WHISl v-- -^1 -: ■x r^ . ijiO^' U' lU T'^ >:> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. C\\ii\iGa.. Copyright No.12.1 Shelf_c^_SL8 *>i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WHIST @ St @ Suit # # # f« Ttaeberj ■y >0 D UO V| \\^'^ , 147 Vest Coocor4 ^i., TON. INTRODUCTION. At the request of many of my pupils, I have been led to put these Study Suits before the public ; but I wish to say, they are designed simply to help beginners, in the study of Whist ; and consist only, of the simple conventional plays, as given by the best authorities on leads, and second and third hand plays. Many of the books on Whist contain so much infonnation, that the beginner, in his desire to learn, becomes confused by attempting too much, before he is thoroughly grounded in the fundamental principles of the game, and many can grasp these principles better, where the rules are accompanied by fac-similes of cards representing the suits. I have used these Study Suits with such success in teaching, that I hope they may also prove useful to teachers, for use in demon- stration, and in inference lessons. I have had them bound in this manner, so that they may be readily used separately if wished. NOTES. Owing to the difference of opinion among the prominent Whist players, as to which is the best lead from the following suits — Ace and four others ; King, Knave, Ten, etc. : Queen, Knave, Ten, etc. ! and Knave at the head of four or more cards, I have given the old as well as the new method of leading, leaving to the pupil or teacher the choice. In the third hand plays, I have echoed with four or more trumps : but many prominent players now echo only, when holding exactly three, consider- ing the information thus given, more valuable. The echo is however made in the same manner as explained on page 65. A ^A.^ * i t i^ ^ ^9 J^' ^ *l^ J LEAD. Plain Suits. 1st, Knave. 2d, from suits of 5 cards — Ace. From suits of 6 cards — King. From suits of 7 or more cards — Queen. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Knave. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Knave. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Knave, return Queen. Queen, return Knave. * For Echoing see page 65. ^21 Ik m w ^ Si Ad V J Plain Suits. 1st, King. 2d, Knave. LEAD. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Knave. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Knave. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Knave, return Queen. Trumps. Queen, return Knave. * For Echoing see page 65. I* * LEAD, Plain Suits, 1st, Queen. 2d, From suits of 5 cards — Ace. From suits of 6 or more cards — King. Trumps, Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Queen. SECOND HAND PLAY, Trumps. Queen. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card led — Queen, return King. Knave led — Five. Low card led — Ace, return Queen. Knave led — Seven. *For Echoing see page 65. A ♦ ♦ V ♦ 10 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trtimps. 1st, King. Same as in 2d, Queen. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Queen. Queen. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Queen, return King. Ace, return Queen. * For Echoing see page 65. ♦ ♦ ♦t ♦ \ II LEAD. Plain Suits. 1st Ace. 21, if strong in trumps, 4th best card, otherwise King. Trumps. 4th best card. Plain Suits. Kiug. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low Card. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — King, return Ace. Low card led — Ace, return King. High card led — Three. High card led — Four. *For Echoing see page G5. r A V ¥ ■^^ V If ¥ * ¥ k k k k% ¥ ¥ k k k k 12 i Plain Suits* 1st, King. 2d, Ace. LEAD. Trumps. 4th best card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. If strong in trumps — Low Card, If weak in trumps — King. Trumps. Low Card. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — King, return Ace. Queen or Ten led — Eight. Knave led — Six. Low card led— Ace, return King. High card led — Eight. 'See page 65 echoing. See page G3 unblocking. 13 Plain Suits. 1st, King. 2nd, Ace. LEAD. Trumps. Low Card. Plain Suits. Low Card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low Card. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Low card led. ) yr- i. a High card led. \ ^'"g' '^'''''' ^''^^ Trumps. King, return Ace. A > ♦ • * V vj 14 Plain Suits* 1st, Ace. 2d, King. LEAD* Trumps* Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits* King. SECOND HAND PLAY* Trumps* King. THIRD HAND PLAY* Plain Suits* Ace, return King. Trumps* King, return Ace. A ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ V J 15 LEAD. Plain Suits* Trumps. 1st, Ace, The same as in 2d, Knave Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY* Plain Suits. Trumps. Ten. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Ten, return Ace. Ace, return Queen. * For Echoing see page 65. 16 LEAD. • Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st, Ace, Same as in 2d. Ten. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Ten. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Ten, return Ace. Ace, return Queen. * For Echoing see page 65. ^ V 17 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st, Ace. Same as in 2d, Queen. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Knave. Knave. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Knave, return Ace. Ace, return Queen. Ten or Nine led — Seven. * For Echoing see page 65. ^ V 18 LEAD* Plain Suits* 4th best card. Plain Suits* SECOND HAND PLAY. If strong in trumps — Ten. If weak in trumps — Queen. Trumps. 4th best card. Trumps. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Low card led — Queen, return Ace. Knave led — Seven. *For echoing see page Ho. Trumps. Ace, return Queen. 19 LEAD. Plain Suits* 1st, Ten. Trumps. Ten. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Ten. Trumps. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Queen, return Ace. Queen, return Ace. f \ * ^8^1 ♦ ♦ V V J ^t * ** V J 1* 4- > 4" 2 * A * * * *t * *t * * 2 I J V J \ J 20 Plain Suits* 1st, Ace 2d, 4th best card LEAD. Trumps. 4th best card SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. If strong in trumps — Low card If weak in trumps — Queen. Knave led— Ace. Trumps. Lowest. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Queen, return Ace. Low card led — Ace, return Queen. Knave led — Two. Knave led — Four. * For Echoing see page 65. A *M^ * 1^^^ * * V V J V J u 4 21 Plain Suits, Old Lead. 1st, Ace. LEAD. New Lead. 4th best card. Trumps. 4th best card. 2d, 4th best card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. If strong in trumps — Low card, If weak in trumps — Queen. Knave led — Ace. Trumps. Low card, Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card led — Queen, return Ace. High card led — Five Low card led — Ace, return Queen. High card led — Six. *For Echoing see page 65. \ \, M i§ ^ > ¥ ' •4 i 1 1 J 1 ', 22 LEAD, Plain Suits, Lowest. Trumps. Lowest. SECOND HAND PLAY, Plain Suits. Low card led — Low card. Nine or Ten led— Queen. Knave led — Ace. Trumps, Low card. THIRD HAND PLAY, Plain Suits, Trumps, Low card led — Queen, return Ace. Knave led — Six. Ten led — Seven unless you wish the lead. Low card led — Ace, return Queen. High card led — Seven. * See page 65 Echoing. See page 63 Unblocking. 23 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st, Ace. Same as in plain 2nd, Queen. Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Queen. Queen. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Queen, return Ace. Ten led — Ace — return Queen. Queen, return Ace unless the Nine is led or the Ten is led from the old lead of King, Knave, Ten, etc., in which case play Ace. 24 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. Ace. Ace. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Knave. Low card led — Knave. King or Queen led — Ace. King or Queen led — Ace. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Ace. Ace, return Knave. r N I* * * * * *t V J r > 3 * * * V J LEAD. Plain Suits* Trumps* 1st, Ace. vSame as in 2nd, Fourth best card. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY* Plain Suits. Trumps. If weak in trumps or on an honor Low card unless you wish to lead — Ace, otherwise — low stop the lead, card. THIRD HAND PLAY* Plain Suits* Trumps. Low card led — Ace. Low card lead — Ace. High card led — Two. High card led — Three. * For Echoing see page 65. 1 ♦! 26 LEAD* Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st, Ace. Jth best card. 2d, 4th best card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. If weak in trumps or on an Low card unless you honor led — Ace. .^ wish to stop the lead. Otherwise — Low Card. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Ace. Low card led — Ace. High card led — Two. High card led — Four. * For Echoing see page 65. 27 LEAD, Plain Suits* Old Lead. New Lead. 1st, Ace. 4th best card. 2d, 4th best card. Trumps, 4th best card. SECOND HAND PLAY, Plain Suits. Low card led — Low card. Honor led — Ace. Trumps, Low card. THIRD HAND PLAY, Plain Suits, Low card led — Ace. High card led — Three. Trumps, Low card led — Ace. High card led — Five. For Echoing see page 65. IBP A > V i¥ ¥ V L V ^ ^ej 88 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. Lowest Card. Lowest card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Low card. Low card. Honor led — Ace. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Ace. Low card led — Ace. High card led — Seven. High card led — Seven. King led— Two. * See page 65 Echoing. See page 63 Unblocking. Plain Suits. Ace. LEAD. Trumps. Ace. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY. Low card led — Low card. Honor led — Ace. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Ace, unless King, Queen or Ten is led. Trumps. Same as in Plain vSuits. A J Ml ♦ *♦♦ 30 Plain Suits. 1st King, 2d Ten. Plain Suits* Ten. LEAD. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. n Trumps. Ten. Plain Suits. Ten, return King. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Ace led — Knave. IvOw card led — King, return Queen. * For echoing see page 65. 31 LEAD. Plain Suits. 1st, Knave. 2d, from suits of 5 cards — King. From a suit of 6 cards — Queen. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Knave. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Knave. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card led — Knave, return King. Ace led — Seven. Ace led — Six. Low card led — King, return Queen. *For Echoing see page 65. ifi > ^M w V J 82 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st, King. Same as in 2d, Knave. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits- Trumps. Knave. Knave. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Knave. Low card led — King return Queen. Ace led — Knave. Ace led—Knave. *See page 65 Echoing. See page 63 Unblocking. r ^ \ r ^ ,* % V *! V J 33 LEAD* Plain Suits* Trumps. 1st, Queen. Same as in 2d, 4th best card if Queen wins, if Ace Plain Suits, takes Queen, follow with King. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led* Plain Suits. Trumps. Queen. Queen. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Queen. Low card led — King, return Queen. Ace or Knave led — Three. Ace led — Seven. ♦For unblocking see page 63. 34 LEAD. Plain Suits. 1st, King. '2d, If King wins — Lowest. If Ace takes King — Queen. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Queen. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Queen. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Low card led — Queen, Ace led — Ten. Knave led — Five. Trumps. Low card led — King, return Queen, High card led — Ten. See page 05 Echoing. See page <)8 Unblocking. ♦^ s i§i Wl 1 v^ p 'I* ^ 4 ♦ * ♦ ^9 J J Sfs LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st, Queen. 4th best card. 2d, 4th best, if Queen takes, if Ace takes Queen — King. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. If strong in trumps — Low Card. Low card unless you Otherwise — Queen. wish to stop the lead. THIRD HAND PLAY. P^in Suits. Trumps. Low card led— Queen. Low card led — King, return Queen. Ace led — Four. Ace led — Six. *For echoing see page H5. im ^ <> 36 r LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps* 1st, King. 4tli best card. 2d, if King wins — Lowest. If Ace takes King — Queen. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Queen. Low card. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Queen. Low card led — King, return Queen. Knave or Ten led — Five. High card led — Seven. Nine led — Seven. * See page 65 Echoing. See page 63 Unblocking. 87 LEAD. Plain Suits. 1st, King. 2nd, Queen. Trumps. Same as in plain Suits. 1 SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Queen. Trumps. Queen. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. King, return Queen. Queen Trumps. and return King. f^ ♦ i ♦ ♦ ♦' ^ 38 LEAD, Plain Suits. Trumps. 1st Nine, if it forces Ace. 2d King, if nine forces Queen or both Ace and Queen. From suits of 4 cards — King. From suits of 5 cards — Knave. From suits of 6 cards — Ten. Same as in , Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Nine. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Nine. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Low card led — King. Ace led — Seven. Trumps. Low card led — King. Ace led — Nine. 39 New Lead. 4tli best card. LEAD. Plain Suits* Old Lead. 1st Ten. 2d, if Ten wins — Lowest. • If Ten forces Ace — King. If Ten forces Queen or both Ace and Queen from suits of 4 cards— King. From suits of 5 cards — Knave. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Ten. Trumps. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Low card led — King. Ace led— Ten. Trumps. Low card led — King. Ace led — Ten. *See page 65 Echoing. See page 63 Unblocking. 40 Plain Suits. 4tli best card. LEAD. Trumps. 4th best card. Plain Suits. Low card, SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card led — King. High card led — Six. Ten or Knave led — Three. Low card led — King. High card led — Six. * See page 65 Echoing. See page 63 Unblocking. f ■^ V J 41 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. King. King. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Low card. Low card unless 9 is led or the Ace is turned Eight or Nine led — King. up at your right, or you turned the King in which cases, play King. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. King. King. 42 LEAD, Plain Suits, Trumps, Old Lead. New Lead. Same as in 1st Queen. 1st Ten. Plain Suits. 2d Nine. 2d Queen. SECOND HAND PLAY, Plain Suits, Trumps Nine. Nine. THIRD HAND PLAY, Plain Suits, Trumps, Nine. Ten. *For Echoing see page 65. ♦ ♦Ol r A r. ^ 1* ♦ :* * ♦ * V ~9, V 4S Plain Suits* Old Lead. 1st, Queen. 2d, Ten. LEAD. Trumps. New Lead. 1st, Ten. 2d, Knave. Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Ten. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Low card led — Ten. High card led — Four. Trumps. Low card led — Ten. High card led — Six. * For Echoing see page 6." f > W^\ * *t A • 7^ ♦ •? A T j; T * V •Oi 44 Plain Suits^ Old Lead. 1st, Queen. 2d, Knave. Plain Suits. LEAD. New Lead. 1st, Ten. 2d, Queen. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Same as in Plain Suits. Ten. Trumps. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Ten. Low card led — Ten. Ace led — Ten. High card led — Ten. King led — Five. *See page (Jo Echoing. See page <)IS Unblocking. f^f^^ft^mmm* 4^ LEAD* Plain Suits* Lowest card. Plain Suits* Low card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Lowest card. Trumps. Low card. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Low card led — Knave. Ace led — Eight. King led— Three. Ten or Nine led — Three. Trumps. Low card led — Knave. High card led — Eight. *See page 65 echoing. See page 63 unblocking. 46 LEAD, Plain Suits, 1st, Queen. 2d, Knave if Queen wins. Trumps* Same as in Plain Suits. Plain Suits. Knave. SECOND HAND PLAY, Trumps. Knave. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. IvOw card led — Knave. High card led — Seven. Trumps. Low card led — Knave. High card led — Seven. m >v ^ V J 47 Plain Suits* lyowest. LEAD. Trumps. Lowest. Plain Suits. Lowest. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Lowest. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card led — Queen. Ace led — Seven. King, Knave or Two led— Four. Low card led — Queen. High card led — Seven. *See page 65 echoing. See page 63 unblocking. r N $i^. ^j V y ♦ ♦t 48 LEAD. Plain Suits. Ivowest card. Trumps. Lowest card. Plain Suits. Lowest card. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Lowest card. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Low card led — Queen. High card led — Four. Trumps. Low card led — Queen. High card led — Four. 49 Plain Suits* Queen. LEAD. Trumps. Queen. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Low card led — Low card. Nine or Ten led — Queen. Low card unless you wish the lead, or a higher honor was ' turned up at your right, or you turned up the Queen in which case play Queen. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Queen. Trumps. Queen. V ¥ ¥ A A A A* J 50 ■^ LEAD. Plain Suits. Old Lead. Lowest card. New Lead. Knave. Trumps. 1st Knave. 2nd Eight. Plain Suits. Eight. SECOND HAND PLAY. Trumps. Eight. Plain Suits. Eight. THIRD HAND PLAY. Knave, Trumps. return Eight. * For Echoing see page 65. 51 in Suits. Old Lead. New Lead. 4th best card. Knave. LEAD. Trumps. 1st, Knave. 2d, Nine. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Nine. Nine. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Nine. Low card led — Nine. High card led — Two. High card led — Four. *For Echoing see page 65, 1 ^ ♦ 4 4 ♦ A l^ 4 4 1 ♦ V J 52 LEAD, Plain Suits. Trui Old Lead. New Lead. 1st Knave 4th best card. Knave. 2d Ten. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Nine. Nine. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led — Nine. Low card led — Nine. Ace or Queen led — Nine. High card — Nine. King led — Five. *See page 65 echoing. See page 63 unblocking. ♦ ^ *♦ ♦ ♦ J 53 Plain Suits* Knave. LEAD. Trumps. Knave. Plain Suits. Ten. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Trumps. Ten. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Ivow card led — Ten. Low card led — Ten. High card led — Seven. High card led — Seven. • ■ " 'f«w^^^^'^^^f^^m^m^^^immifmmmmmmmi^9mmmmmmmmimmfmm^^^mmmm^'-- 6^ ^ V A A A •9 54 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps, Old Lead. New Lead. Same as in Lowest card. Knave. Plain Suits. SECOND HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low Card. Low Card. THIRD HAND PLAY. Plain Suits. Trumps. Low card led— Knave. Low card led— Knave. High card led — Six. H igh card led — Six. King led— Four. *See page : 65 Echoing. See page G3 Ur iblocking. 55 LEAD. Plain Suits. Trumps. Knave. Knave. SECOND HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Lowest, unless wishing the lead or the Same as in Nine is led in which case play — Knave. Plain Suits. THIRD HAND PLAY, Low Card Led. Plain Suits. Trumps. Knave. Knave. LEADS. — Plain Suits. As a general thing, you should open the hand by leading from your strongest suit ; it may be strong by reason of having at least two honors, or it may have numerical strength, — at least four cards. In choosing your suit from which to lead, select, rather, one which is numerically strong, as Aces and Kings will take tricks whoever leads the suit; and, should you lead from a numerically weak but otherwise strong suit, you are establishing a suit for some one who is numerically strong in it, and, by opening a four or five-card suit, though perhaps you may not be able to establish it, you at least do not help your adversary to establish his. Lead your fourth best card in the suit, unless you hold combinations as represented on preceding pages. In the combinations already given, after the first lead has been a high card, and you are still left with high cards in sequence, from a short suit the highest card of the sequence is led, and from a long suit the lowest; as, the Ace is led from Ace, Queen, Knave, etc. If the suit has four or less cards, the Ace is followed with the Queen, the higher of the two cards in sequence ; or, if there are five or more cards in the suit, the Ace is followed by the Knave, the lower of the two cards in sequence. Always, in drawing the inferences from the leads, note how many cards the first lead would signify. Thus: the Knave, when led from strength, signifies five cards at least, including the King and Queen ; therefore, if he is followed by the higher of the two cards in sequence, there are exactly five cards in the suit; if followed by the lower card of the sequence, there are more than five cards in the suit. 56 LONG SUIT LEADS. Four or More Cards in the Suit. PLAIN SUITS. The lead of Ace signifies a long suit, probably five cards at least, or the combination of Ace, Queen, Knave, etc. The lead of King signifies not more than four cards, and always a sup- port of either the Queen or Ace, or both Ace and Queen. The lead of Queen signifies probably a long suit of at least five cards, and always a support, either of the King or — when playing the old way, the Knave and Ten — but not both King and Knave. The lead of Knave signifies at least five cards, and always the support of the King and Queen. The Knave is, however, as I said in my introductory remarks, led by many prominent players, from the head of a suit of four or more cards, particularly when he heads a sequence. The lead of Ten signifies a long suit ; and, if playing the new way, the sequence of Queen and Knave, or, if playing the old way, the King and Knave. 57 SHORT SUIT LEADS. Three or Less Cards in the Suit. Ace is led from — Ace, Queen, and Knave; or. Ace and one other card. King is led from — Ace, King, and one lower card; King, Queen, and one lower card; King, Queen alone ; or. King and one lower card. Queen is led from — Queen, Knave, and one lower card; or, Queen and one lower card. Knave is led from — The head of a suit of three or two cards. Ten is led from — The head of a suit of three or two cards. 58 TRUMP LEADS. Lead trumps when you hold si:tr, or Jive including two honors and a good four-card suit, or when you hold Jive without honors, with an established suit. As winning trumps will always take tricks, the leading from trump suits is much more backward than from plain suits. Then, too, as a rule, trumps are led to prevent your adversaries trumping your established suit ; so that, by playing a backward game, you are much more able to win the last round of trumps, which will leave you in the lead, and you will then be able to make the small cards of your suit. So that, when leading trumps, you lead Yoxxr fourth best card, unless you hold — Ace and six others ; Three honors ; or. Two picture cards and the ten-spot, in which case you lead as you would in plain suits. 59 SECOND HAND. — Plain Suits. As a general rule, play a low card ; but, should you hold, in the suit led, a combination from which you originally would have led a high card, you should play high, second hand, but not necessarily the same card. Win the trick as cheaply as you can. Holding a sequence of high cards, play the lowest of the sequence. Holding a moderate sequence, such as Queen-Knave, Knave-Ten. or Ten- Nine, with three cards in the suit, play the lowest of the sequence. With more than three cards, pass a small card led. Ace should usually be played on an honor led ; but should the card led be a Knave, and the suit is the second one opened by the leader, pass the Knave; for, in all probability, it has been lead from weakness. Holding the master card, usually play it the second round of the suit. eo SECOND HAND. — Trumps* The play of second hand, low, in trumps is much more frequent than in plain suits, as a much more backward game is played, for winning trumps will take tricks at any time. The general rule — If you are strong enough to originally lead the suit high, you must play high second hand, but not necessarily the same card, — applies in the trump suit also; but remember that the suit is trumps, and the lead would have been a backward one. Thus, holding King, Queen, and other cards (lower than the Ten) the lead in trumps would have been a fourth best card ; so you must necessarily play a low card second hand ; but if your holding had been King, Queen, Knave, etc., your lead would have been a high card ; so you must play a high card second hand. If, however, you feel it necessary to stop the leading of trumps, then, of course, you may play high second hand to win the trick. 61 THIRD HAND.— Plain Suits. Usually, when a lower card than the Knave is led by partner, play your highest card, except when holding either Ace, Queen alone or with others, or Ace. Queen, Knave, alone or with others, in which case play Queen or Knave, and return the Ace at once. Or, when holding high cards in sequence, then play the lowest of the sequence, and when returning partner's suit usually play the higher of two or the lowest of three or more cards remaining; but, holding the ma <;Ur card, return it at once. The exception to this rule is when holding Ace and King alone, or King and Queen alone, in which case you play the higher of the two cards in sequence and return at once the lower, thereby showing no more of the suit. 63 UNBLOCKING. When holding exactly four cards of a suit of which your partner has, by his lead, shown, he may hold five or more cards, that is, not having led either the King or the two spot, play on the first round of the high lead, the third best card, on the second round, the second best card, or in other words keep the lowest card until the last. Or should your partner's lead have been a low card, when returning his suit, lead the highest of the three cards remaining, keeping the lowest until the last. When wishing to signal for trumps to be led, and at the same time to un- block in your partner's suit, on the first round, play the second best card and on the second round, play the third best card. 63 THIRD HAND. — Trumps* The play of third hand in trumps, when holding three or less, is the same as in plain suits (unless when echoing with three exactly, and a high card is led, see note at front of book) except when holding Ace and King alone or King and Queen alone, in which cases, the lower of the cards in sequence is played, and the higher returned, for playing the higher and returning the lower as you would do in plain suits, would, in trumps, complete an echo. When holding four or more, and attempting to take the trick, play the highest and return the lowest card of the suit, except when holding. Ace, King, etc.. Ace, Queen, etc., or King, Queen, etc., in which cases, echo by playing the higher, and returning the lower of the high cards — or. when not attempting to take the trick, echo,^ (see page 65) by playing the next to the lowest, and on the second round, the lowest card of the suit. 64 THE SIGNAL, The signal for trumps to be led, is made by playing an unnecessarily high card followed by a lower one of the same suit. You may signal for trumps to be led when holding six or Jive (including at least one honor) and a possibility of a good suit in either your or your partner's hand. You may also signal for trumps to be led, when holding five without an honor or four including at least two honors and an established suit in your or your partner's hand. In replying to your partner's signal for trumps to be led, lead the highest of three or two trumps, the lowest of four or more. THE ECHO* The echo is given, in either trumps or plain suits, at the first opportunity^ after your partner has signalled for, or led trumps, and consists like the signal, of playing an unnecessarily high card followed by a lower one of the same suit, and shows that you hold at least four trumps, (unless when echoing with three exactly, see note at front of book). 65 I "^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiir" 020 237 395 1