5 K .L5 Issiiod OftolxT IS. l'.>21. United States Department of Agriculture DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR 196. Contribution from the Bureau of Biological Survey, E. W. NELSON. Chief. DIRECTORY OF OFFICIALS AND ORGANIZATIONS CON- CERNED WITH THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS AND GAME, 1921. By Geo. A. Lawyer, Chief United States Game Wa7'de'iu and Frank L. Earx- SHAw, Asxistaut, Interstate Commcree in Game. CONTENTS. Page. Federal officials 3 StatP officials 3 National organizations 13 Page. State organizations 14 Audubon societies 18 The object of this directory, the twenty-second annual publication in the series/ is to present in convenient form the addresses of officials and oro^anizations from whom information may be obtained concern- injr G^ame conditions and the laws for the protection of wild life. It shows also the date of establishment of each State department con- cerned with the protection of birds, game, and other wild animals, the changes which have occurred in the organization of such depart- ments, the publications issued by each, and the personnel. Since the 1920 director}"^ was issued changes in game officials have been made in Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Mich- igan, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York. North Dakota, Ore- gon. South Carolina, Tennessee. Texas, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia, and in British Columbia and Ontario. Legislative 'Previous editions of tbis directory have been publislied as circulars and documents of the Biological Surve.v and Department Circulars, as follows: 1900, No. 28; 1901, No. '33 1902, No. 3.'); 1903, No. 40; 1904, No. 44; 1905, No. 50; 190G, No. 53; 1907, No. 62 1908, No. 65; 1909, No. 70; 1910, No. 74; 1911, No. 8.?; 1912, No. 88; 1913, No. 94 1914, unnumbered; 1915, B. S. Doc. 101 : 191G, B. S. Doc. 104; 1917, B. S. Doc. 108 1918, B. S. Doc. 109; 1919, Dept. Circular 63; 1920, Dcpt. Circular 131. 65367—21 1 ■.f>Pb Moaograpii 2 Department Circular 196, V. S. Dept. of Agriculture. charifjes affectinc: the administration of cjame laws occurred in Con- nocticut, Miohiofan. Montana, Nevada, Xow IMexico, New York, Ore- gon, AVasliington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Commissions were reorganized in Connecticut, Montana, and Oregon, and also in Wyoming, where the jurisdiction of the com- mission was extended to include fish. New ^lexioo and West Vir- ginia authorized the appointment of nonsalaried commissions of three members each, replacing the offices of State game wardens, and authorized the appointment of wardens to administer the laws under the direction of the respective commissions. In IMichigan a conservation commission of seven nonsalaried memliers was author- ized in lieu of the Public Domain Connnission, which formerly had charge of the administration of the laws relating to fish, game, and forests; the new commission also takes jurisdiction of all matters formerly under the State Board of Fish Conmiissioners, the Geo- logical Survey, and the Michigan State Park Commission, Wash- ington abolished the office of State fish commissioner and State game warden and created a department of fisheries and game under a single director, with the administration of the fish and game laws under the direct supervision of a supervisor of game and game fish. In Nevada the office of State fish and game warden, in existence since 1917, Was abolished, and county commissioners were charged with the enforcement of the game laws in their respective counties. In New York efforts to abolish the warden service and i)lace the administration of the fish and game laws in the hands of the mounted police were defeated by the activity of sportsmen and conservation- ists, although the number of inspectors was reduced from 12 to not more than 10 and the number of protectors from 131 to not more than 90: two additional troops of 58 men each were added to the State police force, and the powers and duties of game protectors were conferred upon the State police. In California efforts to abolish the fish and game commission and transfer jurisdiction over the administration of the fish and game laws to the Department of Agriculture met with failure. Eenewed efforts to create fish and game departments in Florida and North Carolina were unsuccessful. In 44 States and in Alaska the enforcement of game laws is in- trusted to game commissioners, wardens, or other State officers; in Florida, Mississippi, and Nevada, to county wardens; in North Car- olina to the State Audubon Society and county wardens; and in the District of Columbia to the Metropolitan Police. Several national organizations are interested in the protection of birds and game, of which two are international. In addition. State associations and many local organizations cooperate in the work of protecting game in 40 States and Alaska. Twentv-scven States and the District of SIO^ L Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1921. Columbia have Audubon societies organized especially for the study and protection of nonganie birds. The Bureau of Biological Survey requests prompt notification of any errors or changes in addresses appearing herein, in order that necessary corrections may be made for future editions. FEDERAL OFFICIALS. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. [Jurisdiction extended to game protection by act of May 25, 1900.] Secretary of Agriculture, IToiiry C. Wallace, Washington, D. C. Chief, Bureau of Biological Survey, E. W. Nelson, Washington, D. C. Assistant Chief, Bureau of Biological Survey, W. C. Henderson, Washington, D. C. Chief United States Game Warden, Geo. A. Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Assistant in charge of Game and Bird Reservations, H. F. Stone, Washing- ton, D. C. Assistant in charge. Protection of Alaska Land Fur Animals, W. F. Bancroft, Washington, D. C. Expert in Game Conservation, T. S. Palmer, Washington, D. C. STATE OFFICIALS. For information respecting game laws in States and Territories whicli have no State 'wardens, address as follows : Alaska. — Secretary of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Florida. — Secretary of State, Tallahassee. Missh'iSippi. — Secretary of State, Jaclfson. Nevada. — Secretary of State, Carson City. Hawaii. — Edw. il. Ehrhorn, Honolulu. Game laws are published in piimplilet form in all States, ALABAMA. Department of Conservation. Olhee of State game and fish commissioner estab- lished February 10, 1907 ; term, four vears. Department created August 14, 1919, Commissioner, John H. Wallace, jr., jNIontgomery (term expires .January, 1925). Publications: Game and Conservation Laws; Bulletins; Bird Day Book (issued annually for public schools of the State) ; Biennial Reports. ALASKA. [The governor appoints wardens, licenses guides on the Kenai Peninsula, and issues hunt- ing and shipping licenses.] Game Warden. OfTice established May 11, 190S ; appropriation first available July 1, 1909; term, pleasure of governor. Governor, Scott C. Bone, Juneau. Wardens, J. JL Burrows, Nenana ; George G. Cotter, Seward; Henry C. Dohrmann, xVnchorage: Charles H. Hill, Cordova; Alexander Hately, IMcGrath ; John Hancock, Anchorage; Charles McGrath, Sitka; L. F. Protz- man, Fairbanks; A. D. Rutherford, Ketchikan. ruhlications: Annual R(>p«)rts (last, 19li0— Dept. Circ. IGS, U. S. Dept. Agr,), ARIZONA. State Game ^yariennial Reports (last, 1920). COLORADO. State Game and Fish Comwissioncr. Office of State tish commissioner estab- lished March 10. 1877; .iurisdiction extended to game 1S91. Present office established April 27, 1899;^ term indefinite — under civil service. Roland G. Parvin, State Capitol, Denver. Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Biennial Reports. CONNECTICUT. State Board of Fisheries and Gome. Appointment of commissioners on fisheries first authorized in 1807; .iurisdiction extended to game April 30, 1895; reor- ganized. 1913; term, four years; reoi'ganized and personnel reduced from 8- to 3 members in 1921. President, . Tice ])resident, . Secretary, Acting superintendent. .Tolm M. Crampton, Room 64, State Capitol, Hartford. Office of the commission, Room 64, State Capitol, Hartford. Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Biennial Reports (last 1920). DELAWARE. Board of Game and Fish Commissioners.^ Established March, 1911; term, six yea rs. President, Edward G. Bradford, jr., Wilmington (term expires September, 1923). Vice president, William H. Reed, Dover (term expires September. 192.'i). Secretary and treasurer, II. C. Davis, Laurel (term expired September, 1921). Chief game and fish warden. .Tohn P. liC Fevre, Dover. Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Biennial Reports. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Metropolitan Police* Superintendent, Maj. H. L. Gessford, Washington. Lieut. Russel Dean, commanding river patrol boat, Washington. 'From ISO? to 1890 the titlo wns Stnto Forest, Game, nnd Fish Commissioner. 'From 1870 to 1011 the enforcement of the game laws was intrusted to the Delaware Game Protective Association. * Has jurisdiction over matters pertaining to game. Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1021. 5 GEORGIA. Department of Game and Fish. Office established Aujrust 21, 1911 ; term, two years. Commissioner, J. Prank Rliodes. Atlanta (term expires September 1, 1923). Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Bulletins; Annual Reports. IDAHO. Department of Lam Enforcement. Office of fish and same warden established ivrarch ]*3, 1809. Department established February 10, 1910, and fish and same bureau established INlarch 14, 1919. Fish, and Game Bureau: State fish and game warden, Otto M. .Tones, Boise (term expires December 31. 1021). Chief deputy, D. P. Rich. Boiso. Fuhlications: Fish and Game Laws; Biennial Reports (last, 1920). ILLINOIS. Department of Afjriciiltiii-e. Oflire of State frame conunissioner established April 24, 1890 ; frame and fish conservation commission established .Tuly 1, 1913; game and fish commission established .Tuly 1, 1915; present depart- ment established .Tuly 1. 1917. Director of agriculture, B. M. Davison, Springfield (term expires .Tanuary, 192.5). Chief game and fish warden. W. .T. Stratton, Springfield. Office of the Department, State Capitol, Springfield. Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Annual Iteports. INDIANA. Department of Conservation,. Office of commissioner of fisheries e.stablished in 1881 ; .iurisdiction extended to game, birds, and fur-bearing animals. Feb- ruary 13. 1899. Department of conservation (4 members), created March 11, 1919 ; term, four years. Chairman, W. A. Guthrie, State House, Indianapolis. Director (executive of department), Richard I^ieber, State House, Indian- apolis (term, pleasure of conunissioners). Division of Fish and Game: Superintendent, Geo. N. Mannfeld, State House, Indianapolis. Publications: Laws relating to natural resources, including fish and game laws; Year Book ; and special bulletins and findings. IOWA. State Fish and Game Warden. Office established October 1, 1897; term, three years. W. Vj. Alliert. Lansing (term expires INIarch .31. 1922). Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Biennial Reports. State Hoard of Conservation. Created under act of April 12, 1017, to investigate and acquire sites for public State parks and otherwise ri^isorve the wild life of the State. Chairman, Dr. L. H. Pammel, Ames. .Toseph Kelso, jr.. Bellevue. John F. Ford, Fort Dodge. Secretary, Edgar R. Harlan, Des IVroines. KANSAS. State Fish and Game Warden. Office of commissioner of fisheries established 1877. Present office established .Tuly 1, 1905; term, four vears. Alva Clapp, Pratt (term expires Aitril 18. 1923). Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Bulletins; Biennial Reports. 6 Department Circular 106, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. KENTUCKY. Ga7ne and Fish Commission. Established March 12, 1012 ; term, four years. Chairman. Kay B. Moss, Pinevillc (term expires June, 1922). Richard McGraw, Covington (term expires June, 1924). Alanson Trigg, Glasgow (term expires June, 1922). J. M. Richardson, Somerset (term expires J>me, 1924). Executive agent, Dr. R. S. Tuttle, Frankfort (term expires June, 1924). Oflice of the commission, Frankfort. Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Biennial Reports (last, 1921). LOUISIANA. Department of Conservation. Originally established as the board of commis- sioners for the protection of birds, game, and lish, July 9, 1908. Conserva- tion commission estalilished July, 1912; reorganized as a department of conservation. 1910; term, four years. Commissioner, M. L. Alexander, New Orleans (term expires August, 1924), Othce of the commissioner. Court Building. New Orleans. Publicdtio)!^: Fisli, Oyster. Game, ^Mineral, and Forestry Laws; Economic Bul- letins; Biennial Reports (last, 1920). MAINE. Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and flame. Ai^pointment of commissioners of fisheries authorized February 21, isTS; jurisdiction extended to game ISSO; commissioners of inland fisheries and game established iM;irch S, 1S99; present othce of commissioner established July 7. 1917; term, three years. Willis B. Tarsons. Stale House, Augusta (term expires Api'il, 1923). ruhlicatifjns: Fish and Game Laws; Annual Reports. MARYLAND. Conservation Commission. Office of game warden established April 4. 1S96; re- organized April 10, 1904. Present commission established June 4, 191G; term, four years. Chairman, Harrison W. A'ickers, ji'., Chestertown (term expires 1924). Edward O. Weant, Westminster (term expires 1924). Edmund J. Plowden, Busbwood (term expires 1924). State game warden, E. Lee Le Compte, 512 Munsey Building, Baltimore (term expires June. 1922). Chief deputy game wai'den. Chas. F. Smith, 512 Munsey Building, Baltimore. Ofiice of the commission, 512 Munsey Building. Baltimore. Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Annual Reports. MASSACHUSETTS.^ Department of Con-'^ervation. Organized as commissioners of fisheries in 18G5; jurisdiction extended to game 188G. Present department created July 23, 1919. Connnissioner. Wm. A. L. Bazeley, State House, Boston (term expires De- cember 1. 1923). Division of Fisheries and Game: Dii'ector, Wm. C. Adams, State House, Boston (term expires December 1. 1923). Publications: Fish and Game Laws: Annual Reports. MICHIGAN. Department of Conservatio7i. Game and fish warden department established Maix'h 15. 1887; jurisdiction extended to forestry, and department reorgan- ized in 1907; placed under jurisdiction of public domain commission in 1915, and under conservation commission of 7 members in 1921. Chairman, W. H. Wallace. Saginaw. Director, .John Baird, Lansing. Secretary, Geo. L. Taisk, Lansing. Chief dejnity, David R. Jones, Lansing. Oflice of tlie r>epartnient, Lansing. Publications: Biennial Reports (last, 1919-20) ; Game and Fish Laws (pub- lished by secretary of state). * The first wardens were apparently the special officers to protect deer authorized under the acts of 1739 (chap. 3, sec. 4) and 1764 (chap. 28, sec. 3 J. In the latter act they were called " deer reeves." Directory of Game Protection Officials, i921. 7 MINNESOTA. State Game and Fish Commissioner. Appointment of commissioner of fisheries originally authorized Marcli 5, 1S74. Office of (State) game warden created March S, 1887; terra, four years. Board of game and fish commissioners established April 20, 1891 ; reorganized 1901. Oflice of State game and fish commissioner established August 1, 1915 ; term, four years. Carlos Avery, State Capitol, St. Paul (term expires August 1, 1923). Publicutions: Game and Fish Laws; Quarterly Bulletin; Special Reports; Catalog of Fishes; Biennial Reports (last, 1920). MISSOURI. Game and Fish Coi)imis!x])ires Ajn-il 1, 1924). Secretary and State fish and game warden, Cbas. A. Jakways, Helena. John A. Tressler, Malta (term expires April, 1923). E. A. Wilson, Livingston (term expires April, 1922). H. C. Crippen, Billings (term expires April, 1922). Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Biennial Reports. NEBRASKA. Department of Agriculture. Game and fish commission established July 1, 1901 ; present department established August 2, 1919. Secretary, Leo Stuhr, Lincoln (term expires January, 1923). Division of Game and Fish: Chief game warden, Geo. G. Koster, Lincoln (term expires January, 1923). Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Biennial Reports of Department (last 1920). ^ NEW HAMPSHIRE. Fish and Game Commissidncr. Original fish commission established June 30, 18G5. Board of fi.'^h and game commissioners established 1878 : term, five yrars. Present office established June 1, 1913; term, three years. Mott L. Bartlett. Sunapee (term exi)ires June 1, 1922). Chief clerk, Chas. B. Clarke, State House, Concord. Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Biennial Reports (last, 1920). NEW JERSEY. Board of Fish and Game Commi^Hxioncrs. Appointment of commissioners of fisheries first authorized March 17, 1870; jurisdiction extended to game 1894. Board of fish and game commissioners established March 22, 1895; reorganized 1917 ; term, five years. President. Ernest Napier, East Orange (term expires November 26, 1922). Treasurei', Wm. B. Boulton, Mnrristown (term expires November 25. 1924). Amf)s H. Radcliffe. I'aterson (term expires March 23, 1922). Robertson S. Ward, East Orange (lerm expires March 23, 1922). Alex. H. Pliillii)s, Princeton (term expires November 25, 1923). H. J. Burlington, Moutvale. Secretary, Walter H. Fell, Trenton. Fish and game protector, James M. Stralton. North Long Branch. Office of the board and of the secretary. State Capitol, Trenti>n. Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Annual Reports. 8 Department (Arcular 106, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. NEW MEXICO. Game and Fish Department. Ofllce of saino and fish warden establisheil IMarch 12, 1903 ; term, two years. Department, in charge of a single warden, established .June 14, 1912 ; present commission created, 1921 ; term, six years. Comini-s8io)U'rs: .Judge Colin Neblett, Santa Fe (term expires March 5, 1927). W. K. McGrath. I^elen (term expires March .5, 192.")). Alva L. Hdlibs. Raton (term expires March .5, 1923). Secretary and State game and tish warden, Tliumas P. Gable, Santa Fe (term expires 1923). Cliief deputy. W. G. Fischer. Santa Fe. Piihlieations: J'ish and Game Laws; Biennial Roi)orts (last, 1920). NEW YORK. Conservation Commission. Originally established as a commission of fisheries in 186S. Office of chief game and fish protector createil in 1888. Forest, fish, and game commission established in 1S9.") and reorganized March 12, 1901. Department of conservation establisliod .July 12, 1911 ; term, six years. Reorganized April 16. 191;"), under one conunissioner. Commissioner, Ellis J. Staley, Albany (term expires December 31, 1926). Deputy commissioner, Alexander Macdonald, St. Regis Falls. Secretary. Herbert F. Prescott, Albany. Chief game protector. Llewellyn Legge. Albany. Office of the commission, 23 South Pearl Street, Albany. Publirations: Conservation I.,!iws, including Forest. Fish, and Game Laws; Maps; Annual Reports; bulletins on forestry and wild life; The Conserva- tionist. NORTH CAROLINA. Audn'bon S^ociety of North Carolina.' Organized March 11, 1902 ; incorporated March 6, 1903. President. Dr. R. H. Lewis, Raleigh. Secretary, P. H. Underwood, 512 Tucker Building, Raleigh. Pullical ions. -Ijocal Game Laws; Circulars. NORTH DAKOTA. Game and Fish Board. Established April 1, 1909; reorganized April 1, 1911; term, four years. President, C. E. Manning, Fargo (term expires April 1. 1923). Vice President, Dr. E. E. Stucke, Garrison. Secretary, George 'SI. FJogue. Steele (term expires April, 1923). Game and fish connnis.sioner, ,T. H. liloom. Devils I^ake (term expires April, 1923). District Game Wardens. Office originally established as State game warden in 1895; changed to district game warden in 1903. Chief warden. I)istrict Xo. 1 (northern). B. .T. jNIonaghan, Upham (term ex- pires April 1. 1923). Chief warden, District No. 2 (southern). Oren McGrath, Glen Ullin (term expires April 1, 1923). Puhlications: Game and Fish Laws: Biennial Reports. OHIO. Board of Afiriciiltiire. Aiipontment of commissioners of fisheries first author- ized IMay 3, 1873; .iurisdictioii extended to game and commission reorganized May 17. 1886. Agricultural coinniission established 1913. Board of agri- culture (10 members) establisluMl July 22, 1915. Secretary of board of agriculture given .iurisdiction over game, bii'ds. and fish .July 1, 1917. Secretary and ehief executive officer, N. I']. Shaw, Colnml>us. Fish and dame Dirision: Chief warden, A. C. Baxter, Columbus (term expires February, 192:',). Publications: Fi.sh and Game Laws; Annual Reports. ' Acts as a State department and administers the game laws in the counties under its jurisdiction. Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1921. 9 OKLAHOMA. state Game and Fish Commission. Office of State Rame and fish warden estnb- lisfied Marfh 10, 1S99; reorganized 1909; commission establislied July 1,. 1913. Governor, J. B. A. Robertson, Okhilinma City. Secretary of State, Joe IVforris, Olvlahoma City. State game and fish warden, Ben Watt, State Capitol, Oklahoma City. Publications: (i.inie and Fish Laws; Reports. OREGON. State Game Commission. Office of game and' fish protector estid»l:.> (term expires January, 1923). State game and lish commissioner, William T. Judkins, Chevenne (terra ex- pires December 31, 1922). Publications: Game and Fish Laws; Annual Reports. • Canada. Advisor}! Board on Wild Life Protection (Interdepartmental). Established De- cember 28, 1916. Advises in the administration of the Northwest Game Act and the jNIigratory Birds Convent'on xVct. and also advises the Do- minion Government on questions affecting the consei-vation of wild life generally ; assists Pro\incial governments wherever possible and promotes cooperative measures l)etween governments. Chairman. .Tames White, Commission of Conservation, Ottawa. Acting Secretary, Hoyes Lloyd, Canadian National Parivs, Department of the Interior, Ottawa. D. C. Scott, Department of Indian Affairs. Ottawa; Dr. R. M. Anderson, Geo- logical Survey, Ottawa; J. B. Ilarkin. Commissioner of Canadian National Parks, Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 'Canadian National Pai'ks, r>epartnient of the Interior, Ottawa, .\dministers the ^Migratory Birls Convention Act. Commissioner, .1. B. Harkin. Ornitliologist and supervisor of wild life protection, Hoyes Lloyd. Publications: Migratory Birds Convention Act and Regulations; Pamphlets. ALBERTA. Department of Af/ricintvre." Office of chief game guardian estal)lislied 1905.** Minister, Duncan ^larshall, Edmonton. Deputy minister, H. \. Ora'g. Edmonton. Chief game guardian. Benjamin Lawton. Edmonton. Publications: Game Laws ; .Viuiu.'l Reports. BRITISH COLUMBIA. " •Game ('onscrration Board. Office of I'mvinrial iranie and I'orest warden estab- lishe and inland fishery protection society.) Chief game commissioner, J. A. Knight, K. C. St. Paul Building, Halifax. Associate connnissioners, W. W. Osborne, New Glasgow ; R. S. Kelley, Yar- mouth. Secretary, B. J. Ruggles, Halifax. Publications: Game Laws; Annual Reports. ONTARIO. Department of Came and Fisheries. Office of chief game warden established 1892; office of superintendent of game and fisheries established. 1907; de- partment of game and fisheries established 1914. Minister, N. jNIills. Parlament Building, Tonmto. Deputy minister, D. McDonald, Parliament Building, Toronto. Superintendent. George H. Rapsey, Parliament Building, Toronto. Publications: Game Laws; Annual Reports. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Game Inspector." Office established April 21, 1906 ; term, pleasure of lieutenant governor in council. Chief Federal migratory-bird officer, Mai'itime Provinces, Robie W. Tufts^ Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Deputy Federal migratory-bird officer. Maritime Provinces, P. G. Rowe, Cole- man, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Publications: Annual Reports. « Has jurisdiction over matters pertaining to game. " Sheriffs act as game inspectors in their respective counties. Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1921. 13 QUEBEC. Department of CoJonizution, Mines, and Fi-'^lieries — FisJieries and Game Braneh. Office of game .superinteiulcnt established June 10, 1884 ; reorganized in 1897 and 190G. Minister, J. E. Perranlt, Quebec. Deputy minister, S. Dufault, Quebec. Special (expert) officer, E. T. D. Cha miners, Queliec. General superintendent of fisheries and pime, Hector Caron, Quebec. Assistant superintendent of fisheries and same. Ens. Ilamel, Quebec. General inspector of fisheries and game, J. A. Bell isle, Quebec. Publications: Fish and Game Laws; Annxial Reports. SASKATCHEWAN. Department of Agriculture." Office of tlie chief game guardian establislied 1905." Minister of agriculture, C. M. Hamilton, Regina. Deputy minister, F. H. Auld. Regina. Chief game guardian, Fred Bradshaw, Regina. Publications: Annual Reports. YUKON. For information regarding game laws, address Gold Connnissioner, Dawson. Newfoundland. Game and Inland Fisheries Hoard. Department of marine and fisheries, with .iurisdiction over matters jiertaining to game, established March 10. 1898. Game and inland fisheries hoard authorized JNIay 10, 190G ; organized 1909; established by act of Parliament. 1910. President, minister of marine and fisheries, Hon. W. F. Coaker, St. .Johns. Vice president, Thomas "Winter, St. .Johns. First assistant vice president, Alexander McDougall. St. Johns. Second assistant vice president. W. H. Rennie, St. .Johns. Secretary. Gower Rabi)itts. St. Johns. Publications: Game Laws; Annual Reports. NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Advisory Board. MioiiATORY-Biim Treaty Act. Appointed September 17, 1918. Chairman, John B, Burnham, I'rosident American Game Protective and Propagation Association. 23.3 Broadway, New York City: William C. Adams, Director Division of Fisheries and Game, State House, Boston, Mass. ; M. L. Alexander, Conservation Commissioner, N«>w Orleans. La. ; Brooke Anderson, Secretary Chicaeo Camp Fire Club. .38 South Dearborn Street. Chicago, 111. ; Carlos Avery, State Game and Fish Commissioner, St. Paul, Mum. : W. E. Barber, Chairman Conservation Commission, Madison, Wis.: F. Nash Bilisoly, Commissioner, Game and Inland Fisheries. Richmcmd, Va. ; Alva Clapp, State Fi.sh and Game Warden, Pratt, Kans. : William L. Finley, .Jennings Lodge, Oreg. : E. H. Forbush, State Ornithologist. State House, Boston. Mass. ; George Bird Grinnell, President Boone and Crockett Club. 2.38 East Fifteenth Street. New York City ; Dr. Wm. T. Hornaday, Director New York Zoological Park, New W)rk City; Otto M. Jones, State Fish and (Jame Warden, Boise, Idaho: Clark :\IcAdams. St. Louis Post Dispatch. St. T>ouis, Mo.; Lee Miles, Member Game and Fish Conunission. Little Rock. Ark. ; I. S. Myers, Fish and Game Committee. P.oard of Agriculture. Akron. Ohio; F. M. Newbert, President Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. Forum Building, Sac- ramento. Calif: Clinton :\I. Odell, 120 Northwestern National Life Insurance Building, Minneapolis, Minn.: T. Gilbert Pearson. President National Asso- ciation of Audubon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York City; George Shiras, 3d. Stoneleigh Court. Wa.shington. D. C. : John H. Wallace, jr., Connnissioner, Department of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. " Has jurisdiction over matters pprtalninpr to game. „ « ^^ ... .,.. " Prior to 1905 the duties wore perform* d by tlie chief game guardian of the north- west Territories, an offlcer first appointed in 1902. 14 Department Circular 196, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Advisory Board on Wild I>ii-e I'rotectiox (Intkrdkpartmental) — Canada, Established December 2S, IDIO. (See p. 11.) AMEaticAN Bison Society. Organized December 8, 1905. President, Edmund Seymour. 4.j Wall Street, New York City. Secretary, M. S. Garretson, 8 Union Avenue, Clifton, N. J. Ams;rican Game Protective and Propagation Association. Incorporated Sep- tember 25, 1911. President. John B. Burnham, 238 Broadway, New York City. Vice president, R. P. Holland, 2.33 Broadway, New York (^ity. Secretary, George M. Fayles, 233 Broadway, New York City. American Ornithologists' I^nion — Committee on Protection of North American Birds. Established October 1, 1884. Chairman, Dr. A. K. Fisher, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Boone and Crockett Club. Founded December, 1887. President, George Bird Grinnell, 2.38 East Fifteenth Street. New York City. Secretary, Kermit Roosevelt, 44 Beaver Street. New York City. Chairman, game preservation committee, ilorgan Davis, G6 Broadway, New^ York City. Camp Fire Club of America. Organized 1903 ; incorporated 1904. President, Marshall McLean, 350 Madison Avenue, New York City. Secretary, Wm. S. Bogart, 4Si) Fifth Avenue, New York City. International Association of Gaml, Fish, and Conservation Commissioners. Organized .July 20, 1902 ; reorganized February 11, 1904 ; organized as inter- national association August 29, 1917. President, Hoiiore Mercier, Quebec, Canada. Secretary, R. P. Holland, 233 Broadway, New York City. National Association of Audubon Societies. Organized as a national com- mittee April 4, 1902 ; incorporated January 5, 1905. President, T. Gilbert Pearson, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Secretary, Wm. P. Wharton, Groton, Mass. National Educators Conservation Society. Organized January 15, 1916. President, Prof. Charles L. Bristol, New I'ork University, New Y^ork City. Secretary, Nomer Gray, High School of Conmierce, 120 W. 46th Street, New York City. New York Zoological Society. Incorporated April 26, 1895. (This society takes an active part in the protection of birds and game.) President, Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn, American Museum of Natural His- tory, New York City. Alee president and secretary, Jladison Grant, 111 Broadway, New York City. North A^[ERICAN Fish and Game Protective Association. Organized January 30, 1900. President, . Senior vice president, John W. Titcomb. 379 Quail Street. Albany, N. Y. Secretary-treasurer, E. T. D. Chambers, Quebec, Canada. Permanent Wild Life Protection Fund. Founded 1914. Trustees, Dr. William T. Hornaday, New York Zoological Park, New Y''ork City ; A. Barton Hepburn, 57 Broadway, New York City ; Clark Williams, 37 Liberty Street, New York City. The Game Conservation Society, Inc. President, Dwiglit W. Huntington, 1.50 Nassau Street, New York City. Secretary, Jolin C. Huntington, 1.50 Nassau Street, New York City. STATE ORGANIZATIONS. [Organizations not heard from in 1921 are marked with an asterisk (*).] Alabama Game and Game Fish Protective Association. President, George Stuart, Montgomery. Secretary, Julius Frank, Montgomery. Alaska Fish and Game Club. President, Ike Sowerby. Juneau. Secretary-treasurer, C. D. Gartield, Juneau. Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1921. 15 Arkansas Conservation Association. President, Hon. Edward L. Boice, Newport. ' Secretary, Lee Miles, Little Kock. California Associatkd Societiks kor the CoNSEiiVATioN of "Wild Life. President, Dr. William F. Bade, 2G16 College Avenue, Berkeley. Secretary, A. S. Kibbe, ir)34 Grove Street, Berkeley. California State P^'ish, Game, and Forest Protective League. Organized July 13, 1913. (Formerly California Game and FLsh Protective Association. Organized May 26, 1900.) President, J. B. Hauer, 333 Pine Street, San Fran(?lsco. Secretary, N. A. Martin, 333 Pine Street. San Francisco. Colorado Game and Fish Protectine Association. Organized June 15, 1920. President, Iver H. Dailey, La Vela. Secretary-treasurer, John H. Hatton, 4G3 Post Office Building, Denver. Connecticut Fish and Game Protective Association. Organized June 17, 1909; incorporated September 10, 1909. President, George H. Scrauton. New Haven. Secretary and treasurer, H. P. Carter, Ansonia. Delaware State Sportsmen's Association. Organized January 30, 1912. President, W. A. Simouton, 1048 Dul'ont BuikLng, AN'iimington. Secretary, W. W. Terrill, 5054 DuPont Building. Wilmington. Florida Wild Life Leagi;e. Organized June 4, 1920. President, Dr. Geo. S. Stone, Fort Myers. Secretary, A. W. Davidson, Fort Myers. Illinois Fish and Game League. Organized September 3, 1912. President, F. M. Howk, Joliet. Secretary, W. O. Skeels, Hinsdale. Illinois Sportsmen's League. Organized 1913. President, H. C. Norcross, Carlyle. Secretary, August Semmelroth, Belleville. Indiana Fish, Game, and Forest League. Organized October 27, 1911. President, Walter Shirts. Noblesville. • Secretary, Andrew E. Bodine, 135 Branson Street, IMarion. lowA Conservation Association. Organized November IG, 1901. President, W. F. Bickel, McGregor. Secretary, G. B. MacDonald, Iowa State College, Ames. Iowa Fish and Game Conservation Association. Organized January 11, 1915. President, W'. O. Ewinger, Burlington. Secretary, G. A. Begeman, Burlington. Kansas State Game Preservation Association. President, W. A. Ayres, 320 Southern Building, Washington, D. C. Secretary, Alva J. Applegate, Wichita, Kans. Kentucky Fish and Game Protective Association, Organized February 22, 1909. President, Thomas J. Batman, Tyler Building, Louisville. Secretary, Eugene Stuart, Seelbach Hotel, Louisville. Maine Sportsmen's Fish and Game Association. Chartered 1893. President, Merton French. Bangor. Secretary, L. W. Somers, Bangor. Maryland State Game and Fish Protective Association. Organized March 5, 1895; incorporattd May 13, 1898. President, Leonard M. Levering. 38 West Biddle Street, Baltimore. Secretary, William H. Fisher, Stock Exchange Building. 210 East Redwood Street, Baltimore. Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Association. Chartered March 29, 1877. (Formerly Massachusetts Anglers' Association. Chartered March 18, 1874.) President, William A. Morse, Equitable Building, Boston. Secretary, George W. Wiggin, 945 Tremont Building, Boston. 16 Department Circular 196, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Michigan Sportsman's Association. (Formerly Michigan Wild Life Conser- vation Association. Organized April 19, 1907, and reorganized January 28, 1915.) President, Giistavus D. Pope, Detroit. Secretar.v, Albert Stoll, jr., Birmingham. Chairman, board of directors, W. B. Mershon, Saginaw. Minnesota Gamr Protective I.EAGtn-:. Organized March 10, 1913. President, M. F. Jamar, jr., Duluth. Secretary, J. A. Lawrie, Wolvin Building, Duluth. Missouri Fish and Game League. Organized January 26, 1911 ; incorporated January 25, 1912. President, Samuel C. Davis, Security Building, St. Louis. Secretary, Herbert Taylor, 416 North Fourth Street, St. Louis. [Montana] State Sportsman's Association. Organized October 25, 1920. President, John G. Brown, Helena. Secretary, M. S. Carpenter, Belgrade. Nebraska State Sportsmen's Association, Organized 1876. President, John R. Wertz, Chappell. Secretary, George L. Carter, 425 S. 29th Street, Lincoln. [Nevada] Washoe Fish and Game Protective Association. (Formerly Ne- vada Fish and Game Protective Association. Organized February 19, 1909.) President, H. H. Kennedy, Reno National Bank. Reno. Secretary-treasurer, Geo. I. James, 212 North Virginia Street, Reno. [New Hampshire] Hillshoro County Game and Protective Association. Or- ganized, 1894. President, Waldo F. Hubbard, Nashua. Secretary, F. A. Newell, Nashua. New Jersey Fish and Game Conservation League. Organized 1918. President, Kenneth F. Lockwood, 75 Carnegie Avenue. East Orange. Secretary, Jno. S. Schwinn, 242 Market Street, Newark. New Mexico Game Protective Association. Organized 1915. President, Chas. Springer, Cimarron. Secretary, Aldo Leopold, Albuquerque. New YoRic Association for the Protection of Game. Founded May 20, 1844; incorporated 1884. President, Col. Alfred Wagstaff, 29 Madison Avenue, New York City. Secretary, John C. O'Conor, 2 Wall Street, New York City. New York State Fish, Game, and Forest League. Organized 1897 ; incorpo- rated April 16, 1898. (Formerly New York State Association for the Pro- tection of Fish and Game. Organized 1865.) President, W. S. French, New Hartford. Executive secretary, Cronk L. Rogers, Utica. North Dakota State Game Protective Association. Organized 1917 ; incor- porated ^larch 22, 1917. President, Joes. Crosthwaite, Mandan. Secretary, C. E. Edquest, Mandan. North Dakota State Sportsmen's Association. Organized 1894. President, H. L. Wood, Grand Forks. Secretary, J. H. McNichol, Grand Forks. [Ohio] League of Ohio Sportsmen. Organized F(>hruary 7, 1913. President, Hon. W. Meredith Yeatman, Cincinnati. Secretary, J. F. Atwood, Columbus. Oklahoma State Game and Fish Protective Association. Organized Decem- ber 11, 1908. President, S. H. Harris, Oklahoma Citv. Secretary, J. C. Clark, 215 West 12th Street, Oklahoma City. Oregon Fish and Game Association. Organized January 28, 1899. President, John Gill. Third and Alder Streets. Portland. Secretary, A. E. Gebhardt, Box 269, Portland. Oregon Sportsmen's League. Organ iz(>d March 16, 1914. President. Dr. Arthur K. Downs. Multnomah. Sccretaryand treasurer, S. C. Bartrum, Rosoburg. Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1921. 17 Pennsylvania State Sportsmen's Association. Organized August 22, 1890; incorporated 1892. President, Dr. A. W. Vernon, Bradford. Secretary, Samuel G. I'urvis, Butler. [Pennsylvania] United Sportsmen of Pennsylvania. Organized April 1, 1908. President, David Pricliard, Scranton. Corresponding Secretary, . [Pennsylvania] Wild Life League of Pennsylvania. Organized .January 12, 1915. President, R. T. Brown, EUwood City. Secretary, Jas. B. Sansoni, Commercial Building, Pittsburgh. South Dakota Game and Fish Protective Assocl\tion. President, M. T. Brovau, Sioux Falls. Secretai-y-treasurer, H. F. Cbapman, Box 846, Sioux Falls. Tennessee Fish and Game Protective Association. Organized in 1904. President, Joseph H. Ackleii, Nashville. , Secretary, O. F. Noel, Noel Block. Nashville. Texas Game and Fish 1'rotective Association. Organized May 21, 1912. (The original Texas Game I'rotection Association was organized in September, 1896.) President, Dr. Wesley Peacock, San Antonio. Secretary, Geo. C. Shupee, San Antonio. [Utah] Weber County Fish and Game Pkotectr'e Associ.vtion. Organized as Weber County Rod and Gun Association, February 19, 1919 ; reorgan- ized 1921. President, A. F. Larson, Ogden. Secretary, C. F. Gilmore, Ogden. Vermont Fish and Game League. Incorporated November 21, 1890. President, L. H. Greene, Montpelier. Secretary, Dr. H. L. Pasche, Burlington. [Virginia] Eastern Shore Game Protecti\e Association of Virginia. Organ- ized 1893 ; incorporated March. 1894. President, Dr. J. W. Bowdoin, Bloxom. Secretary and treasurer, T. W. Blackstone, Accomac. Virginia Game and Game Fish Protective Association. Organized February 15, 1905 ; reorganized IMay 23, 1913. President, M. D. Hart, Richmond. Secretary-treasurer, C. M. Hogge, Box 1039, Richmond. Washington State Sportsmen's Association. Organized 1917. (Formerly Washington Game 1'rotective and Propagation Association. Organized No- vember 21, 1911.) Chairman, Earl A. Fry, Seattle. Secretary, R. B. Nason, 622 Bankers Trust Building, Tacoma. W^ashington State Association of County Game Commissioners and Game Wardens. Organized 1916. President, W. G. Huft'ord. Stevenson. Secretary-treasurer, A. J. Beach, City-County Building, Seattle. * West Virginia Fish and Game Protectr-e Association. Organized Novem- ber 14, 1906. President, F. M. Glenn, Parsons. Secretary, Calvin Price, llarlinton. Wisconsin Game Protective Association. Organized May 28, 1912. In- corporated, 1916. President-, Asa K, Owen, Phillips. Secretary-treasurer, M. A. Schwab, Appleton. [Wisconsin] Wild Life Protective Society. Organized February 15, 1916. Incorporated April 16. 1917. President, Clarence .1. Allen, Box 738. Milwaukee. Secretary, Chas. I. Foster, 534 Caswell Block, Milwaukee. Wyoming Game Protective AssociAiyoN. Organized February 4, 1910. President, Sam W. Aldritli, Ishawooa. Secretarv, I. II. Laroiu, ^'iillcy. 18 Department Circular 196, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. CANADA. Canadian Society iok the I'kotection of Bikus. Orj?anized December 16, 1914; incorporated January 28, lOlo. President, D. A. I Hinlap, " Hillside," Rosedale, Toronto. Secretary, Miss Laura B. Durand. deputy frame warden for Ontario, Mac- Lean Building, 153 University Avenue, Toronto. Manitora Game I'rotkctive Association. Organized April 2, 1905. President, A. Code, Winnipeg. Secretary-treasurer, J. P. Turner, 40.3 Jilercliants Bank Building, Winnipeg. Nov.\ Scotia Guides' Association. Organized 1909. President, F. A. Graham, Halifa.x. Secretary and treasurer, G. H. Allen, Yarmouth. Ontario Forest, P'isn, and Game IMioiEtTivK Association. Organized June 7. 190."). President, . Secretary-treasurer, Lt. Col. A. Kelly Evans, Toronto Club, Toronto. Prince ^ItlDWAKD Island GAirE and Fish Protective Association. Organized September 1, 190.") ; incorporated April 21. 1900. President, James Paton, Charlottctown. Secretary, A. R. B. Duck, Charlottetown. [Ql'ehec] Province of Qi^ehec Association for the Protection of Fish and (Jasie. Organized February 23, 1859. President, L. A. Amos, Slontreal. Secretary. J. R. Innes, 280 St. James Street, Imperial Bank Building, Montreal. [Quebec] Sportsmen's' Fish and Game Protective Association of the Prov- ince OF QuEHEC. Incorporated 1901. President, John S. Thom. 23 Ramparts, Quebec. t Secretary, Charles Freemont, K. C., 81 St. I'eter Street, Quebec. Saskatchewan Game Protective Association. Organized August 10, 1906. President, M. W. Sharon, Regina. Secretary, W. I\[. Van A'alkenburg, Regina. AUDUBON SOCIETIES. [Organized for the study and protection of birds. For National Association of Audubon Societies, see p. 14.] Arizona. Organized April, 1908. President, Thomas K. IMarshall, Tucson. Secretary, Mrs. Harriet B. Thornber, Tucson. California. Organized ilay 31. 1906. Incorporated April 3, 1913. President, Wilfred Smith, Altadena. Secretary, Mrs. Harriet Williams Myers. 311 West Avenue 66, Los Angeles. [California"], Audubon Association of the Pacific. Organized February 2, 1917. President, A. S. Kibbe, 1534 Grove Street. Berkeley. Secretary, Mrs. C. R. Smith, 5G3 42d Avenue, San Francisco. Colorado. Organized 1913. President, Edward R. Warren, 1511 Wood Avenue, Colorado Springs. Secretary, Miss Edna L. Johnson, Box 414, Boulder. Connecticut. Organized January 28, 1898. President, Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright, P"'airfield. Secretary, Miss Charlotte A. Lacey, Southport. District of Columbia. Organized ^lay IS. 1897. President. Hon. Job Barnard, Falkstone Courts, Washington. Secretary, Miss Helen P. Childs, Chevy Cha.se, Md. Florida. Organized IMarch 2. 1900. Incorporated 1902. President, Mrs. Katberine B. Tippetts, St. Petersburg. Secretary, W. Scolt Way, Winter Park. Illinois. Organized April 1, 1897. President. Orpheus M. Schantz, 10 Sonth La Salle Street, Chicago. Acting secretary, Cathanne A. Mitcliell, Room 1049, 10 South La Salle Street, Chicago. Directory of Game Protection Officials, 1921. 19 Indiana. Organized April 26, 1S98. President, M. L. Fisher, Lafayette. Secretary, Frank C. P^vans, Crawfordsville. Kentucky. Organized April 24, 1909. President, IMiss Mary Florence Taney, 309 P^ast Third Street, Covington. Secretary, Sirs. Frances Manser, 818 Scott Street, Covington. Kentucky. Organized January 28, 1911. President, Dr. D. J. Healy, HSO Snyre Avenue. LexMngton. Secretary, Victor K. Dodge, 1H7 Bell Court West, Lexington. Maryland. Organized June, 190G. Pre.-^ident, IMrs. Baker Hull. Washington Apartments. Baltimore. Secretary, Miss Margarctta Poe. 1204 N. Charles Street, Baltimore. Massachusetts. Organized Januar.v. 189G. ) President. Edward Howe Forbush, 13G State House. Boston. i Secretary-treasurer, Wiiithrop Packard, GG Newbury Street, Boston. 1 Michigan. Organized February, 1904. I President, Mrs. Edith C. Munger, Hart. i Secretary, . Minnesota. Organized June 1, 1897. President. D. Lange, 2308 Conunonwealth Avenue, St. Paul. ' Secretary, . Mississippi. President, William Hemniingway, Jackson. I Secretary, H. G. McGowan, Columbus. Missouri. Incorporated June 14, 1901. President, Dr. Herman von Schienk. 4276 Flad Avenue, St. Louis. ' Secretary, Dr. R. J. Terry, 5315 Delmar Avenue, St. Louis. ' New Hampshire. Organized April G. 1S97; reorganized February 26, 1914. President, Oen. Elbert Wheeler, Nashua. j Secretary, George C. Atwell, Strafford. ! New Jersey. Organized and incorporated December 15, 1910. Pi-esident, John Dryden Kuser, Bernardsville. \ Secretary-treasurer, Beecher S. Bowdish, 164 Market Street, Newark. * North Carolina. Organized March 11, 1902 : incorporated March 6, 1903. ' (See p. 8.) ; North Dakota. Organized April. 1904: reorganized January, 1912. President, Daniel Freeman. 711 Seventh Sti-ect South, Fargo. Secretary, O.. A. Stevens, 1110 Tenth Street North, Fargo. J Ohio. Organized December 14, 1898; incorporated March 22, 1900. j President, Prof. Wm. G. Cramer. Woodward High School, Cincinnati. Secretary, Miss Katherine Ratterman, 510 Yoi'k Street, Cincinnati. Oregon. Organized July 1. 1902; incorporated 1909. (Formerly John Bur- roughs Bird Society. Organized in 1900.) President, W. L. Finley, Jennings Lodge. Secretary, Dr. Emma J. Welty, 321 Montgomery Street, Portland. Pennsylvania. Organized October, 1896. President, Dr. Witmor Stone, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philndelphia. Secretary, Miss lOlizabeth Wilson Fisher, 2222 Spruce Street, Phihideiphia. Rhode Island. Organized October, 1897. President, Dr. H. E. Walter. Brown University, Providence. Secretary, H. L. Madison, Park Museum, Providence. Tennessee (East). Organized September 2, 1910. President, Dr. Angus McDonald. 1322 Tremont Street. Knoxville. / Corresponding secretary. Miss M. M. Woodward, Knoxville. ^ Tennessee (West). Organized March, 1912. President, C. C. Hanson, Union & Planters Bank Building, Memphis. Secretary and treasurer, Mrs. S. H. Stout, 656 East Parkway South, Memphis. Utah. President, J. H. Paul, 1320 East Second South Street. Salt Lake City.* ] Secretary, Mrs. A. O. Treganza, 522 South Thirteenth East Street, Salt Lake , City. j 20 Dcparimrnl Circular 106, U. S. Drpt. of Agriculture. A'iRGiNiA. Or^ianizod Deceiuhor 11, 190S. President, M. D. Hart. Box 107, Kifhmond. Secretary, Mrs. H. B. Sinithey, Ashland. [AVasiiington]. Seattle Audubon Soeiely. Orpranized . President, Mrs. C. N. Compton, G.")10 First Avenue NP]., Seattle. Secretary, F. W. Cook, 1G04 East Harrison Street, Seattle. Wkst Virginia. Orjianized October 24, 1911. President, Miss Bertha E. White, 1609 I^atrobe Street, Parkersburg. Secretary, Walter Donaghho, Einorson Avenue, North Parker.sburg. PUBLICATIONS OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RELATING TO GAME. AVAILABLE FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION BY THE DEPARTMENT. Bird Migration. (Department Bulletin 185.) Eleven Important Wild-duck Foods. (Department Bulletin 205.) Proiiagation of Wild-du.-k Foods. (Dejiartment Bulletin 405.) Food ilabits of the Mallard Ducks of the United States. (Department Bulletin 720.) Waterfowl and Their Food Plants in the Sandhill Region of Nebraska. (De- partment Bulletin 794.) Food Habits of Seven Species of American Shoal-water Duck.s. (Department Bulletin 802.) Wild Ducks and Duck Foods of the Bear liiver Maishes, Utah. (Department Bulletin 9:JG.) Chronology and Index of the More Important Events in American Game Pro- tection, 1770-1911. (Biological Survey Bulletin 41.) Our Shorehirds and Their Future. (Yearbook Seiiarate 642.) Federal Protection of Migratory Birds. (Yearbook Separate 785.) Conserving Our Wild Animals and Birds. (Yearbook Separate 836.) Some Conunon r4ame. Aquatic, and Rapacious Birds in Relation to Man. (Farmers' Bulletin 497.) Game Laws for 1921. (Farmers' Bulletin 1235.) Laws Relating to Fur-bearing Animals, 1921. (Farmers" Bulletin 1238.) FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Distiibution an 1 Migration of North American Rails and Their Allies. (De- partment Bulletin 128.) Price, 10 cents. Mortality among Waterfowl around Great Salt Lake, Utah. (Department Bul- letin 217.) I'rice. 5 cents. Lead Poisoning in Waterfowl. (Department Bulletin 793.) Price, 5 cents. Our National Elk Herds. (Department Circular 51.) Price, 10 cents. The Great I'lains Waterfowl Breeding Grounds and Their Protection. (Year- book Sejiarate 723.) Price, 5 cents. Hunting Licenses: Their History, Objects, and Limitations (1904). (Biological Survey Bulletin 19.) Price, 10 cents. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCrRED FROM THE SUFERINTEN'OENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 908 730