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To the Soldiers of Iowa in the late Civil War, whose valor, courage and fortitude without a stain in camp, on the march and on the battle field, combined with the adminis- tration of their chief, the ' ' War Governor, " at home, con- tributed to give to their beloved state a name and a fame that will endure as long as history shall be written, or history shall be read, this work is respectfully inscribed by their friend, THE AUTHOR. A jLj ^-""^- \?.' i^t^^Py X '^^^^ ^il Y/c£3J¥3//|^lV^£yA^y^. _ "^^^^M^cf^WmS^^M^ ^vf^,,.^^^. ?• — -i n^^^ft^^:^^i^^^M^'^m^ ;^4 ':?rr4? .# .c^r^''-. '^ ■■• '-"^ :-■■'' • i^^ri^Ai. '^'r^'^-S^S. tnA?.N^, "1^'^' xy^if^-^ c'l^^^- ^^Sft rf PREFACE. My acquaintance with Gov. Kirkwood commenced very soon after he came to the state, and it became somewhat intimate while he was serving his iirst term in the state senate, during the winters of 1856-T, and where I was acting in the capacity of reporter of proceedings for a local paper and correspondent for a Chicago Daily. During his whole residence in Iowa City I have been associated with him as a neighbor, and have served with him several years on our local school board. Since I have commenced writing his life he has submitted to me all of his correspondence, both public and private, needful for my use, and copies of all public documents in his possession, and he has submitted to frequent and oft repeated interviews during the progress of my work. In my labor I have been greatly aided by his faithful wife, who has from time to time during his oflScial life, gathered from the public press and other sources and treasured them up, facts relating to him that otherwise would have been lost. Governor Boies has kindly permitted me the use of the Executive Records made during Governor Kirkwood' s srubernatorial administrations. The manuscript as it has been written from time to tmie has been submitted to him for his correction and approval. Iowa City, Iowa, June 29th, 1893. The Lit6 and Times o! Samuel J. KIrkwood, IOWA'S WAR GOVERNOR. CHAPTER I. Ancestry: Scotch- Irish and Scotch— Robert Kirkwood in the Revoliition — With St. Clair on the Wabash— The Kirkwoods as Scholars— Scotch Presbyterians— Jabez a Blacksmith and Farmer— Blacksmithing 100 Years Ago— Farm Tools Then—Familii Work—Saimiel an Apt Scholar— Oocs to Washington to Attend School— Joins a Liter- ary Society— Becomes a School Teacher in Pennsylvania— A Drug Clerk for His Brother Wallace— Kirkwoods Move to Ohio— Settle in the Woods and Make a Farm— Samuel Teaches School Again— Be- comes Deputy Comity Assessor— A Store and Tavern Clerk. The Kirkwood family in America date back to 1731, when Robert Kirkwood and his widowed sister-in-law with her two children, a son named Robert, three years old, and a sister older emigrated from Londonderry in the north of Ireland, and settled in New Castle, Delaware. Captain Robert Kirkwood, a son of this immigrant Robert, was a Captain in the revolutionary army all through that war; was an active participant in the battles of Princeton and Long Island, and was so distinguished for his eminent services, that the brevet rank of Brigadier General was conferred on him upon the recommendation of Washington. That he should be advanced from a Captaincy to a Brigadier Gen- eralshij), without going through the intermediate grades, and that upon the recommendation of his commander in chief, is the best attestation that could be given of his ability, his valor and his worth. He was in the bloody battles of Cam- den, Hobkirk's Hill, Eutaw Springs and Ninety -Six; and Lee, in his memoirs of the Southern revolutionary cam- paigns, makes frequent and honorable mention of him. At the battle of Camden his Delaware regiment was so badly cut up that enough for but one company of it was left 8 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOb. and he had command of it. After the close of the war, in 1789, he moved into eastern Ohio, opposite Wheeling, Va. In the spring of 1791 the cabin of Capt. Kirkwood was attacked by a party of In(lians in the night, but they were repulsed. The cabin was set fire to, the roof was all ablaze, when it was pushed off and the fire quenched with water and milk from the house. Of fourteen soldiers in the house at the time, one was killed and seven wounded. After this affair, Capt. Kirkwood returned with his family to Newark, Delaware. On his way he met some of St. Clair's troops on their way to Cincinnati. Exasperated at the attack of the Indians upon his house, he took the com- mand of a company of Delaware troops, and was with them at St. Clair's defeat on the Wabash in the fall of 1791, where he fell in an attempt to repel the enemy with the bayonet. In the year 1759 this three year old boy Robert, had attained his thirty-first year, when he married Jane Hender- son, and became the father of six children, five sons — Wil- liam, John, Robert, Nathaniel and Jabez, and one daughter — Sarah. Rev. A, B. Cross, compiling in 1886 a history of the Presbyterian church of which the early Kirk woods were members, mentions eight of them and their descendants as being Elders in the church, three as professors in colleges, one (Samuel J.) as ex-Governor, ex-U. S. Senator and ex- Cabinet Minister, and says: "All these Elders, Preachers, Professors, Lawyers and Politicians are the descendants of that fatherless three year old boy who came to Delaware in 1731. To me there is a peculiar interest in the childhood of that boy. In all my ministry I have been on the most intimate terms with, and have preached to many of the Kirkwood family, and I would not do justice in this notice if I did not say, from a long and intimate knowledge of them, they have been a family that have always been true to ItlE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 9 their country and true to their church, with a line of Elders from the beginning in 1731 till now." It may be said of the early Kirkwoods that they were, and their descendants of to-day are, men of large mental caliber and of great aptitude in the acquisition of knowledge. Among the most noted are *Daniel Kirkwood, LL.D., a life- time teacher in various schools, and for several years pro- fessor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Indiana University, author of "Meteoric Astronomy and the Asteroids between Mars and Jupiter," and a work on Comets and Meteors; and who is quoted as the highest authority on those subjects; Prof. Wm. R. Kirkwood, D.D. of Macallister College, Minn.; and Prof. Samuel J. Kirkwood, LL.D. of the University of Wooster, Ohio. Such is his reputation as an astronomer, both at home and abroad, that when, in 1875, the great English astronomer Richard Anthony Proctor, visited America, he came west to Indiana on purpose to see his colaborer in astronomical work. Prof. Daniel Kirkwood. Jabez Kirkwood was an infant son of the revolution being born in that memorable year 1776, and he married for his first wife Mary Coulson, by whom he had two sons, Robert and Coulson, and for his second wife a widow Wallace, whose maiden name was Mary Alexander, by whom he had three sons, John, Wallace and Samuel Jordan, His second wife was born in Scotland. Robert, the father of Jabez must have been a man of thrift and well to do in the world, as he settled his five sons at their majority, when they were ready to set up business for themselves, each on a good sized farm for that time, that given to Jabez containing 140 acres or more. Samuel Jordan Kirkwood, son of Jabez, the subject of this memoir, and the youngest in the family, was born on *A cousin of Samuel J. and his pupil when he taught his first term of school. 10 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the 20th of December, 1813, m Harford Co., Md., to which place his ancestors had immigrated from Delaware. As will be seen by the foregoing, his parentage on his father's side was Scotch-Irish, and on his mother's pure Scotch. His parents were both Scotch Presbyterians of the strict puritani- cal school of that denomination during their time. Being a blacksmith as well as a farmer, his father spent most of his time in the shop and the boys, after they had arrived at sufficient age carried on the farm. At this early date so worn had the thin soil of parts of this farm become, that one whole field though well situated and originally feitile was abandoned and left uncultivated. In after years the application of lime restored its fertility. Blacksmithing then was as different from the blacksmith- ing of to-day, as our farm operations are different from those of that time. Th(! making of the iron work of plows, making chains, nails, axes and other edge tools, such as knives, butcher knives and chisels as well as hay forks and manure forks and also many other things we now buy at the hard- ware stores w^ere the work of the home blacksmith, and Jabez Kirkwood was an adept at all the work in his line. Cut nails had not then been invented, nor had wire nails been dreamed of, and all the nails then used for building or other purposes, whether large or small, were drawn out one at a time by the smith with his hammer and anvil, and the head of the nail made by having the large end mashed down with a riveting hammer. The edge tools of that day were all ground by hand to fit them for use after they came from the hands of the blacksmith, and it was a good half day's work for two men to grind and fit a new ax ready for chopping. Horse shoes were all turned by hand and the nails for setting them also made by hand. The farm tools of that day as used on the Kirkwood farm consisted of a plow, the wood work of which was made by Coulson, one of the elder boys, and the iron work by the 12 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KlRKWOOD. ceeded. Before and over this blazing, roasting fire all the family cooking was done and it is a wonder that our mothers and grandmothers as cooks did not themselves get roasted by it. The preparation of the family clothing, except the dyeing and fulling, from the time the wool came from the sheeps' backs and the flax came from the hands of the flax dresser, was all made in the family. The wool was all carded, spun and woven by hand, the hand cards, spinning wheel and loom being common tools in nearly every household, and when the garments of the men and boys were to be made a "tailoress " was brought into the house and she remained till a year's stock for all had been cut and made. The day of shoe stores had not then dawned nor had boot and shoe shops become plenty, and when shoes were wanted leather was purchased at the country store or at the tanner's and a shoemaker with his kit of tools was brought into the house, given a place in the kitchen and he remained till the whole family were shod. It was the custom in those days for boys as well as girls till well in their teens to go barefooted in the summer, and if the shoemaker could not get around in time it was often as late as the advent of early frosts and untimely snows before the shoes were ready, and the Governor often goes back in mem- ory to the time when as a barefooted boy he was sent out in the early morning to drive up the cows, and remembers how he stood on the warm spots where the cows had lain over night to warm his toes chilled by the ungenerous frost. As there were no girls in the Kirkwood family the boys did the churning, helped do the washing and such other household chores as boys could turn their hands to, and Samuel performed his share of these tasks. Such was the farm on which, and such the home and family in which the Governor spent the first ten years of his life, and they did not difler in any essential particulars from THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 13 the majority of the farms and homes in that part of the country at that time. On one corner of his father's farm was a log school house, in whose small windows oiled paper served in the place of glass and whose seats were logs split in two with wooden pins for legs, and desks made in a similar manner. In this rude school house young Samuel commenced his education, and it was begun when he was so young that the older brothers often carried him to school on their backs, and here it was continued till he was ten years old, and he must have been an apt scholar in his childhood days, for he cannot remember the time when he could not repeat the multiplica- tion table, and before he graduated from the log school house, at the age of ten, he had advanced so that he had "ciphered" to the "rule of three" (proportion) in arithmetic, and had made a corresponding advancement in his other studies, an advancement that in those days was deemed creditable in a youth of fifteen. A well educated man by the name of John McLeod who left Ireland during the stormy revolution of 1798, when England finally abolished the Irish Parliament, came to America and became a teacher. He married a Miss Coul- son, sister of Jabez Kirkwood's first wife, and in after years opened a school in Washington. During his residence in Washington as a teacher, he often spent his vacations in Maryland with his brother-in- law, the father of his assistant teacher and of his pupil Sam- uel J. Robert Kirkwood, his nephew, and half-brother of Sam- uel, who was a very excellent linguist, was an assistant teacher in the school, and through his influence the latter was placed in the school to prosecute his studies and here he remained four years during the close of Monroe's and the opening of J. Q. Adams' administration, finishing his English studies and getting enough of the classics to enable 14 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. him to read the Greek Testament and several Latin authors, when he quit school and entered, as a clerk, a drug store kept on Pennsylvania avenue in Washington, While at school he engaged in all the literary exercises connected with it, and after he left it and went into the drug store, he and his associates formed a literary society, which was at first a private affair, but was finally opened to visitors, and con- siderable audiences, including the ladies, listened to the deliberations, debates and addresses of these embryo states- men; and it was here, in the exercises of this youthful society, while yet in his early teens, he laid the foundation of that character and those habits, and developed the char- acteristics that made him so successful a platform speaker in after life. In the debates in this organization he acquired the mastery of himself upon the floor, witli the eyes of the audience all upon him, and learned to marshall his facts. array his thoughts, and so discipline his powers that when they were called into action in his intellectual contests with his opponents, he felt perfectly at home and could use every weapon at his command like a veteran in long service. After spending a year in the drug store of Patrick Leyne, at the age of seventeen, he went into York County, Pennsylvania, near the Maryland line, and there engaged in teaching a country school, boarding with his Aunt Sally, and doing chores before and after school to pay for his board. After closing this term of school he went into another neigh- borhood, where he opened a subscription school, boarding around among the patrons of the school, as was the custom in those early days. This "boarding around" had its advan- tages as well as its drawbacks, while it made an itinerant of the teacher, feeding him at almost every man's table in the neighborhood, it gave him an insight into the inner and domestic life of his patrons, and enabled him to study human nature in all its varied phases. To a young man who was to become a professional or public character in after life, this THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD 15 itineration was a most excellent school in which many lessons could be learned that would prove useful in after life. At this last school Daniel Kirkwood, Samuel's cousin, now the distinguished astronomer living in California, then two years his junior, was his pupil, and here he showed those habits of deep research, thorough study and intense applica- tion that afterwards made him the eminent scholar that he is. After finishing his teaching here his older brother Wal- lace, who had purchased a drug store at the corner of Penn- sylvania avenue and Eleventh street, in Washington, wanted him for a clerk, and here he remained two years or more and then returned home and spent a winter in a school kept some three miles away, perfecting himself in his classical studies. While at school here he walked these three miles twice a day, making a daily six-mile tramp in pursuit of knowledge. As indicating the power of the prejudice and tenacity of opinion and force of habit of these early Scotch Presby- terians, it is related that the two clerks of the church where the Kirkwoods attended, occupied a position in front of the pulpit facing the audience during the service, one of them read the psalms and hymns and the other named the tune and led the singing, and in these duties they alternated one with the other, and they had for a long time used a set of old church tunes that all in the congregation had become familiar with, and the older members had become attached to. But in the course of time a singing school was taught in the neighborhood, and some new tunes had been introduced and learned by the younger members of the congregation. One of the clerks was Wm. Coulson, a brother-in-law of the elder Kirkwood, and the other Wm. More Livingstone. The latter was in favor of singing some of the new tunes, in fact had taught them, and when it came his turn to lead he named them quite frequently and they were sung. One good brother by the name of Tarbet, who was orthodox in all 16 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. points of faith, thinking the singing of these new tunes was sacrilege would not endure them, and left his seat in hot haste and went out of the church to get away from the sing- ing. The particular tune that was then being sung was after- wards, from this fact, named "Tarbet's Trot." Not long after this the horses of Jabez Kirkwood hitched to some trees in plain view from the pew he occupied were getting into some trouble with each other, and he seeing them in their dilemma during the singing of one of these new tunes rushed out of the church in haste to relieve them. The con- gregation, supposing that he was going out for the same reason that Brother Tarbet had, named that particular tune "Kirkwood's Canter." The father of Samuel was a man in good circumstances, "well to do in the world" as the phrase goes, but he became surety for a friend, and as bondsman was called upon to mgike up a large deficit of his principal, and when this was done he had only his farm left. Hoping to regain his for- tune on it in raising horses, he had made a good beginning at it when his horses were all carried off by disease. He then determined to sell and go West with the current then setting strongly in that direction. In 1835, just after Samuel had attained his majority, he sold the farm and the family all went to Richland County, Ohio. The journey was made from Maryland to Ohio in a two-horse wagon, which contained all the worldly goods of the family, and it was most of the way over the Great National Road, along which nearly the whole trade of Balti- more and Philadelphia was carried on, some in heavy, wide- tired wagons drawn often by four, six and eight horses to a wagon, and when nearly every other house on the road was a tavern. It was quite the custom of travelers in those days to carry their provisions with them and do their cooking at the fire in the tavern kitchen, the men sleeping in their covered wagons and the women and children in the house* THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 17 On getting up one morning it was found that all the money belonging to the Kirkwood family was missing, it all being carried in a common purse. The consternation can better be imagined than described until after diligent search it was found in the bottom of the wagon. Here the father entered eighty acres of heavily timbered wild land, and John, one of the sons, bought at second hand 160 acres more, on which a little clearing of about four acres had been made, and on which was a small log cabin, built in the rudest and most primitive style of round, unhewed logs with a puncheon roof, held on by weight poles, and a rough puncheon floor; on the place was also a very rough primitive stable. Here in a contest with the primeval forests, endur- ing the hardships and inconveniences of pioneer life, recom- menced the struggle for subsistence and the regaining of a competency. This struggle was continued until sixty acres of the faim had been subdued and made tillable land. About this time there was speculative mania all over the country for the purchase of wild Western government land, which had been reduced in price from two dollars to one dol- lar and a quarter per acre, and so much was bought that, combining with other causes, a large surplus of money, amounting to over $70,000,000, had accumulated in the United States Treasury, and was afterward distributed among the several States. This speculative mania, with other causes, resulted in the financial crash of 1837, the most disastrous one that ever afflicted the country, one in which the banks all suspended specie payment, in which all business was paralyzed, and in which nearly every considerable debtor became a bankrupt. This brought about a state of affairs oppressive to almost every family in the country, and pecul- iarly so to one like the Kirkwood family, just commencing a new life omthe wild frontier. But they manfully braved it all and success eventually crowned all their efforts. During all this time Samuel spent the winters in teaching 18 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRK WOOD. school, at which he got good wages and became the possessor of a little ready money. During one of these terms of school an incident occurred that is worth mentioning here, as it illus- trates the fact that it is as important that a boy should learn his rio-hts and how to maintain them as it is to learn the rules of grammar and arithmetic and how to apply them. He had for a pupil his brother's son William, and some of the boys were in the habit of pitching on to him and abusing him without any provocation, and his uncle asked him one day if such was not the case, when he replied that it was, and he asked him why he did not defend himself, and the boy replied that his father told him he must get along quietly at school and not get into any trouble with the boys. " Well," said his uncle, "don't you let the boys abuse you again if you can help it, and as to your getting into trouble with them, I'll give you a quarter apiece for each one you'll give a thrashing when they attack you." Within a day or two Will says one morning: "Uncle Sam, you owe me seventy- five cents; I gave three of the boys a lickin' yesterday." " Well," replied his uncle, " here is your money, but I think I'll rescind the contract now. " It was he who afterwards, as a " boy in blue," and a lieutenant in the 14th Iowa Infantry, and still later in the battle of Corinth, was employed by his other "Uncle Sam" to punish some bad " boys in gray, " and he helped do a good job at it in the capture of Fort Don- elson. He received special mention from his colonel " for very valuable assistance in forming the line with his company in front of the enemies breastworks." While teaching school Samuel became well acquainted (with a Mr. Abram Armentrout, who was the assessor of Richland county, and in the year 1840 he was employed by Mr. A. as his deputy assessor, and thir- teen townships of the county were assigned to him as the scene of his labors, and all the personal property in these thirteen townships was assessed by him and the work was THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 19 done and the whole section traveled over on foot. For this service the deputy was allowed a dollar and a half a day, and this county school teacher undoubtedly thought that in get- ting such a job as this, at such a price in such pinching times, he was securing a small fortune, and such it was in those times. After closing up this work, Mr. Armentrout bought a store and a tavern stand, and engaged his deputy as his clerk to assist him in selling goods and '^ keeping tavern." After spending a year in this business our subject began to think a wider field might be found in which he could better display his powers and accomplish more good for himself and the world at large than in subduing the forest and working a farm, teaching a county school or selling goods and helping keep tavern. CHAPTER II. Studies Law in Mansfield — Assistant in County Clerk's Office — Is Ad- mitted to the Bar — Opens an Office and Begins Practice — Forms a Partnership with His Old Preceptor — Prepares Cases for Trial — Cases all Well Prejjared — Marries Jane Clark — Elected Prosecuting Attorney — Successfully Tries a Murder Case — Three Attoriieysin the Case Become Cabinet Ministers — Forms a Partnership with Barn- abas Burns— Farewell by the Bar of Richland County — Elected to the Constitutional Convention — Extracts from Speeches There. Bidding good-by to all previous occupations, in the year 1841, at the age of twenty-eight, he went to Mansfield, and entering the office of Thomas W. Bartley commenced a two years' study of law. One of the questions that was puzzling him in the contemplation of these two years' professional study was the obtaining of funds to pay his board bills and meet other necessary expenses during that term. At this time Dr. E. W. Lake, a personal friend and afterward a resident in Iowa City and Marion in this State, was the clerk of the courts in Richland county, and not wishing to confine himself to official work in the office, young Barnabas Burns was his deputy, on whom most of the duties of the clerk devolved, and arrangements were soon made by which young Kirkwood got work enough writing in the clerk's office with the deputy to realize nearly money enough to meet his nec- essary expenses. This was a most excellent opportunity, for, in addition to furnishing him means to pay his way, the work gave him an introduction to, and familiarized him with, all the legal forms in a law practice, and to the legal machinery by which the court was run and the law administered. No better avenue could have been opened to a young law student than this. Completing his law studies and obtaining the necessary 20 THE LIFE AND tImES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 21 certificate from his preceptor, he went on horseback, in com- pany with Frank Barker, another hiw student, also on horse- back, from Mansfieki to Cincinnati, a distance of 150 miles, to be examined for admission to the Supreme Court. Re- turning, a full-fledged attorney, with his diploma in his pocket, he opened an office in Mansfield facing the public square, where, also facing the square, was the office of his old preceptor in which he had spent the previous two years. After spending a few months in this office reviewing his law studies and waiting for clients, his old preceptor dropped in on him one day and asked him if he had made any arrange- ments toward forming a partnership. He replied he had not, but that he and Frank Barker had had some preliminary talk on the subject. "Well," replied Mr. Bartley, "I have dis- solved with my old partner and I have come in to offer you his place." Here was something better offered than sitting alone in an office and waiting for clients — it was an invita- tion to an office and a practice where clients did not have to be waited for. The result of this interview was that a part- nership was then formed in which the new and young partner was to get one-half of the proceeds of the office. It was not "nominated in the bond " that the new partner was to do more than half the work, but he had it to do nevertheless. Upon going back into the old office, the young partner found that the papers in some twenty cases had to be drawn up and prepared for filing, to be ready for the next term of court, and some of them were very important ones, involving ripa- rian rights and damages })y the overflow of land in the erec- tion of mill dams, and he thought that an older and abler lawyer than himself should prepare the pleadings which were then under the old common law forms. The days wore on, the older partner did not get at them and the younger one had to. When after all were got ready by him they were placed on the senior's table to be examined, and there they 22 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. lay undisturbed and unexamined when the filing day arrived. In a state of nervous indignation and exasperation they were taken by the junior to the office and filed. Trepidation then began in the mind of the junior, lest some of the petitions (declarations they were then called) should be demurred out of court, and some important cases have to go over or be dis- posed of to the disadvantage of clients. But they all *■ 'stood fire," and it was a happy time for the junior when the last day of court arrived and he found his work all well done. The main work of trying these cases in court was done, of course, by the senior member of the firm. He had undoubt- edly learned that his former pupil could be trusted as a part- ner with the most important work that came into the office, as he had fully prepared himself tor that work. In the year 1811 there settled in Ohio, about six miles from Mansfield, Mr. Ichabod Clark, and here he reared a typical Ohio family of two sons and eight daughters. John, the younger of the two sons, studied law in the office of Mr. Kirkwood, and afterwards becoming a litigant in the office of a country justice, went to Mansfield the day before the trial to get his former preceptor to help him in his case. Mr. K. spent the night before the trial at the home and in the family of his client's father, and also the following one after the trial, and here he made the acquaintance of lovely Jane Clark, his client's sister. That acquaintance ripened into love and culminated in their marriage, which took place on the 27th day of December, 1843, and together they have since traveled the journey of life, she being all this time a model wife and he an exemplary husband. Mr, Kirkwood had been in practice but a couple of years when he was elected prosecuting attorney of the county, and this put into his hands the preparation and tiral of one side of all the criminal cases in court, and during his term the first conviction in that county for murder in the first degree took place. It was a case of more than usual interest, as the THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 23 families of both the murderer and murdered man were wealthy and influential and occupied prominent positions in society. It was the trial of Robert Bowland for the murder of Frank Barker. One thing that gave it a deep interest to the public prosecutor was the fact that the murdered man had been a co-law student with him, rode in company on horseback with him to Cincinnati to be examined for ad- mission to the Supreme Court, and afterwards contemplated forming a law partnership with him — and as a matter of course had been on very intimate terms with him. The parties were both young men, recently married and were brothers-in-law — Barker having married Bo wland's sister. The attorneys were, in addition to Mr. K. as public prosecutor, a prosecuting attorney from an adjoining county and Judge Lane from Sandusky, who had held a position on the Supreme Bench, on one side, and Thomas Ewing and Columbus Delano for the defense. Judge Lane was em- ployed by the father of Barker as assistant counsel, as it was thought that legal questions might arise during the trial, that he could better grapple with than younger lawyers, and that his opinions would weigh more before the court trying the case than theirs. Nearly a week was consumed in the trial of the case and when the testimony was all in, and the lawyers were ready to go to the jury, Mr. K. in consultation asked Judge Lane what part he would like to take in the concluding part of the trial in addressing the jury. The Judge laughed and replied: ' 'You are perfectly competent to present this case as it should be presented in all its aspects to the jury; 1 have no reputa- tion to make in it, I was got here to help you out on legal questions and I will leave the case now in your hands." The assistant from the adjoining county made the first speech to the jury and Mr. Kirkwood the closing one. The result was a verdict of "guilty." 24 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. It is a notable fact that three of the lawyers, Ewing, Delano and Kirkwood, engaged in the trial of this cause, afterwards became cabinet ministers, all being Secretaries of the Interior, and when Mr. K. went to Washington to enter upon his duties in that office, he found the portraits of the men who had confronted him on this trial hanging on the walls of his office; their portraits being left there as is usual in all the departments. When Barnabas Burns had completed his term of office as Deputy Clerk, he entered the office of Bartley & Kirk- wood as a student at law; in due time was admitted to prac- tice, and opened an office and went into practice in Mans- field. As time wore on the senior member of the firm of Bartley & Kirkwood, though not becoming any less a lawyer, was becoming more and more a politician, devolving more and more of the labors both of the office and the court room upon the junior, and the latter began to think another partnership desirable for the successful practice of the law business that was accumulating, with the perplexing problem of how to get rid of the old partner presenting itself. Fortunately Mr. Bartley was an aspirant for the office of governor, but there were other aspirants w^hose chances were probably better than his. The embryo firm of Kirkwood & Burns proposed him for Supreme Judge, an office which the New Constitution provided should be filled by election by the people. They advocated and procured his nomination by the convention of his party and he was triumphantly elected, made a most excellent judge, and left a vancancy in the law office which was filled by the old time Deputy Clerk, Barnabas Burns, as the junior member of the firm of Kirkwood & Burns. It is not often that a man is got out of another's way by being invited to take a seat higher, where greater honors can be bestowed upon him, but this was a case of that kind. This partnership formed by the old Deputy Clerk and his subor- THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 25 dinate, continued till the latter left Ohio in 1855 for a per- manent residence in Iowa. The bar of Richland county, always a strong one, was particularly so at this time, containing among others such men as Bartley ; Stewart, father in-law of John Sherman, who is now so widely and well known as one of our leading states- men; Newman; Ford, afterwards Lieut. Gov. with Salmon P. Chase for Gov. ; Brinkerhoff & Geddes, both afterwards members of Congress, and others their compeers, and on the final departure to Iowa of so prominent a member of that bar as Mr. Kirkwood had been, they tendered to him a banquet, and in addition to the feast spread upon the table it was a ' 'feast of reason and a flow of soul" where Mirth and Good Cheer reigned supreme, and at the close of which many a farewell hand shake was given, and a "God speed you on your way" was pronounced by all. In 1802 Ohio was admitted into the Union, and from that time till 1850 her constitution had remained unchanged. In the latter year a State Convention was held to revise and change that instrument. Of that body S. J. Kirkwood was chosen a member from Richland county. The history of that state for the forty-eight years preceding that convention had demonstrated the necessity of many changes and reforms in its fundamental law, especially on the subjects of Finance, Banking, Judicial Organization, Education, Corporations, Law Practice and other subjects. The consideration of and the debates upon the questions relating to these topics gave an opportunity for the display of the abilities, talents and sound judgment of the members of this body, and in most of them Mr. Kirkwood took a prominent part, and the im- press of his opinions was stamped upon that constitution, which still remains the fundamental law of the Buck-eye state, Ohio has always been rich in men of learning, talent and ability, and a heavy drain upon, and choice selection from 26 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOb. that class of her people was made to constitute that conven- tion. It is doubtful whether she ever has, in her whole his- tory, called together an abler body of men in an official capacity than this convention embraced, and Mr. Kirkwood took a fair rank in it. On taking his seat he was made chairman of the committee on Privilege and Elections, and had a place on the committee on the Judiciary, one of the most important ones in that body, where he was intimately associated in his work with some of the ablest lawyers and jurists in the State, among whom was the venerable Peter Hitchcock, who was for twenty-seven years on the Supreme Bench and J. R. Sw^an, author of Swan's Treatise, the most exten- sively used book by the whole Ohio Bar; Judge McKennon, of Belmont, Henry Stansberry and others of the prominent lawyers of the State. The convention met at the State Capitol, in Columbus, on the 6th day of May, 1850, and continued in session till the 8th day of July, when it adjourned to meet in Cincinnati on the first Monday of the following December. The reason for adjourning was that the cholera had made its appearance and was becoming epidemic in many parts of the State, some cases occurring in Columbus which had proved fatal. The convention met at the appointed time and place and finally adjourned on the 10th day of the following March, having been in session in all one hundred and thirty-five days. Below are given a few extracts from some of the speeches made by Mr. Kirkwood on some of the leading subjects dis- cussed in the convention. On the subject of Biennial Sessions of the legislature, Mr. Kirkwood said: "I had not intended to say a word on the question under considera- tion, and I will say but few. I shall vote in accordance with my own sentiments, and those whom I represent in favor of biennial sessions, but before doing that I wish to allude briefly to some objections to that measure. "The gentleman from Hamilton has argued this question as if it tHE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. ^7 were a question of government or no government, of order or anai'chy. Now, sir, that is not the question at issue. It is really a question as to how often it is necessary and proper that the people should gather together by their representatives to enact new, or to amend or repeal old hiws, whethei- it is safer or better that this should be done annually, or biennially. I apprehend that while our General Assembly is not in session we have a government — the law-making power is in the hands of the people where it is safe, or rather .perhaps is dormant where it cannot be used to their prejudice, but the Execu- tive and Judicial Departments are in full operation, extending by means of existing laws protection to the rights and interests of the people. It strikes me that there is a misconception on the part of some gentlemen who have argued this question, and who seem to be impressed with the idea that it is only during the sessions of the Gen- eral Assembly that the people possess any power. I think this is incorrect — the sovereignty — the law-making power is in the people at all times, except during those sessions. At these times it is In the hands of agents, and returns again to the people as soon as the agents cease to act. * * * I think, Mr. Chairman, that gentlemen who favor annual sessions are in error in drawing comparisons between our form of government and a monarchical one, in aid of their view of the question. With us the sovei'eignty is in the people; in mon- archies it is in a greater or less degree in the monarch. Now, sir, what department of government is it which, wherever it exists is always stealing or wresting to itself power from the sovereign? I answer the legislative or law-making power. In governments where this department does not exist, and the sovereignty is in the monarch, that monai'ch is a despot, and the people are slaves. Under limited monarchies where this department di es exist, it is the channel through which power passes from the monarch, and a body between which and the monarch a struggle for power is continually going on; and hence the Liberals under a monarchical government are always in favor of frequent sessions of their legislature. But, sir, this is not the ftate of aflfaii's with us. Here the people are sovereign, and do we need a legislative body to carry on a continual war with our sovereign, to draw power from his hands? It is no less true, sir, in popular than in monarchical governments that the legislature is the channel through which power is drawn from the sovereign, it is with us the channel through which power is drawn from the people, and I wish to make it as narrow and open it as seldom as is consistent with safety. We are here to narrow that channel, and I hope, sir, to provide that it shall not be opened more frequently than once in two years." Upon the question of giving to the governor or with- holding from him the veto power, Mr. Kirk wood said: 28 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. "I am in favor of the old-fashioned veto, I always have been. I be- lieve that experieace has show^n its utility both in state and national affairs, but 1 am satisfied that in this convention we cannot get it, and I make it a rule if I cannot get the best (which is always preferable) to take the next best. This I find to be a very practicable and reasona- ble rule of action. I never wed mj'self so closely to my own opinions as to feel, if I cannot carry them that I will go against everything else. It was with this consideration that I had hoped that this proposition coming from our friends on the other side (the Whigs) would have been accepted as a concession, I shall myself vote for it because cer- tainly to some extent it will impose a restraint upon hasty legislation." In the debate on the subject of Corporations occurs an episode in one of Mr. Kirkwood's speeches worthy a place here. He said: "I believe that there is at the foundation of political parties in the State and in our Union and among 'the rest of mankind,' a radical difference in principles, and that the names made use of to designate parties are not mere sounds meaning nothing. I believe that the term Democrat as adopted by the Democratic Party has a significancy as to principle, and does not merely mean a number of men com- bined together for the purpose of getting office. I also believe that the term 'Whig,' as applied to the Whig Party is intended to signify principles, and not merely to signify a body of men banded together merely to obtain place. This I believe— if I did not believe it parties would be, in my opinion, objects of scorn and detestation. No honest man would be a party man if there was no higher bond of union than spoils. Now I believe these differences arise from principle, and so believing I never can consent to abandon the position I hold as a mem- ber of my party, or the advocacy of its principles. Parties are founded on principles and the no-party man is a man without prin- ciples." On the question of takino: private property for public use, or the use of corporations, Mr. Kirkwood advocated the right of all persons whose property had been taken to have their rights adjusted in the courts, and of having their claims determined by a jury in those courts. On the proposition to excuse Quakers and others opposed to war from performing military duty, Mr. Kirkwood said: "The proposition is to exclude from doing military duty a certain portion of our citizens, that if hereafter the legislature should deem it THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 29 necessary to enact a law requiring that military drill and trainings be had, a certain portion of our citizens should be exempt from the opera- tion of that law. Now I would ask, why not make a general provision applicable to all laws that the}' shall be obligatory only on those who conscientiously believe them to be right, and that those who con- scientiously believe any law to be wrong, may disregard it. Why confine our action to one law and one class of people? I think my friend from Jefferson will not endorse, on the part of the Quakers, this claim to be thus peculiarly favored. I believe there is a sect called the covenanters, who hold peculiar opinions in relation to civil government. They hold that all government that does not conform to the Bible is wrong. They ai-e therefore conscientiously opposed to paying taxes for the support of our government, as in their opinion it does not come up to their standard. Will gentlemen make a law declaring that these persons be exempt from taxation? Why not? If it is right in this case to make a constitutional provision exempting a certain class of men from bearing arms because they are conscien- tiously opposed to so doing, is it not equally right to make a provision exempting the class alluded to from paying taxes because they are conscientiously opposed to so doing? Again, the Catholics deem it to be wrong, and think their rights are infringed upon when they are compelled to pay taxes for the support of common schools, to which they cannot conscientiously send their children. They would desire the portion of the common school fund they contribute applied to schools where their children could be educated in the same religious faith as themselves. Will gentlemen go to that length and make the distinctions in these cases as well as the one under consideration? If not — why not?''' Mr. Robertson, a member of the convention, said: " The argument of the gentleman from Richland (Mr. Kirkwood) against exempting any class from military duty ought to be conclu- sive. If we begin to make exceptions, there is no point where we can end. The very idea of exceptions destroys that equality that should prevail among all the citizens of the State." Upon the question of taxation the convention encoun- tered a difficulty that we have met with in this State, that of ' ' double taxation, " and to meet and obviate the difficulty Mr. K. offered an amendment providing for "the levying of taxes upon all residents of the State in proportion to the amount of property and assets owned by each, deducting therefrom the debts by him owing accordmg to the value thereof;" and upon this he said: 30 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, ''My object is to tax every man for what he is worth and not for what he merely holds. For instance, if a man buj's a fai'm of the value of, and for which he is to paj-, ten thousand dollars, for which he pays down five thousand, and continues to owe five thousand on it, he ex- pects, in the course of years, by his own skill and labor, to make the money out of the land to pay the balance. Under the present law he is taxed upon the whole ten thousand dollars. By what right is he so taxed? I desire, by this amendment, so to fix it that a man in future will be taxed upon property only to the extent of his own interest in it, and not upon all that he holds, whether his own or not. * * * The present law is unjust in its operations. It calls upon many men to pay taxes on more than they are worth. It brings in property for tax- ation twice over, once in the form of land and again in the form of notes given for its purchase. A fai'm sold for ten thousand dollars may readily be made to pay taxes upon fifteen, ten thousand upon the land and five thousand upon the mortgages. A sells a farm for ten thousand dollars, for which he receives five thousand in hand and notes for five thousand secured by mortgage on the farm. On this five thousand he is taxed, while B, to whom he sold the land, is taxed for the whole price of it, ten thousand dollars. This is wrong. I want to hear the views of gentlemen on this question." The question of the Reform of the Law Practice in the courts, both civil and criminal, was before the convention, and on it Mr. K. said: " I object to the grand jury system on account of its expense. I would be glad to see all cases of assault and battery, petit larceny and other minor offences that would go to the grand jury disposed of before a justice of the peace, and if the disposition of the case was wrong, it could be taken up on writ of error. It is not good policy to spend $200 in costs to protect an interest of six and one-fourth cents." At this time the Democratic party with which Mr. K. affiliated wa«, to quite an extent, in favor of an exclusive metallic currency, and opposed to the issue of paper money, and on this subject he was in accord with his party, and in a considerable speech he advocated the exclusion of all bank notes from circulation under the denomination of twenty dol- lars. As this was soon after the discovery of gold in Cali- fornia, it was argued that the influx of the precious metals from that section would be sufficient to supersede the use of bank paper and we would have a circulating medium that THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 31 never would become depreciated in value, and would be the current coin of the whole country. Mr. K., among other things, sai TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOB. 107 them to sustain him to the utmost of their power in preserving th(^ peace, if that could be faiii}' done, and in preserving the Union in any event and at whatever cost. Mr. Lincolu listened with great attention and apparent interest and expressed great satisfaction at what I had said touching the intention of the people of Iowa to give their earnest support to his administra- tion. He proceeded to say that he still had strong hope that a peace- ful and safe solution might j'et be had of our present troubles— that it seemed to him incredible that any large portion of our people, even in the States threatening secession, could really desire a dissolution of the Union that had done them nothing but good; that his own opinion that Congress had not the power to abolish slavery in the States where it existed was well known before his nomination; that the convention by Avhich he was nominated, with full knowledge of that opinion, had nominated him, and that with full knowledge of both these facts he had been constitutionally elected; that he would not consent to or ad- vise his friends to consent to any bai'gain or so-called compromise that amounted to a purchase of the constitutional rights growing out of the late election, because the so doing would be an invitation to the defeated party, or parties, in future elections to pursue the course now being pursued with the hope of achieving like success by like means, thus reducing our Government to the level of Mexico, which was then in a constant state of I'evolution; that he would bear and forbear much to preserve peace and the integrity of the Union, but if the issue was clearly made between war and a dissolution of the Union, then, however much he might regret the necessity, he would use all the constitutional powers of the Government for its preser- vation, relying on God's justice and the patriotism of the people for success. It is now about thirty years since 1 had this interview withMr. Lin- coln, and my life for sevei'al years after was a busy one. I, therefore, do not claim to give his words — only his ideas — nor do I claim that what was said consisted as herein stated of a continued opening statement by me and a continued reply by him; on the contrary, the interview was, to some extent, conversational, although much the greater part of what was said was said by him. He spoke calmly, earnestly and with great feeling. I listened with anxious interest and heard with profound satisfaction. When he left I went with him to the door of the hotel, and when I retui'ned to the office I found myself an object of considerable atten- tion. It was known that Mr. Lincoln was up stairs with somebody, and when it appeared that I was that body, a good many people about the hotel seemed anxious to learn who I was and where I had come from. I left for home with a strong conviction, which never left me, that 108 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. he was the right man in the right place, and the longer he lived thp stronger that conviction grew. S. J. KiRKWOOD. Iowa City, January 14, 1891. Five states, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and Arkansas, seceded before the inauguration of Mr. Lin- coln, not waiting to see what his policy would be. They seemed to have a foreknowledge that their favorite institu- tion was doomed; for they remembered that Mr. Lincoln had prophesied that this country must eventually become all free or all slave territory, and they very well knew that slavery was an institution that never could cross Mason and Dixon's line. Gov. Kirkwood went to Washington and was present at Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, and with some Ohio friends assisted in getting Mr. Chase into the cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury, a most fortunate appointment for both the Administration and the country. The nervousness of the country during the early months of the year 1861 in regard to the unsettled state of affairs, is indicated by the letter of Gov. Kirkwood to Senator Grimes, and by captains of various military companies in the State tendering to the President and the Governor their services. Des Moines, 1a., January 12, 1861. Hon. James W. Orimes: Dear Sir: — It really appears to me as though our Southern friends are determined on the destruction of our Government, unless they can change its whole basis and make it a government for the growth and spread of slavery. The real point of controversy is in regard to slavery in the territories. On that point I would be willing to go thus far: Restore the question of slavery in our present territories to the position in which it was placed by the compromise measures of 1850, and before passing the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and admit Kansas as a free state at once. The whole country agreed to do this once, and therefore could do bo again. As to future acquisitions of terri- tory, do either one of two things: let. Prohibit future acquisitions except by the vote of two thirds of each branch of Congress, or: 2nd, THE LIFE AND TLMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 109 Make the condition of the Territory at the time of its acquisition its permanent condition until admitted as a state. I think neither of these requires an abandonment of principles, or involves disgrace to either party, North or South. But at all hazards the Union mu.st be honored; the laws must be enforced. What can I do in the pi-emises? Shall I tender the aid of the State to Mr. Buchanan? Some of our people desire an extra session — I do not. My present intention is not to call an extra session till after the 4th of March. If after that time an extra session be nec- essary to support the Government, I will so far as in me lies see to it that the last fighting man in the State, and the last dollar in the treasury are devoted to that object, and our people will sustain me. If such aid is required by Mr. Buchanan, it is at his service. Please consult our delegation and write me fully such course as you think best to be pursued. Very truly, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. P. S.— Can anything be done in the way of procuring arms for this State beyond the regular quota for the current year? Cannot an arsenal be established and supplied in some North-western free state? K. Executive Office, } Iowa, Jan. 22, 1861. f His Excellency, the Governor of the State of Maryland: SiR: — Permit me to tender you my hearty thanks, and those of the people of Iowa, for the patriotic and manly stand you have taken against disunion and treason. I am a native of the State of Maryland and I feel a great, and I trust an honest pride in knowing that the good old State stands firmly to the Constitution and the Union in these trying days, when so many aie disposed to abandon both. This I am satisfied is in a great meas- ure due to the bold stand you have taken, and when passion shall have subsided, and when reason and love of country shall have assumed the ascendant, your name will stand high on the roll of those whom the people delight to honor. With sentiments of high regard I remain Your obedient servant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Executive Office, \ Jan. 28, 1861. J To Hon. Jas. Harlan, Jas. W. Orimes, Samuel R. Curtis and Wvi. Vandever: Gentlemen: — You will find herewith a paper requesting you, if you consider it advisable, to attend a meeting of the commissioners of the different Stfttes at Washington City on the 4th of February next. I 110 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. wish you to be guided wholly by your own discretion as to your attendance. I confess the whole thing strikes me unfavorably. The very early day named renders it impossible for the distant States to select and send commissioners, and also it is liable to the'construction that it was the intention to force action both upon the meeting and upon Cou- gi'ess before the 4th of March next and without proper time for delib- eration. Again the fact that the basis of adjustment proposed in the resolutions is one that all the free States rejected by an overwhelming majority at the presidential election (the votes for Lincoln and Doug- lass being all against it) indicate that either in expectation that the free Stases shall stultify and degrade themselves or a purpose by the failure of the commissioners to agree upon terms of adjustment to afford excuse and justification to those who are already determined to leave the Union. You upon the ground can judge of these things more correctly than I can here. Should you tiad the meeting disposed to act in earnest for the pre- sei'vation of the Union without seeking the degradation of any of the States for that end permit me to make a fcAV suggestions. The true policy for every good citizen to pursue is to set his face like a flint against secession, to call it by its true name — treason — to use his influence in all legitimate ways to put it down; strictly and cordially to obey the laws and to stand by the government in all law- ful measures it may adopt for the preservation of the Union, and to trust to the people and the constituted authorities to correct under the present constitution, and errors that may have been committed or any evils or wrongs that have been suffered. But if compromise must be the order of the du}' then that compro- mise should not be a concession by one side of all the other side de- mands and of all for which the conceding side has been contending. In other words the North must not be expected to yield all the South asks, all the North has contended for and won, and then call that com- promise. That is not compromise and would not bring peace. Such "compromise" would not become dry on the parchment on which it would be written before "agitation" for its repeal would have com- menced. A compromise that would restore good feeling must not de- grade either side. Let me suggest how in my opinion this can be done. Restore the Missouri compromise line to the territoiy we got from France. We all agreed to that once and can, without degrada- tion do so again. The repeal of that line brought on our present troubles; its restora- tion ought to go far to remove them. As to New Mexico and Utali leave them under the laws passed for their government in 1850 — the so-called compromise of that year. We all stood there once and can do so again without degradation. This settles the question of slavery THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Ill in all our present territories. As to future acquisitions say we can't make any. We thus avoid the slavery question in future. We have enough territory for our expansion for a century and let the men of that day make another to suit themselves. It says merely we prefer our Union as it is to conquest that may endanger it. The fugitive slave law was made by the South. The reason of its non-existence is its severity. It is in direct antagonism to the public sentiment of the people among whom it is to be executed. If something were done to modify it so as to require the alleged fugitive to be taken before the officer of the court of the county from which he has alleged to have tied and there have a trial if he demand it, in my opinion the law would be much more effective than it is. The personal liberty laws are the acts of the States that have them and I doubt not would be i-epealed when the present excitement dies away. Iowa never has had nor does she want one. Very respectfully, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. The following is the "paper" above referred to: Executive Office, Iowa, } Jan. 28, 1861. S Hon. James W. Orvmes, James Earlan, Samuel R. Curtis and Wm. Vandever: Gentlemen: — I received in the evening of the 21st inst. by mail a copy of a preamble and resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the State of Virginia on the 19th inst. inviting the other States of the Union to send commissioners to Washington City to meet there on the 4th of February next, commissioners appointed by the State of Virginia to consult upon the present unfortunate condition of public affairs. I did not receive a copy of said preamble and resolutions by telegi'aph as is contemplated thereby. It is impossible for me now to select persons in different parts of this State and inform them of their appointment in time for them to reach Washington City and participate in the convention at the time named. Under these circumstances I have determined to request you to attend said meeting on the part of this State if you shall think it advisable so to do in view of your official position, of the attendance of commissioners from other States and of all the surrounding circum- stances. Should you deem it advisable and proper so to attend these will be your credentials. Very respectfully, SAMUEL. J. KIRKWOOD. 112 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. South Carolina seceded on the 20th of December, 186(J, Louisiana followed on the 23d, and Georgia and Alabama went out in January following, and public affairs were assuming an alarming aspect and the dark clouds of war were gathering in the political horizon, and though no call for troops had been made by either the President or the Governor, and no military preparations had been made to put down secession, Capt. F. J. Herron, of the "Governor's Greys" at Dubuque, Capt. R. R. Cowles, of the "Washing- ton Light Guards," Capt. J. L. Matthies, of the "Bur- lington Rifles" and the captain of the "Mt. Pleasant Greys," all tendered the services of their companies to the Governor, all of which were accepted, and the Governor wrote Capt. Cowles as follows, and to the other captains in the same strain: Executive Office, | Iowa, Jan. 17, 1861. \ R. JR. Cowles, Captain Washington Light Guards, Washington, Iowa: Sir: — In these days when cabinet officers abet treason, and use their official positions to bankrupt and disarm the government they are sworn to support, when members of both branches of our national councils are openly engaged in endeavoi'ing to overthrow the govern- ment of which they are the sworn servants, and retain places and prostitute their powers to thwart the efforts of those who loyally seek to maintain that government— when in one portion of our country many men delirious with passion, regard the firing upon our National Hag, the forcible seizure of our National forts, and the plunder of our National arsenals and treasuries as manly, honorable and patriotic service — when in another portion of our country a few men blinded by partisan prejudice can be found who justify these acts, and say the l)erpetrators of them must not be punished — when, in short, men ai'e found in high places so lost to patriotism as to emulate the treason of Benedict Arnold, and so lost to shame as to glory in their infamy, and can find followers and apologists— it is gratifying to know that the gallant yeomanry of Iowa are still determined "to march under the flag and to keep step to the music of the Union.'" I accept with pleasure the services of the "Washington Light Guards" so frankly tendered, and should events I'ender it necessary, shall promptly call you to the field to defend that flag under which our fathers fought so bravelj', and to maintain that govei*nment thej* founded so wisely and so well. Very respectfully, SAMUEL J. KTRKWOOD. CHAPTER VII. Sumter Fired On — Troops Called For — Oovernor's Proclamation — Calls an Extra Session of the Legislature — Raises Money for the Sol- diers — Sends Ezekiel Clark ajid Hiram Pi-ice to Disburse It — Special Messages — State Banks Offer Money — Laws of Extra Session — ' omr. Audit Claims on ^'War and Defense Fund'"' — Caleb Baldwin — G. M. Dodge Adjutant. On the 12th of April the telegraph flashed the news from one end of the country to the other that Sumter had been tired on, and our ling had been insulted by traitors, and the lightning that carried the news seemed to fire every loyal heart at the North. Never before had the loyal people of the country been fused into one homogeneous mass, where i)ut one pulsation moved every heart, and every throb was a loyal one, as did the startling announcement that our countrj^ had been assailed at home by organized and armed traitors. The shock was so great, that part}^ sect and everything else subordinate to National life, were momentarily forgotten, and the expression seemed to fall from every lip, ''all else must be sacrificed to save the country. The country and the Union lost, all is lost; the country saved, all will be safe." But three days of this tremulous excitement was per- mitted to exist till the President issued the call for 75,000 volunteer troops, of which the quota for Iowa was one regi- ment. Preparations were to be made for engaging in one of the most severe of civil wars. None fiercer, more relentless, more bloody or fratricidal than this promised to be. had ever been recorded in history. No State could be more poorly prepared for such work than was Iowa at this time. She had no military organiza- tion, except a few independent companies, and they were not well armed or equipped. Her laws on the subject were few 114 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. and of a general nature, and during a long period of peace had been almost a de:id letter, or there had been no call for their enforcement. Divisions, brigades, regiments and bat- tallions were mentioned in the law, but not one had ever existed in fact. The constitution made the Governor com- mander of the army, navy and militia of the State, but he had no troops belonging to either arm of the service that he could command. But troops had to be raised, and he for that purpose issued the following: Proclamation. Whereas, The President of tlie United States has made a requisi- tion on the Executive of the State of Iowa ior one regiment of militia, to aid the Federal Government in enforcing its laws and suppressing rebellion. Now therefore I, Samuel J. Kix'kwood, Governor of the State of Iowa, do issue this proclamation and hereby call upon the militia of this State immediately to form in the different counties vol- unteer companies, with the view of entering the active military service- of the United States for the purpose aforesaid. The regiment at pres- ent required Avill consist of ten companies of at least seventy-eight men each, one captain and two lieutenants to be elected by each com- pany. Under the present requisition onlj' one regiment can be accepted, and the companies accepted must hold themselves in readiness for duty by the 20th of May next at farthest. If a sufficient number of companies are tendered, their service maybe required. If more com- panies are formed and reported than can be i-eceived under the present call, their services will be required in the event of another requisition upon this State. The nation is in peril. A fearful attempt is being made to overthrow the Constitution and dissolve the Union. The aid of every loyal citizen is invoked to sustain the General Government. For the honor of our State let the requirement of the President be cheerfully and promptly met. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Iowa City, April 17, A. D. 1861. At this time our Governor happened not to be a military man. His whole life had been devoted to "the useful arts of peace." His life study had been how to make men better, how best to preserve and ennoble life, rather than how easiest and quickest to destroy it. The telegram from the President to the Governor calling THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 115 for a regiment of troops reached Davenport, then the most western telegraph station, and was taken from there in hot haste by Wm. Vandever, then member of Congress, but later a general in the army, to Iowa City where he found the Governor on his farm, in his overalls and stoga boots, look ing after his stock, and after reading the despatch he ex. claimed, "Why the President wants vb whole regiment of men! Do you sup})()se, Mr. Vandever, I can raise that many?" That he might be within reach of the General Govern- ment by telegraph he repaired at once to Davenport, and got there in time to take part in one of the most enthusiastic meetings ever held in Iowa, The meeting was presided over by Mayor French; speeches were made by Messrs. C. C. Nourse, Wm. Vandever, Jiu^ob Butler, Judge Dillon, Rev. Collier, Gov. Kirkwood, and Mr. Booth, the latter an old time Democrat. During his speech Gov, Kirkwood is re- ported to have said: "He would raise the regiment as required. He would not call a session of the Legislature, as it would involve great expense, and it could be dispensed with. The expense of enlistment and sending away the regi ment would cost about $10,000, and this matter could be attended to without the present intervention of the Legisla- ture. The Governor said he would see that these expenses were paid till the regiment was handed over to the govern- ment. He said that $10,000 would be raised for this pur- pose if he had to pledge every dollar of his own property " The report adds: "He made an eloquent appeal to the patriotism of his listeners, and though sick, gave them one of the most stirring addresses of the evening." The Governor had not now found out how great a labor had been devolved upon him, nor how great the task before him. In less than a month from the time of making this speech he called an extra session of the Legislature, and it was not done any too early. In his ignorance relating to military affairs he called to bis assistance Judge Dillon of the 116 THE LIFK AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Supreme Court, only to find that the judge's knowledge on such matters was quite as meagre as his own, and in his dilemma he sent for Gen. McKean, a citizen of Marion in Linn county, and a graduate of the West Point Military School, who had been in the military service of the country, who was well informed on all military affairs in every detail, and he came and assisted in the organization of the com- panies and the regiment until it was proposed to elect him its colonel by a vote of the regiment. This seemed in some way contrary to his military ideas, when he went home refusing to stay any longer. The regiment was organized with J. F. Bates as Colonel, Wm. H. Merritt, Lieut. Colonel. Here at once began that watchful care of "his boys," as the Governor always called the Iowa soldiers, that he exer- cised over them during his whole administration. In camp, in field, on the march, in hospital, wherever they were, his best efforts were exerted for their welfare and comfort, and he was never more sensitive than when their wants were unprovided for, their valor questioned, their courage doubted or their patriotism impugned. Before this regiment was fully organized offers of several more were made. As the Governor quaintly expressed it, he was "embarrassed with riches in the offers made of men," for the call on him was for but one regiment and he had offers of four; but as he thought more men would be needed, enlistments for more regiments were encouraged, but his recommendation was that they should remain at their homes attending to their usual business, and get together for fre- quent drill till they were wanted, as it was much better than to be idling away their time in camp without organization, officers, arms and equipments. That time was not far in the future, for on the third of May the President issued his proclamation for the raising of 200,000 additional troops. :ind soon thereafter two additional roginicnts were in camp Ellsworth at Keokuk, and another at Council Bluffs. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMT'EL J. KIRKWOOD. 117 Keokuk was fixed upon as the place and the 20th of May as the time for the rendezvous of the first regiment. There NA'as at this time not a thing with which to equip or clothe the soldiers, no money in the treasury, and no provision for raising any. Finally some very poor, thin, sleazy gray sati- nett, half cotton and half wool, only fit for summer wear was obtained and of this the patriotic ladies in the various localities where the companies were raised associated them' selves together as "Soldier's Aid Societies'' and made up the clothins:. It was thouo;ht that it would be sufficient for the first regiment, as they would have but three months to serve, and that during the warm months of summer, but the boys, before the march to Springfield in Missouri, had got their thin clothes badly worn out, especially behind, and many of them took flour sacks and made themselves aprons and wore them there instead of in front. When Gen. Lyon saw the first one of these on a soldier, he ordered him to remove it at once, but when he found its removal left the whole fighting force of that soldier without a "rear guard" and exposed to the jibes and jokes of friend and foe, he ordered it quickly replaced. So ragged an appearance did the First Iowa present on its march to Springfield, that Gen. Lyon called them his "tatterdemalion gypsies," and when afterward they out- marched all his other troops, he called them his ' 'Iowa Grey- hounds." Had he survived the battle of Wilson's Creek, he would have undoubtedly rechristencd them his "valiant patriotic Iowa heroes," for they saved our troops from defeat there, by doing some most persistent and desperate fighting, after their term of enlistment had expired, and by thinning their ranks wuth the loss of 160 men. On the 4th of June, after the adjournment of the Legis- lature, the Governor and several of the members of the General Assembly visited the soldiers in camp and found there a very unpleasant condition of things. There was at 118 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. this time a stringency in the mone}- market, and the boys were without funds. But few of them had money enough \o buy a cigar, a plug of tobacco, or .a postage-stamp. The;, had been hurried from home into camp mostly by steamboats on the Mississippi river. Their departure from home was so hurried that they had but little time to prepare for it. At the extra session a law had been passed providing that the State should pay the soldiers from the time of their en- listment until they were mustered into the United States Service, and this was called their "State pay." The soldiers had learned of the passage of this law, and not knowing the depleted condition of the State Treasury, supposed the money would be paid them at once, and as the Governor passed through the camp he would hear the soldiers, not knowing him, say, " It's a burning shame that the Governor will not furnish us our ' State pay.' " Some of the members of the legislature who knew the depleted condition of the Treasury and the situation of things as well as he did, instead of tell- ing them he had no money, said to them, '-The Governor ought to pay you. ' ' To say that this condu(;t on their part displeased him would be expressing it too mildly — it really angered him; it stirred that usually placid temper of his to its profoundest depths. He went back to Des Moines, and as a large appro- priation had been made for a Governor's contingent fund to meet his expenses, which it was expected would be quite heavy, he drew the money from the Treasury, brought it to Iowa City, went into the branch of the State Bank there, of which his brother-in law, Ezekiel Clark, was president, and told him he had called to get for the State just as much money as the bank could spare. He stated that he had no authority to do this other than the general law that the soldiers who had enlisted were entitled to their pay, and should be paid. Having secured what he could from Mr. THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 119 Clark's bank, with it and the contingent fund, he sent that gentleman to Davenport to see what could be got fiom the branch of the State Bank there, of which Hiram Price was president. As security for the payment of these loans so made from these banks, he gave his notes as Governor of the State, making himself individually liable for their pay- ment, by his individual indorsement of them. For the money to be got at Davenport he sent a blank note, signed and indorsed, to be filled up when the money was obtained. Mr. Clark's name was on the note for the money got here. There was no authority of law for these transactions, but "neces- sity knows no law," and, as a "war measure," it was the best and only thing that could be done to get the "boys" their pay; and it was well for them and the State that we had a Governor who knew what was best to be done, who had the ability and courage, and who would " take the responsibility" to do it, and do it at once. With this money Messrs. Price and Clark were sent by the Governor to Keokuk to act as State Paymasters — to furnish the soldiers with their much^ and long needed pay. Before they reached Keokuk, however, the troops had been ordered into Missouri, and they followed closely on, but as that State was then bristling with bushwackers and guerrillas, they obtained an escort to accompany them, overtaking the troops at Booneville, furnishing them their pay, and where they had not enough to pay in full, made an equitable divi- sion so that all got a share. By the action of the mob in Baltimore, all communica- tion with Washington was cut off, and the Governor needed to be in constant communication with the war oflScers of the Government, and as he could not be, either by telegraph or mail, ho was at his wit's end, and in this dilemma he went down to Burlington to consult Governor Grimes and induce him to go to Washington for him. He thought it would be hard work to prevail upon him to go, but if he went, he felt 120 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. assured all would be done that could be. He met Governor Grimes in his front yard, Avhere they had some talk about the condition of affairs; but he waited till they got into thi; house before the purpose of his coming was made known. As he was acquainted with Mrs. Grimes, he wanted her help in the furtherance of his plans, which were that, as he was shut off from all communication by telegraph and by mail with the Government, Governor Grimes should proceed at once to Washington, and there do what was necessar}^ to be done for us in raising, arming, equipping and sending for- ward our troops. He at first was averse to going, for he said, ' ' I cannot get through." But the result was that Governor Grimes packed his grip-sack and the two Governors left Burlington together, the one for home and the other for Washington, and Governor Grimes got through with the first regiment that left Baltimore. No other man in the State than Gov- ernor Kirkwood could hav^e induced Governor Grimes to un- dertake this business. The President had concluded that the uprising of the South was to be no such small affair as the Whiskey Rebellion in Western Pennsylvania in 1794, suppressed by Washing- ton, or the Shays Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1787, put down by Gen. Lincoln, and he called a special session of Congress to meet on the 4th of July to make full and com- plete arrangements for a protracted war; and the Governor's call was out for an extra session of the Legislature to meet on the 15th of May. On their assembling, he delivered to them this SPECIAL MESSAGE. Oentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives: The Constitution requii-es that I shall state to you the purpose for which you have been convened in Extraordinary Session. When, a little more than a year ago, your regular session closed. the whole country was in the enjoyment of peace and prosperity. At THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 121 home, life, liberty and property were secure, and abroad the title of an American citizen was claimed with pride, and a full assurance that it was a sure guaranty of respect and protection to all who could make good tlie claim. To-<-!ay civil war is upon us, and a wide-spread con- spiracy against the General Government, which we now know has been maturing for years, has been developed, and the whole country is filled with the din of arms. On the one hand, and from one section of the country, men who should be loyal citizens, if benefits conferred by a government should make men loyal to it, are mustering in armed l)ands with the intent to dissolve the Union and destroy our govern- ment, and on the other hand, partially from the same section, and as one man, from the other, our loyal people are rallying around our Union and our government, and pledging for their maintenance what our fathers so freely pei'iled to secure for them — life, fortune and honor. In this emergency Iowa must not and does not occupy a doubtful position. For the Union as our fathers formed it, and for the govern- ment they founded so wisely and so well, the people of Iowa are ready to pledge every fighting man in the State and every dollar of her money and credit; and I have called you together in extraordinary session for the pui'pose of enabling them to make that pledge formal and effective. Those who, to gratify their mad ambition, have brought upon the country this great evil, seek to disguise their true intent, to cover their true purpose. They say they do not desire to destroy our Govern- ment, but that it has become hostile to them, and they only wish to peacefully withdraw themselves fx'om it, which they claim the right to do whenever, in their judgment, their interest or safety may require such action. Many loyal men, deceived by their professions and not perceiving that " peaceful secession " was destructive alike of the Con- stitution and Union, were unwilling that any coercive measures should be used to bring them back to a sense of their duty. How are the facts? Our government is based on these great central, controlling ideas. The people are the only true source of power. In the exercise of their power, they have created our present form of government, retaining in their own hands its management and control. They have honesty enough to desire, and intelligence enough to discern, the right, and if at any time they should, by reason of excitement or passion, misdirect the action of government and do wrong to any por- tion of themselves, their honesty and their intelligence can be surely relied upon to correct such wrongs. These are the fundamental ideas of our form of government, and when any section of our country or any portion of our people, alleging that wrongs have been done them, declare they cannot and will not rely upon the honesty and intelli- gence of our people to right such wrongs, but will right their wrongs 122 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. in their own way and by their own hands, tl.e^- strike a blow which, if not arrested, will crumble the fabric of our government into ruins. Has the Government been hostile to them? At the time this un- natural rebellion commenced there was not on the statute books ol' the United States a single law that had not been dictated or assented to by their Representatives. The recent election, of the result of which they so loudly complain, had placed in the Presidential chair a person opposed to their policy upon one important question, but had left them in possession of two other independent and co-ordinate branches of the Government, so that it was utterly impossible any injury could result to them from the election of a President who was not their choice. Under these circumstances, without waiting to see what would be the disposition of the newly elected President, without trust- ing to Congress and the Judiciary yet under their control, without waiting for an appeal to the honesty and intelligence of the people to right any wrongs that might be attempted against tliem, they rebelled against the Government, and sousrht to destroy it by arms. They have seized by force the forts, arsenals, ships and treasure, and have set at defiance the laws and officers of the United States, and they have sought to set up within the Union another and independent govern- ment. They have for months past been levying troops, building forts and gathering munitions of war, with intent to make war upon our Government, if it .should attempt to perform its lawful functions, and, after mouths of preparation, have attacked witli overwhelming num- bers and captured the troops of the United States, holding a fort of the United States, and have, so far as in them lies, dishonored that proud flag, which thi'oughout the world is the emblem of the power, the honor and the glory of our nation. What in the meantime has been the action of our Government towards these misguided men? The history of the world cannot show equal moderation and forbearance by any government towards a por- tion of its people in rebellion against its laws. For months some of these men were allowed to hold high positions in the Cabinet, and used their official power only to beti'ay the government of which they were the sworn and trusted servants. For months many of them were allowed to retain their seats in both bi'anches of Congress, and used their positions to defeat the enactment of wholesome laws necessary for the protection of the government. For months many of them were permitted to hold high command in the army and navy, and used their position to betray and dishonor the flag they had sworn to protect and defend. For months the government yielded, step by step, and had used only words of kindness and good-will. But forbearance, moder- ation and kindness were regarded only as evidences of weakness, im- becility and cowardice, until at last the crowning outrage at Fort Sumter convinced all men that further forbearance had indeed ceased THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRK WOOD. 123 to be a virtue, and would make those charged with the safety of the government as criminal as those who were seeking to destroy it. At last the Government has spoken, and has called the loyal men of the country to rally to its support, and the answer has been such as to show the world the strength of a government founded on the love of a free peojjle. On the 15th day of April last the President issued his Proclamation, calling upon the loyal States for aid to enforce the laws. On the goth day of the same month, I received from the Secretary of War a requi- sition on this State dated on the loth, calling for one regiment of troops. Having been before advised by telegraph that such requisi- tion had been issued, I ielt well assured that I would be carrying out your will and the will of the people of the State, in responding to the call as promptly as possible. I therefore did not wait the receipt of the formal requisition, but proceeded at once to take such steps as seemed to me best adapted to speedily effect that object. I was met at the outset by two difficulties. There were not any funds under ray control to meet the necessary expenses, nor was there any efficient military law under which to operate. Your action only could furnish these aids in a legal way, and yet to await your action would involve great, perhaps dangerous, delay. The first difficulty was obviated by the patriotic action of the char- tered Banks and citizens of the State, who promptly placed at my disposal all the money I might need, and I determined, although with- out authority of law, to accept their offer, trusting that you would legalize my acts. One difficulty thus avoided, I trusted, as the result shows, safely, to the patriotism of the people for the removal of the other, and on the 17th day of April issued my Proclamation calling for the requisite number of troops. The telegraphic dispatch of the Secretary of War informed me that it would be sufficient if the troops required of this State were in rendez- vous at Keokuk, by the 20th inst. The prompt and patriotic action of the people enabled me to place them there in uniform on the 8th, twelve days in advance of the time fixed, and they would have been there a week sooner had not the action of the mob at Baltimore cut off all communication with the seat of Government, and left me without any instructions for two weeks. I recommend that you make suitable appropriations, covering expenses thus incurred. Tenders of troops were made altogether beyond the amount re- quired, and learning from the newspapers and other sources, that an- other requisition would probably be made on this State, I took the responsibility of ordering into quarters, in the respective counties where raised, enough companies to form a second regiment in antici- pation of such requisition, that they might acquire the necessary dis- cipline and drill. The second requisition has not yet reached me, but 124 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. I am expecting it daily, and ara prepared to respond to it pronaptly when made. The officers and men composing the first regiment were in quarters for some time before being mustered into the service of the United States, and those called out iu anticipation of a second requisition, will have been in quarters a considerable time before they will be called into service, if at all. It is but just that provision be made for pay- ment of the men who have thus promptly and patriotically stepped forth in defense of the country, for the time lost by them before being actually received by the United States, and I recommend that you make the necessary appropriations for that pui-pose. In addition to the two regiments thus accepted by me, I have already received tenders of companies enough to make up five regi- ments more, and I have been strongly urged by them, and by many other good citizens, to accept the whole, and place them in quarters at the expense of the State. In view of the facts that all I had done was without authority of law, and the further fact that you, the lawmaking power of the State, was so soon to assemble, I did not feel justified in so doing, but have recommended in all cases that all such companies should if possible keep up their organization, and should devote as much of their time as possible to the drill without interfering mate- rially with their ordinary business, thus keeping in reserve a large organized and partially drilled force, to meet emergencies. In several localities patriotic citizens have at their own expense furnished subsistence for companies thus oi-ganized, and not accepted, and they have been in quarters drilling daily. Whether any of the expenses thus incurred shall be paid by the State, or whether anj' compensation shall be made to the men for the time thus spent in quarters, is peculiarly within your province to determine. In addition to the passage of laws legalizing what has thiis far been done, and providing for expenses thus far incurred, it will be your duty carefully to examine what further the State should do to meet present necessities, and future contingencies. In my judgment there are two objects which in 3-our deliberation your should keep steadily in view, and which I recommend to your serious consideration, viz: the protection of our State against invasion and the prompt supply to the General Government of any further aid it may require. Our State is supposed by many to be exposed to attack, on two sides— our Southern and Western borders— on the South by reckless men from Missouri; on the West by Indians. Missouri is unfortu- nately strongly infected with the heresy of secession, which is hurry- ing 80 many of the Southern States to ruin. What may be the ultimate result in that State, we do not know. Should she unfortunately attempt to dissolve her connection with the Union, serious trouble THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 125 may, and probably will, spring up along our Southern border. Even in that event I can hardly anticipate an armed invasion by regular military forces from that State. Surrounded as she is by Kansas, Illinois and Iowa such invasion by her would be sheer madness, and it seems to me we are guarded against such danger if not by her calm judgment and her neighborly good will, at least by her instinct of self- preservation. But lawless, reckless men within her limits may take advantage of the unsettled condition of public affairs to organize a system of border warfare, for the purpose of plunder, and it is your duty to properly guard against this danger. The known facts that the troops have wholly or in a great part been withdrawn from the forts in the territories west of us, and the restraint of their presence thus removed from the Indian tribes on our border, that the Indians have received, jjrobably highly-colored statements in regard to the war now upon us, and that since the massacre at Spirit Lake in our State, some years since, which went wholly unpunished, they have shown an aggressive disposition, coupled with the proba- bility that they may be tampered with by bad men, render it, in my judgment, matter of imperative necessity that proper measures be taken to guard against danger from that quarter. I have already done what I could, with the limited means at my command, to furnish arms on both borders. Two modes for the protection of the State and furnishing further aid, if needed, to the General Government, suggest themselves lo me. One is the mustering into the service of the State, arming, equipping and placing in camp to acquire discipline and drill, a number of legi- ments of volunteers. The advantages of this are, that we would have at hand a disciplined force, read}' to meet any emergency. State or National. The disadvantages are its expense, and its insufficiency, by reason of the great extent of our border, to protect our frontier against the lawless bauds to which we are exposed. The other plan is to ox'ganize along our Southern and Western frontier, arm and equip but not muster into active service, a sufficient force of minute men, who may be called upon at any moment to meet any emergency that may arise at any point. This will be the more effective plan for home pro- tection, but will not place the State in position to render such effective aid to the General Government. Which, if either, of these plans, or whether a combination of both, or whether something wholly distinct from either shall be adopted. I leave for your wisdom to decide. It will be necessary that you enact a military law, authorizing, among other things, the formation of a military staff under which I can have the assistance and advice of such officers as compose it, in raising, ai miug, equipping and supporting such further troops as you may direct to be raised for the use of the State or as may be required by the United States, 126 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. It will also be necessary to use the credit of the State to raise means to meet the extraordinary expenses incurred, and to be incurred. You have tlie power to do this under that provision of the Constitution which authorizes without a vote of the people tlie contracting of a debt "to repel invasion" or to "defend the State in war." In most or all of the counties in which companies have thus far been accepted, the Board of Supervisors or public spirited citizens have raised means for the support of the families of volunteers who have left families dependent on them for support. This action is emi- nently praiseworthy and yet its operation is partial and unequal. It is scarcely to be pi-esumed that companies will be received from all the counties of the State, or equally from those counties from which they may be received, and it seems to me much more equitable and just that the expense be borne by the State, and the burden thus equally distributed among our people. The procuring of a liberal supply of arms for the use of the State, is a matter that I earnestly recommend to your early and serious con- sideration. The last four weeks have taught us a lesson which I trust we may never forget, that during peace is the proper time to prepare for war. I feel assured the State can readily raise the means necessary to place her in a position consistent alike with her honor and her safety. Her territory of great extent and uusui'passed fertility, inviting and constantly receiving a desirable immigration, her population of near three quarters of a million of intelligent, industrious, energetic and liberty-loving people, her rapid past, and prospective growth, her present financial condition, having a debt of only about one quarter of a million of dollai's, unite to make her bonds among the most desira- ble investments that our country affords. The people of Iowa, your constituents and mine, remembering that money is the sinews of war, will consider alike criminal a mistaken parsimony which stops short of doing whatever is necessary for the honor and safety of the State and a wild extravagance which would unnecessarily squander the public treasure. Our revenue law is, in my judgment, defective in some particulars, requiring, perhaps, some unnecessary expense and not being sufB- ciently stringent to compel the prompt payment of taxes. At all times, and more especially at a time like this, every good citizen should cheerfully contribute his share of the public burdens, and those who are not disposed to do so sliould fetl the force of stringent laws insur- ing the performance of that duty. A failure to pny taxes promptl}' compels the State to use her warrants instead of cash, to carry on the operations of the government, and adds to the expense of the Stale, not only the increased prices she is compelled to pay for articles pur- chased for her use over and above the prices at which she could buy THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 127 for cash, but also the interest upon the warrants issued until the same are paid. I earnestly i-ecommend a careful examination and a full use of your Constitutional powers to punish the men, if any there be, in our State who may feel disposed to furnish aid in any way to those who are or may be in rebellion against the United States or engaged in acts of hos- tility to this State. The great haste in which, amidst the pressure of other duties, I have been compelled to prepare this message, renders it very probable that I may have overlooked some subjects that you may deem of im- portance in the present emergenc}'. When convened in extra session, your powers of legislation have the same scope and limit as at your regular sessions, and I feel confident your wisdom and foresight will supply all such omissions. Permit me in conclusion to express the hope that what you do, may be done promptly, calmly and thoroughly. Let us take no counsel from passion, nor give way to excitement. Let us look our situation boldly and squarely in the face, and address ourselves to and do our duty like men who believe that while we hold to our father's faith and tread in our father "'s steps, the God of our fathers will stand by us in the time of our trial as He stood by them in the time of theirs. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD On learning the condition of tlie Treasury, and the finan- cial needs of the State, W. T. Smith, President of the branch of the State Bank at Oskaloosa, wrote to the Gover- nor: " Draw on us for what you want and we will let you have all we can spare." J. K. Graves, at Dubuque, wrote : '• Our bank will honor your drafts to the amount of $30,- 000." And it seemed that the patriotism of the people had opened and invaded nearly every bank vault in the State, for responses like these came from nearly every one of them, and the Governor availed himself of nearly all these offers to obtain funds; but to draw for all he wanted would have crippled the banks, and it was not good policy or justice to do that. Even the few railroads we had in the State became imbued with patriotism, for offers came from them all offer- ing free transportation for all our troops. The members of the Legislature were almost unanimously ill harmony with the Governor in the recommendations con- tained in the message. Party affiliations were for the time 128 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. forgotten, and officers of the Legislature were chosen from both parties. That foul brood of political serpents known as "Copperheads" had not then been hatched, but incubation for that purpose was not long delayed. In the Revised Statutes of 1843, known as the "Blue Book" of territorial days, there was a very full and complete militia law, but we look in vain in the codes of 1851 and 1860 for any such statutes. The Legislature was in session from the 15th to the 29th of May, and during that time, among others, they passed a general militia law, and one for raising two regiments of in- fantry, one battalion of not less than three companies of artillery, one squadron of not less than five companies of cavalry and one regiment of mounted riflemen. This force was State troops for the protection of our southern borders from the inroads of Southern traitors, and our western and northern borders from the incursions of hostile Indians. A law was passed authorizing the Governor to purchase arms, powder, clothing and other munitions of war; one for bidding the commencement of civil suits at law against any volunteer soldier during the term of his enlistment, and con- tinuing those that had been commenced; one for the issue of $800,000 of State bonds for a "War and Defense Fund;'" one for the payment of volunteer soldiers of the State till they were mustered into the service of the United States; one for the support of the families of volunteer soldiers by the different counties of the State, and one to regulate the staflf of the Governor as commander-in-chief of the forces of the State. On his staff he afterwards appointed as aides : William B. Allison, Rush Clark, Add H. Sanders and John C. Cul- bertson, with the rank and pay of a lieutenant-colonel of cavalry. Although the law provided for the issuing of 1800,000 of bonds, drawing 7 per cent, interest, the Governor of the THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 129 State, Charles Mason, William Smyth, James Baker and C. W. Slagle were made a Board of Commissioners to deter- mine from time to time how many bonds it was necessary to issue. The sale of these bonds was advertised in the papers in New York, Boston and Chicago, but before they were offered some of the Copperhead newspapers of the State, like the dirty bird that befouls its own nest, had begun to decry them, claiming that the law providing for their issue was unconstitutional. One man in New York offered to take a large quantity of them at a discount of 25 per cent, and pay for them in cloth- ing for the soldiers at a high price. It was supposed that a company in the State had been, or was about to be, formed to buy them up at a big discount, but the Governor was anxious that no great sacrifice should be made on them, as he thought that a State as rich as Iowa in natural resources, though they had then not been fully developed, would, in the near future, be able to redeem them. There was also a large amount of uncollected taxes that could be made avail- able for keeping up the credit of the State, and there would be ready money when those taxes were paid. When it was found that a general sale of them in the open market at the stock boards of the country could not be made, except at a ruinous discount, in order that a market value might be put upon them, a few were offered in the open market in New York, and Mr. Ezekiel Clark, President of the branch bank of the State at Iowa Cit}', bought them for 94 cents on the dollar, and those afterwards sold at home were sold at that rate. There was a provision of law that they should not be sold for less price than they brought on the Open Stock Board in New York. Mr. Clark had been recalled by telegraph from Missouri, where he had been sent to pay the members of the First Iowa Regiment, and was sent East on this business. The bonds not finding a market at the East were brought 130 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. back, when Mr. E. C. Lyon, of Iowa City, took $25,000 of them, and some of the State banks took a purtion. Every effort was made to find a market for them at home and most of those efforts were eventually, bat not immediately, suc- cessful. When soldiers were rendezvoused in camp at various places, many of those who furnished them supplies took part payment for those supplies in bonds, and in different parts of the State they were disposed of at only a small discount, and by the Governor's prudent management with their dis- position and sale a large amount w^as saved to the State. The money raised by their sale was called the '^War and Defense Fund," and its disbursement was committed to a Board of Commissioners, composed of John N. Dewey, Isaac W. Griffith and S. R. Ingham, and that Board had the privilege of meeting at any place in the State where troops were or had been quartered, and such meetings were held for the convenience of those in the neighborhood who had claims on the ' 'War and Defense Fund" for supplies they had fur- nished, and these claims had to be audited and allowed or rejected by this Board. All payments into and from this fund were made in coin as provided by law. Isaac W. Griffith afterwards resigned as one of the commissioners and F. R. West was appointed to fill the vacancy. Only $300,000 of these bonds were sold; the other $500,000 were destroyed, after being passed over to Gover- nor Kirkwood's successor. Under authority of the law passed for that purpose, the families of enlisted soldiers were looked after during their absence in the service and their wants supplied in most of the counties by Boards of Supervisors or agents appointed by them for that purpose. During the session of the Legislature several messages weri' sent from the Governor to the body calling for informa- tion. Here is one that explains itself: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 131 Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: — In reply to your reso- lutions of inquiry in regard to clothing furnished the First Iowa Regi- ment, I have the honor to say: Wlieu the telegi'aphic dispatch from the Secretary of War informiug me of the requisition for the First Regiment reached me, I did not an- ticipate the u liforming the men at the expense of the State, as such course had not, so far as I knew or could learn, been pursued in the Mexican War. Fearing, however, that the suddenness of the danger might render it desirable to furnish uniforms, I immediately wrote to the Secretary of War askiug information on that point; but the inter- ruption of communication at Baltimore prevented me from receiving any answer. Judging from the fact that other States were preparing for uniforming their volunteers, that it would be desirable to have the same done here, I sent an agent to Chicago to purchase materials for uniforms; but the sudden and great demand for that kind of goods had exhausted the supplies in that city. On learning this by telegraph, and fearing there would not be time to await a supply from New York, I immediately instructed the persons acting as Commissaries to pur- chase materials and make uniforms at the points where the several companies had been raised. The persons who had the matter in charge at the several points were, at Dubuque, D. N. Cooley Esq. and Capt. F. J. Herron. Capt. Herrou was sent specially from Davenpori to Dubuque to select the materials and direct the uniforms in sucli manner as the companies preferred. At Cedar Rapids, Dr. Carpenter; at Davenport, Hiram Price Esq.; at Muscatine, Hon. Jos. A. Greene, and at Burlington, Major J. G. Liiuman. At Muscatine and Iowa City the material was purchased and the maki ig of the clothes superin- tended by committees of citizens. Under these cii'cumstances it was impossible to procure the same uniform for the whole regiment. All that coidd be done was to have the men of each company clothed alike, but dlfTering from those of other companies. It was also impossible to procure as good material as would have been desirable, had more time been allowed. Much of the clothing Avas made by the ladies, which to that extent lessened the cost. The amount of clothing furnished, so far as the means now in my possession enable me to state, is as fallows: Capt. Herron 's company, Dubuque; each man, hat, frock coat, pants, two Hannel shirts, two pairs of socks and pair of shoes. Capt. Gottschalk's company, Dubuque; blouse instead of coat, and other articles same as Capt. Herron 's. Capt. Cook's company, Cedar Rapids; hat, two flannel shirts, pants, socks and shoes, no. jacket or coat. Capt. Mahanna's comijany, Iowa City; hat, jacket, pants, two flan- nel shirts, socks and shoes. Capt. Wentz's company, Davenport; hats, blouse, pants, two flan- nel shirts, socks and shoes. 132 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Capt. Cumming's company, Muscatine; cap, jacket, pants, two flan- nel shirts, socks and shoes. Capt. Mason's company, Muscatine; same as Capt. Cumming's. Capt. Matthies' company, Burlington; hat, blouse, pants, two flan- nel shirts, socks and shoes. Capt. Streaper's company, Burlington; same as Capt. Matthies\ Capt. Wise's company, Mt. Pleasant; same as Capt. Matthies'. 1 am not certain that all the companies were f urn. shed with socks, shoes and shirts. Some of the shoes, I have I'cason to believe, wei'e not of good quality costing only from $1.25 to $1.50 per pair, others I know were good, costing from $2.00 to $2.50 per pair. One thousand extra shirts were sent to Keokuk to supply any deticieucy that may have e.xisted in that particular. Most of the material for pants was satinett, and not of good quality, costing, as far as the same came under my observation, from forty to sixty cents per yard by the quan- tity. The entire amount expended for clothing, so far as I can give it from the data in my possession, is about $12,000 or $13,000. If it be desirable in your judgment to have the companies of this regiment uniformed alike, it will be necessary to furnish all with coats and pants of the same make, and to furnish an additional number of hats or caps. Hats were procured for all, but some preferred the cap and procured it, and the cost has been provided for. I cannot think that all the companies need new shoes, as some of the shoes furnished were of excellent quality and have not yet been worn more than two or three weeks. I am satisfied that it is for the corgifort of these troops that many of them be furnished with pants and shoes, and some with socks. As the Second and Third regiments will be clothed throughout alike, it would no doubt be very gratifying to the First regiment to be placed in the same position, and it will afford me much pleasui'e to carry out what- ever may be your wishes in regard to it. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. May 23, 1861. Another message on another subject was presented the next day. Executive Chamber. | Des Moines, May 24, 1861. ( Oentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives: — Since the commencement of your session, I have been engaged, as fully as my other duties would permit, in collecting and comparing information from the different parts of our exposed frontier, as to what is neces- sary for the protection of that portion of our State, and in making estimates of the sums necessary, in my opinion, for that and other pur- poses connected with the present and possibly future emergency. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J KIRKWOOD. 133 The pressing need upon our border is for arms and ammunition. The people are willing and confident of their ability to defend them- selves from what they most fear, the depredations of Indians and plunderers, provided they are promptly furnished with good arms and ammunition, and until this shall be done they will be in a state of un- easiness and alarm to a greater or less degree, as the various localities are more or less exposed. I consider it a matter of primary import- ance that your action on this matter be as speedy as may in your judgment be consistent with proper deliberation. I would have sent an agent to find and contract for arms for this purpose in anticipation of your action, but for the fact that the provisions of the bill for that purpose pending before you, require that said agent shall be nominated to and confirmed by the Senate. The appointment by me of an agent for that purpose, and the sending him on his mission in advance of the passage of the law, under the circumstances, would have been im- proper and highly censurable. I fear that the present great demand for arms by the United States and the difit'erent States, will cause considerable delay in procuring arms after I have authority to act, and I therefore again respectfully recommend that your action on this subject be as speedy as possible. I am distinctly of the opinion that in view of our present condition, and the uncertainty of the future, it is highly desirable with reference both to our duty to our State and to the General Government, that you make provision for the organization, encampment and drilling for a limited time, of not less than three skeleton regiments at the expense of the State. With a liberal provision for the purchase of arms and ammunition for the use of mounted men, for the defense of the border, and a provision for three regiments for a limited time at the expense of the State, I think Iowa will be placed in a position consistent alike with her honor and safety. But to do this, and at the same time make prudent provision for the uncertain future will in my judgment require that you make pro- vision for the loan of at least a million of dollars. The best estimates I can make are that the expenses already incurred, and that must be incurred in case that the measures above recommended be adopted, will amount to half a million, and it seems to me very clear that to leave me with all this machinery on hand for the purposes above indi- cated, and without leaving under my control the means necessary for the purposes for which it was provided, will not be either safe or prudent. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. In answer to resolutions of the House of May 20, of in- quiry as to the cost of raising, organizing and placing in camp at Keokuk the first regiment and what had been done V 134 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. toward raising the second regiment, the Governor com- municated the facts, giving expenses in detail which inchid- ing three weeks' pay for the First aggregate $39,229.82, and for the Second including one months' pay $50,000, in addi- tion to the above were the items expended for both regi- ments in sending Senator Grimes to Washington, and Capt. Herron to Springfield, 111., to obtain arms from Gov. Yates, and other items |4,493, making in all $93,722 expended for the two regiments, and in this sum not one cent is included for arms for these had not then been furnished. The Governor says further: "In reply to the third and last clause in the resolution I have to say, that in addition to advising private parties on the western fron- tier to organize and perfect their drill with snch private arms as they might be able to obtain, I have written the following letter, viz: Executive Office, } April 25, 1861. S Hon. Caleb Baldwin, Council Bluffs, Iowa: Dear Sir: — I hand you herewith blank commission for military companies in the western part of the State. Please fill them up and deliver them to the officers elected b}' companies organized under your direction. I am informed some uneasiness exists on the western frontier lest the border counties suffer from attacks by Indians, or lawless men from Missovu'i. There are not now any arms to send there except about fifty muskets that will be sent at once. The people should organize as minute men, and arm themselves with private arms as best they can. I authorize you to make such arrangements as you may think the safety of the border requires in the way of organizing and of perfecting a system of communication with each other in case of need. You are also authorized to call any of these companies into service, if in your judgment the public safety requires, and continue them in service as long as the necessity may reqxiire. If they ai"e called on to act against Indians, they had better act as mounted men. From necessity I leave the whole matter in your discretion, confident that you will in all respects act with due regard to the safety of the frontier, and the public interest. In case you are compelled to call out any of the companies let me know at once. I will recommend to the General Assembly the payment of the men for any time they may be in actual service under your direction. Very truly, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 1 w. > ^s;^ 1 1 , c { i. f k m l*"if'/lT'iiW"l' i '"'*--''*"■ 1 ^, A!>^^^W^ THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 135 A number of companies have been organized under the foregoing instructions but so far as yet a Ivised none have been called into actual service. Some expense has been incurred in the purchase of ammunition, but I am not informed as to the amount. I have forwarded to Council Bluffs 140 stands of arms, and have ordered one 8-lb. Held piece and forty revolvers with the necessary equipments and ammunition transported thither without delay, in- curring for express charges, freight, etc., an expense now knon of, $359.95. The force necessary to protect the north and western frontier should be had by organizing in each county a company of mounted rangers, who should meet for drill and company exercise as often as their patriotism and interest might induce them to do, and the expense attending such force consists in furnishing each member of a company with a rifle and sword bayonet valued at from $23 to $50, and a Colt's revolver valued at $22 to $25. Besides the expense incurred in raising the 1st and 2nd regiments, and the protection of the frontier, there are sundiy small bills the amount of which I cannot now even estimate, and in the absence of bills rendered there may be items of considerable amount which have escaped my recollection. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. It will be seen by the letter to Mr. Baldwin that the Governor placed in his hands in the matter entrusted to him all the power he himself possessed, and results showed that the power given, and the confidence reposed in him were not misplaced and could not have been placed in better hands. To expedite the raising of troops Mr Baldwin issued the following circular: Council Bluffs. Iowa, ) May 6, 1861. S To THE Citizens of Western Iowa. In order more fully to carry out the desire of the Governor of this State to protect our frontier settlements, I respectfully request that an effort be made to organize at least one military company in each of the western counties of the State, which shall hold itself in i*eadiness for service at any moment there may be occasion therefor. Each company should be composed of not less than forty, nor more than eighty good loyal citizens. As soon as the requisite number have volunteered for the purpose of organizing a company, the members thereof will proceed to elect their officers, to whom commissions will be issued. The I'olls of the companies with the names of the officers should be forwarded to Adjutant G. M. Dodge of this city. 136 THE LIFK AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Arms will be provided bj'^ the Executive of this State at the earliest moment possible for all the companies thus organized. A thorough military organization in our western counties, with plenty of arms and ammunition, is the best guaranty we can have against invasions from the savages not far from our borders, or for marauding parties whose time for operation is when our citizens are in a defenseless condition, and when our National troubles direct the attention of the Federal Government to other parts. C. BALDWIN. The following letter is on the same subject: Headquarters Mil. Div. Western Iowa, | Council Bluffs. May 8, 1861. S Colonel Means: Dear Sir: — I am informed that you are in command of the military company in Woodbury county. As your point is considered one of importance on our frontier, I am instructed to ui'ge upon you the im- portance of an immediate and thorough organization, and that you will report your command immediately to me that arms can be for- warded you as soon as they reach this place. The Governor has placed the organization of the western portion of the State under sepa- rate command, and one or more regiments will be immediately formed and placed in condition for actual service. The company should be thoroughly drilled, and if possible adopt some cheap and durable uniform. I shall endeavor to have some arrangements made for quick communication with your place and would suggest that couriers from your command be provided that in case of diflBculty it may be reported immediately at headquarters. The companies in Monona and Harrison, as soon as they report, will be instructed in this matter. Very respectfully, G. M. DODGE, Acting Adjutant. In answer to a resolution from the Senate, the following message was sent: Oentlemen of the Senate: — I have the honor to state in reply to your resolution of inquiry whether I have employed an agent to purchase clothing for the two first regiments now stationed at Keokuk, that I have contracted with Hon. Samuel Merrill for the following clothing for the second and third regiments, to-wit: 2,000 gray all wool frock coats. 2,000 gray all wool pants. 2,000 gray felt hats. 4,000 gray all wool flannel shirts. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 137 4,000 gi'ay all wool flannel drawers. 4,000 pairs all wool knit socks. 2,000 pairs best army brogans. Being 1 hat, 1 coat, 1 pair pants, 2 shirts, 2 pairs drawers, 2 pairs socks and 1 pair shoes for each man, at the price of $21 for each man delivered on board cars at Boston, Mass., to be paid for when accepted and delivered by my agent there in bonds of the State at par, if the contractor will receive the bonds at par, and if not to be paid for there as soon as the money can be realized by the sale of the bonds. In obedience to a joint resolution of the General Assembly, I have also ordered from the same person 1 coat, 1 pair of pants and 1 pair of brogans for each member of the First Regiment, which will cost about $15 per man. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Executive Chamber, Mav 27, 1861. The first three regiments raised in the State could hardly be called "boys in blue," for their uniforms were all gray. Before the close of the session, the patriotism of some of the democrats began to fade. They could not call treason by its right name, and they christened it by such mild, soft names as "unnatural strife," "unhappy trouble," "unfortu- nate disagreement," "National difficulty," and those whose true names were ' 'traitors" and ' 'rebels, " were called by them by the endearing name of ' 'erring brethren. ' ' and some of them afterwards showed that they were brothers in crime with those who were traitors in fact. Delay and compromise were written in bold letters on too many measures they proposed. Even as profound a lawyer as the late J. C. Hall, was in favor of treating with the State of Missouri in relation to the treasonable acts of some of her citizens, although the Con- stitution of the United States forbid any such action by either State. No executive of the State ever had been placed in such embarrassing circumstances or subjected to as much worry, perplexity and anxiety as was Governor Kirkwood, from the time of the President's proclamation in April, till the time when the General Government was able to supply the enlisted men of the State with uniforms, arms and rations. If 138 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. money, arms and other munitions of war could have been furnished by the loyal people of Iowa in such an abundance and with as much readiness and freedom as they furnished men to use them, the case would have been different. But these arms and munitions were not in the hands of the people, nor were they within their reach, nor was the money in their pockets with which to buy them. Had it been they would have poured it out as freely as they afterwards did their blood in the holy cause. On the 29th of April the Governor wrote to Simon Cameron, Secretary of War: ''For God's sake send us arms. I ask for nothing but arms and am- munition. Three regiments are waiting and five thousand guns are required at once." On the second day of May he telegraphed Simeon Draper, president of the Union Defense Committee of New York: "For God's sake send us arms. Our First Regiment has been in drill a week, a thousand strong. It has tents and blankets but no arms. The Second Regiment is full and drilling. Send us arms. Ten thousand men can be had if they can have arms." Money, guns and other munitions of war were the great needs of the hour. The vaults of the State banks from Keo- kuk on the south to McGregor on the north, and from the Des Moines river on the west to the Mississippi on the east had been opened to be made subject to the drafts of the Governor upon them, although there was no law authorizing him to make such drafts. Financial relief from this source began to be felt, but not sufficiently to meet all the needs of the time. Every gun belonging to the State was hunted up and repaired. Agents were sent to St. Louis and to Gov. Yates of Illinois, who had received a supply of 5,000 stands of arms, and to Chicago for them. Every manufacturer of arms in the country was telegraphed and written to for a sup- ply. Hon. John A. Kasson, Gov. Grimes and Fitz Henry Warren, who were in Washington, were written to to call THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 139 on the Secretary of War and urge him wiih all possible des- ))atch to furnish guns and war material at the earliest possi- 1)le moment, for with Bushwhackers and Guerrillas on the south, and hostile Indians on the west and north, we were threatened with war at our very doors. No other loyal State was threatened as we were early in the war. While our sis- ter western States were protected on their west and south lines by the natural barrier — a broad river — our enemies had but to step over an imaginary boundary line to confront us face to face in our very homes. CHAPTER VIII. Private Secretary Appointed — N. H. Brainerd, Military Secretary — Oovemor Ooes to Washington for Arms, etc. — Calls on Oen. Meigs — Their Interview — He-nominated for Governor — Republican Platform. Charles Mason, Democratic Nominee — Elected by 16,000 Ma- jority — Democratic Resolution Against Bonds and Banks — Unioyi State Convention — Nominates Ocji. Baker for Oovemor — He De- clines — Governor Kirkwood Urged to Take the Stump — Makes a Speech, Which is Reported for the Neivspapers. During the summer, and well into the autumn, no man was more harrassed, worried and perplexed than was Gover- nor Kirkwood. Troops were to be raised, officered, organ- ized, fed, clothed, armed and mustered into the service, with little or no material at hand and an empty State Treasury. To save expense during the first part of his administration, he had done without a private secretary, but now the corres- pondence of the Executive office was becoming so volumin- ous that not only was a private secretary needed, but a military secretary had to be employed, the office being most ably filled by the appointment of Mr. N. H. Brainerd to the latter place; and then, with two secretaries, the Governor was not so relieved but that he had to conduct much of the correspondence himself. In reference to the letters written by him during the war. Dr. Lloyd, editor of the Historical Record^ in copying some of them into that journal, says: " They embrace almost every conceivable subject relating to the war. Some are answers to letters from wives imploring news of hus- bands, absent, perhaps, in Southern prisons; some replying to appeals for interposition for release from federal imprisonment for disloyalty; some are recommendations for appointment to government positions; many contain words of comfort and encouragement for the sick, wounded and weary at the front; some are firm warnings to refractory oflBcers; some conciliating appeals to regimental field officers to har- monize differences between themselves and subordinates; some prom- 140 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 141 ises of immediate or future promotion ; a few stern refusals of favor, and some plain but still eloquent vindications of the fame of Iowa soldiers." The Governor was always zealously watchful of the fair name and fame of the State and of her troops, as is shown by these letters, and if any slight or dishonor was attempted to be put upon even the most humble of the brave men from Iowa, he raised over them whenever he could the broad shield of executive protection. So urgent was the call for money, guns, clothing, tents and other munitions of war, and so tardily was that call being answered, that on the 5th day of August the Governor went to Washington that he might hurry up the needed supplies. The soldiers were not uniformed when they were sent forward to St. Louis and other points in Missouri, being in their everyday working clothes, no two of them alike, mak- ing the companies and regiments when on dress parade look like "crazy-quilts," in comparison with uniformed troops from other States; and this condition of things was mortify- ing to the feelings of the Governor, as well as the men, and by many he was blamed for it. His first work in Washington was to call on Quartermas- ter-General M. C. Meigs, presenting his case, telling him of his situation and asking him for relief. He said to the General: "We have men and can furnish all the Government calls for, but we have no money to use for any military purpose, our treasury is empty and our credit is low. He stated the condition in which the soldiers were sent out of the State, saying it was trying both to them and to him, that he was blamed for it when he could not help it. He even said if he should consult his own feelings — and it was not wrong for him to do so — he would resign and go back to his farm and mill and attend to his own private business. He said he had come to him to see if he could not, in some way, relieve our wants. Our people not knowing the actual condition of things blame me for all of it." Gen. Meigs replied: " I cannot help you now, but will as soon as I can. The people of Iowa do not understand the condition of the country. I am found 142 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. fault with every day. Tens of thousand's find fault with me where hundreds find fault with you. If you are fit for your place, go home and go to work ami do the best you can." He did go home and went to work, and no Governor did better or more acceptable work than he; and to-day he has the grateful thanks of the people of the whole State for the arduous, intelligent and patriotic work he did for them and their cause during that eventful period. On the 31st day of July the State Republican Convention was held, when Governor Kirk wood was nominated for re- election, receiving 273 of the 374: votes cast on an informal ballot, and 310 of the 374 on a formal one, F. H. Warren and S. F. Miller receiving respectively 29 and 31 votes, when the nomination was made unanimous. This vote was the best endorsement that could be given of the approval of his administration by the Republicans, and the people of the State endorsed it in November by giving him a majority of 16,600 votes over W. H. Merritt, his opponent, and this when a large drain had been made on the Republican voters of the State to furnish soldiers for the war. The Republican platfoi'm of this year was as free from purely partizan political dogmas as it well could be, and it was one to which every true Union man could subscribe. Its eight planks might have been condensed into one, and that one would have been Gen. Jackson's famous toast at the banquet held on the anniversary of Jefferson's birthday at Washington in 1830: "Our Federal Union — it must and SHALL BE PRESERVED. " On the 24th of July that Copperhead aggregation of treason and disloyalty, known as the Democratic State Con- vention, upon a call issued by that Prince of Copperheads, D. A. Mahoney, met in Des Moines and nominated Charles Mason for Governor and Maturin L Fisher for Lieutenant- Governor. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 143 In a three-column newspaper letter, Mr. Mason, after trying to show how much better his party could settle the question of Secession than by a resort to arms, accepts the nomination. Mr. Fisher, as he said, ''for private reasons" declined. The convention that nominated these men Resolved, That the appropriation of $800,000 made at the special session of the General Assembly is unauthorized by the Constitution. When this appropriation was voted, or rather when the law was passed by which that amount of ' 'War and Defense" bonds could be issued, the General Assembly was so non- partizan, and the Republicans had conceded so much that both of these men were selected, the one with the State Treasurer to negotiate and sell the bonds and the other to be one of a Board of Commissioners to issue the bonds and determine, from time to time, how many of them should be sold. When the Governor was culling on the branches of the State Bank for the loan of money to the State of all the funds they could spare, and the branch at Oskaloosa was pre- sided over by such a loyal Democrat as W. T. Smith, and the one at Burlington by another strong Union Democrat, W. F. Coolbaugh, and both, with the other branch banks of the State Bank, were furnishing the Governor with money, the issues of their respective banks, this convention Resolved, That we are irreconcilably opposed to all paper money banking as being a system of legalized swindling. Here we have the Democratic party, as represented in its State Convention, putting itself on record as being bitterly opposed to furnishing the State with anything in the shape of bonds or the issues of the State banks to be used in feeding, clothing, arming or equipping our soldiers and sending them to the war. The party that passed these resolutions had not spent many weeks after their passage till it found itself badly demoralized. It hoped to recover from that demoralization 144 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. MiRKWOOD. by putting Lieutenant-Colonel Merritt in the place declined by Mr. Fisher. This did not help the party, but it put Colonel Merritt into very bad company — it was but little better than being a prisoner of war in a Confederate camp, and the position was not half as honorable. Imprisonment by open enemies is far preferable to imprisonment by secret traitors. Judffe Mason soon found it convenient to retire from the head of the ticket, when Colonel Merritt was advanced to fill the vacancy. But a loyal leader in a disloyal cause could not make his treasonable followers patriotic. So distasteful had this band of copperhead conspirators and their doings become, that on the 29th day of August, another Democratic Convention assembled at Des Moines. This convention, called as was supposed for the purpose of detraitorizing the party, was presided over by Hon. Lin- coln Clark of Dubuque. The forces that dominated in the former Democratic Convention, had a majority in this, and controlled its action, and renominated its candidates. A majority and a minority report on platform was pre- sented, the former differing but little from the one adopted by the former convention being adopted. Upon this action being taken, Mr. Clark, the president, vacated his chair and left the convention in disgust. The minority report pre- sented and read by Mr. Coolbargh never got into the hands of the secretary of the convention, or into its published pro- ceedings, when he left the convention with Mr. Clark fol- lowed by the whole Dubuque and Des Moines counties' delegations. Judge Nourse, writing to Gov. K. says: ''The conven tion was in session till after midnight. There was a fierce quarrel between the Mahoney men and the Union portion of the convention * * * The fight over the platform was rich, rare and racy. A great many truths were told b}' the loyal men to the secession wing that controlled the coa- vention," THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 145 On the 28th day- of August, a convention of Repujblicans and Democrats, calling themselves the "Union Party," met in Des Moines and nominated Gen. N, B. Baker for Gov- ernor, Lauren Dewey for Lieutenant-Governor, and Reuben Noble for Supreme Judge. Gen. Baker and Mr. Noble both declined, although the latter was in sympathy with the movement and one of its prime movers. He was in hopes Gov. Kirkwood would be the nominee of the convention, for in writing to Andrew J. Stevens on the subject of the con- vention, he says: "If I were a member of the convention I would urge the nomination of Gov. Kirkwood for Governor ^ * * It is due to him that he should finish the work he has begun. I know personally that his labors have been arduous; that he has expended large sums of money upon his individual credit for the benefit of the State; that no new man could finish the work begun as well as he, for these reasons I have supported him and have seen no reason to change my mind." So strong, however, were the political prejudices of the Democratic portion of that convention, that they rebelled against endorsing anyone who had been supported by the Republican Convention. The Governor was urged by many of his friends to take the stump, and many pressing invitations came to him from numerous places, especially in the north part of the State,' to speak there, but his answers to all these calls were that his oflScial duties were so pressing that he had no time to make a personal canvass, and that those duties must be per- formed even if his personal interests suffered thereby. So anxious were his friends to get him before the people on the important and pressing questions of the day, that they deter- mined if he could not be heard from the rostrum he should be through the press, and at the suggestion of F. W. Pal- mer, then editor of the Iowa State Register^ arrangements were made for him to make a speech and have it reported in 146 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOIX full and published in the papers. As shorthand reporters were not as plenty then as now, not even one being obtain- able, the arrangement was made that four ready writer re- porters should be engaged, that number one should take down the first sentence, number two the second sentence, and so on in turn to the end, as each sentence fell from the speaker's lips, and that their reports should be put together and the speech published as uttered. An arrangement was attempted to be made for a joint discussion between Gov. K. and Judge Mason, the Democratic candidate for Governor, but the judge declined to engage in it. At a meeting in Sherman Hall in Des Moines on the evening of Sept. 4th, presided over by the Hon. T. F. Withrow, the Governor delivered his speech. As Judge Mason had declined to meet the Gov- ernor, it was proposed to substitute in his place Hon. J as Baker of Chariton, but the audience objected, and Mr. Baker being present declined in person. Gov. K. being introduced said: Mr. President, Ladies and Oentlemen:—! hope you will do me the justice to believe that I did not arrange this meeting. I had nothing to do with it. I was requested by some of my friends to say whether I would be willing to meet Judge Mason, one of my competitors, to dis- cuss the National and State questions involved in this canvass. How. ever small my own confidence in my own ability may be, I have never felt myself at liberty to decliue any invitation of the kind, occupying the position I do, and although it might be rash in me to meet Judge Mason in this contest, I would not and did not decliue. With the de- termination of the question whether Mr. Baker should occupy the time of Judge Mason, I had nothing to do; and as you have decided, I have nothing to do with your action. I propose now to discuss briefly some questions, not all of those which are uppermost in the minds of the people of Iowa. When a spe ker proposes to address an audience, he ought to arrange hi- thoughts beforehand, so that he may be able to present the subject in a discourse which, if it be indifferent, it shall be well arranged. I cannot promise you that I shall be able so to do. for until this evening I have had no time for preparation, and I hope you will pardon what I know will be a desultory speech. I again find myself what I once thought I never again would be, a candidate for the p|fice of Governor, and I coofess I tind myself in THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 147 peculiar and unpleasant circuiustauces. The unpleasantness of my position arises from two causes. First, the country is in a condition such as it was never in before. We have had war before, but never a civil war. We have had strife before, but never intestine strife. And many of the good people who are in favor of pressing this war thor- oughly, vigorously and triumphantly to an end, believe that an error was committed in making a party nomination at this time. They think that the gentlemen who have placed me in nomination have erred. That is one thing. Another is, and I am very sorry to say it, that some of my own political household think that I am not the man; that we should have some other person. Now, I intend to address a few re- marks on each of these points. I will certainly make them as brief as possille. Did the Republican party err in nominating a Republican ticket at this time under the surroundings? What was the condition of the country in May last, when your Legislature then convened in extra .session, adjourned? What was the condition of the State at that time? The great mass of the people of this State were in favor of .'■ustaining the administration, of prosecuting vigorously, thoroughly and to a successful termination, the war inaugurated by the South. This was true of the entire body of the Republican part}^ and a large portion of the Democratic party. And yet it was true, and I am sorry to say it was true, that a portion of the Democratic party was not in favor of that course. Now, you know and I know that political nominations are a necessity in a Government like ours. Without political organi- zation you cannot concentrate public opinion. We have always had political organizations or parties since the foundation of our Govern- ment. The common sense of the counti-y has accepted this truth and acted upon it, and from that period until this day political organiza- tions have been the means of giving tone to and expressing the popular will, and they alwajs must be. They are a necessity in a Republican form of government like ours. Here then is a political party in this State, a party that is earnest, united in favor of the prosecution of the war. Here was the only other political party divided on this question. Now, these parties act i hrough these organizations, and when the Republican Central Committee of Iowa called together the convention, they exercised the power which was delegated to them to exercise, no more no less. They had not power to do aught moi'e, it was their duty to do no less. They had not power to propose a union of parties. They could only call a convention to nominate candidates. Your State Central Committee of the Repub- lican party did its duty in calling the party into general convention. Shortly after that had been done, persons who claimed to represent the Democratic party, whether truthfully or not I cannot say, called a State Democratic couvention at an earlier day than that for the as^eiU' 148 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. bliug of the Republican coavention. After this call had been publisht d, certain other persons desiring, as they claimed, to give a hearty sup- port to the prosecution of this war and the maintenance of the Uniou, issued a call for what they denominated a "Peoples' or Union Conven- tion," and fixed the time for holding the same the day before, or the day after the Democratic convention had been called to assemble. They showed no desire to affiliate with the Republican convention. They showed no disposition to act in anyway with the Rei)ublican or- ganization of the State. Now, they had their choice, to detei'mine whether they would place their convention in a position to act with the Republican party, or with the other. They chose the other con- vention and attempted to act in conjunction with it. They called their convention to meet the next day after the Democratic convention, which met a week in advance of the convention of the Republican party. Both conventions were hed, and no agreement could be effected between them. Why the Peoples' party made that choice, thereby placing it out of their power to act with the Republican organ- ization, it is not for me to say They chose to do it and did it. They went to the Democratic Mahony convention for their allies. They would not or did not attempt to affiliate with the Republican conven- tion. I was not here at the time, but understood that consultations were had but no agreement could be effected. The Democratic or Mahony convention met, acted and adjourned on the day it was called. On the next day the Union convention met and adjourned. They could, had they been so disposed, have met with the Republican con- vention called for the 31st of July, when that convention was yet in the futux'e. They let the Republican convention meet and pass by as they had a right to do, but they did not intimate to them in anyway whatever that they had any desire to affiliate with them. In the coui'se of events two more conventions were held in your city last week. On the one day a Union convention, and on the next a Democratic convention. If you can take their acts as indications, my friends, our Democratic and Union brethern have shown they were unwilling to act with the Republicans. TAvice have they met in con- vention on succeeding days, and while they were thus willing to act in conjunction, they were unwilling to attempt to act with the Repub- lican oi'ganization. What did the Republicans do when they met in convention? Take their platform and x'ead iL Search through it from beginning to end, and what is thex'e in it to drive from its support any man who loves his country? There is nothing ! Scrutinize it as closely as j'ou please and you will find no partizanship there. You will find nothing there l)Ut devotion to the American flag and love for the American Union. [Applause.] The Republicans placed themselves in a position to affili- ate with the patriotic portion of any party or all parties in the State, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRK\V001>. 149 Democrats or Union men, call them what you please. But they were silently passed by. No desire was shown to have anything to do witli them; and, I'elying upon the justice of their cause, they threw their banner abroad, and appealed to the people to rally around it in main- tenance of the Federal Union and the honor of the Federal flag. The Republicans do not ask you, my Democratic friends, to give up any of your preconceived notions on the sul)ject of slavery. They don't ask you to accept their political faith or abandon yours; but, as the predominant party in this State, ignoring for the time being all past political issues, they ask every man who is willing to rally round the flag to step forward to help them in this patriotic cause. Is it wrong in them to do this? Every Republican is a Union man. Where in all the broad land can you find one who is not? They are and have been for some years the dominant party in this Stale, They have placed themselves, as an organization, in a position to be consulted by any party or any men who luiglit be willing to consult and act with theai for the Union, but had comijletely, perhaps studiously, been ignored l)y all. They then, for the sake of harmony and good-will, laid aside all party issues and all party tests, and simply asked that all men of all parties who, like themselves, were devoted to the Union should step forward and act with them, not for party, but for the Union. It seems to me that more could not have been asked with fairness nor yielded with self-respect. The other orgiii ization is divided. It is torn asunder. With the present condition of the country, whoever is not in favor of upholding the Government is aga'.nst it. And, my friends, it seems to me that if we could once la}^ aside all dissensions on this subject, and, as a united people, rally round this admiui-tration, we conld soon carry the war to a successful is.sue and place the country in a position it is entitled to occupy. Now, my friends, a few words on a subject to me more delicate. As Chief Executive of the State, since the war commenced much fault has been found with me. I am a plain man, and although it may not be prudent in me as a candidate to speak in regard to these matters, yet I propose to say some things to you in a very plain way. A great many gentlemen think 1 have not been energetic enough; that I have not been efBcient enough; that I have not pushed forwai'd the work as vigorously as I should have done. That may be true. That I have committed errorsi think is not only very possible, but very probable. It would be the heighth of presumption in me to assert the contrary. I think that all of our public men have committed erroi's. Look at it ! When the President of the United States is-ued his proclamation for 75,000 men for three months the whole country arose and applauded the act. And yet this was a mistake Those three mouths men should have been three years men. We could have had them for three years 150 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. as well as for three months. If this had been done, the country wouid not have had to witness the spectacle cf whole regiments retiring from the service at the very tiroe when the roar of cannon was heard at Bull's hun ! Once enlisted for the service they could have been kept there, and the country would not have been fevered with excitement lest Washington should fall into the hands of Beauregard. I talk to you under the assumption that you are honest and patriotic men, and that it is your wish to do right; but you will pardon me if I say you expect too much of your public officers. You expect them to be what you are not yourselves — perfection. You can't expect from them exemption from error. You and I can very easily see after a thing is done whether it was rightly or wrongly done. Yet had we been called on in the first instance to meet the same exigency, we would in all probability, have committed a graver error. Now I press this thing not on my own account, because what becomes of me is of little consequence. But youh.ivethe Administration at Washington, on the support of which everything depends. < Upon you and each one of you the Administration leans for support, and I say it plainly and boldly you are not standing by that Administration as you should stand by it. You may search the history of this world over, I care not where you read its pages, and you cannot lind a government which has ever done, in the same length of time, a tithe of what has been done by this Administration in the last four months, taking into account the condition of affairs as it found them when it came into power. And yet pick up your newspapers, go into your hotel offices or reading rooms, go where you will, and, instead of finding encouragement for the good it has done, you find carping and denunciation. I came recently from Washington City, and I say to you, what I think I know, that this same spirit of faultfinding, this same spirit of denunciation, is discouraging and weakening your Administration at Washington. It has to fight Jeflf Davis and Beauregard on the one side and men who should rally round it on the other. I was pleased with a remark of President Lincoln which I saw attributed to him in a newspaper the other day. When urged to change his Cabinet, he said: "Go to work fighting the enemy and stop fighting your own friends." You will find the newspapers filled with, and you will hear wherever you go, attacks upon this man or that man in the army, the nav3' and all departments of the Government. A newspaper editor or a newspaper correspondent, perhaps withal a disappointed office seeker besides, seizes his pen and with a single dash will demolish a General in the army, a member of the Cabinet, and even the Executive of the Government himself, charging corruption to this man, imbe- cility to that, inefficiency everywhere; assailing the best men of the nation as remorselessly as you would set your foot upon a worm. This is wrong, and they who do it, do the country wrong. If you ex- THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRK WOOD. 151 pect to find public officers who commit no mistakes, then you must get archangels, and not men. And I do insist upon it that instead of hunting something to find fault with, you should strengthen and up- hold your public agents. Give them credit for what is right, and if you see that which appears to you to be wrong, remember that you may be mistaken as well as they, and even if they are wrong, attribute it to the natural imperfections of man. It has been said I have not raised men fast enough. I have raised allthat have been asked for, Iowa has poured forth her thousands as fast as called for by the General Government. It has been said that the Iowa volunteers have not been clothed as well and as rapidly as they should have been clothed. That is your fault, not mine. I had not the money to do it. You have it and I have not been furnished with it. The clothes worn by your First, Second and Third Regiments to- day have not been paid for I Not a dollar has been paid for them. Three thousand men, among them your sons and brothers, are wearing clothes which are yet unpaid for. Much fault was found with me because your soldiers at Keokuk did not receive their poor pittance of pay which they were to receive from the State for the period intervea- ing between the time of their enlistment in the service of the State and their acceptance into the service of the United States. They were there without money to buy even tobacco or postage-stamps. You know as well as I that the Executive of this State had not a dollar to advance to the soldiers. After they were mustered in at Keokuk, Ezekiel Clai'k, Hix'am Price, of Davenport, and your Speaker bor- I'owed on their private credit the money— some $30,000 — which was required to pay them, and paid it, and the debt is unsatisfied to-day. The Executive of this State drew some $5,000 out of the State Treas- ury, which he had no more right by law to take for that purpose than any one of you; but it was a case of extreme necessity. Tiie balance we borrowed on our individual credit, and you owe it to us now. If there be a fault in this connection, on whom does it rest? I do not like to say these things, but justice to myself compels me to say them. The people of Iowa have not furnished their Executive with money for the expenditures which he was required by law to make as they should have done. The bank of this city holds my protested notes for $6,000, and [ have borrowed so much that I thought it was $12,000 till 1 called at the bank to-day and inquired. I was absent from home last week and found, on my return, notices of protested paper of mine to the amount $6,000 more, and not less than seven of those little tickets which bankers send out to give notice of notes falling due. Now, it is not agreeable to a man who has hitherto kept his commercial credit unimpaired thus to find it dishonored, and it is slill more displeasing when he is cursed all over the State for not doing what he was power- less to accomplish, and it is right you should know it. 152 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKAVOOD. But let US pass from this. It is not agreeable to you nor to me. 1 only mention it because it is right you should know here that the clothes that your sons and brothers are wearing to-day are not paid for. not because 1 am unwilling to pay for them, but because I have not the means. It is right that you should know that the money your boys had did not come from your State Treasury, but was borrowed upon individual credit and is not yet refunded. You should at least eudeavor to help furnish the means to refund this money by subscrib- ing for State bonds. I grew ijathetic in a newspaper appeal, a few da3's since, asking j^ou to subscribe for State bonds. Now there is scarcely a man of you who, if life, limb or property were at stake, could not take $103 at least of Iowa State bonds, and thus furnish the means to carry on this work and have it done right. And let me say plainly — though as a candidate I ought not to talk so to j^ou — that, in so doing, you would be performing your duty, as well as in carping and fault-finding. Now, I am probably making a mistake. I don't know. I ought perhaps to make handsome vows, speak soft and honied words, things I cannot do; but I will tell you the truth, as I understand and believe it, and if you don't like it, j^ou have the remedy in your own hands, you know. But it is due to you for me to mention what Iowa has already done in this war. She has sent into the field and has now in active service in Missouri, counting the Iowa First — and every man in Iowa will love to count the Iowa First [loud and long-continued applause] — seven thousand men ! She has in camp at Keokuk 1,000 men under Col. Bussey. She has in Burlington another full regiment of cavalry under Col. Warren. She has in Iowa City a regiment of infantry, consisting of 9G0 men, waiting the arrival of another company of 100 men to complete the regiment, which was to have been under the command of Col. Bennett. And here let me say of Col. Bennett, he has acted the patriot as well as the soldier. He has acted the man. When he found that his appointment as Colonel would cause heartburnings and dissensions, he said to me, "Place me where you please, but have the regiment formed." [Applause.] This was wlat Col. Bennett did. At Davenport there is a full regiment of infantry, commanded by Col. Hoffman, and a full regiment of cavalry, whose regimental officers have not yet been appointed. We have, I hope, to-day at Dubuque a full regiment of infantry under Col. Van- dever. That is what Iowa has done. It is what your State authorities have done without money to do it with; but I will not speak of that again, for I am satisfied you would rather hear of something else. And now what more should I talk to you about. I will not talk about myself any longer. Let us look for a moment at the cause of this unholy Rebellion ! Why is it that many a mother's eye is wet with tears to-night for the brave ones who have fallen on the battle- field? Why is it? Why is it that Iowa is pouring forth her sons by THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 153 thousands to engage in this contest? Why have our bi-ave men been shot clown in Missouri? Why do we mourn the loss of men by death at Springtield? Why is it that the battle at Manassas has bi'ought sor- row and affliction to thousands of homes in the East? I ask these questions because where the responsibility for a.l this rests there X'ests a burden which bends men to the earth. Why is it that the men of the North meet the men of Virginia, Missouri and the South to desolate each other's fields and burn each other's houses? It is not in nature that we should desire to kill each other. We are brethren of the United States of America. Why, then, this strife? Why is it? It is just because an attempt is made to strike down our government, the best the world ever saw That is wh}'. What is the meaning of a republican form of government? It means this: that the people of a country have sense, intelligence and honor and energy enough to gov- ei'n the country. You good people of Des Moines manage Des Moines' affairs, it does not go upon the theory that the people may not some- times make mistakes, but it does go upon the theory that men have the intelligence to see those mistakes and correct them. That is the theory of a republican system of government Now, after a battle of four long years, the Republican pai'ty came into power last fall, or rather were elected last fall and came into power on the 4th of March last. Our Southern friends rebelled at that election. They said mistakes and wrongs had been committed. Very well. What was their bounden duty? It was to appeal to the intelli- gence and honesty of the people. Nearly all the South, and some of our Northern friends, said a mistake had been committed, and said they would not trust to the good faith, intelligence and honesty of the people to correct it, but would right their wrongs by arms. This is what our Southern brethren have done. They have said they will not submit. If they have such rights as these, then a republican form of government is not a govei'nment, because such attributes crush out its vitality. Suppose we Republicans, four years ago, had said, "We will not submit to be ruled by a President constitutionally elected." Sup- pose when Buchanan was elected in 1856 the minority had said, "We will not trust a majority of the people to correct mistakes, but we will resort to arms." Then we would have had our Rebellion four years ago instead of now. Establish this precedent and you may look for a rebellion every four yeai's. The defeated party would always appeal to arms for what they claimed they should have. The United States would thus be converted into another Mexico on a larger scale. Even those who have placed themselves on the Mahony platform condemn the Administration, because they say ii is imbecile and not strong and energetic enough. The Administration has done its duty, It has dealt with those in rebellion as an indulgent parent would deal with a froward child. It has forborne to strike. It has dealt with those men ir»4 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. mildly, leniently, generously. It sought to conciliate them, but failed. The time has come, and I am glad to see it, when a different policy is to be pursued. This policy is forshadowed in the late proclamation of Gen. Fremont, in Missouri. [Tremendous applause.] The late Admin- istration had the power to put down this most wicked Rebellion in its beginning by a Single effective blow, but it let the opportunity pass; The present Administration has come to a point where it is deter- mined to pitt down this rebellion by a sti'ong hand. It has sought by every means in the world to bring the rebels back to their duty. I think it has done x'ight. It was bound to exhaust every honorable means of conciliation before it resorted to extreme measures. I do think, viewing the subject from my standpoint, there never was a more causeless and wicked i-ebellion. This government has given the South prosperity, security, peace. It did not inflict a blow till they became so arrogant and ovei'bearing that the war became a necessity for national existence. They had grown as no people ever had before, cursed with such institutions as they have. It has protected them, supported them, nourished them. And because a majority have ex- ercised their constitutional right and duty to control and regulate national affairs, they have declared that if they could not rule they would ruin. And now, my friends, what is our duty? We must put down REBELLION. Somc gentlemen say "Peace." They say, "You cannot subdue and subjugate the South and have them live peaceably with you." They say, "The South are determined to go, and why not let them go in peace?" But when you yield that much, you sign the death warrant of your government ! If the Southern States may secede to-day, the Northwestern States may to-morrow. If the South may rebel this year, then New England may next. Establish the doc- trine of secession any where, you leave no life, no vitality, in your whole system of government. It sinks at once from the rank of nations, becomes what Mexico is, a hissing and a byword, and leaves you no security for life, liberty or property. It cannot be in the nature of things. There are but two ways. You must either put the rebels down or the rebels will put you down. You cannot compromise with them. You cannot establish peace with them. You cannot con- ciliate them. Will you have the mouth of the Mississippi river closed by Louisiana? Will you allow the inhabitants of the Lower Mississippi to toll the produce of the Upper Mississippi? You will not do it. You cannot do it. Your fathers risked a war to acquire that river, and their sons will fight to maintain it. [Deafening applause.] A thousand plans may be suggested for a peaceful solution of this question, and yet you must reject them all. Recognize the Southern Confederacy and you cannot keep peace with them five years. There are some strange characteristics in this contest. We are in the habit of attrib- THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 155 uting to our Southern friends honor, chivalry, highmindeduess; and they attribute to us avarice, cowardice, venality. And yet, underlying all this, there are shown to be contrary attributes in each. What is the theory of this rebellion? What uiidei'lies it? The very grossest, material: the theory that no man has any higher motive to action th;ih the aggi'andizemeiit of self. The. South said "Cotton is King! "They said if war is inaugurated the pockets of the North would suffer. They said you would lose your markets for manufactured and agricultural products; that your factories would be closed in the East; that the grain would rot in your store houses in the West, and that you would thus be brought to terms. All this showed what they believed to be the governing principle in the North. How has this been met? How have the people of the North met this question when it was forced upon them? When your trade was bi'ought low, your max'ts closed and your shipping lying idle in your harbor, how was this question met? How did you respond to the call of the President to rally round the National flag? The world has never seen a spectacle such as has been exhibited by the people of the North in the support of this gov- ernment since the commencement of this war. It is shown to be untrue that cotton is king. Pennsylvania might as well claim that coal is king. New York mighfas well claim that commerce is king. The great Northwest might equally claim that corn is king. But all these claims are untrue, and it brings us back again to the Bible truth that there is but one king, the Everlasting God, and him only should we serve. [Applause]. We have faith in Him, and it is around this faith that our sentiments of right, justice and truth will forever cluster. Before that faith southern chivalry will go down. There is something in the north higher than materialism. No opposition here or elsewhere can put it down. Those who have taken up arms against federal authority will not and cannot succeed in putting it down. And I tell you, my friends, no convention can be got up which can smother that principle, and the men who seek to crush it out will be ground to powder before it. [Upi'oarous and long continued applause]. You may call conventions for the purpose of obstructing the path of this government, but they will fail, let them marshall their forces under the name of Democracy or whatever they will. I know the force of that organization. I know as well as any other man the power of the Democratic party, but I tell those men who attempt to array the masses of the people against the Administra- tion, State or National, that is endeavoring to pi'osecute the war, that they cannot succeed. I do not care whether they attempt to do so by the publication of insidious falsehoods, in incendiary sheets, by politi- cal conventions, bj' seeking to discredit the bonds of the State, by the cry that they are unconstitutional or otherwise. [Cheers and cries of good]. 156 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Now, my friends, I told you when I commenced I had made no preparation for an elaborate speech. I have had no order in what 1 have said; but I have tried to bring before you these few ideas. In the first place, that although the Republican administration which came into power on the fourth of March last, surrounded by unusual diffi- culties, found all the offices of the government filled by members of the opposition party; it has shown a degree of liberality toward it» opponents that could have scarcely been looked for. It is true it might have been well if no purely partisan ticket had been nominated at this time. It might have been well if all political organizations for the time being had been forgotten; but our Union friends showed a studied desii'e to avoid affiliation with the dominant party. At the same time our Democratic friends have shown a studied desire to ignore and have nothing to do with the Republican party. The gen- tlemen who control the Union movement have never placed them- selves en rapport with the Republican party, but have shown a settled, deliberate and wilful purpose to co-operate rather with the Demo- cratic party of the State. They did not fix the day for holding their convention near to the day the Republicans had selected for holding theirs. They have not coquetted with us in anyway. It may not have been their bounden duty to do so. I don't know— it may be so. But this I do know, they have asked no less of the Republican party than to abandon their organization; and knowing the purpose of political human nature, I know they did not expect us to do it when they asked it. When the Republicans met in convention they carefully excluded from their platform everything that could offend a Douglass Demo- crat, a "Union" man, or even a Mahoney Democrat and when we asked the Union men to come with us, we being organized and having strength, they said "no." Thej'^ ask us to abandon our organization in which is strength, and go over to them who have no organization, and trust to Providence and the chapter of acci' dents for the result. [Laughter]. There is I am sorrj' to say it, there is an organized party that does not look this question of rebellion fairly in the face. Their conduct, not so intended perhaps, is doing more to strengthen Jeff Davis and his forces than if the same number of men comprising this party should go down and join their army with arms in their hands. There is an organization in this State to-day that will go to the polls on the 8th day of October, and which if it elects its can- didates, will strengthen the hands of the traitors by proclaiming that there is a divided north! When that day comes you will be astonished at the strength of that party. And what do the People's party propose to do? They propose to divide the Union strength of this State into two parties, and thereby run the risk of placing the control of the State in tlie hands of men who apologized for and even sympathized with tieason. That is what they ask us to do. They do not intend THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. l57 by the resolutions passed a few da3's since to give aid to the disunion party in this State; but by their action they afford to the disunion party their onlj' possible chance of success, by dividing the strength of the Union vote of the State between the two tickets. That's clear. I do not presume they intend that, but if there is any means by which this thing can be done it can only be done in that way. Mr. Mason can only be elected by the division of the Union party. Our Union friends ask of us who have a party which has strength, to go over to them who have I think but little [^trength. They ask of us, who for several years have carried the election of our candidates by uuequivo- cal majorities, to divide our strength, abandon our position, leave oi.r entrenchments and fortifications, and expose ourselves and them to attacks in front and rear, surrounded by an enemj' and have the whote camp captured! I would like to speak to you further of personal matters, but I will not do it because you cannot divest yourself of the belief that I am talking J or myself. I am solicitous that the Union cause in this State and nation should be successful. I ask j^ou to bring to this subject the .-■ame calm, sound sense that you do to j-our own private affairs, and such as you usually do when you wish to accomplish an individual end. There is one subject, my friends, on which I wish to make a few remarks before I close, and that is with reference to affairs in Wash- ington City and your duty to the administration there. You Douglass men may think there is not sufficient energy manifested in the prose- cution of the war. Very well, I may think so. You may think Simon Cameron, the Secretary of War, a bad man. I may think so too, but I think him a badly abused man. You may think he does wrong, but you cannot rely on all you hear. I was recently in Washington City and had to pass three days in the War Department, and I found the rooms of that department full every day. Nine-tenths of the men who were there, were there for place and for plunder and they were not all Republicans either by a great deal. [Laughter]. They consumed the time of the department that should have been given to other matters. They go there and force themselves on public men; and when they go away as thousands of them do disappointed, they brand the man as corrupt and imbecile who disappoints them. They get some scribbler to vprite something to the newspapers charging incompetency and venality on the officers of the government. That is the way a great deal of that sort of thing is done. Hundreds and thousands of news- paper slanders are got up by men who have been disappointed in get- ting contracts. But for the swarms of these men in Washington, crowding all the avenues of the Capital, the War Department would be able to devote its energies more effectively to its legitimate duties. As I told you before, I was in the hall of that department before I 158 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. could titjd the men whom I wanted to see. Why they even got to know 1 was Governor of Iowa, and they never forgot me! The reason this was so, probabl}'^ because I looked so much unlike other Governors- [Great laughter]. But even with the advantage of my official position and a knowledge by the department of the pi-essiug nature of my busi- ness, I was unable for some time to reach the presence of the Secre- tary of War. I do not believe that Mr. Cameron is open to the charges preferred against Jjim. I do not believe a word of them. I do think lie allows too much of his time to be given to his friends, and to be imposed upon by them, but that he is a corrupt man I do not believe. Let me say to my Democratic friends that in my judgment they have nothing to complain of relative to the manner in which appointments have been disposed of by the War Department. Have you been ig- nored? Have you been treated as outsiders in this contest? Look at high military names that have been brought before the country since the commencement of this war! Are they those of Republicans merely .' Look at appointments which, as executive of the State, I myself have made! Have I ignored you my Democratic friends? Douglass Demn- crats, aye Breckenridge Democrats, have been pei'mitted to divide with Republicans the best military appointments of the State! Look at every loyal State in this Union and you will find a spirit of liberality' manifested by Republicans in the dispensation of offices and patron- age, such as you never showed to jour opponents when you were in power. Go back to the history of the Mexican war. Tell me the name of a single Whig who was placed in high command by President Polk. General Scott was In command before the commencement of the war. The same was true of General Taylor. Tell me, if you please, what Whigs were ever placed in high military command by President Pierce? You cannot do it. Your party never practiced this kind of liberality to your foes. I know it because I was once of you and among yuu [Laughter and Applause]. The Democratic party always made it a principle to confer the spoils of office on its friends. As partisans you were wise. You were never known to extend re- wards to your enemies. You always held these in reserve for your friends. The consequence was that you rallied a Spartan band around you, who with the spoils of victory ever before them, labored with the efficiency with which a compact party always labors. The Republican party has not displayed that kind of wisdom. They have rewarded their enemies. Go into every State in which the Republicans are the dominant party, you will find that that party, eschewdng the world. 3' wisdom displayed so long and so successfully by the Democrats, and looking rather to th ■ good of the whole country, lavishing the highest offices upon Democrats as well as Republicans. It has been made a subject of complaint against me in Washington as well as here, that I have given too many places tp paembers of the Democratic party THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEIi .T KIRKWOOH. 159 that I have filled important offices with political opponenu. What reason then have you for opposition to the Republican party? You know that it is devoted faithfully and zealously to the support of the National administiatiou, to the prosecution of the war and the perpet- uation of the Union. Your Democratic party is in no essential respect a Union party, and you know it. Why then should we incur the hazard of throwing the State administration of Iowa into the hands of men whose party platform, and whose affiliations show that they have little sympathj^ with the Union cause. My friends, the proudest day of my life was during my recent trip to Washington city. I called to see the Adjutant-General, Mr. Thomas, to ask a favor of him for the benefit of the Iowa volunteers. He had been in military service nearly all his life, and of course had all the regard for volunteers which officers of the regular army generally en- tertain. This was before the battle of Wilson's Creek, or at least before we had received news of the result. 1 asked of him an order to have the companies composing the First Regiment of Iowa Volunteers paid off in the several counties of their residence. They had not received any money due them from the United States since they left Iowa. I knew the boys had had a hard campaign, and I was anxious they should have the full comfort of their earnings at home. He told me that the first thing I would know would be that our Iowa volunteers in Mis- souri would leave Gen. Lyon in the lurch, as certain Pennsylvania and New York volunteers left McDowell at Manassas. I told him the Iowa boys would not do it, that they would do their duty, if not, that not a lady would kiss them on their return to this State [Laughter]. The Adjutant-General declined to issue the order as I requested, and referred me to his assistant. The latter issued it just as I wanted it. In the meantime the news of the battle of Wilson's Creek, and of the gallant manner in which the First Iowa Regiment cond ;cted them- selves after their term of enlistment had expired, reached Washington. I then took occasion to walk over to the War Department, and every man who saw me had to shake hands with me, and placing my hat at an angle of forty-five degrees, I stalked through the building as though I owned it — and they let me [Tremendous Cheers]. I tell you my friends that was a proud day for Iowa in Washington. It was glory enough for any man there, to hail from this State. And all of this was because our bi'ave boys down at Wilson's Creek did their duty [Applause]. They gave us a name such as we never had before. Go where you will through the length and breadth of the land, and you hear nothing but praises of their noble conduct. I went to Philadel- phia from Washington, and by mistake got into the Continental Hotel —the largest one there. At first nobody knew me, nobody paid any attention to me, but when they heard I was from Iowa, I could have had the whole house to myself if I had wanted it [Laughter and Cheers]. 160 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Now, my friends, I have but little more to say. The eastern counties of this State had an advantage in raising men under the first call for volunteers. The men composing the First Iowa Regiment were all from the eastern part of the State, and one company from the town in which I live was among them. The Iowa City company went into the battle of Wilson's Creek with sixty-four men, and sixteen of the number came out bearing marks of the conflict upon them. I have talked with members of that regiment, and have heard their recital of the hardships, sufferings and perils they endured, and I wish the men assembled in the late Democratic convention in your city, who refused, as I am informed, to pass certain resolutions approving the conduct of those brave men, could hear what I have heard, if they could hear it they would hide their heads in shame. Voice — They did pass the resolutions afterward. Governor. Gov. KiEKWOOD — I am sorry they had to think twice and then wait more than a month before they could adopt them [Applause]. I have not seen a report of the proceedings of that convention, but was in- formed that such was its action. Now, so far as I am concerned, it is a matter of very little conse- quence whether I shall be re-elected to the office of Governor or not. Don't give a thought to me personally. I was not anxious that my name should go before the Republican convention. I wish I could have declined without dishonor. But my friends have placed me in nomination, and I am prepared to abide the result. This Govei*nment must be sustained, and the question is bow is it best to be done? Let no personal considerations stand between you and the discharge of your dut}'. Keep fixed in your mind this idea that the value of our National Government is above all compulation; that the Stai's and Stripes must be sustained; and that if, in your judgment, my election as your State executive would not contribute something to these re- sults, no man would be better satisfied with your judgment than my- self, although politically I never should be heard of again [Loud Ap- plause] " CHAPTER IX. Proclamation — More Troops Called For — Makes a Speech at Davenport — Letter to W. C. Sipple — Aj^points Col. E. C. Nutt One of Eis Aids — Bad State of Affairs on the Missouri Border — Troops Baised for Slate Service — Col. Moreledge — Ee Enters Missouri with Eis Begiment — Col. O. M. Dodge sent to the Border with the Fourth Iowa — Col. John Edwards on the Border — Ee Bcports to the Governor — Governor A])- points Judge Eubbard One of Eis Aids — Instructions to Eim — Writes CoVs Bussey, Baldwin, Edwards and Eubbard — Indian Massacre in Minnesota — Gov. K. Telegraj)hs Sec'y Stanton-^ Wants Troops and Arms — Commission to Col. S. B. Ingham — Posts Established — Com- panies Baised — Stockades and Block Eouses Built. On the 10th of September, the Governor issued the fol- lowing PROCLAMATION. Fellow Citizens OF Iowa : -More soldiers are required for the war. 1 therefore appeal to your patriotism to complete at once the quota demanded of our State. Six regiments of infantry and two of cavalry, composed of your friends, your neighbors and your relatives, are now in the field. Three more regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, composed of the same precious materials, are now in camp nearly organized, and eager to join their brothers in arms who have preceded them, and still four more regiments are required. Will you permit these patriots who have gone forth animated with the spirit of their cause, to remain unsupported, and to fight alone the battles that are imminent? Remember that they will not fight for themselves alone; it is your cause as well as theirs in which they are engaged. It is the cause of the Government, of home, of country, of freedom, of humanity, of God himself. It is in this righteous cause that I call upon the manhood and patriotism of the State for a cordial and hearty rC' sponse. The gallant achievements of our noble Iowa First, have bestowed upon our State an imperishable renown. Wherever fortitude is ap^ predated, and valor recognized as the attributes of a brave and great- liearted people, the Iowa volunteer is greeted with pride and applause. Shall it be said that you were unworthy the great deeds wtiieh were done in your behalf by that regiment of heroes, that you were laggard in the noble work which they so well begun? Shall tlie fair fame of 161 1G2 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOn. the State which they have raised to the highest point of greaiiiess, lose its luster through your backwardness to the call of your country, made in the holiest cause that has ever engaged the efforts of a people? With you rests the responsibility. Men alone are wanted. Arms, equipments, liberal pay, the applause and gratitude of a Nation await the volunteers. I cannot believe you will prove insufficient for the occasion when you know your country's need. Two regiments of those yet needed; are required for the defense of our own borders against the incursion of predatory tribes of Indians. While our loyal armies have been engaged with civilized traitors in a deadly struggle for the supremacy of the Government, the maintenance of the Consti- tution, the enforcement of the laws, and the protection of innocent and defenseless citizens, our own borders have become exposed to the ravages of savages. Some of the lawless tribes are now in league with the leaders of the rebellion in Arkansas and Missouri. Others have been incited by them to seize this opportunity to prey upon the de- fenseless inhabitants of our State. Some of our sparsely settled counties imperatively demand protection, and they must have it. Four regiments in addition to those now organizing are needed. They must be had speedily. I hope for the good name of our State they will be furnished without resort to any other mode than that here- tofore so successfully adopted. Let those who cannot volunteer lend encouragement and assistance to those who can. Let everyone feel that there is no more important work to be done until these regiments 9.1*6 fillfid SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. On the evening of the second of October at Davenport, the Governor made the second one of the only two speeches made by him in the canvass, and though not reported it was probably in some respects a repetition of the one made at Des Moines. One of the editors of the Davenport Gazette who heard it, and who was afterwards one of his staff offi- cers, in writing of it the next day, concluded his article with, "One thing we may say and with confidence, it is unanswera- ble. Altogether the meeting was a triumph for the Gov- ernor and his policy, which the audience frequently demon- strated by long continued and enthusiastic applause." N, B. Baker, the Governor's able Adjutant General, who had been nominated for and declined the office of Governor on the Union ticket, followed in defense of the Governor, exposing some of the meanness resorted to by some to defeat THE LIFE AND TIME OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 163 him, expressing his indignation and contempt of them and their actions. Hiram Price and Ben Rector, of the Second Cav- alry, followed in eloquent and powerful arguments in favor of the Republican State ticket. So onerous were the duties devolving upon the Governor, and so threatening were the disturbances on our southern liorder by rebel guerrillas and bushwhackers, and on the northwest from the raids of hostile Indians, that in addition to the appointment of Hon. Caleb Baldwin of Council Bluffs. Col. John Edwards of Chariton, and A. W. Hubbard of Sioux City, were clothed by him with all the authority vested in himself, to do all that was necessary in their respective localities for the preservation of peace and the protection of the lives and property of the citizens of the State. Fremont was the county in which most trouble was had with Missouri rebels and home traitors. W. C. Sipple, the president of the Board of Supervisors of this county, was supposed to be in sympathy with the rebels across the line, aid traitors at home, and was desirous of getting control of I he troops raised in his county for home protection, or hav- ing that control in the hands of some one allied with him in his treasonable purposes. A communication was sent from the Board of Supervisors, over which he presided, charging all wrongs done and outrages committed there to the ' 'Jay- hawkers," a nickname given to ardent Union men. In reply the Governor writes: Executive Office, Iowa, | January 18, 1862. S W. C. Sipple, Esq., President Board of Supervisors, Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa: SvR:—l have just received a communication from the Board over which you preside, touching the present unfortunate state of affnirs in your county. I have already sent to your county my aid, Lieut. -Col H. C. Nutt, to invesiigate the situation of affairs and to take such ste; s as may be necessary to preserve the public peace. The condition of affairs on the southern border of your county is very unfortunate, and I intend to use all the means in my power to ^.fford protection to oxxx 164 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. citizens. It has been suggested to me that the public peace has been jeopardized by these facts: 1st — That rebels and sympathizers from Missouri, who have made tlieraselves peculiarly obnoxious to Union men there, by their out- r.igeous conduct, have fled to this State and are now in your county with their property to avoid vengeance from those whom they for- merly outraged. 2nd — That the same class of persons in Missouri, who cannot leave are sending their property into your county for protection from con- llbcation. 3rd— That these men have sympathizers in your county who harbor, these men aud conceal their property. 4th — That the Union men in Missouri who have suffered from the outi'ages of these persons are thus tempted to invade our State for the purpose of punishing them. I have instructed Col. Nutt to investi- gate these alleged facts and report to me fully thereon. Should I find the allegations to be correct, 1 shall take measures to relieve your lieople from this difficulty. Whilst I intend to protect our people from outrage and invasion, I also intend that our State shall not 1 e exposed to danger of both by becoming an asylum for rebels aud their property. I trust I shall have your assistance in effecting this t)bject, and that yoa will impress upon your citizens the impolicy of exposing themselves to the dangers they bring upon themselves and their neighbors, by harboring either rebels or their property. The communication stated that Fred Rector, Esq., late acting County Judge of your county, had been authorized to organize the militia of your county, and "that when he had succeeded in organiz- ing a sufficient force to protect the county he was, without any reason, deprived of his authority," This is a grave error. The reason that Judge Rector's authority was annulled was, that I was credibly informed that his loyalty to our government was doubted; that he was alleged to be of a class some- what numerous in your county, whose sympathies are much stronger for rebels than Union men. No man whose position is not above bus- ])icion on this point can receive any authority from me, if I know his position, or can retain it a moment longer than the knowledge reaches me, if I have the power to annull it. Col. Hedges of your county has lieen authorized to organize your militia, and I do not see any good reason why his authority should be revoked and given to Judge Hodges. Col. Hedges is represented to me as an eflicient man, and hisloyaUy is undoubted. The State arms now in your county are in the hands ot good and loyal men, and I do not see the necessity of placing theui elsewhere. If there should be any further disturbance of the peace of your county, the men who now have the arms can use them as well as others. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 165 Col. Nutt will, on request, exhibit his instructions. Any aid you can render him will no doubt be thankfully received. Very respectfully, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. In localities along the southern border where Union men in Missouri were in the minority, they were often driven from their homes and they took refuge in Iowa to save them- selves from persecution and destruction at the hands of the rebels, but in retaliation, in communities where Union men were the strongest, a portion calling themselves or being called by others "Jayhawkers," retaliated on the rebels when the latter for their own safety betook themselves and took with them their live stock and other property to secure places in Iowa, where they were shielded from harm by their Cop- perhead sympathizers and friends. This state of affairs was producing a civil war within our own limits. To meet these difficulties a military district was formed, to be known as the "Western Division of Iowa Volunteer Militia," and State troops were raised for service in this territory, and if neces- sary when called there for service in the adjoining part of Missouri. The Governor never sent these troops across the border, but permitted them to go when called there, saying he would protect them in all they did while in Iowa, but they must do that for themselves when they got across the line, as he had no authority to send them there. John R. Moreledge raised a regiment for service here, and on the fifth of that month, at the hour of midnight, he was called upon by the Union men of Nodaway county, Missouri, to come to their rescue, as the rebels were about to overpower them and drive them from their homes. This call was re- sponded to, and 250 men marched at daylight the next morning thirty -three miles, remaining' three days and taking sixty prisoners, when Col. Tuttle with a portion of the sec- ond Iowa, a regiment raised for United States service in the south, arrived upon the ground, when Col. Moreledge with his command returned home. 16(5 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Two more expeditions were made into Missouri by Col. Morelcdge's regiment, one on the 10th of July, and the other on the 28th of August. On these expeditions they were joined by Col. Cranor of the Missouri militia, with his regiment, going at one time as far as St. Joseph, accumula- ting troops on their way till they numbered 3,000. They drove the rebels, far outnumbering them, through the town, where the latter had robbed the Union men and Union stores of such things as they wanted to the amount of |40,000. Col. G. M. Dodge, who was in command of the Fourth Iowa at Council Bluffs, under instructions from Judge Bald- win, broke camp on the 23d of July and went down to assist in quelling the disturbances on the border. As a compro- mise had been entered into by the Unionists and Secessionists to suspend hostilities, he returned after going forty miles east of Clarinda and within thirteen miles of the Missouri line. On his return, among other things, he reports: "There is no doubt but that great excitement exists on both sides of the line. My scout which 1 sent out canvassed pretty thoroughly all the counties in northwest Missouri, and found that the rebels of that section were fearing an invasion from Iowa equally as much as the people of southern Iowa were from Missouri. * * * Gentry and Nodaway counties are now nearly vacated, crops are neglected and farms for miles deserted." Col. John Edwards, reporting on the 28th of July, says: "At least 1,500 citizens of Iowa left their harvest fields and families and rushed into Missouri to the relief of the Union men. These citi- zens were armed in every conceivable way, without officers, system or drill. Had the rebels displayed sufficient nerve and skill they might have killed or captured them all; or had a general engagement taken place, our citizens, without officers, system or drill, might have .slaughtei-ed each other. The loj^al men of Missouri subsisted our peo- \)]e without charge, and did all they could to make them comfortable while they were thei'e, often spending their last dollar for that pur- pose. On account of the excitement and constant alarm along the border, our citizens lost much valuable time by constantly hurrying to arms; therefore a vast amount of grain was lost in the fields un- harvested." THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 1G7 In the fall of 1862 four battallions were raised for the defense of the Southern border, to be known as the "South- ern Border Brigade." Two of these battallions had two companies each, and the other two three each. The disturb- ances in Fremont county continuing and increasing, collisions between parties of Union men and Secessionists, often with fatal results, and calls from leading citizens for relief being urgent, in January, 1862, Lieut. -Col. H. C. Nutt was com- missioned by the Governor to go into that county and learn all the facts in the case, which he did. The Lieutenant- Colonel, after reciting all the facts in the case as learned by him, concludes with: "I think immediate danger of trouble has passed, but I still think there should be some Federal troops sent there, more to arrest Seces- sionists and Secession property, that have made Iowa an asylum, than to protect us from invasion; but the officer placed in command should be number one in every respect. A few arrests of men and property would not only end their frequent occurrence, but forever end the difficulty." The history of our country does not record an instance in which the Governor of a State had so much labor imposed upon him at one time, and so little to do it with, as was saddled upon Governor Kirkwood during the first two years of the Civil War, and he had to call to his assistance all the help within his reach. "Writing to Senator Grimes to have him do some business for the State with the War Depart- ment, not in the line of a Senator's duty, he writes: "I know I am boring you. but I have been bored so much myself 1 have no bowels of compassion for any one else." He had upon his hands all at one time the burden of three wars: One with the Missouri Secessionists and Iowa Cop- perheads on the southern border; one with the murderous, copper-skinned Indians in the northwest, and the third rais- ing and sending forward the State's quota of troops for the War of the Rebellion; and all of these required prompt, decisive, persevering, intelligent action, performed with 168 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOU, sleepless energy and activity. It required more labor than one man, though he might be a calm, clear-sighted, able, energetic statesman, full of executive ability could accom- plish without the best of help. To meet, in part, this difficulty in the northwest, on the 12th of June the Governor writes Hon. A. W. Hubbard, of Sioux City: "From information received from yourself and others, there is reasonable ground to apprehend difficulties in your Judicial District "The great distance from the exposed points to my residence, and the consequent delay in communicating with me, together with the probable necessity for pi'ompt action, renders it, in my judgment, desirable that I give a large discretionary power to some person, resi- dent in the exposed region, to act for me in case of emergency, and your well-known character for prudence, firmness, intelligence and integrity have indicated you as the proper person. I earnestly hope you may feel at liberty to accept the position for which this letter will be your authority. "If, upon careful examination of the facts, you deem it advisable so to do, you can place in quarters for discipline and drill such numbers of men in your city as, in your judgment, may be best and for such time as you may think proper. " I would suggest on this point that the regular drill of the soldiers may not be essential to the effective service of men engaged in scout- ing and Indian fighting further than is necessary to ensure a prompt obedience to orders. "Tou will, when in your judgment necessary for the protection of your people, order the men, or such part of them as you deem neces- sary, to pursue and capture any hostile bands of Indians, or to do such other service as your judgment may satisfy you is necessary for the safety of your people. " In short, I clothe you with all my power in this particular, agree- ing to adopt as my own such action as you may take in the premises. Permit me to suggest the exercise of both caution and firmness. Un- der excitement you may be urged to adopt measures that cool reflec- tion will show to be unnecessary; but be careful not to fail in doing whatever may be necessary, in your best judgment, for your defense. In a word, I rely upon your calm, cool, deliberate judgment, and will abide by the exercise of it. - "I write this because the money and means at my command are quite limited, and I desire to avoid the slightest unnecessaiy expense, while doing promptly and fully all the public interest may demand. You may feel some delicacy in assuming this responsibility, fearing THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 169 that iu some particulars your action may not meet my approval. On that head, I have this to say: Although it is quite possible that wore I on the ground, your judgment and mine might differ as to the proper action on some particular question, as the minds of men seeking the same result will frequently differ as to the means of obtaining it, yet I am prepared to adopt and stand by whatever you may do." On the following day he wrote as follows: 'The Commissioners have determined that but $400,000 of State bonds shall be issued. This, I am sorry to say, is $100,000 less than I deem absolutely necessary, and places me in a very embarrassing situ- ation. Therefore, you will not contract any indebtedness on the part of the State, or incur anj' expense, unless, in your judgment, the same shall be absolutely and imperiously required for the protection of the lives and the property of your people, and for that you will have to await a further sale of bonds." The organization of squads and minute men for home protection was commenced early in May along the whole western and northwestern border, and it was kept up till well towards the close of the following autumn, and resulted in the establishment of a line of military posts extending from Sioux City to Spirit Lake. On the 1st of August the Governor writes to Cols. Bus- sey, Edwards, Baldwin and Hubbard, who were his aids, and who had duties to perform in defense of the southern and western borders: " I am compelled to be absent some two weeks at Washington City, looking after the clothing and equipments of the new regiments raised, and being raised, in this State for the United States Service; and also to procure, if possible, a further supply of arms for the use of the State. In the meantime, you must exercise your discretion as to the means necessary for the safety of the frontier under your care. The first object — and one that must be attained at all hazards and at any sacrifice — is to secure the lives and property of our people. You have my full authority to adopt such measures as you may deem essential to this end. "Report promptly to the Adjutant-General whatever you may find it necessai'y to do. If I succeed in procuring arms, I hope to place the border in a more efficient state of defense." The Indians under Inkpaduta had never been punished for the massacre thev committed on the defenseless inhabi- 170 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. tants in the vicinity of Spirit Lake, in the spring of 1857, and they and other Indians were in the habit of stealing horses, killing the cattle of the settlers, and committing other outrages; growing more and more bold and daring in their inroads, so much so that on the 15th of June, 1861, a band of eight or ten were in the Little Sioux Valley stealing horses and within three miles of Sioux City; Thomas Roberts and Henry Cordua, a couple of members of the Frontier Guards, were murdered by them while plowing potatoes in the field. So great was the excitement that a company of minute men from Mills county marched to the scene of difficulty, but as the Indians were not in force and had fled they returned home. In the month of September Col. Hubbard got authority from the War Department to raise a company of cavalry for frontier defense, and they were mustered into service for that purpose about the middle of November. The people along our western and northern border seemed to have a presentiment that in the bosom of the near future was hidden an immense bomb, labeled "Indian Depreda- tions, "that would soon burst upon them, and as already 20,000 of the flower of our sturdy yeomanry had been enlisted and sent from among us to fight rebels in the south, we were not in a good condition to meet the explosion of such a bomb. The little preparation we had made for the defense of our frontier, known as it was to the Indians, undoubtedly pre- vented its descent in our midst, and our sister State upon the north became the doomed object. About the middle of August, 1862, the work of devasta- tion and destruction in Minnesota began, and within a few weeks over 1,000 men, women and children were massacred, and 5, 000 were driven from their homes. Houses were pillaged and burned, stock driven off and killed, fields devastated, and women and children to the number of 250 captured and carried into captivity. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 171 Of the Indians and half breeds engaged in this massacre 425 were afterwards arrested and tried for their crimes by court martial; 321 were found guilty and 303 condemned to death. The President ordered thirty-nine of these to be hung and the remainder remanded to prison. Some of them were kept in jail at Davenport for some time, but they were finally released and turned loose on the west side of the Mis- souri river. It is supposed by some that the Indian outrages commit- ted in succeeding years were instigated by these Indians thus turned loose, in revenge for their punishment. Mr. C. E. Flandrau, in writing of this Indian war says: 'In the numbers of Indians engaged, together with their superior fighting qualities, their armament, and the country occupied by them, it ranks among the most important of the Indian wars fought since the settlement of the country on ihe Atlantic coast, but when viewed in the numbers of settlers and others massacred, the amount of property destroyed, and ihe horrible atrocities committed by the savages, it far surpasses them all." The citizens of Iowa escaped all this, in consequence of the vigilance, the alertness and pursuit by our Frontier Rangers of the small bands of roving Indians that were com- mitting these depredations on our border the year before, for at that time they learned that we were prepared to, and would give them a warm reception if they attacked us. Five hundred Iowa cavalry were afterward sent into Minnesota from Iowa to pursue and help subdue these Indians. As early as March, 1860, so fearful of Indian raids were the settlers in the northwestern part of the State, that a law was passed at that time providing for the enrollment of a company of minute men to act as a military police force to watch the Indians along the border. As soon as news was received of the descent of the Indians upon the peaceful citizens of Minnesota, and the ex- tent of their depredations, a fear that amounted to an alarm- 172 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. ing consternation, seized the whole people of the northwest part of Iowa, lest they should be subject to a like catastro- phe from the same source. To learn the true state of affairs with reference to the Indians, Geo, L. Davenport was sent by the Governor into Minnesota, and he had a conference with Gov. Ramsey of that State, who furnished him with all the facts in his pos- session, which corroborated all that had been reported as to the massacre of the population, the capture and carrying into captivity the women and children, and the plunder and pil- lage done by the Indians. Gov. Ramsey stated that he would soon have 4,000 troops, 1,000 of which would be cavalry for the protection of the Minnesota frontier, and that for 200 miles on a line extending north from Spirit Lake, in Iowa, he would erect stockade forts which would be garrisoned with fifty men each, and they would serve as a refuge for the citizens in case of an attack. This was reported to Gov. Kirkwood on the ITth of September, and Mr. Davenport adds: "I am much alarmed in regard to the safety of the settlements on the northwestern border of our State, I think they are in imminent danger of an attack at any moment, and will be in constant alarm and danger during the coming winter, as the Indians are driven back from the different parts of Minnesota towards the Missouri slope, and will make inroads upon our settlements for supplies of food and plunder. "They are much exposed to attacks from the Sioux passing from the Missouri river to Minnesota. Among the Chippewa tribe great dissatisfaction exists." On the 8th of September the following telegram was sent: Hon. Edward M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Washingt07i City: — I have reliable information that the Yankton Indians are on our western border north of the Missouri river; that they have joined with the hos- tile Indians in Minnesota and threaten our whole northwestern fron- tier. The settlers are flying by hundreds. I have ordered out five hundred mounted men. We lack arms and equipments and must have them. I beg you will order Gen. Harney to Sioux City immediately THB LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 173 to take command and put down this outbreak. There is a regiment of infantry at this point armed and equipped for United States service except tents. They had better be sent to the border to operate there under Harney, but they must have tents. The danger is imminent and nothing but prompt action can save a terrible outbreak. Gen. Harney is just the man vve need for the service. Another regiment of infantry is organizing at Council Bluffs. If this regiment could be mounted and ordered at once it would be better than to send the infantry. Something must be done. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. At the extra session of the General Assembly on the 9th of September a law was passed providing for the raising "at the earliest possible moment," a force of five hundred mounted men, and such other force as may be necessary for the protection of the northwestern frontier, and this was to be done by the Governor or some one authorized by him. At the first alarm after the Minnesota massacre before this law was passed, this commission was issued: August 29, 1863. S. R. Ingham Esq. Sir: — I am informed there is probable danger of an attack of hostile Indians on the inhabitants of the northwestern portion of our State. Arms and powder will be sent you at Fort Dodge, lead and caps will be sent with you. I hand you an order on the Auditor of State for one thousand dollars. You will please proceed at once to Fort Dodge and to such other places there as you may deem proper. Use the arms, ammunition and money placed in your hands, in such manner as your judgment may dictate, so as best to promote the protection of the inhabitants of the frontier. It would be well to communicate with Capt. Millard com- manding the company of mounted men raised for United States service at Sioux City. Place any men you may deem it advisable to raise, under his command. Use your discretion in all things, and exercise any power I could exercise If I were present, according to your best discretion. Please report to me in writing. Very respectfully your obedient servant. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. On the 10th day of September, Mr. Ingham reported, ^ iimong other things, that he had visited six counties along the border, where he found the inhabitants in a high state of excitement and alarm; that he had raised a company of forty 174 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. men, and had distributed to them and to the settlers of the different counties, arms and ammunition for their defense. Having performed his duties here, he was about to start for Sioux City, when he learned that the Legislature had passed an act providing for frontier defense; when he got from the Governor, General Order No. 1 , containing seven specifications relating to the raising, organizing, etc., of the troops to be raised, and he also received this further COMMISSION. Executive Office, { Des Moines, Sept. 13, 1862. \ S. R. Ingham Esq. Sir: — You are intrusted with the organization of the forces provided by law for the defense of the northwestern frontier, and with furnish- ing them with subsistence and forage during and after their organiza- tion, also with the posting of the troops raised at such points as are best calculated to effect the object proposed, until the election of the officer who will command the entire force, and generally with the ex- ecution of the orders of this date in connection with this force. It is impossible to foresee the contingencies that may arise, rentiei'- ing necessary a change in these orders, or the prompt exercise of the powers not therein contained, and delay for the purpose of consulting me might result disastrously. In order to avoid these results as far as possible, I hereby confer upon you all the powers I myself have in this regard. You may change, alter, modify or add to the orders named, as in your sound discretion you may deem best. You may make such other and further orders as the exigencies of the case may in your judgment render necessary. In short, you may do all things necessary for the protection of the frontier as fully as I could do if I were pres- ent and did the same. The first object is the security of the frontier; the second that this object be effected as economically as is consistent with its prompt and certain attainment. All officers and citizens are enjoined to co-operate with you and yield to you the same assistance and obedience they would to me, and I hereby ratify and confirm all you may do in the premises. And you are fully authorized to employ any person or persons whom in your judgment you may deem necessaiy to assist you in the execu- tion of your commission. Very respectfully your obedient servant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRK WOOD. 175 Under this commission tive companies of fifty men each were raised, known as the Northern Border Brigade, and they chose as their commander Lieutenant-Colonel Sawyers, and they were stationed at the following places: Chain Lakes, Estherville, Acheyedaa, Peterson, Cherokee, Ida, Sac City, Correctionville, West F.ork, Little Sioux and Melbourn, thus forming, in conjunction with portions of Captain Mil- lard's company at Sioux City and Spirit Lake, a complete line of posts along the whole northwestern frontier. On the 15th of December, Lieut. -Col. Sawyers reports that at each of the following places: Iowa Lake, Estherville, Peterson, Cherokee and Correctionville, there had been built, or were in forward progress of erection, a stockade, a block house, and stables for horses, and at most places forage for the horses for winter had been cut and stacked. So complete were the preparations for defense that no attack was made, and the following spring the United States sent out a force that drove the hostile Indians into the Yellowstone country beyond Dacotah, and they have not troubled the people of Iowa since. CHAPTER X. Thanksgiving Proclamation — Letter to the President — Wants Iowa Brig- adiers — Col's Dodge, Perczel, Crocker and Elliott Recommended — Letter to Senator Grimes — Writes to an Impudent Surgeon — Letter to Col. Shaw — Soldiers Must be Treated Like Oentlemen — Oood Words and Grass not the Things to Pelt Rebels With— Letters to Col. Worth- ington — To Governor of Maine — Annual Message — Inaugural. -^ PROCLAMATION. Another year has gone, and we are brought to that period when, following the example of our Puritan fathers, we are accustomed to offer our public thanksgiving to the author of all good for His merciful providence toward us. Wonderful changes have occurred during the past year, and advei-sities seem to have ovei'taken us as a country and as a people, yet we have manifold blessings for which to be thankful. For the bounteous harvest of the field; for the general good health of the past year; for the peaceful relations we occupy with the nations abroad; for the aroused patriotic spirit of the people, which promises in due time to restore peace at home, and triumphantly ])Iace our civil and religious institutions of freedom on a firmer foundation than ever before; for these and many other blessings we have abundant cause for Christian gratitude. With civil war raging in our midst, the ban- ner of rebellion along all our southern border, hostile armies marching to the conflict, and wails of mourning already swelling from thousands of stricken hearts and households, that we can still recognize manifold (causes of gratitude and acknowledge His kindly providence and con- fidently place our trust in His hand to control this storm for the nation's good, may entitle us to the renewed favor of Him who doeth all things well. To this end I, Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor of the State of Iowa, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 28th day of November, as a daj' of thanksgiving, and I earnestly recommend the people of the State to abstain on that day from their usual avocations and assemble in their respective places of worship, to offer thanks, prayer and praise to Him in whose mercy now more than ever is our great trust. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, Governor of Iowa. 1T6 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 177 On the 4th of December, 1861, bat little more than seven months after the first call for troops was made, the Governor wrote the President as follows: His Excellency the President: — The State of Iowa has uow in the field and in camp, waiting arms and equipments, fourteen regiments of infantry and four of cavalry, I feel that I can justly say, and am proud to say, that so far as they have been tried either on the battle- field or in the scarcely less arduous duties of camp life in Missouri, they have shown themselves to be at least equal to any other troops in the service. For some reason this State has not been very highlj- fa- vored in the distribution of Brigadier-Geueralsliips. Brig. -Gen. Cur- tis was appointed during the summer, and was the only lirigadier- General from this State, until the quite i-ecent appointment of Brig.- Gen. McKean, and these two are all yet appointed from this State. Were this a matter involving the mere proportion of otficers, I think I would not be disposed to press it upon your attention. But it in- volves more. Our regiments are scattered among brigades heretofore in all cases commanded by Brigadiers from other States, and composed mainly of troops from the State whence the Brigadier in command comes. Under these circumstances, it is but natui'al that our troops should fear their commanding officer would feel partial to the troops from his own State, and perhaps but natural that officers should feel that partiality. I have learned satisfactorily that the opinion prevails extensively among the troops from this State, that they have been un- fairly dealt by in having had assigned to them the most laborious and tlie least desirable duty in Missouri, and that in the report of the battle of Belmont, gross injustice has been done them, and I am sorry to be compelled to say, that in my judgment this opinionisiiot wholly with- out foundation. This seems to me to bean unfortunate state of affairs, and one that should not be sutTered to continue, if it can be readily avoided. I therefore very respectfully propose that you appoint from this State a number of Brigadier-Generals, sulHcient to take command of our troops, and that our troops be brigaded and placed under the command of these officers. It seems to me that a spirit of State pride will in tliis way be called into action that will tell well in the service, and at the same time all cause of complaint will be removed. I take great pleasure in submit- ting to your consideration for the positions indicated. Col. G. M. Dodge of the Fourth Iowa Infantry, Col. Nicholas Perczel of theTentl; Iowa Infantry, Col. M. M. Crocker of the Thirteenth Iowa Infantry, and Col. W. L. Elliott of the Second Iowa Cavalry, from among whom I hope you will be able to select the number to which our State will be entitled, in case our troops shall be brigaded and placed under our own olBcera, 178 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Trusting this matter may receive your early and favorable atleu- tion. I have the honor to be Very respectfully your obedient servant SAMUEL J. KIRKWCXDD After waiting nearly two months, on the 10th of Febru- ary he writes to Senator Grimes in Washington: " I do not get any reply to my letters to the President in regard to brigading our lovva regiments and the appointment of additional Brigadiers from this State. I am fully satisfied that this is necessary, that our soldiers may have fair play; and I intend to persist in it till I know the thing is done or can't be done. We must look at things as they are. Brigadier-Generals, if not religious men, are yet generally believers in a hereafter to this extent— they think they may hereafter want votes. Xow suppose one of our regiments in a brigade, the bal- ance of which are from Illinois under an Illinois Brigadier. He knows our men can not vote for or against him when the war is over, and that the Illinois men can, and we may presume the human uature that exists inside, as well as outside the army and among Brigadiers, as well as olhers, will lead them to favor those who may hereafter benetit them at the expense of those who can't. And such I am advised is the fact. Our regiments under such circumstances are made the drudges of the brigade, ai*e not properly looked after and cared for, and the credit of what they do is given to others, as at Belmont. "It may be, the President thinks we have not fit men in Iowa. I wish we had better men than we have, but I feel sure Perczel, Dodge and Crocker are better, much better, than men from States who have Brigadiers' commissions now. * * * It seems to me there might be room made for three Iowa men, and 1 will guarantee that neither of the men named will believe that his first duty will be to preserve slavery. " There is a man named Brodie, a brigade surgeon, appointed from Detroit, of whom I am continually hearing bad accounts of his brutality and intemperance. Can't you cut his head off ? " The Governor had written this surgeon in regard to the neglect of our sick soldiers and got a very impudent answer, in which the statement was made that "it was not the duty of a brigade surgeon to comb the hair of the sick soldiers. " A long reply was sent intimating that it was his duty to see that it was done, and giving him such a scoring as could oil]} come from the Governor's trenchant and indignant pen, closing with these expressive sentences: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 179 "I speak and feel warmly on this subject. It worries me to know our brave boys are suffering as they have done and do, and, God will- ing, I will try and see to it that they are better taken care of, or know the reason why." At all times, in all places and on all suitable occasions during the progress of the War of the Rebellion, Governor Kirkwood acted on the principle, and recognized the fact, that it was the muskets and bayonets of the rank and file, and not the swords of the officers of the line and field, that thinned the ranks of the rebel hosts; and all his efforts were directed towards making those who carried those muskets most efficient soldiers. The brigading of them under their own Iowa leaders was recommended by him, not to gratify the ambition of aspiring Colonels, but to increase the effective force of the rank and file. He wanted the privates to be weU treated and well cared for. On the 14th of January, 1862, he writes Col. Shaw of the Fourteenth Regiment: " I am well assured you are doing all in your power to promote the comfort of your men. Allow me to suggest one thing that, possi- bly, may be of service. Hold your company officers to a strict ac- countability for the perfect cleanliness of tlieir company quarters, and of the clothes of their men, and for the cleanliness and good cooking of the food for the companies. It seems to me the company officers should see to these matters and should be held accountable if they are neglected.''' At a later date, writing to Col. Worthington of the Fifth Regiment, he says: "Permit me to make the following suggestions: "First— The treatment given to privates in the Regular Service will not do for the volunteers. Every company of volunteers contains many men equal in every respect to their officers, except in military ])osition. These men, while always ready to yield obedience to mili- tary orders, and to submit to the restraints of proper discipline, are vet gentlemen, and expect to be treated as such. In the Regular Army the distinctions between the officers and privates are as marked as l»e- tween castes in India. All attempts to introduce such distinction in our volunteer force must fail, and will always produce mischief. "Second— They have not any very high regard for men of known 180 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Secession antecedents or sympathies. They do aud will make a dis- tinction between men who are loyal and men who are disloyal in the treatment both of persons and property; and I confess I participate in that feeling, so long as the persons and property of Union men are out- raged and plundered by rebel troops as they have been, and so long as the principal occupation of Union troops continues to be the guarding aud protection of the persons and property of rebels as it has been, so long will there be dissatisfaction among our soldiers with this state of affairs. * * * It will be well to try a different and more stringent mode of treatment with rebels aud sympathizers. We have been pelt- ing them in the Secession apple-tree with good words and grass for a long time, and they ivon't come down. I think the time has fully come to use stones." On the 24th of March he writes to Senator Grimes at Washington: "How about our Brigadiers? You know I long ago recommended Dodge, Crocker and Perczel, and I yet think them among our best Colonels as you will find, as they are tried. Dodge has been tried at Pea Ridge ^nd has turned out just as I expected, 1 think him one of the very best military men in our State. Has Lauman been appointed? He acted manfully at Belmont and deserves it. Tuttle's charge at Donelson is one of the most brilliant things of this or any other war. I have been on the ground he charged over, and I believe that none but Iowa troops could have done it. Vandever did nobly at Pea Ridge, so far as I have learned, and all our Colonels and all our men will do the same when they get a chance. Can't we get some more Brigadiers? " Beneath the cold skies of Maine, on the frozen shores of the Atlantic, the Governor vindicates the valor, honor and courage of Iowa soldiers by the following letter: "Executive Office, Iowa, Aprils, 1863. ''Hon. Israel Washburne, Jr., Oovernor of Maine, Augusta, Maine: "Sir — I have just received a certified copy of a resolution of the General Assembly of your State in reference to our victories in the West. Please accept my thanks for this compliment paid to our West- ern troops. "Permit me, however, to state, in my judgment, strict justice has not been done to the truops from Iowa. The troops of Illinois are especially selected in the resolution for commendation for their gal- lant conduct at Fort Donelson. Too much honor cannot be given to the Illinois men for their gallantry thee, unless in this case it be done by preferring them to the troopi of other States. The men of lUiuoie THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KTRKWOOD. 181 (Vu\ l)iavely and well, and 1 shall never seek to pluck one leaf from the wreath of honor they there so nobly won; but it is not true, as is im- plied in the resolution, that they did more bravely or better than the men of Iowa. There was not any better fighting done by any of our troops at Fort Donelson than at the right of their intrenchments. There the crest of a long and steep hill was crowned by well-built rifle pits, defended by ihree of the best regiments in the rebel service. To their left, some 1500 yards, was a rebel battery that swept the face of the hill with a cross-tire. The face of the hill had been heavily tim- bered, but every standing thing had been cut down and thrown with the top down hill in such manner as to most effectually retard the ap- proach of an attacking force. At that point, through the fallen tim- ber, exposed to that cross-fire, in face of the three rebel regiments behind the rifle-pits, a regiment of Western men, with fixed bayonets, with guns at the trail and without firing a shot, steadilj' and unswerv- ingly, charged up the hill and over the intrenchments, and planted the first Union flag in that stronghold of treason. The men who did this were men of Iowa. The flag borne by them, and the first planted by Union men in Fort Donelson, now hangs over the chair of the Speaker of our House of Representatives, and will soon be deposited in our Historical Society as one of the most sacred treasures of the State. I cannot, therefore, by my silence acquiesce in the implied assertion of your Genei'al Assembly that any other troops did better service at the capture of Fort Donelson than the troops of Iowa. Three other Iowa regiments were engaged in the same fight, and although our gallant Second, from the fact that they led the charge, deserved and received the greater honor, all did their duty nobly. Elsewhere than at Donel- son— at Wilson's Creek— at Blue Mills— at Belmont and at Pea Ridge — our Iowa men have been tiled in the firey orde il of battle and never found wanting. Their Avell-earned fame is very dear to our people, and I trust you will recognize the propriety of my permitting no suit- able occasion to pass of insisting upon justice being done them. " I have sent a copy of this letter to his Excellency the Governor of Illinois. Very respectfully, "Your obedient servant, "Samuel J. Kirkwood. " The canvass of votes showed that Governor Kirkwood had a majority of 20,000 over W. H. Merritt, his leading Democratic competitor, and 15,000 over him and all others voted for. On the 14th of January the annual message was deliv- ered, from which the following extracts are made. On the 182 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. following day the inauguration took place and the inaugural address was delivered: GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. Oentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives : You have had conferred upon you, and j'ou have accepted the duty of caring for, guarding and promoting the interest of the State. This duty, at all times responsible, is at present much more than ordinarily so, for the reason that the nation of which we are a part is engaged in civil war, most wantonly and wickedly thrust upon us by bad and designing men. I doubt not you will address yourselves to the dis- charge of this duty calmly and earnestly, seeking wisdom and strength from Him who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Constitution requires that I shall communicate to you the con- dition of the State, and recommend such matters as I may deem expe- dient, and I now proceed to the performance of that duty. REVENUE AND TAXATION. The expenditures of the last two years for all State purposes have been about $300,000 for each year. This includes both ordinary and extraordinary expenditures — the amounts expended for the Insane Asylum, the Penitentiary, the Blind Asyhim at Vinton, the printing of the Revised Statutes, and other extraordinary objects, as well as the amounts expended in carrying on the ordinarj^ operations of the State government. The expenditure has not in any case been permitted to exceed the appropriation, and is materially less both for the Peniten- tiary and Insane Asylum, and has, in all cases that have come under my observation, been carefully and economically made. In my judg- ment, there is not another State in the Union in which the protection of government is extended to as large a population, so widely scat- tered, more economically than in our own. But while this is true, it is equally true that our finances are not in a healthy condition. The report of the Auditor of State discloses the somewhat startling fact that of the State tax for 1860 and preceding years, there was, at the date of his report (the 4th day of November, 1861), delinquent and un- paid the large sum of about $400,000 — a sum more than sufficient to cover the entire expenses of our State government for one year. This large delinquency has occurred mainly within the last four years, and the same report shows there were, at the same date, warrants drawn on the Treasury to the amount of $103,646, which were unpaid for want of funds, most of which were drawing interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 183 From these facts ilie following conclusions are inevitable: 1st, that during the last four years there has been levied a State tax larger by about $300,000 than the necessities of the State required; 2nd. that this was rendered necessary by the fact that only a portion of our people paid the tax due the State; 3rd, that the Stale has been compelled yearly to pay large sums by way of interest on warrants which need not have been paid had the taxes been collected promptly and the Treasury kept supplied with funds to meet all demands upon it; 4th, that the State, being compelled to purchase its supplies with warrants, has had to pay higher prices than if it had had the cash to pay; 5th, that the tax-paying portion of our people have thus been compelled to pay not only their proper share of the public burthens, but also the share of those who did not pay their taxes, increased by interest and high prices. These things should not be so. They reflect discredit not only on those of our citizens who seek to avoid their just share of those burdens w^hich are imposed upon all for the benetit of all, but also upon the laws which permit them to do so with impunity. I, therefore, very earnestly recommend to your attention a careful examination of our revenue laws for the purpose of ascertaining if they can be made more effective in enforcing the prompt payment of taxes. The leading features of a good i-evenue law, in my judgment, are: 1st, the imposition of such penalty for the non-payment of taxes when due as will make it unmistakably the interest of every tax paj-er to pay promptly; 2nd, the assurance to the purchaser of property at tax sale of a valid title at the expiration of a fixed time. There is, in my opin- ion, much misapprehension in the minds of many persons on this sub- ject. Some seem to think they receive no value for the money paid by them as taxes, and that they are, therefore, not culpable in avoiding payment if they can. Others, whilst they admit there is some kind of doubtful obligation upon them to pay their taxes, if convenient, yet insist that any stringency in the laws to compel payment would be un- just and oppressive, and that not greater penalty should be imposed for non-payment than the interest allowed by law between citizens. These are radical errors. Every citizen is protected by the State, in life, liberty and property, in all he has and in all he may acquire, and in all his honest efforts for further acquisition; and, in return, he is bouud as a good citizen to render obedience to the laws, to pay promptly his share of the taxes necessary for the support of the gov- ernment, and, in time of war, if need be, to defend the government with his life. If he fails to perform either of these duties of a good citizen, he is liable to punishment, and the amount added to his taxes for failure of payment at the time fixed by law is not the interest due upon a debt, but a fine, or penalty, for the non-performance of a duty. Nor can anyone justly complain of this. Why should any one of our people claim that he should enjoy all the benefits of civil government 184 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. and be exempt from its burthens; that he should have all these advantages at the expense of his neighbors? It may be said that some are unable to pay their taxes. This, it seems to me, is erroneous. The amouut of tax each one has to pay is in proportion to the propertj^ he has; the greater the tax, the greater the amount of property from which to raise means of payment. I am well convinced that taxes are paid most promptly by our farmers and by men of comparatively small means, and that there are very few of us who do not spend yearly for articles of luxury, which do not pro- mote either our health, our prosperity, or our happiness, more than the sum required from us as taxes for the support of the government that protects us. The subject of revenue and taxation assumes a graver interest and importance at this time, for the reason that our State is called upon for the first time since its admission to pay a direct tax for the support of the General Government. We may expect to be called on to pay during the present year a Federal tax of from $600,- 000 to $700,000. This is rendered necessary by the heavy expenditures incurred by the General Government in preparing to put down the Rebellion in certain States of the Union. A resort to loans has been and must continue to be necessary to meet these expenses, and prudence and sound economy require that the General Government shall not be compelled to borrow money to pay the interest accruing upon its loans. The interest upon loans made and to be made must be met by actual payment, and not by in- curring further indebtedness. The capitalists of the counti-y have thus far responded nobly to the calls made upon them by the Government, and have given it assistance and support as necessary as that rendered by the soldiers in the field. Six hundred thousand gallant men, of whom twenty thousand are from our own State, are in arms, giving their labor, their health, their lives, for the country, and now the call comes to us who are at home, and we are asked to give a little of our substance to the same good cause. I have caused to be prepared from documents in the office of the Auditor of State a table, hereto appended, giving some interesting information touching the taxes paid by our people. It will perhaps be a matter of suprise to many that the taxes for the support of the State Government bears so small a proportion to the entire amount of taxes paid. It appears from this table that the whole amount of taxes for all purposes for 1801 was $1,700,000, and that of this amount only $300,000 was expended from the State Treasury for State purposes, while $1,400,000 were expended from the several county treasuries for county and other purposes. I regard this table as useful, for this, among other reasons, viz: that the people have been led to believe that the great bulk of our taxes was caused by the expenditures of the State Government under appropriations made by the General Assem- THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 185 bly, and they have been taught to look to a reduction of State expenses as the means of relief from taxation. This table shows clearly and conclusively that of every $5.66 paid by the people of the State as taxes, but one dollar reaches the State Treasury or is used for State purposes, while the other $4.66 are retained in the counties and used for county and other purposes. I would not desire our people to relax their vigi- lant supervision of State expenses, but I am of opinion this informa- tion may lead them to give as vigilant supervision to the expenditures of their respective counties, where equal vigilance is, in my judgment, equally needed. It is evident from an inspection of the table, show- ing the amount of taxes paid and the purposes for which paid, that if it be deemed desirable to decrease our present expenditures by an amount equal or approximating to the amount of taxes I'equired by the General Government, much the greater amount of such reduction must be made in the taxes levied for other than State purposes. * * * * In order to make the revenue of the State more certain, I recom- mend that the County Treasurers be required by law to pay the State Treasurer, at fixed times, certain proportions of the amount of reve- nue due to the State, until the entire sum for each year is paid, whether the County Treasurers have received the entire amount of State tax or not. At present the State is wholly helpless as to its rev- enue. It has to depend wholly upon the officers of counties for its col- lection and transmission, and if the county officers are inefficient, the State is remediless. Each county is now liable by law to the State for the amount of State tax assessed in it, but this liability, without any means of making it practicably effective, is useless. If the counties were required to pay the revenue due the State, whether collected or not, the County Supervisors would be stimulated to require of the Treasurer a strict performance of his duties; and if. in addition, you should so change the present law as to give County Treasurers, in lieu of salary, a per centum on the amount of money collected and dis- bursed, or provide for township collectors, to be paid in the same way, our taxes would, in my opinion, be more punctually paid. I also recommend that it be made the duty of the Board of Super- visors of each county, to employ a competent accountant once in each year to examine the accounts of each county officer, and state an account between each officer and his county, and between officer and officer, and also that County Treasurers and all other persons who re- ceive public moneys be prohibited, under severe penalties, from using them in any way or placing them with others to be used for their private benefit. The law of Congress imposing a direct tax for the support of the General Government gives to any State the privilege of collecting the amount of tax assessed upon its people, and allows such State to retain tifteen per cent, of the amount, on condition the State shall aisume 186 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the payment of the balace of the tax. Thereupon arises the important question : What shall the State do in the premises? It must be remem- bered that if the State assumes tbe tax, the entire amount, less fifteen per cent, must be paid by the State, whether the State collects the tax or not; Keeping this in recollection, let us ascertain as nearly as may be our precise position. This State has expended for the General Government about $450,000, and has been repaid the sum of $80,000. The State has sold her bonds to the amount of about $200,000. The proceeds of said sale $184,000, and the $80,000 received from the Gen- eral Government have been applied to paj'ing the expenses incurred by the State, leaving unpaid and due wholly, I believe, to our own people, about $186,000, for which they hold or can receive warrants drawn on the War and Defense fund. If the amount expended by the State, which is to be reimbursed by the General Government, be $450,000, there is now due the State $370,000; and if the Federal tax should be $650,000, and the State should assume it, there would be due the General Government the sum of $182,500, being the entire amount of the tax, less the amount now due the State, and the fifteen per cent, for assumption and collection which must be assessed upon and paid by our people. But we must provide also for the payment of the amount due our own citizens. This must be done by assessing the amount as a tax and by either actually collecting the money and paying it to the holders of the warrants, or by authorizing those holding warrants to surrender them to the Auditor, and receive in lieu of them other warrants of the amount of fiye dollars each, which shall be receivable in payment of the Federal tax. These warrants being of small amounts, and being all receivable during the present year for taxes, would be nearly or quite at par, and would be much more valuable to the holders than the present ones. Should this course be deemed advisable, it will be nec- essary, in order to meet the demand made upon us by the Federal Government, to levy a tax of about $368,500, of which $182,500must be collected in money, and $186,000 may be paid in the warrants out- standing against the^'^ar and Defense Fund. Our State debt will have been increased by $200,000, and we will not have any money in our Treasury wherewith to meet further military expenses, should they be necessar3^ It will be observed that the sums given are generally estimated. Absolute precision could not in some cases be arrived at, but it will be found the estimates approximate very nearly the truth. If this should not be deemed advisable, we can present our claim against the General Government, receive the amount due the State, pay the outstanding warrants in the hands of our people, and either collect in mouey the Federal tax and pay it to the General Govern- ment, retaining the fifteen per cent, for so doing, or allow the General .Government to collect the whole without interference on our part. In THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 1-87 view of the actual condition of our affairs and the want of promptitude with which our taxes are paid, I am inclined to favor the plan first recommended. If I had assurance that our taxes woiald be paid as they should be, I would much prefer ihe second. Intimatel}' connected with the subject of taxation and revenue, is the qnestio 1 as to the kind of money which shall be i-eceived for taxes. Under our present laws, specie only is receivable for public dues. In view of the recent suspension of specie payments by the General Government and the banks of the eastern States, it becomes a question of great importauce whether we can collect our revenue in coin. I do not believe we can, and I urgently recommend to you such changes in oiir laws as will allow the payment of taxes with United States treasury notes and the notes of the State Bank of Iowa. It is true the United States treasury notes are not payable in specie, but it is the interest of all loyal States and of all loyal citizens to keep them at par, and the receipt of them for taxes by the loyal Stales would tend much to that end. The State Bank of Iowa is required by the law creating it, at all times, to redeem its circulation in coin, and I believe it expects and is fully prepared to meet that requisition. If, as it seems to me we must and should receive for revenue the United States treasury notes not redeemable in specie, I cannot see the wisdom or justice of refusing to receive the notes of our own banks that are so redeemable, especially when by so doing we make the payment of taxes more easy to our people and more certain to the State, and at the same time aid to some extent in keeping in circulation among us a currency which has, and in my judgment, deserves the confiileuee of the people. MILITARY AFFAIRS. The report of the Adjutant General, herewith submitted, shows the number and description of troops raised in this State for United States service to be sixt en regiments of iufantr\-, four of cavalry, three bat- teries of artillery and one independent company of cavalry for frontier service. Of these the fifteemh and sixteenth regiments of infantry are not fully organized. In addition, Col. Koch and Col. Rankin are engaged in rai.-ing regiments of infantry, which if completed, will make the seventeenth and eighteenth regiments of that arm of the service. It is a matter of much gratification to me that our State has thus promptly responded to the demands made upon it by the United States for aid in this perilous crisis of our country's history, and it is also a matter of great pride to me that the troops of our State, whether tried in the exhausting seiwice of the camp, the march, or in the fiery ordeal of. the battle-field have never been found wanting, but have by their cheerful endurance of unaccustomed hardship and their indomitable valor won for themselves and our State a name which may well cause 188 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. US to feel an honest pride in claiming in any part of our broad land, that our homes are in Iowa. At the extra session of 1861 what was supposed anaple provision was made to furnish the necessary funds for raising, clothing and equipping the volunteers that might be required from this State, by autht/rizing the issue and sale of our State bonds. Immediately after the close of that session, the necessary steps were taken to put our bonds in market, but before tl ey could be offered in New York the faith and credit of our State were most wantonly and unjustly attacked by certain papers in that city, so that when, under the law, the bonds were offered for sale, it was found entirely impossible to effect sales at the prices fixed by the Boai'd of Commissioners appointed for that pur- pose, or which would not have been ruinous to the State. No sales were therefore made in New York,* and an appeal was made to our own people to tako the bonds and furnish the means necessary to meet the large expenses consequent upon raising the troops called for from this State. The report of the loan agents herewith submitted will show you the amount of bonds sold by them in the State, and the amount of money received therefor. It will be seen that much the larger proportion of the bonds was taken by persons to whom the State was indebted and that but a small share was sold for cash. The result was that the officers charged with the duty of raising troops as required by the General Government were much embarrassed for want of means, being compelled to operate wholly upon credit, consequently to great disadvantage. Whatever could be furnished by our people was promptly furnished on the credit of the State, but without means it was impossible to procure arms, clothing and such other articles as our own people did not produce. After providing clothing for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Regiments, I found it utterly impossible to provide for those subsequently raised, and was compelled to rely on the General Government for that purpose, and although it was a matter of much mortification to me, to be compelled to allow our troops to leave our State uu-unitormed and un-armed, yet I am induced to believe the result has been as well for the troops and for the government. The troops who left our State witliout uniform, left at a season of the year when but little clothing was needed for comfoit, and they were pro- vided with uniforms in Missoui'i as speedily and more cheaply than I could have provided for them. The regiments which have left the State more I'ecently have been furnished with good clothing by the General Government before leaving. I have not purchased for the State the arms contemplated by the law passed at the extra session, for the rea- son that arms could be had only for money, and I had not the money wherewith to pay. Some arms have been furnished by the General ♦A f«w were sold to give ttem a quotable market value — H. W. L. THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 189 Government, but not sufficient lor the security of the State, and I recommend the subject to your careful consideration. On several occasions during the past season, when the rebels had or appeared likely to get control in northern Missouri, much uneasi ness existed along our southern border lest they should attempt an invasion of our State, which, for want of arms, our people were not properly prepared to resist. Immediately after the close of the extra session of the General Assembly', I appointed Col. John Edwards and Col. Cyrus Bussey as my aids, with large discretiouary powers, to act for the preservation of tranquility in the southern border counties. I was well satisfied the peace of our State would be more easily pre- served by preventing invasion than by repelling it, and therefore while I could not order our State troops beyond our State line, instructed Col- onels Edwards and Bussey, and through them the troops under their command, that if at any time the loyal men of northern Missouri were in peril and called upon them for assistance, they had as full authority as I could give them to lead their men into Missouri to the aid ( f the loyal men there, and my promise upon their return that my power should be used to the utmost extent to protect them if called in question for so doing. Under these circumstances, and in some cases at the instance of officers of the United States, Col's Edwards and Bussey, and Col. Morledge of Page county, at different times led bodies of Iowa troops into Missouri and kept them in service there until their presence was uo longer needed, and I am well assured their services were highly valuable, not only in preserving the peace of our border and protect- ing our own people, but in supporting and strengthening the Union men of Missouri. The expenses incurred in these expeditions are, in my judgment, properly chargeable to the General Government, and I am now seeking their reimbursement. Great uneasiness also existed on our western and northern borders lest the Indians in Dacotah and Minnesota might be led by designing men to take advantage of the troubled state of public affairs, and commit depredations on our people in that region. The great distance of that part of the State from the place where my other duties compel me to keep my headquarters, and the want of the means of speedy communication therewith either by railroad or telegi-aph, rendered it in my judgment absolutely necessary that I should confer on suitable persons the power to act for me promptly in case of emergency as fully as if I were present to act in person. I accordingly conferred such authority on Hon. Caleb Baldwin of Council Bluffs, and Hon. A. W. Hubbard of Sioux City. Under this authority bodies of mounted men were called into service at different times for short periods, and I am happy to be able to state the tranquility of that portion of our State has been preserved. I cannot permit this occasion to pass without thanking Messrs. 190 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Edwards, Bussey, Morledge, Baldwin and Hubbai'd, for their efficient and valuable services. At my request the Secretary of War authorized the enlistment of a company of cavalry in the service of the United States, especially for the protection of the northwestern border. This company has been recruited and mustered in, and I hope will be sufficient for the protec- tion of that portion of our State. Our troops in Missouri have suffered greatly from sickness. To some extent this is perhaps attributable to the want of care and prud- ence among the men themselves, to a change in their mode of life, to their eating badly cooked food, and to the fatigue and exposure of hard labor and severe marches, and to a much greater extent to the want of proper hospitals, proper comforts for the sick, proper nurses, and sufficient medical aid. Doubtless experience in camp life will con- vince our troops of the necessity of guarding their health, adapt them to their new circumstances and will make them better cooks; and I ardently hope the time will soon come when those who have the power so to do will provide that the labor which has prostrated so many of them, shall be done by the slaves of those who have forced this war upon the country. Proper hospitals are now provided, and the women of our State, foUowiug their womanly iustiuct to care for the suffer- ing, have been and are engaged in making and forwarding to our troops those delicacies and comforts not provided by the regulations, but so necessary and so cheeriug to the sick. I am decidedly of the opinion that female nurses iu our liospitals would render invaluable service; and I earnestly recommend that provision be made for secur- ing such service for the beneht of our sick and wounded soldiers. I am well convinced that the medical staff (a Surgeon aiid Assistant Surgeon), now allowed by law to each regiment, is insufficient, and ] have been corresponding with the proper authorities for the purpose of effecting a change in the law. I recommend that power be given the Governor to appoint an additional Assistant Surgeon for each of our regiments in service, to be paid by the State in case Congress shall not by law make the necessary provision. The law passed at the extra session for the organization of the militia, is in many respects defective, and has lieen, in my judgment, a hindrance instead of an aid in raising troops for the service of the United States If the organization of the militia is to be provided for by State law, a more full and perfect system must be de- vised. But the Congress of the United States has power "to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, * * * reserv- ing to the States respectively the appointment of officers, and the au- thority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress." It is probable that Congress will at the present session, in view of the necessities of the country, provide a complete system of THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 191 military organization for all the States, to the extent of the power thus conferred. It may be well to await such action until near the close of your session, and conform your action to such provision, if made. SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY FUNDS. The State University is now in successful operation, although much embarrassed for want of means arising from the non-payment of inter- est due on loans of its permanent fund. The enactment of laws re- quiring the more prompt payment of interest, and for the safety and better investment of the permanent fund as above suggested, will en- able the trustees and faculty to extend the usefulness of the institu- tion. I am decidedly of opinion that not only the iutei-est of the institution, but also the interest of the State require, that you should provide a military department of the University, and should establish a military professorship therein. The sad experience of the last few months has shown us the necessity of military knowledge among our people. By giving to the young men who may attend the University, military instruction and training, we will not only greatly benefit them, but will also have made provision for what our present experi- ence shows may at any moment become a necessity to our people. The Board of Education at their recent session directed the trustees of the University to make provision for a military department therein as soon as the General Assembly should make the necessary appropria- tion therefor, and I earnestly recommend the subject i o your favor- able consideration. RECLAMATION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. The law in regard to the reclamation of fugitives from justice is indefinite as to the amount of fees to be paid to agents of this State, who bring back such fugitives, and as to whether it is the duty of the Census Board to pay such expenses in all cases. It is desirable that the uncertainty on these points should be removed. AGRICULTURE. Agriculture is, and for many years must continue, to be the lead- ing interest in our State; and any fair and legitimate aid that can be given thereto will tend to promote the public good. With this object the State has for some years paid considerable sums yearly to aid the Agricultural Societies of the State and counties. Whether the benefits that have resulted from this expenditure will justify its continuance during our present difficulties and embarrassments, you must decide. This great interest of our State may in my judgment be aided by leg- islation in a new direction. Hitherto our great staples for export have been wheat, corn, cattle and hogs The prices paid for the transpor- tation of these articles to New York form a large portion of their vnlue at that point. Indeed, wheat and corn will not bear transportation to 192 THE LIFE AND T13IES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. that market during the season when navigation of the lakes is closed. Experience has, I think, conclusively shown that our State is admira- bly adapted to sheep grazing, and the value of wool in proportion to its bulk and weight is much greater, and the price of its transporta- tion to New York in proportion to its value, much less than that of our present staples. A great drawback upon the growing ol wool is that large numbers of sheep are annually killed by dogs. I therefore recommend that a tax be levied on all dogs in the State, and that the proceeds of the tax be applied to paying to owners of sheep killed by dogs, the value of the sheep thus killed. I would go further than this — I would exempt from taxation for a period of five years all sheep not exceeding fifty, owned by any resident of the State, and would also exempt from taxation for the same time all capital invested in the State in the manufacture of woolen goods. I am well satisfied that the cultivation of flax can be successfully and profitably introduced in our State. It is valuable not only for the seed, but for the lint, which under a new process is converted into what is called flax cotton. I am well assured that before the com- mencement of the rebellion, a I'emunerative price could be paid in our State for the flax straw, which has heretofore been an entire loss to the farmer, the fibre separated from the wood, and the tow transported to Boston and manufactured into flax cotton, which could tiairly com- pete in price and usefulness with the cotton of the Southern States. In order to stimulate our people to examine the question carefully and if possible, introduce among us a new and profitable branch of industry, I recommend that all capital invested in the manufacture of linseed oil or the conversion of flax straw into flax cotton, be exempted from taxation for five years. If our industry were more diversified, we would suffer less from fluctuations of prices of particular articles, and if as necessity requires and opportunity oft'ers, we become manufacturers as well as producers, we will increase our wealth and independence. I have thus endeavored to place before you the condition of the State, so far as, in my judgment, your action is needed for its improvement. Your wisdom will doubtless discover some, perhaps many, particulars in which legislation will be necessary that have been overlooked by me. The year wliich has just closed has brought to our people a new ex- perience, new trials, new responsibilities and new duties. Let us con- tinue to meet them, as we have thus far met them, with neither an overweening confidence in, and reliance upon, our own strength, nor an unmanly and craven fear for oux'selves or of the hardships we may endure before we win by deserving success, but with patience, calm- ness, unflinching courage and an abiding faith in God. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 19i INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Oentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives : As this is the first time in the history of our State that the same person has been twice elected to the oflace, the duties of which I have for the second time just assumed, and as the transmission to j'ou of a message in writing, communicating the condition of the State and recommending such matters as seemed to me expedient, was among the last of the ofRcial acts of my first term of service, it w^as for some time a question with me whether it was proper for me, in commencing my second term, to conform to the custom heretofore acted on by in- coming Governors of delivering an inaugural address. Upon reflec- tion, I did not feel at liberty to disregard what is a well established, and what is considered a useful, custom. When, two years ago, I first assumed the duties of my present office, 1 saw, and in my inaugural address alluded to, the bitter and exasperated feelings existing in certain portions of our country, which have since resulted in the present Rebellion, and pointed out what seemed to me to be some of the exciting causes of that feeling. The people of our country were then about entering upon one of those political contests by which the policy of our General Government is, for a time, determined; aud I expressed the belief that this angry and excited feeling would not result in nn appeal to arms, but that a peo- ple taught as ours have been to yield almost instinciively to the fairly expressed will of the majority would, when the feeling engendered by its contest had passed away, again permit the calm dictates of reason to resume their sway, and that we would again become a contented and happy nation Time has shown that my belief was erroneous, and yet it seems to me it was a reasonable and just belief. All men know well that the government against which rebellion would be made, if raised at all, was the government which made the least exactions and conferred the most benefits upon its people of any government in the world. All men knew well, and none better than those now in rebellion, that the Administration, whose accession to power their opponents declared they would consider cause for revolt, could not during their term of office, even if so disposed, inflict upon the defeated party any wrong. And it seemed then, and seems yet, to me to be a reasonable and just belief that no portion of a people, so intelligent as ours has claimed to be, could I'evolt against a govern- ment which had conferred upon them only benefits, and against an Admiuistration powerless to injure them. All men know, too, that rebellion must bring upon those engaged in it terrible calamities, if 194 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KiRKWOOD. not sure destruction, and it did seem reasonable and just to believe that sane men would not bring upon themselves such results without cause. Yet ther-e were other things bearing upon this question which we did not know. We did not know, even although we were so told by some far-sighted men— it seemed too monstrous for our honest and loyal-hearted people to believe— that men whom they had delighted to honor, men upon whom they had conferred the high places, even the highest place of honor and profit and trust under our government, could, whilst yet holding these places and pledged in the sight of God and before men faithfully to discharge their trust, and with professions of love and attachment to our government yet warm upon their lips, deliberately conspire to overthrow and destroy that government which they were so sti'ongly bound to protect and defend. I repeat it, our honest and loyal-hearted people could not believe these things to be true: they were to them too monstrously infamous for their belief. They had not yet learned the bitter lesson that honesty, truth, good faith and loyalty were but mere words used by these men as a cover under which to deal, as they hoped, a fatal stab to that government from which they had derived all they ever had of honor or import- ance. Had this not been so (and although its truth has produced such teiTible results, I thank God our people could not then believe it pos- sible), I am well convinced we would to-day have no Rebellion. Had the occupant of the Presidential chair, for the year preceding the 4th day of March, 1861, and his advisers, been true men, and had they done their duty as such and stricken rebellion one honest, downright blow when first it reared its hateful head, we would have to-day a peaceful and united nation. But this, unfortunately, was not so. Treason and imbecility sat in our high places, and surrendered one after another the outposts of the citadel of our strength into the hands of Rebels, until, emboldened by success, they believed the citadel itself to be within their grasp. In this way the Rebellion was encouraged and strengthened, and thousands of men were induced to array them- selves upon its side from the conviction that the government was powerless to protect its friends or punish its enemies. At last, but too late, came a change of administration. Our Gov- ernment asserted its rights, and gave evidence of its will and power to .maintain them, and then came the Civil War that is now upon us.. I need not undertalse to point out to you the primary, cause whi.ch has led to this disastrous issue. Although there may have been many minor causes, all tending to the same end, such as the disappointed ambition of bad men and the lust for power, the clear common sense of our people has seen and accepted the fact that the one great con- trolling cause of this wicked Rebellion, and of all the fearful conse- quences which have followed and must follow from it, is the sj'Stem of THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 195 Human Slavery. Sophistry cauuot disguise tbis fact, nor argument illustrate it. It is patent, tangible, and sooner or later it must be accepted by our rulers, as well as by our people, and acted on by all. This baneful system, which has wrought such terrible results, was accepted with great reluctance by our fathers as an existing but most unfortunate fact, and its existence recognized and protected by them as such, but surrounded at the same time by influences such as they confidently hoped would soon eventuate in its total and peaceful ex- tinction. That hope has been sadly disappointed. This system, so reluctantly admitted into our form of government, and so antagonistic to its vital principles, has, like a foreign substance in the human body, been to the body politic a source of constant irritation, and has been the real cause of all the heart-burnings and ill-will among our people. Circumstances, not foreseen at the beginning, have fostered and encouraged it. It has been defended, protected and nourished by its votaries with a devotion almost unparalleled, until it has acquired a strength and power which enabled it, at first by stealthy approaches and then by bold attack, to seize the reins of government and control the policy of our people. And when peacefully and constitutionally it was driven from its usurped seat of empire, and the determination ex- pressed that for the future it should be kept in the subordination for which it was originally intended, it revolted and by civil war has sought to destroy the Republic it could no longer control, and from the remains to build a new one in which its empire should be absolute and undisputed. I have said that our people have seen and accepted these facts, and that the time must come, sooner or later, when our rulers, too, must see them, and when all, rulers and ruled, must act upon them. It is not for us to determine what that action shall be. That is the right and duty of others. But it is for us — it is our right and duty— to advise with those others, and to point out to them the course which, in our best judgments, should be pursued Understand me rightly. I freely accept, and have cordially acted upon, the theory that it is for our rulers to determine the policy to be pursued, and for us to sustain them, even if that policy should not meet our approbation. But it does not follow that we must not advise a change of policy, if our judgment teaches or experience has shown such change to be necessary. . What then, if anything, have we to advise? Let us see where we stand, and what are our surroundings. More than twelve months ago this war upon our government was begun, and it has been prosecuted up ti) this moment on the one side with fierce vindictiveness, and terrible earnestness. Nothing, literally nothing, has been allowed to stand in the way of the advancement of the cause for which this war- has been waged, by those who advocate that cause. Officers of the army and 196 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. navy, to advance that cause have deserted their flag. Statesmen, to advance it have betrayed theii' trusts. Among all ranks, acts of fraud, words of falsehood and deeds of violence have been held good and honorable service, if thereby the cause might be advanced, and the entire energies of its advocates have been directed to that single end. The sole question they have asked has been: "What thing can we do which will most efiectually and speedily break the strength of our adversaries? " And when that question has been answered, they have as one man done that thing. How have they been met? Until the 4th day of March last past, not only were no steps taken to arrest their progress, but many of those who now are not of and with them, insisted ihat coercion should not be used to arrest it. After that date although the new admisti'ation took prompt and vigorous steps to meet the crises, many people in the loyal States still pi'otested against coercive measures to suppress i-ebellion, aud many others sought, as if expect- ing to find, some neutral ground on which to stand, some middle ground between loyalty and treason, as if a citizen couhl be loyal to his government who did not lend his hand to defend it when rebels sought to destroy it But time passed on till Sumter fell and our nation awoke from what appeared to be the slumber of death. With tiei'y zeal and generous emulation, the young men of all classes and all parties in the \oysd States rallied around the government, until to- day we have under our banner the best army the world has ever seen; ready and eager to meet in battle all enemies who seek the destruction of the Union. And yet it seems to me that we do not bring to this con- flict the same directness, the same unity of purpose and action our adversaries do. It seems to me we do not ask ourselves what one thing can we do that will most effectually and speedily break the strength of our enemies? and when that question is answei'ed, do that thing. It seems to me the idea still pervades and controls the minds of many of us that our duty requires of us not only the preservation and l)rotection of the Union, but the preservation and protection of slavery; that we have sometimes feared to strike an earnest blow against rebel- lion, lest that blow should fall on the head of slavery; that we regard slavery as an essential part of the Union itself, and that the Union would not be worth preserving, unless slavery could be preserved with and remain part of it. If these things be so, we are yet far from the path that will lead to success. Slavery, the leading cause of this rebellion, is an element of strength or of weakness to the rebels, just as we will it shall be. If we say to the slaves of rebels, we ai'e your enemies, they will remain with their masters aud be to them a strength and support. If we say to them, we are your friends, come to us and you shall be free, they will seek to come by thousands, and the armies now standing in battle array against our soldiers, will be needed at home to restrain them. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 19T Take the case of South Carolina. Our soldiers are to-day upon her soil. She has a population of about 700,000 souls, more than one-half of whom ai'c slaves. Experience, the best of teachers, has shown that these slaves want freedom, that they look upon our soldiers as friends, and would, if encoui'aged so to do, flock to our camps by thousands. As the slaves of rebel masters, their labor in the field and in the camp, furnishes the rebel troops witli food, and does for them much of that severe camp labor which exhausts the energies of the soldiers and brings sickness upon them. Thus rebellion is strengthened by slavery. Shall we continue to leave it this strength? shall we do more than this? Shall we continue to drive back to their rebel masters these unfortu- nates, and compel them to be our enemies although they wish to be our friends? Shall we continue to i*equire of our brave soldiers who have gone forth to light our battles, those exhausting labors that have brought sickness and death to so many of them, when these people stand ready and willing to lelieve them if allowed? It may be said that if we proclaim freedom to slaves of rebel mas- ters, slavery must suffer and may be extinguished. I reply: So be it. The friends of slavery have in its supposed interest thrust this war with all its evils upon the country, and upon them and upon it be the consequences. It maj^ be .said the slaves of loyal masters will escape and thus loyal men will suffer loss. This may be, probably will be so. But if we shall be successful in preserving our government, and put- ting down this rebellion, we can and will make good all losses caused to them by the acts of the government for its preservation. Besides, it is their misfortune and not our fault that they live in sections of our country in which the war is carried on and in which either a majority of the people are rebels, or the loyal men in the majority have suffered themselves to be prostrated and trampled on bj' the rebel minority. We regret their condition, we pity tlieir misfortunes, we will make good their losses caused by our acts for the preservation of the Union, but we cannot allow the Union to l)e stricken down because efforts for its preservation may work them present injury. War necessarily brings suffering and loss to the people among whom it is waged. This war brings sufferingand loss to the loyal people of all our States, and we all must bear as well and as patiently as we may, until the end, when it will be our duty to repair so far as we may, the losses sustained by loyal men because of their devotion to their country. I will not be misunderstood. This war is waged by our govern- ment for the preservation of the Union, and not for the extinction of slavery, unless the preservation of the one shall require the extinction of the other. If the war were so prosecuted that on to-morrow the preservation of the Union were effected and secured, I would not now wage the war another day. I would not now spend further treasure or further life to effect the extinction of slavery, although I might re- 198 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, gret that the war of its own producing had left in it enough of life to leave it to be our bane and pest in ihe futui-e as it has been in the past. But while this is true, it is also true that if I had the power on to-mor- row to end this terrible strife and preserve our Union by the extinc- tion of slavery, while to preserve both would require a month's or a week's or a day's or an hour's further war; the spending of a single additional dollar to the loss of a single additional life; so surely as the Lord lives, this war would close to-morrow. No wife should mourn her husband, no mother her son, no maiden her lover, slain in a war protracted by me a single hour to preserve to rebels that which caused them to commence and which enables them to maintain rebellion. I would not believe that I had, nor do I believe that others have the right, although they may have the power to pi'Otract this war in order to preserve that which has caused the war. My deliberate convictions ai'e that to prosecute this war successfully, we must strike directly at slaverer, and that the time must soon come when every man must determine for himself which he loves most, the Union or slavery, and must act accordingly. In the mean time, and at all times, it is our duty to rallj' around and support the government. We ai'e not of those whose loyalty is doubtful or conditional. We do not say we will support the govern- ment if it adopts our views or carries out our plans, and if not, we will become neutral or join the enemy. We support it with hearts and hands and means, although we may doubt its policy, trustina: time will demonstrate the correctness of our views, and bring about their adop- tion if found correct. The giving of honest counsel and the rendering of faithful service make up the duty of all true men. The war has brought on us severe trials, and others are yet to come. Many of our best and bravest have died upon the battle-tield or in the hospital, and many more must die. Our business operations have been interrupted, our markets have been closed, the prices of the products of our industry have been lessened, we have been compelled to wholly forego or materially to curtail the use of some luxuries which, by use, had become to us comforts of life, and these things must continue to be. They are the inevitable attendants of war, and must be borne as they have been borne, bravely, unflinchingly and cheerfully. Life is valuable, but it is intended to be useful; and how can anyone make his life more useful than by giving it for his country? Could our own brave men who died at Wilson's Creek, Blue Mills and Belmont have used their lives in any other way to better purpose than by losing them on those bloody but glorious battle-fields? Their names will live after them, embalmed in the hearts (if our children and our children's children, as the names of men who died for their country, and their example will tire the hearts of generations yet to come to deeds of equal and as noble daring. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 199 We are eminently a peaceful and peace loving people, and the in- terruption of our peaceful avocations of war and its incidents bears hardly upon us; but we must remember, that the only way to bring back and make permanently secure to us that peace we love so well, is to convince those who have thrust this war upon us and to convince all others that although we love peace much, we love our country's honor and the perpetuity of our Union more. But do we exaggerate the evils of our condition? I am well convinced that there is not in the world a people of equal numbers, all of whom enjoy to-day so many of the necessaries and of the comforts of life as are enjoyed by our people. In our own State our cause of complaint is not that we have not enough of the necessaries of life, but that we cannot get high enough prices for what we can spare of our superabundance; not. that we have not food but that we cannot sell to advantage food, we do not need ! But we will have to pay heavy taxes. True, we will and it is equally true we can. We have to do but one thing, and that thing we must do. We must give up the idea of money making to a great ex- tent until this war is over. We must be content to devote to the pres- ervation of the country a portion of all of the surplus we have been accustomed to lay up in years gone by. We may be required to return to customs and expedients for many years abandoned. We may be com- pelled to do as our fathers and mothers did, clothe ourselves as they did with the products of their farms and their own hands. What then? Our men will be none the less brave, loyal and loving; our women none the less true hearted, lovely and beloved. We may be required to do and may do all these things and yet suffering and want still be far from us. We may be required to do and may do all these things, and yet will not have done nearly so much as our fathers did to hand down to us the rich inheritance we are now striving to transmit unimpaired to our children. And if required, will we not do it promptly and cheer- fully? There may be amongst us a few men who know no impulse of patriotism, have no love of country, and can see nothing but sordid gain! There may be amongst us a few others who, blinded by preju- dice, engendered by former political strife, cannot forget that the Government is guided in this struggle for its life by the hands of politi- cal opponents, and who would rather see it perish than have it saved by their hands, who will cry peace when there is no peace, and who will endeavor to turn us from the prosecution of this war by continu- ally dwelling upon and exaggerating the misfortunes it has brought and will bring upon us. But these men are few in number and weak in influence. The great mass of our people see clearly and know well that no peace can be permanent which is made by compromising with armed rebels, and which will leave our present territory divided be- 200 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRK WOOD. tween jealous and hostile nations liy such boundaries as it must be ii not preserved in its integrity. I cannot close this address without paying a well deserved tribute to the brave men who represent our State in the great army collected to do battle for our country. We may well be proud of them. We here as officers, and all our people as citizens, should feel that there is much for us to do to maintain that high reputation they have won for our State. Trace the Iowa First on their weary way to Springfield; see them ragged and hungry but cheerful and ready; listen to their marching song as it rolls along the column, lending new vigor to themselves and their tired comrades; hear their tierce shouts and witness their daring deeds on the field where Lyon fought and fell; witness the heroic spirit of devotion and self-sacrifice with which the Iowa Third at Blue Mills attacked, and the bravery with which they fought the enemy in over- powering numbers to de'ay that enemy's retreat until expected rein- forcements could arrive. See the Iowa Seventh on the bloody field of Belmont, heading the attack and covering the retreat; witness the cheerful endurance, the untiring energy, the indomitable valor of all our troops whenever and wherever tried, and who does not feel proud that he too is an lowan? We owe these gallant men much. The rank and file of our regiments have never been surpassed. I doubt very much if they have ever been equaled. There is not a company in any of our regiments which does not contain in its ranks men who, in in- telligence and moral worth, are the peers of any man who hears me. They have left behind them the comforts and endearments of home, their business, their friends, their all, and have taken their places as privates in the I'anks with nominal pay and almost without a hope for honor and distinction. This is patriotism, and I repeat it "to these men we owe much." It is due to them at least, that all shall be done that our circumstances will allow to promote their health and comfort and I doubt not you will see to it that the debt is paid. When the war commenced many of us hoped that by this time it would have been completed, or that at least we would be able to see the beginning of that desirable end. But we have been disappointed. The rebellion had greater strength than we supposed. Obstacles have arisen that we had not anticipated, and the end is not yet. But these things should not discourage, and I am glad to say they have not dis- couraged us. As the greater strength of the rebellion has been devel- oped, we have promptly furnished the greater needed strength to put it down, and if need be Iowa can yet send forth many regiments as brave, as loyal, and as true as those that have already gone. As ob- stacles have arisen they have been met as brave men meet them. They have been trampled upon and we have passed on. And now when as it seems to us here that all things ai'e ready, we are waiting patiently. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 201 but with beating hearts, for the day when the great battle shall be fought— listening intently, and oh! how anxiously, for the battle shout. "God for the right," which will on that day roll over that battlefield from the brave men who will be piivileged there to rally around our dear old flag and strike in its defense, and trusting humbly and confi- dently that because they will strike for the right, the God of battles will give us the victory! CHAPTER XI. 'Gen. Fremohfs Order — Oov. Kirkwood on the Same Subject— Writes the President as to His Emancipation Proclamation— The Second Iowa— Its Flag From Disgrace to Glory — Speech by Gov. Kirkwood — Response by the Speaker — Congratulates Crocker — Battle oj Fort Donelson — News Reaches Des Moines — Scenes in the House — Senate Joins in the Jollification — Oen. Baker's Letter to the Speaker — Writes Col. Add Sanders — To Oen. Schofield and the President — The Women Will Help Harvest the Crops — Proclamation — Telegrams to Secretary of War — Governor Gets One Company too Many — Story of the Twins — Another Proclamation — Special Session of Legislature — Message. During the first sixty years of the present century, next to the Government itself, the most powerful organization in the country was the Democratic party, and though occasion- ally defeated for a short time, its recuperative energies were sufficient to enable it, as a factor in national politics, to soon rally from its temporary defeats and recover its lost power. The next most powerful dominating force if not as great or greater, was slavery. It finally proved itself the greater, for in the year 1860, it dismembered that party, and when that was accomplished, it felt itself able tp perform the same feat on the Government itself. And it undertook the task. Never was a greater truism uttered than that by Abraham Lincoln in 1858, when he declared that there was "an irrepres- sible conflict between freedom and slavery; that this Govern- ment could not long exist half free and half slave; that the final triumph in this conflict could only terminate in the total surrender of one of these forces to the other. ' ' When the rebellion broke out and the first calls for troops were made to put it down, the idea that these troops were to strike a blow at slavery, was strongly and emphatically neg- atived on all sides, at all times, in all places, and by all par- 202 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J KIRKWOOD. 203 ties. In fact the troops raised to crush the unholy rebellion were called upon too often to stand guard over slavery, to prevent it from hurting itself, or its open or secret enemies from hurting it. General Freemont wat. the rirst man to become sensible of the fact that the best way to crush the rebellion was to crush its original moving cause, and in furtherance of this idea, on the 31st of August, 1861, from his headquarters at St. Louis he issued his famous order, one section of which reads thus: ^'The property, real and personal, of all persons in the State of Missouri, who shall take up arms against the United States, or who shall be indirectly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field, is declared to be confis- cated to public use; and their slaves, if any they have, are hereby declared to be free men. " This brought forth a howl of indignation from southern slave owners and their northern sympathizers, and weakened those who were trying to sustain the Government with one hand and slavery with the other, and this latter class was far too numerous. So great a pressure was brought to bear upon the President, that he caused this order to be modified, but its issuance cost the general his position. The next person to take a bold stand on this question was Governor Kirkwood, and that was done in his inaugural mes- sage, delivered four and a half months after the promulga- tion of Fremont's order. This message was a document no military order could revoke or modify, and no superior ofli- cer could change. It was greeted with satisfaction by all who were dissatisfied with Fremont's removal. It created some excitement, called forth much comment, as well as Copperhead denunciation. Copies of it were sent for by parties in other States who were in sympathy with the Gov- ernor on the questions it discussed, and it did much to edu- 204 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. cate public opinion and prepare the way for the issuing of the President's proclamations that succeeded it the following September and January. It was the first State paper that looked to, and opened and prepared the way for the final and utter extinction of slavery. As late as the 2nd of February, 1863, Gov. Kirkwood writing to the President says, "The proclamation issued by you on the 1st of January last, was an act the most import- ant you have ever performed, and more important than in all human probability you will ever again perform." The President in reply might have said, ' 'your last inau- gural message was the most important document that ever came from your pen, and in all probability you will never pen its equal." ONE OF NAT BAKER'S JOKES ON THE GOVERNOR. While the companies of the Fourteenth Infantry were being first rendezvoused at Davenport, in the summer of '61, and before the regiment had been organized, Governor Kirk- wood was suddenly called from Iowa City to Davenport on business, expecting to return home the next day, but was suddenly called from there to Dubuque, where he met W. T. Shaw, who had been appointed its colonel, telling him the sad state the regiment was in — unorganized, its companies un- lettered, with no one in command of it — and urging him to go at once to his regiment, as it was distressingly in need of him. The Colonel replied that he must go home first, as he had been gone several days and had not a change of linen with him. The Governor rejoined: "It is not an officer in fine linen, freshly laundered, that the regi- ment needs, but one with regimental authority to command it and keep it in order, and it needs that badly. You have got that, and you must go down at once and use it. They need that a great deal more than you need a clean shirt." The Colonel and Governor left Dubuque together, and THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 205 the former entered at once upon his duties ; but the latter had an urgent call to go to Burlington, where he went, remaining a few days and returning home by way of Davenport. Entering the Adjutant-General's office the General says: "Governor, Shaw has gone home and left his regiment." The Governor says: "He should not have done that. What did he go home for?" The General replied: "He said every man he m(!t that was not personally acquainted with him, after looking at his shirt, called him Governor Kirkwood, and he had borne that thing as long as he could stand it." As the weather was such that perspiration and shirt collars were at war with each other, with victory always on the former's banner, and his had seen several days' service with- out a change, the Governor was in a condition to appre- ciate the joke. The battle of Fort Donelson, resulting in the surrender and complete capture of this stronghold, occurred on the 16th day of February, 1862. It was among the first victo- ries of the war, and the very first complete victory in which Iowa troops had participated. While they had fought nobly and gallantly at Wilson's Creek and in the bloody battle of Belmont, and had established the fact that they were coura- geous and brave and in the line of duty could boldly march up to the cannon's mouth, it was not till they reached Don- elson that they became complete masters of the field over which they fought. The Iowa Legislature was then in session, and the news of the battle reached Des Moines the next day. Both Senate and House were in session, and the scene as it occurred in the House is thus described by Hon. Charles Aldrich, who was then its Clerk, in an article pub- lished in the Historical Record: "I was calling the roll, when I saw Hon. Frank W. Palmer, then State Printer and editor of the Register, enter the hall in a manner be •tokening great excitement, and glide along rapidly and noiselessly outside the circle of seats and into the Speaker's desk. In an instant the Speaker, Hon. Rush Clark, of Johnson, sprang to his feet, in the 206 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. very midst of a roll call, shoutiug at the top of his sonorous voice, ' General Grant has captured Fort Donelsou ! ' Then followed a scene which, in the language of highly-wrought novels, 'beggars all descrip- tion.' The members sprang to their feet with the wildest cheers and loudest hurrahs that ever woke the echoes of the old Capitol building, * * * The members went fairly wild, hugging each other, shaking- hands, cheering, and in every possible manner giving way to ex- pressions of extravagant delight. In a few seconds the Senators, startled by the noise and confusion, came rushing in and joined in the scene, expressing their exultant delight.'' As soon as order was restored, the House Resolved, That the Secretary of State be authorized to bring out the big gun and fire a salute of thirty-four rounds from Capitol Hill in honor of the glorious victory achieved in the capture of Fort Donelson and its 15,000 men. The House adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock in the even- ing, but when met were too jubilant over the victory to settle down to business, when they immediately adjourned, and went to the Des Moines House, then the leading hotel in the city, where a banquet had been prepared, around which they could give further vent to their feelings of joy. After partaking of the viands spread to refresh the '•'in- ner man," speeches were made to refresh the ''loyal man." Mr. Aldrich, who was one of the participants at the feast, says: "Among the speakers at that noisy table, of whom my recollection is most distinct, was our illustrious War Governor, Samuel J. Kirk- wood. His blood had been at a very high temperature over the Trent affair, in which Mason and Slidell had been captured and afterwards given up, and the inspiration of the occasion did not, in the least, tend to cool him off. In the midst of his remarks, every word weighing a pound, while the perspiration freely run down his rugged face, he said: 'Parents should rear their children to hate Old England. If. I had a,5oai- .' Just opposite the Governor sat poor Redfield, then a' Senator from Dallas county, a graduate of Yale, a glorious.fellow.w.ho afterwards 'foremost fighting fell' before Atlanta. When the Gover- nor reached this point, Redfield could not restain his enthusiasm, but, Ininging his fist down upon the table with the force of a sledge ham- mer, exclaime4: 'By' — :-, Governor, you shall have one!' This.dem- onsti-ation brought dawn the house. The Governor did not finish the seaj-tence. 1 must confess that my memory is misty concerning, the ^^y(r/3, fh-^u^^ THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 207 remainder of this speecli. I believe he soon yielded the tiooi- to some one else, but his look of sternness while uttering the words I have quoted I have never forgotten. It was more than a joyful time. Every Democrat in the Legislature was a 'War Democrat,' whatever he may have been twenty-four hours before." The next day the following dispatch was sent to the Speaker: "Chicago, Feb. 19, 1862. " The Second Iowa acquitted themselves with great bravery at Fort Donelson — led the best and most successful charge — have suffered terribly. Besides the Second, there were the Seventh, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Fourteenth Iowa Infanti-y in the fight. The friends of Cols. Tuttle, Launian, Perczel, Hare, Wood and Shaw will rejoice that the glory of the fight and the victory belongs and is attached to their names and to the bx'ave officers and soldiers under them. Another glorious page has been recorded in the history of Iowa by her gallant troops in the field. With great respect, I have the honor to rejoice in the glory of Iowa and the triumph of Union men. "N. B. Baker, "Adjutant-General of Iowa." But there is another and a gloomy act in the Fort Donel- son drama. The victory was won at a cost of 600 of our brave boys killed or severely wounded. One Iowa company that went in to the fight with eighty men, came out with but six. In many an Iowa home the tears of grief were trickling down over the cheeks of sorrow, and the sobs of anguish were mingling with the hoarse winter winds, for fathers, brothers, sons and lovers slain, and for other fathers, brothers, sons and lovers suffering from painful wounds and want of care. They were where no mother's kindly hand and voice or sis- ter's tender sympathies, or lover's inspiring look could reach, them. That their sufferings should be relieved as soon: as. possible, the Legislature sent a commission of medical men. to look after and care for them, and make provision for their comfort. Governor Kirkwood took with him Surgeon-Gen- eral Hughes and they accompanied the commissioners, for he could not rest till all had been done for the boys .that could be, for he felt for them all the anxiety of a father. . ; 208 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. • The General Assembly placed at his disposal $3,000 ''to provide for supplying the wants of the soldiers of the several Iowa regiments." HISTORY OF A FLAG — FROM DISGRACE TO GLORY— A STIGMA WIPED OUT WITH COURAGE AND YALOR. The Second Iowa Volunteer Infantry was the first regi- ment enlisted in the State for the three years service, and no regiment was better officered than it. Four of those who were its colonels in succession, S. R. Curtis, James M. Tut- tle, J. B. Weaver and M. M. Crocker, became generals, and the two who did not reach that rank died of wounds received in the battle of Corinth. While it was exceedingly well "officered," it was equally as well "privated, " f or its ranks were filled from our best class of citizens in some of the older counties of the State. They were mustered into service the last of May, and un- til the next February were on duty mostly in Missouri, their last service in that State being the guarding of Rebel pris- oners in the McDowell Medical College in St. Louis. While performing this latter duty, some articles were stolen from the museum of the college, and as the person, or persons, who did the stealing could not be found out. the punishment for the theft was inflicted upon the whole regiment, and punishment was inflicted in an order issued by Gen. Ham- ilton, commandant of the post, declaring that the march of the regiment from camp to the place of embarkation to be taken to Fort Donelson should be made without the tap of a drum, the blast of a bugle or the note of a fife, and with furled and undisplayed banner. The regiment was dis- graced. Their flag was hiding its bright stars and brilliant stripes — emblems of a country's glory and a nation's pride — and no patriot's eye was permitted to greet, or soldier's enthusiasm to cheer, them. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 209 At the time the regiment was drawn up in line before the college it had been guarding, preparatory to its march to the river, when the order disgracing it was to be read, a young lady appeared with a large wreath of flowers to be presented to the regiment and attached to and adorn the flag as a tribute from loyal citizens to the regiment for its valor, its loyalty and good conduct while in St. Louis. The flag going down in disgrace carried the wreath along with it. To say that both oflicers and privates were indignant is expressing it too mildly. They were mad, almost fighting mad. A war of words between Col. Tuttle and Gen. Hamil- ton failed to procure a revocation of the order. It was an outrage. It was like hanging a man for murder on suspi- cion — on public rumors, without the intervention of judge or jury. It was punishing a thousand men for what but a few could possibly be guilty, and in the absence of proof that even one of that thousand was guilty. The privates who took the few articles from the museum were regarded as vile culprits, while the officers who took the whole college, museum and all from its Rebel owner were regarded as patriotic heroes. Col. Tuttle appealed to Gen. Halleck for justice, and all the response he could get from him was, ^'Go to the front; Gen. Grant shall give you a fighting chance, and no man will, if you prove heroes, be so quick to let the country know it as myself." They "went to the front.'* They ''got a fighting chance." Through the abattis, up the steep ascent and over the intrenchments of Donelson. in the face of a furious storm of iron hail and leaden rain, with comrades falling all around them, they carried that flag till it was proudly, triumphantly planted on the inlrenchments from which the Rebels had been driven, and there it was permitted to wave over the humiliating white flag of capitulated foes On its way there, Color-bearer Dooliltle falls pierced 210 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. with four balls. The disgraced banner is then taken by Corporal Page, who soon falls dead. Again it was raised by Corporal Churcher, who had the strong right arm that bore it broken by a ball. It was then grasped by Corporal Twombley, who, though knocked down by a spent ball, arose and gallantly carried the glorious banner to the end of the fight. Thus in less than a week from the time it was in disgrace at St. Louis that disgrace was wiped out in a blaze of glory by the brave boys, of whose courage and valor it was a proud emblem. True to his promise, Gen. Halleck let the country know the boys had "proved themselves heroes," for only three days after the battle he telegraphed Adjutant-General Baker, ' 'The Second Iowa Infantry proved themselves the bravest of the brave. They had the honor of leading the column that entered Fort Donelson." No one felt more keenly the reproach heaped upon this regiment than did Governor Kirkwood, and he wrote to Gen. Hamilton as follows: Executive Department, Iowa, Des Moines, Feb. 17, 1862. Schuyler Hamilton, Brigadier- General, Vols., U. S. A., Commanding St. Louis Dist., St. Louis. Mo.: Sir— I received your letter of the 10th inst , enclosing special Nos. 28 and 30, dated on the 9th and 10th inst., in relation to the Sec- ond Regiment Iowa Infantry. The former of these orders commends that regiment very highly for their conduct to certain prisoners that were for a long time in their custody. The latter is intended to throw dishonorable reflection thereon on account of the robbing and destruc- tion committed by its members on the museum. After mature reflt etion, I cannot consent to retain these orders in my possession or to place them on the files of this department, and therefore return them with the letters enclosing them. My reasons for so doing are that by retaining and filing these orders I would, to some extent, admit the justness of the imputations contained in the latter order. This I ca'inot do, and there is, therefore, no other course open for me to pursue than the one indicated. The good name of her ■soldiers is very dear to the people of Iowa, and undeserved disgrace shall not by any act of mine attach to this or any other regiment or to THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 211 any individual of the brave men she has sent out to fight the battles of the country. It appears, both from the order itself and your letter, that but a very few members of the regiment could have been guilty of the acts on which the order was based, and it does not appear but that persons entirely outside the regiment may have committed these acts. There are very many members of that regiment whose standing socially, morally and intellectually is equal to yours or mine, who feel an im- [)Utatiou upon their honor as keenly as either of us can do, and I must 1)6 permitted to say that, in my judgment, it is harsh and cruel to sub- ject them to the pain of humiliation and disgrace in consequence of acts not committed by themselves and the commission of which by others they could not prevent. The feeling produced by undeserved punishment is never a healthy one and cannot produce desirable I'esults. * * * I trust that measures may be taken to relieve the regiment from the imputation cast upon it. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Samuel J. Kirkwood. Governor Kirkwood also wrote Gen. Halleck in regard to it. But the blood of the brave boys who bore it blotted out the stain upon their banner more completely than a deluge of ink from the pen of a major-general could possibly do it. During the session of the Legislature the flag was deliv- ered by Col. Tuttle to Hon. R. D. Kellogg, a member of the House, who was one of the three persons sent to Fort Donel- son to look after the wounded and sick soldiers, with the in- junction that it be placed over the Speaker's chair till the end of the session and then be deposited in the archives of the State Historical Society. The presentation was made with imposing ceremonies. The Senate in a body and the United States officers were invited to be present. The Sergeant-at-Arms announced ''His Excellency the Governor and his staff bearing the flag," and upon their entrance the audience arose to their feet. His Excellency then proceeded to the Speaker's desk and thereupon presented the flag to the Speaker with the fol- lowing remarks: 212 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Mr. Speaker:— The Second Iowa Regiment have sent by the com- mission that visited Fort Donelson to look after our wounded soldiers there, the flag borne by them on that bloody but glorious day, when (lur troops first entered that stronghold of rebellion, with the request that it hang over your chair until the adjournment and then be depos- ited in the State Historical Society, and I have been selected to perform the very pleasant duty of presenting the flag to you in accordance with that request. I have been on the ground over which our brave men bore this flag on that trying day. I have traced their steps over that battlefield, and it will always be a marvel to me that human hearts and human hands could have borue it as it was borne, proudly and defiantly, amid the terrible difliculties and the storm of battle it there breasted and ovei came. But the men who bore it w ere the men of Iowa. They had strong hands and brave hearts, they knew that the hopes and fears, the prayers and tears of fair women and brave men went with them, they knew they fought for God and their country, and they conquered, and the flag I now present, first ;imong all borne by loyal hands, waved in triumph over the entrenchments of Foi't Donelson. This is not the flag of a regiment merely, nor does it bear the arms of our State, it is the flag of our counti^y, it bears upon its folds Stars and Stripes, all the Stars and all the Stripes, the same old flag bequeathed to us by our forefathers, very dear to us both because of those from whom it came and of what it has given us, and which we intend, God willing, to transmit to our children with never a star or stripe the less. It symbolizes to us not only the ai'deut patriotism, the patience, endur- ance and the fiery valor of those who bore it first of all over the en- trenchments of Fort Donelson, but, more and better, it symbolizes to us the virtues of those who formed it, the blessings it has secured to us and the dearest hopes for liberty throughout the world. I now commit it to your hands. But by this pageant we have not discharged our trust and duty. We owe it to the flag, and to the brave men who have borne it and died for it, that we devote all we have, hearts, hands, minds and means, to the good cause till it shall again wave over our country and our people. The speaker, Hon. Rush Clark, received the flag, sus- pended it over his chair, and responded as follows: Hail to the flag of our country! Emblem of our nation's glory, the honored escutcheon of a free people! Let our flag wave evermore, with all the Stars and all the Stripes! What tongue can now add to its renown? What mere words tell of the achievements written upon its ample folds? Who, of men so high as to refuse our flag his rever- ence? What nation so proud or powerful as to dare insult it? THE LIFr- AND TIMES OF SAMTEL J. KIRKWOOD. 213 Haii to the flag of the Iowa Second, thrice honorable! so gallautlj' upheld, so nobly defended. Who would blush to be its future custo- dians? Sir. to say in behalf of the members of this House that we are flat- tered by this lofty work of the confldence of Iowa soldiers, they too • the bravest of the brave," would but meanly convey to you and them the depth of intense pride which this token brings us. We are proud that the State which we represent has such a regiment as that which followed and defended this flag. We are proud that the people who .sent us here have sent to the field such sons and brothers as answer to the muster rolls of the Iowa Second. We are proud, too, that the3'^are a portion of the constituency we serve. Permit us, sir, through you, to say to the gallant officers and soldiers of the Iowa Second that we accept this earnest of their regard as a thing priceless as our honor. We have been taught from our infancy (o regard this symbol of our nationality with the respect due from loyal and patriotic men. We have looked upon it in boyhood and in mauhooil as the token of our liberties. We have read upon it the consecrated history of a revo- lutionary struggle for freedom, blood stained and full of woe to our suffering forefathers. We have learned how the tri-colored banner was first flung to a summer's breeze under the shadow of Bunker Hill, and we have followed it in history through many mighty struggles, and we never found it trailed in the dust of dishonor. It remained for the volunteer soldiery of our gallant State to add to the familiar list we read upon its folds those other names, "Wilson's Creek," "Blue Mills," "Belmont," and last but most significant, "Donelson." The va orous deeds of the Iowa Second are already a part of our national history and make up one of its most brilliant pages. It would be vain to rehearse them now. The unfaltering onset of these gallant men is written in the sleepless memory of a million free men. Noth- ing can be abated, none of their acl.it vements forgotten. This standard is no idle curiosity, no mere relic of the past. Its folds, riddled by the murderous lead of rifles of an enemy poisoned by the hate that only a fratricidal foe can feel, tell of scenes of carnage that have few parallels, and of dauntless, unflinching bravery that challenges the history of the world. We only know that the unwaver- ing advance of the Iowa Second at Donelson was as resistless as the sweep of the toi'nado. These gloi'ious colors were borne forward amidst the leaden rain, no man faltering, no man fearing, but still pressing forward in the face of a stubborn and desperate foe, till the brave work was done and the splendid charge rewarded with a prize significant of the highest vindi- cation of our country and our cause. Here the human heart bids us pause to speak of those who have followed the flag of our country for the last time. Who would not die 214 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. as they? A grateful country has given them a hallowed and undying memory, and a generous State mourns for them in public silence. They are enshrined in the great heart of a free people. Sir, we will see that these colors are handed down to the free men who will come after us, as a precious part of our State's proud his- tory. Let these colors be as sacred to them as "the last bequest of a sainted mother!" Let the gallant volunteers in all coming time draw from the memory that^ clings to these colors, the spirit of the heroic men that followed them to lind a soldier's grave before the entrench- ments of the enemies of their country's liberties. May the grey haired old man pause uncovered at the niche where this flag may be pointed out, and let him there relate to the youth beside him the events which rendered these colors immortal. Let that 3'outh be told of the gener- ous love a loyal State beai's to its gallant soldiery, and let him there be taught "to defend the flag and obey the Constitution of his country." The exercises were concluded by singing the "Star Spangled Banner." On the 24th of March the Governor writes Senator Grimes in Washington: "How about our Brigadiers? You know I long ago recommended Crockei', Dodge and Ferczel and I j'et think them among our best col- onels as you will And when they are tried. Dodge has been tried at Pea Ridge and has turned out just as I expected. I think him one of the very best military men in the State. Has Lauraan been appointed? He acted manfully at Belmont and deserves it. Tuttles charge at Donelson is one of the most brilliant of this or any other war. I have been on the ground he charged over, and I believe that none but Iowa ti'oops could have done it. Vaudever did nobly at Pea Ridge, so far as I have learned, and all our colonels and all our men will do the same as they get the chance. "Can't we get some more Brigadiers? What is the situation about Washington generally? Don't things look more hopeful? Take time to write me a long letter showing just how things stand. I thank you for your speech on the navy and the gallant Foote. He is a man all over." After the battle of Pittsburg Landing he visited that place to look after the care of sick and wounded soldiers, and see that they had proper attention. Writing to Col. M. M, Crocker, a month afterward, he says: Dear Col.:— My nephew, Lieut. W. W. Kirkwood, is at my house very sick. His recovery is veiy doubtful, his disease typhoid fever THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 215 arising from camp diarrhea contracted at Fort Donelson. But for this I would have been iu Washington and urged your promotion person- ally. I have written the President and our delegation in your favor. Permit me to congratulate you on your conduct at Pittsburg Land- ing. Every one speal;s of you in the highest terms and none more highly than I am satisfied you deserve. I think nothing will prevent your promotion, unless it be determination not to appoint any more Brigadiers. About the same time he writes Col. Add H. Sanders of the Sixteenth: "I have not any fear for you or the regiment. I did not, however, supposL! the regiment would have done as well as it ilid under the cir- cumstances, as new as it was, without any opportunity for regimental drill, without any experience in the use of arms, it is a wonder to me they stood at all, but Iowa pluck carried them through as it did the Fifteenth. Say to the boys one and all, I am delighted with them and expect to hear further from them in the next battle. I am fearful iu regard to their health. I hope you will insist on the line officers giving personal attention to everything that may tend to pi\'vent sickness this is very important, and I sometimes fear a much neglected part of their duty.'" To Gen. Schofield, commanding United States and Mis- souri State troops, he writes in relation to troubles on Iowa's southern border: "Yo'.rs in regard to escaped criminals in this State is received. From a letter received from Go pernor Gamble I am led to believe he will not make any effort for their reclamation. "You may rest assured that the civil officers of the United States shall receive all the assistance in my power to give Ihem, and I trust the proper steps may be taken to that end. We cannot understand here why men who are guilty of the greatest crimes committed since Christ was crucified, should be permitted to live in peace and quietness with those whose brothers and sons they have murdered. Trusting you will take such steps as may be necessary, I remain "Ver3' respectfully your obedient servant, 'SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD." His Excellency the President: — By reason of my absence from home the telegraphic dispatch of Gov. Morgan, requesting my signature to the letter of the governors of the loyal States to you, requesting you to call for three hundred thousand more volunteers, did not reach me un- til the 5th inst., too late to permit me to attach my name to the letter. But for this my name would have accompanied those of the governors 216 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. of the othei- States, and I now assui-e you that the State of Iowa in the future as in the past, will be prompt and ready to do her duty to the country in the time of sore trial. Our harvest is just upon us, and we have now scaixely men enough to save our crops, but if need be our women can help harvest them. I am anxiously awaiting the requisi- tion of the Secretary of War. I will be in Washington next week, when I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you. Very respectfully your obedi nt servant, SAMUEL. J. KIRKWOOD. Iowa City, July 7, 1862. Executive Office, July 9, 1862. PROCLAMATION OF THE GOVERNOR. To the People of Iowa: — I have this day receiveil from the Secretary of War a telegram, requesting me to raise as soon as practicable for the United States service, for three years or during the war, five regiments of volunteer infantry, being a part of the quota of this State under the late call of the President for 300,000 men. The preservation of the Union, the perpetuity of our government, the honor of our State, demand that this requisition be promptly met. Our harvest is upon us and we have feared a lack of force to secure it, but we must imitate our brave Iowa boys in the field, meet new emergencies with new exertions. Our old men and boys unfit for war, and if need be our women, must help to gather our harvest, while those able to bear arms go forth to aid their brave brethren in the field. The necessity is urgent. Our national escutcheon is at stake. The more promptly the President is furnished these needed troops, the more speedily will this unholy rebellion be crushed, and the blessings of peace again visit our land. Until then we must expect the hard- ships and privations of war. The time has come when men must make, as many have already made, sacrifices of ease, comfort and business for the cause of the country. The enemy by a sweeping conscription have forced into their ranks all men capable of bearing arms. Our Government has as yet relied upon the voluntary action of our citi- zens, but if need be the same energies must be exerted to preserve our government that traitors are using to destroy it. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. TELEGRAM. Davenport, August 11, 1863. no7i. Edivin Stanton, Secretary of War: — * * * j ^yjii have ten regiments instead of five uider your requisition of July 8th. They will be full this week. You must accept them as volunteers. They en- THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 217 listed to avoid the disgrace of a draft, as they consider it, and it will not do to refuse them. Answer at once. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. TELEGRAM. Davenport, August 20, 1862. Eon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of PTar:— 1st. There are enough companies now full and that will be filled by the 23rd, to fill eighteen to twenty regiments. Our whole State appears to be volunteering. 2nd. The companies are now coming into rendezvous as rapidly as I can furnish blankets for them. Could have them all in next week if I had blanket-, and could build quarters fast enough. Have blankets for only five regiments 3d. I don't want any further time than the 23d. All I want is to put into regiments all the companies full on that day. If I don't get this permission I will have to volunteer myself and leave the State. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. In filling up the last regiment there was a surplus of one company, and the question was which one of the eleven was to be the supernumerary and be left at home, for all wanted to go. In making a speech to them, the Governor said he was in as bad a dilemma as one of his old Ohio friends found himself. A couple of brothers by the name of James and Joseph Jenkins were living together, James newly married and Joseph single. In process of time James' wife spent her leisure moments in making small clothes for a young stranger whom she expected to come and live with her. During a temporary absence of the bachelor brother, the little stranger arrived, and his little twin brother came with him. On Jo- seph's return he found his brother in a state of great excite- ment almost going crazy, and he says, "What's the matter Jim, ain't Sally doing well?" "Yes, Sally's doing well enough." "Is anything wrong with the baby? " " No the baby's all right." "Well, what's the matter then?" "Mat- ter! matter enough, Sail's got two babies and she's got clothes for only one of them." Now, says the Governor, you can appreciate my dilemma in calling for only ten companies and getting eleven when I have places and clothes for only ten. 218 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. The quota of this State of the 300,000 volunteers called for by the President on the 2d of July last is 10,570. The quota of this State of the 300,000 militia required to be drafted by order of the President 4th of August insiant is 10,570. The quota of the first call is over full by the proirpt and patriotic- response of our people within the last few weeks. I am satisfied thai from fifteen to twenty thousand men are now organized into compa- nies awaiting organization into new regiments, and I am urging upon the War Department the acceptance of the whole number, and that our State be credited with the excess upon the second call for drafted men. But the War Department refuses, as yet, to give us such credit until the number of men required to fill the old regiments (8,005) shall have been furnished. These men for the old regiments ai'e sorely needed, and the cause of the country is better served by filling the old regiments than by raising new ones. The ofiicers and men of the old regiments have gained a knowledge of their duties by experience in the field, aud new recruits joining their regiments have the benefit of this knowledge gained by their oSicers and comrades. An old regiment filled up with new recruits is more effective at the end of two weeks than a new regiment at the end of two months. In order, then, to get the credit due our State for the excess furnished over the first call, and in order to give the country this most effective assistance and sorely- needed help, we must fill up the old regiments. We can do this by volunteering until the first of September. If not done by that time the deficiency will be supplied by special draft, in addition to the draft under the second call. I appeal, then, to every man for aid. Let everything else be laid aside until this needed woi'k is ilone. Let the young men whose brothers and friends are in the old regiments take their places by their sides. Any person desiring to enter an old regiment can select the regiment and company he chooses, and then go with his acquaintances and friends. So deeply am I impressed with the imperative necessity of filling the old regiments that I will, at the extra session of the General Assem- bly to convene on the third day of September, i ecommend to that body the creation of a State bounty, of such sum as may be deemed advis- able, to all persons who shall, before the first day of September next, enlist in any one of the old regiments of this State. I also earnestly advise all companies no\v incomplete, and which will not certainly be completed by the 23d instant, to abandon their attempt at organization as companies and enlist for the old regi- ments. * * * Samuel J. Kirkwood. THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 219 In a postscript of a letter to the President August 21st, the Governor writes: "I am satisfied Iowa has to-day not less than eighteen, and, I be- lieve, twenty, new regiments ready for organization, in addition to the twenty-one now in the field. '^■''- ' This would make 40,000 men raised in the State in six- teen months, and this number reached 50,000 before the first day of January following. Writing to Geo. W. Handy, an orderly sergeant, he says: " I have just received a letter, signed by some others and yourself, in regard to what you call 'State pay.' I confess to some surprise at the tenor of your letter, but overlook it in view of the fact that you were doubtless misled. Let me state the facts. Last year the United States paid the soldiers, not from the date of enlistment, but from the date of mustering in of the regiment, and the State paid from the date of enlistment up to the date of the muster. The effect of this was that the soldiers had to take State warrants ('State Shin-plasters') for that portion of their pay and sell them for what they could get and stand the 'Shave. ^ I did not think this was best for the boys and, with others, tried to have it changed and succeeded in doing so, so that now the soldiers get their pay from the United States /rom the clay of enlist- ment, and of course get it in money and not in 'Shin-plasters.' There is no time for which the State has to pay, because the United States pay from the very first day of enlistment. For what time, then, is the State to pay you? This arrangement is much better for the soldier and much worse for the 'shaver '-the soldier gets all money and the 'shaver' has no chance at him. The officers are not so well cared for; their pay commences at the day of their muster, and they are com- pelled to take 'State Shin-plasters' for what is due them before the time. , . "I trust you will from this statement see that you have been entirely too hasty in charging me or any one else with neglect of your interest Permit me to say there is too much disposition to charge wrong on others without a careful examination to know whether it is deserved You will all learn, I hope, that others may be as honest and as patriotic as yourselves, and that it is possible for you to be mistaken in views hastily adopted. Whether any one has purposely misled you in this matter, I, of course, do not know. "One thing further. You threaten to vote the Democratic ticket. Now you must at all times do just as you please about that. You have'as much interest in the government as I have. I don't vote the Democratic ticket because I think the Democratic party is wrong. If 220 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. I thought it was right, I would vote thai ticket. You must judge for j'ourselves and vote as you think right on all occasions; but allow me to repeat the caution that you do not arrive at conclusions too hastily, and that you don't allow yourselves to be misled by designing men to vote the Democratic or any other ticket. If you can stand the success of the Democracy, I will try to do so too. "When you write again, don't take it for granted that every thing is wrong till you learn all the facts. "Very respectfully, "Samuel J. Kirkwood." On the 3d of September the General Assembly met in special session. Hon. Rush Clark addressed the House as follows: " Oentlemen of the House of Representatives : — The hour has arrived at which it becomes my duty to call you to order. I will not delay your proceedings by a word. While the safety of our beloved country hangs in a trembling balance, let us do well, but quickly, what the in- terests of a common constituency demand. \ hen a million bayonets are clashing about the nation's heart, our words may well be few. The mighty issue still is: 'Have we a government? ' Before our ad- journment here that issue may be decided forever. Let us do our duty to the Commonwealth and trust the God of Nations for the result. We are ready to perfect the organization of the House." That being accomplished the following message was read: Executive Office, Sept. 3, 1862. Oentlemen of the Senate and House of Bepresentatives : You have been convened in extraordinary session to consider some questions vitally affecting the public welfare, which, in my judgment, require your immediate action. When you closed your last regular session, the belief prevailed very generally that the strength of the rebellion against the General Governme t had been broken, and your legislation upon some ques- tions of great public interest was controlled by that belief. The lapse of time has shown that belief to be erroneous, and a change of legisla- tion on those questions has therefore become necessai'y. The provision made for our sick and wounded soldiers, and for their return to their homes on furlough, will, under existing circum- stances, prove wholly inadequate. The largely increased number of our soldiers that will be shortly in the field, and the great length of time they will be exposed to the danger of disease and the casualties of battle, will render absolutely necessary a large increase of the fund provided for their care and comfort. The extraordinary expenses of THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 221 my office have also been, and will probably continue to be, largely in- creased in consequence of the new demands that have been and may be made upon the State. I, therefore, recommend to your favorable consideration such increase of the contingent fund for extraordinary expenses of this office as will be sufficient to enable me to do for the gallant men, who so nobly repi'esent our State in the army of the Union, when suffering from wounds and disease, that which every loyal heart so anxiously desires should be done, and also enable me to carry on successfully the many and arduous labor's imposed upon this office, in promptly responding to all the demands made upon the State for the support of the Government. The labors of the ofhce of Adjutant-General have been largely in- creased, and must continue to be very great as long as the war lasts, and for some time after its close. This State will soon have in the field nearly or quite 50,000 men, and the interest and welfare of our soldiers and their friends require that the records of that office should be fully and carefully kept. The Adjutant-Genei'al now discharges, in addition to the proper duties of that office, ihe duties of Quartermaster-General and Paymaster-General. It is, in my judgment, impossible for one officer properly to superintend the labors of these three departments The amount of labor and attention required is more than one person can give, and the necessary work cannot be so promptly done or so well done as if there was a proper division of labor. I recommend that I should be authorized to appoint an assistant Adjutant-General, who shall act as Paymaster-General. A Quartermastei'-General can be appointed under existing law, and then the duties now imposed upon the Adjutant-General can be so divided and arranged as, in my judgment, to greatlj' benefit the public service. In my judgment, the compensation of the Adjutant-General is not adequate, either to the labor or responsibility of his position, and I recommend an addition thereto, either by allowing him a contingent for traveling expenses or by an incre.tse of his salary. Congress has provided by law an allotment system by which our soldiers can set aside a portion of their monthly pay and have the same paid at their homes to such persons as they may designate, with- out risk or expense. The benefits of this system are obvious and great. Commissioners have been appointed by the President, but un- der the law the compensation of these commissioners must be paid by the States, and as no appropriation has been made for that purpose, our soldiers and their friends have not, as yet, enjoyed the benefits of the system. One of the commissioners is now engaged in procuring the allotments of our regiments before they leave the State, and I earnestly recommend such an appropriation as will secure the benefits of this system to all our soldiers. Since your adjournment Congress has passed a law donating public 222 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. lands to such of the several States and territories as may provide col- leges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arcs. Under this law, this State is entitltd to a donation of 240,000 acres of land. It is a most munificent donation, and for a most worthy purpose. It is of great importance that immediate action be had by you touching this grant. By taking such action the Stale can secure the eutii'e amount of the lands within her own limits, and consequently conti'ol their manage- ment and disposition. Should action in this matter be postponed till the next regular session, other States may select their lands within the limits of this State, and manage and dispose of them in a manner very undesirable to us. I recommend the subject to your careful consider- ation. * * * It is of the highest importance that the numerical strength of the regiments from this State be maintained in the field. Many of our old regiments have been much reduced in numbers, and thus the expense of maintaining them in proportion to their numbers is much increased, while their efficiency is much diminished. Our new regiments will go out full, and the old ones will soon be filled, but in a short time their numbers will be again reduced. To remedy this evil, 1 recommend that with the approval of the proper Federal authorities a camp of in- struction be established at some suitable point in this State sufficient to accommodate 1,000 men; that the several counties be required to furnish their equitable proportion of that number of men to place in camp under instruction; that when men are needed to fill the ranks of any of our regiments, requisitions be made for the proper number which shall be filled as nearly as may be from the men in camp from the counties in which the companies composing the regiment were organized, and their places in camp be immediately supplied by new men from the same counties. This is entirely just to all the counties; will send the men into companies composed of their neighbors and friends, and will keep up our regiments to their effective strength. On the 17th day of August I issued a proclamation urging upon our people the strong necessity of filling up our old regiments, and as an inducement to enlistments for that pui'jjose declared my intention of recommending to you the payment of boimties by the State to all who should enlist for the old regiments, between the date of proclamation and the first day of the present month. I have not yet learned the number of men who have thus enlisted between the dates named, but I recommend to you that an appropriation for the purpose of paying to each of them such bounty as you may deem advisable. The theory of our government is that the people rule. This theory can be caiTied into practical effect only through the ballot bos. Thereby the people mould and direct the operations of the govern- ment and settle all questions affecting the public welfare. The right of suffrage is therefore highly prized by all good citizens, and should THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 223 be exercised by them at all times, and especially at times when ques- tions of grave importance are presented for solution. There never has been, pes haps there never will again be a time when questions so im- portant, interests so vital as those now demanding action at the hands of our people were, or will be submitted to them. The very life of the nation is at stake, and ma}' be as fatally lost at the ballot box as on the battletield. Under such circumstances it is not only the right but the duty of all good citizens to exercise the right of suffrage, and to see to it that the principles for the preservation of which our people are so freely offering their treasure and life, are not jeopai'dized, are not lost in the halls of legislation — State or National. A very large number of the electors of the State are in the army. We say but little when we saj'' that these men are as good citizens, as intelligent, as patiiotic, as devoted to their country, as those who remain at home. Under exist- ing laws these citizens cannot vote, and unless these laws can be changed it may be that the same cause they are periling life in the field to maintain, may be lost at home through supineness or treachery. I therefore recommend that the laws be so moditied that all membei's of Iowa regiments, who would be entitled to vote if at home on the day of election, be allowed to vote wherever they may be stationed in the United States, and that provision be made for receiving and can- vassing their votes. There are in this State some religious bodies who entertain peculiar views on the subject of bearing arms, and whose religious opinions conscientiously entertained pi'eclude their doing so. Their members are generally among our most quiet, orderly and industrious and peaceful citizens, and their sympathies are wholly with the govern- ment in this struggle now going on for its preservation, yet they can- not conscientiously bear arms in its support. It appears to me it wouhi be unjust and wholly useless to force such men into the army as sold ers, and yet it would not be just to the government or to other citizens that they should be wholly relieved from the burdens that others have to bear. I suggest therefore that these persons who can- not conscientiously render military duty be exempted therefrom in case of di'af t upon payment of a fixed sum of money to be paid to the State. Startling rumors have recently reached me of danger to our people on the northwestern frontier from hostile Indians 1 immediately despatched Schuyler R. Ingham of Des Moines to the scene of danger with arms and ammunition and full authority to act as circumstances might require. I have not yet had a report from him. but will imme- diately upon receipt of such report communicate with you by special message should the emergency require your attention. The condition of the country is such as justly to cause anxiety and distrust, but not despondency to the patriot. It is true the rebellion I 224 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. against the government has assumed a magnitude and shown a strength we did not anticipate, but it is also true that the government has exhibited a degree of power for its suppression that the most san- guine did not dream of. Our rulers and our people have at last real ized the extent of the task before them, and have girded themselves to the work like men. We have all, rulers and people, at last learned, on a page all blotted with tears and blood, that in this war conciliation and kindness are more than useless, and that the enemy, whose social fabric is based upon force, respects only force, and can be subdued by force alone. We are learning, if we have not yet learned, that it is wise to strike the enemy Avhei*e he is weakest, and to strike him there continually and with all our power, that God's blessing u|)on our cause will surely bring its triumph, and that we cannot with confidence claim that blessing until our cause by being made in all things like Him — pure and holy, fully deserves it. If we have fully learned these lessons, and shall fairly act upon them, we will soon triumph. If we have not learned them we will yet do so and we will then triumph. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Such was his anxiety to have all done for the soldiers that could be, that on the 10th of September the Governor sent in the following special message: Oentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives: The burthens of the war now being waged by our people for the pres- ervation of our government bear heavily on us, and should be borne as equally as possible. These burthens are of two kinds: First, that of military duty in the Held, and second, that of taxation at home. It seems to me to be unequal and unfair that those of us who bear the first of these burthens should be compelled to share with those of us who remain at home the second; that the soldiers who are fighting our battles in the field should also be compelled to pay their share of taxes equally with those who do not share their perils and privations. The compensation paid to those of our soldiers who hold commis- sions is sufficiently liberal to enable them to pay their taxes with- out inconvenience, but it is not so with their no less worth}^ but less fortunate comrades. It would be a just recognition by us of our appreciation of the patriotism and self-sacrifice of the latter, if we were to release them during their services from all taxes levied under State laws and it doubtless would be news of com- fort and cheer to them amid the dangers and trials by which they arc surrounded for our sakes, that we be careful that the houses that shel- tered their \\ ives and little ones had been secured from danger of sale for taxes, by our voluntary assumption of their share of the one bur- then, while they are bravely bearing our share of the other. I there- THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 225 fore recommend to you that you pass a law exempting from all taxa- tion under the laws of the State the real and personal property of all non-commissioned officers and privates in the regiments of this State in the army of the United States during their continuance in service, and that for the current year there be added to the per centum of tax- ation upon the valuation of the property of all the other tax payers the sum of one-fourth of one mill on each dollar of such valuation to cover the deficiency in revenue created thereby. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. CHAPTER XII. Laws Passed — Meeting of Loyal Governors — Iowa's Quota Filled With- out Drafting — Thanksgiving Proclamation — Battle of Corinth — Iowa Regiments Eiig aged— Letter to Col. Crocker — To Surgeon Cochran — To Oen. Herron — Governor' s Anxiety for Sick Soldiers — Writes Sec- retary of War in Their Behalf^Knights of Golden Circle — Proclama- tion — Writes Secretary of War Again. At this session of the Legislature the most important bills passed were, one prompted by the horrid massacre by In- dians in Minnesota, for the protection of the northwestern frontier from hostile Indians; one permitting counties to pay bounties for enlistments, and to aid in the support of the families of enlisted soldiers; one for the reorganization and discipline of the militia; one for the appointment of sanitary agents; one appropriating $30,000 for the extraordinary ex- penses of the Executive Department and the relief of sick and wounded soldiers, and one providing for taking the vote at certain State elections of the qualified voters who are absent from the State in the military service of the State. Much was done under the law toward organizing and disciplining the militia at home, and much was done for the relief of the families of enlisted soldiers, and a vast amount of good was accomplished by the sanitary agents in providing sanitary stores and forwarding them to the sick and wounded soldiers in hospital and in camp. These agents were the ministering angels of mercy that tempered and relieved the rugged and cruel asperities of war. At this extra session, in the appropriation bill was an item or two which did not meet with the Governor's favor, and when the bill had been passed and was presented to him for his signature, a personal friend and an eyewitness of the transaction says, "For once I saw the usually good natured THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 227 Governor thoroughly mad. There was a dishonest drain made on the treasury by this bill which he wanted to stop, but could not well do it, as the General Assembly was on the very eve of adjournment." Governor Kirkwood was one of the loyal Governors who met at Altoona, and the following is his account of that meeting and their subsequent interview with the President, written as it purports to be for the "Iowa Historical Record," and published in that journal in the January number, 1892. In relation to the draft which was resorted to to raise our quota of troops, I quote from an article written for the Iowa Historical Record by Mr. N. H. Brainerd, Military Secretary. THE LOYAL GOVERNORS AT ALTOONA IN 1862. Editor loiva Historical Record: My Dear Sir:— In accordance with your request I hand you here- with a brief history of the convention of the Governors of the loyal States held at Altoona, Penn., in September, 1862. The convention met in response to a circular sent to its members by Gov. Curtin of Pennsylvania, signed by himself, and as I now recollect by the Gov- ernor of one or two of the other Eastern States. Part of its doings is shown in its address to the President, prepai'ed by Gov. Andrew of Massachusetts, and published at the time; and another part consisted of an interview with the President, which so far as I know has not hitherto been made public, a brief and incomplete statement of which I now endeavor to supply. Sometime during the first half of September, 1862, I received a circular, signed by Gov. Curtin of Pennsylvania and one or two other Governors of States east of the Alleghanies, requesting the Governors* of all the loyal States to meet at Altoona, Penn., for consultation in regard to the then critical condition of public affairs. I felt it my duty to attend the meeting and did so. Most of the Governors of the loyal States attended personally or by proxies duly authenticated. I arrived onthe22dday of September, and those present met on that day in private session and convei'sed freely touching the condition of the country. I got the New York papers of that day either at Creston, a station west of Altoona, or at Altoona, and was delighted to lind ♦Those who met were A. G. Curtin, Penn.; John A. Andrew, Mass ; Richard Yates, lU.; Israel Washbiirne, Jr., Me.; Edward Solomon, Wis. ; Samuel J. Kirkwood, la.; O. P. Morton, (by D. G. Rose) Ind.; Wm. Sprague, R I.; F. H. Pierriepont, Va. ; David Tod, O.; N. S. Berry, N. H.; Austin Blair, Mich. 228 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. thei'ein the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln. It was afterwards claimed by some people that the Proclamation was not tlie deliberate judgment of the President, but that he was largely in- llnenced in issuing it by the action of our convention. This is a mistake, as the Proclamation was publi hed before we met. The Proclamation was freely discussed by us. Its issuance by the President was heartily approved by most if not all present, and it was resolved that an address to the President should be prepared for pre- sentation to him expressing that approval. Gov. Andrew was appointed to pre^iare the address and he did so. We then discussed tlie condition of military affairs and especially the titness of Gen. McClellan for military command. On this point there was some difference of opinion, but my recollection is that a decided majority were of opinion that the public welfare would be promoted by his retirement from the command of the Army of the Potomac. But as there was not the same accord of opinion on this point as there was in regard to the Emancipation Proclamation, it was decided that the address to be prepared by Gov. Andrew should not include any expression of opinion in regard to Gen. McClellan, and that we should go to Washington and have an interview with the President, at which such of us as choose so to do might say what we thought on that sub- ject. We went to Washington accordingly and an interview was arranged for, at which Gov. Andrew read the address to President Lincoln, to which he made a suitable reply. This interview was private at our request, because we thought as we were not in full accord it would be better not to make public our difference of opinion. Several of us expressed our opinions in regard to Gen. McClellan, some favorable and some not favorable. Among others I gave my opinion very decidedly unfavorable. I cannot give the names of those on the one side or the other or the reasons assigned by any of them, nor can I undertake to use the language used by myself, merely the substance of it. In order to understand my position it is necessary to explain my understanding of the position of the counti'y at the time. I I did not know Gen. McClellan personally, we had never met. All I knew of him was what I had learned from others and the public prints, and it may be I did him injustice, but I think not. I did know Mr. Lincoln personally, not intimately, but I think thoroughly. He was, in my judgment, next to Washington, the greatest man our country has produced. In private life he was genial, gentle and kindly. As a public man rigidly honest, exceptionally intelligent, earnest, nnseltish, brave aud devoted to the preservation of the Union. What progress had been made in September, 1862, in putting down tlie rel)eHiou? In the west our armies had done some good work; w(! held the Mississippi down to Memphis, aud the navy had captui'ed and held New Orleans, thus leaving Vicksburg and Port Hudson the only JiiE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KI&KWOOD. 22^ obstacles to the free navigation of that gi-eat river. These obstacles were removed by the capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson in July of the next year and the Confederacy deprived of the vast resources of the rebel territory west of the river. Our western armies had fought the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Pea Ridge, Corinth and Wilson's Creek, and covered themselves with gloiy. What had the army of the Potomac done? It had done as much and as hard fighting as the western ai'mies but with what result? If the results were not glorious and profitable the fault was not with the soldiers; where was it? I then thought and still think it was with the commander. He was often in a quarrel with the President, the Cabi- net and the Radicals, as he called a large portion of the Republican members of Congress. He seemed to think the salvation of the coun- try depended on him alone and was continually complaining. When urged to make a forward movement long before he did he insisted that his trooi s were raw, undisciplined and not properly equipped, but (lid not remember that our troops in the west were as raw and undisciplined, and more poorly equipped than his, and yet did great things. The Army of the Potomac had the first and best of every- thing and our western armies had what was left. The army of the Potomac was better and sooner armed, better clothed, better equipped in every way than our western ai'mies. The public position I then held compelled me to know it, and I was sometimes angry, and I fear at times a littlu profane about it, and yet our western troops were always doing something and McClellan was only getting ready. It was with this knowledge and in this temper I had the conversa- tion with President Lincoln, which I am about to relate. After the reading of our address by Governor Andrew and the President's reply, I said to the President that I spoke only for our Iowa people; that, in their judgment. Gen. McClellan was unfit to command his army; that his army was well clothed, well armed, well disciplined, were fighting in a cause as good as men ever fought for, and fought as bravely as men ever fought, and yet were continually whipped, and our people did not think he was a good general who was always whipped. Mr. Lincoln smiled in his genial way and said, "You Iowa people, then, judge generals as you do lawyers, by their success in trying cases." 1 replied, "Yes, something like that; the lawyer who is always losing his cases, especially when he was right and had justice on his side, don't get much practice in Iowa." After some further talk in the same vein I spoke upon another point, in which I felt intense interest and upon which I had some fear my remarks would not be received in the same spirit. But I thought I knew Mr. Lincoln well enough to know that he would not take otTense unless he had cause to believe offense was intended, and I thought he knew me well enough to know I would not intend to offend him. I 230 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. said, ''Mr. President, our Iowa people fear and I fear tliat the Admin- istration is afraid to remove Gen. McClelian." I saw the color come to his cheek, and felt that I had blundered and I hastened to explain. "Understand me," I said, "we fear that the strong efforts made by Gen. MeClellan and his toadies in the army to attach his soldiers to him personally, and their etforts and the efforts of a certain class of politicians outside the army to cause his soldiers to believe that the severe criticisms to which the General has been subjected, are intended to apply to them (the soldiers) as well as to him (their commander) have so prejudiced his soldier's' minds as to make it unsafe to remove him for fear his removal might cause insubordination, perhaps mutmy. That is what I meant when I spoke of your being afraid to remove him." And it was precisely what I meant, although I had blundered in not saying just what I meant. Mr. Lincoln was silent for a brief space, and then he said slowly and with emphasis, "Governor Kirk- wood, if I believed our cause would be benefited by removing Gen. McClelian to-morrow, I would remove him to-morrow. I do not so believe to-day, but if the time shall come when I shall so believe, I will remove him promptly, and not till then." I felt and expressed myself perfectly satisfied, for I knew he meant and would do just what he said; and so ended our interview, so far as 1 was concerned. In reviewing at this late day the then situation, one thing is strongly impressed on my mind: Gen. McClelian was or tried to be too much of a politician and not enough of a soldier. His Harrison Bar letter, indeed his whole history as written by himself, I think shows this. It was a happy day for our country when Grant, Sher- man, Sheridan and Thomas, who were, and were content to be, soldiers and did not aspire to be politicians as well, devoted them- selves to whipping the Rebel armies and left the management of our political affairs to those to whom the people had entrusted it. S. J. KiRKWOOD. Iowa City, Dec. 20, 1891. In relation to the draft which was resorted to to raise our quota of troops, I quote from an article written for the Iowa Historical Record by Mr. N. H. Brainerd, military secretary during Governor Kirkwood's administration: "When the first call was made for 75,000 men for three months of service, there seemed almost a fight for places, and in Iowa two regi- ments were enlisted when but one was called for and could be accepted. But such was the spirit of the enlisted men that so soon as a call came for enlistments for three years service, this second regi- ment, which had enlisted but for three months, went bodily into the three years service. As the conflict progressed and increased in mag- nitude, the Government, in 1862, issued a call for 300,000 men to be i'HE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 231 enlisted for three years service, aud for auotlier 300,000 to be enlisted for nine months, if possible, but if not, then to be drafted. Then was the time we saw the war spirit on the rampage here in Iowa. In our own connty (Johnson) we saw 700 men go into the Twenty-second Regiment, while some 500 had gone out before. The quota for Iowa in each one of these calls was 10,500 men. The first was soon filled. "As to the second. Governor Kirkwood said he would not put in a man for nine months. He said it took nine months for raw recruits to become of value as soldiers — to become inured to camp and march — to change of food and habits, and the exposure incident to army life and efiicient in drill and the lise of arms. By the time they had got thus far and were beginning to be soldiers in deed, their term of enlistment would expire and they be lost to the service. So he called upon the patriotism of Iowa to fill this call, also, with three years men; and so well was this call x'esponded to that the whole number were so enlisted and sent to the field. "Of all the wise things done by Governor Kirkwood during the war, and there were very many of them, none were wiser than this. Had this call been filled throughout the country in the same manner, the Rebellion would have collapsed much sooner than it did, and tens of thousands of precious lives and hundi'eds of millions of treasure been saved. But all Governors did not have Iowa patriotism to draw upon. But Iowa received at Washington credit for only the number of men sent, without reference to the length of time for which they were enlisted. "As the war progressed with all its casualties, and the expiration of the enlistment of the nine months men, more recruits were wanted, and as they could not be enlisted fast enough a draft was ordered in 1863, and Iowa was called upon to furnish troops under it. I then suggested to Governor Kirkwood that Iowa was entitled to credit for \.\xQ length of time of enlistments, as well as for the number of men enlisted. He directed me to correspond with the War Department and present the claim. This I at once did and received prompt reply that the claim was just, but that the Department was overwhelmed with work, and had no time then to adjust the matter, but would do so and give due credit on any subsequent call; that the necessity for men was most pressing, and this draft must go on as it did early in 1864. In July, 1864, another draft was ordered, and Iowa had not received her due credit. Governor Kirkwood's last term closed in January, 1864, and Governor Stone succeeded him. He also pressed this claim for credit; but it was not till January 23, 1865, that he was enabled to issue his proclamation announcing that, 'After a careful settlement with the War Department and adjustment of credits due under previ- ous calls, together with recent enlistments, we are gratified in being able to announce that all demands by the Government upon this State 232 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. for troops have been filled, and that we are placed beyond the liability of a draft under the impending call for 300,000 one year men.' " Had proper credit for these three-year men been obtained as the men were furnished, our quota would have been full when the first draft was ordered, and with the enlistments which were constantly being made, all calls would have been met by enlistments, and Iowa at no time subject to draft. The 10,500 for three years were equal in time of service to 42,000 men enlisted for nine months. In actual value they were vastly greater than this. They were, after the nine months expired, veterans in service to the close of the war, while some of the greatest embarrassments the government encountered were from the expiration of the terms of the nine months' men from the other States. This was one of the most striking and creditable events in Iowa' glorious war record — that she went so far beyond the demand made upon her by the government as to furnish this so vastly greater support than she was asked to do, or than any other State did do or attempt to do. The initia- tion of this was due to the good sense and sound judgment of Gov. Kirkwood. The fulfillment of it was due to the abounding patriotism and heroic valor of the young man- hood of Iowa. There was no draft during Gov. Kirkwood' s adminis- tration. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. To the Peojjle of Iowa: In token of our dependence upon the Supreme Ruler of the universe, the more especially in this the hour of peril to the nation, in fervent thanksgiving to him, that no pestilence has prevailed in our midst, that the labors of the husbandman have been measurably rewarded, and for the many blessings vouchsafed us as individuals and citizens, in devout acknowledgment of His soveieignty and over-ruling Provi- dence, and in heartfelt gratitude that our armies in the field have won such renown in the great cause of the Union, that our citizens at home have been inspired with such devoted loyalty, and munificence in relieving our brave soldiers, and that we have been permitted to follow I'HE LIFE AiSID TI^NFKS OF SAMUEL J. KTRKWOOD. 233 in a peaceful manner our usual pursuits, Avhile war is desolating our land, I, Samuel J. Kirkwood, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 27th day of November inst., as a day of thanksgiving, prayer and praise, and do hereby entreat the people, abstaining from their usual pur- suits, to assemble together on that day in their chosen places of wor- ship and offer up their prayers to Almighty God. humbly acknowledg- ing their short comings and their dependence upon Him, thanking Him for the manifold blessings conferred upon them by His hand, beseeching Him to crown our arms and cause with signal triumph, to confer strength upon our gallant soldiers, to mitigate the sufferings of the sick, wounded and imprisoned, and to succor and heal the anguish of the bereaved, and Imploring the speedy extinction of rebellion, a return of peace in His ow^n good time to our distracted land, and that we may prove ourselves worthy of the institutions bequeathed us by the fathers of the republic by becoming once more a united, fraternal and happy people. ] In testimony whereof I have hereto set my By the Governor, ELIJAH SELLS, Sec^y of State. hand and caused the great seal of the State to ' be affixed this 1st day of November, 1862. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. The battle of Corinth, one of the most important and decisive battles of the war was fought on the 3d and 4th of October, in which oar troops under Gen. Rosecrans secured a glorious and decisive victory. The following Iowa troops took part in the engagement: The 2nd, Col. Weaver; the 5th, Col. Matthies; the 7th, Col. Elliott; the 10th, Lieut. - Col. Small; the 11th, Col. Hall; the 13th, Col. Crocker; the 15th, Col. Reid; the 16th, Col. Chambers; the 2nd Cavalry, Col. Hatch, and the Union Brigade. After the new^s of the battle reached Iowa, Gov. Kirk- wood wrote a personal letter to each of these ten command- ants, no one letter being like another in phraseology, but all of the same tenor, and breathing the same spirit. As a sam- ple here given is the one to Col. Crocker: Executive Office, Iowa, | Iowa City, Nov. 19, 1862. S Colonel: — It is with no ordinary feelings of pleasure and State pride that I congratulate your brave regiment on its courage and achieve- ments at Corinth. Its devoted loyalty and attachment to the Union and the Constitution have been thus attested on the field of battle, where 234 IPHE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. life was at stake, and the gallant bearing of youi* men in the face of death has pi'oven them patriots as well as soldiers. Accept for yourself assurances of my esteem and best wishes. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Col. M. M. Crocker, 13th Iowa Infantry, Corinth, Miss. On the Dews of the battle of Prairie Grove in Arkansas reaching him, he writes as follows: Executive Office, Iowa, { Iowa City, Jan. 5, 1863. \ M. B. Cochran, Surgeon First Regiment Iowa Cavalry, Acting Medical Director 3d Division Army of Frontier. Sir: — I returned from Washington on the 2ud and found your letter of 13th December this morning. I am truly rejoiced to hear from you and am both grateful and grieved to hear the particulars of the hard fought battle of Prairie Gi'ove. Iowa as usual did her share of the lighting, and did it nobly, but also as usual lost heavily. I regret the loss of McFarland very much. He was a noble man. How is Thomp- son doing? *Flease write me how he is. He is a gallant fellow. I need not impress on you the necessity of doing all that can be done for our brave boys. Let me say one thing: Don't let them lack for anything, "red tape" or no "red tape;" see that they have all that they need. Please write often. Very truly your friend, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Executive Office, Iowa, [ Iowa City, Jan. 6, 1863. J Oeneral'. — I wish I could shake hands with you and express to you verbally my thanks and congratulations for the well fought battle and dearly won victory of Prairie Grove. I have transmitted to the 19th and 20th letters of thanks, which I hope will be read to them. They have proved themselves worthy to be called "Iowa boys." General, you are surpassing yourself. Your name is in all men's mouths, and the people delight to speak the praises of our plucky little Iowa general. Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove make a record of which any man may well be proud, and I assure you you can't feel more pride in that record than I do. Very respectfully your obedient servant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Brig. -Gen. J. F. Herron, Commanding 2nd Division Army Frontier In his anxiety for the care of the sick soldiers he writes: *Wm. G., Col. of the 20th Reg't. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 235 Executive Office, } Davenport, Iowa, Dec. 16, 1863. ^ John Clark, Esq., State Agent, Springfield, Mo. Dear Sir:— I have just seen Col. Giftord, who returned night be- fore last. He gives me a deplorable account of the condition of our boys at Spriugtield. I want you to stay in Missouri as long as you find it necessary. See the Medical Director, Gen. Curtis, Gen. Herron and everj^ on else until you get our boys cared for. You need not be backward or raealj'-mouthed in discussing the state of affairs, and in cursing everyone who wont do his duty. Talk right hard, and have our boys cared for. If hay and straw cannot be had, have Gen. Curtis send cots and mattresses, and call on the Sanitary Association of St. Louis for help and supplies. Very truly, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. On the same subject he again writes a long letter to the Secretary of War as follows: Executive Office, Iowa, ) Iowa City, June 23, 1863. Hon. Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington, D. 0. Sir: — I have received the letter of Brig. -Gen. Canby, A. A. G., covering copy of Surg.-Gen. Hammond's report on my application for the transfer of sick and wounded soldiers from Iowa to hospitals in that State, and confess that I am deeply mortified and much disheart- ened by their contents. Sui'g.-Gen. Hammond reports that on the 37th of May last he reported to you that at hospitals then established, there were 40,000 vacant beds, that a compliance with my request would involve the construction of more hospitals, and therefore he disapproved it; and Gen. Canby 's letter merely states that he has been instructed by you to enclose to me a copy of Sui'g.-Gen. Hammond's report. I do not at all dispute the correctness of the facts in Surg.-Gen. Hammond's report, but I think you will be troubled, as I certainly have been, to discern the reason why these facts render my I'equest an improper one, when I state to you another fact which certainly would be known to Surg.-Gen. Hammond, to-wit: That one of these hos- pitals in which these vacant beds are, is in the city of Keokuk in the State of Iowa. Immediately after the battle of Shiloh a hospital was established at Keokuk, and the same has been kept up continually until this time. Thei'e are now some 500 or 600 patients there, and "vacant beds" for at least 1,000 or 1,500 more, and when I apply to you to have our sick and wounded men sent there, backed as I suppose 236 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KlRKVfOOD. myself to be, either by a positive law or joint resolution of Congress, it is exceedingly mortifying aud disheartening to learn asltlo unfortu- nately, that the existence of this hospital is unknown at Washington, and that to comply Avith my request will require the construction of new hospitals. There is room enough in the hospital now established at Keokuk, aud now hi operation there, for all or nearly all our sick and wounded men, and thus the reason assigned by Surg. -Gen. Ham- mond for refusing my request being removed, permit me to renew that request and further urge it upon your consideration. There is a great deal of ill feeling among our sick and wounded men and their friends at home on this subject. When men ai'e suffer- ing from wounds or disease, there is among them a natural desire to be as near home as possible aud to sec their friends if they can. If you, or Surg.-Gen. Hammond or I were sick or wounded, we would feel thus, and our friends would desire to have us near them so they could see us. Our sick and wounded men feel thus, and it is right that I should say to you plainly and frankly that the belief prevailing among our soldiers and their friends at home that the government refuses to gratify this natural and proper feeling of the soldiers and their friends, when as in this case it can be fairly and properly grati- fied, is producing results in the public mind unfavorable to the gov- ernment and prejudicial to the cause of the country. When speaking on 'this subject men whose sons are in the ai'my begin to say, and to say freely, that it would be well for the government to pay some re- gard to the feelings and wishes and opinions of those who have given all they have for the country, as well as to be careful to conciliate those who are doing much against it. I therefore renew my request and base it on the following grounds: 1st. We have already hospital accommodations in the State. 2nd. Our people are well satisfied, and they are sustained in their belief by the best medical avithority, that not oul}' will our sick and wounded recover more rapidly in their own climate, but that many will recover if sent here who will die if kept below. 3rd. The sick and wounded can be as well guarded at Keokuk, as elsewhere, and returned to their regiments upon their recovery as well from that point as from any other. 4th. It will be a cause of heartfelt pleasure to many a poor fello"w to be in a place where his wife, his sister, or his mother can go to see him aud caeer him in his suffering, aud will encourage their friends to stand by and support the government that shows a SA^mpathy for those who are suffering for its preservation. Very respectfully Your obedient sei'vant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. To guard the interests and protect the rights of the citi- zens of the State, the Governor had occasionally to cross THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 237 swords with some of the United States officers as the follow- ing letter will show: Executive Office, | Jan. 1, 1863. f L. Thomas, Adjutant General, U. S. A. Sir: — In November last Capt. Parker had in camp and was filling up a company, the organization of which Avas commenced August 18. The company had been full, but by reason of delay in getting barracks, a number of the men had left. The county authorities of the county in which the companj' was being raised, in order to encourage enlist- ment and thus secure the county against the liability to a draft, were paying a county bounty of $50 to single and $75 to married men. The men had received this county bounty, but the company was not fully organized, nor had the men signed triplicate enlistment papers as required by General Order No. 75, 1863. Under these circumstances Capt. Yates, 13th U. S. Infantry, re- cruited nine of these men for the regular army from the State camp, and the Adjutant General of the State refused to permit them to go into Capt. Yates' company. I learn that you have issued instructions to Capt. Hendershott at Davenport, to turn the men over to Capt. Yates, taking them from the company for which they enlisted. I respectfully and firmly protest against this action; these men were not liable to enlistmen*^ in the regular service, because they had not then signed their enlistment pai:»ers; they were not liable to enlistment as citizens, because they had then volunteei'ed and were in camp as part of an organized company, being raised by one of my recruiting officers to fill a requisition made upon me by the Secretary of War. It is bad enough to have our volunteer organizations, raised with so much labor and mustered into the United States service, decimated to furnish commands for men who do not enlist men under them; but if these men are allowed to go among ovir incomplete organizations and take from them men who have been recruited by State recruiting ofii- cei's, and who have received large, local bounties, it is proper I should say frankly, I shall not feel disposed to make any great exertion for the future to pi"ocure voluntary- enlistments. In this particular case the company from which these men ai"e taken is assigned to one of our old regiments, and with these men lacks three of having the minimum number. If these men are taken away this company will be still fur- ther delaj'^ed in its completion. The officers who have raised it have spent much time and money in raising the company, and plainly speak- ing it is an outrage on them to take the men from them. Capt. Hender- shott, at my request, has delayed any action on the order issued to him till I caQ bear from you, and I earne§tly request a careful coasid- 238 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. eratiou of the matter, as your decision must seriously affect further recruiting in the State. I cannot get men to undertake to recruit companies, if while they are engaged in the work officers of the regu- lar army can seduce their men from them by promising the immediate payment of the bounty which is delayed to them as volunteers. Very respectfully, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. That traitorous and unpatriotic institution known as the ' 'Knights of the Golden Circle" had about this time gained a strong foothold in the State, and its members were num- bered by the thousand, and while their treasonable acts were not of such an overt and open character as to subject them to arrest and trial for treason, their whisperings and mutter- ings were sent forth with all the vile and venomous treason they dare utter. Had they left the State and openly joined their Southern Secession allies, their course and conduct would have been much more honorable than it was while they remained at home to spit out and fume their vile venom, and do all they dare and could do to hinder, retard and frus- trate the eflforts of Union men in restoring the country to its former condition of peace and prosperity. Their influence was felt more strongly along the southern border than else- where, though some of the interior counties contained nests where the foul brood was hatched and nourished. To give these people warning of their impending danger, and to put others on their guard, there was issued this PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. Executive Office of Iow^ Iowa City, March 23, 1863 To the People of Iowa : There is reason to believe that a very considerable number of men, some of whom have been in the Rebel army, and others of whom have, as guerrillas, been engaged in plundering and murdering Union men in the State of Missouri, have taken refuge in this State to escape the punishment due to their crimes, and that instead of seeking to merit a pardon of past offences by living peaceably and quietly among us, as becomes good citizens, many of them are endeavoring to array a por- tion of our people in armed resistance to the laws. And I very deeply THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 239 regret to say there is reason to believe that some of our people have been found weak enough to aid them in their mischievous designs. These men, by bold and tierce denunciations of certain acts of the President and of the Congress of the United States as unconstitu- tional, and by industriously teaching that the citizen may lawfully re- sist by force what he deems an unconstitutional act or law, and in other ways are seeking to array such as may be duped and deceived by their artful and wicked machinations into armed resistance to the General Government, and to inaugurate civil war within our limits, thus exposing their dupes to the punishment due to traitors, and our State to the storm of war, which has swept as with fire the State of Missouri. These men are endeavoring to induce our soldiers in the field to desert their colors, thus exposing them to the penalty of deser- tion, which is death, and are endeavoring to induce our citizens to violate the law by resisting the arrest of deserters, and a conscription in this State, if oi'dered, thereby exposing themselves to the punish- ment due such criminal acts. It is my duty to, and I therefore do, warn these men that their courses are fraught with peril to themselves and the peace and good order of the State, and if persisted in to the extremity they intend will certainly bring punishment; and I also warn all the good people* of the State, as they value peace and good order, and would avoid the horrors of civil war, not to be misled by these wicked and designing men, who, having nothing to lose, hope for plunder and profit in the license of civil war. The laws of the General Government will be e7iforced among us at any cost and at all hazards, and the men who array themselves in armed resistance to the laws will certainly be overpowered and punished. As long as those who have sought shelter in Iowa from other States behave as quiet and peaceable citizens, I have no disposition to interfere with or molest them; but it cannot be tolerated that these men who have been compelled to flee from their own State for fear of punishment for ciimes committed against the laws of their own State, or of the United States, should, while enjoy- ing the protection of our laws, be permitted to bring among our peaceful homes, and upon our peaceful people, all the horrors they have brought upon the State from which they have fled. We owe it not only to ourselves and our families, but much more to the families of those who have left us to defend on the battlefield the life of our country that we preserve peace and good order at home. It must be a bitter reflection to our gallant soldiers that while they are enduring the hardships and dangers of a soldier's life in defense of their coun- try, bad men at home are plotting to bring on their unprotected fami- lies the dangers of civil war. Moved by these considerations, I have this day notified the proper authorities of the United States and of the State of Missouri that many 240 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. criminals against their laws are in Iowa engaged, as I believe, in in- citing rebellion, and that I shall insist on their arrest and removal when necessary, and their trial for their crime if their conduct shall continue to be such as is dangerous to the peace and safety of the State; and I enjoin upon all good citizens who know that such men are among them that they especially notice their demeanor and con- duct, and if it be seditious and dangerous that they furnish the United States District Attorney or the United States Marshal, or either of the Congressional District Provost Marshals, to be appointed, or myself, with their names and affidavits, showing their criminality before their coming to this State, and their conduct since, to the end that our State may be relieved of the danger of their presence. Samuel J. Kirkwood. Breastpins made from the transverse section of a butter-, nut, and also from an old style copper cent, with the head side exposed, were favorite badges of those who were boldly displaying their disloyalty, and they were emblems of the treasonable hearts beating within the bosoms upon which they were worn. Governor Kirkwood received several let- ters written by these home-bred traitors, which letters had been gathered and sent to him, and replying to Peter Dolbee, the person who forwarded them to him, he writes: " It must be excessively pi'ovoking to all loyal men, and especially to those men who have been in the ranks of our army as soldiers, to have these copperhead breastpins publicly and offensively worn, being as they are emblems of moral treason. * * * It seems to me per- sons wearing these badges at public places, knowing the effect such conduct must produce, that it is disturbance and breach of the peace, must be held to intend to do what they have good reason to believe their acts will do. It seems to me much the same as if one of these men would bring a Rebel flag to any of the places named and there cheer for the Rebellion. He tmist know such conduct would cause dis- turbance and breach of the peace, and he should be punished if found guilty of an infraction of the law. " The Secretary of War was written to on this subject as follows: Executive Office, Iowa, | Iowa City, Mar. 18, 1863. j" Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Sea-etary of War, Washington, D. C: SiK — I have to-day received the enclosed package of papers from Mr. Hp^ie, United States Marshal pf this Stftte. Tfeere is uo douW THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 241 there is a very unfortunate condition of affairs at this time in this sfate 1 se Jet organization known popularly as the "Kmghts of the Golden Circle" is widely spread through the State the object of whj h lam informed and believe is to embarrass the Government in he prosecution of the war, mainly by encouraging desertions from the army protecting deserters from arrest, discouraging enlistment., preparing the public mind for an armed resistance to a conscription f orderel and if possible, to place the State government a the next election in the hands of men who will control it to thwart he policy of the Administration in the prosecution of the war. Indeed, with the exception of advising desertions, the purposes above mentioneo are openly advised and advocated by many persons in this State. ^ Lieutenant Henry came to me in regard to the matter mentioned in his letter to Marshal Hoxie. and. at my instance, Capt Hendersho furnished him with a detail of ten armed men to go with him to his place of rendezvous, in Madison county, and remain with him. I also sent by him fifty muskets and some ammunition to place lu the hands of loyal men. I have not heard from him since his return Theie is undoubtedlv a feverish and excited state of the public mind and mat- ters must be managed here prudently and firmly or a collision may ensue. I wrote you a few days since asking that you send me some arms, and also that you allow me to raise two or three regiments as a •State Guard,' not to leave the State. I regard these measures bothas measures of precaution and prevention. Much that is said in regard To the resistance of the laws is no doubt mere bluster by se f-impoi t- ant men of small caliber and small ambition to give themselves local importance and to secure for themselves petty offices, and who, if an outbreak were to occur, would not be in the way of danger. But I also believe there are engaged in this work men of despe ate fortunes, political and otherwise, who would have the courage to lead ■m outbreak, and who would rejoice in the opportunity. I think it ex- tremely probable that there are in this and other Northern States paid agents of the Rebels, who are organizing machinery and using the x^eans to effect the purposes herein attributed to t'.e Knights of the Golden Circle; and there is real d.nger that the efforts of these a,en may so far operate on the minds of their honest but deluded followexs in some localities as to cause a collision among our people. If we had arms in the hands of our loyal citizens, and a State Guard as I sug- ge^tit might, and I think would, prevent this. The condition o fhfngsis in my judgment, such that the Government can only make self p^ierlv respected by convincing those disposed to be trouble- m of is determination and ability to preserve the peace and enforce ^hxws The dismissal of those "arbitrarily arrested," as the phrase .oes has had a bad effect in this, that it has led many to suppose that fhe Government has not the power to pu>mk. Let me impress upon 242 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. you my conviction that in case of any armed resistance to the laws, the inmishment be prompt, certain and sharp, as any thing looking like indecision or timidity would be disastrous. I scared}' know what to advise in regard to these men who are "talking treason," huzzaing for Jeff Davis, and organizing the Knights of the Golden Cii'cle, etc. It would be worse than useless to arrest them, unless they can be tried and, if found guilty, punished. If arrests could be made, trials and convictions had and punishment sharply administered, the effect Avould be excellent. Has the United States District Attorney of this State had his attention called especially to this matter? It seems to me if it has not, it should be done, and he or the marshal furnished with the necessaiy money to detect arrest and punish some of these active scoundrels who are producing so much mischief. I have already organized and armed a company in each of the southern tier of counties in the State. These have been placed under the orders of Provost Marshal Hiatt, of Keokuk, and will be placed under the orders of the ncAV pi'ovost marshals in Congi'essional Dis- tricts as soon as I am advised of their names and appointment. I hope good selections have been made. I am now organizing a com- pany in each of the second tier of counties from the south line, and, when organized and armed, I will also place them at the disposal of the Provost Marshals. If I had arms, I would organize companies in all the counties in the State where I think they may be needed. None of these companies would draw any pay or cause any expense except when called on by the pi'oper authorities, except those in the southern tier, a squad of ten men, each of which is on duty all the time. I regard it as a matter of the first and most pressing importance to get a supply of arms and ammunition. * * * Very resisectfully, Your obedient servant, Samuel J. Kirkwood. CHAPTER XIII. Fall of Vicksburg-Letters to the Soldier s-To General Qrant-To Gen. Logan— The Tally War-^The Governor's Life Threatened— Insur- rection Troo2)s— State Troops— The War Ends Without the Smell of Powder, the Whiz of Bullets, or the Stain of Blood-The Governor's Speech at West Union— Some of His Apt Illustrations— Speech at Dubuque— Plain Talk to the People of thai County. After news was received of the surrender of Vicksburg, the following letter was sent: Executive Office, Iowa, ) Iowa City, July 11, 1863. ) To the Soldiers of Iowa in the Army of the Tennessee : You have passed through cue of the most memorable campaigns of history and are now rewarded for all your toil, privation and suffer- ino- by beholding the foul emblem of treason traile.l in the dust to give place to the glorious banner of Liberty over the city of Vicksburg. The eyes of the world have been upon you and your brave and worthy comrades from other States, and admiration of your fortitude, patience and indomitable bravery, watching the progress of your work as one of those great events which shapes the destiny of a nation. You yourselves have probably been unaware of the momentous re- sults consequent upon your failure or success. Despots the world over have earnestly desired the former, while the good, the generous and the nobly brave have prayed Almighty God to give you the victory. But while the world has been thus observant of you, all lovers of liberty in Iowa have beheld with an intensity of gaze and admiration unknown to others the deeds of her valiant sous. Many thousands of her citizens are bound to you by kindred ties, while every one has felt that the name and standing of this State were in your hands, and that he was honored in your honor, and that he shared in your glory. ■ ^ ■ a The brightest hope of all is realized. You have not only maintained the lofty reputation of your country and your State, but have added greatly thereto, and shown the world that whoever insults the Hag of our beloved country must meet the bravest of the brave. The State of Iowa is proud of your achievements and renders you her homage and gratitude, and with exultant heart and exuberant joy claims you as her sons. Her tears flow for the brave men fallen, and her sympathies are warm for the sick, wounded and suffering. 244 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. You have made it a high privilege to be a citizen of Iowa to share your I'enown, and it will be a proud remembrance to you while life shall last and a rich legacy to your children that you were members of the Army of the Tennessee. Samuel J. Kirkwood. To General Grant this was written: Executive Office, Iowa, ) Iowa City, July 15, 1863. S Major-Oeneral U. S. Orant, Com'crg. Army of the Tenyiessee : General — Permit me to congratulate you upon your great triumph in the capture of Vicksburg. Your campaign resulting in that great success stands unrivaled in the history of this war for boldness of plan, thoroughness of execution and brilliancy of success. In the name of the people of Iowa, whose brave boys aided in achieving this great result, I tender you their hearty thanks. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, Samuel J. Kirkwood. Writing to Gen. Logan, commandant of the post of Yicksburg after the surrender, in regard to sending our sick and wounded soldiers to Northern hospitals, and especially to the one at Keokuk, Governor Kirkwood closes his letter with: "Thank God and our brave army for the fall of Vicksburg. I would have freely given a year of my life to have been with you when you entered the city. The campaign ending in its capture has been in plan, execution and results the most brilliant of the war, and I hope will be a model for other campaigns. I did not formerly think highly of General Grant, but I now take it all back. He is the. man of the day." THE TALLY WAR. When, in the year 1858, in the great debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, in the statement made by the former, uttering that truism that "A house divided against itself cannot stand," and that "This country must eventually become all slave or all free," nothing was farther from the mind of that great man who made that uttor.'incc tlmn that he was to be the person whose one single ac;t would make it so. 245 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. "But there's a Divinity that shapes our ends. Rough cast them as we may." It w?s his immortal Emancipation Proclamation that, on the first day of January, 1863, made this country at once and forever free. Illustrating the truth of the adage, that ^^the pen is mightier than the sword,- with one stroke o his trenchant pen he cut off the heads of 250,000 slave-holders. He wiped from the face of the fairest land on earth an insti- tution that had been the cause of more study, more discus- sion more dissensions, more bitterness and more anxious solicitude on the part of American statesmen, more planning and scheming by politicians, and more anxiety on the part of the friends of free government in our country, than any This act by the President enraged and embittered the friends of this defunct institution, both North and South, more than anything else; and when in addition to this there was a prospect that a ccmscription would be had, and that thev mioht possibly be drafted and be compelled to fight as soldiers in what they had been in the habit of calling the ^Abolition War," their treason became more intense, and their opposition to the prosecution of the war more pro- nounced and more bold and emphatic. In no place in the State was this feeling more deep- seated, more manifest or outspoken, than in Keokuk county. It .irr-wed neighborhoods one against another. The recrim- inations and bickerings of small feuds were magnified by the enormity of the contest prevailing until passion g owed at a white heat. There was disloyalty to the Union which found open and intemperate expression from some whose sympa- thies were with the States of their birth south of Mason and Dixon's line. • ^ i ^.u ^ No more open or bold defender of slavery existed than Geor-e Cyphert Tally, whose father was an original Tennes- seean" Young Tally was a Baptist minister, a rugged, force- 246 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, fill, crude, uneducated man, with more zeal than discretion, but possessed of a natural gift of oratory. He was a product of the frontier. Imbued with a fervid belief in the justness of the Southern appeal to arms, he became the bold, fearless outspoken champion of the disloyal minority, who discredited the valor of the Northern soldier and denounced the prosecu- tion of the war. While trying to preach the Gospel from the pulpit, he preached moral and political treason on the stump. Saturday, August 1, 1863, a great Democratic mass meeting was held near English River, in Keokuk county, at which young Tally was the chief speaker. Several hundred persons w^ere present. They came mostly in wagons and brought weapons concealed beneath the straw in the bottom of their vehicles. Wild, and doubtless idle, threats had been made to "clean out" the town of South English, a Union stronghold, whose people, learning of the menace to their safety prepared to defend themselves. A Republican meeting had been held there and tire arms had been dis- played. Tally had been in the habit of wearing a butternut breast pin, a badge only worn by the members of the disloyal party. When going through the town on his way to the meeting, he had an altercation with a couple of the. citizens in regard to his wearing it, and they attempted to snatch it from him, but did not succeed. In the afternoon the Tally party started for the town with the avowed intention of passing through it. The Rev. Tally stood up in the wagon that led the procession. Some- one warned him not to enter the village, but he said Iw meant harm to no one, and only demanded the privilege of the street. As the party in the wagons reached the narrow crowded thoroughfare where the Republicans had held their meeting, there were cries of "Copperhead," "coward" and "why don't you shoot?" Someone did shoot, but it was THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 247 afterwards claimed to have been done accideutly, but it be- came a signal for a general fusilade. and from one to two hundred guns and revolvers were very soon discharged. Tally stood in his wagon in the fore-front of the affray. In one hand he grasped a long bowie knife, the other held a revolver. This revolver spoke among the first; once, twice, and then he fell dead in the wagon, pierced by three bullets, one in the brain and two in the body, grasping his weapons, one in each hand till they were taken from him, in the cold embrace of death. News of his killing was spread far and wide, and his friends vowed the direst of vengeance. An incredil)le excitement was fanned by the fury of the popular passion. The menace of a vendetta was at hand, and no man trusted his fellow or felt safe in his home, where before the door had been unlatched and every stranger was a wel- come guest. Monday a committee of influential citizens from Sigour- ney visited the Tally neighborhood for the purpose of assuag- ing the rising storm, by the assurance of prompt justice. But this had no effect, and from Wapello, Mahaska and Powe- sheik counties the avengers began to gather. The very next day after the murder the Governor was written to for help by three of the citizens of South English, and so pressing were their needs, and so great their fears, they repeated the request the following day. By Monday night so serious was the aspect of affairs, that two citizens of Sigourney went to Washington, the nearest railroad station, on horseback; there they procured a hand car and went to Wilton where they took a train to Iowa City to see the Governor, who at once ordered forty stands of arms and ammunition to be sent to the scene to be used in suppressing the outbreak. This prompt action had a warlike appearance to one of the men, who said: "My God! Governor, am I to understand you that we are to return home and shoot down our neighbors ? " The Governor re- 248 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. fleeted a nu)nu'nt, ;iiul then ivjilied: '*On second thought I guess I'll go myself. •"' He went, but not till he h:id niiide arrangements for half a score of companies of infantry and a squad of artillery to follow closely after him. As the artillery squad had no tixed ammunition for their guns, bars and rods of iron were cut into inch pieces to do duty in the place of canister, grape and solid shot. In sending arms to the persons applying for them, the followdug letter was written: State of Iowa, Executive Office, [ August 3, 1863. S Messrs. Allen Hale, W7n. Cochran and Thos. Moorman. South English, Iowa. Gentlemen: — I have learned with regret the unfortunate occur- rence at your place on Satui'daj^ last, and also that there is danger of further conflict and disturbance in consequence. I of course cannot determine ■where the fault is, or who are the parties responsible, but it is very clear that this is a matter to be determined by the court and not by a mob. If it shall turn out that Tally Avas unlawfully killed, the law must show who is the guilty person, and must inflict the pun- ishment If a mob of his friends are permitted to determine who is guilty, and to inflict punishment, it is just as probable that the inno- cent will suffer as the guiltj'. Such proceedings unsettle society and render every man's life and propertj' insecure. I have sent to the sherift' of Washington couutj' forty stands of arms and ammunition for the same, for you. These arms ai"e intended only and strictly for the defense of your people against any lawless attack on your town bj' a mob, and for the purpose of aiding the law- ful authorities in enforcing the laws and maintaining the public peace. They must not be used for anj' other purpose, or in an}' other manner. You must keep your people sti'ictly on the defensive, and clearly within the law. You must not i-esist the execution of legal pi-oeess, but must aid in enforcing and executing it. If you are attacked by a mob of rioters and lawless men you will of course defend 3'ourselves. The public mind is much excited by the acts of mischievous and designing men, and it becomes law abiding and peaceful citizens not to add to this excitement. Act prudently, coolly and lawfully. I trust the threatened danger may pass over without further dis- turbance. I have written the sheriff of your county to act in this matter. Until TIIK I.IFF, AND TIMES OF SAMT'EL J. KIRKWOOB. 249 his airivul J must trust to your judgment and discretion, upon his arrival act under his authority. Very respectfully, SAMUEL J. KIRKVVOOD. Charles Negus, an attorney (^f Fairfield, was sent for by the friends of Tally to assist in bringing the guilty parties to trial, and as he became a very close observer and a partici- pant in many of the scenes that followed his arrival, and has published what came to his notice, portions of that publica- tion are here inserted: "My road to Sigourney led near where the Tally party which had been constantly increasing by arrivals from the surrounding country and adjoining counties had made their headquarters about two miles from Sigourney, on the south bank of Skunk River. I drove to the encampment and took a survey of the premises. Here were to be seen the offal of slaughtered beeves, the camp fires where food had been cooked, the stacked arms, the places where men had taken their repose during the night, and large numbers of wagons, horses and men. The place looked warlike. * * * When I first met them they were not oi-ganized, Vmt they soon went to work, divided them-selves into com- panies, elected officers for each company, chose officers to command them as a brigade, and became organized for regular mi'itary drill, "As soon as it was known that I was on the ground calls were made for me to address them. I did nut think it a very desirable task to talk to such an audience, and at first declined; but finding I could not well avoid it, I ascended a stand and told them the only thing I had to say was not to act under excitement but to be cool and deliberate in all their actions, and especially to maintain the character of law abid- ing citizens, and not to do anything they were not authorized to do by law. * * * Under the then exciting state of affairs I thought it was not a very desirable crowd to be in, and got away as soon as I could and went to Sigourney. There were a great many strangers in the town, and a great many constantly coming and going, and nearly all took the Tally side of the controversy. Those that did not had very little to say. I had not been in the hotel very long before I saw J. H. Sanders coming into town on his return from having been to see Gov. Kirkwood. As soon as he had stopped, a few of the leading Republi- cans gathered around him in private consultation. Among the num- ber was the landlord. On his return, just as he passed me, I heard him remark in a low tone, "There'll be plenty of pale faces before to-morrow at this time." As soon as I saw the landlord alone I went to him, told him what I had heard him say, and asked him why he mad© that remark. Then I was informed that the Governor would be there that night with a well armed military force, that he had made 250 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. arrangements and that it was his intention, if necessar}', to take the whole Tally camp prisoners, or if they resisted to ' shoot them on the spot.' ' 'A little before sundown the Governor drove into town accompanied by three of his aids. Soon after he arrived he went to the Court House, and it was announced that he wanted to talk to the citizens. There soon collected quite an audience, and the Governor from the Court House steps addressed those assembled, closing his remark with, 'I will make an example of those engaged in these disturbances, which will forever deter others from engaging in like proceedings. I say what I mean and I inean what I say.' "The Govei'uor continued his remarks till it was quite dark. While he was speaking I made it an object to circulate through the crowd and learn the effect iiroduced upon it by the speech. I heard frequent expressions of disapprobation and sujjpressed threats of personal violence, and evident signs of much discontent. One man apparently between forty and fifty years old, whose beard had begun to be silvered over with gray hairs, and possessed of a fierce determined visage used the expression, 'I'll shoot the d d old scoundrel.' His cool, decis- ive and deliberate manner, and his emphatic tone though uttered in a low voice forcibly impressed upon my mind that he meant mischief, and might be a dangerous jjerson. "After the Governor had closed his speech, he went back to the hotel and took a seat at the door. I had taken a chair and was seated out doors on the pavement near him. There were but few persons about the house at that time, daylight had disappeared, and every thing ap- peared peaceful and quiet. The Governor in his thoughts had apparently forgotten that he was the Executive of the State, and commandei'-iu-chief of all its military forces, and in his feelings had become an Iowa farmer again; he gave a description of his own farm, how he managed it; stated that he had recently purchased a lot of steers from the western part of the State, told how he was going 'to handle them, ■■ and the profits he expected to realize from his farm and steers. ♦'It vras a beautiful evening, the sky was clear, the stars shone bright, all nature apparently calm and lovely. While these things were being discussed, I noticed the gray-bearded man who had made the threats at the court-house come near where we were sitting and take a close observation of the surrounding premises and then go away. "Soon after I saw a .squad of men consisting of five persons, one in the lead and two abreast, following each other in close proximity, with quick and hurried steps, coming up the opposite side of the street from the hotel. When they got to the corner of the public square they turned and came across the street directly towards where we were THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 251 sitting. As they approached near us, I discovered that the leader was the gray-haired man I had heard make the threats at the court-house. The thought immediately sti'i;ck me that they had malicious intentions and designs toward the Governor. I sprang to my feet, placed myself at the door, so that my body formed a barrier between them and the Governor. They came in front of the door, made a halt, turned their faces towards us, stood motionless with a steady fixed gaze at their surroundings; not a word was spoken, but after a few moments passed, they left. "The Govei-nor soon retired to his room and I to mine. In connec- tion with the many persons about town there was nothing in the com- ing, stopping, or departing of those men which excited especial atten- tion or comment, and nothing w^as said about the matter at the time, and their bearing would not have especially attracted my attention had I not heard the emphatic threats of the gray-bearded man at the court-house. There was no explanation given by the party at the time, and no especial comment made by any one. The circumstances had nearly passed from my mind, when, several months afterwards, I was informed that those men had come prepax'ed, and it was their in- tention to have shot the Governor, and if it had not been for my inter- ference they would have carried their intentions into effect. ''About the time the Governor came to town, the man who I un- derstood had been elected commander-in-chief of the Tally forces came up to Sigourney. From him 1 learned that they had got their forces fully oi'ganized, and it was their intention to start for South English early the next morning. I told him of the information I had got in relation to the Governor's preparations and intentions, and how I had got it, and advised him to go back to the camp and as soon as it Avas dark have his men disperse and go to their respective homes. "The Governor in his speech at the couit-house made no mention of his having out any military forces, and apparently it was not his intention to have it publicly known; but that night there came to Sigourney, or in close proximity to the Tally camp, the Muscatine Rangers, Caf)t. Satterlee; Washington Provost Guards, Capt. An- drews; Brighton Guards, Capt. Sheridan; Richland Home Guai'ds, Capt. Drummond; Fairfield Prairie Guards, Capt. Alexander; Fairfield Union Guards, Capt. Ratcliff; Abingdon Home Guards, Capt. Peck; Libertyville Home Guards, Capt. Cowan; Mt. Pleasant Infantry, Capt. Jericho; Mt. Pleasant Artillery, Capt. Burr; and Sigourney Home Guards, Capt. Price." While one of the artillery men was standing guard over his gun, in the early dawn of the morning, a stranger, led by curiosity or as a spy from the Tally camp, came up within speaking distance of the guard, and asked him what he had 252 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF flAMUEL J. KIRKAVOOD. there, when he got the reply, "That, sir, by , is a but- ternut cracker." As the "enemy," following the advice of their counsellor, had all disbanded and scattered during the night, no hostile demonstrations were made on the part of our troops. They were all put under the command of Col. N. P. Chipman to remain until notified by the sheriff of the county that they were no longer needed. The camp of the Tally forces was estimated to contain from one to three thousand men, but as no muster rolls of them were ever made, or, if made, never published, their ex- act number was never known. Upon warrants issued, twelve men were arrested for the killing of Tally, when Mr. Negus, who had returned to his borne in Fairfield, was sent for by the Governor to assist in their prosecution, but the men all waived examination and gave bonds for their appearance at the next term of the Dis- trict Court, and thus ended the noted "Skunk River War." For the prompt and decisive action of the Governor in suppressing this outbreak much credit is due him, as it pre- vented the shedding of much blood and a long train of domestic troubles and disasters that would have followed dilatory measures. In June of this year the Republicans nominated Col. William M. Stone to become Governor Kirkwood's suc- cessor, and the latter took some part in the canvass to pro- mote his successor's election, making several speeches as the canvass progressed. The following are portions of a speech he made at West Union, in Fayette county, on the 8th of September. Being introduced to the audience by Joseph Hobson, Esq., as a live governor. Governor Kirkwood said: Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Oentlemen .-—Whether I deserve the ap- pellation of a live Governor or not, I don't know. Since this war broke out I have certainly been a busy one in doing what I conceived to be your work in the way in which I supposed you desired it to be done. Of late 1 have been traveling about some portions of our State, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 253 talking at various i^laces with my fellow-citizens regarding our duties in the terrible struggle which has fallen upon us. The pi-esent posi- tion of our political affairs is such that every person is interested in them. There never has been a time since the history of the country began when all the people were more deeply interested in these things. We have enjoyed many years of peace and great prosperity under this government. And in past days of peace, we have been accustomed to gather together on the Fourth of July — anniversary of our independ- ence — and talk joyously and boastingly of our privileges, and quite loudly of our patriotism and our devotion to the institutions which our fathers have handed down to us. Our orators, on these occasions, have given us grand pictures of our greatness and glory. They have made for us very broad pledges to stand up bravely to the death, if need be, for the honor and integrity of this government, and now the day of real trial has come. We have talked our patriotism, and now, my friends, we are called upon to make good our professions. The day has now come for us to make good the words which in times of peace we have so loudly spoken. The life of the government is im- periled. Bad men have sought to destroy this government, and we are called upon in earnest to stand up and defend it— to protect it from the rough hands of its enemies— that we may hand its blessings down to posterity. Now, I knoAv you will not expect me to-day to talk to you of any- thing but this war which is upon us. Indeed, there is no use of talk- ing about any thing else at this time. Well, we are at war, and what are we fighting for? For our government? Well, what is a govern- ment? Let us consider that matter for a moment and see what we are fighting for. Many people seem to get an idea that the government is only a set of machinery put in motion for the accommodation of aspiring, ambitious men — just to make Presidents and Governors and other officers to eat up their substance — to lift fat, lazy fellows into positions of power and luxury to use up the money the people are yearly taxed to pay. This is not exactly a right view. The govern- ment is the means through which you are protected in your life, your liberty, your proj^erty, in all that you do and have. Its protection is around you and goes with you continually. It stands by you by night and by day. The government protects your persons, your families, your farms, your workshops, yoi.r various places of business. It pro- tects you from the violence of the strong, and from wrong through the machinations of the cunning and dishonest. And all this it does for you, not only at home, but abroad. Go to foreign lands — to the end of the earth, if you will— and it goes commanding respectful protec- tion, and demanding it in the name and strength of a nation that all people every where shall treat you well. And this it does not only for the native born, but for the foreign born— for all who, having left the 254 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. shores of other lands, declare allegiance to our country. The govern- ment protects our ships, our commerce, through which we make those exchanges of our surplus products for such produce of other countries as are desirable aud necessary for us. It is thi'ough the government alone under God that we ai'e enabled to acquire and enjoy everything that is desirable in civilized life. Now, then, to a government which so richly blesses us — which is doing all this for us — which is so showering good upon us continually — do we owe nothing in return? I believe we do. We owe everything that the government can possibly ask that we can possibly give. When the government calls upon us to pay, shall we refuse? What do you think of that man who is always asking to be accommodated Avho is always receiving good from his neighboi's and is never willing to make any return? Whj' j^ou think him a mean man, and he is one. Just so is the man who receives good all his life from his government, and when that government, in sore need, calls upon him for his services to pay some part of the honest debt he owes, tries to sneak out. [Applause.] These are duties which at all times we owe to the government, and verily we owe it to the government first to be peace- ful and law-abiding citizens; second, to pay cheei'fully our share of the public tax, to bear our full share of the public burdens. But at this time there is a duty higher thau these. The duty to our government now is as sacred as that which every man owes to his wife in time of danger — the duty not only to love and cherish, but to jrrotcct — to in- terpose his body, when called upon, between it and the bayonets of its enemies. And the man who by any means tries to get rid of this re- sponsibility — to crawl out of performing this dutj- — is a meanmanand a coward. [Great applause, and cries of "That's so."] To-day the life of our government is threatened. Its enemies must be put down, or it must die; and it seems to me there is but one ques- tion which a man should ask himself: "What can I do to aid the gov- ernment in this its time of peril?" Not what can my neighbor do; not what can the county do, or what some other couut}^ can do, but "What can I do!" Not who began the i-ebellion. Some of you tvill stop to ask who began it, and some of you Avill say the Abolitionists did it. I don't say whether they did, or not. But suppose they did; the rebellion is here, and we must put it down. We cannot stop to argue such questions. What difference does it make who caused the Rebellion. We should postpone such questions till the war is over. The Abolitionists may have caused it, but I know the}' are now trj'ing to put it down, and so far they are doing well. So far, at least, we should all work together. Neither should we stop to question as to Avhat is to be done after the rebellion is over. Let us be sure first that we are to have a government before we wrangle as to what is to be done with it. For the present, let us take hold with a will, and ex- THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 255 pend all our energies in putting the rebellion down, as it is most assuredly our duty to do. I am in the habit of illustrating my view- in about this way: You have a fine court-house building here — not large enough, I am sorry to say, to admit all who desire admittance to-day — but it is a fine l)uilding, and has cost you many thousands of dollars. Some night the cry of fire is heard in your streets. Looking towards the public square you see this building in flames. Now, while one class of citizens ai*e pulling off their coats and grasping a bucket hei'e and a ladder there, and running with all their might to the Avells and cisterns of the town, and from them to the fire, all unit- ing in a desperate effort to subdue the flames, another class are seen deliberately meeting on the square, and while the fire is still raging, and while men are still laboring manfully to put it out, raise and begin to discuss the question who started the fire. Men about the building are dropping away from exhaustion, and others are needed to take their places, but these fellows stand with their hands in their pockets, stopping every man who comes along to inquire who caused the fire. What would you think of such men? Wouldn't you think they were sneaks? Wouldn't you think they were fools? Would you believe their professions, ever so loudly made, that they earnestly desired the house to stand? [Laughter.] Well, now at the same time another class meets and organizes a meeting in the face of the flames, just far enough away to be out of danger. A chairman is elected — not the chairman you have elected to-d.ay, I apprehend [laughter, and cries of '"No! no!"] — and the meeting goes to work to discuss the ques- tion as to hosv the bviilding shall be fixed up after the fire is put out. They are determined to have the house just as it was l^efore the fire broke out. It must be built up to just the same heighth; every brick must be just in the same place; they must have just the same number of windows and doors; the arrangement about this stand must be ex- actlj'^ as it is now; the window-sash must be just the same size and must contain exactly the same number of panes of glass; everything must be just as it was before the building was set on fire. It does not matter that the flames are still raging, that it is yet doubtful whether the brave men who are throwing the water on will be able to save the building or not. These "house-as-it-was" men will not lend a single hand to save the edifice unless the noble boys, who, in the midst of the work, all covered Avith sweat and dust and cinders, are splashing the water on to the hissing flames, will stop and enter into a solemn con- tract to have the house built up just according to their plan. Now, what would you say of the men who composed such a meet- ing? You would say they were in league with the fiends who set the building on fire. [Applause.] Today our political edifice is on fire, and while one portion of our people are crowding forward with all the energy and strength that God has given them to put out the fire. 256 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. another class are meanly quibbling about who started the fire, and about what shall be done when the fire is over. Now, why need this be so? Why can we not all come together and with one ignited effoi't save the edifice? We want peace all of us, and why can not we leave all these questionings and bickerings to the future and take hold as one brave man and crush this rebellion out, and then we shall have peace? You say, "We were united at first. We could so take hold if this war was only carried on on the same policy under which it be- gan. It was then a war for the Union, but Lincoln has issued his proclamation and changed it into a war to free niggers, and we won't fight in such a cause. The proclamation is unconstitutional, and we intend to stand by the constitution. You Abolitionists and Republi- cans who are urging on this war admit yourselves that the measui'e is unconstitutional. You said when you wei'e trying to elect Lincoln that you had no right to interfere with slavery in the States where it then existed. Lincoln disclaimed his right or intention to do such thing. Now you are making a wholesale thing of it and freeing the slaves of many States at once. Where's j'our consistency?" It is possibly true that the proclamation may be unconstitutional. It is possible the President may have violated the constitution. He thinks it constitutional, but he may be mistaken. And yet there is another side. The President may be right. I know that very manj' lawyers think him so, lawyei's whose reputations for learning and ability are not verj' limited. And these lawj^ers do not all belong to the party which put Mr. Lincoln in power; many of them were his political enemies. I know that going about through the towns of the State I meet another quite numerous class, who call themselves law- j^ers, and who sit most of the time on empty boxes in front of the vil- lage stores, having nothing to do but to talk and to whittle [laughter], who gravely declare that this measure is unconstitutional! [Great laughter.] Now, these stoi'e-box lawyers may be mistaken. In relying on their opinions you may be mistaken. The Proclamation may prove to be coustitutioual after all. You are as liable to error as other great men, and if in error what are you doing? Why you ai'e refusing to aid the government which greatly needs your assistance, even when called upon in a legal manner. You are doing yourselves and the country a great wrong. Now, it seems to me where the chances are so nearly even as we here suppose, the safest way would be for you to act through the direction of the existing administration until the question is settled by the proper tribunals. It seems to me if j'ou are really honest and patriotic in this matter you will do this. You cannot act effectively in any other way. If the power of the government is Drought to bear upon this war, it must be thi-ough the coustitutetl authorities. [Applause]. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J KIRKWOOD. 257 Now a word as to our position regarding the unconstitutionality of freeing the slaves of our enemies. Suppose when we were trying to elect Mr. Lincoln they had told some such electioneering story as this: " When the Black Republicans get Lincoln elected he will send out here to Galena and get Ulj^ses S. Gi'ant. He will call upon thousands of the young men of Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and other States of this great northwest. He will take the money of the government and supply these men with arms. He will build at the expense of the United States Treasury gun boats. And this man Grant will lead these young men down South and there at an enormous expense to the gov- ernment he will go to work to dig a ditch across the neck of land in front of Vicksburg, in order to turn the course of the Mississippi River to the injury of that city. Failing in this he will take his band of armed men down below, force his way up into the country back of Vicksburg, take the property of the inhabitants, even kill thousands of them, and finally march into the city and take military possession of it?" Why we would have answered you by calling you crazy, and assuring that the President would do no such thing; that he would have no right to do anything of the kind; that he would be sworn .as all Presidents of the United States have been, to support the Constitu- tion; that he would support it; that such a proceeding would be out. rageously unconstitutional. Well, after all, this is just what the President and Ulysses S. Grant have been doing. And they have done it in a perfectly constitutional manner. Who dares to say the rapture of Vicksburg is unconstitu- tional? Why this great charge? li is just here: The electioneering story is told upon the hypothesis lliat we are at peace; that these peo- ple of the South have by no act of their own lost their right to be treated as peaceful, law-abiding American citizens. The fad is we are at war; that these inhabitants have become rebels, traitors, enemies of the government in open armed resistence to it, and we have now a moral, constitutional and every other right, if there are any other rights to fight them to the best of our ability. [Applause.] We have a right to do everything we can which hurts them and helps us until they submit. Now, the President gets the power under the Constitution to take their negroes, just where he got the power to take Vicksburg. [Great applause]. You do not deny the right of the government to take the life of the enemy, and yet say it has no right to take his negroes. Do you hold that slavery is more sacred than life? These negroes were doing the rebels good, and so far were doing us harm. They did the drudgery, the heavy labor; entrenchments Avere made by these slaves; breastworks were built by them, behind which the rebels stood to blow the brains out of our brave boys. The rebels have no scruples about using them for tliemselves, and I know no reason why we should object by turning the tables and using them for ourselves. 258 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. I can see no objections to their fighting for us if they want to. Why should not a negro fight, if he is willing to fight? You said they wouldn't fight for anything. They themselves gave the answer at Milliken's Bend, where the fortunes of the day turned upon their heroic conduct. The fact is they will fight, and so long as they are willing and can take the place in the conflict of Iowa husbands, Iowa fathers, Iowa brothers and Iowa sons, I am willing to let them. They are awkward with arms and there is a reason for it. They are not accustomed to handling them. You know how much we have been told of the perfect confidence masters have in their slaves. Slaves love their masters. They say you can't coax them away. The masters are always willing to trust everything, even their lives, in their hands; and yet there is something peculiar about the fact that go ai'ound among the plantations as you will, you will never find arms in the hands of slaves. As I have said they are awkward, and it may be that the masters knowing this, and considering the great value of the prop- erty in them, are afraid to let them have guns for fear that they will be so awkwai'd as to shoot themselves. [Great laughter and applause]. Be that as it may, the negroes are awkward with arms and need training in the use of them. They have proved their valor, and only need fair usuage to be made immensly valuable to us. I was over the ground at Milliken's Bend after the battle, and was called to notice some of the evidences of desperation with which our own men and these negroes fought. It was a bloody hand to hand encounter. Men were found together, each i^ierced with the baj^onet of his adversary. At one place one of these negroes with the breach of his gun— he was too awkward to use the bayonet end — had knocked down five of the chivalrous rebels. I came to a mound where twenty of the brave sous of Iowa lay buried. As I thought of the Iowa widows whose husbands lay under that heap of earth, as I thought of the Iowa children whose fathers were there, of the Iowa sisters whose brothers, and of the Iowa fathers and mothers whose bravest sons lay in that rough burial of the glorious dead, I felt like pouring a flood of tears over that mound. I went to another greater; sixty of these negroes lay buried there. As I looked upon that mound I thought of the Iowa soldiers whose lives had been spared because their places in the fight had been occupied by these men. I thought of the many Iowa homes that had been saved at least from one cau.se of sorrow and mourning, because these brave fellows liad been willing to fight. I thought that by the help of these blacks the enemy had been prevented from boast- ing a victor}^ for rebel arms, and I thanked God tliat they had had the manliness and the bravery to come forward and help us. I thought it made little difference whether men were white or black or what color they were. Let men be pea green, or sky blue, or any other color under the heavens, if thevhave the manliness and the courage to come THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 259 up and fight for the old flag, I am ready to say God speed them. [Great applause]. I visited still auother mound; it was where the rebel dead were buried — the traitors that these negroes had forced to bite the dust. I walkeij about the mouud carefully, I thought there might be some stir. It seemed to me that the damning disgrace of having been whipped by a "nigger" might make the chivalry restless in the grave. [Laughter and applause]. But there was no stir. The mound was siill. 1 have not heard that any ghosts have been seen walking about Ihei'B since. I have come to the conclusion that when a rebel is killed liy a "nigger" he is just as dead as when killed by a white man. [Great laughter]. Some of you said our boys would die disgraced if negroes were allowed to fight. But I have yet to see the soldiers who are not thank- ful for their help. Talk aliout the disgrace of fighting with a negro? Why here there are two classes in this country; one class is white; the government has showered blessings on this class all their lives. It has always protected them in their lives, their liberties and their property. It has opened to them the way to wealth, to luxury and power. They have been honored by the officers of the government, and enriched from its treasury. The other class is com- posed of negroes. Our government has done nothing for them, but to put the heel upon their necks; it has denied them liberty; denied them the right to their own wives; denied them the right to their ow^n chil- dren; denied them everything except the right to labor under the lash for nothing. Now the life of the government is imperiled. The enemy are dealing heavy blows upon it. We call in the country's distress upon these two classes to fight for us, to help us defend it. The abused negro class come up manfully and fight. The other class refuses to do anything for the government that has done so much for them. Now, which class will it disgrace a man most to act with? Which class is the most respectable? Which is the most decent man, the white man who when called upon deserts and skulks away, or the negro who comes up bravely and fights? The man who fights, the man who does what he can to help crush the enemies of the country is the man with whom I would clasp hands always. [Great applause]. Again, you say you cannot unite with us because Lincoln makes arbitrary arrests; you say, "Lincoln is changing this government into a tyranny." I don't believe this. I believe the President to be a noble, patriotic man. But suppose he were not, it is strange he should do this thing. In little more than a year he will be a private citizen again, unless he should be re-elected, and I am sure he will not want to be for his personal comfort, and if he changes this government into a tyrann}' he will have to live under it and his children also. * * * A great deal of the talk made at this time about the constitutional rights of private citizens is foolish, and actually disloyal. In times of 260 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKNVOOD. war and rebellion the i-ights of the private citizen must be subordinate to the good of the government. It is impossible that the citizen should always be entitled to all the px'ivileges in time of war, to which he is entitled in time of peace. We cannot have an exact ride of law for everything in such a time No man or set of men that ever lived could have wit enough to frame an article which should mention all the acts by which an open enemy or secret ti'aitor can liarm his coun- try in time of war. We must all sometimes give up private interest for public good. To illustrate: Suppose I come to your beautiful town to live; suppose I am very rich— a violent presumption, but suppose it were true; I build me a grand house, and arrange the most magnifi- cent grounds, I have fountains and a large cistern to furnish them; I have on my grounds every tree and every shrub and flower that can be made to thrive in our climate; my garden is crowded with these things; the children pass along my place to school. Some bright morning a sweet little gii'l with sparkliug eyes comes tripping along, and looking >ip with a smile says, "Mr. Kirkwood, please give me a tlower." I say, "No, keep away from my yard." Why you would s;iy I was a mean man. But I would have the constitutional right .to do just so. I have a constitutional right to make a hog of myself if I choose to do so. I should say power perhaps, for I apprehend that to say I have the "right," is a misapplication of terms. But let us pass on with the illustration. Sujipose that on the opposite side of the street from my grounds is a row of tine business buildings filled with valua- ble goods. A fire breaks out in that row and threatens to destroy all that projierty. The fire boys run with their engines and hose carts to the spot, and the boys with hose in their hands cry to their chief fire- man, " There is no water, what shall be do? " He replies, "Push your hose through Kirk^vood's gate there and run to his cistern." But I stand at my gate and say, "No, you must not come in here; I will not have you running over my shrubbery and trees and flowers; besides I don't want the water drained from my cistern." The boys cry back, "Kirkwood wont let us in." The chief fireman answers, " Don't mind him, hurry up! Go along about your business, quick! " Then I stand and claim my co7islitutional rights and make personal resistance. The chief fireman seeing it says, "Boys, just laj' that crazy man one side till the fire is over, [laughter] and then w^e will settle the damage with hiiu," [Applause]. The people would say the fireman was right and I was wrong. And they would speak the truth. The constitutional rights which a citizen may have in times of peace and safety, must give way when in times of war public danger requires. But you say, "This war is a terrible thing; we want peace." So do I Avant peace, but 3'ou wont agree to my way of getting it. What is your way? "Compro- mise with them. We can never whip the rebels, we must compromise with them." Now, I think we can whip them. With your help we THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOU. 261 could do it very soon, but we shall put this rebellion down whether you help or not. [Applause]. So much has never been done in the world to put down an enemy as has been done by our administration since this rebellion began. We have conquered moi'e territory in this war than Napoleon ever con- quered, and it is territory that counts with us. Our great trouble is that the enemy have all creation to run over and keep out of the way. Suppose we had the entire force of the rebellion shut up within the State of Missouri? Where would the rebellion be now? But you say compromise. How shall we compromise? Farmers can compromise where there is a question regarding the line which separates their lands. They can fix a line which will do justice to both which will be equally fair for the one as for the other, and thus settle the matter forever. But how shall we compromise with these rebels? What are we disputing about? They say they will not submit to the same laws that govern you and me. We say they shall. Now, how will you man- age Ihat? You cannot compromise by saying that they need not obey them and /must. I will not stand that, I count myself just as good as Southern chivahy. Put us luider tlie government on an equality if 3"0U will, but I shall submit to nothing less. You wrong me and you wrong the government by any other arrangement. I don't believe in getting peace. I don't believe we can get a valuable peace by compro- mise with rebels in arms. When you offer to compromise with such men, you encourage rebellion. Suppose a thief comes in the night and steals your horses and runs them off. In the morning you look for them. You come across an old log house out somewhere where you see the horses, and you are satistied that the man who stole them is inside. You notice as you approach, that parts of the chinking be- tween the logs are knocked out, and through the holes a row of guns protrudes. You get near enough to demand your property, and you do so. The thief threatens your life and says you can't have it. You come back to town and get the sheriff, and he gets a hundred men and you a 1 go out again. As you approach the cabin the thieves threaten to fire their guns upon you. You see the thing is getting desperate. You can easily overcome them, but you ai'e afraid somebody' will get hurt. While you pause to consider the matter a moment in comes an outsider whom any sensible man would take to be one of the gang and says, "I'll tell you h(}vv to get out of the scrape. Just compi-omise with them." You say, " How can we? " He replies, " Give up one-half of the property, and take the other half." You agree to it and the matter is soon arranged. You take one-half of j'our property, and come home withoiit further trouble, and leave the other half to the ihieves. You run to the house and say, "Wife, we came near having a bloody time; the fellows talked pretty sauc3% and threatened to shoot us, but we scared them out and settled up without having anybody 262 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KiRKWOOD. hurt." [Laughter]. "Settled it," your wife would say, "how did you settle it? " "Why we had to give them one-half the horses and let them go, and they let us biiug the other half home." "Why you coward," your wife would say. She would really think you a miserable cowai'd, and would turn her back on you ail day and all nigld. [Uproarous laughtei*]. Now, would this be a profitable way of settling with thieves? Would it be an honorable way? Would it fi*ee you from further depredations upon your property? Would such a "settlement" be likely to last long without further trouble? You know it would not. You know you would be offering a premium for stealing. You would be saying to thieves, " If you come to steal my property, I will give you one-half you get and let you go uuharmed and unpunished." Now, it is just so with rebels in arms. If you do compromise with them and give them what they ask, you encourage them to rebel every time things do not go exactly to suit them. The i^eople of the South rebelled because they were beaten at an election, we will say. Now, if you give up to them on that ground, how do you know that the "Black Republicans " will not rebel next time, if they are beaten? It may be the turn of the Abolitionists next. It wont do to settle in this manner. If the right to rebel is half acknowledged by compromise, if the weak- ness of the government is thus acknowledged we shall never be at peace. We shall soon have no government at all. The true way to secui'e peace is to crush the rebellion out, to grind the enemj^ to the earth. Give them Gi'eek fire and sword and bayonet continually, without stopping a moment to give them breath, until the signal of unconditional surrender appears. When they are willing to obey the laws as they stand, when they lay down their arms, when they stop tiring on the old flag, when they express a willingness to show proper respect for the authorities of our go\ ernment, it will be time for us to stop fighting. We can then talk with them if they desire to reason about the matter. We must enforce the laws everywhere. The peo- ple everywhere must uuderstand that there is no such thing as indulg- ing in a factious opposition to the laws of the land with impunity, that there can be no such thing as a successful appeal fi'om the ballot box to arms, and then we shall have peace worth having. [Great applause]. I feel like talking to you a little regarding our approaching election, because I feel that it is intimately connected with the war. The good name of our State depends very much upon the character of the men who fill its offices. Two men are mentioned in connection with the office of Governor. I know both men. I believe they are both brave men. Some are saying that Col. Stone is not a brave man. I think he is a brave man. It has been my duty to look after him somewhat in this respect. His promotion has come through my hands. I have had pretty good opportunities for judging, and I THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SA31UEL J. K'lRKWOOD. 263 assure you he would never have been pi'omoted by any act of mine if I had not known him to be a brave man. [Applause]. I would not detract a particle from the good name of the man who led the noble Iowa second up the hill at Donelson. *Gen. Tuttle has proved his bravery well. But there are others as brave as he is. * * * There were thousands in the ranks that were just as brave as the men who led them, and they deserve their full share of the honor. I tell you the men in the ranks deserve ')nore at your hands than the men who wear the straps. [Applause and cries of that's so]. You say if Col. Tuttle is a good man why not vote for him in preference to Col. Stone. Why, Col. Stone is a good man and his associates on the ticket are men of undoubted loyalty. This cannot be said of the associates of Gen. Tuttle. He is on the ticket with Buncombe, as bitter a Copperhead as there is in the State; and with Mason, who pledged himself two years ago, when a candi- date for the Supreme bench, to decide the law authorizing the issue of State bonds to be unconstitutional. The very bonds, colonel, (to Col. Brown of the Iowa third who was upon the stand) with which I obtained the money to clothe your regiment. Mason still stands pledged to this thing. Tuttle is dissatisfied with the treatment of the government towards Vallandingham. He is dissatisfied because Val- landingham was not hung. There are men in Iowa whom he says ought to be hung, and yet these persons are going to vote for him. There is something strange about this. I would not expect a man to support me whom I thought ought to be hung. I should not want him to vote for me. I tell you there must be a trick somewhere. Some- body is to be cheated. Either the Copperheads are to be cheated, or we are. When they are trying to make the soldiei's and Cop- perheads vote together, the same ticket, you may be sure some- thing is wrong. 1 can prevent myself from being cheated. I can keep myself perfectly safe by not voting that ticket. Are you willing to run the risk? (Cries of no! no!) I hope you will not. I wish I could talk to the soldiers a few minutes about this matter. But there is no need of it. Soldiers understand this matter as well as we do, and they are more in earnest. Suppose the ticket which Gen. Tut- tle heads is elected. Then suppose it may happen, human life is uncertain, suppose Gen. Tuttle dies. Then you have Buncombe in the chair of the chief magistrate of the proud State of Iowa. An executive who will bitterly oppose the furnishing a man or a dollar to aid the government. I repeat, there is a trick somewhere. The plain open way is upon the other side. Ladies, I have been talking to these men about their duties. They may not heed me, but I have faith to believe that you will. I there- fore desire one word with you. You have a wonderful influence, and ♦Democratic candidate for Governor, running against Col. Stone. 264 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOU. you can make it of great service in the struggle which is upon us. You have done well. Through the instrumentality of the Sanitary Commission, you have done a great, a noble, work. I wish you could know how heartily the brave boys— the poor, sick and wounded fel- lows — thank j^ou, and pray God to bless you. But there is still more you can do. You can cast your influence against the enemies of the government at home. Set your faces against them. Let them know that you do not entertain a very high respect for them. And you young ladies should exert your influence in this direction. When you meet one of these young men who hang about home with no excuse, who is down on the Administration and the war, and the policy of the government generally, and who never has any fault to find with Jeff Davis or the Rebels — I say, when you meet such a young man at the lecture room, or the social party, or anywhere else, and he ofi'ei's his arm to escort you, just tell him you prefer to be excused. [Laughter.] And should one of these young men have the impudence to ask you to marry him, just say, "No; I'm going to wait and marry a soldier." [Applause.] I had a little talk with the boys back of Vicksburg, and I told them that all the prettiest and best Iowa girls were going to wait for husbands until they got home. I wish you could have heard the cheers upon cheers they sent up. The soldiers are almost all good cooks, you know, and that is one advantage. [Laughter.] And, again, the man who is false to his country, mark my word for it, canyiot be true to you. * * * In conclusion, let me appeal to you all to come forward and strive to heal up the divisions which exist among us. If we could only all take hold and strive earnestly together, we should soon make an end of this war. Division has killed thousands of our brave boys. It is killing them yet. Let us work together. Let us all with one united, earnest effort put our shoulders to the wheel and w^e shall soon have peace and a restored Union. [Long continued applause and three cheers for Governor Kirkwood.] Speeches were made by Governor Kirkwood at several other places during the canvass. Dubuque county had been noted as containing quite as large a per cent, of disloyalty as any other in the State, and one in which w^as manifested much opposition to the enforce- ment of a draft, if one should be ordered. *It was also the residence of that prince of disloyalists and that" preacher of treason, D. A. JMahoney. At a Union meeting held here earl}' in September, this is reported as a speech made there by the Governor: THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 265 Fellow-citizens of Dubuque : — My name is not on the program as one announced to speak here on this occasion; but being here, and being called upon, I will say a few words — because I have a few words that I want to say right here in Dubuque. Perhaps you know I have been favoring the organization of volun- teer companies and arming them in various places in the State. I find that there have been men base enough to say that these companies are being armed for the purpose of driving Democrats from the polls on election day. I also find that men are fools enough to believe it. And I want to tell you why I have done this. The other day a man in Keokuk county got into a row very unfor- tunately for himself — got killed. His friends in that vicinity chose to believe that the perpetrators would not be called to an account and punished bj' the proper aut' orities, and accordingly attempted to take the matter into their own hands. The result has been such as to show that tJieir services in the case were not needed. You remember that the draft commenced in New York the other day and a mob was raised to stop it, and threats have been made that the same thing would be done here in Iowa — would be done here in Dubuque. And I wanted to talk here in Dubuque just long enough to tell you that it will be a very bad thing to start a mob here in opposi- tion to the draft. It is for your own interest that no mob is started here. I tell you I will see to it that any mob that is started shall be put down for you! You see that I am not onl}^ a plain-looking man, but a plain-speaking man; and I intend to speak plainly. When this war began Iowa had no history. People in the East knew there was such a State west of the Mississippi, but they supposed it was inhabited by a few white persons and a good man}' Indians, and that the balance of the population was composed of wolves. But Iowa's soldiers have been making a patriotic name for her. On every battlefield in the West since the commencement of the war they have fought, and fought with a bravery not surpassed by any other State in the Uniou. Iowa has a name noiv. And it will be a shame, a burning shame, men and women of Iowa, if the soldiers who are in front of the enemy cannot be assured that their wives and children and loved ones at home can be protected from traitors in the rear. Why, down in Keokuk county, the countj' records had been packed up and were about to be carried to a more safe place of deposit, and the wives and families of absent soldiers trembled and lied in fear fx-om their homes. What will the solciiers thiuk? What did the soldiei's from Keokuk county think when they learned that their homes had been in jeop- ardy, and that their mothers, and wives, and daughters, and sisters were made to tremble for their lives, unprotected because they had given up those who once cared for them to the service of their coun- try? Such a burning shame shall not disgrace our State and grieve 266 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the hearts of our uoble soldiers again without punishment, dire, swift and sure, reaches the traitor tliat engages in it. The homes and fami- lies and property of those who have gone to tight their country's bat- tles must be protected; and may my God forget me in my hour of sorest need if I do not see to it that they are protected. But the affair in Keokuk county was soon ended, and those who engaged in it will think twice, I am of the opinion, before they enlist in such an enterprise again. It commenced on Saturday. I received word of the position of affairs on Tuesday, and by Wednesday night I had five companies and one piece of artillery on the ground, and by Thursday night five more companies and another piece of artillery; and there was not a blank cartridge there. And I tell you if it be- comes necessary for me to come here to Dubuque on the same errand, I shall not bring a blank cartridge here. CHAPTER XIV. Letter to the President— Laat Annual Message — Qen. Baker^s Compli- ment to the Governor— The Oovernor's to the General — Kirkwood' s Gubernatorial Admiiiistration — Difficulties Eneountered — His Able Assistants — Allison, Price, E. Clark, R. Clark, Hubbard, Baldwin, Nutt, Edwards, Ingham, Sanders, Dodge — Dodge Sent for Arms — Gets Them When Others Could Not — Is Appointed Colonel of the Fourth Iowa — The Governor Childless — Children in the Family — S. Kirkwood Clark — Enlistment — Wounded at Arkansas Post — Dies From the Wound — Letters From His Uncle — From His Colonel — Appointed Minister to Denmark. St. Louis, Feb. 3, 1863. His Excellency the President : Sir — Appreciating as I do the responsibilities and cares of your position, I have avoided obtruding upon you my opinions, except in cases wherein I would, in my judgment, have been wanting in my duty to my country had I foi"boi"ne to do so. A case of this kind, in my judgment, now presents itself, illustrating a grave question of policy. On the 8lh of Januarj^ Col. William T. Shaw I'eceived from Major- Gen. Cui'tis, commanding the Department of the Missouri, written orders to repair to Helena, Ark., and report to the otiicer command- ing the Eastern District of Arkansas, for duty in organizing and mus- tering in troops to be raised from persons emancipated from servitude for garrison and other duties as contemplated in the proc- lamation of his Excellency the President of the United States of the 1st of January. In obedience to this order, Col. Shaw re- paired to Helena, reaching that point about the 16th of January, and reported to Brigadier-General Gorman, commanding, delivering the order of General Curtis. Genei'al Gorman positively refused to recog- nize Col. Shaw as an officer under his command; positively refused to issue any orders or to afford Col. Shaw any facilities to execute the ordex's of Gen. Curtis; used grossly insulting language to Col. Shaw for being willing to act under such an order; stated that if he (Gen. Gorman) had any officer under his command that would help to exe- cute such orders he would have him mustered out of service, and that if any man should attempt to raise negro soldiers there his men would shoot them. Throughout the entire interview his demeanor and lan- guage to Col. Shaw was grossly insulting and abusive. Shortly after this interview, a member of the Second Arkansas Cavalry handed to 268 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Col. Shaw a letter directed on the outside of the envelope, "Col. Shaw, in charge of negro camp. " The letter was as follows: "Executive Office, Helena, Ark., Jan. 23, 1865. " Oeneral Orders No. 2. "No person, or persons, in the State of Arkansas shall be enlisted, or recruited, to serve as soldiers except by an officer duly appointed by the Military Governor of this State. "Amos F. Eno, " Secretary of State, p7'o tem." Col. Shaw finding he could not execute the order of Gen. Curtis, reported in person to him. Mr. President, I do not desire to intermeddle in matters, with which I have not legitimate concern, nor do I think I am so doing in bring- ing this matter to your notice. Col. Shaw is a gallant officer from ihe State of Iowa, commanding the Fourteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He led his regiment bravely at Donelson and Shiloh; was taken prisoner at the latter place, and after a long and severe impris- onment, was paroled and exchanged in October last. Except in mili- tary position, he is at least Gen. Gorman's equal. He has been grossly insulted while endeavoring, as a good soldier should, to execute the oixleis of his superior officer. But the precise point to which I desire to direct your attention is this: The proclamation issued by yon on the 1st of Januai-y last was an act tne most important you have ever performed and more import- ant than, in all human probability, you will ever again perform. I shall not here argue whether its results will be good or evil. Had you not believed the good of the country imperatively de- manded its issuance, you would not have issued it. I most cordially and heartily endorse it But, Mr. President, that proclamation can- not be productive of good results unless it is observed and put in force. You know its promulgation has afforded many men a pretext for arraying themselves against the country, and if, having been promul- gated, it is allowed to be inoperative, its effects must be all evil and none good. Then how may it be executed? Can it be, will it be, by such men as General Gorman? Permit me to say, in all frankness, but with proper respect and deference, the history of the world cannot show an instance where a policy of a nation to array men strongly for or against it was ever successfully carried into effect by its opponents. It is not in the nature of things it should be so, and with the facts herein presented within my knowledge, I can not feel that I have discharged my duty without saying that, in my judgment, it cannot produce the good effects its friends believe it is capable of producing, and must produce only evil, unless you depend for carrying it into effect upon those who believe it to be a wise and good measure. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 269 Many men holding high commands in the armies of the Union openly denounce the proclamation as an "abolition" document, and say it has changed the war from a war for the Union into a war for fi'eeing the negroes. This is caught up and goes thro'igh the ranks and produces a demoralizing effect on the men whose affiliation has been with the Democratic party, and they say "they did not enlist to tight for niggers;" while the men whose affiliation has been with the Republican party are disheartened and discouraged at discovering that the policy of the President, which they heartily endorse and approve, is ridiculed and thwarted by the men who should carry it into effect. If that proclamation is not to be respected and enforced, it had better never have been issued. I am unwilling to be misinterpreted or mis- understood. 1 am not influenced by party political considerations. There are few men in the country with whom I have differed more widely politically than with Gen. Butler, yet it is to me a source of great pleasui'e that he is to supersede, at New Orleans, a distinguished and able officer of my own political faith. Gen. Butler is prompt, ready and anxious to do the work assigned him, and such are the men we must have to obtain success. I care not what their political opin- ions have been, if they are unconditionally for the Union to-day. Permit me fuither to call to your notice the document copied herein issued by ' Amos F. Eno, Secretary of State, pro tern.'" As the Governor of the loyal State of Iowa, duly elected by the people of that State, I would not feel at libex'ty to order that no person should be enlisted or recruited as soldiers in Iowa, except by an officer duly ap- pointed by myself; and it certainly seems to me that the subordinate of a military governor, appointed by you, for a State in rebellion against the government, should not have that power. This act of this man is evidence of the determination of men holding their authority from you to disregard and bring into disrepute the policy you have felt bound to adopt. There is a further act of this Mr. Eno that I feel obliged to bring to your notice. He claims to act as the Adjutant- General of the Military Governor of Arkansas, and 1 am informed by authority, upon which I contideutly rely, he turned from 100 to 150 sick and wounded soldiers out of a comfortable house, wherein they had been placed, in order to use the house as his headquarters; that these poor fellows were removed while it was raining, and that some of them actually died while being removed. There are manj' sick and wounded Iowa soldiers at the place, and some of them may have been among those thus treated. I would not, in my judgment, be discharg- ing my duty to them, if I did not bring this matter to your notice and demand an investigation of the facts alleged. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 270 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. On the 11th day of January, 1861, the annual guberna- torial message was delivered, in which the State's finances were declared never to have been in a more healthy condi- tion. School and University Funds and Lands, Des Moines River Grant, Swamp Land Grant, Agricultural College Grant, Supreme Court, State University, Charitable Institu- tions and State Historical Society, were treated upon and their condition and needs were presented and discussed. In regard to the latter the Governor says: "Passing events render the work of this society vastly more im- portant than ever before. We are now making history with wonder- ful rapidity, but are making it in a fragmentary manner. Future ages demand of us that we collect and preserve these fragments as material from which a full and reliable record of the great events of our day may be preserved. This, with the ordinary work of the society in col lecting the early history of our State, is more than it can well perform with the means at its disposal. No man can be found to devote to it the necessary time without compensation. I recommend an appropri- ation of $500 as a compensation for this purpose, in addition to the $500 appropriated to it for other purposes." * * * ORGANIZING AND ARMING VOLUNTEER COMPANIES. I became satisfied during the early part of last summer that designing men in this, as in other loj'al States, were making prepara- tions for an armed resistance to the authority of the General Govern- ment. The law of Congress, providing for a draft to fill the ranks of the Union army, contained a provision that was eagerly seized upon to array the poorer of our people against the government, upon the specious pretense tiiat the object of the law was to disci'iminate Ije- tween the rich and the poor, to the injury' of the poor. The action of the government in freeing and using the slaves in the Rebel States for the suppression of the rebellion was represented as a scheme by the government to overrun the free Stales with the freed slaves, to the prejudice of the interest of the poor white men. The government, in some instances, arrested and temporarily im- prisoned, or sent beyond our lines, persons whose restraint the public safety required, and this was interpreted to mean an intention on the part of the government to break down all the defenses of civil liberty and to establish a despotism. The entire policy of our government, as interpreted by these men, was that the war was waged, not for the preservation of the Union, but for the abolition of slavery, that the object of the government in seeking to abolish slavery was to bring THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 271 the freed slaves North and force their labor into competition vriththat of the poor white man; that by the so-called Conscription Law, the government songht to force only the poor men into the ranks of the army to effect these objects so prejudicial to their interests, and that while these objects were being effected, the government intended to overthx'ow our free institutions and establish in their stead a des- potism! It is passing strange that intelligent men could be found so wicked as to make these statements, and that other men could be found so ignorant and foolish as to believe them. But so it was. These state- ments were made through the press and on the stump in the most violent and exciting language, apparently with all the earnestness of conviction, and thousands of honest but deluded men believed them, and in consequence entertained feelings of deep hostility to the gov- ernment. In this excited state of the public mind, secret societies were organized in many, if not all, of the loyal States, the members of which were, to some extent, secretly armed for the avowed purpose of protecting themselves from what were called "Arbitrary Arrests." But I am satisfied it was with the intent on the part of the leaders to bring their members into armed collision with the General Government in case an attempt should be made to enforce the draft. The natural re- sult of these teachings and this action was seen in the bloody riot that occurred in the chief city in the Union, and in similar smaller out- breaks in other places. Under these circumstances my duty seemed to me to be plain and clear. I was bound to see to the enforcement of the laws, and the preservation of peace and good order; and when organized action Avas being taken through the state to prevent the one, and violate the other, I did not think my duty permitted me to wait until the evil was upon us, before I took steps for its prevention. I accordingly called upon the loyal men of the State who were willing to aid in the enforce- ment of the law, to organize a volunteer company in each county of the State. Such companies were promptly organized in most of the counties, of loyal and substantial citizens, and as they were organized I placed arms and ammunition in their hands to make their organiza- tions effective. By these means a sufficient force was provided to preserve the peace of the State, and insure the enforcement of the law of Congress, without weakening our army facing the enemy by with- drawing any portion of it for that purpose, and in my judgment this state of preparation to preserve the peace, tended largely to prevent its violation. There was but a single occasion iu which it was neces- sary to use the force, thus organized, and that was in Keokuk county.* At the commencement of the session of the Ninth General Assembly, the State had organized and sent to the field fourteen regi- *The eveuiB LOEuected witU that case Uave heretofore beea narrated, see page "^44-53. 272 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. ments of infantry, three regiments of cavair^y, and thi'ee batteries of artillery; and liad in process of organization two regiments of infantry, and one of cavalry. Of these regiments the first infantry was enlisted for three months, and had then been mustered out of ser- vice. All the others were enlisted for three years. Since the com- mencement of that session the two regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, then incomplete, have been organized, and in addition there- to twenty-four regiments of infantry, live regiments of cavalry, and one battery, and all for three years. Besides these complete organi- zations a large number of men have been enlisted for regiments in the field. * * * Besides tlie troops thus furnished to the Army of the Union, there wei'e organized five companies of mounted men for the protection of our northwestern frontier against Indians, and ten companies of mounted men on our southern borders, to protect the persons and property of our people on that line, against the depredations of organ- ized bauds of guerillas from Missouri. * * * Tlie companies on the northwestern frontiers have all been disbanded, and their place supplied by troops of the United States. While these companies wei-e in service, they were required to erect block houses and other build- ings at different points for their own convenience, and to serve as rallying points for the people in case of attack. These buildings are now occupied in whole or in part by the United States troops on that line. I recommend such legislation as may be necessary for the pre- servation of these buildin.s. They may be useful in the future, in case of another outbreak of the Indians. We owe much, very much, to the brave men who have gone out from among us to take their places in the ranks of the army, battling for the preservation of the Constilution and the Union. We owe much to those of them who are still living to fight for us, and much more to the families of those who have given their lives for our protection. Their duty to go was no greater than ours, but, in patriotism they far excelled us. How shall we pay this debt ? The praise we so freely accord, the honors we so joyfullj' confer on them, and the gratitude we so deeply feel are but small recompense. Of those who have died in the hospital and on tlie battlefield, many have left behind them young childrea, who need cai"e, protection and education, which the State is under the most solemn obligation to supply. Some of the soldiers yet living have been so far di.sal)led, that they cannot properly care for themselves. These we should support and maintain. I very earnestly recommend that either wholly by the State, or by means of aid furnished by the State to those of our people wlio may be disposed to enter upon this Avork, ample provision be made for a home in which the childi'en of deceased soldiers may be cared for, and educated^ and in which those of our soldiers who may not be able to support THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 273 themselves may pleasantly live the honored guests of a grateful people. * * * Much has been done by sanitary associations in this and other States for the health and comfort of our troops in the field and in the hospital, and for the support of their families at home. The business of the General Sanitary Association, and of the local aid societies in furnishing supplies to our soldiers in the field, has now become well arranged and systematized and conseq lently much more effective. This work can be done much better by those societies than by the State, and I recommend that the State leave the matter in their hands. There should be however a liberal appropriatio:i for a con- tingent fund, under the control of the Governor, from which he can upon emergency furnish aid to those societies, and to sick and disabled soldiers under special circumstances, and by means of which he can send to and keep in the field such agents for the State, as may be necessary for the comfort and well being of our soldiers. I Very earnestly recommend that some systematic mode of furnish- ing aid to the needy families of our soldiers be adopted. Whether this can be best done by monies furnished by the State and distributed by persons appointed by the State, or through the instrumentality of local aid societies, is a question of doubt. It is very certain the work should be done in some way, and I have no doubt your wisdom will ascertain and adopt the proper mode. * * * NATIONAL AFFAIRS. I cannot close this communication, and with it my official connec- tion with the people of the State, without adverting lo the conditioQ of national affairs in which we are all so deeply and vitally interested. The war for the destruction of the Union on the one hand, and for its preservation on the other, still goes on. During the present year the s;iccesses of the Union arms have been so numerous and so important, that the public mind appears to have settled down into the belief that our ultimate success is certain, and not far distant ; and is now to some extent occupied vrith the question of reconstruction so-called. The question as to the manner in which, and the terms and conditions on which, the people within the territory composing the rebel States can again take part with the people of the loyal States in administer- ing the affairs of the General Government. The President has recently issued a proclamation to the people of the rebel States, in which he proposes to them such terms and condi- tions as in his judgment are right and pi'oper. He proposes in sub- stance, that as soon as the number of the voting population of any one of those States, equal to one-tenth of the entire voting population of the State, as shown at the last presidential election, shall take an oath, the form of which is prescribed, and shall establish a new gov- 274 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. ernment, Republican in foi'm, and consistent with the terms of the prescribed oath, such government shall be recognized as the true government of the State and protected as such. * * * (Here follow the exceptions prescribed by the President:) The terms and conditions proposed by the President are that the party guilty of treason shall swear : First — That he will faithfully support, protect and defend the Con- stitution of the United States and the union of the States thereunder. Second— That he will abide by and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed during the existing rebellion with reference to slaves, so long and so far as not repealed, modified or held void by Congress or by decision of the Supreme Court; and, Third — That he will abide by and faithfully support all proclama- tions of the President, made during the existing rebellion, having ref" erence to slaves, so long and so far as not modified by the decisions of the Supreme Court Are these terms and conditions reasonable? * * * This is just what it is the dulj^ of every citizen to do— to abide by and support the law until changed by the law-making power or declared void by the courts. * * * In imposing these terms and conditions on those in rebellion against our government who may desire to lay down their arms, the President is but requiring of them the performance of a duty required of all men who have remained loyal. * * * It is directly or impliedly admitted by all that slavery is the cause of the civil war now desolating our land, although different parties endeavor to throw the immediate blame upon their adversaries. The anti-slavery men of the country say that slavery is the causae of the war because, being founded on force, it is necessarily aggressive in its character; that it necessarily makes slaveholders, as a class, haughty, overbearing, impatient of control, and unwilling to submit their opinions to those of a majority whom they consider their in- feriors. Some of the Rebels admit frankly that the desire to perpetu- ate slavery, and to make it the "corner-stone" of the new Confeder- acy, caused the rebellion; while others and their apologists generally insist that the cause of our troubles is, not slavery itself, but the fanaticism of anti-slavery men on the subject of slavery; and there is still another class of our people who declare that, in their judgment, the cause of the war is to be found in the fanaticism on the subject of slavery among the extremists North and South. These are but vari- ous statements of the same thing, showing that however prejudice or partisanship may seek to evade or disguise the fact, our people gener- ally recognize slavery as the cause of the war. It is also true that slavery has been very much weakened since the war began; very large numbers of slaves have been set free in fact, while other very large numbers, yet under partial control of their THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 275 masters, have been so operated on by events as to make them unfit for slaves. It is indeed thought by many North and South that, in any event slavery will perish, * * * But we should not permit the discussion of these or similar ques- tions to divert us from the paramount purpose of prosecuting the war earnestly and vigorously, until all men in rebellion against the gov- ernment shall either voluntarily or by compulsion lay down their arms. In this consists our only safety, and I feel well assured that you will, so far as depends on yon, see to it that Iowa in the future, as in the past, will do her full share of this good work promptly and well. The position occupied by our State in this war for the preservation of the Union is a proud and enviable one. From the first outbreak of the rebellion until the present time, Iowa has neither faltered nor wavered in the discharge of her duty. In both branches of the Na- tional Council she has presented an unbroken front to treason and rebellion, and has given a steady and undivided support to the Gen- eral Government. Her State government in all its branches has given evidence of her unflinching and unconditional loyalty and devotion to the good causp. Her people have at all times and promptly filled all requisitions made upon them for troops to fill the ranks of the Union armies; and the men she has sent to the field have been at least second to none in all soldierly qualities. To these men yet another word is due from me. When this war began ours was a new State without a history. To-day her name stands on one of the brightest pages of our country's record— graven there by the bayonets of our bi-ave soldiers — and that page is all over glowing with the proofs of their heroism and devotion. We have scut to the field no regiment of which we do not feel justly proud, and the bare inention of the names of many of them stirs the blood and warms the heart of every lowan. It may perhaps be permitted me to say that I trust when the his- toi-y of the gallantry and devotion of these men shall be written, the position I have held will of necessity connect my name humbly and not discreditably with theirs, and that this trust affords compensation for somewhat of toil and care, which have attended that position, and should be sufficient to satisfy an ambition greater than mine. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. In making his annual report to the Governor on the 11th of January, 1864, Adjutant-General Baker, as this would be the last one he would make to his present superior officer, under whom he had served from his first appointment in 1861, and with whom his relations had been of the most 276 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. friendly and confidential character, pays him this high com- pliment: "As we are about to terminate our official conuec.tion, I trust that it will not be deemed improper for me to allude to the manner in which you have dii'ected the military matters of the State, including not only the organization of the militia companies, the arming and equipping of the same, and the preparations made against the difficul- ties on the borders and elsewhere, as well as the organization of the volunteers for United States service. Prompt in your decisions, decided in your actions, faithful in your duty, you have met every emergency Avith an energy and determination unsurpassed in any Executive of any State in the Union." This is what the Governor said in his last message to the General Assembly in regard to his Adjutant-General: "The office of the Adjutant-General has been since the commence- ment of the war, and still is, a very important one. The labor and responsibility of the Adjutant-General have been very great. The labor has always been well and promptly performed, and the respon- sibility cheerfully borne. The books of the office are well systema- tized and kept in most excellent condition. * * * It affords me great pleasure to say that whatever of success has attended the raising and organization of troops in this State is due to the efficient services of the present incumbent of that office." Department of State, } Washington, March 18th, 1863. ) Samuel J. Kirkwood Esq. , Iowa Oily, loiva. Sir:— The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate having appointed j^ou to be Minister Resident of the United States to Denmark, I have the honor to announce the same to you, and to request that you will inform this department how soon, in the event of your accepting the appointment, you will be prepared to pro- ceed to Copenhagen. I am, sir, Your obedient servant, WILLIAM H. SEWARD. Executive Office, Iowa, ) Iowa City, March 20th, 1863. S Sir: — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 18th inst.. announcing to me my appointment as Minister Resident of the United States to Denmark, and enquiring how soon, in case of my acceptance, I will be prepared to proceed to Copenhagen. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 277 I beg leave to tender my thanks for the honor conferred upon me by this appointment. The tender of this position to me was wholly unexpected, and con- sequently I desire a short delay and some information before I make my determination. My principal reason for asking delay is this: The condition of affairs in this State at this time is somewhat critical and many of our people have expx-essed to me a strong desire that I shall continue in the discharge of my present official duties for a few months longer. Will you be kind enough to inform me how long I can be permitted to remain here in case I accept the appointment ? I also wish to know what attaches, if any, belong to this mission and how they are appointed and j)aid. Upon receiving this information I will immediately determine the question of acceptance. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington City, D. C. Department of State, ) Washington, April 18th, 1863. f Samuel J. Eirkwood, Esq., Oovernor of Iowa, Iowa City. Sir: — Your letter of the 13th instant has been received, and the reasons you assign for declining to accept the mission to Denmark, which has been tendered to you, until the expiration of your term of service as Governor of Iowa, are entirely satisfactory. You intimate, however, that it is possible these reasons may have less weight with you some few months hence, and that you ma}^ then, perhaps, feel at liberty to accept the appointment and to proceed to Copenhagen before the close of your gubernatorial term. Under these circum- stances, I see no objection to your holding the appointment under consideration for a few months at least. I am, sir, your obedient servant, WILLIAM H. SEWARD. Department of State, | Washington, April 4th, 1863. ) Samuel J. Kirkwood Esq., Iowa City, Iowa. Sir: — Your letter of the 80th ultimo has been received. In the event of your acceptance of the appointment as Minister Resident to Denmark, it is deemed desirable that j'ou should proceed to Copen- hagen without much delay — say within two months. If, however, the public interests in the State over which you preside, should in your judgment, render it necessary that your departure should be delayed 278 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. beyoud that time, you have the President's permission to accept the appointment with the understanding that you are to set out for your post as soon as you can do so without detriment to those interests. The law makes no provision for attaches to the legation. I am, sir, your obedient servant, WILLIAM H. SEWARD. Executive Office, Iowa, [ Iowa City, April 13, 1863. \ Eon. Wm. E. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington City, D. C. SiE:— The next regular session of the General Assembly of this State will commence on the second Monday (the 11th day of January), 1864, and my term of service as Governor will close as soon thereafter as the votes can be counted and my successor inaugurated. It will be very agreeable to me to accept the Mission to Denmark, if I can be permitted to do so at the expiration of my term of service as Governor, and after examining the matter carefully I cannot, consistently with my sense of duty to the people of my State, accept it on any other terms, at this time. It is possible, that a few months hence, the condition of affairs here will be so changed, that I may feel at liberty to leave the State at an earlier date, but, it is I presume desirable to have the question of my acceptance definitely settled and I therefore say that, if I can be per- mitted to remain at home until the expiration of the term of my present office I will be glad to accept the position, and if not, that I very respectfully decline it. Of course, if my acceptance on this con- dition can be permitted in view of the public interests, my compensa- tion as Minister Resident to Denmark will not commence until the expii'ation of the term of my present office. I am unwilling to have you suppose that I sought this position and then hesitated as to its acceptance after having it tendered to me. I was informed in December last by the delegation in Congress, from this State, that my name had been submitted to the President, and early in January I wrote them that I could not, for the reasons above stated accept the position tendered. I heard nothing more of the matter until I saw in the newspapers the announcement of my nom- ination and confirmation. I very much regret that I am compelled to send you what I pre- sume is substantially a declination of a position which, under other circumstances it would be very agreeable to me to accept. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, 279 With reference to his acceptance Mr. Allison writes : Dubuque, March 15th, 1863. Dear Governor: — I congratulate you on your confirmation as Resident Minister to Denmarlv. I regret very much that you are called to leave the State at so critical a period in its history. Your State administration has been successful and impartial. You have won the esteem and affection of the people. I fear very much that we shall find difficulty in choosing a successor who will sustain our good name and fame. I would like very much to see you before you leave the State. Could you not hold the position in abeyance, until your term expires, or very nearly so ? We will have a bitter contest this fall, and will need all the wisdom, influence and ability we have to confront the rebels at home. You can be of great service to us, and thereby to the country, by remaining here most of the summer, if no longer. Whenever you go however, you will bear with you the best wishes of the loyal people of Iowa, whom you have so well and faith- fully served. Sincerely your friend and servant, WM. B. ALLISON. The gubernatorial administration of Governor Kirkwood forms the most brilliant period in the whole history of our State. Since its organization, never has history been more rapidly, more interestingly, more intelligently, more glow- ingly, or more profitably made. It was, and must ever re- main, our heroic age. Its leading participants will ever be our leading historical heroes. Entering upon the duties of the oflSce during, or immediately after, a period of great financial depression, with a treasury wholly depleted, with public credit at its lowest ebb, when the war cry was raised the Governor had but to ask for funds, when the vaults of our banks and the pockets of our capitalists, though neither were very plethoric, at his magic call poured forth every dol- lar they could spare; bonds were voted and issued by the hundred thousand, till from these sources and taxes levied more than a million of dollars were poured into the treasury, and disbursed on that line of economic expenditure that lies between waste and extravagance on the one hand, and parsi- mony and stinginess on the other. With no military organization except here and there a 280 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. single company, poorly armed, with no State arsenal and no arms except a few disabled muskets scattered hither and thither, he had but to sound his patriotic bugle note, where no militia had heretofore been listed; when 60,000 valiant soldiers rushed forward to enlist under his banner and go forth at his command to tight the battles of their country, where traitors were trying to destroy the best government that was ever organized and established to bestow blessings upon civilized man. Under laws passed upon his recom- mendation, over 86,000 State militia were enrolled and more than ninety companies were organized that were afterwards, under his successors, formed into eighteen battallions and regiments and armed for home protection. His whole administration was loaded down with hercu- lean labors, but he proved to be the modern Hercules that could perform them all. Immense responsibilities were heaped upon him, but he met them all with a boldness and alacrity, coupled with an intelligence, an integrity and fore- sight, that enabled him to discharge all duties imposed upon him with honor to himself and to the advancement of the public welfare. In the selection of his aids and trusted lieutenants were included such men as William B. Allison, Hiram Price, Ezekiel Clark, A. W. Hubbard, Caleb Baldwin, Rush Clark, John Edwards, S. R. Ingham, H. C. Nutt, Ad. H. Sanders, G. M. Dodge, and others. The selection was a very wise and fortunate one, both for the Governor himself and for the various branches of the service in which they were respect- ively engaged, not one but that proved himself to be the right man in the right place, possessed of sound discretion, stern in- tegrity, undoubted loyalty and rare executive ability. As show- ing the confidence afterwards reposed in them by the people, it may be mentioned that six of them were afterw^ards sent to Congress, one being afterwards a colleague of the Governor in the United States Senate, in a seat which he still holds. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 281 In the absence of telegraph communication and fast mail facilities, it often became necessary for some of these aids to be entrusted with full discretionary executive powers, par- ticularly those who w^ere to act on the southern and north- western border, remote from the Executive office and not in ready communication with it, and in no case were those powers exceeded or abused, but were used with eminent ability in the promotion of the public good. Among these men one of the most determined and perse- vering was G. M. Dodge. In the commencement of the war one of the greatest needs was arms. For the purpose of obtaining them the Governor issued the following commis- sion: Executive Chamber, ) Des Moines, Iowa, May 25, 1861. ) Capt. O. M. Dodge : Dear Sir— I hereby confide to you a communication to Major- Gen. Harney, at St. Louis, desiring from him, or, through him, from the Secretary of War, 3,000 stand of arms from the command at Fort Kearney, Neb. Should it be deemed proper by you, when at St. Louis, upon conference with Gen. Harney, to go to Washington City in order the more readily to obtain these arms, I desire you to go there at once. When the order is obtained you will report to me im- mediately for further instructions. Respectfully, SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, Governor of Iowa. Gen. Dodge at this time was captain of an independent military company, which he had some years before organ- ized, and which was known as the 'C'ouncil Bluffs Guard." He tried to get it into the First Regiment, and, failing here, into the Second, but Governor Kirk wood refused to enlist it in either, thinking it would be needed for the protection of the southern border from Missouri Secessionists or the west- ern Indians. So anxious was Dodge to enter upon active military ser- vice that he told the Governor he should seek service in the Regular Army. The Governor then issued to him the 282 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. above commission, which he at once proceeded to execute. Failing to get arms, either at St. Louis or Fort Leaven- worth, he went direct to Washington. On his arrival there, Cameron, then Secretary of War, said "every State was ap- plying for arms and he had none to give them." Gen. Fitz Henry Warren went with him, and they urged the matter so strenuously that Cameron told Dodge that if he could find any arms, he could take them. He did find some arms, and he took them, for he had a friend in the Ordnance Depart- ment that put him on track of 6,000 smooth-bore Springfield muskets, which he got upon the order, which he sent at once, in charge of a man, to Davenport and Quincy, where they were used to arm the Second and Third Iowa Keo-iments and afterwards the Fourth. Some of them were used to displace old guns formerly issued that were so old, thin and poor they were as likely to kill those who fired them as those at whom they were fired. Cameron ofiered him a captaincy in the Fifteenth United States Infantry, and after obtaining the arms, the colonelcy of the Fourth Iowa. The latter was tendered him, as Cam- eron said, in consideration of his successful efforts in obtain- ing arms, w^hen such men as Senator Grimes, Gen. S. R. Curtis and others had failed. He telegraphed the Governor, "Shall I accept 'f' and got an affirmative answer. Cameron and Warren both wished him to take the briga- dier-generalship afterwards offered to and finally obtained by Curtis, but he declined it, not then having confidence in himself of being able to fill it, and lacking in ex- perience, though he had a thorough and complete military education. Gen. Grant, in after years, said he was the best railroad builder and the best railroad destroyer in the Federal army. In destroying Rebel railroads he could give the heated rails a twist which nothing but Federal ingenuity and Federal machinery could untwist. THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 283 Of the military company under Capt. Dodge and other ones like it, Governor Lowe, in his last message, said: "There are several indepeudeut military companies in the State to whom arms have been distributed. Yet there is no law of the State under which they are organized, or that would strictly authorize the Executive to call them into the field in cases requiring their services." The Governor has never been blessed with children of his own, and yet his home has rarely been without more or less of those of his own kindred, and it has been a great gratifi- cation to him, as well as to his matronly wife, to have them under their parental care. The Kirkwood hearthstone has always been one around and on which children were wel- come to prank and play, and a couple of grandchildren, son and daughter of an adopted daughter of Governor and Mrs. Kirkwood, are occupying it for that purpose to-day; and there they will be welcome as long as the embers remain warm upon it. The one who was most near and dear to them was one who bore his name, Sanmel Kirkwood Clark, son of his brother-in law, Hon. Ezekiel Clark, and he went to live with his uncle almost from the time of leaving his cradle, his mother dying when he was but five years old, and he grew up to the age of incipient manhood, if not the pet, at least the pride of the family. He was endowed with all those stern, ruo-o-ed virtues in his love of truth and justice that would have made him, with his training under his uncle, a fat per- son upon whom the mantle of that uncle could most fitly fall when it should leave the shoulders of him who had first worn it. But though he was the crown jewel of the family, he was a willing offering on the altar of his country's good. He gave himself to her service at his nation's call, enlisting November, 1861, at the age of eighteen, in the Fourth Iowa Cavalry. He filled the post of second lieutenant until his promotion to the position of adjutant in the Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry. Engaging in the battle of Arkansas Post, on the 11th of January, 1863, he received a severe wound, 284 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. which terminated fatally on the 20tli of February, in the hospital at St. Louis. . His uncle und aunt were with him much of the time during his last illness. The colonel of the regiment, reporting to Adjutant-Gen- eral Baker, the day after the battle, says: "Adjutant S. Kirkwood Clark was wounded severely by a gun-shot wound in the left leg just below the knee. I do but justice when I notice the Adjutant in this report for his cool and gallant conduct as well in this fight as the one in the vicinity of Vicksburg. He has re- ceived and has well earned the praise of the entire regiment." As showing how his memory is cherished where he spent most of his life, the camp of the Sons of Veterans located at Iowa City is called "Kirkwood Clark Camp." In writing home, his letters commenced "Dear Uncle," and they, when not of an official character, closed with from "your son," While he was in school his uncle writes him: Executive Chamber, ) Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 29, 1860. S Dear Kirk ." — I have been so busy that I have not found time to write you until to-day. 1 do not want you to fail to write to me because I do not answer all 3'our letters. One object for wishing you to write to me is to have you improve in writing by practice. When your father was here he I'elated to me a conversation he had had with j'our teacher, which gave me great pleasure. Your teacher says you are well behaved and gentlemanly in your deportment as a scholar, diligent and attentive as a student, of clear head and strong mind, and that you occupy, to a great extent, the position of leader among your fellow students. You can hardly understand how much I was gratified to hear this, because I think you cannot understand the kind and extent of the in- terest I feel in your pi-ogress in life and your welfare. The character given you by your teacher goes far towards making up the character of the true man. Allow me to give you a word of warning. If it be so that you occupy, to some extent, the position of leader or umpire among your fellows, that position has not oul}' its pleasures and advantages, but its dangers and difficulties. You must not allow yourself to become proud and overbearing. You must not use your jjosition to put down any one who is weaker than yourself, either mentally or physically, but rather to support and defend such — in short, you must use your c_ THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J KIRKWOOD. 285 influence to see that ''the right'' is done at all times and under all cir- cumstances, and you must not allow anything to make you flinch from seeing it done. You must not be quarrelsome. Avoid all per- sonal difliculties, if possible, but if compelled to engage in such, then so bear yourself that your adversary will not wish to come in contact with you again. No man is flt to control others who cannot control himself. Will you allow me to say a few wonis to you about smoking. I don't intend to scold. You are too old to be scolded. You are old enough to be argued with— in short, you are in feeling, if not in years, a man. Your aunt Jane has scolded you about smoking. She made a mistake in so doing, but you should not feel angry with her for so doing, because in what she did she acted for what she thought your good. She has borne much for and from you. You should bear much for and from her. I do not intend to scold you about smoking. I do not intend to ask you to quit smoking as a personal favor to mj'self, because this might look like tr3'ing to use a personal influence with you. I intend merely to reason the matter with you. A perfect man, aside from all questions of religion and moi'als, is a man who has a sound mind in a sound body. Now smoking injures both mental and physical health, weakens both body and mind. Examine and see if this is not so. Talk with medical men and those who are not medical men on the subject; read books that treat of it; then if you And the facts to be as I have stated, determine about what you should do. Have you not courage to do what is right and necessary for your health? The habit with you is new and therefore more easily broken. Think of all this and write rae what you think. I send you a copy of my inaugural address. It is praised by some of my party friends and denounced by some of my party enemies. You are neither the one or the other. Write me just what you think about it. Write me what you think about all these things. Take your time to do so, half a dozen evenings, if necessary, and half a dozen sheets of paper, if necessary. I will read it all. You are at entire liberty to show this to your father, if you want to talk about it with him, and I think it would be well for you to do so. He may help you to read it; perhaps his help may be necessary. Very truly, your friend and affectionate uncle, S. J. KIRKWOOD. Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. l, 1863. Dear Kirk : — A happy New Year to you. I send you a New Year's gift, in the shape of your commission, so that you are a lieutenant and eighteen years old on the same daJ^ Be a "good boy" and do your duty manfully, and you will alwa3's be sure of the affection of your uncle KIRKWOOD. 286 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. On hearing of his death, his colonel writes: Young's Point, La., March 14, 1863. My Dear Sir : — Your favor of the 25th ult., is received. I had heard of the Adjutant's death several days before your letter came to hand. The news of his death cast a gloom over the entire regiment, men as well as officers, and little groups gathered in almost evei-y street of our camp giving and receiving the sad intelligence. It is not flattery or idle words to say that the loss of no officer would have been more deplored than his. You say truly "he was an honorable, noble boy, " and had, by strict attention to his duties, by the energetic manner of always doing his duty, by his kindness to all and by his cool, gallant conduct at the hill of Vicksburg and Post Ar- kansas, endeared himself to all of us. None speak of him but to praise, and I do not think he had an enemy in the whole regiment. I cannot express in words to you, my dear sir, how /mourn him,^ and have only heart to say that up to this period of my life I have ha(l -but two among all my companions whom I really loved -Frank Maun and S. Kirk wood Clark— one was shot down by my side at Wilson's Creek and the other I lost at Post Arkansas. I envy each his death. God grant when in His good providence I am to die, I may meet a soldier's death and die, like Frank and the Adjutant, charging a Rebel battery. I am, sir, Very truly yours, GEO. A. STONE. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City. Resolutions deploring his loss, recounting his virtues and condoling with friends were passed at a meeting of the offi- cers of the regiment, and at a meeting of the students of the State University, where the Adjutant had been a stu- dent with them. CHAPTER XV. Chosen United States Senator— Discusses the Homestead Bill—Ap- jiointed on the Committee on Pensions and on Public Lands— Cere- monies on the Death of Lincoln— Funeral Oration— Early Railroad Building— Bonds Voted— Bonds Exchanged for Stock— Stock Be- comes Nearly Worthless— Bonds Still Valid— Anti- Bond Meeting- Resolutions Passed— Nominated for Governor Again— Enthusiasm of Convention— Informed of Nomination— A Reluctant A^iswer Sent. Ouns Turned on Him by the Enemy— Sjjeech in Des Moines— One at Dubuque— Temperance Question— Favors Local Option— Discusses National Politics. Governor Kirkwood, in bidding adieu to the Executive office wliich lie had for four of the most eventful years of the State's history so ably and satisfactorily filled, did not return to the mill and farm, but built a comfortable and spacious residence on a few acres just outside the city, but which has since been taken into it, and the street on which it stands is named Kirkwood avenue, and this has ever since been and is now his home. He associated with his brother-in-law, J. E. Jewett, and together they engaged in the practice of law ; but he hardly got well into practice till, on the 13th of Jan- uary, 1866, he was elected to the United States Senate to fill the unexpired term of James Harlan, who had resigned to take a seat in Mr. Lincoln's cabinet as Secretary of the Interior. When the Senatorial canvass opened the names of Jas. Harlan, S. J. Kirkwood, John A. Kasson, A. W. Hubbard, F. H. Warren, Wm. Yandever, Gen'l G. M. Dodge and E. W. Eastman were presented by their respective friends for the position, but it soon became evident that only Messrs. Harlan and Kirkwood stood any chance, with the possibility that Mr. Kirkwood alone would be chosen for the unexpired part of Mr. Harlan's term, and also for the full term follow- as? 288 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. ing. But the result was that Mr. Kirkwood got the short term, and Mr. Harlan the long term to be entered upon when he should retire from the cabinet. Governor Kirkwood did not enter the Senate at a time when, or under circumstances which were particularly favor- able to his taking a prominent part in its deliberations. It was not till some time after the session had commenced, when all the standing committees had been appointed, and the performance of their various duties had been enteretl upon and the work they had in hand had been somewhat advanced, yet the records show that he was prompt and con- stant in his attendance, and took a lively interest in the busi- ness transacted. The questions upon which he spoke more at length than on any other, and then not at any great length, for he did not consume much of the time of the Senate, were the establishment of an Arsenal and Armory at Rock Island, the admission of Nebraska into the Union as a State, the change of the pre-emption and homestead laws in their application to some of the lately seceded States, and the Niagara Ship Canal. The vote taken by the people of Nebraska on the question of admission as a State, resulted in a majority of but 100 in favor of admission, and when the question of admission came before the Senate on the 27th of July 1866, the opponents of admission claimed that two military companies of Iowa soldiers voted at that election in that territory. In the dis- cussion Mr. Kirkwood said : " I wish to make a single remark in regard to this allegation about our Iowa soldiers voting in Nebraska. I was perfectly confident when the Senator from Wisconsin said before, that two companies of an Iowa regiment had voted there, that he was in error, because we had no Iowa regiment or part of a regiment in Nebraska at that time. It now turns out t'.at the allegation is, that certain men from Iowa, forming companies in a Nebraska regiment, voted there. In the com- mencement of the war the Iowa troops could not get into the field as fast as they wanted to, and there were some men who went from Iowa and entered the First Nebraska regiment, forming wholly or partially THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 280 two compauies. I do not know whether they were all made up of Iowa men or not. This was in 1861. The term of enlistment was for three years. All of those men who could have been in the first Nebraska regiment in June 1866, must have been such of them as re- enlisted as veterans. Now, counting that the whole of them originally were from Iowa, then deducting the number who died from disease, the number mustered out, the number killed in battle and those who suffered from other casualties, and then the number of them that did not re-enlist as veterans, and you may have some idea of the number of original men enlisted in Iowa in 1861, remaining in 1866. I am satisfied it amounts to nothing on the vote." Upon the question of restricting the homesteads and pre- emptions in the late rebellious States to eighty acres each, Mr. Kirkwood said : "Since the bill has been reported by the committee, I have been induced somewhat to change my opinion upon this point, not for the reasons alluded to by the Senator from Indiana, but for others that I will now state. Since the bill was reported I have had a conversation with a gentleman from Florida, which is one of the States included in this bill. He suggested to me this idea which seems to me to be reas- onable : He saj's, that if we restrict the amount of a homestead in these States to eighty acres, leaving the amount of a homestead in other States at one hundred and sixty acres, our action will tend to divert immigration from the States named. For instance the commissioner of immigration of Iowa, if we hii\ e such an officer, is in New York, and there is a similar officer or ageut there from Florida, each endeav- oring to induce immigration to his State. The agent of Iowa says to the immigrant: 'If you go to Iowa you can get a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of the public land ; ' and the agent of Florida, says : ' If you come to Florida, you can get a homestead of eighty acres of public land, and only that much.' The result as he argued — and it seems to me very forcibly argued — would be that immigrants seeking homesteads would go to those States in which they could secure one hundred and sixty acres of land, and would pass by those states in which they could get only eighty acres. This argument when pre- sented to me struck me very forcibly. Although I may not agree with some Senators in regard to some matters concerning these seceded States, I certainly do not desire to do them any injustice ; I do not desire to take any action that will injure their material interests, and I 8m strongly inclined for the reason stated by me to agree with the Senator from Indiana, that it would not be good policy to restrict the homesteads in these States to eighty acres. If we do so it will certainly give to those States where there ai e public lands, in which the home- stead is not restricted, the advantage of inducing immigrants to go to 290 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. those States, and it will tend to keep immigration from States named in this bill. For this I'eason therefore, although I felt otherwise in committee, I am now strongly disposed to favor the amendment offered by the Senator from Indiana. I think it would be but fair to these States. * * * I have just sent to the committee room for some information in regard to the amount of public lands within these States derived from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, aiid I have it hei'e. It appears that the quantity of surveyed unsold public lands in the States named in this bill is over 46,000,000 of acres. I was, as I before said, strongly in favor of the eighty acre limitation until the suggestion to which I have alluded was made to me by the gentle- man from Florida, to whom I have referred. There is however, one consideration which operates much upon my mind ; whatever we do here uufortunatelj^ is misrepresented among the people to be affected by this bill. There are men who make it their busmess to misrepre- sent all we do ; and to give it not only the worst possible construction, but constructions wholly impossible. Now if we make a distinction between the amount of the homestead in these States, and the amount of the homestead in the other States, that fact will be seized upon by this class of men to further prejudice these ijeojjle against our action here. That is the reason why I should be willing to see the limitation of eighty acres stricken out, and one hundred and sixty acres inserted in lieu of it. Another reason operating on my mind is that this limit- ation will really tend, or may at least tend to retard immigration to these States of persons from other States, a thing that I do not desire to see. I am strongly impressed with the belief that we had better leave the amount of the homestead in these States precisely as it is in the other States, making no distinction between these and the other States, and then there will be no cause for complaint. I fully concur in the propriety of withholding the lands from sale in the States named, and allowing them to be taken as homesteads. We all know that there are large amounts of land scrip now in circulation; and, as soon as the land offices in those States are opened again, the best of the lands will be swallowed up by persons holding this scrip, and the poor men of this region will not be able to get hold of the lands. I will vote for the bill either with or without the eighty acre limitation, but I think it would be better for us to leave the home- steads in these States at one hundred and sixty acres as in other States." Mr. Kirkwood was assigned a place ou the Committee on Pensions and also on Public Lands. As a member of the lat- ter committee he reported an amendment to a bill granting a right to an Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company, to enter upon and purchase a portion of the unsurveyed public THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 291 lands for the purpose of establishing an iron foundry. The following is a portion of the debate on the bill and amend- ment : Mr. Grimes — I should like to inquire from the Senator from Indi- ana, under what law this New York and Montana Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company was incorporated, and whether he has seen the charier. Mr. Hendricks — The bill was not under my charge in the com- mittee. The Senator from Iowa (Mr. Kirkwood), had charge of the bill and made the investigation. Mr. Kirkwood — I will give my colleague the information he desires upon that point. This company was chartered under a law of the State of New York, and I hold in my hand a copy of the articles of incorporation. They were submitted to the Senator from New York (Mr. Harris), who is a member of that committee, and are in accord- ance with the laws of New York. While I am up I will say a word in regard to the bill itself and in explanation of its provisions. The public lands of Montana Territory have not been surveyed, and therefoi'e can only be located under the pre-emption laws, limiting the amount to one hundred and sixty acres. Mining is being carried on there to a very considerable extent, and in mining and other operations there, iron is necessarily used to a large extent. We know that now the iron used in that territory has to be furnished from the iron manufactories of Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and carried to St. Louis and up the Missouri River to some point from which it is started on wheels out to Montana, or else brought by i-ail to Iowa, wheeled across Iowa, and then by wheels carried to Montana. The result is that the freight upon the iron used in that Territory must be from thirty to thirtj^.tive cents a pound. This state of affairs must necessarily be a great drawback upon the prosperity of that Ter- ritory, and if we can in any legitimate waj' reduce to them the expense of iron used there, it seems to the committee proper so to do. We are expending a great deal of money that does not bring back mo)iey again to the public treasury, or increase the wealth of the country ; and if we can legitimately legislate so as to increase the wealth of the country, and the prosperity of these Western Territories, it seemed to the committee well to do so. What the committee therefore propose to do is : Not to give to this company any lands whatever ; not to give them an acre of land, but to allow them in advance of the survey which we will not make, or do not make at all events, to take up the quantity of land named in this bill ; with the same privileges and subject to all the liabilities of pre- emptor, save and except so far as they may use the timber on the land for building and running their iron works. We require them to make 292 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the surveys at their own expense. We require them before Ihey shall receive a title to their laud to satisfy the Secretai'y of the Interior, that tliey have built on these lauds iron works capable of turning out lifteen hundred tons of iron per annum. If they fail in any one of these conditions, they forfeit their entire right and are compelled to pay for the land the price of $1.25 per acre. The whole departure from the oi'dinary policy of the government is in allowing this com- pany to take up more laud than it can take up under the existing law. One hundred and sixty acres of land would not justify an iron com- pany in establishing iron works. They must have timber for coaling. They canuot get it under the existing law If they go upon the unsur- veyed lands without a law of this kind, they are trespassers and are liable to be sued and mulcted in damages for every offence. Without the timber they cannot do the work. The question then is shall they, or shall they not be allowed to take up this land upon paying into the public treasury the ordinary pi'ice of the public land, and establishing works there before they can receive title to their land ? It struck the committee that it was necessary for the development of that Territory, and it would tend to do what they thought was required to be done at this time, especially when we have such heavy drains upon our people in the way of taxation, to increase the productive wealth of the country, to some extent without at all injuring the public. On the fifth day after his death, funeral ceremonies in honor of Abraham Lincohi were held in Iowa City of the following character : PROCESSION. Hearse drawn by four horses draped with the emblems of mourn- ing, one flag to each horse, and one flag to each corner of hearse, also draped. Each horse led by a colored groom draped in black. FORMATION OF PROCESSION. 1. Hearse with grooms and pall bearers. 2. Martial music. 3. Returned soldiers commanded by Capt. Geo. W. Clark. 4. Military companies commanded by Capt. J. H. Branch. 5. Odd Fellows. 6. Good Templars. 7. Band of music. 8. Ladies Aid Society, y. Hibernian Society. 10 Bohemian Society. 11. Fire Department. 12. Masonic Societies. 13. City, County, and Township Officers led by the Mayor. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 293 14. President, Faculty and Students of University. 15. All the schools, Public and Private. 16. Citizens of City and County. 17. African Association. After marching through the designated streets, the procession, over a mile long, assembled on the University Campus to participate in the following : Proceedings from the balcony in front of the university. Prayer. Funeral hymn. Oration. Funeral hymn. Benediction. Tolling of bells from 6 to 7 a. m., 9 to 11 a.m., from 12 m. to 6 p. m. Fii'ing of Minute guns from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m., at intervals of ten minutes. THE FUNERAL ORATION DELIVERED BY EX-GOVERNOR SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, AT IOWA CITY, APRIL 19, 1865. We have met to mourn the untimely death of the Chief Magistrate and the chief man of the nation — of the magistrate pre-eminent for purity of purpose, devotion to the public good, clearness of judgment and firmness of will — of tiie man pre-eminent for unselfishness, kind- ness of heart and love for his ferow-uien. We mourn him not oulj' as the good Magistrate and the good man, but as the good friend, for there was not in all our broad land a man so humble that he was not his friend, unless that man was the enemy of his counti'y, and our grief is deepened by the reflection that this gi"eat loss falls upon us thi'ough one of the foulest crimes which the infamous rebellion that has desolated our laud has yet developed. Abraham Lincoln was born in the State of Kentucky in February, 1809. His aucestoi'S, who are said to have been Quakers, removed from Pennsylvania to Virginia, whence his grandfather removed to Kentucky, [n 1816 his father, with his family, removed to Indiana, and thence, in 1830, to Illinois, at which time the subject of this sketch was about twentj'-one years of age. He thus grew up on the frontier, almost Avholly deprived of the benefit of schools, and engaged in the toils and privations of a frontier life. Upon reaching manhood he engaged in various avocations — was a flat boatman, a clerk in a store, himself a storekeeper and a surveyor, and served for three mouths as captain of a company of voluuteers in the Black Hawk war. In 1837 he engaged in the practice of the law, and in a few years attained a position in the fiout rank of the profession in his State. He served several terms as a member of the Legislature and for a single term as a member of Congress. 294 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. The attention of the nation was first directed to him in 1858 by the contest between him and the late Senator Douglas, in which he gained a reputation for precision and depth of thought, clearness of language, fairness of statement, truthfulness, manliness and courtesj^ which he has ever retained. He was elected to the Presidency in 1860, since which time, by reason of the unhappy condition of our country, his name has been on the lips of all men and he has been the observed of all observers. When the terrible storm of war, which yet desolates our land, first burst upon us, the thoughts of all our people at once centered on him. Those who brought the war upon us and who sought the destruction of our nationality, trained as they had been by teachings and surround- ings to ignore and despise men of humble birth and training, laughed him to scorn, as one wholly unfit to cope with veteran statesmen — men educated and, as they fondly believed, born to command. Their sympathizers, at home and abroad, joined in the howl of derision thus raised at his alleged total unfitness for the duties of his high station. Of those who supported him for that position and placed him in it, but few knew him personally, and while none doubted his capacity to con- duct the affairs of the nation under ordinary ciVcumstauces wisely and well, many good men feared that his inexperience in public affairs would unfit him for a leader in the fierce, wild whirl of passion through which it was found the nation must pass. It is, I think, but truthful to say that had the men who selected him for the Presidency known before hand of the peril which universally threatened us, they would have chosen some tried statesman for the place. We all have reason to-day to thank God that that knowledge was withheld from us. Evei'y fiery trial through which he was called upon to pass but proved more clearly his peculiar fitness for his most diffi- cult position, until, to-day, a belief, amounting to conviction, per- vades the hearts of our people that he was the instrument chosen and set apart by God to lead us from our political bondage, through the fearful wilderness of civil war, not into, but within view of, our polit-- ical Canaan, where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be the birthright of all our chosen people. It becomes us, therefore, to ex- amine the character of this man— to mark his qualities, so that when in the futui'e we need such men we may know the marks by which to find them. What manner of man, then, was Abraham Lincoln? My knowl- edge of him is derived mainly, as yours is, from the current news of the day; but I had, to a limited degi-ee, other and better means of knowing him. The official position which I held in our State at the time of, and for some years after, his first election, made it, in my judgment, proper that I should pay my respects to him before he left his home for Washington. I did so, and was favored with a somewhat THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KlRKWOOt). 295 lengthy interview. This was in February, 1861, after several States liad seceded, as the phrase goes, and when the whole land was in a ferment. Mr. Lincoln talked freely and frankly, and I listened with intense earnestness. Afterwards, at various times, I saw him in Washington upon official business, and at all times I observed him with all the closeness and care I was master of. In my judgment, the leading characteristic of Mr. Lincoln as a public man was his entire and absorbing devotion to the public wel- fare. When determining his public policy and performing his public duties, considerations of personal and private interest were wholly subordinate to the public good. United with this was a clearness and depth of thought perhaps unsurpassed, an earnestness and directness of purpose that always went straight to its object, a thorough knowl- edge aud understanding of our system of government, a marvelous, an almost intuitive knowledge of the habits and peculiarities of the mass of our people with whom he was so thoroughly identi- lied, a frank, genial nature, and heart so kindly in all its impulses that I do not believe he ever knew what it was to hate any man. Such was Abraham Lincoln: unselfish, vigorous-minded, earnest, direct, well versed in men and affairs, genial, kindly, tender and true. He was wholly absorbed in the task of putting down the rebellion and restoring peace and unity to our people; and here he was much misunderstood bv some and greatly misrepresented by many. It has been urged that he might have prevented the war bj^ compromise, that he might have ended it after it began by compromise. It seems to me that those who thus argue, wholly misapprehend his position and sur- roundings. He was the Chief Magistrate of our nation, the one man of all our people whose sworn duty it was to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution." Now, treason, in all lands and under all govei'nments, is the highest crime known to the law. It includes all other crimes, and peculiarly criminal in a govei'nment like ours, where the people are the source of all power, and have the knowledge and the will to correct all wrongs which, at times, they may be led to commit. What basis is there for a compi'omise between the magistrate and the criminal, especially while the criminal stands out in open and bold defiance of the law? What basis is there for compromise between him who is sworn to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution and him who, with his arms in his hands, uses all his powers to destroy that Constitution? There is none; there can be none. There is no middle ground. One or the other must submit. If the officer yields to the criminal a portion of the fruits of his crime, on condition that he will restore the remainder, the law is dishonored, and, instead of protecting against, offers a premium to crime. If the defender of the Constitution yields a portion of it to him who seeks its destruction. 296 THE LIFE AND TlMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOl). the remainder is preserved only until some other may be found who is bold enough and bad enough to demand it. I repeat it, there cannot, in the nature of things, be a compromise between the laws and criminals against the laws. If the laws triumph, all is well; if the criminal triumphs, all is lost. The failure to recog- nize this truth, in my judgment, has led to much of misapprehension and misrepresentation of Mr. Lincoln's character. I have said he was wholly absorbed in the tasks of putting down the rebellion and restor- ing peace and unity to our people. To effect this object he was will- ing to yield much, provided that in yielding he did not give up that which rendered worthless what he kept. He hated slavery as much as his kind heart permitted him to hate anything. He was too clear sighted not to see that when the slaveholders inaugurated the rebellion they placed in his hands the power to destroy slavei-y. But he knew that his sentiments and the sentiments of those who had placed him in power, on this question of slavery, had been grossly misrepresented and were wholly misunderstood by the people in the Rebel States, and he believed that by convincing them of this error he might win them back to their duty and to submission to the laws. Hence, I think, his delay in striking directly at slavery as the vital pai't of the rebellion, and his adoption, for a time, of the so-called border State policy. He pursued that policy with the earnestness of his nature, against the ad- vice and remonstrance of his political friends, until he became satis- fied he could not find the object he sought in that direction; and when so satisfied he took the other course with the same earnestness, direct- ness and firmness. He sought, at all times, to restore the unity of the people and the supremacy of the laws with the least possible shock to the interest, the feelings, even the prejudice, of those who were seek- ing their destruction, but with an unwavering determination that they should be restoi'ed at whatever cost. And now, when his great work was almost done; when the great body of the people who had been led into rebellion had seen the folly and wickedness of their crime and were willing to lay down their arms; when the political leaders were but seeking to prolong the struggle that they might insure their own safety; when the hearts of all men in the land were praising God for his goodness, and pouring forth their thanks to the President and his advisers, and to our brave army for their self-sacrifice and devotion; when our tears for all we had lost were dried by the sunshine of gladness for all we had won; when every heart sang for joy, one man, animated by the devilish spirit of treachery and violence that brought upon us this wicked war, has dashed the cup of joy from our lips and left us a nation of mourn- ers. At the very time when the heart of the President was filled with kindness towards those who had sought our ruin; when, as is believed, he was devising liberal and generous plans by which they might again THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 297 arise and enjoy the high privileges they had so wantonly thrown away, the fell spirit which generated the rebellion sought and found oppor- tunity for its crowning act of infamy by his deliberate, cold-blooded and cowardly assassination. I need not attempt to depict the partic- ulars of this foul deed. Any language I could command would but tend to I'elieve it of the lineaments of its hendish barbarity. It is enough to say that we know it was intended to embrace, not onlj^ the death of President Lincoln, but that of his chief adviser, Mr. Seward, and, as we have reason to believe, the death of the Vice President and all the members of the Cabinet. The crime is so foul and brutal in itself, so shocking to all the bet- ter feelings of our nature, that our great sorrow for our and our couuti-y's loss is measurably swallowed up in hot and righteous indig- nation against the spirit that provoked its commission. The vile wretch who was the instrument in committing the deed is beneath our indignation. If caught as I trust he will be, it will be fitting he should die, as it is fitting any other venomous reptile should die, because it is unsafe to let him live. But it is right and proper that our indignation should be active and untiring against the spirit that prompted him to this deed, until that spirit is utterly crushed out from among our people. That is the spirit engendered by slavery — the spirit of violence and treachei'y, that has brought this war upon us with all its woe. The system of slavery is founded upon wrong and oppression. It teaches men that it is right that others should be slaves that they may be fi'ee , that others shall sow that they maj' reap ; that others shall labor that they may use the fruits of their labor ; that others shall suffer that they maj' enjoy. It begets in the dominant race pride and arrogance, a haughty and boastful spirit that will not brook restraint or control, and that hesitates at no means to accomplish its ends — a disregard for the rights of others — cruelty, injustice and revenge. If we trace the development of that spirit in bringing about and carrying on this rebellion we may learn its true character. Before the actual outbreak we will find many, the principal agents in bring- ing about the rebellion, occupying high places under our government, all sworn and paid servants of that government, bound in honor and good faith to give to it their best service. With these oaths for true service yet warm upon their lips, and their pay for true service yet in their palms, they are found plotting and scheming how they may best destroy that government, and using the power placed in their hands as its sworn and paid servants, the better to accomplish its overthrow. We will find other men, educated by the government and at the expense of the government to be its especial and ever ready defenders at sea and on tlie land, at home and abroad, pledged in all honor to that duty while yet wearing its uniform and drawing its pay, plotting how they may best betray it, and when the hour of trial comes, basely 298 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD deserting their flag and turning against it the knowledge acquired for its protection. Always prating of their honor, we find that in their estimation theft and fraud, falseliood and perjury, the desertion of his flag by the soldier and the surrender of his ship by the sailor, without a blow in its defense, and the basest treason by the statesman, are all honored and alike honorable. We will find that these men have sought to lay our chief city in ashes, to throw from our railroad, cars filled with women and children, and to plunder our quiet villages, not by overcoming our armies with their armies, on the battle-field, but by means of lurking emissaries and secret spies. They have broken faith even with their own soldiers, keeping them in the ranks long after their terms of service had confessedly expired. They have pur- posely and systematically starved and ill-treated our soldiers, in their hands as prisoners of war, so that thousands have died and other thousands have been returned to us to die or to remain among us the mere wrecks of men. The spirit that animated these men in these acts is identically the same that animated the assassin of President Lincoln. You cannot find any fair distinction between them. They come from the same foul soui'ce and tend to the same base end. Now, why and how is this ? These men are not naturally worse than we. Whence then this terrible demoralization ? It is, as I have told you, from their having been reared among the wrongs, the cruelties and the vices of slavery. They have imbibed its spirit, and these acts are but the fruits of that spirit. God forbid that I should stand hei*e to encourage a spirit of revenge. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." But I do stand hex'e to say that we will be untrue to ourselves, to God and humanity, if we do not see to it that the foul mother of this hateful spirit — the harlot slavery — shall cease to exist in our land, henceforth and forever. When that shameless system shall have passed away we may reasonably hope that the spirit engendered by it will also pass away, and not until then. It may be that we needed this terrible lesson to keep us true to our duty. We all know the immense power he wielded over the hearts of his people. We all know that he was preparing, at the time of his death, measures most liberal and genernus for the restoration of the rebel States. We all know how our own hearts softened under the influence of the prospect of speedy peace ; and it may be, I say, that we needed this terrible affliction that has fallen upon us to convince us of the truth, that there is no pei'manent peace for this land so long as slavery remains within it. If this be so, I think the object has been fully accomplished. It is not reasonable to suppose that Mr. Johnson can feel as kindly to the rebel chiefs as Mr. Lincoln did. He and his family were, for a time, exiled by them from their homes. If I mis- take not a price was set upon his head. He has seen his beautiful State converted, through their means into a desolation. Besides this, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 299 even if he has the will he has not the power to control the loyal people that President Lincoln had. He is to them yet measurably an untried man, and although they will rally around him, and support him loyally and truly, they will not Be disposed to yield to his lead as promptly and cheerfully as to that of his lamented predecessor. Add to these the oilier fact, that the foul deed we mourn here lo-day has deeply exasperated our people, and it is very evident to me that, in closing up this rebellion, we will see to it that the cause of this rebel- lion shall be utterly removed, and that justice, not mercy, but let us hope, justice, tempered with mercy, will be our rule of action. And now I have nearly done. There are other topics upon which I would have spoken, but the time allowed me for preparation has been too short, and I cannot trust myself to speak upon them without pre- paration, lest my excited feelings should impel me to say words unlit to be said, here and now. lu the shock of battle the soldier sees his gallant and well-loved leader stricken down by his side. He has no time to weep, but grasp- ing his weapon with firmer grasp, he pushes onward, with a firmer step, over the prostrate body to victory. So should we do. Since this calamity has fallen upon us we have been stunned, paralyzed by its greatness. But the battle is not yet fully won. Complete victory has not yet crowned our efforts, and we must not permit our sorrow for our great loss to cause us to falter in our great endeavor. Let, then, every man ai'ouse. Let the word " onward" ring through the whole length of our mighty host, and let us, over the bleeding body of him we loved so well, press on to that crowning victory to which we had so fondly hoped he would lead us. Many of you loved Abraham Lin- coln as you would have loved a brother, although you had never looked upon his face, and I trust that there is not among you one from whom his patience, his courage, his kindness, his purity, his patriot- ism and his truth had not won the meed of respect, if not of esteem. He had been building for himself a monument that will endure as long as those qualities are honored among men. But he did not live to finish the work. The column has been broken before the temple was completed. That monument was a restored, a regenerated Union. The work is almost done. Let it be our pious care to complete it. When that shall have been done, when again our starry flag shall float, more proudly and lovingly, over every acre of our broad domain and no man can And within its shadow a slave, his fitting monument will have been completed. When the strife and bitterness of the day shall have passed away with those who participated in that strife and felt that bitterness, when the impartial historian shall have written the history of this fearful struggle, our children's children will learn to love the name and the memory of Lincoln as we have learned to love the name of Washington ; and those two names, brilliant and 300 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOI). glorious beyond all others, because the names of men, not only great, but good, will forever alike be " first in the hearts of their country- men." In the late "forties" and early "fifties," the question of the construction of railroads in our State beo^an for the first time to be discussed, and as the early settlers were not in a condition to furnish funds for their construction, they cast about for means to be obtained for that purpose. The great Northwest was then but partially settled, and the United States Government had a wealth of public lands lying idle and awaiting settlement and improvement. Already had a grant of these lands been made, through the efforts of Stephen A. Douglass, a member of Congress from the State of Illinois, to assist in the building of a railroad that should extend from New Orleans via Cairo to Chicago, with a branch to Galena. This was used as a precedent for a like grant for several roads across the State of Iowa, and the grants were made by Congress to the State, and by the State accepted for that purpose and parceled out to various railroad companies, and by these companies accepted upon the condi- tions that they should construct certain lines of railroad across the State from east to w-est. The men composing these companies being Eastern capi- talists claimed that they could not build these roads without local aid, and as that aid could not be furnished by the peo- ple, individually, along the proposed lines of railroad, these men suggested and urged that the different public corpora- tions through which the roads should run could issue bonds payable at a remote date when the corporations issuing them would become populous and wealthy and able to pay them. These bonds were to be issued to the companies in payment dollar for dollar of stock of those companies subscribed for and issued to the corporations being counties and cities. Bonds were issued by the counties of Washington, John- son, Jefferson, Muscatine, Lee, Powesheik, Louisa, Iowa, THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J KIRKWOOD. 301 Des Moines and several others and the cities contained in them to the amount of several millions of dollars. It was represented by these railroad companies that the dividends on the stock would pay the interest on the bonds; that when the bonds became due the stock could be sold for enouo-h to redeem the bonds, and thus the "honest grangers" could get a railroad at a small cost, or no cost at all. The theory looked plausible; the needs for railroads were great; some- thing was wanted to carry to market the crops of our broad, fertile acres other than teams, often mired down in our un- bridged rivers, creeks and sloughs, and bonds were voted by large majorities and issued, in some cases, for roads that were never built, though it was claimed by good lawyers that there was no authority in law to vote or issue them. Soon dividends on stock failed to pay the interest on bonds, and heavy taxes were levied and collected to pay that interest. Soon again the taxes not only failed to be paid, but failed to be levied. By a reorganization of the railroad companies, other rail- road companies were formed that swallowed up the old ones, so that the old stock became badly shrunken or totally value- less, while the bonds issued maintained their original full rotundity. Suits were brought in our State courts to collect unpaid interest, when by the decision of those courts the bonds were declared invalid. On appeal to the United States courts that decision was reversed. In view of this state of affairs, delegates from the ten counties above named met at Muscatine December 15, 1869, at which meeting the following, among other proceedings, were had: The Committee on Resolutious, through Ex-Governor Kirkwood, reported the following: Whereas, The recent decisions of the Federal courts invoMno- corporation railroad bonds in this State seem to us subversive of the authority and dignity of our State courts, and dangerous to the rights and privileges of citizens of the States, if not positive and unvvar- 302 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. ranted encroachments upon the jurisdiction of the State courts. Therefore, Besolved, That we respectfully and earnestly protest against the ex- ercise of such authority by the Federal courts, and hereby pledge our sympathy and support to the State courts in the maintenance of their riglitful authority. Besolved, That this Convention earnestly call upon the General Assembly of Iowa to take notice of the late decision of the Federal Supreme Court, and apply to Congress and the other States to take the necessary steps to protect our citizens against similar encroachments on their rights. Resolved; That this Convention regards the provision enacted by the Twelfth General Assembly, commonly known as the Doud amend- ment, as the reservation of the rights of the State to control certain railroad companies, in regard to their charges for freight and passen- gers, as a most precious and valuable right, and ought to be preserved unimpaired and unrepealed. Resolved, That the property of railroad corporations in this State should be taxed, as our Constitution provides, the same as other prop- erty, and the General As.sembly is earnestly requested to provide for such equal taxation. Resolved, That this Convention recommends to the citizens of the several counties and cities interested in this railroad bond question to pay all their taxes except their railroad bond tax; to refuse to pay that until all legal and practical remedies are exhausted. Resolved, That a committee of one from each county be appointed, whose duty it shall be to maintain a correspondence between the sev- eral counties with a view to harmony and unity of action, and that we recommend to the counties here represented not to pay or compro- mise said indebtedness, nor any part of the same, without general con- sultation; and that we further recommend that each county keep at Des Moines, during the coming session, one or more competent agents to furnish information to the General Assembly and to attend to the interest of their respective counties on this question. Mr. Negus, of Jefferson, explained that section of the law which had been construed to authorize municipalities to aid railroads. He was a member of the legislature which enacted it, and said that no such authority was conveyed or intended to be conveyed. Ex-Governor Kirk wood said: "All will admit that we have a right to make our State Constitution and laws just as we please, provided we do not trench upon the Constitution of THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 303 the United States. What value is this right if our court can- not interpret the meaning of our Constitution and hiws?" It was claimed by Governor Kirkwood that under Sec- tion 1 of Article 4 of the Constitution of the United States, which says: "Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other State" every person, municipality, corpor- ation, officer or court that could be bound by any decision of any court, was bound by and should respect the decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, which had declared these railroad bonds void. The gubernatorial canvass in 1875, previous to holding the Republican State Convention on the 19th of June, was a peculiar one. No one of the four or five prominent candi- dates for Governor went into the convention with any reas- onable assurance that he had strength enough to nominate him on the first few ballots. Their comparative strength was undoubtedly in the order named: James B. Weaver, John Russel, John H, Gear, Robert Smyth, W. B. Fairfield, each with his host of friends assisting, striving to get all the strength possible enlisted in his favor on the first ballot. The editor of the Register said in his paper : ' ' The conven- tion was all at sea on the choice for governor, no man had worked for it, and no wires had been pulled to secure it.'' The names of Weaver, Russel, Gear and Fairfield were presented, with a prospect that ballot after ballot, excitedly repeated, and long continued, engendering bitter feeling and personal animosities would have to be taken to reach a tinal result, when Dr. S. M. Ballard a delegate from Andubon County, an old patriarch in the Republican ranks with a head as white as the driven snow, his breast covered with a full flowing beard of the same hue, arose and standing six feet four inches tall, strait as an arrow, with a stentorian voice, like the blows of a trip hammer that reached every ear in the large assembly, said : " Mr. President, I desire to 304 TIE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. present the name of Samuel J. Kirkwood of Johnson County." (Immense applause.) Gen. Trumbull of Dubuque, inquired by what authority the name of Gov. Kirkwood was presented. Raising himself to his full heighth, throwing back his venerable snow colored head, extending his long right arm, with the full intonations of his powerful sonorous voice the Dr. replied, "by authority of the great republican PARTY OF IOWA." (Trcmeudous cheers oft repeated.) Hon. John Russel arose amid the tumult of applause and said: ''He would not be a candidate in opposition to the great War Governor, whom he was proud to esteem so highly, that he preferred him for governor to any and all other men, I withdraw my name and second the nomination of the gentleman from Andubon." His remarks were cheered to the echo. Mr. Gear arose amid the cheering, and in the most earnest and enthusiastic manner, said : " Neither will I be a candidate against the great popular favorite, Governor Kirk- wood, who sent seventy-five thousand boys in blue cheering to the front to help so potentially in subduing the rebellion, and I most heartily second the nomination of the Old War Governor and withdraw my name in his favor." The brief speech of Mr. Gear was delivered with fire and dash, and it had an electrifying effect on the convention and he was cheered and re-cheered to the echo. Senator Campbell wanted to know if the friends of the governor in the convention did not have a dispatch from him saying he was not a candidate. He was answered by cries from various parts of the house, ''we don't care if they have — that don't make any difference." A.n informal ballot was taken resulting, Kirkwood, 238 ; Weaver, 200; Smyth, 111; Fairfield, 33. A formal ballot was then fully taken. Before the tellers liad counted up the ballots, counties that had voted for other THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 305 candidates began to change their votes to Kirkwood, and before the count was completed, Capt. Hull, a delegate from Davis, and one of Weaver's friends moved to make the vote unanimous, which was received and carried with thunderino- applause, A motion was made to telegraph Gov. Kirkwood for his acceptance, which was met by showers of "no, no " from all parts of the house. John Y. Stone arose amid the storm and said, "Governor Kirkwood must accept," when the mover said he would withdraw his motion and second Mr. Stone's must. Though in the common acceptation of the term, Gov. K. had never been an office seeker, he did desire to be returned to the United States Senate, and as he could not occupy that place and the governor's chair at the same time, he preferred not to hazard his chance for the former place, by becoming an occupant of the latter. Notwithstanding no formal noti- fication was sent by the convention to the governor of his nomination, nor a request for an acceptance, several of the members of the convention went to the telegraph office, among whom were R. 8. Finkbine, John Russel, S. S. Far- well and Ed. Wright and wired him, asking his consent to become a candidate. The governor was at home and Judge Wright was also in Iowa City, and he called upon the gov- ernor to press his acceptance, saying that instead of preju- dicing his prospects for the senatorship, it would advance them. The question was for sometime discussed between them pro. and con., when at the other end of the line all but Gen. Wright, getting tired waiting for a reply, left the telegraph office. It was reported that Gen. Wrio-ht in his impatience and anxiety while waiting made the telegraph do some swearing for him, but he was too well raised to do that, but he did make the wires say, "why in thunder don't you answer." Finally the reply came, "if I must answer yes." 306 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. If things had not been Wright at both ends of the line, it is quite probable a "no" instead of a "yes" would have been sent. As a reason for his acceptance it was urged upon the governor that the Republicans of Iowa had done much for him, and that this was a spontaneous call from them from all parts of the State, and he should heed it. He might have replied with a great deal of truth, that while they had done much for him, he in return had done a great deal for them, that he had often sacrificed his own private interests, his ease and his comfort for their good. He was never a man to press his claims to official station on what he had done — for his labors were performed in the honest and faithful dis- charge of official duty for the benefit of the public, rather than for his own private advantage. As soon as the nomination was made all the guns of the enemy from the diminutive political revolver, carried by the ward bummer in his hip pocket, to the heavy seige guns under control of the State Central Committee were turned upon him. In a speech made in Des Moines, on the 27th day of August, he spiked most of these guns, and before election they were all silenced. From this speech a few extracts are made. He said in commencing, he would first pay brief attention to some of the charges made against him by the Democratic press : " My old friend Claggett of Keokuk said, I had 'speculated in tax titles.' I never owned or bought a tax title in my life. Another editor says, I am a large owner of railroad stock. I once had $300 of stock in an unbuilt railroad, which I afterwards sold for $5. I also bought a dollar of stock in a new railroad once, in oi'der to qualify myself for president, and I own that yet. It has also been charged that I own stock in a distillery. I do not own, never have owned> and never intend to own any such stock. It has been charged also, that I once said, ' we must give the Dutch their slops in order to keep their votes.' I never said and never thought of- saying this, or anything THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 307 like It, I resent, as the pure and able Germaii citizen Nicholas J. Rusch, who was lieutenant governor when I was governor, signed the bill allowing the sale of beer and wine, would have resented this insinu- ation, that the German citizens would have sold their votes for lager beer. The Democi'ats charge this now on the supposition, if they believe it at all, that if we bought these people with free lager in those dajs, they can buy them with free whiskey now. No ! The German people were voting with us on principle. They hated slavery as we did, opposed secession as we did, and as they do now. They were as honest as we were, and as determined in being right. "It has also been urged that during the war I once called the Ger- mans, Hessians and other vile epithe's, which charge is as false as the first. I claim to have a little common sense, even if I have not com- mon honesty. I was engaged in raising troops for the war, and no citizens were enlisting more spontaneously than our fellow citizens of foreign birth. I never spoke of this class of our immortal soldiers other than in terms of admiration and praise, and I defy any proof on earth that I ever did." * * * The charge that he speculated in army clothing was taken up and exploded. The governor said, he had received among other inquiries one asking how he stood in regard to secret societies. He stated that he himself was a member of the Masonic Craft, and the Odd Fellows Order, many members of which will oppose me politically, as bitterly as any others, and this no one will think of making an issue in the canvass or at the polls. The governor said there was another little matter he might refer to : " Some of my friends who are editing Democratic papers, are afraid that if I get to be governor I may want to be a senator. They and some others are very anxious that we should have a good looking man to send as our governor to the Centennial Exposition at Philadel- phia next year, and they are afraid my friend Mr. Newbold, our can- didate for Lieutenant Governor would not make as good looking a governor at the national festival as I would. (Great laughter.) "Now, I could not go to the Senate or leave the governorship if I wanted to before March, 1877, the year after the Centennial, so that the people of Iowa would still have the benefit of all the beauty that I have at the Centennial. (Repeated laughter.) "There are five men in Iowa, that are noted for all the good looks that they have. There are two of them in one county, Senator Lowrey 308 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. and Judge Grant of Scott, (laughter). Then there's Judge Lough- ridge. (More laughter.) Next. Init not least hy any means is Gov. Eastman. (Fui'ther laughter.) The last is myself. (Still greater laughter.) Now, I am willing the ladies of Iowa shall select the best looking man in this lot for the representative of this State, and its manly beauty at the Centennial, and I Avill abide by their choice. But, about my wanting or not wanting to go to the Senate, I shall make no promises. If I did it might be as it was with the governorship. I said I did not want and would not take that ; but, I am the Republican Party's candidate for it, and I do not intend to say any more what office I will take and what I will not. (Cheers.) * * * " To the temperance man we say the Republican party is the only one that gives well grounded hope for the accomplishment of all objects that tend to promote the improvement of our fellow men. We may falter, we may stumble, we may halt, we may swerve to the one side or the other; we may even go backward, but earnestly striv- ing, desiring and seeking for the good of all, we will ever go onward in the right path at last. Your place is with us, you are no doubt as honest as you are earnest, and I for one believe that you are. It is right too, t© be progressive, radical and advanced. But have a care that you do not get so far ahead of public opifiion tliat you will get out of sight of the great body of the people altogether and be lost. [Applause.] So far indeed that you cannot be heard." At Dubuque on the 24th day of September, the following speech was delivered: Friends and Felloiv Citizens: — Your chairman in introducing me to you has mentioned the fact that some years ago I had the honor of serving you in the capacity of governor of the State, an office for which I am again a candidate. I have very little to say in regard to that past time, except this; that it was a very try- ing, troublesome time both in our state and in our national affairs. The labors devolving upon me were severe, and the duties more diffi- cult and delicate than in time of peace. But I endeavored to perform those duties the best I knew how; how well I succeeded it is not for me, but for you to say. Should it be the pleasure of the people of the state to again elevate me to the same olfice, the duties will be much more easily performed, and I can only say that I will endeavor to do the best I can. I may have made mistakes before; I may make mis- takes again. If any of you had occupied the position I did, you would probably have made mistakes as 1 did; and if any of j'ou were to occupy the posi'ion in future, you Avould undoubtedly make mistakes as I will. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 309 THE LIQUOR QUESTION. There is oue subject which is perhaps not qLiite a proper one for me to discuss; yet oue that I feel called upou to discuss in many local- ities and amoug others in this locality, that is what is called the tem- perance question. It is claimed by some, I learn, that I have not been frank aud open upou this question. This is a mistake, I have never for a moment concealed my opinion in regard to this subject, and I have never expressed different opinions at different points. When I opened this campaign in Des Moines sometime in August last, 1 expressed my opinion on the temperance question and what I said was published in the papers of that city, and afterwards republished in other papers of the state, so that any oue desiring to know my opin- ions on the subject might kuow them. The ouly embarrassment I ever felt in connection with expressing my opinions on the subject arose from this circumstance: The convention that nominated me did not express any opinion upon the question. The Republican party is not agreed among themselves on this point. The party contains many men who are opposed to licensing the sale of intoxicating drinks and are in favor of a prohibitory liquor law, it contains men who are opposed lo a prohibitory law and in favor of license; and it also con- tains many men who occupy the position that I do, a position differ- ent from either of the foregoing. Such being the case it would not have been honest in the Republican party to have expressed an opin- ion upon the subject in their platform, because it is a question upon which the party are not agreed and the representatives of a party making a platform lay down principles upon which that party are agreed. But I have my personal opinions, aud I will give them to you. But I give them to you as my own and not those of the Repub- lican party, for I have no right to speak for the Republican party in a case where that party has not spoken for itself. Since the commencement of this campaign I have traveled along the southern part of this state to Council Bluffs; theuce along the western border of the state to Sioux City, thence through the north- ern pai't of the state to this point. In many places I have found the situation of affairs to be the same as in your locality. That is the pro- hibitory law which is to be found on the statute book of Iowa is of no effect. It is not evaded as other criminal laws are by stealth secretly, it is openly, boldly, notoriously trodden underfoot. Public sentiment does not sustain it, that is the condition of affairs in the county (John- son) where I live. But while this is true, it is just as true that in many other counties of the State the law is fully and fairly enforced; as well enfoi'ced as any other penal laws of your State. And the peo- ple in those counties are strongly attached to the prohibitory law, because it shields them from evils to which they have been subjected. The social habits and manners and customs of people of different 310 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. localities aud nationalities are as different as are the colors of white and black. Living as I do in a community in which the prohibitory law is not enforced, I find the result of the existence of that law coupled with its non-enforcement to be this; the daily violation of that law without rebuke aud without punishment, becomes familiar to a man and to the community, it creates a want of respect for law in general, and a habit of disobedience to law in general. You aud I, my friends, depend for the security and protection of our property and our lives upon the law. When tlie laws are reverenced and obeyed life aud property are safe. When it is daily and openly violated, aud no rebuke or punishment administered to those by whom it is violated, reverence for the laws is inevitably diminished, and the habit of disobedience created. One man's taste or inclination leads him to the violation of the prohibitory liquor law, he goes unpunished and unrebuked; on the contrary public senti- ment in his locality sustains him. Another mau's taste or inclination leads him to violate some other law; aud when he is brought to pun- ishment, the question he asks is, "Why am 1 for violating the law rebuked and punished, while my neighbor, for violating another law goes unrebuked and unpunished." This is a partiality aud an injus- tice here all must see, and which inevitably leads him to a disrespect and disobedience of all law. And in this condition of affairs, which you all know is the condition in this State, the question arises, which is the best course to pursue. What policy will result in the greatest good to the greatest number? What legislation is best adapted to the wants, tastes, feelings, prejudices, if you will, of the different commun- ities in the State? This is au entirely proper question to ask, and we must find as satisfactory an answer as we can. LOCAL OPTION. In my judgment, Av hat is called the "local option law" is the best solution of this question, most just to each and all communities, aud productive of the best general results. You of Dubuque county, where the prohibitory law is not enforced antl where there is no pre- tense or attempt to enforce it, would be just as well off in every respect, and much better satisfied if the traffic in intoxicating drinks was more lawful wiih proper restrictions imposed. In other coun- ties where the prohibitory law can be aud is enforced, and where the people desire its continuance aud enforcement, it is but fair and right that they should have it. In the strongest prohibitory counties through which I have passed, I have asked of the advocates of that law, "while the citizens of your co inty are protected aud their interests subserved by the prohibitory law, why insist it shall apply nominally to the county of Dubuque, where it commands no respect, no obedience from the people, and where its only effect is to demoral- ize the public miud by familiarizing the community with the contin- THE LIFE AXD TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KTRKWOOD, 311 ual disobedieuce of law, whereby the reverence of all law is weak- ened?" And I have never been able to get what seemed tome to be a satisfactory answer. And now I ask you citizens of Dubuque the .^ame question. If you had a law upon this subject that suited your sentiments, your tastes, your prejudices, (as some might say) why should you insist that your opinions of what is right should be forced upon the people of other counties of the State. My own personal opinion is that the best thing for our mixed varied population is the '•local option" system. Then where the people prefer a license law, a license law can be had; and where the people desire a prohibitory law, they can have it and enforce it. This is the ground 1 have occupied before the people of this entire State. 1 have made no change or variation or shadow of turning in one part of the State from what I have said in another part. But let me repeat, that in this expression of my sentiments on this subject, I speak for myself alone, 1 am not authorized to speak for the Republican party, for that parly has not spoken for itself; nor am I authorized to speak for my associates on the ticket; they can speak for themselves if they choose, or if they are called upon to do so. But you have a right to know my opinions, and you have them. If they do not suit you, if they excite your displeasure, I only ask that you will visit your dis- pleasure upon, me, and upon none else. THE BACK PAY MATTER. There is another matter somewhat personal in its nature to which I ought perhaps to pay some attention. It has been charged that dur- ing the two sessions of Congress, that I had the honor of serving you, my action in regard to the matter of compensation — pay — was improper. The circumstances of the case are these : Sometime in Miiy, 1865, Mr. Harlan, then Senator for your State resigned from that position. This caused a vacancy in that office. When the Iowa Leg- islatui'e convened the next December, I was elected to lill that vacancy. I went to Washington and took my place early in January. Now there is a law upon the statute books of the United States, a law which I had no share in making, but which was made many years before I became Senator — by which, when any Senator resigned, his successor is entitled to draw pay from the date of his predecessor's resignation. In accordance with this law, which I found upon the statute books when I was elected, I did as had been the uniform cus- tom before and has been the uniform custom since. I drew my pay from Mr. Harlan's resignation. But this, some say is very wrong. Now, first, let us look at the equity of the law. I served through two sessions of Congress entirely except about four weeks — the session commencing in December, and I taking my seat in January. If my pay had commenced in January, when I took my seat, I would have had to serve two sessions in Congress (save those four weeks), and 312 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMTJEt J. KlRKWOOD. draw but oue \'ear's pay, while all my associates serving but four weeks longer than I, would have had two yeai's' pay. But look at this matter in another light. Your Mem- bers of Congress here in Iowa, were elected last year, but their pay dates from March this year, 1875. California, elected mem- bers of Congress on the first day of this month (September, 1875), but they draw pay from last March, the same as your members elected last fall. Oregon has not yet elected her membei^s of Congress, but when elected they will draw pay from the fourth of last March, the same as those of California, and those of Iowa. The same with those of Mis- sissippi, which, are yet to be elected. I took the pay which the law of the land had provided for me. And here allow me to say that in my judgment the men whom you have to fear are not those who take the pay the law gives them, and are contented with it, but those who attempt to make outside the compensation the law allows them, illegitimate gains. VOTE FOR INCREASED COMPENSATION. During that san;e session of Congress the compensation of mem- bers was increased. I voted for that increase. That compensation was fixed at three thousand dollars per year, a number of years before — in fact sometime before the war, when gold was the standard of value. In 1866, when I took my seat in the Senate, the cost of living in Washington City as here in Dubuque and everywhere else in the country, was at least double what it was when the war began. The consequence was that a member of Congress could not more than pay his necessary expenses, living in moderate style, out of the compensa- tion allowed him at the rate fixed before the war. Perhaps it is imprudent for me to say it, but I am in the habit of saying what I think, and so I will say that in my opinion it is just as shabby for the people of Iowa to desire her Senators and Representatives to serve them for less than a fair compensation, as it is for a public servant to desire more than a fair compensation. And, I say further, that the men who are serving you in Congress, and are doing the best they know how, are entitled to something more than their actual living expenses. So we increased the pay of Members of Congress from $3,000 to $5,000 a year. But at the same time we reduced the mileage, from forty to tweuty cents a mile. The result was not so much to increase the aggregate amount paid to Members of Congress, as to equalize the pay. Under the old law in the case of members of distant States, the mileage amounted to more than the compensation did. The net result was substantially this: Taking the aggregate received by all the Members of Congress for both salary and mileage, the increase was but very slight. Well, as I have said, I voted for the law and took the increased pay. If I believed to-day, that in so doing I did wrong, I should frankly say so, but 1 do not believe it was wrong, and THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 313 SO no power on earth can make me say so. Our Democratic friends, who now declare that it was very wroug were a long time in discover- ing any wrong in it. Nine years have passed since then ; and it is only duriug the present cimpaign, since I was nominated for Governor, that they have discovered how wrong it was. Nobody found any fault with it at the time. You cannot find any complaint of it in the pro- ceedings of any convention of either party. I will defy you to bring even a newspaper of either party or an extract from any speech by any member of either party, that made any complaint in reference to it at the time. In 1873, seven years afterward, when the price of living had all that time been continually and steadily going down, Congress passed a law increasing the pay of its members from $5,000 to $7,500. Then a very different condition of public sentiment Avas manifested ; then complaint was made by people, and by papers of both parties ; public indignation rose to a white heat. And in answer to the demands of the people, Congress reduced the compensation of its members to the point at which I aided in fixing it ; and the people of Iowa recognized the rightfulness of that action, and have since made no complaint. I have heard no complaint that the pay of Mem- bers of Congress is now too high ; yet it is today precisely what I aided in fixing it. Another thing looks to me a little inconsistent in this matter, and that is, that Democrats should blame me in this mat- ter, and not blame anybody else among those who did just what I did. What statesman in this land was moi-e latided by the Democracy in 1873, than Charles Sumner V It is true they had not always so high an appreciation of him, but when he felt it his duty to follow Horace Greely into the "Liberal" ranks, the Democratic party suddenly dis- covered that he was one of the ablest, as well as one of the purest of men that the country ever produced, and they were right. Yet Charles Sumner was a member of the Senate at the same time 1 was : he voted precisely as 1 did in the matter of that compensation, and like me to use the classic language of the Democratic editors of this State, he " went out of Washington with the swag in his pocket.'" Then there was Lyman Trumbull, the distinguished Senator from Illinois, whose virtues and ability the Democrats never tire of praising ; he was in the Senate at the same time I was, he voted precisely as I did, and "went out of Washington with the swag in /its pocket." And there was Mr. Hendricks of Indiana, now Governor of that State, and pro- spective candidate of the Democratic party for the Presidency of the United States, he was a member of the same Senate ; he voted on that question of compensation just as I did, and -'went away from Wash- ington with the swag in his pocket." For whom did you Democrats shout yourselves hoarse in 1873, as your candidate for the Vice- presidency ? You may have forgotten, so I will remind you that it was B. Gratz Brown of Missouri. He was a member of that same 314 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Senate, he voted on the question of compensation precisely as I did, and he " went away li-om Washington witli the swag in his pocket." And you Democrats did not discover any wrong in it then, and never did till I hai^peued to become candidate for Governor of Iowa this year. PERSONAL ABUSE. But, right here my friends I feel moved to say one thing, and that is, that it is most humiliating that candidates for office, who claim to be gentlemen and honorable men in a canvass such as I am now engaged in, should be compelled to answer charges such as these ; I mean compelled to answer charges either of petit or grand larceny. I do not think our politics are improved by such methods of conduct- ing a campaign. I regard the making of such charges as a piece of demagoguei'y that will not help the party using it, or hurt the pai'ty against whom it is used. NATIONAL POLITICS. Having disposed of these unpleasant pei"sonal matters, I will now S[.eak in regai'd to what I understand to be the present condition of the political all'airs of this nation. We are fighting this year a battle that is but preliminary to a much severer one next year. Next year we have to elei-t a president, and I am satisfied that we are to have one of the bitterest and most fiercely contested campaigns since 1860. Every election in every State this year is looked upon as tending to show the drift of public opinion next year. What then is the polit- ical outlook for 1876? Let us first consider what was the political condition of the county before the civil war. Before its outbreak for many years the Democratic party had ruled in this countiy, and how- had they managed, in order to rule this country? First the vote of all the slave States was solidly Democratic, there was no break in their ranks, the Democratic party held them in the hollow of its hand. It had only to count up those States, and the number of their representa- tives and calculate safely and surely upon so many Senators, so many members of the House of Representatives, so man}' Electoral votes for a Democratic president. The number that could thus be surely cal- culated upon for the Democratic party was not quite a majority in either case; but it came so near it, that a slight addition from the Northern States would place the control of the whole country in the hands of the Democratic part}'. And now since the reconstruction of those states has been accomplished, the managers of the Democratic party have been lending every effort persistently, determinedly, unre- mittingly to restore the same condition of affairs. They have so far succeeded that to-day there are but three of the old slave States that are not in their hands; Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina. Indeed they will have Mississippi this year, they are persuading the THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 315 black men down there into voting for them; or at least into not vot- ing against them. They have a peculiar process of "persuading" the black men not to vote, and so I fear this year Mississippi will pass into the hands of the Democratic party. The political status of North Carolina is so uncertain that no one can tell how it will go. And the only Republican State in the south, remarkable as it may seem, is South Carolina. How strange that would have sounded tifteen years ago! The statesmen of the south are men of strong wills, determined purpose, and unyielding tenacity, they set their purpose and then work up to it, disregarding all minor issues. They are work- ing now for the same object and seeking to accomplish it in precisely the same way as before the outbreak of the rebellion. Then all that is needed to place the Democratic party in power again, in such a condi tion of affairs as will give them a few votes from the Northern States, and the Democratic party will control the country and the Southern wing of the Democratic party will control that party. If you believe that a right and a good thing to do, do it, but do it like men; if you think it not a right and a good thing to do, don't do it at all, and don't indirectly aid in doing it. But it may be asked why should not the Democratic party be restored to the control of this Government? I will give you my reas- ons. Passing by the question that divided the parties in old times, slavery; which thank God, is now taken out of our politics, there yet remains another vexed question that aided in bringing the civil war upon our country, and that is the question of STATE RIGHTS or State Sovereignty. The Democratic party insists that this is not a nation of people; but as many nations as there are Slates, that the States are separate nationalities, bound together by a band sometimes called a league, sometimes a confederacy; that any one of these States has a right to withdraw from the confederacy at its own pleasure, and that no power can compel a State to remain in the Union, if it desires to leave it. The northern Democracy did not entirely agree with this view of the matter; but they took the absurd and fatal ground that no Slate had a right to secede from the Union; but that if a State chose to secede without ihe right, there was no power under the constitu- tion to compel them to remain. You will all remember how, from the time of the election of Lincoln to the fall of Fort Sumpter, the cry of "no coercion" rang through theland. That meant that it was wrong for a Southern State to secede; yet if they did secede our fathers had builded our government so unwisely that they had created a nation and breathed into it the breath of life, and yet had given it no power to protect that life. And the leaders of the Democratic party hold that doctrine as firmly now as they did then. You will find it in some guise or other in every Democratic platform throughout the length 316 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. aud breadth of our ' ! '. But the Republican party says this is not a true interpretation of wiir Constitution. They say this is one country, one people, one nation; that we have but one flag — and God lielping us we will see to it that but one flag shall Uoat throughout the length and breadth of our land. [Loud applause]. Now, one or the other of these two ideas respecting our government will eventually triumph. If the Democratic idea triumplis, the outlook of our country is any- thing but pleasant to contemplate. We or our childi'en may see this broad and glorious realm broken into numerous powerless and petty divisions. We may see one independent empire on the Pacific coast, and the remainder of our land broken into half a dozen insignificant nationalities. We may have in America the same condition of affairs that since the wars of the lirst Napoleon has reduced Germany from a first-class power to a condition of comparative weakness. The fond dream and aspiration of the German mind for years and years has been for German unit3^ To-day Germany is united, and being united stands the arbiter of the destinies of Europe. A few years ago when you asked an emigrant from Germany his nationality, he would answer that he was a Prussian, or a Bavarian, or a resident of some other of the petty principalities; but to-day ask him what is his nation- ality, his "Fatherland," and he will say ' Germany.'" And every German clings to the unity of Germany as the only salvation of Ger- many. And the same feeling induces us to cling to the unity of our nation as its only salvation. THE DEMOCRACY DURING THE WAR. I will give you another reason why I deem it unsafe to trust the country again in the hands of the Democratic party. If any of you gentlemen desired to engage a man to occupy a confidential relation, you would like to know what manner of man he was — whether he was worthy of trust or not. You would inquire what had been his past life. If his conduct in the past had been right and honorable, you would trust him and engage him in your service, otherwise not. Why not in public affairs use the same common sense that you use in your private affairs? Let us then in the same way study the course of the two parties which have controlled the government and see which has shown itself most worthy to be trusted. To go no farther back than the war. What was the course of the two parties during that time? What did the Democratic party as a party do during the war? I wish to do justice to all and in all things; and I am glad and proud to say that when the war broke out the Democratic young men of the coun- try came forward aud enlisted just as promptly, just as gallantly, just as gaily as any; and God forbid that I from any supposed })olitical necessity, or any other reason, should fail to give them the just tribute of praise they deserve for their patriotic conduct. They did their duty fully, manfully and nobly. But these were not the representative men THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 317 of the Democratic party. Neither were those other men who always voted the Democratic ticket, because it was the Democratic ticket. But I refer to the meu who directed the policy and wrote the platform of the Democratic party during the war. What was their action? Will you put your finger on a single measure deemed essential by President Lincoln and his cabinet for the suppression of the rebellion, that the organized Democratic party of the north did not denounce and oppose? When it was proposed to issue greenbacks (that they now are so won- derfully in love with) they told us that there was no constitutional power to issue them. When we proposed to issue bonds they said not that there was no coustitutional power to issue them, but that nobody would purchase them; that they would adorn the walls of saloons and barbershops, and be as worthless as so much waste paper. When President Lincoln proposed to issue his Emancipation Proclamation, a howl of indignation went up fi'om the Democratic party all over the land. When it was proposed to arm the blacks and let such of them as chose to enlist, die for us instead of our own brave sons, you remember how fiercely they protested. I remember the position I then held gave to me the power of commissioning the Iowa regiments. I remember that I received letters from some ofiicers, high in rauk, that if that measure should pass they would resign their commissions, leave the army and come home, for they did not enlist for the purpose of fighting in a 'migger" war. I remember also that I wa'ote back in reply that I should be very sorry to lose their valuable services, but if they were determined upon resigning, I thanked God that there was not an Iowa regiment in whose ranks I could not find soldiers out of whom I could make just as good officers as ever wore shoulder straps. [Applause]. The act arming the blacks was passed, but I do not remem- ber that any of these indignant officers resigned their commissions! But I repeat the statement— there was not a single leading measure deemed ai^solutely necessary by those to whom the conduct of the war for saving the Union had been intrusted by the people of this country, that this organized Democracy did not resist. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND RECONSTUCTION. Well, the war was ended. We did what the organized Democracy had declared we could not do; we suppressed the rebellion and pre- served the unity of the States. Then came the question of reconstruc- tion, the question as to what should be done with the people and the States, that had just laid down their arms, after being defeated in their efforts to destroy the Union. There were two plans proposed. Tlie Democratic plan was very easy, plain and simple; it was to allow these who had just laid down their arms-the white men of the rebel lions States— to reorganize those States; but there was one difficulty in the way. In tho.se States there were some four millions of black peo- ple. We have given these people their freedom, nominally. But if we 318 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. had left them to be dealt with as their former masters desired to deal with them, their nominal freedom would have been worth but little. Louisiana, after reconstruction, after her first reconstruction before she was reconstructed in accordance with the act of Congress passed for that purpose, gave us a foretaste of what might be expected, if the white men of the South were left to organize their State governments to suit themselves. The Legislature of Louisiana passed a law that in any year, any colored man who, by a certain day in January had not hired out his services for the entire 5^ear, should be arrested by certain local oflQcers authorized to do so, and his services sold for the year to the man who would pay the most for them. Is there any man in this audience who has made his living by hiring out to work for other men? I presume there are many here, who like myself have at some period of their lives done so. Now, what would you sa,y if the Gen- eral Assembly of Iowa should pass a law that you, unless by the mid- dle of January in each j-ear you had hired yourself to some man for the entire y ai". should be arrested, taken up by the township trustees and aucf.oued oflf? Whj', I tell j^ou the passage of such a law as that would raise more disturbance in Iowa than the license question! My friends, I am now sixty-two years old; I have mixed with the Avorld a good deal in my time; I have been brought into contact with a good many men, both good men and mean men, but I never found a man meaner than the man who would use the services of another in time of need, and then turn his back on the man who had risked his life to help him out of the trouble. I don't believe the devil would want a man to be any meaner than that. [Laughter]. I know that I cannot here address an audience as large as this without addressing some Iowa soldiers. Some of you when in the South have attended a negro meeting. You have heard these colored men pray for you. It may be that they did not use very cultured language. You could hear better prayers any day in any of your churches here. But when I was a boy at my mother's knee, I was taught that the prayer of the poor and oppressed and down-trodden, found as ready access to the ear of the good God, and as ready answer from him. as the prayer of the rich and noble. It may be that in these later days, in the light of advanced science, you have found a better theology than that, but that is what I was brought up to believe. And if perchance those early teachings be true, if there be any power in prayer, you cannot tell nor can I how much in the time of our greatest peril the prayers of these poor, oppressed, downtrodden people aided us. But they did more than pray for us; they worked for us. And when still later in the war we would allow them to do so, they took arms in their hands and in their awkward, clumsy way they fought for us. And when praying, work- inor or fighting, they did what many a man who now turns up his nose at tlieni nm\ calls them "damn niggers," did not do; they did all they THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 319 could for the cause of the Union. And if after these men had risked their lives for us, and by their aid we have got through our trouble, we have left them at the mercy of their bitterest foes, we would have deserved to be a hissing and a scorn to every honorable man that walks God's green earth. [Loud applause]. And yet, because we did not ^ commit that ineffable meanness, that inexpressible baseness, the whole northern Democracy denounced us from one end of this country to the other. Thank (Jod that we have, nevertheless, had the manhood to stand by them as they stood by us. But the Democrcay say, allowing all these things to be true, you ought not to talk about it. That tends to keep up the angry feelings produced by the war. This ought to be an era of PEACE AND RECONCILIATION. Now, my friends, I will go as far as any one, I will do as much as any man who hears me toward building up the waste places of the South, i-estoring her to peace and prosperity, and giving her citizens every right that can be rightfully claimed by any citizen of this free republic. But one thing I will not do, or aid in doing— because I do not believe it to be best for them, nor for us ; and that is to place in their hands the control of the government which, they tried their best to destroy and that we mean to save. That one thing 1 will not do. You must each judge for yourself whether you will do it. But you say you are for conciliation. Well, so am I. And now I ask you how far you are willing to go toward conciliation ? During the war we had in our naval service one of the most gallant sailors, one of the bravest men that ever risked his life in behalf of any noble cause, 1 mean Admiral Farragut. He it was, who irradiated Mobile Bay with a halo of naval glory. He it was, that forced his ships between the rebel forts Jackson and St. Philip, and compelled the sur- render of New Orleans and all the rebel strong holds in that section of the South. Yet he was one of the most modest and unassuming men I ever knew. He is dead and has gone to his reward. Our rebel brethren had during the war a somewhat celebrated naval officer. Raphael Semmes, commander of the Alabama, which did so much damage to our commerce. He still lives, but totally unreconciled, unconciliated to-day. You will remember that some one wrote him an invitation to attend our National Centennial Celebration that is to be held at Philadelphia next year. He returned an indignant refusal, in which he also advised every southern man to stay away. Now, he needs conciliation. It would no doubt conciliate him to appoint him to till the place made vacant by the death of Admiral Farragut. Are you ready to do that ? If not, why not ? That would do what you Democrats say you are so anxious to do— conciliate him and many of his friends as well. I cannot think of anything you could do lliat would be more conciliating. Why not conciliate him and his friends 320 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. by making him an Admiral in the American Navy in the place of Farragut ? Again, some of you boys who are now listening to me, marched with Sherman in his march through the heart of the Rebel Confederacy to the Atlantic shore. I need not rehearse to you even the leading incidents of that grand March to the Sea. But, I ask you are you willing to ask him to step down and out from his position at the head of the armies of the nation, and put Beauregard in his place? If you are willing to do so, say so, if not, tell me why not? So with the gallant Sheridan as well. True, a leading Democratic Senator last winter declared that Phil Sheridan Avas not fit to breathe the air of a free republic. The poor man forgot that, but for Phil Sheridan and men like him, we would not have a republic to breath air of any kind in. But are you willing that Sheridan should step down and out from his position in the armies of the nation, and Forrest or Braxton Bragg be appointed to his place? Nothing surel}' could be more " conciliating" to them and their friends all over the South? If not, tell me why not ; and I will tell 3'ou why I am not willing to place in positions of trust and honor, other men who were no better than they, South and North — in fact not quite so good ; for the rebel officers of whom I have spoken had the courage to fight for what they believed to be right, while the men who are now trying to get hold of our gov- ernment did not have the coui'age to do that. (Applause.) CORRUPTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. But, our Democratic friends say the Republican Party is so corrupt that we cannot trust it. Well, a good deal might be said about that. There is too much corruption in public life, and too much demoraliza- tion in private life. Think of things twenty years ago, here in Iowa, you who have lived here that long, and j'ou will find that as indi- viduals we have been demoralized. My experience tells me this, that when there is demoralization in private life, you must expect it in public life. I have not time to go fully into the di.scussion of the causes which have led to this demoralization, but will examine this question of political corruption a little. You ai'e told by Democratic speakers and Democratic newspapers, that the Republican Party is corrupt and rotten. While there is some truth in that, there is an immense deal of falsehood. It is alreadj^ evident that the next cam- paign will be conducted by our Democratic friends under a continued cry of corruption. They have in their employ as editors and news- paper writers, men who write unscrupulously and recklessly — with- out caring whether what they say be true or false. The way thej' manage to keep the country stirred up, and induce a general belief or suspi- cion of their accusations is this, they bring charges against the Sec- retary of the Interior, or some other cabinet officer. This will lead to an examination before a Committee of Congress ; as soon as the com- mittee is appointed these fellows knowing from the first that their THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 321 charges are false, will begin to "hedge" by impugniug the character of the committee; and on finding that the testimony does not prove the charges they will boldly accuse the committee of "whitewashing." Political writers with no respect for right, truth or justice, will reck- lessly make charges of all kinds, knowing them to be false ; and there are too many people who without taking the trouble to investigate them, will receive them as true. It is a pity that men writing osten- sibly for the purpose of instructing the public, should not be desirous of giving them the truth; but so it is. And therefore, you must dis- count lai'gely before you believe without proof, the charges made against public men. I have often thought of what was said by a friend of mine in Muscatine County, a Mr. Kincaid, a solid, hard- headed, sensible man. I had been invited down to Muscatine to make a fourth of July address on the occasion of the unveiling of a monu- ment of some of our fallen soldiers. Well, my friend and I were talk- ing of the alleged corruption of the Republican Party, and comparing it with the old Democratic Party, that some of these writers boast of having been so pure. We were talking more particularly of Mr. Leffler, my competitor for Governor — a gentleman whom 1 have not the honor of being acquainted with, but who I am told is a gentleman. When my friend said that the claim of the Democratic speakers and writers, that in those old days investigations were rai'e, while now-a- days investigating committees were constantly at work, reminded him of the time when he lived in Ohio, and used to make maple sugar. Many of you young men who have grown up in Iowa have never seen maple sugar made ; so I will Ijriclly explain to you the process, the sugar maple tree is tapped, a hole cut through the bark into the sap wood, and a "spile" driven in below the hole, to carry the sap that comes from the tree into a pail or trough. The sap thus gathered is boiled and by proper manipulation is made into syrup or sugar. And my friend said that two neighbors of his using precisely the same material, and the same appliances, produced very different grades of syrup and sugar. That of one was dark colored, impure, ill-tasting, scarcely tit to eat. That of the other was cleai-, and pure, and sweet. And he said the difference in the results was caused thus, the mai; that produced the dirty sugar, as the impurities came up to the sur- face stirred them all in again with a stick; so the whole paass was dirty. But his neighbor stood beside the kettle all the time with skimmer in hand, and when any impurities came to the surface, he skimmed them off aud threw them one side. And that he said was Ihe difference between the old Democratic Part}-, and the Republican Party of to-day. lu the good old Democratic days, if any fraud or wrong was committed by a Democratic official, they M'ould at once stir it in out of sight, and keep it under, while the Republican Party stands beside the political kettle, with skimmer in hand, and as fast 322 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOP. as any impurities appear they are skimmed off and thrown aside. (Great applause.) This is the illustration my friend used; you must judge for yourselves whether it be truthful or not. You will remem- ber that a couple of years ago we had a kettle boiling fiercely, while the Credit Mobilier business was being investigated and men stood by with skimmer in hand; watching to see what would come to the sur- face. And it was noticed that when you dipped in the skimmer and caught a Republican wasp, side by side with him, you found a Demo- cratic yellow jacket. 1 Laughter]. The Democrats raised a triumphant cry when we caught Oakes Ames of Massachusetts, but lo! in the same skimmer full, we found James Brooks, a leading Democratic repre- sentative from New York. Then in the Pacilic mail investigation they caught King, a Republican representative from Minnesota, but side by side with him we found another Democratic representative from Brooklyn, N. Y. And so on through that investigation and other investigatiojis since. And I want to say this thing, because I believe it to be true, I do not believe that any man who hears me can recollect the time when men accused of fraud were pursued as earnestly as during these Republican days. Sometimes we fail to catch our rascals, and sometimes when we have caught them we fail to convict them, just as you fail to capture and convict criminals under your penal laws. You ought not to expect the government to do with its crimi- nals what you fail to do with your criminals. You make mistakes in your own private affairs, and it is unfair of you to demand that public officers should make no mistakes. HOW TO PREVENT CORRUPTION IN POLITICS. I am as much opposed to corruption as any one. I desire to see the party I belong to and love, kept pure as sincerely as any man. But the question is— how shall it be done? Are you a church member? Have you no unworthy men in your churches, serving the Devil at heart, and pretending to show you the way to heaven? Can you expect a political party to be purer than the churches? And when you find corrupt men in your church, what do you do? Do you abandon the church, and start off over the prairies on your way to the Devil by your own route, (laughter) or do you stand by your organiza- tion, and do the best to make it pure as it should be? Let me speak to you on this subject frankl-y and truly. You men who complain of the corruption of politics, are the very men, who in too many cases are the most to blame for that corruption. You have in your hands the power to make such nominations as you desire, if you are not too indifferent or too lazy to do so. If you fail to exercise that power, the fault is with you. And I do say this, that when so much complaint is made because bad men are nominated for office, it is because the men who complain the most loudly, are in the main good men and good citizens, will pot go to the primary meetings and there do what they THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 323 can to prevent such nominations. When the day comes for the town- ship meeting, or the ward meeting, what do you do? Why you stay at home, the most of you. The merchant says, "I can't afford to lose my time to attend that meeting;" the mechanic saj's, "I can't afford to lose my time," the farmer says, "I can't afford to lose my time," and the pot-house politician, and the men who have axes to grind make the nominations, and then if they don't suit you, as very likely tliey won't, you will howl just as loudly, and complain of the corruption of politics just as bitterly as though you could not have prevented it. It is the duty of every man to belong to some political party, and to attend to his duties as a member of that party, endeavoring to see to it that only honest and worthy and capable men are put in nomination. THE FINANCIAL QUESTION. I did desire to say something in regard to our finances; but it is getting so late that I can refer to that subject but briefly. The sub- ject is one of such importance that it ought to be carefully examined by our people. My ideas on the subject may not be worth any more than those of any of you; yet any man's ideas may be worth listening to. This much we all agree in— that the financial condition of the country is not so satisfactory as we would like to have it. Some of us look back to the time of the war, and say those were good times, because wheat was two or three dollars a bushel, and you would like to have such times fiuaucially come again. Now I will tell you how to have an excellent good time — I haven't taken out any patent on the process, and do not charge anything for it. If you have a piece of real estate worth $10,000 or $20,000, go and mortgage it and borrow a lot of money, then spend the money; while you arespendiug the money you will have an excellent good time. You can buy new clothes, and a gold watch for yourself, and dresses and jewelry for your wife, and horses and shot guns and pointer dogs for j^our boys, and the whole family can have a good time, while the money lasts. But when 3'ou come to foot the bills and pay up, the pinch begins. Now when the rebellion broke out we wanted money; we found we must have it to carry on the war, and to obtain it we placed on this whole nation a mortgage of three thousand million dollars, and while we were spending the mont^y we had a good time. Uncle Sam stood there with both hands full of greenbacks, handing them out liberally to pay for putting down (he rebellion; and all the while any number of thieves and pickpockets were surrounding the old gentleman, helping themselves to all they lould carry away. And now for a few years past, we have been pay- ing up that mortgage, the process isn't half so pleasant as spending the money was. We have done very well so far, we have paid about one-third of the d^bt incurred during the war, and are paying more of it every month. To return to the cas§ of the individiiali you ^UQW 324 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, that after giving the tirst mortgage, and having a good time with the money 3'ou borrowed, if instead of paying your debt like an honest man, you can add to _your gaiety by adding a second mortgage on your farm, if any body will take it. So if we have a mind to, if we I'eally th:nk it the best thing to do, we can stop paying our debts and borrow more money and have a good time of it, until we have exhausted all we borrowed on the second mortgage. But so surely as one day follows another, so soon will the money obtained from the second mortgage on our country be used uf) sovietime; and when that is all spent, the pinch will come again and the pinch will be harder than ever. ANOTHER REASON WHY TIMES WERE EASY DURING THE WAR. Let me before going any further remind you of another reason why times were easy during the war. We had then, counting both armies north and south, something over a million of men in the field; vigoi'ous, able bodied men, and they were producing nothing; not a thing, not only that, but we were feeding and clothing them, and not only that, but we were supplying them with arms, ammunition, yes, and all the munitions of war; building ships, buying horses and wagons, etc., etc. The men who remained at home were engaged in producing these things, while the government was engaged in buying them and paying an enormous price for them. By and by the rebellion was suppressed and peace came. Then the condition of things changed; a million of men returned home, and when they returned to their homes, they ceased being consumers, and at once became producers. The market they had made for our productions ceased to exist. With the loss of our mai'ket, the amount of our agricultural products inci'eased, and we had to seek a market for them abroad. And on going abroad with them, we had to sell them at the prices prevailing in those foreign markets; not only that, but we had to sell at prices measured by a coin standard. Of course the pi'ices of our products at once tumbled down on our hands. The same was true of the manu- facturing interests of our country. The manufacturers thought they could defy the natural laws of trade and prevent a reduction in the prices of their goods. You will remember that in 1873 you could read the proceedings of manufacturers of every kind; men who made shoes, woolen goods, cotton goods, etc., etc., combining among themselves to keep prices up. Their products were sold mainly in this country, so they did not feel the effect of the changed condition of things so promptly as the farmers, who had to go abroad to find a market for their surplus. But their turn came at last, they organized into com- binations, nnd tried in every way to keep up the old prices; but to keep up the old prices when the old condition of things had passed away was of course impossible. They might just as well have tried to lift themselves by the straps of their boots, or hold themselves out at THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 325 arms length by the waist-band of their breeches. There is a propor- tion that must alwaj^s exist between the prices of the agricultural products of a country, and its manufactures. Arbitrary edicts of powerful combinations may prevent it for awhile; but the result is sure at last. When the prices of agricultural products go down, money becomes scarce in the hands of our farmers, and they cannot buy manufactured goods as freely as before; then the ware-houses of the country become loaded with unsold manufactured goods; then the manufacturers have to sell at reduced prices, or not at all. Then they are hurt, then they squeal. The manufactured goods which two or three years ago the manufacturers agreed among themselves they would not sell at less than a certain fixed price, are now being forced upon the market at a much lower figure. Meanwhile the condition of the agricultui-al interests of the country is improving, the harrow has gone over us farmers and j)assed by; the harrow is now going over them and we are standing. And right here is another combination; the men who work for the manufacturers in the factories and shops also form combinations among themselves, and refuse to work unless they are paid as much for their labor, as when wheat was worth two and a half or three dollars a bushel; and the inanufacturei's cannot pay high prices to their Avorkmen, and sell their goods at the low prices they are compelled to; and hence there arises another trouble; but when these troubles pass awaj' as they will, the different branches of our business will all get into their proper relations to each other; the prices of farming products, of manufactured goods, and of the labor that produced the manufactured goods will all be restored to their proper relation to each other. We farmers are now out of our trouble, in Iowa at least, we havo not had better times in twenty years. Our people as a people are as prosperous as they have been in twenty years. OUH UNSTABLE CURRENCY. There is one other trouble I ought to mention in this connection. Among the various things I have done in the course of my life to make an honest living, 1 spent some time to make a farm in the timbered porcions of Ohio. I remember that while there, in driving a wagon I had the bad luck to break the tongue. And one of the most difficult tasks I ever attempted in my life was to get that wagon home without a tongue. [Laughter]. Now we people of these United States have been driving our business wagon these last ten years without a tongue. That is, we have not had a medium of circulation among us that had a stead}', fixed, stable value. For ten 3^ears past there has been no sixty daj's, when the price of gold, or rather the value of our currency as compared with gold, has not fluctuated several per cent. So men cannot with any safety calculate for the futui-e. Let me give you an illustration. Our surplus goes abroad. As I have shown you, the 326 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. price of our surplus graiu iu the foreign market, settles the price of all our grain. The people of New York, buying to consume in New York or New England, will not pay more for wheat purchased for that purpose, than for the wheat they purciiased to send to Liverpool. Well, we will say, I waut to send ten thousand bushels of wheat to Liverpool. Gold is now, let us suppose, $1.15. If I knew that when I got returns from my cargo, the gold I got for it in Liverpool would still be worth $1.15 in our currency, I would know precisely what I was doing. But I know that it may be five cents lower, or five cents higher. There is a chance of gain, there is an equal risk of loss. That loss, if I am a prudent man, I must discount in my pui'chase. And the dealer of whom I purchase must discount in the same way, the risk he runs. Now take that risk out of the business, by making that paper money equivalent to coin, and you take away one of the risks that grain deal- ers have to discount to-day, and which yon have to pay. The accumulated losses from this source fall linally upon the man who I'aises the grain; thedefects of our depreciated and unstable currency reflects back, back, back, until at last it is felt, and felt the most seriously by every farmer in Dubuque county, who raises a bushel of wheat. The continual change in the value of our currency forms an element of uncertainty, which we Avestern men have to pay for, and that heavily. For this reason I desire to have the day come as soon as it can come, without serious injury to the interests of our country, when a paper dollar will be worth a dollar in gold; and the whole business of our country cleared of this element of uncertainty. Then the wagon having a tongue once more, will be able to make a straight path, instead of a crooked one. That is my view of the matter. That is the view, so far as I understand it, of the Republican party. They have placed on the statute book of the nation a promise, that on the first day of January, 1879, and thereafter, they will pay in coin the promises to pay that cir" culate among you under the name of "greenbacks." I believe that a state of things can be reached by that day that will enable this to be done without serious injui'y to the business of the country. I know that people CLAMOR FOR MORE MONEV. Why, we have to-day more money than can be used! Go to any money center of the nation, and you will hud l^'ing idle, piled up in the banks, thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars, that can be had at a low rate of interest, but the people will not borrow even at a low interest. What is the trouble? The trouble is we do not know what is to be the future financial condition of this country. Until we have settled the question, whether our paper is to become equal in value to coin, or whether the nation will adopt the opposite policy advocated by some, of putting a second mortgage upon our country to bring "good times" tor a few years, to be followed by a crash that will THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KlRKWODD. 327 make every man's head ache. Until this question is settled, capitalists will be timid, men will be afraid to invest their money in new business enterprises. My own idea on this subject I have sometimes illustrated in this way I know it is not a classical illustration, but most of you will understand it. Let one of you go to a stoi'e and buy a gallon jug, wash it out nice and clean, then put into it a quart of whiskey. Now, that is adequate to furnish a certain amount of-of-of- comfort to those who drink it. [Laughter]. Now pour in a quart of water. The liquor in the jug is not so strong as it Avas before. It is what an Englishman would call '"af-an'-'af." Put in another quart, it is weaker yet. So go on till you have filled a barrel. There is a great deal more bulk than thei'e was at the beginning, but no more •drunk." In fact not so much, for a man cannot drink enough to make him drunk. The world has tried the experiment over and over again; in every age and country, men have been found who have thought and taught, that by increasing the quantity of the circulating medium, without adding to its value, times could be made easier and better; but the experiment has always failed, and always will fail. We sometimessay that a greenback is as good as the gold. In one sense it is, and in another sense the assertion is untrue. You may apply the proper chem- icals and wipe out every vestige of what is printed on the "greenback," until it bv'comes white paper of no more value than any other bit of paper. But take a gold piece five dollars in value, and hammer it till it retains not a vestige of its original appearance, and it is worth five dollars slill. Take it to the crucible of the chemist and melt it, and still it is worth five dollars. Paper money has no intrinsic value what- ever. Print enough paper money and it would become like the money of the Southern Confederacy; when the war began a man went to mar- ket with this money in his pocket, and he carried home his purchase in hid basket; before the war closed he carried his money to market in his basket, and carried home his purchase in his pocket. But, gentlemen, I am tired, and I am sure you must be. I have been engaged in this canvass this is the fourth week, talking almost every evening. So far as I am personally concerned, I have only this to say further: You must judge for yovu'selves whether you want my services for Governor. If not, I shall be content, at least as contented as a man could reasonably be expected to be under the circumstances. [Laughter]. If you should conclude that you do want me, I shall be equally contented [Laughter], perhaps more so. [Renewed Laughter]. And if elected I will perform the duties of tlie office as well and faith- fully as I can. [Lovid and universal applause]. Of this speech and the occasion on which it was delivered, the editor of the Dubuque Thnes^ writes: " Gov. Kirkwood had a splendid audience last night, one just to his own powers, and just to the people of Dubuque. The Atheneum was 328 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOt). filled as we have never seen it filled on a similar occasion, and by an audience composed of the most intelligent voters of both parties, who evidently enjoyed the clear, candid, statesman-like appeal to their judg- ments and their consciences, for the entire audience remained till the close. The Governor was in fine condition, notwithstanding the exhausting labors of a four weeks' campaign, and spoke with all his old-time fo ce, readiness and clearness. Few men have ever had such a faculty as Gov. Kirkwood, to make clear to the conamonest under- standing the propositions he sought to elucidate and few men have ever been able as well as he to enforce a conviction of his thorough honesty in dealing with his hearers. There is never even the faintest tinge of sophistry in his argument, no shadow of demagoguery in his appeals. He treats his audience as if he respected them, and invariably gains their confidence. He is the true teacher, because he always instructs, and he always elevates. His language is always the clearest, purest, most forcible English, and his words tlow with the facility of his thought. The practical cast of his mind makes easy to him the discussion of those matters of a material nature, upon which the people are delighted to be informed, and hence he is thoroughly at home in a canvass like this. He is indeed the true statesman; the man of affairs who is as wise in action as he is sound in theory. With a moral nature in keeping with his intellect, he is just such a man as the people ought to place at the helm of affairs. This we are sure was the univer- sal estimate of him by the audience last night. Democrats were as enthusiastic as the Republicans in expression of approval of the man- ner of the man, and of his speech, however they differed from the matter of the latter." Durino; the canvass he had occasion to remain over night at West Liberty, where a temperance convention was in session during the evening, and he went in as a listener to their deliberations, when he was called upon for his opinions on the topics under discussion, and as they differed from those of the man who had called him up, that gentleman intimated rather tartly, that if those were his opinions he need not expect many votes from those in attendance. When the Governor replied that he had not come there to beg for their "cold victuals," their "old clothes," or their "votes." The following is a portion of a letter written and pub- lished during the gubernatorial canvass: Clarinda, Sept. 4, 1875. "During the memorable seige of Vicksburg Gov. Kirkwood paid the Iowa boys a personal visit and visited every Iowa regiment in that THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KiRKWOOD. 32Si vicinity. He also visited their several hospitals; his feelings were greatly moved with compassion toward the many sick, wounded and dying. Although every medical and sanitary measure was adopted for their comfort, yet they lacked one thing, which the Governor was not slow in procuring, and that was (as he said) he did not find a chap- lain to minister words of kindness and consolation to their sick and dying men, or point them to the 'Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the w^orld.' Hence he came to see Col. Stone (chaplains were as yet few) and what had the Governor to say do you ask? * * * Col. Stone sent for me, and entering his tent he handed me a chair and taking one himself began: 'Well, Mr. HoUems, the Governor of Iowa was to see me a few days ago and in course of conversation remarked that he had been through many of the hospitals and that he had seen hundreds of sick and wounded soldiers and not a few of them in a dying condition, and 'to my astonishment,' he remarked, 'I did not find a chaplain in these hospitals to speak one kind word to these dying men and to give them such encouragement as they needed; and colonel, this will never do, never! I want you to have a chaplain and to make it his imperative duty to visit these hospitals, minister to the spiritual wants of the sick and wounded and djdng, and I will com- mission anyone whom you may appoint.'' The colonel continued, 'So far as I am concerned I care but little about a chaplain, yet it is strictly true as the G overnor represented, and if there is a place where a chap- lain can do more good than another it is among the sick, wounded and dying, and I have concluded to appoint you chaplain of my regiment if you will accept the position.' "You may be sure there was just then somebody taken by surprise, for I had not any idea of promotion and especially of one so high. 'Well, colonel,' said I, 'so far as I am personally concerned I would rather remain a private. Besides, I have sometimes acted foolishly in cracking jokes with the boys and these things will stare me in the face. ' "The colonel replied that he had not heard of anj^ improprieties and thought it was imaginary on my part. True, I had preached occasionally in camp by request, but being a private I did not feel that degree of responsibility that a person would feel occupying a more responsible position, and consequentlj' not as watchful at all times as I should have been; but said I, 'Colonel, I have a large family, am poor and for the sake of those who are very near and dear to me, I accept the appointment.' The colonel issued his order and it was read to the regiment while on dress jiaiade behind the rifle pits at Vicksburg, on the 8th day of June, 1862, at which time and place I handed over my rifle to Lieut. Ste le and started for the hospitals. I thank God for His benign providence over me. I also thank Gov. Kirkwood for the appointment, for had he not gone among those hospitals I should never have been chaplain. 330 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. "I thank Col. Stone for the selection, for he stated to me that he had had a dozen applications from the ' kid-gloved gentry ' of Iowa as he expressed it for the chaplaincy of the regiment; but said he, 'You have taken your musket and come out like a man, and if anybody deserves the position you do." A. HOLLEMS, Chaplain 25th Begt. Iowa Vols. CHAPTER XVI. Eis Third Election as Oovernor— Inaugural Address— Growth of the Nation— Of the State— Grants a Prisoner a Conditional Pardon— Conditions Violated— Prisoner Re-imprisoned— His Case Before the Courts— Governor Sustained by the Sujyreme Court— Chosen U. S. Senator— Reception by His Neighbors— His Great Speech in the Sen- ate—Comments Upon it by Senators and Others. The canvass of votes by the Legislature disclosed the fact that he had been elected by more than 30,000 majority over all; his competitor on the Democratic ticket having been Mr. Shepherd Leffler, one of the ablest and most popular men in his party, who had been a member of the Territorial Legis- lature of the first Constitutional Convention and also a mem- ber of Congress. ' On the 13th day of January the inauguration took place, when the Governor delivered the following: INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives and Fellow Citizens: Nearly one hundred years have passed since the Declaration of American Independence, and soon our people will be busy with prep- aration for a proper celebration of the hundreth anniversary of the nation's birth. The period of our national existence has been one of vast advancement ill science, in the arts, in invention, and in appliances for human comfort and convenience. It has been remarkable for improvements in the speed and convenience of locomotion, and in the celerity of communication; for a development of the wonderful powers of steam, so little known a century ago that the countless uses of that motor to-day make it practically a new agent brought into subjection to man; for the discovery that the mightiest and subtlest force known to exist in the physical universe can be made, as in the electric tele- graph, to do man's bidding. The sun, too, has been made his servant, and its rays are grasped and trained to preserve for him the semblance of his loved ones. Improvements in machinery have characterized the century, which have at once lessened the severity of labor, increased its returns, and multiplied the comforts of the great mass of people in 331 332 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUESL J. KIRKWOOD. all civilized nations. Education has been more generally ditTused than ever before; and the printing press, the gi'eat educator, has made more rapid strides than in all the previous centuries of its history, and to-day there are publishing houses, any one of which could, in a given time, almost duplicate all the work of all the pi esses of the world, in the same period of time, one hundred years ago. In short, the century now closing may be safely said to have witnessed a larger advance in human knowledge, greater improvement in man's condition socially, and mightier progress in every department of human activitj'- and inquiry, reaching all classes of society, and affecting all the nations of the earth, than any similar period in the W'orld's history. Among the many causes that have tended to bring about this great advancement, one of the most powerful, in my judgment, has been the existence of this republic, and the growth and prosperity of this people. To a review of this growth and pi'osperity, and the development and pro- gress of the nation and our own State, I have thought it not inappro- priate, in this the centennial year of the republic's life, to devote a portion of the formal address required by custom on this occasion. Nearly a century ago, our forefathers laid the foundations of our national political edifice; and they laid them bx-oad and deep. Yet, when, after a hard and weary struggle they had achieved the inde- pendence foi' Avhich they had risked so much and fought so well, this handful of people — some three millions in all, sc:ittered in a nar- row belt along the Atlantic coast — found that the bond of union that had held them together during the conflict with the mother country was exceedingly weak when the common danger had passed; while local jealousies and conflicting interests menaced total disruption. They were poor, and burdened with the debts which the States, both separately and unitedly, had incurred during the war for independence. Although admitted to the family of nations, they were tolerated rather than welcomed; and their expressed devotion to the principles of civil liberty was regarded by the advocates of monarchy as evidence of either sickly sentimentality or political hei'esy. The statesmen of the old world, trained in the school of monarchy, admitted, although with hesitation and reluctance, that a republican form of government might be maintained in, and suflicefor, a poor and sparsely inhabited country like Switzerland, but they utterly denied that it could be maintained in, or would sufiice for, a great and powerful nation. The territory of which our forefathers were the acknowledged owners, and upon which this experiment was to be tried, reached on the north, as now, to Canada, on the west the Mississippi river defined its limit, and on the south the thirty-first parallel of latitude cut it off entirely from the Gulf of Mexico, and left the mouth of the Mississippi wholly in the hands of another power. Thus supplied with nothing but territory' and prospects — the former perhaps abundant, but the latter, in the THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J KIRKWOOD. 333 opinion of the world's wise men, discouraging enough, and not at all dazzling even to the most sanguine of its founders — our republic com- menced its career. To-day that territory has expanded southward until we hold the northern line of the Gulf coast to the Rio Graude, and westward until it includes the Pacific coast from near the thirty-second parallel to Cape Flattery, not counting our recently acquired possession of Alaska. The Mississippi, formerly our western boundary, is now east of (he center of our domain. Our thirteen States have increased to thirty- seven, with teiTitory enough left for nine or ten more, each as large as some of the more powerful European kingdoms; and our three millions of people, a large porportion of whom were slaves, have grown to forty millions — all, thank God I freemen. We have had the fortune com- mon to all nations — harmony and contention, prospei'ity and adversity, peace and war; yet I think it true that no other nation, during the last hundred years, has prospered as has ours, and in no other land have the people as a whole enjoyed nearly so great a degree at once of liberty, of order, of safety, and of comfort; while our system of gov- ernment, supposed to be lacking in unity and force, has been found to be able not only to endure the strain of foreign war, but to suppress utterly and unconditionally a rebellion the most extensive, the most powerful, and in all respects the most formidable the world has known. I have said, and I repeat it, that in my judgment our existence and prosperity, as a government and people, have had much, more perhaps than any other one cause, to do with the improved condition of the masses of the people in all civilized nations. The mouai'chists of the old world, while, as before remarked, doubting, or affecting to doubt, man's capacity for self-government, except in isolated cases, yet looked with suspicion and distru.st upon the attempt to establish hei'e what has since been so happily called by one of the purest and wisest men the world has produced, "a government of the people, by the people, and for the people;" and they feared, not unreasonably, that, if such attempt should perchance be successful, the example would cause disquiet amongst their own people, who had no share in admin- istering the governments under which they lived. This anticipation has been realized. Our example has had its influence for good upon the people of other lands. Seeing that here liberty is compatible with order, that here men may govern themselves, that here bayonets are not necessary to the stability of the go\erument, although when danger menaces, millions of brave and Avilling hearts are found to rally to its defense, our oppressed brethren of the old world have striven, and are striving, to relieve themselves of the burdens they have so long borne, and to assert the inherent and inalienable rights of man. The tatith of the doctrine, that "all governments derive their 334 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOP. just' powers from the consent of the governed," is steadily taking stronger hold on the minds of the common people of Europe, and is slowly but surely removing their burdens, enlarging their liberties, and increasing the scope of their comforts. This consideration should add to the zeal and earnestness with which we guard, protect, and cherish the system of government to which, under God, we owe the blessings we enjoy. Our own Stat(3 has a history of remarkable growth and development. When our national government was formed Iowa was a part of the immense domain held in America by Spain— a possession which, for extent of territory, variety of climate, fertility of soil, and measureless though then unsuspected wealth of mineral resources, was undoubtedly the most magnificent any nation has ever held. What is now Iowa was then as little known to the people of the thirteen colonies as Alaska is to-day to us. It was transferred with other territory by Spain to France, and by France to the United States in 1803. It formed at one time part of the Louisiana territory, then of the Missouri territory, then was attached to the territory of Michigan, moi'e recently was a part of the territory of Wisconsin, was (with most of the pi-esent Sta'e of Minnesota and of the territory of Dakota) constituted the territory of Iowa in 1838, and was admitted as a state in 1816. In 1838 our population was 22,859; in 1846 it was 97,538; and in 1875 it was 1,350,544. By the census of 1850, we were entitled to two represen- tatives in Congress; by that of 1870, we have nine. The debt of our State is but nominal in amount. We have provided suitable homes for our afflicted unfortunates — the insane, the deaf and dumb, the blind — and are properly caring for them. We are paying a small part of our debt of gratitude by supporting and educating the children of our dead soldiei's who need such care. We have established a home and school for the reformation of juvenile offenders, hoping thereby to win them back to the pleasant path of virtue; as well as institutions for the punishment and reclamation of older wrong-doers. We support schools open to all for the education of all, with colleges and a univer- sity for those seeking the higher branches of learning; seeking in these and other ways to show our gratitude to God for his goodness to us by caring for his children and our brethren. I cannot permit this occasion to pass without a brief reference to the part taken by Iowa in our civil war. She was ever true as steel to the good cause. Although yet in her nonage, having existed as a State less than fifteen years when the war commenced, she did her duty faithfully and thoroughly. We, occupying this wilderness of thirty vears before, sent to the field forty-five regiments and two battalions of infantry, nine regiments of cavalry, and four batteries of artillery; besides companies, detachments, and individuals in the regiments of other States and in the regular army. We gav§ ia all to the service THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 335 over 75,000 men; and I but give utterance to what you all know when I say that among the hosts of brave and good men who rallied to the defense of the flag, none were found braver or better than the men of Iowa, There is not,I think, a single one of the States which so insanely sought our ruin and their own, in whose soil Iowa has not deposited, as the best of evidence of her devotion to the Union, the ashes of some of her heroic dead. May they rest in peace, and may their example lead us and those who will come after us to guard with devotion and reverence that for which they so patiently suffered and so nobly died. Iowa has had a large measure of growth and prosperity; yet she has but fairly entered upon her career, and our eyes have been permitted to behold only the beginnings, dazzling though they are, of her glory. We have hitherto been mainly an agricultural people, and doubtless will ever remain so; l)ut capital is accumulating amongst us. This must shortly seek investment in manufactures, and as these are estab- lished and prosper, our population and wealth will increase still more rapidly. Yet, as I have said, agriculture will, for many years to come, and I think for all time, be the leading pursuit of our people and our greatest source of wealth. We have in our State substantially no waste or untillable land. Our soil is fertile and easy of cultivation beyond even the conception of those who have not seen and ti'ied it; and, what seems incredible to the people of Eastern States, our uplands are as fertile and easy of cultivation as the bottom lands of our streams. Our winters are at times severe, but our climate is eminently health- ful. The wealth of a State is at last measured by its population, and I feel entirely safe in saying that no State in our Union of equal area can support from its own resources a population as large as can draw a bountiful living from our soil. Senators and Representatives: — To you, for the time being, has been committed the grateful task of guarding and fostering tlie well-being of our State so far as the same may be affected b> the law making power. Yours is a post of great honor and great I'espousibility. My predecessor has laid before you, in detail, such information as his posi- tion has enabled him to acquire and such recommendations as his judgment and experience have suggested to him. They will doubt- less receive your careful considei"ation. Coming as I do, like j^our- selves, fresh from private life, and having no means of procuring information not open to all of you as to the condition and wants of the state, it cannot reasonably be expected that I shall bring to your notice questions other than those of the most general intei'est, or that I shall discuss them except in tbe most general way. The subject of general education has been, and must continue to be one of great interest. The intelligence of our people measures, to a large extent, tbe wisdom of the laws under which we live, and also of 336 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the administration of those laws. It likewise, to a great degree, measures the rapidity of our grrowth iu wealth, for the reason that all pursuits which yield wealth are productive iu proportion to the degree of intelligence with which they ai"e managed. Aside from these obvious and powerful reasons for j)roviding the means of education for all the youth of the State, there is another reason, less obvious perhaps, but certainly important. Our population comes from all parts of our own country and from almost all the nations of Europe, and all are alike welcome. Many of those of foreign birth come to us in mature years, with their manners and customs, their habits and sentiments, formed and fixed by the surroundings of their childhood and youth. It cannot be expected that they will, to any great degree, change their own for our manners and customs, our halnts and senti- ments; but it may be expected, and it is certainly desirable, that their children and our children shall so far as possible be combined into one mass with manners, customs, habits, and sentiments, partaking perhaps to some extent of the characteristics of the diflfereut nation- alities, but alike, and in the main American. The common school, bringing together the children of the native-born and foreign-born in the same school-room, engaging them together in the same studies, mingling them together in the same sports and pastimes, will be a potent means to bring about the desired result, and to make of all our nationalities one people. Fears have of late been freely expressed in certain States, and to some extent in our own, that it is a settled purpose with some to divert the school-fund from its legitimate object, and use it, at least partially, for the maintenance of private and sectarian schools, and thus eventually to destroy the school system. I hope this is a groundless fear, or, that if such purpose has been entertained, it will be abandoned. Presist- ence in it will certainly place those engaged in it in direct hostility to the settled and cherished policy of the State, and it is worthy their grave consideration whether they shall assume that attitude. It belongs to you to inquire whether any ground exists for the fears I have indicated as subsisting; and if so, to do what may be needed to guard against any probable or possible danger. It i.«! found to be a part of the criminal law of the State that a person convicted of crime, after a fair and impartial trial in the proper court, may have his conviction set aside because of some informality or irregularity in the foniiatiou of the grand jury by which the indict- ment against him was presented. I consider this a serious defect in our criminal law, and recommend that the statute be so changed that upon the impaneling of grand juries the pi'oper officei's shall certify of record to the regularity of all the proceedings, and that such certifi- cate shall be conclusive. I also reconiinend to your careful consideration the question whether THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD, 337 it would not be wise to repeal the provisions of the criminal law which require that the evidence given before the grand jury, on which an indictment has been found, with the names of the witnesses giving it, and also the names of any other witnesses the attorney for the State may intend to produce on the trial, with the substance of the evidence expected from each, shall be furnished to the party accused before trial. I do not think such provisions necessai'y for the protection of an innocent person accused of crime, and I am confident they are often the means by which guilty parties escape conviction and punish- ment. The question of cheap transportation is one of great importance to our people. Our surplus products are generally bulky and heavy in proportion to their value, and the cost of transportation makes a large percentage of the price we receive for them. Before the advent of railroads all the internal transportation and travel of the country was done on common highways, turnpikes, navigable rivers and canals. All these were open to all. Any person could place on the land-lines his wagon, or on the water-lines his boat, and engage in the business of carrying persons and properly. Since the building of railroads all this is changed. Now a large part of the internal transportation, and substantially all the travel, of the country are done by rail, and undoubtedly better done and more speedily than by the old method. But with the new system another important change has been brought about. Combination has taken the place of competition. No one is allowed to engage in carrying persons and property over the railroads except those who own or lease the lines; Avhile those who own or lease what should be, and what Avere intended to be competing lines, by combining among themselves, destroy competition. The result is, that unless the people can in some way prevent it, the companies controll- ing the main through lines of railroad have it in their power to fix the price of carrying persons and property at just such sum as, in their own judgment of what is to their own interest, seems to them proper. To-day, four gentlemen in Chicago, representing the four through lines of railroad from that city to the Missouri river, can, at their own will and pleasure, add to or take from the value of every bushel of grain and of every head of live stock in the State of Iowa. The same condition of affairs obtains in Chicago with the four main lines leading to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. This state of things, the knowledge thai, this power was claimed and exercised by the railroad companies, has for a few years past challenged the close attention of the country; and legislation has been iuAoked to protect the people from the abuses and extortions prac- ticed by these corporations. At the last session of the General Assembly of this State, a law M^as passed intended to limit and control, to some extent, the privileges and powers of railroad companies. 338 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRK WOOD. The purpose of this law is to iix rates, beyond which they shall not charge for carrying passengers and freight; but, as I understand, the law was only designed to operate within the limits of our own State, because it has been supposed the State has not the power to limit or control the charges for carrying outside the State limits. The States of Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota have passed simi- lar laws. In this State some of the railroad companies have promptly complied with the requirements of the law. Others have resisted it and carried the matter into the United States courts, claiming that the State has not the power to limit, even within its own boundary, their charges as carriers, and similar suits have been brought in the other States named. These suits have been in all cases, I believe, decided in favor of the validity of the State law — certainly so in this State — and are now pend- ing for final decision and soon to be decided in the Supreme Court of the United States. The law of this State must of necessity have been to a great extent experimental. The subject was a new one; it involved many difficult questions and much of detail. I recommend to you a careful examina- tion of the law in the light of the experience of its effects since its adoption. If you shall tind that in any of its provisions it works unjustly and unfairly to the railroad companies, or that it fails to afford to the people that degree of protection to which they are fairly and justly entitled, such defects should be remedied. I do not recom- mend the repeal of the law. On the contrary, I advocate its retention on our statute books with such amendments as your wisdom may sug- gest as calculated to do justice, both to the people and to the railroad companies. I also recommend to you a careful exandnation of the question whether you cannot by law prevent the combination among what should be competing lines, to which I have already alluded. I also recommend the appointment of a Board of Railroad Commis- sioners, whose duty, among other things, it shall be to collect and lay before the General Assembly at each regular session such information in regard to the railroads of the State as will enable future General Assemblies to act with reference to them with a knowledge of many particulars that cannot be otherwise obtained. I think it important that the question of the power of the States to limit the charges of rail- road companies within their respective boundaries, and the power of Congress to limit .such charges on intur-State trade, shall be settled by the Supreme Court of the United States, so that, in case this power shall be held to reside in the State and National authorities respec- tively, we may go on and perfect such legislation as may be found necessary and proper for ourselves, and the Federal Congress be urged to exercise ils authority in the prevention of abuses in ihe great carry- ing trade of the country. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 339 Various modes have been suggested by which the public iuterest can be protected in this regard, if it shall be found we cannot do so by statutory enactment. Among these, the opening up, by the General Government, of lines of water communication through the country, and the building of one or more trunk lines of freight railroads, the use of which shall be open to all, have been advocated. Either of these plans would involve the expenditure of more money than our govei'n- ment is now well prepared to sj)end. But, if in no other way the end can be gained, this difficulty will be overcome. Let us examine this question in all its parts, calmly and carefully, without passion and without prejudice. Our people are not hostile to railroads or railroad companies. On the contrar}', we appreciate fully and concede freely the great benefits our State has gained from these works, and we have always contributed fi-eely of our means to their prosecution. We know, too, thatour future prosperity depends largely upon their maintenance and success. But, to the claim of their man- agers that they, like other business men, must be allowed to manage their business affairs in their own way, without interference or dicta- tion by the State, we answer: First, that their business so directly and vitally affects the interest of every citizen, that it is the duty of the State to see to it that the privileges granted to them for the public good, and the power they claim to have, are not abused to the public injury, and, second, that they do not manage their business affairs in the same way as other business men do. I think I am safe in saying that if the managers of these roads will, in fact and in good faith, abandon the system of combination, if the companies will depend for success, as other business euterjirises do, upon the skiU and courtesy of their agents, upon the facilities they offer for the transaction of their business, and upon the cheapness with which they can do it, they will find active and earnest friendship instead of jealousy and hostility, and that in their case, as in all others, the right way to do anything is the best way to do it. When, twelve years ago, 1 retired from the office the duties of which I am again about to assume, our country was convulsed by civil war, brought on by the most causeless rebellion the world has ever known. That struggle has happily ended, and the difficult and deli- cate task of restoring to their proper places the States and the people who sought the overthrow of our government has been accomplished. The bitterness and angry feeling caused by that conflict have in a great measure subsided, and it is the part of wisdom not to revive them. But we must not forget that in that terrible contest there was a right side and a wrong side; that either we who fought for the preservation of the Union were right and they who fought for its destruction were wrong; or that they were right and we were wrong; and we should see to it that when we have passed away those who will follow us in the 340 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. care and control of the government, which at so great cost we have saved and bequeathed to them, shall have from us at least correct teaching on that point. We should so shape our course and conduct as to show them unmistakably that we knew und recognized the dis- tinction between loyalty and treason, that we loved the one and hated the other, that one brought honor, the other disgrace. We should make sure, so far as we can make sure, that their reverence and love shall be given to Lincoln and Grant and Sherman and Thomas and Sheridan, and not to Davis and Lee and Johnson and Beauregard an I Forrest. To do this we must show them that our love and honor are given to the men who, in council and in action, labored for the i^reser- vation of the Union, and not for those who plotted and fought for its destruction. I have some times feared that in our extreme desire for peace and conciliation we have failed to keep this consideration prop- erly in view. The political situation at the seat of our National Government is at this time interesting and peculiar. The political party which admin- istered the government dui'ing the rebellion and succeeded in sup- pressing that rebellion still control one branch of the National Legis- lature. The other, the popular branch, the House of Representatives, is controlled by a party of which men who were actual and active rebels compose a powerful minorit}', if not a controlling majority. The centennial year of our national existence Avill be made remark- ably by a determined struggle for the control of our government in all its political branches by a party composed of those who a few years since used every effort to destroy it and of those who during the struggle for its preservation opposed all effort to preserve it. This condition of things furnishes food for grave reflection. The financial condition of the country is not so favorable as we could desire, but perhaps as much as we can reasonably expect. We borrowed during the civil war, and in consequence of it, nearly or quite three thousand millions of dollars, and spent the money, as all nations must in war times, lavishl3\ A million or more of men in both armies were withdrawn from productive pursuits and were engaged in consuming and destroying the products of the labor of those not in the field. The govei'nment bought our products Avith bonds and paper money at high prices, and we had during the war, and for a short time after its close, what many of us called good times, but our then good times were good only in the sense that an individual would have good times who should mortgage his property heavily and spend the money in extravagant living. The money raised by us on our national mortgage was spent rapidly and lavishly. We received for it, it is true, that boon of priceless value, a restored Union; but did not secure any- thing of marketable money value. In the latter sense the money spent was lost. The so-called good times caused extravagance in expenditure THE LIFE AND TIMRS OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 341 by the national government, by the State and municipal governments, and by ourselves individually. When at last the time came that the money was spent, that our soldiers returned to their homes and became producers instead of consumers, that the government was no longer the purchaser of our surplus products and we were obliged to com- mence the process of paying instead of continuing the more easy one of spending— the times began to grow hard. The first interest to feel the pressure was that of agriculture, the leading one of our State. Our surplus products, increased by the labor of our returned soldiers, and no longer needed for the support of our armies, had to seek a market abroad, and their value there was measured by the standard of the world's currency — coin. The consequence was a great and rapid decline in the prices of all we had to sell. The prices of all we had to buy did not decrease in proportion. The manufacturers and others undertook the hopeless task of keeping the prices of their products and their labor above a proper relation to the pi'ices of our products, and for a time suc- ceeded. The result to us was at first disastrous; but the evil worked ©■ut its own cure. Our ability to buy was limited by the amount we received for our surplus products, and by the prices we had to pay for the goods we wished to purchase. We necessarily bought less, and the manufacturers found themselves compelled to cai'ry large stocks of unsold goods. Slowly but surely the laws of trade asserted their power. The prices of what we wished to buy, in most cases, fell to a proper proportion to the prices of what we had to sell, in some cases below that proportion, and the pressure upon us was lightened and transferred to those not engaged in agricultural pur- suits. As we were the first to suffer so we have been the first to get relief. We are doing reasonably well — our State is fairly prosperous; God has blessed our labors with fair returns; we buy at fair prices what we need, and get fair prices for what we sell. The process of adjusting the business of the country to the changed order of things is going on gradually and steadily, and if that process shall not be disturbed we may soon confidently expect renewed activity and prosperity throughout the land. Some of our people, remembering the era of apparent prosperity caused by the war prices, are dis- posed to establish another such era by placing a second mortgage on the national farm in a new and abundant issue of paper money. This would, in my judgment, be a great misfortune. It might, for a short time, produce a feverish activity and a temporary advance in prices, but this activity would be unhealthy and disastrous, and as surely as day and night follow each other, so surely the inevitable result must ensue, and we would soon be called upon to endure again the troubles from which we are now so happily emerging, It seems to me the course we should pursue is plain and clear. We owe a heavy national 342 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. debt. That debt was in cun-ed for a most Avorthy object which has been happily effected. As honest men we must pay it. To that end we must practice industry, thrift and economy, for the I'eason that by these means, and these means only, can we prosper. We must in- sist upon strict and rigid economy in administering the affairs of the national government, and of our state government, and we must practice the same economy in our private affairs. This is the way, a sure way, and the only way to certain and permanent prosperity. Senators and Bejjresentatives : — Much of your legislative work will, under the constitution, begin to have force and effect with the republic's new century. Let us be inspired by this consideration to make our actions worthy of the illustrious following in which we find ourselves. The America and the Iowa of to-day tell how well those who have gone before us have done their part in the council, in the held, on the farm, in the mine, on the bench of the mechanic, and in the mart of trade. But to do as well as they have done, we must do better. With the benefit of their experience as well as that of all the ages before them, in the fruition of their labors which they them- selves were not permitted to enjoy, in a day of superior intellectual light, we must do our woi'k. While our opportunity is enlarged, our responsibility is vastly increased. How we use that opportunity, and how we meet that responsibility, will be best judged by those who will stand in our places in the yeai's to come; and if we may look so far forward as to the end of another century of American history let us hope that he who will then stand in my stead in the palace now rising on the fair hill that overlooks the beautiful capital of Iowa, shall say of us that we honestly tried to do all our duty, and the people's acclaim shall be, "Thej' did it vvell." SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. On the 2nd day of December, 1872, R. D. Arthur was sent to the penitentiary for the term of ten years, from Fay- ette county, for the crime of ''larceny from a building in the night time." After serving three years of his term, the Governor was repeatedly and persistently importuned by his mother and sisters to grant him a pardon. The Governor not knowing whether his brief incarceration had been of a sufficient reformatory character to make of him a good citi- zen, finally yielded to the oft repetited requests of the mother and sisters, but made the pardon a conditional one. The first condition was abstinence from the use of intox- icating liquors as a beverage. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 343 Second.— The use of all proper exertion for the support of his mother and sister. Third.— That he should not be guilty of the violation of any of the criminal laws of the State. By the terms of the pardon, the Governor was also to be the sole judge of the violation of these conditions. The pardon was signed by Arthur, with the stipulation that he accepted all the conditions, and became liable to be re-ar- rested and imprisoned for the full term, if any one condi- tion was violated. These conditions were violated by the prisoner becoming repeatedly intoxicated, and by various minor criminal acts on his part. Under this state of facts Arthur was re-arrested upon a warrant issued by the Governor, and was recommitted to the penitentiary. After the recommitment Arthur sued out a writ of Habeas Corpus, by virtue of which he was brought before the Dis- trict Court of Lee county to test the legality of the second imprisonment. Two points were raised on demurrer to the writ: One that the Governor could not grant a conditional pardon. The other that the violations of the conditions could only be determined by judicial investigation, and not by the Gov- ernor himself. The District Court held that the points were well taken, and discharged the prisoner. An appeal from this decision was taken to the Supreme Court, and on this appeal the decision of the court below w^as reversed. Thus the Governor was fully sustained in his action by the Supreme Court, and this case has become a leading one, and has been relied upon by all subsequent Governors in granting conditional pardons. At the session of the Legislature in 1876 a United States 344 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Senator was to be chosen. Among the Republican aspirants for the place were James Harlan, Hiram Price, W. W. Bel knaj)p, G. W. McCrary and S. J. Kirkwood, five very able, honest men of ripe experience in public affairs, any one of whom would honor the place. The contest for the position was the greatest between Mr. Harlan and Gov. Kirkwood, and Mr. Harlan had a stronger following than any one of the five except the Governor. While it was in progress a letter was received from Gov. Grimes, who favored Kirk- w^ood's election, which it was supposed would advance the chances of Kirkwood and disparage those of Mr. Harlan. A conference of the friends of the Governor was called to determine whether it should be used for that purpose, and they unanimously said "use it." Replying to them, Gov- ernor K. said: "The letter shall not be used for that pur- pose. 1 have never pulled down a man in my own party for the purpose of building myself up, and I will not do it now. If I rise and succeed, I rise and win on my own merits. " Before the meeting of the joint convention for the elec- tion Mr. Harlan's name was withdrawn, when in the Repub- lican caucus Governor K. got a majority of two over all his competitors. Within five days of his inauguration as a third term Gov- ernor, he was elected to serve his second term as United States Senator, but as he would not take his seat as a Sena- tor before a year from the following fourth of March, he served a little more than one-half of his third term as Gov- ernor before he resigned that office. The election for Senator took place on Wednesday, and the Governor returned to his home in Iowa City on Satur- day, and in the meantime preparations had been made b}- his neighbors, without respect to party, to give him a warm and generous reception. Lyon's band of twenty pieces vol- unteered their services for the occasion, and accompanied THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 345 the reception committee to the depot, where they awaited the arrival of the train. When the train neared the depot one gun was fired, and the band played "Hail to the Chief," and amid the huzzas of the crowd the Governor alighted and was immediately conveyed to a carriage and driven to the St. James Hotel. A senatorial salute of fifteen guns was fired while the party was in transit from the depot to the hotel. After supper the Governor was conducted by the reception committee to Ham's Hall, where an immense crowd awaited him, hundreds being unable to gain admittance. His entrance to the hall was the signal for the wildest dem- onstration of applause, and after the noise and confusion had subsided, Hon. L. B. Patterson, a life-long Democrat, who presided, advanced on the platform and with a few appro- priate remarks introduced Prof. W. G. Hammond, of the Law School, who addressed Gov. Kirkwood as follows : ^'Honored Sir. — Our and your neighbors without distinction of party, have gathered together to welcome yoii, and have selected me as their spokesman to express in feeble language their love and esteem for you. It is our peculiar privilege to love and honor you as a friend and neighbor. [Applause.] Your past recoi'd is a record of noble opportunities, nobly improved. The fact that, after ten years of absence from political life, they have called you to the highest office the Slate can confer, is a distinction of which I find no parallel in our annals. [Applause.] We have seen five competitors, of whom it is safe to say, no one would have dishonored the office. We have seen months of struggle ended by a few days of partisan activity; we have seen the representatives of the people meet without having given pledges to fill this high Senatorial office; and finally among the men able, and pure and worthy, we have seen the ablest, and purest and worthiest elected. [Applause.] It is a gi'and thing to be the repre- sentative of the State, washed by the rivers which are the two greatest arteries of the Republic, and within whose borders are one and a half million of freemen, a State which is destined to be the keystone of the arch which sustains the liberties of the nation. We rejoice that there will be in the Senate one heart that will not quail, and one voice that will ever be raised for the right. "However long the time may be before the people permit you to retire from public life, may there be for you the reward of a well spent life, and when the end of life shall come, may your last glance 346 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. fall as it does to-night, upon the friends who honor and respect you." At the conclusion of Prof. Hammond's eloquent address of welcome, Gov. Kirkwood arose and was received with vociferous cheers which continued several minutes. When order was restored the Governor, who seemed much affected by this spontaneous demonstration of his neighbors, said: " Mr. President, Respected Friends and Neighbors: — I suspected from a despatch received yesterday, and I learned by a newspaper I read on the ti'ain, that I was to have a reception here to night. I should be dull and insensate if I did not appreciate the honor done me by the people of the State of Iowa. As you all know, the people, con- trary to my wishes, elected me Governor, and recently the party to which I belong have elected me to the Senate. I have lived in Iowa City twenty-one years, and I love, as you all do the city in which we live. We all feel as we ought to, the friendship which gives greeting to one who has drawn a prize in the Lottery of Life. I will promise, and that is all I have ever promised, that in the discharge of my duties, I will do the best that I can, and if what I shall do will meet your approval when done I shall feel fully rewarded." When the Governor concluded his remarks there was another enthusiastic outburst of applause, and when quiet was again restored, loud calls were made for Hon. Rush Clark, who was enthusiastically received. He made a few congratulatory remarks and was followed by Hon. E. Clark, Senator Rumple of Iowa County, and Hon. R. S. Finkbine. In taking his seat as Senator from Iowa, in the Forty- sixth Congress, in the formation of committees he was placed on the Committees on Foreign Relations, Post Offices and Post Roads, and afterwards made a member of the Com- mittee on Pensions. Before the meeting of the Congress to which he was elected, Jas. G. Blaine then a member of the Senate, being in Des Moines, in company with Hon. R. S. Finkbine, and inquiring of that gentleman what kind of a Senator Governor Kirkwood would make, got this reply : "Some day when you will least expect it, and when a matter is before the Senate involving,a constitutional question, he will get up THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 347 apparently without any previous preparation, and in a speech of no great length, will discuss that question and present every point so clearly, illustrating it so aptly, and reach his conclusions so directly that you will all wonder why you have not taken the same view of the subject that he does, and have reached his conclusions before by the same chain of reasoning." After the delivery in the Senate of his speech on the Army Appropriation Bill by Governor K., on the 21st of June, 1879, these two gentlemen, meeting each other in Washington, Mr. Blaine, said to Mr. Finkbine: "Your pre- diction in regard to Gov. Kirkwood has heen verified. The constitutional question has arisen. The speech has been made. His solution of the question was the true one, and was so considered by all his political friends, and it has been adopted by them." This question was the tangled skein of the extent and limitation of the powers and rights of the States and General Government, which such men as Clay, Webster, Calhoun and Benton wore their finger nails off trying to untangle without satisfaction to themselves or friends, but which Gov. Kirkwood unraveled and straightened out to the comprehen- sion of all. This is the speech: (It was to us, and will go down to posterity as the best exposition of the relations of the States and National Government to each other ever made.) SPEECH OF HON. SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, having under consider- ation the bill making appropriations for the support of the army tor the fiscal year ending June 30, 1880, and for other purposes— Mr. Kirkwood said: Mr. President: - [ propose with the indulgence of the Senate, to consume a short time in discussing the question that I apprehend to be involved in the amendment under consideration. That amendment raises the question under what circumstances, if any, the Government of the United States can use its troops to keep the peace at the polls on the occasion of electing Representatives in Congress. That is the ques- tion; and that question, in my judgment, depends upon the answer to another question, which is this: Is there any valid law of Congress which on electioi; day may be obstructed, may be hindered in its execu- 348 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. tiou, may be resisted by force and violence at the polls? If that be so, then not only, in my judgment, can the Government of the United States use the-army to put down that resistance, but it is its bouuden duty so to-do. That we have a law on the statute-book regulating elections for Representatives in Congress no man will deny. We know that, if we knew it in no other way, from the efforts made at this ses- sion to repeal that law. But it has been suggested that that law is not a constitutional law, and, therefore, not binding. I will examine that question briefly. If it is proper to call the position held by a Representative in Congress an office and him an officer, then I say that the office of Representative in Congress is an office of the United States and not of the State. The Representative is a United States officer and not a State officer. The Constitution of the United States creates the office. Until that instru- ment was formed there was no such office. The office is not created by the State from which the representative comes; it is the creation of the United States. The Constitution of the United States says who may hold the office; the State constitution cannot say anything touch- ing that question. The Constitution of the United States says who may vote for the officer, fixing a qualification, to which the State cannot add, and from which it cannot take. The Constitution of the United States prescribes how the compensation for the officer shall be ascer- tained, by the action of Congress and not b}' the action of the State from which he comes; and when the amount of his compensation has been asceilained, it is drawn from the Treasury of the United States and not from the treasury of the State. He has certain powers given to him, certain duties are imposed upon him. They all arise under the Constitution of the United States, and not under the constitution of the State. When he is elected he brings to the House in which he claims a seat a certificate from the governor of the State from which he comes, which certificate gives him d^ prima facie right, as it is tei'med; but whether he is entitled to hold it or not depends, not upon the action of his State, but upon the decision of the House of which he claims to be a member. Certain privileges are conferred upon him by the Constitution of the United States solely, not by the State from which he comes. When he has been elected and taken his seat, he may be expelled from that seat without asking the leave or permission of the State fi'om which he comes. He is an officer of the United States, then, if it is proper to apply that term to the position. It seems to me that any one examining our Constitution and seeking to learn its meaning, having ascertained that much in regard to these officers, would naturally look into the same instrument to see whether or not there was any provision made there as to the manner in which these officers should be chosen. He would do that. Why? Because it is peculiarly appropriate, I think; because THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 349 it seems to be in accordance with tlie eternal fitness of things that every government should determine the manner in which its own agents shall be selected. Looking at our Constitution, then, with that end in view, we find that there is a provision made there upon that subject; and that provision is substantially this: The States shall, in the first place, prescribe the times, places, and manner in which Representatives in Congress shall be elected. That the people who formed our Consti- tution said for themselves, but they said in addition that at any time the Congress representing the United States might make such regula- tions or might alter such as it found to exist. Now, it seems to me that certain propositions are too plain for argument. One of them is this: Whatever power the States have on this subject, is given to them by the Constitution of the United States, and whatever power the States have by that instrument, is reserved to be exercised by the United States whenever the United States shall so choose to exercise it. There cannot be any dispute about this. Let me make an illustration: Suppose that when we meet on the 1st day of December next we are here without rules for our government; we cannot transact business; we raise a Committee on Rules, and say by resolution that they shall prepare rules for the government of this body in order to the orderly transaction of its business; but the Senate may at any time make or alter such rules. Is not the power reserved to the Senate just as broad as the power conferred upon the committee? Must it not be so necessarily? And when the people of the United States wrote in their Constitution that the States might regulate the times, places, and manner of voting in these elections, but the Con- gress might at any time make or alter those regulations, they did pre- cisely what I have supposed in the case of making rules for the Senate by a committee of the body. If this be so, then it follows that the Congress of the United. States has the right to place upon our statute-books laws regulating the man- ner of the election of Representatives in Congress. They have done so. Some fault is found with some of the details of that law. It is said in regard to the deputy marshals that we have too many of them. That may be true; but what remedy do our Democratic statesmen pro. pose? To abolish the office of deputy marshal; not to reduce the number but to abolish the office totally. It is said that the com- pensation of those officers is too high. That may be; but the remedy proposed, again by Democratic statesmanship, is not to reduce the compensation, but to abolish the office. Some people think that our compensation here is too high. I do not believe it is; but I never heard the wildest reformer yet propose as a remedy that the office of Senator in Congress, if it be an office, should be abolished. It would be more difficult still, I think, to get the approval of that remedy than it would the approval of the remedy of a reduction of compensation. 350 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. Again, gentlemen say in regard to these deputy marshals that they are not men of good character. It may be; there may be bad and improper men among them; it would be strange if there were not. It has been said that bad men get in here sometimes. The old rem- edy comes back; and oar Demijcratic friends insist that the cure for the fact that some bad men have been selected is not to make pre- cautions that better men may be selected in the future, but that the office shall be abolished. Is there not a dearth of statesmanship in our Democratic friends when they have but the one remedy for all evils. I I'emember (it has been so long since that I may have forgot^ ten very much about it), in reading the good old novel of Don Quixote, perhaps; there was a doctor in it, Dr. Sangrado, who had one cure for all diseases, and but one. I seems to me our Democratic friends have been reading that book a little and have fallen into the ideas entertained by him. Mk. Davis, of Illinois— It was in Gil Bias. Mr. Kirk wood — I had forgotten; I have been so busy for a great many years that I have not had the opportunity of indulging in gen- eral reading to the extent that I should like to have done. Last Sunday I bought a copy of the Kew York Herald, and I pro- pose to read a few extracts from an editorial contained in that pai.er: "Within about a fortnight we have had to report on an average two cases a day either of assault by the police upon citizens in their houses or in the streets, or of the arraignment of policemen before Justices on charges of assault or personal ouirages of an even graver nature. Upon trivial differences within the limit of the rights of the people it is dangerous to exchange a word witli a policeman." This of course refers to the policemen of the city of New York. Mr. Hill, of Georgia — You are not reading that against us of the South now? Mr. Kirkwood — I will make the application after awhile. The article from which I quote proceeds: "Not only is it perilous to bandy words with these guardians of the public peace, but the citizen who does not quietly submit to invasions of his domicile, is in a fair way to get to the nearest hospital in a cart. In a tenement-house row an officer came upon the scene in the pas- sage on the level of the street, presumably to pacify the row. He was saluted with unpleasant language from an upper window. Immedi- ately his duty was forgotten. The dispute which had brought him to the scene became suddenly trivial in his eyes and unworthy attention. He mounted the stairs and clubbed the poor cr.^ature above, so that he now lies in a bad way with a leg in splints. But this person had been guilty of no breach of the jjeace and was in his own house. No act had been committed that would in any circumstance have justified lii.s arrest. Only the dignity of the policeman had been offended, and that must be revenged at any cost. And that is a type of the dealings of the police with these people. The average policeman is simply a cham- pion bully, ready to enforce with his club, not order, but the recogni- ion of his personal supremacy on his beat." THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 351 Here is a little more from the same editorial: <,T^ • \,^„rr. K,rtV.Ptriql of the Manhattan Bank robbers that honesty • ^^ '^'5 Tn L mt rLcoun^^^^ police, that theft doesnotdis- f 'iX ouVth 7oW,?n fnThich he is briieved to have been oonoernecl. LVtCVo-r j^^i|;es Unow^ ^^^^^^^Z tS^L' the police, and ,'"! '"= "/^f '°''^,, ""' °ith him? He was removed each ?i'mrto sre''ote?p;ecrna S::?e"retptain did not know him." Here is another extract: -QnmP timP affo a couple of detectives were cau^t in predatory operatrns alTo, aS The; were not dismissed either, ^hey were made roundsmen." I do not know what that term means. Mr. Conkling— Patrolmen, walking around. Mr. Kirkwood— And it concludes: "So that this is a part of the system." . ^ ■, And now for the application. If it be true that there is found occv sionally upon a police force improper men. dishonest men, brutal men that a good cause for abolishing the police? Has it ey^^^^^-^-f ^ h authorities or the people of New York City to abohsh the who number of policemen in that city? That is the remedy our Democxatic ?rnds insist upon in regard to the deputy marshals, that becaus^^^^^^^^^ of them have been ascertained to be improper persons, theiefoie the whole body shall be abolished. But I do not think the good peop e o the city of New York, because bad men get upon the police force o that city would be willing to abolish the police force of the city If hf hfngs that are alleged here in regard to the police of the city o New York be true, and if things equally as bad were proven to be true fn regard to these deputy marshals, how the eloquence f/he Senator from Indiana [Mr. Vookhees] would be heard in this Chamber Zuncing the brutality of intrusting the keeping of the peace at the oils to sufh men. And yet it is precisely to such uien - have «'- ^« of the preservation of the peace in the city of New York that the Dem ocrats desire to submit wholly the elections. This is outside of my line of argument, however. c^,,f v, Avery pertinent question was asked by the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. Hampton] a few days ago. I do not see ^^^ - ---J; and yet I will refer to the matter, because it involves nothing but what can be referred to either in his presence or in h-^absence. He made the statement that until within a few years last past Congress Td never exercised the power to regulate the -nner in .inch these elections shall be held; and he asked the pertinent question uhj now it should be done. He was not entirely accurate I think ,n his state- m n A good many years ago, how long 1 cannot remember, but before the Republican party had an existence. Congress commenced 352 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the work of regulating the manner of the election of members of Con- gress. For many j'ears, when I was a much younger man than I am now, some of the States of this Union elected their members of Con- gress by general ticket, and they continued in that practice until Con- gress, believing it to be a bad practice, remedied it by providing that the elections should be held by single districts and not by general ticket. Mr. Hill, of Georgia— That was in 1842, I think. Mr. Kirkwood— I had forgotten the date, but it was long ago. But the question still recurs what reason was thei'e why this custom that had prevailed so long should not be allowed to continue ? It strikes me that there are two good and suiiicient reasons why it should be so. Ihere are in the city of New York about one-third as many people as the entire population of the original thirteen States at the time we achieved our independence. There are, I apprehend, in half a dozen of our large cities as great a number of people as the entii-e population of the old thirteen colonies w^as at that time. While this brings advantages, it brings disadvantages also with it. As wealth is concentrated in the hands of comparatively few in our large cities, and ease and luxury and all the accompaniments of wealth go with wealth, it also happens that vice grows as well. I do not pretend to give from official data what I am about to say, but I believe I am cor- rect in saying that there are to-day in the city of New York more pro- fessional criminals — and by that I mean men who make their living by the commission of crime as their business — than the entire popula- tion cf that city contained at the time our independence was achieved; and the same holds largely true as to all our large cities. This is a condition of affairs that did not exist when the custom that is so much honored now, about leaving the elections solely to the States, origin- ated. In many localities in these large cities four-fifths of the voting population are men with whom no gentleman who hears me would trust either life or pi'operty if he thought either could be taken from him without detection. A different system is required, a different supervision is I'equired, different care is required in dealing with such men than was required in dealing with the men who gave their votes at the time when our Government was formed. That is one reason. Another reason is that, as a consequence of the civil war through which we passed, the war of the rebellion, some four million people who were formerlj'^ slaves are now free men. That has prodi^ced and must for years to come produce difficulty, trouble, trial, hardship in the communities where this great change has occuri-ed. It could not be otherwise, unless we could change human nature, and we cannot do that. The men who were formerly masters will not consent, if by any means they can avoid it, to be ruled by the men who were form- erly their slaves. This produces a condition of things there that does THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 353 require supervision not merely by those who live there and of the master race, but by others as well ; so that I contend there is good cause for saying to-day that the old system that obtained for so many years should be changed and a different and, we hope, a better system substituted for it. . ^ , ^u But to come back, if I am correct in holding that Congress has the right to make an election law and that the laws on that subject upon our statute-book are constitutional, then the question arises-what power has Congress to enforce its own law ? Must it depend upon some other power, some other authority, or must it rely lapon its own power and its own authority to carry into effect and put down oppo- sition and resistance to the lasvs of its own enactment ? I have no doubt upon that subject. Mr. President. A government that cannot do that is an incomplete and an inefficient government, as much so as a human being who is born with one leg or witii one arm, or who is born blind or.mute or dumb, is an incomplete person. A government that has to rely upon something else than itself, upon some power other than its own to enforce its own law, is not a government; and if ours is such the sooner we abandon it and substitute for it something better, the better for it and for us. Let me make myself understood now. There is a great deal of talk about the Government of the United States interfering in the States to keep the peace. Nobody claims that it has the right to do that ordina- rily; but it is claimed that whenever a constitutional law is passed by Congress it goes of its own power, not by favor, not by permission from anybody, but of its own constitutional vigor it goes through the whole length and breadth of our hind and attaches to and becomes part, so to speak, of every inch of our soil. That is my theory. It attaches not only to the soil but to every man Uving upon it, unless by special provision he is a foreigner rep- resenting his own country here as an embassador, or in some such way is exempted from its operation. I care not where it may be. wherever that law of this Government goes the agents of this Govern- ment to enforce it have the right to go, again not by favor, not by permission, but because the law has gone before them and opened the way for them. They ask no permission of any man, or of any State, or of any power. They ask no power of any man, or of any State, or of any authority. They go by the same power and authority that the law itself goes, and when those engaged in the administration of the law, the power of this Government, civil and military, the power of forty-five millions of people stands with them, above them, below them, behind them, around them, to guard and protect them against any and all power that may oppose them in the lawful execution of th9.t law. J u * • I^et me make the distinqtion. Twq years ftgo it happened that m 354 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. the city of Pittsburgh, in the State of Pennsylvania, there occurred a great riot. For many days, I do not know how many, all traffic and travel was suspended. Immense amounts of property were destroyed. People from the State in which I live beyond the Mississippi River wished to go to New York. They could not go there by that route. They had property being transported from one State to the other, but it could not reach its destination by that route, and the United States Government could not help them. Why ? Because there was not what there should be, there was no law of Congress pi'otecting inter- state trade. I hope to seethe day in my time here when we sha 1 have such a law. Therefore, the question whether our peo^jle should travel through Pennsylvania, or whether their goods should go through Pennsylvania, depended not upon the Government of th'- United States but upon the government of the State of Pennsylvania, and the Government of the United States in that regard could not interfere until called upon by the Governor of the State of Pennsyl- vania to aid him in putting down the riot so as to let people again travel through the State and traffic again be carried on. But while that is true, it is also true on the other hand that there were laws of the United States at that time that were obstructed anil resisted; laws providing for the transportation of the mails were upon our statute-book. Mj^ belief is that just as soon as it became apparent to the President of the United States that the local authorities were insufficient to protect the mails of tlie United States in being carrietl over those roads, it was not only his privilege but it was his duty to see to it that the local authoi'ities, the civil authorities of the Govern- ment being inefficient to protect the cai'rying of the mails of the United States and the enforcement of the United States' laws for their protection — it was his business to see to it that the Armj^ of the United States was sent there, and that evei'y man found resisting the trans- mission of the mails in accordance with law, obstructmg their trans- mission, should be swept out of the way. Mr. Maxey — Will the Senator yield to me a moment ? Mr. Kirkwood — Certainly. Mr. Maxey — I want to understand the proposition of the Senator from Iowa on this point. Does the Senator mean to say to the Senate that the United States could have sent an army to Pittsburgh without a legislative call if the Legislature of Penns3-lvania were in session, or an executive call in the absence of the Legislature, under the fourth section of the fourth article of the Constitution, outside of that article, independent of that article ? Does the Senator mean to say the Army could have been sent there independent of that? Mr. Kirkwood— Certainly I do. Mr. Maxey — I merely wanted to understand the Senator. vMr. Kirkwood — If that is not true, then the question whether the THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 355 laws of the United States shall be enforced depends not upon the Government of the United States but upon the government of Penn- sylvania. Mr. Maxey— The point I wanted to make, I will state to the Sen- ator from Iowa, was this: That the Federal Government has no power except that which is granted upon the face of the Constitution. The mode and manner in which a riot can be stopped in a State is laid down in the Constitution, and the point at which the power of the Federal Goverumeut can be brought into exercise to suppress a riot or an insurrection is laid down on the face of the Constitution in the fourth section of the fourth article, and nowhere else. That being the case, and the only case, in which the Federal troops can be called out upon a demand by the Legislature, if it be in session, or if it cannot be convened, then by the State executive, can the United States Govern- ment, ex mero motu, send its troops there without a call from the Legislature or the executive of the State when the Legislature is not in session? Mr. Kirkwood— Clearly in my judgment it can, and I have been trying to explain why I think so. I have said that if there had been no law of the United States resisted there, bo violent, forcible opposi- tion to the laws of the United States there, nothing but a breach of the peace of the State of Pennsylvania there, of course the Army could not be sent there until invited by the authorities of the State of Pennsylvania; but whenever in the State of Pennsylvania or in any other State (this is my theory, I do not pretend to speak for anybody other than myself; 1 have no authority to do so) the laws of the United States are resisted and overborne, then the Government of the United States has power to use the whole force of this nation to enforce them. Mr. Maxey— I want to understand the Senator. I do not inter- i-upthim for any other purpose. Mr. Kirkwood— Of course not. Mr. Maxey— Does not the Constitution point out how the Govern ment of the United States is to be advised of the fact that the sup- pression of an insurrection is beyond the power of a State to suppress it? Can the United States bring its strong hand down upon the State until the State calls for aid in the mode pointed out by the Constitu- tion ? That is the point upon which I want to understand the Senator. Mr. Kirkwood— The provision to which the Senator froui Texas alludes is the provision for the protection of a Stale and the enfuice- uient of the peace of the State. It has nothing to do with the laws of the United States; it has nothing to do with their enforcement or their execution. It is when the laws of the State of Pennsylvania cannot be enforced by the authority of the State of Pennsylvania that the Stale 356 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. of Pennsylvania has the right to call upon the President of the United States to enforce her own laws in her own limits. It does not touch the question of the execution of the laws of the United States. Mr. Maxey — Then, if the Senator will pai'don me, I understand his position to be, and I want to understand it, that the laws of the United States are required to be exercised within the limits of the Slate; that a law itself, in proprio vigore, goes along with it ; and if it is necessary for the Army to enforce that law, that too goes along with it. Mr. Kirkwood — Certainly it does go with that law. Mr. Maxey — There I differ with the Senator, so far as that is con- cerned. Mr. Kirkwood— Take the case cited by the Senator from Vir- ginia a few days ago, of an election in his State that caused some excitement and feeling in that State, I apprehend. It will illustrate my idea. As I said before, it is only my idea ; it binds nobody but myself; it may be totally wrong, but I believe it to be right. lathe spring of a certain year, I do not remember the year, an election was held in Petersburgh, Virginia. What year was that ? Mr. Allison— In 1876. Mr. Kirkwood — In the spriug of that year an election was held for local officers or State officers, I do not remember which. Mr. Withers — For municipal officers merely. Mr. Kirkwood — The United States had nothing to do with that. It affected the State of Virginia only and solely. It was the business of the State of Virginia to maintain peace at the polls on the day of the election; but if the State of Virginia should be unable to main- tain the peace on that day, if not occurred, if the State laws were resisted, then Virginia had the right to call upon the President of the United States, to do what? To send troops there to aid Virginia in enforcing her own laws in her own limits. But afterward, during the same year, there was an election to occur there at which there was a member of Congress to be elected, and then the law of the United States prescribing rules for the election of members of Congress was in force at that place in Virginia just as much as at the preceding spring the laws of the State in regard to the election of municipal officers had been in foi'ce there. When the President was informed, upon information on which he relied, that there was danger that the Federal laws were then to be I'esisted there, he did a wise and a pru- dent thing in sending troops, not to go to the polls, but in case a col- lision occurred for them to be there in case the State could not enforce the law and keep the peace, to see to it that the United States power was there to enforce the United States' law there as well as ever\' place pise. I wish tP say a few words nior§ on this subject, Mr. PresicJent, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 357 When I first read this bill before its passage in tlie otlaer House, I said, iu consultation or rather in conversation with some of my colleagues from my State in the House that I thought the section of the bill upon which this debate proceeds was a mere excrescence on the bill itself, an impertinence, so to speak, meaning no disrespect to those who favor the section. It was just as senseless, in my judgment, as if it had provided that no part of the appropriation should be used to pay the Army if the Army were used as a professional base-ball club or a traveling circus or a Pinafore company, because I had never heard it claimed by any one. Democrat or Republican, that it was intended by the Government of the United States to send men to the polls to take the place of police ofiicers, bailiffs, and constables there. • Let me illustrate again my meaning, sir. We have in the State in which I live courts of the United States; we have doorkeepers and bailiffs, and I do not know what other officers to execute the mandates of the courts, marshals among others. I never understood anybody to claim that we ought to turn these men out of office and place an armed soldier carrjdug a musket with a bayonet at the door to act as doorkeeper, and another beside the judges on the bench as their bailiff, and other armed soldiers all through the building to do the duties oi'dinarily performed bj'^ marshals and their deputies. I never under- stood that to be claimed by anyone, but I did understand it to be claimed that if an armed force of rioters should go into the court house in the State of Iowa, and imperil the execution of the laws of the United States there so as to interfere with the orderly administratiou of justice by the United States officers, and the civil authorities there were uot sufficient to put down that violence, then the President could call from San Francisco or New York, or elsewhere, wherever there may be a regiment or a companj^ of troops, all the armed force neces- sar}' to see to it that peace and law and good order shall be maintained about the buildings, and that the men who are charged there with the enforcement and execution of the laws of the United States, just as everywhere else where they are so charged, shall be allowed to pro- ceed in an orderly and a quiet way to do it, and that all the men who are disposed to obstruct must get out of the way. Mr. President, I come to the main cause of my troubling the Senate upon this occasion, a thing that I very seldom do. I waut to find out what our Democratic friends mean by this bill. I have repeated here what I said to my colleagues in the other House. I was bound to do so. The respect of those gentlemen is of value to me, and my own respect is of more value to me than their respect, and having said it to them I was bound to let any man who chooses to inquire about it know that I had done so. Now I want to know just precisely what is the mean- ing of this section. It was claimed by some gentlemen, it was believed by myself, that the only meaning of it was, that when election day S58 THE LIFE AND TOIES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. comes around the Presideut shall not surround any of the polls in the city of New York, for example, with armed soldiers, so that the men who go there to exercise the right to vote shall not be compelled to pass through tiles of armed soldiers. I supposed that to be the mean- ing of it, and aside from its impertinence I saw no harm in it, because no man ever claimed that troops could be used for that purpose, so far as my knowledge went, or that they should be used to make the arrests ordinarily made by policemen there. No man ever claimed that. It was only when disturbance and violence occurred and the peace offi- cers could not put it down that the United States with its armed soldiers in aid of the civil officers should put down that disturbance and violence on the da}' when members of Congress were being elected, under the laws of the United States. Now I say, in all kindness and all frankness, it is not for the Senate of the United States to pass a law, the meaning of which is shown to be doubtful. Am 1 right? Is it a becoming thing in this body, said to be the most dignified, deliberative body in the world — ah, well we will continue to say so — is it becoming in this body, when the fact is brought to its attention, that upon the face of a bill pending before it for action, uncertainty, doubt, dispute exists as to what is the true meaning of that bill, that it shall not be made clear? Is it just to our- selves that we should allow that doubt to continue? Is it just to other departments of the government that we should' allow that doubt to continue? Is it just to the people of this country that we should allow that doubt to continue and perhaps cause further strife and confusion and bitterness through the length and breadth of our land? Does it not become us as honest men, as intelligent men, does it not become us as Senators, to remove all doubt as to what the meaning of this thing is, and say whether it means that the troops shall not go the polls on election day to exercise the duties commonly performed by ordinary policemen, or whether it is intended to say that the United States troops shall not go there, when the ordinary civil power is insufficient to protect the people at the polls, to furnish that protection? That is one question to be determined by the Senate, Mr. President, and if Senators will not inform us by speeches of what they under- stand this language to mean, we, on this side, have the privilege of testing them in the way of amendments, and I apprehend that unless they pursue the policy we did a night or two ago and fail to vote, we shall get to know just what they mean before this bill is safely passed. There is another matter I propose to notice, and I shall be very brief. At various times, when political excitement ran somewhat high during the session, I had made up my mind that I would make a political speech. I was saved the necessity of doing so by having it done by gentlemen much abler than myself to do it. But there is one thing to which I wish to allude in a single remark. Much has been said here THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 359 about the desire of the Republican party to revive the bitter feelings engendered by the war for political purposes in the North. It has been said by gentlemen, not from the South perhaps as much as by gentlemen from the North, upon the other side of the Chamber that the people of the North, the Republicans of the North especially, hate llie people of the South. Mr. President, that is not true. They do not either hate them or fear them. I speak the latter word in the worst sense of the term. They wish the prosperity of the people of the South as well as they do of any other section of our country. They wish that prosperity because the people of the South are part of our great family, aud if you will not believe that we wish you prosperity for that reason, then believe it for a worse, lower, more selfish reason. We have common sense enough to know that your pi-osperity is the prosperity of the country of which we are a part. Give us credit for selfishness at least, if for nothing else but that. We do desire your prosperity, and we know, we think we know, that that is to be obtained on the sole condition of peace, quiet and good order among you. There has been within the last three months considerable feeling, and there is to-day in the North, more than there was six months ago. In my judgment we on this side of the Chamber are more responsible for it. The people of Iowa (and I can speak for them, I think, having had a long acquaintance with them) love the union of these States. They sacrificed much to perpetuate it. It is with us not merely a matter of sentiment, but a matter of necessity. We raise a large sur- plus of produce that must go abroad, and I tell you we do not intend to ask any man's leave to go abroad with it if we can help it. We want to go through New York. We are perfectly willing to go there and shake hands with that people and deal with them, but we do not ask their permission to go through New York to Liverpool with our produce. The good city of New Orleans is at the mouth of the Missis- sippi river. We send some— I wish we sent more— of our products abroad through that city; and I say to the Senators from the State of Louisiana, we do not intend to ask anybody's permission to go down the Mississippi river aud out of the mouth of that river just where we please. They foolishly attempted to obstruct the navigation of that river a few years ago, and we wrestled with them about it for a long time until we got it cleared out, and we intend to keep it open. We want to go to China. We do not want to ask the permission of men living on the Pacific slope whether we may go through their country to go there. We are bound, as I said, not only by sentiment but by necessity, to the maintenance of this Union; but we have doubts aud fears and dis- trust in regard to its perpetuity since we had the struggle for its perpetuation. Senators say (and I am bound to take their statements as true) that they are now as warmly attached to this Union as we are. 360 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. I cannot dispute that question with them; but the preservation of this Union depends somewhat upon the strength of this Government. The complaint I have to make, and the complaint that is working its way all through the northern country, is that there is a steady and persist- ent effort in every direction and in every way to weaken this Govern- ment, to tear off a power here, a power there, and a power elsewhere, one by one, session after session, year after year, until you would leave it incapable of its own preservation. We passed a law, assented to by myself with much distrust, a year ago containing the ^;osse comitatus clause. I said nothing about it, because gentlemen to whose judgment I am in the habit of deferring here thought it best to let it go. I wish it were back again. Bills have been larid upon our desks here that we shall have to act upon some day, taking, as I understand, from the courts of the United States the power to declare whether or not the oificers of the United States in the execution of their duties have violated the laws. An effort is being made during this extra session to deprive the people of the United States of the power of supervising the election of their Rep- resentatives at the other end of the Capitol. This bill is here to-day either meaning nothing or meaning that in the conduct and manage- ment of the election of officers of the United States the people of the United States shall have nothing to do, traveling surely, slowly, sap- ping one by one as we think the powers necessarj' to enable this government to maintain itself. During the pendency of the yellow-fever bill, so called, I went to the desk of the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. Harris) to look at a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and in looking through it I found what I wish to read to the Senate. It expresses much better than I can, much moi'e clearly than I can, my opinion, and it comes from a source that carries with it infinitely more power and authority than anything I can say. I will read the concluding paragi'aph in the opinion of Chief Justice Mai'shall in the case of (libbons vs. Ogden. Powerful and ingenious minds, taking, as postulates, that the pow- ers expressly granted to the government of the Union are to be con- tracted by construction into the narrowest possible compass and that the original powers of the States are retained, if any possible con- struction will retain them, may, by a course of well-digested but refined and metaphysical reasoning founded on these premises, explain away the Constitution of our country and leave it a magnificent struc- ture, indeed, to look at, but totally unfit for use. They may so entangle and perplex the understanding as to obscure principles which were before thought quite plain and induce doubts Avhere, if the mind Mere to pursue its own course, none would be perceived. In such a case it is peculiarly necessai'y to recur to safe and fundamental principles to sustain those principles, and when sustained to make them the tests of the arguments to be examined. — 9 Wlieaton''s Reports, 222. THE LIFE ANi) TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 361 The people of our Northern States are afraid that that process is going on to-day. They are afraid that the results of that process will be precisely such as are herein written and that 1 have read. It is because of that feeling, because they fear that in the future the time may come that that which has cost them so much to maintain may be lost. I tell you kindly and frankly they intend to see to it carefully, earnestly, prudently, that that result shall not follow. And now when our Democratic friends— I hate to use the term in this Chamber— when our friends on the other side of the Chamber shall have explained by their votes, if they will not explain otherwise, whether this section 6 that was, and section 5 that is now, is a mere excrescence, a mere wai-t, so to speak, on this bill, a senseless impertinence— meaning no offense to anyone — when they shall have explained to us by their votes whether that Is the case, or whether it means that much larger and greater thing, Lhat in no case shall the government of the United States have power to enforce election laws anywhere and everywhere in the limits of our country, I shall be prepared to cast my vote. In following Mr. Kirkwood, Senator Hill, of Georgia, said : ''Mr. President: — I rise to say a few words only. First of all I want to express to the Senator from Iowa, Mr. Kirkwood, the great gratification I have felt in listening to his speech. He has made an able, dignified and excellent speech, worthy of a Senator anywhere, and in any age. If all the speeches made on this fioor were made in the same spirit, and with the same clearness and patriotic temper which the Senator has exhibited, 1 think what he intimated as doubt- ful would never be doubtful again, and that is, whether this is a digni- fied bod}'. But I do not agree to all the doctrines of the Senator, and I want to call his attention, for he is an able lawyer— my friend shakes his head; yes, he is a good lawyer; I know from the way he talks; he cannot deceive me on that subject. I want to call his attention to the fact that he has made one mistake in the fundamental proposition on which he set out. * * * 1 want my friend to know, and I want his people to know, that the patriotic, the manly, the Catholic, the national, the unsectional sentiments which fell from his lips, and which I know animate his bosom, meet with a warm and hearty re" sponse in mine, and in the bosoms of my people. He, and such as he, whether Republicans or Democrats, we can take to our ai'ms and our hearts and call our fellow citizens." A private letter from a prominent gentleman in Wash- in o-ton to the Editor of the Bepuhlican contains the follow- ing: to* 'I am glad to see the Iowa papers speak so well of Senator Kirk- 362 THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRkWOOfi. wood's S2jeech. It richly deserves all that has been said in its favor. I was fortunate enough to hear most of it. When I entered the Sen- ate Mr. Kirkwood was on the floor just getting fairly under way in his speech. He looked every inch a Senator, yet as modest as a child. He had a full house, the galleries were crowded, and there were many on the floor of the Senate, including a large number of members of the House who had come in to hear the speech. Every one listened with close attention. His manner was excellent, and the matter speaks for itself. I think the speech displays great ability in more respects than one. It is clear and logical, comprehensive and conclu- sive. It will give full satisfaction to his own party. It presents the Republican side with ability and distinctness. * * * There is no man in the Senate that could have done as well as Kirkwood did. You have read Ben Hill's remarks immediately following Kirkwood. Hill's manner showed that lie meant what he said, and it was no idle compliment. That evening Conklin referred to Kirkwood's speech, in very complimentary terms, saying it was the most effective speech made during the session. I heard a number of Senators speak of it in private, and all spoke of it in the highest terms. Don Cameron said, 'The Old Man always talks good sense.'" The New York Tribune says : "By universal consent, it is pronounced a gem of legal and polit- ical oratory. It is rarely the case that senatorial compliments mean anything at all, but when at the end of Governor Kirkwood's speech to-day. Senator Hill I'ose, and in unstinted terms of praise com- mended the matter and manner of the speech, every listener, and there were many of them, mentally said, 'That is true,' He is one of the most amiable men in Congress, and is universally respected for his unswei'viug integrity of chai'acter." The Dubuque Herald^ a Democratic paper, after the delivery and publication of the speech, has this to say : "Senator Kirkwood has been making an excellent record of him- self during the present session of Congress. He has figured conspic- uously on all important questions, his opinions have invariably been clear, vigorous and timely, and he is astonishing his constituents by an unexpected display of statesmanship. We candidly confess that the opinion hitherto expressed by the Telegraph, that the Senator's age had impaired his usefulness, was premature. He is really one of the most valuable members of the Senate — always in his seat at the proper time, always taking an active interest in whatever question may be under consideration, and always cheerfully and faithfully performing whatever committee work may be assigned him. Though he has been in the Senate but little more than half a term, he has tSe life and times of SAMUEL J. klRKWOOD. 363 achieved a remarkable prominence, and is daily developing qualities that promise ere long to place him in the tirst rank of legislators." Senator Beck said of it : "It was the best speech that had been made by a Republican Senator." It even created a deep impression in the South, The Rome, Georgia, Tribune said of it : "We do not know when we have read a speech with more pleasure than we did that delivered by Governor Kirkwood in the Senate on the 20th ult. * * * It is characteristic of the man and his conservatism. The speech was delivered in the interest of the country, and not party, and hence it went to the people as apart of the regular proceedings, and not in a supplement for campaign uses. It was as modest as it was patriotic — a standard which we can com- mend to all as the proper test of merit. * * * We would be glad to lay the speech before our readei's, not that we agree with the Sen- ator upon his propositions, but to show how manly he has treated the subject. There is much in his arguments which we oppose, and much from which we dififer, but the difference is an honest one, and we feel that such u difference can be tolerated by an honest man." CHAPTER XVII. Death of Hon. Rush Clark — 'ered their courage and went to work again. When I speak ot farmers, I mean all who are engaged in the cultiva- 384 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. tion of our soil, and who win thereby the rewards that God gives to that honest industiy. Our southern brethren prefer to call their farms plantations, and themselves "planters," so be it. I care nothing for names and am concerned only with things. We raised great surplus crops of cotton, tobacco, wheat, corn and other grain and produced an immense surplus of provisions, all of which found a ready market abroad. In a few years things began to look better. We were selling more than we were buying. Gold began to flow into our country. Our silver was retained at home, and both metals were largely in circulation, neither of them preferred to our paper money and all again became prosperous and happy. But last year our grain crop Avas a partial failure, and during the winter of 1880-'81, our cattle men lost heavily by its terrible sevei'ity. During every year from 1863 to 1873, we had imported more than we exported, the excess of imports during the ten years being over one thousand millions of dollars, an average of more than one hun- dred millions of dollars per year. But, beginning with 1876, the tide turned. For that year the excess of exports was over $79,000,000; for 1877, over $151,000,000; for 1878, over $257,000,000; for 1879, over|264,- 000,000; for 1880, over $176,000,000; for 1881, over $357,000,000; an average of over $195,000,000 per annum. But for the first nine months of the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1882, the excess of exports was only a little over $65,000,000 a considerable portion of which if I mis- take not was Aviped out during the last quarter of that fiscal year. The value of the exports of the products of agriculture during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1881, amounted to over $720,000,000, and was lai'ger than during any previous year in the history of the country. The value of such exports constituted 821 per cent, of the value of the exports of domestic mei'chandise from the United States for that year. I have been sometimes amused and sometime vexed at the almost total want of apprehension on the part of many intelligent men of the relative importance of agriculture and others of our home industries. I was conversing in Washington a year or two ago with one of our prominent public men about the business interests of the country. He spoke of an investment in some business enterprise, perhaps the amount of capital engaged in national banking in one of our large cities, and said the investment amounted to 150,000,000. The words fell from his lips as if each word weighed a ton, and he spoke of the men or the associations that controlled the enterprise with the degree of deference equal to that of a London cockney, when speaking of a liA-e lord. I laughed and said to him, $50,000,000 was quite a respectable sum of money, but that the poultry yards of the country produced every year a greater value. He appeared almost shocked, and asked what I meant ; I replied that our population was as much as fifty millions of THE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 385 people ; that I felt sure that we consumed per capita more than a dollar's worth of eggs and poultry each year ; and if so I was right in saying that the poultry yards of the country produced every year the value of fifty millions of dollars, of which he spoke with such profound deference. He was forced to admit that my calculation was a reason- able one, but I have always since thought that he regarded me with a sort of suspicion, as a dangerous kind of person that had not a proper regard for " dignities." In looking at many other industries we see money in large amounts controlled by a few individuals. In looking at the farming interests we see a great number of people each having a comparatively small amount of money, and hence we unconsciously attach greater import- ance to the former than to the latter. But let us look at the matter rightly. I have shown that the assessed value of farming lands in Iowa, is 1247,156,683. Treble that amount and you have probably a fair valuation of farming lands. 1741,470,049. Add to this double the assessed value of live stock $96,645,828, and you have a total value of $838,135,877, as the farming capital of our State ; and behind it as owners you have a farming population of 1,126,587, represented by 235,313 farmers living on their own lands; asking no man for leave to labor,depending upon their own industry and enterprise, and asking nothing, but that the good God will give them sunshine and rain in their season, that they may reap the fair reward of their labor. Let me make this matter clearer still. As already stated the value of agricultural products exporitnl iu the year ending June 30th, 1881, was over $729,000,000. Of this ami. nut $270,000,000, was for bread and bread stuffs; but mark, this was the amount of excess for exportation, after feeding our own 50,000,000 of people. Of the total exports for that year nearly $175,000,000 was for pi'ovisions, tallow and living animals ; but again this was the excess for exportation after supplying the wants of our own people. And these enormous amounts are not "capital" so-called, but are the earnings for a single year of that great capital invested in farming lands and owned by the true capital- ists, the farmers. Six months ago the outlook was decidedly squally. At one time last spring there were strong symptoms of a panic iu Wall street. Gold was shipped abroad in considerable amounts. Our imports were enormous, our exports small. The men in Wall street whq employ their time in selling stocks long or short, the men in Chi- cago who employ their time in selling grain long or short, the rail- road men, the bankers, merchants, everybody was anxiously waiting, watching, euquiring^about what ? The ci'ops. Why ? Because they knew upon the goodness of the crops depended the prosperity of the Qpuntry. Happily for pur country it is now probable that we will 386 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKAVOOD. have a fair crop of all kinds of breadstuffs, except corn, and as that probability has increased, our people, in whatever calling, have breathed deeper and freer because they knew that the great master wheel of our business machine is sound and in its place. Need I go further to show that agriculture is the sure basis of our prosperity — that as the farmer prospers all other honest industries prosper? Some persons, basing their action on these facts endeavor to convince the farmer that there is necessai'ily a conflict of interest between the town and the counti'y. I do not so believe. I do believe that all legitimate callings and employments — that of the mechanic, the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, the teacher, the preacher, the railroad man, the miner, the day laborer, and all who honestly labor with head and hands, are essential to the welfare of our State; and that the interests of all, rightly considered, will work harmoniously together for the common benefit of all. All are parts of the great machine that is developing the wealth and urging on the growth of our State, and all the parts are necessary to its successful working. It is true that the farmer is the great master wheel that sets in motion all the other wheels ; but if any one of the number is left out, the machine is incomplete and will not perform its proper functions. If this be correct, it follows that all persons engaged in callings other than farming should not only act fairly with each other, but especially with the farmer, because upon him all depend for their prosperity. But are there not grounds to fear that this is not done? Let us look at this matter calmly and dispassionately. Formerly it was accepted as an axiom that competition was the life of trade; and we had competition sharp and active in all the channels of trade. How is it now? I read recently in a Chicago paper that the lumbermen there held a meeting near the close of August, to fix the price on lumber for September, and that such has been and is to be their custom. I do not know whether our Iowa lumbermen were repre- sented at that meeting, but if so where is the competition in the sale of lumber in this State? I am informed that in ne irly every branch of productive industry, except farming, combinations exist lo control the price of products, and in some cases the amount of production, and that combinations under various names exist amoug the workmen ifi our manufacturing establishments to fix the prices of labor. We know something, perhaps not all of the extent to which this is carried on by railroad companies. Now I am not prepared to say, and will not say that nothing but evil can result from such combina- tions. I know, or think I know, that as the risk of loss in any enterprise is lessened, such enterprise can be carried on more cheaply; but I know also, or think I know, that one of the most powerful motives by THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 387 which meu ai'e governed is that of self interest — not that enlightened self interest that looks to the future as well as to the present, and regards the rights of others as well as its own, but that self interest which, feeling that it has power, will use that power for its present advancement and let the future take care of itself. The result of all this is that while the j'ield of your crops is uncertain, and the prices you receive for them are beyond your conti'ol, the prices of what you buy are fixed arbitrarily by those who i^roduce what you need, and may be so fixed by them with reference merely to their own interests. There is another subject on which I wish to direct your attention. A commission was organized during the last session of Congress to examine and report upon a revision of our present tariff, and is now in session. You are largely interested in the doings of that commis- sion. I do not believe that any tariff law that can be devised can afford what is called protection to any agricultural or other industry that produces a large excess of pi'oducts beyond what is needed for home consumption. Sigar can be protected for the reason that we produce much less than our home demand requires. But in framing a tariff bill you should see to it that you get fair play as far as possible. You are entirely willing, I take it, to give our people engaged in manufacturing a reasonable advantage over foreign manufacturei's in our home market. The difliculty is to determine the extent of that advantage. It should be so great as to enable our manufacturers to pay their employes a fair day's wages for a fair day''s work, and to make for themselves a reasonable profit, but not so great as to enable them to dispense with the closest economy and strictest business methods, or to enable them to extort from the consumers unreason- able prices, or to take from them all inducements to do what you do and must continue to do to compete with their foreign rivals in for. eign markets. It was originally a war measure, hurriedly passed to meet a great emergency. It has been patched and tinkei'ed till it is difficult to understand, and in many particulars operates unjustly on the great body of the i^eople. I think in its adjustment s )mething can be done and should be done for your benefit. I will give two or three instances: Under the present law a duty is levied on foreign salt, I have been informed by gentlemen engaged in curing meats for foreign exportation, that meats cured with foreign salt find better sale in for- eign ma: Lets than meats cured with domestic salt. It may be that meats cured with domestic salt, are just as well cured as if cui'ed with foreign salt. But we are seeking a foreign market for the surplus of our cured meats, and should consult, so far as we may, the tastes or prejudices, if you will, of those whom we seek to make our customers. Already, under present law, foreign salt used in curing fish is duty free, and I cannot understand why the men who raise cattle and hogs should not be placed, so far as may be, on equal footing with the meu who 388 THE LIFE AXT) TIMES OF SAMT'EL J. KIRKWOOP. catch fish. Again, we slaughtei" in this country a great many beef cat- tle; enough to supply our home demand and an excess to export, bosides what we export alive. Each of these slaughtered animals fur- nishes a hide which brings to the seller a price. But we do not pro- dice hides enough at home. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, we imported hides and skins and other furs to the value of $37,000,000. and these foreign hides bi'ought into direct competition with those produced at home, came duty free. Would not a moderate duty on foreign hides afford a little protection to the cattle raisers of the coun- try, and enable the Government to dispense with or lessen some other duty that now bears hardly on our people. It may be said hides are a raw material to the tanner. That is true, and it is just as true that the leather ma le by the tanner is the raw material to the shoemaker, yet the tanner who makes the leather, and the shoemaker who uses it, are both protected. I insist that it requires as much care and skill to raise a good, fat steer, as it does to convert the hide into leather,or that leather into shoes, and the farmer who raises him is as much entitled lo protection as the tanner who converts the hide into leather, or the shoemaker who converts the leather into shoes. Again, some years ago at the close of the war, there was for a time in this State a mai'ket for flax straw. Then and since then flax has been raised in this State to a considerable extent, and the farmer could sell both the flax seed and the flax straw There were two establish- ments in the county in which I live, and others in other localities, engaged in converting strav/ into tow, for which a ready market was found. But after a while, as I am informed, some change was made in the tariff, the effect of which was to destroy the market for the flax low, and there has been, that since then, thousands of tons of flax straw rotted in the flelds of our farmers because the market was destroyed. I do not know whether the former conditions can be restored consistently with justice to other industries, but if it can be done it should be done. 1 might go on citing instances in which your interests are in my opinion injuriously affected by the present tai'iff; but I have done enough, if 1 have directed your attention to this subject; this and the subject before mentioned of the prevalence of combination, instead of competition, deserves I think, j'our careful study. It is for you to determine what if anj^thing you will do about them. You may ask me what you can do; you can discuss these questions among yourselves, until you have reached, carefully considered, just and fair conclusions and then make them known to the law making powers of the Nation and State. When it shall become known in Congress and in your State Legislature, that the men who speak for you in those bodies, represent j^our views and express your wishes, and that you are in earnes: to have those wishes realized they will be heard with I'espect- ful attention. !rHE LIFE AND TIMES OP SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 389 \ You have, I am told an organization called I believe, the Farmer's Alliauee. 1 do not know the exteut of that organization or its purposes if any bej'ond its purpose to tigiit the barbed wire fence monopoly. The beneiit of o ganized etTort has been shown in tliat fight, and can be shown in other directions. If the ijresent organization is broad enough for the purpose, let it take up these questions and others directly affecting you as a class, and consider them carefully, and hav- ing reached conclusions, give the weight of your oi'ganization to carry them out. Those engaged in other industries and enterprises do so with telling effect. Especially I desire to call your attention to anotner matter which I perceive to be of paramount importance. I believe that persons are of more importance to the State than property. If this be so, it fol- lows, that it is of the highest importance to the State to improve as far as may be its citizens. We recognize this truth by the careful pro- vision we make for the education of all the children of the State, thus showing our belief, that other things being equal, the intelligent man will necessarilj' be a more useful citizen than the ignorant man; better fitted to perform the duties of his calling, whatever that calling may be and a better worker whatever his work may be. But are we not in danger of falling into the error of believing that education consists merely in book learning, and the still greater error of believing that it is below the supposed dignity of one who has? received what we call an education, to engage in any calling requiring manual labor? Are not our young men who attend colleges and high schools, learn- ing the lesson, that it is beneath their dignity and a mere waste of the education they are acquiring for them to engage in the calling of the farmer or the mechanic? Are not we older men consciously or uncon- sciously teaching them that lesson? If so we are not only teaching them false doctrine, but we are doing a cruel wrong to the young men who Leed our teaching and to our country as well. Stick to the farm young men; get what book learning you can, and then go to the farm and there apply your learning with your labor to that business, which if properly followed may not bring great wealth, but will surely bring self respect, competence and comfort, and will enable you to maintain your manly independence. This is not only best for you, but best for the country. The ten- dency in our large cities and in most manufacturing industries is to concentrate great wealth in the hands of the few, and leave large masses of people dependent for food on their daily labor, and dependent on others for the privilege of laboring. In those cities and these industries, ''capital," so-called, and "labor," so-called, are not only separate and distinct, but largely antagonistic and hostile. Witness the many strikes of the last few years, some of them accom- 390 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. panied by violence, loss of life and destruction of property. Even to-day thousands of workmen are idle becaise they and their employers cannot agree upon ''a fair day's wages for a fair day's work." Each party, the employer on the one hand, and the employe on the other, is becomiug better organized for the contest and the feeling of antagonism and hostility is becoming stronger and more bitter. The condition of things in this direction is approacning slowly but steadily to that in the old world, where standing armies are main- tained to preserve the peace. Between these hostile forces friendly to each, hostile to neither, stands the farmer. He is at once capitalist and laborer. His capital consists of his farm, his stock and his tools. He cannot afford to hire labor except for short periods in the busy season of the year. The products of his labor must compete in the markets of the world, with the products of the poorest paid labor; of what is called pauper labor in the old world, that of agricultural labor, and so happily for himself and the country he does a large share of his own work. He is from his situation a true conservative. As a property holder and tax payer he is directly interested in maintaining peace and good order among our people, and the honest and economical administration of the government; while as a working man he must sympathize with all who must and are willing to gain their living by their labor. Viewed in this light his position is a most important one; it is he who in the near or distant future must stand between the capitalist and the laboi'er, and adjust fairly and honestly the differences between them. Can any education be too good for men who are to occupy this posi- tion? They should be men of broad and liberal views; of extensive and accurate information, honest, industrious, economical, enterprising se'f-reliant, independent, God fearing and liberty loving, tirm toholdfor themselves what is theirs, and willing and prompt to give to all others that to which they are fairly entitled. I have intended in my remarks rather to indicate subjects for your consideration than to discuss them ; to furnish a text, rather than preach a sermon. Let me impress upon you the importance of doing your own think- ing. I do not intend by this to advise against the consideration of the views of others ; but I do intend to advise you not to accept such views and opinions without careful examination and consideration. The future of our country is largely in your hands to-day, and will be in the future in the hands of those who may succeed you. MAY THEY PROVE WORTHY OF THE GREAT TRUST. At the annual fair held in Linn County, in 1884, Gover- nor Kirkwood delivered the annual address from which the following are a few extracts: Tflfi LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J, KIRKWOOD. 391 " There is no class of people ia all our land to whom for their own sake and the sake of the countr}- a thorough and complete education is more needful than to our farmers. But it is said, and I am sorry to say truly said that the sons of our farmers who are educated in our high schools and colleges refuse to engage in work on the farm and prefer the professions and other employments in our towns and cities. This is to me one of the most discouraging features of our present social condition. It results from various causes. The farmer's son going to our towns and cities sees there a mode of life that seems to him better than his own, and he longs to enjoy it. He sees the town residences surrounded by well kept lawns, shaded by beautiful trees, and surrounded with handsome flowers. When he returns to his home he contrasts what he has seen in town, with what he sees at home, and in many cases the contrast is far from agreeable. He sees or thinks he sees in towns, opportunities for social and intellectual enjoyments superior to those he enjoys at home, and he longs to enjoy those opportunities. He sees, or thinks he sees that wealth for which so many of us are eager, and beyond that, POLITICAL DISTINCTION for which so many of us are eager, and more easily reached from town than from the farm, and he longs to go where these privileges that to him are so alluring can be more easily won. If these be the causes of complaint, how may they be removed ? Beautify your own homes. Make them, too, attractive. It can be easily and cheaply done, and having done it you will find that not only will your children be better contented, but that your own comfort and pleasure will be greatly increased. So arrange your intercourse with your neighbors, that your child- ren maj' find abundant social enjoyment at their own houses, and in their own neighborhood. What is there to prevent any half dozen families from having a little social gathering of their young folks every week, each family holding the " sociable " in turn. Do not make it a burden upon the family where it is held by requiring the preparation of a supper or anything of that kind, merely get the young folks and the old folks too, so far as may be done, together for social enjoyment and let them all have a good time. In short, make your own homes and their surroundings the pleasantest place in the world for your children, and they will not be disposed to go elsewhere. If any of you who hear me are town folks, permit me to commend the same course to you, and you may find it more effectual than laws to guard your children against the temptations to evil practices, that exist in towns to a much greater extent than they do in the country. Show to your children that although great wealth seldom comes to the farm, a sure competence and a manly independence are far better 392 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SAMUEL J. klRKWOOJJ. than great wealth and more easily and surely attained on the farm, than in the city. It is a common, but in my judgment not a true saying, that farm- ing does not pa3\ I have frequently heard farmers say, "If I could sell my farm and go to town to live, I could live easier and make more money by lending my money than by farming." Let us figure a little on that. Say that an average farm in Iowa of 160 acres is with the stock and tools on it worth ten thousand doUai's. * * * .Now, take your ten thousand and go to town to live. Your ten thousand in money unless you beat the assessor will be assessed at live thousand dollars for taxation, and on that you will pay from two to thi'ee per cent, taxes, from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars. Your house rent if you should rent a house as good as the one on the farm, will cost you at least one hundred and fifty more. Your fuel will cost you fifty dollars, and you must buy everything you use for food and clothing. You will be fortunate if you can realize eight percent, on your money year by year, allowing for the time required to lend it in the first place, and the time it remains on hand between loans. This will give you eigi.t hundred dollars per year to live on, and you will wish to live as well as you now do on the farm. If you should happen to make a bad loan, and a consequent loss, your capital is diminished by so much and your income proportionally lessened. I tell you my friends the farm will pay better than that, and is all the time increas- ing in value. The land that was entered thirty years ago at $1.25 per acre, is now worth $40 to $50 per acre, and thirty years hence will be worth $100 per acre. Test the matter in another way. Give the farm a fair chance. Open an account with the farm on the first day of January next, and credit it with all you take from it for a year at current prices, your rent, your taxes, your fuel, your bread stuffs, j'our provisions, every chicken and every egg you eat, the milk and butter and the fi'uit you use, all that you raise and consume in the family, and that you must buy and pay for if you leave the farm, and add to that what you sell and use for outside purposes, and you will find the farm pays well. I say again as I have often said before, "stick to the farm young men." THE STATE WE LIVE IN. A reporter says "The Governor closed by paying a high compli- ment to Iowa, and when he finished, we are sure all his Iowa auditors were glad that they live in the splendid State so admirably described by him. He was confident that Iowa was the best State, in the best country of the globe. He had traveled in almost evei'y state and ter- ritory of the United States, and had invariably returned with a full belief that Iowa excelled them all in material wealth, and in its prom- ising possibilities. " * * * As a closing remark the Governor said : She life and times of samuel j. kirkwood. 393 "If some day when we are done building railroads here, some one may suggest the idea of building a railroad from this world to the great beyond. If it is done I am quite confident that the earthly terminus will be located in Iowa." It was arranged that the Governor should make a political speech in the evening, and he gave his audience one of his accustomed plain, straight-forward, clear, logical and convincing discourses. One of the papers of the times said of the occasion: "It was an interesting sight at the Board of Trade rooms last night to behold the veteran War Governor of Iowa, the friend and co-worker of Lincoln, Seward, Stanton and others, 'the great ones long gone by,' the co-temporary of Andrew and Morton and Morgan, at a time when Governors of States were tried as never befoi-e or since; to see this vigorous i-epresentative of the heroic period of our country's history, standing in the presence of a younger generation of men; earnestly consulting with and advising them as to a choice of parties. Running through Governor Kirkwood's informal address was the great fundamental truth which the young are wise if they learn from the lips of age, antl not by bitter experience, that a party should be judged not so much by this, that or the other phase of party doctrine prominent at any one era of its history', as by the record of its tendencies and the evidence it gives of its capabilities for good or ill." CHAPTER XIX. Striking the Word "White" from the Constitntion — The Governor Advo- cates It — Reunion of Crocker's Brigade in 1885 — Letter to Belk7iapp — Address of Welcome — Banquet Speech to the Toast, "Ulysses S. QranV — Eis Estimate of Eim — Reunion in 1887 — Response to the Toast, "The Old War Governors''' — Reunion of the 22nd Regiment. During the canvass preceding the election at which a vote was to be taken on the proposition to strike the word "white" fr(-> ."^ ^'~'- '-orn Tf^^- 'cOVS ..""-'(•" ^r^' :)-£# 5t^^^C f :^(- > "^ly >^:yi^^ %il^^ V, . ^ . w Oi;i--;7?;;; .^,^js<,. :s%i^ ^*^^^ r*^^ wi;\fe ry^^ :^\'/j ^i^^^-' rf^ '^^'^^%; ^'^p :'4v^ ./-i- V.( 'l^'Jl'fe-^' ^-rv^?]^?-, -nV-V- , --•s '-1' ^^^.^.. f ^~^> /I w -/. '^2}i?>^^; "^^^ <^v/-l £S&*.^^'d^--v:^fe~'o ^&^ :d^fe-<'^/^6%^^'^'^%*v^^^-v •> t:6VM^%y^^/i /k r^'^'^Ck^''^ "^-rClOi-'-' '^'rO>i^^- ^'rClI>»-^^- '^'r^f^-^"'^' /f-\,' ?,> 'm^ -f- .il^i^. . .._ t^^^^^ ._ .. . ;v_i '* -^^K -*> -Tr- !>■#. ^-\^^ <^~ ■"" -.-- ,-- .--^^^^ - ^ ^ ^ __^^ !:#" ^V^ >^' ^^^ ¥4 f4^ •^-.W.' i:^^ /T'J ^^c ■^6%: WW M^ShM^Shii0^^i%'-^ 't* r^ 'Mti vv\|/^' ^A-- ^^, ;^^,;::^^ r^& -^^S^^&M^^^^^ ^^l^S: "^^ '' a#^- -, -s^}?^ ftifi. .\V.i^'^rL .x\U-^^ ''cHf^l ..xi/.'-ii- Icn.4l a)/-^ ^r^' a)/-};^ Ihni. ^^/^ '!cn,^l -.--v LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 760 073 i. ^iT '/ -" :^€<;. ^^.-^' ^ -i^