A +u A> "Ca ~v - - - *K A> THE STEPHENSON FAMILY B> J. C STEPHENSON ft DEDICATION. To Martha Ann Tyler, nee Stephenson, of Mount Hope, Alabama, a grandmother and great-grandmother, and Margaret Me- lissa Bell, nee Lewis, of Rodman, South Carolina, a young mother, both direct de- scendants of Henry Stephenson, of Rox- burgh County, Scotland, and Robert Stephenson, ' of County Antrim, Ireland, and William Stephenson, a Revolutionary soldier, of Chester County, South Carolina, 1776 — the former through Hugh W. Ste- phenson, of Maury County, Tennessee, and Rev. John Campbell Stephenson, of Mi Hope, Alabama, and the latter through Daniel Green Stephenson {called "Stin- son") , of Chester County, South Carolina, and Eliza C. Lewis, nee Stephenson, of Rodman, South Carolina, this little Book is respectfully dedicated. PREFACE. Want of a knowledge of the history of my ancestors and their families induces me to write this genealogical sketch. I am of the opinion that many of us do not know the names of all our parents' brothers and sisters, to say nothing of our grand- parents' brothers and sisters. This ought not to be .the case. If some one of the Stephenson family, one hundred and twenty- five years ago, had written something similar to this little work, it would now be of very great interest to generations of de- scendants. If I had now a written statement in regard to the life, manners, customs, names and place of residence of my ancestors and it would afford me a source of informa- tion which Is forevei lost. It is not necessary that such a statement should be printed, but written in order to preserve the chirography of the writer. The paper might be pasted in \his history, or placed in the family Bible with the family records. Thus it could be pre- served for ages. Every day that passes, the paper will be one day older, and the older the paper becomes the more value is attached to it. The paper never dies. L Ider it becomes the more lively it grows in interest. I suspect this booklet will be read a hundred years hence. It will be impossible in a book of this size to mention even the names of all the relatives with whom I am personally ac- quainted. But I would advise that each relative paste some blank leaves in his book, on which h ie names, and such family history as \, ish. His writing, with what the book contains, will make the genealogical sketch of his pwn family tolerably complete. I hope that some one of the relatives will rewrite, revise and enlarge this little Book, give a fuller history of the various fami- lies; also give a history of the country which the ancestors occupied and of the times in which they lived. A very extensive and interesting Book could be written on this line. 6 PREFACE. THE PLAN OF THE WORK. The ancestors, or parent stock, will be considered, then their •en and grandchildren in rotation, down to the present time, in like manner with the rest. But the European relatives will not be so considered. J. C. STEPHENSON, ■; McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennc; January, 1906. SECTION I. I, J. C. Stephenson, the fifth son and the sixth child of William Watson Stephenson and his wife, Melinda Johnston, late residents of Lawrence County, Alabama, am about to write a short genealogical sketch of my ancestors; also of some of their descendants. This is made at Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the year 1905, after the writer had passed his eighty-third birthday. Bat it is not to be inferred that he was at the time of writing eighty-three years old. To trace the genealogy of ancestors long since dead, without records, is an undertaking attended by many difficulties and some uncertainties. Young peop! not care for nor appreciate the importance of genea- logical history, but when the young have become old, they in vain seek such history. But the sources of information I might have obtained such history have been removed. Old p^onle. after death, tell no history, unless it be found on their tomb- stones. Would that I had made inquiry when I might have done so with much profit in knowledge. As far back as we can trace our forefathers is to Henry Stephenson, a shepherd, who was born about the year 1698. The first part of the eighteenth cen- tury, he lived at Ricalton, in the parish of Oxnam, Roxburgh County, Scotland, six miles from the city of Jedburgh. There are some conflicting accounts as to the members of his family. But all accounts agree that he reared six children, and that Robert was the THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. oldest, and Henry, born 1745, was the youngest son. One account is that Henry Stephenson reared six 1 Robert, the date of whose birth is not known, nor is there any record to be found by which the date of his h can be ascertained, was the oldest. The names of the next four sons of Henry Stephenson are not known, nor the dates of their birth. But the sixth son of Henry Stephenson was born at Bloody Laws and ized February 27, 1745, in Qxnam church. The family were Presbyterians. The son, Henry, remained in Scotland. He was a tailor. From circumstances it is indicated that Robert, Henry's oldest son, was tr 1723, Another account is that Henry Stephenson reared four sons and two daugh I This accounl Robert the oldest, and Henry the sons of Henry Stephenson of Ricalton, and. This account makes Robert the oldest son gives the date of Henry's baptism the same as the there were two sisters and iid it gives their names and the d their births except in the case of Robert, ►unt makes Jane, the second 1736. It is 'rally believed the first account is the correct one. There is also an account of a John Stephenson, who reared a family about the same time and in the si The names of John's children are common to the Stephenson name then and now. He most likely was a brother to Henry. There has been much search made in Ayrshire and Roxburgh Counties, Scotland, the former home of the Stephenson s, for the history of the ancestors of George Stephenson, since he became celebrated as the builder and promoter of the first locomotive engine and rail- road in the world. But meager results have followed THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 9 the investigations. Robert Stephenson, Henry's son. will be designated as Robert Stephenson, 1st, and his son, Robert, as Robert Stephenson, 2d. One noted characteristic of the Stephenson family is a lack of clannishness. They are possessed of an independent pioneering spirit. They have no c] for fame. The young men leave home when they be- e of age and "paddle their own canoes," neglect- ing their old hoi 1 associates in too great a de- gree. Robert Stephenson, 1st, seems to have been that sort of a man, and his child issessed of the same disposition. The same traits attach to their descend- ants in America to this day. When Robert, 1st, \ to manhood he disappeared. He is next found Ballymoney, in County Antrim, in the north part of Ireland. This was & . He was then a young married man, and living on a small farm. Circumstances indicate that the second son o Stephenson, the shepherd, was James Stephenson, and little farm, near to his older land. He a family Fames* &< - it the ttled ii Carolin; idler* their kinspeople hao 772. There was a descendant of this James Stephenson, by name Robert Stephenson, living near Winnsboro, South Carolina. He was a v tall and strong man. He was six feet and nine Inches high, and known as the strongest man in the country. Ii. a quiet, peaceable man. He was known in his neighborhood Long Robert Stevenson. as an exemplary man, and a very highly ?s maed citizen. One of his sons, Robert Milton S n, is an Associate Reformed Pres- .He 10 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. lives with his gentle, affectionate wife and interesting children at Clover, in the northern part of York County, South Carolina. He has in his charge three churches. He is a man of splendid Christian character, a good pas- tor, and a very excellent man in his callh Ldihg i » s chur- ! 1 as in his co m m u n ity a n d S I The name Stephenson originally was spelled with "ph," but sometimes "v" is used and sometimes it is spelled "Stee'nson" and sometimes "Stinson." All thest, variations are used for and by different families of the same name and origin. The Stephensons on Rocky Creek, in Chester : known as Stinsons. Stmson is the Scottish vernacular for Stepl *am Stephenson, my great-grandfather, and his her, Capt. James Si a, were enrolled in the Colonial army from South Cai i s William and James Stinson. But the proper and original spelling was Stephenson. Robert Stephenson, 1st, reared a family of five chil- dren, three sons and two daughters 4 , at Ballymoney, Ireland. \\ olxlesl my great-gran d+'ather, born about 1744 ; James was born 1746 ; Elizabeth born 1748; N as born 1750, and Robert born 1752. The early history of this family is not well known by historians, prior to the year 1773. But r George Stephenson, the son of Robert, 2nd, in- vented the locomotive and promoted its usefulness, 1814 to 1830, the history was sought for, but without much result. When the children of Robert Stephenson, 1st, grew up they joined the branch of the Presbyterian Church called " Covenanters. " The Covenanters were those "who during the seventeenth century bound them- selves to establish and maintain the Presbyterian doc- THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 11 trine and polity, to the exclusion of Prelacy and They were sworn enemies of Catholicism. Their conflicts with the Catholics sometimes resulted in death. During the year 1772 a great calamity happened to the Stephenson family in Ireland. The Stephensons now living in South Carolina have : that Robert Stephenson, 1st, the Scotchman, had a younger- brother, named James, living near him. James' daughter. Margaret, married a Mr. Beck. It is sup- posed Mr. Beck got into trouble with some Catholics. Robert, 1st, and James, in order to raise money t help Mr. Beck, mortgaged their land and thereby lost it. The families were thus financially broken up. Prior to this financial misfortune, William, oldest son of Robert Stephenson, 1st, had married Miss R. Green Beattie ; James was married, and Elizabeth had married Alexander Brady, During the year 1772 the William Martin, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Ballymoney, raised a company of colonists to go to North America. Mr. Martin was a Cove- nanter. William and James Stephenson; their fami- lies, and Alexander Brady aT5 joined the colony. About the time they were to sail Nancy, 'heir sister, married William Anderson, and they, too, j^ned the emigrants. They sailed for North America in 1772. They settled on Rocky Creek, near the falls of the Catawba River, in Chester County, South Carolina. Mr. Anderson seems to have been a man of some means; the Stephensons were not then possessed of - 12 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION II. The children of Robert Stephenson, 1st, William, James, Elizabeth and Nancy, will be, hereafter, re- ferred to as the Four who came to America, and their brother Robert as Robert, 2nd. Robert Stephenson, 1st, was living in Ireland during the year 1772. Robert Stephenson, 2nd, who was afterwards known as "Old Robert of Wylam," and his father, Robert, 1st, went to Northumberland County, England. This Robert Ste- phenson, 2nd, became the father of George Stephen- son, the celebrated engineer of railroad fame. Robert Stephenson, 2nd, was first found by historians in 1774 dng in a coal mine at Wylam, eight miles west of Newcastle-on-i he-Tyne. History says his father a Scotchman, and that he cam^ across the border in the of ™ young gentleman of Wauke- sha, Wisconsin. Hugh Stewart Stephenson, i the fourth son of William Watson Stephenson, married Miss Jane Morrow, near ^ m ... -^ Leighton, Alabama. They went to Arkansas County, pr. w. h. Stephenson, oak- Arkansas. He practiced med- man ' Alabama - icine a few years in a very rich malarial country. After three children, Mary Frances, Hugh Watson and Wil- liam Claiborne, had been born, he and his wife died. Mary Frances is the wife of Mr. Carlile, in Western Texas. Mr. Carlile is following the railroad business on the Texas Pacific. Hugh Watson, the second child, and first son, of Dr. Hugh Stewart Stephenson, was born near St. Charles, Arkansas, in 1854. His father and mother both died when he was five years old. His grandfather Stephen- son, near Mt. Hope, Alabama, reared him. He was educated in the common schools of Mount Hope coun- try. He and Russell M. Cunningham are about the same age. In boyhood they were close neighbors, at- tended school together, under my tutorage, for sev- eral years. They both studied medicine, married cous- 36 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. ins and settled in the same section of country; the former at Oakman, Walker County, the latter in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. They were both suc- cessful in the practice of their chosen profession. They are both honorable gentlemen, worthy the calling of their profession, and they are mutual friends to-day. Dr. Stephenson married Miss Sallie Masterson, near Ora, Alabama. They have reared a family of six interesting children, three sons and three daughters. Much care is given by the parents to the education and moral training of the children. Irene, the oldest daugh- ter, was educated at Meridian, Mississippi. Claudius Owen, the oldest son, is now in the junior class in col- lege. He is an intelligent young man and very athletic — a fine baseball player. Sallie, the Doctor's wife, is a noble, good little woman, devoting her time and talents to the comfort and happiness of her husband and children. They have one of the nicest and most commodious dwellings in that town, and Sallie is a fine housekeeper. Her two beautiful daughters are educated and interesting, just the age to be most at- tractive. The family lives at Oakman, Walker County, Alabama. Hugh Watson, named in honor of his father and grandfather, is a busy man, practicing medicine day and night. He has an extensive and lucrative practice. Oakman is in the midst of a rich coal produc- ing country. William Claiborne, the second son of Dr. Hugh Stew- art Stephenson and his wife, Jane Morrow, married Miss Eva Clark, of Rockwall, Texas. They have six children. The oldest is sixteen. Clay is a farmer near Rockwall, Texas. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 37 SECTION VI. John Calvin Stephenson was the fifth son of Wil- liam Watson Stephenson and his wife, Melinda John- ston. At the time his picture was taken he was over eighty-two years of age. He is six feet high, weighs 165 pounds, wears Number 7% na t;> Number 16 collar, Number 10 shoes, Number 40 coat; pants, waist 40, legs 34. His complexion is fair and ruddy, hair dark when young, beard auburn, eyes blue, temperament mild. The first twenty-five years of his life were spent at hard work on a farm; the next twenty at school and teaching, in common schools, academies and col- leges ; the next twenty were passed while merchandis- ing in Waco, Texas; the next eighteen years "in di- versifying/' as the farmer calls it. He was graduated from La Grange College, in 1850. He married Miss Mary Ann Curtis Napier, daughter of Dr. John S. Napier, of Alabama, in the year 1855. She was born January 20, 1835. She was in many respects an extraordinary woman. She was five feet seven inches tall, weighed 122 pounds. She had fair complexion dark hair, grayish blue eyes. She was symmetrical in form, and graceful in carriage. She was polite but reserved, was very modest and retiring, too prudent, if any one can be. She was graduated from Athens, Alabama, Female College. She was extraordinarily in- telligent, but too modest to use her gifts. She was 38 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. very industrious and domestic in her habits, a great servant to her family. Her last years were spent in an invalid's bed, probably brought on by excessive hard labor during the war. She was intensely South- ern. She was a member of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church. Alice was our first child. She died when two-and-a- half years old. She is buried at LaGrange, Al- abama. Mrs. Stephen- son died at home, Waco, Texas, in 1903, and is buried in Oakwood Cem- etery. Our three children now living are Edwin Napier, born July 3, 1860, in Alabama; Mary Johnie, born September 5, 1863, in Alabama; William Myatt, born August 14, 1865, in Alabama. We went to Waco, Texas, in 1870. Edwin N. married Miss Mattie Jones Baker, of Plantersville, Texas. They have now living four very nice, intelligent children, two sons and two daughters, Guy and Napier and Edna and Jean. They are living in Chicago, Illinois. Mary Johnie married Judge Seth McKinny Walker, of Georgia, but now of Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is now Judge of the County Court of Hamilton County, Tennessee. He has been in the office ten years, and his present term will not expire until 1910. They C. Stephenson. Chattanooga, Tennessee. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 39 have six very promising children: four daughters, Adelaide Mamie, Johnie Curtis, Frances Spurlock, and Edna Stephenson; and two sons, Seth McKinny, Jr., and Charles Evans. The children are all in school, except the four-year-old daughter, Edna. The older girls are well advanced in school. Judge Walker and family live on McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, Ten- nessee. William Myatt, youngest son of J. C. Stephenson, married Miss Lumpie Townsend, of Columbus, Texas. They live in Waco, Texas, and have three children — two sons, William Donald and Light Townsend, and one daughter, Alice; all good, intelligent children, very well advanced in school for their age. I have thirteen grandchildren now living, seven girls and six boys. They are all sprightly, intelli- gent children, well equipped mentally and physically, for the contest set before them, for which I am thank- ful to our Heavenly Father. I have been for twenty years of my life a professional teacher in schools, academies and colleges, and passed out the same num- ber of years in Waco, Texas, merchandising, and have passed a like number of years since, like the negro, "jes' waitin'." One hot summer day a passer-by saw a negro boy lying in the shade, over in a field, the weeds and grass about to take the crop, the sun shin- ing very hot. "Hello," says the passer-by, "are you resting?" "No," said the negro, "I ain't restin'; Fs jes' waitin' fur de sun to go down so I kin quit work." The children of J. C. Stephenson and his wife have always been very kind, obedient and generous to their parents. Their mother died from the effects of rheu- matism after having been confined as an invalid for ten years. 40 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. I will here give my wife's paternal ancestry. James Turner, Maryland, married in 1710 Kerenhappuch Nor- man, Maryland. Sarah Turner, daughter of James Tur- ner and his wife, Kerenhappuch Norman, married James Smith, of England. Sarah Smith, daughter of James Smith and Sarah Turner, married John Champion Na- pier, of Virginia. Dr. John Smith Napier, son of John Champion Napier and Sarah Smith, married Miss Mary Curtis Myatt, of Alabama. They were the parents of Mrs. Stephenson. Mary Ann Curtis Stephen- son's great-grandmother's sister, Elizabeth Turner, married Joseph Morehead, and became the ancestor of Governor Morehead, of North Carolina; also of Gov- ernor Morehead, of Kentucky; also of Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson, of Alabama. There is a monument at Greensboro, North Carolina, erected to the memory of Kerenhappuch Turner on account of patriotism shown by her at the battle of Guilford Courthouse, 1780. This is said to be the only monument erected to the memory of any woman of the American Revolu- tion. My wife's maternal ancestry is as follows : John Curtis, of Ireland, was born in 1740, married Ann Harris in 1759. Ann was born in 1740, in North Car- olina. John Curtis, Jr., son of John Curtis, Sr., and his wife, Ann Harris, was born in 1760 in North Carolina. He married Mary Shaw, of North Carolina, and Mary Shaw was born in 1765, in North Carolina, and died in 1794. Ann Curtis, daughter of John Cur- tis, Jr., and his wife, Mary Shaw, was born in 1788, in North Carolina; she married Aldridge Myatt, of North Carolina. Mary Curtis Myatt, daughter of Aldridge Myatt, was born August 12, 1817, in North Carolina. She married Dr. John Smith Napier, and THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 41 was the mother of Mary Ann Curtis Napier, my wife. Mrs. Napier and her husband are buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Waco, Texas. My mother's maiden name was Johnston. She was a daughter of William Johnston and his wife, Eliza- beth McGaughey. They came from 1 ennessee to Law- rence County, Alabama, in 1819. They were Cumber- land Presbyterians. Mj^ grandmother Johnston, nee McGaughey, had several brothers. Maj. Samuel Mc- Gaughey, a Revolutionist, was, in his old age, proud of the sword he carried when he was a Major. James and Washington McGaughey, the other two brothers, settled in Alabama. One of these three brothers, Major Samuel, left a married son in Greeneville, East Tennessee, when he moved to Alabama. This son was John McGaughey. He reared a large and re- spectable family in Greeneville. Their descendants are quite numerous. One of his granddaughters, Mrs. Mary A. Hall, lives in comfort and ease in Waco, Texas. She is a noble Christian lady, and a devoted mother. 42 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION VII. Harvey McGaughey Richey, son of Benjamin Richey and his wife, Mary A. McGaughey, was born in Waco, Texas, June 30, 1882. Harvey is a lineal descendant of Major Samuel Mc- Gaughey of Revolution- ary fame, through John McGaughey, late of East Tennessee (a colleague of ex-President Andrew Johnson's in the Tennes- see Legislature, both from Greene County), David McGaughey, and Miss Mary A. Mc- Gaughey, who married B. F. Richey. B. F. Richey was of strong mind, temperate and determined in his intercourse with men. His education was of a business character. He was a leading member of the Methodist Church. He went from Cornersville, Tennessee, to Waco, Texas, before the Civil War. He filled many public offices in Mc- Lennan County, with credit to the county and honor to himself. During the troublesome times that followed reconstruction, he was for several years treasurer for Harvey Mc. Richey, Waco, Texas. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 43 the wealthy county of McLennan. When he retired from that office millions of public money had passed through his hands. Not a cent was missing from the State and county treasury. It was said that Frank Richey could wade through gold waist deep but not a dollar would get fastened to his clothes. Miss Mary A. McGaughey, daughter of David R. McGaughey and his wife, Miss Jane K. Wilson, was born in Indiana, in 1841. She was one of five sisters; no brothers. They were all reared in Greene County, East Tennessee. They were an attractive lot of beauty and intelligence. They were well educated and had wholesome domestic training. They were among the most popular young ladies in the country. Miss Mary A. McGaughey has had rather an unusual life. In some respects she has been very fortunate, in others she has been unfortunate. She has been three times married. Her husbands all were of the best men of the country, but did not live long after marriage. She first married Rev. Mr. Kennedy, a Presbyterian minister, as kind and good a husband as could be desired. He died leaving no children. She then married B. F. Richey, Esq., of Waco, Texas, in the year 1878. Of this union there were two sons born, Benjamin Franklin and Harvey McGaughey. The former died in childhood; the latter is the subject of the foregoing notice. Mr. Richey died in 1882. Mrs. Richey married Col. J. W. Hall. He died a few years after their marriage, leav- ing no children. David R. McGaughey, son of Hon. John McGaughey and his wife, was born in Greene County, East Tennes- see, in 1812. He married Miss Jane K. Wilson, in Greene County, Tennessee. After five children were born Mr. McGaughey died, in 1845. His wife, Miss 44 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Jane K. Wilson, was born in 1815, and died in 1850. Maj. Samuel McGaughey and my maternal grand- mother, Elizabeth Johnston, nee McGaughey, were brother and sister. Harvey McGaughey Richey, whose portrait appears above, is physically and mentally all that his fond mother could desire. She is a widow, all children gone but only one, her hope of a future name on earth ; that is in the manly form of her noble son. Harvey McG. Richey has always been an obedient boy ; his moral and domestic training has been of the best. He was grad- uated from the public High School of Waco when he was sixteen. Then he attended Washington College, in East Tennessee, one year. Then he entered Baylor University, Waco, Texas, and was graduated from that university with distinction. He then worked in a cotton buying office in Waco for two years. He is now taking a three years' course in law, in the State Uni- versity in Austin, Texas. He will be graduated from there in 1907. It is hoped and believed by others be- sides his widowed mother, that Harvey McGaughey Richey will make a moral, capable and honest lawyer. His intellect is good, his ambition is commendable, his opportunities could not have been better. The three McGaughey brothers, Samuel, James and Washington, left in East Tennessee two other brothers, whose posterity is quite numerous. The McGaugheys in Alabama were good and prosperous farmers. They were of the best citizens. Their descendants went West and are legion. My grandmother Johnston's maiden name was Mc- Gaughey. One of her sisters, Margaret McGaughey, married Eli McCain. John McCain, son of Eli McCain and Margaret McGaughey, married Miss Lou Hunter, THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 45 near LaGrange, Alabama. Miss Anna McCain, daugh- ter of John McCain and his wife, Miss Lou Hunter, married J. W. Jourdan, of Iuka, Mississippi. J. W. Jourdan was born near Bay Springs, Tishomingo County, Mis- sissippi, January 3, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of the county and at the High School taught by Profes- sor Carmack, at Jacinto, Mississippi. Mr. Jour- dan spent three years under the tutorage of Prof. Edward W. Car- mack. After leaving school he taught for three years, two in the public schools in the county, and one year as assistant teacher with Prof. Reid in the Iuka High School. He was elected Super- intendent of the Public Schools of the county, which position he held successfully for four years. He went to the Southern Business College, Louisville, Ken- tucky, where he took a thorough course and was grad- uated with distinction in 1881. After returning from college he entered the mercantile business in Iuka, where he has been a success ever since. He married Miss Anna McCain, in 1882. The Loan and Insurance Business Company secured the services of Mr. Jour- dan as their agent in 1890. In the year 1897 he re- signed that position to accept the agency of the Tisho- mingo Savings Institution, Iuka, Mississippi. Mr. J. W. Jourdan, Esq., Iuka, Mississippi. 46 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Jourdan has managed the bank at Iuka successfully ever since. Under his management the institution has grown and prospered beyond the most sanguine expec- tations of its stockholders. During the time he has been conducting the business of the bank, he has traded largely in real estate, both in the country and in Iuka. He has been very successful in accumulating a nice fortune. He is now said to be the largest indi- vidual real estate owner, and the largest taxpayer in the county. Some syndicates North, being aware of the ability and judgment of Mr. Jourdan, engaged him as their agent to conduct their business in different parts of the Union. Mr. Jourdan has made consider- able money in these agencies. He is an extensive mer- chant and banker at Iuka, Mississippi. He is a benevo- lent, useful citizen. There were born unto him and his wife, Anna McCain, four children. Three of them died in infancy. Miss Annie Elma, only daughter of J. W. Jourdan and his wife, Anna McCain, is a beau- tiful young lady just come to womanhood. Miss Annie has had fine opportunities. She is an intelligent and attractive young lady. She is a recent graduate of Randolph Macon College for Women, of Virginia. She is justly styled the "Belle of Iuka." Newton McCain, son of John McCain and his wife, Miss Lou Hunter, married Miss Coffee, a daughter of the late John Coffee. Newton is a farmer and lives in Lauderdale County, Alabama. He and his wife have a family of several children. They live near the old Coffee home on Shoal Creek, not far from the canal. I will return now to my half brothers and sisters. Melinda J., daughter of W. W. and Margaret P. Ste- phenson, went to Arkansas, married Mr. Morgan and THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 47 died childless. Christopher Columbus settled in Arkansas and married Miss Tennessee Hewitt. Of this union three sons were born, namely, William Watson, Thomas Floyd and Hugh Albert Stephenson. Their father, C. C. Stephenson, went to the war and died in Newnan, Georgia, in the Confederate hospital, in 1863. His sons are living at Lois, Arkansas County, Arkan- sas, engaged in farming. All three have families. Margaret Elizabeth died in Arkansas; she was never married. Leonidas Ewing died in Alabama in 1860. He was not married. Robert Bruce was killed on the last day of the seven days' battle before Richmond, July 2, 1862, just at sunset. He was a brave and hon- orable soldier, a Christian gentleman. He was never married. Henry Clay, the last son of William Watson Stephen- son and Margaret Presley Stephenson, died when seven years old. My stepmother died in 1843. W. W. Stephenson married Miss Sarah Weems. She was his third wife. This marriage was in 1845. Sarah Rebecca Stephenson, only daughter of William Watson Stephenson and his wife, Sarah Weems, was born in Lawrence County, Alabama, in 1846. She married Reuben N. Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell farmed in Alabama until about the year 1880. They went to Texas. After living several years at McGregor, Mc- Lennan County, they moved to Colorado, in Western Texas, where they are now living. Some of their children died young. They have four now living, namely, William Watson, Zula Arelia, Katie Hugh and Reuben Rush Mitchell. William Watson, the oldest son of Reuben N. Mitchell and his wife, Sarah Rebecca Stephenson, was born in Alabama. He married Mary Josephine Lacy, in Bosque County, Texas. There were 48 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Reuben N. Mitchell and Sarah Rebecca Mitchell, Colorado, Texas. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 49 two sons born of this marriage, William Earl and John Arthur Mitchell. The mother died. The children are being raised by their Mitchell grandparents. Zula, the daughter of Reuben and Rebecca Mitchell, is a very industrious young lady, fond of domestic duties. She is not married. Katie Hugh, always called Hugh, mar- ried Mr. Chittum; they have one daughter, Zula Jose- phine Chittum. Reuben Rush, called Rush, is not mar- ried. Reuben N. Mitchell is a machinist; was hurt at his work and lost a leg. He now is freighting over the prairies of Western Texas. He and his family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This closes the chapter as to my father's family. My father, William Watson Stephenson, was a man of strong mind and body. He was firm and deter- mined in purpose; he had a moderate, common school education. He was a soldier under General Jackson in the war of 1812. He was for many years a justice of the peace in Alabama. He was a practical surveyor. His neighbors had him often to locate certain lines and boundaries; he never charged them for the work. He could step over a piece of ground and tell the number of acres it contained about as accurately as if the chain had been used. While he did not pretend to be a doctor, he was well up with the treatment for the common diseases of the country. Such accommoda- tions were wearisome, but were always extended with- out charge. He was six feet high, weight 165 pounds, eyes blue, complexion fair, hair dark, beard thin and auburn. He was a member of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. He died in 1869 and is buried in the Rock Spring Cemetery; a marble headstone marks his last resting place. 50 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION VIII. Elizabeth, the third child, and second daughter of Hugh W. Stephenson and his wife, Margaret Stephen- son, was born in York County, South Carolina, Au- gust 13, 1792. She married William Simpson in Ten- nessee, moved to Lawrence County, Alabama, in 1819. William Simpson and his family were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Rock Spring, where the parents were buried. There were born to them six daughters and three sons. Mr. Simpson was a worker in iron, an honest blacksmith. He was five feet and ten inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, and weighed 225 pounds. He was a man of good ad- dress, pleasant in his manners, of a fine constitution, and uniformly good health. He died of a very severe attack of bilious fever in 1840. This disease was very prevalent at that time in the Mount Hope country. Isaac Shelby, the youngest child of William Simpson and his wife, Elizabeth Stephenson, was named in honor of Governor Shelby, of Kentucky. Isaac was educated in the common schools of the Mount Hope country. He was an intelligent boy, fonder of his books than of the farm. He was a young man of fine appearance, was popular among the young people of the country in which he lived. He married Miss Kate Wade, at Mount Hope, in 1851. Miss Wade was an educated lady of unusual ability. She taught school THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 51 to assist her husband in making a support for their children. It was said that she was the financier of the family. Mr. Simpson assisted his wife in school and at the same time studied law. He was a Confed- erate soldier. After the war he was a justice of the peace at Towncreek, Alabama. While he was not an office-seeker, he preferred office work to that of the farm. He lived in Towncreek, Alabama, for many years before his death, which occurred in November, 1903. The children of Isaac S. Simpson and his wife, Kate Wade, were reared and educated at Towncreek. They married there. But now all the children are dead, except their son, Albert E. Simpson. Albert, after re- ceiving his education, married Miss Hall, a young len- nessean whose father had recently settled in the rich and beautiful Tennessee Valley near Towncreek. He and his good wife live on a fine farm near Mount Stan- ley, a few miles northeast of Leighton, Alabama. Al- bert is a farmer and also a merchant. He is a pros- perous, well-to-do young man. He has a beautiful home and everything needful to make a happy house- hold. He is taking care of his mother in her declining years. It is to be hoped that prosperity and happiness will follow the happy couple all the days of their lives, and that their children will rise up and call them blessed after they have gone to try the realities of the next world. Mary M., called 'Tolly," the fourth child and third daughter of Hugh W. and Margaret Stephenson, was twice married. She first married John Miller John- ston, of Alabama. After three sons were born, Alfred S., Albert and Elam Porter Miller Johnston, Mr. John- ston died. The widow married her cousin, Alfred Stephenson. Of this marriage two sons, William 52 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Hodge and John Randolph Stephenson, were reared. Albert Johnston died while young. The other two boys changed the spelling of their name from John- ston to Johnson. They married sisters — Alfred mar- ried Frances, and Elam married Eliza Nicholson. These ladies were nieces of the late Dr. Felix John- son, D.D. They studied medicine, went to Marshall, Texas, where they became eminent and useful practic- ing physicians. Ihey reared large and respectable families. Dr. Elam and his wife, Eliza, had born unto them seventeen children. They were both active and very useful members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Dr. Alfred moved to Paris, Texas, several years before his death. His son, Thomas Wilson John- son, reared a family in Paris. Col. E. A. Dehony mar- ried the Doctor's first daughter, Mary, and reared an intelligent, educated family at Paris. Dr. Elam's chil- dren and grandchildren are numerous at Marshall, Texas. Oscar, James and Albert, sons of Dr. Elam Johnson, are engaged in the railroad business. Their brother, Luther, is a telegrapher. They all have fam- ilies. The two brothers, sons of Alfred Stephenson, and his wife, half brothers to the two Johnson boys, went to Mississippi, south from Columbus. William Hodge married Miss Maye, near Brickville, Alabama. They reared a nice family in Mississippi. John Campbell Stephenson, the fifth child, and sec- ond son, of Hugh W. and Margaret Stephenson, mar- ried Agnes Simpson, a sister to William Simpson, who married Elizabeth Stephenson. They were married in Tennessee. They reared a large family of sons and daughters, near Mount Hope, Alabama. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister of the gospel; he was a man of great piety and usefulness. He was not THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 53 an educated man in the strict meaning of the term. But he was a man of fine native ability, and was an indefatigable Bible student. He was five feet and eleven inches high, and weighed 145 pounds, eyes blue, hair light, beard auburn, complex- ion florid, skin thin and fair; he was slender and rather too weakly to do the arduous labors of the ministry and domestic work. He was ever faithful, and died in the harness. While preach- ing at a camp meeting, on Sunday at 11 o'clock, at Mars Hill, Marion County, Alabama, in Hugh s 1840, his lungs gave way, he fell, was carried to the tent, and died within a few hours. His oldest son, James Porter, married Miss Jones, and reared a family in Desha County, Arkansas. Hugh S. Stephenson, second son of Rev. John Campbell Stephenson and his wife, Agnes Simpson, was born in Maury County, Tennessee, March 24, 1819. His father moved from Tennessee in 1820, to Township Seven, Range Nine, Lawrence County, Alabama. He bought land and opened a farm adjoining the land where the town of Mount Hope was afterwards built. The children of the family were trained up to indus- trious, moral habits. The family were a Sabbath-ob- serving, church-going people. Hugh and his brothers worked regularly on the farm. When Hugh attained Stephenson, late of Des Arc, Arkansas. 54 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. his majority, having obtained such an education as could be had in a new country, he set out to make his own fortune. Being handy with tools, he learned the house carpenter's trade, during boyhood, when the farm was not demanding his services. He was fond of music, vocal and instrumental. When a boy, he was a fine violinist, and would play at night in public gatherings for the pleasure and amusement of his friends. He went to South Alabama and worked at the carpenter's trade with his older brother Porter. During the year 1840, he married Miss Anna, daughter of N. G. Whitley, formerly of North Carolina. He went to Sumter County, Alabama, and farmed for eight years. Then he moved to Pickens County. There he followed the tanning business for eight more years. In 1858 he moved to DeSoto County, Mississippi, where he lived and farmed till 1870. He went into the Con- federate service at the beginning of the war, but was discharged in about a year on account of ill health. He was in detailed service during the war. During the year 1870 he moved to DesArc, Arkansas. Here he first worked at contracting and building, then at the livery business. In 1883, he went into the undertak- ing business, at which he continued till his death. In all these different occupations he was prudent and economical, and succeeded financially, especially in the undertaking business. He made a competency and left, at his death, a good estate and an excellent character which is better than great riches. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 55 SECTION IX. There were born to Hugh S. Stephenson and his wife, Anna Whitley, eleven children. Two died in infancy. Of the nine who grew to maturity there were five daughters and four sons. 1. Their daughter, Lou, first married A. C. Weatherall, then Mr. Greer, of Little Rock. 2. Alice married W. G. Hazen, of Des Arc. 3. Lula married Henderson Ried, of Hazen, Ark. 4. Willie H. married D. J. Mytinger, of Little Rock. 5. Mariah, now dead, married J. B. Jamison. Amos Jarmon, son of Hugh S. Stephenson and his wife, Anna Whitley, was born near Hernando, Mis- sissippi, March 27, 1859. His father moved to Des Arc, Arkansas, when Amos was an infant. Amos was reared and educated in Des Arc. He has spent his life, up to the present time, in Des Arc, and is still living there. On December 11, 1890, he married Miss Mary C. Danner, of Farmer City, Illinois. Of this union were born five children, sons : Harry, aged now fourteen years; Freeman, twelve; Hugh, eight; Leon- ard, six; and Willie, who died in 1899. The four liv- ing sons are of the school age. Knowing the ancestors of Amos Stephenson to have been friends and promo- ters of education induces me to sanguinely hope these four dear boys will be well educated. Des Arc is a good town, now putting on city style, and is paying much attention to furnishing the necessary facilities for the education of its numerous, rising generations. 56 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Amos J. Stephenson is engaged in the undertaking business, a business which, like the doctor's, requires the undertaker to move when ordered, rain or shine, by day or by night. It is a good business, but a hard and irregular one. I have tried it. I am not fond of the business. My olfactory organs are too sensi- tive to allow the work to be pleasant. Then, it is natural for a man to wish to do a rushing business; especially is this the case in a hustling city. An un- dertaker cannot do any business unless some of his neighbors furnish the corpse. The consequence is, he is always wishing for some one to die. A wag, pass- ing my window one day, seeing me idle, said: "How much will you give me for killing somebody?" The Stephensons and their relatives are scattered from North Alabama to Western Texas. I have been much among them, and am of the opinion that I can ride horseback from North Alabama 900 miles to West- ern Texas, and not be at any time more than thirty miles from the home of a kinsman. But, strange to say, I was never at Des Arc, and am a stranger to my Cousin Amos. But from the moral and reli- gious training that I know his father had, and be- lieving in the literal fulfillment of the Scriptures, I am persuaded to believe that he is training up his four sons in the way they should go. Robert H., son of H. S. Stephenson, and his wife, Anna, was wounded in the battle of Shiloh, and died of his wounds. George W. died in 1884. Charles C. Stephenson is the youngest son of Hugh S. and his wife, Anna Stephenson. Hugh S. Stephenson was a man of fine mind and splendid moral character ; his life suitably demonstrat- ed the moral training his parents gave him. He was THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 57 a high Mason, having filled all the stations in the local Lodges; he was a member of the Grand Lodge, both in Alabama and Arkansas. He was justice of the peace for many years during his long and useful life. He was an alderman in his town council. He was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, to which he was devoted, and in which his father was an able, consecrated, and very useful minister. The following was written by his son, Dr. Charles C. Stephenson : "To the memory of my father: As a short tribute to the memory of my father, Hugh S. Stephenson, I, his youngest son, desire to say that as a man he measured up to the full stature of all the require- ments of Christian citizenship. He was kind, yet firm; he was determined, yet not arbitrary; he was affectionate, but not too lenient for his children's good. As a husband and as a father he was all that could be desired. As a voter he always aligned himself on the side of justice and right; and as a citizen he never fell short of the slightest duty which was im- posed upon him. In fact, as a man nothing could be said of him more than to say he was loved and esteemed by his neighbors and fellow-countrymen to such a degree that no official position, no honor, no trust could be placed in his hands but what it was at his command. What more is necessary to say of any man, than that he lived, moved and had his being among a class of people who respected, honored, cher- ished and loved his memory after death?" Dr. Charles C. Stephenson is a specialist, treating the eye, ear, nose and throat; his office is in the Elk Building, 114 West Second Street, Little Rock, Ark- ansas. The youngest son of Hugh S. Stephenson and 58 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. his wife, Anna Whitley, was born in DeSoto County, Mississippi, September 11, 1863. In the year 1870, when Charles was seven years old, his father moved to Des Arc, Prairie County, Arkansas. He was educated in the com- mon schools of Des Arc. In 1881 he became a drug clerk. In 1884 he attended a course of lec- tures at Louisville, at the Kentucky School of Med- icine. He returned to Arkansas and practiced medicine for a few months at Hazen. He then went to Des Arc and worked at the drug business. In 1886 he left Dr. Des Arc for Swan Lake, where he remained till 1889. He then took another course of lectures in the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville. He was graduated that year, taking the gold medal for the highest standing in his class, in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He re- turned to Swan Lake, and, after a few months' prac- tice, he settled at Stuttgart, remaining there till 1899, when he settled in Little Rock. He is now, 1905, ac- tively engaged in the practice of his chosen profes- sion. While living at Stuttgart, Dr. Stephenson was a member of the School Board for four years, all the time Secretary of the Board. Since coming to Little Rock, he has devoted his entire time to his special- Charles S. Rock, Stephenson, Little Arkansas. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 59 ties. He is at the present time oculist for the Arkan- sas State School for the Blind; aurist for the Arkan- sas Deaf Mute Institute ; and visiting oculist and aurist to the Logan H. Root Memorial City Hospital. He is also professor of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat in the Little Rock Municipal Training School. He was at one time resident surgeon of the New Or- leans Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, but was compelled to resign that position on account of bad health. In 1897, Dr. Stephenson further prepared himself for his chosen specialties by taking a post- graduate course in New Orleans Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital ; in 1898, he took a course in the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. He is a member of the American Medical Association and of the Arkan- sas Medical Society; he is ex-Secretary of the Pulaski County Medical Society, and at present Secretary for the Arkansas State Medical Society, and edi- tor of the Monthly Bulletin of the Arkansas Medical Society. For four years, during the administration of Gov. Dan W. Jones, Dr. Stephenson was assistant surgeon- general for the Arkansas Reserve Militia. He is Med- ical Director for the Mutual Industrial Indemnity Com- pany (incorporated), Little Rock, and Medical Exam- iner for the New York Life Insurance Company, of New York, and the Franklin Life Insurance Company, of Springfield, Illinois, and has been examiner for numerous other life insurance companies in his time. He was for ten years surgeon for the St. Louis Southwestern Railroad, at Stuttgart, Arkansas, which position he resigned when he removed to Little Rock. 60 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. On December 4, 1884, he married Miss Gracie D. Sleade, of St. Charles, Arkansas. She passed away in 1886. On January 18, 1888, he was married a sec- ond time, to his present wife, Miss Laura V. Halley, of DeWitt, Arkansas, daughter of John R. and Helm M. Halley. Her father was a large sugar planter in Louisiana. Two daughters, Effie B. and Clara C, have come to bless this marriage. Dr. Stephenson is an active church and Sunday- school worker, a member of the First Methodist Church, South, of Little Rock. He holds membership in the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Woodmen of the World. Knights of Honor, and is a thirty-second degree Mason. He is also a member of the Royal Arch and Council Masons, and a member of the Shrine, and an enthusiastic Shriner. Dr. Stephenson has some inventive genius, which is shown by the fact that he has devised and placed upon the market a complete set of instruments for removing tonsils, consisting of scissors, forceps, and tongue de- presses which are manufactured now by three of the largest instrument makers in the world. He also de- vised a pair of scissors for operating on the nose, also scissors for removing growths from the throat, which is also on the market. As an evidence of the merit of these instruments, Dr. Stephenson has received in- quiries concerning them from all parts of the United States. Indeed, an order came for a set from Buda- pest, Hungary. As an evidence of the esteem in which Dr. Stephen- son was held in his home town, Stuttgart, Arkansas, the local newspaper had the following to say relative to his departure for his new field of labor: THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 61 "This most estimable gentleman and skillful physi- cian, who has spent nine years in Stuttgart, sold out his property and practice here last week, and moved with his family to Little Rock, where he will follow the practice of his profession. He will, however, con- fine himself to the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear and throat, for which he has studied as specialist in New Orleans and in New York. Dr. Stephenson graduated with high honors at the Kentucky School of Medicine, at Louisville, Kentucky, in the class of 1889, and carried away the first medal ever taken off by a citizen of Arkansas from that school, which has attained a national reputation for the thoroughness of its curriculum. Dr. Stephenson first spent a year practicing in Hazen; then at Des Arc for one year, where he was also engaged in the drug business. From there he transferred himself to Swan Lake, and from thence to Stuttgart in 1890, where he has since resided, with the exception of a short time in 1892, spent in Little Rock, and 1897, spent in the Eye, Ear and Nose Hos- pital, at New Orleans, and last year attending clinics at the New York Polyclinic and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. While here he was examiner for fif- teen life insurance companies, surgeon for the Cotton Belt Railway for nine years, and secretary of the School Board for four years. "He is a member of a number of secret societies, and takes high rank in all, and is also very prominent in the councils of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He also holds the rank of major and assistant surgeon of the First Brigade, Arkansas Reserve Mi- litia, and as such examined the boys of Arkansas Coun- ty who enlisted for the Spanish-American War. Dr. 62 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Stephenson is a man of pleasing personality, and, aside from his professional ability, he is a gentleman whom to know is to esteem. Those who are best acquainted with him are his most ardent admirers. Stuttgart's loss is Little Rock's gain, and we predict for him wide opportunity in the treatment of the diseases of which he makes a specialty." — Stuttgart Free Press. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 63 SECTION X. William Normandy, the third son of Rev. John C. Stephenson and his wife, Agnes Simpson, married Miss Adaline Davidson. They reared a family in Law- rence County, Alabama. Normandy died during the war. His two sons, John C. and Scott, went to Texas, and, when I last heard from them, they were living near Rice, Texas. Sallie, eldest daughter of Rev. J. C. S. and his wife, Agnes, married William Jefferson Jamison, of Ala- bama. After four children — two sons and two daugh- ters — were born, Mr. Jamison died. The eldest son, Joseph, went to the war and died in camp. Jack, the second son, went to Arkansas. He married the daugh- ter of Hugh S. Stephenson, Mariah. Katie, the second daughter of Rev. J. C. Stephen- son, married Wilson H. Martin, of Mount Hope. They reared a family near Mount Hope. Robert, a farmer, living three miles north of Mount Hope, is their son. He is mail contractor between Mount Hope and Leigh- ton. He married Miss Bennett. Ihey have a large and respectable family of interesting children. Some of his daughters are married. He is doing well. Mrs. Joe Smith, of Mount Hope, is a daughter of W. H. Martin and his wife, Katie. Mr. Smith and his wife have reared and educated a family of very promising children. Joe and his sons are engaged in 64 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. farming- and merchandising. There are no better peo- ple in the neighborhood than Joe Smith and his family. Simpson Reed Stephen- son, son of Rev. J. C. Stephenson and Agnes, Harried, Two children were born ; his wife died. He went to Ennis, Texas, remarried, and died at Ennis, leaving no chil- dren of his last marriage. Eugene Stephenson, of Ennis, Ellis County, Texas, and Mrs. T. A. Smith, of Shreveport, Louisiana, are his only children. Thomas Hercanus, the fifth son of Rev. John Campbell Stephenson and his wife, Agnes Simpson, was born on a farm near Mount Hope, Lawrence County, Alabama, February 13, 1833. Thomas, like his brothers and sisters, had good parental discipline and moral training. He was reared to work on a farm. He was educated in the common schools of the country. Thomas was a young man of fine physique. He was industrious and had a good business education, and his integrity was undoubted ; hence he had no trouble in finding good paying employment as manager of a large plantation and the negroes. The war found him rais- ing cotton with negro slaves. He left the cotton field and went into the Confederate army. He served in the Fourth Alabama Cavalry till the surrender. His war record was good. Before the war he married Miss Thomas H. Stephenson, Boyce, Texas. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 65 Elizabeth A. Hamilton. Two children were born. His wife died. One child died in infancy; the other is Mrs. Cora, wife of D. E. Eason, of Garrett, Ellis County, Texas. Mr. Eason is a farmer. He and his wife have a family of small children. In 1866 Thomas H. Stephenson married Miss Hen- rietta Bridges, near Mount Hope, Alabama. He moved to Texas, in 1876, and settled in the rich prairie coun- try in Ellis County, a few miles east from Waxahachie. In a few years he bought land where he now lives, at Boyce, a railroad town. There were born unto Thomas H. Stephenson and his wife, Henrietta, five children, who are now living, namely, John B., Eliza, Joseph, James A. and Henry. These children have not only been well educated in the common acceptation of that term, but they have been taught self-reliance. They have had the best of moral training. They are intelli- gent and well prepared for the battle of life. John B. Stephenson married Miss Nellie Fay Boyce, daughter of Capt. William A. Boyce, of Boyce, Texas. She is one of the seven beautiful daughters of her father. She is as amiable as she is beautiful. John B. Stephenson is manager of The American Central Life Insurance Company for Texas. Joseph is not married. He is telegraph operator for Houston & Texas Central Railroad at Waxahachie, Texas. James Albert Stephenson, son of Thomas and Henri- etta, married Miss Fannie Lee Boyce, a sister of his brother's wife. She is a most excellent lady, highly educated and accomplished. She and her husband are live members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Greenville. She is a beautiful and very attractive woman. As worthy and intelligent as James A. Ste- 5 66 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. phenson is, he has his superior for a companion. They live in Greenville, Hunt County, Texas. He is an insurance agent for the Provident Savings Life Assur- ance Society of New York. He is managing a large business successfully. Henry, the youngest son of Thomas H. Stephenson and his wife, Henrietta Bridges, is not married. He lives at Dallas, Texas, and is a stenographer for Dallas Security Company. Eliza, the flower of the family, prefers to stay with her aged parents and see to their every want. Thomas H. Stephenson resides on his little rich prairie farm within three hundred yards of the railroad depot at Boyce. He and his family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is a ruling elder in his church. He lives quietly on his farm and has a competency. More than that, he has the satis- faction of having reared and educated a family that morally, intellectually and socially stands among the best people of that splendid, rich country. John Elam Stephenson, a younger brother of Thomas H., was a well educated young man, quite prepossessing in his manners. He married Miss Hancock, of Russell- ville, Alabama. One child was born. The parents both died. The daughter married Dick Martin, a young farmer near Mount Hope. After three children had been born the mother died. Mr. Martin married again. The next son of J. C. Stephenson was Felix. He was an oddity. He never married. Died at the age of forty. Martha Ann, the last child of Rev. John C. Stephen- son and his wife, Agnes Simpson, married Joseph Tyler, a good, industrious farmer. They reared only one child, Minnie. She was as well educated as the THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 67 Mount Hope schools could then do. She married Fletcher Morrison, a very energetic, industrious farmer. Mr. Morrison owns a great dea 1 of land and lives on the old Dill Bean place, near Mount Hope. Mr. Morrison has a good sized family, all girls except one, Tommie. One of their daughters married Prof. C. C. Kerby, the principal of the Mount Hope Wallace Insti- tute. Another daughter married Mr. Ed. Plaxco, a farmer. Joseph Tyler died several years ago. Martha Ann lives happily with her daughter and has a good home and an abundance in her old age. No better woman lives anywhere than Martha Ann Tyler, nee Stephenson. As a token of my high appreciation of her virtues I have in part dedicated this family genea- logical history in honor of her. Pleasant Wright Stephenson, the third son and sixth child of Hugh W. and Margaret Stephenson, married Miss Margaret (Peggy) McGaughey, the daughter of a major in the Revolutionary War. After the chil- dren were nearly all grown the family settled east of Memphis, in Tennessee. There were two daughters and several sons. Jane, the oldest daughter of P. W. Stephenson and his wife, "Peggy," married in Tennes- see. She is dead. There were no children. 68 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION XI. Franklin Clark, second son and third child of Pleas- ant Wright Stephenson and his wife, Margaret (Peggy) McGaughey, was born near Mount Hope, Lawrence County, Ala- bama, April 1, 1826. He was educated in the common schools of the country. His name in boyhood was familiarly known as "Dock" Ste- phenson- This came from the fact that he was named in honor of two doctors — Dr. Franklin, the philosopher of Phil- adelphia, and Dr. Rob- ert Mason Clark, a practicing physician of Mount Hope, Alabama, f. C. Stephenson, late of Memphis, at the time "Dock" Tennessee. Stephenson was born. Everyone called him "Dock" except his parents. Thev called him Franklin. "Dock" did not have a good opportunity for ac- quiring a good education. The country was new, and his father was a farmer of limited means. But "Dock" had a strong mind and retentive memory. He THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 69 secured a fair business education. He was always a good, obedient boy, and was very popular among the young people as well as with the old. He was char- itable and generous to a fault. He joined the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church when a very young man and always lived in accordance with the vows then taken. After his marriage to a Methodist lady he joined her church. When he came to the average boy's desire, the age of twenty-one, characteristic of the Stephen- sons, he set out in the world to make his own fortune. He stopped near Germantown, twenty miles east of Memphis, Tennessee, in the employ of an extensive farmer. Being an intelligent, industrious man, and a practical farmer, it was not long until his services were in much demand by the large farmers of the sur- rounding country. Want of space will not admit of a history of his career. But it was eminently success- ful. He married Miss Emily Camilla Germany, of Tennessee, December 25, 1849. She was born in New- nan, Georgia, February 2, 1828. This proved to be a very happy union. She was a most excellent Chris- tian woman. She was a woman of extraordinary intel- lect and an unusually retentive memory. She had but few equals and no superiors. As a housekeeper and in the culinary department she was an adept. Her life was a model for her children in their future inter- course with the world. She believed the doctrine of "training up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." She did not only believe the doctrine, but she practiced it. To Franklin Clark Stephenson and his wife, Emily Camilla Germany, were born ten children, seven sons and three daughters, as follows: Olivia Watson, born 70 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. November 9, 1850 ; William Franklin and Edwin were twins; Millard Alfred; Walter Clarence; Annie Ger- many; Margaret Cassander; John Henry; William Pleasant, and Robert Lee Stephenson, born October 31, 1870. Of these ten children, Edwin died in in- fancy. The rest were regularly christened in the Methodist Church, South. Four died before maturity, and five married. F. C. Stephenson died August 31, 1885. His widow survived him nineteen years. She died January 26, 1904, in Memphis, Tennessee. Olivia Watson, oldest daughter of Franklin Clark Stephenson and his wife, Emily Camilla Germany, was born in Shelby County, Tennessee, November 9, 1850. She was educated in Memphis. She was a bright child, a dutiful daughter and an intelligent young lady. She was always precautious and is now the dependence of all the children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, for advice and instruction. Olivia married Robert- H. Weaver September 30, 1868. The union was a very fortunate one. Mr. Weaver was an accomplished business man. He had served during the war in the Confederate army. The hardships of the war injured his health. After the close of the war he hoped to regain his usual good health ; but he never fully recovered. He died a middle-aged man. After Mr. Weaver's death, his widow managed the home successfully and educated the children. She was from her youth up a consistent member of the Methodist Church, South. She and Mr. Weaver were great friends to education. Their aid in that line was felt and appreciated by many of the young people around them. There were born to Robert H. Weaver and his wife, Olivia W. Stephenson, five children, three sons and two daughters. Of these five children, Kate THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 71 died when a child. Oliver Edwin died at the age of twenty-three. The other three are now (1905) living. Robert Angelo Weaver, second child of Robert H. Weaver and Olivia Watson Weaver, nee Stephenson, was born in Shelby County, Tennessee, December 24, 1872. He was educated in the private schools of Mem- phis, and from June, 1900 to 1903, he was a student at Vanderbilt University in the academic department. He joined the Methodist Church when twelve years old, and has remained in that church ever since, being now a teacher and assistant superintendent in the First Methodist Church Sunday School, of Memphis. Since leaving college, he has been engaged in growing cotton near Memphis, and in the cotton factors' busi- ness in that city, being a member of the firm of W. A. Gage & Co. On July 27, 1897, Robert Weaver was married to Miss Georgia May Allen, daughter of Hon. John M. Allen, of Tupelo, Mississippi. On June 22, 1898, a son was born unto them, who bears his father's name. On September 28, 1899, a daughter was born, who bears her mother's name. On July 5, 1901, God blessed them with yet another son, who was named for his grandfather, John Allen. On February 6, 1904, another daughter was given to them, who bears her mother's sister's name — Annie Belle. All the children are living. Amelia O., daughter of Robert H. Weaver and his wife, Olivia Watson Stephenson, married Mr. Hilde- brand, of Memphis. They have some children. Mrs. Hildebrand's health was failing in Memphis, so they went to Amarillo, Texas, where her health is much better. Burchett M., their youngest son, is now in college. 72 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Walter Clarence, son of F. C. and Emily C. Ste- phenson, was born April 27, 1857. He was a farmer below Memphis, married and reared a family. One of his sons is of age. His name is Frank E. Walter Clarence died June, 1882. Annie Germany, daughter of F. C. and Emily C. Stephenson, was born in Shelby County, Tennessee, June 24, 1859. She was highly educated, was quite fond of the arts and sciences and had a taste for draw- ing and painting. She studied painting in Paris, France, and was successful in acquiring a fine knowl- edge of her profession. She married Dr. Ephraim Weston Morgan, of Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Morgan is a practicing physician in South Memphis. He is descended from a distinguished Southern ancestry. The doctor and his wife have three sprightly children — two sons and one daughter. His wife, Annie, since her marriage, has changed her name from Annie Germany Stephenson to Annie Stephenson Morgan, and signs her name Annie S. Morgan. She and her husband are giving much atten- tion to the training and education of their children. Annie is a nice Christian woman, a good neighbor and a splendid lady. But she is not such a housekeeper and cook as her mother was. Margaret Cassander, daughter of F. C. and Emily C. Stephenson, was born June 17, 1861, in Shelby County, Tennessee. She married D. B. Maynard. There were some children born to them. Cassander died. Her sister, Olivia W. Weaver, is taking care of the children. Robert Lee, the youngest child of Franklin Clark Stephenson and his wife, Emily Camilla Germany, was born near Memphis, Tennessee, October 31, THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 73 1870. Robert was named in honor of the great Confederate chieftain. His father died when he was a small boy. He had good moral and do- mestic training by his mother. He was educated in Memphis. He was a n intelligent, ener- getic youth. He grew up to habits of industry and economy. He is digni- fied and polite, well pol- ished in his manners, and makes a splendid impression on those with whom he comes in contact. He is tall and portly, weighs one hun- dred and eighty pounds; his figure is symmet- rical and his movements graceful. He went to San Francisco, Califor- nia, and there, October 12, 1898, married Miss Alice Clay, daughter of Hammett Lyttleton Stephenson, for- merly of Bells, Tenn. Miss Alice's mother's maiden name was Miss Hattie Anne Cherry. These Stephen- sons were not related to us so far as we know. Miss Alice was born, reared and educated in Bells, Tennes- see. There have been born to Robert Lee and his wife, Alice Stephenson, a son and a daughter, Robert Lee, Jr., born March 31, 1901, and Cherry, born May 23, 1905. R. L. Stephenson is a life insurance man; office, 419 California Street, San Francisco, California. I understand his business is large and prosperous. He is the only son of his parents now living. R. L. Stephenson, Esq., San Fran- cisco, California. 74 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. William Anderson Stephenson, son of P. W. Stephen- son, married in Memphis. The family lives on Monroe Street, in Memphis. W. A. Stephenson is an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. They have chil- dren and grandchildren. Ann, the youngest daughter of P. W. Stephenson, married Mr. Owens, a respected farmer. They have one daughter and live on a good farm near Forest Hill, Shelby County, Tennessee. Albert Stephenson, son of P. W. Stephenson, mar- ried Miss Weatherall, seven miles south of Memphis. Sons and daughters were born to them, who live in the same locality now. 'Squire McCain, whose office is in Memphis, married one of the daughters of Albert Stephenson. Albert and his wife are both dead. Hodge Lawson Stephenson, the seventh child and fourth son of Hugh W. Stephenson and Margaret, his wife, married Miss Eliza P. Wasson, of Maury County, Tennessee. They reared a family of sons and daugh- ters near Mount Hope, Alabama, where Hugh W. Stephenson, his sons and sons-in-law bought land and settled on new farms, in 1819. H. L. Stephenson had a fine intellect. He, being reared in a new country, and not wealthy, was not well educated. He was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, a justice of the peace for many years, and a representative in the lower house and Senate of the Alabama Legislature for seventeen years, between 1836 and 1860. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 75 SECTION XII. Alfred Washington, eldest son of Hodge Lawson Stephenson and his wife, Eliza P. Wasson, was born in Mount Hope, Lawrence County, Alabama, November 16, 1826. He was edu- cated in Union Academy, Leighton, Alabama. He studied medicine under the tutelage of Dr. A. S. Johnson; was graduated in medicine at Louisville, Kentucky, taking high rank in scholarship and proficiency. He com- menced the practice of medicine in Mount Hope in 1850. He was success- ful in his practice. He married Miss Adaline Harvey, of Mount Hope, 1852. His wife was a most excellent woman. She was intelligent, energetic and very industrious. She was a model housekeeper and one among the best cooks I ever saw. Her equal was hard to find in domestic duties and work. From Mount Hope he moved to LaGrange, Alabama, having been elected surgeon for the college at that place. This Dr. A. W. Stephenson, late of Dyer, Tennessee. 76 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. position he held until the college was closed on account of the war. In 1868 he went to Dyer, Gibson County, Tennessee, where he was an eminent and successful practicing physician till his death, which occurred December 26, 1896. There were born to him and his wife four children, three daughters and one son. Bell, the first born, died in childhood. Then Lena, Ella and Henry Harvey Stephenson were born. Lena married Mr. Bobbitt. They have three chil- dren. She is a widow and keeps house for her brother, Henry, at the old homestead. Her oldest daughter, Minnie, married Professor Mount. They have a family and live at South McAlester, Indian Territory. Ben Bobbitt, her second son, is married. He is a conductor on a railroad and lives in Dyer, Tennessee. Guy, the youngest son, is in the army in the Philippine Islands. How they do scatter ! I have but three children. They live nine hundred miles apart. Ella, the third daughter of Dr. A. W. Stephenson and his wife, Adaline Harvey, married Mr. Berry. They have five children, three daughters and two boys. Sallie, the oldest daughter of Mr. Berry, and his wife, Ella Stephenson, live in the Indian Territory. Will Ella, the second daughter, is a trimmer and has a fine taste for the beautiful. She lives with her sister in the Territory. Lena, the third daughter, is in school in Jackson, Tennessee. Her two sons are at home with their mother. Henry Harvey, the only son of A. W. and Adaline Stephenson, is not married. He lives with his sister, Lena, in the old homestead. Artemisia, oldest daughter of Hodge L. Stephenson and his wife, Eliza P. Wasson, was educated in the common schools. She was a very popular young lady. She joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church when THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 77 a little girl. She married James D. Pickens, an indus- trious, well-to-do farmer in the Mount Hope neighbor- hood. They reared a large family of sons and daugh- ters. Artemisia died before any of her children were married. Thomas Pickens, their oldest living son, lives on and owns the old farm. He has raised a respectable, nice family. The children are now mostly grown, some of them married and settled on farms in the old neigh- borhood. America, the oldest daughter of James D. Pickens and his wife, Artemisia Stephenson, was for years under my tutelage. She was an interesting and an affectionate girl. She married Dick McClung. They reared a son and a daughter. The son is a Cumber- land Presbyterian preacher; the daughter is an assist- ant teacher in the Mount Hope Wallace Institute. Some of the Pickens children went to Texas as they came to the years of maturity. They seem to have inherited that Stephenson characteristic of looking out for an independence. "The mere fact that a boy nearing the age of manhood desires to go away from a pleasant home and use his own resources is a good indication that he will get along. If he objects to being pampered, there is nothing to be gained by pampering him. To withhold from him the chance he craves might be a serious error. There is no disgrace in hard work, and there is no lasting hurt from hard knocks. The men who make the best record have not planned their career while resting on 'flowery beds of ease/ nor gone forth with the backing of a bank account piled up by somebody else. There is scant reason to fret about the boy who is eager to become a wage- earner and selects arduous toil as his portion in the beginning." 78 t THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Others of the Pickens children remained in the old neighborhood believing in the truth of the Georgia doggerel that " There is more in the man, Than there is in the land." Rev. Rome Pickens, son of James D. Pickens and his wife, Artemisia Stephenson, married Miss Lillie Bean, a niece of Miss Kate Bean. Miss Kate was a noble young lady; she was the belle of the country. She married Mr. Cochrell and settled in Texas. Rome did not have the advantage of a classical education, but he is industrious and intellectual. He is a Cumberland Presbyterian minister. He has been the pastor of Rock Spring congregation for eighteen years. The church has prospered and grown under his care. He has a very large and interesting family. The oldest two daughters are intelligent, smart girls; they are almost grown. Bonner, the oldest son of Rev. Rome Pickens and his wife, Lillie Bean, is a very well trained vocalist. One of the daughters of James D. Pickens and Arte- misia Stephenson married Mr. John Roberson, a farmer of good means in the neighborhood. They have a nice family of children. Jane, daughter of James D. Pickens and his wife, Artemisia Stephenson, was well educated. She mar- ried George W. Jackson. George was a son of James D. Jackson, a scientific and practical farmer near Mount Hope, Alabama. George attended my school for several years. He was a man of great firmness and determination. He had a strong mind and retentive memory. He was honorable and honest. He was a member of the Baptist Church. He was liberal and THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 79 judicious in his dealings with men. He was a success- ful merchant of Mount Hope. There were born to George Jackson and his wife, Jane Pickens, five chil- dren, two girls and three boys. Mr. Jackson died two years ago. Jane was left to manage and educate the children. She takes great care in governing them, and is giving them every benefit of an education. Mr. Jackson left her ample means. William Argyle Stephenson, second son of Hodge L. Stephenson and his wife, Eliza P. Wasson, married Miss Mary A. Steenson. They reared a family of three children, two sons and one daughter. They moved to Dyer County, West Tennessee. Mort Stephenson, son of Argyle, is married; has a married son, Marvin. Mort is a merchant at Yorkville, Gibson County, Tennessee. Argyle's other son, Frank, is married and has a married son, Other. They are well-to-do farmers near Yorkville, Gibson County, Tennessee. Harriet, the second daughter of H. L. Stephenson and his wife, was educated in the common schools of the country. When I think of her attending school under my tutelage in the year 1850, and then notice that she is now a great-grandmother, that fact inti- mates that I am getting old. She married John Ewing Steenson, a clever, intelligent farmer near Mount Hope. They reared a large family of sons and daughters. The children are scattered and settled in different parts of Texas. Her husband was an elder in the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. He was doing well on his farm, but sold it, moved to Texas, had much sickness in his family in Texas, and moved back to Alabama. When Mr. Steenson returned he was financially 80 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. worsted. He died in Alabama. Harriet lives with her son, James Steenson, on a farm near Mount Hope, Alabama. James Monroe, the youngest son of Hodge L. Ste- phenson and his wife, Eliza P. Wasson, was born in Lawrence County, near Mount Hope, Alabama, August 10, 1840. He was edu- cated in the common schools. He was a very dutiful, industrious, good boy. He joined the Cum- b e r 1 a n d Presbyterian Church when quite young. About the time he arrived at the age of maturity, the Civil War came on. Monroe volun- teered for the Confeder- ate service. He made a brave and useful soldier. At the close of the war he actively took up farm- ing and continued to farm successfully till his death, which occurred June 10, 1887. On January 3, 1871, he married Miss Laura Dukeminier, near Mount Hope, Alabama. Miss Duke- minier was a daughter of Alfred Dukeminier. Laura was a most estimable young woman. There were born of this union nine children, six sons and three daugh- ters. They are all married except the youngest son, and all live in the community where they were brought up. Their names are as follows: Charles Michaux, Fredrick L., Russell E., Frank David, Edward Alfred, Deaton Monroe Stephenson. The girls are Lula B., James Monroe Stephenson, late of Mount Hope, Alabama. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 81 Zula and Mollie Stephenson. At Monroe's death the widow was left with these nine children and a little farm. n She, by hard work and good management, gave her children a support and a good common school edu- cation. The children were reared in respectability. TJJhey were a credit to their noble, sacrificing mother, vfter the children were grown and married, the widow very judiciously and prudently married Mr. Ches Rob- erson, a respectable farmer of good means. Mr. Rober- son is a good farmer and a good citizen, and was quite fortunate in capturing the wary widow of eighteen years' widowhood. 82 THE STEPHENSON FAMILf. SECTION XIII. Eliza Jane, the youngest daughter of Hodge L. Ste- phenson and his wife, Eliza P. Wasson, was fairly well educated. She was a very quiet, sensible girl ; she grew to womanhood in the stormy times of the Civil War, Lawrence A. Johnson and Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, Greenville, Texas. but she was always prudent and wise. She married James G. Dement, a son of an upright, faithful minister in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Dement was a respectable farmer in Limestone County, Ala- bama. They reared a family in North Alabama, on the north side of the Tennessee River. Rebecca Eliza Dement, the oldest living daughter of James G. Dement and his wife, Eliza Jane Stephen- THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 83 son, was born in Limestone County, Alabama, Novem- ber 3, 1874. She was an unusually intelligent girl, cheerful and gay. She was educated at Huntsville, Alabama. She was an ambitious girl, desirous to stand at the head of her class. Her physical constitu- tion was not equal to her thirst for knowledge and dis- tinction. As a consequence her progress was checked to some extent. She wrote for the newspapers occa- sionally. Her productions were of a moral and literary nature. March 4, 1903, she married Lawrence A. Johnson, a farmer near Greenville, Texas. Mr. John- son is a noble specimen of humanity. He is of a family distinguished for mental and physical strength and forensic power as well as its moral worth. There are thousands of men and women in Tennessee and North Alabama who have heard with gladness the persuasive eloquence, and felt the power of the pulpit when it was occupied by Dr. Felix Johnson, or his brother, Alvia. These good men were uncles of Lawrence A. Johnson. Of the union of Rebecca E. Dement and L. A. Johnson a son, Jack Dement, was born. The child is the pride of the young parents. Jack is an extraordinary child, if a mother's testimony is good in such cases. But the average man knows how much salt to use to cure the statements of the mother, especially where there is but one child. Rebecca did not marry until after her mother's death. She and her husband are well situated on a rich prairie farm near the beautiful little city of Greenville, Hunt County, Texas. Mrs. Johnson has only one living brother, John M. Dement, and two sisters, Mrs. James H. Easter and Mrs. William Bruce Strong. The brother and the two sisters have families and live in Limestone County, Alabama. Mrs. John- son's father, James G. Dement, is remarried and lives 84 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. on his farm at the old home. Hodge L. Stephenson's wife, Eliza P. Wasson, died; after which he married Mrs. Margaret Barker, nee Broyles, of Lawrence County, Alabama. Mrs. Barker was a worthy woman, a good and kind stepmother. Of this union there was a child born, Ann, named in honor of her aunt, Ann Broyles. Ann married Calvin Martin; there was a son born. Calvin died. The young widow married John Wear. To this marriage several children were born. Ann died. Mr. Wear lives on his farm with his little children. Ann's first child is a farmer and lives at the old Stephenson homestead. Sallie R. Stephenson, the eighth child and fourth daughter of Hugh W. Stephenson and Margaret, his wife, married Ellison McGaughey. They reared a family near Mount Hope. Sallie died. Ellison married Miss Lively Little and went to Marshall County, Mis- sissippi. I think the family are all dead. Finis is a Latin word and means the end, but my grandfather was not a Latin scholar. I will not accuse him of naming the boy of his old age Finis on that account; but the fact is Finis Ewing Stephenson was the fifth son, ninth and last child of Hugh W. and his wife, Margaret Stephenson. Finis married Talitha McWhorter. They reared a family in Pontotoc County, Mississippi. In accordance with the plan of this work, I have given the generations beginning with Hugh W. Ste- phenson, the oldest son of William Stephenson, 1st, one of the Four, and his wife, R. Green Beattie. My grandfather, Hugh W. Stephenson, was the oldest child of William Stephenson, one of the Four. He was born in Ireland, January 25, 1765. He had four full and two half-brothers in South Carolina. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 85 They were called "Stinson," the Scottish vernacular for Stephenson, but they knew their proper name was Stephenson. My grandfather, in 1787, married his cousin Margaret, daughter of Capt. James Stephenson, one of the Four. In the year 1794 he moved with his family from York County, South Carolina, to Smith County, Tennessee. He was never called "Stinson" any more. The six brothers "Stinsons" who were left in South Carolina have now not a single "Stinson" descendant to bear the name; but their descendants by their daughters are quite numerous. I will give here a list of male descendants, now living, of Hugh W. Stephenson, through his sons, not counting the descendants of his daughters. The num- ber now voters is forty-three. I am not reckoning those under age: Descendants of William Watson Stephenson. 1. William Henry Stephenson, Collinsville, Texas. 2. Felix W. Stephenson, Collinsville, Texas. 3. Dick Lee Stephenson, Collinsville, Texas. 4. Nim L. Stephenson, Collinsville, Texas. 5. William Newton Stephenson, Leighton, Alabama. 6. Hugh William Stephenson, Tuscumbia, Alabama. 7. Donald Reagan Stephenson, Juanita, Louisiana. 8. Dr. Hugh Watson Stephenson, Oakman, Alabama. 9. Roscoe Owen Stephenson, Oakman, Alabama. 10. William Claiborne Stephenson, Rockwall, Texas. 11. John Calvin Stephenson, Chattanooga, Tennessee. 12. Edwin Napier Stephenson, Chicago, Illinois. 13. William Myatt Stephenson, Waco, Texas. 14. William Watson Stephenson, Lois, Arkansas. 15. Thomas Floyd Stephenson, Lois, Arkansas. 16. Hugh Albert Stephenson, St. Charles, Arkansas. 86 the stephenson family. Descendants of Rev. John Campbell Stephenson. 17. Porter Stephenson, Rice, Texas. 18. Amos Jarmon Stephenson, Des Arc, Arkansas. 19. Dr. Charles C. Stephenson, Little Rock, Arkansas. 20. John C. Stephenson, Rice, Texas. 21. Scott Stephenson, Rice, Texas. 22. Eugene Stephenson, Ennis, Texas. 23. Thomas Hercanus Stephenson, Boyce, Texas. 24. John B. Stephenson, Greenville, Texas. 25. Joseph Stephenson, Waxahachie, Texas. 26. James Albert Stephenson, Greenville, Texas. 27. Henry Stephenson, Dallas, Texas. Descendants of Pleasant Wright Stephenson. 28. William Anderson Stephenson, Memphis, Tennes- see. 29. Robert Lee Stephenson, San Francisco, California. 30. Frank E. Stephenson, Memphis, Tennessee. 31. Frank Stephenson, Memphis, Tennessee. Descendants of Hodge L. Stephenson. 32. Henry Harvey Stephenson, Dyer, Tennessee. 33. William Argyle Stephenson, Ro Ellen, Tennessee. 34. Mort Stephenson, Yorkville, Tennessee. 35. Marvin Stephenson, Yorkville, Tennessee. 36. Frank Stephenson, Ro Ellen, Tennessee. 37. O-ther Stephenson, Ro Ellen, Tennessee. 38. Charles Michaux Stephenson, Mt. Hope, Alabama. 39. Fred L. Stephenson, Mt. Hope, Alabama. 40. Russell E. Stephenson, Mt. Hope, Alabama. 41. Frank Stephenson, Mt. Hope, Alabama. 42. Edward Alfred Stephenson, Mt. Hope, Alabama. 43. Deaton Monroe Stephenson, Mt. Hope, Alabama. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 87 SECTION XIV. William Stephenson, a Revolutionary soldier of York and Chester counties, and the father of " 'Squire Stin- son," was commonly called "Stinson," and his family came to be generally known only by the name " Stin- son." His son, Daniel Green, signed official documents with the name "D. G. Stinson." But it was known by him that his father, William, was a son of Robert Stephenson, a Scotchman, who reared a family in County Antrim, Ireland. J. C. Hicklin, Esq., Rodman, South Carolina, a grandson of William Stephenson's daughter, Mrs. Mary Furgeson; Sam J. Lewis Rod- man, whose wife was Daniel Green Stinson's daughter, and Mrs. Hephzibah Stephenson, Rossville, South Car- olina (she is the widow of Dr. William Stephenson), and a granddaughter of William Stephenson, all now quite old, say they have often heard " 'Squire Stinson" say that his proper name was Stephenson. In speak- ing, in this booklet, of Daniel Green Stinson, or any of the descendants of Robert Stephenson, of Ireland, they will be called Stephenson. "Stinson" is the Scottish vernacular for Stephenson. This fact is well known in Scotland and Ireland. It appears to me that it shows a want of dignity and of proper respect to the illustrious dead to designate them by a misnomer. But the name "Stinson" as applied to this family is now extinct. Why? Echo answers, Why? 88 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Hugh W. Stephenson, oldest son of William Stephen- son, and half brother of " 'Squire Stinson," refused to sign his name as Stinson. He married in York County, South Carolina, moved to Tennessee, thence to Ala- bama. I have given the names and their respective postoffices of forty-three men voters by the name of Stephenson, descendants of the sons of Hugh W., to say nothing of the descendants of the daughters. Hugh left six brothers in South Carolina, as good men and as intelligent as he was. They accepted the name "Stinson." That was not the right name. The good Lord prospered them in their basket and their store. But he gave them daughters ; in a few cases sons were born, bright sons, but they died without marrying, or failed to raise male offspring. Who can explain all this? Facts are stubborn things. William Stephenson's first wife was a Miss Beattie. She has been dead more than a century. The rude granite headstone has her name chiseled on it. But it is scarcely legible. I am indebted to my cousin, J. C. Hicklin, and especially to the indefatigable energy and perseverance of Mrs. Gober Anderson, for deciphering her name on that old, rough headstone. Mrs. Anderson sat down on the ground in the hot July sunshine and rubbed the stone to make the carved letters appear. She was thoroughly satisfied that she understood every letter except one. She could not tell whether the first letter of the name was "R" or "B," but she was inclined to believe that it was "R." The name then reads, "R. Green Stinson." I could not see the letters. But Mrs. Anderson's bright, intelligent eye is younger than mine. I am satisfied that William Stephenson kept no family record of births and deaths. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 89 I doubt whether he kept a Bible; Bibles were scarce in those days. But he was a Presbyterian. His brother, Robert Stephenson, called Robert of Wy- lam, the father of George Stephenson, the engineer and railroad promoter of England, had no family "rech- ester," as he wrote it, of the births of his children, until after they had all been born, 1792. His family record was all written at the same time, by the same hand, written with a goose quill pen. There was no other sort then. The information obtained on a short visit to South Carolina last July does not afford me sufficient data to write a correct or full history of the Stephenson family in South Carolina, nor their connections in that country. I hope that some one in South Carolina will revise and re- write this booklet, and so amend and enlarge it as to include more of the family history. I will at all times be more than pleased to furnish any assistance in my power to that end. John Stephenson, supposed to be the second son of William and R. Green Beattie, probably married. But nothing is known by me of his family if he had one. Robert Stephenson, the third son of William Ste- phenson and his wife, R. Green Beattie, married Nancy Agnew, of South Carolina. Of this union six children were born: two sons and four daughters. Mary, the oldest daughter of Robert Stephenson and his wife, Nancy Agnew, married Mr. Harrison. Lucretia, the second daughter, married John Stroud. The third daughter, Agnes, married Thomas Cain. William Stephenson, the oldest son of Robert and Nancy, never married. Elihu, the second son, married Miss Talia- ferro. Elizabeth, the youngest daughter, married Fer- guson Woods. 90 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. James Stephenson, the fourth son of William Steph- enson and his wife, did not marry. William Stephenson, the fifth son of William Ste- phenson and his wife, never married. Elizabeth and Nancy, the first daughters born to William Stephenson and his wife, R. Green Beattie, were twins, born in Chester County, South Carolina, in 1787. Their mother died the same day on which they were born. Elizabeth married Mr. Roberson. They had several sons. Nancy was twice married. She first married William Orr. Of this union two chil- dren were born. Mr. Orr died. The widow, Nancy, married John Ferguson. Of this marriage there were children born. Burdette Ferguson, now living with Stephen Ferguson, is the only surviving child of John Ferguson and his wife, Nancy Stephenson. William Stephenson, one of the Four, the widower, married a second wife, Miss Elizabeth Wylie, an ex- cellent and intelligent Irish lady, who had only recently arrived from the Green Isle. The marriage took place in 1789. Of this marriage four children were born, two sons and two daughters. These Stephensons were called "Stinson." There exists a singular fact in regard to the "Stin- son" family in South Carolina — one that cannot be accounted for from a human standpoint. It is this — the "Stinson" family failed to perpetuate the name "Stinson." The name, as applied to the Stephenson family, is extinct. But the descendants through the "Stinson" females bearing their husbands' names are quite numerous. I have referred to this singular fact elsewhere. When I found that Samuel Stinson, the first son of William Stephenson and his second wife, Elizabeth THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 91 Wylie, born 1790, reared a large family, and among the children were three healthy sons, Jacob, Daniel and Samuel, I thought this was a reasonable chance for a perpetuation of the name "Stinson;" but it, like all the rest, failed. Samuel, son of William Stephenson, one of the Four, married Elizabeth Westbrook. There were born unto them seven children, three sons and four daughters. Salena, daughter of Samuel Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Westbrook, married Samuel Baxter. They had no children. Elizabeth married Israel Baxter. Two daughters were born. The family moved west. Nothing is known of them. Nancy, daughter of Samuel Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Westbrook, married Lemuel Jackson. Of this union there were born seven children. Mrs. Till- man Henson, near Rossville, South Carolina, is the oldest daughter of Lemuel Jackson and his wife, Nancy Stephenson. Laura Jackson, the second daughter, married George Peters. Lucius Jackson, son of Lemuel and his wife, Nancy, married Miss Elizabeth Brown. They are living in Navarro County, near Corsicana, Texas. Thompson Jackson, son of Lemuel, married Miss Sanders. Love Jackson married Mr. Marshall. Lenora Jackson married James Gladden. They reared a family in Chester County, South Carolina. They have descendants now living in South Carolina. The other son of Lemuel Jackson and his wife did not marry. I am not informed in regard to the fourth daughter of Samuel Stephenson. 92 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Jacob, son of Samuel Stephenson, called "Stinson," and his wife, Elizabeth Westbrook, grew to manhood, went off with one Johnson with some articles to sell. He was never heard of after he left home. It was thought that he was murdered and thrown into the Broad River. The next son, Daniel, married Miss Margaret Davidson. Two children were born to them. The parents and both children died. Samuel, the last son, never married. Thus the three sons of Samuel Stephenson, called "Stinson," passed away leaving no descendants. Mary, the second child of William Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Wylie, was born in 1792. She mar- ried James Ferguson. They reared nine children, seven girls and two boys. I regret that I do not know more of the history of this interesting family. Mr. Ferguson was a prosperous farmer in the Rocky Creek country, near Rossville. His wife, Mary Stephenson, was an extraordinary woman, very domestic and in- tellectual. While she was an excellent housekeeper and provided well for the comfort of her children, she kept well informed as to the affairs of the State and country. Isabella Ferguson, daughter of James Ferguson and Mary Stephenson, married Jason Hicklin. Mr. Hicklin was a farmer and owned and operated a grist mill on Rocky Creek. Ihey reared a highly respected family. The children had as good an education as could be ob- tained in the country, then new. Jason Calvin Hicklin, son of Jason Hicklin and his wife, Isabella Ferguson, married Miss Sallie Strait. She is a most excellent lady and is well preserved. They live in contentment and ease with their family on a well cultivated farm near Rodman, South Car- THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 93 olina. Mr. Hicklin is an intelligent, industrious hus- bandman, a consistent member of the Associate Re- formed Presbyterian Church. He is a surveyor of large experience. He has two very nice daughters at home, who, I fear, are cheating some two young men out of most desirable wives and happy homes. His daughter, Susie, married Mr. Gaston, a farmer and merchant in the neighborhood. They have three promising children. Mrs. Hall, of Winnsboro, South Carolina, is a widow. She is a daughter of Jason Hicklin. She lives with her son, Jason Hall. Mr. Hall has an interesting family — wife and eight children. Mrs. Susie McCrorrey, wife of William McCrorrey, is a daughter of Mrs. Hall. She is an excellent, good housekeeper and provider, as I can testify, having had ocular and tasteful experience. Mr. McCrorrey is an elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, \ at Catholic — a strange name for a church of Presby- l terian family. It is an old brick church a few miles ] west from Rossville, South Carolina. Elizabeth, second daughter of James Ferguson and his wife, Mary Stephenson, married Mr. Sterling. Ag- nes Ferguson, the third daughter, married Mr. Cole- man. Kate, the fourth daughter, married Mr. Grafton. Mary Ann, the fifth daughter, married Mr. Hindman. Hephzibah, the sixth daughter of James Ferguson and Mary Stephenson, married Dr. William J. Stephen- son. (No relation to the family whose history I am writing.) She is a widow and lives with her son, William Stephenson, a farmer, near Rossville. She is a consistent member of the Associate Reformed Pres- byterian Church at Catholic. She is held in high es- teem by her church and her neighbors, by whom she is 94 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. regarded as one of the noble old ladies of the com- munity in which she lives. Her son with whom she lives is a well-to-do, industrious, honest farmer. He is married, and has several children. Mrs. Hephzibah is the mother of Mrs. Nancy Ferguson, the wife of Stephen Ferguson, near Richburg, South Carolina. Mrs. Nancy Ferguson is one of the most attractive and intelligent, as well as one of the finest looking ladies I saw in South Carolina, and I saw many who would be stars in any community. She could grace any par- lor, or lead the social company, and when it comes to the culinary art, she is an adept. She is the mother of ten healthy, intelligent children, and from appearances she might be the mother of ten more. Jane, the seventh daughter of James Ferguson and his wife, Mary Stephenson, married Mr. Hall. Will- iam Ferguson, the first son of the above parents, mar- ried Miss Wade. They have a son living with his family on the old Ferguson farm near Rossville. Barber Ferguson, another son, the last child of James Ferguson, was three times married. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 95 SECTION XV. Daniel Green Stephenson (called "Stinson"), the tenth child of William Stephenson, one of the Four, and the third child of the same, and his second wife, Elizabeth Wylie, was born May 1, 1794, in South Carolina. From his boyhood he exhibited an unusual thirst for knowledge. He was a good farm hand from the time he could hoe cotton till he was grown. But he managed to ob- tain a good education through his persever- ance and energy. He was intellectually very strong from his youth Up. His moral Character Daniel Green Stinson, Esq., Ches- i t TT ter County, South Carolina. was above reproach. He was kind and considerate in his intercourse with men, very conscientious and just in all his transactions with the world. He married Miss Esther Gaston, from an illustrious family of the country. There were born of this union nine children, seven daughters and two sons. One of the sons died in infancy ; the other, John, was in his senior year at college when he died. It is 96 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. said he was a young man of much promise. Three of his daughters died in maidenhood. Much attention was given by the parents to the education of the chil- dren. They reared a family highly respected for in- tegrity and worth. Daniel Green Stephenson (called "Stinson") was a fine local historian. He rendered invaluable services to Mrs. Elizabeth F. Ellet, in writing the third volume of "The Women of the American Revolution." He also wrote, by request of Lyman C. Draper, the history of the Battle of King's Mountain, so far as it was partici- pated in by South Carolinians. He also wrote the "His- tory of Presbyterianism in South Carolina," for Dr. Howe. He has left on record in the Yorkville (South Carolina) Enquirer, of October 2, 1879, a biographical sketch from which we learn much of his history. I, especially, and as for that, all the descendants of the Four, are under lasting obligations to his memory for the family history he has left on record, without which thousands of us would be in total darkness as to our genealogical history. While we observe some errors into which he has fallen, we respect his memory the more highly for his effort in that direction, knowing that he did his best for us. He did so much better than any one else did that we can readily excuse any appar- ent error in his writings. He was for many years a faithful and efficient public officer in Chester County. South Carolina. He was a farmer of large means, always kind and lenient to his slaves. He kept a bill of sale for some negroes his father bought in the year 1797. This paper was lost about the time the negroes were freed — 1865. Jane Stephenson, daughter of Daniel Green Ste- phenson and his wife, Esther Gaston, married Rev. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 97 Matthew Elder. They reared three children, two sons and one daughter. Norman Elder, son of Matthew Elder and his wife, Jane Stephenson, has a family in Columbia, South Carolina. Mr. Elder is an intelli- gent, well educated man. He is head clerk in a large business in Columbia. John M. W. Elder, a brother to Norman, is an Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister. He has charge of two churches in Virginia. He has a family. Miss Mary Jane Elder, daughter of Rev. M. Elder and his wife, Jane, is not married. She is living in Chester, South Carolina. Melissa Stephenson, daughter of Daniel Green Ste- phenson and his wife, Esther Gaston, married the Rev. Laughlin McDonald. Mr. McDonald was an eminent Associate Reformed Presbyterian minister, a zealous and useful man, a man who sacrificed his own ease and comfort for the general good. He and his wife, Melissa, reared to maturity three sons. Charles Edgar McDonald is an able and highly useful Associate Re- formed Presbyterian minister. He is the pastor of the church at Winnsboro, South Carolina. His wife is dead. He has charge of the children and his flock. He is. in many respects a very superior man. James Edwin, a younger brother to the preacher, is a lawyer of more than ordinary ability. Judge McDonald prac- tices in the courts at Winnsboro, his home, and in the surrounding counties. He has great ability in deter- mining the merits of the cases that come before him when on the bench. He has a large and commodious home, surrounded by extensive grounds. He has a most amiable wife and five very promising children. His daughter, Miss Helen, now about grown, is a charming and well educated young lady. His oldest son, Edwin, is in college and will soon graduate. There 98 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. is no nicer family in Winnsboro than Judge Edwin McDonald's. William Lee McDonald, son of Rev. L. McDonald, is an insurance agent. He has a family and lives in Charlotte, N. C. Eliza C. Stephenson, daughter of D. G. Stephenson and his wife, Esther Gaston, married Samuel J. Lewis. There were born of this union seven children, five sons and two daughters. The five sons and one daughter have passed away, leaving no descendants. Mrs. Lewis, the mother, is also dead. Margaret Melissa Lewis, daughter of Samuel J. Lewis and his wife, Eliza C. Stephenson, after she was educated, married John M. Bell. They have one interesting child, a son, Lewis. The child is a very intelligent scion and the pride of the family. Mr. Bell is an electrician, and an industrious, clever, good man. He lives at Rodman, and works at Chester, eleven miles west from Rodman. Mr. Bell, in the early morning, runs to Chester on an electric bicycle, and returns after work time in the evening. Mr. Bell was exceedingly fortunate in his marriage to Miss Maggie Lewis. She is an intelligent, industrious woman, a devoted mother, a kind, obedient wife, and a painstaking housekeeper. She is a blond, having the complexion and style of the Scottish Stephensons. There is no better or kinder woman in Rodman than Mrs. Margaret Melissa Bell. But her Irish blood will rise in the twinkling of an eye, if she sees that dear little boy imposed upon. Samuel J. Lewis is a successful merchant at Rod- man. He owns land and farms. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. There is no better man in that church than Sam Lewis. Mr. Lewis lived in THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 99 Tishomingo County, Mississippi, when the war came on. He was a gallant and brave soldier in the Con- federate army. Probably there was no one in that desperate struggle who was in more hard-fought bat- tles, and who was a witness to more death and carnage than Samuel J. Lewis. He lost all he had; his family refugeed from North Mississippi to South Carolina. He is an industrious, economical man. He has now a nice little estate. Martha Stephenson, daughter of Daniel Green Ste- phenson and his wife, Esther Gaston, married Mr. Lewis, a nephew of Samuel J. Lewis. She is dead; she has no descendants living. Daniel Green Stephenson was twice married. His wife, Esther Gaston, died in 1854, after having been married thirty-five years. Her husband made the common mistake of old men. He married a widow who had a family of daughters. 'Squire "Stinson's" family and the newly adopted one were not congenial ; they never are. His latter days were not his hap- piest days. 100 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION XVI. Catharine, the last child of William Stephenson, one of the Four, and his wife, Elizabeth Wylie, married John Westbrook, a farmer. They lived on a fine farm one mile west from Rossville. There were born to them twelve children. Seven of them died without heirs. The other five reared respectable, good fami- lies. Jacob Westbrook, son of John Westbrook and his wife, Catharine Stephenson, married Sarah Peay. They have a family and live in Acworth, Georgia. Terzie Westbrook, Jacob's sister, married Jefferson Wylie. Jane Agnes, daughter of John Westbrook and his wife, Catharine Stephenson, married James Campbell. They reared a family near Mount Prospect church, in Chester County, South Carolina. She is a widow and lives with her daughter, Mary Frances, and son-in-law, W. C. Garrison, a respectable citizen and a good, indus- trious farmer. Mr. Garrison and his wife have several children. My cousin, Jane Agnes, is one of four living grandchildren of William Stephenson, one of the Four. She is getting up in years for a widow, but her memory is very good. I obtained from her more of the past history of the descendants of the Four than from all the others whom I met. J. C. Hicklin and myself enjoyed a splendid basket dinner with her fam- ily at a picnic one July day. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 101 Mary Elizabeth Westbrook married William Alex- ander White. Mr. White owned a large farm, three miles south of Chester, South Carolina. On this farm he reared a large and respectable family. Their son, James G. L. White, now owns and lives on the original White estate. It consists of four hundred acres that has been in the family for one hundred and forty-five years. The land was granted to Mr. White's grand ancestor in 1762, by the crown of England. The con- sideration was ten shillings for a hundred acres. When the land was surveyed it was guessed off with given metes and bounds, always good measure thrown in. The purchaser did the most of the guessing. J. G. L. White has the original deed by which the crown of England conveyed this land to his great-grandfather. The following are the names of the children of William A. White and his wife, Mary Elizabeth West- brook : John W. White, Louisville, Georgia ; Mrs. Kate S. Stone, Augusta, Georgia; Dr. W. G. White, York- ville, South Carolina; James G. L. White, Chester, South Carolina ; R. M. White, Chester, South Carolina ; Miss Jinnie C. White, Chester, South Carolina. On that same old farm Mr. White, this year, 1905, expects to make a bale of cotton to the acre. He has an inter- esting family, consisting of wife and seven children. His daughter, Mary Elizabeth, has just finished school. Any one knows how bright and polite a young lady can be when she has just graduated and returned home. Three of his little boys, one named "Stinson," are about the same size. They are about the right size and age to get off with a stranger and tell him all the family secrets. Isabella, daughter of John West- brook and his wife, Catharine Stephenson, married Robert Nichols. 102 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Having given a very incomplete account of the de- scendants of William Stephenson, one of the Four, and of his children and their descendants, I will take up next his brother, James Stephenson, one of the Four. James Stephenson, son of Robert Stephenson, a Scotchman, who reared a family in Antrim County, Ireland, was born in Ireland about the year 1746. He married previous to coming to America. His wife's Christian name was Nellie, but I do not know her maiden name. He was a captain in the Revolutionary War under Col. John Sevier. He was in the battle of King's Mountain. There were born to him and his wife, Nellie, eight children, four sons and four daugh- ters, namely : Hugh, born in Ireland, in 1766 ; a daugh- ter, who died on the way to America and was buried at sea; Margaret, born November 28, 1770, in Ireland, my grandmother; John, born in Ireland, in 1772; Mary Ann, born in South Carolina, in 1774; Robert, born in 1776, in South Carolina; William, born in 1778, in South Carolina; Rebecca, born in 1781, in South Carolina. Capt. James Stephenson was a brave and faithful officer in the Revolutionary War. He participated in many battles. During the time James Stephenson was in the army his wife, Nellie, and her children worked on a farm in the southeastern part of Chester County, South Carolina, for a support. In the year 1780 the British and Tories came to her house plundering. She had her cattle in a lot. She fought the enemy the best she could trying to save some of her property. She put one favorite milch cow, "Old Brindle," in the horse stable. The Tories knocked her down and broke the door open and took the last cow she had. But she had one weapon left which she used with much severity — THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 103 her tongue. She called them low-down, thieving imps of King George. Her ten-year-old daughter, Margaret, struck one of the Tories with the poking stick. In these days of plenty and affluence there may be some who do not know what is meant by a poking stick. In the time of the American Revolution, and down to my boyhood days, iron shovel and tongs were luxuries which only a few were able to enjoy. In those days for fire dogs common rocks were used, and for tongs a hickory stick four feet long and one and a half inches thick was used. The shovel was made from a common clapboard riven from a white oak tree. The board was trimmed down to a handle. 104 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION XVII. Hugh Stephenson, oldest son of Capt. James Ste- phenson, one of the Four, and his wife, Nellie, was born in Antrim County, Ireland, in 1766. He came with his father's family to America, married Miss Margaret Presley in South Carolina, in 1790. He moved to Sumner County, Tennessee, in 1794; thence to Law- rence County, Alabama, in 1820. After three children had been born his wife died in Tennessee. These three children were John, Thomas and Margaret Pres- ley Stephenson. Hugh married Elizabeth Alvis in Tennessee. They reared a large family in Lawrence County, Alabama. John Stephenson, son of Hugh and Margaret, was born in South Carolina, in 1792. He married Lucinda Theirlkill, near Mount Hope, Alabama. They reared a family in Mississippi. Thomas, the next son, never married. Margaret Presley married my father after my mother's death. Her children have been noticed under the head of William Watson Stephenson. Dorothy, daughter of Hugh Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Alvis, married Hiram Byler. They reared a family in Mississippi. Mary Ann, commonly called "Polly Ann," daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth, mar- ried Alexander Lee. They went to Louisiana. Martha, commonly called "Patsy," married James Lee. Of this union three children were born: Puss, Thomas Ben- ton and William A. Lee. Puss never married. She now lives with her brother, T. B. Lee. T. B. Lee mar- ried Steve Johnson's daughter. They reared a family THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 105 six miles west from Moulton, Alabama, on a farm. William A. Lee married Miss Wasson. They live northeast from Leighton, Alabama, in Coiburt County. Their children are mostly grown. Some of them are married. Ashley Elliott Stephenson, son of Hugh and Eliza- beth, married my only full sister, Miss Mary Ann Ste- phenson, commonly called "Polly Ann." Their children have been noticed under the head, William Watson Stephenson. Jasper Newton Stephenson, son of the above Hugh and Elizabeth, married Caroline White. They reared a family near Landersville, Alabama. Bill, Tom and his brother went to North Texas. Paralee, daughter of J. N. Stephenson and his wife, Caroline White, married Thomas Hagood. They have several children. They live at Hatton, Lawrence County, Alabama. Another daughter of J. N. Stephen- son married Mr. Montgomery. They live near Moul- ton, Alabama. Catharine, daughter of Hugh Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Alvis, married William Eckles. They have no children. Elizabeth, the youngest child of Hugh Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Alvis, married Thomas Wash- ington White. Some children were born. The parents died. The children live near Landersville, Alabama. Margaret Stephenson, daughter of Capt. James Ste- phenson, one of the Four, and his wife, Nellie, was born in Ireland, in 1770. She married her cousin, Hugh W. Stephenson, my grandfather, in South Caro- lina. She has been noticed under the head of her hus- band's father, William Stephenson, one of the Four. 106 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Much of the early history of the Stephenson family, here recorded, is derived from her conversation when I was a small boy. A little boy thinks his grandmother knows it all. John Stephenson, son of Capt. James, one of the Four, and Nellie, was born in Ireland, in 1772. He married in Tennessee. After two children were born he died. James Guynn Stephenson, son of John Stephenson and his wife, was born 1807, in Tennessee. Guynn was a scientific farmer, a good neighbor and an hon- orable, upright citizen. He was a faithful member of the Baptist Church. He married Miss Mary Kent in Alabama, reared an interesting family. He died in Texas. Mary Ellen, daughter of James Guynn Stephenson and his wife, Mary Kent, married Dr. John Benton McGaughey, Mount Hope, Alabama. They reared a. large family in Texas. The McGaugheys at Brown- wood, Texas, are Guynn's grandchildren. Jane, Guynn's second daughter married Mr. Simmons, of Hood County, Texas. They have a family in Texas. John Smith, son of James Guynn Stephenson and his wife, Mary Kent, married Miss Jinnie Davis, Con- cord, Alabama. They reared only one child, a daughter. She married James Masterson, of Moulton. Two daughters were born. Mrs. Masterson died. The two daughters are now young ladies, living in Moulton, Alabama. John Smith Stephenson's wife, Jinnie, died. John married Mrs. Susan K. Benner, a widow. They live in Courtland, Alabama. He is the sheriff of Law- rence County, Alabama. Camilla, called "Miley," only daughter of John Ste- phenson and his wife, never married. She died in Texas. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 107 SECTION XVIII. Mary Ann, daughter of James Stephenson, one of the Four, and his wife, Nelly, was born in South Caro- lina, in 1774. She married Mr. Sandifer. They reared a family in South Carolina. The son of Mr. Sandifer and his wife, Mary Ann Stephenson, married Miss Wylie. Of this union were several children born. Misses Sarah and Hephzibah Sandifer, now living on Rocky Creek, near Rossville, are two of their chil- dren. These two maids own and live upon a farm on Rocky Creek, on which, by prudence, industry and economy, they make a competency and some to spare. These ladies are nice, quiet members of the old Catholic Presbyterian Church. Their farm skirts Rocky Creek where the old cow ford was in Revolutionary times. Here at this cow ford is the place William Anderson crossed and made his escape from forty pursuing British and Tories. This was in June, 1780. The old Anderson home is just over the hills across the creek from the Sandifer home. The home is in sight; the creek still flows as then; but the living creatures of that day are all gone. But their brave deeds are living and moving as well as the water in the channels of that historic creek. Here Mr. Anderson lived when he volunteered for the war. He left a loving wife and three children: Mary, the oldest, and Robert and William. He left a 108 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. bountiful supply for his wife and children — horses, cattle and hogs, and a crib full of corn, and a smoke- house well supplied with provisions, old ham and well cured side meat. But, oh, the uncertainty of this world's goods ! On the return of the British and Tories from the vain pursuit of William Anderson, her hus- band, they, knowing his skill and bravery and being chagrined on account of his escape, destroyed and carried away everything she possessed. Soon after this occurrence Mr. Anderson was surprised and killed on Fishing Creek, near where Fort Lawn now is. Her resources for the support of her three children were her energy and will to work. She built a dam and put in a fish-trap on Rocky Creek. Her seven-year-old daughter, Mary, assisted her mother. They worked in water up to their knees all day building that dam, but they succeeded in catching an abundance of fish. They would prepare the fish and hang them above the fire in the rude chimney, so as to dry them for a future day. Mrs. William Anderson, nee Stephenson, had two brothers, James and William, in the army, and one brother, Robert Stephenson, who went from Ireland to the coal mines near Newcastle, England. This Robert is the father of George Stephenson, the cele- brated inventor of the locomotive. He built the first locomotive that moved on the surface of the earth. This was 1814 to 1830. The child, Mary Anderson, who, when seven years old, was such substantial aid to her mother, married Joshua Smith and became the mother of four able ministers of the gospel in Ten- nessee, and the great-grandmother of Senator E. W. Carmack. One of her nephews, Napoleon Bonaparte Anderson, belonged to the Tennessee Conference for forty years. The Andersons near Pulaski are the de- THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 109 scendants of her brother, Robert Anderson. One of the Andersons near Pulaski sent eleven sons to the Confederate army, ten of whom returned at the close of the war. William H. Anderson lives at this time on an estate near Pulaski, Tennessee. The substance of the above history is gleaned from the third volume of 'The Women of the American Revolution.'' There is another place on the Misses Sandifer's farm of interesting history. It is a cave in the banks of Rocky Creek. There was a farmer who had only re- cently come from England at the beginning of the war of the Revolution. His name was John Ferguson. He and his good wife, Isabella, would not take part against their neighbors, most of whom were Whigs, nor did they wish to oppose their recent countrymen. Mrs. Anderson, after being robbed of all she had, gathered her maturing crop, and, to keep out of the way of the marauding Tories — the country being overrun with British and Tories — called on Mr. Ferguson for advice. He concealed her corn in a cave under a hill on the creek's banks. Through Mr. Ferguson's kindness and ingenuity he was of great help to Mrs. Anderson and other Whig ladies of that neighborhood. Robert B. Anderson and I visited these historic spots last July. We took dinner with the tw r o happy maids. It was a bountiful repast and thoroughly enjoyed by the two visitors. The old cave is there yet, but the washings from the fields have partly filled its mouth. Some old fence rails are sticking up out of the mud and sand in the cave's mouth. May the good Lord preserve these two happy, good, and what society calls old maids, and may they conclude not to deprive some nice gentleman of good and suitable helpmeets any longer. Selah. 110 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. SECTION XIX. Robert, son of Capt. James Stephenson, one of the Four, and his wife, Nellie, born in 1776, married and went West. I know nothing of his family. William Stephenson, son of the above James, born in 1779, was a soldier in the War of 1812. He gained distinction for bravery and gallant services at the Bat- tle of New Orleans. He volunteered from Tennessee. He never married. Rebecca, the youngest daughter of James Stephen- son, one of the Four, and his wife, Nellie, was born in South Carolina in 1781. She married Hugh Camp- bell in Tennessee. They reared a family — four sons and one daughter — in Maury County, Tennessee, near Spring Hill. The oldest daughter of Hugh Campbell and Rebecca Stephenson, Ann Eliza, married A. L. Stephenson, my oldest brother. They have been spoken of under the head of William Watson Stephenson. The oldest son, "Tiry," died unmarried. He was a mechanic, and is buried at Leighton, Alabama. The next son, Zeno Stephenson Campbell, married and reared a family near Spring Hill, Tennessee. George Washington Campbell, another son, married and reared a family in Tennessee. James Madison Camp- bell, the youngest son of Hugh Campbell and his wife, Rebecca Stephenson, never married. He was killed at the Battle of Monterey, Mexico, September, 1846. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Ill Elizabeth, one of the Four, a daughter of Robert Stephenson, a Scotchman, who reared a family in Ireland, was born in Antrim County, Ireland, in 1748. She married Alexander Brady in Ireland. They reared a family near Landsford, on the Catawba River, near the line of York and Chester counties, South Carolina. John Brady, son of Alex Brady and his wife, Elizabeth Stephenson, one of the Four, mar- ried Miss Elizabeth Wylie. They reared several chil- dren near Rock Hill, in York County, South Carolina. I regret that my information in regard to the Brady family is so limited. Ruth B. Brady, the fourth child of John Brady and his wife, Elizabeth Wylie, was born in 1834. She married William Cowan. They reared a family near Rock Hill, York County, South Carolina. They have two sons, George and John Cowan, cotton buyers at Rock Hill. Mrs. Mary Youngblood, daughter of Will- iam Cowan and Ruth B. Brady, his wife, lives at Rock Hill. Margaret Tennant, daughter of John Brady and Elizabeth Wylie, lives on a farm near Landsford, South Carolina. Nancy Susanna Cowan, daughter of William Cowan and his wife, Ruth B. Brady, married William B. Lynn. Their home is on a high elevation, a beautiful situa- tion, in the midst of a large farm, near Lewis' Turn- out, five miles north of Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn are well fixed. They have an interesting family of intelligent children. I enjoyed a most bountiful and well prepared dinner with them on Sunday after re- aming from church. They are Presbyterians. Mrs. an is one of triplets — two girls and one boy — all jut forty years old. Mrs. Lynn is the only one of 112 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. the three that I saw. But I saw the photograph of the three. She is a very amiable woman. The term, "One of the Four," has frequently been used in this book. It was explained before it was used, but, perhaps, it would be well to explain it again. There were Four emigrants, who came from Ireland to America in the year 1772. They settled in South Carolina. They were William, James, Elizabeth and Nancy Stephenson, two sons and two daughters of Robert Stephenson, a Scotchman, who reared a fam- ily in County Antrim, near the little town of Bally- money, Ireland. All our relatives in America, so far as we know, descended from these four, two brothers and two sisters. Hence, any one of these Four emi- grants is called "One of the Four." There is strong circumstantial evidence that Robert Stephenson, of Ireland, had a younger brother named James Stephenson, who reared a family in County Antrim, Ireland, and that some of James' descendants came to America, and that the Stevensons in Fairfield County, South Carolina, are the descendants of the James Stephenson, of Ireland. One of these Fairfield Stevensons was six feet and nine inches high and was familiarly called "Long Robert Stevenson." THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 113 SECTION XX. Elizabeth Stephenson, one of the Four, married Alex Brady. She is the grandmother of Ruth B. Brady, the widow of William Cowan. Mrs. Cowan and her sister, Mrs. Margaret M. Tennant, of Landsford, South Carolina, are the only living grandchildren of Elizabeth Stephenson, one of the Four. A very un- usual occurrence took place in this Cowan family, a condition I never knew to exist in any family before. It may have existed somewhere else, but, if so, I have never known of the fact. Ruth B. Brady, wife of William Cowan, on January 26, 1867, gave birth to triplets, two girls and one boy. I have known triplets to be born — that is of rare occurrence, but it happens in every country — but I never knew all three to live to maturity till this case. Robert Hope Cowan weighs two hundred and twenty pounds. He is a prosperous farmer on the old Cowan homestead, near Rock Hill, York County, South Carolina. He is one of these triplets. He is not married. Nancy Susanna Cowan, now the wife of William B. Lynn, Esq., is another of the triplets. She weighs one hundred and sixty pounds, is the mother of five nice, smart children. How many more there may be deponent sayeth not. Mr. Lynn is a successful farmer. He has one of the nicest farms in Chester County. Mary Louise Cowan, now Mrs. Bloodworth, is another one of the triplets, weighs 114 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. one hundred and thirty-five pounds. I was not at her house and did not see her, but I was told that she is as fine looking and as good a housewife as her triplet sister, Nancy. If that be so, she is all right. She lives on a farm near Landsford, on the Catawba River, at the head of the falls. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 115 SECTION XXI. Nancy Stephenson, one of the Four, daughter of Robert Stephenson, of County Antrim, Ireland, was born 1750, in Ireland. She married William Anderson in Ireland, in 1772, and came with her husband and others to America. He bought land and settled on Rocky Creek, about eight miles west from the lower end of the falls, on the Catawba River. Of this mar- riage there were three children born — Mary, Robert and William. Mr. Anderson volunteered as an Amer- ican soldier. He fell in the cause of liberty in the autumn of 1780. Nancy, his wife, and her children, struggled for a living. But by indomitable will and perseverance, they succeeded. She was a handsome woman, and as good as she was fine looking. She was tall and symmetrically proportioned — a graceful form. She was a blonde, having beautiful complexion, very light colored hair and blue eyes. She was an extra- ordinarily nice housekeeper and a fine cook. Quoting from Rev. Wesley Smith's (her grandson) "Family History:" "One, who knew Nancy Anderson, nee Ste- phenson, well, observed that if a woman ever lived who came up to Solomon's description of a virtuous woman, it was she." It is meet and proper that the quotation attributed by the Rev. Wesley Smith, her grandson, to Mrs. Nancy A. Carmack, her granddaughter, should be used 116 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. to describe the grandmother, Nancy Anderson: "The heart of her husband did safely trust in her. She did work diligently with her hands. She did lay her hands to the spindle and hold the distaff. She stretched forth her hands to the poor, yea, she reached forth her hands to the needy. She looked well to the ways of her household and eat not the bread of idleness. Her children have risen up and called her blessed. Her husband also praised her." Her numerous intelligent and distinguished descendants are a fit reward for her piety and devotion to the training of her three chil- dren. They are distinguished in the walks of peace and in the councils of the nation, as well as in the carnage and clamor of war, and in the proclaiming of the gospel of Christ. She married Daniel Green, a Revolutionary soldier. Mr. Green was a very excel- lent man, a kind husband, an industrious provider, a very lenient, good stepfather. Of this second mar- riage there were no children. She and Mr. Green succeeded in accumulating a nice fortune. After they recovered from the effects of the Revolutionary War, they built a residence, which is still standing as a monument to the art and industry of Mr. Green. I was in this house last July. It was built with hewn pine logs, in the year 1779. The logs and house generally are in a very good state of preservation. I visited every room, from basement to garret. The house is a model of strength and compactness. But the indications of wealth are gone; no negroes, no fine horses, no beautiful flower garden. All are gone to try the realities of another world. But the spring of cold water still flows from under the brow of the hill as ever. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 117 Mary Anderson, daughter of William Anderson and his wife, Nancy Stephenson, born in 1774, married Joshua Smith in South Carolina. They reared a large and intelligent family in Robertson County, Tennes- see. The most of their children were unusually intelli- gent. Four of her sons became ministers of the gos- pel. They were devoted to their calling and were useful men in the community where their lot was cast. They were of the Methodist persuasion. They reared families in the Southwest. Rev. Wesley Smith, the son of Joshua Smith and his wife, Mary Anderson, wrote a family history to which I am indebted for much family history that appears in this booklet. 118 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY, SECTION XXII. Joshua Smith, and Mary, his wife, had born to them twelve children. Two of them died in childhood — a son and a daughter. The other ten reared highly respected families in the South and West. Of these ten there were seven sons and three daughters. Patience Bland, daughter of Joshua Smith and his wife, Mary Anderson, was born October 24, 1797. She was a granddaughter of Nancy Anderson, nee Ste- phenson, one of the Four. She received a liberal edu- cation. She was always neat in her appearance, indus- trious and self-reliant, and quite intelligent. She was not foolishly proud, but worked with her own hands in order that she could appear in any society without expense to her family. Her father moved to Robertson County, Tennessee, when she was a child. She mar- ried Davis Gurley, Esq., of Tennessee, in 1823. As useful and domestic as she was in young womanhood, it was reserved to her matronhood to shine brilliantly. She lived to have the care of a very large household, both of children and negro slaves. But she was always equal to the task over which Providence and a good husband had placed her. Mr. Gurley bought land and opened up a farm one mile west from Leighton, Ala- bama, in 1823. Davis Gurley was for many years a justice of the peace. He was an upright, honorable man, a fine, intelligent farmer. He accumulated a THE STEPHENSON FAMILY 119 Mrs. Davis Gurley, nee Patience Bland Smith, late of Waco, Texas, aged 86 years, daughter of Mary Ander- son and Joshua Smith; and her youngest granddaugh- ter, Eliza Earle Gurley, aged one year. 120 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. fortune in land and negroes. He and his wife were consistent members of the Methodist Church. They were noted in their neighborhood for their leniency to their slaves. Their negro slaves had such a home with their master and mistress as they have never had since they were free, and no one knows this fact so well as the old slaves do. They reared a family of sons and daughters. The children were well educated, They are among the best people in the country. The family moved to Waco, Texas, in 1853. Col. Edwards Jeremiah Gurley, oldest son of Davis Gurley, commanded a regiment of soldiers in the Con- federate army. He is a lawyer, but has retired from practice, and lives in comfort at Gurley, a railroad town below Waco, in Falls County. He employs his time in looking after the interest of his large estate. James Henry, son of Davis Gurley and his wife, Patience Bland Smith, was born in Alabama. He was educated at LaGrange College, married in Waco, Texas; was master of Waco Masonic Lodge, Number 92. He has a son in Waco, George B. Gurley, who is an only child. He is city engineer. J. H. Gurley died comparatively young. During the year 1871, Waco Lodge, Number 92, having grown so as to be unwieldy, a new lodge was organized and chartered. It was named in honor of a deceased master of Waco Lodge, Number 92, J. H. Gurley Lodge, Number 337. Davis Robert Gurley, the youngest child of Davis Gurley and his wife, Patience Bland Smith, was born near Leighton, Alabama, and educated in the Wesleyan University, Florence, Alabama. He graduated with the class of 1857. On his return to his father's home in Texas he volunteered for the State frontier service. When the war of the States began he went into the THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 121 Confederate service. He filled many high official sta- tions with honor and distinction. He was adjutant- general at the close of the war. He is a farmer with ample means. He lives at his country plantation just below and adjoining the city of Waco. Davis Gurley married Miss Lutie Earle, in 1865. They reared an interesting family. It has been a happy household. Much attention has been given by Captain Gurley and his wife to the education and domestic training of their intelligent children. The facilities for an edu- cation at Waco are very good. Probably no place af- fords better schools and colleges. The city is known over the State as the " Athens of Texas." The Gurleys have reaped, and are yet reaping, the full benefit of such grand opportunities. Some of his children are married and living in Waco. One daughter, Mary Azalete, married Dr. C. C. McCulloch, who holds high rank as surgeon in the United States Army. Of course, he goes where his services are thought to be most needed. They are now stationed at Fort Meade, South Dakota. Mrs. McCullock is a very intelligent, edu- cated lady, a loving wife and devoted mother. Joe Taylor, Esq., one of the leading lawyers of Waco, is a grandson of Davis and Mrs. Patience Gurley. Nancy Agnes, daughter of Joshua Smith and his wife, Mary Anderson, was born in South Carolina in 1799. She married Cornelius Carmack. They reared a family in Lauderdale County, Alabama, where Mr. Carmack was well and favorably known. He was fond of politics, an able debater, a natural poet and orator. In his early life he had no opportunities for obtaining an education. But he had a vigorous and retentive memory. He moved to Tishomingo County, 122 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Mississippi, served in the State legislature and was president of the State Constitutional Convention when he died. Francis McMillan Carmack, son of Cornelius Car- mack and his wife, Nancy Agnes Smith, married Elvira (Kate) Holding. Edward W. Carmack, son of Frances McMillan Carmack, is a United State senator from Tennessee. He is an able debater and a leader of the Democratic party. Robert Anderson, son of William Anderson, the Revolutionary soldier, and his wife, Nancy Stephen- son, one of the Four, married Miss Jane Barber in South Carolina and moved west, and settled in Giles County, Tennessee, where they reared a large and worthy family. Their descendants of to-day are among the most respected and honored citizens of Giles County, Tennessee. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 123 SECTION XXIII. Robert Barber Anderson, son of William Anderson, grandson of Robert Anderson, late of Giles County, Tennessee, and great-grandson of William Anderson, of Revolutionary memory, and his wife, Nancy Ste- phenson, of South Carolina, was born March 13, 1840. He lives in Cnester County, South Carolina, on an ex- tensive plantation near Richburg. He is a success- ful farmer, a very popular, good humored man — a man who to be known is to be admired for his charity, in- dustry and Christian vir- tues. He has been twice married. His present wife was a Miss Barber, a rela- tive. She is a noble, good woman, a lenient and painstaking stepmother. She and her husband have no children. They are leading members of the Mount Prospect Southern Methodist Church. There were born unto Mr. Anderson and his first wife four children, three sons and one daughter. Joseph, the oldest son, was graduated from a South Anderson, Esq., South Carolina. 124 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. Carolina college last June. Robert Edward is well educated, but is a natural farmer. He is of much value to his father in the management of his large farms. Porter, the third son, is in Wofford College, South Carolina. Mr. Anderson's daughter, Lena, mar- ried Rev. J. W. Neely. Robert B. Anderson has a very singular war record. I suppose there is not now living a single veteran of the Lost Cause with a record like his. His record was good, but that is not its singularity, for thousands of others had as good a record for bravery and gallantry as could be made. But the singularity in his case con- sists in the fact that he was at the firing of the first gun on Fort Sumter, April 9, 1861. He was a witness of the surrender of General Anderson at Fort Sumter, saw him and his staff taken to the guard-house in Charleston. He was in the first and second battles at Manassas and in all the battles in Virginia. He was sent over to Chattanooga in time to be in the battle of Chickamauga; then he marched through East Tennes- see to Virginia to his regular field of fighting and was on foot, with his gun in hand, at the surrender at Appomattox. He says he could do it again; but he does not want to. Where is the other Confederate soldier who was at the firing of the first gun at Fort Sumter and at the surrender at Appomattox? Echo comes from the silent grave, Where! Robert Barber Anderson, of Chester County, stands alone in that respect. This family is worthy of its noble and patriotic an- cestry. William H. Anderson a prominent citizen of Giles County, Tennessee, is a brother of the late Rev. J. B. Anderson of the Tennessee Conference. They were two of thirteen brothers and sisters. THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. 125 Col. William Anderson, son of William Anderson, of Revolutionary memory, and his wife, Nancy Stephen- son, one of the Four, married Miss Cherry, of South Carolina. They reared a highly respected family in the county in which he was born. He never left South Carolina. Colonel Anderson 'was a valuable and useful citizen of the community in which he lived. He was colonel of a regiment in the war of 1812. His granddaughter, Miss Maggie M. Anderson, daugh- , ter of Dr. Daniel Green Anderson, late of South Caro- ! lina, is now (November, 1905) the only living child of Dr. D. G. Anderson. Miss Maggie M. Anderson owns and lives on the old plantation of her father on Fishing Creek, near Fort Lawn. Robert B. Anderson and I had the pleasure, last July, | of visiting Miss Maggie at her home. I found her not i only a very intellectual and cultured woman, but also i a most excellent cook and hostess. She manages her I estate well, and always has on hand some one, or more, j to take care of and provide for. "It is better to give j than to receive." I am told that is what the boy said I when he struck his playmate. She is fond of souvenirs I and old keep-sakes. She showed to me the sword her , grandfather, William Anderson, wore in the war of | 1812, when he was commander of a regiment. She j has the old, time-stained deed, by which the land on j which her grandfather lived, was conveyed from the i crown of England, in 1763, to an American subject. J She is a most excellent little lady. Gober Anderson, a nephew of Miss Maggie, lives on and owns the old plantation of her grandfather. The residence is the same one built more than a hundred years ago, except that some additions have been made. Mr. Anderson is a scientific farmer, has 126 THE STEPHENSON FAMILY. good land and keeps it good by taking good care of it, 1 judiciously using fertilizers. He makes good crops. He is a highly respected citizen. He has a most ex- cellent wife and beautiful children. They are noble descendants of well known ancestors. They are a happy family. FINIS. /* J 2 ; - * v u fcU5 . G~ * ^, o i>.* V ^ ** >°v 0' V "> -/ .<^%% ov* ;^ -2- A ..... ^ •" A... s .^ A sy ••••- "> 0' 1 * ■ ^ °^ a 1 \* .. * • / ■ .<&> fi • • • . o V \