F128 .47 .H85 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Shelf "'*' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HCW TO SEE New York City, CENTRAL PARK, CONBY ISLAND, tlOCKA^VAY BEACH. -'VT'ITH STREET DIRECTORY ./ UL'^ 94. —LI ST OF— x'O..*^.^ ^y ^ Churches, Hotels, Theatres, etc. Copyrighted uy C W. Hobbs, iS8a» ,"i H HOW TO SEE NEW YORK CITY AND SURROUNDINGS. • -.inn- tlie ci'v their first thought "To Strangers visiting the ci.y i , , ...v -,, To wl at Hotel shall ^-e go. ^See Hotel Li»t) Next what shall «e see first. Now if we have plenty of toe Ly a week), we can spend a day m Central ;roiaylnthelo,.rpart.^^^^ !rruStf"ti:e^sw.-7/'^^^^^^^ same itngi ^^^^^^^ Prw/^a Rockaway Beach, l^ort I.ee, o. ^ P.vi. R-ocklvn, and Biooklyn Itself. "^^t fee the dty properly - mnst have a^art,,^, /-•* Vk-<\\' there we can take Horse L.ar rraLaIih:adtlanypartoftheci.y.^Veta.. the Elevated Railroad, East Side. 3rd ^v^nue (fare ,0 cents) We pass through the gi'eat east side 10 cents). ' V Bowery to East Four- thoroughfare, known as the Bo« ery _ teenth Street; here we find Tammany Hall, Academy of Music, Union Soat landing and Bay Ridge Line. (Fare — Round- Frip 50 cents.) We take either line, the .sail down he bay is delightful, then we land at Bay Ridge, he train is already to take us to Oriental and Man- lattan Beach Hotels, direcdy in front of the Hotel s the Music Stand, (concert every afternoon.; The Jathing Pavilion here is one of the best, with all [iiprovcments necessary 10 the care of valuables and omfort of its pati ons. Now we will take a stroll down the Beach; first ce see the Marine R. R., half mile in length, (Fare cents). Next the Brighton Beach Bathing Pavilion nd Resturant, further on the Brighton Beach Hotel ack of which stand the Fair Grounds. From here we ui take a carriage or stage down the concourse Fare 5 cents, passing Hotels, Resturants, Aquarium Admission ic cents-) Observatory, (Admission 15 ints.) To the Great Iron Piers, West Brighton [6] Beach, here we find Theatres and Catch Petraj affairs 'of every description, Railway Depots and Hotels: Vanderveers, Bauers, Thompson, Grand Union, Cables, Sea Beach Palace. Regular Dinners, ($i.oo upwards, including Wine,) can be had at any of the above places. IRON PIERS. These vast Structures are used a.s landings, for Steamlx)ats from New York City and other places Mu.,ic and Refreshments day and evening (a smaU admission is charged) Further on we find Halls for Dancing, Photograph Galleries. Bathing, Shows of every kind, and Fire Works; in fact an endless round of pleasure day and evening. ^^T^rm NORTON'S POINT is at the west-end of the Island, here are Hotels. Bath Houses and Pic nic Grounds, etc., Steamboat direct from New York City, (Fare, Round Tnp 35 cents). See daily papers for Time and Pier. ROCKAWAY BEACH. To reach this we can take either the Iron Steam- boat Line, Pier I North River, or all rail from Hunter's Point. Long Island Ferry to Hunters Point, foot East Thirty-fourth Street, and James Slip. Pier 31 E.«t River. Rockaway Beach is a very fine place; the Surf runs very high; the largest Hotel in the world is here. Entertainment, Music, Dancings* Mechanical Museum, and Side Shows of everf description. Fare 50 cents, Round-trip. [7] /, FORT LEE. This is a summer resort opened only a few yeais Lit growing into favor every year. Here close to le landing stands the Fort Lee Park Hotel and uildings open to all. Music, Dancing, Refresh- lents is the order of the day. Up there on the luff is a fine view of the Hudson River. There it it :ways cool, and there we will find those that come •r a good time; it is a little Coney Island all to 5elf. Music, Dancing, Shooting Galleries, Swings id Refreshments at reasonable rates open to public, ake Steamboat at Pier 42 North River. Fare 25 ;nts round trip. STATEN ISLAND. Take Ferry from Battery to New Brighton, Sailors lug Harbor, (Sailors Home,) Castleton. Port Rich- ond and Elm Park. This is a delightful ride of ^elve miles. Fare, Round-Trip 20 cents. BROOKLYN. Take Fulton Ferry for Brooklyn, pay no attention runners or their noise, they are harmless. If we ish to go to the Navy Yard, (open to public,) Horse rs stand in front of Ferry House. For Prospect irk, cars on the right. For Tabernacle, (Rev, T. e Witt Talmage, Pasior,) cars on the right. For ymouth Church, (Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, :i;tor,) cars on the right, [8] PUBLIC PARKS, and How to Find Them. BATTERY. — foot of Broadway. CENTRAL PARK, — between Fifth & Eighth aves., and W. 59th and W. I loth sts. MADISON SQUARE.— between Eighth & Ninth aves. & W. 77th & W. 8ist sts. MT% MORRIS PARK.— between Madison and Mt. Morns ave*., and 120th and 124th sts. RESERVOIR SQUARE.— between Fifth and Sixth aves., and W. 40th and W. 42d sts. STUYVESANT SQUARE. — between Rutherford place & Livingston place & E. 15th & E. 17th Sts. TOMPKINS SQUARE.— between Avenues A & B, & Seventh & E. loth sts. UNION SQUARE. — ^between Broadway & Fourth ave.,& E. 14th & E. 17th sts. WASHINGTON SQUARE.— between Wooster &: Macdougal sts., Waverley place, & W. 4th st. w Places of Amusementa. Lbbey's New Park Broadway, bet. 21 st & 22d. Icademy of Music Irving PI. cor, 14th. 5ijou Opera Plouse Broadway, bet. loth & 31st. ^oot^'s 23d & 6th Ave. Junnell's Museum Broadway, cor. 9th, 'riterion Broadway & 35th >aly's .Broadway & 30th. rermania Broadway, cor. r3th rrand Opera House 8th Ave. cor. 23d. larrigan & Hart's 72S-730 Broadway. Ih Avenue Theatre 28th, near Broadway. laverly.s 14th .St I4ih, near 6th Ave. laverly's Niblo's Garden 580 Broadway. ladison Square 4 \V. 24th. Tetropolitan Theatre. 587 Broadway. an Francisco Ministrels Broadway & 28th tandard Broadway & 33dd. ^haha. 46 & 48 Bowery. 'oney Pastor's New Theatre, Tammany Hall Building 14th St. near 3d Ave. fnion Square 14th bet. Broadway & 4th Ave. Windsor 45 & 47 Bowery. '' Hack's (new) Broadway 8c 30th. HORSE CAR ROUTES. First and Second Ave. R. R. and Branches. Starting from Peck Slip, through South to Oliver, ta Chatham, to Bowery, to Grand, Forsyth, to Hous- ton, to Second Ave., to l2Sth St. Harlem, returnmg through Second Ave. to Chrystie, to Grand, to Bow- ery, to Chatham, to Pearl, to Peck Slip. Red Light First Avenue Branch returns by Second Ave. to 23d, St., to First Ave., to Houston. Allen, Grand, etc. Cars of this line also start from Astor Place and Broadway to Second Ave. for up town. Astoria Ferry Branch, from 86th St. and Second Ave., to 92d St. Ferry. Worth St. Branch starts at Broadway and con- nects at Cliatham St. with main line up or down town. Red Light. Fare 5 cents on all branches. Third Ave. R. R. and Branches. Starts from Park Row, near Post Office, through Park Row, Chatham, Bowery, and Third Ave. to Harlem Bridge. Green Light. Grand Central Depot Branch, over same route to 36th St., to Lexington Ave., to 42d St. depot. White Light. Fare 5 cents. Fourth Ave. R. R. Branches. Starts from Park Row, near Post Office, through Ann to Centre, Grand, Bowery, Fourth Ave.. E. 42- (Williamsburg) to East Broadway, to Canal, to Walker, to North Moore, to Washington St, to foot of Courtlandt St. (Penna. R. R. Ferry), returning nearly same route to starting point. Red Light. Fare c cents. [■5] . ^. 34tli St. Ferry Branch starts from Park Row, through to Chatham, East Broadway, Clinton, Ave. B, East 14th, to First Ave., to East 34th St. Ferry (Long Island R. R.), returning nearly same route. Blue Light. Fare 5 cents. Grand, Desbrosses and Vestry Street Branch starts from Grand St, Ferry, along Grand, to Sulli- van, to Vestry, to Greenwich, to Desbrosses St, (Penna. R. R. and Albany Boats), returning nearly same route. Fare 5 cents. Twenty-Third St. R. R. and Branches. Starts from foot W. 23d (Erie Railroad depot) to foot E. 23d St. (Greenpoint Ferry), returning same route. Red Light, Fare 5 cents. 34th St. Ferry Branch starts from same point, through 23d St. to Second Ave,, to 28th St., to First Ave., to 34th St. Ferry, returning nearly same route. Blue Light. Fare 5 cents. South, Church, and Vesey Sts. R. R. From and to South Ferry, throngh Whitehall, Battery Place, to Greenwich, Church, and Vesey (rear St. Paul's church). Yellow Light. Fare 3 cents. Christopher and Tenth Sts. R. R. Starts from foot of Christopher St. (North River, Morris and Essex R. R.), and runs to Greenwich Ave., Clinton Place, St. Mark's Place (E. 8th St,,) to Ave. A, to foot E. loth St. (Greenpoin Ferry), returning almost same route. Red Light. Fare 5 cents. [16] Central Cross-Town R. R- ^,.rts from foot of Christopher St. Hoboken Starts from ^ ^^j^,.^,^ ^,„, r ,h Ave to West and East 14th, to East ,7th, f:r^t:ottEast.3aSt.(Gree.gt-r. returning nearly same route. Red Light. 5 cents. Union Squar-e and West uth R- R- Starts from Union Square, near theatre tnrough frt N Y El. R. R. d«P°0 '° Greenwich ^e^Nintl'Ave., to Washington St. to foot CM^topher St., returning almost same route. Fare 5 cents. Stage Routes. BROADWAY AND FIFTH ANENUE LlNE.-StartS r Tunn Ferrv ioot of Fulton Street to Broad- from Fulton i^erry, ioul ^ Street, way, to 14A Street, to Fifth Avenue, to 47th Street. ..T. Street and Ninth Avenue Broadway, 230 Street ai. LiNE.-South Ferry, through Broadway to 23 Street, to Ninth Ave., to 30th Street. MADISON AVENUE LiNE.-Wall Street Ferry, foot of w"l Street, to Broadway, to 23d Street to Mad. son Ave., to 42d Street, to Grand Central Depot, and Grand Union Hotel. [17] Ferries, AbTORiA — From foot E. 92^. Brooklyn — From foot Catharine slip to Main St. From foot E. loih& foot E. 23clto Greenpoint Av From foot E. Plouston to Grand St. From foot Fulton to Fulton St. From foot Grand to Grand & Broadway. From foot Roosevelt to Broadway. From foot Wall to Montague St. From foot Whitehall to Atlantic St. & Hamilton Av. CoMMUNiPAw — From foot Liberty. Harlem — From Pier 22, E. R., to foot E. 130th. HoBOKEN — From foot Barcley and foot Christopher. Hunter's Point — Froom foot E, 34th, foot Seventh and foot James slip. Jersey City — From Chambers lo Pavonia Av. From foot Courilandt to Exchange place. From foot Debrosses to Exchange place. From foot W. 23d to Pavonia Av. Staten Island — From foot Whitehall to Tompkins, ville, Stapleton, and Vanderbill's Landing. From Battery to New Brighton; Sailors' Snug Harbor, Castleton, and Port Richmond. Weehawken — From Foot W. 42d. Pleasant Valley — Foot 125th St, [18] HOTELS. E. — European Plan. A.- (Booms 'slthout Meals.) Location. Eotels. Albermarle, Madison Square, Ashland, 4t^ ave & 23d st. Astor House, 221 Broadway, Brandreth, B'way & Canal, Brevoort, H S^'^ ave. Coleman, B'way & 27tli st. Commercial, 96 Spring st Continental, 9o4 Broadway, ,. W. Broadway and Cosmopolitan, chambers Earls Canal & Centre, Everett, 4th ave. & 1 7th st. Everetts, 86 Vesey st. Fifth Ave., Maison Square, Frenches, I Chatham st. Grand, B'way & 31st st. Grand Cent'l, 677 Broadway, ^3 Grand Union, 42d st. $l Hoffman Hs. Madison Square, ^i Hotel Bruns'k, 5th ave. & 26th st. Hotel Royal, 40 st. near 6th av. $1 " St. Stephen 34 W. i ith st. $1 Irving House, B'v/ay & 1 2th st. Leggetts, 75 Chatham st. Metropolitan, 582 Broadway, [19] —American Plan, (Booms aiai Uoals.) Price Per Day. $1 upw'ds. E.&A. $1 " E. 50 cts. up. E. $2 upw'ds. E. E. 75 cts. up. E.&A. 75 cts. up. E. 75 cts. up. E. $2 upw'ds A. A. 50 cts. up. E. $4 up'wds, A. 75 cts. up. E. ;^i up'wds, E. ' A. E. E. A. " E, " E. $2 *' A. 50 cts. up. E. 1 3 upw'ds A. New Soujt^HVr^f^S Broadway , 50 cts. up. E, New York, 715 Broadway, A, Occidental, Bowery & Broome, 50 cts. up. . E. Park Ave., 4 ave. & 32d st. A. St. James, B'way & 26th St. A. St. Nicholas, 515 Broadway, A. St. Dennis, 799 Broadway, E. Sturtevant, B'way & 28th St. $1 upw'ds A.&E. Sweeny's 23 Duane st. 75 cts. up. E. United States, I g6 Water St. 50 cts. up. E. Victoria, B'way, 5av.&27st A. Windsor, 5thav.46&47sts. A. Earriags Fares — Hacks and Eals. For one or more Persons to one destination, not over one mile ;^i. 00; 50 cents for every additional mile. Passengers are allowed one peace of baggage each, without extra charge. The owner or driver of carriage can demand the fare in advance. Carriages may be engaged by the hour for shopping or sight-seeing. It is well to make special bargains when engaging. t20j GREEN WOOD CEMETERY. To reach which we take Hamilton Avenue Ferry to Brooklyn, transfer to Horse car, (Fare 5 cents) to entrance. This is one of the finest Burial places in the world. It is situated on the east side of New York Bay, three miles south of the city, commands a view of New York City, Brooklyn, Coney Island, Sandy Hook; near city's in New Jersey and the Atlantic Ocean, There are five entrances ; nearly 20 mile& of avenues and 17 miles of concrete paths, 8 beautiful Lakes of various size, 5 ornamental Drinking Foun- tains, etc. The first interment was on the' 5th of September, 1840, since that time over 200,000 have OBJECTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST. Entrance Buildings. Captain Correga, Marble Statue of himself, Chopel Hill, surrounding scenery and improve- ments. Dale Water and surroundings. C. K. Garrison, Oriental Tomb. Crescent Water, Niblo's Tomb and other improve- ments. Rev. Dr. Bethune, Monument Firemen's Monument. [ai] Monumenift^Creo. Steers. James Brown, Sculptured Monument. Reservoir and Fountain, Fountain Hill. Horace Greeley, Monument and Bronze Burst Sylvan Water and surroundings. Judge Samnel Garrison, Monument. Joha Matthews* Monument. Valley Water and sourroundings. Arbor Warer, Receiving Tombs. S. L. Griffin, Marble Bust. Bronze Statue of De Witt Clinton. Brooklyn Theatre Fire Monument. Monument to Barney Williams. Pilot's Monument and other improvements. Battle HilL Monument erected by the City of New York to the soldiers of the city engaged in the late war. T, C. Durant, Tomb Gordon W^. Burnham, Monument Theron R. Butler, Monument. Joseph Potter, Monument. Plateau, and improvements facing Hemlock ave. Canda Monument. James Gordon Bennett, Statuary Group. There are always carriages at gate to take visi- tors through the grounds, (Fare 25 cents.) The driver naming all places of interest. Though a rimble on foot if time allows, will reveal more of the beautiful, and afford greater gratification. [22] Itvr NORTH RIVER PIERS. Foot Battery pi , Clyde S. S. Co., for Wilmington' N. C. — Freight and Pass. Iron S. B. Co., for Coney Island & Long Branch. Penn. R. R.— General Local Freight. B. & O. R. R.— Freight. Bet. Battery pi. & Morris St., Lehigh Valley R. R. — Freight. Alexander S. S. Co., for Havana and Mexico. — Freight and Pass. Foot Morris, Penn. R. R. Union Line, Empire Line. — Freight. Foot Rector, N. Y. & Balto. Trans.— Freight. Foot Rector, N. J. Central R. R. Long Branch Div- (S. Boats). N. J. Southern — Freight. Bet. Rector & Carii.sle, Cromwell Line for N. Orleans^ Halifax, St. John's. — Freight and Pa^s. Foot Carlisle, Metropolitan S. S. — Freight. Foot Albany, Central R. R.— Freight. Phila. & Read- ing R. R. — Freight. Foot Cedar, Central R. R. of N, J.— Freight, Bound Brook. — Freight. Foot Liberty, Central R. R. of N. J.— Pas.<5, Com- munipaw Ferry. [2.3l Foot Courtland, Penn. R. R.New York Div.-Pass. and Freight. Ferry to Jersey City. Foot Courtland, Starrin's New Haven, Tranj & Excursions-Freight and Pass., Del. L. & W. R. R. Main Line— Freight. Foot Dye. Anchor S. S. for Glasgow-Freight and PS-SS Foot Fulton, Anchor S. S. for Mediterranean- Freight and Pass. .,0-0 Foot Vesey, Newark, N. J. & N. Brunswick S. B. Co. — Freight and Pass. Foot Barkley, Hoboken Ferry, Del. L. & W. R. R.- Pass Foot Barkley, N. Y. C. & H. R. R., Blue. Merchants Dis. White & Red Lines,— Freight. Foot Park pi., N. Y. & Charleston S. S, Co.-Freigh^ and Pass. Foot Murray, Fall River S. B. Co. for Newport & Boston— Freight and Pass. Foot Wan-en, Providence S. B. Co. for Providence & Boston— Freight and Pass. Foot Chambers, Pavonia Ferry & Erie R. R.-Pass. «• Duane, Erie R. R.— Freight. '« lay, Stonington S. B. Co. for Boston. - Harrison. Steamboats & Barges for Rondout, Catskill, Peekskill, Haverstraw, Sing Sing, Dobb's Ferry, and Keyport, N. J. Foot Franklin, N. Y. & Hudson River S. B. Co. New- burg Barges; Poughkeepsie Propellers; Hudson. Saugerties S. B. Co.-Freight and Pass. [24] Foot N. Moor, Morgans S. S. Co for Texas & New Orleans — P>eight and Pass. Foot Beach. Old Dominion S. S. Co. " Hurbert, Penn, R. R. Slar, Empire, Union — Freight Lines. Foot Vestry, Day Line to Albany and steamer Mary Powell for West Point, Newburg, Kingston etc., — Pass. Foot Desbrosses, Penn. R. R. — Freight. Ferry to Jersey City & Penn. R, R. — Pass. Foot Watts, Norwich S. B. Co. for Worcester and Bosten — Freight & Pass. Foot Canal, Peoples S. B. Co. for Albany & Saratoga' •• Canal, Fort Lee Ferry Co., for Shady Side' Wiehawken, & Fort Lee. Foot Canal, Pacific Mail S. S. Co. for California, China, Japar — Freight & Pass. Foot Canal, State Line for Glasgow. ** Spring, Savannah S. S. Co. for Savannah Ga. " Charlton, Inman S. S. Co. for Liverpool Eng, *' King, Guion S, S. Co. for Liverpool Eng. *' Houston, National S. S. Co. for London Eng. " Clarkston, Cunard S. S. Co. for London and Liverpool. Foot Leroy, Delaware, Lack. & Western R. R- — Freight. " Morton, French S. S. Co. for Havre, France. " Christopher, Hoboken Ferry, Morris & Essex R. R. & Del. L. & W. R. R.— Pass. [25] Foot Christopher, Citizens Line for Troy,-Freight. " W. lo.h., White Star S. S. Co. for Liverpool & LonHon. Foot Charles, Anchor S. S. Co. for London. « 25th St., Atlas S. S. Co. for South Amenca. EAST RIVER PIERS. Foot Battery Park, Stalen Lland R. K. Ferry Co —Freight & Pass. Foot Whitehall, Staten Island Ferry, Norih Shore. « Whitehall, Bay Ridge Line for Coney Island. ^« Whitehall, South Ferry for Hannlton and Atlantic avenues Bioohlyn. Pier 3., Canal Lines. ^ ( A Rmad N Y. C. & H. R. R.— Cen. t. I t Broad N Y C & H. R. R.-Flour Depot, e I Bro'd, Cinal Line for Troy, Loyd & Murray fi I 7. Coenties Slip, Canal Lines a 8 Coenties Slip, Erie R. R S. ^^^^e, N. Shore, ^ G W Despatch, Union Despatch, etc. n& TO, Australian, Charleston N. C.-Cen. Packets. II & 12, Van Vlecks California Line-Packets. 13 Gouverneur Lane, Lima & Calio Packets. 14, Tones' Lane, Mexico & Baliimore. pt 15, Foot Wall, Florida Packets. Wad btreet Ferry for Montngue St. Brooklyn. Pier 16, Foot Wall, Cuban Mail S. S. Co ,-Freigh, & Pass. Norwich Freight Line. „ ^,p ,Pier 17, Pine, Old Reg. South Amenca S. S. Lo. & Hunters Point Ferry. l_26] PieriS, fool Maiden I.ane, Circat We>tt;ra Lini for Bristol, Eng. Fier ig, Foot Fletcher, Sutton & Co. San Francisco Clipper Line. I':crs 20 & 21, Foot Burling Slip, Mallory S, S. Line for Texas, Florida, Nassau & Cubn, Pur 23, Foot Fulton Ferry, for Brooklyn & S. B. Co. for Norwalk. Pier 23, Foot Beekman, General Packets. " 2 1, " Beekman, IL^rford & N. Y, Trans. S. B. Co.— Freight & Pass. Piers 25 & 26, Foot Peck Slip, New Haven S. B Cx)- —Freight & Pa'^s. Pier 27, Foot Dover, Su'ton & Co. Despatch I,ine — Fi-eight. " 28, ' Dover, General Packet, *' 29, *•' Suspension Bridge. '• 30, " Roosevelt, Ferry to P.. way Brooklyn. Piers 31 & 32, Fo ^t James Slip, 1 lU .er Ferry Co. to L. L City & Long Island K. R.— Pass. Piers 33 & 3 [, Clyde? Line to Phila. Pa. — Freight' Catharine Ferry to Main St. Brooklyn. Pier 35, Foo' Catharine, Bridgport S. B. Co. Old Line. Two boats daily. '■ 35)4, Fool Catharine, I,ong Lland R, R — Freight. " 36, Foot Catharine, Vermont Central R. R- — Freight. Pier 36 J/^, Foot Market, Red D. Line for Venezuela' — Freight &. Pass. [27] pier 37, f^oot Market, College Point & Flushing — Freight & Pass. ' 38, '« Market, Maine 9. S. Co. for Portland Me. — Freight & Pass. Pier 39, Foot Pike & Market, O. C. S.B. Co. for New Bedford. P'^^" 3?/4- Foot Pike, Peoples Line for Bridgeport. Screw Dock, Seamen Free Episcopal Church. Pier 40, Foot Pike, N. Y. S. S. Co. for Mediterranean " 41, " Pike, Mamaroneck, Port Chester, Stan ford, & New Rochell, Steamboats — Freight & Pass Pier 42, P'oot Pike, New York Floating Dry Dock Co " 43, " Rutgers, F. W. Wright Grain Elevator " 44, " Rutgers, New York Ciry & Nothern R R.— Freight. Piers 45, 46, 47, Foot Jefferson, Public Docks, China Tea S. S. Pier 48, Foot Clinton, N. Y. Floating Dry Dock, Co. •• 49, ** Clinton, Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. for Biltimore Md. Pier 50, P^oot Montgomeiy, N. Y., New Haven & Hartford R. R.— Freight. M o o X CO CD CD GO CD p— — ( CD CO I 1 CD CD CO CD CO o c/} CO (/) m O ^1 H S H w w O H CO CO o THE ATLANTIC DOCK. The warehouse business of the city of Brooklyn ia a most imjsortant interest, and well worthy of ex- amination by the curious. The most important structure connected with this trade is the Atlantic Dock in South Brooklyn, about a mile from South Ferry, on the water front opposite Governor's Island, where twcn'y acres of stone warehouses inclose a liasin of for'y-two-and-one-half acres of water, of sufficient depth to allow the largest ships to dis- charge cargo at their very dofrs. BLACKWELL'S ISLAND Is situated in the East River. Here we find the city Penitentiary, Work House, Poor House, etc. Can be reached by steamer from foot of Grand St, WARD'S AND RANDALL'S ISLANDS, Near by, are occupied by the Public Charitable In- stitutions. The elegant and massive structures whi.h cover these Islands make a striking feature in the landscape. GOVERNOR'S ISLAND. To reach which, take the little steamer that starts from S >uth Ferry. Fort Columbus occupies the centre of the Island, and Castle William is at the extreme end. f 301 FORT HAMILTON. Take Sou.h Ferry for Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn. Horse-cars on the other side. It is situated about seven miles down the Bay, on the Long Island shore. Close by, Fort La Fayette, not occupied. On the opposite, or Statcn Island side, we find Forts Tompkins and Richmond. These are fine summer resorts, and are good for fishing and bath- ing LONG BRANCH Is situated on the eastern coast of New Jersey, 32 miles from New York city, is reached by steamboats from pier i North River, and by New Jersey South- ern R. R. This is one of the most elegant and fashionable of all American watering places, and also affords fine bathing and fishing. HUDSON RIVER. A voyage up this river, either by rail or by one of the floating palaces, ought net to be omiited. If we take the boat, we leave the city at 8 A. M. We sail along past Hoboken, Palisade^, Spuyten, Duyvil, to Yonkers, (17 miles.) situated on our right. Next we come to Hastings, (21 miles,) a pleasant little village of fashionable residences. Next, Dobbs Ferry, (22 miles,) an ancient village. Tarr)';own, (2S miles.) This place hiis many attrac- tions, botli historical and social, elegant residences and fine drives. Here Major Andre was arrested while returning from a visit to General Arnold's, [ 31] Directly opposite lies Nyack, reached ])y ferry. Sing Sin j;, {35 miles.) Here is the famous prison ol that name, which no stranger should fail to visit. The town is a thriving business place. At th>s point the river is the widest, being nearly loar miles across Haverstraw, (41 miles on the left,) is a pleasant little village, Verplanck's Point, (44 miles on the right,) is a very romantic and picturesque place. Peekskill, (46 miles,) is situated in Haver- straw Ray, is exceedingly picturesque. Fine views may be found everywhere. Oa the opposite side of the river stands the Dunderburg Mountain, A pleasant ride from Peekskill is to Lake Mahoj)ac, a fashionable summer resort for New Yorkers. Pass- ing around the Point of Dan-lerburg, we enter Race Horse Channel. On our right is Anthony's Nose, 1,128 feet above the river. On our left, Highland Falls may be seen descending over an inclined ledge a distance of 100 feet. West Point, (53 miles on the left.) Here the famous Military Academy is situated, 190 feet above the river. If tliis place is visited in the months of July and August, tlie plea.s- ure of the place will be considerably increased by the scene of the Annual Encampment of the Cadets. Cold Spring, (54 miles,) is one of those little moun- tain villages,busy, thriving and romantic. Opposite are the mountains Crow Nest and StoiTn King, Cornwall, (56 miles,) summer resort. Newburg, (60 miles,) is a flourishing and delightful place, handsome residences and fine drives. Fiskill I^nd- [32] ing, directly opposite, reached by feny. Pough^ keepsie, (75 miles on the left.) This is the largest city between New York and Albany. Vassar Col lege is the only special interest to strangers. King- ston and Roundout, (90 miles,) Roundout, the tei-mini of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, through which large quantities of coal are brought to mar- ket, also immense quarries of cement stone. Cats- kill, (115 miles on the left,) is chiefly interesting as a summer resort, and also has fine hotels, splen^ did scenery. Stages for the Catskill Mountains leave on the arrival of the boat. The distance to. the Mountain House is 12 miles, and the fare varies, from one to two dollars. Tlie hotel st-.xnds near the brink of a bold, rockey ledge, affording a grant? view for miles up the river. An exceedingly de- lightful excursion of an hour or two, zuiih Cuide^ can be had to North Mountain. Another excursion,^ of about the same time, may be indulged in by visit' ing South Mountain, and then for a little fi:^!;ing in the two lakes. High Falls are about two miles back of the hotel, a pleasant ride for 25 cts. At the foot of the first fall we may walk behind the descending sheet. On our return, we will find stages to carry us back to the landings. Hudson, (i2penard 129 South 144 417 Canal 416 Broadway, f'm i Battery- 429 Howard 432 place, N. to W. 59th. 461 Grand 458 I Battery place 4S7 Broome 486 — Marketfield 2 527 Spring 526 — Beaver 8 567 Prince 566 27 Morris — 609 W. & E. Houston 608 55 Exchange alley — . 641 Bleecker 640 — Exchange place 56 Bond 65S 73 Reclor 681 We-t3d — Wall 86 Great Jones 682 — Pine . 106 697 W. & E. 4th 694 Ill i hames 713 Washington pi. 119 Cedar 124 727 WaVerky pi. 145 Liberty 146 Astor pi. . 744 171 Cortlandt 755 Clinton pi. Maiden lane 172 Eighth 754 John 184 769 E. 9th 770 iQi Dcy i* 7S5 E. io*h 6] 784 8oiW. nth 819 E. 1 2th 835 E. I3ih S49 E. 14th Union E. 15th sq. E. 1 6th 857 E. 17th 87 1 E. iSth 887 E. 19th 901 E. 20th 919 E. 2ISt 939 E. 22d 9S1 E. 23d 957 Fifth aye. *o99 sq. \V. 24th 119 W. 25th :i39 W. 26th [1 59 W, 27th [I S3 W. 28th 1203 W. 29th 1227 W. 30th J1251 \V, 31st 1273 W. 32d 1 29 1 W.33d Sixth ave. 131 1 W. 34th 229 W. 35th 349 W. 36th 369 W. 37th 391 W.38th 409 W. 39th 429 W. 40th 1447 W.4ist [467 W. 42d [489 W. 43d 505 W. 44th e^e W. 45th Seventh ave. 1525 — 1549 W. 46th iss"^ 824 1569 W. 47th isr' 840 1589 W. 48th 1590 862 1609 W. 49th 1610 1629 W. 50th 1630 1649 W. 51st 1650 860 1665 W. 5 2d 1670 872 1687 W. 53d 1690 888 1709 W, 54th 1704 900 1729 W. 55th 1728 920 1749 W. 56th 1748 938 1769 \V. 57th 1770 958 17S7 W. 58th 1790 1805 W. 59th 1810 Eighth ave. Broadway alley. from 1 134 153E. 26ih,N.toL '.27 th "54 Broome, from 15th East, 1172 W. to Hud;ion. 1 196 — East — 1216 3 Tompkins 4 1238 17 Maugin 16 1258 31 Goerck 34 1280 47 Lewis 50 63 Cannon 66 1300 81 Columbia 82 1330 97 Sheriff 98 1346 113 Willett 114 1370 129 Pitt 124 1390 143 Ridge 1410 157 Attorney 1430 177 Clinton 17S 1450 1 93 Suffolk 194 1470 209 Norfolk 210 1490 225 Essex 226 1512 241 Ludlow 242 1530 257 Orchaid 258 ■ 273 Allen 274 c* 7] ^89 Eldridge 290 305^4 Forsyth 306 321 Chrystie 324 337 Bowery 336 353 Elizabeth 369 Mott 370 385 Mulberry 388 395 Centre mkt. pi, Marion 404 rakt Centre - — 411 Elm 414 427 Crosby 430 441 Broadway 442 451 Mercer 452 467 Greene 466 481 Wooster 482 499 ^« 5th ^ve 500 515 Thompson 51S 531 Sullivan 532 Clarke 538 561 Varick 562 591 Hudson 590 Burling slip, from 234 Pearl, S. E. to E. R. I Pearl 2 11 Water lo 23 Front 22 l-i South 40 Canal, from 182 East Broadway, \V, to N. R. — F.. Broadway I 26 Rutgers — 36 Division 38 Ludlow 52 Orchard 68 Allen 84 Eldridge [04 P'orsyth 23 37 53 71 87 105 122 Christie 140 Bowery 162 Elizabeth 182 Mott 204 Mull^erry 220 Baxter 238 Centre 252 Elm Cortlandt alley 282 Broadway Mercer Greene 344 Church Wooster S. 5th ave. 384 W. Broadway Thompson 398 Laight Sullivan 426 Varick 428 Vestry 468 Hudson 48 4 Watts Renwick 500 Greenwich 520 Washington 542 West Cannon, fm 538 G N. to E. Houston I Grand 19 Broome 45 Delancey 77 Rivington io5Stanton 137 E. Houston Carlisle, from 112 G wich, W. toN. R 2 Greenwich 123 145 165 183 201 219 239 249 270 283 311 33^ 355 375 395 415 429 485 487 503 521 541 rand, 2 20 46 74 104 136 reen- P8J 8 Washington 7 i6 West . 17 Carmine, from r Sixth ave., W. to Varick. — Sixth ave. i 2 Minetta lane — 20 Bleecker 58 Bedford 88 Varick Caroline, I'm 211 Duane, N. to Jay. Cathrine, from sion, S. to Cherry. I Division — Chatham square -9 E. Broad wav 23 Henry 41 Madisoi 59 Monroe — Oak 73 Hamilton — 105 Cherry loo Catharine lane, from 344 B'way; E. to Elm. Catharine market, foot Catharine. Catharine slip, from 115 Cherry, S. to E. R. 15 49 81 I Divi- 2 12 24 44 68 I Cherry II Water 27 South Cedar, from W. to N. R. 2 Pearl 38 William 70 Nassau 90 Broadway 96 Temple 181 2 12 26 Pearl I 39 104 New Church 118 Greenwich 128 Washington 142 West Centre, from the N. to Broome, p'k Tryon row — Chambers 23 Reade 31 Duane — Park 49 Pearl 73 Worth 89 Leonard — Franklin I 21 White 103 127 143 159 Park, T 12 22 68 90 no 1^2 150 153 182 224 mkt. Grand 149 Walker 155 Canal Hester 201 Howard 225 Grand 259 Broome Centre market, c. Centre Centre market place, from 172 Grand N. tc Broome. Chambers, fm 65 Chat ham, W. to N. R. 2 Chatham — City Hall place 20 Centre — Broadway 102 Church 132 College place W. Broadway Hudi-on 95 lyoGreenwich C*9] 89 1 2] % 13^ 171 174 Bishop's lane 182 Washington 183 204 West 205 Charles, from 37 Green- wich ave., W. to N, R. 2 Greenwich ave. 26 Waverley place 62 W. 4th — Vannest place 96 Bleecker 114 Hudson 126 Greenwich 146 Washington I 42 59 85 115 125 145 173 692 N. R. I 55 89 109 119 139 172 West Charles lane, from Washn. W. to West Charlton, from 29 Mac dougal, W. to 2 Macdouga! 54 Varick 88 Hudson 112 Greenwich 128 Washington 138 West Chatham, from 2 Frank fort, E. toE. Broadway & Bowery. — Frankfort I 36 Troy row — • — N. William 6'3 Chambers — New Chambers 68 Duane 124 Pearl 136 Baxter ■ Roosevelt 156 Mulberry James 49 67 123 147 175 174 Worth Mott New Bowery ■ — E. Broadway 208 Doyers Chatham square, 2 Catharine, to Broadway. Cherry, from 340 Pearl, E. to E. R. — Do\er 10 Franklin square 44 Roosevelt 76 New Chambers 78 James 98 Oliver 114 Catharine Catharine slip 164 Market 196 Mechanic alley 20S Pike 2.8 Pel ham 254 Rutgers 2';^6 Jefferson 314 Clinton 34S Montgomery 374 Gouverneur 384 S^ammel 438 Jackson 486 Corlears East Chestnut, from N. to Madison. — Oak — New Bowery — New Chambers — Madison Christopher, frora 191 199 fiom East 3 45 77 99 H5 161 205 251 285 313 349 373 3S3 433 483 525 8 Oak. 2 4 22 28 3 [*io] Greenwich ave., W. to 160 T.tonard 159 N. R. 174 Franklin 173 2 Greenwich ave. I 193 Wliite 191 12 Gay — 20S Walker 207 28 Waverley place 31 224 Lispenard 223 sq. W. 4th 63 234 Canal 235 8S Bleecker 9f City Hall place, from 15 126 Bedford — Chambers, N. E, to 130 Hudson 129 . Bearl. 146 Greenwich 143 — Chambers s 156 Washington 151 2 Centre — Weehawken 175 10 Reade — 186 West 177 20 Duane — Chrystie, from 44 Divi- 40 Pearl 39 sion, N. to E. Houston. Clarke, from 538 Broome I Division 2 N. to Spi'ing. 1 1 Bayard 10 I Broome 2 41 Canal 42 13 Dominick — 71 Hestc* 72 31 Spring 32 103 Grand 102 Clarkson, f'm 225 V arick 123 Broome 122 W^ to N. R. 151 Dclancey J52 2 Varick I 177 Rivington 1 78.'^ 24 Hudson 29 205 Stanton 204 54 Greenwich 53 233 E. Houston 234 60 Washington 61 Church, from 187 Ful- S2 West Si ton, N. to Canal. Cl-ff, from loi Joh n, N. 2 Fulton I E. to Hague. 12 Vesey II — John 2 26 Barclay — 31 Fulton 34 38 Park place — 55 Beekman 54 56 Murray — 71 Ferry 72 66 Warren — 10 1 Frankfort 102 86 Chambers — Hague — 94 Reade 95 Clinton, from 293 East 112 Dur.ne III Houston, S. to E. R. 1-6 Thomas 125 2 E. Houston I J 44 Worth 139 32 .Stanton 31 [' 11] 70 Rivington — Clinton alley I04 Delancey 136 Broome 160 Grand Hester 194 Division 195 E. Broadway 208 Henry 216 Madison 232 Monroe 252 Cheny Water South Clinton alley, from 97 Clinton, W. to SufiFoIk. Clinton court, r, 120 Clinton place. Clinton market, Canal c. West. Clinton place, from 755 B'way, W. to Sixth av- 71 97 107 137 163 197 207 217 233 251 255 41 65 137 2 Broadway 10 Mercer 26 Green 42 University place 66 Fifth ave. 96 Macdougal 120 Clinton court 138 Sixth ave Coenties' alley, from 73 Pearl to 40 Stone. Coenties' slip, from 65 Pearl, S. to E. R. 2 Pearl I 6 Water 5 rS Front 17 30 South 33 College place, from 53 Barclay, N. to Cham- bers, 2 Barclay r 14 Park place 13 30 Murray 29 48 Warren 47 64 Chambers 65 Collister, from 31 Beach, N. to Laight. — Beach _ — Hubert — — Laight Columbia, from 5^0 Grand, N. to E. Hous- ton. I Grand 2 19 Broome 43 Delancey 71 Rivington loi Stanton 129 E. Houston Columbia place. Eighth St. Commerce, from Bleecker, from W, to Barrow. 2 Bleecker r 28 Bedford 27 40 Barrow 41 Congress, from 177 W. Houston, S. to King. Congress place, r. of 4 Congress st. Corlears, f m 587 Grand S. to E. R. 2 Grand i 10 Monroe 11 22 46 74 104 150 386 286 I 23 39 71 105 127 143 169 24 Cherry 23 38 Water 3g — P'ront — — South Cornelia, from 158 W. 4th, W.to Bleecker. Cortlandt, fin 171 B'way W. to N. R. 1 Broadway 2 21 New Church 20 51 Greenwich 50 73 Washington 76 91 West 92 Courtlandt alley, from 270 Canal, S. to Frank- lin.- — • Canal — Walker — ■— White -- — Franklin '• — Cottage place, Hancock St. Crosby,from 28 Howard, N, to Bleecker. 2 Howard 24 Grand 40 Broome 72 Spring I06 Prince Jersey 144 E. Houston 170 Bleecker Cuyler's alley, from 28 South, W. to Water. Delancey, from 181 Bowery, E. to E. R. 2 Bowery I 18 Christie I9 34 Forsyth 50 Eldridge 70 Allen 84 Orchard 98 Ludlow 1 1 4 Essex 130 Norfolk 146 Suffolk 164 Clinton 178 Attorney 194 Ridge 212 Pitt 230 Willett 246 Sheriff 264 Columbia 282 Cannon 302 Lewis 320 Goerck 322 Mangin 332 Tompkins 348 East 35 S3 59 83 97 "3 131 147 163 179 195 213 229 245 263 285 303 317 325 337 347 V Depau place, 185 & 187 Thompson st. Depeyster, from 139 Water, S. to E. R. I Water 2 II Front 12 37 South 2$ Desbrosses, from 195 Hudson. W. to N. R, I Hudson 21 Greenwich 29 Washington 30 41 West 40 Dey, from 191 BroaH- way, W. to N. R. I Broadway 2 25 New Church 24 2 22 55 Greenwich 58 71 Washinglon 72 87 West 88 Division, from i Bowery, E. to Grand. 2 Bowery — — Catharine i 44 Chrystie — 68 P'orsyth — 70 Bayard — — Market 61 86 Eldridge — 104 Allen — — ■ Hke 107 124 Orchard -Canal I43 J 44 Ludlow 160 Essex 180 Norfolk Jefferson 179 202 Suffolk 216 Hester Clinton 207 236 Altorney — - Montgomery 247 254 Riflge — 276 Tilt - — Gouverneur 275 Grand 279 Dominick, fm 13 Clark, W. to Hudson. 2 Clarke I 22 Varick 19 54 Hudson 5^ Donovan's lane, r. 474 Pearl. Dover, from 340 Pearl, S. to E. R. 1 Cherry — — Pearl 2 II Water . 14 19 Front 20 41 South 42 Downing, from 216 Bleecker, W. to Varick. 2 Bleecker i 16 Jackson place — 32 Bedford 33 70 Varick ^ 7^ Doyers, from 208 Chat- ham, N. to Pell. Dry Dock, from 423 E. ioih,N. to E. I2ih. I E. loth 2 II E. nth 10 21 E. 1 2th 22 Duane, from 40 Rose, W, to N. R. 2 Rose I 10 N. William 9 14 New Chambei-s — — Chatham 21 22 Reade — — Ciiy Hall place 29 34 Centre — 60 Elm 59 88 Broadway 89 — Trimble place I13 24 Church 123 52 W, Broadway 149 62 Hudson 163 sq. Staple 1 69 190 Greenwich 185 196 Washington 201 Caroline 21 1 128 W^est 217 w >d Duncorpb place, Ea-t 128th, bet. SecoiKl and Third avts. Dunham place, 142 VV Dunscombplace,E. 50th bet. Fust ave. & Bcek- man place, Dutch, from John, N. to Fulton. East, from 750 Water, N, to Rivingion. — Water — Che ry — Grr^nd 15 -Broome 19 Delancey ^ 4 J Rivingion •"' E. Broadway, from 199 Chatham, E. lo Grand. 2 Chatham sij. — 8 Chatham 6 C; tharine 72 Market 116 Pike 162 Rutgers 182 Canal 190 Jefferson 218 Clinton 260 Montgomery 286 Gouvemeiu- 300 Scammel 310 Grand E. Houston, from 608 Broadway, E. to E. P. 2 Broadway i iS Crosby lo 40 Mulberry ^c 9 15 73 117 163 181 189 219 259 287 299 311 56 Mott 72 Elizabeth 8S Bowery — Chrystie 1 18 Second ave. P'orsyth Eldridge 166 First ave. ' Allen Orchard Lud'ow Es:?ex 33c-' Ave. A Norfolk Suffolk 292 Clinton 294 Ave. B Attorney Ridge Pitt 358 Ave. C WiUett 406 Sheriff Columbia mkt Ave D 444 M-'nhatt.in Cannon 466 Lewis 4S8 Coerck Mangin — E. R. E. 4th, from 694 E' E. to E. R. I Broadway 9 Lafayette place 41 Bowery Sj Second ave. 129 Fifth ave. 5] 165 185 203 225 243 267 293 317 333 3S7 379 401 421 443 463 4«S 509 way, 2 20 44 82 130 179 Ave. A ^^° 2X1 Ks^. B 242 295 Ave. C 300 355 Ave. D 360 jqile-wis 392 il E. R. E. gth, from 2i Fifth ave., E to E. R. I Fifth ave. 27 University 69 Broadway — Fourth ave. 1 1 7 Third ave. 207 Stuyvesant 233 Second ave. 349 F'ir.st ave. 447 Ave. A sq. Ave. B 651 Ave. C 749 Ave. D. E. R. E. loth, from 33 ave., R. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 21 University place 5 9 Broadway 69 Fourth ave. 93 Third ave. 129 Stuyvesant , Second ave. 24 ^ First ave. 2S9 Ave. A 345 Ave. B 393 Ave. C 423 Dry Dock 447 Ave. D . — E. R. E. nth, from Fifth 252 288 448 91 Fourth [^16] ave., E. to E. R. 1 01 Fourth ave. 'oo 125 Third ave. 124 231 Second ave. 232 345 First ave. 344 443 Ave. A 43^ cci Ave. B 54^ 647 Ave. C 650 725 Dry Dock 724 747 Ave. D - E. R, E. I2th, from 51 ave., E. 10 E. R. I Fifth ave. 29 University place 53 Broadway 69 Fourth ave. 141 Third ave. 239 Second ave. i 351 First ave. 443 Ave. A 549 Ave. B. 645 Ave. C. Dry Pock Ave D. E. R. E. 13th, from 61 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 33 University p'ace 59 Broadway 73 Fourth ave. 145 Third ave. 251 Second ave. 351 F'irst ave. 451 Ave. A. 547 Ave. B - 6f;i Ave. C Fifth 2 28 58 70 140 242 35^ 442 346 654 728 740 Fifth 2 34 60 76 142 246 356 448 550 646 x\ve. D E. R. E. 14th, from ^ ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 31 Union square — University place sq. PJroachvay — Fourth ave. 117 Irving place 151 Tiiird ave. 245 Second ave. 353 Etfth ave. 443 Ave. A 546 Ave. B "Ave. C Ave. D E. R. E. 15th, from ave., E. to E I Fifth ave. 27 Broadway — Fourth ave. 121 Irving place 153 TJiird ave. Rutherfurd place 7r R. Fiftli 50 6^ 132 350 444 542 Fifth 2 22 114 148 — Fourth ave. 119 Irving place uS 149 Third ave. 146 Rutherfurd place 226 sq. Second ave 321 Livingston 345 First ave. 443 Ave. A 553 Ave. B 657 Ave C Ave. D E. R. E. 17th, from 93 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 23 Broadway 45 Fourth ave. I2r Irving place 147 Third ave. sq. 320 443 55-J 654 Fifth 2^ 122 146 Rutherfurd place 224 246 354 444 546 sq. Second ave. 325 Livingston place 353 First ave. 439 Ave. A 547 Ave. B 647 Ave. C Ave. D ^— E. R. E. 16th, from 8i Fifth ave., E. to E. R I Fifth ave, 2 27 Broadway 22 231 Second ave. Livingston place 353 First ave. 441 Ave. A Ave. B 6:5 Ave C E. R. E, 18th, from ave., E. to E. I Fifth ave. 17 Broadway 49 Fourth ave. 123 Irving place 157 Third ave. 243 Second ave. 353 First ave. 443 Ave. A Ave. B 17] sp. sq. 354 440 544 644 107 Fifth R. 2 28 46 iiS 14S 240 350 442 i — Ave. C — E. R. E. 19th, from 117 ave. E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 19 Broadway 51 Fourlh ave. 117 Irving place 151 Third ave. 274 Second ave. 361 First ave. 445 Ave. A Ave. B E. R. E. 20th, from 123 ave., E. to E. R. 2 Fifth ave. 13 Broadway 5; Fourth ave. 107 Gramercy park , Irving place Gramercy park 151 Third ave. 245 Second ave. 359 First ave. 44's Ave. A _- Ave. B E. 2 1 St, from 147 ave, E. to E. R. I FiUh ave. — Broadway 61 Fourlh ave. — Gramercy park 121 Lexington ave. (iramercy park 157 Third ave. 249 Second ave. 341 Fiast ave. 65^ j Ave. A 444 E. 22d, from 165 Fiith Fifth ave. E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — — Bioadwr.y — 45 Fourth ave. 125 Lexington ave. 161 Third ave. 243 Second ave. 543 First ave. 445 Ave. A E. R. E. 23d, from 1S5 ave., E. to E. R. Fifth i — ¥iM\ ave. — Broadway — Madison ave. 55 Fourlh ave. 129 Lexington ave 163 Third ave. 245 Second ave. 35 1 First ave. 443 Ave. A E. R. — E. 24th, from 1 1 ^iadv son ave., E. to E. R. 50 128 160 242 346 Fifth 58 132 164 2v8 350 444 Fifth 2 28 134 164 238 344 I Madison ave, 33 Fourlh ave. I ^i Lexington ave. 165 Third ave. 245 Second ave. 347 First ave. Ave. A — - E. R. E. 25th, from 21 Madi- son ave., E. to E. k. 41 Madison ave. 3^ 61 Fourth ave. ^ ^l81 127 Lexington ave, 132 161 Third ave. 162 249 Second ave. 248 343 First ave. ^l2 E. R. E. 26th, from 215 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. 1 Fifth ave. — {Madison sq. N.) 27 Madison ave. sq. ' Fourth ave. 58 133 Lexington ave. 128 153 Broadway alley 159 Third ave. 160 245 Second ave. 246 343" First ave. 340 E.R. E. 27 th, from 231 Fifth ave., E, to First ave. I Fifth ave. 2 21 MadisoD ave 20 49 Fourth ave. . — 131 Lexington ave. 132 — Broadway alley 154 165 Third ave. 160 245 Second ave. 246 347 First ave. 346 E. 28th, from 249 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 19 Madison ave. 20 49 Fourth ave. 50 i«9 Lexington ave 128 l6i Third ave. 166 249 Second ave. 248 343 First ave. 340 . — E. R. E. agth, from 263 Fifth a 20 50 128 156 240 344 2 24 no 15S ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 15 Madison ave. 53 Fourth ave. 127 Lexington ave. 161 Third ave. 245 Second ave. 351 First ave. E.R. E. 30th, from 2S1 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 21 Madison ave, 53 Fourth ave. 131 Lexington ave 159 Third ave. [AlafiiK terrace.) 253 Second ave. 250 351 First ave. 352 — E.R. iL E« 31st, from 299 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. 1 Fifth ave. 2 19 Madison ave 22 51 Fourth ave. 54 131 Lexiningtonave. 128 163 Third ave. 162 253 Second ave. 250 353 First ave. 344 E. R. E. 3ad, from 315 Fifth ave , E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 19 Madison aue. — Fourth ave. 131 Lexington ave. 165 Third ave. 255 Second ave. 9] 2 20 54 170 250 353 First ave E. R. E. 33j 429 Beckman place. B. R. E. 50th, from 621 Filth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison aVe. 61 Fourth ave. 125 Lexington ave 159 Third ave. 253 Second ave. 361 Fiast ave. [Dufiscomb place.) 427 Beekman place 424 162 254 348 2 26 70 160 258 354 2 28 160 248 364 — E. R. E. 51st, from 637 Fifth ave.,E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — — Fourth ave. — T.-'xington ave. 1 ; i iiircl ave. 2 5 Second ave. First ave. Beekman place E. R. E. 52d, from 653 ave. E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 33 Tsladison ave. 79 Fourth ave. 125 Lexington aVe 1531 hird ave. 253 Second ave. First ave. E. R. E. 53d, from 671 ave. E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 19 Madison ave, 75 Fourth ave. 129 Lexington ave 167 Third ave. 251 Second ave. 357 First ave. E. R. E. 54th, from 685 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 21 Madison ave. 75 Fourth ave. 137 Lexington aVe 130 172 250 398 434 Fifth 138 162 252 Fifth 2 16 80 132 164 254 356 2 20 80 138 [^^22] 165 Third ave. 241 Second ave. 353 First ave. Ave. A E. R. E 55ht, from 703 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 133 Lexington ave. 161 Third ave. 249 Second ave. 351 First ave. Ave. A E. R. E. 56th, from 165 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 17 Madison ave. • — Fourth ave. 135 Lexington ave. 167 Third ave. 249 Second ave. - — First ave. 453 Ave. A E. R E. 57th, from 737 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 21 Madison ave. Fourth ave. 135 Lexington ave. 159 Third ave. 251 Second ave. First ave. 463 Ave. A — E. R. Fifth 2 28 160 248 356 Fifth 134 166 246 350 Fifth 2 '■4 134 164 250 360 164 E. 58th, from 753 Fifth 242 ave., E. to E. R. 356 I P^ifth ave, 2 21 Madison ave. 24 — Fourth ave. 131 Lexington ave. 134 — Third ave. — 247 Second ave. 250 357 First ave. 449 Ave. A 4C0 E. R. _ E. 59th, from 771 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — 75 Fourth ave. — 133 Lexington ave. laS 165 Third ave. 164 245 Second ave. 244 347 First ave. 350 Ave. A E. R. E, 60th, from 799 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave 18 51 Fourth ave. 48 139 Lexington ave. 138 177 Third ave. 176 249 Second ave. 254 349 First ave. 344 Ave. A E. R. E. 6 1 St, from 249 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 25 Madison ave. — 75 Fourth ave. 70 [*23:] 135 Lexington ave 173 Third ave. 257 Second ave. 353 First ave. . Ave. A — -E. R. E. 6 2d, from 841 ave. E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 21 Madison ave. 51 Fourth ave. 135 Lexington ave. 175 Third ave. 253 Second ave. 371 First ave. . Ave. A E. R. E. 63d, from 857 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 135 Lexington ave. 171 Third ave, Second ave. First ave. Ave. A E. R. E. 64th, from 881 ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. Madison ave. 5 5 Fourth ave. 133 Lexington ave 189 Third ave. Second First ave. — Ave. A 138 172 252 Fifth 135 134 174 252 360 Fifth 2 22 172 Fifth 48 134 188 E .R. E. 65th, from 895 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. 1 Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave, — 45 Fourth ave. 46 1 3 5 Lexington ave. 1 30 1 69 Third ave. 160 Second ave. 252 First ave. — Ave. A E. R. — - E. 66th, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R I Fifth ave. 2 17 Madison ave. 16 29 Fourth ave. — — Lexington ave. 1 36 Third ave. 168 Second ave. First ave. 353 Ave. A 444 E". R. E. 67th, from 941 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 Madison ave. — — Fourth ave. 5^. — Lexington ave. — — Third ave. — — Second ave. — — First ave. — — Ave. A — — E. R. E. 68th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. : — Madison ave. Fifth 2 — Fourth ave. — Lexington ave. — Third ave. — Second ave. — First ave. — Ave. A — E. R. E. 69th, from Fifth 28 ave., R. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 129 Lexington ave. 167 Third ave. Second ave. Ffrst ave. Ave. A — E. E. — E. 70th, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — — Fourth ave. — 131 Lexington ave. 136 181 Third ave. 184 Second ave, First ave. Ave. A E. R. E. 71st, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. — T41 Lexington ave. 136 189 Third ave. 176 259 Second ave First ave. — • Ave. A — . E. R. E. 7 2d, from Fitth ave , E, to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 21 Madison ave. - — Pourth aVe, — — Lexington ave. — 163 Third ave. 166 Second ave. — First ave. Ave. A E. R. E. 73d, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 29 Madison ave. 22 — Fourth ave. — 137 Lexington ave. — 185 Third ave 188 Second ave. — First ave. Ave. A. E, R. E. 74th, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 29 Madison ave. 28 Pourth ave. 50 143 Lexiugton ave. 142 165 Third ave. 257 Second ave. 256 — - First ave. £58 Ave. A. E. E. R. E. 75th, From Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave, z [*25] 23 Madison ave. Fourth ave. Lexington ave. -. — Third ave. 241 Second ave First ave. Ave. A E. R. E. 76th, from 1 121 ave. E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. — Lexington ave — Third ave — Second ave 369 First ave -r- Ave A — E. R. E. 77th, from ave E. to E. R I Fifth ave. 29 Madison ave Fourth ave 127 Lexington ave Third ave. 253 Second ave. 349 First ave Ave A E. R. E. 78th, from 1 1 61 ave., E. to E. R, I Fifth ave Madison ave Fourth ave 137 Lexington aVe 181 Third ave 273 Second ave 24 246 Fifth Fifth Fifth 2 32 134 184 272 357 First ave 3^0 Ave A 452 — E. R. E, 7gth, from Fifth ave , E. to E. R. I Fifth ave 2 Madison ave Fourth ave 139 Lexington ave 140 1S5 Third ave 245 Second ave 248 First ave — - Ave A E. R. E. 80th, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave 2 - — Madison ave Fourth ave • Lexington ave 1-^2 187 Third a e 243 Second ave 248 1 irst ave — Ave A E. R. E. 81st, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave 2 ^Ladison ave Fourth ave Lexington ave 171 '] hird aNe 247 Second ave First ave • Ave A E. R. E. 82d, from ■ ave.. E. to E. R. [*26] 1 Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 129 Lexington ave. 177 Third aye 253 Second ave 353 First ave — Ave A — E. R. E. 83d, from ave , E. to E. R. I Filth ave 37 Madison ave 65 Fourth ave 133 Lexington ave 175 Third ave Second ave 355 First ave Ave A E. R, E. 84th, from ave., E. to E. R^ I Fifth ave — Madison ave 61 Fourth ave 135 I exington ave 172 Third ave 247 Second ave 252 First ave Ave A Ave B E. R. E. 85th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave 132 178 250 350 Fifth 2 26 130 176 252 Fifth 64 132 172 246 35 ^ 31 Madison ave — Fourth ave 129 Lexington ave Fifth 2 28 132 177 Third ave 25 I Second ave 347 First ave Ave A Ave B E. R. E. 86th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 27 Madison ave. 73 Fourth ave. 133 Lexington ave. 175 Third ave. 245 Second ave. 349 First ave. 449 Ave. A Ave B E. R, E. 87 th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. 71 Fourth ave, 139 Lexington ave. Third ave. Second ave. 353 First ave. Ave. A Ave B E. R. E. 88th, from ave., E, to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave — Fourth ave. I2g Lexington ave. 171 Third ave. Second ave. 108 352 Fifth 72 132 168 236 350 450 • Fifth 2 I4t' 350 Fifth 2 128 182 [*27] — — First ave. Ave. A — E. n. E. 89th, from ave., E. toE, R. I Fifth ave. Madison ave. Fourth ave. Lexington ave. ^— Third ave. 249 Second ave. First ave. Ave A E.R. E. 90th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 35 Madison ave. P'ourth ave. 137 Lexington ave. Third ave. Second ave. First ave. Ave A E.R. E. 91st, from I Fifth I';© Fifth 2 34 168 Fifth ave.,E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — 75 Fourth ave. 70 Lexington ave. 130 175 Third ave. 174 ■ Second ave. 353 First ave. Ave. A E. R. E. 92d, from 561 Fifth ave. E. to E. R. 1 Fifth ave. 2 . — Madison ave. — 65 Fourth ave. — Lexington ave. 134 173 Third ave. 172 Second ave. First ave. Ave A E R. E. 93d, from Fifth ave.,E. toE. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — — Fourth ave. — 137 Lexington ave. 136 - — Third ave. 186 Secand ave. First ave. Ave. A • E. R. E. 94th, from Filth ave., E. to E.R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 137 Lexington ave - ■ Tliird ave. Second ave. First ave. Ave, A — — E. R. E. 95th, from 737 Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 Madison ave. — Fourth ave. ■ Lexington ave. ' Third ave. [■^28] 251 Second ave. First ave. 463 Ave. A E. R. E. 96th, from ave., E. to E. R. E. 97th, from ave.. E. to E. R. E. gSth, from ave., E. to E. R. E. 99th, from ave., E. to E. R. E. looth, from — ave., E. lo E. R. E. loist, from avje., E. to E. R. E. I02d, from ave. E. to E, R. E. 103d, from ave. E, to E. R. E. 104th, from- ave., E. to E. R. E. 105 th, from ave., E. to E. R. E 1 06th, from ave. E, to E. R. E. 107th, from ave., E. to E. R. E. 1 08th, from- ave., E. to E. R. E. 109th, from ave., E. to E. R. E. iioth,from ave., E. to E. R. E. I nth, from ave., E. to E. R. E. 1 1 2th, from ave.. E. to E. R. 250 360 Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Hfth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth •Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 133 Lexington ave Third ave. . Second ave. First ave. E. R. E. 113th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave, — Fourth ave. 129 Lexington ave. 179 Third ave. 243 Second ave. 353 First ave. E. R. E. 114th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 137 Lexington ave 167 Third ave. Second ave. 553 First ave. Ave A E. R. E. 115th, from ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. — Madison aVe. — Fourth ave. 131 Lexington ave 193 Third ave. Second ave. 343 First ave. 134 182 250 354 Fifth 136 174 244 Fifth 132 176 354 F5fth 140 244 P29] Ave A E. R. E. 1 1 6th, from- -Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. — — Fourth ave. — 137 Lexington ave. — Third ave. 184 251 Second ave 248 353 First ave. 356 443 Ave A 445 E. R. E. 117th, from -^"ifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave. ■ — Fourth ave. — 137 Lexington aVe. 142 191 Third ave. 192 251 Second ave. 252 351 First ave. 449 Ave A 450 E. R. E. 1 1 8th, from -Fifth nve., E. to E. R I Fifth ave. 2 134 176 242 352 - — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 135 Lexington ave 175 Third ave. 249 Second ave. 349 First ave. 449 Ave A E. R. E. 119th, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 [* Madison ave. — Fourth ave. — 141 Lexington ave. 144 183 Third ave. 186 Second ave. 351 First ave. 354 451 Ave A 450 E. R. E. 1 20th, from Fifth ave., E. to E. R. I Fifth ave. 2 — Madison ave, — — ' — Fourth ave. — > 131 Lexington ave. 132 Third ave. 182 251 Second ave. 252 349 First ave. 354 Ave A 450 E. R. E. I2ist, from — Madi- son ave.. E, to E. R. — Madison ave. — — Fourth ave. — Lexington ave. 136 Third ave. — 249 Second ave. 248 359 tirst ave. 358 443 Ave A 444 — E. R. E. I22d, from son ave., E. to E — Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 141 Lexington ave. 185 Third ave. 257 Second ave. 347 First ave. Madi- . R. 128 188 256 30J 449 '^ve, A 456 — ■ E. R. E. 123d, fm — Madison ave., E. to E. R. Madison ave. — Fourth ave. 139 Lexington ave. 136 187 Third ave. 190 247 Second ave. 240 397 First ave. 390 437 Ave. A 446 E. R. E. 124th, f m Fifth ave., E. to Harlem R. I Fifth ave. 2 35 Madison ave. — 75 Fourth ave. 68 133 Lexington ave. 136 185 Third ave. 184 243 Second ave. 240 359 First ave. 360 — - Ave A Harlem R. E. 125th, f'm Fifth ave., E. to Harlem R. I Fifth ave. 2 47 Madison ave. 38 83 Fourth ave. 80 131 Lexington ave. 132 177 Third ave. 180 251 Second ave. '343 First ave. 352 Ave. A Harlem R. E. 126th, fm Fifth ave., E. to Harlem R. Edgar, from 59 Green- wich E. to New Church '*3 Cu — o J c Eighth, f'm 94 Sixth ave^ E. to E. R. " Sixth ave. Macdougal Fifth ave. University pi. Greene ^ Mercer 127 Broadway 130 Lafayette pi. 142 ■ Astor pi. 151 Fourth ave. . ■e' !/3 r Third ave. ' '^ ^ j Second ave. ? J ^ 1 First ave. cj "^ [ Ave. A. 295 Ave. B 300- 343 Aye. C _ 342 (^Columbia Place,) 391 Ave. D 392 Lewis 408 Eighth Ave. from 598 LIudson, N. to Harlem. R. ^ 2 Abingdon sq. ^"20 W. 1 2th 29 Jane 40 45 W. 4th — — Horatio 6a 63 W. 13th — — Greenwich ave. — 79 W. 14th 15th 1 6th 17th 1 8th 19th V 1 01 w 125 w 141 w 159 w 175 w 195 W. 20th I] 7S 100 122 142 160 176 196 215 W. 235 w. 259 w. 277 w. 299 w. 321 w. 339 W. 361 W. 381 W. 401 W. J19 W. 437 W. 457 W. 479 ^V- 497 W. 519 W. 537 W. 557 W. 593 W. 617 W. 637 w. 657 w. 677 w. 699 w. 715 w. 7+7 W. 767 w. 787 w. 813 w. 829 W. S47 w. 869 W. 887 w. 907 w. 927 w. 949 W. 969 W. 989 W. 2 1st 212 22d 234 23d 254 24 th 278 25 th 294 26th 320 27th 338 28th 356 29th 378 30th 398 31st 416 32d 436 33d 458 34th 474 35th 496 36th 518 37th ■538 38th 568 39th 598 40th 618 41st 636 42d 658 43d 678 44th 696 45th 718 46t]i 742 47th 766 48th 786 49th 806 50th 828 51st 846 52d 868 53d 888 54th 908 55th 928 56th 946 57th 968 58th 988 W. 59th Eldridge, fiom 86 Divi- sion, N. to E. Houson. I Division 2 27 Canal 28 55 Hester ^ 56 81 Grand 88 99 Broome ' 106^ 119 Delancey 132 145 Rivington 166 171 Stanton 194 193 E. Houston 218 Eleventh ave. from W. 14th, N. to Harlem R. — W. 14th — W. 15th — W. 1 6th 50 W. 17th 79 W. 1 8th 99 W. 19th 119 W. 2oth J 39 W. 21st 159 W. 22d 179 W. 23d 199 W. 24th 219 W. 25th 239 W. 26th 259 W. 27th 279 W. 28th 299 W. 29th 323 W. 30th 351 W. 31st 355 W. 32d 375 ^- 33d 393 ^- 34th 415 W. 35th 435 W. 36th 453 W. 37th L"32j 5 20 40 60 go 100 1 20 140 160 180 2C0 220 240 260 280 300 316 336 356 376 39-4 416 436 454 473 W. 3Sth 474 10 Manhattan pi. — 493 W. 39th 494 16 Duane " 15 511 W.4oth 510 32 Pearl 31 531 W. 41st 532 48 Worth 45 551 W. 42d 552 56 Catharine lane. — 569 w. 43d 570 62 Leonard 61 5S7 W.44th 588 72 Franklin — 603 W, 45ih 60S 84 White — 623 W. 46th 626 98 Walker 97 643 W. 47th 844 104 Canal 105 661 W. 48th 662 126 Howard 127 681 W. 49th 682 152 Grand 149 699 W. 50th 700 176 Broome 177 719 W. 51 t 720 216 Spring 211 735 W. 52 1 736 Essex, from 160 Divi- 743 Striker's lane. sion, N. to E. Houston. — w. 53d 756 I Division 2 767 Mott's lane. 25 Hester 24 773 W. 54th 774 51 Grand 54 787 W. 55th 794 mkt. Essex mkt. pi. — 821 W. 56th 71 Broome 76 8j7 W. 57th 836 95 Delancey 94 W. 58th 123 Rivington 130 851 W. 59th 157 Stanton 156 Elizabeth, from 52 Bay- 183 E. Houston 184 ard, N. to Bleecker. Essex mkt., Grand c I Bayard 2 Essex. 29 Canal 82 Essex mkt. pi., from 68 65 Hester 60 Ludlow, E. to Essex 95 Grand 94 Exchange al., from 55 123 Broome 124 Broadway, W. to New 161 Spring 160 Church. 203 Prince 202 Exchange Ct., 74 Ex- 257 E. Houston 252 change pi. 291 Bleecker 276 Exchange pi., from 6 Elm, from 14 Read e, N. Hanover, W. to Broad- to Spring. way. 2 Reade I 16 C. H. Hanover — [■^33] 28 William 35 60 Broad 59 66 IN ew 69 74 Exchange ct. — — Broadway — Extra pi., rear of 10 First. Ferry, from 86 Gold, S. E. to Pearl. I Gold 2 19 Jacob — 37 Cliff 38 59 Pearl 56 Fifth, from 379 Bowery, E. to. E. R. 201 Bowery 200 239 Second ave. ^46 347 First ave. 443 Ave. A 438 547 Ave. B 550 655 Ave. C 650 755 Ave. D 752 K23 Lewis 824 E. R. Fifth ave., fm 13 Wash- ington sq. N. (57 Wa- verly pi.) N. to Har- lem R. — Washn. sq. N. — 8 Clinton pi 7 22 W. & E. 9th 21 32 W. & E. loth 33 46 W. nth 41 58 W. & E. I2th 51 70W. &E. 13th 61 S2 W. & E. 14th 67 96 W. & E. 15th — [- loS W. 116 W. 128 W. 140 W. 152 w. — w. 170 w. 186 w. 196^^ rt 214 ^ 232 w. 246 w. 2 H W. 2S0 w. 298 w. 316 w. 330 w. 350 w. 370 w. 3.^8 w. 404 w. 420 w. 438 w. 452 w. 500 w. 514 w. 528 w. 544 W. 560 w. 578 w. 504 w, 60S w 624 w 638 w. 654 w 672 w. 34] &E. i6th 81 & E. i7;h 95 & E. 1 8th 107 & E, I 9ih 115 & E. 20th 133 & E. 2lSt 147 & E. 22d if'5 & E. 23d •185 Broadway W. 2 5Lh — W. & E, 25th - — & E. 27th 231 & E. 2Sth 249 & E. 29th 263 & E. 30th 2S1 & E. 31st 299 & E, 32d 315 & E. 33d 331 & E. 34th 353 & E. 35th 371 & E. 35th 3S7 &E. 37th 405 & F. 38th 421 & E. 39th 439 & E. 40th 457 E. 41st 477 & E. 42d 499 & E. 43cl 511 & E. 44th 529 & E.45th 545 &E. 46th 561 . & E. 47th 575 . & E. 48th 593 . & E. 49th DOC . & E. 50ih 62^ & E. 51st 635 . & E. 52d 652 . &E. 53d 671 684 W. & E. 54th 685 375 E. 22d 704 W.& E. 55th 703 391 E. 23d 718 W.& E. 56th 719 409 E. 24th 740 W.& E 57th 737 427 E 25 th 756 W. & E. 58th 751 443 E. 26th W. & E. 59th 769 d6i E. 27 th First, from 303 Bowery 477 E. 28th E. to Ave. A. 493 E. 29th 2 Bowery I 513 E. 30th 10 Extra pi. — 529 E. 31st 26j^ Second ave. 27 555 E. 32d 72 First ave. 73 575 E 33d 122 Ave. A. 125 593 E. 34th First ave., from i 66 E. 611 E 35 th Houst n, N. to H arlem 627 E. 36th R. 643 E. 37ih I E Houston 2 663 E 38th II First 10 683 E. 39th 31 Second 28 699 E. 40ih 49 Third 48 717 E. 41st 61 E. 4th 64 739 E. 42d 81 Fifth 82 761 E. 43d 97 Sixth 98 E. 44th 113 Seventh 116 803 E. 45th 131 St. Mark's pi. 132 821 E. 46th 145 E.9th 146 839 E. 47ih 161 E. loth 162 859 E. 48th 177 E. nth 180 881 E. 49th 1 95 E. 1 2th 196 889 E. 50th 2i7 E. 13th 216 905 E. 51st 237 E. 14th 232 943 E. 52d 257 E. 15th 254 963 E. 53d 279 E. i6th 272 979 E. 54th 295 E. 17th 288 1003 E. 55th 3ii E. i8th 304 E. 56th 327 E. 19th 326 E, 57th 343 E. 20th 340 1065 E. 58th 359 E. 2ist 356 1079 E. 55] 59th Fletcher, from 208 Pearl, S. to E. R. 2 Pearl I 14 Water 15 28 Front 27 44 South 45 Forsyih, from 68 Divi- sion, N. to E. Houston. 2 Divi.->ion — — Bayard i 29 Canal 28 61 Hester 60 89 Grand 90 109 Broome 108 133 Delancey 134 163 Rivmgtou I<34 191 S.antoa 188 2H E. Houston Fourth ave., continua- tion of Bowery, f'm No. 402, N. to Harlem R. 2 sq. Bowery — — sq. Sixth — — Seventh — 36 Astor pi. — — Eighth — 58 E. 9th 74 E. 10th — E. nth 118 E. 1 2th 138 E. 13th 158 E. 14th ^ ^ fE. 15th « c J E. i6th 1 E. i7ih 55 73 91 III 135 137 rt •- I E. ^D IE. i8th 232 E. 19th 250 266 286 312 '322 342 302 384 402 422 440 460 478 790 814 233 928 943 E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. .E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E- E. E. E. E. E E 20th 2 1 St 2 2d 23d 24th 25 th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 3[st 32d 33d 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 4i.bt , 42d 43d 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th 51st 52d 53d 54th ■ 55th . 56th .57th 2:47 265 283 289 321 341 361 385 401 419 441 459 477 773 809 913 927 939 [*36] — . E. 58th 953 — E. 59th Frankfort, from 1 70 Nas- sau, E. to Pearl. — Nassau i 2 Chatham — 20 William 17 18 N. William — 34 Rose — — Gold 43 — Vandewater — — Jacob 63 — Cliff — — Pearl 91 Franklin, from 64 Bax- ter, W. to N. R. I Baxter 2 17 Centre 18 39 Elm 38 — Cortland t al. 56 67 Broadway 64 — Franklin pi. 68 97 Church 94 125 W. Broadway 124 — Varick 130 165 Hudson 166 191 Greenwich 194 199 Washington 198 219 West 218 Franklin mkt., Old si. Franklin pi., from 68 Franklin, N. to While, Franklin sq , from 10 Cherry to Pearl. Franklin ter., r. 364 W. 26th. Front, from 49 White- hall, E. to Roosevelt, & from South c. Mont- gomery, E. to E. R. 2 Whitehall 6 Moore 22 Broad 40 Coenties si. 54 Cuyler's al. 76 Old si. 94 Gouverneur lane — Jone's lane 114 Wall 134 Pine 140 Depeyster 154 Maiden lane 160 Fletcher 180 Burling si. 200 Fulton 209 Beeckman 236 Peck si. 254 Dover 290 Roosevelt 291 Montgomery 303 Gouverneur si 341 Jackson Corlears Fulton, from 93 W. to N. R. I South 18 front 30 Water 38 Pearl 52 Cliff 68 Ryder's al. 76 Gold 98 William no Dutch 122 Nassau 158 Broadway r 5 21 39 53 75 93 loi 113 131 137 151 159 175 199 mkt. 235 259 291 292 304 342 South, mkt. mkt. 25 37 53 79 99 133 165 [*37] I 39 79 W. 182 New Church . Church 187 222 Greenwich 225 238 Washington 239 260 West mkt. Fulton mkt., Fulton c. South. Gansevoort, from 356 W. 4th, W. to N. R. 2 W. 4th — — W. 13th 22 Hudson — Little W. I2th 57 Greenwich — Nin.h ave. 74 Washington 108 West 148 Thirteenth ave. Garden row, 140 nth. Gay, from 141 Waverly pi., N. to Christopher. Goerck, from 574 Grand, N. to Third. I Grand — Rachel lane 1 9 Broome 49 Delancey 79 Rivington 117 Stanton 143 E. Houston 163 Third Gold, from 87 Maiden kine, N. to Frankfort. I Maiden lane 15 Piatt 53 John — Ryder's al. 2 4 18 50 7S 116 146 50 64 86 102 51 Fulton 59 Ann 65 Beekman 77 Spruce — Ferry 103 Frankfort Gouverneur, from 275 Division, S. to Water. 2 Division i 6 E. Broadway 5 20 Henry 19 32 Madison — 46 Monroe 49 64 Cherry 65 74 Water 75 Gouverneur lane, from 48 South to 93 Water. 1 South 2 15 Front 12 — Water — Gouverneur mkt., Gouverneur si. Gouverneur si., from 371 South, N. to 613 Water. 2 South I 4 Front • — 10 Water — Gramercy pk., from 106 & 142 E. 2ist, S. to E. 20th & E. 2oth bet. Fourth & Tliird ave-;. Grand, from 78 Varick, E. to E. R. 2 2 Varick I 12 18 Sullivan 17 24 34 Thomp on 33 36 52 S. 5th ave. 49 [^38] 70 Wooster 88 Greene 104 Mercer 114 Broadway 130 Crosby 150 Elm 162 Centre mkt. Centre mkt. Baxter 186 Mulberry 202 Mott 220 Elizabeth 234 Bowery 250 Chrystie 270 Forsyth 28^ Eldridge 306 Allen 320 Orchard 334 Ludlow mkt. Essex 372 Norfolk 388 Suffolk 406 Clinton 424 Attorney Ridge 462 Pitt — Division E. Broadway 482 Willett 502 Sheriff 520 Columbia Henry 538 Cannon • J ackson 556 Lewis Madison 574 Goerck — - Corlears pi. 71 87 105 119 131 151 163 171 189 203 219 235 253 269 289 307 321 339 355 373 389 •407 423 441 459 471 473 59 527 541 567 587 590 Mangin • Monroe 606 Tompkins 620 East 52 Great Jones, from 68 Broadway, E. to Bow ery. 2 Broadway 4 an alley _ 8 Lafayeite pi. _ 58 Bowery c^ Greene, from 331 Canal N. to Clinton pi. I Canal 33 Grand 53 Broome 85 Spring II 7 Prince 151 W. Houston 183 Bleecker 215 W. 3d {Roslyn p!) 229 VV. 4th 239 Washn. pi, Waverly pi. ( Wuithrop pi.) 263 Clinton pi, 260 Greenwich, from 4 Bat- tery pL, N. to Ganse- voort. 2 Battery pi. 40 Morris — New Church — Edgar 92 Rtclor 112 Carlisle 122 Albany Thames 39] 3^ 5^ 8^ I20>^ l\t 182K 214 224 246 I 39 49 59 89 131 T34 Cedar 139 146 Liberty 149 164 Cortlandt 169 178 Dey 185 196 Fulton 197 204 Vesey 213 222 Barclay 229 240 Park pi. 249 258 Murray 267 276 Warren 283 292 Chambers 301 3o5 Reade 309 350 Duane 323 332 Jay 337 348 Harrison 353 362 Franklin 3^9 378 North Moore 383 392 Beach 397 406 Hubert 413 422 Laight 427 436 Vestry 44^ 452 Desbrosses 455 466 Watts 469 480 Canal 477 514 Spring 513 Vandam 5^3 552 Charlton 549 570 King 565 586 W. Houston 583 602 Clarkson 599 6i8Leroy 615 634 Morton 629 654 Barrow 641 682 Christopher 677 700 W. loth 695 7i8CharLs 7ii 736 Perry 73i -50 W. nth 751 [ 795 607 819 835 from N. to 16 74 770 Bank 769 782 Bethune 798 W. 1 2th 814 Jane 830 Horatio 846 Gansevoort Greenwich ave., 105 Sixth ave. Eighth ave. I Sixth ave. 5 Christopher 21 W. loth 37 Charles 55 Perry 77 W. nth — Seventh ave. 85 Bank loi W. I2th 113 Jane W. 13th 129 Horatio Eighth ave. Grove, from 488 Hudson, E. to Waverley pi. ^, I Hudson 2 15 Bedford 18 45 Bleecker 48 75 W. 4th 76 — Washn. pi. — sq. Waverley pi. 9^ Hague, from 367 Pearl, W. to Cliff. Hall pL, from 211 Sixth, N. to Seventh. Hamilton, from 73 Cath, E. to Market. Hancock, from 176 W. Houston, N. to Bleeck- ] 118 136 2 6o 84 102 146 174 2o5 246 272 284 cr. Hanover, from 57 Wall. S. to Pearl. — C. H. Wall _ — C. H. Exchange pi. — 5 Beaver c 9 Pearl ,0 Hanover sq., on Pearl, from 105 to Stone. Hanson pi., Second ave., bet. E. 124th & E. 125th. Harrison, from 8r Hud- son, W. to N. R. I Hudson 2 •5 Staple _ 23 Greenwich 26 33 Washington 38 53 West 62 Harry Howard sq., the open space bounded by Canal, Walker, Baxter 6 Mulberiy sis. Henry, from 14 Oliver, E. to Grand. I Oliver 13 Catharine — Market — Birmingham loi Pike Rutgers 177 Jefferson 207 Clinton • 247 Montgomery 275 Go iverneur 285 Scammel 325 Grand -Jackson 338 Hester, from 216 Div sion, W. to Centre. — Clinton 2 Division 10 Suffolk 120 Chrystie 136 Bowery 150 Elizrbeth 164 Mott 180 Mulberry 196 Baxter 206 Centre Horatio, from 1 29 Green' wich ave., W. to N. R 2 Greenwich ave. — I 13 14 15' 19 20; 21C 24 Norfolk 40 Essex 52 Ludlow 66 Orchard 82 Allen 94 Eldridge 108 Forsyth 18 Eighth ave. — W. 4th 52 Hudson 66 Greenwich 92 Washington 118 West 146 Thirteenth ave Howard, from 201 tre, W. to Mercer. 1 Centre 2 Elm — Crosby 45 Broadway 53 Mercer Hubert, from 149 Hud son, W. to N. R. 31 47 63 79 93 105 H9 I 5 41 59 87 117 Cen- 2 10 28 42 54 [*4oJ 2 6 i8 28 50 I 39 I Hudson 9 CoUisier 17 Greenwich '^3 Washington 49 West Hudson, from Chambers, N. to Ninth ave. I Chambers 15 Reade 29 Duane — Thomas 61 Jay — Worth 81 Harrison — Ltonard 1 01 Franklin 1 19 North Moore I 33 Beach 149 Hubert 163 Laigh' 1 79 Vestry 195 Besbrosses 213 Canal 219 Watts Broome Dominick 301 Spring 3^1 Vandam 339 Charlton 361 King 385 W. Houston 403 Clark son 421 Leroy 445 Morton 463 Barrow Grove 499 Christopher 100 120 132 178 206 214 230 262 298 322 344 364 2H 402 436 462 488 500 515W. loth 518 533 Charles 536 549 Perry 55^ 567 W. nth 574 58£ Bank 586 Eighth ave. 598 [Abingdon sq.) 609 W. 1 2th 621 Jane 635 Horaiio 649 Gansevoort 665 W. 13th W. 14th Ninth ave. Irving pi., from 117 14th, N. to E. 2oth. I E. 14th 1 5 E. 1 5*h 33 E. 1 6th 47 E. 17th 63 E. 1 8th 71 E. 19th 85 E. 20lh 86 Jackson, from 338 Hen- ry, S. to E. R. — Henry 2 Grand 12 Madison 24 Monroe 44 Cherry 62 Water 76 Front 88 South Jacob, from 19 Ferry, N. to Frankfort. James, from 175 Chat- ham, S. to James si. 2 Chatham I 622 636 650 662 691 E. 2 14 30 50 64 78 I 13 27 45 61 77 87 P41] 71 lo New Bowery 42 Madison 72 Oak — Batavia — New Chambers 104. Cherry James' si., from 77 Cher ry, S. to E. R. 2 Cherry j 8 Water p 20 South IQ Jane, from I13 Green wich ave., W. to N. R. 2 Greenwich ave. 34 W. 4th 36 j:ighth ave. 56 Hudson 66 Greenwich ^^^ 98 Washington n ■ 140 West _i: Thirte:nth ave. Jay, from 61 Hudson W. to N. R. 2 Hudson I 6 Staple J 20 Greenwich 21 24 Washington 25 34 Caroline |8 West 4 Jefferson, from 179 Di- vision. S. to E. R. 2 30 68 120 I Division 7 E. Broadway 19 Henry 27 Madison 29 Monroe 37 Cherry — Water — South __ Jefferson mkt., Sixth ave., c. Greenwich ave Jersey, from i27Cro,bv* E. to Mulberry. John, from 184 Broad- way, E. to Pearl. I Broadway 31 Nassau 49 Dutch 65 William 87 Gold loi Cliff 119 Pearl Jones, from 174 W. 4th, W. to Bleccker. Jones' lane, from loi Front, S. to E. R. King, from 41 Macdou- gal, W. to N. R. 2 Macdougal — Congress 66 Varick gS Hudson 120 Greenwich 130 Washington 142 West Lafayette pi., from 8 Great Jones, N. to Eighth. I Great Jones 2 13 E. 4th 12 61 Astor pi. 62 — Eighth _ Laight, from 398 Canal, W. to N. R. I Canal jq II St. John's lane — I 13 57 93 119 137 68 76 94 21 Varick 22 — Hudson 48 55 Collister 67 Greenwich 77 Washington 93 West Lamartine pi., W. 29th, bet. Eighth & Ninth aves. Lawrence, from W. 126th, n. Ninth ave., to W. 129th, n. Boule- vard. 2 W. 126th I — W. I27ih — 58 Tenth ave. 55 114 Broadway 1^7 146 w. 129th 137 1 Leonard, from 92 Hud- son E. to Baxter. ^ I Hudson 35 W. Broadway 63 Church 93 tiro id way 107 l.enson 121 Elm 139 Centre 165 Baxter Leroy, from 248 Bleed er, W. to N. K. 2 Bleecker 33 Bedford {SY. Luke's pi) 98 Hudson 128 Greenwich 144 Washington 162 West 2 36 64 _!! 118 140 170 I 31 99 123 141 163 Lewis, from 556 Grand, N. to Eighth. I Grand 19 Broome 45 Delancey 69 Rivington 99 Stanton 127 E. Houston 149 Third 169 E.4th 183 Fifth 199 Sixth 215 Seventh 231 Eighth Lexington ave. 121 E. 2ist, N. lem R. 2 E. 2ist 8 E. 22d 16 E. 23d 38 E. 24th 58 E. 25th 78 E. 26th 98 E. 27th 118 E. 28ih 1 38 E. 29th 156 E. 30th 178 E. 31st 195 E. 32d 208 E. 33d 236 E. 34tli .52 1'. 35th 266 E. 36th 283 E. 37tli 310 E. 38th 332 E. 3gth 352 E. 40th 372 E. 41st 02 E. 4-d 3V^ 2 20 46 72 98 128 150 170 184 200 216 230 , from to Har- 9 17 39 59 77 97 115 135 159 177 197 217 237 253 271 293 y^ 331 353 373 389 [43] 4U h. 43d 434 E. 44th Z. 454 E. 45th JJ 472 E. 46th 47: 496 E. 47th 4'; 514 E. 48th Ji- — - E. 49th 5-.: 556 E. 50th ct 574 E 51st 67S ^^4 E. 53d gj^5 634 E. 54th 635 654 E. 55th 655 676 E. 56th 67c 720^. 58th 72? 740 E. 59th 7.; Liberty, from 76 Maiden lane. W. to N. R 2 Maiden lane 12 William — ■ Nassau — Liberty pi. 76 Rroadway S8 Temple 98 New Church 124 Greenwich ^38 Washington 148 West Liberty pi., from'57 Liberty, N. (o Maiden lane. Lispenard, from 151 W B'vvay, E to B'way I W. Broadway 2 31 Church .,5 71 Broadway 72 Little W. i2th, from to N. I 3 Gansevoort, W 2 Gansevoort 4 Ninth ave. 38 Washington — Tenth ave — Thirteenth ave. — Livingston pi., from 325 E. 15th, N. to E. 17th. . I E. 15th -_ ^ 9 E. i6th — 16 E. 17th London ter., W. 23d, bet. Ninth & Tenth aves. Ludlow, from 144 Divi- sion, N. to E. Hous- ton. — Division 3 Canal 31 Hester 57 Grand — Essex mkt. pi. 79 Broome 103 Delancey 131 Rivington 159 Stanton 189 E. Houston 194 Ludlow pi., W.Houston St., between Sullivan & Macdougal. Macdougal, from 219 Spring, N. to Clinton I Spring I 4 30 60 80 104 132 160 194 ^ Vandam 29 Charlton — F'rince 41 King [*44] 34 98 134 154 59 V;. Houston 89 1 le ckcr 113 Minetta lane 131 W. 3^ I ii W. 4tl^ —L Washn. pi. ( IVashinglon sq. If'.) . sq. Waverley pl. i^>i Llintonpl. — Madison, from 425 "^earl, E. to Grand. I Pearl Kew Chambers 2 — Chestnut 6 15 Roosevelt — 13 New Bowery — 37 J^n^es 51 Oliver C7 Catharine 117 Market i22 j 137 Birmingham ] 155 Pike 156 199 Rutgers 200 225Jeffer-on 224 251 Clinton 258 297 Montgomery 290 319 Couverneur 31" 333 Scammel 32S 387 Jackson 3^4 411 Grand 4^4 Madison avc, from 29 E. 23d, N. to Harlem R. ^ I E. 23d — ^ II E. 24th — g, 21 E.2,sth — cQ 37 E. 26th — 60 E- 27th 61 78 r. 2"th 96 r. -^th 116 E. 30th 132 E. 31st 150 E. 32d 168 E. 33d 184 E. 34th 198 E. 35th 214 E. 36th 228 E. 37'.h 244 E, 38th 262 E. 39th 280 E. 40^1^ 298 E. 41st 314 E. 42d 330 E. 43(1 344 E. 44th 350 E. 45th E. 46th E. 47^^ 412 E. 4Sth 430 E. 49th 450 E. 50th E. 51st I E. 52d I sioE. 53d 5^0 E. 54th 540 E. 55tl^ 5-0 E. 56th 578 E. 57th E. 58th 634 E. 59th ^ Madison sq. !^ bet. Fifth & aves. Maiden lane, B'way, S. E. I Broadway 77 95 117 131 149 167 183 197 215 229 245 261 277 297 315 331 351 423 439 511 531 547 569 635 ,E.2'th, Madison from 172 lo E. Iv. 2 [^45] 14 42 76 io6 — Liberty pi. i8 27 Nassau 26 65 William 62 — Liberty 76 87 Gold — 109 Pearl 106 133 Water 134 149 Front 144 169 South 168 Mangin, from 590 Grand N. to E. Houston. I Grand 2 3 Rachel lane 15 Brcome 4" J Delancey 63 Manhattan pi. 75 Rivington loj Stan:on 147 E. Houston — Manhattan, from 444 E. Houston, N. to Third. Manhattan, from W. 124th, c. St. Nicholas ave. to Twelfth ave. — W. 125th — — 1 26th _ — Tenth ave. . — W. 1 27th _ — Broadway — — Boulevard — — Twelfth ave. — Manhattan mkt., Eleventh ave., c. W. 34th. Manhattan pi., from 10 Kim, W. & S. to Reade. Manhattan pi., rear 63, to 71 Mangin. Marion, from Broome, N. 2 Broome 3^ Spring 72 Prince 88 ■ 404 I 33 71 89 Divi- I 7 37 55 57 79 93 103 P46] Market, from 61 ison. S. to E. R. 2 Divis'on 8 E. Broadway 22 Henry 40 Madison 55 Monroe — Hamilton 80 Che'-iy 90 Water 104 South Marketfield, from i Whitehall, E. to Broad, Martin ter., E. 30th bet. S?cond & Third aves. Mechanic al., from 72 Monroe, S. to Cherry, Mercer, from 311 Canal, N. to Clinton pi. I Canal — Howard 35 Grand 63 Broome 99 Spring 141 Prince 179 W. Houston 207 Bleecker 245 W. 3d 259 W. 4th 273 Washn. pi Waverley pi. {'V.'i/son pi.) 2 14 34 64 100 138 170 210 246 260 274 3o7 Clinton pi. Milligan pL, v i39 ^i^th avc. M ine tta, from 209 Bleecker, N. to Minet- ta lane. — Bleecker i 2 Minetta pi. — 22 Minetta lane 19 Minetta lane, from 113 Macdougal, W, to Sixth ave. I Macdougal 2 5 Minetta — 27 Sixth ave, 28 Minetta pi., rear 2 Min- etta. M ission pi., from 58 Park, N. to Worth. Mitchell pi., E. 49t^, bet. First ave. & Beek- man pi. Monroe, fiom 59 Catha- rine, E. to Grand. I Ca'harine • 45 Market — Mechanic al. 77 Pike — Pelham 119 Ruigers 145 Jefferson {Rutgers pi) 151 Clinton 183 Montgoinery 213 Gouverneur 223 Scammel 273 Jackson 315 Corlears 308]-^ — Grand 3M Montgomery, from 247 Di.ision, S. to E. R. 2 4 16 34 44 70 80 2 44 72 78 96 120 146 158 182 208 220 272 312 I Division 5 E. Broadway 15 Henry 33 Madison 43 Monroe 71 Cherry 79 Water 87 Front — 95 South — Moore, from 30 Pearl, S toE. R. I Pearl . ' 7 Water ' 19 Front 37 South Morris, from 27 way, W. to N. I Broadway — New Church II Greenwich 15 Washington 27 West Morton, from 270 BLecker, W. to N. R. 2 Bleecker — Bedford 66 Hudson 9:) Greenwich 98 Washington 114 W^est Mo'.t, from i?o Chatham, N. to Bleecker. I Chatham 2 21 Park I — Pell lb 36 Broad- R. 2 6 14 26 I 29 67 89 115 38 [^47] 50 82 114 144 1 68 206 240 292 322 767 53 Bayard 83 Canal 119 Hester 149 Grand 173 Broome 205 Spring 241 Prince • — E. Houston 321 Bleecker Mott's lane, from Eleventh ave., W Mt. Morris ave., from W. 1 20th, bet. Fifth & Sixth aves., N. to W. 124th. 1 20th I2lSt I22d 123d 124th M t. Morris pi., 124th, between Fifth & Sixth aves. Mulberry, from 156 Chatham, N. to Bleeck- er. I Chatham 2 J I Worth 8 W C w — o . *^ — l^^ W — . w w. 29 Park 71 Bayard 91 Canal 127 Hester 149 Grand 177 Broome 213 Spring 255 Prince 271 Jersey 293 E. Houston 28 68 88 128 150K 178 212 254 292 309 Bleecker 30 Murray, from 247 Broac way, W. to N. R. 2 Broadway 24 Church 62 College pi. 84 Greenwich 94 Washington 112 West Nassau, from 20 N. to Chatham. I Wall II Pine 25 Cedar 39 Liberty 55 Maiden lane 69 John 91 Fulton 105 Ann 135 Beekman 151 Spruce P>ankfort Neilson pi., Mercer st. ,bet. Waverley pi. & Clinton pi. New, from 7 Wall, S Beaver. 2 Wall 28 Exchange pi. 66 Beaver N e w^ ave., from looth, bet. Eighth 2 6 8 9: 11: Wall 26 38 54 70 90 102 136 152 170 to I 27 85 & Ninth aves., N. to W. 124th. New Bowery, from 396 Pearl, N. to Chatham. 2 Pearl — Oak I [*48] _ Cliestnut o N ew Chambers >6 Roosevelt )o Madison 32 James 58 Oliver lew Chambers, from 67 Chatham, E. to Cher- ry. I Chatham — Duane 13 "William — Rose 35 Pearl — Madison — Chestnut 53 New Bowery 57 Roosevelt 59 Oak 73 Bat a via — Cherry 89 James New Church, from 182 Fulton, S. to Morris. I Fulton 2 gDey 10 27Cortlandt 28 35 Liberty 3^ 43 Cedar 44 51 Thames 5o — Rector 82 97 Exchange al. — Edgar ii<^ Greenwich 12^; 127 M orris Ninth ave., from Ganse- voort,N. to Harlem R. I Gansevoort 2 7 Little W 27 W. I3tb 43 W. 14th — Hudson 67 W. 15th 87 W. 1 6th 103 W. 17th 125 W. i8th 145 \V. 19th 169 W. 20th W. 2ist 193 W. 22d \V. 23d 225 W. 24th 245 W. 25th 269 W. 26th 291 W. 27th 311 \V. 28th 331 \V. 29lh 351 W. 30th 369 W. 3i5t 389 w, 409 w. 429 w. 447 W 467 W . 4S3 ^\ . 37th 505 w. 38^'^^ 521 W. 39t^ 539 \V. 40ih 559 W. 41st 581 W. 42d 601 W. 43d 621 W. 44tb 641 W. 45ih 663 W. 46th 681 W. 47tb 699 W. 48th 49] 1 2th 82d 33d 34th . 35tli 36th I 18 32 66 86 I02 I22 1 44 i6a 172 196 2o6 226 244 268 288 306 330 350 370 388 398 431 448 464 482 5oo 522 542 558 580 600 620 638 658 678 698 720 740 756 778 798 8i4 840 860 719 W. 49th 739 W. 50th 755 W, 51st 777 W. 52d 795 W. 53d ^15 W. 54th S3 9 W. 55 th 86 r W. 56th 877 W. 57th 885 W. 58th 897 W. 59th Norfolk, from 180 Divi- sion, N. to E. Hous- ton. I Division 13 Hester 41 Grand 59 Broome 83 Delancey ii5 Rivington 135 Scan'on 163 E. Houston North Moore, from W. JJ cad way, W N. R. ^ ' 2 W. Broadway 14 Varick 44 Hudson 72 Greenwich 88 Washington no West 1 North William, from 16 Frankfort, N. to Chat- ham I Frankfort — William 2 31 Chatham 30 Oak, from 392 Pearl, E. 894 2 14 38 58 82 116 134 162 122 to to Catharine. — Pearl 6 New Bowery 8 Chestnut 16 New Chambers — Roosevelt 38 James 48 Oliver 60 Catharine I 15 47 73 85. 109 Old si., from S. to E. R. 6 Pearl 12 Water 26 Front 38 South Oliver, from 63 Bowery, S. to N. 2 New Bowery 14 Henry 32 Madison 58 Oak 84 Cherry 92 Water 104 South Orchard, from 124 Divi- sion,N. to E. Houston. 17 39 49 59 106 Pearl, 7 15 27 33 New R. 7 33 55 83 93 103 1*50} Division 9 Canal 39 Hester 65 Grand 89 Broome 115 Delancey 145 Rivington 171 Stanton 201 E. Houston Pacific pi., r. 133 29th. Park, from 36 Centre, E. 2 6 38 66 8& 114 142 170 202 W to Mott. 53 Broad 53 30 Centre 27 — Coenties si. 66 42 Pearl 43 73 Coenties al. — 58 Mission pi. — 105 HanovLr sq. — 84 Baxter 83 Old si. 106 — Worth — 107 William — .98 Mulberry 99 121 Hanover 112 Mott III 141 Beaver Park ave., Fourth ave., 149 Wall 152 from E. 34th to E. 426. 169 Pine 168 — E. 34th I 181 Cedar — ■ — E. 35th 18 197 Maiden lane 194 36 E. 36th 37 Fletcher 208 48 E. 37th 47 221 Piatt — 66 E. 38th 65 Burling si. 234 78 E. 39th 79 235 John 98 E. 40th 99 263 Fulton 266 116 E. 41st 115 283 Beekman 284 136 E. 42d 135 309 Ferry Park pi., from 237 BVay, Peck si. 312 W. to N. R. Dover 340 2 Broadway i Franklin sq. 348 28 Church 27 351 Frankfort 58 College pi. 57 367 Hague 78 Greenwich 71 Oak 392 90 Washington 91 New Bowery 396 106 West 107 399 Vandewater — Park row, from i Ann, New Chambers 412 E. to Spruce. 421 Rose — ^ I Ann — j5 34 Beekman — Madison 426 447 William — Ah 41 Spruce — 463 Chatham 464 Patchin pi., 11 1 W. loth. Donovan's lane 474 Pearl, from 14 State, E. 485 City Hall pi. & N. W. to Broadway, 505 Park 502 I State 2 511 Centre 512 23 Whitehall 24 533 Elm 536 — Moore 30 555 Broadway 554 P5I] Peck si from 312 Pearl. C'- to South. r Pearl . 19 VVater ,r 3?. Front H 45 South 2 Pelham, from 96 Mon^ loe, S. to Cherry tlv ^'""^ '3 Bowery W. to Mott. ^ 1 Bowery 1 7 Doyers 33 Mott Perry from 55 Green wich ave„ W. to N. R 46 William 78 Pearl 84 Water 92 Front 100 South 45 79 85 9' 9Q 2 Greenwich ave. {4^.h/and pi.) 18 Waver] ey pi/ 58 W. 4th ^ 90 Bleecker ^lo Hudson 1 2c Greenwich 148 Washington 170 West ^^, Pike, from 107 Division S. to E. R, I Division 7 E, Broadway 2i Henry 37 Madison .S7 Monroe Pitt, from 276 Division! N, to E, Houston I Division 3 Grand 19 Broome 45 DeJancey 79 Rivington IT3 Stanton MI E, Houston Pleasant ave. bet- E. io5th lem R, Piatt, from 221 W. to WiJIiam. 2 Pearl , 20 Gold ' 38 William 4j^ Prince, from 230 Bow- ery W, to Macdouga] 2 J8 46 80 ri2 J42 Ave. A & Har.' Pearl, 75 Cherry 77 Water 89 South P'ne, from \k way, E to E 2 Broadway *4 Nassau 2 Bowery 14 Elizabeth 3c Mott 46 Mulberry 60 Marion 70 Crosby 82 Broadway 92 Mercer 106 Greene 1 26 Wooster I M4 S 5lh ave, 166 Thompson ^^^ Sullivan ' 204 Macdo^iffal ?2] r 33 67 79 91 107 145 165 185 205 I 67 4 Prospect pi., from E. 40th, bet. Second & First aves., N. to E. 43cl. 2 E. 40th 14 E. 41st — E. 42d 68 E. 43d Rachel lane, from Goerck, E. to Mangin. Reade, from 22 Duane, W. to N. R. — Duane — — City Hall pi. — — Centre — — Elm — Manhattan pi. 41 Broadway 83 Church 113 W. Broadway 127 Hudson 161 Greenwich 173 Washington 197 West Rector, from 73 Broad- way, W. to N. R. — Broadway 6 New Church II Greenwich 22 Washington 36 West Renwick, from 503 nal, N. to Spring. Ridge, from 254 Divi- sion, N. to E. Hous- ton. I Division 2 5 Grand 6 14 34 42 82 112 126 160 174 194 12 21 35 Ca- 27 Broome 45 Delancey 75 Rivington 105 Stanton 131 E. Houston Rivington 24 46 76 104. 130 from 213 Bowery, E. to E. R. 2 Bowery ^ iSChrystie I7 34. Forsyth 35 52 Eldridge 49 68 Allen 67 84 Orchard 83 98 Ludlow 97 114 Essex 115 130 Norfolk 129 146 Suffolk 145 162 Clinton i^I 178 Attorney ^79 196 Ridge 193 214 Pitt 2X5 234Willett 231 250 Sheriff 251 266 Columbia 267 288 Cannon 289 306 Lewis 305 320 Goerck S^i 336 Mangin 337 Tompkins 355 East 371 Roosevelt, from I47 Chatham, S. to E. R- 2 Chatham I — Madison 37 38 New Bowery — 62 New Chambers 59 70 Oak 71 78 Batavia — [*53] lOI 117 131 137 34 Frank- to Pearl. I 100 Cherry 114 Water - — Front 130 South Rose, from fort, N. E. , 2 Frankfort 40 Duane 62 Pear] 57 Roslyn pi., Greene st. bet. W. 3d & W. 4th. Rutgers, from 26 Canal, S. to E. R. — Canal 2 3 E. Broadway ^ 13 Henry 31 Madison 45 Monroe 59 Cherry 69 Water 81 South Rutgers pi , ^^^ from Jefferson to Clin- ton. Rutherfurd pi., from 224 E. 17th, S. to E. 15th 34 50 62 68 82 Monroe st., E. 17th 1 6th 15th ^t. John's lane, from Beach, N. to Laight. — Beach — York — Laight St. Luke's street, from 63 St. Mark's pi., street, from 17 Pl., I 9 15 Leroy to 99. Eighth Third ave., E. to Ave, A I Third ave. 37 Second ave. ■: 83 First ave. l 127 Ave. A I, St. Nicholas ave., fro"i W. I roth & Sixth ave to W. 145th & Nint ave.. thence to \\ 155th & Kingsbridg road. ^ ^ Scammel, from 299 E. Broa hvay, S. to Water 2 E. Broadway ] 8 Henry 22 Madison 38 Monroe 50 Cherry 5^ Water ^, Second, from 323 Bow' ery, E. to Ave. D. 3 3] 51 55 [*54j 2 Bowery 36 Second ave. 86 First ave. 148 Ave. A 202 Ave. B 258 Ave. C Sheriff 314 Ave. D Second ave., from E. Houston, N. Harlem R. I E. Houston 17 First 37 Second 49 Third 67 E. 4th 85 Fifth I 35 87 145 203 257 297 mkt. 118 to 2 16 34 52 70 86 I 01 Sixth 117 Seventh 127 St. Mark's pi. 143 E. 9th 157 E. loth Stuyvesant . E. nth 189 E. 1 2th 207 E. 13th 225 E. 14th E. 15th {Square.) E. 17th E. 1 8th 327 E. 19th 343 E. 20th 361 E. 2ist 379 E. 22d 397 E. 23d 415 E. 24th 437 E. 25th 459 E. 26th 479 E. 27th 495 E. 28th 519 E. 29th 541 E. 30th 561 E. 31st 581 E. 32d 599 E. 33d 621 E. 34th 641 E. 35th 659 E. 36th 681 E. 37th 705 E. 38th 727 E. 39th 745 E. 40th 765 E. 41st 781 E. 42d 804 820 844 858 876 900 920 934 962 982 1002 1020 1042 1062" 1082 801 E. 43d 823 E. 44th 839 E. 45th 857 E. 46th 877 E. 47th 899 E. 48th 915 E. 49th 941 E. 50th 961 E. 51st 981 E. 52d looi E. 53d 1027 E. 54th 1043 E. 55tli" 1 061 E. 56th 1077 E. 57th iioi E. 58th 1121 E. 59th Seventh, from Fourth ave. E. to E. R. I Fourth ave. — 5 Third ave. — Hall pi. 43 Second ave. 87 First ave. 133 Ave. A sq. Ave. B 185 Seventh st. pi. 229 Ave, C 285 Ave. D 305 Lewis Seventh ave., from 74 Greenwich ave., N. to W. 59th, & from W. iioth N. to Harlem R. 2 Greenwich ave, — _W. nth I 18 W. i2th 19 40 W. 13th 39 [^•55] 1105 1116 mkt. 36 86 130 198. 228 282 300 6o W. 14th 76 W. 15th 98 W. 1 6th 116 W. 17th 132 W. 1 8th 148 W. 19th 166 W. 20th 1S4 W. 2ISt 206 W. 22d 220 W. 23d 240 W. 24th 260 W. 25th 278 W. 26th 298 W. 27th 32T) W. 28th 340 W. 2gth 360 W. 30th 378 W. 31st 39SW. 3:d 416 W. 33(1 440 W. 34th 460 W. 35th 480 W. 36th 500 W. 37th 510 W. 38ih 530 W. 39th 558 W. 40th 574 W. 41st 596 W. 42d 616 W. 43d J. W. 44th W. 47th 720 W. 48th 738 W. 49th 760 W. 50th 7S0W. 51st 798 W. 52d 818 W. 53d ^38 W. 54th 856 W. 55th 878 W. 56th 898 W. 57th 918 W. 58th 940 W. 59th Seventh st. pi., r Seventh. Sheriff, from 502 Grand, -N. to Second. ' I Grand I9 Broome 43 Delancey 71 Rivington 99 'Stanton 127 E. Houston 131 Second ,„^, Sixth, from 395 Bowery E. to E. R. ^ mkt. Bowery Hall pi. 239 Second ave. 347 First ave, 445 Ave. A 799 819 839 861 879 899 921 941 185 2 20 44 70 loo 128 mkt. 200 545 Ave. B 643 Ave. C 753 Ave. D S15 Lewis Sixth ave., from mine, N. to W. 3, & from W. I loth N Harlem R. I Carmine — Minetta lane — W. 3d 39 W. 4th P56J 242 344 440 546 654 754 822 Car- 59th, to 2 16 36 57 Washn pi. 75 Waverley pi- — Eighih 105 Greenwich ave. .. — W. 9th 131 W. 10th I3g Milligan pi. 149 W. nth 169 W. 1 2th 187 W. I2th ?o7 W. 14th 227 W. 15th 251 \V. 1 6th 267 W. 17th 287 W. 1 8th 303 W. I9t^ 3ig W. 20th ,337 W. 21St 355 W. 22d 373 W. 23d 389 W. 24th 409 W. 25 th 427 W. 26th 447 W. 27th 461 W. 28th 477 W. 29th 495 W. 30th 519 W. 31st 533 W. 32d ^ j^W. 33d g ^ W. 34th ^ " w. 35th 609 W. 36th 631 W. 37th 651 W. 38th 677 W. 39th 697 W. 40th 717 \V. 41st 56 74 94 112 130 146 168 188 208 228 248 266 286 2gS I 338 356 j 374 I 392 ! 412 428 444 462 476 498 518 536 sq 754 776 792 812 830 84S 866 900 918 936 966 988 1004 612 632 654 672 696 sq 735 W. 42d 755 "^V. 43d 771 W, 44th 791 w. 45th 813 W. 46th 829 w. 47th 847 \V. 48th 867 W.49th 885 W. 50th 899 W. 51st gi7 W. 52d 947 ^v. 53d 963 W. 54th 989 \V. 55th 1005 W. 56th 1027 W. 57th — 1045 w. 58th -— 1069 W. 59th ,^1068 South, from 66 White- hall, E. to E, R. I Whitehall 7 Moore 14 Broad 23 Coenties si. 28 Cuyler's al. 39 Old si. 48 Gouverneur lane ^ 52 Tones lane .t 58 Wall ^ 68 Pine | 70 Depeyster pt 75 Maiden lane 77 Fletcher 87 Burling sl. 93 Fulton mkt. Beekman 118 Peck sl. 160 Dover 57] 175 J^oosevelt 187 James el. 194 Oliver 202 Catharine si 221 JMarket 240 I'ike 260 Rutgers 270 Jefferson 286 Clinton 3''^2 Montgomery 371 Gouverneur si 386 Jackson Corlears S. 5th ave., from 70 W 4tli, S. to Canal. I W. 4th — VV. 3d 43 Bleecker 67 W. Houston 109 Prince ^43 Spring ^79 Rroome 207 Grand 247 Canal South William, from' 7 VVilham, W. to Broad I William — Beaver 2 43 Broad ^3 Spencer pi., W. 4th, bet. Christopher &W. loth Spring, from i88 Bow- ery, W. to N. R, 2 JiOwery j 12 Elizabeth TT 28 iVIott 27 46 Mulberry A 62 Marion ^ [^58j 64 Elm 78 Crosby 86 Broadway io|'< Mercer 126 Greene 142 Wooster 162 S. 5 th ave. 180 Thompson 200 Sullivan — Macdougal 226 Clarke 256 Varick 292 Hudson 306 Renwick 318 Greenwich 334 Washington mkt. West Spruce, from 41 row, S. E..to Gold. — Park row I Nassau 21 William 41 Gold Stanton, from 245 ery, E. to E. R, 2 Bowery 26 Chrystie 40 Forsyth 58 Eldridge 72 Allen ^^ Orchard 104 Ludlow 118 Essex 136 Norfolk 150 Suffolk 166 Clinton 186 Attorney loi 121 141 157 ^77 197 219 259 291 317 333 3 3 Park 2 24 42 Bow- ^3 39 59 73 89 103 115 133 151 167 187 200 Ridge 220 Pitt 238 Willelt 256 She iff ^ 270 Columbia 284 Cannon 302 Lewis 320 Goerck 340 Mangin Tompkins 201 221 271 285 297 339 351 Staple, from 169 Duane, N. to Harrison. 2 Duane ^ 8 Jay 8 Harrison — State, from 48 Whitehall to Broadway. ^ Whitehall i f Pearl ' M 5 Bridge I5 « Bowling gr. 30 Stone, from 13 White- hall, E. to William. I Whitehall 2 21 Broad 20 — Coenties al. 40 61 an alley — 65 William 64 Striker's lane, from 743 Eleventh ave. W. Stuyvesant, from 29 Third ave., E. to Sec- ond ave. — Third ave. 2 13 E. 9th 14 35 E. loth 40 — Second ave. — Suffolk, from 202 Div sion, N. to E. Hous- ton. 1 Division 2 5 Hester " 37 Grand 32 61 Broome ^2 85'Delancey 92 — Clinton i -2 117 Rivinrton 122 I ^9 S anton ^5*' 177 E. Houston 188 Sullivan, from 415 Ca- nal, N. to W. 3d. 2 Canal I 20 Grand 21 44 Watts — 56 Broome 55 92 Spring 93 1 3') Prince 129 164 W. Houston 165 ( Variik pi) 204 Bleecker 205 236 W. 3d 239 Sylvan pi., N. from E. 1 20th to E. I2ist, bet. Lexington & Third aves. Temple.fromSS Liberty, S. to Thames. Tenth ave., from 542 West, N. to Harlem R. I We.t 2 7 B'oomfield — 19 Little W. 1 2th 35 W. I3ih 57 W. 14 h 79 W. 15th 1. 1 95 W. 16th [^59 J 18 32 56 76 92 li£ W. 1 7th W. 1 8th W. 19th 167 W. 20th 181 W. 2ISt iqg W. 22d 219 W. 23d 235 W, 24th 2^5 W. 25th 273 W. 26th 295 W. 27th 311 VV- 28th 327 W. 29th 343 W. 30th — W. 31st 377 W. 32d 411 W. 33d 427 W. 34th 449 W. 35th 467 W. 36th 483 W. 37th 499 W. 38th 519 W. 39th 53J W. 40th 555 W. 41st 573 W.42d 591 W. 43d 607 W. 44th 631 W. 45th 651 W. 46th 667 W. 47th — W. 48th — W. 49th 735 W. 50th 751 W. 51st 769 W.52d 787 W. 53d 813 W. 54th 710 732 748 764 780 810 829 W. 55th 828 849 W. 56th 850 863 W. 57th -1 889 W. 58th — W. 59th Thames, from rii B'vvay, W. to G'wich. 2 Broadway j — Temple 3 — New Church ir 28 Greenwich 29 Theatre al,. from 19 Ann, N. to Beekman. Third, from 34.5 Bowery, E. to E. R. I Bowery 33 Second ave 99 First ave. 145 Ave. A 199 Ave. B 259 Ave C 329 Ave. D Manhattan 373 Lewis Goerck E. R. Third ave., continuation of & from 395 Bowery, to Harlem R. — Sixth 2 Seventh — Astor pi, — St. Mark's pi — Stuyvesant 28 E. 9th 46 E. loth 64 E. nth 84 E. I 2th 2 38 88 142 200 260 326 356 370 394 mkt. 19 29 f*6o] 45 6j 83 I04 E. 13th 124 E. 14th 142 E. 15th 162 E. i6th 184 E. 17th 202 E. i8th 222 E. 19th 240 E. 20*h 258 E. 2ISt 280 E. 22d 300 E. 23d 318 E. 24th 338 E. 25th 354 E. 26th 372 E. 27th 390 E. 28th 412 E. 29th 43') E. 30th 448 E. 31st 468 E. 3^d 484 E. 33d 504 E. 34th 522 E. 35th 540 E 36tli 5S8E. 37th 576 E. 38th 596 E. 39th 618 E.40th 638 E. 41st 6;,8 E. 42d 676 E. 43d 700 E. 44^^ 716 E. 45th 734 E. 46th 754 E. 47th 774 E. 48th 796 E. 49th 816 E. 50th 103 123 145 165 185 203 223 243 261 281 299 319 337 355 373 391 411 429 449 467 487 .505 523 541 557 577 597 617 635 657 679 7oi 721 739 755 773 793. 813 836 E. 51st 835 852 E. 52d 857 874 E. 53d 875 892 E. 54th 895 908 E. 55th 913 928 E, 56th 933 948 E. 57th 951 968 E. 58th 969 988 E. 59th 9S9 Thirteenth ave., from ft- \V. nth, N. W. to ft. W. 25th. Thomas, from 317 Broadway, W. to Hud- son. 2 Broadway i 26 Trimble pi. — 40 Church 41 74 W. Broadway 73 96 Hudson 97 T h o m p s on, from 395 Canal, N. to W. 4th. I Canal 2 19 Grand 20 49 Broome 48 81 Spring 82 Prince 1 18 W. Houston 160 {Depati pi.'] 205 Bleecker 204 235 W. 3d 234 249 W. 4th 250 Tompkins, from 606 Grand, N. to E. R. I Grand 2 II Broome 12 29 Delancey 28 55 Rivington 56 [*6i] 89 Stanton Tompkins mkt., Third ave. c Sixth. Trimble pi., from 115 Duane, N. to Thomas T.yon row, from i Gen- try E. (036 Chatham Union ct., rear 53 Uni- versity pi. Union mkt. E. Houston c Columbia. Union sq , from 159 to 232, 233 Fourth ave., ^ from 851 to 855 ijroadway. * I E. 14th 2 15 E. 15th j8 29 E. 1 6th 01 41 E. 17th i^ 63 E. i8th 62 73 E. 19th 76 University pi., from 29 Waverley pi., N. to E 14th. 2 Waverley pi. j 8 Clinton pi. ( 24 E. 9th ic 26 E. loth 2c 42 W. nth 45 — Union ct, c^ 56 E. I2th CQ 72 E. 13th y. 82 E. 14th yg Vandam, from 13 Mac- dougal, W. to Green- wich. 2 Macdougal 44 Varick 74 Hudson jy 100 Greenwich joi Vanderbilt ave., from 27 E. 42d, to E. 45th 2 E. 42d 10 E. 43d — E. 44th - E. 45th Vandewater, from :,^ Frankfort, E. to Pearl. Vannest pi., Charles st., from W. 4th to Bleeck- er. Varick. from 130 Frank- lin, N. to Carmine. o V Q 54 I 45 P62] I Franklin 1 1 North Moore 23 Beach — Laight — Canal 71 Vestry — Grand 93 Watts 109 Broome 123 Dominick 135 Spring 155 Vandam 169 Charlton 187 King 205 W. Houston Downing 225 Clarkson Carmine Varick pi., Sullivan bet. W. Houston Bleecker. Vesey, from B'way (opn. 222), W. toN. R/ ^^ 2 12 24 58 70 78 92 108 122 136 ^54 172 188 204 208 230 St., & — Broadway 29 Church 69 Greenwich 83 Washington mkt. West Vestry, from 428 Canal, W. to N. R. I Canal 2 9 Varick 25 Hudson 47 Greenwich 57 Washington 71 West Walker, from 135 W. B'way, E. to Canal. 2 30 70 87 no 26 50 56 72 2 W. Broadway 30 Church 68 Broadway 76 Cortlandt al. 94 Elm 108 Centre Baxter 126 Canal Wall, from 86 Broadway, E. to E. R. 2 Broadway — New 20 Nassau — Broad 46 William — Hanover 76 Pearl 88 Water 104 Front 120 South Warren, from 259 B'way, W. to N. R. I Broadway 2 I 29 69 77 93 109 125 I 7 21 51 57 75 89 103 119 63 Church 8i College pi. 93 Greenwich — Bishop's lane 107 Washington 127 West W a s h i n gton, Battery pi., N. tie W. 12th. 2 Battery pi. 38 Morris 92 Rector 1 16 Carlisle 130 Albany 146 Cedar 154 Liberty 170 Cortlandt 180 Dey 194 Fulton mkt. Vesey 222 Barclay 240 Park pi. 256 Murray 270 Warren 286 Chambers 298 Reade 306 Duane 322 Jay 336 Harrison 348 Franklin 364 North Moore 378 Beach 392 Hubert 41 2 Laight 424 Vestry 440 Desbrosses 454 Watts 476 Canal 62 83 97 100 106 128 from 6 to Lit- 39 97 121 131 145 153 169 179 191 205 221 239 255 271 285 299 305 319 333 347 363 377 393 411 423 439 453 475 [^63] mkt. Spring 495 530 Charlton 533 548 King 547 566 \V. Houston 565 580 Clarkson 583 598 Leroy 597 614 Morton 615 632 Barrow 631 638 Chris'opher 647 664 W. loth 665 682 Charles 683 692 Charles lane 700 Perry 701 718 W. nth 719 ;j.32 Bank 731 754 Bethune 753 768 W. 1 2th 765 782 Jane 781 800 Horatio 797 816 Gansevoort 815 834 Little W. 1 2th 817 Washington mkt.. Ful- ton c West. Washington pi., from 713 Broadway \V. to Grove. 2 Broadway i 6 Mercer 5 16 Greene 28 Wooster 62 Macdougal 90 Sixth ave. 134 Barrow W. 4th Grove Washington sq. Wooster st., from 21 35 61 89 143 E., W. 4ih to Waverley pi. . 77 W. 4th ^84 Washn.pl. — — Waverley pi. — Washington sq. N. Waverley pi. from No. 29 to No. 89. Washington sq. S., W. 4th, from 54 to 126. Washington sq. W., Macdougal st., from 143 to 165. Water, from 41 White- hall, E. to E. R, 2 Whitehall 1 6 Moore 5 22 Broad 21 42 Coenties si. 3g — Cuyler's al. 49 72 Old si. 73 — Gouverneur lane 93 114 Wall 113 132 Pine 133 Depeyster 13c 152 Maiden lane 15; 158 Fletcher 15c 180 Burling si. !']{ 200 Fulton igt 222 Beekman 21c 258 Peck si. 251 278 Dover 27( 322 Roosevelt 32] 366 James si. 36; 378 Oliver 371 396 Catharine si. 38f 432 Market 431 470 Pike 46< 514 Rutgers 511 534 Jefferson 53^ [*64] 564 Clinton 565 pher. 596 Montgomery 595 West, from 12 Battery 620 Gouverneur si. 613 pi., N. to Ten th ave. 63') Scammel Battery pi. I 684 Jackson 685 Morris 23 73) Corlears Rector 56 750 East Carlisle 75 Watts, from 44 Sull ivan Albany 86 W. to N. R. Cedar 93 I Sullivan 2 Liberty 102 31 Varick 32 Cordandt 112 59 Hudson 64 Dey 122 61 Canal 66 Fulton 130 75 Greenwich 76 Vesey mkt. 85 Washington 86 Barclay 147 103 West 100 Park pL 158 Waverley pi., from 727 Murray 167 B'way, W. «fc N to > Warren 176 Bank S Chambers 185 2 Broadway I c Reade 186 ■ — Mercer 9 Duane 189 22 Greene 23 w Jay 197 — University pi. 29 H irrison 206 36 Washn. sq. E. — Franklm 215 ^ ( Washn, sq. . iV.) North Moore 225 )3 Fifth ave. 57 Beach 233 ^ Macdougal 89 Hubert 246 128 Sixth ave. 1.31 Laight 255 Gay 141 Vestry 263 168 Grove — Desbrosses 271 170 Christopher 161 Watts 280 184 W. loth I 67K Canal 293 1204 Charles 196 Spring mkt. 1220 Perry 176 Charlton 3^1 ^ W. nth 181 King 331 • Bank 195 W. Ilouston 342 Weehawken, from 3^4 Clarkson 352 W. loth, S. to Christo- Leroy 361 [^■65] n o Morton Barrow Chrisopher W. loth Charles Charles lane Perry West nth 445 Bank — - Bethune W. I2lh 507 Jane 513 Horatio Ciansevoort 539 Bogart — 5. Tenth ave. W. Broadway, from 131 Chambers, N. to Canal. 570 383 387 365 404 410 415 425 444 470 490 506 512 534 542 I ri 29 4J 65 8r 97 117 — Chambers r8 Reade 32 Duane 46 Thomas 64 Worth 82 Leonr;fd 95 Franklin White 122 North Moore 132 Beach Walker Lispenard 164 York 164 Canal W. Houston, from Goi B'w.iy, W. to N. R. I Bro idway 2 17 Mercer 35 Greene 61 Wooster 151 Lb IS 38 60 83 106 12S I.:i8 176 177 180 236 276 310 328 3^ ~ f 83 S. 5 th ave. 195 Thompson .27 Sullivan {Lud!G7i> pi) 149 Macdougal Hancock Congress Bedford 235 Varick 273 Hudson 311 Greenwich 327 Washington 349 West W.Washington mkt\ West, bet. Fulton .\: Vesey. W. 3d, fr< m 68 1 B'war, W. to Sixih ave. 2 Broadway 6 Mercer 24 Greene 40 Wooster 60 S. 5th ave. 76 Thomrson 92 Sullivan 114 Macdongal r '2 Sixth ave. W. 4th, from 6 7 B'waV W. to W. 13th. 2 Broadway 14 Mercer r 9 2) 57 77 iir 141 30 Greene — Washn. s-". 52 Wooster IVasIni, ^ . 70 S. 5th ave. 90 Thompson 129 Macdougal [*66] r II C/3 154 Sixth ave 151 W. to N. R. 158 Cornelia 2 Broadway 1 174 Jones 40 University pl„ 33 192 Barrow 193 62 Fifth ave. 61 Washn pi. T34 Sixth ave. 135 204 Giove — 140 Garden row 214 Christopher — Seventh ave. 195 {Spencer pi) 196 Greenwich ave. 230 W. loth 231 214 Waverley pi. 213 246 Charles 249 252 W. 4th 253 260 Perry 263 286 Bleetker 285 284 W. nth 281 300 Hudson 297 298 Bank 299 314 Greenwich 309 316 W, 12th 319 342 Washington 345 330 Jane 331 374 West 375 — Eighth ave. 333 Thirteenth ave. 389 338 Horatio W. 1 2th, from 58 Fifth 356 Gansevooit — ave., W. to N. R. \V. 1 3th 349 2 Fifth ave. I W. gth, from 22 Fifth 86 Sixth ave. 83 ave., W. to Sixth ave. 172 Seventh ave. 175 2 Fifth ave^ I 230 Greenwich ave. 229 66 Sixth ave. 75 280 W. 4th 281 W loth, from 32 Fifth 306 Eighth ave. 293 ave., W. to N. R. — Hudson 309 2 Fifth ave. I 366 Washington 37^ 7c Sixth ave. 71 402 West 401 Patchin pi. III 41S Thirteenth ave 126 Greenwich ave, 127 W 13th, from 70 Fifth ic;2 Waverley pi. 153 ave.. W. to N. R- 382 W.4th 181 2 Fifth ave. I 214 Bleecker 209 70 Sixth ave. 252 Hudson 245 158 Seventh ave. I6r 262 Greenwich 265 240 Greenwich ave 253 280 Washington 279 — Eighth ave. — 304 Weehawken — 208 W. 4th — West 307 Gansevoott — W , T I th . from 80 1 B' way . Hudson 337 [*67l Ninth ave. Tenth ave. Thirteenth ave, W. 14th, from 82 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 62 Sixth ave. 160 Seventh 256 Eighth ave. 356 Hudson Ninth ave. 460 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. Thirteenth ave, Wr 15th, from 96 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 62 Sixth ave. 160 Seventh ave, 262 Eighth ave. 372 Ninth ave. 428 Tenth Eleventh ave. Thirteenth ave. W, 1 6th, from 108 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 54 Sixth ave. 160 Seventh ave. 260 Eighth ave. 364 Ninth ave. 460 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. Thirteenth ave. W. 17th, from 116 ave., W. to N. R 2 Fifth ave. 64 Sixth ave. 455 Fifth I 65 153 263 357 459 Fifth I 65 165 267 367 Fifth I 57 161 267 363 459 Fifth I 63 164 Seventh ave. 268 Eighth ave. 366 Ninih ave. 458 Tenth ave, Eleventh ave. ■ — - Thirteenth ave W. 1 8th, from 128 ave., W. to N. R 2 Fifth ave. 60 Sixth ave. 170 Seventh ave. 260 Eighth ave. 370 Ninth ave. 464 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. Thirteenth ave. W. 19th, from 140 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 72 Sixth ave. 160 Seventh ave. 282 Eighth ave. 366 Ninth ave. 458 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. Thirteenth ave. W. 20th, from 152 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 64 Sixth ave. 162 Seventh ave. 258 Eighth ave. 362 Ninth ave. 466 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. Thirteenth ave. W. 2ist, from 1 58 ave., W. to N. R. i63 275 363 461 Fifth I 61 171 261 363 463 Fifth I 69 167 277 369 461 Fifth 165 265 367 Fifth P68] 2 Fifth ave. I Thirteenth ave. 66 Sixth ave. 67 W. 25th, from Ig8 Fifth 164 Seventh ave. i6g ave., W. to N. R. 268 Eighth ave. 263 — Fifth ave. T 350 Ninth ave. 361 — Broadway Tenth ave. 473 60 Sixth ave. 55 Eleventh ave. 168 Seventh ave. 173 Thirteenth ave. 282 Eighth ave. 269 W. 22d, from 170 Fifth 364 Ninth ave. 365 ave., W. to N. R. 464 Tenth ave. 2 Fifth ave. I Eleventh ave. — 68 Sixth ave. 63 Thirteenth ave. 168 Seventh ave. 167 W. 26th, from 214 Fifth 268 Eighth ave. 279 ave., W. to N. R. 364 Ninth ave. 367 2 Fifth ave. T 482 Ten;h ave, 493 — Broadway — Eleventh ave. 559 64 Sixth ave. 59 Thirteenth ave. 162 Seventh ave. 169 W. 23d, from 186 Fifth 266 Eighth ave. 263 ave., W. to N. R. 364 Franklin ter. 2 Fifth ave. I 366 Ninth ave. 365 — Sixth ave. 79 466 Tenth ave. 469 174 Seventh ave. 171 Eleventh ave. 557 268 Eighth ave. 277 N. R. 368 Ninth ave. 373 W. 27th, from 232 Fir.h {London ier.) ave., \V, to N. R. 470 Tenth ave. 471 2 Fifth ave. I Eleventh ave. — Broadway 13 Thirteenth ave — 56 Sixth ave. 49 W. 24th, from 1099 166 Seventh ave. 16? B'way, W. to N. R. 260 Eighth ave. 271 2 Broadway I 368 Ninth ave. 371 60 Sixth ave. 63 460 Tenth ave. 4f^3 164 Seventh ave. 165 556 Eleventh ave. 270 Eighth ave. 265 N. R. 356 Ninth ave. 365 W. 28th, from 246 Fiftli 482 Tenth ave. 463 ave , W. to N, R. 558 Eleventh ave. 559 2 Fifth ave. I [*69] 1 6 Broadway 19 56 Sixth ave. 59 162 Seventh ave. 157 252 Eighth ave. 261 360 Ninth ave. 363 4^0 Tenth ave. 457 Eleventh ave. N. R. W. 2gth, from 264 Fifth \ ave., W.to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. I 25 Broadway 19 54 Sixth ave. 51 Pacific pi. 133 164 Seventh ave. 169 260 EUjhth a\'e. 263 {Lnniartine //.) 363 Ninth a\'e. 361 460 Tenth ave. 451 552 Eleventh ave. 563 N. R. W. 30th, from 280 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fif^h ave. I 3S Broadway 41 56 Sixth ave. 61 158 Seventh ave. 157 260 Ei:;hth ave. 267 370 Ninth ave. 367 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. 569 N. R. W. 31st, from 298 Fifth ave., W. to N. R 2 Fifth ave. I 40 Broadway 49 5S Sixth ave. 61 162 Seventh avc. 167 r* 262 Eighth ave. 259 370 Ninth ave. 369 460 T enth ave. 459 Eleventh ave. N . R. W. 3 2d, from 316 FiAh ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 52j^ Broadway 55 56 Sixth ave. — 174 Seventh ave. 171 258 Eighth ave, 265 388 Ninth ave. 377 462 Tenth ave. 469 — ■— Eleventh ave. N. R. W. 33d, from 330 Fifth ave., W. toN. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 66 Broadway 65 142 Dunham pi. — 160 Seventh ave. i&i 270 Eighth ave. 271 372 Ninth ave. 470 Tenth ave. 463 558 Eleventh ave. 563 N. R. W. 34th, from 350 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifih ave. 7 72 Broadway 59 168 Seventh ave 169 270 Ei.:;hth aVe. 269 Ninth ave. 365 478 Tenth ave. 469 570 Eleventh ave. 575 N. R W. 35th. from 370 Fifih 70] ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i — Sixth ave. 73 76 Broadway — 168 Seventh ave. 153 268 Eighth ave. 273 380 Ninth ave. 373 466 Tenth ave. 461 556 Eleventh ave. 553 N. R. W. 36th, from 388 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave, i 76 Sixth ave. 75 Broadway 113 166 Seventh ave. 165 272 Eighth ave. 277 366 Ninth ave. 369 456 Tenth ave. 453 Eleventh ave. 563 N. R. W. 37th, from 404 Fifth ave,, W. to N, R. 2 Fifth ave. i 70 Sixth ave. 65 108 Broadway 121 154 Seventh ave. 147 270 Eighth ave. ^'69 358 Ninth ave, 359 454 Tenth ave. 457 Eleventh ave- N. R. W. 38th, from 420 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 66 Sixth ave. 116 Broad, '.'ay I iS Seventh ave. Fifth I 67 125 151 278 Eighth ave. 277 356 Ninth ave. 359 460 Tenth ave. 457 Eleventh ave. N. R. W. 39th, from 438 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 70 Sixih ave. 63 128 Broadway 129 152 Seventh ave. 151 276 Eighth ave. 275 356 Ninth ave. 359 456 Tenth ave. 457 552 Eleventh ave. {Abattoir pi) N. R. W. 40th, from 452 Fifth ave., "W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. )r^^^^^.^ 74 Sixth ave. ) 128 Broadway 133 146 Seventh ave. 149 272 Eighth ave. 273 358 Ninth ave. 361 462 Tenth ave. 467 558 Eleventh ave. 557 N. R. W. 41st, from 717 Sixth ave., W. to N. R. TOO Sixth ave. loi 142 Broadway 153 160 Seventh ave. 161 268 Eighth ave. 263 358 Ninth ave. 357 466 Tenth ave. 457 556 Eleventh ave. 555 N. R. 71] W. 42d, from 500 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. -, , { Fifth ave. i ^^^^^^ ^ i Sixth ave. 61 150 Broadway 149 Seventh ave. 153 270 Eighth ave. 265 362 Ninth ave. 3G3 464 Tenth ave. 471 568 Eleventh ave. 5 '5 N. R. W. 43d, from 514 Fi.ih ave.,W. toN. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 70 Sixth ave. — 155 Broadway 1 55 276 Eighth ave. 271 362 Ninth ave. 359 474 Tt.n'ih a\e. 467 558 Eleventh ave. 555 N. R. W. 44th, from 528 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i Sixth ave. 77 162 Broadway 163 276 Eighth ave. 261 358 Ninth ave. 357 464 Tenth ave. 463 560 Eleventh ave, 559 N. R. W. 45th, from 544 Fifth W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i Sixth ave. 81 172 Broadway 177 260 Eighth ave. 265 360 Ninth ave, 361 456 Tenth ave. 556 Eleventh ave. 557 N. R. W. 46th, from 560 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 78 Sixth ave. 75 162 Broadway 163 262 Eighth ave. 249 370 Ninth ave. 367 460 Tenth ave. 4C7 558 Eleventh ave, 553 N.R. W. 47lh, from 576 Fifth ave., \V. to N. R. 2 1' ifth ave. i 80 Sixth a\ e. 79 Seventh ave. 179 170 Broadway 268 Eighth ave. 271 Ninth ave. 361 Tenth ave. 463 578 Eleventh ave. 565 N. R. W. 48th, from 592 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 78 Sixth ave. 71 172 Seventh ave. 171 198 Broadway 179 248 Eighth ave. 251 356 Ninth ave. 375 Tenth ave. 558 Eleventh ave. 561 N. R. VJ. 49th, from 608 Fifth ave , W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. I [*72] 74 Sixth ave. 158 Seventh ave. 20S Broadway 252 Eighth ave. Ninth ave. 464 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave. N. R. W. 50th, from 624 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 76 Sixth ave. 162 Seventh ave. Broadway 242 Eighth ave. 366 Ninth ave. 460 Tenth ave. — - Eleventh ave. N. R. W. 51st, from 638 ave.. W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 74 Sixth ave. — Seventh ave. — Broadway 254 Eighth ave, 396 Ninth ave. 468 Tenth ave. 558 Eleventh ave. N. R. W. 52d, from 654 ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 74 Sixth ave. 162 Seventh ave. Broadway 262 Eighth ave. 370 Ninth ave. 75 169 205 249 367 467 555 Fifth I 81 251 371 459 Fifth I 75 t6i 255 369 4^5 5 )i Bifth I 79 159 273 375 I 7 J 167 247 357 455 462 Tenth ave. 463 566 Eleventh' ave. 575 N. R. W. 53d, from 672 Fifth ave., W. to Eleventh ave. 2 Fifth ave. 74 Sixth ave. 150 Seventh ave. Broadway 248 Nighth ave. 368 Ninth ave. 454 Tenth ave. Eleventh ave W. 54th, from 684 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. i 74 Sixth ave. 75 174 Seventh ave. — 214 Broadway — 264 Eighth ave. 267 Ninth ave. 355 454 Tenth ave. 451 562 Eleventh ave. 561 N. R. W. 55th, from 704 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. I 74 Sixth ave. 77 160 Seventh ave. Broadway 258 Eighth ave. 259 374 Ninth ave. 375 Tenth ave. 1552 Eleventh ave. __ N. R. W. 56th, from 718 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. [*73] 2 Fifth ave. 66 Sixth ave. — Seventh ave. 2IO Broadway 242 Eighth ave. Ninth ave. Tenth ave. P'levenih ave. —^— — N, R. W. 57th, from 740 Fifth ave.. W. to N. R. 2 Fifth ave. 60 Sixth ave. — Seventh ave. Broadway ^"^ighth ave. 368 Ninth ave. Tenth ave. ]':^!eventh ave N. R. — W. 58th, from 756 Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 59th, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 60th, from to N. from toN. from to N. from toN. from to N. from I 65 243 373 4:7 I 61 3^3 407 565 ave,, W, W. 6ist, ave,, W. W. 62d, ave., W. W. 63d, ave,, W. W. 64th, ave. , W. W. 65th, ave., W. to N, W. 66th, from ave., W. to N Eighth R. Eighth R, Eighth R, Eighth R. Eighth R, Eighth R. Eighth R. W. 67th, ave., W. W. 68th, ave., W, W. 69th, ave., W, W. 70th, ave., W. W. 71st, ave,, W. W. 72d, ave., W. W. 73d, ave., W. W. 74th, ave., W. W. 75th, ave', W. W. 76th, ave., W. W. 77th, ave., W. W. 78th, ave., W. W. 79th, ave., W. W. 80th, ave., W. W. 8ist, ave., W. W. 82d, ave., W, W. 83d, ave , W. W. 84th, ave,, W. W. 85th, ave , W- 74] to N. from to N. irom fr> m Eighth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R. from Eighth R. Eighth R. Eighth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R, from Eighth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R. from Ninth to N. R. from Ninth to N, R. from Ninth to N. R. from Eighth to N. R, from Eighth to N. R from Eighth to N, R. from Eighth toN, R. from Eighth toN. R. W. 86th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 87th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 88th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R W. 89th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 90th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 91st, from Eighth ave , W. to N R. W. gad, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 93d, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 94th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. 95th. from Eighht ave., W. to N. R. W. 96th. from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. VJ. 97th, from Eighth nve., W. to N. R W. 98th, from Eighth ave., W. to N, R. W. 99th, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. W. looth, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R, W. loist, from Eighth ave., W. to N. R. "W. io2d, from Eighth ave , W. to N. R. W. 103d, from Eighth ave.. W. to N. R. W. 104th, from Eighth ave.. W. to N. R. V Eighth R Eightli R. Eighth R. Eighth R. Eighth R. W. 105th, from ave., VV. to N. W. 1 06th, from ave., W. to N. W. 107th, from ave., W to N. W. ic8th, from ave.. W. to N. W. 109th, from ave., W. to N. W. iio':h, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 123!, from Mt. Mor- ris ave., W. to N. R. W. i2\'h. from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 125th, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R, W. I 6th, from ave., W. to N. R. W. 127th, from ave . W. to N. R. W. 128th, from ave., W. to N. R. W. 125 h, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 130th, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 131st, from Fifth ave., W. 'o N. R. W. I32d, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 133d, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. W. 134th, from Fifh ave., W. to N. R. W. 135th, from Fifth ave., W. to N. R. 751 Fifth Fifth Fifth W 145th, ftom Fifth ave., W. to I^. R. hite, from 117 W. B'way, E. to Baxter, 2 Broadway i 32 Church 31 — PVanklin pi. 57 66 Broadway 67 78 Cortlandt al. 75 96 Elm 95 114 Centre iii 136 Baxter 131 Whitehall, from 2 Broadway, S. to E. R. T'Marketfield — — Bowling gr. 4 13 Stone — 25 Bridge 20 31 Pearl 32 41 Water — — State 48 49 Front ^ 66 South PQ Willett, from from 482 Grand N. to E. Hous- ton I Grand 2 19 Broome 20 43 Delancey 44 73 Rivington 74 105 Stanton lO'^ 135 E. Houston 134 William, from 107 Pearl, N. & E. to 447 Pearl. I Stone — — Pearl 2 7 South William — Beaver 29 Exchange pi, 28 43 Wall 44 53 Pine 54 63 Cedar 94 77 Liberty 78 83 Maiden lane 82 — Piatt 92 107 John 106 141 Fulton I40 155 Ann 154 171 Beekman ' 168 183 Spruce 180 205 Frankfort 2o6 207 N. William — 239 Duane 240 249 New Chambers 244 273 Pearl 274 Winthrop pi , Greene St., bet. Waverley pi. & Clinon pi. Wooster, from 355 Ca- nal, N. to Waverley pi. I Canal 2 29 Grand 30 55 Broome 54 91 Sprmg 92 129 Prince 128 163 W. Houston 166 187 Bleecker 194 229 W. 3d 234 247 W. 4th 250 ( IVashn. sq.) Worth, from 72 Hudson, E to Chathair. I Hud-on 2 25 W. Broadway 26 63 Church 62 76] 91 Broadway — I — Mulberry — 115 Elm 116 205 Chatham 202 133 Centre 134 Vork, from 9 St. [ohns 147 Mission pi. lane, E. to W. Broad- 163 Baxter way. Park LIST OF R. R. EXPRESSES Adams ; principal office, 59 Broadway : branch offices 684 Broadway, 12 West 23d St., 28 East 42(1 St., near Madison ave., Penn. R. R. Depot, Jersey City. American ; principal office, 65 Broadway ; branch offices 61 Hudson, 296 Canal, 696 Broadway, 940 Broadway, Vanderbilt ave. and 45th st.. Madison ave. and 481!! st., Tenth ave, and 30.h st., 4 Ex change pi., Jersey City. Baltimore and Ohio Express ; office 636 Broad- way, 58 West Broadway, 313 Canal. Connecticut River Express ; runs on Hartford boats. Pier 24 E. R Davenport and Mason : office 306 Canal. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western : office at 62 College pi., 3 Park pi., 785 Broadway, 94 Broadway, 30th st. and Tenth ave., Grand Central Depot, 333 Washington st., Brooklyn ; 261 Warren >t', Jersey City. \*17] Dodd ; 280 Canal, 526, 744, 944, 1251 Broadway ; Liberty, Cortland and Desbrosses sts. Ferries ; Pier 8, N. R., foot of Rector st.; Pier 28, N. R., foot of Vesey st. ; 736 Sixth ave. and Grand Central Dep't. Flushing and North Side : business done by Wescott's Long Island Express. New York and Boston Despatch ; 304 and 306 Canal st. ; 7 New Church st. New York and Eastern States ; 58 West Broad- way, 636 Broadway, Pier 40 N. R. New York and New England: Pier 40 N, R. and 636 Broadway. New York and Philadelphia — New Line : 58 West Broadway, 636 Broadway. Philadelphia and Reading : office at Delaware^ Lackawanna and Western Express Co. New Bedford and New York : office Pier 39 E. R , 105 Wall, 42 Howard, 1 16 Chambers. United States: principal office 82 Broadway; branch offices. 305, 744, 957 and 1251 Broadway, 280 Canal st.. foot of Chambers st , N. R. , Brook- lyn ; 2 Court St. , Jersey City, 90 Pavonia ave. ^A^ells, Fargo & Co. : office 65 Broadway. ^A^escott's : principal office No. 3 Park pi. ; branch offices, 785 and 942 Broadway ; Ferry house fooc of Barclay st., Christopher st., James slip and E. 34th St. ; Pier 33 N. R. ; 3Cth st., bet. Ninth and Tenth aves ; (irand Central Depot, cor. 43d st. and V'an- derbilt ave. ; Brooklyn, 333 Washington st., etc. l^78J TABLE OF DISTANCES. From From To the Battery the City Hall ^ of a mile Rector Street % Fulton do. Va Warren io. I mile ^ Leonard do. iX H Canal do. ^Yz H Spring do. iH I Houston do. 2 iX 4th Street 2H iK 9th do. 2/2 iX 14th do. 23X 2 17th do. 3 , 2X 24th do 3)4 2>^ 29th do. 3% 2^ 34th do. 3H 3 38th do. 4 3X 44th do. 4H 3K^ 49th do. 4>^ 3^ 54th do. 4^ 4 58ih do. 5 4X 63d do BH 4K 68th do. syz 4X 73d. do. SX 5 78th do. 6 5X 83d do. (>}4 5>^ 88th do. 6)4 5X 93d do. 63/ 6 97th do. 7 6X io2d do. 7X 6>^ 107th do. 7>^ 6^ 1 1 2th do. 71^ 7 117th do. 8 7X I2ist do. 8X vA 156th do. BRIDGEPORT FROM Pier 35, EAST RIVER, (Foot of Catherine St. N. Y. City.) * The New and Elegant STEAICEH CRYSTAL WAVE LEAVES DAILY 7.30 Aa M. From Bridgeport, 3«0d P» T&m From Catherine St. 3.10 P. M. From 23d St. E. R. (Passenger Onlye) Fare, . . 35 Cents. hmm Ticbts, (gooi until mi) 60 Cts. S TEAMER BRIDGEPORT teavssPisr35, El. 1130 A, M. Daily, loavesSridgeport e^eryaigMilOOj Eatoday eEospted Pare^ - • 65 Cents, hmm Mik sood tintil used OuIf Liise that ean give thpoagb. rates ob Nangatack and Housatomo Railroad;. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 221 605 P LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 221 605 n [ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 221 605 A