0' r A""^ o 1-^ . ^^•^^. A" .0" ^. ^oV^ 1? *<» >^ O N O .0" c^^ ^ r^ <>' .0' *-' " P, *t^1\^^ v^ .? OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. PRESIDENTS. f EZRA STILES, JUN., Esq. Hon. ELIZUR GOODRICH, LL.D. Rev. henry CHANjSING. Rev. WALTER KING. Rev. JEDIDIAH MORSE, D.D. -{ Hon. BARNABAS BIDWELL, LL.D. Hon. SIMEON BALDWIN. Rev. SAMUEL AUSTIN, D.D. Hon. DAVID DAGGETT, LL.D. Rev. AMOS BASSETT, D.D. Hon. JONATHAN LEA\aTT, 1802 Hon. ELIZUR GOODRICH, LL.D. 1803 Hon. SIMEON BALDWIN. 1804 Hon. DAVID DAGGETT, LL.D. 1805 Hon. ELIZUR GOODRICH, LL.D. 1806 Hon. SIMEON BALDWIN. 1807-9 Rev. JEREMIAH DAY, D.D., LL.D. 1810-12 BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D., LL.D. 1813-19 JAMES LUCE KINGSLEY, LL.D. 1820 Hon. DAVID DAGGETT, LL.D. 1821-2 Rev. CHAUNCEY ALLEN GOODRICH, D.D. 1823-4 MATTHEW RICE DUTTON. 1825-6 Hon. WILLIAM BRISTOL. 1827-9 Hon. DAVID DAGGETT, LL.D. 1830-3 Hon. ROGER MINOTT SHERMAN, LL.D. 1834-6 JONATHAN KNIGHT, M.D. 1837 Hon. SAMUEL JOHNSON HITCHCOCK, LL.D. 1838 Hon. AARON NICHOLS SKINNER. 1839 DENISON OLMSTED, LL.D. 1840 Hon. THOMAS SCOTT WILLIAMS, LL.D. 1841 DENISON 0L3ISTED, LL.D. 1842 CHARLES HOOKER, M.D. 1843 HAWLEY OLMSTEAD. 1844 Rev. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, LL.D. 1845-6 Rev. WILLIA3I AUGUSTUS LARNED. 1847 THOMAS ANTHOxW THACHER. VICE PRESIDENTS. 1802-5 Seth Perkins Staples, Esci. 1806 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D. 1807-10 Jeremiah Evarts, Escu 1811-12 James Luce Kingsley, LL.D. 1813-16 Rev. Sereno Edwards Dwight, D.D. 1817-19 Hon. Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D. 4 1820 Rev. Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D.D. 1821-3 Leonard Eugene Wales, Esci. 1824 Charles Hobby Pond, Esq. 1825-6 Josiah Willard Gibbs. 1827-9 Denison Olmsted, LL.D. 1830-33 Jonathan Knight, M,D. | 1834-6 Hon, Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D. 1837 Hon. Aaron JNichols Skinner. 1838 Denison Olmsted, LL.D. 1839 Hon. Thomas Scott Williams, LL.D. 1840 Rev. Theodore Dwight Woolsey, LL.D. 1841 Charles Hooker, M.D. 1842 Rev. William Augustus Larned. 1843 Anthony Dumond Stanley. 1844 Ethan Allen Andrews. 1845-6 Rev. Joseph Parrish Thompson. 1847 William Huntington Russell, M.D. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES. i fHoN, James Kknt, LL.D. '53 Edvjtard Halsey. 3 13 Rev. Reuben Moss. Hon. William Bottsford. § Rev. Jeremiah Atwater, D.D. o Ebenezer Grant Marsh. 1—1 Charles Denison, Esq. 22 Rev. James Murdock, D.D. a Hon. William Bristol. 1 .John Winn, Esq. 1802 David Ely. 1803-4 Hon. Isaac Chapman Bates. 1805 Hon. Gideon Tomlinson, LL.D. 1806 Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. 1807 Rev. Sereno Edwards Dwight, D.D. 1808 Isaac Mills Ely, Esq, 1809 Rev, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. 1810-15 Leonard Eugene Wales, Esq. 1816 Hon. Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D. 1817-18 Hon. Roger Sherman Baldwin, LL.D. 1819 Alexander Metcalf Fisher. 1820-3 Rev. Thomas Frederick Da vies. 1824 Charles Hooker, M.D. 1825-6 Hon. Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D. 1827-9 Isaac Henry Townsend, Esq. 1830-6 Hon. Aaron Nichols Skinner. 1837 Rev. Theodore Dwight Woolsey, LL.D. 1838-41 William Huntington Russell, M.D. 1842 Anthony Dumoni» Stanley. 1843 Thomas Anthony Thacher. 1844 Rev. Joseph Parrish Thompson. 1845-7 Rev. Edward Strong. OEATORS AND POETS. The names of the Poets are printed in Italics. 1787 Hon. Simeon Baldwin. 1792 Hon. Timothy Pitkin, LL.D. 1793 William Johnson, Esq., LL.D. 1797 Charles Chauncey, Esq., LL.D. 1799 Hon. George Tod. 1801 Seth Perkins Staples, Esq.. 1803 Rev. Bancroft Fowler. 1804 Hon. Gideon Tomlinson, LL.D. 1805 George Hoadley, Esq. 1807 Hon. Nathan Johnson. 1808 Rev. Sereno Edwards Dwight, D.D. 1809 Rev. Elijah Waterman. 1811 Leonard Eugene Wales, Esq. 1812 Isaac Mills Ely, Esq. James Jlhraham Hillhouse. 1814 Hon. Samuel Johnson Hitchcock, LL.D. 1815 Hon. Charles Hawley. 1816 Rev. John Chester, D.D. 1817 Rev. Elisha Mitchell, D.D. 1818 Rev. Gardiner Spring, D.D. 1820 Alexander Metcalf Fisher. 1821 RuFus Woodward, Esq. Rev. Leonard Withington. 1822 James Gates Percival, M.D. 1825 Hon. James Gould, LL.D. James Gates Percival, M.D. 1826 James Abraham Hillhouse. James Gordon Brooks, Esq. 1827 Denison Olmsted, LL.D. Charles Atwood, Esq. 1828 Hon. William Maxwell. 1829 William Moseley Holland, Esq. 1830 Hon. Thomas Smith Grimke, LL.D. 1831 Hon. James Kent, LL.D. 1832 Alanson Hamlin, Esq. 1833 Hon. Edward Everett, LL.D. 1835 Rev. William Watson Andrews. 1836 James Abraham Hillhouse. 1837 Rev. Horace Bushnell, D.D. 1838 Rev. Heman Humphrey, D.D. 1839 Rev. Leonard Bacon, D.D. Grenville Mellen. 1840 Rev. Albert Barnes. 1841 Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D. 1842 Samuel Henry Dickson, M.D. 1843 Rev. William Buell Sprague, D.D. 1844 Hon. Willis Hall. George Hooker Colton. 1845 Henry Barnard, Esq. Elizur Wright. 1846 Hon. Daniel D. Barnard. Rev. Daniel March. MEMBERS. 1767. Detroit, Mich. *Hon. John Trumbull, LL.D., Watertown, Tutor Y. C, Judge Sup. Court Ct. 1773. *Hon. James Hillhouse, LL.D., Montville, New Haven. Treas. Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong. 1778. Hon. Joel Barlow, LL.D., Readings U. S. Minister to, France. *Noah Webster, LL.D., West Hartford, *Hon. Oliver Wolcott, LL.D., Litchfield, Fellow Y. C, Sec. U. S. Treas., Judge U. Washington, D. C. New Haven. New York City. Circ. Court, Gov. Ct. 1779. *Rev. David Austin, New Haven, Hon. Elizur Goodrich, LL.D., Durham, Tutor, Prof. Law and Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. U, S. Cong. 1780. *R.ev. John Barnett, Windsor, *Thomas Chester, Esq., Wether sjield, Norwich. New Haven. Amenia, N. Y. Hartford. Tutor Y. C *Timothy Phelps, Stafford, *William Joseph Whiting, Esq., St. Genevieve, Mo. New Haven. 1781. *Rev. Jason Atwater, Hamden, Branford. Hon. Simeon Baldwin, Norivich, New Haven. Tutor Y. C, Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct. *Simeon Breed, Norwich. *Rev. Henry Channing, Newport, R. L, New York City. Tutor Y. C. *Elihu Gridley, Esq., Farmington, Kinderhook, N. Y. Hon. James Kent, LL.D., Philippi, N. Y., New York City. Prof. Law Columb. Coll., Chief Judge Sup. Court and Chancellor N. Y. *Rev. Timothy Langdon, Farmington, Danbury. *Samuel Newell, Farmington, Bristol. *'Rev. Reuben Parmele, Goshen, Almond, N. Y. *Enoch Perkins, Esq., Norwich, Hartford. Tutor Y. C. *Samuel Dunbar Searle, Norwich, Ohio. 8 *Hon. Israel Smith, Rupert, Vt, Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong,, Chief Judge Sup. Court and Gov. Vt. *Ilev. Stephen W. Stebbins, Springfield^ Ms., Orang6. *Elizur Wright, Canaan, Talmadge, Ohio. 1782. *Obadiah Bowen, Providence, R, L, *Hon. Judson Canfield, New Milford, Sen. Ct. *E,ev. Daniel Crocker, Lebanon, *Hon. Daniel Dana, Ashford, Sen. Vt. *St. John Honeywood, Esq., Lancaster, Ms., *Hon. Stephen Titus Hosmer, LL.D., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Chief Judge Sup. Court *Rev. Walter King, Wilbraham, Ms., *Hon. John Lovett, Norwich, Rep. U. S. Cong. * Miles Me r win, Woodhridge, *Hon. Asher Robbins, LL.D., Wether sfield. Sen. U. S. Cong. *Ephraim Root, Esq., *Hon. Lewis Burr Siurges, Fairfield, Rep. U. S. Cong. *Nathan Williams, 1783. *Rev. Samuel Austin, D.D., New Haven, Worcester, Ms. Pres. Univ. Vt. *Jehu Brainerd, Haddam, New Haven. Hon. David Daggett, LL.D., Attleboro\ Ms., New Haven. Fellow and Prof. Law Y. C, Sen. Ct., Sen. U. S. Cong., Ch. Judge Sup. Court Ct. New York City. Canfield, Ohio. Reading. Warren, Trumb. Co.,0. Troy, N. Y. Middletown. Ct. Williamstown, Ms. Albany, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Newport, R. L Flartford. Norwalk, Ohio. Tolland. *Ebenezer Dimon, *Edward Edwards, Stockbridge, Ms., *Rev. Samuel Goodrich, Durham, *Rev. Abiel Holmes, D.D., Woodstock, Tutor Y. C. *Robert Charles Johnson, Esq., *Lynde Lord, *Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D.D., Woodstock, Tutor Y. C. *Samuel Penfield, *Theodore Pitkin, East Hartford, *Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL.D., Fellow Y. C, Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court, Lieut. Gov. and Gov. Ct. *Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, Mansfield, Longmeadow, Ms. 1784. Fairfield. Lisle, N. Y. Berlin. Cambridge, Ms. Stratford. Litchfield. New Haven. Fairfield. Rochester, N. Y. Sharon. * Jonathan Barnes, Esq., Southington, *Rev. Amos Bassett, D.D., Derby, Tutor and Fellow Y. C. *Hon. George Bliss, LL.D., Sen. Ms. *Henry Caldwell, U.S.N., Guilford, Tolland. Monroe. Springfield, Ms. New York City. 9 *Rev. Jacob Catlin, D.D., Harwinlon^ *Joseph Denison, Tutor Y. C. *Hendrick Dow, Esq., *Eiihu Chauncey Goodrich, Esq., Durham^ Hon. Ray Greene, Sen. U. S. Cong. *Rev. Chauncey Lee, D.D., Salisbury, *Rev. William Lyman, D.D., Lebanon, *Silas Marsh, *Dr. Samuel Mather, *Dr. Lemuel Mead, Greenwich, *Jabez Peck, *John Punderson Seward, Rev. John Taylor, Westjield, Ms., *RosweU Wells, Esq., Glastenbury, *Rev. Aaron Woolworlh, D.D., Springfield, Ms., 1785. *Rev. Joseph Badger, Partridgefield, Ms., *Rev. David Lewis Beebe, Stratford, *Hon.BarnabasBidwell,LL.D., Tyringham,Ms., Tutor Y. C, Rep. U. S. Cong. Enos' Cook, *Rev. Abel Flint, D.D., Windham, *Rev. William Graves, Hatfield, Ms., *Pearley Grosvenor, *Rev. David Hale, Dyer Throop Hinckley, Teacher, Henry Sherburne Langdon, *Hon. Jonathan Leavitt, Walpole, N. H., Sen. Ms. *Phinehas Miller, Middletoion, *Roger Newton, Tutor Y. C. ^William Nicoll, *Rev. Matthew Noyes, Lyme, Fellow Y. C. Samuel Perkins, Esq., Lisbon, Hon. Timothy Pitkin, LL.D., Farmington, Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. Nathaniel Rossiter, Esq., Guilford, William Taylor, *Decius Wadsworth, U.S. Army, Farmington, 1786. *Hon. John Bird, Litchfield, Rep. U. S. Cong. *Hon. Phinehas Bruce, Rutland, Ms., Rep. U. S. Cong. *Lynde Catlin, Litchfield, *Rev. Isaac Clinton, Milford, *Rev. John Elliott, D.D., Killingworth, Fellow Y. C. New Marlboro', Ms. Stonington. Ash ford. Claverack, N. Y. East Greenwich, R. I, Hart wick, N. Y. China, N. Y. Salisbury. Westfiefd, Ms. Chester, N. Y. Norwich. Killingworth. Pittsburg, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Bridgehampton, N. Y. Gustavus, Ohio. Catskill, N. Y. Kingston, U. C. Hadley, Ms. Hartford. Woodstock. Pomfret. Coventry. Lebanon. Portsmouth, N. H. Greenfield, Ms. Cumberland Is., Ga. Greenfield, Ms. Bethlehem, N. Y. North Branford. Windham. New Haven. Albany, N. Y. New Milford. New Haven. Troy, N. Y. Machias, Me. New York City. Lowville, N. Y. Madison. 10 Rev. Jonathan Ellis, Norwich^ Topsham, Me. *Hon. Thomas Ruggles Gold, Cornwall, Whitesboro', N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong. *Hon. Stanley Griswold, V.D.M., Torrington, Detroit, Mich. Sen. U. S. Cong. *Ed\vard Halsey, Southampton, N. Y. *Rev. Asa Hillyer, D.D., Simshury, Orange, N. J. *Rev. Reuben Hitchcock, Cheshire, Prospect. *John Kingsbury, Esq., Franklin, Waterbury. * William Leffingwell, Norwich, New Haven. *Dr. Abner Moseley, Qlastenhury, Wethersfield. *Hon. Elias Perkins, Norivich, New London. Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. *Rev. Edward Porter, Farmington, New Haven. ^Jonathan Edwards Porter, Esq., Hadley,Ms., New Haven. *Jacob R. Van Rensselaer, Esq., CZazjeracA:, N. Y. , New York City. *Hon Frederick Wolcott, Litchfield. Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. 1787. *Rev. Azel Backus, D.D., Clinton, N. Y. Pres Ham. Coll. *Augustus Baldwin, Esq., Guilford, Augusta, Ga. *Dr. Joshua Belden, Newington. *Rev. Publius Virgil Booge, Avon, Clinton, N. Y. *Eli Bullard, Esq., Medway, Ms., Fraraingham,Ms. Joshua Dewey, Esq., Lebanon, Otsego Co., N. Y. *Ebenezer Button, Esq., East Haddam, Cazenovia, N. Y. *Hon. William Ely, Springfield, Ms. Rep. US. Cong. ^Nicholas Evertson, Esq., A?nenia, N. Y., New York City. *Rev. Ebenezer Gay, Suffield. Tutor Y C. *Hon. Gideon Granger, Siiffield, Canandaigua, N. Y. Sen. N. Y., Post Master Gen. U. S. *Hon. Gaylord Griswold, Windsor, Herkimer, N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong. *Ebenezer Hunt, Coventry. *David Moody Jewett, Esq., East Haddam, Lyme. *Roswell Judson, Esq., Huntington. *Hon. Chauncey Langdon, Farmington, Castleton, Vt. Sen. Vt., Rep. U. S. Cong. *Rev. Reuben Moss, Cheshire, Ware, Ms. *Hon. Abraham Nott, Saybrook, Columbia, S. C. Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court S. C. *Hon. Elisha Sterling, Lyme, Salisbury. Sen. Ct. *EIi Todd, M.D., New Haven, Hartford. Pies. Conn. Med. Soc, Physician Conn. Retreat *Roger Whittlesey, Esq., Wethersjield, Southington. 1788. *John Caulkins, Esq., New London, Camden, S. C. Rev. Calvin Chapin, D.D., Springfield, Ms., Rocky Hill. Tutor and Fellow Y.C. 11 *David Chapin, Springfield, Ms. *Daniel Benedict Cooke, Esq., Danhury, Walden, N. Y. *Rev. Moses Hallock, Brookhaven, N. Y., Plainfield,Ms. *Lucius Hubbard, Esq., Sunderland, Ms., Chester, Vt. *William Johnson, LL.D., Middletown, New York City. *Hon. James Lanman, Norwich. Sen. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct. *Daniel Wadsworth Lewis, Esq., Farmington, Geneva, N. Y. Hon. Jeremiah Mason, LL.D., Leianon, Boston, Ms. Sen. U. S. Cong. *Rev. Isaac Porter, Farmington, Gran by. *Dr. Joseph Strong, Coventry, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Daniel Waldo, Windham, Syracuse, N. Y. Hon. John Wood worth, LL.D., Albany, N. Y. Judge Sup. Court N. Y. 1789. *Rev. Dan Bradley, Hamden, Marcellus, N. Y. *Rev. Joel Bradley, Hamden, Ballston, N. Y. *Rev. William Brown, Tiverton, R. L, New York City. *Rev. Salmon Cone, Bolton, Colchester. *Rev. Giles Hooker Cowles,D.D., Farmington, Austinburg, Ohio. ^Jonathan Walter Edwards, Esq., New Haven, Hartford. Tutor Y. C. *Nathan Elliott, Kent, Catskill, N. Y. * William Gay, Esq., Suffield. *Rev. Asahel Hooker, Farmington, Norwich. *Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Andover, Ms., Gardiner, Ms. *Hon. Elijah Payne, Williamsburg, Ms., Ashfield, Ms. Sen. Ms. *Hon. John Thompson Peters, Hebron, Hartford. Judge Sup. Court Ct. *Stephen Pynchon, Esq., Springfield, Ms., Brimfield, Ms. Hon. John Stearns, M.D., Tolland, New York City. Pres. N. Y. Med. Soc, Sen. N. Y. *Hon. Uri Tracv, Franklin, Oxford, N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong. *Rev. Israel Beard Woodward, Watertown, Wolcott. 1790. *William Metcalf Bliss, Springfield, Ms., Troy, N. Y. *Rev. Stephen Fenn, Watertoivn, Harpersfield, N. Y. *Rev. Edward DorrGriffin, D.Y).,EastHaddam , Williamstown, Ms. Prof. Sac. Eloq. Andov. Theol. Sera., Pres. Will . Coll. Hon. Samuel Jones, LL.D., New York City. Chancellor and Judge Sup. Court N Y. *Hon. Joseph Kirkland, Lisbon, Utica, N. Y. Rep U. S. Cong. *Benjamin Maverick Mumford, Norwich, Schenectady, N. Y. *Thomas Mumford, Esq., New London, Cayuga, N. Y. Rev. Asahel Strong Norton, D.D., Farmington, Clinton, N. Y. Solomon Stoddard, Esq., Northampton, Ms. 12 1791. *Amos Cooke, Danbury. *Hon. Stephen Elliott, LL.D., Beaufort, S. C. Charleston, S. C. Sen. S. C, Prof. Nat. Hist, and Bot. S. C. Med Coll *Hon. James Gould, LL.D., Branford, Litchfield. Tutor Y. C , Inst. Litchfield Law School, Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct. 1 *Hon. Samuel Miles Hopkins, LL.D., Goshen^ Albany, N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong. *Noah Linsley, Esq., Branford^ Wheeling, Va. Tutor Y C. *Rev. William Nash, Williamslurg, Ms., West Boylston, Ms. Rev. John Douglas Perkins, Plainfield, Coatesville, Pa. ^Dudley Saltonslall, New London, Canandaigua, N. Y. '^Rev. Daniel Smith, New Canaan, Stamford. Fellow Y. C. *Hon. Josiah Siebbins, Brimfield, Ms.^ Alna, Me. Tutor Y. C, Sen. Me. *Rev. Elijah Waterman, Bozra/i, Bridgeport. 1792. *De Lucena Backus, Windham. Hon. William Botsford, New Haven, Westmoreland, N. B. *Hon. Asa Chapman, Sayhrook, New Haven, Ct. Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct, Charles Chauncey, New Haven, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Timothy Mather Cooley, D.D., Granville, Ms. *Hon. James Christie Esten, LL.D., Bermuda Isl. Ch. Judge IsL Bermuda. *Robert Grant, Fredericksburg, N. Y. *Amos Hoyt, Stamford. *Hon. Samuel Lathrop, West Springfield, Ms. Sen. Ms., Rep. U. S. Cong. *Samuel Andrew Law, Esq., Cheshire, Meredith, N. Y. Hon. William Marchant, Newport,R. L Sen. R. L *Donald Grant Mitchell, U.S.A., Wethersjield, Philadelphia, Pa. "^Thomas Savage, Charleston, S. C, Bryan Co., Geo. *Hon. Roger M. Sherman, LL.D., Wohurn, Ms, , Fairfield. Tutor Y. C, Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct. *Eli Whitney, Westborough, Ms., New Haven. 1793. Rev. Jeremiah Atwater, D.D., New Haven. Tutor Y. C, Pres. Mid. Coll. and Dick. Coll. Asa Bacon, Esq., Canterbury, Litchfield. David Sherman Boardman, Esq., New Milford. *Hozekiah Brainard, Haddam. *Pardon Brown, Tiverton, JR. /., Glastenbury. * William Pitt Cleave land, Esq., Canterbury, New London. Rev. Daniel Dow, D.D., Ashford, Thompson. Fellow Y. C. Rev. Joseph Russell, Thompson, Milford. *Rev. Samuel Shepard, D.D., Chatham, Lenox, Ms. 13 Rev. Ichabod Lord Skinner, Colchester^ *Rev. Joseph Washburn, Middletown^ *Rev. Ezra Witter, Canterbury^ 1794. Hon. Ezekiel Bacon, Stockbridge, Ms.^ Rep. U. S. Cong., Compt. U. S. Treas. Tinnothy Burt, Wilbraham, Ms.^ *Daniel Dunbar, Esq., Plymouth^ *Hon. John Elliott, Sen. U. S. Cong. Benjamin Heyward, Rev. Dan Huntington, Lebanon^ Tutor Y. C. Rev. Isaac Lewis, D.D., Greenwich^ *Zechariah Lewis, Greenwich, Tutor y. C. Hon. Thomas S.Williams, hh.D., Wether sfield. Rep. U. S. Cong., Ch. Judge Sup. Court Ct. *Rev. Andrew Yates, D.D,, Prof. Lang, and Prof.Logic and Mor. Philos. Un. 1795. John Adams, Canterbury, *Samuel Scudder Brush, *Samuel Cook, Esq., Richmond, Ms., Rev. Jeremiah Day, D.D., LL.D., Washington, Tutor and Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Pres. and *Elijah Hubbard, Esq., *Ebenezer Grant Marsh, Tutor Y. C. Washington, D. C. Farmington, Winchester, Tenn. Utica, N. Y. Westchester Co., N. Y. Hartford. Midway, Ga. Charleston, S. C. Hadley, Ms. New York City. Brooklyn, N. Y. . Flarlford. Schenectady, N. Y. Coll. Jacksonville, III. Huntington, N. Y. Ballston, N.Y. New Haven. Fellow Y. C. Middletown. Wethersfield. Rev. Samuel M. Phelps, Springfield, Ms., *Rev. Erastus Ripley, Windham, Rev. David Smith, D.D., New Marlborough, Ms. Fellow Y. C. *Hon. George Tod, Sujield, Judge Sup. Court Ohio. *Stephen Twining, Esq., Granville, Ms., Treasurer Y. C. Bridgeport. Meriden. , Durham. Youngstown, Ohio. New Haven. 1796. Rev. Archibald Bassett, Derby, Charles Bostwick, Esq., Brookfield, Rev. Henry Davis, D.D., Easthampton, N. Y. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Greek Lang. Un. Coll., Pres, ^Charles Denison, Esq., Tutor Y. C. Rev. Bancroft Fowler, Pittsfield, Ms. Tutor Y. C. *Edward Herrick, *John Hooker, Esq., Farmington, *Rev. Salmon King, Bolton, *Thomas Miner, M.D., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc. Walton, N. Y. Bridgeport. , Clinton, N. Y. Mid. Coll. and Ham. Coll. New Haven. Stock bridge, Ms. Southampton, N. Y. Columbia, S. C. Warren, Pa. Middletown. 14 Rev. Thomas E-obbins, D.D., Norfolk^ Hartford. Librarian Conn. Historical Society. Benjamin Silliman, M.D., LL.D., Fairfield^ New Haven. Tutor and Prof. Chem,, Pharm., Min. and Geol Y.C. Gold Selleck Silliman, Esq., Fairfield^ Brooklyn, N. Y. *Asahel Hooker Strong, Esq., Chatham. John Harvey Tucker, Bermuda Isl. *Rev. Samuel Porter Williams, Wet Iter sfield^ Newburyport, Ms. 1797. *Hon. Henry Baldwin, LL.D., Neio Haven^ Pittsburg, Pa. Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge U. S. Sup. Court. Rev. Lyman Beecher, D.T).^ New Haven, Cincinnati, Ohio. Pres. Lane Sem. *William Benedict, Esq., Reading, Bridgeport. Rev. Diodate Brockvvay, Columbia, Ellington. Fellow Y.C. Rev. Sylvester Dana, Wilkesharre, Pa., Concord, N. H. Hon. Thomas Day, Washington, Hartford. Sec. State Ct. Hon. Warren Dutton, Lebanon, Boston, Ms. Tutor Y. C, Sen. Ms. *Rev. Timothy Field, Madison, Westminster, Vt. *"Hon. Samuel Augustus Foot, LL.D., Cheshire. Fellow Y. C, Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong., Gov. Ct. George Griffin, Esq., LL.D., East Haddam, New York City. *Rev. Ira Hart, Bristol, Stonington. Rev. Bethel Judd, D.D., Watertoion, Sackett's Harbor, N.Y. Rev. James Murdbck, D.D., Westbrook, New Haven. Prof. Lang. Univ. Vt., Prof. Eccl. Hist. And. Theol. Sem. | *Rev. John Niles, Colchester, Prattsburg, N. Y. Hon. Horatio Seymour, Litchfield, Middlebury, Vt. Sen. U. S. Cong. Seth Perkins Staples, Esq., Canterbury, New York City. 1798. *John Akins, Esq., Wash'n,Duch.Co.,N.Y. *Henry Harramond Bacot, Esq., Charleston, S. C. *Hun. William Bristol, Hamden, New Haven. Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct., Judge Dist. Court U. S. | *Enos Bronson, Editor, Waterbury, Philadelphia, Pa. *Rev. C. Herrick, Teach., Southampton, N. Y., New Haven. Horatio Hickok, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Ebenezer Learned, Esq., New London. *David Wooster Ogden, New Haven. *Theodore Sedgwick, Esq., Stockbridge, Ms. 1799. Dr. Benjamin Woolsey Dwight, New Haven, Clinton, N. Y. *Oliver Ellsworth, Windsor. Tutor Y. C. *Alanson Hamlin, Esq., Sharon, Bridgeport. *William Soranzo Hazell, Charleston, S. C, Wilmington, N. C. 15 Eli Ives, M.D., Prof. Mat. Med. and Bot., Theor. and Prac. Med. James Luce Kingsley, LL.D., Windham^ Tutor and Prof. Lat. Y.C. *Jeremiah Osborn, Esq., Easthampton, N. Y., *Matthevv Perkins, Esq., Becket, Ms.^ Rev. Moses Stuart, Nortvalk, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Sac. Lit. And. Theol. Sem. *John Winn, Esq., 1800. *Thonrjas Adams, Canterbury^ *Daniel Bishop Brown, Esq., Hehron, *E,ev. Pitkin Cowles, Souf.hingion^ * Asaph Dunbar, Esq., Plymouth, *David Ely, Huntington, *Dr. James Gilbert, *Hon. Thomas Peabody Grosvenor, Pomfret, Rep. U. S. Cong. *Moses Hatch, Esq., Kent, Giles Crouch Kellogg, Esq., *Hon. John Stevens, Newport, Ga., Sen. Ga. *Hon. Lemuel Whitman, Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Thomas Williams, Pomfret, 180L *Stedman Adams, Esq., Canterbury, Ralsa Austin, Esq., New Hartford, Samuel Sackett Baldwin, Esq., Litchfield, *Elijah Clark, Esq., Washington, Ga., *Hon. Noyes Darling, Woodbridge, Tutor and Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. Rev. Henry Dvvight, Springfield, Ms., *Alcis Evelyn Heart, Esq., Berlin, Hon. Peter Hitchcock, LL.D., Cheshire, Judge Sup. Court Ohio, Rep. U. S. Cong. George Hoadly, Esq., Branford, Tutor Y. C. *Matthew Minor, Esq., Hon. Thomas Jackson Oakley, Beekman, N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court N. Y. ^Frederick Scofield, Stamford, *Henry Stanley, Esq., Brooklyn, James Stedman, Esq., Hampton, Tutor Y. C. John Wales, Esq., Neio Haven, Joseph Wood, Esq., Greemvich, 1802. *Hon. Isaac Chapman Bates, Granville, Ms., Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong. *William Fowler Brainard, Esq., New Haven. Y.C. New Haven. Troy, N. Y. Lisbon, N. Y. Andover, Ms. Midway, Ga. Kingston, N. Y. Batavia, N. Y. Canaan, New Haven. Rochester, N. Y. New Haven. Hudson, N. Y. Danbury. Hadley, Ms. Savannah, Ga. Farmington. Providence, R. I. Hartford. Westchester Co., N.Y. Wilmington, III. Point Coupee, La. New Haven. Geneva, N. Y. Chatham. Burton, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Woodbury. , New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. New York City. Norwich. Wilmington, Del. New Haven. Northampton, Ms. New London. 16 *Jeremiah Evarts, Esq., Sunderland, Vt., Sec'y A B C.F.M. Rev. David Dudley Field, D.D., Madison, *Eleazer Foster, Esq., Union, *Hezekiah Frost, Esq., Canterbury, John Hall, Tutor Y. C. Hon. Samuel Hubbard, LL.D., Colchester, Senator and Judge Sup. Jud. Court Ms. Hon. Nathan Johnson, Southborough, Ms., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. *Hon. Jona. Huntington Lyman, Hafjield, Ms, Sen. Ms. Hon. William Maxwell, Pres. Harap. Sid. Coll., Sen. Va. Rev. Samuel Merwin, Milford, Hon. Ebenezer Moseley, Hampton, Sen. Ms. Pelatiah Perit, New Haven, Charles Hobby Pond, Esq., *Aaron Burr Reeve, Esq., Litchfield, *Rev. David Austin Sherman, New Haven, Tutor Y. C, Pres. Coll. E. Tenn. Junius Smith, LL.D., Plymouth, *Rev. Roswell Randall Swan, Stonington, Hon. Gideon Tomlinson, LL.D., Stratford, Fellow Y. C, Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong,, Gov. 1803. *Rev. Cornelius Adams, Canterbury, Rev. Elisha Deming Andrews, Southingfon, *Rev. Hosea Beckley, Berlin, *George Bloom, Esq., Clinton, N Y., *Thomas Philotheus Chiffelle, Hon. Samuel Church, Salisbury, Fellow Y. C, Sen. and Ch. J. Sup. Court Ct. *Mills Day, Washington, Tutor Y. C. Rev. Aaron Dutton, Watertown, Fellow Y. C. Rev. Sereno E. Dvvight, D.D., New Haven, Tutor Y. C, Pres. Ham. Coll. *Rev. Horace Holley, LL.D. Salisbury, Pres. Trans. Univ. Rev. Eli Hyde, Franklin, Hon. Jacob Bond Ion, Sen. S. C. Jonathan Law, Esq., Rev. Noah Porter, D.D., Fellow Y. C. ^Nicholas Pike Randall, Esq., Voluntown, Jared Scarborough, Esq., Brooklyn, Rev. Henry Sherman, *Solomon Smith, Esq., Hartford, Daniel Strong, Boston, Ms. Haddam. New Haven. Windham, Me. Ellington, Boston, Ms. Hartford. , Northampton, Ms. Norfolk, Va. New Haven. Newburyport, Ms. New York City. Milford. Troy, N. Y. Pike Grove, Wis. New York City. Norwalk. Fairfield. Ct. Windham. Armada, Mich. Chesterfield, N. H. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Charleston, S. C. Litchfield. New Haven. New Haven. New York City. Lexington. Ky. Gibson, Pa. Charleston, S. C. Cheshire. Farmington. Manlius, N. Y. Hartford, New Haven. Albany, N. Y. Lebanon. 17 G. W. Strong, Esq., LL.D., Erookhaven, N.Y., New York City. Charles Augustus Stuart, Esq., Greenbriar, Va. *Rev. Samuel Whittlesey, LitcJifield, New York City. 1804. • *Rev. Parker Adams, Canterbury, Johnstown, N. Y. Rev. Joab Brace, Hartford^ Newington. Hon. John Caldwell Calhoun, LL.D., Pendleton C. H., S. C. Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong., Sec. War, Sec. State and V. Pres. U. S. j *Rev. John Chester, D.D., Wethersfield, Albany, N. Y. Gerardus Clark, Esq., New Milford, New York City. *Matthew Dickinson, Somers, Murfreesboro', N. C. Hon. John Mj^ers Felder, Orangeburgh, S. C. Sen. S. C, Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Christopher Edwards Gadsden, D.D., Charleston, S. C. Bishop S. C. *John Gadsden, Esq., Charleston, S. C. *Hon. John Preston Hampton, Columbia, Ga., Woodville, Mpi. Judge Sup. Court Mpi. *Francis King, Vernon. William Kinne, Plainfield, Canterbury. Rev. Abel M'Ewen, D.D., Winchester, New London. Fellow Y. C. *Amos Northrop, Esq., New Haven, Charleston, S. C. *Seth Norton, Farmington, Clinton, N. Y. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Lang. Ham. Coll. Rev. John Pierpont, Litchfield, Troy, N. Y. Hon. David Plant, Stratford. Fellow Y. C, Lieut. Gov. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. *William Robinson, Soulhington. *Hon. Micah Sterling, Lyme, Watertown, N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong. *William Stoddard, Watertown. *Hon. Henry Randolph Storrs, Middletown, New York City. Rep. U. S. Cong. Eliphalet Swift, Esq., Lebanon, Westport. Henry Swift, Esq., Amenta, N. Y., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D., Middlebury, East Windsor. Pres. Dart. Coll., Pres. E. Winds. Theol. Inst. Jacob A. Van Heuvel, Esq., New York City, Ogdensburg, N. Y. *FrancisB. Winthrop, Esq., New York City, New Haven. 1805. Samuel Bellamy Beach, Esq., Detroit, Mich. *Sheldon Candee, Esq., Oxford, Hartford. Leonard Cowles, Esq., Southington, Delav^are, 0. Rev. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, Hartford. Tutor Y. C, Prin. Deaf and Dumb Inst. *John McKinnie Gilmour, Esq., Halifax, N. C. Elizur Goodrich, Esq., New Haven, Hartford. *Edward Hooker, Farmington. Tutor Y. C. Rev. Heman Humphrey, D.D., Bristol, Pittsfield, Ms. Pres. Amherst Coll. 18 Rev. Samuel Farmar Jarvis, D,D., LL.D., Middletown. *James McBride, M.D., Salem, S. C, Charleston, S. C. *Elihu Spencer, Esq., East Haddam, Warren, 0. Rev. Gardiner Spring, D,!)., Newburyport, Ms., New York City. *Rev. Salmon Wheaton, Washington, Johnstown, N. Y. *Rev. Joshua Lewis Williams, Harwinton, Middletown. 1806. *Rev. Jason Allen, Montville, Utica, N. Y. *David Bacon, Esq., Canterbury, New York City. Hon. Clark Bissell, Lebanon, Norwalk. Prof, of Law, and Fellow Y. C, Judge Sup. Court and Gov. Ct. | Henry Carlton, Esq., New Orleans, La. Nathaniel Chauncey, Esq., New Haven, Philadelphia, Pa. *Hon. Samuel Shepard Conner, Exeter, N. H., Albany, N. Y. Rep. U. S. Cong. Samuel Huntington Devotion, Windham. Rev. Charles J. Doughty, Esq., Brooklyn,N. Y., New York City. Rev. Joseph Edwards, Middletoicn, New Haven, 0. *Isaac Mills Ely, Esq., Huntington, New York City. Hon. Jabez Williams Huntington, Norwich. Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct *Edmund Law, Esq., Washington City. *Louis Mitchell, Esq., Wether sfield. Troy, N. Y. *Charles Moseley, Esq., Hartford. *Daniel Mulfordi Morristown, N. J. Rev. Royal Robbins, Berlin. Hezekiah Rudd, Teacher, Windham, Huntington. Hon. Henry Strong, Esq., Norwich. Tutor and Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. *William Todd, Esq., Guilford. William Tully, M.D., New Haven. Rev. Hezekiah Gold Ufford, Stratford. Rev. William Fowler Vaill, East Haddam, Wethersfield, 111. Hon. Thomas Glasby Waterman, Binghamton, N. Y. Sen. N. Y. *Isaac Welton, Waterbury. Willard Welton, Watertown, Madison, N. Y. Robert Wilkinson, Esq., Beekman, N. Y., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1807. Rev. Samuel Rogers Andrew, Milford, Fellow and Seer. Y. C. *Dr. William Atwater, John Morse Austin, Esq., Henry William Channing, Esq., New London, Hon. John Paine Cushman, Pomfret, Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. David Raymond Dixon, Sherburne, N. Y., John Dunwody, Sunbury, Ga., *Hon. Thomas Smith Grimke, LL.D., Sen. S.C. New Haven. Westfield, Ms. Austinburg, Ohio. New York City. Troy, N. Y. Unadilla, N. Y. Cobb County, Ga. Charleston, S. C. 19 *Rev. Luther Hart, Goshen^ Fellow Y. C. *Rev. Arsetius Bevil Hull, Huntington^ Tutor Y. C. Hon. William Jay, *Stephen Lockwood, Norwalk^ Justus M'Kinstry, Esq., Hillsdale^ N. F., Alexander Hodgdon Stevens, M.D., Prof. Surg. Coll. Phys. and Surg, of City of N. *Rev. Henry Pierce Strong, Salishiry, *Hon. Jacob Sutherland, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Judge Sup. Court N. Y. Dr. Charles Wiley Taylor, Rev. Nath'l Wm. Taylor, D.D.,iVeMjM7/ord, Prof. Didact. Theol. Y. C. Rev. John Lewis Tomlinson, Derhy^ *Leonard Eugene Wales, Esq., *Curtis Warner, Esq., *Dr. William Avery Whelpley, Lenox, Ms., 1808. Timothy Phelps Beers, M.D., Prof. Obstet. Y. C. Rev. Jonathan Cone, Colchester, *Rev. Matthew Rice Button, Watei^town, Tutor, Prof. Math, and IS at. PhU. Y. C. *Erastus Edgerton, William Gibson, Esq., Rev. Joseph Harvey, D.D., East Haddam, *James Abraham Hillhouse, Hon. Ralph Isaacs Ingersoll, Rep. U. S. Cong., U. S. Min. to Russia. Jonathan Knight, M.D., Norwalk, Tutor, Prof. Anat. and Physiol., and Prof. Surg. Hon. Garrick Mallery, Woodbury, Pres. Judge Dist. Court Pa. *Josiah Hinman Minor, Esq., Woodbury, *John Bates Murdock, Bozrah, William Seward Pierson, M.D., Killingworth, *Rev. Lyman Spencer Rexford, Hon. Silas Robbins, Wethersjield, Judge Circ. Court Ky. *William Mason Smith, Rev. Timothy Tuttle, Durham, Charles Wheeler, Esq., *Rev. Comfort W^iliiams, Wethersjield, 1809. *Rev. Daniel Banks, Weston, Theodore Eames, Esq., Haverhill, Ms., Josiah Willard Gibbs, Salem, Ms., Tutor, Prof. Sacr. Lit. Y. C. *Samuel J. Hitchcock, Esq., LL.D., Bethlem, Tutor and Instr. Law Y. C. Plymouth. Worcester, Ms. Bedford, N. Y. New York City. Hudson, N. Y.' New York Ciiy. Y. Rushville, O. Geneva, N. Y. Nor walk. New Haven. Maumee City, Ohio. New Haven. Southbury. Morristown, N. J. New Haven. Durham, N. Y. New Haven. Tolland. Washington, Ga. Thompsonville. New JHaven. New Haven. New Haven. Y.C. Philadelphia, Pa. Fairfield. U. S. Army. Windsor. Sherburne, N. Y. Springfield, 111. Charleston, S. C. Ledyard. Philadelphia, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. Potsdam, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. New Haven. New Haven. 20 1 William Hungerford. Esq., East Haddam, Hartford. *Rev. John Langdon, Danhury^ Bethlem. Tutor Y. C. Rev. Jonathan Lee, Salisbury. Rev. Benjamin C. Meigs, Missionary, Bethlem, Ceylon, India. *Rev. Alfred Mitchell, Wethersfield, Norwich. Charles G. Olmsted, Esq., Manlius, N. Y., Franklin, Tenn. *Benjamin F. Shelton, Esq., Huntington, Newtown. *Ebenezer Smith, Teacher, Woodstock, Neshaminy, Pa. Hon. Henry Matson Waite, Lyme. Sen. Ct., Judge Sup. Court Ct. Gaylord Wells, M.D., Wethersfield, Hillsdale, N. Y. 1810. Ethan Allen Andrews, Esq., Berlin. Prof. Lang. Univ. N. C, Hon. Edward Avery, Fairfield, Wooster, Ohio. Sen. and Judge Sup. Court 0. ~ *Hezekiah Hervey Baldwin, Woodbridge. Jonathan Barnes, Esq., Tolland, Middletown. Rev. Chauncey Booth, East Windsor, Coventry. Joseph Bulkley, Esq., Wethersfield, New York City. Royal Bullard, Esq., Pepperell, Ms., Camden, S. C. Hon. Wm. Wolcott Ellsworth, LL.D.,TF'wd!sor, Hartford. Fellow Y. C, Prof. LawTrin. Coll., Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court, and Gov. Ct. Rev. Eleazar Thompson Fitch, D.D., New Haven. Prof. Divin. Y. C. Rev. Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D.D., New Haven. Tutor, Prof. Rhet. and Orat., and Prof. Past. Charge Y. C. | Hon. Frederick Grimke, Charleston, S.C., Chilicothe, Ohio. Judge Sup. Court Ohio. Hon. Ab. B. Hasbrouck,LL.D., Kingston,N. Y., New Brunswick, N. J. Rep. U. S. Cong., Pres. Rutgers Coll. Augustus Lucas Hillhouse, New Haven, Paris, France. *Ebenezer Kellogg, Vernon, Williamsiown, Ms. Prof. Lat. and Gr. Lang. Will. Coll. Samuel F. B. Morse, LL.D., Charlestown,Ms., New York City. *Hon. David Hillhouse Raymond, Montville, St. Francisville, la. Judge U. S. Territ. Court. Daniel Robert, Esq., Brookhaven, N. Y., New York City. *Joseph Pynchon Rossiier, Esq., New Haven, Salina, N.Y. Rev. Harvey Talcott, Coventry, Portland. Dr. Asahel Thompson, Farmington. *Rev. Joseph Treat, Neio Milford, Windham, Ohio. *Ralph Wells, Hartford, New York City. *Oihniel Williams, Esq., Whitestown, N. Y., Clinton, N. Y. 1811. Hon. Roger Sherman Baldwin, LL.D., New Haven. Sen. and Gov. Ct, Fellow Y. C. Moses Chapin, Esq., West Springfield, Ms., Rochester, N. Y. *James Clarke Cooke, Esq., Danbury, Montgomery, N. Y. * William Danielson, Killingly. Tutor Y. C. 21 Rev. Ralph Emerson, D.D., HoUis, N. H., Tutor Y. C, Prof. Eccl. Hist. And. Th. Sem. Hon. Francis Granger, Sujield, Rep. U. S. Cong., P. M. Gen. U. S. Ezra Haskell, Teacher, New Gloucester, Me., *Rev. Leverett Israel Foote Huntington, Lyme, Rev. David M. Mitchell, North Yarmouth, Me., Sidney E. Morse, Editor, Charlestown, Ms., Rev. Isaac Parsons, Southampton, Ms., Hon. Samuel Shethar Phelps, Litchfield, Judge Sup. Court Vt., Sen. U. S. Cong. Rev. Henry Robinson, Guilford, Hon. Joseph Spencer, East Haddam, Sen. N. Y. Nathan Stark, Esq., Teacher, Lyme, Hon. Selah Brewster Strong, Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court N, Y. *Wm. Channing Wood bridge. New York City, Joseph Emerson Worcester, Hollis, N. H., 1812. *Rev. Elihu Whittlesey Baldwin, Durham, Pres. Wabash Coll. William Piatt Buffett, Esq., Piatt Hiram Crosby, Esq., Amenia, N. Y., *Rev. John Crukshanks, Charleston, S. C, Hon. John Davis, LL.D., Northboro\ Ms., Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong., Gov. Ms. Edward Delafield, M.D., Prof. Obstet. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Thomas Dunlap, Esq., Hon. Charles Augustus Goodrich, V.D.M., Sen. Ct. *Stephen Farrar Jones, New Ipswich, N. H., Dennis Kimberly, Esq., *Ezra L'Hommedieu, Esq., Sag Harhor, N. Y., Samuel Coit Morgan, Esq., Lishon, Joseph Noble, Isaac Trimble Preston, Esq., Abingdon, Va., Abraham Curtiss Sheldon, Rev. Ward Stafford, Washington, N. H., Augustus Russell Street, Theodore Strong, LL.D., South Hadley, Ms., Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Ham. Coll. and Rutg. Hon. John Witter, Preston, Tutor Y. C, Sen. Ct. 1813. *Rev. John Avery, Conway, Ms., Rev. Zedekiah Smith Barstow, Canterbury, *Dudley Pettibone Bestor, Rev. Norris Bull, D.D., Harwinton, Stephen Mitchell Chester, Wethersfield, Andover, Ms. Canandaigua, N. Y. Dover, N. H. New Brunswick, N. J. Portland, Me. New York City. East Haddam. Middlebury, Vt. Plainfield. Rochester, N. Y. New York City. Brookhaven, N. Y. Boston, Ms. Cambridge, Ms. Crawfordsville, la. Smithtown, N. Y. John's Island, S. C. Worcester, Ms. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. Berlin. Charleston, S. C. New Haven. New York City. Norwich. Abbeville, S. C. New Orleans, La. Rupert, Vt. Bloomfield, N. J. New Haven. N. Brunswick, N. J. Coll. Plainfield. Alabama. Keene, N. H. Simsbury. Lewiston, N. Y. New York City. East Haddam. New York City. New Haven. Brooklyn, N. Y. Erie, Pa. East Hampton, Ms. New Haven. New Haven. Washington City. Stamford. Norfolk, Va. Mobile, Ala. Chapel Hill, N. C. 22 *William Cone, Sherman Converse, Monson^ Ms.^ Rev. Thomas Frederick Davies, Redding, David Bates Douglass, LL.D., Newark, N. /., Prof. Math, and Engineering U. S. M. A., Pres. Kenyon Coll. Rev. Wm. Theodore Dwight, D.D., New Haven, Portland, Me. Tutor Y. C. George Augustus Elliot, Esq., Guilford, Rev. William Ely, Sayhrook, * Alexander Meicalf Fisher, Franklin, Ms., Tutor and Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Y. C. *John Douglass Fowler, Esq., Guilford, Joseph Winborn Hand, Esq., Madison, Hon. Charles Hawley, Huntington, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Lieut. Gov. Ct. James Durham Johnson, Morristoion, N. J., *Gideon John Mills, Saybrook, Rev. Elisha Mitchell, D.D., Washington, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math, and N. Ph. and Prof. Chera. Univ. N. C. Frederick Morgan, M.D., Groton, Colchester. Tutor Y. C. Milo Linus North, M.D., Canaan, Saratoga, N. Y. Denison Olmsted, hh.D., East Hartford, New Haven. Tutor and Prof. N. Ph. and Astr. Y. C, Prof. Chem. Univ. N. C. Josiah Spalding, Esq., Pomfret, St. Louis, Mo. George Sumner, M.D., Pomfret, Hartford. Prof. Bot. Trin. Coll. 1814. *Elisha Averill, Esq., Washington, George Belden, Carmel, N. Y., Rev. Amzi Benedict, New Canaan, Hon. William B. Calhoun, Boston, Ms., Sen. Ms., Rep. U. S. Cong. *Donald Chester, Wethersfield, Rev. Theodore Clap, Easthampton, Ms., *Hon. James Cooley, Long Meadow, Ms., U. S. Charge d' Affaires Peru. James Hamilton Couper, Esq., Samuel Henry Dickson, M.D., Prof. Theor. and Prac. Med. S, C. Med. Coll. Rev. Ralph Wells Gridley, Granhy, Ms., *Lowman Hawes, Esq., TVarren, Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Editor, Heath, Ms., Daniel Lord, Esq., LL.D., Anson Moody, M.D., South Hadley, Ms., Jesse Oakley, Esq., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Rev. David Longworth Ogden, New Haven, Frederick A. Richards, Hon. Ebenezer Seeley, Weston, Sen. Ct. *Edward P.Simmons, Esq., Georgetoion, S. C, *Hon. George Evans Spruill, Tarboro\ N. C, Sen. N. C. New York City. New York City. Worcester, Ms. Springfield, Ms. Baltimore, Md. New Orleans, La. Lima, S. A. St. Simon's Isl., Ga. Charleston, S. C. Jacksonville, III. Maysville, Ky. Boston, Ms. New York City. North Flaven. New York City. Brooklyn, N. Y. New London. New York City. Charleston, S. C. Warren Co., N. C. 23 Hon. William L. Storrs, LL.D., Middletoion, New Haven. Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct., Prof. Law Y. C. John Titsworlh, M.D., Deckertown, N. J. ^Cornelius Tuthill, Esq., New Paltz, N. Y., New Haven. Rev. Nath'l S. Wheaton, D.D., Washington, New Orleans, La. Pres. Trin. Coll. Rev. Thomas Scudder Wickes, Jamaica, N. Y., Ballston Center, N. Y. Rev. Leonard Withington, Dorchester, Ms., Newbury, Ms. 1815. Edwards Clarke, Esq., Windham. Hon. John M. Clayton, LL.D., Milford, Del, New Castle, Del. Sen. U. S. Cong., Chief Judge Sup. Court Del William Codman, * James Davis, Esq., *Henry Edwin Dwight, John Dick Eccles, Esq., Rev. Orin Fowler, Lebanon, *William Edgar Gallaudet, Hartford, Hon. Horatio Gridley, M.D., Sen. Ct., Fellow Y. C. Charles Henry Hammond, New York City, * Jeremiah Hine, Esq., Hon. Isaac Edwards Holmes, Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Horace Hooker, Berlin, Tutor Y. C. Andrew Huntington, Teacher, Lebanon, Henry Kellogg, Esq., Amherst, Ms., John Berwick Legare, Esq., Hon. Thomas Alexander Marshall, New York City. Smyrna, Del. New Haven. Fayetteville, N. C. Fail River, Ms. New York City. Berlin. Bennington, Vt. South East, N. Y. Charleston, S. C. Hartford. Peekskill, N. Y. Hubbardton, Vt. Charleston, S. C. Frankfort, Kv. Rep. U. S. Cong., Ch. Judge Court of Appeals Ky. James Gates Percival, M.D., Berlin, John Pope, Huntsville, Ala., Hubbard Rockwell, Tutor Y.C. *Ezekiel Sanford, Esq., Hon. Truman Smith, Roxhury, Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. William B. Sprague, D.D., Hebron, Sims White, Rev. Joseph Dresser Wickham, Neio York City, Manchester, Vt. Tutor Y. C, Teacher. New Haven. Memphis, Tenn. Lyme. Columbia, S. C. Litchfield. Albany, N. Y. St. Stephen's, S. C. 1816. Rev. Isaac Bird, Teacher, Salisbury, Eli Whitney Blake, Westborough, Ms., Hon. Reuben Booth, Kent, Sen. Ct., Fellow Y. C. and Lieut. Gov. Ct. *John Steinmetz Brinton, Esq., Rev. Edward Bull, Saybrook, Tutor Y.C. *John A. B. Fisher, Hartford. New Haven. Danbury. Philadelphia, Pa. Cheshire. Richmond, Va. 24 Rev. William Henry Foote, Colchester^ Rev. William Chauncey Fowler, Guilford^ Tutor Y. C, Prof. Chem. Mid. Coll., Prof. Rhet. *Rev. James Angel Fox, Montville, George Hill, Guilford, *Uriel Holmes, *George McClellan, M.D., Woodstock, Prof. Surg. Jeff. Med. Coll. *Rev. William Nevins, D.D., Norwich, Charles Olcott, Esq., East Hartford, Hawley Olmstead, Teacher, Wilton, Francis Parsons, Esq., Amherst, Ms., Henry B. Pearson, Esq., Andover, Ms., Charles Perot, Esq., Rev. George Edmund Pierce, D.D., Southhury, Pres. W. Reserve Coll. *Phinehas Smith, Esq., Roxhury, *George Swift, Esq., Windham, Henry Willys Taylor, Esq., Enfield, *Rufus Woodward, Tutor Y. C. 1817. Romney, Va. Amherst, Ms. and Orat. Amh. Coll. New Orleans, La. Washington City. Litchfield. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Medina, Ohio. New Haven. Hartford. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Hudson, Ohio. Rutland, Vt. Kinsman, Ohio. Marshall, Mich. Torrington. *Ebenezer Bailey, Teacher, Newhury, Ms., Apollos D. Bates, Granby, Wm. L. Clark, Esq., New Rochelle, N. Y., Rev. Lyman Coleman, D.D., Hartford, Tutor Y. C, Prof. German Coll. N. J. Rt.Rev.W.H.DeLancey,D.D.,ikrawiaronecA:,iV.Y., Geneva, N.Y. Provost Univ. Penn., Bish. West. N. Y. * Joseph William Edmiston, Esq., * Joseph Fowler, * William Gushing Gay, Esq., *Jared Griswold, Esq., Lyme, Robert Hartshorne, Esq., *Rev. Samuel Bridge Ingersoll, Beverly, Ms., Hon. Joel Jones, Coventry, Pres. Judge District Court Pa. David Nevins Lord, Franklin, Hon. Charles Johnson McCurdy, Fellow Y. C, Sen. and Lieut. Gov. Ct. Hon. Thomas Burr Osborne, Weston, Rep. U. S. Cong. '*Robert Bridges Patton, Philadelphia, Pa., P. D. Univ. Gotting., Prof. Gr. and Lat. Mid. and N. J. Colls, and N.' Y. Univ. Benjamin Edmond Payne, Esq., Norfolk, Va., Fluvanna Co., Va. Samuel Huntington Perkins, Esq., Windham, Philadelphia, Pa. Chauncey Ripley, Esq., Coventry. Rev. Jonathan Silliman, Sayhrook, Canterbury, N. Y. *William Bostwick Stillson, New Milford. Hon. Thomas Tucker Whittlesey, Danbury. Rep.U. S.Cong. Edmund Wilkins, Esq., Greenville, Va. Boston, Ms., Windsor. Winchester, Va. Princeton, N. J. Lexington, Kv. Milford. Suffield. Hartford. Portland, N. J. Shrewsbury, Ms. Philadelphia, Pa. New York Cily. Lyme. Fairfield. New York City. 25 1818. *Rev. David Botsford, Frank Bugbee, Esq., Ashford, Rev. Alfred Chester, Hartford, *Henry Clary, Conway, Ms., Hon. Hiram Francis Cone, East Haddam, Judge Circ. Court Ga. Caleb Day, Esq., James Keith Duke, Esq., Washington, Ky., Henry Dutton, Esq., Watertown, Tutor Y. C. *Rev. Joseph Morgan Gilbert, Hamden, Roger Wolcott Griswold, Esq., Lyme, Rev. Ralph Randolph Gurley, Lebanon, Rev. Hector Humphreys, D.D., Canton, Prof. Lang. Trin. Coll., Pres. St. John's Coll. Alfred Kellogg, M.D., Hebron, Hon. Romeo Lowrey, Farmington, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. Rev. William Mitchell, Saybrook, Sheldon Moore, Rev. Joel Worthington Newton, Colchester^ Chaplain in U. S. Navy. *Rev. Isaac Orr, Bedford, N. H, Hon. Thomas Clap Perkins, Sen. Ct. James Raymond, Esq., Montville, Hon. Richard Ely Selden, Sen. Ct. Rev. Thomas Leffingwell Shipman, Norwich, *Edward Turner, North Haven, Prof. Math, and Nat. PhU. Mid. Coll. 1819. Newtown. Washington, Ala. Morristown, N. J. Quarlesville, Va. Greensboro', Ga. Catskill, N. Y. Georgetown, Ky^ Bridgeport. Edisto, S. C. Ashtabula, Ohio. Washington, D. C. Annapolis, Md. Avon. Southington. Carmel, N. Y. Berlin. U. S. Navy. Amherst, Ms. Hartford. Fredericktown, Md. Lyme. Jewett City. Middlebury, Vt. New London. Hon. Noyes Billings, Fellow Y. C, Sen. and Lieut. Gov. Ct. Elijah Bishop, M.D., Lisbon, * Jonathan Humphrey Bissell, Hartford, *Dr. Norman Bull, Harwinton, Gustavus B. Campbell, M.D., Edward Chapin, Esq., Rocky Hill, Joshua Coit, Esq., Norwich, *Joseph Alston Hill, Esq., *Rev. Sylvester Hovey, Conway, Ms., Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Will. Coll. and Amh. Coll. Hon. Asahel Huntington, Topsfeld, Ms., Salem, Ms. Sen. Ms. John Hiram Lathrop, LL.D., Sherburne, N. Y., Columbia, Mo. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Law, Mor. and Polit. Phil. Ham. Coll., Pres. Lniv. 3Io. Jeremy Parkhurst, Teacher, Framingham, Ms., James Mongin Smith, Beaufort, S. C. *Pinckney Spring, Newburyport, Ms. Smithsburg, Md. New York City. Watertown. Petersburg, Va. York, Pa. New York City. Wilmington, N. C. Hartford. 26 Shadrach Terry, Riverhead, N. Y. Rev. Wm.Wolcott Turner, Gr. Barrington, Ms.<, Hartford. Teacher Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 1820. Rev. Leonard Bacon, D.D., Hartford, New Haven. Fellow Y. C. Hon. John Hall Brockvvay, Ellington. Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. Mason Brown, Esq., Frankfort, Ky, ^Theodore Chapmau Cone ^Esq., East Haddam, Terre Haute, la. *Francis Bureau Deshon, Esq., New London, Mobile, Ala. Hon. Garnett Duncan, Louisville, Ky. Rep. U. S. Cong., Prof. Law Louisville Law School. Walter Edwards, Esq., Hartford, New York City. Horace Foote, Esq., Marlborough, Cleveland, Ohio. George Calvin Goddard, Esq., Norwich, New York City. Charles Hooker, M.D., Berlin, New Haven. Prof. Anat. and Phys. Y. C. Hon. Wnri. Joseph Hubbard, New York City, Boston, Ms. Sen. Ms. *Rev. Chester Ishann, Hartford, Taunton, Ms. *James McElhenny, Esq., Charleston, S. C. *Robert Orr, Esq., Bedford, N. H, Brunswick, Me. Rev. Samuel Kirby Sneed, Louisville, Ky., New Albany, la. John Montgonnery Sterling, Esq., Salisbury, Cleveland, Ohio. Solomon Stoddard, Northampton, Ms., Middlebury, Vt. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Gr. and Lat. Mid. Coll. Alexander Catlin Twining, New Haven, Middlebury, Vt. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Mid. Coll. Daniel Van Matre, Esq., New Lancaster, Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. Theodore D. Woolsey, LL.D., N Y. City, New Haven. Tutor, Prof. Greek and President Y. C. 1821. Rev. George Eliashib Adams, Bangor, Me., Brunswick, Me. Prof. Sac. Lit. Theol. Sem. Bangor. Rev. John Ripley Adams, Andover, Ms., Brighton, Ms. Charles Atwood, Esq., Haverhill, Ms., Boston, Ms. David Walker Benjamin Barton, Esq., Winchester, Va. *Lemuel Whittelsey Belden, M.j)., Wether sf eld, Springfield, Ms. William Williams Billings, New London. Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, Norwalk, Concord, N. H. John Boyd, Winchester. Rev. Josiah Brewer, Tyringham, Ms., New Haven. Tutor Y. C, Teacher. Asa Child, Esq., Woodstock, New York City. Rev. ThomasWinthrop Coil, D.D., New London, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pres. Trans. Univ. *Rev. George Cowles, New Hartford, Danvers, Ms. *Samuel Hooker Cowles, Farmington. Lucius Campbell Duncan, Esq., New Orleans, La. Rev. David Greene, Stoneham, Ms., Boston, Ms. Secretary A. B. C. F. M. *Theodore Hinsdale, Winchester. 27 Hon. Frederick William Lord, M.D., Lyme, Sag Harbor, N. Y. Rep. U. S, Cong. Rev. John Mitchell, Sayhrook, Rev. Isaac Peck, Teacher, Greemoich, Rev. John Richards, D.D., Farmington, Rev. Oliver Abbot Shaw, Boston, Ms., Rev. Eli Smith, Missionary, Northford, Rev. John Smith, Wether sjield, Joseph Stansbury, Teacher, New York City, Henry White, Esq., Tutor Y. C. Phinehas Bacon Wilcox, Esq., Middletown, Stratford. New York City. Hanover, N. H. Philadelphia, Pa. Beirut, Syria. Wilton. London, Eng. New Haven. 1822. Columbus, Ohio. Northampton, Ms. Hon. Osmyn Baker, Amherst, Ms., Rep. 0. S. Cong. Rev. Edward Beecher, D.D., Litchfield, Boston, Ms. Tutor Y. C, Pres. Illinois Coll. Rev. Henry Benedict, Norwalk, Westport. Rev. Horatio N. Brinsmade,D.D.,iVewHar/ybr£Z, Newark, N. J. Bristol. Rushville, III. Whitewater, Wis. Troy, N. Y. New York City. Lyons, N. Y. Rev. Albert Barlow Camp, Litchfield, *Rev. George Carrington, Neio Canaan, Rev. Francis Hiram Case, Canton, *Rev. Sutherland Douglass, Francis Griffin, Esq., Hon. John Milton Holley, Salisbury, Rep. U. S. Cong. *Thomas Earl Ives, Esq., Gr. Barrington,Ms., New Orleans, La. John Reynolds Knox, M.D., Carlisle, Pa., New York City. William Henry Law, Esq., New London, Norwich. Rev. John Maltby, Northford, Bangor, Me. *Asahel Phelps Mills, Austinburg, Ohio, Eastport, Me. Arthur Alex, MorsonjKsq., Fredericksburg, Va., Richmond, Va. Harvey Prindle Peet, Bethlem, New York City. Principal of the N. Y. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. *Walter Reynolds, Esq., North East, N, Y., Pine Plains, N. Y. Norwich. Hon. John Arnold Rockwell, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. * William Sheldon, Esq., Rev. Elizur Goodrich Smith, Durham, Landon Thomas, Esq., Rev. John Todd, D.D., Guilford, *Isaac Henry Townsend, Esq., Prof. Law Y. C. Rev. Jared Bell Waterbury,D.D.,iV. York City, Hudson, N. Y. Rev. Thomas Tileston Waterman, Bridgeport, Providence, R. Litchfield. Washington, D. C. Frankfort, Ky. Pittsfield, Ms. New Haven. I. *Isaac Webb, Esq., Saybrook, Tutor Y. C. Hon. Frederick Whittlesey, Southington, Sen. Ohio. William Leeds Wight, M.D., Luther Wright, Tutor Y. C, Teacher. Middletown. Cleveland, Ohio. Richmond, Va. East Hampton, Ms. 28 1823. Rev. Milton Badger, D.D., Coventry^ Tutor Y. C, Sec'y Am. Home Mi^s. Soc. Rev. George W. Blagden, Washington^ D. C, *Anthony Wayne Builer, *Rev. Daniel Crosby, Hampden.^ Me., Hon. Edward Dickinson, Sen. Ms. Hon. Joshua Beat Ferris, Greenwich^ Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. Edward Goodwin, Simeon Hart, Teacher, Burlington^ Rev. Gurdon Hayes, Granby, *Rev. Eleazar Holt, Norfolk^ Rev. George Jones, York, Pa., Tutor Y. C. Rev. Handel Gershom Nott, Sayhrook, Rev. Edward Willia:m Peet, Bridgeport, Rev. Stephen Peet, Newburgh, Ohio, Rev. Dudley Phelps, Belchertoivn, Ms., Rev. Norman Pinney, Simsbury, Prof. Lang. Trin. Coll. Charles Levin Powell, Esq., Upperville, Va., Edmund Luther Reed, Rev. Samuel Hopkins Riddel, Hadley, Ms., Sec'y Am. Ed. Soc. *Timothy Rogers, Hon. Aaron Nichols Skinner, Woodstock, Tutor and Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Teacher. Charles Stetson, Esq., William Sterling Sullivant, Franklinton, Ohio, *Rev. Joseph Whiting, Milford, Prof. Ancient Lang. Univ. Mich. Horace Wilder, Esq., Hartland, Rev. Thomas John Young, 1824. John Turvill Adams, Esq., Rev. Hiram Phelps Arms, Deerjleld, Ms., James Berdan, Esq., New York City, *Eliab Brewer, Tyringham, Ms. Hon. Eliphalet Adams Bulkley, Colchester, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. Hon. Linus Child, Woodstock, Sen. Ms. *' James Reeve Gould, Esq., Litchfield, Hon. Willis Hall, Granville, N. Y, Attorney General N. Y. *William M. Holland, Esq., Belchertown, Ms., Tutor Y. C, Prof. Lang. Trin. Coll. *William Edward Hulbert, Frederick Joseph Judson, M.D., Elias W. Leavenworth, FiSC{.,G.iBarrington,Ms. Frederick Baldwin Leonard, M.D., New York City. Boston, Ms. Jefferson Co., Mi. Boston, Ms. Amherst, Ms. Stamford. Hartford. Farmington. Washington. Reading, Pa. U. S. Navy. Bath, Me. Rah way, N. J. Beloit, Wis. Groton, Ms. Mobile, Ala. Leesburg, Va. Salisbury. Boston, Ms. Middletown. New Haven. Hampden, Me. Columbus, Ohio. Ann Arbor, Mich. Jefferson, Ash. Co., O. Charleston, S. C. Norwich. Norwich. Jacksonville, III. Newbern, N. C. Hartford. Lowell, Ms. Augusta, Ga. New York City. New York City. Middletown. Bridgeport. , Syracuse, N. Y. Lansingburgh, N. Y. 29 ^James Lewis, Southington, Milton Pardee Orton, M.D., Sharon, Rev. George VVilliam Perkins, Hartford, Timothy Stone Pinneo, M.D., Milford, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Marietta Coll. Rev. Dennis Piatt, Danhury, Origen Storrs Seymour, Esq., Hon. Ashbel Smith, M.D., Hartford, West Point, N. Y. Lawrenceville, Pa. Meriden. Marietta, Ohio. Binghamton, N. Y. Litchfield. Galveston, Texas. Texan Sec. State and Charge des Affaires at London and Paris. Rev. Theophilus Smith, Halifax, Vt., Tutor and Fellow Y. C. Alvan Talcott, M.D., Vernon, Rev. Selah Burr Treat, Editor, Hartford, Rec. Sec'y A. B. C. F. M. William Patterson Van Rensselaer, Esq., 1825. Josiah Barnes, M.D., Tolland, Hon. William Gelston Bates, Sen. Ms. William Bliss, Esq., Springfield, Ms., Rev. Ebenezer Boyden, Guilford, Vt., John Simkins Butler, M.D., Northampton, Ms., Phys. Conn. Retreat for the Insane. Rev. Eber Carpenter, Coventry, Hon. Abijah Catlin, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. William Rutherford Hayes, Brattlehoro'' , Vt., Worthington Hooker, M.D., Springfield, Ms., Nathan Beers Ives, M.D., New Canaan. Guilford. Boston, Ms. Greenbush, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Westfield, Ms. New York City. Everettsville, Va. Hartford. Southbridge, Ms. Harwinton. Barbadoes, W. L Norwich. New Haven. Rev. Joseph Hulbert Nichols, New York City, Bristol. Clinton, N. Y. Rev. Simeon North, LL.D,, Middletoion, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Lang, and Pres. Ham. Coll. *Amos Pettingell, Newhuryport, Ms., Tutor Y. C. Rev. William Smith Porter, Rev. Samuel Rockwell, Winchester, Isaac Gurdon Seymour, Esq., Savannah, Ga., Hon. Thomas Slidell, Judge Sup. Court La., U. S. Min. Mex. Richard Smith, Esq., Rev. George Jeffrey Tillotson, Farmington, Rev. William Twining, Neio Haven, Prof. Math, and Nat Phil. Wabash Coll. Rev. Edward R.Tyler, Editor, 5ra^iZe5oro',Fif., New Haven. Rev. Joseph Whittlesey, Teacher, Washington, Berlin. Hon. Still man King Wightman, Middletown, New York City. Sen. Ct. Stephen Clay Williams, Esq., Middletown, New York City. Rev. Hubbard Winslow, Teacher, WiZZisioWjFj^., Boston, Ms. 1826. Rev. Eldad Barber, East Windsor, Florence, Ohio. Rev. Elijah Porter Barrows, Baltimore, Md., Hudson, Ohio. Prof. Sac. Lit. West. Res. Coll. New Haven. Farmington. New Britain. Macon, Ga. New Orleans, La. Sharon. Brooklyn. Crawfordsville, la. 30 Henry Curtis Beardsley, M.D., Huntington. Rev. Amos Blanchard, Andover, Ms., Tutor Y. C. William Peter Buel, M.D., Litchfield, * Jefferson Cooley, Teacher, Rev. Henry Cowles, Colehrook, Prof. Bib. Lit. Oberlin Inst. Rev. John Phelps Cowles, Teacher, Coleirook, Sherman Day, New Haven, Rev. Richard DeCharms, Philadelphia, Pa., Rev. James Taylor Dickinson, Montreal, Can., Wm. White Dwight, M.D., South Hadley, Ms., Charles Bezaleel Fisk, Engineer, Middletown, Rev. James Hanmer Francis, Wether sjleld, *Charles C. Pinckney Gale, Exeter, N. H., Charles Goddard, Portsmouth, N. H., *Rev. Samuel Hassard, Jamaica, W. I., Reuben Hitchcock, Esq., Burton, Ohio, Rev. Stephen Hubbell, Wilton, Rev, William Augustus Larned, Thompson, Tutor and Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit. Y. C. *Rev. Allen Clay Morgan, New London, Aurelius Dwight Parker, Esq., Princeton, Ms., Hon. William Parmelee, Lansingburgh, N. Y., Judge Sup. Court JS. Y. *Hugh Peters, Esq., Hartford, *Rev. Amos Augustus Phelps, Farmington, Rev. Charles Rockwell, Colebrook, Hon. Julius Rockwell, Colebrook, Rep. U. S. Cong. Hon. David Lowrey Seymour, Wether sjield. Tutor Y. C, Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. James Allwood Smith, Hartford, *John Wright Stanley, Ephraim Tanner Sturtevant, Teacher, Rev. Julian M. Sturtevant, Tallmadge, Ohio, Prof. Math, and IN at. Phil, and Pres. 111. Coll. Philip Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany, N. Y., Wyllys Warner, Plymouth, Tutor and Treasurer Y. C. *Elizur Timothy Washburn, Elizur Wright, Tallmadge, Ohio, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. W. Res. Coll., Editor. 1827. Rev. William Adams, D.D., Andover, Ms., Rev. Theron Baldwin, Goshen, Agent Coll. and Theol. Ed. Soc. Virgil D. Bonesteel, Esq., Redhook, N, Y., Albert Gallatin Bristol, M.D., New Haven, Rev. Horace Bushnell, D.D., Washington, Tutor Y. C. Lowell, Ms. New York City. Granby. Oberlin, Ohio. Ipswich, Ms. New York City. Baltimore, Md. Middletown. New York City. , Washington, D. C. New York City. Concord, N. H. Boston, Ms. Great Barrington, Ms. Paynesville, Ohio. Avon. New Haven. Cheshire. Boston, Ms. Albany, N. Y. Cincinnati, Ohio. New York City. Pontiac, Mich. Pittsfield, Ms. Troy, N. Y. Glastenbury. Wilmington, N. C. Tallmadge, Ohio. Jacksonville, 111. New York City. New Haven. Farmington. Boston, Ms. New York City. New York City. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Hartford. 31 *John Marshall Clagett, ♦Joseph Piatt Cooke, M.D., Rev. Zebulon Crocker, Willington, Joseph Cushins;, Rev. Henry Durant, Acton, Ms., Tutor Y. C. *Timothy E. Dvvight, Esq., Northampton, Ms., Stiles French, Teacher, Bethany, Joseph Henry Gallup, Preston, Rev. Charles Payson Grosvenor, Pomfret, Rev. Mason Grosvenor, Teacher, Mansfield, Henry Hogeboom, Esq., Ghent, N. Y., Rev. Richard Hooker, Springfield, Ms., William Wilson Hudson, Bellefonte, Ala., Prof. Math. Nat. Phil, and Astr. Univ. Mo. Sidney Law Johnson. Esq., New Haven, Tutor Y. C, Prof. i>Iath. U. S. Navy. Rev. William Kirby, Middletown, Rev. Robert M'Ewen, New London, Tutor Y. C. John Blair McPhail, Esq., Norfolk, Va., Silas Mix, Esq., Charles C. Parmelee, Esq., Lansinghurgh,N. Y., Alfred James Perkins, Lisbon, *Ephraim Simonds, Winchendon, Ms., Prof. Lang. Trans. Univ. John Bethune Staples, Esq., Neio Haven, Rev. C. Van Rensselaer, D.D., Albany, N.Y., Sec'y Presb. Board of Education. 1828. Ebenezer White Arms, Esq., Greenfield, Ms., Aurora, N. Y. Frederick Augustus P. Barnard, Sheffield, Ms., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Univ. Ala. • Rev. Flavel Bascom, Lebanon, Chicago, 111. Tutor Y. C. Horace Binney, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. * Walter Carpenter, Monroe, Port Gibson, Mi. Rev. William Carter, New Canaan, Pittsfield, III. Tutor Y. c. Edward William Casey, Esq., New York City, Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. Frederick Wm. Chapman, Thorndike,Ohio, Deep River. Alexandria, D. C. Litchfield. Upper Middletown. Baltimore, Md. Byfield, Ms. Raleigh, N. C. New Haven. North Stonington. North Scituate, R. I. Hudson, Ohio. Hudson, N. Y. Macon, Ga. Columbia, Mo. New Orleans, La. Jacksonville, III. Enfield, Ms. Halifax C.H.,Va. New Haven. Troy, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Lexington, Ky. New York City. Burlington, N. J. Rev. Henry Noble Day, Washington, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Sac. Rhet. W. Res. Coll. Sherman Finch, Esq., New Canaan, Rev. Lemuel Foster, Hartland, Thomas Emlen Franklin, Esq., *Rev. Henry Gleason, Thompson, *Hiram Holcomb, Southwick, Ms., Rev. Piatt Tyler Holley, Greenwich, Oliver Payson Hubbard, M.D., Rome, N. Y, Prof. Chem. and Phar., Min. and Geol. Dart. Coll *Peter Lanman Huntington, Fludson, Ohio. Delaware, Del. Co., O. Elm Point, III. Lancaster, Pa. Durham. New Haven. Sandisfield, Ms. Hanover, N. H. Norwich. •?t*'S') 32 Rev. James Davis Lewis, Falmouth^ Ms. Rev. Thomas Oliver Lincoln, Boston, Ms., Edward Henry Carroll Long, *David C. McNeeley, Rev. Alfred Newton, Colchester, ^ Tutor Y.C. *Francis Porter, *Rev. Edwin Stevens, New Canaan, Tutor Y. C, Missionary. George Washington Strong, Hon. William Strong, Somers, Rep. U. S. Cong. Hon. Isaac W. Stuart, Andover, Ms., Prof. Lang. Columb. Coll. S. C, Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct. *Henry Abraham Tomlinson, M.D., Stratford, New Haven. *Rev. Henry Aiken Worcester, Hollis, N. H., Portland, Me Manchester, N. H. Princess Ann, Md. Rowan Co., N. C. Norwalk, Ohio. Norwich. Canton, China. Bolton. Reading, Pa. Hartford. 1829. *Rev. G. H. Apthorp, Missionary, Quincy, Ms., Rev. William Perkins Apihorp, Quincy, Ms., Romeo Austin, Rev. Henry A. Boardman, D.D., 'Troy, N. Y., Rev. Ralph Bull, Scotchtoion, N. Y., *Fairfax Catlett, Alexandria, D. C, "V^illiam Frederick Clemson, Philad., Pa., Rev. Asa Drury, Athol, Ms., Prof. Lang. Cincinnati Coll. Rev. Warren Backus Button, Leianon, Rev. Joseph Eldridge, Yarmouth, Ms., Joseph M. Ely, Teacher, PFesi Springfield, Ms. Stephen Galatty, Esq., Rev. Edwin Randolph Gilbert, Hebron, Francis Giflette, Esq., Windsor, Rev. Leverett Griggs, Tolland, Tutor Y. C. *Samuel Beal Hindes, John Mills Hubbard, Rev. James Woods McLane, ^Elijah Hunt Mills, Samuel Porter, Farmington, Instructor Deaf and Dumb Asylum, *Wm. Bonney Sherwood, Teacher, Cornwall, Hon. Thomas Adam Spence, Rep. U. S. Cong. George C. Tenney, Esq., Wethersfield, Ms., Rev. Joseph Dennie Tyler, Brattleboro\ Vt., Principal Deaf and Dumb Asylum. * Alfred Washington Van Dyke, Henry Augustus Walker, Asa Waters, Esq., ^Howard Hart White, Esq., Danlury, * Orestes Wilcox, Ceylon, Asia. Illinois. Orwell, Vt. Philadelphia, Pa. West Town, N. Y. Texas. Chilicothe, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Charlestown, Va. Norfolk. , New York City. Scio, Greece. Wallingford. Bloomfield. New Haven. Baltimore, Md. Windsor. Williamsburgh, N. Y. Northampton, Ms. Hartford. Greenwich. Snow Hill, Md. Worcester, Ms. Staunton, Va. Newcastle, Del. Albany, N. Y. Millbury, Ms. New York City. Simsbury. 33 1830. Columbus, Ohio. Hartford. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Hartford. Londonderry, N Charleston, S. C. Georgetown, D Readinc John Whiting Andrews, Esq., WalHngford, James Root Averill, Esq., Rev. John Chester Backus, New Haven, George Goddard Barclay, Esq., Henry Barnard, Esq., Timothy Green Brainerd, St.Alhans, Vt., Thomas Legare Burden, M.D., George Rush Clark, Esq., Rev. David Close Comstock, New Canaan, 'I'utor Y. C. William Russell Cone, Esq., East Haddam, Rev. James Radcl iff Davenport, iVez6'YorA: City, Cazenovia, N. Y. Tutor Y. C. Samuel Worthington Dorsey, Elkridge, Md., Richard Griswold Drake, Esq., Windsor, John Montgomery Gordon, Esq., Elijah Phelps Grant, Esq., Colehrook, *Frederick A. Hanford,Esq., Silver Creek,N.Y., New York City. Elias Loomis, Willington, New York Citv. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. W. Res. Coll., and X. Y. Univ. H. C. Hartford. Natchez, Mi. Hartford. Fredericksburg, Va. Canton, Ohio. *Samuel Merrill, Rev. William Whiting Newell, Boston, Ms.. * Abraham Pratt Nott, M.D., Rev. Ray Palmer, Little Compton, R. I., Edmund Smith Rhett, Esq., Anthony Dumond Stanley, East Hartford, Tutor and Prof. 31ath. Y. C. Rev. William Bouton Weed, New Canaan, Henry Rogers Winthrop, Esq., Stamford, Lewis Bartholomew Woodruff, Esq., Litchfeld, New York City. 183L James Hopkins Adams, Rev. William Watsoll Andrews, Cornwall, Rev. John Guest Atterbury, Newark, N. J., Rev. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater, Hamden, Tutor Y. C. James Mc Henry Boyd, John Milton Clapp, Editor, Mentor, Ohio, Samuel Southmayd DeForest, Thomas Douglass, Waterford, *Thomas Lawrence Evans, *Rev. Lew'is Foster, Hartland, Rev. James Henry Fowles, St.Mary'^s, Ga., * William Grant, Ninian Edwards Gray, Esq., Junius Hall, Esq., Ellington, George Payne Holeman, iRev. Elisha Cowles Jones, Hartland, Tutor Y. C. Newburyport, Ms. Montgomery, N. Y. Saybrook. Bath, Me. Beaufort, S. C. New Haven. Stratford. New York Citv. Columbia, S. C. Kent. Flint, Mich. Fairfield. Baltimore, Md. Charleston, S. C. Watertown. New London. Natchez, Mi. Clinton. Philadelphia, Pa. Dover, N. Y. Elkton, Ky. Boston, Ms. Fluvanna Co., Va. Southington. 34 Rev. Lorenzo L. Langstroth, Philadelphia^Pa. , Greenfield, Ms. TutorY.C, Teacher. Rev. William Beale Lewis, Brooklyn, N. Y. *Rev. Francis Vergnies Pike, Newburyport, Ms. Trusten Polk, Esq., Bridgeville, Del., St. Louis, Mo. Rev. Noah Porter, Farmington, New Haven. Tutor and Prof. Mor. Phil, and Metaphysics, Y. C. *Albert More Rhett, Esq., Beaufort, S. C. Rev. Ephraim Dod Sanders, Meadham, N. J., Petersburg, Va. RoUin Sanford, Esq., Litchfield, New York City. *Thomas Seddon, Fredericksburg, Va. Rev. Alex. Joseph Sessions, Warren, Ms., Salem, Ms. Newton Deming Strong, Esq., Somers, Reading, Pa. Tutor Y. C. Edward Wain, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Edward Winthrop, New Haven, Marietta, Ohio. Prof. Sac. Lit. Epis. Theol. Sera, of Kentucky. 1832. *Samuel George Baker, M.D., Baltimore, Md. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Univ. Md. Seth Collins Brace, Newington, New York City. Tutor Y. C. Rev. Erastus Colton, Hartford, Michigan City, la. *Rev. John Owen Colton, Wesiford, N. Y., New Haven. Tutor Y. C. John Jacob Astor Ebbetts, New York City. *John Jay Evarts, Boston, Ms. Alfred Hebard, Windham, Burlington, Iowa. Rev. Henry Lawrence Hitchcock, Burton, Ohio , Columbus, Ohio. * George Theodore Kingsley,Esq., New Haven, Cleveland, Ohio. Abner Neal, Esq., Baltimore, Md. Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton, Cornwall, Alton, III. Edward Elbridge Salisbury, Boston, Ms., New Haven. Prof. Arabic and Sanskrit Y. C. Walter Welles Seymour, Esq., Wethersfield, Tiroy, N. Y. John Derby Smith, New Haven, Baltimore, Md. Rev. RoUin Sidney Stone, New York City, Danbury. William Tenney, Esq., Wethersfield, New York City. Charles Tracy, Esq., Whitesboro\ N. Y., Utica, N. Y. Edward Wurts, Louisville, Ky. 1833. *Epaphroditus Champion Bacon, Esq., Litchfield. *Michael Baldwin, Esq., New Haven, Natchez, Mi. John Campbell Beach, Esq., Auburn, N. Y. Stanton Beldin, Teacher, Sandisfield, Ms., Fruit Hill, R. I. Rev. Noah Bishop, Litchfield, Enon, Ohio. Edward Anthony Bradford, Esq., Plainfield, New Orleans, La. Rev. Samuel Giles Buckingham, Lebanon, Springfield, Ms. Josiah Clark, Teacher, Rutland, Ms., Leicester, Ms. 35 James Dwight Dana, Utica, N. Y., Geologist U. S. Exploring Expedition, Editor. Rev. George Edward Day, New Haven, Abijah Barnum Dunlap, Rev. Samuel Wm. Southmayd Dutton, Guilford Tutor Y. C. Rev. William Woodward Eells, Middletown, Rev. Robert Dixon Gardner, East Haddam, John Calvin Goddard, Esq., New London, *Alfred Kimball Gould, Hopkinton, N. H., Rev. Abel Knapp Hinsdale, Torrington, Silas Holmes, M.D., Bristol, R. J., Surgeon U. S. N. John Hustis, Esq., Ebenezer Alfred Johnson, New Haven, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. N. Y. Univ. *WilHam Hayne M'Call, William Newton Matson, Esq., Colchester, Heman Mead, Teacher, Greenwich, * Alfred Perkins, Rev. Joseph Pettee, Salisbury, *Robert Robertson, William H. Russell, M.D., Middletown, Tutor Y. C, Teacher. James Tuttle Sherman, Editor, *Moses Brown Stuart, Andover, Ms., Alphonso Taft, Esq., Jamaica, Vt., Tutor Y. C. Rev. Jonathan B. Turner, Templeton, Ms., Prof. Rhet. and Belle.s Lettres, Illinois Coll. Cornelius Van Santvoord, Esq., Jersey City, N. J., Leonidas Wilson, Rev. Samuel Wolcott, East Windsor, Rev. George Ingersoll Wood, Bridgeport, 1834. Lewis St.John Benedict, New Canaan, Rev. William Ives Budington, New Haven, Hon. Henry Wm. Ellsworth, Hartford, U. S. Charge des Affaires. Rev. Alfred Emerson, Wethersjield, Tutor Y. C. Rev. Reuben Gaylord, Norfolk, James Gilmore, John Newton Kendall, M.D., Granhy, Henry Coit Kingsley, Esq., New Haven, John Murdoch, Henry Pomeroy, Coventry, Rev. Elijah Frink Rockwell, Lebanon, Samuel St.John, New Canaan, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Chem., Min. and Geol. W. Nathan Perkins Seymour, Hartford, Tutor Y. C, Prof. Lat. and Or. W. Res. Coll New Haven. Marlborough, Ms. Ovid, N. Y. New Haven. Washington, D. C. Monroe. New York City. Andover, Ms. Mosul, Persia. U. S. Navy. Phillipstown, N. Y. New York City. Charleston, S. C. Hartford. Macon, Ga. Warren, Ohio. Abington, Ms. Norfolk, Va. New Haven. Trenton, N. J. Hartford. Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacksonville, III. New York City. Montgomery Co., Md. Longmeadow, Ms. North Branford. New York City. Charlestown, Ms. Stockholm, Sweden. South Reading, Ms. Danville, Iowa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Benton, Ala. Cleveland, Ohio. Rodney, Mi. New York City. Statesville, N. C. Hudson, Ohio. Res. Coll. Hudson, Ohio. 36 William Nathaniel Harrell Smith, Esq., Murfreesboro', N. C. George Gilman Spencer, Hartford^ New York City. William Henry Starr, Esq., Neio York City^ Burlington, Iowa. James B. Thomson, Teacher, S-pringfield^ Vt., Auburn, N. Y. John Hubbard Tweedy, Esq., Daiibury, Milwaukie, Wis. Hon. Wm. H. Washington, Waynesboro\ N.C.. Newbern, N. C. Rep. U. S Cong. Charles Roger Welles, WefJiersfield, Peoria, III. *Rev. Samuel G. Whitteisey, Utica^ N. Y., Ceylon. Tutor Y, C, Missionary. 1835. EbenezerB. Adams, Teacher, Fairfield. Edwin A. Anderson, M.D., Wilmington, N. C. Philadelphia, Pa. Jared Augustus Ayres, New Canaan, Hartford. Teacher Deaf and Dumb Asylum. John Brocklesby, Avon, Hartford. Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Trin. Coll. I Nehemiah Bushnell, Esq., Westbrook, Quincy, 111. Rev. Amos Sheffield Chesebrough, Stonington, Chester. *John Davis, Esq., Norihboro\ Ms., St. Louis, Mo. Rev. Samuel Ware Fisher, Patterson, N. J., Cincinnati, Ohio. *Charles Alonzo Gager, Bozrah. Tutor Y.C. Rev. Orrin Reed Howard, Tolland. Rev. James Hervey Howe, N. Y. City, Washing'n Horw,N.Y. Tutor Y. C. Alexander Smith Johnson, Esq., Vtica, N. Y., New York City. Osbert Burr Loomis, Windsor, Havana, Cuba. William McLellan, Esq., Green Castle, Pa., Monroe, Mich. Rev. Charles Lewis Milis, Morristozon, N. J., Ashland, Ms. Ethelbert Smith Mills, Esq., New York City. Abraham Hazen Robinson, M.D., Concord, N. H. Hugh White ShefFey, Esq., Staunton, Va. *Edward William Smith, Esq., Stamford, New York City. *Henry Smith, Hartford. *John Cotton Smith, Stamford. *Rev. Caleb Strong, Northampton, Ms., Montreal, Can. Rev. John Lord Taylor, Warren, Andover, Ms. Tutor Y. C. Thomas Anthony Thacher, Hartford, New Haven. Tutor and Adj. Prof. Lat. Y. C. *William Wallace Wilcox, Madison. Charles Wright, Engineer, Wethersfield, Texas. 1836. Rev. Edward Elias Atwater, New Haven, Ravenna, Ohio. Franklin Thomas Backus, Esq., Ithaca, N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio. John Wood Black, Springfield, N. J. George IMorgan Brown, Esq., Lisbon, Boston, Ms. Josiah Mason Carter, Esq., New Canaan, New York City. Rev. Josiah Gardiner Davis, Concord, Ms., Amherst, N. H. 37 Henry Hatch Dent, Esq., Port Tobacco^ Md.^ Rev. Edgar Jared Doolittle, Wallingford^ Frederick Lewis Durand, Esq., Berlin^ William Davis Ely, Esq., Tutor Y.C. Oscar Fisher, Teacher, Woodstock^ Edward Lucas Hart, Teacher, Rev. Sylvester Judd, Northampton^ Ms., John Griffith Martin, Esq., George Lockwood Marvin, Esq., Clinton, N.Y., Rev. Charles Backus McLean, Simsbury, George Mixter, Hardioick, Ms., Rev. Thomas Ciapp Pitkin, Farmington, Rev. Giles Meigs Porter, Farmington, William S. Rowland, Esq., Windsor, Joseph F. Sabine, Onondaga Hollow, N. Y., Theodore Stanley, East Hartford, John Morton Swift, Esq., Albert Todd, Esq., Jersey City, N. J., Nelson Wheeler, Teacher, Royalston, Ms., Rev. Richard H. Wilmer, Alexandria, D, C, James McAlpin Wray, Esq., 1837. Rev. William Metcalf Birchard, Lebanon, *Rev. Joab Brace, Newington, Rev. Aaron Lucius Chapin, Hartford, Rev. David Benton Coe, Granville, Ms., Tutor Y. C. Horace Benjamin Colton, Westford, N. Y. Thomas Mills Day, Esq., Thomas Rice Dutton, William Pierce Eaton, Esq., Plainfield, William Maxwell Evarts, Esq., Boston, Ms., Rev. Chauncey Goodrich, New Haven, Walter Tilden Hatch, New York City, Rev. Orlo Daniel Hine, New Milford, * Addison Lyman Hunt, Columbia, Rev. Robert Coit Learned, Rev. Chester Smith Lyman, Manchester, Rev. Myron Newton Morris, Kent, Robert H. Paddock, M.D., Warsaw, N. Y, Edwards Pierrepont, Esq., North Haven, Tutor Y. C. Silas Fisher Plimpton, Esq., Foxborough, Ms., *Daniel Powers, Tutor Y. C. John Phelps Putnam, Esq., Hartford, William Randolph Randall, Rev. William Russell, Stratford, *Luther Scarborough, Hartford, Washington, D. C. Hebron. Rochester, N. Y. Hartford. Newark, N. J. Farmington. Augusta, Me. Paris, Ky. Buffalo, N. Y. CoUinsville. Dixon, 111. New Haven. Fairfield. New York City. Syracuse, N. Y. Jefferson City, Mo. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo. Worcester, Ms. Berryville, Va. New Orleans, La. Bozrah. Lanesboro', Ms. Milwaukie, Wis. New York City. Hartford. New Haven. Greensboro', Ala. New York City. Maiden, Ms. Brooklyn, N. Y. Pontiac, Mich. Cambridge, Ala. New London. New Haven. North Stonington. Cheshire. Brooklyn, N. Y. Boston, Ms. Warren, Ms. Boston, Ms. Cortland, N. Y. Chatham. New Haven. 38 Hon. William Smith Scarborough, Brooklyri, Sen. Ct. Rev. George Schenck, Matteawan, N. Y., John Whitman Seymour, Esq., Rev. Azariah Smith, M.D., Manlius, N. Y., Missionary. Rev. Andrew Leete Stone, Oxford, Rev. John Owen Street, East Haven, Edmund Terry, Esq., Hartford, Morrison Remich Waite, Esq., Lyme, *Seth Tryon Wilbur, Rev. Stephen Yerkes, Harhorough, Pa., 1838. Rev. Perkins Kirkland Clark, Wesffield, Ms., Tutor Y. C. Rev. Robert Bethell Glaxton, Philadelphia, Pa., Edmund Lovell Dana, Esq., Eaton, Pa., Lewis Joel Dudley, Guilford, Tutor Y. C. Chester Dutton, Watertown, Rev. Edward Strong Dwight, New Haven, *Elisha Fitch, Prof. Math. U. S. Navy. *Seth Fuller, Teacher, Newtown, Ms., Ebenezer Hawley, Rev. James McChain, New York City, James Nooney, Chester, Ms., Tutor Y. C, Prof. Math. U. S. N., Prof. Math, and Rev. Whitman Peck, Greenwich, Carlos Fernando Ribeiro, M.D., Rev. Charles Rich, Boston, Ms., George Washington Sill, Andover, Prof. Math. Kemper Coll. Rev. David Tappan Stoddard, Northampton,Ms., Tutor Y, C, Missionary. Rev. Edward Strong, Vienna, Onf. Co., N. Y., Tutor Y. C. Thomas Grosvenor Talcott, Esq., Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa., James Tufts, Rev. Israel Perkins Warren, Bethany, *Thomas Scott Williams, Wethersfield, Rev. William Walter Woodworth, Neio Haven, 1839. Charles Astor Bristed, New York City. Philander Button, Teacher, North Haven, Greenwich. Rev. William Bestor Corbin, Henrietta, N. Y., St. Louis, *Mo. Henry Laurens Dawes, Esq., Cummington,Ms., North Adams, Ms. Charles St. John Eldredge, New York City. Endress Faulkner, Esq., Dansville, N. Y. Cincinnati, Ohio. Bedminster, N. J. Hartford. Erzeroom, Asia. Middletown. Jamestown, N. Y. New York City. Maumee City, Ohio. Genoa, N. Y. Long Green, Md. Chester Village, Ms. Carlisle, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Hartford. Wolcott, N. Y. Saco, Me. Montville. Waterbury. Ridgefield. Abingdon, Va. Hudson, Ohio. Nat. Phil. W. Res. Coll. Genoa, N. Y. Alcantara, Brazil. Buffalo, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo. Oroomiah, Persia. New Haven. New York City. New York City. Wardsboro', Vt. Hamden. Hartford. Berlin. 39 Abraham Evan Gvvynne, Esq., Hon. Willard Preble Hall, Harper^s Ferry ^ Va., Rep. U. S. Cong. Henry Rootes Jackson, Esq., Athens^ Ga., Rev. Isaac P. Langworthy, North Stonington^ Joseph Gay Eaton Lamed, Thompson^ Tutor Y. C. Augustus R. Macdonough, Esq., Middletown, *Ebenezer Porter Mason, Washington^ Henry Terry Mason, Esq., Enfield^ *John Francis Mason, Justus Smith Masters, Esq., Rev. Samuel John Mills Merwin, New Haven, Charles Huntington Morse, Rev. William H. Norris, Alexandria, D. C, Rev. Frederick T. Perkins, Sanbornton, N. H., Richard Elisha Rice, Saybrook, Daniel Lewis Rumsey, Alexander, N. Y., Tutor Y. C. Julius E. Sanford, Esq., North Haven, George Sherman, New Haven, John D. Sherwood, Esq., Fishkill, N. Y., *Charles Taintor, Rev. Increase Niles Tarbox, East Windsor, Tutor Y. C. Josiah D. Whitney, Chemist, Northampton, Ms., *William Perkins Williams, John Beach Woodford, Teacher, Avon, William Sturges Wright, Teacher, Glastenbury, 1840. Levi Abbot, Wilton, N. H., William Eyre Ashburner, Garwood Harvey Atwood, M.D., Woodbury, *James Staunton Babcock, Theodore Hutson Benedict, New York City, Henry Booth, Esq., Roxbury, William Chauvenet, Philadelphia, Pa., Prof. Math. U. S. Naval Asylum. Enoch Long Childs, Henniker, N. H, William B. Colclough, Esq., Wexford, Ireland, George H. Colton, Editor, Westford, N. Y., Charles Day, Washington, John Devereux, Raleigh, N. C, Rev. Richard Varick Dodge, Neio York City, *John Breed Dwight, Norwich, Tutor Y. C. Jonathan Edwards, Stephen Clark Foster, East Machias, Me., Thomas Edwin Foster, Teacher, Rev. John Putnam Gulliver, Boston, Ms., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weston, Mo. Savannah, Ga. Chelsea, Ms. New Haven. St. Louis, Mo. New Haven. Columbus, Ohio. Enfield. Hamilton, N. Y. Southport. Montgomery, Ala. Carlisle, Pa. East Cambridge, Ms. Madison. Silver Creek, N. Y. Dubuque, Iowa. Bangor, Me. New York City. Colchester. Framingham, Ms. Boston, Ms. New London. Middletown. Upper Middletown. Nashua, N. H. Philadelphia, Pa. Watertown. Coventry. Tarry town, N. Y. Towanda, Pa. Annapolis, Md. Worcester, Ms. Montgomery, Ala. New York City. New Orleans, La. Halifax Co., N. C. Princeton, la. New Haven. Andover, Ms. New Mexico. Andover, Ms. Norwich. 40 * Ambrose Newton Hitchcock, John Clark Hollister, Esq., Manchester, Vl, Joseph G. Hoyt, Teacher, Dunharton^ N. H., Thomas SeHman Iglehart, Rev. Horace James, Medford, Ms., Chauncey P. Judd, Esq., Northampton, Ms., Rev. Jared Owen Knapp, Greenwich, William Harrison Long, Hopkinton, N. H., Rev. Daniel March, Millhury, Ms., Daniel Parker Noyes, Tutor Y. C. Oscar Theodore Noyes, Plattekill, N. Y., Rev. Solomon Lavalette Perrin, East Windsor, Rev. Frederick Augustus Pratt, Deep River, Rev. George Richards, New London, Tutor Y. C. Rev. Joseph Few Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., Lewis Stirling, Rev. George Thacher, Hartford, 1841. Horace Andrews, Esq., New Britain, Joseph Folger Barnard, Esq., Nantucket, Ms., Samuel Weed Barnum, North Salem, N. Y., Ebenezer Banks Belden, M.D., N. Y. City, Lucien Birdseye, Esq., Pompey, N. Y., Sherman Miller Booth, Davenport, N. Y., Samuel Brace, Newington, Tutor Y. C. Jackson Jones Bushnell, Sayhrook, Louis DeOnis Champlin, Esq., Elhridge, N. Y., Charles Henry Clarke, Esq., Sayhrook, Gilbert Dean, Esq., Pleasant Valley, N. Y., Rev. John Camden Downer, Bozrah, Azariah Eldridge, Yarmouth, Ms., Tutor Y. C. Joseph Emerson, Norfolk, Tutor Y.C. Rev. William Tappan Eustis, Boston, Ms., Maunsell Bradhurst Field, William Law Learned, Esq., New London, Edward Mills, Esq., Morristown, N. J., Charles Sherman Minor, Esq., Roxhury, Rev. William Henry Moore, Westbrook, Effingham H. Nichols, Esq., Bedford, N. Y., Rev. Birdsey Grant Northrop, Kent, Albert Paine, Woodstock, John Morrison Pinkerton, Esq., Derry, N. H., .Tames Wadsworth, Esq., Durham, JohnN. Washington, Esq., Wa.yneshoro\N.C., Brimfield, Ms. New Haven. Exeter, N. H. Ann Arundel Co., Md. Wrentham, Ms. Reading, Ms. Plainfield. Boston, Ms. Cheshire. Newbury, Ms. Modena, N. Y. Goshen. Bloomington, Iowa. Boston, Ms. Winchester, Va. West Feliciana, La. Derby. New Haven. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Stamford. Fairfield. Albany, N. Y. New Haven. New Haven. Hudson, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Rochester, N. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Elizabeth, III. Andover, Ms. New Haven. South Woburn, Ms. New York City. Albany, N. Y.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Honesdale, Pa. Torringford. New York City. Saxonville, Ms. Canterbury. Boston, Ms. Buffalo, N. Y. Newbern, N. C. 41 1842. *John Russell Adams, Rev. Theodore Philip Barber, Brattle'boro\ Yt.^ Frederick Dan Beman, Esq., Warren, Rev. Thomas Nelson Benedict, Rutland, N. Y., Robert Benner, Esq., Red/wok, N. Y., Joseph Augustine Benton, Pulteney, N. Y., Gideon Bingham, Rev. Joseph Chandler, Woodstock, Gideon C. Clark, Samuel Witt Eaton, Framingham, Ms., James Ensign, *Edward Young Gould, Rev. Lewis Grout, Missionary, Brattlehoro\ Vt., James Hadley, Fairfield, N. Y, Tutor Y. C. William Davison Hennen, Esq., Isaac E. Hiester, Esq., Neio Holland, Pa., William Sidney Huggins, Porter Le Conte, Teacher, Ovid, N. Y., Charles Long, Neshaminy, Fa., Tutor Y. C. Caleb BufFum Metcalf, Teacher, Boston, Ms., Francis William Miller, Esq., Jacob Perkins, John Andrew Peters, Esq., Ellsworth, Me., Cyrus Pitts, James Merit Randall, Esq., Millhiry, Ms., William Willshire Robinson, Sherburne, N. Y, Daniel Lyman Shearer, Ware, Ms., David Gould Sherman, Ware, Ms., Rev. Ira Harvey Smith, Humphreysville, John Calvin Strong, Esq., Rushville, N. Y., Jared Reid Swift, Colchester, Henry Reed Talmage, Greenville, N. Y, Rev. Albert Kendall Teele, Medford, Ms., James Mitchell Thacher, Hartford, Rev. David Trumbull, Colchester, Leander Elmer Wakefield, Flainfield, Edward Carey Walker, Esq., Henry Dana Artemas Ward, Eliphalet Whittlesey, New Britain, 1843. Robert Aikman, Samuel Worcester Andrew, Esq., Woodbury, Daniel Sidney Appleton, Wyllys Atwater, ]S:ew Haven, John Avery, Preston, Julius Adolphus Baratte, St. Mary'^s, Ga., Boston, Ms. Laurel, Md. Litchfield. Champion, N. Y. New York City. New Haven. Windham. West Brattleboro', Vt. Somers. Lancaster, Wis. Canaan. East Granby. South Africa. New Haven. New Orleans, La. Lancaster, Pa. New Haven. Charlotte Co., Va. New Haven. Worcester, Ms. Cincinnati, Ohio. Warren, Trumb. Co. ,0 Bangor, Me. Honeoye, N. Y. Woburn, Ms. Auburn, N. Y. Boston, Ms. Natchez, Mi. North Haven. Geneva, N. Y. Crab Orchard, Ky. Warren, Va. Naugatuck. Philadelphia, Pa. Valparaiso, S. A. Marlboro', Ms. Detroit, Mich. Middletown. New Haven. New York City. New Haven. New York City. Southport. New Haven. Savannah, Ga. 42 William Beeson, Esq., Union Town, Pa. Joseph Everett Bennett, New Boston, N. H. Rev. William A. Benton, Missionary, Tolland , Beirut, Syria. Henry Minor Booth, Roxbury, John Jacob Brandegee, New London. Marius Brandegee, Berlin^ New York City. George Andrew Bryan, Waterhiry^ New Haven. Benjamin Tucker Eames, Esq., Providence, R. I. Edward Eells, New York City. Mills Bardwell Gelston, Sherman^ Albion, Mich.' Edward Whiting Oilman, Norwich^ New Haven. Tutor Y. C. William Henry Goodrich, New Haven. Gordon Hall, Bombay, India, New Haven. Tutor Y. C. Rev. Daniel William Havens, Norwich, East Haven. Cyrus Huntington, Peekskill, N. Y., Taney Town, Md. John Myers Huntington, Norwich, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis Raymond Hurlbutt, Wilton, New Haven. Tutor Y. C. William Jesup Jennings, Fairfield, New Haven. Charles Jones, Wilton, New York City. Anthony Quinton Keasbey, Esq., Salem, N. J. George Appleton Meech, Norwich, Demopolis, Ala. Edward Monroe, Elhridge, N Y., Spain. Frederick Munson, Bethlehem, N. Y., Greenwich. Charles William Quick, Philadelphia, Pa., New York City. Burritt Augustus Smith, Oxford, Leicester, Ms. Samuel Worcester Strong, Fayetieville, N. Y. New Haven. *Franklin Taylor, Westport. Douglass Kellogg Turner, Stockhridge, Ms., Neshaminy, Pa. 1844. Marshall BuUard Angier, Southhorough, Ms., New York City. Isaac At water. Homer, N. Y, New York City. Delos White Beadle, St. Catherine's, Can., New York City. Richard Dobbs Spaight Bell, Esq., Columbus, Ga. *Henry Clay Birdseye, Pompey, N. Y. Edward Andrews Breed, Charlestoion, Ms., Lynn, Ms. Henry Wadhams Buel, Litchfield, New York City. Charles Whittlesey Camp, Neiu Preston, New York City. Nathan Colton Chapin, Hartford, New York City. Theron Gaylord Colton, Westford, N. Y, New Haven. James L. Cunningham, Esq., Fayetieville, Ga., Columbus, Ga. John Welsh Dulles, Philadelphia, Pa., New York City. William Horace Elliot, New Haven. Charles Little, Columbia. Charles Rollin Lynde, Homer, N. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Allen Macy, Missionary, N. Y. City, Hong Kong, China. Virgil Maro Dow Marcy, Cold Spring, N. J., Cape May, N. J. Charles Augustus Maison, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 43 James Roe Mershon, Fleming Co., Ky., New Haven. Alexander Fisher Olmsted, Chapel Hill, N. C. New Haven. *Denison Olmsted, Chapel Hill, N. C, New Haven. Abner Rice, Wayland, Ms., Woburn, Ms. Samuel Towner Rogers, Neio Fairfield, Chestertown, Md. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Wash. Coll., Md. Edward Warren Root, Conioay, Ms., New Haven. Edward David Selden, New York City, New Haven. William Smith, Borodino, N. Y., Weston, Mo. William Manlius Smith, Manlius, N. Y, New Haven. William Few Smith, Philadelphia. Thomas Merritt Thompson, Olive, N. Y., Southbury. Arthur Ward, Belleville, N. J. William Barret Washburn, Winchendon, Ms., Orange, Ms. Joshua Whitney Waterman, Binghamton, N. Y. John Wetherell, Oxford, Ms., Worcester, Ms. Jonathan White, Esq., Randolph, Ms., Boston, Ms. Martin Kellogg Whittlesey, Stockhridge, Ms., New Haven. Edwin Wright, N. Coventry, Boston, Ms. 1845. William Burr Bibbins, Fairfield. *William Augustus Bigelow, New York City. William Binney, Philadelphia, Pa. James Noaille Brickell, Madison Co., Mi. Lemuel Parker Conner, Natchez, Mi. William Gustine Conner, Natchez, Mi. Thomas Kirby Davis, Chambersburg, Pa. Guy Bigelow Day, Colchester, New Haven. Andrew Flinn Dickson, Asheville, N. C. William Elijah Downs, Milford. Constantine Canaris Esty, Framingham, Ms. Calvin Luther Goddard, Mount Morris, N. Y. James Gardner Gould, Augusta, Ga. John Grant, Colebrook. George Canning Hill, Norwich. Alvan Pinney Hyde, Stafford. Francis Ives, Hamden, New Haven. Thomas Kennedy, Baltimore, Md., Andover, Ms. John Tall mad ge Marsh, Brooklyn, N. Y. Orrick Metcalfe, Adams Co., Mi., Oakland, Mi. George Crawford Murray, Middletown, N. J., New York City. Sereno Dwight Nickerson, Boston, Ms. Edward Olmstead, Wilton, New Haven. *John Howard Olmsted, Chapel Hill, N. C, New Haven. Robert Rankin, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1846. Joseph Willes Backus, Franklin, Buffalo, N. Y. William Banfield Capron, Uxb ridge, Ms. Henry Case, Norwich, Lyme. 44 Robert Cochran, New York City. James McLaren Breed Dwight, Norwich^ New Haven. Thomas Isaac Franklin, Berlin, Md. Ziba Gay, Nashua, N. H. Henry Baldwin Harrison, New Haven. Levi Welles Hart, Neio Britain^ Wallingford. Benjamin Balch Hopkinson, Bradford^ Ms.^ New Haven. Jefferson F. Jackson, Esq., Sumpterville^ Ala., Montgomery, Ala. Edwin Johnson, Plymouth, New York City. Stephen Wright Kellogg, Shelburne, Ms., New Haven. Edward Van Schoonhoven Kinsley, West Point, N. Y. Jonathan Homer Lane, Geneseo, N. Y., Washington, D. C. Stephen Duncan Linton, Natchez, Mi. Morris Wakeman Lyon, Fairfield. George McChain, New York City. Samuel Southworth Murfey, Auburn, N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio. Rensselaer Russell Nelson, Cooperstoion, N.Y.. New York City. William Russell Nevins, Baltimore, Md., New York City. Elihu Phinney, Cooperstown, N. Y. Samuel Thomas Richards, Philadelphia, Pa. Chester Newell Righter, Parsippany, N. J. Henry Thornton Steele, West Bio omfield,N.Y. , Colchester. Joseph Stiles, Savannah, Ga. John Butler Talcott, West Hartford, Hartford. 1847. Anthony Wayne Baker, Franklin, La. Roger Sherman Baldwin, New Haven. Thomas Levingston Bayne, Clinton, Ga., Butler Co., Ala. John McDonough Berry, Pittsfield, N. H. Henry Marty n Brace, Catskill, N. Y. Swift Byington, Bristol, Plymouth. Luther Hart Cone, Bristol, Durham, N. Y. Andrew Clark Denison, Hampton^ Samuel Robinson Diraock, Coventry. John Edmands, Framingham, Ms., New Haven. Stukely Ellsworth, Stockton, N. Y. Emlen Franklin, Lancaster, Pa. Henry Hamilton Hadley, Fairfield, N. Y., Geneva, N. Y. Dugald Cameron Haight, Rochester, N. Y., St. Louis, Mo. George Washington Hart, Neshaminy, Pa. Francis Louis Hodges, Canandaigua, N. Y. James Thomas Hyde, Norwich, Colchester. An gel Jackson, Clarence, N, Y., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Henry Griswold Jesup, Westport. Lucius Holley Lyon, Greenwich. Hezekiah Davis Martin, Paris, Ky. Benjamin Stevens Miller, Oxford, N. Y. Alfred Mills, Morristown, N. J. William Eves Moore, Strashurg, Fa., Cecil Co., Md. 45 Charles Augustus Nichols, Plaverhill, Ms. Daniel Temple Noyes, Boston, Ms., New York City. John Hull Olmsted, Hartford. Charles T. H. Palmer, Stonington. Robert Peck, New Plaven. Alfred Plant, Lancaster, Ms., Northampton, Ms. Andrew Tully Pratt, Buffalo, N. Y,, New Haven. Thomas Waltham Renshaw, Baltimore Co., Md. Charles Frederick Sanford, New Haven. Edward Isaac Sanford, New Haven. Edward Shaw, Attleborough, Ms. Thomas Young Simons, Charleston, S. C. George Gideon Webster, West Hartford, Hartford. Martin Van Buren Wilcoxson, Kinderhook, N. Y. Horatio Wildman, Danbury. Daniel Thew Wright, Cincinnati, Ohio. Antonio Poma Yancey, 1848. Murfreesboro', N. C. Frederick Pay son Abbe, Litchfield, Boston, Ms. William Aitchison, Glasgow, Scotland, Norwich. Henry Blodget, Bucksport, Me. David Scovill Calhoun, Coventry. Henry Martyn Colton, Lockport, N. Y. Charles Condit, Orange, N. J., New Haven. Charles Theodore Cotton, Natchez, Mi. Dwight Foster, Worcester, Ms. Frederick Cone Fuller, East Haddam. Archibald Falconer Gould, St. Augustine, Fla. Daniel Francis Gulliver, Boston, Ms. John Randolph Harper, Apalachicola, Fla. Henry Stephen Hawley, Bridgeport. Elias Brewster Hillard, Norwich. John Parkmarf Hubbard, London, Eng., Boston, Ms. William Kinne, Plainjield, Canterbury. Jacob Kerlin McKenty, Douglassville, Pa. Isaac Sprague Newton, Sherburne, N. Y. Arthur Dymond Osborne, Fairfield. Timothy Hopkins Porter, Waterbury. Nathaniel Shipman, Jewett City. Edwin Tyler, Brooklyn, New Haven. Giles Buckingham Willcox, Norwich. Ben Daniel Young, Huntsville, Ala. 46 MEMBERS NOT EDUCATED AT YALE COLLEGE. {The number before each name denotes the year of admission. The place and year of graduation are given in brackets. Original residences not given.) 1780. 1790. (( 1816. 1822. 1824. 1825. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. *Ezra Stiles, Esq., [Harv., 1778,] *Moses Brown, [Brown, 1790,] *John C. Nightingale, [Brown, 1789,] *Rev. Wm. Andrews, [Mid. Coll., 1806,] *llev. Carlos Wilcox, [Mid. Coll., 1813,] *Nathan Smith, M.D., Edenton, N. C. Providence, E.. I. Providence, E,. I. Cornwall. Hartford. New Haven. Prof. Theor. and Pract. Phys. and Surg. Dart. Coll. and Y. C. New Haven. Amherst, Ms. New York City. U. S. Navy. New Haven. *Hon. Thomas Hubbard, M.D., Prof. Surg. Y. C, Pres. Ct. Med. Soc, Sen. Ct. Rev. Edward Hitchcock, LL.D., Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist, and Pres. Amh. Coll. Fitz Greene Halleck, *Lewis Heerman, M.D., Charles U.Shepard,M.D.,[Amh., 1824,] Prof. Chem. S. C. Med. Coll. and Amh. Coll., Lect. on Nat. Hist. Y. C. *Hon. Theodore Dwight, New York City. Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Edw. Robinson, D.D., [Hamilt., 1816,] New York City. Prof. Sac. Lit. Union Theol. Sem. Hon. John Sergeant,LL.D., [N.J. Coll.,1795,] Philadelphia, Pa. Rep. U. S. Cong. Washington Irving, LL.D,, Hon. Gulian C. Verplanck, Rep. U. S. Cong. Edward C. Herrick, [M. A.,Y.C.,1838,] Gregory A. Perdicaris, U. S. Consul. *Hon. Nathan Smith, Sen. Ct., Sen. U. S. Cong. Rev. Albert Barnes, [Ham. Coll.,1820,] William McKee Dunn, Esq., Prof. Chem. South Hanover Coll. *Hon. William Gaston, [N. J. Coll., 1796,] Rep. U. S. Cong, and Judge Sup. Court N. C. Rev. Joel Hawes, D.D., [Brown, 1813,] *Isaac Nordheimer, P. D. Univ. Munich, Prof. Orient. Lang. Univ. N. Y. New York City. New York City. New Haven. Athens, Greece. New Haven. Philadelphia, Pa. South Hanover, [a. Newbern, N. C. Hartford. New York City. ^hfr -^7. J. 47 1837. E. A. Sophocles, [M.A., Y.C., 1837,] 1838. Rev. Edwin Hall, D.D., [Mid., 1826,] Rev. Emerson Davis, [Wm's, 1821,] 1840. Samuel Jones, Teacher, " Alexander Dallas Bache, A.M., Prof. Chem. and Nat Phil. Univ. Pa., Pres. Coast Survey. 1841. Hon. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Ch. Justice Sup. Court Ga. 1842. Henry Bronson, M.D., Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Y. C. 1844. Rev. Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D., Hartford. Norwalk. Westfield, Ms. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Coll., Superint. U. S Athens, Ga. New Haven. Brooklyn, N. Y. o V .0 ^^-n^. ^^0^ o > •^ o //^■•. %.A^ :W^^ \/ /Jfe'-: %. vP S ^-^^Z \^*-y ^' .0 o ""'''» 'O Va^<^^.V '^^ .^ ^. .^ Z^^^/u'.