Gompliments of -"^rj BEDFORD AND KINGSTON STREETS. BOSTON, MASS. X^ We are the sole Selling Agents for the Celebrated Brand of Woolen and Worsted Yarns. Our different grades of SCOTCH AND SPANISH KNITTING YARNS, BLUE MIKED AND COLORED WOOLEN YARNS, SAXONY AND SHETLANDS, Will commend themselves to close buyers as being the BEST VALUE in the market. We are also selling agents for MIDNIGHT GERMANTOWN ZEPHYR, BEAVER GERMANTOWN, PEGKHAM GERMANTOWN, PECKHAM KNITTING YARNS, And Sole Agents for the ORIGINAL COUNTRY YARN. Importers of BERLIN ZEPHYR, ANGORA WOOL, CREWEL, ETC., ETC. We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and it will be our aim, by having the largest stock at the BEST VALUE, to merit their patronage in the future. KNITTING CROCHETING In this little book we present our customers with Direc- tions FOR Knitting a few of the most popular knitted ARTICLES which WILL BE USED THE COMING SEASON. LA- DIES WHO KNOW HOW TO KNIT AND CROCHET WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN UNDERSTANDING THE DIREC- TIONS. Those who do not understand THIS fascinating ART SHOULD AT ONCE LEARN IT. Our SPACE IS TOO LIM- ITED TO GIVE A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD OF TAKING THE DIFFERENT STITCHES, BUT ALMOST EVERY LADY WILL KNOW SOME FRIEND WHO IS SKILLFUL WITH THE NEEDLES WHO WILL WILLINGLY GIVE INSTRUCTIONS. ThIS IS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN TO KNIT, AS PRINTED DIRECTIONS ARE ALWAYS PJJi-FJCULT TO UNDERSTAND WITHOUT SOME PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE. l^syldep ^hawl, Knit with Midnight Gcrmantown Zephyr and Talmar Brand '' Per- sis" or " Vida " Shetland Wool. This very pretty shawl is easily worked, being knit entirely in plain knitting. It is very comfortable as an opera wrap or for similar uses, and may be entirely of one color, or the two kinds of yarn may be of different shades, as Blue Germantown and Cream-white Shetland. For a shawl measuring i| 3'ards across the top, it requires 2 skeins of each yarn, and is knit on No. 8, 9 or 10 cedar-wood Knitting-needles, No. 9 being generally the best size. DIRECTIONS. Cast on 300 stitches of Germantown and knit across for the first row. To shape the shawl, decrease by knitting two together at the end of each row. 2d to 9th row. Knit with Shetland. loth row. Knit with Germantown. To form the diamond-shaped pattern, when knitting the first and second stitches, pick up and knit the corresponding stitches of the last row of the Germantown with them. Knit 8 stitches, then pick up and knit the two corresponding stitches of the first row, and so on. nth Row. Knit with Germantown. Repeat from the second row, reversing the pattern formed in the tenth row by picking up the stitches between those picked up in the tenth row. The two sides are finished by tying in lengths of Shetland wool for a fringe. The top edge is finished by crocheting a narrow border of scallops of Shetland. For the first row work one double crochet into each of the cast on stitches, for the second row take one double crochet into the first stitch, pass over two of the double crochets of the first row and take five treble crochets into the next, and so on. A glance ^t the accompanying illustrations will help to understand these directions. These vcrv pretty leggins are serviceable and warm. They may be knit in any color desired, from Midnight Zephyr or Beaver German- town, Talmar Scotch or Cashmere yarn, and reqnire about two skeins. Use No. i6 Needles. DIRECTIONS. These gaiters are knit in plain rows lengthwise of the leggin and then joined together. Knitting them in this way they keep their shape much better than when workcc round. Cast on 24 stitches for the first row. wliich will be at the back seam when finislied. This number must he increased to 70 stitches in 18 rows. The increase is made in this way : after knitting the second row cast on six more stitclves at the end. making tlie increase in this way at the end of cver\- second row. This will make the aiUled stitches on the lower end, the top being left straiglit, and will form the shape, for the leg. At the- end of the 20th row cast on 30 more stitches, which will make the length of the leggin 100 stitches. Knit i^ rows, then twelve more rows mav be knit with white or some contrasting sliade to foDu the side stripe, to be ornamented witli an ornament:d coi< and tassels as seen in the cut. ^Vfter t!ie twelve rows of white, knit 15 more rows of the foundation C(»lor. then cast otT the first eight stitches of the r6th row, leaving the remainder of the stitches on the needle for the present. The gore at tlie lower t-d^^c is now made by fastening the yarn to the first of the cast-otV stitciies bv which the first stitch is made; at the end of every forward row cast on two extra stitches, and in every backward row catch in one of the jcast-ofl" stitches, which will all be taken up in i^ rows. In the 14th row cast on 14 stitciies instead of 2 to tbrm the part covering the instep ; knit the next 40 rows the wliole length of the leggin ; cast off twelve stitches in jthe 40 throw and' knit 16 stitches for the opposite gore ; this will leave 17 stitches on the iipedle. Decrease the gore b\' decix*asing one stitch at the end of eaclfrow and casting oil' the last stitch. Now col- lect the eigiit stitches and knit 40 rows the whole length for tiie inside of the leggin, cast off 30 stitches from the next row and reduce the re 01. X o ^ s o t/3 ^1 ^o f0 Is s| o o o •^^ ^ c en C JU >-. «^ on, widen- ing enough to keep the work nearly tlat till the size wanted is reached, then crochet without widening till the cap is finished. DIRECTIONS. Make a chain of 84 single chain stitches, which will make 12 gores. If a larger size is required make 7 more stitches. 1st Row. Work one treble or long crochet in each of the first and second chains, 3 treble crochet in the 3d, i treble in each of the 4th and 5th. vSkip two of the chain to form the gore. If it is intended to finish with ribbon, make one single chain before taking up the first stitch for the second gore, continue after skipping the two stitches by working one treble in each of the next two stitches of the chain, three in the third, one each in the fourth and fifth, repeat to the end of the^ row. 2d Row. Turn and work one treble crochet through the first and one through the second stitch of the first row, being particular to take the stitch through the back loop^ then take five treble crochet through the next stitch (these five stitches are worked into the center of the three zvidening stitches of the previous row) , then work one treble in each of the two following stitches, repeat to the end of the row ; continue with treble crochet stitches, making the rows as follows : 3d Row. I each in first 3, 3 in the next, i each in next 3 ; repeat. 4th Row. I each in first 3, 5 in the next, i each in next 3 ; repeat. 5th Row. I each in first 4, 3 in the next, i each in next 4 ; repeat. 6th Row. I each in first 4, 5 in the next, i each in next 4 ; repeat. 7th Row. I each in first 5, 3 in the next, i each in next 5 ; repeat. 8th Row. I each in first 5, 5 in the next, i each in next 5 ; repeat. 9th Row. I each in first 6, 3 in the next, i each in next 6 ; repeat. loth Row. I each in first 6, 3 in the next, i each in next 6 ; repeat. nth Row. I each in first 7, 3 in the next, i each in next 7 ; repeat. 1 3th Row. I each in first 7, 5 in the next, i each in next 7 ; repeat. 13th Row. I each in first 8, 3 in the next, i each in next 8 ; repeat. 14th Row. i^icli in first S, 3 in the next, i each in next 8 ; repeat. 15th Row. I each in first 8, 3 in the next, i each in next 8 ; repeat. 16th Row. I each in first 8, 5 in the next, i each in next 8 ; repeat. 17th Row. 1 each in first 9, 3 in the next, i each in next 9 ; repeat. 1 8th Row. I each in first 9, 3 in the next, i each in next 9 ; repeat. 19th Row. I each in first 9, 3 in the next, i each in next 9 ; repeat. 20th Row. I each in first 9, 5 in the next, i each in next 9 ; repeat. 3ist Row. I each in first 10, 3 in the next, i each in next 10 ; repeat. 22d Row. I each in first 10, 3 in the next, i each in next 10 ; repeat. 23d Row. I each in first 10, 3 in the next, i each in next 10 ; repeat. 24th Row. I each in first 10, 5 in the next, i each in next 10 ; repeat. 25th Row. I each in first 1 1 , 3 in the next, i each in next 1 1 ; repeat. 26th Row. I each in first 11, 3 in the next, i each in next 11 ; repeat. 27th Row. I each in first 1 1 , 3 in the next, i each in next 1 1 ; repeat. 8 28th Row. I each in first 1 1, 5 in the next, i each in next 1 1 ; repeat. 29th Row. I each in first I3, 3 in the next, 1 each in next 12 ; repeat. 30th Row. I each in first 12, 3 in the next, i each in next 12 ; repeat. 31st Row. I each in first 12, 3 in the next, i each in next 12 ; repeat. 320! Row. I each in first 12, 5 in the next, i each in next 12 ; repeat. 33d Row. I each in first 13, 3 in the next, i each in next 13 ; repeat. A very pretty style is made by knitting of white to the 25th row, then 5 rows of Hght bhie or clierry, then 3 rows of white at the end. To finish, make a fringe by cutting the yarn into lengths of eight inches, and looping in first one and then two strands alternately into the stitches on the edge. Crochet border for sides and neck from directions for shoulder shawl. ^MM'i ffiiiitiii lliE Mitels A very pretty Child's Afghan or Carriage Robe can be made very easily and quickly by the following directions. It is made from Mid- night Zephyr or Beaver Germantown, and I'equires about three skeins of each of two colors, or six skeins if made of one color. A very pretty combination is cream white and light blue, or blue white and pink or chen-y. f^ DIRECTIONS. Make with a No. 6 needle a chain of 150 stitches of the blue (sup- posing blue and white arc the colors selected), turn, throw the thread over and make a shell of six double crochet stitches into the fourth stitch of the chain, skip four and make another shell of six double cro- chet, and so on to the end of tlie row ; break otV the blue and join the white ; turn, make a chain of two, then make six double crochet into the loop between the shells of the first row ; catch down tight without putting thread over between tlie shells ; repeat and continue in this way, making the rows of blue and white to alternate. Make a deep shell border of tlie two colors, four rows on the sides and two on the top and bottom. liadY's FaHQY Wn-isfeeF. This elegant wrister is intended to cover the back of the hand down to the fingers. It can be knit of Tahnar brand, " Persis " or " Vida " Saxony, unless a heavier wrister is wanted, in which case Midnight Ger- back and purl two alternately till 30 rows are knit, then purl three rows, increasing one stitch each in 2d and 3d row\ This finishes the fancy top. For the plain part of the wrister knit at the back and purl alternately till five rows are knit, then reverse (knitting the stitch that was purled and purling the stitch that was knit) and knit five rows ; this makes two divisions of the pattern. The inci'ease for the thumb is now begun, this is done by making a stitch between the 4th and 5th stitches from the end of a pin ; this extra stitch is made after a purled stitch so as to bring two stitches knitted at the back^ beside each other. Knit out the four remaining stitches on the needle and four from the next needle, then increase or make another stitch for the other side of the gore. This increase is repeated in knitting every fresh division of five rows of the pattern, the second time the new stitch is made after a stitch taken at the back, that is between the i^th and 6th stitches from the end, this will bring the made stitch directly under the one in the last row, and will leave five more stitches on the needle to be knit or ten stitches be- tween the two increased stitches. Continue alternately these two methods of increasing, making the new stitches under each other which will increase the number of stitches between the sides of the gore by two in each division. After increasing twelve times the top of the gore is reached, when the widened part consists of 32 stitches; knit two more divisions without widening before commencing the thumb. The thumb is knit with the 32 stitches in the gore and 13 additional 10 stitches taken from the otlier needles and caught together in a ring, these 45 stitches of the thumb are taken on the three needles and knit as befoi'e ; the 13 gore stitches are taken oft' at the beginning and end of the rows of the next two divisions, then three more divisions or 15 rows more are to be knit with the 33 stitches, then three purl rows, then one whole row, and three more purl rows, the thumb is then cast oft'. To complete the hand the 13 gore stitches are again picked up and knit with the other stitches of the hand; six of these 13 gore stitches, three on each side, are, however, decreased while knitting the next division ; five more divisions are knit and then finished oft' like the thumb. The edging is crocheted and is composed of five chain and one single crochet back into the first chain and one single crochet, in every second cast-oft' stitch through the whole row ; a ribbon is run in and tied in a bow, as shown in the 'illustration. This very comfortable slipper is very nice for an invalid, or for any similar use. It is easily made, requiring four laps of eight-fold '' Berlin " Zephyr. DIRECTIONS. at the toe, make a chain of 15 stitches, woi'k back in single working three in the Begin crochet, stitches in the center stitch of chain. Work iS rows in this way, al- ways being particular to take up the back stitch and widening each time by working three stitches in the center. For the back, work back and forth on the first twelve stitches till the piece is long enough to go around the heel, then crochet to the other side ; or the opposite 11 twelve stitches may be crocheted out and the joining be done at the back. Crochet a row of scallops around the top ; run an elastic and finish with a bow of ribbon or pompons and plush balls as illustrated. The sole is finished by sewing on a lamb's wool sole ; sewing it on the wrong side and turning the shoe after it is done. The lamb's wool sole can be bought at any shoe store. The directions here given is for one stripe of a blanket which can be made anv size desired. It is crocheted in stripes of different colors, or the stripe described may be alternated with a stripe croclictcd in plain 12 tricot stitch. If made in this way the tricot stripe may be embroidered in some easy embroidery. The material used is Midnight Zephyr and a medium sized tricot needle. DIRECTIONS. Cast on a foundation of 19 stitches and crochet two rows in the wave stitch (this stitch is made as follows: the hook is to be inserted at the back into the perpendicular bars of each single row in Tunis-stitch in making the next joining row in going backwards), to which follow two plain Tunis rows with veiy raised round shapes. For these six chain are crotched in the ist row in going forward, first after five drawn off loops, then three times after every four of the same; these are left un- touched in the next single Tunis row, but are formed into long loops by the crowding together of the perpendicular bars. In going back- ward in the now following row the crochet is made as seen in the illus- tration. All the loops made as depicted are drawn off the hook by put- ting the wool once over this, the next perpendicular bar is then to be pierced with the hook and united with the thread loop drawn through to the front to the loop of the raised shape on the hook. The perpen- dicular bars are again to be collected till the same process as just illus- trated and described is repeated at the next Stitch-loop. This last row is formed by collecting the perpendicular bars on the left side, again into the first wave row. Curves each of one single worked into the first edge- stitch and five double into the third, ornament both sides of the stripe. In sewing the stripes together a crocheted stripe must be put first and last ; the ends of the blanket are finished with fringe bunches knotte J. into the foundation. A silk or cashmere lining may be made if it is intended for a carriag^e blanket. liadY's Mitifeen. This very handsome mitten is knit with Talmar brand " Persis" or " Vida " Snxonv \arn, if a soft fine mitten is wanted ; or it maybe made from Talmar Scotch or Talmar Spanish or from Cashmere yarn. These 13 two last mentioned yarns make very handsome mittens, and are very desirable, and very warm for cold winter weather. It re- quires 2 skeins of Saxony, and is knit on No. iS needles. DIRECTIONS. Cast on 64, 72 or 80 stitches, according to the size wanted, knit six rounds plain ; 7th round, knit two together, throw thread over, repeat to end of round ; 8th rountl, tlirow thread over, knit six plain, knit two together, re- peat ; 9th round, knit one, throw thread over, knit five, knit two together, repeat; loth round, knit two, throw thread over, knit four, knit two together, re- peat ; nth round, knit three, throw thread over, knit three, knit two together, repeat; 12th round, knit four, throw thread over, knit two, knit two to- gether, repeat ; 13th round, knit five, throw thread over, knit one, knit two together, repeat ; 14th round, knit six, throw thread over, knit two together, repeat. Repeat from 8th to 14th rounds six times, which com- pletes the fancy top, the rest of the mitten is plain knitting. Take the first two and the last stitches of the last round for a basis for a thumb, purling one stitch each side of the three, and in the next round and in every 4th round thereafter make two stitches for increase of width of thumb, at the same time continuing in every rovmd the two purled stripes which outline the same, until you Jiave 23 stitches in thun)b exclusive of the purled stripes. The increase 14 should be made the next stitch to the purled stripes. When you have 33 stitches in thumb, knit three rounds plain. Now slip the 27 thumb stitches on a piece of twine, and tie securely, and with the remaining stitches continue the hand, knitting all plain and narrowing as thought best to shape of hand, and continue this until the hand has reached a sufficient length. To narrow and finish oft' the hand, commence at the end stitch of one of the needles. Knit seven, and narrow by knitting two together, repeat until the stitches on all the needles are reduced so as to be divisible by nine, next round knit plain, then knit seven, nar- row and repeat to the end of the round, knit seven rounds plain, then knit six, narrow, repeat and knit six rounds plain, then knit five, nar- i"ow, repeat and knit five rounds plain, then knit four, narrow, repeat and knit four rounds plain, now narrow once on each needle in every round until four stitches are left on each needle, then narrow twice on each needle and cast oft'. To finish the thumb, place the 23 stitches on the three needles and pick up three stitches from the base of the gore formed between the hand and thvunb, then knit around once and narrow once or twice in the next two or three rounds, knit to sufficient length and finish oft' by narrowing once on each needle till all the stitches are disposed of. The wrist of this mitten may be lined with satin, or a lining may be knit from knitting silk. This is done by picking up on three needles the loops formed by casting on in the beginning, and knitting as stitches with No. 500 silk in plain rounds until you have a tubular web of suf- ficient length to cover and form a lining to the fancy work in wrist. Cast oft' very loosely and finish the mitten by sewing in such a manner as will not interfere with its elasticity at the wrist. The lining may be of the same color as the mitten, or of a handsome contrasting shade. When two colors are used the effect is very pretty. The bow of satin ribbon sliould be of the same color as the lining. This description was kindly furnished by the Nonot'.ick Silk Co., manufacturers of the Florence Knittin"- Silk. This makes a light and very warm and pretty skirt for young chil- dren. It should be knit from Midnight Zephyr or Beaver Germantown, 15 of whif'n it requires three skeins of white and one-half a skein of scarlet. Of course these colors can be changed to suit the fancy of the knitter. DIRECTIONS. This skirt is knit with two knitting-needles, the border on No. lo and the plain part of the skirt on No. 14. This makes the skirt hang fuller at the bottom. Commence with the border. Cast on 200 stitches of scarlet Germantown. First Row. — Knit plain. Second Row. — Change to the white Ger- mantown and purl. Third Rotv. — Knit plain. Fourth Row. — Knit one, make one, knit three together, knit two, make one. Repeat from the beginning of the row. The fifth, seventh and ninth rows are purled; the sixth, eighth and tenth are knit like the fourth row. The tentli row finishes one row of the scallops of the border ; to make the other rows of scallops repeat from the first to the tenth row three times more. The plain part of the skirt is very easily done, and is worked by purling three and knitting three alternately, ob- serving that the stitches that are purled in one row must be knitted when knitting back in the next row, and those that are knitted must be purled. When about half the length of the skirt has been knitted, change the needles and take the smaller ones (No. 14). When the proper length is reached, cast the stitches'oft' and sew' the sides together to within about three inches of the top, then sew the top to a linen band provided with buttonholes. The border of this skirt makes a very pretty edging when knit from :" Persis" or " Vida " Saxony yarn on ISTo 18 needles. 16 A very pretty Tidy or Lambrequin can be made with this pattern ; knit with crochet twine and finished with narrow ribbon drawn through the openings. This indispensable article of an infant's wardrobe is very easily made. It should be knit from Talmar brand " Persis" or '' Vida "' Shetland Wool in white. It requires from a skein and a half to two skeins, and should '^ ""be knit on No. lo bone knitting-needles. It is knit lengthwise, folded together and the sides sewn up, leaving space for the armholes. DIRECTIONS. Cast on lOO stitches. Knit two rows clear across, plain ; then purl two rows and knit two rows plain ; then knit forty stitches, and leave the remaining 60 stitches on the needles until you have knit 23 rows with the 40 stitches ; this will form the front ; leave these on the needle. jNow cast off (counting from the end of the first row of stitches) twenty stitches, by passing one stitch over the other; this will form Ihe shoulder. Now knit twenty- two rows with the remain! nj^ forty stitches, knitting two and purling two as before ; this v.ill form the back. Now knit another row, and at the end cast on twenty new stitches, and then knit the forty stitches left on the needle from the front. You will now have loo stitches again on your needle, which should be con- tinued five i"ows more and cist olT. The vest is then foldod together and sewn up, leavin'^ the armholes open. An edging is then crocheted round the neck and sleeves. The edging is worked as follows : First Row. — One single stitch into the edge of the knitting, two chain, pass over one stitch of knitting, take one single crochet into the next and so on. Second Roiv. — One double crocliet imder two chain of last row, three chain, one double under next two chain and so on. A ribbon is run throutjh the first row of the crochet around tlie neck. DECORATIVE ART INTERIOR DECORATION, Which has had such a rapid growth the past few years, is as yet but in its infancy. Ladies have learned that at a small expense they can produce from their own handiwork, articles which add greatly to the beauty and cheerfulness of their homes. We have in connection with our Worsteds and Yarns, an EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT, In which we caiTy an extensive line of EMBROIDERY and FANCY WORK MATERIALS, EMBROIDER Y PEL TS and PL USHES, FINE LINENS, SILK and METAL ORNAMENTS, STAMPED and PLAIN LINEN and FELT TIDIES, TABLE COVERS, LAMBREQUINS; PLUSH TRIMMINGS, Also EMBROIDERY and ETCHING SILKS, FILLING FLOSS, ARRASENES, CHENILLES, EMBROIDERY COTTONS, And all articles used in connection with Fancy Work. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 080 840 4 I Brown, Durrell & Co., Cor. Kingston and Bedford Sts., Boston. THAOE MARK, HEG'O JUNE 17, 1884. 5 -pound bundle^. LL,:;_^. LBS. 9 $\zv[\$ to poui|d The above yarn in BROWN MIXED, SCARLET, CARDINAL, GREY MIXED, NAVY, SEAL BROWN, BLUE MIXED, WHITE, BLACK, SCOTCH MIXED, GARNET. We are Iiavino; a laro^e and constantly increasinsr sale on this irracle of yarn.