!SF 493 J-^^ , THE AMERICAN Copy 1 POULTRY AND PIGEON FANCIERS' AND BREEDERS' DIRECTORY, Showing the Variety Fancied and Bred by Each Person. Copyrighted and Edited by EDWARD O. LORD. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS PER COPY. GREAT FALLS, N. H.: TLTBLISHED BY E. O. LORD & CO. 1881. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/americanpoultrypOOIord THE AMERICAN POULTRY AND PIGEON FANCIERS' AND BREEDERS' DIRECTORY, Showing the Variety Fancied and Bred by Each Person. Copyrighted and Edited by EDWARD O. LORD. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS PER COPY. GKEAT FALLS, N. H PUBLISHED BY E. O. LOKD & CO 1881. Qv o Lv COPYRIGHT 1881. Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the office of the Libarian of Congress at Washington, by Edward 0. Lord. U. S. DIEECTOEY. PART I. a ♦ ♦ ♦ CLASS I.— ASIATIC— LIGHT BRAHMAS. CONNECTICUT. C. K. Bond Fred W. Goodale Oakville Danbury Mrs. E. W. Sarsent E. G. Buffinton Eldridge C. Comey Thomas G. Colt Philander Williams T. A. Eommel 0. E. Shaw John T. Strong C. B. Dubois Dubois & Thompson MASSACHUSETTS. MARYLAND. MICHIGAN. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Kitterv Somerset Somerville Pittsfield Taunton Baltimore Kalamazoo Lansing Nashua Goffstown. C. S. Cooper P. A. Conners Westervelt Haywood William B. Burnett J. Wilson Jones Frank D. Lewis & Bro F. F. Preston Chas. E. Rockenstyne S. K. Wilcox NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. Schraaleuburgh e, Essex Co Rutherford Orange, Essex Co PENNSYLVANIA. T; Fletcher . Herman J. A. Roberts P. F. & John Spakr Johnstown Utica, N. Y Amsterdam Candor Albany Smyrna, Chenango Co West Monterey Erie Malvern, Chester Co Carlisle CLASS L— ASIATIC— MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK. C. T. Fletcher Jamestown CLASS L— ASIATIC— DARK BRAHMAS. OHIO. F. A. Matthis ■ Potts Bros P. F. & John Spakr PE>'NSYLVANIA. RHODE ISLAND. Bryan Parkesburg Carlisle H. J. Reynolds Providence CLASS L— ASIATIC— BUFF COCHINS. CONNECTICUT. C K. Bond Oakville A. Kurtz Edward W. Staples John Van Mater James Haynes H. B. Minor MISSOURI. MASSACHUSETTS. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. PENNSYLVANIA. Platte City Taunton Colt's Keck Stockport, Col. Co Sagerties P. F. & John Spakr Carlisle CLASS I.— ASIATIC— PARTEIDGE COCHINS. CONNECTICUT. Fred W. Goodale C. M. Gilman Geo. V. Frink Daniel P. Shove H. A. Jones Chas. E. E/Ockenstyne John Van Mater F. A. Matthis L. E. Burgess 0. Hemstriel P. F. & John Spakr Danhury Southport ILLINOIS. Bloomington, McLear Co MASSACHUSETTS. Somerset Worcester NEW YORK. NEW JERSEY. OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Alhany Colt's Neck Bryan Providence, Lacka Co Wilkesharre Carlisle 6 RHODE ISLAND. Starr L. Booth Bristol CLASS I.— ASIATIC— WHITE COCHINS. KENTUCKY. J. L. Shallcross E. G. Bufanton Edward W. Staples MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. Louisville Somerset Taunton E. J. Eichenberg Waverly CLASS L— ASIATIC— BLACK COCHINS. CONNECTICUT. C K. Bond Oakville W. W. Walker MASSACHUSETTS. Bridgeport E. G. Buffinton Somerset Geo. W. Lovell Middleboro A. E. Smith Edward W. Staples E. Frank Webster NEW JERSEY. Cherry Valley Taunton Haverhill Jas. K. Little NEW HAMPSHIRE. Belleville Prentiss & Litchfield PENNSYLVANIA. Keene E. N. Denman P. F. & John Spakr Greensburg Carlisle CLASS L— ASIATIC— BEAHMAS. CONNECTICUT. W. W. Walker Bridgeport K K. Felch Philander Williams Wm. H. Remsen Foyles Bros James Haynes J. E,. Slieldon T. C. Van Wyck W. H. Todd T. M. Nelson S. S. Yarnall MASSACHUSETTS. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Natick Taunton Whiteliouse Station Greenbush, Rens Co Stockport, Col. Co Hornellsville Poughkeepsie Vermillion Chambersburg Phoenixville CLASS I.— ASIATIC— COCHINS. MAINE. Mrs. E. W. Sargent Philander Williams T. C. Van Wyck W. B. Evans MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Kittery Taunton Poughkeepsie Eipley Chambersburg T. M. Kelson CLASS II.— GAME.— BLACK-BEEASTED EED. ILLINOIS. C. A. Keeper Sterling MASSACHUSETTS. Geo. E. Purrinton Edward W. Staples Kiearstead & Smith Chas. E. Rockenstyne S. K. Wilcox Carl Waite H. M. Brooks E. N. Denman A. P. Fox J. T. Eletcher Homer H. Hewitt J. R. Licbty P. P. & John Spakr NEW YORK. OHIO. Somerset Taunton Clear Creek Albany Symrna, Chenango Co Springville Andover PENNSYLVANIA. Greenshurg Ashley West Monterey Williamsburg Lancaster Carlisle CLASS II.— GAME.— WHITE GAME. CONNECTICUT. J. Schofield Seymour CLASS XL— GAME.— S. DUCKWING. PENNSYLVANIA. J. R. Lichty Lancaster CLASS II.— GAME.— W. GEORGIAN. PENNSYLVANIA. P. P. & John Spakr Carlisle CLASS II.— GAME.— MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK. John H. Derby H. Kellogg E. H. Phelps Sandy Hill Brainard Sta Morris 9 OHIO. W. H. Todd PENNSYLVANIA. Ve "million J. T. Fletcher West ]y onterey CLASS III.— GAME BANTAMS.— BLACK-BEEiSTED EED. MASSACHUSETTS. Daniel P. Shove W. C. Card S. K. Wilcox NEW YORK. PENNSYLVANIA. Morris Smyrna, Cheiiango Co Somerset A. P. Fox CLASS III.-GAME BANTAMS.-YELLOW DUG CONNECTICUT. Fred W. Goodale NEW YOKK. F. W. Gaylor .Nassau CLASS III.-GAME BANTAMS —S. DUCKWIWG. Ashley :WING Danbury Fred W. Goodale E. G. Buffinton T. C. Van Wyck W. B. Evans CONNECTICUT. MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YOKK. OHIO. E. G. 10 OLASS III.— GAME BANTAMS.— RED PILE. CONNECTICUT. Wilson Bridgeport NEW YORK. F. W.;Gaylor Nassau GLASS III.— GAME BANTAMS.— MISCELLANEOUS. R. G. Buffinton G. F. Allison John H. Derby Foyle Bros F. W. ^aylor Eanson' B. Jones F. Herman MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. Somerset Clark's Mills Sandy Hill Greenbush, Hens Co Nassau Penn Yau PENNSYLVANIA. Erie CL;ASS IV.— HAMBURGS— GOLDEN SPANGLED. VERMONT. /a / C. C. Paine East Bethel I CLisS IV.— HAMBURGS.— SILVER SPANGLED. H. A. Jones Daniel Hubbs Kierstead & Smith P. F. & J5im Spakr C. C. Paine MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. PENNSYLVANIA. VERMONT. Worcester Jonesville Clear Creek Carlisle East Bethel 11 CLASS IV.— HAMBUEGS.— BLACK. NEW YORK. Clias. Bennington Pittsfield, Otsego Co Chas. E. Rockenstyne Albany PENNSYLVANIA. J. T. Fletcher West Monetery J. M. Long London, Franklin Co Potts Bros Parkesburg VERMONT. C. C. Paine , East Bethel CLASS IV.— HAMBUEGS.— SILVER PENCILED. PENNSYLVANIA. P. F. & John Spakr Carlisle CLASS IV.— HAMBUEGS.— MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK. C. F. Fletcher Jamestown Foyle Bros Greenbush, Eens Co C. A. Paterson Gate, Watervliet OHIO. W. H. Todd Vermillion CLASS v.— SPANISH.— WHITE LEGHOENS. . CONNECTICUT. Dr. J. W. King Kent KENTUCKY. J. L. Shallcross Louisville MASSACHUSETTS. R. G. Buffinton Somerset MISSOURI. A. Kurtz ' Platte City 12 NEW YOKK. F. S. Gardner S. D. Howland Charles E. Eockenstyne S. K. Wilcox PENNSYLVANIA. J. T. Fletcher A. J. Pontims Smyrna Schuylerville Albany Smyrna, Chenango Co West Monterey Miller,«burg CLASS v.— SPANISH —BROWN LEGHORNS. ILLINOIS. C. A. Keefer Mrs. R. W. Sargent Frank A. Dorr Edward W. Staples George Humphrey R. Vanderhoven MAINE. MASSACHUSETTS. MICHIGAN. NEW JERSEY. Sterling Kittery Chestnut Hill Taunton Pontiac Railway NEW YORK. George H. Burgott A. F. Conger S. D. Howland Charles E. Rockenstyne Jerry Sharpe Lawton Station Lawton Station Schuylerville Albany West Sand Hill, Reus Co PENNSYLVANIA. •C. W. Canfield J. T. Fletcher J. M. Long George D. Lewis Potts Bros Athens, Bradford Co West Monterey London, Franklin Co Clifton Heights Parkesburg 13 VERMONT. t" Thorn & Tasker Brattleboro CLASS v.— SPANISH.— DOMIQUE LEGHOKNS. MASSACHUSETTS. A. L. Leach Newbury NEW YORK. F. W. Shafard Camdem, Oneida Co VERMONT. C. C. Paine East Bethel CLASS v.— SPANISH.— BLACK SPANISH. MICHIGAN. George Humphrey Pontiac NEW YORK. 0. Beebe Hamilton PENNSYLVANIA. George D. Lewis Clifton Heights CONNECTICUT. George A- Cosgrove Whitneyville VERMONT. C. C. Paine East Bethel CLASS v.— SPANISH— ROSE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS. CONNECTICUT. N. D. Forbes New Haven NEW YORK. C. F. Barbar Ithaca F. W. Cowles Canandaigus L. B. Drake . Ovid L. A. Foote Deansville, Oneida Co George D. Lewis C. C. Paine 14 PEisriSrsTLVAiiriA. VERMONT. Clifton Heights East Bethel CLASS v.— SPANISH.— ROSE COMB BEOWN LEGHOENS. D. M. Spooner L. A. Eoote Kiearstead & Smith MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. Lawrence Deansville, Onedia Co Clear Creek NEW HAMPSHIRE. C. B. Dubois Nashua C. C. Paine East Bethel CLASS v.— SPANISH.— LEGHOENS. James L. Bowen Thomas G. Colt C. F. Sargent H. F. Ailing S. E. Nevius Dr. Jas . A. Draper C. F. Fletcher F. B. Zimmer W. H. Todd MASSACHUSETTS. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. OHIO. Springfield Pittsfield Lawrence Newark North Branch Troy Jamestown Gloversville Vermillion 15 PENNSYLVANIA. W. K. Crities Homer H. Hewitt Dr. G. J. Mead Huntingdon Williamsburg Erie PENNSYLVANIA. George W. C. Stein & Son Philadelphia CLASS v.— SPANISH.— W. F. B. PENNSYLVANIA. P. F. & John Spakr Carlisle CLASS VI.— DORKINGS.— SILVER GRAY. MASSACHUSETTS. C. A. Strong Plymouht PE]SnsrSYI.VA]S[IA. George D. Lewis Clifton Heights CLASS VL— DORKINGS.— COLORED. MASSACHUSETTS. H. A. Jones Worcester NEW YORK. S. K. Wilcox Smyrna, Chenango Co CLASS VI.— DORKINGS.— MISCELLANEOUS. MAINE. Mrs. E. W. Sargent Kittery MASSACHUSETTS. James L. Bowen Springfield NEW JERSEY. C. 0. Poole Metuchen 16 CLASS VII.— POLISH.-WHITE CRESTED BLACK. NEW YORK. Amos G. Day Ithaca S. B. Howland Schuylerville Chas. E. Rockenstyne Albany NEW JERSEY. E. Vanderhoven Eahway PENNSYLVAJSriA. P. F. & John Spakr Carlisle VEEMONT. C. C. Paine East Bethel CLASS VII.— POLISH.— H. C. W. NEW YORK. Chas. E. Eockenstyne Albany CLASS Vn.— POLISH.— BEARDED WHITE. PENNSYLVANIA. P. F. & John Spakr Carlisle CLASS VII.— POLISH.— BEARDED GOLDEN. PENNSYLVANIA. P. F. & John Spakr Carlisle CLASS vn.— POLISH.— GOLDEN. MASSACHUSETTS. James Davis' Fall Eiver CLASS vn.— POLISH.— WHITE. NEW YOEK. Amos G. Day Ithaca 17 CLASS VII.— POLISH.— BUFF. MASSACHUSETTS. James Davis Fall River CLASS Vn.— POLISH.— SILVEE BEARDED. NEW YORK. Chas. E. Rockenstyne Albany CLASS vn.— POLISH.— MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK, Rev. C. W. Bolton Nev,^ Rocbelle, Westchster Co Foyles Bros Greenbush, Rens Co T. C. VanWyck Poughkeepsie CLASS Vni.— FRENCH.— HOUDANS, ILLINOIS. James E. White Englewood, Cook Co MAINE. Mrs. R. W. Sargent Kittery MASSACHUSETTS. R. G. Buffinton C. F. Sargent Fred & C. B. Sampson Somerset Lawrence Springfield NEW YORK. H. S. Anderson Edgewood Farm Jno. W. McHarg Charles E. Rockenstyne Union Springs Albany Albany Albany OHIO. W. B. Evans W. H. Todd Ripley Vermillion 18 PENNSYLVANIA. J. M. Long P. F. & John Spakr London^ Franklin Co Carlisle CLASS IX.— BANTAMS.— GOLDEN SEBEIGHTS. CONNECTICUT. C. K. Bond E. G. Buffinton Edward W. Staples Philander Williams MASSACHUSETTS. NEW JERSEY. S. D. Dyer OHIO. Oakville Somerset Taunton Taunton Voneland Wadsworth W. B. Hinsdale CLASS IX.— BANTAMS.— SILVER SEBEIGHTS. CONNECTICUT. C. K. Bond E. G. Buffinton E. S. Melcher L. Whittaker C, B. Dubois MASSACHUSETTS . MAINE. MICHIGAN. NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW YORK. Frank D. Lewis & Bro Herbert Maycumber Oakville Somerset Portland North Adams Nashua Amsterdam Truxton 19 PENNSTI^VAJSriA. Joseph S. Butler New Castle VEEMONT. C. C. Paine East Bethel CLASS IX.— BANTAMS.-EOSE COMBED BLACK. MASSACHUSETTS, E. G. Buffinton Somerset VERMONT. C. C. Paine East Bethel CLASS IX.— BAJl^TAMS.— EOSE COMBED WHITE. MASSACHUSETTS. E. G. Buffinton Somerset CLASS IX.— BANTAMS.— JAPANESE. CONNECTICUT. H. S. Chapman Saybrook MASSACHUSETTS. E. G. Buffinton Somerset NEW HAMPSHIRE. C. B. Dubois Nashua CLASS IX.— BANTAMS.— MISCELLANEOUS. CONNECTICUT. E. G. Wilson Bridgeport MAINE. Mrs. E. W. Sargent Kittery MASSACHUSETTS. James L. Bowen Springfield Philander Williams Taunton ■ 20 NEW JEKSET. J. E. Diehl Weetervelt Haywood NEW YORK. Beverley Rutherford C. F. Fletcher J. Kleason H. Kellogg F. B. Zimmer OHIO. Jamestown Rochester Brainard Station Gloversville W. H. Todd PENNSYLVANIA. Vermillion Homer H. Hewitt W. R. Teeter C. S. Yarnall Williamsburg Pittston Phoenisville CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— AMERICAN DOMINIQUES. NEW YORK. F. S. Gardner Gibbs Bros Daniel Hubbs G. H. Towle Smyrna Westfield Jonesville Truxton CLASS X— MISCELLANEOUS.— SULTANS. CONNECTICUT. C. K. Bond Oakville CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— AND ALUSIANS. MAINE. Mrs. R. W. Sargent Edward W. Staples C. B. Dubois MASSACHUSETTS. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Kittery Taunton Nashua 21 CLASS X. MISCELLANEOUS.— PLYMOUTH ROCKS. E. .C Sherwood W. W. Walker C. A. Keefer James E. White W. M. Hinchman J. L. Shallcross E. G. Buffinton James L. Bowen Frank A. Dorr J. K. Felch Chas. A. Knapp C. F. Sargent D. M. Spooner Fred & C. B. Sampson E. Frank Webster CONNECTICUT. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. KENTUCKY. MASSACHUSETTS. Southport Bridgeport Sterling Englewood, Cook Co Bushville Louisville Somerset Springfield Chestnut Hill Natick Eaynham Lawrence Lawrence Springfield Haverhill James H. Banks Dr. G. M. Twitchell iV±AiXNJli. Freeport Fairfield George Humphrey MICHIGAN. Pontiac A. Kurtz MISSOURI. Platte City C. S. Cooper A. Leida S. P. Nevius E. Vanderhoven NEW JERSEY. Schraalenburgh Delaware Station North Branch Eahway Dubois & Thompson C. B. Dubois Prentiss & Litchfield NEW HAMPSHIRE. Goffstown Nashua Keene 22 NEW YORK. E. S.Brown C. E. Bush George Burgott F. W. Gowles E. Corning L. B. Drake C. F. Fletcher H. C. Leonard C. A. Paterson Charles E. Eockenstyne Jerry Sharps G. H. Towle Chas. Van Buren Greenport, L I Hastings, Oswego Co Lawton Station Canandaigua Albany Ovid Jamestown Lowville, Lewis Co Gate, Watervliet Albany West Sand Hill, Eens. Co Truxton Castleton OHIO. F. A. Matthis D. S. Feidt J. T. Fletcher F. Herman Homer H. Hewit J. M. Long George D Lewis T. M. Kelson Potts Bros Joseph S. Butler P. F. & John Spakr PENNSYLVANIA. Byran Millersburg West Monterey Erie Williamsburg London, Franklin Co Clifton Heights Chambersburg Parkesburg New Castle Carlisle VERMONT. Thorn & Tasker Brattleboro CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— LA^TQSHANS. W. W. Walker CONNECTICUT. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Dr. E. H. Evans Mrs. E. W. Sargent MAINE. Bridgeport Washington Kitteri: 23 Chas. H. Marland MASSACHUSETTS. Ballardvale NEW JERSEY. R. Vanderhoven Chas. Bennington C. A. Crum L. B. Drake C. F. Fletcher Kierstead & Smith Frank D. Lewis & Bro H. B. Minor Charles E. Eockenstyne T. C. Van Wyck Rah way NEW YORK. Pittsfield, Otsego Co Pine Grove, Schuyler Co Ovid Jamestown Clear Creek Amsterdam Saugerties Albany Poughkeepsie PENNSYLVANIA. L. E. Burgess J. T. Fletcher M. Hay den & Son George D. Lewis Providence, Lacka Co West Monterey New Milford Clifton Heights CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— AMERICAN SEBRIGHTS. H. C. Seymour Gibhs Bros Herbert Maycumber G. H. Towle MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. Waltham Westfield Truxton Truxton C. J. Sadler PENNSYLVANIA. RHODE ISLAND. Reynolds & Wakefield Pittviile, Philadelphia Providence 24 CLASS X.—MISCELLAJS^EOUS.— BLACK JAVAS. CONNECTICUT. J. Schofield H. S. Chapman E. G. Buffinton J. Y. Bicknell N. T. Lattin C. C. Paine MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. VERMONT. Seym ore Saybrook Somerset Buffalo Gaines, Orleans Co East Bethel CLASS XI.— TUEKEYS.— BRONZE. MICHIGAN. L. Whittaker 0. Beebe Jerry Sharpe J. T. Fletcher Homer H. Hewitt T. M. Nelson Potts Bros North Adams NEW YORK. Hamilton West Sand Lake, Rens Co PENNSTLVAJ^IA. West Monterey Williamsburg Chambersburg Parkesburg CLASS XL— TURKEYS.— MISCELLANEOUS. OHIO. W. H Todd Vermillion CLASS XII.— ORNAMENTAL SILVER PHEAS- ANTS. NEW YORK. B- F. Beardsley Binghamton AQUATIC DIYISIOK. PART II. CLASS Xm.— DUCKS.— WHITE MUSCOVY. MASSACHUSETTS. R. G. Buffinton Somerset CLASS XIIL— DUCKS.— PEKIN. CONNECTICUT. Fred W. Goodale Danbury NEW JEBSEY. R. Vanderhoven Rahway NEW YORK. H. B. Minor Saugerties Jerry Sharpe West Sand Lake, Rens Co S. K. Wilcox Smyrnaj Chenango Co PENNSYLVANIA. Potts Bros Parkesburg CLASS xm.— DUCKS.— ROUEN. NEW YORK. S. K. Wilcox Smyrna, Chenango Co 26 CLASS XIV.— GEESE.— MISCELLANEOUS. OHIO. W. H. Todd Vermillion CLASS XV.-ORNAMENTAL'.-WOOD DUCKS. MASSACHUSETTS. R. G. Buffinton Luis A. Leland W. B. Hinsdale MICHIGAN. OHIO. Somerset Colon, St. Joseph Co Wadsworth aOLUMBARIAK DIVISION. PART III.— PIGEONS. CLASS XVI.— POUTERS.— MISCELLANEOUS. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. E. E. Schreiner S. W. Stinemetz L. H. Cranston N. M. Bingham Henry C. Cook J. Wilson Jones F. B. Zimmer & Co W. B. Hinsdale L. Simonton Frank Tallmadge C. H. W. Weber MICHIGAN. NEW YORK. OHIO. Washington Washington Marshall Rome New York City Utcia Gloversville Wadsworth Lebanon Columbus Cincinnati CLASS XVL— CARRIERS.— MISCELLANEOUS. Bridgeport Rahway E. G. Wilson R. Vanderhoven CONNECTICUT. NEW JERSEY. 28 - Amos G. Day J. Kleason NEW TORK. Ithaca Rochester W. B. Hinsdale C. H. W. Weber OHIO. Wadsworth Cincinnati CLASS XVI.— FANTAILS.— SMOOTH-HEADED. MASSACHUSETTS. John G. Howland Jesse M. Rutler Frank Tallmadge C. C. Paine OHIO. VERMONT. Worcester Lawrence Columbus East Bethel CLASS XVI.— FANTAH.S.— CRESTED. C. A. Ballow Chas. L. Chase John G. Howland E. H. Moore Jesse M. Butler Edward W. Staples Edward W. Staples Edward W. Staples Edward W. Staples MASSACHUSETTS. White Calcutta, Red Fans, White Calcutta, Red Fans, Yellow Fans, Black Fans, OHIO. Worcester Fall River Worcester Melrose Lawrence Taunton Taunton Taunton Taunton Frank Tallmadge Columbus CLASS XVI.— FANTAILS.— MISCELLANEOUS. CONNECTICUT. R. G. Wilson Bridgeport 29 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. E. E. Schreiner S. W. Stimemetz Samuel Casseday Jr L. Shallcross J. G. Howland E. H. Moore D. M. Spooner Edward W. Staples George Woolley F. A. Rommell L H. Cranston N. M. Bingham J. Kleason F. B. Zimmer & Co Br. VanderhoA^en C. H. W. Weber Julius J. Estey C. C. Paine KENTUCKY. MASSACHUSETTS. MARYLAND. MICHIGAN. NEW YORK. NEW JERSEY. OHIO. VERMONT. Washington Washington Louisville Louisville Worcester Melrose Lawrence Taunton Waltham Baltimore Marshall Rome Rochester Gloversville Rah way Cincinnati Brattleboro East Bethel CLASS XVI.-ENGLISH OWLS. -MISCELLANEOUS NEVv' JERSEY. Oscar Seifert Newark 30 E. E. Schreiner H. A. Jones Jesse M. Rutler George Woolley F. A. Rommel N. M. Bingham CLASS XVI.— OWLS. DISTBICT OF COLUMBIA. MASSACHUSETTS. MARYLAND. NEW YORK. W. B. Hinsdale C. H. W. Weber Geo. W. C. Stein OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Washington Worcester Lawrence Waltham Baltimore Rome Wadsworth Cincinnati Philadelphia CLASS XVL—TUEBITS.— MISCELLANEOUS. CONNECTICUT. R. G. Wilson E. E. Schreiner J. L. Shallcross H. A. Jones E. H. Moore D. M. Spooner George Woolley T .S. Gaddess DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. KENTUCKY. MASSACHUSETTS. MARYLAND. Bridgeport Washington Louisville Worcester Melrose Lawrence Waltham Baltimore Edward 0. Lord ISr. M. Bingham C. H. W. Weber 31 NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW YORK. OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA, Great Falls Rome Cincinnati Alleghany John W. Caughey CLASS XVI.— TRUMPTERS.— MISCELLANEOUS CONNECTICUT. E. G. Wilson Bridgeport DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. E. E. Schreiner MARYLAND. Washington T. S. Gaddess Baltimore F. A. Eommel MASSACHUSETTS. Baltimore E. H. Moore Melrose Philander Williams Taunton NEW YORK. ¥. M. Bingham NEW JERSEY. Rome Oscar Seifert OHIO. Newark C. H. W. Weber Cincinnati CLASS XVI.— TULBLERS.— MISCELLANEOUS. KENTUCKY. Samuel Casseday Jr Louisville 32 MARYLAND. T. S. Gaddess MASSACHUSETTS. Baltimore Chas. L. Chase Fall River C. E Cromach Stoneham Herbert Lyman MICHIGAN. Waltham L. H. Cranston NEW JERSEY. Marshall R. Vanderhoven NEW YORK. Rahway N. M. Bingham OHIO. Rome W. B. Hinsdale Wadsworth C. H. W. Weber Cincinnati John W. Caughey PENNSYLVANIA. Alleghany CLASS XVI.— HELMETS.— MISCELLANEOUS. MASSACHUSETTS. E. H. Moore Melrose CLASS XVI.— BAEBS.— MISCELLANEOUS. CONNECTICUT. R. G. Wilson E. H. Moore George Woolley D. E. Newell E. B. Zimmer & Co MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK. PENNSYLVANIA. Geo. W. C. Stein & Son Bridgeport Melrose Waltham New York City Gloversville Philadelphia 33 CLASS XVI.— JACOBINS— RED MASSACHUSETTS. Jesse M. Riitler Lawrence CLASS XL— JACOBmS.-MISCELLANEOUS. CONNECTICUT. E. G. Wilson DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Bridgeport E. E. Schreiner MASSACHUSETTS. Washington F. L. Allen Worcester D, Frank Ellis Herbert Lyman D. M. Spooner George Woolley MICHIGAN. No. Cambridge Waltham Lawrence Waltham L. H. Cranston NEW JERSEY. Marshall E. Vanderhoven Eahway Edward 0. Lord NEW HAMPSHIRE. Great Falls N. M. Bingham C. A. Hofheins J. Wilson Jones J. Kleason George E. Peer NEW YORK. Eome Buffalo Utica Eochester Eochester Frank Tallmadge C. H. W. Weber OHIO. Columbus Cincinnati * PENNSYLVANIA. Geo. W. C. Stein & Son Philadelphia 34 VEKMOSTT. Julius J. Estey Brattleboro CLASS XVI.— MAGPIES.— MISCELLANEOUS. DISTRICT OF COLIBIBIA. E. E. Scliriener C. E. Cromach E. H. Moore MASSACHUSETTS. OHIO. Washington Stoneham Melrose Erank Tallmadge Columbus CLASS XVI.— EUNTS.— SWALLOWS. E. E. Schreiner J. L. Sliallcross E. H. Moore E. A. Rommel Oscar Seifert DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. KENTUCKY. MASSACHUSETTS. MARYLAND. NEW JERSEY. OHIO. C. H. W. Weber CLASS XVL— KUNTS.— NUNS. CONNECTICUT. E. G. Wilson Wasbington Louisville Melrose Baltimore Newark. Cincinnati Bridgeport / 35 E. H. Moore MASSACHUSETTS. Melrose Oscar Seifert NEW JEESEY. iN'ewark CLASS XVI.— RITNTS.- -PEIESTS. R. G. Wilson CONNECTICUT. B ridgeport E. H. Moore MASSACHUSETTS. Melrose NEW JEESEY. Oscar Seifert Newark CLASS XVL— RUNTS.— ARCHANGLES. MASSACHUSETTS. E. H. Moore Melrose NEW HAMPSHIRE. Edward 0. Lord Great Ealls CLASS XVI.— RUNTS.— AXTWERPS. ^ MAE YL AND. H. F. Whitman E,. Vanderhoven N. M. Bingham Amos G. Day W. B. Hinsdale C. H. W. Weber NEW JEESEY. NEW YOEK. OHIO. Baltimore- Eahway Some Ithaca Wadsworth Cincinnati 36 VERMONT. C. C. Paine East Bethel ^ CLASS XVI.— HOMING PIGEONS. CONNECTICUT. Geo. Lee MASSACHUSETTS. Wauregan C. E. Cromach Stomeham E. T. Paine Waltham E. S. Raymond MARYLAND. Fall River H. F. Whitman NEW JERSEY. Baltimore J. C. Decker ISTeM^ark Wm. Verrinder Jr Jersey City Heights I. B. Welsh NEW YORK. Jersey City Heights B- F. Beardsley E. J. Bramhall Jos. R. Husson Binghamton Brooklyn New York City J. W. Moore New York City Thos. H. Richardson Green Island Henry Rover Stephen Van Moers John Van Opstal OHIO. Brooklyn Brooklyn New York City * J. C. Decumbe Cleveland Frank Tallmadge PENNSYLVANIA. Columbus J. A. Allen Rochester D. S. Newhall VERHlONT. Philadelphia C. C. Paine East Bethel Canada Directory. PART II. SOUS JJIYI ■♦• •»• ♦ CLASS I.— ASIATIC— LIGHT BEAHMAS. CANADA. 'F. J. Grenny Brantford, Ont G. H. Pugsley Brantford, P. 0. Ont CLASS L— ASIATIC— DAEK BRAHMAS. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, P. 0. Ont • CLASS L— ASIATIC— PARTEIDGE COCHIKS. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, P. 0. Ont CLASS II.— GAME.— BLACK BEEASTED EEC. CANADA. Chas. M. Nellis ^ Brantford, P. 0. Ont CLASS III.— GAME BANTAMS.— SI LVEE DUCKWING. CANADA. Chas. M. Nellis Brantford, P. 0. Ont 38 CLASS IV.— HAMBURGS.— BLACK. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, P. 0. Ont CLASS v.— SPANISH.— WHITE LEGHOENS. CANADA. W. Stahlschmidt Preston, Ont CLASS v.— SPANISH.— BROWN LEGHORNS. CANADA. W. Stahlsclimidt Preston, Ont CLASS v.— SPANISH.— BLACK SPANISH. CANADA. J. M. Corson Orangeville, Ont CLASS v.— SPANISH.— ROSE COMB BROWN LEGHORNS. CANADA. C. A. Graft Fisherville G. H. Pugsley Brantford, Ont CLASS IX.— BANTAMS.— MISCELLANEOUS. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, Ont CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— PLYMOUTH ROCKS. CANADA. F. J. Grenny Brantford, Ont G. H. Pugsley ^ Brantford, Ont CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— ANDALUSIANS. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, Ont 39 CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— LANGSHANS. CANADA. C. A. Graft Eisherville F. J. Grenny Brantford, Ont G. H. Pugsley Brantford, Ont CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— AMERICAN SEBEIGHTS. C. A. Graft Fisherville CLASS X.— MISCELLANEOUS.— BLACK JAVAS. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, P. 0. Ont PUEE PIT GAMES. KENTUCKY. Samuel Casseday Jr Louisville NEW YORK. Harry Lambert Hinsdale, Col Co C. S. Salisbury Naples, Ontario Co PENNSYLVANIA. James Coad Bruin, P. Q. AQUATIC Division. CLASS Xin.— DUCKS.— PEKIN. CANADA. F. J. Grenny Brantford, Ont CLASS XIIL— DUCKS.— EOUEN. CAjSTADA. r. J. Grenny Brantford, Ont CLASS XV.-OENAMENTAL.-MADAEIN DUCKS. CANADA. G. H. Pugsley Brantford, P. 0. Ont EIVERSIDE POULTRY YARDS! CHAS. F. THOMPSON, Proprietor. BREEDER AND SHIPPER OF HIOHEST CLA-SS ASIATIC BANTAMS!! AEB ALL LEADING VAEIETIES. Land and Water Fowls! Pigeons and Pet Stock! SPECIAL AGEMT FOR THE the oldest Poultry Journal in America. $1.25 a year, and a premium given to every subscriber. Livingston's Patent Carbolic ISTest Egg. The best thing ever invented for Poultry and indispensable for raising chicks. ^= I sell them cheaper than the Patentee. Books on Poultry, Pigeons, etc. Books for Parmers and others at less than publishers' prices. Magic Roup Remedy. Stock for sale at all seasons. Eggs for hatching in season. Reputation Firmly Established. Satisfaction my Guarantee. Square Dealing my Speciality. I^= My Exhibition Record of last winter shows over $1,000 won at nine leading New England Shows. Every one who reads this advertisement to send their address on a postal card for my circulars of the above. Address CHAS. F. THOMPSON, WADLEY'S FALLS, N. H. GET THE BEST FOR THE LEAST lONEY ! THE POULTRY MONTHLY I IT IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MAGAZINE OF ITS KIND. Its contributors are the most practical breeders, not only in this country, but in England. Beside an exten- sive poultry department, each edition contains a pigeon department, giving illustrations of the most popular varieties. It is ably edited and should be perused by every pig- eon, as well as poultry fancier. It is printed on heavy book paper, contains the latest news, is the most prompt in publication, is handsomely illustrated. In neatness cannot be excelled. TRY IT A YEAR ! ADDKESS, 20 South Pearl St., ALBANY, N. Y. NEW CASTLE, PENN. JOSEP^H S. RUTTER, BREEDER OF CHOICE WM mmms SILVER LACED SEBRIGHT BANTAMS. Fowls for sale at all times. Eggs in Season. JULIUS J. ESTEY, BRATTLEBORO. VT. SEND FOT^ PRICE LIST. EGGS. From my prize-'winning strains of Bull" Cochins, Brown Leglioms, Gold-laced Sebright Bantams, Black-breasted Reci Game Bantams. Price $3 per setting of 13. Also, Pigeons for sale at low prices. -^Black Fantails, Yellow, Red and White Calcutta Fantails. No Circulars; write for what you want. EDW^AKD W. STAPLES; Linden St., Taunton, Mass. BREEDER OF Rose Comto, Brown Leghorns, Langshans. Wing Turbits, Jacobins, White S. H. Fantails. LAWRENCE, MASS. Eggs in Season. Egg. S3 for 13. Q ^ SHAW, Prop'r. Hr.EF.nER AND SHlrPER OF PURE Bred Light BRAHMAS, FEIiCH & G. P. GORDON STRAINS. tSSf I have been breeding the above variety tor five years, sparing neittier money or pains to improve my stock, and can say tbat success has crowiied m J' efforts. I will be pleased to Irear from any one who contemplates a pur- chase of either Birds or Eggs. O. B. SHAW, Kalamazoo, Mich. J. T. FLETCHER, WEST MONTERY, Clarion Co., Pa. Breeder of Plymouth Rocks, Langshans, Blacli: Ha-nburgs, Light Brahmas, white and Brown Leghorns, B. B. Red, and English Counterfit Games, Bronze Turkeys and Pekin Bucks. JS£g' My birds are all choice and pure. P. J. aHEElNJ^Y, BRANTFORD ONT., CANADA. Breefler of Laiiplans, (Specialty Pliiiiilli Mh, Liglit Brabmas, Pekin and Rouen Ducks. Eggs for Hatcliing in season at $'2 per 13, packed in baskets. Send for Illustrated Descx-iptive Circular and Price List. Free on application. SAMUEL. CASSEDAY, Jr. At Western Financial Corporation, LOUISVILLE, KY. BREEDER OF FANCY PiaEONS, SPECIALTIES. Fans, Turbits, Performing Tumblei-s, Inside Tumblers, t •/' Birmingham Rollers, HIGH CI.ASS PIT GAMES. SPECIALTIES. Bald Head Tumbler.s, Pouters, Swallows, Carriers, Owls. Canadian Headquarters for Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, Langshans, and tlie Celebrated American Se- briglits, (newly named Hambletonians, or as I propose to name them Bisons or Eagles), no better stock in America, raised on diffierent farms with unlim- ited range. Price reasonable. C. A. GRAF, Fisherville. Canada. JOHN & P. F. SPAHR, Carlisle, Pa. DDCHnCDQ C\XI^ Buff, Black and Partridge, Cochins; Bearded white, DnLllULnO Ur Bearded Golden and white Crested Black Polish ; w. P. B. Spanish; Houdans; Golden Spangled Hamburgs, S. S. Hamburgs; Plymouth Rocks ; and Liglit and Dark Brahmas; B. B. B. and w. Georgian Games.— ffi^^" Address as above. ^ If II w, iwii "'It t\ 289 PresMest St, BrocMjii, N. ^m -OF- oming Pigeo: ° Pedigree, Price &c., a matter of correspondence. T ADDRESS, E. J. BRAMHALL. 289 Presi'Jant Street, , N. Y. [YiHO¥LBYO¥f WHY SHOULD YOU TAKE IT ? Why Should You Take The POULTRY BULLETIN!! CHAS. B, MARKER, Editor. A large, beautifully illustrated, monthly magazine, published in New York City. It is devoted to the breeding and manage- ment of thoroughbred stock. It is the oldest journal of its class in the world. It believes in new ideas, and aims to give its subscribers what they pay for — M, Live, Iiterestii, ValiiaUe Esatoc, — not a stale rehash, or wearisome sameness. It is reliable, in- structive, entertaining. It is outspoken, independent,progressive. The latest, the freshest, the most entertaining topics are dis- cussed by the foremost writers among American fanciers. If you take any paper of the sort, you want the Bulletin. Because — It costs but Ten Cents a month, and is worth Ten Dollars a year to any poultry breeder. Because — We give to each subscriber a Present worth more than the subscription price ! Because — You can't do better than to send us $1.25, the reg- ular subscription price, and receive The Bulletin One Year, and Your Choice of our Premium Boohs, ^g' A sample copy will tell you all about it. Send for one. ADDRESS, POULTRY BULLETIN, 62 Courtlandt Street, NEW YORK. Western Fanciers' Agency ST. LOUIS, MO. HIGH-CLASS POULTRY PIGEONS AND PET ANSMALS Bought Sold and Exchanged. 'Canaries, Red Birds, Mocking Birds, and all kinds of Native and im- ported Singing Birds, Ferrets, Abyssinian Gninea-pigs, Fancy Eabbits, Maltese Cats, Black and Tan, Bull and Scotch Terrier and Newfoundland Dogs. Also, Prepared Mocking Bird Food, Poultry Supplies, Crushed Bone, Oyster Shell, Roup Pills, Animal Meal and Egg Producer, Carbolic and Insect Powder, Dog Soap and Dog Biscuits. AQUARIA TAKKS, — GOLDnSH AND PA.REOTS.— GHABLES £. ROGEENSTYBE, Cor. Jay & Allen Sts., ALBANY, N. Y. IMPOETEE AND BREEDEE OF Thoroughbred Live Stocky AND ALL VARIETIES ' EA.! fUW OEU Brahmas, Cochins, Leghorns, Hamburgs, Polish Dork- ings, Games, Bantams, Langshans, Javas, Sebri^ts, P. Rocks, French Varieties, Dominiques and Spanish Fowls. Also, Turkeys, Geese and Ducks, and all varieties of Pigeons and Small Pet Stock. 1^= Correspondence Cheerfully Answered, =^ Send stamps for a catalogue of my stock. NEW SOUTHERN POULTRT JOURNAL A Handsome Illustrated Monthly, Pub- lished at LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, AND Devoted Exclusivly to Poultry. SiiliscriptM, $1 a year, postpM. Sample copy, 10 cts. To advertisers it offers very great inducements. It is the only paper of its kind piibli»hed in the South. Its rates are low, and Eastern, Western and Canadian breed- ers especially, who are desirous of finding a market in the South for their stock, will find the New Southern Poultry Journal a splendid advertising medium. Send on your advertisements and extend your Southern trade. Agents wanted. ADDRESS, I88E8. i. B. Bmkhh & €#., Louisville, Ky. JOHN G. HOWLAND, Breeder of WHITE FANTAILS ! Crested and Smooth-head. WORCESTER, MASS. OSOA^R BEIFERT, 402 Springfield Avenue. NEWARK. N. J. -BKEEDEE OF SWALLOWS, TRUMPETERS, Turbits, Owls, Priests, Ice Pigeons, Pouters, Nuns, ALL FROM IMPORTED STOCK. 1^^ Address all orders as above. FRANK L. ALLEN, BEEEDER OF jr.4.oo:Bi]XS 44 Portland St., WORCESTER, MASS. aEOROE E. PEER, BREEDER OF 23 N. Clinton St., ROCHJESTEB, N. Y, R. a. BUFFINTOlSr. BREEDER OF LIGHT BRAHMAS, DARK BRAHMAS, HOUDANS, Plymouili Rocks, Black Cochins, White Leghorns, White Game Jiantaras, Silver Duckwing Bantams, B. B. Red Bantams, Golden Sebright Bantams, Black Rosecomb Bantams, Japanese Bantams, Toulouse Geese and Pekin Ducks. SOMERSET, MASS. BREEDER OF B. & M. GOLDEN SPANGLED POLISH, PLAIN jm- B. & M. Buff Polish. FALL RIVER, MASS. ORCHARD POULTRY YARDS ! PRIZE WINNING tins, Light Brahmas, Sultans. Golden and Silver Sebright Bantams. Exhibition and Breeding Birds for sale at all times. Eggs in season. C. K. BOND, Oakville, Conn. J. ^^ILSOTsT JONES, UTICA, N. Y., BREEDER OF HIGH CLASS POUTERS and JACOBINS ! In Black, Reel, Yellow, Blue and solid White, Also, Light Brahma Fowls. 5^=" All letters answered. C. H. y^. W^EBER, 1003 Central Avenue. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Breeder of High-class Pigeons Pouters, Carriers, Swallows, Fantails, Trumpeters, Jacobins, Tumblers, Turbits, Owls, Starlings and Homing Antwerps. EDWAED O. LOED & CO., PUBLISHERS OF GREAT FALLS, N. H., — ALSO — BOOK AND JOB PEINTEES ! ! Make a specialty of supplying poultry societies and breeders with Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Price Lists, Premium Lists, etc. Send for samples of our PIGEON DESCRIPTIVE BLANKS which greatly facilitate sales and exchanges, and are of pre- eminent value in keeping track of the birds in one's own lofts. Address all orders to GBEAT FALiLrS, N. H. GRcAT FALLS, NEW HAMPSHIRE. IN MY JLOFTS ^RE MANY IMPORTED BIRDS AM PRIZE WINNERS l®^ _ J.:33ltOfiTH9TH.ST.PHIUS THERE ARE Eight Varieties of Jacobins, Thirty-Seven Varieties of Turbits, Twenty Varieties of Fantalls. ^^ No Birds are shipped C. 0. D., but if purchases do not tally in every point with description sent, the Birds can be re- turned, and their price, less express charges, will be refunded. Send Stamp for JPrice List. Practical Information on Breeding Cheerfully Given to Ama- teur Patrons. All letters with stamp enclosed answered. Express Paid to Boston on All Birds Going Sonth and West. I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 857 486 1 ^ I