Class / cJ Uy COPYRIGHT DfiPOSrr. HEART SONGS IBttBtB for Cl|n0ttatt0 BY HENRY WESTON FROST "Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" BOSTON THE GORHAM PRESS CHINA INLAND MISSION PHILADELPHIA TORONTO Copyright, 191 7, by Henry W. Frost All Rights Reserved (C\\ <-1^ The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. NOV 22 1917 DEDICATION Long years ago, one day in sunlit May, There burst forth from my heart a spring-time song; I knew not whence it came, but I dared pray That God would take my words, nor deem them wrong ; For all was fair that day, below, above. And I had sung my song in praiseful love. The years have passed, and I have oft-times sung, In other springs, and through long winters too, When joys were full, and e'en when tears were wrung From heart and eyes because life's joys were few; What could I do but sing since Christ was mine? Love must praise such as He, through cloud and shine. Some frowned displeasure ; some more kindly smiled But thought them folly — these my humble lays; This too I deem them, though they were beguiled By love that could not still its tuneful praise: And — since I love — ^with spirit bowed and awed, I lay my folly at the feet of God ! 1916. CONTENTS PAGE Adoration 8i Afterward 6i Ambition . . Ii8 Aspiration 30 Bethlehem 27 Bible, The 88 Bird Songs 12 Bond Service 107 Call of the East, The 74 Calvary 41 Chaos 112 Chosen . I2i Comforted 22 Commissioned 114 Communion Hymn 72 Comparison, A 113 Compensation 80 Confession, A 83 Confidence 116 Cosmos 113 Cry, A . 102 Day Dream, A 45 Death iii Dedication 3 Discipleship 115 Discontent loi Discouragement 35 Dreamer, A 107 Earth Bound 59 Easter . 43 5 FAGB Easter Day 105 Encouragement 1 19 Enslaved 67 Enthroned 119 Eternity 36 Evensong 26 Fame 14 Farewell 109 For Me 22 Friendship 45 Golden Rod 62 Good Morning 96 Good Night 96 Have We Forgot 58 Heart Break 70 Heart Gifts 87 Heart Wish, A 79 Highlands, The 53 Home Bound no Hope 92 Incitement 14 King David 128 Life 97 Life from Death 40 Longings for Christ 18 Lord's Day, The 13 Lord Jesus, Come 17 Lost and Found 34 Love 104 Man's Life 39 Ministry of Suffering, The ...... 83 6 PAGE Misunderstanding 90 Mother's Reverie, A 15 My Choice 13 My Creed 61 My Lord and King 23 My Pilot 30 Name, The 69 Night Song 11 Old Age 95 One Hundred and Twenty-first Psalm, The 78 "Our Father" 89 Our Fatherland 73 Out of the Depths 19 Parallel, A 83 Parted 108 Peace 49 Pilgrimage 51 Praise 56 Prayer 48 Prayer, A 57 Puritan, A 115 Question, A 80 Requiem 48 Rest 16 Restored 38 Resurrection 85 Revelation 97 Sacrifice 91 Satisfied 25 Self Love 99 Shadows 6a 7 PAGE Slumber Song 55 Songs 123 Sorrow 92 Spiritual Conflict 44 Spring Song ii Submission 64 Surprise 103 Transformed 94 Transformed Clay, The 32 Through Death to Life 65 To-day 89 Twenty-third Psalm, The 35 Virgin's Meditation, The 77 Weariness 64 Weeping 46 Woodman's Song, The 76 Words 117 HEART SONGS SPRING SONG "All thy works praise thee." Breathe, birds, thy sweetest songs, Take, fields, thy brightest sheen. Fair as the morn appears The coming of earth's Qiieen. Each weed and flower feels New thrills of her sweet grace; Hid springs and brooks reflect The beauty of her face; And human hearts are filled With light of joy and love, From thee, O Queen below. To Thee, O King above! ;i. NIGHT SONG 'Thou makest darkness, and it is night! From the glare of noontide Day now seeks its rest, Hiding sunset blushes On Night's loving breast; And the stars in heaven, Opening wide their eyes. Watch in faithful guarding Till the morning's rise. ^' I Sweet and deep contentment | From the night wind flows; i Hearts forget their sorrows, \ Tired eyelids close. ! i Welcome, blessed nightfall; i May thy sweet release Bring to all the weary ■ Thoughts of heaven's peace! \ BIRD SONGS "The time of the singing of birds is come." At morn's first dawning-tide I heard The birds breathe forth their waking song. And I forever would prolong The praise which in my heart was stirred. Through all the sunny hours of day Their voices praised for every good; Oh, that my heart, unfailing, could Accord as well its thankful lay! The daylight passed; eve's holy calm Fast deepened into darker night; But, from the midst of fading light Uprose the birds' sweet even-psalm. So would I ever, ever sing, As true, as free, as full a song; Alike through trial, sorrow, wrong. May praises from my heart upspring! 1883. 12 THE LORD'S DAY "In the Spirit on the Lord's day." Sweet day of Christ, earth's perfect peace, Blest token of the yonder life; From thy bright light, man's sinful strife Flees far, and bids earth's darkness cease. Calm of the soul, storm-tossed and driven. Through days of doubt and dark despair ; Sweet promise that the nearing There Will bring the calm of sins forgiven. Then peace, my soul; thy turmoil still; Put far away the troubled mind; In this day's holy quiet, find The rest which heaven will fulfil ! 1882. MY CHOICE "/ have chosen the way of truth." Let who will, in lordly splendor. Ride through highways, fair and broad; I would, humbler, choose the byway, And there, serving, walk with God! 1883. 13 FAME "The righteous shall he in everlasting remembrance'' Who stoops to trace his name upon the sands May rise to see it vanish as he stands; Who cuts his name upon the firmer clay May hope to see it last a single day; Who carves his name upon the harder stone May find it there until new moss has grown ; Who leaves his name upon the heart of man — Give time of ending, whosoever can! 1883. INCITEMENT "Seek those things which are above." (To a friend, with a copy of religious poems.) As birds in summer teach their wee-fledged things, By many a flutter and oft sounded call, To mount the nest and dare a weakling's fall, That, after, they may soar on strengthened wings; So may these thoughts of pure and guiding song, In earnest call to dare the right endeavor, Uplift thy soul into the great forever Of highest purpose, made by action strong. 1883. 14 A MOTHER'S REVERIE "Can a woman forget her childf" Breathe, breathe, O blessed breeze. Bring the cold earth glad summer's heat and show- ers, Bring song of birds and hum of busy bees, Bring early blossoms and the fragrant flowers; — Yet thou canst nothing bring so sweet and fair As my dear Baby's beauteous face and hair! Cease, cease, O cheerless cloud; Hide 'neath the hills which guard the eastern view, Leaving no shred, torn from thy trailing shroud, To gloom the fair expanse of sunlit blue; — Yet not above is there such blue as lies In the sweet heaven of my Baby's eyes! Shine, shine, O sparkling sea; Flash the bright jewels on thy heaving breast; Or, stilled to peace, all calm and silent be, A glowing pathway to the golden west; — Yet fairer, sweeter, purer far, the while, Is the bright glory of my Baby's smile! Guard, guard, O gracious God; Guard Thou my Babe, my precious Babe, and me; Make strong his feet to walk paths yet untrod. Keep calm my heart, whate'er his lot may be; So, if Thou ask of me Thy gift again, I'll yield my Babe, and yielding, not complain! 1883. 15 REST "I will give you rest." — "Ye shall find rest." (The song of a converted mendicant monk.) At rest in Jesus! Weary feet Shall toil no more through mart and dusty street In works of penance, while in grave-clothes bound, Thrusting unholy steps on holy ground ! At rest in Jesus! Ah, my heart, How oft in works of merit thou didst start To find that self-done deeds in ashes fell Consumed within by some swift flame of hell! At rest in Jesus! Nevermore To con the weary lesson o'er and o'er; — The lesson learned; behold, I find my rest, My head laid down upon my Savior's breast! At rest in Jesus! As I stand, His smile lets fall the light of glory-land; Before — myself and sin! O Christ, 'tis sweet To rest in Thee, and so find rest complete ! At rest in Jesus! Now I go Through mart and dusty street, not fast, nor slow; — I walk with Christ at rest; in Him I've found The right to humbly serve on holy ground! 1887. 16 LORD JESUS, COME 'Surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come. Lord JesUs." Weary of earth and longing to be free, Upward I look, and wait, dear Lord, for Thee; Hark to my cry, and answer this my plea: — E'en so. Lord Jesus, do Thou quickly come! I do not doubt Thy love. Thy care divine. Peace, joy, communion, all in Thee are mine. But here on earth, for sin I e'er repine; — E'en so. Lord Jesus, do Thou quickly come ! Empowered by Thee, I press through every fray, Thou art my strength and safeguard day by day; Yet long and rough and weary is the way ; — E'en so, Lord Jesus, do Thou quickly come! Blest is the Spirit's tender comforting. Yea, by His power, to Thee my praise I sing, But oh, to see Thee, Thou who art my King; — E'en so. Lord Jesus, do Thou quickly come! Haste then, dear Lord ; I long and wait for Thee, Come for Thine own, that I Thy face may see. And at Thy side, may dwell eternally ; — E'en so. Lord Jesus, do Thou quickly come! 1887. 17 LONGINGS FOR CHRIST 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Jesus, Savior, I would be Ever holy, like to Thee; Free from sin of every kind, In Thy purity confined. Jesus, Savior, by Thy power. Cleanse and keep me, hour by hour ; This my longing, and my plea — Make me more and more like Thee. Jesus, Savior, by Thy grace. Show me thus Thy lovely face ; Naught between, the veil away, Let me gaze on Thee alway ! Jesus, Savior, in Thy love, Bring me to Thyself above, With Thee, like Thee, to abide, Face to face, and satisfied! 1893. 18 OUT OF THE DEPTHS 'Out of the depths have I cried unto thee^ O Lord!" Out of the depths, O Lord, I cry to Thee; Oh, let me hear Thy word Restoring me! Farther and farther still My feet have strayed. Downward and downward till I'm sore afraid. The way has darker grown And ills betide, I wander all alone With none to guide. Darting through chilling air, The lightnings flash, And, following fearful glare. Loud thunders crash. Beneath are chasms deep. And all about Dread demons dart and leap And laugh and shout. I try to pray — but fears Quench prayers in death ; My only prayers are tears And bated breath ; 19 But, from my stricken heart, Goes up a cry To Thee, O Lord, who art Watching on high : Out of the depths, O Lord, I cry to Thee; Make speed to help afford, And succor me! II Out of the depths I cried To God on high; He in His mercy wide. Brought mercy nigh; For, from His throne above, In power and might, Fell the blest words of love: — "Let there be light!" And from the darkness broke Before my sight — As the first morn awoke — The glory-light. Lifted from dread abyss By mighty Hand, I stood where sunbeams kiss The grass-clad land; Where streams flow soft and still And flowers bloom. The balmy air to fill With sweet perfume; 20 Where songs of birds are heard In tuneful lays, And grateful hearts are stirred To fervent praise. Gone was my sorrow now And all my fears; Smoothed was the troubled brow And dried my tears. Now, prayer was breathed once more, My sins confest, And could its love out-pour In freedom blest. Ah, the communion deep! And oh, the bliss! No heart could ever keep A joy like this! Praise upon praise I sang In notes prolonged. Till list'ning echoes rang With praises thronged. Out of the depths I cried To