^0 c ^ " " * ^3 o J^ ■^ ^v \//h o Xp /-S V "^. . s • • , -^^ A resident of Hartford, Conn, and died before Feb. 14, 1650. Thomas Bliss = Margaret in 1640, Parentage, date and place of birth removed to Springfield, Mass., am Elizabeth Bliss Place and date of birth unknown. Probably dead before June, 1684. John Pierce dent of Springfield Enfield. Married {27?), 1677. Died 17, 1696. Lydia Morgan = Edmund Marshall Born April 8, A resident of Suflield, 1654. Died Conn. Married July July 30, 1737. 18, 1700. Died Jan. 7, 1731-2. Hannah Morgan Born April 11, 1656. Died Jan. 17, 1696-7. Samuel Terry, Jr, Born July 18, i(56i. in Springfield and Married May 17, ii Jan. 2, 1730. Joseph Morgan = Mary Stebbins t Springfield ; was a oops sent against the olifices. An extensive 5. Died Nov. 7, 1773. te 740. Re- lil Hadley. 29, 1771. 1814. Born in Springfield, June 25, 1713. Died Dec. 7, 1798. James Morgan = Mercy Bliss Born Aug. 12, 1705. Re- Born April 24, 1709. sided in West Springfield. Died July 31, 1797. Married Oct. 12, 1732. Died Sept. 29, 1786. Judah Morgan = Elizabeth Shevoy Born Mar. 22, 1748-9. Residedin Born i75i- West Springfield, North Parish, Died Nov. 30, 1835. Northampton and Easthampton. Married April 12, 1775. Died Nov. 13, 1827. Mercy Stebbins Bap. Oct. 21, 1769. Died June 8, 1806. Bor Di( Born Mai sided in ( ampt' '1. 1804; 2, 1 Died June ii;ih Beach Beardsley fune20, 1780. Resided in Lans- I. Y. , Holyoke, Mass., Chester, and Somers, Conn. Married 18, 1805. Died Feb. 28, 1868. Joseph Moigai Born in West Springfield, North Parish, Jan. 4, 1780. Resided in Wes' Springfield and Westfield, Mass., and Hartford, Conn. Hotel keepei many years. Director of Aetna Insurance Company. A successful tmsi ness man. Married Sept. 20, 1807. Died in Hartford, July 23, 184;'. Junius Spencer Morgan Born in North Parish, West Springfield, Apr. 14, 1813. Resided in West Springfield and Westfield, Mass., Hartford, Conn., New York City, Boston, Mass., and London, Eng. Successful in mercantile and banking business. Married in Boston, May 2, 1836. Died at Monte Carlo, Monaco, Italy, April 4, 1890. Juliet Pierpo'iit Born in Baltimoi July 30, 1816. London, Enjr., 1 1884. MORGAN PEDIGREE Thomas Blis! A resident of Hartford, Conn., in 1640, and died before Feb. 14. 1650. : Margaret Parentage, date and place of birth unknov removed to Springfield, Mass., mid died > unknown. Died Jan. 14, 1660. Parentage, place and dates of birth and of first marriage all unknown. A resident of Springfield. Mass., in 1644. Held various town offict-s and was Serjeant of the train band. Married second, Feb. 15, i66g, and died May 28, 1699, age unknown. : Elizabeth Bliss Place and date of birth u Probably dead before Ju Edmund Pringredays = Mary Moi . J . I e ■ ■ D • r- L " ~A "j V"r-" - ^ ,. .. Jonathan Morgan = Sarah Coolcy David Morgan = Mary Clark Pelatiah Morgan A resident of Spring- Born Feb. 14. Aresidcnt of Springfield. Mar- Born Nov. 16. 1646. Re- Born Feb. 27. 1653. Born Sept. 23, 1648. Re- Born Mar. 31. 1654- Born July 7. 1650. held, Mass. Married 1644. Died ned_ April 23. 16^8. Pcrliaps sided in Springfield. Mar- Died (after Sept. 10. sided in Springfield. Mar- Died Ap il 22. 1715. Killed by Indians ried Jan. 15, 1679, and died 1714). ried Jan. 16. 1672, and died about 1676. Unm. April 10, 1714. May 30, 1731. . 1666. Died Isaac Morgan = Abigail Gardini Born May 12, 1652. Resided Born in Springfield and Enfield. Died Aug. 26, Married Nov. 12, 1673. 1700. aged 50. Drowned Nov. 23, 1706. John Pierce = Lydia Morgan = Edmund Marshall A resident of Springfield Born April 8. A resident of Suffield, and Kn field. Married 1654. Died Conn. Married July Aug. {27?), 1677. Died July 30, 1737. 18, 1700. Died Jan. I n Hannah Morgan = Samuel Terry, Jr. Mercy Morgan Born April 11, 1656. Born July 18, l(%l. Resided Born July 18, 1658. Died Jan. 17, 1696-7. in Springfield and Enfield. Nothing further Married May 17, 1682. Died known about her. Jan. 2. 1730. Nathaniel Morgan = Hannah Bird Spring Held \ Jan. 19, 1691. I I ihaniel Morgan Samuel Morgan = n Feb. 23, 1692. Born Feb. 6, 1694. Resided i Feb. II. 17&3. in Springfield and West Unm. Springfield. Married 1726- Born Feb. 19. 1735-6. Resided in West Springfield. Was a soldier in the war of 1755-58 and among the troops captured at Fort William Henry. A Captain in the Revolutionarj- war. In civil life held many imporranl positrons. Married Sept. 9. Abigail Ashley ^—^r^-r- ^ Ebenezer Morgan- - ■- Lydia Morgan Hannah Morgan Born July 13, 1695. Born Dec. 6. 1696. Resided in Born June 17, 1700. BornOct. 30, 1698. Died May 26. 1744. Springfield and West Springfield. Died May 19, 1770. Died Sept. 6. 1784. Married r, June 8, 1720; 2. Unm. 1744-5. Died May 12. 1770. I Miles Morgan = Born Dec. 17, 1700. Re- sided in Springfieldand West Springfield. Married April 9-1735. Died June I. 1783. Lydia Day Born Aug. 2 Died April i James Morgan = Mercy Bliss Born Aug. 12. 1705. Re- Born April 24. 1709. sided in West Springfield. Died July 31, 1797. Married Oct. 12. 1732. Died Sept. 29. 1786. Born iij Sufficld. Conn., Uov. 13 i74i.Bjed March Titus Morgan Born Dec. 28. 1737. Died Aug. 3, 1739. Titus Morgan = Sarah Morgan Tryphc; Born July 6. 1740. Re- Born Nov. 7, 1742. Born April sided in West Spring- DicdDec.31,1819. Died Feb. , North Parish. Married May 19, 1763. Died Nov. 28, 1834. ■ Lucas Morgan - Born Feb. 15. 1742-3. Resided in West Springfield. North Elizabeth Eastman Born Dec. i. 1756. Died May 15, 1843. Elizabeth Morgan = Thoi Judah Morgan Born Mar. 22, 1748-9- Resided in West Springfield. North Parish. Northampton and Easthampton. ried April 12, 1775. Died Died Feb. :3, 1756. Born March 14, 1707-8. Resided in Born West Springfield. Married i, June Died De< 14. 1733; 2. J'dy 16. 1760. and died aged 73. i Elizabeth Morgan Born Aug. 6. 1710. Died July 29. 1745. No' 1827. ■ Elizabeth Shevoy Mercy Stebbins --^^^=-- Jesse Morgan Born 1751. Bap. Oct. 21, 1769. Born Mar. 22. 1748-9. Re- DiedNov. 30.1835. Died June 8. 1806. sided m Conway and North- ampton. Married i. Feb. 1, 1804; 2, Nov. 26-27-28, 1806. Died June 15, 1810. ^ Hannah (King) Stebbir Hannah Morgan = John Legg burgh. New York Eurydice Morgan = Russell i Born Nov. 28. 1765. Born Died Feb. 19. 1828. 19, 179^ Springfe|(]_ "Nor^th "Parisli! where h,e ()je,i ^^y 12. T Resided Died March 24. 1770. in West Springfield ; field. Married Apr. Died Jan. 7. 1834. = James AUwood Smith Born in Hartford. Nov. 6, 1806. Pastor Cong. Churches at Great Falls. N. H.. Glastonbury and Union ville. Conn. Married July 16. 1832, Died Apr. ig. 1882, Nehcr-iih Beach Beardsley Born .Inne20. 1780. Resided ii ing, S v.. Holyoke, Ma; 1800. DiedOct. 26, 1801. Lucy Morgan = Born in North Parish, West Springfield. Feb. 4, James Goodwin, Jr. Born in Hartford, March 2. 1803. where he became a prominent and successful business man. Married July 30, 1832, Joseph Morgan Born in West Springfield, North Parish. Jan. 4. 1780. Resided in VVest Springfield andWestfield, Mass.. and Hartford, Conn. Hotel ke«per many years. Director of Aetna Insurance Company. A successful Imsi- ncss man. Married Sept. 2C, 1807. Died in Hartford, July 23, 184;-. s Spencer Morgan = Juliet Picrpo.a Sally Spencer Born in Middletown, Conn., North Society, April 8. 1787. Died in Hartford, Conn., Aug. I Betsey Morgan Born July 4. 1782. Died July 13, 1786. Died at Monte '1 I I I I I I n rr \~\ inknown. After death of husband ; died Aug. 28, 1684. Resided I Enfield. 582. Died Mercy Morgan Born July 18, 1658. Nothing further known about her. Thankful Day n Dec. 24, 1711. d Feb. 13, 1756. 2 Nathaniel Morgan Born June 14, 1671. Resided in Springfield and West Springfield. Held various town offices. Married Jan. 19, 1691. Died Aug. 30, 1752. = Isaac Morgan — Born March 14, 1707-8. Resided in West Springfield. Married i, June 14) ^733 ; 2, July 16, 1760, and died Nov. 25, 1796. Ruth Alvord Born Died Dec. 16, 1782, aged 72. Hannah Bird Date of birth unknown. Died June 7, 1751. n Elizabeth Morgan Born Aug. 6, 1710. Died July 29, 1745. Unni. sse Morgan ^==: . 22, 1748-9. Re- "onway and North- Married 1, Feb. I, 'lov. 26-27-28, 1806. 15, 1810. -'- Hannah (King) Stebbins Born Died Hannah Morgan Born Nov. 29, 1751. Died John Legg Born Married Dec. 25, 1782. Resided at Ogdens- Inirgh, New York. Sally Spencer Born in Middletown, Conn., North Society, April 8, 1787. Died in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 6, 1859. Betsey Morgan Born July 4, 1782. Died July 13, 1786. •e, Md., Died in •"cb. 23, The Miles Morgan Family OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS IN THE LINE OF JOSEPH MOEGAE^ OF HARTFOED, CONNECTICUT 1780-1847 ^ Hartford, Connecticut 1904 es 7/ THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE 4 TAYLOR COMPANY. PREFACE. In 1809 Dr. Titus Morgan of Middletown, North Society (now Cromwell), Connecticut, wrote for his own amusement a sketch of his branch of the Morgan family. The follow- ing pages are an enlargement of this work, brought down, in the direct line, to the descendants of his cousin and brother-in-law, Joseph Morgan, of West Springfield, Massa- chusetts, and Hartford, Connecticut. Although the work is not complete, it has been deemed best to print at this time the material collected, with the hope in the future of making the record more perfect. To all those who in any manner have aided the compiler in this task he returns his sincere thanks. FRANK FARNSWORTH STARR. Middletown, Connecticut, April, 1904. THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY 1. It is a tradition among the descendants of Miles Morgan that on the vessel which brought him from Old England to New England was a young woman named Prudence Gilbert in whom he became interested, and that after his settlement at Springfield in the Massachusetts Bay Colony he made her an offer of marriage which was accepted. Whereupon he took a white man for a companion, an Indian for a guide and a horse for the bride to ride upon and went to Salem or that vicinity in the same colony where she was living with relatives. Upon their marriage he returned to Springfield with his wife, which place became their per- manent residence. So far as is known, the earliest record in America relat- ing to Miles Morgan is at Springfield where it is recorded that,— "Mary Morgan daught"^ to miles morgan borne 12 mon 14 day 1644./ about 9 a clocke in ye morning" ^ On the town records under date of January 8, 1645, ^s this entry, — "George Colton and Miles Morgan are appoynted to doe theyre best to get a smith for y*^ towne"" Also on November 3, 1646, "Robt. Ashly and Miles Morgan are chosen by y^ towne to y^ oversight of y^ fence of y^ howse lotts and y'' greate playne according as they shall be directed by y"^ townsmen'" William Pynchon was the leader in the settlement by the whites at Agawam and advanced the money for the ^ Springfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, Original Vol. i, p. 10. " Springfield Town Records, Vol. i, p. 45. ^ Ibid. Vol. I, p. 50. 6 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. purchase of the land from the inclians. In memory of his English home the name of the plantation was very early changed to Springfield. The following is taken from page 51 of the first volume of the Springfield Town Votes. January 29^1^ 1646. "It is alsoe Voted that ye 30^ wch is due to Mr Pynchon shall be raysed on all ye alotments in y*-' towne/ wch is due to him from each inhabitant for y*^ purchas of y'^ lands of y° Plan- tation of y*^ Indians /. to be raysed wholly on lands /. and by y*^ order a former order for raysing 20^ is made voyd."' On page 53, "A rate for y^ raysinge of 30^ for the purchas of the Lands of the Plantation 1646. acres 1 s d Rowland Thomas ^9% 00-08-02 Katterine Johns 19 00-05-04 John Stebbins 21% 00-07-08 Rowl: Stebbin 38^4 00-10-08 Miles Morgan 24 'A 00-09-06 Sa: Wright 41 >2 00-11-06 James Osburne 40 00- 1 1 -00 Hen: Burt 47/2 00-13-04 Tho: Cooper: 41 00-11-04 Jn" Herman 33 00-09-02 Mr Will: Pynchon : 237 03-05-06 Roger Prichard 28 00-07-09 MrEllit: Holyoke 125 01-14-06 Nat: Bliss 5i>< 00-14-04 Hen: Smith: 148 02-00-08 Wid: Haynes 40;^ 00- I 1-02 Mr Moxon 67 00-18-08 Tho: Tomson 56>^ 00-15-10 Sa: Chapen 43 00-12-00 Rich: Exell 40>< 00-11-02 Tho: Reeve 32 00-08-10 Jos: Parsons 42/2 00-11-09 Rich: Sykes 39^/2 00- 1 1 -00 Jn" Matthews 31 00-08-08 Will: Warener 40)4 00-11-02 will: Branch 27/2 00-07-08 Tho: Stebbin 34 00-09-05 Geo: Colton 61 00-16-09 fifra: Ball 33 00-09-02 Grif: Jones 36% 00-10-00 Rob' Ashley 51 00-14-04 Reice Bedortha 20 00-05-06 John Leonard 34/2 00-09-06 Will: Vahan 6 06-01-08 Tho: Mirick 46 00-13-00 Benj: Cooly 40>^ 00- I 1-02 Ja: Bridgeman 41 00-11-04 Hugh Parsons 37y2 00-10-04 Alex: Edwards 60 ;4 00-16-09 Jn" Lumbard 25 00-06-10 Jn" Clarke 36 00-10-00 Vacant Lett 25 00-06-10 Wid: Deeble 22 00-06-00 2 Vacant Lotts 40 00-11-00 3 Vacant Lotts above 60 00-16-06 2178;^ 30-11-02 It may be of interest to the reader to know that this rate names the inhabitants in the order of their home lots com- mencing at the North end of Main Street and going South. The reader will observe that in the foregoing rate, Miles was taxed on 343^ acres. This fact proves that in the fol- lowing description of his lands as entered on leaf 18 of the MILES MORGAN. 7 "Record of Possessions" in the Springfield City Clerk's office, the first five pieces were granted to him before Jan- uary 29, 1646. "Miles Morgan is posessed of a howse Lot by the grauiit of the Plantation wth the addi- tions viz : 3 acres more or less. Breadth. 18 rod. Length 26 rod. Bounded East by the highway. West by John Stebbins. & fronting to y*^ wharfe way.^ about 54. an acre of this wet meddo viz y^ East End of it square of to Mr Pynclions ditch is by Miles sold to Mr Pynchon forever. Also 2 acres & halfe of wett meddow. Breadth . Length rod. runing East from the highway to the hill, bounded South. Thomas Cooper. North. Jn°. Stebbin. All this woodlot viz the wet meddow, wth all y" wood lot at y° East End of it, is by Miles Morgan Sold & fully past over to Mr John Pynchon his heires & assignes for- ever this, 30'h. of March 1655 Alsoe a wood lott 8 rod in Breadth & extending in Length 80 rod. from the wett meddow East. Bounded Thomas Cooper. South. John Stebbins North. Over the river in the Plaine over ag* Chicopye 20 acres more or less Breadth 17 rod. Length 190 rod. Bounded South. John Lamb. North Jn° Stebbine. This g acre is by Miles Morgan Sold to Obadiah Miller his heires & assigns for- ever, flfebr. 5. 1662. In the 2d division 5 acres bought of Alex ander Edwards and 4 acres more bought of Robt Ashley. Breadth. 18 rod. Length. 80 rod. bounded South. John Clarke. North. Benja- min Mun. This 4. acres is by Miles Morgan Sold & fully passed away to Charls fferry his heires & assignes forever, May 24th 1660 This 2 acr is by Miles Morgan Sold & fully passed away to Charles fferry his heires & as- signes forever Oct. s"". 1662 Alsoe 4 acres agt y*' hay place more or less. Breadth 8 rod. Length Extendinge from the river West. 80 rod. Bounded North Joseph Crowfoot South. Nat. Prichard Over Agawam river in the South end of the vpper meddow. 5 acres of meddow. on y'^ East branch of y° Mill River (Jan 1651) Two acres of meddow, Bounded by Nath Bliss West, East by Jn" Leonard" ' This lot was located on the South corner of what is now Main and Cj'press Streets, THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. "Also by purchase fro W"" Brooke of a hom-lot Three acres more or less breadth. i8. rod length. 26 rod bounded East by Miles Morgans house lot, abovesd : west by Row- land Thomas pt of this wet med- dow viz about 3. qters of an acre at y" East End square of fr° Mr Pynchons ditch is sold to Mr Pynchon & his heires for ever All this wood lot with y« wet meddow in it w"" all y" woodlot at y' East End of y'' wet meddow Square w"> M' Fy- chons Ditch is by Miles Morgan Sold & fully past over to Mr John Pynchon his heires & assignes for ever this 30"". of March 1655. this wch Miles hath sold Mr Pynchon is. 8. rod broad & yt above 8. rod all is. 16. rod in breadth Also Two acre & halfe of wet meddow more or less (purchased fro W" Brooke) bounded North by Rowland Thomas. South by Miles Morgan above s"^ Likewise (by purchase of W™ Brookes) of a woodlot conteining foure acres more or less, breadth. 8. rod length fr" y^ wet meddow East. 80. rod bounded as aforesd : Recorded March. 15.*'^ 1653. p me John Pynchon, recorder Miles Morgan is also possessed of a Lott of Twenty acres in y^ playn called Chickuppy plane ouer the great Riuer, purchased of Symon Sackett. breadth 16 rod Length 202 rodd : bounded North by a lott w'ch was Rowland Thomas his lott now Abell Wrights South by another lott of y^ said Miles Mor- gans Registered ffeb 23 1656 Also by y'' Grant of y^ Plantation of Three acres & halfe more or less of wet meddow & Low land on y« East side of y** way to y^ round hill breadth. 7. rod length 80 rod & upward : Bounded by Tho Noble & James Warenar South by W^^ Warrinar north Registrd ffeb"" 12. 1659 Also theres granted to him ten acres of Land in y*^ playne above End brook Lying North from Tho Stebbins Lott above y^ Lotts y^ were formerly fenced : beinge rod in length & the breadth at the Lower end rodd & y*^ higher end rodd : bounded by the hill on ye North East : Also by purchase from ffrancis Pepper of 20 acres more or less of Land in Chickuppe playn on y® West Side of the great River breadth rod MILES MORGAN. 9 Length 202. rod bounded by Robt Ashley North & John Scott on y*^ South Registred Aprill. 16. 1663" Also on leaf 17. This Six acres for a house Lott is by Miles Morgan given cS: fully passed away to his Sonne in Law Edmund Prinridayes & to his heires & assignes for- ever: March 1668. "Miles Morgan is by the grant of the Plan- tation possessed of Three acres of Swampe over Agawam River bounded Easfly & Westerly by the Riuer in Length 40 rod. Registered 1664 Also by the grannt of the Plantation of Six acres more or Less Lying betweene the two brookes below the Plain called Chickuppe playne on y*^ West Side of the great River being grannted for a house Lott w*"*^ house Lott is by the highway on y® north Side of y°^ Lower brooke & extending Thence North'"ly. in Length 60 rod & being in breadth 16'^ rod & bounded by Rice Bedortha West ffra : Pep- per East. Also by purchase fro Nathaneell Ely of Six acres & half more or Less of the wett meddow & upLand that lyes by y^ highway on ye North Side of the Rownd hill, & w*^"^ is bounded by the Comon Northwesterly & SouthEasfly Robt Ashley: & is in breadth 13 rod & in Length 80 rod fro y'^' Said high- way : Also by purchase fro Will'" Brookes of One & Thirty acres & half more or Less of Land in y® playne called Chickuppe playne on ye west Side of y^ great River bounded by John Bag North^'ly & by the other half of ye Said Willm Brookes Land w'^^ he hath Sold Synce to Capt Pynchon South'"ly & being in breadth rod & in Length rod : Registred March 6f Theres granted to Miles Morgan fourteene or ffifteene acres more or Less of Land in the playne above End brooke Lying in y'^ higher end of that playne & bounded by Thomas Stebbins his Ten acres Southerly by y*^ River lo THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. Westerly by the hill Easterly & by the brooke at y^ higher end of y*^ playne Northerly : Registered Aprill : 6: 1668." Also in "Town Records," Volume i, page 255. "At a meeting of the Committee for granting of lands within this Township. December ye 8^^ 1664. There is graunted unto Miles Morgan five or Six acres upon hog-pen dingle of y® Low Lands there if he like to take it : being to lye above Rowland Thomas his Land there : Also theres graunted unto him ffoure acres of Land at the head of ye playn above End brook : if there be soe much there undisposed off." And again in "Town Records," Volume 2, page 59. "Jan. II. 1668. Att a meeting of y*^ Select Men. graunted to Miles Morgan y*^ peece of Land y*^ Lyes above his Land on ye North side of y*^ Rownd hill between his Land & 3 Corner, meddow brooke : only he is to Leave 16 rod wide between this Land soe graunted & Goodm: Branch his Ditch & soe forward 16 rod wide between this Land thus granted & the brow of y^ hill y* is on y'^ South Easterly side of y*^ said brook & this grantt is to extend Northerly to y'' brow or top of y*^ next rising of Land a little from y*^ brooke y* runs out of y*^ wett meddow vizt a little ouer y^ Said brooke." In the early days of the colonies, all the cattle of a town were pastured together, and it was therefore necessary that they should be marked so that each owner could identify his property and the marks were required by law to be recorded. The mark for Miles Morgan's cattle was, — "two slits in y^ neere eare straite downe, one of y'" on one side of y<^ tip of y'' eare, & y^ other slit on y^ other side of y'^ tip of y*^ Same eare :"^ ^ Record of Possessions, last part. MILES MORGAN. ii November 2, 1647, he was appointed one of the Surveyors of highways "for the upper end of the town," and also in November 1653, October 1654 and February 1665.^ He took the oath of fideHty before Magistrate WilHam Pynchon, February 6, 1648.- In the various towns for many years from the early settle- ment of the colony and in some cases nearly down to 1800 the subject of seating or "dignifying" the meeting house was one of great importance. Committees appointed by the town assigned seats to the inhabitants according to their social rank and the value of their property. As an illus- tration we give the vote appointing such committee and the assignment of seats in 1659 and 1662, as recorded in Volume I of the Springfield Town Records, pages 62, 270 and 271. "Decemb'' 27^^^ 1649. There is (wth y'' Joynt consent of the Inhabitants) power given to the Select Townsmen and Deacons for the tyme beinge / and such as shall heerafter succeede them : to order the seatinge of psons in y'^ meeting howse as they in theyr dis- cretion shall Judge most mcete /." "The order which parsons were Seated in the meeting house by the selceht men and Decon Chapin December 23. 1659. The selectmen then was as followeth Robbert Ashley Will : warrinar Ben : Cooley Jonath Burtt Tho : Cooper Henry Burtt in the little seate by the Decons scate i^* seate Robb : Ashley ; Tho : Cooper. Rowld Stebbins George coultton : Benjamin cooley : 2^ seate Rich Syeks : Tho : mericke : Will : warrinar : Rick : ffellows : 3*^ seatt Tho : Stebbins myles morgan : John : Harmon : John Leanard : Ben : Mun : Anto Dorchestor : Ah nfo ^ Tho : Gilbertt Jonath Burtt Ben parsons ( John Dumbleton : Will Branch Sam : marshfeild cth f ] John mathews : Rowld Tommas : Reese Bodortha ( John Clarke John Lambe : Tho : Day 5th f j John Lumbard : Laurance Bliss : Griffith Joans : ^^^ ^ i Tho Miller : Nath Prittchett : Rich. Exell ^ Town Records, Vol. i, pp. 55, 119, 129. Vol. 2, p. 30. ' Pynchon Court Record. 12 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. 7th . f J Tho Bancroftt : Jonath Taylor : John Steward ( John scott will : Brooks James Osbourn : Qth f ^ Symon Bemon Tho : Noble James warrinar I francis peper Obediah : miller : Nath Burtt th f i Abell wright : Hugh Dudley : John Bagg : John sackett ' Dauid Ashley: Sam: Bliss: John Ryley and for order sake thear were placed in the 10"^ seate Japhat chaphin : John Hormon : Sam : Harmon James Taylor John Henrison Edward ffoster peetor swinge the rest of the younger persons that wants places are to sitt on the other syde of the alley in the seate next to the stayres Goodwife Chaphine is to sitt in the seate along with m"^ Glover and m""'^ Hollyocke" ..r> i Deacon Chapin : i Tho: Cooper: Robert Ashley. Benja Cooly } ^ ( & the Selectmen 1 John Pynchon, & Sam" Marshfeild ^ ffebr. 23. 1662. The order of Seating p sons in y'' meete ing howse, as followeth: In y" first j Robert Ashly: Benja Cooly: Tho: Cooper ) Seate ( George Colton, & Row''* Stebbins: ) In y^ 2''. Nathanell Ely. Rich Sikes: Tho Mirick Seate & Will'" Warrvnar: In y^ 3''. j Serja: Stebbins: Serja Morgan: Benj Munn: Seate ( John Leanord: Anth: Dorchestor: Sam Marshfeild: In y". 4"'. \ Benja Parsons: Jonath Burr: W'" Branch: Seate I Reice Bedortha: Jo Dumbleton: Rowld Thomas In y'" 5"'. j John Mathews: Jo Clarke: John Lamb Seate I Laun Bliss: Tho Miller: Tho Day: In y^ 6*''. j John Lumbard Griffith Joanes: N. Pritchard Seate ( Rich Exsell: Tho Noble: Sam Ely T e 7th ( Jonath Taylor: Tho Bancroft: Seafe" ' " Joh" Scot: Nath Burt: ' John Stewart: W'" Brookes In y" 8"'. Jer: Horton: Jo. Bag: Jo Riley Seate Symon Beamon: Abell Wright In y*. 9"'. Joh Henryson: Sam Terry Seate obadi Miller: Hugh Dudley t Jos: Crowfoote: Edw ffoster. n y . 10 . I (Charles fferey: James osborne: Seate ( ^„, Hunter, Peter Swinck: MILES MORGAN. 13 In y'' for seate, of y" Gallery: In y" vpper part above y'' Pillars \ Henry Chapin: on y" North side. ( John Bliss: Jo keepe: In y* vpp p' above y"^ Pillars ( fTraunces Pepper on y« South side i James Warrinar: Sam Bliss: ^ , _,.,, ( Sam Holyoke: David Ashley: Jonath Ashly: on NorfhsTde Jap- Chapin ^ ( Tim: Cooper Isack Colton: Obadi Cooly: _ „ , . , ( Tho Cooper Jun: Jos Warrinar: John Leanord: On y'^ South side ) t t t_t T3 1 e D-n i J°'''" Harmon Below y^ Pillars: / c tr t cm t 1 r-k 1 ^ ■' \ Sam Harmon, Increase Sikes: John Dorchestor: r Ephraim Colton: Eliakim Cooly In r Seate in r Gallery j^^^^^,^ ^^^^^^ w'='' faces ag*^ y" minister / c c^ \ u- t t-> 1 <. ^ ■' ^ Sam Stebbins: James Dorchestor In y" Backer Seate of y" Gallery ^ James Taylor: John Horton on y® North side at y'' vpp end of it ( Hugh Mackey Wm Morgan on y* South side at y" vpp end j Jonath: Ball Sam Ball: Jos Harmon of y* Backer Seate i Nathanell Sikes: Tho: Thomson on the North i John Hitchcock: Jo Clarke } Side i Jon Lumbard Sam Bliss ) on the ^ Jos: Thomas: Tho. Stebbins. South ) Jos Bedortha " In ye Backer Seate Below the Pillars At the town meetings held in November 1651 and '58 he was elected and at the meetings of the Selectmen in Feb- ruary 1665, '70, y^, '74, '76 and '85 he was appointed Fence viewer.^ In November 1655 and '57, February 1659, '^i ^^'^ '^7 ^^^ was appointed Townsman later called Selectmen,- and in February 1662 was chosen Constable.^ The records of the Selectmen for April 7, 1669 show that "Miles Morgan & Jonath Burt are ordered to sit vp in y"^ Gallery to give a check to disorders in youth & young men In tyme of Gods worship."^ In February 1680 and March 1692 he was appointed Tithingman.^ 'Town Records, Vol. i, pp. 105, 165. Vol. 2, pp. 30, 87, 106, 115, 124. Records of the Selectmen, Vol. 3, p. S7- ^ Town Records, Vol. i, pp. 139, 159, 177, 212. Vol. 3, p. 51. '^ Ibid. Vol. I, p. 231. ' Ibid. Vol. 2, p. 68. ° Ibid. Vol. 2, p. 150. Vol. 3, p. 149. 14 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. The official records of William Pynchon and his son John, the two early Magistrates of Springfield, have fortunately been preserved, and from them we take ''The names of the ffreenien in Springfield this p'^sent 8*'^ of May 1663. Capt John Pynchon Leivt Elizur Holyoke Ensigne Tho Cooper Joseph Parsons Miles Morgan W" Branch John Lamb Reice Bedortha John Dumbleton Greffeth Joanes John Leonard Jonath Burt John Lumbard Tho Bancroft Mr Pelatiah Glover Deccon Sam Chapin W™ Warrinar Tho Stebbins - Benja Munn Robert Ashley Sam Marshfield Nath Ely Benja Parsons Laurence Bliss Anthony Dorchester Rich Sikes" And on page 38 of Volume 3 of the town records, — "Here followes a Record or List of y'^ Names of the Townesmen, or men of this Towne of Springfeild that is to Say, of the allowed & admitted Inhabitants Who they are this present ffebr : 1664./. Rowland Tliomas. Henry Chapin : William Brookes. John Bagg. William Hunter. Peter Swinck. Griffith Jones. Obadiah Miller: John Henrison. Richard Excll. John Dumbleton. Jonathan Taylor. Hugh Dudley. John Baker John Scott. John Riley. Joseph Crowfoote. Edward ffoster. Thomas Miller. John Leonard : Ens : Tho : Cooper : Rice Bedortha. Samuell Terry John Lamb Robert Ashley Serj Miles Morgan. William Branch. Cap* John Pynchon. Leiv*^ Elizur Holyoke. ffrancis Pepper. Timothy Cooper M^' Pelatiah Glover. Deacon Sam : Chapin. Japhet Chapin. John Stewart. Thomas Noble. William Warriner Serj : Tho : Stebbins. Benjamin Mun. David Ashley. Abell Wright. James Warriner. Jeremy Horton. Symon Bemon. Thomas Day. Charles fferry. Thomas Mirick. Samll : Marshfeild. Nathaneell Ely. John Clarke. Rowland Stebbin. Lawrence Bliss. James Osborne. John Harman. Nath : Pritchard. Benjamin Parsons. Widdow M : Bliss Samll. Bliss. John Matthewes. Anth : Dorchester. Rich : Sikes. Jonathan. Burt John Lumbard. Thomas Bancroft. Benjamin Cooley John Bliss. John Keepe. Nathaneel Burt Widdow Burt George Colton. Samll. Ely. James Taylor Jonathan Ball John Horton." MILES MORGAN. 15 The military companies of the various towns, and especially those in the valley of the Connecticut, were important factors in their government, and necessary for the safety of the inhabitants. Laws were passed at a very early date in regard to the organization and drilling of the troops, and very few persons were exempt from military duty. In speaking or writing about persons who held office it was customary to mention their title or rank, and in the town votes under date of November 2, 1658, mention is made of Sergeant Morgan.^ Just when he was elected to this office we do not know but on the records of the Hampshire County Court is found this entry, — "Northampton the 11*'' of the 4*'^ Mon : 1662" "The Co''*'^ taking into consideration the desires of y^ Trayned Band of Springfeild thought fitt to confirm & ratify the Choyce of the Souldery There : And therefore Doe accordingly declare That Samtiell Marshfeild is & shalbe the Clark of the Trayned Band at Springfeild : And that Thomas Stebbins is & shalbe their Eldest Serjeant: And Miles Morgan their Second Serjeant:"" Notwithstanding all the precautions against an attack by the Indians the inhabitants of Springfield suffered there- from in the early morning" of October 5, 1675. John Pynchon writing to Rev. John Russell, Pastor of the Church at Hadley, said, — "Reverend S'' Springfeild Octo. 5 '75 The Ld will haue vs ly in y^ dust before him we y*^ were full are emptyed, But it is y'^ Ld & blessed be his holy name : we came to a Lamentable & woefull sight The Towne in flames not a house nor Barne standing except old Goodm Branches tile we came to my house & then M'' Glover John Hitchcocks & Goodm Stewart burnt downe wth Barns corne & all they had : a few standing aboue y'' Meeting house & then fro Miricks downward all burnt to 2 Garrison houses at y^ Lower end of y*^ Towne my grist Mill & Corne Mill Burnt downe : w*^'* some other houses & Barns I had let out to Tenants : All M^' Glovers library Burnt w^'* all his Corne so y* he hath none to line on as well as my my selfe & Many more : y* haue not for Sub- * Town Records, Vol. i, p. 165. ^ Hampshire County Probate Records, Vol. i, p. 20. 1 6 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. sistence they tell me 32 houses & y^ Barns belonging to y™ are Burnt & all y^ Livelyhod of y*^ owners, & what more may meete w*^*^ y® same stroaks y'' Ld only knows many more had their estats Burnt in these houses : so y*^ I beleeve 40 famylys are vtterly destitute of subsistence y^ Ld shew mercy on vs I se not how it is Posible for vs to live here this winter & If so the sooner we were holpen off y*^ Better : S'', I Pray acquaint o'' Honord Gov w^^'^ this despensation of God I know not how to write neither can I be able to attend any Publike service the Ld in mercy speake to my heart & to all o' hearts is y® Reall desire of yo'''* to serve you I Pray send downe by y*^ John Pynchon ^ Post my doblet : Cote Linnen &c I left there & pap'^" In a letter to the Governor he gives a more extended accotmt of the affair, — "Honored S"" Springfeild oct. 8. 1675 I desyred M^' Russell to give yo" an aco*' of y*^ sore stroake vpon Pore distressed Springfeild, w'^'^ I hope will excuse my late doeing of it : on y*^. 4*^'^. of oct o"" soldiers w*^'^ were at Springfeild, I had called all off : Leaving none to secure y*^ Towne bee y*' Comisioners order was so strict : That Night Post was sent to vs that. 500. Indians were about Springfeild intending to destroy it so y*: y^. 5*^^. of oct w*^^ about 200 of o'" soldiers I marched downe to Springfeild where we found all in flames about. 30. dwelling houses burnt downe &. 24. or. 25. Barnes my Corne Mill saw mill & other Buildings : Generally men? hay & Corne is Burnt & many men whose houses stand had their goods burnt in other houses w*^*^ they had caryd y™ too : Leivt Cooper &. 2 more slayne &. 4. psons wounded. 2. of w* are doubtfuU their Recovery The Ld hath made vs to drink deepe of the cup of sorrow, I desire we may consider y^ opperation of his hand, & what he speakes yet That y® Towne did not vtterly prish is cause of grt Thankfullness : Assoone as o^ forces appeared y^ Indians all drew off, so y* we saw none of y™: sent out Scouts y* Night & y^ next day but discovered none, neither can we sattisfie o^'selves w'^'* way they are gon there Tracts being many ways : som* we think they are gon downe y*^ River o'' last discovery was of a Considerable Tract vpward : o'" Indeavors here are to secure y® houses & Corne ^ Massachusetts State Archives, Vol. 67, Document 282. MILES MORGAN. 17 yMs left: for this sad 'If^vidence hath obstructed o'' goeing out w"' y6 Army & w* can be done I am at a grt loss : o"^ People are vnder grt discouragem*^ Talke of Leaving y<^ Place, we need yo' orders & direction about it If it be deserted how wofully doe we yeild to & Incourage o'' Insolent enymy & how doth it make way for y® giving vp of all y"^ Townes above: If it be held it must be by strength & many soldiers, & how to haue Provision. I meane Bread for want of a Mill Is difificult : y'^ soldiers here already Complaine on y* aco* although we haue flesh enough : & this very straite I meane noe Mill will drive many of o'" Inhabitants away especially those y* haue noe Corne, & many of them noe houses w*^'^ fills & throngs vp every Roome of those y* haue, togithir w*^'^^ y^ soldiers now (w*^'^ yet we cannot be w''^out) increasing o'^ Numbbers : so y* Indeed It is very vncomfortable Living here, & for my owne pticular it were far better for me to goe away bee here I haue not any thing Left I meane noe Corne neither Indian nor english & noe meanes to keepe one beast here nor can I haue Releife in this Towne because so many are destitute : .But I resolve to attend what God Calls me to, & to stick to it as long as I can & though I haue such grt loss of my Comforts yet to doe what I can for defending y^ Place. I hope God will make vp in himselfe what is wanting in y® creature to mee & to vs all : This day a Post is sent vp fro Hartford to call off Major Treate w"' a p*- of his soldiers : from Intelligence they haue of a pty of Indians lying ag* wethersfeild on y*^ East side of y^ River so y*- matters of action here doe Linger exceedingly w*"^^ makes me wonder what y® Ld Intends w*-'^ his People strange Providences diverting vs in all o"" hopefuU designes : & y^ Ld giving opportunity to y'' Enymy to doe vs mischeife & then hiding of y™ And answering all o"^ Prayers by Terrible things in righteousness S'" I am not Capable of holding any Comand, being more & more vnfit & almost Confounded in my vnderstanding : the Ld direct yo to Pitch on a meeter pson then ever I was : according to Liberty fro y^ Councell I shall devolve all vpon Cap* Appleton vnless Major Treate returne againe till yo shall give yo' orders as shal be most meete to yo'"selves : To speake my thoughts all these Townes ought to be Garrisoned, as I haue formerly hinted & had I bin left to my selfe I should I thinke haue done y* w'^'^ Posibly might haue pvented this damage But y*^ express order to doe as I did, was by y^ wise dispesing hand of God who knew it best for vs. & there in we must acquiess And truly to goe out after y^ Indians in y*^ swamps & Thickets is to hassard all o'' men vnless we knew where they keepe : w'^^ is altogether vnknowne to vs, & God hides fro vs for ends best knowne to himselfe I haue many tymes thought y* y^ winter were y'^ tyme to fall on y"^ but there are such difficultys y* I shall leave it yet suggest it to i8 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. Consideration, I will not further Treble yo at psent but earnestly crave yo"' Prayers for y^ Lds vndertaking for vs & sanctifiing all his stroakes to vs : I remaine Yo'' vnworthy serv*' John Pynchon we are in grt hassord If we doe but stir out for wood to be shot downe by some sculking Indians : Ml' Glover had all his Bookes Burnt: not so much as a Bibb saved : a grt loss for he had some choise Bookes & many" ^ Dr. Titus Morgan of Midclletown, Conn., in a sketch of his ancestor Miles Morgan written in 1809, says, — "In 1675 Springfield was attacked by the Indians, who burnt a considerable part of the town. A few fortified houses only, in which the people were mostly collected, escaped the conflagration. In Mor- gan's house a number of people had taken refuge. A party of Indians attacked the house, but their fire was returned with such spirit and success by those within, several of whom were keen marksmen, that the assailants found it dangerous to appear in sight of the windows and loopholes, and after some hours were glad to sheer off." A few months later the town received another visit from the Indians, as shown by the following, — Hadley March 28"^ 1676 "Honore Oct. 7, 1861, Amelia Sturges. 2, May 31, 1865, Frances Louisa Tracy. 11. II. Sarah Spencer, " Dec. 5, 1839; m. June 27, 1866, George H. Morgan. 12. III. Mary Lyman, " Nov. 5, 1844; m. Jan. 29, 1867, Walter H. Burns. IV. Junius Spencer, " Apr. 6, 1846; d. Mar. 12, 1858, at London. 13. V. Juliet Pierpont, " Dec. 4, 1847; m. July 11, 1871, Rev. John B. Morgan. 54 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. 9. John Pierpont Morgan {Jiinhis Spencer 8, Joseph 5, Joseph 4, Joseph j, Nathaniel 2, Miles i) was born at his father's residence, 26 Asyhim Street, Hartford, Connecticut, April 17, 1837 and was baptized in Boston, Massachusetts, by his grandfather. Rev. John Pierpont. He was married October 7, 1861, at the residence of the bride's parents, num- ber 5 East 14th Street, New York City, by the Rev. Thomas De Witt, D.D., Pastor of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church, to Amelia Sturges, born July 5, 1835, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Pemberton {Cady) Sturges of New York City. Amelia (Sturges) Morgan died in Nice, Italy, February 17, 1862 and was buried at Fairfield, Connecticut. John Pierpont Mogan married, second, May 31, 1865 Frances Louisa Tracy, born in Utica, New York, May 15, 1842, daughter of Charles and Louisa {Kirkland) Tracy of 128 East 17th Street, New York City, the ceremony being performed in St. George's Church, by the Rev. Stephen 11. Tyng, D.D., Rector. Children of John Pierpont and Frances Louisa (Tracy) Morgan. I Louisa Pierpont, b. March 10, 1866, in New York City. m. Nov. 15, 1900, Herbert Livingston Satterlee. at Irvington, N. Y. m. Dec. II, 1890, Jane Norton Grew. 19, 1870, in New York City, m. April 12, 1894, William Pierson Hamilton. 25, 1873, at Highland Falls, N. Y. 10. II John Pierpont, " Sept. 7, 1867 III Juliet Pierpont, " July IV Anne Tracy, July JOHN PIERPONT MORGAN, JR. 55 10. John Pierpont Morgan, Junior {John Pierpont p, Junius Spencer 8, Joseph 5, Joseph 4, Joseph j, Nathaniel 2, Miles i) was born at Irvington, Westchester County, New York, September 7, 1867. He attended Cutler's School in New York City, from 1880 to 1884 was at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hamp- shire, and graduated at Harvard University in the class of 1889. January i, 1892, he was made a partner in the firm of Drexel, Morgan and Company, Bankers and Brokers of New York City, and was an original member of the firm of J. P. Morgan and Company, which was established in December 1894. December 31, 1897 he was admitted into the firm of J. S. Morgan and Company of 22 Old Broad Street, London, England, where he still remains. While in New York he resided at 8 East 36th Street and his present residence is at He was married in the Arlington Street Church, Boston, Massachusetts, December 11, 1890, to Jane Norton Grew, daughter of Henry Sturgis and Jane Norton (JViggles- zvorth) Grew of Boston, where she was born September 30, 1868. Children of John Pierpont, Junior and Jane Norton (Grew) Morgan. I Junius Spencer, b. Mar. 15, 1892, at 8 East 40th Street, N. Y. City. II Jane Norton, " Nov. 14, 1S93, fit 8 East 36th Street, N. Y. City. III Son, " Oct. 14, 1900, at London. 56 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. 11. Sarah Spencer Morgan (Junius Spencer 8, Joseph 5, Joseph 4, Joseph j, Nathaniel 2, Miles i) was born at her father's residence, 53 Church Street, Hartford, Connecticut, December 5, 1839. I^"" 1854 her father removed to Boston and ten years later to London, England, June 2^, 1866, she was married in All Saint's Church, Ennismore Gardens, Brompton, London, England, to George Hale Morgan. Mr. Morgan was the eldest son of George Denison and Caroline Amelia {Hale) Morgan of Hartford, Connecticut, where he was born February 14, 1840. Mr. Morgan was a member of the firm of Dabney, Mor- gan and Company of New York City from 1867 to 1871. Mrs. Sarah Spencer (Morgan) Morgan died at Bad Nauheim, Germany, July 5, 1896 and was buried in Hart- ford. George H. Morgan resides at 6 East 40th Street, New York City. Children of George Hale and Sarah Spencer (Morgan) Morgan. I Junius Spencer, b. June 5, 1867, at Irvington, N. Y. Mem- ber of the Firm of Cuyler, Morgan and Company, Bankers, New York City. II George Denison, " June 17, 1870, at East 35th Street, New York City. III Caroline Lucy, " Mar. 4, 1873, at East 35th Street, New York City. MARY LYMAN (MORGAN) BURNS. 57 12. Mary Lyman Morgan (Junius Spencer 8, Joseph 5, Joseph 4, Joseph j, Nathaniel 2, Miles i) was born at her father's residence, Farmington road, Hartford, Connecti- cut, November 5, 1844. She married in All Saint's Church, Ennismore Gardens, Brompton, London, England, January 29, 1867, Walter Hayes Burns, born in New York City, September 9, 1838, son of William and Mary Learning (Fisher) Burns. Mr. Burns graduated at Harvard University in the class of 1856. For some years he was connected with the bank- ing house of L. P. Morton and Company in New York and later with the London office of that firm, where he remained until 1869. December 31. 1878 he was made a member of the well known firm of J. S. Morgan and Company of 22 Old Broad Street, London, England. For several years prior to and at the time of his death he was the senior part- ner. He has resided in New York City and Paris. Later he removed to England and resided in London and at Copt Hall, Epping, Essex. In 1896 he removed to North Mymms Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, where he died November 23, 1897. Mrs. Mary Lyman (Morgan) Burns resides at North Mymms Park and 69 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, Westminster, London. Children of Walter Hayes and Mary Lyman (Morgan) Burns. I William, b. June i, 1869, in New York City, died at Woburn Park, Weybridge, Surrey, England, May 1871. 58 THE MILES MORGAN FAMILY. II Walter Spencer Morgan, b. March 22, 1872, at Paris, France. Is a member of the firm of J. S. Morgan & Company, London. III Mary Ethel, " Oct. 21, 1873, at Paris, France, married July i, 1899, at St. Margaret's, Westminster to Lewis Vernon Har- court, eldest son of Sir William Har- conrt, M.P. 13. Juliet Pierpont Morgan (Junius Spencer 8, Joseph 5, Joseph 4, Joseph j, Nathaniel 2, Miles i) was born at the family residence on the Farmington road, Hartford, Con- necticut, December 4, 1847. There she resided until the removal of the family to Boston and later to London, England. She was married Jtily 11, 1871 in All Saint's Church, Ennismore Gardens, Brompton, London, to Rev. John Brainard Morgan, second son of George Denison and Caroline Amelia (Hale) Morgan of Brooklyn, New York, where he was born March 4, 1843. John B. Morgan graduated at Coltimbia College, New York, in the class of 1864; and from "The Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Philadelphia" in He was ordained Deacon by the Right Rev. Horatio Potter in Grace Church, New York City, March 31, 1867, and was by the same prelate advanced to the priesthood January 3, 1869, in the temporary chapel of St. Thomas' Church. He was assistant minister of St. Thomas' Church JULIET PIERPONT (MORGAN) MORGAN. 59 from 1869 to 1873. Since then he has been rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris, France. In 1882 he received the degree of D.D. from Trinity College, Hart- ford. Children of John Brainard and Juliet Pierpont (Morgan) Morgan. I Ursula Juliet, b. Oct. 26, 1873, at Paris. II John Junius, " Apr. 26, 1876, at Paris. NDEX INDEX. The name in parenthesis indicates the married name and that in italics the maiden name of the female. Year of Birth. Page Alvord, Ruth (Morgan) 31 Appleton 17 Ashley, Abigail (Morgan) 31 " David 12, 13, 14 Jonath 13 Robert 5,6,7,9,11,12,14 Bagg, James 3-2 " John 9, 12, 14 Baker, John 14 Ball, Fra 6 " Jonathan 13. M " Martha (Stebbins) 33 " Sam 13 Bancroft, John 36 Thomas 12, 14 Barber, John 23 Barker, James 23 Bartlett 51 Beanion, Symon 12, 14 Beardsley, Nehemiah B 39 Bedortha, Jos 13 Reice 6,9, 11, 12, 14 Beebe, J. M 51 Beecher, Lyman 42 Bird, Elizabeth 27 " Hannah (Morgan) 26,27 " James 27 " Lydia (Morgan) 27 " Mahittebel 27 " Rebeckah (Lamb) 27 " Thomas 27 64 INDEX. Year of Birth. Page Bliss, Elizabeth 21 " John 13, 14 Lawrence 11,12,14 " M 14 Margaret 21, 27 " Mercy (Morgan) 31 " Nath 6,7 Sam 12, 13, 14 Thomas 21 William 25 Boardman, Mary (Smith) 46 Branch 10, 15 Will 6, II, 12, 14 Bridgeman, Ja 6 Brinley, George 40 Brooke, William 8 Brookes, William 9, 12, 14 Brown, Edward Rutledge 48 Brownell, William R 50 1873 Burns, Mary Ethel (Harcourt) 58 Mary Leaming Fisher 57 1844 " Mary Lyman Morgan 57 1838 " Walter Hayes 53-57 1872 ■' Walter Spencer Morgan 58 William 57 1869 " " 57 Burr, Jonath 12 Burt 14 Henry 6, 1 1 " Jonathan 11,13,14 " Nathaneel 12, 14 Cady, Mary Pcniherton (Slurges) 54 Chapin 1 1, 12 Experience (Smith) 37 " Henry 13. M " Japhet 12, 13, 14 Sam 6, 14 Samuel D 39 Clarke, Joe 12, 13 John 6, 7, II, 14 Mary (Morgan) 26 Clay, Henry 42, 44 Collins, Amos M 41 INDEX. 65 Year of Birth. Page Colton, Ephraim 13 " George 5,6,11,12,14 " Isaac 13 Cooley, Benjamin 6,11,12,14 Eliakini 13 Obadi 13 " Sarah (Morgan) 26 Cooper 16 " Thomas 6,7,11,12,14 " Jr 13 Timothy 13, H Crowfoot, Joseph 7, 12, 14 Cutler 55 Cuyler 56 Dabney 56 Darby, Joseph 28 Day, Benjamin 35 " Hezekiah 32 " Joseph Z^ " Lydia (Morgan) 3i " Thankful (Morgan) 31 " Thomas 11,12,14 Deeble 6 DeWitt, Thomas 54 Donnel 43 Dorchester, Anthony 11,12,14 " James ^3 John 13 Dudley, Hugh 12, 14 Dumbleton.Jo 12 John 11,14,32 Drexel 55 Eastman, Elizabeth (Morgan) 34 Edwards, Alexander 6,7 Eells, Martha (Spencer) 40 Ely, Benjamin ^^ " Edmund 39 " Nathaniel 9,12,14,25 " Russell 39 " Sam 12,14,23 Exell, Richard 6,11,12,14 66 INDEX. Year of Birth. Page Farrer, John 25 Fellows, Rick 11 Ferry, Charles 7, 13, 14 Fisher, Mary Learning (Burns) 57 Foster, Edward 12, 14 Frink, Luther 40 Gardiner, Ahigail (Morgan) 26 Gilbert, Prudence (Morgan) 5 " The II Glover 12, 15, 18 " Felatiah 14, 28 Goodenough, Asa 40 Goodwin, Eunice Roberts 49 1839 " Francis 50 " James 49 1803 " " Jr 45,49 1835 " " Junius SO 181 1 " Lucy Morgan 49 1841 " Lucy 50 1846 " Mary 50 1833 " Sarah Morgan 50 1837 " " " (Rrowncll) 50 1851 " Walter 50 Greene, J. L 50 Grew, Henry Sturges 55 " Jane Norton Wigglcsivorth 55 1868 " " " (Morgan) 54,55 Hale, Caroline Amelia (Morgan) 56,58 Nathan 46 Hamilton, William Pierson 54 Harcourt, Lewis Vernon 58 William 58 Harmon, John 11,13,14 Jos 13 " Sam 12, 13 Harrison, William H 42 Haynes 6 Henrison, John 12, 14 Herman, John 6 Hitchcock, Eliakim 40 John 13,15,24 " Luke 23 INDEX. 67 Year of Birth. Page Holyoke 12 Eliziir 14 Ellit 6 John 23, 25 Sam 13 Hormon, John 12 Horton, Jeremy 12, 14 John 13, 14 Howe 51 Hunter, William 12, 14 Jackson, Mary A. (Goodwin) 50 Jacob 19 Jerrard 19 Johns, Katterine 6 Jones, Griffith 6,11,12,14 Keepe, John 13, 14 Kellogg, Josiah 32 Ketchuni 51 King, Hannah (Stebbins, Morgan) 35 Kirkland, Louisa (Tracy) S4 Lamb, John 7, 11, 12, 14 Rebeckah Bird 27 " Samuel 23, 27, 28 Legg, John 35 Leonard, John 6,7,11,12,13,14 Josiah 32 Lippincott, Josephine S. (Goodwin) 50 Lord, Mary (Pierpont) 53 Lothrop, Samuel K 53 Lovering, Ernest 40 Lumbard, John 6,11,12,13,14 Mackey, Hugh 13 Marshall, Edmund 26 Marshfield, Samuel 11,12,14,15 Mather 51 Matthews, John 6,11,12,14 Merick, Joseph 32 Tho II Miller, John 23 Obadiah 7, 12, 14 Thomas 11,12,14,30,37 68 INDEX. Year of Birth. Page Mii-ick 15 " Thomas 6, 12, 14 1774 Morgan, Achsah (Chapin, Beardsley) 38,39 1835 " Amelia Sturges 54 1873 " Anne Tracy 54 " Archippus 40 1782 " Betsey 39 " Caroline Amelia Hale 56, 58 1873 " Caroline Lucy 56 1648 " David 22,23,24,25,26 1696 " Ebenezer 30,31 " Elizabeth Bliss 21 1710 " " 31 1745 " " (White) 35 1765 " Eurydice (Ely) 38,39 1741 " Experience Smith 38 1842 " Frances Louisa Tracy 54 " George Denison 56, 58 1870 " " " 56 1840 " " Hale 53,56 " Hannah Bird 31 1656 " " (Terry) 26 1698 " " 31 1751 " " (Legg) 35 1767 " Huldah 39 1770 " " (Ely) 38,39 1652 " Isaac 20, 22, 2^, 24, 25, 26 1707-S " " 30,31 1705 " James 30, 3i>33 1868 " Jane Norton Grctv 55 1893 " " " 55 1748-9 " Jesse 35.36 1843 " John Brainard 53, 58 1876 " John Junius 59 1837 " John Pierpont 53, 54 1867 " " " 54,55 " Jonathan 13 1646 " " 22,23,24,25,26 1702 " Joseph 30,31,32 1735-6 " " 34,35 1780 " " 39 1748-9 " Judah 35 1816 " Juliet Pierpont 53 INDEX. 69 Year of Birth. Page 1847 Morgan, Juliet Piorpont (Morgan) 53. 5^ 1870 " " " (Hamilton) 54 1813 " Junius Spencer 45.51 1846 " " " 53 1867 " " " 56 1892 " " " 55 1866 " Louisa Pierpont (Sattcrlee) 54 1742 " Lucas 34.36.37 1811 " Lucy (Goodwin) 45.49 1654 " Lydia (Pierce, Marshall) 25,26 " Bird 27 (Morgan) 31 1644 " Mary (Pringredays, Rust) 5,26 1713 " " Stebhins 34 1808 " " (Smith) 45,46 1844 " " Lyman (Burns) 53.57 1658 " Mercy 26 Miles 5.28 1700 " " 29,30,31 1772 " Nancy 38, 39 1671 '• Nathaniel 20,22.23,24,25,26,27 1692 •• " 30,31.33 1650 " Pelatiah 25,26 " " 27, 28, 29, 30 " Prudence Gilbert 21 1694 " .Samuel 30.31 1787 " Sarah Spencer 44 (Morgan) 34 1839 " Sarah Spencer (Morgan) 53-56 1737 " Titus 34 1740 " " 33.34 1873 " Ursula Juliet 59 " William ^3 Morton, L. P 57 Mosely, John 36 Moxon 6 Munn, Benjamin 7.11.12,14 Noble, John 23 " Thomas 8, 12. 14 Norton, Joseph G 40 Osborne, James 6, 12, 14 7° INDEX. Year of Birth. Page Parsons, Benjamin 11,12,14 Hugh 6 Jos 6 " Joseph 14 Partridge, Alden 51 Partrigg, Sam 23, 24 Peabody, George 51 Pepper, Francis 8,9,12,13,14,24 Pierce, John 26 1654 " Lydia Morgan 25 Pierpont, John 53' 54 1816 " Juliet (Morgan) 45,53 Mary Lord S3 Poole 19 Porter, Sam 25 " Samuel Quincy 48 Potter, Horatio S8 Pringredays, Edmund 9, 20, 26, 29 1644 " Mary Morgan 20 Pritchard, Nat 7, 12, 14 Roger 6 Pritchett, Nath n Pynchon 9> IQ John 7,8,12,14,15,16,18.22,25 William 5,6, 11, 14 Reeve, Tho 6 Riley, John 12, 14 Roberts, Eunice (Goodwin) 49 Robinson, Caroline Elizabeth (Smith) 48 Timothy 36 Rose, Parsons 40 Russell 16 John IS Rust, Nicholas 26,29 Sackett, John 12 " Symon 8 Salisbury, Martha 33 Satterlee, Herbert Livingston 54 Savage, Thomas 20 Scott, John 9, 12, 14 Sheldon, George 35 INDEX. 71 Year of Birth. Page Shevoy, Elizabeth (Morgan) 35 Sigourney, Lydia Huntley 44 Sikes, Increase 13 " Nathanell 13 " Rich 6, II, 12, 14 Smith, David 2)7 " Experience Chapin 2>7 1741 " " (Morgan) 34,37 " Frances Ann (Porter) 48 Hen 6 1840 " Hoadley Carter 48 1806 " James Allwood 45, 46 1838 " " " 48 '^^ZZ " Joseph Morgan 47 1844 " Lucy Goodwin 48 1854 " Martha Spencer 48 " Mary Boardnian 46 1812 " " Morgan 47 1835 " " 47 " Normand 41,46 " Rachel (Morgan) 31 1847 " Sarah Goodwin 48 1850 " Sophia Tracy (Brown) 48 1848 " Thomas 48 " Tryphena (Morgan) 34 Spencer, Martha Eells 40 Sally (Morgan) 39,4° " Samuel 40 Stebbins, 12 Benj 29,33 " Hannah King (Morgan) 35 John 6,7 " Joseph 28 Martha Ball 33 1713 " Mary (Morgan) 3h 33 Mercy (Morgan) 35 Rowland 6,11,12,14 " Sam 13 Thomas 6,8,9,11,13,14.15 Stewart ^5 John 12,14 Stockwell, Abel 33 Street, Austin D 4° 72 INDEX. Year of Birth. Page 1835 Sturges, Amelia (Morgan) 53.54 " Jonathan 54 " Mary Pemberton Cady 54 Swinck, Peter 12, 14 Swinge, " 12 Sykes, see Sikes Taylor, James 12, 13, 14, 19 " Jonathan 12, 14 " Nathaniel W 46 Terry, Hannah 25 " Samuel 12, 14, 24, 25, 26 Thomas, Jos 13 " Rowland 6,8,10,11,12,14 Thomson, Tho 13 Tom 20 Tomson, Tho 6 Tracy, Charles 54 1842 " Frances Louisa (Morgan) 53,54 " Helen Louise (Smith) 48 " Louisa Kirkland 54 Treat 17, 18 " Selah 40 Tyng, Stephen H 54 Vahan, Will 6 Warburton, John 40 Warnor, Priscilla 25 Warriner, James 8, 12, 13, 14. 24 Joseph 13 " William 6,8,11,12,14 Washington, George 42 Welles, Alfred 51 White, Thomas 35 Wigglesworth, Jane Norton (Grew) 55 Willard, Emma 46, 49 Worthington, John 29, 33 Wright, Abell 8, 12, 14 Sa 6 " Samuel 3^ 560 i^ 0^ ,; ^ ^V^' - \y ■''■■''' %/" ^M^^ ^^^ \^ .o -^ "'it %.^ .^■ik^ N MANCHESTER, ^M INDIANA^ "^.^ <.,^\^:^