Author o ILL Title _ Imprint 16— 47372-a GPO Copied from and compared with the Original Entries in Stewards' Book, Newburgh, N. Y., Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1789 to 1835. BY MISS AUGUSTA LESLIE. The Newburgh Circuit was, primarily, a part of the East Jersey Cir- cuit, and embraced Southern Orange County, from which it was extended :o Northern Orange and Southern Ulster County, as far north as New Paltz. In 1788 what was known as the Flanders (N. J.) Circuit, was cut 3fE from the East Jersey Circuit, and in 1789, the Newburgh Circuit was taken from the Flanders Circuit. It covered Orange and Southern Ulster. In 1809 the New Windsor Circuit was formed; in 1819 the Sullivan Cir- cuit; In 1823, the Bloomingburgh Circuit; in 1825, the New Paltz Circuit. As the churches became established their records were made in their own books — until that time the ordinance of baptism was administered by the Circuit preachers. The record here printed is a valuable contribu- tion to the history of Methodism in this section of country, and is valua- ble in the genealogical facts which it presents. It has been copied ver- batim; the correction of orthographies is left to the reader. August, 1789. Baptized Augustine Hunt, Being 73 years of age October the 1, 1789. Baptised Holloway Hunt, Being 20 years of age April the 9, 1789. July the 20th, 1789. Baptised Jamima Stevens, Being 4 years old the 18 of November, 1789. August the 23, 1789. Baptised Benjamine Lane, Being 3 years olde the 16 of October, 1789. August the 23, 1789. Baptised John Cronk, being 9 years old the 17 of December, 1789. Baptised Mary Cronk, being 5 years old the 23 of April, 1789. Baptised Peter Cronk, being 4 years old May the 13, 1789. Baptised Ruth Cronk, Being 2 years old February, 1789. ; Recokd of Baptisms and Mabeiages. August the 8, 1789. Baptised William Morrisson; He was born October the 10, 1776. Baptised Elizabeth Morrisson; She was born September the 8, 1787. Baptised James Morrisson; He was born July the 3, 1789. These ar3 the children of Allexandria Morrisson and Sarah his wife. August the 8, 1789. Baptised Susannah Adams. She was born January the 1, 1788. August the 8, 1789. Baptised John Mauron. He was born December the 22, 1788. September the 4, 1789. Baptised Wilson Blain, the son of Thomas Blain; and was born April the 24, 1789. July the 13, 1789. Baptised Wineas Mapes; he was born January the 18, 1779. Bap- tised Jesse Mapes; he was born September the 18, 1781. Baptised David Mapes; he was born December the 13, 1783. Baptised Mary Mapes; she was born December the 4, 1785. Baptised James Many Mapes; he was born October the 14, 1787. These are the Children of James Mapes, Anna his Wife. September the 8, 1789. I Baptised Obed Vanduzer; he is the son of Adolf Vanduzer, and Carrie his wife, and was born June the 22, 1789. August the 13, 1789. Baptised Ellenor Pelsor. She was born May the 14, 1765. Baptised Martha Pelsor. She was born April the 21, 1789. Baptised Mary Gennings. She was born May the 26, 1769. Baptised Mary McWhorter. She was born September the 20, 1758. Baptised Sarah ann Mallbrog. She was born March the 20, 1758. Baptised L Rosana Laysher. She was born May the 15, 1789. Baptised Joseph Johnson; he was born July the 3, 1789. August the 15, 1789. Baptised Nancy Morrisson. She was born June the 16, 1778. Baptised Sarah Roberson. She was born October the 8, 1788. September the 15, 1790. Baptised Anna Westlake, the daughter of Jacob Westlake. and Elizabeth. She was born July the 29, 1789. September the 19, 1789. Baptised Mary Simpkin. She was born in the year 1770. 3iipti8cd Rebeccah Sinipkiu. She was bi)rn in the year 1770. Record of Baptisms and Mareiages. September the 26, 1789. Baptised Mary Dunn: She was Born June the 6, 1781. Baptised Elizabeth Dunn; She wa.s born February the (J. 1783. Baptised Julia Dunn; She was born March the 10, 1785. Baptised Massy Dunn; She was born May the 8, 1788. These are the Children of William Dunn, and Jamima. Baptised Jamina Rikeman, the daughter of Tobias Rikeman. She was born September the 15, 1787. Baptised Isaac Johnson Brown; he was born September the 16, 1781. August the 1789. Baptised Amy Runels. She was born October the 30, 1786. Baptised Robert Runels; he was born in June, 1788. October the 11, 1789. Baptised Hanah Doyle, the daughter of James Doyle, and Deborah. She was born January the 20, 1789. October the 11, 1789. Baptised John Smith; he was born August the 11, 1789. Baptised Walter Smith Wister; he was born June the 20, 1789. He is the Son of Samuel Wister, and Phebe. October the 27, 1789. Baptised Sabra Lowry, being 6 years old. Baptised John Lowiy, 4 years old. Baptised William l^owi-y, 2 years old. Baptised Lydia Lowry, 1 year old. These are the children of John Dowry, and Siibra. November the 19, 1789. Baptised Jesse Lee Hayward, the son of Isaac Hayward, and Sarah. He was born October the 2, 1789. December the 4, 1789. Baptised William Seirs, the son of Joshua Seirs and Diana. He was born October the 21, 1788. December the 26, 1789. Baptised James Horabart, the son of Morris Horabart and Anna. He was born Novemer the 30, 1788. December the 26, 1789. Baptised Sarah McClan, the daughter of John McClan and Unis his wife. Born June the 26, 1789. December the 13, 1789. Baptised Henry Woolsey, the son of Benjamin Woolsey, and Mar- gret his wife. He was born June the 13, 1757. January the 10, 1790. Baptised Andrew Gee, son of Andrew Gee, and Abigail. He was born December the 1, 1789. 10 Ki-coBD or Baptisms and Maeeiages. January the 15, 1790. Baptised Phebe Dunn, daughter of William Dunn, and Phebe. She was born August the 24, 17G8. January the 21, 1790. Baptised John Edsel; Born November the 7, 1790. Baptised Han- nah Wellon Edsal; born December the H, 1789. These are the Chil- dren of Benjamin Edsal, and Sarah. January the 29, 1790. Baptised Henry Still, born in the year 1766. Baptised Jamima Felton. Born November the 13, 1766. Baptised Catharine Kelly. Born in October, 1787. January the 29, 1790. Baptised Susanah Woodruff; she was born October the 20, 1772. Baptised Rachel Woodruff; she was bom March the 13, 1776. Bap- tised Phebe Woodruff; she was born October the 15, 1780. Baptised Sarah Woodruff; she was born December the 3, 1782. Baptised Han- nah Woodruff; she was bom August the 6, 1785. Baptised Anna Woodruff; born July the 12, 1787. Baptised John Woodruff; born April the 26, 1789. These are the Children of John Woodmff, and Hannah. February the 2, 1790. Baptised Elizabeth Fields Waller, the daughter of George Waller, and Margret. She was born September the 11, 1787. Febmary the 3, 1791. Baptised Dorata Lee; bom November the 10, 1787. Baptised Thomas Lee; Bom October the 21, 1789. These are the Children of Richard Lee and Agnes. February the 8, 1790. — =»- Baptised William Edwards, the son of Thomas Edwards and Cath- arine; he was born October the 15, 1787. Baptised George Abrams, the son of John ALrams and Hanah; he was bom March the 27, 1790. Baptised Abigail Purdy, t'ne daughter of Samuel Purdy and Abigail. Born February the 17, 1790. April the 11, 1790. Baptised Mary Wood. April the 16, 1790. Baptised Unis Johnson, the daughter of James Johnson and Susan- ah. She was born January the 8, 1788. Baptised Margaret Peterson, the daughter of Samuel Peterson and Abigail. Born September the 2, 1789. Kecord of Baptisms and Marriages. 11 April the 26, 1790. Baptised Morris Welling Palmer, the son of William Palmer and Elizabeth. Born March the 9, 1790. Baptised Thomas Meiorary, the son of • Born Jan- uary the 25, 1790. A.pril the 27, 1790. Baptised Richard Albarson, the son of Richard Albarson, and R&- becah. Born August the 27, 1775. April the 27, 1790. Baptised Susanah Garratt, the daughter of John Garratt, and Sta- tia his wife. Bom December the 26, 1790. May the 20, 1790. Baptised Bethany, a Black woman ageS 30 years. May the 23, 1790. Baptised Mary Nole, the daughter of Jacob Nole, and Anna. Bora January the 23, 1790. June the 22, 1790. Baptised Elizabeth Bond. Bom January the 12, 1768. July the 28, 1790. Baptised Thomae Hopkins, the eon of Thomae Hopkins, and Mary. He was bora April the 28, 1789. August the 15, 1790. Baptised Anna Holms, the daughter of Daniel Holmes, and Mary. She was bora May the 16, 1790. August the 1, 1790. Baptised Hannah De<;ker; she was bom June the 9, 1777. Bap- tised John De<.iker; he was born February the 2, 1782. Baptised Daniel Decker; he wae bora July the 2, 1785. These are the Chil- dren of Daniel Decker, and Hannah. August the 8, 1790. Baptised Samuel Wells; he was bom May the 28, 1765. Baptised Joseph Stevans; he was bom November che 27, 1/57. Bap- tised Elis'ha Stevans; he was born' February the 28, 1759. These ai'e the sons of Jona;;han. Baptised Jeremiah Tricky; he was bom February the 5, 1758. Baptised Dorater Butler. She was born October the ^7, 1739. August the 22, 1790. Baptised Boriager Lockwood; he was bom June 21, 1775. Baptised Susanah Lockwood; she was bom April the 7, 1782. Baptised Anna Lockwood; she was bom July the 29, 1786. Baptised Henry Lock- wood; he was born September the 21, 1788. Th^e are the Children of Timothy Lockwood and Susanlah. 12 Record of Baptisms and Marriages. July the 21, 1790. Baptised David Wyatt; he was born November 11, 1779. Baptised Samuel Wyatt; he was born October the 24. 1783. Baptised Eliza- beth Wyatt; she was born March tlie 21, 17i)U. These are the Lini- dren of Samuel Wyatt and Elizabeth. Baptised Elizabeth Cronk, the daughter of Fredrick Cronk and Margret. She was born May the 22, 1790. August the 30, 1790. Baptised John Sanford Norris, the son of Thomas Norris and Sus- anah; he was born September the 22, 1789. Baptised Anna Dunn, daughter of William Dunn and Jamima; he was born April the G, 1700. August the 7, 1790. Baptised Thomas Cornwall, son of Gabriel Cornwall, and Abigail; he was born July the 10, 1790. Baptised Joab Head, son of Britton Head, and Mabel; he was bom June the 10, 1790. Baptised Jonathan Waygon, the son of James Waygon, and Phebe; he was born October the 10, 1789. September the 1, 1790. Baptised Jonathan Dounsbury, son of Jonathan Lounsbury, and Mary; he was born in the year 1782. Baptised Elizabeth Lounsbury, the daughter of Matthew Lounsbury, and Mary; he was born May the 31, 1790. Baptised Samuel Knap; he was bom January the 26, 1781. Baptised Julea Knap; she was born June the 30, 1786. Baptised Samuel Cornwall; he was bom October the 4, 1789. Bap- tised John Cornwall; he was bom June the 30, 1786. Baptised Nar thaniel Cornwall; born August the 24, 1790. These are the Children of Gabriel Cornwall, and Abigail. September the 2, 1790. Hiram Bucanon, the son of Jeames Bucanon, and he was born June 18, 1790, and his mother's name was Jane. September 5th, 1790. Baptised Edward Lasly Wellens. the son of Thomas Wellens, and Zebulah his woife; he was bom in April 1790. Baptised Sarah Wellens, the daughter of John Wellens, and Anna his woife; she was born August 29, 1790. Baptised Hannah Ketcham, daughter of Azarlah Ketcham, and Elizabeth his woife; she was bom july 19th, 1790. September the 6th, 1790. Sarah Kelly; she was born March the 17th, 1782. Baptised Margret Gray; she was bom March the 27th, 17b6. Record of Baptisms and Mareiages. 13 September the 7th, 1790. Baptize Hebekiah Wiley. Born Apriel 12, 1769. Baptize Garrot Garison; born th 12, 1788. Baptize Elizabeth Garison; brn July 1, 1790. Children of Jonathan Garison and Chri* tean his woife. Baptised Caleb Garrison; he was born November the 22, 1785. Bap- tised Garret Garrison; he was born October the 7, 1788. These are the children of William Garrison and Catharine. Baptised Thomas Mapes, the son of James Mapes, and Anna; he was born December the 8, 1790. September the 13, 1790. Baptised Timmothy Wood; he was bom July the 17th, 1750 Bap- tised Timmothy Wood; he was born March the 3, 1774. Baptised Charity Wood; she was born January the 2, 1778. Baptised Elizabeth Wood; she was born November the 30, 1779. Baptised Hannan Wood; she was born December the 27, 1781. Baptised Abig'ail Wood; she was born August the 26, 1784. Baptised Ruth Wood; she was born May the 5, 1787. Baptised Khoda Wood; she was born May the 20, 1789. These are the children of Timothy Wood and Abigail. September the 19, 1790. Baptised Elijah Woolsy. Baptised Phebe Deyo. These are the children of John Woolsy, and Clarisa. September the 26, 1790. Baptised Jane Forgerson. She was born in June. 1759. Baptised David Purdy; he was bom August the 30, 1790. He is the son of Gilbert Purdy, and Mai-j-. Nathaniel Burton Mills, Deacon of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At Mr. John Ellison's, near New Windsor, Deer. 19th, 1790, the following Persons and Chilcfren were baptised by T. Brush, Elder. Martha Rowland, aged 45 years, 3 months. Phebe Potter, aged 38 years, 10 months, 1 week. Hannah Potter, daughter of Aaron and Phebe; aged 11 years, 11 mo. Sarah Potter, daugnter of Aaron and Phebe; aged 3 years, 5 months. Catharine Potter, daughter of Aaron and Phebe; aged 7 months, 8 days. Sarah Woodard, aged 23 years, 4 months, 18 days. Charity Woodard, aged 18 years, 4 months, 3 days. December 20th. The Folowing parsons War baptised by Jathrow Johnson: Joseph p:iting, the sone of Noah and Hanah Eltlng was baptised, and was born September 10th, 1790. 14 Record of Baptisms and Marriages. At Mr. John Ellison's; Baptised May 15th, 1790, By Jacob Brush. Mary. Daughter of Saml. and Mary Westlake; bom Oct. 19, 1790. Benjamin Abbot, son of Daniel and Hannah Decker; born April, 1791. Isaac Tomkins, son of Nathaniel and Ruth; born Phebe Deborah Demott, Daughter of Michael and Anne; born The following were Baptiz'd by James Campbell: Patrick , Baptized March 20th, 1792; bom April the 7th, 1791. Smith H<>ad, Baptized April 3rd, 1792. Margaret Head, bora Sept. 25th, 1788. Joseph Head, bora Nov. 25th, 1790. Abraham Huff, born April &th, 1789. Ehz'th Huff, born October 22nd, 1791. Smith Horton, bora Feb. 18th, 1792. Hannah Nulton, born Feb. 9th, 1792. and Baptised April 16th, 1792. 1792 Amy Caverly. daughter of John and Mercy Caverly, Baptized April 25th; bom James Campbell Latin Caverly, son of Philip and Cav&rly, baptised April 20th, 1792; bora James Campbell Solomon Brundag, son of bai> May 9th, 1792, Age^ James Campbell Thomas Fitzgeral, the son of Thomas and Betsy Fitsgeral; bap-tised May 20, 1792; born June 3, 1794. Elizabeth Fitzgeral, born August 10th, 1785. John Fitzeral, bom February 16th, 1791. Jeames, the son of George and Rachel Springsted, was bom Au- gust ye 31, 1791, and baptised May ye 20th, 1792. Daniel the son of Samuel and Rachel Gidney; was bom July 22, 1791, and baptised May 20th, 1792. james Campbell. June 13th the following were baptised by James Campbell: Samuel Fowler McCrany, the son of Wm. and Sarah; born ElizabetH Purdy, the daughter of Samuel and Charlotte; Born Baptised May 23rd, 1792. Hannah, the daughter of Andrew and Abigail Gee; born 10th Feb, 1792. Baptised June the 20, 1792. Benjamin Cronk, the son of Frederick and Margaret; born May 15, 1792. James Campbell. Baptized June the 21, 1792, by James Campbell. Susanna the daugh- ter of Thomas and Mar7 Ferguson. Born April 8, 1792. Kecobi) of Baphsms and Marbiages. 15 Baptiz'd June the 26th, 1792, by J. Campbell; John Downsberry, the son of Cornelius and Ruth; born May 27th, 1792. Baptiz'd June 26th, 1792, by J. Campbell; Mary, the daughter of Tho's and Anny Vanderuff; born Feb'y 20th, 1792. Baptiz'd July the 4, 1792. by J. Campbell; Eliz'h, the daughter of Ste- phen and Mary Barton; Bom Feb. 11th, 1783. Elijah, born April the 2nd. 1785. James, born October 2nd, 1789. Luke, born Nov'r 18th, 1791. Baptiz'd July ye 19th-, 1792, by James Campbell; Wm. the son of Wm. and Hanah Penny; born Sep'r the 3rd. 1788. Mary, born May 28th. 1789. Baptiz'd July 24th, 1792, by James Campbell: James, the son of John and Sibel Sigler; born Octo'r 12th, 1791. Charlotte, the daughter of John and Hezia WiHsey; born May 15th, 1792. Baptized July 31st, 1792. Eliza- beth the Daughter of John and Many Sacket; born March 21, 1766. Bap- tiz'd August 1, 1792. Married, August 15th, 1792, by James Campbell, Daniel Ostrander and. Sarah Brown. The foloing parsons and Children ware baptised by Jeames Cempbell, August 16th. 1792. Sibil Merritt, the daughter of Joseph Merritt and Merritt, aged 33 years. Mary Merritt. aged 6 years. 8 months, 1 day. Joseph Merritt, aged 4 years, 11 months, 21 days. Georg and Sibel Merritt, aged 3 years. Charleott Fowler, Aged 1 year, 6 Days. December the 16th. 1792 There was Baptised, Sarah Kelly. Dafter of William Kelly and Saran Kelly, aged 1 month and 22 Days, by Jethro Jonson, Deacon of The Metho- dis Episcopal Church. Georg Westlake, son of Samuel and Mary Westlake; born July the 12. and Baptised September the 15, 1793; aged two months and Three Days. Warwic, June the 26, 1794, Baptized by Jacub Brush, Elder; Nathanial Minthorn Bdard, son of Samuel and Hannah; Born Sepr. 2d, 1793. Esqr. Bstals. Sally Denton, Daughter of Samuel and Juliana. Born July 20, 1793. New Windsor, Jeury the 20, 1794, Baptized by Elder Brush; Catharine Macklemy, Daughter of John and Sarah. Born October 14th, 1793. Warwick, June 25, 1794, Baptized by Elder Brush; Thomas Dicay Jesop. son of Daniel and Elizabeth. Bom November 5, 1793. Nathaniel Decay, son of Nahtaniel and Rebecca. Born October 1th. 1793. IG Record of Baptisms and Marriages. Warwick, January 26th, 1794. Baptized by Eldar Brush; Phebe Benja- min, aged 17 years 13 next May. jJaniel Benjamin Mary Jonston, aged 28 years, 4 months and 8 days. February 28, Bbaptised Thomas Abrams, son of James and Anna Abrams. Bom Janeary 6th, 1796. The following Children Baptized by Freeborn Greson, Elder. John Gareson, sone of John and Pelanah Proper. Born Febrewary 26, 1788. William Pick, sone of John and Pelaner Proper. Bom Janewary ye 25, 1796. Baptised by Samuel Fowler, August 26, 1796. Polley Willey, Daugh- ter of Elezer and Rlioda Willey. Born August 6th, 1796. September ye 17th, 1796. Baptised Samuel Welch, sone of John and Margret Welch. Born July llth. 1796. Baptised Lucretia Beesmer, Daughter of Daniel and Hanah Beesmer. Born March 28th, 1796. November 29th, 1796, Then Baptised isaac Egburt Fisher, son of Isaac Fisher and Sarah his wife. Born July 6th, 1796. Jacob Egburt. November 29th, 1796, Then Baptised Peter White, son of Zachariah White and Phebe his wife. Born August 4th, 1796. By Me, Jacob Egburt. November 29th, 1797. Then Baptised Theziah Bailey, Daughter of Samuel Bailey and Abigail his wife. Born February 22th, 1796. By Me, Jacob Egburt. Jonathan Bailey and Ruth Bailey's Children's Names and Ages: Charlotte Bailey, Bom August 20 Day, 1787. Catey Bailey, Born January 25 Day th years 1789. Baptised by John Croff. Betsey Bailey, Born December 4th, 1791. Deceased December 21t, 1791. Betsey Ann Bailey, Born February 25 Day in the year 1795. Bap- tised by Crofford. Ruth Bailey, Born May 21t, 1796. Baptised by Mathias Swaim. Susannah Bailey, Born October 14 Day, 1798. Baptised by William Storms. Decem'r 24th, 1797. Then Baptiz'd Smith Head, Son of Smith Head and Abigail, wife. Born June 6th, 1796. Jacob Egburt. Decem'r 24th, 1796. Then Baptised Daniel Norton, Tarsha his wife. Born Ocfr 30th, 1797. By me Jacob Egburt. Decem'r 24th, 1796. Then Baptis'd Briten Head, son of Briten Head ami Miohahel his wife. Born S'ept. l!»fh. 17iK;. By me Jacob Eglmrt. Kecoed op Baptisms and Mareiages. 17 Decem'r 27th, 1796. Then Baptised Elizabeth Cooley, Daughter oi Benjamin Cooley and Sarah Cooley. Born February 20th, 1796. By me Jacob Egburt. December 27th, 1796. Then Baptised Fachinor, Daughter of David and Sarah Fachinor. Born October 12th, 1796. By me Jacob Egburt. December 27th, 1796. Then Baptised John Morrrisson, son of Alex- ander Morrisson. Born August 31st, 1796. By me Jacob Egburt. December 18th, 1796. Then Baptiz'd Gilbert Penny, son of William and Hannah Penny. Bom November 1st, 1796. By me Jacob Egburt. December 27th, 1796. Then Baptised Abraham Vanzile, son of Abra- ham and Sarah Vanzile. Born Jan'y 24th, 1796. By me, Jacob Egburt. January 24th, 1797. Then Baptised Benjamin Woodruff, son of David and Hannah Woodruff. Born November 29th, 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. January 24th, 1797. Then Baptised Thomas Day, son of Thomas and Edith Day. Bom February 22s, 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. January 24th. Then Baptised Aron Moss, son of Benjamin and Ann Moss. Born December 29th, 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. January 24th, 1797. Then Baptised Mary Fisher, Daughter of Mary and Peter Fisher. Bom October 23d, 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. January 24th, 1797. Then Baptised John Stokes, son of Alexander and Jane Stokes. Born December 28, 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. April 19, 1797. Then Baptis'd Gortude Furney, Daughter of Joseph and Deborah Furney. Born January 24, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. April 24th, 1797. Then Baptis'd Lavinia Laurence, Daughter of Israel and Rachel Laurence. Bora February 30th, 1797. by me, Jacob Egbert. May 3d, 1797. Then Baptised Phillip Millar, Son of Phillip and Rachal Miller. Born December 16th. 1<96. By me, Jacob Egbert. May 7th, 1797. Then Baptised Andrew Gee Cronk, son of Fraderick and Margaret Cronk. Born January 21st, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. September 19th, 1797. Then Baptised Esther Bucklee, Daughter of Russbe and Hannah Bucklee. Born April 24th, 1791. By me Jacob Egbert September 19th, 1797. Then Baptis'd Samuel Bucklee, son of Russel and Hannah Bucklee. Bom September 21st, 1783. By me, Jacob Egbert. September 19th, 1797. Then Baptised Jesse Bucklee, son of Russel and Hannah Bucklee. Born November 25, 1785. By me, Jacob Egbert. September 19th, 1797. Then Baptised Fanney Bucklee, Daughter of Russel and Hanah Bucklee. Born September 3d, 1788. By me, Jacob Eg- bert. September 19th, 1797. Then Baptised John Bucklee, son of Russle and Hannah Bucklee. Born April 20th, 1794. By me, Jacob Egbert. 18 Eecord of BArnsMS and Marriages. September 19th, 1797. TTien Baptised Ann Bucklee, Daug^hter of Rus- sle and Hannah Bucklee. Bom April 27th, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. June 28th, 1797. Then Baptiz'd Ann Covert, Daughter of Richard and Katherine Covert. Born April 16th, 1792. By me, Jacob Egbert. June 28th, 1797. Then Baptised John Covert, son of Richard and Kath- erene Covert. Born August 2d, 1794. By me, -Jacob Egbert. June 28th, 1797. Then Baptised Issaac Covert, son of Richard and Katherene Covert. Born May 14th, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. June 28, 1797. Then Baptised Edward Weller Proper, son of Peter and Elizabeth Proper. Born July 1st, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. July 28th, 1797. Then Baptised Nancy Reynold, Daughter of David and Rachel Reynold. Born May 11th, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. July 28th, 1797. Then Baptised Jacob Covert, son of Richard and Katherine Covert. Born May 14th, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. August 7, 1797. Then Baptised James Vanduzer, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Vanduzer. Born April 15, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. September 7, 1797. Then Baptised Benjamin Sackett, son of John and Jane Sackett. Bom December 27, 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. September 7, 1797. Then Baptised Daniel Monroe, son of Angnes and Margaret Monroe. Born July 14, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. September 10, 1797. Then Baptised Jane Halt, Daughter of Jesse and Mary Hait. Born May 11, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. September. Baptised Sarah Zee, Daughter of Caleb and Hannah Zee. Born January 8. 1796. By me, Jacob Egbert. March 1, 1797. Then Baptised Elizabeth Zee, Daughter of Caleb and Hannah Zee. Ki)ru May .Tl, 1794. By ine. Jacob Eiibert. September 17, 1797. Then Baptised Salvester Stinard, son of Oglesbuy and Drake Stinard and Jamima, his wife. Born July 1, 1797. Jacob Egbert. Baptised Jesse Purdy, son of Gilbert and Elizabeth. Bom May 14, 1794. Baptised David Nallun, son of James and Phoebe Norton. Born April 22d, 1794. '^Baptised Jonathan Lownsbery, son of Cornelius and Ruth. Bom May 3d, 1794. Jerred Cooley, son of Benjamin and Sarah Cooley. Bom June 4, 1794. Ruth Cooley, Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah, January 16, 1795. Armenius Fletcher Pisher, son of Isaac and Sarah. Born April 1, 1794. Peter Fisher, son of Peter and Mary Pisher. Born February 28, 1795. Sarah Marison, Daughter of Clark and Sarah. Bom April 29, 1794. Susannah Ment, Daughter of Georg and Sibi. Bom June 11, 1794. Nancy Abrams, Daughter of James and Ann. Born September 9, 1793. Andrew Lockwood, son of Timothy and Susannah. Bom February 21, 1793, Record of Baj'tisms and Marriages. 19 Andrew Gerow, son of Oliver and Frelove. Born January 25, 1794. Stephen Gidney, son of Samuel and Rebekah. Born September 14, 1793. Sarah Hellem, Daughter of Rheuben and Mary. Born Decm'r 3, 1790. Mary Helm, Daughter of Rheubin and Mary. Born December 3d, 1792. John Miller, son of John and Hannah. Born October 4, 1793. Blnathan Foster, son of George and Margaret. Born April 17, 1793. To Whom Concerned. This may Certify that Morgan Owens of the Township of Marlborough, Counity of Ulster, State of New York, and Ruth Zee, of the Township, County and States aforesaid is Married together this twenty-seventh Day of August, One thousand seven hundred and Ninety-seven. By me, Jacob Egbert. To Whom Coucernefl. This may Certify that Amos Halt and Ilauuali Zee, Both of the Township of New Marlborough, County of Ulster and State of New York, is married together this tenth Day of September, One thousand seven hundred and Ninety-Seven. By me, Jacob Egbert. To Whom Concerned. This may Certify that Cornbery Dayton of the Township of New Paltz, County of Ulster and State of New York and Mary Quinby, of the Township, County and State aforesaid, is Married together this 5 of ^anuary, 1797. By me, Jacob Egbert. To whom Concerned. This may Certify that Gabriel Fowler of the Township of Marlborough, County of Ulster and State of New York, and Phanny Gee, of the same place, is Married together, 17 January, 1797. By me, Jb. Egbert. Married. Joseph Duboise and Elizabeth Van Noe, the 2 day of August, 1801. Edward Cassites and Susannah W. Farling, the 4 day of October, 1801. By Mathias Swain. Married. Harmon Clark and Phehe Woodruff, the 18 day of January, 1801. By Samuel Fowler. Adults. Mary Nelson, Baptised November 7th. 1801. Henry Wolf, Ebenezer McKinney, Baptised January 18th, 1802, By Matthias Swaim. Children. Francis Buchannon, Born November 27th, 1800, and Baptised August 5th, 1801. Moses Winslow, Baptised August 30th, 1801. Stephen Williams. September 6th, 1801. Elenor Buboise, September 27th, 1801. Marcus Nelson, November 7th, 1801. Andrew Dubois, November 22th, 1801. Asbury Woolsey, November 22th, 1801. 20 Record of Baptisms and Marriages. William Winslow, November 22tli, 1801. Ann Eliza Cooper, December 20th., 1801. Sarah Winslow, January 3d, 1802. Thomas Wolf, January 18th, 1802. Jain, a Black person, March 14th, 1802. By Matthias Swaim. Parents. Children Baptised. John and Elizabeth Shorter— John Shorter, July 26, 1801; aged 2 months and 20 days. Peter and Direskey De Noyelles— Edward De Noyelles, aged 10 years, 4 M. 13 days. Charlotte De Noyelles, aged 8 years, 5 months, 6 days. Essey De Noyelles, aged 6 years, 2 months,, 6 days. Theodorus De Noyelles, aged 3 years, 9 months, 28 days. Daniel De Noyelles, aged 1 year, 7 months, 3 days. Jacob and Ruth Qdel — Elenor Odel, August 11, 1802; Aged 5 Months. Adults — , Joseph Babcock, August 24, 1801. Charity Babcock, August 24, 1801. Sarah Babcock, August 24, 1801. Catherine Stepperfelt, August 24, 1801. Joseph and Charity Babcock — Charlotte BabcO'Ck, Aged 10 years, 5 Months, 6 days. Dorcas Babcock, Aged 7 years, 6 M., 23 days. Elenor Babcock, Aged 4 Y., 4 M., 19 days. Hoisted Babcock, Aged 1 Y., 9 M., 14 days. Henry and Catherine Steppenfelt — ■ Sarah Stepperfelt, August 24, 1801 ; Aged 3 years, 9 Months, 23 days. John and Charity Anderson — Analias Anderson, September 7, 1801; Aged 4 Months, 2 days. Israel and Catherine Still — Benjamin Woodruff Still, October 10, 1801; Aged 4 Months. James and Hannah Kinner — Asa Bailey Kinner, November 17, Do; Aged 6 Months, 27 Days. Wm. and Elizabeth Morris — Elizabeth Morris, November 18th, 1801; Aged 6 Weeks wanting one day. Benjamin and Catherine Sherwood — ■ Catherine Sherwood, November 19, 1801; Aged 3 Weeks and 1 day. John and Deborah De Noyelles — Mariah De Noyelles, November 22; Aged 1 Month, 17 days. Kecord or Baptisms and Marriages. 21 John and Mary Secor — Josiah Secor, December 22, 1801; Aged 7 Months and 1 day. Daniel and Sarah Tiohnor — Elizabeth Tichnor, December 29, 1801; Aged 3 Months, 2 days. Daniel and Mary Snyder — Kesiah Snyder, December 29, 1801; Aged 5 Months, 11 days. Adults — Jacob Odel, Nathaniel Odel, Levinah Anderson, Margret Johnson, January 5, 1802. By Samuel Thomas. Adults — Betsy Benjamin, Susannah Sprague, Jain Benjamin, Hannah Butler. January 10, 1802. By Solomon Sharp. Samuel and Charlotte Purdy — Charlotte Purdy, January 18, 1802; Aged 8 months, 2 days. Peter and Dericke De Noyelles — Peter De Noyelles, February 14, 1802; Aged 15 days. Isaac and Mary Foreman- Robert Foreman, February 16, 1802; Aged 1 Month, 17 days. Henry and Catherine Stepperfelt — • Charity Stepperfelt, February 16; Aged 2 Months, 10 days. James and Catherine Drummonds — Phebe Drummonds, February 16, 1801; Aged 2 years, 10 Months, 7 days. Adults — Charity Youmans, Hannah Conklin, February 17, 1802. Wm. Babcock's Daughter Dorcas, February 17, 1802; Aged 6 years, 8 Months, No days. Wm. and Hannah Conklin- — Zephaniah Conklin, February 17, 1802; Aged 9 Months. Eleazer and Rhoda Willey — Elizabeth Willey, March 7, 1802; Aged 7 Months, 7 days. By Samuel Thomas. Samuel and Mary Angel — Betsy Angel was born September the 30, 1807, and was Baptised October the 5, 1808. By John Robertson. William and Catherine Angel — Peter Davis was born April the 17, 1808, And Baptised August the 26, 1808. By John Robertson. 22 Recobd of Baptisms and Markiages. James Wite — Jolin Wite was bom April the 16, 1808, And wob Baptized August 26, 1808. Michael and Cnarlotty Holly — David Holly was born April he i4, 1808, And Baptized August 26, 1808. By John Robertson. Jacob and Anna Pitts — Anthony P. Pitts was born April 19, 1805, and Baptised August the 13, 1808. By John Robertson. Daughter of Jacob and Anna Pitts — Mary an Pitts was Born May the 25, 1807, And Baptised August, the 13, 1808. By John Robertson. John and Sarah McVoy — James W. McVoy was Born February 29, 1808, and Baptised Au- gust the 13, 1808. By John Robertson. Daniel and Mary Holms — • Eliza Holmes was born January 30, 1808, and Baptised Maxch 13, 1808. James and Elizabeth McWdlliajns — ■ Susanna S. Mc Williams was bom October the 7, 1808, And baptised June 19, 1809. By Rev. 8eth Crowell. Seth and Rachel Crowell — • Ann Strong and Charlotte Cixxwell, Children of Sethe and Rachel Orowell; ware born Des'r 9, 1809. David and Rachel Reynolds — James Ross Reynolds was bom May the 11, 1810; Baptised 'July 3, 1810. By Phinehas Rice. John and Elizabeth Shorter — ■ Elizabeth Shorter, Daughter of John and Elizabeth Shorter of Hop- well, was born September 25th, A. D., 1810, and baptised November 5 by Phinehas Rice. John and Sarah More — Peggy, the Daughter of John and Sarah More, was born January 16, 1811, and Baptised April 22, 1811. By Phinehas Rice. Seralpho Couch, son of Davids and Susen Buck, Born April 30, 1818; Baptised June the 12, 1818. Elizabeth, Daughter of John And phebe Mance, Born jenuary 5, 1818; Baptised Jan. 18, 1818. By Elijah Wo^olsey. David Mapes, Son of George and Rachel Mance, Bom October 31, 1818; Baptised June the 17, 1818. By Elijah Woolsy. James Trumbell, Baptised June 18, 1818.. By Elijah Woolsy. Mary Trumbel, Baptised January 18, 1818. Kecobd of Baptisms and Marriages, 23 Jemes Walker, son of John and Jane McClure, Born March the 30, 1818; Baptised July 15, 1815. James Bears Trumbel, Baptised July 15, 1818. Phebe Trumble, Baptised July 15, 1818. By Elijah Woolsey. Mary Holmes, Daughter of Gilbert and Martha Holmes, was Born march 4th, and Baptised May 2d, 1819. By Peter P. Sandford. February 23d, 1825, Baptised Nehem.iah Fowler and his two little girls, Elizabeth and Carliue, by Nichuias WTiite. July 25th, 1824, Baptised David Ayree,, Henry Mackey, Henry Williams, Benjamin Williams, ADults, by Nicholas White. August 27th, 1824, Baptised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Rhoada, thre« Bone at oae birth. By Daniel Ostrander. Sept. 19th, 1824, Baptised Lavina Jane Scoit, Infant. By Nicholas White. Sept. 23rd, 1824, Baptised Rebecca Jaae and Harraan Bacon Mackey, infante. By Nicholas White. Oct. 8rd, 1824, Baptised John Philips, infant. By Nicholas White. Oct. 25th, 1824, Baptis^jd John C. Chatting, infant. By Nicholas White. Oct. 31st, 1824, Baptised Samuel St. John and Ruth St. John, Adulte. By Nicholas White. Oct. 30th, 1824, Baptised Arietadee Dayton, a Dull. By Nicholas White. January 4th, 1825, Epenetus K. Woolsey,. infant. By N. White. Jan. 31&t, 1825, Baptised Oatharin, George, Deyo and Elizabeth, Chil- dren of Philip and Electa Elnag. By N. White. Maroh 26th. 1824, Martin Huffman Berne, Infant. By N. White. Jan. 23rd, 1825, Baptised John Buckhout, Elizabeth Elliot, Electa Fer- rie, Elizabeth Ostrander and Elizabeth Brewer, Adults. By Daniel Os- trander. Deem., 1824, Myres Greatsinger Bever. By N. White. March 13th, 1825, Samuel, Joseph Nelson and Mariah Elizabeth, Chil- dren of Robert and Fanny LAxckey. By N. White. March 20th, 1825, Baptised Charles Somonaike Brown, Infant. By N. White. April 2nd, 1824, Mai-tha St. Jobn and Isaac Reynolds, Adults. By N. White. Apiil 6th, 1825, Cornelius and G^rusha, Adults. By N. White. April 17th, 1825, Baptise Eliza Jane White, Bora Nov'm 27th, 1824; also Ann Griffins, adult. By Daniel O.stronder. 24 Eecoed of Baptisms and Maeriages. Baptised Wdlliam Hasbrook Devenport, one year old April 3rd, 1825. By N. White. William B. Brown, son of James and Phila Brown, bora Sept. 2, 1827, and baptised January 13, 1828. By Rev. Eben Smith. James Bushfield, son of Thomas and Catharine Bushfield, bora in New- bvirgh Township May 8, 1828; baptised by H. Humphreys. Peter Coutant, son of Nehemiah and Hannah Fowler, born December 22, 1827; baptised by H. Humphreys. Martha Sarah, daughter of James and Mary Leed, bora at the town of New Paltz, New York State, July 15, 1828. Baptised by H. Humphreys. Mary, daughter of Robert and Margaret Edgar, born in the town of New Paltz, Ulster County, State New York, February 29, 1828. Baptised by H. Humphreys. Perlina and Ellison Hurd, children of Gideon H. and Ruth Hurd, bom in Plattekill, Nov. 4, 1S27. Baptised by H. Homphreys. Susan Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Eliza Forman, born February 20, 1829. Baptised by H. Humphreys. Hervey Holmes, son of Milton S. and Charlotte Gregory, bora October 2, 1828. Baptised by H. Humphreys. Rhoda Maynard, daughter of John and Rhoda Bever, born May 18, 1828. Baptised by Rev. P. Rice. Ruth and Isabella, Daughters of Thom's and Catharine Bushfield, born in Newburgh Township, born June 3d, 1829. Baptised by D. Marshall John Son of Abram and Sally Ann Van Wyck, born April 30th, 1829. Baptised by D. Marshall. December 6th, 1829, Baptised Sarah Catharine, born Decmr 7th, 1822; Elihu Beaver, born Sept. 18th, 1824, and Hannah Maria, bora Aug. 24, 1828, all in the town of New Paltz, children of Saml. H. and Anna Deyo. By J. D. Marsihall. 1830. Baptised by Valentine Buck. John Smith, infant son of Isaac R. and Sarah Fowler, of Esopus. Ruthe Eliza, infant daughter of James and Sally Bushfield, of New- burgh. Jacob, infant son of James and Phila Brown, of Plattekill. David Lockwood, Amelia and Hannah, infant children of Isaac and Mariah Gutchess of N. Paltz. Baptised by Pihineas Rice. John Brainard, infant son of James H. anff Eliza Longbottom, of Marlborongh. Baptised by Valentine Buck. Margaret Jane, infant daughter- of Tha^- deus T. and Eliza Halt, of Ijatentown. Eecokd of Baptisms and Marriages. 25 Baptised, at E. Esopus, Sarah, infant daughter of James and Cath- arine Atkins. At the same place, Hannah Amelia, infant daughter of George and Susannah Barnard. Baptised June 5, 1851, by Valentine Buck. Baptised, Mary Jane, daughter of Wm. and Mary Ann Price, of Platte- kill; born Dec. 21, 1829. Baptised June 5, 1831, By B. Griffen. Baptised June 5, 1831, Mary, daughter of Robert and Maria Relyea, of Plattekill; born May 5, 1830. Baptised by B. GrifRn. Baptised by G. Griffen, June 11, 1831, James, son of Jno. G. W. and Susan Barnet, of Esopus; bom March 7, 1831. Baptised, June 22, 1831, by B. Griffen, John Lowry Hait, son of Wool- sey and Eliza Ostrander, of Plattekill; born Sept. 10, 1830. Baptised by B. Griffen, July 3, 1831, George, son of Purdy and Hester Lounsberry, of Plattekill; born Oct. 15, 1826. Bapti.sed by B. (JriftVn. July 3. 1831, Han'ey Palmer, sou of Purdy and Lounsberry, of Plattekill; born Oct. 15, 1826. Baptisedi by B. Griffen, July 3, 1831, Harry Palmer, son of Purdy and Hester Lounsbury, of Plattekill; born Dec. 15, 1830. Baptised by B. Griffen, Elenor Coutant, daugliter of Sands and Sarah Beach, of Plattekill; born Dec. 28, 1830. Baptised by B. Griffen, Aug. 6, 1831, James Arminius, son of John T. and Sarah Matthews, of New Paltz; born Baptised by G. Griffen, Aug. 6, 1831, Virginia Eliza, daugbter of John T. and Sarah Matthews, of New Paltz, born March 20, 1823. Baptised by B. Griffen, Aug. 6, 1831, Robert Loth, son of John T. and Sarah Matthews, of New Paltz; born May 3, 1829. Baptised by B. Griffen, August 7, 1831, Lucinda Teerpening, of Elso- pus, an Adult. Baptised by M. Richardson, P. E., Aug. 14, 1831, William Dusinbery, of Plattekill, an Adult. Baptised by M. Richardson, P. E., Aug. 14, 1831, Seymour Woolsey, of Plattekill, an Adult. Baptised by M. Richardsou. P. E.. Aug. 14, 1831, Abigail Eliza Relyea, of Marlboro, an Adult. Baptised by M. Richardson, P. E., Aug. 14, 1831, Nancy Prestly, of New Paltz, an Adult. Baptised by M. Richardson, P. E., Aug. 14, 1831, Joanna Hait, of Platte- kill, an Adult. Baptised by B. Griffen, James, son of James and Ann Slater, of Eso- pus; born ; Bap. Sept. 13, 1831. 26 Recokd of Baptisms and Makriages. Baptised by B. Griffen, Sept. 18, 1831, Anna, daughter of James P. and Ann Maria Waoknian, of Plattekill; Bom June 23, 1831. Baptised by B. Griffen, Sept. 18, 1831, John King, of Plattekill, an adult. Baptised by B. Griffen, Sept. 18, 1831, Abraham Cbarles Sherman, of Plattekill, an adult. Baptised by B. Griffen, Sept. 18, 1831, Hanna