./V\35 I look S<>.y^^ HUKSI-:XTi;i) IIY SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. ^od..^ SUPPLEMENT TO THE REGISTER OF THE octetp of Colonial Bamefii of America 1905-1909 BOSTON PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1909 1\- ■35 Mrs. Henry W. Cunningham, Committee on Publication. iAH 11 1910 GEO. H EULI8 CO., PRINTERS, 27? CONGRESS ST., BOS I ON CONTENTS. Page Publication Committee iv. Officers of the National Society 432 Officers of the Massachusetts Society 434 Board of Managers 436 Former Officers of the Massachusetts Society since 1905 438 Life Members 440 Rolls of Membership 442 Members Resident in Non-Colonial States 468 In Memoriam 498 Married 500 Resigned 502 Transferred 504 Index to Ancestors and Descendants 510 Changes of Address since 1905 538 Errata to Register of 1905 539 Index to Colonial Members 542 Index to Non-Colonial Members 545 (429) OFFICERS. THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA. 1909. OFPICERS. I^onorarg ^rcsiUcnt. MRS. HOWARD TOWNSEND, 131 East Seventy-first Street, New York. ^rcsitmit. MRS. WILLIAM RUFFIN COX, 609 Grace Street, West, Richmond, Virginia. I^onorarg 'Bkt^^xtsititnt. MRS. BEVERLY KENNON, Tudor Place, Georgetown, District of Columbia. Uice^rEStticnts. MRS. ALEXANDER F. JAMIESON, Lawrenceville, New Jersey. MRS. HENRY F. LE HUNTE LYSTER, The Pasadena, Detroit, Michigan. MRS. BARRETT WENDELL, 358 Marlborough Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Secretarg. MRS. JOSEPH RUCKER LAMAR, Sand Hills, Augusta, Georgia. (432) OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY. 433 "assistant Sccretatg. MRS. JOHN Y. TAYLOR, 1727 Q Street, N.W., Washington, District of Columbia. ^treasurer. MRS. ALEXANDER J. CASSATT, Haverford, Pennsylvania. Brgistrar. MRS. NATHANIEL TERRY BACON, Peacedale, Rhode Island. I^tstortan. MISS ALICE FRENCH, 321 East Tenth Street, Davenport, Iowa. THE OFFICERS AND MANAGERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF THE COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA. 1909-1910. ^StESttmt. MRS. BARRETT WENDELL, 358 AIarlborough Street, Boston. l&onDrarg Ficr43trstiifnts. MRS. HENRY R. DALTON, 181 Beacon Street, Boston. MRS. WINTHROP SARGENT, 207 COMMONW'EALTH AVENUE, BoSTON. MRS. ROBERT H. GARDINER, 322 Beacon Street, Boston. MRS. WILLIAM TUDOR, 208 Beacon Street, Boston. JSttortiing Sccrctarg. MRS. STEPHEN S. FITZGERALD, 755 BoYLSTON Street, Boston. Contsponiing Sccrrtarg. MISS BESSIE H. LYMAN, The Ludlow, Copley Square, Boston. (434) OFFICERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY. 435 iSrgistrar. MISS AGNES B. POOR, 389 Walnut Street, Brookline. ?l?tstartan. MRS. HENRY H. SPRAGUE, SS Fairfield Street, Boston. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Term expires in 1910. MRS. EDWARD S. GREW, 185 Marlborough Street, Boston. MISS ELIZABETH W. PERKINS, Hotel Hamilton, Boston. MRS. HENRY W. CUNNINGHAM, 351 Marlborough Street, Boston. MRS. STEPHEN S. FITZGERALD, AUBURNDALE POST-OFFICE, MaSS. MRS. FREDERIC J. STIMSON, Dedhaji, Mass. Term expires in 1911. MISS SARAH H. CROCKER, 319 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. MRS. HENRY H. SPRAGUE, 33 Fairfield Street, Boston. MISS BESSIE H. LYMAN, The Ludlow, Copley Square, Boston. MRS. WILLIAM G. FARLOW, 24 QuiNCY Street, Cambridge, Mass. MRS. FREDERIC S. MOSELEY, 144 Beacon Street, Boston. MRS. ROCKWOOD HOAR BULLOCK, 24 Fruit Street, Worcester, Mass. (436) BOARD OF MANAGERS. Term expires in 1912. MISS GEORGIANA G. EATON, 62 COMMONWEAXTH AVENUE, BOSTON. MRS. ROBERT SHAW RUSSELL, 20 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. MRS. HENRY R. STEDMAN, South Street, Brookline, Mass. MRS. ROBERT S. BRADLEY, 411 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. MRS. CHARLES LINZEE TILDEN, Brush Hu,l Road, Hyde Park, Mass. 437 FORMER OFFICERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY SINCE 190^. !J^rfSti)fnts. Fire=Prcstticnts. MRS. HENRY R. DALTON. MRS. EDWARD L. DAVIS. MRS. S. V. R. THAYER. MRS. WINTHROP SARGENT. S>tcxttmts. MISS SARAH S. PERKINS. MISS NATALIE S. WHITWELL. 'Assistant Stcrctarics. MRS. W. T. COUNCILMAN. MISS MADELEINE LAWRENCE. 2Ercasurcrs. 3Scgistrar8. MISS KATHARINE C. PIERCE. (438) FORMER OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. 439 ?§tstortang. MISS MARY T. SPAULDING. managers. MISS SUSAN L. CLARKE. MISS ALICE FARNSWORTH. MRS. WALTER SCOTT FITZ. MRS. RICHARD W. HALE. MRS. WALDO LINCOLN. MRS. CHARLES S. MINOT. MRS. DEAN PIERCE. MISS CLARA ENDICOTT SEARS. MISS MARY T. SPAULDING. MRS. WILLIAM W. VAUGHAN. LIFE MEMBERS. MRS. WARREN R. OILMAN. MRS. WINTHROP SARGENT. (440) ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. * Deceased. J Married. t Resigned. tt Transferred. 245. MRS. DAVID HILL COOLIDGE (Isabella ShurtlefE). [Elected 1905.] Hotel Somerset, Boston. Seventh in descent from Edward Carleton. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Isaac AUerton, Joseph Jewett, Robert Cushman, Benjamin Kimball, Thomas Clarke, Barnabas Lothrop, Stephen Hopkins, Rev. John Lothrop, Richard Warren, 246. MISS CLARA ENDICOTT SEARS. [Elected 1905.] 132 Beacon Street, Boston. Ninth in descent from Governor John Endicott. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Winthrop, Jonathan Hubbard, John Winthrop, Joseph Blanchard, Joseph Dudley, Nathaniel Felton, Edmund Freeman, Edward Bromfield, John Freeman, Jeremiah Dummer, Thomas Prence, Rev. Samuel Danforth, Edward Tyng, Rev. John Wilson, Thomas Dudley, Nicholas Simpkins, (442) ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 443 Waitstill Winthrop, John Osgood, William Hathorne, Thomas Putnam, Thomas Perley, William Brenton, Timothy Lindall, Elias Maverick, George Hubbard, Richard Dummer, William Browne, Francis Peabody, Francis Peabody, Thomas Dimmock, Zerobbabel Endicott, Joseph Blanchard, William Brewster, Thomas Howes, Rev. John Mayo, William Poole, William Merrick, Edward Bromfield, Jr., Nicholas Danforth, John Endicott, Benjamin Putnam, Nathaniel Putnam, John Putnam, Israel Porter, John Johnson, Rev. Samuel Skelton, Rev. William Perkins, Robert Clements, Rev, Adam Blakeman, Rev. Elias Smith, John Gorham, John Bursley, Benjamin Freeman, Thomas Brown, Thomas Perley, Bray Wilkins, John Coney, John Smith, Edmund Rice, Thomas Wheeler, Daniel Sears, Daniel Sears, David Putnam, Thomas Fuller, John Tilley, Edward Sturgis, John Howland, Thomas Dimmock, Shubael Dimmock, Samuel Howes, Rev. Joseph Hull, Rev. John Maverick. 247. tt MRS. GEORGE E. MARTIN (Emily Herrick). [Elected 1905.] 190 Pawtucket Street, Lowell. Ninth in descent from Elder William Brewster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Stephen Hopkins. 444 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 248. MRS. WILLIAM BREWSTER (Caroline Freeman Kettell). [Elected 1905.] 145 Brattle Street, Cambridge. Tenth in descent from Elder William Brewster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Freeman, Tristram Cofi&n, Edmund Freeman, WiUiam Merrick, John Gorham, Ralph Sprague, John Gorham, Samuel Sprague, Nathaniel Gorham, John Rowland, Thomas Prence, William Hedge, John Johnson, Peter Tufts, Thomas Gardner. 249. MRS. HENRY BAILEY LITTLE (Fanny Gray). [Elected 1905.] 215 High Street, Newburyport. Fifth in descent from Captain Jonathan Greenleae. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Stephen Greenleaf, Daniel Pierce, Edmund Greenleaf, Henry Sewall, Jacob Toppan, Michael Wigglesworth, Daniel Pierce, Joseph Hills, Tristram Coffin. 250. MRS. JEFFREY R. BRACKETT (Susan Katharine Jones). [Elected 1905.] 41 Marlborough Street, Boston. Fourth in descent from Gabriel Jones. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Marshall, George Reade, John Washington, WilUam Randolph, Francis Thornton, Nicholas Martian, Augustine Warner. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 445 251. MRS. RICHARD F. HAWKINS (Cornelia Morgan Howe). [Elected 1905.] 257 Pine Street, Springfield. Seventh in descent from Colonel Joseph Buckminster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Sharpe, Nathaniel Dickenson, Rev. Adam Blakeman, Henry Kerley, John Deming, Richard Treat, Edward Stebbins, Edmund Rice, Samuel Bass, Edward Howe. 253. MRS. J. ARTHUR BEEBE (Emily Appleton). [Elected 1906.) 199 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Sixth in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Isaac Appleton, Thomas Baker, Samuel Symonds, William Sawyer, Samuel Appleton. 253. MRS. CHARLES BOYDEN (Cora Crowninshield). [Electedii9o6.] 224 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Eighth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Winthrop, Jr., William Brenton, Joseph Dudley, Thomas Dudley, Thomas Prence. 446 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 254. MRS. ALLEN L. JOSLIN (Sarah Proctor). [Elected 1906.] 517 Beacon Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Simon Bradstreet, William Hathome, Thomas Emerson, Peter Bulkeley, Thomas Gardner. 255. MISS ANNIE NORTON WARD. [Elected 1906.] 304 Marlborough Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Samuel Penhallow, John Cutt, Richard Ward, James Trowbridge, William Trask, John Ward. 256. MRS. GORDON PRINCE (Lillian Chickering). [Elected 1906.] 290 Beacon Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Colonel Daniel Pierce. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Daniel Pierce, James Minot, Edmund Greenleaf, Tristram Coffin, Timothy Wheeler, Tristram Coffin, Jr., Jonas Prescott, Thomas Brooks, Samuel Dakin, Jonas Prescott, Jr., Moses Gerrish, Henry Sewall, Edward Woodman, William Gerrish, George Minot. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 447 257. MRS. DAVID CROCKER (Julia Gwathmey Davis). [Elected 1906.] Barnstable. Eighth in descent from Elder William Brewster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Prence, John Rowland, William Hathome, John Gorham, John Freeman. 258. MRS. EBEN SUMNER DRAPER (Nannie Bristow). [Elected 1906.] 150 Beacon Street, Boston. Ninth in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Pope. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Cadwallader Jones. 259. MRS.TFREDERIC J. STIMSON (Mabel Ashhurst). [Elected 1906.] Dedham. Fourth in descent from Captain Persifor Frazer. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Manuel Eyre, George Maris, John Worrall, Philip Roman. 260. MRS. FRANK BULKELEY SMITH (Nancy Hacker Earle). [Elected 1906.] 34 Elm Street, Worcester. Sixth in descent from William Earle. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Ralph Earle, Thomas Newhall, Joseph Hills, Thomas Newhall, Simon Willard, Thomas Newhall. 448 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 261. MISS SUSAN BARKER WILLARD. [Elected 1906.] Hingham. Seventh in descent from Major Simon Willard. 262. MRS. CURTIS GUILD, JR. (Charlotte Howe Johnson). [Elected 1906.] 124 Marlborough Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from James Johnson. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Joseph Lynde, John Upham, Thomas Lynde, Samuel Prince, Joseph Newhall, John Miller, Thomas Newhall, Josias Winslow, John Call, Richard Hall, Nicholas Davison, Elisha Hall, Peter Tufts, Thomas Hinckley, Ralph Sprague, Stephen Hopkins, John Sprague, Thomas Bourne, Samuel Kettell, Richard Collicot, Abraham Dickerman, Thomas Shippie, Maximilian Jewett. 263. MRS. NATHANIEL W. APPLETON (Nellie Shannon Blake). [Elected 1906.] Blakesmere, East Pepperell. Eighth in descent from William Blake. 264. MRS. ERNEST W. BOWDITCH (Margaret Lyon Swann). [Elected 1906.] Adams Street, Milton. Fifth in descent from William Bov^^ers. supplementary claims. Thomas Vose, William Frothingham, John Damon, Jonathan Bowers, ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 449 John Stearns, James Kidder, Robert Tucker, John Upham, John Barrett, Jerathmael Bowers, Isaac Buck, Samuel Bass, Nathaniel Tilden, Edward Winship, John Capen. 265. MISS HELEN LYNDE SULLIVAN. [Elected 1906.] 2 Woodland Road, Maiden. Fifth in descent from James Russell. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. James Russell, Daniel Russell, Richard Russell, Thomas Graves, Thomas Graves, Meletiah Bourne, Shearjashub Bourne, Richard Bourne, Charles Church, Benjamin Church, Samuel Ruggles, Samuel Ruggles, Timothy Ruggles, John Sprague, Ralph Sprague, Stephen Skifif, John Chandler, John Chandler, John Chandler, Lion Gardiner, David Gardiner, John Gardiner, Thomas Lynde, Jotham Thomas Lynde, Joseph Lynde, John Chipman, John Chipman, Henry Green, John Humphrey, Edmund Hobart, William Collier, John Howland, James Skifif, John Haynes, Thomas Dudley, John Stedman, William Avery, Richard Warren, Joseph Blake, George Curwen, Ezekiel Cheever, Charles Chambers, Constant Southworth, Rev. John Woodbridge, Rev. Samuel Newman, Nathaniel Sparhawk, Odiome. 450 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 266. MRS. CHARLES BEAN AMORY (Lily Clapp Kercheval). [Elected 1907.] Readville. Fifth in descent from Captain Hezekiah Gates. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. John Pierson. 267. MISS ANNA THAXTER REYNOLDS. [Elected 1907.] 411 Marlborough Street, Boston. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Reynolds. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Rev. John Wilson. 268. MRS. GEORGE DAVID JEFFERSON (Rebecca Gorham Kettell). [Elected 1907.] 22 Bardwell Road, Oxford, England. Fifth in descent from Honorable Nathaniel Gorham. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Gorham, Thomas Prence, Tristram Cofl5n, John Howland, William Brewster. 269. MRS. DESMOND FITZGERALD (Elizabeth Parker Salisbury), [Elected 1907.I 410 Washington Street, Brookline. Sixth in descent from Chief Justice Samuel Sewall. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Edmund Quincy, Rev. Thomas Walley, Johannes Wendell, Edmund Quincy, John Hull, Daniel Gookin, John Walley. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 451 270. MRS. GEORGE GRISWOLD HAYWARD (Mabel Sargeant). [Elected 1907.] 165 Newbury Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Major William Johnson. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Lynde, Joshua Walker, Ralph Sprague, Thomas Lynde, Edward Johnson. 271. MISS LOUISA CHAPIN HOOPER. (Elected 1907.] Care H. D. Chapin, Esq., 50 State Street, Boston. Ninth in descent from Samuel Chapin. 272. MRS. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS WHITTLESEY (Caroline Benton Tilden). [Elected 1907.] Pittsfield. Eighth in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. 273. * MRS. FRANCIS HOWLAND (Frances Worthington Ames). [Elected 1907.] [Died 1909.] Seventh in descent from Governor William Bradford. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. William Bradford, John Alden, Gamaliel Bradford, Gamaliel Bradford, John Worthington, Samuel Bradford, Constant Southworth, William MuUins. 274. MRS. SAMUEL LESTER FULLER (Constance Greenough). [Elected 1907.] Rye, New York. Fifth in descent from Honorable Nathaniel Gorham. 452 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 275. MRS. JAMES FROTHINGHAM HUNNEWELL (Sarah MelviUe Farnsworth). [Elected 1907.] 289 Beacon Street, Boston. Eighth in descent from George Minot. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Jonas Prescott, Nehemiah Jewett, Jonas Prescott, Jr., Joseph Jewett, Thomas Brooks, John Shepley, Timothy Wheeler, Joseph Shepley, Edward Winship, Edmund Rice, James Leland, Phineas Rice, Ezra Farnsworth, John Pickard, John Lakin, James Parker, John Cutler, William Cotton, James Minot, Simon Willard. 276. MRS. CHARLES BENJAMIN BARNES, JR. (Josephine Lea Low). [Elected 1907.) • Hingham. Seventh in descent from Andrew Robeson. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Jonathan Robeson, Thomas Livezey, Edward Farmer. 277. MISS EDITH CODMAN. [Elected 1907.] Care Bay State Trust Company, Boston. Eighth in descent from Tristram Coffin. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Tristram Coffin, Jr., Samuel Brocklebank, Edmund Greenleaf, Nathaniel Coffin, Stephen Greenleaf. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 453 278. MRS. ROCKWOOD HOAR BULLOCK (Elizabeth Bliss Dewey). [Elected 1907.] 24 Fruit Street, Worcester. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Nathaniel Putnam, William Park, William Harris, Samuel Bass, Edmund Rice, Thomas Welles, Edward Smith, Thomas Welles, Valentine Whitman, Samuel Welles, Stephen Arnold, Joseph Judson, William Arnold, William Gaylord, Thomas Dewey, Daniel Noble, Simon Stone, Daniel Dewey, William Sumner, John Whipple, John Holgrave. 279. MRS. CHARLES VAN BRUNT (Agnes White Clark). [Elected 1908.] Milton. Eighth in descent from Governor John Webster. 280. MRS. EDWARD JACKSON HOLMES (Mary Stacy Beaman). [Elected 1908.] 296 Beacon Street, Boston. Ninth in descent from Major-General Daniel Denison. 281. MRS. JOSEPH GRAFTON MINOT (Honora Elizabeth Temple Winthrop). [Elected 1908.I 301 Berkeley Street, Boston. Eighth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. 454 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 282. MRS. HARRISON GRAY OTIS COLBY (Mary Catharine Thomp- son). [Elected 1908.] 449 Marlborough Street, Boston. Eighth in descent from Major Simon Willard. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Richard Brackett, Edward Holyoke, William French, Rev. James Noyes, Robert Stetson, Anthony CoUamore, Peter Oliver, Edward Johnson, Hugh Mason, Rev. Joseph Easterbrook, William Johnson, Edward Johnson. 283. MRS. CHARLES EDWARD COTTING (Ruth Stetson Thomp- son). [Elected 1908.] 404 Marlborough Street, Boston. Eighth in descent from Major Simon Willard. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. « Richard Brackett, Edward Holyoke, William French, Rev. James Noyes, Robert Stetson, Anthony Collamore, Peter Oliver, Edward Johnson, Hugh Mason, Rev. Joseph Easterbrook, William Johnson, Edward Johnson. 284. MRS. WILLIAM ENDICOTT, JR. (Helen Southworth Shaw). [Elected 1908.] 180 Beacon Street, Boston. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Alden, John Winslow, Richard Warren, John Field, Francis Cooke, Anthony Everden, Stephen Hopkins, Henry Andrews, ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 455 James Chilton, John Gallop, William Mullins, Edmund Freeman, Thomas Clarke, Samuel Bass, William Collier, Constant Southworth, Rev. John Lothrop, William Hedge, Robert Cushman, Barnabas Lothrop, Edward Gray. 285. MISS ELLEN CHASE. [Elected 1908.] Hundridge, 133 Rawson Road, Brookline. Eighth in descent from Rev. Peter Bulkeley. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Gershom Bulkeley, John Whipple, Edward Bulkeley, John Chipman, Rev. Charles Chauncey, John Rowland, John Savage, John Tilley, William Savage, Jonathan Prescott, Joseph Fuller, John Coolidge, Edward Jackson, Simon Stone, William Bond, Daniel Fisher, Jonas Bond, James Trowbridge, Isaac Gale, Robert Fuller, Richard Waterman, John Fuller, Henry Brown, Humphrey Atherton, William Arnold, Thomas Fuller, Richard Carder, Hugh Cole, Zachariah Rhodes, Thomas Huckens. 286. MRS. WILLIAM OTIS KIMBALL (Idelle Meriwether Caine). [Elected 190S.I 46 Babcock Street, Brookline. Seventh in descent from Nicholas Merriwether. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Walter Aston, William Ball, Augustine Warner, Augustine Warner, 456 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Nicholas Martian, George Reade, Richard Cocke, Peter Montague, John Lewis, John Waller, William Ball. 287. MRS. EDWIN ALFRED DANIELS (Caroline Thompson Le Favor). [Elected 1908.] 302 Newbury Street, Boston. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. David Sariford, Joseph Holbrook, Nathaniel Whiting, William Holton, Samuel Chapin, John Strong, Seth Chapin, Josiah Chapin, John Whiting, John Thurston. 288. MISS ABBY ANNA BRADLEY. [Elected 1908.] Hingham, Mass. Eighth in descent from Captain Joseph Weld. 289. t MRS. GEORGE DODGE CABOT (Helen Perry). [Elected 1908.] 42 King Avenue, Weehawken, New Jersey. Tenth in descent from John Rowland. SUPPLEMENTARY CLALMS. Jeffrey Champlin, Edward Tyng, Samuel Wilbore, John Strong, Thomas Hazard. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 457 290. MRS. ROBERT STOW BRADLEY (Leslie NeweU). [Elected 1908.I 411 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Sixth in descent from Ensign Joseph Newhall. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Newhall, Hugh Mason, John Bridge, Matthew Bridge, Nicholas Danforth. 291. MISS FANNY YOUNG. [Elected 1908.] 454 Beacon Street, Boston. Sixth in descent from Captain John Jacob. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Thomas Walley, Thomas Brooks, Joseph Loring, Samuel Allyne, Hugh Mason. 292. MISS MARY FARWELL AYER. [Elected 1908.] 518 Beacon Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Comet Peter Ayers. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Richard Bourne, William Bassett, Hugh Mason, Samuel Prince. 293. MRS. JAMES DE FOREST SAFFORD (Mary Cooper Kirkham). [Elected 1908.] 238 Maple Street, Springfield. Eighth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Turner. 458 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 294. MRS. WARREN RANDALL OILMAN (Helen Harriet Baldwin), [Elected 1908.] 10 Oxford Street, Worcester. Eighth in descent from Governor John Haynes. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. William Bradford, Thomas Dudley, George Wyllys, Roger Sherman, William Pitkin. 295. MRS. OEOROE CROMPTON (Alice Hastings). [Elected 1908.] 74 William Street, Worcester. Tenth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Dudley, Aaron Davis, Samuel Ruggles, Rev. Samuel Dudley, Samuel Walker. 296. MRS. RALPH ADAMS CRAM (Elizabeth Carrington Read). [Elected 1908.] « 52 Chestnut Street, Boston. Fourth in descent from Colonel Isaac Read. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Edmund Jennings, Abner Nash, Paul Carrington, Abram Venable, George Carrington. 297. MRS. CHARLES AMOS CUMMINGS (Margaret Josephine Kimball). [Elected 1908.] 230 Clarendon Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from John Hathaway. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Henry Andrevi^s, James Leonard, Rev. William Worcester, James Davis, John Perkins, Stephen Kingsley. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 459 298. t MRS. ARTHUR FAIRBANKS (Elizabeth Leland Moody). [Elected 1909.] 4 West Cedar Street, Boston. Sixth in descent from Henry Sewall. 299. t MRS. JULIAN A. KEBLER (Emma Southwick Abbot). [Elected 1909.] Westford, Mass. Eighth in descent from Rev. John Cotton. 300. MISS ELIZABETH GUSHING GOODHUE. [Elected 1909.] 15 School Street, Andover. Eighth in descent from Rev. John Cotton. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Refers to her mother's, No. 179. Mrs. Francis A. Goodhue. 301. MRS. CHARLES FOLLEN FOLSOM (Martha Washburn). [Elected 1909.] 15 Marlborough Street, Boston. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 302. MRS. JAMES HENRY ROBBINS (Mary Caroline Pike). [Elected 1909.] 237 Marlborough Street, Boston. Fourth in descent from General Israel Putnam. 303. MRS. DWIGHT MORTIMER PROUTY (Ethie Bigelow Linder). [Elected 1909.] Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Francis Peabody. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Samuel Frye, Daniel Pond, Robert Clement, Thomas Tenney. John Osgood. 460 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 304. MRS. CHARLES HOWARD WALKER (Mary Louisa Huckins). [Elected 1909.] 13 Walnut Street, Boston. Eighth in descent from Kenelm Winslow. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Rowland, John Chipman, John Tilley, Thomas Huckens, Edward Bangs. 305. MRS. EDWARD LOUIS OSGOOD (Hannah Thwing Draper). [Elected 1909.) 221 Beacon Street, Boston. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Edward Morris. 306. MRS. OSCAR lASIGI (Amy Gore Walker). [Elected 1909.] 76 Beacon Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Major- General Daniel Gookin. * SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. William Gerrish, Samuel Gookin, Edmund Greenleaf, Joseph Weld, Stephen Greenleaf, William Sumner, Stephen Greenleaf, Rev. Joseph Wheeler, Tristram Cofl&n. 307. MRS. EDWARD AUGUSTUS MOSELEY (Kate Montague Prescott). [Elected 1909.] Newburyport. Fifth in descent from Captain Jonathan Prescott. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. William Pepperell, John Rowland, Joseph Newmarch, John Tilley, ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 461 Edward Ellis, John Chipman, Robert Ellis, Thomas Bumham, Simon Willard, Rev. Henry Gibbs. 308. MRS. CHARLES WORCESTER SMITH (Josephine Caroline Lord). [Elected 1909.] 30 Elm Street, Worcester. Sixth in descent from Deputy- Governor Francis Willoughby. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Peter Bulkeley, Rev. Gershom Bulkeley, Rev. Charles Chauncey, Richard Lord, Enoch Lord. 309. MRS. SAMUEL JASON MIXTER (Wilhelmina Galloupe). [Elected 1909.] 180 Marlborough Street, Boston. Seventh in descent from Captain John Gallop. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Roger Conant. 310. MRS. ERNEST LOVERING (Mary Leighton Ranlet). [Elected 1909.] 15 Regent Circle, Brookline. Eighth in descent from Tristram Coffin. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Nathaniel Coffin, Tristram Coffin, Jr., Edmund Greenleaf, Samuel Brocklebank, James Hill. 462 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. The editor of this volume takes pleasure in printing number 77, Mrs. George E. Sage, as being a member of the Massachusetts Society. Print- ing her as resigned on page 61 was an error the editor inherited from the Supplement of 1902. 77. MRS. GEORGE E. SAGE (Sophie West Hayes). [Elected i897-l 118 Washington Street, Newport, Rhode Island. Eighth in descent from Increase Nowell. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Francis Fulham, John Livermore, Thomas Bumham, Nicholas Danforth, Rev. Zachariah Symmes, John Winslow, Daniel Rindge, John Perkins, Tobijah Perkins, Nathaniel Bowman, John Sherman, William Perkins. 27. MRS. HAROLD C. ERNST (Ellen Lunt Frothingham). [Elected 1894. See Register, p. 42.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Brooks, Rev. Rowland Cotton, Edward Rossiter, Rev. Nathaniel Ward, John Gorham, Tristram Coffin, Joseph Hills, Thomas Bradbury, Robert Pike, Barnabas Lothrop, William Bradford, William Collier, John Gorham, John Rowland, John Tilley, John Upham, Edmund Richard Hall, Richard Collicott, Sir Richard Saltonstall, Nathaniel Saltonstall, Richard Saltonstall, Samuel Kettell, John Woodbury, Richard Gardner, James Coffin, William Gayer, John Call, John Johnson, Edward Woodman, William Hedge, Thomas Clark, Samuel Appleton, Edenden. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 463 68. MISS ADELINE AMELIA BIGELOW. [Elected 1896. See Register, p. 58.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Francis Higginson, Thomas Chatfield, Thomas Tupper, Ephraim Jones, John Marchant, William Hartwell. 107. MISS ELIZABETH MARQUAND. [Elected 1898. See Register, p. 72.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Francis Higginson, Samuel Porter, John Higginson, Aaron Cooke, John Higginson, Aaron Cooke, Stephen Higginson, William Westwood, Rev. Henry Whitfield, Tristram Coffin, Rev. Zechariah Symmes, Tristram Coffin, Jr., Henry Sewall, Edmund Greenleaf, Jonathan Mitchell, Habijah Savage, John Higginson, Richard Bartlett, Stephen Sewall, Richard Kent. 200. MRS. JAMES R. HOOPER. [Elected 1903. See Register, p. los.J ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Holgrave, Jonathan Fellowes, Samuel Donnell. 216. MRS. I. TUCKER BURR. [Elected 1904. See Register, p. no.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. WiUiam Beamsley, Edward Carleton, Samuel Frye, Joseph Jewett, John Carleton. 464 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. 219. MRS. ROBERT S. RUSSELL (Margaret Pelham Curtis). [Elected 1904. See Register, p. iii.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Tristram Coffin, Daniel Gookin, Edmund Greenleaf, Samuel Gookin, Stephen Greenleaf, James Chilton, Stephen Greenleaf, William Gerrish. 233. MRS. WILLIAM G. FARLOW. [Elected 1905. See Register, p. ti6.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Matthias Nicoll, Jonathan Brewster, William Nicoll, Samuel Fosdick, Olaff Stevense Van Cortlandt, Edward Thurston, Jeremias Van Rensselaer, Ezra L'Hommedieu, William Brewster, Nathaniel Sylvester. 243. MRS. CHARLES W. HUBBARD. [Elected 1905. See Register, p. 119.) ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Barrett, John Damon, William Frothingham, Robert Tucker, Samuel Bass, John Upham, Nathaniel Tilden, John Steams. 244. MISS MARY KATHARINE HORSFORD. [Elected 1905. See Register, p. 120.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Matthias Nicoll, Rev. Henry Smith, William Nicoll, William Brewster, Olafif Stevense Van Cortlandt, Jonathan Brewster, Jeremias Van Rensselaer, Samuel Fosdick, Gysbert Updike, Edward Thurston, ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 465 Samuel Prince, Ezra L'Hommedieu, Richard Smith, Nathaniel Baldwin, George Gardner, William Spencer, Ebenezer Norton, John Case. 151. t MRS. ROBERT FARLEY CLARK (Susan Day KimbaU). [Elected 1900.I 317 Beacon Street. Eighth in descent from George Morton. For supplementary claims see page 86. 241. tjMRS. STEPHEN S. FITZGERALD (Agnes Blake). [Elected 1905.] Auburndale P.O. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. For supplementary claims see page 119. ROLLS OF NON-COLONIAL MEMBERS. MEMBERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA RESIDENT IN NON-COLONIAL STATES. * Deceased. t Married, t Resigned, tt Transferred. Maine. 551. MRS. JOHN WALTER ROBINSON (Martha WiUiamson Blanchard). [Elected 1905.) Gardiner. Eighth in descent from Maximilian Jewett. Michigan. 552. MRS. NORRIS JOSEPH FRINK (IsabeUa Wilbur Gorham). * [Elected 1905.] Marshall. Seventh in descent from Captain John Gorham. Missouri. 553- MRS. WILLIAM CRAIG BROWNLEE (Henrietta Doane). [Elected 1905.] 3523 Washington Place, St. Louis. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Doane. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Doane, Anthony Stoddard, Rev. Solomon Stoddard, Emanuel Dovsniing, Rev. John Warham. (468) ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 469 California. 554. MRS. JAMES MILTON SPAFFORD (Elizabeth Franklin Hovey) . [Elected 1905.] 2 1 12 Devisadero Street, San Francisco. Eighth in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. Calijornia. 555. MRS. VICTOR HUGO WOODS (Adelaide Spafiford). [Elected 1905.] Sacramento. Ninth in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. Texas. 556. MRS. JAMES H. FRENCH (Sarah L. Webb). [Elected 1905.] San Antonio, Bexar County. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. William Bradford. Texas. 557. MRS. JAMES BRADLEY BEARD (Julia Dodge). [Elected 1905.] 1306 Lake Street, Fort Worth. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant John Dodge. Vermont. 558. MRS. JOHN WYMAN FLINT (Katherine Ellen McGeoch). [Elected 1905.] Bellows Falls. Eleventh in descent from Hon. William Pynchon. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Elizur Holyoke, John Hollister, Samuel Talcott, Richard Treat, John Talcott, John Hubbard, George Hubbard. 47° SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Kentucky. 559. MRS. CHARLES CHRISTOPHER MENGEL (Emily Mason Tryon). [Elected 1905.] 1425 Third Avenue, Louisville. Seventh in descent from Rev. Charles Chauncey. Colorado. 560. MRS. BYRON CHARLES LEAVITT (Alice Silsby Appleton). [Elected 1905.] 854 Pearl Street, Denver. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Appleton. California. 561. MRS. ROSCOE BOYD ASHLEY (Anna Morse Hall). [[Elected 1905.] 1326 Fair Oaks Avenue, South Pasadena. Sixth in descent from Hon. Joshua Morse. Missouri. 562. MRS. JOHN HOLLIDAY WEAR (Susan Leigh Slattery). [Elected 1905. | 4643 Berlin Avenue, St. Louis. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Chadbourne. supplementary claims. Humphrey Chadbourne, Samuel Brigham, William Ward, James Heard, Thomas Marshall, Edmund Rice, Alexander Shapleigh. California. 563. MRS. OLIVER JAMES STOUGH (Florance Adelaide Acer). [Elected 1906.] 2170 Fourth Street, San Diego. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Henry Adams. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 471 Ohio. 564. MISS ISADORA F. KING. [Elected 1906.] Xenia. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Minnesota. 565. MRS. OSCAR CURTIS GREEN (Jennie Goodrich). [Elected 1906.] 477 Holly Avenue, St. Paul. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Samuel Dudley, John Fuller, James Dudley, John Gorham, Samuel Dudley, John Gorham, Matthew Fuller, John Gilman, John HoM^land. California. 566. MISS FRANCES SOULE CAMPBELL. [Elected 1906. [ 1736 Oxford Street, Berkeley. Eighth in descent from Constant Southworth. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Alden, Robert Pike, George Soule, John Wheelwright, Thomas Bradbury. Kentucky. 567. MRS. CHARLES FREEMAN SMITH (Antoinette Danforth). [Elected 1906.] 509 West Ormsby Avenue, Louisville. Fourth in descent from General Artemas Ward. 472 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Wisconsin. 568. MRS. JAMES SARGENT SMITH (Mary Louise Easterbrooks). [Elected 1906.] 125 East Gilman Street, Madison. Sixth in descent from Captain William Turner. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Thomas Easterbrooks. Michigan. 569. * MRS. CLIFFORD KIRKPATRICK (Isabel Hatheway). [Elected 1906.] [Died 1907.] Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Nebraska. 570. MRS. ALEXANDER C. TROUP (Elsie De Cou). [Elected 1906.] 829 South Twenty-first Street, Omaha. Sixth in descent from Captain John Everett. Nebraska. 571. MRS. CHARLES OLIVER NORTON (Lottie Elouise Gove). [Elected 1906.] The Elms, Kearney. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Mayhew. Nebraska. 572. MRS. JOHN JONES STUBBS (Gertrude Irene Gear). [Elected 1906.] 1915 Capitol Avenue, Omaha. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Weld. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 473 Wisconsin. 573. MRS. GEORGE EDWARD KEISER (Mary Bigelow Camp). [Elected 1906. j 109 Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Ohio. 574. MRS. JULIUS BALKE (Jessikate Starbuck). [Elected 1906.J Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Prence. Illinois. 575. MRS. ANTHONY FRENCH MERRILL (Katharine Theresa Pomeroy). [Elected 1906.] 53 Madison Park, Chicago. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Seth Pomeroy. Alabama. 576. MRS. CLAUDE DAVID EBERSOLE (Jenny Nadal Frazier). [Elected 1906.] 2819 Avenue H, Birmingham. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant James Merrick. Ohio. 577. MRS. GERRIT SMITH SYKES (Annie Sullings Gooding). [Elected 1906.] 3007 Vernon Place, Cincinnati. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Colorado. 578. MRS. FRANCIS LUCIUS ROUSE (Harriet Poor Brainerdj. [Elected 1906.) 2 West Costilla Street, Colorado Springs. Eighth in descent from Tristram Coffin. 474 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Maine. 579. MRS. CHARLES HENRY NASON (Emma C. Huntington). [Elected 1906.) 51 Green Street, Augusta. Ninth in descent from Elder William Brewster. Maine. 580. MRS. RICHARD WEBB (Sara Evalina Brinckerhoff). [Elected 1906.] 169 Danforth Street, Portland. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Howland, Rev. John Woodbridge, Thomas Southworth, Joseph Howland, William Leete, WiUiam Phelps. Minnesota. 581. MRS. HIRAM HARRISON THAYER (Harriet Armington Carpenter). [Elected 1906.J * 222 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis. Ninth in descent from William Carpenter. Minnesota. 582. MRS. EDWARD CHENERY GALE (Sarah Belie Pillsbury). [Elected 1906.) 928 Fiftli Street, S.E., Minneapolis. Eighth in descent from William Fiske. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Francis Dane, William Haskell, WiUiam Goodhue, William Fiske, John Andrews, John Woodbury, Thomas Choate, Peter Woodbury, Thomas Choate, William Goodhue, Jr., John Whipple, Thomas Fuller. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 475 Minnesota. 583. MRS. WILLIAM JOHN DEAN (Laura Cannon Winter). [Elected 1906.] 514 Grand Avenue, St. Paul. Eighth in descent from William Goodhue. Maine. 584. MRS. JOHN TUDOR RICHARDS (Cora Howard). [Elected 1906 .J Togus. Ninth in descent from William Sumner. Illinois. 585. MRS. PAUL BLATCHFORD (Frances Veazie Lord). [Elected 1906.) 333 North Euclid Avenue, Oak Park. Tenth in descent from Elder William Brewster. Illinois. 586. MRS. CHARLES NEWTON KEITH (Elizabeth Edwards). [Elected 1906.] 94 North Lake Street, Aurora. Eighth in descent from Governor Willl-ui Bradford. Calijornia. 587. MRS. ANDREW G. GRIFFIN (Alice Miriam Rambo). (Elected 1906.) 3020 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco. Eighth in descent from Tristram Coffin. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Coffin, Richard Gardner, Richard Gardner. 476 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Florida. 588. MRS. TRACY LUCIEN ACOSTA (Cora Belle Bailey). (Elected 1906.] 232 Rosselle Street, Jacksonville. Ninth in descent from Rev. James Bailey. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Samuel Ruggles. Calijornia. 589. MRS. JOHN HAROLD PHILIP (Eunice Johnson). [Elected 1906.) 2410 Steiner Street, San Francisco. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Samuel Symonds. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Samuel Appleton, Thomas Baker, Isaac Appleton, John Putnam, William Fairfield. Minnesota. 590. MRS. AUGUSTINE GALLETT LANGFORD (Elizabeth Robert- son). [Elected i9o6.[ 603 Grand Avenue, St. Paul. Eighth in descent from Ralph Hill, Jr. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Simon Crosby, Jr., Richard Brackett. Minnesota. 591. MRS. FRANKLIN MUZZY CROSBY (Harriet Eugenie Mc- Knight). [Elected 1906.) 2120 Park Avenue, Minneapolis. Eighth in descent from Roger Clapp. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Preserved Clapp, John Strong, Benjamin Newberry, John Lyman, Matthew Alleyn. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 477 Maine. 592. I MRS. HARRISON JEWELL HOLT (Helen Clifford Brown). [Elected 1906.] 85 Vaughan Street, Portland. Tenth in descent from Elder William Brewster. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Bradbury, William Peabody, John Alden, Robert Pike, William Collier, George Soule, James Lewis, Constant Southworth, Ephraim Morton, John Thaxter, WiUiam Mullins, Humphrey Turner. Tennessee. 593. MISS CLARA WALTON MONTAGUE. [Elected 1906. [ 131 East Terrace, Chattanooga. Seventh in descent from Samuel Smith. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. WiUiam Lewis, Jr., WiUiam Goodwin, George Hubbard, Edmund Rice, WiUiam Lewis, Sr. Vermont. 594. MRS. GEORGE WORCESTER WALES (Martha Gray). [Elected 1906.] 289 College Street, Burlington. Tenth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Maine. 595. MRS. FRITZ HERMANN JORDAN (Ethel Daveis Abbot). [Elected 1907.) 133 Pleasant Street, Portland. Ninth in descent from Sir Richard Saltonstall. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Richard Saltonstall, Jr., Rev. John Rogers, Nathaniel SaltonstaU, Thomas Dudley, 478 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Edward Rossiter, John Winslow, John Abbot, Nathaniel Clarke, John Oilman, Nathaniel Folsom, Edward Hutchinson, Rev. John Cotton, Daniel Denison, Rev. Nathaniel Ward. Cahjornia. 596. MRS. SAMUEL CUTLER BIGELOW (Isabel Otis). [Elected 1907.] 53 Presidio Avenue, San Francisco. Seventh in descent from John Thaxter. Vermont. 597. MISS MARY ELIZABETH ROOT. [Elected 1907.I Bennington. Eighth in descent from Benjamin Newberry. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Matthew Alleyn. ♦ Minnesota. 598. MRS. PRESTON KING (Josephine Florence Marrs), [Elected 1907.] 624 South Ninth Street, Minneapolis. Seventh in descent from Nathaniel Peaslee. Kansas. 599- MRS. MYRON GEORGE MANLEY (Laura Pease Cleveland). [Elected 1907.] Lawrence. Eighth in descent from Captain Joseph Weld. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Daniel Harris. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 479 Michigan. 600. MRS. EDWARD ORR STAFFORD (Nelly Flower Swine- ford). [Elected 1907.) Marquette. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Maine. 601. MRS. HOWARD ROLLIN IVES (Hilda Libby). [Elected 1907.] 125 Neal Street, Portland. Tenth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Alabama. 602. MRS. MERRILL EDWARD PRATT (Julia Adelaide Smith). [Elected 1907.] Prattville. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Matthew AUyn, William Phelps, James Fitch, Henry Wolcott. Alabama. 603. MRS. CHARLES BYRD PESCHMANN (Enola Greenleaf). [Elected 1907.J Huntsville. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Jabez Fairbank. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Tristram CofiSn, Daniel Gookin. Maine. 604. MRS. HOWARD CORNING (Cora Allison Burt). [Elected 1907.] 62 Kingsbury Street, Gardiner. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith. 480 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. West Virginia. 605. MRS. WILLIAM LOHMEYER (Nannie Reynolds). [Elected 1907.] 401 Broad Street, Charleston-on-Kanawha. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. Illinois. 606. MRS. FRANK HENRY STARKWEATHER (Abby Estelle Staples). [Elected 1907.] 1824 Chicago Avenue, Evanston. Seventh in descent from John Upham. Missouri. 607. MISS ANNIE LOUISE HOLMAN. [Elected 1907.] 5413 Bartmer Avenue, St. Louis. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Ohio. 608. MRS. JAMES OSWELL OHLER (Clara May Paine). [Elected 1907.] 559 West Market Street, Lima. Fifth in descent from Captain Peter Adams. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Samuel Bass, Timothy Tileston, Robert Spur. Calijornia. 609. MRS. WILLIAM JOHNSON WASHBURN (Helen Edna Rowell). [Elected 1907.] 4000 Pasadena Avenue, Los Angeles. Eighth in descent from Robert Clement. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Jacob Barney, Richard Williams. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 481 Calijornia . 610. MRS. NATHAN COLE, JR. (Mary Corbett). [Elected 1907.] 4012 Pasadena Avenue, Los Angeles. Tenth in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. Jonathan Whitney. Michigan. 611. MISS MARCIA MARIA RICHARDSON. [Elected 1907.] 42 Washington Street, Pontiac. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Michigan. 612. MRS. JAMES HERRING DEWING (Fanny Anderson Chapin). [Elected 1907.I 922 West Main Street, Kalamazoo. Eighth in descent from Richard Bartlett. Louisiana. 613. MRS. CONRAD BEAUREGARD FISCHER (Elizabeth Hoey). [Elected 1907.] 1314 Third Street, New Orleans. Seventh in descent from Samuel Bigelow. Wiscofisin. 614. MRS. EDWARD MILLER CRANE (Lilian May Felker). [Elected 1907.J 345 Washington Street, Oshkosh. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Wisconsin. 615. MISS MAY HOUGHTON. [Elected 1907.] 4 Waverly Place, Milwaukee. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Wells. 482 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Ohio. 616. MRS WILLIAM GREEN DESHLER (Elizabeth Jones). (Elected 1907.] 86 East Broad Street, Columbus. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Putnam. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Nathan Goodale, John Phelps. Missouri. 617. MRS. HAROLD HILGARD TITTMANN (Emma Roe Copelin). [Elected 1907] 5024 Westminster Place, St. Louis. Eighth in descent from Rev. George Phillips. Maine. 618. MRS. JAMES CROSBY (Emily Alden). [Elected 1907.] 13 Broadway, Bangor. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Texas. 619. MRS. WALTER FRANCIS AYERS (Emma Letitia Whitaker). [Elected 1907. 1 . 151 2 Avenue H, Galveston. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Williams. Indiana. 620. MRS. WATSON J. HASSELMAN (Ida Lucy Blood). [Elected 1907.] 3445 Central Avenue, Indianapolis. Fourth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Blood. Ohio. 621. MRS. SILAS REESE BURNS (Louise Latham Devereux). [Elected i907,[ Alhambra, California. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Prence. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 483 Indiana. 622. MRS. FLETCHER HODGES (Rebecca Traill Andrews). [Elected 1908.] 8 West New York Street, Indianapolis. Eighth in descent from Henry True. Kansas. 623. MRS. PETER E. EMERY (Mary Hannah Thacher). [Elected 1908.] Lawrence. Seventh in descent from Rev. Thomas Thacher. Louisiana. 624. MRS. EDMUND JEFFERSON GLENNY (Adele Blanc). [Elected 1908.) 1435 "Webster Street, New Orleans. Ninth in descent from John Rowland. Tennessee. 625. MISS SARA BESSIE RICHMOND. [Elected 1908.] 657 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Thomas Greigson, Richard Wilh'ams, Edward Bangs, William Merrick. Alabama. 626. MRS. HARRY THEOPHILUS TOULMIN (Mary Montague Henshaw). (Elected 1908.I Mobile. Seventh in descent from John Alden. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS, William Mullins, John Chipman, John Rowland, John Tilley, Ralph Sprague. 484 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Colorado. 627. MRS. JACOB FILLIUS (Emma Elizabeth Sabin). [Elected 1908.) 121 1 Race Street, Denver. Eighth in descent from William Sabin. Michigan. 628. MRS. HERBERT SYDNEY HUMPHREY (Constance Plumer McCalmont). [Elected 1908.) Carmel and Academy Streets, Kalamazoo. Eighth in descent from Nicholas Noyes. Maine. 629. MISS EMMA SEWALL ALDEN. [Elected 1908.] Camden. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Illinois. 630. MRS. CLARENCE IVES PECK (Mary Field). [Elected 1908.) 2254 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Abel Wright. supplementary claims. Nathaniel Dickinson, Richard Treat, John Hollister. Ohio. 631. MRS. STEPHEN THOMAS DOUTHIRT (Mary Brooks). (Elected 1908.] 301 Linwood Avenue, Columbus. Fourth in descent from Josiah White. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 485 Iowa. 632. MRS. JENNESS BROCK RICHARDSON (Belle Ballord). (Elected 1908.) 1802 East River Street, Davenport. Eighth in descent from Judge Simon Lynde. Maine. 633. MISS SARAH CARTER MOULTON. [Elected 1908.I 37 Falmouth Street, Portland. Eighth in descent from George Cleeve. Maine. 634. MISS LYDIA FRANCES MOULTON. (Elected 1908.] 37 Falmouth Street, Portland. Eighth in descent from George Cleeve. Florida. 635. MRS. GEORGE LAUER BAHL (Elizabeth Rivers Bailey). [Elected 1908.] 562 Jefferson Avenue, E., Detroit, Michigan. Seventh in descent from Rev. James Bailey. supplementary claim. Samuel Ruggles. Michigan. 636. MISS MARTHA BACON CLARK. [Elected 1908.I 200 South Fourth Street, Marquette. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Iowa. 637. MRS. HENRY JOHN HOWE (Anna Lydia Belknap). [Elected 1908.] 6 South Fifth Avenue, Marshalltown. Fifth in descent from Captain Jonathan Putnam. 486 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Kansas. 638. MRS. CHARLES FREDERICK LITTLE (Charlotte Swift). [Elected 1908.] Manhattan. Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Swift. Nebraska. 639. MRS. ARTHUR CRITTENDEN SMITH (Harriet Foster White). [Elected 1908.] 1303 Park Avenue, Omaha. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Thurston. Nebraska. 640. MRS. SIDNEY DENISE BARKALOW (Caroline Lawrence Mc- Namara). [Elected 1908.] 2416 Capitol Avenue, Omaha. Ninth in descent from Wh-ll^m Swain. Michigan. 641. MRS. CHARLES FREDERICK HAMMOND (Juliet Anna Klous). [Elected 1908.] 162 Joseph Campau Avenue, Detroit. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Mississippi. 642. MRS. JOHN STEPHEN PLEASANTS (Lucile Gibson). [Elected 1908.] Laurel. Seventh in descent from Captain Nathaniel Bowman. Maine. 643. MISS HELEN WILLIAMS FULLER. [Elected 1908.] 8 Crosby Street, Augusta. Seventh in descent from Edward Fuller. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 487 Texas. 644. MRS. JOHN DORLIN HOWSON (Emilie Wheelock). [Elected 1908.] 208 West Eighth Street, Austin. Tenth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Ohio. 645. MRS. FRANCIS THOMAS McFADDEN (Elizabeth Apthorp Adams). [Elected 1908.] Care Central Trust & Safe Deposit Company, Cincinnati. Fifth in descent from Colonel Samuel Swift. Maine. 646. MRS. WALLACE HUMPHREY WHITE (Helen Elizabeth Frye). [Elected 1908.] Lewiston. Fifth in descent from General Joseph Frye. Minnesota. 647. MRS. WILLIAM CHANNING WHITNEY (Alma Carter Walker). [Elected 1908.] 2514 Fourth Avenue, So. Minneapolis. Eighth in descent from Captain Richard Walker. Nebraska. 648. MRS. HARRY NOTT (Maud Alma Bryant). [Elected 1908.] 4019 Farnam Street, Omaha. Seventh in descent from Captain Jonathan Dantorth. Nebraska. 649. MRS. LOWRIE CHILDS (Hortense Ferguson). [Elected 1908.! Maxwellton, R. F. D. No. 3, South Omaha. Tenth in descent from Captain Joseph Weld. 488 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Nebraska. 650. MRS. ELMORE ST. CLAIRE SNYDER (Florence Gove). [Elected 1908.I The Elms, Kearney. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Mayhew. Nebraska. 651. MISS ISABELL AMANDA TABOR. [Elected 1908.] Kearney. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Nebraska. 652. MISS AGNES MOWRY TABOR. [Elected 1908.] Kearney. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Nebraska. 653. MRS. CHARLES OFFUTT (Bertha Clarke Yost). [Elected 1908.] 140 North Thirty-ninth Street, Omaha. Eighth in descent from Major-General Robert Sedgwick. West Virginia. 654. MRS. CHARLES EDWIN WARD (Gypsy Fleming). [Elected 1908.] Charleston. Ninth in descent from Captain Thomas Brooks. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. WilHam Sumner, Hugh Mason, George Sumner, James Lovett, Nathaniel Sparhawk. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 489 Minnesota. 655. MRS. DAVID PERCY JONES (Alice Gale). [Elected 1908.) 2005 Third Avenue, So. Minneapolis. Fifth in descent from Captain Isaac Gale. Iowa. 656. MRS. VICTOR EMANUEL BENDER (Alma Colville). [Elected 1908.J 244 Fifth Avenue, Council Bluffs. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Nebraska. 657. MRS. JOHN CLAY COWIN (Ella Lenore Benton). [Elected 1908.] 332 South Thirty-seventh Street, Omaha. Eighth in descent from William Holton. Iowa. 658. MRS. ROBERT EGLINTON MONTGOMERY (Lettie Dodge). [Elected 1908.] 605 Third Street, Council Bluffs. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant John Dodge. Nebraska. 659. MRS. JOHN WILLIAM GRIFFITH (Fannie Bradley Lyford). [Elected 1908.I 3825 Cuming Street, Omaha. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Michigan. 660. MRS. ALBERT DWIGHT BENNETT (Emily Louise Howard). [Elected 1908.] 14 1 2 Military Street, Port Huron. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Howard. 490 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Calijornia. 66i. MISS LOTTIE GERTRUDE WOODS. [Elected 1908.] 2000 California Street, San Francisco. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Maine. 662. MRS. FRANCIS LE ROY HARVEY (Addie Lillian Battle). [Elected 1908.] Orono. Ninth in descent from Rev. Peter Bulkeley. Maine. 663. MRS. ARTHUR SEWALL BOSWORTH (Mary Wood Jordan). [Elected 1908.] 56 Bowdoin Street, Portland. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Mississippi. 664. MRS. V/ILLIAM LUCIAN OWSLEY (Virginia Marion Gibson). [Elected 1908. J 2610 Eighth Street, Meridian. Seventh in descent from Captain Nathaniel Bowman. Missouri. 665. MRS. ELMER BRAGG ADAMS (Emma Richmond). [Elected 1908.) 25 Westmoreland Place, St. Louis. Seventh in descent from John Alden. supplementary claims. William MuUins, John Johnson, Thomas Rogers, Isaac Johnson, Francis Cooke, Richard Swan, ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 491 Henry Sampson, Christopher Wadsworth, Thomas White, John Wadsworth, Joseph Boynton, James Walker, John Thompson, William Bartholomew. Wisconsin. 666. MISS FRANCES WINCHESTER. [Elected 1908.I Whitewater. Seventh in descent from John Winchester, Jr. Michigan. 667. MISS MARTHA WHITE BANCKER. [Elected 1908.] 305 West Wilkins Street, Jackson. Ninth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. Maine. 668. MRS. GEORGE EMORY FELLOWS (Lucia Idelle Russell). [Elected 1909.I Orono. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Maine. 669. MRS. ANSON McKIM (Bessie True). [Elected 1909.] 37 Macgregor Street, Montreal, P.Q. Eighth in descent from Governor WttLiAM Bradford. Kentucky. 670. MRS. ALLEN ROSE HITE (Marcia Shallcross Warren). [Elected 1909.] 407 Columbia Building, Louisville. Sixth in descent from Captain Daniel Warren. 492 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Calijornia. 671. MRS. FREDERICK NICKERSON WOODS (Josephine Tozer). [Elected 1909.] 2000 California Street, San Francisco. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Michigan. 672. MRS. DANIEL McCOY (Abigail Lyon Ayer). [Elected 1909. J 82 Paris Avenue, Grand Rapids. Eighth in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. ' supplementary claims. John Capen, Thomas Bradbury, Robert Pike, Rev. John Wheelwright. California. 673. MRS. NATHANIEL BAKER KLINK (Elizabeth Seymour). [Elected 1909.I 504 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Seventh in descent from Governor John Webster. supplementary claim. Richard Treat. Ohio. 674. MRS. CHARLES S. DANA (Mary Anderson Sayre). [Elected 1909.) 609 Third Street, Marietta. Seventh in descent from Captain Jonas Prescott. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 493 Maine. 675. MISS HARRIET ANNA LIBBY. [Elected 1909.] 603 Congress Street, Portland. Fifth in descent from Captain John Libby. Maine. 676. MISS MARGARETTA AGNES LIBBY. [Elected 1909.] 603 Congress Street, Portland. Fifth in descent from Captain John Libby. Maine. 677. MISS ELLEN HARRISON LIBBY. [Elected 1909.] 603 Congress Street, Portland. Fifth in descent from Captain John Ii3by. Maine. 678. MRS. FREDERIC FROTHINGHAM TALBOT (Mary Weston). [Elected 1909.] 62 Neal Street, Portland. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Dimmock. West Virginia. 679. MRS. STUART M. BUCK (Grace Ross). [Elected 1909.] Bramwell. Seventh in descent from Daniel Cushing. West Virginia. 680. MRS. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MacCORKLE (BeUe Farrier Goshorn). [Elected 1909.] Charleston. Fourth in descent from Colonel John Daggett 494 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Vermont. 68i. MRS. THEODORE NEWTON VAIL (Mabel Rutledge San- derson). [Elected 1909.] Lyndonville. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Bancroft. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. John Sherman, Thomas Adams, Joseph Sherman, Josiah Richardson, Edward Winship, Joseph Fletcher, Eleazer Lawrence. Missouri. 28. MRS. HENRY W. ELIOT. [Elected 1896. See Register, p. 129.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Isaac Stearns, Samuel Chapin, Jacob Gushing, Rev. Thomas Walley, Josiah Chapin. « Colorado. 289. MRS. EDWIN B. HENDRIE. [Elected 1899. See Register, p. 194.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. Rev. Robert Jordan, Benjamin Ellery, Rev. Jeremiah Wise, Nathaniel Rogers, Jeremy Houchin, Edmund Littlefield, Rev. John Wise, Ephriam Sale, Lewis Bane, Thomas Marshall, John Rogers, Emanuel Downing, John Games, Rev. John Rogers, Thomas Spencer, James Heard, Thomas Dudley, Thomas Newton, Daniel Denison, John Wainwright, Hopestill Foster, John Wainwright. ROLLS OF MEMBERSHIP. 495 Missouri. 353. MRS. EDWARD WYMAN. [Elected 1900. See Register, p. 210.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. James Heard, Humphrey Chadbourne, Edmund Rice, William Ward, Alexander Shapleigh. Colorado. 438. MRS. JAMES B. GRANT. (Elected 1902. See Register, p. 233.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. William Sabin, Isaac Stearns, Benjamin Sabin, John Whipple, William Pabodie, John Alden, Jonathan Boyden, Daniel Sterling, William Mullins, Reinold Marvin, Simon Stone. Kansas. 501. MRS. ALEXANDER M. HARVEY. [Elected 1904. See Register, p. 249.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIM. William Williams. California. 526. MRS. CYRUS WALKER. [Elected 1904. See Register, p. 256.] ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CLAIMS. William Busse, William Brenton, Edward Howe, Richard Beers, William Collier, William Hartwell, Constant Southworth, James Trowbridge, Nathaniel Jones, Benjamin Church, 496 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Josiah Jones, Edward Church, Grifl&n Craft, Richard Warren, Richard Smith. Michigan. 126. tMRS. AGOSTINO MATTOLI (Kate Douglas Balch). [Elected 1897.) See page 154. Ohio. 245. tMRS. CHARLES W. HACK (Helen Gwendolyn Dunlevy Kelley). [Elected 1899.] See page 183. Wisconsin. 414. I MRS. HENRY S. McAULEY (Laura Seager Rogeis). [Elected 190a.] See page 226. Colorado. 524. JMRS. FRANKLIN D. KING (Frances Virginia Masi). [Elected 1904.] See page 255. fln riDcmoriam, Mrs. Edward Bangs. 1905. Mrs. Henry Forbes Bigelow. 1907. Mrs. William H. Brawley. 1906. Mrs. Joseph Giles Eaton. 1906. Mrs. Samuel Eliot. 1906. Mrs. Joseph Story Fay. 1905. Mrs. Charles Fry. 1906. Mrs. Francis Rowland. 1909. Miss Margaret W. Reynolds. 1906. Mrs. Edward Wheelwright. 1907. (498) Iln fiDemoriam. NON-COLONIAL. Mrs. John Quincy Adams, igoi. Mrs. Charles A. Bovey. 1906. Mrs. Harry Butler. 1906. Miss Isabel C. Churchill. 1905. Mrs. Denis Donahoe. 1905. Mrs. Henry M. Duffield. 1906. Mrs. John G. Flint. 1906. Mrs. Albert Glaspell. 1907. Mrs. Philip I. Jones. 1907. Mrs. Clifford Kirkpatrick. 1907. Mrs. Joseph Lovell. 1909. Mrs. James H. Maddux. 1905. Mrs. Delos A. Monfort. 1905. Mrs. Thomas H. Rich. 1908. Mrs. James L. Sexton. 1908. Mrs. Angus Smith. 1900. Miss Julia A. Smith. 1908. Mrs. William A. Spencer. 1906. Mrs. Jacob G. Ullery. 1906. Mrs. Horatio L. Wait. 1908. Mrs. Edward C. Wall 1904. Mrs. Willl4m D. W'iman. 1906. Miss Grace Woodbury. 1908. (499) MARRIED. Miss Agnes Blake married Mr. Stephen S. FitzGerald. 1906. Miss Susan Day Kimball married Mr. Robert Farley Clark. 1906. Miss Helen Perry married Mr. George Dodge Cabot. 1909. (500) MARRIED. NON-COLONIAL. f Miss Kate Douglas Balch married Dr. Agostino Mat- TOLi. 1907. Miss Helen Clifford Brown married Mr. Harrison Jewell Holt. 1908. Miss Helen Gwendolyn Dunlevy Kelley married Mr. Charles W. Hack. Miss Frances Virginia Masi married Mr. Franklin D. King. 1907. Miss Laura Seager Rogers married Mr. Henry Sayre McAuley. 1905. t Resigned, (501) RESIGNED. Lady Gilbert Carter. 1906. Miss Sarah Sullivan Perkins. 1908. Miss Georgie Lise Porter. 1906. Mrs. Neal Rantoul. 1907. (502) RESIGNED. NON-COLONIAL. If Mrs. Arthur Fairbanks. Mrs. Cass Gilbert. ft Mrs. Francis Rowland. •j-f Mrs. Julian A. Kebler. ft Mrs. George E. Martin. ± Mrs. Agostino Mattoli. Mrs. William McCreery Ramsay. Mrs. George Senkler. Mrs. F. Rexford Slauson. Mrs. Minthorne Woolsey. t Married, ft Transferred. (503) TRANSFERRED. Mrs. J. Doddridge Brannan to Massachusetts from Ohio. Mrs. Arthur Fairbanks to Massachusetts from Iowa. * Mrs. Francis Howland to Massachusetts from California. Mrs. Julian A. Kebler to Massachusetts from Colorado. Mrs. George E. Martin to Massachusetts from Missouri. Mrs. Samuel F. Smith to Massachusetts from Iowa. * Deceased. (504) TRANSFERRED. NON-COLONIAL. f Mrs. J. Doddridge Brannan from Ohio to Massachusetts, t Mrs. Arthur Fairbanks from Iowa to Massachusetts, t Mrs. Daniel C. Goodwin from Illinois to Michigan, t Mrs. Francis Rowland from California to Massachusetts, f Mrs. Julian A. Kebler from Colorado to Massachusetts, t Mrs. George E. Martin from Missouri to Massachusetts. t Resigned. (505) NOTE OF EXPLANATION. The following is the same for the Ancestors and Ascendants of the Supplement as for those of the Register of 1905, page 269, except that the Eligibility Committee has had to exclude, since the Register was printed, a number of Ancestors, as suffi- cient proof for their services could not be found. The pages on which these occur will be found among the Errata. IN preparing the following list of ascendants of the members ■*• of the Massachusetts Society of Colonial Dames, no attempt has been made to give with absolute accuracy the dates which follow the name of each ascendant. They indicate the approx- imate time of his birth and death, or of his arrival in the colonies, and are intended merely to identify the person whose services are recorded. The name of a colony following that of an ascendant signifies that his services render his descendants eligible in that colony; where no colony is given, it is to be understood that his services render them eligible in Massachusetts. Where an ascendant has been accepted as rendering eligible service, other services have often been added which are not of themselves sufficient to entitle him to a place among the accepted ascendants. As the services speak for themselves, all titles except that of Reverend have been omitted. Dates of service are inclusive, except where they have been taken from the printed records of the other societies. Economy of space has made necessary the abbreviation of (506) NOTE OF EXPLANATION. 507 names and titles as "Court of Common Pleas" for Inferior Court of Common Pleas, "Assistant" for Governor's Assistant, "Coun- cillor" for Member of Governor's Council. "Preacher of Elec- tion Sermon" signifies the minister annually appointed to preach the sermon before the General Court. Some claims have been excluded from the following list be- cause the authority for the service (especially that of commissioned officers) has not been given fully enough to enable the Eligibility Committee to verify the services. If, however, sufficient proof of the commission, or other service, is furnished, they will be included among the accepted ascendants. Family tradition or town histories, unsupported by other evidence, is not accepted as proof of service. In case the name of any member has been accidentally omitted, under an ascendant from whom she has established a claim, if she will kindly send word to the Secretary, the omission will be rectified. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Abbot, John, i 704-1 793. (For service see p. 272.) Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Adams, Henry, 1657-1733. (For service see p. 272.) Mrs. Oliver J. Stough. Adams, Peter, 1669-1747. (For service see p. 272.) Mrs. James O. Ohler. Adams, Thomas, 1632/3-1688. (For service see p. 272.) Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Alden, John, 1620-1687. (For service see p. 273.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Miss Emma S. Alden. Miss Francis S. Campbell. Miss Martha B. Clark. Mrs. Edward M. Crane. Mrs. James Crosby. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. James B. Grant. Miss Annie L. Holman. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Mrs. Elmore W. Hurst. Miss Marcia W. Richardson. Mrs. George P. Thurston. Mrs. Harry T. Toulmin. Allerton, Isaac, 1620-1659. (For service see p. 274.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Miss Agnes M. Tabor, Miss Isabell A. Tabor. Allyn, Matthew, 1632-167 i. (For service see p. 274.) Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby. Mrs. Merrill E. Pratt. Miss Mary E. Root. Allyn, Samuel, 1643/4-1726. Deputy from Barnstable to Plym- outh General Court, 1682-1684. Miss Fanny Young. Andrews, Henry, 1653. (For service see p. 275.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Andrews, John, 1639-1708. (For service see p. 275.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Appleton, Isaac, i 664-1 747. (For service see p. 275.) Mrs. J. Arthur Beebe. Mrs. John H. Philip. Appleton, Samuel, 1635-1670. (For service see p. 275.) Mrs. J. Arthur Beebe. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Byron S. Leavitt. Mrs. John H. PhiHp. Appleton, Samuel, 1635-1692. (For service see p. 276.) Mrs. J. Arthur Beebe. Arnold, Stephen, 1622-1699. (R.I.) Deputy from Providence to Rhode Island General Assembly, 1664, '65, '67, '70-72, '74-77, '84, '85, '90; Assistant, 1672, '77-80, '90, '91, '96, '98. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Arnold, William, 1587-1676. (R.I.) One of the thirteen original pro- prietors of Providence Plantations; Signed an agreement for a form of government, 1640; Commis- sioner for Providence to the Court of Commissioners, 1661. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Miss Ellen Chase. Aston, Walter, 1607-1656. (Va.) Lieutenant-Colonel in Charles City County Militia, Sept. 17, 1655; Member of General Assembly for Shirley Hundred, 1630, 1632; for Shirley Hundred and Causeys Care, 1632, '33; Commissioner Monthly Courts, March 5, 1623. Mrs. William O. Kimball. (510) ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 511 Atherton, Humphrey, 1636/7- [1661. (For service see p. 277.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Nathan Cole, Jr. Mrs. Daniel McCoy. Miss Annie N. Ward. Avery, William, 1650-1687. (For service see p. 277.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Ayers, Peter, 1640-1698/9. (For service see p. 277.) Miss Mary F. Ayer. Bailey, Rev. James, 1650-1707. First Pastor of the First Church of Salem Village from October, 167 1 to 1680; Active in founding and forwarding the interests of the Colony. Mrs. Tracy L. Acosta. Mrs. George L. Bahl. Baker, Thomas, 1636-1718. (For service see p. 278.) Mrs. J. Arthur Beebe. Mrs. John H. Philip. Baldwin, Nathaniel, 1693-1760. (Conn.) Lieutenant in Goshen, 175 1; Captain, 17S2; Deputy from Goshen to Connecticut General Court, 1759, '60. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Ball, William, 1615-1680. (Va.) Colonel in Lancaster County Militia, 1675, '76; Member of House of Burgesses from Lancas- ter County, 1668, '7o-'74, '77. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Ball, William, 1641-1694. (Va.) Captain in Colonial Militia from Lancaster County, 1680; Mem- ber of House of Burgesses from Lancaster County, 1682, '83, '85, '88, '92. Mrs. WilHam O. Kimball. Bancroft, Thomas, 1691. (For service see p. 278.) Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Bane, Lewis, 1721. Representative from York to Massachusetts General Court, 1704, '05, '07, '08, '12-14, '17, '18; At the head of a Company of Scouts, 1712. Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Bangs, Edward, 1623-1678. (For service see p. 279.) Miss Sara B. Richmond. Mrs. C. Howard Walker. Barney, Jacob, 1634-1673. (For service see p. 279.) Mrs. William J. Washburn. Barrett, John, 1706. Lieutenant in Chelmsford, 1671. Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Bartholomew, William, 1640- 1697. Ensign of Woodstock Company, 1689; Lieutenant, 169 1; Rep- resentative from Woodstock to Massachusetts General Court, 1692. Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Bartlett, Richard, i 621-1698. Deputy to Massachusetts General Court from Newbury, 1 679-1 681, '84-86. Mrs. James H. Dewing. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Bass, Samuel, 1632-1694. (For service see p. 280.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Mrs. WilHam Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Mrs. James O. Ohler. Bassett, William, 1621-1667. (For service see p. 280.) Miss Mary F. Ayer. Beamsley, William, 1632-1658. Ensign by 1658. Mrs. I. Tucker Burr. Beers, Richard, 1637-1675. (For service see p. 281.) Mrs. Cyrus Walker. BiGELOW, Samuel, 1653-1732. (For service see p. 281.) Mrs. Conrad B. Fischer. Blake, Joseph, 1739-1818. (For service see p. 282.) Miss Helen L. SuUivan. Blake, William, 1620-1703. Deputy from Milton to Massa- chusetts General Court, 1680, '83, '90. '97- Mrs. Nathaniel W. Appleton. 512 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Blakeman, Rev. Adam, 1598-1665. (Conn.) Minister at Stratford, 1639-1665; Active in founding and forward- ing the interests of the Colony. Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Miss Clara E. Sears. Blanchaed, Joseph, 1727. (For service see p. 282.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Blanchaed, Joseph, 1704-175 8. (For service see p. 282.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Blood, Nathaniel, 17 14-1801. Lieutenant, August, 1757, in Ex- pedition to Fort William Henry; Commissioned Captain of Seconcl Charlton Company, March i, 1763- Mrs. Watson J. Hasselman. Bond, Jonas, i 664-1 727. Served in Expedition against Canada, 1690; Lieutenant-Col- onel; Deputy to Massachusetts General Court from Watertown, 1706, '07, '20, '23-26. Miss Ellen Chase. Bond, William, 1695. (For service see p. 282.) Miss Ellen Chase. Bouene, Meletiah, 1673/4-1742. (For service see p. 283.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Bouene, Richard, 1636-1682. (For service see p. 283.) Miss Mary F. Ayer. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Bouene, Sheaejashub, 1644-17 19. (For service see p. 283.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Bouene, Thomas, 1637-1664. (For service see p. 283.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. BowEES, Jeeathmeel, 1650 . (For service see p. 283.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. BowEES, Jonathan, 1674-1744/5. (For service see p. 283.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. BowEK'S, William, i 709-1 799. (For service see p. 283.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Bowman, Nathaniel, i 668/9-1 748. (For service see p. 283.) Mrs. William L. Owsley. Mrs. John S. Pleasants. Mrs. George E. Sage. Boyden, Jonathan, 165 2-1 73 2. (For service see p. 284.) Mrs. James B. Grant. BoYNTON, Joseph, 1644-1730. Representative from Rowley to Massachusetts General Court,. 1693, '98, 1701-1703; Captain. Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Brackett, Richaed, 169 1. (For service see p. 284.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Mrs. Augustine G. Langford Bradbury, Thomas, i 640-1 695. (For service see p. 284.) Miss Frances S. Campbell. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Mrs. Daniel McCoy. Bradford, William, 1620-1657. (For service see p. 284.) Mrs. Victor E. Bender. Mrs. Arthur S. Bosworth. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. James H. French. Mrs. Warren R. Oilman. Mrs. George E. Keiser. Mrs. Charles N. Keith. Miss Isadora F. King. Mrs. Clifford Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Anson McKim. Mrs. Merrill E. Pratt. Mrs. Edward O. Stafford. Bradford, William, 1624-1704. (For service see p. 285.) Mrs. James H. French. Bradstreet, Simon, 1630-1697. (For service see p. 286.) Mrs. Allen L. Joslin. Brenton, William, 1633-1674. (For service see p. 287.) Mrs. Charles Boyden. Miss Clara E. Sears. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Brewster, Jonathan, 1620-1659? (For service see p. 287.) Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Brewster, William, 1620-1644. (For service see p. 287.) Mrs. Paul Blatchford. Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. David Crocker. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 513 Mrs. William G. Farlow. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Mrs. George D. Jefferson. Mrs. Charles H. Nason. Miss Clara E. Sears. Bridge, John, 1632-1665. (For service see p. 287.) Mrs. Robert S. Bradley. Bridge, Matthew, 163 2-1 700. (For service see p. 288.) Mrs. Robert S. Bradley. Brigham, Samuel, 1652-1713. (For service see p. 288.) Mrs. John H. Wear. Brocklebank, Samuel, 1639-1676. (For service see p. 288.) Miss Edith Codman. Mrs. Ernest Lovering. Bromfield, Edward, 1675-1734. (For service see p. 288.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Bromfield, Edward, Jr., 1695- 1756. Representative from Boston to Massachusetts General Court, 1738, '40, '42. Miss Clara E. Sears. Brooks, Thomas, 1636-1667. (For service see p. 28S.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Mrs. Charles E. Ward. Miss Fanny Young. Brown, Henry, 1625-1703. (R.I.) Commissioner to Court of Com- missioners, 1 65 2-1 654; Deputy from Providence to Rhode Island General Assembly, 1665, '68, '71, '72, '84; Assistant, 1672, '73. Miss Ellen Chase. Browne, Thomas, 1651-1718. Ensign of Concord Military Com- pany, 1711. Miss Clara E. Sears. Browne, William, 1635-1688. (For service see p. 289.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Buck, Isaac, i 647-1 695. (For service see p. 289.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Buckminster, Joseph, i 666-1 747. (For service see p. 289.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Bulkeley, Edward, 1673-1748. (Conn.) Captain of the Train Band of Stepney Parish, Weathersfield, 1727; Deputy for Weathersfield, 1714-17x6, '21, '24. Miss Ellen Chase. Bulkeley, Gershom, 1636-1713. (For service see p. 289.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Charles W. Smith. Bulkeley, Peter, i 635-1 659. (For service see p. 290.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Francis Le Roy Harvey. Mrs. Allen L. Joslin. Mrs. Charles W. Smith. Burnham, Thomas, 1647-1694. (For service see p. 290.) Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Mrs. George E. Sage. Bursley, John, 1629-1660. (For service see p. 291.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Busse, William, 1698. Commissioned Lieutenant of the Foot Company at Concord, May II, 1681. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Call, John, 1635-1697. (For service see p. 291.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Capen, John, 1692. (For service see p. 291.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Daniel McCoy. Carder, Richard, 1636-1676. (For service see p. 292.) Miss Ellen Chase. Carleton, Edward, 1638-1650. (For service see p. 292.) Mrs. I. Tucker Burr. Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Carleton, John, i 638-1669. (For service see p. 292.) Mrs. I. Tucker Burr. Carnes, John, i 698-1 760. Lieutenant, 1745; Captain in Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1748; Lieutenant-Colo- nel, 1750. Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. 514 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Carpenter, William, 1638-1659. (For service see p. 292.) Mrs. Hiram H. Thayer. Carpenter, William, ■ — 1685. (R.I.) One of the thirteen proprietors of Providence, R.I. ; Signed an agree- ment for a form of govern- ment, 1640; Commissioner for Providence to the Court of Com- missioners, 1658, '60, '62, '63; Deputy from Providence to Rhode Island General Assembly, 1664, '65, '71;, '76, '79; Assistant, 1665, '72. Miss Eleanor J. Clark. Carrington, George, 17 12-1785. (Va.) Member of House of Burgesses from Goochland, 1 747-1 749; From Cumberland, 1752-1764. Mrs. Ralph A. Cram. Carrington, Paul, 1733-18 18. (Va.) Member of the Convention, 1776. Mrs. Ralph A. Cram. Case, John, 1662-1733. (Conn.) Captain of Train Band in Sims- bury, May, 1713. Miss MaryK. Horsford. Chadbourne, Benjamin, 1718- [1796. (For service see p. 292.) Mrs. John H. Wear. Chadbourne, Humphrey, 1600- 1667. Deputy from Kittery to Massa- chusetts General Court, 1657, '59, '60. Mrs. John H. Wear. Mrs. Edward Wyman. Chambers, Charles, 1688-1743. (For service see p. 293.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Champlin, Jeffrey, 1695. (R.I.) Deputy from Westerly, R.I., to General Court of Rhode Island, 1681, '82, '84-86. Mrs. George D. Cabot. Chandler, Edmund, 1633-1662. Deputy from Duxbury to Plym- outh General Court, 1639, '43, '44. Mrs. Esek S. Ballord. Chandler, John, 1665-1743. (For service see p. 293.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Chandler, John, 1693-1762. (For service see p. 293.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Chandler, John, 1720/1-1776. (For service see p. 293.) Miss Helen L. Sulhvan. Chapin, Josiah, 1726. (For service see p. 294.) Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Mrs. Henry W. Eliot. Chapin, Samuel, 1642-1675. (For service see p. 294.) Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Mrs. Henry W. Eliot. Miss Louisa C. Hooper. Chapin, Seth, 1668-1746. Captain of Mendon Company, 1724-1728. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Chatfield, Thomas, 1639-1687. (Conn., N.Y.) Ensign at Easthampton, L.I., April 7, 1665. Miss Adeline A. Bigelow. Chauncey, Charles, 163S-1671. (For service see p. 294.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Charles C. Mengel. Mrs. Charles W. Smith. Cheever, Ezekiel, 1691/2-1770. (For service see p. 294.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Chilton, James, 1620. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony; Came in the "Mayflower." Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. Chipman, John, 1637-1708. (For service see p. 295.) Miss Ellen Chase. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Harry T. Toulmin. Mrs. C. Howard Walker. Chipman, John, 1670-1756. (For service see p. 295.) Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Choate, Thomas, 1671-1745. (For service see p. 295.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 515 Choate, Thomas, 17 18-1798. Served in Expedition to Louis- burg, 1745; Commissioned Cap- tain, Oct. 29, 1761. Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Church, Benjamin, 1639-1 7 18. (For service see p. 295.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Church, Charles, i 682-1 746. (For service see p. 295.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Church, Edward, 1680-1707. Captain in Indian Wars, 1704. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Clapp, Preserved, 1643-1720. Deputy to Massachusetts General Court from Northampton, 1697, 1 704-1 705; Captain of North- ampton Military Company by 1697. Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby. Clapp, Roger, 1630-1691. (For service see p. 295.) Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby. Clarke, Nathaniel, i 644-1 690. (For service see p. 297.) Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Clarke, Thomas, 1623-1697. (For service see p. 297.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Cleeves, George, 1630-1667. (For service see p. 297.) Miss Lydia F. Moulton. Miss Sarah C. Moulton. Clements, Robert, 1642-1658. (For service see p. 297.) Mrs. Dwight M. Prouty. Miss Clara E. Sears. Mrs. William J. Washburn. Cocke, Richard, 1600-1665. (Va.) Member House of Burgesses from Henrico County, 1632, '44, '54. Mrs. William O. Kimball. CoEFiN, James, 1642-1720. (For service see p. 298.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Henry P. Quincy. Coffin, John, 1647-17 11. (For service see p. 298.) Mrs. Andrew G. Griffin. Coffin, Nathaniel, 1669-1749. (For service see p. 298.) Miss Edith Codman. Mrs. Ernest Lovering. Coffin, Tristram, 1642-1681. (For service see p. 298.) Mrs. William Brewster. Miss Edith Codman. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Andrew G. Griffin. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. George D. Jefferson. Mrs. Henry B. Little. Mrs. Ernest Lovering. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Mrs. Charles B. Peschmann. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Mrs. Francis L. Rouse. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. Coffin, Tristram, Jr., 1642-1704. (For service see p. 299.) Miss Edith Codman. Mrs. Ernest Lovering. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Coggeshall, John, 1638-1647. [(Mass., R.I.) (For service see p. 299.) Miss Eleanor J. Clark. Cole, Hugh, 1633 ■ (For service see p. 299.) Miss Ellen Chase. Collamore, Anthony, 1693. (For service see p. 299.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Collicott, Richard, 1633-1686. (For service see p. 299.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Collier, William, 1633-1670. (For service see p. 300.) Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Conant, Roger, 1623-1679. (For service see p. 300.) Mrs. Samuel J. Mixter. Coney, John, 1628-1690. Ensign in Captain Savage's Com- pany, June 11, 1680. Miss Clara E. Sears. 5i6 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Cooke, Aaron, 1635-1690. (For service see p. 301.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Cooke, Aaron, Jr., 1641-1716. (For service see p. 301.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Cooke, Francis, 1620-1663. (For service see p. 301.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. CooLiDGE, John, 1636-1691. (For service see p. 302.) Miss Ellen Chase. Cotton, Rev. John, 1633-1652. (For service see p. 302.) Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Cotton, Rev. Roland, 1667-1722. (For service see p. 303.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Cotton, William, 1654-1737. (For service see p. 303.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Craft, Griffin, i 630-1 689. (For service see p. 303.) Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Crane, Jonathan, 1658-1734. [(Conn.) (For service see p. 303.) Mrs. Frank L. Vance. Crosby, Simon, 1637-1724/5. (For service see p. 304.) Mrs. Augustine G. Langford. CuRWEN, George, 1638-1685. (For service see p. 304.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Gushing, Caleb, 1703-1797. (For service see p. 304.) Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Cushing, Daniel, 1638-1700. (For service see p. 304.) Mrs. Stuart M. Buck. Gushing, Jacob, 1695-17 7 7. (For service see p. 304.) Mrs. Henry W. Eliot. Cushing, John, 1638-1708. (For service see p. 304.) Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Cushman, Robert, 1621-1624. (For service see p. 305.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Cutler, John, i 628-1 694. Ensign at Charlestown, Oct. 12, 1669; Captain in King Philip's War, 1675; Deputy to Massa- chusetts General Court from Charlestown, 1680, '82. Mrs. John L. Bremer. Miss Alice Farnsworth. Mrs. James F. Hunnevs^ell. CuTT, John, 1681. (For service see p. 305.) Miss Annie N. Ward. Daggett, John, 1724-1803. Ensign of Attleborough Com- pany, 1762; Captain, 1771; Colo- nel on Le.xington Alarm, 1775; Representative from Attleborough to Massachusetts General Court, 1 768-1 773; Member of First Pro- vincial Congress, 1774; Member of Second Provincial Congress, 1775. Mrs. William A. MacCorkle. Dakin, Samuel, i 700-1 758. Captain in Expedition to Crown Point. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Damon, John, 1644-1677. Officer of Excise, 1662, '64; Dep- uty from Scituate, 1675, '76. Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Dane, Francis, 1636-1696/7. (For service see p. 305.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Danforth, Jonathan, 1634-17 12. (For service see p. 305.) Mrs. Harry Nott. Danforth, Nicholas, 1634-1638. (For service see p. 306.) Mrs. Robert S. Bradley. Mrs. George E. Sage. Miss Clara E. Sears. Danforth, Rev. Samuel, 1634- [1674. (For service see p. 306.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Davis, Aaron, 1709-1777. (For service see p. 306.) Mrs. George Crompton. Davis, James, 1715- (For service see p. 306.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Davison, Nicholas, i 639-1 664. (For service see p. 306.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Deming, John, 1637-1705. (For service see p. 307.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 517 Denison, Daniel, 1633-1682. (For service see p. 307.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Mrs. Edward J. Holmes. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Dewey, Daniel, 1729-17 76. Commissioned Lieutenant of South Company in Sheffield, Mass., July, 1771; Captain, May, 1776. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Dewey, Thomas, i 640-1 690. Appointed Cornet to the Troop of Horse in Hampshire County, July 8, 1685. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. DicKERMAN, Abraham, 1662-17 ii. (For service see p. 308.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Dickinson, Nathaniel, 1637-1676. (For service see p. 308.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Mrs. Clarence I. Peck. DiMMOCK, ShUBAEL, 1644-1732. (For service see p. 308.) Miss Clara E. Sears. DiMMocK, Thomas, 1635-1658. (For service see p. 308.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Mrs. Frederic F. Talbot. Dimmock, Thomas, --1697. Captain at battle of Canso, 1697. Miss Clara E. Sears. Doane, John, 1621-1685? (For service see p. 308.) Mrs. William C. Brownlee. Doane, Joseph, 1669-1757. Captain of Foot Company at Eastham, 1712; Special Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Barnstable County, 1722; Deputy from Eastham, 1702, '27, '28. Mrs. William C. Brownlee. Dodge, John, 1638-17 ii. (For service see p. 308.) Mrs. James B. Beard. Mrs. Robert E. Montgomery. Donnell, S.'^muel, 1646-17 18. Mentioned in Charter of 169 1; Councillor, 1692, '93, 1700; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1696, '99, 1700. Mrs. James R. Hooper. Downing, Emanuel, 1638-1655. (For service see p. 309.) Mrs. William C. Brownlee. Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Dudley, JaMes, 1690-1746. (For service see p. 309.) Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Dudley, Joseph, 1647-1720. (For service see p. 309.) Mrs. Charles Boyden. Miss Clara E. Sears. Dudley, Rev. Samuel, 1630-1683. (For service see p. 309.) Mrs. George Crompton. Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Dudley, Samuel, 1720-1797. (For service see p. 310.) Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Dudley, Thomas, 1630-1653. (For service see p. 310.) Mrs. Charles Boyden. Mrs. George Crompton. Mrs. Warren R. Oilman. Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Mrs. John W. Griffith. Mrs. Charles F. Hammond. Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Mrs. John D. Howson. Mrs. Howard R. Ives. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Mrs. Allen L. JosHn. Miss Clara E. Sears. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. George W. Wales. Mrs. Richard Webb. Mrs. Frederick N. Woods. Miss Lottie G. Woods. Dummer, Jeremiah, 1645-1718. Member of Council of Safety, 1689; County Treasurer, 1701; Captain by April, 1690. Miss Clara E. Sears. Dummer, Richard, 1598-1687. Member of Council of Safety, April 20, 1689. Miss Clara E. Sears. Earle, Ralph, 1638-1678. (For service see p. 311.) Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Earle, William, 1715- (For service see p. 312.) Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Easterbrook, Rev. Joseph, 1640- 1711. Minister at Concord, 1667-1711; 5i8 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Preached Election Sermon in Boston, May 30, 1705. Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Easterbrooks, Thomas, 1629- 1713- Commissioned Ensign of Swansea Company, July 4, 1673. Mrs. James S. Smith. Eaton, Theophilus, 1638-1657/8. (For service see p. 312.) Mrs. William A. Whittlesey. Edenden, Edmund, 1637 . Deputy from Scituate to Plym- outh General Court, 1641-1643. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Ellery, Benjamin, i 669-1 746. (For service see p. 313.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Ellis, Edvi^ard, 169 8/9- 17 68/9. Surgeon-General of Massachu- setts Troops in Expedition to Louisburg, 1744; Major and Cap- tain of Third Company, Third Massachusetts Regiment, in same Expedition. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Ellis, Robert, 1671-1720. Surgeon in Expedition to Port Royal. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Emerson, Thomas, 1735-1813. (For service see p. 313.) Mrs. Allen L. Joslin. Endicott, John, 1628-1665. One of the recognized Historic Founders of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay; Assistant in Royal Charter, March 4, 1628/9; Gov- ernor of Massachusetts, 1629, '44 '49, '51, '52, '53, '55-64; Assist- ant, 1630, '31, '32, 'S3, '34, '36, '37> '38, '39, '40, '45, '46, '47, '48; Deputy Governor, 1641, '42, '43, '50, '54; Major-General of the Colony, 1645, '46, '47, '48; Com- missioner of the United Colonies, 1646, '47, '48; President, 1658; Colonel of the Third Regiment, 1636; Major-General, 1645, '46, '47, '48. Miss Clara E. Sears. Endicott, John, 1713-1783. Captain at Lake George, 1757; Major, Colonel Joseph Fry's Regiment, from March, 1759, to May, 1760. Miss Clara E. Sears. Endicott, Zertjbbabel, 1635- 1684. Ensign of Salem Military Com- pany, Oct. 19, 1664. Miss Clara E. Sears. Everden, Anthony, 1687. (R.L) Deputy, 1667, '68, '71-73, from Providence. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Everett, John, 1646-17 15. Captain by August, 1693; Cap- tain, Nov. 19, 1694, of Company sent into New Hampshire. Mrs. Alexander C. Troup. Eyre, Manuel, 173 1-1803. (Pa.) Signed non-importation resolu- tion; Member of Committee of Correspondence from Kensington, November, 1775. Mrs. Frederic J. Stimson. Fairbank, Jabez, 1670-1758. (For service see p. 313.) Mrs. Charles B. Peschmann. Fairfield, William, 1662-1742. Speaker of House of Representa- tives, 1 741; Representative from Wenham, 1723, '28, '29, '30, '32 -41. Mrs. John H. Philip. Farmer, Edward, i 695-1 745. (For service see p. 313.) Mrs. Charles B. Barnes, Jr. Farnsworth, Ezra, i 703-1 788. (For service see p. 314.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Fellowes, Jonathan, 1707-1759. Captain in Crown Point Expe- dition, 1756. Mrs. James R. Hooper. Felton, Nathaniel, 1615-1705. Appointed Ensign at Salem, May 30, 1679; Lieutenant, May 11, 1681. Miss Clara E. Sears. Field, John, 1686. (R.L) "One of the thirteen signers of the iirst written compact of the Providence Plantations, that has come down to us, 1637." Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 519 Fisher, Daniel, 163 7-1 683. (For service see p. 314.) Miss Ellen Chase. FisKE, William, 1638-1658? (For service see p. 315.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. FisKE, William, 1642/3-1728. Representative to Massachusetts General Court from Wenham, 1701, '04-06, '09-11, '13-14. Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Fitch, James, 1649-1727. (For service see p. 315.) Mrs. Merrill E. Pratt. Fletcher, Joseph, 1689-1772. (For service see p. 315.) Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Folsom, Nathaniel, 17 26-1 790. (For service see p. 316.) Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. FosDicK, Samuel, 1655-1702. (Conn.) Captain of Forces raised for the defence of New London County, 1697; Deputy from New London, 1694, 1696-1700. Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Foster, Hopestill, i 634-1676. (For service see p. 316.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Frazer, Persifor, 1 736-1 79 2. (Pa.) Commissioned Captain, January, 1776; Major, Sept. 24, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, March 12, 1777- Mrs. Frederic J. Stimson. Freeman, Benjamin, 1685-1758. Ensign of Harwich Train Band by 1723. Miss Clara E. Sears. Freeman, Edmund, 1635-1682. (For service see p. 318.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Miss Clara E. Sears. Freeman, John, 1635-17 19. (For service see p. 318.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. David Crocker. Miss Clara E. Sears. French, William, 1635-16S1. (For service see p. 318.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Frothingham, William, 1651. One of the Historic Founders of Massachusetts Bay Colony, com- ing in Fleet with Winthrop in 1630. Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Frye, Joseph, 17 12-1794. Representative from Andover to Massachusetts General Court, 1750-1754; Colonel, 1757; Major- General, June 21, 1775; Briga- dier-General, Jan. ID, 1776. Mrs. Wallace H. White. Frye, Samuel, 1649-1725. Ensign at Andover by 17 13. Mrs. I. Tucker Burr. Mrs. Dwight M. Prouty. Fulham, Francis, 1680-17 — . (For service see p. 319.) Mrs. George E. Sage. Fuller, Edward, 1620-1620. (For service see p. 319.) Miss Helen W. Fuller. Fuller, John, 1645-1719. Representative to Massachusetts General Court from Dedham, 1696, 1705-1711, '15, '17. Miss Ellen Chase. Fuller, John, 1689-1732. (For service see p. 319.) Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Fuller, Joseph, 1652-1740. (For service see p. 319.) Miss Ellen Chase. Fuller, Matthew, 1640-1678. (For service see p. 319.) Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Fuller, Robert, i 685-1 769. Captain, 1746. Miss Ellen Chase. Fuller, Thomas, 1618-1690. Deputy from Dedham to Massa- chusetts General Court, 1673, '79, '86; Ensign, 1686; Lieutenant, 1690. Miss Ellen Chase. Fuller, Thomas, 1638-1685. (For service see p. 319.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. 520 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Fuller, Thomas, 1618-1698. Lieutenant Woburn Company, 1685. Miss Clara E. Sears. Gale, Isaac, 1708-1793. Lieutenant in Expedition for the relief of Fort William Henry, 1759; Commissioned Captain of Second Sutton Company, March I, 1763- Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. David P. Jones. Gallop, John, 1675. (For service see p. 319.) Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Samuel J. Mi.xter. Gardiner, David, 1636-1689. (For service see p. 319.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Gardiner, John, 1661-1738. (For service see p. 320.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Gardiner, Lion, 1635-1663. (For service see p. 320.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Gardner, George, 1679. Lieutenant of Foot Company at Salem, 1663. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Gardner, Richard, 1643-1688/9. (For service see p. 320.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Andrew G. Griffin. Gardner, Richard, 1653-1728. Judge of Probate for County of Nantucket, 17 18. Mrs. Andrew G. Griffin. Gardner, Thomas, 1623-1674. (For service see p. 320.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. Allen L. Joslin. Gates, Hezekiah, i 703/4-1 7 7 7. Cornet of Lancaster Troop, 1748; Assistant Quartermaster, 1756, in Second Crown Point Expedition; Lieutenant in E.xpedition to Fort William Henry, 1757; Captain of Lancaster Troop, 1761. Mrs. Charles B. Amory. Gayer, William, 1710. (For service see p. 321.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Gaylord, William, 1630-1673. (For service see p. 321.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Gerrish, Moses, i 659-1 694. (For service see p. 321.) Mrs. Gordon Prince. Gerrish, William, 1640-1687. (For service see p. 321.) Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. GiBBS, Rev. Henry, 1668-1723. Fellow of Harvard College, 1700- 1707. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Oilman, John, 1638-1708. (For service see p. 322.) Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. GooDALE, Nathan, i 744-1 794. Lieutenant, Aug. i, 1775; later Captain in Revolutionary War, and called Major when he died in Ohio, 1794. Mrs. William G. Deshler. Goodhue, William, 1635-1699?. (For service see p. 323.) Mrs. William J. Dean. Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Goodhue, William, Jr., 1645- 1712. Appointed Ensign at Chebacco, March 30, 1683; Representative from Ipswich to Massachusetts General Court, 1692; With title of Captain, 1698, 1701, '04, '06, '07. Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Goodwin, William, 1632-1673. (For service see p. 323.) Miss Clara W. Montague. GooKiN, Daniel, 1630-1687. (For service see p. 323.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Miss Alice Lee. Mrs. Charles B. Peschmann. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. GooKiN, Samuel, 165 2-1 730. (For service see p. 324.) Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. GoRHAM, John, 1637-1676. (For service see p. 324.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. David Crocker. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 521 Mrs. Norris J. Frink. Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Mrs. George D. Jefferson. Miss Clara E. Sears. GoRHAM, John, 165 2-1 7 16. (For service see p. 324.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. GoRHAM, Nathaniel, 1738-1796. (For service see p. 324.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. Samuel L. Fuller. Mrs. George D. Jefferson. Graves, Thomas, 1638-1697. (For service see p. 325.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Graves, Thomas, 1683-1747. (For service see p. 325.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan Gray, Edward, 1643-1681. (For service see p. 325.) Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Green, Henry, 1638-1 7 17. (For service see p. 325.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Greene, John, 1638-1708. (R.I.) (For service see p. 325.) Mrs. S. V. R. Thayer. Greenleaf, Edmund, 1635-1671. (For service see p. 326.) Miss Edith Codman. Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. Henry B. Little. Mrs. Ernest Lovering. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. Greenleaf, Jonathan, 1723- 1807. Ensign, 1762; Captain, 1767; Member of Provincial Congress, 1774, '75; and of Essex County Convention, 1774. Mrs. Henry B. Little. Greenleaf, Stephen, 1635-1690. (For service see p. 326.) Miss Edith Codman. Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. Henry B. Little. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. Greenleaf, Stephen, 1652-1743. (For service see p. 326.) Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. Robert S. Russell. Greigson, Thomas, 1646. (For service see p. 327.) Miss Sara B. Richmond. Hall, Elisha, 1655 . (For service see p. 328.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Hall, Richard, 1644-1691. (For service see p. 328.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Harris, Daniel, 1659-1701. (For service see p. 328.) Mrs. Myron G. Manley. Harjiis, William, 1610-1681. (R.L) Came with Roger Williams and four others in 1636; One of the thirteen original proprietors of Providence Plantations; Com- missioner to the Court of Com- missioners, 1660, '62, '63; Dep- uty from Providence to Rhode Island General Assembly, 1665, '66, '72, '73; Assistant, 1666-1670, '73-76. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Hartwell, William, 1636-1690. (For service see p. 329.) Miss Adeline A. Bigelow. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Haskell, William, 1642-1693. (For service see p. 329.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Hathaway, John, 1639-1705. (For service see p. 329.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Hathorne, William, 1630-1681. (For service see p. 329.) Mrs. David Crocker. Mrs. Alien L. Joslin. Miss Clara E. Sears. Haynes, John, 1633-1654. (For service see p. 330.) Mrs. Warren R. Oilman. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Hazard, Thom.a.s, 1635-1680. (For service see p. 330.) Mrs. George D. Cabot. Heard, James, 1677. (For service see p. 330.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Mrs. John H. Wear. Mrs. Edward Wynian. 522 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Hedge, William, 1634-1670. (For service see p. 330.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. HiGGiNsoN, Rev. Francis, 1629- [1630. (For service see p. 331.) Miss Adeline A. Bigelow. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. HiGGiNsoN, Rev. John, i 629-1 708. (For service see p. 331.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. HIGGINSON, John, 1646-1720. (For service see p. 331.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. HIGGINSON, John, 1675-1718. (For service see p. 332.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. HIGGINSON, Stephen, 1716-1761. (For service see p. 332.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Hill, James, 1737-1811. (N.H.) Member of Provincial Congress, 1775; Captain, 1775; General in War of the Revolution. Mrs. Ernest Lovering. Hill, Ralph, 1695. (For service see p. 332.) Mrs. Augustine G. Langford. Hills, Joseph, 1638-1687/8. (For service see p. 332.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Henry B. Little. Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Hinckley, Thomas, 1635-1706. (For service see p. 332.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Mrs. William Lohmeyer. HoBART, Edmund, 1633-1646. (For service see p. ^;iS-) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. HoLBROOK, Joseph, 1714-1785. Commissioned Captain of Belling- ham Company, September, 1771. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. HoLGRAVE, John, i 633-1 640?. Deputy from Salem to Massachu- setts General Court, 1634-1635. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Mrs. James R. Hooper. HoLLisTER, John, 1643-1665. (For service see p. 334.) Mrs. John W. Flint. Mrs. Clarence I. Peck. HoLTON, William, i 634-1 691. (For service see p. 334.) Mrs. John C. Cowin. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. HOLYOKE, EdVI^ARD, 1636/7-1660. (For service see p. 334.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. HOLYOKE, ElIZUR, 1636/7-1676. (For service see p. 334.) Mrs. John W. Flint. Hopkins, Stephen, 1620-1644. (For service see p. 334.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. HoucHiN, Jeremy, i 640-1 670. (For service see p. 334.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Howard, John, i65i?-i7oo? (For service see p. 335.) Mrs. Albert D. Bennett. Howe, Edward, 1644. (For service see p. 335.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Howes, Samuel, 1722/3. Lieutenant before 1700, Yar- mouth; Captain before 1708; Rep- resentative from Yarmouth to Massachusetts General Court, 1704. Miss Clara E. Sears. Howes, Thomas, i 638-1 665. (For service see p. 335). Miss Clara E. Sears. HowLAND, John, 1620-167 2/3. (For service see p. 335.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. George D. Cabot. Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. David Crocker. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. George E. Fellows. Mrs. Edmund J. Glenny. Mrs. Oscar C. Greene. Mrs. George D. Jefferson. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Miss Clara E. Sears. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Gerrit S. Sykes. Mrs. Harry T. Toulmin. Mrs. C. Howard Walker. Mrs. Richard Webb. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 523 HowLAND, Joseph, 1624 . (For service see p. 335.) Mrs. Richard Webb. HtJBBARD, George, 1636-1683. (For service see p. 336.) Mrs. John W. Flint. Miss Clara W. Montague. Miss Clara E. Sears. Hubbard, John, 1655-1748. (Conn.) Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut from Glastonbury, 1700-1724. Mrs. John W. Flint. Hubbard, Jonathan, 1683-1761. (For service see p. 336.) Miss Clara E. Sears. HucKENS, Thomas, 1637-1679. (For service see p. 336.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. C. Howard Walker. Hull, John, i 624-1 6S3. Ensign of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1663; Lieu- tenant, 1664; Captain, 167 1 and 1678; Lieutenant at Boston, Jan. 6, 1673-1674; Deputy to Massa- chusetts General Court from Wenham, 1668; From Westfield, 1671-1674; From Concord, 1676; From Salisbury, 1679; Treasurer of the Colony, 1 676-1 679; Assist- ant, I 680- I 683. Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Hull, John, 1641-1711. (For service see p. 336.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Humphrey, John, 1624-1641. (For service see p. 336.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Hutchinson, Edward, i 633-1 675. (For service see p. 337.) Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Jackson, Edward, i 643-1 681. (For service see p. 338.) Miss Ellen Chase. Jacob, John, 1633-1693. (For service see p. 338.) Miss Fanny Young. Jennings, Edmund, 1659-1727. (Va.) Acting Governor of Virginia, 1710; Attorney-General, 1680; Presi- dent of the Council, 1706. Mrs. Ralph A. Cram. Jewett, Joseph, 1638-1660/1. (For service see p. 338.) Mrs. I. Tucker Burr. Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Jewett, Maximilian, 1639- 1684. (For service see p. 339.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Mrs. John W. Robinson. Jewett, Nehemiah, 1643-1719/20. (For service see p. 339.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Johnson, Edward, 1630-1672. (For service see p. 339.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Mrs. George G. Hayward. Johnson, Edward, 1658-1725. Ensign, 1694; Lieutenant, 1697; Captain, 1700; Deputy from Woburn to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, 1700. Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Johnson, Isaac, 1630-1675. (For service see p. 339.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Johnson, James, 1635 -. Lieutenant at Boston by 1652; Captain by 1656. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Johnson, John, 1630- 1659. (For service see p. 339.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Mrs. William Brewster. Miss Clara E. Sears. Johnson, John, 1634-1708. (For ser\ace see p. 339.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Johnson, William, 163 7-1 704. (For service see p. 340.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Mrs. George G. Hayward. Jones, Cadwallader, . (Va.) Lieutenant-Colonel in Virginia, March, 1676; also Lieutenant- Colonel in Stafford Militia, 1680. Mrs. Eben S. Draper. Jones, Ephraim, 1704/5-1756. Surveyor of Major-General John Winslow's Regiment, 1754; Cap- tain by 1756. Miss Adeline A. Bigelow. 524 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Jones, Gabriel, 1724-1806. (Va.) King's Attorney of Augusta County, 1746; Member House of Burgesses for Augusta County, 1757, '58, '71; Member State Convention, 1788. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Jones, Josiah, 1643-17 14. (For service see p. 340.) Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Jones, Nathaniel, i 674-1 745. Captain, 1727; Representative to Massachusetts General Court from Watertown, 1727. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Jordan, Rev. Robert, 1639-1679. (For service see p. 340.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Judson, Joseph, 1635-1690. (For service see p. 341.) Mrs. Rockvi^ood H. Bullock. Kent, Richard, 167 1740. Representative from Newbury to Massachusetts General Court, 1718, '19, '24, '26, '34; Captain, 1706-1707; Lieutenant-Colonel Second Essex County Regiment by May, 1726. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Kerley, Henry, 1632-1713. (For service see p. 341.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Kettell, S.'^muel, 1642-1694. (For service see p. 341.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Kidder, James, 1650-1676. (For service see p. 341.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Kimball, Benjamin, 1637-1695. (For service see p. 341. Mrs. David H. Coolidge KiNGSLEY, Stephen, 1638-1673. (For service see p. 342.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Lakin, John, =-1697. (For service see p. 342.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Lawrence, Eleazer, i 708-1 788. (For service see p. 343.) Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Leete, William, 1639-1683. (For service see p. 343.) Mrs. Richard Webb. Leland, James, i 687-1 768. (For service see p. 344.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Leonard, James, 1643-1726. (For service see p. 344.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Lewis, James, 1633-1713. (For .service see p. 344.) Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Lewis, John, 1669-1725. (Va.) Member of Governor's Council, 1704. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Lewis, William, Sr., 1632-1683. (For service see p. 344.) Miss Clara W. Montague. Lewis, William, Jr., 1644-1690. (For service see p. 344.) Miss Clara W. Montague. L'Hommedieu, Ezra, 1734-1811. (N.Y.) Delegate to the Provincial Con- gresses of 1775 and 1776. Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary Katharine Hors- ford. LiBBY, John, ab. 1700-ab. 1771. (For service see p. 344.) Miss Ellen H. Libby. Miss Harriet A. Libby. Miss Margaretta A. Libby. LiNDALL, Timothy, 1678-1760. (For service see p. 345.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Littlefield, Edmund, 1661. (For service see p. 345.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. LrvERMORE, John, 1638-1718/19. (For service see p. 345.) Mrs. George E. Sage. LivEZEY, Thomas. (For service see p. 345.) Mrs. Charles B. Barnes, Jr. Lord, Enoch, 1725-1814. (For service see p. 346.) Mrs. Charles W. Smith. Lord, Richard, 1690-1 776. (Conn.) Deputy from Lyme, 1729, '30, '32, '33, '35-37. '40, '42, '43, '46-48, '52-55- Mrs. Charles Ranlet. Mrs. Charles W. Smith. LoRiNG, Joseph, 1738-1795. (For service see p. 346.) Miss Fanny Young. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 525 LoTHROP, Barnabas, 1636-17 15. (For service see p. 346.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. LoTHROP, Rev. John, 1634-1653. (For service see p. 347.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. LovETT, James, 1648-17 18. (For service see p. 347.) Mrs. Charles E. Ward. Lyman, John, 1631-1690. (For service see p. 348.) Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby. Lynde, Joseph, 1636-1727. (For service see p. 348.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Lynde, Joseph, 1690-1763. (For service see p. 348.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Lynde, Simon, 1650-1687. (For service see p. 348.) Mrs. Jenness B. Richardson. Lynde, Thomas, 1635-1693. (For service see p. 348.) Mrs. George G. Hayward. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Lynde, Thomas, 1637-1671. (For service see p. 348.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Mrs. George G. Hayward. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Marchant, John, 1648-17 — . Ensign at Falmouth, June 8, 1664; Lieutenant, Aug. 11, 1670. Miss Adeline A. Bigelow. Maris, George, 1632-1705. (Pa.) Member of Assembly, 1684-1688, '90, '92, '93; Member of Council, 1695; One of the Justices for Chester County, 1684-1689, '91- 93- Mrs. Frederic J. Stimson. Marshall, Thomas, i 635-1 683. (For service see p. 349.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Mrs. John H. Wear. Marshall, Thomas, i 730-1 802. (Va.) He was commissioned Captain, Fauquier County, Aug. 27, 1 761; High Sheriff of Fauquier County, 1767; Major in Revo- lution, etc.; Member Virginia House of Burgesses, 1761-1775; Member of Conventions of March 20, 1775, and July 17, 1775, from Fauquier. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Martian, Nicholas, 1591-1656/7. (Va.) Justice, York County, 1633-57; Burgess for York, 1623; for Kiskyache and the Isle of Kent, 1631; and for Kiskyache, 1632- 1633. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Marvin, Reinold, 1631-1676. (For service see p. 349.) Mrs. James B. Grant. Mason, Hugh, 1635-1678. (For service see p. 349.) Miss Mary F. Ayer. Mrs. Robert S. Bradley. Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Mrs. James W. Spafford. Mrs. Charles E. Ward. Mrs. Victor H. Woods. Miss Fanny Young. Maverick, Elias, i 604-1 684. Appointed Ensign at Boston, May 18, 1664. Miss Clara E. Sears. Maverick, Rev. John, 15 7 7-1636. Distinguished Minister of Dor- chester, active in founding and forwarding the interests of the Colony. Miss Clara E. Sears. Mayhevi', Thomas, 1631-1681. (For service see p. 350.) Mrs. Charles O. Norton. Mrs. E. St. Claire Snyder. Mayo, Rev. John, 1638-1676. Minister at Barnstable, Eastham, and Boston; Preached Annual Election Sermon, 1658. Miss Clara E. Sears. Merrick, James, i 669-1 765. (For service see p. 351.) Mrs. Claude D. Ebersole. Merrick, William, 1688. (For service see p. 351.) Mrs. William Brewster. Miss Sara B. Richmond. Miss Clara E. Sears. 526 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Merriwether, Nicholas, 1667- 1744. (Va.) Member of General Assembly from New Kent County, 17 10, '14, '18, '20, '22; Member of General Assembly from Hanover County, 1722, '23, '26, '27. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Miller, John, 1636 . (For service see p. 351.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. MiNOT, George, 1633-1671. (For service see p. 351.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Gordon Prince. MiNOT, James, 1653-1735. (For service see p. 351.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Mitchell, Rev. Jonathan, 11635- [1668. (For service see p. 351.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Montague, Peter, 1603-1659. (Va.) Member of General Assembly, Nansemond County, 1652, '53; From Lancaster County, 1657/8. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Morris, Edward, 1630-1689 (For service see p. 352.) Mrs. Edward L. Osgood. ..Morse, Joshua, 1679-1749. (For service see p. 352.) Mrs. Roscoe B. Ashley. Morton, Ephraim, 1623-1693. (For service see p. 352.) Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. MuLLiNS, William, 1620-1621. (For service see p. 353.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Mrs. James B. Grant. Mrs. Harry T. Toulmin. "Nash, Abner, 17 16-1786. (Va., N.C.) Member of the Provincial Con- gress, 1774-1776; Second Gov- ernor of North Carolina, 1779- 1781. Mrs. Ralph A. Cram. Newberry, Benjamin, 1630-1689. (For service see p. 353.) Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby. Miss Mary E. Root. Newhall, Joseph, 1658-1705/6. Ensign by 1705; Deputy from Lynn to Massachusetts General Court, 1705. Mrs. Robert S. Bradley. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Newhall, Thomas, 1630-1687. Ensign of Military Company of Lynn by 1687. Mrs. Robert S. Bradley. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Newhall, Thomas, 1653-1728. Lieutenant of Military Company of Maiden, 1706. Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Newhall, Thomas, 1775- Lieutenant of Military Company of Leicester by 1728; Represen- tative from Leicester, 1724. Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Newman, Samuel, 1636-1663. (For service see p. 354.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Newmarch, Joseph, i 707-1 765. (N.H.) Member of New Hampshire Council, 1754, '56, '59, '61, '64, '65- Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Newton, Thomas, i 660-1 721. Secretary of the Province of New Hampshire, 1692; Deputy- Judge of Court of Admiralty, 1702; At- torney-General of Massachusetts, 1720. Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. NicoLL, Matthias, 1621-1687. (N.Y.) Secretary of the Province of New York, 1664; Member of the Governor's Council, 1667- 1680; Mayor of the City of New York, 1672; Speaker of the New York Assembly, 1 683-1 684; Judge of the Court of Admir- alty, 1686. Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. NicoLL, William, 1657-1723. (N.Y.) Member of the Governor's Coun- cil, Province of New York, 1691-1698; Member of the ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 527 New York Assembly, 1 701-1723; Speaker, 1702, '05, '08-14, '15, '16, '18. Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Noble, Daniel, 1721-1757. (Conn.) Commissioned Ensign of North Company in New Fairiield, Octo- ber, 1750; Commissioned Cap- tain of North Company in New Fairfield, May, 1753. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Norton, Ebenezer, 17 15-1785. (Conn.) Deputy from Goshen to Con- necticut General Court, 1760, '62, '65, '66, '68-79; Ensign, 1752; Captain, 1760; Lieutenant-Colo- nel, 1774; Colonel, 1775. Miss Mary K. Horsford. No yes, Rev. James, 1640-17 19. (For service see p. 354.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. NoYES, Nicholas, 1633-1701. (For service see p. 354.) Mrs. Herbert S. Humphrey. Odiorne, Jotham, 1675-1748. (For service see p. 355.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Oliver, Peter, 1632-1670. (For service see p. 355.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Osgood, John, 1638-1693. (For service see p. 356.) Mrs. Dwight M. Prouty. Miss Clara E. Sears. Pabody, William, 1637-1707. (For service see p. 356.) Mrs. James B. Grant. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Parks, William, 1631-1685. (For service see p. 358.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Parker, James, 1640-1701. (For service see p. 357.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Peabody, Francis, 1635-1698. (For service see p. 359.) Mrs. Dwight M. Prouty. Miss Clara E. Sears. Peabody, Francis, 1694-1769. (For service see p. 359.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Peaslee, Nathaniel, 1682-1775. Representative from Haverhill to Massachusetts General Court, i737> '39-42, '46-49, '52, '53; In 1739 was one of the Committee on the Boundary Line between Mas- sachusetts and New Hampshire. Mrs. Preston King. Penhallovvt, Samuel, 1687-1726. (For service see p. 360.) Miss Annie N. Ward. Pepperell, William, 1675-1734. (For service see p. 360.) Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Perkins, John, 1631-1686. (For service see p. 360.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Mrs. George E. Sage. Perkins, Tobijah, 1646-1723. Representative from Topsfield to Massachusetts General Court, 1695-1697, 1699-1701; Quarter- master, 1699. Mrs. George E. Sage. Perkins, William, 1632-1682. (For service see p. 360.) Mrs. George E. Sage. Miss Clara E. Sears, Perley, Thomas, 1641-1709. Quartermaster, Dec. 12, 1689; Lieutenant by 1692; Represen- tative from Bo.xford to Massachu- setts General Court, 1689, '90, '92, '93> 1700, '07. Miss Clara E. Sears. Perley, Thomas, i 668-1 745. Representative from Boxford to Massachusetts General Court, 1702, '06, '09, '18, '19; Lieuten- ant at Bo.xford, Jan. 17, 1717. Miss Clara E. Sears. Phelps, John, 1709-1789. (For service see p. 360.) Mrs. William G. Deshler. Phelps, William, 1630-1672. (For service see p. 360.) Mrs. Merrill E. Pratt. Mrs. Richard Webb. Phillips, Rev. George, 1630-1644. (For service see p. 360.) Mrs. Harold H. Tittmann. 528 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. PiCAi?D, John, 1652-1683. (For service see p. 361.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Pierce, Daniel, 1611-1677. (For service see p. 361.) Mrs. Henry B. Little. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Pierce, Daniel, 1642-1704. (For service see p. 361.) Mrs. Henry B. Little. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Pierson, John, 1693. (For service see p. 361.) Mrs. Charles B. Amory. Pike, Robert, i6i6?-i7o6. (For service see p. 361.) Miss Frances S. Campbell. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Mrs. Daniel McCoy. Pitkin, William, i 694-1 769. (Conn.) Deputy from Hartford to the Connecticut General Court, 1728- 1733; Speaker of the House, 1732, '33', Captain of the Train Band in Hartford on the East Side of the Connecticut River, 1730; Assistant of Connecticut, 1734- 1766; Judge of the Hartford County Court, 1735-1752; Major of the First Regiment, 1739; Judge of the Superior Court, 1 741-1754; Chief Judge, 1754-1765; Commis- sioner from Connecticut to the Congress at Albany, 1754; Dep- uty Governor, 175 4-1 766; Gov- ernor of Connecticut, 1 766-1 769. Mrs. Warren R. Oilman. POMEROY, Seth, 1706-1777. (For service see p. 363.) Mrs. Anthony F. Merrill. Pond, Daniel, 1697/8. (For service see p. 363.) Mrs. Dwight M. Prouty. Poole, William, 1593-1674. Deputy from Taunton to Plym- outh General Court, 1639, '41, '42, '44; Member of Council of War, 1646; Captain by 1639. Miss Clara E. Sears. Pope, Nathaniel, 1660. (Va.) Agent of the Governor of Mary- land on Kent Island, 1647; Commissioner for Westmoreland County, Virginia, April 4, 1655; Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel for County of Westmoreland, April 4, 1655. Mrs. Eben S. Draper. Porter, Israel, 1643-1706. Appointed Ensign at Salem, May II, 1681; Lieutenant, Oct. 10, 1683. Miss Clara E. Sears. Porter, Samuel, 1660-1722. (For service see p. 363.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Prence, Thomas, 1621-1673. (For service see p. 364.) Mrs. Julius Balke. Mrs. Charles Boyden. Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. Silas R. Burns. Mrs. David Crocker. Mrs. George D. Jefferson. Miss Clara E. Sears. Prescott, Jonas, 1648-17 23. (For service see p. 364.) Mrs. Charles S. Dana. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Prescott, Jonas, Jr., 1678-1750. (For service see p. 365.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Prescott, Jonathan, i 643-1 721. (For service see p. 365.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Priest, Degory, 1620-1621. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony; Came in the "Mayflower." Mrs. Robert F. Clark. Prince, Samuel, 1649-17 28. (For service see p. 365.) Miss Mary F. Ayer. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Putnam, Benjamin, 1664-1715. (For service see p. 365.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Putnam, David, i 707-1 768. Lieutenant Salem Militia by 1749. Miss Clara E. Sears. Putnam, Israel, 1717/18-1790. (For service see p. 365.) Mrs. James H. Robbins. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 529 Putnam, John, 1640-17 10. (For service see p. 365.) Mrs. John H. Philip. Miss Clara E. Sears. Putnam, Jonathan, 1659-1739. Captain by 17 10; Deputy from Salem, 17 10. Mrs. Henry J. Howe. Putnam, Nathaniel, 1634-1700. (For service see p. 365.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Mrs. William G. Deshler. Miss Clara E. Sears. Putnam, Thomas, 1642-1686. (For service see p. 366.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Pynchon, William, 1630-1662. (For service see p. 366.) Mrs. John W. Flint. QuiNCY, Edmund, 1633-1635. (For service see p. 366.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. QuiNCY, Edmund, i 633-1 698. (For service see p. 366.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Randolph, William, 1651-1711. (For service see p. 367.) Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Read, Isaac, 1731-1778. (Va.) A Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1769; Lieutenant- Colonel of Fourth Virginia Regi- ment, Feb. 23, 1776; Colonel of Ninth Virginia Regiment, Aug. 13, 1776. Mrs. Ralph A. Cram. Reade, George, 1671. (Va.) Secretary of State pro Tem., 1640; Burgess for James City County, 1649; ^^^ 1656 probably for Gloucester; Member of Council 1657-1658 until 1671; Acting Governor, 1638. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Mrs. WilHam O. Kimball. Reynolds, Nathaniel, 1632- 1708. In command of the Garrison at Chelmsford in the winter of 1675- 1676; Lieutenant. Miss Anna T. Reynolds. Rhodes, Zachariah, 1643-1665. (For service see p. 368.) Miss Ellen Chase. Rice, Edmund, 1639-1663. (For service see p. 368.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Miss Clara W. Montague. Miss Clara E. Sears. Mrs. John H. Wear. Mrs. Edward Wyman. Rice, Phineas, 1682-1768. (For service see p. 369.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Richardson, Josiah, 1635-1695. (For service see p. 369.) Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Rindge, Daniel, 1709-1739. Representative from Ipswich to Massachusetts General Court, 1712; Captain. Mrs. George E. Sage. Robeson, Andrew, 1685 . (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Charles B. Barnes, Jr. Robeson, Jonathan, 1686-1753. (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Charles B. Barnes, Jr. Rogers, Rev. John, 1636-1684. (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Rogers, John, i 666-1 745. (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Rogers, Rev. Nathaniel, 1638- [1655. (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Rogers, Thomas, 1620-1621. (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Miss Sara B. Richmond. Roman, Philip, 1650-1730. (Pa.) Member of the Assembly, 1692, '95; Justice of the Court, 1703. Mrs. Frederic J. Slimson. Rossiter, Edward, 1630-1630. (For service see p. 370.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. RuGGLEs, Samuel, 1637-1692. (For service see p. 371.) Mrs. Tracy L. Acosta. Mrs. George L. Bahl. 530 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Mrs. George Crompton. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. RuGGLES, Samuel, Jr., 1658-1715. (For service see p. 371.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. RuGGLEs, Timothy, 1711-1776. (For service see p. 371.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Russell, Daniel, 1685-1763. (For service see p. 371.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Russell, James, i 640-1 709. (For service see p. 371.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Russell, James, 17 15-1798. (For service see p. 371.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Russell, Richard, 1640-1676. (For service see p. 372.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Sabin, Benjamin, 1646-1725. Commissioned Ensign of Com- pany at Woodstock, 1691. Mrs. James B. Grant. Sabin, William, 1687. Deputy from Rehoboth to Plym- outh General Court, i6!;7, '50, 60, '61. Mrs. Jacob Fillius. Mrs. James B. Grant. Sale, Ephraim, 1690. (For service see p. 372.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 1639- t^707- (For service see p. 372.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 1630- (For service see p. 372.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Saltonstall, Richard, Jr., 1630- [1694. (For service see p. 372.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Sampson, Henry, 1620-1685. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony; Came in the "Mayflower." Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Sanford, Rev. David, 1737-18 10. Commissioned Chaplain of Colo- nel Lemuel Robinson's Regiment, Jan. 23, 1776. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Savage, Habijah, 1638-1669. (For service see p. 373.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Savage, John, 1652-1726. (Conn.) Ensign at Middletown, 1700; Lieu- tenant, 1703; Captain, 17 11. Miss Ellen Chase. Savage, William, 1668-1 726/7. (Conn.) Captain of the North Company of Middletown, 1 7 19; Deputy to the General Assembly, 17 15, '16, '18-26. Miss Ellen Chase. Sawyer, William, 1656-1718. (For service see p. 374.) Mrs. J. Arthur Beebe. Sears, Daniel, 1682-175 6. Ensign by 1722 and Captain at Chatham. Miss Clara E. Sears. Sears, Daniel, 1712-1761. Lieutenant at Chatham by 1733. Miss Clara E. Sears. Sedgvi'ICK, Robert, 1635-1656. (For service see p. 375.) Mrs. Charles Offutt. Sewall, Henry, 1634-1700. (For service see p. 375.) Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Mrs. Henry B. Little. Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Sewall, Samuel, 1661-1730. (For service see p. 375.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Sewall, Stephen, 1661-1725. (For service see p. 375.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Shapleigh, Alexander, 1 63- ?— [164-. (For service see p. 376.) Mrs. John H. Wear. Mrs. Edward Wyman. Sharpe, John, 1643-1676. (For service see p. 376.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Shepley, John, i 676-1 736. (For service see p. 376.) Mrs. John L. Bremer. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 531 Shepley, Joseph, 1721-1795. (For service see p. 376.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Sherman, John, 1691. (For service see p. 377.) Mrs. George E. Sage. Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Sherman, Joseph, 1650-1 731. (For service see p. 377.) Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. Sherman, Roger, 1721-1793. (Conn.) Deputy to General Court of Connecticut from New Milford, i755i '56, '58-61; from New Haven, 1764-1766; Assistant, 1766-1785; Judge of Superior Court, 1766-1789; Signer of Declaration of Independence ; Signer of the Articles of Associ- ation of the Congress of 1774; Signer of Articles of Confedera- tion, 1778; Signer of the Constitu- tion of the United States, 1787, — the only man who signed these four supreme papers of American Independence"; [Member of Council of Safety, 1 777-1 780, '82; Member of Continental Congress, 1774, '81, '83, '84; Representative in the Congress of the United States, 1 789-1 791; Senator of United States, 1791- 1793; Member of Committee of Five to draft the Declaration of Independence, 1776; Member of the Board of War and Ordnance, 1776; Delegate to the Convention with respect to Currency, Monop- olies, etc., at Springfield, Mass., 1777; Delegate to the Conven- tion to Regulate Prices, etc., at New Haven, 1778; Member of a Committee of Two to revise the Statutes of Connecticut, 1783; Delegate from Connecticut to the Constitutional Convention, 1787.] Mrs. Warren R. Oilman. Shippie, Thomas, 1664-1702. (For service see p. 377.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr., Simpkins, Nicholas, 1634-1656. First Captain of the Castle, 1635. Miss Clara E. Sears. Skelton, Rev. Samuel, 1592- 1634. One of the First Ministers at Salem; Member of Council chosen at London, April 30, 1629. Miss Clara E. Sears. Skiff, James, 1643 • (For service see p. 377.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Skiff, Stephen, 1641-1710. (For service see p. 378.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Smith, Edward, 1675. (R.I.) Commissioner for Newport to the Court of Commissioners, 1655, '59; Assistant, 1654, '58, '65, '66; Deputy for Newport to General Assembly, 1665-1671. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Smith, Rev. Elias, 1731-1792. Chaplain of a Middleton Com- pany in the Revolutionary War by Oct. 6, 1775. Miss Clara E. Sears. Smith, Rev. Henry, 1636-1648. (For service see p. 378.) Miss Mary K. Horsford. Smith, John, 1637-1 706. (For service see p. 378.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Smith, Richard, 1596-1666. (R.I., N.Y.) First Lieutenant, 1645; ^lember of Nieuw Netherland "Eight Men," 1645; Signed the Treaty of Peace between the Dutch and Hudson River Indians, Aug. 30^ 1645. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Smith, Samuel, 1634-1680. (For service see p. 378.) Mrs. Howard Corning. Miss Clara W. Montague. Soule, George, 1620-1679/80. One of the Founders of Plymouth Colony; Came in "Mayflower"; Deputy from Duxbury to Plym- outh General Court, 1642, '45, '50, '51, '53, '54- Miss Frances S. Campbell. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Southworth, Constant, 1628-1679. (For ser\-ice see p. 379.) Miss Frances S. Campbell. 532 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. SOUTHWORTH, ThOMAS, 1617-1669. Lieutenant at Plymouth, March 7, 1647/8; Lieutenant of troops raised for the Dutch War, May 3, 1653; Captain at Plymouth, Aug. 2, 1659; Deputy from Plymouth to Plymouth General Court, 165 1-1653; Special Assist- ant at Kennebec, 1655; Assist- ant, 1657-1669; Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1659, '60, '62, '64-69; Member of Council of War, 1653, '58, '67. Mrs. Richard Webb. Sparhawk, Nathaniel, i 636-1 647. (For service see p. 379.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Charles E. Ward. Spencer, Thomas, 1630 . (For service see p. 379.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Spencer, William, i 631-1640. (For service see p. 379.) Miss Mary K. Horsford. Sprague, John, 1629-1703. (For service see p. 379.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Sprague, Ralph, 1629-1650. (For service see p. 379.) Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Mrs. George G. Hayward. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Harry T. Toulmin. Sprague, Samuel, i 632-1696. (For service see p. 380.) Mrs. William Brewster. Spur, Robert, 1661-1738/9. Representative from Dorchester to Massachusetts General Court, 1720-1724; Major in Port Royal Expedition, 1707; Lieutenant- Colonel, 1720; Colonel, 1722. Mrs. James O. Ohler. Stearns, Isaac, 1671. A Founder of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Mrs. Henry W. Eliot. Mrs. James B. Grant. Stearns, John, 1654-1728. (For service see p. 380.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Stebbins, Edward, 1634-1663. (For service see p. 381.) Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Stedman, John, 1638-1693. (For service see p. 381.) Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Sterling, Daniel, 1673-1749. (For service see p. 380.) Mrs. James B. Grant. Stetson, Robert, 1634-1702. (For service see p. 381.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Stoddard, Anthony, 1639-1687. (For service see p. 382.) Mrs. William C. Brownlee. Stoddard, Rev. Solomon, 1643- [1729. (For service see p. 382.) Mrs. William C. Brownlee. Stone, Simon, 1635-1707. (For service see p. 382.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. James B. Grant. Strong, John, 1630-1699. (For service see p. 382.) Mrs. George D. Cabot. Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Sturgis, Edw^ard, i634?-i695. (For service see p. 383.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Sumner, George, 1634-1715. (For service see p. 383.) Mrs. Charles E. Ward. Sumner, William, 1636-1688. (For service see p. 383.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. John T. Richards. Mrs. Charles E. Ward. Swan, Richard, 1639-1678. (For service see p. 383.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Swayne, William, 1635 . (For service see p. 383.) Mrs. Sidney D. Barkalow. Swift, Samuel, 1683-1747. (For service see p. 383.) ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 533 Mrs. Charles F. Little. Mrs. Francis T. McFadden. Sylvester, Nathaniel, [1680. (For service see p. 384.) Mrs. William G. Farlow. Symmes, Rev. Zachariah, 1634- [1671. (For service see p. 384.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Mrs. George E. Sage. Symonds, Samuel, 1637-1678. (For service see p. 384.) Mrs. J. Arthur Beebe. Mrs. John H. Philip. Talcott, John, 1632-1659/60. (For service see p. 384.) Mrs. John W. Flint. Talcott, Samuel, 1635-1691. (For service see p. 384.) Mrs. John W. Flint. Tenney, Thomas, 1638-1700. (For service see p. 385.) Mrs. Dwight M. Prouty. Thacher, Rev. Thomas, 1635- [1678. (For service see p. 385.) Mrs. Peter E. Emery. Thaxter, John, 163S-1687. (For service see p. 385.) Mrs. Samuel C. Bigelow. Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Thompson, John, 1696. Deputy from Barnstable to Plymouth General Court, 1671, '72; Deputy from Middlebor- ough, 1674, '75, '80, '81, '86; Lieutenant in King Philip's War, 1675- Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Thornton, Francis, 1714-1749. (Va.) Member of House of Burgesses from Spottsylvania, 1744, '45, '52, '54; Commissioned Lieutenant- Colonel, Spottsylvania County, 1742. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Thurston, Edward, 1617-1707. (R.L) Commissioner for Providence to the General Court of Commis- sioners, 1663; Deputy for New- port to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1667, '71-74; Deputy for Westerly, 1680; for Newport, 16S1-1686; Assistant, 1675, '86, '90, '91. 'Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Thurston, John, 1635-17 11/2. Deputy from Medfield to Massa- chusetts General Court, 1683, '97, 1702-1703. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Thurston, Thom.\s, 1637-1704. (For service see p. 386.) Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. Tilden, Nathaniel, 1635-1641. (For servace see p. 386.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Tileston, Timothy, 1636-1697. (For service see p. 387.) Mrs. James O. Ohler. TiLLEY, John, 1620-1621. (For service see p. 387.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. William R. Donaghe. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Miss Clara E. Sears. Mrs. Harry T. Toulmin. Mrs. C. Howard Walker. Toppan, Jacob, 1645-1717. (For service see p. 387.) Mrs. Henr}' B. Little. Trask, William, 1626-1666. (For service see p. 388.) Miss Annie N. Ward. Treat, Richard, 1637-1669. (For service see p. 388.) Mrs. John W. Flint. Mrs. Richard F. Hawkins. Mrs. Nathaniel B. Klink. Mrs. Clarence I. Peck. Trowbridge, James, 1636-1717. (For service see p. 388.) Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Miss Annie N. Ward. True, Henry, 1645-1735. (For service see p. 388.) Mrs. Fletcher Hodges. Tucker, Robert, 1633-1681. (For service see p. 388.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Tufts, Peter, 1648-1721. (For service see p. 388.) 534 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. TUPPER, Thomas, 1637-1676. (For service see p. 389.) Miss Adeline A. Bigelow. Turner, Humphrey, 1628-1673. (For service see p. 389.) Mrs. Harrison J. Holt. Turner, Nathaniel, 1647. (Mass., Conn.) One of the Founders of the Colo- ony ol Massachusetts Bay, 1630; Captain of the Saugus Company, 1633; Deputy from Saugus to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 634-1 636; Deputy to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1639, '40, '43-45; Cap- tain and Chief Military Officer of New Haven Colony, 1640; Com- missioner for the United Colonies, 1643; Lost in the "Phantom Ship." Mrs. James D. F. Safford. Turner, Willi.^m, 1676. Captain in King Philip's War, 1675; Killed at Turner's Falls, May 19, 1676. Mrs. James S. Smith. Tyng, Edward, i 636-1 681. (For service see p. 389.) Mrs. George D. Cabot. Miss Clara E. Sears. Updike, Gysbert (or OpD'Dyck), 1605 . (N.Y.) Member of the Council, 1642, '45; One of the "Eight Men," 1645. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Upham, John, 1635-1682. (For service see p. 390.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard. Mrs. Frank H. Starkweather. Van Cortlandt, Oloff Steven- [SEN, 1 638-1 684. (For service see p. 390.) Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. Van Rensselaer, Jeremias, 1632- 1674. (N.Y.) President of the Convention at New Amsterdam, April 10, 1664; Commissioner of Indian Affairs under Dutch Rule, as Magistrate of Fort Orange, 1659-1660, '63- 65; Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1670. Mrs. William G. Farlow. Miss Mary K. Horsford. VenablEjAbram, 1700-1768. (Va.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses, 1742, _ '48, '52-55; Captain of Virginia Forces in the Indian Wars. Mrs. Ralph A. Cram. VosE, Thomas, 1708. (For service see p. 391.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Wadsworth, Christopher, 1632- [1677. (For service see p. 391.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Wadsworth, John, i 638-1 700. (For service see p. 391.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Wainwright, John, 1649-1708. Colonel of Essex County Regi- ment; On Expedition to Nova Scotia, 1707; Representative from Ipswich to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, 1696, '98; Justice of the General Sessions Court, 1707. Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Wainwright, John, 1691-1739. Colonel of Essex County Regi- ment; Representative from Ips- wich to Massachusetts General Court, 1721-1732, '34-38; Jus- tice of the General Sessions Court, 1723; Agent to treat with Indians; Judge of Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas, Essex County, 1729- 1739- Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Walker, James, i 643-1 691. (For service see p. 392.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Walker, Joshua, i 728-1 798. Commissioned First Lieutenant of Second Regiment of Middlesex Militia, March 10, 1762; Cap- tain of Woburn Company on Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. Mrs. George G. Hayward. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 535 Walker, Richaed, 1630-16S7. (For service see p. 392.) Mrs. William C. Whitney. Walker, Samuel, i655-i'7I2. (For service see p. 392.) Mrs. George Crompton. Waller, John, 1670-1754. (Va.) Member of House of Burgesses from King William County, 17 10, '14, '20, '22; Colonel. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Walley, John, 1712. (For service see p. 393.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Walley, Rev. Thomas, 1662- [1678. (For service see p. 393.) Mrs. Henry W. Eliot. Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Miss Fanny Young. Ward, Artemas, 1727-1800. (For service see p. 393.) Mrs. Charles F. Smith. Ward, John, 1708. (For service see p. 393.) Miss Annie N. Ward. Ward, Rev. Nathaniel, 1634- [1645. (For service see p. 393.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Ward, Richard, i 666-1 739. (For service see p. 394.) Miss Annie N. Ward. Ward, William, 1687. Deputy from Marlborough to Massachusetts General Court, 1644, '66; Special Court, 1666. Mrs. John H. Wear. Mrs. Edward Wyman. Warham, John, 1630-1670. (For service see p. 394.) Mrs. William C. Brownlee. Warner, Augustine, 1610-1674 (Va.) '^ Justice for York County, 1652; Burgess for York County, 1652; From Gloucester County, 1656; Member of the Colonial Council, 1659-1674; Captain by 1652. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Warner, Augustine, 1642-1681 (Va.) Member of the Council, 1677; Burgess for Gloucester County, 1658; Captain by 1658; Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1675- 1676; Colonel of Gloucester County Militia, 1680. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Mrs. William O. Kimball. Warren, Daniel, 1689-1748. Captain by 1739. Mrs. Allen R. Hite. Warren, Richard, i 620-1628. (For service see p. 394.) Mrs. David H. Coolidge. Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Charles F. Folsom. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Cyrus Walker. Washington, John, 1627-167^ (Va.) ' Member of House of Burgesses, 1667, '76; Colonel of Virginia Forces in Indian Wars, 167s. Mrs. Jeffrey R. Brackett. Waterman, Richard, 1636-1673. (For service see p. 395.) Miss Ellen Chase. Webster, John, 1636-1661. (For service see p. 395.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Mrs. Nathaniel B. Klink. Mrs. Charles Van Brunt. Weld, Joseph, 1635-1646. (For service see p. 395.) Miss Abby A. Bradley. Mrs. Lowrie Childs. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Mrs. Myron G. Manley. Mrs. John J. Stubbs. Weld, Rev. Thomas. Chaplain of the Garrison at Dunstable from June, 1697, to June, 1698. Mrs. George E. Smith. Welles, Samuel, 1693-1760. (Conn.) Captain of the Fifth Company or Train Band in the Town of Hart- ford, October, 1750. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Welles, Thomas, 1594-1660. (For service see p. 396.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Welles, Thomas, 1627-166S. (Conn.) Quartermaster in Major John 536 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Mason's Troop in 1658; A Paten- tee named in the Royal Charter, 1662; Assistant of Connecticut, 1668. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Wells, Thomas, 1652-1691. Ensign, July 5, 1686; Lieutenant, 1689; Military Commander of Deerfield until his death. Miss May Houghton. Wendell, John, 1649-169 i. (For service see p. 396.) Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. Westwood, William, 1632-1669. (For service see p. 397.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Wheeler, Rev. Joseph, 1735-1793. Minister at Harvard; Member of First and Third Provincial Con- gresses from Harvard; Member of First Committee of Corre- spondence; Representative from Harvard to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, 1775. Mrs. Oscar lasigi. Wheeler, Thomas, 1644-1676. (For service see p. 397.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Wheeler, Timothy, 1640-1687. (For service see p. 397.) Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Wheelwright, Rev. John, 1636- [1679. (For service see p. 397.) Miss Frances S. Campbell. Mrs. Daniel McCoy. Whipple, John, i 640-1 669. (For service see p. 398.) Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Miss Ellen Chase. Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Mrs. James B. Grant. White, Josiah, 1682-1772. Representative from Lancaster to Massachusetts General Court, 1728, '29, '30. Mrs. Stephen T. Douthirt. White, Thomas, 1635-1679. (For service see p. 399.) Mrs. Elmer B. Adams. Whitfield, Rev. Henry, 1639- [1650. (For service see p. 399.) Miss Elizabeth Marquand. Whiting, John, 1665-1729. Lieutenant; Representative from Wrentham to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, 171 1. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Whiting, Nathaniel, i 690/1- 1779. Captain of Medway Company in French and Indian War, 1745. Mrs. Edwin A. Daniels. Whitman, Valentine, 1701. (R.L) Deputy from Providence to Rhode Island General Assembly, 1675, '85, '86; Commissioner, May 18, 1658. Mrs. Rockwood H. Bullock. Whitney, Jonathan, 1704-1755. Captain under Colonel Samuel Willard, 1748. Mrs. Nathan Cole, Jr. Wigglesworth, Rev. Michael, [1638-1705. (For service see p. 400.) Mrs. Henry B. Little. Wilbore, Samuel, 1 63 6- 1 65 6. (For service see p. 400.) Mrs. George D. Cabot. WiLKiNS, Bray, 1612-1702. One of the Historic Founders of Massachusetts Bay Colony, com- ing in Winthrop's Fleet, 1630. Miss Clara E. Sears. Willard, Simon, 1634-1676. (For service see p. 401.) Mrs. Harrison G. O. Colby. Mrs. Charles E. Cotting. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Edward A. Moseley. Mrs. Frank B. Smith. Miss Susan B. Willard. Williams, Joseph, i 708-1 798. (For service see p. 402.) Mrs. Walter F. Ayers. Williams, Richard, 163 7-1 693. (For service see p. 402.) Miss Sara B. Richmond. Mrs. William J. Washburn. Williams, William, 1711-1784. Ensign, 1740; Major, 1744; Lieutenant-Colonel under Colonel John Choate; In charge of Louis- burg after its capitulation, 1745; Captain in Expedition against Canada, 1755; Commissioned ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 537 Colonel, 1758; Judge of Probate, Berkshire County, 1765-1778; Justice of Court of Common Pleas, 1761-1765; Chief Justice, 1765- 1781; Representative to General Court from Pittsfield, 1763, '65, '70, '71- Mrs. Alexander M. Harvey. WiLLOUGHBY, FrANCIS, 1638-1667. (For service see p. 402.) Mrs. Charles W. Smith. Wilson, Rev. John, 1630-1667. (For service see p. 402.) Miss Anna T. Reynolds. Miss Clara E. Sears. Winchester, John, 1644-17 18. Representative from Brookline to Massachusetts General Court, 1 706-1 7 ID. Miss Frances Winchester. Winship, Edward, 1635-1688. (For service see p. 403.) Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. Mrs. James F. Hunnewell. Mrs. Theodore N. Vail. WiNSLOw, John, 1623-1674. (For service see p. 403.) Mrs. William Endicott, Jr. Mrs. Fritz H. Jordan. Mrs. George E. Sage. WiNSLOW, JosiAS, 1631-1674. (For service see p. 404.) Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr. WiNSLow, Kenelm, 1629-1672. (For service see p. 404.) Mrs. C. Howard Walker. Winthrop, John, 1630-1649. (For service see p. 404.) Miss Martha W. Bancker. Mrs. Charles Boyden. Mrs. George Crompton. Mrs. J. Grafton Minot. Miss Clara E. Sears. Winthrop, John, Jr., 1631-1676. (For service see p. 404.) Mrs. Charles Boyden. Miss Clara E. Sears. Winthrop, Waitstill, 1642-17 17. (For service see p. 404.) Miss Clara E. Sears. Wise, Rev. Jeremiah, 1679-1756. (For service see p. 405.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. Wise, Rev. John, 1652-1725. (For service see p. 405.) Mrs. Edwin B. Hendrie. WoLCOTT, Henry, 1630-1655. (For service see p. 40"^.) Mrs. Merrill E. Pratt. WOODBRIDGE, ReV. JoHN, 1634- /^ ■ ^ f'^95- (ror service see p. 405.) Miss Elizabeth C. Goodhue. Miss Helen L. Sullivan. Mrs. Richard Webb. Woodbury, John, i 624-1 641. (For service see p. 406.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Woodbury, Peter, 1640-1704. (For service see p. 406.) Mrs. Edward C. Gale. Woodman. Edward, 1635-1694. (For service see p. 406.) Mrs. Harold C. Ernst. Mrs. Gordon Prince. Worcester. Rev. William, 1639- [1663. (For service see p. 406.) Mrs. Charles A. Cummings. Worrall, John, 1658-1742. (Pa.) Member of the Assembly, 17 16. Mrs. Frederic J. Stimson. Wright, Abel, 1631-1725. Lieutenant at Springfield by 1691; Deputy from Springfield, 1695. Mrs. Clarence I. Peck. Wyllys, George, 1638-1645. (For service see p. 406.) Mrs. Warren R. Gilman. CHANGES OF ADDRESS. The following numbers in the Society are of each Dame whose address has changed since the printing of the Register of 1905. The page number refers to the Register where the Dame's name and former address will be found. NO. IN SOC. NEW ADDRESSES. 13. 192 Beacon Street, Boston 38 31. Lenox 44 45. 153 Brattle Street, Cambridge 49 52. 133 Beacon Street, Boston 52 53. Dedham 52 55. 165 Ivy Street, Longwood 53 58. Elm Street, Worcester 54 61. Brush Hill Road, Hyde Park 55 73. 181 Beacon Street, Boston 60 76. Cohasset 61 100. Chestnut Hill 70 10 1. 40 Fairfield Street, Boston 70 106. 2 Berkeley Place, Cambridge 72 113. The Ludlow, Boston 74 133. 209 Bay State Road, Boston 79 148. 75 Atlantic Avenue, Swampscott 85 187. 105 Marlborough Street, Boston 100 190. 35 Marlborough Street, Boston loi 192. Northeast Harbor, Maine 102 193. 191 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston 102 194. 79 Marlborough Street, Boston 103 200. 478 Beacon Street, Boston 105 206. Old Colony Hill, Hingham 107 208. Wildwood, Manchester 108 210. 227 Marlborough Street, Boston 108 216. 90 Marlborough Street, Boston no 217. 183 Marlborough Street, Boston no 218. Care Mrs. Clarence B. Denny, Brush Hill Road, Hyde Park in 228. 216 Beacon Street, Boston 114 235. 36 Brown Street, Longwood 117 241. Auburndale P.0 119 243. 79 Bay State Road, Boston 119 (538) ERRATA TO THE REGISTER Much of the following Errata is the omitting of ancestors who had been accepted in the early days of the Society and whose service (since the printing of the Register of 1905) has been proven to be insufl&cient. Add, under Supplementary Claims, James Coffin. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Joseph Sylvester and Walter Thong. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Anthony Annable. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, John Alden. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Edmund Quincy. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Daniel Gookin. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Tristram Coffin. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Luke Hitchcock. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Jeremiah Clarke. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Luke Hitchcock. For 247 read 249 Beacon Street. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, John Gardner. Add, under Supplementary Claims, John Greene. For Watler read Walter Clarke. Add, under Supplementary Claims, John King. Before Mrs. G. E. Sage, omit f (resigned mark). See page 460. Add, under Supplementary Claims, John Tilley. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Charles Thompson. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Rev. Thomas Weld. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Degory Priest. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Thomas Burge. For 247 read 249 Beacon Street. Add, under Supplementary Claims, John Shepley. For Seventh read Eighth in descent. For Clarke read Clark. For Annie read Anne. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, John Goldthwait. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Richard Lord. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Daniel Wood. Before Mrs. Le Baron B. Prince omit f (resigned mark). (539) NO. PAGE INSOC. 34 4 39 17 42 25 45 32 45 35 45 35 48 41 51 47 51 49 53 54 54 56 56 64 57 66 57 66 60 73 61 77 64 84 71 102 85 148 86 151 89 159 94 170 104 196 105 201 109 211 109 213 no 217 "5 230 138 64 138 65 NO. PAGE IN SOC. 1 68 181 215 371 226 411 226 412 230 428 243 476 252 5" 254 522 258 536 261 547 263 266 267 272 272 275 27s 540 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Add, under Supplementary Claims, Jonathan Crane. Directly over number read Iowa. Mrs. Breese J. Stevens not deceased, omit asterisk. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Daniel Swain and Peter Tyler. Omit, under Supplementary Claims, Andrew Clarke. For Plainfield read Plainville. For Rowend read Rowena. For Hinsman read Hinman. For Thurston read Thruston. For Martha read Matilda. Mrs. Breese J. Stevens not deceased. Mrs. George E. Sage not resigned. Mrs. Le Baron B. Prince not resigned. Under Adams, Edward, 17 16? omit the?. For Adams, Peter, 1669-1749, read 1669-1747. Under Angell, Thomas, 1631-1694, for Clarke read Clark. Under Annable, Anthony, 1623-1674, omit Miss Rose Lamb. 276 Under Arnold, William, 1635-1675, for Clarke read Clark. 281 Under Baulstone, William, 1638-1678, for Clarke read Clark. 288 Under Brown, John, 1634-17 17, add from Reading. ^90 Omit Burnham, Thomas, Jr., 1646-1707, and service. 292 Under Carpenter, William, 1638-1659, omit Miss Eleanor J. Clark. Seepage 512. 298 Under Coffin, James, 1 642-1 720, add Mrs. Henry P. Quincy. 299 Under Coggeshall, John, 1638-1647, add Miss Eleanor J. Clark. 299 Under Coggeshall, John 1708, for Clarke read Clark. 302 Under Cotton, Rev. John, 1633-1652, add Mrs. Henry P. Quincy. 305 Under Cutler, John, omit Mrs. John L. Bremer and Miss Alice Famsworth. Seepage 514. 308 Under Dexter, Gregory, 1638-1700, for Clarke read Clark. 309 For Downing, Emmanuel, 1638-1655, read Emanuel. 316 Omit Foote, Robert, 1657-1681, and service. 319 Under Gardiner, David, 1636-1689, add Mrs. Henry S. Howe. 320 Under Gardner, Thomas, 1623-1674, omit Deputy from Salem, etc. 323 Omit Goldthwait, John, 1677-1766, and service. ERRATA TO REGISTER OF 1905. 541 NO. IN SOC. 323 For Goodhue, William, 1645-1712, read 1635-1699? 324 For Gorham, 1637-1676, read Gorham, John. 325 Under Greene, John, 1638-1708, add Mrs. S. V. R. Thayer.. 329 Omit Hatch, William, 1633-165 1, and service. 346 Omit Lord, Richard, 1647-1727, and service. 351 For Mirick, James, 1669-1765, read Merrick. 351 For Mirick, James, 1 698-1 790, read Merrick. 354 Under Newberry, Thomas, 1630-1635, for Saugus read Dorchester. 360 Under Pepperell, William, 1 675-1 734, omit Representative 1697. 360 For Perkins, William, 1632-1682, read Perkins, Rev. William. 360 For Phelps, John, 1709-1789, read 1709-1787. 361 Under Pickering, John, 1637-1694, read Mrs. Philip H.. Sears. 366 Quincy, Edmund, 1633-1635, should precede Quincy, Edmund, 1633-1698. 368 For Raymond, William, 1650-1709, read 1637-1709. 372 Under Russell, Richard, 1640-1676, read Speaker '56, '58, for '55, '68. 376 Under Shepley, John, 1 676-1 736, add Mrs. John L. Bremer. 379 Under Smith, Simon, 1712, for Clarke read Clark. 382 Under Stoughton, Thomas, 1630-1684? omit year '44. 386 Omit Thompson, Charles, 1741-1824, and service. 389 For Tyler, Moses, 1624-1712, read 1624-1727. 395 Under Waterman, Richard, 1636-1673, for Clarke read Clark. 401 Under Willett, Thomas, 1630-1674, omit Mrs. Charles S. Sargent and Mrs. S. V. R. Thayer. 401 Under Willett, Thomas, 1645-1722, add Mrs. Charles S. Sargent and Mrs. S. V. R. Thayer. 405 For Wise, Jeremiah, 1679-1756, read Wise, Rev. Jeremiah. 409 211 For Clarke read Clark. 412 Before Sage, Mrs. George E., omit f (resigned mark). 424 Before Prince, Mrs. Le Baron B., omit f (resigned mark). 426 Before Stevens, Mrs. Breese J., omit * (deceased mark). ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF COLONIAL MEMBERS. * Deceased, t Resigned. t Married, tt Transferred. Amory, Mrs. Charles B 266 450 Appleton, Mrs. Nathaniel W 263 448 Ayer, Miss Mary F 292 457 Barnes, Mrs. Charles B., Jr 276 452 Beebe, Mrs. J. Arthur 252 445 BowDiTCH, Mrs. Ernest W 264 448 Boyden, Mrs. Charles 253 445 Brackett, Mrs. Jeffrey R 250 444 Bradley, Miss Abby A 288 456 Bradley, Mrs. Robert S 290 457 Brewster, Mrs. William 248 444 Bullock, Mrs. Rockwood H 278 453 JCabot, Mrs. George D 289 456 Chase, Miss Ellen 285 455 JClark, Mrs. Robert F 151 465 Codman, Miss Edith 277 452 Colby, Mrs. Harrison G. O 282 454 CooLiDGE, Mrs. David H 245 442 CoTTiNG, Mrs. Charles E 283 454 Cram, Mrs. Ralph A 296 458 Crocker, Mrs. David 257 447 Crompton, Mrs. George 295 458 CuMMiNGS, Mrs. Charles A 297 458 Daniels, Mrs. Edwin A 287 456 Draper, Mrs. Eben S 258 447 Endicott, Mrs. William, Jr 284 454 (542) NO. IN SOC. PAGE 298 269 241 459 450 465 301 459 274 451 294 458 300 262 459 448 251 445 270 280 451 453 271 451 273 45^ 275 452 INDEX OF COLONIAL MEMBERS. 543 -j-Fairbanks, Mrs. Arthur FitzGerald, Mrs. Desmond JFitzGerald, Mrs. Stephen S FoLSOM, Mrs. Charles F Fuller, Mrs. Samuel L Oilman, Mrs. Warren R Goodhue, Miss Elizabeth C Guild, Mrs. Curtis, Jr Hawkins, Mrs. Richard F Hayward, Mrs. George G Holmes, Mrs. Edward J Hooper, Miss Louisa C *HowLAND, Mrs. Francis Hunnewell, Mrs. James F Iasigi, Mrs. Oscar 306 460 Jefferson, Mrs. George D 268 450 Joslin, Mrs. Allen L 254 446 fKEBLER, Mrs. Julian A 299 459 Kimball, Mrs. William O 286 455 Little, Mrs. Henry B 249 444 LovERiNG, Mrs. Ernest 310 461 j-fMARTLN, Mrs. George E 247 443 Minot, Mrs. J. Grafton 281 453 MixTER, Mrs. Samuel J 309 461 MosELEY, Mrs. Edward A 307 460 Osgood, Mrs. Edward L 305 460 Prince, Mrs. Gordon 256 446 Prouty, Mrs. Dwight M 303 459 Reynolds, Miss Anna T 267 450 RoBBiNS, Mrs. James H 302 459 Safford, Mrs. James De F 293 457 Sage, Mrs. George E 77 462 544 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Sears, Miss Clara E Smith, Mrs. Charles W Smith, Mrs. Frank B Stimson, Mrs. Frederic J Sullivan, Miss Helen L Van Brunt, Mrs. Charles Walker, Mrs. C. Howard Ward, Miss Annie N Whittlesey, Mrs. William A WiLLARD, Miss Susan B Young, Miss Fanny 291 NO. IN SOC. PAGE- 246 308 260 442 461 447 265 447 449. 279 453 304 460 446 272 261 451 448 457 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NON-COLONIAL MEMBERS. * Deceased, t Resigned. t Married, tt Transferred. AcosTA, Mrs. Tracy L Adams, Mrs. Elmer B Alden, Miss Emma S Ashley, Mrs. Roscoe B. . . . Ayers, Mrs. Walter F Bahl, Mrs. George L Balke, Mrs. Julius Bancker, Miss Martha W. . . Barkalow, Mrs. Sidney D. . . Beard, Mrs. James B Bender, Mrs. Victor E Bennett, Mrs. Albert D. . . . BiGELOw, Mrs. Samuel C. . . . Blatchford, Mrs. Paul . . . . BoswoRTH, Mrs. Arthur S. . . Brownlee, Mrs. William C. . . Buck, Mrs. Stuart M Burns, Mrs. Silas R Campbell, Miss Frances S. . . Childs, Mrs. Lowrie Clark, Miss Martha B. . . . Cole, Mrs. Nathan, Jr Corning, Mrs. Howard .... CowLN, Mrs. John C Crane, Mrs. Edward M. . . . Crosby, Mrs. Franklin M. . . Crosby, Mrs. James Dana, Mrs. Charles S Dean, Mrs. William J (545) [N SOC. PAGE 588 476 665 490 629 484 561 470 619 482 635 485 574 473 667 491 640 486 557 469 656 489 660 489 596 478 5«5 475 663 490 553 468 679 493 621 482 566 471 649 487 636 485 610 481 604 479 657 489 614 481 591 476 618 482 674 492 S«3 475 546 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. PAGE Deshler, Mrs. William G 6i6 482 Dewing, Mrs. James H 612 481 DouTHiRT, Mrs. Stephen T 631 484 Ebersole, Mrs. Claude D 576 473 Emery, Mrs. Peter E 623 483 Fellows, Mrs. George E 668 491 FiLLius, Mrs. Jacob 627 484 Fischer, Mrs. Conrad B 613 481 Flint, Mrs. John W 558 469 French, Mrs. James H 556 469 Frink, Mrs. Norris J 552 468 Fuller, Miss Helen W 643 486 Gale, Mrs. Edward C 582 474 Glenny, Mrs. Edmund J 624 483 Green, Mrs. Oscar C 565 471 Griffin, Mrs. Andrew G 587 475 Griffith, Mrs. John W 659 489 |Hack, Mrs. Charles W 245 496 Hammond, Mrs. Charles F 641 486 Harvey, Mrs. Francis Le Roy 662 490 Hasselman, Mrs. Watson J 620 482 HiTE, Mrs. Allen R 670 491 Hodges, Mrs. Fletcher 622 483 Holman, Miss Annie L 607 480 JHoLT, Mrs. Harrison J 592 477 Houghton, Miss May 615 481 Howe, Mrs. Henry J 637 485 Howson, Mrs. John D 644 487 Humphrey, Mrs. Herbert S 628 484 Ives, Mrs. Howard R 601 479 Jones, Mrs. David P 655 489 Jordan, Mrs. Fritz H 595 477 Reiser, Mrs. George E. 573 473 Keith, Mrs. Charles N 586 475 {King, Mrs. Franklin D 524 496 King, Miss Isadora F 564 471 INDEX OF NON-COLONIAL MEMBERS. 547 NO. IN SOC. King, Mrs. Preston 598 478 *KiRKPATRiCK, Mrs. Clifford 5^9 472 Klink, Mrs. Nathaniel B 073 492 Langford, Mrs. Augustine G 59° 47^ Leavitt, Mrs. Byron C 5^° 47o LiBBY, Miss Ellen H 677 493 LiBBY, Miss Harriet A 075 493 LiBBY, Miss Margaretta A 070 493 Little, Mrs. Charles F 03« 4«o Lohmeyer, Mrs. William 005 4»o MacCorkle, Mrs. William A 680 493 Manley, Mrs. Myron G 599 47» JMattoli, Mrs. Agostino 126 49" JMcAuLEY, Mrs. Henry S 4i4 49<^ McCoy, Mrs. Daniel 072 492 McFadden, Mrs. Francis T 045 4»7 McKiM, Mrs. Anson ^^9 49^ Mengel, Mrs. Charles C 559 47° Merrill, Mrs. Anthony F 57S 473 Montague, Miss Clara W 593 477 Montgomery, Mrs. Robert E 058 4^9 MouLTON, Miss Lydia F "34 4^5 Moulton, Miss Sarah C ^S3 4^5 Nason, Mrs. Charles H 579 474 Norton, Mrs. Charles O 57 1 472 Nott, Mrs. Harry °4« 4*7 Offutt, Mrs. Charles 653 488 Ohler, Mrs. James O 608 4^0 Owsley, Mrs. William L 6o4 490 Peck, Mrs. Clarence 1 630 484 Peschmann, Mrs. Charles B 003 479 Philip, Mrs. John H 5^9 47^ Pleasants, Mrs. John S 042 4*t> Pratt, Mrs. Merrill E 002 479 Richards, Mrs. John T 584 475 Richardson, Mrs. Jenness B 032 4^5 Richardson, Miss Marcia M 01 1 46i 548 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES. Richmond, Miss Sara B 625 483 Robinson, Mrs. John W 551 468 Root, Miss Mary E 597 478 Rouse, Mrs. Francis L 578 473 Smith, Mrs. Arthur C 639 486 Smith, Mrs. Charles F 567 471 Smith, Mrs. James S 568 472 Snyder, Mrs. E. St. Claire 650 488 Spafford, Mrs. James M 554 469 Stafford, Mrs. Edward O 600 479 Starkweather, Mrs. Frank H 606 480 Stough, Mrs. Oliver J 563 470 Stubbs, Mrs. John J 572 472 Sykes, Mrs. Gerrit S 577 473 Tabor, Miss Agnes M 652 652 Tabor, Miss Isabell A 651 488 Talbot, Mrs. Frederic F 678 493 Thayer, Mrs. Hiram H 581 474 TiTTMANN, Mrs. Harold H 617 482 TouLMiN, Mrs. Harry T 626 483 Troup, Mrs. Alexander C 570 472 Vail, Mrs. Theodore N 681 494 Wales, Mrs. George W 594 477 Ward, Mrs. Charles E 654 488 Washburn, Mrs. William J. . 609 480 Wear, Mrs. John H 562 470 Webb, Mrs. Richard 580 474 White, Mrs. Wallace H 646 487 Whitney, Mrs. William C 647 487 Winchester, Miss Frances 666 491 Woods, Mrs. Frederick N 671 492 Woods, Miss Lottie G 661 490 Woods, Mrs. Victor H 555 469 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011712 578 6 # f