PS 35031 Class 1£^_5_10_S Book> V ^^^ We COPYRIGHT DEPOSm WORDS OF CHEER BY MARION STEARNS BUCK BOSTON THE GORHAM PRESS MCMXVIII Copyright, 1918, by Marion Stearns Buck All Rights Reserved MADE IN THE UNITEiD STATES OF AMERICA The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. JUL 18 1918 ©Ci.A50U82 ^^, I %U\^ CONTENTS Page The Rock That is Higher Than 1 9 Fear Not lO Joy " A Retrospect 12 Birthday Offering I4 Clouds 15 Mercy in Ignorance 16 Consolation in Bereavement I7 Be Not Anxious 18 Five Years of Wedded Life 19 God's Presence 20 Faith and Trust 21 Hope and Praise 22 A Welcome Guest 23 Unrest 25 What Have We Gained ? 26 Sleeplessness 27 Life's Discipline 28 A Little Pink Baby 30 Hope in Despair 31 Hope 32 Peace 33 In Loving Remembrance 34 Regret 35 Friends Gone Before 37 Rest 38 Birthday Greeting 40 Praise and Supplication 41 I Cotitents Page To M. P. W 42 Mourn Not 43 To a Newly Married Couple 44 A Birthday Celebration 45 To Mr. and Mrs. H 46 To Our Pastor 47 On the Birth of a Daughter 48 Guide Me in the Way of Peace 49 We Shall Meet 50 Time's Lesson 51 Courage , 52 The Spirit Land 53 He Cometh Not With Observation 55 To Dwell in Safety 57 I Am 58 Passing 60 To Those Who Mourn 61 Gone Home 62 Seeming Death 63 To H. F. S 64 Illumination 65 Departing Friends 66 One More for Us to Meet 67 Life Not Death 69 Birthday Acrostic 70 To a Postman 71 Subduing Self 72 Solace in Age 73 Growing Old ! 74 With His Likeness Awake 75 2 Cotitents Page Service 7^ The Kingdom Within 77 My F'irst Great-Grandchild 78 Wedded Love 79 Christmas 80 Wedding Bells 81 The New Jerusalem 82 Knocking at the Door 83 To F. M. W 84 Without a Parable Spake He Not Unto Them 85 Only Gone Before 87 Thoughts On the New Year 89 Called Home 90 Sleep 91 The Marriage Tie 93 The Father's Love 94 Search Me O God and Know My Heart. ... 95 As Far as the East is From the West so Far Hath He Removed Our Transgressions From Us 96 To N. E. S. Birthday Greeting 97 Forgiveness 98 To Alice 99 Wedding Anniversary lOO On the Birth of a Child lOi A Hymn of Praise 102 Hosanna 103 The Stearns Reunion, 1914 105 A Wedding Gift 107 Dear E. and B 108 3 Contents Page To All Who Contributed 109 To Mary on Her Seventeenth Birthday no Beginning Life Together iii Rally Day 112 Salvation 114 Harvest 115 Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place in All Generations 116 Peace and Rest 117 Christmas 119 A Morning Prayer 120 Shadows 121 To My Sister 123 Consolation 124 On a Church Building 126 The Sacrifices of God are a Broken Spirit, a Broken and a Contrite Heart Thou Wilt Not Despise 127 Longings 1 29 All Power is Given Unto Me in Heaven and On Earth 1 30 My Kingdom is Not of This World 131 Temptation 133 Hesitation 135 Just Wedded 136 "O Spare Me, That I May Recover Strength Before I Go Hence, and Be No More". . 137 Our Home 138 Not Death, But Life 139 Again Christmas 140 4 Contents Page True Friends 141 Giving 142 Gone But Not Lost 143 Look on the Bright Side 144 A Prayer for Guidance 145 Best Wishes for the Newly Wed 146 How to Win Happiness 147 Gloom 148 Alone 149 Draw Me Nearer 150 Bright Dreams 151 Old Age 153 Sadness 154 Darkness 155 Lost Strength 156 Lost Joys 157 The Evening of Life 159 Leave Darkness, Seek the Light 160 Safe at Home 162 At Eighty 163 Look Forward 164 Discontent 166 Our Mites 167 Lead Us to the Right 168 Gone While Still a Child 169 War's Horrors 1 70 Drifting 171 Our Eternal Home 172 Last Words 173 WORDS OF CHEER Words of Cheer THE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I Psalm 61.2 O Rock of Truth, to Thee we look, And on Thy care rely As oft we read Thy holy book And feel that Thou art nigh. Grant that to us no other ways Save Thine, may tempt our feet; To Thee be given all our days. For Thou canst make them sweet. That love to all, our souls may fill, And every day be bright, As we still strive to do Thy will. Which leads us to the light. So day by day our hearts may be Drawn nearer still to Thine, Thy goodness yet more clearly see, And on its strength recline. Words of Cheer FEAR NOT Why art thou cast down, O my soul, Psalm 42.5 When gloomy thoughts my soul assail, And all is dark and drear, How every solace seems to fail. And naught save night is near. Why should such clouds the light obscure, And darkness close around? My spirit in its pall immure, As where no help is found? But soon, again the light appears, Hope comes and fear departs, His loving kindness quells my fears, And peace to me imparts. If I could always patient be And steadfast keep my mind On duties which I ought to see, I should more comfort find. How slowly is my lesson learned. That still, the light does shine. If only toward it I am turned, And make its brightness mine. 10 Words of Cheer JOY Can we compute the height of joy? To what can it compare? Is happiness without alloy In hearts with not a care? Is selfish ease what we love best? Can it contain all joy? Are we content in it to rest, Nor let a doubt annoy? Not so ; if we can truly say, His life we wish to live, Who is the Truth, the Life, the Way, Our lives to to Him we give. The neighbor we should surely love, Would we unselfish be. And bid our thoughts rise high above The all important me. Then would our joy much greater grow, And happiness be found. For peace our Father will bestow. Where love and faith abound. II Words of Cheer 1817. A RETROSPECT. 1910. On Valentine's day so long ago A babe first saw the light. Her only task it was, to grow To wisdom, and to height. And this she did without delay As you must clearly see. Improving with each passing day, As all must sure agree. The days, the months, the years, go on, A maiden fair appears, The ways of childhood now are gone, Gone with the passing years. See now approach her destined mate, The maiden's heart awakes. She yields herself to woman's fate, Her choice for life she makes. The joys, the cares, of life begin. So sweet when shared aright. The stranger can not enter in To ties their hearts unite. Then children come, to closer bind The bands of love around The walls of home, where all are kind, And loving hearts are found. 12 Words of Cheer Those days are past, for time stays not, And many hopes may die. But peace and rest, to us are brought. As time goes speeding by. For hope still cheers the fainting heart If in our God we trust. And He to us will faith impart, If free from all distrust. With right good will, and wishes true. These lines I now indite. May future time but bring to you All things both good and bright. Your latest years be spent in calm, The calm from well used days. Our Father give to you the balm Which comes from useful ways. 13 Words of Cheer BIRTHDAY OFFERING Dear friend, If late I bring my offering small, My words they are sincere. Your friendship I do oft recall. And trust it without fear. May peaceful years before you lie, And light illume your way, And never have you cause to sigh, Nor dread the coming day. May love surround your latest years. And peace still with you stay. While on His care you cast your fears, And wait eternal day. The day which Christians trusting greet. With calm unfaltering mind. As sure their loved ones they shall meet, And joy and comfort find. 14 JVords of Cheer CLOUDS If clouds grow dark, and hide the sun, Wait patiently awhile; For when at last, their mission done, The sun again will smile. So when on us the darkness falls, And all seems chill and drear, As memory then the past recalls. We know, our sky will clear. For every heart some shadows know. All days can not be bright, But hope with us may ever go To cheer us through the night. As night will sure give place to day So is it true within, For gloom from us will haste. away. And brighter thoughts come in. Then let us strive with all our strength The welcome light to see. For so, the shadows will at length More quickly, fade and flee. 15 Words of Cheer MERCY IN IGNORANCE When to our minds the past is brought, How like a dream the years appear. What changes time for us has wrought, With varied hues of hope and fear. The tender care, and perfect love Which kept from us the distant view. Could only come from that above. Descending like the silent dew. If all, to us had been made plain, Which life, and time, would surely give. The partings, sorrows, care and pain, How could we ever bear to live? But mercy gave us day by day, Bright hope to feel, and strength to do, So thankfully we now can say. That loving He has been and true. Ungrateful may we never be. Nor once forget His daily care; For well we know His way to be The best for us without compare. i6 Words of Cheer CONSOLATION IN BEREAVEMENT When sorrow to our home has come, 'Tis only mercy in disguise, For He who takes our loved ones home, But bids them whole, and sound arise. For there, the life which here was brief, Forevermore will safe endure, And there they find a blest relief From ills no earthly art can cure. The lame shall walk in that bright land And know indeed the joy of life. As mingling with that happy band, Where peace and happiness are rife. And when, our work on earth complete Those pearly gates we joyful see. May we within their portals greet All those with whom we wish to be. 17 Words of Cheer BE NOT ANXIOUS The cares which once to us were light, When we were young, and bright, and gay, As time goes onward in its flight, Do heavier seem from day to day. Today's is all the burden known, 'Tis all we need or ought to see, Our Father says to every one. For as your day, your strength shall be. These words of love let us recall, When cheerless seems our daily lot, For He will make our tasks seem small. And show us we are not forgot. The longest life is quickly passed From earth we soon must fade away. But faith, it is our anchor fast, To which we cling from day to day. O trust in Him who is our guide, And follow wheresoe'er He leads. Then never ill can us betide. If trusting Him for daily needs. i8 Words of Cheer FIVE YEARS OF WEDDED LIFE Five years — what have they brought to you A life more full of strength to do? As closer still the bonds unite Which brighter glow and yet more bright As time to you its message brings And hope around, its sunshine flings, That ne'er may coldness skies o'ercloud Nor hearts with heaviness be bowed. For freely may you ever go, To one whose sympathy you know Will never fail you in your need, Whose soul to yours is knit indeed, Together you will upward look. As often in His holy book You seek to knoWj and do, His will. And hand in hand climb up the hill. The hill where Love Divine appears, And higher go as go the years, To live where partings never come Within the gates of home, sweet home. 19 Words of Cheer GOD'S PRESENCE 2 Chron. 6.18 Will Love come down with us to dwell? Can we indeed behold His face? Our sinful hearts may we compel To fitness for such gift of grace? Unless we look upon His face How can we feel that He is near? If trusting not His loving grace Can we be free from every fear? That perfect love how can we gain, The love that will all fear cast out ? That lightens burdens, eases pain And frees us from a world of doubt? The new commandment we should heed Which bids us love to others give, In caring for our brother's need A life of usefulness we live. Use is the life of heaven above. Its joys are not for selfish praise, For happiness consists of love Which freely gives its brightest rays. If in our hearts this purpose lives. And earnestly we daily try To use the strength He ever gives His presence will the power supply. 20 Words of Cheer FAITH AND TRUST Blue skies to us should pleasure bring, Blue thoughts tend otherwise. Why can we not the darkness fling, Far from our inner skies? Cannot our trust in Him, be brought To fill our daily needs? Let Him but live in every thought. And all our words and deeds. Flow weak we are in every way. If fails our trust in Him, O let us not forget to pray Our faith may not grow dim. For clouds will still our skies obscure, And cares shut out the light. Until we rest our hearts secure Upon our refuge bright. Come let us then with constant mind This purpose take to heart. Resolve that we this faith will find. And from it never part. 21 Words of Cheer HOPE AND PRAISE Psalm 42,11 Bright hope the comfort of the soul, Without thy solace for our woe, The darkest clouds would o'er us roll. For us the light would cease to glow. But Love within our hearts has sown Thy blessed seed to give us cheer, To lend a radiance all its own And prove to us that He is near. No darkness in our lives appears His presence can not change to light, For hope will soon dispel all fears. If for His sake we love the right. Oh, praise to Him in earnest give. For all the blessings He provides. And in His service truly live. Nor turn away whate'er betides. Praise, praise to Him, our hearts shall sing, Who gives to every one his needs. Oh joyful praise our heavenly King, For all His kind and loving deeds. 22 Words of Cheer A WELCOME GUEST A little boy has come to town, A welcome visitor is he Our hope it is he'll settle down A resident for good to be. As love and care surround him here, May happiness attend his way. And peace and joy, but never fear. Be his to share each coming day. Such little ones, our Father's care Sends angels to protection give. For in His word ('tis written there). Those angels with the Father live. My greeting to that darling one, I send with right good will to you. The best of wishes for your son. Are real, sincere, and surely true. May he to useful manhood grow. His aim be truth, with love combined ; Nor let his standard fall below. The brotherhood of all mankind. That when, his life work all well done. The Master calls, come up to me, Thou art a good, and faithful son, A beauteous home is waiting thee. 23 Words of Cheer He joyful answers to the call, Which sets the willing spirit free, So free from earthly fetters all, So many waiting friends to see. There safe within the home prepared For those who heed their Father's call. That home by all the loved ones shared Who make of right and good their all. And there, within the Father's home Forevermore may he abide. Where never sin or sorrow come, And love and peace dwell side by side. 24 Words of Cheer UNREST O restless spirit cease thy strife And bid thy beating pulse be calm. Let confidence control thy life, Nor doubt permit thy strength to harm. For He who bade the waves be still, Can to our hearts bring peaceful ways, If but to Him our wayward will Submit we freely all our days. Have faith in Him, He knoweth all. And leadeth where our feet should tread. Though dark the way, we shall not fall If by His hand we're trusting led. So fearless onward may we go, And know the light will soon appear. If we are faithful here below That better land will banish fear. 25 Words of Cheer WHAT HAVE WE GAINED? What have we gained of hopes, or fears, To carry with us when we go? Have they been fruitful those long years? Can we look back and call them so? Has thought for others ruled our lives, To cheer us when we leave this earth ? For on such food the spirit thrives, Without it, to our souls comes dearth. To us have all these years been given, That we might freely choose the right. And walk the way that leads to heaven. To live forever in its light. May we, when at our Father's call Our willing hearts to Him we give. Confess, and know, that He is all. That but for Him, we could not live. Our friends gone home, we hope to meet In that bright land within the veil; And may we there each other greet, Where peace and joy shall never fail. 26 Words of Cheer SLEEPLESSNESS Sleep, restful sleep, why turn away, When willingly I'd be thy guest? As wearied from the toilsome day I lay me down for quiet rest. That quiet rest, where has it fled ? As far and near my thoughts do fly. With never ceasing impulse led From lowly things to mount on high. No space or time impedes their way, They rove with free and dauntless air. Unchecked, unhindered, as in play. They're here, they're there, they're everjrwhere. Is there no spell which can be found, To bring them to a resting place? No way by which they may be bound, To give to me a little grace? The clock strikes twelve, the clock strikes one. And two will soon its presence tell. But now, their work of mischief done They grant at last, a resting spell. 27 Words of Cheer LIFE'S DISCIPLINE Our Father knows what each one needs, To fit him for the life to come. To some 'tis given to do great deeds, To patient wait, is best for some. Our life on earth will soon be passed Though long may seem its weary days But may we to our hope hold fast 'Till welcomed in to heaven's bright rays. Then, pain and sorrow all forgot. To useful life we enter in. Nor once regret the painful lot Which held our feet from paths of sin. Then trust in Him, who sees, and knows. How frail and weak His creatures are, In Him from whom all mercy flows Nor let distrust our life book mar. For soon to us the light will come. And pain and weakness flee away, When we at last shall enter home Where peace and comfort ever stay. The night will there give place today, And darkness ne'er our hearts oppress, For He who is the Truth, the Way, The trusting soul will ever bless. 28 Words of Cheer Then courage take, for all is well, When safe within His hand we lie, For in His loving care we dwell And feel indeed His presence nigh. 29 Words of Cheer A LITTLE PINK BABY A little pink baby, little pink love, Ensphered by angels, come from above. By tenderness enfolded, by heaven sent, In love's service may her life be spent. 30 Words of Cheer HOPE IN DESPAIR When hope's diminished light is small, As clouds before it darkly come, And on our hearts a chill doth fall, Despairing thoughts our minds will numb. How from those depths shall we arise? How free ourselves from doubt and fear? How raise the soul which prostrate lies, To brighter gleams of hope and cheer? Look up, not down, and light will come To flood the earth with peace and joy. Then dear will be each happy home. Which self love dares not to destroy. For self love will no comfort bring Which lasting is, to help us on To where the blessed ones do sing. And many loving friends have gone. For love to others is the way Which truth before our feet has set, 'Twill bring us to a brighter day. Where peace and happiness are met. Hold fast to what we learn of good , And live each day a life of love, Trusting, receive soul's daily food, Which helps us to the life above. 31 Words of Cheer HOPE A word of cheer I'd gladly send To you dear friend, if words would come, That could a little brightness lend To weary days away from home. May hope sustain you day by day, A hope which sure foundation has. Of life that will endure alway. Not like this earthly one, to pass. Then active use your days will fill, The use in which you find delight, The friends you love, be with you still. Where falls no dark and dreary night. If strength should come, and health be yours And lengthened be your life to age. Forget not that which life secures, Let right and truth your heart engage. Content and trust your way will ease. The future ever brighter grow. And words of love your heart will please As you on others joy bestow. 32 Words of Cheer PEACE How can our hearts to peace attain, The peace which brings to us all joy, That soothes all woe, relieves all pain, And keeps us free from all annoy? When to that rest our lives shall come. No more on worldly thoughts we'll dwell. This earth no more will be our home We shall have passed where all is well. For strife and peace alternate stay. As night and day, still come and go But may we strive for length of day. And lend to night a brighter glow. By deeds of love, and words of cheer. To smooth the way for weary feet. More light for us will soon appear. If thus we try their need to meet. 33 Words of Cheer IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE So calm and peaceful now she lies, From pain and sorrow ever free, For joyous she will soon arise, Her friends long gone once more to see. The love that watches over all Will guide her in that better land, As here she answered to His call And with His children glad did stand. How many, many, she will meet. Her kindred dear who welcome give. And those by ties of friendship sweet, Forevermore in love to live. No anxious thought will mar her peace, Our Father's love will calm all fears, And give from care a blest release, As greater still His love appears. May comfort come to him who's lost Companionship so long and true. And hope be with him as he's tossed On waves of grief with loss so new. May all those near and dear to her. Strive earnestly the way to tread. Which in her life was without blur. And follow in the way she led. 34 Words of Cheer REGRET Regret persistently will rise, And haunt the soul, with moans and sighs. 'Tis useless all, no backward train Can we poor mortals take again. We onward go, nor turn to mend The way we once for all did wend. Why then should we the deeds live o'er Which done, stand fast forevermore? No fervent wish, or earnest prayer, Can e'er again the moment bear Which thoughtlessly did glide away And take with it a gleam of day. A gleam that darkness leaves behind. And thoughts of sadness bring to mind, Perhaps the lesson hard we need. That in the future we may heed, And try more circumspect to be, Nor go our way so heedlessly. This world is but a school below. To teach us what we need to know, When in our true vocation blest. We're called to work we love the best. And satisfied and happy there. Our pasts mistakes we may repair. No more we'll mourn our errors past When free from them we are at last. (If free 'tis right for us to be Our Father's love will set us free.) 35 Words of Cheer Full earnestly we now must work, Nor try our lessons hard, to shirk, If we true happiness would find. We must this duty bear in mind. 36 Words of Cheer FRIENDS GONE BEFORE One by one they cross the border, On to where the view is broader. Wide fields of gladness meet the gaze Where friends are seen of other days. All anxious care and thoughts of woe, Are left with earthly things below, As glad they greet those near and dear Where love will banish every fear. How welcome is the Master's voice That says, well done, with me rejoice, A mansion fair is here for you. As faithful you have been and true. No more for you the ills of earth. To you is given the higher birth. Your heavenly use will give delight And brighter shine and yet more bright. Such peace the world can never give. The peace in which you now shall live. May all we love those heights attain, And heavenly joy forever gain. 37 Words of Cheer REST Come weary one and rest from pain, Those dreary years were not in vain. The love which did permit such woe. With thee, the whole long way did go. That never ceasing love that knows On what the spirit thrives and grows. To heights the soul could ne'er attain. If chastened not by cleansing pain. His purpose we but dimly see, But faith in Him our stay must be. Nor doubt His loving care is near, And trust in Him without a fear. The joys He has prepared above, For those who never slight His love. And live obedient to His voice. Will surely make their hearts rejoice. To others they will wish to give A share of that in which they live, For happiness is only found In hearts where love and use abound. For loving help to those depressed, Will to the giver be most blest. It will return with large increase, That peace and joy may never cease. 38 fVords of Cheer The woes of earth are all forgot, And left below, to bring no blot On endless life's ascending height Where comes no dark and chilling night. 39 Words of Cheer BIRTHDAY GREETING May love and peace their hearts attune, The three whose birthdays come in June, This brightest month of all the year. When they first came to friends most dear. And many years have passed away Since childhood's bright and sunny day, Some bright and cheering to the heart. Some dark, when loving friends did part. But hope brings cheer to parting hours, That soon we'll be, with added powers At home above, where we shall meet, And loving ones so joyful greet. With joys more sweet than earth can give, In higher uses we shall live, If trusting Him who rules alone. And in our hearts has set His throne. Let Him in all your deeds so shine That all may know their source Divine, And give the praise, where praise is due, To Him who gives all things to you. 40 Words of Cheer PRAISE AND SUPPLICATION Thou source of life, and light, and love, To Thee all praise is due, For Thou who lookest from above Dost give Thy word so true. Thy loving care does never fail O'er us a watch to keep. Thy sun of love will ne'er grow pale Thine eye doth never sleep. O hold us free from doubt and sin. Help us when tempted sore. For evil thoughts will enter in If Thou keep not the door. Thy written word is weapon sure' To fight the foes within. May we the battle hard endure So thus to conquer sin. But quickly to thy gentle knock May we the door swing wide. Undoing every bar and lock. Which shuts us from Thy side. 41 Words of Cheei- TO M. P. W. We sat together you and I, In public too, it was, No thought had we of people by, For why ? there Avas no cause. But dimly could we see our way, And steps descending led To where the path before us lay. No light was o'er us shed. Our feet did slip, and down we sat. The step received us sure. No harm was done, we can say that, We sat there so secure. We sat together, yes, we did. Deny it who will dare? The fact it cannot now be hid. But, do we really care? 42 Words of Cheer MOURN NOT How can we mourn a friend's release From darkness, weariness, and pain, When hastening to a home of peace, Where active life she soon will gain. No more she feels the gloom of night, To her the dawn of day has come, She wakes to more than earthly light. The brightness of eternal home. O can we not with her rejoice. That weary days are of the past? For she has heard a welcome voice, Which calls to joys she may hold fast. Then cheerfully to duty give The time our Father to us lends. The golden rule observe, and live. And rightly use the power He sends. If fully we that power do prize A happy life even here we find. By it our souls will higher rise. With greater love for all mankind. Then calmly wait His loving call. To meet again our friend so dear. When we our task have finished all, The work complete that held us here. 43 Words of Cheer TO A NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE The happiness in love's bright dream, Forever may it o'er you gleam. Nor age nor sorrow dim the light, Which in your hearts is now so bright. Unselfish love from each to each, Is sure true blessedness to reach, And heart to heart will closer bind. As youthful days are left behind. All care and trouble lighter grow, If shared together here below, Increasing joys their brightness lend ; As hand in hand you upward tend. As past the years go one by one, May both, all duties see well done. In useful ways time glide away. Until is seen the perfect day. Then eager rise to greater joys. Where nought you'll find that here annoys, There joyously in heaven's true ways To onward go 'neath Love's own rays. 44 Words of Cheer A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION We come dear friend with right good will, A pleasing act to now fulfil, The three of us who now do meet. While two of us the third shall greet. As graces three we once were known. When naught was kept for one alone, But shared were all the joys of youth. Good friends we were, in very truth. As pass the birthdays one by one, May every duty be well done ; And happy days to each be brought, As only right and truth are sought. The one whose natal day we come To celebrate within her home, We wish with loving words to greet. Which from dear friends are ever sweet. We hope we oft shall meet our friend, And many happy hours yet spend. As on this earth we still abide, 'Till safe we reach the other side. 45 Words of Cheer TO MR. AND MRS. H. The kindly words and deeds you give, As through this world you journey on, Will in your record ever live. When scenes of earth have passed and gone. Our thoughts and acts from day to day. Forever stand for good or ill, And in our book of life will stay Until their purpose they fulfill. They form the future, good or bad. In which we then shall ever be. May we but hear the voice so glad Which says, now come and dwell with me. His loving help we ever need, Who is the Truth, the Life, the Way, May we on Him rely indeed. And from His Word ne'er go astray. 4$ Words of Cheer TO OUR PASTOR 'Tis with regret we bid adieu, To one we long have known so true, The message you have striven to give To us, to teach us how to live. We hope will long remembered be And future good from it you'll see. As still you walk the upward way To reach at last the perfect day. Where welcomed will the faithful be, From earthly ills forever free, For peace its untold joy will give, As in its midst you then shall live. 47 Words of Cheer ON THE BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. F. H. B. You entertain a welcome guest, With loveliness may she be blest, That higher beauty from above, Descending from the source of love. 48 Words of Cheer GUIDE ME IN THE WAY OF PEACE Luke I.JQ O blessed peace come to our hearts, Thy soothing balm such joy imparts, When in life's turmoil we do weep So hard it seems our faith to keep. With courage now to battle go, Thy word a weapon sure we know, If we but trusting still do live, Our Father will the victory give. Then peace at last will be assured. If we with trust have ills endured, And meekly to His will submit, For love be sure is source of it. A love which looks to endless good, By whom all things are understood. May we on His love rest secure. And faith be to us anchor sure. 49 Words of Cheer WE SHALL MEET So many, many friends we find As through this world we onward go, In ties of love our hearts they bind And with them many happy hours we know. Shall we when in our future home. The presence of our friends enjoy? With them in pleasant places roam, And share with them in every joy? To add our mite to happiness. With helpful deeds the days to fill, Where peace and love all hearts will bless. And never comes a thought of ill? If earnestly for good we ask, The truth we eagerly will seek. Nor any labor deem a task. If live we as the truly meek. There surely we our friends shall see, And all engage in acts of love. For satisfied our hearts will be. When safe within that home above. 50 Words of Cheer TIME'S LESSON Each year to us a lesson brings; In ways which to us hidden lie, But all, we know, from wisdom springs, On which we ever can rely. Never may we the source forget, Of all that comes to guide our feet. Nor take the way we must regret, And chill disaster surely meet. But in the strait and narrow way, With courage steadily press on. To reach at last eternal day. When the last battle has been won. Si Words of Cheer COURAGE The ills of life with courage meet, Our steadfast help we surely know, And He will save us from defeat, If fearing naught, to Him we go. His word an armour to defend, And cause our inward foes to flee. If on its power our hearts depend, And feel the strength we cannot see. Then cheerily from day to day. Look for the good we shall receive. If earnestly we watch and pray. And truly in His word believe. Our weakness on His strength rely. That to us strength from Him can give. For never will He those deny. Who in His name do truly live. 52 Words of Cheer THE SPIRIT LAND Not far away, but near at hand, In active life, that spirit land, Unseen, unheard, by eye or ear,. That spirit land is very near. Its influence far and wide extends, For good or ill, its help it lends, The good, to us would bring relief From ways of sin which lead to grief. If willingly the truth we take, And for the right, the wrong forsake. But evil ones wish all to go The way which they themselves do know. And strive, by every art and way. From good to lead our hearts away. But He our Father, will send aid. At sight of whom they are afraid. They flee before that angel band. Whose power they never can withstand. May we when dark temptations near. Remember that we need not fear. If quickly we our thoughts do turn. In earnest prayer, that we may learn That better way in which to go, As love Divine must surely know. 53 Words of Cheer If we receive the help He sends, And love Him for the strength He lends, The blessings which he has in store. We'll share with others evermore. The love which we with others share, With love of self cannot compare. It brings to us a purer joy. Which has in it no base alloy. 54 Words of Cheer HE COMETH NOT WITH OBSERVATION Luke iy.20 Not to the outward sense revealed, The second coming of our King, But truth within His Word concealed Its wisdom to our lives will bring. The inner light now seen to gleam, Which comes to guide our steps aright, Will brighter and still brighter beam If earnestly we seek the right. A knowledge now to us is given That we may see, and trust its light. Which Love Divine has sent from heaven. True to His promise and His might. The light within His Holy Word, We could not all its lustre bear When first by us that truth is heard, If tempered not with loving care. As quietly our hearts are drawn To higher truths than we have known, Within begins the day to dawn Of gladness we can make our own. With thankfulness to Him above. We freely share the truth received. And praise we Him whose name is Love, Who has from doubt our souls relieved. 55 Words of Cheer How eagerly we try to give To friends, the precious truths we learn, With them in closer union live, Together to our Father turn. O may our light with brightness glow, To point the way to Him above. The source of all the good we know. The One, the only One, all Love. 56 Words of Cheer TO DWELL IN SAFETY How shall we know that all is well, Nor turn to thoughts which lead astray? And ever feel we safely dwell, Whate'er we meet upon the way. If earnestly the path we seek. To us the way will be made known, Our faltering steps though slow and weak, Will upward tend, by Wisdom shown. His love the heart's desire can see, And guides us gently all the way, If we but wish His own to be. And truly trust Him every day. For safely held in loving care, No evil can possession take ; A Father's hand will hold us there. As yield we all for His dear sake. 57 Words of Cheer I AM The One and only great I Am, To Moses did Himself reveal, As long before to Abraham, When angel's form did Him conceal. When outwardly to earth He came, In earthly body was He seen. But yet the soul was still the same, Though meek and lowly was His mien. When by the prophet's message true The wondrous news to earth was brought. He Son, was called, and Father, too; Both Truth, and Love, we now are taught. The Son, as Truth, came down to save. Sent by the Love we should adore ; His human life He freely gave, To light and warmth the earth restore. So deeply shadowed life had grown. That evil ruled where once was light. And truth that erst all hearts had known. Was covered deep from mortal sight. The truth He gave as they could bear, But much from man was hidden still, Until their hearts He could prepare To freely wish to do His will. 58 Words of Cheer With quiet power He now appears, As in His Word new light is seen, From clouds of doubt our sky He clears. And gleams of truth we see between. Though hidden still from blinded eyes, The truth it surely will prevail, It must upon the world arise, Sent by the Power within the veil. 59 Words of Cheer PASSING The day is almost gone, so goes this earthly life, Victory have we won 'gainst evil, in our strife? Ah no, defeat we own when weak has been the will, And faint our hearts have grown but hope we in Him still. He points us to the light, new courage can He give. Truth is our beacon bright, to follow, and to live. Love guides our footsteps sure, and yet before us goes; May we with trust endure life's perils, and its woes. Our blessings daily prize, and turn from gloom away. Thy sun of light arise to bring us hope each day, Then calmly wait the call to higher uses there. Where we shall live, with all who know His loving care. 60 Words of Cheer TO THOSE WHO MOURN A mother dear has gone before, In safety reached the better shore, No more to pain or sorrow bear, And many friends will meet her there, For her, real life has just begun. As here her work was all well done. So now she reaps what has been sown. In higher joys than she had known. Mourn not for her in hopeless woe. But in her patient footsteps go, 'Till each is called to meet her there. All free from earthly taint and care. To him whose loss must greatest be, For lonely days he can but see; May comfort come from Him above The Father heart so full of love. O may a trust in Him sustain The hearts now wrung with grief and pain. And raise the thoughts to days to come. When all may reach that happy home. 6i JVords of Cheer GONE HOME Gone before to wait us there, No more to pain or weakness bear; He from all earthly ills has passed, To real life he now holds fast. Soon to us the day must come, When we ourselves shall enter home, How joyous will the meeting be With friends we long so much to see. No sorrow then our hearts shall know. When to that happy home we go, To live in love and use alway. And with our loved ones ever stay. Not long we here on earth abide, For soon we pass beyond the tide. Which sweeps us onward in its flow. To higher joys than now we know. Let thoughts of peace our bosoms fill. As bow we meekly to His will Who to our hearts can comfort give If for His sake we rightly live. 62 Words of Cheer SEEMING DEATH She calmly lies in quiet rest, In His care who knoweth best, Her work on earth forever done, To life eternal she has gone. The earthly body full of pain She's left, a better one to gain, The outer shell no longer sound Holds no more the spirit bound. It is not death, which now she meets, A fuller life her waking greets. The scene which bright before her lies, We can but faintly here surmise. No longer held by bonds of clay. She rises now to freer day. Where active use the spirit knows. From deeds of love in beauty grows. A love Divine is with her there, And guides her steps with tender care, May trust in Him our anchor be. From stains of earth to make us free. 'Till safely to our home we go. And love and peace forever know. There may we our loved one meet And with great joy each other greet. 63 Words of Cheer TO H. F. S. The years are going swiftly on, Mourn not for their departing joys, A better day we hope will dawn. Where time no more our youth destroys, There with our friends once more to meet, In active use to happy live, With love to all, as kindred greet. To age no more a tribute give. 64 Words of Cheer ILLUMINATION We see the dawning of the day Which ushers in a clearer light, The Truth that shines with brightening ray, Dispels the darkness of the night. We gladly hail the rising sun, That bids the clouds to part, And tells us that the day's begun. Which wisdom brings the longing heart. For brightly through the dawning, beams The light within His holy word, A sure fulfillment of the dreams That long with hope, our hearts have stirred. Bright and still brighter comes the day, As shines the Word with greater power, In grateful joy we watch and pray. And thankful greet this happy hour. 6S Words of Cheer DEPARTING FRIENDS Our friends are passing to their homes, We fain would hold them here, But when to them the summons comes They must obey, though held most dear. 'Tis love Divine that calls them hence. Their work on earth is all complete, A higher use will soon commence, And friends once known they now do greet. The years do swiftly glide away, To bring the day when we shall go, We could not wish to always stay Upon this changing earth below. A Father's love will give us then, A fuller life than we have known. If true and faithful we have been To duty He to us has shown. Then trust His love, 'tis over all, Unchanging it will ever be, If alway for His help we call Its peace and comfort we shall see. 66 I'Fords of Cheer ONE MORE FOR US TO MEET Another friend we have beyond, To meet us there, when comes the call, To which we surely must respond, When our work here is finished all. From many friends w^e there shall see. When to that home we enter in Our real selves from bonds set free. Will welcome find that home within. The cares of earth are left behind, No more a burden that we bear, No more to earth our hearts to bind As we to Him give every care. He surely will the burden take If trustingly to Him we go. And all the future joyous make If we but wish to have it so. For He who marks the sparrow's fall. Will safely guard the Christian's way. If earnestly they on Him call And ne'er forget He is their stay. For many years of mother love, Your grateful thanks should rise He's called her now to Him above, 'Tis life, not death, before her lies. 67 Words of Cheer Let hope and trust your refuge be When sorrow to your heart has come, Some day, the meaning you will see When you may meet her safe at home. 68 Words of Cheer LIFE NOT DEATH What is the change which we call death ? When comes no more the mortal breath ? The form once active, moves no more, Where goes the life, we knew before? Not long the spirit lies supine, 'Tis wakened, drawn by Love Divine. With powers unknown to us below, To ample life it then does go. A friend we love, we'll see no more. Until we reach that shining shore Her mission here on earth complete. She's left with us a memory sweet. To meet her loved ones gone before, She's entered through the opened door. And freed from earthly fetters now Before the Love Divine will bow. His loving care we can but own. So long her presence dear we've known. Our thanks and praise to Him are due This mother's love so dear, we knew. We well may leave her in His care, No longer can we in it share. She's safe within His home of love, May we all meet her there above. 69 Words of Cheer BIRTHDAY ACROSTIC May years of use before you He, And friends most true be by your side, Remembering still as time goes by Youth's heart to keep whate'er betide. A heart with love forever warm, With kindness and good will to all, Helping hand in sun or storm. Ever ready at duty's call. Endless life of love and peace. Leaving all that brings unrest. Entering home, where joys ne'er cease, Receiving freely what is best, Dec. 29, 191 2. May you at Christmas find a joy In loving thoughts and kindly deeds With naught to darken and annoy. For One we know supplies our needs. 70 Words of Cheer TO A POSTMAN The faithful postman day by day, Our mail doth bring without delay, Through storm or shine still on he goes, However cold his nose or toes. So surely are our wants supplied, Appreciation's oft denied. Like light and air we daily know, We claim each blessing as we go, And seldom think, as we might do. How grateful we should be to you, For bringing safely to our door The mail, for which we used of yore So far to go, and maybe then No mail to get, but back again The weary way, with tired feet To find at home the welcome seat. Now, at our ease, we wait for you. So sure your task you'll faithful do. May rest await you at your home, As from your toil to it you come. 71 Words of Cheer SUBDUING SELF As in the heart all evil lies, For none in truth can goodness claim. If from our errors we would rise Let love for others be our aim. Subduing self, the soul will bless. And give to it a heavenly peace. Not worldly wealth nor its access To real joy will give increase. From earth's delights we all must part. When to our final home we go, The wealth which will enrich the heart. We take with us, to keep, and know. Our Father's love is over all, To guide us in the upward way, We stumble, but we shall not fall. If trust we in His care alway. May we receive the strength He gives So freely to the longing heart Which in obedience willing lives. And from His precepts ne'er depart. Feb. 8, 1913. 72 Words of Cheer SOLACE IN AGE As feeble age comes creeping on, And all our mortal part grows weak, Where shall we look when strength is gone? In vain for its return we seek. The iriner self is active still. By earthly bonds its life suppressed, Denied expression of its will. Can it arise, that soul depressed ? The truths we stored in other days Should be our help while now we wait, For truth if lived, has helpful ways, And in the heart, can peace create. To all our days bring cheerfulness. Let cheering words come from the heart. Give all about us cause to bless, So may the lowering clouds depart. Never the source should we forget Whence comes the comfort and the peace, For that would surely bring regret. And give to joy a sad decrease. As love and trust to Him we give A rich return is sure to come. If not on earth while here we live. We'll find it in our happy home. 73 IVords of Cheer GROWING OLD! Fifty years ! the prime of life When viewed from seventy-five, In younger days the care and strife, But, now, how glad to be alive. More friends we gain from year to year, To give to life a keener zest. And to our hearts have grown more dear, Those whom we long have loved the best. What though old time goes swiftly by He gives to us while on his way. Ennobling thoughts which never die If lived, and prized, from day to day Old age should not so dreadful seem, In wisdom growing, as in years. If we all added time redeem. By loving deeds, which doing, cheers. Look not with dread on coming years, For they will compensation give. As mingled still with hopes and fears. They teach us how to truly live. That when the loving Father's voice Shall call us to our home above. With heart and soul we may rejoice To know indeed His tender love. 74 Words of Cheer WITH HIS LIKENESS AWAKE Psalm 17.15 Why with His likeness satisfied ? What is that likeness which we need When waking on the other side, From earthly bonds forever freed? As day by day the inner voice Is calling to the soul, arise. And seek the heights, to there rejoice To meet the love our life supplies. How to that voice shall we reply? How gain the high and purer life? How self's desires shall we deny? What form will take that inner strife? Love as to Him, the source of love, Be given to all His children here. Our hearts respond, like His above. Their needs to meet, as friends most dear. Thus slowly may we grow, to give A faint reflection of His face As in His service we do live And from our hearts, the self efface. His help we daily should beseech. Nor feel that we alone, can go The upward way that home to reach, And nearer to His likeness grow. 75 Words of Cheer SERVICE Luke 22. 2y The highest One His service gave Nor deemed it an unworthy task, For service given, true life to save What greater work could mortals, ask? No servitude more blest can be Than that which aids a soul to rise, And from the depths look up, and see The light of hope, beam from the skies. Then never think the humblest deeds Beneath your notice, or your care, The sparrow's fall our Father heeds. To pass them by, how should we dare? Follow Him, to what higher aim Can we of mortal birth aspire? What worth a few short days of fame, When we've attained our heart's desire? Desire for an immortal life, Where we with joy can useful be. Wearied no more by worldly strife, And love and truth forever see. There, work in which we find delight. Will by our Father's love be given. And all about us shine the light Which beams for all whose home is heaven. 76 Words of Cheer THE KINGDOM WITHIN Luke iy.2l What do we love and make our own, Of that which forms the life within? Are all our thoughts of self alone? Does love for others ne'er come in? A heart so void of tender love The truest happiness will miss, For greater joy comes from above As more and more attain to bliss. Our Father's love is over all, To all, that love is freely given. And those who choose to heed the call. Within can know the peace of heaven. The love of self contains within A life that ever downward tends. And thus to lower depths of sin The spirit surely so descends. O may we strive the life to live Which leads us to the heights above, Where He to every soul shall give The sweetness of the heavenly love. To all who will its comfort choose A lasting peace it surely gives. If hold we fast and never lose Our trust in Him who ever lives. 77 Molds of Cheer MY FIRST GREAT-GRAxNDCHILD Born Sept. 28, 19 1 J Many years of use and joy, To this dear child be given, Deeds of love her hands employ, Within her heart be heaven. Tender care surround her here, While still on earth she stays, Loving friends be ever near, Cheer to give to weary days. For light and shade will come, To every soul that lives. Help to reach that happy home. Both cloud and sunshine gives. What our Father knoweth best. To each one will sure be given. On His love we safe can rest. Trusting it, will bring us heaven. 78 Words of Cheer WEDDED LOVE Many happy years be yours, As time its message brings, True love, which joy insures Unselfishly it springs. From hearts to true one's given A rich return it meets, Which gives a taste of heaven As love in turn it greets. When sorrow comes and cares. As come they will to all, If both the trouble shares 'Twill lighter on you fall. May all about you know, A sweetness in your lives, As in your deeds you show That each for goodness strives. The only source of love O may you ne'er forget To look to Him above True life and love to get. When years have o'er you past, And joys of earth grow dim, The peace that's sure to last. May you receive from Him. 79 Words of Cheer CHRISTMAS The day on which the Truth came down In love, the human race to save, Is surely one of days the crown, To honor Him for life He gave. Our loving Saviour's natal day, May we forget it never. His love is with us day by day, O may we love Him ever. 80 Words of Cheer WEDDING BELLS O wedding bells, sweet wedding bells, The story old thy music tells ; The story old yet ever young, Its ending still remains unsung. And so 'twill be while time endures, As loving hearts the prize secures Of answering love to love that's given Which gives to them a glimpse of heaven. This world a dreary place would be, No happy faces should we see. If love was stricken from the earth All joy would cease, no more be mirth. But never need we fear such fate. For love will ever seek its mate. As over all, upon His throne. The perfect love will rule alone. And those who wish His own to be, From wrongful ways will be set free. To ever in His presence dwell. The One who doeth all things well. 8i Words of Cheer THE NEW JERUSALEM The Holy City now comes down, Of all the churches the bright crown; Her light is seen o'er all the world, Her banners to the breeze unfurled. The light which in her streets does shine Comes from the inner truth Divine, And all the world its beams may see. If for the truth their minds are free. But clouds do still the light obscure, And much abuse must truth endure. Its foes unwillingly give way To might no earth born power can stay. Though slow, 'tis sure, that right will lead When from their evils men are freed, - But ne'er will come that happy day To them, unless they work and pray. For strength the wrong to overthrow, And learn of truth and love to know. Each wrong desire to cast aside. And in the right to safe abide, Then in that city they may dwell, With Him who doeth all things well, In love and use forever stay, Where purity and peace hold sway. 82 Words of Cheer KNOCKING AT THE DOOR He's gently knocking at the door, Why haste we not to let Him in? He knocks again, and o'er and o'er. Why tarry we in paths of sin? Still at the door He patient stands, With tender love He's waiting there : He beckons us with outstretched hands To come, and in His home to share. In tender mercy yearns to save. And lead us to a happy home. Where every good a soul can crave, He gives us, if we will but come. O may we open wide the door. That He may freely enter in. And know His presence evermore As guards He us from ways of sin. 83 Words of Cheer TO F. M. W. Good wishes for your natal day, Dear friend, to you I now indite, May peace and plenty with you stay, Your life be full of joy and light. No lowering cloud on you descend. To hide from you the sunlight's glow; Though light and shade will ever lend A changing hue to all below. O never may you lack a friend, Whose loving words will bring you cheer, And helpful service to you lend. From passing clouds your sky to clear. May wisdom higher than our own, A guide to you forever be. By Him all things are surely known. And you can trust His love so free. 84 Words of Cheer WITHOUT A PARABLE SPAKE HE NOT UNTO THEM Matthew 13.34 No word He spake of truth unveiled, The inner soul they could not know, For truth unclothed, was truth assailed. Its dazzling light too bright did glow, The faintest glimmer He could give Was all their blinded eyes could see, As seed thus planted strives to live, It first could only feeble be. But slowly, strength to it was given. As they could hear, and understand, A hope to reach that happy heaven. To them, a far off unknown land, That age has passed, the seed then sown Has sprung and strengthened day by day, And truth long hid can now be known That earnest souls go not astray. As clouds before the rising sun Part, and disclose his shining face • We now can see the day begun In which our Lord reveals His grace, He comes again within His Word, Revealing truths we now can see, And deeper truths can now be heard By those whose ears are opened free. .85 Words of Cheer To all to whom the rising sun With greater glory seems to shine (For some have only just begun To know such glory is Divine) Let those who hear the tidings grand, Go spread the story far and wide That all who wish, in every land May in their Father's love confide. 86 Words of Cheer ONLY GONE BEFORE You will miss him, sadly miss him, As the lonely days go by, And tears will oft' your eyes bedim. As memory brings his presence nigh. A fuller life he now will know, For which he here prepared has been, And faithful to his work below To purer joys will enter in. So many years has he been spared. The dear companion of your youth. With whom your joys and cares were shared, A second self in very truth. To Him from whom all mercies come, In thankfulness your thoughts should rise, So long was made a happy home By him whose memory you prize. Be confident that you will meet, Where parting never more gives pain, And joyously each other greet, For life eternal you there gain. Then satisfied your hearts will be. Within that home of peace and love, Your Father's tender care to see. That welcomes you to Him above. 87 Words of Cheer Then grieve not at the parting brief, For soon we to that world shall go, No more to suffer pain or grief. And heavenly joy forever know. 88 Words of Cheer THOUGHTS ON THE NEW YEAR Our life on earth is given to learn The way to reach the heavenly home, From wrongful paths our steps to turn, And ne'er in errors ways to roam. If trusting Him with all the heart We daily seek His will to do. In earnest strive to do our part. He surely will our strength renew. Then let us all begin the year With standard high, before us set. Intent to do the duty near. That time may bring us no regret, For duty done, brings peace of mind, And heartens many a weary day ; From it a comfort we may find. Which naught can from us take away, 'Twill give us peace and sweet content For loving friends will to us come. And hours of joy with them be spent As on we journey to our home. The home His loving care provides, For those who wish His own to be And trust His love whate'er betides, O may we there our friends all see. 89 Words of Cheer CALLED HOME Our friend has entered real life; The call has come, she cannot stay. She leaves all earthly care and strife. To find a home of brightest day. Mourn not for one who's safe above; Where life eternal she will know, Enfolded in the Father's love, Forever guided she shall go. In ways of use her feet are set For happiness in use is found. And may we never this forget. Unselfish hearts in joy abound. No selfishness in heaven is seen, For good to others all do seek, And those whose lives are pure and clean, In heart are ever mild and meek. To others serve, is their delight. All selfishness is merged in this. And happy hearts, and faces bright, Give token of the highest bliss. O let us strive to self efface. That we may with the blessed be Forever see the Father's face And be from sinful ways set free. 90 Words of Cheer SLEEP Come restful sleep, thy touch I crave, From weary hours O come and save; I toss and turn from side to side, But rest with me will not abide. Sleep's soothing balm my grasp eludes As troublous thought and care intrudes, In vain I strive to banish thought, Return it will howe'er unsought. How can we ever conquer care, And for the mind a peace prepare? What gives relief from troubling thought? How can to peace the mind be brought? We see that while on earth we stay, As comes the night to follow day, So care and peace will come and go. For thus we only come to know. The lesson we are here to learn, That we may to the right return, If no exertion we should make, A feebleness would us o'ertake. And strength that to us has been lent For use on earth, be idly spent. The purpose that we should fulfil Is waiting, waiting, for us still. 91 Words of Cheer No longer may we idle be, If from the wrong we would be free, And if we long for restful sleep We must in mind this motive keep. The duty which is nearest you. Delay not, but proceed to do. For duty done, each day we live, Unto the mind a rest can give. 92 Words of Cheer THE MARRIAGE TIE The tie which now j^our lives unite, Maj' it unbroken ever be, As years go by, some dark, some bright, Let each a closer union see. As clouds and sunshine alternate. So joys and sorrows come and go, But sorrow will not seem so great If shared together here below. May every year bring to you joy, The joy that lives in happy hearts. And peace containing no alloy, From Him above who peace imparts, He ever to His children gives. The good they're fitted to receive, If each in love and use so lives That truly on Him they believe, A true success in life be yours. Which lasts beyond this earthly life For life eternal it secures, Forever free from worldly strife. 93 Words of Cheer THE FATHER'S LOVE The Father's love, that love Divine, What finite mind can understand A love vrhich never fails to shine, O'er all the worlds, in every land From us it never turns away But yearns to lighten every heart. That all may in its brightness stay, And never from its warmth depart. Could we but faintly realize The tender care in which we live, How much there is that we should prize. What love to Him we'd ever give. If from Him we do turn away, And still our wilful way we take Though far from right our feet may stray Infinite love will ne'er forsake. He never leaves us, we leave Him, But from His care, we can not go, O may the light to us so dim Shine in our hearts, the way to show, And brighter as to Him we turn From darkness and from self away. May love to Him, within us burn 'Till walk we in the glow of day. 94 Words of Cheer SEARCH ME O GOD AND KNOW MY HEART Psalm 139.23 Search deeply for the motive Which lies within your words and deeds, It qualifies whate'er you give, To good or bad it surely leads. If self is found the guide to be The downward way you take, But if you soon the danger see And for the right, the wrong forsake Help from above will come to save. If earnestly for it you ask. And strive with effort strong and brave To faithful be to every task. A warfare 'gainst the foes within. Must to you come while here on earth, If freed you'd be from love of sin. And e'er attain the heavenly birth. With courage gird your armor on, And, with the weapons of His Word Stand firm until the victory's won. And you the summons home have heard. 95 JVords of Cheer AS FAR AS THE EAST IS FROM THE WEST SO FAR HATH HE REMOVED OUR TRANSGRESSIONS FROM US Psalm 103.12 O Lord, from us transgression send As far as east and west extend, No more to take from us all joy. Nor peace within the heart destroy. Help us to pray in time of need. That we may to Thy Word give heed. Thy precepts ever keep in sight, Wrong ways forsake, and seek the right. Grant to us when temptations call, Strength to resist, and flee them all, That we the upward path may see. And all forsake to follow Thee. 96 Words of Cheer TO N. E. S. BIRTHDAY GREETING Though late this missive comes to you, My friendship still is ever true, So kind you've ever been to me. Sometime may you rewarded be. Good wishes from my heart I send, And hope to ever call you friend. When from these earthly scenes we go, May we beyond, each other know. And joyful greet our loved ones there All free from anxious thought and care. Within that happy home above. To surely know, our Father's love. 97 Words of Cheer FORGIVENESS If we for sins would be forgiven, (Without it we could ne'er see heaven,) To others we must freely give, And, from the heart, a wrong forgive. For if within we cherish still, Revengeful thought to do them ill. No room have we within the heart To take the good He would impart, Our Father, who to us will give The good we daily strive to live. But if from it we turn away And take instead, the selfish way, We choose the wrong, by it abide, From His great love we turn aside, And take for choice the way we love. No more to seek the heights above. O may we pause before we choose, Nor take the way all good to lose. On others care and thought bestow. Then warm with love our hearts shall glow, We freely then receive the love Which waits for us from Him above, To never from His presence go, His tender care, forever know. 98 Words of Cheer TO ALICE July 7, 1914 Fifty-two years have come and gone, Since to our hearts we welcomed you, The record of those years we con, They're filled with scenes of varied hue. Joy and sorrow we all must see. While on this earth we still abide, But when from earthly bonds set free We welcome meet beyond the tide. May we behind leave every woe. When friends now gone we meet once more And life eternal ever know In use to live forevermore. 99 Words of Cheer WEDDING ANNIVERSARY How have they passed, those twenty-five years? With light and shade that all must know? Some days with hopes and some with fears, In checkered paths still on they go. And children come to cheer the way, They bring with them both joy and care, May joy the longer with you stay And peace and happiness you share. The truest joy be with you all, As time relentless still goes on. And may you heed the Father's call, That for you endless day may dawn. Gladly to answer to the voice Which calls you in that heaven to share. And in that happy home rejoice. With those you love, about you there. lOO Words of Cheer ON THE BIRTH OF A CHILD Best wishes for the little girl, And may she prove a precious pearl To shine upon your pathway here, For many years your days to cheer. The angel of life to you has given, Another soul to help to heaven, May wisdom guide your steps aright To lead this dear one to the light. The light which may we ever know When gladly to that home we go. Where joy and peace forever stay, And love and use fills all the day. The peace which in that world is known. Is to us here but faintly shown. Could we a little portion see From grief and fear we'd be set free. And calmly think of passing on Where many loved ones now are gone, For happiness which there they find. Can satisfy both heart and mind. lOI Words of Cheer A HYMN OF PRAISE A hymn of praise to Thee we sing, With gladness may our voices ring, Praise, praise to Thee for love that's given To make for us a happy heaven. There we shall live within Thy care, And peace and love surround us there, As we Thy purpose do fulfil, And evermore obey Thy will. May we to others gladness give. As teach we them to truly live; The lesson that from Him we learn That they may to His love return. And there by words and deeds to praise Our Father, who from death did raise A fallen world of sin and woe. That all who choose, the way may know. tot Words of Cheer HOSANNA The triumph of their Lord seemed near To those who followed Him, No doubt had they no thought of fear The future far from dim. The Master knew the hour was nigh Despair would follow on, When fearful ones would Him deny. Their worldly power be gone. O could their King of Israel die. And shatter all their dreams? The earthly Kingdom seems so nigh So bright its future gleams. Before their eyes that vision fades, Their Lord no more can save; And darkness with its gloomy shades Did triumph at its grave. So little had they understood What to them He had brought, The meaning of the Truth and Good, The inner life He taught. But when in life He rose again, What joy their hearts did know. How lightened was despair and pain, As He, Himself, did show. 103 Words of Cheer Beyond the earth to lift their eyes, Where heaven's bright portals glow, Within begins that heaven to rise For He has said 'tis so. Through labor, pain and sorrow sore To follow Him, they strive; As He the heavy cross once bore To save their souls alive. And still the warfare must go on. While on this earth we stay, Those other souls the victory won So may we work today. Strength from above to us He lends, If earnestly we strive. To use the truth He to us sends, The Truth that is alive. On living truth depends all growth, 'Tis food the spirit needs, And ffoodj with truth we want them both, To shine in all our deeds. 104 Words of Cheer THE STEARNS REUNION, 1914 The passing years have changes brought, Since first as kin we gathered here; A closer union then we sought, To ties of kinship make more dear. We greet you now with right good will. And wish that more were with us here, The absent ones we'll think of still. And feel, in spirit they are near. May every one we meet this day A welcome find that's from the heart. That they with joy can truly say, 'Tis good to meet, though sad to part. We can but think of those dear friends Whose faces here no more we see. But joy and sorrow ever blends In light and shade for you and me. One by one they've passed and gone. To homes where endless life they find. Like all whose work on earth is done. And ties of earth no longer bind. Their influence still on earth survives. Beyond what we may ever know, May we to right submit our lives. That good may from our influence grow. And some who still on earth abide, (To us as kindred near and dear) Are far away, (space will divide) We wish indeed that they were here, The children that are now at play, 105 PFoi'ds of Cheer (When we no more may gather here,) Can backward look upon this day, To cherish memories that are dear May they in useful ways be led. And loyal be to truth and right, That of their lives it may be said. They've been indeed a shining light. May all we've met on this dear spot To meet in that bright home be sure Where care and sorrow are forgot. And love and peace will aye endure. 1 06 Words of Cheer A WEDDING GIFT As o'er the sea of life you sail, May favoring winds attend you, And hope and courage never fail If skies should darken o'er you. A mutual love your days w^ill cheer, And lighten every care. You to each other grow more dear As you in all things share. May many happy years be yours As you on earth abide, And He whose love for aye endures O'er all your ways preside. In paths of use may you be led, Our Saviour showed the way, As one who served, was what He said, May you His words obey. Each deed of love the soul shall feed, To aid its growth in grace, 'Tis heaven it brings to earth indeed, And shows its shining face. The best in life I wish for you. This from the heart is given, That to the right you may be true, And all within, be heaven. 107 Words of Cheer Dear E. and B. : My thoughts and sympathy have been with you since first I heard of your dear baby's illness. I wish so much I could say something to comfort you in this time of great grief. It seems so great a loss to us, who are left with- out the visible presence of our dear ones, but in our Father's great mercy we may some time see the silver lining to the cloud. If we could but realize what a blessed privilege has been granted us; to be parents of angels. You have now two, who are safe forever with those who behold the face of the Father. They may be to you as ministering spirits to lift your thoughts and lives above the mere life of the world to the real life of the soul. And they will be in that better land to wel- come you when this brief life on earth is over. May our Father comfort your hearts and bring you peace. With much love and sympathy, Marion S. Buck. io8 Words of Cheer TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED My hearty thanks to you 1 send, For good things brought to me one day, So great enjoyment they did lend To me, alone on Christmas day. A hasty look I first did take, And. all the good things failed to see. When I a closer search did make Surprise indged it brought to me. The kindly thought so full expressed. From kindred dear, was sweet to me, And may the givers all be blest With full return as good and free. 109 Words of Cheer TO MARY ON HER SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY May years be full of light and love, As turn your thoughts to life above Receiving from a source divine You willingly all self resign. Each day to you some truth be brought, Viewed soberly with earnest thought, Entreated to remain for use, Loved and cherished without abuse. Years as they pass be fruitful all, Nor heed from useless ways the call. Patient and cheerful may you be, Retaining all of good you see, As you resist and banish wrong. That tempts you like a pleasure song, Turn to the right, where you belong. 1 10 Words of Cheer BEGINNING LIFE TOGETHER May ever, love your hearts unite, The love of self put down, And life together be so bright, That joy your days may crown. Together seek the things of worth, Thus daily grow in grace Look higher than the scenes of earth. To heaven, within give place. Each day the Father's will to ask (His care is over all,) And life will be no dreary task If for His help you call. He's with you in the light or shade, Within His hand you lie And you need never be afraid If on Him you rely. No life on earth is wholly bright. For clouds do hide the sun. But patient wait 'twill soon be light. And brighter day begun. Good wishes for your happiness, I send with these few lines, May you from life, win true success, As truth about you shines. Ill W^&^ '6.f 0/^vM Rally at tht(m\\-'^P4\e^K\txg^^<^^^ .i3V3 ^^kM Never falter ift'^^Ais^'iSiiyb';^ ^o 3voI odT With gladness !iyi^«i? sf -^f' '' The truth'^He W the' WeJtiinh^i SgrigiH ilooJ Be to you bfe^CdnJbri^fbi"^^ .ngvcad oT Look on the field^.JWittl^'/lva^eSfJ'Vv^hiM.) Why are tHe-'flad^fe^S <^fe^<>'? i'/''^ 'J^'j ""A When plenteous i^I^e!^i*l''si) ^Heht>t ^^ O coHle',i-lieT#'i^m;Stl^d^K9 no oVil oM jxu?. ')i\1 •>b'isl ob ebuob lol Then rally '^^l Misrw^-iiiffflati^'''' Jn!)iJr.q Ju^ With willing heA*-t«''aWdbh¥Hds,ncI bnA Do not VingGtpAm'tiai imyf, i->^ c>ii?iv^ booO Come, join th*iU^{}^^nf^"bfend*r'' i>n92 I Cheer the lairtt"tilerfl-iced,')ty^irfgotheW$Xirt,BM And prove yo-ii'ai'i si'fl^ei'fe',' '^b HjuU gA That all who wish to conquer sin May find a welcome here. ma W^aMi hf 0/^vM The life of heaveff/^^TeftrVh ¥fegins, Within the heart, the seed is sown, And he who strives/ the ha^ve&t win^/'/ ['>•'■ The ripened 'Whbat 'is ' shown,'"'' -^"^ -r! I The wheat so preeiouk Jn 'His 'Sigi^t '>'''' "'^^ Are souls He seeks • to ^Vvilrt',' "' ^ ■''' ■'•'"•'^ ^^-^ The storehouse is His'heaven'^filight'O^ ^f^T O may all entW ih.''J ^'-^^^ "^'- nirhiW The wheat from Whit^ ^'& bi^aia^bl I?i1^ To hungry souls'^fe'^ivcf^ii^^ ^"" ^?"f^' .^^^ To aid them thmii'gtf ihekoW'^hA^'^UVii^, That gains the peace- of heaVeff."^ ^i'^" ^3^1 .bn-jq^b Tsv/oq isrigifl nO ,od Jon YJsm 3"// gealaiBD ,>!332 ob 3v/ vJyiB? H ,3ri ei 3oi Ii/^Hdjbv/ A .>Ib3v/ 3d biBug "100 Jon IoJl 3ubdu2 gJluB^ obi'd sriT (Woig i3}£3i§ vaHj 3-1 oba v/snsT fl}:§n3i:te luo lliw jIioW •v/on^l 37/ >liow ol 'vijoA H ,83yis ^H dJgnaUe 3d:t dl'rf/ jlioW ,3ni^ bnc bioJ -luo Jka aW .gsvil Jfidl 11b oJ sH lol .gniid lliv/ dJgnsiJe b3b33n adT 5l2B ob vsdl 1i io\ U ,j2uij bnfi 3Yoi aidmud dliW >l?,Bl B 3on }i bsi bnA .}?.ui sHj 3vil ZB ,3vil oT Words of Cheer SALVATION Salvation! saved from what? The foe, whence cometh he? Can we the door not shut? Or can he enter free? The foe is near indeed, Within the heart he lurks, If we the danger heed, And shun his evil works. We must not harbor him Nor take him for a friend, Let not true faith grow dim. On higher power depend. Careless we may not be. If safety we do seek, A watchful foe is he, Let not our guard be weak. The little faults subdue Before they greater grow, Work will our strength renew If how to work we know. Work with the strength He gives. We call our Lord and King, For He to all that lives. The needed strength will bring. If for it they do ask With humble love and trust. And feel it not a task To live, as live the just. 114 Words of Cheer HARVEST The Lord of the harvest calls you, Turn not from Him away, To duty be you ever true. The Master's call obey. See the fields with plenty teeming Come hasten to the work, The glowing sun on all is beaming O come, and do not shirk. Think of the hungry souls to feed. With zeal your hearts should glow, That you can help them in their need The Father's love to know. Look ever for His guiding hand, That points the upward way, And onward march at His command To seek eternal day. We may not guess what joys above A Father's care provides But this we know, that all is love That every footstep guides. Then freely trust Him all the way, His Word we feel is true, And trusting it we need not stray, He will the wrong subdue. 115 Words, of Cheer LORD THOU HA$T:!BEEN OUR DWELL- ING PLACE IN ALL GENERATIONS ,ui;'{ c^llx;:; iw/ri i! -.nb lo hioA .od'l ,Xuv/s:PmI^s m.Hisisid&.anioO MdiniK^K! ,'f Hj: !',(> fuir ''./u/.'ohj adT If from that bofrte we tWirnla,way,(uo.. () And wilful, our own way we take, In error'&patha tO; heedless Sitray!,: 1,> >lnidT Ou/r,J(i4gheet,/goQ^,iw6 %hv^ i®r)S0l?feYy ': ■'; li'.'.'ll ni iri-);ij ql'id !1i;-j ixw lj:dT Where will then' our foojtstfepsitertd?.: r When heedless we have left the light Which brigb;tnesSi.t0iOuril;ives. should lend, And everMJ^ei^iQur.jhomls; in:sig|it)j:(f i bdmamo-j ^iH if; ihiiuti hiiA'wno bnA Where safe within ouriFithe^tSicAfe^ oT In ways of use our days are passed. The evil can not touch. us-there,(, /j-.m t)W In our true hoofte Wi€ l(ast)i;'4 A 3 vol r;i Ilk J/idJ , v/ord 37/ e.\(\i JuH ,{jr/7 yd} ilj; mill t^uiJ /l;>3it nadT ,3iji} i>i bai 9w bioY/ ^IH ,YEij8 }on b^'jn av/ Ji afi'l^^JT bnA .aubdij^^ ^noTW -idi IJiw yH £ia6 fMdndsofvChkir ,v/0fi3T fiJ^notJc oj ql'jfl IliV/ Where shaHi ivtei Idpfeif^rfjpeitf oat ikshliA On earth cap:,itibejjfQW(hd?oi tm \l fM^Jiea ) roaFr m^ \with ; its i t)eace)l-fae7jbksti?r In this wo^tJ's.svvHary ^^©srfwi^ u;0 As night jindi)ddyt:altema4;e.' come narfT So dafkiand^bitighc weJknowy-i bnil We deeper feel the worth of home, When far from it we go. If light should ever with us stay, No contract could we see. The blessing of the light of day, Less prized by us might be. The inner life is just the same, And oft' it shadowed seems, If never to it darkness came How should we heed truth's gleams? Our Father's love sends to us all. That which He knows is best, When cares and sorrows on us fall 'Tis to our lives a test. If we will use the strength He sends And trust His loving care A blessing to our hearts descends His peace we then may share. 8U7 Words of Cheer The work He gives us here on earth, Will help to strength renew, And fit us for the higher birth, If we to Him are true. Then work with willing heart and hand, Our Father's will to do, Then may we in that better land. Find rest and peace that's true. ii8 Words of Cheer CHRISTMAS Our loving Saviour's natal day, May we forget it never; His love is with us day by day, O may we love Him ever. The day on which the Truth came down, In love the human race to save, Is surely of all days the crown, To honor Him for life He gave. How shall we to Him honor give. For all we from Him receive, Give thought and care to those who live, A cheering word may woe relieve, Inasmuch, our Lord to us has said, As you on others good bestow, The needy helped, the hungry fed. Your love for Me, will ever glow. To Me your acts of love are given, As these my children, you do love For thus within, begins your heaven. That goes with you to that above. 119 yWhrd'iof GhVer A MORmm^ iPRAYER Father, ,>ti!» iineicy' <9paira;Htlj8i!'Xofl,iuO Give help in, time 'ofineed,' -/yJA Our Makfer^dnd bur Mighty Gofl,;lH This f.ersVientfpiriyer.O hee(ij;,n O ,nwlfa weaknfeasiWe-tiipoi^^jl/j tJilT 0,'be with' 'usithisridaj^.'tflt rjvoi nl Nor ].et?.'us in^ttempt^tidhfallj/laiug al And >kedp usiisafe, .vvdSpraj^o/i oT We know Tilt oai^ \vill>ne\i^Eibease>H M^y iwe Thy iowe still feel lo i ,9vilAnd',love!for Thee inus trlcreaie ^viO As: it! Thy feet ive kr^eel,l^■l/!:) A Welhumhly aaklor strfengthtbibearinr Life's itriailsl,.' and,' lifefe. woe^o/ ^A In, iserrow'siihouiEi Tbo^idrt' ItherepiiT ,v/t>jThy- tender Ipvfe' wseiknoW, luoY O'may ws; ever! look torThe© jM oT 'TIjioulsQureeiof! tiuth and goadrA ^hat')i\iv7C:may;-ever!n,iiiEiidiful bed! toH To', walk : in paths .we. shouldij;/iT Thine is the glory and the power, We give our thanks to Thee Who ever will a blessing shower On such as humble be. ifftO \Mfind^^>of^.,dii^)er .aiurle £ Lr.rl -n/'l ^nol o? ibiflv/ nl Why ,th^4 i*ia>rfi$itl, Shis aaixiqu^itholMhfc?!^ Why XQninyyMii'A: comes c^re , iuosougjia? What can bring peace and blessed rest? . Is such a turmoil for the best? peace, for thee my spirit calls, When darkness with its gloom appalls. But peace has hid her face from me And nought but darkness can I see. Remembrance brings a ray of light, 1 know it is not always night, Sometime this cloud from me will go The sunshine I again shall know. haste and come to my relief, And take away my unbelief, Bring light, that I may see the way, Nor farther from its brightness stray. When brought to mind are mercies past, 1 know these shadows will not last, Light from above He sends to me. Then brightened will my pathway be. More precious then the light will seem When I behold its welcome gleam, I look to Him with thankful heart, Who does to me the gift impart. Words of Cheer O may I ne'er forget His care, In which so long I've had a share, To Him all praise and honor give. Best guide He is to all that live. 122 Words of Cheer TO MY SISTER March, igiS A birthday greeting now I send, Some little pleasure may it lend, A thought of kinship bring to mind, The tie which here on earth doth bind. May it beyond, renewed be found. Where love and peace will sure abound, So many friends we hope to meet And joyful there each other greet. 123 W^faGk|' Yield not to doubt or fear, Much better he'caii find^hifeii^kee;, (f.bdnid A And still t^fy^ui^be'.nesa'U'^fJ'ilq ^I^J'd 3fno8 .f.furr: CO ^M!r«i i{id<:(\r} to ldvurii\l A While hfei^^-d^'^afthi^aoe'tenuM^'divide?, adT Not so U'hfef^ ndW;lW'&tandsii"''.'->d Ji yrAA You thiWk-'of 'hifey hi^'sf by-ybiiffeide,'' 'JiodV/ For thou^fibrin"p)'^i**ert(kT-iirlt th©sefilafids. .1:>3ia 'loHlo doBO 3-t3th Inl/of hn/v He guided is by loving friends And cannot lose his way, A thought which a sweet comfort lends. For here we sometimes stray. The years are going swiftly on, All, to that home must go. Our lessons here we need to con. To learn what we should know. Our friends we'll meet on that bright shore And welcome glad receive. The parting pain feel never more, O doubt not but believe. Safe in the Father's loving care. What more for him could you desire? Forever guarded he is there. Kept by a love that ne'er will tire. 134' ^yMaf) 6f Ghee¥^ Your love ^i^ ^iS 4'^W wl^h ^ iH^ b^t >^ O But you, as mortals cannot know, Uwtil^o>()ii cOrtiesHhe'tr'ue'' test) '»'^"-V "^s^'V \<\"?i-iy,^ And to youi- finarhomfe yoU'^o^i^^'V! nin"^ \\\ Can you not wiit ttlfe"iit"tlie'#ad#bru/9 TaJecM O Before you too fitie; Called' tb'<^d?HK) Jon JdJ Where you mayi'locik'W^brt' liis ']faGe,:iini«sDld vrfT And feel 'tWat^ltlvg"fhaii>vriir4d"#s07o.'/ tuO JiB3f{ 3flj nidiiw riDiuriD '(dT i/odT blii;9 33dT oJ ilool lava yBm 3w JisdT ,:fiBtpb la's e}q333iq ydT rnmlt loVl .33i} 8iL/ q33jl bioJ ,?,''{Bw e'lons rnoi'I ,3/13 331 VI 38 gnilliv/ 3w Y^m O ,3vi3a bib eu loi d}i£3 no uoriT aA 3vil 13V3 v'lolg ydT loil bnA .3vi3gdo ebiov/ vdT aganeuolKSs djiV/ 33£lq ?,id} noqu Jeai gniggald ^dT 313d sldmoegiG ob odw [\k jfidT ,33Ei§ ydT io 3on3uftni adJ laai vijM .iB9n yhuja Jii; uodT Jed} aioni bnA ,3moo 33n3i3V3i YBm jiBari dD£3 oJnl ,3V3ii3 oJ 3voI yriT i£3i viod bnA ,3mod YqqjBd b m'^Ai oj aai/od gidT .av}333i boog bnB riJuiJ ydT X3dji 3i3d¥/ Words of Cheer ON A CHURCH BUILDING Except The Lord Build The House They Labor In Vain That Build It. — Psalms 127.I O Master Builder, lend Thine aid, Let not our labor be in vain, Thy blessing with each timber laid, Our work for Thee do not disdain. Build Thou Thy church within the heart That we may ever look to Thee Nor from Thy precepts e'er depart. From error's ways, Lord keep us free. O may we willing service give, As Thou on earth for us did serve, And for Thy glory ever live With zealousness Thy words observe. Thy blessing rest upon this place That all who do assemble here May feel the influence of Thy grace. And know that Thou art surely near. Into each heart may reverence come. And holy fear Thy love to grieve, This house to them a happy home. Where they Thy truth and good receive. 126 Words of Cheer THE SACRIFICES OF GOD ARE A BROK- EN SPIRIT, A BROKEN AND A CON- TRITE HEART THOU WILT NOT DESPISE Psalms 51.17 What sacrifice does God require? In ancient times He seemed to say That blood, was what He did desire ; And sheep and oxen they did slay, Upon their altars blood was thought To please their God and stay His hand From evil He upon them brought, And give them peace within their land. So little could they understand. The meaning of the blood thus shed Was unknown by that darkened band, And slowly must they so be led, For truth in all its brightness seen Too dazzling to their sight would be. Consuming fire to them 'twould mean. Or blind them that they could not see. So little to them He could give, He with unfailing tender care, Did temper it that they might live And in His loving mercy share. We now a little more can see, In light that comes from His own Word, 127 Words of Cheer What blood can mean to you and me, 'Tis life, that in our hearts has stirred, To try to overcome the wrong That rises, in our lives today, And in His strength to be made strong To follow Him the Light, the Way. 128 Words of Cheer LONGINGS When shall I have a home once more, And enter in at my own door? Where I shall see mine own again? How gladdened would my heart be then For costly furnishing I'd not care The home, my home, it would be there, In others' homes so long I've been, Whose minds to mine were not akin. That freedom I would greatly prize, In this, perhaps, I am not wise; It may not be for my real good, To have my way if so I could. Our Father knows, and if it's best And I do need a longer test, May I, my will to His submit. And know that Love's the source of it. 'Twill not be long that I shall stay From my eternal home away, Where satisfied my heart will be. In that true home prepared for me. 129 Words of Cheer ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH Matthew 28.18 All power in Him, the highest One, The One who here, was called the Son, 'Twas love that sent Him down to earth To take on Him the mortal birth Endure and tempted be, like all Who share the burden of the fall. Himself took up the heavy load, While here on earth was His abode, To mark the path we all should tread If we by Him wish to be led. He strove and suffered more than we Can ever know, or ever see. To manifest His love so pure. He freely did such wrong endure. And gave His life, that we might live, For this, what can zve to Him give? A reverent love our hearts should feel. To serve Him with an earnest zeal, And to His children here below, His love and mercy ever show. And daily strive to do His will, We know that He is with us still With guiding hand to point the way Which leads us to eternal day, May we His precepts ne'er forget, But search the Word before us set And strive from self to turn away As for His help we daily pray. 130 Words of Cheer MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD John 18.36 Not here the outward presence bright, Of Him the only God, our King, We could not bear the dazzling light The transcendent glory it would bring. Far beyond the brightest sunlight That ever on this earth did shine. No mortal eye could bear that sight, Or dwell in brightness so Divine. The truth He sends to us on earth Cannot in all its wealth be shown. Little by little, we see the worth. Of what we will, to make our own. Yet not our ozvfi; to us 'tis given, To guide us in the upward way, Which leads to Him whose home is heaven. That we may with him ever stay. So, gently to the soul within. He gives such light as it can bear, To cleanse it from the love of sin, And in His good and truth to share. His love for all is infinite. Beyond what we can comprehend And we may surely trust to it, That from our foes it will defend. 131 Words of Cheer The foes that lurk within the heart, And strive to tempt us from the right, From love of self 'tis hard to part To serve it seems to us delight. But if we wish to follow on Where our dear Lord has led the way, How sweet will be the victory won When love for others holds full sway. For faintly it may image give In finite ways His love so pure, To help each other so to live, That heavenly peace we may secure. 132 Words of Cheer TEMPTATION How long O Lord will sin prevail? The inner life so shadowed be? Temptation sore my soul assail, That naught save darkness can I see? Sometimes the way before me seems That to the heights it will ascend, And hopeful then the future gleams; But all too soon it may descend. Where shadows dark and fearsome lie, The light but dimly can be seen, And clouds so hide from me the sky They seem to fill all space between. Will e'er the darksome clouds grow bright. And peace come to me once again? My spirit from depression's night Rise from the depths where it has lain? As day and night alternate here. The inner life knows lights and shade, At times the path seems bright with cheer, Then night descends to make afraid. O soul look up, where shines so bright The everlasting steadfast Love, And trust in Him, who is the light, That points you to the home above. 133 Words of Cheer In darkest hours fail not to trust, What other refuge can there be? If faith lies prostrate in the dust A hopeless future looms for thee. It shall not be, my trust is sure To Him 'tis given, I will not fear, He holds me in His care secure Where e'er I am, He still is near. 134 Words of Cheer HESITATION Sometimes uncertain seems the way, To which our thoughts and steps should turn, We hestitate, for light we pray, Do we sincerely wish to learn Which the right path that we should take? Or do we in our willfulness Wish to the narrow way forsake That doubtful good we may possess? A word of trust, a word of cheer May it be given me to declare, To show to tempted ones more clear Our Father's tender love and care. Before I leave forevermore. The scenes of earth so long I've known; A life that's reached to years four score, O may His grace to me be shown. Help me be useful while I stay, From love of self O make me free, Some little good to do each day. And know that all doth come from Thee. To others show Thy priceless worth And live obedient to Thy will That when at last I leave this earth, Feel that I've tried to it fulfill. 135 Words of Cheer JUST WEDDED Together as you onward go May still the tie but closer bind, And life's great purpose may you know, The upward path together find. Both light and shade we all must see, While here on earth we do abide'. Some days must surely clouded be, But soon appears the cloud's bright side. We need them both, the dark, the bright, And which is best, His care will give. If earnestly we seek the light. To ever in His service live. May many happy years be yours, The world be better for your life. True love, that happiness assures. Be with you through the toil and strife. 136 Words of Cheer 'O SPARE ME, THAT I MAY RECOVER STRENGTH BEFORE I GO HENCE, AND BE NO MORE" Psalm 39.13 O strength, the strength to do Thy will, That life on earth be not in vain, Thy purpose help me to fulfill, In rightful paths my feet sustain. That I thine instrument may be A little good to bring to earth, Thy love and mercy ever see. To others show Thy priceless worth. Help me that I the glory give To Thee, the only perfect One, That by Thy precepts I may live. Sincerely say, Thy will be done. 137 Words of Cheer OUR HOME How do we build our future home? Of what material is it made? Unseen by mortal eyes we come Where its foundation has been laid. Our inner life from day to day Is slowly building up its walls, May we to Him in earnest pray, And try to follow as He calls. 'Tis in His Word, the message true, Where earnestly we need to seek For strength our courage to renew And trust, when faith grows faint and weak. Our inward foes He will put down If truly we from evil turn, And with success our efforts crown As more and more His love we learn. When this our mortal life we leave May we a goodly building see, Where those we love may us receive, And all in harmony agree. 138 Words of Cheer NOT DEATH, BUT LIFE The earthly garment cast aside, No more can he in it abide, The spirit from it rises free. It goes, to home eternal see. Though hidden 'tis from mortal eyes. Faith says to us, it will arise No more the ills of earth to bear, But in the joys above to share. Mourn not for those who go before, To sooner reach that peaceful shore, 'Twill not be long we here shall stay, (For time doth quickly pass away.) Think of that home, so fair and bright, Where comes no dark and dreary night. But follow on from day to day As our dear Lord has led the way. 139 Words of Cheer AGAIN CHRISTMAS The joyous Christmas comes again, To which the children greeting give As gifts of love come in its train, How pleasant seems it, just to live Anticipation lends a glow It beams in every eager face, The light above shines here below To cheer this world of time and space. May every heart some brightness take That it may keep the whole year long, The brighter, other lives to make, And joys of Christmas so prolong, May all a faint reflection show Of love Divine that self ignores. And in the rightful pathway go. To reach at last the heavenly shores. 140 Words of Cheer TRUE FRIENDS When life seems dark, and friends we need We dearly prize the friend indeed When coldly others turn away, It cheers our hearts that real friends stay And strive our weary way to cheer, How quickly then our sky will clear, So hopeful soon our hearts may grow As they to us such kindness show. May we ungrateful never be Nor fail their kindness to us see, On others love and thought bestow. Help them to peace in days of woe. So may we aid each heart to bear The burden of its daily care. As children of one Father's love, To meet at last in joy above. 141 Words of Cheer GIVING That from the heart we freely give To our own lives returns again, For on such food we truly live The life we ever shall retain. We reap not if we do not sow, Nor gain right growth without a thought, A growth that ends not here below, But step by step to heights is brought. The heights where love and peace we know And pain and anguish never come, Where living waters ever flow And where w^e are at home, sweet home. There safe within the Father's care He still for us will find employ In helping other souls to share The use which brings to each true joy. 142 Words of Cheer GONE BUT NOT LOST A dear companion gone before, To wait for you on that bright shore, The outer garment fit for earth Is useless in that higher birth. The soul itself will now be known. Its real life to others shown, The life beyond is life indeed. And fully satisfied each need. The place which we were meant to fill Is ready, if we do His will, And strive to love of self put down, That love for others be our crown. Temptation comes to all who live. The strength to conquer. He will give, His love surrounds us every one O may we say. Thy will be done. He calls us when He knows 'tis best, Helps us to trust for all the rest. Soon we shall enter our own home No more in earthly paths to roam. 143 Words of Cheer LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE Lose not courage, hold it fast Look ever for a brighter day, What if the sky is overcast? The clouds, wt know, will float away. Both dark and light we here must see, But day or night we need not fear, For surely will the darkness flee, As comes the sun, so bright with cheer. Keep sunshine in the heart alway, To shed its light on all around And send the clouds of doubt away Let peace within be ever found. 144 Words of Cheer A PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE In fervent prayer to Thee this day Our weakness on Thy strength we lean, With humble hearts to Thee we pray That Thou wilt wash us white and clean, For earthly stains our souls will mar, If from Thee we do turn aside, And from Thy peace we wonder far. Nor in Thy precepts safe abide. O draw us to Thy tender care, And keep us safely day by day, Lord, hear and heed this earnest prayer. We know Thy love is over all 'Tis we who from Thy mercy turn, O let us not in weakness fall But every day Thy love discern. That leads us on by various ways, Which in Thy love Thou knowest best, O may we ne'er forget to praise. But follow on at Thy behest. 145 Words of Cheer BEST WISHES FOR THE NEWLY WED A long and happy life be yours With real friends on every side, Unselfish love which aye endures Within your hearts alway abide. Sometimes indeed the clouds will come, For light and shade we all must know, But keep a cheer within your home. And darkness soon from it will go. May trusted friends be every true, Your home a home of peace and rest. Where strength you daily may renew. As useful life brings added zest. O may you ever look above To Him from whom all good descends, He is the only source of love, And what is best He to you sends. 146 Words of Cheer HOW TO WIN HAPPINESS If happiness each day we seek, Where can we find its joy and peace? Can it be found on mountain peak? Will broader views from care release? The scenes of earth we may behold, Though pleasing to the outer sight. Are transient as a tale that's told And fade away, howe'er so bright. But inward peace, and joys that stay. When things of earth have passed and gone. Will come to those who day by day Unselfishness have sought and won. For love of others gives the heart A purer joy than self can know, And they who choose that better part From height to height will ever go. In that bright world where Love is King, The love that never turns away, But to each soul will surely bring A peace, to with them ever stay. O may we ne'er forget His love And ever strive to do His will, That we may in His heaven above Forever live, where comes no ill. 147 Words of Cheer GLOOM Why should depression's gloomy cloud The brightness of the day o'ercast? My soul in darkness to enshroud That every ray of hope seems past? Though bright the day the inner light In darkest night is veiled to me, Nor can I see relief in sight, 'Till hope shall come and set me free. But doubt still lingers in my mind, Why w'\\\ it not departure take, That I a little light may find And from my soul the fetters break? Where shall I look for needed strength When that I have will not avail. How many hours drag out their length And darkness still my soul assail? O soul look up, where beams so bright, The light that never fails to shine For those who ask in faith aright, 'Tis given by Him, the Light Divine. It comes from Him whose name is Love, May we not turn from it away, But follow to its home above. With those who prize it ever stay. 148 Words of Cheer ALONE Alone as to the life within, No soul that inner life can share, Though bright with good, or dark with sin, No earthly friend can enter there. The fight 'gainst wrong we all must know If from the wrong we would be freed, 'Tis hidden from our friends below, They dream not of our soul's dire need. Our strength alone is vain to cope With evil that temptations bring. Where shall we catch a gleam of hope. That light upon our way will fling? None, save our Master, (He who knows The weakness of His children all,) Can give to us the light that glows For those who on Him trusting call. O may we from the heart beseech That He will guide us on our way, And we at last our home may reach. To in His presence ever stay. There, safely sheltered from all ill, In useful deeds our life goes on. Creation's purpose to fulfill. With love, to Him still closer drawn. 149 Words of Cheer DRAW ME NEARER Draw me nearer still, and nearer To Thy great heart of love and peace, Let my vision yet be clearer, Bid anxious care and doubt to cease. To trust in Thee each day I live Will lighten every toilsome task, And to the hours a sweetness give, 'Tis for this trust I earnest ask. Within His Holy Word 'tis said Our heart's desire to us is given May we by Him be daily led To seek the way that leads to heaven. Desire the right, and evil spurn, Each day to ask for help to know Where danger lurks, from it to turn. And in the upward path to go. Then calmly may we journey on. Secure within His tender care, That when our work on earth is done A home for us He will prepare. 150 Words of Cheer BRIGHT DREAMS A vision came to me one morn, A vision all too bright and fair, Of thoughts of peace and joy 'twas born That those I loved might with me share. The dream went with me all the day, And brightened every homely task. It seemed that with me it might stay I in its sunshine ever bask. But who can tell what night may bring. As quickly passes by the day? Will happiness still to me cling. Or from me will it turn away? The day is gone, the night has come, And shadows fall without, within. The brightness must give way to gloom, For ne'er can joy the victory win. The dream has passed illusion gone, At last I see 'twas but a dream, The lesson hard I now must con, To others calm and happy seem. The hard reality to face. Let bitter strife go on within, A heavy heart can take the place, Where hope and joy did once come in. Words of Cheer A few short days of joyousness But deepens all the after gloom, O why so brief is happiness? So short at time its flowers bloom. O peace where is thy soothing balm? For thee the aching heart doth long, Come to its aid with thy sweet calm. To heal the hurt and make me strong. 15a fVords of Cheer OLD AGE Why should this outer shell grow old? Its strength be lost its movement slow? When life within has not grown cold But seems perennial to glow? The mind still active as of yore, But held in bonds by body weak Is longing once again to soar And broader ways once more to seek. O must we this poor garment leave, And cast these bonds of earth aside? Before we can aright receive. The strength that with us will abide? This body only serves us here Our living spirit to disclose Or hide, the inner motive dear We cherish, and no other knows. O may the life we feel within To ways of truth and good be given, And even here, the life begin Which will go on in that bright heaven. Where happiness in use consists. And love for others has full sway. No selfishness in heaven exists, 'Twould rob of joy the brightest day. 153 JVords of Cheer SADNESS Why is this morning hour so sad? Within the heart is darkest gloom, Outside, the sun makes all things glad, Cannot its brightness flood this room? Lift up the mind to cloudless skies And think of brighter dreams of home When in your life the sun did rise, As joy and peace to you did come. Cast off this mood which brings despair, Let dreary doubt no longer stay To higher power take all your care As daily for His help you pray. So surely to you will come peace If earnestly for it you ask All anxious thought will soon decrease And in His love your soul will bask. 154 Words of Cheer DARKNESS The joy from life has fled away My heart a heaviness must bear, For light with me no more can stay And darkness comes to bring despair, Why will this shadow not depart, And light upon my soul still shine; Once more to glow within my heart. Though longed for joys I must resign? Cease troubled soul thy struggles vain, Let reason guide thee on thy way; The strength you need you may regain, If for it earnestly you pray, A light be given to bring you hope That soon the clouds will leave your sky, In darkness you no longer grope, Sweet peace be sent you from on high. 155 Words of Cheer LOST STRENGTH We long for strength of other days, When feeble age seemed far away, A will to do still with us stays, The body weak cannot obey. If strength in age should be retained The spirit to this world might cling, By earthly loves and joys enchained. Nor longing seek our heavenly king. He knoweth best what each one needs To guided be to higher aims, The earnest soul He daily feeds, From wrongful paths He thus reclaims. Then mourn not for the strength that's gone An inner strength can take its place, When 'gainst the wrong the victory's won. And known at last is heavenly grace. 156 Words of Cheer LOST JOYS Why weep for joys we once did know? Grief will not bring them back again, Time swiftly onward still must go, Though to live o'er them we are fain For us time never backward turns. The day that's passed will not come back, Howe'er the spirit for it yearns We never find that wished for track. What have we learned in all the years. To aid us as we onward go? Can we not find some thought that cheers. To free us from the grip of woe? And bid us look beyond this earth A remedy for grief to find? A home there is of priceless worth, Provided by our Father kind. How can we enter that bright home And happy be forevermore, Our Father wishes all to come, A life of use, swings wide the door. Cannot we try while here we stay, In useful ways to time employ? A little good to do each day So shall we reach that home of joy. 157 Words of Cheer Let not discouragement depress, But earnestly the right pursue, Let trust in Him your souls possess, And He will give the strength to do. Put self aside, to others' need A helping hand do not deny, The hungry heart in kindness feed Your own receives a rich supply. 158 Words of Cheer THE EVENING OF LIFE The bonds of earth which held me fast Are loosening from my soul today, No more I'll dwell on pleasures past, They're left behind, there let them stay. No longer under clouds that mar The beauty of the day for me. For brighter is the evening star That in a vision I can see. The future waits, I'll trust. His grace Who leads me all the devious way, If faithful, I shall win the race. To realms where shines eternal day. Make straight the way before my feet Which upward leads to home and Thee, Give strength to save me from defeat. From errors' ways, Lord keep me free. 159 Words of Cheer LEAVE DARKNESS, SEEK THE LIGHT I wake from dreams of happy hours, Which once brought to me joy. Time's magic singles out the flowers, The thorns no more annoy. Why not this lesson con today. The brighter scenes hold fast From gloom and fear to turn away, And leave them in the past? The days might then a gladness hold To which the heart could cling. Each cheerful gleam worth more than gold. Such joy to life would bring. Why linger then in darkness drear. And turn away from light? Come cast aside the thought of fear Trust in the radiance bright. The light sent down by Him above, To shine on all that live, If to Him they will come in love. Their willing service give. If trusting not His loving care How can we find sweet peace ? We look to earth, it is not there, Here woes and conflicts never cease. .160 Words of Cheer If we have not His peace within No joy of earth will satisfy, O let us try that peace to win Temptations of the earth defy. i6i fVords of Cheer SAFE AT HOME Not lost, but gone where love is King No sorrow there as here on earth, This thought a healing balm may bring That 'tis for her a joyous birth. She wakes to heavenly life and joy, For grief and pain are left below, No anxious care can e'er annoy. The Father's love she'll learn to know, This world is not our home for long, We all sometime must follow on, May we for duty here be strong, That He to us can say, well done, As joyful to our home we go To meet our dear ones there above And joy and peace forever know In that bright land where all is love. Think of the joy your mother feels, Your child to welcome to that home, Our Father's love, how it reveals His care for all who to Him come. 162 Words of Cheer AT EIGHTY Our days of youth are left behind, Though youthful still the heart may be, These earthly bonds the spirit bind, In vain it struggles to be free. The longed for strength cannot return, While on the earth we still do stay, The will to do, may in us burn But body weak cannot obey. May faith and trust be with us yet, We all are in our Father's care, And may we never this forget That He is with us everywhere. His tender love is over all, Though oft from it we turn away, Again He does upon us call To guide us in the rightful way. O may we feel His love so true. And heed the call to truth and good, Our faith and love for Him renew, And ever walk in paths we should. 163 Words of Cheer LOOK FORWARD. If joys grow dim as life advances And earth with sorrow is rife, The anguish endured enhances The joys of the future life. And heaven to us seems dearer When clouds and darkness come, As all its peace draws nearer, And we are almost home. This thought, too, will help to cheer us When trouble or sorrow is near That angels are ever near us When trials with patience we bear. Then why let trouble o'ercome us, When helpers like these are nigh, Cheerfulness would more become us. And thoughts of our home on high. Then work with busy hands and heart. And think not of a sad tomorrow. For if of work we bear our part. We'll have no time for sorrow. For idle hands and idle hearts With mischief soon are teeming, And we have then to bear the smarts And reap the fruits of dreaming. 164 Words of Cheer So let us then resolve anew All idle thoughts to shun, And keep henceforth this thought in view, In earnest now our work's begun. What though our earthly hopes decay, As day by day they pass us by. There's One who knows a better way To lead us to Himself on high. And if we follow where He leads Nor turn our steps to other ways, His love will satisfy our needs, And fill with peace and joy our days. 165 Words of Cheer DISCONTENT When preaching contentment do we ever pause and think, what would have been accomplished in the world if every one had been content. No striv- ing for better things. No great achievements. We should have been no better than a brute beast. It would be difficult to imagine at the present time what sort of a world we should be existing in. It could (with our present ideas) hardly be called liv- ing if discontent had not arisen. Blessed be discon- tent of the right kind, it has brought us more good than tongue or pen can tell. It has rescued us from the dead level in which there would have been no progress for either soul or body. i66 Words of Cheer OUR MITES To add our mite to the happiness of each day in the hearts of those we meet, How? The kind word, the helpful deed, be it ever so small will do much to magnify the love and peace in all hearts which can be reached in our daily lives. Even a pleasant smile as you meet a child on the street will tend to make the day happier, and perhaps dispel some shadow we know not of. So much unhappi- ness can be caused by the impatient word or unkind remark. If we could look into the hearts and inner lives of those we meet and see the longing for the pleas- ant word we would not needlessly wound the al- ready sorrowful one. There is much unhappiness in the world, even in the hearts of children. Let us give our small mite to lessen it. An impression re- ceived in childhood is apt to endure. Let us try to help to happy thoughts which will go with them through life. They will soon be men and women, do not cast the burden of sorrow on their youthful days, but give them something pleasant, which they in turn can pass on to others. The world will see to it that they have all the burdens they need to bear. 167 Words of Cheer LEAD US TO THE RIGHT Lord make us willing to be led, By Thee who ever knoweth best, Show us the path which we should tread. Help give, that we may in Thee rest. Sometimes we feel we hardly know Which way is right or which is wrong. With hesitating steps we go, For light upon the way we long. We doubt if what we wish, is right. And hope that we may find it so ; Let not desire obscure the light. Give help and strength the way to know. Thy love we know transcends our own Beyond our power to understand. By Thee we're never left alone We're still within Thy loving hand. May we to Thee give worship true, Nor e'er forget Thy love and care, Each day our faith and trust renew, That we at last Thy home may share. 168 Words of Cheer GONE WHILE STILL A CHILD Safe in that home of peace and love, Where comes no earthly care or woe, She's gone to happy scenes above To useful life, forever know. The life beyond, is life indeed With love and truth on every side. It satisfies our highest need, And those we love with us abide. How can we wish her back to earth, Where troubles and temptations come? What can a few short years be worth? We know that soon, we too, go home. The Father's love is great indeed. On it we may in safety rest, He better knows our every need And what to give. He knoweth best. A trust in Him sweet peace can give. And strength to bear life's burdens all. If we do try each day we live In reverent faith on Him to call. 169 Words of Cheer WAR'S HORRORS The gates of hell once more swing wide, To flood the earth with woe and hate, With cruel war on every side, For love and peace, to lie in wait, Once more as in our Saviour's time The evil ones do men possess. In every land in every clime. They're demon powers do souls obsess. How long O Lord must wrong prevail. Before the world its lesson learns? How long shall evil, good assail, As fierce its hatred of it burns? May soon, all nations know for what This horror. Thou dost now permit, Why seems the door of mercy shut. For none save Thou canst open it. No other way can all be taught How blessed is the path of peace, When to that knowledge they are brought Then only, selfish strife will cease. O hasten Lord that happy day When peace once more on earth descends, With hopeful hearts we watch and pray That soon this fearful warfare ends. O that the world may ne'er forget The useful lesson they should learn, That strife must ever bring regret And evermore from it to turn. 170 Words of Cheer DRIFTING Drifting: the strength to fight seems lost, Supine I float down ways of ease; In vain I try to count the cost I'm carried on by every breeze. Where are the hopes that once I knew? That in life's battle I should win? Why can I not that faith renew, Or need to say, it might have been? I must, I will, again look up, To Him who strength to me can give. He'll take from me this empty cup. That I may in His presence live. When earthly bonds are laid aside The darkness must give way to light, And I in that blest home abide. The gloom give place to radiance bright. There use to others fill the days With peace and love and sweet content, For use brings happiness that stays, And joy from Him, to us is sent. 171 Words of Cheer OUR ETERNAL HOME What is that home which we shall find When bonds of earth do cease to bind ? And from this outer shell set free Our real home in truth we see? That will our every need supply, Where we shall live, no more to die, And those we love with us abide. Congenial friends on every side. While here on earth our help we give The house to build, where we shall live, Our thoughts and deeds while here below In our real home their likeness show. And what we are, is then revealed. For there, the soul is not concealed, O may we strive to really be What we are willing all should see. That when we leave this earthly frame, A home of beauty we may claim. Where happiness in use is found. And love and joy all lives surround. 17* Words of Cheer LAST WORDS I send you forth my little book, In hope some grieving heart to cheer, To help some one to upward look And feel our Father holds us near, Have faith in Him who knoweth best The way to lead us, and to save, On Him we may in safety rest. For to us all, our life He gave. So comfort take in sorrow's hour. For He can consolation give And trust in Him whose mighty power Is over all that they may live To enter that true home at last And active life forever know, Their pain and conflict overpast To joyful onward ever go. Feb. 25, 1918. 173 liniiDi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 799 982 5