.A3 /fft ' V*?** ^ S34 ^ 7 - Hollinger Corp. P H6\5 \ .PA333 .A3 )S93 UNIV/ElI^SITf ' OF * ILLINOIS 1893 Copyright, 1893, by F. W. Stafford and W. Strauss, Champaign, 111. THE ALBERTYPE CO., NEW YORK. • I * \> 1? Natural Science Hall. Chemical Laboratory University Hall. Machinery Hall. Military Hall. University Hall Library. Natural History Museujs. Art Gallery. Industrial Musel^ Chapel. Philomathean Hall. Alethenai Hall, Adelphie Hall. 4 4- *> sM % ==^ ^|l§i^ w^^te^JKl Mm Chemical Laboratory. Chemical Laboratory— Interior. Natural Science Hall. Views in Athletic Pari £ t^M M achinery Hall. Forge Room. Interior of Machinery Hall. Electrical Laboratory. trmvEBszTv LAWH> looking Nohth ...J/.fc-*-,*^',4-' W T H RO „OH A ^7™^ KINGS UTH . *>>.v l A Military Building. •-sr rsr^*--'- "■•-*' Gymnasium. University Band. Uj&^gilsssk University Battalion; ? I