% r^,- ...*A ;j« ^"#" ■^^ - -"^Wc . A..:i::4 fc«(#i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE NEW Onion Culture A STOKY FOR YOUNG AND OLD WHICH TELLS HOW TO OROW 2,000 Bushels of Fine Bulbs ON ONE ACRE. THE NEW SYSTEM EULLY EXPLAINED. By T. OHEINER Author of "How to Make the Gauden Pay," " Pijac TicAL Faum Chemistry," Etc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED .JANUARY, 1891. A NEW BOOK BEADY BY APRIL 1st, 1891. Practical Farm Chemistry^ A Handbook of Profitable Crop Feeding. Part I —THE RAW MATEKIALS OF PLANT FOOD. Part II.— THE AVAILABLE SOURCES OF SUPPLY. Part III.— PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMIC APPLICATION OR MANURING FOR MONET. BY T. GREINER. A handsome volume of ISO pages substantially bound in cloth. Price. $1.00. This work, written in plainest language, is in- tended to assist the farmer in the selection, purchase and application of plant foods. If you wish to learn ways how to save money in jDrocuring manurial substances, and how to ma/ce money by their proper use, read this book. If you want your boy to learn the principles of crop feeding, and become a successful far- mer, give him a copy of this book. The cost of the book will be returned a hundred fold to every reader who peruses its pages with care, and ajDplies its teachings to practice. For copy, free by mail, forward the price ($1.00) by Express Money Order or Postal Note to the Author and Publisher T. GREINER, La Salle, Niagara Co., N. Y. THE NEW Onion Culture A STORY FOR YOUNG AND OLD WaiCH TELLS HOW TO GROW 2,000 Bushels of Fine Bulbs ON ONE ACRE. THE NEW SYSTEM FULLY EXPLAINED. By T. QREINER Author of "How to Make the Garden Pay," "Prac- tical Farm Chemistry," Etc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED J A NU A RY, 189<^^ ^^ ^" ' ' COPYHIGHTED, 1890. BY T. GREINER, LA SALLE, N. Y. G.^' HAAS & KLEIN, PRINTERS, TERRACE COR. SENECA ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. CONTENTS. The Whys unci Wherefores, A Sort of Introduction.— A Fable. The Cat's Trick. Formidable Competition. A Disclaimer. A Secret Worth its Price. Horticul- tural School for the Young, - - - - T First Chapter. Well Be