never recovered, days later, on May 8th, early morning, the Fifth Corps, with Ayres' Brigade and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth in advance, occurred the bat- tle of Laurel Hill, or Alsops' Farm, as i<- is often called. Sergeant Joseph M. Shawhan, popularly known as ■" Forty " in the Regiment, was among the first killed, as he led the Com- pany into action. His death cast a gloom over the Company. He was much beloved by his superior officers and the ranks of the Company for his soldierly, manly qualities. In the same action Samuel Andrews fell, mortally wounded. After the battle, both these heroes were buried on the battlefield by comrades, who affectionately marked their graves with headboards. The general history with itinerary of the Regiment tells the story of the subsequent continuous actions and skirmishing at Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Bethesda Church in the great flank movement of the Union army under Grant ■on its second " on to Richmond " marches. On June 1st and 2nd, at Bethesda Church, the Ninth Corps, under General Burnside, and the Fifth Corps, commanded by General Warren, were ordered "by Lieutenant-General Grant to advance their skimiish line against the enemy 416 UNDER THE IMALTESE CROSS. and to make constant demonstrations of heavy firing to detain the large corps of General Lee's anny from reinforcing the other Confederate corps in the Cold Harbor fortified defences of Richmond. General Grant had ordered the Second Corps, nnder General Hancock, and the Sixth Corps, under General Wright, to- mass in force assaulting columns to capture the fortified positions held by the enemy. Two successive assaults in force by these determined corps w-ere re- pulsed with the heaviest loss in officers and men of any similar action of the campaign. General Grant issued a third order to renew the assault, but the order was subsequently countermanded owing to the heavy losses. For two days and nights the advance of this vidette and skirmish work was assigned to Ayres' Brigade in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was serving. The exposure to the deadly range of the enemy's sharpshooters during this period told upon the list of killed and wounded in the Regiment. June 18th, 1861, marked a bloody day's work in the career of the Regi- ment. Lieutenant-General Grant determined to have all the corps of the army at a certain hour on this day simultaneously attack the outer works of defences of Petersburg in hopes of penetrating the lines and capturing the city, before General Lee's army, defending Richmond, could be transferred to the de- fences. It was, however, found impossible by reason of the stubborn resist- ance of the enemy to carry out this intention, and the assaults were made sep- arately by the Fifth, Ninth and Sixth Corps, late in the afternoon. Colonel Ewing, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, delivered orders to " fix bayonets " and to charge the Confederates' fort in front, and with cheers the men advanced. They first met a direct destruc- tive fire from the defenders of the fort, which, however, did not halt the col- umn until a very heavy enfilading fire of infantry and artillery opened and checked the assaulting column within thirty yards of the enemy's works, when the order to fall back was given. The venerable Captain S. A. McKee, with uplifted sword, leading the assault, fell mortally wounded, with a score of the bravest spirits of the Regiment as his companions in death. Color-Sergeant Thomas J. Marlin, with the colors in hand pressing to the front, received a painful woimd which disabled him. By direction of Colonel Ewing, Color-Corporal, L. E. McPherson, of Company C, took Sergeant Marlin's place and charge of the colors during- the remainder of the battle, and for the next week's active campaign, after which period Sergeant Marlin returned from the hospital to resume his old posi- tion. In this day's action Captain Heisey, commanding Company C, was conspicuous side by side with Cap- tain McKee in leading his men in the advance of the storming column, and was among the last to obey the LEMUEL E. Mcpherson, order to fall back. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 4ir The charge of the Regiment on June 18, 1864, was only equalled in its severity and daring by that of its experience in the famous charge of Humphreys' Division on Marye's Heights, December 13, 1863. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth can truly assert that its members on this assault on the outer defences of Petersburg got closer to the enemy's works than did those of any other command engaged in the storming columns on that occa- sion. The only Union troops actually reaching the enemy's fort on this occasion were a half dozen daring spirits of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by Sergeant " Bill " Coiner, of Company H, who, refus- ing to fall back, crossed through the deadly fire of the enemy and took shelter in the moat or ditch surrounding the Confederate fort. The fatal range of the enemy's firing was shown as young Rankin, of Company I, who exposed him- self preparatory to running back to our lines before night would set in, was instantly perforated by a half dozen shots from the enemy's sharpshooters, his body falling back into the moat. The others in the moat laid low until the shades of night, when they escaped by crawling back within our lines, picking their way through the rows of the dead and dying. Both Generals Warren and Griffin, at midnight, sent field reports to Generals Grant and Meade of this action of the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment on reaching the front. Passing from the many other important events so rapidly following in the siege of Petersburg we reach Fort Stedman near the end of the great siege. At Fort Stedman, March 25, 1865, in front of Petersburg, the enemy during the night performed a daring deed in first capturing our pickets, and next the guards stationed at entrance to the fort. It was a complete surprise and at first was quite successful, the Confederates capturing this important fort and turn- ing its guns upon the Union forts adjoining. The victory, however, was of short duration, as General Meade and his corps commanders at once made coun- ter moves which drove the enemy from Fort Stedman with heavy loss in prisoners and killed and wounded, and driving the enemy back into the Confederate line. Under Colonel Ewing, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth participated in the action at Hatcher's Run, following the recapture of Fort Stedman, and sustained severe losses. Colonel Ewing received a serious wound in the foot, so disabling him that he turned the command of the Regiment over to Major John A. Cline. In this ac- tion. Sergeant Thos. C. Sprague, Corporal Thomas Montgomery, and Privates Samuel K. Book and John C. Book were wounded. Memory so crowds one as the mind is concentrated on those days long gone by, that it is difficult to draw the cur- tain or tell where to end the narrative. However, as the sketch of the Company shows that Company C lost its brave Commander Anshutz in its first battle, it is but proper to state that at Five Forks, its last battle, planned and won by General G. K. Warren, the Company lost its last commander. Lieutenant Thos. B. Dunn, who fell mortally wounded in that decisive battle. He had escaped all missiles of the enemy in every battle from Antietam to Five Forks to receive his death at the very end of the campaign. His promotion had been recent and he had just returned from fifteen days' leave of absence to visit Pittsburg, when march- 418 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ing orders opening Grant's last campaign were issued. Lieutenant Dunn's home was at Perrysville, Allegheny county, where he was deservedly popular. Gen- eral Pearson, commanding the Brigade, knowing the soldierly qualities and rec- ord of Lieutenant Dunn, was so grieved, on hearing of his wounds, that he visited the Field Hospital and offered Dr. E. C. Kitchen, the Regimental Sur- geon, one thousand dollars in gold if he could save the life of the brave Lieu- tenant, but, alas ! it was impossible. April 7th, a burial party laid his remains to rest in the Fifth Corps field hospital burying ground adjoining the Danville Railroad. In July, 1863, Captain James S. Palmer, who was never of robust consti- tution, broke down under the severe hardships of active campaigning. He re- mained under treatment at his home in Pittsburg until August, 1863, when he resigned. During the absence on sick leave of Captain Palmer and until No- vember, 1863, Lieutenant John T. Denniston was the ranking officer and com- manded the Company, the captaincy being left vacant. Lieutenant Denniston, by order of the War Department, was, in the fall of 1863, detailed for staff ■duty, reporting to General Thomas A. Rowley. No more deserving or patriotic officers than Captain Palmer and Lieutenant Denniston were in the Union army. Both proved themselves fearless soldiers in battle and chivalrous gentlemen in camp, and their severance from the Company occasioned sincere regret. By the resignations mentioned Lieutenant Heisey, who had long commanded the Company, during the absence of Captain Palmer and Lieutenajit Denniston, became Captain, continuing to hold this rank until mustered out with the Regi- ment. On the resignation of Captain Frank Van Gorder as Regimental Quarter- master early in the history of the Regiment, James B. Palmer, of Company C, was promoted to Regimental Quartermaster, with rank of Captain. He fulfilled the important duties so satisfactorily that he retained the important position dur- ing the entire term of service of the Regiment. This sketch cannot end without noticing a somewhat peculiar character in the Company, known as little " Johnnie " Boyd. He was of drawfish size and was a typical Irishman, being quick at repartee, also genial, good natured, and shrewd. Endowed with no education, he depended upon picking up news and current events of the day from those of a more literary turn. When not drilling and off duty, " Johnnie," being of sober habits and industriously inclined to earn an honest penny or dollar, secured permission from Colonels Allen, Cain, and Pearson in turn to enjoy the exclusive franchise of laundryman for Company C and adjacent companies. His franchise was frequently invaded by Private James Finnegan, a countryman of Boyd's, who was serving in Company D. Great was the fun in camp when these two worthies often indulged in joint discussions over their respective rights and claims to the exclusive franchises as Company laundryman in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. In battle, " Johnnie " Boyd was full of martial spirit and did his duty on all occasions as fearlessly as did his ancestors at the battle of the Boyne or at Fontenoy. Among those entitled to credit in action and Field Hospital service was Albert K. Smith, who, although at times in delicate health, fulfilled the arduous duties of Sergeant in the ambulance corps during the campaigns of the Regiment. UNDER THE ]\IALTESE CROSS. 419 SGT. ALBERT K. SMITH. In conclusion, it may be stated that the proudest day in all the history of the dear old Regiment was when it stood in line on the occasion of paroling the Confederates of General Gordon's and Longstreet's com- mands after the surrender at Appomattox and when we looked without malice into the eyes of the brave Confederates, our oppo- nents on so many hotly contested battlefields, as they cheerlessly stacked their guns and sadly and siletly broke ranks and walked away. This paroling scene occurred April 12, 1865. It was a full compensation to those of us who witnessed the solemn ceremony for all our sufferings and sacrifices of the three years' service. The only regret felt was that all our brave fellow comrades who once stood in our ranks could not be with us on the occasion to enjoy the glorious end of the campaign culminating so happily in a restored and reunited country. As the author of the sketch, it would ill-become the writer to say much ■of his own military record as Sergeant and Orderly-Sergeant of the Company, assuming command of the Company on the fall of Lieutenant Dunn in the battle at Five Forks. But the writer thinks he may be excused for alluding to the fact that General Lee's sudden notion to accept General Grant's terms to surrender the Confederate army at Appomattox seriously interfered with the writer's pro- iiiotion and commission as a Second-Lieutenant. Major Cline, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth at Five Forks, had forwarded a recommendation .after the battle of the writer's name for promotion to the vacant Second-Lieu- tenancy, and the same was forwarded " approved " by General Pearson, com- manding the Brigade. The recommendation in due time reached the War De- partment at Washington, and the commission was finally made out. The commission as Lieutenant was forwarded to the writer, but arrived too late for his actual muster into the service with the rank, as at Camp Copeland, Pittsburg, he was paid off and mustered out with his Company on June 2, 1865, as Orderly- Sergeant. Uncle Sam, however, in the " piping times of peace," twelve years after the close of the Civil War, corrected this injustice, and, upon due investi- gation, made hati^dsome amends and directed the issue of a commission as Second-Lieutenant and the GEORGE BOLLINGER. mustcr in of the writer to that rank, and awarded 430 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the additional pay and emolument, as will officially appear by true copy of Special Order in the case issued by the War Department. (Copy.) Special Orders Headquarters of the Army No. 193 Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, Aug. 20, 1887. EXTRACT. 1. By direction of the acting Secretary of War, under the act approved February 3, 18S7, to complete his record, the discharge of First-Sergeant Joseph M. Cargo, Company C, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry Vol- unteers, May 11, 1865. and his muster into service as Second-Lieutenant, same company and regiment, May 12, 1865, is amended to take effect April 1, 1865, and he is mustered for pay in the advance grade during the period embraced between the aforesaid dates. By command of Lieutenant-General Sheridan. R. C. Drun, Official: Adjutant-General. J. C. Kelton, Assistant Adjutant-General. Record. Enrollment, Casualties, Etc., Company C. killed .'vnd died of wounds. Captain Lee Anshutz — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Lieutenant Thomas B. Dunn — Died April 3, 1865, of wounds received at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Color-Sergeant Thomas E. Wiseman — Died of wounds received at Freder- icksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Sergeant Joseph Shawhan— Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Corporal Cyrus L. Jamison — Killed at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Corporal Anthony Thresher — Died of wounds received at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Samuel Andrews— Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 9, 1864. Private Abner J. Adams — Killed in Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Robert F. Campbell — Died of wounds received August 19, 1864. Private Marion Hartley — Killed in Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private William H. Linhart— Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Phillip Perry — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private George W. Plough— Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 4:21 Private John Shue — Died of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Va., Oc- tober 27, 1864. DIED OF DISEASE. Corporal Edwin D. Carpenter — Died December 2d, 1862. Private Andrew P. Christy— Died at Baltimore, Md., July 38, 1864. Private Joseph Funiack — Died at Washington, D. C, January 1, 1863. Private Michael Sullivan — Died June 12, 1864. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Sergeant Thomas C. Sprague, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. Sergeant Phillip A. Drain, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Corporal Archibald N. Euwer, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Corporal Thomas Montgomery, Hatcher's Run. Va., March 25, 1865. Private Robert Andrew, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Joseph Bowers, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Samuel K. Boak, Hatcher's Run. Va.. March 25, 1865. Private James M. Clark, Fredericksburg. Va., December 13, 1862. Private Williamson Christy, discharged for wounds April 17. 1865. Private John F. Hunter, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private David W. McCombs, discharged for wounds (date unknown). Private James W. McCandless, discharged for wounds (date unknown). Private William H. Showalter, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private Martin F. Stewart, with Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers. Never joined company. Private James Webb, Laurel Hill, \"a.. May 8, 1864. (Loss of leg.) Private John C. Wick, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 1^8 Killed and died of wounds 13 Died of disease ■! Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 42 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps 14 Officers resigned 3 Transferred to other organizations 20 Dishonorably discharged 3 Not on Muster-out Rolls 8 Never joined company 5 Deserted H Mustered out with Regiment 25 Wounded in action I'' 423 UNDER THE [MALTESE CROSS. CAPT. SAMUEL KILGORE. UXDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 425 IN THE RANKS OF COMPANY D. By Private ^^'ILLIAM J. Scott. IHE " McAuley Guards" was the name under which Company I> of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers was recruited in August, 1862, in the city of Pittsburg, to serve for three years. Its promoter and financial contributor to its organization ex- penses was James McAuley, a public-spirited and loyal citizen, of the Fourth Ward, Pittsburg, at that date serving as President of one branch of City Councils. Also engaged in banking business. Captain James J. Hall, who had served in the British army in the Crimean War, had advertised for volunteers to form a company. Samuel Kilgore, whO' had commanded a local Home Guard company, was also advertising for recruits — Alexander Carson, of Allegheny, assisting him. Captain Hall, for the Captaincy^ transferred his recruits to Messrs. Kilgore and Carson. The expenses of recruiting, which were upwards of twenty-five dollars per day for the drnm-and-fife corps and flag and hall hire, with additional costs of maintaining the recruits until sent to rendezvous at Camp Howe, were all defrayed by Mr. McAuley. He also gave the officers orders on the best tailors in the city for regu- | lation uniforms and belts, and also to manufacturers of equipments for swords and pistols. Captain Hall was unable to endure the forced marches in the field and resigned before participating in active campaigning. Captain Samuel Kilgore became his successor, and Alexander Carson was made First-Lieu- tenant, James Wells being promoted from Orderly-Ser- geant to Second-Lieutenant. The rank and file of Company D, if not recruited from the four quarters of the globe, was gathered from the four quarters of Allegheny county, with consider- able drafts upon England, Ireland and Scotland and the German Empire. Ireland, although in a respectable mi- nority, predominated in the matter of securing all the commissioned officers. It is but proper also to remark that they — Captain Kilgore, Lieutenant Carson and James Wells — continued to fill said positions with credit, Lieutenant Wells resigning, however, after two years active service. His place was taken by the promotion william j. scott. 434 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. of John C. Sweeney, Orderly-Sergeant. Like all the companies so hastily re- cruited at the crisis of the war existing in 1862, Company D had the greatest va- riety of characters, good, bad and indifferent. Discipline at first set hard upon the stirring spirits, many being mere boys. Yet in the real duties of a soldier — in fighting, in battle or on skirmish line, scouting or picket duty, they would take any risks. It can truly be asserted that to a man no better or braver soldiers ever responded more quickly to the hazards of a soldier's life than did the men com- posing Company D. It was only in the long, dreary, dull, inactive days in camp that the devil got busy in a number of Company D. Then it was that commotions and disturbances broke out, terminating in altercations, mutinies, and open re- bellion against some particular commissioned or non-commissioned officer. When it did break out, for a while, pandemonium prevailed. In the early days of the service the members of the Company were often known to display their superabundant spirits in camp. After pay-day, when flush financially and enabled to secure " commissary " beverages, they were known to capture a newly-commissioned officer, and, despite his protests and rank, thoroughly to " haze " him, after taking his sword from him. The form of this ceremony at this period often took the shape of sportively tossing the newly- fledged officer up and down in an out- stretched anny blanket until he promised to be good and appealed for relief. This hilarious disposition on the part of Company D, which might be construed as somewhat subversive of discipline, sur- prising to state, often called for the sever- est criticism from officers of other com- panies in the Regiment. Several officers became ^o indiscreet as openly to boast of what they would do as officers with Company D, if Colonel Pearson, commanding the Regiment, made them Officer of the Day, declaring how they would tame the turbulent tigers. Com- pany D soon heard of these threats and at once began preparation for the " coming conflict." Colonel Pearson, commanding the Regiment at Warrenton Junction, arranged that Captain Kilgore should be detailed on picket duty on a certain day, when one of the belligerent officers, anxious to tame Company D, should be detailed as Officer of the Day in the camp of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, with instructions to keep the strictest military surveillance over Com- pany D in the absence of Captain Kilgore on picket duty. The Officer of the Day appeared on duty with the proverbial chip on his shoulder. He was further equipped in regulation uniform, belt, sash and sword. LIEUT. ALEX. CARSON. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 435- together with an extra pompous strut. He first ventured to conduct an inspec- tion of Company D. All of the Company were on the alert, and waiting for the officer in question. The ball opened by a Corporal, who had not finished his pay-day spree, leaving his quarters and passing the august officer without giv- ing him a military salute as the Officer of the Day. The latter halted the jovial Corporal, and in terms very offensive rebuked the offending subaltern, who in profane and unmilitary language promptly retorted. The officer then drew his sword to strike the Corporal, who, however, dodged the blow and clenched holds with the officer, throwing him to the ground and taking his sword from him. The disarmed and discomfited Officer of the Day reported the situation to Colonel Pearson, who at once relieved the disarmed Officer of the Day. He detailed in his place a new Captain for that duty. This officer, on cautiously visiting the out- skirts of Company D with a guard to arrest the Corporal who had initiated the row. found the whole Company all in line, fully armed, and announcing the establishment of a " dead line " across which the Officer of the Day was forbid- den to step. At dusk Captain Kilgore opportunely returned to camp and order in Com- pany D was at once restored. All of Company D always obeyed with af- fectionate promptness any order Captain Kilgore had to give. For form's sake the Corporal and companions engaged in this day's mischief were ordered by Colonel Pearson to be tried for unmilitary conduct, but owing to some error or mistake as to the date of the alleged offense, which had crept into the record, all the accused were discharged. No repetition of the scene ever occurred. The oft'ending Corporal had, at F"redericksburg and Gettysburg, distinguished himself with the colors in battle, and was a favorite of Cap- tain Kile:ore and Colonel Pearson. In the first battle of the Regiment, being the charge at Marye's Heights, Company D claims that Private Philip Linderman, one of its members who was wounded in the assault, and who remained twelve hours on the field before being removed, went closer to the famous stonewall than any other soldier en- gaged in the attack on the Heights. General Burn- side, after the battle, sent a flag to General Lee. asking for an armistice to bury the dead, and to re- move the wounded on the battlefield, which request was granted. Colonel E. Jay Allen, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, detailed Lieutenant Alex. Carson to visit the battlefield and to recover the bodies of the dead and wounded of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth lying between the lines of the contending armies. The bodies of the dead and wounded were placed in ambulances. Lieu- tenant Carson officially reported to Colonel Allen, as having discharged the duty assigned him, and that r^' LIEUT. JAMES WELLS. 426 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. he found Private Philip Linderinan, of Company D, who had been wounded in the charge the day before, lying closer to the famous stonewall than that of any other soldier on that portion of Alarye's Heights. The sights and scenes of this visit and detail, Lieutenant Carson avers as never being equalled in any later battles during the war. FiNNEGAN Finds and Loses a Fortune. An amusing episode occurring after the withdrawal of the C)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment from ]Marye's Heights, to bivouac on the streets of Freder- icksburg is narrated by Lieutenant Carson. It concerns Private James Finnegan, a character of Company D. Finnegan was a diminutive little fellow, a typical Irishman, shrewd, witty, and a good soldier. He left a wife and family in New Castle, Pa., on enlisting. He was ever eager, by tailoring, barbering or wash- ing clothes, when off military duty in camp, to earn a dollar for the support of his wife and familv. He invariablv drew the government clothes and shoes several PHILIP AND FRED. LINDERMAN. sizes too large for him. No amount of drilling could make him familiar v\'ith the manual of arms, and no amount of inspections or punishments could make Fin- negan look in the least like a soldier. At Fredericksburg, Lieutenant Carson re- lates, that Finnegan with others visited an abandoned bank office and on ran- sacking drawers found packages of old promissory notes long previously can- celled. Finnegan, unable to read, sought the aid of a comrade, who seriously informed him that his " find " amounted to one hundred thousand dollars, and that the notes were as "good as gold." Finnegan lost no time in confiding his good luck to Lieutenant Carson, and solemnly proposed that they both take '' French leave " for Ireland, where he would divide his fortune equally with the Lieutenant. It took great efforts to eradicate from the mind of Finnegan the ideas and visions of great wealth he had acquired. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 427 Sergeant William Shore, of Company D, was promoted to be Sergeant- Major of the Regiment, the second year of his service. He continued in that im- portant position vmtil the end of his term, rendering most efficient services as a brave and capable soldier. At Appomattox, where the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment was on the firing line until ordered by General Chas. Criffin, com- manding the Fifth Corps, to " cease firing," Sergeant-Major Shore had the great distinction of receiving Captain Thos. G. Jones, then a young officer, of General Gordon's staff', bearer of the Confederate flag of truce to General Grant, and of passing the officer with the flag through the line on to General Chamberlain, who was in command of the Division at that point. The youthful staff officer, Captain Jones, is now the Honorable Thos. G. Jones, United States Judge for the District of Alabama, being appointed to that position by President Roosevelt. On the same memorable occasion. Regimental bugler, William Mooney. of Company D, had the honor to sound the last bugle call of the Union army to " cease firing." when Major Geo. M. Laughlin, A. D. C. to Gen- eral Griffin, commanding the Fifth Corps, was dispatched to deliver the message to the One Hundred and other regiments to " cease firing." The general history of the cam- gaigns at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Wilderness, Petersburg down to the Surrender and the Grand Review at Washington describes the scenes and events in which Company D participated and, therefore, repeti- tion here would be superfluous. For individual records of the one hundred and fifty men who from time to time served in the Company, the complete and revised Roster in the Appendix must suffice. It is due the officers who moulded the raw material of this Company into disciplined soldiers that credit be given them. Captain Kilgore, because of his proficiency in drilling the zouaves in the skirmish drill, was much in demand for outpost duty on the firing line. He was beloved by his men, whom he never invited in time of battle to go any- where that he would not lead. He was wounded twice in battle and received a well-merited brevet with rank of Major for meritorious conduct in the field. For wounds incapacitating him from service, he resigned the Captaincy March 10, 1865. Lieutenant Carson was brave, fearless and faithful in his position, ever ready for duty in camp or in action. Lieutenant James Wells, a strict disciplinarian. SGT.-MAJ. WM. SHORE. Jr. 438 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CAPT. JOHN C. SWEENEY. after two year's active service in the field, resigned. Orderly-Sergeant John C Sweeney was promoted, on recom- mendation of Colonel A. L. Pearson, to the position of Second-Lieutenant in place of Lieutenant Wells. On March 30, 1865, he was commissioned Captain of the Company. No more popular or meritorious officer than Lieutenant Sweeney proved himself to be held com- mission in the Union army. A War Diary Entry. Corporal Martin V. B. Sallade, of Sharpsburg, seems to have been the only one of the Company who kept a daily diary. He left a wife and small family at home when he responded to his coun- try's call. No day's entry in the little diary of this faithful soldier fails to mention in affectionate terms his wife and children. The varied characters in the Com- pany and their diversity of manners and occupations are also well illustrated by entries in Corporal Sallade's daily journal, thus — " March 30, 18i)3 — Camp Humphreys — Company was paid off to-daj', settlements of sutler's checks ad- justed at same time. Company went on a general drunk to-day. Evening, 8 p. m. Prayer meeting in Company conducted by Private Peter Tippins." Private Peter Tippins mentioned in the diary was an Englishman, a coal miner by occupation, who in the old country had been an evangelist and exhorter. He often conducted prayer meeting in camp, preaching and singing, and temperance missionary work generally. In Company D his pious efforts to reclaim were successful until an unfortunate pay-day was reached and occasioned the fall from temperance grace of many of his promising converts. Peter Tip- pins was as brave and faithful in his military duties as he was consistent and exemplary in his Christian life. Sergeant George Booth, after participating with the Company in the Antietam and Fredericksburg campaign, was transferred from the Company to the United States Signal Service and continued on that most important service until the close of the war. It was a remarkable coincidence that in 1886, at thfe Dedi- cation of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment's monument, marking the exact position occupied b}- the Regiment in the battle of Gettysburg on Little Round Top, Sergeant Booth delivered an address to the Regi- ment describing how the Signal Corps on Little Ruund ^^^^ martin v. b. sallade UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 429 SGT. GEORGE HUNTER. SGT. GEORGE BOOTH. Top had just before the opening of the battle from its signal station summoned the Fifth Corps, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was serving, to capture Little Round Top, then about being assaulted by Longstreet's Corps. But reminiscences have no end once memory's door is opened, and hence many well deserved tributes to the living and the dead must be omitted for want of space. Where all did so well, who can discriminate? Record Enrollment, Casualties, Etc., of Company D. killed and died of wounds. Sergeant Alexander Carson — Died June 28, 1864, of wounds received at Pe- tersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Corporal James Faucett — Died May 15, 1864, of wounds received at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Corporal Allen Hagen — Died January 26, 1863, of wounds received at Fred- ericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Corporal William Sutton — Died April 2, 186.5, of wounds received at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private John Baxter — Died June 24, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Har- bor, Va., June 4. 1864. Private Andrew H. Morris — Died January 20, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private James Murphy — Died May 24, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsyl- vania, Va., May 12, 1864. 430 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. MISSING IN ACTION. Private Henry Holt, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. DIED OF DISEASE. Private John Beatty, near Weldon Railroad, Va., September 36, 1864. Private James Dawson, Point Lookout, Md., January 6, 1863. Private Hiram F. Gilkey, near Falmouth, Va., February 13, 1863. Private John Price, at Harpers Ferry, Va., November 1, 1862. Private Thomas Reese, near Falmouth, Va., December 1, 1862. Private John A. Stewart, near Falmouth, Va., December 26, 1863. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Sergeant James K. Carson, North Anna River, Va., May 25, 1864. Corporal Andrew J. Devine, North Anna River, Va., May 25, 1864. Corporal John A. Himes, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Corporal Isaiah Kroesen. Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private William Dumphy, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private John O. Dougherty, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private John P. Ford, Quaker Road, Va., March 30, 1865. Private Edward Hilsdon, Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864. Private Joseph J. Hillman, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private Martin V. Kephart, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. Private Phillip Linderman, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private James Martin, Gravelly Run, Va., March 31, 1865. Private James McFadden, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Hanford R. Sharp, Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864. Private John B. Wilson, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private William Whipkey, Bethesda Church, Va., June 4, 1864. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 139 Killed and died of wounds 8 Died of disease 6 Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 38 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps 10 Transferred to other organizations 23 Transferred to LTnited States Navy 2 Deserted 7 Dropped from rolls 2 Discharged on expiration of term 3 Mustered out with Regiment 39 Never joined Company (one killed) 2 Wounded in action 16 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 431 SGT. GEORGE HUNTER AND CORP. DICK MURPHY. HUGH LEONARD. PATRICK McFADDEN. JAMES McFADDEN. 433 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. OFFICERS AND MEN OF COMPANY E. By Private Noah H. Pangburn. T WAS at first supposed by many of the confiding and patriotic youths of this Company, who volunteered in August, 1862, that of course they would be treated as had the gallant Army of the Potomac, by spending the first year of their service at camps of instruction, where their principal duties would be engaging in Com- pany drills, presidential reviews, camp duties, and that they would also be taught how to load and to fire off guns, and instructed in the general routine of a soldier's ■duties. These dreams were rudely and promptly dispelled in the case of the boys who were mustered into the Company, which was destined to soon earn distinction as Company E, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. On the 3rd of September. 18(32, the ninety-eight youths then comprising this Company, were required in great haste to pack up and leave Camp Howe, Pittsburg, and to march to the front, which was then located at the gates of Washington. The officers in command and the enlisted men were wholly inexperienced and unfamiliar with the duties of a soldier. So great was the demand for troops and the haste in getting the new organization to the " front " that, with the other companies of the newly-formed One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment, they were placed aboard freight cars for Wash- ington before receiving guns or other weapons or any ammunition with which to save the imperilled Capital. No camps of instruction, no drilling, no presidential or other reviews were accorded the newly-recruited regiment in its brief stay of a few hours at Wash- ington. It is questionable whether at that date any of the Company knew the meaning of a " countersign," or understood the significance of the terms " long- roll," " picketing," or other military phrases. The full roll of Company E during its three years' service comprised one hundred and fifty names. In the brief space allotted this sketch, it would be impossible to mention all the names and to de- scribe all deeds of deserving officers and men who so faithfully and gallantly served in the Company. Our beloved companions who died on the battlefield ■constitute a Roll of Honor, redounding to the everlasting glory of the Com- pany, and calls for special mention. All those comrades v^'ho received wounds and also those who died or suffered in hospitals or Southern prisons, martyrs to their country, cannot be accorded too great glory. The Revised Roster in Appendix, however, ofiiciallv furnishes the record. Brevity, however, will be N. H. PANGBURN. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. -433 necessary, even in according due meed of praise to all deserving patriots who were on the Company roll. Frank Van Gorder was commissioned first Captain, but a few days after, on organization of the Regiment, was made Regimental Quartermaster, serving but a few months, when he resigned to re-embark in business in Pittsburg. He was succeeded in the Captaincy by Joseph B. Sackett, who served faithfully in that position at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and at Gettysburg, as the commander of the Company. Captain Sackett lost his life January 24, 1864, by drowning in attempting to cross on horseback Kettle Run, Virginia, on the line of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad. First-Lieutenant George ^L Laughlin next succeeded to the Captaincy of the Com- pany. He had the distinction at that date of being the youngest officer in the Regi- ment, at the time of his enlistment as a private being but nineteen years of age. He sacrificed a business career of great promise to enlist in this Company, and to share for three years in the perils and hardships of active campaigning. He commanded the Company from January 24, 1864, and returned its commander at the close of the war, having been brevetted Major for gallant and meri- torious services in the field. Robert A. Thompson, who had served very efficiently as Orderly-Ser- geant of the Company for eighteen months, a bright young Irishman, was promoted to First-Lieutenant. James Van Kirk was commissioned as Second- Lieutenant, having been promoted from Commissary-Sergeant. Both these offi- cers held the ranks mentioned and discharged their duties bravely until the date of the final muster out of the Regiment in Pittsburg. The majority of the recruits were country youths, in fact, many of them were mere school boys. They were recruited in districts of Allegheny, West- moreland, Armstrong and Fayette counties. From Brownsville, Fayette county, and the river towns and landings along the Monongahela to Pittsburg, seventeen stalwart boys were recruited by Editor R. B. Brown, of Browrftville, the publisher of the only Democratic newspaper of that county. Six weeks active campaign caused the health of Lieutenant Brown to break down, and compelled his resignation. Professor George P. Fulton gave up the Principalship of the Brownsville Academy to enlist, and reported as a recruit at Camp Howe, Pittsburg. Al- LIEUT. GEO. M. LAUGHLIN. 434 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. LIEUT. ROBT. THOMPSON. though as Commissary-Sergeant he was exempted from participating in battles, Sergeant FuUon never failed to be up to the firing line, where his zeal in distributing rations to the hungry men under fire made him deservedly popular. Several of his former pupils enlisted with him and reported at Camp Howe. These recruits on leaving home were armed like troubadors with banjos and violins. Sergeant Fulton became army correspondent of the Regiment for the Pittsburg Chronicle, and his weekly letters home were read with great interest. John M. Lancaster, who rose to the rank of Orderly-Sergeant, represented another of what was called the " Brownsville Squad." He still survives, a constant sufferer, however, from wounds received in action. Eighteen stalwart boys, all from well-known families in Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, next joined the Company under J. Torrence Power, who be- came the first Orderly-Sergeant. Sergeant Power had been Principal of the Elizabeth District school, and had a number of his pupils among his recruits. He had been admitted to the Pittsburg Bar a few days before his enlistment. On the resignation of Lieutenant Brown, Sergeant Power was promoted to Lieutenant. He participated with honor in the great battles of Antietam, Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville, and at Gettysburg. After the latter battle. Lieu- tenant Power was ordered for special duty in the War Department at Washing- ton, and later became Chief Clerk of the United States Treasury under Hon- orable John Sherman. Private D. K. Stevenson exchanged the pulpit of the Methodist Church in Blairsville for the musket, and often in camp served as " supply " in the absence of the Chaplain. Ten stalwart youths joined the Company from towns along the banks of the Kiskiminetas and Allegheny rivers. Plaving no leader, they asked for no offices in the Company. They were jovial, clean, pure, patriotic boys ; profanity, vul- garity, intemperance, and other vices being shunned by them. They soon became known as the " Kiski- minetas Squad." Out of the ten, sad to state, in less than one year after enlistment, but one of their num- ber, Private John K. Alter, survived. Company E had for its drill-master Orderly- Sergeant Robert Thompson, who was a natural-laorn soldier. His incessant drilling the first year of service was carried to excess, especially his compul- sory drilling on Sabbath mornings. The " tactics " taught the Company the first year of service were known as the " Hardie Infantry Tactics." After the men had thoroughly mastered the intricacies of the Hardie drill, the War Department issued an order george p. fulton. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 435 abolishing the Hardie code entirely. Company E, with the other companies, was thereupon compelled to unlearn all of the Hardie and to master instead the new Zouave drill, bayonet exercise and skirmishing. P A thoroughly independent and original squad in the Company consisted of six North-of-Ireland recruits, all citizens of Pittsburg. Two more were from other parts of Ireland. They made eight lively, cheerful, witty, aggressive com- rades and brave soldiers. They were named Robert A. Thompson, Hugh Park, Hugh iNIcGimpsey, William John White, William Matthews ( the oldest man in the Company), William Marshall, Barney Farrell, and William Welton. They were all of more mature years than the American youths and they had also seen SGT. JOHN M. LANCASTER. LIEUT. J. T. POWER. much more of the world. Around the camp fires and in winter quarters it was interesting and amusing to hear these Irish members narrate the wonders of " old Ireland," its great men, its fighters and warriors, its mountains and its lakes, its farms and wonderful crops, and, above all, its fairies and ghosts, all being described for the benefit of the listening audience of country lads who had never traveled. \\'hen the story tellers piled it on too strong for their hearers, and boasted of the superior prize-fighting qualities of the sons of Ireland over all other nationalities, a sensitive chord was touched and the greatest indignation was aroused among the country lads. The startling assertions would be promptly resented, and young John Crookham and other couriers would be dispatched to hunt up other well-known comrades to defend the honor of the Americans thus 43(5 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. impugned. There was Sergeant '" Jim "' A'an Kirk, who, as a " Forty-niner." had tramped his way across the plains and the Isthmus of Panama and back again, and who had often described the won- drous sights to the Company. He was frequently chosen to offset the wonderful stories of the Irish contingent, and seldom failed to acquit himself creditably. If \'an Kirk could not be found for this service. Private " Jack " ]\IcHenry, a character of the Company, was called to take his place. In early days in Pittsburg in the " Fifties," " Jack " had been a " volunteer " fireman. The extinguish- ment of fire in those days was always postponed by the firemen for a '' free-for-all-fight " between rival volunteer companies. " Jack " had often de- scribed to his comrades his participation in these affairs. ^IcHenry also had another never-failing experience to draw upon, through having served as a coal-boat man on various trips on the raging CORP. WILLIAM JOHN WHITE, q,^;^ ^^^ Mississippi. With these debates ended. Sergeant " Hughey " McGimpse)-, who had long served as a " supe " at the old Drury Theater, Pittsburg, would enliven the exercises with a song. It usually consisted of a dozen or more verses of the old Irish ballad of " Cooper and Don- nelly," describing in verse a prize fight of a century previous in Ireland, in which Donnelly, " a brave Irishman." easily defeats Cooper, " a proud Briton," Colin Latta was the solitarv Scotchman who strayed into the Company, He proved a brave and faithful soldier at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and also at Chancellorsville, He was sunstruck in the ranks on the forced march to Gettys- burg and never recovered, Colin's broad Ayrshire accent and quaint reci- tations from " Bobby Burns," and his singing " Highland ]\Iary," delighted the countrv youths, who often formed his audi- The first death in the Company was that of Pri- vate .\braham F. Overholt, of Fayette county, a youth of eighteen. On the 16th of October, 1862, he died in the hospital of Humphreys' Division, in the Lutheran Church at Sharpsburg, around which edifice parts of the great battle of Antietam had raged but a short time previous. Under Sergeant Thompson a detail from ten companions marched from Camp McAuley to bury young Overholt in the church yard, already well filled with new-made graves of soldiers. There the usual military salute was fired by the squad over his grave. A headboard was placed over his last WILLIAM MATHEWS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 437 resting place on which his name and Company was cut by his messmate, Private Thomas Vanosdol. Remarkable Coincidexces ix Casualties. A remarkable coincidence occurs in the cases of the deaths in battle of comrades of Company E. All who were killed fell side by side, and all met their fate in pairs. Thus Color-Corporal George W. Bratton and Private Wilbur W. Kuhn, both of the " Kiskiminetas Squad," fell side by side in the famous charge on ]\Iarye's Heights, December 1-3, 1862. They had bee:i messmates in camp, and playmates in boyhood, and were united in death. Sergeant Isaac Wycofif and Private William Welton were killed by sharpshooters on Little Round Top, WILBUR W. KUHN. COL. CORP. GEORGE W. BRATTON. Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, while in battle line and very close together. Lieutenant Powers and the writer, in the final lull of the battle, buried Wycoff in the rear of Little Round Top. Welton 's body was carried off the field by the stretcher- bearers of the Corps. Unfortunately, his messmate, James P. O'Neill, removed his prayerbook and letters from his person to be returned to his mother, and was not allowed to leave the battle ranks to accompany the stretcher-bearers and to mark his grave. William Welton was a native of the County Cork, Ireland, who in childhood settled with his widowed mother in Pittsburg. His aged mother so grieved over the death of her only son that she refused all entreaties of friends to apply for a pension. At a recent reunion of the Company at Kenny- wood Park, it was resolved to honor j'oung \A'elton's memory by erecting a head- 438 UNDER THE IMALTESE CROSS. NEWELL D. LOUTZENHEISER. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 439 DANIEL K. HORNER. 440 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. stone in the soldiers' plot in Calvary Cemetery, Pittsburg. He now lies buried among the " Unknown " in the National Cemetery, Gettysburg. Privates William A. Liken and David Lear, two more messmates and mem- bers of the " Kiskiminetas Squad," fell in the famous charge on June 18, 1864, in front of Petersburg. Under cover of the night, when the bodies were recov- ered, these two comrades were found by companions side by side in death, as they had been in life. Privates Newell D. Loutzenheiser and Daniel K. Horner were killed at Spottsylvania, May S, 1864, and thus kept up the record in each battle for dual deaths. They were the first of the " Youghiogheny Squad " to die in battle. The death of Private Theophilus S. Callen. by a sharpshooter's bullet whilst serving on the exposed vidette post at Bethesda Church, on the night of June 2, 1864, and the remarkable recovery of the body outside the lines under severe fire of the enemy by Sergeant Lancaster, Privates McKenna, Hipsley and Doug- las, having volunteered for that hazardous duty, is proper to mention in this Company sketch. Private William S. Hindman, who was killed at the battle of North Anna, June 23, 1864, was in his eighteenth year. He was a farmer's son who enlisted with his school teacher. Lieutenant Powers. He was quiet, patient, and brave. His pure Christian life impressed all who knew him. That one so gentle and so mild developed into so brave a soldier was not a surprise to those most intimate with him, who knew that he guided all his actions by faith in God, and that duty was ever his watchword. Private Jackson Merriman, aged nineteen, was the athlete of the Company ; tall, straight, stalwart and sinewy, he had the dark, straight hair and high cheek bones, and the complexion and features strongly suggestive of Indian blood. He was killed in the battle of the Wilderness, May .5, 1864. He enlisted from Sewickley township, Allegheny county, of which place he was a native. Color-Corporal Thomas J. Tomer, in the repulse of the Confederate assault on Little Round Top, Gettysburg, fell seriously wounded by the side of Color-Corporal John Mackin, of Company F, while rallying around the colors. Private Tomer has been a life sufferer from the wounds received on that occasion. He has resided since the war in Canton, Ohio. The first man of Company E wounded in the " baptism of fire " at Fredericksburg was Private Oliver P. Gamble, a farmer's boy, a member of the Elizabeth Squad, who for many SGT. HUGH w. McGiMPSEY. -V^ars has resided in Kansas. UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. 441 WILLIAM S. HINDMAN. 442 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. A popular comrade of Company E, brave unto rashness in battle, was Private James P. O'Neill, of Pittsburg. He enlisted at the age of seventeen, leaving St. Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg, where he stood at the head of the class of students for the priesthood. He participated in all the battles of his regiment from Antietam to Spottsylvania, in which latter he received serious wounds, incapacitating him from further service in the field. He was cheerful, witty, and the life of the Company. In civil life he became a journalist, and at- tained distinction as an able and popular writer on various Pittsburg newspapers. He died in National Military Home at Dayton, Ohio, in 1902, and was buried with Regimental honors in St. Mary's Cemetery, Pittsburg. Private Isaac N. Hipsley, of Allegheny City, in the charge of June 18, 1864, received a painful wound. This wound entitled him to a furlough home, but he declined and remained with the Company on active duty until the last shot was fired at Appomattox. Private William Evans, of the " Elizabeth .Squad," received a double wound JACKSON MERRIMAN. OLIVER P. GAMBLE. JAMES P. O'NEILL. on the skirmish line at Bethesda Church, June 2, 18G4, the bullet first striking his wrist, and then glancing from the gun he was using to his cheek where his second wound was inflicted, leaving him disabled and scarred for life. Corporal Michael B. Lemon and Private Jacob S. Friend were together on the skirmish line under Captain Laughlin at the opening of the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Both were severely wounded. Friend was taken prisoner by the Confederates and removed to Andersonville, where he remained in the hospital eleven months. Although but a mere boy at the time of his cap- ture and wounding, Jacob S. Friend endured his prison life much better than those of more robust build. Corporal Lemon was left for dead from his wounds, in the enemy's lines, being paralyzed. The enemy captured his knap- sack and brand new album containing his collection of family photographs and those of his messmate, Private ]\IcKenna, intrusted to him in camp the night before the battle. On recovery of the lost ground by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, the stretcher-bearers rescued Corporal Lemon and car- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 443 ried him back to the Corps field hospital. In civil life Corporal Lemon was hon- ored by being elected and re-elected member of the Pennsylvania Legislature from the Pittsburg district, being at the date of his death a member of that body. Sergeant Hugh McGimpsey, on the opening of the Wilderness battle, on duty with the skirmish line, was clubbed by a Confederate in a hand-to-hand contest, and was also left for dead on the field within the Confederate line, until the enemy fell back, when he was rescued. Sergeant McGimpsey served with the Company until the last campaign, but died in the United States hospital in Philadelphia soon after the end of the war, from the efTects of the wounds re- ceived at Wilderness. The wounding of Private Hugh Bayne occurred in plain sight of the whole Company. On June 2"?, 18G4, whilst serving in front of Petersburg, where the Regiment was closely hugging the ground to avoid the deadly range of the enemy's fire. Private Bayne was wounded. He was carrying a shovel instead of a musket, being on the pioneer corps. Pie arose and announced to the Company JAMES B. RICHARDS. THOS. Y. VANOSDOL. SGT. HUGH PARK. that he saw the enemy. Undoubtedly the enemy caught sight of him at the same time, as he was promptly struck in the cheek by a Confederate minie ball. Private Bayne's military career ended at this date. Private James B. Richards suffered for years after the war from severe wounds received in the battle of June IS, 1864, before Petersburg. Genial, faithful, and brave. Sergeant Hugh Park, in the last battle of the war — at Five Forks, April 1, 186.5 — received a serious wound. Sergeant Park never recovered from the efifects of this wound, surviving the end of the war but a few years. Private Thomas Y. \'anosdol was a giant in stature, and belonged to the " Youghiogheny Squad." He received a mortal wound in the afternoon of June 18, 1864, in front of Petersburg, whilst the Regiment was maneuvering for ad- vanced positions. The Confederate batteries had shifted their positions so as to get perfect range of the Union line. Private Vanosdol was struck on the leg by a solid shot as, with all of the Regiment, he was under orders, hugging 444 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. JOHN HUNTER, the ground closely. Survivors will recall the shelling received by the Regiment whilst in that position, and the noise of the rebound of the solid shot which mor- tally wounded young Vanosdol. Privates Joshua Bryant and Samuel Bryan were two more members of the " Youghiogheny Squad " who gave up their lives in battle. The first named at the battle of Hatcher's Run, the latter after escaping injury in all other great battles, fell at Five Forks. Joshua Bryant's death was mourned by a wife and six children residing in Fayette county, and by all his comrades who appreciated his bravery and high sense of duty. Private John Hunter, who was captured at the Wilderness, May 5, 1864, on the skirmish line, was sent to Andersonville prison. His case was one of the saddest and most pathetic experiences in a soldier's career. Young Plunter was last seen by his comrades on the skirmish line, Jacob S. Friend, Michael Lemon and Hugh McGimpsey, surrounded by Confederates with whom he was engaged in a hand-to-hand struggle. He was exchanged, after suffering the horrors of eleven months' imprisonment, reaching " Camp Parole," Annapolis, with thousands of other Union prisoners. He was so weak and afflicted that, on arriv- ing at Annapolis, he could not be removed, and died aboard the exchange transport as it lay anchored in the harbor. His death occurred on the memorable 9th of April, 1865, at the very hour when his companions of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment were on the skirmish line at Appomattox receiving the first flag of truce which preceded the surrender of the Confederate army. Truly a sad coincidence, of which the only consolation is that as John Hunter's eyes were closing in death, so was ending the Southern Confederacy, which he had died to suppress. He also belonged to the " Youghiogheny Squad," his father being a farmer in that valley. Company Changes. Captain George M. Laughlin, early in July, 1864, whilst commanding the Company, in front of Petersburg, was appointed on the staff' of Major-General Charles Griffin, commanding the First Division of Fifth Corps. In army orders he was later promoted to Brevet Major for gallant and meritorious services at Five Forks and Appomattox. Among the quota which Company E received by transfer from the Sixty- second Regiment was First-Sergeant Zerah C. Monks. He was a brave soldier, who, at the battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865, in a hand-to-hand encounter was severely wounded, but left his Confederate foe dead on the field. Privates Samuel Sloan and Edward R. Melchi, who were also transferred from the Sixty-second Regiment, were among the first to fall in the ranks of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth at Five Forks. Private E. S. Marshall performed the melancholy duty of burying the remains of his brother-in-law. Private Melchi, on the field. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 445 ^ ■^"' ."m \u ^ IN the: TRENCHtS^^ 446 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. J I o a < -1 o u o a. < O a OS . ^^ Q -ei "52 u w .J a: < X o UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 447 With the departure of Captain Laughlin from the Company for staff duty, a special order from General G. K. Warren, commanding the Fifth Army Corps, was issued detailing Private Chas. F. McKenna to succeed Corporal William G. Rhule, of the Sixty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, to be an assistant at Corps headquarters to Colonel Fred T. Locke, the Assistant Adjutant-General of the Fifth Army Corps. Private McKenna continued to hold this important position during the remainder of the campaign, being present on duty with Ad- jutant-General Locke and General Warren in the action at Five Forks, April 1, 1865. He continued on the same duty with General Griffin and Colonel Locke, his Assistant Adjutant-General, at Appomattox and at the formal paroling of the Confederate army. During the protracted siege of Petersburg there was but little choice of position by the soldier in either army. Exposed in the trenches, the men of both armies used pick and shovel and gun alternately, the only intervals of rest af- forded being when the bombardment of either army set in and the shelter of the " bomb proof " was sought and a rest from labor enjoyed until the cessation of severe firing. General Warren's first headquarters in the front of Petersburg was the Avery Mansion, which was exposed to the range of Confeder- ate shells. The frequent bombard- ments at night of this mansion — after the General and his stafif and attaches all had retired to beds on the floor — made it difficult to de- temiine which was the more agree- able and interesting — resting in the trenches or napping at Corps head- quarters. Private McKenna's old diary, read by the writer, describes his experience in both positions as a case " of escaping from the fry- ing pan into the fire." Private Robert P. Douglass, whilst on temporary detail as guard to hospital, was captured and taken prisoner at Chancellorsville. After a month's detention in the lines of the Confederate army, he was pa- roled, and soon after was ex- changed and served in the ranks until the end of the war. Privates Harmon Pence, Ber- nard Farrell, William John White, and Samuel K. Eicher served for considerable periods on detached duty at Division and Corps head- ^^ g^ Marshall and e. r. melchi. 448 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. quarters as provost guards and orderlies. All made excellent records wherever stationed until they were mustered out at the close of the war. Privates Thomas E. Morgan and John K. Alter were two of the youngest soldiers of the Company, and served faithfully until the end of the war. To tell of all the heroes and brave patriots of the Company who received wounds in battle, or of those who died of disease contracted in the service, or again of those who passed away in the hospitals and prisons, or of the small band who survived to return to home and friends at the close of the war, HARMON PENCE would afford material in itself for a volume in- stead of a chapter. Those names herein presented are merely selected to illustrate types of patriots in the ranks of Company E. Note. — Private Noah H. Pangburn. the author of the foregoing contribution, who was most active in securing the publication of the Regimental history, died at his residence in October, 1908, at Beaver Falls, Pa., before the completion of the Regi- mental history. His innate modesty prevented him from mentioning in the article the record of his own patriotic services, having participated with honor in every battle of the Regiment from Antietam to Appomatto.x. He had the distinction of serving on the Regimental detail in accepting the arms and in paroling ceremonies at formal surrender of the Confederate army, after Generals Grant and Lee had signed the terms of peace. Record Enrollment, C-'\sualties of Company E. killed and died of wounds. Sergeant Isaac Wycoff — Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Color-Corporal George W. Bratton — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Decem- ber 13, 1862. Corporal Samuel W. Bryan — Killed at' Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Corporal Newell D. Loutzenheiser — Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Private Jo.shua W. Bryant — Killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., October 27, 1864. Private Theophilus S. Callen — Killed at Bethesda Church, June 2, 1864. Private \\'illiam S. Hindman — Killed at North Anna River, Va., May 23, 1864. Private Daniel K. Horner — Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Private Wilberforce W. Kuhn — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Private David Lear — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private William A. Liken — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Jackson Merriman — Killed at Wilderness, Va., May .5, 1864. Private Edward R. Melchi — Killed at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 186.5. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 449 J. KING ALTER. JOS. S. WALL. THOMAS E. MORGAN. EDWARD W. SACKETT. J. H. LUTES. 450 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Private Samuel E. Sloan — Killed at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private Thomas Y. Yanosdal — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private William Welton — Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Private Isaac Warner — Killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. DIED OF DISEASE. Captain Joseph B. Sackett — Died near Warrenton Junction, Va., January 34, 1864. Corporal Lewis Schreiner — Died at Washington, D. C, January 5, 1863. Private William A. Clements — Died near Falmouth, Va., December 22, 1862. Private Absalom Cruson — Died at Wind Mill Point, Va., February 8, 1863. Private John Hunter — Died at Annapolis, Md., April 9, 1865, from effects of imprisonment in Andersonville Confederate prison. Private John W. Horner— Died June 16, 1864. Private William J. Hixenbaugh — Died at Philadelphia, Pa., September 2, 1864. Private Thomas Merritts — Died at Washington, D. C, October 13, 1864. Private Duncan McCutcheon — Died at Washington, D. C, August 28, 1864. Private John A. McHenry — Died in New York, September 19, 1864. Private Abraham F. Overholt — Died at Sharpsburg, Md., October 10, 1862. Private James S. Rowan — Died at Falmouth, Va., April 17, 1863. Private Alexander Ritchey — Died at Falmouth, Va., April 17, 1863. Private Hugh McGimpsey — Died at Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1865. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Lieutenant Robert A. Thompson, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. First-Sergeant Zerah C. Monks, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Sergeant Hugh Park, Five Forks, Va., April 1. 1865. Corporal Michael B. Lemon, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Color-Corporal Thomas J. Tomer, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Sergeant Hugh W. McGimpsey, Wilderness, \"a., May 5, 1864. Sergeant John M. Lancaster, October 29, 1864. Private Hugh Bayne, Jerusalem Plank Road, \'a., June 22, 1864. Private Michael O. Black, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. Private William Evans, Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864. Private Oliver P. Gamble, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Private Isaac N. Hipsley, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private James P. O'Neill, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Private James B. Richards, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Edmund R. Thierkeld, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Thomas N. Thomas, North Anna River, Va., May 24, 1864. Private Jacob S. Friend, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private William A. Lowe, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 451 NOAH H. PANGBURN. 452 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. WOUNDED WHILE SERVING WITH SIXTY-SECOND PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. Private John L. Anderson, Spottsylvania, Va., May 14, 186-i. Private Daniel Chambers, Spottsylvania, Va., May 14, 1864. Private John M. Hilliard, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Frederick Smith, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 149 Killed and died of wounds 17 Died of disease, etc 11 Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 44 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps 7 Transferred to other organizations 18 Deserted Not on Muster-out Rolls, and never joined company 5 Discharged by Special and General Orders 3 Dishonorably discharged 1 Discharged at expiration of term 1 Officers resigned 2 Mustered out with Regiment 38, Wounded in action 31 < *.J8Sk' UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 453 ROLL CALL OF COMPANY F. By Corporal Samuel W. Hill. IHE general history and itinerary of the three years' campaigns of the Regiment, from Antietam to Appomattox, as well as the revised Roster in the Appendix, showing individual records, must be re- lied upon for fuller particulars of Company F than can be given in this contribution. As originally mustered into the United States service, the organization was composed of one hundred boys and men, many being just out of school. This number, by subsequent enlistments, drafts, and finally by transfers from the Sixty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, when the term of service of that famous organiza- tion expired, was increased to one hundred and fifty enlisted men. To narrate the deeds, sketch the achievements, and write descriptions of all the faithful comrades of Company F, would require a volume. Where or how to discriminate where so many gave up their lives or were wounded or maimed for life would be a delicate and difficult task to perform. The writer will, therefore, not attempt it. In men- tioning names of comrades, it will be simply sug- gestive of prevailing types of patriots. The career of James Collord, the first Cap- tain of the Company, aft'ords a fine illustration of the truth of the above. The public-spirited citizens of Pittsburg, who, August, 1862, promoted the Company, and who advertised for recruits, give standing to the Company as well as to reward a worthy soldier, then ar- ranged that Sergeant James Collord, of Company A, of the Ninth Pennsyl- vania Reserve Corps, then in active service, should be made the first Captain, Sergeant Collard refused to accept a furlough to leave his Company in the field in presence of the enemy to accept the Captaincy of Company F until after the impending second battle of Bull Run. In that action he was seriously wounded, and although chosen Captain of Company F, he was never able to serve. For his patriotic action in declining the furlough, and also for his bravery in that battle. Governor Curtin commissioned Sergeant Collord Lieutenant-Colonel of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. LTn fortunately, his disability con- tinuing, although duly mustered into the service with that rank, he was never able to join the Regiment, and in January, 1863, resigned the office. SAMUEL W. hill. in to 454 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Captain John Markle, of West Newton, who had recruited twenty sturdy farmer boys from Westmoreland county, was commissioned first Captain of the Company. He proved himself a brave and efficient officer, his efiforts contrib- uting much to the excellent discipline and drill which Company F soon acquired. Edward E. Clapp was commissioned First-Lieutenant, and Henry A. Breed, Second-Lieutenant. Both these officers were well-known business men of Pitts- burg, having abandoned their business to take up arms for the Union cause. Their patriotic example and moral deportment were most beneficial in the formative days of the Company, and in the battles and campaigns following they proved ideal soldiers. Dr. William H. King, a practicing dentist of Monongahela City, who was the senior of most members of the Company, became the first Orderly-Sergeant, and materially assisted in moulding the raw material under his command into well-drilled and disciplined soldiers. Accompanying Sergeant King to join the Company were William P. Ketcham, a young farmer who became a messmate of Sergeant King, Thomas L. Fife, David Allen, Allen Wall, Joseph Taylor, and Wm. H. Dewalt, of Com- pany A, all from the Monongahela val- ley, and all proved brave and faithful soldiers. The Company seemed to have spe- cially attracted a delegation of City boys still in their teens, being principally from Bayardstown, then part of the Fifth and Ninth wards. This squad of boys was composed of George P. McClelland, George Bradley, William B. Glass, John H. Ralston, John Mackin, William J. Adams, Thos. H. Dickson, Charles Bar- deen, Robert A. Hill, William J. Hill, S. W. Hill, Ellis C. Thorn, Frank F. Martyn, Marion Martyn, Theodore Bald- win. William Clotworthy, and Harry M. Curry, who was the youngest of all, being l)ut fifteen years old. This squad became the life and spirit of the Company in camp and bivouac. From its ranks were furnished several excellent singers for the Regimental glee club, which was wont to relieve the monotony of a sol- dier's life in winter quarters. "Aleck" Stevenson, Hawdon Marshall, who be- came Drum-Major, Sergeant William Winkle, " Billy " Devine, John K. Dal- CAPT. JOHN MARKLE. ^ell, and Jamcs A. McDowell were not UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ■155 much behind the " Liiny " squad in fun-loving mischief or in fighting quahties. Early in the career of the Company, John H. Ralston was appointed Quartermaster-Sergeant, and Wil- liam B. Glass was promoted to Commissary- Sergeant. Ellis C. Thorn secured the appoint- ment as Hospital Steward. The Company was fortunate in securing these important details. It made Company F solid for clothing, having Ralston as Quartermaster-Sergeant, and in the matter of rations, with William B. Glass as Commissary-Sergeant, it was equally for- tunate. The detail of Ellis C. Thorn over the quinine and " commissary " and medical stores also provided for Company F's wants in that direction. James A. McDowell and John McConnell are recalled as among the recruits from Eliza- beth who earned deserved promotion to Ser- geants for faithful duty in every battle. The former, while serving as Orderly- Sergeant, was captured in action at Five Forks, but after some hours in captivity, escaped in time to share the final honors of the victory at .Appomattox. These men all made good. The hilarity of the " Luny crowd," as the Bayardstown squad dubbed themselves, was infectious. Who can forget the cheerful singing of "Fare you well, my Mary Ann," rendered by "Billy" Adams? Poor fellow! He never flagged in any march or battle until he gave up his good right arm in the charge of June 18th, in front of Petersburg. The men of Company F were patriots and heroes, and well might they be proud of each other. LIEUT. WM. H. KING. Incidents Recalled. Of the original enrollment, indeed all became sick in the first few months from exposure, hard marching, and the repulsive food and infamous cooking. The great majority, however, recovered and went through the thirty-two battles and skirmishes that fell to the lot of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. Every man in Company F got his bullet scar, strange to remark, e.xcept Corporal James J. Carroll, who never missed a march or battle, though he frequently had his clothing cut by Confederate bullets. At Bethesda Church, Corporal Car- roll and " Aleck " Stevenson had the good fortune, while on the advance skirmish line in a peach orchard, to come across some gold and silver buried in the orchard. The military superiors were too busy with the strategy of active war to make inquiries about this find. A detachment of recruits joined the Company in winter quarters, just before the Wilderness campaign. The celerity with which its members acquired their "military education " was remarkable. They soon became the equals on battlefields with the veterans of the Company. Inspection 456 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. DAVID GARRIS. CORP. GEORGE BRADLEY. THOMAS H. DICKSON. of the Roster shows that these new comrades shed their blood for their country freely, and faltered not in times of danger. Captain John Markle led the Company on the Antietam campaign and in the battle of Fredericksburg, exhibiting remarkable coolness and bravery in the great charge on Marye's Fleights. Lieutenant Clapp was seriously wounded in the same action at the head of the Company. Captain Markle, delicate in physique, soon succumbed to the privations and exposures. His complaints becoming worse, he resigned and returned home in the spring of 1SG3, continuing a constant suf- ferer until his death. Lieutenant Edward E. Clapp recovered from his wound and became Cap- tain. He was a model ofificer, a Christian gentleiuan. who cared for the men of his Company. He was killed leading his men in battle at Laurel Hill, near Spottsylvania Court House. \'irginia. May 8, 1864. His body was buried on the battlefield side liy side with that of Captain Charles C. Johnston, of Company A, who also gave up his life in the same battle. Lieutenant Henry A. Breed served faithfully and bravely in the campaigns and battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettvsburg. His JOHN K. DALZELL. CORP. JAMES J. CARROLL. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 457 health was dehcate, but in the exposure and forced marches of the campaigns mentioned, he manfully endured the same until he was discharged for disability. Sergeant George P. McClelland succeeded Lieutenant Breed as Second- Lieutenant. He was promoted to First-Lieutenant, and later to Captain, on the death of Captain Clapp. Captain McClelland was wounded in the heel at the battle of North Anna River. Of not over-robust physique, by grim determination Captain McClelland met every demand for military duty in camp or battle without flinching. He soon recovered from his first wound, and returned to duty in time to lead his Company in the great charge of June 18th, on the Con- federate fortifications, and in the battles around Petersburg. At Five Forks, April 1, 1865, Captain McClelland was shot down, receiving what was deemed a mortal wound, and for half an hour was a prisoner in the lines of the Con- federates. He was rescued by the triumphant counter-charge of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, as, led by Major Cline, they rallied and recaptured the enemy's position. Captain McClelland was carried from the field to the hospital established in the White Oak Church. A detail of eight men of his Company promptly volunteered to carry him to the terminal of the Petersburg military railroad at Humphreys' Station, eleven miles distant. They were denied that privilege, however, the surgeon in charge saying, " What is the use, the Captain's wound is fatal!" Then information came that, owing to the advance of the Second and the Sixth Corps, the railroad had been abandoned, and that the woods were full of Confederate stragglers. The Captain was made as com- fortable as possible on a featherbed in the church, and under orders to move, his comrades tenderly said farewell to him, he being so very weak and exhausted as to be scarcely able to re- spond. His men proceeded to rejoin the Company at Sutherland Station. Later in the afternoon his Company was astonished to find the Fifth Corps ambulance train rejoin the column. Captain McClelland was in one of the ambulances and his Company again bade him a hasty good-bye. The Regiment, under orders, then started with Sheridan's Cavalry on a forced march to intercept Lee's retreating army. Two weeks afterward, on the return march from Appomattox Court House, the Company found that Cap- tain McClelland had been removed to the Corps hospital in Petersburg, where, although suffering and very weak, he was being tenderly nursed color-corp. henry m. curry. 458 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CAPT. GEO. P. McClelland. b\- his sister, who had come from Pitts- burg for that purpose. It was not until the following August that the Captain had improved sufficiently to be able to be removed to Pittsburg. He suffered a relapse, and an operation was performed to remove the decayed splinters of bone from his shoulder, compelling him for two years following to be confined to his room. After the war he gradually im- proved, and moved to Davenport, Iowa, where he became prominent in business. He was never free from pain, however, and suffered numerous relapses, in one of which he died in 1903. Sergeant William S. Anawalt, after gallant service in the battle of Freder- icksburg, was suddenly stricken with ty- phoid malarial fever and died in a few days. He was a real Christian, and much devoted to his (Methodist) church. Corporal George Bradley, while leading the charge at Marye's Heights, December 13, 1862, received a severe wound, disabling him from further military duty. He was carried oiif the battlefield, under a heavy fire of the enemy, by Sergeant Samuel Walker, who, at Chancellorsville, was destined to receive most serious wounds. Walker suffered the amputation of a leg, and was finally trans- ferred to the United States Veteran Reserve Corps as a commissioned otificer. He served out his term, and died a few years ago in Butler, Pa. Sergeant Frank M. Martyn was an unusually efficient and brave soldier. He was killed in battle May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill. How his comrades pitied and loved his stricken brother, Marion Martyn, in the Company, who completed his term of service without his brother's comradeship ! He, too, was a brave soldier, and was mustered out with the Company, June 6, 1865. Private Robert A. Hill, who was accidentally shot by a comrade on the march to Antietam, and as a result had his leg amputated, was the first man of Company F to be wounded. His brother, William J. Hill, overcome by the exposure and hardships, drooped and died of fever at camp near Falmouth, Va., soon after the battle of Fredericksburg, in which he had participated with credit. Lieutenant William H. King, M. D., familiarly called " Doc," after years of faithful service as Ser- geant, was promoted, and came home in command of Bradford allen UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 459 the Company as First-Lieuteiiaiit. At Five Forks he took command of the Com- pany when Captain McClelland fell early in the action and handled it well throughout the remainder of that severe action. Although older in years than most of the men of the Company, he never flagged in the performance of. any •duty and was present in every battle. He was a brave, honorable gentleman and soldier, and probably one of the best educated men in the Regiment. Private William P. Ketcham served continuously in the ranks, taking part in every battle, until in July, 1864. He had, at the battle of Laurel Hill, May 8th, the distinction of being the last to speak to the lamented Captain Clapp a few minutes before his death — in taking his canteen to fill with water. Later he was detailed from fatigue duty in the trenches in the siege of Petersburg to serve with Captain George M. Laughlin, Commissary of Musters of the Fifth Corps. Bradford Allen and Allen Wall both served on detached duty with Sergeant George Booth, of Company D, in the LTnited States Signal Corps. Among the JOHN JAMISON KETCHAM. DAVID ALLEN. Other many faithful soldiers of Company F were William Adams, Adam Darr, William M. Birch, C. Cunningham, Billy Devine, John Jamison, and David Garris. All these could be relied upon as being as prompt in every battle as in responding to calls for rations. David Allen, now an honored citizen of Nebraska, and for years a Justice of the Peace and active in the good work of the G. A. R., received his badge of honor by wounds received at the re-capture of Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865. The itinerary and Rosters must be referred to for the names and deeds of the many patriots of Company F not specially named in this sketch. The sad fate of Color-Corporal Charles Bardeen, mortally wounded while defending the colors, and who died in the hospital and was later buried in an unknown grave, is especially pathetic. Color-Corporal John Mackin, wounded defending the flag at Gettysburg, and later fatally wounded in the Wilderness, was a sad experience. The story of Ser- g'eant Asbury Secrist's death at Five Forks in a death conflict with a Confederate 460 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. foe, both being found feet to feet and with empty guns, are perpetuated in the itinerary, and on the Roll of Honor of Company F. In the matter of foraging, when necessary, Company F was always able to compete with any other company in the service. They knew just what to do, and just how to do it. Record Enrollment, Casualties, Etc., of Company F. KILLED and died OF WOUNDS. Captain Edward E. Clapp — Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Sergeant Frank Martyn — Killed at Laurel Hill, \'a., May 8, 1SG4. Sergeant Asbury W. Secrist — Killed at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Color-Corporal Charles Bardeen — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Color-Corporal John H. Mackin — Died of wounds received in Wilderness, Va., May 5, 18(54. Corporal William McCabe — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Corporal George R. IMarkle — Died of wounds received at Five Forks, Va., April 1. 1865. Private Theodore Baldwin — Killed at North Anna River, May 23, 1864. Private William Holsinger — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Jacob Kennedy — Died of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. Private Samuel Mayes — Died of wounds received at White Oak Road, Va., March 30, 1865. Private George Wilie— Killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. MISSING IN ACTION. Private Hiram Milliron, at Spottsylvania. \'a.. May 12, 1864. DIED OF DISEASE. Sergeant William Anawalt — Died January 3, 1863. Private David Burkhart — Died at City Point, Va., January 6, 1865. Private John Cope — Died January 4, 1863. Private Samuel Carnihan — ^Died September 4, 1864. Private Brice Easton — Died near Sharpsburg, Md., October 3, 1862. Private William Fullerton— Died January 12, 1863. Private Sansom Hough — Died November 3, 1862. Private William J. Hill— Died November 3, 1863. Private Hugh McCord — Died December 24, 1862. Private James L. Snodgrass — Died November 16, 1862. Private Henrv West — Died at Alexander, \'a.. December 9, 1862. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 461 WOUNDED IN ACTION. Captain George P. McClelland. Five Forks, Va., April 1, I860. Sergeant Henry M. Curry, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Sergeant Samuel Walker, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Corporal Samuel W. Hill, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Corporal George Bradley, Fredericksburg, \^a., December 13, 1863. Corporal Thomas R. Fife, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private William Adams, Petersburg, Va... June 18, 1864. Private David Allen, Hatcher's Run, Va., May 25, 1865. Private Emile Boileau, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private William Clotworthy, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Private Adam Darr, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Private Joseph Hoover, Spottsylvania, \a.. May 13, 1864. Private Peter Hanson, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Private Gershom B. Homer, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Private Jacob Landsburger, Wilderness, \^a.. May 5, 1864. Private Henry Lepler, Spottsylvania, Va., May 13, 1864. Private John M. Miller, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private James Moore, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. *Private William J. McKeever, Fredericksburg, ^'a., December 13, 1863. Private George Reddick, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Henry Roenig, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private John Sample, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private James Shaner, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private Joseph R. Simmers, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private Sebastian Smith, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Private Joseph Taylor, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 159 Killed and died of wounds 13 Died of disease 11 Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 49 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps 14 Transferred to other organizations 37 Deserted 6 Dishonorably discharged 1 Not on Muster-out Rolls 3 Discharged by General Orders and habeas corpus 3 Mustered out with Regiment 33 Wounded in action 36 * Re-enlisted Company B, Seventh U. S. Infantry, wounded and promoted to Sergeant. 46.2 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. SKETCH OF COMPANY G. By Lieutenant John A. Keibbs. |N THOSE eventful days, forty-seven years ago, when the people o£ the South had taken up arms to destroy the United States Govern- ment, and the people of the North took up arms to maintain and save it. Company G. of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment Pennsylvania \'olunteers, loyally went forth for the protection and defense of home and country. Company G was recruited in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, west of the Clarion River, in the neighborhood of St. Petersburg, Salem, Monroeville, Eden- burg (now Knox), Shippenville, Fryburg, Tylersburg — all small country villages — by Dr. Charles Klotz, ^Nliles P. Sigworth, Edwin Meeker, John A. Kribbs and William F. Collner, assisted by several others. In the latter part of August, 1862, on the day before leaving for the seat of war, the members of the company assembled in the grove at the home of Dr. Charles Klotz, near Salem, where a sumptuous dinner was served by the good people of the community. A social good time was enjoyed, cordial greetings exchanged and hearty good wishes ex- pressed. The parting that afternoon, however, was with sad, suppressed, deep and heartfelt feeling. Fervent prayers from pious fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, devoted and loving wives and friends, gray-headed grandfathers and grandmothers, followed the departing soldier boys, of whom so many were not to return to their dear ones again. On the next day the young re- cruits went to Kittanning, Pa., some thirty-five miles distant, on farm wagons. Leaving Kittanning in box cars, they duly reached Pittsburg and were taken for the night to the old City Hall and the following morning to Camp Howe, then in the suburbs of the city. Dr. Charles Klotz was made Captain : ]\Iiles P. Sigworth, First- Lieutenant ; Edwin Meeker, Second- LiEUT. JOHN A. KRIBBS. Lieutenant. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. -1G3 SGT. WILLIAM F. COLLNER Marching- all night, we At Pittsburg, August 28, 1863, Company G was mustered into the United States service for three years or during the war. Here also we received our uniforms. After several days' stay at Camp Howe, we traveled by rail to Harrisburg, where we joined the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. Our guns were dangerous-looking weapons, but when we reached Washington, D. C, better and more modern arms were furnished us. Crossing the Potomac River at Washington, we were marched out to the Second Bull Run battlefield ; then moved back ; then re-crossed the Potomac some distance above Wash- ington into Maryland. We marched thmugh h>ed- erick City and across South Mountain, where we saw evidence of the severe fighting a few days previous reached the Army of the Potomac at Antietam the morning after the great battle which had been fought there. On the afternoon of the same day, September 12, 18()2, Company G, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers, were sent across the Potomac on a reconnoissance to drive the retreat- ing Confederates out of She]iherdstown. The Confederates hotly contested this movement, and sent some shells back, wounding a large number of men of the One Hundred and Eighteenth. In the retreat, some of this Regiment were drowned in the Potomac River. The writer, who was with Company G, could never understand why Com- pany G was detached from the Regiment, sent to wade the Potomac and to overtake the Confederate army on its retreat toward Richmond, Va., unless some responsible parties in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment wanted to have Company G and its " Dutch Captain " killed or captured. Possibly it was not thought necessary for the rest of the Regiment to go if Company G went. But the doughty Captain of Company G was neither killed nor captured. Ex- ercising discretion in his valor, he remained on the north side of the Potomac, guarding the knapsacks, and sent Lieutenant Meeker in command of Company G to cross the Potomac at Shepherdstown in search of the enemy. It was very fortunate for the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment that Company G was not killed or captured on this expedition, for this company was very much needed later on. The roll of the Company will be found with others on the Roster of the Regiment. It will be there seen that the first officers of the Company, Captain Charles Klotz, First-Lieutenant Miles P. Sigworth, and Second-Lieutenant A-Ieeker, were mustered out of service at the same date, January 10, 1863. After these three officers were mustered out, George F. Morgan, of Company E. was appointed Captain of Company G. John A. Kribbs was promoted from First- Sergeant to First-Lieutenant. At the same time. Arthur W. Bell, also of Com- pany E, was appointed Second-Lieutenant. No better, braver, more daring and more deserving men could be found 464 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. in the Regiment than were some of Company G. After the promotion of John A. Kribbs to the position of First-Lieutenant, WilHam F. Collner was advanced to First-Sergeant, which position he most nobly filled until the close of the war. A few months after Hooker's defeat by Lee at Chancellorsville, the Army of the Potomac was forced northward toward Washington, because Lee's army threatened Washington and Baltimore. The Army of the Potomac also crossed the river, keeping between Lee's army and Washington and Baltimore and Phil- adelphia. As Lee advanced, our army also advanced, keeping on Lee's flank until finally the two armies met at Gettysburg, where the greatest battle of the war was fought: one of the " Fifteen Great Battles of the \\'orld." On the morning of July 3d, when General Sickles advanced from the posi- tion on the left assigned him by General Meade, he met a large body of the enemy, was badly cut up and driven back. The Fifth Army Corps was double- quicked a mile or more to the left to support General Sickles' Third Corps. As Sickles' troops were being driven back. Weeds' Brigade, in which the One Hundred and F'ifty-fifth Regiment was serving, advanced at double-quick to- ward the famous Peach Orchard. In driving the Confederate skirmishers from the position. Weeds' Brigade lost heavily in officers and men. General Stephen H. Weed, Colonel P. H. O'Rorke, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York \'olunteers, and Cap- tain Charles Hazlitt, of the Fifth United States Batterj- on Little Round Top, were killed or wounded by sharpshooters. General G. K. Warren, Chief Engi- neer of the Army of the Potomac, was also wounded at the same time. The particulars of this battle of Little Round Top being given at length in the his- torical chapters of this work, the writer forbears re- peating the description of it in this sketch of Com- pany G. From Gettysburg the army moved down to- ward the Rappahannock. Later in the fall the Regiment was in the movements around Rappa- hannock Station and still later in the Mine Run campaign. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment went into winter quarters at Warrenton, Va., and spent four months there. Company G, with the Regiment, for quite a time at Warrenton Junction guarding the Orange & Alexandria Railroad. On Alay 5. 1864, General Grant, in command, with General Meade next in rank, reached the Wilder- ness, and ordered the Fifth Corps, General Warren in advance ; the Second Corps, General Hancock ; and Sixth Corps, General Sedgwick,, each aggre- gating about thirty thousand men ; and General Phil. Sheridan and the several divisions of his cavalry corps to advance by different roads until Lee's army was encountered in the heart of the Wilderness CAPT. GEORGE P. MORGAN, junglcs. After two days of very severe and fruit- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 465 less fighting, the Confederates holding their positions, Grant withdrew, and marched by the left flank to reach Spottsylvania Court House, where several roads converged, leading to the open ground outside of the Wilderness to Chan- cellorsville and Fredericksburg. General Lee's vigilant cavalry scouts soon de- tected this movement of Grant, and divining its object, the Confederates, having a shorter road not obstructed nor harrassed by an enemy, reached the vicinity of Spottsylvania Court House, a fifteen mile march, before the head of Grant's columns, which had marched some hours earlier. Warren's Corps, still in ad- vance, struck the enemy at Alsop's Farm, or Laurel Hill, near Spottsylvania, and a severe battle with heavy loss to both armies occurred early in the morn- ing of the 8th. Spottsylvania, however, was secured by the Confederates, who at once proceeded to fortify, and miles of entrenchments were constructed. Grant's assaults and attacks upon these fortifications were fruitless, and he flanked them to North Anna. Still flanking. Grant evacuated Spottsylvania, and on the 24:th of Alay, crossed the North Anna, where the Confederates tmsuc- cessfully attacked Warren's Corps. Grant, continuing his flank movements, proceeded to Bethesda Church and Cold Harbor, where bloody battles were fought, with no results. These actions and skirmishing, together with a change of base across the James River, the charge of the 18th of June, so disastrous to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and the siege of Petersburg, and on down to Appomattox, are all so fully described in the general history of the Regiment, that the reader is referred thereto, Company G being ever present with the Regiment. The original enrollment of Company G, officers and men. August 38, 1862, was ninety-seven. Additional enrollments, mostly in 1864, by draft and by substitute, and by transfer from other companies and regiments, was forty, making a total of one hundred and thirty-seven. Record Exroi.liiext. C.xsu.-^lties, Etc.. of Company G. Died of disease fmostl}- the first year of service), thirteen. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disabilitv. twentv-one. Kir.LED IN B.ATTLE. George Hondle, Fredericksliurg. Va., December 13. 1863. Henry J. Hummel, Wilderness, Va., 1864. Jeremiah Keely, Petersburg, \*a.. June 18, 1864. Henry Hunsburger, Hatcher's Run, \'a., February 6. 1865. Frederick Isensee, Five Forks. Va.. March 31, 1865. John Miller, Laurel Hill. Xa.. May 6, 1864. John Oler, Chancellorsville, \'a.. May 3, 1863. John Snyder, Fredericksburg. Va., December 13, 1863. John Texter, Fredericksburg, ^'a., December 13, 1862. 466 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. THOS. TAYLOR. HIRAM BEALS. JOSIAH FELLMAN. DIED OF WOUNDS. Daniel Imbody, May 20, 1865. Ferdinand Eiseman, March 12. Erred Fowles, October 6, 1862. Hugh B. Piatt. December 24, 1862. William Vensel, February 24, 1865. WOUNDED IN ACTION AND DISCHARGED FROM HOSPITAL ON SURGEON's CERTIFICATE: OR BY GENER.^L. John Amster — Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Abraham Bish — Lost leg at first Hatcher's Run. discharged March 9, 1865. William F. Best — Wounded at Petersburg. \'a.. discharged March 25, 1865. John Gordon — Wounded at Spottsylvania, \"a., discharged May 12, 1864. Amos Hyberger — Wounded at Five Forks, Va., discharged April 1, 1865. Paul Mahle — Wounded a; Wilderness, Va., discharged May 5, 1863. John Marsh — Wounded at Quaker Road, Va., discharged March 29, 1865. LEONARD DEHNER. ADAM DITTMAN. FRANKLIN WILL. UNDER THE iMALTESE CROSS. 467 George O. Piatt — Wounded at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Jeremiah Reighner — Wounded at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. William Stitt— Wounded at Quaker Road, Va., March 29, 1865. Thomas Taylor — Lost leg at Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. James L. Black — Wounded at Spottsylvania, Va., May, 1864. MISSING IN ACTION. John McFarland — Missing in battle of Hatcher's Run ; probably killed. Isaac Thomas — Missing in first day's battle in Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Last seen on one knee taking aim at enemy. Most probably killed at that time. Isaac Wentling — Captured at Battle of the Wilderness, and died at An- dersonville, Ga., September, 1864. Of the ninety-seven originally enrolled, who " volunteered for three years or during the war," twenty-nine came home together at the close of the war, and were mustered out of the service, June 2, 1865. Twenty-four of the twenty-nine were wounded. The following are the names of the twenty-nine who came home together : John A. Kribbs, First-Lieutenant ; only a scratch ; in front of Petersburg. William F. Collner, First-Sergeant ; wounded or struck with rebel bullets ten or twelve times. Oliver Paup, Sergeant ; wounded. Frank Shoup, Sergeant ; wounded. Josiah Fillman, Sergeant ; wounded. Alonzo McMichael, Sergeant; wounded. Edward Alexander, Corporal. Emanuel Slaugenhaupt, Corporal. William B. Fowles, Corporal ; wounded. George F. Piatt, Corporal ; wounded. Jacob Beals. Hiram Beals ; wounded. Leonard Dehner ; wounded. Adam Dittman. Edward Darnel. Peter Dower ; woimded. George W. Edinger; wounded. Miles Eisman. John P. Greer. Jacob Hunsborger ; wounded. William Hess; wounded. Isaac W. Mong ; wounded in front of Petersburg. Joseph Mong; wounded. John Neely. John A. Nevil ; wounded in front of Petersburg. David E. Stagley; wounded. 4r;s UNDER THE .MAETESE CROSS. George Y. Swab : wounded. Eranklin Will ; wounded. The following recruits were also mustered out with the Cuinpany William French : John G. Fries. August McGary. wounded at Gravelly Run, March :!1, 1865. John A. Pauchert. John Weber. Frank Shouj), Josiah I-'illman. Edward Alexander, a'nd several others were in every battle in which the Regiment was engaged, and never received a scratch. All were splendid soldiers — indeed, the entire twenty-nine were good soldiers. (Jf the remainder of the Companv, some were in hospitals on account of sickness or wounds, and were discharged on surgeon's certificate, and others bv general order : others had been trans- ferred to the \'eteran Reserve Corps. A fow recruits were transferred to the ( -ne Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment I'enns}lvania \'olunteers. Of the ninety- seven who started from home together in August. 186"^, forty-four were killed and wounded, and two missing in battle — most probably killed — making forty-six. Kecruits killed and wounded, eight, and line missing in action, making nine. This made a total of fifty-five who suf- fered from rebel bidlets. Twenty-nine came home together at the close of the war, and of these twenty-four had been wounded, leaving only five of the original ninety-seven at the close of the war un- touched by fatal disease or bullets. These facts show the character of the service of Coni])any G, the risks, dangers, and hardships these noble men endured for the welfare of home and countr\ . JOHN A. NEVIL. Ri:.m.\ukai:le Escapes. The twenty-four of the famous twenty-nine were wounded not only once, but some of them were struck a number of times. Especially was this true of Orderly-Sergeant \\"illiam F. Collner, who was struck by bullets of the enemy ten or twelve times. (Jnly (.)nce. lunvever, was he so badly wounded that he has carried a reminder of it all these years. His record is exceptionally remark- able. In one battle a bullet passed through his knapsack ; in the next engagement a bullet passed through hi-- haversack: in another the company's report book. UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. 4G9 wliich was rolled up and strapped on top of his knai)-ack. was cut in pieces. A bullet struck and bent his gun-barrel in another engagement. At another time his canteeti was also shattered from the same cause. Continuing, his rubber blanket rolled up and thrown over his shoulder was shot through. Another en- gagement resulted in the cutting of his coat across the shoulder by a bullet. On several other occasions, after battles, his pantaloons were rent by bullets. In fact, it was so common for Sergeant Collner to get hit that the boys would in- quire fre<|uentl>-. after coming out of a fight, '" Well, " Will,' where did the Rebs spoil vour clothes this time? " Sergeant Collner really seemed to bear a charmed life. The writer can give no other explanatiiins of this wonderful deliverance and preservation than his belief that it was due to the fact that on the hill-tops of St. Petersburg, Clarion county. Pennsylvania: there was a pious mother inter- ceding with the God of battles for her >oldier boy. by day and by night, until the war closed, when he returned home again, the worthy hero of many battles. Others in the Company were equally brave, equally heroic and daring, yet the}' did not seem to have so many close calls, though ecjually exposed to the enemy's Indlets. C)n the ISth of June, 18(i4. when the famous charge of the Regi- ment in front of Petersburg was made, a bullet struck Isaac Mong, of Company G, in the breast, and passed through his body. Though badly wounded, he walked oiif the battlefield, and within three months returned to the Compan}' and reported for duty. Twenty-three years after the war, that soldier hero coughed up a piece of flannel blouse which the enemy's bullet had carried int-, being CORP. JOHN A. ANDERSON. CHARLES W. FULTON. HARRY HARRIGER. discharged Januarv 20, 1863. He died a few years ago, having reached a ripe old age. Sergeant Da\"id T. Orr was but seventeen years old at the time of his en- listment. Not being of robust constitution, he succimibed to the hardships of the forced march to Antietam. Shortly after the battle of Antietam, his father took him home, where he died March "24, 1863. Wilson E. Allen, Second- Sergeant, reached the rank of Captain. He was wounded in the right wrist at Fredericksburg, He was mustered out with the Company, and is still li\-ing in Pittsburg. L. T. ]iIontgomerv-. Fourth-Sergeant, was woimded at Fredericksburg, De- cember 13. 186-3. and was discharged April 6. 1863. He is still living in Jefferson county, Pennsylvania. William R. Whitmer. Fifth-Sergeant, died at Camp McAuley. October 12, 1862. Samuel O. Blair was promoted from. Corporal to First-Lieutenant. He was UNDER THE :NL\LTESE CROSS. 479 a good soldier and popular with the men. He was mustered out with the Com- pany, and is still hving in Evans City, Butler county. Pa. Elijah M. Lee reached the rank of Second-Lieutenant. He was a remark- ably good soldier, and never missed an engagement. He was also a genial and popular officer. He is still living in Qarion, Pa. Sergeant James J. Irwin was captured in the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1S64, and died in Anderson\Tlle : date unknown. Lewis Hartman was wounded on the ISth of June, and carried the bullet in his body imtil his death. May 37, 1904. The three Fox brothers were all unfortunate. Alexander died in the hos- pital at Beverly, X. J.. November 26. 1S64. Re\Tiolds was captured Mav 5, 1864, with the wagon train, in the WUdemess, and died in Anderson-\"iUe. August JOHN A. LEWIS .4ND PETER LEWIS. 23, 1864. WiUiam A. was wounded at Bethesda Church, and died September 4, 1S64, at Washington, D. C. Isaac Fox. a cousin of the three brothers, was wounded May 5, 1S64, in the Wilderness, and was never able to return to duty. He is still living, a farmer in Clarion count\-. A\ . A. Craig was a brave soldier, and always ready for dut\-, there being no better in the Raiment. He is still li^^ng, engaged in the flour-mill business at Sligo. Pa. James M. Lyon, Da^■id J. Stuart. John Anderson. PhiUp Over. John Reody, Moses Anderson, Samuel Weight. Reuben and Harri- Harriger. William Bell, Charles W. Fulton, were all good soldiers. John and Peter Lewis, brothers, both under eighteen, were brave soldiers, Peter being kiUed in the Wilderness. 480 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. WILLIAM D. AND LEWIS HARTMAN. John Griffith was wounded and captured May .j, 1S64. He has described his captivity at Andersouville in a contribution which appears in another part of this history. H. S. Harnish was killed at the same time and place. James M. Raster died at Falmouth, \'a.. January 14. 1863, after the battle of Fredericksburg. Alexander Eaton was killed at the battle of Gravelly Run. while on the skirmish line. The two Hartman's and George Gourley were brave men in battle. Old Jacob Kohler fought bravely for his adopted country. Private George R. Kerr, on Little Round Top. Gettysburg, was wounded JAMES M. CASTER. GEO. K. KERR. SGT. DAVID J. STEWART. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 481 by fragments of Confederate shells during the great artillery duel, July 2, 1863. The three Stewarts, one of whom, ^lilton, fell in front of Petersburg, Eli W'hitmore. and Joseph Keifer were all excellent soldiers. Eli Whitmore and Corporal Isaac \. Hagan were both wounded at Dab- ney's Mills, and Keifer on June IS, 1864. Sergeant David I. Stewart was seriously wounded at the battle of Eredericksburg and was carried off the field. On recovery, he rejoined the Company in time to take part in the battle of Gettys- burg. He was again wounded at the battle of North Anna, while in the act of firing, the bullet after pass- ing through his hand, and fracturing his jaw, was taken out of the back of his neck. Harnett E. Meeker was wounded and taken pris- oner in the ^^'ilderness, dying at Andersonville a few months later. And there was " Andy " White, who could ever forget him I He successfully evaded every action the Regiment was in until the charge of June 18, 18li4. He passed through that dreadful battle unharmed and after the charge he never rested until every man killed or wounded was taken ofT the field. Risking his life time and again and crawling almost to the enemy's line, Andy assisted in rescuing twenty-two comrades of Conv^any H, who had fallen in the charge. On the 'i2d of June, in the battle at the Jerusalem Plank Road, he was among a few who refused to retire when orders of Colonel Ewing from General Griffin to fall back were issued and the charge abandoned. This action in a youth of but six- teen years of age was most remarkable. The next nuirning he was found on the field, severely wounded from the fire of Confederate sharpshooters, from which he lost a leg. \Miere there were so many good men in the Company it seems invidious not to menti(_in them all, but want of space forbids any further enumeration of them. CORP. ISAAC N. HAGAN. Record Enrollment, C.xsualties, Etc., of Company H. KILLED AND DIED OF WOUNDS. Corporal Reuben Harriger — Died at Philadelphia, Pa., of woimds received at Bethesda Church, Va., June 3, 1864. Corporal Horatio S. Harnish — Killed in Wilderness, Va,, ]\Iay -j, 1864, Private George Bardenstein — Died at W^ashington, D. C. of wounds re- ceived at Peebles' Earm, Va.. September 30, 1864. Private James D. Rums — Died at Washington, D. C, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Va., October 97, 1864. 482 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Private Michael Baumeister — Died at Richmond. \'a., of wounds received at Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private John Cowan — Died at Alexandria. \"a.. of wounds received at Pe- tersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Alexander Eaton — Killed at Gravelly Run, Va., March 31, 1865. Private Adam Freeman — Died at Alexandria, \ a., of wounds received at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Private William A. Fox — Died at Washington. D. C. of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864. ANDREW WHITE. Private William Horner — Died at Cit\- Point. \"a.. of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Solomon Kuhns — Died in Xew York, of wounds received at Peters- burg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Peter Lewis — Killed in Wilderness, \^a., May 5, 1864. Private B. F. Lyon — Died at Alexandria. Va... of wounds received at Pe- tersburg, Va., June IS, 1864. Private William J. Marks — Died at City Point. \'a., of wounds received at Petersburg, Va.. June 18, 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 483 Pri\ate William Reedy — Died at New York, of wounds received at Peters- burg, Va., June IS, 1864. Private Milton Stewart — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Ira Snyder — Died at Point Lookout, Md., of wounds received at Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 186.5. Private Joseph Swires — Died of wounds received at Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private William Travis — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private George B. Weiser — Died near Petersburg, Va., of wounds received in the action on June 18, 1864. DIED OF DISEASE, IMPRISONMENT. ACCIDENT, ETC. Sergeant David T. Orr — Died at Lawsonham, Pa., March 34, 1863. Sergeant William R. Whitmer — Died at Sharpsburg, Md., October 18, 1862. Sergeant James J. Irwin — Died at Andersonville, Ga., October 15, 1864. Corporal Alexander Fox — Died at Beverly, N. J., November 36, 1864. Corporal William Roihan — Died January 31, 1864. Private Richard Burns — Died at Curllsville, Pa., September 13, 1864. Private David M. Craig — Died at Falmouth, Va., December 37, 1862. Private Reynolds Fox — Died in Andersonville, Ga., August 33, 1864. Private John Gourley — Died at Falmouth, Va.. January 12, 1863. Private William O. Gray — Died at Washington. D. C, November 17, 1863. Private J. A. Hermansdoerfifer — Committed suicide at Peebles' Farm, Va., October 7, 1864. Private James M. Kaster — Died near Falmouth. \"a.. January 14. 1863. Private B. Sloan Long — Died at Pittsburg, Pa., September 11, 1864. Private Harnett E. Meeker — Died in Andersonville, Ga., July 17, 1864. Private — Daniel Nail — Discharged on Surgeon's certificate May 7, 1864. Died on road home. Private James O. Riley — Died at Curllsville, Pa.. January 15, 1865, after re- turn home from Andersonville, Ga. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Captain David E. Lyon, Gettysburg, Pa., July 36, 1863. Captain Wilson E. Allen, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Sergeant James I\I. Lyon, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Sergeant David J. Stewart, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863, and North Anna River, Va., May 33, 1864. Corporal David R. Curll, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Corporal John Anderson, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Corporal Philip Over, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Corporal John Reedy, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Corporal Isaac N. Hagan. Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Corporal Moses Anderson, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Corporal Samuel Wright, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. i84 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Corporal Horatio S. Harnish, Fredericksburg, \'a., December 13, 1863. Private William S. Bell, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863 ; Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864; Quaker Road, Va., March 39, 1865. Private John Drittenbach, Peebles' Farm, \'a., September 30, 186-1; Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private Peter Delp, Petersburg, \'a., June 18, 1864. Private Alexander Eaton, Petersburg, \'a., June 18, 1864. Private Isaac Fox, Wilderness, Va., May .3, 1864. Private Lewis Gathers, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private John Griffith, Wilderness, \'a., May 5, 1864. (Captured.) Private Lewis Hartman, Petersburg, ^"a., June 18, 1864. Private George R. Kerr, Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Private Joseph M. Kifef, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private George D. Kerns, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. (Loss of leg.) Private John D. McCall, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private Absalom W. Palmer, Petersburg, \'a., June 18, 1864. Private Joseph Rankin, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Private Nathan Stewart, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Joseph W. Swires. Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, 1864. Private Ira Snyder, Spottsylvania, \'a.. May 14, 1864. Private Andrew White, Jerusalem Plank Road, \'a., June 33, 1864. (Loss of leg.) Private Eli Whitmore, Dabney's Mills, Va., February 6, 1865. Private Joseph A\'ilson, Hatcher's Run, \^a., October 27, 1864. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 143 Killed and died of wounds 30 Died of disease, imprisonment, etc 15 Suicide 1 Discharged for wounds and disabilities 33 Transferred to \^eteran Reserve Corps 3 Transferred to other organizations 35 Deserted On Rolls and never joined company 3 Mustered out with the Regiment 46 Wounded in action 33 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 485 RECOLLECTIONS OF COMPANY L Bv Pruate John C. Sias. I HE first recruits for Company I came from a local Home Guard company, which, on its formation several months previous to July, 1863, was composed of school boys too young for acceptance in regular militar}- companies serving in the field. Richard and William Bailey, two brothers, well-known in Allegheny City by reason of being fifers in martial bands of local militia companies before the Civil War, were the original promoters, and had secured a number of youths averaging not over eighteen years of age to enroll themselves for three years, or during the war. Captain Samuel A. McKee, who had served in the war with Mexico, and had been commander of the Jackson Independent Blues, a popular military company -of Pittsburg some years prior to the Civil War. was also engaged in recruiting a company for the war. and united with N. P. W. Gotta, a citizen backed by the late William Thaw, in efforts to recruit a company. William Logan, a farmer's son, living at Bo.ston, Allegheny county, delivered a number of recruits from his home neighborhood to Captain McKee, and out of this union Company I, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsyl- vania \^olunteers, was organized. Captain McKee was made Captain, N. P. W. Gotta took the First- Lieutenancy, and Richard Bailey was named as Second-Lieutenant, with his brother, William V. Bailey, appointed Orderly-Sergeant. Lieutenants Gotta and Bailey,- before making any military record, broke down physically from the exposure and hardships of the campaign, and resigned, ^^^illiam Y. Bailey served as Orderly-Sergeant in the Antietam and Fredericksburg campaigns with honor, but was also compelled to leave the service, owing to his con- tmued ill-health, and was honorably discharged for that reason. No more versatile characters than composed the one hundred raw recruits, later known as Company I, could be found in any army. Of diversified nationality, there were boys as young as fourteen, and men apparently close upon three score and ten. The strictest Puritan in religious faith and practice often messed and marched side by side with the most rollicking devil-may-care, profane souls. Under the benign and gentle discipline of Captain McKee, the Company soon became proficient in the iluties of a soldier, and obeyed orders promptly. CAPT. S. A. McKEE. 486 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Sergeant Logan applied his skill, acquired in the three months' service as drill sergeant, to the benefit of the Company. Sergeant Luke J- Dooling, an educated gentleman, a brave and efficient soldier, who soon earned the rank of First-Lieu- tenant, was a graduate as an enlisted man from the British army, having served in it during the Crimean War. In manner, he was eccentric and odd at times in his deportment. Being much older than the average of the rank and file, his queer actions and spells of solitude and silence attracted as great attention as did his generous treatment of his men. No discount, however, could be had on his fighting qualities, which were exhibited in every battle during his over two- years' service in the field with the Regiment. His example and advice to the boys of the Company in battle was salutary. Sergeant J. K. P. Hunter deservedly rose to the rank of First-Lieutenant, which was earned by him by his faithful services at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and more especially in the Chancellorsville campaign, in which latter he was com- mander of the Brigade pioneer corps, rendering valuable services. Among the odd characters who found their way into the ranks of the Company was Peter Drury, a well-known individual, hailing from the First ward, Allegheny City. His defective mentality and mature age prevented any hope of his ever acquiring even a slight knowledge of military drill, or of even understanding the simplest duties of a soldier. Peter was, therefore, early ex- cused from all military service and was assigned on probation to the more peace- ful employment of Company cook. In this position he soon displayed most la- mentable ignorance of the duties of Company chef. Before long the whole Company mutinied and threatened to mob him for his disgraceful failures as cook, and also fo.r his wilful and wanton spoiling of the daily rations entrusted to him. Peter was, accordingly relieved of the position of Company cook. He was next assigned to the duty of hostler for Captain McKee. Later he served as a mule leader on the march. Poor Peter early realized the dangers of battle, which he scented afar off, and always kept out of the enemy's range. Many- were the jokes perpetrated on the poor fellow in camp, all of which he accepted with the best of good humor. He was finally, after a year's service, discharged for disability. The itinerary chapters of the Regiment treat so fully of each battle that a bare reference to the part taken by Company I is sufficient for the present article. Casualties. — Killed and WouNDEn. At Fredericksburg, in the charge on Marye's Heights, the Company lost four of its bravest spirits, Corporal Charles N. Matthews, Louis Kilgore, Color- Corporals Francis Thompson and John Rankin, the last two of whom fell at their post defending the colors. The long and forced march in the broiling sun on the way to Gettysburg' will ever be remembered, because of its severity and its occasioning many to break down, and become incapacitated for battle duty. Captain McKee was among those affected by the heat and the severity of the forced marches ; and UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 487 COLOR-CORP. FRANCIS THOMPSON. he was compelled to take to the ambu- lance under orders from the Regimental Surgeon. The proximity i)f the battle- field, and the sound of artillery firing in advance had a wonderful curative ef- fect on Captain McKee. He insisted, in defiance of the Surgeon's orders, on ac- companying his Company into the im- pending battle, and was one of the very first to receive wounds as the Company- was entering the battlefield, on the way to relief of Sickles' Third Corps, just before the issue of the recall orders to take position on Little Round Top. Private George W. Wilcox, a brave, patriotic, soldier, met his death while scaling Little Round Top, at Gettysburg, on July 2nd. His exemplary life and noble traits made his death long mourned in the Company. Private William P. Brady's death in the battle of the Wilderness is saddened by the fact that the body was never recovered, and that it is not known whether it was consumed in the flames of the burning woods, or rescued and buried in an '■'unknown grave." The writer's beloved messmate. Private Amos Boley, was killed in action at Laurel Hill, thus bringing to our military home the horrors of war with special force. Our remaining members of mess felt a longing, " for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still," for months after this sad vacancy. In this same battle a miraculous escape from death occurred to Private Samuel Culbert. He was wounded, and while being carried off the field a shell from the enemy's line exploded close to him, a fragment of which struck the rim of his hat, cutting it off as clean as if it had been done with a sharp knife. Beyond a slight shock, however, no injury was sustained by him. The death of Corporal Samuel Keys was occasioned by a stray shot, which struck him whilst the Company was bivouacked in reserve, where, with guns all stacked and accoutrements unslung, some comrades were napping, and others writing letters, all believing the position to be beyond the range of the enemy's missiles, his death was peculiarly sad. He lingered but a few moments, and was heard before expiring to lisp a prayer. Corporal Noah H. Wensell and Private Silas Henry answered " roll-call " for the last time at Spottsylvania. Both their bodies lie buried among the " unknown," the severity of the action preventing comrades from recovering their bodies. Both were brave soldiers, and justly popular with their officers and comrades in the ranks. 4SS UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. Death of Captain ^iIcKee. What vivid recollections crowd the memory as one contemplates the ex- citing scenes of the all-day skirmish and fighting at Petersburg on the memorable 18th of June, 18(U. ending in the great charge. How few there were left at the close of that bloody day's work to respond "' Here," as brave Sergeant Logan called the roll of Company I ! Who can ever forget the indelible impression ■Stamped on the memory by the sight of Captain McKee with uplifted sword lead- ing the charge upon the outer fortifications of Petersburg! Also, how every man felt inspired by his action as with fixed bayonets they followed the intrepid Captain in the charge, until the enemy's withering direct and enfilading fire com- THOMAS C. MARTIN. SAMUEL G. RANKIN. pelled the column to halt, and killed our brave leader, who fell just as the order to withdraw was issued by Lieutenant-Colonel Ewing. commanding the Regiment. \Mien the smoke cleared away, there, exposed on the battlefield, were the bodies slain in the charge — Ca])tain McKee. Privates James A. Rankin, James In- graham, Xicholis P>iehl, John Pearson, and Thomas C. ^Martin, all lying close together. The latter had been on detail duty away from the Company, and it was sad to all his comrades that he should meet his death in the first battle in which he had taken part. Because of the enemy's -sharpshooters and artillery still commanding the position, the bodies of Captain McKee and comrades of Company L killed in the battle, could not be moved until under the cover of the night. Lieutenant James Strong, who later was destined to become the second oflicer to fall in battle whilst commanding the Company, secured a relief squad to rescue UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 489 the bodies remaining on the field. An attempt to do so before dark was unsuc- cessful, the enemy's tire being kept up too briskly to allow of the removal of the bodies. At nightfall. Lieutenants Strong and Pearce, with Corporal Charles Walter, crawled out to the advanced position on the battlefield where the bodies of Captain ]\IcKee and Private James A. Rankin lay. The rescue party with stretchers soon rolled the bodies back from the field, avoiding any noise which would attract the fire of the enemy. Graves were dug for Captain ]\IcKee and Private Rankin, and their bodies temporarily buried. Colonel Pearson, on learn- ing of the recovery of the body of Captain McKee, arranged for its return to Pittsburg, where the honor of a public funeral with military honors was accorded it. Lieutenant Strong retained the Captain's sword until he was able as com- mander of the Company to secure one of his own. Young Rankin's body was, later in the war, removed for burial in the village graveyard at Fjoston, near Elizabeth. Pa. His brother, Samuel G. Rankin, who fell in the battle of Dab- ney's Mills some months later, is also buried in the same family lot. HOWELL DOUGLASS. In camp it made him as Life in C'.\mp. Camp life and incidents occurring between bat- tles are proper to relieve the sadness and sorrows of battles. In the long winter evenings, in Camp Hum- phreys, and on the long days of summer bivouacs. Company I always had its share of humor and fun from the jovial spirits composing it. The antics and drolleries of Private Howell Douglass eminently qual- ified him for a circus clown. Private Samuel Culbert would have made an excellent second with him in the circus business, doing acrobatic and trapeze perform- ances. Private David Johnston's rendition of Moore's " Irish " and Foster's " Plantation " melodies, almost sufficed to constitute him a whole glee club in himself popular in the concert line as did his excellent record in battle win for him a reputation as a brave soldier boy. There was the irrepressible Peter Mulvehill, who for short was nicknamed " !Mulzee," a wag and joker of high order. His humor ever contributed to re- lieve the sorrows and dumps which so often overtook the boy soldier far away from mother, father, sister, and sweetheart. Mulzee's appearance and fun- loving disposition was always a sure cure for nostalgia, the awful medical name for home-sickness. An incident illustrative of the quick wit and humor of Mulzee occurs to the writer as worthy of mention in these annals. In camp at Warrenton Junction a progressive euchre party, in those times termed a poker game social, was being held late one winter's evening in the tent of a comrade of Mulzee. Several invited guests from other companies, who, as well as the members of Companv I, had just received their pay, were in attendance at this society event. Among the latter was a well-known sporting character and man about town in Pittsburg, a 490 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. comrade of Company C for a very short term. He was more famous in camp for expertness in the use of cards than in the use of any military weapons. The card game, when near its end, was interrupted by a curious debate. The ques- tion was sprung on the players and guests as to what port General William Walker sailed from on his famous filibustering expedition in 18.59, for Nicaragua. The card party immediately divided on this momentous question, one-half assert- ing that Walker's expedition sailed from Memphis, Tenn. ; the other most posi- tively declaring that it shipped from Beaufort, S. C. The Company C visiting sport promptly wagered ten dollars that the expedition sailed from Beaufort, JOHN C. SIAS AND DAVID JOHNSTON. MESSMATES. whilst one of the players, a friend of Mulzee's, as promptly took the bet, averring with confidence that ^Memphis was beyond doubt the port of departure. " Mulzee " at once invented the ingenious story for the benefit of all con- cerned that there was a comrade in Company E who had been a cabin boy in 18.59 in the ship carrying ^^'alker and his expedition to Nicaragua. It was agreed all around that, as " Mulzee " was not betting himself, and was, therefore, dis- interested, that each of the bettors should put up the ten dollar wagers into the hands of Sergeant Tom Dunn, of Company C, one of the players who was not betting, to abide the decision of the absent Company E man, who was then on his picket post. Both sides to the wager took pains to interview, without delay. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 491 the picket umpire early in the morning at his post a few miles from camp. " Mulzee," however, saw the picket first in the interest of the Memphis bet. He explained the joke to the innocent picket which he desired to perpetrate on the Company C " player " who had wagered the ten dollars on Beaufort. The sur- prised picket, who had never heard of Walker or of his expedition, complacently agreed with " IMulzee," for a division of the stakes, to unhesitatingly and most positively to decide in favor of Memphis. Later in the morning, along to the picket post came the Company C wagerer, who lost no time in introducing the subject of the pending wager. Upon being informed by the veracious picket that Walker's port of departure was Memphis, the Company C man rose to the occa- sion and promptly offered the guileless picket five dollars in cash for a decision in favor of Beaufort. The conscientious picket promptly accepted the cash and, without hesitation, agreed to decide in favor of Beaufort. A few hours later, in camp, the umpire, on return from picket, formally de- cided in favor of Memphis, whereupon the ten-dollar wager of the Company C man was at once paid over by Sergeant Dunn to the winner. The stakes thus so fairly won were without delay turned over, together with the five dollars, the intended bribe paid the picket umpire by the Company C man. to " Mulzee," the host, who, as treasurer of the syndicate, expended the amount for sutler's goods for a banquet royal in Company I, in honor of the Company C man, the loser of the stakes. At the close of the festivities, " Mulzee " proposed a vote of thanks to the Company C man, whose lost wager on Beaufort had paid the entire ex- penses of the feast, and no one enjoyed the joke more than did the Company C man. Death of Captaix Strong. Lieutenant James Strong, who fell mortally wounded at the battle of Quaker Road, March 39, 1865, proved a worthy successor to the gallant and lamented Captain McKee. Lieutenant Strong had earned the Captaincy by devotion to duty and distinguished bravery in every battle. Though at home following the humble calling of a coal miner. Captain Strong early developed ability and mili- tary skill of a high order. Whilst being borne off the battlefield mortally wounded, the contest still raging, he bade the members of his Company who had come to his assistance to leave him and return to duty in the ranks, declaring that as his end was so near, they were powerless to help him. Lieutenant Strong was a native of Great Britain. He left a wife and six children to mourn his death. He was popular in the Regiment and beloved by his comrades. He re- marked to Colonel Pearson, who visited him as he lay on the field where his life was fast ebbing away, " Tell my boys that I am proud to die for the dear old flag." The fate of Private Joseph Peppard, who was badly wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy in the second battle of Hatcher's Run, January, 1865, and never after to be heard of, was pathetic in the extreme. The wounding and capture of Peppard preyed hard upon his young nephew, " Willie " Montgomery, •who was soon destined to give up his life at Appomattox, on April 9th following. 49-2 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Corporal James S. Phillips met his death at his post on the firing line at Hatcher's Run. February 6, 186.5. After a long and faithful career, partici- pating in twenty engagements, from Antietam to Hatcher's Run, it was peculiarly sad that this brave youth should fall when the close of the war was so near. No more exemplary moral character and example than Corporal Phillips ever displaced in camp, on the march, or in battle, could be found in any other army. All this could also be said of the brave Private Samuel G. Rankin, who fell in the same sanguinary battle. On April 1. ISBS, at Five Forks, Color-Corporal Thomas [McCush, a youth of eighteen, fell in battle supporting the colors. He had participated with great credit in every battle of the Regiment. Genial, witty, brave, companionable. Tom McCush was beloved by the entire Regiment. His death in the last battle of the war cast a great gloom over his own Company, where the manly traits of this Irish lad were justly appreciated. He yielded up his young life when the success of our arms and the final victory was in sight. No sadder nor more distressing death occurred in the Civil War than that already mentioned of young William Montgomery, a native of Pittsburg, aged but fourteen at the date of his death. The story of this youthful patriot's death is admirably described in a contributed article by Sergeant John H. Kerr, and the reader is referred to the same. Sergeant John H. Kerr, after earning deserved promotion to a Sergeantcy in the ranks of Company I. in the great battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. was transferred to the field ordnance department by order of General Humphreys. At Gettysburg, and the campaigns following, down to Appomattox, Sergeant Kerr was always found in the field, attending to the im- portant duties of the position assigned him. Sharps HOOTING Experience. Sergeant William Logan, after two years' service in the ranks of the Company, accepted a detail with Corporal William Rankin in a newly-formed battalion of sharp- sliooters attached to the Fifth Corps' headquarters. This organization was formed July, ISfU, by order of General \\'arren, and was composed of picked men, for special duty in the trenches and defenses in the siege at Petersburg. The sharpshooters all purchased their own firearms. While on duty, they were given great discretion in selecting posi- tions for their deadly work. In most cases, they acted inde- pendently, keeping always in the advance with skirmishers or near vidette picket posts. On the morning of April 9th, at Appomattox, Sergeant Logan with a squad of sharp- shooters took position on the advanced skirmish line with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. He describes the discovery of a group of several Confederate officers in COL -CORP. T. McCusH. P^^""" '^'^'^^ ^"^ withiu easy range. The globe telescopic sight UNDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. 493 SGT. WILLIAM LOGAN. on their weapons were of the finest quaht\- and brought all objects close. His detachment were about ready to pick off the group of ofiicers, when the flag of truce carried by a Confederate courier, was espied crossing toward the Union line. Noticing this action, the sharpshooters withheld their fire, as the appearance of such emblems, by the rules of war, occasioned the suspension of hostilities. They witnessed the ap- proach of the courier to the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers, on the skirmish line, and the escort of the Confederate truce- bearer by Sergeant-Major ^^'illiam Shore, of that Regiment, through the Union lines. Sergeant Logan also declares that, notwithstanding the passage of the flag of truce through the Union lines, brisk skirmishing by the Confederates and answered by our skirmishers was kept up for some time afterward — until Gen- eral Grififin dispatched Major George ^I. Laughlin, of his personal staff, to deliver the final order to each regiment on the skirmish line to " cease firing." Both armies then suspended hostilities. Sergeant Logan learned soon after that the group of Confederate officers, who had but a short time previous so exposed themselves to the sharpshooters' deadly aim, were Generals Longstreet and Gordon, and their staff's, whose com- mands were directly opposite the position occupied b}' the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other Fifth Corps Regiments on the skirmish line. These Gen- erals were watching the courier whom they had dispatched with the flag of truce to Lieutenant-General Grant, announcing General Lee's acceptance of the formal terms of surrender proposed in the correspondence between Generals Grant and Lee. Corporal diaries Walter was f)ne of the youngest, and also one of the most delicate youths in appearance in the Company at his enlistment. He endured the three years of arduous, strenuous life of active service much better than did ' many of the men appearing to be more stalwart and robust. Weighted down with his knapsack and blanket, cartridge bo.x with sixty rounds of ammunition, gun and bayonet, haver- sack and canteen, young Walter stood the long forced marches of the Antietam and Gettysburg campaigns, and straggled less than any other man in the Com- ]iany. His fearlessness in battle attracted the notice of his superiors, and led to his promotion by Colonel Pearson to membership in the Color Guard. There, with the brave Color-Corporals Mackin. Curry. Euwer, AlcCush, Fleming, and McPherson, he served with honor under the intrepid Color-Sergeant, Tom Marlin, from the Wilderness to Appomatto.x. CORP. WILLIAM RANKIN. Corporal \\'alter relates an interesting reminis- 494 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. COL.-CORP. CHAS. A. WALTERS. JOHN C. SIAS AND LEOPOLD WOLL. cence from his diary of the roll-call of the Company the morning before reaching the battlefield of Gettysburg, when the forced marches occasioned great straggling among the troops. Captain McKee had General Meade's order to the army read to his company. This order severely de- nounced straggling, and threatened the penalty of death to any soldiers guilty of the same to avoid participation in the coming battle. As the roll-call of Com- pany I showed about half the Company absent straggling, being unable to keep LIEUT. JAMES D. PEARCE. RALPH BRADLEY. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 495 R. L. WILLIAMSON. HENRY W. HEASLEY. OLIVER M. HEATH. up on the severe marches, Captain McKee, who was not much given to humor, announced to the members of the Company present that, under the orders just read, it was undoubtedly much safer for the men to go into battle with their com- panies where there would be some chance of escape from death, than to straggle, as, under General Meade's drastic orders, stragglers not up for the battle would undoubtedly be shot, there being no chance of escape. Among the faithful, brave, and popular comrades of Company I recalled by the writer, as ever-ready for duty in camp and battle, were R. Leander Williamson, wounded at Hatcher's Run ; Leopold and Chris. Woll. Martin L. Walters, H. W. Heasley, Oliver AI. Heath, G. Le Goullon, and the Culbert brothers. Ralph Bradley, one of the youngest jirivates, after a service from Antietam to Mine Rini in the field, broke down in health under the strenuous life and was transferred in March, ISfil, to the \'eteran Reserve Corps, in which he served faithfully until honorably discharged. Lieutenant James D. Pearce commanded the Company on its final home- ward march and farewell reception and drill in Pittsburg, and in the welcoming ROBERT CULBERT. SAMUEL CULBERT. G. Le GOULLON. 496 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ceremonies to the Regiment by the municipal authorities. Honored and loved by all of the command for his three years of faithful duty with the Company in the field, no more heartfelt God-speeds or aitectionate farewells were given to any comrade than were bestowed on Lieutenant James D. Pearce by the Company on its disbandment in 1865. Officer.s Tkaxsferrei) from Sixtv-second Pexxsvlvaxia \'oluxteers. In July, 1864, the return home of the Sixty-second Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers, by reason of expiration of the term of service, occasioned the trans- fer to Company I of a Captain, four Sergeants and three Corporals from that regiment. They were all veterans who had re-enlisted, and were tried and true soldiers. This transfer made Captain John T. Bell the last Captain of the Com- pany, and, as stated, he proved an able and brave soldier in command of the Company from July 14, 1864, ta Appomattox, April 9, 1865. These transfers from the Sixty-second Regiment, whilst unobjectionable as soldiers or as comrades, proved unjust to many deserving commissioned and non- commissioned officers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, by retarding their well-earned promotion. This injustice was most noticeable in preventing the well-deserved promotion of Lieutenant Strong, who assumed command of the Company on the death of Captain iMcKee in battle, and also in retarding the well-earned promotion of Lieutenant Pearce, Sergeants John H. Kerr and William Logan, both faithful non-commissioned officers from the organization of the Company. CAPT. JOHN T. BELL. SGT. THOS. C. ANDERSON. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 497 Sergeant Thomas C. Anderson, one of the veterans transferred from the Sixty-second Regiment, distinguished himself in battle. He was recommended by Colonel Evving. coniinanding the Regiment, and approved by General A. L. Pearson, Brigade commander, for promotion for gallantry displayed in action. The writer regrets his inability so long after the close of the war, and absence of diaries and reminders other than his feeble memory, that he cannot do justice to all the devoted patriots who served in Company I, and touched ■elbows in days gone by; but for further particulars he refers the readers to the carefully compiled and revised Roster of Company I, to be found in the Ap- pendix, as constituting the Company's Roll of Honor. Record ExRorxMEXT, Casualties, Etc., of Company I. KILLED AND DIED OF WOUNDS. Captain Samuel A. JVIcKee, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. First-Lieutenant James Strong, Quaker Road, Va., March 39, 1865. Corporal Francis Thompson, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Corporal Charles Mathews, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Corporal Samuel Keys, Spottsylvania, Va., May 13, 1864. Corporal Thomas McCush (Color-Corporal), Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Corporal James J. S. Phillips, Hatcher's Run, \'a., February 6, 1865. Private Amos Boley, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Private Nicholas Biehl, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Samuel J. Denny, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private William Gold, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private Alfred Gold, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private John P. Hardy, Boydton Plank Road, Va., October 37-28, 1864. Private James Ingram. Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Lewis Kilgore. Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Private William Montgomery, Appomattox, Va., April 9, 1865. Private Thomas C. Martin, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private John Pearson, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private James A. Rankin. Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Samuel G. Rankin, Hatcher's Run, Va., February 6, 1865. Private John Rankin, Jr., Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1863. Private George W. Wilcox, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Private Dennis Andrews, Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Private Charles L. Butterfield, Wilderness. May 5, 1864. Private William G. Clark, Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Private James G. Conway. Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Private Samuel Culbert, Laurel Hill. May 8, 1864, and Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Private Robert Culbert, Petersburg, June 18, 1864. 498 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. Private L. Howell Douglass, Spottsylvania C. H.. ]\Iay IvJ, 186-i. Private George L. Graft, Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1864. Private George \V. Haney, North Anna River, !May ;i5, 1864. Private Robert Hunter, Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Private William T. Jones, Five Forks, April 1, 186-5. Private Robert Lambie, Wilderness, Alay 5, 1864. Private Gustavus Le Goullon, Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Private Peter J. Myers, Quaker Road, March 29, 1865. Private John McGary, Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Private Robert L. Williamson, Wilderness, May 5, 1864, and Hatcher's Run, Februar>' 6, 1865. Private Martin L. Walters, Quaker Road, March 39, 1865. Private Leopold Woll, Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Private Alichael Zafoot, Peebles' Farm, September 30, 1864. MISSING IX ACTION ( KILLED j. Corporal Noah Wensell. Spottsylvania, Va., 2\Iay 12, 1864. TWith Sixty- second Pennsylvania Volunteers.) Private ^\"illiam P. Brady, Wilderness, Va., j\Iay 5, 1864. Private Silas Henry, Spottsylvania, \'a., ^lay 12, 1864. Private Joseph Peppard, Hatcher's Run, Va., February 6, 1864. Private August H. Yaley, Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. DIED OF DISEASE. Corporal Samuel Reynolds — Died October 18, 1864. Private Joseph Adams — Died October 26, 1862. Private Hiram Frantz — Died December 19, 1862. Private James ^IcCluen — Died January 3, 1863. RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 157 Killed and died of wounds 22 Missing in action 6 Died of disease 4 Officers resigned 3 Discharged for wounds and disabilities 38 Discharged at expiration of term 2 Transferred to \'eteran Reserve Corps 12 Transferred to other organizations 24 Deserted 9 ^^eterans and recruits mustered out by General Orders ... 9 Not on Muster-out Rolls 5 Wounded in action 19 Wounded and missing who never joined company 3 Alustered out with Regiment 23 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 499 WITH THE COLORS.— REMINISCENCES OF COMPANY K. By Color-Sergeant Thomas J. Marlin. T IS not the purpose of the writer to give in historical sequence a story of Company K, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers. The time is coming when the battles and in- cidents of our " Civil War "" will no longer be told by camp-fires and in the home of men having personal knowledge of the " battles, sieges, and fortunes " of those days. To the writer this seems sufficient e.xcuse for these sketches, imperfect as they may be. In the spring and summer of 18G2 the writer was at Glade Run Academy, Indiana county, Pennsylvania. Here and- at Dayton, a mile distant, more than two hundred students were in attendance. On the 4th day of July, 18G3, a picnic was held on the campus, and later the Reverend George W. ]\Iechlin read from the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church to the large audience, dispatches telling of the " seven days " battles and the retreat of the Union army. Early in August, nine of the students at Glade Run Academy enlisted. The enlistment of the students was largely the work of W. W. Caldwell, afterward Second-Lieutenant of Company K of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. Risdon De Ford, a preacher, of Pine Creek, Armstrong county, secured a number of recruits in his vicinity and received a commission as First-Lieutenant in the Company. He was not warlike but a good, quiet man, and returned to the ways of peace September 9, 1863. A few men enlisted in Companv K at the instigation of D. Porter Marshall, of Belknap, Armstrong county. Marshall was Sergeant and became Lieutenant and Brevet-Major. He was a giant in size and as good humored as he was big ph)-sically. He was six feet nine inches in height, and when his head rested in the shade of a shelter tent his feet were in the surrounding country. I recall an incident of his army life when he at- tempted the union of two pairs of zouave trousers to clothe himself withal in which the effect was unique, but not conducive to discipline when he led his company to dress parade. David Brown was a student of Glade Run, a friend of the writer, enlisting at the same time. He was made First-Sergeant in the organization of the Com- pany, became Second-Lieutenant in room of W. W. Caldwell, and resigned March 9, 1863. John Alexander Hastings Foster came to the Company from Rural Valley, Armstrong county, and was the writer's messmate for several months. He was wounded severely in the leg, July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, and was promoted to Second-Lieutenant in Company K, July 15, 1864. The enlisted men who formed 500 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Company K came together in Kittanning, August "^S and 'i'J. ISfi?. under com- mand of Captain John A. Chne, who became Major of the Regiment, January 23, 1865. I\Iajor Chne was a brave, conscientious soldier, whose strong ])oints were zeal and fidelity, a clean life, and high courage. He was wounded three times during his service, and was in command of the Regiment at Five Forks and at the surrender at Appomattox. He was mustered out with the Regiment. The writer will, at this point, choose a few names from the roll of Com- pany K as types of the citizen-soldier and in doing this he intends no disparage- THOS. J. MARLIN, M.D. ment to other companies in the Regiment. Frederick Sheckler came into the Company with Lieutenant De Ford's contingent from Line Creek. He was over six feet in height, large-boned, lean of flesh with Roman nose and dark com- plexion. I could have laid my hand on him that day at North Aima River when the minie smote his forehead and his true, brave soul passed on. Kosciusko G. Fleming was a country youth from Rural ^'alley. He was a quiet, pleasant, steady soldier. He was with me at Five Forks as color-guard, and was close at my side when shot through the lungs. Fleming settled in Kansas after the war where death came to him suddenlv. UNDER THE ALALTESE CROSS. 501 It was at I-'ive I^'orks wliere that courageous soul, Color-Corporal Tom McCush, of Company 1. gave up his hfe. He had for a long time been identi- fied with the color-guard and for some time carried the United States flag at my side. By order from headquarters, he turned in his flag and resumed his place as color-guard. As we hurried through the thick underbrusli into position in the rear of the Confederates April 1, ISG.j, at Eive Eorks, he said to the writer: "Sergeant, I would rather fight this evening than eat my supper." He was close at my side when shot through the head, and at the same moment, Color-Corporal Fleming was shot through the lungs, and Color-Corporal Harry M. Curry was also wounded. Of the five who were with the colors. Color- Corporal " Archie " Euwer and the writer alone escaped harm that evening. LIEUT. RISDON DeFORD. LIEUT. D. PORTER MARSHALL. Euwer and Curry were boys in looks and years, but trim, steadfast, and always to be counted on. Ephraim A. Calhoun was one of the students from Glade Run Academy, who enlisted in Company K. The writer has not known a more courageous or determined character. W'ith \\'m. AlcCullough, he was killed in the battle of the Wilderness. May .">. 1804. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, being in camp at Falmouth, \"a., the writer was detailed, in December, 1SG"2, to the color- guard the day before our movement began toward Fredericksburg. Frederick Sheckler, of whose death I have written, and George M. Smith, both of the pioneer corps of the Regiment, were the only members of Company K save the writer who were in that waste of life known as the battle of Fredericksburg, the rest of the Company being detailed at Acquia Creek Landing. 50-^ UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Fredericksburg. Colonel E. Jay Allen led his Regiment in that battle, his sword waving and his deep voice cheering them on — a heroic figure in a bloody and useless sacrifice. A sunken road, the side of which was crowned by a stonewall, behind this wall Barksdale and his Mississippians, their feet in the road, their guns resting on the wall — such were the conditions that winter evening at the foot of Alarye's Heights. It was the svmken road of Ohaine at Waterloo brought forward a half century. In the battle of Fredericksburg the writer was in the rank behind and one file to the right of Color-Sergeant Thomas Wiseman, who carried the colors. His intrepid bearing in battle gave full proof that no mistake had been made in giving him the colors. Corporal Thomas C. Lawson, also over six feet in height, stood at Sergeant Wiseman's right, and as Wiseman fell, caught the flag-staff from his hand. Charles Bardeen, Corporal, Company F, and George W. Brat- ton, Corporal, Company E, and Frank Thompson, Company I, were color-guards, and fell mortally wounded at their posts. Sergeant Thomas C. Lawson, of Company H, carried the colors at Chancellorsville and part of the way on the march to Gettysburg, when he became disabled. He rejoined the Regiment on the 3d or 1th day of July, at Gettysburg, but went to his Com- pany. H, and was ont afterward identified with the color-guard. He is now practicing medicine in Jef- ferson county, Pennsylvania, at Brookville. Two men of Company K were left on the field at Chancellorsville, John A. Fleming and James W. Ha}s. Fleming was instantly killed. Hays desper- ately wounded in mouth and neck, was picked up by the Confederates, returned to us, and made a fair recovery. At the time the above were wounded, our command was receiving a terrible fire from a battery in the field near the Chancellorsville House, and we were, for the most part, lying close to old mother earth. The first position of our corps occupied at Gettysburg was in the support of the right of our line of battle at Gulp's Hill. In the afternoon, however, our command was put in position in reserve on the left, near Little Round Top. About 4 p. M., the Third Corps, under command of General Sickles, was fiercely attacked by the enemy, under Longstreet. Into this whirlwind of battle the first Division of the Fifth Corps had already been drawn, and had paid tribute to the fierce assault led by the Confederate General Hood. Our Division, under Gen- eral Ayres, was hurried on to the field to the relief of General Sickles' Corps. CORP FLEMING. Gettvsdurg. General G. K. Warren, Chief Engineer of the Army, who had from the sum- mit of Little Round Top seen the enemy's forces in movement toward Little UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 503 Round Top, ran clown the slope, and intercepted our brigade under General Weed, which had gone by the right flank toward the wheatfield. Our first division was halted and brought swiftly back to Little Round Top, just in time to meet the flushed and confident foe as they came up aside of that rocky eleva- tion. Here Sergeant Foster, of Company K, was severely wounded in the leg. John Cowan, of Company K, was shot in the bowels and died as a result of the wound. Two others were wounded, Kirkpatrick and Hetrick. A little farther up, General S. H. Weed and General Strong Vincent were killed. Lieutenant Charles E. Hazlett, Fifth United States Artillery, stooping over his friend. Gen- eral Weed, was also killed, and also Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York. These brave officers came to their death at the hands of sharpshooters in the Devil's Den. Our line of troops were the first LIEUT. J. A. H. FOSTER. SGT. EPHRAIM J. CALHOUN. to occupy Little Round Top, a most inlportant and strategic point. Weed's can- noniers stopped the enemy's advance and caused their retreat. The writer remembers visiting the Devil's Den on the ith of July, and be- hind a large rock, he thinks, there were four bodies in gray all shot in the head — said to have been the work of Pennsylvania Bucktails. On the 3d, whilst Pickett's charge and accompanying bombardment was in progress, a battery of steel pieces was planted where our Regiment stood. Our guns had been silent for some time, and no doubt the enemy thought that their purpose had been accomplished and that our artillery was practically silenced. The tremendous character of the firing may be imagined from the fact that it 504 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. JOHN A. FLEMING. was distinctly heard in Indiana county, and at my old home. The family heard it plainly, the distance not less than one lumdred and fifty miles. When out in the field before our view Pickett's column started on the double-quick, their defiant }-cll was distinctly heard, and a little later we heard the exultant cheer that told that Pickett's charge had failed and that the men who " clutched and held that trembling hill," were equal to the oc- casion. Some days after leaving Gettys- burg, Lieutenant-Colonel Pearson rode down the line of the Regiment and tak- ing the colors gave them to the writer, who carried them during the remainder of our service. At Warrenton Juncton, Corporal August Schmuck, of Company K, who had been wounded at Chancellorsville, returned from the hospital. He later became a captain of United States colored troops. o On the 5th day cf ^lay the battle of the Wilderness was opened by Ayers' Brigade. Closer and yet closer the enemy drew towards us. Their yell sounded very near at hand. The cries of the exultant rebels rang through the woods and they burst upon us with yells and curses, " Throw down your guns ! Surrender, you ! Throw down your colors ! " These demands were lost on the writer, who was making a rapid and strenuous move to get " out of the Wilderness." At the very outset of my dash toward the rear, a comrade and I squeezed in between two small growths of timber in our hurry, and as I pressed against a comrade he sank down, and at the same moment I felt a splash of water on my clothing and glancing down saw that his canteen was in two pieces. The ball had struck his canteen and killed him. They aimed probably at the writer and were within a few feet of the colors at the time. A few moments later the roar of artillery and the crashing of shells among the trees aided our withdrawal. The writer does not recall a time in which he felt in greater peril. Company K had two men killed spencer f. earrett. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 505 and four wounded. Among the wounded was William F. Cline, a brother of the Captain, a handsome young fellow, who had a good record in the Company as a soldier. The battle of the Wilderness covered a period of twenty-four hours. Company Sketches. To resume reminiscences of Company K, the writer will here summarize the history of the students who enlisted with him. Calhoun was killed on the 5th of May, in the Wilderness. Johnson died of wounds received at North Anna, May 3.5, 1864. McClure died in an ambulance near Falmouth, Va. Mc- Cluskey died of wounds received at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864. Sergeant John A. Ritchey, discharged for disability, March 29, 1863. Corporal Barrett SGT. WM. D. PORTER AND CORP. ROBERT O. CLEVER. was mustered out with the Regiment. Corporal A. L. Wilson transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, July, iyii4. Sergeant T. J. Marlin discharged with the Regiment, 186.5. Three were killed or died of wounds. One died of fever in an ambulance. Of the remaining five, two became ministers, two are in the medical profession and the writer is unable to give the location of Spencer P. Barrett, who was a quiet, faithful, and much respected comrade. At North Anna, Ser- geant Frederick Sheckler was killed instantly. He was standing close behind me and to my right. When the attack was repulsed, I saw him lying dead when I turned about, and it was a shock. He had spoken to a comrade of his premoni- tion of being killed. Corporal R. O. Clever, who with others was well up towards the enemy's works in the charge of the 18th of June at Petersburg, fell shot through both 506 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. thighs, but sprang to his feet, and ran back to shelter. The distance from our starting point to the enemy's hne was probably thirty-five rods. In this charge Company K had twenty-four men, and eight of these were killed and wounded. This number was probably the average for each company, as there were twelve killed and sixty-six wounded in our Regiment. I think there were but a few in excess of two hundred men in the Regiment. David OHnger was killed here, he being one of the " Belknap Squad," as was D. C. Kirkpatrick. I have already spoken of R. O. Clever, also of the " Belknap Boys." Sergeant J. D. Arm- strong, another of the " Belknap Comrades," was wounded slightly on the lip. Both these comrades were sergeants, and were models as to discipline and ex- emplary conduct. Samuel Reeseman, a recruit who had been with the Company SGTS. D. C. KIRKPATRICK AND J. D. ARMSTRONG. twelve days, was shot in the leg. David Ruffner and David Wolf were each shot in the leg, as was also a recruit, John Balsiger by name. The Regiment in this charge was under fire less than five minutes. On July '', 1864, the re-enlisted veterans and recruits of the Sixty-second Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers were transferred to the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment. Among these was First-Lieutenant Ben Huey, who took com- mand of Company K, and liecame Captain on the promotion of Captain Cline to Major. Huey was well liked by the men of Company K. On the Weldon Railroad raid John L. Ferer, of Company K, a musician, failed to keep up with the command and was made a prisoner. He was ex- changed, and was drowned on his way back to the Regiment. He was one of the smallest men of the Regiment. Five men were missing from the One Hun- dred and Fiftv-fifth as a result of the Weldon Railroad raid. UNDER THE ALALTESE CROSS. 50r The Regiment was in action March 35th, near Hatcher's Run, the Fifth Corps being in support of the Second. Colonel Ewing was severely wounded in the leg at this time, Colonel Pearson be- ing in command of the Brigade. Major Cline, although slightly wounded, as- sumed command of the Regiment. George H. Clever and Samuel Whited were also wounded, the Regimental loss being two killed and thirty wounded. Two recruits of Company K were wounded. The 30th and 31st of March were full of interest and hard work, as we were endeavoring to form a junction with Sheridan's force, our corps having been designated to act with him. On the last day of April, our corps being in sup- port of the cavalry, we were massed op- posite an opening discovered by our scouts (who were riding everywhere in Confederate uniform). Here the writer first saw General Sheridan and General Custer. Surrounded by their staff of- ficers, they made a brilliant, martial spectacle. Sheridan looked what he was — over-bearing, dominant — a war lord, interpolated from the middle ages to the Nineteenth century. General Porter tells of a soldier shot through the neck as the rebel works were stormed, and with the blood spouting from the wound fell to the ground. Sheridan shouted at him, " Jump up, you're not much hurt," and the soldier sprang up, ran a few feet and fell dead. The handsome General Custer, with his long, fair hair, splendid dress and tall, strong figure, looked the dashing cavalry officer, that his record proves him to have have been. CAPT. BEN HUEY. Battle of Five Forks. Our Regiment was in bivouac, kneeling and sitting in an expectant attitude, when a volley on our right flank brought us to our feet as one man. Color- Corporals McCush, Fleming, Euwer and Curry were with me around the colors, as a detachment of Confederates broke upon us, their flag waving within a few feet of our own. McCush fell dead ; Fleming fell, shot through one lung ; Curry, who had returned from hospital, where he had gone from a wound received with the colors, was also wounded, and so the writer, actively sup- ported by the remaining color-guard, each supporting the other without question or mental reservation, conducted a rapid and successful movement into the woods behind us. This action on our part was approved, and endorsed by a hearty co-operation on the part of the Regiment. The writer at this point pickerl up a naked Confederate sword which had doubtless been dropped by its 508 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. owner when he was captured. There were about a dozen stands of colors, among them those of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. The Regiment was for a short time represented by Sergeant \V. D. Porter, of Company K, and the writer. As the command, full of the spirit of victory, came up. General Warren, riding his familiar gray horse, placed himself in front and we moved forward to a crest of rising ground. Robert Brewster, of Company K, was killed. Corporal Fleming, of Company K, color-guard, and five others of the Company, were badly wounded. Regimental loss was about thirty. At the close of the victorious battle. General Warren was removed from command by General Sheridan. General Grant, who had a deep personal dislike for General Warren, which General Horace Porter says was never accounted for, had sent word to General Sheridan before this battle that if he thought best he could remove General War- ren. Sheridan waited until the battle was fought and won. and then on the excuse that Warren had not moved as soon as he was ordered, removed him from command. Sheridan certainlv knew of the difficult countrv in which the ROBERT L. McGAUGHEY. CORP. WM. B. RAMSEY. CORP. JOHN C. RUSSELL. hard-worked infantry did their work so well; he also knew that the entire right of the enemy had been utterly broken — killed, wounded, and captured by the column led by Warren. It was said at the time of General Warren's death in 1882, in press notices, that he died of a broken heart. Let us hope that in the undiscovered country these men know each other. ArroM.VTTOx. The C)ne Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was now ordered on the skir- mish line at Appomattox under command of Major John A. Cline, and advanced perhaps a mile when met by a L'nion and a Confederate officer, one of whom bore a flag of truce. Major Geo. ^L Laughlin, A. D. C. StatT of General Griffin, commanding the Corps, delivered the orders of the Corps Commander to each Regimental commander to " cease firing." When halted, Appomattox Court House was perhaps twenty-five or thirty rods in front of the center of the Regi- UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 509 I ! What battles had been fought, a wilderness of graves flanked CALVIN GRAY. ment. Thus it came about that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was on the skirmish line at Appomattox and through this line the flag of truce came ; also the Brigade in which we were serv- ing received the surrender of Lee's army. Homeward ]\L\rch. On the return march what a tram]) it was to Washington ! and how nnich of the way was gone over again and again ! what and buttressed the way ! What a new and sinister meaning was given to the forests and streams that lay between ! The Potomac, Bull Run, Rappahannock, Rapidan, North Anna, ^latapony and the James. We have camped by all these streams, and, comrades, if you will close your eyes and dream a little, as you hear the rush of the Rappahannock or Rapidan, and the soughing of the wind in the cedar and the pine, you the perhaps ready to say that there were some things half pleasant in your army life. All this leads me to say that marching on our return through Hanover, Fredericksburg, and Fair- fax, we camped at last on Arlington Heights about four miles from Washington. We had marched from Richmond to this point in about one week. The march was rapid and exhaustive. The grand review in Washington occurred on May 23rd. It was a long, trying march, and the veterans felt willing to dispense with this Review, we had enjoyed so many of them. Yet this Review was a fitting climax. Pennsylvania avenue was a mass of men, women and children to the limit of the pavements. Housetops, balconies, porches, doors, windows, platforms, everywhere, a roaring, cheering mass of humanity in gala costume, with flags and banners in such thick profusion that the waving folds of " Old Glory " kissed each other on every hand. The day was beautiful, the air electric with enthusiasm ; and through this exalted and electrifying spirit of the Nation's welcome, there poured the rythmic beat, the steady, continuous " tramp, tramp " of the soldiers, as by company front they moved onward, with bright and glistening arms, their tattered flags and faded clothing telling their story, carrying themselves with somewhat of that JAMES R. HENDERSON. proud Spirit and bearing which marked the Roman 510 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. soldier. So these armies came to the capital of the Nation bearing the symbol of law and order — " not a stripe erased — not a single star obscured." June ord we marched to Washington to take train for home. The Thirty-second Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, long companions in Brigade-camp and in battle, es- corted the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth to the end of " Long Bridge," where they opened ranks, and as we marched through, these tried comrades presented arms and gave us three heartv farewell cheers. Record Exrollment, Casu.^lties, Etc., of Company K. killed and died of wounds. Sergeant Frederick Sheckler — Killed at North Anna River, \'a.. J\Iay "23, 1864. Private John O. A. Barrett — Died June 3, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Private Robert Brewster — Killed at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private John Cowan — Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Private John A. Fleming — Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Private Calvin Gray— Killed at Peebles' Farm, September 30, 1864. Private Thomas Hosack — Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Private William J. Johnson — Died July 11, 1864, of wounds received at North Anna River. May 25, 1864. Private David L. McCloskey — Died June 15, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, \a.. May 10, 1864. Private David C)linger — Killed at Petersburg, Va., June IS, 1864. MISSING IN ACTION. Private Ephraim A. Calhoun — In Wilderness, \'a.. May 5, 1864. Private William ]\IcCullough — In Wilderness, Va., May 5. 1864. DIED OF DISE.VSE. Corporal William E. McClure — Near Falmouth. \'a.. November 20, 1862. Drummer James A. Galbraith — Near Falmouth, \'a., March 2, 1863. Drummer John L. Ferer — Drow-ned, April 18, 1865. Private Reuben Barnhart — Died at Washington, D. C, July 5. 1S(S4. Private John Carney — Died March 4, 1863. Private lacob Croyle — Died at Stoneman's Switch, Va., December 4, 1863. Private John Campbell — Died at Fredericksburg, Va., Novemlier 9, 1863. Private Benjamin B. Eaton — Died at .\cquia Creek, Va., January 20, 1863. Private Daniel Houser — Died at Stoneman's Switch, Va., January 12, 1863. Private \\'illiam B. Hayes — Died at Fredericksburg, Va., November 19, 1862. Private Isaac L. Moore — Died at Fredericksburg, Va.. November 15, 1862. Private David ^Nlar^hall — Died at Camp Humphreys, Va., February 11, 1863. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 511 Private Jonathan RoblD — Died in Hospital while in Sixty-second Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. Private Simon Schrecengost — Died at Frederick, Md., December 7, 1863. Private George Sheckler — Died at Stoneman's Switch, Va., February 5, 1863. Private George W. Thompson — Died at Washington, D. C., November 29, 1863. Private Andrew M. Wolf — Died at Philadelphia, Pa., January, 1865. Private Benjamin Thompson — Missing from hospital, December, 1864. WOUNDED. Captain John A. Cline, Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863 ; Bethesda Church, Va., June 3, 1864; Hatcher's Run, March 25, 1865. (All slight.) Lieutenant John A. H. Foster, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. First-Sergeant D. B. Kirkpatrick, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. (Slight.) Sergeant John D. Armstrong, Petersburg, June 18, 1864. (Slight.) Color-Sergeant Thomas J. Marlin, Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Sergeant Robert O. Clever, Petersburg, June IS, 1864. (Severe.) Corporal Robert P. Shields, Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Corporal John C. Russell, Laurel Hill, May 11, 1864. Corporal Samson Schrecengost, Laurel Flill, May 10, 1864. Corporal August Schmuck, Chancellorsville. May 3, 1863 ; Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Color-Corporal Kosciusko G. Fleming, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. {Severe.) Corporal George A. Serene. North Anna River, Va., May 23, 1864. Private John Adams, Wildei-ness, A'a., May 5, 1864. Private John Bolsiger. Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private William Buckley, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private ^^'illiam Christman, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private William F. Cline, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private George W. Collins, Quaker Road, Va., March 39, 1865. Private Jehu J. Crawford, Laurel Hill, Va.. ALiy 10, 1864; Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private William Elder, Bethesda Church, Va.. June 3, 1864. (With Sixty- second Pennsylvania Volunteers.) Private Peter C. Hetrick, Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Private James R. Henderson, North Anna River, Va., May 25, 1864. Private James W. Hayes, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Private James C. Jackson, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private George Kribbs, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private Thomas Kiskadden, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private Robert L. ^McGaughey, Bethesda Church, Va., June 3, 1864; Peters- burg, Va., June 19, 1864. (Both slight.) Private John Pettigrew, Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Private William Royle, Quaker Road, Va., March 29, 1865. 513 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Private Samuel D. Reeseman, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private William H. Reeseman, Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Private David H. Ruffner, Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, 1864 (slight) ; Peters- burg, Va., June 18, 1864. Private Patrick Rowan, Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Private Charles M. Smith, North Anna River, \'a., May 33, 1864. Private John Showaker, Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Private Martin V. B. Sproull, Gravelly Run. \'a., March 31, 186.5. Private John A. Troupe, Five Forks, Va., April 1. 1865. Private William Whited, Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, 1864. (Slight.) Private William Wells, Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, 1864. Private David Woli, Petersburg, \'a., June 18, 1864. Private Samue^ Whited, Hatcher's Run, Va., March 25, 1865. (Slight.) RECAPITULATION. Total enrollment 145 Killed and died of wounds 12 Died of disease 18 Discharged on account of wounds and disabilities 35 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps 7 Transferred to other organizations 15 Mustered out at expiration of term 4 Deserted 2 Never joined Company 5 Mustered out with Regiment 47 Original members mustered out 36 Wounded in action 41 •?9**"t£.. -^^ 'mmf^isi^m^ ^Cpntributod^^icLe^>s( ^gVTVlNG CPMRADE>3| *^'^''^^>i^'^^^^^ - 514 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. We stormed no time-worn castle walls, Nor camped in grand old marble halls, But, on the endless Roll of Fame By deeds of blood we placed a name That will remain till Time's no more — The honored, brave FIFTH ARMY CORPS. UNDER THE .AL\LTESE CROSS. 515 THE COLUXEL'S TRIBUTE. By Colo.xel Edw.vku Jay Allen. IN THE publication of the many volumes that have been issued detail- ing the histories of the companies, regiments and other organizations which made up the Union army it has been usual to prelude such histories by a statement of all the causes that led up to the war and give a condensation of the whole political outlook. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers was a splendid type of the soldiers of the war and was in itself an exemplification of the volunteer system and a proof of its great value. Upon this system rests absolutely the defense of the Republic, in land service. In a military service given in time of war without compulsion there must be strong, conscientious convictions to induce the self-abnegation involved in the perils and hardships of warfare. In the War of the Rebellion there was thus created a patriotic body of men which had not its parallel in this century. In its ranks there was no distinction of station or caste, wealth or poverty, party or creed. The history of such an organization is more than the itinerary of marches made, more than a list of battles fought, more than a record of its killed and wounded. Its marches were the triumphal forward movement of freedom. Its battles, contests in which the right struggled with a great and powerful wrong. Its dead were the martyrs consecrated to Liberty. Its wounded were the living proof of what men dare for humanity, and its ultimate triumph the kindling anew of the great beacon that with a more glorious effulgence illumined the whole earth and lit the way to a larger hope and a fuller life. When the survivors of these brave men were mustered out after four years of war and participation in thirty-two battles, there was no interregnum between the soldier and the citizen, but at once they resumed their old or new vocations and developed into all that makes life memorable. From their ranks came men noteworthy in all ways in which men laljor — judges who sat worthily on the bench, attorneys successful in the law. surgeons eminent in their profession, literateurs, chemists, civil engineers, journalists, business men whose abilities made them millionaires, able mechanics, competent men in public office and in places of trust, bankers, ministers of the gospel, financiers, husbandmen and in all places among good citizens, thus both in the field and in ways of peace demonstrat- ing their ability. And greater and nobler than all was their putting aside the soldier completely and utterly, and returning to the simple citizenship from which they came, with unimpaired conceptions of right and increased respect for law and order, and a fuller appreciation of the duty they owed to the great nation they had guarded so well. Rome gave to the admiration of mankind a Cincinnatus. 516 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. idmcl. J^ ^ UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 517 The great Republic offers hundreds of thousands of Cincinnati. Such men could not serve as soldiers for the mere love of adventure. Their previous environment had made them averse to war. They had been reared where " Peace went tinkling with the shepherd's bell And singing with the reaper." The response to President Lincoln's later call to arms was not an impulsive one. It was an issue joined that had long been pending. It was in the air and required no justification. It was the grandest movement the Nation had ever known. Its climax was not foreseen, but there was no other ending possible. That the end that caine was the best for all is without dispute. Future his- tory will give the Union soldier fuller appreciation and praise and their names will be recorded as among those who " led all the rest." '■ O, veteran in whose gleaming eyes The glory of the past doth shine. In coming years the grandest prize A nation's reverence shall be thine." BREAKING HOME TIES. By Priv.vte Thom.vs E. AIorgax, Company E. The writer's, home in August, 18()2, was West Elizabeth. Allegheny county, Pa. A few days before enlisting, when lacking four months of being seventeen years of age, the writer, with six other boys of Elizabeth Township, got into a slight difficulty, and was arrested for picking berries on forbidden ground. The squire before whom the charge was made notified the boys before serving the warrants. He was a patriotic man, and after telling them how to avoid con- viction and a long temi in the penitentiary, kindly suggested that as Lhicle Sam needed men, if they would enlist at once, he would call the suit oft' and not serve the warrants of arrest. The boys held a meeting, and agreed to follow his advice to enlist immediately. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers, then being recruited among the writer's neighbors, was chosen by him for his future military career. That evening he went home and told his mother what he had done. His mother and sisters at first were grief- stricken, and wept at the prospect of his departure for the scenes of war, but they soon became recon- ciled, especially as the warrants for the arrest of the boys were dropped. The mother and sisters at ■once set about getting things ready for the writer's thos e morgan 518 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. BREAKING HOME TIES— OFF FOR WAR. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 31& subsequent three years' experience of army life. It is interesting to the writer to recall, how, in their love and affection and in their ignorance of a soldier's wants, they went about this work. A homespun blanket was deemed indispensable ; next two suits of underwear, four pair woolen socks, new shoes, box of blacking and brush, half dozen handkerchiefs, two bars of home-made soap — each the size of a brick — were next added to his stock. These were fol- lowed by half a dozen collars, neckties, looking-glass a foot square, razor, strop, brush, and shaving mug. This latter tickled the writer's boyhood pride, for he hadn't the sign of a hair on his face. The shaving outfit, however, mother and sisters thought he would require before the end of his three years' enlistment. A box of pens, a small morocco portfolio filled with paper and merchandise fol- lowed. Fine home-made pies, made from the stolen berries the boys had picked a few days before, were next contributed, together with a small, sugar-cured ham, and several links of bologna sausage. One of his girl friends also presented him with a photograph album with spaces for twenty-five pictures. The album was filled before the writer left home with photographs and tin-types of friends. Before his departure a horse-pistol and a large bowie-knife were also presented to him by friends. Armed for the Fray. On a Tuesday morning, September 1, 1863, with some friends, the writer, a veritable arsenal and commissary train combined, embarked at Elizabeth on the boat for Pittsburg. On arriving in the city, a wagon was hired by the writer to take his baggage to Camp Howe, then three miles out of Pittsburg. Here the boys received their uniforms, and the writer had his picture taken, with knapsack, bowie-knife and revolvers with which to kill Jeff Davis, (iot orders next day to pack up and leave for Washington. The march from Camp Howe into the city, three miles with his heavy knapsack, was the most severe the writer ever experienced. He fell out of ranks half a dozen times, overcome with fatigue and the heat, and finally took a bob-tailed horse-car part of the journey. Then came the first tug-of-war for the writer, who looked and felt like an Arabian pack peddler. September 4th, the Regiment arrived at Harrisburg, and marched to Camp Curtin to get guns and ammunition. The Regiment then took the cars for Washington, D. C, and hurried across the Potomac, lying in camp on Arlington Heights for a few days, doing guard and picket duty. Standing in line in Washington, awaiting orders for the march, Captain J. B. Sackett, of Company E, viewing the writer's immense knapsack and packages, said, " Young man, you had better go and see if you can get a commissary wagon to haul your goods." Nevertheless the Regiment got started. After much labor the guns were loaded on the march to Antietam. The One Hundred and Fifty- fifth arrived at Antietam in installments the daj^ after the great battle, having marched all day and night to reach the battlefield in time. The Regiment was new, composed of very fresh troops, and forced marching with heavy knap- sacks and guns and sixty rounds of cartridges, in extremely hot weather, was a severe ordeal. The enemy was driven South and back to Virginia by McClellan's army, leaving behind them their dead and wounded. The Regiment settled down O-20 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. to camp life and picket duty on the Potomac in Camp McAuley for some weeks following near Sharpsburg. Whilst lightening his heavy load on the forced march, the writer called in consultation a few comrades, among them being Private John Crookham, of Company E. As a result of the conference, the boys concluded to hide their knapsacks with their valuable contents by burying them in the thick woods they were then passing through. They dropped out of ranks long enough to dig a pit and to bury both knapsacks and their valuable contents, and covered the same with leaves. They noted the place, hoping, after annihilating Lee's army, to return that way and recover them. So far as the deponent knows they are still hidden, and bid fair to remain buried there until the Resurrection Day, when Crookham and the writer e.xpect to be on hand to claim the valuable con- tents. In the graves of these knapsacks were included the tin-types of their best girls, also the razor, brush, and other articles too numerous to mention; gone, but not forgotten ! HOW I FOUND AIY REGIMENT. By W. Stockton Wilsox, Asst. Surgeon. In the summer of 1863 the whole North was aflame with patriotic fervor. The disastrous battles of the Peninsula had ended in the " change of base " of the Army of the Potomac from the James River to the defenses of Washing- ton, which was threatened by Lee's army. Pope had superseded McClellan in command, and a call for 300,000 additional troops had been made by the President. In every town and hamlet of our State men were being enlisted and com- panies were organizing to fill the State's quota of troops, and the war fever was high. Every country neighborhood and every village already had many of their young men at the front, and now there was a call for still more men. In the year preceding I had graduated from a medical college and had now been in the practice of my profession for about a year in a small village in the western part of the State, and was doing very well in a business way, but up to this time I had not thought seriously of entering the army. One day early in September, in looking over a Pittsburg paper, I read an announcement that an examination would be held in Harrisburg on September 11th of candidates for appointment in the medical department of the State troops, which were then being organized. I thought the matter over carefully that day and night, and, without consultation with any of my family, who were many miles away, I started for Harrisburg the next day, and arrived there on the night preceding the examination. This was held in the hall of the House of Delegates in the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 531 old State House, and there were probably about a hundred medical men from all parts of the State as candidates for appointment. The examination dragged through the entire day and evening until about nine o'clock, when the announcement was made that the papers would be ex- amined and the results would be made known by the following night, and also that a number of commissions would be issued immediately to any who would be able to go into the field at once. On the morning of the third day I called at the office of the Surgeon-General and found that I was one of those who had passed, and, after some little con- versation, he told me that he could assign me to the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment, which was organized in Pittsburg and was from my section of the State. I expressed my entire satisfaction with the assignment, and he gave me a letter to the United States Mustering Officer, requesting that I be mus- tered in at once as Assistant Surgeon of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment. In company with several others who had been appointed that morning, I was mustered in about noon, and the rest of the day we spent in changing our citizens' dress to what we conceived to be the uniform of an Assistant Surgeon. That night, about ten o'clock, in company with Dr. S , a young man from my own county, who had been appointed to one of the nine months' regi- ments, I started for A\'ashington, which we reached, after a tiresome journey, about eight o'clock the next morning. Together we went to the Kirkwood House for breakfast, after which we hunted up the Provost Marshal's office to learn where our regiments were encamped. We were directed to a camp near Alexandria, towards which place we were soon on our way by wav of the ferry, provided with a Provost Marshal's pass. The day was passed in a fruitless search, and towards evening we returned to Washington, tired and foot- sore, to pass the night. The next day's search around the fortifications of Washington was without result, but, as we had left our hand-baggage at the hotel, we were relieved of that burden. We were finally informed at the War Department that our commands were on the march to join the Army of the Potomac in Northern IMaryland. A rela- tive of mine, who had lived in Washington for a number of years, told me that he knew personally a market man who brought produce to the city every week, who lived near Frederick City, and that he would start for home late that after- noon. We hunted him up, and he agreed to take me with him as far as he went. Dr. S concluded to stay in Washington until he could locate his regiment more definitely, but I took my seat in the wagon and we started on our journey. That night we stopped in the village of Rockville, where I slept in a comfortable bed in the hotel with the driver. After breakfast next morning we started again. Before noon we had overtaken the crowd of stragglers that usually follows in the rear of a marching column. The sun was hot, the air was filled with dust, and the road was strewn with blankets, overcoats and the other personal belong- ings of the tired-out soldiers. By noon we could hear the sound of heavy firing toward the river northward, indicating that a battle was in progress. We forged ahead steadily, and toward nightfall we arrived in the neighborhood of the o3-2 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. driver's home, which was about a mile off the main road. He invited me to go with him and spend the night, but I determined to go ahead and try to over- take the regiment, which by this time, I had learned from some soldiers, was not far ahead of me, and that I would soon come upon it in camp. Taking my hand trunk, I started off on foot, and, after walking a few miles, I crossed the Monocacy River and almost immediately came upon some troops in a field just off the road. I soon learned that my regiment was in the camp, and was conducted to it by an obliging young soldier, who said that he belonged to it. By this time it was quite dark, and my guide led me to a group of officers who were standing around a brightly blazing fire, one of whom the young soldier said was the Colonel. With my hand-trunk in my grasp, and with a light linen duster over my uniform, we walked up to the group and I asked for Colonel Allen. A bright- eyed, black-whiskered officer, wrapped in an army overcoat, rose from a cracker box on which he was seated, saying that he was Colonel Allen. I told him that I had been ordered to report to him, but gave no further explanation. Introduction to Colonel Allen. He looked at me for a moment, and as my garb did not indicate that I was a soldier, he supposed (as he afterwards told me) that I was a citizen sent to place him under arrest, and that my conductor was a guard. " All right," said the Colonel, " we will take care of you : " and he directed a young officer near him to take charge of me. The officer came over to where I was standing, and I said to him that I had been looking for the regiment for several days, and was quite relieved to find it, and that I had been appointed to it as Assistant Sur- geon. This announcement changed matters considerably, and my reception by the group of officers was most cordial. This was my introduction to Colonel Allen and Adjutant Montooth. The Adjutant sent for Hospital Steward Thorn, and I went off with him to his quarters. As I had fared pretty sumptuously during the day while on the wagon, I was not suffering from hunger, but Thorn made me a cup of coffee and set up his " hardtack " for an evening meal. This was my first taste of army fare. After I had eaten, he made a bed for me and himself on the floor of a little two-wheel ambulance, in which he was carrying a few medical supplies. Before going to bed for the night, we sat by the fire and talked, en- deavoring to become acquainted. In a short time the camp quieted down, and we crawled into the ambulance to sleep. The floor was hard, and we had only one blanket under us. In order to be sure that he would still have his horse in the morning, Thorn had tied him to a wheel of the ambulance and had thrown some hay before him on the ground. The flies or mosquitoes were annoying him, and he kept up a continual stamping on the ground and pulling at the halter, so that the ambulance was almost constantly in motion, making sleep impossible. Finally, tired out and exhausted, I dropped into a doze, and did not awaken until Thorn called me in the morning. I got up feeling sore and unrefreshed, and, washing my face and hands in a camp kettle, sat down to wait for the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 533 a K O o >< O Q Z ■ U Q O < D o 534: UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the inexperienced guard from Company E led to a highly interesting experience the very first " relief " on which it fell to his lot to stand guard, going on duty as early as 5 a. m., the morning being quite foggy. The whole army had broken camp, General McClellan having ordered a move. Colonel M. S. Quay, com- manding the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Regiment, discov- ered that some one had stolen his fine steed from its stables the night before. Great was the Colonel's excitement over the loss of his private charger. Intensely anxious. Colonel Quay was then offering a " kingdom for a horse," as, of course, he did not desire to be left behind on the first forward movement. He directed his orderly at once to make diligent search about the camp and vicinity, and especially to search for the valuable horse in the gov- ernment stockade now guarded by the late heroic orderly of Company E, where it might have been impounded. Quay's orderly was innocently permitted by this vigilant guard to search the horse-pen, and an animal was soon discovered which the orderly of Colonel Quay thought his commanding officer could ride with great dignity. He asked the guard's permission to deliver this horse to Colonel Quay, which request was promptly granted, and Quay was enabled to resume the forward march. Later in the day Colonel Quay had gotten over several miles on horseback when the inquisitive Division Quartermaster, who was in search of missing United States Government horses, discovered that the fine animal which Quay was riding was branded with the letters " U. S. " of very large size, indicating government ownership. Several other volunteer officers had purchased, or in some mysterious way, had secured government animals a short time before. All of which transactions were contran,' to articles of war and army regulations. Of course, these regulations or articles of war had never been explained to the new guard of the horse-pen. He, however, had taken a receipt from Colonel Quay's orderly stipulating that the noble steed was to be returned to the stock- ade at any time the government needed the same more than Quay did. Hunt for Missing Horse and Missing Orderly. General Humphreys, the Division commander, was quite a martinet in dis- cipline. The sword of Colonel Quay and several other officers, on complaint of the Division Quartermaster for having government horses in their possession, were taken from them, pending preparations for court-martial proceedings. The innocent guard of Company E, on duty at the stockade when the horse was taken, had returned to his company, not having deemed it necessary to report anything about the Quay horse transaction. There was, therefore, at first as much difficulty in locating him as there was to find Quay's lost horse. Private John F. Hunter, of Company C, was at this time the private and confidential orderly of General Humphreys. To him the problem of discover- ing the missing stockade guard was intrusted by his chief. Comrade Hunter had been so frequently called upon by the Division General to demand swords and to place under arrest oflfending officers and men for breaches of discipline that he might well be called an expert. He immediately paid an official visit UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 535 >- 3 ■z H 05 O o « a: Q. D X z w o 536 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. to the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regimental camp, and secured a guard to arrest Quay's orderly on the Division Quartermaster's complaint of horse-stealing. The orderly at once turned " state's evidence," and implicated by name, company, and regiment, the young stock guard of Company E, who was on duty the morning the United States government horse was taken for Colonel Quay from the government stockade. Orderly Hunter's stern sense of military duty did not allow him to shield, or even to exhibit the slightest sympathy with the young stock guard of his Regiment, who iiad served for months with him in the Park Zouaves, a famous home-guard organization which had served as a military kindergarten school for recruits in Pittsburg the first year of the Civil War. Quay's orderly and the late stockade guard were promptly marched as prisoners to the Division headquarters under heavy guard. A cordon of armed guards, under command of Sergeant William Shore, was placed over the " accused," to prevent their escape, and the possible general delivery of the remaining horses in the government stockade. JOHN F. HUNTER, Orderly to Gen. A. A. Humphreys. Humphreys' Court-m.'^rtial. The next morning the two prisoners were marched to Division headquarters for their hearing. There the stern General Humphreys presided. The state- ment of Colonel Quay's orderly that he had only borrowed the temporary use of the Government horse was at first received with doubts. This was followed by the production of the following receipt taken from the blouse pocket of the accused stock guard of Company E. It was offered and admitted without ob- jection as corroborative evidence: (copy) Near White Plains, Va., Nov. 30, 1862, 5 a. m. Received of the United States one bay horse with letters " U. S." branded on left hind flank, delivered to Col. M. S. Quay, Comdg. 134th Regt. Pa. Vols, to replace his own horse lost or stolen. This horse now turned over to Col. Quay to be returned at any time on demand of Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Division commander 3d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of Potomac. (Sgd.) M. S. Quay by J. R. Swan, His Orderly. The accused stockade guard, with fresh recollection of the austerity of the Division General and the atmosphere of profanity prevailing among his staff UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 537 as observed on his recent experience as orderly at Division headquarters, made him, in the presence of the Division Commander and his Adjutant General, during their examination, feel that his fate would be either banishment to the Dry Tor- tugas for life, and if murmured at for severity, that ten years would be added to the sentence, for allowing Colonel Quay's orderly to take a United States gov- ernment horse from the government corral without permission of the Division Quartermaster, a highly criminal offense under military law. The Division General, however, to the great joy of the accused, was in excellent humor. After questioning the guard as a witness as to how long he had been in United States service, and ascertaining that he was a recent recruit, ordered the dismissal of the complaint against Colonel Quay of having " illegal possession of government property." In making the order, the Division General added that the stockade guard and Colonel Quay's orderly were also discharged from arrest. General Humphreys stated to General Quay, who was present, that the precaution of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth guard in exacting a formal re- ceipt for the use of the horse was most fortunate in saving the Colonel from the humiliation of a court martial. The General facetiously concluded by adding that the young stockade guard had demonstrated excellent qualifications for a future quartermaster. Colonel Quay, it may be remarked, never forgot this episode in his military career. One of his last letters was written from his sick bed in 1904, as United States Senator, to President Roosevelt cordially asking for the appointment of the same stock guard of 1863 to the position of United States Judge of Porto Rico. THE 166TH GUARD. THE BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. By Henry F. We.'Wer, Corporal Company B. It is early morning on the 13th day of December, 1863, near Fredericks- burg, Va. The morning is misty and the air is cold. We have hurriedly made our coffee. The cannonading from our heavy guns on the east side of the 538 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Rappahannock River in front of the town has not been so heavy as yesterday, but one or two sharp volleys of musketry to our right indicate that a portion of the infantry is engaged. We are camping in a ravine : we do not know exactly where, but we do knozv that we are near Fredericksburg ; that a battle is in progress ; and that we may be ordered into action at any moment. Our Division changes its position to what appears to be a large plain, from which we can view the enemy's batteries and a part of the town of Fredericksburg. It is apparently from a mile and a half to two miles from our position to the Rappahannock River, which is between us and the town. As the day wears away, the big balloon which has been making frequent ascensions during the day is hauled down and packed away. The enemy's smaller batteries are now being served rapidly and repHed to vigorously by ours, while an occasional volley of musketry is heard. As the noise and din increases, the order comes at last, " Fall in ! " and we are about to meet the enemy for the first time. As we are massed to hear orders, we hear for the first time the voice of our Division commander, General A. A. Humphreys, addressed to us as a division. " .Soldiers," he says, " you are the reserve division of the army. Yonder (pointing to the rebel batteries) are the enemy's batteries. It remains with you to go in and take them and the day is won. Forward ! " There is a feeling of pride and confidence in the General's voice, and as he finishes speak- ing and gives the order, cheers greet him and good feeling is at once established between the '' veteran and imperturbable commander " and his division. Having never been in action, what our General says seems comparatively easy of accomplishment. Ah ! how soon we are undeceived. Double-quicking to the river, we reached the pontoons, shells and the enemy's bullets greeting us as we run down the bank. Some of our men are wounded. The rebel batteries shell us as we cross over on the pontoons, but the high river banks on the side next the town prevent them from getting the right range of the pontoons, con- sequently we reached the town with comparatively small loss. Our Brigade, under the command of Colonel P. H. Allabach, of the One Hundred and Thirty- first Volunteers,- advancing hurriedly up the narrow street, our Colonel, Edward Jay Allen, is ordered with two regiments, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and the One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania, to advance out one street, while the other two regiments of the Brigade, the One Hundred and Thirty-first, Colonel Allabach, and the One Hundred and Thirty-third Pennsylvania, Colonel Speakman, in the order named, move out another street, and, forming in line of battle, join us on the left, the Brigade being thus reunited outside the town. Advancing then out the main road westward where the sounds plainly indicate the battle is in progress, we file off to the left into a street or road but little used. Halting there but a few moments, the rebels commencing to shell us, one of the missiles passing within eighteen inches of the Colonel before it struck the ground, we file again out into the main road, and, crossing a mill race, form in line of battle back of it, having as yet escaped with but slight injury. The order is now given to " fix bayonets," but, to our astonishment, no order to load is given. Advancing a short distance, we halt in front of a cellar apparently recently dug. There comes our first realization of war and battle. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 539 Outside of the cellar and lying on the earth thrown from it are our killed and wounded, the piteous appeals of the latter being enough to appall and shock the stoutest hearts unused to such scenes. We would fain help them if we could, but a rigorous and relentless enemy in front is engrossing all our thoughts and time now. We advance across what seem.s to be a plain of some two or three hundred yards in width, followed immediately in the rear by the One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania, Colonel John B. Clark. Our line is broken by this cellar and a fence extending from it some distance west- ward, and we are somewhat confused, but soon, however, reuniting to the left of the fence. Nothing could be more perfect than the line of the four regiments as they advance, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth being in the front, closely followed by the One Hundred and Twenty-third, and the One Hundred and Thirty-first and One Hundred and Thirty-third Regiments to the right at close distance. \\'e have been in many dress parades and regimental drills, but have never in any of them seen a more splendid formation than that which now pre- sents itself as the lines advance with their colors — those glorious colors of the Union and the State of Pennsylvania! As we double-quick, charging across the plain, cheering, the enemy increase their fire on us. Some drop out, killed and wounded, still the line closes up and advances until we come to a slight rise in the ground, where we find lying between us and the rebels a line of men six deep. Our alignment being broken by these lines of battle which we under- stand belonged to Couch's Division, we halt, while our Division Commander rides like one " furiously mad " between our lines and those of the rebels. His son is severely wounded ; also several others of his stafT, among whom is our well- known comrade, John F. Hunter, of Company C. The bullets fly as thick and fast apparently as the drops of rain in a heavy shower. \\"e are ordered to ad- vance. Three times does our Colonel. Edward Jay Allen, in the face of a mur- derous fire, rally us to the crest of the hill within a few yards of and where we can see the stonewall beyond, with a ravine or ditch between us and it ; and THREE TIMES we are forced to abandon the attempt to take the stonewall, strong in itself, and protected by a sunken road running alongside of it. We fall back, lie down, load, and rise and fire. Grape, canister, and minie balls are poured into us from the enemy's artillery and infantry. We are, in a sense, powerless. While our Regiment escapes to some extent the full force of the terrible artillery fire, owing to the range being a little high, after the fact that the rebels have withdrawn their batteries to the right of our front from which they poured a merciless cross-fire upon the One Hundred and Twenty-third and other regi- ments of our Brigade, which suffered terribly. Captain Lee Anshutz of our Color Compan\- ; Sergeant Thomas \\'iseman, of Company C, Charles Bardeen, of Company F, Francis Thompson, of Company L John Rankin, Jr., and George W. Brattan, of Company E, all of our color guard are mortally wounded, and many of our bravest and best are killed and wounded. Our mess- mate, Henry Kaner, is killed by our side, and so on through the entire Division. Night is coming on, and as its shadows deepen we reform and fall back to the position from which we started, near the mill race, and after night fall back to the town, where we replenish our ammunition and return to our original position 540 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. near the mill race. Under the cold, dreary December sky, we make our beds on the damp ground and sleep our first night on the battlefield. Day breaks, it is Sunday morning, and we are expecting to be ordered for- ward again. We have no means to make our accustomed cup of coffee. It is dangerous to move, the enemy's sharpshooters being on the alert and every little while we hear the sharp " ping " of their bullets. The day passes on, and there are no signs of renewing the battle, except occasionally some desultory firing here and there ; that is all. Night approaches, and as the darkness veils the earth, we march back into the town, where we stay all night. The next day, Mon- day, before daybreak, recrossing the Rappahannock, we are soon back in our old camp again, our first fight over, having been literally a " baptism of blood " for us, the Division having lost 1,760 killed and wounded, out of 4,000. " When shall their glory fade?" UNCLE JOHN MACKIN'S WAR EXPERIENCE. By Priv.-vte Charles F. McKenna, Company E. Just before the disastrous Fredericksburg compaign under Burnside, Mr. John Mackin. a highly-esteemed citizen of Pittsburg, who for many years had held the important position of flour in- spector for the city of Pittsburg, in grati- fication of his own desires, and more especially of those of his wife, deter- mined to relieve the homesickness and tedium of camp life of his son, Color- Corporal John H. Mackin, serving in Company F, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers. " Uncle Johnny," as he was affectionately called by the public, had no sooner con- ceived the idea than he determined to put it into execution. Believing that through a personal acquaintance with Secretary Stanton, who had been his attorney dur- ing the residence of the latter in Pitts- burg, he could overcome the red-tape reg- ulations prohibiting civilians in the army in active campaigns, he armed himself with letters from Honorable Charles Shaler, ex-judge, and Stanton's former UNCLE JOHN MACKIN. ^^w partner in Pittsburg; Congressman UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 541 J. K. Moorhead, and other prominent citizens of Pittsburg, to Stanton, urging the favor of allowing " Uncle Johnny " to visit his son in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania V^olunteers. He knew^ Assistant Secretary of War Thomas A. Scott so intimately that he dispensed with letters to him. Mr. Mackin's subsequent experience on visiting Washington, as reported by him, was exciting and amusing, though resulting in success and his final pro- motion to the rank of Colonel, etc. After considerable maneuvering and strategy, he succeeded in finding the location of General Halleck, then General-in-Chief of all the armies of the United States. Halleck was noted as a pompous military martinet, who, though he had never commanded a squadron in the field, was, because of having written GEN.-IN-CHIEF HALLECK. SECY.-OF-WAR STANTON. military treatises, placed over all the Generals of the great war doing ef- fective fighting in the field. In derision, Halleck came to be nick-named " Old Brains." After much trouble, persistence, and red-tape, " Uncle Johnny " finally reached the War Department office of this- man of greatest rank in the army. " Uncle Johnny," on confronting " Old Brains," who was standing by his desk in full regulation uniform, at once greeted the latter's cold glances by re- marking, " I hope I see General Halleck." General Halleck, at once sternly replied in indignant tones at this presumptuous intrusion of a civilian, " You may see him if you have eyes, sir." " Uncle Johnny." nothing daunted by this inso- 542 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. lent reception, modestly preferred his request for a pass through the army lines to visit his son, serving at the front in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania Volunteers. General Halleck bluntly refused to entertain the request, informing him that General Burnside's army had orders to move on Fredericks- burg, and that, under no circumstances, would any civilian be given passes to the front. The manner of Halleck on refusing the request added to " Uncle Johnny's " disappointment. Suppressing his chagrin, however, he next sought the presence of Secretary of War Stanton, to whom his letters were directed and with whom he could, if afforded an opportunit}-, recall a friendly acquaintance in former years. The approach to Stanton's official quarters was even more difficult of access INTERVIEWING SECY. STANTON UNDER DIFFICULTIES. than it had been to reach Halleck's headquarters. " Uncle Johnny," however, per- sisted in his efforts to gain an audience with Secretary Stanton, and after being interrupted by numerous guards at the many corridors, he finally reached the out- door chamber of Stanton's department. He refused to give a card or to part with any of his letters to the colored messenger offering to deliver them, but in- sisted, in his anxiety, in forcibly accompanying Stanton's messenger into the lat- ter's sanctum. The noise and confusion between " Uncle Johnny " and the messenger resulting from the latter's unsuccessful attempt to keep the former from intruding, attracted Stanton's attention. Before Stanton recognized " Uncle Johnny," he ordered him out and denounced his intrusion by force. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 543 Mackin, however, held his own in the discussion with the War Secretary, and made him recall his identity. He next presented Judge Shaler's letter, with others in behalf of his mission to visit his son. When the excitement had somewhat sub- sided, Stanton jiad " Uncle Johnny ", seated, and a short intermission from pub- lic business was had, which was devoted to reminiscences of Stanton's early days as a young lawyer, when Mackin, in addition to being one of Stanton's first clients, was also his family baker, often paying Stanton's fees with the product of his bakery. On the object of Mackin's visit, however, Stanton was immovable, and could see no way to grant the pass or to reverse General Halleck's refusal. Disheartened, but not devoid of hope, and as a last resort, " Uncle Johnny " determined to hunt up Honorable Thomas A. Scott, the Assistant Secretary of War, in Washington, and through the ties of warm friendship in Pittsburg, as- certain if there were not some way left, out of the difficulty, of securing a pass to the front to see his dearly-beloved son. The conduct of Colonel Scott, when reached, was in marked contrast with that shown a troubled parent by both Stan- ton and Halleck. Colonel Scott told " Uncle Johnny " he should have sought him first ; that he should have known how rigidly the regulations prohibiting passes to civilians through the lines to the front would be enforced by both Halleck and Stanton, owing to the fact that the army was about to move to battle. This was the very reason for which " Uncle Johnny " desired to see his son, lest he might never behold him alive again. This argument, and the further declaration of " Uncle Johnny " that his wife, in bidding him farewell on his mission to Wash- ington, had warned him that unless he succeeded in visiting their son, Johnny, in the field, that he himself need not return home, had the desired effect on Colonel Scott's afifectionate heart. The final solution of the embarrassing problem presented to Colonel Scott was solved by him, by the appointment of " Uncle Johnny " Mackin as " Chief Inspector of United States Military Telegraphs in the Army of the Potomac," with the rank of Colonel, without pay. This placed a corps of colored laborers with a skilled man as Superintendent of United States Military Telegraph Corps tmder the new Colonel. Thus commissioned, under direction of Colonel Scott, Colonel Mackin's corps took passage aboarrl a steamer for Acquia Creek Landing, Va., the base of supplies of the Army of the Potomac. The army was then camped at Falmouth, preparatory to the attack on Fredericksburg. Supplied with horses on landing, Colonel Mackin's party rode to the headquarters of the army in the field, re- porting in person to General Burnside. Proper quarters were assigned Colonel Mackin and party. Supplies of rations also were ordered to be furnished him by the Commissary Department. The Superintendent of the United States Military Telegraph Corps pro- ceeded to discharge all the active duties of the position, whilst the new Colonel was, by request, granted an indefinite leave of absence to visit his son, Corporal John H. Mackin, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Being well known to Colonel E. Jay Allen, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth for many years prior to the war, in Pittsburg, as also to Colonel Cain, Major Pearson, Adjutant Montooth, and nearly half of the 544: UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Regiment from Pittsburg, " Uncle Johnny's " visit to the camp with news from home was most welcome. He became the guest of Colonel Allen during his leave of absence. As the orders to march across the Rappahannock on the pontoons on the afternoon of December 13, 1862, reached Humphreys' Division of eight thousand fresh Pennsylvania troops, as the " forlorn hope " in the day's assault upon Marye's Height, there stood " Uncle Johnny " Mackin in the line of the COLOR-CORPORAL JOHN MACKIN. column by the side of his son in the color-guard, with a borrowed musket in his hands, determined to serve in the ranks in the coming action. As the first half of the Regiment double-quicked down Stafford's Heights to the pontoons, Colonel Allen, noticing " Uncle Johnny " marching in the ranks with his gun, sent a guard back to conduct " Uncle Johnny " to his presence at the head of the Regiment. Colonel Allen, having prohibited him earlier in the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 545 day from arming himself or going into the battle, regarded this action of " Uncle Johnny's " as " disobedience of orders " and accordingly had the guard disarm him. Colonel Allen, however, granted the disappointed " Uncle Johnny " permis- sion to accompany the Regiment to the pontoons crossing the Rappahannock, and there at the entrance to bid good-bye to his son in the ranks. By the time the Regiment had reached the foot of the hills to take the pon- toons, the enemy's artillery had opened a heavy fire on the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth and other regiments deploying to the pontoons, so that " Uncle Johnny's " wishes up to that point to be under fire were gratified. His son. Corporal Mackin, left the double-quicking ranks of the Regiment as it reached the pontoon across the Rappahannock, to give his aged father, who was in posi- tion on the roadside awaiting him, a farewell embrace and kiss, and then joined the ranks to continue the journey to the harvest of death awaiting the " forlorn hope " in the assault upon Marye's Heights. This son escaped the missiles of war in this disastrous engagement, only to receive serious wounds in the assault at Little Round Top, July 2, 1863, and finally his mortal wounds while still serving as color-guard in the first day's battle of the Wilderness. Burnside's attack upon Fredericksburg having resulted in disasters to the Union arms at all points, a midnight retreat, evacuating the town, was ordered, the troops all to resume their old camps. " Uncle Johnny " Mackin reached camp in advance of the Regiment. He had fires lighted and a most welcome breakfast of hot cofl^ee, with baked flap-jacks and other delicacies, ready for Corporal Mackin and all of his mess, on reaching their old quarters, the writer being an invited guest at the feast. How the United States Military Telegraph Corps subsequently succeeded without a Chief Inspector's services is not known, but one thing is plain, and that is that the object of " Uncle Johnny's " persistent efiforts to visit the army to see his son was accomplished most thoroughly. UNCLE JOHN JOINS THE RANKS FOR BATTLE. 646 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. IN THE ENEMY'S LINES AFTER CHANCELLORSMLLE. By Robert P. Douglass, Private, Company E. The writer's experience after the battle of Chancellorsville was a most un- usual one. x-\boiit the time the Fifth Corps crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford, Jacob Landsburger, of Company F, and the writer were detailed, by order of our Regimental Surgeon. Df. Reed, acting surgeon in charge of the Second Division, Fifth Corps field hospital, for duty at that hospital. We were con- sidered very fortunate in getting this detail, as we were relieved of our arms and the burden of our knapsacks, which were thrown into the ambulances and not seen again. Landsburger and the writer, after reporting, remained on duty with the Division hospital corps until the night of ^lay .5th, when we were left, with other Union soldiers, to guard some of the woimded of both armies in an old saw-mill on the road from Chancellorsville to the United States Ford. The corps had been with- drawn across the Rappahannock, and we knew we were then outside our lines. In this field hospital, thus abandoned, there was a wounded Confederate Cap- tain, two Lieutenants and twenty or more of their enlisted men, also wounded, and a few of our own wounded, unable to be moved. Orders came from headquarters of the Fifth Corps to allow none of the enemy's wounded to overhear, or to obtain any news from us of Hooker's retreat. All that night we heard the retreating columns of our army marching back to the Rappahannock. We would have been only too glad to have gone along, but our strict orders were to remain at our posts, and as good soldiers we re- mained in obedience to those orders. The little squad of abandoned guards, thus left at the saw-mill, were in for developments, which soon came. At one o'clock on the morning of the 6th of May, Dr. Reed, surgeon in charge of the United States forces, sent an orderly to the guards and nurses just before the retreat, with orders to destroy all medical stores, to cut the leather medicine bags, ROBERT p. DOUGLASS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 547 and to break up all the medicine chests, to prevent them from falling into the enemy's hands. These stores would have been a great boon to them at any time, and especially at this time when they had thousands of their wounded requiring attention. We carried out our orders to the letter. When our wounded were taken within our lines, after a delay of two weeks following the retreat of Hooker's army, a flag of truce arrangement was made by Generals Hooker and Lee, by which all the LTnion wounded, aggregating several thousand left within the Confederate lines, should be paroled and removed to Hooker's hospital on the north side of the Rappahannock near the LTnited States Ford. The guards and nurses naturally expected to go back with them, but in this they were sorely disappointed. When the Fifth Corps ambulance trains under a flag of truce came out. Corporal John M. Lancaster, of Company E, was in charge of the detail. Dr. Reed, our Regimental Surgeon, a non-combatant, under orders, withdrew with this detail. Several trips were made by the ambulance trains of the Fifth Corps from the north side of the Rappahannock, by way of the United States Ford. The distance was about five miles, and required time and care to transport so many sufferers back within the L'nion lines. There were about one hundred of our men originally detailed in all the squads besides ourselves ; many from the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, the One Hundred and Fortieth New York, and some of the Sixty-third Pennsylvania, of the Third Corps, their duties being the same as Landsburger's and the writer's, viz., to nurse and care for our wounded. These nurses were subsequently not permitted by the Confederates under the terms of the flag of truce to return to their regiments after the removal of our wounded, except those who were not fit to be removed. The Confed- erates had taken charge of their own wounded at the saw-mill hospital and else- where the day following Hooker's retreat. All the Union details of nurses and guards immediately after the retreat of our army were made prisoners of war. Introduction to the Enemy. The first knowledge of and introduction to the enemy occurred on the fith of May, about eight o'clock in the morning. We saw some cavalry approach- ing wearing the Union uniform. The writer remarked to Comrade Lands- burger, " W'e are all right yet. Here comes our cavalry." A cavalryman rode up to us and drawing a huge navy revolver, with great bravado and many foul oaths, boisterously threatened to shoot us. None of the L^nion soldiers in the details of guards and nurses was armed, so we, being in the same condition, could offer no resistance. We expostulated with our captor, showing him we were vm- armed, being non-combatants on detail in charge of Confederate wounded as well as of our own, that had not been able to be removed under a flag of truce regularly agreed on by the commanders of both armies. It was a very exciting experience, and nerve-racking in the extreme to look into the chambers of a huge " Colt," which our blood-thirsty captor held so close to the writer's head that he could plainly see the bullets in the cylinder. When the remainder of the Confederate scouts came up, we were declared prisoners by the commanding officer, and at once marched to the rear of Lee's armv, where the officer in whose 548 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. charge we were given, immediately placed us in a Confederate hospital to take care of many wounded Union prisoners. On our march from the saw-mill to the rear, we passed over the battlefield, and our little party saw many horrible scenes. Many of the dead of both armies lay unburied where they fell, with their clothing burned from their bodies by the fire which swept over the field after the battle on Sunday afternoon, May 3rd. Around the trees where there were patches of grass, many wounded of both armies had crawled and died. The writer noticed that the trousers of many of these dead soldiers had been burned to the knees and that the woolen material had not burned further than where the bodies had been lying among the dried leaves. The fresh grass would not ignite, and the fire in the clothing had gone out. The dried leaves and brush had been set on fire by the explosive shells used by each army. All such wood fires spread rapidly and many wounded and dying had met a horrible end. These grewsome and terrible sights convey an apt illustration of General Sherman's celebrated epigram — " War is hell." The writer noticed particularly, an oak tree that had been hit three times during the battle by cannon balls from the Union artillery, each shot cutting ofif a section of the tree, and it had been literally cut down at the stump by bullets. This stump was not far from where General Jackson was killed. On this same march, as prisoners, we passed an old tobacco house where there were still many of our wounded mostly belonging to Howard's (Eleventh) Corps. There the writer gave away the last cracker he had to a wounded Union soldier, suffering the pangs of hunger and pain. The condition of all the wounded in this hospital was terrible in the extreme. Outside of the tobacco shed lay five dead Union soldiers, stripped of every stitch of their clothing. These horrors were all observed on the Eleventh Corps' line. These five dead bodies were utterly neglected and unburied three days. The writer gave them a decent burial. After a halt here by our little band of prisoners for ten days we were marched to a point near Gordonsville, Va., and were halted at a farm house in which there were about seventy-five Union wounded in the recent battle, who were, of course, prisoners. With a comrade of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, the writer was left by the officer in charge of the prisoners, to care for these wounded. There was no lint and no medicines of any kind on hand and noth- ing from which we could make bandages. l\Iany of these suliferings ones were in even worse condition than those at the tobacco house we had just left. In a word, it was frightful. ]\Iany. thus neglected, died of blood poisoning. We cleaned the sores of those still alive by using plenty of cold water, going from one sufferer to another day and night. This was long before the day of anti- septic surger}-, but it was there, the best and only treatment possible. Jackson's old corps, now commanded by General J. E. B. Stuart, was en- camped close bv. and one day, while off duty, the writer took a stroll through their camps. While watching the Confederate bakers making bread, one of their soldiers said, " Yank, aren't you afraid to be here, sah, by yourself?" To which the writer replied. " No, sir, I am unarmed, and a prisoner in charge of our wounded." " Yes, sah," he replied, " but you might be taken for a spy." Realiz- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 549 ing at once the risks being taken, the writer began to move off for the hospital when the same man said, "Yank, you see those boys over there? Those uns are North CaroHna troops. They didn't want to fight for the South, sah, but we placed them in the front, sah, at Chancellorsville, and they had to fight." A few days after this conversation, one of these same North Carolina sol- diers came to the hospital of the Union prisoners and begged the guards to ar- range for him to be sent through the Confederate lines with the Union wounded, which was expected to be ordered at any time. He declared he was tired fight- ing and had had enough of it. This man came every day to the hospital for nearly a week. One of the Union wounded — a Berdan sharpshooter — died. The North Carolina visitor was told that if he would help bury the body, we would let him have the deceased's uniform, and he could take his name and in that manner get through the lines with the convalescent Union wounded. He donned the Union uniform and worked with us in the hospital for another week before the Union wounded and their guards were to start for exchange and parole at Annapolis, Md. When the day came, the entire party was marched to United States Ford on the Rappahannock River, under escort of a squad of Confederate cavalry, where the North Carolina " Johnny " metamorphosed into a Berdan sharpshooter of the Union army, stood right at my left when the Union wounded crossed. Captain Kyd Douglass, Adjutant-General of Jackson's Corps, recorded the names of the party and gave out the paroles, both to the returning guard and the nurses. The North Carolina deserter passed without detection, and crossed with the wounded, and we never saw him again. My comrade of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania and myself were very glad when our North Carolina friend passed safely through into our lines. We greatly feared that he might prove traitor and inform the Confederate officer in charge of our party of our connivance in his escape, in which event our lives would not have been greatly prolonged. The wounded turned over to the Union army here were the last of the prisoners captured at Chancellorsville, all of whom were wounded, numbering about five thousand and upwards in that battle. The detachment of guards and nurses and prisoners were treated as a distinct body separate and aside from the wounded. The Confederates at the United States Ford, when the exchange was made, seemed to have doubts as to the military status of our party, and of our right to be treated as non-combatants under the flag of truce which the Confederates evidently construed as applying only to the wounded prisoners. We were much surprised and disappointed, therefore, after all the wounded were transferred within the Union lines, when we were informed that our little party were still prisoners of war. W'e were marched to Richmond and put in Libby prison, where we remained four days without rations. In the meantime, our status having been settled by the Confederates, we were, on the fourth day, taken out of Libby and marched again to United States Ford, a distance. I suppose, of about fifty miles. This was close to where we had been made prisoners, and we had been able to see something of the country between there and the Confederate capital. This time, to our very great joy, we were passed through the lines at the 550 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Ford without delay. We were now paroled prisoners and our next destination was Camp Parole, at Annapolis, where we were to remain until formally ex- changed. This was another surprise to us. This was about the middle of June. Three of our party, all from Pittsburg, decided to take " French leave " and go home, and we were not long in starting. The three of us remained at home for six weeks. The writer, weary of the monotony of this kind of military life, went on duty with the provost guard, being prevented from service with his company at the front until duly exchanged. Comrade Landsburger, the writer's fellow-nurse on this detail, on being ex- changed some time afterward, returned to the Regftnent, and remained on duty with his company until badly wounded in the first day's battle in the Wilderness. AT GETTYSBURG.— UNDER FRONT AND REAR FIRE. By Corporal Henry F. Weaver, Company B. Weed's Brigade, Sykes' Division, Fifth Corps, and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived on the field at Gettys- burg early on the morning of July 3nd, somewhere near Gulp's Hill, on the right of the Union line. Except to shift from one position to another, we did nothing for several hours. The order announcing that General George G. Meade had taken charge of the Army of the Potomac was read to the troops while in line of battle in the woods, with skirmishers thrown out. While I do not think that any more impressive or patriotic order could be read to any troops on the eve of battle and the assumption of command by a new General, I confess that I was disappointed when the order was signed George G. Meade and not George B. McClellan, but Providence directed otherwise. We remained in this position for some time, the men making coffee — many of them bathing in the creek. So the hours passed pleasantly away. The com- mand had rested and taken short naps at halts. It was ominously quiet along our front, the quietness being broken only by some desultory infantry and artillery firing, doubtless both armies being occupied in getting ready to renew the contest. About 4 p. M., the report of a solitary cannon was heard away over to the left. It was from Sickles, and the battle of the 3nd of July had commenced. This single cannon firing, was followed by more, and then one, two, somewhat broken. Then came the final crash and roar of musketry and booming of artillery together. Sykes' Fifth Corps was then ordered to Little Round Top, following no roadway. Tearing down fences, the men double-quicked out past Little Round Top, near where two brigades of Regulars of Ayres" Division were already en- gaged. Weed's Brigade halted behind a battery actively engaged. The One UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 551 H Z H S D Z o o > A. w X H o o m & n CO >< H H O I w >J H < n b o o 553 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Hundred and Fifty-fifth men loaded muskets and then by orders counter- marched, left in front, and took position on Little Round Top. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, of Weed's Brigade, was on the right of the line and Company B on the right of the Regiment. A good view of that portion of the field, when not obscured by the smoke of battle, was afforded. The two small brigades of United States Regulars of Ayres' Division had advanced be- yond the position of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth on Little Round Top, to- ward the Wheatfield, this movement being made by the United States Regulars to support General Sickles. The Regulars fought with determined skill and bravery for nearly an hour, and then reluctantly fell back as if on drill, but sharply and bravely contesting every foot of the ground. These things I saw, and I am glad, as a volunteer, to bear tribute to the United States Regulars. The remaining portion of the Third Corps and Regulars were overwhelmed, and fell back to Little Round Top. There were two batteries of artillery, one of steel and the other of brass pieces, one in front and one over to the right of the Regiment, which kept up their fire until the very last, two of the steel guns being captured, and one of them recaptured later from the enemy. In the meantime the Regulars reformed in line of battle a little below the position of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth on the crest of Little Round Top, and the fire in our immediate front slackened temporarily. The enemy appeared and advanced from the Devil's Den and to the left of it, and owing to the formation of the ground, struck the left of the line of Weed's Brigade at its extended concave portion, and the fight became terrific. Just then Robertson's Brigade of Texans swung across the foot of the hill and advanced to attack the positions occupied by the One Hundred and Fortieth and One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York, and the Ninety-first and One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania ^'oIunteers. I wondered why our battery immediately above us did not open fire. Five minutes pass away. What is the matter ? Then the battery opened, and over our head went a screaming, whistling shell followed by another and another and so on. Still the enemy kept on ad- vancing on the positions of the four regiments mentioned which formed Weed's Brigade. Impatiently waiting as we were, it was hard to repress our fire. At last the order came to us, " Steadv — Ready — Aim — Fire ! " We arose and de- livered our fire at close buck-and-ball range of our muskets, and reloaded and fired again, but still the Confederates kept advancing, halting to fire volleys as they advanced. The Confederates were brave, resolute, and determined men. At this time I was wounded in the ball of the right ankle joint. I felt a stinging sensation extending to the thigh, but no pain. The enemy's bullets kept coming as numerous apparently as the drops of rain in a heavy storm. As I lay there wounded I ex- pected to get a bullet in my head at any moment, but fortunately did not. Look- ing in front of my position, I say Corporal David M. Smith, of our company, lying mortally wounded behind a shelving rock about five yards from my position. Being hit in the left groin, the bail must have severed the femoral artery. He turned to me and said, " Oh ! I am shot." The stretcher-bearers car- ried him back a short time after, but he died just as they reached the foot of the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 553 554 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. hill. \\ hile I was trying all in my power to encourage Corporal Smith, a bullet struck Comrade William Douglass, of my company, fairly in the center of the forehead, and with a terrible shriek, he fell back dead. I shall never forget the sight. In the light of " After discovered evidence " a charge, which Major A. L. Pearson sought permission to make at that time and was refused, would have been wrong. Weed's Brigade having been assigned and ordered to hold that portion of Little Round Top only. General !Meade wisely provided other troops for that purpose, and ordered them to do the charging. Lieutenant Luke ]. Dooling, of Compan\- L seeing that I was wounded and unable to stand, the pain having become excruciating, ran up to me ex- claiming, "Poor boy! are you hurt — are }'ou wounded?" I threw my arms around his and Comrade Pat Lyon"s necks, and was thus taken back some dis- tance, until we met some stretcher-bearers froiu the Sixth Corps, who carried me a short distance to the rear, at the foot of Little Round Top, passing what was evidently a brigade of the Sixth Corps being formed in line of battle one behind the other in perfect formation, which did me good to see, as the musketry- fire at the front occupied by W eed's Brigade was still severe, and the battle by no means decided. General ^Meade's provision for the reserve line of battle was perfect. Shells and balls from the enemy were coming through the trees and knocking oft the branches here and there, during the passage of the wounded to the rear. We also passed two members of our company bearing the body of Corporal Smith, who had just died from his wounds. I was next placed in an ambulance, which, after receiving other wounded soldiers, not of our Regiment, started back along the Taneytown road and we were deposited on the ground near Meade's headquarters, on the left center of the Union lines, where we lay all night. Some time later the Union batteries on the ridge in front of where the wounded were placed opened on the enemy. I never could understand this, as our vellow hospital flags were flying and plainly visible from the small buildings. Why our artillerists at that time should draw the enemy's fire at a point where their answering missiles would fall among the already wounded men seemed incomprehensible. The enemy at once responded, and their fire became so warm as to compel the removal of the wounded, who were taken in ambulances to our right and laid under trees and woods. Escaping from the fire of the enemy in this position, the wounded were not so fortunate otherwise, as during the night one terrific thunderstorm after another broke out over our heads, followed by vivid flashes of lightning, continuing through the night. I pulled my gum blanket over my head and wrapped it around my body the best I could, and was thus aflforded some protection from the rain. Early in the morning I was carried and laid on the ground a short distance from the field-hospital operating table. The rain still continuing. I made a pillow of my haversack, and again pulling my gum blanket over my face, lay there as patiently as I could, waiting my turn to be operated on. During a lull in the battle, Pat Lyon and Isaac Craig, of our Company, hunted me up, and Pat, taking his blanket from his shoulder, threw it over me, as I, being well-drenched, was shivering with cold. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 555 A period of several hours followed, during which we heard but little firing at the front. Suddenl)- the . artillery fire from a hundred guns opened and the din was terrific, evidently being the initial attack on our side to repel Pickett's charge. During all this noise and confusion, I was removed and placed on the operating table, and had my foot amputated by Doctor Reed, Regimental Surgeon of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, assisted by the surgeon of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers. As they were about to administer the chloroform to me, I heard Dr. Billings, a Regular army surgeon, say, " Let us be as quick as we can, as some of us may be killed during the operation." The shells and stray balls from the Confederates at that time were whistling through the location of the field hospital and the limbs of the trees were falling in every direction. There did not seem to be safety at any place in this trying period of the battle. After the operation had been performed in this exposed field hospital in the immediate rear of Little Round Top, and the shelling and noise had sub- sided at the front, and I was lifted from the operating table still in a semi- conscious state, I was again laid on the ground which had been covered with straw taken by " eminent domain " from neighboring barns. Soon after small tents were erected, and all the wounded were placed in them as fast as they were put up, so as to guard against drenching rains. Color-Corporals Thomas J. Tomer, of Company E. and John H. Mackin, of Company F, who also had been wounded while with the colors, about the same time I was wounded, secured quarters in one of these tents. Privates Charles F. McKenna, of Company E, and Samuel W. Hill, of Company F, as soon as the firing in front ceased, were allowed to leave the ranks to visit Corporals Tomer, Mackin, myself and other companions in a field hospital in rear of Little Round Top and their visit cheered us very much. From the tents the wounded could see most grewsome sights. Amputations of arms and legs by the army surgeons, to save the lives of the wounded, ran up into thousands ; and for want of assistance these dissevered members, the first few days, were suffered to accumulate in piles several feet in height. The bodies of the poor comrades not surviving these operations, and the hundreds of dead from wounds or blood poisoning were placed in the dead-house close by, to await burial. These harrowing environments were not conducive towards cheering or comforting the suffering wounded. Xight, letting her sable mantle down, shut from view the terrible scenes of human wrath. Everything quieted down, and we slept fitfully until the next morning, the Fourth of July. Late in the day, the surgeon in charge came in and greeting the wounded, said, " Well, while you are all in pretty bad shape, you seem to be in good spirits, and I have good news for you. This battle is won, the rebels are retreating — A'icksburg has also fallen, and so this is a good and glorious Fourth of July after all. Don't you think so? " It is needless to sav we answered him with an affirmative shout. 556 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. THE KISKIMINETAS SQUAD. By Its Only Survivor, Private J. King Alter. On or about the 23d of August, 1862, there assembled m Pittsburg, Pa., ten country boys, mostly all residents of the Kiskiminetas Valley and vicinity. They determined to enlist, and selected Company A of the Kier Rifles, then being recruited in Pittsburg, for three years, or during the war, by Captain Joseph B. Sackett. They each gave a complete description of the color of their eyes, complexion, hair, and of their height, weight, etc., and signing their names on the muster-roll, were accepted cheerfully. They next presented themselves before the United States examining surgeon in the garb in which they first made their appearance in this world. They were required to give exhibitions of jumping, running, handsprings, wrestling, and other athletics, which were pronounced satisfactory by the surgeons. They were then immediately mustered into the United .States service. Soon after Company A, Kier Rifles, became known as Company E of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers. The Company of one hundred recruits was or- dered to Camp Howe, in the suburbs of Pittsburg, where were assembled eight other companies, all of which were merged, and formed the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers. Here they drew new suits of blue, which in the main were misfits ; and with the heavy oversized army shoes and " monkey-like caps " made the new soldiers look and feel extremely awk- ward. Many of the uniforms, however, were destined, before many months, to become saturated with the life-blood of their wearers. Their line of march was from Camp Howe, Oakland, down to the Lib- erty street Station, where was standing a train of cars in readiness to carry them to the front at Washington. But the news having preceded them that the One liundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was ordered away, the streets were packed with friends to bid them good-bye. Alas, how many for the last time! The writer was the only one of the little party of ten from the Kiskiminetas Valley, to see home and friends again. The train soon pulled out, and when the morning sun brightened the earth the Regiment was near the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. Scarcely had the train stopped before patriotic women and children would be seen making their way to the train with meat, bread, pies, cookies, coiTee, milk, and many other eatables for the soldiers, and cheering UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 557 them also with farewells. At Harrisburg, the Regiment was furnished with heavy Belgian rifles, with sword bayonets and steel scabbards. It was a pretty rough change, on leaving Harrisburg, to enter cattle cars, but the boys had their big rifies and sword bayonets and were headed for the front. The second unfortunate battle of Bull Run had just been fought when the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth reached the Capital. The boys, however, were allowed only to pass through Washington, and were hastened across Long Bridge, and went into camp near Arlington Heights. Their first military duty was the detail of a detachment from the Regiment to march to Manassas Station, and assist other details in the grewsome work of burying the dead of the Second Battle of Bull Run, where several hundred bodies had remained unburied since Pope's defeat on August 29th and 30th. No commissary wagons with rations accompanied the Regiment. An army wagon, however, loaded to its full capacity with shell oysters, was discovered as it was being driven into camp. The welcome relief of the starving One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was due to Colonel Allen, who could not have his command suffer from hunger and so personally gave the Regiment an oyster supper. But Lee was invading Alaryland, and Stonewall Jackson was heading for Harper's Ferry, and McClellan required the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania Regiment and remainder of Humphreys' Division to keep the Con- federates out of Pennsylvania. They boys packed their knapsacks and were again on the road, making forced marches to join McClellan's army at Antietam. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth never had a more thorough wash than whilst halted at the Monocacy River. They could hear the sound of distant cannon- ading at South Mountain, the first hostile firing many of them had ever heard. The next morning the Regiment received orders from McClellan to resume marching as rapidly as possible, so as to join his army, twenty miles distant, at Antietam. They marched all night, and the morning sunrise found the Regiment on South Mountain. They soon met Union soldiers returning from the front with bandaged heads, and arms resting in slings, slowly wending their way in search of medical aid. They also heard full particulars of the bloody work of the day before at Antietam. The next campaign was " On to Fredericksburg," where we went into camp at Falmouth, on the opposite bank of the Rappahannock. Here death claimed James Rowan and Alexander Clements, the first two from the Kiskiminetas Val- ley to be stricken down. They died of typhoid fever. Louis Schreiner, of the Kiskiminetas squad, became sick and was the third to die. The bark of the " dogs of war," placed on Stafford's Heights, on the banks of the Rappahannock, on December 12, was heard opening the way for the Union troops and trains to cross on the pontoons. Private Wilbur W. Kuhn, of Company E, said to Corporal George W. Bratton, of the same company, " Let us sleep together to- night." George was very tall and Wilbur was rather short, and for that reason they did not make good sleeping mates. On the morning of the 13th, the roar of cannon again was heard, as prepara- 558 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. tions for the renewal of the engagement were made. The Regiment was ordered out to a position overlooking the town of Fredericksburg, where a dense blue cloud of smoke could be seen. The roar of cannon, the bursting of shells, the in- cessant crash of musketry was also heard. Owing to the prevalence of a heavy fog, the armies were all invisible. We knew, however, that men were dying by the hundreds at every volley of musketry and artillery. At General Burnside's headquarters at the Phillips House, close by where the Regiment was in line, men in a balloon were taking observations of the field. About noon or soon after, Humphreys' Division was ordered forward, and began to descend toward the Rappahannock River. The troops passed through a ravine on the bank of which was piled hundreds of rough coffins ready for use. A corps of stretcher-bearers, and among them Private R. P. Douglass, of Company E, was also stationed close by. Kuhn called out to stretcher-bearer Douglass, to be on hand, that he would need him in the approaching battle. This proved but too true, as Kuhn was one of the first to fall, being struck in the right breast by a piece of shell. The coolness of Private Theophilus Callen, of Company E, one of the Kiskiminetas ten, at this time was remarkable. There were some large plugs of tobacco lying beside the street as the boys of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth double-cjuicked through the streets of Fredericksburg to take their posi- tion in line of battle. Callen picked up one of the plugs, and taking a chew from it then flourishing it over his head, and thrusting it into his haversack, remarked that the plug would last him a long time. The Regiment soon formed ready for battle. Knapsacks were unslung. Then was heard the voice of Colonel Allen, commanding the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, " Forward ! Guide center! March!" The Regiment advanced in steady order to the top of the hill, when the next command rang out, "Advance! Double-quick! March!" The Regiment did not gain the stonewall at the foot of Marye's Heights, which was defended by the enemy three files deep. The writer, after the enemy's volleys ceased, looked around to find some of his messmates. A form, lying face down, attracted him. It was the dead body of Color-Corporal George W. Bratton, the writer's messmate. The writer next heard some one call " Alter ! " which was at once answered, and Wilbur W. Kuhn, another messmate, was found mor- tally wounded. The writer, by permission, remained with him over night — until his spirit was called away. Thus two more of the Kiskiminetas squad would never again answer at company roll-call in this world. A week after the return of the Regiment to camp, the brave Alexander Richie sickened, and died in the hospital. In five short weeks six of the names of the ten from the Kiskiminetas Valley had been stricken by death from the Company's roll. Private Duncan McCutcheon, another of the ten, died in the hospital early in February'. Another of the squad, Private William A. Liken, " grounded arms," never to recover again, falling in the famous charge of June 18, 1864, on the enemy's works at Petersburg. Two weeks before the death of Liken, still another of the Kiskiminetas ten. Private Theophilus Callen, was killed on the skirmish line at Bethesda Church, near Cold Harbor, on June 3, 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 559 On the morning of June 30, 1S63, the writer, from a sick-leave, joined his company on the march to Gettysburg and participated in the capture of Little Round Top. Captain Sackett and Assistant-Surgeon W. S. Wilson, at the close of the action, ordered the writer, being unfit physically to resume the march, to report to the town of Gettysburg for treatment in the General Hospital. The writer's disability becoming permanent, he was finally transferred to Company E, Fourteenth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, at Alexandria, where he served as orderly under Colonel Samuel McKelvy, of Sewickley, Pa., until mustered out of service June 25, 186.5. As the sole survivor of the Kiskiminetas squad of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, it is needless to remark that his home- coming was sad. because of the nine " unreturning braves " who enlisted with hnn. \MTH GRANT AT OPENING OF WILDERNESS. By Corpor.'M. L. E. McPheeson, Co.Mr.-\Ny C. On bivouac at the end of the first day's march of the Fifth Corps, following Sheridan's Cavalry, on May 3, 1864, before reaching the crossing of the Rapidan. an order from General Ayres, commanding the First Bri- gade of Grififin's Division, was re- ceived by the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment for a detail of ten enlisted men to report at 9 p. M. at Brigade headquarters, adjacent to the Regimental camp. The writer's diary, as well as his memory, is now too faded to recall at this late date the names of all the detail from the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. He has, however, a clear recollection that Private Harry Curry, of Company F, Privates Charles McKenna, of Company E, and Charles Bunton, of Company D, were among the number, as they became for the term of the detail lasting several days, the mess- mates of the writer. It was found, no reporting to COLOR-CORP McPHERSON. 560 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the Brigade headquarters, that the entire detail called for sixty men, who were placed under orders of Lieutenant E. B. Bradford, Seventeenth United States Infantry. The detail at that hour of the night was marched half a mile to the rear and halted among the wagon trains of the Brigade, which with many other teams were parked close by. What the duty was to be, its dura- tion or other infonnation about this detail was a mystery to those forming it, as they spread their ponchos upon the ground for the night among the wagons of the brigade. It was recalled by some of the guards that General Ayres" headquarter wagons and their contents and drivers and guards, had '/ ,1 ^ I 1 f^n i#^ ! GUARDING FIFTH CORPS TRAINS IN WILDERNESS. been captured on the Mine Run movement a few months previous, and this entailed the great personal loss of the General's new uniform and supplies of " commsisary " for the Brigade mess. They supposed that the present de- tail was d precaution taken by the General against a repetition of any such loss by predatory guerrillas or cavalry of the Confederates. Nor was much light thrown on the subject the next day, when the march was resumed and the detail with the United States Regular officer named in charge, marched alongside of the Brigade wagons, closely guarding the same, until after the Rapidan was crossed and all the wagon trains, aggregating two or three hundred ammunition and commissary wagons, were parked again in the great open space set apart for the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 561 H. M. Curry. Co. F. r,. E. McPVierson. Co. C. Charles Bunton, Co. D. ON TEMPORARY PROVOST DUTY, GRANT'S HEADQUARTERS. From War Time Photograph. 562 UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. Fifth Army Corps trains. The guard duties were very light, and no incident worth noticing occurred during the day's march of the wagon guards. Once the wagons were parked with the train at the cloje of the day's march of ten or twelve miles, the guards of otir detail were allowed to visit their companies. They availed themselves of the privilege and soon joined their companies in the bivouac close by. ^^'e tarried with our company messmates until a late hour, discussing the prospects of the great campaign of the Army of the Potomac, then opening, filled with every confidence in it being successful under INIeade and Grant, both tried generals, and thus ended wagon-guard duty of ]\Iay 4th. BIVOUAC— WILDERNESS. The Night Before the Battle. It was, indeed, a sad parting that night from comrades of our companies, and proved a final separation from beloved companions and messmates, as the wagon guards bade " Good night " and returned to their adjoining bivouac where the trains were parked. Before the next sunset, the two great armies had met in deadlv combat, and ten thousand men on each side had fallen in the con- test. On the morning of the .5th. however, all mystery about the object of the detail was removed, when about nine o'clock the sixty men thus detailed were ordered to " fall in " and were marched a short distance to report for duty to the provost marshal general at headquarters of the .\rmy of the Potomac. The detail included a number of the One Hundred and Fortieth and One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiments New York ^'olunteers. serving in the same Brigade with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and all were dressed in the same zouave UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 563 uniform as the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. General Meade, commander of the Army of the Potomac, with his staiif and cavalry escort, was the first to ar- rive in the vicinity of the Wilderness territory, then occupied by the various corps of the Union army. He located his headquarters in the rear of the center of the position of the various corps, General Warren's corps being on the immediate front. Around Aleade's headquarters the One Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania Regiment, known as Collis' Zouaves, from Philadelphia, were stationed as headquarters guards. They wore the wide red-colored breeches and red fez of the Algerian Zouaves of the French army and presented a most picturesque appearance. Soon after Lieutenant-General Grant, with his staff and cavalry escort, joined General Meade. At once headquarter tents were un- loaded and put in shape for occupancy by the distinguished officers. The United States Regular detachment which had been serving as guards to General Grant's headquarters, were temporarily relieved and the sixty men detailed from Ayres' Brigade under Lieutenant Bradford were ordered to take their place. Among the arrivals with Grant's headquarters wagons, following his own location in rear of Warren's Corps position, was a small ambulance with a com- plete photographic outfit in charge of Brady, the Washington city artist. Nu- merous snap-shots were taken by his operators shortly before hostilities. Two of these photos are reproduced in this article. Not a shot had been fired by either army at this time. The morning opened bright, balmy and refreshing and all was certainly quiet and peaceful. The zouaves of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth's detail were among the first selected to go on guard duty in front of the campus occupied by Lieutenant-General Grant and his large retinue of staff officers. Thus it fell to the lot of the writer and his messmates already named to be on the " first relief " that morning for guard duty over the Lieutenant-General's headquarters. All felt, while treading our beats that beautiful May morning, that the transition from the humble ca- pacity of guards to wagon trains, to that of sentinels before the great chieftain of the army was indeed a promotion and one which was appreciated. It afforded all of the guards an opportunity to see Lieutenant-General Grant and Generals Hancock, Sedgwick and Warren, commanding the corps who had that morning assembled around Grant's and Aleade's headquarters with the new cavalry leader. General Phil. Sheridan, to receive their final instructions in the impending campaign. The new guards were beginning to think that they had struck a sinecure position likely to last for some time, and to be attended with more comfort than company duty. Their fond anticipations were doomed to sudden and unexpected disappointment. Before noon hurried orderlies on horseback made their way from the advance columns to General Grant's headquarters to announce from Wilson's cavalry leading the advance, that the enemy's skirmish- ers had been discovered in the jungle and woods of the Wilderness. Next mounted aides from General Warren brought word that in executing his maneu- vers in the center, the enemy was found to be in force. Soon a third mounted courier brought the intelligence that General Hancock on the left had seen large bodies of Confederates crowding the road through the ^^■ilderness in his advance. 564 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Upexixg Scenes of the Battle. The sequel to these messages was displayed by General Grant ordering the advance of all L'nion lines and to attack the enemy wherever he was met. Thus, in a very short time the deadly battle was begun in earnest. As the hostilities commenced in front, non-combatants, who had followed the camps of the corps to the very front, little expecting a battle so soon, flocked to the rear panic- stricken, and spread consternation to all other non-combatants. Contrabands and also hosts of skulkers reinforced the retreating column. General Grant had orders issued at once to dispense with the zouave guards on duty as sentinels at his headquarters. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth detachment with others were prompth- sent forward by his orders and stretched across the roads as provost guards with instructions to allow no soldier, unless badly wounded, to go to the rear, and particularly to stop the flight of skulkers. The detail took position on the roads and adjoining grounds to stop the retreat of many soldiers who persisted unnecessarily in escorting slightly wounded comrades as thev made their way to the rear in search of field hospitals. All day, by reason of constant firing at close range and the large number of wounded and fugitives, the writer and his companions were kept busy on this duty. It was pathetic to the guards thus occupied to frequently see beloved companions with whom thev had parted the night before and whom they had heard singing the fa- miliar camp song. " Just Before the Battle, Mother," approaching their provost lines carried on stretchers, suffering from severe wounds. Color-Corporal John Mackin. of Company F, the writer well recalls, was one of the first of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth whom he saw carried through the line suii'ering from a wound which caused his death a month later: also Corporal ]\Iicheal B. Lemon, of Companv E. who, although badly wounded, was able to walk to the field hospital. Later in the day many wounded officers of high rank with others passed through the guard lines to the rear riding in ambulances. One of the saddest scenes witnessed was the cortege of the stall and escort to ambulance passing through the provost lines bearing the body of the venerable General James S. Wadsworth, who was killed while commanding his division of the Fifth Corps on the second day of the \\'ilderness. In the midst of these scenes so serious occurred instances irresistably humor- ous. Private Patrick Stack, a well-known member of Company B, received a wound in the hand and wrist, which was painful but not dangerous. As he reached the rear, he recognized his comrades of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth on guard, an'd in apparent great glee, holding up his wounded hand, shouted, " Be gorra, boys, this is worth a six weeks' furlough to see Mrs. Stack." Illustration of the ruses and tricks which some soldiers worked to escape the perils of the front was disclosed to the provost guard on this day. Comrades quite able to walk and but slightly wounded would find other comrades volun- teering, one to carry his gun, another his cartridge box, another his canteen, an- other his haversack, and still another to take his arm, escorting him to the rear, as if mortally wounded. The provost guards were inexorable in drawing the line at such conduct, and in compelling the volunteer escorts to return to the UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. 565 front. One extremely preposterous attempt to pass through the guard is recalled. A skulking soldier, desirous of escaping, who limped along, was held up by two or three companions. At first sight he seemed to be suffering from the disease known as elephantiasis or swollen limbs, a disease so named because the legs swell until they resemble those of an elephant. On arriving at the guard line the man with the elephant leg and his companions were stopped. He boldly asserted that the abnormal leg was the result of a wound just received from a spent can- non ball at the front, which entitled him to pass through the lines. A lull in the rush at that time enabled the corporal of the guard to spare a couple of men to strip the limb of its dressing to ascertain the facts. This examination resulted in discovering that the fellow was an imposter who had actually wrapped cloths and blankets and surplus clothing which he had picked up and bandaged the uninjured limb until it had the appearance of a swollen leg. Exciting Experiences. The next day, May 6th, the new provost guards had an unusual and most exciting experience. Late in the afternoon. General Early's troops swooped down upon the unprotected portion of the Union right occupied by General Sedg- wick's Sixth Corps. The Confederate attack was so much of a success that it resulted in the capture of two Brigadier-Generals, Shaler and Seymour, and several regiments of their brigades, including a number of the Sixty-first Penn- sylvania, of Pittsburg. This crushing attack of the Confederates caused a brief panic, which extended back to the vicinity of Grant's headquarters about which hundreds of panic-stricken fugitives had assembled for safety after the Union line gave way. The experience of the guard on this occasion, as stated, was remarkable in this that it required the provost guard to change front from its previous orders and to back fugitives in the direction of what had been previously part of the rear of the Union line. Here in this trying emergency, the provost guards on duty, had excellent opportunities of witnessing the effect of the disaster to the Sixth Corps upon Lieutenant-General Grant. General Meade, who was of an excitable temperament, exhibited at this time great perturbation, energy and activity. General Seth Williams, Adjutant-General, and all the aides of the staff and mounted orderlies about Meade's headquarters, were at once converted for the time being into provost guards engaged in reinforcing our small detachment in checking and driving back the frightened fugitives, who had fled from Early's advance to escape capture. The writer can yet, in his mind, see the swords of General Meade's staff officers being brandished at these men flock- ing to the rear. The headquarters cavalry escort, mounted orderlies and aides, all exerted their utmost efforts to stop the senseless conduct. As observed by the writer and companions at the time. General Grant's action was the very re- verse in every respect of that of his illustrious colleague. General Meade. Gen- eral Grant was as cool, calm, and imperturbable during all this short melee, as if in the quiet of a country church. He had in his mouth the proverbial cigar which he smoked in his usual manner. No doubt General Grant at that critical moment, when his own future was 566 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. PRAYER BOOK FOUND ON BODY OF DEAD SOLDIER AT WILDERNESS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 567 at stake in the first battle in which he had commanded the Army of the Potomac, well knew that when he assigned General John Sedgwick to the important posi- tion on the right, that Sedgwick was responsible, and able to counteract and to check the disaster which befell that portion of the line. Grant's intuition on this subject was right. A Battlefield Sol'venir. The Sixth Corps, under Sedgwick, which had occupied the right of the Union line, soon rallied and drove back Early's and Gordon's columns to within the Confederate lines. The ground thus recaptured by General Sedgwick had been the scene of a deadly hand-to-hand conflict between the contending armies, lasting an hour or more. The loss on both sides was very heavy. An incident is recalled by the writer who, with Curry and McKenna of the temporary provost guard, were called to pass over this ground. It betokened the closeness of the range of the firing of the troops engaged. One dead body of a soldier of the Sixth Corps was found in which no less than six bullets had entered, leaving signs of burning cartridges on the clothes where penetrated by the balls. In this par- ticular case a stretcher-bearer exhibited a small pocket prayer book called the " Devout Manual for Use of Catholics," which had been taken from the breast pocket of the dead soldier's coat. The little book of two hundred pages, tightly clasped by a small brass band, was perforated by a bullet through and through, as clean as if made at a target fired at close range. Unfortunately, the inscrip- tion in the fly leaf of the book was so torn and obliterated by the bullet as to leave uninjured only part of the handwriting, neat and small like a mother's or sister's. It read: '■ Mr. Thomas Dolan Co. C (i X. Y. ^^ols. ■2d Brigade 3d Division (ith Corps Army of Potomac." Private McKenna accepted the gift of this little missal from the burial squad, promising to make efforts to discover friends of the dead comrade that they might be comforted by the return of the blood-stained relic, but his inquiries have been unsuccessful. For the purpose of helping to find friends of the owner of the book it has been photographed for publication with this article. In conclusion of the adventures of this temporary provost guard detach- ment, their three days' rations supply becoming exhausted. Lieutenant Bradford detailed an orderly to Genera! Ayres for instructions and received orders to disband his command and have the details report at once to their respective companies. After the severe all night's march on the way to Spottsylvania to begin this search for Ayres' Brigade of Griffin's Division in the advance of the Fifth Corps, on empty stomachs was a cheerless undertaking. Commissary-Ser- geant George P. Fulton, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, however, met the hungry detachment very early in the morning of May 8th, en route for Ayres' 568 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Brigade, and, in the vicinity of Alsop Farm, distributed most welcome hardtack and coffee in abundance. As the little detail resumed its march under Lieutenant Bradford to join Ayres' Brigade in lead of the Fifth Corps and had left the main road for a short cut through the woods, it suddenly encountered the flankers of a moving column of Confederate troops of General Ewell's com- mand. They opened a brisk fire on Lieutenant Bradford's detail, but the superior strategy and alacrity of the latter enabled his men again to reach the main road within the L^nion lines and to escape without loss. Detachments from regiments were dispatched by General Warren close by, at double-quick step to discover the occasion of the enemy's sudden attack, but the Confederates had retreated and disappeared before these regiments reached the place. Lieutenant Bradford's detail finally reached the head of the Fifth Corps column early in the morning of May 8th, just in time to join their respective companies in battle line, to the lively music of the United States Regular Brass Band. They all took part in the battle of Laurel Hill, also known as Alsop's Farm, not far from Spottsylvania. This temporary little detail certainly had a most varied three days' experience, which, however, was followed through Grant's further flank movements to Spottsylvania with constant fighting and skirmishing during the next thirty days, at Spottsylvania, North Anna, Bethesda Church and Cold Harbor, all of which, no doubt, is described in the general history. Note. — The comrade-editors of this history were shocked within a day after re- ceiving the above interesting contribution from Corporal McPherson by a dispatch from his family in Chicago, announcing the comrade's death from apoplexy, October 5, 1908. Comrade McPherson was a prominent attorney in Chicago, and for many years, until his death, of counsel for the Pullman Company of that city. WOUNDED AND A PRISONER. By Corporal John Griffith, Company H. On May 5, 1864, the great battle of the Wilderness was opened by Ayres' Brigade, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was serving, advancing in two lines. The United States Regulars were in front, preceded by a line of skirmishers from the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, under immediate command of Captain George M. Latighlin, of Company E. The enemy were soon met in force and opened a most terrific fire. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were at first unable to fire on account of the line of Regulars in their front. When the Regulars fell back. Colonel Pearson rode along the line of the Regiment and ordered the men to cease firing and hug mother earth. \\'hen he gave this order, the writer had just pulled back the hammer of his gun. He left :he hammer back lightly on the cap and lay down. Soon he felt a stinging pain in his UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 569 right shoulder. He lay very still for a moment, then tried twice to get up, but could not, as his right side was paralyzed. He fainted, and on coming to, found his comrades were gone, leaving him with the dead among the enemy. In a short time he heard an officer ask a Confederate who was loading and firing be- side the writer, " If that Yank was dead." The man replied, " I don't think he is." The writer looked up and spoke, saying that he was not dead yet. The Confederate officer replied kindly, " Lie still, Yank, there will no one touch you." It was some time before the writer could walk, and he noticed that the enemy were in strong force. He also noticed two comrades lying on his left near him with their backs tn him. As the Confederate lines advanced, the writer saw two Confederate skulkers beside the body of a dead Regular, robbing the body. The writer had started for the Confederate rear, but these skulkers made him put his hand into the pocket of the dead man. He drew out a knife which one of them immediately snatched. On noticing the writer's wounded condition, they told him to go on back to the rear. Becoming very faint from his wound, the writer was about to lie down, when another Confederate came up, took charge of his blanket and haversack, and supported him for a few minutes, when, seeing one of the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York Volunteers a prisoner, the Confederate ordered him to carry the writer's blanket and haversack and help him to the rear, which was done. The One Hundred and Forty-sixth man stayed with the writer until they reached Robertson's Tavern. Here the writer was taken in charge by Doctor E. Donnelly, of Pittsburg, who was surgeon of the Second Pennsylvania Re- serves, most of whose officers and men had been cap- tured. He dressed the writer's wounds, saying it was a very narrow escape, stating also that he knew most of the officers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. When the line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth lay down in obedience to Colonel Pearson's order, the writer was on the left front of the colors. Corporal Alexander Fox, of Company H, one of the color guard, told Sergeant Stewart that the water from the writer's canteen flew on him when the writer was struck. James J. Irwin, Harnett Meeker, and James O. Riley, of Company H, were all captured at the same time with the writer, but he did not see any of these comrades afterwards. Irwin and Meeker died in Andersonville, and Riley, after being exchanged, died at his home in Curllsville, Pa., soon after he got there. The writer remembers seeing another of the Regiment a prisoner, who was often an orderly for the Colonel. His name was Harry Campbell. The writer has learned since that Campbell died at Annapolis, after being exchanged, being too weak from his sufferings to journey to his home in Allegheny. After remaining five days under Doctor Donnelly's charge, the writer and a squad of about twenty other wounded were marched by their captors to Orange Court House, about twenty miles distant, according to their guards. Starting about six o'clock in JOHN GRIFFITH. 570 UNDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. the morning, they reached Orange Court House about 8 p. m. From there, locked in a box car, the wounded prisoners were taken to Gordonsville. Arriving there the writer and a squad reported to the provost marshal's office, with about one hundred Union prisoners who were not wounded. They were taken before the provost marshal one by one. The latter had a large book in which he took down their names, rank, company, regiment, brigade, division, and corps, after which the wounded and unwounded prisoners were deliberately robbed of everything they possessed. It was past midnight when these " brave Confederate warriors in the rear " got through with their recording and robbing. Then they marched the prisoners to a shed along the railroad tracks and put a guard around them. Oh, what a day ! The writer was so weak, and his wound hurt him so much he thought he would die. The prisoners were left in this shed until about 6 p. m. the next day, when they were placed in box cars and rode all night, reaching- Lynchburg about 7 a. m., where they were taken off the train and marched about a mile to a camp. In this camp were several thousand Union prisoners. About i p. M. the first rations were issued to this squad since thev had left Robertson's Tavern in the Wilderness. Inchiding the writer, six of the wounded prisoners stayed in this camp until after the -ith of July. They were then taken out and put in a tobacco house. On the 26th of June, gangrene got in the writer's wound and ate away for thirteen days. Three others of the wounded were similarly affected. The writer's wound hurt him so much that he was delirious a great part of the time. They were then taken out to the college hospital in charge of the Sisters of Charity, who were very kind, ordering a bath for each of us. washing our lousy clothes, and we fared well for six or seven weeks. The surgeon at this hospital, whose name I would like to recall, was the first gentleman the writer had met since leaving the Confederate soldiers that captured him. From this hospital the prisoners were taken back to prison. In two or three weeks they were again boxed up in freight cars for Richmond. While side-tracked in the night, the guards went through the cars and robbed the prisoners of anything they could find. The prisoners were taken out of the cars near Richmond next morning and marched to the Pemberton prison — about fifty wounded, and one hundred who were not. Soon an officer and guards, and two other men with a table, came into the prison. They searched the prisoners two at a time, stripped them, felt every inch of their clothing, tried every button, and emptied each parcel. Thev then threw the clothes over the table and made the prisoners, one at a time in this condition, get on the table on hands and knees while they made searches for greenbacks. Paroled. The writer's wound being still open, he was again sent to the hospital. Everywhere was talk of parole. One morning the writer noticed a surgeon and a man with a book in the hospital ward, the surgeon telling this man which ones to check. The nurse bared the writer's wound, the surgeon examined it, and he was marked to go, and he was truly a happy boy. In a day or two the UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 571 prisoners were marched to a boat. Major A[ulfor(l, the L'nion conunissioiier of exchange, met the boat at \'ienna Landing. After some talk with Captain Hatch, the Confederate commissioner of exchange, b}' Major Mulford, the prisoners went on shore. When all were off the boat, Major r^Iulford rode along the line and asked all that were able, to walk over to the United States Exchange boat. After walking up a rise in the ground. Major !Mulford, the United States com- missioner, said to the assembled paroled prisoners to look toward the river and they would see the dear old flag floating there, and to make for it. When the paroled prisoners got there they fell in single line, and as each man's turn came, he was given a pint of cotTee and a ration of bread and meat. The paroled men ate like a pack of starved dogs. At dark they all went on board the exchange steamer and started down the James River, reaching Annapolis about nine next morning. They were very kindly received and cared for, and a number of army surgeons and patriotic citizens looked at us, many of the latter with tears in their eves as thev beheld our pitiful condition. The filthy prison rags were taken off and the paroled men had a good bath and put on clean clothes. The writer never saw one of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment while a prisoner or at Annapolis. A furlough was immediately granted all ex- prisoners. On the writer's return from his furlough, he was sent to Camp Parole, and tliere in January, ISii."), he saw Comrade Riley, of Company H, who had been lately exchanged. He was starved to a skeleton, and having received a furlough was going home, dying there a few days after his arrival, from the effects of his im]>risonnient. At the time of the writer's capture, several of his comrades saw him fall. Captain Lyon said he was sure the writer was dead. Corporal Fox reported the same, and the writer's parents received a letter so stating. His funeral sermon and that of Adjutant John E. Myers, of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volun- teers, killed at Spottsylvania, were preached at the same time. The writer's parents mourned him as dead until they received the following letter from him, which by some good fortune passed through the lines and reached them : College Hospital, Lynchburg. \'a.. July 18, 186-1. Dear Parents — I take this present moment to let you know that I am well, and I hope and pray you are all the same. Thank God for his mercies towards us. Dear Parents, my wound was nearlv well, but it took to sloughing, and I was sent to the hospital here. I have good care taken of me, and my wound is doing well again. I have clean food to eat and a good bed to lie on, so you need not be uneasy about me. I long to hear from you. Dear Parents, all I am think- ing about is that you are worrying about me. Now, I want you to keep in good heart, for God does all things well. Keep in good heart and pray for me. If I should not meet you in this world, let us prav that we will meet in heaven where we will part no more. I hope you will get this safe to comfort you. I am afraid I have written too much. From your affectionate son, till death. JOHN GRIFFITH. To T. J. and Ann (iriflith. — Pray for me. 573 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. MY CAPTURE AND PRISON LIFE. Bv Private Jacoe S. Friexd, Company E. On the morning of T^Iay 5, 1864, orders were received for the first advance into the " \\ilderness " of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, in the Second Brigade, under General R. B. Ayres, in the First Division, under General Charles Griffin, of the Fifth Army Corps, commanded by General G. K. War- ren. This corps occupied the center of Grant's army. About 11 a. m., after we had advanced into the thickets a short distance, not half a mile, the enemy opened from short range a very heavy musketry fire from behind thickets of small trees on the skirmish line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. The enemy, although nearly invisible, were answered by the skirmishers in command of Captain George M. Laughlin. The writer had fired but one round when he was shot in the left shoulder by the enemy and knocked down. Our skirmishers and whole line was driven back by the severity of the enemy's fire. To avoid falling into the enemy's hands, as they pursued our lines, the writer arose and started to run back, but was shot a second time, this time in the left arm just above the elbow, and was captured by the enemy. Sergeant Hugh W. McGimpsey, of the writer's company, was going back with him as fast as he could, when a Confederate clubbed ]\IcGimpsey with the butt of his gun on the head, knocking him senseless. McGimpsey had his gun pointed at the enemy, try- ing to discharge it when he was knocked down. The last the writer saw of him he was lying for dead from this blow on the head. The writer saw Private John Hunter, of his company, and Sergeant Harry Campbell, of Company B, taken pris- oners at the same time. Both subse- quently died after being exchanged as prisoners of war, at Annapolis, being too weak to reach home after eleven months in prison. The enemy's guards took Hunter, Campbell and the writer to the rear. A Confederate officer of General Early's staff, who had lost his hat in the opening action, came along on horseback where Hun- Jacob s. friend. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 573 Z. K Q o Id H H < n o 2 2 U 0. O < z" o Q 2 < Q 2 U of U H 2 w 00 S 05 574 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. ter, Campbell, and the writer were lying as prisoners, and ordered the Confederate guard to take the writer's hat for the officer. The guard obeyed orders. The writer's wounds making him weak and unable to walk, he was separated from his unwounded companions of the Regiment, and in a party of two or three hundred other badly wounded Union soldiers was kept in the woods near by, in the rear of the Confederate lines, in plain hearing of the terrible work of the all-day musketry and cannonading. The Confederate guards were considerate to us, not mistreat- ing or abusing us, but we had no medical care or attendance, our only food on the field being corn-bread and meat. At the end of three or four days in this camp in the rear of the Confederate lines, our party of wounded were loaded in army wagons without springs, and hauled twenty miles to Gordonsville over very rough roads. At the latter place we remained over night, and the next day were put on board of box freight-cars, en route to Andersonville, first stopping a week or so at Danville, \'a., where we camped in an open field. We were treated as well as could be expected, except that the rations were a little short and poorer than we had been used to. The wounded received no medical attendance or nursing whatever, during this period. The writer kept his wounds clean by simply washing them. From Danville our next stop, after a day and night ride, was at Augusta, Ga. There he had his wounds dressed with clean, new bandages for the first time, by a Confederate surgeon. The other prisoners were also treated by the same surgeon. The citizens in Augusta treated us kindly, many southern ladies furnishing us with white bread and other delicacies, and expressing sj-mpathy, and spoke comforting words at our condition. Xo citizens or others insulted us on our journey. The writer never saw Comrades Hunter nor Campbell, nor any of the Regiment, after parting from them during the battle of the Wilderness. From Augusta. Ga., to Andersonville our party of prisoners took freight cars, and after a day's ride we reached our destination in the evening. The worst woiuided and those dangerously sick in our party of wounded prisoners were at once placed in the hospital — an enclosure adjoining the stockade or prison proper at Andersonville. The writer was placed in this hospital by reason of his weakened condition from wounds and loss of blood, being hardly able to stand up. The well and convalescent prisoners the writer never saw after his arrival at the prison because of his being placed in the hospital. He walked with his party the short distance from Andersonville station to the headquarters of Captain Wirz, who was commanding the prison. Captain Wirz said nothing harsh or otherwise to any of our part}'. The writer heard no complaints of Wirz' conduct from any of the prisoners. The nurses in the hospital were Union prisoners, and they gave us all the allowance of rations they could get. I made a number of acquaintances among the wounded comrades, prisoners in the hos- pital. They were all, however, from different regiments and States. We passed the dreary time away in friendly talks. I kept no diary, and cannot now recall names. Xever, since the close of the war, have I met any of my fellow prisoners. All the time tlie writer was at Andersonville hospital he was afflicted with scurvy. In September. l.sCil, with a number of other wounded and very sick prisoners, the writer was ordered to be ]iaroled and was sent first to Savannah on the cars, and UNDER THE ^MALTESE CROSS. 575 from there for exchange to Annapolis, JNId. For a month after arriving at An- napolis, the writer was so weak he had to be kept in the hospital, on account of his sufferings from scurvy. From Annapolis, as soon as the writer was able to be moved, he was sent to the United States Hospital at Philadelphia. No one can fully describe the feelings of a prisoner who has not undergone the ordeal. Loneliness, home-sickness, weakness, misery, despondency, and despair! No letters, no newspapers, no books or reading matter, no word from home, penni- less, without decent garments, even hope abandoned ! Under such circumstances, Jife certainly had but few charms for a prisoner. Our condition was necessarily made worse by want of medicines, which our Government declared to be contraband. A coincidence worth mentioning occurred on my arrival at Philadelphia, where I unexpectedly again met Sergeant Hugh McGimpsey, from my company, whom I had left senseless on the Wilderness battlefield from the musket-clubbing of a Confederate soldier, whom he was trying to shoot. At this hospital in Philadelphia McGimpsey was the first in my company I had seen or heard of since the day of my capture. ^McGimpsey, it appears, was rescued, and recovered from the clubbing. He afterwards became Orderly-Sergeant of the Company and was a brave soldier. He was a patient in the hospital, where he had been sent with other sick comrades from the front at the siege of Petersburg, and died in the hospital soon after the surrender at Appomattox. The writer remained from June 1, ISOi, until about the middle of September •of the same year a prisoner at the Confederate hospital, undergoing treatment for his wounds. There were about four hundred to five hundred Confederate prisoners in this hospital at Andersonville all the time. Gtiards surrounded it. The hospital was not a'building, it was simply a rough-board-fence enclosure with no roof. Shelter tents accommodating about four persons was all the covering we had. The bare earth was the bedding. A good stream of pure water ran through the hospital grounds. The writer visited this stream twice a day to clean his wounds. There were only a few doctors at the hospital. They ex- amined the writer soon after his arrival, and stated that his arm would have to be amputated, but the writer said, " No, never," and the doctors never bothered him afterwards. The writer has now only partial use of his arm and fingers. There were confined in Andersonville during July and August. 1864, about thirty thousand prisoners. The death rate was about one hundred daily for those two months, and during the entire time the writer was confined there, be- tween seven thousand and eight thousand died. Once placed in the prison stock- ade one had to stay there, unless it was a case for the amputation of a limb, when they were brought to the hospital, it seemed to the writer at the time, for the young surgeons to practice on. The hospital was not crowded at any time, not many additions being made during the writer's stay. The dead-house was located inside the hospital enclosure where all the dead from the stockade were brought before being buried. They were conveyed for burial in covered wagons piled in, one on top of another, until they made a load for a four-mule team. 576 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Paroled. At Savannah, Ga., on the 18th of November, 1864, the writer was taken down the Savannah River on one of the Confederate's small boats to near Fort Pulaski, where we met our exchange boat. After being placed on board of a United States transport, we were given coffee and hardtack, the first the writer had tasted since being made a prisoner. We were placed on board the transport " Blackstone," at Hilton Head, S. C. There were aboard eight hundred men, nearly all sick. We were three days making the run from Hilton Head to Annap- olis. The writer's wounds were in very bad condition, and he was covered with scurvy sores, and, not being able to travel, was placed in the hospital at Annapolis until able to travel. Having received a furlough, at its expiration, the writer reported back to Annapolis, and was then sent to Chestnut Hill hospital, near Philadelphia. There he remained until June 15, 1865, when he was discharged. His wounds had just healed at this time and his health was fairly good. The writer's age on enlistment was seventeen, his weight not over one hun- dred and twenty pounds. On the 1st of May, 1864, his weight was one hundred and forty-eight pounds. The writer was not weighed, that he remembers of, after being released. Certainly he did not weigh very much, for he was only skin and bones. The fare in the hospital at Andersonville consisted of a small piece of corn- bread once a day. The corn was ground cob and all, and was very coarse. It was mixed with water and baked, oftentimes burned on the outside and raw inside. Sometimes they added a small piece of rusty bacon. THE BATTLE OF NORTH ANNA. By Private Charles F. McKenna, Company E. The writer's service in the campaigns of the Civil \\'ar being confined to carrying a musket as a private soldier, he was in common with all in the ranks, early given to understand that he was not paid for thinking — that his function was simply to obey his superiors, who were compensated for doing the necessary thinking. This will account for the fact that the writer hereby disclaims acquir- ing knowledge of military strateg}' or tactics in the field — beyond the mere manual of arms and the Zouave skirmish drill. The scenes and incidents of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment's part in the battle of North Anna, as indelibly impressed on the writer's memory, will form the subject of this contribution to the Regimental history. The first scenes and incidents attracting attention, after the almost simul- taneous evacuation of the fortified positions, and miles of breastworks of both UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 577 < Z < X H K O O H Q < a Q M d o o 6 o •578 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. armies at SpottS3'Ivania, and the resumption of the race of the rival armies for Richmond, was the beautiful open farming country which the Union soldier was for the first time penetrating. Spring, in all its beauty, added to the magnificent picturesque appearance of this part of \'irginia, with its fine plantations and large mansions, as our army marched to the south side of the North Anna, continuing Grant's " left flank " movement. \\'arren's Fifth Army Corps again led the advance and Ayres' Brigade, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was serving, headed the column for the North Anna, which was re- •quired to be crossed in the new " On to Richmond " march of Grant's army. SuRTRiSE TO Colored Popul.\tion. The most surprised inhabitants whom we met on this march, and who flocked to the roadside crossings and tarried with us at our frequent halts, were the negro slaves — field hands, men and women, and children — all greeting the army of freedom with most enthusiastic wonder and welcomes, all the white inhabitants having disappeared in ad- vance of our arrival. The unsophisticated con- duct and innocent credulity of this colored population on seeing the " Yankee Army " for the first time, afforded much amusement to the latter. Presents of penknives or even small change tendered to these quaint people by com- rades, would be immediately declined and re- jected with looks of pain and horror, on mis- chievous comrades whispering to them that the gifts thus lavishly bestowed were " haunted," and that because of being thus " be- witched " the donors were making the present just to escape the dreaded " spirits," etc. All efforts to convince them that the articles so pre- sented were not " hoo-dooed " were unavailing. To the fidelity of one of this faithful race, however, the Fifth Army Corps became much indebted on this morning's march. Union scouts had reported to General Warren that the ford of the North Anna on the road his column was marching, was already in possession of a strong force of the enemy, with bat- teries in position, supported by Breckenridge's Confederate Corps, to oppose the crossing by the Federal troops. General Warren impressed a bright-looking negro as a guide to lead him to other roads and fords at which to cross the North Anna. The army maps of the country furnished commanding generals, were, as usual, fotmd to be defective and unreliable. Under this native guide, the Fifth Corps column was diverted to another road leading to a rarely used ford, and for which reason it had been left unguarded by the enemy. Jericho Ford was accordingly selected by General \\^arren as the point of crossing, instead CHARLES F. McKENNA. 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 579 of the other ford on the main road, where the eneiii)-, in anticipation, were watching on Alay 'i'Sd. Humors of Fording the River. At this point the North Anna River was nearly fonr feet deep, and Warren hnrried his advance cohimns across at the newly-chscovered ford, to secure posi- tions before the enemy would discover his change of route and march to oppose his advance. Accordingly, there was no time to be lost, or to await the arrival and laying of the pontoons, a delay which would probably have taken an hour or more. On reaching the river banks, companies and regiments hurriedly, with- out divesting themselves of clothing, proceeded to ford the stream, which was found to have considerable current. At the place of fording, officers and men on horseback could safely cross. Amid the hurry and excitement of the impending battle, many irresistibly humor- ous scenes occurred as the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was crossing at the ford. Companies K, H and G, being all recruited from Clarion and other ad- jacent counties abounding in extremely tall men, had enough giants in stature in their ranks to make the fording in the three or four foot stage of water, not a serious matter to them. Lieutenant D. Porter Marshall, of Company K, was the tallest man in the Regiment, if not in the army, reaching six feet seven or eight. Fie was among the first to cross with safety, if not dignity, fol- lowed by Comrades Sloan, Kirkpat- rick, Blair and other long-legged vet- erans of the companies named, all carrying their guns, cartridge boxes, haversacks and cooking utensils on their heads. A different problem, however, was presented at the ford when such well-known short-statured comrades as Color-Corporals Harr\- AL Curry, " Tom " McCush. Charles A. Walters and Frank Gilmore, all of whom were well under six feet, ap- peared and attempted to wade across. As " Jimmy "' Finnegan, of Company D ; " Johnny " Boyd, of Company C, and " Hughey " Bayne, of Company E, all of diminutive height, stood on the river bank, hesitating to attempt the crossing. Hawdon Marshall, the drum major, assisted by Samuel Heflick, the Regimental fifer, impro- vised a raft and set sail across the raging stream, piling all their luggage war time photos of^grant and corps 580 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. aboard and induced Finnegan, Boyd and Bayne to become passengers. " Bob "" Gulp, of Company B, a veteran navigator of the Pennsylvania Canal, was re- quested to serve as captain of the ferryboat, and took command. As this hastily-constructed craft went to pieces in the middle of the river, and the shipwrecked mariners were, with some difficulty, rescued by cavalrymen who came to their relief, thus saving them from watery graves, " Commodore " Culp- was heard to remark, struggling in the waters of the North Anna, that if he were a profane man, the emergency for expressing himself had been reached. Others of the Regiment, in successfully crossing the stream and gaining: the opposite bank, slipped back into the water and received involuntary baths. They at once became busy in efforts to save their equipments and rations from total loss. Despite all these difficulties in effecting a crossing of the rank and file before the pontoons had reached the stream. General Ayres, who on horseback with his staff had been the first to cross the North Anna, soon selected for his command a strong defensive position. He planted the well-known headquarters flag, with its large white Maltese cross, in an open field not far from the river bank. Rallying 'Rouxd the Flag. All of General Ayres' staff and orderlies were deployed to meet the troops,, wading the stream as soon as they had crossed to escort them to the chosen posi- tion of defense. General Ayres, in person, stood close by the flag, shouting to the rapidly-arriving troops to " Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys," and the nucleus of a battle line was hastily formed around the colors, so as to resist the threat- ened advance of the enemy's column, which was known to be in that vicinity. The obvious risk of the Federal troops in being thus exposed to an attack whilst crossing the stream, was very great and called for prompt action. The full sig- nificance of the refrain of " Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys," was never more ap- preciated or realized by troops than on this occasion, as was shown by the prompt response and rallying 'round the colors. For some reason, fortunately for the- Union troops, the crossing of the ford by all of the infantry of the Fifth Corps was not discovered by the enemy for an hour or two after it had been accom- plished and the pontoons had been laid and batteries had taken position to do- eiTective work. The Rebel Yell and Frightened Cattle. Whilst enjoying a rest, and as the companies of the Regiment were cookingf coffee and getting ready for supper, having their arms stacked close by. the familiar sound of the " rebel yell " was heard emanating from the woods imme- diately opposite the position occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment. This was promptly followed by the appearance in our front of frightened cattle, hogs, sheep and turkeys, all fleeing from the advancing columns of the Confederates bent on driving the Union forces into the North Anna. Warren's successful crossing of the North Anna at the unexpected ford was at last dis- covered, and the charging columns represented Breckenridge's and Hill's Corps- of Confederates. The first skirmish line of battle encountered bv the Confederates. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 581 on this attack was composed of the trained veterans of a score of battles, the United States Regulars, under command of Captain Frederick Winthrop. The enemy's first attack was checked and finally repulsed with very great losses. The enemy, remforced, rallied and renewed its charges and assaults on the skirmish line held by Regulars, who, being finally overpowered, were relieved "by the line of battle on which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment was serving. The enemy renewed its assaults upon this new line of battle, which had advanced and relieved the skirmish line of Regulars. The enemy was repulsed each time with great loss. At intervals of ten or fifteen minutes during the night of the 33rd, the Confederate columns made unsuccessful assaults on both the skirmish and regular lines of battle. When not so rallying to drive the Federal ■column from its strong position, the Confederate sharpshooters and pickets kept up an almost incessant firing. The flow and ebb of pickets' and skirmishers' fire between the contending armies continued the whole night. Frequently the skir- mish line was driven back to the breastworks by the enemy. The occupants of the breastworks composing our main line of battle also became actively engaged in firing and in repulsing the enemy. The defenders of the breastworks, when not so pressed by the enemy, were employed in the work of erecting and in strengthening- the defensive line of breastworks. BuiLDixG Bre.\stworks Uxder Fire. To the man in the ranks trying between these attacks of the enemy, with v^i4«- J • tit' BUILDING BREASTWORKS UNDER FIRE. 582 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. pick, spade and axe to build breastworks, to drop these implements at short in- tervals and to seize his gun, and every half hour to resume loading and firing at the enemy, was quite trying. To others, worn out and fatigued from picket duty, trying to catch a few moments' sleep behind the breastworks in course of construction, the frequent rude awakening and call to arms was scarcely less provoking. C)n the distribution of axes, picks, and shovels to the Regiment with orders to erect breastworks to strengthen the position of the line of battle, the supply of these tools ran out before the writer was reached. At first, this escape from using implements so unfamiliar to him, and the avoidance of expenditure of muscle, was the subject of quiet congratulation by the writer. Later on, however, as the earthworks appeared above the ground it was found that men from the ranks were required to mount the newly-constructed works and with their feet to stamp and ram down the earth being shoveled up by the working detail, and it fell to the writer's lot to be thus detailed. In view of the constant picket firing, skirmishing, and the frequent rallies and charges all along the enemy's line on the Federal position all night during the continuance of the work of erect- ing the earthworks, the position of the rammers surmounting the breastworks, it was discovered, ati'orded a fine target for the enemy. The firing from the Federal batteries, posted on the north side of North Anna, it was also found, was very low and often passed disagreeably close to the craniums of the same " rammers." Indeed, the fire from the enemy's batteries, it was noted, was not so dangerous to the men thus exposed as "" rammers " as was the fire of our own artillery. However, when the combination became too warm, as it very fre- quently did during the night, the writer and his companion " rammers " evacuated and made descents into the breastworks. Their muskets being in readiness, they joined in the firing at the enemy, all building work being suspended until a lull in the battle again occurred and made it comparatively safe to proceed with such work. The shocking bad manners of the Confederates in interrupting our evening meal, was bad enough and called for severe criticism, but to continue their an- noying and impudent attentions as they did with musketry and artillery all night, was worse, and elicited very prompt resentment and indignant shots from the Federal nuisketry and artillery. Costly Mist.xke of Enemy. The enemv paid dearly, however, for the mistake made in leaving un- guarded Jericho Ford, at which Warren's Corps crossed the North Anna, and in also trying to retrieve this error by unsuccessful efforts in attacking columns of infantry and artillery supports to recover the position thus lost and in their at- tempts to drive the Fifth Corps from the impregnable position secured by (jeneral Ayres in crossing the North Anna. Privates \Mlliam S. Hindman, of Company E, and Theodore Baldwin, of Company F, died soldiers' deaths in this battle. Both, though mere boys, were tried and true soldiers in many battles. Young Hindman's parents were pioneer settlers of Elizabeth Township, and voting UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 583 irJ w " I Q W « _• . < 2 >, OS ^ . o x;s O tjK I -584 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Baldwin's family were among the early settlers of Pittsburg. These boys were among the writer's closest friends. The opening of the action by the enemy occurred immediately in front of the position occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, and which position continued, as stated, to be a point of assault during the daylight and midnight attacks. The next day, after the enemy had retreated, a visit to the battlefield in front of the breastworks of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, so hastily constructed, revealed the largest number of the Confederate dead on any portion of the battlefield. Credit for Victory. The participation of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment in the highly successful battle of North Anna River, May 23rd and 'ii, 1864, fought by the Fifth Army Corps, commanded by General G. K. Warren and the Confederate forces of Generals Breckenridge and Hill, redounds to the credit of the Regi- ment as much as its part in the famous charge at Marye's Heights, Fredericks- burg, or in the storming of Little Round Top, July 3, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel John Ewing, in the absence of Colonel Pearson, during the action, was in com- mand, with Major John A. Cline, ranking next, assisting in the movements. Whilst the Regiment had sufifered the loss of such able line officers as Captain E. E. Clapp, Company F, and Captain Charles M. Johnson, Company A, killed in the severe engagements of the previous twenty days, since the opening of Grant's campaign, among the line officers of the Regiment who remained, however, were Captain S. A. McKee, Company I; Captain George M. Laughlin, Company E; Captain Samuel Kilgore, Company D ; First-Lieutenant John A. Kribbs, Com- pany G, Captain A. H. Heisey and Captain W. E. Allen, Company H, all of whom sustained their well-deserved records for bravery. This sketch of the action at North Anna only covers what fell under the immediate observation of the writer in the ranks of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers. The other brigades of Griffin's, Crawford's and Cutler's entire divisions of the Fifth Corps all bore conspicuous parts and lost heavily in the engagement. The brigade of General J. Bowman Sweitzer, in which was serving the gallant Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volimteers, of Pitts- burg, sustained very heavy losses under peculiarly trying circumstances in the fact that the battle was fought so near the closing days of their term of three years' service in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac. In General Craw- ford's Division was also serving the regiments of the Pennsylvania Reserves, whose respective terms of service of three years was also within a few days of expiring. In the case of both the Sixty-second Regiment and the Pennsylvania Reserves it was truly pathetic that so many of the patriotic soldiers who had es- caped the missiles of war in previous battles, laid down their lives at North Anna, when within a week and some within a day or two of the expiration of their term of service. Particularly conspicuous, because known so well to our Regiment from long association in Ayres' Division at Gettysburg and subsequent UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 58& campaigns, was the individual bravery exhibited by Captain Fred. Winthrop,. the young officer ah-eady named as commanding the United States Regulars on the skirmish battle-line at North Anna. Captain Winthrop's appearance attracted attention, being attired in a gaudy uniform. His coolness and intrepidity, as well as his debonair appearance, as he moved along the firing line, twirling in his hands a small riding whip, directing and inspiring his men, elicited the admiration of all his comrades and superiors. The significance of the success of the Fifth Corps in the action at North Anna will be understood by the -reader from the view taken of it by Con- federate authorities. Colonel W. H. Venable, of Baltimore, who served on General R. E. Lee's staff, in an address at the Lee Memorial meeting, held in Richmond, on November 3, 1870, states " That General Lee was constantly seek- ing an opportunity to attack the Army of the Potomac — that he hoped to strike the blow at the North Anna, or between the Annas and the Chickahominy ; that he hoped much from the attack on Warren's Corps at Jericho Ford, where it was in a hazardous position, separated from the rest of the army; that General Hill also was sanguine of success in this attack ; but that the main plan miscarried through some mishap, though one or two minor successes on the left flank were effected." The losses of the Fifth Corps, between May 32nd and June 1, 18G4, aggre- gated 9 officers and 136 men killed; 34 officers and 735 men wounded. The greater part of these casualties occurred at Jericho Ford, on the North Anna. PERILS OF VIDETTE DUTY. By John M. L.\nc.'\ster, Sergeant Company E. The experience and special dangers of military duty on the vidette out- post in the advance of Grant's army movements, in the campaign of 1864 against Richmond, is recalled from the time-stained pages of the writer's diary, and memories of service as Corporal of picket guard on the night of June 3, 1864. Grant's invading columns had compelled the retirement of the Confederate forces of General Lee to within the outer fortifications of Rich- mond — erected at Cold Harbor. On that day the Fifth Corps, under General Warren, held an important position in the advance at Bethesda Church, and had erected earth works and de- fences of strength and position to resist the assaults of the corps of Confederates in front. Burnside's Ninth Corps joined the Fifth Corps and was assigned with it to the duty of making ^gt. j. m. Lancaster. 586 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. demonstrations and attacks on the large bodies of the enemy to detain them from assisting General Lee in the defence of Cold Harbor works, about to be stonned by Hancock's and Wright's Corps the following day. The enemy became active opposite the Fifth and Ninth Corps, and made frequent assaults and drove in the pickets several times. It was on the night of this all day of brisk skirmishing and under these circumstances that the writer was ordered to report with a detail squad of four privates of Company E for special picket and vidette duty. The reserved picket post was immediately outside of the position in intrenchment partially occupied by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. Captain Samuel Kilgore was THE FATAL VIDETTE OUTPOST. the officer in charge of the picket guard on the eventful night. To the com- rades of the Company, it is the story of a brave and much-beloved companion whose death on his lonely post was unseen save by God and the enemy. It also recalls to the surviving participants the successful recovery of the body of Private Theophilus S. Callen, under severe fire of the enemy. He was a handsome, stalwart country youth, who had just attained his eighteenth year. The detail from Company E for that night's perilous duty consisted of Pri- vates C. F. McKenna, Theophilus S. Callen, Newton Hipsley, and R. P. Douglass, in the order named. The first-named went on duty at 10 p. m. in the woods front- ing the breastworks, and. taking a position at the foot of a tree, dug a pit, the UNDER THE ^ilALTESE CROSS. 587 better to conceal his person from the view of the enemy's sharpshooters, who were keeping up a continuous fire. At the end of McKenna's two-hours" round of duty in the position described, he answered the low whistle of Theophilus S. Callen, the agreed signal of the picket approaching to relieve him on the vidette post. The latter, on being relieved by Callen. warned him of the great risk and exposure to the enemy's fire. The two videttes quietly exchanged " good-byes " as they parted for the last time in this world. McKenna, on being relieved. ■V- THE DETAIL FOR VIDETTE DUTY— HIPSLE Y. DOUGLAS. McKENNA AND LANCASTER. crawled back to the reserved picket post and soon rolling into his blanket, took his much-needed rest, expecting not to be awakened until his second turn of vidette duty at the end of four hours was reached. Two hours after Callen went on vidette post. Private Hipsley was awakened from his sleep on reserve picket and was sent out to relieve Callen. The latter did not reply to the whistle-signal calls of Hipsley, and, after unsuccessful at- tempts, under the prevailing fire of the enemy, to locate Callen's vidette post, Hipsley returned and reported his belief that Comrade Callen had been killed on oSS UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. his post. He also announced that the enemy had advanced their hnes, and that a brisk firing from the Confederates was being kept up and was being answered from our lines. The writer, becoming much alarmed for the safety of Callen, who had been his continuous messmate throughout all the campaigns, aroused McKenna from his sleep and informed him of Hipsley's report and failure to relieve Callen. McKenna, being already familiar with the location of the vidette post at which Callen had relieved him, promptly volunteered to crawl out to the position, ex- pressing his belief that Callen was probably overcome by fatigue and had fallen asleep, and that through this napping he had failed to hear Hipsley's whistle. On approaching the tree used as a vidette post, he reached out to awaken Callen from his supposed sleep, and was startled to discover the body to be already rigid in death. McKenna at once hurried back from the range of the enemy's shots and on reaching the breastworks reported the death to the writer, as Cor- poral in charge of the detail. Captain Laughlin was aroused from his slumber to learn the sad news. He announced to the members of the Company that he could not order any of his men to incur the great risk involved in advancing under the heavy firing of the enemy to the vidette post to recover the body of young Callen, but that if any companions would undertake to do it, they had his consent. Private ]\IcKenna at once offered to lead the way to any who would accompany him to the outpost, on the sad duty of recovering the body of their young comrade. The writer, accompanied by Privates R. P. Douglass and New- ton Hipsley, arranged to undertake the sorrowful mission, and followed Mc- Kenna on hands and knees, seeking protection of trees from the enemy's sharp- shooters, until they finally reached the fatal vidette post, where reposed the body of their companion. Avoiding noises and movements that might attract the attention of the enemy, the detail rolled the body on a blanket, and slowly and quietly carried the body back to the reserve picket post, and lifted it across the breastworks. The clouds shut ofif the moonlight in the woods during the sad journey, so that few shots from the enemy were fired at the rescue party on their returrt movements. Private Hipsley returned to serve his two-hours' turn on the fatal vidette post, escaping all injury. He was relieved at early dawn by the advance of a strong skirmish line ordered by General Warren to drive the Confederates from the advanced position they had secured during the night. It was found at daylight, on examination of the body, that our comrade had been shot through the head, the ball entering just above the ear. His death was evidently instantaneous, as his gun was still in his grasp. Its chamber was empty and his cartridges had dwindled to a few rounds, indicating his activity on the vidette post. At daybreak, inside the breastworks, under a young peach tree in the orchard through which the Union line of earthworks was constructed, we buried our beloved companion, being interrupted more than once during the sad cere- mony by attacks of the enemy, requiring all to rally with their guns to duty in the breastworks close bv. UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. 589 u S a s u K o < Q CO X H Id n w" > < o z <-) < u O « o 5;)i) UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. The Ijurial recalled the well-known lines which young Callen had often recited at the village school of Apollo, entitled, " The Burial of Sir John Moore," commencing : ■' Not a drum was lieard, not a funeral note, As his corse to the rampart we hurried; Not a soldier discharged his farewell sliot O'er the grave where our hero we buried." A Sister's Pathetic Letter. In 18(i(i, the writer accompanied the father of yoting Callen to the battle- field of Bethesda Church, and assisted in the removal of the remains of his son to their final resting place in the village graveyard of Poke Run Presbyterian Church, near Apollo, Westmoreland county. Pa. The grief of the family on the occasion of the second burial, was much increased by the fact that Miss Louisa M. Callen. the favorite sister of Theophilus, in the meantime had died within one year after the tragic death of her brother, and was buried in the family lot. She had just attained her twentieth year. Her death was pronounced by all to be due to the severitv of the shock and grief occasioned by her only brother's death in battle. Her time-stained letter, now nearly forty-five years old, written on receiving word of the death of Theophilus, and the pen sketch of his grave made at the time, are before me as I write. This reminiscence could close with no more fitting" sentiment than is con- tained in the touching letter of a dear comrade's sister. Their ashes rest side by side in the peaceful country churchyard, and their spirits are united in the man- sions of the skies. Point Home, near Apollo, June 1"2, 18(54. Jno. M. L.\ncaster, Dear Friend: We received your letter to father a few days ago, informing us of the death in battle of our only brother. It was a terrible shock to us all. It seems as though we can scarcely bear up under this great affliction. It was a hard trial to us the morning he bade us all farewell for a home on the " tented field." I think I can see tears running down his young innocent face as he said those sad words, " Good-bye." There appeared to be loneliness reigning in every place after he left us. But then we had one comfort. His cheerful letters came every week. It was his duty to go when his country called him. and he died in a good cause. He is happy now in the Lord's Kingdom. Your kind letter gave us much comfort and consolation in our deep grief and sorrow. Accept our most sincere thanks for the pen sketch of dear Theophilus' last resting place. It was a sorrowful sight to us. We all wept over it. It was a kind gift, and extremely thoughtful of Charles McKenna to draw it. We will ever cherish it in remembrance of him as the last friend who spoke to our dear 1)rother on this earth, \\hen we think of Theophilus, all we can now see is that raised mound of clay and the headboard in the sketch. Father intends to have it framed. i UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 591 ,592 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. If my humble petitions have reached the Throne of Grace, every soldier's name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life, as it is now on earth. Accept our sincere thanks for the kind, interesting and comforting letter. May you and all your comrades be rewarded for rescuing our dear brother's remains. I hope your lives may be spared, and you and your comrades be per- mitted to return to your peaceful homes. Respectfully your friend, LOUISA M. CALLEN. STORY OF THE REGIMENTAL SURGEON. DR. J. A. E. REED, Regimental Surgeon. By Doctor J. A. E. Reed, Lanc.JiSter, Pa. The writer served with the Regiment, as surgeon, from September 12, 1862, until January 2, 1865, and was in all its campaigns within that period. The ex- haustive forced marches, the sudden change in their mode of life of the men from comfort and convenience to camp exposure produced much sickness in the first bivouacs and camps at Sharpsburg. The emergency that brought into the field so many thousands of new troops in so short a time taxed the Government beyond its powers for immediate relief in the way of medical supplies and stores. Requisitions of General McClel- lan for tents, clothing, and medicines were unavailing. Through the liberality of many citizens of Pittsburg, friends of the Regiment, relief was supplied to the hospitals and camps where the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was lying. Among these contributions and visitors, the writer can recall James McAuley, James Park, Jr., James Laughlin, Wil- liam Thompson, Samuel M. Kier, and Alexander Bradley, citizens of Pitts- burg. The next great occasion for the services of the surgical staff was at the battle of Fredericksburg, where, night and day, in the field hospitals and the houses, churches, and public buildings utilized as hospitals, the three surgeons of the Regiment were occupied in amputations, and the treatment of the many badlv wounded of the Regiment and of Humphreys' Division. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 593 On April 10, 1863, after the dismissal of Regimental Surgeon Hoffman, the writer was promoted to that position with the rank of Major, Doctor W. Stock- ton Wilson becoming First Assistant Surgeon, the Second Assistant not being appointed until Doctor A. D. Tewksbury came to the Regiment in July, 1864. This period covered the great battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness campaign. The service was very arduous and trying on surgeons. On May 3, 1863, after the battle of Chancellorsville, where General Hooker abandoned his field hospitals and all the sick and wounded, and retreated to the north side of the Rappahannock, the writer was in charge of some of the division hospitals of the Fifth Corps, and fell into the hands of the enemy, with all the nurses and guards, together with several thousand wounded and sick Union sol- diers. The writer, a non-combatant, was sent through the lines on May 8th, and returned to the Regiment then in camp near United States Ford. We were later permitted by the Confederates to return with an ambulance train and pass within the enemy's lines to convey those of the convalescent and badly wounded who could be moved, back to our camps. This was under an agreed-upon flag of truce, and we were occupied three days in this duty. Many of the wounded were in such wretched condition as to be incapable of removal, and had to be left within the Confederate lines, with those of our men who had been hospital guards as nurses. Because of l^eing armed guards, and having as such, under the writer's orders, destroyed large quantities of medical stores to prevent their fall- ing into the hands of the enemy, these guards were treated by the Confederates as belligerants and held as such for some weeks, until their status could be de- termined at Richmond. While on the march to Gettysburg the writer was appointed Surgeon-in- Chief of the Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps. It became his •duty in less than ten days thereafter to take charge of the great field hospital on Little Round Top, Gettysburg. The enormous losses in that battle, the many operations on account of gun-shot wounds and from explosive shells, surpassed that of any previous engagement of the Civil War, because of the greater numbers engaged. The surgeons of the Army of the Potomac were greatly insufficient in number for this great emergency. The patriotic members of the medical profession appeared promptly from all parts of Pennsylvania and adjoining States for immediate duty. Pittsburg surgeons were among the first to report on Little Round Top, on July 3, 1863, before the cannonading had ceased to echo. The writer recalls the presence and active service of Doctors Thos. W. Shaw, John Dickson, A. G. Walter, G. L. McCook, Jr., Thos. J. Gallaher, Mowry, Jones, McCann, Childs, Cornman, and many more whose names cannot now be re- called, who came to alleviate and cheer the wounded. Many of the field hos- pitals and operating tables were under heavy artillery fire July 2nd and 3rd. The surgeons duties were very much increased when the Confederates retreated, aban- doning their badly-wounded and sick. This new charge, the duty of humanity, was assumed, and, with the care of our own wounded, occupied our whole atten- tion for a month following the battle. It was a most exhausting experience — so much misery, so much sufl'ering, with inadequate means of relief adding to our solicitude and responsibility. 594 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. The writer continued with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania J Volunteers, as its surgeon, during the following winter, then through the over- land spring and summer campaign under General Grant, in the great battles of the Wilderness, North Anna, Bethesda Church campaign, and before Richmond and during the siege of Petersburg. On November 11, 1864, owing to the ardu- ous nature of the service, and sickness, the writer asked to be relieved. The Government withheld acceptance of the resignation until January 2, 1865. Doctor E. C. Kitchin was promoted from Assistant-Surgeon of the Twenty-first Penn- sylvania Cavalry, and transferred to the writer's place. To attempt reminiscences of the affection of the association with the of- ficers and men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers at this late date would be a voluminous task. However, the writer cannot forbear expressing his great admiration for the manly, martial, and chivalrous qualities of the Regimental officers and men with whom he had most intimate relations. Colonels E. Jay Allen, John H. Cain, and Alfred L. Pearson, Lieutenant-Colonel John Ewing, Major John A. Cline, Adjutant E. A. Montooth, are all recalled with affection. A just tribute is due the memory of the ever-faithful Ellis Thorne, the faith- ful hospital steward, for his fidelity to duty and the strong afifection he had for the comrades of the Regiment, and cordial sympathy for suffering and pain of comrades requiring medical or stirgical relief. All these men come to us in memory as gallant soldiers and gentlemen of high honor. To the men who stood " behind the guns," space and time will fail to do justice. The stories of their devotion and duty are well told in these pages. It has been a matter of profound regret to the writer, whose home is in Lancaster, Pa., remote from the loeus in quo of the Regimental nucleus in Pitts- burg, and the seat of the Regimental reunions, that he has not been able to fraternize with his comrades. The passing years have thinned their ranks, but their memories ever brighten. REMINISCENCES OF HATCHER'S RUN AND FIVE FORKS. Bv Surgeon Elias A. Kitchix. Immediately after the battle of the Boydton Plank Road, on recommenda- tion of Doctor Lemoyn, Surgeon-in-Chief of General Gregg's Cavalry Division. the writer was promoted from Assistant-Surgeon of the Twenty-first Pennsyl- vania Cavalry to the position of Surgeon of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, then serving in the advanced skirmish lines and trenches at Petersburg. Doctor T- A. E. Reed, of the One Hundred and UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 595 Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, acting Brigade Surgeon, had resigned in January, 1865. The first hard battle fought after the writer assumed the posi- tion of Surgeon of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was the severe engagement at Hatcher's Run. The field hospital was located in a house with a room large enough to aft'ord a space for six operating tables, and all were needed and used by the Surgeon. The wounded were brought in in large numbers and amputa- tions of arms and legs became so numerous that the dismembered limbs were thrown out of the windows until the\- made piles as high as the window sills. DR. E. C. KITCHIN. Assistant Surgeon. During a lull in the battle of Five Forks, General Pearson came to the writer and reported that a Lieutenant of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment had been wounded in the knee, and asked the writer to save him, saying, " I will give you a thousand dollars, Kitchin, to save the brave Lieutenant Thomas Dunn." An examination was made and an effort made to extract the bullet from the wounded man's knee, but after the surgeons got ready to operate, the surgeon of the Division advised a short delay, and in an hour the brave Lieutenant was dead. 596 UXDER THE MALTESE CROSS. In the many cases, owing to the crowding of the hospitals, or slow removal from the field, prompt medical services to all wounded was impossible. The flag of truce at Appomattox came in through the line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers on the morning of April 9, 1865. A request for a surgeon to dress a wounded Confederate soldier came in at the same time from the truce bearer. The writer answered the request promptly, and in so doing he believes he has the distinction of dressing the wound of the last Con- federate soldier wounded at Appomattox, .\fter performing this duty, and during the suspension of hostilities resulting from the flag of truce, the writer went down toward the Confederate army. He saw, standing under an apple tree, four officers, General Babcock, of General Grant's staff, General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate army, also two Confederate officers of high rank, all apparently awaiting the arrival of General Grant. The Confederates around took the surrender good naturedly, but some of the officers looked very cross. When the Confederates were ready to disband, a surgeon of an Alabama regiment came to the writer and made himself known as a Mason, asking for the loan of fifty dollars to enabled him to get home. The writer handed him the money. Mrs. Kitchin, the writer's wife, received a check for the loan before the writer reached home. This Confederate's name is William F. Beard, M. D., and his residence Shelbvville. Kv. AT THE FRONT AND IN THE HOSPITAL. Bv Corporal Fr.vnklin Giljiore, Company A. The writer enlisted in the old Splane building, corner of Fifth avenue and Smithfielfl street, on August 18, 1863, in a company called the Hiland Guards, being recruited by Captain A. L. Pearson, Edward A. Montooth, and Frank J. Buchard, which later became Company A, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsyl- vania \'olunteers. \\'ith other companies being re- cruited at that time the recruits of Company A were marched to Camp Howe, a miserable, squallid-looking place in Oakland, after the war known as Linden Grove, a famous picnic ground. To keep the fresh recruits in the first camp, in absence of guns, the guards were armed with clubs. The first meal in this camp, which was without a caterer of any kind, was left to the writer to prepare. Captain Pearson's recruits were very hungry on arriv- CORP. FRANK GiLMORE. '"S ^^ 'he Camp in the evening, and the writer was UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 597 detailed to ask Captain Pearson whether he could see the cook, and would like to know what time that worthy would announce supper. Captain Pearson promptly disclaimed any knowledge of such an official as a cook for the camp, and declared that it looked as if supper would not be had until morning, as he saw no arrangements being made for it. The writer, even at the tender age of sixteen, had followed the river, and had some slight experience in cookery. Observing that workmen about the camp were using large, heated pans for gravel roofing the new barracks, and two barrels of potatoes being discovered in camp, Pearson's recruits soon rolled the same over to the pans, dumped them in and covered them with hot gravel. Salt was borrowed or stolen, and completed the menu of the first feast in camp. Left Behind .\t Fredericksburg. After the charge on Marye's Heights, under Burnside, Colonel Allen detailed the writer and some others of the Regiment for guard duty at the crowded hos- pitals — the churches, public buildings, and the Court House of Fredericksburg. The writer went on duty at the Court House, where the surgeons were kept busy amputating and operating the day and a half the writer was on guard duty. No one on this guard duty had an intimation of the Union army's retreating north of the Rappahannock, as all reports indicated that Burnside was bent on renewing his senseless assault the next morning. To the great surprise of all the guards thus placed on duty, early that morning it was discovered that Burnside's whole amiy had retreated across the pontoons and that his men on hospital guard duty had received no notice, and were consequently abandoned to their fate. Fortu- nately, the morning was foggy and the Confederates were a little late discovering the retreat. The writer and other hospital guards gathered up their effects and hastened down the streets to the river bank, where they found all the pontoon bridges had been lifted, and all the troops and trains were already north of the Rappahannock. It was soon realized that the hospital guards had been aban- doned. The deserted details soon gathered up materials for rafts on which to place their knapsacks, guns and accoutrements, and then they waded into the river, cold and icy as it was. It was the choice of a cold bath or Libby Prison, and they preferred the former. Three hundred hospital guards, thus abandoned, escaped to the north side of the Rappahannock in this manner. With Bucktails at Gettysburg. At Little Round Top, on the afternoon of July 3d, the writer secured per- mission to leave the Company ranks to join details of the Bucktails and Berdans' sharpshooters, who were on the slopes of Little Round Top, and from behind rocks in front of the position of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were drawing beads on Confederate sharpshooters concealed in Devil's Den, close by. An ex- citing experience was had on one of the writer's advances close to the Devil's Den. An armed Confederate demanded that the writer surrender. This demand was promptly declined, as the writer dropped down behind a most convenient 698 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. rock. In the movements the tables were turned, and the Confederate accepted the demand of the writer for an unconditional surrender. The writer escorted his prisoner up the hill, reporting to Adjutant Montooth, and the Confederate was turned over to the Division Provost-Marshal. The third day after the opening of Grant's Wilderness campaign, after the night march to Spottsylvania, the Regiment was promptly called on battle line on May 8th, Ayres' Brigade musicians playing stirring music. It has been called Laurel Hill, Alsop's Farm, and Spottsylvania. The writer identifies it as the battle in which he was first wounded. Lieutenant " Jack " Campbell, of Company A, loaned the writer a seven-shooter revolver, which came in handy when the Company got into close quarters, as was done there. It was nip and tuck in the race between the contending armies, which should gain the crest of the hill first. The Fifth Corps troops beat the enemy by a short distance. Then began the battle for possession of the hill. The writer was engaged at this point in aiming at a Johnnie, and the Johnnie was reciprocating in kind. The writer has never been able to learn whether his aim was good, but he does know that the Johnnie's was. The writer was " clipped " by a minie ball in the right leg below the knee. The bul- let cut into the bone, and the writer, dropping his gun, rolled down the hill. After lying still in great pain for a while, " Davie " Lloyd, of Company A, appeared, and, being in the Ambulance Corps, he cut a hickory crutch. Thus equipped, the writer rejoined his company, keeping up for several days. The wound be- coming gangrened, the Regimental Surgeon ordered his removal to a field hos- pital. From there the writer was sent by boat to Satterlee Hospital, Philadelphia, where he remained for several weeks, when, at his own request, he was allowed to rejoin the Regiment, then in front of Petersburg. At Hatcher's Run the writer's turn again came for an entry on the " Cas- ualty Report " of severely wounded, the minie ball entering the right hip, and passing nearly through the leg. The writer's comrades supported him and pre- vented his being captured. A little German surgeon, on duty at the field hospital extracted the bullet from the writer's leg. This surgeon remarked after the opera- tion, " Veil, I puts dis minie pall in your plouse pocket. May be you vants to keep him." The writer said he did, and he has " him " yet. In this action; Samuel W. Smith, of Company A, was killed. He had served faithfully in the Sixty-second Pennsylvania \''olunteers, and was on the Company's rolls by trans- fer, when that Regiment left for home. "He was a faithful, brave soldier. The writer, after treatment in various hospitals, was transferred to the West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg. En route home, the writer was obliged to leave the train at York, Pa., because of pain and suffering of his wound. The surgeons opened it up and extracted a piece of blouse. The writer remained at the West Penn Hospital until after the close of the war, being kept under constant treatment, the wound baffling the best surgeons in its treatment. From this hospital the writer was taken in a carriage to witness the return of and reception given to the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, on its return from the war, by the city of Pittsburg. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 599 The grand dinner and exercises at Old City Hall in honor of the Regiment, and the exhibition of zouave drill in the West Common, Allegheny, now North Side, were all attended by the writer. During the writer's long treatment for wounds at the hospital in Philadel- phia, and at the West Penn Hospital, in Pittsburg, the trained nurses and at- tendants were the good Sisters of Mercy, who ministered night and day most CORP. FRANK GILMORE. 1864. faithfully, cheerfully, and without pay, to the thousands of sick and wounded soldiers who were undergoing treatment in those institutions. Their zeal and af- fection and solicitude, as experienced by the writer, could not be surpassed by that of the most devoted mother or sister of one's own blood. Though not of their creed, the writer has ever felt that the Union cause and the suffering sol- diers could never express too much gratitude for the work of these angels of mercy during the Civil War. 600 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. THE FLAG OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH. By Color-Sergeant Thomas C. Lawsox, Company H. At the time of the organization of the Regiment, the 3rd of September, 1862, it had not yet come into possession of a flag ; and it was not until the 17th of October following that the boys had any colors around which to rally in case of emergency. On that date, while in camp near Sharpsburg, Isld., Colonel J. H. Puleston, military agent of the State of Pennsylvania, as representative of Governor Curtin, presented to the Regiment a beautiful, gold-fringed, silk flag, with cover. Colonel E. Jay Allen accepted the flag in eloquent words, which seemed to affect the men like an inspiration. Already filled with righteous indignation against the foes of the land represented by that flag, they resolved then and there that it should never be dishonored ; and the sequel shows that, while it became weather- beaten and blood-stained, and finally shot in pieces, it was never once trailed in the dust. Literally speaking, it never touched the ground. When the bloody charge was made, that flag was always in advance, always led the Regiment, never dragged, and in the bloody repulse, was never left behind. At Camp McAuley, Sharpsburg, Sergeant Thos. E. Wiseman was appointed Color-Sergeant by Colonel Allen. Under him, as color guards, were Corporals Thos. J. Marlin, of Company K; Thos. C. Lawson, of Company H ; John Mackin, Company F; Geo. W. Bratten, Company E: Frank Thompson, Company I; and John Hull, of Company D. In the terrible battle of Fredericksburg, Color-Ser- geant Wiseman received a mortal wound in the charge on Marye's Heights. As he swayed, in endeavors to keep his feet, and to hold the shattered flag staff, Corporal Thos. C. Lawson grasped the colors and carried them through the re- mainder of the severe engagement. For that timely act, he received promotion on the battlefield as Color-Sergeant. In this fatal charge, Color-Corporal Clias. Bardeen, Company F; Geo. W. Bratten, Company E ; Frank Thompson, Company I ; and John Rankin, Company C, were killed. The flagstaff was so badly shattered in two places by the enemy's missiles in the charge, while being carried by Sergeant Wiseman, and the flag itself so riddled and torn that it had to be repaired before it could be used in another battle. Colonel Allen, accordingly, had it sent to Pittsburg, where Mrs. Allen and other well-known ladies repaired the rents in the flag, while J. R. Reed, the well-known jeweler, spliced the flagstaff in two places with strong silver-mounted ferrules, also restoring the eagle surmounting the flag to its normal condition. When thus repaired, in response to the desire of the public to view the honored emblem, the colors were placed on exhibition in the large show windows of the UNDER THE ^lALTESE CROSS. 601 From left to right-Charles Bardeen, Geo. W, Bratten, Sgt. Wiseman. John Rankin and Frank Thompson. COLOR GUARDS KILLED IN CHARGE AT MARYE'S HEIGHTS. 602 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. book store at Fifth avenue and Smithfield street, then conducted by the late John W. Pittock. Thrilling Incident to Flag on Furlough. An incident occurred on the return of the flag to the Regiment, which is worth mentioning. Colonel Allen had received " leave of absence " by reason of serious illness in camp, and had been ordered home for medical treatment, when Private Samuel W. Hill, of Company F, who had also been granted a furlough of ten days, visited Colonel Allen, at the latter's home the day before returning to the Regiment in the field. Colonel Allen was confined to his bed, and being very solicitous about the return of the flag as repaired to the Regiment, requested Private Hill to be the bearer of the flag back to the Regiment, a mission which Hill accepted as a compliment. As Private Hill was the bearer of various pack- ages of cigars, tobacco, and presents and remembrances from home to companions in camp, burdening down his knapsack and filling his haversack, the addition of the flag and staff, as well as the oilcloth covering, to the other freight in his charge, made no light load for him to manage. Hill succeeded in getting on board the cars safe and without injury to the flag. On changing cars, however, at the station in Baltimore, the flag came near meeting with disaster which would prob- ably have required further repairs. As Private Hill was ascending the steps of the coach with his many burdens, the length of the flagstaff and the width of his bulging haversack and well-filled knapsack made it difficult for him to get all his burdens safely aboard the car. The flagstaff being so long and inconvenient to handle, Hill missed his footing and fell back on the platform, but bravely re- couped and rallied around the flag, finally landing it on the platform of the coach in safety, as if storming a fort, much to his own gratification and that of some alarmed spectators, who feared that in his anxiety to save the flag he might meet with great bodily injury. Private Hill, the next day, proudly delivered Old Glory to Lieutenant-Colonel Cain, commanding the Regiment, and received the latter's congratulation and thanks for the successful discharge of the important duty assigned him by Colonel Allen, as temporary color-bearer of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. Governor Curtin \'isits Camp. In this battle the flag was pierced thirteen times by rebel bullets and canister shot. On the 25th of March following. Governor Andrew G. Curtin, Pennsyl- vania's " War Governor," visited the Brigade. As he rode through Humphreys' camp, and by the Regiment, which had been drawn up in rank to salute him, the Governor noticed the bullet holes in the flag. He stopped and counted them, and remarked on the " baptism of fire " to which the Regiment had been exposed. In the subsequent campaign, in the early days of May, while the Army of the Potomac was under the command of General Joseph Hooker, Color-Sergeant Lawson carried the flag safely through the ill-managed and disastrous battle of Chancellorsville. i UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 603 COLOR-SGT. THOMAS C. LAWSON. 60i UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. In the latter part of June, 18(53, following the Chancellorsville campaign, Color-Sergeant Lawson, while on the march to Gettysburg, met with an accident which disabled him from marching in the ranks, and he gave the flag into the charge of Corporal Matthew Bennett, of Company I, who gallantly carried it to the summit of Little Round Top, where Corporal John Mackin, of Company r, and Thomas J. Tomer, of Company E, both serving as color guards, received severe wounds. After the battle of Gettysburg, Sergeant Lawson sought permission to return to duty in his Company. His request was granted, and Corporal Thomas J. Marlin was promoted to the position of Color-Sergeant, which he held until the muster out of the Regiment on June ?, 186.5. In the terrible charge in front of Petersburg, on the 18th of June, 1864, Color-Sergeant Marlin was struck on the chin by a minie ball, which disabled him for the time being. \\'ithout allowing the flag to fall, Color-Corporal L. E. Mc- Pherson, of Company C, seized the staff and carried the flag off the field. Color- Sergeant Marlin. though badly stunned, was not seriously injured, and resumed his duty as color-bearer the next day. He was never once ofT duty from that time on until the Regiment was discharged. As engagement succeeded engagement, his affection for the flag deepened until it seemed a part of his life. On the long, weary march, on the field of battle, facing storms of lead and hail and shrieking shells, amid the dead and dying. Sergeant Marlin bore the flag he loved so well — always in the front, always where it could be seen as a rallying point, when in the turmoil of battle the Regiment was thrown into confusion. On the famous charge at Peebles' Farm, which General Warren characterized as one of the most heroic charges of the war, Color-Sergeant Marlin vied with the color-bearer of another regiment in the rush to see which would succeed in planting his colors first on the enemy's works. Being almost exhausted. Sergeant Marlin called upon First-Sergeant Thomas C. Anderson, of Company I. to assist him ; and the two succeeded in placing our fiag ahead of all others upon the enemy's works. On another occasion, the battle of the Quaker Road, sometimes called Lewis' Farm, Colonel Pearson galloped up to the color-guard, and demanded the colors. Color-Sergeant Marlin refused to give them, saying, " Tell me where you wish the flag to be carried, Colonel, and I'll take it there." Colonel Pearson, however, seized the flag, and, shouting, " Follow me, men, or lose your colors," rode furi- ously up to a sawdust embankment, behind which many of the enemy were con- cealed. With a wild hurrah I the Regiment dashed after the Colonel, and cap- tured the embankment and many prisoners. For this gallant act, Colonel Pear- son was promoted to Brevet Brigadier-General, and awarded a medal of honor by Congress. Having already carried the flag through a score of battles, Color-Sergeant Marlin had become so attached to it that he would have carried it into the jaws of death rather than part with it. Color-Sergeant Thos. J. Marlin, as one of the humble agents of the Deity, in carrying out his wise and merciful intentions for the good of mankind, performed well his part. Having carried the flag to a glorious victory — a victory world- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 605 embracing in its beneficent effects upon the destinies of mankind — he paid the debt of nature, on February IS, 1905, at Tarkio, Atchison county, Missouri, where for many years he had resided, practicing medicine. When Color-Sergeant Marhn returned the flag to the State from which it had been received nearly three years before, there was nothing left of the dear old baimer but the weather-beaten flagstait and a few shreds of silk. It was none the less revered by the Regiment on that account. Its frayed remains form part of the trophies of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, an integral part of the Union, for the redeeming of which her sons gave freely their lives, and of their blood. Thank God, every star in that old flag, though tattered and torn, is still in its place. OFFICIAL INSCRIPTIONS ON REGIMENTAL FLAG. Head-Quarters, Armv of the Potomac. General Orders, No. 10. In accordance with the requirements of General Orders, No. 19, of 1862, from the War Department, and in conformity with the reports of boards con- vened to examine into the services rendered by the troops concerned, and by au- thority of the Lieutenant-General Commanding Armies of the United States, it is ordered that there shall be inscribed upon the colors or guidons of the follozving regiments and batteries, serving in this army, tlie names of the battles in zvhich they have borne a meritorious part, and as hereinafter specified, viz: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS Antietam Fredericksburg c h a n cellorsville Gettysburg Rappahannock Station Mine Run BoYDTON Plank Road Wilderness Spottsylvania North Anna Tolopotoriy Bethesda Church 3d Hatcher's Run White Oak Road ApPOil.'VTTOX Cold Harbor Petersburg Weldon Railroad Peebles' Farm Hatcher's Run Lewis' F.arm Five Forks By command of MAJOR-GENERAL MEADE, George D. Ruggles, Assistant Adjutant-General. 606 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. RETURN OF REGOIENTAL FLAGS TO STATE. CoRt'OR.\L S. W. Hn.L, Company F. Ix 18l)(i an informal reunion of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'okmteer.s was convened in Pittsburg, at the call of General A. L. Pearson, who had been officially notified by the State authorities at Harris- burg that the formal return of all Pennsylvania Regimental flags would take jilace with appropriate ceremonies on July i. 1S6G, at Independence Hall, Phila- delphia. This was the first reunion of the Regiment. Captain Samuel Kilgore was elected chairman of the Committee of Arrangements to furnish delegates from the Regiment to serve as color guards at the ceremonies attending the return of the Regimental flag. The State of Pennsylvania." at the session of its legislature in 1865, had ])assed an appropriation providing for mili- tary and other exercises at the official ceremonies attending the return of the State flags. At that early date, following tiie close of the war, there were in the Senate and House of Representatives a gi iodl\- number of Civil War veterans serv- ing as members, who were appointed as a Committee of Arrangements in behalf of the State. They chore for their chairman. General Harry White, of Indiana, Pa., a distinguished veteran, and prisoner of war. The most eminent Generals of Pennsylvania were ];laced upon prominent committees, as commanders of divisions and organizations taking part in the patriotic ceremonies. The Honorable Andrew G. Curtin. at that time Governor of the State, Hon- orable Morton McMichal, Mayor of Philadelphia, City Councils and Judges of Supreme Court of the State, had conspicuous places assigned them on the plat- form. Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant and members of his staff in full uniform, and Major-General George G. Meade, accompanied by Generals Hancock, Humphreys, Crawford, Geary. Negley, Rowley, Hartranft, Birney, McCandless, Brooks. Gregg, Averill, Huidekoper. MullhoUand, Collis. Coulter. Sweitzer, Pear- son, and many other distinguished Generals occupied the front seats on the plat- form durino' the ceremonies. SENATOR HARRY WHITE. ^^3i iV>! r RETURN OF REGIMENTAL FLAG TO STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, 1866. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 607 The military display, in charge of General Hancock, consisted of several divisions of the National Guards from different parts of the State of Pennsyl- vania, and a division of veterans of the Civil War, under command of General John W. Geary. Many of the veterans marched in their regulation army uni- forms, which they had preserved from the year previous, when discharged at Appomattox. The delegation of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment from Pittsburg attended in the full zouave uniform of their service, attracting no little attention in the parade on account of its unique and attractive features. At the head of the Regimental Zouave color guards marched Captain Samuel Kilgore, as its commander. This officer had a magnificent record as a veteran soldier, and an equally fine repu- tation for proficiency in drill. In the ranks of the Regi- mental detail, appointed for color guards to attend the memorable ceremonies in Philadelphia, were Color-Sergeants Thomas J. Mar- lin and Thomas C. Lawson, and Color-Corporals Charles A. Walters, Harry M. Curry, and Sergeants John H. Kerr, S. W. Hill, Charles F. McKenna. John C. Sias, David Johnston, W. F. Coiner, John T. Porter, George Hunter, and Sergt.-Major \\'m. Shore, all of whom had followed the blood-stained colors now be- ing returned, in the many battles of the Civil War. The route of the parade was from City Hall, Philadelphia, to Independence Square. There was an immense assemblage greeting the march- ing column along the entire route, and the decorations of public and private buildings were elaborate. Many veterans from adjoining States had also assembled to witness the ceremonies. General Harry White, as Chairman of the State Committee on the cere- monies, called the meeting to order in a brief address, and introduced Major- General George G. Meade, the commander of the Army of the Potomac, under whom most of the Pennsylvania regiments had served. General Meade told in - the appropriate speech of a soldier briefly the story of the flags being returned, and the services of the brave men who had borne the colors in so many battles ; then turning to Governor Curtin, who was standing opposite him, he proceeded t^^ H If -^ f^f ^^^V^ ■^M^u^^^ll^ . IhS Ss^ n M^ j|j|glM Hk i!f^fl^^H MAJ.-GEN, W. S. HANCOCK. 608 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. to introduce the first color-bearer carrying the first regimental flag on the list of two hundred returned flags, to the Governor. The ceremonies had been pre-arranged so that each flag being returned could be promptly handed to Gen- eral Meade, who passed it to the guards in attendance on Governor Curtin, rep- resenting the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The old flags thus turned over attracted the closest attention of the audience as the name of the Regiment was announced, and as the men who carried the banners in the four years of the terrible war appeared and delivered the bullet-riddled flags to the Governor, they, too, were received with cheers and great applause and every evidence of affectionate admiration. A Hlstoric Sce.xe. The picture presented on this historic occasion was most impressive. Oc- curring in the city of Philadelphia, beneath the shadow of Independence Hall, with its Old Liberty Bell, Lidependence Square, the famous Carpenter's Hall, the presence of Grant, Meade, Hancock, Humphreys, Negley, Hartranft, Pearson, and the other distinguished Generals already named, with the scarred veterans standing on sacred and indeed holy ground, all were events distinguishing the Pennsylvania regiments in this ceremony from all others who had taken part in the Civil War. But the culmination of the presentation ceremonies was still more impressive, and is most difficult to adequately describe. There stood Governor Andrew G. Curtin, the great War Governor, who had but a few years before, in the army camps, personally or by pro.xy presented to each and every Penn- sylvania regiment, these same flags in their virginal purity, accompanied with the sublime and patriotic orations which his National reputation as an orator fitted him so well to deliver. This memorable day the Governor was to receive the return of the same flags, now bullet-ridden and blood-stained, to the State. How different was the scene, and the appearance of these same National emblems ! They were two hundred and six in number ; and as the tattered strings, the shattered flag stafifs, smoke-begrimed and bloody remnants of the regimental flags were presented, they recalled to the Governor the deeds and losses of each command in battle, he was at times overcome with emotion, and tears trickled down his cheeks. At the close of the delivery of the flags to the Sergeant-at-Anns of the State, in accord- ance with the program, it became Governor Curtin's duty, in response to General Meade's address, to accept the return of the flags on behalf of the State of Penn- svlvania. Alatchless orator as Governor Ciu'tin had proved himself to be on all other occasions, after a very brief, eloquent response, he declared the occur- rences, the scenes, and the memories arising before him as too overpowering for him to proceed with an address of greater length and appropriate to the occa- sion. He closed with patriotic tributes and greetings to the assembled veterans of the regiments who had carried these colors through the roar and shock of a hun- dred battles. An incident in which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth delegates and officers were united in approving on this occasion, was the presentation by the city of Philadelphia of a magnificently-mounted sword to Major-Gcneral .Andrew A. COLOR-SERGEANT THOMAS J. MARLIN. Returning Regimental Flag to the State of Pennsylvania July 4th. 1866. " NOTHING BUT FLAGS." Nothing but tlags ! but simple flags ! Tattered and torn and hanging in rags ; And we walk Lieneath them in careless tread, Nor think of the hosts of the mighty dead. Who have marched beneath ni da) s gnne bs , \\ nil a Ijurning cheek and a kindling e)e. And have bathed their folds with tlu-ir life's young tide And dj'ing blessed and blessing died. Nothing but flags — yet, methinks, at night. They tell each other their tales of fright! And dim spectres dime, and their arms entwine 'Round each ^tantlanl torn — as the_\' stand in line ; As the word is given, they charge ! they form ! And the dim hall rings with the battle storm. And once again through the smoke and strife, These colors lead the nation's life. Nothing l)ut flags — yet the)-'re batlied in tears; They tell of triumphs, of hopes, of fears; Of a mother's prayers, of a boy away. Of serpents crushed, of the coming day ; Silent they speak, and the tears will start — As we stand beneath them with throbbing heart. And think nf those who are ne'er forgot, Their flags come home; why come they not? Nothing but flags, yet we hold our breath. And gaze with awe at these types of death ; Nothing but flags, yet the thoughts will come. The heart must pray though the lips be dumb ! They are sacred and pure and we can see no stain On these dear, loved flags come home again ; Ba])tized in blood, our purest, best. Tattered and tful careers in civil life reflect credit upon the Regiment, but their location being unknown, it is impossible to mention them. SGT. JAMES F. PARKER. PF^OGF^MS mmmWk GETTYSBURG 1886 TO FREDERICKSBURG 1908,^,^. 633 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Ye are they the people honor As with broken ranks ye come, Moving on to solemn measures, Of the battle-stirring drum. Ye are they the people honor. Battle scarred, and gray with years Paying you the lofty tribute Of a Nation's love and tears. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 633 ORGANIZATION OF REGIMENTy\L ASSOCIATION. At the first meeting of the comrades of the society of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, held at jMunicipal Hall, in Pittsburg, August 14, IST."), for the purpose of organizing a Regimental association of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \'olunteers. Comrade George P. Fulton was elected President, George Booth, Corresponding Secre- tary; James P. O'Neill, Assistant Secretary, and Harry M. Curry, Treasurer. On motion of Comrade S. W. Hill, seconded by Comrade Booth, the financial committee, consisting of the President, George P. Fulton, Secretaries George Booth and James P. O'Neill, and Comrades John F. Hunter. Samuel Kilgore and John H. Kerr, were directed to secure Lafayette Hall for the 17th day of Sep- tember, day and evening, for the first reunion of the Regiment. On motion of Comrade John H. Kerr, seconded by Comrade George Booth, the matter of badges to be worn, and all other proper and necessary preliminary arrangements were delegated to the Committee of six already appointed, with instructions and power to carry out all arrangements for a reunion. On motion. General A. L. Pearson, Major E. A. Montooth and Charles F. McKenna were unanimously chosen as a Committee on Ways and Means of the First Reunion. Captain Samuel Kilgore was appointed Marshal. GEO. P. FULTON, President. Geo. Booth, ) „ T T-. /-N.xT i- Secretaries. James P. O Neill, FIRST REUNION ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. Lafayette Hall, Pittsburg, Pa., Friday Evening, September 17, 1875. Order of Exercises. Music Great Western Band Reveille S.J. Heflick and Jos. Orr Music Glee Club Alex. A. McCandless, M. D., George M. Alexander, George T. Petty, J. E. Porter. Poem Colonel Edward Jay Allen National Airs Great Western Band 63-4 UNDER THE -MALTESE CROSS. Oration John H. Kerr, Esq. Music Glee Club Long Roll S. J. Heflick and Jos. Orr grand march to banquet hall. Major Saml. Kilgore, j\L\rshal. '' Who are these the people honor As with broken ranks the)- come Moving on to solemn measures Of the battle-stirring drum? Bearing banners stained by conflict Trophies won on fields of blood: Comrades, by their deeds united. Bound in one great brotherhood?" CAMP FIRE. Comrade Geo. P. Fulton, Toast-Alaster. Grace Rev. S. R. Frazier 1. The Flag of Our Union Comrade Geo. P. Fulton Response Three Cheers, by the Whole Company MUSIC. 2. Our Regimental Colors Major E. A. Montooth 3. The Fifth Corps General A. L. Pearson 4. The Army of the Potomac Sergeant John H. Kerr MUSIC. 5. The Soldiers of " 63 " Colonel E. Jay Allen 6. The Canteen and Pipe Private James P. O'Neill 7. The Patriotic Women, whose Earnest Sympathy Sustained the Sol- dier in the Field Private Charles F. McKenna 8. The Patriotic Citizens of Pittsburg Private S. W. Hill MUSIC. 9. Homeward March Sergeant George Booth 10. " Last Rose of Summer " Prof. Giovanni O'Dwyer 11. Our Dead Comrades IX SILENCE CHORUS BV THE AUDIENCE. 12. Tattoo and Taps. STEREOPTICON PORTRAITS OF COMRADES. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 635 GEN. A. L. PEARSON. CHAS. F. McKENNA. MAJ. E. A. MONTOOTH. Ways and Means Committee, First Reunion. LAFAYETTE HALL— FIRST REUNION. 1875. 636 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. " These are men who left the plowshare Rusting in the open field; Left the harvest all ungathered, Swore to die, but not to yield! Men who brought a love of freedom Grander than the price of gold. Patriots all whose grand devotion Never yet was bought nor sold! " Tribute of General J- Bowman Sweitzer to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment. (Read at First Reunion, i Pittsburg, September 4, 1875. Geo. Booth, Esq. Corresponding Secy., etc.. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania \^olunteers Association. Dear Sir: I remeinber with pride, the circumstance which you are pleased to allude, in terms very complimentar\- to me, that the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment was for some time under my command in the old Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. It and the Ninety- first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers joined the Brigade just before we crossed the James River on the Petersburg campaigns in June, 1864, and took part in the famous charge of tlie Brigade in front of that city on the 18th of June, in which part of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment succeeded in entering the breastworks of the enemy, and had the connecting brigades in on right and left kept up with us the charge would in all probability have resulted in the capture and detention of the works in our front and eventually of the city. In this connection permit me to allude to an incident that occurred next day. As you are all aware, the gallant and lamented Major-General Charles Griffin was at this time our Division Commander. I met him, and said I, " General, what do you think of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth now?" "By G — d," says he, " I don't want any better troops." And so say I. \'ery trulv your friend, J. BOWMAN SWEITZER, Late Colonel Sixty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers and Brevet Brigadier-General Commanding Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, .\rmy of Potomac. UNVEILING ENT, SEPT. 17. 1886. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 637 UiW'EILING REGIMENTAL MONUMENT AND RE-UNION, GETTYSBURG, SEPTEMBER 17, 1886. The following program of dedicatory exercises marked a memorable event in the Regimental Organization, and was more numerously attended than any subsequent gathering of comrades. The occasion was the unveiling of the Regi- mental monument on the identical spot on Little Round Top occupied by the Regiment on July 3 and 3, 1863. It cost fifteen hundred dollars, all of which was contributed by members of the Regiment and their friends in Pittsburg and vicinity. The unveiling ceremonies took place at the foot of the monument and is represented in the accompanying large photograph of the comrades in attendance. The Order of Exercises given below is followed by extracts from the address of Comrade Charles F. McKenna, selected by the Regiment as the Orator for the occasion. progra:\i Gettysburg Reunion, September 17, 1886. Music Regimental Drum Corps PRAVER. MUSIC. Address of Comrade George Booth, President Regimental Association. MUSIC. Original Poem Comrade Colonel E. Jay Allen MUSIC. Oration — " Round Top," July "? and 3, 1863 Comrade Charles F. McKenna MUSIC. Formal Presentation of Regimental Monument to the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association. Address on behalf of Regiment by Comrade John H. Kerr. Sergeant Company I. Response by Colonel David Buehler, Vice President Battlefield Association. MUSIC. 638 L'XDER THE :^IALTESE CROSS. Address of Charles F. McKenna. " It has been well said that from the beginning the living have paid homage to the virtues of the dead ; for immortality is the dream of man. Scarce a city, town, or village but contains some monument designed to perpetuate the memory of one who has passed from earth. These earthly tributes can be of no service to the dead, but they form lasting records of deeds, held honorable among men ; are strong incentives to noble acts in the present, and mark a steady progress toward that Ijctter condition which is the ultimate destiny of the human race. You are here to-day to formally dedicate to the memory of your fallen comrades this beautiful monument." Meade, Pennsylvania's noble son, your gallant corps commander, has been placed in command of the army. Sykes takes the corps and Romayn B. Ayres, 3'-our splendid Brigade commander, assumes command of the Division, while Weed, the dashing soldier, is placed in command of the Brigade. Northward still you go, and on July 1st, you hear the distant sound of battle. The gallant Reynolds has met the enemy at Gettysburg. The battle was on. The morning of the 2nd was spent in bringing up the artillery and awaiting the arrival of Sedgwick's corps, which arrived, after a march of thirty miles, at about three o'clock. The other corps had arrived before daylight, the Third on the left and the Fifth, under Sykes. held in reserve, while the Sixth was moving up toward the left. CHARLES F. McKENNA. Lee had concentrated his army at Gettysburg. At about four o'clock, July ".', everything was ready for the attack. A furious artillery fire was opened on the Third Corps, and Longstreet's men in gray began to advance against the front and Hank of General Sickles in solid masses. The desperate attack being observed, the Fifth Corps, which a few days before ;\rea(le had commanded in person, was liushed forward, and Sykes found his line (in the left of Hancock. This furious on- slaught of Longstreet caused Sickles' Corps to fall back, followed by the rebel CI lumn. r)ef\ing death, on they came al- most to the muzzles of the guns. While this terrible conflict was in progress, Warren, seeing the vital necessity of hiilding Little Round Top, ordered two of his batteries and Weed's brigade to double- quick to that important point. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 639 THE 155TH MONUMENT— LITTLE ROUND TOP. 640 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. It was there and then that the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth achieved im- mortahty. There they enshrined themselves in a glory that will never fade while love for patriotic valor lives in the human heart. " Gettysburg! " What memories cluster around that word! The great turn- ing battle of the rebellion — the battle where thousands of brave men gave their heart's blood that the banner of their country should be unsullied, and always wave in undiminished glory. ****** iH * * * * Gettysburg ! made forever historic by Pennsylvania's heroes, Meade, Rey- nolds, Hancock. You stand upon the spot to-da}', comrades, that is hallowed by the blood of Weed, O'Rorke and Hazlitt, and made sacred by the blood of your comrades who fell fighting in the defense of the old flag. There the gallant Warren stood, a man whose character as a soldier and a man was noble and knightlv, and for all ages he will in bronze stand upon the outlook at Round Top in serene contemplation of the field he helped to win. At the conclusion of this Oration, General A. L. Pearson produced a copy of the official roster of the Regiment, containing the names of all honorably dis- charged comrades who were present, participating in the engagement, which the General recommended be preserved for a future bronze tablet, to be erected on the site of the monument. The following is the official roster: OFFICIAL ROSTER OF THE OXE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS PRESENT AT BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. JULY 2. 3, AND -i, 1863, Field .\nd .St.\ff. Colonel, E. Jay Allen. Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding. John H. Cain. Major, A. L. Pearson. Adjutant, Edward A. Montooth. Quartermaster, James B. Palmer. Surgeon. J. A. E. Reed. Assistant Surgeon, W. Stockton Wilson. Sergeant-Major, John H. Irwin. Quartermaster-Sergeant, John C. Ralston. Hospital Steward, Ellis C. Thorn. Commissary-Sergeant, William B. Glass. COMP.VNY A. Captain, John C. Stewart. First Sergeant, Charles C. Johnston. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 641 Second Sergeant, Edward P. Johnston. Third Sergeant, Robert M. Laird. Fifth Sergeant, John M. Campbell. First Corporal, Philip C. Wilson. Second Corporal, William H. Justice. Third Corporal, Brintnal R. Goodlin. Fourth Corporal, Joseph Cochenour. PRIVATES. Squire Abbott. Joseph Bauer. William Berry. Samuel Copeland. Jacob O. Crawford. William Dewalt. Tobias Dietrich. Frederick Diviner. John Feight. George Foliart. Nathan X. Fullerton. Franklin Gilmore. John A. Hays. George Holmes. Stanley Lafferty. William Lindsey. William Littlehales. William Marsh. Thomas Montgomerv. Benjamin Morrow. William Morgan. William McWhorter. Elijah N. Price. Tolbert Richter. Moses Robbins. George Sharp. Julius Steval. Benjamin Struble. John G. Struble. Abiram M. Swain. George Tacklebery. H. Dallas Thompson. George H. West. David Lloyd. John Guthrie. John Kaler. Herman Meyers, [ohn F. Lewis. COMP.VNV B. Second Lieutenant Commanding, Henry W. Grubbs. First Sergeant, John McMillin. Second Sergeant. Thomas L Woods. Third Sergeant, Daniel W. McConnell. Fourth Sergeant, Henry R. Campbell. First Corporal, Francis .\. Harvey. Fifth Corporal, David M. Smith (killed July 2, 1863). Sixth Corporal, Henry F. Weaver (wounded July '?, 1863). PRI\'.\TES. John Craig. Isaac Craig. Alexander Crowley. Robert R. Gulp. Richard B. Davis. Ferdinand Deitsch. William Douglass. (killed July 2, 1863). M 642 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. James Dought}-. John W. Drake. Archy Furgeson. John Gable. James Garrity. William Grounds. John Hays. Samuel Heflick. Jacob Jackson. Patrick Lyons. Hugh McFarland. Charles McMahon. WilHam C. McMillin. Michael Nilon. Charles W. Ott. John Ramsey. John Saber. James Smith. Patrick Stack. Robert P. Stoddard. Thomas Wilson. William Whitesell. William W. Woods. COMP.\XY C. Captain, James S. Palmer. First Lieutenant, John T. Denniston. Second Lieutenant, August H. Heise}-, commanding. Second Sergeant, Thomas B. Dunn. Third Sergeant, John McGee. Fourth Sergeant, David R. Parkhill. Fifth Sergeant, Joseph Shawhan. First Corporal, Samuel Eagleson. Third Corporal Philip A. Drain. Fourth Corporal, Joseph M. Cargo (wounded July 2, 1863). Fifth Corporal, Thomas Montgomery. Seventh Corporal, Archibald N. Euwer. Eighth Corporal. Robert M. Thompson. PRIVATES. Joseph Bowers. John Boyd. Philip Donahue. Henry Green. Chris. W. Hurley. Marion Hartley. Thomas Hunter. Alexander Jamison. John Feefer. Henry Kennedy. James Lowrey. Charles IMurdoch. Lemuel C. McPherson. James F. Parker. William S. Pendleberry. Perry Phillips. George W. Plough. Michael Sullivan. Albert K. Smith. Thomas C. Sprague. Charles A. Stephens. Anthony Trescher. Company D. Captain, Samuel Kilgore. First Lieutenant, Alexander Carson. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 643 Second Lieutenant, James \\ells. First Sergeant, Joiin C. Sweeney. Third Sergeant, William Shore. Fourth Sergeant, Alexander Carson. Fifth Sergeant. James K. Carson. First Corporal, John Leech. Second Corporal, James Herron. Fourth Corporal, James Fawcett. Fifth Corporal, Allen Ross. Seventh Corporal, James Carleton. PRIVATES. John Beatty. piloses Little. William J. Brown. Philip Linderman. Leberton T. Bunton. James J. Lovejoy. Charles Biniton. James Martin. Andrew J. Devine. James ilcFadden. William Dumphy. Patrick McFadden. Hugh Dunlap. James McFadden. James Finnegan. James Murphy. Daniel Haney. Richard I\Iurphy. Christian Hildwine. William Mooney. Edward Hildson. James Ouinn. George H. Hunter. Martin V. B. Sallade. William Jones. William J. Scott. Isaiah Kroesen. ^Villiam Sutton. Jacob B. Lefever. Peter Tippens. Hugh Leonard. Joseph \'arner. Frederick Linderman. John ^^'alton. Silas F. Williams. CO-MPAXV E. Captain, Joseph B. Sackett. First Lieutenant, George ]\L Laughlin. Second Lieutenant. Joseph T. Power. First Sergeant, Robert Thotnpson. Sergeant, Isaac Wyckoff (killed July 2, 1863). Sergeant, James Van Kirk. Sergeant, Hugh McGimpsey. Corporal, James Gordon. Corporal, John M. Lancaster. Corporal, Hugh Park. Corporal, ^lichael B. Lemon. Corporal, George P. Fulton. Corporal, N. D. Loutsenheizer. Corporal, Thomas J. Tomer (wounded July 2, 1863). 644 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. John K. Alter. Hugh Bayne. Joshua Bnant. Samuel W. Bryan. Theophilu.s Callen. John F. Crookham. Robert P. Douglass. Samuel K. Eicher. Barney Farrell. Jacob S. Friend. James Hart. Daniel K. Horner. Isaac N. Hipsley. William S. Hindman. David Lear. William A. Liken. W'illiam Matthews. PRIVATES. Jackson Merriman. Thomas E. Morgan. John A. !\IcHenry. Charles F. McKenna. James P. O'Neill. Noah H. Pangburn. Harmon Pence. James B. Richards. James Renshaw. David K. Stevenson. J. K. P. Shaw. John A. Strauch. Edmund R. Thirkield. Joseph S. \\'all. William Welton (killed July ■>. 1863). William J. \\'hite. Thomas Y. Vanosdol. COMPANV F. First Lieutenant Commanding, Edward E. Clapp. Second Lieutenant, Ilenry A. Breed. First Sergeant. George P. McClelland. Third Sergeant, William H. King. Fourth Sergeant, Frank Martyn. First Corporal. William \\'inkle. Second Corporal, John H. Mackin (wounded July 2, 18G3). Third Corporal, George R. Markle. Fifth Corporal, F. Marion !Martyn. Sixth Corporal, William H. Aumack. Seventh Corporal, James J. Carroll. Eighth Corporal, .Asbury W. Secrist. Teamster, \\'illiam Devine. PRIVATES. David Allen. Theodore Baldwin. Andrew W. Biggs (wounded July 2, James H. Brundage. Jacob Crusan. Charles Cunningham. Fleming Cunningham. Henry M. Curry. 1863). John K. Dalzell. Thomas H. Dickson. Thomas R. Fife. Daniel Fulmer. David Garris. Samuel Gressley. Samuel W. Hill. William P. Ketcham. Henry Kline. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 645 Hawdon Marshall. David J. Markle. Samuel Mayes. John M. Miller. John G. McConnell. Bernard IMcMahon. Allen Wall. William D. McAbee. Company G. Captain, George F. Morgan. First Lieutenant, John A. Kribbs. Second Lieutenant, Arthur W. Bell. First Sergeant, William F. Collner. Sergeant, Oliver Paup. Sergeant, Daniel Imbod)'. Sergeant, Franklin Shoup. Corporal, Josiah Fillman. Corporal, Jeremiah Keeley. Corporal, Alonzo McMichael. Corporal, James Black. Corporal, William H. Smithman. PRI\ AXES. Edward Alexander. Hiram Beals. William F. Best. Adam Dittman. Leonard Dehner. Peter Dower. Edward Darrell. Andrew Edinger. George W. Edinger. Andrew J. Edinger. P'erdinand Eisman. Miles Eisman. John P. Greer. Jacob Hunsbarger. William Hess. George S. Keefer. Joseph Mohney. Isaac W. Mohg. Jerry Mahle. Paul Mahle. William F. Mortimer. John Miller. John W. Marsh. John Xeely. John A. Xevil. George F. Piatt. George O. Piatt. George Swab. Emanuel Sloughenhoupt. David Stagley. Isaac Toman. Thomas Taylor. Eli Wentling. Josiah G. Winger. Peter F. Will. Company H. Captain, John Ewing. First Lieutenant, David E. Lyon. Second Lieutenant, W'ilson E. Allen. First Sergeant, Samuel O. Blair. 646 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Second Sergeant. Elijah M. Lee. Third Sergeant, James J. Irvin. Fourth Sergeant, Thomas C. Lawson. Fifth Sergeant, Juhus P. Wilkins. Corporal, David Stewart. Corporal, Alexander Fox. Corporal, Washington A. Craig. Corporal, John R. Jackson. Corporal, James M. Lyon. Corporal. Horatio S. Flarnish. Corporal, William Roihon. Musician, Henderson Thompson. Musician, Wilkins B. Xewell. Wagoner, William Forkum. PRIVATES. John Anderson. Moses D. Anderson. ^^'illiam S. Bell. Richard Burns. John Cowan. Daniel F. Conrad. David R. Curll. Alexander Eaton. William Finifrock. Reynolds Fox. William A. Fox. Isaac Fox. Leonidas L. C. Fox. Charles W. Fulton. George G. Gourley. John Griffith. William D. Hartman. Abner Harkless. Lewis Hartman. Reuben Harriger. John Hilliard. William Horner. David Jordan. George R. Kerr Cwounded July 2, 1863). Jacob Koler. Jacob S. Lash. Peter Lewis. John Lewis. James A. Myers. David McPherson. Thomas C. McCain. Daniel Xail. Philip Over. Elias Peters. John Powell. Joseph Rankin. John Reedy. \\'illiam Reedy. Fullerton Rhodes. John A. Stewart. Milton Stewart. Nathan Stewart. John Swarm. John Welsh. Samuel Weight. Eli Whitmore. Samuel Whitmer. Company L Captain Samuel A. AIcKce (wounded July 2, 1863). Second Lieutenant, Luke J. Dooling. First Sergeant. AVilliam Y. Bailey. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 647 Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, Corporal, James D. Pearce. William Logan. John H. Kerr. William Rankin. Samuel Keys. James J. S. Phillips. Charles A. Walters. Thomas McCush. Mathew Bennett. PRIVATES. William Blakeney. Amos Boley. James H. Bubbett (wounded). Ralph Bradley. George Byers. Robert Culbert. Samuel Culbert. Alfred Cassell. Philip H. Douglas. Peter Drurey. Henry W. Heasley. Robert Hunter. John Haney. James Ingraham. David Johnston. Gustavus Le Goullon. Thomas Mulvehill. William J. Myers. Thomas C. Martin. John McNutt. John Pearson. William D. Rossiter (wounded). James A. Rankin. Robert Stephens. John C. Sias. Alfred J. Sias. John Wesley. Elijah Williams. George W. Wilcox (killed July 2, 1863). Leander Williamson. Leopold A. \^'olI. Michael Zafoot. Company K. Captain, John A. Cline. First Lieutenant, Risden De Ford. First Sergeant, D. Porter Marshall. Sergeant, John A. H. Foster (wounded July 2, Sergeant, Frederick Sheckler. Sergeant, David B. Kirkpatrick. Sergeant, John D. Armstrong. Corporal, Robert O. Clever. Corporal, George A. Serene. Corporal, Thomas J. Marlin. Corporal, William D. Porter. Corporal, Kosciusko G. Fleming. Musician, James H. Hill. Musician, John L. Ferer. 1863). GiS UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. PRIVATES. Abraham Bechtel. Robert Brewster. Spencer P. Barrett. John Cowan (killed July 2, 1863). Jehu J. Crawford. George H. Clever. Ephraim A. Calhoun. Daniel Cogley. Oliver Gray. Calvin Gray. Daniel G. Hawk. George L. Hannegan. James R. Henderson. George J. Hetrick. Peter C. Hetrick. Augustus J. Hetrick. \Mlliam J. Johnson, Charles .A. Logan. John Moore. William McCullough. Robert L. McCaughey. William McGregor. George Nicely. Charles A. Nichols. David Olinger. Casper Reed. David H. Ruffner. Robert P. Shields (woimded July 2, 1863). George M. Smith. Charles M. Smith. George W. Thompson. Henry L^pperman. William W. Wells. William Whited. David Wolf. ■ HOW WE WON THE BATTLE." UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 649 RE-DEDICATION OF PENNSYLA^-VNIA STATE MONUMENT TO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, ON LITTLE ROUND TOP, GETTYSBURG, SEPTEMBER 17, 1889. After the Regiment had, from its private subscriptions, erected and dedi- cated its monument on Little Round Top, on September 17, 1886, the State of Pennsylvania, at the following session of the Legislature, appropriated the stim of fifteen hundred dollars for monuments on the positions occupied by Pennsylvania regiments during the three days' battle at Gettysburg. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth determined to apply its appropriation to the erection on its existing monument a life-sized figure in marble, of a private soldier in the zouave uniform of the Regiment, the soldier being dul}- armed and equipped and facing the famous Peach Orchard. Side by side in the most commanding position at the summit of Little Round Top, it stands close to the picturesque monument of the heroic leader, General Warren, who, in the battle, directed the Regiment to its position. A close observation of the Regimental statue discloses the rare skill of the artist in reproducing the figure and features of the model whom the Committee on Designs selected to pose for the same. It will be easily recognized as Samuel W. Hill, who served in the ranks of Company F in that memorable three days' fight. The State of Pennsylvania, in addition to the appropriation for the monu- ments, invited all survivors of the Regiment participating in the battle to attend the dedicatory exercises and generously furnished free transportation from all parts of the State and return, to such veterans. The orator for the unveiling of the State monumeijt chosen by the Regiment was Comrade John H. Kerr, of Company I. His masterly and scholarly address entire has been deemed worthy of publication by the State in its volume on " Pennsylvania at Gettysburg." and is here reproduced as worthy of the perusal of all readers of this history. Address of Sergeant John H. Kerr. Coinradcs of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth: We have met to-day on this , historic battlefield to dedicate a monument erected here on this crest of Little Round Top to mark the position held by the regiment on the eventful days when the fate of the Nation hung suspended on the issue of the battle, and the Republic was saved only by the patriotic devotion, splendid courage and sublime heroism of her citizen soldiers. W^e raised this memorial stone not to serve a mere selfish purpose, nor yet to perpetuate our own glory. Whatever record was made by the organization which we represent on this, the great battlefield of the war, is already unalter- ably fixed in history beyond the power of mortal man either to enhance or dim. 650 UNDER THE I\IALTESE CROSS. And yet as we stand here on this consecrated ground with our memories full of the grand events of the past, with our hearts stirred again by " the fierce joy, the rapture of the strife," what wonder is it if we feel a pardonable pride in the thought that the humble part we bore in the conilict has indissolubly wedded us to immortal history written here on these granite hills of Gettysburg, in letters of fire with pens of steel by the gallant men of the eighteen loyal states who met the enemy in the shock of battle here in the supreme hour of the Nation's peril. Henry \' fired the hearts of his soldiers at Agincourt by thus addressing them: " He to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother, be he ne'er so vile this day shall gentle his condition." So we feel that all who fought on this historic field are lifted by the very greatness of the occasion to an equality of glory and are made brothers in fame. How striking the contrast which this peaceful landscape presents, to the terri- ble scene in the bloody drama of war enacted here six and twenty years ago. Yon- der heights are no longer crowned with hostile cannon ; these valleys below us no longer reverbe- rate with the roar of the conflict ; no longer are the groans of the dying mingled with the shouts of victory. Everything around us betokens peace, where before was heard the "' rumble and grum- ble and roar of war." Time has wrought other changes. The survivors here assembled are but a small remnant of that noble battalion that stood here in line of battle with the Fifth Corps, and assisted in repelling the terrible assaults of Hood and Longstreet. when column after column was hurled against our invincible front in the vain SGT JOHN H KERR attempt to carry this rocky eminence. Some sleep here in our National Cemetery, like the heroes of Marathon, honored with burial on the field where they fell. Many, oh ! how many I went down in the blinding smoke of those terrible battles fought by our armies under the immortal Grant from the Wilderness to Appo- mattox. Others have silently dropped, one by one from our ranks since the close of the war, and have been added to the lengthening roll of the dead. In the providence of God a goodly number have been permitted to come here to-day to take part in this, perhaps, the last public act of the Regiment on earth. What place so appropriate to furl its torn and blood-stained battle-flags as here, where the Southern Confederacy received its death blow, and thence staggered back- ward to its grave ; here on this, the only battlefield of Northern soil, where from the graves of our canonized dead rises perpetually the rich incense of patriotism and valor! What time so fitting as this, at once the anniversary of our natal day, and of the battle that turned the tide of war and gave " a new birth to freedom ! " On the 3d of September, 1862, we bade adieu to friends and kindred and our native city, and embarked for the seat of war, encouraged by the presence UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 651 H s Z o s 652 UNDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. of the loyal ladies of Pittsburg, who passed their days in cheering brave men on their way to battle — their nights in praying for the preservation of their dear ones, and their dearer country. At Harrisburg a Regimental organization was efifected with Edward Jay Allen as Colonel, and armed with the Belgian rifle, a species of heavy artillery, we were at once transported by rail to Washington. Here we were assigned to Colonel Allabach's Brigade. Humphreys' Division. The foe had crossed the Potomac and had invaded loyal soil. We moved out to join the army that was gathering to meet him. We did not halt until we reached the bloody field of Antietam, near the close of the battle. Joining the corps of General Fitz John Porter, we were at once moved into line and lay for some hours under the enemy's fire. During the night Lee retreated across the Potoriiac, and our army was too much shattered to follow him. For weeks after the battle we remained in camp near Sharpsburg. without tents or shelter to protect us from the scorching sun or the pitiless rain. Many were they who died from exposure, and looked upon the stars for the last time. But at length the bugle sounded " Forward," and we cross the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and march into \'irginia. Halting a few days at Warrenton, where General McClellan was relieved, and General Burnside assumed command of the army, we turn suddenly to the left and arrive in front of Fredericksburg in midwinter, and prepare for the coming sanguinary conflict, which proved alas! the Aceldama of the whole war. On December 13, 18G3, about 3 v. m., Humphreys' Division crossed the Rappahannock on the pontoon bridge, under a furious cannonade from the enemy's mounted guns, and passing through the city and beyond, they divest themselves of their knapsacks and haversacks, and form line of battle in a ravine south of the canal. They move forward over the crest and through the line of Hancock's Division, under a fierce artillery and musketry fire. Here Colonel Alla- bach's Brigade, to which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was attached, was ordered to charge. With a cheer at double-quick, with fixed bayonets, the men of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, led by Colonel Allen, rush forward in a storm of bullets, on, still on, until they approach within twenty yards of the stonewall, which runs along the base of Mar}'e's Heights, and which is one sheet of flame and sulphurous smoke from the musketry of the enemy. The ranks are thinned, and the field is covered with the dead and wounded. The line falters, then turns back, unable to withstand the withering fire. Humphreys' Division has lost 1,760 men out of 4,000, in the ten minutes it has been under fire. Hark now to the din of the conflict ! All the guns from the Fleights open ; the earth trembles and quakes amid the awful thunders of the cannonade ; and the shells shriek through the air like Wrath's flaming archangels ! The One Hundred and Fift}--fifth is losing heavily, its best and bravest have already gone down in the blinding smoke of battle. See, the gallant Captain Anshutz falls ! See, the heroic Sergeant Wiseman, the color-bearer, is pierced by three balls, but still holds the colors in his nerveless grasp! See, the heroic Corporals Charles Bardeen, of Company F, and Geo. \\'. Bratton, of Company E, each in turn lifts the flag on high, but soon bites the dust! Still Color-Corporals Frank Thompson, Company I, and John Rankin, raise it again, giving up their lives. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 653 and finally the brave Corporal Lawson unfurls it in the face of the enem_v. Look! the shaft is shattered in twain, and the Regimental banner falls — but for a mo- ment — still it is raised aloft again and waves on the battle line. The Regiment falls back, leaving its dead upon the field, but the colors all riddled and torn, are borne to the rear, never soiled by the touch of traitor hands. All hail! to our Regimental banner; first unfurled in its pristine bright- ness at Fredericksburg, but carried hence from the storm, blackened with smoke, torn by shot, rent by shell, riddled by bullets, and stained and crim- soned with the blood of the heroes who rallied aruund it : with flag-stafl:' shat- tered in twain, and with fifteen bullet holes through its silken folds, but still waving from the battle line in resplendent beauty, all the more sacred for its scars, and all the more glorious for its baptism of fire and blood! Thrice hail! to the flag of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth; which from the hour when it was first borne into the storm of battle and woeful disaster, down to the day of the final triumph, never once trailed in the dust ; never was wrested from its standard- bearers by rebel hands ; but was returned, at the close of the war, to the loyal old Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who gave it into our keeping, all storm bleached and battle torn, but emblazoned with the names of twenty-eight battles inscribed in golden letters upon its gorgeous stripes, and without one blot on its State arms, or one star removed from the glittering galaxy of its azure field. But " Forward " is the command, and under " Fighting Joe " Hooker we again cross the Rappahannock, and on the 1st, "^nd and 3rd of May. 1863, fight the terrific liattle of Chancellorsville in a consuming forest. Here the commander, but not the Army of the Potomac, is beaten, and we return, for the second time, to the north side of the river, dispirited and disheartened, but still undismayed. But Lee assumes the oiTensive and invades the soil of our native State. Turn- ing our faces northward we march day and night until we confront his army at Gettysburg. Here the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth has the post of honor and wins additional laurels. Seeing the iiuportance of holding Little Round Top, General Warren at once ordered the Fifth Corps to occupy it. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, under the command of Colonel Cain, forms its line on the very crest of this eminence. The men of the regiment dragged the guns of Hazlitts' Regular Battery by hand to the summit. Here and now it was that the Confederate powers had set their fortunes on a single cast, resolved to stand the hazard of the die. Hood hurls his gray columns again and again against our line : charge after charge is made. Our Brigade Commander, the gallant Weed, is stricken down, and the brave Hazlitt, while bending over his lifeless form likewise was stricken in death; Colonel O'Rorke assumes command, but falls mortally wounded. The crisis is critical, but the old guard stands firm, and hurls the Texan Rangers back, like ocean spray from the rock-bound shore. Meade crowns himself and Pennsyl- vania with never-fading glory. The battle is won. the army is saved, the tide of war is turned, the sun of the Confederacy goes down with the close of this day ; and the American Republic, upheld upon the bayonets of the Army of the Po- tomac, is secure against the assaults of Treason. The invader leaves our soil, and we follow him into \'irginia, where he takes up his line of defense behind the Rapidan. 654 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. Under Meade, the Regiment now participates in the actions of Rappahannock Station, Bristow Station, and Mine Run. But " Forward," is the command, and under Grant, the hero of the \\'est, we begin that long series of battles — from day to day, from week to week, march- ing all night, and fighting all day — from the Widlerness on the 5th of May, to Cold Harbor on the 1st of June. 1864 — during which time 60.000 men are left on the plains of Virginia, and when the resolution is formed " to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer ; " still fighting and still moving to the left — until Wilderness. Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Totopotomy, Bethesda Church and Cold Harbor, in quick succession, glitter in golden letters on the silken folds of our war-riddled banner. During this time the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, under the command of Colonel A. L. Pearson, was clothed in the zouave uniform and attached to General Ayres" Brigade of Regulars, Second Division, Fifth Corps. But " Forward " again. Now, under the lead of the gallant Griffin of the First Division — of which command we now formed a component part — we cross to the southside of the James, and march on to Petersburg. Here the works are stormed on the 18th of June — the darkest day in the calendar of the Regiment, when so many of our bravest and best, including Captain McKee, of Company I, go down in the terrible conflict. In this charge the Regiment lost eighty-three killed and wounded in the short space of ten minutes. In the summer and winter of 1864, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth par- ticipated in all the battles in front and to the left of Petersburg, including Mine Explosion, \\'eldon Railroad. Reams' Station, Peebles' Farm. Hatcher's Run and Dabney's Mills. At the battle of Peebles' Farm, on the 30th of September, the Regiment dis- played more than its wonted valor. Colonel Pearson led his men in a gallant charge, driving the rebels from two strong lines of earthworks, and planting the Regimental colors on the parapet of a well constructed redan. For gallant con- duct in this battle. Colonel Pearson was brevetted Brigadier-General. At half past three o'clock in the morning of the 29th of March, 186.5. we begin our last campaign. The bugles sound " Forward," forward again to the left, ever towards the sunset, flaking a long detour around the enemy's right flank, we strike his skirmishers at Gravelly Run, and after some hard fighting, Warren presses on to the Quaker Road, near its junction with the White Oak Road. Here a desperate battle is fought. Ayres' Division enveloped in the woods and overpowered by superior numbers gave way, falling back on Crawford, his division disorganized by the fugitives, broke in turn. Then it was that Griffin stood like a stonewall, and making a counter-charge, drove the enemy before him, capturing many prisoners. General Pearson, taking the colors of his old Regiment, commanded the men to follow, and the flag of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth was seen in the van, and was soon planted inside the rebel lines. The battle of the " Quaker Road " is one of the brightest which shine in the twenty-eight engagements emblazoned on our Regimental banner. General Pear- son, for gallant conduct in this action, was brevetted ]\Iajor-General. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 655 General Warren, following up his success, now moved forward to turn the rebel right, and at " Five Forks," with the Fifth Corps, on the first of April, fought one of the most brilliant battles of the war — winning a splendid victory. The trophies of the da}- included five thousand prisoners, eighteen guns and many battle-flags. The enemy's right is now turned; on, still on, the Fifth Corps presses on Lee's right and rear. Now there is a forward movement along the whole line, from the Appomattox to Hatcher's Run. On the morning of the second of April, a hundred cannon belch forth their fire and reverberate along the line, and the musketry of the contending armies rattles along the entrenchments, from beyond Richmond to the South Side Railroad. The line advances, the defenses of the enemy are carried, Petersburg is ours ! But the Army of the Potomac is already far southward in pursuit of the flying columns of Lee, Longstreet and Ewell. The One Hundred and Fift)'-fifth, with the Fifth Corps, strikes the enemy's rear guard at Sailor's Creek, and after a spirited engagement, drives it over the bridge, capturing the wagon trains and many prisoners. The Second, Fifth, Sixth and Twenty-fourth Corps, and Sheridan's cavalry, moving by ditTerent roads, on the right and left of the retreating column, unite at Appomattox Court House, and soon encircle Lee's whole army with a wall of bayonets and an impregnable line of living blue. On the ninth of April, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth is on the skirmish line. It fires the last shot of the Army of the Potomac. That shot is historic forevermore. It was the parting salute of War — to the coming of the Goddess of domestic concord and fraternal union. As the missile speeds on its way of ruin and affright, a white smoke follows after it, parts from its uppermost curve, and melts into the higher air of heaven — and spreads its wings like the Angel of Peace — the harbinger of the better day. Company I has the distinguished honor of contributing the last man killed in the last engagement of that historic army — Private William Montgomery, who fell at the most advanced post of our Ime on the last day of the war, one hour before the surrender ; his blood was the last shed in the glorious cause, and his grave in the national cemetery at Poplar Grove, near Petersburg, was the last that closed upon Northern heroism and valor. Soon a white flag is displayed on the skirmish line, in front of our Regi- ment, and is escorted in by Sergeant-Major William Shore. General Lee, for the first time, passes within our lines. The rebel chieftain, who had, so long, and so successfully, organized a front of opposition against our advancing armies, yields his sword to the great Captain of the Century, beneath the apple-blossoms of Appomattox — and surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia, whose heroic struggles were worthy of a better cause. The Fifth Corps was left to manage the details of the capitulation, while the rest of the Army of the Potomac turned their faces northward, and moved from the theater of bloody strife. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, now under command of Major John A. Cline, soon followed, making a triumphal e it tree into Petersburg and Richmond, and joining in the grand review of the combined forces of the Republic, through the streets of Washington. 656 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. With the surrender of Lee, the struggle between the warring sections was over. The storm-cloud rolled away from our national horizon, and " the war- drum throbb'd no longer and the battle-flags were furled." With what pride did we, my comrades, join in the triumphal march through the streets of the National Capital ! With what beating hearts and swelling patriotism, did we tread again the soil of our native State ! With what a thrill of joy, did we behold the ascending smoke from the factories of our native city, and see again our homes rising in the distance ! With what proud step, did we march down our familiar streets, bearing aloft our torn and tattered banners amid the shouts and huzzas of victory I The 2d of June, 1865, is a marked day in the calendar of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment — an era in each of our lives. It chron- icles the disbandment of our organization — the laying aside of the uniform of the soldier, to wear again the simple garb of the citizen. Those who came back from the war were no longer young and smiling. All the boys were now bearded and bronzed men with the earnest stamp of manhood on their brows. Some of them were hobbling on crutches. Some were swinging empty sleeves ; others tottering from disease incurred in the service. They went out blooming, youthful, fair; they came back wearing the somber visage of warriors, tried and true. But some of the best and the bravest, returned not with the victorious bat- talions. Ah ! my comrades, but a few survivors of the gallant regiment, which numbered eight hundred and fifty men when we left for the seat of war, were among those who were found in the ranks when we reached home, three years later. And now, twenty-six years later, many who returned with us have lis- tened to the mystic bugle-call, summoning them to the " ranks of their brothers gone before." And at this reunion we look in vain for those sublime heroes and martyrs who went do\\n in the great fight for liberty and country, and for those who have silently passed away to the camps of the great army of the dead. You may call the roll to-day, but they will not answer to their names. They are not here ; they are lying in their graves ! The hand that grasped the sword is powerless; the eye that flashed with patriotic fire is closed in death; the tongue that gave the command '' Forward," is silent. Where is the tall and martial form of Captain Samuel jMcKee — the ideal soldier, who never blanched in battle, nor faltered in the discharge of duty ? Alas ! he went down before the storm of leaden hail, in the charge of Petersburg, but his dust is now gathered and inurned in our own beautiful cemetery, where, with each return of spring, willing hands strew his grave with choicest flowers. Where are the gallant Captain Anshultz, the noble Captain Clapp. the unfortunate Captain Sackett, the duty-loving Lieu- tenant Strong, the brave Lieutenants Johnston and Dunn? Where are the stal- wart heroes Sergeant Wiseman, the standard-bearer of Fredericksburg, and the four brave Color-Corporals, Charles Rardeen, of Company F, and George W. Bratton, of Company E, Frank Thompson, Company I, and young Rankin, color- guards who fell in battle, who together went from the battle-field to the Shining Camps above like plumed warriors, for whom the everlasting tents were opened as they were stricken into victory? Where are those heroic Color-Corporals John Mackin, of Company F. and Thomas McCush, of Company L who on other fields died in defense of the flag? Where are the manly Sergeant Isaac UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 657 Wyckoff and the intrepid William Welton, who both fell victims of the sharp- shooters' range on Little Round Top? Where are the patriotic Sergeant Frank Martyne and the youthful Theodore Baldwin, of Company F, the brave Sergeant Alexander Carson, of Company D, and Sergeant Frederick Sheckler, of Company K, who all yielded up lives of promise in manhood's early prime, willing sacri- fices for their country's need ? Where are Irwin and Meeker, of Company H, and Wentling, of Company G. who died far away from friends and kindred, literally star\-ed to death in the prison pens of Andersonville? Where are Ser- geant Henry R. Campbell, of Company B, and John Hunter, of Company E, who, on reaching Annapolis, Md., after their release from the same prison, died from the terrible effects of the torture endured? Where is young Corporal Phillips, of Company I, with his radiant smile and Christian faith — the blameless and beautiful character, whose saintly spirit exhaled so sweet a fragrance that the perfume lingers with us yet? Where is Private Montgomery, of the same com- pany, who fell on the very day of the final trimuph, giving his life as a peace offering and his blood as a sacrament of reconciliation between the warring sec- tions of a divided land? Where are all those noble and stalwart men and " boys in their teens," who gladdened our long and dreary winter nights in camp, with their mirth and song? Where are all those who, foot-sore and hungry, joined us on the march, and laid down with us on the same green sward, or side by side on the same frozen ground, with the starry canopy for a covering? Where are those who stood with us in the same line of battle on twenty-eight en- sanguined fields, when the leaden hail mowed down our ranks, and listened with us to the awful thunder of the same guns, and quaked together, when the light- nings of heaven danced along our lines from bayonet to bayonet? Where are all those immortal heroes and canonized martyrs who went down in the blinding smoke of battle, and "looked proudly to heaven from the deathbed of fame?" Some of them are gathered in our own beautiful cemeteries, and rest calmly in the graves which we decorate, each year, with the first flowers of spring. Some repose in the national cemeteries of Antietam and Gettysburg, and Poplar Grove Cemetery, near Petersburg. But most of them lie in their shrouds of blue, on the very fields dyed and crimsoned with their blood ! Down by the blue Potomac, their dust is commingling with the sacred soil. They are sleeping in unknown graves along the shores of the fern-marged Rappahannock, and the James and Rapidan chant their funeral requiem. They lie uncoffined on the ever- green mountains of Maryland and Virginia; on Marye's Heights: on the charred plains of Chancellorsville ; in the thickets of the Wilderness ; in the swamps of the Chickahominy : in the ditches of Petersburg and Richmond ; and on the fields where Fame wrote their names in blood and winter froze them into immortality ! The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment came out of the war with twenty-eight battles inscribed upon its flag, and without one blot upon its azure field or one stain upon its stripes. It went into the war with 850 men, which number was increased by subsequent enlistments to 1,523, and came out of the war with less than 780, many of these maimed and crippled ; 519 of our com- rades were killed and wounded; 113 died of disease; 31 were taken prisoners. 658 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 10 of whom were starved to death in rebel prison pens. It went into the service when war was no longer an experiment, but reduced to a science, and when the rank and file were inured to hardship and accustomed to battle. From the first it fought alongside of veterans without disparagement to its fame. It enlisted for the war, and was mustered out of the service because the war was ended. We wear its badge as the most honorable insignia that can be placed upon our breasts. We prize it more than coronet or garter, or the ribbons of the far-famed Legion of Honor. We feel that while we live, the proudest title to which we can lay claim, and dying, the richest legacy we can leave to our children and kindred is, that we were MEAIBERS OF THE "ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FIFTH REGIMENT, PENNSYLVANIA VETERAN VOLUNTEERS." In that colossal painting of Kaulbach which represents the legendary fight of Attila, the Hun, there are two fields and two contests — the one between the soldiers striving in a deadly combat on the turf — the other a shadowy battle set in the upper air between the ghosts of the heroes slain below. So, methinks, there are two battalions of our Regiment, both participating in our reunion to-day, the one, the survivors here assembled, who at the close of the war took their way homeward, and prepared their own unselfish disarmament and return to the peaceful interests of the country they helped to save — the other, the battalion of the canonized dead, who once filled our now thinned ranks — the invisible portion of our Regiment, who have left the shining halls of their Valhalla to mingle with us, and whose spirits hover above us in shadowy forms, making this the reunion of the living and the dead — the victors and the martyrs — united in holy memories, as they were united in battle. And now we drop a tear to the memory of our brave comrades who yielded up their lives that the Nation might live, and to the immortal trinity. Weed, Hazlett, and O'Rorke, whose blood hallows the ground upon which we stand. But no garland of affection scattered upon their graves, nor love, nor tears can reanimate their sleeping dust, nor can studied eulogy add aught to the splendor of their deathless fame. But we know that every deed of peerless valor, every act of patriotic devotion, every example of exalted self-sacrifice, even unto death and martyrdom, offered in the Nation's defense is lifted above all vulgar destiny, and will live as long as the Republic honors her heroes. We surrender this monument into the keeping of the loyal Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the hope that built of imperishable granite it may endure forever. But should it, too, crumble beneath the obliterating touch of time, and the record carved upon its tablets be effaced and every letter in the inscriptions be lost, this historic mountain will still stand as an everlasting monument to per- petuate for all time the name and fame of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Reeiment Pennsvlvania Veteran Volunteers. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 659 «60 UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. FOURTH REUNION. Pittsburg, September 13, 1894. Order of Exercises. Assemble on board Steamer Katie Stockrlale at Pittsburg Wharf at foot of Wood Street and start on Excursion up Monongahela River at 9 o'clock a. m. Colonel John H. C.\ix, Marshal of the Day. E.xercises at Orchard Grove, Duquesne, Pa., at 1 : 30 o'clock p. m. Program m e. Long Roll Comrades S. J. HeHick and Wm. Littlehales " Fall in " for Banquet Music Band Reveille Comrades S. J. Heflick and Wm. Littlehales Introductory Address of Comrade S. W. Hill, of Company F, President Regi- mental .\ssociation. Music Band Original Poem Colonel Edward Jay Allen National Airs Band To.\STS. " To feastful mirth be this white hour assigned, And sweet discourse, the banquet of the mind." MUSIC. 1. Oi'R Regimental Colors. Response, " Rally 'Round the Flag," by Band 2. Our Gener.\ls of the Fifth Corps. " Noble heroes, my sword and yours are kin." Response by General A. L. Pearson 3. The Rank and File of the Regiment. "The scepterless kings of the ranks, the untitled brave." Response by Major E. A. Montooth UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 661 662 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 4. The Officers of the Regiment. " Knights like Bayard without fear and without reproach." Response by Comrade Charles F. McKenna, of Company E MUSIC. 5. Our Last Commander. " Our greatest, yet with least pretense." Response by Comrade L. E. McPherson, of Company C 6. The Volunteer. " Not for honor, fame or self-applause, But for the glory of the cause." Response by Comrade T. C. Lawson, M. D., of Company H 7. Our Color Guard. " Under the Stripes and Stars, Each with the soul of Mars." Response by Comrade H. M. Curry, of Company F MUSIC. 8. Our Last Roll-Call. " Now are our bruised arms hung up for monuments." Response by Colonel John Ewing 9. Our Heroic Dead. " Leaves memorial, and perpetual fame, For those who nobly died." Response by Comrade John H. Kerr, of Company I 10. Reminiscences of Camp and Field. Impromptu Responses by Comrades " AULD LANG SYNE." " Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne. We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet for auld lang syne." RESPONSE OF GENERAL A. L. PEARSON TO TOAST, " The Generals of the Fifth Corps." The mention of my subject brings sad remembrances, as nearly all of the able Generals in whose immediate commands our Regiment served have been mustered by death. Standing to-day midst the brave men who have met to renew the friendships made on battlefield and prison pen, and hear the roll-call of fame, go back through battles lost and won, through dying scenes, and prison torture, back through cannon's smoke and through deeds of heroic bravery and suffering. Yea, let the roll be called while you stand silent and dismayed. Generals Meade, Sykes, UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 663 BREV.-MAJ.-GEN. A. L. PEARSON. 664 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Warren, Griffin, Humphreys, Bartlett, Ayres, Allabach, Weed, O'Rorke, Garrard, Sweitzer, illustrious commanders under whom you fought, have gone to join the noble army above. It is a mighty host that passes by, the like of which the earth has never seen. Of the living Generals, Porter, Butterfield, and Chamberlain alone remain. Organizatiox of Corps. The Fifth Army Corps — of which the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Penn- sylvania Volunteers was a part, continuously, from the time it entered the service in September, 1863, until its final muster-out, at the close of the war — was or- ganized May 18, 1862, while the Army of the Potomac to which it belonged, was engaged in the Peninsular campaign. It was permanently organized with General Fitz John Porter as the Corps Commander, and with Generals Morell and Sykes in command of the two divisions. For efficiency in drill, discipline and in battles, it was ever recognized by General McClellan in orders. Peninsular Campaign. The first battle of the Corps occurred at Hanover Court House, Va., May 27, 1862, an engagement in which Morell's division stood the brunt of the fight- ing, and gained a creditable victory. General Porter's magnificent handling of the Corps won for it great renown. On May 31st, the returns showed 17,546 present for duty. On June 14, its ranks were increased by the accession of McCall's Division of Pennsylvania Reserves, 9,500 strong. During the seven-days' battle the Corps had a total loss of 7,601, or one-half the entire loss of the army. Of these, 6,837 occurred at Gaines' Mill, the remainder at Mechanicsville, Glendale and Malvern Hill. Second Bull Run. At Manassas (second Bull Run) the Fifth Corps, still under command of General Porter, did the severest fighting and, as has since been officially found, "saved the day." It sustained a total loss of 2,151, out of about 6,500 engaged. Antietam. At Antietam, where you were first formally attached to the Corps, General Porter's command was held in reserve. Still it was drawn on freely. Sykes' Division was almost wholly in action. At this time your first division Comman- der, General A. A. Humphreys, commenced to teach us the first rudiments of war. The division, composed of two brigades, all Pennsylvania troops, was made up — with the exception of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volun- teers and Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers — of nine-months' men, all newly recruited. Humphreys' Division. It is needless for me to speak of General Humphreys, our first division Commander. When you saw him in action, at Fredericksburg and at Chancel- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 665 FIFTH CORPS GENERALS. 666 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. lorsville, and discussed his many good qualities, dislike turned to admiration ; for in him you found one who knew how to command, and whose bravery no one could for a moment question. He soon earned promotion to be a Major-General, and subsequently became Chief-of-Staff to General Meade, commander of the Army of the Potomac, afterwards concluding his brilliant military career as com- mander of the Second Corps. Allabach's Brigade. During your service in Humphreys' Division, the brigade to which you were attached was commanded by Colonel P. H. Allabach. As the senior Colonel, he commanded the brigade, and his love for your Regiment was well known. He often spoke to me, in after years, of the gallantry of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth at Fredericksburg. " The old boys," said he, " got nearer the gates of hell (the stonewall) than any other regiment engaged in that battle." IMarye's Heights. At Fredericksburg the corps was under the command of General Butter- field, being part of General Hooker's Center Grand Division. One-half of the very heavy losses of the Fifth Corps fell on Humphreys' Division in its bayonet charge in the storming of ]\Iar>'e's Heights. Led by our intrepid Colonel, E. Jay Allen, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth earned the highest praise from the com- manding Generals. General George G. Meade. General George G. Meade succeeded General Butterfield. and led the Fifth Corps at Chancellorsville. Soon after that engagement, the time of the nine- months' regiments expired, and Humphreys' Division was necessarily discon- tinued, and then you were placed in the Third Brigade, Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke commanding, of the Second Division, General George Sykes command- ing. General Meade having been promoted to the command of the army, just before the battle of Gettysburg, General George Sykes succeeded to his place in command of the corps, the divisions being commanded in that battle by Generals Barnes, Ayres and Crawford. Need I speak to you of Pennsylvania's great hero, Meade? Modest, unassuming, brave, he, without any ostentatious show, made himself beloved by all who came within the charmed circle. Some years after the war, riding down Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, in company with your speaker, he said, in speaking of the battle of Gettysburg: " The public have not yet appreciated the greatness or result of that engagement. I have received but little credit, and considerable condemnation, but the time will come, and after I have gone, when historians will do me justice." He sleeps under the green sward of his native State, awaiting the bugle call of the resurrection. General George Sykes. General George Sykes assumed command at Gettysburg and continued in command of the corps until after the Mine Run campaign, in November, 1864. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 667 General Sykes was born in Dover, Delaware, October 9, 1822, and graduated at West Point in 1843; served with distinction in the Mexican War and was made a Major-General in the war of the rebellion, for gallant and meritorious conduct. He was a brave, able and dashing officer. He died at Brownsville, Texas, February 9, 1890, and through the energy of General Burnside, Con- gress appropriated $1,000 to bury him at \\'est Point. General G. K. \\'.\rren. In March, 1864, the First Corps was transferred to the Fifth and General Governeur K. Warren assigned to command the united corps. A braver or more skillful General never led troops, a more chivalrous man never drew saber. You who fought in so many battles under him need no history from my lips. His death, long after the war, was as sad as his deeds had been great. As he lay upon his death bed, his last words, spoken to his devoted wife, were: "When I am dead, see that I am not buried in uniform: have no military emblems or trappings near me. Allow no military escort. Convey me quietly to my grave without pageant or show, I die a disgraced soldier." And thus, broken hearted, the " bravest of the brave " joined the silent army : but the old veterans of the Fifth Corps, who knew him so well and loved him so dearly, have oftentimes shed silent tears to his memory, for their hero. General Warren was born at Cold Spring, N. Y., January 8, 1830, graduated at West Point second in his class in 1850, and died at Newport, R. I., August 8, 1882. At the close of the battle and victory of Five Forks, won by his corps. General Warren was suddenly relieved from command of the Fifth Corps, and was succeeded by your old and rnost popular division Commander, General Charles' Griffin. General Charles Griffin. A number of General Griffin's friends, after the war, succeeded in having him appointed Colonel of the Thirty-fifth Regiment United States Infantry, and he was shortly after assigned to the Department of Texas. On September 15, 1867, he fell a victim to the yellow fever, and to-day sleeps in a little cemetery in Georgetown, D. C, without a stone to mark the spot. Thus are many of our dead heroes forgotten. General Romeyn B. i\yres. During a considerable portion of your service, and when you made history, you were a part of the Regular brigade, commanded by General Romeyn B. Ayres, who was born at East Creek, Montgomery County, N. Y., December 20, 1895 ; graduated at West Point in 1847, going at once to Mexico as Second- Lieutenant, where he served gallantly. General Ayres was a .strict disciplinarian, a man of ability, and against whose bravery no man could say aught. Rapid and decisive, but when in fault, quick to make reparation. 668 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Generals Griffin and Ayres. A remarkable coincidence in the military careers of Generals Griffin and Ayres was that they both participated, as Captains of Artillery, in the first battle of Bull Run, and both, after serving continuously as Generals, during the war in the Fifth Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and also fought, as division Generals, at Five Forks, the last battle of the war, and both assisted in receiving the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox. After the war. General Ayres became Colonel of one of the artillery regiments of the United States army, and a few years ago was mustered out by death. General J. Bowman Sweitzer. Your brigade Commander in the great charge of June 18, 186-i, at Peters- burg, was Colonel J. Bowman Sweitzer, of Pittsburg, who, as senior Colonel, commanded by virtue of rank. He made a record for bravery in the Civil War second to none. General Sweitzer entered the service as Major of the Sixty- second Pennsylvania \'olunteers, July -i. 1861, and was among the fortunate who took part in almost every important battle his command was engaged in. As a brigade commander, he was cautious, yet brave and competent. He was mustered out with his regiment July 13, 1864. He died in .\llegheny City a few years ago, honored by the people of Pittsburg, and loved by his old comrades in arms. Colonel E. M. Gregory. Again }-ou were transferred — this time to the c(inimand of Colonel E. M. Gregory (Ninety-first Pennsylvania \'olunteers ). who, by reason of seniority, commanded the brigade in several engagements. He was a kind-hearted, good man, died highly honored, at Philadelphia, shortly after the war. Death of General S. H. Weed. General Stephen H. Weed had command of the brigade but a short time. He received his commission as Brigade General on the march to Gettysburg for gallant conduct of the artillery at Chancellorsville. He was born in New York City in 1834, and was a graduate of West Point. He fell, mortally wounded, July 2, 1863, leading his brigade, at Little Round Top, Gettysburg, exclaiming as he fell : " I would rather die here than that the rebels should gain an inch of this ground." De.vtii of Colonel O'Rorke. Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volunteers, assumed command of the Brigade on the death of General Weed, but in a few minutes afterwards was killed by a sharpshooter, hidden in Devil's Den. At the time of his death he was one of the youngest graduates of West Point. He ranked number one in the Engineer class of 1861, On the death of Colonel O'Rorke in the battle, the command of the Brigade devolved on Colonel UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 669 Kenner Garrard, also a graduate of West Point, then Colonel of the One Hun- dred and Forty-sixth New York. Later in the war he commanded a division of cavalry, attaining rank as Major-General. He was a gallant officer, and died but a few years ago. General Grant's Campaigns. In the sanguinary campaigns of 1864, under General Grant, to the Fifth Corps, led by General \\'arren, its new commander, belongs the honor of opening the eventful fighting in the Wilderness. You served faithfully in the advance, opening the fight under General Ayres, as commander of the First Brigade, with General Charles Griffin, the Division commander, and lost heavy in the assaults on the enemy's line. LInder these same distinguished commanders, brigade and division, you continued to serve, participating in the severe engagements of Spottsylvania. Laurel Hill, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and continued in their commands until after the charge of the 18th of June, 18()4, on the enemy's works before Petersburg. General Joseph J. Bartlett. General Joseph J. Bartlett assumed command of the Brigade in the earlv fall of 1864, whilst it was serving in the trenches in the siege of Petersburg, and as a brigade and division commander he was the peer of any. At Hatcher's Run and Peebles' Farm actions he showed great bravery and generalship. Kind and afifectionate, yet brave to a fault. He retained command until the battle of Five Forks, when General Griffin succeeded General Warren, and General Bart- lett was placed in command of the First Division. General Bartlett was born in 1820. From 1807 to 1869, he was United States minister to Sweden and Norway. On his return, he resided at Washington, and died in 1892. General A. L. Pearson. Following him came your humble servant, who had the honor to command at your last battle, " Appomattox Court House," and at the final Surrender. In this action you fired the last shot, received the last shell, and had the last man in the war killed, being Private William Montgomery, of Pittsburg. The war being virtually over, you moved back to Arlington Heights, where General J. L. Chamberlain exchanged from the First to the Third Brigade, and for a short time commanded you, leading ^-ou in the ever-memorable Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac at Washington, in May, 1865. Your zouave uniform, bronzed and soldierly appearance as you marched in " open order " down Penn- sylvania avenue in the Grand Review, elicited unbounded admiration and ap- plause along the line. General Joshua L. Chamberlain. At the outbreak of the war. General Chamberlain was President of Bowdoin College, Maine, and left that peaceful position tii recruit and organize the Twen- tieth Regiment Maine Volunteers, which served side by side throughout the war (i70 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. GROUP AT REUNIC : 4 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 671 1894, DUQUESNE PARK. 673 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Fifth Corps. General Chamberlain won imperishable renown with his regiment on Little Round Top, Gettysburg, succeeding in that battle to the command of the Brigade under Colonel Strong Vincent, who fell in the battle. He enjoyed the further distinction of being promoted by Lieutenant-General Grant to a Brigadier- Generalship, for special gallantry in the famous charge of the 18th of June on the Confederate works at Petersburg, in which action he received very severe wounds. At the close of the war, General Chamberlain was honored by election to the office of Governor of Maine, which position he filled with honor to himself and best interests of that State. He is still living at Portland, Maine, having been appointed, some years ago. Collector of that port. The Fifth Army Corps ended its existence June "34, 186.5. " We stormed no time-worn castle walls, Nor camped in grand old marble halls, But on the endless Roll of Fame, By deeds of blood we placed a name That will remain till time's no more, The honored, brave Fifth Army Corps." Roster of Brigade and Division Commanders. During the war you (One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers) served as follows: From September 18, 1862. to May 16, 1863, with the Second Brigade, Third Division. From May 16, 1863, to March 24, 1864, with the Third Brigade, Second Division. From March 24, 1864, to April 3, 1864, with the Fourth Brigade, First Division. From April 3, 1864, to June 6, 1864, with the First Brigade, First Division. From June 6, 1864, to November 3, 1864, with the Second Brigade, First Division. From November 2, 1864, to June 2, 1865, with the Third Brigade, First Division. Your divisions during the above period were at several times commanded by General Humphreys, Colonel E. M. Gregory, General George Sykes, General R. B. Ayres, General Chas. Griffin, General J. J. Bartlett, and General J. L. Cham- berlain. The brigades by Colonel P. H. Allabach. One Hundred and Thirty-first Penn- sylvania Volunteers ; Colonel J. B. Clark, One Hundred and Twenty-third Penn- sylvania A'olunteers ; Colonel P. H. O'Rorke, One Hundred and Fortieth New York; General S. H. Weed, Colonel George Ryan, One Hundred and Fortieth New York; Colonel D. T. Jenkins, One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York; General R. B. Ayres, Colonel J. B. Sweitzer, Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volun- teers ; Colonel E. M. Gregory, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers ; General J. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 673 J. Bartlett, General A. L. Pearson. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers: General J. L. Chamberlain, Twentieth Maine; Lieutenant-Colonel E. G. Sellers, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Colonel J. C. Edwards, Thirty-second Massachusetts Volunteers. Several of the above commanded but a short time, and the record would not be complete without mentioning them. Their service as Brigade Commanders being so limited, it is not necessary to give a full account of it. While, perchance, some Nortliern woman Waits- with heavy heart and eyes, Prays, and waits and longs and listens With a love that never dies, Prays, and waits and keeps a token. Just as women can and do. Just a lock of hair, a letter. Or a coat of faded blue. Around the Camp-Fircs. 674 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. J '■^"^H^^, :^-m: >OS^ :v-' ;:,.:Qi,^ :'>'?-i - H D o w X w ll UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 685 686 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. State of Alabama, and giving a sketch of personal history, stating that you had served in the Confederate army under General Gordon, and carried a flag of truce to Sheridan's lines at Appomattox. My object in addressing you is to ascertain if you remember on that oc- casion as you approached the Union skirmish line you stopped and asked a Union soMier, dressed in a zouave uniform, where the commanding General was. If you are the person that carried the flag of truce in at that point, I was the party who directed you. I was Sergeant-Major of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, First Brigade, First Division. Fifth Army Corps, Gen- eral Griffin commanding. Our Regiment was on the skirmish line that morning, advancing into Appomattox, when I saw a supposed calvaryman advancing from the Confederate lines with a flag of truce ; he stopped, addressed me an inquiry, and I directed him where to go. This is a matter of personal interest to me to straighten out history, and it will also be a source of pleasure to renew an ac- quaintance and claim you as a friend who was once a foe. Hoping to hear from you at an early date, I remain, \'ery truly yours, WiLLi.VM Shore. Answer of Judge Jones. District Court of United States. Huntsville, Ala., April 14, 1902. Mr. Willi.mm Shore, Pittsburg. Pa. My Dear Sir: Your letter of A]>ril Tth revives some interesting memories, and I reply at the earliest opportunity. When the war ended at Appomattox, I was an officer on the staff of Major- General John B. Gordon, who then commanded the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia, and parts of Anderson's corps. General Gordon was se- lected to command the troops which attempted to cut out about daybreak on April 9th, and I was with him in that charge. As you will remember, we drove the cavalry some distance ; when, coming upon General Ord's forces, we retired, without attempting to break through, then being closely pushed by the infantry. When General Gordon ascertained that General Ord's command was in front of him, he gave up all hope of cutting through, and as he had been directed in that event by General Lee, with whom he was in communication by messenger and courier, sent in flags of truce at several points on the line in our front. I think one of these flags was carried by Major Sims, of General Longstreet's staff, who had carried a message to General Gordon, who had called on Longstreet for help. Another of these flags was carried by Captain or Major Arnold, who, if I recollect aright, was at the headquarters of the division commanded by General C. A. Evans ; and Major Hunter, of General Gordon's staff, I believe, also car- ried a flag of truce. I also carried a flag. As the emergency was very pressing, and your people were about to swoop down upon us, it was all important to stop UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 687 .^;^, Q O O >• z z w z o 2 O U K iii-' »i>*^ .'•%"^r 688 UNDER THE iMALTESE CROSS. 2 O z « I u w H t— t s o u w > H D u H <; z o UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 689 690 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. hostilities at once, and General Gordon directed flags to be carried to several points along the line which was advancing on us. I was then not quite twenty- one years old, and was mounted on a good-looking bay horse, and was in full dress, having put on our best unifonns for fear that they would be captured with the wagons. We all expected the worst and wished to be dressed as decently as possible. I rode in on the right of Appomattox Court House, coming from the direction of our lines. Some of your skirmishers opened fire on me at first, but they stopped as soon as they perceived my flag of truce, which was a large, white napkin in which some ladies had wrapped some snack for me the day before, the napkin being all that remained in my haversack. I have always had a vague recollection that the officer I met was an artilleryman, and it may be you were the man who told me where to go, and that I mistook the artilleryman for a man in zouave uniform. I was so intent on getting the firing stopped that I did not pay very particular attention to what happened on the skirmish line. Thirty-seven years have elapsed since then, and my memory is not very distinct as to the details. I think the first general officer I was carried to was General Chamberlain, of Maine, who was a Division Commander, and if I am not mis- taken, he carried me to General Griffin. I remember distinctly having some talk with a General Forsythe, who, if I remember correctly, was a cavalry General. General Sheridan was near by. I think he or some of his staff rode out into a part of the field where I was, and said something about having another flag of truce and that " we seemed anxious to stop " and so on. From this point I was sent with a Union officer to some Confederates, who did not understand the situa- tion, and w-ere trying to move off and were occasionally firing. After this I went back into the Confederate lines to where General Lee was sitting on the road about a mile from Appomattox Court House on some rails near an apple orchard, waiting to hear from General Grant. It would give me great pleasure to meet vou should chance ever bring you to Alabama, and I will hunt you up if I ever come to Pittsburg Yours very truly. Thos. G. Jones. Men who took the starry banner. All its clinging folds unfurled. Went forth dauntless, daring, dying, On the ramparts of the world. REUNION ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. At Bellevue Club, Tuesday, June -io, 190G. Programme. Company Meetings. Roll Call at 3 p. m. Special Business. Correcting Roster and Company Records for Publication in Regimental History. Dress Parade and Review on Lawn 5 p. m. Supper 5 : 30 p. M. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 691 692 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. UNDER THE ]\IALTESE CROSS. 693 Camp Firk. Called to Order 7 P. m. — 7 to 10 p. m. Toastniaster John T. Porter, Company H Song — " L'nfurl the Glorious Banner " Qnartette Address Reverend Doctor N. H. Holmes Music Second Brigade Band Poem — " The \'eteran Colonel E. J. Allen A chapter from the forthcoming Regimental lli>tory — " Appomattox," S. W. Hill Recitation Blanche Beggs Address — " Quiet Observer " Erasmus Wilson Martial ]\Iusic Littlehales and Heflick Address Dr. T. C. Lawson MUSIC. The Secretary read the following interesting corres])ondence from General Chamberlain on the Flag of Truce and descripticm of the final surrender at Ap- pomattox — a contribution of great historical value : Gexer.-\l Ciiamberl.mn ox the Flag of Truce axd Appomattox. Portland. ]Maine, April 1, 190G. Colonel Chas. F. AIcKenna. Secretary One Hundred and I""ift\-fifth Regimental Association. My Dear Friend: I have yours of the 1st inst. with newspaper enclosure, being an interview of William Shore, of Pittsburg, late Sergeant-Major, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, who was on duty on the ad- vance skirmish line of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers at Appomattox when the first flag of truce from Gordon's Corps came into the Ijnion line at position occupied by Fifth Corps advance. As the Commander of the First Division, Fifth Corps, at the time, a statement from me is requested concerning same for archives of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regimental Association. It is a long story to explain, this " flag of truce " incident, as related by Comrade Shore, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, which is so far as I know correctly stated by him. But I have nearly got tired of the eftorts to reconcile all the stories of that " flag of truce." The lists of those to whom it came is a perplexing one for length. I have almost begun, on reading of these, to doubt if I was there after ali, though the official report of the distinguished Commander of the Fifth Corps says: " General Chamberlain's ( First) Division led the advance and was engaged driving the enemy rapidly before me when the ' flag of truce ' came in." Some- times I turn back to official records to warrant me in the belief that I was really there at all. 694 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Positions of Union Battle Lines at Surrender. Perhaps it may help you to take in the situation at Appomattox if I relate in a few words the shape of the opposing lines at the moment the flag of truce came in. General Ord with his Corps of Army of the James was on the left and ex- tending across the Lynchburg Pike; then General Crawford's (Third) Division, Fifth Corps, and General Ayres' (Second) Division; and next came General Bartlett with the Second Brigade of the late General Grififin's Third Division, Fifth Corps, which I had turned off from the column with my own Brigade and Gregory's (Second) and had rushed to the right of what afterwards became our line of battle. You will bear in mind that Gordon's Corps was on our front and Long- street's Corps was on our right of our entire line, being in the rear of the Rebel advance. Grant was with Meade following up Lee's rear, that is, Longstreet's, etc. Bartlett's skirmish line was in front of the main body of the Fifth Corps, not in m)- front, as I had been taken by General Sher- idan to relieve a division of his cavalry to the right of all. I had a double line of battle, be- ing in immediate contact with the " Stonewall Jackson Brigade." I myself was at the ex- treme right of our line and saw the flag of truce as it left the Rebel lines, not in my front, but to my right. It came diagonally, directly to me where I was in a conspicuous position on quite an eminence. The man who bore it has had many a conference with me since, and I have a detailed statement from him of the circum- stances which attended the sending out of ten flags by Longstreet and Gordon. The flag that came to me I sent along the line to the left to Sheridan and Ord. Of course, it passed many commands and commanders, and so all these stories of receiving this " flag of truce " may well be true. The flag came to me first. There is no doubt about that, and I sent it along. It was from Longstreet and Gordon. It was the identical flag that went to Sheridan. If there were other flags, I do not know who sent them. Grant was not on the field then. Yours truly, J. L. Chamberlain, Brigadier and Brevet Major-Gen'l, Commanding First Division, Fifth Corps, April 9. 1865. GEN. J. L, chamberlain. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 695 696 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. w D > W ►J w m I 2 O 2 w UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 697 Chairman Hill directed the secretary to read a very important letter received by the Association, caUint;- for the correction of its obituary record, as follows: " LAMENTATIONS OF JEREML^H." Centennial. Calumet County. Nebraska, August 15, 1903. To The Executive Committee of the One Hundred and Fiftv-fiftii Penn- SYLV.'\Ni.\ Volunteers. Comrades: On behalf of Jeremiah Smith, an esteemed fellow-comrade of your Regiment, I write appealing that you rescind and correct record of obituary resolutions on his supposed de- cease and condolence adopted and published four }ears ago in report of Clarion county Re- union of the Regiment. The memorial resolutions, thus passed. consigning Comrade Smith to a premature grave, was based on a mistake, as it was his wife, and not the comrade him- self, whei died in Nebraska, and who was by this mistake re- ported to the Reunion as having joined the Army of the Dead. Coinrade Smith is, I beg to as- sure you, alive and hearty. He is a poor scholar and not nuich of a writer, and therefore has asked me to forward this appeal in his behalf to have the Regi- mental record of his death cor- rected — or at least its publication postponed until alter he actually joins tho.'e who sleep on " Fame's Eternal Camping Ground." He says his former letters to the Regimental Association, protesting against the action, have been returned to him in Nebraska through the dead letter office and he hopes this letter from me will reach you. He is much annoyed by the uncontradicted reports of his death, having trouble with a new Grand Army post, into which he sought admission. His death was also a subject of investigation and trouble by a com- mittee of the church in a new neighborhood to which he removed. Besides all this distress, he complains that the existence of the Regimental record of his death actually interferes with his success in getting a new wife and also seriously delays his obtaining a ] ension. For these reasons, therefore, and because abun- COMRADE JEREMIAH SMITH. 698 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. DRESS PARADE AND REVIEW OF SURVI UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. 699 OL. ALLEN, BELLEVUE REUNION, 1907. 700 UNDER THE MALTESE CRUSS. dant proof can be furnished that the comrade is still alive, he respectfully asks early attention of your Committee to the matter of correcting the rolls of the Regiment and repealing the obituary resolutions of four years ago, sending him to a premature grave. He hopes his request will not be deemed unreasonable. Mr. Smith is now farming, and this year has had a remarkably good crop from his one hundred acres, all in wheat. If the obnoxious mortuary resolution is ex- punged from the minutes, he authorizes me to state that he will report in per- son and answer " roll call " at the next reunion, wherever it' may be held, if notice reaches him. To establish his identity. Comrade Smith encloses his latest photo- graph, taken last harvest. Respectfully, JAMES J. JONES, Justice of Peace and Probate Judge, R. F. D. No. 1, Centennial, Calumet Coiuity. Nebraska. A motion was made by Comrade John C. Sias to grant the request to correct the record of Comrade Smith, but after a full discussion by the Association, an objection was raised by Comrade Thomas E. Morgan on the parliamentary ground that the resolution declaring the death of Comrade Smith having passed unanimously, according to " Cushing's Manual "' and " Small's Hand-book," lead- ing authorities, it could not be reconsidered, and that, therefore, the aggrieved comrade could have no relief, in his npinion, except by applying to Congress for correction of his death record. Chairman Hill ruled the point of order well taken, and sustained the objec- tion to further action bv the Association. %K I UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 701 ^^«^^i; imkk ^wiM '' ' " ' V'l^l t^'?''*^ ^'^af,:^;^-/;->|^^^ ^^■^■fi''''^^^^ t — . — - ■f & ' " 1 :JJH «.^ ^yjgiii'pi ■^.'■''"^.■' '? ifsg- ''j^A-^^KSSBK^^S^^^^B^^^^^l - -;:^i!^Hi|n^nmH^^^^-. ^— GEN. A. A. HUMPHREYS' MONUMENT. National Cemetery. Fredericksburg. Unveiled Nov. 11, 1908. 702 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. /^rfy^. //arye-J '.yf^'fyA/.J. ■y/'fv//^rfrA:jrf/yy, /f/y//ff/* UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 703 DEDICATORY CEREMONIES FREDERICKSBURG. VIRGINIA NOVEMBER ELEVENTH, I90S II A. M. The assembly Music Tansill's district of Columbia band INVOCATION I he Rev. J. Richards Boyle, D. D. Captain and Assistant Q. M., U. S. yolnntecrs Address of WelcOA^E Major Robert W. Hunter, Representing HON. CLAUDE A. SWANSON, Governor of Virginia Address of welcome In behalf of the Confederates Judge John T. Goodrick RESPONSE BY THE GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA ADDRESS AND TRANSFER OF MONUMENT TO EDWIN S. STUART, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, George F. ^\ER, President of the Commission UNVEILING OF MONUMENT Miss Letitia A. Humphreys Daughter of the late (Major General A. A. Humphreys Music Star Spangled Banner RECEPTION OF Monument by the Governor of Pennsylvania AND Transfer to the care of the United States Government Governor EDWIN S. STUART ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT The Assistant Secretary of War, ROBERT SHAW OLIVER ADDRESS Colonel Alexander K. McClurc MUSIC Tansill's Band BENEDICTION r04 UNDER THE ^^lALTESE CROSS. UNVEILING OF GENERAL HUMPHREYS' :\IONUMENT. Fredericks!!urg, November 11, 1908. Responding to the invitation of the State of Pennsylvania to the survivors of Humphreys" Division in the battle of Fredericksburg, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regimental Association accepted the free transportation to Freder- icksburg and return for the ceremonies of the unveiling of the monument to Alajor-General Andrew A. Humphreys, on November 11, 1908, to commemorate the gallant charge of his Division on Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg, Decem- ber 13, 18(j"2, led by General Humphreys in person. The Association also voted to hold its reunion and camp fire in the Court House at Fredericksburg on the date of said unveiling. Upwards of one hundred comrades of the Regiment attended the dedicatory services and reunion. The unveiling exercises were attended by the Honorable Edwin S. Stuart, Governor of Pennsylvania, and his entire stafl:" in full unifiirm. Adjutant-General Thomas J. Stewart, Colonel Charles A. Rook, Colonel O. S. Hershman, Colonel A. J. Logan, Lieutenant-Governor Robert S. Murphy, and Assistant Secretary of War Robert S. Oliver. On behalf of the State of Penn.sylvania, Governor Stuart, in an appropria- ate address, presented the monument to the United States, and introduced Colonel .\le.xander K. McClure, of Philadelphia, as the orator of the day. The monument was unveiled by Miss Letitia Humphreys, of Philadelphia, daughter of General Humphreys. The General R. E. Lee Camp of Confederate \'eterans, of Fredericksburg, and the Sons of Confederates, in uniform, took part in the procession, and marched with martial music through the town to the National Cemetery, escorting upwards of five hundred Union veterans of Hum- phreys' Division forming the main column. The attendance of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment survivors from Pittsburg at the exercises was remarkably large on the occasion. Private \^'illiam Witherow, of that regiment, having served as one of the Monument Commission, was in attendance in that capacity, in charge of the Dedication ceremonies. This regiment was so long and so closely associated, during their term of service in Camp Humphreys, and on the march and in battle, in .Allabach's Brigade with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, that comrades of the One Hun- dred and Twentythird became, on return to civil life in Alleghenw county, par- ticularly fraternal and intimate with their former comrades of the One Hiuidred and Fifty-fifth. In a previous chapter, descriptive of the itinerary of the latter regiment, is narrated the escort duty and farewell exercises of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth, on the departure of the One Hundred and Twenty-third for Pittsburg, in UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 705 V BR.ABV MEMBERS 123RD PA. VOLS. 706 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. il WILLIAM w. McClelland. CAPT. JOHN S. bell. May, 1863, after the battle of Chancellorsville. Among the well-known One Hundred and Twenty-third veterans who visited Fredericksburg on this occasion with their comrades of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth were Major H. K. Tyler, Major R. E. Stewart, A. P. Burchfield, Frank P. Kohen. Daniel Ashworth, W. W. McClelland, Andrew S. Miller, Captain John S. Bell, John Bradley, Doctor B. B. Smith, and others. The veterans of the One Hundred and Twenty-third visited the National Cemeterv and left mementoes on the graves of their fellow w ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ■ ^^1 Hpf i^lJ^w- ^Wl j^^H^H^^'D^K; ^ ^^^^^^^^Hi K^H^^^^^^^^H ^^^H'^^l 1^^^^ MAJ. HORATIO K. TYLER. CAPT. DANIEL BOISEL. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 707 MAJ. R. E. STEWART. A. P. BURCHFIELD. WILLIAM WITHEROW. ro8 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. comrades whose names are marked there, one of whom was the gallant Captain Daniel W. Boisol, who lost his life in the fore-front of the battle on Marye's Heights. Among the prominent survivors of the charge of Marye"s Heights who at- tended the Humphreys' monument unveiling and the Court House reunion and camp fire of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment were Doctor Thomas J. H. GILSON. THOMAS D. DAVIS. D. Davis and the Reverend J. H. Gilson, of Pittsburg, and all of whom served in the ranks of the One Hundred and Thirty-third Pennsylvania \'olunteers. War-time pictures of these comrades arc herewith published, being of curious interest to the readers of the present generation. After the conclusion of the Dedication ceremonies. Colonel Allen, in com- pany with a number of comrades of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, wandered ofif among the graves of the " unknown dead," somewhere among whom was the mound of the brave Color-Corporal Charles llardeen, and deposited sprigs of UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 709 f- D. O E « ^ 00 X < n (- . "^ U5 "'^ f-l i-t ^^ f-t O " 2 > s - > s s Ci E jS z J '" o j; 2 E D •■= W t K c 710 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. evergreen upon the green sod of the unknown heroes. In the Chapter descriptive of the charge on ]\Iarye's Heights, readers will recall the incident of the death of Corporal Bardeen, and the pathetic fact that Colonel Allen and other officers of the Regiment made diligent but unsuccessful searches for his body, and there- fore it was buried among the imknown dead. Regiment.^l Reunion. The programme of the Regimental Reunion held in the Court House con- sisted of addresses by Colonel S. W. Hill, Chairman ; John T. Porter, Secretary ; ^ and an oration by Colonel E. Jay Allen. The address of welcome was delivered by Honorable John T. Goolrick, of Fredericksburg. Remarks were also made by Captain Daniel Ashworth and Andrew S. Aliller, of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania A'olunteers, and Sergeant James A. Mc- ]\Iillen, Privates Chas. F. McKenna, Cliarles A. Walter, and Surgeon Wilson, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. A number of Confederate veterans also en- tertained the reunion with interesting reminiscences of the great battles of Fred- ericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, all these battle- fields being within a radius of ten to fifteen miles of and within easy access from Fredericksburg. The Union veterans availed themselves of the opportunity to make exxursions to those fields of carnage in the Civil W^ar, and many more delegations extended their visits to Richmond and Petersburg. This event will long be renieml)ered by the visiting veterans as a most interesting occurrence. The survivors of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Regiment in at- tendance were grouped for photo- graphing at the foot of the General Humphreys' monument. Miss Letitia Humphreys favored the survivors of her father's command by occupying a position in the group being photo- graphed. The comrades of the One Hun- (h-ed and Fifty-fifth were justly proud of the presence at these Dedication ceremonies of Colonel E. Jay Allen, their commander in the famous charge on Marye's Heights, and of the dis- tinction accorded him of being the only surviving regimental commander of the eight Pennsylvania regiments composing Humphreys' Division in the " forlorn hope." Fear not, O ye men of battle. That your lofty deeds sublime Shall grow dim to coming ages, COL. E, JAY ALLEN AND SURG. W. S. WILSON, Qr he lost to future time Meeting on Marye's Heights, 1908. '"^ °^ '°^^ ^° lUture tmie. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 711 712 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Allegheny Countv Soldiers' Memorial Hall. The Magnificent Temple, shown on preceding page, to the memory of the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of Allegheny County who fought in defense of the Union and Constitution in the War of 1861 and 1865, was erected pursuant to almost unanimous popular vote of the people of the county appropriating one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for said patriotic object. On the 11th day of October, 1908, during the week devoted to the celebration of the Sesqui Centennial of the capture by the British forces under General Forbes in 1758 of the French Fort Duquesne, and the erection of Fort Pitt, the ex- ercises of the laying of the corner stone of the Soldiers' iMemorial Hall were conducted by the Grand Army Association of Allegheny County. This organization and the Union \'eteran Legion Encampment organized the movement for the Memorial Hall and met with most generous and cordial approval by the citizens, the public press, and general sentiment of the county. Commodious meeting rooms for Posts of the Grand Army and LTnion Vet- eran Legion have been provided and handsomely furnished. Provisions for museum of relics of civil war, also Auditorium of capacity of 3,-500 for meetings, campfires and public entertainments are included in the designs. The names of upwards of 26,000 soldiers and sailors of the county are by law directed to be inscribed on mural tablets together with list of battles, casualties, etc. Ample corridors, spaces for statuary, busts, and medallions of distinguished soldiers of the county have also been arranged. By special recommendations of the Grand Jury, aooroved bv Countv Court, life-sized statues of the following soldiers who fell in battle commanding Alle- gheny County troops are directed to be placed in the ^lemorial Hall — funds suffi- cient for said objects to be specially reserved, viz. ; Major-General Alexander Hays, Sixty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers. Killed at Wilderness. Brigadier-General Conrad F. Jackson, Ninth Pensylvania Reserve. Killed at Fredericksburg. Colonel Samuel W. Black, Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers. Killed at Gaines Mills. Colonel Oliver H. Rippey, Sixty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers. Killed at Fair Oaks. Colonel James H. Childs, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Killed at Antietam. Colonel John W. Patterson, One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania Volunteers. Killed at Wilderness. Major Frank B. Ward, Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry. Killed at Stone River. Captain Robert B. Hampton, Hampton's Battery. Killed at Chancellorsville. Colonel William H. Moody, One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers. Killed at Cold Harbor. Private William IMontgomery, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers. Killed at Appomattox April 9, 1865. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 713 MEMOIRS AND SKETCHED Maj.-Gen. G.K.Warren Corp. Harry M. Curry Maj. Geo. M. Laughlin Col. John H. Cain Maj.-Gen. A. L. Pearson Capt. Samuel A. McKee Capt. Geo. p. McClelland Corp. Horatio S. Harnish ScT. Henry R. Campbell Rev. Joseph Mateer. D.D Corp. George Bradley Sgt. Thomas J. Marlin Color-Sgt. Thos. Wiseman Maj. Samuel Kilgore James P. O'Neill Col. Peter H. Allabach Col. Patrick H. O'Rorke Maj.-Gen. F. Winthrop Brig.-Gen. S. H. Weed ;\*/, 714 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. How sleep the brave who sink to rest By all their country's wishes blest? By fairy hands their knell is rung, By forms unseen their dirge is sung. J i| TAPS I t UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 715 Hirii nl |^f raporf ;iS .|.X\ngn^f s,l88a Prof. Wm. W. McClelland, Penman. The above is a fac simile of title page to Resolutions on death of Gen'l Warren by Western Pennsylvania veterans of Second, Third and Fifth Corps of the Army of Potomac. The Memorial Album was formally presented to Mrs. Warren by a Committee sent from Pittsburg. 716 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ACTION ON DEATH OF GENERAL WARREN. The death of General G. K. \\'arren, at Newport, R. 1.. in August, 1882, caused many meetings of surviving comrades, residing in Pennsylvania, who in the Second and Fifth Corps of the Army of the Potomac had served under the lamented General. A public meeting was held in [Municipal Hall. Pittsburg, to take appropriate action, and was largely attended. Honorable Robert \\'. Lyon. ^layor of the city, an honored veteran, presided, and introduced General ]. Bowman Sweitzer, Com- mander of a Brigade imder General W^arren, who paid an earnest tribute to the bravery and skill of the deceased General, .\mong the \'ice-Presidents of the public meeting was General Richard Coulter, of Greensburg, also a commander of a Brigade under General Warren in all the hotly contested actions from Wil- derness to Five Forks. General Coulter, in a letter, paid an eloquent tribute to the intrepidity and' generalship of General Warren, as observed b}- him personally in the battle of Five Forks, entitling him to be justly called the true hero of that battle. The survivors of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania \'olunteers, so long serving under General \\'arren, felt it due his memory that they take special action and. therefore, adopted the following minute: THE SOLDIERS OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH REGIAIENT PENNSVL\"AXIA \'6lUNTEERS, fifth CORPS, of the AR^IY OF THE POTOMAC, — residing in — WESTERN PENNSYL\'ANIA, having learned of the sudden and untimely death, on .\ugust 8, 188'2, of their late beloved corps commander, AIAJOR-GENERAL G. K. WARREN, have met to manifest by public action the magnitude of their loss and the depth and poignancy of their grief therefor. Resolved, That we esteem it a sad privilege to assemble as his late comrades to render to his memory the sorrowful tribute of our respect and love, and in sympathy if not in person, to lay upon the grave which to-day closes forever upon UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 717 liis manly form our garlands of affection and " the laurel meed of mighty con- querors." Resolved, That in his death the nation has lost a true patriot, who shed his blood and risked his life in her defense, the armies of the United States an educated and experienced officer who honored and adorned the service, the " Fifth Corps " of the " Army of the Potomac," another of its great commanders who has silently passed away from the camps of the living to join his Illustrious compeers. Hooker, Meade, Sykes. Griffin and Reynolds, in the Valhalla of our consecrated heroes. General .\. L. Pearson, Colonel John Ewing, F)revet-^Iajor Geo. M. Laugh- lin, Brevet-Major Samuel Kilgore, and Captain A. H. Heisey, on behalf of the surviving field and staff of the Regiment, paid aft'ectionate tributes to the beloved General, and were followed on liehalf of the rank and file by eloquent remarks from Comrades John H. Kerr, S. W". Hill. Chas. F. McKenna, John C. Sias and L. E. McPherson. CORPORAL HARRY M. CURRY. By Colonel E. ].\y Allen. Harry I\L Curry' was born January .30, 18i7, at W'ilkinsburg, Allegheny county. Pa., and died May 5, 1900. Not yet having reached the age of sixteen, he succeeded in enlisting on August 23, 1862, in Company F, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania \^olunteers, and was discharged from the service at the close of the war by General Orders, June .5. 1865. To look into the face of that gentle, manly boy of sixteen, clad in the habiliments of war, and to describe with him the trite phrases " Nature's Noble- man," and " King among men," would seem strangely inappropriate, and yet he was all that those phrases imply, and much more, but in a different way. His guileless heart, his unselfish disposition, were visible in his open, genial countenance. He did no wrong and wished no wrong to any man. To the faults and frailties of his comrades he was quick and kindly in forgiving, and would even search his memory for some circumstance of extenuation ; but he was inflexibly honest in his associations with men, and exacted honesty in return. Quick of comprehension, he soon learned a soldier's duties, which he per- formed with the same fidelity that characterized Iiis work in later years in civil life. Brave and steadfast, he questioned not the orders of his superiors, but went where duty called him, whether on the arduous march, or into the fury of bat- tle. Although his position on the color-guard was more perilous than it would have been in the ranks of his company, he passed through the bloodiest battles of the war unscathed, and it was only at Five Forks, the last fierce conflict, which resulted in the collapse of the Confederacy, that he received a dangerous wound, from which he fortunatelv recovered. 718 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. HARRY M. CURRY. TREASURER 155TH. 1S87-1900. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 719 On the return of Harry M. Curry to the walks of civil life, he entered upon his life's work with unabated zeal. His devotion to the work his hands found to do never flagged. By successive steps he was called to more important fields of labor. Self-seeking was repugnant to his nature, hence he never sought the influence of friends to aid him in securing honors to which he was not entitled. It was his recognized ability as being the right man for the place that led to his being called to offices of great trust and responsibility. Having" reached the high office of Treasurer of the great Carnegie Steel Com- pany, and become possessed of an ample fortune, Harry M. Curry might have abated his strenuous life, and entered upon a life of ease; but idleness when there was work to be done afforded him no pleasure. He could not allow his life to rust out, hence it can be well said that he died in the harness. His active interest in the welfare of the Regimental Association was ex- hibited by his cheerful service as Treasurer of the organization for thirteen years previous to his death. He freely gave his time, advice and services amid all his urgent business cares to the duties of the trcasurcrship, which his comrades had annually tendered him. The conduct of his life reflected credit ii|Min his nid regiment. The citizen fulfilled the high promise of the soldier. His conn-ades followed him to the grave, shrouding his coflin with the flag he had guarded so well, knowing that in his last moments no memories were dearer to him than those of the camp and field. The bugle rang out the clear call of " All lights out " as he had heard it many a time ere he sank to slumber, and his comrades left him awaiting the reveille in the Rest Eternal. BREVET-MAJOR GEORGE M. LAUGHTJN. The eve of Alciuorial Day, 1909, was selected by the Regimental Association as the appropriate date to deliver to the surviving family of the late Major George M. Eaughlin the Resolutions adopted by his comrades of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers. GEORGE McCULLY LAUGHLIN. MiLiT.\RY Record. I'rivate One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry September 3, 18G3; First-Lieutenant September .5, 1862; Cai)tain February 3G, 18G4; hon- orably mustered out June 3, 1865. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers March 29, 18G5, " for gallant and meri- torious conduct at the battle on the Quaker Road, \'a." Born October 21, 1842, at Pittsburg, Pa. Died December 11, 1908, at Pittsburg, Pa. 720 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. The proceedings, as published in the Pittsburg Gazette-Times, in its Memorial Day issue, are herewith reprinted. " In Memory of Brevet-Major George 'M. Laughlin. Tribute of a \'eterax Regiment. Presentation of Memorial Aluum." Among the foremost among the veterans of the Civil War in this community MAJ. GEO. M. LAUGHLIN. who passed away since Memorial Day, 1908, was Brevet-Major George M. Laughlin, who died on the llth day of December last, at his residence in the City of Pittsburg. His death removes one of Pittsburg's best-known citizens and a soldier ad- mired and loved by those with whom he served. On \\'ednesda}- evening last the old comrades of the late Major who were associated with him in that remarkable regiment of Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania volunteers, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, better known as Pear- son's Zouaves, called at the home of his son, George ^L Laughlin, Jr,, and pre- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 731 sented to the members of the soldier's family an album, beautifully finished in every detail, which contained the record of the Major's services in the Civil War from the time he entered as a private until he received his honorable discharge with the rank of Brevet-Major. Antietam-Appomattox. The story that the album tells is, in brief, the story of the doings of those days from Antietam to Appomattox and portraits are shown of Major Laughlin as a youth of nineteen, when he first put on the uniform of his country; as a Major, when the time of stress was over, and as the honored citizen, as he ap- peared shortly before his death. In the album, too, is a portrait of the soldier who sounded " Taps " over the Major's grave. Colonel E. J. Allen, the first commander of the Regiment, and who led it in several campaigns, opened the presentation exercises b\- the delivery of an eloquent tribute to the memory of Major Laughlin as a soldier and a citizen and a Christian gentleman, closing by announcing that Judge Charles F. McKenna, who had served for three years in Company E. commanded by Major Laughlin, would make the presentation of the memorial resoltitions of the Regimental Association, to George M. Laughlin, Jr., Thomas K. Laughlin, and Irwin B. Laughlin, sons of the deceased. The response was made on behalf of the family by George M. Laughlin, Jr. The album is one of embossed old English lettering, the work of Professor \\\ W. McClelland, and illuminated with the corps mark in colors. It is bound in morocco and reposes in a case of the same leather. The outer cover bears the dead soldier's monogram and on the last pages are the autograph signatures of all the signers of the resolutions which were adopted by his comrades on the day of his death. His Wealth FoRGOTTE^'. The resolutions reviewed the career of the dead soldier and laid particular emphasis on the fact that, forsaking prospects unusually brilliant, he enlisted as a private and endured with his comrades all the rough experiences of the war and earned his promotion by gallantrj' of the unusual kind. The Resolutions, in part, follow, with the names of the signers : " Through the fortune of war. Major Laughlin was destined to perform in the campaign of General Grant most conspicuous service in both the opening and closing of the series of battles that practically ended the rebellion. " On the morning of May 5, ISfil, when the Fifth Corps, commanded by General Warren, leading the advance of the Union army, penetrated the dense jungles and forests known as the Wilderness, several companies of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, with several details from other regiments, ■were ordered to serve on the advance skirmish line, Captain Laughlin was as- signed to the important duty of commanding this advance. These skirmishers were slowly pushing their way through the many obstructions in the dense woods, 722 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. unable to see the Confederates concealed in thick foliage, up to which time not a shot had been fired b}' either side. At Wilderness Ordered First Shot. " Captain Laughlin, hearing noises from unseen troops, ordered the men in his command to fire in the direction of the noise, to check the advance of the enemy. The skirmishers of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Regi- ment promptly obeyed the order, and opened fire, to which the enemy responded, and the battle then opened all along the line, and continued with great fury and heavy losses on both sides during the whole day. The distinction of ordering the first shot in the opening of the sanguinary battle of the Wilderness was thus earned by Captain Laughlin. "At Appomattox, April 9, 1865, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsyl- vania was in the advance of the Fifth Corps in pursuit of the retreating Con- federate army, under General Longstreet and General Gordon. In the midst of a severe fire from infantry and artillery at the final stand made by the enemy, a mounted Confederate courier with a iiag of truce rode rapidly across the space between the two armies, and reached that part of the skirmish line held by the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, and explaining his mission was con- ducted to General Charles Griffin, commanding the Fifth Corps. At Appomattox Delivered Orders to " Cease Firing." " General Griffin directed ]\Iajor Laughlin, then serving on his stall, to ride out to the advanced skimiish line, still under the enemy's fire, and order each regi- ment engaged to ' cease firing." In discharging this extremely hazardous duty Major Laughlin rode along the Union battle line under the continuous and severe fire of the Confederates, and, returning, reported to General Griffin compliance with his orders. The Confederates not ceasing the heavy fire, the General at once ordered Major Laughlin to return to the advanced skirmish line and deliver to each command orders to ' resume firing." These orders were delivered by the Major, and firing was at once renewed by the LTnion skirmishers, and continued until the firing along the Confederate line ceased. Major Laughlin was then dispatched to the battle line with General Griffin"s final orders to all the regi- ments to ' cease firing." No hostile shot was fired by either army after these last commands. The peace at Appomattox was assured by these final orders delivered by Major George M. Laughlin." The Field and Stafl" Officers and two comrades from each company signed the Resolutions. The comrades who took part in the presentation, in addition to those named, were Colonel S. W. Hill, President Regimental Association ; R. P. Douglass, John H. Kerr, Charles A. Walters, D. E. Lyon, Thomas E. Morgan, John T. Porter, Colonel John Ewing, and Captain A. H. Heisey, all of whom made appro- priate addresses. Messrs. Morgan, Douglass and McKenna were the only survivors of Major Laughlin's Company present. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 733 COLONEL JOHN H. CAIN. Minute Adopted by Regiment.al Association of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvanla Volunteers, Pittsburg, September 3, 1903. The surviving members of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers, have learned with feelings of unfeigned sorrow of the sud- den death of our late comrade, Colonel John H. Cain, who yielded up his gallant spirit at his home in Franklin, Pa., on Wednesday morning, April 29, 1903, and is now enrolled in the battalion of our immortal dead in the Shining Camps above. On April 2.5, 1861, as a private in Company K, Twelfth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, three-months' service. Comrade Cain entered the Union army in the Civil War. He recruited and was chosen Captain of Company C, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, on the 22d of August, 1863, and in the regimental organization on September 3, 1862, was elected and mus- tered in as Major. He took part with the Regiment in its first battle at Antie- tam, displayed conspicuous valor in Humphreys 'charge at Fredericksburg, and on December 31, 1862, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He was in command of the Regiment in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, accjuitting himself with rare gallantry and skill. At Gettysburg, he formed his line of battle on the very crest of Little Round Top, and on July 3, 1863, he held this eminence against the repeated charges of the enemy under Long- street and Hood. Towards the close of the day, he sent out a skirmish line, clearing his front and driving the rebel sharpshooters from Devil's Den. The steady courage and soldierly qualities exhibited by Colonel Cain in this battle won the respect and admiration of his men and the commendation of his superior officers. On July 22, 1863, he was promoted to the rank of Colonel of the Regiment. After retiring from the army, Colonel Cain removed to Franklin, Pa., where he became extensively engaged in the production and refining of oil, and his active interest in all public matters made him a leading citizen of the place. By his considerate treatment of the men in the ranks he won rather than compelled their obedience, and his kindness of heart tempered the harshness of discipline. " Heroic spirit, take your rest, You are richer, we are poorer. But because you have been with us. Life is manlier, heaven surer." 72-i UNDER THE .MALTESE CROSS. BREA'ET i\L\JOR-GENERAL A. L. PEARSON. REGIirENTAL TRIBUTE, ADOPTED JaXU.\RV 9, 1903. Death has once more invaded our ranks, this time taking from us our brave and beloved commander, General Alfred L. Pearson, who, after a long and heroic battle against disease, has at last yielded up his gallant spirit, and his name is now added to the lengthening roll of our dead. General Pearson was born in the year 1837, in the city of Pittsburg, where his parents, pioneer English settlers of the city, had located, early in the last century. After passing through the public .schools of his native city, he prepared for a collegiate course at the well-known Allegheny College, at Meadville, grad- uating in the year 1860, a few months before the Civil War broke out, and en- tered upon the studv of the law with the late E. P. Jones, Esq.. of the Pittsburg bar. His legal studies, however, were soon interrupted by the fall of Sumter, and a year later he entered the Union army as Captain of Company A, One Hun- dred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and participated in all the battles fought by the Fifth Corps of the Army of the Potomac, from Antie- tam to the surrender at Appomattox, some twenty-eight in all, including many of the most sanguinary engagements of the war. He was promoted successively to Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel of the Regiment, then breveted Briga- dier-General and Brevet jMajor-General for gallant and meritorious service in the field. At the Quaker Road, on ]\Iarch "29, 186.3, he led his Brigade with conspicuous valor. Taking the colors of his old Regiment, he called upon the men to follow him, and soon the fiag was waving inside the Rebel lines, and the enemy was in full retreat. For brave and meritorious services in this battle. General Pear- son was breveted iMajor-General. and the Secretan,- of AA'ar awarded him a Medal of Honor. At Appomattox, on the 9th of April, 1865, he had command of the Brigade skirmish line, and was advancing to attack General Gordon's Corps, when the white flag of truce was displayed, and Generals Gordon and Wilcox, of the Con- federate army, came into our lines and arranged for a suspension of hostilities until General Lee could meet General Grant and settle the terms of final surrender. In the Grand Review in ]\Iay, 1865, of the Union armies in Washington, marking the close of the war, General Pearson was conspicuous in command of his regiment of zouave bronzed veterans, who marched by platoons the length of Pennsylvania avenue. On return to civil life, he was elected District Attorney of Allegheny county, and discharged the duties of the office with honor and ability. General Pearson, the last ten or fifteen years before his death, by Presidential appointment, served on the Board of Managers of National military homes for UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 735 disabled Union veterans. He was unremitting in the active duties of this posi- tion, visiting and inspecting the various mihtary homes throughout the United States, up to the time of his decease. The National Board of jManagers passed resolutions expressing high appre- ciation of General Pearson's services to the cause of Union veterans. General Pearson was of fine presence, soldierly in bearing, manly in his nature, genial and kindly in disposition; and his rare wit and "infinite jest" made him the soul of ever\- reunion and every public entertainment. ■' His humor, as gay as the fire-fly's light. Played round every subject, and shone as it played, His wit, in the combat as gentle as bright. Ne'er carried a heart-stain away on its blade." CAPTAIN SAMUEL A. McKEE. By Sergeant John H. Kerr, of Comtanv L Captain Samuel A. ]\IcKee was one of the best officers in the Regiment. He was born in the city of Pittsburg, Pa., in 1822, and early manifested a natural taste for military life. He served as a soldier in the Mexican War, and for many years before the beginning of the Civil War he commanded a military company in his native cit)' known as the Jackson Independent Blues, which, under his careful training, became noted for proficiency in drill with the above-men- tioned compan}^ He entered the LInion army in the Civil War as Captain of Companj' A, Twelfth Pennsylvania, on April 15, 1861, for three months, and again on July 22, 1861, as First-Lieutenant of Company B, Sixty-second Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Samuel W. Black, with whom he had served in Mexico, and fought in all the battles in which this Regiment was engaged in McClellan's campaign on the Peninsula. He was al- ready a veteran in service and experience in August, 1862, when he became the first Captain of Company I, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, whereas most of the other officers of the Regiment were just then taking their first lessons in the art of war. In person he was tall and erect, soldierly in bearing and with the voice of command. In temperament he was calm and deliberate, never losing his self- control whether in camp, on the march, or in the tumult and confusion of battle. He was a strict disciplinarian, but exercised his authority with such impartiality and fairness that he always retained the respect and even the love of his men. He was modest and unassuming, cared little for the punctilious observance of deference to his rank, but was firm and inflexible in having his orders obeyed and executed. Though somewhat taciturn, he was ever kind and considerate to the members of his company and never claimed social superiority over them. Under 726 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. all circumstances and at all times he was the ideal soldier, and no braver man ever drew a sword or led his men amid the fire and flame of battle. His habits were exemplary, his life pure, and his character as citizen, patriot and soldier without a stain. His record in the two wars is bright with imper- ishable deeds, and his name is worthy to be written on the Nation's Roll of Honor. In all his service for his country he never faltered in the discharge of duty, and in the many battles in which he fought his constant valor and heroic example inspired his soldiers to stand firm in the crisis of disaster, or to press forward in the hour of victory. And when at last he led his command in that terrific charge against the works of the enemy at Petersburg on the 18th of June, 186-i, he fell as a brave Captain would wish to fall, at the head of his men, leading them through the storm of leaden hail, forward to meet the foe. There remains to the soldier dying on the field, from where his comrades swept forward to victory, or were hurled back in defeat, the undaunted courage that carried him forward with the colors of his command ; and when it comes to the end this courage abides with him. He has lived in simple ways. The soldier's life is not complex, the [irimitive virtues have come to the surface, and his existence has been a lucid one. He has known his companions, and they him, as no other condition of life would permit. Courage, Endurance, Faith, Unselfishness, and trust in his comrades have been fully developed, and they are with him in death. And at the last, when he is face to face with the in- evitable, these qualities are his comfort and consolation ; and until his senses swim, and he is carried out upon the ebbing tide of his own blood, they comfort him. There would be some last conscious moments when earth has faded into a mirage, and he is alone with these thoughts and the Almighty. The honest struggle for the life when God gave it to his keeping is over, and he accepts death as he had accepted life — without fear and with a manly heart. Those that in their close comradeship know of his valiant virtues, know how Captain McKee lived, and know he so died, with no one near, and yet not alone. W'hen under cover of the darkness, they brought his body from under the guns of the enemy, and in the silence of the night gave him a soldier's burial upon the field where he fell, they recognized his virtues as an officer and paid the last tribute to a valiant and true man. " Right in the van. On the red ramparts' slippery swell, With heart that beat a charge, fell Foe-ward as befits a man." CAPTAIN GEORGE PRESSLY McCLELLAND. By His Pastor. Born, Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 11, 1842. Died, Davenport, Iowa, Dec. 27. 1898. George Pressly McClelland went into the Civil War as a private and came out as a field officer. Step by step, he won his way by sheer merit and con- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 737 spicuous gallantry. In line at the deadly struggle at Antietam, he won the chev- rons of a Sergeant, and added the diamonds at Fredericksburg. At Gettysburg, hard by the graves of his Colonial ancestry, he rose to wear the bars, and in the Wilderness he proved worthy to command a company. He was wounded in the foot at North Amia, and while he was leading his regiment at Five Forks, the day before Richmond fell, his leg was crushed to splinters. When the war was over, he gave himself to the arts of peace. As a business man he was good to his employes, and he wrought faithfully at his desk while his strength lasted. Now, as this token tells, " the ledger is closed." Of schol- arly tastes, he improved his enforced leisure to develop the charm of culture and the choice accomplishments of travel abroad. He was a generous patron of the Academy of Sciences, and delighted in the achievements of those who turn the rocky leaves and read God's older testament to man. Men and brothers, this career commends to us this day the worth of a noble friendship. A full-orbed man must cherish the affectionate side of his nature. Some are embittered by suftering, but he was refined and chastened until his face was illumined as by a light shining through an alabaster vase. The favorite hymn, which he often sang with his most intimate friends, was this one we have just heard, beginning, " How Gentle God's Commands." He planned for watching out the old year, as was his wont, but the Christmas feast was his last below. He did not feel fit to come to our communion table, but the spirit of that sacramental meal at Emmaus, which adorns his walls, presided at his table. That good cheer made it, as he said, one of the most happy and heavenly days of his life. Together with his beloved companion, who for many years cherished this flickering flame of life with tender devotion that no rude wind might blow it out, he read and discussed each day a page from this well-worn book. From it we take these words of comfort which, had he been able, they would have nsed on the day of his death. They could not have been more fittingly chosen for us who crave the consolation of God's grace : " We look not at the things which are seen : for the things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal." The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Our light affliction worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. J. B. B. CORPORAL HORATIO S. HARNISH, COMPANY H. A Comrade's Tribute, by Wm. D. Hartman, Company H. The writer submits a few lines in reference to Horatio S. Harnish, who, with the writer, in response to the President's call for volunteers, enlisted in 738 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Company H, C)iie Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania \olunteers. Comrade Harnish and the writer soon became very intimate. We messed to- gether, marched together, and went into onr first bat- tle side by side at Fredericksburg. In the charge on Marye's Heights, the writer saw Comrade Harnish stagger and reel as he received a severe wound in his left cheek by a ball from behind that stonewall. His comrades saw no more of him until the 8th of April, 1863, when he returned to duty with the Company. It was the da\- that our Regiment and Brigade was reviewed by President Lincoln. He was again in action with his Company at the battle of Chancellorsville on May 3d and 3d ; thence on the long and hard marches to our own State, to Gettysburg. On July 2d, in company with the rest of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, on Little Round Top, he bravely did his duty in that terrible encounter. On the never-to-be- forgotten 5th of May, ]8ivi, in the Wilderness, we saw him for the last time as he went with the Regiment into that awful battle. He faltered not, but, alas ! went down with many other gallant and true soldiers before the enemy's storm of lead and hail. Horatio S. Harnish has long since been numbered with the " silent dead." He has answered his last roll call, but the memorv of his gallant deeds and true worth still lives. After the battle it was the writer's lot to apprise his sister of the fact that her brother had been killed, to which she re- plied in the following letter : CORP. HORATIO S. HARNISH. Rimersburg, Pa.. .May .HO. 1864. Mr. W. D. Hartman, Care Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Dear Friend: Your letter came to hand bearing the very sad intelligence that my dear brother has fallen upon the battlefield, a sacrifice upon the altar of his country, which I believe, next to his God, was nearer his heart than anything on earth. Thanking you for your kindness in writing, I am ever your friend, Mrs. Maggie J. Nail. Although more than forty years have elapsed, yet the writer feels as though he owed this tribute to his brave, true friend and comrade in arms for the Union. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 729 SGT. HARRY R, CAMPBELL. 730 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. SERGEANT HENRY REAMS CAMPBELL, OF COMPANY B. By Richard B. Davis, Company B. Sergeant Henry Reams Campbell, of Company B, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was born in Allegheny City, now North Side, Pittsburg, June 13, 1839, and was educated in private schools and by tutors. He was mustered into United States service August 23, 1862, and was with his Regiment in its journey from Pittsburg to Harrisburg; thence to Wash- ington, D. C, and its first encampment at Camp Chase, Va. Sergeant Campbell's first long march was with his Regiment when, by forced marches, it moved from Camp Chase, Va., to Antietam, Md., and subsequently, after the lapse of several weeks, to Falmouth, Va. Valiantly performing all his duties, he passed unharmed through all the terrible battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettys- burg, Mine Run, and many other engagements, only to be captured and made a prisoner of war, while gallantly doing his duty with his Regiment on the firing line in the first day's fighting, in the great battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1S64. Whilst rallying against the furious attacks of the enemy in the thick woods^ after the largest part of the Regiment had fallen back. Sergeant Campbell, to- gether with Privates Jchn Hunter and Jacob Friend, of Company E, and Harnett E. Meeker, of Compan}- H, who were wounded, and others of the Regiment was captured, and taken to Andersonville, Ga. After enduring the horrors and sufifering of those confined in that terrible prison pen for eleven months, during which Private Meeker died July 17, 1864, of wounds and starvation. Sergeant Campbell was, with thousands of other phys- ical wrecks of Union prisoners, exchanged and brought by boat from Savannah to Annapolis, Md., March 10, 1865. His condition was so pitiable, being so reduced and wasted away with scurvy and want of nutrition, that he survived his exchange and arrival at Annapolis less than ten days, dying March 18, 1865, at the United States Naval Hospital. In connection with Sergeant Campbell's death a particularly sad incident occurred. His relatives, all in opulent circumstances and much attached to " Harrj'," as he was called, resided in the city of Allegheny, where the family were pioneer settlers. They had received no information from any source con- cerning Harry's intended exchange, or they would have been among the first to greet him on his landing at Annapolis. To a fellow Union prisoner, who had been exchanged with him, and whose journey to his home in Milwaukee, Wis., where his parents resided, would take him through Pittsburg, Harry intrusted a letter to be mailed in the latter city to his relatives in Allegheny City. This comrade, through his own physical weakness and bad condition, neglected to de- liver the letter on passing through Pittsburg, but carried it with him to Mil- waukee, from which, a few davs after his arrival home, he mailed the letter to UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 731 Harry's relatives in Allegheny City. The delay of nearly a week in the delivery of this letter was most regretable. Harry's brother, Nelson K. Campbell, of Sickles' Excelsior Brigade, happened to be at home on a furlough for wounds received in battle, when the delayed letter was received, and at once, with other relatives, departed for Annapolis. They were, however, met, on their arrival there, with the distressing information that Harry had been buried just two days before in the cemetery attached to the United States Xaval Hospital. His body was brought home, and interred in the family lot in Uniondale Cemetery, Alle- gheny City. Harry Campbell, having been Regimental Orderly, a good singer and musician and subsequently connected with the Ambiilance Corps, became well known in the Regiment. His genial disposition, handsome appearance, and oblig- ing manner made him most popular ; his capture, sufferings and death were most sincerely deplored by all of his comrades and friends. H REVEREND JOSEPH MATEER, D. D., CHAPLAIN. By Colonel John Ewing. Reverend Joseph M.^teer, D. D., a member of the Presbytery of Clarion, died in New Bethlehem, Pa., October 1, 1S83, in the sixtieth year of his age. He was, for twenty-nine years, pastor of churches at Licking, Sligo, and New Bethlehem, Clarion county. Pie was born near Belfast, Ireland, in 1823, and in his fifteenth year he en- tered college in Belfast. After his graduation in 1842, he taught until May, 1851, when he came to the United States, and entered the Seminary at Princeton, N. J., and later came to the Seminary at Allegheny, graduating in April, 1854. He was united in marriage with Mrs. E. J. Russell, daughter of the late Honorable Benjamin Junkin. While he loved the old land of his nativity, still he was ever loyal and true to the land of his adoption. During the fearful Civil War, which threatened the life of our Republic, he was intensely patriotic, and did much, not only at home, but also as Chaplain of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, to cheer and nerve and minister to those who fought for the old flag. Not only the churches of his care and love, and a bereaved community, but also many to whom he had ministered in former years, gathered at his funeral in the church of Bethlehem. 732 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. CORPORAL GEORGE BRADLEY, COMPANY F. CORP. GEORGE BRADLEY. George Bradley was born in Pittsburg, March 6, 1842. He was the son of Charles Bradley, who died in 1848, and the nephew of the late Alexander Bradley, a pioneer stove manufacturer of Pittsburg. George Bradley enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Captain John Markle, on August 12, 1862. He was promoted to the rank of Corporal, and was discharged from the service of the United States, February 16, 1863, by reason of a bullet wound in the left thigh, received in the charge of Humphreys' Division on Marye's Heights, Fred- ericksburg, December 13, 1862, rendering him unfit for further military service. Seregant Samuel Wal- ker, of Company F, who died in Butler, Pa.. July t, ISDG, carried Corporal Bradley off the battlefield. This event hallowed the name of Sergeant Walker ever after in George Bradley's memory. A shell from the enemy's battery penetrated the deserted residence to which Corporal Bradley had been re- moved from the battlefield for shelter and treatment. On a bitter cold night the wounded were trans- ported on rough freight cars from Fredericksburg to Acquia Creek Landing, a distance of twenty miles ; thence to Washington City by transports. One of the wounded men, tossing in pain, happened to discover a hidden box by throwing his arm across it in the dark. The contents of this mysterious box wa« the only thing, the wounded declared, that kept them alive through the dreadful ordeal of that night. George Bradley, suft'ering for his country's sake, put in that dreadful night. The following extracts are from a tribute to the memory of George Bradley by Doctor W. Stockton Wilson, Asst. Surgeon of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiment Pennslyvania Volunteers : " There was a great deal of sameness in camp life. The daily round of the reveille, sick-call, guard-mount, parade, and retreat was much like ordinary labor ; while the fatigue of the march, and the carnage and horrors of battle were stren- uous enough to fix themselves firmly in the memory of those who were there." " I can hear again the rattle of the drum and the scream of the fife of our practiced drum corps, as it marched down the line on dress-parade. I listen again to the soft cadence of the bugle, as the sounds filled the air, under the masterly touch of our Regimental Bugler, George Smith. " I see the old Regiment at Fredericksburg as it hurried down the ravine and marched along the river bank to the crossing, and slowly crept over the pon- toon bridge under the heavy artillery fire. I see the hurried march through the streets of the town to the heights beyond. I hear again the sharp rattle of mus- ketry and the crashing of shot and shell as the brave boys are receiving their ' baptism of blood,' while many go down in their first and last fight." Corporal George Bradley was there and in that baptism of blood fell UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 733 wounded, terribly. His services with the gallant Regiment were over. He would gladly have remained with his comrade for other battles and other dangers, but it was the fortune of war that he should there fall. He died on November 17, 1902. and was buried in the family lot in Allegheny Cemetery on November 30, 1902. SERGEANT THOMAS J. i\IARLIN. Bv Rev. J. A. Thompson, President, Tarkio College, Missouri. Born at Marlin's Mills, Pa., November .5, 1843, educated at Glade Run Academy, Dayton, Pa., enlisted a private in Company K, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, on August 7, 1863, the Color-Sergeant of his regiment for two years, a participant in twenty-three engagements of the Civil ^^'ar. including Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and the Wil- derness, wounded at the battle of Five Forks, mustered out in 186.5. He grad- uated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1873, practising his pro- fession at Shelocta, Indiana county. Pa., until 1889, and from that time until his death, on Saturday, February 18, 190.5, at Tarkio, Mo. Such is the record of the public life of Thomas J. Marlin, M. D. The family life began with his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Hutchinson, of Pittsburg, Pa., on September 6, 1863. on the eve of his departure to the front. Five children were born to this husband and wife. The youngest, Ivan H., a bright, promising lad, died four years ago. Allen P., the commercial editor of the "St. Joseph News and Press"; Reverend Harry H., pastor of the Fourth United Presbyterian church, of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Miss Jessie, a teacher in the Tarkio public schools, and Miss Grace, professor of elocution and oratory in Tarkio College, mourn with their mother. Doctor IMarlin was a public-spirited man. He had high ideals of citizenship. His enlistment in young manhood for the service of his country was characteristic of the man. His family cherish as a precious memento a letter such as is rarely written bv a Major-General to a Color-Sergeant. This letter is dated June 8, 1865, and is signed by Brevet Major-General A. L. Pearson, his old Colonel, well known to every Pittsbm-ger. It contains this sentence : " When I gave the ' old flag ' into your hands, I felt that it was in the keeping of a man who would never let a stain come upon its pure surface. Your subsequent conduct proved that I was right." Doctor Marlin was a man of fine literary tastes and abilities. His practice did not permit him to indulge these so largely as he would have liked to do. Many years after the close of the war. whilst Doctor Marlin was practising medicine in Tarkio, Mo., his thoughts reverting to Civil War scenes, he wrote the following beautiful lines, dedicating them to a comrade in Pittsburg: 734 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. THE CHARGE OF PICKETT'S MEn! Thrust in between that day and this, The years their course have run, And lofty deeds each other kiss Each day beneath the sun; And North and South, at cannon's mouth. Their Icnightly spurs have won. The guns long since their clamor stilled. And foes their flags have furled; The glory of their deeds have filled And girdled all the world; Nor trampled grain nor crimson stain October 19. 1903. COLOR-SERGEANT THOMAS WISEMAN. Bv Alexander Dempster. Sergeant Thomas Wiseman was born in Wilkins township, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, in 1834. An only child, he was left to the care of two maiden aunts, who adopted him as their own, and shed the sunshine of maternal love around his infant years, and mantled his boyhood days with warm and generous afifection as they taught him the principles of manliness and virtue. It is said that as a school boy he early developed a military spirit, and would train his fellows in martial array under the impulse of the swelling of the heart, that is the ebulition of young American enthusiasm. As he grew to manhood his military tastes developed, and he joined the " Turtle Creek Guards," a military company ; and was the " Captain of the Band " before the outbreak of the war. The company, as an organization, could not secure satisfactory attachment to a regiment at the beginning of the war, and disbanded, leaving the individual members free, to follow their inclinations, and make indvidual choice of company and regimental organizations. Thomas \\'iseman with four friends, Marion Hartley, Joseph Bowers, When gods their tempest hurled. f But, }'et, remains to me that day. Imperial, 'neath the sky, ' When Pickett led his men in gray To set their flag on high, — Men turn to dust, as aye they must, But deeds can never die. i Three hundred guns made wide their path ("To glory (?) and the grave,") Half veiled within their smoke and wrath. ; I see the banners wave, ; As if through mist the sun had kissed Brave men and blessing gave. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 735 AVilkins and Wm. B. Liiihart, enlisted in Company C, of the One Hnndred and Fifty-fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Voulnteers, and was made a Sergeant of that Company when it was mustered into the United States service, August 23, 18G3. He was selected Color-Sergeant of the Regiment, and as such, the guardian and custodian of the colors, and so made responsible for the " Honor of the Flag," to which all eyes were turned " when the front of battle lowered," He fell fatally wounded on the awful field of Marye's Heights, Fredericks- burg, and its shattered stafl:' fell from his nerveless grasp, to be caught up by the hands of Color-Guard Lawson, equally brave and noble, and borne through all the subsequent battles in which the Regiment was engaged. It proudly waved in tattered shreds as the ensign of honor when the " boys returned from the war," and has its place in the Hall of Flags of the State of Pennsylvania, the sight of which ever evokes the sigh of patriotic devotion. To a ministering friend who found Thomas Wiseman in the Fifth Corps Hospital on the day after the battle, he seemed calm and collected, and although horribly wounded, his tongue having been shot away, he faced his end, as a truly brave man does, and bade a wordless farewell to his comrades and friends, as he was removed to a Washington City Hospital, where he died on the 9th of De- ■cember, 1862. A hero of the noblest type, A soldier brave ; a comrade true ; Exponent of the noble hearts That throbbed with courage through and through. MINUTE ON DEATH OF BREVET-MAJOR SAMUEL KILGORE, MAY 13, 1907. The surviving members of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers have learned with feelings of unfeigned sorrow of the ■death of our late comrade, Brevet-Major Samuel Kilgore, who answered the last roll-call on Sunday, May 12, 1907, at the residence of his daughter in this city. We desire to place on record our high estimate of his worth, as a patriot who loved his country and risked his life in her defence. Major Kilgore entered the service in the Civil War as First-Lieutenant of Company D, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 22, 1862, and was promoted to Captain of the Company, December 15, 1862, and Brevet-Major for gallant action on the field at the battle of Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1861, where he was severely wounded by which reason he was forced to accept his honorable discharge on March 10, 1865. Throughout his entire career in the Union army he was recognized as a dashing and fearless soldier and an officer of exceptional ability. From the first he showed an aptitude for military command. He was noted as a most pro- ficient drill-master, and under his skillful training his company became one of 736 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. the best in the regiment. Among the many battles in which he participated were Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancehorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania, North Anna, Totopotomy, Bethesda Church. Cold Harbor and Petersburg. On his return from the war his interest in military affairs still continued, and for several years he was Colonel of the Fourteenth Regiment of the National Guard of Pennsylvania. His career in civil life became almost as notable as his service in the army. His genial disposition and popular manners at once won public favor, and he held many offices of importance and responsibility. He was superintendent of the City Markets of Pittsburg. He held the office of Treasurer of Allegheny county for two terms: that of the City Treasurer of Pittsburg for one term. At the time of his death, he still filled a position of responsibility in the Department of Public Safety of Pittsburg. He ended his career as a soldier and citizen, leaving a record alike honorable and distinguished. PRR'ATE JAMES P. O'NEILL, COMPANY E, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA A'OLUNTEERS. Comrade James P. O'Neill, the well-known city journalist and newspaper correspondent, was born in Philadelphia, February "?■?, 1844, and died February 5, 190L He was educated at the Cathedral parochial schools and at St. Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg, Pa. He had been selected, because of his precocious talents, by the late Bishop O'Connor to complete his education at the American College at Rome, but he, like thousands of others with Irish blood in their veins, when the Civil War broke out, sprang to arms in defense of the flag whose folds had given their fathers a shelter from British oppression. He enlisted, when but a mere lad of seventeen years, in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania \'olunteers, and was successively engaged at An- tietam, September 17 ; and at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, and at Chan- cellorsville, May 1, 3, and 3, 1863. He also participated in the forced marches through \'irginia and Maryland, and at the storming of Little Round Top on July 8, 1863, ending in the glorious victory at Gettysburg. He also took part in the Mine Run expedition, and dtiring the winter of 1863 and 1864 was engaged with his regiment in guarding the railroad between Centerville and Falmouth, Va., which at that time was the main artery between \\'ashington and Richmond. At the three-days' fight in the Wilderness, 1864, he was wounded in the groin, and incapacitated from further service in the field. He was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, from which he was discharged June 29, 186-5, at the close of the war, afterwards returning to Pittsburg. He became later a medical stu- dent at the Kentucky State College, located at Louisville. Comrade O'Neill's experience through civil life became a varied one. First he became a teacher in the Cathedral High School in Pittsburg, and the follow- ing year a brakeman on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Next he became a telegraph editor and proofreader on the Pittsburg Post, and afterwards a reporter on most of the other Pittsburg dailies, in the latter capacity gaining a name for UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 737 himself and enduring fame, which still clings to his memory. He was married in Pittsburg in 1870, and in 1893, after twenty-three years of married life, be- came a widower. Comrade O'Neill was the father of three children, two of whom survive to mourn the loss of a loving father and friend. His sons, James T. and Charles F. O'Neill, reside in Pittsburg. Comrade O'Neill was a member of Post 3, G. A. R., and also of the U. V. L. of Pittsburg, and both of these organizations took appropriate action on his death. He was a member of the Regimental Association of the One Hundred and Fifty-tifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, being the first Secretary of the Asso- ciation at its organization in 1876. His illness was of short duration. He was buried with Regimental escort in St. Mary's Cemetery in Pittsburg. Peace to his ashes. COLONEL PETER H. ALLABACH, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- FIRST PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. Colonel Peter Hollingshead Allabach was born in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne county. Pa., September 9, 18"34. He was educated in the Wilkes-Barre Academy. On the 25th of November, 1844,, he enlisted for five years' service in the Regular army, and was assigned for duty in Company E, Third United States Infantry. His regiment was ordered to ]\Iexico and he participated in every battle during the war with Mexico, with but one exception — Buena Msta. For bravery and meritorious conduct, he was promoted to Sergeant after his first six months of service. He was honorably discharged November "2.3, 1849. On the 6th of ]\Iay, 18.5'3, he was commissioned by Governor Bigler, of Pennsylvania. Brigade-General of the Uniformed Militia of Luzerne county. August 16, 1863, he was commissioned by Governor Curtin, of Peimsylvania, Colonel of the One Hundred and Thirty-first Regiment of Pennsylvania \'olun- teers. On his reporting with this regiment to General A. A. Humphreys, he was assigned to the command of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac. He led his brigade, consisting of the One Hundred and Thirty-first, One Hundred and Thirty-third, One Hundred and Twenty-third and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiments in the memorable charge on ^Nlarye's Heights, at the battle of Fredericksburg, and his tact and bravery on this occa- sion won the personal commendation of General Humphreys on the battlefield, and he was especially mentioned in the official report of his commanding General. In the month of April, 1876, he was selected by Governor Hartranft, and appointed Captain of Company E, Centennial Guards, which position he held during the progress of the International Exposition in Philadelphia. In July, 1878, he was appointed Captain of the United States Capitol Police, which position he filled up to the time of his death, February 11, 1893. He was a man of commanding presence and soldierly bearing; a strict disci- plinarian : a loyal patriot to his flag and country : one whose record is without 738 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. blemish. He left a legacy more priceless than gold — that of an honest name and a brave soldier. COLONEL PATRICK H. O'RORKE. Bv Captain Porter Farley, One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volunteers, Rochester, N. Y. Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke was born in Ireland March 25, 1837, and was brought to America by his parents before he was a year old. The family lived for about a year in ^Montreal ; then removed to Rochester, N. Y., which re- mained the home of Colonel O'Rorke's parents as long as they lived. He at- tended No. 9 Public School, and upon his graduation from that school, when fifteen years of age, on a competitive examination for a free scholarship which the University of Rochester gives graduates of the public schools, O'Rorke passed highest in the examination, but he did not accept the scholarship. Upon leaving school, O'Rorke entered upon an apprenticeship to learn the trade of marble cutter. He continued in that occupation until the spring of 1857, when he received an appointment as cadet in the military academy at West Point. He there took a high stand from the very beginning, and maintained it throughout the course, graduating No. 1 with the highest honors, and was by virtue of that rank commissioned in the Corps of Topographical Engineers. Owing to the breaking out of the Civil War, his class was graduated one 3-ear sooner tlian it would otherwise have been, and its members were all at once ordered to active duty. O'Rorke served for some time as drillmaster for new regiments which were constantly arriving in Washington. He also served on stafif duty, and was present in that capacity at the skirmish at Blackburn's Ford, which occurred on the day before the battle of Bull Rim. In July, 1862, he came home to Rochester on a short leave of absence, and at that time was married to Miss Clara Bishop, whom he had known from childhood. LTpon the organization at Rochester of the One Hundred and Fortieth Regi- ment New York Volunteers, in September, 1862, he was commissioned as its Colonel. He remained with and in command of the Regiment until the day of his death, with the exception of a short time which included the battle of Chan- cellorsville when he was in command of the brigade of which his regiment formed a part. He fell among his men in the fighting which took place on the rocky eastern slope of Little Round Top, at Gettysburg, on the afternoon of July 3, 1863. He was shot through the neck, and fell limp and lifeless without uttering a sound. It may be hoped he died without a pain. Very soon after his death, his widow entered the religious order of The Ladies of the Sacred Heart. She spent many years in their house in Detroit, and was then sent to the house in Providence, R. I., where she was made Mother Superior, and where she died and was buried a few years ago. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 739 Colonel O'Rorke's body has been buried with tlie body of Colonel George Ryan, of the same regiment, killed at Spottsylvania. They are side by side in the O'Rorke family lot in the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery near Rochester. Colonel O'Rorke commanded the Third Brigade of Ayres' Division from May, 1863, until near the close of the forced marches to Gettysburg, when he was relieved by General Weed. The brigade consisted of the One Hundred and Fortieth New York, Colonel O'Rorke ; the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York, Colonel Kenner Gar- lard ; One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, Colonel E. Jay Allen; and the Ninety-first Pennsylvania. Colonel E. M. Gregory. Both General Weed and Colonel O'Rorke were picked oft' by sharpshooters and killed in the storming and capture of Little Round Top by Weed's Brigade, on July 2, 1863. FREDERIC WTNTHROP, BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. KILLED APRIL 1. 1865. By Brevet-M.-^jor George M. Laughlin. Few records of patriots who fell in the Civil War present a more brilliant military career than that of Brevet !Major-General Frederic Winthrop, who, at the head of his brigade of United States Regulars in General Griffin's Division of the Fifth Army Corps, gave up his life for his country at Five Forks, the last battle of the war. He was a brother of Theodore Winthrop, a Harvard student, who fell in battle at Big Bethel, almost the first battle of the war. From Gettysburg to Five Forks, General Winthrop was closely connected with the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, as officer of staff of General Ayres, and on many skirmish lines, and to perpetuate the deeds of so brave a soldier this memoir is incorporated in this history. Frederic Winthrop, fourth son of Thomas Charles Winthrop, and Georgiana Maria Kane, his wife, and seventh in descent from John Winthrop, first Governor of Massachusetts, was born in New York, on the third day of August, 1839. At the age of sixteen, he entered the banking house of Denniston, Wood & Co., New York, as a clerk, where he remained till the breaking out of the Rebellion. On the evening of Friday, the 19th of April, 1861, he was a guest at a party at the house of W. H. Aspinwall, Esq., given in honor of Major Robert Ander- son, late commander at Fort Sumter. The Seventh Regiment, New York State Militia had that afternoon left the city for Washington, in compliance with President Lincoln's call for volunteers. This regiment was the only one in New York whose ranks were full, and in a situation for immediate service. The departure of the Seventh was the general topic of conversation, arid as troops were urgently needed, Winthrop and some of the young men present, who did not belong to any military organization, de- 740 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. termined at once to offer their services to the country, and that same evening, before returning to their homes, they entered their names on the muster roll of Company E, of the Seventy-first Regiment, New York State Militia. On Sun- day, April 31, 1861, the Seventy-first left New York for Washington, with Win- throp a private in the ranks of Company F. At the battle of Bull Run, which was fought July 21, 1861, when the Regiment was complimented for its behavior, Winthrop was honorably mentioned for his distinguished braver)' and gallantry on the field on that day. October 26, 1861, he became Captain of the Twelfth Regiment of Infantry ('Regulars), United States army, then stationed at Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor. It joined the Army of the Potomac, April 11, 1862. From that time to the day of his death, he was on duty with that army, participating in all its famous battles. In the early summer of 1863 his health was broken down by typhoid fever, caused by exposure in the swamps of the Chickahominy, and he was ordered home by the surgeon. At four o'clock of the afternoon before the battle of Gettysburg, he learned that an engagement was about to take place. He im- mediately arose from his sick bed. and ignoring the protests of his physician, he took the fix o'clock train that afternoon for the battlefield, arriving in time to take part in the battle the following day. He was later specially detailed for duty on the staff of Brigadier-General R. B. Ayres, commanding the Second Division, Fifth Corps. For his distinguished services and gallantry at the battle of the Wilderness he was promoted to the Colonelcy of the Fifth Regiment, New York Veteran Volunteers. This regiment was popularly known as Duryea's Zouaves. Its second Colonel was Gouverneur K. Warren. It was incorporated in the brigade of United States Regulars. On the 10th of November, 1864, Colonel Winthrop was appointed Brevet Brigadier-General of Volunteers. He was assigned as commander of the First Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Corps. The battle of Five Forks was fought Saturday, April 1, 1865. General Win- throp, while leading a charge at the head of his troops, was shot through the left lung, and died two hours afterwards. Before he died, his whole thoughts were with his comrades, and of the honor of his command. When told that the at- tack had been completely successful at every point, he said, " Thank God, I am now willing to die." Shortly before he died his mind wandered, and he imagined himself still at the head of his command, and in the thick of the fight. He shouted, "Captain ^^'arren, how is that line? Has the attack succeeded?" Gradually he grew weaker, and his comrades who had gathered round thought him almost gone, when suddenly he started from the stretcher upon which he was lying, staggered forward, and crying out, " Straighten the line." he fell back dead. General Griffin, when he heard of General Winthrop's death, exclaimed, "This victory is not worth Winthrop's life! " General Ayres, commander of the Division, issued the full general order to the troops, announcing General Winthrop's death. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 741 The remains were brought to New York and interred temporarily in the De Peyster family vault in Trinity Churchyard, on the 13th of April, 1865. Dur- ing the day of the funeral the flags on all the public buildings, hotels, etc., through- out the city were displayed at half-mast in his honor. The funeral escort con- sisted of the Twelfth, Twenty-second, and Seventy-first Regiments, National Guard, State of New York, a regiment of United States army Regulars, all under command of Colonel H. D. Waller, U. S. A. STEPHEN H. WEED, BRIGADIER-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS. (From United States Military Register.) Born in New York, appointed from New York as cadet Military Academy, July 1, 1850, graduated July 1, 1854; Brevet Second-Lieutenant of Artillery, July 1, 1854; Second-Lieutenant of the Fourth Artillery, December 18, 1854. Served: On frontier duty at Fort Brown, Texas, 1855-185G ; in Florida Hostilities against Seminole Indians, 1856-1857 ; promoted to First-Lieutenant, Fourth Artillery, November 16, 1856; on frontier duty at Fort Leavenworth, quelling Kansas Dis- turbances, 1858-1861 ; in Expedition against Piute and other hostile Indians, May to September, 1860; in skirmishes at Egan Canon, August 11, and at Deep Creek, September 6, 1860. (Captain and Assistant-Quartermaster, declined.) Captain, Fifth Artillery, May 14, 1861. In War of the Rebellion, 1861-1863, as Executive Officer at Regimental Headquarters, Washington, D. C, August 17 to September 2, 1861 ; on Recruiting Service at New York City, September 2 to November 11, 1861; at Camp Greble, near Harrisburg, Pa., November 11, 1861, to March 8, 1863; in Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), March to August, 1863, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, April 5 to May 4, 1863 ; Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 37, 1863, and Battle of Malvern Hill, June 30 to July 1, 1863 ; in the Northern Virginia Campaign, August and September, 1863 ; in Battle of Manassas, August 30, 1862 ; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomac), September to November, 1863, and March to Falmouth, Va., October-November, 1863 ; as Chief of Artillery Corps, at Falmouth, Va., Decem- ber 3, 1863, to January 33, 1863; on leave of absence, January 33 to April 18, 1863 ; in Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), April to June, 1863 ; engaged in Battle of Chancellorsville, May 2-4, 1863, and in command of Ar- tillery Brigade, Fifth Army Corps, ]\Iay 10 to Jvme 6, 1863; and in Pennsylvania Campaign (Army of the Potomac), as Brigadier-General United States Volun- teers, June 6, 1863, June-July, 1863, being engaged in Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. Killed, July 3, 1863, at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., aged 30, whilst commanding the One Hundred and Fortieth and One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiments, New York Volunteers, and Ninety-first and One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the capture of Little Round Top. ?42 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Come, old comrades, step together; What though locks be gray and thinning? Oft we've tramped through wind and weather, Oft we've heard the cannon dinning. Let the drums and fifes sing loudly, Thrilling songs that live in story ; Old men's shoulders straighten proudly ; Old men's eyes are filled with glory. In the siege and in the battle. While the dead fell tliick around us. Cannon roar and musket rattle A\'itnessed to the bond that bound us. Bound us firmly to each other With a tie that none shall sever; Brother, heart to heart of brother. In a throb that beats forever. Bound us to our countrj^'s honor With a stronger bond and wider. When the darkness rushed upon her. And we rose and stood beside her. Heard the distant battles roaring. Heard her voice in anguish calling, .'Vnd from farm and city pouring Stayed her in our arms from falling. A\'ith our breasts make bucklers round her ; Kept her glorious flag above us ; Then, by deathless bonds we bound her To remember us and love us. Thus we march in step together, Year by year, old comrades meeting. As we tramped through wind and weather ^\'hen the battle sang a greeting. Not alone we tell the story ; All our patriot dead are near us ; They have earned the greater glory ; Hark ! Their soldier voices cheer us. See them march in step together: Though in grave and trench they're lying. Still they tramp through wind and weather, Guard the land they saved — in dying. ElQQsST liv I ^orttfiatte The following Rosters of the Regiment have been carefully revised and corrected to date. At the commencement of the work of preparing the Regimental History, typewritten copies in triplicate were made from the official Muster-out Rolls of all the Com- panies, and furnished to the Committees of the several Companies for mspection and correction. These copies were passed from man to man of the survivors, and returned with a certificate that the Rolls had been exammed and were believed to be correct, as revised. After that, obscure and ambiguous cases were taken up by extensive correspondence, and verified by records in the U. S. War Department. The Regimental Committee, therefore, certify as to the accuracy and reliability of the Rosters of the several Companies, and the Field and Staff. By order of The Committee on Regimental History. S. W. Hill, Chairman. Charles F. McKenna, Secretary. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 745 •S (N reC «1 o: u E O < o z < Q J a K ' U ft; dqP CI c 1-4 4_.i-i I ' := . c'.g° = .pa = , - c *- „ CO £(5 . ■ OJ c ■J be PS? Sz„ -.CD Ci • CO 1; ^^1 Oi-I — - ra . > o p «'i g «^ ►-•c ^ •■" t>^ 0^ - O un < = £: ^■*i■s •a g-o-0 5f"TS 5 O PSff ■" 5"o I E I :; J err > 5 '2 I g rws> nj > s; s £•£ ii£i u 1 1 . = - .5 "S® re P c 21^ i. !k ^^ C^ gCl o - ie . ^u^ o Z >:.°E E.D<"" O £ f fj (u'O in " '-'> c^ E, '>■ CO i- " « -' M M 5 . CI . o: *-■ > c c - y to •S 6« ^>: : - o M u : •- j: U " ' *^ *J-r u . o • S CO ' .- g g ."^ •c cr <^ 1- & >•"• ^ « -^ (LJ . in-c' E~ E« Si S oZ I £z - •- kC ■Ii U CO J j^ •0**- < -=■ P K w P:i M P £■3 ;2; o| :=) ffi S w ^' :? n3 Ci WW w c re re — re 5.S S3,S s s £.SC z< w en tfi a o u re CJ 6 3 :3 tri < < < u SI re rr . . V- E % i: CI re :; E E H-1 re Pi ffi w " c ^ c c ^ — J= u t^: s e- H " ^ m S < u 1 4j ft; E .5 u: 5 .= 1^ .- « re ►-1 E ^" ii, P O 716 UNDER THE AIALTESE CROSS. — to 2d Lieut. , May 2, 1878. -to 2d Lieut., from t., Co. F, May 'ith Regiment. 5co Is o 5 Mustered out ch 10. 1897. out with Regi- io. out with Regi- 1 . . ci \6 ffl t-j:^ 'O •« 5 ^ of s 1 oi . = ^<' X 5 r-1 « bo T 1 1 a— CC_i = (- S ° ocO da 63. "l-s^. o o c cc" tit; fc. ^ ■- r..^ cr. o o-J ? • O E at re > ^ £-— f i1«s i| ■&! 6| &} — -* ^ '— Ll o^ fj^ Up t; :: 2 < |-o guJSQ O D l-l |I|I|h U- 5 'p p P P in p flj^ cf tH of (N cf C-} H P 4* 1) u o o 1) Ci ^C t— ' H -1.1 fa 1 — I E " fa 1 >H H _ fa ^ t/ HH s-^ fa o^ P rp ^' Z >4 < r-* C^l (M r:\ Cl w (N CI . CQ s o S — eg K S UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 747 < a. S O U •z O Pi gut; o a; s fc 1— 1 fe "oS 1 ^3 H Qa ta l-H fe II Q §1 2 o< < Q ■^ ^ W 3l »J SS Q S'o 2: ■J, P c K i'S W qI 2; 3 % '^ ill >.S o z-s J(5 T3Q0 . «jo i-9 r '- '^.^ .cat:: I &0 CO o ox, a u *1 "^ 1-4 V) it •C- 4> w eJ co-C*o 00 > O rH ^_^ . -"« — I a 00^ s ^ o . -> : ifl 3:^ ^ ?-'^ o gco rf'"^'-'M-r a p. "7)^ i- ^ O V-T3 .3 2--/^^>g 3 . " I S'S„-»;'^ " "4- 'it ??= a -cQ O-^ = c rt i-r^t-t*^ .■o^ .,/,-o „ 5? . .- ; o*^ Es o s o," S ^- I CO +J rt ba ® 2 .^".^ f . - - K S &-i h a^.l'ElnCi^-g 5q =S e« •^U -3;- " T, ■He £> ^B :'5) ■3 ♦.3 ; 3-0 eg 1-3 : o ■OS 5 3 n.p E E5S o — ^-■^ '*- = ^°° 5|| I « « - ■o>=& ^ ;;; o f^ .',.2'^ ^^ .s « 3 ..: " ^ M 3 ? u C O u 4J flj ra % fljpi ■tSE I'H .-K ;; :>,3 0.2 ►-» >- .. o ra c 4J> -" - -to ll^lll"^'- :3 3 3 0, a-as i. t. p PPP P CO coco^f -f si 3 < 3 3 3 <« jj 71 CSC 5 C/1 g 1i:i-o5c33c3<3d ?i S'S-S^-1'2 &-S:S E o S i_- • tj t: -.2.- ° £ £ 3 3 3 3 - 4J 4J 4; o J3J3 00 «5 •r :3 333 33 4j 3 O s >-. < <<< <'3 •s E.c=-s 748 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ■c -^ O >< z < o u O M Pi h H "Ho. to ^ o 13^ s^ E ^-s Q < Q W Pi P W o ^ s ■_--S2 50 c Q d > ^ pcrj >>S.-t: XX-i . > +^*^ == c £ j^ S artn""" "■K,--'^'iJS I Si ?-^.S >,= 9'g -6 5= . IS ■^< '-to B «.? E s is z -: r- -CC 4JTf 5i-i CCS (LI .fo i:!> ^ 11 c 5- u ° "■ . oK E B QJ c - :3 .§>„ « E^^ . E „-.E „» -nM.tigS 3 J^ o re £ M -TTi-^ h E n 3 o — — J;-, i-ci J^ 3 3 ° c o re ^p^ j c^t-c; j^(i_^ ^ o - -s c s; sli^ ^iH s 3 3 s re £ - E.-?"-S-.s*^?-^^ '"•1 ts t CC-n re p 'S — ^1^^ O 2 ^ - 1; ore-; E "otst: ■ >, S<<: bite << < u: n s >- x i: w M » bi ■5 «; re 3 3 3 3 d ddd ^>>> > > >" >" >" > >■ > > >■ > > > >• >■ >^ > > > > > > > > > > > Oi 000 UUU u t. ■- ^c^ P^ ci^d^o^iiici^ P-PH £ £££ p-r. fl. ^ 1- £ (ipLiiiiia; E re £,SO -S E.E era :SSfi-?l i. .•3« nm u< •"t E S ='3 ME :3 X g.3 § ^t: •P5 rs infeci. ■ 3 c (y C S S S bo 5^0 s -■fco CQ fc -:s^.^ se J > f- u'^-E 5n C « u, QB rcj= nj c3 ^^ j::" ►^^ D O ■ " « E C > — ^. C ^ O • ■ V c ■^ 3 > o o C+: ra (J c be ~ rej: !,•§ UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 749 < z < o 'J I — I CD I H Q 2; <; Q Q^ Q 2; w O -J 5 CO 5 .-^ ^r-5 1^ CD U CO « "^>-s "S c '-' bo i; (U '^ u -5 " -^-^ .-.■=0 lU c^ j; bo ii , CO . iO C CO O S> o " ii .""'H:^ SN > " - aSco - . 'U„ -• ~ O 1-' ir r ! as; &c,-h'- ; > fsu SI.-S-; n) 2 ^ « 5 -Sq 3 3 O O ''1^ 3^3: •'St; b-o a 3, fvJX! £0 ~"-".S.SS"" ^ 5 ca.2 « O O [fl ■S.S.S b/)'5)'bi ««^ ■5 — — H^aQQ « Q Sh QQQt^P Q Q5 Qq o< OCT.'^ KK o o u iJ - rt ^C'-'Cf' i£:yi!y:;rO> ■p ^rH -^-f :;^LJ^ • . ^* Cr-r-r-r- TO — ."^c ..S.E.S.E.5,«'.».'»> — K : 'C ra c^^ bo'bfl'bC bObo"c"c^C^ QJ ,„r' O D.3 O " "U !■ " "J O O O fc i^- bOg bfibObar;i^- — 3U+-''^'£-S'S'5'5 ^ n ^ 2 ^ ^ (Uqjju ^i7 ^ :: ^ >;.>>> > (In-Pi. < < ■ w u j- ffi 3 ^-flJ o ^ II s| 32 |_o.o -^ - ;5< 5 "3 Si, o< &gii-ep S'gS-dS •j; S f 3 " o ^. ■Si! -a .3 t; c '"Si °.Qt^Q iss £ J . to a '.r: 3 .3^30 a I 750 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. < Z < O U Q D Q2 ■Do S" Ph rt ?> U H3 .-a c tn CO "^ O o " I 2 5 >> ■5|(S ? _■= i .-S S £ •D I ^ 4^K-* q> ~ '' O^O O ^1 p«_ 6 CSV 'i' c 4J r o o o- E : o -13 c t3 « i^Ss; o S £■ i'St^ -^ ^ S - ^ i> [A' __ w n Hco 3 ^J-j >■ « -t: o ft in r^. ^ ■ 0,_7 4J OJ C ■*-* >-^C ■♦-'^'V rStiji-- _ r~^ f'r'tl •- r '— r- ""^ - ■ *- rt ^ cj aj /v > .i«&;' 1- I .BOB • - P< . S: Bco 5 ,' ^ o ^- o^'" 73-- cj B o o :^. n> o E o c;^ oM o,.E. ■nBKsf^^Sic ''-" 2; 3 O PP : S cfoi" : o q£ z: S ^S : K J— 1 liH Qiii l-H tn >" b o< 5:.S Q -a 2 °1 < s^ U 5" sa :s re E so : : : ? : ! ! ir '. \ ! c . If '. '. I : <:-• : '. j= : - t. 3 3 O J7 3 5 3 3/5 '^ sp gpspp p CD s s s s P CCCCt-lCCO CI CI ri OI ^ CI cc 1-1 cc ?3 U hi) tic. ti 3 :3 3 £73 << > .t.t.i.t.t o o "F-t |S il S^, ^ 2 ^"'-s^" i w t/; UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 751 I! >^'^ Pi *~-itO -« ?; d < < p. O u 2; w > ^T ra - t«*^Mt .'S'bi'c I - n ti if "So f g>s< ^ re ra H .2 Si l-H ^|;. b o-< > > > > > > « „^ Ch ^^^ Ch Cl-Ch™&- P- — ^ .; S oo-E pi-, X E o g ^ .».■ E xg=° Er: = »^ o»-; « re 0,^>;=! «>> -. >— .hM—. I—, l-^PH I— >S C*J u u !^ " C^ -u E ^;§;= re >< z < c u O "

re to l:^-f: < s«^g. 1 CC p w Pi Q o tr p IS *- ^>3 3 .O O ^ ^ li ^ 3 S'E K ei S" S S^re . 3 pr: "^S ->. D 3 ■? ^*i« - ^ ° 5 IS c: 0; C ^ -ii! >. riiu^tj u' C ^ "S'^-^v^' ^c! "3= re > ^.t: . c c; :: 3 ;; - J-.- C (M CI C-) W qs . C 3 s s ci ti ti hfl tc tc be be, rr re re tr tr ■jj; _; O U O 1-^ ^ CI y. y} :r. X X v! 'Z e: : > t- tfi i» C.5 C J S re O -^5 It i s s re ffi Z ra ^ ^' < S K < bO . — D ?; '^ o - E 5 752 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. '5) O !U s" s •r mQ .« ■ ! C C c SS a 'mm W > t-'lCCO m ■^ -i-hCICD g_j-co- i-i s ay (UrH ^^^^ Ci a t- - bb^ V Z ^ ^■ w CO ." I CO .^ JO.ii' . IJ o (O m >■ z c o O .2 up II O (J o.ti 5 H C3 *J,jooi:re-^ 4-' C'':^ n ffl >% ^ •'^■' Sin WJ bt'^- - O ■- S. (M - - ESS .2»! ." -d '^'^^ !;--'> '^■^'Ph IM 'QQ 11 — M . » Ch'p.1 « tchc O 4J O t«oc d IJ OM d bo i- £>■=«' ^SPQQCCSSSp HhQPPSc^ilS OCH U: P:SH O Pi X H I H Q <; Q w Q z w o o CI (M C)C-1MOtH = CSC c — 3 C C.rt C3 c Op : ? : in : I --bcbitititi biti^-^tibii'^bb bb-*^-^ bo ^bb'** = '5 3 = 3 = 3'^'^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3'^'3 3 3"^ 3 3'9'3 ^ 's ^ 3 < ^ < <^ <; <^ <; H^.ur.<; < <> < <^ <^ <^ ^,i— .< < h^.-< < h^.v- , < >-.< I-* P S o o ooooo o o o U U UUUUU U U U rt r." ^,", ^ e: r- 1) PS t- O o dJ O «) 'a>n:; en ° ia ^ ■E c c re s :b5 O. cj J fcn^K j :u E !S S "" m.Sm Ji re-3 i, - 5^-S^ 2'£«S '^SU" • 3 £■ n >,- c £ re. U E J^ u p cU i t ■" re-3 g o P .- ;.; £ U C,">U •_ Pn3 3 — a^ ;so „ ESS-HtEp^c" • -"cl-iic-l ^

2.cl.UH£,,5£piS: Ph££,«£&Ph bObcX 3 3 be O o 3 "^ — n ■C • O Jo C Sou PS-g Q E sw^ EJ.C " K£K UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 753 3P O U O w X H I H Q 2 •4= .„ a> "> *e^i fl,.' *J W RJ 4-1 * T^'-^ ',^3 1. o 2S.S Q 2^ .'O^CO > s-.5H->M'g .30-- wP-i ■ A>3>o"5?Q > CO 4-> CO C3 c W 6 no £ "So i. re ffl_ j!i 0.00 s •«; ^^^^? . o« I ^ -fe (U t— 1 ffi tj 3 01 : 3 oj 6 - °°? o .J " o P IP>io^^»?:s^s|||iill .H.SrbiS .:^"'«v"^. ra<.,-3M .53"! .< u Qj o 3 ^-^ ,K k; ,. (vJi Qj ^O _• ,_*c , .J fcos ■SX "Zv h ^ '- * 3<^ Q a;-H o Vt3 Q3 o< L'^ 00 S3°s3" 1^ -"-rt-'S 3-- 3 ?-^ bi-00.2 tu t t t >r?,y, Mo-2 5.2 ::S-D ^ ^:Sa;^ -yiH H H H IS ISQQtfi c/^'HHCH Q 10 :§§:? .Uri . _ ; E c s m ^.2 s >-^ ^ o OT^ o^ ^13 *- i^rS ■S-""3'*-" =>.>3 - ; »^ C2 n fc o S" " « ^.'*^^ I ^ ° ■ 3;=:^ 3 =■ g'SS'iS, H 35(S §8g : PP ""^"2; ; cfoo" r-l nS-S : 4S(2i : '^^ ^tibctibbbi) bB'-> >> -^ ^ Q, bjjbbbbtA >'^bj:bici bb bbbc-*> ^ bbti ^ja 3l> flj33333 3'5 3 ^ -g tr 3333 "B^ 3 3 3 3 3 33 "s 3 3'g « >>>>>> .- - - - - -.-• ^ ^ S ^ ^ £ £ £ £££p-i £££££ > > > t boB 3^*^ bo J ■ - 30 t^ «o S S< < < Oh s o u 2 Pi H I — I Q < Q w Q 2; o^ •5 g .K tS Si, o *; o r ^ I ^» 03 J- n) I- :^ ^ r- Q "5 Qo P o =P.« w ra 3 1- -1 . 5 . ^ U = ^■^ „ — "O V i: oPi i 4. |0 us 1 ^ §3" ^ u 3 I " T "^ ' o IS' H " n r y >g o « ■t o : ■- 'he '§1 >^ rt w Ml c; til CO p. t> £. ^w ■^^'- gS,rf" i ,, s; 5 1; sS s~ E.s p ,;,S ' > f5^ ^^ 0(0 _ > I « = S v'^ « = f;E^ -P-K M Km o .^ o Qa ^.= .fl CO to bb ss:::- H bi ti >■ >i bcbi] bo S 3 S <« be be U br>;- ^C W 2 O > >" > > >■ £ £ £;;:£ s rt H o ^ Kp: P^S o'c d ; ; ^ ^"hi; j-i ■ p r: c .^ u •"H °JJ 0; ; c S. g 1; re fo^Z's re .20 're 'C ^" E re < s ffiS >-d Ie£^ -o 'e re E £ii i i'S E d Ef t> re n c < re < ^ <££. ^:;o&^ &< Sfco c &< UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 755 2 O u o Hi w 3 Pi ^ X "oji H 'sis Uh Qq t, ,^ i;s f-l t* c< 1 — 1 >- Uh Q :2 c-° < '5^ p S° w ci Q fl^ :z o| D K 1^ W Z o ^ 2 2£^ I 1 =S 4> 1> uo - ^ p p ^l- P i4 > n Y £ W ; -HP 4(2 s w o o "J T a> I \W .3 n »j: g I g S S S y O y y ■^t £. - . . ■- -* ^3 o bo ti/) t* -Cw -^ ^ 3 = '5 P ■ ° « -y si I Si O O O O^ ifi U u O O tJ o O ■> 3> C^ ?6| 'i^fi" .h": g.ot E>. ,•-•0 :•£.! S-u! > : • CD V til CI cc ^ 'c ^ O 00 3, a. ^ 4Jt:^ CI '' V .9 6.9. o^ ' MOO = 2^5 i"2 55c5t^i: lUgO I. .0 K Bi . o a u CO „, ES-? oq; o ^.>E CD I F 1*0^ tJ^ tioo "O 3 3 ■(J ri^,- h -^ *-' +^ -c -TT r i " "s 1 -SI ; ^ . O •? =" Q -^ P . i« ^ . ' • ® * JO S .:^ :pi. . M - . c- ...;--■ ic3°^co J'' ,P3 iH ■ 3-^3 - •-'^ • P-H- . .t— . V . C • O . ■> O^ • , 3 .(NS ■ o 3. ■cc>' aj : aj^ :p =r 3.^a c^ CO ^ ^ ^ cJr' P-i— . .t— . > > >> > >> > >> >> >> P-, Pl, C^Pllp.^ P-(P^ fU P-l PhPh &4P^ P^H 3.3 *j v. EJ^ J2 raJ3 • • • xi ■ '<.ii.i "i n E E*^ ^ o* « ^ ra*^ ra ;X .0 O c«g .?x > o ,2. ^D H 3' ^x8 2 E^ E5 & «• E.l Kg UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 'O o U I , I z w Q 2 D W 3m -a- 3 P -<= -SI "^ I "^ ^ > "> ^" s :; bJ3 "bii '5; J^ i> ti _ <^u^ - 1)1-' '";; 2; bfl^ 4j ej ca >> o o - 5 o u 0" " o " ■ ;' "^-^ o o 01--: "o t;— ".2 " ".^ ° ° ^ " " ■- t?" '• o p o ^; I' t o u "^ i>£ eg (U ~ r *£S ^ o c o:SH.-H ChCZ — Si Q Z r^i* cf o = ir^ Lt rt 1^ p p p ;j? y 5^ h bi ■ w i.ti ire o cic^f ire of O U QJ OJ ire ire ire ^ -p -p t1 ri" ri" 3 a, a D. — _i u 1* -c -a -o. '^A'^ - 1 W o rt^ .n?, T 5 .^5^ a (JO c c o o u >• 2 Ch c U H 2 ^ W o S S"^ 1 — 1 o QS w - C!i ffi ■oS! H ji5 IJh Qa fe »J^ u • C^ O R - _J - iM lO N IC C-l l.t CI It 0^ . CD (U5 c: c:; ■i: >.- X" >,' _>** -^ f .« -4^ ,o -i' '7. ,c -CD .CD .CD .CO . ^'^■~!-5o raC -^>_;'5j!r.- o'J. . tf^'Si -O ~.0 ."^ . 5: u oi y'C--'Z - , o ij Ss:^ -gj-.bi.ti.bi). bf^ ■- "* -ns ■ ._ :/■ .w ^-.i^- (i-..£ — ■ ir^- .-v" ,^r .n.' ■ u- /■ -, S:,' J 01 "5. :d o t: , c 'jT-i^-^C ^- ^l cO >0 s -J> = = : g „?"J . •!<; 3<; £<; 5 c:d:=::dd:s ;":s.f^^<-' . fccb£ o t: b ;:;■:/: -o^ , • Vf a^ — ^ '— ' ^u^ii^iy .0 .(L-Ki' --a^ .r)a^"<^.^^n^ "'■- _CJ-CJ r= ^ :i . * ■ '-. vrn u — ' i. rj =^ =- o'-' -T J^_ c c," >>„^ C C C v-r- i« " — — — — . ^ ... — _. _ _. _ .- _- — .c jj .. ,r'^ '^- *f rr. in a J^ a ;4XE;;ri;(;5E:i ia-- h H •5.2 lif [x^ ?^< tLH ;s.= ra ^ Q 2 Q'S <; •5S n 5 " w Di ^ s Q f^'S IC hi. "— ■ W jii 2 n > O ctf c^ Cl t- cc « t- C: £ «j " n fc " iM CI iM C-1 -^ -f W C^J CDCDpCCCDCCpp pp p p' p CD CD (T CD CD g^Si^Sr'^JJ?] OCD CD* CD cfoi'cj'wCD' (MClOlMiH titicititctxtcti ti>, >. >. >. ai ti ci ti >. > > > > > > > > > .-H .-( IM r-l P- P^ f^ I^P, t/i >. be ^ j;; b£ b£^ bjj fcC fci bB tiO J 3 " " = El E 3 3 S _ z < ^11 ;_£||s «« w la : 6f c. .5 t; 05 3 i h CO O . A ^, ^ ?< •Si J. „ t- C > O ? o flJ O C O rt m 2 ; 758 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. s s >^ 2 < Hi S o U o H l—H I >^ H I— I Q 2 < O W P^ Q W o o >; H I ^ B te rt M a ft . OO O) UIQ H re - ^ I Kj ^ |i|i>,r>i>52. >p ?Q du .2 > Td O do CD .__ re o"E CO o > o - 2- - O i: d T3 4> ?2 - o OS '-> . I ill Zi<.^n>Q^.m " § 3 S £ 2 -> -2, -X u ~£ re' > ._.Md|re3-|,-j^-| i e> > . E"-id-2 U. i ^^ .f^S5SSS'^£^E^pglE"- O o ^r o . iJOO L fA vO • o t- - o E c • I . i.' .? Sod cj:^ -■> . . 3 ^> , S - U ■ ^ c ■«Hi4;?»="2': "■3 "3 p.; p ^,^ si iii-i iT"^- ^^^^^ P Ih" IP p" ifddi s |d o;-;;^.;^;5;«g|i; gpi^-o^ °q„" --s . s s - >»>»S I ' u O ■", U U 4J u „ -J O 3 2 ^ 3 « >0 U*^^ (J— S-O^" HI Q ^ U , O'H C3 ^ a. IT 0. ■ ic ire ilO o ■pppp . rt :3 n Hr ira oooo :d oo :; O O O CO C:' ^ iJ S o 01 (M c-i ?i (N :*) Ti c-i c: in iM o lo lo in m co mi- r-( Ti M ^^ rj r^i ^i c i --i oi ?j -h c-i m in ci oi c-i oj ci t-i c» ri ci c^ ri c^ cj r-i i-i ccih (n t- ^ lig' 3 33 = 33 33^3-3 % 3 3 3 u biD bb >> ho br b/3 bfl bfi bO tJ3 be >i 3 3-3 33'33 333 39 '^ <%^ <^ > > > p. > > > > > > > iS? 3 C u j= C u «^ O « - . ^ 3 ots< >i >. 2 bo •J^ .55^^ s^-ld 1-^3" «).i " -n ^ Ks^-o'j;^ ■Jjs;rH< ~ >^ re ''^ S d „s-2'7 = re -n-Sxre -5 re re s^.z: >.-=re1 K ^,A 4isc2^ ^u^^Pi H ^11 tft raid JJ o . '^ h a. C ^ — V ^" ^ 1- „• w -t; o i: -- I G— >£ pnp^jD aj r,— ' «t! &Q UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 759 o U (J > z < o W O W oi H to I — I to I >H H to I — I to Q 2 P to Pi Q :d X to 2; o as IN 5 ■i, ^ _S _>. tj rp n ra rt ■" « ra rt bJ) !3£l bD 3 3 13 >T I X ^ - (/J ■2 15 '-^ 00 i; O 111 rs> 'S> '-^ XXGC " lo lo ira > CD a p .•^-=s CO 04 6 r '^3 3 3*3 a --^^ "-4 1) ' O " D 3 bOt- ir •- jr j:: ji ^ fMO 3 3 ■~> -o 6__— '^ t^-j5 o -•3 o o"-' u'O -^ J 3 .t:'— . E r en «P-i ■OOl < . o do .CJ . 3 of c -1- 3 I > CI ^1 1 Ij-) IW ^X! -oQ - 6&U o d ^^- > .000 :iS' =-< H O 03 Is " ass gs ri" rf 5 3 naaa 3 3 U5_( c o I 12-^ 3 ■- .'O bl) .'~^^" ra . " o aj dig d^^5fJ!"£< J > > %5 Sou ^o^prHj, . '^-^S O r ^ .• 3 .-'^ ^ u-^.- -r^Mf^ ' '> H H gm fc eaa «03S ' o^ . err .'-^ u w o 3 3 -:: 33 ^ '.'.'. ^ ' ' '. < s^ bobobOjD 3 3 3d OiO ifl ^ bo bo bo bo >« I- bo hi) M bo >. bo >. jd 333 3-^/3 333 3-3 3'3 (L> rH CJ CJ '^ <^ ho bo bo be K 3 3 3 3 1; 760 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. U >• z < S o U ■5 § 2 Si 3 'J • ■% ^ .5 o-a -ou CD I. "Oc^-^^fP « E .r U V- . U .1-, . . 1. « .^S I C1>CI £ S^ S u>-p "-a -13 -pH-gc 3 a. 9 ci ^<^ v^ I — I Q < Q W P^ Q W o Qq 01 iiS CO 00 10 ea ^ (M 3 Cij3 ^ :^ 3 11 ^ c >> >■ ^ 'u'u CUC^ CL. o 2 fjTj*"* ;5; CO eo C1CJC1-* HH coco CD CO CO 5DCDCDCD 3 3 3 " ^ t/i T7^ :.c:a ^ 2 s ". 11 "i IT C -C C'.'t: ^ '•s.^ d S% 3 d isi :^ T,« c:^ t- 0^ -Ci-i .2," S 3 « a> > > -^ Sis tin c S-5 o.t: IS 1- 3 1° d -a CJ _bC IE bo TO 1/ . -ci . tic:D'r is § Si n < u. ti w 5^3 c £u2 ^ciS C3 Sx V a; re tn -e ■*-> > c. S'^'c i^S^R Q >< < Hi S u r- ^ opif J;— c CD^ -if : 3 ifi c - U ^ S «j H 55 fe 1 — 1 ■ •+ ■^ Tf fe ■S3 ;CD c CD •0.2 §1 ■ CO I" c a' : 2 : "^ re CJ ; c < K*.— 1—. P ■2 . S : W K ! « CI Q 2-5 2 « *=• • ^ c CI CI CI CI CI CI WCIC c c CI CJ CJ ffi CD CD p CD CO p CDCCCC c cc CD to 65 oiT- iJ fti cfc) CJ (N CO cc ccccc^ cr p- CO n eo W CI w ci CIC^C C CI CI CJ o| 2 3 3 3 ti fci; ti ta 3 3 3 h ! bi 3 3 !^ C/}C/) CO < < < <<< ■^ < < < < ^ ^ to c-d 1-1 ,_: ^ cy^ ti£. be b t c bj c "bi ? M p:; rt re S CJ ii u «j CJ a> ou '-^ c"i CI •-^ ir.tr.rr CT W" W2 CT, W J= a; c '. ^ ■ c >■ • 3X IT U ^ g .1 Ir? c3 4J p l5 •5 ^ . 1^ Oj 3 c re X CQ in E .5 1 S £ S < rt c --^ C ^ UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 761 s Q . a o od . - bO^ o 5 If .^ ^ « Ti 2 < 5 Ph "*" S "^ o ^ 1 ^ P H H 2 ^ W O p S o CO 1— 1 QS 3 w 3 s <^ ■Pi •gS tn 3 a 1 1 tin >< l§ H fe 5< 1 — 1 > C fe ■^.5 Q -a 2 S-g -< '3S Q 5" W fii d 3 Q ii"S O 2 oS CO D bb K s < >=.0.20 9->- ^ O 5 .cf > ■ r^^^ Oh' > " ■ >?1 § Wi = :°rt .> r u ^^ o tica ' !J h-a-o-d c :- : . li; Id T3 ■— <— iS in C C 3 iS c 3 3- 3 2 O ° rt ^ o U«2 ■at-' 10 ^So .:? c3 3 >-S> ft" go: 6- C F c^ o t J3pq o t -< "^ . 3"^ .« r > •> n a o CD o 3T3h-( -Q 2 or- ■J-'- ,„co 1- U (JJ C/1 tJCfO 5i o . -siif ^ o 5 -•-■ ^ U O >,'^-» 3^ ■°1SI0 CO S-* B >> ; O^O 3 395 2U : ^. :SJ 100 §•3 3 3 3-3 u 3 «J c d 0. u O-JUUU'-J 3 aj : • : • U e rt z Grah Devi esen. illiam I'affer E < E sepi id re as hn hn P J I'd o£ Si;- ^ E-3|^°w" •St^D^ gP * c ° s --. DQ .gs ^ .cm .a J,, big -Si ^ re > ^ Pre < c 3 1° p>_^. > S -■=■« h ^" S S S £' M M.i •3 " 5 cc re CO- I O >. ».f^-'^ H K .2K •o . 7? S 1^ M> 'Dec--- " P 5 °^ m8>-. (Sf=:>« _re>-u im E > o o r d o-St; ? 5 ^-^ f^ Kg gQHCH P PPH f c < c^P.;" tEPh' E ^=r,g c 3 ici ^ re ^ O ^ CJCO ^ cj re 0.& « 1» > tibi>» 3 3-7; a> 3 3 3 3 dd O'u'u Priv. Priv. Priv. Priv. Priv. > _> > *& 3 < o JS n ;:= re c 2xr3 cj: t: 3.1; 3UU -S re « sS5 re c 3 -.30 §PQ «Ed ppj 1- (no 4J O 3 a xre :; oj ^ c- u 762 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. CA n- o ^ < s o u 2 W O w l-H 1 H Q < Q W Q o St I a: H H tP CD CD s s a 5j CD 9> ^ OJ d^ C s iiC 3 . sis r- re S CO 5q S3 . I. o d >cn so ES g-S O OrH o^ ; ".□ — ^■"■-l—rH : f^ f^ SM S* fSph ESSp.Sp.E^pE^J re ^ *j^'bi'" S)'^«^'Sj E '■ o o'^ei-Dia .■ajvi.Ti " ^ f f u !> u„ «'^'^ uj= uj^-t^ uj: be? - c >.: E t:> (U Ph5 .i vg ,-i5 o f> w-^ c b Co. eder unk nsfe boo 5'" WS.EtJ . o u o C f^- ci: S ■ pip -jC-' n, i- O ^ S re O ' bo? c/: O ^ :^ Qq 5° . Ol ff^ C-1 iM C-l (M . OJ i> aj . n c c . 3 3 := 3 3 Tt j: : : ; ; . '. :c I ! I '. '. '. '. > . . . . . . . r : : : : : : :<= ' E- -= ii V. t (^ ,,1 c .- 3 P^ j: re re >re CCCD do , UC 5 .E£kc - P F^ .E.il5 :.Ei.C^"I £«:::'•- ^ - 'V^ o o o ;e-E5= ^'- ■oo o .!;,H Zi 7" - «J 3c^ ( ^ r ^ 'r -c-c "^ -c '^ "c t: *- *- r: 3 I' "S^ 1:;^ t:;; = t? t^ t? <'' r be cT^P (N W C) tM CI . be bibi >. 3 3 3. ii 3 3 ti. <<<< < ^. > >>>■> > >> >>■ > > > > > > > t- CHCHfXd. Pu PhPh find, e-Cn ^-^ C-C-&H (^ to > . o Is 3 "^ re bJ C ' I rt w a; 3 0. 3 O 3 O o 1—. c re ram ristia niel Hp < CJ ii"? "1 bll j:: 3 J3 S C= o & w ^ ^^ o-c O P3 K ? •- c bo bobcbcbcbcbo bcbcbtbj; >-. be D 333333 3333 "33 < <<<<<< <<<< ^r.< Ph fl. > >^ 3 3 8 2-?= «^ tn tr flJ r- flJ . O tUD be be be >. be b£ be bb < « < > > > > > > (U CI. CXpH E be-- <:> £ (J flj B.2 « RJ 1/) ^> T3 C n O o o qj OJ (t! re ^ ^ s e E ^ — ^ >4:i fl (J 5*^ .2a.2 ^ ^ ^ S° c n m SS^:; ffi W >£. (-. flj 4J Iee c 3 <0! K w « c i O »- r64 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. s Li >- Z <; S o u H W I H Q < Q W 2 O i> .2 oi PS J S' v 5.^ o c >. d .H "^ 3 > S>- iO c o in C5 o . o > CO .2— CI V •-■£! a r-oH ^ ■ r- °> O ■ o , ;-°?!w .h Ujt ) E o eg 1* O E-g>U 1'5|c3e u^ ^ CJ i> w o l; i< _- -^ ■ - r i- J . ^ :«« o 1 U mo Ji"? i; ■-' n □ 2 5 3 3 ^-3 b-a t " " 5; i' 5h o - Q 4J u 5^ Os 1- ^ ■/: IIP a QSgH S.= .i5tL) "^MO,^ ««-2 o> 1,2 „ ■ ■^ uu , r o > H " S S 05: c ts =^ 3 ° "■g's 5- 1 1 !^5 5i ^ "- 1^ rt-rVc^-^ ' '^'^ ■5!'o =*~ pop U 41 . :: C C = 3 « 5<< bo bo be D 3 3 ■j: ««^ > > > > > >>>>>' > Q. rt rt '3 1) JZ C« S-S ) -gfii < >. JD c 5 Jr " OJ'C ■> ^ 2 oi 3: C 4j C o o o,^ s s CD CCC £,s< ™ > ■= E a — ^ ti c. C ^ Tl «■— u Cl ^ « sj £■1 a. ="1 QO_C ^ p^ •s So £ -s j>" (5 Z-o §? UO is5 CI 1 .Cfi d E'H •c >. ^ c as !S§ d i M « H U be Pi aW 1 US >. X Srt w re E 1^ 0" < '^ icTU -f ^ rf ." iPl X ■5 ^0 Is >" .Cl. ^ 4,- z :^^E&° bii ID c 9 0-' n 3" S'-o ""cl u 2 -t; u "^ 1 r 1 Eii" W g^ulS c sl^? S>='> •rri 5 .. 'C t— ( ^^ £ kJ (X 3 ' - u H g ^ : 1—1 t ■Tf" 1 1 ;CD 1 ■a 2 I(M >^ 4, ^ 55 H - C ■ n fe ■'— . l-H •t" fe ■s = p Q •6.2 w' 2 o< >! < "■' S P c ^ W £■5 P^ _o^ Q -z^ 2 — D ^ c-ici CJ C) N E pp CO CD ^ " " ii £ cicf ci" cl cT W o| 2; 3 aa c. a a t— 1 D -U Oj •u ILI ->i c/:'^ yi m w c -.: ^ ^ f- re UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 765 "a w z < a, u U f-i 2 ^ W o § ^■S o qS 3 ffi "oS H "S Tt "Q 1 — I u. >• ^S ^ s.i < Q W Q 2: P W z o • ss ^ ^ *: a c. •sK -3 5 E? 5 c t; >- '11 a I =3^ it; I d J. bo4 I- •OD =s? I. ^6 T U . c « a B) r . Q '-' > tf) (fi C 5 aj a; . c OCi - 0100 Q W > > .21 J= c P O ^n C.X I ■£ n ■So U3 2 CD -..■ 00 o o fe-u n.o S S C o "_■ -CI .2 do .-S.^ > ra " OU fiS o o .1 " ^ 1> 1/ QJ ' S > o E •-•; c E = o P^> om = < o o t:; Oii^ o o o 3 *^ «.T^t 1^ °-- - _ o o-c c£ o o o y ; «;•:: g^ooc Sg, £« id' ,0^ 3-a " I > £0" tnpH-o 00 tU) 1 g O OJ (/5 c ' s S ™ i o o o _^ >^ -.> -Xf '-^ E (L. :; O (3 c c >_ PS Qccs: ? ;icc ;^c n* E o . o t« E t" >. o ^ .- '^ t,.ggo> «: re Eh ,1C ■ CD o o I s« '^ffi^' i, ^ UxO . O 4; O t/ ^ N P ™ 'C'v— o ■ tibiW . t; o- -^ K t^' c/i " Z ^. < O (Hcici c-ic-i Z.H, J^ M to •io (N C-1 CI W CI W Ui < < E Ph CU Z h' J M M bb bb fei bi bi 3 3 333 bo bo bo a> oj u < < tiibctf bet; bofciiibibfciC be be bo be 333 <<< be be 3 3 CGCL C^ L > U S <4CL, v bo JD 3 coo 5 « 4> ^.00 it: o : ^ < ^ .2 E » ot^ "►4 aj t- « E-^ *u'n uuu oS c^t. • - u c -'Z =■5 ; 3 ^1 3 c < .■-0 3f S = ■5 re c b£ - ■= o ^ ■ ti ^ c - , r:-~ ?-r. ?< £=5-. T.. 5;^giCJ(i,^ u :.2 s ° =^- y 3.12 .-O o g ro S-g ^'c 2 > £ e:.^ c C-Vi £ c-iirf ^ ^ n >' (-^-^ 5-y;;^ I z ^; s 3 o «£; o Q^ a 3 ,-'' ^ ^—t K ■a g H t, 53 ,j tLi S Q Q D > - ^■5 CD u r-* CI 71 C-l ri OS .... rfM'cf tC ^ to 60 <<< < .TM^ c:c\ 71 p p P P p PP PPpP PP PP CO 71 Sj" CI ?i¥ cJoi'ii'fcf Ol C< r-( tN ?[J! ?!3 a ti' 3 3 be be 3 3 ^u ^si bc^ «_>. o > > > > > >" > > u « « O O rj 3 ^'^ : 5 .5 «_" .2 2.= I II s „ p *^ 3 i -^ f .3- - — n r- 3 TO iJ . UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 7Gr z o w Q 2 <; Q Q 2 D W o 3° s ,;^ s S '^ --* w .Ids lo'l .u „ rt "^ ^2 5.5* ■3'= '_1 U ^ *- 4. bo fL,,H (i| o"m ffl "^ UJ c • c u _4J ;•) .4 >,s "B ^S SI o & ^J •b = a-o -D «;oc.c P^ SnU" " . .i 3 g aj J tJ< o ° > f^ > j; E .5^ . 1* p u J- £• .:5,",'- C^7 a"r^ « •a c(M £-2 c r ^ — —trr.^ ■'-iiU.i:: j^^J r g U . . n c c c.>inS-' n-*^ >. IPS °-> " m be to - £?! -^•ti A o-S te^Si- ^« ^"^ o^ ^E'^ II ^^S. .. » .^■c ■pj- £ c_ .C; -.3 5-p„-a^2;2- ^ -SB'S 2^ — .='- §"'.2 3'' 23-;S„Zj._- ^ If ' o n E 3 1^-^ 3 c "^ ^" > _ . .. ~ -^ — ":; — ^ i^~ ° V ^ -CuC-i O _ 3;;-^,m3 ^ 3 1^ .. O^^-^ S'^'^ rt O 4f ;c=ici«>oS3°£=S> iio M.r -t: . - V- HH • ,— ra ..S--.333°tj °-3'-^>13 'i d's^c-a-c-o g r"> si o £ c U j; I, u g t b„a S: ■ -o = S gS SS a'*' «;« . 3 „ „ 2 >^ ?^ t/ 5 ?^ "t ffi2 ■3 ^ ^Jz = i " a-.C E EP4X^ o "^ - ^-v ■£■21 fe Of . +^ -^"^^ a)'— 10 ^ . 3 J: u R o ' J 30 . £ . :„ ■.-to Mj-W O 1)13 Qq II 03 R2 •; 3 -dSf « .^,^ iip '-op c-i C5 ri CO :^ < ^< &,< wo: r-- r- i5 12 S S c/: u5 1/". C E-t '■op ^. c; re ^1 (N CI CI CI CI t- ^; d =; s « =13 3 3 3 3 bo bo biD >i >^ >. 3 3 ='3-;:*= M bo >^ P C 3 3 33 < < « s z w Wi-ri seI^sH^^ -— r^ ra-rJ «l — en cnirH i- y S"-P*^E -c: « en:: «:^ o '-; «'-^-^'-> ^ >- t/i w d tn rt O R V, o red. s [2 a.S 768 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. C m LI 4> •^ O ^4 -S > z s o u w H I— I I >^ I— I Q Z < Q W P^ Q =3 .■ 2 .-SKI o 7 o t/2 o T3 g • >.= > S5> . C 1^' ^ ci-^ .p4 :h rt IT 1^^ rt ?£ ■ 5 .it' , J^ P. '■6 = ^5 ^ bxjt; 2 nJ be to r-' J ^ If. C > hll. E • ^ 5 P- n = >'d ^l- y'-''^ saTi -"-• sis s s >"r. = = 5 s"" 3 s S c 5 wt!-;.-' s fi § ro'E ■,'i c = fc s ci^ fe s '-' . ^.5 § W 2 O _>_> ££ >> > tcbflbctfto ^ J2 to bo be S£' bt = = = g-3 UU33DP3 > > > > > .>.>.>>>>> > > C^ P pgp s P 5 P MCI .£' (m'oo" L-f ri^i-i cc CO 1—1 cf cicf CI 57 =?^ir "—I >. >> be Ch Ch tj c E o^ !2; s< o a^ ^. Se O rt > C J o to ■ - cr '« ^cSE& "■H . S«2fe!S :>,cs Or. -71 r- o .0 ^ u= E^ C.5 « — "c ^•^•■g e:^" bo IS o E5 E UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 769 O O CI » « a « I "■ QJ O . CC-^ r-' S S W z < Oh s o U O O ^^i C C O O rt .CcSttftf ^ o > i* * u c n c^ >- £ o = ° c n _ O 0) ■- . . ta S3cc5 I «==io Mi; : rt ffi S; . 1 rt -> ■Hi's I^S- z ■^ PPPP • w o V-T3 cfcca*< ■S.s l-H ^.S • C Q £ ,- :jS '.'.'.'.■ 2 ^ < o| r^ ::::'' O S^ . V :;:;_>. W ■'■n . . . .^ Pi Q J tc-i iM(Nirj(M(M ,.-cj CCCD 'p'p^x.pp :z ^^ «*C1 cic-i'ciiM'ci rt ^ c-ic-a ClCICKMCl :u QS n o' be ti ti bibibi) X IJ 3 3 3 3 3 3 s fe< ««:< w z ^ o r^ > > > > >> > c; ;^Ch ^^^c^ E ^> E OH ~?tn>2?„ ■ > > %:j E 321 n 3i-i - :2 4 " 4J « p 8|^«E w p' Sci4 aj •^ ^ t;; > " -^ iiC . '^ !- - t; o m/^c ^4, - re I- hj ^ *j o " -?T,.- 5r> >■£ ^j u" ■„ f 3 f=: Oy 3rH , ■S CO ttJT3 CO k2 " 5>.E P "S ■ Pi fe^ Q s-s w SI C . _: b Ifl < 0^ J X n < r-2< s s tr >. is„ >. d E i^E 3 0) C z w ^ «H rm UNDER THE :\IALTESE CROSS. -3 * ■/ ^ .TT r~i^ -.2 O Jo - O si ■ < U l|5 s- > 51 1^1 tc-- 1) 3 m > r^ O oi o l>" o -■.••2-S!;s!~;nc:i^../.,5« r.<~. -.= -5_- j-3 _-S g ■/■:?J£'^ s s 2 5'i o "■ .nH > -Q - - -» ijn .-J a — i; ^^ «'z: ■:::— -^ --HO ^ a 6 (52 cc « I 5 -" r > i> .><=- tip <*^ . f S IX -i-J ^ ■" C .- U fa w-^ c^ r- n ,^ o ii; - _, ■ 5 S ^V u- ^CJ t*,^'c o ^"^ - ""^ -'"^ -^* - "^nzri^occ, C O*^ *j -- — 1 — r; O *j ^ C -, O ^ ^^^ — '■'•" ri > rt O -e -^ — ^Cn3 S S g £ ?f^" >. - ^ n *j o ^ .- c c o c? ■,L*i3 ■5 ^ ^-r-'c-s- S ~-r. S £S ? : S& S5 5 S S sS S S £ 'c'c > ^^ ;:.. C-i CI- Z- n, 2-. S_, 2_.e,p_,C-&- fi< ^ - ^r 3 '-•'-> ^t; 3 ■— — s — yc? —— ^~ 3 := ^~ i~ 3 S ?* " = fa Pi ca m2 ^ u O m £ tu u £ = 5 = < c be eft" "^ «.« ^*i ., 1 ."^ 1 O - O 1^ o "o O IN r ^ t; to . ^ S JS r'5 o ciO^h flj n ;f C ^ '^ .CD U Z d etc ^ K o '.J Q 2 < Q y Q Z o c: r I M -^ M N T^ ri c^ w -f -f ri ?i rt c-j 1.-3 n ro M n ^i n 1-. p }:>'ppp'pp pp op:s:opoc>o:3CD:r5:o:2 Oi . ._ ^ M >'r;Mtasj3to tabfl bo be ba M >. lai i- b/i ^ be wi to bo >. bobobobobobfl bo>. bb bbbi) bo bo bo rj bo bo <£ bo t: z: z = s 3 :: S'^ p 3 3 3 3 = o^ 3 3 oj D > > _> > > > >.>,> > ££ £ £££ ££££ 3M _ Q 4<: sly rett 1 gory "2"" S .y =.£ 3 SS £ S S!.S E o t: o c n" O U r- e S r-:r *^ :S U< "'.— HH .-:^ : boffin a^ -;K So J- *. . w5 flJ 5 egg «'-'S&<' ■S g~5 " c E .■ " eS5 2x ° E 772 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. o z < a, S o u 2; S3: > -2. E 5>" o flj rt S 'S> > 3 !i o «i >«? . o o 6 >. pas C5 S>^T1 ■> n t. *-_ y c od . si r to w CO O d T3 o 5 > *5i- ttj «DoH jj-^C CI = -s^.^ • > o -* ^■^^.bO>i W) S <^,-^^ ■-^^£;_aJ r- 6«J -5^-cO-nj . ..SOr- ^ p c o;> « p " p:s . u -r - o I— ,co "-^ 4) ^^ ^' - rH -i^.ii: " n •;;•;; =v;5i ■- '- - -- - ■ - - - r CO ^ = <■=£ o - "6 •Sv7 i, -i^ J^ be a^ • S^SS «;,■ . ^•C-'-K.E •» ^ o Jit; c uv- z o -J: 1- ? c £^ £iri3 so 3 ^ ^ « c S< = a. o o ^S :« ss H CO ZSh C P:S be be bo b !n bo^ 3 3 = " " 3 «; >, be be >. be^" 60 3 < rrcict cccco 5?J T-Tciin cii-i >>>>>> V > >^ > >^ ££ £ ££ £££ ££ 0^ u >; EEo c > £ o o _5 bo j^* Soj: Eii Sn£-S ";: ^3= ^ Kk <£.£D-^ "rt nS s < — o ■£? E CK »— -. . re « ?■■ c i £ III I !>'-' . Ef .r-S ? E Et UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 773 Z < o u fc TD pH ^ 1 « •65. led to re y in offic d Washim ?;^ i'Sio- "J^a '■^^ ■Sqi^ K, o s> .3 M >'2| .^O 5 . '^Sa ^i \0 LI LC O .C015 - LT - c c c tic - so Oil < -a s CO .> > ^. to '"J II -o3 - M '..2 ; ■ ~3 o O . u 15 « o - o a re ojcs — o .r^ W' (^ '^^ u . f < o OU O O, ;- 41 -t-" "C^ : bo'" :c/i 3 5 o o aj.-j u (L) — — ■ h M- - IS'U' -CC , tt^ O C '^ tCC r-" -C 'H'U 1J ^ dj o ^• H ?= •— . . o - f;c< «; -a H-. /i. 4J w § iJ-TD 11 U ii s 0^ Uh aii >H •S.2 PP f-H oo'in tn 3 i o< ;;>. ) 1 > - U^ --1^ Q z P-a < 13 «_ a 5" w r> -f-f f CO •rf CJ 0-0 '^ "•S com oco OC-f X 5| 3 T-{r-i rjrg ::^ ^" 50 — 1 ■^~' x4 — >< « J<: z > > > > > > ai — L- £^£^ c June 7, '65 Tran ..Subst VVOLII :^ -r. — Si'jr. - c ; ; ; • c: ! ::!!?: > c ; : : : ; :2 ? : : : : " 'M* : i ; ! ■* >, .... re .... S I ! ! ! • § : : 1 : C Prom l>se Disci Dcse Nov. 14, '62 Discli May 16, '65 Disci Mar. 2, '63 Disci Aug. 1, '63 Trans Re-en Tran C Died Subst i * ......... . jj . '. ^ '. '.0' De 5 w u 4^ = s PIP § 3p33 a bo ho >> bo ^ ho >ihbhb bo hi bo be ho ho hb bo j >■ ^ bo bo ££!^ i^ £^ £i 2I £^ cl £ ^ p!^ C-I p-^^ GO ■*> 5 s ,5^ — 'j: c(/i « 5 « ;; — 1 ^eqc/}X ^,i!i^ >v^ 5 re tr !>■" ,- 5 S 5? U'= J'." :>."> i."^ .2-= 5 5 = 5.> 5 «; fe^ 774 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. O >< 2 < o U §• .5 „-<• S '5 c2 2 ■5 3 ^^U WJ .5^ ca ra iiii tn ^^5 ^^^ . .iri;i.ii«;cu Jl c en" v; ^ u «■» S c^ ^ OJ cfl 4> O -c ^•j: ^:=: ^? . r- "c — t; t; — i 73 ■- r. i: 9.«< y; ;i, ^ ^ >; c 1 .Sue* ^ Ch.2 re "rt rt O ^-t ^f^ ,A^«.; H ■3fi 2 W f. ' § )-H — — »j CI ' W P ' 0^ "■0 . E 1« d : H s >-. . ix^ (— ( fe •3 n >^ H '^Q fc l-H ;xh |g Q 5 t3 z < p w ■g . Cc^ 5^ p 2 ;=) cict K j^.^> ^^J w qS 2 3 c CO ao. p$ uu l-gij c« c^"i=iic3'^ll:;| Pii> :r« ii c:-:= . Pccfi: , 2a; (5£ ssssi 65h £S t— I , I ^h— I I ;! I > I <-»— V. u u c u o v.- -5^ £ •-• u u Cf 5 5 5 r^T- X rt, , ^ o 5 5./! CJN MM CICl ■et* bOMtJDhCbo (3£Me titi titicbc bote ^3 53333 3Sj5 33 333 33 tcbo t* 3 3 O bo bo < < be bfl be tc 3 3 3 3 << << ^ W . rH >Oi ■ S 5fe ° C n s s > < o U •g - ^ B'- ^f^ S 5ff lo^l I S ?>>S D .= SH . 4:-^ tJE = 5 *: r.-^ C c 5Ph p:;"" = 5g.S r <>- ^•l^t ,;^t. 4; O ■rcQ •■ 5 K O 9 cc = w 5, ;_ i-n C (^ V- Oi i€S.ri ;3 3 'la o w H I Q IS < O w Q :z w O c ■^5 .CCt-I . CO Qq CS "Tt- ei ci c\ ci o u u c ::: c 3 3 3 3 3 5.3. £,CS £. Se: ^ .5^ u - o ;f. wi CCSP CO oi c-i ir: CO CI >. >. ti bo^' ti'-'-' be bibei-'bcbiMta bitibt tcfcttc bc-'ti = •- 3 3 4J 3/Sl5 3 3 3 « 3333 333 333 3 « 3 ■ bc^ i; t£) bfi be bo t* bii ,t.t ^.t.t-~-t .t.t.t .t.t.t .t>.t .t t .- .t .t.t .^.t.t .t .t.t.t.t .t.t • rt o 1J 4* B «•- f^ BE cq.2 ■Ji « rt t."- ™ 2 p ■gCg > (L/ 3 C oj & « be <^ ra (u n _ bo IP g.EH _EW 3*5 ■3g s: tCK Eri'^ = C s '-^^ '^ «■& £P^'^ O^Xr^ ■SK _ ^'a^.S c c ^^t; i«^^> £^ UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. O o > z < s o u 5 —'r > a> « z« s OH-* — O d s 'r. z ^ ^tt I I (J o c\ cl O lc-5d>^ .6 -cZ- > 6| o "XU >> . 'B 1 t£ "^ >,-• -■ .■ ."^•5 i- ^■£•(5 . 6 -«"s •5 :=^..H ■„ ^' c= >z. ■^ y£-rt- CZ CZ t;-^ E.Hp: ^^ -Z o Oci — C ■* u '-■?.-?.zh-?.ZZr- ^^ ?^r^"^^ o_ ^ „ o c o c ^JT, - -T^h' ra ^ -^- ai ^w c c ■= - u ^j^- •C tc = t) O = ' — O ■>: * " "o ^ &- __ el's .— o o ^jEcf^ E^ c^bci. a (A w ■^ PP ': : s O — 3?3 : : qS w 3 Sr, : : »i < K 'o^' H 5 S;; U-, -Q 1— 1 t^ ^ ' _ . S ; :- :3 I— t Q a Pi Q z c A^ C Cl-t'-frt MN ■* CO ."O ■^ Ol ■^ « .•! « -t* -f "^.-JM OiCi i?lMCl.-t CI ClCllMCIC') CI rp '^ t> t— CI C^ t^ pppp PP ppppppppp p p ppp PP ^^wp p ppppp pppp p p p 'cfoc'cc oc'co'cTo' cf o' 00 I CI CI CI CI CI CI r- CI CI w cj *s S3 3:3 SP33 aj ssr^isz; t, ^<:^ << <<<< t. <<<<< <^l< 2. 3 3 < < UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 777 s a M o I 6 ■SI ■J £f S> ? 6 i Si u T Ph J, o ^ P=^ ^ CO -- o .'-3 .p- - o .-^^- ^ c ^ f '5 w « I c>» C-l lO I- o O ^- O ss O n i B U CU o hr B> I'S ^ CI -3 ' ■Op; -r - ■M o c *- S tJu 1^ > in ft. w " ;z ! OE, Q_.Ct7tJ*^ .'T^iLiyiO.-. f-S^>,*,~— si " -<^'— ---— -- uiL' — — -' i:> tr:= M.- C C ^P- air ■" > o o > = E(^ > P W Q X W o d S CD ppsppp £■? CO 01 ci" ?! ?S"S?5?i?!i 3 si b£ b£ be b£ be b£ be -i- -i- CI CI CI -r fc CI •!• M CI CI TT n; 'fl; cj cicici cicicir^cg«cicici.-ci>-HCi bigbi »b;^2:bf SS^Ef ^SJ-''5 s ' >' > >i>.m .£■£.£ .i.S.S.^.^ £ £ £ £'|£££(i;(£ £££ p:£p:£££s£££££fS • be ; ■ C ;_ . *- > ■=-S.-^t; ■'S a fi ,^u c = 5 bo P^ r-'B • te3;u ■f^ P -r bCT3 !i ; te £ cq 5 « " U3 ^ S ''C/]^ c > £ a; ra « : o c :.^ E E. '•5 c' =j^^ ■:s UXDER THE MALTESE CROSS. > a ^ > ca M i rr. •— c c: ■£ v; ■^ ■■ w ,™ u 2 'J J i 1 •S i en 3 ?i-j ^■="J5 till iij 5 '- • — -',-1 u -; '= S ^ 5 ^ --i C)>^ ra ;d •-; . ^ yi i M ■3 :^ s 0 S >«^g» S- S -Wn! .a — .o a « '' = £-" S u - ■"■ o' 3 -- Cii 3 .,.^ fcC « ■= (J r3;^._f2 -C ^ : i r2 ■i:5i =■£"■■"' J. "=■: 3"^ 0—-= ' S-!-' £:^5 y S = - = 5Ji„1ii'i''-ei|- - :•'?"' Ti -•'."■•■/■: .i MS ' = .■■= .ti S=3 -^^J-ii = 5rfoh:3 59gJ„'s^.5 • ^ X ^ 3 "3 j; _^ 'r u ' ' . o 5 o CJ c o _ . -": 1 c !£■ c :— - - - o; Etc f" . c - M «S-5 "■= .■* .j: ^ " - r- ^ ^ cz^ z 3 u "^ s So n.-^ •J .^ ^ ->' •1 -f ' -2 -J •—1 ^^ • ■ H fa Q'5 ^%. ' ' )-H "^'/i '. . Uh P^ E Q ^ P 2 O S S a t -. i- qs . . . . 2i 2-= q '".■f y Q-i ;v; s% q ^■^ 2 a; ^ 3 CI — f.~> cf -1. a^ 2 •? 3 ^ <; Q §5 " ;i- - i:- ira LO Ifl o p p ci CI « : : : [^ : : : : : : i^;t : ^' : ; ! ; : ! cTi-' ■f^ oo : : : :^ : : : : : : cc • ■ ::t ?' ■ ■'^Jrt ■ * :t . . rH .-( . .i-t(N . - <- : : : : : ^ sj : :^^ : : = p (. a. p cc > I'cf cf cfcf cl cf cfcfc^f OlC-1 Cv ICI CI CICl C^ C^ CICl'Cl CJCJ c c- Cs CJ 60 tC M tt tlfl tJfl E 3 3 <<< <•< < r-i T-t:/3 X X M . 3 ■.5> rt .3 3; 2 .s 5 . c Er l< ■?, > ■nS 03 r" &" ci. S so^ «^ r3^.3 ^11 SB as: ^. C3 -r^< S •SB 41 _r- S ™ > o u -O o =■- :««•; o < 5 o « djS t= ." f T O 5-5-5 ! B-a-3 I > E 1(2 .-1. -^ Z "^ H OJ ^' 7 T3 o 5 ^ S<" tfi O' 3 C «> 4J C 3 W C E feu o>rfU > C.1 cS«jg:A.X;>^S OS : .-2 Jg§0° > > > ^ ^ >^2^ E c 3 .-.3 . °,-< O On c= K t: > ■t S „■ E irs ^ " rt 00 Ji; — C fe "^ ro "So SK 3 "^S^tn T3 «;> ..3«< .^P^a ?Q -Q; -■S n-=^ = 5> "" - 3 o s S-o 1— ( «1 u. o U «i w 3 p^ ^ 35 Q Z < Q 2; 'J z; 3 X! 3 55^ old ^ 3/-C =" re" 3Q o . „U „-U „^2 3O? p? ^..^.g< ^ Strj-: ; rt ra rt 3 7 c_> I 71 aj O o -a ^ - - ■2-2 rfx l4 cu s.> > >>>> Ph pHt,c,&, ;ih £< d. fin .-.- ££ E >. « -a 3 ^ -J ■ • ^ . . . -i jfj • • u c f,'^--. — E ^- : s-A'i j: • X ra.Wl a c^^-g C3 ^. ^ z: ' 3 M> M'SP° fU (U^ X)*^ O B o _^ « K^ ^ «-Se3 o E ■™ns ^ „ o .Sx o 3 o ^^ ?. f^ ^M^^ Georg Uriah Coope ,S C/J ►I ,, i-OcJ L:i z < 0- ^Ic — — ^:/:— cSC^ S;S C-C-'Z. ■f. U Z ?S2':^ 3 o WCCX«li^ !" • L^ ■ •L'tic i.':l-:cil'd - ■ • LT CC w Lt Tp L" ir; lit IC • Lt Lt LC ■ cppppp . .jcp c^cccco ' - ■crccc '-z'ic. 5::s^c e : cccco • S "-3 (Nirt"x"c^ror : ci" 1 of : 'cfci cfcfufo : : cfirfcJ cic c-fi-'c c ! cicicf : «2 1-1 CI Wd . , w H-< O Q ^ ■ cc; ^ ^ . ■ ^ P':r ■ p ; : :p ■ ffi o5! Is - : cii-^ ! t-^ ; ; ■M- ! H ^ : fe oq t ; ; = c ■ ti • • • C '. >^Z : ■ • •t— . . ■ -*l . . .-) ..... -^ . -f^ .-t . .-f rp • ■ . • > 1.1 ' p P :P ;- ; • -C : :p :3^ ■ *S- ; ;p p . . . . H . . . .L- ■ ^- cf i:r L-f - ; ity ::::::« ! • rf ' c ; :a • -c oc ; ; ! : 1— ( no o< «H .1- . .>- ^ . . . . .... 5 . ! . !S IS ;| :i i ! ]-E ','.'.'.'. '.^ • • « \ \ \ '. 1— . . . . • O Id ^ 2 ^ : ;0 2 Q-S ' ....... < . n of ^ ! : ; . . .cc ■ .' Cl" 5^ CI Cl ■ -Cl 13«- >. •J. '.'.'.'... ij • ■ v 5° )S ■f. : : ; : : :J - ■< 0:5 C (MCIMMC f CI Cl OlTj- •J ."J r J ?^ ?-' ?j ?j *j 3: "t "^J -f CICIC CI;t -r-TCi fCI-t /J rJ ?J T ocsococ C5 tecs pppp PPP FFP Q £■§ cfofcTofc- Cl M CI cfrf Cl cf ClCici'c cicicicicfcccr cfci'cfc etc. t-cfr L-'cii"* cJciciC: :z; o| Cl OJ Cl CM C CJ CI Cl OICl CI CJ ClClCICl ClClClClCli-Cl Cl Cl Cl c C»C1 ^ClCl T-CtCl CICICICJ 3 fci^tc bib ' ji ::j t? U-^' M :j wifcibi; w tc ti- fci ti^ bb bfl = = 3 S (U s = — ^— £ ^ tf^" bibifci:^ <<<<-^ fc^ ■^ ■< < — < <<<< <^< < > > > > > > > > > > >■ >' > > 1* >>>>> >> >■ > > > > > >■ > > >> > >>>> P5 O u c^c^{L.£^ " ^ ^ •^^ - ---- ---- -- '^^^ --- £-;^=-C- 1 : = '— : 4> . 9 3 < c > c C III Z '. tl_re a. si St u- u t: If c: K > > e2k -fc:s£ C > C o ij •s « I « ^ £ s — -?J .-1 inifi a coo r-i CC'OO t; o > c n S . — <— , CO a; 4» — (fi a3 o -p ( >' > 1=^: -I.- >y 5 o sCh 4^" -^ iS^i^.i w ; M'S -zi: — - •„ 1^ ^ ^ M bo ^^ - = 5 ^ ^ 3 ' ■g'S'-^ S " - 5 ° ° 5 c3 5 = »-3^ • UJ2 -a . - tid ^ ^'' 'tc5.'^ P o^ ^ '^ ^ ^ >^ Mill deall- Franc >':3 u >. ^U ^'-■= ^ bf^-I c:c: ■- (V ' C5 ■^- O -■ '" y. *- * .i;.-.i: .-^ 3 = 3 2 3 ui O 'r- ■ ■p. s5& 5h ^ o 3 % 25 o< ino" 00 tiOj3 3 o 10m inco • L*^ pp cop ; 'p 5 5 C x ^. ^ :; ? -Op o !ci"?r = 5-5 ^fi.^^^ M CI* CDO S5 = t«<^ bioibiiiri r^rj bi] bo botOo' bo beta bobo^' j^ji bo^ 3 3 3 -Pii Iju 3 3 330a> 3 33 33w 4>gj3o; «<'i tiin t^^H 4J S . 55s 2; 4* . s<7 .2 »> a w'^ [fl a = 3' — 21 dAS > > > > > >.£ bxS « o > o > > > > > Slot; p.. 3 C n £ £ j;£££ Is: ^ \< <-. A fc. 3 « 3.2 e: > > > > > > >>> It ? S £.z N > .SEi QtnlS-i 7S2 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ■^ ^ X > z < a o U 2 --, ^ §> O . bi c - 'ti c IE — t L. i» oj r c 5u if = - > -irtJ; - s „ 3 ^"^ _ u o oS ^ n S 5 o '• >•. -Ui>«.— T^P^ -C oi~— = Q^ S S l-H Q <; Q w Q 2 W 2 Cl ?i rj o -^^ rt re Or. jSjS tctfl tcia) u V ^ s 3 s >>>>>> ' — P ^ be c u 2 W w 2 •S.2 < ^■' Q ^• W ■"■ C C^ •5S Q 2-S 2 u; ca . u ri " > t^ n :: E c M 3::^ — -- , - ccr . f < *- '^ p ^' "^ r- ■ E 3do re o (a -^ *-'> o 4; .^ U nz-a z — ,' 3 o - O c II d.t: U 1/ r^' — u be ; tc X 5- jt ,-* s- s c 'j:: o ci - "^ D fci t w >. ^ O I — n 3 3 ^ rt Ci top p^ M-^ 5^-^ -.<^.^ ^ cj bc'^cr. cP^^t -^ a, -t2 is 2& Bis n ■^ c UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 783 > >ff ~ ~a a «-j >s >d s t: -T3ca -aC^ f! T V-a ? i .i (U en :: rt (S^ 1— ' rt cq > ^5 CO co-lS "O >< Z < o U H 5« > •^.a .^^ ^ u 5 ^ c .S ,r tx ess -.2 coco 0) > .>E. Cf^CJ;-;^^'^" : S.r/:; '^ ^ '^ jz - >■ . &o bfl'5: M fcc*:: 'c 'c w : « o o tJ £ S tfi (5 -5 * ' > -c g U) . . CO P- •^A ^ Ji Z-C- bi , >5 ,^5 :S , ., c: c . *^." : ^ S is S x-xx B-- P !;? 8 o -a -a rJnOOOOOr-i^-- ti ti o ^ - -<-J^ « = = -E5 5 ■go £?|'gtj S : J r; C y cy fc: ^i- - reri; — f~ ' H H cs'ssssccch; I— I P < c c 2 w C o< m :- CI 71 tiriMJiMo: L-rt-c. ) o o iJ :j ^ ; ■5]pc.p.p.cip.c.c ii:c ^L^HH = hJ re n n revere V V ^ ~rc: ccr: ^-* ^''*- C- '-tut''^^ -^1 ^ bj: tf hf tx W tt z; 3 r; = 3 3 <<<<<< ti t£ << &^x >■ >>> > -■ bt be n -.- o c c 55 5E S g s S SKo'S J, .j; 1> t. V, v> — i E sa ?:m i .«-? JEEg S sS-^.££J 5 .i'>. re 1^ re M ^ K S^^,— r5 " 2 .= re e."! iSi UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. o >• 2 < a, O Z o >^ t-H tL, l-H Q 2 Q Q Z D X w Z o S >.'S ■a ■o.a I d 5 ^^ Q CO ^ M T3 tu J o §6 5^ ri d ^ =^ o ^ i=? .EO ^ t/i tj -~ ^^J . S> > . ; - 0.5-53-3 :3 5 .5.= J 03 c c. S 6 4) bttn -Sio CO 4^® .5 ^ oj o o CO c .nh' — ^• > O t" ^Q . >■* ■- . ^ -o w MS! o '^^S is - " 3 i=c< „> r- "^ -t^i-l O ej 2 « -. S C- ■'w) >, i p -^ a> ^^ C5 o ^ O V. c-71-p-p ; 3-13 .-3 , O tn;j (fi 111 n- n C :3=H 5i -i ag: & -s a 1 :::§§!§ *:;'„' .' (UT3 I I It-^ 10 3 rt — ... ^ . . .in .a- ■o s : ■ ■ • • |i MM i .... ~f •r - - - ■ • -o 3^ ■ • ■ ■ " > 2 CD < ci: in ^o 1; June 2, '65 Sept., '63 1. ■62 o< : ; : . ^ > " . - - ■ = >.= .... 3 n 3 .5 ^ ;;;;?> "^ rt ; ; ! ; "•-\ -d ' - ■ • ■ '' "^ n ?-o • • . S5 : : : : — ,__ >i ■ ■ ■ 17 2 " - - : i ■5 PS^piJ 33 3 .^ i ? 1: f ? ■ ■ ■ --f. '.'.'. IP . . . .

  • ^ ^ 3 3 M bo bb tio >» bb >^ 3 3 3 3-5 3'^ > > > >> >>> ^ s O 5 " O.Q U 3 EE 5^ = a— > c =^5 a«...- >_o ^ o E QZH H > > > c i 82 g in 6 3^ ^ C T Or- i_ E ^ ^ > .-^ ^ n* = C n d C j: rt i.E E.E.EZ 1^. aifci'tifci to*- o bS ' o u o e^ 2 ,• « g bo PP ^ t-1^ Cfi O E DSS SQ ^ aj u ij jj oj C E C C = 3 3 3 3 3 •q -r 3 3 3 3 3 3-3 > > > >.> > > 1/1 -: tfl E Ss-j s °,£°XuSp UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. ^85 • z < Oh S O u H Z ^ u 3 O s aj-T3 )— 4 ti u O at w 3 Pi S K "o^ H ■s^ [i, So l-H ^ >< "Sc H fa g< E &.E Q t3 2 s-° < s^ t3*— P 5° Q U 2 o Kiri .^ U"- »«^ >> - So id 5 I' .2 wi ffl .CO* bo be— 1 '"' •SO 6 o ■SO 6 bo « u 5 O X " 3 c.- >.2|='"; o .o 3 OJ — 3 " 3 O- t: J! 3 '^i&3.Sf CS'^^O- ■^ a 41 O 5.5 -^ no- .>M = >. U . .1,3 o ^ w^-n * S-gti l.> E 3 .0„- ^ O t; qj p Zr, , o tiO n :o 3 .3 > > >l> ^53 S Sdc.i .>'"Z >a.2= (L « 1/1 .^ 3 «l O Cp [/; 4J 3-. ■ ■"Oi.S.t cc re ;a"g .T3 0.0 "1 o a" ""5 '-Si' -^"O „ 1* 3 (ft 3 ( o" o -2 o'l , aj 4J t: ^- o 3 1- aj oj ^ JJO E E "■? . "tibuy ^Q 1> 4^ ^ S old 3 ixx M«;2 .2 ""Hi; c 1^ K 2 1— o J5:S o s z a w 1C3 , - .1 wJ2 OS Sc|3 H-SSJ < ^<<«[l,<,i, ^< ^«< r= o W Z I- u bo*- tu W 4; V 3 3 3 2.S.S ^ -5-2 ■^ * U CO o " ^ ^ "O 2 c^T E , be be he til bo bo bo bo >* jn 3 tl -=333 ^3 3 3 3^ O bo bo 3 3 « > > > O ©©CO bb bb >> 3 3-3 > >>> >=^.C\ b£ bobo 3 3 3 <<< > > > ^ 3 C ffl VI O c Wt:""^6 *. jsSSEi=*-e 3 OJ 5 =" n CO ■^"EE tt E o o 5ZJ = = ; ?>2,< i3 ES : o oZ r: 3 Pb u « C 3 o o oj qj- — tag..- = Ex 786 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. w u in ffi - i^ bO ^ r 1/ ■^■^ r i) . be 1. -a Q^ .? • T3 -o 5 s> ^ 0. ??^ ai P-. ^ ai u n V r2 O U 11 •^ c c ?i'S-S 'c'c — -a 1, ps 3 E ? .-s ■2 .c .ti CO V ^ >^ S 3 J2 ■SEE S E^ CO- «- ^'P S 3 irf 3 LO 3 rt 3 S " n X " ^0.0- |S| ,£| S|" S^l >?^ §"l ^P II? ci 4) 3 3 > ci. '5. o c in 3 . . 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It ^"1 is S rS^' ' £ i^^ u o® 3 P5 n" >« ^ i; d . d ji s . . . <. -TOO 3 aSUU ra'O bo o ■- t i;^ ^' O t/i 1* tn W o 2 guuQ.£ 3 J 1^ » ... .£-g = W 9 ?^ ?^ !^ t: IT .2 5" ►i.=; 1. *: ^ *: >< C=i < Ux - >> tnCD » --Q0 > sw T-.-r o c -a TT -o xi > - I I ^M^^^^ E ■t- ^rf 1-^ --■"'- — " — ° - =' t, 4> I .>.2tj ►r.fj lu t( D 0. -■ '^ . 1- 3^ b. > *^ • F.2 S «-' ^ 4^ I' ras rt Dps W^ - Sj-U r^ O Oq - ^ o c ^"^ 'S ^ oj ."i-^s Ji s; 2i 2i '^ o"^ •- ^-«j I 1^ ^7, L[i"T3 £l! 4J a> Q> oj 3^'> 2 c'tfi I - t? C V ■ "Stn 1? t^-^ w '^ C IXiprt zn -H:::33S'-'' ^S™ - 3 ^n^ -" — " 'i:£^ ■2 --o^B o o 5 «; a.-5 i 'i^ Jii w i; *^ *. £ M =i« 1^^ • -; 3 3 ^ ~ ^ •D*° O O ^ u 1) 3 3- ■ O «J "^ 4; 4; S^^Pi'-^ •>t; ■> **" 4j3 br® >« E.i t^ -t/.in o^^O ..^ .4"* - = - == "r 41 o o> o °»'"=0 ■MpD o ^ -! 0- •5- £?^ - ^^°°^E£S: is t^ 4J C 1 — T-j «^.ra-^ 4> 4^ °*"t-^4'*"H'S^ •D.5 .> E 4J .- >JE>; ?Z- o*^ .+''c>'^ XiC- ZTJE^-W *±>r^^ t- 4) TO cg-c 2^ i-c:'?;? ^> r ;?-S «j rH ;;2 aj I^ h *^i" ■ 1^^ t^CQ '5^ C cac^CH H C C 3 3 OJ U U U U D c c c n c c 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 I CO coco in a; - oj - COOSCO'^ CO 'p'p coco" OS So 4> t> !_■ C C rt 3 3»5 .rco'co coo CO cococoio ^< Cj li iTixri^ < > > .> > > > ho C2. Cu 3 CJ It 9t^ '^i'ci pZp!^ ^ be be-" >^ d-P-D-C- 3 ^ re < t/2< .-.- ££ S w r= c c : 53 a; ^.s • c : c boo .'S E o vn E . 5 ■ r '- "J " £., rt (U c rt :pa tt . 1-. x^ XJ= S..O =5 ^1 = IP 790 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. t3 s ^s, .2-J ^S -S c" c-ao.-s 5m S-J5 V- O "^a -s O >< < c S o E g i" <^ >*Eq I- c c »i r-fl c ^, E c 0- o E C-A bo - « — o V ■l-f in ?os. i5 ^ •'W,, rt . - I J "J, 5? wp V-n" rt*t3 X C C ^^ r^ ^ J XI ^ ^■ «ix^' Z - = 3 (A lA OJ U O *j 3 nn: rt 3 3 go" Q > O-C! , c ^ ^ o '^^ 5 o S^ J 3 "^ tin S-tS tfi ■^ to C atnirtflj x^O 30.0; 3 310 .2 w rt re oj w ^ a-d G 3 « lu 3 c — o rt 3^ H "^hft l/)_^l/5b0b03 wulliul.^is"! ^ •-.> ^^ . l! f w I ^^St^S ? S 3--/-' — -a> °o o-a *^ c^ '. '. -S c n T^i Ti JH^ 3 « r:0 ^ re .1/1 re , > c Ec i^h^ !/l O « O E« -r •h «' ^' *E Ci Tl-O S n C i-S^ a j:XJ 3 3 CfiC/J ■c 3 ""Z; "j^ •< t 3 u 3 n u "" ■V.B .t/i'^ CI -"S-5M .V-'T.-i. "„ 3 eg 2 «^-c . ii a^ ■Sfe. :ifi^ E ii c E^ ^ • t;? 3 utj"-o „ 0^ £ rt 30 = E_S z z 1^ >i >. 5-' E rt re = 01 V WW 0) Oj COiH coco ococo CO ot- CO cox oC'Pico coco CO CI CO (L4J 111) ° -i* ri^**: St; u •/} S E o " c ZO S5 My, CL, S Oh E E >-, 1-1 ■^ 3 • — S-5'Sg' P^-^uE re qj re 01 OiQi t JO J3 o« «■ -gl E if . . ■ ; : u . I- a bCp V j;M rt C J! I" ^ ■ u a Kg r/l S ,■7,"' ■ j:£ -nH •E«3 in •§.3 M M 2 < z < 04 s o I 1 ^; ^ w 3 o S S'S t-H P2 w 3 Pi ■oS! fe So 1— 1 fe >^ ■sg H •n.2 ti( §< 1— 1 ^.S Q t3 2 o| < fe& 13 M- Q 5° W Pi n Q ■2s g P 3 W S w ^ 2 rt O Pi O 3 £^ - 3 ,tj > -7 ■S n tS c ES ■ 3 » . . ^•o-;n-t:-ti3[/j^-03M J^ 3 O O O 5 g^: ^^ o a o c i« O tn rt 5^0 H 5J U 41 ! . ss coco cococococot- DOj lu ii iJ u V -i 6 rt >i rt Pi*-^^ rt H rt-a ^ 792 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. THE RECORD OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA INFANTRY. (1) Col. EDWARD JAY ALLEN. (2) Col. JOHN H. CAIN. (3) Col. ALFRED L. PEARSON; Bvt. Major-Gen. J 'ra'o -<-• u o c HW Field and Staff 10 Company A 146 Company B 157 Company C 148 Company D 1,39 Company E 149 Company F 1.59 Company G 163 Company H 143 Company I 157 Company K 145 Unassigned 7 Totals 1523 Total on rolls 1523 Less those not joining. 75 Net strength 1448 Percentage killed 10 Percentage killed and died of disease 171 S -6 4> 5 c ill Ma,- So -r o eg t tc '6 c.i II rS-> n-a- a> ^n SO M h£0 n xE •c o o S — s 5 o " « tn o w c^5 ^ o ._ re o p tat O I'd S II n 1 6 3 10 5 10 5 42 6 o 25 7 25 44 146 6 12 12 46 6 8 31 4 6 15 26 157 13 13 4 42 11 14 20 6 16 25 148 2 8 6 38 7 10 25 2 3 16 39 139 5 16 14 44 7 18 3 4 21 38 149 3 13 11 49 6 14 27 4 26 32 159 19 16 14 43 6 6 16 3 3 29 35 163 2 20 16 32 o 25 32 46 143 8 26 4 38 9 12 24 3 11 19 23 137 5 7 12 18 35 2 7 15 4 41 47 145 7 75 146 104 411 53 82 227 31 38 240 358 1523 N. B. — List of wounded (partial). Battles. K. & M. W. Fredericksburg. Va 21 Chancellorsville, Va 3 Gettysburg, Pa 7 Wilderness, Va 14 Spottsylvania, Va 18 North Anna, Va 3 Totopotomoy, Va 1 Cold Harbor, Va 2 Petersburg. Va. (assault) 26 Battles. K. & M. W. Siege of Petersburg, Va 6 Peeble's Farm. Va 8 Boydton Road, Va 4 Dabneys Mills, Va 9 Petersburg. Va., March 25, '65 3 Quaker Road, Va 3 White Oak Road. Va 4 Five Forks, Va 9 Appomattox, \'a 1 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 793 " No words of the living can add to the simple grandeur of this record ; where all were alike brave, and gave to their country ' the last full measure of devo- tion.' " " Their very heroism and sacrifice have lifted them to an equality of glory, to which we leave them." " ' The dead are past our help and past our praise, we can add to them no glory, we can give them no immortality. They do not need us, but forever and for- evermore we need them.' " '-' o 0.2 APPENDIX Sketches of Regiments Composing HUMPHREYS' DIVISION IN ANTIETAM, FREDERICKSBURG A^'t'CHANCELLORSVILLE CAMPAIGNS 796 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. I MAJOR-GENERAL A. A. HUMPHREYS. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 797 HUMPHREYS' DIVISION. Brigadier-General A. A. Humphreys Commanding. ORGANIZED September 75, 1862. Assigned to the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac. Major-General Fitz John Porter Commanding. First Brigade. Brigadier-General E. B. Tyler Commanding. Regiments. One Hundred and Twenty-si.xth, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel James G. Elder. One Hundred and Twenty-ninth, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Jacob P'rick. One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonels M. S. Quay, Edward O'Brien. Ninety-first, Pennsylvania \'olunteers. Colonel E. M. Gregory. Second Brigade. Colonel P. H. Allabach Commanding. Regiments. One Hundred and Twentv-third, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John B. Clark. One Hundred and Thirty-first, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel P. H. Allabach. One Hundred and Thirty-third, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel F. B. Speakman. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel E. Jay Allen. Campaigns and Engagements. Antietam Campaign, September, 1862. Fredericksburg — " Charge on Marye's Heights," December 13, 1863. Chancellorsville Campaign, May 1 to .5, 1863. Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1 to .5, 1863. 7US UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. DISBANDMENT. By reason of expiration of nine months" term of enlistment, ]\Iay 15, 1863, of the following regiments : One Hundred and Twenty-third. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth, One Hundred and Thirty-first, One Hundred and Thirty-third, and One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Pennsyl- vania Wilunteers, were ordered to be mustered out of service. The Ninety-first and the One Hundred and Fift}-fifth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, having enlisted for three years, were transferred to the Second Division, Fifth Corps, Army of Potomac, Brigadier-General George Skyes commanding, and served continuously in the Fifth Corps until after the Surrender at Appomattox. The itinerary and campaigns in the first few chapters of this history de- scribes so fully the operations of Humphreys' Division and of the six regiments of Pennsylvania troops which had served in the Division during the nine months of its existence — that to take up space to here repeat seriatim the itinerary of the respective regiments would be unnecessary and wearisome to the reader. No histories of these regiments exist, unless brief and imperfect sketches published in Bates' History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, is to rank as history. However, the compilers have been furnished with an admirably written sketch of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment by Honorable D. Watson Rowe, of Chambersburg, Pa. It was published in the year 1869, soon after the close of the war. \\'e regret that space will not permit its publication entire, but the extracts quoted will be found to be well worthy of the reader's perusal. THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. " During the first week of August, 1863, the Confederate Generals were assembling their forces for the purpose of crushing the army commanded by General Pope, and advancing to the capture of the Capital. On the 9th of August, Jackson fought Banks at Cedar Mountain. Such was the aspect of military affairs in the East whilst the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment was recruiting. About three weeks were occupied in this labor. Juniata county furnished two companies, namely, F and I. Cap- tain John P. Wharton, of Perryville, led the men of Company F, and those of Company I came in charge of Captain Amos H. Martin, of Miffiintown. Both these officers were men of mature years and sterling character, and the yoimg men who followed them from the banks of the Blue Juniata were the flower and promise of the county. The remaining eight companies were from Franklin county, except part of one company, which was furnished by Fulton county. The very pick and pride of Franklin county responded to the call of the President at this great crisis of the struggle. The towns and the hillsides of the Conococheague sent of their best youth. The several companies of which the Regiment was composed assembled at Camp Curtin, between the 6th and 10th of August, 1863. The Governor com- missioned Colonel Tames G. Elder as Colonel, D. Watson Rowe as Lieutenant- UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 799 Colonel, and James C. Austin, who had been voted for as Lieutenant-Colonel, to be Major. At the same time John Stewart was commissioned as Adjutant, and T. Jefferson Nill as Quartermaster. On the 15th of August, tents were struck and the Regiment was conveyed by train to Baltimore, and thence to Washington, where it arrived at 4 a. m. of the succeeding day. On the 23d of August, the command was moved to Alexandria. The Regiment was now brigaded with the Ninety-first, the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth, and the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Penns} 1- vania Volunteers, commanded respectively by Colonels Gregory, Frick, and O'Brien. Brigadier-General Erastus B. Tyler was assigned to the command of /I IP \ if! 0^ >r ! Kj ■1 kiS ^^^■^^^■p^E^y i 1 ^ < • >. #-#1 COL. JAMES G. ELDER. COL. D. WATSON ROWE. the brigade. General Tyler remained in command until the term of service of the regiments had expired. On the 2d of September, 1862, the whole army was drawn back within the lines around Washington. While lying in this camp, letters came in from the 8th until the 11th, showing with each day an increase of excitement at home. On Sunday, September lith, the Regiment marched with the brigade for the Mon- ocacy, by way of Rockville, encamping by that stream on the afternoon of the 16th. On the first day's march to Antietam, General Humphreys, with his staff, was observed on the roadside, snatching a marching review of the brigade as it passed by en route. 800 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. General Humphreys was a regular ofificer, past middle life, educated at West Point, deeply learned in engineering, long attached to the Topographical Department, and so far during the war, had served on the staff of General McClellan. General Tyler was heartily liked and respected by all under him. He was a large, soldierly-looking man. in the prime of life. He entered the army at the outbreak of the war as Colonel of the Seventh Ohio, and served under Rosecrans in West Virginia. The Regiment was fortunate in both its General officers. Tyler's Brigade lay on the Monocacy, by the Frederick road, from the even- ing of the 16th till the middle of the afternoon of the 17th of September during which time a large body of paroled Union prisoners surrendered by Miles at Harper's Ferry passed southward. About three o'clock the march was taken up for Antietam, by way of Frederick, Middletown, and Boonsboro and the com- mand was forced forward all night, halting but one hour on the top of South Mountain for rest and at 8 a. m. on the 18th arrived on the battlefield, and re- ceiving twenty additional rounds of ammunition, took position in reserve with the rest of Porter's Corps. The men were much fatigued with the twenty-six miles forced marching, but were in good heart at the prospect of making their first fight near home. The reinforcement which Humphreys' thus brought to McClellan numbered about six thousand men. The battle was not resumed, and the Brigade went into camp one mile from Sharpsburg where it lay until the KJth of October. At length on the 30th of October, 1863, McClellan having begun his move- ment on Warrenton, the Regiment broke camp, crossed the river at Harper's F"erry on pontoons, and continued the march to the top of the mountain at Snicker's Gap. On the 5th, when the Brigade broke camp and passed through White Plains, to the vicinity of Warrenton, where it encamped until the 17th of November. Here McClellan, attended by Burnside, his successor of the com- mand of the army bade farewell to all the corps in a grand and a brilliant review. A day or two later Fitz John Porter also reviewed the Fifth Corps upon taking leave of it. Hooker succeeding him. Fredericksburg. At 4 A. M. of the 11th of December the reveille was beaten, and the Regiment moved out to the field of its first great battle. On Saturday the 13th of De- cember, the Brigade crossed the Rappahannock on the upper pontoon bridge, entered Fredericksburg at the northern end, and, turning to the left, moved down to the center of the town. At 3:30 p. m. General Tyler moved his command to the front and filing to the right from the telegraph road, entered a low meadow at the far end of which stood a large brick tannery. Above this meadow over- shadowing it, frowned the rebel redoubts and batteries. The command was luassed in this enclosure, the Union and the Confederate batteries playing over the heads of the men. The men were not in line of battle but were simply await- ing orders. They could onlv watch the Confederate batteries on the heights above UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 801 them dropping shells into the throng, throwing the earth and mangled bodies into the air, and shudder at the destruction. At length the order came to move to the left of the Telegraph Road, and fomi into lines of battle under cover of a hill, preparatory to a last charge upon the rebel works on Marye's Heights. The road was swept by the enemy's shells and the bullets of his sharpshooters. The right of the regiment was hurried across: the left waited a moment at the edge of the road and then it also hastily passed over, but not scathless. Lieutenant Fortescue, of Company G had scarcely put foot into the road before a ball from a sharpshooter's rifle pierced his head and he fell a corpse. As rapidly as possible, for it was growing late, the column of assault was formed in two lines. The men were ordered to rely solely upon the bayonet and cautioned not to tire. The command, "officers, twelve paces to the front!" was given, the bugle sounded the charge, and then, with cheer upon cheer, the hill which protected the formation was ascended and the charge began. The ranks were well kept, the men running steadily and in line. The brick house on Marye's Hill was already reached. This was the fourth charge made that day over this same ground by other corps of the army. Each charge had been repulsed after fifteen immortal minutes. When the third charge had failed, Burnside, riding down the Rappahannock and gazing over at those heights, exclaimed, " That crest must be carried to-night ! " Humphreys had been at once ordered across, and so far he had done his work well, but it was unsuccessful. In front of the brick house at the foot of the crest, and along the raised ground to the right and left lay a body of men in line thrown on the earth. They were the men of the last preceding charge. Whether they did not wish to be run over by the men and the officers on horseback, or from whatever cause, they raised partly up, cried halt, and remonstrated with violent gesticulations as the charging line came upon them, thereby very greatly disarranging the ranks and breaking the force of the charge, but the column passed over them like a storm. Colonel Elder led the right wing of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth to the right of the brick house. Lieutenant-Colonel Rowe sent part of the left wing placed in his charge, also to the right, and led the two left Companies, H and K, around on the other side. These latter companies having a clear field pressed rapidly beyond the house quite near to the stone wall, blazing now with the enemy's fire. Charge — Marye's Heights. Colonel Elder, with those who went to the right of the house, was greatly obstructed by fences in the way, which had to be broken down. Nevertheless we pushed vigorously beyond the house and approached the stonewall. As the line advanced beyond the house, the fire of musketry, which was severe before, grew terrific. The long line of stone wall was a sheet of flame. From every eminence, right and left, and in front, the rebel cannon were turned on the charging column. Whatever was to be done, must be done quickly. In one moment more the wall could be gained. How it came about is not known, but 802 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. certain it is that the men lying in front of the house, who had been passed over, began to fire at the enemy through our advancing hnes. Immediately there was a halt. The fire in the front and the fire in the rear, every flash visible in the twilight, astounded the soldiers. Bewildered, they stood for a moment irreso- lute ; then in their excitement began to fire at the rebel line. This was fatal. The charge was over. All its momentum was lost. It was folly to think of leading men leisurely up to that blazing wall. It was still more hopeless to expect them to stand still and endure that fire. The officers urged. Colonel Elder, gallantly pushed forward, fell, badly wounded. General Tyler was struck on the breast with a piece of shell. General Humphreys had already had two horses killed under him and was raving in front of the lines, urging the men on while pulling his hostlers from under his dead horse. Colonel Elder Wounded. Among the line officers of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth, Doebler, Pot, Whoarton, Walker, Fletcher, and Macay had been carried from the field. Men were falling rapidly. Their feeble fire against the stone wall was futile. It was growing dark. Lieutenant-Colonel Rowe was on the left of the Regiment, on the other side of the house, ignorant that Colonel Elder had fallen. The Regi- ment was without a major. It fell back with the rest of the Brigade to the pro- tection of the house, and descending the acclivity up which the charge had been made, reformed under the cover of the hill where the charge began. Colonel Elder was carried from the spot where he fell to a hospital in Fred- ericksburg and subsequently conveyed to Washington, where he remained until the Regiment was mustered out. The Brigade went into action two thousand strong, and lost in a few minutes of the charge thirty-three officers and four hundred and twenty-three men. Back to Camp Humphreys. The morning of the 16th of December the Regiment breakfasted in the pine woods where it had bivouacked the night of the 12th, and after noon settled down in its former camp, where it remained for several weeks. But now the time had come for Burnside to move again. On the morning of the 20th of January, the brigade marched out of camp and journeyed two miles on the famous " Mud march." The men were drenched with rain, and the roads were made dreadful. It rained the next day, during which the command made some four miles. There was no thought of going ahead, but how to get back was the question. At length, on Saturday, the 24th, the Brigade marched back over the cordu- roy road it had helped to make to Camp Humphreys, and so the " AInd march " ended. Chancellorsville. On Monday, the 27th of April, the march was taken up for Chancellorsville, with twenty-nine officers and five hundred and seventy-seven men in the Regi- ment. The Rappahannock was crossed on Wednesday by the Regiment at UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 803 Kelly's Ford, and the Rapidan at Ely's Ford on the 30th. On May 1st, the direct road to Chancellorsville was taken, and shortly before noon the brigade was massed by the side of the Chancellor House, on an open clearing. Pre- cisely at 12 M. the first gun of the great fight opened. Slocum's Corps took the plank road, Sykes' Division the turnpike, and Meade, with Griffin's and Hum- phreys' Divisions, advanced on the river road for five miles and came in sight of Bank's Ford. Thus this ford was uncovered, and a position obtained out of the Wilderness on a commanding ridge. Suddenly and unaccountably the three columns were ordered back to Chancellorsville. Early on Sunday morning Tyler's Brigade was moved down from the heights which it held, and hurried to the right, and reached the road running from Ely's Ford to Chancellorsville. The Brigade soon became actively engaged with the enemy, when after an hour's hard fighting with severe losses, the amunition of the Regiment becom- ing exhausted, and their right flank turned, the Brigade slowly fell back. Each regiment of the Brigade was in turn compelled to fall back behind a battery along the road to Ely's Ford. On the morning of the 6th of May the Regiment received orders to fall back across the river, and after a fatiguing march of twelve miles, through deep mud, the site of Camp Humphreys was reached, and the Regiment henceforth was done with fighting and marching. Once More to Camp Humphreys. A quiet week in camp succeeded the battle of Chancellorsville. The term of service of the Regiment was about to expire. General Tyler assembled it, and publicly e.xtolled the conduct of the men in both the great actions in which they had participated. Tuesday, the 12th of May, was a day of leave-taking in camp. There was great visiting among the regiments, and the Generals quarters were crowded all day. At six o'clock in the morning of Wednesday, May 13, 1863, the Regiment took cars at Stoneman's Station for Acquia Creek Landing, and ceased to belong to the Army of the Potomac. At seven o'clock Friday morning, the 1.5th, the Regiment marched with drums beating and flags flying through Harrisburg to Camp Curtin. On Wednesday, the 20th of May, the companies were mustered out of service, the men received their pay and discharges and, with cordial hand-shaking, separated and started for home." THE NINETY-FIRST REGIMENT. This regiment was recruited in the fall of 1861, and mustered into the United States service at Camp Chase, on the Schuylkill, near Philadelphia, on December 4, 1861, for three years. The general officers of the Regiment were : Colonel, Edgar M. Gregory ; Lieutenant-Colonels, Edward C. Wallace, Joseph H. Sinex, John D. Lentz, Eli G. Sellers ; Majors, George W. Todd, John D. Lentz, Eli G. Sellers, John P. Casner. SOi UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. The Regiment reached Washington January 21, 1862, doing guard and patrol duty there until April 27th following, when it was assigned to provost guard duty at Alexandria, remaining there until August 21, 1862. The Regiment was then assigned to active service in the field with the Fifth Corps. On Sep- tember 15, 1862, as part of Tyler's Brigade, Humphreys' Division, it started on the forced marches of the Marj-land campaign, and on the morning of September 18 reached the Antietam battlefield where the corps took position in reserve. The Regiment participated in the reconnoissance in October across the Potomac at Shepardstown. It subsequently moved with the Army of the Potomac to near Falmouth. On December 11th, General Burnside, having succeeded to the command of the army, the Regiment was ordered to prepare for battle, and laid upon their arms until the opening of the battle of Fredericksburg. On the 13th of Decem- ber, the Regiment, with Humphreys' Division, met its baptism of fire. Upon the repulse of the veteran troops under Couch, Hancock, and Sumner, Humphreys' Division was selected to lead the " forlorn hope " in a bayonet charge upon Marye's Heights, lead by General Humphreys in person. In the assault the Regiment lost two officers and eighty-seven men killed and wounded. The Regiment shared in Burnside's famous " Muddy march," and did picket duty until May 1st, when General Hooker led the Army of the Potomac to the Chancellorsville battlefield, still serving under General Tyler as Brigade Com- mander and General Humphreys as Division Commander. At Chancellorsville, Captain Thomas W. Parsons and Lieutenant George Black received mortal wounds, and Colonel Gregory received a wound in the leg. The engagement at Chancellorsville ended the service of the Regiment under General Humphreys, whose Division was disbanded and the general assigned to the command of a division in the Second Corps. The Ninety-first and the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiments were transferred to the Third Brigade, Second Division, commanded by General Sykes and participated in all the subse- quent battles of the Fifth Corps of the Army of the Potomac, under Generals Sykes, Warren, and Griffin, from Gettysburg, until the final surrender of Con- federate Army at Appomattox. THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Colonel, Jacob G. Frick : Lieutenant-Colonel, W. H. Armstrong ; Major, Joseph Anthony ; was recruited in Schuylkill, Northampton, and Montgomery counties, and was mustered into the United States service on August 15, 1862, at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, for a nine-months" term. The Regiment was ordered to Washington on August 16, and after various detached duties, was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division, Fifth Corps. At Fredericksburg, the first battle of the Regiment, the men participated in the gallant but futile charge upon Mar\'e's Heights, winning high praise from Generals Hooker and Tyler. In this action the Regiment lost one hundred and forty-two in killed and wounded. \\'inter quarters UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 805 were established in Camp Humphreys, near Falmouth, which were occupied until the bat- tle of Chancellorsville, in which the Regiment participated, suffering heavy loss. General Tyler said of the One Hundred and Twenty- ninth in this battle, that "' No one ever saw cooler work on field drill than was done by this Regiment." The Regiment was mustered out at Harrisburg on May 18, 1863. COL. JACOB G. FEICK. THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- FOURTH INFANTRY. Colonels, IMatthew S. Quay, Edward O'Brien ; Lieutentnt - Colonels, E d w a r d O'Brien, John M. Thompson, William H. Shaw; Majors, John M. Thompson, William H. Shaw, Cyrus E. Anderson. This Regiment was recruited under the call of July, 1863, for nine months. Companies A, B, D and H were raised in Lawrence county ; C, F. G and K in Butler, and E and I in Beaver. The Regiment was mustered into service at Camp Curtin. Harrisburg, in the early part of August, 1SG"2, and left for Washington on August 50. It was assigned to Humphreys' Division, and par- ticipated in the battle of Fredericksburg as part of Tyler's Brigade. Colonel Quay's resignation was accepted on December 10. 186"?. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward O'Brien was, on same date, commissioned as Colonel, and assumed command in the charge on Marye's Heights, December 13th. He was com- plimented in General Humphreys' official report. The Regiment was on the right of the first line in the final charge on the stonewall, in which it lost four- teen killed, one hundred and six wounded, and nineteen missing. Major Thomp- son was among the wounded, having had his horse shot under him. The Regiment remained in Camp Humphreys until April "27. when it moved upon the Chancellorsville campaign. It was active on the third day of the battle, and it was highly commended in • leneral Tyler's official report of the engagement. Its loss was forty-eight killed, wounded and missing. The Regiment was mustered out at Harrisburg on May •?(;. 1863. THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel, Peter H. Allabach ; Lieutenant-Colonel, William B. Shaut : Major, Robert W. Patton, was re- COL EDWARD O'BRIEN cruitcd in the counties of Northumberland, Lycoming, 806 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Mifflin. Union and Snyder, and mustered in at Harrisburg early in August, 1S62, for nine months. After a few weeks of detached service, the Regiment was made a part of the Third Division, Fifth Corps (Humphreys' Division). Its first battle was Fredericksburg, where it made a desperate charge on Marye's Heights, reaching to within thirty feet of the famous stonewall, losing in an hour and a half one hundred and seventy-seven killed, wounded, and missing, the men fight- ing with the steadiness of veterans. Winter quarters were established in Camp Humphreys, where the Regiment remained until spring. On May 3 it participated in the battle of Chancellorsville, and after the action returned to its former camp. Its term of service expiring on May 15, the Regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, where it was mustered out on the 33d. THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. The Rev. John B. Clark, D. D., pastor of the Second United Presbyterian church, of Allegheny city, a clergj-man of eleven years standing, at the close of his services on Sunday, August .5, 1863, requested those of his congregation who were willing to enlist in the National armies to meet him in the basement of the church the next evening. Many came, and in three days three companies were organized, of one of which Mr. Clark was elected captain. In ten days the re- maining seven companies were organized in the county of Allegheny. A regimental organization one thousand strong was effected by the election of Captain John B. Clark as Colonel ; Frederick Cast, and Richard C. Dale as Lieutenant-Colonels; and Hugh Danver and Charles D. Wiley as Majors. REV. JOHN B. CLARK. D.D. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 807 The Regiment was mustered into the United States service in August, 1862, for nine months. The Regiment left Harrisburg for Washington on August 21, and was at once ordered to Camp Stanton, where it was assigned to Humphreys' Division. Its first battle was the charge on Alarye's Heights at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, losing in that action one hundred and fifty-two killed and wounded. In January', 1863, the Regiment moved to Camp Humphreys, where it remained until the following spring. On April 28th it marched for Chancellors- ville, and on May 1st was posted on the left of the line, which was not engaged. On the 3d of May it was placed in support of the artillery and met with a few losses. The One Hundred and Twenty-third and its gallant commander. Colonel John B. Clark, was complimented by General Humphreys for gallantry in the celebrated charge on Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg. The Regiment was mustered out of the service at Harrisburg on Mav ]3, 1863. THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Colonel, Franklin B. Speakman ; Lievitenant-Colonels, Abraham Kopelin, W. A. McCartney.; Major, Edward M. Schrock. was composed of men recruited from the counties of Cambria, Perry, Bedford, and Somerset, and was mustered into the United States service at Harrisburg by companies, from August 5 to 15, 1862, for nine months. It left for the front on the 19th, and during the progress of the second Bull Run IJattle was posted at Fort Ward on picket duty. Later it was assigned to Allabach's Brigade of Humphreys' Division, Fifth Corps. In charging the works on Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg, its casualties were one hun- dred and eighty-four killed, wounded anil missing, including three officers killed and eight wounded. The Regiment remained in Camp Humphreys until it moved on the Chan- cellorsville campaign. It was actively en- gaged on the third day of that battle, losing one killed and nine wounded. The Regiment was mustered out of service at Harrisburg, May 21 to 26, 1863. (.ql frank b. speakman. All the regiments of Humphreys' Division endured the forced march to Antietam, not arriving there, however, until the day after the battle. The Division remained in camp near Sharpsburg until the close of October, when it moved to Falmouth just previous to the battle of Fredericksburg. Humphreys' Division also took part in Burnside's celebrated " Mud March " campaign, in January, 1863. 808 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. Ill justice to the men of the regiments named who followed General Hum- phre3S to the " sheet of fire " from behind the famous stonewall at the base of Marye's Heights, this official report of the battle is here published, without abridgement : " BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG." REPORT OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL ANDREW A. HUMPHREYS, U. S. ARMY. COMMANDING THIRD DIVISION, FIFTH CORPS. Headquarters Third Division, Camp near Fredericksburg, \'a. December IG, 1863. Gcncnil: I beg leave to submit the following brief report of the part taken in the action of the 13th instant at Fredericksburg, by the division under my command. My division (about -t.-SOO strong) being massed in the vicinity of the Phillips House, received orders at 2 : 30 in the afternoon to cross the river and enter Fredericksburg, which being done, it occupied, by your orders, in quick succession three positions in that time. My troops were yet in the act of forming for the third time when I received an urgent request from Major-General Couch to support that part of his corps on the left of the Telegraph Road and almost at the same moment a staff officer rode up and informed him that General Griffin would reinforce him. A few minutes later I was directed to do so. and without an instant's delay the Second Brigade, commanded by Colonel Allabach, the near- est to the field, was moved to the front and orders sent by me at the same time to General Tyler, commanding the First Brigade, to follow and form on its right. Subsequently, when forming the troops for the attack. Captain Randol, First U. S. Artillery, Chief of Artillery of my division, whom I had ordered to keep the Artiller}' in some sheltered place, reported to me on the field for further instruction. I directed him to hold the Artillery within supporting distance on the heights, so that in the event of any aid being required or disaster occurring, he would be at hand to support or cover us. This direction he carried out promptly, so far as the ground that was not already occupied by artillery admitted. I had not as yet seen any part of the ground occupied by the enemy or our own troops, and the necessity was so urgent that I could not take time to examine it. At my request an officer of General Hancock's Staff ( Captain Hancock ) accompanied me to the ground, first to a ravine crossing the Telegraph Road, where the troops could form imder par- tial cover : then to the high ground above, on which, some 300 yards in advance, were the troops I was to support, slightly sheltered by a small rise in the ground. One hundred and fifty yards in advance of them was a heavy stone wall, a mile in length, which was strengthened by a trench. This stone wall was at the foot UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 809 of the lieights in rear of Fredericksburg, the crest of which, running 400 yards distant from the wall, was crowned with batteries. The stone wall was heavily lined with the enemy's infantry. The Second Brigade was quickly formed under my direction by Colonel Allabach, and then led by him and myself, it moved rapidly and gallantly up to General Couch's troops under the artillery and mus- ketry fire of the enemy. The nature of the enemy's line of defense could not be clearly perceived by me until I reached our line. The troops I was to support, as well as those on their left ( I could not see those on their right from the in- terruption of the line by a road and the thick smoke) were sheltering themselves by lying on the ground. This example Colonel Allabach's Brigade immediately followed, in spite of an efi'ort to prevent it, and opened fire upon the enemy. A part onh' of his men were able to reach the front rank, owing to the numbers already occupying the ground. The continued presence of the troops I was to support or relieve proved a serious obstacle to my success. As soon as I ascer- tained the nature of the enemy's position, I was satisfied that our fire could have but little efifect upon him, and that the only mode of attacking him successfully was with the bayonet. This I resolved to do. although my command was com- posed of troops that entered the service in August. With great difficulty their firing was arrested, chiefly by tlie exertions of myself and stafif and Colonel Allabach, aided by Colonel E. Jay Allen, Colonel John B. Clark and Captain H. K. Tyler. While this was being done, I sent a staff officer to General Tyler with instructions to bring his command to the left of the road in the ravine, and prepare it to support or take the place of Allabach's brigade, as the event might recjuire. The charge was then made, but the deadly fire of musketry and artillery broke it, after an advance of 50 yards. Colonel Allabach re-formed the brigade, a portion in the line from which the charge was made, and the remainder in the ravine from which they originally advanced. The greater part of my staff were now on foot, having had their horses killed, or disabled, my own being in the latter condition from two wounds. Mounting the horse of my special orderly (Damond, Sixth U. S. Cavalry), I rode to Gen- eral Tyler's brigade to conduct it to the enemy, and while doing so received three successive orders from General Butterfield to charge the enemy's line, the last order being accompanied by the message that both General Burnside and General Hooker demanded that the crest should be taken before night. It was already growing dusky. General Tyler's brigade was not yet entirely formed, and was impeded in doing so by a battery of six guns, whose limbers occupied a part of his ground, and whose fire would have rendered it impossible for him to advance. With great difficulty I brought this battery to cease firing. Then riding along the two lines, I directed them not to fire ; that it was useless ; that the bayonet alone was the weapon to fight with here. Anticipating, too, the serious obstacle they would meet with in the masses of men lying under the little shelter afforded by the natural embankment in front, before mentioned, who could not be got out of the way, I directed them to disregard these men entirely and to pass over them. 1 ordered the officers to the front, and with a hurrah, the brigade, led by General Tyler and myself, advanced gallantly over the ground ; under the heaviest fire yet opened, which poured upon it from the moment it rose from the ravine. 810 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. As the brigade reached the masses of men referred to, every effort was made by the latter to prevent our advance. They called to our men not to go forward, and some attempted to prevent by force their doing so. The effect upon my command was what I apprehended, and, in part, forced to form in column, but still advanced rapidly. The fire of the enemy's musketry and artillery, furious as it was before, now became still hotter. The stone wall was a sheet of flame, that enveloped the head and flanks of the column. Officers and men were falling rapidly, and the head of the column was at length brought to a stand when close up to the wall. Up to this time not a shot had been fired by the column, but now some firing began ; it lasted but a minute, when, in spite of all our efforts, the column turned and began to retire slowly. I attempted to rally the brigade behind the natural em- bankment so often mentioned, but the united efforts of General Tyler, myself, our staffs and the other officers could not arrest the retiring mass. My efforts were the less eft'ective, since I was again dismounted, my second horse having been killed under me. The only one of my staff now mounted was Lieutenant Humphreys, whose horse had been three times wounded. All the rest had their horses either killed or disabled, except one officer, who had been sent off with orders. Directing General Tyler to re-form his brigade under cover of the ravine, I returned to the portion of Allabach's brigade still holding, with the other troops, the line of natural embankment. At this moment some one brought me Colonel Elder's horse, the Colonel having been dangerously wounded a short time before. My force being too small to try another charge, I communicated the result of the contest to General Butterfield, and received directions in return to bring the re- mainder of my troops to the ravine. This was accordingly done, the One Hun- dred and Twenty-third and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiments, com- manded by Colonels Clark and Allen, retiring slowly and in good order, singing and hurrahing. Colonel Allabach brought off' the other regiments in equally good order. Our loss in both brigades was heavy, exceeding 1,000 in killed and wounded, including in the number officers of high rank. The greater part of the loss occurred during the brief time they were charging and retiring, which scarcely occupied more than ten or fifteen minutes for each brigade. I beg leave to sub- mit herewith the reports of Brigadier-General E. B. Tyler, commanding First Brigade, and Colonel P. H. Allabach, commanding Second Brigade, and to bring to your notice the officers mentioned by them who distinguished themselves by their gallant bearing. Among them are Colonel Gregory (slightly wounded), Colonel Frick, Colonel Elder (dangerously wounded), and Colonel Edward O'Brien, commanding regiments; Lieutenant-Colonels Armstrong and Rowe ; Majors Thompson and Anthony, and Major Todd (who had his leg shattered and has since died) ; Colonels Allen and Clark, commanding regiments; Captain Porter, Assistant Adjutant-General (dangerously wounded), and Captain Tyler and Lieutenant Noon, Adjutant One Hundred and Thirty-third Regiment, killed on the field. I also transmit the report of the Acting Chief of Artillery, Captain Randol, to whom mv acknowledgements are due for the prompt and skillful manner in UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 811 which he executed the duties assigned him. The cool courage of Colonel Allen, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment ; of Colonel Clark, One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment, and of Captain Tyler, One Hundred and Twenty-third ■ Regiment, in bringing up the men to the charge and in conducting them from the field, fell particularly under my own observation, and I desire to bring their conduct to your notice. I cannot express in too warm terms my indebtedness to the officers of my staff for the services they rendered me. The cool gallantry Vi'ith which they aided in forming the troops, leading them to the charge and rallying them when retiring; in conveying my orders over the field, and in seconding all mv efforts to accomplish the object of our presence there, entitles them to some mark of approbation from some authority higher than mine. I beg leave, therefore, to mention their names : Captain Carswell McClellan, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenants Humphreys and Christiancy, Aides-de- Camp ; Captain Herbert Thomas, One Himdred and Twenty-ninth Pennsyvlania Volunteers, Acting Inspector-General ; Captain Knowles, Commissary of Sub- sistence; Captain A. Cavada, Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, Additional Aide-de-Camp, and Captain Rehrer, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, Additional Aide-de-Camp. Captain Thomas, when his horse was killed in the charge, joined his company, and, while leading it, was severely wounded. Captains Knowles and Rehrer and Lieutenant Humphreys were slightly wounded. Li conclusion, I cannot refrain from expressing the opinion that one of the greatest obstacles to my success was the mass of troops lying on my front line. They ought to have been withdrawn before mine advanced. The troops on their right and left would have prevented the enemy from advancing. Finding them lying there, the men of Allabach's brigade, who had never before been in battle, instinctively followed their example. Besides, they disordered my lines and were greatly in the way when I wished to bring the brigade to a charge. When General Tyler's brigade advanced, they, together with some of my own men of Allabach's brigade, not only impeded its progress, but converted it, as I have already stated, into a massive column too large to be managed properly. As soon as the troops were placed in the new positions they were directed to occupy, parties were sent out to bring in the wounded and the dead, and the division ambulances and stretcher-bearers were dispatched upon the same errand. The latter, however, had scarcely any stretchers, the repeated requisitions for the same never having been filled. They were obliged to use shutters. The wounded were nearly all brought in before daylight, and some of the dead, but many of the latter were left upon the field. I ordered out burying parties on the following night, but it was extremely difficult to distinguish ours, and utterly impossible for the parties to bring off all who were lying there. The bodies of many of the men were, therefore, left there. Surgeon McKinney, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Acting Medical Director of the Division dur- ing the sickness of Surgeon Knight, prepared hospitals in the town, and made every arrangement possible for the care of the wounded. They received prompt and skillful treatment, and the most careful attention at his hands, as fast as they were brought in. His conduct deserves great praise. The detailed report of 812 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. killed, wounded and missing, with the statement of accounts, is not yet com- pleted, but will be prepared and transmitted as soon as possible. For the present, I present a tabular statement of casualties, with a list of officers killed, and wounded. The missing, of the tabular statement, are un- doubtedly killed. Recapitulation of Casualties in the Division. Command First Brigade. Officers Killed. Enlisted Men Killed. Officers Wounded. Enlisted Men Wounded. Officers Missing. Enlisted Men Missing. Aggregate 91st Pennsylvania . . . 1 8 3 43 20 75 136th Pennsylvania... 1 11 8 59 14 93 129th Pennsylvania... 1 16 9 9r3 23 140 ISlth Pennsylvania... 1 11 10 99 36 148 Second Brigade Staff.. 1 . . 1 133rd Pennsylvania... 1 14 5 101 13 134 131st Pennsylvania.... 2 16 8 133 19 177 133rd Pennsylvania. . . 3 17 8 133 . . 24 184 155th Pennsylvania. . . 1 11 5 98 1 53 57 715 1 4 143 68 Total 1020 Very respectfully your obedient servant, A. A. Humphreys, Brigadier-General Commanding Division. Brigadier-General Daniel Butterfield, Commanding Fifth Corps. REPORT OF MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH HOOKER, ON PART TAKEN BY HUMPHREYS' DIVISION IN BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. (Extract.) Washington, D. C, Sept. 5, 1863. Colonel: I have the honor to submit herewith a report of the operations of the Center Grand Division of the Army of the Potomac under my command. I determined it to be my duty to the troops under my command to give General Burnside a fuller explanation and dissuade him, if possible, from what I considered a hopeless attack. Accordingly I did so. The General insisted upon the attack being made. I returned and brought up every available battery with the intention of breaking their batteries to enable the attacking column, Humphreys' Division, to carry the crest. This artillery fire was continued with great vigor until near sunset, when the attack with the bayonet was made by Humphreys' Division. The attack zvas made zvith a spirit and determination seldom, if ever, equalled i)i ivar. The impregnable position of the enemy had given them so strong an advantage that the attack was almost immediately repulsed. UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. 813 HUMPHREYS' DIMSION IN THE CHANCELLORSVTLLE CAMPAIGN. The following official reports of Brigade Commanders of Humphreys' Di- vision describe so fully the operation of the respective commands in the battle cf Chancellorsville, that they are submitted herewith to the reader: REPORT OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL E. B. TYLER, COMMANDING FIRST BRIGADE, BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. Camp near Falmouth, Va., May 10, 1863. Captain : I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of casualties of my command in action of the 3rd instant ; and also to submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the engagement : About 9 A. M., I received an order from Major-General ]\Ieade to put my command in motion, and go to the support of General French, Lieutenant-Colonel Webb to indicate the position we were to occupy. That officer in person pointed out the line we were to take possession of directly in the face of the enemy, and on the right of General French's com- mand, in the woods. The regiments were scarcely in position before the enemy opened fire upon us, which was promptly and ef- fectively returned by our men. I at once saw the enemy outnumbered us, as they were in double line and extended beyond our right. I immediately asked for reinforcements, but was informed they could not be furnished. Colonel Well, who had remained in front for some moments, started back, promising to bring up reinforcements if he could obtain them, but he returned in a short time without them. The rapid and incessant fire of our men prevented the enemy from ad- vancing, although they made several efforts to do so. After holding our posi- tion for nearly or perhaps quite an hour, reports reached me that our am- munition was being exhausted, many of the men supplying themselves from the dead and wounded. About this time, I discovered that the enemy was receiving reinforcements. Another double line was plainly seen advancing and extending farther to our right. I sent for ammunition twice without being able to obtain it, as I afterward understood it had not come up from the rear. I reported that fact to General French, with the further informa- tion that the enemy were pressing us, and asked for orders. He replied, that he could not furnish me with ammunition, and that we should retire in as good order as we could, when we had exhausted what we had. The moment our fire slackened, the enemy pushed forward with at least twice our number. GEN. E. B. TYLER. 814 UNDER THE MALTESE CROSS. As near as I can tell, we were in position from an hour to an hour and three- quarters before we were forced to retire. During this time the whole line was under my eye, and I have to say that I never saw officers and men behave with more bravery and coolness than did the entire command. The officers were very active, and I saw many of them aiding the men by preparing their cartridge^ for the guns. The field officers were passing up and down the lines, encouraging their men with great spirit and coolness. The Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers was on the right and received the first fire of the enemy. They are entitled to great credit for their conduct during the action. Colonel Gregory received a slight woimd early in the engagement and left the field, yet the men kept well at their work under Lieutenant-Colonel Sinex. The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel O'Brien, was second in line, and no set of men could have behaved bet- ter. The officers, one and all, following the example of their Colonel (who was constantly on the alert), were very active, and not a man shirked his duty. The One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel D. W. Rowe, was the third in line and for earnest, spirited work it could not be excelled. Colonel Rowe exhibited the true characteristics of the soldier, brave, cool and determined, and this spirit was infused into every officer and soldier of his command. The One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers was on our left, and no man ever saw cooler work on field drill than was done by this regiment. Their firing was grand, by rank, by company and by wings, in perfect order. Colonel Frick's stentorian voice was heard above the roar of the musketry, and, with the aid of his Lieutenant-Colonel and Major, his regiment was splen- didly handled, doing its duty well. Too much credit cannot be given the officers and men of this brigade ; not a single neglect came under my notice during the engagement. The colors of the different regiments show that they were carried well to the front, and I saw them repeatedly waved in the face of the enemy. The officers of my staff. Captains Henry C. Ranney and William H. Davidson, and Lieutenants James B. Diehl and Stearns E. Tyler, rendered me every assist- ance in their power, under an incessant fire. Among the officers seriously wounded I have with regret to mention J\Iajor Anthony, of the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, a true soldier and dutiful officer. Lieutenant-Colonels Rowe and Shaw were slightly wounded, as was also Lieutenant Diehl, Aide-de-Camp. I am very respectfully, etc., E. B. Tyler, Brigadier-General, Commanding Brigade. Captain Carswell McClellan, A. A. G. Third Division. TMDER THE MALTESE CROSS. .BACH COMMANDING SECOND BRIGADE REPORT OE P^/,^^\\^^?cSnCELLORSVILLE. Can,p Hun,pl,r.ys, Va., Ma, 9, 1863. V ..., from Division Headquarters, Gnicm!' ^necial Orders No. "■>- rro" . j ^aken In accordance w> h Spe-a ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ 7°e eh d^^- ^^"^^^^'"^ dated May 7, 1 have the bono ^^^^ ,^^^ ^^^^^^ ,\' f e o-d in mass in hne of battle, in the oP-j^ ^^^orders from you to >-- .^^^T^ t Jr to the '" line a short t""e^ -e v ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^, ,„, F f^y hf ^^^^ .^ ^^^^^^ One Hundred ^"^ Thuty ^^^^^^ ^^^^ p^^,,,,„ to t^ ^^^^ ^,^^^^k, ,,,, - order^l^at h h,tt^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ rTrtt raiments perpendicular of my hue. U"der u J^ throw the two lett r ^ ^^ ^^^ when I received orders f om yo ^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^,^ ^^'™"^Hou This move- to the road, and ^ V^^^^^f ^oUermg near the Chancellor Hous^ ' , as to the edge of the ^ood bo ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^.Id the enemy u. heck o, g ,,ent was explau.ed to "- ^ ^f ^,,,, and Sickles to get fy^^f.e enemy \ for the Corps of Ma3or-Gen^^^ls ^ ^^ ^^^.^ . and shou d ^^^^^^ -^ -' .%re%:"aXti:iy until I arr.ve. on t^ edge^oUh^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ dvance m force, to id ,^, , ,_ „„ick to the rear, taav ^^j^. ::r:v:r'^jrs9^ris:„s::t:e5£-t:^; a severe fire of sl.eU. „rai. ^^^^^ ,,,j ,„ 5,ate ma ^^^^„ „e,r .he farther edge of the «o ^^^^^ g„,„ „„ »■'«' "»™f„,i„„ dosed ,„. .„e„, »"« -fj viMis .cod. and ,o,,,.ed b,,ga