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A History
Welcome Garrett
And His Descendants
From His Birth in 1758 Down to a Recent Date
Embracing Genealogical Data of Many Generations of the Garrett,
Martin, Puckett, Starbuck, Deatherage and Numerous
other families sprung from him, with a brief ac-
count of the Ancestors of His Two Wives,
he having been twice married.
Including some genealogical data of the descendants of Benjamin
Garrett, late of West Virginia, Boeter Garrett, Gibson Garrett
and Madison Garrett, all of whom were bound together
by ties of consanguinity. And a chapter of genealog-
ical data of numerous other branches of the
Garrett families of America.
Copyright 1909 by
Samuel B. Garrett, Muncie, Indiana
Price $5.00
"Vrn 24 4 S 74
SEP f 1909
To my kindred; to all those who are connected by ties of
onsanguinity or marriage, this work is respectfully dedicated.
To those of you accustomed to literary work it may seem
easy to write a book; to the author it was a task, though for
the most part not unpleasant. But now comes the rub, to be
forced to write an introduction; and apology as it were, is
the hardest task of all. I hate apologies; rarely utter them,
and never require them or even expect them from others.
This book contains the sacred family records of our kin-
dred, yours and mine, and a few historical facts connected
therewith, expressed in the briefest form, void of feathers
and flowers. No "write ups" are indulged in. Simply truth-
ful annals of our humble kindred has been the aim.
So in this introduction, if I must offer an excuse, it will be
the truth in its nudest form and briefly stated. '
The author was reared among his mother's kindred, en-
tirely apart from his father's people, and so had but little
opportunity of acquainting himself Avith the consanguinity
on the father's side of the house. Occasionally I met my
father and brothers and sisters and saw one other family, the
children of one of my father's deceased brothers. Excepting
these I had not even heard of his kindred until I was almost
thirty years of age. Once, while paying a visit to my father
the thought occurred to my mind to ask him about his people.
I was surprised when he informed me that he had been favored
with fifteen brothers and sisters; sixteen including himself,
and that ten of these had married and reared families. The
location of many of their children being entirely unknown.
This information seemed to create in me an intense desire
for further knowledge. A determination was formed, and
speedily executed, to communicate with these kindred and to
see and meet as many of them as possible. Thus the in-
ception of this work was unconsciously formed. A meeting
was arranged, reunions were organized, and many letters
were written. By these rneang- 1- collected considerable family
history, which was carefully preserved, not for publication,
but with the sole purpose of possessing a better knowledge
of my kindred to satisfy the desire of my own mind in refer-
ence thereto. So the work was continued; every clue fol-
lowed up until communication was had with a multitude of
the family, some of whom had not been heard from by their
near kindred lor a generation. The work grew on my hands;
it occupied my mind ; it encroached on my time, yet it seemed
impossible to leave it off. Thus the data was accumulated
and page after page was occupied in noting it down. Finally
from the data at hand I learned that there had been eighty-
five (85) first cousins, grand children of my grandfather,
Welcome Garrett, many of whom had long since grown old
or pas.sed away. Thirty-seven of us at that time (1884) still
living. The great-grandchildren at that time numbered 213,
and the great-great-grandchildren more than 300 living, and
a few of the next generation making their appearance. So
by the year 1886 or 1887 I had enumerated 585 living issue
from grandfather. Besides the records show more than 300
deceased. How many there are at this time is not known.
Since Iho compilation of this data a number of my friends
have freciuently urged me to have it published. Yielding to
these solicitations you now have the work placed before you.
If the work had been intended as a genealogy of the Garrett
family only, much of the contents might have been omitted.
But the data collected embraced the progeny of Welcome
Garrett of whatever name. I have reproduced for your ben-
efit that which I alone possessed. I have also included the
history, so far as known, of many other branches of the Garrett
family, several of whom are related by ties of consanquinity.
The author makes no pretense of being of a literary turn;
neither is he accustomed to writing for publication. This
will account in part for the many defects which will inevitably
be found in the work. Then there will no doubt be errors;
some made by myself; some by persons sending the data;
mistakes in copying; mistakes of the printer. These are un-
avoidable in a work of this nature. The reader must take it
as it is. I ask you to buy it that you may possess a copy
of your very own. Read it. Enjoy that portion of the con-
tents with which you are pleased, and forget that which is said
amis or entirely omitted. With diffidence I ask your con-
siderate judgment. S. B. G.
Muncie, Indiana, Jan. 22, 1909.
It is a pleasure to me that I am afforded this opportunity
to express my appreciation of the courtesies extended to me
during the past quarter of a century. I would indeed be un-
grateful did I not embrace this opportunity to acknowledge
the many favors extended by those who have, in the least,
contributed data to this work. Were it not for your assistance
such a work could never have been accomplished. Some per-
son or persons in almost every family has added to my pleas-
ure by responding to my entreaty for data. Your letters are
still in my possession, many of them written more than a
score of years ago, yet never the less highly prized by one who
loves his kindred. Others have taken a deep interest in the
work, spending much time and helping in various ways to
lighten my labors. They who have assisted are so numerous,
it seems impossible to name them here. I can only thank
you, one and all. I extend to you my heartfelt gratitude.
I thank you,
Samuel B. Garrett.
abt. about.
b. born.
ch. child or children.
d. died or deceased.
dan. daughter.
ni. married.
mo. month.
mtg-. meeting. (An abbreviation used by the Friends or
Quakers in their records or minutes),
n. f. k. nothing further known,
res. residence or resided,
s. p. sine prole, without issue.
w. wife, widow, or widowed,
yr. year.
Lineage of the Garrett family as far as can be gathered
from an ancient Bible in possession of Nathan Garrett. (Date
of the publication of the Bible in England, 1631.) List copied
from Bible March 20, 1881 :
John Garat was born the 2nd of Feburaii 1635 "baptised
Elizabeth Garat Avas born 10 day of Feburaii 1631.
Sarah Garat was born 30 April 1640 baptised May.
Marl Garat baptised 5th May 1642.
William Garat born 21 August baptised 3d Sept 1643.
Catran Garratt bap. ]\Iay 26 for the yr of our Lord God 1646.
Ann Garratt wife of the above Wm. Garat v/sls born 19th of
March 1642.
The above Wm and Ann his wife came from Darby in the
county of Leieister Eng. in the year 1684 and settled in Darby
township, then Chester Co., Pa.
Their children were :
Ann, born 4th of 12th month 1668.
Mary, afterwards Noble, born 9th mo. 1670.
Samuel (see over) born 7th of 5 mo. 1672.
Hannay afterwards Emlen 23rd of 4 mo. 1674.
Sary afterwards Croxton 24 of 4 mo. 1676.
Alse afterwards Pennell 24 of 4 mo. 1678.
William, date of birth appears to be lost; he married
Rebecca Smith of Darby.
Sam' Garrett born 10-20-1706.
Sam' Garrett born 8-22-1708.
Nathan Garret bom 12-13-1711.
James Garrett born 4-17-1714.
Thomas Garrett born 10-26-1717.
Jane born 4-20-1719.
Sam' Garrett father of above named children (6) died 1 mo
4, 1743— a ^red 72.
Nathan Garrett, son of Samuel and Jane (Pennock) Garrett,
married Ann Knowles. Their children were:
Hannah, born 11 mo. 22, 1740.
Jane (afterwards Jones) born 5-12-1742.
Nathan Garrett, born 3-18-1745.
- Thomas Garrett, born 10-29-1748.
Ann Garrett (Paschell) born 9-24-1752.
Ann K. Garrett, mother of above, died 4-2-1787.
Nathan Garrett, father of above, died 9-16-1802, in his 92nd
John Garrett born 22nd of 1st mo. 1685.
Thomas Garrett (married Rebecca Vernon) bom 11 mo. 1687.
William Garrett, the younger, was born 12th Feb. 1662.
Mary Garrett, born 17th 3rd mo. 1660.
It is not known where to place these in consanguinity.
Hannah Garrett, daughter of above Wm. and Ann Garrett,
married George Emlen, who came from Endland with Wm.
Penn. They had 8 children: George, Samuel, Caleb, Joshua,
Anna, Ann, Mary and Sarah, who married Crasson.
Samuel, son of Wm. and Ann Garrett, married Jane Pennell,
who died 6-27-1736 in her 59th year.
James Garrett (her son) died 6 mo. 13, 1736.
The children of Samuel and Jane were:
Mary Garrett, born 4th mo. 7, 1699,
Joseph Garrett, born 2nd mo. 25, 1701.
ITaiinah Garrett, born 7th mo. 17, 1704.
Nathan Garrett, son of Nathan and Ann Garrett, married
Elizabeth Sellers, daughter of John Sellers, of Darby, Chester
Co., Pa.
Ann Garrett, daughter of above, born 6-30-1769. She became
the wife of Sam' Swayne, of Marlboro, Chester Co., Pa.
Sarah Garrett, born 7 mo. 7 1771. She married Sam' Rhoads.
Elizabeth Garrett, wife of Nathan, died, 3rd mo. 23- 1774, aged
24 yonrs.
Thomas Garrett, son of Nathan and Ann, married Margaret
Levis. She died, leaving one son, Samuel, who was bom 7-19-
1775. Thomas Garrett subsequently married Sarah, daughter
of Philip Price. Their children were :
Philip, born 5-13-1780.
Thomas (died young), born 11-15-1782.
Charles, born 4-4-1785.
Margaret, born 6-8-1787.
*Thomas (father of Elwood), born 8-21-1789.
Benj., born 10-17-1791.
John Knowles, born 12-4-1793.
Isaac P., born 1-18-1796.
Ann, born 5-5-1798.
Edward, born 12-17-1800.
*(Nov. 27, 1884.) This Thomas is the one spoken of in the
American addition to Chambers's Encyclopedia. His son. Ell-
wood, of Wilmington, Del., furnished me with this lineage of
the Garretts.
S. B. Garrett.
JOHOSF GARRETT, born — ; married — ; m. second wif e ; died
— . I have not been successful in obtaining much data in refer-
ence to the history or origin of this John Garrett. My father,
who was his grandson, stated to me some years ago (about
1885), that his father, Welcome Garrett, previous to his death,
had informed him that he, Welcome, was the only child of
John Garrett by the first wife. And that he could remember
that when a child, his father left him alone at one time in their
cabin home, was gone a day or two and returned with his new
wife. By the second wife he had numerous sons and daughters.
No records have been found giving positive information of
their early history. One or more of his sons were killed in the
revolutionary war, probably at the battle of Guilford, in Guil-
ford county, N. C. This information has been handed down
by Isom Garrett and others. The descendents of JOHN
BOETER GARRETT, b. 1775, d. 1827, in Tennessee^
claim that he was a brother to Welcome, and, consequently,
son of John. This has been verified as a fact by my father and
others. He was called Boeter or Borter, the name being a
contraction or a corruption of the family name of Bowater.
The Bowater family originally came from England. It is qnite
probable that his mother was a Bowater. Gibson Garrett, b.
1795, it is said, was a half brother to "Welcome. He m. Cathe-
rine Gross, of near Indianapolis, before 1819 ; she was of Ger-
man descent. In 1834 he moved to Ilinois and settled in San-
gamon, now Menard county, near a place then called Sugar
Grove. William B. Garrett, son of Boeter, and Joshua, son of
Welcome, moved a few years later to this locality. It is alto-
gether probable that they understood their relationship to each
other. Benjamin Garrett, b. 1733, d 1827. (wife, Nancy Grimes),
lived in Patrick Co., Va., and later in Wayne Co., now W. Va. ;
was probably a brother to John.
The following data is taken from the records of Surry Co.,
N. C. John Garrott of Chowan county. Province of North,
gives power of attorney to William Freeman to rent and sell
land. Registered at session of 1788 :
Willam Freeman, att'y for John Garrott, Nov. 7, 1785, for
the consideration of 200 pounds, conveys one hundred and
fifty (150) acres: "beginning at a hickory on the south bank
of the Yadkin river at the mouth of little Fishing creek; then
down the meandering of the river twenty-five (25) chains to
a whiteoak, thence north crossing Mill creek thirty-one and
a half chains (3iyo) to two poplars on a branch of Fishing
creek, thence down said branch of the creek, thence down the
creek to the place of beginning. ' ' The land thus surveyed was
in Surry Co., N. C. It is not known to me where this John
Garrott resided at that time. Nor is it known that he was the
same John wlio was father to Welcome Garrett.
1. WELCOME GARRETT, son of John Garrett and wife,
was born Aug. 24, 1758. The place of his birth as well as the
name of his mother are alike unknown to the writer. The
earliest reliable knowledge we have of him begins in Siirry
Co., N. C. It is here he reared his family, his home being
near where the line now is between Siirry and Stokes counties,
near Westfield. He was a Quaker and a member of the West-
field Monthly Meeting of Friends. This meeting was estab-
lished in 1771. There seems to be no record of the date of his
becoming a member of this meeting.
In the records of deeds for the county we find that one John Mc-
Kinney Jir., on the 29th of 3 mo. 1792, for the consideration of
100 pounds, sold to Welcome Garrett 200 acres on both sides
of Rutlidge creek, waters of the Tanarat. Eegistered in 1797.
In the year 1795 Welcome Garrett bought of the state 300 acres
between Gain and Forkners creek. The price being 50 shill-
ings for every hundred acres (a half shilling per acre.) In
1834 he moved to Indiana. At this time he was 76 years old.
The most of his children having emigrated to the west some
years before. First settling in Wayne Co., the following year
he move to Hamilton Co., Ind., near Westfield, where he
passed the remainder of his life. ■;
He was twice married, the first marriage on Aug. 5, 1877,
to Phoebe Ann Sumner, b. 5-18-1755, dau. of Robert and Phoebe
Sumner, nee Beals. Her mother being the wodow of Charles
Cannaday and dau. of John and Sarah Beals, nee Bowater,
and sister to that eminent minister among Friends, Thomas
Beales, or Beals. To this union was b. twelve children. His
second wife, to whom he was married Feb. 19, 1812, was
Margaret Bond, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Beals) Bond,
of Surry C, N. C. Her mother, called Betsy Bond, was a
dau. of Thomas and Sarah Beals (nee Antrim), and she, Eliza-
beth, was an eminent minister among Friends, preaching the
gospel for more than sixty years. Thus we see that both
wives of Mr. Garrett were closely related by ties of blood,
each being descended from John and Sarah (Bowater) Beals,
The first being a niece and the second a granddaughter of
Thomas Beals. We may here state that John Beals, father of
Thomas, was son of John and Mary (Clyton) Beals, of Chester
Co., Pa. Sarah Bowater, wife of the second John Beals was
dan. of Thomas Bowater. The Bowater family originally
came from England. Samnel Bond, the father of Margaret,
the second wife of Welcome garrett, was the son of Joseph and
Martha Bond, nee Eogers, who came from England about 1735;
he from Wiltshire. She may have been from the same place.
At any rate they came on the same ship, but were not married
for several years after their arrival at Philadelphia, he being
obligated to work for several years to pay for his passage to
the new country. Joseph was son of Benjamin and Ann (Par-
adise) Bond, of Bidestone near Chippenham, Wiltshire, Eng-
In the year 1745 the Beals family moved to North Caro-
lina, and during the years that followed a great influx of
Quakers settled in what is noAV Guilford, Surry and adjoining
counties, coming from their settlements in Penn., Mass., Md.,
and Va. Among these Avere the Bonds, Bo waters, Starbucks,
Sumners and others. While the writer has been unable to trace
the ancestors of Welcome Garrett, it will.be seen from what
has been stated that in reference to his wives it is quite differ-
ent, the names of their progenitors having been obtained for
many generations. He was a powerful man, rather large, with
gray eyes. By occupation he was a farmer. Eesidence North
Carolina and Indiana. He first m. Aug. 5, 1777, Phoebe Ann
Sumner, b. May 18, 1755; d. Jan. 8, 1811. She was dau. of
Robert and Phoebe (Beals) Sunnier. He d. Sept. 29, 1842.
Their ch. :
2. i. Caleb, b. March 20, 1778.
8. ii. Robert, b. May 5, 17-79; d. childhood; S. P.
4. iii. Abigail, b. Oct. 5, 1780.
5. iv. Joshua W., b. June 20, 1782.
6. V. Lewis Duplant, b. Feb. 25, 1784.
7. vi. Prudence, b Oct. 3, 1785; d. S. P.
8. vii. Mary, b. Jan. 13, 1787,
9. viii. Sarah, b. April 12, 1789 ; d. childhood.
10. ix. Nathan, b. June 5, 1790; d. childhood.
11. X. John, b. April 10, 1792; d. age 14; accidently killed
by falling' of door during storm.
12. xi. Benlah, b. March 25, 1794.
13. xii, Isom, b. May 10, 1796.
Second marriage Feb. 19, 1812, to Margaret Bond, who was
b. Sept. 11, 1777, d. Aug. 14, 1862. Issue:
14. xiii. (1) Rachel, b. April 22, 1813.
15. xiv. (2) Jonathan, b. Dec. 12, 1814.
16. XV. (3) Hiram, b. Nov. 10, 1816.
17. xvi. (4) Jesse Antrim, b. Oct. 23, 1818; d. June 19,
1819, infancy.
2. CALEB GARRETT (Welcome-John), b. in Snrry Co.,
N. C, March 20, 1778; m. Benlah Jackson, b.— , dan. of Curtis
and Ruth (Beals) Jackson, of Deep River, Guilfoird Co., N. C.
(Ruth Jackson, nee Beals, was the dau. of Bowater Beals, he
in turn was son of John and Sarah (Antrim) Beals. Curtis
Jackson was son of Samuel.
He lived for some years in Surry Co., where he owned land;
moved to Guilford Co. in 1807. The minutes of Deep River
Monthly Meeting of Friends contain the following: "1st of 6
mo. 1807. Caleb Garrett produced a certificate from Westfield
Mo. Mtg., dated 9th of 5 mo. 1807, for himself and two sons,
Cyrus and Nathan." From this time to 1813 his name appears
on the record of this Mo. Mtg. frequently, he being often ap-
pointed on committees. The minutes further show that "8
mo. 2nd, 1813, he was complained of for not attending meet-
ing and for deviation from plainness. On the 6th of the 9 mo.
1813, the committee that was appointed to visit him reported
that he 'not appearing disposed to make satisfaction' the meet-
ing disowns bim from being a member."
Some time after this he identified himself with the Christian
(Campbelite) church, where he retained membership to the end
of his life. By occupation a farmer and physician and preacher
of the gospel. To illustrate the zeal he had for the cause of
Christ we here introduce a letter Avhich he wrote some year's
after his arrival in Indiana to his sister and brother-in-law.
This letter was written on three pages of foolscap paper, the
post script being on the fourth page. It was neatly folded,
without envelope, and addressed to "John Starbuck, Grayson
County, Virginia. Favored by John Brazzleton." :
September 5th, 1825, Washington Co., la. (Ind.)
"Dear brother & sister
"Having frecjuently heard from yon by travelers; I now
drop a line that you may hear from me — As relates secular
affairs we enjoy health and plenty more than we deserve of
the using & comforting things of time & sense. Domestic quiet,
good neighbors & fruitful seasons: — but these are not our God:
But blessed be his holy name. Some of us enjoy the Religion of
Jesus and are happy in it — finding him precious to our souls —
the chiefest among ten thousands, & altogether lovely — hav-
ing taken our feet out of the miry clay, set them on a rock
and established our goings — and put a new song in our mouths,
even praises to our God. — Now my dear brother and sister my
hearts desire & prayer to GOD for you is, that you may come
to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus & be saved with
an everlasting Salvation. For this cause I bow myself unto
the God & father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, oftener
than the morning light, beseeching him to draw us all unto
his son, that the son may reveal the father unto us that we,
through the death of the son, may be reconciled unto the
father. Now I beseech you, as though I would pray you in
Christ's stead be you reconciled to GOD; this & nothing but
this, will give you courage to face a frowning, gain-saying,
surmising, evil speaking, backbiting, scoffing, sneering, blas-
pheming uuilt it ude — and to own your Lord & Master — yea
and what is more needful not to be ashamed of him & his
cross — nothing but this reconciliation will give you courage to
resist the allurements — the temptations, to run with a multi-
tude to do evil — & fortitude to bear without dejection of spirit
the seeming privations, and forbearance which the Religion
of Jesus enjoins — Many things are done in the Avorld which to
Christians are unlawful, many pursuits, branches of traffic,
modes of business called gainful in the world, which are abso-
lutelv incompatible with a life of piety and grace — & detestable
in the sight of him who sees not as man sees — then it requires
a fortitude more than natural to give these things over, &
courage more than human to point them out to others & bear
faithful testimony against them. This Jesus gives us by his
grace — this his holy spirit supplies as we have need — yea and
more also; he gives the Light & knowledge that discovers to
us these things, points out the way of escape; enables us to
know, it gives us to see the danger when even the snare is
laid out of sight — gives and grants us a spirit of forbearance
by Avhich we overcome our desires, passions and habits & are
every way temperate and sober. Thus we begin, by the exer-
cise of moderation and sobriety in ourselves to extend it to
others, in our intercourse with them, we are gentle & peace-
able, moderate in our demands, our views, our words, our
prices, our expenditures, moderation in eating, drinking, sleep-
ing, and in all our goings, transactions & intercourse with
mankind. — To this comiCs in the Christian hand-maid-patience,
& enables us to bear all the privations, disappointments, the
contempt, the malice and fraud thrown on us by the devil
and his agents — as also all the trials, chastisements & visita-
tions of providence, saying thy will be done — Let not thy eye
pity nor thy hand spare till thou hast brought judgment unto
victory. — It is good for me that I was afflicted for before I was
afflicted I went astray. Thus being exercised patience has her
perfect work, & we therein possess our souls — become Godly,
become acquainted with GOD, are at peace, can worship him
in spirit and in truth — he hears our prayers — gives the answer
of joy in the holy ghost, tills us with charity, which is the bond
of perfectness — we see our adoption into the family of God, &
cry father, father, love GOD supremely & our neighbor as
ourselves — We in this state of mind & grov/th in grace will be
doing good — substantial good — our lives will be a continual
scene of good offices & kind affections to all around us, our
souls constantly, ardently and profoundly devoted to GOD
& the good of mankind. We shall be much & often engaged in
prayer, for ourselves, for the Church of God & for all man-
kind. — That you may enjoy all these blessings is my prayer
for Christ's sake farewell John & Beulah Starbuck.
"Caleb Garrett.
"Please show this to any of your neighbors that you please.
"I may state to yon that brother Isom has been with me
the week past, the first sight of him in eleven years — he lives
135 miles from me on the Wabash, all well when he left home,
has l)iit two children, one having died last fall. — Sister Mary
and her family are doing tolerable well — live about 135 miles
northeast from me, Isom is northwest. Please write me by the
bearer of this as he returns."
He moved in 1816 to Washington Co., Ind., where he re-
sided and practiced medicine until 1829, when he moved to
Danville, ITendrick's Co., where he died two years later, July
31, 1831. After the death of his wife, which occurred in 1820
in Washington Co., Ind., he m. 2nd w. Cynthia Paul, dau. of — ;
b. 1803; d. Aug. 1, 1831, of consumption, only one day after
his decease. Children:
18. i. Cyrus, b. April 12, 1804.
19. ii. Nathan, b. Nov. 19, 1806.
Caroline, b .1808
Luther martin, b. Dec. 9, 1810.
Anna Eliza, b. Jan, 15, 1812.
Julia Ann, b. October 9, 1814.
Merlin, b. 1817 ; d. s. p. accident, 1822.
. Emily, b. Dec. 26, 1818.
Nancy, b. 1820, d. s. p., 1820, inft.
Ch. by 2nd wife:
27. X. Paulina (Dr. Caleb-Welcome-John), b. Nov. 28, 1824,
in Washington Co., Ind. ; m. March 28, 1869, James Lewis, b.
Oct. 28 1832, he d. ; residence since 1829 continuously at Dan-
ville, Ind. ; he was b. in Hendricks Co. Ind., served three years
in Union army, was a prisoner for six months. P. 0. of Paulina
Lewis 1906 at Danville, Ind. She had no issue. She died Mar.
4, 1908.
28. xi. (2) Caleb, (Dr. Caleb- Welcome- John) b. July 10,
1826, Washington Co., Ind. ; m. Abigal Fudge. He d. May 29,
1900, at 4 p. m., in Morgan county, Ind. Left no issue.
29. xii. (3) William, b. April 28, 1828.
30. xiii. (4) Lewis, b. April 16, 1831, in Danville, Ind.;
m. — n. f. k.
4. ABIGAIL GARRETT (Welcome- John), b. Oct. 5, 1790;
m. Alexander Martin (son of James, son of John of Va.) , b. 1783 ;
she d. April 6, 1825. Settled in Guilford Co., N. C., where their
children were reared. He, however, lived at Poplar Camp,
Wythe Co., Va., a short time, M^here he kept tavern. This was
probably after her decease. Ch. :
31. i. Alfred Martin, b. May 13, 1808.
Sarah Martin, b. Feb. 11, 1810.
Caroline Martin, b. March 13, 1812.
Caleb Martin, b — ; d. accident, 3 yrs.
Emily Martin, b. —
Cyrns Martin, d. s. p.
Polly Martin, d. s. p.
James Martin, d s. p.
Jehn Martin, b. 1825; d. s. p.
After her death he, Mr. Martin, m. 2nd wife, a widow Som-
eral (?), of Fayetteville, N. C, and they had issue: Elizabeth,
Mary, Oran, Francis, Virginia, James. In the latter part of
his life he went to Buchanan Co., Mo., and lived wih his dau.
Sarah Deatherage, where he d. Feb. 27, 1872, aged near 90 yrs.
5. JOSHUA W. GARRET (Welcome-John), b. Surry Co.,
N. C, June 20, 1782; m. Mary Cox, b— ; d. in Mason Co., 111.;
it is said she v/as a very fine looking girl. He by trade was a
hatter as well as farmer. Emigrated from N. C. to Clinton Co.,
0., and later to Randolph Co., Ind. ; in Nov. 1834 to Vigo Co.,
Ind., and about the year 1835 or 1836 moved to Mason Co., 111.,
about seven miles south of Havana, where his wife died Nov.
29, 1837. After her death the children were separated and
reared in different families, all the family records being lost.
He d. Dec. 27, 1845. When a young man he was a Quaker,
and disobeyed some of their rigid rules. Westfield Monthly
Mtg. of Friends, under date of 6 mo. 19th, 1802, as recorded
in the minutes: "Joshua Garrett disowned for dancing and
mustering with the militia." He probably was of a military
disposition and wanted to be prepared for war. Ch. :
40. i. Julia Ann Garrett, b. — ; m. her cousin Welcome G.
Puckett, son of Joseph and Mary (Garrett) Puckett; some
3 ch. were b. to them; all cl, in infancy. He d. Nov. 4, 1854, she
d. 1867, both at AVinchester, Ind.
41. ii. Eliza, b.—
42. iii. Irene, b. — ; m. John Lucas; d. s. p.
43. iv. (jreorge, b. — ; he d. s. p. age 22 yrs.
44. V. Emily, b. — ; m. Weir; they had no ch. ; she d. s. p.
Feb. 7, 1878, at Bath, 111.
45. vi. Rulda, b. — ; did not m. ; she d. near Bloomington,
111. in McLean Co. about 1867. Of above only one, Eliza, left
any living issue.
6. LEWIS DUPLANT GARRETT (Welcome-Jolin), b. in
Surry Co., N. C, Feb. 25, 1784; m. Mary Ann Johnson. Some
years before his death he moved to Martinsville, Clinton Co.,
0., where he d. in 1824. His Avidow and children moved the
following year, 1825, to Terre Haute, Ind. At this time their
dau. Lavina was m. to Isom Puckett and they too Avent to
Terre Haute. Ch. :
46. i. Lavina, b. — ; m. Isom Puckett; she d. 1826 s. p.
at Terre Haute, Ind.; n. f. k.
47. ii. Lucinda.
48. iii. Luther R, b. March 24, 1812.
49. iv. Laurinda.
8. I\IARY GARRETT (Welcome-John), b. Jan. 13, 1787, in
Surrj' Co., N. C. ; m. Joseph Puckett, son of Thomas and Mary
(Taylor) Puckett, b. Grayson Co., Va., April 26, 1785, d. Nov.
7, 1835; she d. Nov. 14, 1846, both in Randolph Co., Ind. He
was the grandson of Isom and ]\Iartha Puckett, who lived
before the Revolutionary war, and had at least two sons Avho
participated in that struggle. They Avere a patriotic people and
no doubt far above the average in intelligence. The folloAving
traditional account of the Pucketts was related by Isom Puckett
to his nephew. Tyre T., and related by Tyre T. Puckett some
years ago to his nephew, Reverdy Puckett, and by him reduced
to writing:
"The sons of Martha and Isom Puckett were, i. Isom Jr.,
ii. Thomas, iii. Page, iv, Solomon, v. Warnuck, vi. John, vii.
Daniel. John was never heard of after he entered the rev-
ohitionary service. Warnuck in the early part of the revolu-
tionary service was set to guard a prisoner, whom he let es-
cape, for which he was tied to a wagon and severely whipped,
as he said, very unjustly, as he made a proposition to the officers
that they might put him in the exact position of the prisoner
and they might select any soldier in the army to guard him,
and if he did not get away under the exact circumstances that
his prisoner got away he would willingly take the punishment.
His proposition was accepted, he was put in the position of the
prisoner, and a guard was set over him and he readily made
his escape. But the officers, in violation of their promise,
which had been made in good faith, whipped him nevertheless ;
for which he became a sworn enemy of the American forces.
He deserted the army and did much injury to what was then
called the Whig party, for which he was captured and hung
without .judge or jury.
' ' Thomas, son of Isom and Martha Puckett, m. Mary Taylor,
dau. of Daniel and Betsy Taylor; she had brothers, William,
Joseph, John and Daniel Taylor Jr. (These Taylors are said
to have been related to the President Zachariah Taylor.)
"Thomas and Mary (Taylor) Puckett were the parents of
two daughters and eight sons, viz. : 1. Richard, 2. Benjamin,
3. Isom, 4. Betsy, 5. Anna (both girls died in infancy), 6. Dan-
iel, 7. Zachariah, 8. Thomas, 9. Joseph (who married Mary
Garrett). 10. James. All of whom were born in Grayson
Co., Va. All except Joseph and John were noted Quaker
preachers. Some of them taught school; all were farmers.
Joseph was also a tanner."
"The above mentioned Richard Puckett, first son of Thomas
and Mary (Taylor), had seven sons and five daughters, (a)
Oldest son killed himself accidentally or purposely, name not
known; (b) Thomas, lived in Texas and died in Douglas Co.,
111. ; was the father of Irene, the wife of Caleb Garrett of Tus-
cola, 111.; (c) Isom, died in Vigo Co., Ind. ;(d) Joseph, probably
died in Sullivan Co., Ind. ;(e) Richard J, died in Vigo Co.,
Ind.; (f) Elihu; (g) Lewis; (h) Mary, married Isom Garrett
and died in Vigo Co., Ind.; (i) Betsy, married Moses Puckett,
d. in Vigo Co., Ind.; (j) Phoebe, married the same man Mary
did, Isom Garrett, becoming his second wife, and lived in
Douglas Co., 111.; (k) Nancy, m. a "Sir. Coombs, d. Vigo Co.,
Ind.; (1) Lavina."
The eh. of Joseph and Mary (Garrett) Pnckett :
50. i. Tyre T. Puckett, b. Jan. 15, 1810.
51. ii. Welcome Garrett Puckett. b. Oct. 14, 1811, m.
Julia Ann Garrett (Joshua) ; see No. 40.
Benjamin Puckett, b. Oct. 18, 1813.
Micajah Puckett. b. Nov. 18, 1816.
Sylvania Puckett, b. March 7, 1818.
Levi Puckett, b. Jan. 20, 1820.
Francis Puckett, b. Nov. 24, 1821.
57. viii. Joseph Puckett, b.
58. ix. Phebe Ann Puckett, b. May 15, 1829.
59. X. Thomas Puckett, b. March 20, 1830.
Three of these children were probably born in Surry Co.,
N. C, or Grayson Co., Va. The family moved, about 1814, to
Clinton Co., 0., and in 1819 to Randolph Co., Ind. A certificate
was received at New Garden Mo. Mtg., Wayne Co.. Ind., June
19, 1819, for Joseph Puckett and sons Tyre, Benjamin, Welcome,
and Micajah. And on Sept. 16th, 1820, Joseph Puckett and
Benjamin Cox were made overseers of White Water meeting.
12. BEULAII GARKETT (Welcome- John), dau. of Wel-
come and Phebe (Sumner) Garrett, b. in Surry Co., N. C, March
25, 1794; m. in Surry Co., N. C, March 5, 1811, John Starbuck,
b. March 25, 1774. on Nantucket Island, Mass. ; son of Paul
and Mary (Coffin) Starbuck, a Avhale fisherman, who moved
in 1775, with numerous other Quakers, to the settlements in
the province of Surry, N. C. At this time John was only one
year old. Soon after his marriage to Beulah Garrett they
settled in Guilford Co. and in 1816 back to Surry Co. In 1817
or 1818 they moved to Grayson Co., Va., and in 1830 moved
to Wayne Co., Ind., finally settling on a farm in 1831 near
where the town of Cerro Gordo now is in Randolph Co., Ind.,
where he lived to a ripe old age; he d. Oct. 10, 1855; she d.
Sept. 9, 1880. His grandparents were Edward and Damaris
(Worth) Starbuck. Ch. :
60. Walter Starbuck, b. May 19, 1812.
61. ii. Robert Starbuck, b. Aug. 14, 1814.
62. iii. Lurana Starbuck, b. :\rarch 18, 1816.
63. vi. Leroy Starbuck, b. Oct. 21, 1817.
64. V. Elizabeth Starbuck, b. June 25, 1819.
65. vi. Cyrus Starbuck, b. Aug. 28, 1821.
66. vii. William Starbuck, b. March 2, 1823.
67. viii. Marquis Starbuck, b. Dec. 7, 1824.
68. ix. Welcome Garrett Starbuck. b. Feb. 28, 1827.
69. X. Joshua W. Starbuck, b. Oct. 8, 1832.
70. xi. Zimri Starbuck, b. June 16. 1835.
13. ISOM GARRETT (Welcome- John), b. Surry Co., N. C,
May 10, 1796 ; m. in North Carolina Mary Puckett, b. — , dau.
of Zachariah Puckett ; she d. about 1831. He did not remain
long in North Carolina. First moved to Clinton Co., 0., where
his eldest child was born about 1814 or 1815. We next tind
him in Randolph Co.. Ind.. near Cero Gordo, where he lived
a few 3^ears. Then about 1821 settled on Fort Harrison prairie,
four miles south of Terre Haute, Ind. After his first wife's
death he m.. 1835, her sister, Phebe Puckett, and moved to
Brazos Co., Texas, near Independence, where he arrived Nov.
17, 1839. Not liking the country he did not stay, but a year
or two later he returned north and finally, in 1850, settled
on a farm in Douglas Co.. 111., where the town of Garrett,
which he laid out, now is. The township also bears the name
of Garrett.
The minutes of the Westfield (N. C.) Monthly Meeting of
Friends, May 14, 1814, says: "Isom Garrett disowned for
mustering with the militia." Whether or not he ever be-
came a member of the Quaker society after this is not kno^vn
to the writer. His second wife survived him several years, d.
Aug. 4, 1888. He died Feb. 14, 1880, in his 84th year. Ch. :
71. i. Thomas, b. in Clinton Co., 0., 1814; d. Vigo Co.,
Ind., in childhood.
72. ii. Caleb, b. July 6, 1816, in Randolph Co., Ind.;
reared in Vigo Co.; was a man of more than ordinary ability;
was at one time member of the Indiana state legislature. ]\Iar-
ried, abont 1840, Irene Pnckett, b. Feb. 8, 1818, dan. of Thomas
and — Pnckett, then of Brazos Co., Texas. They settled in
what is now Douglas Co.. 111., where he amassed a fortune in
farming and stock raising. He d. May 6, 1887; she d. Jan. 26,
1890, being the wealthiest woman in that part of the country,
the estate being valued at three hundred thousand dollars.
73. iii. Luna Shackleford, b. 1818 ; d. childhood, s. p.
74. vi. Nathan, b. Oct. 22, 1821.
Ch. 2nd marriage :
75. V. (1) Nancy, b. July 27, 1836.
* 76. vi. (2) Lewis, b. July 4, 1838; d. s. p. infant.
77. vii. (3) Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1842.
78. viii. (4) Andrew C, b. Sept. 12, 1845.
79. ix. (5) Joseph, b. Sept. 12, 1849.
14. RACHEL GARRETT (Welcome), dau. of Welcome and
second wife, Margaret (Bond) Garrett; b. Surry Co., N. C,
April 22, 1813; m. Jan. 6, 1831, David McKinney, b. Oct. 5,
1801, d. Nov. 22 1873, in Jasper Co., la.; she d. July 8, 1840,
in Hamilton Co., Ind., to which place they had moved in 1834,
settling on a farm two miles southeast of We.stfield. After
her decease he m., March 10, 1842, a woman named Adaline
Hammer; to this marriage were born seven children. The
whole family moved to Jasper Co., Iowa, in 1846. The children
of Rachel were :
80. i. IMargaret McKinney, b. Nov. 2, 1831, in N. C.
81. ii. Amelia McKinney, b. May 16, 1833 ; d. s. p. infant.
82. iii. Alfred McKinney, b. Aug. 2, 1834.
83. iv. Mary McKinney, b. Oct. 10, 1836.
84. V. William Baron McKinney, b. Jan. 17, 1839.
15. JONATHAN GARRETT (Welcome), son of Wel-
come and second wife, Margaret (Bond) Garrett; b. in Surry
Co., N. C, Dec. 12, 1814. In 1832, when he was 18 years old,
he left N. C. and settled in Wa^Tie Co., Ind., where he m., Dec.
8, 1834, Anna Bond, b. May 1, 1815, dau. of Edward and Anna
(Huff) Bond. They lived at different times in Hamilton Co.
and Randolph Co., Ind., as well as Wayne Co. She d. in Sept.,
1849, leavino' six children, who were separated and homes
found for them. He m. 2nd time, this wife being Mrs. Mary
Shntes, nee Gray, and in 1856 settled on a farm in Hamilton
Co., Ind., near Westfield, where he lived many years. He
passed away in his 85th year, Aug. 24, 1899. He had six
children by the first wife and three by the last wife. Ch. :
85. i. Leander P., b. Nov. 27, 1835.
86. ii. Melissa, b. March 31, 1837 ; did not m. ; P. 0. Rich-
mond, Ind.
87. Hi. Vilena, b. Jan. 15, 1839.
88. iv. Caleb, b. March 12, 1840, in Wayne Co., Ind., where
he grew to manhood. In 1861, April 8, he enlisted in Co. F,
8th Reg. Vol. Inf. for three months, and on Sept. 5 re-enlisted
Co. C, same regiment for three years. At the close of the war
he enlisted in the regular army, where he served until re-
tired, Oct. 12, 1891, after thirty years' service. He was ac-
cidentally killed Dec. 4, 1895, at Tacoma, Wash.
89. V. Salathiel, b. Feb. 5, 1843, in Randolph Co., Ind.,
reared in Wayne and Hamilton counties of same state. En-
listed in 1862 in Co. F, 16th Reg. Ind. Vol. Mounted Inft. Was
wounded in battle at Sabine Cross Roads in 1864. Died of
wounds or surgical operation April 15, 1864, in rebel field
hospital, near Tyler, Texas.
90. vi. Samuel Bond, b. Nov. 21, 1844.
Ch. by second wife, Mary:
91. vii. (1) Rufus, b. June 2, 1856 ; d. s. p. Oct. 4, 1875.
92. viii. (2) Isaac, b. Aug. 20, 1859; d. s. p., Nov. 19, 1874.
93. ix. (3) Thomas, b. Mch 2, 1861; d. s. p., Jan. 9, 1875.
16. HIRAM GARRETT (Welcome and 2nd wife, Margaret),
b. Nov. 10, 1816, in Surry Co., N. C, from which place he em-
igrated about 1834 and settled in Hamilton Co., Ind., where he
m., March 11, 1839, Mary Reynolds, b. Jan 12, 1816, and
lived on a farm three miles southeast of Westfield. He d.
Nov. 8, 1855, leaving the widow with a large family of children
to care for. Some years later she m. again. Ch. :
94. i. Rachel Elma, b. Oct. 28, 1840; m. Dec. 17, 1861,
Milton Davis; d. s. p., Oct. 13, 1870.
95. ii. Thomas Welcome, b. June 30, 1842; a soldier; d.
s. p., June 18, 1863, heart disease from army.
96. iii. Charity Margaret, b. Oct. 25, 1844.
97. iv. Jesse Antrim, b. July 1. 1846 ; d. s. p., Dec. 12, 1852.
98. V. Sarah Anne, b. Feb. 17. 1848.
99. vi. Jonathan Wilson, b. Aug. 28, 1849; d. s. p., Sept.
5, 1860.
100. vii. Iliram Ellis, b. Jan. 5, 1851 d. s. p., Jan. 30, 1878.
101. viii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb 11, 1852
102. ix. Phebe Ann b. March 12, 1855.
This completes the history of the grand-children of the third
18. CYRUS GARRETT (Caleb- Welcome- John), oldest son
of Dr. Caleb Garrett, b. Surry Co., N. C, April 12, 1804. Moved
with his parents in 1807 to Guilford Co. and in 1816 moved to
Indiana with his parents. A certificate of membership from
Deep River Meeting of Friends of Guilford Co., N. C, was
deposited by Cyrus Garrett Aug. 13, 1834, with White Lick
Monthly Meeting, Morgan Co. He was m. three times, first
to Betsy Hamerly. He had no children by either the first or
second wife. Ilis third wife, to whom he was m. IMarch 20,
1840, in Porter Co., Ind., was Fannie Elizabeth Smith, a native
of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. IMarch 17, 1822. He was a printer by
trade and worked in many towns and cities throughout the
country. In 1865 he left Winchester, Ind., where he was then
located, for Cincinnati. His family going to Brooklyn, N. Y.,
where he was expected to join them. Correspondence was kept
up between him and his family for a time. The last letter,
dated July 16, 1865, stated he was connected with the Times
office and that he expected to join his family in Brooklyn in
about three weeks. Nothing further is known of him though
many years of fruitless search was made by his wife. He was
a large, powerful man. 6 feet 4 inches high. His wife reared
the family in Brooklyn, N. Y., where her mother and other
relatives had long resided. Issue of Cyrus :
103. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. March, 1842 d. April 1852,
s. p. in Detroit, IMich.
104. ii. Frank Smith, b. Jan. 6, 1845.
105. iii. Julia Ann, b. Oct. 3, 1847.
106. iv. Amanda Louisa, b. Oct. 12, 1849.
107. V. Henry Clay, b. July 26, 1851; d. April, 1852, s. p.
in Detroit Mich.
108. vi. Emily Melinda, b. April 22, 1859.
109. vii. Abraham Lincoln, b. April, 1861 ; d. s. p., 1862.
19. NATHAN GARRETT (Caleb- Welcome- John), b. Nov.
19, 1806, in Surry Co., N. C. ; first m., 1827,Sarah Puckett, dau.
of Zacharia and — ; b. Sept. 12, 1809 ; she d. May 11, 1849 ;
he d. Oct. 7, 1871. His second wife was Mrs. Malinda Strahan,
nee Hunt, dau. of Bazel Hunt, b. Feb. 4, 1817. She survived
him a number of years. He went with his parents in 1816 to
Washington Co., Ind., and in 1829 to Danville, Ind. The
Quaker records of White Lick Monthly Meeting, Morgan Co.,
Ind., state that a certificate v/as received Aug. 13, 1834, from
Deep River Meeting, North Carolina, for Nathan, Cyrus and
Luther Garrett. They probably neglected to bring certificates
when the family moved, their father. Dr. Caleb Garrett, not
being a member of the Friends' meeting at that time. Nathan
arrived in Randolph Co., Ind., in 1834, where he ever after
resided. He had a knowledge of classics as well as the com-
mon branches. Taught school near Cerro Gordo ; was elected
sheriff in 1836, serving two terms ; was elected auditor of the
county in 1846 and served continuously fourteen years. It
is stated on good authority that when he was auditor he
knew personally every land owner in the county and could
tell them by name and give the township, range and number
of the section in which their land was located. He lived in
Winchester till 1859 when he moved to his farm in Nettle-
creek township. He enlisted as private in Seventh Indiana
cavalry in June, 1862. He held the position of quartermaster
and rank of first lieutenant, serving three years. Ch. ;
110. i. Cyrus, b. April 6, 1828; d. s. p., Aug. 31, 1828.
111. ii. Emily, b. Aug. 7, 1829.
112. iii. Beulah, b. Dec. 29, 1830.
113. iv. Sylvania. b. Oct. 14, 1838; b. in Hendricks Co.,
Ind. ; moved to Eandolph Co. the following year, where she
ever afterward resided, beloved by all who knew her. She m.
April 16, 1857, Dr. E. S. Lyon, of Brooklyn, N. Y. She was
a widow many years and then m. Elijah Leadbetter, a farmer
and stock buyer; he d. Nov. 8, 1901; she d. Dec. 2, 1905, leav-
ing no issue.
114. V. Duane, b. Sept. 28, 1835.
115. vi. Prentice, b. Aug. 18, 1838.
Ch. by second m. :
116. vii. (1) Fremont, b. Nov. 2, 1851.
117. viii. (2) Egbert, b. Aug. 10, 1854.
118. ix. (3) Jessie Benton, b. Aug. 10, 1856.
119. X. (4) Carrie, b. 1858; d. s. p., infant.
120. xi. (5) Lillie F., b. I860; d. s. p., infant.
121. xii. (6) Welcome Elsworth, b. Oct. 10, 1862.
20. CAROLINE GARRETT (Caleb- Welcome- John), b. Dec.
3, 1808, in Guilford Co., N. C. ; m. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind.,
Jime 11, 1837, Joseph N. Clements son of William Franklin
and Anna (Coombs) Clements b. in Charles Co., Md., Aug. 12,
1796; he d. April 13, 1871. Settled in Plendricks Co., Ind.,
where their family was reared. He with his parents moved
from Maryland to Nelson Co., Ky. ; he moving to Indiana in
1833. She d.— . Her ch. :
122. i. Ephrage.
123. ii. Eliza Jane, b. June 15, 1842.
124. iii. William Caleb Clements, b. Oct. 7, 1844.
125. iv. Joseph N. Clements, b. June 3, 1846; d. s. p.
126. V. Jacob S. Clements, b. Jan. 17, 1849; d. s. p.
21. LUTHER MARTIN GARRETT (Caleb- Welcome- John),
b. Dec. 9, 1810, in Guilford Co., N. C. Followed the movement
of his parents to Indiana in 1816, living successively in Wash-
ington Co., Hendricks Co. and Randolph Co. Married, Feb.
14, 1839, Mrs. Anna B. Kisling, nee Bower, dau. of Jacob and
Mary Bower. He by occupation was a farmer and lived at
different times in Randolph, Delaware and Madison counties.
He d. March 26, 1870, in Randolph Co., Ind. ; buried in Moss
Island graveyard, v/est of Anderson. She d. Aug. 1, 1873.
His military service was in Company K, 63rd Regiment Ind.
Vol. Infantry. Ch. :
Levi, b. Aug. 24, 1839.
James, b. July 5, 1841.
Catherine, b. Jan. 29, 1844.
Welcome, b. Jan 27, 1846.
Joseph, b. March 1, 1848 ; m., Oct. 2, 1875, Hannah
Alma Kephart, dau. of Thomas and Lydia A (Eggman) Kep-
hart, of Morgan Co., Ind. Occupation, farmer and tile maker.
Residence Madison Co., Ind., P. 0. Anderson. They have
no issue.
132. vi. Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1850.
133. vii. Nahtan, b. March 25, 1853.
134. viii. Caleb Alfred, b. Aug. 9, 1855.
22. ANNA ELIZA GARRETT (Dr. Caleb-Welcome-John),
b. in North Carolina Jan. 15, 1812; m. in Washington Co., Ind.,
June 5, 1828, Samuel McPheeters, b. near Mt. Sterling, Ky.,
March 3, 1803, son of John McPheeters. He moved to Wash-
ington Co., Ind., 1809. In 1829, the year after marriage, they
settled in Hendricks Co., Ind., where they spent the rest of
their long life ; she d. July 19, 1885 ; he d.— . Ch.
185. i. Margaret Jane McPheeters, b. Aug. 11, 1829.
136. ii. Welcome Garrett McPheeters, b. Sept. 24, 1831.
137. iii. Rebecca J. McPheeters, b. Nov. 4, 1834.
138. iv. Joseph Charles McPheeters, b. Jan. 26, 1837; d.
Nov. 2, 1861, s. p.
139. V. William Henry McPheeters, b. Nov. 21, 1840; d.
Jan. 1, 1862, s. p.
140. vi. Theopolis Milo McPheeters, b. Aug. 30, 1850.
141. vii. Eliza Ellen McPheeters, b. June 30, 1856.
23. JULIA ANNA GARRETT (Caleb- Welcome- John) b. Oct.
9, 1814, in Roan Co., N. C. ; m. March 12, 1840, in Hendricks
Co., Ind., Jesse Coffin, b. Sept. 25 1818 in Guilford Co., N. C.
They settled in the town of Danville, Ind., where they resided
several years. He d. July 31, 1851. She survived him many
years. She d. — . Ch. :
142. i. Oliver G. Coffin, b. Feb. 24, 1841.
143. ii. Isaac N. Coffin, b. Mch. 24, 1843; d. Nov. 19,
1861, s. p.
144. iii. Henry Coffin, b. Aug. 6, 1844.
145. iv. Eliza Catherine Coffin, b. July 14, 1846; d. Dec.
8, 1861, s. p.
146. V. Lewis N. Coffin, b. July 22, 1848; d. June 25,
1851, infancy.
147. vi. Paulina Ellen Coffin, b. April 23, 1851; d. Oct. 25,
1851, infancy.
25. EMILY GARRETT (Dr. Caleb-Welcome-John), b. Dec.
26, 1818, in Washington Co., Ind. ; ni. July 8, 1835, John Sim-
mons. To this family was born eleven children, five in In-
diana, one b. as they traveled overland to Oregon in the year
1852. The family remained in Oregon, where the surviving
members of the gamily still reside. Ch.
148. i. Catherine E. Simmons, b. Aug. 5, 1836.
149. ii. Edward M. Simmons, b. May 5, 1838.
150. iii. Nathan Garrett Simmons, b. July 12, 1840.
151. iv. Andrew Simmons, b. Aug. 30, 1842; d. Aug. 30,
1845, infant.
152. V. Luther Simmons, b. Feb. 1, 1846.
Lewis Simmons, b. June 15, 1850.
James Simmons, b. Aug. 10, 1852.
Caleb A. Simmons, b. IMarch 1, 1855.
Peter Simmons, b. Feb. 25, 1857.
Mary Sinnnons, b. Aug. 11, 1860.
John T. Simmons, b. March 24, 1863; d. Oct. 24,
1863, infant.
29. WILLIAM GARRETT (Dr. Caleb-Welcome-John), b.
Washington Co., Ind., April 29, 1828; with his parents moved
to Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind., 1829; m. March 27, 1853,
Tabitha Evans, b. IMarch 16, 1833, dan. of Jacob and Sarah
(Graver) Evans, of Winterset, la. He moved to Iowa in 1849,
while yet a young man. By occupation, teacher and farmer.
He lived for many years in Madison Co., la., where all his
children were reared and educated. All moved to Nebraska
in 1886. A public spirited man and a good public speaker.
Took active interest in political matters. A man of fine ed-
ucation and a great reader. Universally loved for his kindly
disposition and noble character. Member Baptist Church. Res.
Indiana, Iowa and Nebraska. P. 0. 1909, Fremont, Neb. Ch. :
Emma Jane, b. Feb. 7, 1854.
Sarah Leruse, b. Jan. 18, 1856.
Cyntha Ella, b. Jan 1, 1858.
James Madison, b. Dec. 3, 1859.
Milan J., b. March 11, 1862.
William Franklin, b. Sept. 20, 1864; d. May 27,
1865, infant.
165. vii. Charles Francis, b. Oct. 25, 1866.
166. viii. Erasmus Orion, b. Oct. 25, 1868.
167. xi. Richmond Vinton, b. Oct 12, 1870.
31. ALFRED MARTIN (Abigail-Welcome-John), con of
Alexander and Abigail (Garrett) Martin, b. Guilford Co., N.
C, May 13, 1808 ; m. Christina C. Dudley, b. 1809 ; she d— . He
settled in Wilmington, N. C, in 1835, where he engaged in
manufacturing turpentine, rosin and all kinds of naval stores.
He was prominently identified with the commercial intereste
of Wilmington ; was president of the chamber of commerce
before and since the war; was a director of the Bank of Wilm-
ington, of the Dawson bank and of the First National bank,
also of the Wilmington & Weldon railroad. Served as alder-
man and was acting mayor in 1862. He was a member of St.
John's lodge. No. 1, A. F & A. M. ; was grand master of the
lodge for two terms, 1857-58-59. Member of Wilmington coun-
cil, No. 1, Knights Templar. Member of St. James Episcopal
church. He lived to be quite old and was succeded in business
by his son, W. A., who took charge of the business in 1887.
He d. Sept. 1, 1897. Ch. :
i. Lewis Henry Martin, b. July 24, 1838 ; d. July 29, 1839,
ii. Eugene Stewart Martin, b. Aug. 14, 1840; is not m. ; at-
torney, res. Wilminpton, N. C.
iii. Emma Hamhiin Martin, b. Feb. 9, 1842 ; m. Jno. N. Maffitt.
iv. Clarence Dudley Martin, b. June 27, 1844; d. June 27,
V. Catherine Martin, b. Jan. 15, 1846; m. Eugene A. Maffitt.
vi. William Alfred Martin. I). Sept. 22, 1848; m Sept. 15,
1875, Adelaide Wilson, b.— ; d. Aug., 1883, dau. of William and
Sarah (Sherwood) Wilson. ITe succeeded his father in busi-
ness and was extensively engaged in the manufacture of turp-
entine, rosin and other naval stores. Res. 1907, Wilmington,
N. C. Two ch.:
1. Lola Lamar Martin, b. March 11, 1877 ; m. Nov 21, 1900,
Charles E. Taylor ; ch :
a. Maud Taylor, b. Dec. 20, 1901.
2. William A. Martin, Jr., b. Jan 7, 1881; not m. ; res. New
York City.
Emma Hamlin Martin (iii), m. Nov. 23, 1870, Captain John
Newlin Maffitt, b. in 1819 at sea; d. May 15, 1886. He was
made a midshipman at 13 years of age and spent some 35 years
at sea, cruising in many foreign Avaters; was at different times
in command of several vessels of the U. S. navy. In May,
1861, he resigned his position and offered his services to the
confederacy, where he served with distinction to the close
of that memorable struggle. In 1867 he settled in N. C. His
life and services have been ably written by his widow and pub-
lished in a handsome volume. Her res. in 1907, No. 235 W.
103d St., New York City. They have three ch. :
1. Mary Eead Maffiitt, b. Aug. 16, 1871 ; m. April 8, 1896,
Herbert Lee Borden ; ch. :
a. Mary IMaffitt Borden, b. j\Iay 29. 1902.
2. Clarence Dudley Maffitt, b. March 20, 1873; not m.
3. Robert Strange Maffitt, b. March 22, 1877; m. Oct. 10,
1901, Florence Josephine Pacheteauk ; ch. :
a. Eveline Florence Maffitt, b. Sept. 27, 1902.
b. Rita Jennie IMaffitt, b. July 1, 1904.
c. Florence Pacheteauk Maffitt. b. Dec. 20, 1905.
Catherine Martin (v), fifth child of Alfred Martin, b. Jan.
15, 1846; m. Nov. 20, 1868, Eugene Anderson Maffitt, son of
Captain John N. and Florence (Merritt) Maffitt. He was b.
Nov. 28, 1844; d. Jan. 12, 1886. He, like his father, was a man
of the sea. He was an officer and served under Captain Semmes
on the celebrated Alabama from the time she was commissioned
until she was sunk by the Kearsarge, in command of Captain
Winslow, June 19, 1863. He was rescued by the yacht Deer
Hound and taken to England. From there he returned to
America. Cli. :
1. Caroline Dudley Maffitt, b. Jan 2, 1870; m. April, 1904,
James F. Sears, of Wilmington, N. C.
2. Alfred Martin Maffitt, b. Sept. 26. 1872 ; d. April 15, 1890.
3. Kathrine Lamar Maffitt, b. Jan. 30, 1880 ; m. June 7, 1895,
Harry Woolcott.
32.' SARAH MARTIN (second ch. of Alexander and (4) Abi-
gail (Garrett) Martin), b. Feb. 11, 1810, in Guilford Co., N. C. ;
m. 1st. August 23, 1832, Newel Jackson, b.— ; d. Oct. 28, 1833;
son of William Jackson ; they had one ch. :
i. Martha A. Jackson, b. June 23, 1833; m. Oct. 26, 1850,
Jackson Mathess, b. Aug. 15, 1819 ; 7 ch :
1. Mary Jane Mathess, b. Oct. 23, 1852; m. Oct. 30, 1872,
Robert S. Turpin, b. Dec. 4, 1848.
2. Newel Jackson Mathess, b. Nov. 18, 1853; m. April 30,
1876, Ruth A. Nunn. He was missionary Baptist preacher.
Res. Stokes Co., N. C.
3. William Columbus Mathess, b. Feb. 11, 1855 ; m. Sarah
Lucinda Vernum. Res. Round Peak, Surry Co., N. C.
4. Sarah M. Mathess, b. Jan. 27, 1858.
5. Laura A. Mathess, b. Feb. 18, 1862.
6. Ruth F. Mathess, b. Mch. 5, 1865 ; d. July 10, 1882.
7. Ulysses G. Mathess, b. July 5, 1869.
The children of Robert S. and Mary Jane (Mathess) Turpin
were :
1. Marthe E. Turpin, b. Aug. 17, 1873.
2. Sarah E. Turpin, b. May 2,
3. Susan E. Turpin, b. March 22, 1876.
4. Charles D. Turpin, b. Jan. 14, 1878; d. Nov. 6, 1880.
5. Lucy B. Tiirpin, b. Feb. 20, 1880.
6. John R. Turpin, b. Feb. 10, 1882.
7. Oliver H. Turpin, b. Dec. 28, 1883.
Res. Surry Co., N. C. P. O. 1907, Spray, Rockingham Co, N. C.
The children of Newel J. and Ruth A. (Nunn) Mathess were:
1. Sarah M. Mathess, b. Feb. 20, 1877.
2. Rose Emma Mathess, b. July 20, 1879.
3. Ida Alice Mathess, b. May 1, 1882.
4. j\Iary J. Mathess, b. Sept. 23, 1884.
5. William C.
6. May.
7. Royal J.
8. Alvah.
Res. Stokes Co. P. 0. 1907, Spray, Rockingham Co., N. C.
The children of Columbus and Sarah Lucinda Mathess :
1. John J. Mathes, b. Aug. 10, 1878; m. June 30, 1901, Dora
Snow, b. July 30, 1884, in Surry Co., N. C, dau. of Abner and
Rose E. SnoAV; ch:
a. Roxie Alice, b. Sept. 20, 1902.
b. Aloys Mathes, b. April 13, 1906.
P. 0. 1909, Round Peak, N. C.
2. Lillie Mathes, b. March 8, 1881 ; m. Dec. 13, 1900, Newel
Lowe; she d. Feb. 19, 1904.
3. i\lillie M. Mathes, b. Jan. 8, 1884; m. Sept. 3, 1905, San-
ford Mays ; ch. :
a. Tressie, b. June 10, 1906.
4. Bertha M. IMathes, b. Nov. 9, 1886 ; d. Jan. 18, 1887, s. p.
5. Susan M. Mathes, b. Nov. 4, 1887 ; m. Dec. 3, 1904, Lloyd
Lowe ; ch. :
a. Lillie LoAve, b. July 6, 1905.
b. William Lowe, b. Nov. 26, 1906.
c. Eddie S., b. April 30, 1908.
6. Pearl M. Mathes, b. Feb. 7, 1890; d. May 28, 1892.
I am ill i)Ossession of three distinct spellings of the above
family name. The first s]M^lliug that came into my hands was
"Mathess;" others write "JMathes. " Newel J. writes it
After the death of her husband, Newel Jackson, she, wid.,
Sarah (Martin) Jackson, No. 32, m. July 23, 1834, William H.
Deatherage; he d. Oct. 11, 1857, Buchanan Co., Mo., where
they had settled the year previous. To this union was born
seven children :
i. Alfred M. Deatherage, b. April 13, 1835; m. April 9,
1856, Martha Base Abbott, b. Aug. 5, 1833. Married in
Kanawha Co., W. Va. ; moved to Buchanan Co., Mo., same year.
He d. Sept. 18, 1872.
ii. Elizabeth Deatherage, b. Jan 24, 1838; m. May 26,
1854, William Belton, and settled in Surry Co., N. C. P. 0.
1907, Mt. Airy, N. C.
iii. Achilles Deatherage, b. Sept. 28, 1840; m. June 2, 1864,
Missouri A. Baker. P. 0. Loveland, Colo.
iv. Abigail IT. Deatherage, b. Sept. 18, 1842; m. Dec. 23,
1864, Isaac R. Farris, and settled in St. Joseph, Mo.; m. 2nd,
George Campbell. P. 0. St. Joseph, Mo.
V. Joseph R. Deatherage, b. March 4, 1846; m. Aug. 31,
1865, Martha J. Baker. P. 0. 1907, South St. Joseph, Mo.,
R. F. D. No. 8.
vi. William A. Deatherage, b. July 30, 1848; m. April 4,
1872, Mary E. Cogdill. He is a farmer. P. 0. South St. Joseph,
Mo, R. P. D. No. 1.
vii. Mary E. Deatherage, b. Nov. 3, 1851 ; d. Oct. 18, 1857.
Referring now again to these married couples above men-
tioned I will give their children as far as known :
The children of Alfred M. and Martha B. Deatherage are :
1. Sarah Elizabeth Deatherage, b. Feb. 9, 1857; m. Jan. 11,
1883, Edward Ross Kimball, b. Aug. 20, 1855. P. 0. 1885,
Lane, Kan.
2. John Allen Deatherage, b. Dec, 1858.
3. James Alma Deatherage, b. March 4, 1861.
4. Missouri Ann Deartherage, b. March 17, 1864; m. her
second cousin, John M. Deatherage, b. Feb. 9, 1861; they had
two ch., Walter and Elsie. P. 0. 1885, Agency, Buchanan Co.,
5. Mary Emily Deatherage, b. Feb. 15, 1866.
6. Laura Bell Deatherage, b. Dec. 6, 1868.
7. Robert Lee Deatherase, b. Dec. 28, 1869.
8. Martha M. Deatherage, b. Sept. 24, 1872.
The father, Alfred M. Deatherage, d. in Dekalb Co., Mo.,
Sept. 18, 1872. During- the war he served in llie state militia.
His wife, Martha Base (Abbott) Deatherage, d. Ang. 9, 1877.
Elizabeth Deatherage (2), dan. of William IT. and Sarah,
m. May 26, 1854, in N. C, William Belton ; their ch. :
1. William II. Belton. 2. Joseph R. Belton. 3. Sarah Belton.
4. Thomas Belton. 5. Chai-Ies Lee Belton. Address Mt. Airy,
N. C.
The ch. of Achilles Deatherage (3) and his wife, Missouri
A. Baker: 1. Infant, b. 1865. 2. Infant, b. 1866.
3. Maggie P. Deatherage, b. March 18, 1868.
4. Joseph V. Deatherage, b. June 18, 1871.
5. Abigail Deatherage, b. Feb. 17, 1874.
6. Missouri P. Deatherage, b. July 10, 1877.
The mother of these d. Aug. 29, 1884.
Isaac R. and Abigail H. (4) Farris' ch. :
1. Sally A. Farris, b. about 1866.
2. 3. 4. D. in infancy.
5. Jese Farris, b. about 1874. 6. May Farris.
' Joseph R. Deatherage (5) and wife, Martha J. (Baker) had
seven children, viz. :
1. William M. Deatherage, b.— ; d. Nov. 20. 1866.
2. Missouri A. Deatherage, b. Dec. 16, 1867,
3. Sarah P. Deatherage, b. Jan. 10, 1870.
4. Mary E. Deatherage, b. Feb 5, 1874
5. Martin A. Deatherage, b. April 23, 1878.
6. Charles R. Deatherage, b. July 30, 1881 : d. Feb. 13, 1882.
7. Loretta Deatherage, b. May 2, 1884.
Joseph R. Deatherage, the father, by occupation a farmer,
served in Missouri state militia dining the war of the rebellion.
P. 0. 1907, R. F. D. No. 8, South St. Joseph, I\Io.
William A. Deatherage (6); wife, Mary E. Cogdill; P. 0.
South St. Joseph Mo. Ch. : 1. Margaret A. 2. Lida B. 3. Jacob
Plato. 4. Hilah S. 5. William B. 6. Richard Lesley.
33. CAROLINE MARTIN (Abigail- Welcome-John), b. Mch.
13, 1812, in Guilford Co., N. C. ; m. Aug. 5, 1830, Nathan Beard,
son of William and Polly Ann (Brown) Beard. They moved to
Henry Co., Ind., about 1861. He was b. April 1, 1810; d.
Sept. 13, 1883. She d. Jan. 27, 1900. Ch. :
i. Abigail Adeline Beard, b. Aug. 11, 1831 ; m. Nov. 12,
1850, Obed Milton Dixon, b. April 7, 1828, d. Sept 28, 1902.
She is still living. P. 0. Kennard, Ind.
ii. Martha Lncinda Beard, b. Sept. 6, 1834 ; d. 1864 ; m.. Mch.
1851, Henry Pinkney Roberson, b. , d. , of Forsythe Co.,
N. C, and settled in Guilford Co.
iii. Laura Ann Beard, b. March 20, 1837 ; m. Feb. 13, 1854,
James W. Cammack, b. March 8, 1833. She d. Sept. 23, 1902.
Res. Knightstown, Ind.
iv. William Henry Beard, b. July 5, 1840; m. May 14, 1863,
Mary Jane Payne, b. Sept. 19, 1843. He was a prominent
farmer and capitalist. Res. Henry Co., Ind. He d. April 15, '07.
V. Evangeline Lonora Beard, b. April 27, 1855 ; m. Sept.
10, 1873, Harper F. Sullivan, b. IMarch 17, 1842. He is a farmer.
Res. Henry Co., Ind. To this last unon was b. one child :
1. Laura Belle Sullivan, m. Aug. 21, 1895, S. J. Harlan;
ch. : Gladys Harlan, b. June 22, 1904.
The children of Obed M. Dixon and wife, Abigail (1) :
1. A dau. b. June 17, 1854; d. inft.
2. Westphalia McAndree Dixon, b. Dec. 18, 1853. P. 0.
Kennard, Ind. Occupation, farmer.
3. William Henry Dixon, b. July 9, 1857 ; d. s. p., June
16, 1881.
The ch. of the above mentioned Henry Pinkney Roberson
and wife, Martha L. (Beard) (2) were:
1. Dolphin Aldrovandis Roberson, b. Feb. 18, 1852 ; m. Miss
Barker. Was a physician. Res. Guilford College, N .C. Now
deceased. Ch. :
a. Cornelia, m. Dr. E. R. IMicheaux, of Greensboro, N. C.
b. George, P. 0. Guilford College, N. C.
c. Florence, P. 0. Guilford College, N. C.
2. Martha Lora Ann Roberson, b. May 19, 1854 ; m. Sept 26,
1875, Iliifiis W. Boles, b. ^larch 10, 1852; their ch. so far as
known :
a. Victor D. Boles, b. Aug. 14, 1877.
b. Lillie Boll Boles, b. Sept. 16, 1878.
c. Fannie Albertie Boles, b. July 6, 1880.
d. Charles Riifus Boles, b. Oct. 12, 1881.
e. Lucy Florence Boles, b. Feb. 15, 1884.
f. Frederick Lee Boles, b. April 1, 1885.
g. Donnie. h. Lonnie. i Ernia. j. Clarence.
3. Miwy Belle I\oberson, b. — ; n. f. k.
4. Theadore Henry Roberson, b. Oct. 11, 1863.
The ch. of James W. and Lanra A. Cammack (3) were:
1. Belle Flora Cammack, b. May 9, 1859; d. Oct. 2, 1864.
2. Mary V. Cammack, b. Dec. 13, 1862; d. July 13, 1864.
3. Lillie C. Cammack, b. Feb. 3, 1865 ; m. James 0. Addison.
4. Jesse H. Cammack, b. Feb. 17, 1876 ; P. 0. 1907, Knights-
town, Ind.
The ch. of William Henry Beard (4) above mentioned :
1. Clarence Herbert Beard, b. IMareh 11, 1869; attorney;
res. New Castle, Ind. ; m. IMay 14, 1895, Miss Jessie N. Noble ;
she d. Dec. 21, 1906.
2, Charles Arthur Beard, b. Nov. 27, 1874. He occupies an
important position in Columbia University, New York City.
He m. March 8, 1900, Mary Ritter, dau. of Eli Ritter.
35. E:\IILY martin (Abigail-Welcome-John), b. Guilford
Co., N. C, about 1815; m. Martin Tonaroy, a farmer and Bap-
tist minister. Had two children, one named Mary (?), one mar-
ried Frank Taber (?). In 1885 lived in El Paso Co., Colo.,
n. f. k.
41. ELIZA GARRETT (Joshua -Welcome-John), b. prob-
ably in N. C. ; m. about — , in 111. ; m. Joel Garrett (son of Borter
or John Bowater Garrett, which latter is his full name as given
by his dau.) He, Joel, was born in Tenn. about 1810 to 1814;
d. in 111. in 1877. She d. Feb. 13, 1878. He had been married
previousy to Nancy Gibson, to whom ten children in all were
born. Ch. of Eliza :
168. i. Alfred Garrett, b. Dec. 23, 1835.
169. ii. Minerva, b. 1837.
170. iii. Abigail.
171. iv. Jacob.
172. V. Irene.
173. vi. Jane.
47. LUCINDA GARRETT (Lewis D.- Welcome- John, b.
probably in Surry Co., N. C. ; m. 1828, John Gosnell. of Vigo
Co., Inci. ; he d. May 3, 1848 ; she d. Jan. 24, 1849. Ch. :
174. i. Andrew J. Gosnell, b. Dec. 21, 1828.
Susan, twin ; d. infancy.
Marj"-, twin; d. infancy.
Caroline Gosnell, b. Feb. 4, 1833 ; d. June 29, 1865,
s. p.
Emily Gosnell, b. June 20 ,1836.
William M. Gosnell, b. I\Iay 5, 1839.
Harriet Gosnell, b. Aug. 10, 1842.
Mary Gosnell, b. March 15, 1845; m. Andrew C.
Garrett, son of Isom. See No. 78.
48. LUTHER GARRETT (Lewis D.-Welcome-John, b.
March 4, 1812, in Surry Co., N. C. When a child emigrated
with his father to Clinton Co., 0., and with his mother moved
to Vigo Co., Ind., in 1825. M. June 29, 1835, Catherine Mc-
Claflin, b. March 14, 1821, d. April 19, 1880; he d. Sept. 19,
1852; ch.:
182. i. Lewis D., b. Oct. 29, 1841 ; res. Sullivan Co., 111.
183. ii. Lavina, b. May 3, 1848.
184. iii. Lorinda, b. Aug. 19, 1850.
185. iv. Lucian, b. March 4, 1852.
49. LAURINDA GARRETT (Lewis D.-Welcome-John), b.
about 1814; m. 1839, John Hudson; he d. in 1874; she d. Feb.
7, 1888 in Des Moines, la. He was a Union soldier, company
and regiment not stated. She was probably b. in North Caro-
lina and with her parents moved to near Martinsville, Clinton
Co., 0., where her father died. She then with her mother moved
to Terre Haute, Ind., in the year 1825, at which place she mar-
ried. After her husband's death she moved to Des Moines, la.
Children :
186. i. Luther Hudson.
187. ii. Frances Catherine Hudson.
188. iii. John AVood Hudson.
50. TYRE T. PUCKETT (Mary Garrett, Welcome- John),
oldest child of Joseph and Mary (Garrett) Puckett, b. in Surry
Co., N. C, Jan. 15, 1810; moved with his parents in 1814 to
Clinton Co., Ohio, and from there to Randolph Co., Ind., in
the year 1819 ; m. Nov. 20, 1830, Elizabeth Reals, b. Feb. 7, 1812 ;
dan. of Daniel and Catherine Reals. He settled on a farm near
Cerre Gordo, Randolph Co. She d. July 17, 1838. He m. sec-
ond, Nov. 10, 1845, Mrs. Eliza Hill, nee Johnson, dan. of John
and Esther (Davis) Johnson. Four ch. were born to the first
iniion and one to the last. He d. Sept. 12, 1890. She d. July
28, 1904. A certificate was received at New Garden ]\Io. Mtg.
of the society' of Friends, or Quakers, of Wayne Co., Ind.,
June 19, 1819, for Joseph Pucket and sons. Tyre, Welcome,
Renjamin and ]\Iicajah. Ch. :
I. Caleb Garrett Puckett, b. Feb. 5, 1831 ; m. July 1, 1865,
Anna Worth, b. — ; she d. April 8, 1872; one ch. :
1. Blva, b. June 9, 1869; d. s. p., July 27, 1880.
M. 2nd, March 23, 1874, Hannah Mansfield, of Mimcie, Ind.;
she d. Nov. 9, 1890, in Randolph Co. His address Jan., 1909,
Los Angeles, Cal.
II. Elma Puckett, second child of Tyre T. and Elizabeth
(Reals) Puckett, b. June 23, 1832, in Randolph Co., Ind.; m.
Feb. 10, 1856, Allen II. Jackson, b. Oct. 12, 1833, son of Elijah
and Anna (Puckett) Jackson, of Randolph Co.; Elijah Jack-
son being son of William Jackson, of North Carolina. Four ch. :
1. Floretta Jackson, b. Dec. 22, 1856; m. :\Iarch 27, 1878,
Charles F. Woodard, b. A})ril 14, 1851 ; son of Cornelius and
Sarah (Rurgess) Woodard, of Wayne Co., Ind.
2. Estella Jackson, b. April 15, 1858; m. Oct. 27, 1877,
Lewis R. Spray. 1). March 6, 1854, son of James and Martha
(Kimbrough) Spray, of Randolph Co., Ind.
3. Ella Jackson, b. Dec. 27, 1862; ni. Oct. 26, 1882, Clark-
son Shawley, b. Aug. 1, 1859, son of and Ann Shawley, of
Wayne Co., Ind.
4. Ira Jackson, b. March 4, 1871 ; d. infancy.
Referring again to the above, the children of Charles F. and
Floretta Woodard are:
a. Mariana Woodard, b. May 3, 1879; m. Sept. 2, 1896,
Charles E. Kelley, b. Nov. 11, 1874, sou of Samnel and Mary
i\I. Kelley ; ch. :
1. Russell Charles Kelley, b. Sept. 23, 1897.
2. Lawrence Edward Kelley, b. Sept. 20, 1899.
b. Lillian Woodard, b. Jnly 7, 1881; m. Jan. 26, 1897,
Edward E. Knieple, b. April 5, 1873. Four ch. :
1. Mabel Knieple, b. Sept. 9, 1897.
2. Woodward Knieple, b. May 18, 1900.
3. Mary Louise Knieple, b. Aug. 8, 1902.
4. Stewart Allen Knieple, b. Oct. 20, 1904.
c. Emery Cornelius Woodard, b. Aug. 9, 1884; d. March
9, 1885, infancy.
d. Harry Woodard, b. June 27, 1888.
e. Willard Woodard, b. March 9, 1898; d. July 20, 1898.
f . Ethel Woodard, b. July 3, 1904 ; d. Nov. 13, 1904, infant.
The children of Lewis B. and Estella (Jackson) Spray:
a. Charles Allen Spray, b. June 12, 1872.
b. Elsie Leora Spray, b. April 13, 1881; m. Oct. 22, 1905,
Charles B. Fisher, b. in Alexandria, Ind., March 6, 1880.
c. James Ermon Spray, b. Sept. 20, 1882.
d. Fannie Elma Spray, b. Sept. 13, 1885; d. April 5, 1887,
e. Wilbur Spray, b. May 5, 1895.
The children of Clarkson and Ella (Jackson) Shawley:
a. Delmar Shawley, b. Feb. 18, 1885.
b. Harold Shawley, b. Feb. 16, 1897.
III. Ira Puckett (Tyre and Elizabeth), b. April 22, 1834;
m. Miriam Johnson, b. — , dau. of Jacob and Susan (Jackson)
Johnson ; he d. Sept 25, 1868 ; ch. :
1. Clara A. Puckett, b. Nov. 17, 1857; m. Sept. 18, 1875,
George Gillum, son of John and Lucy Ann (Green) Gillum; ch. :
a. Dora Belle Gillum, b. May 18, 1876 ; d. Oct. 2, 1877.
b. Cora May Gillum, b. Feb. 8, 1878 at Cerro Gordo, Ind.
2. Leroy Puckett, b. May 9, 1861.
3. i\Iary E. Puckett, b. Nov. 18, 1862 ; m. I\Iay 4, 1884, Harry
Snowden; res. Winchester, Ind. No children.
4. Lnther L. Puckett, b. Sept. 9, 1864.
5. Ira Puckett Jr., b. Jan. 3, 1869; d. 1886.
IV. Luna Puckett (Tyre and Elizabeth), b. Aug. 16, 1835;
d. Julv 22, 1836.
V. Viretta Puckett (T^tg and Eliza), b. Oct. 23, 1849;
m. Oct, 1869, Wm. P. Green ; m. 2nd. She resides in Win-
chester, Ind. Has no children.
52. DR. BENJAMIN PUCKETT (son of Joseph and Mary
Garret Puckett), b. Oct. 18, 1813; m. May 10, 1838, Sarah
McNees, b. Sept. 25, 1816; dau. of Jehu and ^Mary (Yakley)
McNees; she d. July 23, 1849; ni 2nd, Sept. 11, 1856, Mrs. Re-
becca (Huffman) Wright; 4 ch. were born to the first union and
one to the last. Dr. Benjamin Puckett was a physician of
some note; res. AViiu^hester, Tiul. He d. Sept. 18, 1871. Ch. :
T. Luther Garrett Puckett, b. April 9. 1839; m. Jan 3, 1871,
Martha Ellen Lovett, b. Dec. 8, 1850, of Shelby Co., 0., dau.
of Owen and Jane Tjovett, deceased, of Penn. Ch. :
1. Robert Puckett, b. May 28, 1874.
2. Oak Puckett, b. July 28, 1876.
3. Clyde Puckett, b. Feb. 4, 1880; d. Aug. 27, 1882.
4. A "dau., b. Oct. 17, 1881; d. Oct. 26, 1881.
5. Benjamin Luther, b. Dec. 11, 1882; d. Aug. 26, 1884.
6. Infant, b. July 26, 1885 ; d. Aug. 12, 1885.
7. Margaret Puckett, b. Nov. 19, 1886.
Res. Winchester, Tud. Lutlici- G. Puckett was a soldier in
Co.—, 84th Ind. Vol. Inft.
II. Jehu McNees Puckett (son of Dr. Benjamin and Sarah),
b. Aug. 26, 1842; m. June 25, 1863, Melissa A. Tooker, b. Jan.
20, 1845; dau of Wm. V. R. and Susan (Lawrence) Tooker, of
Shelby Co., O. He d. Aug. 27, 1868. The widow married Oliver
F. Lowollen, of Randolph Co., Ind. Ch. :
1. Helene R., b. Jan. 6, 1861; m. Wilbur Norton; m.
2nd, Dr. B, F. Freeman; res. Kansas City, Mo.; no issue.
2. William W. Puckett, b. March 28, 1867 ; paiuter and
dealer in paints, etc. ; res. Winchester, Ind.
III. William Yadkin Puckett, son and 3rd child of Dr. Ben-
jamin and Sarah Puckett, b, Feb. 23, 1843; m. Feb. 23, 1872,
Malinda Monks, b. Oct. 16, 1841 ; dan. of Scott and Sarah (— )
Monks; she d. Aug. 11 1883. Ch. :
1. Benjamin, b. April 13, 1873 ; d. Aug. 9, 1873 ; infant.
2. Edward M. Puckett, b. Aug. 6, 1874; m.— , d.— .
William Y. Puckett m. 2nd, Sept. 19, 1885, Mrs. Sarah J.
Mclntire, nee Green, b. May 9, 1852; widow of Samuel Mclntire.
and dau. of William Green ; one child :
3. Bernice Puckett, b. Dec. 6, 1892.
He was a soldier in 134th and 154th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inft.
Res. Winchester, Ind.
IV. Hardy Hill Puckett, son of Dr. Benjamin, b. April 2,
1849; d. Dec. 23, 1849.
V. Sarah Ann Puckett, dau of Dr. Benjamin and second
wife, Rebecca, b. July 7, 1857 ; m. Nov. 8, 1878, Lewis Rhine-
hammer, b. Dec. 11, 1854. Ch. :
1. Charles Coppy Rhinehammer, b. June 11, 1883; d.
same day; infant.
She m. second, Adolpli Rocheleau; res., 1907, Winchester, Ind.
53. MICAJAH PUCKETT (Mary Garrett, Welcome, John),
b. Nov. 18, 1816; m. his sec. cousin, Jan. 20, 1844, Eliza C.
Puckett, b. Nov. 4, 1827 ; dau. of James Puckett, wife INIargaret
(James was son of Benjamin) ; resided in Randolph Co. until
1857; moved to Coles Co., now Douglas Co., 111. He d. there
Feb. 19, 1872. She returned to Randolph Co. with her two
children in 1874. She d.— ; ch. :
1. Diana, b. Jan. 24, 1845 ; d. Nov. 15, 1849.
2. Francis Garrison Puckett, b. Nov. 3, 1847.
3. Elry Channing Puckett, b. April 19, 1857; m. Dec. 31,
1881, Sarah E. Gates ; one ch. :
a. Berthe May Puckett, b. Jan. 27, 1883.
She, Sarah E., d. — . He m. second. Res. Dayton, O. He
d. 1907.
54. SYLVANIA PUCKETT (dan. of Joseph and Mary (Gar-
rett) Puckett), b. :\Iaicli 7, 1818, in Clinton Co., 0.; moved with
her parents to Kandolph Co., Ind., the following year; m. May
9, 1841, Jacob Kemmel, b. 1806. A native of Penn. ; he was
blacksmith and farmer. She studied medicine Avith her brother.
Dr. Benjamin Pnckett. and was quite a successfnl practitioner.
He and his two sons were soldiers dnring- the war of the re-
bellimi in Co. K, 79th B.eg. 111. Vol. Inft, they having moved
to Douglas Co., 111., in 1860. He d. Feb. 5, 1872 from effects
of his army service. She with the dau. moved back to Win-
chester, Ind. She d. March 2, 1907, aged 88 years. Ch. :
I. Levi P. Kemmel. b. June 10, 1842 ; d. Oct. 11, 1866 ; s. p.
II. Lewis F. Remmel b. Feb. 12, 1844: d. July 17, 1844.
III. Samuel Thompson Remmel. b. Aug. 18, 1845; m. twice.
IV. IMary Ellen Remmel, b. April 9, 1848; m. Dec. 24, 1899.
Gilbert INlackey; he was soldier in Co. C, 69th Reg. Ind. Vol.
Inft. Res., 1907, Winchester, Ind.
Samuel T, Remmel, above named, m. elidy 20, 1870, Jennie
Van Matre, of Pike Co., 0. ; she d. Nov. 20, 1872. Ch. :
1. IMary Ellen Remmel, b. May 20, 1871.
He m. second. May 20, 1875, Fannie Kizer, of Winchester,
Ind. He was a soldier during the Avar in Co. K, 79th 111. Vol.
Inft. Res., 1909, Winchester, Ind. Carrier R. R. mail. Ch.
by last wife:
2. Levi Remmel, b. Feb. 29, 1876; d. Aug. 8, 1876.
3. William Remmel, b. July 22, 1877.
4. Carl Remmel, b. Aug. 5, 1882.
5. Arthur Remmel ; b.
55. LEVI PUClvETT, b. Jan. 20, 1S20, in Randolph Co.,
Ind.; son of Joseph and IMary (Garrett) Pnckett; m. July 2,
1848, Catherine Reynard, h. Fel). 28, 1831; dau. of Solomon
and Rachel (Green) Reynard, of Randolph Co., Ind. He d.
Oct. 10, 1872; by occupation a carpenter and farmer; she d.
March 4, 1907. Ch.:
I. Clariiida Pnckett, b. May 2(i, 1849; dili Co. He was a member of Co. E, 57th Ind.
Vol. Inft. Tie m. first, Mar^mret Ilobbs, dan. of William. Ch. :
I. Orlando C. Starbnck, b. May 6, 1857; did not m.
II. Ellis Starbuck, d. infant.
He m. second, Oct. 8, 1867, Mary Jane Larison, b. Ang. 10,
1843, dan. of William and Marie; she is living near Cerro
Gordo; he d. March 22, 1882: ch.:
HI. Ida E. Starbuck, b. June 7, 1868; m. Jan. 29, 1887,
Elijah Puekett, b. Nov. 9, 1862, son of Nathaniel and Sarah
(Adanison) Puekett; eh.:
1. Olive B. Puekett, b. Aug. 4, 1888.
2. Ilershel W. Puekett, b. March 2, 1892.
3. Kuth L. Puekett, b. March 7, 1898.
4. ITarlan C. Puekett, b. Nov. 19, 1903.
IV. Wilson A. Starbuck, b. Aug. 17, 1872; not m.
V. Wilda A. Starbuck, b. Aug. 17. 1872; m. July 29, 1893,
Arthur N. Hurst, b. June 2, 1867, son of Henry and Etta
(Meadows) Hurst; ch. :
1. Zelma M. Hurst, b. Jan 10. 1899.
2. Irene F. Hurst, b. Dec. 3, 1903.
3. Welcome L. Hurst, b. May 16, 1906.
VI. Elsie M. Starbuck. h. July 29. 1880; m. Aug. 1, 1896,
John II. Barkalow, h. Dec. 24, 1878, son of Benjamin and Jane
(Hurst) Bai-kalow; eh.:
1. Thelma R. Barkalow, b. ]\Iarch 19, 1899.
2. Charles Ti. Bai-kalow. b. Dee. 24, 1905.
69. JOSHUA W. S'PARBUCK. son of John and Beulah
(Garrett) Starbuck, b. Oct. 8, 1832, in Randolph Co., Ind.; a
farmer and stock raiser; m. June 25, 1859, Elizabeth Morris,
b. Nov. 22, 1839, dan. of William and Haniudi ((i ilium) Morris;
res, near Cerro Gordo, Rantlolph Co., Ind.; he d. March 6, 1894;
he enlisted Dec, 1861, in Co. E, 57th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inft.; dis-
charged August, 1862. Ch. :
I. George Starbuek, b. Oct. 7, 18G0; m. Dec. 29, 1879, Sarah
Ann ]\Iills, b. Jan. 3, 1859, dan. of Thomas and Nancy Mills.
Two children :
1. Wendell Starbnck, b. July 30, 1882.
2. Rnth Starbnck, b. Aug. 28, 1892.
He d. Jan. 5, 1901. She m. second, Marshall F. Baily, b.
Feb. 2, 1847, son of Abraham and Mary (Janney) Baily.
II. Marqnis Starbnck, b. Dec. 1, 1864; d. Jnne 26, 1866;
III. Milton Starbnck. b. Feb. 28, 1868; m. Blanch Pegg, dan.
of Nelson and Eliza Ellen (Green) Pegg; she d. Oct. 28, 1892;
eh. : one, d. inft. He d. Sept. 29, 1889.
IV. Leah Bell Starbnck, b. Aug. 1, 1871; d. Oct. 7, 1871.
V. Lewis Garrett Starbnck, b. Feb. 20, 1876; m. Sylvania
Green, dan. of Henry and Catherine (Moiser) Green; she d.
May 15, 1899. Three children:
1. Milton Earl Starbnck, b.
2. Otto Starbnck, b.
3. Clarence Starbnck, b.
He m. second, Effie Life, dan. of Perry and Ann (Rnsk) Life,
of Randolph Co., Ind.
VI. Clarinda Starbnck, b. Oct. 19, 1882; m. May 11, 1897,
Charles Wagner, b. March 25, 1877, son of John and Nancy
(Barlow) Wagner, of Randolph Co., Ind.; eh.:
1. Walter Wagner, b. Jnly 7, 1899.
2. Alice Wagner, b. Feb. 26, 1902.
70. ZIMRI STARBUCK, son of John and Beulah (Garrett)
Starbnck, b. Jnne 16, 1835, in Randolph Co., Ind. ; m. Sept. 5,
1867, Emily J. Spray, b. March 9, 1844, dan. of James and
Martha (Kimbrongh) Spray; res. Randolph Co., Ind. Address
1907, Los Angeles, Cal. Ch. :
I. Lnther Starbnck, b. April 8, 1870.
II. Charles M. Starbnck, b. April 8, 1878; m. Ang. 14,
1897, Mildred Taylor, b. May 27, 1880, dan. of Jolm ami Belle
(Keenor) Taylor; she d. Oct. 25, 1902. Ch. :
1. Elma M. Starbnck, b. March 13, 1898.
2. Iris C. Starbnck, b. Jnly 14, 1899.
111. Clyde Leo Starbnek. b. May 5, 1885; m.
Res. Los Angeles, Cal.
74. NATHAN GARRETT (Lsom- Welcome- John), b. Oct.
22, 1821, in Randolph Co., Ind., and two years later moved to
Vigo Co., same state, where he was reared on a farm. When
he was nine years old his mother died and for the next nine
years ho lived with his father and brother, Caleb, near Terre
Haute, Ind., where the three kept honse for themselves in
addition to their other usual farm work. m. ]\Iarch 12, 1845,
Susan Bogard, b. March 27, 1826, and settled in Coles (now
Douglas) Co., 111., where he lived almost continuously the re-
mainder of his life, honored and respected by all who knew him.
To this union was born eight children. He d. Aug. 20, 1886.
The widow survives and at this date (1906) lives on her farm
near Garrett, 111. Ch. :
189. I. Sarah Garrett, b. May 31, 1846.
190. II. Caleb Garrett, b. Jan. 24, 1849.
191. III. Mary Garrett, b. April 24, 1851.
192. IV. Duane Garrett, b. May 31, 1853.
193. V. Henry C. Garrett, b. Sept. 6, 1855.
194. VI. Vinton Garrett, b. Aug. 21, 1858.
195. VII. Louisa Garrett, b. Marcli 6, 1862.
196. VITI. Ulysses S. Garrett, b. Jan. 24, 1868.
75. NANCY GARRETT (Isom-AVelcome-John), b. July 27,
1836, in Vigo Co., Ind.; m. July 27, 1854, Israel A. Drake, b.
Jan. 23, 1834, son of Nathan and Sarah (Gardner) Drake, a
native of Butler Co., 0.; a cabinet maker by trade, but en-
gaged in hotel and restaurant business; retired; res., 1906,
Tuscola, 111. Ch.:
197. I. Jasper J. Drake.
198. II. Willi.iiii Caleb Drake.
199. III. Minnie B. Drake.
77. MARY GARRETT (lsom- Welcome- John), b. Feb. 15,
1842, in Vigo Co., Ind. ; m. Feb., 1857, Mortimore C. Drake, b.
in Vigo Co., Ind. They lived for a number of years in Douglas
Co., 111., where their children were born. She d. ^March 21,
1885. lie m. again and moved to Pimento, Ind. Ch. :
200. I. Isabelle Drake, b. Dec. 25, 1860.
201. II. Luna Drake, b. Jan. 1, 1868; d. March 13, 1876,
s. p., in childhood.
78. ANDREW GARRETT (Isom-Welcome-John), b. Sept.
12, 1845; served three years in 11th Ind. Vol. Cavalry; m. Oct.
11, 1866, Mary Gosnell, dan. of John and Lncinda (Garrett)
Gosnell, both deceased; she had been reared in the family of
Caleb Garrett. He is a prosperous farmer and owns the farm
which formerly belonged to his father, Lsom. P. 0., 1906, Gar-
rett, 111. He d. April 20, 1907. Ch. :
Irene M. Garrett, b. Nov. 6, 1868.
Luella, b. April 28, 1870.
Rhoda P., b. Dec. 16, 1874.
Bonner, b. April 6, 1876.
Nettie G., b. Oct. 24, 1877.
Ina, b. May 19, 1879.
Mina, b. May 19, 1879 ; twin.
79. JOSEPH GARRETT (Isom-Welcome-John), b. Sept. 12,
1849; was a soldier in Co. C, 135th 111. Inft. ; m. 1868, Kate
Pnckett, b. Aug-. 17, 1853, dau. of Francis and Mary (Reeoe)
Puckett; to this union was born four ch. He was a farmer in
Douglass Co., 111. He d. Nov. 30, 1883. She res. in Tuscola,
1906. Children :
209. I. Effie J. Garrett, b. Ju.ne 23, 1869.
2091/2. II. Nora B. Garrett, b. July 23, 1877; d. Apr. 23,
210. III. Bertha B., b. April 13, 1880.
211. IV. Frederick 0., b. July 2, 1883.
80. MARGARET McKINNEY (Rachel Garrett- Welcome-
John), dau. and oldest child of David and Rachel (Garrett)
McKinney, b. Nov. 2, 1831, in North Carolina, and v.'itli her
parents emigrated to Indiana about 1834, her fatber settling
in Hamilton Co., near Westfield ; she m. Feb. 12, 1851, in Jasper
Co., Iowa, William Awtry, b. Sept. 5, 1836, of Jr.sper Co.,
Iowa, she having moved there with her father in 1846. To
this union were born eleven ch. :
I. Frances Awtry, b. in Jasper Co., Iowa, Dee. 3. 1851; m.
in Jasper Co., Iowa, May 6, 1868, David 11. Shntts, b. IMarch
5, 1844, son of William and Malinda Shutts, of Frederick Co.,
Va. Occupation, carpenter and farmer. Res. 1907, Redington,
Cheyenne Co., Neb. Ch. :
1. Rebecca Jane Shutts, b. Oct. 8, 1870.
2. Samuel Shutts, b. May 8, 1872.
3. Dillis Shutts, b. April 19, 1874.
4. Letitia R. Shutts, b. Dec. 30, 1876.
5. Moses Shutts, b. Nov. 6. 1878.
6. William M. Shutts, b. May 8, 1880.
11. Dillis Awtry, b. April 12, 1853, in Jasper Co., la.; m.
Aug. 30, 1873, Abbie Simson, b. April 23, 1856, dau. of David
and Nancy Simson, dec. Res. 1907, Stockwill, Frontier Co.,
Neb. Ch. :
1. Marion Awtry, b. June 5, 1874; d. May 11, 1877.
2. Ira Awtry, b. June 12, 1876.
3. Luie Awtry, b. March 4, 1878 ; d. April 2, 1880.
4. Laura Awtry, b. Sept. 24, 1879.
5. IMargaret Awtry, b. April 8, 1883.
6. Simon A^vtry, b. Jan. 12, 1885.
ITT. David Awtry, b. Dec. 28, 1854, in Jasper Co., Iowa;
m. in same county Dec. 28, 1881, Lucinda Webb, b. Oct. 29,
1862, in Linn Co., Kas., dau. of Elisha and Martha (Speaks)
Webb; she d. Nov. 5, 1888. His P. 0. 1907, Eustis, Frontier
Co., Neb. Three ch:
1. Maude Awtry, b. Oct. 17, 1882.
2. Alfred Awtry, b. IMarch 28, 1885.
3. Edward Awtry, b. Oct. 9, 1888.
IV. IMary Letitia Awtry, b. in Jasper Co., la., ]\Iay 4, 1859;
m. IMarch 21, 1873, in same county, William Augustus Baldwin,
b. at Aiil)urn, N. Y., April 14, 1853. Res. Iowa-Missouri. P. 0.
1907, Bethany, Harrison Co., Mo. Ch. :
1. William Abraham Baldwin, b. Dec. 30, 1873; d. April
14, 1874.
2. Charles A. Baldwin, b. April 6, 1875.
3. llottio IMay Baldwin, b. April 20, 1877, Jasper Co., la.
4. Lafayette F. Baldwin, b. Sept. 3, 1879, in Taney Co., Mo.
5. Daisy Eldora Baldwin, b. Jan. 1, 1882; d. Jan. 14, 1883.
6. Maude H. L. Baldwin, b. Jan. 1, 1884, in Jasper Co., Mo.
V. Alfred Awtry, b. Oct. 7, 1861 ; d. s. p. Sept. 3, 1867.
VI. Harriet Luella Awtry, nsvially called Ella, b. April 1,
1864, in Jasper Co., Iowa ; m. March 9, 1883, Woodbury Mud-
gett, b. Dec. 5, 1844, son of John J. and Harriet A. (Smith)
Mudgett; he is by occupation farmer; served during the war
two years in Co. L, Ninth Iowa Cavalry. Res. Reasoner, Jas-
per Co., la. Ch. :
1. Kate A. Mudgett, b. Jan. 12, 1884.
2. Infant, b. April 29, 1886; d. inft.
3. Andrew Jackson Mudgett, b. Nov. 26, 1887.
4. Arlie Bell Mudgett, b. March 26, 1890.
5. Sarah Etta Mudgett, b. Feb. 10, 1894.
6. James Everett Mudgett, b. March 6, 1897.
VII. Priscilla Awtry, b. June 21, 1865; m. Feb 15, 1883,
Conrad Kingbaugh ; she d. s. p. April 6, 1884.
VIII. Sarah Emily Awtry, b. Sept. 18, 1868; m. Dec. 10,
1884, Ransford B. Stowell, b. May 15, 1856, son of William and
F. C. Stowell, formerly of New York state. P. 0. 1907, Ickes,
Cheyenne Co., Neb. Ch. : Names not known.
IX. Joseph Wiley Awtry, b. Feb. 13, 1870; m. Jan. 14, 1897,
Elizabeth Weideman, b. , dau. of Charles and Margaret.
Occupation, farmer; res. Kilduff, Jasper Co., la. Ch. :
1. Giles Awtry, b. July 14, 1898.
2. Ruby Awtry, b. Nov. 2, 1902.
X. Infant, b. March 8, 1874; d. inft.
XI. Margaret Awtry, b. Oct. 18, 1877, in Jasper Co., la.;
m. Jan., 1896, George Valentine, b. , son of John and La-
vina Valentine; his occupation farmer; address 1907, Newton,
la. Ch. :
1. Margaret Lavina Valentine, b. Aug. 16, 1896.
2. Martha Myrtle Valentine, b. Jan. 21, 1899.
88. MARY McKINNEY, (Rachel Garrett-Welcome-John),
dau, of David and Rachel (Garrett) McKinney, b. Oct. 10,
1836, in Hamilton Co., Ind. Moved with her father to Jasper
Co., Iowa, in 1846 ; she m. Jan. 26, 1858, Henry Hammer, b.
April 13, 1834, son of Henry and Frances (Perkins) Hammer.
In 1885 lived near Berwick. i*olk Co., la. He d. Nov. 1, 1897.
She res. Des Moines, la. Cli. :
I. Austin Hammer, b. March 20, I860; m. Dec. 27, 1889.
Myrtle McDaniel; ch.
1. Harold Hammer.
2. Horace Hammer.
3. Dorothy Hammer.
P. 0. Altoona, la.
IT. William L. Hammer, b. Dec. 21, 1861; m. Oct. 12. 1897,
Eosa Demar; she d. May 31, 1898; eh.:
1. Paul Hammer, b. May 7, 1898.
HI. Edward Hammer, b. Aug-. 20, 1864; ni. :\]arL-h 5, 1889,
Mary F u rl on g ; ch . :
1. Laura Hammer, b. Jan. 28. 1890.
2. Edward Hammer, b. Jan. 17, 1892.
3. Ella Hammer, b. Sept. 21, 1894.
4. Earl Hammer, b. ]\Iay 10, 1898.
IV. George H. Hammer, b. June 6, 1866; not m. ; engineer;
address Seattle, Wash.
V. Kosella May Hammer, b. June 30, 1869; m. April 26,
1891, Carroll Hamilton. P. 0. St. Joe Station, Ind. Ch. :
1. Cecil Hamilton, b. 1895.
2. Dorris Hamilton, b. .
VI. VAVw Hammer, b. June 3, 1871; m. Jan. 25, 1897, D. M.
Dillon. Address 1907, Des Moines, la. Ch. :
1. Ora Dillon, b. about 1897.
84. WILLIAM BARON McKINNEY (Rachel-Garrett-Wel-
coniej, youngest child oi" Rachel and David McKinney, was
born Jan. 17, 1839, in Hamilton Co., Ind.; moved with his fath-
er and stepmother to Jasper County, Iowa, in the year 1847.
He m. Sept. 14, 1865, Lydia llanmier, b. Feb. 13, 1836, dau. of
Henry and Frances (Perkins) HaiiniuM-. lie served nearly four
years in Ihc I'liion army in Company D, Tenth Reg., Iowa X'ol.
Inft: Was \v()nnded in battle three times. In 1890 his wife
died. He ut. L'nd -Inly 15, 1901, ]\Irs. Getty's, nee Wilson, widow
of Joseph Gettys. She was b. in Arkansas May, 1838. Occu-
pation farmer. Kes. Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa. Ch. :
I. .
II. Twins, b. 1866; d. inft.
III. Joseph E. McKinney, b. May 5, 1867.
IV. Nancy E. McKinney, b. Nov. 17, 1868; m.
V. William Raleigh McKinney, b. June 20, 1870; d.
March 14, 1871.
VI. Hettie Orminta McKinney, b. July 27, 1873 ; d. Aug.
14. 1875.
VII. Alfred Henry McKinney, b. July 6, 1876.
VIII. Lydia Ellen McKinney, h. Feb. 28, 1878 ; d. Jan., 1906.
85. LEANDER P. GARRETT (Jonathan-Welcome- John),
b. Nov. 27, 1835, in Wayne Co.. Ind.. in which county he grew
to manhood; m. July 2, 1858; Emily Jane Kean, b. Sept. 6,
1842, of Adair Co., Iowa., dan. of Dr. Raford Kean, of Ran-
dolph Co., Ind., and Susannah (Underwood) Kean; he lived in
Adair Co., Iowa, several years ; to this union were born two ch. :
212. I. William Garrett, b. Oct. 11, 1859; d. inft.
213. II. Charles Salathiel, b. Oct. 31, 1860.
After obtaining a divorce he m. 2nd v/ife Jan. 11 1866; Mrs.
Mary (Harrold) Early, of Howard Co., Ind. Three ch. were
born to them:
214. III. (1) Ulysses Grant Garrett, b. Nov. 13, 1867.
215. IV. (2) Ida May, b. April 27, 1869.
216. V. (3) Lulu Bertha, b. ]\Iay 11, 1871.
He died in Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 6, 1894, and was buried
in lot No. 124, Summit Lawn Cemetery, at Westfield ; east half
of said lot, north side thereof.
87. VILENA GARRETT (Jonathan-Welcome-John), b.
Jan. 15, 1839, in Hamilton Co., Ind. ; m. Jan. 29, 1857, in Wayne
Co., Mahlon Harvey, son of Harvey, of Richmond, Ind. ;
moved on a farm near Greensfork, same state, where they lived
till his decease, which occurred Aug. 10, 1864. To this union
were born :
217. I. William Harvey, b. April 30, 1858; d. Nov. 27,
1865; s. p.
218. TI. Mary Alice Harvey, b. July 11, 1859.
219. III. Frank ITarvey, h. May 18, 1861; d. July 31, 1864;
s. p.
220. IV. Eva Harvey, b. June 22. 1863 ; d. Aug. 8, 1864 ; s. p.
After his decease she m. Sept. 19, 1865, James C. Vv^alker, b.
April 27, 1842, son of John and (Clawsou) Walker, of
Richmond Ind. and moved on to her farm adjoining the city,
where they reside at this date, 1907. To this union was born ;
221. V. (1) Annie Belle Walker, b. Aug. 17, 1866.
222. VI. (2) Arthur Walker, h. Dec. 2, 1867; d. March
23, 1877.
223. VII. (3) Frankie Walker, b. Jan. 19, 1869; d. Feb. 9,
1869 ; inft.
224. VIII. (4) Nettie May Walker, b. April 2, 1870.
225. IX. (5) Bertha Pearl Walker, b. May 25, 1877.
226. X. (6) Josie Elma AValker, b. Dee. 7, 1878.
227. XI. (7) George Wayne AValker, b. Dee. 5, 1880.
90. SAMUEL BOND GARRETT (Jonathan-Welcome- John)
b. Nov. 21, 1844, in Webster, Wayne County, Indiana ; reared in
the home of an uncle, Solomon W. ainl P^lizabetli (Bond) Rob-
erts, in Wayne and JMadison counties, Ind. Was educated at
the public schools, supplemented by a few terms at the Friends
Union High School, located at Westfield, Ind. His service in
the Union army was in company I, 153rd Reg. Ind. Volunteer
Infantry. IJesided in Iowa from 1868 to 1872. Engaged in th''
drug trade in 1872, and settled in Dalcxillc, Ind. Married
Oct. 15, 1874, Annie Louisa Heath, b. April 29, 1855, in DeJa-
ware Co., Ind., dau. of John W. and ]\Iary (Kendall) Heath,
then of Madison Co., Ind. In the year 1884 he organized a
family reunion, intended to embrace all of the descendants of
his grandfather. Welcome Garrett, dec. The tirst reunion of
these people was held at the residence of James and Paulina
Lewis, in DanvilU', Ind., August 27, 1884. These reunions havr
been held every year since, and have been enjoyed by many
hundreds of the relatives. The same year, 1884, he l)egan col-
lecting data for a genealogy of the family, which has finally
resulted in this brief history. Was postnuister at Daleville for
eleven years, moved to the city of Muncie in 1890 and engaged
in real estate business. Res. 3041/2 South Walnut street, Mun-
cie, lud. Cli. :
228. I. Mark D. Garrett, b. Jan. 20, 1877, m Daleville, Ii.d.
Mark is not married; occupation, printer, foreman in the
composing room for the Muncie Morning Star.
John), dau. of Hiram and Mary (Reynolds) Garrett; b. Oct,
25, 1844, in Hamilton Co., Ind. ; m. Nov. 13, 1860; Randolph
Gibson, b. Dec. 16, 1836, son of Parson Gibson. They settled
on a farm in same county, where they lived some eight or ten
years, vv^hen they moved to Kansas and settled in Labette Co.
He d. some j^ears later. Her address 1907, Walnut, Kas. Ch.:
229. I. Hiram Johnson Gibson, b. Sept. 13, 1861 ; d. May
25, 1870.
230. II. Linza Allen Gibson, b. Feb. 2, 1865.
231. TIL Alfred Casto Gibson, b. Jan. 15, 1867.
232. IV. Mary Rosella Gibson, b. Nov. 21. 1869.
233. V. Cora Elma Gibson, b. Jan. 25, 1872.
234. VI. Dora Zelinda Gibson, b. Feb. 28, 1873.
235. VII. Charles Samuel Randolph Gibson, b. April 8,
236. VIII. Posey Maud Gibson, b. March 15, 1877.
237. IX. Bessie Ethel Gibson, b. Dec. 13, 1878.
238. X. Hattie Vilena Gibson, b. Feb. 24, 1880; d. Feb.
26, 1881; s. p.
239. XL Cyrus Hervie Salathiel Gibson, b. Dec. 8, 1882.
2391/2. XII. Curtis Gibson, b. July 9, 1886.
98. SARAH ANNA GARRETT (Iliram-Welcome-John), b.
Feb. 17, 1848, in Hamilton Co., Ind.; 1st m. June 10, 1866;
Isaac T. Richardson, of Hamilton Co. ; ch. :
240. I. Mary Kate Richardson, b. April 8, 1868.
Second m. with William Hammer; one ch. :
241. 11. (1) Rachel Elma Hammer, b. Jan. 18, 1871; d. inft.
She d. ; n. f. k.
John), dau. of Hiram and Mary (Reynolds) Garrett, b. Nov. 2,
1852, in TTamilton Co., Ind.; m. Feb. 7, 18G8 ; John Wesley
Baker, b. July 31, 1833; he d. March 15, 1875; two ch. :
242.' I. David Leslie Baker, b. Nov. 14, 1868; d. s. p. Dec.
24, 1869.
243. II. Mary Ellen Baker, b. Jan. 4, 1872 ; d. s. p. Aug. 15,
She m. 2nd husband, Frank Broaden, date not known, moved
to Iowa ; their ch. so far as known :
244. III. (1) Ida May Brogden. b. about 1875.
245. IV. (2) Earl Brogden.
246. V. (3) Grace Brogden.
247. VI. (4) Guy Brogden.
248. VII. (5) Josephene Brodgen.
102. PHEBE ANN GARRETT (Hiram-Welcome-John),
dau. of Iliram and Mary (Reynolds) Garrett, b. in Hamilton
Co., Ind., March 12, 1855 ; m. May 25, 1869, Charles W. Cassey,
b. Sept. 8, 1842, in Cleveland, O. ; by occupation a farmer;
served four years Co. B, 3Bth Til. Vol. Lift, during the war of
the rebellion. Ch. :
249. I. Mary Rebecca Cassey, b. March 29, 1871.
250. II. Sarah Ellie Cassey, b. Feb. 23. 1873.
251. III. William Ellis Cassey, b. Sept. 17, 1874.
252. VI. Charity E. Cassey, b. Sept. 18, 1876.
253. V. Charles Frederick Cassey, b. Sept. 11, 1878.
254. VI. Albert Leo Cassey, b. July 8, 1888.
255. VII. Cecil A. Cassey, b. Jan. 18, 1891 ; d. .
256. VIIT. Ruby Anita Cassey, b. Oct. 3, 1892.
257. IX. George Vernon Cassey. b. Dec. 6, 1896.
104. FRANCIS SMITH GARRETT (Cyrus-Dr. Caleb- Wel-
come-John), son of Cyrus and Fannie E. (Smith) Garrett, b.
June 6, 1845, in Biitlalo, N. Y. ; by occupation a printer ; resided
in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; he m. July 1, 1866, Elizabeth Hellena
Young, of Brooklyn ; he d. May 20, 1888. The widow was liv-
ing- in 1903 in Brooklyn, N. Y. Ch. :
258. I. Willie Cyrus, b. Feb. 20, 1867 ; d. Dec. 13, 1871.
259. II. Fannie Elizabeth, b. March 29, 1869.
260. III. Orilla Florence, b. Nov. 12, 1872.
261. IV. Grace Centennial, b. Mch. 1, 1876 ; d. Aug. 5, 1876.
262. V. Ilattie Hamilton, b. Feb. 16, 1877 ; d. July 2, 1878.
263. VI. Mamie, b. Dec. 13, 1878; d. Dec. 24, 1878.
264. VII. Francis James Cook, b. Nov. 20, 1879 ; d. July 7,
265. VIII. George Gilbert, b. Jan. 4, 1882 ; d. July 26, 1882.
266. IX. Amanda Louisa, b. April 13, 1883.
267. X. Edward Francis, b. Aug. 17, 1885; d. Oct. 18,
105. JULIA ANN GARRETT (Cyrus-Caleb-Welcome-John),
b. in Detroit, Mich., Oct. 3, 1847 ; m. 1872, Stephen W. Danegar,
of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; she d. July 17, 1888 in Brooklyn. Three
ch. were born to this union, one of whom is now living and
whose family history will be found in the proper place. Ch. :
268. I. Stephen Francis Danegar, b. Aug. 9, 1873.
269. II. George Danegar, b. Oct. 8, 1875; d. Mch. 1, 1879.
270. III. Sarah Laura Danegar, b. May 19, 1878 ; d. May 16,
106. AMANDA LOUISA GARRETT (Cyrus-Caleb- Welcome-
John), b. Oct. 12, 1849, in Detroit, Mich.; with her mother
moved in 1861 from Winchester, Ind., to Brooklyn, N. Y. ;
m. April 20, 1870, Edward H. Wood, of Brooklyn; to this
union was born seven ch. ; only one survives; she d. July 7,
1884; he m. again in 1886. By occupation a car builder; res.
Brooklyn ; ch. :
271. I. Gilbert Francis Wood, b. March 29, 1871; d.
Feb. 13, 1882, in childhood.
272. ir. Edward Wood, b. Aug., 1873; d. Oct., 1873; inft.
273. Til. Clara Elizabeth Wood, b. Dec. 21, 1874; d. Sept.
20, 1875; iiift.
274. IV. I\ramie Wood, b. Oct. 14, 1876 ; d. Sept., 1877 ; inft.
275. V. Edward Cyrus Wood, b. June 15, 1878.
276. VI. Helen Louisa Wood, b. Aug. 8, 1881; d. Aug. 20,
1881; inft.
277. VII George W. Wood, b. July 6, 1884; d. Aug. 28,
1884; inft.
108. EMILY ]\IELINDA GARRETT (Cyrus-Caleb-Welcome-
John), b. April 22, 1859, in Danville, Ind., and tw^o years later
moved with her mother to Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 16, 1877,
Roderic A. IKnvitt, by occupation carriage trimmer. Ch. :
278. I. Howard Hewitt, b. Sept. 26, 1878; d. Jan., 1880.
279. II. Clarence Hewitt, b. June, 1883; d. childhood.
In 1900 she was widow in Newark, N. J.
111. EMILY GARRETT (Nathan-Caleb-Welcome- John), b.
Hendricks Co., Ind., Aug. 7, 1829; moved with parents about
1834 to Randolph Co., Ind.; m. 1848, Allen 0. Neff, of same
county ; ch. :
280". I. Sarah S. B. Neff, b. Dec. 26, 1849.
He d. 1882; she d. Sept. 29, 1860.
112. BEULAH GARRETT (Nathan-Caleb-Welcome-John),
b. Dec. 29, 1830, in Hendricks Co., Ind.; moved with parents
about 1834 to Randolph Co., where she m. about 1846, Alonzo
Monroe; she d. Nov. 10, 1853 two ch. :
281. I. Hellen M. Monroe, b. ; n. f. k.
282. IT. Warren Monroe, b ; d. Sept. 28, 1875.
114. DUANE GARRETT (Nathan-Caleb-Welcome-John), b.
Sept. 28, 1835, in Randolph Co., Ind. ; m. July 27, 1856, Hen-
rietta Neff, b. -Inly 7, 1837 dau. of Lewis and Susan Neff;
they settled on a farm in Randolph Co. He was a soldier
during war of the rebellion, served in 1st Ind. heavy artillery,
ghe d. . To this union was born three ch. :
283. I. Oristes, b. June 8, 1857; d. Sept. 11, 1858; inft.
284. II. Charles, b. June 16, 1858.
285. III. Emily, b. Sept. 29, I860; d. May 5, 1863; inft.
He m. 2nd, May 29, 1894, Mary A. Benifiel, b. June 12, 1856 ;
dau. of George and Elizabeth. He d. Nov. 13, 1902. She re-
sides in Winchester, Ind.
115. PRENTICE GARRETT (Nathan - Caleb - Welcome-
John), b. Ang. 18, 1838, in Randolph Co., Ind.; served during
the war of the rebellion in 1861 in 8th regiment in three months'
service and in three years' service in the 69th Reg. Ind. Vol.
Inft. ; Avas disabled Feb., 1863, at Arkansas Post; m. 1861,
Sarah Kate Darrah ; ch. :
286. I. Lane, b. Oct. 9, 1861; d. Feb. 16, 1862; inft.
287. II. LiUie A., b. Jan 7, 1863.
288. III. Cyntha Belle, b. Jnly 7, 1864.
289. IV. Benlah May. b. Jnly 13, 1875.
He d. 1897; she d. July 22, 1908; res. Winchester, Ind.
116. FREMONT GARRETT (Nahtan - Caleb - Welcome-
John), b. Nov. 2, 1851, in Randolph Co., Ind., son of Nathan
and Malinda Garrett, nee Plunt (she was the second wife of
Nathan Garrett and was herself a widow Strahn ; was dau. of
Bazil Hunt) ; Fremont was educated in the schools of the coun-
ty and made the practice of law his profession ; res., Winchester,
Ind. ; he m. Feb. 23, 1871, Addie Trueblood, b. Nov. 5, 1852 ;
she d. 1889 ; to this union was b. ch. :
290. I. Arthur Thompson Garrett, b. Nov. 20, 1871.
291. II. Egbert A¥elcome, b. Jan. 17, 1874 ; d. Sept. 23, 1874.
292. III. Eddie, b. Aug. 2, 1875; d. Jan. 5, 1876; inft.
293. IV. Myrtle Sylvania, b. Jan. 2, 1877.
294. V. Edna, b. Oct. 18, 1879.
295. VI. Nellie, b. Oct. 5, 1882.
After the death of his wife he m. 2nd time, Sept. 14, 1892,
Anna Robertson, nee Rooney, dau. of Patrick and Catherine
(Mahoney) Rooney; three ch. :
296. VII. (1) Frank, b. May 28, 1896 ; d. Dec. 8, 1904; child.
297. VIII. (2) Frederick, b. June 11, 1897.
298. IX. (3) Catherine, b. June 26, 1900.
He d. Jan. 19, 1903 ; widow resides at Winchester, Ind., 1906.
117. EGBERT GARRETT (Nathan-Dr. Caleb-Welcome-
John), b. Aug. 20, 1854, in Randolph Co., Ind.; m. Jan. 5,
1877, Eva Jameson, b. Sept. 11, 1858, dau. of John and Evaline
Jameson, of Missouri. Res. 1909, Winchester, Ind. Ch. :
299. I. Celia Alice, b. Oct. 31, 1877.
300. II. Nathan E., b. Aug. 22, 1879.
301. III. Norville Fremont, b. Sept. 3, 1882.
302. IV. Mabel, b. March 9, 1885 ; d. March 30, 1886.
303. V. Irmia, b. Jan. 14, 1887.
304. VI. Opal, b. , 1889.
305 VII. Volnev C, b. June 17. 1892.
306 VIII. Frances C, April 16, 1897; d. May 29, 1908.
118 JESSIE BENTON GAKKETT (Nathan-Dr. Caleb-AVel-
come-John), dau. of Nathan and Malinda (Hunt) Garrett, b
Aug. 10, 1856, in Randolph Co., Ind.; m. Feb. 18, 1872 Elihu „
Swain; his occupation merchant and farmer; P. 0. 1907, lola,
Allen Co., Kas. Ch. :
307. I. CorAvin Duane Swain, b. IMarch. 16, 1874.
308. II. Ira Nathan Swain, b. I\Iarch 14, 1876.
309. III. Bertha Brainard Swain, b. Dec. 27, 1883.
310. IV. I\Iabel Elsie Swain, b. July 30. 1888.
311. V. Blaine Cecil Swain, b. July 26. 1891.
312 VI Anna Phoebe Swain, b. Oct. 5, 1895 : d. Dec. 9, 1897.
leb-Welcome-John), b. Oct. 10, 1862, in Eandolph Co., Ind.;
m. Miss Frances Hunt; he d. at Winchester, Ind., June, 190n ;
she resides at Losantsville, Ind. Ch.:
313 I. Eonald Garrett, b. Dec. 7. 1901.
123 ELIZA JANE CLEMENTS (Caroline-Dr. CalebWcl-
come), b. June 15, 1842; m. Oct. 8, 1861, John D. Wischar'.
son of John and Mary Wisehart ; his occupation, farmer and
stock dealer. Ees. Hendricks Co., Ind., P. 0. North Salem. Ch :
I. Dr. Wni. 11. Wisehart, b. Aug. 28, 1863 ; res. Colfax, Ind.
11 Effie F. Wisehart, b. Dec. 17, 1870; d. s. p.
III. Dr. Oscar Wisehart, b. Sept. 24, 1874; res. North Salem.
IV. Lctitia Wisehart, b. Dec. 23, 1879.
V Victor Wi.sehart, b. 1885.
124. WILLIAT^I CALEB CLEMENTS (Caroline-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), b. Oct. 7, 1844, in Hendricks Co., Ind.; m.
Oct. 81, 1866, Sarah J. Wisehart, b. Jan. 5, 1849, dau. of John
and Mary Wisehart ; his occupation, farmer ; served as a soklier
in the imiou army during the war in Co. C, 51st Reg. Ind. Vol. ;
was elected sheriff and served several years in that office;
she d. July 11, 1903. He m. 2nd Feb. 9, 1901, Mary Yates, nee
Lout, dau. of James. Res. Danville, Ind. Ch. :
I. x\ddie 0. Clements, b. July 23, 1867; d. July 22, 1868.
II. Alma E. Clements, b. Jan 23, 1869 ; m. Jan. 23, 1890,
Elza S. Widdle, b. June 5, 1868. P. 0., Plainfield, Ind.
III. Clarence 0. Clements, b. July 6, 1870; m. Mary L.
Hogate. Res., Indianapolis, Ind.
IV. Florence F. Clements, b. Sept. 28, 1872; m. W. J.
Kennedy, Danville, Ind.
V. Grace V. Clements, b. Nov. 22, 187-4 ; m Crawford.
ives., Danville, Ind.
VI. Ella M. Clements, b. Dec. 1, 1877.
VII. Lillie E. Clements, b. Nov. 11, 1879; m. Jesse Kennedy;
res., Indianapolis, Ind.
VIII. Carl E. Clements, b. Dec. 15, 1881 ; d. July 3, 1885, s. p.
IX. Omer W. Clements, b. Oct. 21, 1884.
X. Paul G. Clements, b.
He died Sept. 19, 1907, at Danville, Ind.
127. LEVI GARRETT (Lnther-Dr. Caleb-Welcome-John),
b. Aug. 24, 1839 ; m. Feb. 13, 1883, Susan A. Mink, b. Dec. 18,
1862, in Lee Co. W. Va., eldest dau. of Thompson and Nan-
nie (Andis) Mink. He is a farmer; res., Hamilton Co., Ind.,
east of Noblesville, which is his P. 0. address. Ch. :
314. I. Ethel Leona Garrett, b. April 11, 1884.
315. 11. Clarence Perdue Garrett, b. Sept. 26, 1885.
316. III. Charles Julian Garrett, b. June 25, 1889.
317. IV. Forest Hill Garrett, b. Sept. 2, 1894.
318. V. Jennie Iris Garrett, b. Oct. 4, 1900.
128. JAMES GARRETT (Luther-Dr. Caleb-Welcome-John),
b. July 5, 1841; m. Dec. 9, 1867, Rebecca Miller, b. April 28,
1846, in Pennsylvania, dau. of Albertus and Susannah (Stahl)
Miller; she d. June 15, 1892. He Avas soldier in the union
army during the war in Co. B, 130th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inft. ; oc-
ciipation, farmer; res., Lapel, Madison Co., Ind. Cli.:
319. I. Mary Grace Garrett, b. Aug. 9, 1882 ; m.
129. CATHERINE GARRETT (Liither-Dr. Caleb-Welcome-
John), b. Jan. 29, 1843; m. Sept. 9, 1865, John Driver, b. Miiy
19, 1838, son of Jacob and Amanda M. Driver, of Randolph
Co., Ind. He was b. in Randolph Co. and lived there through-
out life. He was a soldier in Co. A, 84th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inft. ;
served nearly three years; occupation, farmer; he d. Sept.
27, 1902; she living near farmland, Ind. Ch. :
320. I. Rosanna Driver, b. Aug. 20, 1866; d. Oct. 6, 1866.
321. II. Henry E. Driver, b. Sept. 4. 1867 ; d. Dec. 18, 1871.
322. 111. Levi Jacob Driver, b. Oct. 1, 1869.
323. IV. Alfred Riley Driver, b. Dec. 5, 1871; m.
324. V. Clarissa Ellen Dj:-iver, b. June 4, 1875; m.
325. Yl. Harvey Eldridge Driver, b. July 14, 1878.
ISO. WELCO:\IE GARRETT (Luther-Dr. Caleb-Welcome-
John), 1). Jan. 27, 1846; m. Aug. 26, 1869, IMargaret, dan. of
Daniel and Eleanor Gift; she d. ; he m. second Mrs. ^Malinda
Bugh, b. 1855, widow of James A. Bugh and dau. of ]\Ioses
and Matilda (Kelsy) Alspach; occupation, farmer; P. 0., Sum-
mitville, Ind. Ch. :
326. I. Frank Garrett, b. :\Iay 7, 1870.
327. 11. Alonzo W. Garrett, b. Sept. 2, 1871 ; d. April 9, 1872.
328. III. Luther M. Garrett, b. March 6, 1874.
132. SARAH GARRETT (Luther-Dr. Caleb-Welcome), b.
Dee. 24, 1850, in : m. July 27, 1872. Calvin McNees, son
of John and Sarah (Iliatt) IMcNees; he is a farmer; address
Farmland, Ind. Ch. :
329. I. John Luther McNees, b. Aug. 31, 1873.
330. II. Jessie Benton McNees, b. IMarch 9, 1876.
331. III. Josie IMay McNees. b. June 27, 1884; d. Oct. 6, 1884.
332. IV. Herman Eldridge McNees, b. Jan. 20, 1886.
333. V. Golvie Olive McNees, b. Dec. 1, 1889.
133. NxVTHAN GARRETT (Luther-Dr. Caleb-Welcome), b.
March 25, 1853; in. June 22, 1874, Matilda Reason, b. Feb. 23,
1858, dau. of W. H. Reason, of Madison Co.. Ind. ; occupation,
farmer; res., 1907, Madison Co., Ind.. V. 0.. 1906, Anderson,
'nd., R. F. D. 11. Ch.:
334. I. Xeiia. b. i\Iarcli 29, 1875.
335. II. Mary, b. I\Iareh 19, 1877.
336. III. Carrie Belle, b. May 16. 1879.
337. lY. Sarah A, b. Sept. 1, 1882.
338. V. Emily Fay, b. April 29. 1885.
339. VI. Loretta. b. Sept. 28. 1887; d. Get. 1, 1887.
340. VII. Orville H., b. March 12, 1892.
134. CALEB ALFRED GAREETT (Luther-Dr. Caleb-Wel-
sonie), b. Aug. 9, 1855; m. Jan. 27, 1898, Sarah Catherine
:Inntsinger, of Madison Co.. .Ind., dan. of ; he is a farmer;
•es. Madison Co.; P. 0., 1906, Anderson, R. F. D. 9. Ch. :
341. I. Robert Dale Garrett, b. Feb. 21, 1900; d. 8-18- '01.
342. II. Ora Glenn, b. Jnly 30. 1902.
343. III. Anna Matilda, b. June 1, 1905.
:;aleb-Weleome), b. Aug. 11, 1829; m. Jan. 4, 1849, William
JcDaniel; she d. Nov. 24, 1879; res. Hendricks Co. Ch. :
I. Samuel A. McDaniel, b. June 19, 1849; d. June 24 ,1851.
II. Levns Wesley McDaniel, b. Sept. 29, 1855.
Dr. Caleb- Welcome), b. Sept. 24, 1831; m. Jan. 23, 1855, Julia
Caroline Life, b. Feb. 29, 1834, dan. of ; he served three
-ears in Co. B, 7th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inft. ; he d. Feb. 14, 1888;
he d. March 6, 1906; he was a farmer and stock raiser; res.
lear Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. Ch. :
I. Margaret Sylvania McPheeters, b. March 11, 1856; m.
Lug. 1, 1880, Theodore Huber, b. Oct. 11, 1856, son of Jacob
nd Melvina (Stiles) Huber, the former a native of Germany,
lis wife of Maysville, Ky. Ch. :
1. Flora May Huber, b. May 1, 1881.
2. Leroy Huber, b. Jan. 19, 1883.
II. John William McPheeters, b. July 23, 1858; m. Ella
Ulams; res. Dodge City, Kas.
III. Mary Jane McPheeters, b. Oct. 3. I860; m. AYilliam
Yilliams; res. Danville, Ind.
lY. Eliza Kate McPheeters, b. Aug. 26, 1865; m. Charles
V. Samuel Wadsworth McPheeters, b. Oct. 3, 1866: in.
Alexander; res. Danville, Ind.
VI. Charles Jones McPheeters, b. Oct. 7, 1868; d. March
13, 1865; s. p.
VII. Laura Levina McPheeters, b. :\Iay 19, 1870; m. Erastus
VIII. Eva McPheeters, b. Nov. 3, 1872; m. George Davis.
IX. Pearl McPheeters, b. Jan. 16, 1874; m. Hodge.
X. Harry McPheeters, b. March 20, 1879.
137. REBECCA McPHEETERS (Anna Eliza-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), b. Nov. 4, 1834, in Hendricks Co., Ind.; m.
Oct. 2, 1849, Jesse Thompson, b. Nov. 7, 1829; he was a soldier
during the war of '61 to '65; from the effects of this service
he was rendered almost totally blind ; res. Danville, Ind. : oc-
cupation . farmer; he d. Aug., 1900; she d. . Ch. :
I. Lawrence M. Thompson, b. Nov. 1, 1850; m. Sept. 2, 1878,
Helen Goul, b. Dec. 9, 1859; he is a carpenter by trade: res..
1906, Indianapolis; they have no ch.
II. Arthur Garrett Thompson, b. May 10. 1853; m. Dec.
30, 1875, Mary II. Miles, b. March 20, 1853; occupation, un-
dertaker; res. Danville, Ind.; eh.:
1. Roy Thompson, b. Sept. 27, 1876 : d. :\Iav. 7. 1877, s. p.
2. Glen M. Thompson, b. Aug. 4, 1882.
3. Earl Thompson, b. Aug. 10, 1884.
III. Nathan J. Thompson, b. Aug. 31, 1855 ; m. Feb., 1877,
Alice Ferguson; he is a farmer; P. 0., Danville, Ind. Ch. :
1. Robert Smith Thompson, b. Jan. 21, 1878.
2. Raymond Arthur Thompson, b. Oct. 14, 1881.
IV. Cyrus Leander Thompson, b. Sept. 17, 1857; m. Aug.
5, 1879, Lillie Dill; occupation, druggist; Danville, Ind. Cli. :
1. Bernice Thompson, b. Feb. 16, 1880.
V. Samuel Luther Thompson, b. I\Iareh 5, 1860; m.
VI. Jessie May Thompson, b. July 8, 1862.
VII. William Thompson, b. July 10, 1866.
VIII. Julia Sylvania Thompson, b. Jan. 2, 1869; m.
Warner; res. Danville, Ind.
IX. Chas. R. Thompson, b. ]\Iar. 12, 1871; d. May 16, 1872.
X. Ethan Thompson, b. Feb. 8, 1873; d. Aug. 12, 1873.
XI. Anna Eliza Thompson, b. March 17, 1877; m. — Blair,
res. Indianapolis, Ind.
Caleb-Welcome), b. Ang. 30, 1850; m. Dec. 24, 1877, Matilda
A. Sharp, b. May 7, 1856; he d. Sept. 6, 1880; tvro ch. :
I. Ada McPheeters, b. April 17. 1878.
II. Frank C. McPheeters, b. July 26, 1879.
141. ELIZA ELLEN McPHEETEHS (Anna Eliza-Dr. Caleb-
AVelcome), b. June 30, 1856; m. Sept. 7, 1874, Joel Ousley, b.
May 13, 1853; res. Montgomery Co., Ind. Ch. :
I. Eugene E. Ousley, b. Feb. 1, 1878.
II. Nevin S. .Onsley, b. April 5, 1885.
142. OLIVER G. COFFIN (Julia /mn Garrett-Dr. Caleb-
AVelcome), b. Feb. 24, 1841; m. March 15, 1859, Nancy C.
Yount, dau. of Mathias and Catherine Yount; she d. Jan., 1863;
he was a soldier in Co. A, 123rd 111. Mounted Inft. ; was
wounded; res. Frankfort, Ind.; he d. . Ch. :
I. Jesse M. Coffin, b. Dec. 23, 1859 ; m. Aug. 24, 1882, Liz-
zie Knetzer ;eh. :
1. Martha Elien Coffin, b. July 23 ,1883.
2. Oliver Marion Coffin, b. Feb. 18, 1885.
II. Ellen Coffin, b. Oct. 12, 1861; m. Feb. 19, 1882, Frank
Marker, b. April 24, 1862; d. June 22, 1885; they had one ch.
Res., 1907, Frankfort, Ind.
1. Harrison R. Marker.
Second m. of Oliver G. Coffin, m. Dec. 20, 1865, Anna D.
Tharp, b. Feb. 17, 1848, dau. of Jesse L. and Mary Tharp ; ch. :
III. (1) William N. Coffin, b. Sent. 26, 1868.
IV. (2) Madison G. Coffin, b. Feb. 17, 1871; d. Apr.
16, 1872.
V. (3) Guy R. Coffin, b. Oct. 21, 1874.
VI. (4) Edward S. Coffin, b. April 24, 1877.
VII. (5) Roy St. Elmo Coffin, b. Nov. 18, 1883.
144. HENRY COFFIN (Julia Ann GarrettDr. Caleb-Wel-
come), b. Aug. 6, 1844; m. Oct. 18, 1865, Hannah Kiger; he
was a soldier, Co. II, 99th Reg. Iiid. Vol. Inft. ; marched throngh
with Gen. Sherman; occupation, farmer; res.. 1907. Hendricks
Co., Ind.. in Danville; ch. :
I. Anna E. Coffin, b. Ang. 28, 1866.
II. Arthur II. Coffin, b. Nov. 17, 1867.
III. Daniel I. Coffin, b. April 17. 1870.
IV. Charles N. Coffin, b. March 30, 1872.
V. William C. Coffin, b. Oct. 20, 1878; d. Jan. 28, 1879.
VI. May CofiRn, b. July 14. 1883; d. Oct. 14, 1884; inft.
148. CATHERINE E .SIM^MONS (Emily Garrett-Dr. Ca-
leb-AVelcome), b. Aug. 5, 1836, in Wayne Co., Ind.; m. ,
L. H. Ponjade, of Marion Co., Oregon ; she d. about 1870. His
P. O. address, 1907, Gervais, Oregon. Ch. names not reported.
150. EDWARD M. SIMMONS (Emily Garrett-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), son of John and Emily (Garrett) Simmons,
b. about six miles north of Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind., May
6, 1838; emigrated with his parents across the plains in 1852
and settled in Marion Co., Oregon; m. Oct. 17, 1866, in Salt
Lake City, Utah, Elizabeth J. BoAvdidge, native of the isle of
Jersey. He at one time was enlisted as a soldier under Cap-
tain Goft' in the Washington volunteers to fight the Indians.
She d. about 1902. P. 0. address, 1907, Oysterville, Wash.
Seven ch. :
I. Ina Elizabeth Simmons, b. Aug. 30. 1867, in Salt Lake
City; m. 1883 at Astoria, Oregon, James O. Bnrke ; they have
four ch. :
1. lua Sidney Burke, b. Nov. 6, 1884.
2. Edward James Burke, b. July 9, 1886.
3. Iva Pearl Burke, b. April 3, 1888; d. June 16, 1897,
at Vancouver, Wash.
4. Charles Franklin Burke, b. Oct. 12, 1890.
The above four children were all b. in Astoria, Oregon,
and Ina S. Burke, the eldest, was married to Herbert E.
Nelson, of Oysterville, Wash. Tlie mother m. second, March
19, 1902, in Portland, Ore., DeWitt C. Stoner; no issue.
II. Florence Mary Simmons, b. June 7, 1869, in Salt Lake
City; not m. Address, Oysterville, Wash.
III. Edward John Simmons, b. April 1, 1871 ; d. Dec. 18, 1877.
ly. Emily Alice Simmons, b. June 16, 1873 ; d. Oct. 12, 1877.
V. James Jerome Simmons, b. at Forest Grove, Oregon,
Jnne 10, 1875; m. Sept., 1899, IMarie Givens ; cli. :
1. Loyal Ellis Simmons, b. July 9, 1900.
2. Beatrice Elizabeth Simmons, b. Aug. 8, 1903.
Address, 1907, Oysterville, Wash.
VI. Ivy Pearl Simmons, b. Jidy 25, 1882, at Rainer, AVash. ;
d. same place, Feb. 6, 1884.
Vll. Neva Nell Simmons, b. July 30, 1885, at Willapa, Wash.
150. NATHAN GARRETT SIMMONS (Emily Garrett-Dr.
Caleb-Welcome-John), son of John and Emily (Garrett) Sim-
mons, b. Jnly 12, 1840, in Wayne Co., Ind. ; moved with his
parents in 1852 across the plains to Oregon ; settled in Marion
Co. He m. ; he d. . Address of widov/ and children
not known to the writer. Ch.
152. LUTHER SIMMONS, son of John and Emily (Garrett)
Simmons, b. in Wayne Co., Ind., Feb. 1, 1846; emigrated across
the plains in 1852; settled in Marion Co., Oregon, n. f. k.
153. LEWIS SIMMONS (Emily Garrett-Dr. Caleb- Welcome-
John), son of John and Emily (Garrett) Simmons, b. Jnne
18, 1850, in Wayne Co., Ind. ; moved with his parents, crossing
the plains, settling in Marion Co., Oregon, in 1852 ; m. Ad-
dress, Portland, Ore. One ch.
154. JAIMES JEROME SIMMONS, son of John and Emily
(Garrett) Simmons, b. Aug. 10, 1852; reared in Marion Co.,
Oregon: m. — ■ — ; he d. . Five ch., address not known to
writer :
I. John Simons.
II. Lewis Simmons.
III. Alexander Simmons.
IV. Mary Simmons.
V. , (son).
155. CALEB A. SI^IMONS, son of John and Emily (Gar-
rett) Simmons, b. March 1, 1855, in Oregon; m. Nov. 20, 3895,
Emma Jones, b. ,dau. of S. W. R. Jones, of Kokomo, Ind.
Occupation, farmer. Address, 1909, Gervais, Marion Co., Ore-
gon. Ch. :
I. Alpha Emma Simmons, b. Sept. 7, 1896.
156. PETER SIMMONS, son of John and Emily (Garrett)
Simmons; b. Feb. 25, 1857, in Marion Co., Oregon; n. f. k.
157. MARY SIMMONS, daughter of John and Emily (Gar-
rett) Simmons, b. in Marion Co., Oregon, Ang. 11, I860; m.
Con Miller.
159. EMMA JANE GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-Wel-
come-John), oldest child of William and Tabitha (Evans)
Garrett, b. in Madison Co., Iowa, Feb. 7, 1854; m. Dec. 15,
1872, AndreAV J. Nichols b. Nov. 9, 1852, in Springfield. 111.,
son of Fleet and Elizabeth (Prye) Nichols; they lived for a
few years in Madison Co., la., where the two older children
were born, then moved to Nebraska. He is a farmer and stock
raiser. Res., 1909, near Eddyville, Dawson Co., Neb. Ch. :
344. I. Celia Frances Nichols, b. Sept. 19, 1873; m. John
Daniels; he d. ; one ch. :
1. Zelda Daniels, b. 1893.
345. II. Ora Lee Nichols, b. Feb. 4, 1875; m. William D.
Carr; res. Seward, Neb.; ch. :
1. Ora Alice Carr.
346. III. Willie Nichols, b. May 4, 1878; d. June 15, 1878.
347. IV. Ella Claire Nichols, b. Nov. 4, 1880; m. the Rev.
Jacob Henry Williams; res. Oconto, Custer Co., Neb. No eh.
348. V. Arthur Robert Nichols, b. Dec. 17, 1883; prin-
cipal of schools, Elm Creek, Neb. Graduate Fremont, Neb.,
349. VI. Albert .Morris Nichols, b. Dec. 17, 1883; twin
brother of last named. Telegraph operator. Graduate Free-
mont. Neb. College.
350. VII. Elizabeth May Nichols, b. Feb. 14, 1888. Teach-
er; graduate Kearney, Neb., State Normal.
351. VIII. Georgia Lanonie Nichols, b. Jmie 10, 1893.
160. SARAH LERUSE GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), dan. of William and Tabitha (Evans) Garrett,
b. Jnu. 18, 1856, in Madison Co., Iowa. Graduate Valpariso
Indiana University. School principal and superintendent fif-
teen years. Member Nebraska State Board of Examiners six
years. Secretary Chief Justice Nebraska Supreme Court four
years. Registrar Kearney Nebraska State Normal School since
its founding till the present time, 1909. A noted woman edu-
161. CYNTHA ELLA GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-Wel-
come-John), dau. of William and Tabitha (Evans) Garrett, b.
Jan. 1, 1858, in Madison Co., La.; m. March 10, 1880, Charles
E. Whitenack, b. Aug. 2, 1851, son of John W. and Catherine
(Murphy) Whitenack; he d. Dec. 1906; the family reside in
Fremont, Neb. Ch. :
352. I. Elbert Dayton Whitenack, b. Jan. 16, 1881. in
Madison Co., la.
353. II. Raymond Vinton Whitenack. b. V.ny 3. 1882, in
Madison Co., la. Marble cutter.
354. III. Rodenia Floy Whitenack, b. Sept. 19, 1883; m.
Cecil Bowmen ; ch. :
1. Leland Bowen, b. Aug. 6, 1891.
2. Lola Bowen, b. April 1, 1904.
355. IV. Goldie Caroline Whitenack, b. Jan. 20, 1887.
162. JAMES MADISON GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), son of William and Tabitha (Evans) Garrett,
b. in Madison Co., la., Dec. 3, 1859; m. Nov. 1, 1881, Alice
Webster, b. April 6, 1864, in Marion Co., la., dau. of Stephen
R. and Lucy E. Webster; she d. Jan. 30, 1890; he resides in
Raymond, King Co., Wash. Ch. :
356. I. William Garrett, b. Feb. 12, 1882. in Warren Co.,
la. ; now in U. S. navy.
357. II. Jennie A. Garrett, teacher, b. Aug. 24, 1884, in
Hall Co., Neb. Married Richard F. Talboy, lawyer, June, 1908 ;
resides at Wessington, South Dakota.
358. III. Hattie L. Garrett, b. May 21, 1886, in ITall Co.,
Neb. ; teacher.
359. IV. Lena M. Garrett, b. June 7, 1888, in York Co., Neb. ;
teacher.Married John N. EUerman, banker and member South
Dakota Legislatu.re, June 10, 1908; resides at Fairfax, South
360. V. Emma L. Garrett, h. Jan. 26, 1890, in Benedict,
York Co.. Xeb. ; teacher.
These girls are all graduates of Fremont College, Fremont,
163. MILAN JACOB GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-Wel-
come-John), son of William and Tabitha (Evans) Garrett, b.
in Madison Co., la., March 11. 1862; m. March 10, 1887, Miss
Sadie C. Sturman ; he is employed with the Philippine com-
mission at Manila, P. I.; she is a teacher of Eng'lish in the
schools of Manila. Graduate of Highland Park College, Des
IVIoinos, la. He was a city superintendent of schools and an
institute instructor for a number of years. Was a member of
the Montana State Board of Regents for several years. Holds
teachers' life certificates from Iowa, Nebraska, Montana and
Washington. A good public speaker. Has written much for
the press. Ch. :
361. I. Opal Garrett, b. x\ug. 1, 1898.
362. II. Wayne Garrett, b. Dec. 15. 1901.
165. CHARLES FRA.NCTS GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), son of William and Tabitha (Evans) Garrett,
b. in Madison Co., Iowa, Oct. 25 1866; m. Lulu Graham; he is
superintendent of city schools in Sac City, la., prominent lec-
turer and conductor of teachers' institutes. Ch. :
363. I. Gladys Leruse Garrett, b. Aug. 12, 1892.
364. II. Lois Garrett, b. March 4, 1898.
166. ERASMUS ORION GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb"
Welcome-John), b. Oct. 25, 1868; m. June 30, 1894, at Broken
Bow, Neb., Louise Mosby, dau. of John Wesley and Louise
(Myers) Mosby, of Eureka, Calif. He graduated from the Fre-
mont (Neb.) college and the Nebraska State Normal School at
Peru, Neb. Was school superintendent and institute instruc-
tor for ten years, after which he became western agent for the
American Book Company. An orator and after dinner speak-
er. He is a Knight Templar and a 32nd degree Mason. Was
a member of the governor's congress or White House Confer-
ence in Washington, D. C, ^lay. 1908. which was called by
President Roosevelt. He is an intimate friend of William J.
Bryan and was Mr. Bryan's traveling companion on the way
to this conference and vv^hile in Washington. Was Democratic
candidate for lieutenant governor of Nebraska in 1908, receiv-
ing an unusually large vote. The official count, however, gave
his opponent a plurality of 202 votes. He has traveled ex-
tensively in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Res. Fre-
mont, Neb. Ch. :
365. I. Marmion Mosby Garrett, b. Jan. 16, 1900.
366. II. Paul Evans Garrett, b. Sept. 18, 1904.
366-a. III. Louise Jean Garrett, b. Nov. 27, 1907.
366-b. IV. Virginia Grace Garrett, b. Jan. 15, 1909.
All born in Fremont, Neb.
167. RICHMOND VINTON GARRETT (William-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), b. Oct. 12, 1870, Winterset, Iowa. Unmarried.
Graduate Fremont, Neb., College.
168. ALFRED GARRETT (Eliza-Joshua-Welcome-John),
b. Dec. 23, 1835, probably in Mason Co., 111. ; m. April 17, 1859,
Mary L. Lucas, b. Oct. 22, 1843; he was engineer and farmer;
res. Chandlerville, 111. P. 0., 1907, Wetherford, Olda. ; ch. :
Martha Jane, b. Aug. 6, I860; d. Nov. 6, 1861.
Eliza Ann, b. March 9, 1862; d. Aug. 26, 1863.
Harriet Elizabeth, b. Nov. 8, 1863 ; d. Oct. 15, 1864.
Nathan Curtis, b. Sept. 18, 1866; d. July 6, 1868.
Mary Frances, b. B'eb. 2, 1869.
William David, b. June 3, 1871 ; d. Sept. 26, 1878.
Emma May, b. Dec. 26, 1873 ; d. Ar.g. 24, 1884.
Lorena, b. Nov. 18, 1876.
Frank Alfred, b. Feb. 11, 1880.
169. MINERVA GARRETT (Eliza Garrett" Joshua-Welcome-
Jolm), b. Jan. 15, 1839, in Mason Co., 111.; m. Oct. 11, 1857,
in Havana, 111., Valentine Altes, b. June 26, 1815, d. Dec. 27,
1884; moved to Lancaster, Schuyler Co., Mo., 1858; ch. :
William Altes, b. Feb. 18, 1858.
Elizabeth Altes, b. March 9, 1860.
Valentine Altes Jr., b. Jan. 28, 1862.
Charles Altes, b. May 12, 1864.
Margaret Altes, b. March 25, 1866.
381. VI. Jacob Altes, b. Feb. 14, 1868; d. inft.
382. VII. Henry Clay Altes, b. Jan. 18, 1871.
383. VIII. Eliza Altes, b. April 30, 1873.
384. IX. Frederick Altes, b. March 24, 1876.
385. X. Minnie Altes, b. April 24, 1879.
386. XI. Clarence J. Altes, b. Jan. 6, 1882.
170. ABIGAIL GAERETT (Eliza- Joshua- Welcome- John),
dan. of Joel and Eliza (Garrett) Garrett, b. 1848, in Mason
Co., 111.; m. James Wiseman, b. 1848. Ch. :
388. 1. William Riley Wiseman, I), about 1872.
389. II. Annie Wiseman, b. about 1875.
390. HI. Mary Etta Wiseman, b. about 1877.
391. IV. Franklin Wiseman, b. about 1879.
392. V. Albert Wiseman, b. about 1882.
171. JACOB GARRETT (Eliza-Joshua-Welcome-John), son
of Joel and Eliza (Garrett) Garrett, b. in Mason Co.. 111.; m.
Mary Rhodes; moved to Missouri; n. f. k.
172. IRENE GARRETT (Eliza- Joshua-Welcome-John), b.
in Mason Co., 111.; m. Richard (?) Rhodes; she d. April, 1881;
four ch.: names not known, 393-394-395-396.
173. JANE GARRETT (Eliza- Joshua- Welcome- John), dau.
of Joel and Eliza (Garrett) Garrett, b. in Mason Co., 111.: m.
AVilliam Rhodes; n. f. k.
174. ANDREW J. GOSNELL, b. Dec. 21, 1829, son of John
and Lucinda (Garrett) Gosnell; m. at Terre Haute, Ind., Isa"
belle Eddinton, b. Jan. 6, 1836; his occupation for many years
Avas pilot on river steamboat ; res., 1907, Terre Haute, Ind. Ch. :
I. Charles J. Gosnell, b. Dec. 30, 1856 ; m. Nov. 12, 1906,
Eliza J. Barnett.
II. Francis D. Gosnell, b. Jan. 15, 1859; not m.
HI. Linza E. Gosnell, b. April 6, 1861; m. Nov. 30, 1892,
Clara Peters; she d. Dec. 21, 1893; he m. second, June 30,
1896, Lillie Fuqua.
IV. William E. Gosnell, b. Jan. 24, 1863; not m.
V. Henry S. Gosnell, b. Feb. 28, 1865.
VI. Allen R Gosnell, b. Au^-. 23, 1867; m. Aug. 25,
1891, Rose Tennis; he d. April 7, 1902; four ch. :
1. Hazel M. Gosnell.
2. Helen Gosnell.
3. Hobart Gosnell.
4. Louisa Gosnell.
VH. Laura J. Gosnell, b. Sept. 6, 1869 ; m. Sept. 22, 1896,
J. D. Greenlee ; one eh.
VIII. Mary Eliza Gosnell, b. Sept. 22, 1872.
IX. Ada Lucinda Gosnell, b. Sept. 29, 1874 ; m. Sept. 25,
1901, John Bard ; res. Terre Haute ; they have two ch.
X. George Edward Gosnell, b. June 1, 1877.
178. EMILY GOSNELL, b. June 20, 1836, dau. of John
and Lucinda (Garrett) Gosnell; m. June 3, 1855, at Terre
Haute, Ind., William W. Payne, b. June 25, 1836, in Lawrence-
burg, Ky. ; occupation, cabinetmaker; ch. :
I. Henry C. Payne, b. July 4, 1856 ; m. Sept. 12, 1881, Sarah
Didlot, dau. of AVilliam and Sarah, of Vigo Co., Ind. ; their ch. :
1. Nellie M. Pavne, b. Oct. 3, 1886.
2. Cora Payne, b. Oct. 29, 1888.
3. Pearl Payne, b. April 1, 1892.
4. Henry Payne, b. Jan. 19, 1894.
5. Euby A. Payne, b. Aug. 9, 1896.
II. Eobert B. Payne, b. April 7, 1858; m. Sept. 11, 1880,
Lizzie Ruggles ; she d. April 4, 1881 ; he m. second, Feb. 12,
1882, Mary M. Eeed, dau. of Thomas and Anna Reed; res.
Brazil, Ind. ; ch. :
1. Dowel Payne, b. Nov. 21, 1882; d. May 17, 1883.
2. Tony P. Payne, b. Nov. 25, 1883.
3. Ray G. Payne, b. March 4, 1886.
4. Howard T. Payne, b. Oct. 31, 1888.
5. Grace Payne, b. June 5, 1892 ; d. Jan. 10, 1893.
6. Harry R. Payne, b. April 10, 1898.
HI. Hattie B. Payne, b. Jan. 12, I860; m. Jan. 15, 1885,
James Henry Bell, b. Feb. 24, 1848 ,in Tippecanoe Co., Ind.,
son of David Fritz and Hannah (Jacob) Bell. P. 0., 1907,
Winthrop, Ind. ; occupation, farmer ; no issue.
IV. Lewis Woodford Payne, b. Oct. 19, 1862; m. 1885,
Frances Bald, dau. of Patsey and Anna, of Va. ; he d. June 3,
1906; three ch. :
1. Mabel Payne, b. Jan. 8, 1886.
2. Emily Irene Payne, b. Dec. 5, 1888.
3. Hazel J. Payne, b. Aug. 9, 1892.
V. Caroline M. Payne, b. Sept. 15, 1863 ; d. s. p. Apr. 9, '66.
VI. John W. Payne, b. Oct. 30, 1865; cl. s. p. Apr. 28, 1866.
VII. Mary E. Payne, b. Feb. 6, 1867; m. R. C. Calvert; she
d. Maj'^ 10, 1892; no living issue.
VIII. Martha M. Payne, b. April 22, 1869 ; m. Pearl Sparks ;
she d. March 8, 1899; no issue.
IX. William D. Payne, b. May 13, 1871; d. Feb. 15, 1872.
X. Lottie T. Payne, b. Jan. 19, 1873; m. William Moore;
she d. Nov. 16, 1893 ; two ch. ; both dec.
XI. Emma Payne, b. Jan 29, 1875; d. Feb. 5, 1875.
XII. Minnie Payne, b. Jan. 14, 1876; d. Jan. 15, 1876.
XIII. Annie T. Payne, b. Dec. 12, 1877 ; d. Feb. 24, 1882.
__ XIV. Hallie Payne, b. Jan. 21, 1880; d. Jan. 21, 1881.
"179. WILLIAM M. GOSNELL, b. May 5, 1839, son of John
and Lucijida (Garrett) Gosnell; he was a soldier during the
war of the rebellion from July 3, 1861, to Sept. 27, 1864, Co.
A, 35th Keg. 111. Vol. Inft., inlisting at Bement, 111. Res. Clin-
ton, la. He m. Feb., 1884, Celia Keltic ; ch. :
I. Ruth Ethel, b. May 4, 1885.
II. Rachel Ida Gosnell, b. Aug. 10, 1889.
180. HARRIET GOSNELL, b. Aug. 10, 1842, dau. of John
and Lucinda (Garrett) Gosnell; m. Aug. 8, 1860, John Mc-
Clarey; to this union Avas born three ch., all of whom died in
infancy; he d. May 21, 1866. She m. second, Sept. 26, 1867,
Edward Young, b. Aug. 17, 1844; res. Gibson Co. Ind. ; she d.
May 6, 1886 ; ch. :
I. Chs. E. Yoimg, b. June 12, 1868. Res. Farmersburg, Ind.
II. EdAvard Young, b. Oct. 16, 1869. Res. Farmersburg, Ind.
III. llattie Young, b. April 12, 1872.
IV. Mattie Young, b. Dec. 1, 1873.
V. Lulu Belle Young, b. Nov. 13, 1876.
VI. Francis Marion Young, b. March 26, 1878. Res. Farm-
ersbiu'g, Ind.
VII. Alice (?) Young, b. Oct. 13, 1879.
VIII. Ann Tracy Yoiuif?, b. Nov. 16, 1875 ; d. Dec. 1, 1875.
IX. William Halley Young, b. Jan. 14, 1882. Res. Farm-
ersbnrg, Ind.
X. Ida Ethel Young, b. Jan. 17, 1884.
182. LEWIS DUPLANT GARRETT (Luther-Lewis D.- Wel-
come-John), son and oldest child of Luther and Catherina Gar-
rett; b. in Vigo Co., Ind., Oct. 29, 1841; m. Sarah Elizabeth
Campbell, b. March 11, 1845, dan. of Richard and Mary Ann
(Wheat) Campbell, of Coles, now Douglass Co., 111. He is by
occupation a farmer; res. Sullivan, Moultrie Co., 111.; ch. :
397. I. Luther Robert Garrett, b. Sept. 16, 1866.'
398. II. Lusetta Garrett, b. April 5, 1875.
399. III. Mary Ivy Garrett, b. Oct. 16, 1876.
400. IV. Mode Garrett, b. Aug. 18, 1883; d. Feb. 28, 1901,
in Shelby Co., 111.
183. LA VINA GARRETT (Luther-Lewis D.- Welcome- John),
b. May 3, 1848; m. Sept. 12, 1866, W. W. Evans, b. Oct. 30,'
1841 ; he d. April 2, 1875 ; ch. :
401. I. Luther Edward Evans, b. Oct. 21, 1867; d. Sept.
22, 1875.
402. II. Mary Ella Evans, b. Oct. 3, 1870.
403. III. William Lewis Evans, b. March 4, 1873; d Nov
22, 1877.
M. 2nd, Feb. 5, 1877, George F. Purvis, b. July 3, 1850; ch. :
404. IV. (1) Roxy Ann Purvis, b. Feb. 9, 1878.
405. V. (2) Sarah E. Purvis, b. Oct. 28, 1880 ; d. Dec. 30, '80.
406. VI. (3) Laura Belle Purvis, b. Jan. 3, 1882.
407. VII. (4) Millie Pearl D. Purvis, b. Oct. 28, 1884.
184. LAURINDA GARRETT (Luther-Lewis D.Welcome-
John), b. Aug. 19, 1850; m. in Jasper Co., 111., Milton Kibler;
children :
408. I. Delphine Kibler.
409. II. Edward Kibler Miller, b. in Moultrie Co., 111., April
8, 1865 ; became the adopted child of Jacob Miller and retains
the name Miller.
She and Mr. Kibler separated; she afterwards m. James M.
Fulton; she d. in Webb City, Mo., Sept. 19, 1899.
185. LUCIUS (lARRETT (Luther-Lewis D.-Welcome-John),
b. in Cole Co., 111., March 4, 1852; his father died when Lucius
w^as six months old and he Avas taken and reared by a man
by the name of Jacob Robinett, who moved to Iowa in 1865.
lie m. at Onawa, Monona Co., la., June 28, 1875, Emiline
Reed, b. June 28, 1853; resided at Onawa, la.; he d. Dec.
12, 1893; ch.: jj
410. I. Delphine Garrett, b. Oct. 9, 1876.
411. II. William Frederick Garrett, b. June 9, 1878. ■
412. III. Wallace Garrett, b. Sept. 5, 1882 ; d. Aug. 30, 1883. ^
413. IV. Mary Ellen Garrett, b. Jan. 14, 1884.
414. V. Mabel Garrett, b. May 7, 1885.
415. VI. W. Louis Garrett, b. Oct. 16, 1886.
416. VII. Inez Garrett, b. May 6, 1888.
417. VIII. Lawrence Garrett, b. Feb. 16, 1890.
418. IX. Clarence Garrett, b. June 21, 1891. j
419. X. Lillie Belle Garrett, b. March 19, 1893.
186. LUTHER HUDSON, son of John and Laurinda (Gar-
rett) Hudson; b. ; m. 1875, Arena Hewitt; res., 1884,
Des Moines, la. Ch. :
I. Mabel Rose Hudson.
II. Cora Alvina Hudson.
III. Herbert Jacob Hudson.
IV. Anna Louisa Hudson.
187. FRANCES CATHERINE HUDSON, dau. of John and
Laurinda (Garrett) Hudson, b. ; m. Robert Robinson,
a professor in m\isic ; res., 1884, Des Moines, T;i. Ch.-.
I. Harry Raymond Robinson.
II. Edna Albertha Robinson.
HI. Robert Robinson.
IV. Herbert Robinson.
V. Blanche May Robinson.
188. JOHN WOOD HUDSON, son of John and Laurinda
(Garrett) Hudson ;b. Feb. 16, 1856, in Terre Haute, Ind. ;
moved to Des Moines, la., in 1874, where he m. Feb. 8, 1874,
Louisa Knadler; divorced; one ch. d. inft.
Married second, Jan. 19, 1877, Susanna Sanders; she d. Oct.
18, 1882 ; his occupation engineer ; res., 1884 ,Quincy, 111. Ch. :
II. Leona Hudson, b. Jan. 14, 1878; d. July 30, 1878.
III. Guy Hudson, b. July 12, 1882.
He m. third, July 27, 1884, Lulu Harris; n. f. k.
189. >SARAH GARRETT (Nathan-Isom- Wei come- John), b.
May 31, 1846 ; m. Feb. 14, 1862, Thomas Wildman, b. July 31,
1840, son of Anza and Clara (Quick) Wildman, of Douglas
Co., 111.; her residence Atwood, 111.; ch. :
420. I. Laura Belle Wildman, b. Jan. 10, 1863.
421. II. Marion E. Wildman, b. Nov. 9, 1864.
422. III. Caleb Wildman, b. Feb. 18, 1867; d. March 7,
1872, s. p.
423. IV. Yancey Wildman, b. Aug. 11, 1868.
424. V. Leonard Wildman, b. Sept. 9, 1870; d. Oct. 13,
425. VI. Sigle Wildman, b. July 23, 1872.
426. VII. Bertie B. Wildman, b. June 11, 1874; d. Aug.
4, 1875.
427. VIII. Vinton Wildman, b. Feb. 20, 1876.
428. IX. Irene M. Wildman, b. Feb. 12, 1878.
429. X. Duane Wildman, b. Sept. 24, 1879; d. July 9,
430. XL Olive Wildman, b. April 19, 1881.
431. XII. Eunice Wildman, b. July 23, 1883.
432. XIII. Tillie May Wildman, b. Jan. 21, 1885.
433. XIV. Thomas J. Wildman, b. Jan. 24, 1887.
434. XV. Sarah J. Wildman, b. March 5, 1888.
435. XVI. Emma Wildman, b. Feb. 4, 1890.
436. XVII. Harrison Wildman, b. Jan. 6, 1892.
190. CALEB GARRETT (Nathan-Isom-Welcome-John), b.
in Cole, now Douglas Co., 111., Jan. 24, 1849 ; m. Sept. 7, 1879,
Sarah E. Wells b. June 13, 1853 dau. of William and Sarah
(Prater); he is a farmer and stock dealer; res. Douglas Co.,
111.; P. 0., Tuscola; ch.:
437. I. Luna E., b. July 19, 1880.
438. II. Lionel, b. Dec. 28, 1881.
489. HI. Lowell, b. April 22, 1883.
440. IV. Infant, b. Feb. 6, 1885; d. Feb. 13, 1885.
441. V. Nathan, b. Feb. 26, 1887.
191. MARY GAKKETT (Nathan-Isom-Web-onie-John), 1).
April 24, 1850; m. May 19, 1872, Isaac Ansel, b. Oct. 24, 1852.
P. 0., Button, Harvey Co., Kan.; occnpation, farmer; cli. :
442. I. Frances Louisa Ansel, b. Aug. 14, 1873.
443. ir. Mary Susan Ansel, b. Nov. 30, 1874.
444. III. Laura Belle Ansel, b. Oct. 20, 1875.
445. IV. Millie Myrtle Ansel, b. Dec. 10, 1876.
446. V. Bertha Ansel, b. Nov. 5, 1880.
447. VI. Birtie Ansel, b. Feb. 5, 1882; d. Dec. 5, 1882.
448. VII. Thomas Ansel, b. April 8, 1883.
449. VIII. Leslie Ansel, b. May 21, 1884.
450. IX. Irene May Ansel, b. Dec. 11. 1886.
451. X. Isaac Ansel Jr., b. Dec. 25, 1887.
452. XL Arthur Ansel, b. Nov. 11, 1889.
453. XII. Lottie Ansel, b. Dec. 16, 1890.
454. XIII. William Henry Ansel, b. Nov. 24, 1892.
192. DUANE GARRETT (Nathan-Isom-AVeleome-John), b.
May 31, 1853; m. Jnly 23, 1871, Alvira WiUey, b. Jan. 26,
1855, dan. of Woodbury and Caroline Willey; she d. Dec. 23,
1894, leavinj? four ch. He m. second Mrs. Fannie Burchfield,
nee Stevenson, dau. of J. A. and C. L. Stevenson, and widow
of J. B. Burchfield; occupation, farmer and poultry raiser;
addrcG3, Atwood, 111.
455. I. Ulysses S. Garrett, b. Oct. 1, 1873.
456. ir. Oney Nathan, b. Nov. 17, 1875.
457. III. Claude W., b. Sept. 19, 1879.
458. IV. Clyde W., b. Feb. 23, 1883.
193. HENRY C. GARRETT (Nathan-Isom-Weleome-John),
b. Sept. 6, 1855; m. April 6, 1879, Castilla Dillon, b. Oct. 7,
1860, dau. of ; farmer; P. 0., Atwood 111.; ch. :
459. I. Beulah Gladys, b. Nov. 7, 1890.
460. II. James Earl, b. April 8, 1894.
461. IH. Welcome Loren, b. May 15, 1902.
194. VINTON GARRETT (Nathan-Isom- Welcome- John), b.
Aug-. 21, 1858, in Douglas Co., Ill; m. Feb. 4, 1877 ,Sarah' E.
Benefiel, b. June 18, 1858; she d. April 21, 1888, leaving two
ch. He m. second, Zella Merritt; occupation, farmer and car-
penter; res. Atwood, 111.
462. I. Welcome, b. Jan 2, 1878.
463. II. Nellie Lee, b. Dec. 15, 1886.
195. LOUISA GARRETT (Nathan-Isom-Welcome-John). b.
March 6, 1862; m. about 1891, Robert Masterson ; he is farmer-
P. O., Atwood, 111. Ch.
464. I. Fern Masterson, b. about 1893.
465. II. Pearl Masterson, b. about 1896.
196. ULYSSES S. GARRETT (Nathan-Isom- Welcome- John)
i b. Jan. 24. 1868, in Douglas Co., Ill; m. Dec. 15, 1887, Olive
Myrtle Tucker, b. May 15, 1869, in Warren Co., Ky., dau. of
Ha>-^vood D. and Martha Tucker; occupation, carpenter and
contractor; res. Atwood, 111. Ch. :
Infant; d.
Anna Ethel, b. July 10, 1889.
Inft. twin ; b. July 10, 1889 ; d. Sept. 27, 1889.
Ilellen Anita, b. Dec. 15, 1905.
JASPER JONES DRAKE (Nancy Garrett-Isom- Wel-
come-John), son of Israel and Nancy A. (Garrett) Drake, b.
eJuly 4, 1855; m. April 18, 1888, Louisa Jahnke, b. Jan. 19,
1854, dau. of John and Charlotte Jahnke; address, 1907, 208
Jackson St., Seattle, Wash. No eh.
198. WILLIAM CALEB DRAKE (Nancy Garrett-Isom-
Wol come- John), son of Israel and Nancy (Garrett) Drake, b
Oct. 17, 1862; m. Oct. 12, 1886, Frances J. Clegg; m. second,
May 28, 1900, Ilattie Miller; address Milwaukee, Wis. No ch.'
199. MINNIE B. DRAKE (Nancy Garrett-Isom- Welcome-
John), dau. of Israel and Nancy (Garrett) Drake, b. April 14
1864; m. July 7, 189.5, T. Walter Tyler. No ch.
200. ISABELLE DRAKE (Mary Garrett-Isom-Welcome-
John), only surviving child of Mortimer C. and Mary (Garrett)
Drake, b. in Douglas Co., 111., Dec. 25, I860; m. Robert Adams;
m. second Brockman ; res. 4204 N. 19th St., St. Louis, Mo!
202. IRENE M. GARRETT (Andrew-Isom-Welcome-John),
b. Nov. 6, 1868; m. July 3, 1890, Lemuel W. Archer, b. iu
Lincoln Co., Mo., March 22, 1860 son of Lemuel Wilson and
Martha (Ellis) Archer; he is farmer; res. Garrett, 111.; ch. :
470. I. Paul Leslie Archer, b. Jan. 7, 1891.
471. II. Bonner Glenn Archer, b. Jan. 2, 1892.
472. III. Ferris W. Archer, b. Jan. 8, 1893.
203. LUELLA GARRETT (Andrew-Isom- Welcome- John),
b. April 23, 1870; m. March 28, 1905, Harry Lawrence Price;
his whereabouts unknown ; her address Garrett, 111. ; no issue.
204. RIIODA P. GARRETT (Andrew-Isom-Welcome-John),
b. Dec. 16. 1874; m. Feb. 26, 1896, Albert Jones; he d. ; no issue.
209. EFFIE J. GARRETT (Joseph-Isom-Welcome-John), b.
June 23, 1869, in Douglas Co., 111. ; m. Jason Morehead, b.
July 27, 1860, in Nashville, Tenn. ; ch. :
473. I. Orson Morehead, b. Aug-. 11, 1889.
210. BERTHA B. GARRETT ( Joseph-Isora- Welcome- John ), j
b. April 13, 1880; m. Alva Love Cantrall, b. Aug. 2, 1871, son]
of John R. and Jennie (Love) Cantrall, Tuscola, 111.; ch. :
474. I. Jean Ralph Cantrall, b. May 17, 1902.
475. II. Joseph Garrett Cantrall, b. Nov. 1, 1903.
476. III. Ruth Bernice Cantrall, b. April 12, 1905.
214. ULYSSES GRANT GARRETT (Leander-Jonathan
Welcome-John), b. in Howard Co., Ind., Nov. 13, 1867; m.
Aug., 1889, Dora Pearch of Howard Co., Ind.; ocupation, farm-
er; res. Howard Co.; address Kokomo, R. F. D. No. 1; ch. :
Fern, b. Aug. 13, 1890.
Victor, 1). Oct. 20, 1893.
Beulah, b. Aug 29, 1896.
Grace, b. Aug. 6, 1898.
Eva, b. April 22, 1901.
^ MAY GARKM^rrT (Leander-Jonathan-Welcome-
April 27, 1869; m. Joel Henry Brower, b. Sept. 6,
of Joel and Delilah (Parker) Brower, both dec;
miller and grain dealer; res. Flora, Ind.; ch. :
Delilah Alice Brower, b. Dee. 22, 1887.
Roy Earl Brower, b. April 24, 1889.
b. i
216. LULU BERTHA GARRETT (Leander-Jonathan- Wel-
come-John), b. May 11, 1871; m. Feb. 9, 1890, Frank Ehrman,
b. Dec. 11, 1866, son of Geo. and Margaret (Beeler) Ehrman;
res. Howard Co., Ind. ; P. 0., Kokomo, R. F. D. 1; ch. :
Vina Alta Ehrman, b. March 4, 1891.
Lester Ray Ehrman, b. Feb. 27, 1894.
George L. Ehrman. b. May 10, 1901.
Marion J. Ehrman, b. June 9, 1905; d. 10-11-1905.
]\Iary May Ehrman, twin, b. June 9, 1905.
Nellie Ehrman, b. Nov. 29, 1906.
Lillie Ehrman, b. Nov. 29, 1906.
218. MARY ALICE HARVEY (Vilena Garrett- Jonathan-
Welcome- John), dan. of Mahlon and Vilena (Garrett) Harvey,
b. in Wa^aie Co., Ind., July 11, 1859; m. Aug. 28, 1878, Edward
Liudorph Commons, of Richmond, Ind. ; he was b. June 11,
1856; occupation, dairyman and farmer; ch. :
491. I. Arthur B. Commins, b. Nov. 7, 1879 ; m. June 19,
1902, Olive Wesler, b. June 8, 1880.
492. II. Robert Harvey Commons, b. March 28, 1882; m.
April 4, 1901, Lethe Cooper, b. Dec. 12, 1883; ch. :
a. Earl Lindorph Commons, b. May 9, 1905.
b. Esther Marie Commons, b.
221. ANNIE BELLE WALKER (Vilena Garrett- Jonathan-
Welcome- John), dau. of James C. and Vilena (Garrett) Walker,
b. Aug. 17, 1866; m. May 14, 1884, John Henry Studt, b. Sept.
28, 1861, son of Adolph and Sophia Studt ; she d. ]\Iarch, 1894,
leaving three ch. ; his res. Richmond, Ind. ; occupation, plast-
erer. Ch. :
494. I. Howard Studt, b. Dec. 18, 1885.
495. II. Minnie Ethel Studt, b. Sept. 9, 1890.
496. III. Myree Eva Studt, b. Nov. 23, 1892.
224. NETTIE MAY WALKER (Vilena Garrett- Jonathan-
Welcome- John), dau. of James C. and Vilena (Garrett) Walker;
b. April 2, 1870; m. Dee. 24, 1889, Jesse L. Parshall, b. March
20, 1861, son of Henry and Nancy Parshall, of Richmond Ind.
He d. June 27 1895; ch. :
497. I. Herbert E. Parshall, b. Feb. 14, 1894.
498. 11. Jesse Parshall, b. Dec. 1, 1895; d. April 1, 1907.
She m. second, Dec. 17, 1896, Edward W. Carman, b. March
4, 1868 son of George and Carrie (Hagg) Carman ; eh. :
499. III. (1) George Everett Carman b. Sept. 20, 1897.
500. TV. (2) Ernest Leslie Carman, b. Oct. 16, 1899.
501. V. (3) Eaymond Carman, b. Nov. 1, 1905.
Res. 1907, Whitewater, Wayne Co. ; P. O., Richmond, R. R. 4.
225. BERTHA PEARL AVALKER (Vilena (Garrett) -Jona-
than-Welcome-John), dan. of James C. and Vilena (Garrett)
Walker; b. May 25, 1877, in AVayne Co., Ind.; m. Jan 29, 1896,
Stephen M. Parrish, b. Oct. 10, 1874. in Wayne Co., Ind., son
of James and Nancy Ann (Phillips) Parrish; occupation,
farmer; P. O., Richmond, R. F .D. 7; ch. :
502. I. Royce Raymond Parrish, b. Dec. 12, 1896.
503. II. Florence Alice Parrish, b. Apr. 16, 1900 ; d. 8-31-1903.
504. III. Vilena Parrish, b. April 16, 1900; d. Sept. 10, 1900.
505. IV. Emmett Walker Parrish, b. Ang. 23, 1901.
506. V. Joseph C. Parrish, b. June 7, 1904.
226. JOSIE ELMA WALKER (Vilena (Garrett)-Jonathan-
Welcome-John), dau. of James C. and Vilena (Garrett) Walker;
b. Dec. 7, 1878; m. March 21, 1901, Fredrick William Fetta,
b. Oct. 30, 1870, son of George H. and Hannah (Awe) Fetta;
res. Richmond, Ind.; occupation, gardner; ch.:
507. T. Clarence Alden Fetta, b. March 27, 1902.
227. GEORGE WAYNE WALKER (Vilena Garrett-Jona-
than- Welcome-John), son and youngest child of James C. and
Vilena ((Jarrett) Walker, b. in Wayne Co., Ind., Oct. 5, 1880;
P. O. address, Richmond, Ind.
230. LLXZA ALLEN GIBSON (Charity M. Garrett-Iliram-
AVelcome), son of Randolph and Charity (Garrett) Gibson, b.
Feb. 2, 1865, in Hamilton Co., Ind.; m. Feb. 15, 1882 (in
Kansas) Maddie G. Ilalstead ; she d. ; he d. 1890. Ch. :
508. I. Minnie Gibson, b. Feb. 23, 1884; d. inft.
509. II. Earl Gibson, b. d. inft.
510. III. William (;i])S()n, b. July 25, 1887 (?).
232. MARY ROSA GIBSON, dau'. of Randolph and Charity
M. (Garrett) (libson, 1). Nov. 21, 1869; m. Oct. 19, 1890, James
E Jnst, b. Dec. 29, 1868 ; res. 1907, Chanute, Kas. Ch. :
511. ' I. Charles R. Just, b. May 18, 1895.
512. II. Ethel U. Just, b. Jau. 27, 1905.
513 III. Edith Fay Just, b. Oct. 20, 1906.
233 CORA ELMA GIBSON, dau. of Randolph and Chanty
M (Garrett) Gibson, b. Jau. 25, 1871 ; m. Aug-. 17, 1890, George
W Egger (son of Fredarline and Mary) ; his father was a
native" of Switzerland, his mother of Ireland; he d. April 20,
1900; ch.:
514. I. Charles Edgar Egger, b. July 9, 1891.
515 II Viola Maude Egger, b. Feb. 15, 1898.
She m second, June 1, 1901, George R. Blodgett, b. April 19,
1848, son of Elias and Ladema (Leavitt) Blodgett; res. 1909,
Riverside, Cal. Ch. :
516. III. (1) Robert Theodore Blodett, b. Jau. 19, IJOD.
517 IV. (2) Loucell Charity Ann Blodett, b. March 16, 1907.
234 DORA ZELINDA GIBSON, dau. of Randolph and Char-
ity m'. (Garrett) Gibson, b. Feb. 19. 1873 ; m. Walter Baughniau,
b. ; occupation, meat dealer; address Pittsburg, Kas. Ch.:
518. I. Howard Baughmau, b.
519. II. Ray Baughman, b.
520 III. Cora Baughman.
235. CHARLES SAMUEL R. GIBSON, son of Randolph
and Charity M. (Garrett) Gibson, b. April 8, 1875; served in
Spanish-American war in Cuba and Philippine islands m Co.
P, and M. Fifth U. S. cavalry; not m. ; farmer; P. O., 1907,
Dewey, Indian Territory.
236. MAUD GIBSON, dau. of Randolph and Chanty M.
(Garrett) Gibson, b. March 15, 1877; m. Dec. 25, 1898, Reason
V. Myers, b. Nov. 2, 1857 ; occupation, lumber dealer ; no ch. ;
P. 0., 1907, Dewey, Ind. Ter.
237. BESSIE ETHEL GIBSON, dau. of Randolph and Char-
ity M. (Garrett) Gibson, b. Dec. 13, 1878; m. Nov. 29, 1898,
Frank Newton Welty, b. Aug. 8, 1875, son of Henry and Char-
lotte (Cover) Welty; occupation, farmer; P. O., 1907, Ilepler,
521. I. Harold Gibson Welty, b. Sept. 27, 1899.
522. II. Charles William Welty, b. Jan. 9, 1902.
523. III. AVendall II. Welty, b. Jan. 1, 1905.
239. CYRUS HERBERT GIBSON, son of Randolph and
Charity M. (Garrett) Gibson, b. Dec. 8,1882; m. July 31, 1!JU-1,
Etta O'Neal; address, 1907, Independence, Kas. ; ch. :
524. I. Charity Gibson, b. June 24, 1905.
525. II. Ruth Opal Gibson, b. April 15, 1906.
2391/2. CURTIS GIBSON, son of Randolph and Charity M.
(Garrett) Gibson; occupation, butcher and meat dealer; not
m.; res. Pittsburg-, Kas.
240. ALARY KATE RICHARDSON, b. Apiil 11, 1868. dau.
of Isaac T. and Sarah A (Garrett) Richardson; m. in Indiana,
April 20, 1888, William B. Watson, b. Nov., 1868; res., 1888,
Bartholomew Co., Ind.; n. f. k.
244. IDA MAY BRODGEN, dau. of Frank and .Mary (Gar-
rett) Brodgen; b. about 1875; m. Hosier, b. ; res.,
1907, Boone, la. ; eh. :
526. I.
527. II.
245. EARL BRODGEN, son of Frank and Mary (Garrett)
Brogden ; b. ; not m.
246. GRACE BROGDEN, dau. of Frank and I\Iary (Gar-
rett) Brodgen; b. ; m. Driscoll, b. ; res. Boone,
la. : ch., a daughter.
247. GUY BROGDEN, son of Frank and I\Iary E. (Garrett)
Broden ; b. ; m. -; res. Boone, la. Two ch. :
528. I.
529. II.
248. JOSEPHINE BROGDEN, dau. of Frank and Mary E.
(Garrett) (h-ogden, b. ; m. Halliday, b. ; res.
1907, 1022 W. Second St., Boone. la.; no ch.
251. WILLIAM ELLIS CASSEY, b. Sept. 14, 1874: m.
Sept. 26, 1898; res. Los Angeles, Cal.
252. CHARITY EMMA CASSEY. b. Sept. 18, 1876; m. Dec.
25, 1899, Charles Louis Egger, h. July 25, 1867 in Griggsville,
111.; occupation, meter inspector; res. Los Angeles, Cal. Ch. :
I. Emma Fay Egger, b. Dec. 2, 1902.
253. CHARLES FRERERICK CASSEY, b. Sept 11, 1878;
m. Jan. 3, 1899.
254. ALBERT LEO CASSEY, b. July 8, 1888; m. Feb. 8,
1907, Hattie Rosanna Richardson, b. July 6, 1885, in Richmond,
Va. Res., April, 1909, Los Angeles, Cal. His occupation, meat
market ; ch. :
I. Edna Ann Virginia Cassey. b. June 19, 1908.
Caleb- Welcome), b. March 29, 1869; m. 1886, Martin Van Bu-
ren Amidon, of Brooklyn, N. Y. P. 0., 1909, Rye, N. Y. Ch. :
530. I.
531. II.
532. III.
The names of these three sons have not been learned; n. f. k.
260. ORILLA F. GARRETT (Francis S.-Cyrus-Dr. Caleb-
Welcome-John), b. Nov. 12, 1872; m. W. II. Skelton ; occupa-
tion, jeweler; res., 1909, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ch. :
533. I. George Garrett Skelton, b. about 1896.
266. AMANDA LOUISA GARRETT (Francis S.-Cirus-Dr.
Caleb-Welcome-John), b. April 13, 1883; m. Jan. 22, 1905, Ben-
jamin S. Washburne, b. Dec. 8, 1885; res. Pleasantville, N. Y.
Children :
534. I. Benjamin Russell Wa.shburne, b. Nov. 5, 1905.
535. II. Frederick Earl Washbuiue, b. March 28, 1907.
leb-Welcome), b. Aug. 9, 1873, in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 13,
1900, in New York City, Marie Katherine Buiger, b. March 6,
1874,, in Lapinger, Germany. Res. Bayonne, N. J. Occupation,
brakeman Erie railroad. Ch..
536. I. Julia Emma Danegar, b. Sept. 1, 1900.
537. II. George Washington Danegar, b. Dec. 5, 1902.
538. HI. Marion Katherine Danegar, b. Auu'. 8, 1904.
539. IV. Evelyn Ethel Danegar, b. Jan. 7, 1907.
540. V. Ruth Elizabeth Danegar, b. Dec. 18, 1908.
275. EDWARD CYRUS WOOD; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; n. i'.k.
280. SARAH S. B. NEFF, dau. of Allen O. and Emily (Gar-
rett) Neff, b. Dec. 26, 1849; m. Cassius M. Burroughs, of
Randolph Co., Ind. ; ch. :
541. I. Frank.
542. II. Carroll, deceased.
543. III. Grace, b. — — ; m. Barter.
284. CHARLES GARRETT (Duane-Nathan-Caleb-Weleome)
b. June 16, 1858; 211. Sept. 6, 1879, Emma Martin, b. Aug. 19.
1861 ; ch. :
544. I. Bessie, b. May 19, 1880.
545. 11. Golda, b. March 19, 1882; d. July 6, 1884.
546. III. Harry, b. Feb. 11, 1884 ; d. inft.
Res. Randolph Co., Ind.
237. LILLIE A. GARRETT (Prentice-Nathan-Caleb-Wel-
come), b. in Randolph Co., Ind., Jan. 7, 1863; m. Nov. 1, 1883,
Charles Lincoln Lamb, b. Oct. 1, I860; son of . She re-
ceived a liberal education in the public schools of the county
and was for several years engaged in teaching. For a number
of years Mr. Lamb has been engaged in the mercantile busi-
ness, conducting at different times establishments in Indiana
and Salt Lake City, Utah. They have, however, for several
years been located in Idaho Springs, Colo., where he is estab-
lished in business.
288. CYNTHA BELL GARRETT (Prentice-Nathan-Caleb-
Welcome), b. July 7, 1864; m. Dec. 25, 1905, George C. Hol-
linger, of Randolph Co., Ind. ; res. Winchester, Ind.
289. BEULAH MAY GARRETT (Prentice-Nathan-Caleb-
Welcome), b. July 13, 1875; m. May 19, 1895, George M. Smith,
b. May 19, 1869; res. Winchester. Lid.; ch. :
547. I. James Smith, b. Feb. 7, 1898.
548. II. John Smith, b. Jan. 18, 1899.
290. ARTHUR TIIOI\n\SON (MRRETT (Premont-Nathan-
Caleb-Welcome), b. Nov. 20, 1871 ; m. March 15. 1892 at Rochest-
er, N. Y., Josephine Wright, dan. of Thomas and Harriet
(Hicks) Wright, both dec. Ch. :
549. I. Fremont Garrett, b. Winchester. Ind., Aug. 16,
550. II. Thelma Garrett, I). Chicago, HI., Dec. 3, 1896.
551. III. Charles Welcome Garrett, b. Anderson, Ind., Nov.
28, 1908.
552. IV. Ardis Garrett, b. Anderson, Ind., Sept. VS, 1901.
553. V. Arthur Thompson Garrett, b. East Aurora, N. Y.,
June 28, 1906.
554. VI. Charleton Wright Garrett, b. East Aurora, N. Y.,
June 6, 1908.
295. NELLIE GARRETT (Fremont-Nathc1(i>-Caleb-Wel-
come), b. Oct. 5, 1882; m. July 3, 1906, Jesse Del Barger, b.
Oct. 27, 1882, son of Lewis and Olive M. Barger; occupation,
merchant ; res. 1908, Ridgeville, Ind.
299. CELIA ALICE GARRETT (Egbert-Nathan-Caleb-AVel-
Come), b. Oct. 31, 1877; m. June 25, 1895, Ed. Fowler, who
came from England ; res. 1907, Marion, Ind. Ch. :
555. I. Silvia Fowler, b. Feb. 11, 1897.
556. IL Bernice Fowler, b. Feb. 28, 1906.
300. NATHAN E. GARRETT (Egbert-Nathan-Caleb- Wel-
come), b. Aug. 22, 1879; m. Feb. 25, 1903, Maud Bright; res.
1909, Winchester, Ind. Ch. :
557. I. Marvin Garrett, b. Dec. 14, 1904.
Caleb- Welcome), b. Sept. 3, 1882; m. April 29, 1903, Grace
Beesears (?), of Randolph Co., Ind.; res. Winchester; ch. :
558. I.Norville Garrett, Jr., b. Feb. 14, 1904.
304. OPAL GARRETT (Egbert-Nathan-Caleb-Welcome), b.
1889; m. Nov., 1908.
307. CORWIN DUANE SWAIN, son of Elihu and (118)
Jessie Benton Swain, nee Garrett ; b. May 16, 1874 ; m. June
26, 1889, Elmira Wrestler, dau of Franklin and June (Long)
Wrestler ; ch. :
559. I Gladys, b. 1901.
560. II. Ronald, b. Oct. 20, 1905.
308. IRA NATHAN SWAIN (son of Elihu and Jessie Ben-
ton Swain, nee Garrett), b. March 4, 1876; m. Feb. 22, 1899,
Florence May Geary, dau. of Larkin and Kathryn Geary; ch. :
561. I. Viola Swain, b. Feb. 20, 1900.
562. II. Kathryn Swain, b. Feb. 25, 1903.
309. BERTITA BRAINARD SWAIN (dan. of Elihu and
Jessie Benton S^vain, nee Garrett), b. Dec. 27, 1883; m.
Covert, son of Ilirani and Adaline.
Welcome), b. Sept. 26, 1885; m. Sept. 30, 1906, Mary Ethel
Holmes, b. July 7, 1889, diiu. of James Thomas and Mary Ethel-
inda Holmes; eh.; res. 1!)09, Anderson. Ind.
319. MARY GRACE GARRETT (James R.-Lnther-Caleb-
Welcome), b. Aug-. 9, 1882; m. April 14. 1901, at Lapel, Ind..
Georg-e Liffard, b. An[;ny. nee Gar-
rett-Nathan-Isom-Welcome), b. Dec. 10. Is7(i in Doujrlas Co.,
111.; m. 1898 in Kansas, Erie Lacy. Res. Hutchinson, Kas.
Two eh.
446. BEKTILV ANSEL (Isaac and Mary Garrett-Nathnn-
Isom- Wei come), b. Nov. 5, 1880, in Douglas Co.. 111.; m. 1898,
0. F. Moots. She d. March 14, 1891, leavinij two ch.
448. THOMAS ANSEL (Isaac and Mary Garrett-Xathan-
Isom- Welcome), b. April 8, 1883; m. 1904, Rosa Austin.
450. IRENE MAE ANSEL (Isaac and Mary Garrett-Nathan-
Isom-Welcome), b. Dec. 11, 1886; m. 1905, W. H. Taylor. Res.
Lyons, Kas.
455. ULYSSES S. GARRETT (Dnane-Nathan-Isom-Wel-
come), b. Oct. 1, 1873; m. . Res. Hill City. Tenu.
456. ONEY NATHAN GARRETT (Duane-Nathan-Isora-
Welcomo), b. Nov. 17, 1875; m. Nov. 29, 1889. Jessie Ann Rode-
rick, dau. of George and Eliza (Robbins) Roderick, of Douglas
C, 111. Res., 1906, Westfield, 111. Ch. :
618. I. Freda Alvira Alice Garrett, b. Feb. 15. 1903.
457. CLAUDE W. GARRETT (Duane-Nathan-Isom-Wel-
come), b. Sept. 19, 1879. Res., 1906, Chattanooga, Tenn.
458. CLYDE W. GARRETT (Duane-Nathan-Isom-Welcome)
1). Feb. 23, 1883; m. June 6, 1906, Ozelle Richmond, dau. of
Hiram and Frances, then of Bedford Co., Tenn. Res., 1907,
Chattanooga, Tenn,
462. WELCOIME GARRETT ( Vinton-Nathan-Isom-Wel-
come), b. Jan. 2, 1878; m. Dec. 24, 1896. Edna Atwell. Res.
Douglas Co., HI.
463. NELLIE GARRETT (Vinton-Nathan-Isom-Welcomc),
b. Dec. 15, 1886; m. Res. Doughus Co., III.; n. f. k.
544. BESSIE (iARRLTT (Charles-Duane-Nathau-Calob-
Welcome), b. iMay 19, 1880; m. Lewis Denny, of Randolph Co.,
Ind., b. Aug., 1875; he d. in Muncie, Ind., Nov. 8, 1902; ch. :
619. I. Garrett Winston Denny, d. in infancy.
620. II. Theljua Deiniy, b. Dec. 16, 1897.
621. III. Marguerite Denny, b. Nov. 15, 1901.
She m. 2nd, July, 1903, Lewis Hopp. Res., 1909, Muncie, Ind.
This completes the list of desceiidents of Welcome Garrett
as far as has been obtained. Besides the six hundred and
twenty-one (621) here enumerated, there are nearly six hundred
others named who do not receive a consecutive number, be-
h:g several generations removed from the name Garrett. There
are also quite a number of others whose existence is known
but whose history has not b«^en received. These, added to the
621, make a total of more than 1250 people sprung from this
one man in the space of the one hundred and fifty years since
his birth.
1101. JOHN BOWATER GARRETT, b. about 1775, proba-
bly in Bucking-ham Co., Va. : he d. Dec. 24' 1827 or 1828, in
White Co., Tenn. He was Called Borter Garrett. When quite
young he moved, so it is said by his son, from Buckingham
Co., Va., to Patrick Co. and from there to Rockingham Co.,
N. C. He was said to be the son of John Garrett and there-
fore brother or half brother to AVelcome. He married in
Rockingham Co., X. C, Patience Walker, dau. of William and
(Martin) Walker. He moved to Kentucky and from there
to White Co., Tenn., where he died. The children seem to
have been separated for Joel and William were taken to North
Carolina. William was reared by an an.nt on his mother's
side. Ch. :
James Garrett, d. in childhood.
Joel Garrett, b. in Tenn.
William B. Garrett, b. in Tenn.
Lawson Garrett, d. s. p.
Madison Garrett.
Lewis Garrett, d. young, s. p.
Sarah Garrett, b. Nov. 1, 1823.
After the death of Jno. Borter Garrett the widow married
Thomas Martin and they had one child, Mary Martin. All
that were living of the family moved to Illinois.
1103. JOEL GARRETT (John Borter-John), b. in Tenn.;
m. Naiiey Gibson in N. C, Avhere some of his older children
were born. He moved to IMason Co., 111., where he lived many
years. His second wife was Eliza (iarrctt. dan. of Joshua and
I\lary Garrett. Cli.;
1109. I. Ellen.
1110. II. Elizabeth IMahala. h. March G, 1830, in X. C.
1111. III. Lawson, d. about \S')() -. d. s. p.
1112. IV. Martin.
1113. V. Lewis, d. in army during the war, s. p.; 133rd
Reg-. 111. Vol. Buried in Short graveyard lu'ar Greentield, III.
1114. VI. Madison, b. in Tciin.; was in the ai-niy three
years! d. in IMason Co., 111., s. p. about 1870.
1115. VII. Sarah, b. 1838, in Illinois.
1116. VIII. Patience.
1117. IX. Thomas, b. ; d. about 1859, s. p.
1118. X. Catherine.
The children of the second wife are:
1119. XI. (1) Jacob Garrett, m. Mary Rhodes, n. f. k.
1120. XII. (2) Lurana (?) or Irene, m. Richard Rhodes ;j
she d. 1881; n. f. k.
1121. XIII. (3) Abigail, m. Wiseman.
1122. XIV. (4) Jane, m. William inuxles; n. f. k.
1104. WILLIAM B. GARRETT (John Borter-John), b. in
Sparta, White Co., Tenn., as early as 1824; m. Aug. 11, 1843,
in 111.; Sarah Jane , b. June 22, 1827; she d. Nov. 3,
1884. He was Ixnn in White Co., Tenn., his father dying 1827
HI- 1S28; he was i-earcd by an aunt on his mother's side in the
slate of N. C. lu'turncd lo Tciui. in 1S;!5 mid in 1S37 moved
to Mason Co., 111., where he married. He lived in Sehuyler
Co., III., some years later. In 1884 his address was Augusta.
A few years later he went to La Cygin\ Kas., to make his home
with some of his children. Ch. :
1123. I. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Jidy 18, 1844.
1 124. IT. Martha Jane, b. Dec. 26, 1845; d. in infancy.
1125. III. .Mary Lllcn, b. Oct. 25, 1847.
1126. IV. Louisa, b. April 12, 1850.
1127. V. James Henry, b. June 28, 1852.
1128. VI. Joseph Lewis, b. April 22, 1855.
1129. VII. John William, b. April 2-1, 1859.
1130. VIII. Aletha, b. Feb. 25, 1864.
1106. MADISON FISH GARRETT (Borter-John), b. June
10, 1820 ; m. about 1845 ; Elizabeth Setters, dau. of John and
Elizabeth Setters, of Indianapolis, Ind. ; she was b. Feb. 17,
1829; he d. near Milan, Mo., June 10, 1880. Res., Indiana,
Illinois and Missouri. She still living, 1906. P. O., Milan.
Sullivan Co., Mo. Ch. :
1131. I. John Harmon Garrett, b. Feb. 13, 1846.
1132. II. Nancy Jane, b. Nov. 29, 1847.
1133. III. Oliver, b. March 7, 1849 ; d. in infancy.
1134. IV. Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 4, 1851.
1135. V. Sarah Abigail, b. March 7, 1854.
1136. VI. William Henry, b. Aug. 20, 1856.
1137. VII. Lewis Russell, b. Dec. 22, 1858.
1138. VJU. Francis Marion, b. Aug. 22, 1861.
1139. IX. Robert, b. April 11, 1864.
1140. X. Elizabeth Jane, triplet, b. April 11, 1865.
1141. XI. Rebecca Jane, triplet, b. April 11, 1865, d. inft.
1142. XII. Louisa, triplet, b. April 11, 1865, d. inft.
1143. XIII. Emily Catherine, b. June 10, 1868.
1144. XIV. James Madison, b. Dec. 22, 1871.
1108. SARAH BRITTAN GARRETT (Borter-John), b.
Nov. 1, 1823, in White Co., Tenn. ; m. Sept. 24, 1840; Jacob
Crofton Clotfelter, b. ; he d. IMay 12, 1885. She was six
years old when she left Tenn. and settled in Illinois. She d.
near Tecumseh, Neb., IMarch 31, 1905. She had been a resi-
dent of Johnson and Nemaha Counties, Neb., for forty years,
being one among the pioneers and had an extensive acquain-
tance. Ch. :
1145. I. Mary Elizabeth Clotfelter, b. April 13, 1843; m.
Sept. 17, 1862 ; James A. Pheelan ; they had seven ch. ;
1. Byron S. Pheelan.
2. Nellia A. Pheelan.
3. Claude Pheelan, d. inft.
4. Harry B. Pheelan.
5. Bertie Pheelan.
6. Anna Adda Pheelan.
7. Grover C. Pheelan.
1146. II. Charles Frederick ClotiVlter, b. June 22, 1847;
m. Kate Pheelan : Ch. :
1. Alonzo E. Clotfelter, h. June 20, 1870.
2. Marshall Clotfelter, b. June 20, 1870.
1147. III. Daniel Lewis Cass Clotfelter, b. Aug. 24, 1849;
m. Sophia Groves; have several eh. P. 0., 1905, Visalia, Cal.
1148. IV. Alexander Clotfelter, b. 1851; d. inft.
1149. V. Jacob Crofton Clotfelter, b. 1852; d. inft.
1150. VI. Sarah Brunette Clotfelter, b. Nov. 19, 1854; m.
Oct. 20, 1872, W. D. Crawford. Ch. :
1. Otie Bell Crawford, b. Nov. 16, 1873.
2. Lena Alberta Crawford, b. June 9, 1875.
3. Mabel Anna Crawford, b. July 19, 1878.
4. William Deming Crawford, b. Feb. 26, 1882.
P. O., 1905, Lincoln, Neb.
1151. VII. Martha E. G. Clotfelter, b. 1856; d. inft.
1152. VIII. William Preston Clotfelter, b. Dec. 3, 1859;
m. 1884, Anna Hester.
1153. IX. Effie Adaline Clotfelter. b. July 24, 1862; m.
Sept. 17, 1879, William Fink. P. 0., 1905, Elkcreek, Neb.
1109. ELLEN GARRETT (Joel-Borter-John), dnu. of Joel
and Nancy (Gibson) Garrett, b. — ; m. Samuel Sett; three eh.:
1154. I. James.
1155. 11. John.
1156. III. Joseph.
M. 2nd John Peterson; res, 1885, Petersburg, 111.
John), dan. of Joel and Nancy; b. IMarcli 6. 1830, in North Car-
olina; m. June 11, 1854; William S. Short, of Greene Co., 111.,
b. Sept. 16, 1832, son of Thomas J. and Catherine (Overly)
Shoi-t. He was an extensive farmer and l.iiid owuer. Res.,
Greene Co. lie d. Aug. 11, 1886. Ch. :
1157. Amanda E. Short, b. Dec. 8, 1855; m. Feb. 23, 1876,
Charles E. Spotts; have five eh. P. 0., 1907, Whitehall, 111.
1158. II. Rose A. Short, b. Jan. 27, 1857; m. Sept. 11,
1881, Warren Prather; two living eh. P. 0., 1907, Maramee,
1159. III. Lewis S. Short, b. Feb. 2, 1858 ; m. Feb. 15, 1880,
Carrie Vandeveer; have three eh. P. O., 1907, Greenfield, 111.
1160. IV. Martha J. Short, b. April 21, 1859 ; m. Feb. 27,
1882; James Prather; two eh. P. 0., 1907, Roodhonse, 111.
1161. V. Thomas J. Short, b. Jan. 22, 1861; m. Nov. 2,
1882; Mary Yandeveer; two ch. P. 0., Great Falls, Mont.
1162. VI. Elijah B. Short, b. Ang. 21, 1862; m. Oct. 21,
1885 ; Leannah Cunningham. P. 0., Maramee, Pawnee Co.,
1163. VII. Infant, b. Ang. 21, 1862; d. .
1164. VIII. Dicy Short, b. Aug. 27, 1864; m. Feb. 27, 1882,
Marion McCracken. P. 0. Raymond, 111.
1165. IX. Elizabeth H. Short, b. Nov. 23, 1866.
1166. X. William S. Short, Jr., b. Oct. 10, 1868. P. 0.,
Springfield, 111.
1167. XI. Kate Short, b. Nov. 7, 1871 ; m. Grover.
P. 0., Parker, Kas.
1168. XII. Samuel I. Short, b. July 26, 1873; d. July 17,
1169. XIII. Mary Addie Short, b. June 12, 1875 ; m. Jan.
29, 1893, Oliver C. Barnard. P. 0., Greefield, 111.
1112. MARTIN GARRETT (Joel-Borter-John), son of Joel
and Nancy (Gibson) Garrett; m. Amanda Raferty, of Illinois.
He enlisted in Union army; died in Tennessee while in the ser
vice. Ch. :
1170. I. John Garrett, d. s. p.
1171. II. Samuel Garrett.
1172. III. William Garrett.
> She m. a Mr. Coats and she and the two sons moved to Cali-
fornia ; n. f . k.
1115. SARAH GARRETT, b. in Hlinois May 1, 1835 (?),
dau. of Joel and Nancy (Gibson) Garrett; m. Nov. 6, 1852,
Jasper C. Miller, a native of Warren Co., Tenn., b. Sept. 16,
1835. He emigrated to Illinois when a boy witli his |)arents.
Res., Oreen Co., 111. Ch. :
1173. I. John IMiller, b. July 28, 1853.
1174. II. Annetta Miller, b. Sept. 20, 1855; ni. Dec. 30,
1874, Joseph W. Stover.
1175. III. Eliza Miller, b. INIay 8, 1857; rn. Dec. 25, 1878,
William IMiller.
inc. IV. William Miller, b. An-'. 16, 1863.
1177. V. Mary Miller, b. June ;'., 1S65: m. ]\[ay 14. 1882/
Frank Probe.
1178. VI. Fannie Miller, b. Sept. 10. 1866.
1179. VII. Maruaret IMiller. b. July 4. 1868.
1180. VIII. Elizabeth Miller, b. March 17. 1871.
1181. IX. Ida aniler, b. Nov. 9, 1874; d. Aug. 22, 1876.
1182. X. Bertram Miller, b. Oct. 6, 1876.
1183. XI. James Miller, b. June 13, 1878.
1184. XII. Cleon IMiller, b. Oct. 31, 1881 : d. July 31, 1883.
1116. PATIENCE GARRETT (Joel-John P..rt.M-Jnhn V b.
, d. ; m. Clinton Black, one ch. only.
1185. Joseph (I'ai'rett Black, of Kilboui'n, 111.
1118. CATHARINE GARRETT (Joel-Borter-John), dau. of
.loci and Nancy Garrett; b. , m. Dee. 29, 1860, Israel F.
Wise; one ch.:
1187. I. Isiah F. Wise, who in 1S85 res. Sterlinii. III.
He, Israel, enlisted in the jiniiy in 1862. Slie got a dixDrci'
and in 1863 m. Lewis McGee and tlicy had several eh., n. f. k.
1121. ABIGAIL GARRETT (Joel - Borter- John), she
was a dau. of Eliza (Garrett), second wife of Joel. (See his-
tory of the descendants of Joshua, sou of Welcome.) She m.
James Wiseman, of Kilbourn, 111. Ch. :
1188. I. William Riley Wi.semau, h. alxuit 1873.
1189. II. Annie Wisenuui. b. 1875.
1190. III. Mary Etta Wisemjin. h. I>s77.
1191. IV. Franklin Wiseman, b. 1879.
1191. a V. Albert Wiseman, b. 1882.
1123. SARAH ELIZABETH GAKMfETT ( William-Borter-
John), b. July 18, 1844; m. Dec. 2, 1865. John Franklin Swise-
good ; res. near Plymonth, 111. ; ch. :
1192. I. Harriet Ellen Swisegood, b. Se])t. i;i, 18G6.
1193. II. Lewis Andrew Swisegood, b. Jan, 24, 1868.
1194. III. Sarah Elizabeth Swiseg-ood, b. Oct. 30, 1869.
1195. IV. Ida Louisa Swiseg-ood, b. Sept. 4, 1871.
1196. V. John Arthur Swisegood, b. Aug. 12, 1873.
1197. VI. Luther Edwin Swisegood, b. Sept. 1, 1875.
1198. VII. Nellie Prances SAvisegood.
1199. VIII. Nelson Fraiddin Swisegood, twins, b. Feb. 2,
12UU. IX. Robert Alexander Swisegood, b. Dec. 8, 1881.
1201. X. Frederick Boyd Swisegood, b. Jan. 31, 1885.
1125. MARY ELLEN GARRETT (William B.-Borter-
John), b. Oct. 25, 1847, in Schuyler Co., HI.; ni. March 15,
1869, Jasper Newton Shrake. P. 0., 1907, LaCygne, Kas. ; ch. :
1202. I. Charles L. Shrake, b. Feb 16, 1870.
1203. II. Nellie M. Shrake, b. May 9. 1873.
1204. III. Jessie L. Shrake. b. Jan. 16, 1875.
1205. IV. Albert L. Shrake, b. March 26, 1877.
1206. V. Edna Olive Shrake, b. Aug. 31, 1883.
1126. LOUISA GARRETT (William B.-Borter-Jolui). b.
April 12, 1850; m. Sept. 27, 1865, Thomas Jefferson Day. b.
Dee. 25, 1848; occupation farmer. P. O., 1907, Paoli, Kas. lie
was a soldier in the Union army, serving three years. Ch.:
Robert Andrew Day, b. Aug. 10, 1866.
William Edward Day, b. Sept. 1, 1868.
Susan Jane Day, b. May 10, 1870.
James Franklin Day, b. March 5, 1872.
John Frederick Day, b. June 27, 1875.
Lilly Day, b. April 27, 1880.
Lula Day, b. April 27, 1882.
Elizabeth Day, b. Feb. 16. 1884.
All of Above ch. b. in MeDoiiough Co., 111.
1127. JAIMES HENRY GARRETT (William B.-Borter-
John), b. in Schuyler Co., 111., June 28; 1852; m. Aug. 13, 1873,
Naomi J. Vance, dau. of Benjamin and Catherine; to this union
were born 3 ch., all born in Sehnyler Co.. 111.
1215. I. Ira Garrett, b. Oct. 21, 1875; m.
1216. II. Cora Belle Garrett, b. May 21. 1877: in.
1217. III. Albert Garrett, b. Dec. l:l 1880; m.
Naomi the wife d. Feb. 13, 1882; he m. 2nd Ang. 30, 1885,
Louisa Jane Roberts, b. Sept. 28, 1886, dau. of Richard and
Martha Ann, of Sehnyler Co., 111. ; res. 1907, Galesburg, Kas. ;
ch. :
1218. IV. Ora Estella Garrett, b. Oct. 17, 1886; m. .March
6, 1904; d. Nov. 14. 1904.
1219. V. Ola Franklin Garrett, b. March 24, 1888, in
1220. VI. I\rartha Elizabeth Garrett, b. Aug-. 1, 1889. in
1221. VII. Charles James Garrett, b. April 8, 1897, in Kan-
1128. JOSEPH LEWIS GARRETT (AVilliam B.-Borter-
J(.hn), b. April 22, 1855, in Schuyler Co.. 111.; ni. Jan. 31, ]SSl.
.Maiy .1. Bodenhamer, b. Dec. 18, 1861 dau. of Philip N. and
Sarah A. Bodenhamer; moved to Kansas 1880; P. O. 1907,
Fort Scott, Kas.; ch. :
1222. I. Sarah lldessa Garrett, b. Dec. 17, 1884.
1223. II. Georjic Earl Garrett, b. Auo-. 6, 1887.
1129. -lOIlN WILLIAM GARRETT (William B.-J. Bortor-
John), b, April 24, 1859; m. Jan. 1, 1881, Luta Hoskius; ch. :
1224. I. C. J. Garrett, b. Jan. 29, 1882.
1225. II. Etta Garrett, l>. Dec. 4, 1883.
1226. III. Zclma Garrett, b. Oct. 4, 1885; d. ]\Iay 2, 1893.
1227. IV. Pearl Garrett, b. Feb. 14, 1888.
He m. 2nd, Nov. 27, 1890, Lucy A. Gunnell (?), Ch. :
1228. V. (1) Aletha A. Garrett. 1). Oct. 29, 1891; d. 2-16-
1229. VI. (2) John L. Garrett, h. .Inly 3, 1893.
1230. VII. (3) Rose Jane Garrett, b. Jnne 16, 1895; d. 1-1-
1231. VIII. (4) Carroll F. Garrett, b. Jan. 20, 1898.
(5) Glenn C4. Garrett, b. March 9, 1900.
(6) Orville D. Garrett, d. May 19, 1902.
(7) Garland Garrett, b. Jan. 12, 1905.
(8) Asa Troy Garrett, b. Dee. 2, 1906.
P. 0., 1902, Waurika, Okla.
1130. ALETHA GARRETT (William B.-J. Borter-John), b.
May 25, 1864; m. March 16, 1881, William Clothier; res., 1907,
Huron, Mont.
IISI. J^OIIN HARMON GARRETT (Madison-Bforter-John),
b. Feb. 13, 1846. His father's family were mostly reared in Snl-
livan Co., Mo. In 1862, Jan. 4, John enlisted in First Missouri
Militia, and was wounded by being shot through the body Any.
6, 1862, in a skirmish at Blackberry Ridge, Mo. ; was discharged
Feb. 6. 1863; re-enlisted Aug. 1, 1864, in Co. E, 44th regiment,
Missouri Volunteers for one j^ear; was discharged Aug. 15, 1865.
He moved from Milan, Mo., to Denton Co., Texas, in 1879, where
he died the following year, July 14, 1880. He was married Sept.
1, 1867, to Sarah E. Whittacre, dan. of Thomas and Rebecca
Whittacre, of Indiana. The widow and children returned to
Milan, Sullivan Co., Mo., where they resided 1907. Ch. :
Henry T. Garrett, b. June 14, 1868.
John M., b. July 15, 1870.
Mary C, b. April 22, 1872; d. infant.
William F., b. Sept. 20, 1873; d. infant.
James H., b. March 25, 1875.
Sarah A., b. May 15, 1877.
1241-a VII. Andrew J., b. March 21, 1879.
1132. NANCY JANE GARRETT (Madison-Borter-Jolw), b.
Nov. 29, 1847; m. June 11, 1876, John W. Iludnall ; res. ]\lilan,
Mo., Ch. :
1241J). I. William Nathan Hudnall, b. Dec. 26, 1876.
1241-c II. John Madison Iludnall, b. I\Iay 7, 1878.
1241-d. III. Clarence Hudnall, b. Aug. 9, 1881 ; d. Aug 19,
1134. MARY ELLEN GARRETT (]\Iadison-Borter-John),
b Aug. 4, 1851; m. Andrew J. McKinney; residence Milan, Mo.
She died 1901, leaving five ch. :
1242. I. IIatti<> Elizabeth McKinney, b. April 16, 1882.
1243. II. Sniimel B. Garrett McKinney, b. Oct. 'irl named Walker.
1531. YI. Nancy, m. Oliver :\Iilner.
1532. VII. Jessie (Cox).
1533. VIII. Rebecca (Anderson).
1534. IX. Polly (Jennings) ; by second wife.
1535. X. Betsy (Nuban) ?
1504. OEORGE GARRETT (Benjamin); ch.:
1536. I. Captain John S. Garrett, who at one time lived
at Victoria, Knox Co., 111.; n. f. k.
. 1505. JOSEPH GARRETT (Benjamin), b. 1780; d. 1838;
m. Charlotte Bolt; res. Cabel, now Wayne Co., W. Va. Ch. :
Celia, m. John Newman ; res. Wa\Tie Co., W. Va.
Joseph F.
Matilda (Henderson).
JOHN GARRETT (Benjamin), m. Polly , res.
Virginia and Highland Co., O. So far as I have been informed
the ch. were:
1548. Nancy.
1549. Dempsey.
1550. William.
1551. Harvey.
1552. Jesse B.
Probably others. As to present address of ;niy of his de-
scendants I know nothing.
1507. ISOM GARRETT (Benjamin), b. in Virginia and m.
in same state Nancy Si)nrloek, of Cabel, now Wayne Co., W.
Va. Moved to Ohio abont 1810 and to Indiana about 1820.
Settled on Fall Creek a few miles below where the toAvn of
Pendlett^ii now is and not far from Portville in the corner of
Hamilton county. He resided here some tAvonty years. Sev-
eral of hh children rn. Vvdiile here and his dang'hters Ann
(Holliday) and Cyntha (Humphreys) and their families re-
mained here, passing away in old ag'e a few years ag-o. He
and some of the family moved to Madison Co., Iowa, about
1840. He d. 1853. His dan. Hannah m. Harvey Pendleton.
The Pendletons. it is said, built th.e first hotel in the town of
Pendleton, Ind. Ch. :
1553. Hannah (Pendleton).
1554. Jane (m. W. G. Goe).
1555. Ann (Holliday).
1556. Lewis; weiit to Texas; d. 1878.
1557. John; d. in lovra, 1854.
1558. Cyntha (Humphrey) ; d. Portville, Ind., 189 — .
1559. Harriet (Ballard).
1509. NANCY GARPtETT (Benjamin), b. : d. 1868;
m. 3.rajor Adam Smith; he d. in Kentucky abouit 1824. Moved
to Illinois. ]\I. second Francis Kino-ston. Ch. :
1560. I. Byrd Smith, b. 1808; d. 1880; res. Plymouth, 111.
1561. II. Isaac Smith; b. , d. about 1853.
1562. III. Harriet Smith; m. William Ballard; i-es. Ohio;
d, 1881.
1563. IV. Roxey SmJth, m. Isaiah Ralston; nine ch,.; she
d. in Missouri, 1882.
1564. V. John IT. Smith. I). -Inly 26, 1819; m. 1839; she
h. Oct. 14, 1S19; d. Feb. 11, 1907; res. Plynuv.ith, Hancock Co.,
111. They have niunerons s(»ns and daughters married and
living' neai" Plymouth.
1565. VI. Isom Smith; d. aged 8 years.
1566. VII. F. A. Kingston, the only di. by 2nd marriage
of Nancy (Garrett), res. Pierce City, ]\Io.
1511. JANE GARRETT (Benjamin), m. Mayo; moved
to LaMa-ence Co., 0.. and later settled near Caleslmrg, III.;
n. f. k.
1512. JOHN GARRETT (BenjamiuJieiijaniin), b. Ajuil 2,
1805; m. 1833, Eliza Gadsby. He settled near Chapmanville,
Logan Co.. W. Va.. where many of his numerous descendants
now live. Ch. :
1567. I. Edward; m. twice; by his first wife, a Miss Stone,
he had two sons and one daughter; by second wife four sous
and four daughters. Ch. :
1. Eliza A.
2. William E.
3. John W.
4. Minnie A.
5. Ward.
6. Wallace.
7. Nettie,
8. Morgan.
9. Edward.
10. Mary.
11. Maud.
1568. II. Sarah Garrett, m. David McComas ; four ch.
1569. III. Nancy Garrett; m. Capt. Charles Stone; he d.
189 — ; four sons, one dau.
1570. IV. Dyke Garrett ; m. Sarah A. Smith ; he is a Chris-
tian preacher; three sons and four dau.
1571. V. Valeria Garrett; m. James Blevius; two sons
two dau. :
1. Charles B.
2. Lydia.
3. Sarah.
4. Peter D.
1572. VI. Venilia; d. s. p.
1573. VII. Jane Garrett; m. Barker; he d. ; one son.
two daughters.
1574. VIII. Julia Garrett; did not m.
1575. IX. John Garrett Jr.. m. Stateu ; she d. 1904 ;
one son, one daughter.
1576. X. Peter Garrett, b. Dec. 25, 1856; m. Dee. 1884,
^lary Ann Covert ; three sons, four daughters :
1- John.
2. Anzanetta.
3. Ella.
4. Doliver.
5. Mollie.
6. Sarah E.
7. ChaHes.
1513. REBECCA GxVRRETT (Benjamm-Benjamin), b. in
W. Va., 1817 ; m. Abraham Trout ; res. Franklin, Johnson Co.,
Ind. Ch. :
1577. I. Lee Trout, b. 1844 ; widow lives near Franklin,
1578. II. Franklin Trout, b. 1859.
1579. III. Ida Trout. Other ch., n. f. k.
1518. MORGAN GARRETT (Benjamin-Benjamin), b. ,
d. 1882; m. MeClure; res. Wayne Co., W. Va. Widow
living 1906. Ch. :
1580. I. William B., P. 0. 1907, Dixon, \V. Va.
1581. II. Erie; m. Jno. Burgess; P. 0. Ardel, W. Va.
1582. Ill Rebecca; did not m.
1520. MORRIS GARRETT (Benjamin-Benjamin), b. Jan.
4, 1835 ; m. Feb. 22, 1866, Annie Mangun, b. Feb. 18, 1846 ; she
d. April 10, 1884; res. Hume, 111. P. 0. 1906, National Military
Home, Danville, 111. Nine eh. :
1583. I. Ellis, b. Nov. 25, 1866; d. April 8, 1873.
1584. II. Pearl, b. Aug-. 11, 1868; m.
1585. III. Jennie Lou, b. June 17, 1870.
Edna, Jan. 22, 1872; m. Eudora Cardola.
James B., b. April 23, 1874; P. 0. Fort Collins,
Emma, b. Oct. 17, 1875.
VII. Orestes M., b. Aug. 20, 1876 ; P. 0. Fort Dodge,
1590. VIII. Ola Marie, b. May 25, 1880; d. April 7, 1884.
1591. IX. Anna Tranquil, b. Nov. 24. 1883; d. Feb. 2 1884.
1523. JAMES DOLIVER GARRETT (Benjaniiii-Beuja-
)iii;i), b. , m. ]\Iary Staley: ho is a niiiiister in the M. E.
elm.reli Smith; resides on the old Garrett i'aiin, near Ai-(h'l,
Wayne Co.. W. Va. Ch. :
1592. i. Erie (Payne).
1593. II. Adaline (Spurlock).
1594. III. Rosa (Adkins).
1595. IV. Toka (Pyle)
1596. V. Dr. Benjamin Garrett.
1597. VI. Jc.hn Garrett.
1598. VII. N.olda Garrett.
1599. VIII. Pearl, died s. ]>.
1526. JOHN GARRETT (William-Benjamin): res. Va., Hi
land Co., O.. and ]\Iadison Co., Iowa, where he d.: n. f. k. of
.1527. TYRE GARRETT ( \ViHi.;m-Benjamin), d. in Hardin
Co., O.; n. f. k.
1523. CHARLES GARRETT (William-Benjamin), b. ;
m. an Indian. :!; d.
July 4, 1832; res. W. Va. Ch.:
Tiewis Preston Garrett, b. 1822.
.Melville M. Garrett, b. Jan. 10. 1824.
Alon/u (.'arret 1.
Marshall A. CJarrett.
]\It. Etna (Jarrett.
I<]li Truitt (Jarrett; was a soldier; d. from ef-
fects of service and wounds; m., lell issue;
II. r. k.
KiOt). X\\. iiOiiisa (m. Newman).
KiOT. Vlll. Meleena (m. Ray).
ItlOS. IX. Jnnietta (m. E. V. Morrison).
1542. HARVEY GARRETT (Joseph-Benjamin), b. ; d.
1 000.
i( ;();}.
nbout 1893; res. Roseville. Wnrren Co.. 111.; m. reared larii-o
family: one son named Leroy ; P. 0., 1907. Roseville, 111.
1543. NANCY GURRETT (Joseph-Benjamin), b, 1806; m.
Rev. Bnrwell Spurlock; res. Wayne Co., W. Va.
1544. JOSEPH F. GARRETT (Joseph-Benjamin), b. Nov.
18, 1808; d. Dec. 24, 1889: res. Plymontb, 111. He was a man
of mnch travel and good memory. To him I am r.nder obliga-
tion for the greater part of the history of his ancestors. He
was m. three times; no snrviving ch. by his first or second wife.
Third wife, Elizabeth Terrell Parks : ch. :
1609. I. Eleetra Charlotte (Cook), b. 1853 ; she d. ; two ch.
1, Ina F. Monger, a VvndoAv, Seattle, Wash.
2. Ray L. Cook, res. 1907. 4157 State St., Chicago.
1610. II. Benjamin 0. Garrett, b. 1856; d. Dec. 4, 1879;
m. Nellie Spanlding. d. Sept. 4, 1904; no living issue.
1600. LEWIS PRESTON GARRETT (Leroy-Joseph-Ben-
jamin), m. ; ch. :
1611. I. Dr. Alonzo Garrett, P.O. 1909, Neuvo Laredo,
Mexico. U. S. Consul.
1612. II. Fletelier Gariett, res. Catlettsbnrg, Ky.
Benjamin), cb. :
1613. I. Irene, m. Dr. Webb ; he d.
1614. n. Joseph W.; d. about 1859.
1615. III. Minnie ; m. Bingham ; res. Cincinnati. '
1616. IV. John Kyle, b. about 1873; res. Cincinnati.
1617. V. Hattie; m. Thornburg.
The authoi' makes no claim, or pretense of furnishing a com-
plete geneology of the descendants of Benjamin (Jairett. The
foregoing is simply a little data of the family which was for
the most part collected about the j'ear 1885 to 1887. It may
serve the jjurpose of aiding some one in (•umjiiii..g a more
complete record.
The following data of a number of different branches of the
Garrett family has been gleaned from scores of letters re-
ceived by the writer during the past twenty-five years. Ac-
curacy in data is not vouched for. It is simply placed here
for what it is worth. Some genealogist may be able to glean
from the mass some long-looked-for connecting link. By ski]v
ing a few numbers these are begun with even 1700.
1700. WILLIAM GARRETT, of Essex Co.. Va.; b. Dec. 24,
1752; d. 1825; m. Elizbeth Taylor; she d. 1821. Ch. :
1701. I. James, d. aged 45, s. p.
1702. XL William.
1703. III. Waller.
1704. IV. Reuben, b. 1784.
1705. V. John Smith; moved to Sangamon Co.. 111.; his
family all dec.
1706. Aa. Betsy, m. Smallwood A. Coghill.
1707. VII. Theodoric.
1708. VIII. D. infant.
He m. second Clara Fabors; ch. :
1709. IX. (1) Richard Henry, b. 1806; d. about 1877.
1710. X. (2) Cyntha, m. Armstrong; had large family in
1711. XI. (3) Silas S. Garrett, d. about 1878 in Caroline
Co., Va.; had several childi-en ; res. in lower part of Caroline
Co., Va.
1702. WILLIAM GARRETT (IF), son of William and Eliza-
beth ; m. 1822, Anna McCarthy ( ?) ; moved to Lexington, Ky.,
where his family was reared. Ch. :
1712. I. William, nj. Martha Rorer.
1713. II. Elizabelh, m. .L.hii Wright.
1714. III. Mary, m. S. E. Taylor.
1715. IV. James H., m. Fannie Harris; lived in l»r54 at
Leon, la. No ch.
1703. WALLER GARRETT (son of William and Elizabeth
Taylor), moved to Nelson Co., K\.. in 1816; d. 1870. Ch. :
1716. I. John, res. Cleremont Station, Ky.
1717. II. Thomas.
1718. III. James.
1719. IV. Elizabeth (Thornton).
1720. V. Cyntha (Shaw), dec, of Louisville. Ky.
1704. EEUBEN GARRETT (William and Elizabeth Taylor),
b. 1784 in Essex Co., Va.; moved to Ross Co.. 0., 1833; d.
1858. He m. in Virginia. Sarah Tooms, b. 1795. d. 1878. Ch. :
1721. I. Mary (Todd)), b. Oct. 13, 1814; res. Hocking
Co., Ohio.
1722. 11. William, b. Sept. 1, 1816; had three daughters;
res. Ross Co., 0.
1723. III. Elizabeth, b. 1818: m. Robert Garnet, res. Cedar
Rapids, la.
1724. lY. Richard, b. Jan. 6, 1821; m. 1853; had eleven
ch. ; res. Ross Co., 0.
1725. Y. Sarah Jane, b. 1823: m. Samuel Bell; res. Brook-
lyn, Iowa.
' 1726. YI. Catherine, d. in Ya.
1727. YII. James Henry, b. Aug. 15, 1828 ; m. May 12, 1850,
Sarah Jones; twelve ch. ; res. near Chillicothe. O.
1728. YIII. Yirginia. b. 1831; m. Joseph Shoemaker; nine
ch. ; res. Ross Co., 0.
1729. IX. Thomas Jefferson, d. inft.
1730. X. Silas Strawn. b. July 21. 1836. JJp was in army
during war; attorney-at-law ; settled at Memphi:^, Tenn., after
the war.
1707. THEODORIC GARRETT (William and Elizabeth
Taylor), b. in Essex Co., Ya.; d. about 1875 in Essex Co. Ch. :
1731. I. James M.
1732. II. Henry S.
1733. III. Mary; n. f. k.
1709. RICHARD HENRY GARRETT (son of William and
2nd wife, Clara Fabo^rs), b. in Es.sex Co., Ya., 1806; d. about
1877, near Port Royal. Caroline Co., Ya.. his farm being some
three miles from Port Royal. It was on this farm that John
Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lincoln, was shot. Ch. :
1734. I. Mary B. (Campbell), res. Martinsburg. W. Ya.
1735. II. Cecilia F. (Neill), res. Lexington. Mo.
1736. III. John M., Port Royal, Ya.
1737. lY. Kate A., Port Royal, Ya.
1738. V. William (iairett, Port Royal, Va.
Children by second wife:
173!). VI. Hex. Robert B. (iarielt, of Kentucky.
1740. VII. l/iUic J<\
1741. Vlll. Robert C, res. Carlisle, Ky.
1742. IX. Heyietta (Talliferio), Port Royal, Va.
1743. X. Co]-M L.
1712. WILLIAM (lARRETT (William and Annie, William
and Eli/abclli) ; m. 1848, ]\Iartha Rorer. He moved to Iowa;
res. Burlington. He was grand secretary of the (iraiid Lodge
I. 0. 0. F. for many years. Ch. :
William Rorer, d. age 6 years.
Henry Cook, m. 1S75, p]llen B. Tracy.
Fannie, d. childhood.
F. M. Garrett.
Rev. David Claiborne Garrett.
>Mary 11. (iaiTctl. oT Deeatnr, HI., historian of
Jessie L.
1752. IX. Jaclvson Kemper Garrett.
1727. .JA.AIP:S henry G'ARRFTT (Reuben. William and
Eli;^abeth), b. Aug. 15, 1828: m. May 12, 1850, Sarah Jones:
moved to Ross Co., O., about 1832. Ch. :
1753. I. Silas Franklin Garrett, )). Feb. 23, 1851: at-
torney, Chillicothe, O.
Reuben AVilsnn.
Mary H.
Sarah Elizabeth.
Louise Jane, d. inft.
yi. James Henry.
William .Xcwion.
Anna Jane.
Leah Catherine.
Ethan Allen. '
Minnie Belle, d. aged 4 years.
David Nelson; n. f. k. this familv.
that Gari-ett 1
1 750.
17G5. ELIJAH GAKKE'J'T, hons and roared in Buckingham
Co.. Va.; had brothers: (1766) Thomas, (1767) John, (1768)
William, (1769) Stephen, (1770) xVbraham and (1771) Isaac.
Thomas was killed in battle of New Orleans; another, nam.e
not remembered, killed at Bunker Hill; one killed in Kentucky
b}' the Indians. Benjamin, Joshua and Elijah nu)ved to Over-
ton Co., Tenn. Benjamin was a soldier in the war of 1812.
Elijah married Mary Casey, settled in Overton Co., Tenn., 1812.
He had sons viz: (1772) Stephen, father of Hon. A. E. (larrett,
of Carthage, Tenn.; (1773) Abraham, (1774) Elijah, (1775)
Pleasant, (177i)j Shacirak, (1777) Thomas, (1778)
John, (177J)) Isaac, all t»f whom had large families. Numerous
descendants of these reside in Overton, Pickett, Clay and Jack-
son counties, Tenn.
1780. DAVID WARREN GARRETT (Absalom, John, a
Rev. soldier), of Bedford City, Va., is probabl}^ of this I'aniily,
as his people were from Buckingham Co., Va.
1781. AVILLIAM H. GARRETT, of Portland, Mo. (Wm. B.,
Wm., Stephen), is also probably of this family and his brother,
(1782) George W., has son (1783) 0. Garrett, also of Portalnd,
1784. OSV\x\LD GARRETT, principal of public schools of
East Bernard, Tex., has some valuable data about this family.
For a part of this data I am indebted to A. E. Garrett and
others whose names are mentioned above; n. f. k.
1885. SILAS GARRETT: tradition says he had brothers
(1886j John, (1887) William, (1888) ^I'homas. (1889) Ben-
jamin, (1890) Joseph, (1891) Abel, and a sister (1892) Hannah,
who m. Mr. Nathan Burson. (May have been children of one
■ Inhn Garrett). Silas was m. twice; by his first wife he had
two ch. ; by second, three ch., probably more. Res. Bedford
Co., Va.; some say also of Franklin Co., Va. Ch. :
1893. I. Alderson W. Garrett, the father of (1894) A. H.
(iarrett, lived in the year 1885 at High Grove, Ky. ; (1895)
James J. Garrett, Delaware, Ark., being also a son of Alderson.
1896. II. Reason V. Garrett, b. Sept. 6. 1792. in Va. ; d.
in Boone Co., Tnrl., 1888. He married his cousin Margaret
Biirson, b. 1795, d. 1880, dan. of Nathan and Hannah (Gar-
rett) Burson ; their eh. :
1897. I. Dr. Alderson Garrett, b. Au^. 17. 1813.
1898. II. Nathan B. Garrett.
1899. III. Mary A,, ra. her cousin James A. Garrett,
then of High Grove, Ky.
1900. IV. Haden E., m. Jnlia Harriman ; address Man-
kato, Minn.
By his second wife Silas had :
1901. III. Peter B. Garrett, late of Camp Point, 111.
1902. IV. Susan (Hess).
1903. V. Betty (Moore), late of Pardee, Kas. ^
1897. DR. ALDERSON GARRETT, b. 1813; by his first
wife, Maiy Welsh, had son: (1904) Lewis B. Garrett, of Man-
kato, Minn.; by second wife, Sarah Curry, had (1905) John C.
Garrett, of Thorntowii. Ind. 'IMioi-e may have been others;
ti. r. k.
1898. NATHAN B. GARRETT, b. Feb. 22. 1816, son of
Reason V.; m. Elizabeth Gates; settled at Reece's Mills, Boone
Co., Ind. Ch.: (1906) Reason C, of Lebanon, Ind.; (1907)
Alderson, dec; n. f. k.
1890. JOSEPH GARRETT, said to have been a brother of
Silas, previously mentioned. Resided about nine miles from
Wilmington, Del., and 28 miles from Philadelphia. Wife,
Josephine (Garrett). Probably moved to Kentucky about 1816.
Ch.: (1908) Horatio. (1909) Elizabeth, (1910) Thomas Jeffer-
son and others. The latter Avas b. May 14, 1796. and nu)ved
to Kentucky about 1816; m. Jidy 3, 1817, Susanna Wickert.
Thomas Jefferson Garrett was a papermaker by trade, having
learned the trade on the Brand.vwine creek in DelaM^are. He
resided in Lexington, Ky., also Russell Co., Ky. ; d. in Schuyler
Co., 111., Nov. 25, 1867. Ch. :
1911. I. George W. Garrett, b. April 16. 1818; m. 1843.
Delilah Lutrell ; res., 1885, Macon, Neb. Had son Peter C.
1912. II. John. 1). in Lexington, Ky., Sept. 10, 1820; m.
Sarah E. Williamson; d. 1879-1880.
1913. III. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 20, 1823; m. Silas Kirkinan;
(1. 1863 in Kansas.
1914. IV. Elizabeth, b. 1825; in. Frank D. Kruse; res.
Kockville, 111.
1915. V. Caroline, b. in Russell Co., Ky.. 1828; m. 1845,
John Jordon ; res. Ashgrove, Neb.
1916. VI. Bryant, b. 1830; m. 1851. Elizabeth Bradley; m.
second, Nancy Bradley.
1917. VII. Marg-aret, b. 1832; ni. 1854, Henry Worshani;
res., 1885, Pleasant View, Schnyler Co., 111.
1918. VIII. Martlia, b. 1835; m. 1857, Henry Brines; res.
1885, Holdbridge, Neb.
1919. JOEL GARRETT, b. about 1782, d. 1856. His father
was probably named John. He may have been a brother of
Boeter and Gibson and half brother to Welcome. Res. not
known, but probably from North Carolina or Virginia to Ken-
tucky on the middle fork of the Kentucky river. It is said that
Joel was a soldier in the war of 1812, after which he moved to
Tenn. and m. Sarah James or Jeans, and a few years later
settled in Dark Co., 0., where he reared a large family. It
is thought by some of his children that he had brothers and
sisters named John, Gibson, Anna (m. Geo. Little), Elizabeth
(Cummins), Russell, and probably Boeter. The children of
Joel and Sarah were :
Anna (McQuay), b. 1816.
James, b. 1818; d. 1867.
Elizabeth, b. 1820; d. 1874.
John, b. 1822; d. 1871.
Joel, b. 1824; went west, never heard from.
Sarah, b. 1826 ; d. 1876 ; m. William Turner.
Rollin, b. 1828; d. 1876.
Jesse, b. 1830; d. suicide 1862.
Daniel, b. 1832; d. Sept., 1886.
1929. X. Mary, b. 1835.
1930. XL Lewis R.. b. 1837; m. 1860, Sophia Elwaiiger.
1931. XII. Kachel, b. 1840.
Some of these lived in Dark Co., C, and some did live near
Sidney. 0. Lewis K. was a farmer near Sidney. His ch.
(1932) Joseph, b. 1861; (1933) Minnie, b. 1864; (1934) Mary
b. 1867; (1935) Georoe W., b. 1868; (1936) Lewis F.. b. 1870
d. inft.; (1937) Edo-ar. b. 1871: (1938) Lewis W.. b. 1874
(1939) Lizzie, b. 1877; (1940) Bernice. b. 1879; (1941) William,
b. 1883, d infant; (1942) Belle, b. 1880, d. inft.; (1943) Lanra,
b. 1882; (1944) Cleveland, b. 1885, d. inft.
1945. HENRY GARRETT, who eame from Virginia, settled!
ill 1806 ill Fayette Co., Ky.. Avliere he d. about 1846. Ch. :
1946. I. Fleming', b. 1778, d. 1877; settled in Bath Co.,
Ky. ; large family.
1947. II. David, moved to Mo.; d. about 1878.
1948. III. B. Franklin, settled near Canton, Mo.
1949. lY. Andrew, b. 1808; d. 1878; settled in Estell
county, Ky.
1950. V. Richard, moved Avest ; n. f. k.
1951. YI. Mary Ann, m. J. C. Barclay.
1952. YII. Clarissa.
1953. YIII. Martha, m. James L. Willis; res. Rochester. Ky.
The children of Andrew, 1808-1878, and wife Deborah Ben-
ton, 1806-1865:
1954. I. Robert Henry, b. April 3, 1830; d. 1891; res.
Estell Co.. Ky. ; reared large family.
1955. II. Benton, of Madison Co., Ky. I
1956. III. Royston. of Madison Co., Ky.
1957. lY. David, res. 1907, I\Iate. IMadison Co., Ky.
1958. Y. Belle (Tackett), res. Sherley, McLean Co.. 111.
1959. YI. John J., dec.
1960. YII. Thomas J., a Union soldier, 4th Ky. Reg. :
wounded in battle of Richmond, Ky.
1961. VIII. .Alaliiida.
1962. IX. :\rartha A. X. Minerva. XI. Nancy.
1963. XII. Mary Ellen.
1954. ROBERT HENRY GARRETT, above mentioned, b.
April 8, 1830; d. March 7, 1891; m. Barker, she d. 1896; ch. :
( 196-1) James R., d. 1880; (1965-a) David, d. 1873; (1965-b)
Willaim A. Garrett, b. 1851, of Franklin, Ind ; (1966-a) H. B.
Garrett, b. 1853; (1966-b) John W., b. 1855; (1967) Thomas
J., b. 1857, of Noland, Ky. ; (1968) Robert M., ex-sheriff of
Estill Co., Ky.; (1969) J. Haslin, d. 1891; (1970) Schuyler Ben-
ton Garrett, b. Oct. 23, 1868; res. Noland, Ky.
1971. WILLIAM GARRETT, of Fairfax Co., Va., was head
of the following family. He had two brothers, names not
known, who settled in eastern North Carolina. William m.
about 1774, Mary Lucas; he d. of smallpox about 1775-1776; to
ilu'm was born a son:
1972. Thomas Lucas Garrett. The widow afterwards m.
Tyloses Simpson. Thomas Lucas, b. about 1775, m. about 1800,
Susan Simpson, and settled in Caswell Co., N. C. T^velve ch..
1973. William Garrett, who settled in Georgia. Has a son in
^'ocial Circle, Ga.
1974. George, b. about 1803; d. 1891-92; had sons, (1975)
Joseph, of Columbus, Ga. ; (1976) Thomas J. and (1977) Rob-
ert, of Rockingham Co., N. C.
1978. James Madison, b. May 10, 1809; res. Guilford Co.,
X. c.
John Wesley.
Eliza, m. Lynch
' For Uie above dala 1 am iiiidcr obligations to James ]M. Gar-
rett, dec, of Greensboro. N. C. ; Joseph S. Garrett, Columbus,
(;a., and •). \l. (Jarrett. Thoinpsonville, N. C: ii. f. k.
1988. JOHN GAKIJKTT. I^.altiiiiore Co.. Md., had son,
(ll)8'Jj Isaac Garrett, wiio married Martha Davis. The cb. of
Isaac and Martha :
1U[)(). I. Nancy, m. ^Yilliam DcGost ; she d. Tiiscohi. 111.,
Aug. 2f). 1S77.
li)!)l. IJ. John. ni. at llagerstoun. lud. ; d. Attica. Ind.
19!)2. IJI. Mary, d. Zanesville, 0.
i;)!);C IV. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 28, 1823: m. A. II. Pratt;
P. 0., 1886, Anderson, Ind.
1!){)4. V. Benjamin, b. Nov. 26, 1.S24; m. 1848, Anna B.
Secrist: res. Indianaimlis, Ind.; ch. : (1995) William II., (1996)
Frank W. (1997) Rana B., (1998) Mary, (1999) Benjamin.
200U. VI. Martha, b. Feb. 14, 1826; m. J. C. Farrier; res.
Middletown, 0.
2001. VII. Lemuel, b. Oct. 1, 1828; m. April 3, 1859, in
Butler Co., 0., Elizaebth McFall. Their ch. : Benjamin F..
b. March 21, 18(U), of Somerville, 0. ; William L., b. June 28,
1861, also of Somerville, 0. ; Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1862, d. Jan. 30,
1884; Naomi, b. Jan. 22, 1868.
2002. VIII. Rhoda. b. Oct. 1, 1830: m. John Stilling; res.
Ehvood, lud.
2003. IX. Harriett, d. inft.: n. f. k.
2004. JOHN GARRETT, of eastern Pennsylvania; b. April
7, 1787 ; m. Rebecca Little, b. April 27, 1787. Their ch. :
2005. I. Sarah, b. ]\Iarch 3, 1809.
2006. II. Nathan, b. April 24, 1810; resided in Henry Co..
Ind., the father of several sons and daughters.
2007. III. Amos, b. Nov. 24, 1811.
2008. IV. Polly, b. Aug. 16, 1813.
2009. V. Lucinda, b. March 27, 1818.
2010. VI. Kiziah, b. Feb. 14, 1820.
2011. VII. James Madison, b. Oct. 20, 1821.
2012. VIII. John D., b. Jan. 15, 1823.
2013. IX. Abel, b. Oct. 14, 1825; m. Mariah ; set-
tled in Blackford Co., Ind., near Montpelier.
2014. X. Hnldah E., b. Sept. 10, 1827.
The children of Abel and Mariah were : (2015) 0. T. Garrett,
(2016) L. E. Garrett, (2017) O. M. Garrett, (2018) Nancy J..
(2019) W. C. Garrett, (2020) Sarah E., (2021) Mary A., (2022)
N. S. Garrett, (2023) Linda B., (2024) Lanra V., (2025) Nora
L. Garrett.
Age 121 years.
2026. THOMAS M. GARRETT, of Baldwin Co., Ala., son
of John Garrett, of Calvert (!) Co., Md. When Thomas was 7
years old the family settled in Onslow Co., N. C, near the
mouth of New River. Thomas was the oldest child ; besides him
there was Vanvilla, a son ; Sarah and Hannah. Thomas was b.
Aug. 26,1767. He lived to be 121 years old. lie m. in North
C^arolina and at the age of 27 settled in Monroe Co., Ga., and
some years later moved to Santa Rosa Co., Fla., and from
there to Baldwin Co., Ala. He was m. three times and was
father to twenty-one children, some of whom died in infancy.
II is first wife was Sarah E ; ch.:
Scott Garrett.
Sarah, m. Neider.
Mary, m. Jones.
Rebecca, m. Baldwin.
Marinda, m. Presley, of Milton, Fla.
John, b. 1832; Milton, Fla.
Andrew J., b. 1836.
He m. second, Mary Knowles, Knobles or Nobles ; ch. :
2036. X. Nancy, m. Anderson.
2037. XI. William ; res. near Pensecola, Fla.
2038. XII. Josephine, dec.
He m. third, Eli/abeth Sanders; ch. :
2039. XIII. Benjamin, b. July :i. 1855 ; P. 0. Muscogee, Fla.
2040. XIV. ^lliomas Marion, b. Dec. 18. 1857; Bayuiin-
ette, Ala.
2041. XV. Amanda, b. June 2, 1861: d. 1863.
2042. XVI. Nathan, b. April 20, 1863.
2043. XVII. Caroline, b. April 20, 1863: ni. Westmark.
2044. XVIII. George Washington, b. March 5. 1865: res.
1907, Wilmer, Mobile Co., Ala.
2045. THOMAS I. GARRETT, b. in Virginia, 1777; d. in
Kentucky, 1855. His residence in Virginia was near Louisa C.
H. His brother lived in Albemarle Co.. Va. He had b'-othei'
Peter who moved to Missouri in 1821; Henry, who died nea'
Lexington, Ky. ; Ira, Geor^-e, Ashton ; place of resideuci of
three last named not known. 'I'honuis I. ^^'as married t^v'ice.
By his first wife, a Miss Johnson, he had one son, (2046) ^!ui -
dock Garrett. His second wife was Nancy Thompson. 'I'lieir _
eh.: (2047) Clifton, 1:2048) George, (2049) Alexander, (2():.0: '
Henry, b. in Lexington, Ky., July 11, 1809; (2051) Sophia, m.
Douglass; (2052) Catherine, m. Scott; (2053) Mariah, dec;
(2054) Thomas or Thompson; (2055)Sally Ann, m. Cox.
Above named Murdock Garrett was the father of (2056) San
ford; (2057) Harry; (2058) Richard; (2059) William: (2060)
Bettie,m. Hodge; (20()1) Mary; (2002) Delilah, m. Reed; (2063)
Thonuis I, who was the father of (2064) Mrs. Edward Tayh.i-.
of Cincinnati, O. Tliis latter Tlioma.s T. married Cassie Hi>se-
The senior Thomas I. Ciai-rett movetl fr(jm Virginia to L''X
ington, Ky., and from there to near Mt. Sterling, where lie
resided a number of years. He died in Greenup Co., Ivy
about 1853.
2065. JAMES GARKETT, b. about 1752; moved from Cul-
]»ep|jer, Va., about 1800, to Tennessee, then about 1805 set-
tled in ]\Toutgomerv Co., Kv.. about I'oiu' miles from Mount
Sterling, where he died about 1852, aged 100 years. He had
a brother Robert, also of Montgomery Co., Ky., who d. 1848,
aged about 100 years. James's first wife was a McCoy; his
• 'cond wife. Susan Campbell; by the two he had 14 eh. Some
of their names follow: (2066) Lewis, settled near Brunswick,
Mo., was a preacher: (2067) Nancy; (2068) Findiey Garrett,
of "Sit. Sterling, Ky. By the second wife he had Lucy, m. Ra-
burn ; (2069) vSanford, dec, who had son Sanford at Levee.
K'y. ; (2070) James Garrett, Jr.. 1). Aug. 10. 1813, of German-
town, Kas.; (2071) Owen C. Garrett, b. Feb. 29, 1818, of Litch-
lield, 111.; (2072) Jane.
Findlej' Garrett, above mentioned son of James, resided at
}Jt. Sterling, Ky.; had ch.: (2073) J. Robert, of Owenton,
Ky. : (2074) Miss Melissa Garrett, res.. 1885, Mt. Sterling, Ky. ;
2075) Elkanah, of Bement, 111.: (2076) Lewis L., of Gibson
City, 111., and several other daughters in Kentucky and Illi-
nois. The father claims to be of Irish descent.
2077. ROBERT GARRETT, brother of above James: m.
Xerlinda Cox; their ch. : (2078) James, father of R. C. Garrett,
..f Senatobia, Miss.; (2079) William, of Putnam Co.. Ind. :
(2080) Jesse; (2081) Abraham: (2082) John; (2083) Silas, who
(I. at Springfield, 111., and had son (2084) James H. Garrett.
There v/as Thomas Benjamin Garrett, Mayor of Ft. Smith.
.'\!'k., son of James, Avho is of the above family. Some (»f
ese spell their names with an "o" — Garrott; n. f. k.
2085. WILLIAM GARRETT, b. in Rockingham Co., Va.,
riboiit 1786; had brother Samuel, b. about 1788, and two other
lirothers who moved to New Virginia and one to Noi'th Caro-
jiiia. William's wife was a cousin to Samuel's wife, lie moved
Tu Harrison Co.. Ky., and later to Rush Co., Ind.: m. Barbai-a
Green, she d. 1865; he d. 1881, aged 95 years. Ch. :
2086. I. Margaret, m. Jackson Peck; moved to Casey, 111.
2087. II. Sinu^ou; had three ch. : (2088) James; (2089)
Lewis, b. Feb. 19, 1843; (2090) Joseph, res. Downeyvilie. Ind.
2091. III. Wesley; res., 1884, Downeyvilie, Ind.'
2092. SAMUEL GARRETT, the brother of above named
William, was b. in Rockinuham Co., Va., abont 1788; m. in
same county Sarah Rush, dau. of Jacob; settled in Harrison
Co., Ky., where they lived many years, then moved to Fa.yette
Co., Ind. He d. at Fishersburg, Ind., abont 1855. Ch. :
2093. I. Reuben, b. 1804 in Rockingham Co., Va. ; d. in
Towa; has son William L. Garrett, Warrington. Ind.
2094. II. Madison, res. Fayette Co., Ind.
2095. III. Jacob, address, 1884, Alqnina, Ind.
2096. IV. Nicholas, of Milner's Corner, Hancock Co., Ind.
2097. H. C. Garrett is the only son of William L. Garrett,
of Warrington, Ind., above mentioned.
Of Loudoun County, Virginia.
2098. SAMUEL GARRETT, a revolutionary soldier, lived
in Loudoun, Co., Va. ; m. Rebecca Harper ; ch. :
2099. I. Rachel; m. Peter Kelly ; moved to Ohio about 1816.
2100. II. Catherine.
2101. III. William.
2102. IV. Samuel.
2103. V. Nicholas.
For this data I am indebted to Mrs. A. C. Hoj)kinson, Mus
catine, la.
2104. WILLIAM GARRETT. 1.. in North Carolina, probably
son of Isaac, (^h. :
2105. J. Mary Ann, b. about 1826-28; ni. W. 11. Jackson.'
2106. II. Madison, b. about 1830; dee.
2107. 111. Daniel B., address unknown.
2108. IV. John I\l., 1). 1834; address Indianapolis.
2109. V. Sanuiel M. Garrett, b. June 13, 1836; res. Ca.\
uga, Ind.; did live in Westtield, Ind., about 1864.
2110. VI. W. P. Garrett, Indianapolis.
2111. VII. Isaac; d. inft.
2112. RICHARD (JAK'KLTT. probably b. in South Carolina
wife's name Lydia ; their son:
2113. HENRY GARRETT, b. in North Carolina March 2.
1787 ; m. Miriam Ward, she was b. in N. C. Jan. 17, 1796. i
1816 they settled near Middleboro, Wayne Co., Ind. He d.
Aug. 1, 1843; she d. Sept. 16, 1866. Thirteen eh.:
2114. I. Richard Garrett, b. Aug. 25, 1815.
2115. II. John, b. Nov. 29, 1816 ; d. July 5, 1883.
2116. III. James, b. May 9, 1818; res., 1902, Cox's Mills,
Wayne Co., Ind.
2117. IV. Anna, b. Nov. 24, 1819 ; m. William Wright.
2118. V. Lydia, b. Aug. 15. 1821; m. James Quick.
2119. VI. Stephen, b. March 18, 1823.
2120. VII. Benjamin, b. Nov. 5, 1825; member of 84th
Reg. Ind. Vol. Inft. Killed Chicamauga.
2121. VIII. Exam. b. Aug. 13, 1826; d. Feb. 23, 1896.
2122. IX. Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1828; an employe of the
patent office. Washington, D. C.
2123. X. Nancy, b. Nov. 15, 1830; m. William Cupp ; d.
Oct. 4, 1866.
2124. XI. Samuel, b. Jan. 28, 1833 ; res. Missouri.
2125. XII. Zaehariah, b. May 2, 1835. He was also a
soldier in the civil war.
2126. XIII. Joseph, b. July 8, 1837 ; res. Warrington, Han-
cock Co., -Ind. He is the father of (2127) Dr. 0. H. Garrett,
Cadiz, Ind.
2116. JAMES GARRETT, son of the last named Henry and
Miriam (Ward), b. May 9, 1818; m. Malinda White. Ch. :
2128. I. John Garrett, b. July 1, 1844; he was soldier;
address, 1902, Richmond, Ind., R. F. D. No. 1.
2129. II. James M., also a soldier; address Fountain
City, Ind.
2130. III. Mary E. ; m. VanSant.
2131. IV. Eliza; m. Owens.
2132. V. Alice; m. William Ratliff.
2133. VI. Anna; m. Frank Edwards.
By second wife the following:
2134. VI/ Festus.
2135. VIII. Otto.
2136. IX. Dora. These three reside at Greentown, Ind.
For the history of the above families I am under obligations
to Joseph Garrett, of Warrington, Ind., Dr. 0. H. Garrett,
Cadiz, Ind., and John Garrett, of Richmond, Ind.; n. f. k.
Coffin 20, 27, 28, 71, 12
Commons 87
Cox ". . 17, 20
Crawford 104
Danegar 63, 91
Darrah 65
Day 107
Deatherage 17, Z2>, 34
Denny 100
Dixon 35
Drake 54, 55, 85
Driscoll 90
Driver 68, 94, 95
Dudley 29
Egger 89, 90
Elirman 87
Ellennan 75
Evan-, 28. 81
Fetta 88
Fowler 93
Fulton 82
Gibson 36, 61, 88, 89, 90
Gillum 39, 45
Glideweil 110
Gosnell Zl , 55. 78, 79, 80
Grimes 10
Gross 10, 114
Hale 97
ilalliday 90
llammer 58, 61
Harlan 35
Harvey 59, 60, 87
Heath 60
I Iruiit 64
Hollingc-r 92
Hopp 100
Howard Ill
Huber 69
Hndnall 109
Hndson 37, 38, 82, 83
Huey 47
Hughes 97
Hunt 25, 44
Huntsinger 69
Jackson 13, 31, 33, 38
Jameson 66
Johnson 18, 47
Jones , 49, 86
(ust 88. 89
kean ....49, 50, 59
Kephart 27
Kepiar 46, 47
Kibler ^.81. 98
Kisling 26
Koehne 96
Lamb 92
Leadbetter 26
Lewis 16
Liffard 94
Lowe 32
McDaniels 69
McCIaflin 37
IMcCoomas 120
AIcKinnev. 11. 22. 55. 58. 59. 109,
McNees 68, 95
McPheeters ........27, 69, 70
-Mackey 42
Maffitt 30. 31
Martin 17, 29, 30, 31, 96
Masterson 85
Mathes 31, Zl
Mathews 32
Mays 32
Micheaux 35
Miller 67, 81. 98
Morehead 86
Mosby 76
Mudgett 57
Myers 89
Neff 64, 91
Xichols 74
Ousley 71
Pachctean ' 30
Paradise 12
Parrish '. 88
Parshall 87, 88
Paul 16
Payne 79. 80
Pebernat 95
Poor 95
Prathcr 113
Price 86
Puckott. 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 25.
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44.
52, 55.
Purvis 81
Reason 68
Rcinhardt 116
RemnicI 42
Reynard 42, 51
Revnolds 23
Rhodes 78
Richardson 61
Rinard 50
l^( )berson 35. 36
Robinson 82
Rogers 12
Sett 104
Setters 103
Shearer 48, 49
Shook 97
Short 104, 105, 112, 113, 114
Shrakc 107
Shntes 23
Shutts 56
Simmons 28. 72. IZ, 74
Skelton 91
Smith .......24, 92. 97, 119
Snow 32
Spotts 113
Spray 38, 39, 48, 49, 53
Spurlock 123
Starbuck, 14. 20, 21, 44. 45, 47, 49,
50. 51, 52, 53. 54
Stowell 57
Studt 87
Sturman ; 76
Sullivan 35
Summer 94
Sumner 11
S^wain 66, 93
Swizegood 107
Taylor 18, 19, 53, 100
Thompson 70, 71
Tonaroy 36
Trueblood 65
Turpin 31, 32
Tyler 85
Van Hook 116
Wagner 53
Walker 60, 88
Warren 43
Washburne 91
Watson 90
Wells 83
Welty 89
Whetstone 96
Whitenack 75
Wildman 83, 98
Williams ,...69, 74
Williamson 97
Wilson 30
Wise 106
Wisehart 66
Wiseman 78, 106
Wood 63, 64, 91
Woodard 38, 39
Worth 21
Young 80, 81
Valentine 57
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