A NBW METHOD OF GRADING MILK AND CREAM. By Wm.C. Wood ward. tTjnfSJPToXZn w^^^^^^t m HH HhBbHhH HH -• .v nSB 1 1 H 1 pSflH I H ^H ML UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE A NEW METHOD OF GRADING MILK AND CREAM BY WM. C. WOODWARD Health Officer, District of Columbia REPRINT No. 117 FROM PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS February 21 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 ttQtogr«t*bt D. Of- D. MAR 29 W3 A NEW METHOD OF GRADING MILK AND CREAM. 1 By Wh. C. Woodward, Health Officer, District of Columbia. That the score card has been of service in the improvement of sanitary conditions on dairy farms, possibly few will deny. It has failed, however, with respect to one most important feature of milk control inasmuch as it does not afford a sufficient basis upon which to found an opinion as to the wholesomeness and nutritive value of milk as it reaches the consumer. And if the scores of dairy farms give but an imperfect idea of the quality of the milk as it reaches the consumer, an attempted study of a series of scores of dairy farms and milk shops, chemical analyses and bacteriological analyses leaves the inquirer who is not technically skilled with respect to the matter in a dazed and quite helpless condition. In order to enable the consumer to determine the. quality of the milk he is purchasing, the health department of the District of Columbia has devised a method for grading the finished product. Essentials of the grading of milk. — Any ideal system of grading milk as delivered to the consumer must take into consideration the condition of all of the farms from which milk is or is liable to be derived, the condition of the milk shop from which it is distributed, the chemical analysis of the milk, and the bacteriological analysis. The result must be expressed in a manner easily understood by the public and in a way that will afford ready and fair comparison between milk from any number of sources. Method of grading. — The method of grading milk adopted by the health department of the District of Columbia is as follows : 100 points are allowed for the dairy farm, both equipment and management; 100 points are allowed for the cattle; 100 points are allowed for the milk- distributing station, if the milk is not distributed directly from the farm; 100 points are allowed for the chemical analysis; and 200 points are allowed for the bacteriological examination. The total number of possible points is 600 if there be a milk-distributing station, and 500 if there be no such station. By dividing the total number of points allowed by the total number of points possible a figure is obtained in the form of a decimal fraction representing the grade of the milk. Any unusual conditions bearing upon the nutritive quality of the milk or on its wholesomeness, but not susceptible of being reduced to a 1 Reprint from the Public Health Reports, Vol. XXVIII, No. 8, February 21, 1913. 80926°— 13 (3) percentage basis, are to be set forth in an explanatory note, if the grade is computed during the continuance of such conditions; such, for instance, as a milk-borne outbreak of typhoid fever or other conta- gious disease. Bating the cattle. — For a number of years past the health depart- ment of the District of Columbia has scored health and cleanliness of cattle independently of the general score for management and equip- ment of the dairy farm, allowing 100 points for each. It has seemed to the department that under the method of scoring ordinarily adopted, enough weight is not allowed for the health of cattle nor enough latitude for variations in their healthfulness and cleanliness. But while the system of scoring cattle independently of farm manage- ment and equipment facilitates the scoring of milk in the manner herein described, yet with a simple mathematical adjustment the method can be used anywhere. When the milk distributed through a given establishment comes from but one farm, the determination of the rating to be assigned to the cattle is a simple matter, requiring merely the finding of the aver- age of the scores given the cattle at a series of inspections by the dairy-farm inspectors. But in every large milk-distributing estab- lishment the milk comes from many farms, and these farms vary widely in the number and condition of the cattle maintained for dairy purposes. The milk distributed from such an establishment is a composite of the milk from all of the contributing farms. The influence of each farm on the composite mixture, however, is not equal, but depends upon the proportion and quality of the milk it contributes as compared with the whole output. For practical pur- poses the proportion of milk supplied may be regarded as deter- mined by the number of cows maintained. The method adopted, therefore, allows weight to the score for each dairy herd proportion- ate to the number of cattle it contains. The score for the herd on each farm is multiplied by the number of cattle in it. The total number of cattle in all contributing herds is learned by reference to the dairy-farm records. Then all of the scores, multiplied as above described, are added, and the sum thus obtained is divided by the total number of cattle. The quotient is the rating for the cattle. The method may best be understood by a simple illustration. Producers A, B, and C all send their milk to Dairy No. 342. A has 100 cows, scored 100. B has 50 cows, scored 80. C has 10. cows, scored 40. To determine the rating to be allowed for the cattle in computing the final score: Producer. A (number of cattle) 100 (multiplied by score) 100=10, 000 B (number of cattle) 50 (multiplied by score) 80= 4, 000 C (number of cattle) 10 (multiplied by score) 40= 400 160 14, 400 Dividing the sum of the multiplied score, 14,400, by the total number of cattle, 160, the quotient is 90, the rating to be allowed for the cattle in determining the grade of milk distributed by the common distributing agency, Dairy No. 342. The significance of the method is best understood by supposing that the 100 cows on the farm of A were scored 40 instead of 100 and the 10 cows on the farm of C were scored 100 instead of 40, the score for B's herd remaining the same. The resulting rating would then be as follows, notwithstanding the fact that the milk would still come from exactly the same number of cows, on the same farms, with the same ratings, viz, 40, 80, and 100. Producer. A (number of cattle) 100 (multiplied by score) 40=4,000 B (number of cattle) 50 (multiplied by score) 80=4, 000 C (number of cattle) 10 (multiplied by score) 100=1, 000 160 9, 000 Dividing the sum of the multiplied scores, 9,000, by the total number of cattle, 160, the quotient is 56.25, the rating for the cattle in determining the grade of the composite milk output. If the simple method of averaging the scores of all herds without reference to the number of cattle in each had been adopted, the rating would have been the same in each instance: (Score 100, plus score 80, plus score 40) divided by the number of herds, 3, equals 73.33. The method of rating the cattle has been described at some length and enlarged upon by illustrations in order that it may be made per- fectly clear. The elaboration may possibly have served to convey the impression that the method is complicated, but a few minutes' study of it will show that such is not the case. The application of the method to any considerable number of dairy-herd ratings will, how- ever, certainly be tedious unless the records have been kept especially for the purpose of facilitating such computations. This department has devised a system of record keeping, illustrated in the table on page , that is expected to facilitate the making of such computa- tions in the future. In the meantime, in determining the rating of the cattle furnishing milk to any particular distributing establishment, the department will not undertake to consider the score for every dairy farm but only for a number representing a fair average, say five, selected at random. If on any farm a substantially new herd is obtained, as when a herd is tuberculin-tested and all " reactors" are eliminated from it, the rating for dairy cattle is based solely on scores for the new or reno- vated herd. Rating of the dairy farm. — What has been said with reference to the determination of the rating to be assigned to the cattle applies with equal force to the determination of the rating for the equipment 6 and management of the dairy farm. Due weight must be allowed for the amount of milk that each farm supplies, and this can be done in the same way as weight is allowed for the score for health and cleanliness of cattle, pointed out in the preceding paragraphs. Rating of dairies. — The term " dairy" in the District of Columbia is regarded as meaning merely the place from which the milk is dis- tributed within the city. As every establishment is scored on the basis of 100, it is necessary merely to take a number of scores of the dairy under consideration sufficient to be fairly representative, say three, and to find the average. Rating of chemical analyses. — The value of the chemical analysis of milk lies in the fact that it shows the food value. Cases of deliberate watering are in this jurisdiction rare, and the use of preservatives and coloring matter is practically unknown. In order that the results of chemical analyses may be used in the grading of the milk, it is neces- sary to reduce them to a scale, with 100 as a maximum. As the nutritive value of milk is determined by the total solids, the scale adopted by the health department is based upon the percentage of total solids and not upon the fat. The scale is as follows: Scheme/or rating chemical analyses. Total solids: Rating. 11 per cent or less More than 11 per cent but not more than 12 per cent 40 More than 12 per cent but not more than 12.50 per cent 60 More than 12.50 per cent but not more than 12.75 per cent 70 More than 12.75 per cent but not more than 13 per cent 80 More. than 13 per cent but not more than 13.25 per cent 90 More than 13.25 per cent 100 If any sample contains added water, deduct 40 points. For milk containing preservatives of any sort deduct the entire chemical rating, and give zero for the bacteriological rating immediately preceding the finding of the preservatives. The average rating of not less than three consecutive analyses is to be taken. Rating of oacteriological analysis. — In determining the grade of the milk as sold, 200 points are allowed for bacteriological analysis. As some bacteria are found in all milk in the ordinary channels of trade and may, therefore, be looked upon as commercially normal, the primary rating takes into consideration merely the total bacterial count. Bacilli of the colon group and streptococci are, however, looked upon as foreign to wholesome milk, and for their presence certain deductions are made from the rating allowed on the basis of the total bacterial count alone. The remainder represents the absolute rating for the bacteriological examination of the milk. The standards adopted are as follows: Rating for bacteriological findings. Raw milk. Pasteurized milk. Points allowed. 5,000,000 and upward 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 500,000 to 1 ,000,000 400,000 to 500,000 300,000 to 400,000 200,000 to 300,000 100,000 to 200,000 50,000 to 100,000 25,000 to 50,000 10,000 to 25,000 Less than 10,000 For the first 1,000 colonies of the colon group or streptococci, whichever may be the more numerous, deduct 20 points and deduct 10 points for each subsequent 1,000. 100,000 and upward 90,000 to 100,000 80,000 to 90,000 70,000 to 80,000 60,000 to 70,000 50,000 to 60,000 40,000 to 50,000 35,000 to 40,000 30,000 to 35,000 25 ,000 to 30,000 20,000 to 25,000 15,000 to 20,000 10,000 to 15,000 Less than 10,000 For the first 100 colonies of the colon group or strep- tococci, whichever may be the more numerous, deduct 10 points, and deduct 2 points for each subsequent 100. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1C0 170 ISO 190 195 200 It will be noted that the foregoing plan for the evaluation of the bacteriological findings lays down a basis for raw milk different from that for pasteurized milk. This is undoubtedly fair when the ratings of two or more samples of milk of the same class are to be compared, but it would be manifestly unjust to compare such a rating of raw milk with a rating of pasteurized milk unless this difference were taken into consideration. In order to prevent such unfair comparisons, ratings for pasteurized milk should be accompanied always by some descriptive term, say the word "pasteurized," and if it be desired to compare the ratings of pasteurized milk with a rating of raw milk, both should be scored on the same basis, preferably that for raw milk. Hypothetical cases may easily be conceived in which the scales laid down above would give figures manifestly misleading, and possibly such cases may be found in practice. Such would be a case in which the colonies of the colon group or the streptococci were numerous while the general bacterial count was very low. A fair examination of a reasonable number of entries in the records of this department, however, failed to reveal any instances of this kind. In any case the average rating of not less than three consecutive analyses is to be taken. 8 Examples. — As an illustration of the way in which the method of scoring described above works out in practice, the following examples are given from the records of this department : Health Department of the District of Columbia — Dairy record. DAIRY NO. 1. LICENSEE: JOHN DOE. RAW MILK. Dairy farm. Dairy score. Chemical analysis. Bacteriological analysis. Date. d a 03 ft _oj d O %-, o o a u 03 ft 2 o si .9