Class "R X in O Book :_L TEXT BOOK Co MATEEIA MEDICA BY A.U: LIPPE, M.IX Professor of Materia Medica at the Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA: A. J. TAFEL, PUBLISHER, No. 48 NORTH NINTH STREET, 18 66. J Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by A. J. TAFEL, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. JAS. B. RODGERS, PRINTER, 52 & 54 North Sixth St. PREFACE This work was originally prepared for the use of those attending the Lectures on the Materia Medica, in the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, and at their request. It contains the characteristic and most prominent special symptoms of the best proved and most used of our Medicines. The distinction of symptoms, as the result of provings on the healthy (pathogenetic,) or as the result of clinical observations on the sick (cura- tive,) or as belonging to both these classes, has not been retained in this work. Such distinctions belong exclusively to the complete Materia Medica, the study of which the present Text-book is intended to facilitate, not to supersede. And to a more thorough and satisfactory study and knowledge of Materia Medica than has been general of late years, it is sincerely hoped that this book may prove both an introduction and a guide. So great is the multiplicity of symptoms, the result of provings, clinical corroborations and observations, with which our growing Materia Medica is overladen, that it seems little less than an impossibility to obtain a clear? discriminating view of each separate remedy. The efforts previously made to overcome this difficulty, by abridging the Materia Medica, have proved but failures. Nor was it possible for them to have resulted otherwise, since they did not exhibit the essentially characteristic symptoms of the different medicines. They were attempts at mechanical sifting, weeding out, made without proper comprehension of the subject; which disappointed those who referred to them, and led them to demand a differently prepared and more reliable guide. It is with the greatest reluctance that I have yielded to the requests of my professional friends and of those whom I have the pleasure of instruct- ing, and endeavored to meet this demand. As only those who have un- dertaken such a work can truly realize its arduous nature, so no one can be more thoroughly conscious of its imperfections than is the author himself. IV PREFACE. Those who have mastered the Materia Medica, the author is well aware, may be acquainted with characteristic symptoms unknown to him or over- looked by him; and he will thankfully receive and acknowledge such supplementary, characteristic and especial symptoms, for incorporation in the present work. In presenting this Text-book to his colleagues, the author relies as well upon the intelligence as upon the charity of those most conversant with the subject;, since while they will undoubtedly notice many omissions and much room for improvement, they will, at the same time, appreciate the formidable nature of the task which he has been induced to undertake. The method and object of the work are different from those of any before published on the Homoeopathic Materia Medica; but its arrange- ment is simple, varying but little from that originally adopted by Hahne- man. The first symptoms given are those of the mind, followed by those of the different parts of the body, beginning with the head, — which also in- cludes giddiness, — and concluding with the feet. Then come the generali- ties, comprising the symptoms relating to the Nervous Systems and to the Circulation; these belonging to Sleep, Fever and the Skin; and finally, the most prominent conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration, from time, place and circumstance. The usefulness of this book can only be determined by the practical test, to which it is respectfully submitted by THE AUTHOR. Philadelphia, December 30th, 1865. ACOHITUM NAPELLUS. Mind and Disposition. Great, inconsolable anxiety. Complaining fear of approaching death ; predicts the day he is to die. Sensitive irritability. Sadness. 5. Maliciousness. Fitful mood, changing from one thing to another ; now he is full of mirth, whistles and warbles a song ; and then he is disposed to weep. Delirium, especially at night — with ecstasy. Fear of ghosts. Head. Vertigo when rising, with nausea ; vanishing of sight ; bleed- ing of the nose. 10. Congestion to the head, especially towards evening, with full- ness and pulsation in the head, vanishing of sight, sing- ing in the ears, red-hot face. Inflammation of the brain — sensation of fulness and heaviness in the forehead, with the sensation as if the whole brain would start out of the eyes, with nausea and giddiness, aggravated by talking and from motion. Burning head-ache, as if the brain was moved by boiling water. Crampy sensation in the forehead over the root of the nose : it feels as if he would lose his senses. Sensation of heat in the head, which perspires, with pale face. Eyes. 15. Aversion to, or great desire for, light. Ophthalmia, very painful, with blear-eyedness, or from foreign bodies having come into the eyes, (dust, sparks.) Red, hard swelling of the eyelids. b ACONIT. Ears. Tearing (left ear.) Roaring in the ears. 20. Hearing very sensitive, noise is intolerable. JVbse. Bleeding of the nose, especially in plethoric persons. Face. Red and hot. Yellow. Red and pale, alternately. 25. Redness of one cheek and paleness of the other. When raising himself up, the red face becomes pale. Perspiration on the side of the face on which he lies. Tingling in the cheeks. Lips dry and black, peeling off. Teeth. 30. Toothache from cold, with throbbing in one side of the face, intense redness of the cheek, congestion of blood to the head, and great restlessness. Mouth. Dryness of the mouth and of the tongue. Pricking and burning on the tongue. Tongue coated white. Trembling and stammering speech. Throat. 35. Tingling in the oesophagus. Acute inflammation of the throat (palate, tonsils and fauces) with high fever, dark redness of the parts, burning and stinging in the fauces. Stinging in the throat when swallowing and coughing. Almost entire inability to swallow, with hoarseness. Appetite and Taste. Taste bitter. 40. Every thing tastes bitter, except water. Aversion to food. Burning, unquenchable thirst. Stomach. Vomiting, with nausea and thirst, heat, profuse perspiration and increased micturition. Vomiting of bloody mucus, or of what has been drunk, followed by thirst. 45. Pressure in the stomach and pit of the stomach, as from a weight or a hard stone. ACONIT. 7 Abdomen. Tension, heaviness and pressure in the hypochondria. Inflammation and sensation of soreness in the liver. Pressure in the region of the liver, with obstruction of breathing. Inflammation of the peritoneum, with restlessness, sleeplessness and thirst. 50. Inflammation of the bowels, with burning, tearing pain. Inflammation of the hernial stricture, with vomiting of bile. Stool and Anus. Frequent small stools with tenesmus. Watery diarrhoea. Stools, white with dark red urine. Urinary Organs. 55. Enuresis, with thirst. Scanty, red, hot urine, without sediment. Sexual Organs. Men. Sexual desire either increased or decreased, with re- laxed parts. Testicles pain, as if bruised. Women, Catamenia too profuse and too protracted. 60. Suppressed menstruation from fright. After pains, too painful and too protracted. Milk fever (with delirium.) Puerperal peritonitis. Larynx and Trachea. Inflammation of Larynx and Bronchia. G5. Angina membranacea, with dry cough and quick breathing. Short dry cough from titillation in the larynx. Cough with stitches in the chest or small of the back. Expectoration of bloody mucus. Haemoptysis. Chest. 70. Shortness of breathing, especially when sleeping or raising one's self. Anxious, labored, sobbing breathing. Stitches through the chest and side, especially when breathing and coughing. Pleurisy and Pneumonia, especially with great heat, much thirst, dry cough and great nervous excitability, only some- what relieved when lying on the back. Asthma of Millar. 75. Oppression of the chest preventing deep breathing, Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish. 5 ACONIT. Inflammation of the heart. Chronic diseases of the heart, with continuous pressure in the left side of the chest, oppressed breathing when moving fast and ascending steps, stitches in the region of the heart, con- gestions to the head; attacks of fainting and tingling in the fingers. Bach. Pain, as if bruised in the small of the back. 80. Tingling in the back. Upper Extremities. Tingling in the fingers, even while writing. Icy coldness of the hands. Hot hands with cold feet. Numbness in the left arm; — he can scarcely move the hand. Loiver Extremities. 85. The hip-joint feels as if bruised. Drawing, tearing pains in the knee-joint. Unsteadiness of the knees. Coldness of the feet up to the ankles, or only of the toes, with perspiration of the toes and soles of the feet. Generalities. Fainting, especially when rising, with paleness of the cheeks, which were red when lying. 90. Sudden great sinking of strength. Lameness (paralysis) (left side.) Cataleptic attacks, with rigor of the body, loud lamentations and grinding of the teeth. Burning in internal parts. Congestions (head, chest, heart.) 95. Inflammations (serous membranes.) Stinging pains in internal organs. Tearing in external parts (Rheumatism.) Tingling (fingers, oesophagus, cheeks, back.) Painful sensitiveness of the body to contact : he does not wish to be touched. 100. Attacks of pain, with thirst and redness of the face. Sleep. Sleeplessness, with restlessness (eyes closed) and constant tossing about. Anxious dreams, with much talking and moving while sleeping. Nightmare. ACONIT. 9 Fever. Pulse. Hard, full, frequent; sometimes intermitting; when slow, almost imperceptible (thread like.) 105. Fever. Sensation of coldness in the blood-vessels. Chilliness. From being uncovered and from being touched. Chilliness, with thirst. Shuddering runs up from the feet to the chest. Chill, with internal heat, anxiety and red cheeks. 110. Heat, with agonized tossing about. Dry burning heat, generally extending from the head and face, with much thirst for cold drinks. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Heat, with chilliness at the same time. Inflammatory fevers and inflammations, with much heat, dry burning skin, violent thirst, red face, or alternate red and pale face, nervous excitability, groaning and agonized tossing about, shortness of breath, and congestion to the head. 115. Perspiration over the whole body, especially the covered parts, smelling sour. Shin. Red, hot, N swollen and shining skin, with violent pain. Rash of children. Burning in the skin. Yellow face. Conditions. 120. While at rest, he is better ; but during the night, in bed, the pain is insupportable. Bad effects from dry cold air, suppressed perspiration, from fright, with fear and anger. Aggravation in the evening (chest symptoms) when lying on» .the (left) side ; when rising ; in the warm room. Amelioration. In the open air (nervous symptoms); when sitting still (rheumatism.) 10 ^ITHUSA. jETHUSA cynapium. Mind and Disposition. Bad humor, irritability, especially in the afternoon, and in the open air. Anxiety. Delirium. Head* Giddiness, with sleepiness. 5. Stitches and pulsations in the head. Heaviness in the forehead. Heat rises to the head; the body becomes warmer; the face becomes red and the giddiness ceases. Sensation, as if both sides of the head were in a vice. Eyes. Eyes brilliant and protruding. 10. Pupils dilated and insensible. Ears. Stitches in the ears, especially in the right ear, as if something hot were streaming from it. Face. Tearing in the face, in the malar bones. Throat* Sensation of constriction, preventing deglutition. Stinging in the throat, between the acts of deglutition. Taste. 15. Taste sweetish, especially in the morning, when awaking. Stomach. Violent vomiting (in children) of curdled milk; of green mucus. Violent vomiting, with diarrhoea — green mucus, or (in chil- dren) bloody substances. Abdomen. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. Black bluish swelling of the abdomen. AGARICUS. 11 Stool. 20. Loose stools, preceded by cutting in the abdomen, with te- nesmus in the morning, after rising. Diarrhoea — discharges green, thin, bilious, with violent te- nesmus. Bloody stools. Bach. Sensation, as if the small of the back were in a vice. Generalities. Epileptic spasms, with clenched thumb, red face, eyes turned downwards, pupils fixed, dilated, foam at the mouth, jaws locked, small, hard and quick pulse. 25. Spasms, with stupor and delirium. Sleep. Sleepiness all day ; sometimes better in the open air. Conditions. Coldness, stiffness and rigor of the limbs. Sensation of parts, as if they were in a vice (head, small of back.) AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Mind and Disposition. Indisposed to talk. Indisposed to perform any kind of labor, especially mental. Exuberant fancy. Ecstasy. o. Prophecy. He makes verses. Head. Vertigo, giddiness, as from intoxication, especially in the morning, in the open air, and caused by the bright rays of the sun. Sensation of heaviness, in the morning, as after intoxication. Drawing head-ache in the morning, extending into the root of the nose. 10. Pressing in the (right) side of the head, as if a nail had been 12 AGARICUS. thrust in; worse when sitting quietly; relieved by slowly moving about. Great sensitiveness of the scalp, as from subcutaneous ulcera- tion. Itching of the hairy scalp, especially early in the morning, after rising. Eyes. Burning in the corners of the eyes. Twitching of the eyelids and eyeballs. 15. A viscid yellow humor glues the eyelids together. Narrowing of the intervals between the eyelids. Muscae volitantes. Short-sightedness. Black mote before the left eye. 20. He sees things double. Ears. Itching, burning and redness of the ears, as if they had been frozen. Nose. Bleeding of the nose in the morning, after blowing it. Face. Tearing in the face and jaw bones. Twitching in the (right) cheek. 25. Pulsation in the cheeks. Itching in the face, with redness and burning, as if frozen. Teeth. Tearing in the lower molar teeth, worse from cold air. Gums painful and bleeding. Mouth. Smell from the mouth offensive, as from horse-radish. 30. Soreness of the tongue. Tongue coated white. Stool and Amis. Stools pappy, with violent cutting in the abdomen, and dis- charge of much flatulency. , Itching in the anus, as from worms. Chest. Short breath and dyspnoea, making it very difficult to walk. Back. 35. Sensation of soreness and great weakness in the back. AGNUS CASTUS. 13 Upper Extremities. Trembling of the hands. Loiver Extremities. Heaviness of the legs. Generalities. Great debility, with trembling of the limbs. Trembling. 40. Twitchings in the eyeballs, eyelids, cheeks, posteriorly in the chest, in the abdomen. Epilepsy (with great exertions of strength.) Great sensitiveness of the body to pressure and cold air. Tearing pains, face, legs, continuous while at rest, disap- pearing while moving about. Soreness and sensation of rawness, (nose, mouth.) 45. Itching, burning, and redness, (as if frost-bitten,) ears, nose, cheeks, fingers, toes. Sleep. Sleepiness in the day-time, especially after eating. Fever. Pulse. Accelerated in the morning, slower during the day, uneven, and sometimes intermitting. Chilliness. Great chilliness in the open air. Chilliness, with natural heat of the skin. 50. Perspiration, from the least exertion. Shin. Burning, itching, and redness, as if frost-bitten. Miliary eruptions, close and white, with burning and itching. Conditions. Symptoms often appear diagonally, (right arm, left leg.) AGNUS CASTUS. Mind and Disposition. Low-spirited, he fears approaching death. Melancholic and hypochondriac mood. Absent-minded. 14 AGNUS CASTUS. Head. Pain in the temple, as from a blow. 5. Heaviness in the head, and pressure, as if the head would fall forward. Pain in the vertex, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and smoky atmosphere. Tension and chilliness in the scalp, which is warm to the touch. Eyes, Corrosive itching over and on the eyebrows, on the eyelids and under the eyes. Dilated pupils. Bars. 10. Roaring in the ears. Hardness of hearing. JSbse. Odor before the nose, like herrings or musk. Hard, aching pressing on the dorsum of the nose, relieved by pressure. Face. Corrosive itching of the cheeks, under the eyes, and on the chin. 15. Formication in the cheeks. Mouth. Ulcers in the mouth, and on the gums. The teeth are painful, when touched by warm food or drink. Appetite and Taste. Thirstlessness and aversion to drink. . Metallic, coppery taste. Stomach. 20. Nausea first in the pit of the stomach, later in the stomach, with the sensation as if all the intestines were pressing downwards. Abdomen. Swelling and induration of the spleen. Ascites. Rumbling of flatulence during sleep. Stool and Anus. Difficulty of passing soft stools. 25. When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid. Sensation as of subcutaneous ulceration near the anus, only when walking. Corrosive itching of the perineum. Rhagades at the anus. AGNUS CASTUS. 15 Urine. Frequent micturition. Sexual Organs. 30. Men. Diminution of sexual powers, the penis is small and flaccid, the testicles are cold. Yellow discharges from the urethra. Gonorrhoea, with suppressed sexual desire. Drawing along the spermatic cords. Itching of the genital organs. 35. Women. Suppression of the menses, with drawing pain in the abdomen. Sterility, with suppressed menses, and want of sexual desire. Deficient secretion of milk in lying-in women. Chest. Hard pressure in the region of the sternum, especially during a deep inspiration. Cough in the evening in bed, before going to sleep. Upper Extremities. 40. Hard pressure in the (right) axilla and upper arm s increased by motion and contact. Swelling of the finger joints, with arthritic, tearing pains. Lower Extremities. Lancinating pain in the right hip-joint. Stitches in the legs, (left big toe.) The feet easily turn, when walking on a stone pavement. Generalities. 45. Great debility. Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of the joints. Gouty nodosities. Fever. Pulse. Small, slow, imperceptible. Chilliness, internal with trembling, the external skin is warm. 50. Much chilliness, with cold hands. Heat. Flushes of burning heat, principally in the face, with cold knees in the evening in bed. Perspiration. Almost only on the hands, when walking in the open air. Skin. Corrosive itching on different parts of the body, relieved by scratching, but it soon returns. Itching around the ulcers, in the evening. 16 ALLIUM CEPA, ALLIUM CEPA. Mind and Disposition. Melancholy. Fear that the pains would become unbearable. Head. Dulness. Dull head-ache, with coryza; worse in the evening; better in the open air; but aggravated when returning to a * warm room. JEyes. 5. Flow of (mild) tears. Redness of the eyes, with itching, burning and stinging, with , inclination to rub them. Swelling around the eyes. Dulness of the eyes, with aversion to light and coryza. Ears, Earache. 10. Discharge of pus from the ear. Hardness of hearing. JYose. Profuse watery discharge from the nose, with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip. Fluent coryza, with running of water from the eyes, head- ache, heat, thirst, cough, trembling of the hands ; worse in the evening and in a room ; better in the open air. Bleeding of the nose. Throat. 15. Sensation as of a lump in the throat. Expectoration of a lumpy mucus through the posterior nares. Abdomen. Violent cutting pain in the left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to micturate, and burning micturition. Stool and Anus. Diarrhoea after midnight and in the morning. Stitches in the rectum. 20. Rhagades at the anus. Itching at the anus (worms.) ALOE. 17 Urinary Organs, Pressure and other pains in the region of the bladder. Sensation of weakness in the bladder and urethra. Increased secretion of urine with coryza. Urine red, with much pressure and burning in the urethra. Chest. 25. Oppressed breathing, from pressure in the middle of the chest; worse in the evening. Cough, when inhaling cold air. Upper Extremities. Trembling of the right hand. Panaritium. Lower Extremities. Soreness ; the skin is rubbed off by the shoes, especially on the heel. Generalities. 30. Inflammation and increased secretions of the mucous mem- branes. Stitches (head, eyes, ears, rectum, skin.) Burning (eyelids, throat, nose, mouth, bladder, skin.) Bad effects from wet feet. Fever. Pulse full and accelerated. 35. Heat, with rumbling in the abdomen, coryza and thirst. ALOE Mind and Disposition. Anxiety and ebullition. Restlessness, fear, fear of man. Bad humor, especially in cloudy weather. He is dissatisfied and angry about himself; more so when he is constipated or when he suffers from pain ; better in the open air. Aversion to labor. Children chat and laugh. 2 18 ALOE. Head. Giddiness and starts. Giddiness, with anxiety when moving ; he feels as if he were sitting too high (after dinner.) Dulness in the forehead, with chilliness. 10. Pressure in the forehead and vertex, as from a weight. Pressing pain above the eyes. Congestions to the head, compelling one to sit up. Stitches above the eyebrows. Pressing out of the temples, with flickering before the eyes and heat in the face. 15. Stitches in the temples at every step. Headache after pain in the abdomen ; after (an insufficient) stool ; worse from heat, better from cold. Sensitiveness of the scalp (in small spots.) With the pain in the forehead the eyes become small. Byes. Congestion to the eyes ; pressure in the orbits. 20. Lachrymation. Bars. Earache. Stitches in the ears ; first in the left ear, afterwards in the right ear. Internal and external heat of the ears. Cracking in the ears when reading aloud. Nose. :25. Redness of the nose in the open, cold air. Coldness of the point of the nose. Bleeding of the nose in bed after awaking. Dryness of the nose in the morning, in bed. Face. Heat of the face when excited, or during headache. 30. Face pale during cloudy weather. Mouth. Lips dry, peeling off, cracked,, bleeding. Yellow ulcers on the tongue. Tongue painful. When moving the tongue, stitches from below to the tip. .'35. Dry tongue and mouth, with increased thirst and greater redness of the lips. Tongue red and dry. Teeth. Great sensitiveness of a decayed molar tooth (lower) right .side. ALOE. 19 Throat. Throat rough, scraped, hot, as if burnt. Pain, when yawning, masticating solid food; worse in the evening, and in the morning, when awaking. 40. Thick lumps of tough mucus in the throat. Appetite and Taste. Taste bitter, sour, like ink. Aversion to meat ; desire for juicy things (fruits.) Hunger unusually keen in the evening. Thirst while eating, after eating, and during the night. 45. After eating flatulency, pulsations in the rectum, and sexual irritation. Stomach. Pain in the stomach after drinking water. Sour things disagree with him. Vomiting of blood. Eructations; tasteless, bitter, sour. 50. Pain in the pit of the stomach from a mis-step. Abdomen. Tension in the region of the liver. Pain in the liver, when standing ; stitches in the liver, when drawing a long breath. Congestion to the abdomen, (portal system.) Sensation of fulness, heaviness, heat and inflammation. 55. The whole abdomen is painfully sensitive to the touch. Bloated abdomen, more on the left side, or along the colon, worse after eating. Pulsation in the region of the navel. Pain around the navel, worse from pressure. Rumbling in the abdomen. 60. Discharge of much flatulency, burning, smelling offensive, relieving the pain in the abdomen, after each meal, in the evening and morning, before stools. Cutting in the abdomen, with disinclination to go into the open air, which relieves the pain. The abdominal walls are painful when rising, pressing to stool, when touched, and when standing erect. Heaviness, fulness, and pressing downwards in the pelvis. Stool and Anus. Sudden or continued desire to go to stool. 65. Continuous desire to go to stool. Desire for a stool after each meal. Rumbling and cramp in the abdomen, before and during stool. The hard stool falls out without being noticed. 20 ALOE. Involuntary soft stool, while passing wind. 70. With the diarrhoea, flatulency, pinching in the abdomen, pain in the back and rectum, and chilliness. Stools like mush — thin, bright yellow, gray, hot, undigested. During the stool, congestion to the head and red face, or hunger. Heaviness, heat, pressing, burning in the rectum. Mucus and blood in the faeces. 75. Itching, burning, pulsations, pain as from fissures, at the anus. Hemorrhoidal tumors protrude like bunches of grapes, very painful, sore, tender, hot, relieved by cold water. Urine, Increased secretion of urine, especially at night. Sexual Organs, Men. Increased sexual desire. Worse after awaking, after eating, in the evening. Erections in the morning, and after passing water. 80. Involuntary emissions during the siesta, towards morning, followed by sexual excitement, micturition and stool, and restless sleep. Penis shrunk, and testicles cold. Women. Fulness and heaviness in the region of the uterus, Labor-like pains drawing into the legs. Catamenia too early, and too profuse. 85. During menstruation, headache, which is relieved by the ap- plication of cold water; ear-ache, pain in the small of the back, pressing down in the rectum. Fulness in the pelvis. Fluor albus. Chest, Congestion to the chest. Breathing impeded by stitches in the left side of the chest. 90. Expectoration of blood. Baek. Pain in the small of the back, worse when sitting, or when awaking at night, better when moving about. Extremities. Cold hands, with warm feet. Generalities. Great weakness, and weak pulse after vomiting. Lameness in all the limbs. ALUMINA. 21 95. Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pain in the joints, (fingers, knees, elbows.) Sensation of weakness in the joints of the hands and feet. Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated, (left fore- arm, right shoulder-blade, left ribs.) Bad effects from sedentary habits. Especially suitable for persons of a lymphatic or hypochon- driac temperament. Conditions. 100. Aggravation. When standing erect, or "from sitting still, (small of the back.) Drinking vinegar, (colic.) From motion, (nausea, pain in the abdomen.) In the afternoon, especially the symptoms of the mucous membranes. Amelioration, from cold water, (head.) When walking. ALUMINA. Mind and Disposition. Easily offended. Disposition to shed tears. Anxious and full of fears. Alternate vivacity and thoughtfulness. 5. Great weakness of memory and inability to think coherently. Head* Reeling vertigo, as if he would fall over, with a faint feeling or nausea early in the morning, disappearing after breakfast. Vertigo, with white stars before the eyes. Pressing headache in the forehead, over the eyes, with con- gestion of blood to the eyes and nose, with a chill when walking in the open air ; better after lying or eating. Pulsations in the head (vertex) with congestions to the eyes and nose. 10. Stitches in the brain, with nausea. v The headache is worse in the evening and when walking in the open air ; better after lying down and after eating. 22 ALUMINA. Eyes. Stitches in the eyes. Sensation of coldness in the eyes and eyelids. Swelling of the eyelids. 15. Inclination to stare. Squinting. Spasmodic contraction of the eyelids at night, with violent pain on openicg the eyes. Dim-sightedness, as from a mist, compelling him to ruh the eyes. • The eyes water during the day, agglutination at night. JEars. 20. Stitches in the (left) ear (evening.) One ear hot and red (in the evening.) J¥ose. Soreness and scabs in the nose, with discharge of thick yel- low mucus. Swelling and redness. Frequent attacks of coryza. 25. Ozaena. Face. Tension on the face, as if the white of an egg had dried on the skin. Bulbous swellings and blood-boils on the face and nose. Mouth. Sensation of soreness in the mouth when eating. Throat. Sensation of constriction in the oesophagus when swallowing. 80. Sensation, as if the oesophagus were contracted when swal- lowing a small morsel of food; — it is felt until it enters into the stomach. Great dryness of the throat. The pains in the throat are worse in the evening and at night, and are relieved by warm food and drinks. Stomach. Sour eructations. Nausea, with faintness. 35. Constriction of the Stomach, extending to the oesophagus. Abdomen. Painter's colic. Stool and Anus. Difficult evacuations from want of peristaltic motion of the ALUMINA. 23 intestines; even the soft stool can only be passed by great pressing. Constipation of pregnant women, children and painters. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus. 40. Discharges of dark blood when walking, or in typhus fever, or with a hard stool. Humidity of hemorrhoidal tumors. Itching at the anus. Urinary Organs. Frequent ineffectual desire to urinate : the urine can only be passed during a stool. Increased secretion and frequent discharge of pale, water- colored urine. Sexual Organs, 45. Women. Menstruation too early, too short and too scanty: blood pale. Before and during menstruation, pain in the abdomen. Fluor albus acrid, excoriating, transparent mucus before and after menstruation. Larynx and Trechea. Dry, short cough, especially in the morning, with dyspnoea. Cough, with expectoration, in the morning. 50. Hoarseness, especially in the afternoon and evening. Chest. Pressing pain in the chest, at night. Constriction in the chest, when stooping. Back. Pain in the back, as if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebras. Stitches in the back. Upper Extremities. 55. Paralytic lameness of the arms. Pain in the arm, down to the fingers, as if a hot iron were thrust through it. Rhagades on the hands. Lower Extremities. The legs feel numb, as if asleep, especially at night. Generalities. Great debility and weakness, especially when talking (a short walk fatigues him much.) 60. Spasms, with attacks of laughing and weeping. Involuntary motions (jerks of the head and other parts.) 24 AMBRA GRISEA. Unpleasant want of animal heat. Illusive sensations; some parts of the body feel as if they had become larger. While sitting, frequent stretching of the limbs (as from drow- siness.) 65. Sensation of constriction in internal organs (oesophagus, stomach, rectum, bladder.) Great heaviness in the legs and arms. Fever', Pulse full and accelerated. Chill, generally in the evening, in bed, or near the warm stove ; often with heat of the face. During the day, chill; during the night, fever. 70. Seat in the evening, which spreads from the face ; at times only over the right side of the body. Perspiration at night, or more towards morning, in bed: mostly in the face, or on one side of the face. Inability to perspire. Skin* Tetters itching in the evening. Humid scabs. 75. Rhagades. Brittle nails. Chapped skin and bulbous eruptions. Conditions. Aggravation, on alternate days. The skin symptoms at each full and new moon ; periodically ; in the afternoon ; while sitting in a room ; while urina- ting ; from eating potatoes. 80. Amelioration, during moderate exercise;, in the open air; on alternate days. AMBRA GRISEA. Mind and Disposition. Great restlessness. Hastiness and nervous excitement when talking. The fancy is crowded with fantastic illusions. Aversion to talking and laughing. AMBRA GRISEA. 25 5. Embarrassed manner in society. Despair, loathing of life. Head, Vertigo when walking in the open air, with weakness in the stomach. Congestion of blood to the head, when listening to music. Dartings in the head. 10. Pressing pain in the forehead and vertex, with heat in the head, with pale face on alternate days, with fear of losing his senses. The hair is sensitive to the touch, it falls out. The scalp feels sore in the morning, when awaking: this is followed by a sensation of numbness, extending over the whole body. Face. Mushes of heat to the face. Yellow color of the face. 15. Spasmodic trembling and twitches of the facial muscles. Cramp of the lower lip. Mouth, Offensive smell from the mouth, (in the morning.) Appetite and Taste, Entire thirstlessness. Stomach. Sour eructations. 20. Heartburn from drinking milk. Abdomen. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen, (on one side only.) Pressure in the liver. Pain in the spleen, as if something were torn off. ■» Stool and Anns. Itching, smarting, and stinging at the anus. Urinary Organs. 25. Frequent micturition during the night, and in the morning after rising. Increased secretion of urine, much more than the amount of fluid drank. Urine, when passing, is turbid, brown, smelling sour. Sexual Organs. Men. Violent erections in the morning without sexual de- sire, with numbness in the parts. Women. Violent itching, with swelling of the external parts. 30. Menses too early, and too profuse. 26 AMBRA GRISEA. Larynx and Trachea. Hoarseness and roughness of the voice, with accumulation of thick, tough mucus, easily thrown off by coughing. Itching, scraping, and soreness in the larynx and trachea. Cough, with frequent eructations. Spasmodic cough from tickling in the throat, with expectora- tion of yellowish, or grayish-white mucus, tasting salt or sour, in the morning; without expectoration in the evening. Chest. 35. Itching in the chest, and in the thyroid gland. Oppression felt in the chest, and between the scapulae. Asthma of old people, and of children. Upper Extremities. The arms go to sleep easily, especially when lying on them, or when carrying something in the hands. Points of the fingers are shrivelled. 40. Cramps in the hands sometimes, only when taking hold of any thing. Itching in the palms of the hands. Lower Extremities. Cramps in the calves at night. Sensation of contraction in the (right) thigh, the limb seems to be shortened. Generalities. Numbness of the whole body (externally) in the morning. 45. >, Weakness in the morning, and at night, when awaking. Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts. Ebullitions and pulsations in the whole body, especially after walking in the open air. Tearing in the muscles of the joints, often on one side, (frgm the small of the back through the right leg.) Sleep* Disturbed by coldness of the body and twitchings of the limbs. Fever. 50. Pulse, accelerated with ebullitions. Chill, in the forenoon, with weakness and sleepiness, better after eating. Heat. Flushes of heat flying, returning every fifteen minutes, worse towards evening. Perspiration, at night, more on the affected side, and after midnight. Perspiration from slight exertion, especially on the abdomen and on the thighs. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 27 Skin. 55. Dry, itching, burning. Burning herpes. Suppressed eruptions. Conditions. One-sided complaints, (perspiration, tearing, numbness, sen- sation of coldness in the abdomen.) Especially suitable for lean or aged persons. 60. Aggravation, in the evening; while sleeping; while lying in a warm place; and on awaking. Amelioration, when lying on the painful part; after rising from the bed ; by slow motion in the open air. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Hind and Disposition. Anxiety, with inclination to weep. Porgetfulness, mistakes in writing and speaking. Ill humor during wet, stormy weather. Head. Giddiness, especially in the morning, when sitting and read- ing; better when walking. 5. Pulsations, beating and pressing in the forehead, as if the head would burst ; worse after eating and while walk- ing in the open air; better from external pressure and in the warm room. Eyes. Burning of the eyes, with aversion to light. Double vision. Bars. Hardness of hearing, with itching and suppuration of the ear. Nose. Discharge of sharp, burning water from the nose. 10. Stoppage of the nose, especially at night; he can only breathe through the mouth, with long-continued coryza. Congestion of blood to the point of the nose, when stooping. 28 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Face. Pale, bloated face. Itching eruptions, with soreness of the sub-maxillary glands. Tetters around the mouth. 15. The corners of the mouth and lips are sore, cracked, and burn. Hard swelling of the (right) parotid gland. Teeth. Pricking pain, especially in the molar teeth; worse when masticating or touching the decayed tooth with the tongue. The edges of the teeth feel dull. Aggravation from warm fluids, during the menses. 20. Looseness and rapid decay of the teeth. Swollen, easily bleeding gums. Mouth. Vesicles on the tongue, at the tip, on the borders, burning, hindering eating and speaking. Swelling of the internal mouth, especially the inside of the cheeks. Great dryness of the mouth and throat. Throat. 25. When swallowing, sensation as of a foreign body in the throat. Scraping and soreness in the throat. Appetite and Taste. He must drink while eating. Much thirst. Bitter taste in the morning. 30. Longing for sugar. Stomach. Nausea and vomiting after each meal. Heartburn after eating. Sensitive painfulness of the stomach, even to the clothing. Pressure in the stomach, and soreness at the pit of the stomach, after eating. 35. Burning and heat in the stomach. Pain, as from constriction in the stomach, with nausea, water- brash and chilliness (ameliorated by pressure and by lying down.) Stool and Anus. Stool difficult, hard, knotty. Hemorrhoidal tumors protruding before, during, and after stool. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 29 Discharge of blood from the rectum, during and after stool. 40. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Itching at the anus. TTHnary Organs. Frequent desire to urinate, with continued pressure on the bladder. Involuntary micturition at night, during sleep (morning.) Urine pale, with sandy sediment. Sexual Organs. 45. Men. Choking pains in the relaxed testicles. Frequent involuntary seminal emissions. Itching at the genitals, especially the scrotum. Women. Itching, burning and swelling of the pudendum. Menstruation too early, too scanty, and of too short duration. 50. Menstruation too profuse, blood clotted, black, with colicky pains and hard, difficult stool. During the menses, pain in the abdomen, toothache, back- ache, chilliness. Fluor albus burning, acrid, watery. Larynx and Trachea. Hoarseness and inability to speak a loud word. Cough at night; every morning, at 3 o'clock, dry from tickling in the throat, as of dust. 55. Cough, with spitting of blood, with previous sweet taste and with great dyspnoea. Cough, with stitches in the small of the back. Chest. Dyspnoea, with palpitation of the heart, especially when moving. Stitches in the left side of the chest ; worse when lying on it. Heaviness on the chest, as from congestion of blood to the chest. GO. Burning and heat in the chest (hydrothorax.) Tipper Extremities. After washing in cold water, the hands look blue, and the veins are distended. The fingers swell when the arm is hanging down. Heaviness and loss of power of the right arm. Pain in the wrist-joint, which had formerly been sprained. $5. The skin peels off from the palms of the hands. Lower Extremities. Pain, as if bruised in the thighs. Swelling and pain of the big toe in the evening. 30 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Cramp in the calf of the leg, when walking. Cramps in the soles of the feet. Generalities, 70. Debility, which compels one to lie down. Great sensitiveness to cold, open air. Drawing and tension, as from shortening of the muscles. Inclination to stretch the limbs. Pain, as from dislocation in the joints. 75. Tearing in the joints relieved by the heat of the bed. Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Burning (chest.) Sleep. Sleepiness during the day. Sleeplessness till 4, a.m., and when falling asleep, perspira- tion. Fever. 80. Pulse hard, tense and frequent. Chilliness. Attacks of chilliness in the evening. Perspiration in the morning and during the day, mostly on the joints. Shin. Violent itching, and burning blisters after scratching. The upper part of the body is red, and covered with scarlet rash. 85. Scarlet fever, with parotitis. Desquamation of the skin (palms of the hands.) Conditions. Aversion to moving about. The right side of the body is more affected. Speaking, and hearing others speak, affects him much. 90. Aggravation in the evening, on bending down; from wet poultices ; during wet weather ; from pressing the teeth together; and re-appearance of some symptoms from washing (bleeding of the nose, blue hands, and swelling of the veins of the hands.) Amelioration, when lying on the stomach ; the right side ; the painful side ; from external pressure ; in the room; from warmth; in dry weather. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 31 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Mind and Disposition, Irritability and bad humor, especially in the morning, with disinclination to speak. Head. Giddiness, with fulness in the head. Head feels too heavy and full; more in the forehead, and especially in the morning, after rising. Eyes, Burning in the eyes, at twilight : this disappears after light- ing a candle. 5. Dimness of sight, as if obscured by a fog. Flying spots and points before the eyes. Yellow spots before the eyes, while sewing. Ears, Stitches in the ears. Discharges of matter from the ears, with hardness of hearing. Nose, 10. Coryza, with stoppage, great soreness and tenderness of the nose, and loss of smell. Face, The face is burning-hot in the room. Dry, cracked lips, with blotches of the skin peeling off. Mouth and Throat. Stitches in the throat, when swallowing. Burning blister on the tip of the tongue. 15. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with pulsating pains. Stomach, Much thirst, especially in the evening. Hiccough, with stitches in the chest. Stool and Anus, Constipation ; stools hard, crumbling. Diarrhoea, slimy, green. 20. Before the stool, pain around the navel. During stool, stitches in the anus. 82 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Urine. Diminished secretion of urine. Slow flow of urine ; more abundant during stool. Frequent urination, especially towards morning. 25. Sediment, like clay. Sexual Organs. Women. Menstruation too early and too profuse, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back; continuing during the night, when the menstrual discharge is more profuse. During menstruation, vomiting and diarrhoea. Fluor albus, like the white of an egg, preceded by pain around the navel. Respiratory Organs. Frequent hawking, with expectoration of mucus. 30. Hoarseness, with burning in the larynx. Dry cough in the morning, from tickling in the throat. Cough at night, when lying on the back. Cough aggravated by eating, drinking any thing cold, and when lying down. Pressure, heaviness and stitches in the chest, sensation, as if a swallowed morsel had lodged in the chest. 85. When breathing, stitches in the shoulder-blades. Back. Painful stiffness of the neck. Intolerable pain in the small of the back, at night. Coldness in the back, especially between the shoulders. Tipper Extremities. Swelling and hardness of the axillary glands. 40. The right arm is heavy and stiff. Blisters on the wrist, forming scabs. The skin peels off between the fingers. Stitches and pulsations in the tips of the fingers, or tingling in them. Lower ^Extremities. Pain in the left hip, as if the tendons were too short, causing limping or pain as from dislocation. 45. The muscles under the knee (hamstrings) feel too short when walking, with stiffness of the knee-joint. Sensation of soreness and tearing in the heels. The tips of the toes are very painful. Coldness of the feet, especially in the evening, in bed. Offensive perspiration of the feet. ANACARDIUM. 33 50. Ebullitions, with anxiety and weakness, as if paralyzed. Tension in the joints, as from shortening of the muscles. Burning, stinging, throbbing, as from a boil. Sensation of soreness in different parts of the body. Sleep* Sleeplessness after midnight, from cutting pain in the abdomen, at 2, a.m. ; or from sneezing ; pain in the small of the back. Fever. bb. Pulse much accelerated, day and night. Meat, with red, bloated face ; worse in the warm room. Frequent attacks of flushes of heat, followed by perspiration, which is more abundant on the face, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Perspiration most profuse after midnight and in the morning ? „ in bed. Skin. Blisters, forming scabs. Conditions* 60. Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough. In the hours of the morning, sensation of stiffness, which is relieved by walking in the open air. Aggravation, of the head and chest symptoms in the morning ; of the abdominal symptoms in the afternoon ; of the skin and fever symptoms in the evening. Amelioration, in the open air. ANACARDIUM, Mind and Disposition. Want of moral feeling. Contradiction between reason and will; he feels as if he had two wills, one commanding him to do what the other tells him not to do. Wickedness and cruelty. Irresistible desire to curse and swear. 5. Loss of memory. Head. Pressing pain in the temple, as from a nail; worse after eat- ing, in the cold air, and from exertions of the mind. 34 ANACARDIUM. Congestion of blood to the head, with pain in the cerebellum^ Stitches in the head. Eyes. Pressure in the eyes, as from a plug. 10. Dimness of sight. ' Contraction of the pupils. Bars. Pressing in the ears, as from a plug. Itching in the ear. Hardness of hearing. JSose. 15. Diminution of the sense of smell. The sense of smell is too acute or illusory ; smell like pigeon- dung or burning tinder. Fluent coryza. - Frequent sneezing, and frequent inclination to sneeze. Face. Paleness of the face, with sunken eyes, surrounded by blue ridges. Mouth and Throat. 20. Fetid odor from the mouth, without his perceiving it. Heaviness and swelling of the tongue, which impedes speech. White, rough tongue. Taste lost. Roughness and scraping in the throat. Stomach. 25. Weak digestion, with fulness and distention of the abdomen and hypochondriacal humor. Great thirst, with arrest of breathing while drinking. 1. Morning, nausea. 2. Vomiting of the ingesta, which gives relief. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, when awaking in the morning. Abdomen. Hardness of the abdomen. 30. Pressure in the liver. Pain, as if a blunt plug were pressed into the intestines. Stool and Anus. Ineffectual desire to go to stool. The soft stool is passed with difficulty, on account of the in- activity of the bowels. During stool he passes blood. 35c Painful hsemorrhoidal tumors at the anus. ANACARDIUM. 35 Itching at the anus. Moisture from the rectum. Urinary Organs. Frequent discharge of pale urine, in small quantities, with burning. Sexual Organs. Men. Involuntary erections during the day. 40. Discharge of prostatic fluid during hard and soft stool, and micturition. Women. Leucorrhoea, with itching and soreness. Respiratory Organs. Oppression of the chest, with internal heat and anxiety, driving him into the open air. Pressure in the chest, (right side,) as from a dull plug. Rawness and scraping in the chest. 45. Violent convulsive cough, (hooping-cough,) caused by tickling in the pharynx ; worse at night, and after eating ; after the attacks, yawning and sleepiness. Stitches in the region of the heart, extending to the small of the back. Back. Dull stitches in the left shoulder-blade. Dull pressure in the shoulders, as from a weight. Upper Extremities. Sensation of weakness in the arms, with trembling. 50. Trembling (of the right hand.) Loiver Extremities. Sensation of weakness in the knees, with trembling. The legs feel stiff, as if bandaged, with painful restlessness in them. Generalities. Diminution of the senses, (smell, sight, hearing.) Trembling, debility, and paralytic weakness. 55. Pain in different parts, as if a plug had entered. Sensation, as of a hoop or band around the parts. Cramp-like pains in the muscles. Contraction of the joints. Sleep. Goes to sleep late. 60. Sleep disturbed by dreams of fire and corpses. Heavy sleep till 9, a. m. 36 ANGUSTURA. Fever. Pulse, accelerated, with beating in the veins. Chilliness, especially in the open air, relieved in the sunshine. Seat External heat, with internal chill. 65. Heat of the upper part of the body, with cold feet; internal - chilliness and hot breath. Perspiration, in the evening, on the head, abdomen and back, even when sitting still. Clammy perspiration in the palms of the hands, (especially the left.) Night-sweats on the abdomen and back. Skin. Burning, itching, worse from scratching. 70. Voluptuous itching, extending farther by scratching. Itching of the skin, worse from scratching. Often suitable for eruptions caused by poisoning with rhus tox. Conditions. Liability to take cold, and sensitiveness to a draught of air. Symptoms appearing periodically. 75. Many symptoms appear after eating, while most of them dis- appear during dinner. Aggravation. When lying on the side; from rubbing, and from taking hold of any thing. ANGUSTURA. Mind and Disposition. Easily frightened, and starts. Head. Tension in the temporal muscles when opening the mouth. Eyes. The eyelids are spasmodically opened. Dimness before the eyes from obscuration of the cornea, (in the morning.) Face. 5. Heat and bluish redness of the face. ANGUSTURA. 37 Tension in the muscles of the face. Lockjaw; the lips are drawn back, showing the teeth. After the attacks, the lips and cheeks remain blue for some time. Stomach and Abdomen. Aversion to solid food, but irresistible desire to drink coffee. 10. Thirst, without desire to drink. Painful tension in the pit of the stomach and abdomen. Sexual Organs. Violent itching on the male organs, especially on the tip of the glans penis. Respiratory Organs. Intermitting spasmodic breathing. Dry cough, with scraping and rattling of mucus in the chest. 15. Hoarseness from mucus in the trachea. Painful spasm in the pectoral muscles. Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even to the slightest touch. Back. Painful stiffness in the neck, and between the shoulder-blades. Upper Extremities. Cramp-like drawing, down the arm to the fingers. Lower Extremities. 20. Drawing in the limbs, with soreness. Pain on the inner side of the ankle, when walking, causing limping. Generalities. Weakness of the whole body, as if the marrow of the bone were stiff. The spinal marrow and the exterior muscles are principally affected. Stiffness and stretching of the limbs. 25. Twitching and jerking along the back, like electric shocks. Spasmodic twitching. Tetanic spasms, caused by contact, noise, or the drinking of lukewarm water; cheeks and lips become blue; the breathing is labored during the spasms, groaning and closing of the eyes, lips wide open, drawn up and down, exposing the teeth. Paralysis. 30. Cracking of the joints. Fever. Pulse accelerated, spasmodic, irregular at times, intermitting. Chill, in the morning and forenoon, preceded by thirst. 38 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Violent chill every afternoon (at 3 o'clock.) Repeated chilliness over the affected parts. 35. Heat in the evening, after entering a room, after supper, mostly in the face, at 3, A. M., disturbing sleep, followed by chilliness. Perspiration only in the morning, and on the forehead. Skin. Caries and very painful ulcers, which affect the bones and pierce them to the marrow. Conditions. Aggravation, from touching the affected part. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Mind and Disposition. Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate and inclination to shoot himself; worse when walking in the moonlight, and then his conduct is like that of an insane person. The child cannot bear being touched or looked at. Head. Giddiness, with nausea, or bleeding of the nose. Congestion of blood to the head, followed by bleeding of the nose. 5. Stupefying headache, with nausea ; worse in the evening ; after eating ; and smoking tobacco ; and better in the open air. Headache, from bathing. Eyes. Stitches in the eyes. Gum in the canthi of the eyes. Moist place on the outer canthus. Ears. 10. Redness, swelling and heat of the ears. Continual roaring in the ears. Deafness, as if a leaf were lying before the ears. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 6\) Nose. Sensation of coldness in the nose, when inspiring air. Soreness of the nostrils ; nostrils cracked and full of crusts. 15. Bleeding of the nose (in the evening, after headache, with giddiness.) Face. Sad countenance. Heat, especially on the cheeks, with itching. Red, burning, suppurating eruptions, with yellow crusts. Sore, cracked corners of the mouth. Mouth and Teeth. 20. Bleeding of the teeth and gums. Pain in decayed teeth, aggravated by cold water. Bitter taste in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Ptyalism (tasting salty.) 25. Tongue coated white. Stomach and Abdomen. Aversion to all food. Longing for acids. Thirst at night. Nausea and vomiturition, from overloading the stomach, or after drinking (sour) wine. 30. Vomiting of mucus and bile — with convulsions — with diar- rhoea. Cramp-like pains in the stomach. Stool and Anus. Difficult evacuations ; the feces are too large in size. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, especially in aged persons. Watery diarrhoea, with cutting in the bowels. 35. Continuous discharge of mucus from the rectum. Urinary Organs. Increased and frequent discharge of urine at night, with dis- charge of mucus, burning in the urethra, and pain in the small of the back. Upper Extremities. Rheumatic pains in the arms. Drawing (gouty) pains in the fingers and their joints. Loiver Extremities. Rheumatic pains in the legs. 40. Painful stiffness of the knee (fungus of the knee.) Large, horny corns on the soles of the feet. 40 APIS MELLIFICA. The soles of the feet feel sore when walking. Inflammatory redness of the heel. Generalities* Disposition to grow fat. 45. Dropsical swelling of the whole body. Inflammation of the muscles. Sleep. Very sleepy during the day, especially in the forenoon. Fever. Pulse very irregular, changing every few beats. Chilliness predominating, even in the warm room. 50. Sensation of coldness in the nose when inhaling air. Heat, especially during the night, before midnight, with cold feet. Great heat from little exercise, especially in the sun. Perspiration, when awaking in the morning, returning perio- dically, (every other morning.) Intermittent fevers, with desire to sleep, and want of thirst. Skin. 55. Horn-like excrescences, and disposition to abnormal organi- zations of the skin, (corns on the soles of the feet.) Eruptions like boils and blisters ; as from the bites of insects ; like measles. Fistulous ulcers. Fungus of the joints. Conditions. When the symptoms re-appear, they change their locality, or go from one side of the body to the other. 60. Aggravation, from drinking sour wine; after eating (pork;) after bathing ; in the heat of the sun ; or at night. Amelioration, during rest; or in the open air. APIS MELLIFICA. Mind and Disposition. Restlessness, continually changing his occupation. Delirium, (after suppressed scarlet eruption.) Awkwardness, he breaks every thing. Jealousy, (in women.) APIS MELLIFICA. 41 Head, 5. Giddiness — when sitting, standing, lying, when closing the eyes, with nausea and headache. Congestion to the head, with suppressed menstruation. Pressing pain in the forehead and temples ; worse when rising, and in a warm bed, relieved by pressing the forehead together. The brain feels tired. Hydrocephalus in children, and apoplexy in old persons. 10. Hydrocephalus, with copious perspiration of the head, torpor, delirium interrupted by sudden shrill cries, boring of the head deep into the pillows, squinting, grinding of the teeth, urine scanty, (milky,) twitching on one side of the body, while the other is paralyzed. Eyes. Sensation of mucus in the eyes. Twitching of the eyeballs. Inflammation of the eye, with intense photophobia and in- creased secretions. Staphyloma. 15. (Edematous swelling of the eyelids. Bars. Redness and swelling of both ears. Face. Burning, stinging heat in the face, with purple color. Erysipelas of the face. (Edematous swelling of the face. MontJi and Throat. 20. Swelling of the lips, especially the upper lip. Dry, swollen, inflamed tongue, with inability to swallow. White, dry tongue, (with diarrhoea.) Fetid breath, (with paroxysms of headache.) Tough, frothy saliva. 25. Dryness in the throat, without thirst. Burning, stinging in the throat. Inflammation of the throat, with swelling, redness, and sting- ing pains. Ulcerated sore throat, (in scarlet fever, when the eruption does not come out.) Appetite and Taste. Thirstlessness, (with dropsy.) 42 APIS MELLIFICA. Stomach and Abdomen. 30. Vomiting of bile. Vomiting, with inflammation of the stomach. Vomiting, with diarrhoea. Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to touch. Violent pain and sensitiveness in the region of the stomach. 35. Great sensitiveness of the abdomen to the touch. Sensation of fulness and distention of the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Diarrhoea, yellowish-green, with mucus, especially in the morning. Stools smelling very offensively. After stool, tenesmus and discharge of blood. 40. Diarrhoea and vomiting. Swelling of the anus. Haemorrhoids, with stinging pains. Urinary Organs. Strangury. Urine scanty and high-colored. 45. Too profuse discharge of urine. Burning and smarting in the urethra, as if it were scalded. Burning arid stinging in the urethra. Sexual Organs. Men. Sexual desire increased. Swelling of the testicles. 50. Women. Inflammation, induration, swelling and dropsy of the ovaries (right.) Sharp, cutting, stinging pain in the swollen ovary; worse during menstruation. Pressing-down pain in the uterus. Dropsy of the uterus. Menstruation suppressed or diminished, with congestion to the head. 55. Abortion. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness, in the morning. Oppression of the chest, shortness of breath, especially when ascending ; inability to remain in a warm room. Asthma ; worse in cold weather. Sensation of soreness in the chest, as from a bruise. 60. Hydrothorax. Cough, after lying down and sleeping. APIS MELLIFICA. 43 Extremities. Upper. Hands bluish, and inclined to be cold. Lower. Cold legs. (Edematous swelling of the feet, ankles and legs. Suppressed perspiration of the feet. Generalities. 65. Great debility, as if he had worked hard; he is obliged to lie down. Burning, stinging pains. Great sensitiveness to touch and pressure (abdomen.) Tension (over the eyes in the left side of the head) behind the ears, in the neck. Sensation of soreness under the ribs. Sleep. 70. Sleep disturbed by many dreams. Sleep, late in the morning. Awakens from sleep with a shrill shriek (child suffering from hydrocephalus.) Fever. Pulse full and rapid — small and trembling — intermitting. Chill, mostly towards the evening (3-4 p. M.) 75. Chilliness from the least movement, with heat of the face and hands. Dry heat towards the evening, with sleepiness. The sensation of heat is more felt about the pit of the stomach and in the chest. Perspiration, alternating with dryness of the skin. After the fever paroxysm, sleep. Skin. 80. (Edematous swellings. Hives. Carbuncles, with burning, stinging pains. Erysipelas. Scarlet eruptions. 85. Panaritium (burning, stinging.) Conditions. Aggravation. In the morning (restlessness, mucus in the mouth, diarrhoea.) In the evening (giddiness, headache, pain in the eyes, tooth- ache, hoarseness, cough, chills and fever.) At night (eyes and chest.) From heat, especially in the warm room. Amelioration. Cold water relieves the pain, swelling and burning. Pressing together relieves the headache. 44 AEGENTUM METALLICUM. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Mind and Disposition. Restlessness, anxiety, which directs him from place to place. Ill humor, with disinclination to talk. Head. Pressing, tearing pain in the skull, principally in the tempo- ral bones, renewed every day at noon, with soreness of the external head, aggravated by pressure and contact, ameliorated in the open air. Painful sensation of emptiness in the head. Eyes, 5. Violent itching in the corners of the eyes. Redness and swelling of the edges of the eyelids. Bars. Itching of the ears, he scratches them until they bleed. Itching of the lobes of the ears. Nose. Violent fluent coryza, with much sneezing. Face. 10. Redness of the face. Swelling of the upper lip. Throat. The throat feels as if internally swollen. The throat feels more sore from coughing than when swallow- ing, although the food passes with difficulty. Accumulation of much gray, jelly-like mucus in the throat, which is easily hawked up. Stomach. 15. Appetite much increased, he is hungry after eating a full meal. Desire for wine. Heartburn. Burning in the stomach, ascending to the chest. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 45 Abdomen. Painful swelling of the abdomen. 20. Tension in the abdominal muscles. Stool and Anns. Frequent pressure in the lower part of the rectum, with dis- charge of small quantities of soft stool. Dry stool, like sand, after dinner. Urinary Organs. Frequent desire to urinate, with profuse discharge of urine. Sexual Organs. Men. The testicles feel as if bruised. 25. Women. Prolapsus uteri, with pain in the left ovarj. Respiratory Organs. When stooping, or ascending steps, mucus comes up into the larynx, which is easily expectorated by one cough. Sensation of rawness or soreness of the larynx. Laughing causes mucus in the trachea, and cough. Cough, caused by stinging, cutting in the trachea, with mu- cus in the chest, and expectoration of transparent mu- cus, like boiled starch. 30. Rattling cough, only during the day in the room. Stitches in the (right side) of the chest, when inhaling and exhaling. Upper Extremities. Tearing in the bones of the arms, especially of the hands and fingers. Lower Extremities. Tearing in the bones of the feet and toes. Generalities. Sensation of numbness in the limbs, as if asleep. 35. Sensation of soreness and rawness in internal organs. Boring pain in the joints. Sensation of soreness in the joints. Strong effects on the secretions of the mucous membranes. Fever. Heat of the body, but none on the head, without thirst. 40. Perspiration only on the abdomen or chest. Conditions. Bad effects from the use of mercury. Bad effects from onanism. The symptoms are renewed at noon. 46 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. EARGENTUM NITRICUM. Mind and Disposition. Very impulsive ; in continual motion ; he walks fast. Apathy. Head. Vertigo, with headache. Morning headache, (when he awakens.) 5. Excessive congestion of blood to the head. Stitches in the left frontal eminence. Digging up, incisive motion, through the left hemisphere of the brain. Headache, with chilliness. Headache relieved by tying a handkerchief tightly around the head. 10. Headache worse in the open air. Itching, creeping, crawling of the hairy scalp. Sensation, as if the bones of the skull separated, with in- crease of temperature. Byes. Mucus in the eyes drying up, and forming scurfs. Vanishing of light; he is constantly obliged to wipe oif the mucus, which obstructs the axis of vision. 15. Opacity of the cornea. Ophthalmia, with intense pain; worse in the warm room, better in the open air. Ears. Ringing in the ears, and deafness, (left ear.) JVbse. Violent itching of the nose. Coryza, with chilliness, lachrymation, sneezing, and stupefy- ing headache. 20. Discharge of pus, with clots of blood. Face. Sunken, pale, bluish countenance. Hard blotches in the vermilion border of the upper lip, paler than the lip, and sore to the touch. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 47 The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst. The gums are swollen, inflamed, bleed easily, and are pain- ful when touched. 25. Sensitiveness of the teeth to cold water. Mouth. Dryness of the tongue, with thirst. Papillae prominent, erect, feeling sore. Painful red tip of the tongue. Fetid odor from the mouth. 30. Ptyalism. Throat. Dark redness of the uvula and fauces. Sensation, as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swallowing. Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat. Appetite and Taste. Irresistible desire for sugar in the evening. 35. Sweetish-bitter taste. Stomach. Violent belching. Violent vomiting, with anxiety in the praecordial region. Black vomit. Vomiting and diarrhoea, with violent colicky pains. 40. Gnawing pain in the left side of the stomach. Pressure, with heaviness and nausea in the stomach. Abdomen. Stitches through the abdomen, like electric shocks, (left side.) Stool and Anns. Diarrhoea of green, fetid mucus, with very noisy emission of flatulence at night. Bloody stools. 45. Constipation, faeces dry. Itching at the anus. Urinary Organs. Frequent and copious emission of pale urine. Inflammation, and violent burning or shooting pains in the urethra, with increased gonorrhoea. Priapism, bleeding of the urethra. 50. Stricture of the urethra. Sexual Organs. Men. Chancre-like ulcer on the prepuce. Sexual desire wanting, the genital organs having become shrivelled. 48 ARNICA MONTANA. Chest. Palpitation of the heart in paroxysms, with nausea. Back. Pain in the small of the back relieved when standing or walking. Lower Extremities. 55. Heaviness and debility of the legs. Great debility and weariness in the calf of the leg, as after a long journey. Generalities* Staggering gait. Great debility and weariness, (lower limbs.) Convulsions. 60. Epileptic attacks caused by fright, or during menstruation, (at night, or in the morning when rising.) Sensation of expansion, (face and head.) Sleep. Soporous condition. Nightly nervousness, with heat in the head. Restless sleep, with stupefaction and headache. Fever. 65. Chilliness, with nausea. Morning perspiration. Skin. Wart-shaped excrescences on the skin. Discoloration of the skin — blue-gray, violet or bronze-co- lored tinges, to real black. ARNICA MONTANA. Mind and Disposition. Depression of spirits and absence of mind. Shedding of tears and exclamations after rage. Great sensitiveness of the mind, with anxiety and restlessness. Unconsciousness, (like fainting after mechanical injuries.) Declines to answer any questions. Quarrelsome. ARNICA MONTANA. 49 Head, Giddiness, with nausea, when moving and rising ; better when lying. Burning and heat in the head, the rest of the body is cool, (night and morning, worse from motion, better when at rest.) Pressure on one temple, as if a nail had been driven into it. 10. Cutting through the head, as with a knife, followed by a sensation of coldness. Stitches in the head, especially in the temples and forehead. Effects from concussion of the brain. Eyes. Inflammation of the eyes with suggillation after mechanical injuries. Ears. Stitches in and behind the ears. 15. Pains in the ears, as from a bruise. Nose* Tingling in the nose, and bleeding. Face* Heat of the face, the body being cool. Sunken, pale face. Redness of one cheek. 20. Hot, red, shining swelling of one cheek. Burning, hot, cracked lips. Mouth, Toothache, with swollen face. Dryness of the mouth, with much thirst. Tongue coated white. 25. Putrid smell from the mouth. Throat. Burning in the throat. Appetite and Taste* Bitter taste, especially in the morning. Putrid taste. Aversion to food, especially to meat. 30. Desire for vinegar. Thirst for cold water, without fever. Longing for alcoholic drinks. Stomach, Frequent eructations, especially in the morning, empty, bit- ter, putrid, as from rotten eggs. 4 50 ARNICA MONTANA. Nausea, and empty vomiturition. 35. After drinking, vomiting of what has been drunk. Vomiting of blood, (dark, clotted.) Abdomen* Cutting, colicky pain in the abdomen. Tympanitis. Colic, with strangury. Stool and Anus. 40. Flatus, smelling like rotten eggs. Frequent stools — small, consisting of mucus. Involuntary stool during sleep — thin, brown, or white. Stools of undigested matter, or of blood, or pus. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Urinary Organs, 45. Tenesmus from spasms of the neck of the bladder. Involuntary discharge of urine at night, when asleep, and during the day, when running. Urine brown-red, with brick-dust sediment. Bloody urine. Frequent micturition of pale urine. Sexual Organs. 50. Men. Purple-red swelling of the penis and testicles, after mechanical injuries. Painful swelling of the spermatic cords, with stitches into the abdomen. Women. Soreness of the parts after a severe labor. Violent after-pains. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae and nipples. Respiratory Organs. 55. Breath* fetid, short, and panting. Excessive difliculty of breathing. Burning or rawness in the chest. Sensation of soreness of the ribs. Hooping-cough, after crying; from tickling in the oesopha- gus; with expectoration generally of foaming blood, mixed with clots of blood ; sometimes in the evening with putrid mucus, which cannot be expectorated, but must be swallowed again. 60. Cough worse in the evening till midnight, from motion, in the warm room, and after drinking. Stitches in the chest, (left side,) aggravated from a dry cough, with oppression of breathing ; worse from motion, better from external pressure. ARNICA MONTANA. 51 Back. Tingling in the back. Great soreness of the back. Upper Extremities, Tingling in the arms. 65. Sensation of soreness of the arms. Sensation, as if the joints of the arms and wrists were sprained. Lower Extremities. Sensation of soreness in the legs. Tingling in the legs. White swelling of the knee. 70. Hot erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of the foot. Gout. Generalities. Over-sensitiveness of the whole body. Pain, as if beaten or bruised in outer parts. Pain, as if sprained in outer parts, and in the joints. 75. Tearing, drawing, in outer parts. Pricking, from without, inward. Pressing, in inner parts. Tingling, in outer parts. Twitching of the muscles. 80. Ebullitions, and burning of the upper part of the body, with coldness of the lower part of the body. Bleeding of internal and external parts (vomiting of blood.) Sleep. Sleepiness during the day, with inability to sleep. Drowsiness, with delirium. Fever. Pulse very variable, mostly hard, full and quick. 85. Chilliness, internally, with external heat. Great chilliness, with heat and redness of one cheek. Chilliness as soon as he lifts the cover of the bed. Chilliness of the side on which he lays. Seat. Dry heat over the whole body, or only in the face and on the back. 90. Perspiration smelling sour or offensive — sometimes cold. Intermittent fever ; chill in the morning or forenoon ; draw- ing pains in the bones before the fever; changes his position continually; breath and perspiration offensive. Shin. Petechiae. Many small blood-boils. 52 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Hot, hard, shining swelling (from the stings of insects.) Suggillation. Conditions. 95. Aggravation. Bad effects, even inflammations, from mechani- cal injuries, falls, bruises and contusions. Amelioration, in the evening at at night; from contact and motion; even from noise. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Mind and Disposition. Anguish, driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the day-time. Restlessness. Great fear of death, and of being left alone. Despair. He finds no rest, especially at night, with anguish. 5. Anger, with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness. Madness; loss of mind (from the abuse of alcoholic drinks.) Delirium. Head. Tearing in the head, with vomiting, when raising up the head. Headache (after meals) relieved by applying cold water, or by walking in the open air. 10. Periodical headaches. The scalp is tender to the touch. Eruptions, white, dry, like bran; burning, itching on the forepart of the head; when scratching it burns and bleeds violently. Burning, biting boils on the scalp, with sensitiveness to touch and cold. Erysipelatous burning, swelling of the head (face and geni- tals) with great weakness and coldness ; worse at night. Eyes. 15. Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with severe burning pains. Inflammation of the inner surface of the eyelids, preventing the opening of the eye. Excessive photophobia. Specks or ulcers on the cornea. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 53 Ears. Hardness of hearing — he cannot hear the human voice. 20. Roaring in the ears (accompanying every attack of pain.) Nose. Swelling of and burning in the nose. Ulcers in the nose (cancer of the nose.) Profuse, fluent coryza of sharp, burning, excoriating water, with hoarseness and sleeplessness. Peeling off" of the epidermis. Face. 25. Puffiness of the face, especially around the eyes. Color pale, like earth, yellowish, (blue rings around the eyes.) Distorted features; death-like countenance. Drawing stitches here and there in the face. Burning face-ache. 30. Crusta lactea. Cancer of the face and lips, with burning pain. Exanthema around the mouth. Lips black, dry, and cracked. Teeth. Toothache at night, extending to the ear and temple, worse when lying on the affected side, better from the heat of the stove. 35. Grinding of the teeth. Gums bleeding. Mouth and Throat. The mouth is reddish-blue, inflamed, burning. Secretion of abundant tough, fetid, bloody saliva. Aphthae, stomacace. 40. Tongue dry, brown, black, cracked. Swelling, inflammation, or gangrene of the tongue. Ulceration of the tongue, with blue color. Painful, difficult deglutition (constriction) of the oesophagus. Burning in the throat. 45. Angina gangrenosa, (with aphthae.) Appetite and Taste. Violent, unquenchable, burning thirst, with frequent drink- ing, with but little at a time. Longing for cold water, acids, or alcoholic drinks. Aversion to food, loathing the thought of eating. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating and drinking. Stomach. 50. Vomiting of the ingesta, (after each meal,) after drinking; of a brown substance with violent pain in the stomach; of 54 ARSENICUM ALBUM. a black substance ; of blood ; of a green substance ; with diarrhoea after drinking the least quantity. Great painfulness and anxiety in the pit of the stomach and stomach. Burning in the pit of the stomach and stomach. Inflammation or induration of the stomach. Cramp in the stomach, (2, A. M.) Abdomen. 55. Hard, bloated abdomen. Burning pains, with anguish. Sensation of coldness, (upper part.) Induration of the mesenteric glands. Painful swelling and induration of the inguinal glands. . 60. Ulcers about the navel. Ascites. Stool and Anus. Burning stools, with violent pains in the bowels, with tenes- mus, thirst, worse after eating. Stools acrid, burning, consisting of mucus; black, bloody, offensive, watery and painless, involuntary. In the rectum and anus, burning and soreness. 65. Prolapsus ani. Hemorrhoidal tumors, with burning pain. Urinary Organs. Suppressed or difficult micturition. (Paralysis of the bladder.) Urine bloody, burning. Involuntary discharge of burning urine. Sexual Organs. 70. Men. Painful swelling of the genitals, and gangrene. Blue-red swelling of the glans, with rhagades. Erysipelatous inflammation of the scrotum. Women. Catamenia too early, and too profuse. Leucorrhoea acrid, corroding. 75. Scirrhus uteri. Respiratory Organs. Dryness, burning, and constriction in the larynx. Bronchitis, with difficult secretion of mucus. Respiration oppressed, anxious, short. Oppressed, labored breathing, especially when ascending a height ; in cold air ; when turning in bed. 80. Suffocating spells in the evening, when lying down. Constriction of the chest, with anguish; worse when moviDg. Chilliness or coldness in the chest. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 55 Heat, burning, itching in the chest. Stitches and pressing in the sternum. 85. Cough, without expectoration, especially after drinking or eating; when lying down; during a walk in the cold air. Cough, with arrest of breathing; with tough mucus in the chest; with expectoration of frothy mucus in lumps, or tasting salty; in day-time, without expectoration at night. Periodically returning cough, (hooping-cough,) from burning- tickling in the pharynx. Haemoptysis at night, with burning heat over the whole body. Palpitation of the heart, especially at night, with great anguish. Back. 90. Burning in the back. Sensation of weakness, as if bruised in the small of the back. ^Extremities. Upper. Rheumatic pains from the elbow up to the shoulder, worse at night. Swelling of the arm, with putrid smelling, black blisters. Burning ulcers on the tips of the fingers. 95. Sensation of swelling and fulness in the palms of the hands at night. Soreness between the fingers. Nails discolored. Lower. Tearing and stinging in the hips, legs, and loins. Tearing in the tibia. 100. Old ulcers on lower limbs, with burning and lancinating pains. Ulcers on the soles of the feet and toes. Swelling of the feet, hard, burning, shining, with red spots, or blue-black blisters. Itching herpes in the bends of the knee. Varices. Generalities. 105. Paralysis, especially of the lower extremities. Trembling of the limbs (in drunkards.) Sudden sinking of strength. Fainting, from weakness, with scarcely perceptible pulse. Burning pains of inner or exterior parts (glands.) 110. Tearing pains in the arms and legs, which do not permit one to lie on the painful side, but which are relieved by moving the affected part. Dropsy of internal and external parts. Emaciation. 5Q ARSENICUM ALBUM. Sleep, Starting of the limbs when on the point of falling asleep. Sleeplessness, from anguish and restlessness, with tossing about (after midnight.) 115. Sleep anxious, unquiet. Fever. Pulse frequent in the morning, slower in the evening. Pulse small, contracted, frequent, weak, tremulous or inter- mittent. General coldness, with parchment-like dryness of the skin, or with profuse, cold, clammy perspiration. Chilliness, without thirst ; worse after drinking ; with stretch- ing of the limbs and restlessness ; with external heat at the same time; when walking in the open air. 120. Internal heat, burning, dry, with anxiousness at night. Intermittent fever, chill (in the afternoon) followed by dry, evening heat, and later sweat. Thirst only during the hot stage, drinks often, but little at a time. During the fever, great restlessness and anxiety, pain in the bones, small of the back, forehead; nausea, difficulty of breathing. Perspiration at the beginning of sleep, or all night; cold, clammy, smelling sour or offensive. 125. During perspiration, unquenchable thirst; after the fever, attack of headache. The concomitant complaints are more developed during the chill and fever. SMn. Dry, burning heat — dryness — like parchment. Swelling — blue-black — dropsical. 130. Petechias. White miliary eruptions. Urticaria. Red pustules, changing to ichorous, crusty, burning and spreading ulcers. Vesicular eruptions. 135. Exanthema, black, pock-shaped, gangrenous. Carbuncles (burning.) Herpes, with vesicles, and violently burning, especially at night, or with coverings like fish-scales. Ulcers, hard on the edges, stinging, burning, spongy; with proud flesh ; turning black ; flat ; pus thin, ichorous (can- cers.) Sphacelus. ARUM TRYPHYLLUM. 57 Conditions* 140. Cannot rest in any place ; changing his position continually ; wants to go from one bed to another, and lies now here, and now there. Attacks of pains, with chilliness. Periodical complaints. Attacks of pain, driving one to despair, and even to madness. The pains are felt during sleep. 145. Bad effects from poisoning, with anthrax, and other noxious substances (dissecting wounds.) Aggravation, at night, after midnight, (1, A. M.) From cold in general. After drinking (wine or alcoholic drinks.) From cold food, (ice-cream.) From milk. While lying on the affected side, or with the head low. Amelioration. From heat in general. From lying with the head high. ARUM TRYPHYLLUM. Eyes, Aversion to light. Nose. Sore ; discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from the nose, excoriating the nostrils and upper lip. Nose stopped up ; can only breathe with mouth open. Face and Mouth. Tongue sore, red, papillae elevated. 5. Lips swollen, cracked; corners of the mouth sore, bleeding, cracked. The mouth burns, and is so sore that he refuses to drink, and cries when any thing is offered. Face swollen. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Throat sore ; feels as if excoriated ; cannot swallow. 10. Excessive salivation — saliva acrid. Urine. Frequent discharge of abundant pale urine. 58 ASA FCETIDA. Mespiratory Organs. Hoarseness (clergymen's sore throat) worse from talking. Voice uncertain, and changing continually. Accumulation of mucus in the trachea. Sleep. 15. Sleeplessness, from soreness of mouth and throat, or itching of the skin. Fever. Dry heat of the skin. Skin. Exanthema like scarlet rash, the skin peels off afterwards. Itching of the scarlet eruption. Conditions. Amelioration in Scarlet fever, as soon as the urine becomes more abundant and watery. ASA FCETIDA. Mind and Disposition. Hysterical restlessness and anxiety. Mead. The pains in the head cease, or change from touch. Eyes. Sensation of dryness in the eyes. Ears. Hardness of hearing, with discharge of pus from the ears. Nose. 5. Ozsena, discharge of very offensive matter from the nose. Face. Sensation of numbness in the bones of the face. 3Iouth and Throat. Sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat. Sensation of a ball rising in the throat. ASA F(ETIDA. 59 Abdomen. Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. 10. Sensation of fulness in the stomach. Stool and Anus. Diarrhoea, very offensive, with pain in the abdomen and dis- charge of fetid flatus. Urine. Urine brown, and of pungent smell. Spasm in the bladder during and after urination. Respiratory Orgns. Spasmodic dyspnoea, as if the lungs could not be sufficiently expanded. 15. Stitches in the chest from within outwards. Extremities. Twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs. Ulcer on the tibia. Swelling and caries of the bones of the feet. Stitches and pulsation in the big toe. Generalities. 20. Sense of rigor. Body heavy and bloated. Hysterical attacks. Twitching and jerking in the muscles. Dull stitches (periodically) from within outwards, changed or relieved by touch. 25. Pains in the inside of the joints and limbs. St. Vitus' dance. Sleep* Much against his habit, he is much inclined to sleep. Fever. Pulse small, rapid, and unequal. Heat in the face after dinner, with anxiety or drowsiness, without thirst. Skin. 30. Ulcers, very painful to contact, especially in the circumfe- rence, gangrenous. Inflammation and caries of the bones, with thin, fetid pus. Conditions. Bad effects from the abuse of mercury, especially in syphilis. Most pains are accompanied by numbness in the affected parts. Many symptoms appear while sitting, and are relieved in the open air. 60 ASARUM EUROPIUM. ASARUM EROPjEUM, Mind and Disposition. Nervous irritability and exaltation. Head. Pain, as from contraction in the forehead, temples, and be- hind the ears, with watering and burning of the eyes, worse in the afternoon, (5, p. M.,) relieved when sitting, and by washing. Eyes, Inflamed eyes, blear-eyedness. The eyes stare. 5. The cold air is pleasant to the eyes; sunshine, light, and wind, are intolerable. Ears. Pressure and tension in the region of the orifice of the mea- tus auditorius. Mouth. Accumulation of cold, watery saliva in the mouth. Stomach. Eructations putrid or sour, setting the teeth on edge. Violent, empty retching, which increases all the symptoms, only relieving the head. 10. Vomiting, with great anguish, under violent exertion, with chilliness. Vomiting, with diarrhoea and violent colic. Stool and Anus. Diarrhoea, consisting of tenacious mucus. During stool, discharge of thick, black blood. Prolapsus ani during stool. 15. After stool, pressing and straining, and discharge of white, viscid, bloody mucus. Generalities. Over-sensitiveness of the nerves, the scratching of linen or silk is insupportable. AURUM FOLIATUM. , 61 Sensation of lightness in the limbs, when she walks she thinks she is gliding through the air. Fever. Pulse full and accelerated. Chilliness and coldness, after eating and drinking, with heat of the head. 20. Heat, especially in the face, and in the palms of the hands. Perspiration smelling sour at night, in the arm-pits. Easily excited perspiration, especially on the upper part of the body. Conditions. Aggravation in the evening, and in cold and dry weather. Amelioration. Many symptoms disappear from washing the face in cold water, and from wetting the affected part. AURUM FOLIATUM. Mind and Disposition. Melancholy mood, dejected, inclined to weep, and longing to die. Excessive anguish, increasing even to self-destruction. The least contradiction excites his wrath. Alternate peevishness and cheerfulness. Mead. 5. Congestions to and heat in the head, with sparks before, the eyes, and glossy bloatedness of the face, aggravated from every mental exertion. Sensation, as if a current of air were rushing through the head, if it be not kept warm. The bones of the skull are painful, especially when lying down. Exostosis on the head. Byes. Protruded eyes. 10. Vertical half-sight. Fiery sparks before the eyes. Ears. Caries of the mastoid process. Fetid otorrhcea. Roaring in the ears, 62 AURUM FOLIATTJM. Nose. 15. Caries of the nose. Discharge of fetid pus from the nose. Fetid odor from the nose. Very sensitive smell. Face. Bloated, shining face. 20. Swelling of the cheeks. Inflammation of the bones of the face. Painful swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Mouth and Throat. Putrid smell from the mouth, as of old cheese. Caries of the palate, especially after the abuse of mercury. Stomach. 25. Immoderate appetite and thirst, with qualmishness in the stomach. Stool and Anus. Constipation; stool very large in size, or very hard or knotty. Nightly diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum. Urinary Organs. Painful retention of urine, with pressure in the bladder. He passes more urine than corresponds to the quantity he drinks. Sexual Organs. 30. Men, Induration of the testes. Swelling of the (lower part) of the testicle (right.) Sexual desire increased. Women. Prolapsus and induration of the uterus. Chest. Suffocative attacks, with suffocative oppression of the chest. 35. Anxious palpitation of the heart, from congestion to the chest. Generalities. Over-sensitiveness to all pain, and to the cold air. Hysterical spasms, with laughing and crying, alternately. Great ebullitions, with congestions to the head and chest, and palpitation of the heart. Sleep. Sleepiness after dinner. 40. Frightful dreams — he sobs aloud when asleep. Fever. Pulse small, but accelerated. BARYTA. Chilliness predominates — coldness of the hands and feet sometimes lasting all night. Heat, only in the face. Perspiration in the morning-hours; the strongest on and around the genitals. Skin. 45. Ulcers (after the abuse of mercury) which attack the bones. Inflammation of the bones — caries (palate and nasal bones.) Conditions. Bad effects from the misuse of mercury. Paralytic drawing-in of the limbs in the morning, when awaking; and on getting cold. Pain in the bones, at night. 50. Aggravation in the morning ; on getting cold ; while reposing. Amelioration, from moving ; while walking ; and on getting warm. BARYTA, Mind and Disposition. Mistrust; want of self-confidence, and aversion to strangers (the child does not want to play.) Deficient memory (children cannot remember and learn.) ■ Head. Pricking headache near the warm stove. Baldness. 5. The scalp is very sensitive to the touch, especially on the side on which he lies, with the sensation of suggillation, worse from scratching. Dry or humid scurf on the head. Eyes. The light hurts the eyes, and in the dark he sees sparks be- fore them. Burning and pressing in the eyes, if he looks attentively at any thing. Inflammation of the eyes, with sensation of dryness, 64 BARYTA. Ears. .10. Cracking in the ears when swallowing, sneezing, and when walking fast. Face. Dark redness of the face, with congestions to the face. Tension on the face, as if it were covered by spider webs. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with induration. Mouth and Throat. Tongue cracked, feels very sore. 15. Inflammation of the throat, with swollen, inflamed tonsils. Sensation, as from a plug in the throat. Stomach. Weakness of the digestion after eating, pressing in the sto- mach; and pain in the hard, swollen abdomen. Sensation of soreness of the stomach; while eating, it feels as if the food had to force itself through some raw places. Stool and Anus. Sudden, irresistible urging to stool, with painful soreness in the lumbar region, followed by frequent diarrhoetic stools. 20. Anus sore and humid. Crawling in the rectum, (ascarides.) Sexual Organs. Erections (only) in the morning before rising. Soreness and moistening between the scrotum and thighs. Chest and Respiratory Organs. Suffocative catarrh, and paralysis of the lungs in old people. 25. Sensation of soreness in the chest. Sensation, as if something hard dropped down in the chest. Sensation of smoke in the larynx. Hoarseness and loss of voice from tough mucus in the larynx and trachea. Palpitation and soreness of the heart, renewed by lying on the left side, and when thinking of it. 30. Spasmodic cough (like hooping-cough) from roughness and tickling in the throat and pit of the stomach. Cough worse in the evening till midnight; after getting the feet cold; from exercise; when lying on the left side; in the cold air ; from thinking of it. Back and JSTeck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Sarcoma in the neck, with burning. BARYTA. » 65 Beating and pulsation in the back. 35. Stiffness in the small of the back, in the evening, especially while sitting, which allows neither to rise nor to bend backwards. Extremities. Upper. Painfullness of the arms, with swelling of the axil- lary glands. Lower. Fetid perspiration of the feet. Corns, with burning and stinging. Generalities. Paralysis and palsy of aged persons. 40. Great weakness of mind and body of old men. Emaciation, with bloated face, swelled abdomen, and difficult learning in children. Tearing in the limbs, with chilliness. Heaviness of the body. Tension and shortening of the muscles. Sleep. 45. Sleepiness day and night. Fever. Pulse accelerated, but weak. Chilliness relieved by external heat. Flushes of heat, more at night, with great restlessness. Perspiration, one-sided, (left side,) every other evening. Skin. 50. Burning prickings here and there. Soreness and humid skin. Swelling and induration of the glands. Warts. Conditions. Especially suitable for old people, or scrofulous children, especially those who suffer from inflammation of the throat and swelling of the tonsils after the least cold. 55. Great liability to take cold, (sore throat,) stiffness of the neck, or diarrhoea. The left side is most affected. Aggravation while sitting, or when lying on the painful side, or when thinking of his disease. Amelioration when walking in the open air. BELLADONNA. BELLADONNA. Mind and Disposition. Nervous anxiety, restlessness, desire to escape. Stupefaction, with congestion to the head; pupils enlarged — delirium. Loss of consciousness. Fantastic illusions (when closing the eyes.) 5. Rage, madness, disposition to bite, to spit, to strike and to tear things. Disinclination to talk, or very fast talking. Delirium, with frightful figures and images before the eyes. Head, Vertigo, with stupefaction, vanishing of sight and great de- bility. Vertigo, with anguish, and falling insensibly on the left side, or backwards, with flickering before the eyes, especially when stooping, and when rising from a stooping posture. 10. Congestion of blood to the head, with external and internal heat; distended and pulsating arteries, stupefaction in the forehead, burning, red face ; worse in the evening — when leaning the head forward, from the slightest noise, and from motion. Stupefying, stunning headache, extending from the neck into the head, with heat and pulsation in it; worse in the evening, and from motion ; better when laying the hand on the head, and when bending the head backward. Boring headache in the right side of the head; changing to stitches in the evening. Pressing headache, as if the head would split, pupils con- tracted, voice faint. Periodical nervous headache, every day from 4, p. M., till 3, A.M., aggravated by the heat of the bed, and when lying down. 15. Jerks in the head, especially when walking fast, or when as- cending steps; better from external pressure. Inflammation of the brain, with burning and pulsation in the head; first in the cerebellum, then in the forehead, and BELLADONNA. 67 later in the whole head — blood-vessels on the head and neck enlarged, shaking with the head or boring in the pillows; worse in the evening, and when lying. Hydrocephalus, with boring with the head in the pillows; sensation as if water were moving in the head; worse in the evening and when lying; better from external pressure, and from bending the head backwards. Headache, from taking cold in the head, and from having the hair cut. Headache, worse on the right side. 20. Headache, aggravated by moving the eyes, by shaking the head, when lying down, from a draft of air ; relieved by sitting up, leaning the head backward, from pressing the head with the hands. External heat and soreness of the head. Smooth, erysipelatous, hot swelling, first of the face, then ex- tending over the whole head, with stupefaction or de- lirium ; violent headache, red, fiery eyes. Stitches in the bones of the neck. Convulsive shaking and bending of the head backwards. 25. Boring the head into the pillow. Profuse, pungent-smelling perspiration, especially on the covered parts, while the body is burning hot. Byes. Congestion of blood to the eyes, and redness of the veins. Heat in the eyes — distention of the sclerotica. Yellowness of the whites of the eyes. 30. Eyes sparkling, red, glistening, or dim. Look, wild, unsteady, wavering. Continued lachrymation (tears sharp and salty.) Distortion, spasms, and convulsions of the eyes,. Photophobia, or photomania. 35. Ectropium. Blindness at night (moon-blindness.) Things look red. He sees sparks of fire. Diplopia. 40. Squinting. Paralysis of the optic nerve-. Mars. Inflammation of the external and internal (right) ear, with discharge of pus. Stinging in and behind the ears. Humming and roaring in the ears. 45. Paralysis of the auditory nerves. 68 BELLADONNA. Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands — stitches in the parotid gland. JSTose. Inflammatory swelling and redness of the external and inter- nal nose. Bleeding of the nose, with redness of the face. Over-sensitiveness of the sense of smell. 50. Putrid smell from the nose. Face, Purple, red, hot face, or yellow color of the face. Face pale, sunken, with distorted, anxious countenance. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Convulsive motions of the muscles of the face and mouth. 55. Spasmodic distortion of the mouth (risus sardonicus.) Erysipelatous swelling of the face. Semilateral swelling of the face. Nervous prosopalgia, with violent, cutting pains. Lips dark red, swollen, indurated. 60. Swelling of the upper lip. Ulcerated corners of the mouth. Mouth half open, or spasmodically closed by lock-jaw. Stitches in the articulations of the jaws. Swelling and inflammation of the sub-maxillary glands. Teeth. 65. Toothache, drawing and tearing up into the ear, with swelling of the cheek ; worse in the evening and at night; aggra- vated by the cold air, by contact, while masticating, by mental exertion. Grinding of the teeth. Swelling of the gums, with burning heat and stinging. Mouth. Dryness of the mouth, without thirst. Inflammatory swelling and redness of the inner mouth and soft palate. 70. Tongue hot, dry, red, cracked; or only red on the edges, with white coating on the middle ; coated white or brown, or covered with mucus. Inflammatory swelling of the tongue, painful to the touch. Heaviness of the tongue, with difficulty in talking. Stuttering. Speaks through the nose, speechlessness, T5. Hemorrhage from the mouth. BELLADONNA. 69 Throat. Inflammation of the throat, with sensation of a lump, which induces hawking, with dark redness and swelling of the velum palate, and pudendum. Burning and dryness in the oesophagus. Stinging in the oesophagus, in the tonsils; worse when swal- lowing, and when talking. The oesophagus feels contracted, spasms in the throat not permitting one to swallow, the drink swallowed is dis- charged through the nostrils. 80. Continual inclination to swallow. Tonsils inflamed, swollen, ulcers rapidly forming on them. Appetite and Taste* Loss of taste. Taste bitter, insipid, sour (bread) or sticky, slimy taste in the mouth. Excessive burning thirst, with constant desire to drink, drinks hastily; or aversion to drink, or inability to swallow. 85. Aversion to meat, acids, milk, beer. StomaeJi and Abdomen. Bitter eructations. Gulping up of food. Vomiting, of water; of mucus; of acid; of bile; of blood. Empty retching. 90. Painful pressure in the pit of the stomach and stomach, espe- cially after eating. Spasms of the stomach. Painfully distended abdomen, very sensitive to the touch. Colic, with restlessness, below the umbilicus, as from clutch- ing and griping with the nails, worse from external pressure. Flatulent colic, (with protrusion of the transverse colon, like a pad,) ameliorated by bending forwards and by ex- ternal pressure. 95. Stitches in the left side of the abdomen when coughing, sneezing, and touching it. Stool and Anns. Stool in lumps, like chalk. Frequent small diarrhoeic stools of mucus. Thin, green stools, with frequent micturition and perspiration. Dysenteric stools. 100. Involuntary evacuations. Before stool, perspiration. During stool, shuddering. 70 BELLADONNA. Spasmodic stricture of the rectum. Paralysis of the sphincter ani. 105. Stinging pain in the rectum. Urine. Retention of urine. Difficult discharge of urine, (and then discharge of a few drops of bloody urine only.) Urine scanty, fiery red, dark, turbid. Continuous dropping of urine. 110. Paralysis of the sphincter vesicae. Strictures of the urethra. Sexual Organs. Men. Inflammation of the testicles, great hardness in the drawn-up testicles. Women. Great pressing in the genital organs, as if every thing would protrude. Spasmodic contraction of the uterus. 115. Labor-pains too distressing, spasmodic, — too weak, or ceasing. After-pains. Congestion and inflammation of the uterus and labia. Prolapsus and induration of the uterus. Stitches in the organs. 120. Dryness of the vagina. Metrorrhagia, blood clotted, with violent pain in the small of the back, and bearing down. Puerperal fever, nymphomania. Catamenia too early and too profuse. Menstrual blood of bright color, or of a bad smell. 125. Lochial discharges in clots, and of bad smell. Larynx and Traehea. Larynx very painful, with anxious starts when touching it. Constriction of the trachea. Voice rough, with a nasal sound. Hoarseness, loss of voice. 130. Short, dry cough, from tickling in the larynx, with headache, redness and heat in the face. Cough, with stitches in the chest, in the lumbar region, in the hip, in the uterus, — pain in the sternum, with tight- ness of the chest, — with rattling of mucus on the chest. Dry, spasmodic cough, with vomiturition, especially after midnight. Barking cough. Hooping-cough, with crying, or pain in the stomach before the attack, with expectoration of blood, (pale or coagu- BELLADONNA. 71 lated,) congestion of blood to the head, sparks before the eyes, spasms in the throat, bleeding from the nose, stitches in the spleen, involuntary stool and urine, op- pressed breathing, stiffness of the limbs, shaking of the whole body, and general dry heat. 135. The cough is renewed by the least motion, (especially at night.) Chest. Breathing labored, unequal, quick, with moaning. Vehement expirations. Peeling of suffocation when swallowing, or when touching and turning the neck. Oppression of the chest in the morning when rising, cannot breathe in the room, better in the open air. 140. Congestion to the chest. Stitches in the chest, especially when coughing or yawning. Violent palpitation of the heart, reverberating in the head. Mammae swelled, inflamed or indurated. Flow of milk. Back. 145. Stiffness of the neck. Painful swelling of the glands of the neck. Intense cramp — pain in the small of the back and the os coc- cyx; he can only sit for a short time. Extremities. Upper. Arms heavy, as if paralyzed. Scarlet redness and swelling of the arms and hands. 150. Painful twitchings, spasms and convulsions in the arms and hands. Lower. Coxalgia, with stinging pain or burning in the hip- joint; worse at night; aggravated by the least contact. Involuntary limping. Heaviness and paralysis of the legs and feet. Tottering walk — when rising from bed in the morning, the legs refuse their service. 155. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Generalities. Over-excitability of all the senses. Spasms in single limbs, or of the whole body, in children, during dentition. St. Vitus's dance. Epileptic spasms. 160. Renewal of the spasms by the least contact, or from the glare of light. Hydrophobia. 72 • BELLADONNA. Full habit (plethora.) Congestions (head, lungs.) Apoplexia. 165. Burning in the inner parts. Rheumatic pains (in the joints) flying from one place to another. Sleep, Sleeplessness, with drowsiness. Somnolence — stupor — lethargy (with snoring.) Fearful visions, when closing the eyes to sleep. 170. Starting, when closing the eyes, or during sleep, as in a fright. Dreams anxious — night-mare. Sleep, with moaning and tossing about. Fever, Pulse. Pulse accelerated, often full and hard, tense, occa- sionally soft and small ; if slow, the pulse is full. Chilliness in the evening, especially on the extremities (arms) with heat of the head. 175. Cold limbs, with hot head. Chilliness not relieved by the heat of the stove. Chilliness as soon as he moves under the cover. Internal and external burning heat, with restlessness. Continuous dry, burning heat, with perspiration only on the head. 180. Internal heat, with restlessness; hot forehead and cold cheeks. Dry heat, with thirst, and perspiration only on the head and neck (sour smelling.) Perspiration exclusively on the covered parts, during sleep, ascending from the feet to the head. Skin, Dry, burning-hot skin. ' Smooth, even, shining (not circumscribed) redness of the skin, with bloatedness, dryness, heat, burning, itching and swelling of the parts (especially face, neck, chest, abdomen and hands.) 185. Erysipelatous inflammations. Scarlet-red rash (over the whole body.) Miliary eruptions. Vesicular eruptions, with scabs, white edges and cedematous swellings. Boils (returning every spring.) 190. Glands swelled, inflamed, painful, stinging. Bleeding soreness of the bends of the joints. Ulcers, with burning pain when touching them. BENZOIC ACID. 73 Conditions* Indurations, after inflammation. Liability to take cold, with great sensitiveness to draft of air, especially when uncovering the head. 195. Bad effects from valerian, mercury, china and opium. Aggravation, in the afternoon, and after midnight; on moving; from touching the parts even softly; on walk- ing in the wind; from a draft of air; on looking at shining or glistening objects; while drinking. Amelioration, on bending the affected part backwards or in- wards ; from leaning the head against something ; while standing. BENZOIC ACID. Mind and Disposition, Inclination to dwell on unpleasant subjects. While writing, he often omits words. Head, Giddiness, especially in the afternoon, as if he would fall on his side. Pressure on the vertex, extending to the spine, — without pain, but with anxiety. 5. Rheumatic pains in the head. Headache from a draft of air ; from uncovering the head ; in the morning, when awaking; worse when at 'rest, return- ing periodically, and accompanied by pain in the sto- mach, nausea, and cold hands. Cold perspiration on the head. Face, Burning heat of one side of the face. Circumscribed redness on the cheeks. 10. Copper-colored spots on the face. Cold perspiration of the face. Tongue, The tongue is spongy on the surface, with deep cracks, and with spreading ulcers. 74 BENZOIC ACID. Throat. Sensation, as of a lump in the pit of the throat, as if some food had lodged there. Sensation of swelling or constriction in the throat. 15. The throat symptoms are relieved hy eating. Stool and Anns. Watery, light-colored, very offensive stools, (in children,) with unusually strong-smelling urine. Urinary Organs. Soreness, or hot, burning pain in the (left) kidney. Frequent desire to urinate. Urine contains mucus and pus, (with enlargement of prostate gland.) 20. Urine of dark color, with unusually strong smell; heavy, hot. Chest. Long-continued, dry cough, after suppressed gonorrhoea. Pains in the region of the heart. Awakens every morning at 2 o'clock, with violent internal heat, and hard, beating pulse, compelling him to lie on the back, because the beating of the temporal arteries causes a humming in the ears, and prevents him from going to sleep. Awakens after midnight with violent palpitation of the heart, and hard beating of the temporal arteries. Extremities. 25. Tearing and stitches, especially in the right big toe, (gout. Generalities. Great weakness, perspiration, and comatose condition. Trembling, with palpitation of the heart. Sleep. Awakens with oppression of breathing, with palpitation of the heart, (after midnight,) with heat and hard pulse. Fever. Chilliness before the stool. 30. Great internal heat when awaking. Perspiration while eating. Conditions. The pains suddenly change their locality, but are mostly felt in the region of the heart. When moving, cracking of the joints. Aggravation of the headache, when at rest ; of the toothache, when lying; of the eye and ear symptoms in the open BERBERIS VULGARIS. 75 air; of the head symptoms, when uncovering one's self, and when in a draft of air. 35. Amelioration of the face symptoms by heat. The most of the symptoms appear first on the left, and then on the right side. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Mind and Disposition. Indifference, apathy. Melancholy, inclination to weep. Head. Darting and shooting pains in the head, often changing their locality. Heat in the head after dinner, or in the afternoon. 5. Headache aggravated by movement, relieved in the open air. Eyes. Dryness of, or biting, — burning, or itching sensation in the eyes. Itching in the canthi, eyebrows, and eyelids. Ears. Stitches in the ear. Nose. Dryness in the nose. Face. 10. Pale face, with a dingy-grayish tinge, sunken cheeks, and deep-seated eyes, surrounded with bluish and blackish- gray border. Mouth. The mouth feels dry and sticky. Painful white blisters on the tip of the tongue. Throat. Inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx, with swelling and fiery redness, and a sensation as if a lump were lodged in the* side of the throat ; expectoration of a quantity of thick, yellow, jelly-like mucus, — white, sticky tongue, viscid saliva resembling soap-suds. 76 BERBERIS VULGARIS. Appetite and Taste. Thirst and dryness of the mouth. 15. Taste bitter. Abdomen. Pressure in the region of the liver. Burning under the skin, in the left side of the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Hard, scanty stool, (like sheep's dung.) Watery evacuations. 20. Burning, stinging pain in the anus, before, during, and after stool. Hemorrhoidal tumors, with burning pain after stool. Painful pressure in the perinseum ; stitches in the perinaeum, extending deep into the (left side) pelvis (fistula in ano.) Urine. Lancinating or tearing pulsative pains in the region of the kidneys; worse when stooping and rising again, sitting or lying; better when standing. Yiolent sticking pains in the bladder, extending from the kid- neys into the urethra, with urging to urinate. 25. Frequently recurring, crampy, contractive pain, or aching pain, in the bladder, when the bladder is full or empty. Stitches in the urethra, extending into the bladder. Stitches and burning in the urethra. Frequent urging to urinate. Urine dark yellow, red, becoming turbid, copious; mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like or reddish, bran-like sediment. 30. Greenish urine, depositing mucus. Blood-red urine, depositing a copious, slimy, bright-red, bran- like sediment. During urination, burning in the urethra, with pressure on the bladder. After urination, burning in the urethra, or bladder, pressure in the bladder, cutting, burning, and stitches in the urethra. Movement brings on or increases the urinary difficulties. 35. With the symptoms in the urinary organs, pain in the loins and hips. Sexual Organs. Men. Dragging or lancinating pains in the spermatic cord, extending into the testicles. Cold feeling in the prepuce and scrotum. Women. Catamenia too scanty, painful (pain in the small of the back.) BERBERIS VULGARIS. 77 Menses, consisting of gray mucus or brown blood. 40. Suppressed menstruation. Chest. Stitches in the chest (left side.) BacTc. Stitches in the spine. Numbness in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back ; worse when sitting and lying, in the morning, when, awaking (during menstruation.) Generalities. 45. Great weakness, like fainting, after a walk, with perspiration and heat on the upper part of the body; cold, pale, sunken face and oppression of breathing. Sleep. Great sleepiness during the day and after dinner. Sleep unrefreshing. Fever. Pulse slow and weak, or full, hard and rapid. Chilliness, with hot face, followed by heat, with perspiration, or burning heat in the afternoon, increasing during the night. 50. Perspires easily from the least exertion, Conditions. Rheumatic and gouty complaints, with diseases of the urinary organs. Movement increases or causes the complaints. 8T BISMUTHUM. BISMUTHUM. Mind and Disposition. Apathy and continual complaints, with peevish dissatisfac- tion. Solitude is intolerable to him. Head. Sensation of weight in the forehead, temples and occiput. Face. Earthy paleness of face, with distorted features, and blue borders around the eyes. Mouth. 5. White-coated tongue in the evening. Sensation of soreness in the mouth. Appetite and Taste. Great thirst in the evening for cold drinks (without heat.) Stomach. Nausea after every meal. Vomiting (of bile) with oppressive anxiety, small pulse, ver- tigo and prostration. 10. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting of all fluids (children.) Pressure in the stomach, especially after a meaL Burning in the stomach. (Inflammation of the stomach.) Stool and Anus. Urging to stool in the evening, without any evacuations. Urinary Organs. 15. Frequent and copious micturition; the urine is watery. Sexual Organs. Pressing, aching in the (right) testicle. Generalities, Sensation of heaviness in the inner parts. Screwing pains. Pressing pains (eyes, head, abdomen, testicles.) 20. Pressing-tearing (bones of the hands and of the feet.) Fever. Flushes of heat, especially on head and chest. Conditions. Most symptoms disappear during motion. BORAX. 79 BORAX. Mind and Disposition,, Easily frightened, and starting from the least noise. Anxiety, with sleepiness, increased towards evening. The child feels an anguish when rocked in a cradle, has an anxious countenance during the downward motion, (when carried down stairs.) Parts, which are usually red, turn white. Head. 5. Vertigo in the morning, in bed. Headache in the forenoon, (10, A.M.,) with nausea and trem- bling of the body. Hot head (hot mouth and hands) of the infant. Eyes. The eyelashes turn inward into the eye, inflaming it, espe- cially in the external canthus, where the borders of the lids are quite sore. Itching in the external canthus of the eye. Mars. 10. Discharge of pus from the ears, with hardness of hearing; with roaring in the (left) ear. Nose. Dry scabs in the nose. Face. Tetter around the mouth. Burring heat and redness of the left cheek. Mouth and Throat. Aphthae in the mouth, and on the tongue, bleeding when eating. 15. Tenacious, whitish phlegm in the throat, which can only be loosened with great exertion. Stomach and Abdomen* Distention from flatulence after every meal. Hiccough after dinner, 80 BORAX. Stool and Amis. Frequent soft, light-yellow, slimy stools. Diarrhoea after breakfast. 20. Stitches in the rectum. Urinary Organs. Frequent micturition, (acrid-smelling urine.) Hot urine in infants. Sexual Organs. Men. During coition, the semen escapes either too early or too late. Women. Catamenia too early, and too profuse. 25. During the catamenia, spasmodic pressure and stitches in the groin. Sterility, or easy conception. Fluor albus, like the white of an egg, or acrid. Stitches in the region of the uterus. Sensation of contraction in the left mamma, while the child nurses from the right. 30. Aphthse on the nipples, they bleed. Chest. Stitches in the chest, whenever he coughs, or takes a deep inspiration. Extremities. Lower. Stitches in the soles of the feet. Suppuration of a spot in the heel, where the rubbing of the shoe had occasioned a wound. Frequent stitches in the corns. 35. Great weakness and debility of the lower extremities. , Generalities,, Restlessness and ebullitions, especially after talking, with nausea. Sleep. Sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night. The child starts from his sleep, and cries. Fever. Chilliness, especially during sleep. 40. Flushes of heat, (morning and evening.) Perspiration during the morning sleep. Skin. Unwholesome skin, small wounds suppurate and ulcerate. Erysipelatous inflammation on the lower leg, with chilliness, followed by heaviness and pulsation in the head; later, bleeding of the nose. BOVISTA. 81 Conditions. Consequences from getting cold when the weather is wet and cold. Bad effects from riding ; from eating fruit, (apples, pears.) Aggravation after menstruation. BOVISTA. Mind and Disposition, Sad, depressed, and desponding. Awkwardness; she lets every thing drop out of her hand. Weak memory. Mead, Headache deep in the brain, sensation as if the head were en- larged. 5. Sensation as if bruised in the head. Eyes, Dim eyes, without lustre. Objects seem to be too near the eye. Ears, Itching in the ears. Discharge of fetid pus from the ears. 10. Ulcer in the (right) ear. Nose, Scurfs and crusts about the nostrils. Stoppage of the nose with fluent coryza. Bleeding of the nose early in the morning, (during sleep.) Face, Chapped lips. 15. Eruptions in the corners of the mouth. Swelling of the upper lip (and cheek, after toothache) in scro- fulous subjects. Teeth, Bleeding of the gums, (when sucking them.) Stomach and Abdomen. Bloatedness of the abdomen; with softness, flatulency, or rumbling, with constipation. Stool and Anus. Ineffectual urging to stool. 6 82 BOVISTA. 20. Stool hard and difficult. ' After stool, tenesmus and burning at the anus. In the rectum, itching, as from worms. Darting from the perineum to the rectum and the genital organs. Urinary Organs. Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urination. (Diabetes mellitus.) 25. In the urethra, stinging, itching, burning ; the orifice is in- flamed, and feels as if glued up. Sexual Organs. Catamenia too early and too profuse, or too late, too scanty, too short; flowing only at night. Before the catamenia, diarrhoea. Leucorrhoea thick, slimy, tenacious, acrid, corrosive. Extremities. Perspiration in the arm-pits, smelling like onions. 30. Sensation in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. Weakness of the hands ; they let the least thing drop. Tremor of the hands, with palpitation of the heart and. op- pressive anxiety. Blunt instruments (scissors) make deep impressions in the skin of the fingers. Generalities. Ebullitions, with much thirst. 35. Great weakness of the joints. Sleep. Sleepiness after dinner, and early in the evening. Fever. Chilliness and heat, with thirst. Morning sweat, especially on the chest. Skin. Moist tetters. 40. Blunt instruments make deep impressions. BUFO. 83 BUFO. Mind and Disposition. Inclination to be angry — to bite. Stupor. Mead. Giddiness, with heaviness of the head. Headache in the forehead and on the vertex ; the parts are tender to the touch, especially in the evening. 5. One-sided headache (right side) relieved by bleeding of the nose. Headache, after breakfast. Headache, aggravated by light and noise; accompanied by cold feet and palpitation of the heart. Profuse perspiration on the head. Eyes. Eyes red, injected — itching, swollen. , 10. Appearance of objects as if there were a veil before the eyes, Nose. Sneezing in the evening when going to bed. Bleeding of the nose relieving the headache. Face. Pimples on the upper lip, with coryza. Momentary hot flushes of the face. 15. Erysipelas. Mouth and Tongue. Stuttering. Black tongue. Fetid odor from the mouth. Throat. 20. Mucus descends from the nose into the posterior nares. Dryness in the throat, impeding deglutition (morning.) Appetite and Taste. Desire for sugar- water. Sensation, as if he would faint from emptiness in the stomach. 84 BUFO. Stomach and Abdomen. Eructations, as from rotten eggs. Vomiting, after drinking. 25. After eating, irresistible sleepiness. Colic pain after drinking milk, and after smoking tobacco. Stool and Anus. Stools white. Constipation, with coldness of the body and hot head. Hemorrhoidal tumors, with discharge of bright-red blood. Urinary Organs. 30. Frequent discharge of pale urine. Urine brown ; of offensive odor. Burning pain in the kidneys, with oppressed breathing and faintiness. Sexual Organs. Men. Inclination to touch the genitals. Women. Menstruation too early — with headache. Larynx and Chest. 35. Cough, from stitches in the larynx. Sensation, as if the chest and the heart were constricted. Stitches in the chest (right side.) Palpitation of the heart, after a meal, with nausea. Extremities. Upper. The arms go to sleep easily. 40. Large blisters in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Panaritium, swelling blue-black around the nail (thumb,) fol- lowed by suppuration. After a slight contusion of the (little) finger, tearing pain, with redness along the whole arm, following the lym- phatic vessels into the arm-pit; causing there painful glandular swellings. Lower. Cramps in the legs, awaking him from his sleep. Great weakness of the legs. Generalities. 45. Great weakness — fainting. Swelling of the whole body. Twitching of the muscles. Convulsions. Epilepsy (after fright.) Sleep. Sleepiness, after meals. 50. Inclined to lie on the left side. Sleepiness when he smokes tobacco in the forenoon. BROMINE. 85 Fever. Heat, with apathy or delirium, and cold feet. Shin. Yellow color of the skin. Small wounds suppurate much. 55. Carbuncles. Ulcers, with burning pains. Conditions. Aggravation, morning or evening. The warm room is unpleasant. BROMINE, Mind and Disposition. Cheerful mind; desire for mental labor. Low-spirited, and out of humor. Crying and lamentation, with hoarse voice. Head. Headache after drinking milk. 5. Pain over the left eye. Scald-head. Eyes. Lachrymation (right eye) with swelling of the tear-gland. Darting through the eyes, (left.) Dilatation of the pupils. 10. Flashes before the eyes. Protruded eyes. Ears. Swelling and hardness of the (left) parotid gland. Nose. Soreness in the nose, with scurfs. Bleeding of the nose, relieving the chest. 15. Coryza, with sneezing; the margins of the nose, and the parts under the nose, are corroded, with stoppage of the nose. Face. Paleness of the face. Heat in the cheek ; first in the right, later in the left. 86 BROMINE. Mouth and Throat. Ptyalism ; much frothy mucus in the mouth. Inflammation of the throat, with net-like redness and cor- roded places. 20. Burning from the mouth to the stomach. v Stinging in the tip of the tongue. Heat in the mouth and oesophagus. Appetite and Taste. Desire for acids ; and diarrhoea from taking them. Water tastes saltish. Stomach and Abdomen. 25. Vomiting of bloody mucus. Nausea and retching; better after eating. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach; better after eating. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach, (inflammation of the stomach.) Enlargement and induration of the spleen. Stool and Anns. 30. Diarrhoea; stools yellow, green, black. Sexual Organs. Men. Swelling and induration of the (left) testicle, with sore pain, or sensation of coldness. Swelling of the scrotum, (with chronic gonorrhoea.) Women. Loud emissions of flatulency from the vagina. During the menses, pain in the abdomen and in the small of the back. Larynx and Throat. 35. Hoarseness, aphonia ; worse in the evening. Soreness and roughness in the throat. Tickling in the trachea during an inspiration. Dry, spasmodic, wheezing cough, with rattling breathing. Cough rough, barking, from tickling in the throat. 40. Violent oppression of the chest, as from the vapors of sulphur. Sensation of weakness in the chest. Tightness of the chest, (asthma.) Stitches in the chest, (inflammation of the lungs, right side.) Violent palpitation of the heart; she cannot lie on the left side. J¥ec7z and Bach. 45. Goitre. Two encysted tumors on both sides of the neck. The left side of the neck is stiff and painful. BRYONIA ALBA. 87 Generalities. Excessive languor and debility, (worse after breakfast.) Tremulousness all over. Sleep. 50. Irresistible drowsiness while reading. Fever. Pulse much accelerated. Chill on alternate days, with cold feet. Internal burning heat. Perspiration from the least exertion. Shin. 55. Swelling and induration of the glands, (thyroid, testes, sub- maxillary, parotid.) Boils. Conditions. Aggravation in the evening till midnight ; in the warm room ; • and when at rest. Amelioration from motion, riding on horseback. More suitable for persons with light hair and blue eyes. BRYONIA ALBA. Mind and Disposition. Exceedingly irritable and inclined to be angry. Restlessness, with fear of the future; fear of death, which he thinks is near. Despair of recovery. Delirium at night of the business of the day. 5. Unconsciousness. After having been angry he is chilly; has a red face and heat in the head. Mead. Giddiness, with sensation of looseness in the brain when stooping, and when raising up the head. Fulness and heaviness in the forehead, as if the brain were pressed out; with bleeding of the nose; red, bloated face; worse when opening or moving the eyes; when 88 BRYONIA ALBA. stooping; in the evening; from motion; better from closing the eyes ; from external pressure. Tearing in one (right) side of the head, extending into the cheek and jaw-bones; worse from motion, touch and heat; better during rest and from external pressure. 10. Heat of the head, with dark-red face; with coldness of the rest of the body; with much thirst and pain in the limbs when moving them ; worse in the evening. Oily, greasy, sour-smelling perspiration on the head (and the whole body) during sleep; at night, especially towards morning. Greasiness of the hair of the head. Eyes, Stitches in the eyes. Burning in the eyes and edges of the eyelids. 15. Inflammation of the eyes, aggravated by heat. Inflammation of the eyes, especially in gouty subjects. The eyes feel as if pressed out of the head. The eyes feel very sore to touch, and when moving them. Swollen eyelids, especially the upper lids. Nose. 20. Swelling of the nose, with very sore pain when touched. Bleeding of the nose, especially in the morning — with sup- pressed menstruation. Face. Yellow paleness of the face. Hot, bloated red face. Nodosities and indurations on the face. 25. Lips dry, swollen; cracked. Teeth. Toothache ; shooting from one tooth to another, or into the head and cheeks; from an exposed nerve (sensitiveness of the decayed teeth to contact of the air;) pain worse from smoking or chewing tobacco ; from introducing any thing warm into the mouth; relieved, momentarily, by cold water, and when lying on the painful side. Mouth. Dryness of the mouth, tongue and throat. Tongue coated white or yellow, especially in the middle. Throat. Great dryness in the throat. 30. Stitches in the throat when swallowing. - Sensation of swelling and constriction in the oesophagus. BRYONIA ALBA. 89 Appetite and Taste. Abnormal hunger ; he must often eat something. Does not drink often, but much at a time. Taste bitter, even of food. Stomach. 35. Vomiting of solids, and not of fluids. Bitter vomiting, when drinking immediately after a meal. Vomiting, first of bile, then of fluids. Pressure in the stomach after eating, especially after eating bread. Stitches in the stomach. 40. Burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach, especially when moving. Inflammation of the stomach. Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to touch and pressure. Abdomen. Bloated abdomen (dropsy.) Stitches in the liver, when touching it; when coughing and breathing. (Inflammation of the liver.) Stool and Anns. 45. Constipation. Stools too large in size ; too hard and dry. Diarrhoea, preceded by pain in the abdomen ; during stool burning at the anus. Diarrhoea putrid; smelling like old cheese; worse (or only) in the morning; during hot weather. Involuntary stools while asleep. Urinary (h*gans. 50. Diminished secretion of hot, red urine. White, turbid urine. Burning in the urethra, (when nOt urinating.) Cutting in the urethra, or sensation of constriction while urinating. Sexual Organs. Men. Stitches in the testicles while sitting. 55. Women. Menstruation too early and too profuse, with dark, red blood. Suppressed menstruation, with bleeding of the nose. During pregnancy, pain in the abdomen and burning in the uterus. Swelling and inflammation of the (left) labia majora. Lumps, indurations and inflammations of the mammae, with diminished or retarded secretion of milk. (Puerperal fever.) 90 BRYONIA ALBA. Respiratory Organs. 60. Hoarseness and roughness of the voice (acute bronchitis.) Deep, slow breathing. Difficult breathing, only possible with the assistance of the abdominal muscles. Frequent sighing, breathing. Continued inclination to draw a long breath. 65. Breathing quick, difficult and anxious; caused by stitches, principally in the chest, compelling him to sit up. Cough, from tickling in the throat and pit of the stomach ; in the evening and at night without expectoration; during the day the expectoration is yellow, or consists of coagulated brown blood, or of cold mucus of a disa- greeable flat taste. Cough and stitches in the head and, chest ; or pain, as if the head and chest would burst. Stitches in the chest, when breathing or coughing. Heat in the chest (pleurisy, pneumonia.) 70. Palpitation of the heart, with oppression of the chest (car- ditis.) Dry, spasmodic cough, after eating and drinking, with vomit- ing of food. Cough, with involuntary secretion of urine; hoarseness; thirst; sneezing; stitches in the chest and small of the back; red face; aggravated by motion, talking, laugh- ing, eating and drinking. Back. Stitches in the back and small of the back. Painful stiffness in the small of the back, compelling him to walk and sit crookedly. 75. Painful stiffness of the neck. Upper Extremities. Swelling of the elbow and hand joints, and upper parts of the hands. The wrist feels as if dislocated, when moving it. Rheumatic swelling of the right shoulder and upper arm, with stitches. Swollen hands. Lower Extremities. 80. Cracking and dislocation of the hip-joint, when walking. Stitches in the hip-joint, extending to the knee. Painful stiffness of the knees, with stitches, especially when moving them. The ankle feels as if dislocated, especially when walking. BRYONIA ALBA. Swelling of the lower extremities. 85. Hot, inflammatory swelling of the feet, with redness. Stitches in the feet (soles of the feet, big toe.) Putrid ulcers on the lower extremities. Generalities. Over-sensitiveness of the senses to external impressions. Rheumatic and gouty pains in the limbs, with tension ; worse from motion and contact. 90. Paralysis of the limbs. Stiffness and stitches in the joints. Swelling (pale or red) of the affected parts, with inability to move them. Sleep. Sleeplessness before midnight, with thirst, heat and ebulli- tions. Drowsiness, with half-closed eyes. 95. Yawning and sleepiness in the day-time. Delirium, as soon as he awakes. Fever. Pulse full and hard, tense and quick ; seldom intermitting. Chilliness predominating, frequently with heat of the head, red cheeks and thirst. Chill, with external coldness of the body. 100. Coldness and chilliness, mostly in the evening, and often only on one (right) side. More chilliness in the room than in the open air. Heat. Fever, with bitter taste and thirst. Dry, burning heat, mostly internal, as if the blood were burning in the veins. Perspiration, profuse and easily excited when walking slowly in the open, cold air. 105. Profuse night and morning perspiration. Perspiration sour, or oily. Skin. Yellowness. Burning itching eruptions. Rash, especially of children, and during child-bed. 110. Petechia. Erysipelatous inflammations, especially of the joints. Hard knots and blotches. Putrid ulcers, feeling cold. Conditions. Aggravation, in the evening (9, p. m. ;) 115. From motion, exertion of the body, on ascending; worse 92 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. on sitting up in bed; the patient is made sick at the stomach by sitting up ; can't sit up a moment; gets faint, or sick, or both, on sitting up ; From heat and warm food ; While coughing, after eating, while swallowing ; After the suppression of cutaneous eruptions. Amelioration, while making an expiration; 120. On descending ; While lying, especially on the painful side; While sitting ; From eating cold things; On getting warm in bed. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Mind and Disposition. Sadness and bad humor ; taciturnity, melancholy, hypochon- driasis. Head. Yertigo, from sanguineous congestions to the head. Pulsating pain, with the sensation of weight in the right side of the head. Heavy pain, like a weight on the vertex ; worse from sounds, even talking. Eyes. 5. Dimness of sight; cannot see at a distance; objects appear to be obscured. Ears. Hearing diminished by the buzzing in the ears. Pulsations in the ears (otitis.) Nose. Profuse bleeding of the nose. Face. Face bloated and red, with pulsation in the head. Throat. 10. Constriction of the oesophagus, which prevents swallowing; which excites the frequent swallowing of saliva. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 93 Stomach and Abdomen* Nausea in the morning, lasting all day. Acrid acid in the stomach, which rises in the throat and mouth. Burning pulsation or heaviness in the stomach. Constriction or pulsation in the scrobiculus. 15. Pulsation in the coeliac artery (after dinner.) Copious vomiting of blood. Stool and Amis. Constipation; stool hard and black. Diarrhoea, watery, mucous, bilious (in the forenoon.) Sensation of great weight in the anus. 20. Swollen, painful varices at the anus. Copious hemorrhage from the anus. Itching in the anus. Urinary Organs. Constriction of the neck of the bladder. Irritation in the urethra, as if he would pass water con- stantly. 25. Urine passes by drops, with much burning. Profuse urine, of a straw color. Urine, on cooling, deposits a red sand. Haematuria. Sexual Organs. Women. Pulsating pain in the uterus and ovarie3. 30. Sensation of constriction in the uterine region. Very painful menstruation. Labor suppressed. Chest. Feeling of constriction in the chest, as if bound; hindering respiration. Sensation of constriction in the heart, as if an iron hand pre- vented its normal movement. 35. Acute pains and stitches in the heart. Difficulty of breathing ; attacks of suffocation, with fainting, cold perspiration on the face, and loss of pulse. Palpitation of the heart ; worse when walking, and at night when lying on the left side. Chronic bronchitis, with rattling of mucus. Haemoptysis, with convulsive cough. 40. Spasmodic cough and copious mucous expectoration. Pricking pains in the chest, with oppressed respiration, in- tense cough, sanguinolent sputa. (Pneumonia.) 94 CACTUS GRAXDIFLOEUS. Extremities. Formication and weight in the arms. (Edema of the hands; worse in the left. (Edema of the feet, extending to the knee; the skin is shining; pressure with the fingers leaves an indenta- tion. Generalities. 45. General weakness and prostration of strength. Sensation of constriction in the throat; chest; heart; blad- der; rectum. Hemorrhages, nose; lungs; rectum; stomach. Sleep. Sleeplessness without cause; or from arterial pulsations in the scrobiculus, and in the right ear. Delirium at night, on waking up. Fever. 50. Slight chilliness towards 10 A. M. Chilliness, with chattering of the teeth. Burning heat, with shortness of breath. Scorching heat at night, with headache, following a chill and terminating in perspiration. Intermittent fever (quotidian) recurring every day at the same hour. One o'clock in the afternoon slight chill, then burning heat, with dyspnoea, pulsating pain in the uterine region, terminating in slight perspiration : — (quo- tidian) 11 a.m., great coldness for two hours; then burning heat, with great dyspnoea, violent pain in the head, coma, stupefaction, insensibility till midnight, then unquenchable thirst and perspiration. Skin. 55. Dry, scaly herpes on the outside of the elbow, and on the right internal malleolus. Conditions. The intermittent fever attacks recur at the same hour. Aggravation in the forenoon (diarrhoea.) At night (palpitation of the heart; headache.) When lying on the left side (palpitation of the heart.) 60. After eating (weight in the stomach.) From noise and light (headache,) CADMIUM SULPHUMCUM. 95 CADMIUM SULPHURICUM. Mind and Disposition. Great irritability. Aversion to be alone, or at work. Mead. Sensation of constriction in the head. Stitches and pulsations in the temples. 5. Headache, with restlessness, icy coldness of the body, bleed- ing of the nose, constriction in the throat, thirst, nausea, and Vomiting ; mostly present when awaking, in the open air, from a draft of air, in the sun. Eyes. Cannot read small print. Night-blindness. Dimness of, or spots on the cornea. Hot tears. Stomach. 10. Vomiting of acid or yellow substances, with cold perspiration in the face, and cutting pain in the abdomen. Burning and cutting pain in the stomach. Chest. Oppression ; sensation as if the lungs were in a state of ad- hesion. Extremities. Upper. Perspiration in the palms of the hands. Generalities. Cutting pains in the limbs. Conditions. 15. Aggravation, in the morning, forenoon ; after grief ; after in- toxication ; when sitting or lying. Amelioration, from eating. 96 CALADIUM SEGUINUM. CALADIUH SEGUINUffl, Mind and Disposition. Low spirits and gloomy thoughts, (with impotence.) Forgetfulness. Mouth* Swelling of the tongue with excessive ptyalism ; the saliva re- sembling the white of an egg ; the eyes are violently in- flamed, the chest is oppressed, pulse small and accele- rated, cold perspiration all over. Throat. Dryness in the fauces and pharynx, with aversion to cold water. Stomach and Abdomen. 5. Frequent rising of air, as if the stomach were filled with dry food, (with asthma.) Burning in the stomach, not relieved by drinking. Stool and Amis. Discharge of thin, red blood after the stool. Discharge of mucus from the rectum after stool. Urinary Organs, The bladder feels full, without desire to urinate. 10. Fetid urine, (with impotence and secondary gonorrhoea.) Sexual Organs, Men. The sexual organs are bloated, relaxed, and sweaty. Swelling of the prepuce, (border,) with smarting during mic- turition. After coition, the prepuce remains behind the glans; it is painful and swollen. Glans red, dry, dotted with fine points, which are still redder. 15. Painful erections without sexual desire, alternating with sex- ual desire with relaxed penis. Imperfect erections, and premature ejaculation of the semen. Impotence ; the penis remains relaxed, even when excited. Feeling of coldness, and cold perspiration of the sexuarorgans. Larynx and Trachea. Sensation of constriction in the larynx and trachea. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 97 Generalities. 20. Attacks like fainting after writing and thinking, when lying down, or when rising. Disinclination to move, and desire to lie still. * Sleep* Sleepiness in the day-time, but cannot go to sleep on account of vertigo. At night, cramps in the soles of the feet. Fever. Chilliness in the evening, without thirst. 25. Internal heat, going off from sleep. Heat with thirst, pain in the ears, swelling of the submaxil- lary glands, and retention of stool. Sweat towards evening, with prostration, yawning and drow- siness. The perspiration (after the heat) attracts the flies. Skin. Itching, burning rash, (forearm and chest,) alternating with asthma. Conditions. 30. All the symptoms are ameliorated by perspiration, and after sleeping in the day-time. CALCAREA CARBONICA, Mind and Disposition. Easily frightened, or offended. Inclination to weep. Children are self-willed. Apprehensive anxiety about his health, or of some future misfortune. Anguish, with palpitation of the heart. She fears she will lose her understanding, or that people will observe her confusion of mind. Despairing mood, with fear of disease and misery. Thinking is difficult. 7 98 CALCAEEA CARBONICA. Head. Vertigo, when ascending a height, walking in the open air, or turning the head quickly, or looking upwards (in the , morning.) 10. Mania a potu, with delirious talk about fire, rats, mice and murder. Congestion of blood to the head, with heat and stupefying headache; with redness of the face and bloatedness; worse in the morning when awaking, and from spirituous drinks. Headache, from overlifting. Fulness and heaviness in the head. Pulsations in the occiput. 15. Heat in the vertex. Headache, with empty eructations and nausea, vertigo; ag- gravated from mental exertions, stooping, or walking in the open air; ameliorated by closing the eyes, and by lying down. Internal and external sensation of coldness of one (right) side of the head, as if a piece of ice were lying there; with pale, puffed face. Enlargement of the head, with open fontanelles. Profuse perspiration, mostly on the back part of the head and on the neck (in the evening.) 20. Tumors and suppurating boils on the head. Itching of the hairy scalp — scabs on the head. Falling off of the hair (sides of the head — temples.) Eyes. Pressure, itching, burning and stinging in the eyes. Cutting in the eyes and lids ; worse when reading by candle- light. :25. Inflammation of the eyes, from foreign bodies coming into them ; in infants, or scrofulous subjects. Ulcers, and specks on the cornea. Dimness of the cornea. Oozing of blood from the eyes. Watering of the eyes in the morning, or in the open air. 30. Fungus medullaris. Fistula lachrymalis. Pupils dilated. Dimness of sight (mist before the eyes when looking sharp.) Bright light dazzles the eyes. Ears. 35. Stitches, or pulsations in the ear. Inflammation of the external and internal ear. Discharge of pus from the ears. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 99 * Tingling in the ears. Polypus of the ear. 40. Hardness of hearing, especially after the suppression of in- termittent fever by quinine. Inflammatory swelling of the parotid gland. Nose. Inflamed, swollen, red. Dryness of the nose. Nostrils ulcerated and scabby. 45. Bleeding of the nose (in the morning.) Polypus of the nose. Stench before the nose (as from manure, gunpowder or pu- trid eggs.) Stench from the nose. Smell diminished. Face. 50, Pale bloatedness of the face. Yellow color of the face. Moist, itching, scurfy eruption on the cheeks and forehead (with burning pain.) Eruptions on the lips; around the mouth; in' the corners of the mouth. Ulcerated corners of the mouth. 55. Itching of the face and under the whiskers. Swelling of the upper lip (in the morning.) Painful, hard swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. Difficult dentition. Gums swollen and bleeding. 60. Toothache, drawing, stinging, from a draft of air; aggra- vated by noise, from drinking any thing cold, during and after the catamenia, during pregnancy. Fistula dentalis. Mouth. Dryness of the tongue at night, and when awaking. Ranula. Accumulation of mucus in the mouth. Throat. 65. Spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus. Inflammatory swelling of the palate, with blisters on it. Stinging in the throat when swallowing. Swelling of the tonsils. L.OFC. 100 CALOAREA CARBONICA. Appetite and Taste. Continued violent thirst for cold drinks (at night.) 70. Canine hunger (in the morning.) Desire for wine, salt or sweet things. After drinking milk, nausea and sour eructations. After eating, heat, or bloatedness, with nausea. Sour taste of the food, or by itself. Stomach and Abdomen, 75. Eructations tasting like the ingesta. After eating, heartburn, and continued loucl belching of wind. Morning nausea. Sour vomiting, especially in children, and during dentition. Vomiting of the ingesta (tasting sour.) 80. Pit of the stomach swollen and painful to pressure. Pressure and cramp-like pain in the stomach, especially when fasting, or after meats, with vomiting of the ingesta. Stinging pain in the liver, (during or after stooping.) Cutting in the upper part of the abdomen. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. 85. Enlargement of the abdomen, with swelling of the mesenteric *■ glands. Incarcerated flatulence. - Inguinal glands swollen and painful. Stool and Anus. Constipation ; stools hard and undigested. White stools. 90. Diarrhoea, of sour smell ; putrid ; during dentition. Involuntary stool, (as if fermented.) Tapeworm, and ascarides, with the stool. Discharge of blood from the rectum. Prolapsus ani. 95. Itching of the anus. Varices, swollen, protruding, burning. Urinary Organs, Frequent micturition, also at night. Urine dark, brown ; with white sediment ; of putrid smell. Bloody urine. 100. During micturition, burning in the urethra. Polypus in the bladder. Sexual Organs. Men. Inflammation of the prepuce, with redness and burn- ing pain. Frequent nocturnal, involuntary emissions. During coition, erections of too short duration. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 101 105. Burning and stinging while the semen is discharged during coition. Women. Catamenia too early, and too profuse. Suppressed menstruation, with full habit. During menstruation, cutting in the abdomen; griping in the back ; heat and congestion to the head. Stitches in the os uteri. 110. Itching or pressing in the vagina. Varices on the labise. Prolapsus uteri, with sensation of pressing on it. Sterility, with catamenia too early, and too profuse. Fluor albus, like milk; burning; itching; in starts; during micturition; before the catamenia. Larynx and Trachea. 115. Hoarseness, (painless.) Sensation, as if something were torn loose in the trachea. Tickling cough, caused by a sensation of dust in the larynx. Ulceration of the larynx. Cough in the evening in bed, at night; while sleeping; with expectoration through the day, but not at night. Expectoration of thick mucus; gray, yellow, of putrid smell; bloody; purulent; tasting sour. 120. Haemoptysis. Ulceration of the lungs. Chest. Tightness of the chest, as if too full, (filled with blood.) Arrest of breath, when walking against the wind, or when stooping. Burning in the chest. 125. Inclination to draw a deep breath. Sensitiveness and sensation of soreness in the chest, when drawing a deep breath, and when touching it. Stitches in the chest, and sides of the chest when moving; when taking a deep inspiration ; when leaning against the painful side. Palpitation of the heart at night ; after eating ; with anguish. Trembling pulsation of the heart. 130. Hot swelling of the mammae. Secretion of milk too abundant, (galactorrhcea,) or suppressed. Bach and Neck. Pain in the small of the back, or in the neck from over-lifting. Pain in the small of the back, (as if sprained;) he can scarcely rise from his seat, after being seated. Pressing pain between the shoulder-blades, impeding breath- ing, when moving. 102 CALCAREA CARBONICA. 135. Curvature of the dorsal vertebrae. Painful swelling of the cervical glands. , Thick, struma-like swelling of the thyroid gland. Extremities. Upper. Suppuration of the axillary glands. Weakness and lameness of the arms, (left.) 140. Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint, (right.) Arthritic nodosities on the hand and finger-joints. Deadness of the fingers. Trembling of the hands. Lower. Coxalgia, with drawing stitches, or tearing, cutting. 145. The child is late learning to walk. Heaviness and stiffness of the legs. Swelling of the knee. Tearing and stinging in the knee. Cramp in the bend of the knee, in the calves of the leg ; soles of the feet; toes; especially when extending the leg, (pulling on the boots.) 150. Erysipelas, (lower leg, with swelling.) Phlegmasia alba dolens. Itching on the lower limb and foot-joint. Burning of the soles of the feet. Perspiration on the feet, (foot-sweat.) 155. Perspiration of the palms of the hands. Coldness and deadness of the feet, especially at night, in bed. Corns, sore, with burning pain. Generalities. Great weakness and debility, from a short walk ; from talk- ing. Cramps in single parts, which draw the limbs crooked, espe- cially the toes and fingers. 160. Epileptic attacks, at night; during the full moon; with hal- looing and shouting. St. Vitus' dance. Fainting, with loss of sight and coldness. Full habit and ebullitions. Tendency in children and young persons to grow very fat. 165. Bloatedness of body and face, with swelled abdomen, in chil- dren. Great emaciation, with swelled abdomen and good appetite. Visible quivering of the skin, from the feet to the head, with which he becomes dizzy. Trembling of inner parts. 170. Bleeding from inner parts. Pulsating pains. Sensation of dryness of inner parts. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 103 Sensation of coldness in inner parts. Stinging and cutting in outer land inner parts. 175. Arthritic tearing in the muscles. Arthritic nodosities. Sleep. Sleeplessness, from many thoughts crowding his mind. When closing his eyes, he has many horrid visions. He falls asleep late. 180. Awakens early in the night. Fearful of fantastic dreams during sleep. At night, oppression of the chest, with heat and restlessness, thirst. Sleepy the whole day, and early in the evening. Fever. Pulse full, accelerated or tremulous. 185. Chilliness, when rising in the morning. Chilliness, mostly in the evening; internal with external heat. Frequent flushes of heat, with anxiety and palpitation of the heart. Heat, with thirst, followed by chilliness. Heat, after eating. 190. Perspiration from the least exertion, even in the open, cold air. Perspiration, in the first sleep. Night sweat, especially on head, neck and chest. Night sweat, sticky only on the legs. Skin. Flaccidity of the skin. 195. Bloatedness. Nettle rash, mostly disappearing in the cold air. Eruptions moist, scurfy. (Milk crust.) Herpes, burning; chapped; furfuraceous. Rhagades, especially in those who work in water. 200. Unwholesome, readily ulcerating skin; even small wounds suppurate and do not heal. Polypus (nose, ear, uterus.) Ulcers, deep; fistulous; carious. Steatoma, reappearing and suppurating every four weeks. Warts, inflamed ; stinging ; suppurating. 205. Painful swelling of the glands. Varices. . Bones, swelling ; softening ; curvature of; stinging in ; caries. 104 CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. Conditions. Easy straining, from which he gets sore throat, stiff-neck, backache, or # headache. Sprains, from overlifting. 210. Liability to take cold, and great sensitiveness to moist, cold air. Aversion to the open air. Full habit and ebullitions. Puffiness. (Chlorosis.) Desire to be magnetised. 215. Aggravation. Morning; evening, or after midnight. In the cold air, and in wet weather. After washing, and by cold water. On awaking. After eating (smoked meat, milk.) 220. From exertion of the mind (after writing.) From pressure of the clothes. From sexual excess. From suppressed perspiration. Amelioration. After breakfast; on rising; from drawing up the limbs ; from loosening the garments. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. External wounds and lacerations, with (or without) loss of substance. The wound is raw and inflamed; is painful, as if beaten; the parts around the wound become red, with stinging in the wound during the febrile heat. CAMPHOR Mind and Disposition. Great anguish and discouragement. Mania to dispute. Confusion of ideas ; delirium. Head. Giddiness, with heaviness of the head and vanishing of the senses. CAMPHOR. 105 5. Sensation of constriction in the brain, especially in the cere- bellum ; the pain ceases when he thinks of it. Inflammation of the brain, (after sun-stroke,) with pulsation and sensation of constriction in the brain, spasmodically turned head, (to the side or backward,) worse from move- * ment, or in the cold air ; better when lying down, or when thinking of it. Byes. Staring, wild look. Eyes sunken. Contraction of the pupils. 10. Aversion to light; the objects appear too bright and shining. Bars. Lobules red, hot. Ulcer in the (left) meatus auditorius, (with stinging pain.) • Nose. Dry coryza. Face. Death-like paleness of the face, alternating with redness. 15. Icy-cold, purple, pale face. Distorted countenance. Lock-jaw. Foam at the mouth. Throat. Burning in the mouth and throat, extending to the stoma h. 20. Dry, scraping sensation of the palate. Appetite and Taste. Thirstlessness, or violent thirst. Food tastes bitter. ? The taste is more acute. Stomach and Abdomen. Burning in the stomach. 25. The pit of the stomach is very sensitive to the touch. Burning heat in the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Constipation, from want of peristaltic motion of the intes- tines. The rectum feels narrow and swollen ; is painful during the emission of flatulence. Involuntary diarrhoea ; stools blackish. Urinary Organs. 30. Strangury, with tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. 106 CAMPHOR. Burning of the urine during emission. The stream is thin, as if the urethra were contracted. The urine is yellowish-green. Sexual Organs. Sexual desire wanting ; impotence. 35. Sensation of contraction in the testes. Chest. Violent oppression of breathing, with constriction of the throat, as if produced by the vapor of sulphur. Accumulation of mucus in the air-passages, with danger of suffocation. Audible palpitation of the heart, (after eating.) Trembling of the heart. Extremities. 40. Upper. Hands icy cold. \ Convulsive rotation of the arms. Lower. Great weakness of the legs. Cramps in the calf of the leg and feet. Generalities. Epileptic and convulsive attacks ; he falls down insensible. 45. Diminished circulation of the blood to the parts most distant from the heart. Icy coldness of the whole body, with paleness of the face. Sudden and great sinking of strength. Sleep. Torpor, with delirium or snoring. Sleeplessness from nervous over-excitability. 50. During sleep, the inspirations are shorter than the expirations. Fever. Pulse small, weak, and slow. The blood does not circulate to the parts distant from the heart. Chilliness, and sensitiveness to cold air. Coldness, with chilliness and shaking. 55. Icy coldness of the whole body, with congestion to the head and chest. Heat, with distended veins, aggravated from every movement. Cold perspiration, often clammy, and always very debili- tating. Skin. Dryness of the skin. Erysipelatous inflammation. CANNABIS SATIVA. 10T Conditions. Most pains are felt during a half-conscious condition, and dis- appear when thinking of them. Great sensitiveness to cold and cold air ; the pains are ag- gravated by it. CANNABIS SATIVA. Mind and Disposition. The mind is too active ; crowded with ideas. The ideas seem to stand still ; he unconsciously stares, as if hurried in thoughts. Head. Sensation as if intoxicated. Congestion of blood to the head, with pulsation, and not un- pleasant warmth in it. 5. Sensation of a heavy weight on the vertex. Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling on the head. Byes. The cornea becomes opaque. Specks and pellicle on the cornea. Weakness of the eyes, and diminished vision. 10. Cataract. JEars and Nose. Throbbing, pushing pain in the ear, disappearing when stoop- ing, and re-appearing when raising the head again. Pulsation in the ears. Dryness of the nose, with heat. Stupefying pressure on the root of the nose. 15. Swelling and copper-redness of the nose. Bleeding at the (dry) nose, even to fainting. Face. Pale face. Hot face, with red cheeks. Mouth and Throat. Dryness of the mouth ; viscid saliva, without thirst. 20. Eruption in the vermilion border of the lips. Difficult speech. Burning in the throat. 108 CANNABIS SATIVA. Stomach and Abdomen. Rising of air. Gulping up of a bitter-sour, acrid fluid. 25. Vomiting of green bile. Sensation of soreness of the stomach when touching it, re- lieved by eating. Cramp in the stomach, with perspiration of the pale face. Sensation of soreness in the abdomen, (dropsy.) Shuddering in the abdomen, as if cold water were running through it. Stool and Anus. 30. Constipation ; stool hard. Diarrhoea after colic. Sensation in the anus, as if something were dropping out of it. Urinary Organs. Sensation of soreness and inflammation of the kidneys. Strangury ; painful urging to urinate ; he discharges only a few drops of bloody^ burning urine. 35. During micturition, burning, smarting, or stinging pain in the urethra. Burning, during and after micturition, (forepart of the ure- thra.) Spreading stream. The urethra feels inflamed. Discharge of watery mucus from the urethra, (gonorrhoea.) 40. Painless discharge of mucus from the urethra. Genital Organs. Men. Inflammatory swelling of the prepuce, with dark red- ness. The penis feels sore and burnt when walking. 1 Painful erections. Sexual desire increased. 45. Swelling of the prostate gland. Women. Profuse menstruation. Chest. Asthmatic attacks ; he can only breathe when standing up. Oppressed breathing, as from a weight on the chest, with wheezing, rattling breathing. Difficult respiration when lying down. 50. Loss of voice. Cough dry, or with green, viscid expectoration. Inflammation of the lungs, with stitches low downward, or with inflammation of the heart, or with vomiting of bile. CANNABIS SATIVA. 109 Violent palpitation of the heart. Shocks and beats in the region of the heart. 55. Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart. Inflammation of the heart. Back. Pain in the back, arresting the breathing. Extremities. Upper. Cramp-like contraction of the metacarpal bones, of the (right) hand. Lower. Pain in the legs, as from great fatigue. 60. Heaviness of the legs ; he walks in a stagger — and painful weariness of the knees, as from over-exertion. The patella starts out of its normal position, when going up stairs. Generalities. Great debility after dinner, and from exertion. Exhaustion from talking and writing. Tetanic spasms of the upper limbs and the trunk. 65. Sensation, as if drops of cold water were falling, (on the head, from the anus, from the heart.) Sleep. Great sleepiness in the day-time. Sleeplessness at night from heat ; he feels as if hot water were poured over him. Fever. Pulse weak, slow, almost imperceptible. Chilliness, with thirst. 70. External coldness of the body, with the exception of the face. Heat only in the face. Burning heat at night. Skin. Rheumatic tearing, as it were in the periosteum, during mo- tion. Conditions* Fatigue after great bodily exertion, or from over-exertion ; fatigue after a very long foot journey. The weariness is worse after a meal ; from talking ; or wri- ting ; from a little exercise. 110 CANTHARIDES. CANTHARIDES. Mind and Disposition. Anxious restlessness, ending in rage. Paroxysms of rage, with crying, barking and beating; they are renewed by the sight of dazzling, bright objects; when touching the larynx; when trying to drink water. Amorous frenzy, with shameless, unchaste gesticulations. Delirium. Hydrophobia. Head, 5. Soreness and burning in the brain. Burning in the sides of the head, ascending from the neck, with soreness and giddiness ; worse in the morning and afternoon ; when standing or sitting ; better when walk- ing or lying down. Eyes. Eyes protruding; fiery, sparkling, staring look. Involuntary spasmodic movement of the eyes. The eyes look yellow. 10. Burning and soreness in the eyes. Things look yellow. Nose. Erysipelatous inflammation of the dorsum of the nose, ex- tending to the cheeks (right side) with hardness and subsequent desquamation. Face. Death-like appearance ; expression of terror and despair. Sunken, hippocratic countenance. 15. Yellow complexion. Hot, red, swollen face. Mouth and Throat. Suppuration of the gums. Fistula dentalis (suppurating) (upper incisors.) Burning in the mouth, extending down the pharynx, oeso- phagus and stomach ; worse from drinking cold water. 20. Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx. Inflammation and suppuration of the tonsils, with inability to swallow. CANTHARIDES. Ill Painless inability to swallow. Expectoration of frothy saliva, streaked with blood. Feeble voice, from debility of the organs. 25. Inflammation and suppuration of the tongue. Appetite and Taste, Thirst, with aversion to all fluids. Stomach and Abdomen. Violent burning pain (inflammation) in the stomach. Sensitiveness of the stomach ; also externally. Inflammation of the liver. Stool and Anus. 30. Diarrhoea of mucus, followed by pain in the abdomen, or bloody discharges. Dysentery; discharges of blood-streaked mucus, or white mucus, looking like the scraping from the intestines. During stool, burning in the anus ; prolapsus ani. After stool, chilliness and tenesmus. v Urinary Organs. Burning, stinging and tearing in the kidneys. (Inflammation of the kidneys.) 35. Pressing pain in the kidneys, extending to the bladder ; along the ureters; relieved by pressing upon the glans. Desire to urinate constant, with inability to urinate, or with difficult emission of a few drops only. Discharge of blood by drops ; hemorrhage from the urethra. Spasmodic pain in the bladder, with suppression of urine. Discharge of bloody mucus from the bladder. (Inflamma- tion of the bladder.) 40. During micturition, burning or cutting pain in the urethra. (Inflammation of the urethra.) Sexual Organs. Men. Inflammation of the genitals. Painful erection (with gonorrhoea) with strong sexual desire (priapism.) Women. Catamenia too early and too profuse (blood black.) Inflammation of the ovaries. 45. Swelling of the neck of the uterus. Chest. Sensation of weakness in the respiratory organs. Oppression of breathing, with sensation of constriction of the pharynx. Stitches in the chest, during an inspiration. (Inflammation of the lungs.) 112 CANTHARIDES. Burning and stinging in the larynx, especially when at- tempting to hawk up tough mucus. 50. Hoarseness ; weak, indistinct voice. Back. Tearing in the back (after rising from a seat.) Stiffness in the nape of the neck, with tension when bending it over. Opisthotonos. Extremities. Lower. Coxalgia, with spasmodic pains in the bladder, and strangury. 55. Soles of the feet sore (ulcerating pain.) Generalities. Over-sensitiveness of all parts. Burning, with soreness, especially in the cavities of the body. Tearing (rheumatism) in the limbs ; relieved by rubbing. Fever. Pulse hard, full and rapid. > 60. Pulsation through the trembling limbs. Chilliness, principally in the evening; not relieved by heat. Burning heat, with anxiety and thirst. Perspiration ; cold, especially on the hands and feet ; on the genitals. Perspiration smells like urine. Skin. 65. Erysipelatous inflammation ; burning ; raising blisters. Itching pustules, burning when touched. Itching and tearing in the ulcers. Blisters, from burns. Conditions. The conditions return every seven days. 70. The right side is mostly affected. Aggravation from coffee (and oil.) Amelioration, from lying down. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. 113 CAPSICUM ANNUUM. Mind and Disposition, Peevish, easily offended. Home-sickness, with redness of the cheeks and sleeplessness. Head. Vertigo and giddiness, especially during the cold stage of the intermittent fever. Pressing headache, as if the head would burst, with fulness, nausea, and vomiting ; worse in the evening, — from moving the head, — when walking in the cold air ; better when lying with the head high, and from heat. 5. One-sided headache, pressing, with nausea and vomiting: worse from moving the head and eyes. Darting pain through the head; worse during rest; better from moving about. Eyes. Burning in the eyes, (in the morning,) with redness and lachrymation. Objects appear blaefc when brought before the eyes, (incipient amaurosis.) Ears. Swelling behind the ears, painful to the touch. 10. Hardness of hearing after previous burning and stinging iD the ear. JSTose. Bleeding from the nose, in the morning in bed. Face. Redness of the cheeks, (without heat,) often changing to paleness. Dull, pressing pain in the cheek bone, excited by touching the parts. Swollen, cracked lips. 15. Lips peel off; burning of the lips. MoutJi and Throat. Burning blisters in the mouth. Stomacace. Fetid odor from the mouth. 8 114 CAPSICUM ANNUUM. Spasmodic contraction of the throat. Inflammation, with dark redness and burning of the throat. The pain in the throat is worse between the acts of deglu- tition. Appetite and Taste. 20. Unnaturally increased appetite, alternated with aversion to food. Taste sour. Thirstlessness. Stomach and Abdomen, Burning in the stomach, (after eating.) Distention of the abdomen, with suffocative arrest of breathing. 25. Colic from flatulence. Painless rumbling in the abdomen. Stool and Anns. Dysentery; stools of bloody mucus with tenesmus, and stran- gury. Diarrhcea at night, with burning at the anus. Hemorrhoidal tumors, with burning, (bleeding.) Urinary Organs. 30. Strangury, with tenesmus of the bladder. Spasmodic contraction of the neck of the bladder. Burning while urinating. Discharge of blood from the urethra, which is painful to the touch. Sexual Orgatis, Men. Impotence, with coldness of the scrotum. 35. Purulent discharge from the urethra. Dwindling of the testes. Chest. Oppressed breathing appearing to come from the abdomen, or from fulness of the chest. Asthma with redness of the face, eructation and sensation as if the chest were extended. Deep breathing, almost like a sigh. 40. Dry, hard cough in the evening and at night, with pain in distant parts, (stitches in the bladder, pain in the knees or legs, ears, throat.) When coughing, he exhales fetid smelling air. Generalities. Aversion to exercise. Phlegmatic temperament, and relaxed fibres. CARBO ANIMALIS. 115 Fever. Pulse irregular, and often intermitting. 45. Chill almost always with violent thirst; worse after drinking. Heat, with perspiration, and no thirst. Perspiration after the chill, without previous heat. On the upper part of the legs cold perspiration. Skin. Sensation over the whole body, as if the parts would go to sleep. Conditions. 50. Stiffness and painfulness of all the joints when beginning to move. Cracking of all the joints, (finger joints, knee.) Most complaints are aggravated from eating and drinking; are most severe on beginning to exercise; and are re- lieved or ameliorated by continued exercise. CARBO ANIMALIS. Mind and Disposition. Alternate cheerfulness and melancholy. Fright in the dark. Head. Heaviness in the cerebellum ; worse in the forenoon, — in the cold air,— relieved after dinner. Pain in the vertex, as if the skull were open. 5. Tightness and tension of the skin of the forehead and vertex. Heat in the head in the evening in bed, better after rising. Eyes. Sensation as if the eyes were lying loose in their sockets. Ears. Hardness of hearing; the sounds appear confused, does not know from what direction they come. Discharge of pus from the ears. 10. Swelling of the parotid gland. Nose. The tip of the nose is red, chapped, burning, the skin feels tight. 116 ( CARBO ANIMALIS. Face, Erysipelas of the face. Red, smooth, elevated blotches in the face. Vesicles and cracks on the lips. 15. Heat of the face and head in the afternoon. Swelled, burning lips. Mouth and Throat. Burning blisters in the mouth and on the tongue. Gums red, swollen, painful. Looseness of the teeth. 20. Dryness of the mouth and tongue. Appetite and Taste. Ravenous hunger. Repugnance to greasy food. Bitter taste in the morning. Stomach and Abdomen. Weak digestion ; almost all food causes distress. 25. Pressure in the stomach, even in the morning and in the evening, in bed. Spasmodic cramp in the stomach. Considerable inflation after a meal. Audible rumbling in the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Constipation; unsuccessful desire for stool; he passes only very offensive flatus. 30. Stools hard, knotty. During stool, pain in the small of the back, with inflation of the abdomen. Varices, burning; stinging. A viscid, indorous humor oozes out of the rectum, and from the perinaeum. Urinary Organs. Frequent desire to urinate, with increased secretion of urine. 35. Burning soreness in the urethra when urinating. Involuntary discharge of fetid-smelling urine. Sexual System. . Women. Menses too early. Fluor albus, leaving yellow stains on the linen. Mammae swollen, inflamed (erysipelatous) during confine- ment. Hard, painful nodosities in the mammae. CARBO ANIMALIS. 117 ChesU 40. Hoarseness and roughness in the throat in the morning, after rising. Loss of voice (during the night.) Breathing, panting and rattling. Oppression of breathing in the morning, and after eating. Soreness in the chest. 45. Burning in (right side of) the chest. Sensation of coldness in the chest. Cough, with discharge of greenish pus (suppuration of the lungs.) Neck and Back. Painful swelling and induration of the glands of the neck, and of the parotid glands. Stitches in the small of the back when drawing a long breath. Extremities. 50. Upper, Swelling and induration of the axillary glands. Oozing of moisture from the arm-pits. Gouty stiffness of the joints of the fingers. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. The hands go to sleep. 55. Lower. Stitches in the left hip when sitting. Drawing and sensation of contraction under the knee. The ankle-joint and toes bend easily when walking. Frost-bitten feet and toes, inflamed; burning. Generalities. Numbness of all the limbs. 60. Burning pains. # Sleep. Cannot go to sleep in the evening, from restlessness, anxiety, and frightful visions. During sleep, groaning, talking and shedding of tears. Fever. Pulse accelerated, especially in the evening. Chill, especially in the afternoon, in the evening, and after eating. 65. Chill in the evening, followed by perspiration. Heat after a chill, mostly at night, in bed. Perspiration after the heat, especially towards morning. Perspiration of bad odor; debilitating; coloring the linen yellow; more on the upper legs. Skin* Erysipelatous swellings, with burning pain. 118 CARBO VEGETABILIS. 70. Inflammation, swelling and induration of the glands. Itching over the whole body in the evening, in bed. Conditions* Easy straining ; great debility and spraining of the joints. Aversion to the open, cold, dry air. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Mind and Disposition. Restlessness and anxiety (in the evening, 4-6, p. M.) Periodical weakness of the memory. Sensitiveness and irritability. Head. Giddiness when moving the head. Congestions to the head. 5. Pressing headache, with tears in the eyes ; they are painful when moving them; the hairy scalp is painful to the touch; worse in the afternoon and evening, and after eating. Spasmodic tension in the brain. The external head is painfully sensitive to pressure, espe- cially the pressure of the hat ; worse from taking cold, or when getting warm in bed. Falling off of the hair, with itching of the scalp in the eve- ning, when getting warm in bed. Myes. 10. Weakness of the eyes from using them too much, and from fine work. Hemorrhage from the eyes, with congestion to the head. Nightly agglutination of the eyes. Burning and pressing in the eyes. Itching of the margins of the eyelids. 15. Black, flying spots before the eyes. Ears. Every evening heat and redness of (the right) the external ear. CARBO VEGETABILIS. 119 Deficiency of wax. Suppuration (fetid) of the inner ear. Pulsations in the ears. 20. Swelling of the parotid gland. Nose. Frequent and continuous bleeding from the nose, especially in the morning, or after straining to stool, with pale- ness of the face before and afterwards. The tip of the nose is red and scabby. Itching around the nostrils ; coryza, with hoarseness. Face. Greenish color of the face. 25. Great paleness of the face. Swollen face and lips. Lips swelled, chapped. Teeth. Looseness of the teeth. SO. Tearing toothache from salt food. The gums recede from the teeth, (incisors.) The gums bleed easily and often. Mouth and Throat. Dryness of the mouth, without thirst. Tongue coated white or yellow-brown. 35. Stomacace. Sensation of constriction in the throat. Feeling of coldness of the throat. Burning ; roughness ; rawness in the throat. The throat is full of mucus, which can be hawked up easily. 40. Swelling and inflammation of the uvula, with stitches in the throat. Appetite and Taste. Excessive hunger or thirst. Great desire for coffee. Aversion to meat and fat things. Bitter or salty taste. 45. The food tastes too salt. Acidity in the mouth after eating. Weakness of digestion; the plainest food inconveniences him. Stomach and Abdomen. Nausea in the morning. Eructations of the (fat) food. 50. Bloated abdomen after eating and drinking. Vomiting of blood ; of the food in the evening. 120 CARBO VEGETABILIS. Colic, with the sensation of a burning pressure ; much flatu- lence and sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. Pain in the stomach after loss of fluids, (while nursing.) Stitches under the ribs, especially in the region of the liver. 55. Pain in the liver, as if bruised. Distention of the abdomen from flatulency, with heat, and frequent discharge of very fetid flatus. Pain in the abdomen from riding in a carriage. He cannot bear any tight clothing around his waist and ab- domen. Stool and Anus. Constipation; hard, tough, scanty stool. 60. Diarrhoea; thin, pale, mucous. The stool, even if it be soft, is passed with difficulty. Discharge of blood from the rectum. Burning varices. Burning at the anus, (after stool.) 65. Soreness of, and oozing of moisture from the perinaeum. Urinary Organs. Frequent and anxious urging to pass urine. Copious emission of light-yellow urine, (diabetes.) Wetting of the bed at night. Constriction of the urethra every morning. 70. Red, dark urine, as if mixed with blood. Sexual Organs. Men. Frequent, involuntary seminal emissions. Rapid discharge of semen during coition, followed by roaring in the head. Women. Itching, burning and soreness of the parts. Aphthae and itching at the pudendum. 75. Menses too early and too profuse, (blood pale.) Menstrual blood thick ; corrosive ; of an acrid smell. Thick, yellowish white leucorrhoea. Varices on the parts, (pudendum.) Disposition to miscarriages. Larynx and Trachea. 80. Hoarseness aggravated by talking ; worse in the evening. Roughness of the throat, causing cough. Soreness and ulcerative pain in the larynx and pharynx. Loss of voice at night, or when talking. Chest and Lungs. Oppression of breathing. 85. Sensation of rawness and soreness in the chest. CARBO VEGETABILIS. 121 Burning, pressing, and stinging in the chest, (hydro thorax.) Wheezing and rattling of mucus in the chest. When breathing, painful throbbing in the head and teeth. Spasmodic, hollow cough, (hooping-cough;) four to five at- tacks every day, caused by a tingling irritation in the larynx ; expectoration only in the morning, yellow, like pus, — brownish, — bloody, — tasting putrid, sour, salt, and of offensive smell. 90. Cough, with spitting of blood and burning pain in the chest. Cough, with expectoration of pus. The cough is worse in the evening; till midnight; from move- ment; when walking in the open air; from cold, wet weather ; from going from a warm to a cold place ; after lying down ; after eating and drinking, especially cold things ; from talking. Brown-yellow blotches on the chest. Palpitation of the heart, especially when sitting. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae. Back, 95. Stitches in the back. Rheumatic tearing in the back. Painful stiffness of the back in the morning, when rising. Swelling of the cervical glands. Extremities. Upper. Pain, as from contusion in the elbow joints. 100. Tearing in the wrists. Paralytic weakness of the fingers when seizing any thing. Heat in the hands ; burning in the hands. Icy cold hands. The tips of the fingers are covered with cold sweat. Lower. Heaviness in the lower extremities. 105. The legs go to sleep. Cramps in the legs, and especially the soles of the feet. Perspiration of the feet. Toes red, swollen, stinging, as if they had been frozen. Ulcerated tips of the toes. Generalities. 110. Numbness of the limbs. Burning pains (limbs, bones, ulcers.) The limbs go to sleep easily. Great debility and weakness as soon as he makes the least exertion. Sleep. Sleepiness in day-time (forenoon) with sleeplessness at night, on account of great restlessness. 122 CASCARILLA. 115. No sleep, with inability to open the eyes. Fever, Pulse small, weak, imperceptible ; uneven ; intermitting. Chilliness and chill, especially in the evening, with thirst- sometimes on one side only ; with great debility and icy coldness of the body. (Intermittent fever, with thirst only during the chill.) Heat after the chill, or by itself, in the evening and at night, in bed ; flushes of heat ; burning heat, generally without thirst. Perspiration smelling putrid, or sour; easily excited, even when eating; cold. 120. Night-sweat. Morning sweat smelling sour. Skin. General itching all over in the evening, when getting warm,. in bed. Burning on different parts of the skin. Ulcers ; bleeding readily ; putrid ; with burning pain ; with acrid, corroding pus. Lymphatic swelling, with suppuration and burning pain. Glands swollen, indurated. Conditions. Evil effects from the loss of fluids. The rheumatic pains in the limbs are often accompanied by flatulency. The great debility is worse at noon. Bad effects from over-lifting, and from getting cold in cold, wet weather. The soreness in the limbs is worse in the morning, on riding. Bad effects from the abuse of china, or chinium sulphuricum. It follows well after veratrum, especially in hooping-cough. China follows well after carbo vegetabilis. CASCARILLA. Bars, Burning heat of the inner and outer ear. Stool and Anus. Constipation ; stool hard ; in pieces, covered with mucus. CAUSTICUM. 123 Frequent and excessive discharges of light-colored blood from the rectum, during and after hard, brown stool in large lumps; and without stool. CASTOR EQUORUM. Excessively sore nipples, bleeding, suppurating, and only- hanging on strings. CAUSTICUM. Mind and Disposition. Melancholy, peevish. Low-spirited, with fearful anxiety, day and night. Attacks of anger, with scolding. Afraid at night (in the dark room ; the child does not want to go to bed alone.) Head. 5. Giddiness, with sensation of weakness in the head. Stitches in the temples. Tension and tightness in the head, and of the scalp (forehead and temples.) Congestion to the head, with roaring in the head and ears. Involuntary nodding of the head while writing. Eyes. 10. Pressure in the eyes, as if sand were in them. Agglutination of the eyes (in the morning.) Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and itching of the eyes and eyelids. Old warts; on the eye-brows; on the upper eye-lid (nose.) Movements before the eyes, as of a swarm of insects. 15. Dim-sightedness, as if a thick fog were before the eyes. 124 UAUSTICUM. Ears. Buzzing and roaring in the ear and head. Spasmodic pain in the ear, as if the inner parts were pressed out. Stitches in the (right) ear. Painful swelling of the external ear. 20. Feeling of obstruction in the ears. Words spoken and steps re-echo in the ear. JVbse. Pimples on the tip of the nose. Old warts on the nose (orbits, upper eyelids.) Itching in the nose, and of the nostrils. 25. Coryza, with hoarseness, preventing loud speech. Continuous dry coryza, with obstruction of both nostrils. Face. Yellowness of the face, (temples.) Spasmodic sensation of the lips. Sensation of tightness and pain in the jaws, rendering it very difficult to open the mouth, or to eat. 30. Arthritic pains in the lower jaw. Semi-lateral paralysis of the face. Itching eruption on the face. Teeth. Painfully elongated teeth, (incisors.) Stitches in the teeth. 35. Gums suppurating, (fistula dentalis.) Mouth and Throat. Swelling of the inner side of the cheek; he bites it when chewing. Dry mouth and tongue. Accumulation of much mucus in the mouth and throat. Speechlessness from paralysis of the tongue. 40. Distortion of the tongue and mouth when talking. Stuttering, difficult, indistinct speech. Dryness in the throat, without thirst. Constant disposition to swallow, (pain as if a tumor were in the throat.) Audible cracking in the throat. 45. Sensation as if something cold were rising in the throat. Appetite and Taste. Aversion to sweet things. Greasy taste in the mouth. Violent thirst, (cold drinks.) Fresh meat causes nausea ; smoked meat agrees. CAUSTICUM. 125 Stomach and Abdomen, 50. Violent distention of the abdomen after a meal, (breakfast.) Sour vomiting, often followed by sour eructation. Colic, with heat in the head, chilliness over the whole body ; better when lying down. Swelled abdomen in children. Painful swelling of the navel. 55. The clothes press the hypochondria painfully. Stitches in the liver. Stool and Amis. Constipation; painful, fruitless urging to stool, with anxiety and redness of the face. The hard, tough stool, is covered with mucus, and shines as if greased. The stool is too small-shaped. 60. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and burning in the rectum. Bloody stool, with soreness and burning of the rectum. Itching at the anus, (after dinner.) Varices of the rectum, hindering stool ; large ; painful ; stinging ; burning when touched ; increased by walking, and when thinking of them. Pulsation in the perinaeum. (Fistula in ano.) 65. Soreness of, and oozing of moisture from the rectum. Urinary Organs. Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, with thirst and scanty emission. Involuntary emission of urine by day and night; at night, when asleep; when coughing, sneezing, and walking. Burning in the urethra when urinating. Itching of the orifice of the urethra. Sexual Organs. 70. Men. Increase of smegma about the glans. Aching in the testes. Itching of the scrotum. Women. Menses too late, but profuse; blood clotted. Difficult first menstruation. 75. During the menses, no blood is passed at night. Pain in the back, (during the menses;) yellowness of the face; vertigo. Aversion to coition. Leucorrhcea at night. Sore, cracked nipples, surrounded with herpes. 80. Deficiency of milk. 126 CAUSTICUM. Larynx and Trachea* Burning and roughness. Hoarseness and roughness, (early in the morning.) Aphonia, (in the morning,) or from weakness of the organs. Sensation of soreness of the larynx. 85. Hawking up of mucus early in the morning. Chest. Asthma, especially when sitting or lying down. Stitches in the sternum, or deep in the chest, during a long inspiration. Rattling in the chest. Burning, stitches, and soreness in the chest. 90. Palpitation of the heart, with languor. Stitches about the heart. Tight dressing about the chest oppresses the breathing. Short, dry cough. Dry, hollow cough, with soreness in the chest, caused by tick- ling and mucus in the throat, with expectoration only at night, of acrid-tasting mucus, which he cannot raise, but has to swallow it again. 95. Cough, with pain in the hip, with involuntary passage of some drops of urine. Cough is worse in the evening till midnight, from exhaling ; drinking coffee; cold air; draft of air; when awaking from sleep. Cough is relieved by a swallow of cold water. Bach and J^eck. Stiffness and tension in the neck. Swelling, like goitre, on the throat. 100. Painful stiffness between the scapulae, and of the back, espe- cially when rising from a seat. Itching and humid tetter in the nape of the neck. Pain, as from a bruise in the nape of the neck. Extremities. Upper. Dull tearing in the arms and hands. Great heaviness and weakness in the arms. 105. Trembling of the hands. Great heaviness in the right hand. Paralytic feeling in the right hand. Sensation of fulness in the interior of the hand when grasp- ing any thing. Tension of the posterior joints of the fingers when bending them. 1 10. Numbness, insensibility and tightness of the fingers. CAUSTICUM. 127 Tearing in the right wrist-joint. Lower. Sensation of dislocation of the hip-joint when walk- ing. Tension in the knee and ankle-joints. Contraction and tension in the heel and tendo Achillis. 115. Marbled skin of the legs. Swelling of the feet. Cold feet ; cramp in the feet. Unsteady walk of children ; they fall easily. Generalities. Paralytic, trembling weakness of the limbs, paralysis (one- sided.) 120. Epileptic spasms (at night during sleep.) St. Vitus' dance. Tension and shortening of the muscles, contracting the joints and bending the limbs ; they become paralyzed. Rheumatism in the limbs. Sleep. He starts from the sleep. 125. Sleeplessness at night, with anxiety and heat. Great sleepiness during the day. Fever. Pulse only accelerated towards evening. Chilliness predominating, frequently with coldness of the left side. Internal chilliness, followed by perspiration, without previous heat. 130. Heat in the evening, from 6 to 8, p. M. Flushes of heat, followed by chilliness. Perspiration when walking in the open air. Morning sweat (smelling sour.) Skin. Itching of the whole body at night. (Itch.) 135. Injuries of the skin, which had been healed, become sore again. Humid tetters. Painful varices. Soreness of children. Conditions. In the evening, great restlessness of the body (legs.) 140. Aggravation in the evening; in the open air; from colic. Amelioration, especially of the rheumatic pains in the limbs, in bed, and from heat. 128 CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. Mind and Disposition. Anger, with rage, violence and heat. Great anguish and restlessness. Crying and howling. Weeping uneasiness ; the child wants different things, and re- pels them when given to him. 5. The child cries and wants to be carried on the arm. Seeks a cause for quarrel. Peevishness and ill humor ; taciturn ; absence o mind. Head, Vertigo, when rising from bed ; from drinking coffee. Pulsating headache, generally in one side of the head, with one red cheek ; worse at night ; in the open air ; in the wind; better from warm coverings and when walking about. 10. Lancinating pain in one side of the head, with thirst: better from walking about. • Headache, which is felt even during sleep. Hot, clammy perspiration on the scalp and forehead. Eyes. Burning heat in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, especially the edges of the lower eyelids, which are swollen. 15. Distortion of the eyes. Yellowness of the whites. Hemorrhage from the eyes. Spasmodically closed eyelids. Twitching of the eyelids. 20. Aversion to bright light. Bars. Otalgia, with stitches and tearing. Discharge of thin pus from the ears. Inflammatory swelling of the paratid gland. Sensitive hearing. Nose. 25. Wrinkled skin of the nose. Ulcerated nostrils. Sensitive smell. CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. 129 Face. Bloatedness of the face. Redness and burning heat, particularly of the cheeks ; some- times of one cheek only, with paleness and coldness of the other. 30. Swelling, with hardness and blueness of one cheek. Red rash on the cheeks. Convulsive movements and twitchings of the facial muscles and lips. Rhagades in the middle of the lower lip. Heat of the face, while the rest of the body is cold. 35. Wrinkles on the forehead. Mouth and Throat. Putrid smell from the mouth. Dry mouth and tongue, with thirst. Red tongue, cracked. Tongue coated thick, yellow or white. 40. Convulsive movements of the tongue. Inflammation of the soft palate and the tonsils, with dark * redness. Sensation of a plug in thethroat. Inability to swallow while lying. Inability to swallow solid food. 45. Sore throat, with swelling of the parotid or submaxillary glands. Teeth. Insupportable (drawing) toothache (at night) with swelling of the hot, red cheek, and thirst. The toothache recommences when entering the warm room. Toothache, aggravated from drinking any thing warm, espe- cially coffee. Toothache, after a cold and suppressed perspiration. 50. Toothache, with redness and swelling of the gums Dentition, with convulsions. Appetite and Taste. Aversion to food ; loathing of food. Great thirst; longing for cold water. Bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning. 55. Desire for coffee. Stomach and Abdomen. Sour eructations (the existing pain is aggravated by eructa- tions.) Vomiting, of food ; sour ; of bile. 130 CHAMOMILLA VULGAKIS. After eating or drinking, heat and perspiration of the face. Distention of the abdomen after a meal. 60. Painful bloatedness of the epigastrium (in the morning.) Nausea (after drinking coffee.) Colic, after anger. Oppression of the stomach, as if a stone were pressing down- wards. Burning in the pit of the stomach. 65. Pressing towards the abdominal ring, as if hernia would pro- trude. Stool and Anus, Nightly diarrhoea, with frequent small discharges and colic. Hot, diarrhoeic stools, smelling like rotten eggs. Stools green, chopped. Stools consisting of white mucus, with colic. 70. Diarrhoea during dentition (green mucus.) Diarrhoea from cold, from anger, from chagrin. Stools corroding the anus. Urinary Organs. Ineffectual urging, with anguish during micturition. * The urine is hot, with flocculent sediment ; turbid. 75. Smarting pain in the urethra during micturition. Genital Organs. Men. Itching, stinging pain in the margin of the prepuce. Soreness of the border of the prepuce. (Sycosis.) Excited sexual desire. Women. Pressure towards the uterus, like labor-pain. SO. Metrorrhagia ; the blood is passed in clots, and smells putrid. Discharge of blood between the regular catamenia. Abdominal spasms, before the catamenia ; of pregnant women ; or while nursing. The labor-pains are not sufficient, but cause great restless- ness and anguish (over-sensitive to the pains.) Violent after-pains. 85. Suppression of milk (milk is cheesy, or mixed with pus ; (milk fever.) Puerperal fever. Erysipelas of the mammae and soreness of the nipples. Induration and swelling of the mammae ; they are painful to the touch. Larynx and Trachea. Wheezing and rattling in the trachea. 90. Hoarseness, from tenacious mucus in the trachea. Catarrhal hoarseness. CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. 131 Stitches and burning in the larynx, with hoarseness. Hoarseness and cough, from rattling mucus in the trachea. Chest. Burning of the chest. 95. Oppression of the chest, as from flatulence. Constriction of the upper part of the chest. Sudden stoppage of the chest, in children. Stitches in the sides of the chest. Burning pain under the sternum. 100. Rattling of mucus in the chest. Cough, from irritation in the chest; from tickling in the pharynx and larynx, during the day, with expectoration of small quantities of tough mucus, tasting bitter or putrid. Dry nightly cough of children, from tickling in the throat- pit. Nightly dry cough during sleep. Cough worse at night; aggravated from crying; from cold air ; dry winds ; open air ; during sleep. 105. Amelioration of the cough when getting warm in bed. Back. Pain in the small of the back, especially at night. Stinging pain in the back. Extremities. Upper. The arms go to sleep, especially when taking hold of any thing. Convulsions of the arms, with clasping in of the thumb. 110. Convulsive twitchings of the fingers. Cold hands, with cold perspiration in the palms of the hands. Swelling of the palms of the hands. Lower. Cracking of the knee during motion. Burning of the soles of the feet, (at night, he puts his feet out of bed.) 115. Sensation of numbness in the toes. Generalities. Over-sensitiveness of the nerves ; (pain is insupportable, and drives to despair.) Over-sensitiveness of the senses, (especially from coffee and narcotics.) Great, prostrating debility as soon as the pain begins. Convulsive twitchings in the limbs. Convulsions, (during dentition.) 120. Sensation of numbness, (extremities.) 132 ' CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. Sleep. Yawning and stretching. Drowsiness, with short breathing ; groaning ; starts. Nightly sleeplessness from anxiety and visions. Restless sleep, with weeping and howling, groaning and tossing about. 125. Snoring breathing when asleep. Sleep full of vivid, fanciful dreams. Fever. Pulse small, tense, and accelerated. Chilliness ; frequently on some parts, while others are hot. Chilliness, with internal heat. 130. Chill and coldness of the whole body, with burning hot face and hot breath. Chilliness and coldness of the fore part of the body, while the back part is hot, or vice versa. Chilliness from exposure to the air, (undressing,) or in the cold air. Heat, with occasional chills, and one hot, red cheek, while the other is pale. Heat, with anxiety and perspiration of the face and scalp. 135. Continuous burning heat, with violent thirst, and starts during sleep, and furious delirium. Perspiration during sleep, mostly on the head, smelling sour, r and with biting sensation of the skin. Suppressed perspiration. SMn. Yellow skin, (over the whole body.) The skin becomes unhealthy, and every injury ulcerates. 140. Rash of infants, and during nursing. Red rash on the cheeks, on the forehead. Ulcers, with darting and lancinating pain in the night, and excessive sensitiveness to the touch. Itching pimples form around the ulcer, covered with scurf, and suppurating. 145. Inflammatory swelling of the glands. Conditions. Extreme sensitiveness to pain, with great irritability. Over-sensitiveness to the open air, and aversion to being in the wind. At night, tearing (rheumatic) pains in the limbs, with sensa- tion of numbness. The pains are worse at night, and are accompanied by thirst and heat. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 133 150. Aggravation at night ; from anger, (colic ;) after taking cold; while lying down ; during perspiration ; during sleep. Amelioration while fasting ; from bending the head backward ; after perspiration ; on rising. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Mind and Disposition, Low-spirited and desponding, with inclination to weep. Head. Sensation of coldness in the occiput, ascending from the nape of the neck ; worse when moving, better at rest. Stitches in the vertex, particularly when walking fast. Tingling in and on the head. -5. Scald-head. Eyes. Contraction of the pupils. Painful pressure on the upper eye-lid. Inflammation and nightly agglutination, with dimness in the morning. Fistula lachrymalis. Ears, 10. Sensation in both ears, as if wind were rushing out. Whizzing before the ears, like wind. Loss of hearing during cough. Nose. Dry coryza, with partial (one-sided) stoppage. Face. Redness of the face, without heat. 15. Tension and drawing in the (left) malar bone. Itching in the face, and on the forehead. Herpes in the face, especially the chin. Throat. Sensation as if the larynx were pressed on the oesophagus, impeding deglutition. Sensation of choking in the throat, as if too large a morsel had been swallowed. 134 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Appetite and Taste. 20. Longing for milk, which agrees well with him. Bitter taste in the mouth. Stomach and Abdomen. Hiccough. Frequent rising of air. Eructation, tasting like juniper berries. 25. Nausea, with sensation of heat in the stomach. Gnawing sensation in the stomach, relieved by eating. Burning in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the stomach. Cutting pain in the stomach when yawning ; soon after eating. 30. Colic ; the navel is drawn in ; nausea. Stool and Anus. Constipation, stool hard in hard lumps. Mucous diarrhoea at night. Urinary Organs. Pressure in the bladder, with scanty emission. Urine pale. 35. Burning, darting and cutting in the urethra. Sexual Organs. Women. Menstruation too late ; too profuse, and of too long duration. Vanishing of milk. Chest. Oppression of the chest and respiration. Stitches in the left chest during an inspiration. Back. 40. Pain (pinching) under the right scapula (hindering the motion of the arm.) When bending forwards or backwards, tearing pressing pain in the back, as if the vertebrae were being broken assun- der. Extremities. Upper. Paralytic pressure in the upper-arm. Stiffness of the wrist. The anterior joints of the fingers (of the right hand) became yellow, cold and dead ; the nails were blue. 45. Fine tearing in the tips of the fingers of the (right) hand. Lower. Paralytic weakness of the (left) thigh and knee, when stepping. Stiffness of the ankles. The toes are without sensation, and feel dead. CHENOPODIUM. 135 Generalities. The limbs feel paralyzed. 50. Stiffness in the joints (wrist, ankle.) Sleep, Goes to sleep late. Sleeplessness, with sleepiness. Perspiration during the morning sleep. Fever, Pulse small and rapid ; full, hard, but not very much accele- rated, towards evening. 55. Chill, internally, when walking in the open air ; better in the room. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, mostly on the hands and feet. Internal heat in the evening, after lying down, without thirst. Perspiration during sleep, after midnight; in the morning hours; ceasing soon after awaking. Skin. Old, putrid, spreading ulcers. Conditions. 60. Great debility and lassitude after eating; after awaking in the morning. Desire to lie down after a meal. Aversion to move ; he feels tired from the least exertion. Aggravation in the morning. CHENOPODIUM. Head. Dulness in the head, as if from coryza, with flushes of heat in the face ; violent pressing in the forehead or the cere- bellum, aggravated by motion, with sensation as if the brain were balancing to and fro ; drawing-tearing in the scalp. Hyes. Burning of the eyelids in the evening. 136 CHENOPODIUM. Mars. Tearing in the ears, now in one, then in the other. Nose. Sensation of soreness of the nostrils. 5. Violent sneezing, with soreness of the larynx. Coryza, with burning and biting on the margins of the nos- trils, particularly of the septum. Fluent coryza, with secretion of thin mucus; with accele- rated pulse; with coldness of the feet up to the knees, and a chill over the back. Face. Pale or yellowish color of the face. Flushes of heat in the face, with dulness of the head (evening.) 10. Dryness of the lips, especially in the morning. Mouth and Throat. Painful vesicle on the tip of the tongue. Dryness of the mouth and throat, sometimes with increased secretion of mucus. Much mucus in the mouth and throat, tasting flat, with con- tinual disposition to hawk or spit. Secretion of frothy mucus from the mouth and throat. 15. Scraping and burning in the throat. « Appetite and Taste. Increased thirst, from dryness in the throat. Stomach. Frequent cutting pain in the abdomen, especially at night, or during the day, with urging to stool, emission of large quantities of flatulence. Frequent rumbling of flatulence in the bowels. Congestion of blood to the organs in the pelvis. Stool and Anus. 20. Ineffectual urging, with pressure on the bladder and rectum. Evacuations liquid, papescent, with burning in the anus and renewed urging, or with pinching in the abdomen before and after the stool. « Urinary Organs. Pressure on the bladder, especially with ineffectual desire to stool. Irritation in the urethra, as from acridity, compelling him to urinate frequently. » During micturition, burning in the urethra, especially at the • orifice. CHINA. 137 25. Frequent and copious emission of saturated, yellow, foaming urine, attended with an acrid sensation in the urethra, brownish red, depositing a thick, yellowish sediment during the night. Larynx and Trachea. Frequent roughness and huskiness of the voice ; going off by hawking. Burning scraping in the larynx, as from acridity; titillating burning or stinging, particularly in the open air during wet and cold weather, with constant irritation in the larynx, obliging him to cough or to hawk, with constant expectoration of mucus. Bach. Pain below the left shoulder-blade. Extremities. Upper. Pain, as if bruised in the arms, with rheumatic pains in the shoulders and upper arms. 30. Lower. Rheumatic pains, especially on the tibia and soles of the feet. Sensation of weariness in the legs. Tearing-drawing above the knee, especially in the morning. Cold feet up to the knees. Stinging burning in the corns. Generalities. 35. The limbs feel bruised. Rheumatic drawing pains in temples, ears, decayed teeth, shoulders, upper arms, soles of the feet, above the knees, and on the tibia. Fever. Pulse accelerated, especially in the evening. Chills, especially over the back. Burning in the palms of the hands. 40. Perspiration in the palms of the hands, especially in the fore- noon. CHINA. Mind and Disposition. Indifference and apathy. • Disposition to be alone. Ill-humor, with disposition to hurt other people's feelings. 138 CHINA. Nervous irritation, with slowness of ideas. 5. Full of projects and ideas, especially in the evening and at night. Head. Congestion of blood to the head, with twitching in the tem- ples. Headache, from suppressed coryza. Sensation, as if the whole head were bruised; worse from ex- ertion of the mind. Sensation, as if the head should burst, with sleeplessness at night; aggravated from touch, motion and stepping hard; ameliorated in the room, and when opening the eyes. 10. Stitches in the head, with pulsation in the temples, which can be felt by the finger ; ameliorated by hard pressure, but aggravated by the movement of the head. Sensitiveness of the scalp, especially the root of the hair, to the least touch; worse when walking in the open air and from a draft of air; ameliorated by strong external pressure and when scratching the head. The headache is aggravated by a draft of air, in the open air, from the slightest contact, and relieved by hard pres- sure. Byes, Pressure in the eyes, as from drowsiness. Pressure, as from sand in the eyes, when moving the lids, with inflammation of the eyes, and worse in the evening. 15. Redness of the eyes, with heat in them. Yellow color of the eyes. Sensitiveness of the eyes to the bright sun-light. Dimness and weakness of sight. When reading, the letters look pale, confluent, and surrounded with a white border. 20. Incipient amaurosis after loss of animal fluids, (in drunkards.) Bars. Humming in the ears. (Hardness of hearing.) Stitches in the ears. Heat of the outer ear. JYose. Redness and heat of the nose. 25. Tearing in the dorsum of the nose. Frequent bleeding from the nose. (Hemorrhage from the nose and mouth.) Bleeding of the nose, after blowing it. Dry coryza, with toothache and lachrymation. Suppressed coryza, (headache from it.) CHINA. 139 Face. 30. Face pale, sunken, (hippocratic,) pointed nose, sunken eyes, surrounded by blue margins. Pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses. Complexion gray-yellow, or black. Bloated, red face. Hot face, especially when entering a warm room, when coming from the cold air. 35. Face-ache, (neuralgia,) irritated from the slightest touch. Lips dry, coated black, wrinkled and chapped. Swelling of the lips. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with pain in the glands during deglutition. Teeth, Mouth and Throat. Twitching tearing in the upper molar teeth, from taking cold in a draft of air. 40. Painful numbness in decayed teeth. Throbbing toothache. Looseness of the teeth. The toothache is caused by a draft of air, aggravated by smoking, the slightest contact, and relieved by pressing the teeth firmly together. Black coating of the teeth. 45. Swelling cf the gums. Putrid taste in the mouth in the morning. Accumulation of mucus in the mouth. Ptyalism, (with nausea,) (from the abuse of mercury.) Tongue coated white or yellow. 50. Thick, dirty coating of the tongue. Blackish, parched tongue. Burning biting, as from pepper, on the tip of the tongue, suc- ceeded by ptyalism. Voice husky or weak. When he talks or sings, the voice is too deep. Appetite and Taste. 55. No desire for eating and drinking. Desire for various things, without knowing which. Longing, for acid fruit, wine. Bitter taste of the food, (bread, beer, tobacco.) The food tastes too salt. 60. Canine hunger, especially during the night. Violent thirst, for cold water, (drinks but little at a time, but often.) Shuddering and chilliness, with goose-flesh after every swal- low he takes. 140 CHINA. Weakness of digestion ; the food is not digested, if taken too late in the day. After a meal, distention of the abdomen, oppression of the stomach, general languor, and disposition to lie down. 65. Sour eructations after swallowing milk. The thirst in intermittent fever only between the cold and hot stages, or during the perspiration. Stomach and Abdomen. Colic, from weakness and loss of animal fluids. Milk deranges the stomach easily. Pulsations in the pit of the stomach. 70, Eructations, tasting of the ingesta. Bitter eructations, (after a meal.) Vomiting ; sour, mucus, water, and food, blood, bile. Distention of the abdomen, (meteorism,) (dropsy.) Accumulation of flatulence. 75. Incarceration of flatulence. Rumbling, especially in the epigastrium. Fermentation after eating fruit. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, frequently very fetid. Liver swollen, and very painful when slightly touched. 80. Swelling, inflammation, induration of the spleen. Stitches in the spleen, (when walking slowly.) Stool and Anus. Difficult passage of the faeces, even when soft, (papescent,) as from inactivity of the bowels. Painless, very debilitating diarrhoea. Stools loose, watery, yellow mucus, blackish, bilious, white, — undigested food. 85. Diarrhoea from eating fruit. Diarrhoea, particularly after meals, at night, involuntary. In the rectum, stitches, also during stool. Tingling in the anus, as from ascarides. (Ascarides.) Discharge of mucus from the rectum. 90. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Urinary Organs. Urine dark, turbid, scanty. Scanty urine, greenish-yellow, with brick-dust sediment. Frequent micturition. Burning at the orifice of the urethra, especially painful if the clothes rub against the parts. 95. Stitches in the urethra. Sexual Organs. Men. Sexual desire excited, with lascivious fancies. Impotence, with excited lascivious fancy. 'CHINA. 141 Nocturnal emissions, after onanism ; very debilitating. Women. Congestion to the uterus, with feeling of fulness and painful pressing to and sense of heaviness of the genital organs, particularly when walking. 100. Profuse menses (black cl<5ts.) During the menses, spasms in the chest and abdomen ; con- gestion of blood to the head. Metrorrhagia, with discharge of black blood; with fainting and convulsions. Discharge of bloody serum from the vagina, alternating with discharge of pus. Painful induration in the vagina. Larynx, Trachea, Chest. 105. Hoarseness, from mucus in the larynx. Sensation of soreness in the larynx and trachea. Deep, husky voice when talking or singing. Breathing, wheezing, crowing, rattling, tight, oppressed and painful. Difficult inspiration and quick expiration. 110. Suffocative fits, as from mucus in the larynx. Oppression of the chest, in the evening (at night, while lying.) Inclination to take a deep breath. Oppression of the chest, as from fulness in the stomach, and caused by continued talking. Stitches in the chest; diaphragm. 115. Congestion of blood to the chest, with violent palpitation of the heart. Suppuration of the lungs, after haemoptysis (frequent vene- sections) with stitches in the chest, which are aggravated by pressure. Nightly suffocative cough, with stitches in the chest. Haemoptysis, (clotted blood mixed with pus.) The cough is aggravated in the evening, or after midnight ; from laughing ; from continued talking ; from lying with the head low ; from slightly touching the larynx ; from draft of air, after awaking; from loss of fluids. 120. Cough, with pain in the larynx and sternum. Back. Pressure as from a stone between the shoulder blades. Pain in the small of the back at night when lying on it. Insupportable pain in the small of the back, like a cramp, aggravated by the least movement. Perspiration in the back and neck on the least motion. 125. Stitches in the spine and shoulders. 142 CHINA. Extremities. Upper, Trembling hands, (when writing.) Icy coldness of one hand, while the other is warm. Swelling of the dorsum of the^ left hand. Blue nails. 130. Lower. Hot swelling of the right knee, painful to the touch. Weakness in the knees. Uneasiness in the legs, obliging him to curve them and draw them up. Swelling of the feet. Rheumatic pains in the metatarsal bones and the phalanges of the toes, worse from contact, not from motion. 135. Soft swelling of the soles. Generalities. Over-sensitiveness of the nerves, (from loss of fluids.) Numbness of the parts on which one lies. Congestions. Veins are much enlarged. Emaciation. Sleep. 140. Sleeplessness from crowding of ideas and making of plans. Irresistible sleepiness during the day and after eating. As soon as he goes to sleep, confused, absurd dreams. While asleep, snoring, and blowing expiration. Fever. Pulse small, hard and rapid, less frequent after eating; irre- gular. 145. Chilliness over the whole body, aggravated by drinking, with thirst before and after, not during the chill. Internal violent chill with icy cold hands and feet, and con- gestion to the head. Chilliness and heat alternating in the afternoon. In the evening, in bed, he cannot get warm. Heat over the whole body with enlarged veins. 150. During the heat, thirstlessness, or only desire for cold drink. After the heat, violent thirst. Long continued heat, often coming late after the chill. During the heat, desire to be uncovered ; delirium. Perspiration very profuse, and very debilitating. 155. Profuse perspiration during sleep, and from exercise in the open air. Very debilitating morning and night sweats. During the perspiration, increased thirst. Perspiration on the side on which he lies. Suppressed perspiration. CICUTA VIROSA. 143 Skin. 160. Yellowness of the skin. (Jaundice.) Skin flaccid and dry. Swelling of the limbs. Rheumatic, hard, red swellings. Humid gangrene (of external parts.) Conditions. 165. Paroxysms of pain caused by the slightest contact, and then gradually increasing to a great height. The least draft of air causes suffering. Bad effects from the loss of animal fluids. (Masturbation.) Aggravation at night after drinking, after the chills, from milk, from touching the parts softly. CICUTA VIROSA. Mind and Disposition. Moaning and howling. Insanity, she does all sorts of absurd and foolish things, with heat of the body and- longing for wine. He confounds the present with the past. He thinks himself a young child. 5, Excited and apprehensive about the future. Anxiety, sadly affected by sad tales. Want of confidence in and dread of man, retires into solitude. Head. Giddiness, with falling forwards. Vertigo, reeling, as if all the objects turned around him. 10. Affections of the brain, from concussion of the brain. Semi-lateral headache, as from congestion to the head; re- lieved when sitting erect. Compression from both sides of the head. Feeling of looseness of the brain, as if it were shaken in walking ; early in the morning ; disappearing when think- ing of the pain intensely. The head' is bent backward. 15, The headache is relieved by sitting erect, or by emission of flatulence. Burning, suppurating eruptions on the hairy scalp. 144 CICUTA VIROSA Eyes. Contraction of the pupils. Staring at one and the same object, which she is not able to distinguish correctly. The objects appear double and black. 20. Staring at an object, the head inclines forward; is frequently bent back again, with twitching, trembling and tension in the neck while moving it. When reading, the letters turn, and are surrounded with a colored areola, the same as the light. Twitching of the orbicularis muscle. Ears. Sore pain behind the ear, as after a blow. Hemorrhage from the ears. 25. Detonation in the right ear when swallowing. Hardness of hearing. Burning, suppurating eruption on and around the ears. JVbse. Yellow discharge from the nose. Scurfs in the nostrils. 30. Frequent sneezing, without coryza. Face, Mouth and Throat. Deadly paleness of the face, with coldness of the face and hands. Red face. Burning, suppurating, confluent eruptions on the face. Thick, honey-colored scurf on the chin, upper lip, and lower portion of the cheeks, (milk crust,) burning, soreness and oozing, accompanied with swelling of the submaxillary glands, and insatiable appetite. 35. Painful, burning, ulcerated lips. Grinding of the teeth. Lock-jaw, the teeth pressing firmly against one another. Foam in and at the mouth. Swelling of the tongue ; white, painful, burning ulcers on the edges of the tongue. 40. Speech difficult; when talking, he feels a jerk in the head from before backwards, as if he had to swallow the word, as in hiccough. Inability to swallow; the throat appears to be closed, and feels bruised when touched externally, (with eructations.) Stomach and Abdomen* Great desire for coal. • CICUTA VIROSA. 145 Continual hunger and appetite, even shortly after a meal. Violent thirst (during the spasms). •±5. Nausea in the morning and when eating. Hiccough. Vomiting of blood. Vomiting, alternating with tonic spasms in the pectoral mus- cles and distortion of the eyes ; (the vomiting does not relieve the lock-jaw.) Burning pressure at the stomach and abdomen. 50. Swelling, and throbbing in the pit of the stomach. Colic, with convulsions (in children from worms). Distention and painfulness of the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Frequent liquid stools. Itching in the rectum, with burning pain after friction. Urinary Organs. 55. Frequent micturition ; the urine is propelled with great force. Involuntary emission of urine. Genital Organs. Men. Sore, drawing patn under the penis as far as the glans, obliging one to urinate. Women. Menses delayed. Spasms during parturition. Chest. 60. Want of breath, caused by tonic spasms of the pectoral mus- cles. Tightness in the chest ; she is scarcely able to breathe all day.^ Burning in the chest. Sensation of soreness (as if bruised) at the lower end of the sternum (when walking). Back. Tension in the muscles of the neck; if .he turns the head, » he cannot easily turn it back again. on the joints of the fingers, in the palms of the hands. Hang-nails. Panaritium. Lower. Heaviness of the legs. 200. Swelling of the knee (white, or shining). Erysipelas of the legs. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Stiffness of the knee and ankle-joint. Cramps ; in the legs (calves) at night ; in the soles of the feet at every step. Cold sweat on the feet. 205. Burning of the soles of the feet. Red, shining swelling of the toes. Corns paining, pressing and stinging. Cold feet and hands ; cold soles of the feet. Itching in the toes that had been formerly frozen. 210. Ulcer on the instep. Sleep. Great drowsiness and sleepiness in day-time, especially in the afternoon and after sunset. Goes to sleep late. Long but unrefreshing morning sleep. Sleep with his eyes half open. Talks loudly while asleep. Jerks and twitches in the body during asleep. 215. He has to lie on his back. Anxious dreams. Nightmare. Nightly delirium. Generalities. Tearing in the limbs, in outer parts, in the muscles and joints, from above downward. Arthritic swelling and heat. Bruised pain in outer parts. 664 SULPHUE. 220. Burning pain of external and internal parts. Cutting pain in the inner parts. Stinging pain ; in outer and inner parts ; in the muscles ; in the joints ; from within outwards. Biting (pungent) pain. Inflammator j swelling of the affected parts. 225. Sprained pains in outer parts and in the joints. Sensation of tension in outer parts and especially the joints. Sensation of roughness in inner parts. Sensation of heaviness in inner parts. Sensation of fulness in inner parts. 230. Sensation of a band (hoop) on and around parts. Contraction of inner parts. Trembling and shaking of outer parts. "Weakness of the joints. Knocking in outer parts. 235. Humming and buzzing in the head; vibration like dull tingling in the body. Congestion of blood to single parts (eyes, nose, chest, abdo- men, arms, legs). Dropsy of inner parts. The limbs go to sleep. Paralysis of the limbs (right side). 240. Great debility and trembling; talking fatigues. Jerks in the muscles and single twitches in the limbs. Epilepsy (it comes running from the arms and out of the back like a mouse). Stooping gait (his head and shoulders are stooped when he walks). Aversion to washing. Fever. 245. Pulse full, hard and quick, at times intermitting. Swollen veins. Chilliness from want of natural heat. Chilliness every evening in bed, followed by heat and pro- fuse perspiration. Chilliness in the forenoon ; heat with cold feet in the after- noon. 250. Chilliness externally with internal heat and a red face. Chilliness, beginning in the toes. Slight chill, 10 A. M., continues till 3 P. M., followed by heat lasting two hours, mostly in the head and hands, with desire for beer. Cold nose, hands and feet. SULPHUR. 665 Dry heat, with thirst. 255. Heat at night, with headache, and burning of the hands and feet. Heat at night without thirst, preceded by chilliness, with thirst. Dry heat in the afternoon and evening, with dry skin, and much thirst, alternating with chilliness. Flushes of heat. Want of perspiration, or great inclination to perspire. 260. Perspiration from the least exertion. Perspiration in the evening, mostly in the hands. Perspiration with anxiety, very debilitating, pungent acid smell ; very seldom offensive, at times cold. Perspiration (only on one side of the body), only on the back part of the body; worse at night and in the morning. Shin. Swelling of the bones. 265. On the bones sensation of constriction, or as if a band were around them. Skin cold, pale, dry. Chapped exanthema. Itch. Yoluptuous itching and tingling, with burning after scratching, or with soreness after scratching. Itching worse from the heat of the bed. 270. Liver, or scarlet-colored or yellow spots on the body. Freckles. Ehagades, after washing. The nails crumble off. Soreness in children ; soreness in the folds of the skin. 275. Dropsical, burning swelling of external parts. Herpes, scabby and scurfy. Ulcers : cancerous ; crusty ; pricking ; pulsating, swollen, tearing, with tension ; pus from them offensive. Warts. Conditions. Complaints arising from the abuse of Mercury or China. 280. Aggravation in the evening or after midnight ; during the full moon ; periodically (headache every seven days) ; during sleep ; on waking ; on getting warm in bed ; on rising; from exertion of the body; on walking quickly ; from talking ; while at rest ; when standing ; from milk after eating ; from suppressed perspiration ; from wet poultices ; from touching the affected parts ;. when swallowing food ; from water and washing. SULPHURIC ACID. Amelioration. From drawing up the limbs ; during motion ; while lying on the right side ; by heat ; in dry weather ; after rising. Sulphur follows well after Pulsatilla, which also is often the antidote to it when it has been administered in too large doses. It is most suitable for lean persons, espe- cially if they walk stooped ; it will often serve to rouse the slumbering vitality if the proper medicines have failed to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases. SULPHURIC ACID. Mind and Disposition. Eestlessness and irritability. Changeable disposition.; from seriousness he changes to great hilarity. Inclination to weep. Mead. Sensation as if the brain were loose in the forehead, and was falling from one side to the other; worse when walking in the open air ; better when sitting quiet in the room. 5. Painful shocks in the forehead and temples, worse in the forenoon and evening. Headache as if a plug was thrust quickly by increasingly severe blows in the head. Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing headache. Eyes. Lachrymation when reading. Tension in the eyelids in the morning ; it is difficult to open them. Mars. 10. Hardness of hearing ; it feels as if a leaf were lying before the ear. JSfose. Bleeding of the nose in the evening. SULPHURIC ACID. 667 Face. Paleness of the face. The face feels swollen, as if the white of an egg had dried on the face. The lips peel off. Mouth and Throat. 15. Dulness of the teeth. Toothache worse in the evening in bed, aggravated by cold, relieved by heat. Aphthae (in children). Sensation of dryness in the month. Ptyalism. Eoughness in the throat. 20. Tongue dry. Spitting of blood. Stomach and Abdomen. Desire for fresh fruit. Sour eructations, violent heartburn. Nausea in the stomach with chilliness. 25. Vomitings first of water and then of food. The water causes cold of the stomach, if not mixed with some alcoholic liquor. Stitches in the liver and spleen. Pain in the abdomen like labor, extending to the hips and back. Flatulence in the abdomen, with the sensation as if a hernia should protrude. 30. Violent protrusion of an inguinal hernia. Stool and Anus. Ineffectual urging to go to stool. Stool retarded, compact, hard, knotty, and black. Stools chopped (in children). Watery diarrhoea, very offensive. Urinary Organs. 35. Diminished secretion of brown urine, which becomes turbid on standing, like loam-water. Sediment like blood and a cuticle on the urine. Pain in the bladder if the call to urinate is postponed. Sexual Organs. Women. Menstruation too early and too profuse. Impotence, with too early and too profuse menstruation. 40. Leucorrhcea acrid or burning, or like milk. 668 SULPHUEIC ACID. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness, with dryness and roughness in the throat and larynx. The larynx is painful ; the parts feel deprived of elasticity, which causes a difficulty in talking. Long-continued haemoptysis. Cough in the open air, from walking, riding, cold water, and when smelling coffee. 45. Cough from irritation in the chest, with expectoration in the morning of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood- streaked mucus, generally of a sourish taste. After the cough, eructations. Stitches ; in the chest ; about the heart. Sensation of great weakness in the chest. Palpitation of the heart, with or without anxiety. Back. 50. Stiffness in the back on rising in the morning. Blood-boils on the back. Extremities. Upper. Stitches in the shoulder -joints on lifting up the arms. Tension in the elbow-joint. Stitches in the joints of the fingers. 55. Chilblains on the hands. Lower. Painful weakness of the knees. Eed itching spots on the tibia. Cold feet. Stitches in the corns. Sleep. Goes to sleep late and wakens early. 60. During sleep twitches, especially of the fingers. Generalities. Stitches in the joints. Tearing in the whole body, also in the face. Slowly increasing but suddenly ceasing pain, as if a blunt instrument were pressed against the part. Sensation of soreness, as if bruised over the whole body. The left side is principally affected. 65. Weakness of the whole body, with the sensation of trembling. Fever. Pulse small, feeble, and accelerated. . Chilliness during the day, mostly in the room, better when exercising in the open air. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. TABACUM. 669 Frequent chills running down the body. Heat in the evening and. after lying down in bed. 70. In the evening frequent flushes of heat, especially when exercising. Flushes of heat with perspiration (in climacteric years). Much perspiration, principally on the upper part of the body. Profuse morning sweat. Perspiration from the least exercise, which continues for a long time after sitting down. 75. Cold perspiration as soon as one eats warm food. Skin. Bad effects from mechanical injuries, as from bruises, falling, knocking, pressure of blunt instruments, and contu- sions (especially in old women). . Blue spots as from suggillation. Red, itching blotches on the skin. Soreness of the skin ; also with gangrenous ulceration ; becomes easily chafed when walking or riding. 80. Painful sensitiveness of the glands. Eating pain in the ulcers. Most of the complaints are worse in the forenoon and even- Aggravation ; in the open air ; from smelling coffee. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. Mechanical injuries, bad effects from blows, bruises, thrusts on the eye. Pain from fractured bones. TABACUM Mind and Disposition. Cheerful, merry, loquacious. Great restlessness, anguish, melancholy. Head. ' , "Vertigo, with qualmishness of the stomach. 670 TANACETUM VULGARE. Face. Death-like paleness of the face, with sick stomach. 5. Heat and redness of the left cheek (towards evening). The right cheek glowing, the other pale. Yiolent tearing in the (right) facial bones and teeth. Stomach and Abdomen. Qualmishness, nausea, vomiting, as soon as he begins to move. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, with nausea. 10. Painful retraction of the navel; contraction of the abdo- minal muscles. Pressure, heaviness, or stitches in the liver. Stool and Anns. Shifting of flatulence, formed by sudden, papescent, yellow- green or greenish, slimy stools, with tenesmus. Respiratory Organs. Cough and hiccough at the same time ; or hiccough after every paroxysm of hooping-cough. Extremities. Upper. Coldness and trembling of the limbs. 15. Cramps in the hands and arms. Lower. Cramps from the toes to the knee. Fever. Pulse full, hard, and rapid, or small, imperceptible, inter- mittent, slow. Icy coldness of the legs from the knees to the toes. Icy coldness of the legs with heat to the body. 20. Yiscid cold sweat, with intermitting pulse. Cold sweat, in the hands, on the forehead and face. TANACETUM VULGARE. Great mobility ; extraordinary motion, and strange gesticu- lations. St. Yitus's dance. TAEAXACUM. 671 TARAXACUM, Mind and Disposition. Irresoluteness. Inclined to talk, to laugh, and to be merr j. Mead. Sensation as if the brain were expanded or constricted. The headache is felt only when standing (or walking). Eyes. Aversion to light ; stinging-burning in the eyes. Face. 5. Ked, hot face. Pimples on the cheeks, wings of the nose, and corners of the mouth. The upper lip is cracked. Mouth and Throat. Sour blood is drawn from the decayed teeth. The teeth feel dull. Dryness in the throat. 10. Hawking up of sour mucus, causing the teeth to feel dull. Accumulation of sour water in the mouth. The tongue is thickly coated, while it cleans off in patches, and they are very sensitive. Stomach and Abdomen. Bitter taste in the mouth before eating. Saltish-sour taste of the food, especially butter and meat. 15. Nausea with headache and anxiety. Nausea and vomiting after eating fat food. Bitter eructations and hiccough. Sudden sensation in the abdomen as if bubbles were burst- ing in it. Stinging pain in the abdomen, especially in the sides. Stool and Anus. 20. Inefficient urging to go to stool. The stool is passed with difficulty, even if it is not hard. Voluptuous itching on the perinasum, compelling one to scratch. Urinary Organs. Frequent urging to urinate, with copious secretion. Diabetes. 672 TARAXACUM. Respiratory Organs. 25. Sensation as if the larynx were pressed together. Stitches in the chest. Twitching in the intercostal muscles. JBack and Neclc. Twitching and stinging in the muscles of the throat and neck. Tearing from the ear downward to the neck. 30. Pressing-stinging in the spine and sacrum, with dyspnoea. Bumbling and bubbling in the shoulder-blades, with chilli- ness over the whole body. Extremities. Upper. Twitching in the muscles of the arm. Icy-cold tips of the fingers. Lower. Stitches in the thighs, calves, and soles of the feet. 35. Burning in the knees, lower legs, and toes. Generalities. The limbs are movable, but it feels as if the power to move them were impeded. All the limbs are painful to the touch, and if a wrong posi- tion. Sleep. Sleepiness, and going to sleep while listening to a scientific discourse. Sleepiness in day-time, and yawning while sitting. Fever. 40. Chilliness, especially after eating and drinking. Chilliness all over, with headache. Chill in the open air. Heat at night on waking, especially on the face and hands. Violent night-sweats, mostly before midnight, during the first sleep. 45. Yery debilitating perspiration, causing biting on the skin. Conditions. Most complaints arise while sitting or standing, and disap- pear on walking. TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 673 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. Mind and Disposition. During the day hilarity, in the evening anxious and timid. Despair and hopelessness, with lethargy. Head. Numbness of the head, with stupefaction and somnolency. Pressing headache, as if the brain were compressed, with stupefaction and lethargy; worse in the evening, at night, and while at rest ; better when exercising and washing the head. 5. Pulsation in the right side of the forehead ; worse in the evening, when sitting stooped, and from heat ; better from sitting erect, and in the cold air. Stitches in the head. Trembling with the head, especially when coughing, with an internal sensation of trembling, chattering of the teeth, and an irresistible somnolency ; worse in the evening and from heat. Trembling with the head and hands, with great debility ; worse when lying and getting warm in bed, better when sitting up erect and in the cold. Eyes. Desire to close the eyes, as from sleepiness. 10. Obscuration of sight, with flickering of light before the eyes. Face. Face pale and sunken. Twitching in the muscles of the face. Lips dry and scaly or cracked. Stomach and Abdomen. Longing for acids and fruits ; for cold drinks, or thirstless- ness. 15. Aversion to milk. Fatty taste in the mouth. Empty eructations ; at night eructations as from rotten eggs. Continuous anxious nausea. Yiolent straining to vomit, with perspiration on the fore- head. 20. Continuous nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. 43 674: TARTARUS STIBIATUS. Yomiting of food with great effort, followed" by debility,. chilliness, and sleepiness. Yomiting of mucus and mucous diarrhoea. Pain in the stomach, as from overloading the stomach. Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. 25. Beating and pulsation in the abdomen. When sitting bent forward, a sensation as if stones were pressing in the abdomen. Cutting flatulent colic ; worse when sitting bent forward. Stool and Anus. "Watery diarrhoea, preceded by colic. Stools papescent, slimy or bloody. 30. Violent tension in the perinaeum. Urinary Organs. "Violent, painful urging to urinate, with scanty, frequently finally bloody discharge. Dark, brown -red urine. Stitches in the neck of the bladder and in the urethra. Burning in the urethra after micturition. Respiratory Organs. 35. Dyspnoea, compelling one to sit up. Shortness of breathing from suppressed expectoration. Suffocating attacks, with the sensation of heat at the heart. Velvet feeling in the chest. Inflammation of the lungs ; paralysis of the lungs. 40. Cough with suffocating attacks. Battling, hollow cough. Cough, with vomiting of food and perspiration on the fore- head. Nightly cough, with expectoration of mucus. Hooping-cough, preceded by the child crying, or after eating or drinking, or when getting warm in bed ; after the attack somnolency. 45. Accumulation and rattling of mucus in the trachea and chest. Visible palpitation of the heart, without anxiety. Extremities. Upper. Twitches of the muscles on the arms and hands. Trembling of the hands. The tips of the fingers feel cold and as if dead. 50. Lower. Tension in the bend of the knee and on the instep, The feet go to sleep, as soon as one sits clown. TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 675 Sleep. Great sleepiness in the day-time, with much yawning and stretching. Irresistible somnolency, with heavy, stupefied sleep. Leth- argy. Shocks and twitches during sleep, which jerk up single limbs or the whole body. Generalities, 55. Attacks of fainting. Internal trembling. Convulsive twitches. Convulsions. Great heaviness in all the limbs and great debility. Eheumatic pains (fever) with perspiration, which does not relieve. 60. Inflammation of internal organs. Gastric and bilious com- plaints. The child wants to be carried, and cries if any one touches it. Pulsation in all the blood-vessels. Fever. Pulse full, hard and accelerated ; at times trembling. The fever ceasing, the pulse becomes Qften slow and imper- ceptible. 65. The least exertion accelerates the pulse. Chill with external coldness predominates at all times of the day, with sleepiness and often with trembling. Violent but not long-continuing heat, preceded by a long- lasting chill; worse from every exertion; or long-con- tinued heat, with lethargy and perspiration on the forehead, following a short-lasting chill. Perspiration on the whole body; also at night. Perspiration frequently cold and clammy. 70. The affected parts perspire most. Intermittent fevers, with lethargic condition. Skin. Eruptions of pustules as large as peas, filled with pus, with a red areola (like small-pox) forming a scab and leaving a cicatrix. Conditions. Aggravation in the evening and when sitting; when sitting, crooked (stooped) : from warmth. Amelioration from eructation ; in the open, cold air. / 676 TELLURIUM. TELLURIUM. Mind and Disposition. Quiet disposition. Head. Vertigo, in the morning, after rising from the bed ; worse when walking, when sitting up, when turning the head ; with accelerated pulse, nausea and vomiting of food ; better when lying perfectly quiet. Vertigo while going to sleep. Heaviness and fulness in the head in the morning. 5. Violent (linear) pain in a small spot over the left eye. JEyes. Deposit of a chalky, white mass on the anterior surface of the lens. (Cataract.) Ears. Itching and swelling (left ear), with painful throbbing in the external meatus; after three or four days, a dis- charge of a watery fluid, smelling like fish pickle, which causes a vesicular eruption upon the external ear and the neck wherever it touches the skin ; the ear bluish-red, as if infiltrated with water; hearing im- paired. JSTose. Coryza with hoarseness, while walking in the open air. ■ Face. Sudden flushes of redness over the face. MoutJi and TJiroat. 10. Profuse bleeding of the gums. Sore throat and sensation of dryness of the fauces, always removed by eating and drinking. Sensation of weakness (like faintness) in the stomach after local congestion of blood in the head and nape. Passage of very offensive flatus. Stool and Anus. Stools colored black through and through. Urinary Organs. 15. Urine highly colored, acid. TEREBINTHINA. 677 Hespiratory Organs. Breath smells of garlic. Dull pain in the region of the heart when sleeping on the left side ; relieved when lying on the back. Palpitation of the heart, with throbbing through the whole body and full pulse, followed by perspiration. Back. Painful sensitiveness of the spine, from the last cervical to the fifth dorsal vertebra ; sensitive to pressure and touching. 20. Pain in the sacrum, passing into the right thigh; worse when pressing at stool, when coughing and laughing ; it extends from the sacral plexus through the great sciatic foramen, along the sciatic nerve, down in the thigh (especially on the right side). Sciatica. Fever. Chilliness with the pains. Perspiration at the face. The spots which perspire itch more. Skin. Eingworms cover the whole body ; red, elevated rings, very distinctly marked, especially on the lower extremities. 25. Eingworms on the abdomen, head, above the wrist, on the forearm. TEREBINTHINA Head. Sudden vertigo, with obscuration of sight. ( Dull headache, with colic. Bars. . Sensation in the ears as of the striking of a clock. Face. Face pale and sunken. Nose. 5. Violent bleeding at the nose. 678 THEA SINENSIS. Abdomen* Distended abdomen ; frequent colic ; constipation. Burning in the right hjpochondrium. Stool and Anus. Stools consisting of mucus and water. Violent burning in the rectum and at the anus after stool. 10. Burning and tingling at the anus, with the sensation as if ascaricles would crawl out. Urinary Organs. Pressure in the kidneys when sitting, going off during motion. Sensation of heaviness and pain in the region of the kidneys. Violent burning, drawing pains in the region of the kidneys. Burning in the bladder and in the urethra. 15. Difficult micturition, the urine smells of violets ; deposit of mucus, or thick, muddy deposit. Suppression of urine. Strangury. Hasmaturia. Mespiratory Organs. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the air-passages. Burning in the chest ; along the sternum. THEA SINENSIS. Stomach and Abdomen. Sensation of complete relaxation of the stomach, with qualmishness and nausea, and discharge of water from the mouth ; her stomach felt as if hanging down like an empty bag, and heavy. THERIDICXN" CURRASSAVICUM. 679 THERIDION CURRASSAVICUM. * Mind and Disposition. Talkative, inclined to mental exertions ; hilarity. Disinclination to occupy oneself in any manner. The time passes too quick. Mead. Vertigo with nausea, worse on stooping; from the least movement ; on closing the eyes ; from any noise ; with cold perspiration. 5. The head feels thick, with nausea and vomiting from the least movement, and especially on closing the eyes. Headache as if it were behind the eyes. Sensation of heat in the head ; it feels heavy. Headache when he begins to move. Heavy, dull pressure behind the eyes. 10. Violent pain deep in the brain, which compels him to sit or walk; cannot lie down. The headache is aggravated if others walk over the floor, and from the least movement of the head. Sunstroke. Eyes. Luminous vibrations before the eyes, (in hysterical persons). Sensitiveness to the light ; if looking into the light, dark vibrations ; and double vision. Ears. 15. Eoaring in the ears, as from a waterfall. Every sound or shrill noise penetrates through the whole body, especially into the teeth, causes vertigo, which produces nausea. Itching behind the ears, wants to scratch them off. JVbse. Much sneezing, with blowing of the nose. Mouth and TJiroat. Foam at the mouth during the chill. 20. Toothache from shrill noise ; cold water causes a sensation as if cold penetrated the teeth. Mouth and nose feel too dry. Salty taste in the mouth, and hawking of salty mucus. 680 THERIDION CURKASSAVICUM. Stomach and Abdomen. Desire for wine, brandy and tobacco. Longing for a variety of things, but does not know for what. 25. Much thirst. Nausea and vomiting when the eyes are closed. Burning in the region of the liver ; contact increases the pain. Pain in the groins, when moving, when drawing the leg up. Stool and Anns. Constipation, the soft stool is expelled with difficulty. 30. Prolapsus ani, especially painful when he sits down. Spasmodic constriction of the rectum. Heaviness in the peritoneum. Sexual Organs. Women. Hysterical complaints in the years of puberty, and in the climacteric period, and thus also violent headache. Respiratory Organs. Violent stitches in the upper part of the chest, below the left shoulder-blade, extending through to the neck. 35. Anxious feeling on the heart. Sleep. Sleepiness even in the morning ; all day ; before the chill. During sleep biting in the tip of the tongue. Wakens during the night with vertigo, in the morning with stiffness of the jaws. Fever. Pulse slow (with vertigo). 40. Pain in all the bones, as if they would fall to pieces, or as if they were broken from head to foot ; then violent • chill without thirst. Icy- cold perspiration over the whole body, with faintish vertigo. Conditions. The least noise or shrill sounds cause an aggravation. Motion aggravates the vertigo and nausea. THLASPI BUESA PASTORIS. THROMBIDIUM. THUJA. 681 THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS. Profuse hemorrhages from all parts of the body. THROMBIDIUM. Stool antf; Amis, Griping pain in the abdomen, followed by stool ; first, feces ; later, they are mixed with mucus ; worse after eating ; stool with tenesmus and prolapsus ani, shiver- ing in the back, perspiration. Dysentery. THUJA OCCIDENTALS. Mind and Disposition, Fixed ideas ; as if a strange person were at his side ; as if the soul were separated from the body ; as if the body, especially the limbs, were of glass and would break easily ; as if a living animal were in the abdomen. In reading and writing he uses wrong expressions. Talks hastily, and swallows words. Thoughtlessness; forgetfulness. 5. Over-excited, becomes easily angry over trifles. Music causes him to weep, with trembling of the feet. Head, Yertigo on closing the eyes, disappears as soon as he opens them ; or on stooping ; or on looking upwards or side- ways. Pressing headache in the vertex, as if a nail were driven into it (p. M. and 3 A. M.) ; worse when at rest, better after perspiration. Heaviness in the cerebellum, with ill-humor and aversion to conversation. 682 THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 10. The headache is relieved from exercising in the open air, from looking upwards, and when turning the head backwards. The scalp is very painful to the touch, and the parts on which one lies. He wants to have the head (and face) wrapped up warm. Dry herpes on the head, extending to the eyebrows. Dan- druff. White, scaly, peeling-ofT eruption over the scalp, extending over the forehead, temples, ears, and neck. 15. Tingling-biting, stinging-itching on the scalp, relieved by scratching. Perspiration, smelling of honey (sweetish), on the uncovered parts of the head (face and hands), w r ith dryness of the covered parts, and of those on which one lies, mostly when first going to sleep ; better after rising. Eyes. The eye must be warmly covered, when uncovered it pains at once, and it feels as if cold air were streaming out of the head through the eye. Lachrymation, especially in the open air ; the tears do not run off, but remain standing in the eye. The whites of the eye are blood-red. 20. Inflammatory softening of the inner surface of the eyelids. Inflammatory swelling of the eyelids, with hardness. Weakness of the eyes ; obscure sight. Small, black spots float before the eyes. Double vision. 25. In the dark it seems as if falling down of luminous lights or sparks alongside of the eye, during the day and in the light it is as if dark drops were falling down. The objects appear smaller (before the right eye). • Ears. JSToise in the ear as from boiling water. Stitches into the ear from the neck. Sensation as if the inner ear were swollen, with increased hardness of hearing. 30. Oozing from the right ear, smelling like putrid meat. Nose. Nose red and hot. Eed eruption on the hose, at times humid. THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 683 Blowing from the nose of a large quantity of thick, green mucus, mixed with pus and blood ; later of dry, brown scales, with mucus, which comes from the frontal sinuses and firmly adheres to the swollen upper portion of the nostrils. Painful scabs in the nostrils. 35. Eruptions on the wings of the nose. Accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares. Swelling and induration of the wings of the nose. "Warts on the nose. Smell in the nose as from brine of fish, or of fermenting beer. 40. Fluent coryza in the open air, and dry coryza in the room. Face. Heat and redness of the whole face, with fine nets of veins, as if marbled. Circumscribed burning redness of the cheeks. The skin of the face is red-hot, peeling off continually ; when washing it feels sore and raw. Dropsicaliy-bloated face. 45. (Edematous erysipelas of the face. Greasy skin of the face. Light-brown blotches (freckles) on the face. Eruptions on the face, leaving livid spots. Swelling of the temporal arteries. 50. Faceache, originating in the left cheek-bone near the ear, extending through the teeth to the nose, through the eyes to the temples into the head ; the painful spots burn like fire, and are very sensitive to the rays of the sun. Perspiration of the face, especially on the side on which he does not lie. Month and Throat. Flat, white ulcers on the inside of the lips, and on the cor- ners of the mouth. Lips pale ; swollen ; peeling off. Cracking of the articulation of the jaw. 55. The roots of the teeth become carious ; or the teeth become carious from the side ; the crown of the tooth remains sound. The teeth crumble off. Dirty -yellow teeth. Toothache from drinking tea. - Gums swollen, inflamed, with dark-red streaks on them. 684 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 60. Tongue swollen, especially on the right side ; he bites him- self on the tongue frequently. Aphthse in the mouth. Blue swelling under the tongue ; ranula. Taste in the mouth sweet as sugar, with gonorrhoea. Accumulation of a large quantity of mucus in the throat, which is hawked up with difficulty. 60. Painful swallowing, especially empty swallowing, or that of saliva. t Throat feels raw, dry, as from a plug, or as if it were con- stricted when swallowing. Stomach and Abdomen. The food tastes as if it were not salt enough. Bread tastes dry and bitter. Longing for cold food and drink. 70. Bad effects from fat things and onions. Violent thirst, especially at night and early in the morning. "While masticating the food becomes very dry. Eructations rancid or acid. Gulping up of large quantities of acids from the stomach. 75. Taste of putrid eggs in the mouth in the morning. Continuous eructations of air while eating. Vomiting of mucus, or of greasy substances. Induration of the stomach. Indurations in the abdomen. The fluid which he drinks falls with a noise in the stomach. 80. The upper part of the abdomen is drawn in. Soreness of the navel. Swelling of the pit of the stomach. Movement in the abdomen as of something alive, as if the abdominal muscles were pushed outward by the arm of a foetus, but painless. Painful swelling of the inguinal glands. 85. Intussusception of the intestines. Yellow or brownish spots on the abdomen. Zona. Flatulence, as if an animal were crying in the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Ineffectual urging to stool, with erections. Obstinate constipation, as from inactivity, or from intussus- ception of the intestines. 90. Stool in hard balls. Discharge of blood with the stool. Diarrhoea ; pale-yellow water is forcibly expelled, with much noisy discharge of wind. In the morning (after breakfast), or in the morning, periodi- cally returning diarrhoea, always at the same hour. THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 685 Stools oily or greasy. 95. Painful constriction of the anus during the stool. Hemorrhoidal tumors swollen, paining worse while sitting. Offensive perspiration at the anus and_in the perineum. Sycotic excrescences at the anus. Fistula in ano. Urinary Organs. 100. Frequent urging to urinate, and profuse secretion of urine, especially towards and in the evening. The urine foams ; the foam remains long on the urine. Involuntary secretion of urine ; at night ; when coughing ; in drops after having urinated. The bladder (and rectum) feels paralyzed, having no power to expel. Sediment of brown mucus. 105. Urethra burning, biting-itching. The urine contains sugar. Bloody urine. Sexual Organs. Men. Swelling of the prepuce ; inflammation of the glands. Sycotic excrescences on the frenulum and on the glands ; they ooze, especially during the new moon. 110. "Watery, copious discharge from the urethra (gonorrhoea). Stitches in the urethra, with urging to urinate. Sensation as if a drop were running through the urethra. Nightly painful erections. Impotence after gonorrhoea. 115. Profuse perspiration, smelling sweet like honey, on the genitals. Women. Profuse perspiration before menstruation. Abortion in the third month. Respiratory Organs. Yoice low. Dyspnoea, as from adhesion of the lungs. 120. Shortness of breath, from mucus in the trachea. Shortness of breathing from fulness and constriction in the hypochondria and upper abdomen. Cough only during the day, or in the morning after rising, and in the evening after lying down. Cough as soon as one eats. During the evening cough after lying down, the expectora- tion becomes loose; easier when he turns from the left to the right side. 686 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 125. Stitches in the chest after drinking any thing cold. Violent congestions to the chest, with strong, audible palpi- tation of the heart. Anxious palpitation of the heart when waking in the morning. Bine color of the skin on the clavicle. The expectoration tastes like old cheese. 130. Sensation as of a skin in the larynx. Brown spots on the chest. Back and Week. Greasy, brown skin on the neck. Burning extending from the small of the back to between the shoulder-blades. Beating and pulsating in the back, 135. Blood-boils on the back. Pressing pain in the region of the kidneys. , Extremities. Upper. Herpes on the elbow. Brown color on the back of the hand. White scaly herpes on the back of the hand and on the ringer. 140. Cold perspiration on the hands. Erysipelatous swelling of the tips of the fingers, with ting- ling in them. Nails are crippled, discolored, crumbling off. Twitching of the muscles of the arms. Coldness and sensation of deadness of the fingers and tips of the fingers. 145. Stinging pains in the arms and the joints. Loiver. The hip-joint feels as if it were relaxed. When walking the limbs feel as if they were made of wood. Hip-ache, the leg becomes elongated. Brown skin on the legs, especially on the inside of the thigh. 150. Nets of veins, as if marbled, on the soles of the feet. Eed swelling of the tips of the toes. Toe-nails crippled, brittle. Fetid sweat on the toes. Suppressed foot-sweat. Generalities. 155. Emaciation and deadness of the affected parts. Jerking up of the upper part of the body. The flesh feels as if it were beaten off the bones. Sensation of lightness of the body when walking. THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 687 Cracking of the joints on stretching them out. 160. Bad effects from beer, fat food, acids, sweets, tobacco, tea, wine and onions; from the abuse of Sulphur and Mercury. Stitches in the limbs and joints. The limbs go to sleep. One-sided complaints — paralysis. St. Vitus' dance. Sleep. 165. Continuous sleeplessness, with painful ness of the parts on which one lies. Sleeplessness, with apparitions as soon as he closes his eyes ; they disappear as soon as he opens them. Goes to sleep late on account of heat and restlessness. Anxious dreams if he lies on the left side. Fever. Pulse slow and weak in the morning, in the evening accele- rated and full. 170. In the evening violent pulsations. Swelling of the veins. Chill in attacks at various times in the day, but mostly in the evening. Chilliness on the left side, which feels cold to the touch. Chill without thirst after midnight and in the morning. 175. Internal chilliness, with external heat and violent thirst. Heat in the evening, especially on the face. Burning in the face without redness. Dry heat of the covered parts. Perspiration when first going to sleep. 180. Perspiration on the parts of the body which are uncovered, with dry heat of the covered parts. Anxious, at times cold sweat. Perspiration after the chill, without any intervening heat. Perspiration, at times oily or fetid, or smelling sweet like honey. General perspiration, but not on the head. 185. When walking in the morning profuse perspiration ; the most profuse on the head. Perspiration only during sleep, disappearing at once as soon as he awakens. Eachitis. Skin. Dirty -brownish color of the skin. Brownish, or brown-red, or brown-white spots on the skin. 688 TILTA EUKOP^IA. 190. Pustules. Small-pox. Eruptions only on the covered parts. The eruptions burn violently after scratching. Sycotic excrescences, smelling like old cheese, or like the brine of fish. White, scaly, dry, mealy herpes. 195. Condylomata ,large, seedy, frequently on a pedicle. Flat ulcers, with a bluish-white bottom. Zona. Corns burning. Crippled nails on the fingers and toes. Conditions. 200. Aggravation in the evening and at night ; the debility is worse in the morning ; some complaints are aggravated at 3 A. M. and 3 p. M. ; from cold wet ; from the heat of the bed. Amelioration ; from warm wet ; from eructations ; from a development of coryza, with sneezing ; and from turn- ing from the left to the right side. TILIA EUROP^A, Mind and Disposition. Melancholy, disposed to weep. Head. Vertigo, with staggering, and like gauze before the eyes. Stinging pain in the forehead, with heat in the head and face. Mars. Stinging in the ears. Nose. 5. Bleeding from the nose ; the blood is thin and pale, but co- agulates quickly. Mouth and TJiroat. Shifting pain in all the teeth, aggravated by cold water. Burning in the throat. Sensation of swelling of the palate, with desire to swallow, and hoarse voice. TILIA EUROPJEA. Stomach and Abdomen, Putrid eructations. 10. Bloated abdomen ; pain as from incarcerated flatulence ; repeated noisy discharges of it, with much relief. Abdomen painful when touched, especially around the navel. Sensitiveness, soreness, and sensation of subcutaneous ulcer- ation in the upper part of the abdomen. Stitches suddenly appearing in the abdomen, extending into the pelvis, and impeding breathing. Sexual Organs. Women. Frequent pressing on the uterus, as if every thing would fall out of the pelvis. 15. Spasmodic labor-like drawing from the abdomen down the small of the back, as if the catamenia would set in. Great sensitiveness and soreness of the whole uterus, as after parturition. Redness, soreness, and burning of the external parts. Menstruation too late and very scanty (blood pale). Sleep. Sleeplessness, with restlessness ; the bed seems to be too hard to him. Fever. 20. Pulse full, hard, and quick. Chilliness in the evening. Heat all over, but most in the head and cheeks. Night-sweat. Conditions. Especially suitable for women after parturition, and for children during dentition. 25. The left side of the body is. most affected. Aggravation; in the afternoon and evening; in the warm room ; in the heat of the bed (skin symptoms) ; during motion (the rheumatic symptoms). Amelioration ; in the cool room, and from motion. 44 690 UETICA UEENS. UVA UKSI. VALEBIANA. URTICA URENS. Haemoptysis; from violent exertion of the lungs. Dysentery. Insufficiency, or entire want of secretion of milk after par- turition. Nettle-rash. Burns. UVA URSI. Painful micturition, with burning. Hematuria ; slimy, purulent urine. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. Hind and Disposition. Hypochondriacal restlessness. Very changeable disposition ; hypocondriacal anxiety, or trembling excitability. Fear, especially in the evening in the dark. Hysteria, with nervous over- excitability of the nerves, and very changeable disposition and ideas. Head. 5. Headaches appearing suddenly, or only in jerks. Pressing in the head, as from a stupefying constriction in the forehead, drawing into the orbits, with paleness of the face ; worse in the evening, when at rest, and in the open air ; better from movement, in the room, and when changing the position. Sensation of coldness in the upper part of the head when covering it with the hat. One-sided, drawing headache, from draught of air. Headache in the sunshine. 10. Stinging or pressing in the forehead, extending to the orbits. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. 691 Eyes. Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, with biting and stinging. In the evening, in the dark, luminous appearance before the eyes, as if one could see the objects. Face. Eedness and heat of the cheeks, especially in the open air. White blisters on the cheeks and the upper lip, painful to the touch. 15. Stinging pain in the teeth. Stomach and Abdomen. Taste in the mouth (and smell before the nose) like putrid tallow. Yoracious hunger with nausea. Eructations as from putrid eggs (in the morning on waking). Nausea, as if a string were hanging down the stomach, with profuse ptyalism. 20. Nausea, with white lips, vertigo and coldness of the body. Abdomen swollen and hard. Spasms in the abdomen (hysterical), most frequently in the evening in bed, or after dinner ; not relieved in any position. Colic ; from haemorrhoids ; from worms. Stool and Anus. Stools papescent, greenish, with blood. 25. Discharge of blood from the rectum. Discharge of ascarides. Urinary Organs. Urinary discharge frequent and profuse. Respiratory Organs. Frequent jerks and stitches in the chest, with the sensation as if something were pressed out. Stitches in the left side of the chest (region of the heart). Sack. 30. Pain in the loins, as if from cold, or from overlifting. Eheumatic pain in the shoulder-blades. Generalities. Eheumatic pains in the limbs (rarely in the joints) ; worse during rest after previous exertions ; better from move- ments. 692 VERATRUM ALBUM. Twitching, suddenly appearing pains, relieved by a change of position. Over-sensitiveness of all the senses. 35. Hysterical complaints. Sleep. Sleeplessness, with great restlessness and tossing about. Fever. Pulse irregular ; generally rapid and somewhat tense, some- times small and weak. Attacks of chilliness, lasting but a short time and followed by continuous heat. The chilliness generally begins in the neck, and runs down the back. 40. Predominating, long-continued, and general heat, frequently with perspiration in the face. Heat with thirst predominates. Heat worse in the evening and when eating. . Profuse perspiration, especially at night, and from exertion, with violent heat. Prequent sudden attacks of perspiration, especially on the face and on the forehead, which again disappear sud- denly. Conditions. 45. Periodical attacks every two or three months. Aggravation at noon and during the first hours of the fore- noon, or towards evening, till midnight ; when bending down ; while reposing ; while standing ; in the sun. Amelioration; in the light; from moving; when walking. Bad effects from the abuse of Mercury. Especially suitable for women. VERATRUM ALBUM, Mind and Disposition. Insanity, he wants to cut up every thing. Melancholy, depressed, the head hangs down, he sits down thoughtlessly. Great despair and hopelessness of life. Mental anxiety and pangs of conscience, as if he had 4 done something sinful. VERATRUM ALBUM. 5. Kestlessness, much occupied. Persevering refusal to talk ; if lie does he scolds, and the voice is weak and scarcely audible. Loquaciousness, he talks rapidly. Attacks of rage, with swearing, inclination to run away, tearing things. Delirium, religious or exalted. 10. Imaginary diseases ; thinks herself pregnant, or that she will be delivered soon. Mental disorders, with lechery and obscene talk. Head. Vertigo, with cold perspiration on the forehead. Coldness in and on the vertex, as if ice were lying on it, with icy-cold feet and nausea ; worse when rising from the bed; better from external pressure, and when bending the head backwards. Sensation of soreness of the head, with nausea. 15. Heaviness of the whole head. Headache, with stiffness of the neck and profuse micturition. Headache, with nausea and vomiting. Great sensitiveness of the hair. Cold perspiration of the forehead. Eyes. 20. Eyes fixed, watery, sunken, with loss of lustre. The eyeballs are turned upwards. Pressing in the eyes. Heat in the eyes. Lachrymation, with dryness in the eyes and of the lids. 25. The eyes look yellow or blue. Blindness at night. Trembling of the upper eyelids. Paralysis of the eyelids. Ears. Hardness of hearing; as if the ears were stopped up. JSbse. 30. Icy coldness' of the nose. Smell before the nose as from manure, or from smoke. Painful sensation of dryness in the nose. Frequent sneezing. Face. Face pale, bluish, cold, disfigured, death-like. 35. Blue or green circles around the eyes. 694 VERATRUM ALBUM. The face is red while lying in bed, but becomes pale as soon as lie rises. Cold perspiration on the face, especially on the forehead. Spasms of muscles when masticating. Lock-jaw. 40. Lips wrinkled, pale or black, and cracked. Grinding of the teeth. Mouth and Throat. Toothache, with pain in the head and red, swollen face. Burning in the mouth and throat. Dryness and stickiness in the mouth. 45. Salivation, with nausea and sharp, salty taste. Tongue red and swollen ; or dry, black and cracked ; or coated yellow ; or cold and withered. Stuttering ; speechlessness. Froth before the mouth. The throat feels constricted, as by a pressing swelling. 50. Sensation of coldness or burning in the throat. Dryness in the throat, not relieved by drinking. Stomach and Abdomen. Violent, unquenchable thirst, especially for cold water. Yoracious appetite; appetite and hunger between the parox- ysms of vomiting. Strong desire for acids and refreshing things. 55. Aversion to warm food. Bitter taste in the mouth. Cool sensation in the mouth, as from peppermint. After the least food, vomiting and diarrhoea. Violent empty eructations; sour or bitter eructations. 60. Nausea, with sensation of fainting generally, with violent thirst. Violent vomiting with continuous nausea; great prostration. Vomiting of food, of acid, bitter, foamy, white, or yellow- green mucus. Vomiting of black bile and blood. Vomiting, with diarrhoea and pressure in the pit of the stomach. 65. While vomiting the abdomen is painfully contracted. Vomiting whenever he moves or drinks. Nausea, with violent thirst, salivation and increasd flow of urine. Great sensitiveness of the stomach and pit of the stomach. Burning in the pit of the stomach. 70. Great sensitiveness of the abdomen to the touch. VERATRUM ALBUM. 695 Cutting in the abdomen, as with knives. Burning in the abdomen, as from hot coals. Bloated, hard abdomen. Flatulent colic with loud rumbling in the abdomen. 75. Inguinal hernia. Stool and Anus. Constipation, as from inactivity of the rectum ; stool hard, of too large a size. Unsuccessful urging to stool. Watery, greenish diarrhoea, mixed with flakes. Blackish diarrhoea. 80. Insensible discharge of thin stool (while passing flatulence). Fainting during stool. During stool, paleness of the face, cold sweat on the forehead, burning at the anus. Urinary Organs. Suppressed urinary secretion. Continuous urging to urinate. 85. Involuntary flow of urine. Dark-red urine, discharged frequently, but in small quan- tities. Green urine. Frequent micturition, with violent thirst and hunger, head- ache, nausea, colic, constipation and coryza. Sexual Organs. Women. Menstruation too early and too profuse. 90. Suppressed menstruation. On the appearance of the menstruation, diarrhoea, nausea and chilliness. Before the menstruation, headache, vertigo, bleeding of the nose and night-sweat, During the menstruation, morning headaches, nausea, ring- ing in the ears, thirst and pain in all the limbs. At the end of the menstruation, grinding of the teeth and bluish face. 95. Suppressed lochia (and secretion of milk), with delirium. Nymphomania of lying-in women. Respiratory Organs. Cold breath. Difficult respiration ; dyspnoea. Suffocative attacks, caused by a constriction in the larynx, or in the chest. 100. Painful spasmodic constriction of the chest. 696 VERATRUM ALBUM. Hoarseness. Dry cough, from tickling in lower bronchia. Deep, hollow cough, as from the abdomen, with cutting pain in the stomach ; expectoration yellow, tough, bitter or salt only during the day. Hooping-cough. Stitches in the sides of the chest, worse when coughing. 105. Attacks of cough are worse in the morning, or in the even- ing till midnight; when entering 'a warm room from the cold air ; in the warm room ; when getting warm in bed ; from eating and drinking, especially cold things (water) ; when the child cries ; in the spring (or fall). < Violent, visible, anxious palpitation of the heart. Back and Week. Paralytic weakness of the muscles of the neck, they will not support the head. Back and small of the back feel sore and bruised. Tension, like cramp, below the shoulder-blades. Extremities. 110. Upper. Sensation of coldness and fulness, with heaviness in the arms. Tinglinsr in the hands and fingers. The hands go to sleep and feel like dead. Icy coldness and blueness of the hands. Lower. Cramps in the calves. 115. Painful heaviness in the knees and lower legs. Sudden swelling of the feet. Trembling of the feet, with coldness, as if of cold water running in them. Stitches in the (big) toes. Generalities. Sudden sinking of strength. 120. Continuous weakness and trembling. Numbness and tingling in the extremities. Paralytic pains in the limbs. Eheumatic pains, worse from the heat of the bed ; better after rising, and entirely disappearing on walking about. Attacks of fainting from the least exertion. 125. Inflammation of inner organs, especially those of digestion. Shocks in the limbs, as from electric sparks. Spasms, with convulsive motions of the limbs. Violent tonic spasms ; the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are spasmodically drawn inward. VERATRUM ALBUM. 697 Tetanic stiffness of the body. 130. Sporadic and Asiatic cholera. Sleep. Somnolency, with half consciousness (coma vigil). Long, uninterrupted, heavy sleep. Sleep with thirst and diuresis. Nightly anxiety and sleeplessness. Fever. 135. Pulse irregular, generally small, thread-like, weak, and slow ; often it cannot be felt at all. The blood runs like cold water through the veins. Chilliness and coldness, mostly externally, with internal heat and cold, clammy perspiration. Shaking chill with perspiration, soon changing to general coldness. Chilliness and coldness predominate, and run from below upwards. 140. Chill aggravated by drinking. Icy coldness of the whole body. Heat only internal, with thirst, but without desire to drink. Heat in the evening, with perspiration. Heat suddenly alternating with chilliness. 145. Violent perspiration in the morning, in the evening, or all night, as well as during every stool. Cold, sour or putrid perspiration, sometimes coloring the linen yellow, always with deathly paleness of the face. Cold perspiration over the whole body, mostly on the fore- head. Perspires easily during the day from slight exertion. Intermittent Fever. External coldness, with dark urine and cold perspiration, desire for cold drinks, and chill with nausea ; afterwards heat with unquenchable thirst, de- lirium, redness of the face, constant slumber; finally perspiration without thirst, and very pale countenance. Skin. 150. Color of the skin blue, purple color, and cold. The elasticity of the skin is lost, the folds remain in the state into which the skin has been pressed. Dry eruptions, like itch. Desquamation of indurated or thickened portions of the skin. Pyaemia. 6-98 VERBASCUM THAPSUS. Conditions. 155. The attacks of pain cause for a short time delirium and mania. The pains in the limbs are aggravated by the heat of the bed, by wet-cold weather, and are relieved by rising and walking about. After fright, involuntary stools with icy coldness of the body. Aggravation; after drinking; during perspiration; after sleep ; before and during stool ; from wrapping oneself up warmly. Amelioration ; from uncovering the head ; after perspiration. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. Mind and Disposition. Unusual hilarity, with continuous flow of ideas. Head. Yertigo, when leaning the left cheek on the hand. Pressing, stupefying headache when entering a warm room from the cold air, and vice versa. Deep, stupefying stitches in the brain. Eyes. 5. Pain in the eyes, with the sensation as if the orbits were drawn together, with heat in the eyes. Ears. Hardness of hearing, as from an obstruction of the ear. Sensation as if the ear (nose and larynx) were stopped up when reading aloud. Face. Violent pressure in the (left) malar bone, and zygoma. Faceache; dull pressure and stupefying tension in the whole cheek, beginning in the malar bone and articu- lation of the jaw, especially caused and aggravated by a change of temperature. Mouth and Throat. 10. Tongue coated yellow in the morning. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. 699 Stomach and Abdomen. Pressing pain on the navel, aggravated by bending forward. Constriction in the lower abdomen and navel. Stinging pain in the abdomen. Stool and Amis. Stool retarded ; by very hard pressing he passes stool like sheep dung, in small, hard balls. Urinary Organs. 15. Frequent micturition, with profuse secretion. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness from reading aloud. Deep voice. Stupefying, periodical stitches in the chest. Tension over the chest, with stitches in the region of the heart ; in the evening after lying down. Frequent attacks of a deep, hollow, hoarse cough, with the sound like a trumpet, caused by a tickling in the larynx and chest. Generalities. 20. Stinging pains in the limbs. Tearing, stinging pain in various parts, going downwards. Benumbing sensation with most all the pain. Sleep. Great sleepiness after eating. Awakens early in the morning, (4 A. M.) Fever. 25. External and internal sensation of coldness over the whole body. Coldness and chill predominate. Shuddering on one side of the body, as if cold water were poured over him. Conditions. The ailments are caused and aggravated by change of tem- perature, especially when entering the room from the open air, and vice versa. Aggravation, while sitting. 30. Amelioration, after rising from a seat. 700 VINCA MINOR. VIOLA ODOEATA. VINCA MINOR. Head. Corrosive itching on the hairy scalp. Badly-smelling eruptions on the head, in the face and be- hind the ears. The hairs are entangled, as in plica polonica. Humid eruptions on the head, with much vermin, and nightly itching, with burning after scratching. JVbse. 5. The tip of the nose becomes red on getting the least angry. Face. ■ Bloated face, with pimples. Dry lips. Swelling of the upper lip and the corner of the mouth. Mouth and Tliroat. Aphthae in the mouth. 10. Ulcers in the throat. Sexual Organs. Women. Excessive, profuse menses, flowing like a stream, with great debility. Fever. Pulse full and hard. Sensation of tremor in every blood-vessel. VIOLA 0D0RATA. Mind and Disposition. The intellect predominates over the mind (emotions). Increased activity of the intellect. Hysteric mood, with constant weeping. Weakness of memory. 5. Excessive flow of ideas. VIOLA ODORATA. 701 Head. Vertigo while sitting. Congestion of blood to the head, with pricking in the fore- head. The head feels heavy and sinks forward. Tension in the scalp, which extends to the upper part of the face. Eyes. 10. The eyelids are drawn down, as from sleepiness. Ears. Stitches in and around the ears. Aversion to music, especially to the violin. Rose. Numbness of the tip of the nose. Face. Hot forehead. 15. Tension below the eyes and above the nose, extending to the temples. Respiratory Organs. Shortness of breathing and violent dyspnoea, as if a stone were lying on the chest. Difficulty of breathing, with painful exhalation, anxiety and palpitation of the heart. Extremities. Aching pain in the (left) wrist. Drawing pain in the elbow joint and dorsum of the hand. Generalities. 20. Passing burning, here and there, as if it concentrated there and burned there with a small flame. Trembling of the limbs. [Relaxation of all the muscles. Great nervous debility. Hypochondriacal and hysterical complaints. '02 VIOLA TRICOLOR. VIOLA TRICOLOR. Mind and Disposition. Great dulness of the intellect. Low spirited about domestic affairs. Bad, morose humor, with disinclination to talk. Very sensitive and inclined to scold. Mead. 5. Vertigo when walking. Heaviness of the head when raising it, which disappears by stooping. Burning stitches in the scalp, especially in the forehead and temples. Eyes. Biting in the eyes. The eyelids sink down as from sleepiness. Face. 10. Induration of the skin of the face. Milk-crust, burning and itching, especially at night, with discharge of tough yellow pus. Heat and perspiration of the face after eating. Heat of the side of the face on which he does not lie, in the evening in bed. Mouth and Tliroat. Tongue coated with white mucus and bitter taste. 15. Sensation of dryness in the mouth, with much saliva. Stomach and Abdomen. Stitches and cutting pain in the abdomen, with urging to stool and crying and lamentations, followed by dis- charge of lumps of mucus and flatulence. Pressing-stinging in the diaphragm. Stool and Anus. Chopped soft stools. ■ Stool with mucus and much flatulence. Urinary Organs. 20. Urging to urinate, with profuse discharge of urine. Fetid urine ; it smells like the urine of cats. Very turbid urine. Stitches in the uretha. VIOLA TRICOLOR. 703 Sexual Organs. Swelling of the prepuce with itching. 25. Stitches in the penis or pressing in the glans ; burning of the glans. Itching stitches in the scrotum. Involuntary seminal discharges, with lewd dreams. Respiratory Organs. Stitches in the chest, on the ribs, sternum and intercostal muscles. Oppression and stitches in the heart, on bending the chest forward when sitting. 30. Anxiety about the heart while lying, with beating like waves. Back. Tension between the shoulder-blades, with cutting and ting- ling in the skin. Extremities. Upper. Stitches in the shoulder-joints, elbows, forearms and fingers. Lower. Stitches in the patella, tibia and feet. Sleep. Goes to sleep late on account of ideas crowding his mind. 35. Awakens frequently from vigilance. The child twitches with his hands in his sleep, with clenched thumbs, general dry heat and red face. Fever. General heat, especially in the face, with anxiety ; dyspnoea immediately after eating. Skin. Stinging-biting rash. Dry scabs over the whole body ; when they are scratched, they exude yellow water. 704: ZINCUM METALLICUM. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Mind and Disposition. "Very variable mood: at noon, low-spirited; and in the evening, hilarity, or vice versa. Morose and indisposed to converse (especially in the evening). Great sensitiveness to the talking of others and to all noise. Aversion to work and to walk. 5. Weakness of the memory. Thoughtlessness and dulness of the intellect. Head. Yertigo in the cerebellum (when he walks, he feels as if he should fall to the left side). Sharp pressure on a small spot in the forehead (evening). Tearing and stinging pains in the sides of the head ; worse after dinner. 10. Pressure on the root of the nose, as if it would be pressed into the head. Sensation of soreness in the head. Stupefying headache; every thing gets black before the eyes; worse in the morning in the warm room and after eating ; better in the open air. Sensitiveness of the vertex, as from soreness or ulceration, without regard to touch ; worse in the evening in bed and after eating ; better after scratching. The hair falls off from the vertex, causing complete bald- ness, with sensation of soreness of the scalp. 15. Hydrocephalus. Headache from drinking even small quantities of wine. The headaches are worse in the room, better in the open air. Byes. Pressure on the eyes ; they feel as if they were pressed into the head. Itching, biting, pricking, and sensation of soreness of the eyes, lids and inner angle of the eyes. (Pterygium.) 20. The upper eyelids fall down, as if paralyzed. When lifting up the eyes he sees luminous flakes. Ears. Otalgia, with tearing stitches and external swelling (espe- cially with children). Discharge of fetid pus from the ear. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 705 Nose. The nose feels sore internally. Swelling (of one side) of the nose, with loss of smell. 25. Coryza, with hoarseness and burning in the chest. Face, Paleness of the face. Tearing and sore pain in the facial bones. Lips and corners of the mouth cracked, with ulceration of the inside of them. Thick, viscid, tasteless humor on the lips. 30. Eedness and itching eruption on the chin. Mouth and Throat. Sensation of soreness of the teeth. Looseness of the teeth. The teeth and gums bleed. The gums are swollen, white, sore and ulcerated. 35. Small yellow ulcers on the inside of the cheek (and in the throat). Tingling on the inside of the cheek, with ptyalism of metallic taste. Blisters on the tongue. Sensation of soreness in the throat. Sensation of constriction and spasm in the oesophagus. 40. Accumulation of mucus in the throat, which frequently enters the mouth through the posterior nares. Bluish herpes in the throat after suppressed gonorrhoea. Stomach and Abdomen. Saltish taste in the mouth. Taste in the mouth as from blood. Yoracious appetite and insatiable hunger. 45. Aversion to meat, fish, and cooked or warm food and sweet things. Sour eructations, especially after drinking milk. Heartburn after eating sweet things. Nausea, with retching and vomiting of bitter mucus ; re- newed by the least motion. Hiccough, especially after breakfast. 50. Vomiting of blood. Burning in the stomach. Disagreeable sensation (of heat) in the upper orifice of the stomach, extending to the oesophagus. Pain in the hypochondria, like a spasm, alternating with dvspnoea. 45 706 ZINCUM METALLICtTM. Pressure under the short ribs, after eating, with depression of spirits. 55. Stitches in the spleen. Pressure and tension in the abdomen. Flatulent colic, especially in the evening. Expulsion of hot, fetid flatus. Inguinal hernia. Stool and Anns. 60. Constipation ; stool hard and dry ; insufficient ; frequently only expelled by hard pressing. Soft, papescent, or thin diarrhoeic stools, frequently with discharge of pale blood. Involuntary stools. Sensation of soreness, and violent itching at the anus. Tingling at the anus, as from ascarides. Urinary Organs. 65. Pressing, stinging and soreness in the kidneys. Violent pressure of urine on the bladder. Eetention of urine when beginning to urinate. Can only pass urine (which she must do every hour) while in a sitting posture. Excessive desire to urinate, also at night. 70. Urine turbid, loam colored in the morning. Frequent micturition of pale-yellow urine, which later deposits a white flaky sediment. Discharge of blood from the urethra after painful micturi- tion. Burning during and after micturition. Cutting pain in the orifice of the urethra. 75. Involuntary discharge of urine when walking, coughing and sneezing. Stones (Gravel) of the kidneys and bladder. Sexual Organs. Men. Painfully swelled (sore) testicles. One or the other testicle is drawn up. Drawing in the testicles, extending up the spermatic cord. Yiolent and long-lasting erections. 80. Great falling off of the hair of the genital organs. Women. Nymphomania of lying-in women, with great sensitiveness of the genitals. Menstruation too late. Suppressed menstruation, with painfulness of the breasts and genitals. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 707 Lochia and the secretion of milk are suppressed. 85. Sore nipples. Respiratory Organs* Spasmodic oppression of breathing. Constrictive sensation around the chest, with pain in the chest, as if cut to pieces. Shortness of breath from flatulence after eating. Accumulation of mucus in the chest. 90. Burning in the chest. Coldness in the chest. Stitches in the chest (left side) and heart. Palpitation of the heart ; irregular beats of the heart ; oc- casionally one violent thrust of the heart. Tension in the sternum. Burning and soreness in the pharynx. 95. Hoarseness. Koughness and dryness in the chest. Sensation of emptiness in the chest. Debilitating spasmodic cough from tickling in the larnyx, extending to the middle of the chest, with expectora- tion of yellow, purulent, blood-streaked, tenacious mucus, tasting disagreeably, sweetish-putrid, metallic ; or of pure blood in the morning or during the clay. The cough is worse after eating, during rest, sitting, stand- ing, from milk, sweets, spirituous liquors, during men- struation. Bach and Week. 100. Pain in the small of the back on walking or sittinsr. Stiffness and tension of the neck. Itching herpes on the back. Tension and stinging between the shoulder-blades. Extremities, Upper. Eheumatic pains and stinging in the shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. 105. Lameness and deadness of the hands. Weakness and trembling of the hands when writing. Dryness and cracked skin of the hands. Cracks between the fingers. Dry herpes on the hands and fingers ; they are rough and itch. 110. Lower. Eheumatic pains in the legs, knees, ankles and feet. Yaricose veins on the upper and lower legs. Tension in the knee. 708 ZINCUM METALLICUM. Formication in the calves. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the tendo- achilles. ^ 115. Stiffness of the ankles after sitting. Weakness and trembling of the feet. Paralysis of the feet. Coldness of the feet at night. Pulsating stitches in the toes. 120. Painful chilblains on the feet. Sleep. Continuous desire to sleep, especially in the morning or after meals, with yawning. Unrefreshing sleep, disturbed by unpleasant dreams ; with talking and loud crying out. Generalities. Violent trembling twitching of the whole body. Pulsations through the whole body. 125. Sensation of soreness in internal and external parts. Twitching of children. St. Titus' dance. Convulsions after a fright. Eheumatic pains in the extremities, aggravated from be- coming heated and from exertions of the body. 130. The pains seem to be between the skin and flesh. Tearing in the middle of the bones ; the limbs lose their hold ; from the pain. Fever. Pulse small and rapid in the evening, slower in the morning and during the day. Pulse at times intermitting. Violent pulsations in the veins during the heat. 135. Chill begins generally after eating and continues till late in the evening and during the night. Chilliness in the open air and when touching a cold object. Chills run down the back. Chilliness on the approach of stormy weather. Internal heat, with sensation of coldness in the abdomen and on the feet. 110. Flushes of heat, with trembling and short, hot breath. Profuse perspiration during the whole night, with inclination to uncover oneself. Perspires easily during the day, on exercising. Badly-smelling perspirations. ZINGIBER. 709 Skin. Itching in the bends of the joints. 145. Violent itching at night in bed, disappearing as soon as one touches himself. Formication between the skin and flesh. Sensation of coldness in the bones. Ehagades. Suppurating herpes. 150. Yaricose veins. Conditions. Most ailments appear after dinner and towards evening. Aggravation after having eaten, from small quantities of wine, in the warm room. Amelioration, in the open air, while eating. Chamomilla and Nux vomica cause restlessness at night and con- stipation; and if they do so, Zincum will remove them, frequently. ZINGIBER. Mead. Congestion of blood to the head, especially the temples. Pressure over the left eye. Drawing, aching pain over the eyebrows. Hemicrania ; nervous headache. JEyes. 5. Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, with stinging pain in them. "Weakness of sight ; dimness of the cornea. JSose. Dryness and obstruction of the posterior nares. Ozcena. Face. Hot, red face. 10. Dry lips and mouth. Mouth and Throat. Bad slimy taste in the mouth. Breath smells foul to herself. 710 ZINGIBER. Dryness of the throat and difficulty of swallowing, as from an obstruction, with dryness of the posterior nares. Stomach and Abdomen. Much thirst. 15. Complaints from eating melons. Weak digestion. Belching, with diarrhoea. Nausea ; vomiting of mucus in drunkards. Acidity of the stomach. 20. Heaviness, like a stone in the stomach. Stitches in the spleen. Unbearable sore pain on a small place in the right side of the abdomen. Sharp pain in the left iliac region. Flatulency in gouty persons. Stool and Anus* 25. Diarrhoea from drinking impure water. Belching, with constipation. Diarrhoea in the morning, followed by nausea. Eedness, inflammation, burning-itching at the anus. Urinary Organs. Increased secretion of urine. SO. Thick, turbid urine. Eetention of urine (after typhus). Acute pain in the orifice of the urethra while urinating. Sexual Organs. Itching on the prepuce, which feels cold. Painful erections. x 35. Women. Menstruation too early and too profuse ; blood dark, clotted. J&espiratoru Organs. Smarting sensation below the larynx, followed by a cough, with rattling of phlegm. Asthma humidum. Dry, hacking cough, with pain in the lungs and difficult breathing ; in the morning expectoration. Violent stinging-pressing pain in the left side of the chest, in the region of the heart. 40. Stitches through the chest. Back and JVeck. Stiffness of the back of the neck, with headache and nausea. Dull aching in both kidneys, with frequent desire to urinate. LITHIUM CAEBONICUM. 711 Dull aching and sensation of heat in the left kidney ; worse while sitting, with frequent desire to urinate. Sleep. Great sleepiness ; coma. Fever. 45. Chilliness, beginning in the lower limbs, going upwards. Chilliness and sensibility in the open air. Hot and chilly at the same time. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. Mead. Pain over the eyes and tension, as if bound in the temples; diminished while eating, but returning soon after eating, and remains as a pressure in the temples until in the night, and only goes away after falling asleep. Pains in a small spot in the right temple. Pressure in the temples from without inwards, with a press- ing pain in the middle of the chest. Tension as if bound in the temples, with half vision. 5. Early on awaking, violent headache in vertex and temples (after sudden cessation of the menses), with nausea. Heavy weight upon the vertex with pressure upon the left temple. Headache worse when lying down ; it pains everywhere ; better when sitting ; relieved by going out. Looking at any thing makes the headache worse ; can hardly keep the eyes open ; they pain as if sore from morning till noon. Trembling and throbbing in the head, the pains in the heart extend to the head. 10. Head seems too large. Head externally sensitive. Byes. Stitches in the right eye. Eyes pain as if sore. Sensation of dryness and pain in the eyes after reading. 15. Sensation as if sand were in the eyes. Pain over the eyes, with half vision. The sunlight blinds him. 712 LITHIUM CAEBONIC0M. Uncertainty of vision and an entire invisibility of the right half of whatever she looked at (during second day of menstruation). Ears. Earache, left side, from the throat, with prosopalgia. 20. Pain behind the left ear, in the bone, extending towards the neck. JNbse. Nose obstructed, above and in the forehead, in the morning and forenoon. Blows his nose very much in the evening, much mucus remains behind in the choana. Dropping from the nose in the open air. Nose swollen, red, especially on the right side, sore inter- nally — shining crusts form in it ; it is dry and as if inflamed (at the same time frequent urinating at night, disturbing the sleep). Face. 2 5. Pain in the right side of the face (afternoon) from the root of the tooth that has been sawn off, extending to the temple, followed next day by the same pain in the left side, passing from the throat to the left ear, causing earache and moderate brief pain in the left temple. Throat. Sore throat extending into the ear. Expectoration of mucus from the choana and out of the fauces in solid lumps, especially morning and fore- noon. Stomach and Abdomen. Gnawing in the stomach worse before a meal, it goes away while he eats. Nausea and gnawing in the stomach. 30. Nausea, with fulness in the temples ; with headache. Acidity in the stomach. Eulness in the pit of the stomach, eannot endure any pres- sure of the clothes. Pressure in the hepatic region. Stool and Anns. Diarrhoea after fruit. 35. Very offensive stools (during the night). Yery stinking discharge of the flatus. Yiolent, painful, dull stitch in the perineum near the anus, from above downwards, from within outwards. LITHIUM CARBONICUM, , 713 Urinary Organs. Sensitive pain, sharp pressure, in the vesical regions, more on the right side, after urinating. Tenesmus vesicas and micturition (evening while walking). 40. Flashes of pain in the region of the. bladder, inferiorly, more towards the right before passing water; pain ex- tends into the spermatic cord after urinating. . Quick strong tenesmus. Frequent and copious micturition (disturbing the sleep). Turbid urine with mucous deposit. Urine scanty and dark, very acrid. 45. Dark, reddish-brown deposit. On rising to urinate, a pressing in the region of the heart, which did not cease till after urination (morning). Sexual Organs. Men. Erection after urination at night. Burning in the urethra. Women. Menses too late and too scanty. Respiratory Organs. 50. On inspiration the air feels so cold that it seems to be felt unpleasantly even in the lungs. Pressure in the middle of the chest. Constriction of the chest when walking (after breakfast), followed by expectoration of mucus. Yiolent cough in the evening, while lying down, compelling to rise, without expectoration ; the irritation to cough is in a little spot, posteriorly and inferiorly in the throat. Eheumatic soreness in the region of the heart. 55. Sudden shock in the heart. Throbbing ; like a dull stitch in the region of the heart. Pains in the heart after pains in the bladder. Pains in the heart before and at the time of the commence- ment of the menses. Trembling and fluttering of the heart (after mental agitation of a vexatious character). Bach. 60. Stitch in the sacrum. Pain in the sacrum* when standing, with confusion of the head. Extremities. Upper. Burning stitch in the ball of the hand, in the left thumb. 46 714 LITHIUM CARBONICUM. Itching-throbbing, very sensitive pain in all the fingers, as if it were in and upon the bones, extending from the hands to the ends of the fingers, only during repose ; it ceases upon pressure; when grasping, and during motion. 'Soreness at the margin of the nail, with pain and redness. 65. Lower. Pain in the right hip, later in the left. Rheumatic pains in the lower extremities. Pain of the knees, above the knees, especially when going up stairs. Prostrated feelings in the knee-joints, weakness of the knees, on going up stairs. Eheumatic pains in the right foot on awaking at night, they pass away on rising. 70. Painfullness of the feet, ankles, metatarsus, all the toes, especially of the border of the foot and the sole, as if it were gouty. Pain and weakness of the feet. Burning in the great toe, especially around the corns. Great soreness of the corns. Itching of the sole of the (left) foot on the inner margin. 75. Pain in the little toes. Generalities. Paralytic stiffness in all the limbs of the whole body as if beaten ; stiff and sore over the whole body, in all the bones, joints and muscles. Pressing, as if with a dull point, here and there, internally, as if it were near the bone, most in the left side. Burning stitch which goes from within outwards, and ends in an itching. Contracting sensation, with shudder. Sleep. 80. Sleepiness early in the evening ; late in the morning. Sleep at night disturbed by urination. Voluptuous dreams, tenesmus vesicas, and erections, which subside after urination. Fever. Shudder starting from the thorax. Yery copious perspiration. 85. Perspiration on the back of the hands. Skin. Itching, at the anus, in the middle finger around the margin of the nail, on the side of the thigh, in the sole of the foot, in the palm of the hand. INDEX. Aconitum napellus 5 Aethusa cynapium 10 Agaricus niuscarius 11 Agnus castus (Vite) 13 Allium cepa 16 Aloe 17 Alumina ,21 Ambra grisea 24 Ammonium carbonicum 27 Ammonium muriaticum 31 Anacardium orientale 33 Angustura 36 Antimonium crudum 38 Apis melliflca 40 Argentum 44 Argentum nitricum 46 Arnica montana 48 Arsenicum album 52 Arum triphyllum 57 Assafoetida 58 Asarum Europseum 60 Aurum 61 Baryta carbonica 63 Belladonna ( Atropa) 66 Benzoicum acidum 73 Berberis vulgaris 75 Bismuthuin subnitricum 78 Borax 79 Bovista (Lycoperdon bovista) 81 Bufoi 83 Bromine 85 Bryonia alba 87 Cactus grandiflorus 92 Cadmium sulphuricum 95 Caladium seguinum 96 Calcarea carbonica 97 Calendula officinalis 104 Camphor 104 Cannabis sativa 107 Cantbarides 110 Capsicum annuum 113 Carbo animalis 115 Carbo vegetabilis 118 Cascarilla 122 Castor equorum 123 Causticum 123 Cbamomilla vulgaris 128 Cbelidonium majus 133 Cbenopodium (Cbenopodii glauci Aphis) 135 China (Cinchona officinalis) 137 Cicuta virosa 143 Cirnex lectularius 146 Cina (Semen santonici) 14S Cinnabaris 152 Cistus Canadensis *156 Clematis erecta 159 Coccus cacti 1 * 163 Cocculus (Menispermum cocculus).. 166 Cochlearia armoracia 170 Coffea cruda 170 Colchicum autumnale 172 Colocynthis (Cucumis) 176 Conium maculatum 180 Copaivae balsamum 185 Corallium rubrum 186 Creosotum v . . . . 188 Crocus sativus 193 Croton tiglium 197 Cubebse 199 Cuprum 200 Cyclamen Europseum 203 Daphne indica 207 Diadema (Aranea) 208 Digitalis purpurea 209 Dolichos pruriens 213 Drosera rotundifolia 214 Dulcamara (Solanum dulcamara). . . 128 Elaps corallinus 222 Elaterium (Momordica elaterium) . . . 226 Eupatorium perfoliatum 226 Euphorbium officinarum 228 Euphrasia officinalis 231 Evonymus Europseus 234 Eupion 235 Ferrum 235 Filix mas 239 Fluoricum acidum 239 Fragaria vesca 243 Gelseminum 243 Glonoine 248 Graphites 251 Gratiola officinalis 257 Guajacum officinale 260 Gummi gutti (Gambogia) 263 Gymnocladus Canadensis. 265 Hsematoxylum campechianum 267 Helleborus niger 269 Hepar sulphuris calcareum 273 Hippomane mancinella 279 Hippomanes 283 Hydrophobin 285 * By a clerical error it was erroneously given as Coccionella Septempunctata. INDEX. Hydrocyanii acidum 286 Hyoscyamus niger 288 Hypericum perforatum 292 Ignatia amara 294 Indigo 300 Ipecacuanha 302 Iris versicolor 305 Jacaranda caroba 307 Jatropha curcas 309 Jodium 31? Kali bichromicum 315 Kali carbonicum 324 Kali chloricum 333 Kali bydriodicum. . , 335 Kalmia latifolia 339 Kino (Gummi kino) 342 Kobaltum 342 Lacbesis (Trigonocepbalus) 346 Lacbnantes tinctoria 351 Lactuca virosa 356 Lamium album. ...... 359 Laurocerasus 360 Ledum palustre 364 Lithium carbonicum 711 Lobelia inflata 368 Lupulus (Humulus) 370 Lycopodium clavatum 370 Magnesia carbonica 379 Magnesia muriatica 384 Magnesia sulphurica 389 Manganum aceticum 393 Marum verum (Teucrium) 398 Menyanthes trifoliata. 400 Mephitis putorius 403 Mercurius vivus 406 'Mercurius sublimatus 416 Mercurius proto jodatus 420 Mercurius sulphuricus (Turpethum) . 423 Mercurialis perennis 426 Mezereum (Daphne mezereum) 427 Millefolium (Achillea millefolium) . . 433 Moschus . 435 Murex purpurea 438 Muriaticnm acidum 439 Natrum carbonicum 443 Natrum muriaticum 449 Natrum nitricum 457 Natrum sulphuricum 458 Niccolum 462 Nitrum 466 Nitricum acidum 470 Nux juglans 477 Nux moschata 479 Nux vomica 484 Ocimum canum 493 Oleander (Nerium oleander) 494 Oleum animale 496 Opium 499 Oxalicum acidum 503 Osmium 508 Pseonia officinalis 509 Palladium 510 Pareira brava 513 Paris quadrifolia 514 Petroleum 516 Petroselinum Phellandrium aquaticum Phosphorus Phosphoricum acidum Phytolacca decandra Platina Plumbum Podophyllum peltatum Pothos fcetidus (Putorii) Prunus spinosa Psorinum , Pulsatilla pratensis Ranunculus bulbosus Ranunculus sceleratus Raphanus sativus Ratanhia Rheum Rhododendron chrysanthemum Rhus toxicodendron ...... Rumex crispus Ruta graveolens Sabadilla ( Veratrum sabadilla) Sabina ( Juniperus sabina) Sambucus nigra Sanguinaria Canadensis Sarsaparilla , Secale cornutum Selenium Senega (Polygala) Senna , Sepia Silicea. Spigelia (Spigelia anthelmia) Spongia tosta Squilla (Scilla maritima) Stannum Staphysagria (Delphinum staphysa- gria) Stramonium (Datura stramonium) . . Strontiana carbonica Sulphur Sulphuricum acidum Symphytum officinale Tabacum (Nitotiana tabacum) Tanacetum vulgare Taraxacum (Leontodon taraxacum) . Tartarus emeticus (Stibiatum) Tellurium Terebinthina (Oleum) Thea sinensis Theridion curassavicum Thrombidium muse© domestic* Thuya occideDtalis Thlaspi bursa pastoris . . Tilia Europsea Urtica urens Uva ursi (Urbatus) Valeriana officinalis Veratrum album Verbascum thapsus i Vinca minor Viola odorata Viola tricolor Zincum Zingiber 520 521 524 528 453 535 539 543 545 546 548 553 562 565 567 568 569 572 576 584 586 589 592 594 596 601 607 610 613 616 617 626 633 637 604 641 645 649 653 656 666 669 669 670 671 673 676 677 678 679 681 681 681 688 690 690 690 692 698 700 700 702 704 709 EREATA. Page 60. " Asarum Europaeum " instead of " europ. " Page 87. " Bisinuthum " should be page 78. Page 163 should he " Coccus Cacti," instead of " Coccionella Septernpunc- tat a," which was a palpable error.