Library of Congress* UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Shelf- A_^ fe' I ^ ASPHODELS. POEMS. BY SARAH GOULD. " I love not less Earth's loveliest bloom — wood-haunting lily-bella, Daisy or violet — for all loveliness Of these I bring, — my fading Asphodels, Plucked on the hills of Immortality! Bat, dear memorials of faint-pulsed dreams, Fields never sere, and amber-paven streams, And angels leaning from their opal sky With your still dewy sweets, — I clasp you, though ye die !" NEW YORK: RUDD & CARLETON, 130 GRAND ST. (BBOOKS BtriLDINO COBNEE OF BEOADWAY.) M DCCC LX. 7& ns^ * 8 '00 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859 by SAEAH GOULD, In the Clerk's OflBce of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Hew York. S. OBAIOHBAS, Printer, Stereotyper, and Electrotyper. Carton Suinimg, 81, 83, and 85 Centre Street. CONTENTS. • Restoration, . . Prophetic G-limpses .The Twin Angels, > The Serpent Horror, ' The Consecration, ' Heart-Rich, . April, Sunset, . ' The Violet, . * An Ecstasy, . Moss-Mi.sic, . To . » Tempest-Tossed, Our Yalley Lily, Canzonetta, . ^ The Love Circle, ■» Recognition. . PAOK 9 11 13 15 20 23 25 26 27 2t 29 30 32 35 36 St 41 VI CONTENTS. Light in Darkness, . The Lifted Yell, . To , . . Queen Helen, , , Cross and Crown, . The Rivulet, . Irene, Heavenly Peaoe, . The Flower Basket, The Dark River, . The Bright River, . The Bouquet of Pinks, Latent Joy, . Renunciation, ' The Difference, Clare and Lillie, Song of the Children, Ruth, . To , . . Faded Flowers, A Life Symbol, The Rosarie, . . ' Hope and Faith, The Promise, . . Ave Maria^ . , PAOB 42 45 48 50 51 53 56 58 59 60 64 69 69 12 76 T6 80 84 85 89 90 93 94 96 97 CONTENTS. vn VAGB "What the Angels Say, , 99 •Human Love, . . 100 * Flower Fays, . 101 ' The Oak, 106 The Eagle Heart, . . 107 . There Remaineth a Rest, . 109 ^ Ministrations, . 110 ^ Reverie, . 113 ' Love's Immortality, . 114 ' The Joy of Action^ . 118 - Life's Mystery, . 121 , Little Moss Rose, . 123 ' Thy Mother, . . 124 J Pauline, . . 126 Yet Once Again, . 126 Hero- Soul, . 130 ' The Healing Gift, . 130 Prophet Bard, . 132 Foreshadowings, . 133 ' Rival Claims, . 136 My Wife, . 138 , Freed, . , 140 • An Admonition, . 141 • Invocation, 143 -. Phantasy, 145 VIU CONTENTS. PAGK I Stood Beside Thee, .... 141 * The Dead Baby, . 148 Gruardian Angel, . 151 * A Spirit Mother's Prajer, . 152 Eva^ . 154 ' The New Revelation, . 156 •Nell, . . . . 151 " A Yision, .... 159 My Baby, .... . 160 Hidden Perfume, . . 161 • Yirgin Island, . 163 Victory, . 164 Song of the Walking Beam, . . 165 The Angel of my Dream, . 166 Thou Didst Forget, . 169 Genius of the Enchanted Spring, . 170 Consolation, .... . 112 To , .... . 173 The Garland, .... . 1-75 • The Jewelled Heavens, . . It6 Elysian Echoes, . 118 The Old Year, . 179 ASPHODELS. RESTORATION. We grope through the dark, And shrink in dismay, From the phantom-eyes stark, That glare on our way ; And we tremble, with fear. At our own spirit's tread, Clinging fast to some dear Hope, withered and dead; Which, nathless, would hold us In fealty still, Ever seeking to fold us Firm bound to its wiU ; Then we catch the low tone Of a Voice that is clear ; And the distant Unknown Is a luminous Here, 10 RESTORATION. Whicli kindles our feelings, And quickens our sight, With glorious revealings Of beauty, and light, And in that awaking, We feel the rebound From our soul-leap in taking A measure profound Of the chaos, inclosing Our innermost sense. As Islands reposing 'Mid ocean's Immense. And, born into duty, We walk the new road. Through labor to Beauty, Through Beauty to Grod ; The phantoms of terror Fall stricken, and stark, And Truth pierces Error, Light pierces the Dark. PROPHETIC GLIMPSES. 11 PROPHETIC GLIMPSES. A LIGHT upon my spirit gleams, A light I rather feel than see ; It comes as come exalted dreams In hours of holiest ecstasy. And deep within my inmost soul, While all my waiting senses kneel, High glories to my view unroll, That language fails me to reveal A meaning strange and sweet I see In every thing, above, around, Or in the haze of mystery, Or beings simple, or profound ; The music of the gurghng riU, By careless souls not understood j The incense-cups the flowers fill With stories of the quiet wood ; In twilight's mellow distances. The momentary hush of noon, In midnight's mute solemnities, And morn's exhilarating tune; 12 PROPHETIC GLIMPSES. The pattering feet of dancing rain, Mysterious voices of the wind, In the deep ocean's solemn strain, And deeper ocean of the mind. As here thy spirit hand I hold, Thy fleshly robes are drawn away, I see thy inner form unfold, From all the windings of its clay. I see it scarred with wrong, and strife ; Mahce hath grazed it with her wand. And the fell foes of truest life, In frowning aspect, round it stand. Oh, heed them not, the senseless horde, Who track thee on thy lofty way, Whose blackening thought, and act, and word, Would stain the very heart of day. Oh, Usten to the sound I hear ! It comes, loud swelling, once again. And breaks upon my ravished ear, A conquering, a victorious strain ! Mark the high triumph of the song, Now borne so sweetly on the gale ; Ah. never more can False, and Wrong, Over the True, and Right, prevail. THE TWIN ANGELS. 13 Then calmly front the cloud, and storm, And work thy work with patient will, Faith, Hope, and Love, thy heart shall warm, And their own prophecies fulfill. THE TWIN ANGELS. Oh, a little blue-eyed angel Bending from the calm serene, Seems she like a sweet Evangel, With her gentle look and mien. Flaxen are her flowing tresses, Silvery in the sheeny light. Not an angel looks, but blesses This young seraph, heavenly bright. There's another bud of sweetness Hanging just above us now, Oh, how rich in their completeness Are her radiant cheek and brow 1 Ringlets ebon black, and glossy, Fall her slender waist below, As a gauzy mantle flossy, Waving ever to and fro. 14 THE TWIN ANGELS. And her eyes flash vibratory Blackness, like a midnight storm, Yet pervaded by a glory That irradiates her form. Arms of form they are entwining Laughing as if full of glee ; And I inly muse, divining Who this younger one may be. Lo, she bends to me with kisses From those lips of ruddy hue ; They're our darling httle Lizzie's, Sweet as morning with its dew. Oh, the rapture of their singing! I can almost catch the rhyme, All the while their white arms flinging Here and there, in keeping time. "Weaving, now, the gayest dances With the countless cherubs there; In their whirls it often chances Lizzie's ringlets frolic where Lydia's silken locks are flowing, — As a cloudlet, pearly white, Where the twilight shades are growing Still retains the sun's soft hght. THE SERPENT HORROR. 15 Thus, in all their infant features, Married diflferences shine, But so perfect are their natures, So entirely intertwine. In a graceful harmonizing. That their blended spirits seem As two stars, that, in their rising, Twinkle with the self-same gleam. THE SERPENT HORROR. Because we have wandered in error, The serpent is armed with a sting ; And wisdom is clad in the symbols of terror, Our souls to their centre to bring. b. d. h. I WITH pain had wrestled fiercely, Yoid of slumber, through the night, When there came a dream to pierce me Through and through, with wild affright. I was walking in a forest, In the damp, autumnal year, "Where the frost, with touch the sorest, Crisped the leaves up brown and sere ; 16 THE SERPENT HORROR. When, upon a little hillock Blooming 'mid the dearth around, Underneath a high and still rock, I a Httle violet found. And it nodded, 0, so quaintly ! As I bent above its bloom, Though it seemed to cUng more faintly To the strength of its perfume. And I whispered, " Wherefore hiding Thus away from mortal view ? " Oh its glance was so confiding From its modest eye of blue, As its golden-crested finger It extended up to me, Saying slowly, "I would linger Still a little in the lea ; While the frost is whitely roving Till the rosy hght of morn, I would nestle soft and loving Till another bud was born. There are blooms more proud and stately Which in haughty grandeur grow, On the hill-side towering greatly, 'Mid the sunset's crimson glow ; THE SERPENT HORROR. 17 * There are vines that drape your arbors "With a gold and purple hue, While this quiet nook stiU harbors The pale violet's tender blue. In this loved and lovely dwelling, This so deeply sheltered nook. My sweet voice would still be telling Of the hymnings in the brook Round about us, morn and even, From kind nature's ministries, Ever giving and receiving Fraternizing sympathies." I was listening to the flower To its soft voice sweet and low,. When with fascinating power A bright serpent glided slow,. From a crevice, and around me Flickered with a graceful sweeps And I stirred not, for it bound me In the subtle cords of sleep. It approached me nearer, nearer, With its glossy, glittering coils, And I saw it clearer, clearer, Powerless to escape its toils I 2* 18 THE SERPENT HORROR. For I could not, from my sleeping, Summon strength enough to starl^ "When as lightning swiftly leaping, It fell writhing on my heart. And I felt it twining, twining, With its circlets icy cold, And I saw the shining, shining Of each tight'ning, clinging fold ; Till with nerve and fibre shrinking From the rigor of its grasp, In its fierce embraces sinking, Faint and fainter grew each grasp. Seemed the firmament as falling In dense blackness to the ground, And a shadow, most appalling. Settled upon all around ! Still more tightly did he fold me I Tightly and more tightly still I And I had not strength to hold me In resistance to his will; Then with terror inly quivering, Of its poisonous breath I drank, And it sent a fatal shivering Through me, as in death I sank. THE SERPENT HORROR. ' 19 Was it death ? nay, 't was not dying, But a sinking, soaring, flying. And the furies seemed to goad me, Memories of the past, to load me With the dark and scentless flowers Which had sprung in noxious bowers, Where, through all the lingering hours, Drizzled dank and poisonous showers ; In each blossom, folded close, Was a serpent's dark repose. And instead of perfumed kisses You but caught a serpent's hisses I Even the trees, around me there, Tall and scaly serpents were. Every branch a snaky form. Writhing, hissing in the storm ! Earth, on which I feared to tread, Seemed a monster, dark and dread. Brooks and rivers, and the ocean. Took a twining, slimy motion ; Ay, the clouds above them all. Changed to serpents, great and small. "Oh, ye heavens!" I shuddering moan, " I too am a serpent grown. Hissing, twining, coiling, rattling, With the hideous serpents battling 20 THE CONSECRATION. I sink beneath their loathsome breath. Father, Father, give me death !" To die, to die ! it may not be ; There is no peace but victory ; Then patiently abide the strife, There is no death but only Life 1 THE CONSECRATION. A HAND was laid upon my brow, A chiUing shudder trembled through ; And, down my inmost soul, A voiceful silence seemed to creep ; My trance became more fixed and deep, Beneath its strong control. "Behold!" it said; I looked, and lo Whole armies, marching to and fro, Before my startled eyes ; I heard the terrifying crash, The cannon's roar, the stunning clash, That rent the shuddering skies I I saw the desolating crush, The hopeless, the despairing rush THE CONSECRATION. 21 Of souls, by terror racked ; The want, and woe, and cankering care, Ruin and death, that every where. By tears, and blood, were tracked ! This horror passed ; and lo, I stood Within a dark and gloomy wood. "Behold!'' my Leader saith. I looked, but sickened, turned away ; For there a murdered traveller lay. Wrestling alone with death ! Onward we journeyed, coming where Loud shouts, and laughter, filled the air, And thoughtless thousands flocked ; A gallows lifted to the sky, God's image in humanity, That winds, irreverent, rocked I Oh, murder's self had not the power,— Nor all the evil battles shower Along their blood-stained sod, — To match this agonizing sight, Done in the name of Law and Right, Done in the name of G-od ! Still on we went, and reached, at length, A city, glorious in strength. 22 THE CONSECRATION. The pride of all the earth ; But even a fiend would blush to name The wrong and woe, the crime and shame, That in its heart had birth ! There man, his brother man betrayed, Hatred, distrust, and envy, made Within its walls, their nest ; Lust, avarice, pride, and dark deceit, Seemed with each other to compete, In every human breast. Religion ! over me there falls A dark'ning shadow, like a pall's, As of her shame I speak ! From all her churches rang no Law, The weak to cheer, the bad to awe, She was so shorn and weak ! Thither the purse-proud worshipper, And his sleek priest, with silken stir. Came, every Sabbath day. Together, in each stately hall. On God, in hollow words, to call. And publicly to pray. No entrance for the humble poor I None but the rich find open doorj HEART-RIOH. 23 Jesus himself might wait ! Wan memory shudders to reveal The records which their hearts conceal, Of Pomp's delusive state. Sadly I turned to look on one Whose face was radiant as a sun ; "And is there then, no cure? Nothing but wickedness ?" I cried, " Whereby the Good is crucified ; And must it thus endure ?" " Yes ! till, with tongues of living flame, God's ministers this truth proclaim, — 'Love is the life of good, The only medicine we can give Is, teaching men the art to live In human brotherhood.' " HEART-RICH. Thy love, how rich in its excess, How fervent, and how manifold; Thy overflowing tenderness, And sympathetic wealth untold ! 24 HEART-RICH. \ Blest spirits from the higher sphere Bend lovingly, thy pathway o'er ; Angels of beauty hnger near, Their blessings on thy head to pour. Think what a privilege it is, A life so roseate as thine, A treasury of sweetest bliss, The largess of a love divine. I count thy treasures, so replete With all that could delight, or bless, And, lady ! I can but repeat, Thy life should be a blessedness I In all thy lineaments I trace A gentle nature, undefiled By the rude storms, that oft efface The attributes of Love's own child. Then, in thy very sweetness strong, Securely may thy soul rejoice. And living gladness swell the song To which thy soirit finds a voice. APEn.. 25 APRIL. My thoughts are wandering in the woods to- Over green carpets of the velvet moss, While overhead wierd branches intercross The purple heavens, whose fleecy mist- wreaths play With answering mist-wreaths, shadowed on the ground, Creeping, as wavelets o'er a slumbering sea, Or white drifts sliding from stern winter's knee By the sun's glory Chrism'd ! I have found The Arbutus, pink with promises of spring; The Wind flower and the Violet, still cling To the sweet shelter of their winter home. Nestled 'mid tangled roots and fragrant loam ; For Notus tempts not with alluring breath The timid buds that Eurus dooms to death. 26 SUNSET. SUNSET. Day is fading, a strange sadness Darkens down within my breast; Like the shadow of some gladness Slowly sinking to its rest. Ay, the sun is setting, setting ; And there gleams no evening star, — Will a night of dark forgetting All these mingled memories mar ? No, not e'en in blissful sleeping Shall they sink to brief repose ; Till the angels in their keeping Fold the precious treasures close. And the promise of to-morrow. Sweet assurance, bright as brief, Gilds the darkness of my sorrow, Lifts the curtain of my grief. Promise oft so lightly spoken. It but a dim mockery seems, Still, it's bread that's blessed and broken By the Angels of our dreams. AN ECSTASY. 27 THE VIOLET. A VIOLET, buried in deep woods, am I, Quietly nestled in my solitude, Loving the voices of the true and good j With petals open to the kindly sky, I drink the glimpsing light, the twinkling dew, Shed from the Father's ever-bounteous hand, Who looks upon me with a smile, so bland It fills my vailed heart with odors new. Not for the world's applauses would I grow In any spot less hallowed by His love. Though gaudier grandeur round my home might glow, And flowers, more beauteous, proudly nod above ; Ko I the green darkness of my dell is dear For the G-reat Love that clings so warmly round me here. AN ECSTASY. Oh ! strike the mute lyre I Awake its full fire Once again ; 28 AN ECSTAST. Pour forth all around, That musical sound, That sweet strain. With the last tone's receding, Bright angels were speeding, Pull of love, With their pinions spread, fair, On the jubilant air, J'ar above. I can count them ! ah, no I For so swiftly they go Trooping by, Their pearly wings beaming As fitfully gleaming They fly. Breathe softly that strain ! They are coming again. See ye not ? Softer yet! they will hear; They are near, very near To this spot. Ah ! no more I behold, For I shiver with cold, And ice-chill MOSS-MUSIC. 29 Are the drops on my brow, And my blood, in its flow, Becomes still I MOSS-MUSIO. Now radiant joy sits smiling in my breast, — These fragrant pinks and pansies fair, fresh culled. Wood Violets and Mosses, lately lulled In shady nooks, by rippling brooks, to rest ; With the rich grandeur of each mossy crest So green and moist, the blossoms seem to vie With their bright hues, as lovingly they lie, Dizzy from their own perfumes, unconfest, G-reen mosses from the brookside, mosses sweet I Say, have ye heard the singing of the Wren, The Thrush, or Blackbird, by your brooks? oh, then: I pray you, if you can, some strain repeat : Bend closer still, bright mosses ; now I hear, A bird like music, sylvan-sweet and dear. 30 TO TO Thou heart of hearts! pure, gentle, and benign, Strengthen, improve, inspire, this heart of mine, As the dull earth the sunbeams penetrate, These brilliant rays my spirit permeate ; And clear, along its vailed way, I trace The high unfoldings of the Infinite G-race, In thy unfettered, and far-reaching mind, Prophet, and Priest, and Lover of thy kind! 0, I could bow in silence, and revere One scarcely fettered to this mortal sphere, Such inward glory sits upon thy brow, And, from thy lips, such heavenly teachings flow, Timid with awe at first, I feared to roam The exalted sphere which forms thy spirit's home. Though strength, and greatness, on thy steps. attend, The gentler virtues with their rigors blend Sweet Love and Wisdom, in thy spirit mild, And unassuming as a httle child, TO 31 Simple and truthful, earnest and sincere, We can but love th«ee, wkom we so revere. Though all around, as waiting thy -command, With brows severe, the souls of Wisdom stand, Seraphs of Love on wings irradiant fly, Flashing aliiwart the clearness of thy sky, > In dazzling gleams of such immortal light, My eyelids droop to shield my tranced sight And now, methinks, more vast the arches grow; Oh G-od ! what see I, passing to and fro ? Beings perfected so beyond compare, Filling with brightness all the ravished air, To the wide hum of such entrancing strains, The languid blood seems sleeping in my veins! This deep excess of sweetness pours around A cloud of glory, and a flood of sound, Of such melodious, and pervading power, My soul grows richer from this very hour With a more noble sense of high and true, More lovely love, and beauty's fairer hue. This blessed vision shall return, in gleams. Dazzling but soft, to all my golden dreams. And spite of sorrow, pain, and inward strife, Wreathe a bright halo round my future life. 32 TEMPEST-TOSSED. 0, gentle spirit ! whose serene control Moves to exalt and purify my soul ; Whose inspirations, hopeful and sublime, Shall work their purpose to remotest time, It is more blest to give^ than to receive, Mildest of Mentors, well may I believe, The rapturous joys, that on my soul attend, This hour, on thee, in deeper streams descend. yes, I see, but never may impart, How beats thy heart with the Eternal Heart I How soul to soul, and mind to mastering mind, Thy thoughts, in God, their sphering centre find ; How His high glories, with too rich excess, In hearts hke thine their vailed beams express, Humanely vailed to spare our feebleness ; While the fair temple, now thy soul's abode, Grlows with the presence of the living Grod. TEMPEST-TOSSED. When the wild, wild winds awake from sleep, And over the earth in fury sweep, From angry sky to heaving deep. Come terror and dismay. TEMPEST-TOSSED, 33 Changing for ever, from quick to slow. Fearfully loud, or strangely low, They fill us with awe, as on they go^ Enveloped in mystery. When the dread storm-spirit sends them forth, From the far, far regions of the north, Earth trembhngly shrinks as if most loth To encounter their array. They hurry along, and laugh, to mock The quiveriog trees, which seem to flock Closely together, and wait the shock Of the terrible affray ! The proudest ash, and the mighty oak, Are shorn of strength by their sturdy stroke. And their giant limbs are wrenched and broke, And in scattered fragments lie. And feebler ones, that had fondly made Their humble homes in its spreading shade, Nor felt, in its sheltering arms, afraid, — Their shivered honors fly 1 As helpless, oh timid soul, art thou, And wilt need some sheltering oak, I trow, When the storms of life shall fiercely blow, In hurricanes on thee. 34 TEMPEST-TOSSED. Look up I look up, to the blest abode I Lean on the arm of thy Saviour Grod, Confidingly, as thou walk'st life's road ; For thy sheltering guide, is He. Oh yes ! but the tension of mind will tire, In this upward gaze, and thy soul desire One like itself, though it were higher, Its Guardian to be. Ah, ever may friendship over me fling The shielding cloak of its sheltering wing; A faitliiul friend is a precious thing. And a sacred one to me. The sweetest thought to my spirit given Of our final home in the halls of heaven, Is this, that the ties will ne'er be riven, Of friends in Eternity. OUR VALLEY LILY. 35 OUR VALLEY LILY. A pale and modest flow'ret is in our gardens found, So close to earth, it has its birth, it would be seldom seen, But for the heavenly fragrance, it scattereth around, A choice perfume, that makes the bloom as regal as a Queen. And gentle human Spirits are growing thus on earth. Who shrink away, as if the day their native heaven shut out. The incense of whose spirit-life betrays their heavenly birth. By the pure and hallowed perfume, their pre- sence breathes about. Far from their holy influence the vile and erring flee. So sweet and fair, in cloistral air, the home which they inherit. The purely chaste and glorified, a blissful com- pany. Seek evermore the chancel door, and love to linger near it 36 CANZOITETTA, Thus Alice, gentle Alice, thy meeknesses serene, A halo shed around thy head, which crowns thee as a Queenv CANZONETTA. TO LITTLE FLOY, Leaf, and bud, and blossom, As ye spring to birth, On the bounteous bosom Of our mother earth. Ye dispel all sadness, Put to flight all care, Make delight, and gladness, Leap up everywhere ! Dreary ! Oh, how dreary ! Were this world of ours, And how sad and weary. But for gentle flowers. What a dismal glooming, Darkens every scene Where no flowers are blooming, Where no leaves are green. THE LOVE CIRCLE. 37 Floy ! within thy bosom, Waiting thy command, Are leaf, bud, and blossom Ready to expand. Thou their growth must cherish, Nurture their perfume. Or wiU droop, and perish, Leaf, and bud, and bloom. When thou shalt array them, Beautiful and bright. Angels shall convey them To the realms of light. There to bloom for ever In celestial bowers, Where no winter ever Blights the precious flowers. THE LOVE CIRCLE. Never taken for another Could he be, thy peerless brother, Radiant as eastern skies With the chrism of sunrise, As, in loving-kindness, he Bends a Christ-look over thee. 4 38 THE LOVE CIRCLE. List ! oh, listen ! he is seeking, With a musical, low, speaking, Both our spirits to impress "With the sweetest tenderness ; More inspiring me, the while, With the sunlight of his smile. Vibratory nerves, be still ! Hush thy waywardness, my will I Pulses, yet more noiseless beat, And, as in the heart you meet. Let no sudden thrill declare All the rapture trembling there. Oh, what transports thrill my frame I As a glory-kindling flame. These divine revealings flow. Permeating, through and through. All my inmost depths of being, Till my hfe seems fleeing, fleeing. Hark ! he says, or seems to say, " Would'st thou heavenly realms survey, Leave thy home, and soar with me, Not with fear, but trustingly ; Leave the earth and its hopes below The soul alone treads the path we go." THE LOVE CIRCLE. 39 For a moment I waver to and fro As a bird will swing on a swaying bough, Then upward, as swift as the rushing storm, I am borne, as I cling to his perfect form; On, and on, over fields of ether, Through limitless realms we soar together ! And now in the midst of a glorious band, In the midst of a glorious scene, I stand; His circle above, is a Circle of Love ; In the smile of the Father they live, and move ; Through my inmost nature its glow I feel, As, with reverent love, at His feet I kneel. "Father! dear Father!" I joyfully cry. And my voice is echoed along the sky ; As the sweet appeal to my lip is springing, From angel tongues is an anthem ringing. And I join in the chorus, " Oh, Father dear !" My loving soul draws softly near. Now on my forehead rests, gently caressing, A nail-scarred hand overfull of blessing. And, " Daughter beloved," He saitb, " arise 1" As with tearful eyes, in a glad surprise, I feel the blessing, a holy presence, Thrill my soul to its ultimate essence. 40 THE LOVE CIRCLE. I turn to the beautiful spirit bands, Where my radiant guardian angel stands, With his gUttering wings but half out-spreaa ; And a halo of glory around his head, That, over his flowing curls of brown, Sheds a threefold lustre, a triple crown. Brightest, he seems, of the brilliant throng, And as now, with wide wings waved along, They are onward borne 'mid the amber clouds, Oh, God ! how each flashing pinion crowds With crimson glories my reeling brain. Till my eyeUds droop with their weight of pain I Right hither their rapid way they wing, holy Christ ! what a song they sing I Such sounds have never my spirit stirred ; Oh list ; for methinks, I can catch some wofd, — " Love ! Love !" is the chorus, and Love the theme ; Oh, can this be but a fleeting dream! A golden harp they've brought to me, 1 touch its strings in an ecstasy. And gushing song from my soul is leaping. And wings start out from my shoulders sweeping- O wonder, I feel their plumes unfold In waves of purple and gleams of gold. RECOGNITION. 41 Oh glorious wings 1 will ye bear me on Where the angel band in their flight have gone ? They pause, they hover for me, they stay ; They beckon, they beckon to call me away; I fly, I fly, like a bird; I am winging Up, up through the light, 'mid the perfumes singing. A moment, a moment, blest vision of light, Let me know ere I go if I see thee aright. Afar the old earth as a vapor I see Where the friends I have left are watching for me; The choir of the angels grows dim, and more dim, The fairest fades last, till I lose even him. RECOGNITIOJT. I SEE thee walking, hand in hand, with Fame I hear the throbbings of the loud acclaim Of souls, who, at the tremblings of thy lyre Catch inspiration from its chords of fire ; Whilst thou, in regnant beauty, as a queen, Rul'st in all hearts, with dignity serene. 4* 42 LIGHT IN DARKNESS. Oh, could my song give language to my heart, What answering music from thy own would start I But my untutored tongue is poor, and weak, The silent victories of thy soul to speak, Or yet some prayer, in deep'ning love, to pour That God may keep, and bless thee, evermore ! LIGHT IN DARKNESS. Ah, hast thou borne the load of care, That weighs the spirit down ? Drank the black waters of despair, Thy every hope that drown ? • Seen all the stars of joy go out, As, one by one, they sank Into the soundless sea of doubt. Leaving thy heavens a blank ? Felt, as a flame, the darkness burn Into thy fainting heart. And could nor sun, nor moon discern, Their healing to impart? LIGHT IN DARKNESS. 43 Felt darksome doubts, and nameless fears, Crowding upon thy brain, "While the deep fount of mellowing tears Withheld refreshing rain ? Felt in thy soul as desolate, Unfriended, and alone, As chained, by some relentless fate, To the Promethean stone ? Ah, yes ! the vulture's beak I see Smite on thy spirit form, And the swift hail of agony, And sorrow's whelming storm ! Thy cherished hope, and love, and pride, Like reeds are cloven down ; While doubt and dark despair, allied. In clouds of horror frown. Still I feel a painful wonder That a spirit, formed as thine, Had not trod its trials under, With a potency divine. He, thy loved one, early sinking In the frost of wint'ry skies, That bright one, so early drinking The new wines of Paradise 1 44 LIGHT IN DABKNESS. Now a radiant angel, roving In a sphere of perfect bliss, — Would'st thou he were longer proving The heart- wasting cares of this ? No, thou readest not so dimly Of the Future, of the Now ; While new trust, and love, supremely Rest upon thy spirit brow, The serene inspiring glances. Beaming from his heavenly eye ; Every feeling it entrances To a sweet intensity. "With a pure, exalted mission, PalUd suffering comes to thee ; Let it speak the full expression Of its destined ministry. Oh, behold ! he stands before us, Dazzling to our mental sight. As his presence kindles o'er us Flashes of bewildering light ; Of a sunshine, radiating All my inmost spirit through ; Of a love-fire, consecrating With a baptism pure and true. THE LIFTED VAIL. Oh ! I bless thee, noble spirit, For the vision thou hast given ; Through its presence we inherit Yet another hold on heaven. In my soul comes such a longing To untwine this fleshly coil. So to join the spirits, thronging On the Paradisean soil ! — Yet it is not well to cherish Such intensity of fire ; So, with the sweet vision, perish All this over- wrought desire I All the past, with peace, surrender ; Crown the present with new joy ; And thy latest pang shall render, To thy arms, thy darling Boy I 45 THE LIFTED TAIL. Oh, Lady ! lift thy mournful eyes ; Why should despair so blind their sight? See I yonder in the red'ning skies. Wrestles the all-controlling light. 46 THE LIFTED VAIL. Angels, to minister relief, Are bending from the calm above ; Oh, fleetly, may this chilling grief Yield to the influence of their love. Dear Lady, very well I know Thy inner life is clouded o'er With a benumbing, deadening woe, A clinging mist on sea and shore ; Though from thy sufifering heart will fall The mellow notes of hope and cheer, And thy pale hand would lift the pall That darkens o'er the stricken, here. A heavenly prophecy I bear, Of Peace, upon my spirit lips, Thou canst discern the ocean where Its poUshed wings, that halcyon dips. It comes to teach that strength divine Shall triumph o'er this martyrdom. And that high victory shall be thine, "Which but to struggling souls can come. Already hath the darkness flung Apart her mantle, torn and gray, And, though the dawn hath feebly sprung, 'T will culminate to perfect day. THE LIFTED VAIL. 47 Be patient then, for, bravely borne, Shall Triumph on thy banners rest, And the dark demon hence be torn, That clings, a nightmare, to thy breast. Divinest joys my spirit fill While thus I pierce the darkness through, And see thy future clear, and still. And beautiful, as heaven's own blue. As thy dissolving gloom I scan, With a most earnest spirit glance, The wings of warder angels fan My cheek, and deeper grows the trance. A spirit form is near us now, Of manly presence, proud and bold. The language of his ample brow Is full of histories untold. He draws thee to his heart of hearts. His arms around thee gently twine, And the delicious strain imparts To thee, a prescience Divine. No longer weak, thou standest up, With heart redeemed from loss, and doubt; Thou drinkest of the mingled cup The angel of thy life pours out. 48 TO ■ Strength, born of weakness, shall be thine, Hope, from the anguish of despair. The faith, and power, of love divine, Shall all the erring past repair. TO I LOVE thee, lady ! and have loved thee long ; And every utterance of thy simplest song Finds, in my soul, an echo warm and true, And clearly opens, to my mental view, Thy spirit's quiet and exalted home, Whither good angels love so well to come. And often, lady, from the realms of t^iought, A votive offering I to thee have brought. But when, all trembling, I approached the shrine Where burned a fire so lofty and divine, I feared my gift too simple was to place Beside the first-fruits which that altar grace. And I have turned, reluctantly, away, With loitering steps, unwiUing to obey. But now I view thee as a sister soul, And journey with thee to the self-same goal, I feel new life through all my pulses start. While thus I read the pages of thy heart, TO •. 49 Rarely to mortals, in this nether sphere, Come revelations so exceeding clear. Thy spirit's features I as plainly trace As, in a mirror, my reflected face. "Would that my soul might be unvailed thus, That my flesh garments were as luminous I One moment more, dear lady, I intrude ; Oh, deem me not presumptuous, vain, or rude ; Unskilled, unlettered, is this heart of mine. Simple and childish, when compared with thine ; Yet see ! this harp, which is at my command, "Was strung and given me by an angel's hand, "Who taught me all the beatific skill, To wake its numbers whensoe'er I will ; And listen, lady ! as, that skill to prove. Across the silken strings my fingers move. Oh, hearest thou the rapturous tones that flow From its ethereal chords! while on heaven's brow The angels listen, or, with waving wing. Send back, responsive, the sweet songs they sing I Their choral theme, transcendently subKme, Is the ascending, glorious march of time. Whose mingUng numbers rise, and fall, and swell. Like the high pealings of a minster beU. 50 QUEEN HELEN. Would we more perfect and harmonious grow, Thought, word, and action, thus should interflow, Keeping full concord, and symphonious time, With heaven, and earth, and ocean's mystic chime. "QUEEX HELEN." They who profess the floral tongues to know, Say that each blossom hath one, all its own , That from the hps of this, for ever flow The prophecies of change ; that in its tone There lurks a sadness, such as loved ones feel When those who loved them have become estranged. But these fair leaves no waning faith conceal. They bear the language of a heart unchanged To thee. Queen Helen ! from my golden bowers ; Full of the memories of the treasured past, These crimson leaflets of bignonia flowers Trembling with rapture, at thy feet I cast, Thou canst discern the deeper sense, that lies Wreathed in their heart, unseen of unanointed eyes. CROSS AND CROWN 51 CROSS AND CROWN. Deep within thy inmost spirit, Where the herds of rough, and rude, Cannot drink, nor browse anear it, — Far from all that would intrude, Lies a waveless, sunny, lakelet, So serenely crystalline, Earthly voices cannot wake it Prom its silences divine. Birds of brightest hues are winging O'er its bosom hushed, and still. While the raptures of their singing Its profoundest waters thrill. Earnest hopes, and sportive wishes, Round in circling eddies turn ; Playful fancies, like bright fishes. Glitter in the Naiad's urn. When discordant tones, or voices, Prom the outward, to thee come, Undisturbed, thy soul rejoices In this quiet spirit-home. /52 CROSS AND CROWN. God is ever very tender Of a soul incased like thine, In a frame so frail and slender; And our angel-friends incline, Evermore, to shield, and cherish. One whose life must pine, and wait,— Leaving no sweet hope to perish Under a relentless fate. j Suffering is a purifier. If we will not shrink, and make More intense the scathing fire By vain strugghngs at the stake. What if, for life's little hour, Fleshly chains are round us thrown ? See we not, it is the power By which martyrs win their crown ? Euder souls would bear, unfeeling. Shocks that stun thy every sense ; Standing firm, while thou wert reeling With an agony intense. Still in musing, as I ponder O'er life's deeply hidden things. Evermore there comes the wonder, Whence are its exhaustless springs? THE EIVULET. 53 "Whence the latent strength, upspringing In such gentle, timid souls ? A bright halo o'er them flinging, Which, before our eyes, unrolls The sublime, and startling, histories Of their unseen, inner life. Deep revealings, deeper mysteries, "With untold experience rife ? And One answers, in a murmur Of subdued delight, and saith, Clay may fail, but souls grow firmer, By their inbred Love and Faith ; Clay may die, but souls grow firmer, Soaring, victors over death ! THE EIYULET. A LITTLE stream went flowing, And humming, towards the sea, "With valley hlies growing Beside it, tenderly. 5* 54 THE RITULET. Tall trees, their arms above it With sheltering kindness spread; Well did the Sunbeams love i* And laugh along its bed. The earth unvailed her bosom That she might shield its flow, And bending bud and blossom Reflect themselves below. The still and solemn midnight Its holy influence lent ; With the sacred moon's half-hid light, And whispering star beams blent. All heavenly visitations, To gladden the sweet stream, — All misty exhalations, Were mingled with its dream. The silent darkness doubled, Just ere the morning broke, Its seeming depth, untroubled, Till a breezy laughter woke. The twilight oft would linger, Entranced, above it long, As a maid, with lifted finger. Stands listening to a song. THE RIVULET. 56 The plants and tree-roots twining, Through the earth all parched with thirst, Would drink till their berries shining And beautiful globes, would burst. No poisonous leaf or blossom, Distained its tranquil flow, Though on its lovely bosom They floated, to and fro, And because it ever went gliding^ Round rock, and crag, and hill. Some said 't was faithless, biding No certain course, or wiU. Its motions were so noiseless. The bubbles, as they broke On the pebbly brink, leapt voiceless ; Not an Echo-nymph awoke, TiU its crystal cascades, bounding, "Went down the hills with a leap, A glorious music sounding Till the Naiads sprang from sleep. And then, with a tranced motion, An even step, and true, Life's flowery vale, to the ocean. It danced and rippled through. 56 IRENE. IRENE. Beautiful, tender, And gentle Irene ? Oh, wilt thou surrender, With spirit serene, A life, bright and vernal, In freshness of youth, For riches eternal, Of goodness and truth ? Wilt thou bow thy sweet head At the summoning voice Of Him who hath said, " Come to me and rejoice 1 When sorrows attend \hee. In sickness or woe, For I will befriend thee, And lead thee to know That Peace which, descending, Flows on hke a river. So blending, unending. Sweet harmonies, ever." Though whirlwinds are raging, And rude tempests sweep, And the elements waging Wild war on the deep. IRENE. 67 His Infinite Will All their fury can stay, His low "Peace be still!" They forever obey. Then, calm with assurance, Repose on His breast; Be strong in endurance ; He giveth thee rest. His angels He sendeth On thee to attend ; Above thee He bendeth, A father, and friend. In each trial hour. As a radiant zone. His right arm of power Around thee is thrown. A Saviour, now wearing His Infinite charms, As a lambkin, is bearing Thy soul in His arms ; Or, borne on His bosom, To regions above, Thou shalt be as a blossom Of goodness and love, 58 HEAVENLY PEACE. In His garden of beauty- Forever to bloom, In the green strength of duty, And love's own perfume. "We •will not forget thee Our darling Irene, But, star-jeweled, set thee As light of each scene ; Thy love will bloom sweetly, Thy memory be green, Till, deathless, we meet thee, Our darhng Irene I HEAVENLY PEACE. Oh Ught, intensely golden, Yet mellow in its hue, How softly it is molten In the empyrean blue ! Oh, spirits bright, I hail ye 1 Companions of my way, No danger can assail me, Where'er my footsteps stray. THE FLOWER BASKET. 69 Oh, angels ! most entrancing, Are your supernal charms, As, lovingly advancing. Ye vv^ave your snowy arms. Oh, white wings, gently smoothing My lips, and cheek, and brow, Serenely ye are soothing My wildest fancies now ! Oh, mother, queen of Heaven, Thy smiles upon me rest ; Once more to me is given To slumber on thy breast. Oh, slumber most alluring, All heavenly and divine Oh, peace for aye enduring, Joy ! Joy ! that it is mine. THE FLOWER BASKET. A BASKET of flowers — the basket of moss — A braid of green rushes, thrown lightly across The frolicsome blooms, which peep from between A fringe of bright laurel leaves, shining and green; 60 THE DARK RIVER. The crimson verbena, the cottager's child, With pinks, single pinks, by no culture defiled, Sad vridows in mourning, and bachelors true, In dresses of white, pink, purple and blue ; Facetious old bachelors I taking a nap, With heads pillowed soft, in the flower spirit's lap, While pansies, geraniums, and sweet scented blooms, • Beguile the swift hours with songs and per- fumes ; A vision of beauty, which gladdens my view, As the flowers are gladdened by sunlight and dew THE DARK RIVER. Once, over my sleeping. This vision came sweeping : I wandered alone by a deep river*s side : Their white arms entwining, The Naiads, reclining Floated down with the crystalline tide. O'er the bright waters bending, The wood Nymphs were blending l-HE DARK RIVER. 61 Their long shining tresses, that flovingly swept The wavelets' soft bosom, Where leaflet and blossom Were rocked to and fro, as they ^ept. And here as I strayed. With heart all dismayed By the sorrows that came in a throng, A Nymph, with a face Pull of sweetness and grace. Sat singing an exquisite song. And as I drew near. Stooping forward to hear Her low and melodious singing, She raised her soft eyes, FuU of pleasant surprise. And her voice, o'er the bright waters ring- ing, Stirred the pleasant profound, The air trembled around, Her jubilant music rose higher, Till my rapturous brain Thrilled with consummate pain, And kindled my senses with fire. 6 62 THE DARK RIVER. Then I shrank from the cold Of her tightening hold, And we sank with a moan and a shiver j My soul shudders now, And damp is my brow. As I think of that dark flowing river We plunged with the speed Of a rushing storm steed Through the depths of that whirling abyss, And the cold as a dart, Sent a pang through my heart. Yet it thrilled with a transport of bliss. Above and below, The stars, to and fro, As sentinels moved o'er the stream ; But their wavering light On the ripples fell bright, In spirals of silvery gleam. With merriest glances, And gracefulest dances, Fair forms, wheeled around on the tid^ " Oh give me a lyre. Sweet soul ! and inspire Such joy in my bosom," I cried. THE DARK RIVER. 63 Suddenly I seemed uplifted, In their mazes slowly drifted, Amid melodies ecstatic ; And the lyre my touch obeying, I, with, them, was sweetly playing Symphonies and airs erratic. And my lips, too, were unsealed, And to me there were revealed Canticles of Love Divine ; And I chanted one sweet strain O'er and o'er, and o'er again. Ever, thus, to make it mine. But their songs were for my sleep, As they trembled through the deep, Though the vision's light will stay. And the memory of the singing Will my soul revisit, bringing Bright and holy thoughts, alway. 0, the rapture of my waking From that slumber ! day was breaking, And the heavens were all aglow; Light upon the eastern skies Flashed as heavenly prophecies. And a voice distinctly low, 64 THE BRIGHT RIVER. Whispered to my spirit-ear, " Be of good and sunny cheer ; Let thy cares and sorrows cease, Though life's waters, deep and cold, Darkly over thee have rolled, Brief is their ungentle power. And within thy soul, this hour, Angels sing of love and peace." THE BRIGHT RIYER. "What discordances chaotic Still dispute with us the way ; How the senses rule, despotic, Bearing the soul's life away ; While all false and baseless Fay-dreams Creep like truths into the hearty Banishing the fairest day-beams That would purer hght impart. Thus the homes which we inherit, — Beautiful beyond compare, — Harbor, each, a crouching spirit, All too weak to will, or dare I THE BRIGHT RIVER. 65 And our eyes we're ever closing To the light, so freely given, 'Mid inglorious joys reposing, All unmindful of our Heaven, And the angels hovering o'er us, Beckoning us, so kindly, on — Blessed spirits, who, before us, To the blissful realms have gone. Oh, my sisters I oh, my brothers I Walking blindfold in the dark, Know ye not how falsehood smothers, In your souls, each vital spark ? Will ye not arouse you, breaking From the bondage of the clay? Long ago the morn was waking To a more transcendent day. On the walls of heaven are walking Angels of immortal birth, Bending down the azure, talking, Face to face, with souls on earth. They have waited long, to bless us, Full of tenderness and care, Scattering in our paths all precious Flowers of joy, that blossom where 6* 66 THE BRIGHT RIVER. Love's celestial founts are springing, Nourished by ambrosial showers, And all bright winged birds are singing In the incense-freighted bowers. Ay, and they would greet us, telling Of the hoher things they see. In the glory-hghted dwelUng Of Incarnate Deity I Lo, a bridge of light is skying Death's transparent river-flow 1 And the pebbles, under-lying. Glitter in the deeps below. Never more shall it grow turbid From the storms of grief and care ; Unbelief no more disturb it, Nor the blackness of despair. Even the bubbling of its foam is With a mystic charm endued. And a bow of sweetest promise Hangs above it, seven-hued ; And the meaning of its flowing Waxes ever more divine, And the sands, beneath it glowing. Are of pearl, and crystalline. THE BRK5HT RIVER. 67 Sw-eetlj flowing, tranquil river ! Gliding, noiseless, on thy Way, Never more from thee, forever, Shall we shrink, in fear, away. Oh, sweet river I as weVe gliding So serenely down thy stream. Seems it as in one abiding, All-entrancing, glory-dream! Deaih, thou angel of pure brightness, Death, thou vision of delight. Though our souls were ne'er so sightless, Thou wilt turn to day their night. As a young babe, sweetly sleeping In the mother's fond embrace. We consign unto thy keeping All the loved of time and place, There is rapture in but thinking Of t!ais river so sublime, Where we^ll stoop with angels, drinking In the blissful after-tinae. Thus, dbi, thus then, slowly drifting, Drifting, drifting, slowly on, Where the glorious arch is lifting, Through which our beloved have gone, — 68 THE BRIGHT RIVER. Underneath it floating slowly, Slowly floating, floating slow, Through resplendent scenes of glory, Where melodious rivers flow,^ Now with swifter, swifter motion, Swaying with the swaying tide,— Onward, to the shoreless ocean Of eternity, we glide t Ocean, ruffled but by rlmplings Of sweet airs from odorous Isles, And the drowsy, dallying dimplings Of the winged zephyr's smiles. Oh, so blissful are the gleamings, Gleamings of the bliss to be. So delicious the dear dreamings, Dreamings of Eternity, That the rapturous revealings Antedate their heaven in me, And, in hallowing all my feelings, Flood them with sweet ecstasy. LATENT JOY. 69 THE BOQUET OF PINKS. Pinks, beautiful pinks 1 ye have surely come, In your fragrancy, fresh from, my country home, Far, far from the din of the city's strife, Where redolent zephyrs are springing to life ; For there, in a sweetly sheltered spot, Lies my childhood's cherished flower plot ; And pinks of my planting, now blooming therCj Breathe the very same perfumes on the air, That are thriUing my senses with exquisite pain, As I drink of your incense again and again ; And memory wakes in my innermost heart Dim childish dreams, till I shrink and start At the echo sweet of some long lost sound, Or the deep'ning scar of some cruel wound. LATENT JOY. The hallowed hopes that over thee brood, And the perfumed breath of thy womanhood, As the blessed deeds of the true, and good, Are shedding forever, around thy way, An odor of sweetness, and love, that aye Grows deeper, and sweeter, all the day I 70 LATENT JOT. I feel in a sacred, a charmed spot, And into its depths I venture not, Till my soul is redeemed from stain and blot. A power of re-vision is over me cast ; I tread with thee through a darkened past, Where gleams and glooms give a strange con- trast. Is the sense of thy guardian*s symbol clear ? Was thy childhood darkened with doubt and fear, And hovering fogs, all damp and drear ? Was thy little bosom rudely tossed By pangs relentless, and fond hopes crossed, Till thy childish faith was almost lost ? Still canst thou remember sweet glimpses of blue, When the sombre clouds let the sunlight through, With shimmer, and gUmmer, to cheer thy view ? And moments dawned when gladness came Into thy heart, as a leaping flame, And joy, bright joy I was no longer a name. LATENT JOY. 71 And at times a purpose, strong and high, Shone on thy cheek and burned in thine eye,| Aud that proud heart beat triumphantly I I tremble, abashed, and am half afraid, The daedalous paths of thy heart to thread, — The secret heart of a fair, young maid I And down, over many a sacred scene, Over many a closed, and hallowed spot, Thy guardian angel drops a screen, And, with gentle tone, says, "Enter not" But she silently points to a fearful weight That over thy heart's young hope was hung, And tells how the cruel hand of Fate, From that heart, the bitterest drops hath wrung. She holds a wreath of thy past to me ; Oh ! say, is the garland's symbol true ? Mid the brightest buds, and blossoms free. Are cypress leaves, and the twigs of yew I But sorrow itself hath a mission high ; And Hope's defeats are not all in vain ; Some joy is latent in every sigh. Some pleasure responds to the keenest pain. 72 RENUNCIATION. The past shall serve, as a winding stair, To action still more noble, and true ; And the galling chains of an old despair Hold the golden seal of a promise new I KENTJNCIATION. Gently I touch me gently, Brother I Ah, methinks thou now can'st see All the grief I sought to smother, In my inmost soul, for thee. Tenderly thy name is cherished, Faithfully thine honor kept. But for evermore hath perished The strange passion, once which swept O'er me, as a storm sweeps ocean. As a whirlwind, or a fire, Kindhng, to intense emotion. Every sensuous desire I Every tendril of fine feehng. Seemed around thy strength to grow; Every passionate revealing, Took a more impassioned glow, RENUNCIATION. 73 Till my spirit-life seemed fading, Fading, withering, as a flower, Which the hot hand of the Day King Clutches with too fierce a power. Eaise thou not a hushing finger ; I must speak, and thou must hear I Kever an impassioned singer Chanted notes more deep and clear. Had I loved thee truly, purely, I had never lost that truth ; Had thy love been wiser, surely Better were it now, for both. Better ! no ; I would say, rather, It were better as it is, — Better for the strength I gather. From a lesson learned like this. For the troth kiss to thee plighted, Never could have been, to me. Like the pure flame I have Hghted At the fires of Calvary. 'Mid the jarring of my heart strings, Sweetest symphony awoke, As when, with clear notes, a bard sings In a battle's storm and smoke. 7 74 RENUNCIATION. And it calmed my every feeling, Soothed my passion's wildest cry, Till each sense sank, reverent, kneeling At the Cross imploringly. Oh, I pray thee, do not tarry. One memorial hour with me. Since I never more can carry The old tenderness for thee. As a stranger, stranger only. Do I clasp thy proffered hand. And my feelings, gay or lonely. Thou canst never more command. Go, I cannot need thy presence ; Leave me, from this fleeting hour ; Or thy memory, as a pleasance, "Will have lost its charmed power. Let the dear old past be treasured, As a something sacred still ; I, its loftiest heights who measured, Its profoundest deeps can fill. Of thai past I learn to borrow Hope's serenest guiding star, Not a rack of dark'ning sorrow Its effulgency can mar. RENUNCIATION. 75 From that past a power is stealing, Silently, and all divine, And its holiest revealing I have made forever mine. Leave then, leave the few pale roses, That within my spirit bloom, For the hues their heart discloses, And the sweets of their perfume. Surely, pale and scentless seeming, Must they be, to sense and eyes, Gladdened by the gardens, gleaming With the flowers of Paradise. Go I these ears no more shall listen To that winning voice of tliine, And these eyes no longer glisten WilJi pale feeling's treacherous sign. For the future, now, must prove me Strong in purpose, firm, and still; Passion never more shall move me. From the sceptred strength of wilL 76 CLARE AND LILLIE. THE DIFFERENCE. Men speak of grief as if they wer'^j acquaint . Therewith, or it were possible for them, Though chastened by afl&ictions, e'er to paint, Or to conceive the woes, that as a flame, Consume the heart of woman. They do not OjBTer their heart's whole wealth upon Love's shrine ; Altar and incense are too oft forgot. In striving with the world, delving the mine For gold, or the poor purchase of a Name. She in her heart's devotion ever kneels. Her oJBfering burns in one undying flame ; Hiding her pain but his she knows and feels, She lives, loves, hopes, and dies for him alone ; Woe, that such love and faith by man are overthrown ! CLARE AND LILLIB. Oh, I see your little Lillian ! See your hly-bud so sweet, Floating amid clouds vermilion, With all loveliness replete. CLARE AND LILLIE. 77 Oh, the soul-entrancing beauty Of the matchless Shining One I We should bow in worship, could we Catch its full and perfect tone. Angels shield my tranced spirit I This is sure some glory-child, Born of beings who inherit Natures pure and undefiled ; What a glory floats around her, What a gleam is o'er her spread ; With white lilies they have crowned her Meekly-bending, graceful head. Locks, of sunny light are flowing O'er the whiteness of her brow, While her dimpled hands are throwing Recognition towards us, now. Father ! mother ! can your feeling Catch her presence bright and blest ? Does the beautiful revealing. Fill your souls with holy rest ? Lo, another spirit, bending Down the roseate serene ; Fuller maidenhood is blending In her graceful form, and mien j 7* 78 CLARE AND LILLIE. Vails of gossamer are flowing Down her white limbs, to her feet, And the zephyrs, round her blowing, Are all redolent of sweet. Eound her neck, and on her bosom, Hangs a fragrant garland bright, Formed of every beauteous blossom Springing in EJysian light, Crimson hyacinths, and roses. Mingle with the violet's bloom, Even the myrtle here, reposes AU forgetful of its gloom. And this incense-breathing garland. Heaving with her bosom's, swell. Wakens visions of that far land, Where perfected spirits dweU. In her left hand she is holding A fair tablet, ivory white. With her right hand still unfolding Pictures radiant as light. Now her snowy arm she stretches Up, toward the blue profound. Then, with trembling hand, she sketches All the gorgeous scene around. CLARE AND LILLIE. 7S See her, see her, as she Ungers Over each harmonious Hne, See her slender, sunlight fingers, So translucently divine ; Watch the changing of her features, Of her red hps' tuneful play, 'T would exalt even earthly natures To oblivion of their clay ! Now the fringed lids are drooping Over eyes dark-luminous ; She is stooping, slowly stooping, Now, methinks, she looks on us ; Ah I she sees ! is recognizing For her face is heavenly fair. Hear the blended voices rising, Of your Lillian, and Clare ? Lo, the vision bright, advances ; Very near us are they now : And the rapture of their glances, Sheds a Hght on either brow. Joy a festival is holding On each brightening lip and cheek, And their white arms interfolding, Seem to beckon as they speak. 80 SONG OF THE CHILDREN. Wait! a moment wait ! until I Catch the words of that sweet pair ; List ! " 0, know you not your Lillie ?" "Have you, then, forgotten Clare ?" SONG- OF THE CHILDREN. Ha, ha, ha ! la, la, la ! Ho, ho, ho, ho ! Lu, lu, lu I hu, hu, hu I Lu, lu, lu, lu I Repletest, with sweetest And holiest power, Caressings, and blessings, Upon you we shower. Merrily, cheerily, Play we our parts ; Loving, improving. And gladdening, your hearts. Ha, ha, ha ! la, la, la ! Keep to the chime ; Louder shout, as about Whirling in time. SONG Ol^THE CHILDREN. 81 Violette, Mignonette, Star-Beam and Mist; Lily-Bud, Kosengood, Bright Amethyst I Ho, ho, ho ! so we go, See, as we fly. Beautiful, musical, Waters run by. Kivers deep, ever sweep, Tunefully sweet. Dashing thus, luminous Globes at our feet. Fairy-hke, airy-like, Melodies flow, Such, even, as in heaven The Grlorified know. The refrain breath again. Louder, more clear I Let it blend, as we bend Over you, here. Violette, Mignonette, Still swifter go ! Lily-bud, Rosengood, Thus let it flow. 82 SONG OF THE CHILDREN. Ha, ha, ha ! la, la, la ! Star-Beam and Mist, Trip and sing, in our ring. Bright Amethyst. Pebble-stones have their tones, Each one its own, Gurgle-glad, murmur-sad. Laugh they, or moan ; Beauty-fraught is the thought Of the stream's daughters, And they laugh, as they quaff Of the bright waters ! Mountain-tops, fountain-drops, And the rocks rude. Have a speech, that would reach The deep solitude. And the breeze, in the trees. Tells ever a tale, As it drops from their tops, With a hum, to the vale. There's a power, in each flower^ To take from the heart Its festering, pestering, Poisonous smart; SONG OF THE CHILDREN. 83 And to still any ill That to mortals may come, And, for this, would we kiss Every beautiful bloom. As we sing, see us bring, From our Elysian, Wreaths so bright, that they might Glad a saint's vision ; Amaranth, Hyacinth, Blooms never sere ; Lily-bells, Asphodels, Bright through the year j Eejoicing, in voicing Some hymn, that may tell, Of a plain where no pain, For a moment, can dwell j Where sorrow can harrow Remembrance no more, Despairing and caring. Forever are o'er I Where joy, no alloy Of its glory has shorn. And the rose may repose, tJnallied to its thorn ; 84 RUTH, And we children, in wildering Dances, are whirled, — The living, hfe-giving, Sweet flowers of this world ! Mignonette ! Violette ! Star-Beam and Mist ! Rosengood! Lily-Bud! Bright Amethyst ! Ha, ha, ha ! la, la, la 1 Trip it and sing, Ho, ho, ho ! lo, lo, lo I Whirl in our ring I RUTH. The veined Wind-Flower in the sombre wood, Thought breeding Pansies in the sunlight glowing. Or red-cloaked Lilies in the meadows grow- Best image thee, in every changing mood ; For as the tricksy shadows all the while, Keep dancing round us, in perpetual play, So, o'er thy soul, its ever-changing sway Fancy asserts. Yet like a sea-girt Isle TO -. 85 Reason, deep-centred, sits, Majestic Queen ! Though, all about, the wavelets gayly flash, On her white feet, with a perpetual dash, She keeps her throne immutably serene, With an eternal sunshine on her brow, That sheds a rosy Ught on all the vales below TO- GrOD of Heaven ! what a throng Of the Beautiful, the Strong, And the glorious Sons of Song, Bursts upon my gaze I What a light is o'er me shed. As thy spirit-courts I tread, And its mazy windings thread • Still, the faintest haze Rests upon the radiance bright, So to temporize the hght, As to shield my dazzled sight Prom too brilliant rays. Now I tread an Ocean-shore Where Thought's billows, evermore, An exalted music pour, ThriUingly profound; 8 86 TO . With majestic strength replete, White-maned Waves their raarches beat, Thundering on with surf- shod feet, — Grlancing swiftly round, Till some Reason-rock they spy, When, with foam-crest mane tossed high, With a loud exultant cry, 'Grainst it, wild, they bound ; Stunned to madness by the blow, Backward, as retreating foe. The reluctant coursers go, — Making heaven resound Their reverberating neigh. Shaking from their flanks the spray, Scattering, as they haste away, Clouds of gems around. Now it changes to my view, And the waters, then so blue, Glow with every rainbow hue. Tremulously bright I And they He as calm and still, With an all-pervading thrill. As if God their deeps did fill With excess of light ; TO . 87 For in sudden, fitful gleams^ Lo, the radiancy streams, As the glow of heavenly dreams Gilds the blackest night. 'Keath the ever-changing tide Shoals of silvery fishes gUde, Monarchs of the deep beside, Kingliest in might. Now beneath cerulean skies, Trees of stateliest strength arise, Fruit the rarest, ripest, lies Scattered everywhere : O'er the flower-bespangled ground Loveliest forms are gliding round, To a most bewitching sound, Sweet beyond compare. In the deepening, overhead, Go the stars with regal tread, By their royal Princess led, Where Night's monarchs are : Star to star is wildly calling, As with brilliancy appalling. From that awful height they're falling, Like a rain of fire ! 88 TO . From these burning meshes, fraught "With intensest threads of thought, What a fabric might be wrought, Than all earth-wefts higher. Arbors of this boundless field Choicest fruits and flowers yield, 'Neath its turf there lie concealed Gems, and rubies rare ; Brightest birds are o'er it winging. Sweetest carols gayly singing, To thy spirit ever bringing Sounds, which might inspire Symphonies that could awake Such deep echoes, they should make The astonished earth to shake. As a wind-swept lyre. With a hush-inspiring finger. Evermore I'd linger, linger Near one most impassioned singer, In this glorious band. Oh, I pray thee, Spirit ! pour That entrancing music o'er, Once again, and evermore ! Will the music grand, FADED FLOWERS. 89 Waken visionings most high, All divinest harmony, All sublimest ecstasy. Under this control Let me clasp some angel-hand, Of the blessed, blessing band, In the radiant spirit-land, Yielding up my souL FADED FLOWERS. Faded flowers, I may not toss them Lightly from the vase away. Each divinely whispering blossom Eloquent in its decay, Still is swelling, with the welling Of its incense-burdened lay. Prophecies fresh from the Angels, In your petals have I read, Love's devout, inspired Evangels, "With your odorous wings outspread, In your whiteness and your brightness, Stand ye thus in Love's sweet stead, 8* 90 A LIFE SYMBOL. From the cluster, one pale trembler To my bosom would I take, But I fear the shy dissembler, For the gracious Giver's sake ; With the ringing of its singing, Silenced hopes and joys might wake. A LIFE SYMBOL. Like some mighty river flowing Onward to the ocean blue, In the sunshine brightly glowing. Gleams thy spirit on my view. Backward, I its course can follow To the fountain whence it sprung. In a quiet woodland hoUow, Where the Fays and Dryads sung. Oh, how tranquil and how quiet Was this sheltered httle nook ! Seemed forever lingering by it, Joys, that brightest coloring took. Wide its wealth of waters spreading To the sun's benignant smile, Would it hnger, softly shedding Light for lent light, back the while. A LIFE SYMBOL. 91 Darksome bank, and rock-ledge curbed it, Even in its earliest flow, And rude rapids oft disturbed it. Through its depths and windings low. Still forever faster, brighter, Sped it on its deep'ning way ; Even the murky dark grew Ughter With clear promises of day. Eose at length a towering mountain Full before the gentle stream ; Backward, to its primal fountain, Turned it, with a saddened gleam. Then the darkness, and the sadness, Chilled its young activities, Tempered all its gushing gladness, With pale sorrow's ebbing lees. Still it might not linger, listless. Even in its native glen ; Flowing, but no more resistless. Stole it on, and on again ; But in spite of green hopes, bhghted. And a young heart's cherished schemes, Floating darkly, save when guided By the lurid Hghtning's gleams. 92 A LIFE SYMBOL. Yet to those who well can render The dim riddle of thy life, Lurks the strength of manhood, under Stagnant calm, and stormy strife. Starry thoughts out-twinkle keenly On the sky-arch of thy night, And the moon, with lustre queenly Walks in feehng's softer light. But the chilly night is ending ; Swiftly comes the ruddy morn ; Swifter is thy life-stream, tending To its destined ocean-bourn. On the hills, already, twitter Heralds of approaching day, And the curls of morning glitter, Where the curtaining dark gives way. Then, oh then, be strong and fearless I Mid thy fellows walk more bold ; For, before thy spirit peerless, Open glories manifold. In the path of noblest duty Walk thou, with a manly tread And the true hfe's holiest beauty Shall a glory on thee shed. THE rosarib;' 93 Lesser souls shall catch the assurance Then, that crowns thy life with bliss, It will strengthen their endurance, CUmbing crag, and precipice, In endeavor stern, and trying. In the conflict with their wrongs, Till from lips, all faint with sighing. Shall ascend triumphant songs ! Angel arms unseen mfold thee, And the highest, supreme Heart, As a child beloved shall hold thee Pledged to every noble part. So I read the divination Of thy life stream's changing flow, To the glorious consummation That the just alone may know. THE ROSARIB. Hark ; it was their angel voices Which awoke that blissful strain; My rapt spirit still rejoices At the jubilant refrain. 94 HOPE AND FAITH. As from rosarie a maiden Golden beads drops one by one, So their linked songs of Aidenn, Waken echoes, tone on tone. As across the laughing meadows, Or where gurgling brooklets glide, Sweep at noon, Sun-driven shadows, Steal thes« echoes, side by side. HOPE AND FAITH. Dearest, though the angels told me Of the strength within thy heart, StiU, as closely I infold thee. Comes to mine a bitter smart. I would soothe those throbbing temples, Cool the fever of thy brow ; Ah, the sunlight faintly trembles Through thy saddened spirit, now ! Like a stately city, standing By old Ocean's open door, AU its ceaseless strength commanding. All its treasures, evermore. HOPE AND FAITH. 95 So thy spirit's calm reposing, Seemeth, to my spirit eyes, As some crystal sea, inclosing All the sweets of Paradise ; Centred by a gleaming city, With its clustering domes and spires ; And my spirit swells with pity At the sacrificial fires. Burning on its temple altars. Gleaming on its golden shrine, But the great sun never falters In its path of hyaline. Be thou faithful, in thy bosom It shall l^indle purer fires. Making, in its depths, to blossom Higher, holier desires. Bird-like melodies, the sweetest, In its dewy-dawn will start, Pouring victory's completest Anthem, from thy inmost heart God himself gives inspiration To these choiring thoughts of thine j Guard, then, every emanation From this origin divine. 96 THE PROMISE. Why thus saddened, beyond measure, In these clouds about thy way ; Oh, look up ! and learn to treasure Stars that turn e'en night to day. Wheresoe'er thou goest pouring Golden Hope, and beamy faith, Till thy heart and soul are soaring, Victors over fate and death. THE PKOMISE. I WOULD my yearning heart could* find a tone Echoing responsive language to thine own. Though in its far recesses I discern The fires of love and gratitude that burn On Friendship's altar, and behold, in thine. The same sweet flame burn, lambent and divine, Still, when expression's nobler flight I seek, I find my tongue reluctant, slow, and weak ; My humble lyre no lofty song will bring. But tones of sweetness vibrate on each string. Restless ambition ever toils to bind Her glittering chains upon the active mind, AVE MARIA. 97 But thoti, exalted to some noble aim, A brighter crown, a purer i?rreath may claim ; Fronting so bravely all the ills of life, And walking fearless through its wrongs and strife. If thus, forever, thou canst hold in view, The starry heights of a pure life, and true. Thy future pathway shall be bright with bhss. That far outweighs the martyrdoms of this ,• No clouds shall darken, with malignant frown, But fadeless laurels thy white temples crown ; Seraphs of beauty golden censers swing, Love's holiest incense over thee to fling, And, borne aloft on music's waves, shall soar. Thy victor-soul, right on, for evermore ! AYE MARIA Oh thou, my spirit friend, Sweet mother ! as I bend Heart and knee, Teach what my tongue shall say, That I aright may pray Unto thee. 9 AVE MARIA. I would become more pure, More willing to endure What may be^ Well knowing at my side Whatever may betide — Guarding me, Thy angel walks in light, As walked thy Son by night On the sea ! And though my life-boat frail, Rude tempest may assail, WrathfuUy, And waves tumultuous rise. Threatening the pallid skies, In mad glee ! While fearful hghtnings hiss Down wave and orecipice, Scornfully ! Yet will I feel no fear; Oh, holy mother dear, Maid-mother free I Thy sweet, assuring smile, Rests over me, the while, Earnestly. WHAT THE ANGELS SAT. 99 Sweet mother, mine, I pray, Take not that light away ; May it be Within my inmost soul, And all my thoughts control, Perfectly. So holy is its power, My soul can but adore Thine, and Thee I The wisdom, love, and grace, Which, from thy heavenly face, Beam on me ! WHAT THE ANGELS SAY. Shall I tell thee what the angels say, When in symbols they speak to me ? When they hover so lovingly over my way. And whisper strange stories of thee. They bear me away to their heavenly bowers, In the freshness and fragrance of morn ; Thy spirit florescent, floats over the flowers That there, in bright beauty, are born. 100 HUMAN LOVE. In the indolent calm of a summer noon, In a reverie, fancy free, Through Nepenthean odors, soft as June, They are wafting a vision of thee. At twilight they take me on cloud-winged steeds, "Where ripple the musical streams ; The amber-hued perfumes awoke in the meads Are the echoes of love-lighted dreams. When the somnolent dews of the midnight weep, Weird protean fancies they twine, A garland of Lotus-buds, sacred to sleep : To sleep and to dreams that are thine ! HUMAN LOYE. Father in Heaven I permit me, as I may, To bring an oflfering, simple though it be, Upon the shrine of human love to lay. Whereby my soul exalts itself to Thee. FLOWER FAYS. 101 Now bending low, I ask, imploringly, That I this silent power may never lose ; Then confident in faith, adoringly I gladden in the strength of its repose, — The power that makes us more akin to Thee, The highest, sweetest power to spirits born, To love, love only, even should there be For us, but wrong, injustice, hate and scorn, Father, I pray Thee, may we ever prove This Omnipresence of Omniscient Love. FLOWER FAYS. I WILL tell you of a vision, A vision of sweet power, Which came from the ElysJan, And was brought me by a flower. For an hour, a whole hour, Above it I would bend ; Would you think a httle flower Could have won your simple friend, O'er its beauty frail, to ponder, With an earnest child-like wonder. And its leaflets fair to sunder. One by one ? 9* 102 FLOWER FAYS. Call it not a cruel part ; For, within its tender heart, I had found a polished dart, Thither thrown By some merry-hearted boy, In the recklessness of joy, Never thinking 't would destroy Its young bloom. Oh, the rose did redly pout, As I pulled the arrow out : And it scattered all about Its perfume, Till the fragrance made me faint ; When with gesture, 0, so quaint! Breathed it out a low complaint^ In a song. Sooth, I cannot give the air, For it was, beyond compare. Very wonderful and rare ; And a throng Came, of mischief-loving sprites, Who in damp mid-summer nights, Toss the ever-flashing lights, In the vale, — FLOWER FAYS. , 103 Whife tihe lonely whippowil, From his bower beneath the hill, All the Hstening air doth fill With his wail, — They with mirth-provoking glances, Wheeled round me in their dances Their brxjws wreathed with bright pansiea^ W€t wiith dew. Held each hand a cup of gold, Wreathed in shapes of fe,irest mould ; And the quaintest tales they told, Whi^eh, if true, I am sure I would not tell; And if fake, it were as well That a silence o'er them fell. Tenderly. So these FU not recall, Tho' the drapery of them ali Flutters, as a glittering pal!, Over me. But the moral of them is, That thy life's distilled bliss, Never might atone for this Wanton waste 104 FLOWER FAYS. Of the cherished sweets, that clung Where my scented petals hung, And to heaven their sweetness flung, Baby-chaste. gather gather one Of the leaves so careless thrown ; Let its sad, forgiving tone Plead its wrong; For each leaflet, spreading fair, Was the utterance of a prayer, Which the flower gave the air^ In a song. *Gan the merry sprites to drink From the tiny goblet's brink ; At which one, with roguish wink, Drew more near ; And a saucy elf he was. For he touched my shoulder, as His thin treble, shrill as glass. Pierced my ear. " To illume earth's darkened hours, God," he said, " sends human floweri^ Human hearts from evil powers To beguile. FLOWER FAYS. 105 " And the aroma of sweet feeling From them, mistily is stealing, And the li^t of their revealing Is a smile. But too oft they feign a part, Feigning, till the fearful smart^ Of some unsuspected dart, Makes them feel Something of the debt they owe To the Heavens that bestow Beauty's coniscating glow, Good and ill" Then he laughed out merrily, As he held his cup to me ; " This is nectar, drink !" said he. With a shout Then I heard their goblets clink, Saw their little elf-eyes blink ; And they laughed, till one would think Such a rout All their bloomy spliere must shake, And its deepest caverns make Merry mocking echoes take, JFora time: 106 THE OAK. While the pool of lilies, thrilled Through and through, its ripples stilled, And the depths of air were filled With the chime. THE OAK. Tiny little Acorn ! underneath the ground, Working out a problem, solemnly profound ! Shoot of simplest beauty, frail as thou art fair, Meekly giving utterance to the acorn's prayer ; Lightly springing Sapling, promising so much. Ever swaying, gracefully, to the zephyr's touch ; Tree of fair proportions, slender, lithe, and strong, Griving back the chorus of the wild wind's song ; Pride of all the forest, tree acknowledged king, When ihe storms are loudest, when the tem- pests bring, From the dreary northland, all their fearful force, And thy fellows tremble from their furious course : THE FAGLE HEART. 107 Bald to rebel winter, garlanded in spring, Oak ! in all thy changes, nurtured to be king; Eegally majestic, thou dost wear thy crown, Laughing loud, and scornfully, at the Storm- god's frown. THE EAGLE HEART. As beneath the crystal waters, Diamonds glitter, very clear, So thy mental sons, and daughters, Through their element appear, In thy soul's serenest chambers. Reason's children make their home, And Thought's sunlight, as it clambers To its blue, meridian dome, Gilds, with loveUness transcendent, All thy high imaginings ; And the angel, thy attendant. Shakes ambrosia from her wings. Thy soul's temple I have entered, And I linger at the shrine. Where, in oriel-Hght, are centred The deep springs of the Divine. 108 THE EAGLE HEART. Here are contrasts so united In all holiest marriages, Strength to G-entleness is plighted, Pride to sweet HnmiUties. O'er the sky came sudden changes,— Turns of Pate's Kaleidoscope • To my spirit, as it ranges Over thine, there seems to ope Scenes of glory, so entrancing, That I tremble as I view, Lingering now, and now advancing, Through each thought-paved avenue. As a dove might, young and tender, Find security, and rest, For its pinions thin, and slender. In the fearless Eagle's nest, — As beneath an oak wide-spreading, Nestles the sweet Eglantine, As a rivulet, slow threading Its dark way, where rocks incline, Suddenly in Hght emerges, Growing deeper and more clear, Till it mingles with the surges Tumbling on the windy mere ; THERE REMAINETH A REST. 109 So all timid spirits, wrestling With the fearful storms of life, To thy eagle soul fly, nestling From the tumult, and the strife ; So thy thought from doubt emerges, G-rowing deeper, and more clear, Till it mingles with the surges Of the Everlasting mere ! THERE REMAINETH A REST TO THE PEO- PLE OF GOD. HEBREWS, IV. 9. Sweet promise ! the bruised and the sad ones of earth, Who are sorrowing under affliction's hard rod, This thought — oh, their bosoms may best know its worth ; "There remaineth a rest to the people of God I" 10 110 THERE REMAINETH A REST. Then cheer up, ye mourners, your tears wipe away, - And lift your sad eyes from the mouldering sod, Though the fruitage of joy, upon earth, may decay, "There remaineth a rest to the people of God!" Tired pilgrim! oppressed and o'erladen with care. Who art toihng in sorrow o'er life's weary road, Take courage, press on, never yield to despair ; " There remaineth a rest to the people of God !" And you, who in sorrow and suffering pine, On couches of sickness ; though anguish cor- rode. Let joy with your sorrow supremely combine, "There remaineth a rest to the people of God!" Thou servant of Christ! who hast faithfully borne The yoke of thy Master, ihj weary life-load. Remember, though now a sad victim of scorn, "There remaineth a rest to the people of God!" MINISTRATIONS. Ill Oh exquisite rest I most holy, secure, To mingle for aye, in that happy abode, With those we have loved, with the good, and the pure. This rest, holy rest, "for the people of Grod 1" MINISTRATIO]S'S. There are forms of beauty, bending. Ever bending o'er your way ; And they scatter blessings round you, As the night distils its dew ; And their presence lights your spirits, As the sunshine lights the day ; And no cloud of sorrow rises, But their soft eyes twinkle through ! There are angels bright, who hnger, Ever hnger by your side : Ever watching, ever waiting, — Only watching for your good ; Their snow-white arms protecting You, if evil should betide, Nourishing your hungry spirits, With their own ambrosial food. 112 MINISTRATIONS. In the noon-day there are voices, Yoices in the noon of night, Which are whispering, of heaven, Words of glory and of joy ; Oh, then Usten, closely hsten ! They will thrill you with dehght, — Stories of their blissfulness. Of a bliss without alloy. There are touches which are thrilling, Thrilling with a power intense, Through the inmost depths of feehng Till ye know the hand that blesses, As a holy consecration Baptizeth every sense. In the sweet, and sacred influence Of their heavenly caresses. There are most ecstatic visions. Visions that hke starbeams come; While the tones of the departed Waken holiest memories, — Till there comes a childlike yearning For your spirit's cherished home, In the Father's blessed presence, In the bowers of Paradise. REVERIE. 113 There are heavenly revelations, Kevelations pure, and high, That will flash athwart the spirit. Like the lightning's fierce control ; Giving glimpses of the glory Flashing on the inward eye, Till a hallowed sense of blessing Lifts the transfio:ured soul I REVERIE. One summer evening, calm and still, I sat upon a mossy hill, And listened to the whippowil. Sad bird of night; When came a voice, so soft and clear, It fell upon my raptured ear. Like music from another sphere, In dreaming heard. It was a sound for earth too rare, A sad-like, yet a joyous air; I can, to nothing fit, compare That minor sound. 10* 114 love's immortality. Its vocal source I never knew ; It came upon me as the dew ComeS; and we ken not shape or hue, At shut of night. But oh, it had a power to still The ragings of the wayward will^ And deep, with holy thoughts to fill The tranced mind. I know that, from their holy home, Exalted spirits oft will roam, And to the haunts of mortals come, With power to bless; But never, till that rapturous even, Such grace was to my spirit given, To feel, to taste, so much of heaven, So much of God. LOYE'S IMMORTAUTT. Know, my loved ones, I am Ida : Ida who in Eden lives ; All the eve I've stood beside her Who my message softly gives. LOVES IMMORTALITY. 115 I have lingered in your presence, Many a time, before to-night, Shedding o'er your souls a pleasance, In a soft, inspiring light. As the moonbeams, through the lattice, Will uncertain shadows cast ; As a sunlit vapor, that is Like a memory of the past; As the drowsy vail of twiHght, Shimmering in an eve of June ; ^s a waking love-dream's eye Hght; Vs the hidden wild bee's tune ; So, through earth-life's sensate curtain, Though your misty vision bent. Gleams my presence, pale, uncertain, Distant-seeming, bright but faint. Yet, my arms around you flinging, Long above you have I hung, With a fond and tender clinging Round you, as in life they clung. As in life ? ah ! I am giving Unto words an earth-hke hue ; Never had I known of hving Till I passed death's portals through ; 116 love's immortality. Never known the god-like story Of the everlasting soul; The immeasurable glory, That its destinies unroll. 0, my friends ! I scarce know whether Most I love, or most adore. This all-loving, holy Father, Who hath blessed me evermore. And I quiver, as I name him, With an ever quick surprise ; To my lips come high, acclaiming Plaudits, thrilhng to the skies. And there come the clearest singing, Intertwining notes, that swell All around me, and the ringing Pulses of a silver bell. And a hymning low, and tender, Overflows and floods my soul ; Every thought it seems to render Strong, though sweet, in its control. I have lingered unbelieving. In the broad, convincing hght ; For it seemed like a deceiving Dream of beauty, fleet as bright^ love's immortality. 117 That one spirit, thus, should enter To another's mortal home, While that soul from its deep centre Over trackless fields might roam. Yes, my friends, while I am speaking Through these tranced lips to you. Her unfettered soul is seeking Fields the senses never knew. This unvails the sweetest mystery Life has lent me, even here, This turns prophecy to history, Of earth's marriage with our sphere, — Your old earth becomes less earthly,^ - Marriage holy and divine. Of whose ritual high and worthy. Here behold the living sign ; Coming, as the soft caressings Of a mother's love below. Coming, with the highest blessings Which the good in glory know. Ask ye why, amid the pleasures Which are my attendants here, I should seek to tread the measures That are trod upon that sphere ? 118 TKE JOT OF ACTION, Know the soul that loves, believing, Never loses aught it loves ; But, for evermore receiving, Ever takes, where'er it roves. The distilled sweets of loving, The rehned soul of sense : And the heart grows richer, proving Love's repletest competence. Therefore, purified, I carry All m J earth-bom tendernesses, Thus I still delight to tarry 'Mid love's flowery wildemesses, And in heaven rejoice to marry Loving hps. in pure caresses. THE JOT OF ACTION. Thus beside thee as I linger Angel arms our forms entwine ; Each inspired, lovely singer, Chants a hymn of the Divine. Most familiar is their greeting. Tenderly they press my hand, All the while the slow time beating, With a shiningr silver wand. THE JOY OF ACTION. 119 Seems it as if I were dreaming, On a bed of poppies white, Their low singing, and the gleaming Of the lithe wand, and the light. Now a most enchanting essence Stupifies my every sense, And I feel its witching presence Stealing through this sweet suspense. But they go ! they are ascending , Oh, sweet souls I half adore, Bless ye, for the many blending Benisons ye on me pour. They have left us to each other, Wilt thou suffer me to come ? I the flowers of thought will gather Blooming in thy spirit home. What a strange, foreboding quiet, Seems to rest on all around. Here's a lakelet, and anigh it Bright translucent shells aboimd, Here are birds that are not singing, Fishes, but they do not play. Nothing with swift gladness springing : Is it night, or is it day ? 120 THE JOY OF ACTION. That thy soundless mental ocean, Like a sheet of silver spread, Lies as listless, without motion, As if all its waves were dead. Would'st thou rouse thy dormant powers To some action, true and high, Startling, from these listless hours. All their blank vacuity, — Sought'st thou, with a pure intention, Some good purpose to fulfil, — Drawn to their extremest tension, All thy nerves with joy would thrill. Work ! there comes no angel bringing Deeper peacefulness than he, Joy and health leap upward, singing In his regal company. Thou art gentle, kind, and loving, And thy spirit is serene As the gauzy, white clouds, moving 'Twixt the azure and the green. Need it were baptized in trial ; Action should illume the shrine, And the fires of self-denial Consecrate it, and refine. life's mystery. 121 What a heaven-descended dower Those deep sympathies of thine ! Thou should' st guard them, as a power, And a fellowship, divine. That will lift thy soul to Heaven, Or bring that Heaven down to thee, When to thy spirit shall be given Glimpses of Divinity. LIFE'S MYSTERY. Life in its various changes, Life in its phases rude. Life in its highest ranges. Was never understood ! Life, when most staid and quiet. Life, when most crowned with good, Life, howsoe'er we try it. Was never understood ! Life ! over it, forever, Will doubt, and darkness brood, Ind baffle man's endeavor. To make it understood. 11 122 life's mystery. Life ! 0, the Life of living, Its highest altitude, Must ever be in giving. Were it rightly understood. The soul's appointed mission, For which alone we live, In high, or low condition, Is evermore to give. In answer to our giving We evermore receive ; And, gratefully receiving, We fruitfully believe. Belief is but ascension Unto the high and good ; And doubt, a sad detention By things ill understood. Then grant us patience. Father I Whom many ills enthrall, — For in ourselves we gather The sufferings of all. But still as we are nearing Those clear, calm heights, and true, Sweet voices are we hearing, And love-lights meet our view. LITTLE MOSS ROSE. • 123 Oh, Life of our creation ! It were a heaven to us, Could we keep the high relation Distinct, harmonious. Between the flesh and spirit, And of the soul to thee, That the mansions we inherit As thy holy courts may be. LITTLE MOSS ROSE. A LOVELY rose-bud in the sunshine glowing, Simple and modest, and as sweetly wild, As though young Zephyr nursed it as her child, Art thou wee Pet ; so innocently growing Upon the parent stem, while sun and dew Still foster thee, with care the tenderest. And spirits hover over the green nest "Which shelters thee. Ah, budling fair and new, Be thou not tempted from this safe retreat, By the gay sunshine of the world alluring, Where prouder beauties glance with more assuring Effluence and color, but how far less sweet Than thou bright blossom, then hnger here God and his angels are so very near. 124 THY MOTHER. THY MOTHER. A BRIGHT Figure, beaming In the rose-light of dreaming, Seems folding us close in embraces of love ; Ah, see I 'tis none other Than thy beautiful mother, Bending lovingly down from the silence above. Oh, say, canst thou hear her ? Come nearer ! come nearer ! Her tones are so mellow, low, soothing, and sweet ; Each sense I surrender • To an influence tender, And sink in a rapture of bUss at her feet. The tenderest blessings. The sweetest caressings. That ever a mother on daughter did shower, All pure consecrations. All high aspirations, She lavishes on thee, unchanged with the hour. THY MOTHER. 125 Her love-light will strengthen When dun shadows lengthen, And Hfe's stilly evening succeeds to its noon, When day, with its hid light. Sinks starless to midnight, Her love will be o'er thee for planet and moon. Her exquisite spirit Must surely inherit A home of rich beauty and lovehness rare, For, dimly beholding Her glorious unfolding, I see a clear flush in the scintillant air. And a sense of contrition, And lowlier submission Grows strong in my soul with my strengthening faith. Oh is it but seeming. Illusion and dreaming? Or have I gone up through the portals of death ? With rapturous singing The angels are winging In circles resplendent, or poised in the air j Oh, Infinite Father ! From thee I would gather New strength, by new virtue, their glory to bear. 11* 126 YET ONCE AGAIN. PAULINE. White browed Anemones, daughters of the sun, And blue-eyed violets, with the mignonette, And pale pink roses with the valley's pet, The myrtle, iris, hly, every one Becomes a sweet Interpreter of thee ; And as I hst the voices of thy soul, So soft and gentle, yet in their control Strong and subduing, clearly do I see The latent strength that slumbers in thy spirit, Where lofty faith and aspirations high, And holy loves keep closest company, Building the heaven predestined souls inherit. Oh, the sweet influence of thy soul on mine Is as an effluence of the most Divine ! YET ONCE AGAIN. Yet once again, most joyfully, I come Within the circle of thy soul's high home. Again I bend, my spirit brow to lave In healing waters from the crystal wave Of thy deep ocean of exalted thought, With power-inspiring power as richly fraught. YET ONCE AGAIN. 127 As the famed pool BetKesda could have been, Save when the influence of the Nazarene Rested upon it. Still dwells with thee such Blessed divinity of angel touch, As, in its worth, might almost rival, even That which adorned the glorious Son of Hea- ven, — For as Heaven's Son we ever recognise The lowly Jesus, — though our spirit eyes See other sons of Heaven, less good, less pure, Less perfect, yet as willing to endure The martyrdom of suffering and of shame, That comes to all who dare assume a name Which the false years presumptuously con- demn, — The mocking years, bow not, my soul, to them Bigots and tyrants, fell and treacherous. Forever cry "Ye shall not rule o'er us!" To the pure spirits, who, with holiest love, Their wicked, sensual, selfish deeds reprove. Redeemers, Saviors, we ne'er recognise. Until the mission of their high emprise Hath been perfected, then, the bhnd may see, Clustering about them, their Divinity. My spirit-brother ! Shall I call thee such ? Emboldened by the sweet, inspiring touch 128 YET ONCE AGAIN. Of thy soul's finger, seeming to impart Sublimest teachings to my kindhng heart, ThrOling my lips as with celestial fire, Waking my soul to aspirations, higher And holier, than any I have caught From lips, unless by inspiration fraught. Thy earthly raiment now is rent away, I see thee all divested of thy clay, And read thy spirit, as I read a book ; Through aU its inmost mysteries I look. As sparkling bubbles on a limpid stream. In the soft moonlight beautifully gleam, Or as the wavelets on the ocean's blue, With silvery gleamings, fascinate the view, As sportive sylphs, by their bewitching dance O'er the bright waters, every eye entrance, Along its course thy life-stream ever glides, Watering the simplest herbage by its sides, Foam-wreaths of Fancy, o'er its surface fly. Feeling's fair Hhes in the sunbeams lie. Meandering now through blooming meadows fair. Where spring the flowers of science, rich and rare. Through forest thick, where Wisdom's stately trees. Lift their high branches to the swelling breeze ; YET ONCE AGAIN. 129 Anon through valleys shady, quiet, low, Mid thirsty plants and hungry roots to flow ; Then on a fruitful, far-extending plain. It spreads its bosom to the sun and rain, That it may give the healing draught again To thirsty mortals, who, devoid of sight, Walk bhndfold, ever groping for the light. What a strange study is thy soul to me ; Simple and clear, yet full of mystery, A subtle link unites it to the earth, A tie half human, half divine in birth ; Yet is the bond so subtle and so sUght, They stand apart, dissevered in my sight. If, on thy actual hand, or heart, or brow, I place my actual hand, as I do now, An answering throb, in unison most clear, Gives an assurance thou art of this sphere; But if my spirit hand I clasp with thine, The inspiration makes us both divine. And in a circle, sweeping far above Earth's narrow limits, hand in hand we rove, Through most transcendent, glorious abodes, Into the presence of the God of gods! And feel our spirits sweetly harmonize. In all perfections growing great, and wise. 130 THE HEALING GIFT. HERO-SOUL. Oh hero-soul, Life's temple dost thou build, Arches and columns, towers and glowing spires ; With incense of good deeds its halls are filled, And love to Grod kindles its altar-fires. Ah me I I know full well, to souls like thine. With every dawn there evermore doth come Some sacrifice to lay on Duty's shrine, Some sterner conflict, deeper martyrdom; And Pity's tears are falling, as I think Of all the sorrows gathering on thy way ; Prom what a cup of anguish must thou drink. What dizzy heights, what dismal depths survey. From out so black and storm-conflicting night, There must be born a day of radiance bright. THE HEALING- GIFT. Angels of mercy, from Love's inmost shrine, Did at thy birth a fadeless laurel twine, Around thy spirit's pure transparent brow, Lending all sweet perennial flowers that blow, THE HEALING GIFT. 13 J For thy green cliaplet, full of odors sweet, And with all healing' potencies replete. Yes ! it is true, thou did'st the power receive Largely, all pain and anguish to relieve, Controlling all the demons of disease, While prescient sufferers eagerly would seize Thy healing hand, upon their hearts to press. Taking new vigor from its soft caress. Behold, sweet sister ! see anear thee stand A shining angel with a silvery wand ; Slowly he waves it over earth and sea. Then gently lays the crystal point on thee, "With touch resistless in its strong control, Kerving the feeblest purpose of thy soul. StiU more impressive grows the heavenly scene By the bright presence of the ISTazarene, In whom supreme the healing gift was found ; His glorious brow with martyrdom is crowned, And, kindly bending from the calm above. He folds thee closely in his arms of love I Prize of thy generous heart and lofty deed, Thine is the sacred gift, the exalted meed, Some soothing cordial on each wound to pour, Some healing balm, for every suffering hour 132 PROPHET BARD. That earth's afflicted sons are doomed to know, In their wide wanderings through this vale of woe. Sad hearts are gladdened by thy cheering tones, As the lone widow, by Maria's son's ; Fulfil thy mission, wearying though it be, Jesus himself shall walk the path with thee ; Angels of love on all thy steps attend, And pitying souls their sweetest succor lend. Guard, as the fortress of thy sacred wealth, The priceless remnant of that shattered health ; Keep aU thy st-eps with vigilance and care. In even hands the healing cup to bear. That so pure clay to purer soul allied, By its own glory is most glorified. PROPHET BARD. Poet and Brother, loved and honored, more Than thy heart counts amid its treasured gains, Stint not, oh Prophet Bard, thy soul to pour Even on barren fields, like Autumn rains : Thou might'st have built a throne where, long before, Fame would have sat, amid the echoing strains FORESH ADO WINGS. 133 Of thy own harp ; had'st thou, more world-wise sung Some mouthing Patriot's eulogistic rhyme, Some high-born dame's or maiden's praises rung, As a lithe trifler trolled an idle chime. Or, with less zeal of earnest passion, felt Thy gift's high sanctity, at random thrown Truths taught by Kature, where thy spirit knelt. But even yet, proud Fame shall claim thee as her own ! FORESHADOWING-S. Though I know thou art not seeking For the things I now rehearse, Yet am I impelled to speaking, And the utterance comes in verse. Thou art formed for highest uses. Though, upon thy mental skies, Hang the clouds of dark abuses. Clouding o'er the bright sunrise Of that Faith, which should enlighten All the future, to thy tread, While the stars of Hope that brighten, Melt in glory over head I 12 134 FORESHADOWINGS. For I feel this strong assurance, That within thy noble heart Burn the fires of true endurance, That to others might impart Strength to conquer the conspiring Enemies of Truth and Right ; Courage, faith, and love refiring At thy own heart's altar-light. Tenderly the dawn reposes On thy spirit beauty-crowned. And the breath of full-blown roses Sheds their fragrances around. Reason stands like oaks majestic. Stalwart, leafy sentinels Casting shadows, most fantastic, Over aU the flowery dells. Now their leaves, in blithe carousing, Dance, and drink the dew-drops rare And, anon, hang, faintly drowsing. In the incense-freighted air. Noble cities, grand and stately. With full many a teeming mart, Mountains towering up sedately — Nature's wonder-works of art ; FORESHADO WINGS. 135 Every thing in earth, air, ocean, I have seen reflected here, In minute, but just proportion, Forming an harmonious sphere, Where thy sun, with perfect glory, O'er a cloudless noon shall shine, And fleet angels bear the story Of the morning's birth divine. Oh, I hear their gladsome singing, See them with bright garlands crowned, "" While the vaulted heavens are ringing With the rapture-pealing sound. See the countless millions gather ! Oh, I shudder, shiver, sink ; Shelter ! save me, Heavenly Father ! Still, forbid me not to drink From these waters of the Elysian, On whose hills of broader scope, To my soul's anointed vision. Scenes of deeper glory ope ; Giving those intense revealings. Which the sight can scarce endure j Consecrating all my feelings. With baptisms high and pure. 136 RIVAL CLAIMS. Seems as from me life were fleeing, God's eflfulgence so doth fill Every inlet of my being, With an all-pervading thrill. Dearest Father ! thou hast told me We were of Thyself a part ; Oh, then, as an infant, fold me Near to thy sustaining heart ; Still permitting that I cherish This sweet vision ; let it stay As a light that cannot perish, Dawn of thy eternal Day. RIVAL CLAIMS. Never knew I harp so changing As this spirit lyre of thine. Now, where angel hands are ranging, Now where fingers less divine. Here a tone of triumph taking, Self-rehant, calm, and strong; There with terror weakly shaking, Pouring a complaining song. EIVAL CLAIBIS. 137 Strangest discord quivers through it ; Thrills a harmony sublime ; Loving sympathies subdue it To a gentle, tender chime. Now imbued with deepest sadness, Then with passionate desire, Soon, intoxicating gladness, Vibrates on the trembling wire. Oh, 'tis piteous ! thus to squander An inheritance so high. Thus to vacillate, and wander, 'Twixt the lights of fen and sky. Learn to prize the holy treasure In thy deep heart slumbering, Tune thy lyre to some fixed measure, Some star-centred rhythm sing. Maiden, blushing the confession Of the virtues in thy breast. With thy womanly expression In the sweetest accents dressed ; In thy gentle nature blending Every captivating grace, And the rival charms, contending In thy ever-changing face, 12* 138 MY WIFE. Thou art regal as a queen is, Hast withal as rich a dower ; Would'st thou teach thy heart sereneness, Then were thine a queenly power. Then arouse thee, gentle sister ! Life is far too brief an hour For our souls to dwarf its vista, By the wasting of a flower. Rival crowns I see before thee — One of pure and true desire, One, if once it glitters o'er thee, It shall cling like chemic fire. Take the star-crown of the Father ; Spurn the tempter's diadem ; And thy coming days shall gather Power and Peace, perfecting them. MY WIFE. Oh blame me not. May, that so long I delayed My coming to greet thee; my footsteps were stayed MY WIFE. 139 By a lingering fear that thou wouM'st not be- lieve The words I might speak, or it haply might grieve Thy sensitive nature, t&y Beautiful One! Yet dearest, believe me, thou art not alone. I linger above thee, by day and by night, I share in thy sorrows, and in thy delight There are times when my presence has over thee thrown An influence of sweetness tiiou canst not dis- own. There are times when I hold thee within my embrace, And gaze, as at first, on thy love-lighted face : There are times when old feelings within thee are stirred Till thou thrillest with rapture, my beautiful Bird! Be patient, be hopeful, let what will betide ; There are spirits of beauty who walk by thy side. I will come to thee, Mary, will over thee bend As a guardian angel, thy steps to attend ; 140 FREED F Bright joy to thy life I will evermore bring, And aye to my strength shall thy gentleness ehng. Then deem it no weakness to cherish a love For thy young heart's betrothed, though his home be above, To live in the bliss of his loving caresses, For thee with delight he embraces and blesses. May love, joy, and peace, be the crown of thy life, And death bring my Mary, my darling, my wife I FREED! Father, I thank thee ! Tliou hast called my child Back to thyself and to its home in heaven f No more above his bed, in anguish wild, Through the dark night-hours will my prayera be given ; No more at day-break will the dreaded horn, From the sick sufferer, summon me away ; •No more, from his embraces rudely torn, I go, despairing, to my gloomy day I AN ADMONITION. 14] 'T was a rich gift, Father, that proud boy ; Gladdening my bosom with his eye of hght; And though in him was centred all hfe's joy, Over its beauty hung a nameless blight! But now, my bhss is mixed with no alloy ; Now is my darHng born an Angel free, and white ! AN ADMONITION. With thy soul is earliest morning, And the dew lies on the ground, While a glory, all-adorning. From the sun is poured around. In thy bosom playful fancies A beguihng sweetness shed, As the odors of young paasies 'Neath the sportive Fairies' tread. Half-blown liUes are revealing Snowy busts in bodice green, Buds of tenderest thought and feeling Half-expanded, bloom between. 142 AN ADMONITION. Like bright bubbles, gayly flashing On some streamlet as it flows, Or as ocean wavelets plashing In the noon of night's repose j As the laughing sylphs, advancing In their revels, full of glee, • With the flashing billows dancing To the morning's melody ; As fresh grasses in the meadows, As the shadows on the hills, As the twittering of young sparrows^ As the incense noon distils ; As the breath of blooming clover, Grlances o.f red berries bright, — So aro.und, beneath, and over ; AU thy soul is a delight ! But I give thee earnest warning That its weapons are too fine, Less for conflict than adorning, Sterner metal should be thine, Fit to strengthen and ennoble All the future of thy life, Arming for the day of trouble. Arming for the day of strife. INVOCATION, 143 INVOCATION. Beautiful spirits, gloriously fair ! Fondly ye hover round the loved one there, In the stern strife from love and home afar Where the grim legions of the Alien are ; Yet he beholds not, though ye come so near : Can ye not, spirits, make his vision clear, Lift from his weary hand his drooping head, And from that breast, to saddened fancies wed, Drive the dark spirit of distrust and dread And dry the tears his weary eyes must shed. Ye can the Wanderer of his pangs beguile, And light his dim'd eye with a radiant smile, Make his still heart with hopeful joyance spring And lend old gladness an exultant wing. Draw the dark future's clinging vail away, And fill his soul with promises of day. That he its kindling raptures may behold, Pleasures unthought, and ecstasies untold. Now as ye wheel in mazy circles round. He starts ! he listens ! yes, he hears the sound Of the glad notes your choirs are chanting now, See, what a glory sits upon his brow I 144 INVOCATION. With what dehght are his quick pulses thrilled, With what enchantment is his bosom filled ! IlTow to the Father — forced no more to roam — In dreams of Heaven his spirit flutters home, Xeans on the Saviour in a blissful thought ; With joy we leave him to the spell ye've wrought. Ah, see ! he kneels, he bows in fervent prayer ; To him, sweet sisters, let us draw more near, Pour a full blessing on his youthful head, And heavenly love like balmy incense shed. As his soul hungers for the joys of heaven, Give him to feel his sins are all forgiven ; And as his spirit calmly sleeps in bliss. Just touch its red lips with a parting kiss ; Once more a heartfelt blessing we renew, And turn to leave him with a blithe adieu. Beautiful Spirits, hasten not away ! Leave, leave with me a blessing too, I pray ; And ere the dying of that farewell strain, Promise me. Spirits, to return again. Or that I meet you in the realms of air, Beautiful Spirits, gloriously fair 1 PHANTASY. 145 PHANTASY. " Tiny Acorn'' Was the first born Of the friendship felt for thee j Then the proud oak Still more loud spoke To thy inmost soul of me. Gentle Lady, I conveyed thee Many thoughts thou lovest well, And have brought thee Every thought free, Thus to hold thee in my spell. Life's hard lesson Finds expression In the ripple of these rhymes, As a river, Flowing ever, Murmurs out its dreamy chimes. In the dead light Of the midnight,"! I have sought thee as thou slept; 13 146 PHANTASY. When the gleamings Of bright dreamings Have across thy bosom swept. Oh surrender Every tender, Lofty feehng of thy soul, Each upspringing Fancy winging Onward to this glorious goal. Brighter beauties, Higher duties, "Will the future bring to thee. Oh, be careful, Watcliful, prayerful, Thus to keep thy spirit free. I am twining With this rhyming For thy brow a holy wreath. Pure and fadeless. From the shadeless Flowers beyond the shores of death. Radiating Consecrating Odors pure, and high, and good. I STOOD BESIDE THEE. 147 Near the Father Thou shalt gather Heavenly manna for thy food. I STOOD BESIDE THEE. I STOOD beside thee all that night of grief Longing, but powerless, to bestow relief; Still all untroubled, for I saw how clear The sun of Trust would rise again, to cheer. The wrong and doubtful from the true and right Will fade, as darkness fadeth from the light. On a spring's bosom did'st thou never trace Perfect reflections of thy form and face ; Did'st never see some leaflet flutter down On its fair surface ? thus, sometimes, is thrown A ruffling shadow o'er the depths of mind, Blurring an image faithfully enshrined. A breath will dim the purest mirror's face, So may a thought, from other minds, efface From thy dear soul the messages we send. Or if not all, some mist may with them blend, Leaving their beauty but in fitful gleams; A troubled slumber giveth troubled dreams. 148 THE DEAD BABY. THE DEAD BABT. A SPIRIT approached that I knew not before Who sang me this lay of the baby she bore. " This child on my bosom, but yesterday clung To the breast of its mother, who joyfully sung Such rich baby-lays, that the seraphs above Bent o'er the blest twain, in transports of love. The child raised its eyes to the jubilant band. And with gleeful surprise it threw up its white hand With a beckoning gesture, as if it would fain Woo the beautiful beings from heaven again. " Then they hovered still nearer the mother and son, So near that the child caught their low under-" tone. A moment, all motionless over the pair, They hung in a silence, profound as the prayer A dying saint offers, unuttered, to Grod, Ere his spirit departs for its blissful abode. " Then, fleet as the lightning, or cherubim fair With wings ever brightening the tremulous air THE DEAD BABY. 149 Came down to the baby, so softly anear, And whispered a mystical word in his ear ; Then the red on his cheek grew white as the snow, His pouting red lips lost their rich, ruddy glow; O'er the love-beaming eyes the veined lids close. His dimpled hands fold like the leaves of the rose. Unbroken the vigil that mother still keeps, As she thinks, how profoundly her little one sleeps ! '' Oh, blissful young mother ; alas ! for the joy, The pride, hope, and love, centred all in thy boy ! The soft, tiny hand, thy warm fingers enfold, To ivory stiffening, grows ivory cold. She bent her quick ear, his low breathing to hear. Oh Grod ! how she shook with a shivering fear I No sweet coming breath, from his lips, met her own, And the little plump cheek was as cold as the stone ; The blood to her heart shuddered back with a bound, And she sank, a new JS'iobe, smote to the ground. 150 THE DEAD BABY. " Oh, blissful reprieve from the swift-coming woes ! Too soon, yet too soon, from that trance she arose. Locked around her dead babe, firm as steel is her grasp. In vain is the struggle her hands to unclasp, She hears not, she sees not, she deigns no replies. But frantic and wild are her heart-rending cries. " ' I win not believe it! this cannot be death ! He is sleeping, sweet baby ! I hear his low breath ; See, how closely he presses his cheek to my breast ; Oh, do not, I pray you, disturb his calm rest ! Hard-hearted ! ye never shall pile the cold clod, 'Twixt my baby and me, oh ! forbid it my God !' " Poor grief-stricken mother, 'tis well, for the day. That thy senses, bewildered, should wander away. But when they return, may they g'adden, to hear The voice of thy darling resound from the sphere. Where, crowned with Immortelles, and vestured in white. He walks with light angels, an angel of light 1" GUARDIAN ANGEL. 151 GUARDIAN" ANGEL. A MOTHER is bending, with love-light descending, From her sunny, sweet face, o'er a daughter as fair ; And oft, in extreme night, her touch gives the dream light That cheers her in slumber, or hghtens her care. With holiest feeling, that mother is kneeling In prayer without ceasing, effectual, deep ; Some gentle revealing, at times must be stealing O'er the heart of her daughter, if only in sleep. Oh, yes ! I behold now, a light on her cold brow, That lends a conviction my vision is sure, Oh then, ever careful, be watchful, and prayerful, To heed well a guidance so loving and pure. Her spirit hath crowned thee with strength, that around thee V Hath kindled a light, in thy darkness so drear, Oh, heed then, her warning ; be the noon to thy morning Efifulgent in beauty, in purity clear. 152 A spirit-mother's prayer. Let no sin of omission, no deeds for contrition, Between her pure spirit and thy spirit come ; But ever as now, bear untarnished thy brow, And forgetful of heaven, she will rest in thy home! A SPIRIT-MOTHER'S PRAYER. 'Tis thy mother I and she presses Her white hand upon thy head ; Pure the light of her caresses. As the perfume roses shed. Clasped are those hands in prayer, As in earnest, pleading tone She beseeches, " Have a care Grod Almighty for my son, Let thy blessing, holy Father, Ever, ever on him rest ; Strength and courage may he gather From each trial ; to thy breast Father, clasp him, and thy love As a mantle round him folding, Shield him from the hungry drove — Foes that, even now, are holding A SPIRIT-MOTHER S PRAYER. 15S Revels in their secret chambers, In the castle-holds of wrong : May Truth's sunlight, as it clambers To the roof-tree, be more strong Than the falsehoods that would wrestle Prom the wronged the right away ; May the dove of promise nestle In his heart of hearts, alway ! " Well I know he will not palter, Pledged he stands for truth and right ; Well I know he will not falter In the thickest of the fight. But, oh Father, holy Pather ! Most unequal is the strife, See'st thou not how thickly gather Tempest clouds along his Hfe ? Will they not, ere long, come breaking Over his beloved head ? Day by day the storm is waking To fresh anger, and its tread Booms as heavy as the thunder. And its glance of vengeful ire, As when lightning darts from under Thickest blackness, flashing fire 1 " Father keep him, oh, I pray thee Let his faith and love endure ; 154 EVA. Let his strength still as his day be, Grod thy promises are sure : Thou hast said that thou would'st take him Under thy especial care, And I know thou'lt not forsake him, Hear, oh hear a mother's prayer. " 'Tis in vain I seek to smother This too apprehensive love ; Oh ! forgive, forgive a mother If, for such a son, she prove Anxious in her earnest praying, Reckless of all other care ; Fearful lest this base betraying Scourge him on to flat despair: Scourge him as the angry ocean Scourges the resounding shore; Oh, amid each wild commotion God protect him evermore !" EYA. The pulses of thy being, fold the silences Most reverently about them. Thy heart Is hushed by Solitude's profoundest stillnesses, EVA. 155 And through the inmost depths of thy awed spirit, Sacred repose steals softly as in dreams. Or worshipping, Obediently bends, clasping its hands In an unspoken prayer, nor ever lays Its robes of glory by, because, for ever, Its recognition of the Infinite Falters not, in the silences of thouo^ht Beyond description, is it sweet and strange, This spiritual influx, flooding the soul With radiant glory-beams, a sea sublime Of wisdom-lighted billows ; to revel Mid the flashing wavelets of conceptions Lofty and pure, as heavenly dreams can give. A twilight scene is now outspread before me ; I seem to thread thy future. Everywhere Above thy head, are gleaming stars which yet Will shed a radiance holy, that shall shower On thee, and on the world, intensity Of Truth's high power, and Love's all-conquer- ing might. Were not thy spirit as an open book, I could not thus peruse it. 'Twere in vain To seek concealment of a single syllable, So perfect their succession each on each, 156 THE NEW RETELATION. In their connection so symmetrical, And like a well-tuned instrument, accordinsr. If the key note be touched but skilfully. Then throw at once this modest screen aside, And suffer all to read thee just as clear. That with bright beauty, aU be satisfied ; And loving hearts, who hnger thus anear Thy captivating presence, be aware Of the pure under current swelling there. In whose intenser depths, serenely float Voices the careless ever fail to note, Lured by the mist- wreaths, and the lustrous foam Of the soul's surface, from the thoughts which come Through angel voices, unto mortals given, When inspiration opes the gates of heaven, And Christ, the Beautiful, bends meekly down Their asking spirits with his love to crown. THE NEW EEYELATION. From highest Heaven a spirit voice, to-night, Speaks to my soul, in accents fine and clear. List for a moment, gentle friends, and hear The tones come, fluttering as the boreal light; NELL. 157 And now I catcli the burden of the theme. " Rejoice, that earth beholds a better day, And Heaven is opened through a surer way Than flitting shadows, and imperfect dream 1 Ye hear the whispers of the Angel-band, With God himself ye hold communion high, And feel the consecration of his hand. The inspiration of his cloudless eye ! Oh, be ye faithful, ye who are beheving, Perfect your spirits for more full receiving." NELL. As a full blown orange flower, As a pure white lily-bell, As a dark eye's matchless power, Art thou, most beauteous Nell 1 As the whisperings of the twilight, As the wavelet's gentle swell, As the mysteries of the midnight, Art thou, mysterious Nell ! As a bright-hpped Fairy-maiden, Dancing o'er a flowery dell. With all witching fancies laden, Art thou, bewitching NeR ! 14 158 NELL. As the fresh breath of the morning, As the fulhiesses, that dwell In the noontide's rich adorning, Art thou, most glorious Nell ! As the sweet hymn of a blossom, As a soft-toned silver bell, As the incense-freighted bosom Of the rose, art thou, dear Nell I As the winking of bright star-beams, The strange histories they tell. The revealings of our rare dreams, Ever art thou, dreamy Nell ! Eipplings of the moon-lit ocean, Sunbeams in a crystal well, Every tranced, trancing motion, Images my graceful Nell ! Oh, the witchery of thy glances. Of thy red lips' matchless spell. Of the light and shade, that dances O'er thy face, thou saucy Nell ! Won, by woman, down from Heaven, Poets sing, that angels fell, — Blameless, had their charmers, even Half thy glory, queenly Nell ! A VISION. A VISION. 159 Just as my spirit left its clay, this eve, And darkness settled down ; And my vp-hole being seemed dissolved in air, — Thrilled ^on my spirit ear a music-strain Soothing and sweet, and on its mellow waves There came faint gleamings of the palest light Pervading all my thought-sky. Star after star, came leaping with glad smiles. Into this realm of song, and all the heavens With glory-beaming brightness were aglow I In this effulgence, kindred to the light, Or as it were the light. The music rose and fell ; Now soaring to profound sublimities, Anon to all sweet cadences descending. Instinct with life, it seemed, and bore me up, On its irradiant wings, Into the realms of perfectness and peace ; How shall I speak that perfectness and peace I Wrapped all around, and as it were, Steeped, in their most ethereal influences, My spirit, drooping with the honied dews Of their delight, hung paralyzed with bliss, Incapable of motion. IGO MY KJkBT. life's spidding beaker to the bfim was filled, Its iommj bidible^ lx«aking, QcatttExed tfaeir fiagnnt ^^aj, likeiDoense over me. (^God! the qnkkd^ht that flailed iqKHL me, flooding mj ^int with a sea of ^oiy, TDnmmaimg afl its iniiiast depths With Salt's int^iaty ! Had not my senses S^ in the deatlft-dasp of a dinging spdi That heid ffaem in emfacaoes 8tn»g as steei. Tins ^OTT bad owgmned all eartiily bfe. I floaiei i^ 3^ ^ _ere of ptayra*, Kadi tri '_ Z 5 a ?weet in^HiatkMi I Deficic- z defi^ I ooolc _^-- . ziz ^ rams foreverl *^MT EABY.* Lo^ I fed die sweet caresses, Of a beanteoos a^id-diild, Sannj are her golden tresses, And brT eves are bine and mild. E : " - TDoa^ the dimplpB Ct^ r - jis" limpies Wt. Ji^esea. HIDDEN PEEFTJMK. 161 On my bosom she repose^ JS'estling close, she softly sings, As the rustling of the roses From the humming-bird's quick wino^ And a band of angel sisters, Smiling, beckoning, hover near, Lifting her bright head, she whispers Kiss me, bless me, mother dear ; Scarce has ceased the pleasant ringing Of her voice within mine ear, When her white arms upward flinging Slowly floats she, on, to where Her companions weave their dances On the crimson tinted clouds ; But methinks her parting glances An unspoken sadness shroud. HTDDEX PERFUME. Their choicest odors will the roses keep ; Their brightest beauties in vailed bosoms cling The drowsy minstrels, love-lured, nestle deep, Unseen and tuneftd in their hearts to sing : 162 HIDDEN PERFUME. Clothed in a language fe^ can comprehend, Their sacred hymnings cunningly they pour, They best interpret who in reverence bend, Learning alone by love's mysterious lore. Rivers that move with calm and stately motion, And lesser streams that bear them company To the unfathomable depths of ocean, Yail half their glories from the common eye. From lordly oaks that skirt the mountain's brow. To the green cedars of the shady vale, Through each and all, subUmest meanings flow, Each hath its lore occult and mystic tale. And souls of noble strain alone may read The lessons folded in their secret core ; Thus of our souls, heroic thought and deed, With reverent love, command the firmest door. Like a sweet rose-bud doth thy spirit seem. Not half its perfume, half its charms revealed ; As the arbutus in dry leaves will gleam, Betrayed by incense when the most concealed. I know that thou art beautiful as bright Though but the image of thy soul I see,. For souls like thine disseminate the light In glory floods of deep intensity. VIRGIN ISLAND. 163 YIRGIN ISLAND. Afar in the west is a sunny isle That is only lighted by Woman's smile ; In all its bound may no man be found, And to woman's voice replies no sound, But of singing birds, and the minstrelsy Of swinging boughs in the forests free, — Of gurgling brooks, and the rippling rills, And hymns of the flowers on sunny hills, — And glossy blades of the laughing grass Kissing our feet as we softly pass, — And wood-nymphs, borne by the winds above The Ocean's surges, wooing the love Of beautiful sylphs, who gambol and play With the foam-crested waves, or lovingly lay Their frolicsome heads on the white billows' breast. Whose low, hushing lullaby, soothes them to rest. And 0, in this Isle of the Lily and Rose, All crimson-lipped joys fold their wings in repose ; And could I but burst my flesh-fetters I'd soar On pinions of hght to this sweet Island shore, 164 VICTORY. With gay gladsome spirits to frolic and sing, Where Winter ne'er darkens our life's joyous Spring I YICTORT. A STEAMER ploughed Potomac's waves one morn, Upon its deck there stood a dark-browed girl Like a sultana ; while a haughty curl Of her proud lip, and a quick glance of scorn, Flashing indignant lightning from her eye. Told of a purpose resolute and high! A slave ! this thought within her breast alone Came raging ever like an unchecked fire, And for fair Freedom such intense desire Filled her whole being, Reason from its throne Fell tottering, as an overwhelming woe Over her soul in sudden madness came, And with a shriek that rent the air like flame She leapt exultant to the waves below. SONG OF THE WALKING BEAM SEA ENGINE. 165 SONG OF THE WALKING BEAM SEA ENGINE. For years, long years, down under the wave, I have toiled, a sullen rebellious slave, With sad, reluctant, dejected tread, Not daring to lift my sunken head, A weary, unwilling subject, bound, I have plodded on in my ceaseless round. But now to a broad rejoicing sky, I toss my fetterless arms on high, And with head uplifted exultingly, I shout and I shriek with jubilant glee, As my mates go by, for I think of the caves. Far down in the deep, where they toil as slaves With a kingly step, stately and proud, I walk the sea when its waves are loud ; And I drown with laughter its mocking cries, When the serried waters around me rise. Then huzza for the genius that dared to free From hopeless bondage the King of the Sea. And huzza for the gallant Captain and crew — And our ship, that dashes the dark waves through, 166 THE ANGEL OF MT DREAM. As staunch as iron, as true as steel, Trom bowsprit to rudder, from inain deck to keel. And huzza, for the Commodore, three times three I Whose genius has triumphed where science would flee. THE ANGEL OP MY DREAM. I SLEPT as saints may sleep in heaven, With all their earthly sins forgiven, And locked within its crystal chains My soul forgot all mortal pains. Then I felt a hand on mine, Seemed it as the touch of thine, And I straightway turned to see What thy questioning might be j 'Twas Lucinda's gentle face, 'Twas her sisterly embrace. Then a curtaining silence fell And embraced us in its spell. And her arm was round me thrown, As a strong protecting zone ; My soul was troubled as a wave, But her heart beat strong and brave. THE ANGEL OF MY DREAM. 167 " Wherefore, timid spirit, now, Should'st thou shrink, and tremble so ? Filled with joy thy soul should be. An angel bends in love o'er thee ; See ! he beckons thee away, Hasten, hasten to obey !" With a gladsome, sweet surprise, Lifted I my drooping eyes Unto his ; in either one Flashed there such a bUnding sun, That beneath their Hds in pain, Mine concealed themselves again. " Now his glory is more dim. Thou canst look undaz'd on him." Lucy said. I looked, and, lo I Such a rapture lit his brow, Such a heavenly halo shed Brightest lustre o'er his head, That my own I meekly bent. As a nun before her saint. Then he took my hand iu his, Oh, of all the memories That I cherish of the past, This shall linger, till the last^ O'er my future Uke a star, Sorrow cannot dim, nor mar 1 168 THE ANGEL OF MY DREAM. " G-entle daughter !" whispered he, " I am here to comfort thee ; Behold the hght about thee shine, Of my presence 'tis the sign ; When thou feel'st tliis starry gleam, Seek me in thy purest dream. *' In deep sorrow, pain, or care. Or when evil lays its snare, — In thy every trial hour, Thou shalt feel the soothing power My protection can impart, To support, and cheer thy heart." Then the darkened heavens bent. And a fiery cloud was sent. As the moon appears at times, When the eastern hill she chmbs. With her garments, crimson red, O'er the misty orient spread. Thus intensely luminous Fell the red cloud over us ; Just above his head it broke, And involved him in a smoke, Thin, and clear, and silvery bright, As a vapor, silvery white. THOU DIDST FORGET. 169 Eound and round him it did twine Kound his matchless form divine, As a vail of silky gauze ; And amid the breathless pause That succeeded our amaze, Slow he faded from our gaze. THOU DIDST FORGIET. Thou didst forget to call last night Upon thy guardian angel bright, Who hitherto has watched thy sleep, Its dreaming pure and high to keep ; Thy nightly prayer thou didst forget, And with unguarded fancies let Strange guests into thy spirit come, Thus driving from their sacred home The pure and peaceful thoughts serene — Angels of beauty, who, between Their heaven and thee, have ever kept Sweet intercourse ; and, as there swept Across thy vision, forms so wild. Sweetly the conscious guardian smiled, As, with angelic love and grace, They sought the phantoms to displace. 15 170 GENIUS OF THE ENCHANTED SPRING. In thine own soul the power doth he To bid each hateful influence fly ; From thine own self the power must come To lighten and refine thy home ; If thou but speak the magic word Whereby the soul's deep founts are stirred, Light, Love, and Truth, will spring to birth, With the new Heavens and new Earth. GENIUS OP THE ENCHANTED SPRING. I HAVE come from stately mountains, Where the Indian tribes still dwell ; I have hallowed hmpid fountains, And blest each crystal well. O'er bars of steel I've travelled, By skilful cunning wrought ; Dark forest paths unravelled. With deepest mysteries fraught ; 'Mid meads of blooming clover. Through sunny valleys fair, By hill-sides sprinkled over With blossoms rich and rare ; GENIUS OF THE ENCHANTED SPRING. 171 Deep, rapid rivers swimming, With the Naiads I have strayed ; Where the waves with foam were brimming, I have kissed each laughing maid. Through fields of grain all whitened, Ripe for the reaper's hand ; By rippling brooklets brightened With sparkling spray and sand ; Where gleaming fish were leaping In frolic and in fun ; Where turtles grave were sleeping In the smile- warmth of the sun. By the ever-surging billows Of the restless, tireless main ; Where the languid wavelet pillows Its head upon the plain. The clouds have shed a pleasance When sunless was my day ; The stars lent their sweet presence To gild my nightly way. O'er the dwellings of the lowly, Where truth and love abound, I have scattered blessings holy Of joy and peace around. 172 CONSOLATION. Matron and gentle maiden, The youthful and the old, The gladsome, the grief-laden, Have felt my spirit fold. And fresh from these caressings Of the lovely and the true, I come with choicest blessings To shower over you. Ye are folded to my bosom, Close to my inmost heart, As the calyx of a blossom Folds in each fragrant part. CONSOLATION DISPEL this wasting anguish. Shed no tears but those of joy, Lift the falUng hands that languish In proud triumph for your boy. That the golden gates should open To his tiny baby feet, And the words by angels spoken Should his baby spirit greet. TO . 173 Oilen in the solemn hushing Of the twilight he will steal So near ye, that the brushing Of his pinions, ye shall feel. To your sad and lonely chamber, Seraph babes shall nightly come, Ye shall hear their pleasant clamor, It shall dissipate your gloom. And upon your loving bosoms, On your cheeks and lips so sweet, Little hands shall lie like blossoms, Little lips with kisses meet. Every eventide the singing Of this seraph baby -band, To your spirits will be bringing Echoes from the spirit-land. TO In thy mind, distorted angles Here and there obstruct my view; Reason twisted into tangles, Doubt and Trust, the Old and New. 15* 174 TO . In thy spirit softly slumbers Harmony as rich and deep, As symphonious in its numbers, As o'er heavenly visions sweep. And a pure and sunny pleasance, As a halo seems to rest O'er thy spirit, and the essence, By its sweetness is confest. In its presence, no denying Or foreboding fancies stay, So the shadows shall be flying From thought's song-ht fields away. Golden gleams shall gild the glooming From the sunset's parting glow, Even the midnight shall be blooming Thick with stars upon its brow. And the ghttering dews of sadness Shaken from the lap of night. On the morrow's radiant gladness Shall reflect a kindling hght. Light so varied and resplendent In its pure and heavenly glow, It with beauty most transcendent Glorifies thy placid brow. THE GARLAND. 176 Then, oh then, rejoice for ever, That such peacefulness is thine, There shall come a storm cloud never, That can darken o'er the shrine. THE GARLAND. I HAVE braided a garland of Asphodel blooms Such alone as some magical power enshrine ; Though hueless and viewless, their precious per- fumes, Will be felt and exhaled by a spirit like thine. When night wove its webbing of darkness pro- found. And the zephyrs lay languidly waiting for morn, When the shadows sank silent and slow to the ground, In a stillness so sacred, the blossoms were born. They were gathered and brought by a seraph to me. Who said, as she tossed them in the lap of my dreams. 176 THE JEWELED HEAVENS. " Wake^ and weave a wierd wreath ere the in- fluence flee, And morning dissolve the charmed spell with its beams." So I braided the garland with delicate taste ; As the last leaf was fastened the bright spirit fled; But in flying she whispered,. "^ In its freshness, on, haste ! Place the magical circlet on sweet Mary's head." THE JEWELED HEAVENS. Oh, be silent, spirit voices, Singing, ringing, reach my ear, Throbbing pulses, hu^ your noises ; Let me hear I more clearly hear I Stay, oh stay this tide of feeling; Trembling heart, lay fear aside ; Senses, shocked in sudden reeling. Look to Him, the Glorified I THE JEWELED HEAVENS. 17T Fervently your white arms reaching, In the silence lift your prayer, With hps mute in their beseeching, Spirit meekly bending, where His light footstep flashes beauty On the mountains, as he goes ; So the twin eyes, faith and duty, To the spirit shall disclose Such intensely brilhant gleamings Of the home where spirits dwell That the Poet's wildest dreamings Were too faint, its worth to tell. I have seen its mingled glories, Flashing intermittent gleams, Far beyond the gorgeous stories Of the heaven of orient dreams I There the golden chrysoprasus Mingled with the emerald's green, In a glory that surpasses All that mortal eye has seen. The still varying opal's hue, The wierd agate's cloudy hues, Turquoise with its heavenly blue, And the flashing almandines. 178 ELTSIAN ECHOES. Diamonds, such as earth ne'er furnished For her proudest monarch's crown, Gems, so exquisitely burnished, That their rays hke sun-beams shone ; Eubies bright, and pearls the fairest, Sea-hued beryls, jasper stones, And clear crystal forms, the rarest, And pellucid chalcedones. But surpassing all that splendor, Blazed the glory of the One, God-like strong, and child-Uke tender, Whom 'tis life to look upon I ELYSIAN ECHOES. We have read in olden stories, How some viewless angel's wing Could unfold celestial glories. Beatific radiance fling O'er the spirit, when to cheer it, Bhssful memories it would bring. We have revelled in the pleasance Of some sunny summer's day, THE OLD TEAR. 179 And have trembled in the presence Of some glory-beaming ray From a spirit, when anear it God's divinest angels stray. Golden dreams, which far outnumber All the raptures men have sung. On the silent stream of slumber Have as gems of joy been strung By our visions, when Elysians Echoes, through our souls have rung. And that fountain seems to open. So divinely pure and true, " Who so drinks," thus was it spoken, Never more a thirsting knew ; But his spirit should inherit Peace, as sweet as heaven's dew. THE OLD YEAR Dying, dying, slowly dying. Sinks the old year to its rest ; Sighing, sighing, faintly sighing, Sleeps the young year on its breast. 180 THE OLD YEAR. Through Time's alcoves sadly ringing Come the songs of angels clear, Holy anthems, sweetly singing. For the slowly sinking year. Through the dimly lighted chambers Of the slow receding past, Gleam the sadly dying embers Of its sacred holocaust. Now, as voices of the wildwood, Comes a perfect gush of song ; 'Tis the gleesome notes of childhood Borne Time's corridors along. And the Future is unclosing To the young year the " To Be," Starting from his sweet reposing Springs he to his destiny. THE END. ERRATA. Page 14, 5tli line — foT form read /oa?y?. Page 176, 9tli line — for on read oh. OCT 15 1900