LB iK -3*?^ i??tV ;j?7i'-?^ %i-,K^ Lj 1 CATALOGUE OF THE HONORARY AND IMMEDIATE MEMBERS AND OF THE LIBRARY OF THE irjrjrillifw Clut OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY Knstittitelr 1791 CAMBRIDGE: METCALF AND COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1854. ISSf- ^ £ ^ -^ n: ^ \ ^ ^ uO *5^ O % The " Porcellian Club," instituted in 1791, and the " Order of the Knights of the Square Table," instituted in 1809, were united into one association in the year 1831, under the title of the " POR- CELLIAN CLUB." For some time previous, the members of one Club had generally been members of the other ; the objects and interests of both associations had always been identical, and a strong desire having long existed in favor of an alliance, the junc- tion was finally resolved upon, and executed on the 31st of March, 1831. According to one of the conditions of the Union, a catalogue is published triennially, comprising the Honorary Members of both Clubs down to their junction, together with the Honorary and Im- mediate Members of the association since that period. Until the year 1833, the books, prints, statuary, &c. of the as- sociation had always been kept in the Librarian's room ; but at this period, the members, becoming fully sensible of the incon- venience and insecurity attending this method of preserving so large and valuable a collection of books, determined upon appro- priating rooms exclusively to the Library. These rooms are now open at all hours of the day, for the use of all the Honorary and Immediate Members of the Club. Cambridge, May 1st, 1854. G. MH Grand Marshal. D. M'l. . . . . Deputy Marshal. G. M. .... Grand Master. D. M. . . . . Deputy Master. L. P. C Librarian P. C. n Members of the P. C. and K. S. T. * Deceased. §..... Honorably dismissed. PORCELLIAN CLUB, 1791. GRAND MARSHALS , *CHARLES CUTLEE, from 1792 to 1794 *JOSEPH McKEAN, " 1794 li 1798 •CHARLES DAVIS, " 1798 ii 1800 *FRANCIS D. CHANNING, " 1800 a 1803 SAMUEL P. P. FAY, " 1803 a 1807 *DAVID S. GREENOUGH, " 1807 a 1811 *WILLIAM SMITH, " 1811 cc 1812 SAMUEL D. WARD, , " 1812 a 1813 *EDWARD H. ROBBINS, " 1813 u 1814 *THEODORE LYMAN, " 1814 (( 1815 •MARSHALL B. SPRING, " 1815 u 1817 ♦MARTIN BRIMMER, " 1817 (( 1818 EDMUND KIMBALL, « 1818 a 1821 •WILLIAM H. ELIOT, " 1821 a 182.4 AUGUSTUS THORNDIKE, " 1824 a 1828 RUSSELL STURGIS, " 1828 a 1831 •THOMAS K. DAVIS, " 1831 u 1834 WENDELL PHILLIPS, " 1834 u 1837 CHARLES A. WELCH, " 1837 (C 1840 SAMUEL PARKMAN, " 1840 a 1843 KIRK BOOTT, " 1843 a 1846 FRANCIS L. LEE, " 1846 a 1848 EDWARD DEXTER, " 1848 u 1850 HENRY A. WHITNEY, " 1850 a 1852 EDWARD BANGS, " 1852 a DEPUTY MARSHALS Francis J. Oliver, 1794 *John Heard, 1795 *John Pickqring, 1796 *Stephen Cogswell, 1797 Samuel P. P. Fay, 1798 *Abner Bartlett, 1799 *John H. Tudor, 1799 Robert H. Gardiner, 1800 *Leverett Saltonstall, 1801 James Savage, 1802 *Leonard Kimball, 1803 *Tench Tilghman, 1804 *Benj. B. Osgood, 1805 *William C. Harris, 1806 *William Smith, 1806 Charles C. Pinckney, 1807 William Elliott, 1808 Francis C. Gray, 1808 *Theodore Lyman, 1809 Edwin Smith, 1810 *Edward H. Robbins, 1811 James Rose, 1812 *Julius H. Walker, 1813 * William A. Warner, 1814 Augustus Thorndike, 1815 Thomas R. Sullivan, 1816 ^Joseph Oilman, 1817 Charles Lyman, 1818 *William G. Read, 1819 William F. Otis, 1820 Larz Anderson, 1821 George Peabody, 1822 George A. B. Walker, 1823 Daniel C. Relf, 1823 Paul Trapier, 1824 Jerome N. Bonaparte, 1825 *Francis Dwight, 1826 Robert C. Winthrop, 1827 Edward P. Milliken, 1828 *John Bryant, 1829 Wendell Phillips, 1830 Joseph S. B. Thacher, 1831 D. Fletcher Webster, 1832 C. H. Wheelwright, 1833 §William H. Allen, 1834 *Thomas P. Rutledge, 1834 John T. Gray, jr. 1835 Henry Hubbard, 1836 James B. Hayward, 1837 § George W. Christy, 1838 Thomas Snead, 1838 John Francis Heath, 1839 Edward N. Perkins, 1840 George T. Lyman, 1841 Charles C. Perkins, 1842 Charles W. Dabney, 1843 Edward Dexter, 1844 Wm.Ellery Sedgwick,1845 Charles H. Morrell, 1846 Joseph P. Alston, 1847 Martin Brimmer, 1848 Walter C. Cabot, 1849 William N. Davis, 1850 S. Lothrop Thorndike, 1851 Wm.H. Cunningham, 1852 Rob'tC. Winthrop, jr. 1853 KNIGHTS OF THE SQUARE TABLE, 1809. GRAND MASTERS. ACC. EX. 1810 JOHN A. HAVEN, . . . 1813 1813 JAMES WALKER, . . . 1814 1814 JOHN G. PALEEEY, , . . 1815 1815 ^SAMUEL PERRY, , . . 1816 1816 ^FRANCIS W. WINTHROP, . 1817 1817 *WINSLOW AY. SEVER, . . 1818 1818 THOMAS S. CLAY, ... 1819 1819 JOSEPH T. ADAMS, . . . 1820 1820 WILLIAM F. OTIS, . . . 1821 1821 ^NORMAN SEAVER, . . 1822 1822 GEORGE PEABODY, . . . 1823 1823 GEORGE A. B. WALKER, . 1824 1824 WILLIAM BARNWELL, . . 1825 1825 FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM, . 1826 1826 ^BENJAMIN V. CROWNINSHIELD, 1827 1827 *FRANCIS DWIGHT, . . 1828 1828 BENJAMIN D. WHITNEY, . . 1829 1829 EDWARD L. CUNNINGHAM, . 1830 1830 JOHN O. SARGENT, . . . 1831 1831 HENRY F. FRIESE, . . , 1831 DEPUTY MASTERS ACC. EX. 1810 * William J. Spooner, . . . 1811 1811 Pliny Merrick, .... 1812 1812 John G. Palfrey, . . 1813 1813 * Samuel Perry, 1814 1814 *Francis W. Winthrop, . 1815 1815 *Grenville Mellen, .... 1816 1816 Henry Upham, . . . . . 1817 1817 Alfred W. Haven, .... 1818 1818 *Samuel H. Lyon, . . . . . 1819 1819 *Norman Seaver, ' . . . 1820 1820 George Peabody, . . . . . 1821 1821 George A. B. Walker, 1822 1822 William Miller, . 1824 1824 *Benjamin V. Crowninshield, . 1825 1825 Robert C. Winthrop, . . . . . 1826 1826 *Ezra Weston, 1827 1827 John J. Gilchrist, . 1828 1828 Isaac E. Morse, .... 1829 1829 Joseph Lyman, . . . . . . 1830 1830 *Samuel Wigglesworth, . 1831 POECELLIAN CLUB, 1854. GEAND MAESHAL. EDWAED BANGS. DEPUTY jVIARSHAL. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Jr LIBRARIAN. CHARLES THORNDIKE. HONORARY MEMBERS OF P. C TO 1811. Initiated 1791. Graduated 1793. *John Curtis Chamberlain, Mr. Worcester. ^Charles Cutler, Mr., G. MH. Boston. *Francis Gardner, Mr. Worcester. Henderson Inches, Mr., Grad. 1792, Boston. Charles Jackson, Mr., Socius, LL. D., Mass. Reip. Cur. Sup. Jurid., A. A. et S. H. Soc. Newburyport. *William Jones, Mr. ' Concord. *Francis C. Lowell, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1793, Roxbury. ^Robert Treat Paine, Mr., Grad. 1792, Boston. In. 1792. Gr. 1794. *George W. Appleton, Mr. Boston. *Charles H. Atherton, Mi'., S. H. S. Amherst, N. H. *John Atkinson, Mr. New York, N. Y. * William Biglow, Mr. Cambridge. *Luke Brown, Mr. Worcester. *Francis D. Channing, Mr., G. ML Newport, R. I. *Thomas Geyer, Mr. Boston. *Joseph McKean, Mr., G. MH., LL. D. Col. Neo^Cces., S. T. D. Col. Alleg-., Rhet. et Oral. Prof. Boylston., S. H. S. et S. H. Nov. Ebor. S. Hon. Boston. 12 Israel Eliot Trask, Mr. *Hall Tufts, Mr. Vermont. Medford. In. 1793. Gr. 1795. *Seth Bemis, Mr. §Benjamin Gorham, Mr., in Cong. Re- rumpub. Feed. Rep. *John Heard, Mr., D. MH. *John W. Hulbert, Mr., deleatur, *Ebenezer Hunt, Mr. *§Amos Kent, Mr. *John Kittredge, Mr. Francis J. Oliver, Mr. et Yal, D. MH. *John Phillips, Mr. *Josiah Sturges, Mr. *Joshua Upham, Mr. Watertown. Charlestown. Boston. Stockbridge. Northampton. Newburyport. Andover. Boston. Andover. New York, N. Y. St. Johns, N. B. In. 1794. Gr. 1796. *Charles G. Cabot, Mr. * Charles Cushing, Mr. *Francis Dana, Mr. *Charles Davis, Mr., G. MH. §James Jackson, Mr., M. D., Med. Theor. et Prax. Prof. Hers., M. M. S. et A. A. Presses, S. P. A. Soc., et S. R. Med.- Chirurg. Lond. Soc. Hon. *John Pickering, Mr., LL. D. Col. Bowd., A. A. PrcBS., S. H et S. P. A. S., Acad. Scient. et Lit. Panorm. Soc. Hon., S. Archceol. Athen. Soc. Cor. *John Russell, Mr. *Peter O. Thacher, Mr., A.A.S. *Edmund Toppan, Mr. *William Tudor, Mr., S. H. S. *Samuel Welles, Mr. * George Win gate, Mr. Brookline. Hingham. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Hampton, N. H. Boston. Boston. Stratham, N. H. 13 In. 1795. Gr. 1797. *§ Horace Binney, Mr. et Brun., LL. D. Univ. Fenn,, S. P. A. Soc, in Cong. Rerumpub. Feed. Rep. Watertown. * William Blanchard, Mr. Wilmington. *Thaddeus Brown, Mr. Tewksbury. *Thomas Gary, Mr. *Stephen Cogswell, Mr., D. MH. Littleton. *Thomas Fargues, Mr., M. D. Quebec, L. C. *John Joy, Mr. Boston. *William Ladd, Mr. Portsmouth, N. H. *Robert Turnbull, Mr. Petersburg, Va. * William Wetmore, Mr. Boston. *John Shirley Williams, Mr. Boston. In. 1796. Gr. 1798. *Isaac Adams, Mr. Newbury. *§William Austin, Mr. Charlestown. *§ William E. Channing, Mr., Soc, S. T. D., A. A. S., Frcel. Dext. Boston. *Isaiah Gushing, Mr. Hingham. Samuel P. P. Fay, Mr., D. MH. et G. MH. Cambridge. § Isaac Fiske, Mr. Weston. Rodolph H. French, Mr. Salem. *John Hamilton, Mr. Berwick. *Moses Hook, Mr. Salisbury. *§ Lee, Mr. Beverly. *§ Stephen Longfellow, Mr., LL. D. Col. Boivd. Portland, Me. *NathanieI Lord, Mr. Ipswich. *Artemas Sawyer, Mr. Lancaster. *George Sheafe, Mr. Portsmouth, N. H. *JosEPH Story, Mr., Socius, LL. D. et Brun. et Dart, Rerumpub. Feed. Cur. Sup. Jurid., A. A. et S. H. et S. P. A. S., Leg. Prof. Dan. Cambridge. 14 §Richard Sullivan, Mr., A. A,S. Boston. *Ebenezer Thatcher, Mr. Cambridge. *Gideon L. Thayer, Mr. Braintree. *§ Arthur M. Walter, Mr. Boston. *Thomas Welsh, Mr. Boston. In. 1797. Gr. 1799. *Abner Bartlett, Mr., D. MH. Plymouth. *John W. Caldwell, Mr. Worcester. §Freeman Foster, Mr. Scituate. *Elnathan Haskell, Mr. Rochester. *Timothy Pickering, Mr. Lucerne Co., Pa. *Luther Richardson, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1800, Boston. *Samuel J. Sprague, Mr. Lancaster. *Joseph Williston, Mr. *Rufus Wyman, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. Prces., A. A. S. Charlestown. In. 1798. Gr. 1800. *§ Washington Allston, Mr., A. A. S. Cambridge. *Loammi Baldwin, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1806, A. A. S. Charlestown. Henry Cabot, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1802, Boston. *§Samuel D. Freeman, Mr., Hon. Mem. Portland, Me. *§David I. Greene, Mr. Boston. *Rufus Hosmer, Mr. Concord. § Leonard Jar vis, Mr., in Cong-. Rerum- puh. Fodd. Rep. Cambridge. *John Knapp, Mr. Boston. Isaac Lincoln, Mr., Hon. Mem., M. D. Col Bowd., M. M. S. Soc. Hingham. § Charles Lowell, Mr., Socius, S. T. Z)., S. H. Soc., S. ArchcBol. Athen. Soc. Cor. Roxbury. *§Israel Munroe, Mr. Northborough. *John Prince, Mr. Salem. 15 *§Aaron H. Putnam, Mr. *John H. Tudor, Mr., D. Ml. *Ebenezer T. Warren, Mr. Benjamin Welles, Mr. Charlestown. Boston. Boston. In. 1799. Gr. 1801. *Samuel M. Crocker, Mr. Boston. *§John Forrester, Mr. Salem. Robert H. Gardiner, Mr., D. MH. Gardiner, Me. *John Gorham, Mr., M. D., Chem. Frof, Erving., A. A. et M. M, S. Soc. Boston. Moody Kent, Mr. Newburyport. George aKill Stuart, Mr., LL. D. Col. Reg. Windsor. Nov. Scot., Archidia- conns Toront. Canad. Kingston, U. C. *§William B, Sullivan, Mr. Boston. George Sullivan, Mr. Boston. * Willi am S. Titcomb, Mr. Newburyport. In. 1800. Gr. 1802. *Henry Babcock, Mr. *John Ball, Mr. *John A. Brimmer, Mr. et Yah Alexander S. Brooks, Mr. *Joseph B. Caldwell, Mr. William A. Bond, Mr. *John Codman, Mr. et Brun. et Yal., D.etNeo-CcBS., S.H.S. James S. Dunning, Mr. *James H. Elliot, Mr., Hon. Mem. §Nathaniel Fales, Mr. ^Richard D. Harris, Mr. *John King, Mr. William Minot, Mr., S. H. S. *Thomas R. Mitchell, Mr. *Timothy Newell, Mr. Thomas Paine, Hon. Mem, Boston. Charleston, S. C. Roxbury. Medford. Worcester. Boston. S.T. Boston. New York, N. Y. 1803, Boston. Boston. Boston. Abington. Boston. Georgetown, D. C. Sturbridge. 16 Richard Randolph, Mr. Virginia. *Leverett Saltonstall, Mr. et Yal, D. M'l, A. A. et S. H. Soc, LL. D. Salem. In. 1801. Gr. 1803. *George W. Brimmer, Mr. *Ray Clarke, Mr. *Henry Fales, Mr. *§John Farrar, Mr., Tutor^ Math, et Phil Nat, Prof. Hollis., A. A. S. Vice-Press., LL, D. * Simon Forrester, Mr. * Samuel Kirkland, Mr. Robert Nicholson, Mr. *Caleb Rice, Mr. *Winthrop Sargent, Mr. James Savage, Mr., D, MH., A. A, S., S, H. Press., LL. D. §William B. Sewall, Mr. *John M. Taylor, Mr. Boston. Newport, R. I. Boston. Cambridge. Salem. Boston. Richmond, Va. Hingham. Boston. Boston. York, Me. Georgetown, S. C. In. 1802. Gr. 1804 *Thomas Aspinwall, Mr., Hon. Mem., S. H. S. * Cornelius Calvert, Mr. ^Nathaniel M. Davis, Mr., S. H. S. *§ Abraham Eustis, Mr. Benjamin Guild, Mr. *Leonard Kimball, Mr., D. M'l *John Law, Mr. * William Scollay, Mr. *Joseph E. Sprague, Mr., L.P.C. *§ Samuel Cooper Thacher, Mr., Soc., Bi hlioth., A. A. S. *Moses Titcomb, Mr, *Samuel R. Trevett, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. Soc. Wenharn. Boston. Norfolk, Va. Plymouth. Boston. Boston. Boston. Washington, D. C. Boston. Salem. Boston. Portland, Me. 17 In. 1803. Gr. 1805. *John Lovejoy Abbot, Mr., Biblioth. Andover. Ebenezer H. Beckford, Mr. Salem. *John Brooks, Mr. Medford. * Ward Chipman, Mr., Prov. Nov. Bruns. Cur. Sup. Jurid. Princ, LL. D. St. Johns, N. B. *David S. Greenough, Mr., G. MH. Roxbury. *IIosea Hildreth, Mr., Dart. Sterling. *Abraham F. Hull, Mr. Newton. *Charles Shaw, Mr. Bath, Me. *Robert Smith, Mr. et Yah, L. P. C. Charleston, S. C. *Tench Tilghman, Mr., D. MH. Talbot Co., Md. In. 1804. Gr. 1806. *Francis Babcock, Mr. Boston. Jacob Bigelow, Mr., M. D. Univ. Penn., Mat. Med. et Bot. Prcel, Prof. Rum- ford., Mat. Med. Prof, A. A. Vice- PrcBS. et PrcBS., S. P. A. S. et M. M. S. Prces. Boston. *George W. Boyle, Mr. Boston. Joseph G. Cogswell, Mr. et YaL, P. D. Got, Tutor., Biblioth., Mineral, et Geol. Prof, A. A. S., LL. D, Ipswich. *Alexander H. Everett, Mr. et YaL, LL. D, Univ. Viridimont. et Mediob., apud Aul. Hispan. Legal., apud Aul, Sinensium Legal,, S. P. A. et A, A. et S. H. S., Coll. Jefferson. Louisian. Prceses, Boston. *William A. Fales, Mr. Boston. William Gordon, Mr. Charlestown,N.H. *James Heyward, Mr. Charleston, S. C. Isaac Hurd, Mr. Exeter, N. H. Thomas M- Jones, Mr, Boston. 18 *Benjamin Lincoln, Mr., M, D. Univ. Penn. Hingham. George W. Lyman, Mr. Boston. *Abraham Moore, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1806, Groton. *Daniel Oliver, Mr. et Dart, L. P. C, M D. Univ. Penn., Med, Theor. et Prax. et Mat. Med. et Bot. et Philos. Intel, et Mor. in Col. Dart. Prof., A. A. et M. M. S. Soc, Acad. Scient. et Lit. Panorm. Soc. Hon., LL. D. Genev. Salem. *Benjamin B. Osgood, Mr., D. MH. Salem. In. 1805. Gr. 1807. *George B. English, Mr. Cambridge. *John Gallison, Mr. Marblehead. ^Nathaniel A. Haven, Mr., S. H. S. Portsmouth, N. H. * William C. Harris, Mr., D. M'l. Portsmouth, N. H. John G. King, Mr., S. H S. Salem. *James O. Lincoln, Mr. Hingham. William M. Russell, Mr. Richmond, Va. Arthur Savage, Mr. Boston. David Sears, Mr., S. H. S. Boston. *William Smith, Mr., D. MH. et G. MH. Boston. William Thomas, Mr. Plymouth. *Nathaniel W^est, Mr. Salem. In. 1806. Gr. 1808. Edward F. Campbell, Mr. Savannah, Geo. Edward T. Channing, Mr., Rhet. et Oral. Prof. Boylston., A. A. S., LL. D. Cambridge. Walter Channing, Mr., M. D. et Univ. Penn., Obstet. Prcel, Obstet. et Jurisp. Med. Prof, A. A. et M. M. S. Soc. Boston. *Henry Codman, Mr. Boston. Isaac F. Coffin, Mr., Hon. Mem. Boivd. Col 1806, Portland, Me. 19 Richard H. Dana, Mr. Cambridge. John H. Henshaw, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1810, Boston. Robert Means, Mr., Hon. Mem. Bowd. Col. 1807, Amherst, N. H. John Park, Mr., Hon. Mem. Boston. Henry Pierce, Mr., L. P. C. Salem. Charles C. Pinckney, Mr., D. M% Reip. Carol. Austral. Vice- Gub.^ in Cong. Re- rumpub. F(Bd. Rep. Charleston, S. C. *Hugh Rutledge, Mr.. Charleston, S. C. John H. Sheppard, Mr. Hallowell, Me. Samuel E. Smith, Mr., Reip. Main. Gub. Wiscasset, Me. Samuel M. A. Storrow, Mr. Boston. *George Thorndike, Mr., Hon. Mem. Bowd. CoL Boston. *John Torrey, Mr. Plymouth. David "West, Mr. Boston. In. 1807. Gr. 1809. *Horatio Biglow, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1810, Cambridge. *Kirk Boott, Mr. Lowell. *William Burley, Mr. Beverly. Theodore Eames, Mr., Hon. Mem. Haverhill. William Elliott, Mr., D. M'l. Beaufort, S. C George Gay, Mr. Dedham. Francis C. Gray, Mr., L. P. C. et D. MH. > Socius, S. H et A. A. Soc., LL. D. Boston. Daniel G. Ingraham, Mr. Boston. John Lee, Mr. Castine, Me. ^Nathaniel K. G. Oliver, Mr. Boston. William P. Page, Mr. Danvers. *James Perkins, Mr. Boston. * William P. Sigourney, Mr. Boston. Samuel D. Ward, Mr., G. MH. Boston. 20 In. 1808. Gr. 1810. *Francis Boott, Mr., M. D. Edinb., S, M. Lond. et S. Lin. Lond. et A. A. et M. M, S. S. Boston. *John W. Davis, Mr. Boston. *Israel W. Davis, Mr. Beverly. Thomas A. Dexter, Mr., L. P. C. Boston. Isaac E-edington Howe, Mr. Haverhill. *Joseph G. Kendall, Mr., Tutor^ Leominster. Frederick Kinloch, Mr. Georgetown, S. C. *Theodore Lyman, Mr., D. MH. et G. M% S. H. Soc. Boston. *George W. May, Mr., M. D. Boston. *John Scollay, Mr. Boston. Thomas Stephens, Mr. Beverly. *Edward Strong, Mr. Northampton. Henry J. Tudor, Mr. Boston. In. 1809. Gr. 1811. Charles P. Curtis, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1814, Boston. Edward Everett, Mr., Tutor, Lit. Grcec. Prof. Eliot, PrcBses, P. D. Gott. 1817, S. P. A. et S. H. S., A. A. Vice-Prceses, S. Archceol. Athen. Soc. Cor., LL. D. 1835 et Yal. 1833 et Duhl 1842 et Can- tab. 1842, Reip. Mass. Gub., apud Aul. Brit. Legat, S. Reg. Agricult. Brit, et S. Antiq. Lond. Soc. Hon., in Cong. Rerumpub. Feed. Rep., et Rerumpub. Feed. Sect. Polit., et Senat. Cambridge. *John C. Gray, Mr., S. H S. Boston. Robert Hooper, Mr. Marblehead. William P. Mason, Mr. Boston. George Morey, Mr. Walpole. Robert H. Osgood, Mr. Salem. 21 *Harrisoii G. Otis, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1814, Boston. *Thomas Perkins, Mr. Boston. Edward Reynolds, Mr., M. D. Univ. Brun. et Col. Bowd., Chir. Col. R. et M. M. S. et A. A. S. Boston. James Russell, Mr. Charlestown. John R-utledge, Mr. Charleston, S. C. Edwin Smith, Mr., D. MH. Wiscasset, Me. WiUiam Smith, Mr., L. P. C. St. Croix, W. I. In. 1810. Gr. 1812. *Isaiah T. Andrews, Mr. Boston. George Downes, Mr. Boston. ""^Allston Gibbes, Mr., Tutor, Charleston, S. C. Benjamin D. Greene, Mr., A. A. S. Boston. George W. Heard, Mr., L. P. C, M. D. Ipswich. John Homans, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Boston. *George Homer, Mr. Boston. * Charles Keating, Mr. Boston. *Edward H. Robbins, Mr., D. MH. et G. M% M. D. Milton. Peleg Sprague, Mr., Rerump. Fmd. Se- nat., et Cur. District. Jurid., LL. D. Boston. *Marshall B. Spring, Mr., G. MU. Watertown.. Jonathan M. Wainwright, Mr., Rhet. et Orat. Prcecepf., S. T. D. et Concord., Nov. Ebor. Episcop. Boston. At this time, the Order of the K. S. T. was founded. To pre- vent the unnecessary repetition of names, those gentlemen who were members of both clubs are marked n in the P. C. Catalogue, and those of the same Class members of the Order of K. S. T. only are subjoined separately. 22 HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE P. C AND K. S. T. TO 1831. In. 1811. Gr. 1813. *John W. Ames, Mr. Dedham. *Jo/m Brazer, Mr., Tutor et Ling. Lat. Prof. Acad., S. T. D., A. A.S. Salem. William F. Carter, Mr. Virginia. *John Foster, Mr. Salem. ^Washington Gibbes, Mr. Charleston, S. C. Orville L. Holley, Mr. Salisbury, Ct. Benjamin Huger, Mr., L. P. C, M. D. Univ. Fenn. Charleston, S. C. Robert Pringle, Mr. Charleston, S. C. James Rose, Mr., D. MH., Charleston, S. C. *John Schuyler, Mr. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Theodore Sedgwick, Hon. Mem. New York. *n William Jones Spooner, Mr., D. M., S. H. S. Boston. nWinslow Warren, Mr., M. D. Univ. Penn., M. M. S. S. Plymouth. K. S. T. In. 1810. Gr. 1813. Zabdiel B. Adams, Mr., M. Z)., M. M. S. Soc. Roxbury. *Gorham Bartlett, Mr., M. D. Charlestown. *Thomas M. Baxter, Mr. Boston. *Charles A. Cheever, Mr., M. D. Lynn. 23 John A. Haven, Mr., G. M. Portsmouth, N. H. Martyn Paine, Mr., M. D., in Univ. TJrh. Nov. Ebor. Instilut. Med. et Mat. Med. Prof., S. Reg. Med. Boruss. Soc. Cor., S. Med. Lips. Soc. William stown; Vt. *Daniel Parkman, Mr. Boston. Gorham Parks, Mr., in Cong. Rerumpub. Feed. Rep. Andover. *Henry Thompson, Mr. Charlestown. *William Thorndike, Mr. Beverly. John Ware, Mr., M. D., A. A. et M. M. S. S., Med. Theor. et Prax. Prof. Hers. Boston. Henry Warren, Mr. Boston. William WiUis, Mr. Portland, Me. In. 1812. Gr. 1814. TL Andrew Bigelow, Mr., S. T. D. Medford. *Martin Brimmer, Mr., L.P.C. et G.Ml. Boston. *William Cummens, Mr., 1818, Roxbury. * George Derby, Mr. Salem. Edmund Kimball, Mr., G. M'l. Newburyport. James G. Martin, Mr. Nashville, Tenn. Jonathan Porter, Mr. Medford. William H. Prescott, Mr., S. H. et S. P. A. et A. A. S., Acad. Hist. Reg. Hispan. et Acad. Scient. Reg. Neapol. et Acad. Hercnlan. Neapol. et Reg. Scient. Acad. Boruss. Berolin. et In- stitut. Gall. Acad. Scient. Moral. Po- litic, q. Soc. Cor., LL. D. et Columb. Nov. Ebor. et Carol. Austral., S. Antiq. Lond. et S. Reg. Literal. Lond. Soc. Hon. Boston. Francis B. Quash, Mr. Charleston, S. C. 24 Elbridge B. Robertson, Mr. *Julius H. Walker, Mr., D. M'l n David Wood, Mr. K.' S. T. Nashville, Tenn. Wilmington, N. C. Newburyport. In. 1811. Gr. 1814. Gorham Brooks, Mr. Boston. *Ephraim M. Cunningham, Mr. Fitchburg. *John W. Mellen, Mr. Cambridge. Pliny Merrick, Mr., D. M. Worcester. James Walker, Mr., G. M., Socius, S. T. D., Theol Nat et Phil Mor. et Polit. Civ. Prof. Alford., A. A. S., Presses, LL. D. Cambridge. In. 1813. Gr. 1815. Thomas A. Coffin, Mr. *William H. Eliot, Mr., G. M'l * Arthur M. Henderson, Mr. *William F. Heriot, Mr. *William Hooper, Mr. Jonathan Mason, Mr. *n Joseph Orne, Mr., L. P. C. uJohn G. Palfrey, Mr., D. M. et G. M., Lit. Sac. Prof, S. H. S., S. T. D., LL. D. S. Andr., in Cong. Rerumpub. Feed. Rep. Theophilus Parsons, Mr., Legal. Prof Dan., LL. D., A. A. S. *Hasket D. Pickman, Mr. Chandler Robbins, Mr., M. D. Bowd. Col. Ebla. Univ., Hon. Mem, Benjamin O. Tayloe, Mr. * William A. Warner, Mr., D.MU. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Nashville, Tenn. Georgetown, S. C. Marblehead. Boston. Salem. Cambridge. Boston. Salem. Hallowell, Me. Richmond, Va. Hardwick. 25 K. S. T. In. 1812. Gr. 1815. John P. Bigelow, Mr. Boston. *Daniel N. Bradford, Mr., et Transylv.^ Tut. Col Transylv. Boston. Charles Briggs, Mr., Tut. Col. Boiud. Halifax, N. S. George W. Eggleston, Mr. 1819, Lenox. George Eustis, Mr., Reip. Louisian. Cur. Sup. Jurid. , Boston. * Stevens Everett^ Mr. . Dorchester. Appleton Howe, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Hopkinton. George G. Ingersoll^ Mr., S. T. D. Cambridge. Levi W. Leonard^ Mr. Bridgewater. * William H. Moulton, Mr. Boston, trayton P. Osgood, Mr., in Cong. Re- rumpub. Foed. Rep. Andover. Edmund Q. Seivall, Mr. Marblehead. *Pelham W. Warren, Mr. Plymouth. John Lee Watson, Mr. Boston. In. 1814. Gr. 1816. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Boston. Charleston, S. C. Boston. *Benjamin G. Allston, Mr. *John Vaughan Apthorp, Mr. William H. Gardiner, Mr. *Doddridge C. Hichborn, Mr. John C. Jones, Mr. *n Samuel P. Newman, Mr., in Col. Boivd. Tut. et Ling. Prof., in eode?n Rhet. et Orat. Prof. Hanover, N. H. *U Oliver W. B. Peahody, Mr., Hon. Mem., LL. B., Col. Jefferson. Lou- isian. Lit. Angl. Prof, S. H. S. Boston. *Joseph A. Peabody, Mr. Salem. 26 Henry B. Pearson, Mr. Andover. *n Samuel Perry, Mr., D. M, et G. M. New Bedford Augustus Thorndike, Mr., D. MH. et G. mn, Boston. Henry A. Ward, Mr., L. P. C, M. D., M. M. S. S, Boston. William R. P. Washburn, Mr. Middleborough. nJoseph Willard, Mr., S. H. S. Cambridge. K. S. T. In. 1813. Gr. 1816. *George Baker, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Dedham. John Devereaux, Mr. Salem. *Thomas H. Everett, Mr. Boston. * William B. O. Peahody, Mr., S. T. D. Springfield. *Jonathan G. Stevenson, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. Soc. Boston. * William Ware, Mr. Brookline. In. 1815. Gr. 1817. *Daniel Heyward Brailsford, Mr. n Samuel Atkins Eliot, Mr. jlBenjamin Fessenden, Mr. Wyllys Lyman, Mr., Yal. Col. n Samuel Joseph May, Mr. Samuel H. Myers, Mr. n Robert Schuyler, Mr. ^Oliver Sheafe, Mr., L. P. C. n Thomas Russell Sullivan, Mr., D, MH. n Charles Henry Warren, Mr. *nFrancis William Winthrop, Mr., D.M. et G. M. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Sandwich. Hartford, Vt. Boston. Richmond, Va. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Portsmouth, N. H. Boston. Plymouth. Boston. 27 K. S. T. In. 1814. Gr. 1817. William F. Carey, Mr. Chelsea. Joseph Coolidge, Mr. Boston. Caleb Cushing, Mr., Tut, A. A. >S., ad Sinensium Imperat. de Feed, pan- gendo Legal. Extraord. Newbury port. George Barrell Emerson, Mr., Tutor ^ A. A. S. Boston. Sylvanus Lazell Mitchell, Mr. Bridgewater. John Larkin Payson, Mr. Charlestown. *Samuel Soley, Mr. Charlestown. *Samuel Perkins Spear, Mr. Boston. In. 1816. Gr. 1818. *John Hooker Ashmun, Mr., Leg. Prof. Royally Hon. Mem. 1830, Cambridge, n Francis Brinley, Mr. Boston. William Augustus Carson, Mr. Charleston, S. C. ^Philander Chase. Mr. Worthington, Oh. *George Chase, Mr. Portland, Me. *Ralph Emms Elliott, Mr., M. D. Beaufort, S. C. *nJohn Everett, Mr., Tut. Col. Tran- sylv. Boston. Thomas Gadsden, Mr. Charleston, S. C. *Joseph Gilman, Mr., D. MU. Philadelphia, Pa. ^Nathaniel Hathaway, Mr., L. P. C. New Bedford. Joshua Henshaw Hay ward, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Boston. §Bela Latham, Mr. Lyme, N. H. *Thomas McCullock, Mr. Kennebunk, Me. *nGrenville Mellen, Mr., Hon. Mem., D. M. Portland, Me. 28 Richard Morris, Mr., YalCol.Hon.Mem. New York, N. Y. WiUiam Parsons, Mr. Boston. Virginia. § Edward Robinson, Mr. *nWinslow Warren Sever, Mr., G. M. Kingston. *Robert Waight, Mr. Beaufort, S. C. *Charles Walker, Mr., in Col. Transylv. Tut. et Bihlioth. Concord, N. H. *Robert Breck Garven Williams, Mr. Boston. In. 1817. Gr. 1819. § Thomas L. Caldwell, Mr., Tut. Univ. Transylv. *§ Charles Shirley Carter, Mr. n Thomas Savage Clay, Mr., G. M. *n Thomas Bulfinch Coolidge, Mr., et Yal. *§John R. Ball, Mr. *n Edward Dorr, Mr. Archibald Dunbar, Mr., Gr. 1820, James Cutler Dann, Mr. *Samuel Taylor Gilman, Mr., L. P. C. John Haslett, Mr., M. D. §n Edward Ellenborough Law, Mr. § Charles Carter Lee, Mr. Charles Lyman, Mr., D. MH. Philadelphia, Pa. Pr. Wm. Co., Va. Medford. Boston. Baltimore, Md. Roxbury. Natchez, Miss. Boston. Exeter, N. H. Brooklyn, N. Y. New London, Ct. Virginia. Boston. K. S. T. In. 1816. Gr. 1819. Sidney Brooks, Mr. Boston. Horace Gray, Mr., A. A. S. Boston. *Nathaniel Leech Hooper, Mr., et Yal. Marblehead. Winslow Lewis, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Boston. *Phillips Pay son, Mr. Charlestown. Stephen Clarendon Phillips, Mr. Salem. George Henry Snelling, Mr., et Yal. Boston. Henry Upham, Mr., D. M. Brookfield. 29 In. 1818. Gr. 1820. nJoseph Thornton Adams, Mr., G. M. Thomas J. Bowie, Mr. John Sanford Dart, Mr. *§n James Ferdinand Deering, Mr. William Henry Furness, Mr., S. P. A. S. S. T. D. §David Priestley Hall, Mr. §n Alfred Woodward Haven, Mr., M. D. n Isaac Lothrop Hedge, Mr. n George Barber Osborn, Mr. *n Charles Paine, Mr., L. P. C, Reip. Viridimont. Giib. *William George Read, Mr., D. M% LL. D. Georgiopol. nJohn Rogers, Mr. U Stephen Bchwjler^ Mr. *William Rufus Smith, Mr. WilHam M. Stewart, Mr. *n Francis Henry Williams, Mr. Boston. Georgetown, D. C. Charleston, S. C. Westbrook, Me. Medford. Pomfret, Ct. Portsmouth, N. H. Plymouth. Boston. William stown, Vt. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Natchez, Miss. Georgetown, D. C. Boston. K. S. T. In. 1817. Gr. 1820. Thaddeus Bowman Bigelow, Mr. Cambridge. ^Frederick Augustus Cobb, Mr., 1824, Portland, Me. Gideon Tucker, Mr. Salem. Adolphus Eugene Watson, Mr. Cambridge. In. 1819. Gr. 1821. Robert Woodward Barnwell, Mr., Col. Carol. Austr. Prceses, Rerumpiih. Feed. Senat. Beaufort, S. C. 30 Allard Henry Belin, Mr. *Horton Bethune, Mr. *William P. Coffin, Mr. George M. Dexter, Mr. n David W. Gorham, Mr., L. P. C, M. D. Robert M. Gourdin, Mr. *John G. K. Gourdin, Mr. *n George J. Hubbard, Mr. Francis C. Lowell, Mr., A. A. S. *n Samuel H. Lyon, Mr., D. M, *Joseph Manigault, Mr. ^Mellish I. Motte, Mr. *Henry M. Neyle, Mr. n William F. Otis, Mr., D. M. et William H. Pope, Mr. n Benjamin T. Reed, Mr. n Andrew Turnbull, Mr. Charles W. Upham, Mr., S. H,.S. Charleston, S. C. Charleston, S. C. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Canandaigua, N. Y. Pineville, S. C. Pineville, S. C. Boston. Boston. Baltimore, Md. Charleston, S. C. Charleston, S. C. Charleston, S. C. G.MH. Boston. Louisville, Ky. Marblehead. Charleston, S. C. Salem. K. S. T. In. 1818. John L. Gardner, Mr. George W. Pratt, Mr. Gr. 1821. Boston. Boston. In. 1820. Gr. 1822. Larz Anderson, Mr., D. MH. *n Charles G. Atherton, Mr., Rerump. Feed. Senat. Oliver Bronson, Mr., Yal. Col.^ Hon. Mem. *nJephthah A. T. Bynum, Mr. n Thomas F. Capers, Mr. n William P. Endicott, Mr. Louisville, Ky. Amherst, N. H. New York, N. Y. Alexandria, La. Charleston, S. C. Salem. 31 *n George Fox, Mr. *nEdward J. Lowell, Mr. George M. Morris, Mr., Hon. Mem. Henry B. Rogers, Mr. *§n Norman Seaver, Mr. n Henry Stout, Mr. *Daniel Wikoff, Mr. William Yates, Mr., L. P. C, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Boston. Dover, Del. Opelousas, La. Charleston, S. C. K. S. T. In. 1819. Gr. 1822. Timothy Darlings Mr. Henniker, N. H. *R. B. G. Mitchell, Mr. Baltimore, Md. Henry H. Penniman, Mr. New Braintree. *John H. Richards, Mr., M. D. Dedham. Alexander Thomas, Mr., ikZ". Z)., M,M. S. Soc. Boston. Ebenezer Torrey, Mr. Lancaster. liN. 1821. Gr. 1823. n William Amory, Mr. Samuel P. Blake, Mr. n Frederick Bronson, Mr. Thomas Bryan, Mr. David Bullock, Mr. n George H. Calvert, Mr. Charles Carrol, Mr. n Charles O. C. Chapin, Mr., M. D. 1826, nJacob Crowninshield, Mr. *John A. Cunningham, Mr. Robert T. Dunbar, Mr. James D. Haly burton, Mr. Boston. Boston. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond, Va. Pr. Geo. Co., Md. Baltimore, Md. Brattleboro', Vt. Salem. Richmond, Va. Natchez, Miss. Richmond, Va. Baltimore, Md. Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Richmond, Va. 32 *n Charles C. Harper, Mr. n Charles T. Haskell, Mr. Phinehas M. Kollock, Mr., M. D. David Minge, Mr. n George Peabody, Mr., D. M'l, D. M., et G. M. Salem, n Russell Sturgis, Mr., L. P. C. et G. mn. Boston. W. T. Taliaferro, Mr. Glo'ster Co., Va. Edward T. Tayloe, Mr. Washington, D. C. K. S. T. In 1820. Gr. 1823. *John Adams, Mr. Quincy. *Henry G. Chapman, Mr. Boston. *Martin Gay, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. et A. A. S. Hingham. In 1822. Gr. 1824. n William Barnwell, Mr. John F. Bingaman, Mr. n Edward Blake, Mr. n William Boott, Mr. Charles H. Carter, Mr. Alexander C. Dunbar, Mr. Stephen Elliott, Mr. *nJohn H. Gray, Mr. Horatio Nelson Lloyd, Mr. *n William E. Payne, Mr. Charles G. Putnam, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. Soc. Daniel C. Relf, Mr., D. MH. Nathaniel Silsbee, Mr. Calvin S. Smith, Mr. L. P. a. Beaufort, S. C. Natchez, Miss. Boston. .Boston. Fauquier Co., Va. Natchez, Miss. Beaufort, S. C. Boston. Alexandria, D. C. Boston. Salem. New Orleans, La. Salem. Natchez, Miss. 3.3 *Josiah Smith, Mr. St. Augustine, Fl n George A. B. Walker, Mr., D. M7., D. M., et G. M, Gr. 1825, Augusta, Ga. *John H. Wickham, Mr. Richmond, Va. K. S. T. In. 1821. Gr. 1824. Rufus Dawes, Mr. Boston. George B. Dorr, Mr. Boston. *J. T. P. Dumont, Mr. Boston. Benjamin S. Gibbes, Mr. Charleston, S. C. *Waltar Izard, Mr. Charleston, S. C. *Tliomas Lowndes, Mr. Charleston, S. C. *William Pratt, Mr. 1828, Boston. *Charles C. C. Tucker, Mr. Boston. Henry S. Tudor, Mr. Hartford, Ct. *William W. Wheelwright, Mr. Boston. In. 1823. Gr. 1825. James M. Alston, Mr. Clark Co., Ala. Hilary B. Cenas, Mr., L. P. C. New Orleans, La. *§nJonathan Chapman, Mr. Boston. ^U Francis Cunningham, Mr., G. M. Boston. §n William D wight, Mr. Springfield. Joshua F. Fisher, Mr., S. F. A S. Philadelphia, Pa. n William M. Garrow, Mr. Mobile, Ala. Charles D. Manigault, Mr. Charleston, S. C. Peter Manigault, Mr. Charleston, S. C. *n William Miller, Mr., D. M. Philadelphia, Pa. John G. North, Mr. Charleston, S. C. §nAllyne Otis, Mr. Boston. §Robert Dow Percy, Mr., L. P. a St.Francisville,La *Edward G. Prescott, Mr. Boston. Paul Trapier, Mr., D. MH. Charleston, S. C. Charles Willing, Mr., M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. 34 K. S. T. In. 1822. Gr. 1825. Charles R Adams, Mr., S. H. S. Edward Dewey, Mr. *Benjamin B. Fessenden, Mr. Charles P. Foster, Mr. Samuel K. Lothrop, Mr. *John H. Richardson, Mr. Edward Rundlet, Mr., M. D. *George Sheafe, Mr. George E. Winthrop, Mr. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Newton. Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth, N. H. Boston. In. 1824. Gr. 1826. Jerome N. Bonaparte, Mr., D. MH. Robert N. Carnan, Mr. *Joseph H. Cheves, Mr. Charles J. Hunt, Mr. Adolphus P. Jouve, Mr., L. P. a George C. Jouve, Mr. Edward C. Marshall, Mr. William H. Morgan, Mr. James L. Murray, Mr. *§Edward North, Mr., M. D, §George F. Turner, Mr., M. D., K. S. T. In. 1823. Gr. * George Atherton, Mr. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston. Havana, Cuba. Havana, Cuba. Richmond, Va. New Orleans, La. Baltimore, Md. Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va. 1826. Amherst, N. H. In. 1825. Gr. 1827. *Thomas Alston, Mr. *n Benjamin V. Crowninshield, D. M. et G. M. Mr. Georgetown, S. C. Salem. 35 *Thomas K. Davis, Mr., G.M% 1831, Boston. Epes S. Dixwell, Mr., A. A. S., Hon. Mem. Boston. *n Francis D wight, Mr., D. MH. el G. M. Springfield. Thomas Dwight, Mr., L. P. C. Boston. Edward W. Hook, Mr., Hon. Mem., M. D., M. M. S. S. Castine, Me. Charles C. Paine, Mr. Boston. William P. Perkins, Mr. Boston. Edmund Quincy, Mr. Boston, n James G. Eowe, Mr. Newbern, N. C. John T. Sargent i Mr. Boston. *n William Schuyler, Mr. RMnebeck, N. Y. K. S. T. In. 1824. Gr. 1827. Francis Dana, Mr. Cambridge. S. Gratts, Mr. Philadelphia, Pa. William B. Kingsbury, Mr. Roxbury. Alfred Lee, Mr., S. T. D. Trin., Episc. Delawar. Norwich, Ct. James Savage, Mr. Philadelphia, Pa. Nathaniel B. Shaler, Mr. Newport, Ky. *Arnold F. Welles, Mr., Hon. Mem., 1832, Boston. In. 1826. Gr. 1828. A. H. H. Bernard, Mr. Fredericksburg, Va. Frederick Dabney, Mr. Fayal, Azores. *Charles C. Emerson, Mr., Hon. Mem. Boston, n Robert Gilmor, Mr. Baltimore, Md. §Patrick Grant, Mr. Boston. 36 J. S. C. Greene, Mr., M, D., M. M. S. S. Boston. *James Jackson, Mr., M. D. Francis C. Loring, Mr., L. P. C. Henry S. McKean, Mr., Tutor, Hon. Mem. 1835, *Charles T. Murdoch, Mr. * William Phillips, Mr. n William N. Wellford, Mr., M. D. n Robert C. Winthrop, Mr., D. MH. et D. ikT., LL. D., A. A. et S. H. >S., in Cong. Rerumpuh.Foed. Rep. Prolocutor Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Havana, Cuba. Boston. Fredericksburg, Va. et Senat. Boston. K. S. T. In. 1825. Gr. 1828. n Francis B. Crowninshield, Mr., Hon. Mem. ' Boston. John J. Gilchrist, Mr., D. M., Reip. Neo-Hant. Cur. Sup. Jurid. Charlestown, N.H. Charles J. Taylor, Mr. ' Boston. Benjamin D. Whitney, Mr., G. M. Boston. In. 1827. Gr. 1829. Boston. § William H. Channing, Mr. Benjamin R. Curtis, jr., Mr., Hon. Mem., Rerumpub. Feed. Cur. Sup. Jurid. Charles Fay, Mr. William Gray, Mr. *S. M. Jenkins, Mr., M. D. Edward P. Milliken, Mr., D. MH. n Isaac E. Morse, Mr., D. M. Benjamin Pierce, Mr., IZbw. ilfem., Tut., Math, et Nat. Phil. Prof. Acad., A. A. et S. P. A. S., Astron. et Math. Prof, Perkins., LL. D., F. R. S. Cambridge Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Easton, Md. Charleston, S. C. New Orleans, La. 37 George W. Phillips, Mr., Hon. J\Jem. Boston. *Benjamin M. Saul, jr., Mr., Hon. Mem. New Orleans, La. Charles S. Storrow, Mr., Hon. Mem., A. A. S. Boston. *William W. Sturgis, Mr. Boston. *Ezra Weston, Mr., L.P. C. Duxbury. K. S. T. In. 1826. Gr. 1829. Edward L. Cunningham, Mr., G. M., M. n., M. M. S. S. Boston. *George H. Devereux, Mr. Salem. Oliver W. Holmes, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. et A. A. S., in Coll. Dart. Anat. et Physiol. Prof. ; Anat. et Physiol. Prof. Parkman. Boston. Samuel May, Mr. Leicester. In. 1828. Gr. 1830. Thomas C. Amory, Mr. Boston. *nJohn Bryant, Mr., D. MH. Boston. Horace S. Eustis, Mr. O. P. Comfort, Va. George J. Foster, Mr. Boston. Robert H. Gardiner, Mr. Gardiner, Me. Robert W. Hooper, Mr., Hon. Mem., M. D., M. M. S. S. Marblehead. *Isaac A. Jewett, Mr. Columbus, Ohio. nJohn B. Kerr, Mr., L. P. C. Easton, Md, Henry W. Sargent, Mr. Boston. nJohn O. Sargent, Mr., G. M. Boston. Theodore W. Snow, Mr. Boston. Charles Sumner, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1886, in Cong. Rerumpub. Feed. Senat. Boston. Charlemagne Tower, Mr. Paris, N. Y. *nJoseph B. Williams, Mr. Baltimore, Md. 38 K. S. T. In. 1827. Gr. 1830. Joseph Lyman, Mr., D. M, Northampton. In. 1829. Gr. 1831. Thomas Gold Appleton, Mr. Francis Boott, Mr. Frederick William Brune, Mr. *Francis Lowell Dutton, Mr. n Henry Frederick Friese, Mr., G. M. *William C. Gorham, Mr., Hon. Mem, *n Robert Habersham, Mr., L. P. C. Herman Brimmer Inches, Mr., M. Z)., M.M.S.S. John George McKean, Mr., Hon, Mem., 1835, Wendell Phillips, Mr., D, MH. et G. MH. George Cheyne Shattuck, Mr., M. jD., M. M S. S. *Francis Henry Silsbee, Mr. John T. S. Sullivan, Mr., Hon. Mem, n Charles Henry Tilghman, Mr. *Abraham Rand Thompson, Mr. K. S. T. Boston. Boston. Baltimore, Md. Boston. Baltimore, Md. Boston. Savannah, Ga. Boston. New York, N. Y. Boston, Boston. Salem. Boston. Easton, Md. Charlestown. In. 1828. Gr. 1831. John Lathrop Motley, Mr. *Samuel Wigglesworth, Mr., D, M, M. D,, M, M, S, S. Boston. Boston. 39 In. 1830. Gr. 1832. n Horatio Biglow, Mr. Cambridge. Richard Miller Chapman, Mr. Boston, n George Caspar Crowninshield, Mr. Boston. §John W. Gorham, jr., Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Boston. uJohn Parkman, Mr. Brighton, n Samuel Parkman Shaw, Mr., L. P. C. Boston. John B. Silsbee, Mr., Hon. Mem. 1832, Salem. Joseph S. Buckminster Thacher, Mr., D. MH., Reip. Miss. Curr. Sup. Jurid. Boston. nAlanson Tucker, Mr. Derry, N. H. James Sullivan Warren, Mr. Boston. 40 MEMBERS OF THE POECELLIAN CLUB SINCE THE UNION OF THE P. C. AND K. S. T. In. 1831. Gr. 1833. Gervais Baillio, Mr. George I. Crafts, Mr. William Dehon, Mr., L, P. C. Henry Y. Gray, Mr., Hon. Mem. John Joy, Mr. § Waldo Higginson, Mr. § Charles Jackson, Mr., A. A. S. *Francis E. Oliver, Mr. Charles H. Peirce, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. Soc. Fletcher Webster, Mr., D. MH. Charles Alfred Welch, Mr., G. MH. Alexandria, La. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Detroit, Mich. Boston. In. 1832. Gr. 1834. Gideon F. Barstow, Mr., M. D., M. M. S Soc. Salem. §Edward D. Boit, Mr. Boston. Henry Burroughs, Mr., Hon. Mem. Boston. Frederick Dwight, Mr. Springfield. James T. Earle, Mr., Hon. Mem. Centreville, Md. *Drausin B. Labranche, Mr. St. Chas. Par., La *Rufus B. Lawrence, Mr. Lowell. Samuel Parkman, Mr., G. MH., M. D., M. M. S. S. Boston. John T. W. Sargent, Mr. Boston. * William V. Thacher, Mr. Boston. 41 Henry C. Wayne, Mr. Savannah, Ga. Charles H. Wheelwright, Mr., D. MH. Boston. Robert Wickliffe, jr., Mr. Lexington, Ky. Joseph H. Williams, Mr., L. P. C. Augusta, Me. In. 1833. Gr. 1835. §William H. Allen, Mr., D. MH, William Frederick Frick, Mr., L. P. C. Charles H. Gates, Mr. *Daniel Jones, Mr. Nemese H. Labranche, Mr. Amos A. Lawrence, Mr. Charles H. Parker, Mr. ^Thomas P. Rutledge, Mr., D. M'l New Bedford. Baltimore, Md. Montreal, L. C. Nantucket. St. Chas. Par., La. Boston. Boston. Charleston, S. C. In. 1834. Gr. 1836. Samuel Cabot, Mr., M. D., M, M. S. et A. A. S. J. W. Tudor Gardiner, Mr. John T. Gray, jr., Mr., D. MH. William Neyle Habersham, Mr. § William Minot, Mr. Grenville Tudor Phillips, Mr., L. P. C. J. Harleston Read, Mr. Joseph Gales Seaton, Mr. Samuel Gray Ward, Mr. Boston. Gardiner, Me. Louisville, Ky. Savannah, Ga. Boston. Boston. Charleston, S. C. Washington, D. C. Boston. In. 1835. Gr. 1837. Simon F. Barstow, Mr. Richard Henry Dana, jr., Mr. Lewis S. Fellows, Mr. Mr., Rhet. et Oral. *S. T. Hildreth, PrcecepU Henry Hubbard, Mr., D. MH. §J. A. Huger, Mr. Salem. Boston. Havana, Cuba. Gloucester. Charlestown, N.H. Charleston, S. C. 42 S. C. Thwing, Mr., Hon. Mem. Roxbury. J. F. Tuckerman, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. Soc. Boston. *William P. "Williams, Mr. Baltimore, Md. *Edward P. Williams, Mr. Baltimore, Md. In. 1836. Gr. 1838. G. B. Bate, Mr. Louisville, Ky. Wendell Thornton Davis, Mr. Greenfield. James B. Hey ward, Mr., D. MH. Charleston, S. C. William H. Heyward, Mr. Charleston, S. C. Thomas McLaughlin, Mr., Hon. Mem. Columbia, Miss. William Preston, Mr., Hon. Mem. Louisville, Ky. B. G. Pringle, Mr., Hon. Mem.' Charleston, S. C. B. S. Rotch, Mr., L. P. C. New Bedford. W. J. Rotch, Mr. New Bedford. §W. W. Story, Mr. Cambridge. In. 1831 Gr. 1839. Loring Henry Austin, Mr. Cambridge. Kirk Boott, Mr., G. MH. Cambridge. §G. W. Christy, Mr., D. M'L New Orleans, La J. L. Danforth, Mr. Louisville, Ky. *Enos W. Dean, Mr. Boston. § Samuel Eliot, Mr. Cambridge. R. Labranche, Mr., L. P. C. Jeff. Par., La. *§James J. Moore, Mr. Harrodsburg, Ky. Thomas Snead, Mr., D. MU. Louisville, Ky. §R. C. Stilwell, Mr., M. D. Gulielm. M. M. S. S. Lancaster. In 1838. Gr. 1840. Henry Bryant, Mr., M. D., M. M. S. S. Boston. J. Elliot Cabot, Mr. Boston. John Francis Heath, Mr., B. MH. Petersburg, Va. 43 Nathaniel Dean Hubbard, Mr. James Lawrence, Mr., L. P. C. *J. Coolidge Shaw, Mr. §Edward Holker Welch, Mr. Charlestown, N.H. Boston. Boston. Boston. In 1839. Gr. 1841. William Addison Fitzhugh, Mr. *William H. Orne, Mr. Edward Newton Perkins, Mr., D. M'l. Henry Welles Smith, Mr., L. P. C. Francis M. Rotch, Mr. Pittsburg, Pa. Milton, Me. Boston. Lowell. Louisville, N. Y. In. 1840. Gr. 1842. Francis H. Appleton, Mr. Boston. James Greenough, Mr, Boston. C. E. Labeaume, Mr. St. Louis, Mo, George T. Lyman, Mr., D. MH. Boston. B. W. Nichols, Mr., L. P. C. Boston. Stephen H. Phillips, Mr. Salem. § George Edward Rice, Mr. Boston. S. C. Robinson, Mr. Richmond, Va. *Alfred Rodman, Mr. New Bedford. William Logan Rodman, Mr. New Bedford, David Sears, jr., Mr. Boston. Frederick Sheldon, Mr. New York. In. 1841. Gr. 1843. Francis L. Lee, Mr., L. P. C. et G. MH. Boston. Charles C. Perkins, Mr., D. MU. Boston. Thomas H. Perkins, Mr. Boston. William C. Rogers, Mr. Salem. F. Richard Sears, Mr., L. P. C. Boston. O. Tiffany, Mr. • Baltimore, Md. George C. Ward, Mr, Boston. 44 In. 1842. Gr. 1844. Henry C. Chauncey, Mr. James Gm'don Clarke, Mr. Charles W. Dabney, jr., Mr., D. MH. Henry T. Davis, Mr. William M. Hunt, Mr. Leverett Salton stall, Mr. J. C. Stone, Mr. S. G. Wheatland, Mr., L. P. C. Edward Wheelwright, Mr. New York, N. Y. Nashua, N. H. Fayal, Azores. Boston. Boston. Salem. Boston. Salem. Boston. In. 1843. Gr. 1845. Frederick Cunningham, Mr. Edward Dexter, Mr., D. M'l. et G. MH. John R. Habersham, Mr. Jonathan Hunt, Mr. Edward J. Pringle, Mr. Harrison Ritchie, Mr., L. P. C. Quincy A. Shaw, Mr. William S. Tiffkny, Mr. Boston. Boston. Savannah, Ga. Boston. Charleston, S. C. Boston. Boston. Baltimore, Md. In. 1844. Gr. 1846. Edward Bangs, Mr., G. MH. Watertown. Francis B. Brooks, Mr., Hon. Mem. Boston. J. Amory Cod man, Mr. Roxbury. * Augustus E. Daniels, Mr. Dan vers. William S. Dexter, Mr. Boston. T. Bigelow Lawrence, Mr. Boston. Thomas R. Rodman, Mr., L. P. C . New Bedford. William E. Sedgwick, Mr., D. MH. New York. Bernard Crosby Whitman, M^. Portland, Me. Henry A. Whitney, Mr., G. MH. Boston. 45 In. 1845. Gr. 1847. Charles Bruce, Mr. Williain C. Endicott, Mr., L, P. C, Joseph P. Gardner, Mr. Augustine Heard, jr., Mr. Roscoe B. Heath, Mr., Hon. Mem. Colin Mackenzie, Mr. C. H. Morrell, Mr., D. MH. William Allen Neil, Mr. William C. Rives, Mr., Hon. Mem. Andrew C. Wheelwright, Mr. Halifax Co., Va. Salem. Boston. Ipswich. Petersburg, Va. Baltimore, Md. Havana, Cuba. Columbus, Ohio. Richmond, Va. Boston. In. 1846. Gr. 1848. Joseph P. Alston, Mr., D. MH. John D. Hobson, Mr., Hon. Mem. J. Steuart Thorndike, Mr., L. P. C. George P. Tiffany, Mr. § Alexander S. Wads worth, Mr. Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va. Boston. Baltimore, Md. > Washington, D. C. In. 1847. Gr. 1849. Jerome N. Bonaparte, jr., Mr. Martin Brimmer, Mr., D. MH. Arthur Bronson, Mr., Hon. Mem. Francis Hathaway, Mr. Edward Jackson, Mr. Henry E. Johnston, Mr. Josiah Lee Johnston, Mr. Abbott Lawrence, jr., Mr. J. E. Macfarland, Mr., Hon. Mem. Joseph C. Swett, Mr., L. P. C. . John Stewart Walker, Mr. Baltimore, Md. Boston. New York, N. Y. New Bedford. Boston. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Boston. Richmond, Va. Boston. Richmond, Va. 46 In. 1848. Gr. 1850. E. Lincoln Baylies, Mr., L. P. C. Walter C. Cabot, Mr., D. MH. John Lee Carroll, Mr., Hon. Mem. T. Jefferson Coolidge, Mr. R. Barnwell Fuller, Mr. Horatio Hathaway, Mr. George G. Lowell, Mr. Charles Ridgely, Mr. Boston. Boston. Baltimore, Md. Boston. Beaufort, S. C. New Bedford. Boston. Baltimore Co., Md. In. 1849. Gr. 1851. William Cutting, Mr., Hon. Mem. Francis O. Dabney, Mr., L. P. C. William N. Davis, Mr., D. MH. A. Telfair Habersham, Mr. Augustus T. Perkins, Mr. New York, N. Y. Fayal, Azores. Boston. Savannah, Ga. Boston. In. 1850. Gr. 1852. John E. Blake, Mr. Boston. Peter C. Brooks, jr., Mr. Boston. John S. Gardiner, Mr. Boston. William E. Howe, Mr., Hon. Mem. Boston. George Augustus Peabody, Mr., L. P. C. Salem. Edward Ellerton Pratt, Mr. Boston. Paul J. Revere, Mr. Boston. Knyvett Winthrop Sears, Mr. Boston. Nathaniel D. Silsbee, Mr. Salem. George B. Sohier, Mr. Boston. S. Lothrop Thorndike, Mr., D. MH. Beverly. In. 1851. Gr. 1853. Theodore Chase, jr., Mr. Boston. William H. Cunningham, Mr., D. MH. Boston. 47 William Frick, jr., Mr., Hon. Mem. Baltimore, Md. Charles Coolidge Pomeroy, Mr., L. P. C. Cincinnati, Ohio. James N. Roosevelt, Mr., Hon. Mem. New York, N. Y. N. B. The names of the residences of Honorary Members in the Catalogue have been taken from the old records ; and as it has been found impossible to correct them all in conformity with the changes which have since been made, they have been generally suffered to remain as first recorded. This may account for some misstatements in the present residences of Honorary Members. 48 IMMEDIATE MEMBERS. In. 1852. Gr. 1854. Edward Wainwright Codman, Brockholst Cutting, Hon. Mem. William Stanley Haseltine, Benjamin Joy Jeffries, Gerard Walton Morris, Hon. Mem. Robert Aloysius Renshaw, Charles Thorndike, L. P. C. William Thorndike, Robert Charles Winthrop, jr., D. Ml. Leonard Jarvis Wyeth, jr. Boston. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston. New York, N. Y. Caracas, Venezuela. Boston. Beverly. Boston. New York, N. Y. In. 1853. Gr. 1855. William Amory, jr. Samuel Parkman Blake, Edward Ingersoll Browne, Payson Perrin Ellis, Sec. Charles Frederic Lyman, Theodore Lyman, Boston. Eoxbury. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. In. 1854. Gr. 1856. Charles Le Doux Elgee, Alexandria, La. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Abbess, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Abelard and Heloise. 12m o. Abercrombie on the Intellectual Powers. 18mo. Abyssinia, Travels in. 8vo. Adam, Rev. J. History of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. Adams, John. Defence of the American Constitution. 3 vols. 8vo. Adams, J. Letters to his "Wife. 12mo. Adams and Washington, Administrations of, by G. Gibbs. 2 vols. 8vo. Adams, J. Q,. Lectures on Rhetoric. 2 vols. 8vo. Adams, Mrs. Letters of. 12mo. Addison, J. Works. 6 vols. 12mo. Adeline Mow^bray, a Novel. 12mo. Adventurer, by Ha wkesworth. 4 vols. 16mo. Adventures of a Guinea. 3 vols. 16mo. Adventures of a King's Page. 2 vols. 12mo. Adventures of a Younger Son. 2 vols. 12mo. Adventures of a Young Rifleman. 12mo. Africa. Discovery and Adventure in. 12mo. African (West) Sketches. 12m o. Age of Louis XV., by Voltaire. 2 vols. 12mo. Agnes Serle, a Novel, by Ellen Pickering. Aikin, Dr. John. Letters on Literature. 12mo. 7 50 Aikin, J. Selections from British Poets. 8vo. Aikin, Lucy. Epistles on Women, and other Poems. 12mo. Aikin, L. Memoirs of the Com't of James I. 2 vols. 8vo. Aikin, L. Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. Akenside, Mark. Pleasures of Imagination, a Poem. 12mo. Alexander the Great, by Sir R. Clayton. « Alexis, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Alfred the Great, Life and Writings of, by Dr. R. Pauli. 12mo. Alhambra, Tales of the, by W. Irving. 2 vols. 12mo. AKce Paulet, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Alice, a Sequel to Ernest Maltravers. 2 vols. 12mo. Alison, Archibald. History of Europe. 4 vols. 8vo. Alison, A. Life of Marlborough. 12mo. Alison, A. Miscellaneous Essays. 8vo. Alison, A. On Taste. 8vo. Allston, Washington. Lectures on Art, and Poems. 8vo. (2 copies.) Almacks, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Almacks Revisited, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet. An Autobiography. 12mo. Amadis of Gaul, a Romance. 4 vols. 12mo. Amber Witch, a Tale. 12mo. Ambitious Student, by Bulwer. 12mG. Amenities of Literature, by J. D' Israeli. 2 vols. 12mo. America, History of. See Robertson, Snowdon, &c. America, by A. H. Everett. 8vo. American Almanac. 6 vols. 12mo. American Annual Register. 5 vols. 8vo. American Biographical Dictionary. 8vo. American Biography, Library of. See Sparks. American Character. Sketches of. See Hale. American in Egypt, by Cooley. 8vo. American Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. American Loyalists, by L. Sabine. 8vo. American Monthly Magazine. 2 vols. 8vo. 51 American Monthly Review. 10 vols. 8vo. American Quarterly Review. 10 vols. 8vo. American Review. 4 vols. 8vo. American Revolution, by A. Ramsay. 2 vols. 8vo. American Revolution, by Mercy Warren. 3 vols. 8vo. Ames, Fisher. Life and Works. 8vo. Anacharsis. Travels in Greece. 7 vols. 8vo. Analysis of Beauty, by Walker. 12mo. Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Greek. 2 vols. 12mo. Anatomy of the Horse. Plates. See Percival. Anatomy of Melancholy, by Robert Burton. 4to. Anecdotes, Historical and Literary. 12m o. Annals of the Parish, &c., by John Gait. 12mo. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. 4 vols. 12mo. Arabian Tales. 4 vols. 12mo. Armstrong's Poems. 12mo. Arnold, Dr. T. History of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. Arnold, Dr. T. History of the Later Roman Common- wealth. 8vo. Arnold, Dr. T. Lectures on Modern History. 12mo. Arnold, Dr. T. Life. 12mo. Arnold, Dr. T. Miscellaneous Works. 8vo. Arnott's Elements of Physics. 2 vols. 8vo. Arthur Mervyn, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Art of Being Happy, by Droz. 12mo. Art of Preserving Health, a Poem. 12mo. Asmodeus at Large. 12mo. Asmodeus, or the Devil on Two Sticks. 8vo. Astoria, by W. Irving. 2 vols. 8vo. Atlas, Ancient and Modern. Lavoisine. folio. Atlas, Ancient, folio. Atlas, Black's General. Attila, a Romance, by G. P. R. James. 2 vols. 12mo. Audubon, J. J. Ornithological Biography. 5 vols. 8vo. Audubon, J. J. Synopsis of Birds. 8vo. Austria in 1848 - 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. 52 B. Babylon and Nineveh. Layard. 8vo. Bachelor of the Albany, a Novel. 12mo. Bacon, Francis. Essays. 12mo. Bacon, F. Francis I. 2 vols. 8vo. Bacon, F. Works. 11 vols. 12mo. Baillie, Joanna. Miscellaneous Plays. 8vo« Baillie, Joanna. Plays. 2 vols. 8vo. Baines, E. History of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 4to. Bakewell, R. Introduction to Geology. 8vo. Ballantyne's Novelist's Library. 10 vols. 8vo. Bancroft, George. History of the United States of Ameri- ca. 5 vols. 8vo. Bancroft, G. Poems. 18mo. 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Beauties of Shakespeare. 12mo. Beauties of the Waverley Novels. 12mo. Beauties and Deformities of Tobacco-Using. 12mo. Beckford's Italy. 12mo. Beckman's History of Inventions. 2 vols. 12mo. Beecher, H. W. Lectures to Young Men. 12mo. Belknap, Jeremy. American Biography. 2 vols. Svo. Belknap. J. History of New Hampshire. 2 vols. Svo. Belknap, J. Psalms and Hymns. ISmo. Bell's British Theatre. 12 vols. Svo. Bell on the Hand (Bridgewater Treatise). 12mo. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 vols. ISmo. Belsham, J. W. Chronology of the Reigns of George HI, and George IV. ISmo. Bennoni, Lorenzo. 12mo. Berber, The, by W. S. Mayo. 12mo. Bernard, J. Retrospection of the Stage. 2 vols. 12mo. Bernardo del Carpio, from the Spanish. 12mo. Bible, Holy. Svo. Bigelow, Andrew. Sketches of Travel. Svo. Bigelow, A. Travels in Sicily, &c. Svo. Bigelow, Jacob. Elements of Technology. Svo. Bigland, J. View of the World. 5 vols. Svo. Biographical Dictionary, Gorton's. 4 vols. Svo. 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Bonaparte, N., Life of, by W. Hazlitt. 4 vols. 12mo. Bonaparte, N., Life and Memoirs of. See Bourienne, Las Casas, Lockhart, Scott, De I'Ardeche, O'Meara, Hazlitt, Montholon, Gourgaud, &c. Bonaparte, N., Portrait of, by Chateaubriand. Bonaparte, N., Secret History of the Cabinet of. 2 vols. 12mo. Bonaparte, N. Voyage to St. Helena. (2 copies.) Bonneville's Adventures, by W. Irving. 12mo. Book of Ballads. 12mo. Book of the Boudoir. 2 vols. 12mo. Book of Christmas. 12mo. Book of Common Prayer. 12mo. Book of Gems. 3 vols. Svo. Book of Gems. Svo. Boone, Daniel, Life of, by Flint. Borough, a Poem, by G. Crabbe. 12mo. Borrow, George. Gypsies in Spain. 12mo. Boston Book, for 1S36. 12mo. Boston Book, for 1S37. 12mo. 55 Boston Stage, Record of the, by W. W. Clapp. 12mo. Boswell, J. Life of Johnson. 4 vols. 8vo. Boswell, J. Tour to the Hebrides. 8vo. Bourienne. Life of Napoleon. 8vo. Bouterwek, F. History of Spanish and Portuguese Liter- ature. 2 vols. Svo. Bowman's Practical Chemistry. 12mo. 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Brown, Charles B. Novels, 7 vols. 12mo. Brown, Tom. Jest Book. 16mo. Browne, Sir T. Philosophy of the Mind. 3 vols. Svo. 56 Bruce, James. Life. 16mo. Bruce, J. Travels. 12mo. Bryant, Wm. C. Poems. ISmo. Bryant, Wm. C. Fountain, and other Poems. 8vo. Brydone, P. Tour through Sicily and Malta. 2 vols. 8vo. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. 12mo. Buccaneers of America, History of. 12mo. Buchanan, Claudius. Works. 8vo. Buchanan, George. Memoirs. 8vo. Bucke, C. Beauties, &c. of Nature. 4 vols. 8vo. Budget of the Bubble Family. 2 vols. 12 mo. Budget of Tales. 12mo. Buds and Flowers of Leisure Hours. 8vo. Buffon, G. L. Natural History. 5 vols. 12mo. Bulwer, E. L. Caxtons. A Novel. 12mo. Bulwer, E. L. My Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Bulwer, E. L. Novels. 15 vols. 12mo. Bulwer, E. L. Novels. (2 copies.) • Bulwer, E. L. Miscellanies. 2 vols. 12mo. Buonaparte. See Bonaparte. Burke, Edmund, Life of, by Bisset. Burke, E. Life of, by J. Prior. 8vo. Burke, E. Works. 7 vols. 8vo. Burnet, G. History of his own Time. 4 vols. 8vo. Burns, Robert. Genius and Character. 12mo. (2 copies.) Burns. Life and Land of, by A. Cunningham. 12mo. Burns, R. Poems. 3 vols. 12mo. Burns, R. Songs. 12mo. Burns, R. Works and Life. 4 vols. 12mo. Burr, Aaron. Life. 8vo. Butler, Frances Anne. Poems. 12mo. Butler, Joseph. Analogy. 8vo. (5 copies.) Butler, J. Works and Life. 8vo. Byron and his Contemporaries, by Leigh Hunt. 8vo. Byron Gallery. Plates. 8vo. Byron, Lord. Journal of his Conversations during a Resi- 57 dence with him in the Years 1821 and 1822, by Thomas Medwin. 12mo. Byron, Lord. Life, by Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. Byron, Lord. Works. 7 vols. 8vo. C. Calamities of Authors, by D' Israeli. 2 vols. 12mo. Caldwell, C. Life of General Greene. 8vo. Caleb Williams, Adventures of. 2 vols. 12mo. Calhoun's Speeches. 8vo. Calvert's Poems. 12mo. Cambridge Electricity. 8vo. Cambridge Epitaphs, by T. W. Harris. 12mo. Cambridge Mechanics. 8vo. Cambridge Physics. 8vo. Cambridge Tart. 12mo. Campbell, G. 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By N. S. Wheaton. 8vo. Journal of Frances Anne Butler. 2 vols. 8vo. Journal of Miss F. Kemble. 2 vols. 8vo. Julia de Roubigne. See Ballantyne. Julian, or Scenes in Judea. 2 vols. 12mo. Junius. 2 vols. 12mo. Junius Identified. 8vo. Junius. Newhall's Letters on. 8vo. Junius, Waterhouse's. 8vo. Kames, Henry Home, Lord. Elements of Criticism. 2 vols. Svo. Kane's Chemistry. Svo. Kavanagh, a Tale, by H. W. Longfellow. 12m o. Kean, Edmund. Life. 12mo. Keats's Poems. 12mo. Kemble, John Philip. Life, by J. Boaden. 12mo. Kendall, E. A. Travels in the Northern Parts of* the United States in 1807 and 1808. 3 vols. 8vo. 79 Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expe- dition. 2 vols. 12mo. Kenilworth. 2 vols. 12mo. Kennett, Basil. Roman Antiquities. 8vo. Keppel, George. Travels. 8vo. Kett, Henry. Elements of General Knowledge. 2 vols. 12mo. Kidd, John. On the Physical Constitution of Man. 12mo. King Arthur, a Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Klose, C. L. Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart. 2 vols. 12mo. 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