■%J\b \a\^. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS IN MINN ESOTA Book B PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS T\A/0-ROOM BUILDINGS PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF C. G. SCHULZ SUPERrNTENDENT OF PUBLIC I NSTRUCTIOtsJ F". E. HALDEN. ARCHITECT, MINNEAPOLIS JANUARY 1912 CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS IN M I N N E S O T A Book B PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS T\A/0-ROOM BUILDINGS htL..*j^.v*^, ^•^^ if- *.. 3* 0\ j^\\^X TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 3 Two-Room Consolidated School Bulding', Desig-n 5 5-13 Specifications for Two-Room Consolidated School Building, Design 5. . . 15-21 ^' Of D. MN 16 915 TMP92-008304 Department of public instruction, minnesota INTRODUCTION This publication has been prepared witli much care and at considerable expense. Its purpose is to aid county superintendents and rural school boards in schoolhouse architecture. In both plannint^- and erection, school buildings should receive much more intelligent thought and attention than hitherto. The first questicm of importance is that of a suitable site. The factors that enter into this are: ( 1 ) accessibility for the greater number of children in the district; (2) nearness to public roads; (3) elevation and drainage; (4) adaptability of the .soil for trees. School buildings should not be on or near low or undrained ground. The site should afford ample room for play ground; the .school law requires that it shall contain not less than two acres, when practicable. In consolidated districts the site must contain not less than two acres. The children have the right to be housed in a building that is inviting from the standpoints of location, exterior appearance, and inside arrangement; and the right to exercise on school grounds that have been beautified by the planting of trees and shrubbery, and the laying of walks. Do not plan for only the immediate present; bear in mind that the new building is to answer for at least twenty-five years. Make it sufficiently large to meet the increasing demands of attendance and modern education, and provide in it cloakrooms, a library room, and the other conveniences indicated in the drawings and the specifi- cations. The schoolhouse should be regarded as the common home of the children, and should serve as their social,- as wellas educational, centre. The conditions as to sanitation must be fully met. Be sure to observe the rules and requirements of the State Board of Health with regard to the lighting, heating, and ventilating of new school buildings. It is about as cheap to build a schoolhouse that is beautiful, substantial, and commodious as it is to put up one that is unattractive in its appearance, temporary in its construction and use, and cramped in its proportions. Our rural schoolhouses should not only be in visual hannony with our fine natural scenery and picturesque farms, but should express in some measure the prosperity that accrues to the people of Minnesota from her forests, her mines, her prairies, her lakes. Plans— School boards will understand that the plans given in this book are designed as types— hence suggestive. It is not imderstood that they must be followed in every detail where different and better plans can be secured. School boards are required to submit their plans and specifications for consolidated buildings to this Department before the contract is let or the work undertaken. It will prove to be a matter of economy, and better work in construction will be done if a competent and reliable supervising architect or superintendent of construc- tion is placed in charge of the erection of the building. C. G. SCHULZ, St. P.^UL, January, 1912. Superintendent of Public Instruction. *t .^It ' ^ = ' = ' - ^ ■■ %\^ '.\'. i\^ 5^ ?" \ lU ai H t\^ I p^ J p a s a a o H U r u h D ti r[?) h J ^ V) 1:3 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS TWO ROOM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BUILDING GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The drawings and siuh writings, interlineations, figures and details as may be ui)on them, are to be con- sidered a part of. and as illustrating the specifications, and the Contractor is expected and requested to carefully examine the contents of these specifications, and in all cases where the drawings are figured, the figures must be taken as the given dimensions, without reference to what they measure, according to scale, but where figures are not given, the scale must be followed. All external mea- surements as indicated are to be taken on the outside line, where not otherwise indicated or specified. 2. The Contractor will be required in all cases to use proper care and diligence in bracing, securing and pro- tecting all parts of his work against wind, rain, storm, etc.. in as much as they may interfere with the stability and perfection of the work; also in all cases to judge as to the amount of diligence and care required for same, and for the proper execution of the various constructions, and no ordinary care or quality of workmanship will be allowed where the nature of the work requires extra care. o. The Contractor shall lay out his own work and be responsible for its correctness and ii; to give it his personal superintendence; also keeping a competent foreman con- stantly on the grounds, and the Contractor shall furnish him all information in conformity with the plans and spec- ifications. 4. All payments made on the work durin.i; its progress. on account of contract or extra work, shall in no case be construed as an acceptance of the work executed; but the Contractor shall be liable for all the conditions of the con- tract and these specifications, until the work is finished, com-pleted and accepted. 5. The Owner reserves the right to change or modify the plans or these specifications in any particular or to make any deviations in the construction, detail or execution without in either case invalidating or rendering void the contract; and in any case such alterations shall increase or diminish the cost of doing the work, the amount to be allowed to the Contractor or the Owner shall be such as is equitable and just. 6. Should any extra work or changes on the plans be required whereby the cost may be increased or diminished, all such changes must be determined and agreed upon before the change is made, and to be at a pro rata of con- tract price, and the amount, whether an increase or de- crease of cost, must be made in writing and attached to contract ; verbal agreements not binding on either party. 7. The General Contractor is to co-operate with all other contractors on the building, so that, as a whole, the job shall be a com|)lete and well finished one of its kind, and shall arrange and carry on his work in such manner that the co-operating contractors shall not be un- necessarily hindered or delayed in the progress of the work; and when the work is thoroughly finished, the Con- tractor shall remove from the premises all tools, ma- chinery, debris, rubbish, etc., leaving the building and ad- jacent premises clean and free from all obstructions and hindrances, and all left in a neat, clean and complete manner. 8. It is to be understood by the Contractor that the building, work, scaffolding, etc., is entirely at his risk until the same is completed, and he will be held responsible for its safety, and if any damage is done to any parts of the building or adjacent property, same is to be made good and satisfactory, and all necessary repairing is to be done before the job is completed and accepted. 9. All the necessary labor and material to be fur- nished, and all done in the best workmanlike manner known to the trade. 10. The Owner shall maintain full fire insr.rance on the building at all times. 11. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and shall determine to whom the contract shall be awarded: the Contractor's reputation and ability, as well as the amount of the proiiosal. will be considered, and the award of the contract made in accordance. 12. Building to be completed by or before 13. The plans consist of: Basement plan, First Floor plans, four Elevations and Sectional drawings, all drawn to scale indicated on same. 14. I>ocation and level of building to be established by Owner, and Owner to pay all fees for same. l.j. The Contractor shall obtain all necessary per- mits, paying the lawful fee therefor; shall give requisite notice to the proper authorities relative to the work in charge; shall be liable for all accidents to persons, or damage to property traceable to the negligence of himself or his subordinates, and shall be responsible for any vio- lation of local laws or ordinances. He shall, in fine, duly and adequately protect his work at all times during its progress. 16. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the work and its vicinity all materials rejected, when so di- rected by the Superintendent, and shall promptly remove all the rubbish at the proper times when so ordered by the Superintendent or Owner. 17. The Contractor shall allow the use of his staging by other persons working upon the building, and he shall shift the staging, and supply and set all jilanking requisite for the carrying out of the work. (TWO BOOM CONSULWATED SCHOOL BUILDING— Continned) IS. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain a tem- porary water-closet or privy, and allow the same to be used by every person doing anything relating to the erec- tion or completion of the building, whether done under this contract or by other mechanics and shall carry out all directions relating to such exigencies, and shall remove same on completion of this contract, 19. The Contractor shall not assign or sublet the work, or any part of the work, without the consent of the Owner in writing, and shall keep the control and charge of the work and every part thereof, and give his personal supervision thereto. He shall allow all other per- sons doing work for the Owner free access to the building, and shall render them all necessary assistance. 20. The Contractor is to attend to and keep himself fully informed as to size, shape and position of all open- ings required for heating apparatus and other things needed. 21. Items mentioned in the specifications and not indi- cated on the drawings, or vice versa, are to be executed as if occurring in both, and if anything is omitted neces- sary to make the Job complete, the same to be furnished and done without extra charge after the contract is signed. 22. All the preceding specifications and the following detail specifications are to form parts of the contract. 23. Contractor must furnish satisfactory bond before work is begun, and also furnish waiver of liens from ma- terial men when required. MASON'S SPECIFICATIONS EXCAVATION: The lines and levels to be furnished by Owner. Clear away all rock, dirt and rubbish. Excavate for the basement, for all footings, for walls, piers, chim- ney, drains, etc. Excavate at least one foot larger than the outside line for all walls, and to the full depth. Do all necessary excavation required, so as to carry out the work as specified and shown on drawings. All earth or rock from the excavation not required for filling in or grading, is to be removed from the prem- ises, otherwise all to be left at some suitable place on the ground. Grading to be done by Contractor. Fill in earth around the walls, piers, drains, etc. The filling after the mortar is dry. All filling to be well rammed, and the earth sloped away on all sides from the walls of the building, FOUNDATION WORK FOOTINGS: Put down under all walls, chimney, steps, etc, as indicated on plans, concrete footings. Concrete to be composed of one part good Portland Cement, three parts clean gravel and three parts clean sand by measure, well mixed and properly tamped solid. Footings to be 6 Inches on both sides of walls. Chimney footings to be at least 12 inches thick, CONCRETE FOUNDATION: In case foundation walls are built of concrete, the walls are to be of sizes and forms shown on plans and details for concrete foundation. Walls to be 12 Inches thick as indicated, and of concrete com- posed of one part high grade Portland Cement, three parts clean gravel and three parts clean sand, by measure, well mixed and poured into forms and well tamped. Build walls level on top to receive joists, and beam fill to top of joists. Outside of foundation wall below grade, to be brushed over with a coat of neat cement. If 14 inch grade course is to be of cement stone, it should be cast in place. CEMENT FLOORS AND STEPS: Where floors in basement are to be cement floors, the earth must be lev- eled off and tamped solid after all pipe work and other work is done. First layer to be of concrete composed of one part Portland cement and six parts sand and gravel, well mixed and properly tamped solid, and when sufficient- ly set, covered with one inch layer composed of on,„" apart, and at right angles to all studs or joists, nailed at all bearings. Ceilings in basement to have Sacket's % in. plaster boards lor equal! in place of wood lath. PLASTER: Plaster to be "hard plaster." to be ap- proved by Owner's representative. All to be well darbied to form straight walls and ceilings, all angles to be slight- ly rounded and put on with suflicient force to form firm clinchings. Each surface to be finished without joints and the whole to be left in a neat and finished condition without rough or uneven surfaces. Hard finish or white coat to be of well slaked lime putty or prepared finish plaster and must be well troweled and brushed to a smooth, hard sand finish. The brown work to be thoroughly dried out before white hard finish is put on. Do all repairing and patching after carpenters and other workmen, and leave all places sound, clean and perfect at the completion of the building. EXTERIOR PLASTERING LATHING AND GROUNDS: Where exterior of build- ing is to be plastered, grounds are to be %"xl" — S" O. C. for galv. expanded metal lath. MORTAR: On galv. exp. metal lath scratch coat of U. S. G. Co.'s (or equal) No. 2C fibered, filling the meshes. When this has set. follow with second coat of the same material, straightening same with rod and darby. When second coat has set apply a coat of No. 2C unfibered, finish- ing as specified below. FINISH: Rough cast. Mix with the finish coat of plaster crushed stone or pebbles of the size desired by the Owner, in the proportion of five parts of plaster to one part of crushed stone or pebbles, by volume. Apply this mortar with a trowel or by dashing it on with wooden paddle. (TWO ROOM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BUILDING— ConUnMed) CARPENTER 'S SPECIFIC A TIONS See General Conditions beginning on page 15. All material not otherwise specified to be in No. 1 pine or fir, sound and dry and free from defects that will impair strength or durability. All framing and construction to be with tight, close fitting joints and secured with nails, spikes, bolts, straps or anchors in a strictly workmanlike, substantial manner. Sills in frame construction to be in box form and bedded in mortar by mason. Joists of first floor to be 2"xl2" — 16" O. C, double joists under partitions; all sized to even width, upper edge crowning. Ceiling joists 2"xl0" — ]6" O. C. over class rooms. Studding of all outside walls and partitions 2"x6" — 18" O. C. doubled at openings and trebled at corners. Double headers over all single door openings, wider openings, as over large windows, to be trussed. Inside cross partitions 2"x6"— 16" O. C. Plates to be double 2"x6". Rafters 2"x6" — 16" O. C. with 2"x6" collar beams. Valley rafters 2"xl0" of full length. All of roof to be framed and erected in a substantial, workmanlike manner. Frame properly around chimney, heat and ventilating flue openings and around openings for stairways. CROSS BRIDGING: All floor and ceiling joists to have 2"x2" cross bridging. Partition bridging to be at height of doors. FLOOR LINING: The whole first story floor and attic to be lined with No. 3 D. & M. S. IS laid tight and well nailed at each joist. ROOF BOARDS: The entire roof to be covered with same kind of boards as lining floor, laid in same manner. SHEATHING: In frame construction, the entire ex- terior of frame walls to be sheathed with No. 3 D. & M. S. IS, laid tight and nailed at each edge with lOd nails. FURRING: All furring or lathing, etc., to be supplied in substantial manner where necessary. GROUNDS: Provide %" grounds at all openings and moldings to plaster to. EXTERIOR FINISH: Cornice and all other exterior finish to be smooth, dry stock of best workmanship and erected in strong, neat manner. SHEATHING PAPER: Underlay all cornices, clap- boards, roof, etc., with No. 2 tar and felt paper over- lapping each other at least two inches. Paper under ex- panded metal lath should be asphaltum paper. On inside of all outside walls between the studding place one thickness of blue plaster board paper properly fastened in place with lath to each side of studding (this to take the place of back plaster). Between lining and finished floor of first story, lay two thicknesses of best quality R. R. sized paper, also on top of joists under rough floor in attic, joints to be broken half way. ROOF: Root to be shingled with Extra Star A Star cedar shingles, laid 4%" to the weather. Split all shingles over 8" wide before nailing. Use galv. 3d nails. FINISH FLOORS: Lay finish flooring IXL Rock Maple flooring 2*4" wide, ■%" thick, ends matched, and floor must be well driven together and blind nailed at all bearings. Floors to be scraped with steel scraper and made smooth and clean for oiling. INTERIOR FINISH: Including doors, wainscot, cas- ings, base, plinths, stools, aprons, picture moulding, black- board moulding, book cases, etc., to be of plain red or white oak as may be approved by Owner's representative, all to be hand smoothed and erected in best manner. DOORS: All doors to be five cross paneled of thick- nesses indicated on plans. Doors to be hung on three 4i^"x4y2" loose pin steel butts, and provided with Yale or Corbin locks. Place rubber tipped stops for all inside doors. Outside basement door as shown on elevation, frame to be 2" plank rebated for door and transom. Transom to be hung at bottom and provided with transom lift. Cover bottom of Domestic Science Room doors to the height of 4 in. on each side with galv. iron to make them mouse-proof. HARDWARE: All finish hardware to be good, sub- stantial make equal to Corbins, Yale and Town, or Russel and Brwins make, and to be selected to the amount of 150.00 and paid for by Owners, but placed in position by Contractor, this sum to be included in Contractor's bid. The Contractor is to provide and place all registers tor the heat and ventilation flue outlets, all screws, bolts, nails, spikes, etc., in fact all hardware of whatever descrip- tion necessary, except finish hardware, to make the job complete in every detail. STAIRS: To be even shade oak finish, house stringers to be ■%" finish. All H. maple treads IVs", tongued and grooved, for risers %" tongued and grooved. Half round nosing for all treads, %" moulding under all nosings. Wall stringers to be finished to fit base, base mould on string- ers with base on landings, base mould and quarter round. Stairs to be housed, glued and wedged up and to have three center carrying stringers. All stair work to be done in first class manner. Hand rails to be provided for all stairs. WINDOWS AND FRAMES: Windows in first and basement stories to be as indicated on elevations, of straight grained, kiln dried, clear white pine. Jambs to be %" blind stops 1%" for large windows. All made and erected in best manner. Sash of windows to be hung to carefully adjusted C, I. balance weights with Silver Lake or Sampson Spot cord over steel pulleys. All window sash to be 1%" thick and glazed with A. A. D. S. glass, well bedded, bradded and puttied. Sash to be oiled or primed from mill. Transom sash to be same thickness as doors. All to be glazed with D. S, glass, to be hung at bottom and provided with good transom lifts. All windows to be provided with sash lifts and ilocks of real bronze. Storm sash to be provided for all windows, to be 1%" thick, glazed with best S. S. glass. Large storm sash to be divided into foui* lights. All storm sash must be hung on convenient storm sash hangers and provide with proper fasteners. {TWO laiiiM (■(issiti.n>.\Ti':i> sciitiiii. ihildisc niniiiiiiiih COAT ROOMS: Coat rooms to have li-" plain hook strip on all sides and wire screen clothes and umbrella racks in center. Hook strips and racks to be provided with siinicicnl inimlxT of japanned wire coat and bat hooks. BLACKBOARDS: 'I'he side walls of schoolrooms, f.x- cept where inti'rrupli'd by doors and windows, to be |iro- vided with best slate boards carefully erected, joined and smoothed. All slate to be first quality and free from flinty substances. BOOKCASES AND SHELVING: Bookcases for li- brary to have counter shelves same height as window stools, and to have drawers and cupboards below, and glass doors above counter shelves. Hook cases to be same finish as finish of rooms. SHELVING: Provide oiien shelves, bavins all books in view and within reach. Shelving should be built around the walls, and under the windows. Shelving should be built standard height, which is about 7 feet 2 inches, allowing a 6 inch base, 6 shelves one inch thick, with 10 inches space between and a 12 inch space for the bottom shelf to accommodate large-sized books. Shelves should be X inches deep, and not more than 3(i inches long, as tlie.\ will sag if too long. FLAG POLE: I'rovide and erect a flag pole as shown, to be 6" square at base and rounded to 'IVz" at top, or liole may be made of steel tubing, and provide with cap, ball, pulley, and halyard. BELL TOWER: Construct bell tower as shown on plans and sections, and make provisions for and hang a bell as shown, bell to he provided by Owners. PAINTING AND FINISHING All tin and sheet metal work to have one coat of good mineral paint and two coats of pure white lead and linseed oil paint. Outside woodwork to be painted must be clean and dry at the time of painting. Knots and sappy spots must have a coat of shellac before priming. Priming coat to consist of pure linseed oil and yellow ochre. All exterior woodwork, except shingles, to have two coats of best lin- seed oil and pure white lead paint, color to suit Owners. Storm sash to have two coats in color to correspond. All oak finish throughout shall have one coat of golden oak light paste filler, which, when set, shall be thoroughly cleaned off. F'inish with two coats of first quality varnish. Front entrance doors to be finished with Spar Varnish. All oak finish rubbed and sandpapered with No. sand- paper with the grain between coats. Last coat rubbed with pumice stone and water to a dull finish. Maple floors to have two coats of linseed oil, then rubbed till surplus oil is removed. Basement stairs, sash, doors, and frames to be painted same number of coats as outside woodwork. Plastered walls and ceilings to be gum sized and painted two coats of pure white lead and linseed oil paint in light buff or pearl gray tint. HEATING AND VENTILATING The building is to be heated with a hot air furnace and separate itemized bids are to be presented for the heatiiig and ventilating to meet the requirements. The general arrangement of furnace and fresh air intake pipes being indicated on plans. Galv. iron ducts in iiartitions from first floor to attic and all registers, however, are to be included in general contract, as specified. (Tiro ROOM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BUILDING— Continued ) PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS FOR TWO ROOM CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BUILDING Separate bids are to be taken for the plumbing and a certified check tor five per cent of amount of bid to accompany each proposal and check is to be made payable to Mr. — . Chairman of Building- Committee, that bidder will within ten days enter into contract with the Building Committee to make a contract to install plumbing in accordance with specifications and to furnish a Surety Co.'s bond for the full amount of contract price. Contractor will also be required to give a bond for $200.00 to run one year from date of last payment that his work will stand all natural wear for one year from time of installing plumbing into building. SUPERINTENDENCE: The Contractor shall work in liarmony with and co-operate with contractors for other work on the building to malve the whole job a complete and finished one of its kind, and shall afford access to the superintendent for proper inspection of the work both dur- ing erection and at the completion. ERRORS IN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The drawings herewith submitted and these specifications are intended to co-operate fully, but should a case arise in which they do not, the Architect shall decide the point and his decision shall be binding and final on all parties. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS: The Owners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. BUILDING LAWS: The Contractor shall consider prevailing building laws as part of these specifications and conformity thereto must be strictly observed. SEWER PIPES: Run 4" salt glazed sewer pipes about 5 ft. from foundation wall to disposal plant. Joints in sewer pipes to be made with Portland cement and to be wiped smooth on the inside. SOIL PIPES: Continue the sewer pipes from outside of foundation wall with 4" extra heavy cast iron soil pipes into basement and back the entire length of same to points where shown. Run 4" soil pipes to foot of all 4" stacks. Branches for toilets in basement to be 4" and for other basement fixtures 2" soil pipes. All stacks to be properly capped off at the top and connected to root in water tight manner. At bottom of all stacks and at all bends insert hand hole clean out fitting with brass screw. Also insert same kind of fitting where soil pipes leave basement. Bends in soil pipes to be made with Ys and sanitary T fittings. Joints in soil pipes to be made with double layers of picked oakum and lead and all well calked. BACK WATER VALVES: All branches in soil pipes for plumbing fixtures in basement to be provided with Palmer back water valves. MANHOLES: Around main clean out fitting and around ail other clean out fittings below basement floor, build brick manholes with cast iron frames and covers set even with basement floor. CONCEALED WASTE PIPES: All concealed waste pipes under floor and in partitions to be cast iron coil pipes or lead waste pipes with brass fittings and wiped joints. Waste for water closets ito be 4". for sinks l^/^", and for lavatories 1%". No concealed wrought iron waste pipes will be allowed. WATER SUPPLY: Connect and run 1" galvanized iron pipes into basement and to point where branches are taken off. Continue with %" galvanized iron pipes to fixtures witli branches of %" and %" galvanized iron pipes. HOT WATER SUPPLY: Connect cold water supply to storage tank. From tank run %, % and %" galvanized iron pipes to all fixtures for hot water in the same manner as for cold water. CIRCULATION PIPE: From top of all' risers run proper sized circulation pipes to basement and connect risers together in a circuit similar to hot water circuit and return to storage tank. VALVES AND STOP COCKS: Put in gate valve in hot water pipe from tank. Put in brass stop and waste cocks at foot of all risers for hot and cold water and cir- culation, also gate valve where circulation pipe connects to tank. All fixtures to be provided with stop valves in immediate branches for hot and cold supply pipes. SILL COCK: Place two sill cocks where directed. Each sill cock to be provided with separate stop and waste cock in basement. FIXTURES: Provide and properly set where shown on plans, the plumbing fixtures, trapped, ventilated, and connected to water and sewer. CLOSETS: Provide and properly set the number of closets shown on plans of the New A-1094 Juvenis Vitro- ware Sypon Jet Closets, heavy saddle oak seat with heavy box hinge, special N. P. operating valve, N. P. flush pipe and galvanized steel 8x24" pressure tank and bracket, or of Clows Juvenil M-1869 Madden Patent complete as de- scribed in catalogue, or any equally good. URINAL: Provide and properly set one A-1388 or one N-350 3'-6" Clow, or as good, one piece solid porcelain urinal and back with brass beehive strainer, plug, coupling and perforated wash down pipe with loose key stop valve. LAVATORIES: Provide and properly set two A-164, or as good, with No. Fuller N. P. basin cocks with A-4842 %" N. P. supply pipes and A-4762 N. P. continuous waste with "S" traps without vent. KITCHEN SINK: Provide and properly set where shown one A-1450 one piece enameled iron roll rim sink with high back and N. P. strainer, supported on con- cealed wall hangers, %" N. P. compression faucets with adjustable flanges and 1%" trap to wall. DRINKING FOUNTAIN: Provide and properly set as shown R-747 Clow's porcelain enameled drinking foun- tain or A-915 Twentieth Century drinking fountain, prop- erly connected to supply and waste pipes. Waste pipes to discharge over urinals. FIXTURE NUMBERS are taken from J. B. Clow & Son's catalogue and from the Crane "A" catalogue. All toilet room partitions shall be regular oak par- titions and doors. All plumbing work must be done in a neat and practical manner and be perfect at completion. (7'H'O liOOAf VONSOIJDATKI) SCHOOL lilULDIS'C Continued) STORAGE TANK: l''iiriiish ;iiiil |ihi(c in furnace room one 117 Kiilloii .stcfl t;uil<. lo \ie 21" in diameter, ."i ft. in lengtli; llic slicll to be ••i,;" tliicl<; tlic lieaiis to be V>" thick. 'I"lu' I;ih1< must lie iirovided with a manhole in the head. Also place two 2" llanges tor the proper circulation of water from the hereinafter specified water heater. Connect the two 2" water circulating iiijies in tank to the hereinafter specified water heater, also provide one 2" Crane No. 1126 Water Relief Valve to t)e properly fitted to the tank. WATER HEATER: Furnish and set in boiler room one new No. 10 Ideal .Junior Water Heater and connect same as specified to the storage tanU; connect smoke pipe with damper from heater to the boiler breeching. Con- nect the water heater and storage tank to the service pipes in the building with the necessary pipe, fittings and valves to make a complete hot water service. Also provide and properly set one Ideal Sylphon damper regulator to regulate dampers on water heater. NOTE: Where building is located on low or flat land where fall from building to sewage disposal plant is in- sufficient, a concrete sewage reservoir shall be built at a convenient distance from the building and a 2%" centri- fugal pump used for lifting the sewage and discharge same into sewer leading to sewage disposal plant. A float in the reservoir shall control the gate valve automatically, the pump being located in a dry well beside the sewer res- ervoir, the pump running all (the time; or pump may be located on the bottom of the sewage reservoir or well and have the float shift the belt on the vertical pump shaft. the belt on the vertical pump shaft starting and stopping the pump. ENGINE ENGINE: Provide and projierly set one 3 H. P. Fore- man, or enual, water cooled gasoline engine. The engine shall be set complete with the necessary fixtures and tools for oiierating. The engine foundation shall be constructed with a good grade of concrete and shall be 12" longer and wider than the engine base. The foundation shall be not less than 2 feet thick and shall contain the necessary anchor bolts equal to the diameter or anchor bolt holes in engine base. WATER PUMP: Provide and proi)erly set one Allrite, or equal, pump, 21/2" cylinder equal to BOO gallons of water lier hour. Provide a suitable foundation and connect pump to well and water system. PRESSURE TANK: Provide and properly set one black steel tank, 42" diameter, 10 ft. long. The tank shall be 14" thick. The tank heads shall be %" thick. The tank shall be tested to 125 lbs. pressure per square inch and shall be tight in all seams and joints. PRESSURE TANK EQUIPMENT: Provide a suf- ficient number of flanges for water service inlets and out- lets, and shall have a manhole and plate large enough to allow access for cleaning. Provide the necessary tappings for water pressure gauge and water glass gauge valves. Provide and properly set one pressure gauge not less than 4%" in diameter. Provide and properly set one set water glass gauge valves and glass. The water glass gauge to be arranged for the tank to set in a horizontal position, set on approved supports to be not less than 4" between tank and floor. Provide and properly set one 1%" Crane No. 438, or equal, gate valve for draining tank to sewer or catch basin. .LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 948 910 7 1