T K. PROF. M. KAPHAN'S FOR ' M^./.^^' , UJl The only system of cutting garments so that they will fit like a kid glove, with designs for patterns, and self-instructive. Designed and Arranged l)y WASIIINOTON, 1). C, Cf>i>yriirHtecl Ai.i«ust ri, 1890. ALL RtcHTS Rcsenveo. PROF. M. KAPHAN'S '^. ♦ FOR ', Misses', ™i(im'- The only system of cutting garments so that they will fit like a kid glove, with designs for patterns, and self-instructive. Designed and Arranged by WASUINUTON, I). C. Copy riq:l-» ted August ri, 1890. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. V K <> f^^ PREFACE. 1 take pleasure in introducing to the public the latest improved system for a proper g-iide whereby a lady or child can easily understand and perfect themselves for the purpose of drafting, cutting and fitting my kid-glove garments, the basis for which I intend to introduce to the public in drafting its lines according to its scales, whereby, with the assistance of its actual measurement, can be produced a perfect- fitting garment. This book represents the different novelties in the mode of fitting and shaping the pattern before cutting, when once the outlines are drawn, from number to number, and shaping the same with my monogramed rule, as intro- duced in this book. It will give you the perfect shape and a neat fit. I do not only represent a basque, but also a full line of drapery drafted by the same proportioned dots for its accomplishment. A figure is governed by different proportions, and by this system you can produce any shape you desire. There is no trouble for a person to learn. It is as easy to learn as a child learns its A, B, C's, and in order to carry out its perfect principle, by its adoption for the proper and most accurate scale that will produce its perfect result, so that by trying on it cannot be improved. General Remarks. This system contains 36 practical scales, running from 24 to 50 in bust measure, a monogram rule, ami a book of latest designs, worn by ladies, misses and children. In drafting a pattern you may select any one you may desire that will correspond to the actual breast measurement for basques, wrajw, coats or jackets. For skirts or other underwear use hip measure, and in order to draft the same correctly you must have the assistance of your actual measure. You may select any design from this book, and by following the jiumbers on the sfjuare lines you can then only obtain tlie accurate shai^e, as this is the proper object to produce tl/is ki^, 9;^, 9-7,954— these sre the numbers for sleeve. Follow hollow rule and shepherd rod, yoti will have a perfect sleeve line. 6-38 is for cuffs. If you desire full or plaited sleeve, as you see in the diagram, also bell sleeve and mutton- leg sleeve, follow rule and you can accomplish everything. Collar — Lay off square line — JX, 14, 14^'^, length ; 5 and 5)^, width. Mode of Drafting a Lady's Basque. 1. Select a scale that will correspond with bust or breast measure, say 36, so as to draft the entire pattern. Draw a stjuare line, as indicated in my system, direct your atten- tion to the basque pattern, and follow the linec down from first point and stop at under arm mark. Commence from line 2-2^2 > 3-4 3^> 4-T/4, H' <^-i4/^> 7-15X J this will bring you to the underarm ; take tape line, measure from 8 to 32 ; that will bring you to the waist measure, in order to find out the actual measurement and length from under arm to waist. 8-32^ and 9-23^^ are the measure for the darts. Continue from 10-32, 11-34, 12-35, i3-40> 14-413^, 15-43;^, 16-45 14 ^^^ 17-47/^ ; that is the full length of the front, and if you wish to lower or raise the size you must do it from 7-15%^ to 10-32 ; you then draw straight lines across. Commence from the top line — 1-7^, 2-8, 19}^, 3-183^, 5-3^^, 6-19, 24, 7-22 (8-15}^ and 9-10^ dart numbers), 10-7)^, 12, 14, 2o%> ii-3i/^» 12-30. i3-22M» i4-i5» 15-8^, 10 and i7-3X« Take the hollow rule, with monogram name and town, viz : M, A, N, H, E, I, M, K, A, P, H, A, N, J, O, H. N, S, T. O, N. The dots under the letters are to distinguish the different letters you want for the hollow rule, also a guide i)i the shape of a shepherd's rod, thus ^S~~"~~> indicates the manner in which you wish to place the hollow rule in order to draft correctly. 2 . SiWe Piece to Front — Form your square line again — 2-2 ^ , 3-1 1 , 4-23 and 5-24_;.< — that is the full length. Turn again to top — i-i}(, 2-3^. 7^. 9' 3-2^2, 7. ^H> 4-3. 9/4 ''^nd loi^— follow the hollow rule according to directions ; raise or lower from 2-2^ to 1-23. . 3. SiWe Piece to Back — Form square line — 2-4 }4, 3-ri, 4-141^, 5-27, 6-2834 md 7-32. Go back to top — i~-2^/l, 2-6, 8, 3-5^, 71.^, 5-1^, qyi, 6-8 and 7-3 X — that is the full measure of side piece to back. Always be careful that it will correspond with under arm to waist. Raise or lower from 2-43^ to 5-27. 4. Back — Draw a square line — 2-1'^, 3-2^2* ASHt S-1%> 6-1 3 J^ — this brings you to the underarm. If you wish to laise or lower from under arm — 6-i3J4^ to 8-30)^. Waist measure, 7-i7/4^> 8-30^, 9-35>^, 10-41 T^ and 11-45 j t^^^t is the full length. Turn again to top— 1-5 '4, 2-4;^, 4-1 5)4, 5-1 4^, 6-14)4:, 7-9 )4, 8-5 )4, 9-5)4: and 10-6— that is full length of back. Follow letters and shepherd rod as indicated in the diagram, and you will have a perfect basque. PROF. M. KAPHANS How to Draft a Skirt. 1. Front Gore — Draw square line 2-S, 3-13, 4-13%^, 5-18^/^, 6-36, 7-72, 8-81^; that is full length. Turn back to top — 1-2. 710, 14^, 2-9;^, 3-iS, 5-i<)>4:, ^)-2i^, 7-26>/, 8-27>^, 3-13, 4-13)4 are notches. 2. SUe Gore — 2-8^, 3-i83^, 4-36, 5-72, 6-81 -)<|— the same as above. Turnback to top — T-7, 9, 10, 14, 29, 3-11, »9X» 4-^3> 20)4, 5-17, 23, 6-18, 24 (i 1 , 13, 17, 18, are to join the side drapery to it). 3. Bnck part of Skirt — Draw square line 2-)/2, 3-1 » 4-J ^?> 5-2, 6-2K. 7-3>4. «-3)^»9-4;<(, '0-13, '1-mK. '2-8I>^^ 13-S3/2. 14-84^, 15-86. Turn back to top— 1'-33;^, 36;^:, 2-29, 3-21, 4-17^.5-8-X. ^'-^»^» 8-3)^(9-13, 10-13^ 13, 13^ join front gore 11-3514 line without bustle, 12-41)4 with bustle. This skirt is made of-any kind of lining, face 72 to 81)^, with material you desire making a dress. 4. Back Drapery — Draw square line 2-8, 3-13, 4-1334", 5-82; that is full length. Turn back to top — 1-4)/^, 7|<;, io)'4, i3?/(, 1634;, 19^, 22^, 25)^, 28)^, 31%, 34^ and Tfiy,; that constitutes the plaits from 4)^ to 10^. Make a box plait 3-13, 4-1334, join to side plaits, 5-83 constitutes the back portion of back draj)ery. 5. Side Fiaits—2-}i, 3-1, 4-114, 5-2, 6-13, 7-13I4, 8-85 ; thdt is the full length. Turn to top — 1-4^, 19^, -^SK' 4o^» S'- ^°y 62, 'joy'i — those to form in two plaits. Turn down to hvst lii>c in bottom 9, II, 20 '4', 223/^, 3134, 40, 48%!, 51, 60, 62, 7Qj/, — those also form two plaits. 6. Front Drapery, Lay of Square — Run down scale to Si)4 ; turn back to top plaits 1-6,1534, 25J4 30)^, 3314, 35, 40, 5°. 52 ; turn down to plaits 81)^, 5^, 9-)^, 15%, 19^, ^5)-^', 35^, 40, 50, 52. Figures 40, 50 and 52 do not belong to this skirt, but they belong to the other full dress skirl. Be/t — Lay of square to scale 56 ; cross by 6. KID GLOVE FITTING SYSTEM Top plaits. Jo^ Basque to fliJJ dress. Use Suale by bust measure. Front drapery— form as for plaltB. KID GLOVE FITTING SYSTEM ^'A KID GLOVE FITTING SYSTEM •jjsid xoq B 9TrBm ^adwp sjqi JO ap|8 qova jv 'AiadBjp ^ovg. L°« 5 ("ji* \o y^ f# _.4(ii L -afc --^--j|---8 + j 4-«-- ^ V/* Vei. f)i«/ ^^c; A,J y^j^r Mill LiDing front gore. 1 e? PROF. M. KAPHANS Cse any kind dark liuiug. Form In plaits or gathers. Face from 72 to S6 witb material used for drapery. Face from 72 to Sl%. with the goods all around the skirt. KID GLOVE FITTING SVSTExM PROF. M. KAPHANS zzfa Back and side pieces for full dress ; also skirt forming in plaits. Use ecales by bust measure. KID GLOVE FITTING SVSTEM Front of Laciies' Wrap. Use spale by bust meas- ure. AJ "i'/i, 7^^ y Side plaits join to back drapery aud side gore. This portion forms iu two plaits. PROF. M. KAPHANS i'/f^h i'AJf- SiAe piece to back Bacfe. Bell sleeve KID GLOVE FITTING SVSTEM Back tOsMisses' Basque. PROF. M. KAPHANS Ladies' Basque, plain. Use bust measure. Raise or lower at n]4 to 32% in proportional length as you desire the same for misses' disc and back dart. ^"o^'^Ssealesforlap. KID GLOVE FITTING SYSTEM PROF. M.KAPHANS KID GLOVE FITTING SVSTEM Latest Ladies' Combination Chemise and Drawers. Use scale for Chemise by bust measure, and for Drawers use hip meaaure. PROF. M. KAPHANS ^\^A Hz. Ladies' Drawers— Use scale for hip ; measure and get your waist by actual measurement ; same will apply to Misses. KID GLOVE FITTING SYSTEM Ladies' Chemise-Take bust measure and use scale according to length by actual measurement. The same for Misses. Agents Wanted. I want agents, both ladies and gentlemen, to sell this most useful system in the United States. You will not find an article that will sell as easy as this. Every housekeeper who has -a sewing machine needs this system to cut her own garments for patterns of the latest basques, skirts, drapery, wraps, coats, children's garments and all kinds of underwear. Every lady needs this system as much as she does anything else about the house. Every fam.ily can afford to have one if they have a machine. My experience is, that any one testing this system will buy one, and I agree to teach all my agents the mode of drafting free. It does not require much capital. Try it, as I will not sell any counties to any agent, but give them the territory free. My object is to sell this system, and the reason why an agent can do well is, that it has the latest designs and no competition. The profits are large, and if you sell only two a day it will give you a large profit, and by introducing this system to the public it will aid you in making more sales than you have any idea of. If you want the local agency I will give it to you wherever you want it. Re- member, I do not ask you to take the agency until you are satisfied that you can sell the system and be fully instructed in it so that you may fully know what this system can do. I want you to come and see me. I am bound to make it a household article. I Avill only be here a short time, and will give some lady or gentleman a chance to have the same thoroughly introduced. I am. Very repectfuUy, M. k:af»han. Address all communications to M. KAPHAN. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 973 009 4