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Where all are so intrinsically valuable, it is difficult to determine which particular work has contributed most to his rapid and enviable advancement ; yet, were an award indispensable, we should feel constrained to make it in favour of his ^ Provef^ial Philosophy." It is one of those unique productions which com- mends itself to all classes of readers, and from the perusal of which all cannot but derive substantial means of improvement. Familiar truths are so cogently treated therein, as to leave an indellible impression upon the mind, which could not, perhaps, have been so thoroughly made in any other manner; and the "thoughts and arguments" maybe perused and reperused with an advantage but few other writings are capable of yielding. The rapid and extensive sale of several editions, issued in other places — some of them of rather an indifferent character, as regards mechanical execution — and the increasing demand still manifested for them, has induced the present publishers to collect the entire \vorks of Mr. Tupper, and to stereotype them in a style worthy of their excellence. Each work has been thoroughlv revised, and the errors which disfigure some other editions have been carefully corrected — an advantage readily appreciable bv those who discriminate in their selections for the library or the centre-table. CONTENTS. THE CROCK OF GOLD. CHAP. PAGE. 1. The Labourer; and his Dawning Discontent .... 2. Tiie Family ; the Home ; and more Rtpinings 3. The Contract .... 4. The Lost Theft . 5.. The Inquest .... 6. The Bailiff; and a Bitter Trial 7. Wrongs and Ruin 8. The Covetous Dream . 9. The Poachi-r .... 10. Ben Burke's Strange Adventure 11. Sleep 12. Love 13. The Discovery 14. Jonathan's Store . 15. Another Discovery, and the Ear- nest of Good Things 16. How the Home was blessed thereby . . . . G2 17. Care 65 18. Investment .... 68 19. Calumny 72 20. The Bailiff's Visit . . 74 21. The Capture . . . .77 22. The Aunt and her Nephew . 80 23. Schemes 83 24. The Devil's Counsel . . 87 25. The Ambuscade ... 89 11 14 17 21 23 27 32 35 38 41 45 48 52 56 58 CHAP. pxoE. 26. Preliminaries ... 92 27. Robbery 95 28. Murder .... 96 29. The Reward . . . .97 30. Second Thoughts . . .100 31. Maminon ; and Contentment . 102 32. Next Morning . . .104 33. The Alarm . . . .106 34. Doubts . . . . 108 35. Fears 109 36. Prison Comforts . . .111 37. Good Counsel .... 113 38. Experience . . . .114 39. Jonathan's Troth . . .115 40. Suspicions .... 118 41. Grace's Alternative . . . 119 42. The Dismissal . . .152 43. Simon alone .... 124 44. The Trial .... 127 45. Roger's Defence . . .129 46. The Witness . . .130 47. Mr. Sharp's Advocacy . . 133 48. Sentence and Death . . 140 49. Righteous Mammon . . 143 50. The Crock a Blessing . . 144 51. Popularity .... 147 52. Roger at the Swan . . 149 53. Roger's Triumph . . .151 54. Sir John's Parting Speech . 152 6 CONTENTS. THE TWINS. CHAP. PAGE. CHAP. PAGE. 1. Place; Time; Circumstance 157 16. How Charles Fared 204 2. The Heroes 161 17. The General's Return . . 207 3. The Arrival . . 166 18. Intercalary . 211 4. The General and his Ward, 1G8 19. Julian's Departure . . 213 5. Jealousy . 172 20. Knlightenment 215 G. The Confidante . 174 21. Charles at Madras . . 2i6 7. The Course of True Love . 177 22. Revelations, 219 8. The Mystery 180 23. Convalescence . 222 9. How to clear it up . . 182 24. Charles Delayed . 224 10. Aunt Green's Legacy . 184 25. Trials .... . 229 11. Preparations, and Departure . 188 26. Julian 231 12. The Escape 192 27. Charles's Return, &c. . 233 13. News of Charles . . 196 28. Julian turns up, &,c. . 237 14. The Tete-a-Tete 199 29. The old Scotch Nurse goes home 23b 15. Satisfaction . 202 30. Final .... 241 HEART. CHAP. PACK. 1. Wherein two Anxious Parents hold a Colloquy . . . 245 2. How the Daughter has a Heart ; and , what is commoner, a Lover 249 3. Paternal Amiabilities . . 252 4. Excusatory .... 257 5. Wherein a well-meaning Mother acts very foolishly . . 2G0 6. Pleasant Brother John . 263 7. Providence sees fit to help Villany 268 8. The Rogue's Triumph . 273 9. False-Witness Kills a Mother, and would willingly Starve a Sister 278 CHAP. PA OR. 10. How to Help one's self . 283 n. Fraud cuts his fingers with his own Edged Tools . . 289 12. Heart's-Core ... 293 13. Hope's Birth to Innocence, and Hope's Death to Fraud . 296 14. Probable Reconciliation . 298 15. The Father finds his Heart for ever 302 16. A Word about Originality, and Mourning . . . 30G 17. The House of Feasting . . 308 18. The End of the Heartless . 312 19. Wherein matters are concluded 320 CONTENTS. AN AUTHOR'S MIND. SUBJECTS. PAGE. The Author's Mind; a ramble . 331 Nero, a tragedy . . . 353 Opium, a history . . . .361 Charlotte Clopton, a novel . . 364 The Marvellous, a hand-book 371 Psychotherion, an argument . 376 The Confessional, a tale . . 377 The Prior of Marrick, an auto- biography .... 379 The Seven Churches, a dissertation 384 Revision, an essay . . . 386 Homely Expositions, a compilation 386 Lay Sermons, a contribution . . 386 Scriptural Physics, a treatise . 387 Heathenism, an apology . . 387 Biblical Similes, an investigation 389 Home, an epic .... 390 Grecian Sayings, a series . . 398 SUBJECTS. PiGB. Heptalogia, a collection . . 400 Alfred, an oratorio . . . 403 Alfred's Life, a translation . . 406 National Memorials, a proposal . 408 Politics, a manual . . .411 Woman, a subject . . . 414 False Steps, a pamphlet . . 415 King's Evidence, a satire, . . 417 Poetics, a melange . . . 422 Humoristics, a medley . . 423 Journals, a decade . . . 426 Lay Hints, an appeal . . 427 Anti-Xurion, a crusade . . . 431 The Squire, a portraiture . . 434 The Author's Tribunal, an orntion 437 Zoilomastrix, a title . . . 443 Epilogue, a conclusion . . . 443 Appendix, an after-thought . 445 PROBABILITIES. SUBJECTS. An Aid to Faith . God and his Attributes The Triunity The Godhead Visible The Origin of Evil Cosmogony Adam . The Fall . The Flood . Noah PAeE. SUBJECTS. 459 Babe! . 466 Job . 472 Joshua 476 The Incarnation 480 Mahometanism 485 Romanism 488 The Bible . 490 Heaven and Hell 493 An Offer . 495 Conclusion PAGE. 497 499 504 50G 509 511 517 .'■>21 525 526 THE CROCK or GOLD; A HGRAL NOVEL, BY MARTIN FARQUHAR TUPPER, ESQ., M. A., AUTHOH OF n PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY." HARTFORD: SILAS ANDRUS AND SON, 1853. THE CROCK OF GOLD. CHAPTER I. THE LABOUEER; AXD HIS DAWNING DISCONTENT. Roger Acton woke at five. It was a raw March inorninn:, still dai-k, and bitterly cold, while at gusty intervals the rain beat in against the crazy cottage-window. Nevertheless, from his poor pallet he must up and rouse himself, for it will be open weather by sunrise, and his work lies two miles off; Master Jennings is not the man to show him favour if he be late, and Roger cannot afford to lose an hour: so he shook off the luxury of sleep, and rose again to toil with weary effort. " Honest Roger," as the neighbours called him, was a fair specimen of a class which has been Britain's boast for ages, and may be still again, in measure, but at present that glory appears to be departing : a class much neglected, much enduring; thoroughly English — ^just, industrious, and patient ; true to the altar, and loyal to the throne ; though haply shaken somewhat now from both those noble faiths — warped in their principles, and blunted in their feelings, by lying doc- trines and harsh economies ; a class — I hate the cold cant term — a race of honourable men, full of cares, pains, privations — but of pleasures next to none ; whose life at its most prosperous estate is labour, and in death we count him happy who did not die a pauper. Through them, serfs of the soil, the earth yields indeed her increase, but it is for others; from the fields of plenty they glean a scanty pittance, and fill the barns to bursting, while their children cry for bread. Not that Roger for his part often wanted work ; he was the best hand in the parish, and had earned of his employers long ago the name of Steady Acton ; but the fair wages for a fair day's labour were quite another thing, and the times went very hard for him and his. A man himself may starve, while hit 12 THE CROCK OF GOLD. industry makes others fat: and a liberal landlord all the winter through may keep his labourers in work, while a crafty, overbearing bailiff mulcts them in their wages. For the outward man, Acton stood about five feet ten, a gaunt, spare, and sinewy figure, slightly bent ; his head sprinkled with gray ; his face marked with those rigid lines, which tell, if not of positive fiimine, at least of too much toil on far too little food ; in his eye, patience and good temper ; in his carriage, a mixture of the sturdy bearing, necessary to the habitual exercise of great muscular strength, together with that gait of humility — almost humiliation — which is the seal of oppression upon poverty. He might be about forty, or from that to fifty, for hun- ger, toil, and weather had used him the roughest; while, for all beside, tiie patched and well-worn smock, the heavily-clouted high-laced boots, a dingy worsted neck-tie, and an old felt hat, complete the picture of externals. But, for the matter of character within, Roger is quite another man. If his rank in tliis world is the lowest, many potentates may envy him liis state elsewhere. His heart is as soft, as his hand is horny; with t!io wandering gipsy or the tramping beggar, thrust aside, perhaps di servcdly, as impudent impostors from the rich man's gate, has he oftcn-times shared his noon-day morsel : upright and sincere himself, he thinks as well of others : he scarcely ever heard the Gospels read in church, specially about Eastertide, but the tears would trickle down his weather-beaten face : he loves children — his neighbour's little ones as well as his own : he will serve any one for goodness' sake without reward or thanks, and is kind to the poor dumb cattle : he takes quite a pride in his little rod or two of garden, and is early and late at it, both before and after the daily sum of labour: he picks up a bit of knowl- edge here and there, and somehow has contrived to amass a fund of information for which kw would give him credit from his con)mon looks; and he joins to that stock of facts a natural shrewdness to use his knowl- edge wisely. Though with little of what is called sentiment, or poetry, or fancy in his mind (for harsh was the teaching of his childhood, and meagre the occasions of self-culture ever since), the beauty of creation is by no means lost upon him, and he notices at times its wisdom too. With a fixed habit of manly piety ever on his lips and ever in his heart, he recognises Providence in all things, just, and wise, and good. More than so; simply as a little child who endures the school-hour for the prospect of his play-time, Roger Acton bears up with noble meekness THE LABOURER. 13 against present suffering, knowing that his work and trials and troubles are only for a little while, but his rest and his reward remain ^ long here- after. vHe never questioned this; he knew right well Who had earned it for him; and he lived grateful and obedient, filling up the duties of his humble station. This was his faith, and his works followed it. He believed that God had placed him in his lot, to be a labourer, and till God's earth, and, when his work is done, to be sent on better service in some happier sphere : the where, or the how, did not puzzle him, any more than divers other enigmatical whys and wherefores of his present state; lie only knew this, that it would all come right at last :^ and, barring sin (which he didn't comprehend), somehow all was right at present. What if poverty pinched him? he was a great heir still ; what if oppression bruised him? it would soon be over. He trusted to his Pilot, like the landsman in a storm ; to his Father, as an infant in the dark. For guilt, lie had a Saviour, and he thought of him in penitence; for trouble, a Guardian, and he looked to him in peace; and as for toil, back-breaking toil, there was another Master whom lie served with spade, and mattock, and a thankful hearf, while he only seemed to be working for the land-, lord or his bailiff. Such a man then had been Roger Acton from his youth up till now, or, if sadness must be told, nearly until now; for, to speak truth, his heart at times would fail him, and of late he had been bitter in repinings and complaint. For a day or two, in particular, he had murmured loudly. It was hard, very hard, that an honest, industrious man, as he was, should so scantily pick a living out of this rich earth : after all said, let the parson preach as he will, it's a fine thing to have money, and that his reverence knows right well, or he wouldn't look so closely for his dues. [N. B. Poor Mr. Evans was struggling as well as he could to bring up six children, on a hundred and twenty pounds per annum.] Roger, too, was getting on in years, with a blacker prospect for the future than when he first stood behind a plough-tail. Then there were many wants unsatisfied, which a bit of gold might buy; and his wife teased him to be doing something better. Thus was it come at length to pass, that, although he had endured so many years, he now got discontented at his penury ; — what human heart can blame him ? — and with murmurings came doubt; with doubt of Providence, desire of lucre; so the sunshine of religion faded from his path; — what mortal mind can wonder? 2 14 THE CROCK OF GOLD. CHAPTER II. THE FAMILY; THE HOM; AND MORE REPININGS. Now, if Malthus and Martineau be verily the pundits that men think them, Roger had twice in his life done a very foolish thing: he had binned against society, statistics, and common sense, by a two-fold mar- riage. The wife of his youth (I am afraid he married early) had once been kitchen-maid at the Hall ; but the sudden change from living lux- uriously in a great house, to the griping poverty of a cotter's hovel, had cluinged, in three short years, the buxom country girl into an emaciated shadow of her former self, and the sorrowing husband buried her in her second child-bed. The powers of the parish clapped their hands ; polit- ical economy was glad ; prudence chuckled ; and a coarse-featured fanner (he meant no ill), who occasionally had given Roger work, heartlessly bade him be thankful that his cares were the fewer and his incumbrance was removed; "Ay, and Heaven take the babies also to itself," the Herodian added. But Acton's heart was broken ! scarcely could he lift up his head ; and his work, though sturdy as before, was more mechanical, less high-motived : and many a year of dreary widow- hood he mourned a loss all the greater, though any thing but bitterer, for the infants .so left motherless. To these, now grown into a strapping youth and a bright-eyed graceful girl, had he been the tenderest of nurses, and well supplied the place of her whom they had lost. Neigh- bours would have helped him gladly — sometimes did; and many was the hinted offer (disinterested enough, too, for in that match penury must have been the settlelnent, and starvation the dower), of giving them a mother's kindly care ; but Roger could not quite so soon forget the dead: so he would carry his darlings ^vith him to his work, and feed them with his own hard hands ; the farmers winked at it, and never said a word against the tiny trespassers ; their wives and daughters loved the little dears, bringing them milk and possets; and holy angels from on high may liave oft-times hovered about this rude nurse, tending his soft innocents a-field, and have wept over the poor widower and his orphans, tears of hnppy sorrow and benevolent affection. Yea, many a good angel has shed blessings on their heads ! Within the last three years, and sixteen from the date of his first great grief, Roger had again got married. His daughter was growing THE HOME. 15 into early womanhood, and his son gave him trouble at times, and the cottage wanted a ruling hand over it when he was absent, and rheuma- tism now and then bade him look out for a nurse before old age, and Mary Alder was a notable middle-aged careful sort of soul, and so she became Mary Acton. All went on pretty well, until Mrs. Acton began to have certain little ones of her own ; and then the step-mother would break out (a contingency poor Roger hadn't thought of), separate interests crept in, and her own children fared before the others ; so it came to pass that, however truly there was a ruling hand at home, and however well the rheumatism got nursed (for Mary was a good wife in the main), the grown-up son and daughter felt themselves a little jostled out. Grace, gentle and submissive, found all her comforts shrunk within the space of her father and her Bible ; Thomas, self-willed and open-hearted, sought his pleasure any where but at home, and was like to be taking to wrong courses through domestic bickering : Grace had the dangerous poi'tion, beauty, added to her lowly lot, and attracted more admiration than her father wished, or she could understand ; while the frank and bold spirit of Thomas Acton exposed him to the perilous friendship of Ben Burke the poacher, and divers other questionable characters. Of these elements, then, are our labourer and his family composed ; and before Roger Acton goes abroad at earliest streak of dawn, we will take a casual peep within his dwelling. It consists of four bare rubble walls, enclosing a grouted floor, worn unevenly, and here and there in holes, and puddly. There were but two rooms in the tenement, one on the ground, and one over-head ; which latter is with no small difficulty got at by scaling a ladder-like stair-case that fronts the cottage- door. This upper chamber, the common dormitory, for all but Thomas, who sleeps down stairs, has a thin partition at one end of it, to screen off the humble truckle-bed where Grace Acton forgets by night the troubles of the day ; and the remainder of the little apartment, sordid enough, and overhung with the rough thatch, black with cobweb, serves for the father and mother with their recent nursery. Each room has its shat- tery casement, to let in through linchened panes, the doubtful light of summer, and the much more indubitable wind, and rain, and frost of wintrv nio-hts. A few articles of crockery and some burnished tins decorate the shelves of the lower apartment; which used to be much tidier before the children came, and trimmer still when Grace was sole manager: in a doorless clipboard are apparent sundry coarse edibles, as the half of a huge unshapely home-made loaf, some white country 10 THE CROCK OF GOLD. cheese, a mass of lumpy pudding, and so forth ; beside it, on the win- dow-sill, is better bread, a well-thumbed Bible, some tracts, and a few odd volumes picked up cheap at fairs ; an old musket (occasionally Ben's companion, sometimes Tom's) is hooked to the rafters near a double rope of onions; divers gaudy little prints, tempting spoil of pedlars, in honour of George Barnwell, the Prodigal Son, the Sailor's Return, and the Death of Nelson, decorate the walls, and an illuminated Christmas carol is pasted over the mantel-piece : which, among other chattels and possessions, conspicuously bears its own burden of Albert and Victoria — two plaster heads, resplendently coloured, highly varnished, looking with arched eye-brows of astonishment on their uninviting palace, and royally contrasting with the sombre hue of poverty on all things else. The pictures had belonged to Mary, no small portion of her virgin wealth ; and as for the statuary, those two busts had cost loyal Roger far more in comparison than any corporation has given to P. R. A., for majesty and consortship in full. There is, moreover, in the room, by way of household furniture, a ricketty, triangular, and tri-legged table, a bench, two old chairs with rush-bottoms, and a yard or two of matting that the sexton gave when the chancel was new laid. I don't know that there is any thing else to mention, unless it be a gaunt lurcher belonging to Ben Burke, and with all a dog's resemblance to his master, who lies stretched before the hearth where the peaty embers never quite die out, but smoulder away to a heap of white ashes; over these is hanging a black boiler, the cook of the family ; and beside them, on a substratum of dry heather, and wrapped about with an old blanket, nearly compan- ioned by his friend, the dog, snores Thomas Acton, still fast asleep, after his usual extemporaneous fashion. As to the up-stairs apartment, it contained little or nothing but its living inmates, their bedsteads and tattered coverlids, and had an air of even more penury and discomfort than the room below ; so that, what with squalling children, a scolding wife, and empty stomach, and that cold and wet March morning, it is little wonder maybe (though no small blame), that Roger Acton had not enough of religion or philosophy to rise and thank his Maker for the blessings of existence. He had just been dreaming of great good luck. Poor people often do so; just as Ugolino dreamt of imperial feasts, and Bruce, in his delirious thirst on the Sahara, could not banish from his mind the cool fountains of Shiraz, and the luxurious waters of old Nite. Roger had unfortunately dreamt of having found a crock of gold — I dare say he will tell us his THE CONTRAST. 17 dream anon — and just as lie was counting out his treasure, that blessed beautiful heap of shining money — cruel habit roused him up before the dawn, and his wealth faded from his fancy. So he awoke at five, any- thing but cheerfully. It was Grace's habit, good girl, to read to her father in the morning a few verses from the volume she best loved : she always woke betimes when she heard him getting up, and he could hear her easily from her little flock-bed behind the lath partition ; and many a time had her dear religious tongue, uttering the words of peace, soothed her father's mind, and strengthened him to meet the day's affliction ; many times it raised his thoughts from the heavy cares of life to the buoyant hopes of immortality. Hitherto, Roger had owed half his meek contentedness to those sweet lessons from a daughter's lips, and knew that he was reaping, as he heard, the harvest of his own paternal care, and heaven-blest instructions. However, upon this dark morning, he was full of other thoughts, mur- murings, and doubts, and poverty, and riches. So, when Grace, after her usual affectionate salutations, gently began to read, "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory — " Her father strangely stopped her on a sudden with — "Enough, enough, my girl ! God wot, the sufferings are grievous, and the glory long a-coming." Then he heavily went down stairs, and lefl Grace crying. CHAPTER III. THE CONTRAST. Thus, full of carking care, while he pushed aside the proffered conso- lation, Roger Acton walked abroad. There was yet but a glimmer of faint liwht, and the twittering of birds told more assuringlv of morning than any cheerful symptom on the sky : however, it had pretty well ceased raining, that was one comfort, and, as Roger, shouldering his spade, and with the day's provision in a handkerchief, trudged out upon his daily duty, those good old thoughts of thankfulness came upon his mind, and he forgot awhile the dream that had unstrung him. Turning B 2* Ig THE CROCK OF GOLD. for a moment to look upon his hovel, and bless its inmates with a prayer, he half resolved to run back, and hear a few more words, if only not to vex his darling child : but there was now no time to spare ; and then, as he gazed upon her desolate abode — so foul a casket for so fair a jewel — his bitter thoughts returned to him again, and he strode away, repining. Acton's cottage was one of those doubtful domiciles, whose only recommendation it is, that they are picturesque in summer. At present we behold a reeking rotting mass of black thatch in a cheerless swamp; but, as the year wears on, those time-stained walls, though still both damp and mouldy, will be luxuriantly overspread with creeping plants — honey- suckle, woodbine, jessamine, and the overblowing monthly rose. Many was the touring artist it had charmed, and Suffolk-street had seen it often : spectators looked upon the scene as on an old familiar friend, whose face they knew full well, but whose name they had forgotten for the minute. Many were the fair hands that had immortalized its beauties in their albums, and frequent the notes of admiration uttered by attending swains : particularly if there chanced to be taken into the view a feathery elm that now creaked overhead, and dripped on the thatch like the dropping- well at Knaresborough, and (in the near distance) a large pond, or rather lake, upon whose sedgy banks, gay — not now, but soon about to be — with flowering reeds and bright green willows, the pretty cottage stood. In truth, if man were but an hibernating animal, invisible as dormice in the winter, and only to be seen with summer swallows, Acton's cot- tage at Hurstley might have been a cantle cut from the Elysian-fields. But there are certain other seasons in the year, and human nature cannot long exist on the merely "picturesque in summer." Some fifty yards, or so, from the hither shore, we discern a roughly wooded ait, Pike Island to wit, a famous place for fish, and the grand rendezvous for woodcocks; which, among other useful and ornamental purposes, serves to screen out the labourer's hovel, at this the narrowest part of the lake, from a view of that fine old mansion on the opposite shore, the seat of Sir John Vincent, a baronet just of age, and the great landlord of the neighbourhood. Toward this mansion, scarcely yet revealed in the clear gray eye of morning, our humble hero, having made the long round of the lake, is now fast trudging; and it may merit a word or two of plain description, to fill up time and scene, till he gets nearer. A smooth grassy eminence, richly studded with park-like clumps of trees, slopes up from the water's very edge to — Hurstley Hall ; yonder THE CONTRAST. I9 goodly, if not gi*and, Elizabethan structure, full of muUioned windows, carved oak panels, stone-cut coats of arms, pinnacles, and traceries, and lozenges, and drops; and all this glory crowned by a many-gabled, high- peaked roof. A grove of evergreens and American shrubs hides the lower windows from vulgarian gaze — for, in the neighbourly feeling of our ancestors, a public way leads close along the front; while, behind the house, and inaccessible to eyes profane, are drawn terraced gardens, beautifully kept, and blooming with a perpetual succession of the choicest flowers. The woods and shrubberies around, attempted some half a century back to be spoilt by the meddlesome bad taste of Capability Brown, have been somewhat too resolutely robbed of the formal avenues, clipped hedges, and other topiarian adjuncts which comport so well with the starch prudery of things Elizabethan ; but they are still replete with grotto, fountain, labyrinth, and alcove — a very paradise for the more court- bred rank of sylphs, and the gentler elves of Queen Titania. However, we have less to do with the gardens than, probably, the elves have; and as Roger now, just at breaking day, is approaching the windows somewhat too curiously for a poor man's manners, it may not be amiss if we bear him company. He had pretty well recovered of his fit of discontent, for morning air and exercise can soon chase gloom away; so he cheerily tramped along, thinking as he went, how that, after all, it is a middling happy world, and how that the raindi'ops, now that it had cleared up, hung like diamonds on the laurels, when of a sudden, as he turned a corner near the house, there broke upon his ear, at that quiet hour, such a storm of boisterous sounds — voices so loud with oaths and altercation — such a calling, clattering, and quarrelling, as he had never heard the like before. So no wonder that he stepped aside to see it. The noise proceeded from a ground-floor window, or rather from three windows, lighted up, and hung with draperies of crimson and gold : one of the casements, flaring meretriciously in the modest eye of morn, stood wide open down to the floor, probably to cool a heated atmosphere ; and when Roger Acton, with a natural curiosity, went on tiptoe, looked in, and just put aside the curtain for a peep, to know what on earth could be the matter, he saw a vision of waste and wealth, at which he stood like one amazed, for a poor man's mind could never have conceived its equal. Evidently, he had intruded on the latter end of a long and luxurious revel. Wax-lights, guttering down in gilded chandeliers, poured their 20 THECROCKOFGOLD. mellow radiance round in multiplied profusion — for mirrors made them infinite ; crimson and gold were the rich prevailing tints in that wide and warm banqueting-room ; gayly-coloured pictures, set in frames that Roger ^ fancied massive gold, hung upon the walls at intervals ; a wagon-load of silver was piled upon the sideboard ; there blazed in the burnished grate such a fire as poverty might imagine on a frozen winter's night, but never can have thawed its blood beside : fruits, and wines, and costly glass were scattered in prodigal disorder on the board — just now deserted of its noisy guests, who had crowded round a certain green table, where cards and heaps of sovereigns appeared to be mingled in a mass. Roger had never so much as conceived it possible that there could be wealth like this : it was a fairy-land of Mammon in his eyes : he stood gasping like a man enchanted ; and in the contemplation of these little hills of gold — in their covetous longing contemplation, he forgot the noisy quarrel he had turned aside to see, and thirsted for that rich store earnestly. In an instant, as he looked (after the comparative lull that must obviously have succeeded to the clamours he had first heard), the roar and riot broke out worse than ever. There were the stormy revellers, as the rabble rout of Comus and his crew, filling that luxurious room with the sounds of noisy execration and half-drunken strife. Young Sir John, a free and generous fellow, by far the best among them all, has collected about him those whom he thought friends, to celebrate his wished majority ; they had now kept it up, night after night, hard upon a week ; and, as well became such friends — the gambler, the duellist, the man of pleasure, and the fool of Fashion — they never yet had sep- arated for their day-light beds, without a climax to their orgie, some- thing like the present scene. Henry Mynton, high in oath, and dashing down his cards, has charged Sir Richard Hunt with cheating (it was sauler la coupe or couper la saut, or some such mystery of iniquity, I I'eally cannot tell which) : Sir Richard, a stout dark man, the patriarch of the party, glossily wigged upon his head, and imperially tufted on his chin, retorts with a pungent sarcasm, calmly and coolly uttered; that hot-headed fool Silliphant, clearly quite intoxicated, backs his cousin Mynton's view of the case by the cogent argument of a dice-box at Sir Richard's head — and at once all is struggle, strife, and uproar. The other guests, young fellows of high fashion, now too much warmed with wine to remember their accus- tomed Mohican cold-bloodedness — those happy debtors to the proM'^ess of a Stultz, and walking advertisers of Nugee — ^take eager part witli the THE LOST THEFT. 21 opposed belligerents : more than one decanter is sent hissing through the air; more than one bloody coxcomb witnesses to the weight of a candle- stick and its hurler's clever aim : uplifted chairs are made the weapons of the chivalric combatants; and along with divers other less distin- guished victims in the melee, poor Sir John Vincent, rushing into the midst, as a well-intentioned host, to quell the drunken brawl, gets knocked down among them all ; the tables are upset, the bright gold runs about the room in all dii'ections — ha! no one heeds it — no one owns it — one little piece rolled right up to the window-sill where Roger still looked on with all his eyes ; it is but to put his hand in — the window is open to the floor — nay a finger is enough : greedily, one undecided moment, did he gaze upon the gold ; he saw the hideous contrast of his own dim hovel and that radiant chamber — he remembered the pining faces of his babes, and gentle Grace with all her hardships — he thought upon his poverty and well deserts — he looked upon wastefulness of wealth and wantonness of living — these reflections struck him in a moment; no one saw him, no one cared about the gold; that little blessed morsel, that could do him so much good ; all was confusion, ail was opportunity, and who can wonder that his fingers closed upon the sovereign, and that he picked it up? CHAPTER IV. THE LOST THEFT. Stealthily and quickly "honest Roger" crept away, for his con- science smote him on the instant: he felt he had done wrong; at any rate, the sovereign was not his — and once the thought arose in him to run back, and put it where he found it: but it was now become too precious in his sight, that little bit of gold — and they, the rioters there, could not want it, might not even miss it ; and then its righteous uses — it should be well spent, even if ill-got : and thus, so many mitigations crowded in to excuse, if not to applaud the action, that within a little while his warped mind had come to call the theft a god-send. O Roger, Roger ! alas for this false thought of that wrong deed ! the poisonous gold has touched thy heart, and left on it a spot of cancer : the asp has bitten thee already, simple soul. This little seed will grow into 22 THECROCKOFGOLD. a huge black pine, that shall darken for a while thy heaven, and dig its evil roots around thy happiness. Put it away, Roger, put it away: covet not unhallowed gold. But Roger felt far otherwise ; and this sudden qualm of conscience once quelled (I will say there seemed much of palliation in the matter), a kind of inebriate feeling of delight filled his mind, and Steady Acton plodded on to the meadow yonder, half a mile a-head, in a species of delirious complacency. Here was luck indeed, filling up the promise of his dreams. His head was full of thoughts, pleasant holiday thoughts, of the many little useful things, the many small indulgences, that bit of gold should buy him. He would change it on the sly, and gradually bring the shillings home as extra pay for extra work ; for, however much his wife might glory in the chance, and keep his secret, well he knew that Grace would have a world of things to say about it, and he feared to tell his daughter of the deed. However, she should have a ribbon, so she should, good girl, and the pedlar shouldn't pass the door unbidden ; Mary, too, might have a cotton kerchief, and the babes a doll and a rattle, and poor Thomas a shilling to spend as he liked ; and so, in happy revery, the kind father distributed his ill-got sovereign. For a while he held it in his hand, as loth to part from the tangible possession of his treasure; but manual contact could not last all day, and, as he neared his scene of labour — he came late after all, by the by, and lost the quarter-day, but it mattered little now — he began to cogitate a place of safety ; and carefully put it in his fob. Poor fellow — he had never had enough to stow so well away before : his pockets had been thought quite trust- worthy enough for any treasures hitherto : never had he used that fob for watch, or note, or gold — and his predecessor in the cast-off garment had probably been quite aware how little that false fob was worthy of the name of savings' bank ; it was in the situation of the Irishman's illimitable rope, with the end cut off. So wliile Roger was brewing up vast schemes of nascent wealth, and prosperous days at last, the filched sovereign, attracted by centripetal gravity, had found a passage downwards, and had straightway rolled into a crevice of mother- earth, long before its "brief lord" had commenced his day's labour. Yes, it had been lost a good hour ere he found it outj for he had fancied that he h^d felt it there, and often did he feel, but his fancy was a but- ton ; and when he made the dread discovery, what a sting of momentary anguish, what a sickening fear, what an eager search ! and, as the grim truth became more evident, that, indeed, beyond all remedy, his new-got, THE INQUEST. 23 ill-got, egg of coming wealth was all clean gone — oh ! this was worm- wood, this was bitter as gall, and the strong man well-nigh fainted. It was something sad to have done the ill — but misery to have done it all for nothing : the sin was not altogether pleasant to his taste, but it was aloe itself to lose the reward. And when, pale and sick, leaning on his spade, he came to his old strength again, what was the reaction ? Com- punction at incipient crime, and gratitude to find its punishment so mer- cifully speedy, so lenient, so discriminative? I fear that if ever he had these thoughts at all, he chased them wilfully away : his disappointment, far from being softened into patience, was sharpened to a feeling of revenge at fate ; and all his hope now was — such another chance, gold, more gold, never mind how; more gold, he burnt for gold, he lusted after gold ! We must leave him for a time to his toil and his reflections, and touch another topic of our theme. CHAPTER IV. THE INQUEST. Just a week before the baronet came of age, and a fortnight from the present time, an awful and mysterious event had happened at the Hall : the old house-keeper, Mrs. Quarles, had been found dead in her bed, under circumstances, to say the very least, of a black and suspicious appearance. The county coroner had got a juiy of the neighbours impanelled together; who, after sitting patiently on the inquest, and hearing, as well as seeing, the following evidence, could arrive at no verdict more specific than the obvious fact, that the poor old creature had been "found dead." The great question lay between apoplexy and murder ; and the evidence tended to a well-matched conflict of opinions. First, there lay the body, quietly in bed, tucked in tidily and undis- turbed, with no marks of struggling, none whatever — the clothes lay smooth, and the chamber orderly : yet the corpse's face was of a purple hue, the tongue swollen, the eyes starting from their sockets: it might, indeed, possibly have been an apoplectic seizure, which took her in her sleep, and killed her as she lay ; but that the gripe of clutching fingers 2^1 THECROCKOFGOLD. had left their livid seals upon the throat, and countenanced the dread- ful thouffht of strangulation ! Secondly, a surgeon (one Mr. Eager, the Union doctor, a very young personage, wrong withal and radical) maintained that this actual stran- gulation might have been effected by the hands of the deceased herself, in the paroxysm of a rush of blood to the brain ; and he fortified his wise position by the instance of a late statesman, who, he averred, cut his throat with a pen-knife, to relieve himself of pressure on the tem- ples : while another surgeon — Stephen Cramp, he was farrier as well, and had been, until lately, time out of mind, the village iEsculapius, who looked with scorn on his pert rival, and opposed him tooth and nail on all occasions — insisted that it was not only physically impossible for poor Mrs. Quarles so to have strangled herself, but more particularly that, if she had done so, she certainly could not have laid herself out so decently aflerwai'ds ; therefore, that as some one else had kindly done the latter office for her, why not the former too ? Thirdly, Sarah Stack, the still-room maid, deposed, that Mrs. Quarles always locked her door before she went to bed, but that when she (deponent) went to call her as usual on the fatal morning, the door was just ajar; and so she found her dead: while parallel with this, tending to implicate some domestic criminal, was to be placed the equally uncom- mon fact, that the other door of Mrs. Quarles's room, leading to the lawn, was open too : — be it known that Mrs. Quarles was a stout woman, who could'nt abide to sleep up-stairs, for fear of fire; moreover, that she was a nervous woman, who took extraordinary precautions for her safety, in case of thieves. Thus, unaccountably enough, the murderer, if there was any, was as likely to have come from the outside, as from the in. Fourthly, the murderer in this way is commonly a thief, and does the deed for mammon-sake ; but the new house-keeper, lately installed, made her deposition, that, by inventories duly kept and entered — for her hon- oured predecessor, rest her soul ! had been a pattern of regularity — all Mrs. Quarles's goods and personal chattels were found to be safe and right in her room — some silver spoons among them too — ay, and a silver tea-pot ; while, as to other property in the house, with every room full of valuables, nothing whatever was missing from the lists, except, indeed, what was scarce worth mention (unless one must be very exact), sundry crocks and gallipots of honey, not forthcoming ; these, however, it appeared probable that Mrs. Quarles had herself consumed in a certain mixture she nightly was accustomed too, of rum, horehound, and other matters THE INQUEST. 25 sweetened up with honey, for her hoarseness. It seemed therefore clear she was not murdered for her property, nor by any one intending to have robbed the house. Against this it was contended, and really with some show of reason, that as Mrs. Quarles was thought to have a hoard, always set her face against banks, railway shares, speculations, and investments, and seemed to have left nothing behind her but her clothes and so forth, it was still possible that the murderer who took the life, might have also been the thief to take the money. Fifthly, Simon Jennings — butler in doors, bailiff out of doors, and general factotum every where to the Vincent interest — for he had man- aged to monopolize every place worth having, from the agent's book to the cellar-man's key — the said Simon deposed, that on the night in ques- tion, he heard the house-dog barking furiously, and went out to quiet him ; but found no thieves, nor knew any reason why the dog should have barked so much. Now, the awkward matter in this deposition (if Mr. Jennings had not been entirely above suspicion — the idea was quite absurd — not to mention that he was nephew to the deceased, a great favourite with her, and a man altogether of the very strictest character), the awkward matters were these : the nearest way out to the dog, indeed the only way but casement windows on that side of the house, was through Mrs. Quarles's room : she had had the dog placed there for her special safety, as she slept on the ground floor ; and it was not to be thought that Mr. Jennings could do so incorrect a thing as to pass through her room after bed-time, locked or unlocked — indeed, when the question was delicately hinted to him, he was quite shocked at it — quite shocked. But if he did not go that way, which way did he go? He deposed, indeed, and his testimony was no ways to be doubted, that he went through the front door, and so round ; which, under the circumstances, was at once a very brave and a very foolish thing to do ; for it is, first, little wisdom to go round two sides of a square to quiet a dog, when one might have easily called to him from the men-servants' window ; and secondly, albeit Mr. Jennings was a strict man, an upright man, shrewd withal, and calculating, no one had ever thought him capable of that Roman virtue, courage. Still, he had reluctantly confessed to this one heroic act, and it was a bold one, so let him take the credit of it — mainly because — Sixthly, Jonathan Floyd, footman, after having heard the dog bark at intervals, surely for more than a couple of hours, thought he might as 3 26 THECROCKOFGOLD. well turn out of his snug berth for a minute, just to see what ailed the doT, or how many thieves were really breaking in. Well, as he looked, he fancied he saw a boat moving on the lake, but as there was no moon, he might have been mistaken. By a Juryman. It might be a punt. By another. He did'nt know how many boats there were on the lake- side : they had a boat-house at the Hall, by the water's edge, and there- fore he concluded something in it ; really did'nt know ; might be a boat, might be a punt, might be both — or neither. By the Coroner. Could not swear which way it was moving ; and, really, if put upon his Bible oath, wouldn't be positive about a boat at I all, it was so dark, and he was so sleepy. Not long afterwards, as the dog got still more violent, he turned his eyes from straining after shadows on the lake, to look at home, and then all at once noticed Mr. Jennings trying to quiet the noisy animal with the usual blandishments of "Good dog, good dog — quiet, Don, quiet — down, good dog — down, Don, down !" By a Juryman. He would swear to the words. But Don would not hear of being quiet. After that, knowing all must be right if Mr. Jennings was about, he (deponent) turned in again, Avent to sleep, and thought no more of it till he heard of Mrs. Quarles's death in the morning. If he may be so bold as to speak his mind, he thinks the house-keeper, being fat, died o' the 'plexy in a nateral way, and that the dog barking so, just as she was a-going off, is proof positive of it. He 'd often heard of dogs doing so ; they saw the sperit gliding away, and barked at it ; his (deponent's) own grandmother — At this juncture — for the court was getting fidgetty — the coroner cut short the opinions of Jonathan Floyd : and when Mr. Crown, summing up, presented in one focus all this evidence to the misty minds of the assembled jurymen, it puzzled them entirely ; they could not see their way, fairly addled, did not know at all what to make of it. On the threshold, there was no proof it was a murder — the Union doctor was loud and staunch on this ; and next, there seemed to be no motive for the deed, and no one to suspect of it : so they left the matter open, found her simply "Dead," and troubled their heads no more about the business. Good Mr. Evans, the vicar, preached her funeral sermon, only as last Sunday, amplifying the idea that she "was cut off in the midst of her days:" and thereby encouraging many of the simpler folks, who knew tliat Mrs. Quarles had long passed seventy, in the luminous notion that THEBAILfFF. 27 house-keepers in great establishments are privileged, among other undoubted perquisites, to live to a hundred and forty, unless cut off by apoplexy or murder. Mr. Simon Jennings, as nephew and next of kin, followed the body to its last home in the capacity of chief mourner; to do him justice, he was a real mourner, bewailed her loudly, and had never been the same man since. Moreover, although aforetime not much given to indiscrim- inate charity, he had now gained no small credit by distributing his aunt's wardrobe among the poorer families at Hurstley. It was really very kind of him, and the more so, as being altogether unexpected : he got great praise for his, did Mr. Jennings ; specially, too, because he had gained nothing whatever from his aunt's death, though her heir and probable legatee, and clearly was a disappointed man. CHAPTER VI. THE BMI.IFF; AND A BITTER TRL^. Jennings — Mr. Simon Jennings — for he prided himself much both on the Mr. and the Simon, was an upright man, a very upright man indeed, literally so as well as metaphorically. He was not tall certainly, but what there was of him stood bolt upright. Many fancied that his neck was possessed of some natural infirmity, or rather firmity, of unbenda- bleness, some little-to-be-envied property of being a perpetual stiff-neck ; and they were the more countenanced in this theory, from the fact that, within a few days past, Mr. Jennings had contracted an ugly knack of carrying his erect head in the comfortless position of peeping over his left shoulder ; not always so, indeed, but often enough to be remarkable ; and then he would occasionally start it straight again, eyes right, with a nervous twitch, any thing but pleasant to the marvelling spectator. It was as if he was momentarily expecting to look upon some vague object that affrighted him, and sometimes really did see it. Mr. Jennings had consulted high medical authority (as Hurstley judged), to wit, the Union doctor of last scene, an enterprising practitioner, glib in theory, and bold in practice — and it had been mutually agreed between them that "stomach" was the cause of these unhandsome symptoms; acridity 28 THECROCKOFGOLD. of the gastric juice, consequent indigestion and spasm, and generally a hypochondriacal habit of body. Mr. Jennings must take certain draughts thrice a day, be very careful of his diet, and keep his mind at ease. As to Simon himself, he was, poor man, much to be pitied in this ideal visita- tion; for, though his looks confessed that he saw, or fancied he saw, a something, he declared himself wholly at a loss to explain \*at that something was : moreover, contrary to former habits of an ostentatious boldness, he seemed meekly to shrink from observation : and, as he piously acquiesced in the annoyance, would observe that his unpleasant jerking was "a little matter after all, and that, no doubt, the will of Providence." Independently of these new grimaces, Simon's appearance was little in his favour : not that his small dimensions signified — Csesar, and Buo- naparte, and Wellington, and Nelson, all were little men — not that his dress was other than respectable — black coat and waistcoat, white stiff cravat, gray trowsers somewhat shrunk in longitude, good serviceable shoe-leather (of the shape, if not also of the size, of river barges), and plenty of unbleached cotton stocking about the gnarled region of his ankles. All this was well enough; nature was beholden to that charity of art which hides a multitude of failings; but the face, where native man looks forth in all his unadornment, that it was which so seldom pre- possessed the many who had never heard of Jenning's strict character and stern integrity. The face was a sallow face, peaked towards the nose, with head and chin receding ; lit withal by small protrusive eyes, so constructed, that the whites all round were generally visible, giving them a strange and staring look ; elevated eye-brows ; not an inch of whisker, but all shaved sore right up to the large and prominent ear ; and lank black hair, not much of it, scantily thatching all smooth. Then his arms, oscillating as he walked (as if the pendulum by which that rigid man was made to go his regular routine), were much too long for symmetry : and altogether, to casual view, Mr. Jennings must acknowledge to a supercilious, yet sneaking air — which charity has ere now been kind enough to think a conscious rectitude towards man, and a soft-going humility with God. When the bailifT takes his round about the property, as we see him now, he is mounted — to say he rides would convey far too equestrian a notion — he is mounted on a rough-coated, quiet, old, white shooting-pony ; . the saddle strangely girded on with many bands about the belly, the stirrups astonishingly short, and straps never called upon to diminish tiiat THE BAILIFF. 29 long whity-brown interval between shoe and trowser: Mr. Jennings sits his steed with nose aloft, and a high perch in the general, somewhat loosely, and, had the pony been a Bucephalus rather than a Rozinante, not a little perilously. Simon is jogging hitherwards toward Roger Acton, as he digs the land-drain across this marshy meadow : let us see how it fares now with our poor hero. Occupation — yes, duteous occupation — has exerted its wholsesome influences, and, thank God ! Roger is himself again. He has been very sorry half the day, both for the wicked feelings of the morning, and that still more wicked theft — a bad business altogether, he cannot bear to think of it ; the gold was none of his, whosesoever it might be — he ought not to have touched it — vexed he did, but cannot help it now ; it is well he lost it too, for ill-got money never came to any good : though, to be sure, if he could only get it honestly, money would make a man of him. I am not sure of that, Roger, it may be so sometimes; but, in my judgment, money has unmade more men than made them. "How now, Acton, is not this drain dug yet! You have been about it niuch too long, sir ; I shall fine you for this." "Please you, Muster Jennings, I've stuck to it pretty tightly too, bar- ring that I make to-day three-quarters, being late : but it's heavy clay, you see, Mr. Simon — wet above and iron-hard below : it shall all be ready by to-morrow, Mr. Simon." Whether the " Mr. Simon " had its softening influence, or any other considerations lent their soothing aid, we shall see presently; for the bailiff" added, in a tone unusually indulgent, "Well, Roger, see it is done, and well done; and now I have just another word to say to you : his honour is coming round this way, and if he asks you any questions, remember to be sure and tell him this — you have got a comfortable cottage, very comfortable, just repaired, you want for nothing, and are earning twelve shillings a week." "God help me. Muster Jennings: why my wages are but eight, and my hovel scarcely better than a pig-pound." " Look you, Acton ; tell Sir John what you have told me, and you are a ruined man. Make it twelve to his honour, as others shall do: who knows," he added, half-coaxing, half-soliloquizing, "perhaps his honour may really make it twelve, instead of eight." "Oh, Muster Jennings! and who gets the odd four?" "What, man! do you dare to ask me that? Remember, sir, at your peril, that you, and all the rest, have had twelve shillings a-week wages 3* 30 THECROCKOFGOLD. whenever you have worked on this estate — not a word ! — and that, if you dare speak or even think to the contrary, you never earn a penny here again. But here comes John Vincent, my master, as I, Simon Jennings, am yours : be careful what you say to him." Sir Jolm Devereux Vincent, after a long minority, had at length shaken off his guardians, and become master of his own doings, and of Hurstley Hall. The property was in pretty decent order, and funds had accumulated vastly: all this notwithstanding a thousand peculations, and the suspicious incident that one of the guardians was a " highly respectable" solicitor. Sir John, like most new brooms, had with the best intentions resolved upon sweeping measures of great good ; especially also upon doing a great deal with his own eyes and ears ; but, like as aforesaid, he was permitted neither to hear nor see any truths at all. Just now, the usual night's work took him a little off the hooks, and we must make allowances; really, too, he was by far the soberest of all those choice spiritS; and drank and played as little as he could ; and even, under existing disadvantages, he managed by four o'clock post meridiem to inspect a certain portion of the estate duly every day, under the pru- dential guidance of his bailiff Jennings. There, that good-looking, tall young fellow on the blood mare just cantering up to us is Sir John ; the other two are a couple of the gallant youths now feasting at the Hall : ay, two of the fiercest foes in last night's bi'oil. Those heated little matters are easily got over. "Hollo, Jennings! what the devil made you give that start? you couldn't look more horrified if ghosts were at your elbow : why, your face is the picture of death ; look another way, man, do, or my mare will bolt." "I beg your pardon, Sir John, but the spasm took me: it is my infirmity; forgive it. This meadow, you perceive, Sir John, requires drainage, and afterwards I propose to dress it with free chalk to sweeten the grass. Next field, you will take notice, the guano — " " Well, well — Jennings — and that poor fellow there up to his knees in mud, is he pretty tolerably off now ?" "Oh, your honour," said the bailiff, with a knowing look, "I only wish that half the little farmers hereabouts were as well to do as he is : a pretty cottage. Sir John, half an acre of garden, and twelve shillings a-week, is pretty middling for a single man." "Aha — is it? — well; but the poor devil looks wretched enough too — I will just ask him if he wants any thing now." THE BAILIFF. 31 " Don't, Sir John, pray don't ; pray permit me to advise your honour : these men are always wanting. ' Acton's cottage' is a proverb ; and Roger there can want for nothing honestly; nevertheless, as I know your honour's good heart, and wish to make all happy, if you will suffer me to see to it myself — " "Certainly, Jennings, do, do by all means, and thank you: here, just to make a beginning, as we 're all so jolly at the Hall, and that poor fellow 's up to his neck in mud, give him this from me to drink my health with." Acton, who had dutifully held aloof, and kept on digging steadily, was still quite near enough to hear all this; at the magical word "give," he looked up hurriedly, and saw Sir John Vincent toss a piece of gold — yes, on his dying oath, a bright new sovereign — to Simon Jennings. O blessed vision, and gold was to be his at last! "Come along, Mynton; Hunt, now mind you try and lame that big beast of a raw-boned charger among these gutters, will you? I'm off, Jennings ; meet me, do you hear, at the Croft to-mor — " So the three friends galloped away; and John Vincent really felt more light-hearted and happy than at any time the week past, for having so properly got rid of a welcome bit of gold. " Roger Acton ! come up here, sir, out of that ditch : his honour has been liberal enough to give you a shilling to drink his health with." " A shilling. Muster Jennings ?" said the poor astonished man ; " why I'll make oath it was a pound ; I saw it myself. Come, Muster Jennings, don't break jokes upon a poor man's back." "Jokes, Acton? sticks, sir, if you say another word: take. John Vin- cent's shilling." "Oh, sir! " cried Roger, quite unmanned at this most cruel disappoint- ment ; " be merciful — be generous — give me my gold, my own bit of gold ! I'll swear his honour gave it for me : blessings on his head ! You know he did, Mr. Simon; don't play upon me!" " Play upon you ? — generous — your gold — what is it you mean, man ? We '11 have no madmen about us, I can tell you ; take the shilling, or else — " " ' Rob not the poor, because he is poor, for the Lord shall plead his cause,' " was the solemn answer. "'Roger Acton !" — the bailiff gave a scared start, as usual, and, recov- ering himself, looked both white and stern: "you have dared to quote the Bible against me : deeply shall you rue it. Begone, man ' your work on this estate is at an end." 32 THECROCKOFGOLD. CHAPTER VII. TVnONGS AND RUIN. A VERY miserable man was Roger Acton now, for this last trial was the worst of all. The vapours of his discontent had almost passed away — ^that bright pernicious dream was being rapidly forgotten — the morning's ill-got coin, "thank the Lord, it was lost as soon as found," and penitence had washed away that blot upon his soul ; but here, an honest pound, liberally bestowed by his hereditary landlord — his own bright bit of gold — the only bit but one he ever had (and how different in innocence from that one!) — a seeming sugar-drop of kindness, shed by the rich heavens on his cup of poverty — to have this meanly filched away by a grasping, grinding task-master — oh, was it not a bitter trial ? What affliction as to this world's wealth can a man meet worse than this? "Acton's first impulse was to run to the Hall, and ask to see Sir John : — " Out ; M^on't be back till seven, and then can see nobody ; the baronet will be dressing for dinner, and musn't be disturbed." Then he made a vain effort to speak with Mr. Jennings, and plead with him : yes, even on his knees, if must be. Mr. Simon could not be so bad ; per- haps it was a long joke after all — the bailiff" always had a queer way with him. Or, if indeed the man meant robbery, loudly to threaten him, that all might hear, to bring the house about his ears, and force justice, if he could not fawn it. But both these conflicting expedients were vetoed. Jonathan Floyd, who took in Acton's meek message of "hum- bly craved leave to speak with Master Jennings," came back with the inexplicable mandate, "Warn Roger Acton from the premises." So, he must needs bide till to-morrow morning, when, come what might, he resolved to see his honour, and set some truths before him. Acton was not the only man on the estate who knew that he had a landlord, generous, not to say prodigal — a warm-hearted, well-inten- tioned master, whose mere youth a career of sensuality had not yet hardened, nor a course of dissipation been prolonged enough to distort his feelings from the right. And Acton, moreover, was not the only man who wondered how, with such a landlord (ay, and the guardians before him were always well-spoken gentle-folks, kindly in their man- ners, and liberal in their looks), wages could be kept so low, and rents WRONGS AND RUIN. 33 • so high, and indulgences so few, and penalties so many. There were fines for every thing, and no allowances of hedgebote, or housebote, or any other time-honoured right; the very peat on the common must be paid for, and if a child picked a bit of fagot the father was mulcted in a shilling. Mr. Jennings did all this, and always pleaded his employ, ers' orders; nay, if any grumbled, as men would now and then, he would affect to think it strange that the gentlemen guardians, with the landlord at their head, could be so hard upon the poor : he would not be so, credit him, if he had been born a gentleman ; but the bailiff, men, must obey orders, like the rest of you ; these are hard times for Hurst- ley, he would say, and we must all rub over them as best we can. According to Simon, it was as much as his own place was worth to remit one single penny of a fine, or make the least indulgence for calamity ; while, as to lowering a cotter's rent, or raising a ditcher's wages, he dared not do it for his life ; folks must not blame him, but look to the landlord. Now, all this, in the long absence of any definite resident master at the Hall, sounded reasonable, if true ; and Mr. Jennings punctually paid, however bad the terms; so the poor men bode their time, and looked for better days. And the days long-looked-for now were come ; but were they any better? The baronet, indeed, seemed bent upon inquiry, reform, redress ; but, as he never went without the right-hand man, his endeavours were always unsuccessful. At first it would appear that the bailiff had gone upon his old plan, shrugging up his shoulders to the men at the master's meanness, while he praised to the landlord the condition of his tenants ; but this could not long deceive, so he turned instanter on another tack; he assumed the despot, issuing authoritative edicts, which no one dared to disobey ; he made the labourer hide his needs, and intercepted at its source the lord's benevolence ; he began to be found out, so the bolder spirits said, in filching with both hands from man and master ; and, to the mind of more than one shrewd observer, was playing the unjust steward to admiration. But stop : let us hear the other side ; it is possible we may have been mistaken. Bailiffs are never popular, particularly if they are too honest, and this one is a stern man with a repulsive manner. Who knows whether his advice to Acton may not have been wise and kind, and would not have conduced to a general rise of wages? Who can prove, nay, venture to insinuate, any such systematic roguery against a man hitherto so strict, so punctual, so sanctimonious? Even in the case of Sir John's C 34 THECROCKOFGOLD. golden gift, Jennings may be right after all ; it is quite possible that Roger was mistaken, and had gilt a piece of silver with his longings ; and the upright man might well take umbrage at so vile an imputation as that hot and silly speech ; it was foolish, very foolish, to have quoted text against him, and no wonder that the labourer got dismissed for it. Then again to return to wages — who knows? it might be, all things considered, the only way of managing a rise ; the bailiff must know his master's mind best, and Acton had been wise to have done as he bade him ; perhaps it really was well-meant, and might have got him twelve shillings a- week, instead of eight as hitherto ; perhaps Simon was a shrewd man, and arranged it cleverly ; perhaps Roger was an honest man, and couldn't but think others so. Any how, though, all was lost now, and he blamed his own rash tongue, poor fellow, for what he could not help fearing was the ruin of himself and all he loved. With a melancholy heart, he shouldered his spade, and slowly plodded homewards. How long should he have a home ? How was he to get bread, to get work, if the bailiff was his enemy? How could he face his wife, and tell her all the foolish past and dreadful future? How could he bear to look on Grace, too beautiful Grace, and torture his heart by fancying her fate ? Thomas, too, his own brave boy, whom utter poverty might drive to desperation ? And the poor babes, his little playful pets, what on earth would become of them ? There was the Union workhouse to be sure, but Acton shuddered at the thought; to be separated from every thing he loved, to give up his little all, and be made both a prisoner and a slave, all for the sake of what? — daily water-gruel, and a pauper's branded livery. Or they might perchance go beyond the seas, if some Prince Edward's Company would help him and his to emigrate ; ay, thought he, and run new risks, encounter fresh dangers, lose every thing, get nothing, and all the trouble taken merely to starve three thousand miles from home. No, no ; at his time of life, he could not be leaving for ever old friends, old habits, old fields, old home, old neigh- bourhood — where he had seen the saplings grow up trees, and the quick toppings change into a ten-foot hedge ; where the very cattle knew his step, and the clods broke kindly to his ploughshare ; and more than all, the dear old church, where his forefathers had worshipped from the Conquest, and the old mounds where they slept, and — and — and — that one precious grave of his dear lost Annie — could he leave it? Oh God, no! he had done no ill, he had committed no crime — why should he prefer the convict's doom, and seek to be transported for life? THE COVETOUS DREAM. 35 A miserable walk home was that, and full of wretched thoughts. Poor Roger Acton, tossed by much trouble, vexed with sore oppression, I wish that you had prayed in your distress ; stop, he did pray, and that vehemently ; but it was not for help, or guidance, or patience, or conso- lation — he only prayed for gold. CHAPTER VIII. THE COTETOUS DEK\M. Once at home, the sad truth soon was told. Roger's look alone spoke of some calamity, and he had but little heart or hope to keep the matter secret. True, he said not a word about the early morning's sin ; why should he ? he bad been punished for it, and he had repented ; let him be humbled before God, but not confess to man. However, all about the bailiff, and the landlord, and the thieved gift, and the sudden dis- missal, the sure ruin, tlie dismal wayside plans, and fears, and dark alternatives, without one hope in any — these did poor Acton fluently pour forth with broken-hearted eloquence ; to these Grace listened sorrowfully, with a face full of gentle trust in God's blessing on the morrow's interview ; these Mary, the wife, heard to an end, with — no storm of execration on ill-fortune, no ebullition of unjust rage against a fool of a husband, no vexing sneers, no selfish apprehensions. Far from it; there really was one unlooked-for blessing come already to console poor Roger ; and no little compensation for his trouble was the way his wife received the news. He, unlucky man, had expected something little short of a virago's talons, and a beldame's curse ; he had experienced on less occasions something of the sort before ; but now that real afflic- tion stood upon the hearth, Mary Acton's character rose with the emer- gency, and she greeted her ruined husband with a kindness towards him, a solemn indignation against those who grind the poor, and a so'ber courage to confront evil, which he little had imagined. "Bear up, Roger; here, goodman, take the child, and don't look quite so downcast; come what may, I'll share your cares, and you shall halve my pleasures ; we will fight it out together." Moreover, cross, and fidgetty, and scolding, as Mary had been ever heretofore, to her meek step-daughter Grace, all at once, as if just to 36 THECROCKOFGOL D. . disappoint any preconcerted theory, now that actual calamity was come, she turned to be a kind good mother to her. Roger and his daughter could scarcely believe their ears. " Grace, dear, I know you're a sensible good girl, try and cheer your father." And then the step-dame added, "There now, just run up, fetch your prayer-book down, and read a little to us all to do us good." — The fair, affectionate girl, unused to the accents of kindness, could not forbear flinging her arms round Mary Acton's neck, and loving her, as Ruth loved Naomi. Then with a heavenly smile upon her face, and a happy heart within her to keep the smile alight, her gentle voice read these words — it will do us good to read them too : " Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice. let thine ears consider well the voice of my complaint. If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss, Lord, who may abide it? Because there is mercy with thee ; therefore shalt thou be feared. 1 look for the Lord, my soul doth wait for him: in his word is my trust. My soul fleeth unto the Lord, before the morning watch, before the morning watch. O Israel, trust in the Lord : for with the Lord there is mercy : and with him is plen- teous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his sins." "Isn't the last word 'troubles,' child? look again ; I thmk it's 'troubles' cither there, or leastways in the Bible-psalm." "No, father, sins, 'from all his sins;' and 'iniquities' in the Bible- version — look, father." " Well, girl, well ; I wish it had been 'troubles ;' ' from all his troubles ' is a better thought to my mind : God wot, I have plenty on 'em, and a little lot of gold would save us from them all." "Gold, father? no, my father — God." "I tell you, child," said Roger, ever vacillating in his strong tempta- tion between habitual religion and the new-caught lust of money, "if only on a sudden I could get gold by hook or by crook, all my cares and all your troubles would be over on the instant." " Oh, dear father, do not hope so ; and do not think of troubles more than sins ; there is no deliverance in Mammon ; riches profit not in the day of evil, and ill-got wealth tends to worse than poverty." "Well, any how, I only wish that dream of mine came true." "Dream, goodman — what dream?" said his wife. " Why, Poll, I dreamt I was a-working in my garden, hard by the THE COVETOUS DREAM. 37 celery trenches in the sedge ; and I was moaning at my lot, as well I may : and a sort of angel came to me, only he looked dark and sorrowful, and kindly said, 'What would you have, Roger?' I, nothing fearful in my dream, for all the strangeness of his winged presence, answered boldly, 'Money;' he pointed with his finger, laughed aloud, and vanished away : and, as for me, I thought a minute wonderingly, turned to look where he had pointed, and, O the blessing! found a crock of gold!" "Hush, father ! tliat dark angel was the devil ; he has dropt ill thoughts upon your heart : I would I could see you as you used to be, dear father, till within these two days." "Whoever he were, if he brought me gold, he would bring me blessing. There's meat and drink, and warmth and shelter, in the yellow gold — ay, and rest from labour, child, and a power of rare good gifts." "If God had made them good, and the gold were honest gains, still, father, even so, you forget righteousness, and happiness, and wisdom. Money gives us none of these, but it might take them all away : dear father, let your loving Grace ask you, have you been better, happier, wiser, even from the wishing it so much?" "Daughter, daughter, I tell you plainly, he that gives me gold, gives me all things : I wish I found the crock the de — the angel, I mean, brought me." " O father," murmured Grace, " do not breathe the wicked wish ; even if you found it without any evil angel's help, would the gold be right- fully your own?" "Tush, girl!" said her mother; "get the gold, feed the children, and then to think about the right." " Ay, Grace, first drive away the toils and troubles of this life," added Roger, " and then one may try with a free mind to discover the comforts of religion." Poor Grace only looked up mournfully, and answered nothing. 38 THECROCKOFGOLD. CHAPTER IX. THE POACHER. A SUDDEN knock at the door here startled the whole party, and Mary Acton, bustling up, drew the bolt to let in — first, a lurcher, one Rover to wit, our gaunt ember-loving friend of Chapter II. ; secondly, Thomas Acton, full flush, who carried the old musket on his shoulder, and seemed to have something else under his smock ; and thirdly, Ben Burke, a per- sonage of no small consequence to us, and who therefore deserves some specific introduction. Big Ben, otherwise Black Burke, according to the friendship or the enmity of those who named him, was a huge, rough, loud, good-humoured, dare-devil sort of an individual, who lived upon what he considered com- mon rights. His dress was of the mongrel character, a well-imagined cross between a ploughman's and a sailor's ; the bottle-green frock of the former, pattern-stitched about the neck as ingeniously as if a tribe of Wisconsin squaws had tailored it — and mighty fishing boots, vast as any French postillion's, acting as a triton's tail to symbolize the latter: a red cotton handkerchief (dirty-red of course, as all things else were dirty, for cleanliness had little part in Ben), occupied just now the more native region of a halter ; and a rusty fur cap crowned the poacher ; I repeat it — crowned the poacher ; for in his own estimation, and that of many others too, Ben was, if not quite an emperor, at least an Agamem- non, a king of men, a natural human monarch ; in truth, he felt as much pride in the title Burke the Poacher (and with as great justice too, for aught I know), as Ali-Hamet-Ghee-the-Thug eastwards, or William-of- Normandy-the-Conqueror westwards, may be thought respectively to have cherished, on the score of their murderous and thievish surnames. There was no small good, after all, in poor Ben ; and a mountain of allowance must be flung into the scales to counterbalance his cleficien- cies. However coarse, and even profane, in his talk (I hope the gentle reader will excuse me alike for eliding a few elegant extracts from his common conversation, and also for reminding him characteristically, now and then, that Ben's language is not entirely Addisonian), however rough of tongue and dissonant in voice, Ben's heart will be found much about in the right place ; nay, I verily believe it has more of natural THE POACHER. 39 justice, human kindness, and right sympathies in it, than are to be found in many of those hard and hollow cones that beat beneath the twenty- guinea waistcoats of a Burghardt or a Buckmaster. Ay, give me the fluttering inhabitant of Ben Burke's cowskin vest; it is worth a thousand of those stuffed and artificial denizens, whose usual nest is figured satin and cut velvet. Ben stole — true — he did not deny it ; but he stole naught but what he fancied was wrongfully withheld him : and, if he took from the rich, who scarcely knew he robbed them, he shared his savoury booty with the poor, and fed them by his daring. Like Robin Hood of old, he^ avenged himself on wanton wealth, and frequently redressed by it the wrongs of penury. Not that I intend to break a lance for either of them, nor to go any lengths in excusing ; slight extenuation is the limit for prudent advocacy in these cases. Robin Hood and Benjamin Burke were both of them thieves ; bold men — bad men, if any will insist upon the bad ; they sinned against law, and order, and Providence ; they dug rudely at the roots of social institutions; they spoke and acted in a dangerous fashion about rights of men and community of things. But set aside the statutes of Foresting and Venery, disfranchise pheasants, let it be a cogent thing that poverty and riches approach the golden mean somewhat less unequally, and we shall not find much of crimin- ality, either in Ben or Robin. For a general idea, then, of our poaching friend: — he is a gigantic, black-whiskered, humorous, ruddy mortal, full of strange oaths, which we really must not print, and bearded like the pard, and he tumbles in amongst our humble family party, with — "Bless your honest heart, Roger! what makes you look so sodden? I'm a lord, if your eyes a'n't as red as a hedge-hog's; and all the rest o' you, too; why, you seem to be pretty well merry as mutes. Ha! I see what it is," added Ben, pouring forth a benediction on their frugal supper ; "it's that precious belly-ache porridge that's a-giving you all the 'flensy. Tip it down the sink, dame, will you now ? and trust to me for better. Your Tom here, Roger, 's a lad o' mettle, that he is; ay, and that old iron o' yours as true as a compass ; and the pheasants would come to it, all the same as if they'd been loadstoned. Hei'e, dame, pluck the fowl, will you : drop 'em, Tom." — And Thomas Acton flung upon the table a couple of fine cock-pheasants. Roger, Mary, and Grace, who were well accustomed to Ben Burke's eloquent tirades, heard the end of this one with anxiety and silence; for 40 THECROCKOFGOLD. Tom had never done the like before. Grace was first to expostulate, but was at once cut short by an oath from her brother, whose evident state of high excitement could not brook the semblance of reproof. Mary Acton's marketing glance was abstractedly fixed upon the actual corjms delicti; each fine plump bird, fuU-plumaged, young-spurred; yes, they were still warm, and would eat tender, so she mechanically began to pluck them ; while, as for poor downcast Roger, he remem- bered, with a conscience-sting that almost made him start, his stolen bit of money in the morning — so, how could he condemn? He only looked pityingly on Thomas, and sighed from the bottom of his heart. "Why, what's the matter now?" roared Ben; "one 'ud think we was bailiffs come to raise the rent, 'stead of son Tom and friendly Ben; hang it, mun, we aint here to cheat you out o' summut — no, not out o' peace o' mind neither; so, if you don't like luck, burn the fowls, or bury 'em, and let brave Tom risk limbo for nothing." "Oh, Ben!" murmured Grace, "why will you lead him astray? Oh, brother! brother! what have you done?" she said, sorrowfully. " Miss Grace," — her beauty always awed the poacher, and his rugged Caliban spirit bowed in reverence before her Ariel soul — "I wish I was as good as you, but can 't be : don 't condemn us, Grace ; leastways, first hear me, and then say where 's the harm or sin on it. Twelve hundred head o' game — I heard John Goi'se, the keeper, tell it at the Jerry — twelve hundred head were shot at t' other day 's battew : Sir John — no blame to him for it — killed a couple o' hundred to his own gun: and though they sent away a coachful, and gave to all who asked, and feasted themselves chuckfull, and fed the cats, and all, still a mound, like a haycock, o' them fine fat fowl, rotted in a mass, and were flung upon the dungpit. Now, Miss Grace, that ere salt pea-porridge a'n't nice, a'n't wholesome ; and, bless your pretty mouth, it ought to feed more sweetly. Look at Acton, isn't he half-starved. Is Tom, brave bov, full o' the fat o' the land? Who made fowl, I should like to know, and us to eat 'em? And where 's the harm or sin in brintjinfj down a bird? No, Miss, them ere beaks, dammem (beg humble pardon, Miss, indeed I won't again) them ere justices, as they call themselves, makes hard laws to hedge about their own pleasures; and if the poor man starves, he starves ; but if he stays his hunger with the free, wild birds of heaven, they prison him and punish him, and call him poacher." " Ben, those who make the laws, do so under God's permission ; and thev who break man's law, break His law." BEN BURKE'S STRANGE ADVENTURE. 41 "Nonsense, child," — suddenly said Roger; hold your silly tongue. Do you mean to tell us. God's law and man's law are the same thing! No, Grace, I can't stomach that; God makes right, and man makes might — riches go one way, and poor men's wrong's another. Money, money 's the great law-maker, and a full purse frees him that has it, while it turns the jailor's key on the wretch that has it not: one of those wretches is the hopeless Roger Acton. Well, well," he added, after a despondent sigh, "say no more about it all ; that's right, good- wife — why, they do look plump. And if I can 't stomach Grace's text-talk there, I 'm sure I can the birds ; for I know what keeps crying cupboard lustily." It was a faint effort to be gay, and it only showed his gloom the denser. Truly, he has quite enough to make him sad ; but this is an unhealthy sadness : the mists of mammon-worship, rising up, meet in the mid aether of his mind, these lowering clouds of discontent : and the seeming calamity, that should be but a trial to his faith, looks too likely to wreck it. So, then, the embers wei'e raked up, the trivet stuck a-top, the savoury broil made ready ; and (all but Grace, who would not taste a morsel, but went up straight to bed) never had the Actons yet sate down before so rich a supper. CHAPTER X. BEN BURKE'S STRANGE ADYENTURE. " Take a pull, Roger, and pass the flask," was the cordial prescription of Ben Burke, intended to cure a dead silence, generated equally of eager appetites and self-accusing consciences ; so saying, he produced a quart wicker-bottle, which enshrined, according to his testimony, "sum- mut short, the right stuff, stinging strong, that had never seen the face of a wishy-washy 'ciseman." But Roger touched it sparingly, for the vaunted nectar positively burnt his swallow: till Ben, pulling at it heartily himself, by way of giving moral precept the full benefit of a good example, taught Roger not to be afraid of it, and so the flask was drained. Under such communicative influence, Acton's tale of sorrows and oppressions, we may readily believe, was soon made known; and as 4* 42 THECROCKOFGOLD. readily, that it moved Ben's indignant and gigantic sympathies to an extent of imprecation on the eyes, timbers, and psychological existence of Mr. Jennings, very little edifying. One thing, however, made amends for the license of his tongue ; the evident sincerity and warmth with which his coarse but kindly nature proffered instant aid, both offensive and defensive. "It's a black and burning shame. Honest Roger, and right shall have his own, somehow, while Big Ben has a heart in the old place, and a hand to help his friend." And the poacher having dealt his own broad breast a blow that would have knocked a tailor down, stretched out to Acton the huge hand that had inflicted it. "More than that, Roger — hark to this, man!" and, as he slapped his breeches pocket, there was the chink as of a mine of money shaken to its foundations: "hark to this, man! and more than hark, have! Here, good wife, hold your apron!" And he flung into her lap a handful of silver. ^ Roger gave a sudden shout of wonder, joy, and avarice : and then as instantaneously turning very pale, he slowly muttered, "Hush, Ben! is it bloody money?" and almost shrieked as he added, "and my poor boy Tom, too, with you ! God-a-mercy, mun ! how came ye by it ?" "Honestly, neighbour, leastways, middling honest: don't damp a good fellow's heart, when he means to serve you." "Tell me only that my boy is innocent! — and the money — yes, yes, I'll keep the money;" for his wife seemed to be pushing it from her at the thought. •^"I innocent, father! I never know'd till this minute that Ben had any blunt at all — did I, Ben? — and I only brought him and Rover here to sup, because I thought it neighbourly and kind-like." Poor Tom had till now been very silent : some how the pheasants lay heavy on his stomach. "Is it true, Ben, is it true? the lad isn't a thief, the lad isn't a mur- derer? Oh, God! Burke, tell me the truth! "Blockhead!" was the courteous reply, "what, not believe your own son? Why, neighbour Acton, look at the boy: would that frank-faced, open-hearted fellow do worse, think you, than Black Burke ? And would I, bad as I be, turn the bloody villain to take a man's life ? No, neighbour ; Ben kills game, not keepers : he sets his wire for a hare, but wouldn't go to pick a dead man's pocket. All that 's wrong in me, mun, the game-laws put there; but I'm neither burglar, murderer, highwayman — no, nor a I BEN BURKE'S STRANGE ADVENTURE. 43 mean, sneaking thief; however the quality may think so, and even wish to drive me to it. Neither, being as I be no rogue, could I bear to live a fool; but I should be one, neighbour, and dub myself one too, if I didn't stoop to pick up money that a madman flings away." "Madman? pick up money? tell us how it was, Ben," interposed female curiosity. " Well, neighbours, listen : I was a-setting my night-lines round Pike Island yonder, more nor a fortnight back ; it was a dark night and a mizzling, or morning rather, 'twixt three and four; by the same token, I'd caught a power of eels. All at once, while I was fixing a trimmer, a punt came quietly up : as for me, Roger, you know I always wades it through the muddy shallow: well, I listens, and a chap creeps ashore — a mad chap, with never a tile to his head, nor a sole to his feet — and when I sings out to ax him his business, the lunatic sprung at me like a tiger : I didn't wish to hurt a little weak wretch like him, specially being past all sense, poor nat'ral ! so I shook him off at once, and held him , straight out in this here wice." [Ben's grasp could have cracked any cocoa-nut.] "He trembled like a wicked thing; and when I peered close into his face, blow me but I thought I'd hooked a white devil — no one ever see such a face: it was horrible too look at. 'What are you arter, mun?' says I; 'burying a dead babby?' says I. 'Give us hold here — I'm bless'd if I don't see though what you've got buckled up there.' With that, the little white fool — it's sartin he was mad — all on a sudden flings at my head a precious hard bundle, gives a horrid howl, jumps into the punt, and off again, afore I could wink twice. My head a'n't a soft un, I suppose; but when a lunatic chap hurls at it with all his might a barrow-load of crockery at once, it's little wonder that my right eye flinched a minute, and that my right hand rubbed my right eye; and so he freed himself, and got clear off". Rum start this, thinks I : but any how he 's flung away a summut, and means to give it me : what can it be? thinks I. Well, neighbours, if I didn't know the chap was mad afore, I was sartain of it now ; what do you think of a grown man — little enough, truly, but out of long coats too — sneaking by night to Pike Island, to count out a little lot of silver, and to guzzle twelve gallipots o' honey? There it was, all hashed up in an old shawl, a slimy mesh like birdlime : no wonder my eye was a leetle blackish, when half-a-dozen earthern crocks wei'e broken against it. I was angered enough, I tell you, to think any man could be such a fool as to bring honey there to eat or to hide — when at once I spied summut red 44 THECROCKOFGOLD. among the mess ; and what should it be but a pretty little China house, red-brick-like, with a split in the roof for droppings, and ticketed 'Savings-bank:' the chink o' that bank you hears now: and the bank itself is in the pond, now I 've cleaned the till out." " Wonderful sure ! But what did you do with the honey, Ben ? — some of the pots wasn't broke," urged notable Mrs. Acton. " Oh, burn the slimy stuff, I warn't going to put my mouth out o' taste o' bacca, for a whole jawful of tooth-aches: I '11 tell you, dame, what I did with them ere crocks, wholes, and parts. There's never a stone on Pike Island, it's too swampy, and I'd forgot to bring my pocketful, as usual. The heaviest fish, look you, always lie among the sedge, hereabouts and thereabouts, and needs stirring, as your Tom knows well; so I chucked the gallipots fur from me, right and left, into the shallows, and thereby druv the pike upon my hooks. A good night's work I made of it too, say nothing of the Savings-bank ; forty pound o' pike and twelve of eel warn't bad pickings." "Dear, it was a pity though to fling away the honey ; but what became of the shawl, Ben?" Perhaps Mrs. Acton thought of looking for it. "Oh, as for that, I was minded to have sunk it, with its mess of sweet- meats and potsherds ; but a thought took me, dame, to be 'conomical for once : and I was half sorry too that I'd flung away the jars, for I began to fancy your little uns might ha' liked the stuff"; so I dipped the clout like any washerwoman, rinshed, and squeezed, and washed the mess away, and have worn it round my waist ever since ; here, dame, I haven't been this way for a while afore to-night; but I meant to ask you if you 'd like to have it; may be 'tan't the fashion though." " Good gracious, Ben ! why that 's Mrs. Quarles's shawl, I 'd swear to it among a hundred ; Sarah Stack, at the Hall, once took and wore it, when Mrs. Quarles was ill a-bed, and she and our Thomas walked to church together. Yes — green, edged with red, and — I thought so — a yellow circle in the middle ; here 's B. Q., for Bridget Quarles, in black cotton at the corner. Lackapity! if they'd heard of all this at the Inquest ! I tell you what. Big Ben, it's kindly meant of you, and so thank you heartily, but that shawl would bring us into trouble ; so please take it yourself to the Hall, and tell 'em fairly how you came by it." "I don't know about that Poll Acton; perhaps they might ask me for the Saving-bank, too — eh, Roger!" "No, no, wife ; no, it'll never do to lose the money ! let a bygone be a bygone, and don't disturb the old woman in her grave. As to the shawl, SLEEP. 45 if it's like to be a tell-tale, in my mind, this hearth's the safest place for it." So he flung it on the fire ; there was a shrivelling, smouldering, guilty sort of blaze, and the shawl was burnt. Roger Acton, you are falling quickly as a shooting star; already is your conscience warped to connive, for lucre's sake, at some one's secret crimes. You had better, for the moral of the matter, have burnt your right hand, as Scaevola did, than that shawl. Beware ! your sin will bring its punishment. CHAPTER XL SLEEP. Grace, in her humble truckle-bed, lay praying for her father; not about his trouble, though that was much, but for the spots of sin she could discern upon his soul. Alas! an altered man was Roger Acton ; almost since morning light, the leprosy had changed his very nature. The simple-minded Christian, toiling in contentment for his daily bread, cheerful for the passing day, and trustful for the coming morrow, this fair state was well-nigh faded away ; wjiile a bitterness of feeling against (in one word) GOD — against unequal partialities in providence, against things as they exist, and this world's inexplicable government — was gnawing at his very heart-strings, and cankering their roots by unbelief. It is a speedy process — throw away faith with its trust for the past, love for the present, hope for the future — and you throw away all that makes sorrow bearable, or joy lovely ; the best of us, if God withheld his help, would apostatize like Peter, ere the cock crew thrice ; and, at times, that help has wisely been withheld, to check presumptuous thoughts, and teach how true it is that the crea- ture depends on the Creator. Just so we suffer a wilful little child, who is tottering about in leading-strings, to go alone for a minute, and have a gentle fall. And just so Roger here, deserted for a time of those angelic ministrations whose efficiency is proved by godliness and meek- ness, by patience and content, is harassed in his spirit as by harpies, by selfishness and pride, and fretful doubtings ; by a grudging hate of 46 THECROCKOFGOLD. labour, and a fiery lust of gold. Temptation comes to teach a weak man that he was fitted for his station, and his station made for him ; that fulfilment of his ignorant desires will only make his case the worse, and that Providence alike is wise In what he gives and what denies. Meanwhile, gentle Grace, on her humble truckle-bed, is full of pray- ers and tears, uneasily listening to the indistinct and noisy talk, and hearing, now and then, some louder oath of Ben's that made her shud- der. Yes, she heard, too, the smashing sound, when the poacher flung the money down, and she feared it was a mug or a plate — no slight domestic loss ; and she heard her father's strange cry, when he gave that wondering shout of joyous avarice, and she did not know what to fear. Was he ill ? or crazed ! or worse — fallen into bad excesses ? How she prayed for him ! Poor Ben, too, honest-hearted Ben ; she thought of him in charity, and pleaded for his good before the Throne of Mercy. Who knows but Heaven heard that saintly virgin prayer? There is love in Heaven yet for poor Ben Bnrke. And if she prayed for Ben, with what an agony of deep-felt intercts- sion did she plead for Thomas Acton, that own only brother of hers, just a year the younger to endear him all the more, her playmate, care, and charge, her friend and boisterous protector. The many sorrowing hours she had spent for his sake, and the thousand generous' actions he had done for hers ! Could she forget how the stripling fought for her that day, when rude Joseph Green would help her over the style ? Could she but remember how slily he had put aside, for more than half a year, a little heap of copper earnings — weeding-money, and errand-money, and harvest-money — and then bounteously spent it all at once in giving her a Bible on her birth-day? And when, coming across the fields with him after leasing, years ago now, that fierce black bull of Squire Ryle's was rushing down upon us both, how bravely did the noble boy attack him with a stake, as he came up bellowing, and make the dreadful mon- ster turn away ! Ah ! I looked death in the face then, but for thee, my brother ! Remember him, my God, for good ! " Poor father ! poor father ! Well, I am resolved upon one thing : I '11 go, with Heaven's blessing, to the Hall myself, and see Sir John, to-mor- row; he shall hear the truth, for" And so Grace fell asleep. SLEEP. 47 Roger, when he went to bed, came to similar conclusions. He would speak up boldly, that he would, without fear or favour. Ben's most seasonable bounty, however to be questioned on the point of right, made him feel entirely independent, both of bailiffs and squires, and he had now no anxieties, but rather hopes, about to-morrow. He was as good as they, with money in his pocket ; so he 'd down to the Hall, and face the baronet himself, and blow his bailiff out o' water : that should be his business by noon. Another odd idea, too, possessed him, and he could not sleep at night for thinking of it: it was a foolish fancy, but the dream might have put it in his head : what if one or other of those hon- ey-jars, so flung here and there among the rushes, were in fact another sort of " Savings-bank " — a crock of gold ? It was a thrilling thought — his very dream, too ; and the lot of shillings, and the shawl — ay, and the inquest, and the rumours how that Mrs. Quarles had come to her end unfairly, and no hoards found — and — and the honey-pots missing. Ha ! at any rate he'd have a search to-morrow. No bugbear now should hinder him ; money 's money ; he 'd ask no questions how it got there. His own bit of garden lay the nearest to Pike Island, and who knows but Ben might have slung a crock this way? It wouldn't do to ask him, though — for Burke might look himself, and get the crock — was Roger's last and selfish thought, before he fell asleep. As to Mrs. Acton, she, poor woman, had her own thoughts, fearful ones, about that shawl, and ^en's mysterious adventure. No cloudy love of mammon had overspread her mind, to hide from it the hideous- ness of murder; in her eyes, blood was terrible, and not the less so that it covered gold. She remembered at the inquest — be sure she was there among the gossips — the facts, so little taken notice of till now, the keys in the cupboard, where the honey-pots were not, and how Jonathan Floyd had seen something on the lake, and the marks of a man's hand on the throat ; and, God forgive her for saying so, but Mr. Jennings was a little, white-faced man. How wrong was it of Roger to have burnt that shawl ! how dull of Ben not to have suspected something ! but then the good fellow suspects nobody, and, I dare say, now doesn't know my thoughts. But Roger does, more shame for him; or why burn the shawl? Ah! thought she, with all the gossip rampart in her breast, if I could only have taken it to the Hall myself, what a stir I should have caused ! Yes, she would have reaped a mighty field of glory by origin- ating such a whirlwind of inquiries and surmises. Even now, so attractive was the mare's nest, she would go to the Hall by morning 48 THECROCKOFGOLD. and tell Sir John himself all about the burnt shawl, and Pike Island, and the galli And so she fell fast asleep. With respect to Ben, Tom, and Rover, a well-matched triad, as any Isis, Horus, and Nepthys, they all flung themselves promiscuously on the hard floor beside the hearth, " basked at the fire their hairy strength," and soon were snoring away beautifully in concert, base, tenor, and treble, like a leash of glee-singers. No thoughts troubled them, either of mammon or murder: so long before the meditative trio up-stairs, they had set a good example, and fallen asleep. CHAPTER XII. LOVE. With the earliest peep of day arose sweet Grace, full of cheerful hope, and prayer, and happy resignation. She had a great deal to do that morning ; for, innocent girl, she had no notion that it was quite por;- sible to be too early at the Hall ; her only fear was being too late. Then there were all the household cares to see to, and the dear babes to dress, and the place to tidy up, and b^akfast to get ready, and, any how, she could not be abroad till half-past eight: so, to her disma}-, it must be past nine before ever she can see Sir John. Let us follow her a little: for on this important day we shall have to take the adventur. s of our labourer's family one at a time. By twenty minutes to nine, Grace had contrived to bustle on her things, give the rest the slip, and be tripping to the Hall. It is nearly two miles off, as we already know ; and Grace is such a pretty creature that \^e can clearly do no better than employ our time thitherward by taking a peep at her. Sweet Grace Acton, we will not vex thy blushing maiden modesty by elaborate details of form, and face, and feature. Perfect womanhood at fair eighteen : let that fill all the picture up with soft and swelling charms; no wadding, or padding, or jigot, or jupe — but all those grace- ful undulations are herself: no pearl-powder, no carmine, no borrowed locks, no musk, or ambergris — but all those feeble helps of meretricious art excelled and superseded by their just originals in nature. It will LOVE. 49 not do to talk, as a romancer may, of velvet cheeks and silken tresses; or invoke, to the aid of our inadequate description, roses, and swans, and peaches, and lilies. Take the simple village beauty as she is. Did you ever look on prettier lips or sweeter eyes — more glossy natural curls upon a whiter neck? And how that little red-riding-hood cloak, and the simple cottage hat tied down upon her cheeks, and the homely russet gown, all too short for modern fashions, and the white, well-turned ankle, and the tidy little leather shoe, and the bunch of snow drops in her tucker, and the neat mittens contrasting darkly with her fair, bare arms — pretty Grace, how well all these become thee ! There, trip along, with health upon thy cheek, and hope within thy heart ; who can resist so eloquent a pleader? Haste on, haste on : save thy father in his trouble, as thou hast blest him in his sin — this rustic lane is to thee the path of duty — Heaven speed thee on it ! More slowly now, and with more anxious thoughts, more heart-weak- ness, more misgiving — Grace approacheth the stately mansion: and when she timidly touched the " Servants' " bell, for she felt too lowly for the " Visiters'," — and when she heard how terribly loud it was, how lonjj it rung, and what might be the issue of her — wasn't it ill-considered? — errand — the poor girl almost fainted at the sound. As she leaned unconsciously for strength against the door, it opened on a sudden, and Jonathan Floyd, in mute amazement, caught her in his arms. "Why, Grace Acton! what's the matter with you?" Jonathan knew Grace well ; they had been at dame's-school together, and in after years attended the same Sunday class at church. There had been some talk among the gossips about Jonathan and Grace, and ere now folks had been kind enough to say they would make a pretty couple. And folks were right, too, as well as kind : for a fine young fellow was Jonathan Floyd, as any duchess's footman; tall, well built, and twenty-five; Antinous in a livery. Well to do, withal, though his wages don't come straight to him ; for, independently of his place — and the baronet likes him for his good looks and proper manners — he is Farmer Floyd's only son, on the hill yonder, as thriving a small tenant as any round abouts; and he is proud of his master, of his blue and silver uniform, of old Hurstley, and of all things in general, except himself. "But what on earth's the matter, Grace?" he was obliged to repeat, for the dear girl's agitation was extreme. "Jonathan, can I see the baronet?" D 6 50 T II E -C R O C K O F G O L D . "What, at nine iu the morning, Grace Acton ! Call again at two, and you may find him getting up. He hasn't been three hours a-bed yet, and there 's nobody about but Sarah Stack and me. I wisli those Lun- nun sparks would but leave the place: they do his honour no good, I'm thinking." "Not till two!" was the slow and mournful ejaculation. What a damper to her buoyant hopes : and Providence had seen fit to give her ill-success. Is it so? Prosperity may come in other shapes. "Why, Grace," suddenly said Floyd, in a very nervous way, "what makes you call upon my master in this tidy trim?" "To save my father," answered Innocence. " How ? why ? Oh don't, Grace, don't ! I '11 save him — I will indeed — what is it? Oh, don't, don't !" For the poor affectionate fellow conjured on the spot the black vision of a father saved by a daughter's degradation. "Don't, Jonathan? — it's my duty, and God will bless me in it. That cruel Mr. Jennings has resolved upon our ruin, and I wished to tell Sir John the truth of it." At this hearing, Jonathan brightened up, and glibly said, "Ah, indeed, Jennings is a trouble to us all : a sad life I 've led of it this year past ; and I 've paid Him pretty handsomely too, to let me keep the place : while, as for John Page and the grooms, and Mr. Coachman and the helpers, they don't touch much o' their wages on quarter-day, I know," "Oh, but we — we are ruined! ruined! Father is forbidden now to labour for our bread." And then with many tears she told her tale. "Stop, Miss Grace," suddenly said Jonathan, for her beauty and elo- quence transformed the cottager into a lady in his eyes, and no wonder ; "pray, stop a minute, Miss — please to take a seat; I sha'n't be gone an instant." And the good-hearted fellow, whose eyes had long been very red, broke away at a gallop ; but he was back again almost as soon as gone, panting like a post-horse. " Oh, Grace ! don't be angry ! do forgive me what I am going to do." "Do, Jonathan?" and the beauty involuntarily started — "I hope it's nothing wrong," she added, solemnly. "Whether right or wrong, Grace, take it kindly; you have often bade me read my Bible, and I do so many times both for the sake of it and you ; ay, and meet with many pretty sayings in it : forgive me if I act on one — ' It is more blessed to give tlian to receive.' " With that, he LOVE. 51 thrust into her hand a brass-topped, red-leather purse, stuffed with money. Generous fellow ! all the little savings, that had heretofore escaped the prying eye and filching grasp of Simon Jennings. There was some little gold in it, more silver, and a lot of bulky copper. "Dear Jonathan!" exclaimed Grace, quite thrown off her guard of maidenly reserve, "this is too kind, too good, too much; indeed, indeed it is : I cannot take the purse." And her bright eyes overflowed again. " Well, girl," said Jonathan, gulping down an apple in his throat, "I — I won't have the money, that's all. Oh, Grace, Grace!" he burst out earnestly, "let me be the blessed means of helping you in trouble — I would die to do it, Grace; indeed I would!" The dear girl fell upon his neck, and they wept together like two lov- ing little sisters. "Jonathan" — her duteous spirit was the first to speak — "forgive this weakness of a foolish woman's heart : I will not put away the help which God provides us at your friendly hands : only this, kind brother — let me call you brother — keep the purse ; if my father pines for want of work, and the babes at home lack food, pardon my boldness if I take the help you offer. Meanwhile, God in heaven bless you, Jonathan, as He will !" And she turned to go away. "Won't you take a keepsake, Grace — one little token? I wish I had any thing here but money to give you for my sake." "It would even be ungenerous in me to refuse you, brother; one little piece will do." Jonathan fumbled up something in a crumpled piece of paper, and said sobbingly — "Let it be this new half-crown, Grace: I won't say, keep it always ; only when you want to use that and more, I humbly ask you '11 please come to me." Now a more delicate, a more unselfish act, was never done by man : along with the half-crown he had packed up two sovereigns ! and thereby not only escaped thanks, concealed his own beneficence, and robbed his purse of half its little store; but actually he was, by doing so, depriving himself for a month, or maybe more, of a visit from Grace Acton. Had it been only half-a-crown, and want had pinched the family (neither Grace nor Jonathan could guess of Ben Burke's bounty, and for all they knew Roger had not enough for the morrow's meals) — had poverty come in like an armed man, and stood upon their threshold a grim sentinel — doubtless she must have run to him within a day or two. How sweet 62 THECROCKOFGOLD. would it have been to have kept her coming day by day, and to a com- moner aifection how excusable! but still how selfish, how unlike the lib- eral and honourable feeling that filled the manly heart of Jonathan Floyd ! It was a noble act, and worthy of a long parenthesis. If Grace Acton had looked back as she hurried down the avenue, she would have seen poor Jonathan still watching her with all his eyes till she was out of sight. Perhaps, though, she might have guessed it — there is a sympathy in these things, the true animal magnetism — and I dare say that was the very reason why slie did not once turn her head. CHAPTER XIII. THE DISCOVERY, Roger Acton had not slept well ; had not slept at all till nearly break of day, except in the feverish fashion of half dream half revery. There were thick-coming fancies all night long about what Ben had said and done : and more than once Roger had thought of the expediency of getting up, to seek without delay the realization of that one idea which now possessed him — a crock of gold. When he put together one thing and another, he considered it almost certain that Ben had flung away among the lot no mere honey-pot, but perhaps indeed a money-pot : Burke hadn't half the cunning of a child ; more fool he, and maybe so much the better for me, thought money-bitten, selfish Roger. Thus, in the night's hot imaginations, he resolved to find the spoil ; to will, was then to do : to do, was then to conquer. However, Nature's sweet restorer came at last, and, when he woke, the idea had sobered down — last night's fancies were preposterous. So, it was with a heavy heart he got up later than his wont — no work before him, nothing to do till the afternoon, when he might see Sir John, except it be to dig a bit in his little marshy garden. When Grace ran to the Flail, Roger was going forth to dig. Now, I know quite well that the reader is as fully aware as I am, what is about to happen ; but it is impossible to help the matter. If the heading of this chapter tells the truth, a "discovery" of some sort is inevitable. Let us preliminarize a thought or two, if thereby we can hang some shadowy veil of excuse over a too naked mystery. First and foremost, THE DISCOVERY. 53 truth is strange, stranger, et-ceiera; and this et-cetera, pregnant as one of Lyttleton's, intends to add the superlative strangest, to the comparative stranger of that seldom-quoted sentiment. To every one of us, in the course of our lives, something quite as extraordinary has befallen more than once. What shall we say of omens, warnings, forebodings? What of the most curious runs of luck; the most whimsical freaks of fortune; the unaccountable things that happen round us daily, and no one marvels at them, till he reads of them in print? Even as Macpherson, ingenious, if not ingenuous, gathei'ed Ossian from the lips of Highland hussifs, and made the world with modern Attila to back it, wonder at the stores that are hived on old wives' tongues; even so might any other literary black- smith hammer from the ore of common gossip a regular Vulcan's net of superstitious "facts." Never yet was uttered ghost story, that did not breed four others ; every one at table is eager to record his, or his aunt's, experience in that line ; and the mass of queer coincidences, inexplicable incidents, indubitable seeings, hearings, doings, and sufferings, which you and I have heard of in this popular vein of talk, would amply excuse the wildest fictionist for the most extravagant adventure — the more improbable, the nearer truth. Talk of the devil, said our ancestors — • let "&c." save us from the consequence. Think of any thing vehe- mently, and it is an even chance it happens : be confident, you conquer ; be obstinate in willing, and events shall bend humbly to their lord : nay, dream a dream, and if you recollect it in the morning, and it bother you next day, and you cannot get it out of your head for a week, and the matter positively haunt you, ten to one but it finds itself or makes itself fulfilled, some odd day or other. Just so, doubtless, will it prove to be with Roger's dream : I really cannot help the matter. Again, it is more than likely that the reader is clever, very clever, and that any attempts at concealment would be merely futile. From the first page he has discovered who is the villain, and who the victim : the title alone tells him of the golden hinge on which the story turns: he can look through stone walls, if need be, or mesmerically see, with- out making use of eyes : no peep-holes for him, as for Pyramus and Thisbe : no initiation requisite for any hidden mysteries; all ai'cana are revealed to him, every sanctum is a highway. No art of mortal pen can defeat this mischief of acuteness : character is character ; oaks grow of acorns, and the plan of a life may be detected in a microscopic speech. The career of Mr. Jennings is as much predestined by us to iniquity, from the first intimation that he never makes excuse, as honest 6* 54 THECROCKOFGOLD. Roger is to trouble and temptation from the weary eifort wherewithal he woke. And, even now, pretty Grace and young Sir John, the reader thinks that he can guess at nature's consequence ; while, with respect to Roger's going forth to dig this morning, he sees it straight before him, need not ask for the result. Well, if the shrewd reader has the eye of Lieuenhoeck, and can discern, cradled in the small triangular beech- mast, a noble forest-tree, with silvery trunk, branching arms, and dark- green foliage, he deserves to be complimented indeed, for his own keen skill; but, at the same time. Nature will not hurry herself for him, but will quietly educe results which he foreknew — or thought he did — a century ago. And is there not the highest Art in this unveiled sim- plicity : to lead the reader onwards by a straight road, with the setting sun a-blaze at the end of it, knowing his path, knowing its object, yet still borne on with spirits unexhausted and unflagging foot? Trust me, there is better praise in this, than in dazzling the distracted glance with a perpetual succession of luminous fire-flies, and dragging your fair novel- reader, harried and excited, through the mazes of a thousand incidents. Thirdly, and lastly, in this prefatorial say, there is to be considered that inevitable defeator of all printed secrets — impatience. Nothing is easier, nothing commoner (most wise people do it, whose fate is, that they must keep up with the race of current publication, and therefore must keep down the still-increasing crowd of authorial creations), nothing is more venial, more laudable, than to read the last chapter first; and so, finding out all mysteries at once, to save one's self a vast deal of unnecessary trouble. And, for mere tale-telling, this may be oufficient. AVhat need to burden memory with imaginary statements, or to weary out one's sympathies on trite fictitious woes? — come to the catastrophe at once : the uncle hanged ; the heir righted ; the heroine, an orange- flowered bride ; and the white-headed grandmother, after all her wrongs, winding up the story with a prudent moral. Now, this may all be very well with histories that merely carry a sting in the tail, whose moral is the warning of the rattlesnake, and whose hot-exciting interest is posted with the scorpion's venom. They are the Dragon of Wantley, with one caudal point — a barbed termination: we, like Moore of Moore Hall, all point, covered with spikes : every where we boast ourselves an ethical hedge-hog, all-over-armed with keen morals — a Rumour painted full of tongues, echoing all around with revealing of secrets. The feelings of our humble hero, altered Roger Acton, are worthy to be studied by the great, to be sifted by the rich ; and Grace's simple tongue may teach the THEDISCOVERY. 55 sage, for its wisdom cometh from above ; and Jonathan, for all his shoulder- knot and smart cockade, is worthy to give lessons to his master: that master, also, is far better than you think him ; and poor Burke too, for true humanity's sake : so we get a mint of morals, set aside the story. It is not raw material, but the workmanship, that gives its value to the flowered damask; our grand-dames' sumptuous taffeties and stand-alone brocades are but spun silk — worms' interiors ; the fairest statue is intrin- sically but a mass of clumsy stone, until, indeed, the sculptor has rough- hewn it, and shaped it, and chiselled it, and finished all the touches with sand-paper. This story of ' The Crock of Gold^ purports to be a Dutch picture, as becometh boors, their huts, their short and simple annals; so that, after its moralities, the mass of minute detail is the only thing that gives it any value. Now, whilst all of you have been yawning through these egotistic phrases, Roger has been digging in his garden ; there he is, pecking away at what once was the celery-bed, but now are fallow trenches; celery, as we all know, is a water-loving plant, doing best in marshy-land, so no wonder the trenches open on the sedge, and the muddy shallow oppo- site Pike Island puddles up to them. There needs be no suspense, no mystery at all ; Roger's dream had clearly sent him thither, for he should not have levelled those trenches yet awhile, it was a little too soon — bad husbandry ; and, barring the appearance of a devil, Roger's dream came true. Yes, under the roots of a clump of bullrush, he lifted out with his spade — a pot of Narbonne honey ! When first he spied the pot, his heart was in his mouth — it must be gold, and with tottering knees he raised the precious burden. But, woful disappointment! the word "Honey," with plenty of French and Fortnum on another pasted label, stared him in the face ; it was sweet and slimy too about the neck ; there was no sort of jingle when he shook the crock; what though it be heavy? — honey's heavy; and it was tied over quite in a common way with pig's bladder, and his clumsy trembling fingers could not undo that knot; and thus, with a miserable sense of cheated poverty, he threw it down beside the path, and would, perhaps, have flung it right away in sheer disgust, but for the reflection that the little ones might like it. Once, indeed, the glorious doubt of maybe gold came back upon his mind, and he lifted up the spade to smash the baffling pot, and so make sure of what it might contain ; — make sure, eh ? why, you would only lose the honey, whispered domestic econ- omy. So he left the jar to be opened by his wife when he should go in 56 THE CROCK OF GOLD. k CHAPTER XIV. JONATHAN'S STORE. And where has Mrs, Acton been all this morning? Off to the Hall, very soon after Grace had got away ; and she rung at the side entrance, hard by the kitchen, most fortunately caught Sarah Stack about, and had a good long gossip with her; telling her, open-mouthed, all about Ben Burke having found a shawl of Mrs. Quarles's on the island ; and how, it being very rotten, yes, and smelling foul, Ben had been fool enough to burn it; what a pity! how could the shawl have got there? if it only could ha' spoken what it knew ! And the bereaved gossips mourned together over secrets undivulged, and their evidence destroyed. .\s to the crockery, for a miraculous once in life, Mrs. Acton held her tongue about a thing she knew, and said not a syllable concerning it. Roger would be mad to lose the money. Just at parting with her friend, Mary Acton was going out by the wrong door, through the hall, but luckily did no more than turn the handle; or she never could have escaped bouncing in upon t'le lovers' interview, and thereby occasioning a chaos of confusion. For, be it whispered, the step-dame was not a little jealous of her ready-made daughter's beauty, persisted in calling her a child, and treated her any thing but kindly and sisterly, as her full-formed woman's loveliness might properly have looked for. Only imagine, if the Hecate had but seen Jonathan's lit-up looks, or Grace's down-cast blushes; for it really slipped my observation to record that there were blushes, and probably some cause for them when the keep- sake was given and accepted ; only conceive if the step-mother had heard Jonathan's afterward soliloquy, when he was watching pretty Grace as she tripped away — and how mucTi he seemed to think of her eyes and eye-lashes! I am reasonably fearful, had she heard and seen all this — Poll Acton's nails might have possibly drawn blood from the cheeks of Jonathan Floyd. As it was, the little god of love kindly warded from his votaries the coming of so crabbed an antagonist. Grace has now reached home again, blessing her overruling stars to have escaped notice so entirely both in going and returning; for the mother was hard at washing near the well, having got in half an hour before, and father has not yet left off digging in his garden. So she JONATHAN'S STORE. 57 cTftpt up stairs quietly, put away her Sunday best, and is just dropping on her knees beside her truckle-bed, to speak of all her sorrows to her Heavenly friend, and to thank him for the kindness He had raised her in an earthly one. She then, with no small trepidation, took out of her tucker, just below those withered snow-drops, the crumpled bit of paper that held Jonathan's parting gift. It was surprising how her tucker heaved ; she could hardly get at the parcel. She wanted to look at that half-crown; not that she feared it was a bad one, or was curious about coins, or felt any pleasure in possessing such a sum : but there was such a don't-know-what connected with that new half-crown, which made her long to look at it ; so she opened the paper — and found its golden fellows ! O noble heart! kind, generous, unselfish — yes, beloved Jonathan! But what is she to do with the sovereigns? Keep them? No, she can- not keep them, however precious in her sight as proofs of deep affection ; but she will call as soon as possible, and give them back, and insist upon his taking them, and keeping them too — for her, if no otherwise. And the dear innocent girl was little aware herself how glad she felt of the excuse to call so soon again at Hurstley. Meantime, for safety, she put the money in her Bible. What hallowed gold was that? Gained by honest industry, saved by youthful prudence, given liberally and unasked, to those who needed, and could not pay again ; with a delicate consideration, an heroic essay at concealment, a voluntary sacrifice of self, of present pleasure, passion, and affection. And there it lies, the little store, hidden up in Grace's Bible. She has prayed over it, thanked over it, interceded over it, for herself, for it, for others. How different, indeed, from ordinaiy gold, from common sin-bought mammon ; how different from that unblest store, which Roger Acton covets ; how purified from meannesses, and separate from harms! This is of that money, the scarcest coins of all the world, endued with all good properties in heaven and in earth, whereof it had been written, "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts." Such alone are truly riches — well-earned, well-saved, well-sanctified, well-spent. The wealthiest of European capitalists — the Croesus of modern civilization — may be but a pauper in that better currency, whereof a sample has been shown in the store of Jonathan Floyd. 5a. THECROCKOFGOLD. CHAPTER XV. ANOTHER DISCOVERY, AND THE EARNEST OP GOOD THTNGS. "Dame, hei'e's one o' Ben's gallipots he flung away: it's naught but honey, dame — marked so — no crock of gold; don't expect it; no such thing ; luck like that isn't for such as me : though, being as it is, the babes may like it, with their dry bread : open it, good-wife : I hope the water mayn't ha' spoilt it." The notable Mary Acton produced certain scissors, hanging from her pocket by a tape, and cut a knot, which to Roger had been Gordian's. " Why, it's bran, Acton, not honey; look here, will you." She tilted it up, and, along with a cloud of saw-dust, dropped out a heavy hail-storm of — little bits of leather! "Hallo? what's that?" said Roger, eagerly: "it's gold, gold, I'll b. sworn!" It was so. Every separate bit of money, whatever kind of coins they were, had been tidily sewn up in a shred of leather; remnants of old gloves of all colours ; and the Narbonne jar contained six hundred and eighty-seven of them. These, of course, were hastily picked up from the path whereon they had first fallen, were counted out at home, and the glittering con- tents of most of those little leather bags ripped up were immediately discovered. Oh dear! oh dear! such a sight! Guineas find half-guin- eas, sovereigns and half-sovereigns, quite a little hill of bright, clean, prettily-figured gold. "Hip, hip, hooray!" shouted Roger, in an ecstacy ; "Hurrah, huri'ah, hurrah !" and in the madness of his joy, he executed an extravagant pas seul ; up went his hat, round went his heels, and he capered awkwardly like a lunatic giraffe. " Here 's an end to all our troubles, Poll : we 're as good as gentle-folks now; catch me a-calling at the Hall, to bother about Jennings and Sir John : a fig for bailiffs, and baronets, parsons, and prisons, and all," and again he roai'ed Hooray ! "I tell you what though, old 'ooman, we must just try the taste of our glorious golden luck, before we do any thing else. Bide a bit, wench, and hide the hoard till I return. I 'm off to the Bacchus's Arms, and I'll bring you some stingo in a minute, old gal." So off he ran hot-foot, to get an earnest of the blessing of his crock of gold. ANOTHER DISCOVERY. 59 The minute that was promised to produce the stingo, proved to be rather of a lengthened character; it might, indeed, have been a minute, or the fraction of one, in the planet Herschel, whose year is as long as eighty- five of our Terra's, but according to Greenwich calculatiorf, it was nearer like two hours. The little Tom and Jerry shop, that rejoiced in the classical heraldry of Bacchus's Arms, had been startled from all conventionalities by the unwonted event of the demand, "change for a sovereign?" and when it was made known to the assembled conclave that Roger Acton was the for- tunate possessor, that even assumed an appearance positively miraculous. "Why, honest Roger, how in the world could you ha' come by that?" was the troublesome inquiry of Dick the Tanner. " Well, Acton, you 're sharper than I took you foi*, if you can squeeze gold out of bailiff Jennings," added Solomon Snip; and Roger knew no better way of silencing their tongues, than by profusely drenching them in liquor. So he stood treat all round, and was forced to hobanob with each ; and when that was gone, he called for more to keep their curiosity employed. Now, all this caused delay ; and if Mary had been waiting for the "stingo," she would doubtless have had reasonable cause for anger and impatience : however, she, for her part, was so pleasantly occupied, like Prince Arthur's Queen, in counting out the money, that, to say the truth, both lord and liquor were entirely forgotten. But another cause that lengthened out the minute, was the embarrassing business of where to find the change. Bacchus's didn't chalk up trust, where hard money was flung upon the counter; but all the accumulated wealth of Bacchus's high-priest, Tom Swipey, and of the seven worship- pers now drinking in his honour, could not suffice to make up enough of chano-e : therefore, after two gallons left behind him in libations as afore- said, and two more bottled up for a drink-offering at home, Roger was contented to be owed seven and fourpence ; a debt never likely to be liqui- dated. Much speculation this afforded to the gossips ; and when the treat- er's back was turned, they touched their foreheads, for the man was clearly crazed, and they winked to each other with a gesture of significance. Grace, while musing on her new half-crown — it was strange how long she looked at it — had heard with real amazement that uproarious huzza- ing! and, just as her father had levanted for the beer, glided down from her closet, and received the wondrous tidings from her step-mother. She heard in silence, if not in sadness: intuitive good sense proclaimed to her that this sudden gush of wealth was a temptation, even if she felt 60 THECROCKOFGOLD. no secret fears on the score of— shall we call it superstition? — that dream, this crock, that dark angel — and this so changed spirit of her once religious father: what could she think? she meekly looked to Heaven to avert all ill. Mary Acton also was less elated and more alarmed than she cared to confess : not that she, any more than Grace, knew or thought about lords of manors, or physical troubles on the score of finding the crock : but Mrs. Quarles's shawl, and sundry fearful fancies tinged with blood, these worried her exceedingly, and made her look upon the gold with an uneasy feeling, as if it were an unclean thing, a sort of Achan's wedge. At last, here comes Roger back, somewhat unsteadily I fear, with a stone two-gallon jar of what he was pleased to avouch to be "the down- right stingo." "Hooray, Poll !" (he had not ceased shouting all the way from Bacchus's,) "Hooray— here 1 be again, a gentle-folk, a lord, a king, Poll: why daughter Grace, what's come to you? I won't have no dull looks about to-day, girl. Isn't this enough to make a poor man merry ? No more troubles, no more toil, no more ' humble sarvent,' no more a ragged, plodding ploughman : but a lord, daughter Grace — a great, rich, luxurious lord — isn't this enough to make a man sing out hooray? — Thank the crock of gold for this — Oh, blessed crock!" "Hush, father, hush! that gold will be no blessing to you; Heaven send it do not bring a curse. It will be a sore temptation, even if the rights of it are not in some one else: we know not whom it may belong to, but at any rate it cannot well be ours." "Not ours, child? whose in life is it then?" Mary Acton, made quite meek by a superstitious dread of having money of the murdered, stepped in to Grace's help, whom her father's fierce manner had appalled, with " Roger, it belonged to Mrs. Quarles, I 'm morally sure on it — and must now be Simon Jennings's, her heir." ^' What?" he almost frantically shrieked, "shall that white hell-hound rob me yet again ? No, dame — I'll hang first ! the crock I found, the crock I'll keep: the money's mine, whoever did the murder." Then, changing his mad tone into one of reckless inebriate gayety — for he was more than half-seas over even then from the pot-house toastings and excitement — he added, "But come, wenches, down with your mugs, and help me to get through the jar : I never felt so dry in all my life. Here's blessings on the crock, on him as sent it, him as has it, and on all the joy and comfort it's to bring us! Come, drink, drink — we must all drink that — but Where's Tom?" I ANOTHER DISCOVERY. 61 If Roger had been quite' himself, he never would have asked so super- fluous a question : for Tom was always in one and the same company, albeit never in one and the same place : he and his Pan-like Mentor were continually together, studying wood-craft, water-craft, and all manner of other craft connected with the antique trade of picking and stealing. «' Where's Tom?" Grace, glad to have to answer any reasonable question, mildly answered, "Gone away with Ben, father." Alas ! that little word, Ben, gave occasion to reveal a depth in Roger's fall, which few could have expected to behold so soon. To think that the liberal friend, who only last night had frankly shared his all with him, whose honest glowing heart would freely shed its blood for him, that he in recollection should be greeted with a loathing ! Ben would come, and claim some portion of his treasure — he would cry halves — or, who knows? might want all — all: and take it by strong arm, or by threat to 'peach against him : — curse that Burke ! he hated him. Oh, Steady Acton! what has made thee drink and swear? Oh, Hon- est Roger! what has planted guile, and suspicion, and malice in thy heart? Are these the mere first-fruits of coveting and having? Is this the earliest blessing of that luck which many long for — the finding of a crock of gold? We would not enlarge upon the scene ; a painful one at all times, when man forgets his high prerogative, and drowns his reason in the tankard : but, in a Roger Acton's case, lately so wise, temperate, and patient, peculiarly distressing. Its chief features were these. Grace tasted nothing, but mournfully looked on : once only she attempted to expostu- late, but was met — not with fierce oaths, nor coarse chidings, nor even with idiotic drivelling — oh no ! worse than that she felt : he replied to her with the maudlin drunken promise, "If she'd only be a good girl, and let him bide, he 'd give her a big Church-bible, bound in solid gold — that 'ud make the book o' some real value, Grace." Poor broken-hearted daugh- ter — she rushed to her closet in a torrent of tears. As for Mary Acton, she was miraculously meek and dumb ; all the scold was quelled within her; the word "blood" was the Petruchio that tamed that shrew; she could see a plenty of those crimson spots, which might " The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green, one red," dancing in the sun-beams, dotted on the cottage .walls, sprinkled as 6 62 THECROCKOFGOLD. unholy water, over that foul crock. Would not the money be a curse to them any how, say nothing of the danger? ' If things went on as they began, Mary might indeed have cause for fear : actually, she could not a-bear to look upon the crock ; she quite dreaded it, as if it had contained a "bottled devil." So there she sat ever so long — silent, thoughtful, and any thing but comfortable. What became of Roger until next day at noon, neither he nor I can tell : true, his carcase lay upon the floor, and the two-gallon jar was empty. But, for the real man, who could answer to the name of Roger Acton, the sensitive and conscious soul — that was some where galloping away for fifteen hours in the Paradise of fools: the Paradise? no— the Maelstrom ; tossed about giddily and painfully in one whirl of tumultu- ous drunkenness. CHAPTER XVI. HOW THE HOME WAS BLEST THEREBY. It will surprise no one' to be told that, however truly such an excess may have been the first, it was by no means the last exploit of our altered labourer in the same vein of heroism. Bacchus's was quite close, and he needs must call for his change; he had to call often; drank all quits ; changed another sovereign, and was owed again ; but, trust him, he wasn't going to be cheated out o^ that : take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. But still it was ditto repeated ; changing, being owed, grudging, grumbling: at last he found out the famous new plan of owing himself; and as Bacchus's did not see fit to reject such wealthy customers, Roger soon chalked up a yard-long score, and grew so niggardly that they could not get a penny from him. It is astonishing how immediately wealth brings in, as its companion, meanness: they walk together, and stand together, and kneel together, as the hectoring, prodigal Faulconbridge, the Bastard Plantagenet in King John, does with his white-livered, puny brothei", Robert. Wherefore, no sooner was Roger blest with gold, than he resolved not to be such a fool as to lose liberally, or to give away one farthing. To give, I say, for extravagant indulgence is another thing ; and it was a fine, proud pleasure HOW THE HOME WAS BLEST. (J3 to feast a lot of fellows at his sole expense. If meanness is brother to wealth, it is at any rate first cousin to extravagance. When the dowager collects "her dear five hundred friends" to parade before the fresh young heirs her wax-light lovely daughters — when all is glory, gallopade, and Gunter — when Rubini warbles smallest, and Lablanche is heard as thunder on the stairs — speak, tradesmen, ye who best can tell, the closeness that has catered for that feast; tell it out, ye famished milliners, ground down to sixpence on a ball-dress bill ; whis- per it, ye footmen, with your wages ever due ; let Gath, let Askelon re-echo with the truth, that extortion is the parent- of extravagance! Now, that episode should have been in a foot note ; but no one takes the trouble to read notes; and with justice too; for if a man has any thing to say, let him put it in Ifis text, as orderly as may be. And, if order be sometimes out of the question, as seems but clearly suitable at present to our hero's manner of life, it is wise to go boldly on, with- out so prim an usher ; to introduce our thoughts as they reveal them- selves, ignorant of "their own degrees," not "standing on the order of their coming," but, as a pit crowd on a benefit-night, bustling over one another, helter-skelter, "in most admired disorder." This will well com- port with Roger's daily life : for, notwithstanding the frequent inter- ference of an Amazon wife — regardless of poor, dear Grace's gentle voice and melancholy eyes — in spite of a conscience pricking in his breast, with the spines of a horse-chestnut, that evil crock appeared from the beginning to have been found for but one sole purpose — videlicet, that of keeping alight in Roger's brain the fire of mad intoxication. Yes, there were sundry other purposes, too, which may as well be told directly. The utter dislocation of all home comforts occupied the foremost rank. True — in comparison with the homes of affluence and halls of luxury — those comforts may have formerly seemed few and far between ; yet still the angel of domestic peace not seldom found a rest within the cottage. Not seldom? always: if sweet-eyed Grace be such an angel, that ever- abiding guest, full of love, duty, piety, and cheerfulness. But now, after long-enduring anguish, vexed in her righteous soul by the shocking sights and sounds of the drunkard and his parasites (for all the idle vagabonds about soon flocked around rich Acton, and were freely welcome to his reckless prodigality), Grace had been forced to steal away, and seek refuge with a neighbour. Here was one blessing the less. Another wretched change was in the wife. Granted, Mary Acton had not ever been the pink of politeness, the violet of meekness, nor the rose (J4 THECROCKOFGOLD. « of entire amiability : but if she were a scold, that scolding was well meant; and her irate energies were incessantly directed towards clean- liness, economy, quiet, and other notabilia of a busy house-wife. She did her best to keep the hovel tidy, to make the bravest show with their scanty chattels, to administer discreetly the stores of their frugal larder, and to recompense the good-man returning from his hard day's work, with much of rude joy and bustling kindness. But now, after the first stupor of amazement into which the crock and its consequences threw her, Poll Acton grew to be a fury : she raged and stormed, and well she might, at filth and discomfort in her home, at nauseous dregs and noisome fumes, at the orgie still kept up, day by day. and night by night, through the length of that first foul week, which succeeded the fortunate discovery. And not in vain she raged and stormed — and fought too ; for she did fight — ay, and conquered : and miserable Roger, now in full possession of those joys which he had longed for at the casement of Hurstley Hall, was glad to betake himself to the bench at Bacchus's, whither he with- drew his ragged regiment. Thus, that crock had spoilt all there was to spoil in the temper and conduct of the wife. Look also at the pretty prattling babes, twin boys of two years old, whom Roger used to hasten home to see; who had to say their simple prayers ; to be kissed, and comforted, and put to bed ; to be made happier by a wild flower picked up on his path, than if the gift had been a coral with gold bells : where were they now ? neglected, dirty, fretting in a corner, their red eyes full of wonder at father's altered ways, and their quick minds watching, with astonished looks, the progress of domestic discord. How the crock of gold has nipped those early blossoms as a killincr frost! Again, there used to be, till this sad week of wealth and riotous hilar- ity, that constantly recurring blessing of the morn and evening prayer which Roger read aloud, and Grace's psalm or chapter ; and afterwards the frugal meal — too scanty, perhaps, and coarse — but still refreshing, thank the Lord, and seasoned well with health and appetite ; and the heart-felt sense of satisfaction that all around was earned by honest labour; and there was content, and hope of better times, and God's good blessing over every thing. Now, all these pleasures had departed ; gold, unhallowed gold, gotten iiastily in the beginning, broadcast on the rank strong soil of a heart that coveted it earnestly, had sprung up as a crop of poisonous tares, and choked the patch of wheat; gold, unhallowed gold, light come, light CARE. 65 gone, had scared or killed the flock of unfledged loves that used to nes- tle in the cotter's thatch, as surely as if the cash were stones, flung wan- tonly by truants at a dove-cot ; and forth from the crock, that egg of wo, had been hatched a red-eyed vulture, to tyrannize in this sad home, where but lately the pelican had dwelt, had spread her fostering wing, and poured out the wealth of her affections. CHAPTER XVII. CAEE, But other happy consequences soon became apparent. If Acton in his tipsy state was mad, in his intervals of soberness he was thoroughly miserable. And this, not merely on the score of sickness, exhaustion, prostrated spirits, blue-devils, or other the long catalogue of a drunkard's joys ; not merely from a raging wife, and a wretched home ; not merely from the stings, however sharp, however barbed, of a conscience ill at ease, that would rise up fiercely like a hissing snake, and strike the black apostate to the earth : these all, doubtless, had their pleasant influences, adding to the lucky finder's bliss: but there was another root of misery most unlooked for, and to the poor who dream of gold, entirely paradoxical. The possession of that crock was the heaviest of cares. Where on earth was he to hide it? how to keep it safely, secretly? What if he were robbed of it in some sly way ! O, thought of utter wo ! it made the fortunate possessor quiver like an aspen. Or what, if some one or more of those blustering boon companions were to come by night with a bludgeon and a knife, and — and cut his throat, and find the treasure ? or, worse still, were to torture him, set him on the fire like a saucepan (he had heard of Tui'pin having done so with a rich old woman), and make him tell them " where " in his extremity of pains, and give up all, and then — and then murder him at last, outright, and afterwards burn the hovel over his head, babes and all, that none might live -to tell the tale ? These fears set him on the rack, and furnished one incitinsf cause to that uninterrupted orgie ; he must be either mad or miserable, this lucky finder. Also, even in his tipsy state, he could not cast off" care : he might in E 6* QQ THECROCKOFGOLD. his cups reveal the dangerous secret of having found a crock of gold. A secret still it was: Grace, his wife, and himself, were the only souls who knew it. Dear Grace feared to say a word about the business: not in apprehension of the law, for she never thought of that too probable intrusion on the finder: but simply because her unsophisticated piety believed that God, for some wise end, had allowed the Evil One to tempt her father ; she, indeed, did not know the epigram, The devil now is wiser than of yore : He tempts by making rich — not making poor : but she did not conceive that notion in her mind ; she contrasted the wealthy patriarch Job, tried by poverty and pain, but just and patient in adversity — with the poor labourer Acton, tried by luxury and wealth, and proved to be apostate in prosperity : so she held her tongue, and hitherto had been silent on a matter of so much local wonder as her father's sudden wealth, in the midst of urgent curiosity and extraordi- nary rumours. Mary was kept quiet as we know, by superstition of a lower grade, the dread of having money of the murdered, a thought she never breathed to any but her husband ; and to poor uninitiated Grace (who had not heard a word of Ben's adventure), her answer about Mrs. Quarles and Mr. Jennings in the dawn of the crock's first blessing, had been entirely unintelligible : Mary, then, said never a word, but looked on dreadingly to see the end. As for Roger himself, he was too much in apprehension of a landlord's claims, and of a task-master's extortions, to breath a syllable about the business. So he hid his crock as best he could — we shall soon hear how and where — took out sovereign after sovereign day by day, and made his flush of instant wealth a mystery, a miracle, a legacy, good luck, any thing, every thing but the truth: and he would turn fiercely round to the frequent questioner with a "What's that to you? — Nobody's business but mine :" and then would coaxingly add the implied bribe to secresy, in his accustomed invitation — "And now, what'll you take?" — a magical phrase, v/hich could suffice to quell murmurs for the time, and postponed curiosity to appetite. Thus the fact was still unknown, and weighed on Roger's mind as a guilty concealment, an oppressive secret. What if any found it out? For immediate safety — the evening after his memorable first fifteen hours of joy — he buried the crock deeply in a hole in his garden, filling CARE. Qj all up hard with stones and brick-bats ; and when he had smoothed it straight and workmanlike, remembered that he surely hadn't kept out enough to last him ; so up it had to come again — five more taken out, and the crock was restored to its unquiet grave. Scarcely had he done this, than it became dark, and he began to fancy some one might have seen him hide it; those low mean tramps (never before had he refused the wretched wayfarers his sympathy) were always sneaking about, and would come and dig it up in the night : so he went out in the dark and the rain, got at it with infinite trouble and a broken pickaxe, and exultingly brought the crock in-doors ; where he buried it a third time, more securely, underneath the grouted floor, close beside the fire in the chimney-corner : it was now nearly midnight, and he went to bed. Hardly had he tumbled in, after pulling on a nightcap of the flagon, than the dread idea overtook him that his treasure might be melted! Was there ever such a fool as he? Well, well, to think he could fling his purse on the fire! What a horrid thought ! Metallurgy was a science quite unknown to Roger ; he only considered gold as heavy as lead, and therefore probably as fusible : so down he bustled, made another hole, a deeper one too this time, in the floor under the dresser, where, exhausted with his toil and care, he deposited the crock by four in the morning — and so retired once more. All in vain — nobody ever knew when Black Burke might be returning from his sporting expeditions — and that beast of a lurcher would be sure to be creeping in this morning, and would scratch it up, and his brute of a master would get it all ! This fancy was the worst possible : and Roger rose again, quite sick at heart, pale, worn, and trembling with a miser's haggard joys. Where should he hide that crock — the epithet "cursed" crock escaped him this time in his vexed impatience. In the house and in the garden, it was equally unsafe. Ha ! a bright thought indeed : the hollow in the elm-tree, creaking overhead, just above the second arm : so the poor, shivering wretch, almost unclad, swarmed up that slimy elm, and dropped his treasure in the hollow. Confusion ! how deep it was : he never thought of that ; here was indeed something too much of safety : and then those boys of neighbour Goode's were birds'-nesting continually, specially round the lake this spring. What an idiot he was not to have remembered this! And up he climbed again, thrust in his arm to the shoulder, and managed to repossess himself a fifth time of that blessed crock. 68 THE CROCK OF GOLD. Would that the elm had been hollow to its root, and beneath the root a chasm bottomless, and that Plutus in that Narbonne jar had served as a supper to Pluto in the shades ! Better had it been for thee, my Roger, But he had not hid it yet ; so, that night — or rather that cold morning about six, the drenched, half- frozen Fortunatus carried it to bed with him : and a precious warming-pan it made : for nothing would satisfy the finder of its presence but perpetual bodily contact: — accordingly, he placed it in his bosom, and it chilled him to the back-bone. Yes; that was undoubtedly the safest way; to carry the spoil about with him ; so, next noon — how could he get up till noon after such a woful night? — next noon he emptied the jar, and tying up its contents in a handkerchief, proceeded to wear it as a girdle ; for an hour he clattered about the premises, making as much jingle as a wagoner's team of bells; laden heavily with gold, like the iPcjSvaro genius in Herodotus : but he soon found out this would not do at all; for, independently of all con- cealment at an end, so long as his secret store was rattling as he walked, louder than military spurs or sabre-tackle, he soberly reflected that he might — possibly, possibly, though not probably — get a glass too much again, by some mere accident or other; and then to be robbed of his golden girdle, this cincture of all joy ! O, terrible thought ! as well [this is my fancy, not Rogers's] deprive Venus of her zone, and see how the beggared Queen of Beauty could exist without her treasury, the Cestus. CHAPTER XVIII. INVESTMENT. Next day, the wealthy Roger had higher aspirations. Why should not he get interest for his money, like lords and gentlefolk ? His gold had been lying idle too long; more fool he: it ought to breed money somehow, he knew that ; for, like most poor men whose sole experience of investment is connected with the Lombard's golden balls, he took exalted views of usury. Was he to be "hiding up his talent in a napkin — ?" Ah ! — he remembered and applied the holy parable, but it smote across his heart like a flash of frost, a chilling recollection of good things past I INVESTMENT. gg and gone. What had he been doing with his talents — for he once possessed the ten? had he not squandered piety, purity, and patience? where were now his gratitude to God, his benevolence to man? the father's duteous care, the husband's industry and kindness, the labourer's faith, the Christian's hope — who had spent all these? — Till money's love came in, and money-store to feed it, the poor man had been rich : but now, rotten to the core, by lust of gold, the rich is poor indeed. However, such considerations did not long afflict him — for we know that lookers-on see more than players — and if Roger had encouraged half our wise and sober thoughts, he might have been a better man : but Roger quelled the thoughts, and silenced them ; and thoughts are tender intonations, shy little buzzing sounds, soon scared by coarser noise: Roger had no mind to cherish those small fowls; so they flew back again to Heaven's gate, homeless and uncomforted as weeping peri's. The bank — the county bank — Shark, Breakem, and Company — this was the specious Eldorado, the genuine gold-increaser, the hive where he would store his wealth (as honey left for the bees in winter), and was to have it soon returned fourfold. It was indeed a thought to make the rich man glad, that all his shining heap was just like a sample of seed- corn, and the pocket-full should next year fill a sack. How grudgingly he now began to mourn over past extravagance, five pieces gone within the week! how close and careful he resolved to be in future! how he would scrape and economize to get and save but one more of those sweet little seeds, that yield more gold — more gold ! And if Roger had been privileged in youth to have fed upon the wisdom of the Eton Latin gram, mar, he could have now quoted with some experimental unction the *^Crescit Amor" line, which every body well knows how to finish. Truly, it was growing with his growth, and rioting in strength above his weakness. Swollen with this expanding love, he packed up his money in what were, though he knew it not, rouleaux, but to his plebeian eyes looked more like golden sausages: and he would take it to the bank, and they should bow to him, and Sir him, and give him forthwith more than he had brought; and if those summary gains were middling great — say twice as much, to be moderate — he thought he might afford himself a chaise coming back, and return to Hurstley Common like a nabob. Thus, full of wealthy fancies, after one glass n^ore, off set Roger to the county town, with his treasure in a bundle. Half-way to it, as hospitality has ordained to be the case wherever 70 THE CROCK OF GOLD. there be half-ways, occurred a public-house : and really, notwithstanding all our monied neophyte's economical resolutions, his throat was so "uncommon dry," that he needs must stop there to refresh the muscles of his larynx: so, putting down his bundle on the settle, he called for a foaming tankard, and thanking the crock, as his evil wont now was, sat down to drink and think. Here was prosperity indeed, a flood of aston- ishing good fortune: that he, but a little week agone, a dirty ditcher — so was he pleased to designate his former self — a ragged wretch, little better than a tramp, should be now progressing like a monarch, with a mighty bag of gold to enrich his county town. To enrich, and be there- by the richer; for Roger's notions of finance were so simple, as to run the risk of being called sublimely indistinct: he took it as an axiom that "money bred money," but in what way to draw forth its generative properties, whether or not by some new-fangled manure, he was entirely ignorant; and it clearly was his wisdom to leave all that mystery of money-making solely to the banker. All he cared about was this : to come back richer than he came — and, lo! how rich he was already. Lolling at high noon, on a Wednesday too, in the extremest mode of rustic beauism, with a bag of gold by his side, and a pot of porter in his hand — here was an accumulation of magnificence — all the prepositions pressed into his service. His wildest hopes exceeded, and almost nothing left to wish. Blown up with the pride and importance of the moment, and some little oblivious from the potent porter — he had paid and sallied forth, and marched a mile upon his way, full of golden fancies, a rich luxurious lord as he was — when all on a sudden the hallucination crossed his dull pellucid mind, that he had left the store behind him ! O, pungent terror ! — O, most exquisite torture ! was it clean gone, stolen, lost, lost, lost for ever? Rushing back in an agony of fear, that made the ruddy hostess think him crazed, with his hair on end, and a face as if it had been white-washed, he flew to the tap-room, and — almost fainted for ecstasy of joy when he found it, where he had laid it, on the settle ! Better had you lost it, Roger ; better had your ecstasy been sorrow : there is more trouble yet for you, from that bad crock of gold. But if your lesson is not learnt, and you still think otherwise, go on a little while exultingly as now I see you, and hug the treasure to your heart — the treasure that will bring you yet more misery. And now the town is gained, the bank approached. What ! that big barred, guarded place, looking like a mighty mouse-trap? he didn't half like to venture in. At last he pushed the door ajar, and took a peep; I INVESTMENT. 7I there were muskets over the mantel-piece, ostentatiously ticketed as "Loaded! Beware!" there were leather buckets ranged around the walls : he did not in any degree like it : was he to expose his treasure in this idiot fashion to all the avowed danger of fire and thieves? How- ever, since he had come so far, he would get some interest for his money, that he would — so he'd just make bold to step to the counter and ask a very obsequious bald-headed gentleman, who sired him quite affably, "How much, Master, will you be pleased to give me for my gold?" The gentleman looked queerish, as if he did not comprehend the question, and answered, " Oh ! certainly, sir — certainly — we do not object to give you our notes for it," at the same time producing an extremely dirty bundle of worn-out bits of paper. Roger stroked his chin. "But, Master, my meaning is, not how many 0' them brown bits o' paper you '11 sell me for my gold here," and he exhibited a greater store than Mr. Breakem had seen at once upon his counter for a year, "but how much more gold you'll send me back with than what I've brought? by way of interest, you know, or some such law: for I don't know much about the Funds, Master." " Indeed, sir," replied the civil banker, who wished by any means to catch the clodpole's spoil — "you are very obliging; we shall be glad to allow you two-and-a-half per centum per annum for the deposit you are good enough to leave in our keeping." " Leave in your keeping. Master ! no, I didn't say that ! by your leave, I'll keep it myself!" "In that case, sir, I really do not see how I can do business with you." True enough; and Roger would never have been such a monetary blockhead, had he not been now so generally tipsy ; the fumes of beer had mingled with his plan, and all his usual shrewdness had been blunted into folly by greediness of lucre on the one side, and potent liquors on the other. The moment that the banker's parting speech had reached his ear, the absurdity of Roger's scheme was evident even to himself, and with a bare " Good day. Master," he hurriedly took his bundle from the counter, and scuttled out as quick as he could. His feelings, walking homeward, were any thing but pleasant; the bubble of his ardent hope was burst : he never could have more than the paltry little sum he carried in that bundle : what a miser he would be of it : how mean it now seemed in his eyes — a mere sample-bag of seed, instead of the wide-waving harvest ! Ah, well ; he would save 72 THECROCKOFGOLD. and scrape — ay, and go back to toil again — do any thing rather than spend. Got home, the difficulty now recurred, where was he to hide it? The store was a greater care than ever, now those rascally bankers knew of it. He racked his brain to find a hiding-place, and, at length, really hit upQn a good one. He concealed the crock, now replenished with its contents, in the thatch just over his bed's head : it was a rescued darling : so he tore a deep hole, and nested it quite snugly. Perhaps it did not matter much, but the rain leaked in by that hole all night, and fortunate Roger woke in the morning drenched with wet, and racked by rheumatism. I CHAPTER XIX. CAIUimY. More blessings issue from the crock ; Pandora's box is set wide open, and all the sweet inhabitants come forth. If apprehensions for its safety made the finder full of care, the increased whisperings of the neighbour- hood gave him even deeper reason for anxiety. In vain he told lie upon lie about a legacy of some old uncle in the clouds ; in vain he stuck to the foolish and transparent falsehood, with a dogged pertinacity that appealed, not to reason, but to blows ; in vain he made affirmation weaker by his oath, and oaths quite unconvincing by his cudgel : no one believed him : and the mystery was rendered more inexplicable from his evidently nervous state and uneasy terror of discovery. He had resolved at the outset, cunningly as he fancied, to change no more than one piece of gold in the same place ; though Bacchus's undoubtedly proved the rule by furnishing an exception : and the conse- quence came to be, that there was not a single shop in the whole county town, nor a farm-house in all the neighbourhood round, where Roger Acton had not called to change a sovereign. True, the silver had sel- dom been forthcoming ; still, he had asked for it ; and where in life could he have got the gold ? Many was the rude questioner, whose curiosity had been quenched in drink ; many the insufferable pryer, whom club-law had been called upon to silence. Meanwhile, Roger steadily kept on, CALUMNY. 73 accumulating silver where he could : for his covetous mind delighted in the mere semblance of an increase to his store, and took some untutored numismatic interest in those pretty variations of his idol — money. But if Roger's heap increased, so did the whispers and suspicions of the country round; they daily grew louder, and more clamorous; and soon the charitable nature of chagrined wonder assumed a shape more heart-rending to the wretched finder of that golden hoard, than any other care, or fear, or sin, that had hitherto torn him. It only was a miracle that the neighbours had not thought of it before ; seldom is the world so unsuspicious; but then honest Roger's forty years of character were something — they could scarcely think the man so base ; and, above all, gentle Grace was such a favourite with all, was such a pattern of purity, and kindliness, and female conduct, that the tongue would have blistered to its roots, that had uttered scorn of her till now. As things were, though, could any thing be clearer? Was charity herself to blame in putting one and one together 1 Sir John was rich, was young, gay, and handsome ; but Grace was poor — but indisputably beautiful, and prob- ably had once been innocent : some had seen her going to the Hall at strange times and seasons — for in truth, she often did go there ; Jonathan and Sarah Stack, of course, were her dearest friends on earth : and so it came to pass, that, through the blessing of the crock, honest Roger was believed to live on the golden wages of his daughter's shame! Oh, coarse and heartless imputation ! Oh, bitter price to pay for secresy and wonderful good fortune! In vain the wretched father stormed, and swore, and knocked down more than one foul-spoken fellow that had breathed against dear Grace. None but credited the lie, and many envious wretches actually gloried in the scandal ; I grieve to say that women — divers venerable virgins — rejoiced that this pert hussey was at last found out ; she was too pretty to be good, too pious to be pure ; now at length they were revenged upon her beauty ; now they had their tri- umph over one that was righteous over-much. For other people, thev would urge the reasonable question, how else came Roger by the cash ? and getting no answer, or worse than none — a prevaricating, mystifying mere put-off— they had hardly an alternative in common exercise of judgment: therefore, "Shame on her," said the neighbours, "and the bitterest shame on him:" and the gaffers and grand-dames shook their heads virtuously. Yet worse : there was another suggestion, by no means contradictory, though simultaneous: what had become of Tom? ay — that bold youno- 7 .. ° 74 THECROCKOFGOLD fellow — Thomas Acton, Ben Burke's friend : why was he away so long, hiding out of the country? they wondered. The suspected Damon and Pythias had gone a county off to certain fens, and were, during this important week, engaged in a long process of ensnaring ducks. Old Gaffer White had muttered something to Gossip Heartley, which Dick the Tanner overheard, wherein Tom Acton and a gun, and Burke, and burglary, and throats cut, and bags of gold, were conspicuous ingre- dients : so that Roger Acton's own dear Tom, that eagle-eyed and hand- some better image of himself, stood accused, before his quailing father's face, of robbery and murder. Both — both darlings, dead Annie's little orphaned pets, thus stricken by one stone to infamy ! Grace, scouted as a hussey, an outcast, a bad girl, a wanton — blessed angel ! Thomas — generous boy — keenly looked for, in his near return, to be seized by rude hands, manacled, and dragged away, and tried on suspicion as a felon — for what? that crock of gold. Yet Roger heard it all, knew it all, writhed at it all, as if scorpions were lashing him ; but still he held on grimly, keeping that bad secret. Should he blab it out, and so be poor again, and lose the crock? That our labourer's changed estate influenced his bodily health, under this accumulated misery and desperate excitement, began to be made manifest to all. The sturdy husbandman was transformed into a tremu- lous drunkard; the contented cottager, into a querulous hypochondriac: the calm, religious, patient Christian, into a. tumultuous blasphemer. Could all this be, and even Roger's iron frame stand up against the bat- tle ! No, the strength of Samson has been shorn. The crock has poured a blessing on its finder's very skin, as when the devil covered Job with boils. CHAPTER XX, THE BMLIFF'S VISIT. One day at noon, ere the first week well was over since the fortunate discovery of gold, as Roger lay upon his bed, recovering from an over- night's excess, tossed with fever, vexation, and anxiety, he was at once THE BAILIFF'S VISIT. 75 surprised and frightened by a visit from no less a personage than Mr. Simon Jennings. And this was the occasion of his presence : Directly the gathering storm of rumours had collected to that focus of all calumny, the destruction of female character and murder charged upon the innocent, Grace Acton had resolved upon her course ; secresy could be kept no longer ; her duty now appeared to be, to publish the story of her father's lucky find. Grace, we may observe, had never been bound to silence, but only imposed it on herself from motives of tenderness to one, whom she believed to be taken in the toils of a temptation. She, simple soul, knew nothing of manorial rights, nor wotted she that any could despoil her father of his money ; but even if such thoughts had ever crossed her mind, she loathed the gold that had brought so much trouble on them all, and cared not how soon it was got rid of. Her father's health, hon- our, happiness, were obviously at stake ; perhaps, also, her brother's very life : and, as for herself, the martyr of calumny looked piously to heaven, offered up her outraged heart, and resolved to stem this torrent of misfortune. Accordingly, with a noble indignation worthy of her, she had gone straightway to the Hall, to see the baronet, to tell the truth, fling aside a charge which she could scarcely comprehend, and openly vindicate her offended honour. She failed — many imagine happily for her own peace, if Sir John had not been better than his friends — in gain- ing access to the Lord of Hurstley; but she did see Mr. Jennings, who serenely interposed, and listened to all she came to say — " her father had been unfortunate enough to find a crock of money on the lake side near his garden." When Jennings heard the tale, he started as if stung by a wasp : and urging Grace to tell it no one else (though the poor girl "must," she said, "for honour's sake"), he took up his hat, and ran off breathlessly to Aeton's cottage. Roger was at home, in bed, and sick ; there was no escape ; and Simon chuckled at the lucky chance. So he crept in, carefully shut the door, put his finger on his lips to hush Roger's note of admiration at so little wished a vision ; and then, with one of his accustomed scared and fearful looks behind him, muttered under his breath, "Man, that gold is mine: I have paid its price to the uttermost; give me the honey-pot." Roger's first answer was a vulgar oath ; but his tipsy courage faded soon away before old habits of subserviency, and he faltered out, 76 THECROCKOFGOLD. "I — I — Muster Jennings! I've got no pot of gold!" " Man, you lie ! you have got the money ! give it me at once — and — " he added in a low, hoarse voice, "we will not say a word about the murder." "Murder!" echoed the astonished man. "Ay, murder, Acton: — off! off, I say!" he muttered parenthetically, then wrestled for a minute violently, as with something in the air; and recovering as from a spasm, calmly added, "Ay, murder for the money." "I — I!" gasped Roger; "I did no murder, Muster Jennings!" A new light seemed to break upon the bailiff, and he answered with a tone of fixed determination, " Acton, you are the murderer of Bridget Quarles." Roger's jaw dropped, dismay was painted on his features, and cer- tainly he did look guilty enough. But Simon proceeded in a ten- derer tone ; "Notwithstanding, give me the gold, Acton, and none shall know a word about the murder. We will keep all quiet, Roger Acton, all nice and quiet, you know ;" and he added, coaxingly, "come, Roger, give me up this crock of gold." "Never!" with a fierce anathema, answered our hero, now himself again : the horrid accusation had entranced him for a while, but this coaxing strain roused up all the man in him: "Never!" and another oath confirmed it. "Acton, give it up, I say!" was shouted in rejoinder, and Jennings glared over him with his round and staring eyes as he lay faint upon his bed — " Give up the crock, or else — " " Else what ? you whitened villain." The bailiff flung himself at Roger's neck, and almost shrieked, "I'll serve you as I — " There was a tremendous struggle; attacked at unawares, for the moment he was nearly mastered ; but Acton's tall and wiry frame soon overpowered the excited Jennings, and long before you have read what I have written — he has leaped out of bed — seized — doubled up — and flung the battered bailiff headlong down the narrow stair-case to the bot- tom. This done, Roger, looking like Don Quixote de la Mancha in his penitential shirt, mounted into bed again, and quietly lay down ; wonder, ing, half-sober, at the strange and sudden squall. THE CAPTURE. 77 CHAPTER XXI. THE CAPTURE. He had not long to wonder. Jennings got up instantly, despite of bruises, posted to the Hall, took a search-warrant from Sir John's study, (they were always ready signed, and Jennings filled one up,) and returned with a brace of constables to search the cottage. Then Roger, as he lay musing, fancied he heard men's voices below, and his wife, who had just come in, talking to them ; what could they want ? tramps, perhaps: or Ben? he shuddered at the possibility; with Tom too; and he felt ashamed to meet his son. So he turned his face to the wall, and lay musing on — he hadn't been drinking too much over-night — Oh, no ! it was sickness, and rheumatics, and care about the crock ; Tom should be told that he was very ill, poor father! Just as he had planned this, and resolved to keep his secret from that poaching ruffian Burke, some one came creeping up the stairs, slided in at the door, and said to him in a deep whisper from the further end of the room, "Acton, give me the gold, and the meri shall go away; it is not yet too late ; tell me where to find the crock of gold." An oath was the reply ; and, at a sign from Jennings, up came the other two. "We have searched every where, Mr. Simon Jennings, both cot and garden ; ground disturbed in two or three places, but nothing under it ; in-doors too, the floor is broken by the hearth and by the dresser, but no signs of any thing there : now. Master Acton, tell us where it is, man, and save us all the trouble." Roger's newly-learnt vocabulary of oaths was drawn upon again. "Did you look in the ash-pit?" asked Jennings. "No, sir." "Well, while you two search this chamber, I will examine it myself." Mr. Jennings apparently entertained a wholesome fear of Acton's powers of wrestling. Up came Simon in a hurry back again, with a lot of little empty leather bags he had raked out, and — the fragment of a shawl! the edges burnt, it was a corner bit, and marked B. Q. "What do you call this, sir?" asked the exulting bailiff. 7* 78 THE CROCK OF GOLD. "Curse that Burke!" — thought Roger; but he said nothing. And the two men up stairs had searched, and pried, and hunted every where in vain; the knotty mattress had been ripped up, the chimney scrutinized, the floor examined, the bed-clothes overhauled, and as for the thatch, if it hadn't been for Roger Acton's constant glance upwards at his treasure in the roof, I am sure they never would have found it. But they did at last : there it was, the crock of gold, full proof of rob- bery and murder! "Aha!" said Simon, in a complacent triumph, "Mrs. Quarles's iden- tical honey-pot, full of her clean bright gold, and many pieces still encased in those tidy leather bags;" and his round eyes glistened again; but all at once, with a hurried look over his left shoulder, he exclaimed, involuntarily, in a very different tone, "JIa ! away, I say ! — " Then he snatched the crock up eagerly, and nursed it like a child. "Come along with us, Master Acton, you're wanted somewhere else; up, man, look alive, will you?" And Roger dressed himself mechanically. It was no manner of use, not in the least worth while resisting, innocent though he was; his treasure had been found, and taken from him ; he had nothing more to live for ; his gold was gone — his god ; where was the wisdom of fighting for any thing else ; let them take him to prison if they would, to the jail, to the gallows, to any-whither, now his gold was gone. So he put on his clothes without a murmur, and went with them as quiet as a lamb. Never was there a clearer case ; the housekeeper's hoard had been found in his possession, with a fragment of her shawl ; and Sir Jolin Vincent was very well aware of the mystery attending the old woman's death ; besides, he was in a great hurry to be off"; for Pointer, and Silli- phant, and Lord George Pypp, were to have a hurdle race with him that day, for a heavy bet ; so he really had not time to go deep into the matter ; and the result of five minutes' talk before the magisterial chairs (Squire Ryle having been summoned to assist) was, that, on the accusation of Simon Jennings, Roger Acton was fully committed to the county jail, to be tried at next assizes, for Bridget Quarles's murder. Thank God! poor Roger, it has come to this. What other way than this was there to save thee from thy sin — to raise thee from thy fall ? Where else, but in a prison, could you get the silent, solitary hours leading you again to wholesome thought and deep repentance? Where else could you escape the companionship of all those loose and low associates, sottish brawlers, ignorant and sensual unbelievers, vagabono ( I THE CAPTURE. 79 radicals, and other lewd fellows of the baser sort, that had drank them- selves drunk at your expense, and sworn to you as captain ! The place, the time, the means for penitence are here. The crisis of thy destiny is come. Honest Roger, Steady Acton, did I not see thy guardian angel — after all his many tears, aggrieved and broken spirit! — did I not see him lift his swollen eyes in gratitude to Heaven, and benevolence to thee, and smile a smile of hopeful joy when that damned crock was found? Gladly could he thank his Lord, to behold the temptation at an end. Did I not see the devil slink away from thee abashed, issuing like an adder from thy heart, and then, with a sudden Protean change, driven from thy hovel as a thunder-cloud dispersing, when Simon Jennings seized the jar, hugged it as his household-god — and, took it home with him — and counted out the gold — and locked the bloody treasure in his iron-chest ? Fitly did the murderer lock up curses with his spoil. And when God smote thine idol, dashing Dagon to the ground, and thy heart was sore with disappointment, and tender as a peeled fig — when hope was dead for earth, and conscience dared not look beyond it — ah ! Roger, did I judge amiss when I saw, or thought I saw, those eyes full of humble shame, those lips quivering with remorseful sorrow? We will leave thee in the cold stone cell — with thy well-named angel Grace to comfort thee, and pray with thee, and help thee back to God again, and so repay the debt that a daughter owes her father. Happy prison! where the air is sweetened by the frankincense of piety, and the pavement gemmed with the flowers of hope, and the ceil- ing arched with Heaven's bow of mercy, and the walls hung around with the dewy drapery of penitence ! Happy prison ! where the talents that were lost are being found again, gathered in humility from this stone floor; where poor-making riches are banished from the postern, and rich-making poverty streameth in as light from the grated window ; where care vexeth not now the labourer emptied of his gold, and calumny's black tooth no longer gnaws the heart-strings of the innocent. Hark ! it is the turnkey, coming round to leave the pittance for the day: he is bringing in something in an earthern jar. Speak, Roger Acton, which will you choose, man — a prisoner's mess of pottage — or a crock of gold ? 80 THECROCKOFGOLD. CHAPTER XXII. THE AUNT AND HER NEPHEW. While we leave Roger Acton in the jail, waiting for the very near assizes, and wearing every hour away in penitence and prayer, it will be needful to our story that we take a retrospective glance at certain events, of no slight importance. I must now speak of things, of which there is no human witness; recording words, and deeds, whereof Heaven alone is cognizant, Heaven alone — and Hell ! For there are secret m£ftt*s, which the murdered cannot tell us, and the murderer dare not — let him confess as fully as he will. Therefore, with some omnipresent seitse, some invisible ubiquity, I must note down scenes as they occurred, whether mortal eye has witnessed them or not; I must lay bare secret thoughts, unlatch the hidden chambers of the heart, and duly set out, as they successively arose, the idea which tongue had not embodied, the feeling which no action had expressed. Hitherto, we have pretty well preserved inviolate the three grand unities — time, place, circumstance ; and even now we do not sin against the first and chiefest, however we may seem so to sin ; for, had it suited my purpose to have begun with the beginning, and to have placed the pres- ent revelations foremost, the strictest stickler for the unities would have only had to praise my orthodox adherence to them. As it is, I have chosen, for interest sake, to shuffle my cards a little ; and two knaves happen to have turned up together just at this time and place. The time is just three weeks ago — a week before the baronet came of age, and a fortnight antecedent to the finding of the crock ; which, as we knovy, after blessing Roger for a se'nnight, has at last left him in jail. The place is the cozy house-keepers room at Hurstley : and the brace of thorough knaves, to enact then and there as dramatis personcB, includes Mistress Bridget Quarles, a fat, sturdy, bluffy, old woman, of a jolly laugh withal, and a noisy tongue — and our esteemed acquaintance Mister Simon Jennings. The aunt, house-keeper, had invited the nephew, butler, to take a dish of tea with her, and rum-punch had now succeeded the souchong. "Well, Aunt Quarles, is it your meaning to undertake a new master?" THE AUNT AND HER NEPHEW. gl '' Don't know, nephy — can't say yet what he '11 be like : if he '11 leave us as we are, won't say wont." " Ay, as we are, indeed ; comfortable quarters, and some little to put by, too : a pretty penny you will have laid up all this while, I '11 be bound : I wager you now it is a good five hundred, aunt — come, done for a shilling." "Get along, foolish boy; a'n't you o' the tribe o' wisdom too — ha, ha, ha!" "I will not say," smirked Simon, '^that my nest has not a feather." " It 's easy work for us, Nep ; we hunt in couples : you the men, and I the maids — ha, ha!" " Tush, Aunt Bridget ! that speech is not quite gallant, I fear." And the worshipful extortioners giggled jovially. " But it's true enough for all that, Simon : how d'ye manage it, eh, boy? much like me, I s'pose ; wages every quarter from the maids, dues from tradesmen Christmas-tide and Easter, regular as Parson Evans's ; pretty little bits tacked on weekly to the bills, beside presents from every body ; and so, boy, my poor forty pounds a-year soon mounts up to a hundred." " Ay, ay, Aunt Bridget — but I get the start of you, though you prob- ably were born a week before-hand : talk of parsons, look at me, a reg- ular grand pluralist monopolist, as any bishop can be ; butler in doors, bailiff out of doors, land-steward, house-steward, cellar-man, and pay- master. I am not all this for naught. Aunt Quarles : if so much goes through my fingers, it is but fair that something stick." " True, Simon — O certainly ; but if you come to boasting, my boy, 1 don't carry this big bunch o' keys for nothing neither. Lord love you ! why merely for cribbings in the linen-line for one month, John Draper swapped me that there shawl : none o' my clothes ever cost me a penny, and I a'n't _quite as bare as a new-born baby neither. Look at them trunks, bless you!" "Ay, ay, aunt, I'll be bound the printer of your prayer-book has left out a 'not,' before the 'steal,' eh? — ha! ha!" "Fie, naughty Simon, fie! them's not stealings, them's parquisites. Where 's the good o' living in a great house else? But come. Si, haven't you struck out the 'not,' for yourself, though the printer did his duty, eh, Nep?" " Not a bit, aunt — not a bit : all sheer honesty and industry. Look at my pretty little truck-shop down the village. Wo betide the labourer F g2 THECROCKOFGOLD. that leaves off dealing there! not one that works at Hurstley, but eats my bread and bacon; besides the 'tea, coffee, tobacco, and snuff.'" "Pretty fairish articles, eh? I never dealt with you. Si: no, Nep, no — you never saw the colour o' my money," Jennings gave a start, as if a thought had pricked him ; but gayly recovering himself, said, " Oh, as to pretty fairish, I know there is one thing about the bacon good enough ; ay, and the bread too — the very best of prices ; ha ! ha ! is not that good ? And for the other genuine articles, I don't know that much of the tea comes from China — and the coffee is sold ground, because it is burnt maize — and there 's a plenty of wholesome cabbage leaf cut up in the tobacco — while as for snuff, 1 give them a dry, pep- pery, choky, sneezy dust, and I dare say that it does its duty." It was astonishing how innocently the worthy couple laughed together. "My only trouble. Aunt Quarles, is where to keep my gains — what to do with them. I am quite driven to the strong-box system, interest is so bad ; and as to speculations, they are nervous things, and sicken one. I invest in the Great Western one day — a tunnel falls in, so I sell my shares the next, and send the proceeds to Australia; then, looking at the map, I see the island isn't clean chalked out all round, and begin- ning to fear that the sea will get in where it a'n't made water-tight by the Admiralty, I call the money home again. You see I don't know what to do with gold when I get it. Where do you keep yours now, aunt, I wonder?" " O, Nep, never mind me ; you rattle on so I can't get in never a word. I '11 only tell you where I don't keep it. Not at Breakem's bank, for they 're brewers, and hosiers, and chandlers, and horse-dealers — ay, and swindlers too, the whole ' company ' on 'em ; not in mortgages, for I hate the very smell of a lawyer, with all his pounce and parchment; not in Gover'me't 'unities, for I 'm an old 'ooman, boy ; and not in the Three per Cents, nor any other per cents, for I 've sense enough to know that my highest interest lies in counting out, as my first principle is dropping in." And the fat female laughed herself purple at the venerable joke. Simon was a courtier, and laughed too, as immoderately as possible. " Ah ! I dare say now you have got a Chubb's patent somewhere full of gold ?" he asked somewhat anxiously ; " take your punch, aunt, wont you? I do not see you drink." "Simon, mark me; fools who want to be robbed put their money into an iron chest, that thieves may know exactly where to find it; they SCHEMES. 83 might as well ticket it ' cash,' and advertise to Newgate — come and steal. I know a little better than to be such a fool." " Yes^ certainly — I dare say now you keep it in your work-box, or sew it up in your stays, or hide it in the mattress, or in an old tea-pot, rnaybe." And Jennings eyed her narrowly. "Nephew, what rhymes to money?" "Money? — Well I can't say I am a poet — stony, perhaps. At least," added the benevolent individual, " when I have raised a wretch's rent to gain a little more by him, stony is not a bad shield to lift against pray- ers, and tears, and orphans, and widows, and starvation, and all such nonsense." "Not bad, neither, Nap: but there's a better rhyme than that." "You cannot mean honey, aunt? when I guessed stony, I thought you might have some snug little cash cellar under the flags. But honey? are you such a thorough Mrs. Rundle as to pickle and preserve your very guineas, the same as you do strawberries or apricots in syrup?" " Oh, you clever little fool ! how prettily you do talk on : your tongue 's as tidy as your cash-book : when you 've any money to put by, come to Aunt Bridget for a crock to hide it in : mayn't one use a honey-pot, as Teddy Rourke would say, barring the honey ?" "Ha! and so you hide the hoard up there, aunt, eh? along with the preserves in a honey-pot, do you?" " We '11 see — we '11 see, some o' these long days ; not that the mon- ey 's to be yours, Nep — you 're rich enough, and don't want it ; there 's your poor sister Scott with her fourteen children, and Aunt Bridget must give her a lift in life : she was a good niece to me, Simon, and never left my side before she married : maybe she '11 have cause to bless the dead." Jennings hardly spoke a word more ; but drained his glass in silence, got up a sudden stomach-ache, and wished his aunt good-night. CHAPTER XXIII. SCHEMES. We must follow Simon Jennings to his room. He felt keenly disap- pointed. Money was the idol of his heart, as it is of many million others. He had robbed, lied, extorted, tyrannized ; he had earned scorn, ill-report, 84 THECROCKOFGOLD. and hatred ; nay, he had even diligently gone to work, and lost his own self-love and self-respect in the service of his darling idol. He was at once, for lucre's sake, the mean, cringing fawner, and the pitiless, iron despot ; to the rich he could play supple parasite, while the poor man only knew him as an unrelenting persecutor ; with the good, and they were chiefly of the fairer, softer sex, he walked in meekness, the spirit- ual hypocrite ; the while, it was his boast to over-reach the worst in low duplicity and crooked dealing. All this he was for gold. When the eye of the world was on him, and intuition warned him of the times, he was ever the serene, the coi'rect, with a smooth tongue and an oily smile ; but in the privacy of some poor hovel, where his debtor sued for indul- gence, or some victim of his passions (he had more depravities than one) threw her wretched self upon his pity, then could Simon Jennings lash sternness into rage, and heat his brazen heart with the embers of invet- erate malice. It was as if the serpent, that voluble, insinuating reptile, which had power to fascinate poor Eve, turned to rend her when she had fallen, erect, with flashing eyes, and bristling crest, with venomed fangs, and hissing. Behold, snake-worshippers of Mexico, the prototype of your grim idol, in Mammon's model slave and specimen disciple ! Such a man was Simon Jennings, a soul given up to gold — exclusively to gold ; for although, as we have hinted, and as hereafter may appear, he could sell himself at times to other sins, still these were but as stars in Ills evil firmament, while covetousness ruled it like the sun ; or, if the beauteous stars and blessed sun be an image too hallowed for his wick- edness, we may find a fitter in some stagnant pool, where the pestilential vapour over all is Mammonism, and the dull, fat weeds that rot beneath, are pride, craftiness, and lechery. In fact, to speak of passions in a heart such as his, were a palpable misnomer ; all was reduced to calcu- lation; his rage was fostered to intimidate, and where the wretch seemed kinder, his kindnesses were aimed at power, as an object, rather than at pleasure — the power to obtain more gold. For it is a dreadful truth (which I would not dare to utter if such crimes had never been), that a reprobate of the bailiff" Jennings's stamp may, by debts, or fines, or kind usurious loans, entrap a beggared crea- ture in his toils ; and then lyingly propose remission at the secret sacri- fice of honour, in some one, over whom that dastard beggar has control ; and having this point gained, the seducer is quite capable of using, for still more extortion, the power which a threatening of exposure gives, when the criminally weak has stooped to sin, on promises of silence and SCHEMES. 85 delivery from ruin. I wish there may be no poor yeoman in this broad land, of honourable name withal, he and his progenitors for ages, who can tell the tale of his own base fears, a creditor's exactions, and" some dependant victim's degradation : some orphaned niece, some friendless ward, immolated in her earliest youth at the shrine of black-hearted Mammon ; I wish there may be no sleek middle-man guilty of the crimes here charged upon Simon Jennings. This worthy, then, had been introduced at Hurstley by his aunt, Mrs. Quarles, on the occurrence of a death vacancy in the lad-of-all-work department, during the long ungoverned space of young Sir John's minority. As the precious " lad " grew older, and divers in-door poten- tates died oft', the house-keeper had power to push her nephew on to page- ship, footmanship, and divers other similar crafts, even to the final post of butler; while his own endeavours, backed by his'aunt's interest, managed to secure for him the rule out of doors no less than in, and the closest pos- sible access to guardians and landlords, to the tenants — and their rent. Now, the amiable Mrs. Quarles had contrived the elevation of her nephew, and connived at his monopolies, mainly to fit in cleverly with her own worldly weal ; for it would never have done to have risked the loss of innumerable perquisites, and other peculations, by the possible advent of an honest butler. But, while the worshipful Simon, to do him only justice, fully answered Mrs. Bridget's purpose, and even added much to her emoluments ; still he was no mere derivative scion, but an independ- ent plant, and entertained views of his own. He had his own designs, and laid himself out to entrap his aunt's affections; or rather, for I can- not say he greatly valued these, to secure her good graces, and worm himself within the gilded clauses of her will ; she was an old woman, rolling in gold, no doubt had a will ; and as for himself, he was younger by five-and-thirty years, so he could affbi'd to wait a little, before trying on her shoes. The petty schemes of thievery and cheating, which he in his Quotem capacities had practised, were to his eyes but as driblets of wealth in comparison with the mighty stream of his old aunt's savings. Not that he had done amiss, trust him ! but then he knew the amount of his own hoard to a farthing, while of hers he was entirely ignorant ; so, on the principle of ' otnne ignolum fro mirijico,' he pondered on its vast- ness with indefinite amazement, although probably it might not reach the quarter of his own. For it should in common charity be stated, that, with all her hiding and hiving propensities, Mrs. Quarles, howevei usually a screw, was by fits and starts an extravagant woman, and 8 86 THECROCKOFGOLD. besides spending on herself, had occasionally helped her own kith and kin ; poor niece Scott, in particular, had unconsciously come in for many pleasant pilfe rings, and had to thank her good aunt for innu- merable filched groceries, and hosieries, and other largesses, which (the latter in especial) really had contributed, with sundry other more self indulgent expenses, to make no small havoc of the store. Still, this store was Simon's one main chance, the chief prize in his hope's lottery ; and it was with a pang, indeed, that he found all his endeavours to compass its possession had been vain. Was that endless cribbage nothing, and the weary Bible-lessons on a Sunday, and the con- stant fetchings and carryings, and the forced smiles, sham congratulations, and other hypocritical affections — fearing for his dear aunt's dropsy, and inquiring so much about her bunions — was all this dull servitude to meet with no reward ? With none ? worse than none ! Fool that he was ! had he schemed, and plotted, and flattered, and cozened — ay, and given away many pretty little presents, lost decoys, that had cost hard money, all for nothing — less than nothing — to be laughed at and postponed to his Meth- odist sister Scott ? The impudence of deliberately telling him he "didn't want it, and was rich enough!" as if "enough" could ever be good grammar after such a monosyllable as "rich;" and "want it" indeed! of course he wanted it; if not, why had he slaved so many years? want it, indeed ! if to hope by day, and to dream by night — if to leave no means untried of delicately showing how he longed for it — if to grow sick with care, and thin with coveting — if this were to want the gold, good sooth, he wanted it. Don't tell him of starving brats, his own very bowels pined for it ; don't thrust in his face the necessities of others — the necessity is his ; he must have it — he will have it — talk of necessity ! Wait a bit : is there no way of managing some better end to all this ? no mode of giving the right turn to that wheel of fortune, round which his cares and calculations have been hovering so long? Is there no con- ceivable method of possessing that vast hoard ? Bless me! how huge it must be! and Simon turned whiter at the thought : only add up Mother Quarles's income for fifty-five years : she is seventy-five at least, and came here a girl of twenty. Simon's hair stood on end, and his heart went like a mill-clapper, as he mentally fig. ured out the sum. Is there no possibility of contriving matters so that I may be the architect of my own good luck, and no thanks at all to the old witch there? Dear — what a glorious fancy — let me think a little. Cannot I get at the huge hoard some how ? THE DEVIL'S COUNSEL. 97 CHAPTER XXIV. THE DEVIL'S COUNSEL. "Steal it," said the Devil. Simon was all of a twitter ; for though he fancied his own heart said it, still his ear-drum rattled, as if somebody had spoken. Simon — that ear-drum was to put you off your guard : the deaf can hear the devil: he needs no tympanum to commune with the spirit: listen again, Simon ; your own thoughts echo every word. " Steal it : hide in her room ; you know she has a shower-bath there, which nobody has used for years, standing in a corner; two or three cloaks in it, nothing else : it locks inside, how lucky ! ensconce yourself there, watch the old woman to sleep — what a fat heavy sleeper she is ! — quietly take her keys, and steal the store : remember, it is a honey-pot. Nothing 's easier — or safer. Who 'd suspect you ?" " Splendid ! and as good as done," triumphantly exclaimed the nephew, snapping his fingers, and prancing with glee ; — " a glorious fancy ! bless my lucky star!" If there be a planet Lucifer, that was Simon's lucky star. And so, Mrs Quarles the biter is going to be bit, eh? It generally is so in this world's government. You, who brought in your estimable nephew to aid and abet in your own dishonest ways, are, it seems, going to be robbed of all your knavish gains by him. This is taking the wise in their own craftiness, I reckon : and richly you deserve to lose all your ill-got hoard. At the same time, Mrs. Quarles — I will be just — there are worse people in the world than you are : in comparison with your nephew, I consider you a grosser kind of angel; and I really hope no harm may befall your old bones beyond the loss of your money. How. ever, if you are to lose this, it is my wish that poor Mrs. Scott, or some other honest body, may get it, and not Simon ; or rather, I should not object that he may get it first, and get hung for getting it, too, before the sister has the hoard. Our friend, Simon Jenniilgs, could not sleep that night ; his reveries and scheming lasted from the rum-punch's final drop, at ten P. M., to circiter two A. M., and then, or thenabouts, the devil hinted "steal it;" and so, not till nearly four, he began to shut his eyes, and dream again, 88 THECROCKOFGOLD, as his usual fashion was, of adding up receipts in five figures, and of counting out old Bridget's hoarded gold. Next day, notwithstanding nocturnal semi-sleeplessness, he awoke as brisk as a bee, got up in as exhilarated a state as any gas-balloon, and was thought to be either surprisingly in spirits, or spirits surprisingly in him ; none knew which, " where each seemed either." That whole day long, he did the awkwardest things, and acted in the most absent manner possible ; Jonatlian thought Mr. Simon was beside himself; Sarah Stack, foolish thing ! said he was in love, and was observed to look in the glass several times herself; other people did not know what to think — it was quite a mystery. To recount only a few of his unprecedented exploits on that day of anticipative bliss : First, he asked the porter how his gout was, and gave him a thimble- full of whiskey from his private store. Secondly, he paid Widow Soper one whole week's washing in full, without the smallest deduction or per centage. Thirdly, he ordered of Richard Buckle, commonly called Dick the Tanner, a lot of cart harness, without haggling for price, or even asking it. And, fourthly, he presented old George White, who was coming round with a subscription paper for a dead pig — actually, he presented old Gaffer White with the sum of two-pence out of his own pocket ! never was such careless prodigality. But the little world of Hurstley did not know what we know. They possessed no clue to the secret happiness wherewithal Simon Jennings hugged himself; they had no inkling of the crock of gold; they thought not he was going to be suddenly so rich ; they saw no cause, as we do, why he should feel to be like a great heir on the eve of his majority ; they wotted not that Sir John Devereux Vincent, Baronet, had scarcely more agreeable or triumphant feelings when his clock struck twenty- one, than Simon Jennings, butler, as the hour of his hope drew nigh. If a destiny like this man's can ever have a crisis, the hour of his hope is that; but downward still, into a lower gulf, has been continually his bad career; there is (unless a miracle intervene) no stopping in the slope on which he glides, albeit there may be precipices. He that rushes in his sledge down the artificial ice-hills of St. Petersburgh, skims along not more swiftly than Jennings, from the altitude of infant innocence, had sheered into the depths of full-grown depravity ; but even he can fall, and reach, with startling suddenness, a lower deep. As if that Russian mountain, hewn asunder midway, were fitted flush THE AMBUSCADE. 89 to a Norwegian cliff, beetling precipitately over the whirlpool ; then tilt the sledge with its furred inmate over the slope, let it skim with quicker impetus the smoking ice, let it touch that beetling edge, and, leaping from the tangent, let it dart through the air, let it strike the eddying waters, be sucked hurriedly down that hoarse black throat, wind among the roots of the everlasting hills, and split upon the loadstone of the centre. Even such a fate, " down, down to hell," will come to Simon Jennings ; wrapped in the furs of complacency, seated in the sledge of covetousness, a-down the slippery launch of well-worn evil habit — over the precipice of crime — into the billows of impenitent remorse — ^to be swallowed by the vortex of Gehenna! CHAPTER XXV. THE AJiCBUSCADE. Night came, and with it all black thoughts. Not that they were black at once, any more than darkness leaps upon the back of noon, without the intervening cloak of twilight. Oh dear, no! Simon's thoughts accommodated themselves fitly to the time of day. They had been, for him, at early morning, pretty middling white, that is whity-brown ; thence they passed, with the passing hour kindly, through the shades of burnt sienna, raw umber, and bistre ; until, just as we may notice in the case of marking-ink ; that which, five minutes ago, was as water only delicately dirtied, has become a fixed and indelible black. Simon was resolved upon the spoil, come what might; although his waking sensations of buoyancy, his noon-day cogitations of a calmer kind, and his even-tide determined scheming, had now given way to a nervous and unpleasant trepidation. So he poured spirits down to keep his spirits up. Very early after dark, he had watched his opportunity while Mrs. Quarles was scolding in the kitchen, had slipped shoeless and unperceived, from his pantry into the housekeeper's room, and locked himself securely in the shower bath. Hapless wight! it was very little after six yet, and there he must stand till twelve or so : his foresight had not calculated this, and the devil had already begun to cheat him. But he would go through with it now ; no flinching, though 8* 90 THECROCKOFGOLD. his rabbit back is breaking with fatigue, and his knocked knees totter with exhaustion, and his haggard eyes swim dizzily, and his bad heart is failing him for fear. Yes, fear, and with good reason too for fear; "nothing easier, nothing safer," said his black adviser ; how easily for bodily pains, how safely for chances of detection, was he getting at the promised crock of gold ! Mr. Jennings! Mr. Simon! where in the world was Mr. Jennings?" nobody knew ; he must have gone out somewhere. Strange, too — and left his hat and great-coat. Here 's a general for an ambuscade ; Oh, Simon, Simon ! you have had the whole day to think of it — how is it that both you and your dark friend overlooked in your calculations the certainty of search, and the chance of a discovery? The veriest school-boy, when he hid himself, would hide his hat. I am half afraid that you are in that demented state, which befits the wretch ordained to perish. But where is Mr. Jennings? that was the continued cry for four ago- nizing hours of dread and difficulty. Sarah, the still-room maid, was sitting at her work, unluckily in Mrs. Quarles's room ; she had come in shortly after Simon's secret entry ; there she sat, and he dared not stir. And they looked every where — except in the right place ; to do the devil justice, it was a capital hiding-corner that; rooms, closets, passages, cel- lars, out-houses, gardens, lofts, tenements, and all the " general words," in a voluminous conveyance, were searched and searched in vain ; more than one groom expected (hoped is a truer word) to find Mr. Jennings hanging by a halter from the stable-lamp; more than one exhilarated labourer, hastily summoned for the seai'ch, was sounding the waters with a rake and rope, in no slight excitement at the thought of fishing up a deceased bailiff. It was a terrible time for the ensconced one : sometimes he thought of coming out, and treating the affair as a bit of pleasantry : but then the devil had taken off his shoes — as a Glascow captain deals with hi:< cargo of refractory Irishers; how could he explain that? his abominable old aunt was shrewd, and he knew how clearly she would guess at the truth ; if he desired to make sure of losing every chance, he could come out now, and reveal himself; but if he nourished still the hope of count- ing out that crock of gold, he'll bide where he is, and trust to — to — to fate. The wretch had " Providence " on his blistered tongue. If, under the circumstances, any thing could be added to Simon's grat- ification, such pleasing addition was afforded in overhearing, as Lord THE AMBUSCADE. 91 Brougham did, the effect which his rumoured death produced on the minds of those who best had known him. It so happened, Sarah was sick, and did not join the universal hunt ; accordingly, being the only- audience, divers ambassadors came to tell her constantly the same most welcome news, that Jennings had not yet been found. "Lawk, Sally," said a helper, "what a blessing it'll be, if that mean old thief's dead ; I '11 go to town, if 'tis so, get a dozen Guy's-day rock- ets, tie 'em round with crape, and spin 'em over the larches : that '11 bo funeral fun won't it? and it'll sarve to tell the neighbours of our luck in getting rid on him." "I doan't like your thought, Tom," said another staider youth: "it's ill-mirth playing leap-frog over tomb-stones, and poor bravery insulting the dead. Besides, I'm thinking the bad man that's taken from us an't a going up'ards, so it 's no use lending him a light. I wish we may all lie in a cooler grave than he does, and not have to go quite so deep down'ard." "Gee up for Lady-day!" exclaimed the emancipated coachman; " why, Sail, I shall touch my whole lump of wages free for the fust time : and I only wish the gals had our luck." " Here, Sarah," interposed a kind and ruddy stable youth, " as we 're all making free with Mr. Simon's own special ale, I 've thought to bring you a nogging on't : come, you 're not so sick as you can't drink with all the rest on us — The bailiff, and may none on us never see his face no more !" These, and similar testimonials to the estimation in which Simon's character was held, must have gratified not a little the hearer of his own laudations : now and then, he winced so that Sarah might have heard him move : but her ear was alive to nothing but the news-bringers, and her eyes appeared to be fixed upon the linen she was darning. That Jennings vowed vengeance, and wreaked it afterwards too, on the youths that so had shown their love, was his solitary pleasure in the shower-bath. But his critics were too numerous for him to punish all : they numbered every soul in the house, besides the summoned aiders — only excepting three : Sarah, who really had a head-ache, and made but little answers to the numerous glad envoys ; Jonathan Floyd, whose charity did not altogether hate the man, and who really felt alarmed at his absence ; and chiefest, Mrs. Quarles, who evinced more affection for her nephew than any thought him worthy of exciting — she wrung her hands, wept, offered rewards, bustled about every where, and kept call- ing blubberingly for " Simon — poor dear Simon." 92 THECROCKOFGOLD. At length, that fearful hue and cry began to subside — the hubbub came to be quieter : neighbour-folks went home, ana inmates went to bed. Sarah Stack put aside her work, and left the room. What a relief to that hidden caitiff! his feet, standing on the cold, damp iron so many hours, bare of brogues, were mere ice — only that they ached intolerably : he had not dared to move, to breathe, and was all over in one cramp : he did not bring the brandy-bottle with him, as he once had planned ; for calculation whispered — " Don't, your head will be the clearer ; you must not muddle your brains ;" and so his caution over-reached itself, as usual ; his head was in a fog, and his brains in a whirlwind, for lack of other stimulants than fear and pain. O Simon, how your prudence cheats you ! five mortal hours of anguish and anxiety in one unalterable posture, without a single drop of creature-comfort ; and all this preconcerted too ! CHAPTER XXVI.. PRELIMNAEIES. At last, just as the nephew was positively fainting from exhaustion, in came his kind old aunt to bed. She talked a good deal to herself, did Mrs. Quarles, and Simon heard her say, " Poor fellow — poor, dear Simon, he was taken bad last night, and has seemed queerish in the head all day : pray God nothing 's amiss with the boy!" The boy's heart (he was forty) smote him as he heard : yes, even he was vexed that Aunt Bridget could be so foolishly fond of him. But he would go on now, and not have all his toil for nothing. "I'm in for it," said he, "and there's an end." Ay, Simon, you are, indeed, in for it; the devil has locked you in — but as to the end, we shall see, we shall see. "I shouldn't wonder now," the good old soul went on to say, "if Simon 's wentured out without his hat to cool a head-ache : his grand- father — peace be with him ! died, poor man, in a Lunacy 'Sylum : alack, Si, I wish you mayn't be going the same road. No, no, I hope not — he 's always so prudent-like, and wise, and good ; so kind, too, to a poor old fool like me :" and the poor old fool began to cry again. PRELIMINARIES. 93 "Silly boy — but he'll take cold at any rate: Sarah!" (here Mrs. Quarles rung her bell, and the still-maid answered it.) "Sarah Stack, sit up awhile for Mr. Jennings, and when he comes in, send him here to me. Poor boy," she went on soliloquizing, " he shall have a drop or two to comfort his stomach, and keep the chill out." The poor boy, lying perdu, shuddered at the word chill, and really wished his aunt would hold her tongue. But she didn't. " Maybe now," the affectionate old creature proceeded, " maybe Simon was vexed at what I let drop last night about the money. I know he loves his sister Scott, as I do : but it '11 seem hard, too, to leave him noth- ing. I must make my will some day, I 'spose ; but don't half like the job: it's always so nigh death. Yes — yes, dear Si shall have a snug little corner." The real Simon Pure, in his own snug little corner, writhed again. Mrs. Quarles started at the noise, looked up the chimney, under the bed, tried the doors and windows, and actually went so near the mark as to turn the handle of the shower-bath; "Drat it," said she, "Sarah must ha' took away the key : well, there can't be nothing there but cloaks, that's one comfort." Last of all, a thought struck her — it must have been a mouse at the preserves. And Mrs. Quarles forthwith opened the important cupboard, where Jennings now well knew the idol of his heart was shrined. Then another thought struck Mrs. Quarles, though probably no unusual one, and she seemed to have mounted on a chair, and to be bringing down some elevated piece of crockery. Simon could see nothing with his eyes, but his ears made up for them : if ever Dr. Elliotson produced clairvoyance in the sisters Okey, the same sharpened apprehensions ministered to the inner man of Simon Jennings through the instrumental magnet of his inordinately covetous desires. Therefore, though his retina bore no picture of the scene, the feelers of his mind went forth, informing him of every thing that happened. Down came a Narbonne honey-pot — Simon saw that first, and it was as the lamp of Aladdin in his eyes : then the bladder was whipped off, and the crock set open on the table. Jennings, mad as Darius's horse at the sight of the object he so longed for, once thought of rushing from his hiding-place, taking the hoard by a coup de main, and running off straight- way to America : but — deary me — that '11 never do ; I mustn't leave my own strong-box behind me, say nothing of hat and shoes : and if I stop for any thing, she 'd raise the house. 94 THECROCKOFGOLD. While this was passing through the immaculate mind of Simon Jen- nings, Bridget had been cutting up an old glove, and had made one of its fingers into a very tidy little leather sacklet ; into this she deposited a bright half sovereign, spoil of the day, being the douceur of a needy brush-maker, who wished to keep custom, and, of course, charged all these vails on the current bill for mops and stable-sponges. "Ha!" muttered she, "it's your last bill here, Mr. Scrubb, I can tell you ; so, you were going to put me off with a crown-piece, were you ? and actually that bit of gold might as well have been a drop of blood wrung from you : yes — yes, Mr. Scrubb, I could see that plainly ; and so you 've done for yourself." Then, having sewed up the clever little bag, she dropped it into the crock : there was no jingle, all dumby : prudent that, in his aunt — for the dear morsels of gold were worth such tender keeping, and leather would hinder them from wear and tear, set aside the clink being silenced. So, the nephew secretly thanked Bridget for the wrinkle, and thought how pleasant it would be to stuff old gloves with his own yellow store. Ah, yes, he would do that — to-morrow morning. Meanwhile, the pig-skin is put on again, and the honey-pot stored away: and Simon instinctively stood a tip-toe to peep ideally into tl^at wealthy corner cupboard. His mind's eye seemed to see more honey- pots ! Mammon help us ! can they all be full of gold ? why, any one of them would hold a thousand pounds. And Simon scratched the palms of his hands, and licked his lips at the thought of so much honey. But see, Mrs. Quarles has, in her peculiar fashion, undressed herself: that is to say, she has taken off her outer gown, her cap and wig — and then has added to the volume of her under garments, divers night habil- iments, flannelled and frilled : while wrappers, manifold as a turbancd Turk's, protect ear-ache, tooth-ache, head-ache, and face-ache, from the elves of the night. And now, that the bedstead creaks beneath her weight, (as well it may, for Bridget is a burden like Behemoth,) Simon's heart goes thump so loud, that it was a wonder the poor woman never heard it. That heart in its hard pulsations sounded to me like the carpenter hammering on her coffin-lid : I marvel that she did not take it for a death-watch tapping to warn her of her end. But no : Simon held his hand against his heart to keep it quiet : he was so very fearful the pitapating would betray him. Never mind, Simon ; don't be afraid ; she is fast asleep already ; and her snore is to thee as it were the challenge of a trumpeter calling to the conflict. ROBBERY. 95 CHAPTER XXVII. ROBBERY. Hush — hush — hush ! Stealthily on tiptoe, with finger on his lips, that fore-doomed man crept out. " The key is in the cupboard still — ha ! how lucky : saves time that, and trouble, and — and — risk ! Oh, no — there can be no risk now," and the wretch added, "thank God!" The devil loves such piety as this. So Simon quietly turned the key, and set the cupboard open : it was to him a Bluebeard's chamber, a cave of the Forty Thieves, a garden of the Genius in Aladdin, a mysterious secret treasure-house of wealth uncounted and unseen. What a galaxy of pickle-pots! tier behind tier of undoubted currant- jelly, ranged like the houses in Algiers! vasty jars of goosebei-ry! delicate little cupping-glasses full of syruped fruits! Yet all these candied joys, which probably enhance a Mrs. Rundle's heaven, were as nothing in the. eyes of Simon — sweet trash, for all he cared they might be vulgar treacle. His ken saw nothing but the honey-pots — embarrass- ing array — a round dozen of them ! All alike, all posted in a brown line, like stout Dutch sentinels with their hands in their breeches pockets, and set aloft on that same high-reached shelf. Must he really take them all ? impracticable : a positive sack full. What 's to be done ? — which is he to leave behind? that old witch contrived this identity and multitude for safety's sake. But what if he left the wrong one, and got clear off with the valuable booty of two dozen pounds of honey? Confusion! that'll never do: he must take them all, or none; all, all's the word; and forthwith, as tenderly as possible, the puzzled thief took down eleven pots of honey to his one of gold — all pig-bladdered, all Fortnumed — all slimy at the string ; " Confound that cunning old aunt of mine," said Simon, aloud ; and took no notice that the snores surceased. Then did he spread upon the table a certain shawl, and set the crocks in order on it : and it was quite impossible to leave behind that pretty ostentatious "Savings' Bank," which the shrewd hoarder kept as a feint to lure thieves from her hidden gold, by an open exhibition of her silver: unluckily, though, the shillings, not being leathered up nor branned, (JQ THECROCKOFGOLD. rattled like a Mandarin toy, as the trembling hand of Jennings deposited the bank beside the crockeries — and, at the well-known sound, I observed (though Simon did not, as he was in a trance of addled triumph) or fan- cied I observed Mrs. Quarles's head move: but as she said nothing, perhaps I was mistaken. Thus stood Simon at the table, surveying his extraordinary spoils. And while he looked, the Mercy of God, which never yet hath seen the soul too guilty for salvation, spake to him kindly, and whispered in his ear, "Poor, deluded man — there is yet a moment for escape — flee from this temptation — put all back again — hasten to thy room, to thy prayers, repent, repent : even thou shalt be forgiven, and none but God, who will forgive thee, shall know of this bad crime. Tui'n now from all thy sins ; the gate of bliss is open, if thou wilt but lift the latch." It was one moment of irresolute delay ; on that hinge hung Eternity. The gate swung upon its pivot, that should shut out hell, or heaven ! Simon knit his brow — bit his nails — and answered quite out loud, " What ! and after all to lose the crock of gold ?" CHAPTER XXVIII. MUEDEE. He had waked her ! In an instant the angel form of Mercy melted away — and there stood the devil with his arms folded. " Murder ! — fire ! — rape ! — thieves ! — what, Nephew Jennings, is that you, with all my honey pots? Help! help! help!" "Phew-w-w!" whistled the devil: "I tell you what, Master Simon, you must quiet the old woman, she bellows like a bull, the house '11 be about your ears in a twinkling — she'll hang you for this!" Yes — he must quiet her — the game was up ; he threatened, he implored, but she would shriek on ; she slept alone on the ground-floor, and knew she must roar loudly to be heard above the drawing-rooms ; she would not be quieted — she would shriek — and she did. What must he do? she '11 raise the house ! — Stop her mouth, stop her mouth, I say, can't you ? — No, she 's a powerful, stout, heavy woman, and he cannot hold her : ha ! she has bitten his finger to the bone, like a very tigress ! look at the blood ! THEREWARD. 97 "Why can't you touch her throat; no teeth there, bless you! that's the way the whid comes : bravo! grasp it — tighter! tighter! tighter!" She struggled, and writhed, and wrestled, and fought — but all was stran- gling silence ; they rolled about the floor together, tumbled on the bed, scuffled round the room, but all in horrid silence ; neither uttered a sound, neither had a shoe on — but all was earnest, wicked, death-dealing silence. Ha! the desperate victim has the best of it; gripe harder, Jennings; she has twisted her fingers in your neckcloth, and you yourself are choking : fool ! squeeze the swallow, can't you ? try to make your fingers meet in the middle — lower down, lower down, grasp the gullet, not the ears, man — ^that's right; I told you so: tighter, tighter, tighter! again ; ha, ha, ha, bravo ! bravo ! — tighter, tighter, tighter ! At length the hideous fight was coming to an end — though a hungry constrictor, battling with the huge rhinoceros, and crushing his mailed ribs beneath its folds, could not have been so fiex'ce or fearful ; fewer now, and fainter are her struggles ; that face is livid blue — the eyes have started out, and goggle horribly; the tongue protrudes, swollen and black. Aha ! there is another convulsive effort — how strong she is still ! can you hold her, Simon ? — can he ? — All the fiend possessed him now with savage exultation : can he? — only look! gripe, gripe still, you are conquering, strong man ! she is getting weaker, weaker ; here is your reward, gold ! gold ! a mighty store uncounted ; one more grasp, and it is all your own — relent now, she hangs you. Come, make short work of it, break her neck — gripe harder — back with her, back with here against the bedstead : keep her down, down I say — she must not rise again. Crack ! went a little something in her neck — did you hear it? There's the death-rattle, the last smothery complicated gasp — what, didn't you hear that? And the devil congratulated Simon on his victory. CHAPTER XXIX. THE REWAED. Till the wretch had done the deed, he scarcely knew that it was doing. It was a horrid, mad excitement, where the soul had spread its wings upon the whirlwind, and heeded not whither it was hurried. A G 9 98 THECROCKOFGOLD. terrible necessity had seemed to spur him onwards all the while, and one thing so succeeded to another, that he scarce could stop at any but the first. From the moment he had hidden in the shower-bath (but for God's interposing mercy), his doom appeared to have been sealed — robbery, murder, false witness, and — damnation ! Crime is the rushing rapid, which, but for some kind miracle, inevita- bly carries on through circling eddies, and a foamy swinging tide, to the cataract of death and wo : haste, poor fisherman of Erie, paddle hard back, stem the torrent, cling to the shore, hold on tight by this friendly bough; know you not whither the headlong current drives? hear you not the roar of many waters, the maddening rush as of an ocean disen- thralled ? feel you not the earth trembling at the thunder — see you not the heaven clouded o'er with spray ? Helpless wretch — thy frail canoe has leapt that dizzy water-cliff", Niagara ! But if, in doing that fell deed, madness raged upon the minutes, now that it was done — all still, all calm, all quiet. Terror held the hour-glass of Time. There lay the corpse, motionless, though coiled and cramped in the attitude of struggling agony ; and the murderer gazed upon his victim with a horror most intense. Fly! fly! — he dared not stop to think: fly! fly! any whither — as you are — wait for nothing; fly! thou caitiflf, for thy life ! So he caught up the blood-bought spoils, and was fumbling with shaky fingers at the handle of the garden-door, when the unseen tempter whispered in his ear, " I say, Simon, did not your aunt die of apoplexy ?" O, kind and wise suggestion ! O, lightsome, tranquillizing thought ! Thanks! thanks! thanks! — And if the arch fiend had revealed himself in person at the moment, Simon would have worshipped at his feet. "But," and as he communed with his own black heart, there needed now no devil for his prompter — "if this matter is to be believed, I must contrive a little that it may look likelier. Let me see : — ^yes, we must lay all tidy, and the old witch shall have died in her sleep ; apoplexy ! capital indeed; no tell-tales either well, I must set to work." Can mortal mind conceive that sickening office? — To face the strangled corpse, yet warm ; to lift the fearful burden in his arms, and order out the heavily-yielding limbs in the ease of an innocent sleep ? To arrange the bed, smooth down the tumbled coverlid, set every thing straight about the room, and erase all tokens of that dread encounter? It needed nerves of iron, a heart all stone, a cool, clear head, a strong arm, a mindful, self- protecting spirit ; but all these requisites came to Simon's aid upon the THE REWARD. g0 instant ; frozen up with fear, his heart-strings worked that puppet-man rigidly as wires ; guilt supplied a reckless energy, a wild physical power, which actuates no human frame but one saturate with crime, or madness ; and in the midst of those terrific details, the murderer's judg- ment was so calm and so collected, that nothing was forgotten, nothing unconsidered — unless, indeed, it were that he out-generalled himself by making all too tidy to be natural. Hence, suspicion at the inquest ; for the "apoplexy" thought was really such a good one, that, but for so exact a laying out, the fat old corpse might have easily been buried without one surmise of the way she met her end. Again and again, in the his- tory of crimes, it is seen that a "Judas hangs himself;" and albeit, as we know, the murderer has hitherto escaped detection, still his own dark hour shall arrive in its due place. The dreadful office done, he asked himself again, or maybe took counsel of the devil (for that evil master always cheats his servants), " What shall I do with my reward, this crock — ^these crocks of gold ? It might be easy to hide one of them, but not all ; and as to leaving any behind, that I won't do. About opening them to see which is which — " "I tell you what," said the tempter, as the clock struck three, "what- ever you do, make haste ; by morning's dawn the house and garden will be searched, no doubt, and the crocks found in your possession. Listen to me — I 'm your friend, bless you ! remember the apoplexy. Pike Island yonder is an unfrequented place ; take the punt, hide all there now, and go at your best leisure to examine afterwards ; but whatever you do, make haste, my man." Then Jennings crept out by the lawn-door, thereby rousing the house- dog; but he skirted the laurels in their shadow, and it was dark and mizzling, so he reached the punt both quickly and easily. The quiet, and the gloom, and the dropping rain, strangely aifected him now, as he plied his punt-pole ; once he could have wept in his remorse, and another time he almost shrieked in fear. How lonesome it seemed ! how dreadful ! and that death-dyed face behind him — ha ! woman, away I say ! But he neared the island, and, all shoeless as he was, crept up its muddy bank. " Hallo ! ny bor, who be you a-poaching on my manor, eh ? that bean't good manners, any how." Ben Burke has told us all the rest. But, when Burke had got his spoils — when the biter had been bitten — ^the robber robbed — the murderer stripped of his murdered victim's 100 THE CROCK OF GOLD. money — when the bereaved miscreant, sullenly returning in the dark, damp night, tracked again the way he came upon that lonely lake — no one yet has told us, none can rightly tell, the feelings which oppressed that God-forsaken man. He seemed to feel himself even a sponge which, the evil one had bloated with his breath, had soaked it then in blood, had squeezed it dry again, and flung away ! He was Satan's broken tool — a weed pulled up by the roots, and tossed upon the fire ; alone — alone in all the universe, without countenance or sympathy from God, or man, or devil ; he yearned to find, were it but a fiend to back him, but in vain ; they held aloof, he could see them vaguely through the gloom — he could hear them mocking him aloud among the patter of the rain-drops — ha ! ha ! ha — the pilfered fool ! Bitterly did he rue his crime — fearfully he thought upon its near dis- covery — madly did he beat his miserable breast, to find that he had been baulked of his reward, yet spent his soul to earn it. Oh — when the house-dog bayed at him returning, how he wished he was that dog ! he went to him, speaking kindly to him, for he envied that dog — "Good dog-r-good dog!" But more than envy kept him lingering there : the wretched man dia it for delay — yes, though morn was breaking on the hills — one more — one more moment of most precious time. CHAPTER XXX. SECOND THOUGHTS. For — again he must go through that room ! No other entrance is open — not a window, not a door : all close as a prison : and only by the way he went, by the same must he return. He trembled all over, as a palsied man, when he touched the lock : with stiffening hair, and staring eyes, he peeped in at that well-remem- bered chamber: he entered — and crept close up to the corpse, stealthily and dreadingly — horror! what if she be alive still? She was. Not quite dead — not quite dead yet ! a gurgling in the bruised throat — a shadowy gleam of light and life in those protruded eyes — an irregular SECOND THOUGHTS. 101 convulsive heaving at the chest : she might recover ! what a fearful hope : and, if she did, would hang him — ha ! he went nearer ; she was mutter- ing something in a moanful way — it was, " Simon did it — Simon did it — Simon did it — Si — Si — Simon did — " he should be found out! Yet once again, for the last time, the long-suffering Mercy of the Lord stood like Balaam's angel in the way, pleading with that miserable man at the bed-side of her whom he had strangled. And even then, that Guardian Spirit came not with chiding on his tongue, but He uttered words of hope, while his eyes were streaming with sorrow and with pity. "Most wretched of the sinful sons of men, even now there may be mercy for thee, even now plenteous forgiveness. True, thou must die, and pay the earthly penalty of crimes like thine : but do my righteous bidding, and thy soul shall live. Go to that poor, suffocating creature — cherish the spark of life — bind up the wounds which thou hast rent, pouring in oil and wine: rouse the house — seek assistance — save her life — confess thy sin — repent — and though thou diest for this before tlie tribunal of thy fellows, God will yet be gracious — he will raise again her whom thou hadst slain — and will cleanse thy blood-stained soul." Thus in Simon's ear spake that better conscience. But the reprobate had cast off Faith; he could not pledge the Present for the Future ; he shuddered at the sword of Justice, and would not touch the ivory sceptre of Forgiveness. No : he meditated horrid iter- ation — and again the fiend possessed him ! What ! not only lose the crock of gold, but all his own bright store ? and give up every tiling of this world's good for some imaginary other, and meekly confess, and meanly repent — and — and all this to resuscitate that hated old aunt of his, who would hang him, and divorce him from his gold ? No! he must do the deed again — see, she is moving — she will recover! her chest heaves visibly — she breathes — she speaks — she knows me — ha! down — down, I say! Then, with deliberate and damning resolution — to screen off temporal danger, and count his golden hoards a little longer — that awful criminal touched the throat again : and he turned his head away not to see that horrid face, clutched the swollen gullet with his icy hands, and strangled her once more! "This time all is safe," said Simon. And having set all smooth as before, he stole up to his own chamber. 9* 102 THECROCKOFGOLD. CHAPTER XXXI. MAilMON, AND CONTENTMENT. Ay, safe enough : and the murderer went to bed. To bed ? No. He tumbled about the clothes, to make it seem that he had lain there : but he dared neither lie down, nor shut his eyes. Then, the darkness terrified him : the out-door darkness he could have borne, and Mrs. Quarles's chamber always had a night-lamp burning : but the darkness of his own room, of his own thoughts, pressed him all around, as with a thick, murky, suffocating vapour. So, he stood close by the window, watching the day-break. As for sleep, never more did wholesome sleep revisit that atrocious mind : laudanum, an ever-increasing dose of merciless laudanum, that was the only power which ever seemed to soothe him. For a horrid vision always accompanied him now : go where he might, do what he would, from that black morning to eternity, he went a haunted man — a scared, sleepless, horror-stricken wretch. That livid face with goggling eyes, stuck to him like a shadow ; he always felt its presence, and some- times, also, could perceive it as if bodily peeping over his shoulder, next his cheek; it dogged him by day, and was his incubus by night; and often he would start and wrestle, for the desperate grasp of the dying appeared to be clutching at his throat : so, in his ghostly fears, and bloody conscience, he had girded round his neck a piece of thin sheet-iron in his cravat, which he wore continually as armour against those clammy Insers : no wonder that he held his head so stiff. O Gold — accursed Mammon ! is this the state of those who love thee deepest? is this their joy, who desire thee with all their heart and soul — who serve thee with all their might — who toil for thee — plot for thee — live for thee — dare for thee — die for thee ? Hast thou no better bliss to give thy martyrs — no choicer comfort for thy most consistent worship, pers, no fairer fate for those, whose waking thoughts, and dreaming hopes, and intricate schemes, and desperate deeds, were only aimed at gold, more gold? God of this world, if such be thy rewards, let me ever escape them ! idol of the knave, false deity of the fool, if this be thy blessing on thy votaries — come, curse me. Mammon, curse thou me! For, "The love of money is the root of all evil." It groweth up a MAMMON AND CONTENTMENT. jqS little plant of coveting ; presently the leaves get rank, the branches spread, and feed on petty thefts ; then in their early season come the blossoms, black designs, plots, involved and undeveloped yet, of foul conspiracies, extortions on the weak, rich robbings of the wealthy, the threatened slan- der, the rewarded lie, malice, perjury, sacrilege ; then speedily cometh on the climax, the consummate flower, dark-red murder : and the fruit bear- ing in itself the seeds that never die, is righteous, wrathful condemnation. Dyed with all manner of iniquity, tinged with many colours like the Mohawk in his woods, goeth forth in a morning the covetous soul. His cheek is white with envy, his brow black with jealous rage, his livid lips are full of lust, his thievish hands spotted over with the crimson drops of murder. "The poison of asps is under his lips; and his feet are swift to shed blood : destruction and misery are in his ways ; and there is no fear of God before his eyes." O, ye thousands — the covetous of this world's good — behold at what a fire ye do warm yourselves! dread it: even now, ye have imagined many deaths, whereby your gains may be the greater ; ye have caught, in wishful fancy, many a parting sigh ; ye have closed, in a heartless revery, many a glazing eye — yea, of those your very nearest, whom your hopes have done to death : and are ye guiltless ? God and con- science be your judges ! Even now ye have compassed many frauds, connived at many mean- nesses, trodden down the good, and set the bad on high — all for gold — hard gold ; and are ye the honest — the upright ? Speak out manfully your excuse, if you can find one, ye respectables of merchandise, ye traders, bartering all for cash, ye Scribes, ye Pharisees, hypocrites, all honourable men. Even now, your dreams are full of money-bags ; your cares are how to add superfluity to wealth ; ye fawn upon the rich, ye scorn the poor, ye pine and toil both night and day for gold, more gold ; and are ye happy ? Answer me, ye covetous ones. Yet are there righteous gains, God's blessing upon labour : yet is there rightful hope to get those righteous gains. Who can condemn the poor man's care, though Faith should make his load the lighter ? And who will extenuate the rich man's coveting, whose appetite grows with what it feeds on ? " Having food and raiment, be therewith content ;" that is the golden mean ; to that is limited the philosophy of worldliness : the man must live, by labour and its earnings ; but having wherewithal for him and his temperately, let him tie the mill-stone of anxiety to the wing of Faith, and speed that burden to his God. 104 THECROCKOFGOLD. If Wealth come, beware of him, the smooth false friend : there is treachery in his proffered hand, his tongue is eloquent to tempt, lust of many harms is lurking in his eye, he hath a hollow heart ; use him cautiously. If Penury assail, fight against him stoutly, the gaunt grim foe : the curse of Cain is on his brow, toiling vainly ; he creepeth with the worm by day, to raven with the wolf by night : diseases battle by his side, and crime followeth his footsteps. Therefore fight against him boldly, and be of a good courage, for there are many with thee ; not alone the doled alms, the casual aids dropped from compassion, or wrung out by impor- tunity ; these be only temporary helps, and indulgence in them pampers the improvident; but look thou to a better host of strong allies, of reso- lute defenders ; turn again to meet thy duties, needy one : no man ever starved, who even faintly tried to do them. Look to thy God, O sinner ! use reason wisely ; cherish honour ; shrink not from toil, though some- while unrewarded ; preserve frank bearing with thy fellows ; and in spite of all thy sins — forgiven ; all thy follies — flung away ; all the trickeries of this world — scorned ; all competitions — disregarded ; all suspicions — trodden under foot ; thou neediest and raggedest of labourers' labourers — Enough shall be thy portion, ere a week hath passed away. Well did Agur-the-Wise counsel Ithiel and Ucal his disciples, when he uttered in their ears before his God, this prayerful admonition, " Two things have I required of Thee ; deny me them not before I die : remove far from me vanity and lies ; give me neither poverty nor riches : feed me with food convenient for me. Lest I be full, and deny Thee, saying, Who is the Lord ? or lest I be poor, and steal, and dishonour the name of the Lord my God." CHAPTER XXXII. NEXT HORNING. Day dawned apace; and a glorious cavalcade of flaming clouds heralded the Sun their captain. From far away, round half the wide horizon, their glittering spears advanced. Heaven's highway rang with the trampling of their horse-hoofs, and the dust went up from its jewelled NEXT MORNING. 105 pavement as spray from the bottom of a cataract. Anon, he came, the chieftain of that on-spurring host ! his banner blazed upon the sky ; his golden crest was seen beneath, nodding with its ruddy plumes ; over the south-eastern hills he arose in radiant armour. Fair Nature, waking at her bridegroom's voice, arrived so early from a distant clime, smiled upon him sleepily, gladdening him in beauty with her sweet half-opened eyelids, and kissing him in faithfulness with dew-besprinkled lips. And he looked forth upon the world from his high chariot, holding back the coursers that must mount the steep of noon: and he heard the morning hymn of thankfulness to Heaven from the mountains, and the valleys, and the islands of the sea ; the prayer of man and woman, the praise of lisping tongues, the hum of insect joy upon the air, the sheep- bell tinkling in the distance, the wild bird's carol, and the lowing kine, the mute minstrelsy of rising dews, and that stilly scarce-heard universal mel- ody of wakeful plants and trees, hastening to turn their spring-buds to the light — this was the anthem he, the Lord of Day, now listened to — this was the song his influences had raised to bless the God who made him. And he saw, from his bright throne of wide derivative glory, Hope flying forth upon her morning missions, visiting the lonesome, comforting the sorrowful, speaking cheerfully to Care, and singing in the ear of Labour : and he watched that ever-welcome friend, flitting with the gleams of light to every home, to every heart; none but gladly let her in ; her tapping finger opened the very prison doors ; the heavy head of Sloth rejoiced to hear her call ; and every common Folly, every com- mon Sin — ay, every common Crime — warmed his unconscious soul before her winning beauty. Yet, yet was there one, who cursed that angel's coming ; and the holy Eye of day wept pityingly to see an awful child of man who dared not look on Hope. The murderer stood beside his casement, watching that tranquil scene : with bloodshot eyes and haggard stare, he gazed upon the waking world ; for one strange minute he forgot, entranced by inno- cence and beauty ; but when the stunning tide of memory, that had ebbed that one strange minute, rolled back its mighty flood upon his mind, the murderer swooned away. And he came to himself again all too soon ; for when he arose, building up his weak, weak limbs, as if he were a column of sand, the cruel giant. Guilt, lifted up his club, and felled the wretch once more. How long he lay fainting, he knew not then ; if any one had vowed 106 THE CROCK OF GOLD. it was a century, Simon, as he gradually woke, could not have gainsaid the man ; but he only lay four seconds in that white oblivious trance — for Fear, Fear knocked at his heart : — Up, man, up ! — you need have all your wits about you now ; — see, it is broad day — the house will be roused before you know where you are, and then will be shouted out that awful name — Simon Jennings! Simon Jennings! CHAPTER XXXIII. THE AIAEM. He arose, held up on either hand that day as if fighting against Ama- lek; — despair buttressed him on one side, and secresy shored him on the other : behind that wall of stone his heart had strength to beat. He arose ; and listened at the key-hole anxiously : all silent, quiet, quiet still ; the whole house asleep : nothing found out yet. And he bit his nails to the quick, that they bled again : but he never felt the pain. Hush ! — yes, somebody 's about : it is Jonathan's step ; and hark, he is humming merrily, " Hail, smiling morn, that opes the gates of day ?" Wo, wo — what a dismal gulph between Jonathan and me ! And he beat his breast miserably. But, Jonathan cannot find it out — he never goes to Mrs. Quarles's room. Oh ! this suspense is horrible : haste, haste, some kind soul, to make the dread discovery ! And he tore his hair away by handfulls. "Hark! — somebody else — unlatching shutters; it will be Sarah — ha! she is tapping at the housekeeper's room — yes, yes, and she will make it known, O terrible joy ! — A scream ! it is Sarah's voice — she has seen her dead, dead, dead ; — but is she indeed dead ?" The miscreant quivered with new fears ; she might still mutter "Simon did it!" And now the house is thoroughly astir ; running about in all directions ; and shouting for help ; and many knocking loudly at the murderer's own door — "Mr. Jennings! Mr. Jennings! — quick — get up — come down — quick, quick — your aunt's found dead in her bed!" What a relief to the trembling wretch ! — she was dead. He could have blessed the voice that told him his dread secret was so safe. But THE ALARM. 107 his parched tongue may never bless again : curses, curses are all its blessings now. And Jennings came out calmly from his chamber, a white, stern, sanctimonious man, lulling the storm with his wise presence : — " God's will be done," said he; "what can poor weak mortals answer Him?" And he played cleverly the pious elder, the dignified official, the affec- tionate nephew : " Ah, well, my humble friends, behold what life is : the best of us must come to this ; my poor, dear aunt, the late house- keeper, rest her soul — I feared it might be this way some night or other : she was a stout woman, was our dear, deceased Bridget — and, though a good kind soul, lived much on meat and beer: ah well, ah well !" And he concealed his sentimental hypocrisy in a cotton pocket-handkerchief. "Alas, and well-a-day ! that it should have come to this. Apoplexy — you see, apoplexy caught her as she slept : we may as well get her buried at once : it is unfortunately too clear a case for any necessity to open the body ; and our young master is coming down on Tuesday, and I could not allow my aunt's corpse to be so disrespectful as to stop till it became offensive. I will go to the vicar myself immediately." "Begging pardon, Mr. Jennings," urged Jonathan Floyd, "there's a strange mark here about the throat, poor old 'ooman." "Ay," added Sarah, "and now I come to think of it, Mrs. Quarles's room-door was ajar; and bless me, the lawn-door's not locked neither! Who could have murdered her?" " Murdered ? there 's no murder here, silly wench," said Jennings, with a nervous sneer. "I don't know that, Mr. Simon," gruffly interposed the coachman; " it 's a case for a coroner, I '11 be bail ; so here I goes to bring him : let all bide as it is, fellow-sarvents ; murder will out, they say." And off he set directly — not without a shrewd remark from Mr. Jen- nings, about letting him escape that way ; which seemed all very sage and likely, till the honest man came back within the hour, and a posse comitatiis at his heels. We all know the issue of that inquest. Now, if any one requests to be informed how Jennings came to be looked for as usual in his room, after that unavailing search last night, I reply, this newer, stronger excitement for the minute made the house oblivious of that mystery ; and if people further will persist to know, how that mystery of his absence was afterwards explained (though I for my part would gladly have said nothing of the bailiff's own excuse), let 108 THE CROCK OF GOLD. it be enough to hint, that Jennings winked with a knowing and gallant expression of face ; alluded to his private key, and a secret return at two in the morning from some disreputable society in the neighbourhood ; made the men laugh, and the women blush ; and, altogether, as he might well have other hats and coats, the delicate affair was not unlikely. CHAPTER XXXIV. DOUBTS. And so, this crock of gold — gained through extortion, by the frauds of every day, the meannesses of every hour — this concrete oppression to the hireling in his wages — this mass of petty pilferings from poverty — this continuous obstruction to the charities of wealth — this cockatrice's egg — this offspring of iniquity — had already been baptized in blood before poor Acton found it, and slain its earthly victim ere it wrecked his faith ; already had it been perfected by crime, and destroyed the murderer's soul, before it had endangered the life of slandered innocence. Is there yet more blessing in the crock ? more fearful interest still, to carry on its story to an end? Must another sacrifice bleed before the shrine of Mammon, and another head lie crushed beneath the heel of that monster — his disciple ? Come on with me, and see the end ; push further still, there is a labyrinth ahead to attract and to excite ; from mind to mind crackles the electric spark : and when the heart thrillingly conceives, its children-thoughtf! are as arrows from the hand of the giant, flying through that mental world — the hearts of other men. Fervent still from its hot internal source, this fountain gushes up; no sluggish Lethe-stream is here, dull, forgetful, and forgotten ; but liker to the burning waves of Phlegethon, mingling at times (though its fire is still unquenched), with the pastoral rills of Tempe, and the River from the Mount of God. Lower the sail — let it flap idly on the wind — helm a-port — and so to smoother waters : return to common life and humbler thoughts. It may yet go hard with Roger Acton. Jennings is a man of char- acter, especially the farther from his home ; the county round take him for a model of propriety, a sample of the strictest conduct. We know DOUBTS.— FEARS. jQg the bad man better ; but who dare breathe against the bailiff in his power — against the caitiff in his sleek hypocrisy — that, while he makes a show of both humilities, he fears not God nor man? What shall hinder, that the perjured wretch offer up to the manes of the murdered the life-blood of the false-accused? May he not live yet many years, heaping up gold and crime ? And may not sweet Grace Acton — her now repentant father — the kindly Jonathan — his generous master, and if there be any other of the Hurstley folk we love, may they not all meet destruction at his hands, as a handful of corn before the reaper's sickle? I say not that they shall, but that they might. Acton's criminal state of mind, and his hunger after gold — gold any how — have earned some righteous retri- bution, unless Providence in mercy interpose ; and young Sir John, in nowise unblameable himself, with wealth to tempt the spoiler, lives in the spoiler's very den ; and as to Jonathan and Grace, this world has many martyrs. If Heaven in its wisdom use the wicked as a sword. Heaven is but just; but if in its vengeance that sword of the wicked is turned against himself. Heaven showeth mercy all unmerited. To a criminal like Jennings, let loose upon the world, without the clog of con- science to retard him, and with the spur of covetousness ever urging on, any thing in crime is possible — is probable : none can sound those depths : and when we raise our eyes on high to the Mighty Moral Governor, and note the clouds of mystery that thunder round his Throne — He may per- mit, or he may control ; who shall reach those heights ? CHAPTER XXXV. PEARS. Moreover, innocent of blood, as we know Roger Acton to be, appear- ances are strongly against him : and in such a deed as secret, midnight murder, which none but God can witness, multiplied appearances justify the world in condemning one who seems so guilty. The first impression against Roger is a bad one, for all the neighbours know how strangely his character had been changing for the worse of late : he is not like the same man ; sullen and insubordinate, he was turned away from work for his bold and free demeanor; as to church, though 10 no THE CROCK OF GOLD. he had worn that little path these forty years, all at once he seems to have entirely forgotten the way hither. He lives, nobody knows how^-on bright, clean gold, nobody knows whence : his daughter says, indeed, that her father found a crock of gold in his garden — but she needs not have held her tongue so long, and borne so many insults, if that were all the truth ; and, mark this ! even though she says it, and declares it on her Bible-oath, Acton himself most strenu- ously denied all such findings — but went about with impudent tales of legacy, luck, nobody knows what; the man prevaricated continually, and got angry when asked about it — cudgelling folks, and swearing like — like any one but old-time "honest Roger." Only look, too, where he lives : in a lone cottage opposite Pike Island, on the other side of which is Hurstley Hall, the scene of robbery and murder: was not a boat seen that night upon the lake? and was not the lawn-door open? How strangely stupid in the coroner and jury not to have imagined this before ! how dull it was of every body round not to have suspected murder rather more strongly, with those finger-marks about the throat, and not to have opened their eyes a little wider, when the murderer's cottage was within five hundred yards of that open lawn-door ! Then again — when Mr. Jennings, in his strict and searching way, accused the culprit, he never saw a man so confused in all his life ! and on repeating the charge before those two constables, they all witnessed his guilty consternation : experienced men, too, they were, and never saw a felon if Acton wasn't one ; the dogged manner in which he went with them so quietly was quite sufficient; innocent men don't go to jail in that sort of way, as if they well deserved it. But, strongest of all, if any shadow of a doubt remained, the most fearful proof of Roger's guilt lay in the scrap of shawl — the little leather bags — and the very identical crock of gold ! There it was, nestled in the thatch within a yard of his head, as he lay in bed at noon-day guarding it. One proof, weaker than the weakest of all these banded together, has ere now sufficed to hang the guilty ; and many, many fears have I that this multitude of seeming facts, conspiring in a focus against Roger Acton, will be quite enough to overwhelm the innocent. "Nothing lies like a fact," said Dr. Johnson : and statistics prove it, at least as well as cir- cumstantial evidence. The matter was as clear as day-light, and long before the trial came about, our poor labourer had been hanged outright in the just judgment of Hurstley-cum-Piggesworth. PRISON COMFORTS. HI CHAPTER XXXVI PRISON COMPORTS. Many blessings, more than he had skill to count, had visited poor Acton in his cell. His gentle daughter Grace, sweet minister of good thoughts — she, like a loving angel, had been God's instrument of penitence and peace to him. He had come to himself again, in solitude, by nights, as a man awakened from a feverish dream ; and the hallowing ministrations of her company by day had blest reflective solitude with sympathy and counsel. Good-wife Mary, too, had been his comforting and cheering friend. Immediately the crock of gold had been taken from its ambush in the thatch, it seemed as if the chill which had frozen up her heart had been melted by a sudden thaw. Roger Acton was no longer the selfish prod- igal, but the guiltless, persecuted penitent ; her care was now to soothe his griefs, not to scold him for excesses ; and indignation at the false and bloody charge made him appear a martyr in her eyes. As to his accuser, Jennings, Mary had indeed her own vague fancies and suspicions, but there being no evidence, nor even likelihood to support them, she did not dare to breathe a word ; she might herself accuse him falsely. Ben, who alone could have thrown a light upon the matter, had always been comparatively a stranger at Hurstley ; he was no native of the place, and had no ties there beyond wire and whip-cord : he would appear in that locality now and then in his eccentric orbit, like a comet, and, soon departing thence, would take away Tom as his tail ; but even when there, he was mainly a night-prowler, seldom seen by day, and so little versed in village lore, so rarely mingling with its natives, that neither Jennings nor Burke knew one another by sight. His fame indeed was known, but not his person. At present, he and Tom were still fowling in some distant fens, nobody could tell where ; so that Roger's only witness, who might have accounted for the crock and its finding, was as good as dead to him ; to make Ben's absence more unusually prolonged, and his reap- pearance quite incalculable, he had talked of going with his cargo of wild ducks "either to London or to Liverpool, he didn't rightly know which." Nevertheless, Mary comforted her husband, and more especially her- self, by the hope of his return as a saving witness ; though it was always 112 THE CROCK OF GOLD. doubtful how far Burke's numerous peccadilloes against property would either iind him at large, or authorize the poacher in walking straight before the judges. Still Ben's possible interposition was one source of hope and cheerful expectation. Then the good wife would leave her babes at home, safely in a neighbour's charge, and stay and sit many long hours with poor Roger, taking turns with Grace in talking to him tenderly, making little of home-troubles past, encouraging him to wear a stout heart, and filling him with gratitude for all her kindly care. Thus did she bless, and thus was made a blessing, through the loss and absence of that crock of gold. For Roger himself, he had repented ; bitterly and deeply, as became his headlong fall : no sweet luxuries of grief, no soothing sorrow, no chastened meditative melancholy — such mild penitence as this, he thought, could be but a soberer sort of joy for virgins, saints, and mar- tyrs: no — he, bad man, was unworthy of those melting pleasures, and in sturdy self-revenge he flung them from him, choosing rather to feel overwhelmed with shame, contrition, and reproaches. A humbled man with a broken heart within him — such was our labourer, penitent in prison ; and when he contrasted his peaceful, pure, and Christian course those forty years of poverty, with his blasphemous and infidel career for the one bad week of wealth, he had no patience with himself — only felt his fall the greater; and his judgment of his own guilt, with a natural exaggeration, went the length of saying — I am scarcely less guilty before God and man, than if, indeed, my hands were red with murder, and my casual finding had been robbery. He would make no strong appeals to the bar of justice, as an innocent condemned ; not he — not he : innocent, indeed ? his wicked, wicked courses — (an old man, too — gray-headed, with no young blood in him to excuse, no inexperience to extenuate), these deserved — did he say hanging? it was a harsher syl- lable — hell : and the contrite sinner gladly would have welcomed all the terrors of the gibbet, in hope to take full vengeance on himself for his wicked thirst for gold and all its bitter consequences. GOOD COUNSEL. 113 CHAPTER XXXVII. GOOD COUNSEL. But Grace advised him better. "Be humbled as you may before God, my father, but stand up boldly before man : for in his sight, and by his law, you are little short of blameless. I would not, dearest father, speak to you of sins, except for consolation under them ; for it ill becomes a child to see the failings of a parent. But when I know at once how innocent you are in one sense, and how not quite guiltless in another, I wish my words may comfort you, if you will hear them, father. Covetousness, not robbery — excess, not murder — these were your only sins ; and concealment was not wise, neither was a false report befitting. Money, the idol of millions, was your temptation : its earnest love, your fault; its possession, your misfortune. Forgive me, father, if I speak too freely. Good Mr. Evans, who has been so kind to us for years, (never kinder than since you were in prison,) can speak better than I may, of sins forgiven, and a Friend to raise the fallen: it is not fur poor Grace to school her dear and lionoured father. If you feel yourself guilty of much evil in the sight of Him before whom the angels bov/ in meekness — I need not tell you that your sorrow is most wise, and well-becoming. But this must not harm your cause with men : though tired of life, though hopeless in one's self, though bad, and weak, and like to fall again, we are still God's servants upon earth, bound to guard the life he gives us. Neither must you liglitly allovv tlic guilt of unright- eous condemnation to fall upon the judge who tries you ; nor let your* innocent blood cry to God for vengeance on your native land. Manfully confront the false accuser, tell openly the truth, plead your own cause firmly, warmly, wisely: — so, God defend the right!" And as Grace Acton said these words, in all the fervour of a daughter's love, with a flushed cheek, parted lips, and her right hand raised to Him whom she invoked, she looked like an inspired prophetess, or the fair maid of Orleans leading on to battle. In an instant afterwards, she humbly added, "Forgive me any thing I may have said, that seems to chide my father." "Bless 5^ou, bless you, dearest one!" was Roger's sobbing prayer, H 10* 714 THE CROCK OF GOLD. who had listened to her wisdom breathlessly. "Ah, daughter," then exclaimed the humbled, happy man, "I'll try to do all you ask me, Grace; but it is a hard thing to feel myself so wicked, and to have to speak up boldly like a Christian man." •*• CHAPTER XXXVIII. EXPERIENCE. Then, with disjointed sentences, suited to the turmoil of his thoughts, half in a soliloquy, half as talking to his daughter, Roger Acton gave his hostile testimony to the worth of wealth. '* Oh, fool, fool that I have been, to set so high a price on gold ! To have hungered and thirsted for it — to have coveted earnestly so bad a gift — to have longed for Mammon's friendship, which is enmity with God ! What has not money cost me ? Happiness : — ay, wasn't it to have given me happiness? and the little that 1 had (it was much, Grace, not little, very much — too much — God be praised for it!) all, all the happiness I had, gold took away. Look at our dear old home — shattered and scat- tered, as now I wish that crock had been. Health, too ; were it not for gold, and all gold gave, I had been sturdy still, and capable ; but my nights maddened with anxieties, my days worried with care, my head feverish with drink, my heart rent by conscience — ah, my girl, my girl, when I thought much of poverty and its hardships, of toil, and hunger, and rheumatics, I little imagined that wealth had heavier cares and pains : I envied them their wanton life of pleasure at the Hall, and little knew how hard it was: well are they called hard-livers who drink, and game, and have nothing to do, except to do wickedness continually. Religion — can it bide with money, child? I never knew my wicked heart, till fortune made me rich ; not until then did I guess how base, lying, false, and bad was "honest Roger;" how sensual, coarse, and brutal, was that hypocrite "steady Acton." Money is a devil, cliild, or pretty near akin. Then I complained of toil, too, didn't I? — .\h, what are all the aches I ever felt — labouring with spade and spud in cold and rain, hungry belike, and faint withal — what are they all at tiieir worst (and the worst was very seldom after all), to the gnawing care.s, tlio JONATHAN'S TROTH. 115 hideous fears, the sins — the sins, my girl, that tore your poor old. father? Wasn't it to be an end of troubles, too, this precious crock of gold ? Wo 's me, I never knew real trouble till I had it! Look at me, and judge; what has made me live like a beast, sin like a heathen, and lie down here like a felon ? what has made me curse Ben Burke — kind, hearty, friendly Ben? — and given my poor good boy an ill-report as having stolen and slain? all this crock of gold. But O, my Grace, to think that the crock'a curses touched thee, too ! didn't it madden me to hear them ? Dear, pure, patient child, my darling, injured daughter, here upon my knees I pray, forgive that wrong!" And he fell at her feet beseechingly. "My father," said the noble girl, lifting up his head, and passionately kissing it; "when they whispered so against me, and Jonathan heard the wicked things men said, I would have borne it all, all in silence, and let tliem all believe me bad, father, if I could have guessed that by uttering the truth, I should have seen thee here, in a dungeon, treated as a — murderer! How was I to tell that men could be so base, as to charge such crimes upon the innocent, when his only fault, or his misfortune, was to find a crock of gold ? Oh ! forgive me, too, this wrong, my father !" And they wept in each other's arms. CHAPTER XXXIX. JONATHAN'S TROTH. Grace had been all but an inmate of the prison, ever since her father had been placed there on suspicion. Early and late, and often in the day, was the duteous daughter at his cell, for the governor and the turn- keys favoured her. Who could resist such beauty and affection, entreating to stay with a father about to stand on trial for his life, and making every effort to be allowed only to pray with him ? Thus did Grace spend all the week before those dread assizes. As to her daily maintenance, ever since that bitter morning when the crock was found, her spiritual fears had obliged her to abstain from touching so much as one penny of that unblest store ; and, seeing that honest pride would not let her be supported by grudged and common charity, she had thankfully suffered the wages of her now betrothed 116 THE CROCK OF GOLD. Jonathan to serve as means whereon she lived, and (what cost more than all her humble wants) whereby she could administer many little comforts to her father in his prison. When she was not in the cell, Grace was generally at the Hall, to the scandal of more than one Hurst- leyan gossip ; but perhaps they did not know how usually kind Sarah Stack was of the company, to welcome her with Jonathan, and play pro- priety. Sarah was a true friend, one for adversity, and though young herself, and not ill-looking, did not envy Grace her handsome lover ; on the contrary, she did all to make them happy, and had gone the friendly length of insisting to find Grace and her family in tea and sugar, while all this lasted. I like that much in Sarah Stack. However, the remainder of the virtuous woi'ld were not so considerate, nor so charitable. Many neighbours shunned the poor girl, as if con- taminated by the crimes which Roger had undoubtedly committed : the more elderly unmarried sisterhood, as we have chronicled already, were overjoyed at the precious opportunity : — Here was the pert vixen, whom all the young fellows so shamelessly followed, turned out, after all, a murderer's daughter; — they wished her joy of her eyes, and lips, and curls, and pretty speeches : no good ever came of such naughty ways, that the men liked so." Nay, even the tipsy crew at Bacchus's affected to treat her name with scorn : — " The girl had made much noise about being called a trull, as if many a better than she wasn't one ; and, after all, what was the prudish wench ? a sort of she-butcher ; they had no patience wdth her proud looks." As to farmer Floyd, he made a great stir about his boy being about to marry a felon's daughter; and the affectionate mother, with many elaborate protestations, had "vowed to Master Jonathan, that she would rather lay him out with her own hands, and a penny on each eye, than see a Floyd disgrace himself in that 'ere manner." And uncles, aunts, and cousins, most disinterestedly exhorted that the obstinate youth be disinherited — " Ay, Mr. Floyd, I wish your son was a high-minded man like his father ; but there 's a difference, Mr. Floyd ; I wish he had your true blue yeoman's honour, and the spirit that becomes his father's son : if the lad was mine, I 'd cut him off with a shilling, to buy a halter for his drab of a wife. Dang it, Mrs. Floyd, it'll never do to see so queer a Mrs. Jonathan Junior, a standing in your tidy shoes beside this kitchen dresser." These estimable counsels were, I grieve to say. of too flattering a JONATHAN'S TROTH. 117 nature to displease, and of too lucrative a quality not to be continually repeated; until, really, Jonathan was threatened with beggary and the paternal malediction, if he would persist in his disreputable attachment. Nevertheless, Jonathan clung to the right like a hero. " Granting poor Acton is the wretch you think — but I do not believe one word of it — does his crime make his daughter wicked too? No; she is an angel, a pure and blessed creature, far too good for such a one as I. And happy is the man that has gained her love; he should not give her up were she thrice a felon's daughter. My father and mother," Jonathan went on to say, "never found a fault in her till now. Who was more welcome on the hill than pretty Grace? who would oftenest come to nurse some sickly lamb, but gentle Grace? who was wont, from lier childhood up, to run home with me so constantly, when school was over, and pleased my kinsfolk so entirely with her nice manners and kind ways? Hadn't he fought for her more than once, and though he came home with bruises on his face, his mother praised him for it?" Then, with a natural divergence from the strict subject-matter of objec- tion, vicarious felony, Jonathan went on to argue about other temporal disadvantages. "Hadn't he heard his father say, that, if she had but money, she was fit to be a countess? and was money, then, the only thing, whereof the having, or the not having, could make her good or bad? — money, the only wealth for soul, and mind, and body? Arc affections nothing, are truth and honour nothing, religion nothing, good sense nothing, health nothing, beauty nothing — unless money gild them all? Nonsense!" said Jonathan, indignantly, warmed by his amatory eloquence ; " come weal, come wo, Grace and I go down to the grave together ; for better, if she can be better — for worse, if she could sin — Grace Acton is my wealth, my treasure, and possession; and let man do his worst, God himself will bless us!" So, all this knit their loves : she knew, and he felt, that he was going in the road of nobleness and honour; and the fiery ordeal which he had to struggle through, raised that hearty earthly lover more nearly to a level with his heavenly-minded mistress. Through misfortune and mistrust, and evil rumours all around, in spite of opposition from false friends, and the scorn of slanderous foes, he stood by her more constantly, perchance more faithfully, than if the course of true-love had been smoother: he was her escort morning and evening to and from the prison; his strong arm was the dread of babbling fools that spoke a word of disrespect against the Actons ; and his brave tongue was now making itself heard, in open vindication of.the innocent. 11^ THE CROCK OF GOLD. CHAPTER XL. SUSPICIONS. Yes — Jonathan Floyd was beginning to speak out boldly certain strange suspicions he had entertained of Jennings. It was a courageous, a rash, a dangerous thing to do: he did not know but what it might have jeoparded his life, say nothing of his livelihood : but Floyd did it. Ever since that inquest, contrived to be so quickly and so quietly got over, he had noticed Simon's hurried starts, his horrid looks, his altered mien in all he did and said, his new nervous ways at nightfall — John Page to sleep in Mr. Jennings's chamber, and a rush-light perpetually — his shudder whenever he had occasion to call at the housekeeper's room, and his evident shrinking from the frequent phrase "Mrs. Quarles's murder." Then aixain, Jonathan would often lie awake at nisjhts, thinkintr over divers matters connected with his own evidence before the coroner, which he began to see might be of great importance. Jennings said, he had gone out to still the dog by the front door — didn't he ? — " How then, Mr, Jennings, did you contrive to push back the top bolt? The Hall chairs had not come then, and you are a little fellow, and you know that nobody in tlie house could reach, without a lift, that bolt but me. Besides, before Sir John came down, the hinges of that door creaked, like a litter o' kit- tens screaming, and the lock went so hard for want of use and oil, that I '11 be sworn your gouty chalkstone fingers could never have turned it : now, I lay half awake for two hours, and heard no creak, no key turned ; but I tell you what I did hear though, and I wish now I had said it at that scanty, hurried inquest ; I heard what I now believe were distant screams (but I was so sleepy), and a kind of muffled scuffling ever so long : but I fancied it mio;ht be a horse in the stable kickino: among the straw in a hunter's loose box. I can guess what it was now — cannot you, Mr. Simon? — I say, butler, you must have gone out to quiet Don — who by the way can't abear the sight of you — through Mrs. Quarles's room: and, for all your threats, I 'm not afeard to tell you what I think. First answer me this, Mr. Simon Jennings: — where were you all that night, when we were looking for you? — Oh! you choose to forget, do you? I can help your memory, Mr. Butler; what do you think of the sliower- bath in Mother Quarles's room?" GRACE'S ALTERNATIVE. 119 As Jonathan, one day at dinner in the servants' hall, took occasion to direct these queries to the presiding Simon, the man gave such a liorrid start, and exclaimed, "Away, I say!" so strangely, that Jonathan could doubt no longer — nor, in fact, any other of the household : Jennings gave them all round a vindictive scowl, left the table, hastened to his own room, and was seen no more that day. Speculation now seemed at an end, it had ripened into probability ; — but what evidence was there to support so grave a charge against this rigid man? Suspicions are not half enough to go upon — especially since Roger Acton seemed to have had the money. Therefore, though the folks at Hurstley, Sir John, his guests, and all the house, could not but think that Mr. Jennings acted very oddly — still, he had always been a strange creature, an unpopular bailiff; nobody understood him. So, Floyd, to his own no small danger, stood alone in accusing the man openly. CHAPTER XLI. GRACE'S ALTERNATIYE. Very shortly after that remarkable speech in the servants' hall, Jona- than found another reason for believing that Mr. Simon Jennings was equal to any imaginable amount of human wickedness. That reason will shortly now appear ; but we must first of all dig at its roots some- what deeper than Jonathan's mental husbandry could manage. If any trait of character were wanting to complete the desperate infamy of Jennings — (really I sometimes hope that his grandfather's madness had a kind of reawakening in this accursed man) — it was fur- nished by a new and shrewd scheme for feeding to the full his lust of gold. The bailiff had more than once, as we have hinted, found means to increase his evil hoard, by having secretly gained powef over female innocence and honest reputation : similarly he now devised a deep-laid plot, nothing short of diabolical. His plot was this : and I choose to licrry over such foul treason. Let a touch or two hint its outlines : those who will, may paint up the picture for themselves. Simon looked at Sir John — young, gay, wealthy ; he coveted his purse, and fancied that the surest bait to catch that fish was fair Grace Acton : if he could 120 THECROCKOFGOLD. entrap her for his master (to whom he gave full credit for ticliglitiiig in the plan), he counted surely on magnificent rewards. How then to entrap her? Thus: — he, representing himself as prosecutor of Roger, the accused, held for him, he averred, the keys of life and death : he would set this idea (whether true or not little mattered, if it served his purpose) before an affectionate daughter, who should have it in her power to save her parent, if, and only if, she would yield herself to Jennings : and he well knew that, granting she gave herself secretly to him first, on such a bribe as her father's liberation, he would have no difficulty whatever in selling her second-hand beauty on his own terms to his master. It was a foul scheme, and shall not be enlarged upon : but (as will appear) thus slightly to allude to it was needful to our tale, as well as to the development of character in Mammon's pattern-slave, and to the fullness of his due retribution in this world. I may add, that if any thing could make the plan more heinous — if any shade than blackest can be blacker — this extra turpitude is seen in the true consideration, that the promise to Grace of her father's safety would be entirely futile — as Jennings knew full well ; the crown was prosecutor, not he : and cir- cumstantial evidence alone would be sufficient to condemn. Again, it really is nothing but bare justice to remark, with reference to Sir John, that the deep-dyed villain reckoned quite without his host; for however truly the baronet had oft-timesibeen much less a self-denying Scipio than a wanton Alcibiades, still the fine young fellow would have flung Simon piecemeal to his hounds, if ever he had breathed so atrocious a tempta- tion : the maid was pledged, and Vincent knew it. Now, it so happened that one evening at dusk, when Grace as usual was obliged to leave the prison, there was no Jonathan in waiting to accompany her all the dreary long way home : this was strange, as his good-hearted master, privately informed of his noble attachment, never refused the man permission, but winked, for the time, at his frequent evening absence. Nevertheless, on this occasion, as would happen now and then, Floyd could not escape from the dining-room ; probably because — Mr. Jennings had secretly gone forth to escort the girl him- self. Accordingly, instead of loved Jonathan, sidled up to her the loath- some Simon. Let me not soil these pages by recording, in however guarded phrase, the grossness of this wretch's propositions; it was a long way to Hurst- ley, and the reptile never ceased tormenting her every step of it, till the village was in sight: twice she ran, and he ran too, keeping up with GRACE'S ALTERNATIVE. 121 lior, and pouring into her ear a father's cruel fate and his own detestable alternative. She never once spoke to him, but kept on praying in her own pure mind for a just acquittal ; not for one moment would she entertain the wicked thought of "doing evil that good might come;" and so, with flushed cheek, tingling ears, the mien of an insulted empress, and the dauntless resolution of a heroine, she hastened on to Hurstley. Look here! by great good fortune comes Jonathan Floyd to meet her. "Save me, Jonathan, save me!" and she fainted in his arms. Now, truth to say, though Sir John knew it, Simon did not, that Grace was Jonathan's beloved and betrothed; and the cause lay simply in this, that Jonathan had frankly told his master of it, when he found the dread- ful turn things had taken with poor Roger; but as to Simon, no mortal in the neighbourhood ever communicated with him, further than as urged by fell necessity. Of course, the lovers' meetings were as private as all such matters generally are ; and Sarah's aid managed them admi- rably. Therefore it now came to pass that Simon and Jonathan looked on each other in mutual astonishment, and needs must wait until Grace Acton could explain the " save me." Not but that Jennings seemed much as if he wished to run away ; but he did not know how to manage it. "Dear Jonathan," she whispered feebly, "save me from Simon Jen- nings." In an instant, Jonathan's grasp was tightly involved in the bailiff's stiff white neckcloth. And Grace, with much maidenly reserve, told her lover all she dared to utter of that base bartering for her father's life. "Come straight along with me, you villain, straight to the master!" And the sturdy Jonathan, administering all the remainder of the way (a quarter of a mile of avenue made part of it) innumerable kickings and cuflSngs, hauled the half-mummied bailiff into the servants' hall. " Now then, straight before the master ! John Page, be so good as to knock at the dining-room door, and ask master very respectfully if his honour will be good enough to suffer me to speak to him." 11 122 THE CROCK OF GOLD. CHAPTER XLII. THE DISMISSAL. It was after dinner. Sir John and his friends had somehow been less jovial than usual; they were absolutely dull enough to be talking poli- tics. So, when the boy of many buttons tapped at the door, and meekly brought in Jonathan's message, recounting also how he had got Mr. Jen- nings in tow for some inexplicable crime, the strangeness of the affair was a very welcome incident : both host and guests hailed it an adventure. " By all means, let Jonathan come in." The trio were just outside; and when the blue and silver footman, hauling in by his unrelinquished throat that scared bailiff, and followed by the blushing village beauty, stood within the room. Sir John and his half-dozen friends greeted the tableau with united acclamations. "I say, Pypp, that's a devilish fine creature," metaphorically remarked the Honorable Lionel Poynter. "Yaas." Lord George was a long, sallow, slim young man, with a goatish beard, like the Due d'Aumale's ; he affected extreme fashion and infinite sangfroid. "Well, Jonathan, what is it?" asked the baronet. " Why, in one word, my honoured master, this scoundrel here has been wickedly insulting my own poor dear Grace, by promising to save her father from the gallows if — if — " "If what, man? speak out," said Mr. Poynter. "You don't mean to say, Jennings, that you are brute enough to be seducing that poor man Roger's daughter, just as he's going to be tried for his life ?" asked Sir John. Simon uttered nothing in reply ; but Grace burst into tears. "A fair idea that, 'pon my honour," drawled the chivalrous Pypp, proceeding to direct his delicate attentions towards the weeping damsel. "Simon Jennings," said Sir John, after pausing in vain for his reply, " I have long wished to get rid of you, sir. Silence ! I know you, and have been finding out your rascally proceedings these ten days past. I have learnt much, more than you may fancy : and now this crowning villany [what if he had known of the ulterior designs?] gives me fair occasion to say once and for ever, begone !" THE DISMISSAL. I03 Jennings drew himself up with an air of insufferable impudence, and quietly answered, " John Vincent, I am proud to leave your service. I trust I can afford to live without your help." There was a general outcry at this speech, and Jonathan collared him again ; but the baronet calmly set all straight by saying, "Perhaps, sir, you may not be aware that your systematic thievings and extortions have amply justified me in detaining your iron chest and other valuables, until I find out how you may have come by them." This was the coup de grace to Jennings, who looked scared and terri- fied: — what! all gone — all, his own beloved hoard, and that dear-bought crock of gold? Then Sir John added, after one minute of dignified and indignant silence, "Begone! — Jonathan put him out; and if you will kick him out of the hall-door on your private account, I'll forgive you for it." With that, the liveried Antinous raised the little monster by the small of the back, drew him struggling from the presence, and lifting him up like a football, inflicted one enormous kick that sent him spinning down the whole flight of fifteen marble stairs. This exploit accomplished to the satisfaction of all parties, Jonathan naturally enough returned to look for Grace ; and his master, with a couple of friends who had run to the door to witness the catastrophe, returned immediately before him. "Lord George Pypp, you will oblige me by leaving the young woman alone;" was Sir John's first angry reproof when he perceived the rustic beauty radiant with indignation at some mean offence. "The worthy baronet wa-ants her for himself," drawled Pypp. "Say that again, my lord, and you shall follow Jennings." Whilst the noble youth was slowly elaborating a proper answer, Jona- than's voice was heard once more : he had long looked very white, kept both hands clenched, and seemed as if, saving his master's presence, he could, and would have vanquished the whole room of them. 'Master, have I your honour's permission to speak?" "No, Jonathan, I'll speak for you; if, that is to say. Lord George will " "Paardon me. Sir John Devereux Vincent, your feyllow — and his master, are not fit company for Lord George Pypp;" — and he leisurely proceeded to withdraw. "Stop a minute, Pypp, I've just one remark to make," hurriedly exclaimed Mr. Lionel Poynter, "if Sir John will suffer me; Vincent, 124 THECROCKOFGOLD. my good friend, we are wrong — Pypp's wrong, and so am I. First then, let me beg pardon of a very pretty girl, for making her look prettier by blushes ; next, as the maid really is engaged to you, my fine fellow, it is not beneath a gentleman to say, I hope that you '11 forgive me for too warmly admiring your taste ; as for George's imputation, Vincent — " "I beyg to observe," enunciated the noble scion, "I'm awf, Poynter." He gradually drew himself away, and the baronet never saw him more. "For shame, Pypp!" shouted after him the warm-hearted SiUphant; "I tell you what it is, Vincent, you must let me give a toast: — 'Grace and her lover!' here, my man, your master allows you to take a glass of wine with us; help your beauty too." The toast was drank with high applause : and before Jonathan humbly led away his pleased and blushing Grace, he took an opportunity of saying, " If I may be bold enough to speak, kind gentlemen, I wish to thank you : I oughtn't to be long, for I am nothing but your servant ; let it be enough to say my heart is full. And I 'm in hopes it wouldn't be very wrong in me, kind gentlemen, to propose; — 'My noble master — honour and happiness to him!" "Bravo ! Jonathan, bravo-o-o-o !" there was a clatter of glasses ; — and the humble pair of lovers retreated under cover of the toast. CHAPTER XLIII. SIMON ALONE. Jennings gathered himself up, from that Jew-of-Malta tumble down the steps, less damaged by the fall than could have been imagined pos- sible ; the fact being that his cat-like nature had stood him in good stead — he had lighted on his feet; and nothing but a mighty dorsal bruise bore witness to the prowess of a Jonathan. But, if his body was comparatively sound, the inner man was bruised all over: he crept back, and retreated to his room, in as broken and despondent a frame of mind, as any could have wished to bless him wherewithal. However, he still had one thing left to live for : his hoard — that precious hoai:d within his iron box, and then — the crock of gold. SIMON ALONE. 125 He took Sir John's threat about detaining, and so forth, as merely future, and calculated on rendering it nugatory, by decamping forthwith, chat- tels and all ; but he little expected to find that the idea had already been acted upon ! On that identical afternoon, when Simon had gone forth to insult Grace Acton with his villanous proposals, Sir John, on returning from a ride, had commanded his own seal to be placed on all Mr. Jennings's effects, and the boxes to be forthwith removed to a place of safety : induced thereto by innumerable proofs from every quarter that the bailiff had been cheating him on a most liberal scale, and plundering his tenants systematically. Therefore, when Jennings hastened to his chamber to console himself for all things by looking at his gold, and counting out a bag or two — it was gone, gone, irrevocably gone! safely stored away for rigid scrutiny in the grated muniment-room of Hurstley. Oh, what a howl the caitiff gave, when he saw that his ti'easure had been taken ! he was a wild bull in a net; a crocodile caught upon the hooks; a hyena at bay. What could he do? which way should he turn ? how help him- self, or get his gold again? Unluckily — Oh, confusion, confusion! — his account-books were along with all his hoard, those tell-tale legers, wherein he had duly noted down, for his own private and triumphant glance, the curious difference between his lawful and unlawful gains; there, was every overcharge recorded, every matter of extortion sys- tematically ranged, that he might take all the tenants in their turn; there, were filed the receipts of many honest men, whom the guardians and Sir John had long believed to be greatly in arrear; there, was recorded at length the catalogue of dues from tradesmen; there, the list of bribes for the custom of the Hall. It would amply authorize Sir John in appropriating the whole store ; and Jennings thought of this with terror. Every thing was now obviously lost, lost! Oh, sickening little word, all lost ! all he had ever lived for — all which had made him live the life he did — all which made him fear to die. "Fear to die — ha! who said that? I will not fear to die; yes, there is one escape left, I will hazard the blind leap ; this misery shall have an end — this sleep- less, haunted, cheated, hated wretch shall live no longer — ha! ha! ha! ha! I'll do it! I'll do it!" Then did that wretched man strive in vain to kill himself, for his hour was not yet come. His first idea was laudanum — that only mean of any thing like rest to him for many weeks ; and pouring out all he had, a little phial, nearly half a wine-glass full, he quickly drank it off: no 11* 126 THECROCKOFGOLD. use — no use ; the agitation of his mind was too intense, and the habit of a continually increasing dose had made him proof against the poison ; it would not even lull him, but seemed to stretch and rack his nerves, exciting him to deeds of bloody daring. Should he rush out, like a Malay running a muck, with a carving-knife in each hand, and kill right and left: — vengeance! vengeance! on Jonathan Floyd, and John Vincent? No, no ; for some of them at last would overcome him, think him mad, and, O terror! — his doom for life, without the means of death, would be solitary confinement. " Stay ! with this knife in my hand — means of death — yes, it shall be so." And he hurriedly drew the knife across his throat ; no use, nothing done ; his cowardly skin shrank away from cutting — he dared not cut again ; a little bloody scratch was all. But the heart, the heart — ^that should be easier! And the miscreant, not quite a Cato, gave a feeble stab, that made a little puncture. Not yet, Simon Jennings ; no, not yet ; you shall not cheat the gallows. " Ha ! hanging, hanging! why had I not thought of that before?" He mounted on a chair with a gimlet in his hand, and screwed it tightly into the wainscotting as hiorh as he could reach : then he took a cord from the sacking of his bed, secured it to the gimlet, made a noose, put his head in, kicked the chair away — and swung by his wounded neck ; in vain, all in vain ; as he struggled in the agonies of self-protecting nature, the handle of the gimlet came away, and he fell heavily to the ground. "Bless us!" said Sarah to one of the house-maids, as they were arranging their curl-papers to go to bed: "what can that noise be in Mr. Jennings's room? his tall chest of drawers has fallen, I shouldn't wonder: it was always unsafe to my mind. Listen, Jenny, will you?" Jenny crept out, and, as laudable females sometimes do, listened at Simon's key-hole. " Lack-a-daisy, Sail, such a groaning and moaning ; p'raps he 's a- dying: put on your cap again, and tell Jonathan to go and see." Sarah did as she was bid, and Jonathan did as he was bid ; and there wa.s Mr. Jennings on the floor, blue in the face, with a halter round his neck. The house was soon informed of the interesting event, and the baililf was nursed as tenderly as if he had been a sucking babe ; fomentations, applications, hot potations : but he soon came to again, without any hope or wish to repeat the dread attempt : he was kept in bed, closely watched, and Stephen Cramp, together with his rival. Eager, remained continually in alternate attendance : until a day or two recovered him as stron