III!! UTERINE THERAPEUTICS s. UTERINE THERAPEUTICS BY HENRY MLNTON, A.M., M.D., EDITOR OF "THE HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1 '; VISITING PHYSICIAN TO THE BROOKLYN HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY ; AUTHOR OF "DIS- EASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN," ETC., ETC., ETC. I hold every man a debtor to his profession, from the which, as men of cotirse do seek to receive countenance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavor them- selves by way of amends to be a help and ornament thereunto. — BACON. Si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti ; si non his utere mecum. — Horace. NEW YORK: A. L. CHATTERTON PUBLISHING CO., 1884. RX/K3 -Aft * Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by HENRY MINTON, M.D., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. TO THE MEMORY OF E. T. RICHARDSON, M.D., this effort to elucidate the homeopathic application of remedies in the Therapeutics of Uterine Diseases is respectfully dedicated BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. This compilation, or study, of remedies was commenced in the year 1867, and presents the results of the author's efforts during this long period of time, to collect and arrange in a systematic and con- venient form for ready reference all those symptoms of the materia medica that have any direct or specific bearing upon the subject of uterine disorders. To do this, with any degree of satisfaction, it has been necessary to consult a vast number of books, records, journals, magazines and pamphlets. Every spare moment of the author's leisure, since the inception of the idea, has been persistently devoted to its consummation. The partially completed manuscript has lain upon the author's library table for many years, subject to continuous revision and correction. It has also been submitted to the criticism of professional friends, and such erasions, additions, and corrections have been made, as extensive research and obser- vation seemed to warrant. It will, therefore, readily be seen that this is no hasty production, but rather the result of many years of patient study. A large part of the symptomatology of this work was published hi the The American Journal of Homos-opathic Materia Medica, during the years of 1874-75. To Dr. A. R. Thomas, its editor, I am indebted for the suggestion of putting the matter I had collected into book form. In regard to the arrangement of its ditferent parts, I have pretty closely followed the one adopted by Dr. James B. Bell, in his invaluable work on Diarrhoea. This arrange- ment is both practical and simple and. needs no explanation, as reference to the context will at once disclose. PREFACE. 8 In collating and arranging the symptoms and pathogenetic indi- cations of the remedies we have endeavored to be full and explicit at the expense of repetition. For instance, under each heading, as "Menstruation," " Amenorrhea," " Leucorrhcea," etc., we have grouped the leading concomitant symptoms and indications so as to present a complete picture of the malady and its complications to which the drug is applicable. It so happens, therefore, that the same symptoms frequently appear under different rubrics, or head- ings, and again in the group of Concomitants. AVe hope no student may regard this peculiarity as an oversight, but rather as something essential to the plan of the work and, in the author's view, as adding to its utility. The favorable reception met with by that portion of the work already published, warrants the hope that in its completed, though by no means perfected, form, it will be received with due measure of approbation by the profession. With the assurance that every care has been taken in its preparation tnat the work might prove a reliable, as well as a ready book of reference, it is submitted to the judgment of the profession. H. M. Brooklyn, N. Y., September I, 1883. LIST OF REMEDIES. Name. Abbreviation. Page. 1. Aconitum napellns, Aeon., 17 2. Acteea racemosa, Act. rac, 21 3. iEsculus hippocastanum, JEs. hip., 23 4. Agaricus muscarius, Agar., 24 5. Agnus castus, Agn. cast., 26 6. Aletris farinosa, Alet, 26 7. Allium sativum, All. sat., 27 8. Aloe soccotrina, Aloe, 28 9. Alumina, Alum., 29 10. Am bra grisea, Amb., 32 11. Ammonium carbonicnm, Auim. c, 33 12. Ammonium muriaticum, Amm. m., 36 13. Anacardium, Anac, 37 14. Anatherum muriaticum, Anath., 38 15. Antimonium crudum, Ant. c, 39 16. Antimonium tartaricum, Ant. t., 41 17. Apis mellifica, Apis, 42 18. Apocynum cannabinum, Apocy., 45 19. Aralia racemosa, Aralia, 45 20. Aranea diadema, Aranea, 46 21. Argentum nitricum, Arg. n., 46 22. Arnica radix, Arn., 48 23. Arsenicum album, Ars., 50 LIST OF REMEDIES. 10 Name. Abbreviation. Page. 24. Arundo mauritanica, Arun., 53 25. Asafoetida, Asaf., 54 26. Asarum europaeum, Asar., 55 27. Aurum foliatum, Aur., 55 28. Baptisia tinctoria, Bapt., 57 29. Baryta carbonica, Bary., 58 30. Belladonna, Bell., 60 31. Berber is, Berb., 65 32. Borax veneta, Borax, 67 33. Bovista, Bo vis., 69 34. Bromium, Brom., 71 35. Bryonia alba, Bry., 72 36. Bufo, Bufo, 76 37. Cactus grandiflorus, Cact., 77 38. Oalcarea carbonica, Calc. c, 79 39. Calcarea phosphorica, Calc. ph., 84 40. Oantharis, Canth., 86 41. Calendula officinalis, Calend., 86 42. Carbolic acid, Carb. ac, 88 43. Carbo animalis, Carbo an., 89 44. Carbo vegetablis, Carbo v., 91 45. Castoreum, Castor., 94 46. Caulophylluin, Caul., 96 47. Causticum, Caust, 98 48. Chamomilla, Cham., 101 49. Chelidonium, Chel., 104 50. Cicuta virosa, Cicuta, 105 51. Cimicifuga (Aetata racemosa). Act. rac, 21 52. Oina, Ciiia, 106 11 LIST OF REMEDIES. Name. Abbreviation. Page. 53. Cinchona officinalis. Chin., 107 54. Cinnabaris, Cinnab., 111 55. Cinnamouium, Cinn., 111 56. Cocculus, Cucc, 112 57. Coccus cacti, Coccus, 115 58. Colfea cruda, Coff., 116 59. Colchium autumn ale, Colch., 118 60. Collinsonia canadensis, Collin., 118 61. Colocynthis, Coloc, 119 62. Conium macnlatum, .Con., 121 63. Crocus sativus, Crocus, 124 64. Croton tiglium, Crot. tig., 126 65. Cubeba3, Cub., 127 66. Cuprum, Cup., 128 67. Curare, Curare, 129 68. Cyclamen, Cycl., 131 69. Daphne mezerum, Daph., 133 70 Dictamus, Diet., 134 71. Digitalis purpurea, Dig., 134 72. Drosera rotundifolia, Dros., 134 73. Dulcamara, Dulc, 135 74. Elaps coralliuus, Elaps, 137 75. Epiera diadema, E{)iera, 137 76. Erechthites hieracifolia, Erec, 138 77. Erigeron canadensis, Erig., 13S 78. Euphrasia, Euph., 139 79. Eupion, Eupion, 140 80. Ferrum. Ferr., 141 81. Fluoricum acidum, Fluor, ac, 144 LIST OF REMEDIES. 12 Name. Abbreviation. Page. 82. Gelsemium, Gels., 145 83. Glonium, Glon., 14; 84. Gossypium herbaceum, Goss., 148 85. Graphites, Graph., 149 86. Gratiola officio alis, Grat., 153 87. Guarea trichilorles, Guarea, 154 88. Hamamelis virginica, Ham., 154 89. Helleborus niger, Hell., 156 90. Helonias dioica. Helon., 157 91. He[>ar sulphuris calcareurn, Hepar, 159 92. Hydrastis canadensis, Hydras., 161 93. Hyosyamus niger, Hyos., 162 94. Hypericum perforatum, Hyper., 164 95. Ignatia, Ign., 165 9(5. Iodum, Iod., 169 97. Ipecacuanha, Ipec, 171 98; Kali bichromicum, Kali b., 174 99. Kali carbonicum, Kali c, 176 100. Kali ferrocyanatum, Kali ferr., 181 101. Kali hydriodicum, Kali h., 1S1 102. Kali nitricum, Kali ii., 183 103. Kalmia latifolia. Kalm., 185 104. Kreasotum, Kreas., L86 105. Lac caninum, Lac c 191 10G. Lac dcnoratum, Lac d., LSI* 107. Lachesis trigonocephalus, Lach., r.)4 108. Lachnanthes tiuctoria, Lachn., *199 109. Lamium album, Lam., 200 110. Laurocerasus, Laur., 200 13 LIST OP KEMEDIES. Name. Abbreviation. Page. 111. Ledum palustre, Ledum, 201 112. Lilitim tigrinum, Lil. tig., 202 113. Lobelia inflata, Lob., 206 114. Lycopodium, Lye, 207 115. Magnesia carbonica, Magn. c., 212 116. Magnesia muriatica, Magn. m., 215 117. Magnesia sulphurica, Magii. s., 217 118. Miinganum aceticum, Mang., 218 119. Mercurius, Merc, 219 120. Mezereum, Mez., 223 121. Millefolium, Millef., 224 122. Moschus, Mosc, 225 123. Murex purpurea, Murex, 226 124. Muriaticum acid urn, Mur. ac, 228 125. Natrum carbonicum, Nat. c, 229 126. Natrum chlorinatum, Nat. eh., 232 127. Natrum muriaticum, Nat. m., 232 128. Natrum sulphuricum, Nat. s., 237 129. Niccolum, Nice, 239 130. Nitricum acidum, Nit. ae, 240 131. Nitrum, Nitrum, 244 132. Nux juglans, Nux j., 244 133. Nux moschata, Nux m., 245 134. Nux vomica, Nux v., 248 135. Oleum animale, Ole. an., 254 136. Opium, Opi., 255 137. Palladium, Pall., 257 138. Petroleum, Pet., 258 139. Phellan driu ru, Phel., 260 LIST OF REMEDIES. 14 Name. Abbreviation. Page. 140. Phosphorus, Phos., 260 141. Phosphoricum aciclum, Phos. ac, 266 142. Phytolacca decandra, Phyt, 267 143. Platina, Plat., 269 144. Plumbum, Plumb, 273 145. Podophyllum peltatum, Pod, 275 14G. Pruiius spinosa, Prun. s. 277 147. Pulsatilla, Puis., 278 148. Ranunculus bulbosus, Ran. b. ^86 149. Rafcunhia, Rat, 2*6 150. Rhododendron, Rhod, 286 151. Rhus toxicodendron, Rhus, 287 152. Ruta graveolens, Ruta, 290 153. Sabadilla, Sabad, 291 154. Sabina, Sabina, 292 155. Sanguinavia canadensis, Sang, 295 156. Sarsaparilla, Sars, 298 157. Secale cornubiim, Secale, 299 158. Senecio aureus, Senecio, 302 159. Sepia, Sepia, 304 L60. Silicea, Silicea, 312 161. Spongia tosta, Spong, 316 162. Stannum, Stann, 317 163. Staphysagria, Staph, 319 164. Stramonium, Stram, 320 145. Strontiana curbonica, Stron, 323 166. Sulphur, Sulph, 223 167. Sulphuricum acidum, Sulph. ac. 330 168. Tabacum, Tabac, 331 15 LIST OF REMEDIES. Name. Abbreviation. Page. 109. Thuja occiden talis, Thuja, 332 170. Trillium pendulum, Trill., 335 171. Us til ago, Ust, 336 172. Veratrum album, Verat. a., 339 173. Vevatruin vivid e, Verat. v., 343 174. Viburnum opulus, Vibur., 343 175. Vinca minor, Vinca, 345 176. Xanthoxylum fraxineum, Xan., 345 177. Zincum metallicum, Zinc, 346 178. Zingiber, Zing., 349 UTERINE THERAPEUTICS. PART FIRST. The Remedies and Their Indications. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. (MONKSHOOD.) Menstruation. — Too profuse and too protracted, especially in plethoric women. Profuse, with epistaxis. Suppressed menses, from fright, or from other causes, particularly in subjects of full habit and who lead sedentary lives. Menses too late, diminished, but protracted. Menses suppressed by a cold bath, or by getting the feet wet. Dis- charge bright red, readily coagulating. Before Menstruation. — Variable humor, at one time gay, at another dejected. Great anxiety ; apprehensive. Headache. Face hot and red. Pulse full and quick. Furor or frenzy on the approach of the menses. During Menstruation. — Great mental excitement; irascible mood ; pressive, throbbing or stinging headache ; red cheeks ; full, hard pulse ; feverish heat. Profuse discharge of bright blood, which coagulates readily, attended with great alarm and excitement ; she is sure she is going to die. Vertigo or fainting, and paleness of the face on rising from a recumbent position; she has to lie down again. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 18 When standing, she becomes giddy, and falls over, usually to the right side. Sharp pains in the loins. Painful menstruation of a congestive type, with palpitation of the heart, violent backache and labor-like pains compelling her to bend double, but rinding no lelief in any position. Dysmenorrhcea; sharp, cutting, " doubling-up " pains, with icy coldness of hands and feet ; chilliness mingled with hot flashes, raging thirst and great anxiety, fear and restlessness. Variable mood : one minute gay, the next, dejected. Amenorrhoea.- — Especially in young girls of sanguine tempera- ment and sedentary habit. Suppression of the menses from getting the feet wet, from frigid or chagrin, when there is a tendency of blood to the head, or chest, with stitching or throbbing pains, palpi- tation of the heart, redness of the face, pulse full and hard, fre- quent Mushes of heat with thirst; dizziness or vertigo on rising from a recumbent position. The symptoms are aggravated by motion and relieved by cold. Metrorrhagia. — Active flooding after accouchement or abortion, with great excitability and uncontrollable fear, and especially when occasioned by violent emotion. Giddiness or vertigo on sitting up in bed. Site is afraid to move; is certain she will die. Lochia. — Profuse lochia of a deep red color. Suppression of the lochia, or too scanty discharge soon after confinement, with feverish symptoms, distress hi the head, chest and abdomen. Suppression of the lochia bv violent emotions, as anger or fright; high fever; eyes glaring ; milk suppressed ; abdomen distended aud sensitive ; thirst and expression of great anguish. The abdomen is sensitive to pres- sure and full of cutting pains. Offensive lochia. Lochia returns when the patient commences going about after confinement. Leucorrhcea. — Attended with great general irritability, fear, fever and giddiness or vertigo, on rising from a recumbent position. Copious, tenacious, yellowish leucorrhcea. Bloody leucorrhcea. White. offensive discharge after suppressed menses. Concomitants. — Variable humor : at one time gay, at another dejected. Anguish with apprehension and trembling state of mind. Great anxiety and restlessness, with fear and fever. Sad?iess. Fear 19 AOONITUM NAPELLUS. of approaching death, predicting even the fatal day. Apprehensive ; she is afraid to go out of the house ; is afraid of a crowd or of cross- ing busy streets. Afraid in the dark. Malicious. Vexation about trifles. Over-sensitiveness, cannot bear light or noise. Painful sensi- tiveness to contact ; she cannot bear to be touched. Sleeplessness, with constant tossing about. Sleep disturbed by fear, fright, or anxiety about her future. Anxious dreams at night Wak- ens with starts. Congestion to the head. Vertigo or dizziness, on assuming an upright position; she has to lie down again, because alarmed, and is certain she is going to die. Vertigo with nausea on rising from a sitting position. Vertigo, she staggers to the right. Headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water. Full, heavy feeling in the head, as if everything ivould come out at the forehead. Crampy sensation over the root of the nose, with a sensation as though she would lose her senses. Sensation as if the hair of her head were standing on end. Sudden paleness of the face on rising. Kedness and heat of both cheeks, with a sensation as of the face growing large. Cheeks red and pale alternately, or one red and the other pale. Eyes sparkling. Pupils dilated, then contracted. Optical illusions in dark colors. Light dazzles the eyes. Aversion to light, especially sun-light. Eoaring in the ears. Extreme sensitiveness to noise. Great sensibility of the olfactory nerves. Epistaxis, the flow is bright red. Dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips. Great thirst for cold water; everything except water tastes bitter. Bitter taste in the mouth. Complete absence of appetite. Burning in the throat. Eructations. Nausea with vomiting. Bitter bilious vomiting, with heat, thirst, profuse perspiration and increased micturition. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone. Hiccough, especially in the morn- ing. Burning in the umbilical region. Sharp shooting pains in the whole abdomen, which is tender to the touch. Colic which bends her -double, yet is relieved in no position. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 20 Watery, brown and bilious diarrhoea. During stool, colic, strain- ing ; flow of urine. Constipation ; clay-colored stools. Anxious desire to urinate. Scanty, red, hot, urine, without sedi- ment. Hysteria with characteristic mental symptoms. Mastitis with fever, from a chill, in cold, dry air. Ovaritis, with painful urging to urinate. Ovaritis resulting from fright, or exposure to cold, dry air. Impending abortion from fright. Vagina hot, dry and sensitive. Hoarse, dry cough; occasional expectoration of bright-red blood. Short, dry cough excited by titillation in the larynx. Hoarseness. Larynx sensitive to touch. Tendency of blood to the chest. Breath hot. Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping. Stitche* in the chest hindering respiration ; she cannot breathe freely in consequence of a sensation as if the lungs would not expand. Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety, heat in face, pulse quick and hard. Pain in the small of the back as if bruised and lamed by blows. Numbness of the back. Numbness in left arm. Hot hands with cold feet. Icy coldness and numbness of hands and feet ; feet go to sleep when walking. General dry heat. Cataleptic attacks with rigor of the bod} 7 , loud lamentations and grinding of the teeth. Great sensitiveness ; she cannot bear pain. Excessive restlessness and tossing about. Very fine stinging, or stinging burning pains in many parts of the body, as if seated in the skin. Stinging and burn- ing pains in internal organs. Sudden great sinking of strength. Fainting when rising up, with paleness of the cheeks which were red when lying down. At night her pains are insupportable, she is full of fear, anxiety and restlessness. Aggravations. — On the approach of the menses; at night; after lying down ; when rising up ; in a warm room. Ameliorations. — In the open air ; when sitting still ; when lying quiet in a dark room. Aconite is especially adapted to sanguine temperaments, plethoric women, lively young girls of sedentary habits, and in acute diseases. 21 ACT^EA RAOEMOSA. ACT^EA RACEMOSA. (BLACK SNAKE-KOOT.) Menstruation. — Too soon and abundant. Menses scanty, slightly coagulated ; retarded or suppressed. Discharge dark and coagulated. Before Menstruation. — Great tenderness of the hypogastrium. with severe, spasmodic, intermittent, uterine contractions. Pressive, heavy headache. During Menstruation. — Severe pain in the back extending to the thighs. A sensation of weight and bearing down in the uterine region, with a feeling of weight and torpor in the lower extremities. Cramps and tenderness in the hypogastric region. Profuse flow of a passive character, the blood being dark and coagulated, attended with great nervous and mental irritability. Low-spirited. Pain commences with the flow, increases with the menses till they reach their height and then suddenly ceases. Stitching pains across the hypogastrium. The pain is in the region of the uterus and is of a griping, spasmodic nature, doubles the patient up (Ooloc), almost throwing her into convulsions. Epileptic or hysterical spasms. Dysmenorrhea occurring in rheumatic women. Menstrual colic from retroversion. After Menstruation. — Great general debility. Scanty flow between the periods. Amenorrhoea. — Especially in rheumatic or neuralgic women. Great excitability of the nervous system, anxiety, headache, rest- lessness. Dark circles around the eyes. Menses suppressed from mental emotions, from fever or from cold. Lochia. — Suppressed from cold or other causes, with febrile symptoms, and rheumatic pains in all the limbs. Determination of blood to the head, with a sensation in the head as if she would go crazy. Lochia watery or mixed with clots. After-pains in the groins ; over-sensitiveness ; nausea and vomiting. Leucorrhoea. — Vaginal or cervical leucorrhoea, without ulcer ACT^EA RAOEMOSA. 22 ation, with continuous bearing-down pains. A sensation of weight in the uterus. Leucorrhoea in rheumatic women. Sterility. Concomitants. — Great melancholy, with sleeplessness. Declares she will go crazy. Fear of death ; thinks she is going to die. Sen- sation as if a heavy black cloud had settled all over her and envel- oped her head, so that all was darkness and confusion, while at the same time it weighed like lead upon her heart. Incessant talking. Great wakefulness ; imagines strange objects in her room, and on her bed. Starts during sleep. Roaring in the head. Sensation as if the top of the head would fly °ff> ^ith a sensation as if the cerebrum was too large for the skull. All the pains in the head are from within outward. Pains over the eyes, and in the eyes extending along the base of the skull to the occiput. Intense and persistent pain in the eyeballs, of a dull aching, sore character. Wild, fearful expression of the face. Dry pharynx, with dysphagia and frequent inclination to swallow. Faintness and emptiness in the epigastrium, almost constant nausea and vomiting. Neuralgic pain in the stomach. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Frequent urination, with increased flow. Rheumatic affections of the uterus. Spasms of the broad liga- ments. Bearing down in the uterine region. Great tenderness on pressure over the uterine region. Nervous irritation of the ovaries, producing amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and menorrhoea in subjects of a rheumatic tendency. Ovarian pains shoot upward. Chorea from suppressed menstruation. Cough at every attempt to speak. Dry cough from irritation and tickling in the lower part of the larynx. Rheumatic pains of the chest and heart. Palpitation of the heart. Licmbago, myalgia. Sensitiveness of the spine. Rheumatic or neuralgic irritation of the vertebral ligaments in the lumbar region. Threatened abortion in rheumatic or hysterical women, with leucorrhoea. 23 ^ESCULUS IIIPPOCASTANUM. Actasa racemosa is especially adapted to delicate, hysterical, rheu- matic women with derangements of the generative apparatus. JESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. (HORSE CHESTNUT.) During Menstruation. — Dull frontal headache. Constant throbbing behind the symphysis pubis. Great weakness across the sacro-iliac synchondrosis. Pains start in the right ovary, pass through the hip to the back, with throbbing in pubis. Amenorrhea. — Attended with great general prostration and uneasiness. Constant backache, especially across the hips and sacrum, very much aggravated by walking, or stooping forward. Severe aching in the sacrum and lumbar region, with stiffness of the back, render- ing it difficult or impossible to walk. Constipation. Dryness in the rectum. Hemorrhoids, large, purple and very painful. Leucorrhoea. — With constant backache, affecting principally the sacro-iliac articulations. Sore, lame feeling in the small of the back. Aching in the sacrum and knees. Pain extending from the abdo- men, or the ovarian region to the small of the back, making it almost impossible for her to get up and walk after sitting awhile. A sen- sation as if the back would give out ; the back does give out in walking even but a little way; relieved by rest. Leucorrhoea with dark yellow, thick, sticky discharges, corroding the labia, and caus- ing great irritation of the surrounding parts. Leucorrhoea worse after menstruation ; also after walking. The discharge becomes profuse after great fatigue. Concomitants. — Gloomy, despondent, irritable humor. Dull frontal headache. Dull pain in the occiput. Neuralgic pains across the forehead, from right to left. Flickering before the eyes. Eyes feel heavy. Pale, miserable appearance of the face. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 24 Metallic taste in the mouth. Tongue coated yellow. Constricted feeling in the fauces. Nausea and vomiting. Pressure as from a stone in the pit of the stomach. Dry, uncomfortable feeling in the rectum, as if filled with small sticks. Constriction, fullness, aching, and pinching pains in the anus and rectum. Tenesmus. Proctalgia; dreadful pain in the anus, she can neither sit, stand nor lie down. Hemorrhoids like ground nuts, of a purple color, and very painful. Burning pains in the haemorrhoids. Sharp, shooting, cutting pains in the haemorrhoids running up into the rectum and sacrum. Sensation as if the rectum was obstructed by folds of mucous membrane. Prolapsed feeling in the rectum. Stools large, hard, dry and voided with great difficulty. Ulceration of the cervix uteri, accompanied by haemorrhoids. Uteriue displacements, with constant pain across the sacro-iliac articulations, and a sensation as if the back would give out, causing great distress when walking or stooping forward, or even preventing walking entirely. Constant throbbing behind the symphysis pubis. Pain starting in the right ovary and running through the hip to the back with throbbing in the pelvis. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. (BUG ok fly agaric.) Menstsuation. — Too profuse, with titillation in the genital organs, and strong desire for sexual embrace. Menses appear earlier than usual, and are increased. Menstrual flow greater than usual, and attended with violent pains in the back and abdomen, of a, tearing, pressive character. Before Menstruation. — Xocturnal wakefulness and tooth- ache. Nocturnal wakefulness on account of troublesome rigors. Aversion to work. During Menstruation. — Headache. She awakens at night 25 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. with headache and toothache. Pain and itching in the left ear. Burning, itching and redness of the ears as if they had been frozen. Kigors. Palpitation of the heart. Running of water from the mouth. Pain in the abdomen and back like labor pains. Pains in the left arm. Itching here and there, especially about the genitals. Itching, burning and redness of the toes as from frost-bite. After Menstruation. — Headache and dizziness. Palpitation of the heart. Pains as from exhaustion. Interrupted sleep at night with great anxiety. Prolapsus uteri. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse dark-colored discharge, with severe itch- ing both externally and internally. Headache and toothache. Pain in the spine. Aching along the whole spine. Concomitants. — Indifferent. Disinclined to answer questions. She cannot find the proper word to express herself ; uses wrong words. Aversion to work. Vertigo, with confusion of the head. Irresistible drowsiness in the day-time. Dull frontal headache. Drawing pain from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose. Dim sight ; things look obscured ; letters run together when reading. Redness, burning and itching of the nose and ears, as if frost- bitten. Twitcliing of the facial muscles. Pale face, with blue lines under the eyes. Smell from the mouth like horse-radish. Offensive eructations. Nausea and vomiting. Heavy sensation in the stomach. Peculiar painfulness along the spinal cord. Violent shooting. burning pain, deep in the spine. Sensitiveness of the spinal column. Every turn of her body causes pain in her spine. She feels as if her limbs did not belong to her. Tremor of the hands. Weary heaviness in the legs. Itching, burning, and redness of fingers and toes, as from frost-bite. Discomfort of the whole body. AGNUS CASTUS. — ALETRIS FAR. 26 Perspiration from the least exertion. Great sensitiveness to cold air. Sufferings due to inordinate coition. Agaricus is adapted to elderly women with weakened circulation, light hair, lax skin and muscle. AGNUS CASTUS. (CHASTE tree.) Menstruation. — Suppressed with drawing pains in the abdomen. Retarded menses. Amenorrhoea. — Attended with drawing pain in the abdomen. Complete obliteration of all sexual desire. Transparent leucorrhcea. Swelling of the abdomen after eating. Great debility. Gouty nodosities. Rheumatic swelling of joints. Leucorrhcea. — Discharge stains her linen yellow. Transparent leucorrhoea which passes imperceptibly from the very relaxed parts. Concomitants. — Melancholy. She is very sad and keeps re- peating that she will soon die. Sterility with suppressed menses and lack of sexual desire. Great debility. Inflammatory rheumatic swelling of joints. Cor- rosive itching on different parts of the body, which is relieved by scratching but soon returns again. Urine frequent, abundant and dark colored. ALETRIS FARINOSA. (STAR GRASS.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse, with labor-like pains. Menstrual discharge dark and coagulated. During Menstruation. — Pressure and pain in the region of the uterus. Profuse discharge of dark color in consequence of con- gestion of the uterus or ovaries. Amenorrhcea. — Suppression of the menses resulting from atony 27 ALLIUM SATIVUM. of the uterus or ovaries. Great general debility. Weariness of body and mind. Heaviness in the uterine region. Distention of the abdomen, with bearing-down pains. Leucorrhcea. — Attended with, or resulting from, general and local debility, protracted illness, loss of fluids, defective nutrition. Profuse between the menses. Obstinate constipation with great difficulty in passing stool ; expectoration of frothy saliva ; weakness of digestion. (Compare Helonias and Senecio.) Concomitants. — Vertigo, sleepiness, and even stupefaction. Pressure in the region of the uterus. Habitual tendency to abortion. Prolapsus uteri from muscular atony. Obstinate indigestion. Dis- gust for food. Nausea. The least food causes pain in the stomach. Flatulent colic, in weak, emaciated women. Debility, general or local. Frequent attacks of fainting with vertigo. ALLIUM SATIVUM. (GARLIC.) Menstruation —Too early. During Menstruation. — The skin on the internal surface of the thighs presents large excoriations. Suppurating pimples on the vulva. Bright red spots, with itching and smarting on the inside of the labia majora, and at the entrance of the vagina. Leucorrhcea. — Discharge scanty, with bright red spots on inside of labia, with itching and smarting. Concomitants. — Mental anxiety. Drowsiness after meals. Weeping during sleep. Dull pain in the occiput in the morning, while lying in bed. Coryza, at first rather dry, later fluent, with pressive pain from above the nose. Voracious appetite. Burning eructations after eating. Consti- pation, with almost constant dull pain in the bowels. ALOE SOCCOTRINA. 28 ALOE SOCCOTEINA. (ALOE.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse; obstinate, pro- tracted and exhausting. Menstruation too early and attended with a general feeling of coldness. Uterine haemorrhage, occurring in women of nervous, relaxed and phlegmatic constitutions, at the change of life. Menstrual discharge deep red and coagulated. During Menstruation. — Headache, which is relieved by the application of cold water. Headache alternating with pains in the small of the back. (Earache alternating with pains in the small of the back). Earache. Fulness and heaviness in the region of the uterus. Labor-like pains extending into the rectum and thighs. Fulness in the rectum, a constant feeling as if she must go to stool. Dragging-down sensation in the rectum, and a feeling of fulness in the pelvis. Pain in the loins. Flatulent distention of the abdomen. Leucorrhcea. — Bloody mucus, preceded by colic. Slimy leu- corrhoea. Heaviness and fulness in groins with labor-like pains in groins. Bearing-down pains in pelvis, even while standing. Concomitants. — Fear and anxiety. Great disinclination to mental labor. Pressive pain in the forehead. Dull headache, just above the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea. Yellow rings moving before the eyes. Earache. Stitches in the ears. Sickening smell from the mouth. Aversion to meat. Desire for juicy things. Bloated state of the abdomen. A feeling of weaknes in the abdo- men, as if diarrhoea would result. Offensive flatus. Heaviness in the hypogastrium. Heat and burning in the rectum. Sudden and continued desire for stool. Desire for stool after each meal. Invol- untary passage of hard stool ; feces fall out unnoticed by the patient. Involuntary soft stool while passing wind. Urging to stool while passing wind. Fear lest a stool should escape with flatus. Cramp 29 ALUMINA. and rumbling in the abdomen before and during stool. Gurgling in the abdomen as of water' running from a dottle. Stools like mush, thin, bright yellow, gray, hot, undigested. Burning pulsations after stool, or a sensation as if a part of the stool were not discharged. Hemorrhoids which protrude in bunches, and are relieved by cold water. Fulness, weight and dragging in the pelvis, aggravated by stand- ing. Painful sensation in the genitals, as if they were torn. Labor- like pains extending down the legs. Prolapsus uteri. Pain in the small of the back, pressing down into the rectum. A sensation as of a plug wedged in between the symphysis pubis and the os coccygis. ALUMINA. (OXIDE OF ALUMINUxM.) Menstruation. — Delayed, too scanty and of too short dura- tion. Menses too soon, preceded by violent headache. Menses too soon and of short duration. Menses retarded, finally appear, being light colored and scanty. Discharge of simply colored water. Men- strual discharge too pale. Before Menstruation. — Headache. Sleep disturbed by many dreams. Awakens from sleep with heat in the face, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Copious discharge of mucus from the vagina before the menses. Colic while at stool. Cutting, pinching, writhing, and labor-like pains, with frequent desire to urinate. Pressing, bearing-down pains as if the bowels would fall through the vulva. During Menstruation. — Colic and other pains. Headache when the flow is checked. Fluent coryza with pains in the forehead. Distention of the abdomen. Great weakness of the hands ; she drops things easily. Frequent urination. Urine acrid and excoriating. Diarrhoea with colic. Profuse leucorrlma. After Menstruation. — Great exhaustion, both mental and physical. (Compare Cocculus and Helonias ; debility most between the menses, Carbo an.). Weariness after working or walking ever ALUMINA. 30 so little. Stitches from the vulva up into the chest. Discharge of flesh-colored liquid. Great depression of spirits. Amenorrhcea. — Restless sleep with dreams and headache ; Awaking with heat in the face and palpitation of the heart. Const i- pation; much straining is necessary to evacuate even a soft stool. Pains extending from the left side of the vagina, upward. Leucorrhoea. — Profuse, yellow, corroding discharge, worse before and after menstruation. Acrid, excoriating, transparent leucorrhoea before and after menstruation and during the intervals. Acrid leucorrlicea with burning in the genital organs, soreness in the vulva and rectum, rendering walking difficult. Leucorrhoea with smarting in the pudendum and itching in the vagina. Leucorrhoea like cream. Abundant discharge of transparent mucus, flowing only in the day-time, attended with great weakness, and a sensation as if everything would fall through the vagina. Profuse leucorrhoea only in the day-time, without pain or any sensation. Painless leucorrhoea. Throbbing in the vagina as from an abscess. Burning and soreness in the vagina. Cervical leucorrhoea. Transparent mucus in large quantities, running down to the feet. Chronic leucorrhoea, clear like water, or of transparent mucus stiffening the linen. Discharge of -flesh-colored liquid after the menses, or between the menstrual periods, especially in the afternoon and evening. Itching in the vulva. Burning in the rectum. Pains from the vagina up toward the chest. Leucorrhoea relieved by cold washes, aggravated by walking. Pain in the bach, as though a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebra}. Concomitants. — Anxious and full of fear. Variable mood, great vivacity alternating with serious thoughtfulness. Dread of death. Restless sleep, always awaking witn palpitation of the heart. Dreams of thieves. Vertigo early in the morning ; everything turns with her in a circle, attended with fainting and nausea. Her head always feels giddy as soon as she opens her eyes. Dullness of the head with loss of memory. Semilateral affections of the head. Compressive head- 31 ALUMINA. ache with nausea. Stitches in the brain. The headache is better when lying quiet. Excessive dryness of the scalp. Scalp goes to sleep. Scalp sore when the hair is touched. Hair falls out. Dim sightedness. Objects appear yellow. Face alternately red and pale. Tension of the face, as though the white of an egg had dried upon it. Dryness of the throat in the evening, with a constant hawking. Dryness of mouth, though saliva is not wanting. Unnatural appetite, she wants to eat chalk, starch, slate pencils, clean white rags, charcoal, coffee or tea grounds, and the like indi- gestible things. Food tastes like straw. Constriction of the oesophagus when swal- lowing, the food is felt until it reaches the stomach. Can sivallow hut small morsels at a time. Sensation of tightness from the throat down to stomach, as if food could not pass. Faintness at the stomach relieved by eating. Sour eructations and heart-burn. Abdomen feels heavy when walking. The rectum seems paralyzed; much straining is necessary to pass even a soft stool. No desire or ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation in the rectum. Firm, hard, scanty stool with pressure and pain in the anus. Stools like sheep dung. Increased secretion of aqueous urine. Urine white, turbid, as if chalk had been stirred in it. Inability to pass water except when at stool, must strain at stool in order to urinate. Stitches in the left side of the vagina extending up to the chest. Throbbing pain in the vagina. Sensation in the left side of the vagina like the ticking of a watch. Itching in the vagina. Tickling in the sexual organs and down the thighs. Constant, dry, hacking cough with vomiting and arrest of breathing. Dry cough at night, with dryness of the throat. Violent oppressive pain in the chest at night. Palpitation of the heart on awaking. Pains in the loins and region of the kidneys. Pains in the back. as though a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertabros. Affec- tions of the calves of the legs. Legs and arms feel heavy. AMBRA GRISEA. 32 Spasms with attacks of laughing and weeping. Hysteria. Want of animal heat. Great debility and weakness, especially when talk- ing. Excessively faint and tired. Aggravation. — On alternate days ; better duiing moderate ex- ercise, and while in the open air. Alumina is adapted to cblorotic women with morbid appetite ; also to women with dark complexions, mild dispositions, of spare habit, and advanced in years. AMBRA GRISEA. Menstruation. — Too early and too prof use. During Menstruation. — Varices of the left leg, bluish and painful on pressure. Burning in the genital organs. Swelling and soreness of the labia. Violent itching and soreness of the pudendum. After Menstruation.- — Between the periods discharges of blood in small quantities, after the lead exertion, especially after walking, or a hard stool, Leucorrhcea. — Discharge of thick, bluish-white mucus, with stitches in the vagina before the discharge. Leucorrhcea only at night. Mucous leucorrhcea increased from day to day. Discharge of bluish-white mucus in lumps. Swelling and soreness of the labia. Stitches in the vagina. Concomitants. — Great restlessness. Extreme nervousness. Hastiness and nervous excitement when talking. Seriousness, with aversion to talk or laugh. Sleep disturbed by coldness of the body, and twitching of the limbs. Restless sleep full of dreams. Great weariness on looking in the morning. Headache in the forehead, with fear of becoming crazy. The hair is sensitive to the touch. Frequent micturition of copious, pale urine. Sour smelling urine. Urine turbid, or brown. During micturition burning, ma.rtmg itching and titillation of the vulva and urethra. 33 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Stinging, smarting and itching of the anus. Stitches in the ovarian region when drawing-in the abdomen, or when pressing upon it. Violent itching of the pudendum. Soreness and itching of the pudendum when she does not urinate. Lying down aggravates all her uterine symptoms. Cramps in her thighs and calves of her legs almost every night. Sensation in arms and legs as if they had "gone to sleep." Intense and painful coldness of legs, especially at night or during the evening. Weariness and soreness of all the limbs. Aggravations. — In the evening ; while sleeping ; while lying in a warm place, aud on walking. Ameliorations. — Many of the symptoms are relieved by a walk in the open air, or by lying on the part affected. Ambra is especially suitable to lean and aged people, and to the nervous or bilious temperament. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. (CARBONATE OP AMMONIA.) Menstruation. — Premature and abundant, the discharge con- sisting of blackish clots, or of light colored blood, which is acrid and makes the thighs sore (Magn. c. has black, clotted flow, but the menses are late and the discharge not acrid). Copious flow, especially at night, when standing or riding, and after a ride in the cold air. Menstru- ation too early, too scanty and of too short duration. Betarded menstruation. Discharge of serum from the uterus. Before Menstruation. — Paleness of the face. Griping, colicky pains. Violent pains in the small of the back and between the scapulae, which passes off with nain in the abdomen. Constipation; tenesmus; headache; toothache; backache and chilliness. Uncon- querable sadness. Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of the catamenia. During Menstruation. — Great anxiety, with inclination to weep. Paleness of the face. Great bodily prostration. Violent fatigue AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 34 in the whole body, and especially in the thighs, with y atoning, chilliness, and pain in the small of the bach Violent cold, or coryza during the menses. Toothache. Pain in the small of the bach. Violent colic, with tension between the shoulder blades. Cutting colic in the abdomen, with pressure downward and desire to remain in bed. Swelling, itching and burning in the pudendum. Diarrhoea and vomiting. Menstrual blood bright red, with pain in the pelvis, as if pressed or squeezed together. Flow scanty and always attended with frontal headache. Discharge of blood from the bowels. Aggravation of hemorrhoids. She does not want to talk, or to hear others talk. After Menstruation. — Spasmodic 2^>ains in the abdomen. Con- stipation ; tenesmus. Amenorrhea. — Headache after walking in the open air. Ear- ache. Toothache. Pale face. Frequent attacks of coryza. Stoppage of the nose, mostly at night, compelling her to breathe through the mouth. Violent, tearing colic, or cutting colic with pressure in the region of the uterus. Pain in the back, between the scapula?. Violent pains in the small of the back. Constipation, stools hard. Soreness between the thighs. Swelling of the glands. Shivering, or general coldness. Corrosive leucorrhcea. Coccygiodynia. (Ammonium carb. suits sickly, weakly, delicate women.) Leucorrhcea. — Profuse, acrid leucorrhcea. Watery, burning discharge from the uterus. Vaginal and uterine leucorrhcea. Violent fatigue of the whole body, especially in the thighs, with severe pain between the scapulae and in the small of the back. Leucorrhcea smelling like ammonia. Concomitants. — Serious mood. Disposed to weep. Great anguish as if she had committed a great crime. Apprehensive anxiety. Cloudy weather predisposes her to ill-humor. Great con- cern about her sickness. Does not like to talk or to hear others talking. Drowsiness in the daytime. Sleeps badly at night, unless she re- tires early ; the later she retires the greater difficulty she has in getting to sleep. Sleep full of dreams. Dreams of dying, or dead persons, of danger, of ghosts, and all sorts of offensive objects. 35 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Chronic headache. Violent headache after walking in the open air. Sensation of looseness of the brain. Bleeding at the nose. Dry coryza, especially at night. Obstruction of the nose without any cold ; must breathe through the month. Sensitiveness of the teeth ; teeth feel too long. Constant thirst. Appetite only for bread and cold food. Retarded and hard stool, forming masses, which are expelled with difficulty. Haemorrhoids. At every menstrual period there is a dis- charge of blood from the boivels. Nocturnal enuresis. Frequent desire to urinate, with continuous pressure on the bladder. Urine pale, with sandy sediment. In- voluntary urination during sleep. Swelling, itching and burning of the pudendum. Continuous itching of the mons veneris, constantly reappearing after scratching the parts. Soreness of the pudendum and anus, especially painful on urinating. Sterility. Dyspnoea on going up even a few steps. Incessant cough as from down in the throat. Violent, dry cough in the middle of the night. Pain in the middle of the back, passing off when walking. Stitches in the coccyx. Tearing pains in the joints. Cold hands and feet even in a warm room. Cold feet in bed. Great aversion to Avater, she cannot bear to touch it. Great sensi- tiveness to cold open air. General uneasiness of the whole body in the evening. Inclination to stretch the limbs. Great general debility ; soreness and lameness of the whole body, and especially the thighs. A feeling as if lamed and bruised by blows. Emaciation. Aggravations. — Many of the symptoms become aggravated in the open air; in the evening; on bending down; during wet weather, and from wet applications. Ameliorations. — Many are ameliorated by lying on the stomach ; from external pressure ; while in a room ; from warmth ; in dry weather. The right side of the body is more sensitive or more affected than the left. AMMONIUM MURIATICTM. 36 Ammonium carb. is especially suitable for weak or delicate, nervous women of a lymphatic or venous temperament. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. (MURIATE OP AMMONIA.) Menstruation. — Pre/nature and profuse, with contractive and compressive pains in the abdomen and small of the back. The flow is more profuse at night ; in the morning and during the daytime it is better. Discharge black, clotted and preceded by same choleraic symptoms as Ammonium carb. During Menstruation. — Great general exhaustion. Coryza. Toothache. Labor-like pains in the abdomen and small of the back. Diarrhcea and vomiting with pressure and contractions in the abdomen and small of the back, and frequent urgrngs to urinate. Tearing pain in the feet. Languor and weakness in the lower limbs. A quantity of blood passes with each stool. Tensive pain in either groin as if the skin were drawn tight, or as if she had sprained herself, with swollen feeling, stitches and soreness ; this strained feeling in groin compels her to walk bent. (In " strained feeling" compare Apis, Arnica, Xatrurn mur. and Plumbum.) Leucorrhoea. — Discharge albuminous, like the white of an egg, preceded by pain clout the umbilicus. Leucorrhcea with great tension of the abdomen, without collection of wind. Brown slimy discharge after micturition, painless or preceded by pinching pains about the umbilicus. Violent pain in the small of the back, especially at night. Concomitants. — Apj^rehensive and gloomy, as if caused by care and grief. Involuntary aversion to certain persons. Disinclined to talk. Great irritability in the morning. Sleepiness early in the evening. Awakens at 2 a. m. with cutting pain in the abdomen. Cannot go to sleep before midnight on ac- count of cold feet, Anxious, fearful dreams start her out of sleep. Dreams of falling into water, or of sickness. Lascivious dreams. Lancinating pains in the head, darting from below upward. Pres- sure over the root of the nose. 37 AJSTACAKDIUM OR1ENTALE. Burning in the corners of the eyes. "Watery, acrid coryza. Frequent sneezing. Sneezes during sleep. Face pale. Prosopalgia. Lips burn. No appetite. Great thirst, especially at night. Bitter taste in the mouth, and bitter eructations passing off after eating something. Nausea after eating, and when walking in the open air. Frequent and violent hiccough. Vomiting and diarrhoea during menstruation. Pinching colic. Stools hard and crumbling, requiring strong urging to expel them. Green, diarrhoetic stools. Pain about the umbilicus previous to stool. Discharge of blood while at stool, during menstruation. Sore pain in the rectum. Tearing pains in the peringeum. Increased secretion of urine, especially at night. Inclination to micturate at 4 a. m. Sediment, like clay, in the urine. Cough from tickling in the throat. Pain in the small of the lack, especially at night. Coldness of the back, between the scapulae. Languor, especially of the lower extremities. Lacerating pains in the thighs. Pain in the left leg as if the muscles were too short. Coldness of the feet while in bed. Aggravations. — During menstruation ; at night, in bed ; and often on rising from bed. The abdominal and uterine symptoms are aggravated in the afternoon. Ammonium mur. is especially adapted to fat, bloated and lax women, who are indolent and sluggish. ANACARDIUM OEIENTALE. (MALACCA BEAN.) Leucorrhoea. — With itching and soreness of the pudendum, increased ~by scratching. Concomitants. — Great mental weakness, Contradiction between reason and will. Cognition of two wills, one of which hinders her from doing that to which the other impells her. She is malicious and bent on some wickedness or cruelty. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. 38 Congestion of blood to the head, with pain in the cerebellum. Stitches in the brain. Dull pressure as from a plug on the left side of the vertex. Fluent coryza. Weak digestion with fulness and distention of the abdomen. Morning sickness. Ineffectual urging to stool. Pains around the umbilicus, as if a bent plug were squeezed into the intestines. Tearing in the mons veneris. Liability to take cold, sensitiveness to a draught of air. Aggravations. — From rubbing or scratching ; from lying on either side ; she must lie upon her back. Anacardium orientale is well adapted to nervous and hysterical women; also during pregnancy. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. (SPEAR grass.) Menstruation. — Premature, very painful and copious, the dis- charge being generally very bright or light-colored. Menstruation retarded, the discharge is dark, thick, and followed by fetid, light- colored leucorrhoea. Total suppression of the menses. Menstru- ation frequent and painful at the critical period. During Menstruation. — Bruised pains in the kidneys and thighs. Exhaustion. After Menstruation. — Fetid, light-colored leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. — Watey, clear, or milky and of a very bad odor. Thick, purulent, yellow or green leucorrhoea. Concomitants. — Gay humor, with disposition to laugh and sing. Sadness and restiveness, with a fear of death and the future. Burning pains, as if there was a chaffing dish in the region of the ovaries. Sensation in the ovaries as if they were stretched and every instant pinched. Burning, cramping, pinching, and gnawing pains in the uterus, with debility and general prostration. Lancinating and distensive pains in the uterus. Engorgement of the uterus. 39 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Hard tumors, like scirrhus, on the neck of the uterus. Burning pains in the uterus extending into the kidneys, with general weakness. Pains in the uterus as if it were twisted and compressed. Stitches passing like strokes of lightning into the uterus. Pressure on the uterus as if it would escape from pelvic cavity. Prolapsus and other displacements of the uterus. Swelling of the uterus, as from a collection of water. The uterus is swollen, hard, ulcerated and the os is closed. Contractions and spasms of the uterus. Sterility, as from atrophy of the ovaries. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. (CRUDE ANTIMONY.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse. The menses appear before the girl is of a propter age, are profuse, then cease, and are subsequently followed by chlorosis. Menstruation profuse with a peculiar pressure in the uterus as if something would be forced out. Menstruation too profuse, or suppressed by having been over-heated. Menstruation suppressed by taking a cold bath. Blood dark, or fluid with coagula. Before Menstruation. — Toothache with boring pain in the temples. Ecstatic, sentimental mood. During Menstruation. — A peculiar pressing pain in the uterus as if something would be forced out. Headache and toothache. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Gastric derangements. Ovarian region tender, tender to the touch. Great tenderness in the ovarian region after menstruation has been checked by a cold bath. AmenorrhGBa. — In young girls, amenorrhoea as a result of cold bathing or after becoming over-heated, with great tenderness in and about the ovarian region. Bearing-down pains. Leucorrhcea. — Acrid, smarting leucorrhoea. Discharge of acrid water from the vagina which causes a biting or smarting sensation down the thighs, or other parts with which it comes in contact. Pro- fuse discharge of acrid water mixed with plugs. Ulcerated cervix uteri, discharging acrid water and pus. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 40 Concomitants. — Peevish, sentimental mood, worse when walk- ing in the moonlight. Ecstasy and exalted love. Great anxiety about her fate. Inclined to commit suicide. Great sleepiness during the day. At 7 p. m. feels overwhelmed with sleep. Sleep disturbed by voluptuous dreams. Vertigo. Rush of blood to the head. Pressing pain in temporal region. Violent headache from bathing. Epistaxis after headache. Yellow-crusted eruptions on the face. Small, honey-colored granules on the chin. Thick, milky coating on the tongue. Aversion to solid food. Great longing for coffee. Desire for pickles. Desire to lie down after eating. Eructations after eating, tasting of the food. Burning, spasmodic pain in the pit of the stomach. Vomiting of bitter bile, and slimy mucus. Gastric and bilious complaints. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Stools often liquid, contain- ing portions of solid food; undigested stools. Discharge of solid excrement and blood. Discharge of mucus from the rectum. Diarrhoea at night, with great thirst. Sensation as if a copious stool were going to take place, when only flatus passes, finally a hard stool is voided. Stools hard, difficult, and too large. Increased and frequent discharge of urine at night with much mucus, and pain in the back. Brown, red or dark urine. Ovarian region tender to the touch. Pressure in the uterus as if something were coming out. Violent pain in the small of the back, when rising from a seat. Pains in the limbs. Gouty pains in the joints. Corns and collosities on the soles of the feet. Antimonium cruel, is well adapted to old women who are troubled with gastric, intestinal, and hemorrhoidal affections, and to young women who grow fat. 41 ANTIMONIUM TARTAKICUM. ANTIMONIUM TARTAMCUM. (TARTAR EMETIC.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse. Menses premature, scanty and of too short duration. Menses scanty and only lasting two days. Menstrual discharge pale or watery. Before Menstruation- — Vertigo with drowsiness. Nausea. Pains in the groins, and cold creepings over the body. During Menstruation. — Vertigo. Trembling of the head. Nausea and vomiting of large collections of mucus. Pain in the groins and cold creepings over the body. Painful urging to urinate. LeuCOrrhOBa. — Consisting of watery blood, occurring in parox- ysms, worse when sitting. Viscid, white, mucous leucorrhoea. Concomitants. — Anxious and timid in the evening. Wild mirth and hilarity in the daytime only. Trembling of the head, especially when coughing. Vertigo with nickering before the eyes, oppressive, constrictive headache. Obscuration of sight with nickering before the eyes. Pale, sunken face ; lips dry and cracked. Great desire for acids and fresh fruit, and thirst for cold water. Aversion to milk. Continuous, anxious nausea. Empty risings. Nocturnal eructations tasting like foul eggs. Violent vomiting attended with great strain- ing. Vomiting of mucus. Beating and pulsatings in the abdomen. Abdomen feels as if stuffed with stones. Colic with great bodily and mental uneasiness. Violent and painful urging to urinate. Dark, brownish urine. Dyspnoea, compelling her to sit up in bed. Attacks of suffocation, with a sensation of heat at the heart. Paroxysms of cough with suffocative arrest of breathing. Cough with vomiting of food. Rattling, hollow cough. Visible palpitation of the heart. Pain in the small of the back when sitting. Trembling of the hands. Finger-tips feel cold, as if dead. Heaviness of all the limbs. Attacks of fainting. Internal trembling. Convulsive twitchings. APIS MELLIFIOA. 42 Pulsations in all the blood-vessels. Beating and throbbing through the whole body, particularly in the stomach and abdomen, with great concern about the future. APIS MELLIPICA. (POISOX OF THE HONEY BEE.) Menstruation. — Premature, at the same time scanty or profuse. Painful, with a scanty discharge of slimy blood. Menstruation diminished or suppressed with congestion to the head. Menses sup- plemented with congestion or inflammation of the ovaries. The flow of blood is scanty, dark and mixed with mucus. Intermittent menstruation (compare Kreasote). Before Menstruation. — Congestion of Hood to the head. Sharp, cutting, stinging pains in the right ovary, before and during menstru- ation. Eruptions like bee stings on the abdomen. Violent labor-like pains in the abdomen which are followed by a scanty discharge of dark, bloody mucus. During Menstruation. — Heat of head. Yawning, and nervous restlessness. Faintness. Great heaviness in the abdomen. Labor- like pains in the abdomen, particularly in the right ovarian region. Catting or stinging pain in the right ovary. Sharp cutting in the uterus. Profuse flow with faintness. Red spots on the skin like bee stings, and a sensation in the abdomen and upon different parts of the body as if stung by bees. Constipation. Legs cedematous. Dysmenorrhea, with plunging, stabbing pain in the uterus and in the head, of a congestive type, or when it is due to inflammation, or irritation of the ovaries. The flow being scanty, dark and mixed with mucus. Bearing-down pains, with a sensation of weight and heaviness in the abdomen and ovarian region. Great tenderness over the uterine region. Yawning. Restlessness, wants to change her place often but finds no relief. Amenorrhcea. — Attended with congestion to the head. Cardiac distress. Great irritability and pain in the ovaries, especially the right. Stinging or cutting pain in the ovaries. Incidental anasarca ; 43 APIS MELLIFICA. swelling of the extremities ; puffiness of the cellular tissue. Especially for young girls, who are constantly engaged in this or that, but who do nothing right, who let everything they handle fall, and then laugh oyer it. Awkward, thin, frivolous, and jealous girls. Absence of thirst. Scanty urination. Metrorrhagia in abortion from direct congestion of the uterus or ovaries, attended with bearing-down pains, heaviness in the ab- domen, yawning and faintness. Red spots upon the skin like bee stings, and a sensation in the abdomen and different parts of the body as if stung by bees. Stinging in the region of one or both ovaries. Abortion in the early months of pregnancy. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse, yellow or green discharge. Acrid leucor- rhoea, attended with frequent and painful urination. Concomitants. — Irritable disposition. Jealous. Very busy, restless, constantly changing her occupation. Awkward, breaks things and laughs about it. Extreme sleepiness. Anxious startings in sleep. Night sleep full of dreams, dreams of taking long journeys. Dreams of making long journeys in great leaps through the air, like a bird. Head hot, especially the back of the head. Vertigo. Headache with vertigo, Headache, the brain feels tired. Congestive headache, with suppressed menstruation. Pressing pain in the forehead and temples worse on rising and in a warm room, relieved by pressing the forehead together. Eyelids much swollen, red and cedematous. Swelling about the eyes : dag-like swelling under the eyes. Smarting, and burning in the eyes, with redness of the conjunctiva. Trembling of the eyeball at night. Lachrymation, tears scalding. Nose swollen, red and cedematous. Sensation of constriction in the throat, or as if a foreign body had lodged in it. No thirst, with dryness of the mouth and throat. Burning heat in the stomach. Sensitiveness of the abdomen. Ful- ness and a sensation of bloatedness of the abdomen. Ascites. Stinging in the abdomen. APIS MELLIFIOA. 44 Diarrhoea, stools occur with every motion of the body, as if the anus were constantly open. Sensation of rawness in the anus. Scanty, dark urine. Urine often burns and smarts as it passes. Exceptionally too profuse secretion of urine. Great tenderness over uterine region. Inflammation, induration, swelling and dropsy of the ovaries. Ovarian diseases, especially on the right side, with a tendency to dropsy. Pain in the right ovarian region extending up to the ribs. Sharp, cutting pains in the ovarian region, extending to the thigh. Tightness in the ovarian reigon when raising the arms. Heaviness or weight in the ovarian region. Heat and stinging pain in the ovaries. Enlargement of the right ovary, and pain in the left pecto- ral region, with cough. Stinging pains in the ovaries, aggravated by sexual intercourse. Ovarian tumors attended with the peculiar stinging pains, white, transparent skin, absence of thirst, constipation, and dropsical effusions. Sexual desire increased, or in widows de- creased. Inflammation of the external and internal genital organs with stinging pains. Erysipelatous, vesicular or gangrenous eruptions of the labia. (Edema of the labia. Oppression of the chest, shortness of breath, rapid and painful respiration, especially when ascending or when lying down. She can- not bear anything tight about her throat. Burning or pressing pains in the coccygeal region, aggravated by any attempt to sit down. (Edema of the hands. Waxy paleness of the feet and legs, which are swollen. Red spots here and there upon the skin, like bee stings. Skin unusually white and almost transparent, with ovarian dropsy Wax- colored skin. (Edema or dropsy, without thirst. Ascites, urine scanty and dark colored, with great soreness of the abdominal walls, and stinging, burning pain. Spasms from cerebral effusions starting from sexual organs. Apis is adapted to bilious and nervous temperaments, and especially 45 APOCYNUM CAN.— AKALIA EAOE. to widows, and to girls who, though generally careful, become awkward and let things fall while handling them. APOCYNUM CANNABINUN. (INDIAN HEMP.) Menstruation. — Profuse uterine haemorrhage, the flow being either continuous or paroxysmal, the blood either fluid or clotted. Amenorrhea. — In young girls, attended with bloating of the abdomen and extremities. Metrorrhagia. — The flow is either continuous or paroxysmal. The blood is expelled in large clots, sometimes, however, in a fluid state. There is nausea, vomiting, palpitation of the heart, great prostration, and fainting when raising the head from the pillow. Concomitants. — Great drowsiness. Great weakness and pros- tration. Vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Oppression of the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Distention of the abdomen. Ascites. All kinds of dropsies, attended with a sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach. Great prostration, and fainting when raising her head from the pillow. Irritable condition of the stomach, she cannot retain even a draught of water. Diminished quantity of urine. Small discharges of light yellow, or dark, thick urine. Frequent desire to urinate ; severe pressure at the neck of the bladder. Heaviness of the extremities, swelling of the hands and feet. Dropsical swelling of the extremities ; the skin cracks and exudes serum. ARALIA RACEMOSA. (AMERICAN SPIKENARD.) Menstruation. — Sudden suppression of the menses from a cold. LeuCOrrhoBa. — With acrid, foul-smelling discharge and pressing. ARENEA DIAD.— ARGENTUM NIT. 46 down pains in the uterus. Feeble state of the nervous system. Great debility. Chronic uterine catarrhs. Lochia. — Suppression of the lochia with tympanitis ; excruciaDing pains in the bowels and uterine region. ARENEA DIADEMA. (cross spider.) Menstruation. — Too early, too strong, and too copious. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. (TITRATE OF SILVER.) Menstruation. — Too early, too profuse and of too long duration. Menstruation irregular, too soon or too late, too copious or too scanty. Menses punctual as to time, but more copious than usual. Menses profuse, especially in withered and dried-up looking women. Menses suppressed. Profuse in young widows. Menstrual discharge thick and coagulated. Before Menstruation. — Haemorrhage from the uterus. Press- ing headache, cutting pain in the groin and small of the back. During Menstruation. — Headache and vertigo. Labor-like pains in the abdomen. Internal trembling in the epigastrium. Tor- menting pressure in the praecordial region, especially at night. Cutting pains in the small of the hack, groins and pelvis. Con- tractions in the groins. The head feels very much enlarged, and the lower limbs extremely weak. Pain in the ovarian region, with pains radiating to sacrum and thighs. Metrorrhagia. — Attended with much trouble in the head, greatly aggravated by motion. Vertigo, and enlarged feeling of the head. Congestion of the uterus. Cutting pain in the small of the back and groins. Cramps in the stomach. Uterine cramps. Great de- bility of the lower extremities. Metrorrhagia with great nervous excitement at the change of life. Profuse flow in young widows and those who have borne no children. 47 ARGENT UM NITRICITM. LeuCOrrhCEa. — Of a mucous nature. Bloody discharges from ulcerated cervix uteri and adjacent parts, attended with pain in the back, and great debility of the lower extremities. Leucorrhcea, with yellow, corroding discharges. Dyspepsia, with loud belching. Fre- quent and profuse urination. (Leucorrhoea pus-like, ichorous, bloody, offensive, scenting the whole room, cervix uteri spongy and has an indurated look. Sore- ness in the abdomen always aggravated by riding. Pain in left ovary and back extending downward. Argentum met.) Concomitants. — Anxious and irritable mood. She is always in a hurry, time seems to pass so slowly with her. She is anxious and is obliged to do things in a great hurry. Errors and defects of per- ception. Moral and nervous disturbances come in quite regular paroxysms, coming on every night, every morning, or at noon, more particularly after dinner. Restless, stupid sleep, with horrid dreams. She is prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images hovering before her imagination. Vertigo and enlarged feeling of the head. Dizziness and confused feeling in the head, especially when she attempts to do anything, even talk or think. Vertigo in the morning with headache. Head- ache, not severe, but dull and constant. Frequent attacks of headache which increase and decrease rapidly. The headache is relieved by binding something tightly about the head. Photophobia and weak sight. Letters become blurred. Sickly appearance of the face. Sunken face, bluish countenance. Teeth, sensitiveness of the teeth to cold water. Tip of the tongue red and painful. Dry tongue with violent thirst. Rawness and' soreness in the throat. Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat. Sensation when swallotuing as if a splinter were lodged in the throat. Irresistible desire for sugar. Desire for strong cheese. Violent belching after eating. Vomiting which stains her bed- clothes black. Painful swelling of the pit of the stomach. Stomach feels as though it would burst with wind. Darting pains through the stomach and abdomen. Violent cardials™. AENICA MONTANA. 48 Diarrhoea as soon as she drinks. Frequent evacuations of green- ish, fetid mucus with noisy emissions of flatus. Emission of a few drops of urine with a sensation as if the interior of the urethra were swollen. Haemorrhage from the uterus. Disposed to abortion. Aching, tensive pain in the chest. Palpitation of the heart at night. Nightly pains in the lack. Cutting pain in the small of the back. Great debility and weariness of the lower extremities, with a general sick feeling, chilliness, dread of labor, drowsy and sickly appearance. Tremulous weakness accompanied with great general debility. The debility of the lower extremities is characteristic and should call our attention to the remedy at once. ARNICA MONTANA. (leopard's bane.) Menstruation. — Profuse, especially after a concussion, as from a blow, a fall, or a shock to the system. Menstruation generally pre- mature. Discharge bright red color, mixed with coagula. During Menstruation. — Heat about the head with cold ex- tremities. Menorrhagia with pains in the small of the back, extending into the groins, and down the inner surface of the leg to the great toe. Flow bright red and mixed with clots. Hard, forcing-downward pain. Discharge of blood from the uterus between the periods. Metrorrhagia. — After difficult labor or after a fall, or after a shock to the system. Profuse discharge of bright-red blood, mixed with clots, attended with nausea in the pit of the stomach, head hot and extremities cold. Sore, bruised feeling throughout the body ; it hurts her to move. The blood feels hot as it passes the vulva. Haemorrhage after coition. Face and head hot, body and extremities cold. Concomitants. — Excessive sensitiveness of the mind, with anxiety 49 ARNICA MONTANA. and restlessness, hopelessness, quarrelsome, and tendency to start. Averse to sympathy. Sleep tinref reshing. Is kept awake until 2 or 3 a.m. by heat, rest- lessness, and constant desire to change her position, or from pricking, stinging, biting, now here, now there, all over the body. On falling asleep, starts as from fright. Dreams of being struck by lightning, of graves and of black dogs. Giddiness with nausea when moving about, or on rising ; better when lying. Vertigo, especially when walking. Head hot and body cold. Burning in the brain, the remainder of the body being cool. Headache as from a nail thrust into the temple. Headache over the eyes, extending toward the temple, with a sensa- tion as if the integuments of the forehead were spasmodically contracted. Noises in the ears, with rush of blood to the head. Frequent bleeding of the nose. Redness and burning in one cheek. Fetid breath from the mouth. Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth. Nausea in the pit of the stomach. Eructations bitter, and like bad eggs. Putrid eructations. Vomiting of coagulated blood. Offensive flatus. Flatus smelling like rotten eggs. Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast. Involuntary stools at night,, when asleep. Brown urine, with brick-dust sediment. Bruised, sore feeling in the uterine region, which prevents her from walking erect. Varicose veins of the vulva or vagina attended with great soreness, as if bruised. Labia painfully swollen. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae and nipples. Bruised pain in the sacrum. Heaviness in all the limbs. Para- lytic pain in all the joints during motion, as if the parts were bruised. Varicose veins which feel sore and bruised. General bruised feeling throughout the whole body. Tendency to small boils. Painful cutaneous eruptions. Ecchy- mosis on various parts of the body. 4 ARSENICUM ALBUM. 50 Bad effects from strains, bruises, falls, concussions and other mehanical injuries. Arnica is especially adapted to nervous women who cannot stand pain, and those who are easily impressed with, and slow to rally from, even slight, mechanical injuries. Also sanguine, plethoric women. ARSENICUM ALBUM. (ARSENIOUS ACID.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse. Profuse in feeble subjects, with organic lesion of the uterus or the ovaries, attended with great prostration and sinking of the vital powers. Suppressed menses with pain in the shoulder-blades and coccyx. Exhausting menorrhagia, sudden, profuse discharge of dark blood. Menses pale and scanty, or a thin, whitish, offensive discharge, instead of the menses. Too early and too scanty (Arsenicum met.). Menstrual discharge pale-red blood . During Menstruation. — Great suffering from various pains and complaints. Extreme restlessness and agitation, full of sighs and weeping ; she cries if left alone. Headache and toothache. Eructations. Cutting colic. Pains extending from the hypogastrium to the rectum and anus. Stitches in the rectum extending into the anus and vulva. Stinging, cutting pain extending from the epi- gastrium to the hypogastrium, sides of the abdomen and back. Lancinating pains from the anus to the rectum and pudendum. Menorrhagia in women who are pale, waxy, weak and fatigued by the least exertion. The pains are worse about midnight, they seem in- tolerable, and drive the patient to despair and frenzy. External applications of warmth relieve the pain. Leucorrhcea acrid, thick, yellow. After Menstruation. — Discharge of bloody slime or mucus from the vagina. Stinking, watery discharge from the vagina and anus. Stitches from the hypogastrium to the vagina. Increased sexual desire with involuntary emissions. Acrid, corrosive, thick, yellowish leucorrhcea, excoriating the parts with which it comes in 51 ARSENICUM ALBUM. contact. Leucorrhoea aggravated by standing. Emissions of flatus from the vagina. Amenorrhcea. — Menses scanty or entirely suppressed. A thin, whitish, offensive discharge instead of the menses. White, waxy paleness of the face. Prominent enlargement about the eyes. Mar- gins around the eyes. (Edematous swelling of the eyelids. Pale yellow, cachectic look. Extreme restlessness. Sleep full of tiresome dreams. Faint turns. Great debility, the least exertion causes great exhaustion. Shortness of breath on going up-stairs. Irregular palpitation of the heart. Oppressive shortness of the breath. Ex- cessive thirst, but drinking does not refresh her. She drinks often but little at a time. Cold water lies like a load in her stomach. She vomits after drinking. Infiltration of the extremities. Great sexual excitement. Corrosive leucorrhoea. She is constantly chilly, and wants to be warmly clad, or near the fire. Increased sexual desire. Leucorrhoea. — Acrid, corrosive, thick, yellow, excoriating the parts with which it comes in contact, worse when standing. Thin, corrosive leucorrhoea. Thick, yellow discharge which drops when she stands up. Leucorrhoea while standing, and when emiting flatus. Leucorrhoea at the time of the menses, or instead of the menses. Leucorrhoea of long-standing in old women. Leucorrhoea in women who have a pale, waxy complexion, are very weak, easily fatigued, and of a chilly nature. They sleep badly and awaken as unrefreshed as when retiring. Concomitants. — Excessive anxiety and restlessness, driving her to and fro in the day time and out of bed at night. Anxiety and despair, thinks it useless to take medicine as her case is hopeless. Excessive fear of death, fears she will die suddenly when left alone, or on going to bed. Startings of various kinds on falling asleep in the evening. After midnight (from 3 o'clock on) she tosses about and sleeps only at times. Sleep full of care, sorrow and fear. She awakens more fatigued and unrefreshed than when retiring. Great heaviness of the head with humming in the ears, it goes off in the open air, but returns again on entering the room. Pain in ARSENICUM ALBUM. 52 the forehead, over the root of the nose. Periodical cephalalgia. Head- ache relieved by applying cold water to it. Icy cold feeling on the scalp. (Edema of the eyelids. Corrosive tears making the eyelids and cheeks sore. Excoriating discharge from the nose. Burning in the nose. Offensive smell before the nose. Frequent sneezing. Face puffed and Hue. Pale, yellow, cachectic look. Sunken face. White, waxy appearance of the skin. (Edematous swelling of the face. Dry and brown coated tongue. Dryness in the mouth. Burning in the mouth and pharynx. Great thirst for cold water, but she is unable to assimilate it; it lies like a stone in her stomach. Drinks often, but little at a time, and immediately throws it up. Excessive thirst, but drinking does not refresh her. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating or drinking. Aversion to food. Desire for sour things. Vomiting of green substance after eating or drinking never so little. Vomiting immediately after eating or drinking. Burning in the stomach, with bitter eructations. Great anxiety and painfulness in the pit of the stomach. Stomach tender to pressure. Abdomen distended and painful. Cutting pains in the abdomen. Pains in the abdomen with unbearable anxiety. Black, acrid, putrid stools. Watery diarrhoea. Burning in the anus like fire. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Urine scanty, dark yellow. Great sexual furor with an involuntary discharge of mucus. In- tense burning, throbbing and lancinating pains in the uterus. Burning pains in the ovaries as from fire. Inflammation of the ovaries, with sharp, drawing pains from the ovarian region, to the inner surface of the thighs, which seem benumbed. Terrible dartings and lanci- natings in the uterus and ovaries. Indurations and even scirrhus of the uterus and ovaries. All the uterine and ovarian pains are worse about midnight. 53 ARUNDO MAUKITANICA. Dyspnoea; air passages seem constricted. Difficulty of breathing, with great anxiety. Hysterical suffocation. Cough from a sensation as of vapor in the larynx. Cough at night compelling her to sit up. Excessive weakness and exhaustion of the limbs, obliging her to lie down. Great uneasiness of the lower limbs, she cannot keep them still. Skin wrinkled, cold and blue or covered with a cold, clammy per- spiration. White miliary eruption upon the skin. Herpes with vesicles, violently burning, especially at night ; bran-like, dry, scaly eruptions with burning and itching, made worse by scratching. Tetter, in general, with pricking and burning. General anasarca with white, waxy paleness of the face, and great debility. She is chilly all the time, wants more clothes on and to be near the fire. The slightest paroxysm of pain is accompanied with an excessive sinking of strength. Great prostration. She is faint, anxious and weary early in the morning. Arsenicum is adapted to nervous temperaments, sad and irritable dispositions, with cachectic and debilitating tendencies. ARUNDO MAUMTANTCA. (REED.) Menstruation. — Too early, too profuse and of too long duration. Discharge of black, clotted blood. Before Menstruation- — Pain in the uterus with meteroism. Concomitants. — Lascivious ideas. Laughs easily. Stupid hi- larity. Dullness of mind. Vertigo on getting out of bed. Pricking pain in the uterus, and also in the vulva. Violent desire for sexual embrace. Leucorrhoea. ASAFCETIDA. 54 ASAFCETIDA. (GUM RESIX OF FERULA.) Menstruation. — Premature and too scanty, and of too short duration, lasting but two or three days. Menses ten days too soon, scanty for three days, then becomes natural. During Menstruation.— Labor-like pains in the uterus, with cutting and bearing-down, recurring at quite regular intervals. Swelling of the external genitals. Leucorrhoea. — Profuse, greenish, thin and offensive. Concomitants. — Constant change of mind, tits of great joy and laughter, or anxious sadness. Fickle-minded, cannot be content with anything, must have, or do, first one thing, and then another. Rush of blood to the head with flushed face. Headache which disappears by contact. Pressive pain in the forehead, from within outward. Hysterical rising in the throat as if a hall or large body ascended from the stomach. Pressure in the oesophagus. Pain as if bruised, and a feeling of fulness in the region of the stomach. Empty or gone feeling at the epigastrium. Pulsations in the p 'it of the stoma.i-li. Stitches, lancinations or dartings in the abdomen, particularly in the left side. Pinching, flatulent colic. Accumulation of gas con- stantly passing upward, never downward. Eructations which smell like garlic. Watery stools of a yellow, dark-brown color and most disgusting smell. Obstinate constipation. Ulceration of the cervix uteri, the ulcers have high, hard edges, are sensitive and painful, and bleed when touched. Labor-like pains in the uterus. Bearing-down pains, especially when riding in a carriage. Swelling of the external genitals. Great sexual desire. Nymphomania in plethoric women. The mammae become turgid with milk in those that are not pregnant. Oppression of the chest. Accelerated breathing. Spasmodic asthma. 55 ASARUM EUROP— AURUM FOL. Chorea. Hysterical restlessness and anxiety with much trouble about the oesophagus. Hyper '-sensitiveness, especially in women troubled with congestion of the portal system, and pulsation of veins. Asafoetida is well adapted to nervous, hysterical women, with a tendency to scrofulous diseases, and syphilitic persons who have been treated with mercury in massive doses. ASARUM EUROPIUM. (ASARBACCA HASELWURZ.) Menstruation. — Too soon and of too long duration. Blood black. Before Menstruation. — Violent pain in the lumbar region before and at the appearance of the menses, which scarcely permits her to breathe. Violent headache before and after menstruation. Concomitants. — Excessive nervous sensibility, she cannot bear to hear the sound of scratching on linen or any similar substance. Food tastes bitter. Sweet, insipid mucus in the mouth. Empty retching. Hiccough. Pinching pain in the stomach. Constant desire to urinate. Lassitude of the lower extremities. AURUM POLIATUM. (PURE GOLD.) Menstruation. — Non-appearance of the first menses with labor- like pain in the abdomen as if the menses would appear. Menses retarded and scanty. Menses too early and more profuse than usual, the blood acrid and producing great soreness of the parts. Menses coming on all of a sudden. Before Menstruation. — Great depression of spirits. Disgust for life. Suicidal tendency. Severe bearing-down pains. Swelling of the axillary glands. Eruption of large, red pimples on the labia. majora. AURUM FOLIATUM. 56 During Menstruation. — Great mental dejection. Colic. Prolapsus ani. Constipation, stools hard and knotty. Amenorrhea. — Attended with great depression of spirits. Dis- gust for life, with suicidal tendency. Heaviness in the abdomen, with icy coldness of the hands and feet. Prolapsus of the uterus, with induration. Profuse leucorrhcea. Great exhaustion on waking in the morning. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse and excoriating. Thick, white leucor- rhcea with burning and smarting of the vulva. Yellow, clear leucorrhceal discharge, especially in the morning. Profuse, acrid leucorrhcea producing great soreness and itching of the genitals. Constant running from the vagina. Leucorrhcea with excoriation of theperinaeum and inner surface of the thighs and vesicular eruption on the labia majora. Syphilitic and scrofulous leucorrhoea. Light- yellow leucorrhoea (Aurum met). Concomitants. — Despondent, melancholy, imagines she is unfit to live, and her mind constantly turns toioard self-destruction. Weary of life, with longing for death, especially in the evening. Great moral weakness, she has no confidence in herself, and imagines others have none. The least contradiction excites her wrath. Mental labor fatigues her. Sleep disturbed by dreams about thieves. Sobs aloud, or screams out during sleep. Vertigo when stooping, as if turning in a circle. Half-sightedness. Double vision. Fiery sparks before the eyes. Stoppage of the nose. Ulcerated nostrils. Everything smells too strong. Violent pain in the right nasal and malar bone. Stench from the nose. Smelling and hearing painfully acute. Eruption of fine pimples on the face. Face bloated and greasy- looking. Stench from the nostrils smelling like old cheese. Offensive odor from, especially in young girls at puberty. Burning in the stomach, with hot risings. Constipation, stools hard and knotty. Nightly diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum. 57 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Urine turbid, looking like butter-milk, with mucous sediment. Painful retention of urine, with pressure in the bladder. Drawing pains in the mons veneris. Heat, pricking, and smarting of the vulva. Redness and swelling of the labia majora. Burning and pricking in the vagina. Prolapsus, of the uterus with drawing pains in the pubis. Induration of the uterus with drawing and shoot- ing pain. Constant dampness of the pudendum. Burning and itching up the vagina. Excessive sensitiveness of the vagina. Large, red pimples on the labia majora. Hysterical spasms, with alternate laughing and crying, and desper- ate actions, throwing herself about violently. Nightly bone pains. Bad effects from abuse of Mercury, such as swelling of the bones, caries, nightly pain in the bones, etc. Aggravations. — hi the morning ; on getting cold ; while re- posing. Amelioration. — Better when moving about. Aurum is adapted to sanguine temperaments, ruddy complexion, light hair, nervous women and girls at puberty, and to persons tainted with mercury or syphilis. The mental symptoms are the most in- dicative and should at once call our attention to this remedy. The melancholy and suicidal tendencies rest generally upon some organic disease of the reproductive organs. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. (WILD INDIGO.) Lochia. — The lochial discharge is exceedingly acrid and attended with prostration. Leucorrhoea. — Acrid leucorrhcea from ulcerated vagina and cervix uteri. Virulent leucorrhoea with frequent miscarriages. Concomitants. — Stupor, she falls asleep while conversing. She is mentally restless, but too lifeless to move. Her body feels scattered around, and she tosses about to get herself together. She sleeps till 3 a.m., and then tosses about till morning. She cannot sleep because she "cannot get herself together," her head and BARYTA CARBONIC A. 58 body seem scattered around the bed, and she tosses about in the vain endeavor to get the pieces together. Vertigo, and weak feeling of the entire system. Dull, stupefying headache. Frontal headache. Soreness as if in the brain. Head feels large and heavy. Numb feeling in the head and face. Top of the head feels as if it would fly off. Head feels too large. Eyeballs feel sore, or lame on moving them. Sallow face ; face hot and flushed. Stupid expression. Tongue coated, dry and brown. Mouth and tongue very dry. Constant desire for water. Can swallow liquids only. (Esopha- gus feels constricted from above down to the stomach. Nausea with eructations, followed by vomiting. Cramps in the stomach. Constant burning distress in the hypo- gastric region. Pain in the region of the gall bladder. Distention of the abdomen, with flatulent rumbling. Constipation. Offensive diarrhoea. Soreness of the larynx to touch. Great difficulty in breathing when lying down. She fears to go to sleep ; fears nightmare and suffocation. Cough from tickling in the throat. Neck stiff and tired, finds it difficult to hold her head erect. Dull sacral pain. Hands, arms, feet and different parts of the body seem too large. Intolerence of pressure and hence she is constantly changing her position. BARYTA CARBONICA. (carbonate of baryta.) Menstruation. — Too scanty and of two short duration. Too early and too profuse. Menstrual discharge acrid, or simply bloody mucus. Before Menstruation. — Toothache with swelling of the gums. Colic with swelling and heaviness of the limbs. Heaviness of the feet. Great aversion to an embrace. Profuse leucorrhoea. 59 BARYTA CARBONICA. During Menstruation. — Colic, with pinching and cutting in the abdomen. A continuous, troublesome weight, just over the pubis. Pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the back. Lameness in the loins. Tearing in the vulva, by fits and starts. Weakness and fainting. Discharge of sanguinolent mucus from the vagina with anxious palpitation of the heart and great uneasiness in the whole body. Amenorrhcea. — Attended with toothache and swelling of the gums and cheeks. Colic, with heaviness of, and swelling of, the limbs. Pain in the breasts. Leucorrhcea. Great exhaustion. Scrofulous symptoms. Retarded development in young girls. Gen- eral emaciation. Leucorrhcea. — Discharge of sanguinolent mucus from the vagina, attended with anxious palpitation of the heart. Pain in the back, with a general weak, faint sensation. Tearing in the pudendum at intervals. Leucorrhcea immediately before the menses. Moisture and soreness between the thighs. Concomitants. — Musing mood. Very cautious and irresolute. Great anxiety about her children. Weak memory. Ebulition of temper with cowardice. General weakaess of mind and body. Con- stant inclination to lie doivn. Dread of men, and of strangers : fears she is being laughed at. All her complaints are aggravated by thinking about them. Frequent awaking during sleep. Is often disturbed by anxious dreams. Awakens in the morning unrefreshed. Dullness of the head. Headache close above the eyes and root of the nose. Stitching headache, especially when near a warm stove. Head sensitive to cold. Coryza, with thick, mucous discharge. Formation of scabs in the posterior nares. Face pale and puffed. Tension, as from a cobweb over the face, temples, and scalp. Toothache before and during the menses. Swelling and bleeding of the gums. Sore throat after a cold, with inflammation and suppuration of the BELLADONNA. 60 tonsils. Smarting in the throat during empty swallowing. Rough- ness in the throat. Painful distention of the abdomen. Stools hard or lumpy, and expelled with difficulty. Stools loose, with pain and soreness in the lumbar region. Passage of round worms. Frequent urination. Urine dark-brown. Tearing in the vulva by fits and starts. Increased sexual desire. Cough with a sensation as if the lungs were full of smoke. Cough from thinking about it. Palpitation of the heart, renewed when lying on the left side, and when thinking about it. Stiffness at the nape of the neck. Induration and swelling of the glands about the neck. Tensive pain in the small of the hack. Throbbing in the back, like strong pulsations. Burning in the loins. Dampness between the thighs. Slinking perspiration, especially on the feet. Perspiration on one side, one hand, one foot, or on one side of the face. Fatty tumors about the neck. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Scrofulous eruptions. Baryta is suitable for obese, elderly women, and for young girls of retarded growth and development; for dwarfish women, weak both in body and mind ; for those who suffer from a troublesome weight or heaviness just above the pubic bones, or from general emaciation. The left side is most affected. BELLADONNA. (DEAJ)LY NIGHTSHADE.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse of hot, bright -red blood. Menstruation too soon and very profuse, the blood thick, de- composed, and of a dark-red color. Menses retarded and too pale. Menstrual flow bright red, containing dark, offensive clots. Menses suppressed, with cerebral congestion. Inordinate menstrual dis- charge, coming on suddenly. The menstrual discharge has a bad smell, is thick, coagulated, decomposed, and of a dark-red color, or it 61 BELLADONNA. is hot, bright-red, fluid blood, readily coagulating. The discharge feels hot as it passes. Before Menstruation. — Great weariness. Clouded vision. Rush of blood to the head. Delirium. Loss of appetite. Colic. Cramps in the stomach. Increased sexual desire in the evening, absence of desire, and even aversion to an embrace, in the morning. Uterine pains worse six or eight hours before the flow begins, the pains go straight from front to back, or vice versa. (Sepia and Pla- tina pains go around circumference.) Severe bearing-down pain, fre- quently attended with determination of blood to the head. Pinching pain in the abdomen, as if the parts were clutched by a hand. During Menstruation. — Great mental disturbance. Anxiety. Yawning. Throbbing headache. Rush of blood to the head. Head- ache, coming on suddenly, lasting an indefinite time, and ceasing suddenly. Heat of the head. Throbbing of the carotids. Eed and suffused face, especially in young girls of full habit. Much thirst. Chills. Fever. Great weariness and desire to remain lying down. Painful lassitude. Weight in the bowels, like a stone. Colic. Pain in the abdomen, as if the parts were clutched by a hand. Clawing pains or stitches in the uterine region. Spasmodic contractions in the uterus. Pressing in the genital organ? as if everything would be presed out through the vulva, worse in the morning, on sitting bent and when walking ; better on standing, or sitting erect. Sharp stitches in the uterus and vagina. Great sensitiveness over the uterine region to pressure, she cannot bear the least jar. Backache as if the back would break. Crampy pain in the back and sides. Shivering over the back. Tearing pains in the limbs. Nocturnal perspiration on the chest. Anguish about the heart. Pains that produce redness of the face and eyes. Pains come and go quickly. Urticaria. Dysmenorrhcea. — Of a congenital and neuralgic type, with violent throbbing headache, which is relieved by external press are. Shiverings over the back ; throbbing toothache ; spasmodic Switch- ings; enlarged pupils ; delirium, frenzy, rage. Pressive pains which come and go quickly. Chronic enlargement of the ovaries which swell during the menses and cause much pain. Pains go straight through BELLADONNA. 62 from front to back, or vice verm. ( With Sepia and Platina the pains go around circumference; with Murex the pains also go straight through.) After Menstruation. — Cramps in the stomach. Discharge of blood between the periods. Amenorrhoea. — In plethoric girls, with congestion to the head. Intolerance of light and noise, which makes her head ache severely and almost crazes her. Throbbing headache, with red, bloated face. Anguish about the heart. Crampy pains in the chest and sides. Burning thirst. Numbness of the legs when sitting. Prolapsus and induration of the uterus. Abdominal tympanitis. Labor-like pains in the abdomen. Chorea. Hysteria. Amenorrhoea from fright. Metrorrhagia. — Profuse discharge of hot, bright-red blood, with pressing pain*, or pains in the bach, as if it would break. Sudden flooding after accouchment. Profuse discharge of blood which sud- denly ceases and as suddenly returns again. The blood feels hot to the parts as it passes. Usually the blood is bright in color and not clotted, sometimes the blood is dark, is mixed with coagula and has a bad smell. Sometimes there is great vascular excitement, flushed face, red eyes, full, bounding pulse, and oppression, or there may be loss of consciousness ; darkness before the eyes ; enlarged pupils ; cold nose ; groaning ; yawning ; jerking of the arms ; convulsive clutching of the thumbs. Lochia. — Comes in clots, is offensive, and feels hot to the parts. Suppression of the lochia, with flushed face, injected eyeballs, de- lirium, frightful visions. Pain in the uterine region which comes and goes quickly. Tenderness of the abdomen. Sleep disturbed and un refreshing. Leucorrhcea. — Acute catarrh, which is followed by a discharge of white mucus, and attended with colic, the pain coming suddenly and ceasing as suddenly as it came, with bear ing-doivn pain, as if the uterus would be expelled; relieved by standing upon her feet. Leucorrhcea most copious in the morning. Concomitants. — Fantastic illusions of the intellect. Nervous anxiety. Desire to escape or run away. Merry craziness, she laughs, 63 BELLADONNA. cries and sings. Rage : tears her clothes, bites and strikes. Violent weeping, moaning, and shouting, without any cause. Over -excitability of all the senses. Intolerance of light and noise. Frequent starting, as in affright, when just on the point of going to sleep. Just as she is dropping off to sleep a shock from below up- 'ward awakens her. Startings during sleep, as from fright. Noc- turnal wandering of the mind, with singing, shouting, moaning and tossing about. Drowsiness in the daytime with restlessness at night. Sleep)iness, but cannot go to sleep. Anxious and frightful dreams. Confusion in the head. Vertigo with vanishing of sight. Head hot, while hands and feet are cold. Violent, throbbing headache ; pain in the head, as though it would burst. Lacerating pain in the right side of" the vertex. Neuralgia of the right side of the face and forehead. Hysterical headache. Rush of blood to the head. Stabbing, as with a knife, from one temple to the other. The pains in the head are aggravated by noise, motion, and when moving the eyes. External sensitiveness of the head, even the pressure of the hair gives her pain. Throbbing of the carotids. Projecting and sparkling eyes. Sparks before the eyes, she sees things double, photophopia. Strabismus; wild, wandering look. Pupils dilated. Tearing pains in the external and internal ear, in a downward direction. Great sensitiveness of smell, the faintest odor, especially that of tobacco, is unbearable. Foul, imaginary smells before the nose. Epistaxis. Face red, or livid and puffed. Glowing redness of the face with inexpressible headache. Spasmodic action of the faded muscles. Inflammatory swelling of the mouth and fauces. Constrictive sensation in the fauces. Constant desire to swallow ; swallowing painful, particularly of liquids. Dryness of the fauces. Spasms of the fauces and glottis. Shootings in the parotid gland. Tonsilitis, right side. Loss of appetite, aversion to food. Desire for cold water. De- sire for lemons. BELLADONNA. 64 Empty eructations. Nausea in the stomach. Vomiting of bile and mucus. Hard and painful pressure in the stomach. Cramps in the stomach. Pain in the abdomen, as if clutched by a hand, or a sensa- tion as if finger-nails were dug into the parts. The pains are transient. Flatulent colic, with protrusion of the transverse colon, like a pad. Diarrhcetic stools, with frequent urging. Shuddering during stool. Involuntary stools. Constipation; stools in lumps, like chalk. Frequent desire to urinate. Involuntary emissions of urine when standing. Incontinence of urine at night, in bed. The urine is yellow, and stains her linen. Great sensitiveness over the ovarian and uterine region, she can- not bear the least jar. At every step, violent shooting pains in the internal sexual organs. Burning pressure, uneasiness and weight in the uterine region. Clutching or clawing pains, or transient stitches, in the uterine region. Cramps in the uterus, with a sensation as if it were growing narrow. Violent pressure in the sexual organs, as if pelvic contents would issue from the vulva. Badly -smelling haemor- rhage from the uterus. Burning in the ovarian region. Enlarge- ment of the right ovary. Prolapsus and induration of the uterus. Inflammation, acute and chronic, of the uterus. Inflammation of the vagina and labia. Great dryness of the vagina. Puerperal mania. Increased sexual desire in the evening, absence of desire, and even aversion to an embrace, in the morning. Hysteria, with mental disturbances. Inflammation of the mammas with red, radi- ating streaks from a central point. Short, hurried, anxious breathing. Dry, spasmodic cough, worse at night, after lying down in bed. Cough after eating, or from a tickling in the back part of the throat. Hoarse, rough voice. Hysterical spasms of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, re- verberating in the head. Trembling of the heart. Violent palpitation of blood-vessels, disturbing sleep. Stiffness of the neck. Pain in the neck as if it would break, 65 BERBERIS VULGARIS. hindering motion. Intense cramps axuLpain in the small of the back and os coccyx, can only sit for a short time. Spasms with rigidity of the limbs. Tearing and pressure in the shoulders. Heaviness of the arms and feet. Scarlet redness of the arms and hands. Tremulous heaviness of the legs. Urticaria during menstruation. Painful sensitiveness of the skin. Intense erysipelatous fever. Disinclination and aversion to work and motion. Great restless- ness, she cannot remain long in one place. Great irritability and sensitiveness of all the senses. The senses of taste, sight, smell and hearing are keener ; the mind and thoughts alert and active. She cannot bear light jars or noises. Aggravation. — Worse from the least jar of her bed or chair, it aggravates her exceedingly. In the afternoon and after midnight, or on looking at shiny objects. Amelioration. — While standing or when leaning the head against something. Belladonna is adapted to plethoric, lymphatic constitutions in persons who are jovial and entertaining when well, but quarrelsome and violent when sick. Women with fine complexion, delicate skin, light hair, blue eyes. Those who take cold from every draught of air, especially when uncovering the head. The pains come on suddenly, last indefinitely, but cease as suddenly as they began. The desire to sleep with the inability to do so, is characteristic of Belladonna. BERBERIS VULGARIS. (BARBERRY.) Menstruation. — Too scanty, intermitting and attended with labor-like pains. The flow is too scanty, of too short duration and is attended with violent pain. The menstrual discharge consisting of grayish colored serum, or grayish, slimy mucus, or black drops or filthy slime. Before Menstruation. — Pains in the limbs. Albuminous leucorrhoea. 5 BERBERIS VULGARIS. 66 During Menstruation. — The patient complains of a good deal of chilliness. Peevish mood. Loathing of life. Headache. Fainting tarns. Tension in the nape of the neck, shoulders and arms. Painful distention of the abdomen. Burning at the anus. Smarting in the vagina. Stitches in the left side of the vagina. Violent pains in the sacrum and Joins, in the region of the kidneys, or down the thighs and calves of the legs. Soreness and tenderness of renal region, shooting pain extending down the ureters and into the hips. Yel- low, mealy sediment in the urine. Pains are felt all over the body •emanating from the lumbar region. Labor-like or ulcerative pains. After Menstruation. — Great weariness. Stinging and tearing headache. The vagina is sensitive, hot and dry; smarts and burns. Excoriating pain in the vagina. Soreness of the labia. Pinching in the perinseum. Tensive pain in all the muscles. Suppressed sexual desire, with stitches in the vagina and uterus during intercourse. Leucorrhoea. — Albuminous leucorrhoea before menstruation attended with intense burning after urination, and constant soreness along the whole course of the urethra. Yellow, mealy sediment in the urine. Acrid leucorrhcea. Leucorrhoea producing great prostra- tion. Grayish, mucous leucorrhoea. Vagina sore and painful. Concomitants. — Indifference. Melancholy, inclination to weep. Anxious and fearful mood. Sleepy during the day, feels tired and must lie down. Headache after dinner, or in the afternoon. Headache aggravated by motion ; better in the open air. Sensation of coldness in the right temporal region. Sensation as if the head were becoming larger. Pale, earthy complexion, hollow face. Blue circles around the eyes. Pit of the stomach puffed up. Painful distention of the abdomen. Lancinating, tearing, stinging, or laming, gnawing, aching, pain on one -ide of the umbilicus, and passing to the lumbar region. Stitches in the left side down to the vagina. Stools hard and scanty, like sheep's dung, passed only after much straining. Pain before and during stool as from constriction of the rectum. Violent, burning pain in the aims, as if the parts around it were sore. Sensitiveness of the anus which interferes with her sitting. 67 BOKAX VENETA. Lancinating in the region of the kidneys, with a feeling of soreness as if bruised, worse on motion. Burning and soreness in the region of the kidneys. Stitches from kidney to bladder. Urging to urinate. Urine dark-yellow, becoming turbid. Mucus and thick mealy sedi- ment in the urine. Suppressed sexual desire with long-delayed thrill, with cutting and cutting pains in the vagina and uterus. Burning and soreness in the vagina. The vagina is dry, hot and sensitive when touched. Smart- ing pain in the vagina. Burning, itching or biting sensation in the mons veneris. Chilliness along the hack. Pressing or tensive pain in the region of the kidneys, sometimes one side only, sometimes both. Pains across the small of the lack as if the parts were crushed or bruised, with a feeling of stiffness, so that it is difficult for her to rise from a sitting posture. Great weakness, like fainting, after a walk. Unrefreshed, worn- out feeling of both body and mind in the morning when waking. Especially suited to women with renal or vesical disorders. BORAX VENETA. (BIBORATE OF SODA.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse. Suppression of the menses, with great nervousness. Before Menstruation. — Beating in the head, buzzing in the ears and pressure on the chesfc. Stitching in the right pectoral region. Catching of the breath. Pain extending from the stomach to the small of the back. Stitching or pressing pain in the groins. During Menstruation. — Great lassitude. Throbbing in the head and rushing in the ears. Buzzing in the ears. Great nervous- ness, she starts at the least noise, and dreads a downward motion, as going down stairs, or the downward motion of a rocking chair. Nausea. Pinching and griping in the abdomen. Bearing- down and stinging in the groins. Spasmodic, pressing and lancinating pains in the groins. Pain extending from the stomach to the small of the BORAX VENETA. 68 back. Colic from the stomach to the inguinal region. Perspiration after midnight. Membranous dysmenorrhea. After Menstruation. — G-astralgia, with heaviness from the right groin to the shoulder-blade. Crampy and lancinating pains in the groins. Cramp-like pain in the stomach, and vomiting after- ward. White, albuminous, thick or corrosive leucorrhcea. Stitches in the uterus. Pricking pains in the clitoris, at night. Leucorrhcea. — White, albuminous discharge, like the white of an egg or like starch, with a sensation as if warm water were escaping. Thick, corrosive, burning leucorrhcea. Thick, white discharge, like starch or paste. Leucorrhcea white as starch, perfectly bland and without pain. Leucorrhcea midway between the menstrual periods. Sterility on account of chronic, acrid leucorrhcea. Leucorrhcea at- tended with great general nervousness. She is easily startled, and cannot bear a downward motion, as going down stairs, or the down- ward motion of a rocking chair, or riding on horseback. Concomitants. — Low-spirited and peevish. Very nervous, easily frightened, cannot sleep well, starts at the least noise. She cannot confine herself to work, is listless, going from one thing to another. She dreads a downward motion, as descending stairs, or the down- ward motion of a swing or a rocking-chair. Sleepiness in the daytime and sleeplessness at night. Awakens at 3 o'clock a. m. and cannot go to sleep again on account of the great heat in her body. Lascivious dreams, she dreams of having sexual intercourse. Vertigo when going up-stairs. Vertigo in the morning. Pain all over the head, with nausea and inclination to vomit, and trembling of the whole body. The hair is rough and frowzy, and the ends split. Sensitiveness of the eyes to gas-light. Extreme sensitiveness of hearing, the slighest noise, even the rumpling of paper, disturbs her. Anxious face during downward motion. Sensation of cobwebs drawn over the face. Aphthae in the mouth. Mouth hot. Flatulent distention of the abdomen after everv meal. 69 BOVISTA. Stools light-yellow, slimy mucus, with great exhaustion. Violent, instantaneous desire to urinate. Stitches in the uterus. Pinching sensation at the clitoris, especially at night. Chronic metritis. Cervicitis. Sterility. Stitches in the chest at every turn of cough, or when yawning or breathing deeply. Out of breath when going up-stairs. Pain in the right pectoral region. Pain in the small of the back. Stitches in the soles of the feet. Borax is especially adapted to sensitive, lax constitutions and nervous temperaments. Borax produces a profound impression on the female genital organs. Farther provings and clinical observations will doubtless more clearly define its sphere of action, and rank it as one of our most useful reuiedies. BOVISTA. (puff balls.) Menstruation. — Too scanty. Menstruation too often and too profuse, flowing more in the morning and less at night. Menstruation coming on every two weeks with profuse discharge of dark, clotted blood. Menses too early and too profuse, or too late, too scanty, too brief, flowing only at night. Menstruation retarded. The menstrual flow is dark and coagulated or watery, and flows only at night or only in the morning. Discharge of blood between the periods. Before Menstruation. — Diarrhoea and bearing-down toward the genital organs. Painful urging toward the genitals, which is somewhat relieved when the discharge sets in. Diarrhoea and head- ache. During Menstruation. — Lassitude. Headache and toothache. Colic. Soreness and excoriation in the groins. Soreness on the mons veneris. Diarrhoea and headache. Soreness, rubbing sensa- tion and cracking in all the joints, especially those of the pelvis. BOVISTA. 70 After Menstruation. — Leucorrhoea, Discharge of blood between the menstrual periods. Leucorrhoea. — Before or after menstruation. Thick, viscous, albuminous leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoeal discharge like the white of an egg, especially when walking, dropping out in a coagulated mass or clot. Leucorrhoea of a yellowish- green color, acrid, corrosive, leaving green stains upon the clothes. Very thick, tenacious mucous discharge, especially when walking. Soreness of the pudendum, labia and thighs, occasioned by the acrid, excoriating discharge. Concomitants. — She is sad and despondent, especially when alone. Absentminded. Ill-humor and vexed mood. Great sensi- tiveness, is easily offended. Great lassitude and debility. Eestless sleep with frightful dreams. Awakens with headache, as from too much sleep. Vertigo in the morning. Headache deep in the brain. Headache on awaking as from sleeping too long. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Paleness of the face early in the morning. Nausea earlv in the morning. Nausea with chilliness, fulness and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pinching in the abdomen. Pain in the left groin. Intolerance of tight clothing about her waist. Diarrhoea before and during menstruation. Morning diarrhoea with urging and tenesmus. The first part of the stool is hard, the rest thin or watery. Burning and itching in the anus after stool. Diabetes mellitus. Frequent urging to urinate. Urine bright-red, with violet sediment. Voluptuous sensation in the genital organs. Painful bearing-down in the vulva, and weight in the small of the back. Severe itching at the tip of the os coccyx. Pains between the shoulders and along the border of the scapulae. Perspiration in the axilla smelling like garlic. Tetters in spots all over the body. Moist, scurvy eruptions. Urticaria. Fainting turns. Stuttering. Great debility; sudden loss of strength. Very awkward ; she drops everything she handles. 71 BROMIUM. BROMIUM. (BR03IIXE.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse, the flow being bright- red blood. Passive haemorrhage attended with great exhaustion. Suppression of the menses. Discharge of membranous shreds. Before Menstruation. — Headache. Pain in the forehead with a sensation, when stooping, as if the eyes would fall out. Violent contractive spasms in the abdomen, leaving the parts, after passing off, very sore. Loss of appetite. Stitches in the abdomen. Pain in the small of the back. Feeling of great weakness. During Menstruation. — Frontal headache, with a sensation when stooping as if the eyes would drop out. Violent, contractive spasms in the abdomen, beginning previous to, or at the commence- ment of, the flow, and continuing some hours after it is fully developed, with subsequent soreness of the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen and small of the lack. Soreness in the vagina. Discharge of pure blood. Discharge of membranous shreds. Emissions of large quantities of flatus from the vagina. Leucorrhoea. — Constant leucorrhoea. Loud passages of wind from the vagina. Concomitants. — Cheerful-minded, very active, disposed to mental labor. Sad, low-spirited, and out of humor. Weak and worn-out feeling after all pain has ceased. Great exhaustion. Very drowsy in the daytime, and especially toward evening or when reading. Sleep disturbed by unpleasant dreams, such as quarrels, murders, dead bodies, and long journeyings. Awakens unrefreshed, and does not want to get up. Vertigo from the sight of running water. Sensation as if she would lose her senses. Headache, especially in the left side. Pain in the sinciput, worse in the hot sun, going off when in the shade. Headache from drink- ing milk. Illusion of sight. Darting pain through the left eye. A sensation when stooping as if the eyes would fall out. BRYONIA ALBA. 72 Face alternately red and pale. Earthy complexion. Sensation as of spider-web on the face. Nausea with pain in the stomach after eating. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone. Colic as though the abdomen would burst. Constipation, stools hard, brown and glistening. Blind, intensely painful varices, worse from the application of cold water. Sore pain in the pudendum. Pain in the vagina as if sore. Dull and constant pain in the left ovary. Hard swelling in the ovarian region. Loud emissions of flatus from the vagina. Lack of sensibility or feeling during coition. Scraping and rawness in the larynx, provoking cough. Cough with sudden paroxysms of suffocation on swallowing. Battling of mucus in the larynx when coughing. Hoarseness. Great difficulty in breathing. Spasms of the glottis. Sharp stitches in the left breast. Violent palpitation of the heart in the evening, preventing her from lying on the left side. Sore pain in the small of the back. Swelling and induration of the glands. Great prostration and weakness. Great weakness a long time after all the other symptoms have disappeared. Bromium is well adapted to women with light hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and those with affections of the throat and chest. BRYONIA ALBA. (white bryony.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse, with dark-red Mood, which smells badly. Suppression of the menses, with frequent bleeding from the nose. Vicarious menstruation, bleeding from the nose. Haemorrhage of dark-red Mood, with pain in the small of the back. Before Menstruation. — Buzzing in the ears. Congestion to the head. Heaviness on the chest. Pinching pain in the uterus. During Menstruation. — Aching in the head, as if it would .7///. Congestion of Mood to the head, with bleeding from the nose. 73 BRYONIA ALBA. The headache is aggravated by the least motion. Pressure and fulness at the epigastrium. Burning gastralgia. Pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Constipation, stools hard and dry, as if burnt. Nausea on sitting up in bed, and even when raising the head from the pillow. Rheumatic pains in the back. Tearing pains through the legs. Dry cough. Leucorrhoea. Coldness with frequent shiverings. All her sufferings are aggravated by motion. After Menstruation. — Discharge of dark-red blood between the periods. Amenorrhoea. — Great vascular excitement. Frequent congestion of Mood to the head or chest, with nosebleed and dry cough. Bleed- ing from the nose in place of the menses, or spitting of blood. Vertigo as soon as she rises from her chair. Headache soon after rising in the morning. Swimming in the head, with heaviness and pressure toward the forehead, and a sensation when stooping as if everything would be pressed out at the forehead. Frequent cold- ness and shuddering, sometimes alternating with dry heat. Dryness of the lips. Excessive thirst, she wants large quantities of cold water. Bitter or sour eructations. Pressive gastralgia or colic. Pains in the small of the back. Pains of a drawing character in the lower part of the abdomen. Stools hard and dry, as if burnt. Metrorrhagia. — After abortion or accouchement, with profuse discharge of dark-red blood, attended with violent pains in the small of the back, and headache, especially in the temples, as if the head would burst. Lips and mouth dry. Excessive thirst for large draughts of cold water. Burning pain in the uterus. Pain in the limbs. Nausea when sitting up in bed, or even on raising her head from the pillow. Aversion to all motion. She is sore all over, as from a heavy cold. Lochia. — Suppression of the lochia, with bursting headache. Profuse lochial discharge of a bright-red color, with burning pain in the uterine region, and aching in the small of the back. The least motion aggravates her sufferings. Dryness of the lips and mouth. Great thirst with desire for large draughts of water. Aversion to all motion. BRYONIA ALBA. 74 Concomitants. — Great irritability, she gets angry on the least occasion. Morose, every things puts her out of humor. She wishes to be alone. Drowsy in the daytime. Sleep disturbed by thirst. In the even- ing, just before falling asleep, she starts up in fright. Nocturnal wanderings. Vexatious dreams about her household duties. Vertigo as soon as she rises from her chair, or rises up in led, or even when raising her head from the pillow. Confusion of the head. Headache in the morning after rising. Headache on stooping, as if everything would fall out the forehead. Headache, as from pressure from within out, in loth temples, as if the head would be rent asunder. Congestion of Hood to the head. Hysterical headache. Headache and red face after every meal. Headache aggravated ly motion, opening the eyes, or stooping ; re- lieved by pressure or by closing the eyes. Noises in the head as from insects. Kinging, roaring or humming in the head. Nosebleed in the morning after rising, before menstruation, and in pregnant women just before a menstrual ejooch. Red, hot, soft puffiness of the face. Heat in the face. Lips parched and cracked. Tongue thickly coated white or yellow. Dryness of the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth. Excessive thirst at long intervals for large quantities of water. Desire for things, which are refused when offered. Aversion to food. Frequent empty eructations. Sour or bitter eructations after eat- ing. Nausea or vomiting immediately after eating, though the food is relished. Morning sickness or nausea, especially wh en rising up in led j she gets feint, or sick, or both, on sitting up. Sensation of swelling in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach after eating. A feeling as if a stone were lying in the stomach. Sensitiveness of the epigastric region to pressure. Diarrhoea bilious ; pasty, offensive evacuations, followed by burn- ing in the anus. Constipation, stools large, hard and dry, as if burnt. Stools too large for the passage. Passage of offensive flatus. 75 BRYONIA ALBA. Urine hot, red-brown, and diminished in quantity: it becomes turbid and casts a pinkish stain over the bottom of the chamber. Stitching pain in the ovaries on taking a deep inspiration. Severe pain in the region of the right ovary, as from a sore spot, the pain extending down the thigh, while at rest, and is greatly aggravated by pressure. Pain in the right ovary, of a dragging nature, or as from irritation. Uterine cramps with pinching and uneasiness in the abdomen. Dropsy of the uterus, with a diminution of the swell- ing at night. Great sensitivenes of the uterine and ovarian region, she cannot bear the least pressure, the pain is worse on motion. Swelling of the left labia majora. Hard, black pustules on the swollen portion of the left labia. Uterine displacements. Lumps, indurations and inflammation of mammae. Tensive burn- ing and tearing pains in the mammae. Dry cough, as if coming from the stomach. Cough, worse after drinking. Cough caused by a tittillation in the throat. Cough, with pain in the head, as if it would fly in pieces. Stitches in the chest, when lying on the back. Respiration op- pressed ; a sensation as though the lungs would not expand. A full inspiration produces stitching pains in the chest. Pain in the small of the back, like a painful stiffness, preventing her from standing erect. Drawing and tearing pains in the legs. Tensive stitching and tearing in the calves of the legs down to the ankles. Weariness and heaviness of all the limbs. Articular and muscular rheumatism. Sour perspiration. Great exhaustion and weakness on rising. Great desire for things which cannot be had, or which are refused or not wanted when obtained. Bryonia is especially adapted to slender persons ; to nervous and bilious temperaments; to women easily irritated, and to rheumatic constitutions. The aggravation from motion, the peculiar character- istics of the thirst, and the inability to rise on account of the result- ing vertigo and nausea, make up a picture that should at once attract our attention to this remedy. BUFO. 76 BUFO. (toads ) Menstruation. — Too early and too copious, discharge composed of pale fluid blood with clots. Bloody discharge between periods. Before Menstruation. — Headache. Nausea. Colic. Itching and burning in the uterus and vagina. Yellow thick or whitish leucorrhoea. Lecurrhcea like cream, or like the washings of meat. During Menstruation. — Headache. Palpitation of the heart. Painful weariness. Weakness. General malaise. Contractions in the hypochondria. Pain in the limbs. Chilliness all over, and especially in the limbs. Stitches in the splenic region. Increased sexual desire. After Menstruation. — Heaviness and bad temper. Yellow, thick, or whitish leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea like cream, or like the washings of meat. Metrorrhagia. — After abortion. Severe stitches in the uterus. Sensation as if something rose from the uterus to the stomach, with great nervous agitation and spasms. Leucorrhoea. — Purulent and fetid discharge. Leucorrhoea as clear as water and without smell. Leucorrhoea, especially in the evening, with colic, burning in the hypogastrium, muscular con- tractions about the neck, and general cramps. Yellow thick or white leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea like cream, or like the washings of meat. Concomitants. — Inclination to be angry. Dislike to conversa- tion. Drowsiness after eating. Giddiness with heaviness of the head. Appearance of objects, as if seen through a veil. Fetid odor from the mouth. Mucus decends through the pos- terior nares. Great dryness of the throat. Eructations, like rotten eggs. Sensation of faintness from empti- ness of the stomach. 77 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS* Constipation, with coldness of the body. Urine brown and offensive. Hard tumors and polypi of the uterus. Ulcers and fissures of the cervix uteri. Digging or gnawing pain in the uterus. Swelling and great sensitiveness of the ovarian region. Burning heat and stitches in the ovaries. Pruritus vulva. The uterine pains are ag- gravated in the morning by walking, and by too long sitting. Palpitation of the heart after a meal. The arms go to sleep. Twitching of the muscles. Epileptic convulsions. Great weakness and fainting. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. (NIGHT-BLOOMING CEKEUS.) Menstruation. — Menses too soon. The menses are too scanty and cease flowing when the patient lies down. Menses attended with terrible pain, causing her to cry aloud and weep. Painful menstru- ation accompanied with great prostration. Menstruation copious and painless. The pain comes on periodically, mostly in the even- ing. The menstrual discharge consists of thick, dark-colored, or black, pitch-like blood. Before Menstruation. — Palpitation of the heart. During Menstruation. — Cardiac complications. Constrictive pains in the uterus (Sepia). Agonizing uterine spas7ns, worse in the evening. Horrible pains, causing the patient to cry aloud and weep. Great prostration of strength, obliging her to lie in bed most of the time. Painful constriction around the pelvis, extending gradually toward the stomach, causing a sensation as of a great blow in the region of the kidneys, making her cry out. Pulsating pain in the uterus and ovaries. Palpitation of the heart. Sensation of con- striction in the scrobiculus. Concomitants. — Sadness and bad humor. Irresistible inclin- ation to weep. Consolation aggravates her troubles. Love of solitude. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 78 Sleepless from pulsations in the pit of the stomach or in the ears. Vertigo from congestion to the head, with red face. Pain on the vertex, as from a weight, worse in the evening and from noises, ameliorated by pressure. Pulsations in the temples, as though the head would burst. Hardness of hearing ; pulsation in the ears. Nosebleed. Constriction of the oesophagus, exciting a constant desire to swallow. Must drink large draughts to force the fluid into the stomach. Morning nausea. Acrid, sour risings, in the throat. Constrictive feeling at the pit of the stomach. Morning diarrhoea. Sensation of weight and pricking, as from pins, in the anus. Constriction in the rectum. Constant desire to urinate. Urine profuse, straw-colored. Con- striction of the neck of the bladder, urine passes in drops, with burning. Sensation of constriction in the uterine region. Painful constric- tion around the pelvis, extending gradually up toward the stomach. Pain in the uterus or uterine ligaments, periodically returning every evening, and increasing gradually until 11 p. m., it then ceases till the following evening. Pulsating pain in the uterus and ovarian region, the pain extends to the thighs and becomes almost insupport- able, then it ceases completely, and occurs on the next day at the same time. Chronic bronchitis. Cough, with copious mucous expectoration. Rattling of mucus in the chest. Attacks of suffocation with fainting. Constriction of the chest, impeding speech. Sensation of con- striction in the lower part of the chest, as if a cord were tightly bound around the false ribs, with great obstruction of breathing. Heart diseases in general. Palpitation of long-standing. Acute and chronic carditis. Rheumatic affections of the heart and dia- phragm. Palpitation of the heart in debilitated persons, especially when lying upon the left side, when walking, at night, with great melancholy. Feeling as though an iron band was around the heart, 79 CALOAREA OAEBONICA. preventing its normal motion. Pain in the apex of the heart, shooting down the left arm to the ends of the fingers. Palpitation of the heart on the approach of the menses. Sensation of constriction in the middle of the sternum. General weakness and prostration of strength. Periodical attacks. The whole body feels as if compressed in a wire cage. The characteristic sensation of constriction in the throat, chest, nterns, oesophagus, rectum and bladder, will at once call our atten- tion to this remedy. CALCAREA CARBONICA. (CARBONATE OF LIME.) Menstruation. — Premature, profuse and protracted. Sup- pressed menses after working in water. Suppression of the menses in persons of full habit. Membranous dysmenorrhea. The least excitement causes the menses to return. Menstrual discharge light- colored or bright-red. Before Menstruation. — Voluptuous dreams. Great depression and nervousness. Easily frightened. Headache. Heat of the head. Nocturnal shivering and colicky pains. Swelling and sensi- tiveness of the breasts. Aching pain in the back and hips. Pain in the axilla. Great nervous prostration. During Menstruation. — Great anxiety and restlessness, fol- lowed by f aintness. Rush of Mood to the head. Heat in the head. Vertigo on rising from a stooping position, or on ascending a height. Tearing, boring headache. Heaviness of the head and dizziness. Pressure at the vertex. Nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids. Lachrymation in the morning. Hardness of hearing. Toothache, boring in the decayed teeth. Painful deglutition. Great difficulty in breathing. Inclination to vomit, with ineffectual desire to stool. Sour vomiting. Labor-like pains in the abdomen and back. Crampy or griping pains in the small of the back. Drawing and oppressive • pains, with stitches in the abdomen. Pains in the bones of the hips. Swelling of the feet. Cold, damp feet. A sensation as CALOAREA CARBONICA. 80 if cold, damp stockings were on her feet. Involuntary discharges of urine. Discharge of membranous shreds. After Menstruation. — Pleasurable sensation in the parts. Toothache ; drawing and shooting pains in the teeth, day and night. Mucous leucorrhoea, resembling milk. Severe itching of the parts, with excoriation, heat, smarting, and shooting pains. Inflammation, redness and swelling of the vulva. Dampness between the thighs. Pressure in the vulva. Shooting in the cervix uteri. Amenorrhea. — In young girls of a leuco-phlegmatic tempera- ment, with congestions to the head. Vertigo on going up-stairs. Pulsative headache. Buzzing in the head. Swelling and sensitive- ness of the breasts at each menstrual period. Cutting pain in the bowels and down the thighs. Painful pressure in the hypochondria. Sensitiveness of the hypochondria, even her clothing is unpleasant to bear. Swelling at the pit of the stomach, like a saucer turned bottom-side-up. Bearing-down pains, as though the menses would appear, but do not. Fatigue and heaviness of the whole body, and especially of the lower extremities. Shortness of breath when going up-stairs. Cold, damp feet. Suppression of the menses, with ana- sarca, from working in water. Amenorrhcea incident to pectoral diseases. Leucorrhoea. Metrorrhagia. — M the critical period, the patient previously always subject to premature, profuse, or protracted menstruation. Swelling at the pit of the stomach, like an inverted saucer. Cold, damp feet. Metrorrhagia in young girls of full habit, with conges- tion to the head, pains in the small of the back, profuse discharge of bright-red blood, and abdominal colic. Congestive headache, vertigo on stooping, constant aching in the vagina. Constant chilli- ness, wants to be covered up warmly. Lochia. — Protracted lochial discharge, either light or red color, especially in women whose menstrual periods are always premature and profuse. After once growing light in color the lochia again be- comes bloody. The lochia is attended with an itching sensation in the uterus. Leucorrhoea. — Like mucus or milk. Leucorrhoea before or 81 CALCAREA CARBONIC A. after the menses. Leucorrhoea, with turning and itching of the vulva. Milk-like discharge during micturition, or flowing only at times. Cervical leucorrlicea, the discharge being albuminous, and attended with great lassitude and debility. Sinking and trembling at the stomach. Burning pains in the cervical canal. Stitches in the cervix uteri. Much mucus between the labia and thighs, with biting- pain, especially in leuco-phlegmatic subjects. Aching in the vagina and itching in the pudendum. Increased leucorrhceal discharge after any excitement. Leucorrhoea in women subject to a too copious and oft-recurring menstruation. Voluptuous sensation in the genital organs. Leucorrlicea of little girls. Concomitants. — Very sensitive. Inclined to weep. Great anx- iety and palpitation of the heart. Melancholy, anxiousness and awe as soon as the evening approaches. Desponding mood with dread of sickness and accidents ; hopeless of everything, with fear of death, fear of going crazy, or that people will observe her and suppose her to be crazy. Obstinate, out of humor. Vexed mood, fault-finding. Illusions of the fancy. Difficulty of thinking. Hysterical. She cannot sleep after 8 a. m. Finds it difficult on account of many thoughts involuntarily thronging the mind. Vertigo on suddenly turning the head. Vertigo on going up-stairs. Rush of blood to the head. Heat in the head. Stiipefying headache, or throbbing headache. Headache so severe she fears her head will burst, or she will go crazy. Chronic head- ache, pain worse from early in the morning, after waking, until afternoon. Headache with empty eructations. Headache beginning in the occiput and spreading to the top of the head. Fulness and heaviness of the head. Icy coldness in and about the head. Head and upper part of the body siveats profusely, especially at night, the perspiration stands out in large bead-like drops. Headache amelio- rated by tight bandaging, closing the eyes, lying down, or after vomiting. Falling off of the hair from the sides of the head. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 82 Constant mist before the eyes. Pupils much dilated. Itching in the canthi. Fistula lachrymalis. Crackling, roaring in the ears. Severe, fluent coryza, with headache. Purulent nasal secretion. Nasal polypi Pale bloatedness of the face. Yellow color of the face. Blue rings around the eyes. Moist, itching, scurfy eruptions on the cheeks and forehead. Offensive smell from the mouth. Toothache, aggravated by cold drinks. Ravenous hunger in the morning. Great thirst. Desire for eggs, for wine, for salt or sweet things. Sour vomiting, or regurgitation, particularly of sour food. Heart- burn after every meal. Swelling over the pit of the stomach, like an inverted saucer. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emaciation and good appetite. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Crawling and itching in the anus. Chronic diarrhoea, stools whitish and liquid, yellowish, gray, or clay -like. Constipation, stools hard, undigested, oozing of offensive fluid from the anus. Painful and difficult urination, the urine having a peculiar, pungent, fetid odor. Involuntary emission when walking. Stitches in the urethra. Stinging burning or itching tubercles on the margin of the labia. Voluptuous sensation in the genitals, with orgasm, followed by great weariness. Burning, sore pain in the genitals. Moisture, like pro- fuse sweat, in the fold between the pudenda and thighs, with biting. Itching of the pudendum. Varices on the labia. Inflammation, redness and swelling of the vulva. Itching on the external and in- ternal labia. Metritis with sharp stitches in the neck of the uterus. Prolapsus uteri, with a sensation as of something pressing on the fundus. Difficulty in standing on account of a pressing-down sensa- tion, as if the abdominal and pelvic organs would be forced out. Polypus of the uterus. Sterility from premature and profuse men- 83 OALOAREA CARBONICA. struation. Distention of the mammae but scanty supply of milk. Ulcers on the nipples. Chronic, painless hoarseness. Night cough. Cough with rattling of mucus in the chest. Tickling cough as from a feather or dust in the throat. Cough caused by playing on the piano. Expectoration of sweetish mucus. Expectoration through the day, not at night. The whole chest is sensitive to touch and during inspiration. Pain in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart with anguish. Trembling pulsation of the heart. Pains in the small of the back. Pains in the arms, hands and fingers, tingling in the fingers as if gone to sleep. Perspiration of the palms. Crampy feeling in the lower limbs, in the bend of the knees, calves, soles and toes. Burning of the soles of the feet. In the evening the feet feel numb. Feet cold and damp. Offensive per- spiration on the feet, making the soles raw. Great general debility, walking produces great fatigue, she is put out of breath by going tip-stairs, and has to sit down. Fatigue from the least exertion, even from talking. Faintness, with loss of sight and coldness. Liability to take cold, great sensitiveness to moist, cold air. Tendency in young girls to obesity. Severe orgasms of blood. Calcarea is especially appropriate for complicated cases of pulmo- nary and uterine diseases, in ill-conditioned women, of a scrofulous diathesis, with an impoverished state of the blood, and a depraved condition of the nutritive system ; for hysterical women during the climacteric, especially if they have not been married, or have not had children, and have suffered from profuse menstruation; also for leuco -phlegmatic constitutions, with affections of the mucous membranes ; also for women with bloated abdomen, narrow chest, and deficiency of the bone element. CALCAKEA PHOSPHORICA. S4 CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. (phosphate of lime.) Menstruation. — Returning every two weeks. Menstruation too early in young girls, with discharge of bright blood, in adults too late, the discharge at first bright, afterward becoming dark. Menstruation during lactation. Menstrual blood dark, especially in rheumatic- subjects. Before Menstruation. — Stitching pain in the left side of the heart. Sleepiness during the daytime. Leucorrhcea. Great sexual desire, followed by copious flow. Nymphomania, all organs in erection with insatiable desire. Drawing, pressure, and sore feeling over the pubes. Aching pressure in the loins, uterus and vagina. During Menstruation. — Pressure over the pubes. Drawing pain from left to right over the pubes. Great weakness and distress in the region of the uterus. After Menstruation. — Leucorrhcea. Throbbing headache. Stitching pain in left side of the head. Aching pain in the small of the back and lower limbs. Great weakness and sinking sensations. Leucorrhcea. — After the menses, as the menstrual flow di- minishes the leucorrhcea increases the discharge looking like the white of an egg. Leucorrhcea worse in the morning, after rising, of a sweetish odor. Great feeling of weakness in the sexual organs, worse after stool and urination. Concomitants. — Great mental anxiety. Disposition to censure and find fault. Involuntary sighing. Restless, wants to go from place to place. Complaints from grief, or disappointed love. Drowsiness in the daytime. Dreams of traveling or of late events. Vertigo when walking in the open air. Headache of school girls. Headache on the top of the head. Headache in the forehead with tearing pains in the arms, hands and fingers. Crawling sensations run over the top of the head, as if ice lying on the upper part of the occiput. Singing, and other noises, mostly in the right ear. Pain in the superior maxillary bone, from right to left. Heat in 85 CALOAEEA PHOSPHORICA. the face. Complexion of a dirty-white or brownish color. Face full of pimples. Disgusting taste in the mouth in the morning. White, cracked tongue. Burning in the epigastrium. Violent pain in the stomach with great debility. Emjrty, sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach. Protruding haemorrhoids. Sore feeling in the anus, offensive diarrhoea. Difficult passage of soft stool accompanying the headache of school girls. She passes a great deal of offensive flatus while at stool. Haemorrhoids oozing a watery fluid all the time. Fistula in ano, alternating with chest troubles. Frequent emissions of large quantities of urine, attended with great weakness. Violent pain in the region of the kidneys. Uterine displacements with rheumatic pains. Prolapsus uteri, with weak, sinking feelings. Feeling of great weakness in the sexual organs after defecation or menstruation. Aching in the uterus. Cutting pain in the uterus through to the sacrum. Pain in the vagina, with flushes of heat and faintness. Pain from the right groin into the left. Labia sore and aching. Pains over the mons veneris. Throbbing, tickling or pressing in the genitals, drawing upward into the symphysis, downward into the thighs. Rheumatic pains and prolapsus of the uterus, made worse by every little cold. Cervix swollen, red and painful. Voluptuous feelings, a sensation as if all the sexual organs were filling up with blood, she feels a pulse in all her parts, with violent sexual desire. Palpitation of the heart with great anxiety. Violent backache with her uterine pains. Aching pain between the scapulae. Soreness in the sacro-iliac symphyses. Pain in the small of the back after the least exertion. Rheumatic pains in the shoulders and arms. Pain in the carpal and metacarpal joints, especially of the left thumb. Violent pains in the knees. Aching in all the limbs with great weakness. Great weariness with all complaints. Weariness when going up- stairs. Wants to be constantly sitting down, hates to get up or move. CALENDULA OFF.— CANTHAKIS. 86 Complains often of a sinking sensation. This sensation of emptiness, weakness or sinking is peculiar to this remedy. Calcarea phosphorica is useful in complaints of young ladies who have been crossed in love, and suffer great mental anxiety with all their complaints. For school girls, or complaints in school girls ; they get anxious and restless, want to go home when at school, and to school when at home. Girls at or near the age of puberty, suffering with headache and disturbances of the bowels. Take cold at every change of weather and have aching of all the joints. Calcarea phosphorica patients, instead of being fat, as are those of Calcarea carbonica, are flabby, shrunken, emaciated. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. (MARIGOLD.) Calendula deserves attention from its apparent power to prevent or to diminish suppuration in cases of mechanical injuries during labor. Lochia profuse, watery, offensive, coming in gushes. After instru- mental deliverv. CANTHARIS. (SPANISH PLY.) Menstruation. — Too early and too copious, with black blood. Retarded menses. Before Menstruation. — Burning pains during menstruation, with white sediment in the urine. During Menstruation. — Lancinating pains deep in the brain. It makes her frown, so that she wears a distressed scowl. Uterine haemorrhage with great irritation at the neck of the bladder. Mem- branous dysmenorrhea with severe dysuria. After Menstruation. — -Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina. Violent itching in the vagina. Burning in the vulva. Colic. Amenorrhoea. — Attended with pain and fulness in the head. 87 CANTHAEIS. Pain in the region of the kidneys. Urging to urinate, with painful evacuation. Burning in the urethra and vagina. LeuCOrrhoBa. — Acrid and burning. After urinating a discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina. Violent itching in the vagina. Leucorrhoea as a result of masturbation. Concomitants. — Anxious restlessness ending in rage. Insolent and contradictory mood. Mental alienation. Amorous frenzy, with shameless, unchaste gesticulations. Kestlessness, she goes from one occupation to another. Burning in the sides of the head, ascending from the neck, with soreness and giddiness, worse morning and afternoon, better while walking or lying down. Yellow complexion; pale, wretched, sickly appearance. Loss of appetite, aversion to all hinds of food. Thirst, with aversion to all fluids. Impeded deglutition, especially of fluids. Thoughts of drinking, or the sound of water, produces spasms. Burning in the mouth. Vesicles and canker in the throat. Vomiting, with violent retelling and severe colic. Burning in the stomach and abdomen. Burning through the whole intestinal canal, with an unquenchable thirst, and a disgust for all kinds of drink. Dysenteric diarrhoea. White or pale-reddish mucous stools, like scrapings from the intestines. Burning in the anus during stool. After stool chilliness and tenesmus. Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time. Urine at times mixed with blood. Burning after urination. Smart- ing and cutting in passing only a few drops of urine. Violent burn- ing, cutting pains in the neck of the bladder. Urine turbid and scanty. Urine cloudy through the night, like mealy water, with white sediment. Burning in the pudendum. Inflammation of the ovaries. Tender- ness and burning in the ovarian region. Stitches in the ovarian region, arresting breathing. Ovarian hydatids. Violent pinching pains, with bearing down toward the genitals. Violent itching in the vagina. Burning in the vulva. Swelling of the cervix uteri. Ex- CARBOLIC ACID. 88 cessive desire for sexual intercourse. Pruritus, with strong sexual desire. Great anxiety about the heart. Tearing pains in the back. Pains in the loins, with incessant de- sire to urinate. Lancinating and tearing pains in the coccyx. Pains in the soles of the feet. Weakness and trembling of all the limbs. Excessive debility. Prostration and emaciation of the whole body. Over-sensitiveness of all the parts. Cantharis is suitable for slender women, especially those who are sterile. Cantharis exerts its beneficial action on the genito-urinary system, and it is here that we will find our most characteristic symptoms. CARBOLIC ACID. Menstruation. — Delayed and profuse, and the discharge is a darker color than usual. Menses irregular. After Menstruation. — Great nervous irritability and headache. Lochia. — Profuse discharge of fetid, acrid matter. Leucorrhcea. — Uterine catarrh. Copious discharge of fetid, greenish, acrid matter from the vagina. Dragging sensation across loins and through the pelvis. Excoriating discharge, worse after profuse menses. Concomitants. — Disinclination to work or study. Dull frontal headache. Dull, heavy pain in the temples, and tightness in the nose between the eyes. A sensation as of a band around the forehead. Heat in the face. Soreness of the cervical vertebrae. Frequent desire to urinate, with burning in the urethra. Pain in the region of the left ovary when walking in the open air. Itching of the skin on various parts of the body. Great physical exhaustion; profound prostration. 89 CARBO ANIMALIS. CARBO ANIMALIS. (ANIMAL CHARCOAL.) Menstruation. — Too early and continuing too long, not pro- fuse, but producing great exhaustion, so much so that the patient is scarcely able to speak. The menses flow only in the morning. The menstrual discharge is generally dark. Before Menstruation. — Heat with anxiety and headache. Bruised feeling in the thighs. During Menstruation. — Great exhaustion and weariness, with stretching and yawning. Pressure in the groins, sides, thighs, and small of the back. Lameness, weakness and languor in the thighs. Distention of the abdomen, with ineffectual attempts to raise wind. Great laryngeal weakness, she is scarcely able to speak. Menorrhagia from chronic induration of the uterus, also in delicate women with glandular affections. After Menstruation. — Great exhaustion. Great weariness and fatigue, with chilliness, stretching and yawning. Throbbing head- ache. Lochia. — Continues too long, becomes thin and very offensive. Excoriates the parts, and produces numbness of the limbs. Leucorrhcea. — Watery, worse when walking or when standing. Acrid, burning or biting leucorrhcea. Scrofulous leucorrhcea. Leucorrhcea attended with great weakness in the stomach. Yel- lowish leucorrhcea, or the discharge stains her linen yellow. Slimy, bloody discharge from uterine cancer. Offensive uterine discharges. Offensive yellow and acrid leucorrhcea. Concomitants. — Desire to be alone ; she is sad and reflective and avoids all conversation. Alternate cheerfulness and melancholy. Low-spirited or excessively merry. Homesickness. Tendency to start. Full of fear in the dark. Sleepy all the forenoon. Sleep full of vivid fancies. Heaviness in the cerebellum, worse in the forenoon, in the open air, better after dinner. Pain in the vertex, as if the skull had been split or torn open. OARBO ANDIALIS. 90 Humming or ringing in the ears. Discharge from the ears. Hearing is dull or distant. Swelling of the parotid gland. Roughness and hoarseness in the throat in the morning. Dry, nocturnal cough. Cough in daytime, accompanied by a gray, greenish, sometimes purulent, expectoration, of an offensive, somewhat sour, taste. The tip of the nose is red and painful to the touch. Bleeding from the nose after vertigo or headache. Dry coryza, nose stopped up in the morniug. Copper-colored eruptions on the face. Earthy complexion. Numerous little pimples on the face, especially in scrofulous young girls. Vesicles on the lipts. Heat in the face and head in the after- noon. Dryness of the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, especially in the morning. Offensive odor from the mouth. Loss of appetite. Repugnance to greasy food and cold drinks. Vomiting of pregnant women, with frontal headache and great irritability. Weakness and empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. Eructa- tions tasting of food. Saltish water rises from the stomach. Claw- ing and griping in the stomach. Cold feeling in the stomach. Inflation after a meal. Audible rumbling in the abdomen. Constipation, stools hard and knotty. Ineffectual urging to stool, only offensive flatus being passed. During stool, pain in the back. and lack of expulsive piower. Burning and stinging in the anus and rectum. Exudation of a sticky, inodorous humor from the rectum and perinaeum. Distended varices, with burning pain, especially when walking. Frequent desire to urinate. Fetid smelling urine. Hard, painful nodosities in the breasts. Breasts swollen and in- flamed. Indurated cervix uteri. Neck of the uterus swollen and hard. Malignant ulceration of the cervix uteri, with foul discharges. Tearing pain, transversely across the pubes and then through the pudenda as far as the anus. 91 CARBO VEGETABILIS. Palpitation of the heart after eating, and when singing in church, also on waking in the morning. Pain in the coccyx, worse when sitting or when lying down. Press- ing pain in the small of the back when drawing a long breath. Indurated cervical and axillary glands. Arthritic stiffness of the finger joints. Stitches in the left hip when sitting. Aching pain in all the joints, especially at night. Numbness of all the limbs. Very sensitive to cold air. Great exhaustion from walking. Carbo animalis is adapted to elderly women with venous plethora ; also to young women with scrofulous complaints. CARBO VEGETABILIS. (VEGETABLE CHARCOAL.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse. Menstruation scanty. The menstrual discharge consists of pale blood, or it is thick, acrid, corrosive, and has a strong, pungent smell. Before Menstruation. — Headache. Abdominal spasms. Colic from morning till night. - Itching of the skin about the neck and shoulders. Itching eruption on the nape of the neck and between the shoulder-blades. Itching of old tetters. Drawing pains from the hypogastrium to the sides. Cramp-like drawing in the hypo- gastrium, extending to the back. Thick leucorrhcea with smarting of the vulva. During Menstruation. — Violent, contractive headache, with contraction of the eyes. Cutting pain in the abdomen. Drawing pain from the abdomen to the small of the back. Colic, especially when the discharge ceases to flow. Pains in the back and all the bones, as if bruised. Aphthse at the pudenda. Itching, burning sore- ness and smarting at the vulva and anus. Swelling of the pudenda, red sore spots about the parts, resembling little ulcers, with much burning and itching. Menstruation accompanied with leucorrhoea of a mucous, whitish, milky, or thick, yellowish discharge, or it may be greenish, profuse and excoriating. Burning in the hands and soles of the feet. At the time the menses should appear, violent itching CARBO VEGETABILIS. 92 of old tettery eruptions. Passive menorrhagia with violent itching at the vulva and anus. Menorrhagia with burning pain across the sacrum. Skin dry and blue. (China). Skin moist and clammy. During all hemorrhages the patient desires to be "fanned hard." Lochia. — Brown, foul-smelling, lochial discharge. After-pains, felt only in the shin-bones. Leucorrhcea. — In the morning the discharge very acrid, excori- ating the parts. Leucorrhcea before the menses. Corrosive, thick, or thin, greenish or yellowish-white leucorrhcea. Leucorrhcea after micturition. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina. Profuse milky discharge, excoriating the parts. Obstinate leucorrhcea. Leucorrhcea flowing only in the morning on rising, disappearing during the remainder of the day. Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina. Soreness and rawness of the vulva during the leucorrhcea. Red, sore places about the pudendum. Severe itching of the pudendum. Concomitants. — Anxious and restless, especially in the afternoon from 4 to 6. Anxious, as if oppressed with heat in the face. Nightly fear of ghosts. Great and sudden weakness of memory. Ideas flow slowly. Extraordinary rush of voluptuous thoughts. Very drowsy in the daytime, while reading, or when sitting, has to get up and walk about. Falls asleep late at night owing to restless- ness of the body, or from orgasms of blood. Does not get to sleep until 1 a. m. Sleep full of dreams. Awakens often from cold knees. Vertigo or fainting early in the morning. Vertigo when moving the head quickly. Whirling in the head the whole day. Heaviness in the head. Rush of blood to the head. Oppressive headache just over the eyes. Pressure on top of the head, and in both temples. Dull paiu in the occiput. Sensitiveness of the scalp to contact. Hair falls out. Heaviness, as from a weight on the eyes. Black spots before the eyes. Ringing in the ears. Left ear hot and red every morning. Of- fensive otorrhoea. Nosebleed, with pale face before and after each attack. Bleeding 93 CARBO VEGETABILIS. from the nose while straining at stool. Coryza with crawling in the left nostril. Grayish-yellow, greenish, or great paleness of the face. Twitching of the upper lip. Gums recede from the teeth. Gums sensitive. Tongue coated white or yellow. Tip of the tongue raw and dry. Profuse and con- stant flow of stringy saliva. Desire for coffee, acids, sweet and salt things. Aversion to meat and fat food. Weakness of digestion, the plainest food distresses her. Milk causes flatulence. Dreads to eat on account of distress, burning, etc., which follows. Redness and burning or rawness in the throat. Food cannot be easily swallowed, throat seems contracted. Frequent and violent eructations. Emissions of large quantities of flatus, inodorous or putrid. She involuntarily eructates tough, glairy mucus, which runs continually from her mouth. Vomiting of food in the morning. Sour, bilious vomiting. Contractive and burning cardialgia. Abdomen feels flabby, and hangs heavy, needs supporting, she walks bent. Flatulent distention of the abdomen, as though it would burst, especially after eating. Bruised feeling in the hypochondria. Stitching pain in the region of the liver. Pinching in the abdomen, shifting from left to right. Flatulent colic. Discharge of terribly offensive flatus. Flatus hot and offensive. Thin, light-colored, slimy stools. Slimy fecal diarrhoea in scrofu- lous persons. Difficult passage of soft stool, Burning haemorrhoids. Stinging, itching, and burning at the anus. Frequent and anxious desire to urinate. Nocturnal enuresis. Urine dark -red, as if mixed with blood. Aphthae on the pudendum. Heat and redness. of the pudendum. Sticking pains in the pudendum when urinating. Varicose veins in the vulva, and about the external genitals. Itching, painless ulcers on the pudendum. Erectile tumors upon the parts, hard and blue. Fistula of the vagina, with burning pains. Uterine cancer. Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis. Morning and evening hoarseness. OASTOEEUM. 94 Cough in the evening or before midnight. Cough sometimes dry, usually with greenish or purulent, sometimes brownish, expectoration. Sputa has an unpleasant odor and a sour or saltish taste. Cough worse on going from a warm to a cold place, after lying down, in the evening, in bed, and from talking. Severe burning in the chest, as front gloicing. Palpitation of the heart when sitting and after eating. Drawing pain from the nape of the neck upward and forward. Rheumatic drawing, tearing pains in the muscles of the back and neck. Burning pains in the limbs. Tearing pains in the forearms, wrists, and fingers. Icy coldness of the fingers. Lame, drawing pains in the lower limbs. Cramps in the legs, and in the soles of the feet. Numbness of the limbs. Nettle rash. Itching and soreness in the axilla, Lymphatic swellings, with suppurative and burning pains. Great debility and exhaustion from the least exertion. Low state of the vital powers. CASTOREUM. (CASTOR FIBER.) Menstruation. — Premature and attended with more or less pain all over the body. Increase or reappearance of the menses. Pre- mature appearance of the menses, with pains in the abdomen and small of the back. During Menstruation. — Ill-humor. Very fretful, she is dis- contented with everything and everybody. Aversion to speaking. Angry exclamations during sleep. Pressure in the forehead and vertex. Lancinating in the forehead, with great sensitiveness of the upper part of the head. Pale, sickly appearance of the face. Smarting in the eyes. Roughness in the throat inducing cough, generally in the morning. Constant chilliness. Soreness in the abdomen, relieved by pressure. Pain or pressure in both groins. 95 CASTOREUM. Painful weariness in the middle of the thighs, afterward extending all over the limbs. Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten. Leucorrhoea. — Thick, or watery, and burning. Weariness in the thighs. Concomitants. — Melancholy sadness. Whining sensitiveness. Ill-humor. Restless sleep, with anxious dreams about murderers and robbers, and inability to move or cry out. Lacerating pain in the forehead ; fulness in the forehead ; heavi- ness in the head. Burning in the eyes, with great sensitiveness to light. Watery coryza. Stoppage of the nose. Bad smell from the mouth. Pain in the teeth, aggravated by cold drinks, relieved by warm ones. Unquenchable thirst, especially in the afternoon, with frequent micturition and constant nausea. Feeling of fulness in the chest and stomach. Violent pain in the abdomen. Pinching and lacerating in the abdomen. Stools watery and whitish. Hard stool, with burning at the anus. Nightly cough, with burning in the throat. Heat in the chest just beneath the sternum. Painful pinchings in the scapulae. Violent draining in the tendons of the nape of the neck. Violent pain in the shoulders extending to the elbows. Languor of the lotuer limbs. Drawing and tingling in the calves, as if occasioned by fatigue. Castoreum is especially adapted to women of lymphatic tempera- ment, who, from the first, suffer from menstrual colic. Most of the symptoms appear or are aggravated at each menstrual period. CAULOPHYLLTJM THAL. 96 CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTORIDES. (SQUAW KOUT.) Menstruation. — Too soon and too scanty ; the flow is retarded. from a simple lack of excito-motor force in the fallopian tubes, or the parietes of the uterus. Suppression of the meuses. Menstrual discharge very light. Menstrual irregularities occurring subsequent to, and consequent upon, miscarriage, attended with spasmodic, bearing-down pains, with scanty flow and sympathetic pain in the bladder, bowels and rectum. Painful menstruation, the flow being normal in quantity. Before Menstruation- — Pain in the small of the back. Great aching and soreness of the lower limbs. Chilliness. Vertigo. Bad breath. Bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting of yellow, bitter matter. Spasmodic, intermittent pains in the back, groins, chest, limbs, etc. During Menstruation. — Vertigo, with dimness of vision. Chilliness. Bitter taste in the mouth. Bad breath. Intense nausea and vomiting of bitter, yellow matter. Severe pain in the small of the back. Great aching and general soreness of the lower limbs. Severe pains with diminution of the flow. Menstrual colic from retroversion of the uterus. Intermittent uterine pains, or a relaxed and flabby condition of the uterus with profuse flow. Spasmodic dysmenorrhcea. Spasmodic, intermittent pains in the bladder, stomach, broad ligaments, and even the chest and limbs. Long- continued, bearing-down pains. Pains radiate from uterus to differ- ent parts. Scanty flow, blood very light, with intense nausea and vomiting of yellow, bitter matter. Hysteric convulsions during dys- menorrhea. Congestion and irritability of the uterus. Painful uterine contractions. Sympathetic cramps and spasms in neighbor- ing organs, as the bowels, rectum, and bladder. Hysterical spasms of the chest and larynx. Tremulous weakness throughout the whole system. After Menstruation. — Passive haemorrhage, an oozing from 97 CAULOPHYLLUM THAL. the lax uterine vessels, with tremulous weakness of the whole body. Dull, aching pain in the lumbar region. AmenorrhOBa. — Attended with cramps and spasms, or great atony. Swimming in the head, with dimness of vision. Pulling pains in the back. Moth spots on the forehead. Lochia. — Protracted lochia from atony of the uterus. The dis- charge oozes passively from the relaxed uterine vessels. Suppression of the lochia. LeuCOrrhcBa. — Profuse, mucous discharge, often in little girls. Yellow spots, " moth spots," on the forehead. Leucorrhoea sharp, acrid, very weakening, with heaviness of upper eyelids — has to lift the lids up with her fingers (compare Causticum). Leucorrhoea of profuse, bland mucus. Leucorrhoea, with congestion of the uterus, and bearing-down pains. Concomitants. — Sensation of a comfortable languor, and dis- position to sleep. Feels weak and nervous. Inability to sleep from nervous weakness, or from rheumatic pain. Sensation of fulness in the head. Swimming in the head. Spells of vertigo. Dryness of the mouth. Excessive thirst. Empty eructations. G-ulping-up of sour, bitter fluid. Distention of the stomach and bowels, with drawing in the right hypochondria. Copious emissions of pale, straw-colored urine. Apthous vaginitis and spasmodic pains in the uterus. Irritable vagina. Sensation as if the uterus were congested, with fulness and tightness in the hypogastric region. Threatened abortion, with spasmodic, bearing-down pain and great vascular excitement. Uterine displacements. Endometritis with drawing pains extending down into the legs or up into the chest. Hysterical spasms of the chest and larynx. Articular inflammation of the small joints. Kheumatism of the wrists. Eapidly-shifting pains in the arms and legs. Eestlessness and nervousness, with hot and dry skin. Aching or dragging pain in the small of the back. CAUSTICUM 98 CAUSTICUM. (KALI CAUSTICUM.) Menstruation. — Difficult first menstruation. Menstruation de- layed hut profuse. Menstruation delayed but otherwise natural. Menstruation premature and profuse. Menstruation too feeble and flowing only in the daytime, no discharge during the night. The menses cease flowing when the patient lies down. Menstrual blood bright-red. Menstrual blood mixed with large coagula. The menstrual discharge smells badly and causes severe itching of the vulva. Before Menstruation. — Great melancholy and sadness, she looks upon the dark side of everything. Has anxious dreams. Pains in the sides and drawing colic. Colic icithout diarrhoea on the ap- pearance of the menses. During Menstruation. — Great suffering, weariness and ill- humor. Vertigo, especially during motion. Severe prosopalgia during scanty menses. Yellow complexion. Colic and diarrhoea. Menstrual colic with a sensation as if the pelvic contents were being squeezed. Pain in the abdomen as though the parts would be torn, with lameness in the small of the back, as from a bruise, and dis- charge of large clots of blood. Pains in the lack ; cutting pains, with tearing in the hick and loins. Stitches under the left breast. Hysterical spasms, and pinching in the sacrum. Darting pains in the coccyx. Soreness of the parts and between the thighs. (Heavi- ness of the genitals. Compare Caulophyllum.) The flow ceases when the patient lies down. After Menstruation. — After the flow has virtually ceased it returns from time to time, this may continue for a number of days. Great aversion to sexual embrace. Leucorrhcea. — In women with yellow, sickly complexion. Pro- fuse leucorrhcea at night, flowing like the menses and having the same odor. Leucorrhcea with colic. Leucorrhcea preceded by abdominal cramps, with emissions of flatus. Burning in the parts and between the thighs. Weariness in the thighs. Pulling pains and lameness in 99 OAUSTIOUM. the small of the back, and flatulent distention of the bowels. Weakening leucorrhcea with scanty menses. Leucorrhcea, especially at ni glit or flowing only at night. Concomitants. — Very peevish. Sadness and melancholy, as well as anxiety and fear. Weakness of memory. Full of apprehension in the evening. Bad effects of grief. Sensitive to a current of cold air. Drowsiness and weariness in the daytime ; sleeplessness at night. Tossing about when asleep. Depression and languor on rising in the morning. Weakness and trembling all over. Headache with vertigo, and a sensation of falling to the left when looking up. Dull, oppressive headache. Stitches in the temples. Nightly headache, with noises in the head. Sensation when walking as of shaking of the brain. Feeling as though the scalp was too tight. The eyelids feel weak, she can hardly keep them open. Olscuration of sight; flitting before the eyes as of wavelets of light ; fiery sparks before the eyes. Pain in the eyes as if sand were in them. Stitches of pain darting into the head from around the eyes. Hammering, roaring, buzzing and other noises in the ears and head causing hardness of hearing. Words and steps re-echo in the ears. Face of a yellowish, sickly appearance, with pale, hluish lips. Sensation of tightness in the jaws, rendering it difficult for her to open her mouth. Toothache aggravated by both hot and cold substances. Scorbutic affections of the gums. Frequent hawking-up of mucus, which im- mediately re-accumulates. Great aversion to sweet things. Appetite vanishes as soon as she begins to eat. Fresh meat causes nausea ; smoked meats agree. Eructations of food a long while after eating. Vomiting followed by sour eructations. Colic, pain extends to back and chest. Pain in the abdomen ; pressure and fulness in the abdomen as if it would burst, aggravated by partaking the least food or from tightening her clothes. Obstinate constipation with varices in the anus ; after stool op- pressive anxiety, with palpitation of the heart and burning in the amis. Stools tough and slimy, or in hard lumps, knotty like sheep's dung. CAUSTICUM. 100 Prolapsus of the bladder after accouchement. Ketention of urine after accouchement. Involuntary emissions of urine when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose, or when walking. Frequent, difficult and painful urination. Burning in the urethra when urinating. After urinating biting in the pudendum as from salt. Aversion to sexual embrace. Attacks of uterine spasms, pain shift- ing from the stomach to the abdomen, from the abdomen to the back. Burning pain in the genital organs. Cutting pains in the mons veneris, especially when walking. Sterility with delayed menses. Weakness of the voice. Chronic hoarseness. Catarrhal aphonia. Unceasing, short, hollow cough, with inability to expectorate what has been raised, she is obliged to swallow it. Cough relieved by a swallow of cold water. Palpitation of the heart ; stitches in the region of the heart. Sensation in the chest as if the clothes were too tight. Painful stiffness in the back. Aching pain in the small of the back ichen sitting. Drawing and tearing pains in the arms and hands. Heaviness in the arms. Spasmodic weakness and trembling of the hands. Pain in the hip as if luxated. Eigid feeling in the joints of the hands and feet. Cramps in the feet. Contractions in the hollow of the feet. Cold feet. Epileptic attacks during the time of puberty. Attacks of spasms when slumbering in the evening. Great general uneasiness of the body, with anxiety about the heart while sitting, she is obliged to get uy and walk about. At night she cannot get in a quiet position, she cannot lie still a moment. Thinking about her complaints aggravate them. Adapted to weak, scrofulous women, with pale, yellow complexions, and subject to diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, and is useful in such troubles as arise from excessive and long-continued grief, from night-watching or over anxiety. 101 OHAMOMILLA. CHAMOMILLA. (COMMON CHAMOMILE.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse, with dark and co- agulated, and sometimes offensive, Hood. Retarded and suppressed menstruation. Suppressed menstruation with swelling of the pit of the stomach and a pain as if the heart would be pressed out. Sup- pressed menstruation with swollen abdomen and general anasarca. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Before Menstruation. — Very irritable and peevish, snaps at everybody, can scarcely keep her temper. Capricious mood. Chit- ting colic and drawing in the thighs. Abdominal spasms. During Menstruation. — Great irascibility, she is disposed to be quarrelsome and flares up upon the least occasion. Great im- patience, with crying and screaming. Severe paroxysms of toothache. Has fainting fits, cold feet, much thirst and pale, wan face. Grampy colic. Acute pain in the sides. Labor-like pressing from the small of the bach to the genitals. Drawing pain from the sacral region forward. Griping and pinching in the uterus followed by discharge of large clots of blood. Pain in the ovarian region. Profuse dis- charge of clotted blood, having an offensive odor. Frequent paroxysmal discbarges of dark, coagulated blood, with violent tearing pains in the veins of the legs, and labor -like pressing in the uterus. Squeezing and pinching in the uterus. Eructations and desire to vomit. Greenish or watery diarrhoea. The pains make her hot and thirsty, and she completely loses control of her temper. After Menstruation. — Colic, with great sensitiveness of the abdomen to contact, as if all inside were ulcerated. Pressure on the parts like labor-pains, with frequent urging to urinate. Smarting and burning in the vagina, as if excoriated. Yelloivish, smarting, or acrid, watery leucorrhoea. Amenorrhcea. — In consequence of checked perspiration, or on account of a fit of anger, with crampy colic. Peevish mood. Yel- low complexion; redness of one cheek and paleness of the other. Distress in the sides. Fainting turns. Swelling of the abdomen. CHAMOMILLA. 102 Emissions of large quantities of colorless urine. Tongue coated yellow. Nausea and desire to vomit. Swelling of the pit of the stomach, and a pain as if the heart would be pressed down. Hys- terical spasms, especially when brought about by violent emotions, such as jealousy. Metrorrhagia. — After abortion or accouchement, with profuse discharge of dark-red, or black, blood, smelling badly, and mixed with coagnla, accompanied with great thirst, paleness of the face, cold extremities, weakness, fainting turns, blur before the eyes, and buzzing in the ears. Periodical pains, resembling those of labor, each pain being followed by a discharge of dark-colored blood, or clotted blood, or blood and mucus. Metrorrhagia even in old women. Lochia. — Suppressed and followed by various aches and pains and hysterical symptoms. Suppression of the lochia, followed by diarrhoea, colic, and toothache. Leucorrhcea. — Yellowish, smarting, corrosive leucorrhoea. Burn- ing in the vagina, as if excoriated. Acrid, watery discharge from the vagina after a meal. Concomitants. — Vexed, whining mood, with crying frequently on account of a former or imaginary insult. Spieaks snappishly and short. Becomes almost furious about her pains. No matter how amiable her general disposition, during her menstrual period she can hardly speak a pleasant word or give a civil answer. Sleep full of vivid, fanciful dreams. Restless sleep, with tossing about. Drowsiness with sleeplessness. She cannot compose herself to sleep. Imagines she hears the voices of absent friends. Vertigo after eating. Stac-aering in the morning on rising from bed. Se in ilatcral drawing and tearing headache. Pain in the head, as though it would burst. Headache felt even during sleep. Pulsating headache, usually on one side, with one red cheek, worse at night and in the open air, better after sweating and on moving about. Head- ache worse when thinking about it. 103 CHAMOMILLA. Flickering before the eyes when lying down. Twitching of the eyes and eyelids. Twitching of the facial muscles. Pale face ; one cheek pale, the the other red. Toothache during menstruation, worse after warm drinks, or after getting warm in bed. Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning. Fetid smell from the mouth after dinner. Pain in the throat when swallowing, as from a plug. Aversion to food. Thirst for cold water and acid drinks. Sour eructations. The existing pains are aggravated by eructation. Inclination to vomit, especially early in the morning. Vomiting of sour food, or of bilious matter. Aching pain in the pit of the stomach, as from a stone, after every meal. Painful distention of the abdomen, with a sensation as if the contents were being pressed up into the chest. Severe colic with distention of the abdomen; flatus passes off in small quantities, affording no relief. Continued lacerating pain, or colic, in the sides of the abdomen. Abdominal pain, with frequent emissions of large quantities of pale urine. Colic, after anger. Colic, with green stools. Green, watery, offensive stools, with colic, thirst, bitter taste, or bitter eructations. Ulcerating fissure at the anus. Urine yellow, with flaky sediment. Smarting and burning in the vagina. Uterine displacements. Dry, hacking cough, worse at night. Cough, with expectoration in the daytime, without expectoration at night. Wheezing, and rattling of mucus in the trachea. Catarrhal hoarseness. Drawing pains in the small of the bach. Furious pain from the back into the thighs. The arms go to sleep, and feel stiff when- taking hold of anything. Nightly pain in the arms. Crampy feeling in the calves, especially at night. Puts her feet out of bed on ac- count of the burning in the soles. Violent rheumatic pains, which drive her out of bed at night and compel her to walk about. Great prostration as soon as the pain begins. In prescribing Chamomilla, attention must be paid to the mental symptoms. The irritability amounts to mania; she is perfectly un CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 104 bearable and constantly finds fault with the best-intended efforts of her physician and friends ; suffering seems to completely unnerve her, and this state is contrary to her usual condition. Chamomilla is adapted to nervous, excitable women, with brown or light hair. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. (gbeater celandine.) Menstruation. — Too late, too profuse, and of too long dura- tion. Too early and too profuse. During Menstruation. — Constant pain under the inner and lower angle of the right shoulder -Hade. Leucorrhcea. — After the menses. Leucorrhoea, staining her linen yellow. Tenacious, slimy, whitish leucorrhoea, more profuse in the daytime. Concomitants. — Low-spirited and desponding ; anxiety for the present and future. Great drowsiness and laziness. Sleeplessness with sleepiness. Perspiration during morning sleep. Starting when falling asleep, followed by headache. Sensation of coldness in the occiput, ascending from the nape of the neck. Dull headache, with throbbing in the temples. Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead. Orbital neuralgia of the right side. Sallow, jaundiced complexion. Bitter taste in the mouth. Tongue coated yellow or white. Desire for milk, which agrees. Choking in the throat, as from hasty swallowing; a sensation as it' the the throat were tied around at the larynx with a napkin. Larynx feels as if pressed back against the oesophagus, impeding deglutition. Gnawing in the stomach, which is relieved by eating. Colic, with nausea and spasmodic retraction of the navel. Constipation, stools like sheep's dung. Nocturnal mucous stools. 105 CICUTA VIROSA. Pale or reddish urine, or urine deeply tinged with green. Dark, brownish urine. Burning in the vagina, recurring each day at precisely the same hour. Paroxysms of violent, dry, hollow cough, excited by heat in the trachea. Stitches in the left chest during an inspiration, when bend- ing forward or backward. Pains beneath the right shoulder-blade. Pressure with laceration in the lumbar vertebra, extending to the iliac bones. Great debility and lassitude after eating or walking. Aggravations. — In the morning and from motion. Chelidonium majus is adapted to blondes and to spare subjects. CICUTA VIROSA. (WATEK HEMLOCK.) Menstruation. — Delayed. Retarded menstruation attended with spasmodic affections. During Menstruation. — Tearing and jerking in the coccygis. Concomitants. — Excessive moaning and howling. She does rash and absurd things. She is violent in all her actions, and has strange desires. She gets excited and apprehensive about the future. Mistrusts and shuns men. Prefers to be entirely alone. She con- founds the present with the past: thinks she is a child again, and is amused with toys. Lascivious dreams ; dreams about events of the previous day. Semilateral headache. Headache which disappears when thinking intensely about it. Heaviness in the train. Violent vertigo, so that she falls down. Contractions of the pupils, followed by considerable dilatation. She sees things double. Letters fly up and down or disappear. beathly paleness of the face. Convulsions of the facial muscles. Grinding of the teeth. Foam in the mouth. Inability to swallow, the throat seems to be closed. Perverted taste ; she desires to cat coal and chalk. CIMA. 106 Burning pressure in. the stomach and abdomen. Frequent emissions of urine, propelled with force. Epilepsy and catalepsy, where the attacks are very violent. Spasms of pregnant or parturient women; eclampsia; hysteric spasms. She lies in a state of weakness and insensibility, like one 'lead. Violent jerkings of the muscles, all motion is convulsive. Re- peated movements of the head, such as twitchings, jerkings, and throwing the head backward. Violent shocks through the head, arms, and legs, which cause them to jerk suddenly. CINA. (WOBMSEED.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Before Menstruation. — Frequent, labor-like pains in the ab- domen, as though the menses would appear. During Menstruation. — She feels cross and irritable, and is not easily satisfied. She desires many things which are refused when offered. She acts as if frightened, is anxious, trembles, and talks hurriedly. Restless during sleep ; constantly tosses about, jumps out of bed, sees imaginary objects, screams, and is full of fear. Stupefying headache. Uneasy and distressed all the time. Labor- like pains in the abdomen. Leucorrhcea. — Produced by ascarides crawling into the vagina, especially in little girls. Concomitants. — Piteous complaining and weeping. Sees im- aginary objects. Desires many things which are refused when offered. She is not satisfied with anything. Tossing about when asleep. Jumps out of bed, screams, sees im- aginary objects, and is full of fear. Weak, empty feeling in the head. Headache, increased by reading, reflection, and when walking in the open air. Weakness of the eyes in the morning. Optical illusions. Paleness of the face and sickly appearance about the eyes. Dark rings around the eyes. White and bluish look about the mouth. 107 CINCHONA OFF. Great hunger soon after eating. Desire for many and different things. Boring pain about the navel. Abdomen hard and distended. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emissions. The urine becomes milky after standing awhile. Short, hacking cough, at night. Cough, with gagging, in the morning. Pain in the small of the back, as from a bruise. Drawing, lacer- ating pain along the whole spinal column. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS. Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse, with discharge of dark, coagulated Mood, or watery, pale blood, with coagula. Profuse menstruation with a sensation of great distention of the abdomen. Retarded menses. Suppression of the menses from chagrin. Before Menstruation. — Painful pressure in the groins and anus. Congestion of blood to the uterus, with a sensation of fulness and painful pressing toivard the genital organs, especially when walking. Leucorrhoea, with fetid or purulent discharge. During Menstruation. — Abdominal cramps. Spasms in the chest. Crampy contractions in the inner parts. Congestion of blood to the uterus, with a sense of fulness and painful pressing to, and a sense of heavines of, the genital organs, especially when walking. Urging desire to urinate. Coldness and blueness of the skin. Twitching of single muscles. Congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotids, puffed face, protruded eyes, lachrymation, twitching of the eyelids, loss of consciousness and convulsions. Suppression from chagrin. After Menstruation. — Great weakness. Trembling debilitg. Ringing in the ears, and fainting fits. Amenorrhcea. — After suppression of the menses from chagrin. Headache, the brain beats in waves against the skull. Restless sleep, with anxious and fainting dreams. Nymphomania. Great nervous- CINCHONA OFF. 108 ness. Pale face ; rings around the eyes. Pressive headache, and a sensation of fulness and distention of the abdomen, particularly after eating, with eructations which afford no relief. Great weakness and loss of flesh. Metrorrhagia. — From abuse of Chamomilla. Metrorrhagia with uterine cramps, colic, urging to urinate, and discharge of dark clots from the vagina. Watery or pale blood, with coagula. Dis- charge of blood at intervals, attended with uterine cramps, colic, and painful distention of the abdomen. Haemorrhage after accouchement or miscarriage, or at any other time where there is great exhaustion from loss of blood, with heaviness of the head, vertigo, dullness of the senses, coldness of the extremities, ringing in the ears, loss of sight, pale face, fainting turns, and convulsive startings. The most des- perate cases of this type often yield to a few doses of China. Skin moist and clammy; skin dry and blue (Carbo veg.). In China, the patient wishes to be fanned very softly, in Carbo veg., furiously. Lochia. — Of too long duration. Discharge dark, fetid, or cheesy. Suppression of the lochia, followed by diarrhoea, colic, toothache, and the characteristic symptoms of the abdomen aud bowels. Leucorrhcea. — Attended w r ith spasmodic uterine contractions. LeuL-orrhoea before the menses with painful pressure toward the groins and anus. Leucorrhcea superceding the menses. Bloody leucorrhcea with discharge of small, black, fetid coagula, or puru- lent matter with distressing itching and painful contractions of the inner parts. Discharge of bloody serum, alternating with discharges of pus. Concomitants. — Sadness, indifference, apathy. Disposition to be alone. Slow train of ideas. Inconsolable anguish. She thinks she is very unfortunate, and is constantly harassed by enemies. Nervous irritation. Full of plans and projects, especially at night, which prevents her from sleeping. Sleep unrefreshing. Confused dreams at night. Vertigo on waking. Vertigo after loss of animal fluids. Head feels weak ; can hardly hold it erect. 109 CINCHONA OFF. Long-lasting, congestive headache, affecting the whole brain. In- tense throbbing headache, after excessive haemorrhage. Heaviness in the head, with loss of sight, fainting, and ringing in the ears. Pressure in the head from within outward. Sensation as if the head would burst. Stitches from temple to temple. Head feels bruised. The headache is aggravated by a draft of air, in the open air, and from the slightest contact, and is relieved by firm pressure and by moving the head up and down. The scalp is very sensitive to touch, roots of the hair hurt when the hair is moved. Amblyopia after menstruation. Scintillations, or black motes, before the eyes. Humming in the ears. Kinging in the ears. Stitches in the ears. Hardness of hearing. Frequent epistaxis. Suppressed coryza, with headache. Pale, sickly countena?ice, after excesses. Gray-yellow complexion. Face pale and sunken, nose pointed, eyes surrounded by blue margins. Face bloated and red, lips dry, coated black, wrinkled and chapped. Tongue coated white or yellow. Everything tastes bitter. Bitter taste in the back part of the throat. Every kind of beverage has a Utter taste. Violent thirst for cold water, drinks little at a time, but wants that little often. Strong desire for wine, sweet, sour or cooling- things. She wants to eat roasted coffee. She craves dainties but hardly knows what. Ravenous appetite. Indifference to all food. Salivation day and night, with great weakness, especially of the stomach. Eructations, especially after a meal. Sour risings. Heartburn after drinking milk. Vomiting of sour, blackish or bloody matter. Stomach and abdomen feels full and tight as if stuffed, eructations give no relief. Colic every afternoon as if a diarrhoea would come on. Hmissions of large quantities of flatus, which afford no relief. Diarrhoea of yelloio, watery, undigested stools, with much flatus but no pain. Cadaverous-smelling, chocolate-colored stools, worse at night. Undigested stools after eating fruit. Diarrhoea is attended with rapid emaciation. Constipation with large accumulation of feces, and distention of the abdomen. Difficult passage of soft stool. CIXCHOXA OFF. 110 Frequent urination. Urine scanty, greenish-yellow, or dark colored with brick-dust sediment. Ovaritis from sexual excess, or from profuse haemorrhage. Ovarian region very tender from slight touch. Congestion of the uterus. with a feeling of fulness, pressing and heaviness, greatly aggravated by walking. Dropsy of the ovaries. Painful indurations in the vagina. Cough caused by laughing. Cough with granular expectoration during the day or evening, not at night nor in the morning. Palpitation of the heart, with rush of blood to the face, heat and redness of the head and cold extremities, after haemorrhage. Backache like a cramp, aggravated by the least motion. Pressure as from a stone between the scalpulse. One hand icy cold the other warm. Veins of hands distended. Blueness of the nails. Uneasiness in the legs, must move them often. She often feels a sensation as if her garters were too tight, and loosens them, and as if the clothes about her waist were too tight and she has to loosen them. Heaviness in all the limbs. Debility and other complaints after loss of blood or other fluids. Very debilitating morning and night sweats. Sweat breaking out on the least exertion. Congestion of any part of the body with well-marked periodicity. Heat over the whole body, with the veins greatly enlarged. Neuralgia of a periodical nature in any part of the body, aggra- vated by touching the affected parts, the slightest contact causes darting, tearing pains. Sensitiveness of the nervous system. Excessive, almost painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body. General soreness of the whole body. China is especially adapted to all affections occasioned by, or con- nected with, great loss of the animal fluids, and for all diseases attended by a marked periodicity. It acts best on nervous women of feeble constitutions, whose menses have been habitually profuse; likewise in subjects broken down by exhausting discharges, and in elderly ladies. Ill CINNABARIS.— CINNAMOMUM. CINNABARIS. (RED SULPHURET OF MERCURY.) Menstruation. — Delayed and painful. Before Menstruation. — Intense headache, she cannot raise her head from the pillow. Shooting pain in the left side of the head, with increase of saliva and great flow of urine. Sensation of weakness in the eyes. Aching in the small of the back as if bruised ; rending in the spine. Cramps in the bowels, with diarrhoea and great prostration. Leucorrhcea. — Attended during its discharge with severe press- ing in the vagina. Ichorous, purulent and bloody discharges from red and fiery-looking ulcers about the os and sides of the vagina. Concomitants. — Indisposition for mental labor. Desire to be alone. Sudden waking after midnight, as from a dream, with want of breath, like nightmare. Congested sensation over the whole head, principally the forehead. Weakness of the eyes. Dryness of the throat at night. Fulness in the throat producing a constant desire to swallow. Nausea, alleviated by eructation. Frequent and watery emissions of urine. Pains all over the back down to the loins. Cinnabaris may be given with advantage in all cases complicated with syphilis. CINNAMOMUM. (CASSIJE CARTEX.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Metrorrhagia. — Threatening or following a miscarriage, and especially if the exciting cause be a strain in the loins, or a false step, and the chief symptom be a profuse flow of red Hood. Concomitants. — She is constantly tossing about, even during sleep. Troublesome itching of the nose. Diarrhoea, always worse after drinking. Much flatulence. Cinnamon is the best general remedy that I know of for post- partum hwmorrhage, especially if the flow be sudden, profuse and of a COCCULUS. 112 bright-red color. It is by far the most important remedy in uterine haemorrhages caused by over-lifting. COCCULUS. (INDIAN COCKEL.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse and attended with crampy colic. When rising upon her feet the blood gushes out in a stream. Menstruation too scanty, the discharge consisting of only a few drops of black, coagulated blood. Suppression with oppressive abdominal spasms. Menses irregular and scanty, retarded and painful. Before Menstruation. — Great weakness, pain in the back, crampy colic, flatulence, spasms in the chest, nausea and various strongly-marked hysterical symptoms. Leucorrlicea in place of the menses. Feeling as if it were impossible to make the least exertion. Pain in the back as if the menses would come on. Diarrhoea and great prostration. During Menstruation.— Sobbing, moaning and groaning. Cloudy and confused feeling in the head. Great weahiess and faint- ing spells. So weak she can scarcely speak. Pressure on the chest with great restlessness. Spasms of the chest. Nausea and vomiting ; she is scarcely able to raise her head from the pillow, it produces faintness and an inclination to vomit. Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone. Pain in the upper region of the abdomen, both while sitting and during motion. Violent abdominal spasms with crying, howling and moaning. Cold shiverings. The abdomen is sensitive and painful to external pressure. Distention of the abdomen with cutting, contractive colic. Sharp, cutting pains in the abdomen, as from sharp stones, increased by every movement, even every breath. Paralytic pain in the back, and great weakness of the lower extrem- ities, with hollow feeling in abdomen and chest. Severe contractions in the rectum. Nausea unto fainting. Jactitation of the limbs. General convulsions. Dysmenorrhoea followed by haemorrhoids. The discharge is fitful, scanty and irregular. 113 COOOULUS. After Menstruation. — Hcemorrhoids. Uterine cramps from the least menstrual irregularity. Amenorrhea. — Groaning and moaning. General uneasiness and anguish, with sadness and frequent sighing. Pain on the top of the head. Great nervousness and hysterical symptoms. Pressure on the chest. Dyspnoea. Spasms of the chest. Cramps deep in the abdomen. Paralytic weakness of the small of the lack and loiver extremities, making them feel dead and useless. Leucorrhoea instead of the menses. Discharge of a few drops only of dark Mood at each menstrual molimen. During each menstrual effort she complains of great weakness. She is scarcely able to speak or stand. Leucorrhoea. — In place of the menses or between the periods. Flesh-colored leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea resembling serum, mixed with a purulent, ichorous liquid. Leucorrhoea looking like the washings of meat; bloody discharge. Leucorrhoea gushing out on bending or squatting down. Discharge of bloody mucus during pregnancy. Distention of the abdomen, and pain as from a heavy stone, or a sensation as if the abdomen were full of sharp stones which rubbed together every time she moved. Concomitants. — She sits as if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts.. Anxiety, as if she had committed some great crime. Stupid feeling in the head. Vertigo and confusion in the head. Vertigo when rising up in bed, she must lie down again. Sleeplessness from night-watching. Sleep disturbed by anxiety and restlessness. Anxious, or frightful dreams. Sleep aggravates all her symptoms, and particularly those of her head. Violent headache, she is unable to lie on the back of the head, is forced to lie on the side. /SYc&-headache. Headache as if the eyes ivould be torn out. Pain in the occiput and nape, as if opening and closing like a door. Pressure from without inward. Painful concussions in the brain when walking, when moving the head. Cloudiness in the head. Headache is aggravated after sleeping, eating or drinking, in the open air, while riding in a carriage and is relieved in a warm room or when becoming warm in bed. COCCULUS. 114 Noises in the ears like the rushing of waters, with dullness of hearing. Face hot, hands and feet cold. Face pale, with blue look around the eves. Taste of sulphur in the mouth. Taste bitter, putrid, sour, offen- sive, metallic. Choking constriction in the fauces, with difficult breathing and irritable cough. Dryness in the (esophagus, with a sensation of burning. Excessive repugnance to food. Thirst with aversion to drink. Desire for cold drinks. Nausea resembling seasickness, as if the stomach heaved up and down. Nausea which is felt in the head. Paroxysms of nausea with an inclination to vomit. Nausea and vomiting with headache. Excessive nausea when becoming cold, when riding in a carriage and on rising in the morning. Vomiting sour or bitter substances. Violent spasms in the stomach, during and after a meal, with lacerating, tearing pains. Cramps in the stomach. Flatulent colic at midnight, flatus passes without affording relief. Abdomen full and distended, and feels as if full of sharp-cornered stones. Griping in the upper abdomen. Pain in the right iliac region. Diarrhoea only in the daytime ; stools thin, yellow and painless. Diarrhoea accompanied with a sensation in the abdomen as of sharp stones rubbing together. After stool violent tenesmus, even unto fainting. Urine scanty and pale with frequent desire to urinate. Severe spasmodic pain in the neck of the uterus. Painful pressure in the uterus, with cramps in the chest and fainting nausea. Dis- charge of bloody mucus from the vagina during pregnancy. Nymphomania in chlorotic women. Uterine displacements with paralytic pain in the small of the back rendering walking difficult. Tightness and constriction of the right side of the chest. Hysteric spasms of the chest. Dry, fatiguing cough, from oppression of the chest. Irritation and drvness of the larynx, with dry cough. 115 COCCUS CACTI. Palpitation of the heart, from mental excitement, or quick motion with vertigo and faintness. Paralytic pain in the small of the back, extending to the legs, making them feel dead and useless. Bones in the small of the back feel bruised. The hands and feet fall asleep. Great weakness in the knees. The soles of the feet go to sleep while sitting. Great lassitude of the whole body ; it is an effort for her to keep around, and she feels too weak to talk loud. The paralyzed feeling in the small of the back and lower extremi- ties together with the stuffed feeling in the abdomen, as if it were filled with sharp stones, should at once call our attention to this remedy. Cocculus is especially adapted to light-haired women of a lively turn of mind, and troubled with imaginary fear, as well as those who are subject to spasmodic, uterine and hysterical complaints. COCCUS CACTI. (cochineal.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse, discharge of dark, thick blood. Flow only in the evening while lying down. Passes enormous black clots ; urging to urinate ineffectual until clots have passed. During Menstruation. — A sensation of constriction and tension about the abdomen, and of something ascending toward the stomach which makes her think she will vomit. Leucorrhcea. — Consisting of mucus, preceded by drawing or thrusting pain in the inguinal, vesical and pubic region. Concomitants. — Irritable, ill-humored. Sweet, metallic taste in the mouth. Sensation as if a plug was lodged in the throat. Canine hunger. Spasmodic, empty eructations. A sensation as if something indi- gestible were lying in the stomach. Sharp pains in lower part of abdomen, first in right side then in left. Pain and stiffness in right leg. COFFEA CKUDA. 116 Frequent micturition. Sediment in the urine like brick-dust. Swelling of the pudendum. Sudden burning and throbbing in the pudendum. Shooting pain like electric shocks in the pudendum. Great tenderness and irritation of extreme lower part of vagina, worse on urinating. Morning cough, at first dry, then followed by expectoration of viscid mucus. COFFEA CRUDA. (CKUDE COFFEE.) Menstruation. — Too profuse and of too long duration, with excessive sensitiveness of the sexual organs, and voluptuous itching. Profuse menses with coldness and stiffness of the body. Menses flow only during the evening. During Menstruation. — Excessive restlessness. Great nervous excitement. Toothache. Voluptuous itching in the vulva, she wants to rub or scratch the parts but they are too sensitive. She wants to be constantly changing her position, she cannot keep still. The pains are so distressing as to drive her to desperation. Fulness and pressure in the abdomen as if it would burst. Abdominal cramp ascending to the chest. Continuous, pinching pain in the iliac region. Excessive sexual excitement. Voluptuous itching of the parts. Metrorrhagia. — Discharge of large, black lumps, worse from every motion, and attended with violent pains in the groins, and fear of death. Excessive sensitiveness of the external genitals, and voluptuous itching. Lochia. — The discharge too profuse with great exaltation of all the senses, and excitement. Leucorrhoea. — Like mucus, or milky, especially when urinating. Profuse discharge of mucus, and sometimes of blood, from the geni- tal organs, with itching and excitement of the parts. Great sensitiveness of the genital organs ; she cannot bear to have them touched, they are so sensitive. 117 COFFEA CRUDA. Concomitants. — The mental conditions are most characteristic. Hyperesthesia of all the senses : hearing, taste, smell, sight and touch most acute. Sentimental ecstasy. Increased power to think; excited imagination ; full of ideas ; quick to act. Painful perception of slight motion ; the motion of a rocking chair makes her dizzy — the motion seems gigantic. Her pains seem unsupportable and drive her to despair. Excessive weeping and lamentations over trifles. Inflammations excited by excessive joy. The physical system seems exalted and is almost transported by the mental exaltation. Sleeplessness from over-excitement of tody and mind. Sleepless- ness of lying-in women. Headache from thinking. Headache, as if the brain were being torn. Headache, as if the head would fly to pieces, aggravated by noise and light. Headache, as if a nail were driven into the brain, worse in the open air. The head feels too small. Hearing acute. Aversion to noise. Music has a shrill sound. Toothache, especially at night, relieved by holding ice-cold water in the mouth. Burning, sour eructations. Nausea felt in the throat. Tension in the epigastric region, with sensitiveness to touch. Colic as if the abdomen would burst. Colic so painful as to drive her wild. A sensation as though the abdomen was over-loaded. Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Tenesmus with burn- ing and itching in the anus. Urine frequent and copious. Great excitement of the genital organs. Voluptuous itching in the vulva, but the parts are too sensitive to rub or scratch. Aversion to sexual intercourse on account of the great sensitiveness of the sexual organs. Voluptuous dreams. Sensation of rawness in the wind-pipe. Oppression of the chest : she is obliged to take short inspirations. Continued inclination to cough ; turns of short cough in quick succession. Dry, hacking cough, with constant tickling in the larynx. Asthma at night. Trembling of the hands with great weakness of the arms. Corfea is applicable to affections after sudden emotions, particu- COLCHIOUM. — COLLINSONIA CAN. 118 larly pleasant surprises. Adapted to women of a nervous, sanguine temperament, who suffer greatly from nervous diseases, especially when such complaints are caused from, or aggravated by, pleasur- able excitement, excessive joy, etc. COLCHICUM. (meadow saffron.) Menstruation.— Too early. During Menstruation. — Suppression of the menses, which have just made their appearance, with dropsy of the uterus and sud- den sinking of the vital forces. Tiredness and heaviness of the feet. Concomitants. — Absentminded. Peevish. Bleeding of the nose. Great heaviness of the body at night. Loss of appetite. Aversion to the smell of food. Great thirst. Nausea with inclination to vomit. Burning in the stomach or icy coldness. Flatulent distention of the stomach. Stools watery ; jelly -Mice mucus, or bloody and mingled with stringy substance. Arthritic pains in the joints. Gout. Urine dark and scanty, discharged in drops and depositing a whitish sediment. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. (STONE ROOT.) Menstruation. — Complicated with convulsions. Menses too frequent and too profuse. During Menstruation. — Dysmenorrhoea complicated with haemorrhoids, obstinate constipation, pruritus, and prolapsus uteri. Ovarian neuralgia on right side : terrible lancinating pains. Ovary enlarged ; cannot lie on right side because of a sensation as if the ovary fell to that side. Amenorrhcea. — From congestion of the uterus and pelvic 119 COLOCYNTHIS. viscera, or when attended with obstinate constipation, pruritus, and uterine displacements. Leucorrhcea. — In connection with pruritus, obstinate constipa- tion, dysmenorrhea, or prolapsus uteri. Great dryness of the rectum, bowels usually move in the evening (Nux v., in the morn- ing). Stools consist of dry, tight -color eel balls. Haemorrhoids, pruri- tus vulva?, loss of appetite. Concomitants. — Dull frontal headache, with great lassitude and desire to sleep. Tongue coated yellow. Bitter taste in the mouth. Flatulence and spasms of the stomach. Severe colicky pains in the hypogastrium every few minutes, with fainting ; she has to sit down to get relief. Severe weight in the rectum, with an intense irritation, itching, and a sensation as if sticks, sand, or gravel were lodged in the rectum. Constant burning in the rectum. Obstinate and habitual constipation with hemorrhoids. Chronic haemorrhoids always attended by constipation, with bleeding or not. Chronic diarrhoea after accouchement, stools of mucous and black fecal matter with colic and tenesmus. Haemorrhages, blood dark and tough, enveloped in viscid phlegm, previous discharge of blood per anum, subsequent costiveness. Collinsonia is useful in uterine complaints in general, dependent upon diseases of the rectum and bowels; pruritus in pregnant women; violent itching of the genitals, the parts are badly swollen, dark-red and protruding, she cannot lie down. COLOCYNTHIS. (bitter cucumber.) Menstruation. — Returning sooner than usual. Suppression of the menses from chagrin. During Menstruation.— Severe crampy pain in the uterine region, bending her double, and causing her to draw her lower limbs up to the abdomen. Pain in the left ovarian region as though the parts were squeezed in a vice. COLOCYNTHIS. 120 AmenorrhoBa. — In those cases of suppression of the menses where severe chagrin or vexation has been the exciting cause. Colic with great anguish. Lochia. — Suppression of the lochia from anger or vexation, with violent colic, tympanitic swelling of the abdomen and diarrhoea. Concomitants. — Dejection of spirits. Aversion to talk or to seeing friends. Out of humor. Great anguish. Semilateral headache. Pressing pain in the forehead, aggravated when stooping or when lying upon the back. Rushing noise in the ears. Beating in the ears. Facial neuralgia. Muscles of the face relaxed, and sunken eyes. Burning on the tip of the tongue. Great thirst. Bitter taste in the mouth. Aversion to food. After the least food or drink diarrhoea. Nausea lasting till she falls asleep, and returns on awakening. Severe colicky pains, mostly around the navel, has to lend double, the pains being worse in any other position, worse at intervals of five or ten minutes. Colic after vexation. Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. Colic relieved by hard pressure. Colic and diarrhoea after eating or drinking. Diarrhoea after chagrin, vexation, or from ill-treatment. Diar- rhcetic stools, are first watery and mucous, then bilious, and lastly bloody. Frequent desire to urinate, with small emissions. Urine fetid. brown deposits, a sediment which becomes jelly-like. Intense boring or tensive pain in the ovary causing her to bend double, with much restlessness and moaning. Cramp-like pain in the left ovarian region, as though the parts were squeezed in a vice. Constant heat and dragging in the vagina with swelling of the labia. Oppression of the chest, especially in the evening. Palpitation of the heart. Stitches in the cardiac region. Drawing pain internally in the region of the right scapula, as if the vessels and nerves were made tense. Pulsative pains in the loins. The lower limbs feel heavy. Cramp-like drawing in the internal femoral region throughout its whole extent. 121 CONIUM MACULATUM. CONIUM MACULATUM. (SPOTTED HEMLOCK.) Menstruation. — Too early and too feeble, or too late and too scanty. Suppressed menstruation. The menstrual discharge con- sists of brownish-colored blood. Before Menstruation. — Hysterical symptoms are excited, great anxiety about every trifle. Weeping mood. Great restlessness, sleep disturbed by anxious dreams. Vertigo when lying down, especially when an attempt is made to turn over. The breasts swell, become hard and painful. General bruised feeling with an inclination to weep. Pain in the sides. Pain in the breasts. Tired feeling in the limbs. Dry heat in the body, without thirst. Stitches in the region of the liver, especially when lying down or when drawing a long breath. The urine intermits in its flow. During Menstruation. — Brownish blood appears instead of the menses. Vertigo when in the recumbent position, and especially when an attempt is made to turn over. Shooting pain in fohe left side of the chest. Stitches up the left side of the chest. Aching pain in the region of the heart during painful menstruation. Painful sensi- tiveness of the breasts which swell and become hard. Stitching pains in the breasts, worse at night. Nipples sore and very tender. Uterine cramps. Painful uterine spasms. Pressure from above downward, with drawing pain in the legs. Contractive pain in the hypogastrium relieved by walking in the open air. Burning, sore, aching pains in the region of the uterus. Labor-like pains in the abdomen extending into the thighs. Stinging pains in the neck of the uterus. Down- ward pressure in the icterus. Stitches in the labia and vagina. Itching at the vulva and in the vagina. Incisive pain between the labia when urinating. Pimples at the pubes, sensitive and painful. Leucorrhcea. Tearing pains in the legs. Drawing pains in the sacrum. Intermittent flow of urine during micturition. Amenorrhcea. — Suppression of the menses with chlorotic symptoms and hysteria. Weakness with involuntary weeping and laughing. Anxiety and sadness. Nervous prostration. Exhaustion CONIUM MACULATUM. 122 after the shortest walk or the slightest exertion. Flabby, shriveled breasts, with increased sexual desire. At each menstrual effort the breasts become hard, swollen and tender. Distention of the bowels. Abdominal and uterine cramps, with lancinating pains. Stinging pains in the uterus. Induration of the cervix uteri. Leucorrhcea with uterine cramps. Itching of the vulva. Eruptions on the vulva, with stitches through it. Prolapsus uteri. Amenorrhoea complicated with uterine and ovarian diseases. Vertigo, when in the recumbent position an effort is made to tarn over. Urination intermittent, the flow of the urine suddenly stops, and after a short interruption flows again. Lochia. — Profuse discharge of white mucus, or acrid water. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse leucorrhcea. Acrid, smarting leucorrhcea. Discharge of white, acrid mucus from the vagina, causing a burning or smarting sensation. Thirl white-colored discharge, with contractive, labor-like colic from both sides of the abdomen. Leucorrhoea witli weakness and paralyzed sensation in the small of the back, before the discharge, followed by great weakness. Leucorrhcea setting in a few days after menstruation, stopping suddenly and soon flowing again. Discharge of brownish blood, instead of menstruation. Leucorrhoea with discharge of bloody mucus. Before the discharge, pinching colic in the abdomen and lameness in the small of the back, afterward lassitude and hoarseness with cough and expectoration. Leucorrhcea with ulceration of the cervix uteri. Leucorrhoea of old maids. Concomitants. — Hypochondria, depression of spirits and hysteria from suppression of, or from too freo indulgence in, the sexual in- stinct. Whining mood. Indisposition to work. Want of memory, great difficulty in remembering things. She dreads being alone, but avoids society. Great concern about little things. Very easily excited. Nervous attacks. Sick and faint early in the morning Inclined to start, as from fright. Vertigo, when in a recumbent position an effort is made to turn over. Vertigo like turning in a circle, especially when rising frum a seat, when looking around, or when walking. 123 CONIUM MAOULATUM. Sleep unrefreshing, full of intimidating dreams. Sleeplessness at night. Chilliness in the morning. Night sweats. Tearing headache compelling her to lie down. Darting pains through the forehead from within outward. Headache on waking in the morning, as if the head were too full and would burst. Obscuration of sight, objects look red. Eyelids are heavy, she can scarcely lift them up. Painful sensitiveness of the sense of hearing ; noise startles her. Acute sense of smell. Epistaxis. Great heat in the face. Face earthy -yellow, pale, purple, or bloated, Pressure in the ceso}}hagus, as if a round body (globus hystericus) were ascending from the stomach. Frequent sour eructations, with hardness and distention of the abdomen. Pain in the stomach two or three hours after eating. Nausea and desire to vomit after each meal. Terrible nausea and vomiting in women having scirrhosities. Constipation with constant and ineffectual urging to stool. Stools liquid, fecal, mingled with hard lumps. Frequent stitches in the anus between stools. Heat and burning in the rectum during stool Tremulous weakness after stool. Frequent urination. Intermittent stream of urine, the flow stops and starts repeatedly. Urine thick, white and turbid. Stinging pain in the cervix uteri with induration and scirrhosities. Prolapsus uteri, complicated with induration and profuse leucor- rhcea. Induration and enlargement of the ovaries, attended with lancinating pains. Stinging in the neck of the uterus. Burning, sore, aching sensation in the region of the uterus. Indurations of the vulva from injuries. Severe stitches in the vulva. Large pimples on the mons veneris, painful to the touch. Severe itching- deep in the vagina and about the vulva. Cancer of the breast, aggravated during each menstrual period. Tumors in the breasts with nightly piercing pains. Stitches, as from needles, in the mammary glands. Shriveling of the mamma. 1 with increased sexual desire. Stitches in the small of the hack, with drawing pain in the lumbar vertebrce, esp>ecially ivhen standing. Bruises and shocks in the spine. CROCUS SATIVUS. 124 Pain, as from fatigue, in the knees. Numbness and coldness of the feet. Tight and painful stiffness of the legs. Conium is suited to women with tight, rigid fibre and easily ex- cited as well as those of an opposite temperament ; also to light- haired women and elderly maidens. CROCUS SATIVUS. (COMMON SAFFRON CROCUS.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse, of dark, or black, coagulated or stringy blood. Menses coming on at the proper time, but too profuse and too protracted ; blood dark, clotted, stringy. Foul-smelling discharge. Menstrual discharge aggravated by the least motion. Before Menstruation. — Sensation as if the menses would male their appearance in a jew hours, with colic and dragging -down pain in the sexual region. Pressing pain in the pudendum. Great sexual excitement. During Menstruation. — Great, nervous, hysterical excitement. Prof use flow of dark, clotted blood, coming away in long black strings, with or without pain, especially after much physical exertion, as lifting, sweeping, dancing, or even walking. Passive uterine haemor- rhage, blood dark and stringy, in nervous, hysterical women. Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) with dark, stringy discharge, and great commotion in the abdomen, which sometimes extends to the stomach. Distention of the abdomen. Suppression of the menses, with great mental dejection. A sensation as of something alive in the abdomen, producing great commotion — rolling, bounding or mov- ing about. This symptom may lead to the erroneous idea of pregnancy. It is more frequently present during the "critical period," or change of life, than at any other time. The discharge is foul smelling. Amenorrhea. — Great mental depression. Deep melancholy. Withered, pale color of the face. Changeable mood, depression and hilarity, or ill-humor and uncommon mirth alternating. The 125 CROCUS SATIVUS. behavior of relatives and friends excite her to anger. Hysterical attacks in the evening, with alternations of excessive tenderness and rage. Epistaxis of dark, stringy blood. Excessive prostration with weakness and weariness, after supper. Palpitation of the heart on going up-stairs. Sensation as of something alive and jumping about in the pit of the stomach, abdomen, arms, and other parts of the body. Labor-like pains as if the menses would appear. Metrorrhagia. — Profuse haemorrhage after accouchement or abortion, when the discharge is dark or black and stringy, with or without pain, and aggravated by the slightest movement. Abortion at the third month, with characteristic haemorrhage on moving about. Uterine haemorrhage from any cause, when the discharge is black or dark, viscid, stringy, smells badly, and is aggravated by motion. Lochia. — Profuse and of too long continuance, the discharge consisting of dark-colored, or black, blood, of viscid consistency. It sometimes drojjs out in long black strings. Distention of the ab- domen. Great commotion in the abdomen, as of something alive. Leucorrhcea. — Accompanied by long acute stitches from the pudendum to the right thigh, as if a knife were thrust into the parts. Colic, and dragging-down pains in the pudendum. Sensation as if the menses would appear. The discharge comes away in long strings. Concomitants. — Changeable disposition, depression and hilarity or ill-humor and lively mood alternating. Uneasy, sad and anxious. Uncommon mirth and cheerfulness. Immoderate laughter. She sings immoderately and then laughs, dances, whistles, and wants to kiss everybody. Vertigo with confusion when raising the head. Sleep disturbed by confused, and even frightful, dreams. Sings in her sleep. A sensation when moving the head as if the brain were loose. Shooting pains in the right temple, deep into the brain. Sudden flashes before the eyes. Feeling as if there were a gauze before the eyes. Appearance of a spot jumping up and down before the sight. Twitching of the eyelids. CROTON TIGLIUM. 126 Humming and roaring in the ears. Diseharge from the nose of tenacious, dark, thick blood, sometimes coming away in long black strings. Yellow, earthy color of the face. Feeling of nausea in the throat and chest, as if she would vomit. Burning in the stomach. Sensation as if something living were jumping about in the stomach and abdomen. Single, violent stitches in the stomach. Stitches in the abdomen arresting respiration. Stools containing dark, stringy blood. Long, dull stitches about the amis, from time to time. Writhing in the anus. Great debility and palpitation of the heart on going up-stairs. Stitches below the heart. Heaviness in the chest, must frequently take a long, deep breath. The arms feel heavy, as if bruised. The knees o-ive out when walking. Continuous, painful affections of the whole nervous system. Great sexual excitement. Extreme lassitude, with a sensation as if sweat would break out. Chorea every seven days, with great hilarity. False or nervous pregnancy, with a sensation as if something alive were bounding or jumping about in the stomach or abdomen. Sen- sation as of something living jumping about in various parts. She is worse every evening with alternations of excessive, happy, affectionate tenderness and rage. The dark, stringy discharge and the peculiar sensation of living, moving objects, in various parts of the body, and especially in the stomach and abdomen, are characteristic symptoms which should at once call attention to Cocculus. CROTON TIGLIUM. (CROTON OIL.) Menstruation. — Too scanty. Retention of the menses. Concomitants. — Vertigo with dullness of the head. Stupefying pressure under the frontal bone. Neuralgic pain from the pupil of the left eve to the back of the head. 127 CUBEB^E. Intense itching and burning of the skin. Vesicles on the skin which are red and burn like fire. Swashing in the intestines as from water. Diarrhoea worse after drinking. Watery, yellow stools coming out like a shot. Intense itching of the genital organs, which is relieved by gentle scratching. Palpitation of the heart and difficulty of breathing. On inspira- tion it seems as though the lungs would not expand. Excrutiating suffering every time the child is put to the breast, the pain extends from the nipple through to the shoulder-blade. CUBEBiE. (CUBEBS.) Menstruation. — Too soon, too small in quantity, seemingly more like a bloody leucorrhcea. Menses too early, often preceded and followed by leucorrhoea. Menses retarded or suppressed. Menses suppressed, with deafness. Before Menstruation. — Strong sexual desire. Leucorrhoea. During Menstruation. — Vertigo and headache. Trembling and swaying of the head. Constant drowsiness. Cough with coryza and hoarseness. Soreness of the throat. Heat in the ears. Borbo- rygmi. Flatulence. Intestinal and uterine colic. Inflation of the stomach, she has to loosen the clothing about her waist. Painful fatigue and weariness in the loins and thighs. Spasmodic contractions of the limbs. After Menstruation. — Leucorrhoea.. Fatigue and weariness in the loins and thighs. Leucorrhoea. — Profuse, greenish, very acrid, and of an offensive odor. Erythema of the thighs. Pruritis vulva, with intense desire for coition. Pimples, ulcers and condylomata on the vulva. Fissured and bleeding excrescences on the cervix uteri. Uterus swollen and painful. Concomitants. — Exaltation of temper and the mental faculties. CUPRUM METALLICUM. 128 Desire for delicacies, oranges, acid fruits, brandy, fresh biscuit, onions, almonds, nuts. Unquenchable thirst, with feeling of dryness in the mouth, though moistened with an oily saliva. Burning and itching in the fossa navicularis. Uterus swollen and painful. Cracked and bleeding excrescences on the cervix uteri. Inflammation of the ovaries, with pulsating and lancinating pains extending into the loins and groins. Drawing pains in the region of the ovaries, as if something were pulling them down. Lancinating and crampy pains in the right ovarian region. CUPRUM METALLICUM. (metallic copper.) Menstruation. — Too late and too protracted. Suppression of the menses from suppression of foot sweat. Before Menstruation. — Spasmodic dyspnoea. Violent palpi- tation of the heart. Headache. Arterial excitement. Eusli of blood to the head. Pains come on before the menses and continue during the now, or when the flow is suppressed become violent, unbearable, felt mostly in the abdomen but often darting to the chest, causing nausea, vomiting and sometimes convulsive motion of limbs and piercing shrieks. Cramps in the abdomen, extending up in the chest, with nausea and vomiting, and sometimes convulsive motions of the limbs and piercing shrieks. During Menstruation. — General discomfort. Want of appe- tite. Asthmatic breathing. Cramps in the abdomen extending up into the chest. Nausea, vomiting, and sometimes convulsions of the limbs accompanied with piercing shrieks. Painful, spasmodic con- tractions of the chest, cramping pains in the abdomen ; nausea, retching and vomiting of frothy substance. Amenorrhea. — In young, chlorotic girls, and especially those who eat much sugar. Amenorrhcea arising from suppression of foot sweat. Strange tingling pain in the crown of the head. Congestion to the head. Redness of the face and eyes, or pale face, with blue rings around the eyes. Frequent nausea and vomiting. Abdominal 129 CURARE. cramps extending up into the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Convulsive motions of the limbs, with piercing shrieks. Concomitants. — Craziness. Anguish. Restless tossing about and constant uneasiness. Rage, delirious talk. Weeps often. Con- vulsive laughter. Sleepy without being able to sleep. Sleep full of dreams. Strange tingling in the vertex. Pain in the head as if hollow. Eyes dim, sunken with blue rings around them. Sad, dejected expression of the face. Changed expression of the face. Face palo, blue, or grayish-dirty. Face and lips bluish, or of an earthy color. Strong metallic taste in the mouth. Redness of the roof of the mouth. Loss of appetite, thirst for cool drinks. Nausea and vomiting with cramps in the extremities. Vomiting of bile or water with violent cramps. Drinking cold water relieves the vomiting. Deathly feeling with pain behind the ensiform carti- lage. Cutting and lancinating pain in the bowels. Cramps in the. bowels. Spasmodic motions of the abdominal muscles. Sensation as of a ball going to and fro, under the ribs, with different sounds.. When drinking, the water descends with a gurgling nofse. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Stools black, copious and painful, with great weakness. Must urinate during the night. Urine suppressed. Urine dark- red with yellowish sediment. Urine viscous, offensive. Long-continued paroxysms of convulsive coughing with vomiting of mucus. Stiffness of the body. Epileptic convulsions. Aggravation. — Before menstruation . CURARE. (INDIAN ARROW POISON.) Menstruation. — Very capricious, either too soon or too late ; generally too soon. Menses too soon, too weak and of too short duration. Menses very copious and too late. CURARE. 130 Before Menstruation. — Great burning and contractions in the uterus. During Menstruation. — Colic. Headache. Pain in the region of the kidneys. General malaise and hypochondria. After Menstruation. — Venereal desire, with furor uterinus, heat, itching and burning in the vulva. Leucorrhcea. — Scanty, thick, purulent, in clots and foul smell- ing. Ulcerations of the cervix uteri. Smarting in the vulva and on the thighs. Shooting and digging in the uterus. Concomitants. — Character sorrowful, envious, egotistic, infatu- ated. Foolish gaiety, interrupted by crying spells and fear. Headache so severe that she is not able to hold her head up. Swimming and trembling of the head. Sensation of roaring and of boiling in the head upon the least motion. Scalp sensitive. Eruptions on the scalp. Hair falls out. Bitter, sour, metallic taste in the mouth. Great desire for water and sweet things. Repugnance to bread and vegetables. Desire for meat. Strange movements in the stomach, as of something alive. Sen- sation as of a large ball in the stomach. Food seems to stop in the oesophagus, and she has to drink water to wash it down. Painful hemorrhoidal tumors, with great agitation and ill-humor. Obstinate retention of urine, with stitches and pulsations in the bladder, as if she had bruised herself. Urine nearly always difficult to pass. Urine thick, oily, dark and sometimes streaked with blood. Viscous, white urine. Distensive pains in the ovaries and uterus. Shooting in the ovarian region, with desire to press upon the parts. Shooting and digging pains in the uterus. Ulceration of the cervix uteri. Inflammatory swelling of the breasts. Shooting, piercing, pinch- ing, lancinating pains going from the breast to arm-pits. Hard tumors in the breasts, like scirrhus. Ulceration and fissures of the nipples ; coldness of the skin. Tingling of the skin ; she wants it rubbed all the time. Burning and itching over the whole body. The skin is always pale. 131 CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. Strange movements of the head, the arms and feet. Convulsive movements in the spine and extremities. Sudden and transient fits of convulsive movements and shiverings. The author has no clinical knowledge in regard to Curare. The above symptoms are from the provings of Dr. L. T. Hovat, as trans- lated by Dr. S. Lilienthal, of New York. CYCLAMEN EUROPiEUM. (SOW BREAD.) Menstruation. — Too frequent and too profuse. Menses sup- pressed, or scanty and painful. Menstrual flow less when moving about, and worse in the evening when sitting. Discharge Hack and clotted, sometimes membranous. Before Menstruation. — Great melancholy, with heaviness of the feet. Labor-like pains. Distention of the abdomen. Secretion from swollen mammae, like milk. Straining and warmth in the abdomen, with great sleeplessness. During Menstruation. — Improvement in her temper, and relief from her melancholy mood and heaviness of her feet. Flow profuse, with stupefaction of the whole head and foggy obscuration of sight. Flow suppressed, or scanty and painful, with vertigo, headache, swollen eyelids, pale face, lips and gums, loss of appetite, no thirst, palpitation of the heart and great dread of fresh air. Menses every two to four months, with excessive labor-like pains, vertigo, pressive pain in the forehead, anaemia, fits of fainting, and constant chilliness of the whole body. Menses suppressed, with melancholy, dizziness and headache, and a desire to he alone. Weeping does her good. Eyelids swollen. Lips pale. Palpitation of the heart. Loss of appetite. Constipation. Always tired and weary. Violent labor- pains in the abdomen and back. Great distention of the abdomen. Menstruation profuse with flow of Mack and clotted Hood, stupefaction of the whole head and obscuration of vision. Paralytic, hard, press- ing pains in the extremities. CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. . 132 After Menstruation. — Swelling of the mammae, with secretion like milk. Amenorrhea. — Attended with labor-like pains, severe pains between the shoulders and also near the umbilicus ; headache, vertigo, sad and disposed to cry. Leucorrhoea. — I n blondes, leuco-phlegmatic subjects with re- tarded or scanty menstruation, chlorosis and anaemia, fits of fainting and constant chilliness of the whole body. Membranous leucorrhoea. Concomitants. — Indisposition to work. Alternately cheerful and out of humor. Undemonstrated grief. Melancholy, inclined to cry. Debility, both of mind and body, "cannot think," better when roused and forced to exercise. (Helonias.) Sleep disturbed by nightmare, just as she loses herself. Dreams toward morning. Great inclination to slumber in the morning. She awakens early, yet so tired and sleepy that she cannot rise. Vertigo, objects turn in a circle or about her. A sensation as if the brain were in motion. Dull headache in the occiput. Pressure in vertex. Frontal head- ache. Violent headache with flickering before the eyes on rising in the morning. Headache relieved by the application of cold water. Stitching pain in left temple, with vertigo and absolute, though transient, blindness. Obscuration of sight. Fiery sparks before the eyes all the time. Strabismus. Flickering before the eyes, sees various colors, sees only half of an object. Face pale. Whitish-yellow pimples on the face. Lips dry, without thirst. Flat, offensive, or putrid taste in the mouth. Complete loss of appetite. After eating the least quantity, disgust and nausea in the throat, with dizziness of vision, fiery sparks before the eyes and intermittent thirst. Nausea, with accumulation of water in the mouth, like water- brash. Nausea in the morning with unusual hunger. Violent hiccough. Sensation of crawling in the bowels, as of something alive. Full feeling in the abdomen. 133 DAPHNE MEZEREUM. Pressure in the rectum and anus. Drawing, pressive pain about the anus and perinseum. Diarrhoea from drinking coffee. Stool liquid, pappy, light-yellow, expelled forcibly. Frequent urging to urinate with scanty emissions. Sensation as if air streamed from the nipples. Sensation as of something alive running about in the heart or chest. Aching pain in the nape of the neck and small of the back. Cramp-like pains in the posterior surface of the thigh. Great lassitude of body, especially of the knees, though her spirits may be good. Great weakness, especially in the evening, with ill- humor and sleepiness. Aggravations. — In the evening and when at rest. As long as she moves about she feels quite comfortable, but as soon as she sits down, she experiences various inconveniences, especially in the even- evening, Worse in the open air. (Compare Pulsatilla.) Cyclamen is best adapted to leuco-phlegmatic subjects, indisposed to labor, and easily fatigued. DAPHNE MEZEREUM. (SPURGE OLIVE.) Menstruation. — Too early and too protracted. Menses delayed or suppressed. Leucorrhcea. — Resembling albumen. Malignant, chronic leucor- rhoea. Discharge of mucus from the vagina. Concomitants. — Lowness of spirits. Great anguish. Violent yawning and stretching. Drowsiness in the daytime. Feeling of heaviness in the whole occiput. Stupefying pain through the right side of the head. Burning pain between the mamma?. Frequent eructations, empty and tasteless. Chocolate-colored vomiting, with sensation of hard lumps in the epigastrium. Violent pain and pres- sure in the stomach after eating the most simple things, like bread, broth, milk, etc. Constipation. Prolapsus ani. DICTAMNUS.— DIGITALIS.— DROSERA. 134 DICTAMNUS. (WHITE fhaxixella.) Menstruation. — Profuse uterine luemorrliage. Metrorrhagia. — Long-lasting, with physical weakness. Leucorrhcea. — Of tenacious mucus, at first brown, then white, and lastly streaked with blood. Leucorrhcea attended with frequent discharge of urine, and itching of the anus, tenesmus, and painful erosion of the pudendum. Uterine leucorrhcea. Hahnemann recommends this remedy for leucorrhcea. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. (PURPLE FOXGLOVE.) Menstruation. — Premature, with bearing-down uterine pains. Vicarious menstruation. Violent, straining cough, with expectoration of clots of blood, and sense of constriction in the throat. Before Menstruation. — Labor-like pains in the abdomen and back. Amenorrhcea. — At the age of puberty, with dark-red bluish color of the face. Distended veins on the eyes, ears, lips and tongue. Constant yawning. Irregular action of the heart. Frequent desire to urinate. Leucorrhcea. Painful and swollen feet and limbs. Bloody expectoration, or epistaxis. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. (SUKDEW.) Menstruation. — Delay of the first menses. Menses too late and too scanty. Menses suppressed. Menstrual discharge dark. Leucorrhcea. — With labor-like pains in the abdomen, especially in women suffering from menstrual suppression. Spasmodic colic. Concomitants. — Anxiety, with suffusion of heat, especially when left alone. Dread of ghosts. Great mistrust. Trifles vex her very 135 DULCAMARA. much. Headache above the orbit when stooping, disappearing when walking. Vertigo. Soreness in the temples. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes. Nausea. Water-brash. Frequent desire to urinate with scanty urine, frequently only a few drops. Diarrhoea of bloody mucus. Violent, periodically -occurring paroxysms of cough, excited by a feeling of dryness or tickling in the larynx. Bitter, yellowish expectoration, which the patient has to swallow. DULCAMARA. (BITfER SWEET.) Menstruation. — Too late and of too short duration. Discharge thin and watery. Suppression of the menses from cold, or in damp, cold weather. Retarded floiv. Flow late and profuse. Before Menstruation. — A rash appears on the chin. Urti- caria, which stings, itches and burns when rubbed. Extraordinary sexual desire during the rash and catamenia. During Menstruation. — Sudden suppression, from exposure to damp, cold weather or air, such as being in a cold, damp basement, sitting or standing on damp ground or cold stones. Humid erup- tion on the cheeks. Herpetic eruptions on the labia majora. Tet- ters on the genitals. Increased sexual desire. Engorgement of the breasts. Amenorrhoea. — Suppression of the menses resulting from ex- posure to cold or dampness. Great heat and itching of the genitals, with increased sexual desire. Engorgement and hardness of the breasts. Lochia. — Suppression of the lochia by cold or dampness, with diminished secretion of milk. Leucorrhcea. — Acute catarrh of the sexual organs, from ex- posure to cold or dampness. Leucorrhcea as the result of a retro- cession of a cutaneous eruption, from exposure to cold and dampness. Concomitants. — Great restlessness and impatience. Inclination to scold without being angry. Cannot find the right word. DULCAMARA. 136 Restless sleep after. 12 a. m. Uneasy sleep. Sleep full of con- fused dreams. Stupefying headache and heaviness of the head. Slow drawing pain through the whole brain. Sensation as of a board pressing against the forehead. Giddy and dizzy on waking in the morning. Dimness of sight, as though looking through a gauze. Sparks before the eyes. Face pale, with circumscribed red cheeks. Humid eruptions on the cheeks. Tongue and jaws become lame after a chill from cold air or water. Vomiting of mucus, in the morning. Pressure in the stomach. Colic after a cold. Colic as if a diarrhoea were coming on. Diarrhoea yellowish, greenish, watery ; after taking cold or in damp weather. Constant desire to urinate. Painful pressure about the bladder. Urine turbid, white, fetid ; on standing becomes oily. Oppression of the ohest from mucus. Mucus in the chest ; must cough long, before raising it. Coldness in the small of the back. Drawing pain in the small of the back and down the thighs. Coldness of all the limbs. Rheu- matism after exposure to wet. Skin delicate and sensitive to cold, and liable to eruptive diseases after exposure to cold. Dry heat of the skin. Nettle rash, with much itching after scratching; the burning increases in the warmth and disappears in the cold. Aggravations. — In the evening ; when at rest ; when sitting, and in cold, wet weather. Ameliorations. — From moving about ; after rising from a seat ; from warmth in general ; in warm air, and in dry weather. Dulcamara is especially adapted to individuals who are extremely sensitive to sudden atmospheric changes, and whose complaints are always aggravated when the weather changes from warm to cold aud particularly if it be damp ; for derangements directly traceable to taking cold, by getting wet, standing upon damp ground, going into damp places, or sitting upon cold stones, as often occurs. 13? ELAPS COR.— EPIERA DIAD. ELAPS CORALLINUS. (COBRA-CORAL.) Menstruation. — Too soon. After Menstruation. — Discharge of Hack Mood. Weight in the uterus and vagina, with pressing-down pains. Itching in the vagina. Formication at the vulva. Hysteria. Concomitants. — Absence of mind. Desire for solitude. Dread of being left alone. Does not wish to be spoken to. Congestion of blood to the head. Pain and weight in the fore- head. Hungry headache. Vertigo, inclined to fall forward. Aversion to light. Fiery spots before the eyes. Redness and swelling of the face. Rheumatic pains in the back and extremities ; the pains begin in the left side. Yellow spots on the hands and fingers. Prolapsus ani. Aggravations. — On awaking; on drinking; when stooping, and from cold air. EPIERA DIADEMA. Menstruation. — Too early, too profuse, and of too long dura- tion. The discharge consists of bright-red blood. Concomitants. — Headache relieved by going out in the open air. Haemorrhages in general. Chilliness every day at precisely the same hour. All the symp- toms are worse, every other day at precisely the same hour. ERECTHITES HIER.— ERIGERON CAN. 138 ERECTHITES HIERACIFOLIUS. (fire weed.) Menstruation. — Premature and profuse. During Menstruation. — Profuse flow of bright-red blood. Metrorrhagia. — Of bright-red blood. ERIGERON CANADENSE. (HORSE WEED.) Menstruation. — Too scanty or too profuse, Menstruation pro- fuse with violent irritation of the rectum and bladder. During Menstruation. — Spasmodic pains in the region of the uterus with profuse discharge of blood. Metrorrhagia. — Attended with violent irritation of the rectum and bladder. Profuse discharge of bright-red blood. Every move- ment increases the flow. Profuse haemorrhage after abortion, with diarrhoea and dysuria. Post-partum haemorrhage. Great palor and weakness from the excessive flow. Lochia. — Profuse and aggravated by the least motion. Bloody lochia. Leucorrhcea. — Chronic leucorrhoea. Profuse uterine and vagi- nal leucorrhcea, attended with spasmodic pains and violent irritation of the rectum and bladder. Concomitants. — Lowness of spirits, with a feeling of great languor. Dull headache, with ringing in the right ear. Epistaxis of bright-red blood. Bleeding from the gums ; profuse bleeding from the cavity of a tooth. Xausea with frequent eructations. Burning sensation in the stomach, of long duration. Haematemesis from rupture of blood- vessels. Haemorrhage from the bowels or from haemorrhoids. 139 EUPHRASIA. Inclination to urinate every half honr, with aching distress in the bladder. Dull aching in the whole dorsal region. The lower dorsal region is the location of the greatest suffering. Symptoms are all aggravated during rainy weather. EUPHRASIA. (EYEBRIGHT.) Menstruation. — Regular as to time, but lasting only one hour and attended with considerable pain. Menses too late, too scanty, and of too short duration. Amenorrhcea. — Attended with ophthalmia ; great suffusion of the eyes. Chronic inflammation of the eyelids, itching in the day- time and sticking together at night. Profuse lachrymation ; tears acrid and burning. Great dread of light. Constant catarrh and severe frontal headache, with dread of light. Ulcer on the right of the bridge of the nose. Concomitants. — Aversion to speaking; hypochondriacal humor. Catarrhal inflammation of the eyes and nasal passages, with profuse secretion of acrid mucus from the eyes and nose, and pain in the frontal sinuses. Burning and swelling of the ciliary margins. Sensation as though the corneas were covered with mucus, which obscures the vision, and obliges her frequently to close and press the lids together. Coryza, with watery, acrid discharge. Frequent micturition. Burning and itching of the skin. Old, torpid ulcers. Euphrasia occupies a subordinate position in the treatment of uterine affections, but when the characteristic eye symptoms are present it will often prove an invaluable remedy in amenorrhoea. EUPIOK. 140 EUPION. (A DISTILLATION OF WOOL TAR.) Menstruation. — Too soon and too copious. Menstrual dis- charge copious, thin fluid. During Menstruation. — Great irritability and disinclination to talk. Headache and chilliness. Painless pulsations in the head. Pressing toward the forehead, with a sensation as if the head were too full. Burning sensation in the chest. When taking a long- breath, stitches in the middle of the chest, and in the heart, which takes away her breath. Deep pain in the abdomen ; a painful twisting extending to the rectum. Wabbling sensation in the whole upper part of the body. After Menstruation. — Yellow leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. — Painless, mild discharge from the vagina. Leucorrhoea after menstruation, coloring the linen yellow, and at- tended with great lassitude, and emaciation of the whole body. Trembling of the whole body, felt only when at rest. A sensation as if her whole body was made of jelly. Stitches in the soles of the feet when walking. Leucorrhoea, with severe backache ; when the pain in the back ceases the discharge gushes out. Copious leucor- rhoea which runs from her. Concomitants. — She angers easily, and cries for rage. Anxious dreams. Vertigo, everything becomes black before her. Confusion of the head. Sore pain between the labia during urination. Burning, itching and swelling between the labia, temporarily relieved by rubbing. Pruritus pudendi, worse in the evening. Severe backache, epecially during menstruation, so that she has to lean and support herself against something, which gives relief. The pains in the back extend into the pelvis, and when she stoops she can hardly get up again. The sacrum pains as if broken. The peculiar backache of Eupion, in connection with leucorrhoea, is a characteristic symptom. 141 FERRUM. FERRUM. (IRON.) Menstruation. — Too late and too scanty, with pale, watery dis- charge. Menstruation too late, long lasting and profuse. Menstru- ation too early and too profuse, like flooding, with excited circulation, flushed face, frequent short shudderings, headache and dizziness, labor-like and colicky pains in the sides and abdomen, and discharge of partly fluid and partly Mack, clotted blood. Menses intermittent; they cease for a day or two and then return, the discharge being very pale and watery. Suppressed and delayed menses. Before Menstruation. — Great feeling of wretchedness, pros- tration of physical power and mental depression united, which dis- appears when the flow commences. Stinging headache and ringing in the ears. Labor-like pains. Discharge of long pieces of mucus from the uterus. Rumbling of flatus in the abdomen. Leucorrhoea. During Menstruation. — Violent cutting-pains, with discharge of watery blood, Scanty discharge of pale blood with violent colic, attended with paleness of the lips and face. Profuse discharge of blood, which is partly thin and partly black and coagulated, with labor-like and colicky pains, great vascular excitement, full, hard pulse, glowing redness of the face, headache and vertigo. Burning pain or pressure and weight in the sacrum. Dragging pains in the loius, pelvis and thighs. Cold hands and feet. The menses inter- mit ; the discharge ceasing for a day or two and then returning. Profuse flow, like flooding, especially in delicate, weakly persons, with excited circulation, great heat in the face, violent colicky or bearing-down pains in the abdomen and sides. After Menstruation. — Severe and distressing pruritus, relieved by bathing in cold water. Hysterical symptoms. Great depression of spirits. Amenorrhoea. — Menstruation absent for months, or appearing imperfectly at irregular periods, especially in weak, chlorotic girls, that have lost much flesh, that are weary and tired and desire to re- main seated or lying down all the time, that suffer from congestive FERRUM. 142 headache, have buzzing and pricking-pains in the brain, with fiery redness of the face, or the face may be of a leaden hue with dark lines around the eyes. (Edematous swelling of the face, hands and feet. Lassitude of the legs. Great prostration and lethargic dull- ness. Metrorrhagia. — Either after accouchement or abortion, or from other exciting causes, when there is a profuse discharge of blood, which is partly thin or watery and partly black and coagulated, with violent labor-like pains, great vascular excitement, full, hard pulse, redness of the face, frequent short shudderings, headache and vertigo, or pale, thin blood, with paleness of lips and face. Great and rapid prostration with fainting turns, even though the quantity of blood lost has not been excessive. Leucorrhcea. — Especially in chlorotic patients. Leucorrhoea thin, watery, like watery milk, smarting and corroding the parts when first appearing. Leucorrhosa like boiled starch (Alum). Especially during stool. Leucorrhcea before the menses, with dis- charge of mucous shreds. Palpitation of the heart. Earthy-yellow complexion. Pain in the os tincse when lying down, feeling at the same time of dryness of the vagina. Vagina dry and painful and dry during an embrace. Painful weight of the abdominal viscera when walking, as if they would fall down. Prolapsus of the vagina. Swellings and indurations in the vagina. Dragging pain in the loins and thighs. Concomitants. — Great variability of mind. Anxiety, as after committing some great crime. Anxiety from slight causes. Prone to weep or laugh immoderately. Nervous hysterical feeling. Restless sleep. Sleep disturbed by vivid, unpleasant dreams. Wakens in the morning weary and unrefreshed. Falls asleep while sewing. Vertigo, particularly when descending and when looking at run- ning water. On rising suddenly things grow black. Rush of blood to the head, with flushes of heat in the face. Ham- mering and beating in the head, compelling her to lie down. Head hot, feet cold. 143 FERRUM. Over-sensitiveness to sound. Ringing in the ears. Nosebleed in anaemic girls. Ashy-pale or green face. Earthy, jaundiced color of the face. Face pale with red spots. Pale, bloated face. Face feels as if bloated and swollen. Face fiery red, veins large. The least emotion or exertion produces a red, flushed face. The face becomes suddenly fiery red, with vertigo, ringing in the ears, palpitation of the heart and dyspnoea. Blue rings around the eyes, which are dull, lusterless. Bad taste in the mouth ; taste like rotten eggs. Extreme dislike to all food. All solid food tastes dry. Extreme paleness of the mucous membranes, especially of the mouth. Hoarseness, voice almost extinct. Spasmodic cough from tickling in the trachea. Cough after eating or drinking. Spasmodic cough with expectoration of bloody mucus. Haemoptysis from suppression of the menses. Cough at night. Cough worse from abuse of tea. Difficult breathing and oppression of the chest as if some one pressed upon it -with the hands. Palpitation of the heart, especially in young- girls addicted to self-abuse. Anaemic murmur of the arteries and veins. Sour belchings. Vomiting of food as soon as she eats. Every- thing she vomits tastes acid. Vomiting at midnight. Pressure at the stomach after taking the least food or drink. Sense of repletion after a few mouthfuls. (Lycopodium.) Heat and burning in the stomach. Great soreness of the bowels on being- touched, and when walking. Diarrhoea, stools painless and exhausting, they are composed of thin mucus and undigested food. Constipation, stools hard and difficult of expulsion, and followed by severe backache. Urine hot. Involuntary urination at night. Pains in the cervix uteri when lying down. Stitching, shooting- pains in the uterus. Stitching in the vagina. Pains in the vagina during an embrace. Sexual desire diminished. Vagina too dry. Prolapsus of the vagina. Swellings and indurations in the vagina. Itching at the vulva. Prolapsus uteri. Retroversion of the uterus with pressure on the rectum, so she can neither stand nor walk. FLUORICUM ACIDUM. 144 Uterine displacements with catching pains in the sides of the abdomen, and the fundus of the uterus is found lying to the side where the pain is experienced. (The relation of Ferrum and Sulphur is to the right side, Stramonium to the left.) Threatened abortion. Violent pain in the hip joint, worse during fore part of the night, must get out of bed and walk about. Varicose veins of the thighs. Cramps in the calves of the legs at night. Legs feel weak. Feet cold and numb. Nightly tearing pains in all the limbs. Great general emaciation. Great general weakness, she is all the time so weak and exhausted, that she cannot keep about the house, has to lie down often. General hemorrhagic tendency. Complaints during pregnancy. Generally worse in cold, wet weather ; better in warm weather. Ferrum is especially adapted to auagmic persons; to delicate, chlorotic women ; to women with earthy complexions, and to those whose face has a tendency to flush up, or become fiery red on the least emotion or exertion. FLUORICUM ACIDUM. (FLUORIDE OF HYDROGEN.) Menstruation. — Too early and too copious, the discharge thick and coagulated. During Menstruation. — She experiences an uncommon buoyancy of mind, she fears nothing and is well satisfied with herself and all about her. Metrorrhagia. — Complicated with asthmatic complaints. Leucorrhoea. — Yellowish, corrosive discharge, producing sore- ness and burning of the parts. Concomitants. — Weakness of memory. Uncommonly gay dis- position of mind. Falling out of the hair. Rapid caries of the teeth. Excessive moisture of the hands. Squamous eruptions on the body. Syphilitic erosions. Mucous tubercles. Exostosis and nightly bone-pains. 145 GELSEMIUM. Varicose veins. Lack of sensibility to cold, she forgets to put on thicker clothing. Increased ability to exercise without fatigue. Eleuoric acid affects, principally, the left side of the abdomen and right side of the back, and is best adapted to aged women, and those who are prematurely old from syphilitic or mercurial contamination. GELSEMIUM. (YELLOW JESAMINE.) Menstruation. — Suppressed, with convulsions (every evening). Menses delayed and painful. Menses suppressed, with congestion of blood to the head. Before Menstruation. — Congestion of blood to the head, with dark-red face. Sick-headache. Vomiting, with bearing-down pains in the abdomen ; these symptoms all subside on the appearance of the flow. Languid aching of back and limbs. During Menstruation. — Severe pains of a neuralgic or spas- modic character in the face and head. Sharp, labor -like pain in the uterine region extending to the back, hips and thighs. Sick-head- ache. Deep-red face. Congestion of blood to the head. Nausea or vomiting. Ovarian dysmenorrhea, with headache, nausea, vomiting, flushed face and bearing-down pains. Amenorrhea. — In nervous, excitable, hysterical women. Head- ache, with dullness of the head. Wild feeling in the head. Vertigo. Dizziness of the head, with blurred vision; all objects appear very in- distinct Sharp, darting and twitching pains in the head and face. Frequent emissions of clear, transparent urine, with seeming relief of head symptoms. Fulness in the hypogastrium and aching across the sacrum. Ailments from masturbation, with great depression of spirits and excessive languor. Leucorrhoea. — Sensation of heaviness in the uterine region with increase of white leucorrhoeal discharge. White leucorrhoea, with aching across the lower part of the back, and a heavy, full feeling in the epigastrium. Severe aching across the sacrum. Heavy feeling in the region of the uterus. GELSEMIUM. 146 Concomitants. — Great irritability, cannot bear to be spoken to. Vivacity followed by depression of spirits. Every exciting news causes diarrhoea. Bad effects from great fright or fear. Nervous headache ; the pain commences in the back of the head and spreads all over it. Head feels enlarged. Wild feeling in the head, alternating with uterine pains. Dizziness of the head, with blurred vision. Headache preceded by a blur before the eyes. (Iris v., Kali b. and Sepia.) Pain comes up from the neck and spreads out over the head. Great soreness of the head, both external and internal. Sensation as of a band about the head. Headache relieved by urinating. Great heaviness of the eyelids ; it is almost impossible to keep them open. Appearance of smoke before the eyes, which prevents her from seeing anything, especially during pregnancy. Amaurosis, from self-abuse. Numbness of the tongue. Trembling of the tongue. Yellowish- white fur on the tongue. Dryness of the mouth. . Frequent emissions of clear, limpid urine, with seeming relief to the dullness and heaviness of the head. Severe, sharp, labor-like pains in the uterine region, extending to the back and hips. Anteflexion of the uterus, with pain as if the uterus were squeezed by a hand. Ovarian irritation attended with characteristic headache. Excessive action of the heart. Fear that unless constantly on the move, her heart will cease beating. Dull aching pain in the lumbar and sacral region ; muscles of the legs will not obey the will. Pains from the spine to the shoulders and head. Trembling of the limbs. Fatigue of the lower limbs after slight exercise. Cold hands and feet. Complete relaxation of the whole muscular system ; the muscles will not obey the will, the patient feels utterly without power. Weakness and trembling through the whole system. Bruised sensation all over the body. Gelsemium is especially adapted to nervous, excitable, hysterical women, and those who suffer from onanism. 147 GLONOINUM. GLONOINUM. (NITRO-GLYCERINE.) Before Menstruation. — Instead of the menses, congestion of blood to the head with throbbing and tearing pains. During Menstruation. — Congestion of blood to the head and chest. Pressure and fulness of the head. Violent throbbing head- ache, increased by every motion. Suppression of the menses, with intense congestion of blood to the head, and a feeling as if the temples and top of the head would burst open. At or during the change of life, flushes of heat to the face, pressure and throbbing pain in the head, vertigo, loss of senses, nausea, swelling of the feet. Concomitants. — Bright and loquacious. Forgets the street she lives on. Eestless sleep. Awakens with fear of apoplexy. Confused dreams. A sensation as if the head were too large. Fulness in the head, as if the blood had mounted to the head. Fulness and throbbing in the head, without pain. Shocks in the brain synchronous with every pulsation of the arteries. Throbbing in the temples. Head feels full, pulse full and quick, face red. Throbbing in the temporal arteries, which are raised and feel like whip-cords. A sensation as if the brain were moving in waves. Shaking or jarring aggravates the head- ache, external pressure relieves it. Cannot bear any heat about the head. Sparks before the eyes. Objects dance with every pulsation. Letters appear smaller. Sees things half dark and half light. Deafness, as if the ears were stopped up. Einging in the ears. Twitching of the facial muscles. Face flushed and hot, especially about the eyes and forehead, with headache. Throbbing pain in all the teeth. Teeth feel elongated. Chest feels as if laced. Violent palpitation of the heart. Heart's action easily excited. Purring noise in the region of the heart when lying down. Great weakness from want of sleep. Fainting fits, with conscious- GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. 148 ness, pulsations, tingling thrills, and a peculiar sensation of warmth through the whole body from above downward. Glonoinum is adapted to florid, plethoric, sanguine, nervous, sensitive persons. Dr. Hughes recommends Glonoinum as a capital remedy for the disturbances of the intercranial circulation, which obtains in meno- pausia, and for that condition which often results from menstrual suppression. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. (COTTON PLANT.) Menstruation. — Delayed. Too scanty. Watery. During Menstruation. — Stinging pains in the ovarian region, which come and go, with drawing toward the uterus. The flow lasts but about twenty-four hours and then becomes slight and painful. Scanty and painful or painless menses. Watery menses. Soreness between the vulva and thighs, with a watery secretion. Anorexia, with uneasy depressed feeling at the scrobiculis cordis. Concomitants. — Uneasiness and anxiety, with sighing. Giddi- ness of the head. Nausea, with inclination to vomit in the morning, before break- fast. Eotating sensation in the pit of the stomach, with uneasiness anxiety and sighing. Soft tumor between the left thigh and vulva, secreting a watery fluid, with stinging pain as if caused by a needle. The outer skin of both labia is studded with innumerable pale, somewhat reddish, granules. Morning sickness during the early months of pregnancy. The pains are wandering, or jumping from one place to another, and from one limb to the opposite one. 149 GRAPHITES. GRAPHITES. (PLUMBAGO.) Menstruation. — Too late, too scanty and of too short duration. The discharge consists of thick, Mack blood, or of serous, pale blood. Delay of the first menses. Retarded menstruation. Retarded and deficient menstruation ; the discharge being watery and of small quantity. Menstruation suppressed, with flow of blood from the anus, great weariness, lassitude, heaviness of the limbs, and congestion of blood to the face and head. Leucorrhoea in place of the menses. Before Menstruation. — Leucorrhoea like water, or like thin, white mucus. Constipation, stools hard, knotty, and sticking in the anus. Itching of the pudendum and vagina. Cutting pains at the commencement of the flow. Fatigue in the morning and during the day. During Menstruation. — Spasms and cutting pains in the ab- domen. Heat in the abdomen. Violent colic. Pain in the epigas- trium, as if everything would be torn to pieces. Bearing-down pains in the abdomen, with pains in the sides and back ; the pains in the back are relieved by motion. Violent headache, especially toward night, with eructations and nausea. Morniyig sickness, with weakness and trembling. Dry cough and profuse perspiration. Hoarseness and cough through the day, no cough at night. Coryza with fever and cough. Obscuration of sight. Roaring in the ears. Erysipe- las of one cheek. Soreness between the thighs ; excoriation about the vulva. Darting stitches in the indurated and swollen left ovary, aggravated by coughing or even by inspiration. The ovary is sensi- tive to the touch, is swollen and feels as hard as a stone. Strangury. Obstinate constipation. Haemorrhage from the anus. Painful varices. Swelling of the feet ; deadness of the hands. Pain, numb- ness, or formication in the limbs. Cold feet; limbs go to sleep. Great chilliness. Pains, oppression and pressure in the chest. Pal- pitation of the heart. Great weakness and trembling. Eruptions on the skin, oozing a sticky fluid. Suppression of the menses, with GRAPHITES. 150 great heaviness of the limbs, weight in the anus, and congestion of blood to the head. Aggravation of the condition of present ulcers. After Menstruation. — Shivering. Cutting and griping pains in the abdomen. Diarrhoea. Leucorrhcea resembling water, or thin, white mucus, with weakness in the loins and back, or with tenderness of the bowels. Heavy, bearing-down sensation, especially when standing. Burning or smarting in the vagina. Vesicles on the labia ; itching about the vulva. Smarting and pricking in the vagina. Soreness of the parts and between the thighs, with blotches, pimples and ulcers. Amenorrhcea. — Occasional show of the menses, but they are too pale and too scanty and are attended with abdominal pains and pains in the limbs. Weight in the abdomen and dullness in the head. Sick-headache with numb pain in the sacrum extending down the legs. Hysterical headache. Congestion to the head and chest. Roaring in the ears. Dark-redness of the face. Constriction of the chest, with great anxiety. Dry cough, only in the daytime. Uterine cramps. (Edema of the eyelids, of the vulva and of the ab- dominal walls. Rheumatic pain in the limbs. Great weakness and heaviness of the arms and legs. Coldness of the hands and feet. (Edematous swelling of the hands and feet. The limbs upon which she lies go to sleep. Heaviness of the legs. Itching blotches here and there on various parts of the body. Itching between the fingers. Erysipelatous affections with oozing of a gelatinous fluid. Her finger-nails grow thick and crooked. Watery leucorrhcea. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Chlorosis. Sterility. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse, white and thin. It makes yellow spots on the linen. White mucous leucorrhcea, with great weakness in the small of the bach, when walking or sitting. Thin, watery leucorrhcea, with distention of the abdomen ; discharge more profuse early in the morning when rising from bed. Acrid leucorrhcea. The discharges occur in gushes by day and by night. Soreness of the labia, or with a rash on the labia. Painful pressing toward the pudendum. Small, red, itching pimples, like flea-bites on the labia, pudenda, and inner surface of the thighs. Leucorrhcea in place of the menses. 151 GRAPHITES. Concomitants. — Sadness, with thoughts of nothing but death. Sad and despondent. Apprehensive, with inclination to weep. Great grief about the smallest things. Extreme hesitation, she is unable to make np her mind about anything. Want of disposition to work. Absentminded. Anxious fear of approaching misfortune. Great solicitude concerning her spiritual welfare. Sleepiness during the day, she must lie down. Cannot go to sleep till late at night. Sleep disturbed by anxious dreams. Vertigo when rising in the morning. Vertigo with inclination to fall forward. Desolate, empty feeling in the head. Headache every morning on waking. A pain as if the head were numb and pithy. Pain as if constricted with a cord, especially in the occiput, extending to the nape of the neck. Throbbing in the sides of the head. Violent headache, with eructations and nausea, especially during menstruation. Round, burning spot on the top of the head. Humid eruption on the head. Scurfy spots on the vertex. Coldness of the scalp. Falling off of the hair. Burning in the eyes. Light dazzles the eyes. Everything turns black before the eyes when stooping. Pustules and ulcers on the cornea. Inflammation of the margins of the eyelids. Dry mucus in the lashes. Styes on the lower lids. Ringing, roaring, rushing, cracking, or clucking sounds in the ears. Dryness in the ears. Stuffed feeling in the ears. Loss of hearing. Music makes her weep. Moist and sore places behind the ears. Gluey, sticky discharge from the ears. Acute pressure in the inner ear. Purulent, fetid secretion from the nose. Dry scabs form in the nose. Loss of smell. Red nose with black pores. Swelling of the nose. Smell abnormally acute f she cannot tolerate the smell of flowers. Face pale and haggard. Chlorotic, earthy color of the face. Face pale and bloated. Constant sensation of a cobweb on the face. Sore- ness and cracking of the lips and nostrils, as from a cold. Corners of the mouth ulcerate. Tongue coated white. Burning vesicles on the tongue. Taste in the mouth sour, salty, bitter, or like rotten eggs. Breath smells like urine. Sensation in the throat GRAPHITES. 152 when swallowing as if a plug had lodged in it Aversion to salt. Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous. Nausea in the morning. Sour eructations. Vomiting of sour food. Contractive pain in the stomach. Sensation of a lump in the stomach, with beating as of two hammers. Cannot bear tight clothing around the hypochondria. Fulness and hardness in the abdomen. Pain in the upper abdomen as if everything would be torn to pieces, during menstruation. Painful pressure toward the groins and anus. Itching in the anus. Burning haemorrhoids. Rhagades at the anus. Smarting, sore pain in the auus, at the least touch. Pro- trusion of the rectum. Constipation, stools large and knotty. Stools lumpy, conjoined with threads of mucus. Stools sticking in the anus. Diarrhoea, stools soft and too small in size, like a round worm. Stools dark- colored, half digested, of an intolerable odor. Mucous diarrhoea, a quantity of white mucus is expelled with each stool. Frequent micturition. Nightly desire to urinate. The urine soon becomes turbid and deposits a white or reddish sediment. Pain in the coccyx while urinating. Itching vesicles and pimples on the labia, which smart and are painful. Itching on the pudendum before the menses. Cancer of the uterus. Ovarian affections which are aggravated by taking cold. Violent, lancinating, stitching pains through the uterus down to the lower extremities. Pains in the uterus when reaching high with the arms. Painful pressure toward the pudendum. Bearing-down pains in the uterus extending into the back, with weakness and nausea. Uterine displacements, especially anteversion. Excoriations in the perinseum, vulva and between the thighs. Great aversion to sexual ntercourse. Swelling and induration of the left ovary. Soreness of the nipples. Vesicles and cracks upon the nipples. Cancer of the breast springing from old cicatrices of mammary abscesses. Cica- trized mammce, obstructing the flow of milk. » Dry cough and profuse perspiration during menstruation. Expecto- ration saltv. Hoarseness. Violent corvza and catarrhal fever, 153 GRATIOLA OFF. especially during menstruation. Oppression of the chest. Pressure in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Violent pain in the middle of the back. Weakness in the loins and back. Numb pain from the sacrum down the legs. Dull, drawing pain in the coccyx, in the evening, and while urinating. (Edema of the legs, with watery exudation from the skin. Limbs go to sleep. Soreness between the thighs. Herpes on the extremities. Burning and swelling of the feet. Weakness of the limbs. Great general weakness of the whole body. Affections of the nails in general ; they become brittle, and crumble. Deformity of the nails. Tremulous sensation through the whole body. Violent pulsations through the whole system. Great liability to take cold. Great itching of the skin, in various parts of the body. The skin is unhealthy, every little injury is followed by suppuration. Small, red, itching pimples. Eruptions oozing a sticky fluid. Aggravations. — During menstruation, and from suppression of the same ; at night ; from becoming cold. Graphites is especially applicable to scrofulous women with a tendency to abnormal corpulency. GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. (HEDGE hyssop.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. During Menstruation.— Darting pains through the right mamma, when stooping, and stitches through the right chest. Concomitants. — Great physical and mental depression. Ill- humor. Apprehensive. Tired of life. Irresolute. Taciturn. Absorbed in reveries. Pressure in the forehead, with vertigo. Full feeling in the head. The head is very sensitive to cold. Mist before the eyes. Burning heat in the face, but it feels cold to the hand. Hunger without appe- tite. Aversion to food with good taste. Violent thirst. Pressure in G [J ARE A.— HAMAMELIS VIR. 154 the stomach after every meal. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Nausea and vomiting of a yellow substance. Diarrhoea of a yellow-greenish water. Urine scanty, and becoming turbid when standing. Nympho- mania of lying-in women. GUAREA. (BALL WOOD.) Menstruation. — Too profuse. Discharge of blood between tho menses. Leucorrhcea. — Fetid, and especially after menstruation. Itching of the labia and pudendum. Concomitants. — Confusion of thoughts. Moral anxiety. Agi- tation in the evening. Vertigo on rising. Stupefying headache. Confused sensation in the abdomen. Involuntary urination. Frequent desire to urinate in the evening. Itching eruptions upon the skin. Chronic weakness. Hysterical tetanus. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. (WITCH HAZEL.) Menstruation. — Profuse discharge of dark-colored blood during the daytime, it ceases at night. Steady flow of dark-colored blood, without uterine pains. Retention of the menses with haematemesis. Profuse menstruation, blood bright and fresh and not coagulable. Vicarious menstruation from ovarian irritation. Passive uterine haemorrhage. Irregular menstruation. During Menstruation. — Profuse, steady flow of dark-colored blood, the flow ceases at night. Pain in the left ovary, pressing down to the uterus. Dysmenorrhcea from ovarian irritation. Dysmenor- rhea with severe pain in the lumbar and hypogastric region and down the legs. Bruised, sore feeling in the abdomen. Fulness of the brain and bowels, with severe pain through the whole head, resulting in stupor and deep sleep. Varicose veins on the legs. 155 HAMAMELIS VIR. Amenorrhoea. — With vicarious bleeding from the nose or stomach. Constipation. Varices on the legs. Metrorrhagia. — Active hemorrhage, blood bright, fresh and not coagulable. Passive haemorrhage, with anaemia. Profuse haemorrhage after accouchement or abortion, when the flow is steady and slow, the blood dark and unattended by pain, generally, however, there is a peculiar sickening sensation, not exactly a pain, about the umbilical region, which is extremely annoying. Leucorrhoea. — Profuse discharge constituting a severe drain upon the system, as a severe haemorrhage. Leucorrhoea with great relaxation of the vaginal walls. Leucorrhoea profuse and almost constant. Bloody leucorrhoea. Great tenderness in the vagina. Prurigo of the vulva. Great debility and lassitude. Concomitants. — Lowness of spirits, gloomy and sad. General stupor. Uneasy, restless sleep. Vertigo when stooping or bending forward. Fulness in the head and neck. Feeling as if a bolt was pressing from temple to temple. Bursting headache on awaking. Headache after second sleep in the morning. Painful weakness of the eyes. Buzzing or ringing in the ears. Sneezing spells, watery, excoriating, burning discharge from the nose. Epistaxis profuse, either idiopathic or vicarious. Passive bleeding from the nose, blood non -coagulable. Bleeding from the nose, which clears her head and affords her great relief. Tight feel- ing over the bridge of the nose. Over-sensitiveness of smell. Tongue coated white. Metallic, brassy taste in the mouth. Bleeding from the gums. Haemorrhage after extraction of teeth. Sore throat, right side. No appetite for breakfast. Averse to water. Nausea and inclination to vomit after eating. Haematemesis, with vomiting of large quantities of dark-colored blood. Violent throbbing in the stomach. Burning in the epigastrium. Constipation, stools hard and coated with mucus. Dysenteric stools loaded with dark, black blood. Painful and bleeding haemorrhoids. HELLEBORUS NIGER. 156 Bleeding haemorrhoids with burning soreness, fulness, weight and rawness in the anus (to be used locally as well as internally). Pul- sation in the rectum. Itching at the anus. Increased desire to urinate ; urine clear, copious. Urine scanty aud high-colored. Acute vaginitis, with spasmodic action and painfulness of the vagina. Prurigo of the vulva, with vaginitis and vaginismus. Ovarian diseases accompanied with much swelling and tenderness. Ovarian soreness, pain extending all over the abdomen. Inflammation of the ovaries from mechanical injuries. Ovaritis, pain commencing in the ovaries aud passes down the broad ligament to the uterus. Diffused, agonizing pain over the whole uterine region. Cough, with taste of blood on waking. Haemoptysis, active or passive, blood venous and comes into the mouth without coughing or any effort. Oppressive tightness of the lower part of the throat. Small of the back feels as if it would break. Tired, weary feeling in the lower extremities. General lassitude and feeling of weariness. She easily becomes tired. HELLEBORUS NIGER. (BLACK HELLEBORE.) Menstruation. — Discharge of blood between the periods, with great distention of the abdomen. Suppression of the menses by disappointed love. Amenorrhea. — Amenorrhoea from disappointed love. Amenor- rhea accompanied with ascites, the urine being scanty, dark, with dark specks floating in it, with coffee-ground-lookiug sediment. Leucorrhcea. — With smarting of the pudendum. 157 HELONJAS DIOICA* HELONIAS DIOICA. (UKICOEN EOOT.) Menstruation. — Too frequent, too profile and very exhausting. Blood dark and smelling badly. Menstruation premature and pro- fuse in women who are feeble from loss of blood. Flow passive, dark, coagulated and offensive. Scanty menstrual flow, with heavi- ness, languor, drowsiness, and albuminous urine. Scanty or sup- pressed menses with congestion of the kidneys and scanty, sometimes albuminous, urine. Profuse flooding with uterine and ovarian pain during the menopause. Before Menstruation. — Pressing pain in the sacrum and sore- ness of the breasts. During Menstruation.— Sharp, cutting and drawing pains, passing from the back through the uterus. Soreness in the ovarian region. Swelling and tenderness of the breasts. Menorrhagia from ulcerated os or cervix, the flow continuing for a long time and in- creased by the least exertion. Profuse flooding at the climacteric period attended with severe uterine and ovarian pain. Pruritus of the vulva and vagina. Albuminous urine. Pain in the small of the back. Great, general languor. Lochia. — Continues too long and is renewed by very little exertion. Leucorrhoea. — With atony and anaemia and general torpid con- dition of the system. Leucorrhoea with prolapsus uteri and ulcera- tion of the cervix; discharge constant, dark, and foul smelling. Face sallow, having an expression of great suffering. Discharge aggravated by lifting and on the least exertion. Sore and heavy sensation in the region of the uterus. Great vaginal irritation. Pain in the small of the back. Profuse serous leucorrhoea. Leucor- rhoea accompanied with pain in the lower part of the back, tender- ness and soreness of the breasts and nipples, especially at the menstrual period. Concomitants. — Great irritability; cannot bear contradiction. Restless ; wants to be continually moving about. Averse to conver- HELONIAS DIOICA. 158 sation. Desire for solitude. Fault-finding. She is always better when her body and mind are actively employed. Pain in the forehead, as if a band an inch wide were drawn across the temples. Fulness and pressure in the vertex or forehead, aggra- vated when thinking about it. Salivation of pregnant women. Tasteless eructations. Rumbling in the abdomen as if a diarrhoea would come on. Constant aching and tenderness in the region of the kidneys. Frequent desire to urinate. Urine profuse and light-colored. Al- buminous urine during pregnancy, attended with great weakness and drowsiness. Loss of sexual desire with or without sterility. Prolapsus uteri from muscular atony. Uterus low down, fundus tilted forward and os pressing against the rectum. Os protruding externally. Ulcera- tions of the cervix, with a constant dark, bloody, fetid discharge. Dragging weakness in the sacral region, with prolapsus uteri, or at the climacteric period with profound mental gloom and great weak- ness. Soreness and weight in the uterine region. Intense irritation of the external labia and pudendum. Labia and pudendum hot, red, swollen, burning and itching terribly ; every morning the epidermis falls off in thin, transparent exfoliations. The mucous surface of the labia is red, swollen and covered with a curdy deposit like aphthae. Burning and aching in the sacral region when sitting. Her back is tired and weak all the time. Pain in the lower part of the back through to the uterus. Aching pain in the sacrum, extending down into each buttock. Burning and heat in the dorsal region at night, especially w r hen sitting. Numbness in the feet, better when in motion. Helonias is adapted to women who are worn out with hard work, whose sratined muscles burn and ache ; do not care for sleep, feel better when actively employed or when the attention is engaged ; also to women who are enervated by indolence and luxury, and to those who surfer with prolapsus uteri from atony. 159 HEPAR SULPHURIS CALO. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. (SULPHURET OP LIME.) Menstruation. — Delayed and diminished in quantity. Sup- pression of the menses. Menorrhagia in women with chapped skin and rhagades on the hands and feet, and in whom slight injuries result in ulceration. Discharge of blood between the periods. Before Menstruation. — Contractive headache. Congestion of blood to the head. Distention of the abdomen. During Menstruation. — Soreness at the vulva and between the thighs. Pruritus pudenda. After Menstruation. — Discharge of blood between the periods. Leucorrhma with smarting of the vulva. Concomitants. — Great anguish. Sad mood ; she cries bitterly. She remembers everything that has been unpleasant during her whole life. Irritable mood ; everything she does is wrong and gives her great annoyance. Great weakness of memory with peevishness. Great sleepiness toward evening, with violent yawning. Loss of sleep after midnight. Restless sleep ; the side she lies on becomes painfully sore, so she must change her position. Violent fright on slumbering. Dreams of danger, fright and anxiety. Anxious dreams of conflagration or of falling from a precipice. Vertigo in the morning, when riding in a carriage, when shaking the head. Morning headache, worse from every concussion. Vertigo, with headache. Headache from without inward, aggravated by motion or stooping. Lancinating headache, better when walking in the open air. Pressure and drawing pain in the temples. Pain at the root of the nose, every morning. Constant pressive-pain in one half the the train, as from a plug or nail. Disposed to take cold from uncovering the head. Painful pimples and large bald spots on the scalp. Boils on the head. Aching in the eyes from bright daylight. The lids are closed in the morning when waking, she. cannot open them for a long time. Obscuration of sight ; when reading, objects look red. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALO. 160 Whizzing iii the ears, with hardness of hearing. Hardness of hearing. Discharge of fetid pus from the ears. Scurfs on and be- hind the ears. Coryza, with inflammation and swelling of the nose. Blowing of offensive mucus from the nose. Sense of smell extremely acute. The bones of the nose are sensitive to touch. Yellow complexion, with blue border around the eyes. Bones of the face are sensitive to touch. Great swelling of the upper Up. Scurvy eruptions on the face, very painful to touch. Boils on the lips and chin. Ulcers at the corner of the mouth. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks. Putrid or metallic taste in the mouth. Bitter taste. Longing for acids, wine, sour and strong-tasting things. Much thirst. Aversion to fat food. Swelling of the tonsils and glands of the neck. A sensation when swallowing as if a plug were in the throat. Pricking pains in the throat as if caused by a fish-bone or splinter, especially when swallow- ing, and extending toivard the ear on yawning. Constant sensation of sour water rising in the oesophagus. Fre- quent and momentary attacks of nausea. Pressure in the stomach after moderate eating. Disarrangements of the stomach. Distention of the pit of the stomach, she has to loosen her clothing. Rumbling in the abdomen. Abdomen distended, tense. Clawing in the um- bilical region. Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands. Stools soft yet passed with great difficulty and exertion. Clay- colored stools. Diarrhoea with burning in the stomach and rectum. Haemorrhoids. Urine passes tardily and without force. Burning in the urethra during micturition. The urine is acrid and bites the pudendum. Urine hot, dark-red. Urine milky, turbid, with a white sediment. Congestion of blood to the head. Uterine ulcers, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese. The edges of the ulcers are sensitive. Pulsating sensation in ulcered parts. Great soreness on the pudendum and between the thighs. Diminished sexual instinct. 161 HYDEASTIS CANADENSIS. Scirrhous ulcers on the breasts, with stinging, burning edges, and smelling like old cheese. Laryngo-tracheal catarrh. Chronic bronchitis, with tickling in the air passages, deep in the chest. Cough from evening till mid- night. Cough, as from dust in the throat. Cough when any part of the tody gets cold. Fits of dry cough, in the evening. Cough from eating or drinking anything cold. Suffocative attacks, com- pelling her to sit up in bed. Anxious wheezing breathing. Fre- quent and deep breathing. Palpitation of the heart. Pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the back. Stitches and rheumatic pains in the back. Eruptions on the bends of the elbows and in the popliteal spaces. Suppuration of axillary glands. Feeling of heat in the palms of the hands. Itching of the hands, with a dry, grating skin. Unhealthy skin, the slightest injuries produce ulceration or suppu- ration. Ulcer discharging bloody pus, smelling like old cheese. Nettle rash. Dry, pimply eruptions. Eruptions sore to the touch. Constant offeiisive exhalations from the tody. Perspires easily on every, even the slightest, exertion. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. (golden seal.) After Menstruation. — Leucorrhcea like the white of an egg, very profuse and debilitating. Leucorrhcea. — Tenacious, viscid, thick, yellow leucorrhcea, either vaginal or uterine. Mucous leucorrhcea, the discharge hanging from the os in long, viscid strings. Thick, ropy, yellow leucorrhoea. Pro- fuse, albuminous leucorrhoea, accompanied by great sexual excitement and severe pruritus. Profuse, debilitating, albuminous discharge immediately after the menses. Leucorrhoea complicated with hepatic derangement and constipation. Tenacious discharge with prostration at the epigastrium, and violent, continued palpitation of the heart. Engorgement and superficial ulceration of the cervix and vagina, with tenacious discharge. Pruritus vulva. HYOSOYAMUS NIGER. 162 Concomitants. — Forgetful, she cannot remember what she is reading. Restless sleep. Awakened by backache and dull pains in the navel and hypogastric region. Dull, frontal headache, she feels as if in- toxicated. Nervous sick-headache. Dull, aching pains in the stomach, which causes a weak, faintish feeliug. Great sinking at the epigastrium, with violent and long- continued palpitation of the heart. Constipation, stools lumpy and covered with mucus. Prolapsus uteri. Ulceration of the cervix uteri and vagina. Uterine diseases with sympathetic affections of the digestive organs. Cough, with expectoration of thick, yellow, very tenacious mucus, stringy and profuse. Debility, or general nervous prostration. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. (HENBANE.) Menstruation. — Too profuse, like flooding, with bright-red blood. Continuous flow of bright-red blood, with great vascular excitement and spasmodic jerkings. Menstruation profuse with pale blood. Menstruation too late or suppressed. Before Menstruation. — Hysterical and epileptic spasms. Loud, uninterrupted, hysterical laughing. Labor-like pains in the abdomen, with pulling in the back and sides. Profuse sweat with nausea ushering in the menses. During Menstruation. — Labor-like abdominal pains, with severe, pulling pains in the sides and back. Convulsive trembling of the hands and feet. Hysterical jerking and twitching ; silly, loud laughing. Excited sexual desire. Lascivious furor, without modesty, slie wishes to uncover and expose herself. Profuse urine and sweat. Severe headache and toothache. Delirium, she gets wild and raging. Profuse flow of pale blood, with uncommon foolish notions. Laughs silly and loud, talks nonsense, gets delirious. Amenorrhcea. — Great mental excitement at each menstrual 163 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER epoch. Loud and boisterous laughing. Hysterical spasms, jerkings and twitchings. Mania, with lasciviousness, she sings amorous and obscene soDgs, and wishes to uncover and expose her person. Re- peated attacks of fainting. Rapid sinking of strength. Metrorrhagia. — General heat with full and quick pulse. Swell- ing of the veins of the feet and hands. Labor-like pain in the small of the back and limbs. Great restlessness, trembling of the extremities or general hysterical spasms of the whole body, interrupted by jerks or twitchings of single limbs. Dullness of the senses, blur before the eyes. Post-partum haemorrhage. Haemorrhage after accouchement or abortion, or at any other time, when the flow is continuous, of a bright-red color, and attended with great vascular excitement, general spasms of the entire body, or twitchings and jerkings of single limbs. Lochia. — Lochial derangements when accompanied by the charac- teristic mental and spasmodic condition above referred to. Concomitants. — Indomitable rage. Delirium. Jealousy. Mania with lasciviousness, she sings amorous songs, and wishes to uncover and expose her person. Unfortunate love with jealousy, rage and incoherent speech. Disappointed love followed by epilepsy. Involun- tary, loud laughter with silly actions. Entire loss of consciousness, she sees things and persons that are not present. Wishes to run away for fear of being hurt. Is afraid she is going to be poisoned.. Fears to be left alone. Deep, heavy sleep. Sleep, with outcries. Starting from sleep. Sleeplessness from nervous irritation. Dreams anxious, lascivious. Vertigo. Sudden falling with a shriek. Repeated attacks of fainting. Undulating sensation in the head. Brain feels as if loose. Congestion to the head. Headache with unnatural heat. Giddiness with stupefaction. Optical illusions, everything looks as red as fire, things look too large or appear double. Obscuration of sight. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids. Pupils altered. Red, sparkling eyes, squinting, contor- tion of the eyes. Face swollen, dark-red, cold and pale, distorted, stupid expression. Twitching of the facial muscles. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. 164 Buzzing, ringing, rushing in the ears. Tongue partially paralyzed. Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips. Foam at the mouth. Cadaverous smell from the mouth. Dread of water. Constriction of the throat, with inability to swallow, especially fluids. Hysterical aphonia. Nocturnal, dry cough. Dry, spasmodic cough, particularly at night, and more especially when lying down. Cough is always worse when lying doim, and is relieved by sitting up). Tight feeling across the chest. Difficulty in breathing. Nausea, with vertigo. Violent pain in the stomach with hiccough and vomiting. Painful distention of the stomach. Pinching in the abdomen. Colic, as if the abdomen would burst. Yellow, watery diarrhoea. Involuntary stool at night. Diarrhoea of lying-in women. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge. Involuntary urination. Lascivious furor, without modesty, is disposed to uncover and ex- pose her person. Excited sexual desire. Soreness and burning at the vaginal entrance. Trembling of the arms and hands. Painful numbness of the hands. Hands and feet cold. Twitchings and jer kings of every muscle of the body, eyes, eyelids, face, arms, hands, legs and feet. Hyoscyamus is particularly adapted to nervous, irritable, excitable subjects ; to sanguine temperaments ; to hysterical women and also to young girls in whom the least excitement or mental trouble pro- duces unpleasant results. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. (st. John's wort.) Menstruation. — Too late. Menses delayed a fortnight, with tension in the region of the uterus as from a bandage. Menses pro- fuse and too early. Before Menstruation. — Headache; wrenching pain over the 165 IGNATIA. eyes, relieved by motion. Pinching pain in the abdomen. Diarrhoea. Severe backache. Numbness and coldness of the feet when sitting. During Menstruation. — Great sensitiveness of hearing. Dull headache. Sickening pain in the bowels. Tension in the region of the uterus, as from a bandage. LeuCOrrhcBa. — With violent, lacerating pain in the genitals, and frequent desire to urinate. Palpitation of the heart. Pressure in the small of the back, and heaviness in the lower part of the bowels. Leucorrhoea with delayed menses and symptoms of amenorrhoea. Leucorrhcea in a child, milky but corroding. Concomitants. — Lowness of spirits. Melancholy, disposition to weep. Singing followed by weeping and loud screaming, and gasp- ing for breath. Absentminded, makes mistakes in writing, forgets what she wanted to say. Sensation as if being lifted high up in the air, and tormented by anxiety : fears that the slightest touch or motion will make her fall down from this height. Heaviness and dizziness in the head. Sensation as if the head suddenly became elongated. Wrenching pain over the eyes. Sensitiveness of hearing. Violent thirst. Nausea in the morning. Awakens with distended abdomen. Swelling of the urethra, with burning soreness and sensitiveness, especially if caused by a bruise. Movements in the chest. Aching and lameness in the small of the back. Great dread of motion. IGNATIA. (ST. IGNATIUS BEAN.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Discharge of of- fensive, Mack blood mixed with coagula. Menstruation profuse after great mental troubles, grief or fright. Menstruation scanty and a IGNATIA. 166 few days delayed, the discharge offensive, foul smelling. Suppression of the menses from grief. Before Menstruation. — Much sighing and sobbing, she seems full of suppressed grief. Great heat and heaviness of the head. Weak and empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. During Menstruation. — Great anxiety and raving. Head- ache with heat and heaviness of the head. Intolerance to light and noise. Palpitation of the heart. Uterine spasms, with cranipy, pressing pains, relieved by pressure and while in a recumbent posi- tion, and attended with great sighing and sobbing. Labor-like pains, with lancinations. Hardness and distention of the abdomen. Weak, empty feeling in the pit of the stomach, with weeping and sobbing, or great sensitiveness of mind without complaining. Uterine cramps, with cutting or contractive pains, and great difficulty of breathing. Pains in the small of the back. Great lassitude or even fainting. Menstrual discharge black, of putrid odor, and in clots. AmenorrhcBa. — Suppression of the menses occasioned by grief, and attended with great anguish. She is full of suppressed grief. Involuntary sobbing and sighing. Great mental distress. She shrieks and cries for help. Suffers from constriction about the throat, cannot swallow, and constantly complains of a sensation of goneness, or empty feeling, at the pit of the stomach. Amenorrhcea from the effect of disappointed love. Metrorrhagia. — Attended with great despondency. Hysterical sobbing and sighing. Weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. After great mental excitement or depression, or after the abuse of chamomile tea. Lochia. — Lochial derangements occasioned by grief or fright, and attended with great sighing and sobbing. Leucorrhoea. — Purulent and corrosive leucorrhoea, preceded by violent bearing-down pains like those of labor. Chronic leucorrhoea, with excited sexual desire. Leucorrhoea in low-spirited subjects ; women who sigh and sob a great deal, subjects of silent grief. Concomitants. — Involuntary sobbing and sighing. The patient is full of suppressed grief, brooding to herself. The slightest con- 167 IGNATIA. tradiction irritates her, she avoids talking and desires to be alone. Great sensitiveness of feeling. The mental symptoms change often from joy to sadness. Sadness and sighing accompanied with a sensation of goneness, or empty feeling, at the pit of the stomach, which is not relieved by eating. Disappointed affection, with silent grief constantly preying upon her mind. Great importance attached to her pains and bad feelings, which she is nnable to explain. Fright followed by sadness and grief. Complaints from grief, mortification, bad news, or suppressed mental suffering. Sleeplessness caused by dejection, grief, etc. Restless sleep with nightmare. Moaning and groaning while asleep. Sudden startings during sleep. Dreams all the night through of one subject. Heaviness of the head. Headache as if a nail were driven from within out through the sides of the head. Headache increased by stooping. Nervous headache. Aching in the forehead over the root of the nose. Congestion to the head from being spoken to. The headache is aggravated in the morning, from coffee, tobacco-smoke, noise, reading and writing, from sunlight and from moving the eyes, and is relieved when changing the position, and when lying upon the painful side. Intolerance of bright light. Flickerings before the eyes. Dim- sighted. Intolerance of loud noise. Convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. The lips crack and bleed. Toothache, after drinking coffee, after eating, or in the morning on waking. Aversion to milk, to meat, to warm food. Want of appetite. Desire for a great variety of things but which when obtained are refused. Flat taste in the mouth like chalk. Difficulty of swallowing. Sensation when swallowing, as if she swallowed over a lump, causing soreness and a cracking noise. Sen- sation as from a plug in the throat when not swallowing. Eructations of Utter fluid. Hiccough after eating or drinking. Peculiar feeling of weakness in the stomach as if she had been fast- IGNATIA. 168 ing too long, as if the stomach were empty. Periodical pains in the abdomen. Throbbing in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen. Labor-like pains in the abdomen. Flatulent colic. Mucous stools. Stools large and soft, but passed with difficulty. Moderate pressure at stool causes prolapsus ani. After stool, painful constriction of the anus. Haemorrhoids, the tumors prolapse with every stool and have to be replaced ; they are sore, as if excoriated. Both haemorrhoids and pains are worse when the stools are loose. Stitches in the hemorrhoidal tumors. Sudden irresistible desire to urinate. Frequent emissio?is of watery urine. Uterine spasms, with stitches. Hollow, spasmodic cough excited, in the evening, by a sensation of the vapor of sulphur or dust in the throat. Constrictive sensation about the throat, which causes her to cough. Hacking cough hi the eveuing in bed. Yellow expectoration in the evening. Oppression of the chest and breathing. Stitches in the left chest. Inspirations are impeded, as by a load oppressing the chest. Palpi- tation of the heart. Pains in the sacrum. Pains in and around the pelvis. Numb feeling in the arms at night, with a sensation as if some- thing living were running in the arms. Gold hands and feet. Con- vulsive twitching of the fingers and toes. Pain, as from a sprain in the joints of the shoulder, femur and knees. Starting of the limbs when going to sleep. Chlorosis with oedema of the lower extremities. Ignatia is especially adapted to women of a nervous, sanguine temperament ; to those who are extremely sensitive, peevish, excit- able, or hysterical; also for romantic young girls who easily fall in love, who bear trials meekly, and readily go into spasms from mental agitation. 169 IODIUM. IODIUM. (iodide.) Menstruation. — Premature, copious and violent Menses irregu- lar; sometimes too early, at another too late. Retarded menses. Menstruation delayed, with vertigo and palpitation of the heart. Before Menstruation. — Swelling of the throat. A disagree- able sensation of heat rising up the neck to the head, with palpita- tion of the heart and tension of the neck. Abdominal pains. Pain in the small of the back. During Menstruation. — Great weariness, especially when going upstairs. Great distress and pain in the sides. Haemorrhage re- newed during or after every stool, with cutting pain in the abdomen. Pain in the back and loins. Dull pressing pain extending from the right ovary to the uterus. A sensation as if a plug or a wedge were driven from the right ovary toward the uterus. Premature and profuse menses, with pain and great sensitiveness of the right ovarian region. Dwindling of the breasts. Leucorrhoea. Great weakness. After Menstruation. — Palpitation of the heart. Obstinate, excoriating leucorrhoea. The corroding leucorrhoea becomes more mild and scanty. Crampy colic, like the pains of labor. Violent pressure in the epigastrium. Indurations of the uterus. Amenorrlioea. — With vertigo and frequent palpitation of the heart. Very much out of breath on going up-stairs. Paleness alternating with redness of the face. Weariness of the legs. Chlo- rotic symptoms. Emaciation notwithstanding she has a good ap- petite. Leucorrhoea. — Thick, yellow, corroding discharge, most abundant about the time of the menses, rendering the thighs sore and eating holes through the linen. Chronic leucorrhoea, aggravated at each menstrual period, and attended with great weakness. Thin, yellow leucorrhoea in scrofulous women. Leucorrhoea dependent upon chronic inflammation of the right ovary, and attended with passive uterine congestion and induration of the cervix and os uteri. IODIUM. 170 Dwindling away of the mammae. Xodosities in the skin of the mammae. Goitre. Concomitants. — Sad and melancholy mood. Despondency with disposition to weep. Feels constantly as if she had forgotten some- thing. Excessive nervous irritation, with constant inclination to be moving about, lllusionary feeling. Dullness of the head with great disinclination to serious labor. Restless sleep, with vivid or anxious dreams. Vertigo, only on the left side. Headache as if a band or tape were drawn tightly around the head. Throbbing in the head at every motion. Congestive head- ache. Pressure on a small spot, just above the root of the nose. Obscuration of sight. She is unable to do fine sewing on account of the stitches flitting before the eyes. Watery, white swelling of the eyelids. Hardness of hearing. Buzzing in the ears. Yellow complexion. Face dark-brown color, or paleness alter- nating with redness. Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles. Putrid smell from the mouth. Dryness of the tongue; tongue thickly coated. Constricted sensation in the fauces. Constriction of the throat. Taste salt, sour, or sweet, on the tip of the tongue. Appetite good. She feels better after eating. Is inclined to eat too often and too much. Emaciation with good appetite. Sour eructations, with burning. Continual eructations from morning till evening, as if all the food partaken were turned into gas. Hiccough. Vomiting of bile, with violent colic. Fulness and distention of the abdomen. Pulsations in the abdomen. Pains, like labor-pains, in the abdomen. Incarceration of flatus. Stools irregular ; constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Stools of watery, foamy, whitish mucus. Retention of urine. Urine dark, thick, ammoniacal, sometimes milky. Induration of the uterus. Induration and swelling of the ovaries, especially the right, with tendency to cancerous degeneration. Dropsy of the ovaries. Dull, pressing, wedge-like pains, from right 171 IPECACUANHA. ovary toward the uterus. Ovaritis, the pain commences in the right ovary and passes down the broad ligament to the uterus. Cancer of the uterus. Acute pain in the mammae, as if ulcerated. Blue-red nodosities in the skin of both breasts. The breasts dwindle away and become flabby; they lose their plumpness and hang heavy, especially in scrofulous women. Pain iu the larynx. Constriction and heat in the larynx. Cough in the morning from tickling in the larynx. Cough, with expecto- ration of large quantities of mucus, which is frequently streaked with blood. Cough moist but harsh. Intolerable tingling and tickling in the larynx. Great difficulty in expanding the chest when taking an inspiration. Great weakness in the chest on going up-stairs. Violent palpitation of the heart, increased by the least exertion. Swelling and inflammation of the thyroid gland. Coldness of the hands. The ringers go to sleep. (Edematous swelling of the lower limbs. Great irritability of the whole system. Rapid failing of strength. Great debility, even talking causes perspiration. Chronic emaciation. Iodium is espcially adapted to women of a scrofulous diathesis, having a low, cachectic state of the system. IPECACUANHA. (ipecac.) Menstruation. — Premature, profuse, and of too long duration. Profuse flow, like flooding. Blood bright-red and readily coagulating. Menses reappear in two weeks. Suppression of the menstrual dis- charge toward the close of the period. Leucorrhcea between the menstrual periods. Before Menstruation. — Heat in the head. Nausea. Pain about the umbilicus and pressing toward the uterus. During Menstruation. — Profuse and continued flow of bright- red blood, with cutting pains in the umbilical region, dpspnoea, heat of the head, pale face, constant nausea, restlessness, shivering, gen- IPECACUANHA. 172 eral coldness, great weakness, and constant desire to lie down. Pains about the navel, which pass into the uterus. Pressing toward the uterus and anus. Prolapsus uteri. Sharp, constant, cutting pain from the left to the right side of the abdomen, with constant nausea. Great weakness, restlessness, and aversion to food. After Menstruation. — Great weakness, disproportionate to the loss of blood. Leucorrhcea. Metrorrhagia. — Continuous flow of bright-red blood, with cut- ting pain about the umbilicus, pressure on the uterus and rectum, and constant nausea and vomiting. Violent pains in the middle of the back. Compressive headache, dizziness, paleness of the face, general chilliness, feeble pulse, dyspnoea, and great prostration. Threatened abortion, with symptoms similar to those given above. Haemorrhage following accouchement or miscarriage, especially after the delivery of the placenta, when there is a continuous, prof use flow of bright-red blood, constant, unremitting nausea, pain about the umbilicus passing down into the uterus, great prostration, general coldness, paleness of the face, dizziness, feeble pulse, and gasping for breath. Concomitants. — Pull of desires, but knows not for what. Peevish humor. Extreme impatience. Sleepless. She sleeps with her eyes half open. Starting during sleep. Violent vertigo when walking and when turning around. Headache, as if the brain and skull were bruised, with nausea and vomiting. Aching pain in the head. Pain in the occiput and nape of the neck, aggravated by moving the head. Lacerating pain in the forehead. Cannot endure the least noise. Obscuration of sight. Sclerotica^ yellow. Twitching of the eye- lids. Blue margins around the eyes. Nosebleed, blood bright. Loss of smell. Coryza, with stoppage of the nose. Face pale, livid, yellow. Convulsive movements of the facial muscles. Skin red around the mouth. Tongue coated white or yellow. Smarting sensation in the mouth 173 IPECACUANHA. and on the margin of the tongue. Copious secretion of saliva. Sweetish, bloody taste in the mouth. Spasmodic constrictive sensation in the throat and chest. Aversion to food. Desire for dainties and sweet things. Nausea with almost all complaints. Violent and continued nausea. Constant but ineffectual desire to vomit. Nausea with distention of the abdomen and dryness of the throat. Nausea, as if proceeding from the stomach, with empty eructations and an accumulation of much saliva. Vomiting of the ingesta. Vomiting of large quantities of mucus. Vomiting of blood, or of a black, pitch-like substance. Stooping induces vomiting. Sensation of emptiness, flabbiness, and qualmishness of the stomach. Indescribable pain and sick feeling in the stomach. Gripping, pinching pain in the abdomen. Flatulent colic. Great distress about the umbilical region. Griping and pinching pain around the umbilicus, as if grasped by a hand, aggravated by motion and alleviated by rest. Diarrhoea, stools having the appearance of being fermented. Green mucous stools. Bloody stools. Offensive stools. Stools like pitch, or like frothy molasses. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. Dark-red or turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment. Violent constriction of the throat and chest. Threatened suffo- cation ; panting for breath : gasping for air. Suffocative cough ; the throat seems full of mucus, which does not yield to coughing. Cough caused by titillation in the larynx. Spasmodic cough. Cough with inclination to vomit. Expectoration of mucus streaked with light-red blood. Haemoptysis after severe exertion. Shooting pains, from the region of the right kidney, down the thigh. Coldness of one hand while the other is hot. Convulsive twitching of the lower extremities. KALI BICHROMICUM. 174 KALI BICHROMICUM. (BICHROMATE OF POTASH.) Menstruation. — Too soon, with vertigo, nausea, feverishness and headache. Before Menstruation. — Great anxiety. Timidity ; she is easily frightened. Apprehensive. During Menstruation. — Dullness of the intellect. Nausea, vertigo, feverishness and headache. Obstinate suppression of urine, or she passes quanties of red urine. Swelling of the labia. Accumu- lation of thick, tenacious mucus about the genital organs. Voluptu- ous itching in the vulva. After Menstruation. — Soreness and rawness in the vagina. Prolapsus uteri, worse in warm weather. Pruritus. Leucorrhcea. — Yellow, ropy, tough discharge, ivhich may be drawn out in long strings. Severe pain and weakness across the small of the back, and dull, heavy pain in the hypogastrium. Sore- ness and rawness in the vagina. Accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus about the sexual organs. The discharge stiffens the linen. Prolapsus uteri during hot weather. Itching at the vulva. Concomitants. — Ill-humor. Low-spirited. Listless languor. Aversion to bodily or mental labor. Dullness of intellect. Sleep unref reshing ; she awakens with a start, with nausea or head- ache, at 2 a. m. Awakens at two or three o'clock in the morning with dyspnoea and palpitation of the heart. Sudden, transient attacks of vertigo. Headache in the morning on waking. Stupid, giddy sensation hi the head. Frontal head- ache, often only over one eye. Semilateral headache in small spots. The bones of the head feel sore. Obscuration of sight. Bright spots before the eyes. Objects ap- pear yellow. (Edematous swelling of the eyelids. Stringy discharge from the eyes. Ulcers and pustules on the cornea, without redness. Heat and redness in the eyes, with desire to rub them. Pulsating pain in the ears at night. Stitches extending from the 175 KALI BICHROMICUM. 4 ear, usually the left, into the mouth or down the neck. Purulent, otorrhoea. Nose painfully dry. Fluent coryza. Ropy, tough discharge from the nose. Discharge of elastic plugs, or tough green mucus, from the nose. The bones of the nose feel loose when blowing it. Complete loss of smell. Sensation as from a feather in the left nostril. Face pale, or yellow. Bloated face. Flushes of heat in the face during the climacteric. Face swells suddenly; parts become oedema- tous or livid. Shooting pain in the left maxillary bone. Bones of the face sensitive, as if bruised. Fetor from the mouth. Dryness of the mouth and lips. Tongue coated as with a thick, yellow felt. Sensation of a hair on the back part of the tongue. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth ; thick, tough saliva, which can be drawn out in long strings. Taste cop- pery, sweetish, sour. Capricious appetite. Increased thirst ; longing for sour drinks. Weakness of digestion. Nausea, with giddiness and rush of blood to the head, worse when moving about. Vomiting of sour, undigested food, of yellow, puru- lent mucus, of bile, or of a pinkish, glairy fluid. Giddiness followed by vomiting of an acid, white, mucous fluid. Dull pain or stitches in the right hypocondrium. Shooting pains through the bowels. Stitches through the abdomen to the spine. Habitual constipation ; stools scanty and knotty, followed by burn- ing and painful retraction of the anus. Diarrhoea : watery, brown, bloody, jelly-like. Watery, gushing diarrhoea in the morning ; awakes with urgent desire. Diarrhoea, followed by violent tenesmus. Sen- sation as of a plug in the anus. Continuous desire to urinate during the day. Scanty, high-colored urine, with pain in the small of the back. Scanty urine, with a white film and whitish sediment. Sorenesss and rawness in the vagina. Tenacious mucous accumu- lation about the genital organs. Smarting and rawness of the vulva. Subinvolution of the uterus ; the uterus refuses, or is a long time in returning, to its normal size and condition. Itching, burning and KALI CARBONICUM. 176 excitement about the vulva ; true pruritus. Prolapsus uteri, especially during hot weather. Hawks up copious, thick, blue, mucus, in the morning. Cough excited by tickling in the larynx or at the bifurcation of the trachea. Violent, rattling cough, with an effort to vomit, and expectoration of viscid mucus, which can be drawn out in long strings. Pain, as from ulceration of the larynx. Accumulation of mucus in the larynx. Chronic bronchitis. Pressure and heaviness in the chest. Pains in the os coccyx, worse from walking, or touch, and on rising after lying down. Aching in the back and down the left side into the hip. Great weakness of the arms. Pains come periodically and wander from part to part. Pain in small spots. Rheumatism coexisting or alternating with gastric or pulmonary troubles. Kali bichromicum is especially adapted to fat, light-haired women. KALI CARBONICUM. (CARBONATE OF POTASH.) Menstruation. — Too late and too scanty or too early and too copious and of too long duration. Menstruation too late and too pro- fuse. Difficult first menstruation. Menses suppressed with anasarca or ascites. The menstrual discharge is pale, acrid, of a pungent or fetid odor, and excoriates the parts with ivhich it comes in contact, and covers them with an eruption. Before Menstruation. — Increased sexual desire. Voluptuous feelings, pleasurable sensation as during an embrace, particularly in the morning. Heat, thirst and restlessness. Swelling of the cheeks. Pricking and swelling of the gums. Sour eructations. Soreness of the pudendum. Itching of the vulva. Chilliness. Crampy sensation in the abdomen. Shooting pains over the abdomen, or colicky pains. Frequent trembling of the limbs. Pain in the small of the back Nettle rash. General bad feeling a week previous to the menses. 17? KALI OARBONIOUM. During Menstruation. — Anxious reveries. Peevish, irritable. Dull, confused. She awakens at two or three o'clock, in the morning, and does not fall asleep again, but passes into a disagreeable dreamy condition in which she imagines she hears things which give her great anguish and pain, she knows she is dreaming but is, neverthe- less, unable to open her eyes or break up the trance. Restless sleep, with anxious dreams. Violent startings of the whole body, and dizziness on waking. Headache only in the morning with great heaviness of the head. Saculated swelling over the eyes. Earache and toothache. Nasal catarrh. Swelling of the cheeks. Foul taste in the mouth. Bitter eructations. Nausea after eating, with a sen- sation of fulness in the stomach. Rumbling in the abdomen. Griping colic, with pressure in the abdomen and groins, as if the contents would be pressed out. Painful sensation of weight in the groin. Backache when walking. Pain in the small of the bach like a weight. Heavy aching in the small of the back and down the thighs. Great weakness and drowsiness. Violent itching of the whole body. The pudendum is sore, burns and itches. This burning and soreness- is not a true pruritus, as in Kali bichromicum, but comes from the excoriating discharge. The menstrual discharge excoriates the thighs and covers them with an eruption. The menstrual discharge is pale, very acrid, and has a pungent smell. After Menstruation. — Cold and chilly. Grastralgia with a sensation of coldness in the abdomen. Awakens at 2 A. m. with a cramp-like pain and coldness in the abdomen. Coldness in the back in the evening. Leucorrhoea of yellow mucus, with itching and smarting of the vulva. Erythematous soreness, gnawing pimples, itching and smarting about the vulva. Pricking pains in the labia majora. Stitches through the vulva. Tearing pain through the pudendum, extending up to the chest. Pain and soreness in the vagina during an embrace, or excessive sexual excitement. Amenorrhoea. — After suppression of the menses, when at every menstrual nisus the patient suffers from gastric disturbances, sour eructations, constipation, swelling of the cheeks, pricking in, and swelling of, the gums, with shooting pains all over the abdomen. KALI CARBOKICUM. 178 Labor-like pains in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear. Amenorrhoea with backache, compelling her to sit down (Natruni muriaticum), due to loss of vital fluids. Frequent palpitation of the heart. Easily frightened. She awakens at two or three o'clock in the morning with dyspnoea. Heat, thirst and restlessness. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Stinging pains in the lower part of the left lung. Choking cough, the expectoration when loosened must be swallowed. Cough aggravated by motion. Disposition to phthisis pulmonalis. Organic disease of the heart. Stiffness and pain in the small of the back. Leucorrhoea, with redness and sore- ness about the vulva and between the thighs. Vagina tender and sore. Aversion to sexual intercourse. Erysipelatous eruptions. Dryness of the skin. Anasarca or ascites. Anasarca about the face, especially over the eyes. Metrorrhagia. — Following accouchement or abortion, with great weakness in the small of the back and extremities; dry, hacking cough, obstinate cough and feverish chilliness. Impending abortion, with pain in the small of the back, as though it were pressed in from both sides. Pains in the small of the back extending into the buttocks and down the thighs. Miscarriage at the second or third mouth. Feels better when covered up warmly. Abortion at second month of pregnancy. (Sabina about the third month ; Sepia after the fifth.) Leucorrhoea. — Yellowish discharge with itching and burning in the vulva. Acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea. Mucous leucorrhoea. Pain in the small of the back, as if it would break. Sharp, cutting pain across the lumbar region, extending into the extremities. ' Dry, hacking cough, obstinate sweating, with fever and chilliness. Chronic metritis. Concomitants. — Full of apprehension and timidity. Aversion to being alone. Anguish and sadness. Vexed and irritable mood. Inability to collect her senses. Absentminded. Great tendency to start, the least touch or surprise makes her start. Restless sleep. Half-waking night sleep. Sleep full of fanciful ravings. Startings when asleep. Sleep full of ugly dreams. Night- 179 KALI CAKBONICUM. mare. Anxious, voluptuous dreams. Awakens at 2 a. m., at which time all her ailments are aggravated. Vertigo when turning the head quickly. Headache in the afternoon, when walking, from coughing, sneez- ing, riding in a carriage, on waking from sleep. Pressure over the eyes. Pressure in the forehead, with photophobia. Dullness of the head. One-sided headache, with nausea. Congestion of blood to the head. Pressing pain in the back of the head. Dryness of the hair. Scalp itches and burns morning and evening. Obscuration of sight, followed by headache. Bright sparks, blue or green spots before the eyes. Inclination to stare. Dry feeling, as from sand in the eyes. Burning in the eyes. Boring pains in the eyes. Enormous hag-like sivelling under the eyes, or between the upper lids and brows. Eyes sunken. Eyes weak after abortion. Singing, whizzing and roaring in the ears. Discharge of thin cerumen or pus from the ears. Sore, scurvy nostrils. Obstructions in the nose, better when in the open air. Dry coryza with hoarseness. Fluent coryza with excessive sneezing. Frequent nosebleed, particularly in the morning. Alternate paleness and redness of the face. One cheek hot and the other cold. Sickly, sallow, gray, yellow face. Face Moated in the morning. Pimples on the face. Thick, ulcerated lips. Swelling of the cheeks during the menses. Bitter taste in the mouth. Numbness in the mouth, as if burned. Painful vesicles on the tongue, the tip burns as if raw. Ulcers in the mouth emitting a smell as of old cheese. Crawling in the throat, inducing a constant hemming and hawk- ing. Tenacious mucus in the fauces and posterior part of the pharynx, which is difficult to hawk up. Frequent desire to swallow ; when swallowing, the food seems to descend but half way. Intense thirst, morning, noon and night. Great desire for acids or sugar. Aversion to dry bread. Milk and warm food disagree. While eating she becomes sleepy. Frequent eructations. Sour eructations after eating. Nausea, as if she would faint. Vomiting of food and sour substances. KALI CARBONICUM. 180 Pressure in the stomach. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Weight in the stomach. Sensation of a lump in the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach before eating, fulness after. Burning pains in the region of the liver ; stitches in the liver. Hard, distended ab- domen. Cutting and drawing pains in the abdomen resembling false labor-pains. Painful bloatedness of both groins. Constipation during the menses. Stools large, dry and difficult. Stools insufficient, soft and of a light-gray color. Itching about the anus. Anns feels as if lacerated. When straining at stool, she feels as if the contents of the abdomen would be borne down and forced out through the vagina and rectum. Frequent micturition of small quantities of fiery-red urine. Soreness, gnawing, itching and burning at the vulva. Pinching or sore pains through the vagina during an embrace. Uterine dis- placements with pain in small of the back, as though it were pressed in from both sides. Stitching pain in and about the uterus with pain like a weight in the small of the back. Threatened abortion at second or third month, with pains extending from the small of the back to hips and down the thighs. Consequences of abortion or labor. Backache, night-sweats, dry cough, emaciation, or protracted metrorrhagia, as a seqitel of abortion or accouchement. Shortness of breath early in the morning. Aphonia with violent sneezing. Cough brought on by titillation in the throat. Cough worse from 2 to 3 a. m. Short hacking cough. Spasmodic cough. Night cough. Violent cough, almost producing vomiting. Cough with dislodgement of tenacious mucus, which must be swallowed. Cough, or symptoms of phthisis, after abortion or confinement. Stitches in the chest. Stitches through the right lung to the back. Pain in the chest when talking. Weakness from talking. Constriction in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Heart's beat intermits. Burning in the cardiac region. Backache, as if broken. Drawing pains in the small of the back. Backache while walking, she must sit down. Gnawing pain in the coccyx. Violent pains in the back in pregnant women. Stitching 181 KALI FER.— KALI HYD. pains in the back, hips, thighs and pelvis, worse at 3 A. m. Pulsations in the back (Aetata racemosa, Sepia). Crampy pain in hip-joint and knee. Cold hands and feet. Weak- ness of the lower limbs. Legs and arms go to sleep. Feeling of emptiness in the whole body, as if it were hollow. The pains wander quickly from one place to another. Pains cause her to start dsiA jerk. She jerks the limb if the foot be touched. All her symptoms get regularly worse about three in the morning, after sexual intercourse, and during menstruation. Kali carbonicum is best adapted to fat, flabby, aged women ; after loss of fluids, or vitality, especially in anaemic persons. KALI FERROCYANATUM. (POTASSIUM fekrocyanide.) Menstruation. — Retarded. After Menstruation. — Leucorrhcea. Leucorrhoea like pus, yellowish, cream-like, profuse, not irritating. Sensitiveness of the lower part of the abdomen to pressure. Uterus very tender to touch of finger, KALI HYDRIODICUM. (fcLYDRIODATE OF POTASSA. IODIDE OE POTASSIUM.) Menstruation. — Too late and too profuse. Suppression of the menses. Reappearance of the menses, with profuse flow, colic and diarrhoea. Before Menstruation.— Frequent urging to urinate. During Menstruation. — Head hot. Chilliness, icy creepings over the face and hands, constant shuddering. Goose-flesh. Uterine cramps and painful colic, with violent squeezing pains down to the thighs. Pressure and griping in the hypogastrium. Aching pain, as if bruised, in both groins, and in the small of the back. Sensation as if the upper part of the thighs were tightly squeezed. Frequent KALI HYD. 182 yawning, great restlessness, uneasiness and heat in the head. Eruc- tations, pressure at the stomach with desire to vomit. After suppression, reappearance of the menses with profuse flow, colic and diarrhoea. The urging to urinate disappears when the menstrual discharge begins. Leucorrhoea. — Thin, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, with itching of the vulva or biting in the pudendum. Leucorrhoea resembling Menorrhagia, with redness, itching and burning of the vulva and thighs. Leucorrhoea milky-white, or red, like the w T ashings of meat. Yellow^ or green leucorrhoea, of a putrid smell. Discharge of mucus from the vagina. Concomitants. — Great talkativeness and inclination to jest. Great anguish, preventing sleep. Every little noise makes her start. Restless sleep. Weeping during sleep. Walks and talks during sleep. Sleep full of horrid, fantastic dreams. Frequent yawning without drowsiness. Headache and heaviness in the head at 5 o'clock a. m., better after rising. Violent pain in the frontal region. Burning in the eyes. (Edema of the eyelids. Violent boring or darting pain in the ears. Violent nosebleed. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. From the least cold, violent, acrid coryza. Painful sneezing, profuse lachrymation, injected conjunctiva, and throbbing distress in the frontal sinus. Profuse papulous eruption on the face and shoulders. Swelling of the face. Lacerating pain under the eye, or in front of the ears. in the jaw and teeth. Disagreeable taste in the mouth. Bloody saliva. Ptyalism ; the saliva is viscid and smells like onions. Saltish saliva during pregnancy. Burning on the tip of the tongue ; vesicles on the tip of the tongue. Gum-boils. Sudden, painful Moating of the whole abdomen. Horrible burn- ing in the pit of the stomach. Stools hard, scanty and difficult. Discharge of mucus from the rectum. Diarrhoea with pain in the small of the back. 183 KALI NITRIC CJM. Painful urging to urinate. Urine pale and watery, or red as blood. Diminution of sexual desire. Chancre-like tumors on the cervix uteri. The cervix is swollen and contracted. Severe burning, tearing and twisting pains in the ovarian region, especially on the right side. Atrophy of the mammae. Oppression of breathing awakens her from sleep. Dry, hacking cough, afterward accompanied by a greenish expectoration, cough worse during rest. Hoarseness with pain in the chest. Fine flash- ing, or extremely violent stitches, deep in the chest. Stitches in the left upper chest. Palpitation of the heart while walking. Stitches in the small of the back. Constant pain m the small of the back. Bruised pain in the lumbar region. Small of the back feels as if in a vice. Pain in the os coccyx, as from a fall. Tearing, darting pains in all the limbs. Pain in the heels and toes. Violent bone-pains. Scrofulous affections. Secondary syphilis, especially after the abuse of Mercury. Kali hydriodicum is suited to constitutions suffering from mer- curial poisoning; to syphilitic diseases, chronic rheumatism and diseases of the glandular structures. The majority of symptoms appear during rest and go off during motion. KALI NITRICUM. (NITRATE OF POTASH.) Menstruation. — Suppression of the menses. Menses somewhat longer and more profuse than usual. Menstruation too soon and too profuse, the discharge being as black as ink and lasting but a short time. Menstrual blood very thin, or it may be coagulated. Before Menstruation. — Violent colic and pain in the small of the back. During Menstruation. — Violent colic and pain in the small of the back. Great thirst. Water-brash. Sensitiveness of the stomach. Colic with pain in the thighs and sides. Burning in the right groin when bending forward or when sitting bent. Great pain and weari- KAKI NITRICUM. 184 ness in the limbs, with staggering gait. Legs feel weak. numb, as if made of wood. After Menstruation. — Leucorrhoea, with pain in the small of the back. Leucorrhoea. — Light-colored. White leucorrhoea. stiffening the linen, with lameness, or bruised pain in the small of the back. Concomitants. — Ennui, lachrymose mood. Sad expression. Despondent and easily put out of humor. Restless nights. Comatose sleep. Sleep full of fancies. Sleepiness during the day. Vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Pressure on top of the head, as from a stone. Headache, causing the eyelids to close. Headache, aggravated by coffee, and relieved by riding in the open air. Sen- sation of looseness and stitches in the brain. Rush of blood to the head. Great sensitiveness of the scalp. Small scurfy places on the scalp. Great falling off of the hair. Pressure, burning, or smarting in the eyes. Transitory blindness. Blackness before the eyes. In the evening, rainbow-cloored circles around the light. Bleeding of the nose. Sore pain of the nostrils. Griping and bum in a around wings of nose. Contracted sensation, at the tip of the , Lacerating pain in the facial bones. Violent itching in the face. Small pustules on the face. Small, burning pimples on the tongue. Roughness and scraping in the throat. Thirst, without much appetite. Canine appetite. Dry cough with roughness of the throat. Cough day and night. Cough which awakens her at 3 a. m. with violent headache. Xervous asthma, she awakens at about 3 a. m. so out of breath she cannot drink but in sips. Burning and stinging in the chest. Congestion of blood to the chest. Palpitation of the heart when lying upon the lack. Pressure in the stomach. Spasms of the stomach. Aching pain at the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach. Violent 185 KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Aching pains in the groins. Painful choking sensation around the umbilicus. Stools like sheep's clung. Diarrhoea with thin, watery, fecal or bloody stools. Diminished secretion of urine. Abortion at the second month. Pain in the small of the hack. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Weakness of the hands, they feel as heavy as lead. Feet feel as if made of wood. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. (MOUNTAIN LAUREL.) Menstruation. — Insufficient and too late. Sometimes too early but always scanty. Suppression of the menses. During Menstruation. — Violent neuralgic pains in the back, loins and interior surfaces of the thighs. Suppression of the menses with severe neuralgic pains throughout the whole body. After Menstruation.— Yellowish leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. — After menstruation. Mostly in the morning, discharge yellowish. Concomitants. — Vertigo. Headache, with nausea and giddiness. Dullness of the head. Pressing pain in the forehead, pressing in the temples. Pulsating pain in the forehead. The headache is worse in the evening and in the open air. Cloudiness before the eyes. Sensation of stiffness in the parts about the eyes. Severe stitches in and behind the right ear. Sounds in the ear like the blowing of a horn. Eending, agonizing pains in the right side of the face. Face red with the throbbing headache. Stitches in the tongue. Tongue white and dry. Sensation as of a ball rising in the throat. Nausea, with headache; everything becomes black before the eyes. KREASOTUM. 186 Pressure at the pit of the stomach. Abdominal neuralgia. Sen- sation of weakness in the abdomen extending to the throat. Stools like mush, followed by pressure on the rectum. Frequent micturition of large quantities of yellow urine. Difficulty of breathing, the throat feels swollen. Anguish about the heart. Rheumatic carditis. Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation up into the throat, after going to bed. Lameness of the back. Pain in the lumbar region. Cracking in the elbow-joints. Weariness of the extremities. A sensation like paralysis in the hand?. KREASOTUM. (CKEASOTE.) Menstruation. — Too early, too copious and of too long duration. Menstruation followed by an acrid-smelling, bloody ichor, with itching and biting of the parts. 'Intermittent menstruation, the flow at times almost ceasing, then recommencing. Menses appear in the third month of pregnancy. Menstrual discharge dark-colored, coagulated blood, or clear and watery blood, with violent colic. Offensive, acrid- smelling discharge. Before Menstruation. — Great restlessness and nervous excite- ment. Hardness of hearing, with buzzing and humming in the head. Regurgitation of white, insipid froth, or vomiting of mucus. Dis- tention of the abdomen. Colic. Clawing and digging about the umbilicus followed by a discharge of whitish leucorrhcea. During Menstruation. — Humming and buzzing in the head, with i>ressnre from within outward, aggravated by stooping. Hard- ness of hearing. Always chilly. Stitches in the sides of the chest. Stitches in the vagina from above downward. Cutting pain about the navel. Emissions of flatus smelling like rotten eggs. Discharge of coagulated blood after the emission of flatus. Profuse sweat on the back and chest. Corrosive itching and biting within the vulva. Livid complexion. More or less pain during the flow, but much aggravated after it has ceased. Intermittent flow, she thinks she is IS? KREASOTUM. almost well, when the discharge returns again. Profuse discharge of dark Hood, which is followed by a pungent smelling, bloody ichor, producing great soreness, burning and itching of the parts, this may continue for a few days, when the previous discharge recommences, and is succeeded as before. Bearing down and weight in the pelvis. After Menstruation. — Violent abdominal spasms, particularly in the groins. Pressure on the parts, as if the menses would re- appear. Frequent and violent distress after too copious and long- lasting menses. Contractive pain in the vagina followed by leucor- rhoea. Discharge of foul -smelling, acrid, bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts. Burning in the pelvis as from hot coals, with discharge of clots of blood, having a foul smell. Stitches passing from the abdomen through the vagina, like electric shocks. Cramp-like pains in the external parts. Swelling, heat and hardness of the labia. Prolapsus uteri. Indurations of the cervix; it be- comes sensitive and painful. Pains and burning in the uterus and vagina, especially after a sexual embrace. After an embrace the menses reappear, with a profuse flow of dark blood, which is followed by a grayish leucorrhoea, with swelling, burning pain and itching of the parts. The uterine pains are worse in the morning than in the afternoon. Voluptuous itching, deep in the vagina, with strong de- sire for sexual embrace, especially in the early morning. All uterine pains and complaints are greatly aggravated after menstruation. Metrorrhagia. — Profuse discharge of dark-colored, offensive blood, which, after continuing for an indefinite time, ceases, and is followed by a pungent-smelling ichor, producing great soreness, burn- ing and itching of the parts ; this may continue for a few days, when the previous discharge recommences and is succeeded as before. Metrorrhagia with large clots of offensive blood, attended with fits of fainting. Metrorrhagia during the climacteric period. Lochia. — Blackish, lumpy and offensive. Offensive lochia witli excoriating discharge. Intermittent loclda; it almost ceases and then commences again. Leucorrhoea. — Leucorrhoea, like the menses, is inclined to be intermittent ; the discharge diniinish.es, almost ceases, the patient KKEASOTUM. 188 thinking herself about well, when, without any apparent cause, it reappears as bar! as ever. The discharge may be either bland or acrid. Leucorrhoea before and after menstruation, especially when standing ; little if any discharge when sitting or lying down. White discharge, smelling like green com, flowing like the menses, with pain in the back and flushes of heat to the face. Discharge of blood and mucus in the morning, when getting up. Acrid, yellowish-white leucorrhoea, with great itching at the vulva. Milky discharge after coccvgodinia, Leucorrhoea with great debility, especially of the lower extremities ; it may be either mild or acrid, but it causes severe itch- ing. Acrid discharge, leaving yelloiv spots on her linen; the dis- charge also stiffens the linen like starch. Flesh-colored discharge having a foul smell. Mild and painless as well as putrid, acrid and corroding leucorrhcea. Discharge of dark, coagulated blood, or of a pungent ichor (perhaps from cancer of the uterus), with violent pains in the small of the back, burning, itching and swelling of the external and internal labia. Acrid, dark, bloody, often offensive leucorrhoea, after the menses. (Nitric acid similar but the discharge is more watery, like washings of meat, and is not offensive.) Cor- roding, yellow, offensive, thick, mucous discharge, which produces great itching and redness of the vulva and pudendum and excoria- tion of the thighs. Frequent urging to urinate, preceded by a white discharge from the vagina which colors her cloths yellow. White, painless discharge from the vagina. Ineffectual urging to urinate : this being finally accomplished, is accompanied by chilliness and a milky leucorrhoeal discharge. Leucorrhoea in pregnant women. With the leucorrhoea, stitches in the vagina, from above downward, causing her to start. The leucorrhoea is always attended with great debility, especially of the lower extremities. Concomitants. — Ill-humor with disposition to weep. Low- spirited. Music and subduing emotions cause her to weep. Weakness of memory. Confounding ideas. Thinks herself well. Sleeplessness before midnight. She tosses about all night with- out apparently any cause. Laughs loud when asleep. Dreams of 189 KREASOTUM. falling from a height, of being out in a snow-storm, of being poisoned. Vertigo, with staggering ; must hold on to something. Drawing headache. Lacerating headache. Chronic periodic head- ache. Pain in the forehead, pressing outward. Painfulness of the scalp when combing the hair. Dim-sighted, as if looking through gauze. Burning heat in the eyes. Agglutination of the eyelids. Hardness of hearing. Humming in the ears. Roaring in the head. Stitches in the ears. Offensive smell before the nose. Nosebleed, with heaviness and throbbing in the forehead. Chronic catarrh, in old people. Sick, suffering expression of the face. Face hot, cheeks red, feet cold. Pale green complexion. Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Lids dry. Acne in the face. Toothache, extending to the temples and to the left side of the face. Scorbutic spongy and ulcerated gums. Bitter taste in the mouth. Everything eaten tastes bitter. Putrid odor from the mouth. Violent thirst. Keen appetite or total loss appetite. Great desire for spirituous drinks, with debilitating leucor- rhcea. Eructations after dinner. Vomiting of food two or three hours after eating. Vomiting of pregnancy. Sympathetic vomiting, from irritation of the uterine organs. Cancer of the stomach. Sensation of contraction in the abdomen. Labor-like pains in the abdomen, extending to the small of the back, and pressing toward the lumbar vertebrae, with flushes of heat in the face, palpitation of the heart, accelerated pulse and ineffectual urging to urinate: finally small quantities of hot urine are passed, and after such paroxysm there is a discharge of milky leucorrhoea. Constipation, stools hard and dry. Diarrhoea watery, dark brown, greenish, putrid- or cadaverous-smelling. Frequent urging to urinate, especially at night ; must rise often, though little is passed. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emissions. The urine has a bad smell. KREASOTUM. 3 90 Cancer of the uterus, with profuse discharge of dark, coagulated blood. Awful burning in the pelvis, as from red-hot coals, with dis- charge of clotted blood having a foul smell. Violent burning sen- sation, deep in the pelvis, with constant whining and moaning. Fundus uteri swollen and sensitive to pressure. Pain in the neck of the uterus. Os nteri open, almost everted ; its inner surface like cauliflower. Scirrhus of the vagina, painful and sensitive. Corrosive itching within the vulva, and biting between the labia and thighs. Burning between the pudenda and thighs on urinating. Voluptuous itching deep in the vagina. Continuous haemorrhage from internal tumors. Complaints after menstruation. Burning and swelling of the labia. Complaints of women at the change of life. Prolapsus uteri. Great itching in the vagina in the evening, inducing rubbing and scratching. During sexual intercourse, violent pain, preceded by great anxiety and trembling. After sexual intercourse, violent burning and itching, followed in a few hours by a discharge of dark blood. Cancer of the mammae. Dwindling of the mammae, with small, hard, painful lumps in them. Oppression of the chest. Cough, apparently caused by something- crawling just behind the sternum. Dry, spasmodic cough in the morning. Cough, followed by purulent expectoration. Anxiety at the heart. Stitches in the heart. Labor-like pains in the small of the back, pressing down hi the lumbar vertebrae. Spasmodic pains from behind forward into the genitals or down the thighs. Drawing pains in the small of the back, extending along the sacrum down into the rectum and vagina, which causes spasmodic, contractive pain, mingled with stitches ; the pains are relieved on standing up, return at intervals (like labor pains) ; after such attacks, leucorrhoea looking like milk flows from her in paroxysms. Continuous burning in the small of the back. Bruised pain on the crest of the ilium. Stitches from the ilium through the abdomen. Fingers become white and numb, especially in the morning. 191 LAO CANINUM. Tingling and buzzing sensation in the lower extremities. Lassitude of all the limbs. (Edematous swelling of the feet. Herpes, humid, scaly, pustulous, on the ears, eyelids, cheeks, lips and fingers. I telling of the skin toward evening so violent as to drive her almost distracted. Great restlessness and excitation of the whole body, especially while reposing. Rest seems to increase her pains. She does not keep quiet for a long time after getting up from sleep. Kreasotum is one of the most valuable remedies in the materia medica for many forms of uterine diseases, and is deserving of more attention than is accorded it. It is especially adapted to putrid diseases, and is often indicated for old ladies ; for blonde and delicate young girls, w T ho are tall for their age, and also to those of sad and irritable dispositions. LAC CANINUM. (dog's milk.) Menstruation. — Too frequent and too profuse of bright-red blood, which, when put into water, forms itself into long strings, but soon dissolves. Discharge of small pieces of thin, white, transparent substance, having distinctly organized structure, but extremely delicate. Menstruation commencing normal, as to period, color and quantity, but has a strong mnmoniacal smell. Washes out easily. At the close the discharge becomes grass-green while ivet, and dark-green when dry, and smells most horribly, the ammonia odor still being the most prominent; it also stains the napkin a dark olive-green. Before Menstruation. — Dry, continuous, shaking cough, ex- cited by a dryness in the larynx, aggravated by talking, and producing a soreness of the abdomen. Intense itching of the vulva ; a feeling sometimes as if there were something alive in it. Sexual organs feel very much contracted, as from astringent applications. Much flatulence in the bowels. Inflammatory and congested condition of the ovaries, particularly the right ovary, with extreme soreness and LAC DEFLORATUM. 192 Bensibility, which makes every motion, position, and even breath, painful. Bearing-down and dragging in the abdomen, with a sen- sation as if the contents would burst out above the pubes. Weight of hands or clothes on the abdomen is very distressing. During Menstruation. — Extremely despondent and hopeless ; believes she has an incurable disease. Loss of memory; inability to think consecutively, and inability to understand what is read, if any mental effort is required. During and after menstruation she seems to be surrounded by snakes, and is afraid to look behind herself for fear of seeing them. Sensation as if snakes were running up and down under the skin. Flatus from the vagina. Great distress all through the pelvic region, with a sensation as if the abdomen would burst; slight relief from leaning back. Abdomen swollen, hard and sensitive to deep pressure, which causes nausea. Pains and soreness in the breasts, which are full of small, hard lumps, like marbles. Leucorrhoea. — Only in the day-time, none at night. Leucor- rhcea only when standing. Leucorrhoea continuing many days in succession, the discharge being yellow, but not excoriating. Concomitants. — Profuse flow of milk. Congestion to the head. Headache ; nausea ; constipation. Sudden creeping chills in the lower extremities ; cold and chilly all day till 4 p. m., then suddenly becoming very warm, with flushing of the left side of the face. Burning sensation all through the abdomen and pelvis. Lac caninum has been of great service in drying up the milk, when the mother has been suddenly deprived of her infant. LAC DEFLORATUM. (SKIMMED MILK.) Menstruation. — Delayed, suppressed, and generally too scanty. During Menstruation. — Scanty discharge, attended with a feeling of intense distress in the lower part of the abdomen, not relieved by any position. Suppression from any cause, when there is frontal headache, generally over one eye ; nausea ; pains all over, 193 LAC DEFLORATUM. especially in the back ; profuse, watery, or scanty, high-colored urine. She cannot bear the weight of the hand or clothes on the abdomen. Itching of the vulva. Decrease in the size of the breasts. Amenorrhoea. — From getting feet wet, with frontal headache, nausea, pale face, constipation and prostration. Concomitants. — Great lassitude ; feels completely tired out whether doing anything or not. Tired, weary sensation, gradually increasing to complete exhaustion, and inability to stand or sit; falls constantly to the left side. Cold and chilly inside the body, as if filled with ice, neither extra clothes nor sitting near the fire has any effect. Great depression of spirits, with inclination to weep. Globus hystericus. Great somnolency, cannot keep awake. Flushes of heat to the head and face. Extreme pallor of the face,, particularly in the morning ; the lips and ears are white. Intense vertigo, objects appear passing swiftly from left to right, or tossed from below upward. Loss of flesh. Loss of appetite. Sudden and violent palpitation of the heart. Aching pain in the wrists. Icy coldness of the finger tips. Lac defloratnm is said to be a specific for sick-headache with the following group of symptoms : Frontal headache ; deathly sickness at the stomach, sometimes vomiting ; constipation ; pain in lumbar region ; coldness of finger tips ; cold all through the body, clothes nor fire will warm ; no shivering ; great thirst for large quantities of cold water; profuse, watery urine, or scanty, high-colored urine; whirling vertigo when rising from a recumbent position ; distention of the abdomen. LACHESIS. 194 LACHESIS. (LANCE-HEADED VIPER.) Menstruation. — Delayed, scanty, or intermittent. Menstruation regular, as to time, but too feeble and of too short duration. Scanty menses, with increased leucorrhceal discharge. Menstrual blood dark, lumpy, or acrid. Delayiug menses ; they appear but once in every two or three months, and then are very profuse. Reappear- ance of the suppressed menses, with diminution of pains, at the cli- macteric period. Menses fail to appear at the period, accompanied with numerous complaints. Profuse menses during the climacteric period. Before Menstruation. — Great desire for open air. Vertigo, with headache, nosebleed, sudden attacks of cardialgia, oppression or spasms of the chest and eructations. Diarrhoea with violent strain- ing. Colic, with sense of malaise. Pressing gastralgia. Cutting abdominal pains. Nervous distress. Mucous sediment in the urine. Leucorrhcea three days before the menses : discharge copious, smart- ing and slimy, stiffening the linen and leaving a greenish stain. Pain in the back at the commencement of menstruation, with ab- dominal cramps and throbbing headache. Bruised feeling in the hips. Nose bleeds a few drops before the menses. Labor-like pains in the left ovarian region. During Menstruation. — Great desire for open air. Vertigo. Beating in the head and burning in the vertex. Toothache. She craves coffee and feels better after drinking it. Labor-like pains, as if everything was being pressed out, followed by a slight discharge. The uterus feels as if the os were open. Violent pains, during the first day, in the abdomen and small of the back. At the commence- ment of menstruation, severe tearing pain in the abdomen, pain in the small of the back, and a bruised feeling in the hips, all of luhich subside as the flow becomes free. Violent cramps in the bowels, as if cut with knives. Tearing pains in the abdomen. Severe pains, at times in the loins, at other times in the bowels, or a lameness in the hips. Pressing pains from the loins to the privates. Uterine pains 195 LAOHESIS. running up. Cramps in the uterus. Discbarge of blood or mucus from the anus. Tickling or thrill from the thighs to the genital organs. Great sexual excitement. Tickling under the skin between the shoulder-blades, also from the anus to the sides. Menstrual colic beginning in the left ovary. Dysmenorrhea at the critical period, especially when Belladonna or Sepia has proven inefficient. Brief and scanty menses, especially after the ineffectual use of Sepia, accompanied with toothache, which is worse in proportion to the diminution of the flow. Tendency to fainting, in nervous women. After Menstruation.— Diarrhoea. AmenorrhoBa. — With vertigo, headache and bleeding from the nose. At every menstrual nisus the patient is troubled with cardi- algia, gastralgia, oppression of the chest and eructations. She can- not bear anything tight about her waist ; must loosen her clothing. Metrorrhagia. — With pain beginning in the left ovarian region and increasing in severity until relieved by a discharge of blood. Hot flashes to the face. Uterine haemorrhage, especially during the climacteric period, attended with sudden flashes of heat, headache, burning in the vertex, and pains in the back. Lochia.— Fetid. Leucorrhoea. — Beginning a few days before menstruation, the discharge being copious, acrid, slimy, green, or thick yellow, stiffen- ing the linen and leaving a greenish stain. Leucorrhoea, with red- ness and swelling of the external parts. Leucorrhoea with irregular and insufficient menses. Leucorrhoea at the climaxis. Smarting at the vulva. She cannot bear any pressure, not even her clothing, upon the uterine region. Great prostration, especially after lifting or exercising. Chilliness at night ; flashes of heat in the daytime. She feels unhappy on waking in the morning. Tendency to faint, in nervous women. Uterine congestion with prolapsus uteri. Concomitants. — Jealous, proud, suspicious. Disposition to feel sad ; easily affected to tears. Sadness and anxiety on awaking in the morning. Peevish, fault-finding ; want of self-control. Great nervous irritability ; she cannot attend to her business. Feels as if she was somebody else, and in the hands of a stronger power. LACHESIS. 196 Thinks she is dead and that preparations are being made' for her funeral, or thinks herself pursued by enemies, or fears her medicine is poison. Does not want to see company or mix with the world. Religious mania. Dread of death ; fears to go to bed. Loquacious with mocking jealousy. Talks, sings, whistles, and makes odd motions. She does everything in a hurry. Ailments from grief ; from disappointed love. Sleeplessness from nervousness, with desire to sleep. Restless sleep with many dreams and frequent waking. All her complaints are worse after sleep. Vertigo during the climacteric period. Rush of blood to the head from suppressed or irregular menses. Headache after a cold or pre- ceding coryza. Headache from the heat of the sun. Aching under the skull all over the head. Violent beating in the whole head. Headache with nausea. Cutting headache. Painful sensitiveness of the whole left side of the head. Pulsating headache, undulating most violent over the eyes. Headache over the eyes extending to the root of the nose. Headache relieved by lying down, aggravated by pressure. Eyes become painful from reading. Dimness of vision. Flicker- ing before the eyes. Dryness of the ears, with want of wax, and hardness of hearing. Sensitive to sounds. Roaring in the ears. Discharge of dark blood from the nose, especially in the morning. Coryza, preceded by headache. Paleness, yellowness, or lead-like color of the face. Yelloiv com- plexion, with redness of the cheeks. Heat of the face. Sunken face with expression of much suffering. Erysipelatous inflammation of the cheeks. Nightly swelliug of the face, with violent itching. Hot flashes by day, cold flashes by night. Crumbling of the teeth. Difficulty in moving the tongue or widely opening the mouth. The tongue trembles when an attempt is made to put it out. Tongue dry, red, cracked at the tip. Tip of tongue red, centre brown. Mapped tongue. Much saliva, especially in the back part of the mouth. Bad odor from the mouth. 197 LACHESIS. Sensation as of a plug in the throat, or as if a quantity of mucus had lodged there and could neither be hawked up nor swallowed. Difficult deglutition ; fluids regurgitate through the nose. Constant urging to swallow. Tonsils swollen and inflamed, generally be- ginning on the left side and extending to the right. When swallow- ing, the pain extends to the left ear. Empty swallowing aggravates the pain in the throat more than the swallowing of food. After eat- ing, a sensation in the throat as if something had remained adhering to the oesophagus. She cannot bear her neck touched. Constriction of the throat, it feels as if tied, worse from least external pressure. Loss of appetite. Thirst, with disgust for drink. Desire for oysters, for wine and liquors. Desire for coffee and feels better after partaking of it. Gulping of sour w r ater. Eructations, which relieve. Everything she eats sours. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of bile or mucus. Vomiting of pregnancy. The pit of the stomach is very painful to the touch. She cannot hear anything tight about the waist; she has to loosen her clothing. Pressure in the stomach. Weakness of digestion. Pain and sore- ness in the region of the liver. Burning in the hypogastric and lumbar regions. Liver-Complaints at the climaxis. Diarrhoea, stools dark, chocolate-colored, cadaverous-smelling. A constant, tormenting urging, without stool. Diarrhoea, followed by a throbbing in the anus, or a beating as from little hammers. Con- stipation ; the, anus feels closed, the stool presses against it all the time without passing. Stools offensive. Constriction in the rectum, or a sensation as of a plug in the anus. Stitches in the rectum when laughing or sneezing. Beating in the anus as from little hammers. Hcemorrhoidal tumors protrude after stool, with constriction of the sphincter. Stitching pains through the haemorrhoids. Piles worse during the climacteric period. Foaming urine. Dark, almost black, urine. Frequent mictu- rition, with copious emissions of foaming urine. Sensation as if a ball were rolling about in the bladder. Cancer of the uterus, with great sensitiveness. A sensation as if LAOHESIS. 198 the os uteri were wide open. Neuralgia of the left ovary. Swelling of the left ovary, with tensive, pressing, stitching pains. Pain in the left ovarian region, increasing more and more until relieved by a discharge of blood. Swelling, pain, and other anomalies of the left ovary. She cannot bear any pressure upon the uterine region, not even the weight of her clothing, not that the pressed parts are tender, but any pressure causes a constant uneasiness. Nymphomania. Periodical attacks of asthma. Hoarseness. Larynx and throat painful when touched. She cannot bear anything tight about the throat. Cough caused by pressure on the larynx. Cough caused by titillation in the larynx. ' Spasmodic cough, worse in the evening and at night. Cough worse after sleep)' Sympathetic cough of cardiac disease. With every single cough stitches in the hemorrhoidal tumors. Difficult expectoration, has to hawk and hem a good while, and then succeeds only in getting a little tough phlegm away. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and fainting. Palpitation from slight exertion. Pains in the small of the back. Pain in the os coccyx, when sit- ting down a feeling as if sitting on something sharp. Nightly pains in the limbs. Pain and aching in the shin bones. Trembling of the hands. Numbness of the finger-tips. Itching of the whole body. Miliary eruptions. Ulcers with great sensitiveness to touch. Gangrenous ulcers. Excessively cold and excessively warm weather causes great debility. Trembling all over. All the symptoms are worse after sleep, especially after a siesta. Troubles beginning on the left side. Lachesis is especially useful during the climacteric period, and for affections of weak, meager, melancholy women, or for young girls who are chlorotic with sickly complexions. 199 LACHNANTHES TINCT. LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. (RED ROOT.) Menstruation. — Too early. Profuse. Blood bright-red. Blood viscid and mixed with mucus. During Menstruation. — Sensation of heat and distention of the abdomen, with a sensation as if the bowels would be moved. Menstrual blood of a bright-red color. Concomitants. — Great loquacity, afterward stupid and irritable. Giddiness or vertigo, with icy coldness of the forehead. Dull, pressing headache. Tearing pain in the forehead from left to right. Head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge. Sensation as if the hair was standing on end. Obscuration of sight. Pressing in the eyes. The eyebrows and upper lids are drawn up. Pace swollen, pale or bluish. Yellow face. Sensation as if some- thing was crawling over the face. Much thirst, aversion to meat. Beating, as from a hammer, in the pit of the stomach. Pulness at the pit of the stomach. Fermentation in the abdomen. Cough, worse in bed and after sleeping. Dry cough coming from the larynx. Stitches in the left chest. Trembling of the heart with great debility. Frequent violent palpitation of the heart. Burning pain in, or just above, the sacrum, and in the renal region. Sensation as if a piece of ice were lying on the back between the shoulders. Burning on the right shoulder-blade. Tearing pain in the right ischium. Tearing pain in the joints. Burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Cramps in the feet during the night. Most of the symptoms are aggravated while lying down, and are relieved by walking about. LAMIUM ALB.— LAUROCERASUS. 200 LAMIUM ALBUM. (DEAD SETTLE.) Menstruation. — Too early and too scanty. Before Menstruation. — Violent uterine excitement. Pinch- ing in the abdomen. Cutting pains above the hips. Leucorrhcea. — Copious leucoirhoea with smarting in the pu- dendum. Profuse, painless, white, mucous discharge, sometimes accompanied with smarting. Concomitants. — Whining mood. Inclination to weep. She feels abandoned. Great restlessness and anguish. Vivid, anxious dreams. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emissions. Braised pain in the small of the back. LAUROCERASUS. (CHEKKY LAUKEL.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Blood thin, liquid. During Menstruation. — Severe colicky pains in the afternoon. Tearing pains in the vertex at night. Toothache. Suffocative spells about the heart with gasping for breath. Concomitants. — Sadness, with ill-humor. Laziness. Dullness of the senses. Loss of consciousness, with loss of speech and motion. Sleepy after dinner and in the evening. Dragging pain in the head always accompanied with drowsiness. Stupefying headache. Sensation of coldness in the forehead and vertex, as if cold wind were blowing on it. Optical illusions. Obscuration of sight. Hardness of hearing. Itching in the ears. Sunken countenance; livid, yellow or grayish-yellow complexion. Yellow spots on the face. Eruptions around the mouth. Tongue feels cold, or numb, as if burnt. Swelling and stiffness of the left side of the tongue. 201 LEDUM PALUSTER. Mouth dry. Accumulation of acidulated saliva in the mouth. Burning in the throat. Spasmodic contraction in the throat and esophagus. Impeded deglutition. Spasmodic constriction of the trachea. Scraping in the larynx. Cough with jelly-like expectoration. Panting breathing. Gasping for breath. Constriction of the chest. Stitches in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Pain in every part of the external thorax on moving it. Violent thirst. Disgust for food during pregnancy. Bitter eructations. Attacks of nausea, especially early in the morning. Pain in the stomach, with a faint feeling. Pinching around the navel. Distention in the region of the liver. Constipation, stools hard, firm and only passed after severe strain- ing. Diarrhoea, green liquid stools. Suppression of urine. Involuntary emissions of urine. The urine deposits a thick, reddish, or mahogany-colored sediment. Pain, as from weariness, in the small of the back. Painful stiff- ness in the small of the back. Stiffness in the left nape of the neck. Pain and bruised feeling in the extremities. Cold, clammy feet, extending up to the knees. Chorea, with constant jerks, she cannot keep still. LEDUM PALUSTRE. (WILD ROSEMARY.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Blood bright-red. During Menstruation. — Profuse flow of bright-red blood. Or eat want of vital heat, she finds great difficulty in keeping warm. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse leucorrhcea, with pale face, and copious urination, even at night. Concomitants. — Out of humor. Great anxiety. Desire to he alone. Violent pulsating headache. Painful shaking of the brain on making a misstep. The least covering to the head is intolerable. LILIUM TIGRINUM. 202 Vertigo with stupefaction, or as from intoxication. Roaring in the head as from wind. Face bloated. Herpes on the face. Alternate redness and pale- ness of the face. Offensive breath. Bitter taste in the mouth. Sudden flow of water from the mouth, resembling saliva. Sore throat with fine stinging pains. Sensation of a lump in the throat. Colic every evening. Pain as if a diarrhoea would set in. Stools mixed with blood and mucus. Burning in the urethra after urinating. Violent racking cough, with purulent expectoration. Asthmatic constriction of the chest, worse from motion. Severe stitching pains in the shoulders when lifting the arms. Rheumatic pains in joints. Pressure in the region of the hip-joint. Pain in the soles of the feet when walking. Gouty pains in the joints. General coldness and chilliness, chill over the whole back, with hot face, without redness of the face nor thirst. The sufferings are worse at night, or come on after getting warm in bed. Ledum is applicable to pale, delicate women, who are cold all the time. LILIUM TIGRINUM. (TIGER LILY.) Menstruation. — Normal as to time and quantity, but flows only when the patient is moving about. Menstruatkm accelerated accord- ing to time but scanty, thick, dark aad offensive, smelling not unlike the lochial discharge. Before Menstruation. — Low-spirited, apprehensive, fears some impending calamity. Cutting abdominal pains, with clammy ex- tremities. During Menstruation. — The discharge flows freely only when the patient is moving about or on her feet, and ceases when she lies 203 LILIUM TIGRINUM. down or keeps quiet. Cutting pain in the bowels. Clammy coldness of the limbs. Neuralgic uterine pains. Pain in the ovaries extend- ing down the inner surface of the thighs. Pressure and weight low down in the vagina, which is relieved by firm pressure with the hand at the vulva. Sharp pains across the hypogastrium from ilium to ilium (Actgea racemosa). Uterine displacements. Cardiac compli- cations. Distressing pain and pressure, with fluttering of the heart. Great anguish and apprehension, she fears some impending calamity, or is tormented about her salvation. After Menstruation. — Profuse, Iright-yelloiv, leucorrhoeal dis- charge, so acrid as to excoriate the external parts. Brown leucorrhoea. Distention and soreness of the abdomen. Amenorrhcea. — Accompanied with ovarian pain of a burning or stinging character, or complicated with dislocations of the uterus. Secondary or partial amenorrhcea, the menstrual discharge returning occasionally, to again remain absent a longer or shorter period. Bloated feeling in the region of the uterus. Stinging in the left ovarian region. Apprehensive, as from impending disease or ca- lamity, fears she has some incurable disease. Suffers from pains, palpitation and fluttering of the heart. Heart feels as if grasped, with pain and heaviness of the left mamma. Heart feels as if squeezed in a vise. Heat and bloated feeling of the face and head. Limbs cold and clammy, especially when excited and nervous. Lochia. — Profuse, excoriating and of too long duration. LeuCOrrhOBa. — Abundant, excoriating leucorrhoea. Thin, brown- ish leucorrhoea. Briglit-yellow leucorrhoea, after scanty menstruation, excoriating the whole perinseum. Thin, acrid leucorrhoea, staining the linen Irotvn. Leucorrhoea attended with, and followed by, severe bearing-down in the uterine region, the pains worse in the afternoon till midnight, then better till the next afternoon, when all the symptoms of the previous day return. Bearing-down pain in the uterine region, relieved by sitting or lying down or by pressing with the hands upon the vulva. Tenderness in the hypogastric region. Profuse, acrid leucorrhoea following immediately the cessation of the menstrual flow. LILIUM TIGRINUM. 204 Concomitants. — Great depression of spirits. Constant incli- nation to wee}). Does not want to be entertained, would rather mnse and dream. Disposed to think of obscene things. Tormented about her salvation, with uterine complaints. Apprehensive, as from impending disease or calamity. Fears she has some incurable malady. Opposite mental states, she feels nervous aud irritable, and yet she feels jolly. Restless yet does not want to walk. She is always in a hurry, with inability to perform anything. Restless sleep, with wild feeling in the head, everything seems too hot. Frightful, laborious dreams. Sleepy before bed-time. Vertigo, especially when walking. Famt when in a warm room. Dull frontal headache, worse over the left eye, or alternating from side to side. Wild feeling, as though she would go crazy, with pain in the right iliac region. Dull, paroxysmal pain from left temple to occiput. Blurred vision, with uterine complaints. Rushing sound in the ears. Hot and bloated feeling of the face and head. Aversion to bread and coffee. Craving for meat. Thirst, drinks often and much. Thirst recurring before severe symptoms. Nausea with a sensation of a lump in the stomach. Nausea, with pressure in the vagina, and pains at the top of the sacrum. Dragging clown sensation in the abdomen, calling for support. Distention and soreness of the abdomen, after menstruation. Bearing-down while at stool, as if everything would protrude through the vagina. Pressure in the rectum with almost constant desire to go to stool Morning diarrhoea coming suddenly, with tenesmus. Haemorrhoids after delivery. Frequent desire to urinate, with smarting or burning in the urethra after every discharge. Pressure on the bladder. Urine light-colored, hot, scanty, or profuse and dark. Sediment thick, reddish. Te- nesmus vesicae and frequent urination ; urine scanty, smarting and burning, aggravated in the forenoon and before midnight. (Com- pare Sepia, Belladonna, Podophyllum, Platina, Helonias.) Dull, drawing pain in left ovarian region. Burning, stinging, 205 LILIUM TIGRINUM. cutting or grasping pains in the ovaries. Enlarged ovary. Sharp pain in the ovarian region. Pain in both ovaries, worse in the left, extending down the inner surface of the left thigh, worse when walking. Burning soreness within whole pelvic cavity. Stitching pain from pubis to sacrum. Soreness and pain in left ovarian region, the pain grasping and extending across the low r er part of the abdomen, it is somewhat mitigated by rubbing and pressing upward, with the hand, at the vulva. Pains in the left ovary and left mamma. Bearing-down in the uterine region at intervals, periodically, return- ing every evening. Aching over the pubes. Great weight and pressure in the region of the uterus, with downward pressure, as though the whole contents of the abdomen would pass through the vagina. Great hearing down in the uterine region, ivith a sensation, when on the feet, as though the whole pelvic contents would issue from the vagina, if not prevented by firm pressure with the hand against the vulva, or by sitting down. Pressure in the vagina, and pain at the top of the sacrum extending to the hips. Bloated feeling in the region of the uterus. All the pelvic organs feel swollen and tender. Uterus tender to pressure or jar, can walk on level surface, but is greatly aggravated when walking on uneven ground. Pressure on the anterior wall of the rectum producing desire for stool. Sensation as if a hard body was pressing downward upon the ovaries and rectum. Prolapsus uteri, and uterine flexions. Prolapsus of the uterus, with a bearing-down sensation, and a pressure as if to have a passage from the bowels. Voluptuous itching in the vagina, with a feeling of fulness of the parts. Itching and smarting of the labia, or great heat, as though the parts were inflamed, with sharp incisive pains extending upward into the vagina. With the uterine pains she is low-spirited, irritable and apprehensive, she fears she has some internal, incurable disease. Subinvolution of the uterus. After accouchement or abortion the uterus fails to return, or is a long time in returning, to its normal condition. Sexual desire increased. Sensation as if the heart was squeezed in a vise, or grasped by a hand. Heaviness in the region of the heart. Fluttering of the heart, which awakens her at night. Palpitation when lying upon the side. LOBELIA INFLATA. 206 Cold feeling in the back. Dull, heavy pain and weakness in the small of the back. Sensation of pulling upward from tip of coccyx. Dull pain in left shoulder. Cutting pain through left scapula. Pricking in the fingers and hands. Pain in the hip extending down the thigh. Trembling of the knees. Burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Irritation of the nervous system. Trembling and weakness. Aimless hurry and motion, she walks to-and-fro, cannot amuse her- self by thinking or reading. LOBELIA INPLATA. (INDIAN TOBACCO.) Menstruation. — Too early, too profuse. Too scanty or too profuse. Supervening suppression of the menses during fever. During Menstruation. — Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever. Great weight and heaviness in the genital organs. Suppres- sion with pain in the right shoulder. Suppressed menses in con- sumptive women. Neuralgia of the left side of the face and temples with retarded menses. Concomitants. — Desponding; weeping like a child. Fear of death. Vertigo and deathly sensation. Outward pressing in both temples. Chilliness on the left side of the head. Coldness of the tip of the nose. Neuralgia of the left cheek, near the ear, extending to the lower jaw. Chilly feeling in the left cheek, near the ear, extending to lower jaw. Flushes of heat to the face. Pungent taste in the mouth. Flow of saliva from the mouth. Burning in the throat, with dryness and frequent spitting. Sen- sation of a lump in the pit of the throat, impeding deglutition. Sensation as if the oesophagus contracted from below upward. Loss of appetite, with acrid burning in the mouth. Flatulent eructations. Gulping up of burning, sour fluid. In- 207 LYCOPODXUM. cessant, violent nausea. Nausea during pregnancy, with profuse running of water from the mouth. Feeling of great weakness in the stomach. Heat and burning in the stomach. Pain in the abdomen, worse after eating. Chronic dyspepsia, with a sensation as of a lump in the pit of the stomach, and oppression of the chest. Sticking pain in the region of the right kidney. Urine of a deep- red color, depositing a copious, red sediment. Violent pain in the sacrum. Sense of great weight in the genital organs. Sensation as of a foreign body in the throat impeding respiration. Inclination to sigh, or take a deep inspiration. Spasmodic asthma. Constant dyspnoea. Want of breath. Hysterical. Sensation as if the heart would stand still. Eheumatic pains between the scapulae, or in the right shoulder. Extreme tenderness over the sacrum, she cannot bear the slightest touch ; cries out if an attempt is made to examine the parts. All the symptoms disappear in the evening. LYCOPODIUM. (wolf's claw, club moss.) Menstruation. — Too profuse and of loo long duration. Too late and too long duration, or they may be too scanty. Menses too early, reappearing every six or eight days. Delay of the first menses. Chronic suppression of the menses. Suppression from fright. Menstrual discharge partly black, clotted, partly bright-red blood and partly serum. Before Menstruation. — Great sadness and melancholy. Peevish and timorous mood. Weeping and hysterical sighing, a^ if she would lose her reason. Distention of the abdomen. Great heaviness of the lower extremities and coldness of the feet. Shivering, some- times violent and of long duration, with general malaise and satiety. Fever after midnight, with restlessness and shivering, followed by LYCOPODIUM. 208 heat in the face. Dilatation of the pupils. Great general dis- comfort and uneasiness. During Menstruation. — Delirium and weeping. Stupor and oppression. Dull headache. Contractive pain in the temples, as if the forehead would burst. Pain in the temples as if they were being squeezed or pressed together, with stupor. Dizziness followed tight- ness in the head. Faiut turns when standing, with loss of sight and hearing, heat in the head, pale face, she has to sit down. Tongue coated, worse early in the morning, sour taste in the mouth, nausea, sour eructations and sour vomiting. Much borborygmus, especially in the left hypochondrium. Disinclination to eat, the least quantity suffices; she experiences a sensation of fulness on partaking of the least quantity of food. A sensation of fermentation going on in the abdomen, with frequent eructations and discharges of flatus. Vio- lent itching of the vulva, not allowing her any sleep. Sharp pains runuing around each labia. Swelling of the pudendum. Cutting pains from right to left, in the ovarian region. Pressing pains from within outward, from above the pudendum into the vagina, when stooping. Pains in the small of the back. Labor-like pains followed by swooning. Swelling of the feet. Increased flow during passage of hard stool. The flow is worse in the afternoon, from four o'clock. Sudden sui^ression from fright. After Menstruation. — Stitching headache, recurring at short intervals. Reappearance of the menses after they have once ceased to flow. Leucorrhoea. Violent burning in the vagina during and after sexual embrace. Itching, burning and gnawing at the vulva. Pressure from within outward, above the pubes. Stitches in the labia, when lying down. Bearing-down pain, as if the menses would reappear. Obstimde dryness of the vagina. Amenorrhoea. — Suppression of the menses from fright. Weep- ing and sadness. Headache, with pain in the sides of the head. Hysterical headache. Frequent fainting fits. Desire for sweet things. Constant sense of satiety ; the least quantity of food partaken makes her uncomfortable, causing a sensation of fulness up to the throat. Sour taste in the mouth. Sour eructations and sour vom- 209 LYCOPODIUM. iting. Swelling and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Colic. Drawing and tensive pains in the abdomen. Frequent fits of shiver- ing. Burning in the vagina during and after sexual embrace. Dry- ness of the vagina. Bearing-down pain in the groins. Borborygmus, particularly in the left hypochondrium. Palpitation of the heart. Great agitation of the blood in the evening, or a feeling as though the circulation had ceased. Chlorotic symptoms. Liver spots on the face. Milky leucorrhcea. Escape of wind from the vagina. Metrorrhagia. — With cutting pains from right to left across the abdomen. Profuse flow of partly black, clotted, partly bright- red blood and partly bloody serum, with labor-like pains, followed by swooning. Distention of the abdomen in various places. Pain in the small of the back, extending into the thighs. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse, not constantly, but in starts, or at intervals, preceded by sharp, cutting pains in the hypogastrium. Paleness of the face, with frequent flushes to the face, or circum- scribed redness of the cheeks. Leucorrhcea, either milky or blood red. Kose-colored leucorrhoea, worse just before the full of the moon. Corroding leucorrhcea. Itching of the vulva. Leucorrhoea, attended with cutting pain across the abdomen, from right to left. Jerking of the lower extremities. Discharge of flatus from the vagina. Concomitants. — Low-spirited. Mental and nervous weakness. Indifferent, taciturn. Sad mood, weeps all day, cannot calm herself. Dread of men. Desires to be alone, or aversion to solitude. She has serious doubts about her salvation. Sleepiness during the day, but cannot go to sleep at night, owing to mental activity. Skirtings when falling asleep. Unrefreshing sleep. She cannot find an easy position. Hunger at night, on leaking. Sensation as if the circulation stood still. Stupefying headache, with heat in the temples, dryness of the mouth and lips, worse from 4 to 8 p. m., from mental exertion, stoop- ing or lying down, and followed by great weakness. Headache over the eyes immediately after breakfast. Stitches in the temples, mostly 13 LYCOPODIUM. 210 on the right side, from within outward, worse in the evening. Con- gestion of blood to the head, especially early in the morning on rising in bed. Itching of the scalp. Eruptions on the back of the head, oozing a fetid moisture and easily bleeding, worse after scratch- ing. The hair early turns gray. Excessive falling off of the hair. Obscuration of sight, as from feathers before the eyes. Sparks before the eyes in the dark. Stitches in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes. Profuse lachrymation and nightly agglutination. Pustules and styes on the lids. Over-sensitiveness of hearing. Music, especially the organ, affects the ear painfully. Roaring, humming and whizzing in the ears. Ulceration and discharge of pus from the ears. Humid eruptions and scurfs on and behind the ears. Nightly closing of the nostrils by scurf. Obstruction at the root of the nose. Violent coryzaj nose sicollen. Ean-like motion of the alse nasi. Earthy, yellow complexion, with deep furrows, Hue circles around the eyes, and blue lips. Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles. Freckles on the face. Eruptions on the face and around the mouth. Frequent flushes of heat to the face. Toothache only at night. Sensitiveness of the teeth. Drawing, jerking iu the teeth and jaws. Looseness of the front teeth, or they feel too long. Gums bleed when touched. Dryness in the mouth and throat without thirst. Vesicles on the tip of the tongue. Stiff- ness of the tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth. Feeling as if a ball rose up from below into the throat. Feeling of constriction in the throat. Canine hunger. Appetite good, but a small quantity of food suf- fices ; she feels bloated and full after eating. Constant sensation of satiety, she cannot eat because she is so full (Petroleum). Aversion to solid food ; bread is repulsive. Desire for sweet things. Desire for oysters, which disagree. Sour eructations. Water-brash. Heart-burn. Nausea every morn- ing before breakfast. Vomiting of food and bile. Discomfort in the stomach after eating. Swelling and sensitiveness 211 LYCOPODIUM. at the pit of the stomach. Griping sensation in the region of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach as if over-distended. Accumu- lation of flatus, incarcerated flatus causing much pain. Pain in the hepatic region. Distention of the abdomen. Tension in the hypo- gastrium. Grumbling and gargling in the abdomen. Cutting pain across the hypogastrium from right to left. Constant sense of fermentation going on in the abdomen. Great accumulation of gas in the small intestines. Constipation, stools hard with ineffectual desire to evacuate. After stool a sensation as if much remained unvoided. Constriction of the rectum and anus. Diarrhoea, the first part of the stool lumpy, the second soft. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious discharges of pale urine. Frequent micturition at night. Red, sandy sediment in the urine. Greasy pelicle on the urine. Ovarian diseases from right to left. Ovarian dropsy. Burning in the vagina during and after an embrace. Discharge of wind from the vagina. Sense of pressure through the vagina when stooping. Sharp pains run around the labia. Varices of the genitals. Transient cutting pain extending from the abdomen into the genitals. Violent itching in the pudendum. Inflammation of the external genitals. Dry, pediculated, painless condylomata. Uterine displacements. Cancer of the uterus. Uterine polypi. Disposition to miscarriage. Nymphomania. Hard, burning nodosities in the mammas. Sting- ing in the nipples. Shortness of breath from the least exertion. Cough, with expecto- ration through the day, no expectoration during the night. Cough in the evening before going to sleep as if the larynx were tickled with a feather. Cough with salty expectoration ; grayish, yellow or puru- lent expectoration. Cough aggravated from 4 to 8 p. m. Stitches in the left chest. Brownish-yellow spots on the chest. Palpitation of the heart on going to bed and after eating. Stitches in the small of the back, especially when rising from a stooping position. Burning as from hot coals between the scapulm. Pressure in the region of the kidneys. Swelling of the feet around MAGNESIA CAKBONIOA. 212 the ankles. Swelling of the soles of the feet, with pain when walk- ing. Drawing and tearing in the limbs, generally at night and during rest, or on alternate days. Stiffness of all the joints. Heat of one foot (left) and coldness of the other. jPmtchings through the tody. Flushes of heat over the whole body. Night and morning sweat, often with coldness of the face. Epileptic fits. Tremor of the limbs. Sudden failing of strength. Weariness and extreme weakness. Great desire for open air. Humid suppurating eruptions. Boils w T hich do not mature but remain blue. Ulcers which burn and bleed when touched. Aggravations. — From 4 to 8 p. m. ; on lying down ; when be- ginning to walk ; after eating oysters ; pressure of the clothes ; from strong smells. Ameliorations. — On getting cold; from uncovering; continu- ing to walk ; from eructations ; from w r arm food and drink. Lycopodium is adapted to persons of keen intellect but feeble muscular development, also lean persons predisposed to hepatic and luno- diseases. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. (CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA.) Menstruation. — Too frequent and too profuse. The discharge, which is thick and dark, being more abundant at night, on rising, when standing or walking. Menses too late, or quite suppressed. Menses late, scanty, and stop flowing in the afternoon. Ketarded menses with discharge of large coagula. The menses flow only in the absence of pain and at night. The menstrual discharge is acrid, dark, thick, viscid, almost like pitch, and is washed out with much difficulty. Before Menstruation. — Chilliness, sore throat, backache, and great weakness. Bearing-down and cutting pain in the uterine region, and pain hi the small of the back, as if it were contracted or bruised. Labor-like pains. Pains in the sides, with aching and lameness. Canine hunger. Colic, with bearing-down pains. Pains in the 23 3 MAGNESIA CAKBONICA. stomach. Nausea and frequent eructations. Pressing toward the pelvis, with cuttiug in the abdomen. Eetarded menses preceded by- sore throat. At the commencement of the menses coryza with ob- struction of the nose. During Menstruation. — Peevish mood. Anxious and fearful. Headache, with heaviness of the head, and a good deal of heat. Pres- sure in the forehead. Pain in the vertex. Tearing pain in the nape of the neck. Headache relieved only at night. Agglutination of the eyelids in the morning. Dim, dry, burning eyes. Great sensitive- ness of hearing. Burning rhagades on the lobes of the ears. Frequent sneezing. Paleness of the face. Violent neuralgic pain in the face, driving her out of bed. Insipid taste in the mouth, with anorexia, ptyalism, nausea and desire to vomit. Soreness of the throat. Diarrhoea with great trembling of the limbs. Violent colic ; cutting pains about the umbilicus, eased by emitting flatus. Violent pressure in the hypogastrium, interrupting sleep. Flatulency. Violent bear- ing-down pain in the abdomen at night and early in the morning. Spasmodic pressure in the abdomen. Draiving pains in the sides, aggravated wiren stretching herself ; ameliorated by stooping. Great itching at the neck and shoulders. Luxating pain in her right shoulder, she can scarcely raise her arm. Pains in the knees when walking. Painful sensitiveness of the feet, even during repose. Pain in the small of the back, as from a bruise. Great lassitude. Sleep disturbed by many anxious dreams ; frequent waking from sleep ; unrefreshing sleep ; she is more tired in the morning than when retiring at night. Chilliness or shivering on waking or when uncover- ing herself. After Menstruation. -^Leucorrhoea, with crampy colic or pinching pain about the umbilicus, the discharge being watery, or acrid, slimy and white. Pain in the sides as from a bruise, worse toward evening or in the morning. Severe backache. Severe itching about the vulva. Amenorrhea. — Attended with great restlessness and weariness. A short walk causes great fatigue ; she feels tired, especially in the feet, even when sitting. At each menstrual nisus she surfers more MAGNESIA CARBONIC A. 214 or less with sore throat. All her unpleasant symptoms abate as the menstrual flow sets in. Leucorrhoea. — Of acrid, whitish mucus, preceded by colic. Leucorrhcea after the menses, thin and scanty, with pinching around the umbilicus. Watery, scanty leucorrhcea in the morning, when walking or sitting. Itching of the pudendum. Concomitants. — Anxious, sad and disconsolate. Uneasiness with trembling of the hands and abseutminded. Anguish and fear, as if some accident would happen. Miud more composed at night. Uurefreshing sleep, more tired on rising in the morning than when retiring at night. Sleep disturbed by many anxious dreams. She awakens at three or four o'clock in the morning and cannot go to sleep again. Vertigo, with heaviness and dizziness in the head. Violent, darting headache, after vexation. Pulsating sensation in the forehead. Congestion of blood to the head. Falling off of the hair. Black motes before the eyes. Agglutination of the eyelids in the morning. Dryness of the eyes. Mists before the eyes. Sensitiveness of the ears to noise. Whizzing, fluttering and buzzing in the ears, with hardness of hearing. Epistaxis in the morning. Dry coryza. Pace pale, earthy, sickly complexion. Alternate paleness and red- ness of the face. Tension of the face, as if the white of an egg had dried on it. Herpes around the mouth. Hard, little nodosities in both corners of the mouth. Toothache. Dryness in the mouth. Burning vesicles on the lips, gums, tongue and inside of the cheeks. Bitter, sour taste in the mouth. Tongue coated white. The mouth is full of white, tough mucus. Violent thirst for water, especially at night. Thirst for acid drinks. Little or no appetite. Nausea with inclination to vomit. Vomiting and vertigo while eating. Vomiting of bitter, saltish water. Sour belchiugs. Empty feeling in the stomach. Contractive pains in the stomach. Violent pains in the abdomen during the menses. Cutting and pinching in 215 MAGNESIA MUftlATICA. the abdomen. Griping and rumbling in the abdomen followed by diarrhoea. Hardness and stitches in the hepatic region. Constipation ; frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Stools small, hard. Diarrhoea of greenish water. Green watery stools. Stools Mice the scum on a frog pond. Sour, frothy stools. Green, watery stools with white lumps, like tallow, floating in it. Urine profuse, pale, watery or green. White sediment in the urine. Oppression of the chest. Spasmodic cough. Palpitation of the heart. Pain, as from a bruise, in the muscles of the chest. Scirrhous indurations of the uterus, with discharge of black, clotted blood. Violent pain, as from a bruise in the small of the back. Knees painful when walking. Tired feeling in the feet when sitting. (Edema of the feet. Most of the symptoms come on at night, while at rest, compelling her to get up and walk about. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. (MURIATE OF MAGNESIA.) Menstruation. — Too early or too late. Too soon and too profuse with discharge of black coagula. Ketarded menses with pains in the sides, pressure in the iliac regious, and frequent yawnings. Sup- pressed menstruation. Menses black, pitch-like. Before Menstruation. — Leucorrhoea and great nervous excite- ment. During Menstruation. — Great debility, weariness even to fainting, with frequent yawning. Wakefulness at night. Great nervous excitement. Paleness of the face. Severe pains in the small of the back, the pains in the back are aggravated by walking, while those in the thighs are worse when sitting. Menstrual pains relieved by having the bach pressed. Pains in the abdomen, back and thighs. Severe pressing-down pains in the iliac region. Pains in the sides. Lameness of the limbs. Discharge of black clots of menstrual blood when sitting. Profuse leucorrhoea, watery or thick, MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 216 especially during stool and when urinating. Leucorrhoea preceded by colic. Amenorrhoea. — Attended with great excitement at each men- strual nisus. Severe bearing-down pains or pressing in the iliac regions. Constipation, stools in large, hard lumps, which crumble as they reach the verge of the anus. Hysteria. Great wakefulness. Leucorrhoea. — Uterine spasms followed by leucorrhoea. Leucor- rhf.ea after every constipated stool, especially if the stool is large and hard and crumbles as it reachs the verge of the anus. Profuse leucorrhceal discharge of thick mucus. Leucorrhoea in the morning and after urinating. Leucorrhoea induced by severe exercise. Leucor- rhoea at intervals, immediately followed by a discharge of blood. Leucorrhoea preceded by uterine cramps, which extend down the thighs. Concomitants. — Fearful and inclined to weep. Desire for solitude. Illusions of the fancy. Vertigo on rising in the morning. ■Sleepiness during the day, with yawning and sluggishness. Un- easiness in the whole body as soon as she closes her eyes in the evening. Great restlessness at night. Anxious, frightful dreams. Shocks through the body on waking. Headache early in the morning. Pain in the forehead and around the eves every six weeks. Compressive sensation in the head. Con- gestive headache, pain in temples, relieved by firm pressure and wrapping up the head (Silicea). Burning in the eyes with dimness of vision. Throbbing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. Ulcerated nostrils. Crusts in the nose. Burning in the nostrils. Coryza, with loss of taste and smell, and discharge of yellow, fetid mucus. Discharge of acrid, corrosive water from the nose. Eedness and swelling of the nose. Pale, yellow complexion. Eruptions on the face. Toothache. Sensation as if the upper bicuspidati were elongated. Dryness and burning in the mouth and throat without thirst. Violent thirst at 3 a. m. Hunger, but does not know for what. Nausea after rising in the morning. Bitter, sour eructations. 217 MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. Rising of white froth into the mouth. Sensation as of a ball rising from the stomach to the throat, relieved by eructations. Pain in the stomach, as from a bruise. Throbbing at the pit of the stomach. Distention of the abdomen. Weak feeling in the abdomen. Stools hard, difficult and insufficient. Knotty stools, like sheep 9 s dung. Stools crumble at the verge of the anus. Diarrhoea of mucus and blood. Urination frequent and scanty. The urine can only be emitted by bearing down with the abdominal muscles. Urine pale-yellow. Bearing-down pain in the ovarian region. Severe bearing-down pain in the uterine region, with uterine spasms referred to hypogas- trium. Uterine spasms, extending to the thighs. Uterine diseases complicated with hysterical complaints. Scirrhous indurations of the uterus. Hoarseness. Cough, with tingling in the larynx. Short fits of coughing, followed by dull, aching pains in the chest. Constriction of the chest. Palpitation of the heart when sitting. Pain in the small of the back. Pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the bach and both hips. Contractive, spasmodic pain in the small of the back. Sensation of great fatigue in the legs. Cramps in the calves. Burning in the soles of the feet. Great weakness of the body. The whole body feels painful, as if it were bruised. The generality of the symptoms appear when sitting and at night, and are relieved by motion. Magnesia muriatica is especially suited to uterine diseases in nervous, hysterical women. MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. (SULPHATE OP MAGNESIA.) Menstruation. — Too early and of too short duration. Menses reappear in a fortnight, more profuse than usual, with thick, black blood. Menses too late. During Menstruation. — Great heaviness in the head. Severe MANGANUM AOETIOUM. 218 pain in the back and groins. Bruised pain in the small of the back with pain in the groin when sitting or standing, less when walking. Pain in the thighs when walking. After Menstruation. — Discharge of blood between the periods. Leucorrhcea. — Burning leucorrhcea, especially during motion. Thick leucorrhcea. Profuse flow, like the menses, with bruised pain in the small of the back and down the thighs. Concomitants. — Sad and weeping mood. Ill-humor. Sleeplessness from headache. Anxious dreams, with startings. Pressure in the head. Stitches in the head. Vertigo. Pressure, heat and dryness in the eyes. Dim-sightedness. Einging in the left ear. Epistaxis. Dry coryza. Bitter taste in the mouth; loss of appetite; thirst. Eructations. Rising of water in the mouth. Nausea with incli- nation to vomit, especially at night. Trembling at the stomach, with subsequent gulping-up of water. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach. Alternate soft and hard stool. Diarrhoea preceded by rumbling in the abdomen. Nocturnal urination. Greenish urine. Dry cough, with burning from the pit of the stomach to the larynx. Painful burning in the chest when coughing. Oppression of the chest. Shocks in the region of the heart from above downward. Pain in the small of the back as from a bruise. Lacerating pains in the limbs, especially at night. Languid weakness of the feet, with trembling of the whole body. MANGANUM ACETICUM. (MANGANESE.) Menstruation. — Too early and too scanty. Discharge between the periods. Menstrual discharge, thick, black blood. During Menstruation. — Pressure in the genital organs. Concomitants. — Very quiet, low-spirited and reflective. 219 MERCURIUS. Sleepy early in the evening. Vivid, anxious dreams, which are remembered after waking. Heaviness in the head. Sensation as from concussion of the brain, when moving. Tension and stinging in the head, worse in the open air. Burning heat and dryness in the eyes. Short-sighted. Dull sticking pains in the ears. Pains extend to, and concentrate in, the ear from other parts. Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were closed with the hand. Face pale and sunken. Dry, parched lips, with shriveled skin. Violent toothache, suddenly going from one place to another. Warts on the tongue. Burning in the stomach, rising up into the chest. Pain in the stomach after eating. When walking, sensation as if the bowels were loose and shaking about. Great collection of flatus. Pressure in the genital organs. Roughness and hoarseness of the voice in the morning. Dry cough, brought on by coughing. Sudden shock at the heart, and in the left side of the chest from above downward. Rheumatic affections of the joints. Night-sweats. Most of the symptoms appear at night. MERCURIUS. (QUICKSILVER.) Menstruation. — Too profuse and attended with great anxiety and colic. Menses profuse with either sterility or easy conception. Menses suppressed. Discharge of blood between the periods. Men- orrhagia, flow dark and clotted. Before Menstruation. — Slight discharge of blood three or four days before the menses fairly set in. Dry heat with congestion of blood to the head. Itching of the labia. Violent pains, as if bruised, in the thighs; heaviness of the limbs. Colic. Mucous stools, with tenesmus and oppression. Urine strong. MERCURIUS. 220 During Menstruation. — Constant anxiety, which leaves her no rest. Keel tongue, or tongue covered with red spots. Burning of the tongue. Salty taste in the mouth. Sickly, pale color of the gums. Teeth sore and loose ; teeth set on edge. Breath peculiarly offensive. Scorbutic affections. Pain in the mammae as if they would ulcerate. Milk in the breasts instead of the menses. Mucous stools, with tenesmus and great oppression. Mild and whitish leucorrhcea, or smarting and burning with nightly itching of the parts. Discharge of mucus and purulent flocks from the vagina. Itching pimples and nodes on the labia. Swelling of the labia, with heat, hardness, shining redness, and great sensitiveness of the parts to contact. Burning, throbbing and stinging in the parts. Inflam- mation and swelling of the vagina. Prolapsus of the vagina, with a sensation of rawness. Metrorrhagia in aged womeu. After Menstruation. — Leucorrhcea, which is always worse at night. Amenorrhcea. — Cessation of the menses for several months. Sad, peevish, or contrary mood. Headache. Weakness of sight. Congestion of blood to the head and great vascular excitement at each menstrual nisus. Earthy color of the face. Face pale and sickly looking. Nervous trembling of the hands. Diarrhoea with tenesmus. Pain and uneasiness in the mammae as each menstrual period approaches. (Edematous swelling of the hands and feet. Tearing pains in the limbs, worse at night in bed, with constant sweating. Leucorrhcea. Great weakness after the least exertion. Lochia. — Purulent lochial discharge. The discharge becomes worse at night, and is attended with soreness and swelling of the groins and inflammation of the genital organs. Leucorrhcea. — Either mild or acrid. Whitish, purulent and corrosive leucorrhosa. Leucorrhcea which induces a sensation of itch- ing, burning, smarting or corroding, or a sensation of rawness. Dis- charge of mucus aval purulent flocci from the vagina. Greenish discharge, especially in the evening or at night, producing a smarting sensation, which obliges the patient to scratch and the scratching is followed by violent burning. The itching is relieved by washing in 221 MERCUKIUS. cold water. Leucorrhoea with inflammation of the internal and ex- ternal parts, with heat, tenderness, pain, and a purulent discharge. Pimples and tubercles on the labia. Leucorrhoea smelling sweetish. All the symptoms are worse at night. (Merc. prot. iod. for yellow leucorrhoea in children and young girls ; Merc. cor. for leucorrhoea having a nauseous, sweetish odor.) Concomitants. — Constant anxiety and apprehension, especially in the evening and at night. Fears she will lose her mind. Disgust of life. Indifference to everything. Peevish, taciturn and suspicious. Tries to flee the house, with nightly anxiety and apprehension. Bad effects from fright. Homesickness. Momentary vanishing of thought. Absentminded. Weakness of memory. Vertigo as if in a swing. Vertigo when stooping or when lying on the back. Sleepy during the day. Sleeplessness at night, from ebullitions of blood, and anxiety. Perspiration during sleep. Compressive headache, the head feels as if it were in a vise, with nausea. Tension over the forehead, as if in a hoop. Headache as if the head would fly in pieces. Stitches through the whole head. Heat and burning in the head, especially in the left temple at night. Nightly headache. The whole scalp in painful to the touch, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Tearing and stinging in the bones of the skull. Falling off of the hair from the sides of the head. Itching eruptions on the scalp. Humid eruptions on the head, which itch at night and are made worse by scratching. Cutting pain under the eyelids as from a foreign body. Itching, turning and smarting in the eyes. Profuse lachrymation. Chronic conjunctivitis. Nightly agglutination of the lids. Swelling of the lids, the edges are covered with scurf and ulcers. Mist before the eyes. Black spots before the eyes. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Buzzing, roaring and ringing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. Sounds vibrate in the ears. Tearing or stitching pains in the ears. Purulent discharge from the ears. Swelling of the nose. Fluent coryza with much sneezing. Nasal bones swollen. Face pale and of an earthy color. Sunken, pale face. MERCURIUS. 222 Toothache from caries, or from inflammation of the dentine, worse in damp weather. The gums are spongy and Meed easily. The gums recede from the teeth. The tongue takes the imprint of the teeth. Tongue black with red edges. Tongue swollen and its movements impeded. Tongue hard, dry and cracked. Trembling of the tongue. Bad odor from the mouth. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Saliva tastes coppery. Bitter, sweetish, or putrid taste in the mouth. Ulceration of the salivary glands. Chronic enlargement of the tonsils. Angina, with stinging pains, worse from empty swallowing, and at night. Tonsils dark-red ; ulcers on the tonsils. Painful dryness of the throat, the mouth being full of water. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Canine hunger even after eating. Loss of appetite. Does not relish anything she eats. Prefers liquid food. Intense thirst night and day, especially for beer and cold drinks. Nausea. Empty, acrid, bitter or rancid eructations. Vomiting of food. Pressure in the stomach, it hangs down heavily, after eating. "Weakness of digestion, with continuous hunger. Soreness in the hepatic region. She cannot lie on the right side. Distention and soreness of the abdomen. Cutting and tearing pains in the abdomen, especially at night. Constipation, stools tenacious or crumbling and discharged only after violent straining. Stools pitch-like, undigested, tenacious. Slimy, bloody stools, with tenesmus. Blood before, during, and after a hard stool. Prolapsus ani after stool. Large bleeding varices, which suppurate. Constant desire to urinate. Urine red or brown. Urine smells sour and pungent. Sediment like flour or chalk. Sterility. Swelling, heat and redness of the labia. Inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. Prolapsus of the vagina, feels better after coitus. Itching and burning of the genital organs, which is relieved by washing in cold water. Deep ulcers on the os uteri, with ragged edges. Bleeding excrescences on the os. Inflammation of the ex- ternal genitals, with rawness, smarting and excoriated spots. Sore 223 MEZEREUM. pain, deep in the pelvis. Dragging pain in the loins. Great weak- ness in the lower abdomen and desire for support. Itching of the genitals aggravated by the contact of urine. Prolapsus uteri, with a peculiar weak feeling in the abdomen, and a sensation as if some- thing heavy were pulling downward, accompanied by a pulling pain in both thighs, as if the muscles were too short. Periodical pains in the breast. Hard swelling of the mammas with sore pain, or with suppuration. Ulcerated nipples. Violent, dry, racking cough, worse at night, as if the chest and head would burst. Cough with expectoration of acrid, yellowish mucus, at times mixed with coagulated blood, and tasting putrid or saltish. Fetid breath. Stitches in the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Stinging pains in the small of the back. Tearing in the coccyx, relieved by pressing the hand against the abdomen. Rheumatic pains, tearing and stinging, especially in the limbs and joints, worse at night, with profuse perspiration which affords no relief. Tremor of the hands. (Edema of the face, hands and feet, with anaemia. Diseases of the bones. Primary and secondary syphilis ; round, coppery spots shining through the skin. Herpatic spots and sup- purating pustules running together. Superficial, flat, readily-bleeding ulcers. Aggravations. — At night before falling asleep ; from the heat of the bed ; during perspiration ; when exercising ; in wet weather, and in the cool evening air. Ameliorations. — In the morning; when at rest, and when lying down. MEZEREUM. (MEZEREON.) Menstruation. — Too frequent, too profuse and of too long duration. Menses suppressed. Menses scanty, with leucorrhcea and prosopalgia. Leucorrhcea. — Albuminous discharge. Leucorrhcea like the MILLEFOLIUM. 224 white of an egg. Chronic leucorrhcea. Malignant, corroding leucor- rhoea. Mucous discharge from the vagina. Concomitants. — Hypochondriac mood, with low spirits and weep- ing. Aversion to solitude. Dullness of intellect. Frequent vanishing of ideas. Angry at trifles, and is soon sorry for it. Sleep disturbed by violent pain in the face. Awakens, after mid- night, from vivid dreams and with nightmare. Headache from anger. Head covered with a thick, leather-like crust, under which thick, white pus collects, and glues the hair together. Eruptions on the head with chalky looking scabs. Dandruff white and dry. Pressure in the eyes with a sensation of dryness. Jerking of the muscle of the left upper eyelid. Ears feel as if too open, exposing the tympanum of the ear. Gray, earthy complexion. Twitching of the facial muscles. Honey- like scabs about the mouth. Chin covered with elevated white scabs. Nightly toothache which extends to the malar bones. The teeth feel elongated. Burning in the pharynx and oesophagus. Constriction of the pharynx. Difficulty in talking. Empty eructations. Nausea in the throat. Burning and uneasi- ness in the stomach, relieved by eating. Pressure in the stomach. Violent diarrhoea with colic. Burning urine. Flocci and sediment in the urine. Urine frequent, profuse, pale. Uterine ulcers, with smarting, burning, or prickling sensation. Albuminous discharge, sometimes tinged with blood from the vagina. Mezereum is suited to phlegmatic temperaments. MILLEFOLIUM. (YARROW.) Menstruation. — Too profuse and of too long duration. Barren- ness from profuse menstruation. Suppressed menses with epileptic attacks, pain in the stomach, and cough with bloody expectoration. Vicarious menstruation. 225 MOSCHUS. During Menstruation. — Colicky abdominal pains. Profuse flow after great exertion. Lochia. — Suppression of the lochial discharge, with violent fever, convulsions, jerking of the limbs, and suppression of the milk. Lochia too profuse. Leucorrhcea.- — Of children, from atony of the vaginal mucous membrane. Concomitants. — Stupefaction, as if intoxicated. Confused and dull, especially in the evening, acts as if she had forgotten something. Congestion of blood to the head. Violent headache, with twitch- ing of the eyelids and muscles of the forehead. Nosebleed. Piercing pain from the eyes to the root of the nose. Wind-colic in hysterical or hypochondriacal women. Colic dur- ing menstruation. Dysentery after severe exertion. Diarrhoea, with bloody discharges during pregnancy. Uterine haemorrhage after great exertions. Haemorrhages from various organs, brought on by over-exertion. Oppression of the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Cough with frequent spitting of bright blood during suppressed menstruation. Painful varices during pregnancy. Convulsions and fainting attacks. Hysterical spasms. Bad effects from ever-exertion. Millefolium is especially suitable for children and aged women. MOSCHUS. (musk.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Menstruation ir- regular. Before Menstruation. — Violent drawing and downward pres- sing pains in the genitals. During Menstruation. — At the beginning, violent drawing pains, pulling and pressing on the parts like labor-pains. Intolerable titillation in the genital organs. 14 MUREX PURPUREA. 226 Concomitants. — Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart. Vertigo with stupefaction. Vertigo on moving. Violent rush of blood to the head. Great feeling of heaviness in the head. Pain- fulness of the whole head, as if sore, worse when touched. Vanishing of sight. Staring, glistening eves. Loud reports in the ears. Earthy complexion. Pale face with sweat. Redness of the right cheek without heat, with paleness and heat of the left cheek. Great dryness in the mouth ; burning in the fauces. Putrid taste in the mouth. Aversion to food. The sight of food makes her sick. Eructations, with hot saliva in the mouth. Eructations tasting- like garlic. Inclination to vomit early in the morning, and in the evening, with inability to vomit. Oppression of the stomach. Stiching pains in the region of the liver. Pinching in the abdomen. Hys- terical spasms in the abdomen. Violent sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in the genital organs. Suffocative constriction of the chest. Arrest of breathing from pressure in the chest. Spasms of the lungs. Drawing pain in the back, and down the thighs. Pressure about the thighs. Restlessness of the lower limbs. Rigiditv of the lea's. Spasmodic throwing about of the hands and feet. Hysterical complaints in general. MUREX PURPUREA. (purple shell-fish.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse, amounting to haemorrhage. Menses prof ase with soreness in the uterus. Patient lively and in good spirits. Menses intermit. During Menstruation. — Sensation of uterine constriction. Sore pain in the uterus, as if cut with a sharp instrument, or violent pain in the right side of the uterus extending to the chest. Feeling of great heaviness in the vagina during menstrual colic. During profuse menstruation, there is a sensation of constriction in the uterus. 227 MUREX PURPUREA. Metrorrhagia. — Profuse sanguinous discharge after abortion, with tenderness and tumefaction of the parts, pain in right ovary, restless and sleepless. Leucorrhcea. — Watery, greenish, or thick, bloody lencorrhoea. Return of bloody leucorrhcea during stool. Lencorrhoea during day- time only. Greenish, excoriating lencorrhoea. Concomitants. — Weakness of memory with great difficulty in connecting words. Sadness, peevishness, great irritability. Sleep disturbed by dreams : great lassitude. Headache on awaking. Aching pain in the forehead. Constant coldness of the nose. Burning in the cheeks. Weals, gone feeling in the stomach (Sepia). Frequent desire to urinate. Urine smells like Valerian and deposits a white sediment. Mucous discharge after urinating. Violent sexual excitement. Excessive desire for an embrace, excited by the least contact of the parts. Feeling of dryness and constriction in the uterus. Sore pain in the uterus, as if cut by a sharp instru- ment. Violent pain in the right side of the uterus, extending through the abdomen to the chest. Violent stitching pain from the uterus up- ward into the thorax and across the chest to the left mamma, leaving a severe pain in the gland. Throbbing in the uterus and heaviness in the vagina ; weight in the labia. Violent nymphomania. Beating in the uterus. Feeling of heaviness and enlargement of the labia majora. Inflammation and spongy enlargement of the neck of the uterus. Nymphomania excited by the least contact with the sexual parts. Lancinating pain in the cervix uteri. Violent pains and acute stitches in the mammae. Pain in the chest as if bruised. Wheezing in the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Pain in the small of the back. Great weariness in the thighs. Pain in the loins and hips, especially when lying in bed (Sepia reverse). All pains come while lying down and never go around cir- cumference but through (compare Belladonna). MURIATICUM ACIDUM. 228 MURIATICUM ACIDUM. (HYDROCHLOKIC ACID.) Menstruation. — Too early and too prof use. Before Menstruation. — Severe pressing and bearing-down pains. During Menstruation. — Sad and taciturn, as if she were going to die. Hemorrhoids, which are extremely sore, and sometimes itch terribly. Abdominal colic. Leucorrhcea. — Attended with backache and excrntiating sore- ness of the aims, either from piles or fissures. Uterine ulceration with putrid discharge, and attended with a great sense of weakness. Concomitants. — Out of humor. Sad and taciturn, with anxious apprehensions. Irritable, disposed to anger and chagrin. Vertigo while in the open air, with unsteady gait. Headache in the whole head. Heaviness and pain in the back part of the head. Boring pain in the vertex. Headache in spells regularly every day from 9 a. m. until 1 p. m. Perpendicular half -sigh tedness. Obscured sight. Itching in the eyes. Lacerating pains in the left ear. Very sensitive to noise, and over- acuteness of hearing. Tingling, humming and whizzing in the ears. Coryza, with thick, yellow, or watery, corrosive discharge. Ob- struction of the nose. Eed pimples on the face. Scorbutic gums. Mouth glued up with insipid mucus. Putrid taste in the mouth, like rotten eggs, with ptyalism. Rawness and smarting in the fauces. Putrid, bitter eructations. Cutting and pinching pains in the abdomen after a moderate meal. Rumbling in the abdomen. Stools difficult, as from inactivity of the bowels. Diarrhoea, with burning and smarting in the rectum and anus. Great sensitiveness of the anus to touch. Itching at the anus. Haemorrhoidal tumors, swollen, blue, with soreness. 229 NATRUM CARBONICUM. Frequent micturition with profuse discharge. Slow emissions of urine. Weakness of the bladder. Stitches and pain in the vagina. Great sensitiveness of the external genitals, she cannot bear the least touch, not even the weight of her clothes. Ulcers on the genitals with putrid discharge, great sensi- tiveness and general weakness. Bough cough with rattling in the chest, followed by cramps in the stomach. Palpitation of the heart felt in the face. Aching pain in the small of the back. Pain in the os coccyx. Heaviness of the arms. Weakness of the thighs with wavering gait. Ulcers on the lower extremities. Aggravation. — Regularly every day from 9 a. m. till 1 p. m. Muriaticum acidum is suited to black-eyed and black-haired women. NATRUM CARBONICUM. (carbonate of soda.) Menstruation. — Too late and too scanty, the discharge being thin and watery, like serum. Menses too soon and of too long duration, amounting almost to flooding. Menses aggravated by a thunder-storm, and may even be reproduced by one. Before Menstruation. — Cutting pains in the hypogastrium. Headache and drawing in the nape of the neck. Leucorrhoea. During Menstruation. — Excessive nervousness; she cannot bear music. Tearing and throbbing headache. Tearing and stitch- ing pains here and there, through different parts of the body. Chattering of the teeth in the evening. Nausea and loathing of food, with great prostration. Painful distention of the abdomen in the evening, with diarrhoea which affords relief. Pressing in the hypo- gastrium toward the genitals, as if everything would issue from, tlie abdomen. Pains in the sides. Tearing and bruised pains in the right hip. Movements in the uterus as from a foetus. Menstruation aggravated during a thunder-storm. NATRUM CARBONICUM. 230 AmenorrhcBa. — Attended with frequent and severe headache. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck. Pressing in the hypo-gas trium. Heaviness in the limbs. Great mental and physical weakness. Aversion to motion. Disposition to sadness. Irascible mood. Dis- tention of the abdomen. Leucorrhoea. — Yellowish discharge, which is sometimes very offensive. Leucorrhoea preceded by colic and cutting pain in the bowels. Writhing around the umbilicus. Tearing pain in one side of the pudendum. Yellowish leucorrhceal discharge passing off with copious urination. Thick, heavy, leucorrhceal discharge. Discharge of mucus from the vagina, after an embrace. Pressing in the hypo- gastrium toward the genital region, as if everything would issue from the abdomen. Concomitants. — Sad and despondent. Restlessness and anxiety, especially during a thunder-storm. Aversion to men and society. Great tendency to start. Every event causes trembling. Weak- minded. Entire want of attention. Anguish, tremor and siveat during Iter pains. She is greatly affected by playing on the piano, with painful anxiety in the chest, trembling of the body and weari- ness. Irresistible sleepiness during the day. Falls asleep late at night. Awakens early in the morning. Palpitation of the heart and night- mare during sleep. Sleep unrefreshing. Anxious, confused dreams. Headache while in the sun. Head feels too large. Stitches in various parts of the head. Headache in the forehead when turning the head quickly. Congestive headache. Tearing pains in the fore- head, returning at certain times of the day. Dazzling flashes before the eyes on walking. Sensation as of feathers before the eyes. Thick, yellow, or green discharge from the nose. Nose stopped up at night. Red nose with pimples on it. Humid, herpetic eruption and ulcers on the nose, around the mouth and on the lips. Burning heat and redness of the face. Pale complexion. Blue rings around the eyes. Yellow spots on the forehead. Freckles on the face. Face bloated. 231 NATRUM CARBONICUM. Bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. Tongue coated. Dry tongue and dislike to talk. Rough, dry, scraping and acrid sensation in the throat. Violent hawking up of thick mucus which constantly collects again. Great thirst for cold water. Hungry in the afternoon, with a sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Weakness of digestion ; hypochondriacal humor. Frequent sour eructations. Nausea and vomiting. Painful contractions in the stomach. Gnawing and pressure in the stomach, better after eating. Hard, bloated, swollen abdomen. Loud rumbling of flatus in the abdomen. Frequent passage of fetid, sour-smelling flatus. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Stools watery, yellow and discharged with a gush. Frequent micturition. Violent pressure in the region of the bladder. Urine becomes turbid and deposits a yellow mucus. Urine smells sour or like a hare's urine. Induration of the cervix uteri. Movements in the uterus, like the motion of a foetus. Hoarseness with roughness in the chest. Dryness of the larynx. Cough with expectoration of salty, purulent, greenish pus. Palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side, or when going up- stairs. Momentary pain in the small of the tack. Tension and drawing between the scapulae. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Pains in the shoulder joints. Contractions of the fingers. The skin of the hands is dry, cracked and chapped. Great heaviness of the lower limbs. Cramps in the calves of the legs. Ankles weak and turn easily. Heaviness of the feet. Pricking in the soles of the feet. Coldness of the feet. Smarting and soreness between the toes. Most of the symptoms appear while sitting and go off on motion. She suffers great debility after any exertion. Great liability to take cold. Aggravations. — During full moon ; during a thunder-storm, and after the slighest exertion. NATRUM CHLOE.— NATRUM MUE. 232 NATRUM CHLORINATUM. (labarraque's liquid.) Dr. E. T. Cooper {British Journal of Homoeopathy, October, 1872,) has found this remedy, in the first attenuation, of great service for debilitated women suffering from leucorrhcea, prolapsus uteri, or metrorrhagia, accompanied with inter-capsular and vertebral neu- ralgia. NATRUM MURIATICUM. (CHLORIDE OF SODIUM. COMMOX SALT.) Menstruation. — Too late, too scanty and of too short duration. Menses too early and too profuse. Menses scanty during inflamma- tory affections about the heart. Suppressed menses, especially in young girls. Retention of the otherwise regular menses. Difficulty in the appearance of the first menses. Scanty and delaying menstru- ation is a characteristic of this salt. Jahr says : "Primary effect, shortening of the menses j secondary effect, extension.'''' Menstrual blood dark and flowing day and night. Before Menstruation. — Tendency to faint. Terrible sadness. Great anxiety. Attacks of melancholy. Irascible mood. Headache. Aching pains in the head. Heaviness of the eyes. Palpitation of the heart. Quahnishness, with sweetish taste rising to the month, especially in the morning. Expectoration of bloody sputa (Phos., Bry., Puis., Zinc). Drawing pains or contractions in the hypogas- trium. Sore burning in the vagina. Burning, cutting or tearing in the uterus. During Menstruation. — Gloomy and anxious. Terrible sad- ness. Great inclination to sleep in the daytime. Sleeplessness at night. Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams of robbers in the house. Great lassitude and trembling. Violent headache on waking in the morning. Pressing headache. Faceache. Cold cheeks and internal heat, with healache and fainting. Heat in the face in the evening. Twitching of the eyelids; this symptom occurs also during preg- 233 NATKUM MURIATICUM. nancy. Sudden vanishing of sight. Lancinating and tearing tooth- ache, especially in the open air. Palpitation of the heart. Heaviness in the abdomen. Stitches from the loins into the uterus. Crampy colic in the hypogastrium. Burning and cutting pains in the groins when urinating. High fever at night with burning thirst and com- plete loss of sleep. Sweet risings from the stomach. Accumulation of bloody saliva in the mouth. Menses too profuse and attended with colic, the discharge being black, flowing day and night, and sometimes accompanied with frequent shivering and yawning, great heaviness of the eyes, and intolerable sadness. Menkes too early, either too profuse or too scanty and accompanied with a sensation, when stooping, as though the forehead would split. Headache aggravated by coughing or sneezing. Menses too late, too scanty, and of too short duration, with tightness of, and determination of blood to, the head, or a raw, sore pain in the bowels. After Menstruation. — Headache. Dullness and heaviness in the head, as from congestion. Stinging and cutting pains in the head. Impatient and hasty. Paleness of the face ; yellow com- plexion. Twitchings before going to sleep. Difficult respiration. Palpitation of the heart. Aversion to sexual intercourse, with dry- ness and rawness of the vagina during sexual embrace. After an embrace, great irritability aud sadness. Mucous diarrhoea with headache and colic. Bearing-down pressure, as from prolapsus, with inclination to sit down, worse in the morning. Itching at the vulva. Pimples on the pubes, and falling off of the hair. Profuse leucor- rhoea, with contractions in the abdomen. Amenorrhoea. — At each menstrual period, intolerable sadness and melancholy. Hurriedness with anxiety. Qualmishness at the stomach for a few hours each morning, with sweet or insipid risings from the stomach and spitting of bloody saliva. Frequent fluttering of the heart. Nightly fever with thirst and sleeplessness. Stinging and tearing pains in the teeth. Tongue covered with small blisters. Mapped tongue. Constipation, with large, difficult stools. Aversion to sexual intercourse, which is painful from dryness of the vagina. Chlorotic and scrofulous symptoms. Sleep disturbed by vivid and XATRUM MURIATICUM. 234 painful dreams of robbers. Headache of school girls. She awakens every morning with headache. Complains of great debility and excessive thirst. Cutting pains in the urethra after urination. In chlorosis, difficult appearance of the first menses; feel as if they -were coming on, but they do not come. Leucorrhcea. — Profuse thick, white, transparent leucorrhoea. Acrid leucorrhcea, attended with itching and smarting of the vulva and contractive pain in the abdomen. Yellowish or greenish dis- charge, especially when walking, in the morning. Leucorrhoea with headache, colic, and mucous diarrhoea. Leucorrhoea lasting only a few hours. Acrid pain during leucorrhoea. Bearing-down pressure as though prolapsus would take place. Cutting pain in the urethra after urinating. Itching of the vulva. Pimples on the pudendum and falling off of the hair. Aversion to sexual intercourse. Irri- table and irascible mood after sexual embrace. Concomitants. — Melancholy mood. Sad and dejected mood, ag- gravated by consolation from friends. Terrible sadness during menstruation, with palpitation of the heart and morning headache. Hurriedness with anxiety. Passionate vehemence ; she gets mad at trifles. Vertigo when rising from bed in the morning. Empty feeling in the head. Sleepiness in the daytime with sleeplessness at night. In the morn- ing she feels unrefreshed, though having slept quite well. Sleep dis- turbed by vivid, frightful dreams ; dreams of robbers being in her room. Headache every morning on leaking, which goes off on walking about. Headache as if the head would burst. Emptinesss of the head, with great anguish. Heavy and pressive pain in the forehead above the eyes. Pine drawing or beating pain, to-and-fro in the fore- head, especially in sensitive young girls. Headache in school girls. Periodical headache. Headache with nausea. Failing off of the hair. Dim-sightedness ; letters and sewing become blurred when looking at them. Giving out of the eyes. Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects. Sensation as if sand were in the eyes, in the morning. 235 NATRUM MURIATIC UM. Itching in the eyes. Sensation as if the eyeballs were too large* Spasmodic contraction of the eyelids, in the evening. Vanishing of sight during menstruation. Buzzing, humming or roaring in the ears. Cracking in the ear when masticating. Discharge of pus from the ears. Nosebleed when stooping or when coughing. Fluent coryza. She easily takes cold in the head. Stoppage of the nose at night. Left wing of the nose painfully sore, swollen and hot. Yellow, pale, livid or swollen face. Redness of the left cheek. Sallow complexion. Face shiny, greasy looking. Pimples on the face. Eruptions at the corners of the mouth. Eruptions on the vermilion border of the lips. Lips dry, cracked and swollen. Pains in the tones of the face. Extreme sensitiveness of the teeth. Scorbutic affections of the gums. Bleeding of the gums. Throbbing toothache. Burning at the tip of the tongue. Heaviness of the tongue, with difficulty of speech. Blisters on the tongue. Tongue coated white. Mapped tongue. Dryness of the mouth, lips, and especially of the tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth. Water tastes putrid. Salty taste on the lips. Loss of taste. Excessive appetite. Aversion to bread and coffee. Longing for salt or bitter things ; wants oysters, fish, or milk. Unquenchable thirst. Sensation as of a plug in the throat. Acid eructations and malaise after eating. Water-brash. Heart- burn. Nausea immediately after a meal. Stitches in the hypo- chondrium. Flatulent colic. Cutting pain in the abdomen every morning. Constipation, stools hard, dry, and crumbling. Stools difficult to discharge. Stools mixed with blood. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Sensation of contraction in the rectum during stool ; hard feces, at first evacuated with the greatest exertion, which causes tearing in the anus so that it bleeds, and pains as if sore, afterward thin stools are also passed ; every other day she is constipated. Burn- ing and smarting in the anus and rectum during and after stool. NATRUM MUEIATICUM. 236 Pulsations in the rectum. Soreness at and around the anus when walking. Tetter at the anus. Frequent and strong desire to urinate, with profuse flow. Involun- tary urination when coughing or laughing. Brick -dust sediment in the urine. Cutting in the urethra after micturition. Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation (Calc. c). Pressing and pinching sensation toward the genital organs every morning, so much so that she has to sit down to prevent prolapsus uteri. Prolapsus uteri with aching in the lumbar region, better when lying on the back. Uterine cramps, with burning and cutting in the groins. Itching of the external genitals, with falling off of the hair. Dryness of the vagina. Aversion to sexual intercourse, which is painful from dryness of the vagina. Stitches extending from the region of the kidneys to the uterus, relieved by bending up, by pressure upon the abdomen or by sitting, aggravated in the morn- ing and when walking. Chlorosis in young girls with dead, dirty skin, frequent palpitation of the heart, oppression and anxiety in the chest. Hoarseness with dryness in the larynx. Voice weak. Exhaustion from talking. Out of breath on walking fast. Accumulation of mucus in the larynx. Morning cough. Tickling cough with hawking of mucus, especially in the morniug. Cough after going to bed. Cough with expectoration of bloody mucus. Palpitation of the heart from the least exertion, also when lying on the left side Fluttering of the heart with weak, faint feeling, worse when lying down. Intermittent pulse. Valvular disease of the heart. Pulsative pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back token attempting to rise up. Pain in the ba*ck is relieved by lying on something hard. Feeling in the sacral region as if beaten or bruised. Trembling of the hands. The fingers go to sleep. Languor and heaviness of the hands. Twitching of the muscles of the thighs. Painful contractions of the ham-strings. Restlessness of the legs; 237 NATRUM SULPHURICTTM. must move them constantly. Heaviness of the legs and feet. Dis- agreeable burning of the feet when walking. Cold feet. Feet go to sleep. Limbs feel weak and as if. bruised. Itching and pricking of the skin. Nettle rash, after exercise. Skin dirty-colored, withered, in chlorosis. Continuous chilliness from morning till noon. Sweats easily from exertion. Loses flesh while living well. Easily fatigued. Great prostra- tion. Hysterical debility, worse in the morning. Chronic or hys- terical spasms coming on during full moon. Natrum muriaticum is especially applicable to those cases of uterine diseases that have been subjected to topical applications of Nitrate of Silver, and also to complaints of old women. NATRUM SULPHURLCUM. (SULPHATE OF SODA.) Menstruation. — -Retarded and scanty, with colic and constipa- tion. Profuse menses, particularly in the afternoon. Menses profuse the second day only. Profuse, acrid, corrosive menses, the first two days. Menstrual discharge makes the thighs sore. Menstrual blood acrid, corrosive, and flowing profusely the first days ; during the last days, the period lasting longer than usual, discharge of large lumps of coagulated blood. Before Menstruation. — Violent epistaxis; stops and returns often. During Menstruation. — Colic, with scanty menses and con- stipation of the bowels ; stools hard, knotty, streaked with blood, ac- companied and succeeded by great smarting at the anus. Chilliness in the afternoon. Pinching in the abdomen early in the morning in bed. On the third day, a white, bloody mucus makes its appearance instead of blood. Sore throat. Burning of the palate, as if raw and sore. Leucorrhoea. — Setting in at the termination of the menses. Leucorrhcea accompanied with great heaviness. Sticking pain in the NATRUM SULPHURICUM. 238 vagina and vulva, in the afternoon while sitting. Acrid, corrosive, mucous discharge from the vagina. Concomitants. — Sadness ; inclined to weep. Music makes her sad. Inability to think. Vertigo after a meal. Drowsiness in the daytime, especially when reading. Anxious, frightful dreams, disturbing sleep. # Periodical attacks of pressure in the right side of the forehead. Heaviness in the head. Feeling of looseness of the brain. Burning in the eyes. Discharge of burning water from the eves. Sight dim ; eyes weak. Dryness of the eyes. Nosebleed during menstruation. Sneezing and fluent coryza. Pale complexion. Itching of the face. Dryness of the upper lip. Burning in the gums. Roof of the mouth sore to touch. Burn- ing blisters on the tongue. Palate burns as if the skin was broken, especially during menstruation. Frequent constriction of the throat. Dryness of the throat. Great thirst for cold water. Loss of appetite with much thirst. Constant rising of sour water. Vomiting, first of sour, then bitter, fluid. Beating pain in the stomach, with nausea. Pinching in the ab- domen. Digging pains in the abdomen. Hard, knotty stools, streaked with blood, preceded and accompa- nied by smarting in the anus. Diarrhoea preceded by pains in the groins and hypogastrium. After stool, burning in the anus. Copious micturition, with brick-dust sediment. Sexual organs inflamed, swollen, and covered with vesicles the size of lentils, filled with purulent matter. After sunset, oppressed feeling in the chest, and feeling as of a ball in the throat, with hysterical crying. Shortness of breath when walking. Air-hunger; she wants constantly to inflate her lungs. Stitches in the left chest. Cough, compelling her to sit up and hold her chest with both hands. Pain in the small of the back. The back feels bruised. Pain in the sacrum; cannot lie on either side. Trembling or twitching of the hands. Violent pain in the hips. Great languor of the feet. 239 NICCOLUM. NICCOLUM. (OAKBONATE OF NICKEL.) Menstruation. — Too late and too scanty. Too scanty and of too short duration. Exceptionally too early and too scanty. During Menstruation. — Bloated abdomen. Colic. Pain in the small of the back. Great debility. Burning in the eyes. Leucorrhoea. — Especially after menstruation. Profuse, watery leucorrhcea after urinating. Concomitants. — Apprehensive and despondent. Low-spirited. Easily vexed and made angry. Constant good humor and joyous mood. All passions remain quiet. Great restlessness, worse at night, is compelled to change her position continually, with vomiting and colic, after suppressed menstruation. Sleeplessness from over -wakefulness. Great vertigo in the morning. Pressure on the vertex, as with a hand. Heaviness in the forehead with sense of reeling. Pain, as if bruised, in the whole head. Violent itching in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, especially toward evening. Vision very much impaired, especially in the even- ing. Objects appear too large. Stinging, tearing and soreness at the root of the nose. Redness and swelling of the tip of the nose, with burning. Feeling of swelling and heaviness of the face. Right side of the face is red and hot. Twitchings of the upper lip. Teeth feel loose and elongated. Swelling of the gums. Fetid smell from the mouth. Stiffness of the tongue, making it difficult to talk. Sore throat, from morning till evening. Stitches in the throat on swallowing. Aversion to meat. Violent thirst, day and night. Hiccough. Sickness at the stomach, with sour eructations. Burning in the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach. Flatulent distention of the abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, succeeded by soft stool. NITRIC ACID. 240 Diarrhoea, with yellow, mucous stools, expelled with great force and much flatulence. Diarrhma after drinking milk. Itching and burning in the anus, after stool. Itching of the pudendum, relieved by rubbing. Nightly cough from tickling in the trachea. Sudden hoarseness after exposure to wind. Shortness of breath. Painfulness of the chest. Pain or cracking in the neck when moving it. Pain in the small of the back. NITRIC ACID. (aqua fortis.) Menstruation. — Too early and too profuse. Delayed and pro- fuse. Too early and too scanty, are like muddy water, with palpitation of the heart. Menses suppressed. Menstruation irregular. Uterine haemorrhage from over bodily exertion. Menstrual blood dark-colored and thick. Menses thick, brownish, flesh-colored, offeusive and runs into leucorrhcea. Profuse, browm, offensive discharge, between the irregular menses. Before Menstruation. — Headache. Bruised feeling or lame- ness in the limbs one day previous to the commencement of the flow. Violent crampy pains in the hypogastrium and sides. Violent throb- bing pain in the small of the bach and nape of the neck, just before the menses appear. Uterine colic. During Menstruation. — Great weakness, she is scarcely able to breathe, and has to lie down. Headache. Toothache. Burning in the eyes. Swelling of the gums. Palpitation of the heart. Pressure in the hepatic region. Distention of the bowels. Violent cramp-colic in the hypogastrium as if it would burst, with eructations and con- stant desire to move about. Violent bearing-down pains in the loioer part of the abdomen, as though everything would be pressed out of the vulva, with pain in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs. Soon after the menses appear violent palpitation of the heart, with anguish, heat and trembling of the limbs. Pains in the 241 NITRIC ACID. sides, and pulling in the thighs and legs. Fetid urine. Urine stains her linen brown. After Menstruation. — Leucorrhcea of greenish mucus, or brown water. Profuse, brown, offensive discharge between the irregular menses. Metrorrhagia. — After abortion or accouchement with violent downward pressure, and a sensation as if the pelvic contents would be forced out of the vulva, with pains in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs. Leucorrhoea. — After the menses a greenish, watery discharge. Leucorrhcea of flesh-colored mucus. Cherry-brown, watery, greenish mucus and fetid leucorrhcea. Leucorrhoea ropy, stringy, moderately thick, brown, quite offensive and very acrid, after five or seven days it becomes thinner. Acrid, offensive discharge of brown water. Discharge of mucus which can be drawn out in long strings. Offensive discharge from syphilitic ulcerations. Itching and soreness of the vulva. Stitches in the vagina, shooting upward. Violent pruritus, always coming on toward evening, sometimes when walking. Violent pressure in the lower abdomen, as if everything would be forced out of the vulva, with pains in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Takes cold easily, which aggravates the pruritus and leucorrhoea. Concomitants. — Sadness and despondency. Great nervousness and excitability. Tired of life, indifferent, joyless. Vexed at trifles^ Weakness of memory, with aversion to mental exercise. Drowsiness in the daytime. Difficulty in going to sleep. Shocks on dropping to sleep. Sleep restless and unrefreshing. On waking- feels as if she had not slept enough. Vertigo, especially in the morning, obliging her to lie down. Great sensitiveness to noises. Headache in the morning on waking, going off on rising. Fulness of the head. Heat in the head. Drawing pain in the right temple. Headache as if the head were tightly bound up. Scurfy, humid eruptions on the scalp. Falling off of the hair* Painful sensitiveness of the scalp. 15 NITRIC ACID. 242 Black spots before the eyes. Double vision. Obscuration of sight while reading. Eyes sensitive to light. Stitches in the eyes. Fistula lachrymalis. Her voice echoes in her ears. Swelling of the glands behind and beneath the ear. Offensive, purulent otorrhcea. Stitches as from a splinter in the nose. Violent itching of the nose. The tip of the nose becomes red and covered with scurfy vesicles. Itching herpes on the wings of the nose. Bleeding of the nose at night. Disagreeable smell in the nose on inhaling air. Fetid, yellow discharge from the nose. Soreness, burning and scurf in the nose. Complete obstruction of the nose, it is dry and stuffed up. Dry coryza, with dryness of the throat. Fluent coryza, with obstruction of the nose. The mucus is only discharged through the posterior nares. Yellow face, particularly around the eyes, with red cheeks. Face pale with sunken eyes. Dark-yellow, almost brown, complexion. Bloated around the eyes early in the morning. Pimples on the face and forehead. Scurfy pustules on the face. Black pores on the face. Lips cracked. Little ulcers in the red part of the lips. Ulcers at the corners of the mouth. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth become yellow or loose. Pulsating pains in the teeth, especially at night. Teeth feel elongated. Sensitiveness of the tongue. Blisters on the tongue. Pimples on the sides of the tongue. Deep, irregular ulcers on the tongue. Tongue coated white. Tongue and cavity of the mouth have a yellow look. Foul odor from the mouth. Gums white, swollen, bleeding. Bloody saliva in the mouth. Profuse floiv of saliva. Corners of the mouth ulcerated. Great dryness of the mouth and throat. Swelling of the throat internally with stinging pains. Pricking in the throat as from a splinter. Tonsils red, ulcerated, swollen. Sticking, painful sore throat. Continuous thirst. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating. Sour taste with burning in the throat. Aversion to meat and bread. Long- ing for fat, herring, chalk, lime, earth. Loss of appetite. Constant nausea with heat in the throat. Sour taste and vomit- ing when eating. Sour eructations. After eating, fulness in the 243 NITRIC ACID. stomach and languor. Bitter and sour vomiting. Fat food causes nausea and acidity. Nausea with anxiety and trembling. Pressure in the stomach. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Burning sensation in the stomach. Pressure and tension in the Tegion of the liver. Cutting pains in the abdomen, in the morning. Burning over the whole abdomen. Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands. Burning sensation in the rectum. Diarrhoea, with great pain during and after stool, as though the anus was fissured. Painful stool, with profuse discharge of blood, the pain lasts a long while and is very exhausting. Constipation, stools dry, difficult, irregular. Old haemor- rhoidal tumors secreting much slime and bleeding freely. Itching and burning in the rectum. Prolapsus ani, with much pain and smarting. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge. The urine has -an intolerable strong smell like that of a horse. Fetid urine. The urine feels cold as it passes. Soreness in the vagina. Burning ulcers in the vagina. Ex- crescences on the cervix uteri. Stitches up the vagina, or from within outward, when walking in the open air. Itching, swelling and burn- ing of the vulva and vagina. Voluptuous itching in the vagina, especially after an embrace. Violent bearing-down pain as though the whole pelvic viscera would be pressed out of the vulva. Cancer of the uterus. Irritation and inflammation of the labia majora and vagina. Prolapsus uteri. Hard nodes in the mammae. Atrophy of the mammae. Dry, barking cough, from tickling in the larynx and pit of the stomach, worse at night and when lying down. Stitches and sore- ness in the chest. She loses her breath and speech, she is so weak, from uterine derangements. Palpitation of the heart and anguish, on going up-stairs. Pain in the small of the back. Numbness, trembling or tingling of the right forearm. Pain in the buttocks. Lameness and sore- ness of the tibia. Tearing pain in the lower extremities at night. NITRUM.— XUX JUGLANS. 244 Foul-smelling foot sweat. Profuse perspiration on the soles, causing soreness of the toes and balls of the feet. Chilblains. Skin dry, dirty. Blood-boils. Carbuncles. Ulcers bleed when touched. Excessive physical irritability. Great general weakness, she is obliged to lie down often. Aggravations. — In the evening and at night. Ameliorations. — From eructation ; while riding in a carriage. Nitric acid is used as an antidote for all diseases of a mercurial origin. It is especially suitable for lean persons, with dark com- plexion, black hair and eyes, and also for old ladies. NITRUM. See Kali nitricum. NUX JUGLANS. (EUROPEAN WALNUT.) Menstruation. — Too early, too profuse and of too long duration. The discharge is abnormal and blackish, often containing large, dark lumps or clots. Before Menstruation. — Which comes too soon ; violent press- ing and drawing pains in the uterus. Concomitants. — General lassitude of body. Indolence of mind. Disinclination for work. Frequent yawning. Uneasy sleep ; sleep disturbed by many dreams. Confusion and heaviness in the head. Headache over the left eye. White-coated tongue in the morning. Great fulness and heaviness in the stomach. Continuous desire to urinate, with profuse discharge. Violent pain in the small of the back. ~2Vo NUX MOSOHATA. NUX MOSCHATA. (NUTMEG.) Menstruation. — Irregular both in regard to time and quantity. Menses too late, sometimes too early. The discharge is dark and thick. Menorrhagia, blood thick and dark in women subject to irregular menstruation. Menses scanty or suppressed, from fright, from over- exertion, from cold or from debility. Leucorrhcea in place of the menses. Menses suppressed. Before Menstruation. — When the menses are delayed and preceded by pain in the small of the hack, headache, great weariness, pressure at the stomach, water- brash, pressure in the abdomen, pull- ing pains in the limbs, and pain in the region of the liver. Menses preceded by a peculiar pain in the small of the back, as from a stick lying across the back being pressed from within outward. Pains in the uterus. Excessive tendency to laughter. During Menstruation. — Unconquerable drowsiness. Lassi- tude. Headache. Excessive tendency to laughter, especially when out in the open air. Intolerable dryness of the mouth, tongue and throat ; at times the tongue becomes so dry that it adheres to the roof of the mouth, especially after sleeping. Irregular red patches on the face and neck. Pressure in the abdomen. Bearing-down in the abdomen. Pressing in the stomach with running of water from the mouth. Cramps low down in the abdomen. Sharp stitches in the left lower abdomen, worse when sitting. Pains in the uterus at the onset of the menses. Irritability about the pelvic viscera at each menstrual period, the uterus and ovaries are much swollen and sensitive to pres- sure. Tension in the hypogastrium. Pains in the region of the liver. Straining in the hypogastrium, and drawing pains in the limbs. Pains from the small of the back downward. Pain in the small of the back, as if a piece of wood were lying across it and being pressed from ivithin outward. Weakness of the limbs. Violent dysmenor- rhea accompanied with clonic spasms, delirium and stupor, during w Concomitant Symptoms. Head, dizziness of: See Vertigo. enlarged, feels: Arg. n., glon. forehead, perspiration on : Phos., verat. a. , pains in : See Headache, frontal. full of absurd ideas: Strain., verat. a. , feels too: Arg. n., bell., cede, c, eupion, glon. kul Av heat in : Apis, eirn,, bell, cede, c, carbo an., canst, ign., ipec., h., lye, magn. c., niagn. s. , with cool extremities: Am., bell. heaviness of: Calc. c, ign., kali c., magn. c. f magn. .v. and vertigo : Gale. c. humming in: Brom., kreas. , increased by motion : Kreat large, feels too: Arg. n., glon. movements of, twitching, jerking, etc.: Cieuta. numbness in the brain, sensation of: Plat. pains in. as if pierced by a nail : Arm, ign,, mix v. , coming on gradually and as gradually declining: )., plat., xtann. , suddenly and suddenly subsiding : Bell. perspiration on : Cham., mere, phos., verat. a. pressure in : Cyel., sepia. fore part of : Bell., bry., eupion, sepia, stanm, stilpb. , from within outward : Kreas. pulsating in, painless: Eupion. rush of blood to : See Head, congestion to the. stabbing in : Apis. stupefaction of: Cyel., ham. swaying in : Cub. lop of (vertex), burning in : Ltnoh., jphos., sulph. , coldncsG on : Vered. a. , heat in : Sulph. , pain in, as if a nail were driven into : Nux v , tearing in, at night: Laur. 417 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Head, top of, pressure on: Calc. a, castor, nux v. , tightness in : Lye., nat. m., plios. , trembling of : Ant. c., cinnab., cicuta, cub. Hearing, hardness of : Calc. c, Jcreas., mang. , sensitiveness of : Hyper., magn. c, nux v. Heart, anguish about the : Bell., vibur. , fluttering of the : Lil. tig. , pains in : Cact., con., lil. tig. , palpitation of the : Aeon., agar., alum., bary., bufo, cact., cycl., graph., ign., iod., lach., lil. tig., mosc, nat. c, nat. m., nit. ac, phos., puis., sepia, spong., sulph., thuja, trill. , , at night : Oact. , , when lying on the left side : Cact. f , with anguish : Nit. ac. , , trembling and numbness : Plat. Heart-burn: Sulph. ac. Heat, feverish : Aeon., ses. hip., bell., carbo an., gels., graph., helon., mere, nux v., phos., sepia, sulph. , flushes of : Lach., sulph., sang. , vital, lack of : Ledum. Hemicrania : See Head, pains in ; also Headache, semilateral. Hepatic region, pains in : Aloe, nit. ac, nux m., phos. ac, puis. Hips, bones of, pains in : Calc. c. , lameness in : Lach., nat. c. , pains in, bruised : Lach., nat. c. , , tearing : Nat. c. , sensation in, as if they were falling to pieces : TrilL Hoarseness : Graph., mang., spong. and cough through the day : Graph. Hot and thirsty, pains make her : Cham. Humor, ill- : Castor., caust., cham., lye, magn. m., mix v- Hurry, always in a great : Sulph. ac. Hypochondriacs : Calc. c, con., curare, mosc, nux v., sulph.. Hypogastrium, colic in: Act. rac, ham., kali h., nat. m., sulph. DURING MENSTRUATION. 418 Concomitant Symptoms. Hypogastrium, contractions in : Sulph. , cramps in: Act. rac., nit. ac., sulph., zinc. , gripings in : Kali h., sars. , left, borborygmus in : Lye. , pains in : Verat. a. . , contractive : Con. . , cramp-like : Cod. . . cutting : Senecio, sulph. . , pinching: Sulph. . — , sharp : Lil. tig. — , , stitching : Act. rac. , from, to rectum : Ars. — — . — — through the : Ham. . pressure in : Kali h., magn. a, nat. c. , , as if everything would issue from the abdomen : Nat. c. , straining in : Nux m. , tearing in : Lach. , tender : Act. rac. , tension in : Nux m. ■ , tightness about, cannot bear: Cede, c, lach., lye, nux v. (com- pare Abdomen). Hysterical: Act. rac, caust., liyos., nux m., stram., verat. a. Ideas, absurd, head full of : Stram., verat. a. Iliac region, left, pains in, compelling her to lie down : Thuja. , pains in, pinching : Com, magn. m. Ill-humor : See Humor, ill-. Impatient: Gham., nux v. Improvement of temper : Cycl., stann. Indifference : Rhod., sepia. even toward her own family : Sepia. Intellect, dullness of : Kali b., phos. Intolerance to noise and light: Borax, ign., nux v. 419 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Irritability : Act. rae, berb., bry., caust., cliam., cina, kali e, eupion, kreas., magn. s., nat. in., nux v., plat., sulph. Itching of the whole body : Kali c. , voluptuous : Coff. Jealous: Lach. Killed, begs to be : Plat. Kidneys, region of, pains in : Anath., herb., helon. Knees, pains in, drawing : Zinc. , , when walking: Magn. c. (compare Extremities, lower). Labia, blotches on : Staph. , burning of : Carbo v., kali c, kreas., silicea. , eruptions on : Aur., clulc, staph. , hardness of : Merc. , heaviness and enlargement, sensation of : Murex. , herpetic spots on : Dulc. , inflammation of: Aeon., bell., calc. c, nit. ac, mere, nux v., sepia, sulph. , irritation of : Amm. c, bry., calc. c, carbo v., con., dulc, graph., hepar, lye, mere, nat. m., nit. ae, nux v., phos., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph. ■ , itching on : All. sat., amb., amm. c, calc. e, car bo v., caust., con., dulc, kali b., kali c, kreos., lye, pet. , inside of : All. sat., kreas. , nodes on the : Calc. e, mere, phos. , pain between when urinating : Con., kreas. , , sharp, running arouud each labium : Lye. , pimples on : Con., graph., kali e, mere, nat. m. , redness of : Bell., carbo v., mere, nux v., sepia, sulph. , sensitiveness of : Coff., mere — , smarting on inside of : All. sat. , soreness of : Amb., carbo v., kali b., kali e, graph., sulph. , sore spots like little ulcers on : Carbo v. , swelling of : Amb., amm. e, bry., carbo an,, con., kali b., DURING MENSTRUATION. 4*0 Concomitant Symptoms. kreas., lach., mere, secale, sepia, sulph., thuja (compare Genital Organs, external Pudendum and Vulva). Lachrymation : Chin., euph., phyto. in the morning : Calc. c. Languor, general : Helon., ign. Larynx, spasms of : Caul., cocc. Lasciviousness : Hyos. Lassitude: Agar., bell., borax, bovis., calc. c, caust., graph., helon., ign., iod., kali c, lye, magn. c, magn. m., nat. m., nux m., nux v., phos., sepia, sulph. (compare Weakness). Laughter, especially when in the open air : Nux m. , excessive : Nux m. , loud, convulsive, silly : Act. rac, hyos. Legs : See Extremities, lower. Leucorrhoea : Alum., ars., borax, carb. ac, carlo v., chin., con., iod., magn. m. } mere, phos. , burning : Merc. , excoriating : Carbo v. , greenish : Carbo v. , mild : Merc. , milky: Calc. e, carbo v., con., puis. , mucous : Carbo v. , profuse : Calc. e, carbo v. , smarting: Con., mere, silicea, sulph. , stool during: Magn. m. , thick : Bovis., carbo v., con., pod. , urinating, while : Magn. m. , whitish : Calc. e, carbo v., con., mere, phos., puis. , yellowish : Carbo v., ign., sepia (see chapter on Leucorrhoea). Lie down, constant desire to : Bell., ipec, nit. ac. Life, loathing of : Berb. Light, bright, desire for : Stram. , , intolerance of : Ign., nux v. Lips, paleness of : Cycl., ferr. 431 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Lips, dryness of : Bry., magn. c. ■, swelling of : Phos. Liver, region of, pain in: Aloe, nit. ac., mix m.,p7ws. etc., puis. Loins, fatigue in : Cub. , lameness in : Bary. , pains in : Aeon., aloe, amm. c., berb., borax, calc. c, carbo v., caust., iod., lacli., lye, nat. m., puis., sulpb. -, , cutting : Caust. , dragging : Ferr. , extending to left hypochondrium and tbighs : Sang. , neuralgic : Kalm. , pressing to privates: Lack. stitching to uterus : Nat m. tearing: : Caust. weariness in : Cab. (compare Back). Loquacious : Grlon., strain., verat. a. Low-spirited: Amm. c, ign., lye, nat. m., puis., stann (see Mood). Lumbar region, pain in : Ham. , , extending over the whole body : Berb. (com- pare Back, pains in). Malaise, general : Curare, bufo. Malar bone, severe pain in : Stann. Mammae, dwindling of : Con., iod., lac d. engorgement of : Dulc. hardness of : Con. induration of: Carbo an. lumps in, like marbles : Lac c. milk in : Merc. pains in: Calc. c, con., iod., phos., sang. , acute : Iod. , darting : Iod. , sore : Helon., lac c, zinc. , stinging : Con. , stitching, worse at night: Con. TURING MENSTRUATION. 422 Concomitant Symptoms. Mammae, pains in, ulceration, as from : Merc. sensitive : Con., helon., thuja. , stitches in : Canst., con., phos. , under left : Caust. , swelling of : Calc. c, dulc, con., helon., thuja. Mania : Sepia, stram. Meloncholy : See Mood, melancholy. Menopause, during the, flushes of heat to the face : Glon., lach. , ■ , great commotion in the abdomen : Crocus, cycl., mix v. , during the, swelling of the feet : Lach. Mental disturbance great: Aeon., bell., cham., coff., verat. a. condition, great improvement in : Stann. Micturition : See Urination. Moaning : Oicuta, coca, coloa, stram. Modesty, devoid of : Hyos. Mood, anxious: Bell., calc. a, canth., igu., kali c, magn. a, mere, nat. m., phos., secale. , dejected : Aur. (see Melancholy). , despairing : Graph., lac a, senecio, sulph., thuja, verat. a. , of her salvation : Sulph., verat. a. , hilarious : Aeon. , irascible : Aeon., nat. c. , irritable : Act. rac., berb., bry., caust., cham., cina, eupion, kali a, kreas., magn. s., nat. m., mix v., plat., sulph. , meditative : Senecio. — — , melancholy : Act. rac., amm. c, aur., berb., brom., cact., calc. a, igu., mur. ac, nat. c., nat. m., plat., plumb., puis., senecio, sepia, silicea, thuja, zinc. , in the morning : Sepia. , , with palpitation of the heart: Nat. m. -, peevish : Berb., caust., cham., magn. a, mere. -, quarrelsome : Nux v. -, suspicious : Plat. 423 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Mood, variable : Aeon. , weeping : Act. rae, ars., cact., con., cycl., ign., lye, phos., plat., ptds.j secale, sepia, thuja, verat. a., zinc. Mons veneris, coldness of : Plat. sensitive, she cannot wear a napkin : Plat. , soreness of : Bovis. Morning sickness : Graph,, pet., puis. Motion, downward, she cannot bear : Borax. Mouth, accumulation of water in : Agar., magn. c, nat. c, nux m., mix v., phyto., puis. bloody saliva in the : Nat. m. distortion of the : Sulph. dryness of : Bry., mosc, nux. m. odor from, foul : Sepia. taste in, acid : Lye. , bad, morning especially : Puis. , bitter: Caul., cbel. , flat : Kali c, magn. c. , fonl : Kali c, mosc, sepia. , insipid : Magn. c. , salty : Merc. , sour : Oalc. c, lye, sulph. saliva in, bloody : Nat. m. water running from : Agar., nux m., puis. Music, cannot bear : Nat. c. Nasal catarrh : Alum., amm. c, amm. in., cub., graph., halt c, magn. c. Nausea : Amm. m., ant. c, arm, bell., borax, bry., calc. c, canth., carbo v., cham., chel., coca, cup., eupion, gels., graph., hyos., ipec, kali b., kali c, lob., lye, magn. c, nat. c, nat. m., nux v., phos., puis, sepia, vibur. after eating : Kali c. , bed, on sitting up in : Bry., cocc. , cooking, from the smell of : Sepia. DURING MENSTRUATION. 424 Concomitant Symptoms. Nausea, constant: Ipec. , food, from the sight of : Mosc. , , smell of : Colch. in the epigastrium : Am. . morning: Graph., mix v., puis., sepia. , nocturnal : Puis. obliging her to lie down : Phos. on sitting up in bed : Bry. , pillow, on raising her head from the : Bry. , with chilliness: Nux v. , cramps : Puis. j fainting : Cocc, nux v. , prostration, excessive : Nat. c. , vomiting: Ars., cocc, puis. , after eating or drinking : Ars. , and cramps : Puis. , weakness and trembling : Graph. Navel, pains about, cutting: Ipec, kreas., plumb. , . extending to the legs: Nux m. , , toward the uterus : Ipec. Neck, itching about: Magn. c. . nape of, pains in, tearing : Magn. c. , , , throbbing : Nit. ac. , , tension of : Berb. Nerve, genito-crural, pains along the: Xan. Nervousness : Aeon., apis, ars., bell., borax, calc. c, cham., cocc, coff., crocus, gels., hyos., ign., ipec, kali c, HI. tig., magn. m., mere, nat. c, mix v., phos., plat., puis., rhus, senecio, sepia, sulph., thuja. Neuralgia: Gels., kalm., verat. a., xan. (see Pains in particular organs or parts affected and Pains in general). Nightmare : Sulph. ac. Nipples, soreness of : Con. , tenderness of : Con. Noise, intolerance of all loud : Borax, ign., nux v. 425 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Nose, bleeding from the : Bry., lach., nat. s., sulph., verat. a. , coryza : Alum., amm. c, amm. m., cub., graph., kali c, magn.c. , coldness of : Verat. a. , itching, burning and redness of : Agar. , in: Cina, sulph. -, mucous discharge from, fetid : Sepia. -, saddle across the, yellow : Sepia. -, sneezing, frequent : Magn. c. Notions, fanciful, foolish, nonsensical : Hyos., phos., strain., verat. a. Numbness, general feeling of : Plat. Nymphomania : Hyos., verat. a. Occiput, pain starting from, spreads to the top of the head : Cede. c. , , upward and settles over the right eye : Sang. Odontalgia : Agar., amm. c, amm. m., ant. c, ars., bary., bell., bovis., calc. c, carbo v., chain., coff., graph., hyos., kali c, lach., magn. m., nat. m., nit. ac, phos., puis., rhod., sepia, staph., zinc, (compare Teeth, pains in). Odor, voluptuous, from the body : Stram. Old complaints, aggravation of : Nux v., puis. Oppression : Lye. Ophthalmia : Aeon., bell., cham., euph., hepar, ign., mere, nux v., puis., zinc. Os coccyx : See Coccyx. Os uteri, open : Ust. , , sensation as if it were : Lach. (see Uterus). Ovarian region, heaviness in : Apis. , pain in, burning and cutting when urinating : Nat. m. , -, cutting from right to left : Lye. , , drawing : Goss. , , labor-like, right side : Apis. , , lancinating : Borax, collin. ■ , , left : Lach., thuja, ust. DURING MENSTRUATION. 426 Concomitant Symptoms. Ovarian region, pain in, as if the parts were squeezed in a vise : Coloc. , , neuralgic : Collin. ■ , , pinching : Plat. , , pressing : Plat. , , pulling : Plat. 1 — , , radiating to sacrum: Arg. n. , , thighs : Arg. n., mix v. , . right: Apis, iod., sars. , , , burning: Kali n. , , cutting : Apis. , , labor-like : Apis. , , stinging : Apis. , to left : Lye, graph. , stinging : Apis, borax, graph., goss. pressure in : Lach., plat. pulling in : Plat. sensitive, right side : Iod., graph. soreness in : Helon. stinging in : Apis, borax, goss. stitches in : Borax, brom., biy., graph., ust. tenderness in, deep-seated : Apis. tension in : Ant. c. weight in : Apis, kali c. Ovaries, congestion of : Aeon., apis, bell., con., ham., iod., lach., HI. tig., plat., rhus, sabina, staph., sulph., thuja, zinc. , pains in: Apis, bell., collin., con., gels., iod., lach., lil. tig., sabad., thuja, ust. , , as if cut by knives : Sabad. , , boring : Zinc. — , , dull, extending from the right ovary to the uterus, as if a plug or wedge were driven from the ovary to the uterus : Iod. — , , cutting, right: Apis. — , , extending to hip and thighs : Lil. tig. — , , every few minutes : Ust. 427 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Ovaries, pains in, lancinating, right: Collin. j , or darting in the indurated and swollen left ovary : Graph. , , sharp, cutting or stinging, right : Apis. , , stitching : Ooloc, graph. , sensation as from a plug or wedge between the uterus and : Iod. , sensitive to pressure : Graph. , stitches in : Borax, coloc, graph., ust. , swollen : Apis, bell., collin., graph, (see Ovarian region, and compare Pains in general, during menstruation). Pains in general, dysmenorrhea : Aeon., act. rac, agar., alet., alum., amm. c, amm. m., anath., ant. c, apis, ars., asar.,bary., tell., hero., borax, bovis, brom., bry., each, calc. c, canth., carbo an., carbo v., caul., caust., cliam., chin., cicut., cinnab., cocc, coff., collin., coloc. > con., crocus, cup., ferr., gels., goss., graph., grat., ham., helon., hyos., hyper., ign,, ipec, iod., kali b., kali c, kali h., kali n., kalm., kreas., lach., laur., ledum, HI. tig., lob., lye, magu. c, magn. m., magn. s., mang., mere, mosc, murex, mur. ac, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nice, nit. ae, nnx j., lmxra., nuxv., ole. an., pet.,phos., phos. ae, phyto., plat., plumb., ^odi., puis., rhus, sabina, sang., secale, senecio, sepia, silicea, spong., strani., sulph., sulph. ae, thuja., vibur., verat. a., xan. aggravated, midnight, at : Ars. ■ , morning, in the : Bell. , motion, by : Bry. , nightly, from heat of the bed: Sulph., mere , sitting bent, when : Bell. , standing up, by : Sulph. , walking, while : Bell., bry. accompanied with chilliness : Verat. a. heat and thirst : Cham. numbness and tingling : Plat. ameliorated by exercise : Sulph. pressure, : Magn. m. DURING MENSTRUATION. 428 Concomitant Symptoms. Pains ameliorated by warm applications : Ars., nux v. when sitting erect : Bell. ■ standing : Bell. flow becomes free : Bell., lack., sepia, sulph. , as if the pelvic contents would be pressed ont : Ant. c, Ml, bovis, kali c, kreas., lack., 111. tig., nat. c, nit. ac, plat., sepia. — . bearing-down: Act. rac, aeon., agar., alet., aloe, amm. c, amni. m., ant. c, arg. n., asaf., bell., berb., borax, calc. c, caul., cham., chin., cina, con., cycl., ferr., gels., graph., hyos., ign., lack., mosc, nat. c, nit. ac, nux v., plat., puis., rhus, secede, sepia, sulph. — beginning in the left ovary: Lack. - — , biting: Carbo v., kali c, zinc. — , bruised : Arg. n., am., bry., carbo v., coff:., con., ign., kreas., nat. m., nux v., rata, silicea. — , burning : Ars., bry., canth., carbo v., caust., mere, nux v., phos., phos. ac, rhus, sepia, sulph. — cause her to weep : Act. rac, cact., cham., secale. heat and thirst: Cham. redness of the face and eyes : Bell. — come gradually and as gradually decline : Plat., stann. quickly and as quickly disappear : Bell. — commence with the flow : Act. rac. — compel her to bend double : Act. rac, aeon., coloc cry aloud : Cact., chain. — -, cutting : Apis, bell., calc. c, canth., carbo v., caust., coca, coloc, ferr., kali c, mere, nat. c, rhus, sepia, silicea. — , , from back to uterus : Helon. — , , uterus to sacrum : Calc ph. (compare Particular organs, pains in, cutting). — drive her to desperation : Act. rac, ars., coff., cham. frenzy : Ars. - double her up : Act. rac, aeon., colo. -, dull : Chin., dulc, hyos. -, living: Puis, 429 DURING MENSTRUATION . Concomstant Symptoms. Pains from abdomen to chest : Cup., mang. back : Carbo v. rectum : Eupion. back to hips : Gels. and down the thighs : Act. rac., kali c, nit. ac. groins : Am., sabina. uterus : Cham., helon., nat. m. San: kali c. small of, to groin : Arn. left hypogastrium and thighs : groins: Arn. legs: Arn., berb. pelvis: Plat. privates : Cham., lach., plat. pubes: SaUna. thighs : Act. rac, arn., berb., toe, great : Arn. uterus : Cham., helon., nat. m. groin outward and backward : Sepia. to back : Sulph. hypogastrium down the thighs : Nux v. to epigastrium : Ars. left iliac region down the thighs : Thuja. to right over pubes : Oalc. ph. ilium to ilium : Lil. tig. lumbar region throughout the body: Berb. occiput upward to spot over the right eye : Sang. vertex : Calc. c. ovaries to the thighs : Lil. tig. , left, to uterus: Ham. , right to left : Lye. , , uterus : Iod. DURING MENSTRUATION. 430 Concomitant Symptoms. Pains from ovaries to uterus : Iod., sepia. . right to left : Lye. sides to groins : Plat. stomach to small of back : Borax. ■ , pit of. to sacrum : Sars. ust. uterus down to lower extremities : Con., graph., mix v., the inner surface of the thighs : Ust. vertebra, last lumbar, to pubis: Sabina. within outward : Ign., lye. — , gnawing: Kreas., phos., plat, ruta, spoil g. — here and there throughout the body : Nat. c. — , hot and thirsty, make her : Cham. — increase till the now readies its height : Act. rac. it reaches its height and then gradually declines : Plat,, stann. — , jerking : Ars., bell., calc. c, chin., lye, pod., puis., sepia, silicea. — , labor-like: Act. rac, aeon., agar., alet., aloe, amm. c, amm. m., ant. c, arg. n., asaf., dell., berb., borax, calc. c, caul., chain., chin., cina, con., cycl., ferr., gels., graph., hyos., ign., lach., mosc, not. c, nit. ac, mix v. plat., puis., rhus, secale, sulph., sepia, ust. — , , as if the pelvic contents would be forced out : Ant. c, bell., bovis., kali c, kreas., lach., lit. tig., nab. c, nit. ac, plat., sepia. — , , extending to the rectum : Aloe. — , ■ , thighs : Aloe, ust. , , followed by swooning : Lye. make her hot and thirsty : Cham. , neuralgic : Gels., kalm., sang., verat. a., xan. . periodical : Cact., calc. c. — , pressing : See Pains, bearing-down. relieved by warm applications : Ars., nux m. hot, moist applications : Nux m. pressure : Magn. m. 431 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Pains, rheumatic : Act. rac, bry., calc. ph., caul., gels., rliocl., rhus. running down : Ms. hip., con., ipec, lach., nux v., ust. np: Lach., lye, phos., sepia. , spasmodic : See Particular organs, spasms in. stops suddenly : Act. rac, bell. tearing here and there : Lye, mere, nat. e, nit. ae, puis., rhus, silicea, staph., sulph., zinc. , throbbing, just behind the symphysis pubis: JEs. hip. throw her into convulsions : Act. rac. , wandering: Am., bell., lach., nux m., puis., rhus, sulph. which come and go quickly : Act. rac, tell. gradually and as gradually subside : Plat., stann. with diminution of the flow : Caul. vomiting : Verat. a. Palate, burning in : Mosc, nat. m . Paleness of the face : See Face. Palpitation of the heart : See Heart. Paralysis, partial : Plumb. Parts : See Genital organs. Peevish: See Mood, peevish. Pelvic vicera, congestion of blood to : See Uterus, congestion of. Periuseum, soreness in : Sepia. Person, wishes to expose her : Hyos. Perspiration : Ars., asar., bell., borax, graph., kreas., liyos., magn. e, secale, verat. a. after midnight : Borax. the least exertion : Agar. cold : Ars., phos., secale, verat. a. on the back and chest : Kreas. chest at night : Bell. forehead : Phos., verat. a. limbs : Secale. night at : Asar., bell., kali e, sulph. on the back : Kreas. DURING MENSTRUATION. 432 Concomitant Symptoms. Perspiration on the back and chest : Bell., kreas. , profuse : Hyos. Prolapsus ani : Aur., pod. uteri : See Uterus. Prostration, excessive: Aeon., am in. e, ars., brom., cact, carlo an., mere, nat. a, sepia, verat. a. (compare Weakness). Pruritus: See Genital organs, external, itching of ; and Pudendum, itching on. Pubes, pain from last lumbar vertebra to : Sabina. , over, from right to left : Calc. ph. , pimples on : Con. , pressure over : Calc. ph. , soreness across : Nux v. , throbbing behind: J£s. hip. , weight above : Bary. (compare Genital organs, external). Pudendum, apthse on : Carlo, v. , burning on : Amm. c, carlo, v., kali c, kreas., silicea. , , from the excoriating discharge : Carlo, v., kali c. — cold and sensitive : Plat. — , eruption on, gnawing : Nux v. — , , oozing a sticky fluid : Graph. - — , itching on : Agar., ami., amm. c, calc. c, carlo, v., caust., con., coff., kali I., kali c, kreas., lach., lye, mere, nat. m., pet., plat., sepia, silicea, sulph. ac, zinc. — , , from the excoriating discharge : Kali c. -, numb : Plat., niosc. -, pains in, from right to left : Lye. -, — — -, within outward : Lye. - sensitive: Coff., plat., staph. -, soreness of : Amb., bovis., coff., kali c. -j , from the excoriating discharge : Kali c. -, spots on, red : Carbo v. -, swelling of : Amm. c, carlo v., lye. 4oo DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Pudendum, ulcers on : Con., mere, (compare Genital organs, external, Labia and Vulva). Pulse full and hard : Aeon., ferr. slow : Kali c, kalm. small : Secale. Reappearance of the flow after it has once ceased : Kreas., Inch., nux v. an embrace : Kreas. excitement : Calc. c. exertion : Trill. with the full moon : Nux v. Rectum, burning in : Carbo v. , constriction in, sensation of : Oact. , contractions in : Cocc. , cramps in : Caul. , discharge of blood from : Amm. c, amm. m., graph,, ham.. lach. , mucus from : Lach. -, dragging-down sensation in the : Aloe. -, fulness in : Aloe, sepia. -, itching in : Carbo. v. -, pains in, labor-like : Aloe. -, , lancinating : Ars. -, , pulsating, after stool : Aloe. -, , spasmodic: Caul. -, prolapsus of : Aur., elaps., pod. -, , while at stool : Pod, -, stitches in : Ars. -, > extending to vulva : Ars. o , uneasiness in, as from a constant desire to defecate : Nux v. Restlessness : Aeon., apis, ars., bell., borax, calc. c, cliain., cocc, coff. y crocus, gels., hyos., ign., ipec, kali c, magn. m., mere, nat. c. ? nux v., phos., plat., puis., rlius, secale, sepia, sulph., thuja. 27 DURING MENSTRUATION. 434 Concomitant Symptoms. Restlessness at night : Rhus. , constantly changing her position: Apis, coff. , followed by fainting : Calc. c. from the heat of the bed : Opi. Reveries, anxious : Kali c, Rigors : Agar. Retching: See Nausea and Vomiting. Sacrum, burning across: Carbo v. , drawing from, forward : Cham. , pains in : Berb., ferr., lob., sang., senecio. , , burning : Carbo v., ferr. , , cutting: Senecio. , , drawing : Con., zing. , , pinching: Caust. , pressure in : Ferr. , soreness in : Spong. , weight in : Ferr. (compare Back and Coccyx). Sadness : See Mood. Saliva, profuse now of : Phyt. Salvation, great concern about her: Lil. tig., sulph., verat. a. Scrobiculus, sensation of contraction in : Cact. , depression in : Goss. Semen, her body smells of : Stram. Sensitive to external impressions : Lye, phos., plat. Sexual desire increased : Agar., bell., bufo, canth., chin., cina, coff., dulc, hyos., lach., mosc, mix v., plat., sulph. ac, verat. a. instinct without energy: Sepia. intercourse, apathy after: Sepia. — painful : Coff., ferr., kreas., sepia. repugnant: Graph., not. m. } pet. organs sensitive: Coff., plat, (see Genital organs). Shivering: Bell., bry., ipec, kali h., kreas., magn. c, nat. m., phos., puis., sepia, sulph. and heat : Sepia. 435 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Shivering on waking : Magn. c. Shoulder blades, drawing between : Silicea. , heat between : PJws. , itching between : Lach. , pain between : Silicea. 3 right, pain in : Lob., magn. c. , , ■ under lower angle of : Ghel. , itching about or between : Silicea (see also on Back). ac Sickness, morning : Graph., puis. Sides, distress in : lod. lameness in : Nux v. pains in : Bell, try., cliam., graph., iod., magn. m., nat. c, nit. pals., sulph., sulph. ac. , bearing-down : Ferr., verat. a. , colicky : Phos. , crampy : Bell. , drawing : Magn. c. , labor-like : Ferr., verat. a. , pressive : Carbo an. , pulling : Hyos. , to groins : Plat. Sighing and sobbing : Act. rac, ars., cocc, graph., ign., plat. Sight : See Eyes. Silly actions : Hyos. Skin, coldness and blueness of : Chin. , eruptions on: Apis, con., dulc, graph., hyos., kali c, pet. , , herpetic, here and there : Pet. , on the face : Dulc, nux m. , , oozing a sticky fluid : Graph. , , rash, nettle : Bell., kali c. , itching here and there : Agar. — — , of the whole body : Kali c. -, sensation of snakes running up and down under the : Lac c. -, spots on, like bee stings : Apis. DURING MENSTRUATION. 430 Concomitant Symptoms. Skin, stinging of the : Phos. , wax-colored : Apis. Sleep, angry exclamations during : Castor. , awakens from at 2 or 3 a. m. : Kali c. . , at, and cannot sleep after, four o'clock a. m. : 2vux v. . from, with suffocating spells: Spong. , awakens from, with violent starts: Bell., kali c, verat. a. . wild thoughts : Stram. — disturbed by dreams: Kali c, magn. c, nat. m. heat of the bed : Opi. pains in the back : Sepia. — . dreams anxious: Alum., calc. c, caust., con., kali c, magn. c. nat. c, nat. m., thuja. — , disagreeable : Kali c. — . of robbers in the house : Nat. m. — , jumps out of bed during : Cina. — , restless: Cina, kali c, rhus. — , compelling a frequent change of position to obtain a few moments relief : Rhus. — , screams out during: Castor., cina. — . sees imaginary objects during: Cina. — , tosses about during : Cina, kali c, rhus. — unrefreshius:. she is as tired in the morning as when retiring: at night: Magn. c. — , wakens from, at two or three o'clock a. m. : Kali c. — , at, and cannot sleep after, 4 o'clock a. m. : Nux v. — , often : Magn. c. — , with dizziness : Kali c. — , suffocative spells : Spong. — , violent starts : Bell., kali c. verat. a. — , wild thoughts: Strain. Sleeplessness : Aram, c, ign., magn. m., nat. m., senecio. after 3 a. m. : Calc. c. 4 a. m. is restless and must get up : Nux v. 437 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Sleeplessness at night: Magn. m., nat. m., plat., sepia. until 3 a. m. : Merc. Sleepy all the time : Cab., helon., kali a, nux m., phos., senecio. and restless : Kali c, puis. daytime : Nat. m., sulph. with inability to sleep : Bell., opi. Smell from her body, lascivious : Strum. , sensitiveness of : Nux v., sepia. Sneezing, frequent : Magn. c. Sobbing: Coca, ign. Spasms: See Convulsions. Splenic region, stitches in : Bufo. Spitting of blood : Phos. Spirits, lowness of : See Mood, melancholy. Starts at the least noise : Borax. Stitches in inner parts : Bell. Stomach, alive in, sensation as of something: Crocus. , burning in : Ars., cicuta, cup., nux v., phos. , commotion in : Crocus. , distention of: Calc. c, coca, cub., lya, thuja. , emptiness in, painful sensation of : Ign., sepia. faintness in, at about eleven o'clock a. m. : Sulph. fulness in, after eating : Kali c, lye. gnawing in : Chel. goneness at : Sulph., ust. inflation of, must loosen her clothing : Cub. oppression of, sudden, obliging her t% loosen her dress : Zinc. pains in, burning: Ars., cup., phos. as if contents would be torn into pieces : Graph. , extending to back : Borax. groins : Borax. sacrum : Sars. -, pinching : Phos. -, pressing : Kali h., nux m., nux v., thuja. JURING MENSTRUATION. 438 Concomitant Symptoms. Stomach, pains in, spasmodic: Caul. , , tearing : Graph. , pit of, goneness at : Sulpli. , , oppressed feeling at: Goss., zinc. , , pains in, as if everything would be torn in pieces : Graph. extending to sacrum : Sars. -, , sinking sensation at : Trill. -, , swelling of : Cham. -, , weak feeling at : Ign. -, pressure at the : Kali h., mix m., nux v., thuja. -, sensation as of something ascending to the : Coccus, crocus. -, sensitiveness of: Cocc, kali n. -, sweet risings from : Nat. m. -, trembling in : Arg. n. -, uueasiness in : Goss. , weak, empty feeling in : Ign., sepia. Stool, after, burning and smarting in the anus : Nat. s. , , debility : Nux v. , , pulsating in anus and rectum : Aloe. , desire to, after eating : Aloe. , , constant : Aloe, nux v. , , ineffectual : Calc. c, nux v., opi., puis., sulph. , , with a sensation as from a heavy lump in the rectum : Sepia. — , difficult, expulsion of: Amm. c, nux v., phos., sepia, silicea. — -, , from a lackof power to expel them : Silicea. , slips back when partly e spelled : Silicea. Strangury: Graph. Strength, great loss of, compelling her to remain in bed : Cact. (com- pare Weakness). Stretching and yawning: Carbo an. Stupor: Lye. Surfers from various pains and complaints : Ars. 439 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Suicidal thoughts : Aur., berb., mere. Supplications, earnest, full of : Stram. Sweat : See Perspiration. Symphysis pubis, constant throbbing pains just behind the : Ms. hip. Taciturn : Mur. ac. Talk, does not want to : Amm. c, eupion. , hear others : Amm. c. Talking fatigues her: Carbo an., stann. Talks hurriedly : Oina, sulph. ac. much : Hyos., stram., verat. a. nonsense : Hyos. Taste : See Mouth. Tears, flow of, profuse : Phyt. , full of : Stram. Teeth, chattering of, in the evening : Nat. c. , gnashing of the : Verat. a. , looseness of : Merc. , on edge, set on : Merc. , pains in, aching: Agar., amm. c, amm. m., ant. c, ars.. bary., bell., bovis., calc. c, carbo v., cliam., coff., graph., hyos., kali c, lach., mere, nat. m., nit. ac, phos., puis., rhod., sepia, staph., zinc. , , , awakens with : Ao-ar. lancinating: Nat. m. sore : Merc. tearing: Nat. m. throbbing : Bell., glon. Temper, she looses control of her: Cham., mix v. , improvement in her : Oycl. Temples, pains in : See Headache and Head, pains in. Tenesmus ani : Aloe, mere, puis. , vesicas : Nux v., rhus. Thighs, fatigue in : Amm. c, carbo an., castor., cub. , inner surface of, burning on: Sars., phel. , , eruptions on : Kali c, silicea. DURING MENSTRUATION. 440 Concomitant Symptoms. Thighs, inner surface of, excoriated : All. sat., amm. c, bovis., kali c, sars., silicea, sulph. , , smarting on : Sars. , , soreness of: Amm. c, caust., kali c, goss., graph., hepar. , , , with a watery secretion : Goss. , languor in : Carbo an. , lameness of : Carbo an. , pains in: Act. rac, herb., carbo an., castor., con., kali h., kali n., magn. m., magn. s., nat. c, mix v., nit. ac, pet., strain. . — — . aggravated when sitting: Magn. m. , as if tightly squeezed : Kali h. , bruised : Anath. . commencing in the middle of the : Castor. — .cutting: Stram. , dragging: Berb., ferr., stram. -, drawing : Strain. -, neuralgic : Kalm. -, pressing : Lye. -, rheumatic : Nux v. -, squeezing : Kali h. -, tearing . Pet. -. when walking: Magn. s. , labor-like, extending into the: Aloe, ust. pressure in : Carbo an. pulling in : Nit. ac. soreness of: See Thighs, inner surface of. squeezed, sensation as if tightly : Kali h. thrill from, to genitals : Lach. weakness in : Carbo an. weariness in : Amm. c, castor., cub., graph., nit. ac. (compare Extremities, lower). Thirst: Aeon., bell., bry., cham., cup., kali c, kali n., nat. m., sepia, sulph. ac., verat. a. 441 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Thirsty and hot, the pains make her : Cham. Thoughts, horrifying : Plat. , lascivious: Hyos., strain. , wild on waking : Stram. Throat, constriction of: Chel. , , sensation of : Cact. - 3 globus hystericus in: Con. . roughness in : Castor. , sensation as if bound with a napkin : Chel. . soreness of: Cub., magn. c, sulph. Thunder storm, aggravations during a: Nat. c. Tibia, pains in, tearing : Sepia. Tire I all the time : Cycl., thuja. on rising in the morning : Magn. c. Toes, burning and redness of: Agar. j itching of : Agar. Tongue coated in the morning : Lye. yellow : Cham., chel. , burning on the : Merc. , dryness of : Nux m., sulph. ac. , especially after sleeping, at times so dry that it adheres to the roof of the mouth: Nux ni. — , numb : Nux m. — , red : Ars., mere. — , red spots on : Merc. Toothache: See Odontalgia and Teeth. Tossing about : See Restlessness. Trembling: Cina, hyos., graph., nat. m., plat. from debility : Agar., graph., nat. rn. of the extremities: Agar., canst, hyos., magn. a, nit, ac. feet : Hyos. hands : Agar., hyos. with anxiety and heat: Nit. ac. DURING MENSTRUATION. 442 Concomitant Symptoms. Tremulous sensation throughout the whole body, without trembling: Sulph. ac. Twitchings, spasmodic: Bell., cocc, coff., secale. of single muscles : Chin. Ulcers, present, condition of, aggravated : Graph., phos. Umbilical region, cutting pains in : Ipec, kreas., magn. c. Uneasiness : See Restlessness. Urethra, pains in, after urination : Sars. Urinate, desire to, frequent : Alum., apis, canth., canst., nux v., plat., sars., sulph., vibur. , , sudden : Borax, nat. m. , , urgent: Ant. t., chin., kali h., nux v., rat., sars., sepia. , , with tenesmus : Nux v., rhus. Urination, painful conclusion of : Sars. Urine, acrid : Alum., apis. , albuminous: Helon. , colorless : Cham., phos. ac, vibur. , excoriating: Alum. , fetid : Nit. ac, sepia. , flow of, in drops : Cact., canth. , , intermittent : Con. , , involuntary : Calc. c, hyos. , , slow : Plat. , milky : Berb. , odor of, strong : Nit. ac. profuse: Cham., hyos., kali b., phos. ac, phyt., sulph., vibur. at night : Phos. ac. , red : Kali b. , retention of: Ham., kali b. , scalding; Nux v., zinc. , sediment in, brick-dust, like: Nux v. , , clay-colored, adhering to the sides of the vessel Sepia. 443 DURING- MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Urine, spasmodic : Vibnr. , suppression of : Kali b. Uterus, band about, sensation of : Secale. congestion of : Aeon., alet., caul., chin., nux v. constriction, sensation of : Murex. contractions in, spasmodic: Bell., cact. cramps in: Aeon., bell, chain., cocc, coff., con., graph., ign., kali h., lach., nux v., plat., puis., stann., secale. , with pressing in the hypogastrium : Nux v. , squeezing pains down the thighs : Kalih. digging in : Nux v. displacements of: Act. rac, caul., lil. tig. distention of, meteoristic : Phos. ac. enlargement of : Kali b., ust. flabby condition of : Caul., ust. fulness in, sensation of : Chin. heaviness in : Chin., nux v. movements in, as from a foetus : Crocus, nat. c. neck of, flabby : Ust. , hard : Secale. , stinging in : Con. , stitches in : Sepia. , swollen : Ust. os uteri, open : Ust. , sensation as if it were open : Lach. , tightly closed : Secale. , pains in, burning : Apis. pains in, as if cut with knives: Lach., murex, phos. , clutched by a hand : Bell. , bearing-down : See Pains, bearing-down. ■ — - — , better from pressure : Ign., lil. tig., sepia. , when the flow begins : Lach. , lying down : I°;n. -, colicky, from retroversion : Act. rac, vibur. DURING MENSTRUATION. 444 Concomitant Symptoms. Uterus, pains in, constrictive: Bell., cact., ign., sepia. . , cramp y : See Uterus, cramps in. , . cutting : Apis, asaf., ign., lach., murex, phos., secale. , , doubling her up : Aeon., act. rac, coloc. , , driving her crazy : Act. rac. , , excrutiating: Plat. , , extending to the back : Bell. — — , , chest : Murex. , , thighs : Kali h., mix v., strain., ust. , , griping : Act. rac, bell., cham., coloc, nux v. , , intermittent : Asaf., caul., secale. , .labor-like: Aeon., asaf., cham., coff., con., gels., plat., puis., secale (compare Pains, labor-like ; also Abdomen, pains in. labor-like). . , neuralgic : Act. rac, bell., caul., gels., lil. tig., Xan. , , pinching: Bell., cham. . , pressing, as if something would be forced out : Ant. c, tell, con., lach., lil. tig., nat. c. nit. ac, plat., sepia, ust. (com- pare Pains, labor-like). — , , provoking convulsions : Act. rac, — , . relieved by pressure : Ign., lil. tig., sepia. — , , spasmodic : Act. rac, belt, cad., caul., con., cham.. ign., secale. — , , sore, as if cut : Murex. — , , stabbing : Apis. — , , stinging : Apis, con. — , , stitching : Nux v. — , , tearing : Secale. — , , with pressing in the hypogastrium : Nux v. — j , tearing pains in the veins of the legs : Cham. -, region of, burning in : Con. -, , fulness in : Aloe, caul. 445 DURING- MENSTRUATION. Concomstant Symptoms. Uterus, region of, contractions in, spasmodic: Bell. , , pains in, bearing-clown : See Abdomen, pains in, bearing-down ; and Pains, bearing-down. , , — ; , braised, preventing her from walking- erect : Arn. con., ign., nux v., zmc. -, constrictive : Cact. -, crampy : Act. rac, amm. c, coloc, -, doubling her up : Aeon., act. rac, coloc. -, extending to back ; Oarbo v., gels. -, labor-like : See Pains, labor-like. -, spasmodic : Act. rac, bell., cact.,cliam. y con., erig., sars., secale, ust. — , , pressure in : Alet., secale. — , , tenderness of : Act. rac, apis, lach. — , , , cannot bear the slightest pressure, even the weight of her clothing: Lach. — , ■, tension in, as from a bandage : Hyper. — , , over: Apis, nux m. -, throbbing in : JEs. hi -, weight in : Act. rac. , relaxed : Caul., ust. , spasm of : See Uterus, pains in, spasmodic , spongy : Ust. , swollen : Ust. , squeezing in : Cham. Urticaria : Bell., kali c Vagina, aching in : Calc c. , biting in : Kreas. , burning in : Berb., nux v., snlph. , , at entrance of : All. sat. , flatus from : Brom., lac c, lye, sang. , heat and dryness in: Bell. , heaviness in: Murex. DURING MENSTRUATION. 446 Concomitant Symptoms. Vagina, inflammation of : Merc. , irritation of; Coif., con., sulph., thuja. , itching in : Con., elaps., helon., kreas. , pains in, crampy : Staph. , , excoriating: Rhus. , pressure in, low down : Lil. tig. , , relieved by pressure against the vulva : Lil. tig. — , prolapsus of : Merc. — , sensation as if pelvic contents would escape through the : Ant. c, bell, lach., lil. tig., nat. c, nit. ac, plat., sepia. — , sensitive : Coff., plat. — , smarting in : All. sat., herb. — , soreness in : Brom., mere. — , stitches in: Con., bell., kreas., rhns, sabina, sulph. ac. — , swelling in : Nux v. — , , from above downward : Kreas. — , , before backward : Sabina. left side of : Berb. Varices: Amb., calc. c, carbo v., ham., lye, nux v., thuja, zinc. of left leg become extended, bluish and painful on pressure : Amb. , painful: Amb., ferr., graph. Veins of legs, tearing pains in : Cham. Vertebra, last lumbar, pains in, extending to pubis: Sabina. Vertex : See Head and Headache. Vertigo: Aeon., amiu. c, ant. t., arg. n., borax, bovis., brom., cact., calc. c, carbo v., caul., caust., con., cub., cycl., elaps, ferr., gels., graph., iod., kali b., lach., lye, mosc, nux v., phos., plat., puis., sulph., thuja, trill., ust. , frequent attacks of : Plat. , in the morning when rising : Aeon., caul., cocc, con., graph., lach., magn. c, nat. m., nux v., rhus, sepia, sulph. , on ascending a height, or going up-stairs : Borax, calc. c, con., phos., sulph. 447 DURING MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Vertigo, on descending or going down stairs : Borax, ferr., stann. rising from a recumbent position : Aeon., bry. sitting position : Cole, c, sulph. when looking at running water: Brom. lying down : Apis, cham., con., nux v., rhus, thuja. an attempt is made to turn over : Con. moving the head: Cocc, con., ipec, glon., mosc. rising from a stooping position : Bell., calc. c, nat. m. turning the head in bed : Con. walking : Apis, ars., bell., calc. c, con., ipec, kali c, lye, nux v., pet, phos., puis., sepia, zinc. — , with headache : Caust., cub., cycl., kali b., phos., sulph. Visions, frightful : Rhod. Vital force, sudden sinking of : Ars., colch. Voluptnous itching : Coff. thoughts : Hyos., strain. Vomiting: Amm. c, amm. m., ant. e, carbo v., cham., cocc, coff., cup., gels., graph., ign., kali h., lye, nux v., phos., puis., sepia, verat. a. (compare Nausea). and diarrhoea : Amm. e, verat. a. with cold sweat, especially on the forehead : Verat. a. in the morning : Graph. mucus: Ant. I., puis. of her meals : Bry., cham. , sour : Gale, c.', lye, nux v., phos., puis. with spasms of the stomach : Puis. extending up into the chest : Cup. weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach : Ign. Vulva : See also Labia, Pudendum and Genital organs, external. , aphthae, with burning and itching : Carbo v. , biting, from the excoriating discharge : Carbo v., kali c, kreas., rhus, silicea. , burning : Carbo v., kali c, kreas., silicea. , blood feels hot as it passes : Bell. DURING MENSTRUATION. 448 Concomitant Symptoms. Vulva, excoriation about the : Graph. , itching : Agar., amb., amm. <:., calc. e, carbo v., canst., con., coif., kali b., kali c, kreas., lac e, lach., lye, mere, uat. m., pet., plat., sepia, silicea, sulph. ac, zinc. , , corrosive, within : Kreas. , , voluptuous : Coff., kali b. , numbness of: Mosc., plat. , pimples on, suppurating: All. sat. , pruritus : CofL, hepar., kali b., pet. (see Pudendum, itching on, and Genital organs, external, itching of). , sensitiveness of: Coff., plat., staph. , smarting at: Carbo v. , soreness of : Aur.> carbo v., hepar., goss., kali c, silicea. , tearing in, by fits and starts: Bary. , weight in, sensation of : Lob. Waist, cannot bear anything tight about her: Calc. c, lach., lye, nux v. Wakefulness at night: See Sleep. Walks in a hurry: Sulph. ac. Warm, great difficulty in keeping: Ledum. room, all her troubles are worse in a : Puis. Washing stains out of napkin difficult: Magn. s. Water-brash : Kali n., nux m. , ice, great thirst for : Verat. a. , running, sight of, produces vertigo : Brom. Weakness, debility, lassitude, exhaustion, etc. : Act. rac, agar., aloe, amm. c, amm. m., ars., bary., bell., borax, bovis., bufo, cact., calc. c, carbo an., carbo v., caul., canst., cocc, graph., helon., ign., iod., ipec, kali c, lach., lye, magn. c, magn. m., mose, nat. e, nat. m., nice, nit. ac, nux v., pet., pliel., phos., sabina, secale, senecio, sepia, stann., sulph., thuja, trill., verat. a. after stool: Nux v. and faintness: Bary., magn. m. weariness, especially vsheu going up-stairs : Iod. 449 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Weakness and weariness, with stretching and yawning : Carlo an. , especially in the thighs : Amm. c. in feet and hands : Ole. an., zinc. , painful : Bell., buf o. , she can scarcely breathe, has to lie down : Nit. ac. , talk : Car oo an., stann. -, spells of : Coca, sulph. -, with desire to lie clown : Bell., ipec, nit. ac. Weeping: Act. rac, ars., calc. c, cad., con., cycl., ign., lach., lye, phos., plat., puis., sepia, secale, verat. a., zinc, (compare Mood, melancholy). does her good : Cycl. , hysterical : Hyos., ign. , spasmodic : Thuja. Wind from the vagina : Brom., lye, sang. Wild and raging : Hyos. Works in a hurry: Sulph. ac. Yawning : Amm. c, apis, bell., carbo an., kali h., magn. c, phel. puis., AFTER MENSTRUATION. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. Abdomen, coldness in: Kali c. contractions in : Nat. m. distention of : Lil. tig. pains in: Cham., iod., magn. c, , bearing-down : Cham., ust. , , as if the menses would reappear : Kreas., lye, plat., puis. — , , , , with pull- ing pains in the groins and hypogastrium : Plat. AFTER MENSTRUATION. 450 Concomitant Symptoms. Abdomen, pains in, cramp-like: Kreas. , , cutting : Kali c, graph. , , drawing in the hypogastrium : Puis. , , heavy, when standing : Graph. , , pressive, as from prolapsus : Nat. m. , , spasmodic : Amra. c, cocc, kreas., puis. , , ulcerated : Cham. pressing through the groins to sacrum : Plat. , sensitive : Cham., 111. tig. , spasms in : Kreas. , stitches from the hypogastrium to the vagina : Ars. , through the pelvis, from vagina to uterus : Phos. , titillation in : Plat. Aggravation of all uterine pains and. complaints: Kreas., nux v. Anxiety, excessive: Agar., phos., secale. , , interrupting sleep at night : Agar. Anus, stinking discharge from: Ars. Appearance of new and aggravation of old complaints : Kreas., nux v., puis. Apprehension as soon as she closes her eyes : Thuja. Appetite, ravenous : Ust. Aversion to sexual intercourse: Berb., canst., kali c, nat. m. 9 phos., sepia, sulph. ac. , with dryness and soreness of the vagina : Nat. m. Axillae, offensive perspiration in the : Sepia. Backache : Kali c, magn. c, verat. a. , heavy, dragging, from the least exertion : Ust. , coldness of, in the morning : Kali c. , heavy feeling in right shoulder-blade : Borax. , pains in, shooting up from hip to shoulders : Ust. , small of, pains in : Kali n., puis. , , , aching : Calc. ph. Bearing down sensation : Chin., graph., nat. m. 451 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Bearing down sensation, as from prolapsus: Nat. m. Bladder, burning in: Caust. Blood, discharge of : Amb., ars., bovis., canth., caul., caust., elaps, kreas., magn. s., mang., mere, nux v., silicea, zinc, (see Menstru- ation, discbarge of blood between the periods). , oozing away of: Caul., ust. (see Discharge, bloody). Body, tremulous weakness of : Caul. Bowels, pains in, cutting : Sulph. , tenderness of: Cham., graph. Breast, constant misery under left : Ust. , swelling of : Cycl. , , with secretion like milk : Cycl. Cephalalgia : See Headache. Cheeks, erysipelas of left : Strain. , swelling of : Phos. Chest, congestion to : Thuja. , irritation in : Puis. , pains in : Chin., magn. c, sepia. , , bruised, worse toward morning or evening : Magn. c. , stitches in, coming from vulva : Alum. Chilly : Graph., kali c, nux j. Clitoris, pricking pains in, at night : Borax. Colic: Canth., cham., cocc, graph., iod., lach., magn. c, mere, nat. m., puis., sulph. , with diarrhoea: Verat. a. (see Abdomen, pains in). Complaints, former, return of : Secale, zinc. Complexion, yellowish : Nat. m. Death, fear of : Aeon., secale. Desire for bright light : Stram. company : Stram. sexual intercourse : Ars., curare, kali c, kreas., plat., sulph. ac. , with involuntary emissions : Ars. (see Embrace, desire for). AFTER MENSTRUATION. 452 Concomitant Symptoms. Debility : Alum., carlo an., chin., plios. , tremulous : Caul., chin. Diarrhoea: Ars., graph., lach., nat. m. mucous : Nat. m. watery, offensive : Ars. with colic : Nat. m., verat. a. , cutting: Graph. and headache : Nat. m. Distress and complaints in general : Kreas., mix v., puis. Dizziness : See Vertigo. Dreams, voluptuous, with emissions : Sulph. ac. Drowsy : Puis. Ears, ringing in : Chin. Embrace, aversion to : Berb., caust., kali c, nat. m., p7ios., sepia., sulph. ac. , with soreness and dryness of the vagina : Nat. m. ac desire for, increased : Ars., curare, kali c, kreas., plat., sulph. verat. a. , , evening, in the : Ars., bell., sulph. ac. , , morning, in the : Kreas. , with voluptuous titillation in the pudendum and lower abdomen, anxious respiration and palpitation of the heart: Plat. during dryness of the vagina : Nat. m. nausea : Silicea. soreness and painfulness of the vagina : Kali c, nat. m. followed by a flow of dark blood : Kreas. irritability of temper : Nat. m. leucorrhceal discharge : Kreas. ■c" menses reappearing : Kreas. sadness, great : Nat. m. soreness and painfulness of the vagina: Kali c, nat. m. Epistaxis : Sulph. 453 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Exhaustion, great : Alum., carlo an., chin., ipec, phos. . , as from pain : Agar. Eyes, inflammation of : Oalc. c. surrounded by a livid circle : Phos. Face, bluish : Verat. a. , paleness of: Nat. m., puis. , swelling of the cheeks : Phos. , yellow: Chin., nat. m. Fatigue, excessive : Carlo an., chin, (see Weakness). Feet, damp, as if from wet stockings : Calc. c. , perspiration, offensive : Sepia, silicea. Flatus, emission of, from the vagina : Ars. G-astralgia: Berb., borax, kali c, puis., sulph. Grinding of the teeth : Verat. a. Groins, pains in, from, to right shoulder-blade : Borax. , , crampy : Borax, kreas. , , lancinating : Borax. , , pinching : Plat. , , pressive, as though the menses would reappear : Plat, -, , through to sacrum : Plat. -, spasmodic : Kreas. -, stitching : Ars., borax, brom. -, , to vagina : Ars. "o J , , when standing, less when walking : Magn. s. Gums, swelling of : Phos. Haemorrhage, passive: Caul. Haemorrhoids, aggravation of : Cocc. Hair, falling off of : Nat. m. Haste in all she does : Nat. m., sulph. ac. Headache: Agar., carb. ac, kali b., lach., lye, nat. m., puis. , and dizziness : Agar. , nervous : Carb. ac. , recurring at short intervals : Lvc. AFTER MENSTRUATION. 454 Concomitant Symptoms. Headache, stinging : Berb. , stitching : Lye, nat. m. , in the forehead, with stupor : Plat. , throbbing : Calc. ph., carbo an., glon. Head, congestion of : Chin., nat. m., sulph., thuja. , dullness in : Nat. m. , heaviness in : Nat. m. , pains in, as if the top of the head were being lifted off : Ust. , , pressive : Ust. , , stinging : Berb., nat. m., plat. , , stitching, returning at short intervals : Plat. , soreness of : Plat. Heart, palpitation of : Agar., tod., nat. m., plat. Heaviness, general : Bufo. Hoarseness: Mang., sepia. Hypogastrium, pains in : Cham., iod., magn. c, mere, nat. m., plat., puis. , , cutting : Kali c. , , darting : Plat, puis. , , labor-like : Cham,, ust. , , , as though the menses would reappear : Kreas., lye, plat., puis. , , , with frequent urging to urinate : Cham. , , pulling : Plat. , , stitching, from the vagina : Ars. , , through to the pelvis, from the vagina to the uterus: PUos. (compare Abdomen, pains in). Hysteria: Elaps, ferr. Ill-humor : Berb., bufo. Impatient : Nat. m. Irritable : Berb., carb. ac, nat. m. Labia, blotches on : Plios. , eruptions on, herpetic : Dulc. , heat in : Kreas. 455 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Labia, inflammation of : Kreas., sulph. , itching of : Calc. c. , pains in, burning : Pals., sulph. , , jerking : Kali c. , , pricking : Kali c. -, stitches in : Lye, puis. -, , when lying down : Lye. -, swelling, heat and hardness in : Kreas. -, vesicles on : Graph, (see also Pudendum). Leucorrhoea: Alum., ars., borax, lovis., bufo, calc. c, calc. ph., caust., carb. ac, cliam., chin., con., cub., graph., guarea, hydras., iod., kali b., kali c, kali n., kreas., HI. tig., lye, magn. c, mere, nat. m., nat. s., nice, nit. ac, phos., phos. ac, plat, puis., ruta, sabina, silicea, sulph., sulph. ac.,tabae, thuja, vibur., zinc, (for particular indications consult chapter on Leucorrhoea). Limbs, aching pains in : Calc. ph. , lassitude in : Kreas. Loins, fatigue in : Cub. , pains in : Puis. , weakness in : Cub. , weariness in : Graph. Liver, pains in region of, extending to right shoulder-blade : Borax. Mammas, swelling of: Cycl. , , with secretion like milk : Cycl. Menses, pain as if they would reappear: Kreas., lye, plat., puis. , reappearance of the : Kreas., lack., lye, mix v., trill., ust. , , after an embrace : Kreas. Mental depression : Alum., ust. Mind, disturbance of the : Secale. Moaning : Stram. Mons veneris, sensitiveness and pressure at the pubis : Plat. Mnscles, tensive pain hi all the : Beib. Nausea : Canth., puis., vibur. , during sexual intercourse : Silicea. AFTER MENSTRUATION. 45G Concomitant Symptoms. Nausea, with retching : Sepia. Navel, pains about the : Magn. c, silicea. Nervous troubles : Carb. ac, nux v. Nightmare : Sulph. ac, thuja. Nose, itching of the : Sulph. Nosebleed : Sulph. Odontalgia: Bry., calc. c, cham., phos., rhod., sabina, thuja. at night : Sabina- , drawing : Calc. c. Os uteri, pains in, cutting : Puis. , , shooting : Calc. c. Ovarian region, pains in, boring: Thuja. , , burning : Zinc. , , heavy, from right ovarian region to shoulder- blade, with gastralgia : Borax. , , lancinating : Borax. , , pressive, as though the menses would reap- pear : Plat. , , , through the groins toward the sacrum, with urging to stool : Plat. , tenderness in : Ant. c. Ovaries, hardness of: Graph. , inflammation of: Canth. , swelling of : Graph. Pains, as if the menses would reappear : Kreas., lye, plat., puis. from exhaustion : Agar. from abdomen to vagina : Kreas. groin to sacrum : Plat. shoulder-blade : Borax. pudendum to chest : Kali c. vagina to chest : Alum. uterus : Phos. labor-like: Cham., iod., kreas., plat., puis. i ricking, in labia: Kali c. 4:67 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Pains, pricking, in vagina : Kali c. np the back, from hip to shoulder : Ust. Pelvis, burning in, as from hot coals : Kreas. , stitches in : Kreas. Perineum, excoriation on : Silicea, sulph. , pinching in : Berb. , soreness of : Sepia. Pressure, as if the menses would reappear : Kreas., lye, plat., puis. Pruritus: Kerr., kali b., calc. c, magn. c, nat. m., plws. ac. relieved by bathing in cold water : Eerr. Pudendum, itching of : Calc. c, curare, elaps, ferr., graph., kali b., kali c, kreas., lye, magn. c, nat. m., plios. ac, silicea, sulph., zinc. ■ , , a few days after menstruation : Phos. ac. , pains in, crampy : Kreas., lye. , , stitching : Magn. c. , , tearing : Kali c. , , , extending up to chest : Kali c. -, pimples on, and falling off of the hair: Nat. m. -, pressure at : Plat. -, soreness of : Kali c, plat., puis. -, , and between the thighs : Graph. -, titillation on : Plat, (see Labia and Vulva). Respiration, difficult: Nat. m., puis. Sexual desire : See Embrace. organs, tingling in : Plat. Shiverings : Graph., puis. Sides, pains in, as if bruised : Magn. c. Sighing, constant : Stram. Sit down, constant desire to : Nat. m. Shoulders, heavy feeling in the right, as if coming from the groin : Borax. , pressing pain extending to the : Borax. Sleep, anxious : Agar. AFTEK MENSTRUATION. 4 58 Concomitant Symptoms. Sleep, awakens from, at 2 a. m. with a cramp-like pain and coldness in the abdomen : Kali c. prevented by great anxiety : Agar. Sleeplessness : Kali b., thuja. and anxiety : Agar. Sobbing: Stram. Spirits, lowness of : Alum. Stomach, cramps in : Bell., borax, kali c, lach., sulph. , , with coldness, awaking her at night : Kali c. , haemorrhage from the : Puis. Sternum, pain beneath the : Sepia. Teeth, pains in: Bry., calc. c, cham., phos., rhod., sabina, thuja. , , as if they would burst : Sabina. , , at night: Sabina. , , drawing : Calc. c. , , shooting : Calc. c. Temper, bad : Berb., bufo. Tenesmus, Amm. c, puis. Thighs, dampness between : Calc. c. , fatigue in : Cub. , pimples between : Graph. , soreness between : Graph. , ulcers on inner surface of: Graph. , weariness in : Cub. Tired all the time : Thuja. Trembling and debility : Chin. Troubles, old ones aggravated : Kreas., nux v. Umbilicus, pains about : Magn. c, silicea. Urinate, frequent desire to: Cham., puis. Urination, burning during : Sulph. Urine, bloody mucus in: Canth. , milky : Nat. m. Uterine complaints, aggravation of: Kreas. region, aching in: Ust. 459 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomitant Symptoms. Uterine region, pressure in : Sulph. Uterus, congestion of : Plat., sulph. burning in : Kreas. cramps in : Cocc, iod., plat., puis. induration of : Iod., kreas. neck of, sensitive : Kreas. , shooting in : Calc. c. , swollen : Oanth., kreas. pains in, burning, especially after an embrace : Kreas. , crampy: Cocc, iod., plat., puis. , labor-like : Puis. left side of : Puis. , morning : Kreas. , pulling : Puis. , stitching : Borax, plat., puis. pressure in : Elaps. , evening : Puis. prolapsus of : Agar., brom., kali b., kreas. , during warm weather : Kali b. stitches in, during an embrace : Berb. weight in : Elaps. Vagina, burning in : Berb., graph., kreas., lye. sulph. , after an embrace : Kreas., lye. , during an embrace : Kreas., lye. , excoriated, as if : Cham. discharges from : See Leucorrhoea. , of black blood : Elaps. , bloody, foul-smelling clots : Kreas. , slime and stinking water: Ars. , flesh-colored liquid : Alum. -, ichorous, bloody : Kreas. -, foul-smelling : Ars., kreas. -, mucus, bloody : Ars., canth., silicea, zinc. -, , green : Nit. ac. AFTER MENSTRUATION. 4(i0 Concomitant Symptoms. Vagina, discharges from, offensive : Ars., foveas. , nit. ac. , clots : Kreas. , water : Ars. , slim} 7 : Ars., magn. c. , stinking : Ars., kreas., nit. ac. , watery, brown : Ars., magn. c, nit. ac. , , flesh-colored : Alum. . , white : Magn. c. , , yellow : Phos. ac. dryness of: Berb., lye, nat. m., sepia. , with aversion to coition : Nat. m. flatus from, emissions of : Ars. gnawing in: Lye. heat in : Berb. itching in: Canth., con., elajos., lye, sulph. , voluptuous : Kreas. pains in, during an embrace: Kali c, kreas., nat. m. , contractive : Kreas. , labor-like : Silicea. , like electric shocks : Kreas. , stitching, from vagina to uterus: Plws. pressing in : Elaps. pricking in : Graph. rawness in : Kali b. sensitive : Berb., coff. smarting in : Berb., chain., graph. , as if excoriated : Cham. soreness in : Kali b., kali c, nat. m. , during an embrace : Kali c, kreas., nat. m. stitches in : Phos. , burniug : Puis. , duniins: an embrace : Berb. weight in : Elaps. Vertigo : Agar., ant. t., con., puis., list. 461 AFTER MENSTRUATION. Concomstant Symptoms. Vertex, contractions in : Ust. Vomiting : Borax, canth., gels., uux v., puis. mucus : Kreas. Vulva, aphthae on : Carbo v. , biting about : Kreas. , burning : Canth., curare, lye, nat. m., sulph. , eruptions about, erysipelatous : Kali c, phos. , excoriations about : Calc. c, sulph. , formication in : Elaps. , heat in : Calc. e, curare, kali b. , itching of : Calc. c, con., elaps, graph., kali c, kreas., lye, magn. c, nat. m., phos. ac, silicea, sulph., zinc. — , pains in, biting : Kreas. — , , shooting : Calc. c, magn. c. , pimples on : Kali c, nat. m. , , with falling off of the hair : Nat. m. , pressure in : Calc. c, plat. , sensitiveness of : Plat. , smarting about the : Calc. c, kali b., kali c. , soreness of : Kali c, graph. , stitches in : Kali c. , from, up into the chest : Alum, (see also Labia and Pudendum). Weakness disproportionate to the loss of blood : Ipec. , excessive: Alum., calc. ph., carbo an., chin., iod., ipec, phos., plat., secale, sulph., thuja. Weariness, general: Alum., bell., carbo an., cub., plat., nat. m. Weeping mood : Alum., con,, lye, phos. Whining : Stram. Yawning : Carbo an., puis., zinc. AMENORRHEA. 462 AMENORRHCEA. CAUSES AND CONCOMITANTS. Remedies in general : Aeon., act. roc., agar., aes. hip., agn. cast., alet., amm. c., amm. m., ant. c., apis, apocy., arg. n., ars., aur., bell., berb., borax, try., calc. c., canth., carbo v., caul, caust., cliam., chel., chin., cicuta, cocc, colch., collin., coloc, con., crocus, crot. tig., cup., cycl., dig., dros., dulc, euph., ferr., gels., glon., goss., graph,, ham., hell., helon., liyos., ign., iocl., kali c, kali h., kali n., lach., lil. tig., lob., lye, magn. c, magn. m., mere, millef., nat. c, nat. m., nux m. } nux v.,phos., phos. ac, plat., pod., puis., rlius, sabad., sabina, sang., secale, senecio, sepia, silicea, staph., strain., sulph., verat. a., xan., zinc. Abdomen, bloated : Apis, apocy., calc. c, chani., con., graph., nat. c, puis., sulph. , cannot bear the weight of her clothing on it : Calc. c, lach. , distention of: Alet., chin., nat. c, nux m., sulph. , , after eating : Chin., lye, nux m. , fulness of the, and stomach : Lye. , jumping about in, as from something alive : Crocus. , motion in, sensation in, as from a child : Crocus. , pains in, bearing-down : Alet., ant. c, bell., calc. c, caul., cycl., lach., nat. m.,p>lat., puis., secale, sepia, senecio, sulph., vibur. — , , , as if the menses would appear : Aur., bell., calc. c, cham., crocus, kali c, lye, not. m., plat., puis., senecio, sepia. — , , colicky : Alum., amm. c, bary., bry., calc. c, cham., cocc, coloc, con., cup., graph., ign., magn. m., sulph., verat. a. — , , cutting: Amm. c, con., silicea. — , , doubling her up : Coloc. — , , drawing : Agn. cast., lye, puis. — , , extending to chest : Cup. — , , labor-like : Cham., kali c. — , , , and pressing in the iliac region : Magu. m. — , , , as if the menses would appear : Aur., bell., calc. c, chain., crocus, kali c, lye, nat. m., plat., puis., senecio. 463 AMENORUHCEA. Causes and Concomitants. Abdomen, pains in, lancinating : Con. , pinching : Bell. , pressive : Bell., bry. , shooting: Kali c. , spasmodic : Act. rac, puis. , , hysterical : Cocc. , tearing : Amm. c. , throbbing : Kali c, , with desire for stool : Plat. , feeling of fulness in the hypochondria, and inability to wear tight clothes : Cede. c. , frequent desire to urinate : Puis. , heaviness of the limbs : Bary. , nausea : Puis. pendulous: Sepia. pressure in : Plat., sepia, sulph. , at each menstrual nisus, followed by soreness and swelling of the vulva : Sepia. rumbling in : Lye. sensitive, even her clothing is unbearable : Calc. c, lach. swelling of : See Bloated. walls of, oedematous: Graph. weakness of, excessive sense of : Phos. weight in : Agar., graph., phos., sulph. Aggravation of all her symptoms at each menstrual nisus : Magn. c. during motion : Aeon., bry. rough or windy weather : Rhod. Air, sensitive to cold : Aeon., sepia. Anasarca : Aeon., apis, apocy., ars., bell., bry., calc. c, chin., dulc, ferr., graph., hell., iod., kali c, lye, phos., puis., sepia, sulph. Anger, easily excited to : Aeon., cham., crocus, sulph. , , can hardly keep her temper : Cham. Anguish : Bell., cocc, con., ign., opi., plat. , deathly, with dread of dying : Plat. AMEXORRHCEA. 464 Causes and Concomitants. Anger, excessive : Ign. } plat , with colic : Coloc. Anxiety, excessive : Act. rac, bry., con., puis. about her domestic affairs: Puis. and sadness: Con. Anus, burning in : Opi. , contractions of : Nat. m. , fissures at, with bloody discharge : Nat in. , hemorrhage from : Phos. , pain in, stitching : Ign. , prolapsus of : Pod. , sensation as of a lump in : Sepia. , soreness at the : Nat. m. , weight in, sensation of, not relieved by stool : Sepia. Aphonia : Phos. Appetite good, with emaciation : Iod., sulph. , loss of : Lye, plat., puis., senecio. , , nothing tastes good : Puis. ■ , , with gastric derangements : Senecio. Arms, heaviness of: Graph. , jumping sensation in the : Crocus. Ascites: Apis, apocy., ars., chin., hell., iod., kali c, mere, puis., senecio, sepia, sulph. Asthma : Ars., bry., calc. c, lach., phos., puis., sulph. Aversion to food : Plat, puis., sepia. light: Bell., enph. noise : Bell., nux v., xan. motion : Bry , nat. c. , downward : Borax. sexual intercourse: Agn. cast., kali c, nat. m. wash in cold water: Sulph. work : Zinc. Awakens with heat in the face and palpitation of the heart : Alum. Backache, constant : JSs. hip., kali c, silicea. 465 AMENOKEHCEA. Causes and Concomitants. Back, aching in, as if broken : Bell., mix m. , heat running up the : Phos. , giving out of the : ^Es. hip. , pains in : Mb. hip., amm. a, apis, dell, cocc, graph., kali c, nux m., pod., sang., silicea. , , aching: jEs. hip., kali c, silicea. , , as if broken : Bell, mix m., vibur. , , wandering : Senecio. , , when walking : zEs. hip. — , under inner and lower angle of right shoulder-blade : GUI. — , small of, aching in, as if broken : Bell. — , , , and stiffness : Kali c. — , , gives out: JEs. hip. — , , pains in : JEs. hip., amm. c, nux m., plat. — , , , and across the hips and sacrum : JEs. , , as from a stick crosswise being pressed hip. > > from within outward: Nux m. -, extending through the left hypogastric region and down the thighs : Sang. — , , , paralytic : Cocc. — , , stiffness in : zEs. hip., kali c. — , , weakness in : ZEs. hip., cocc. — , , weariness in : Ms. hip. Bathing, from cold : Ant. c. Blindness, momentary, frequent attacks of : Silicea. Blood, aggitation of, great : Lye, sulph. , impoverished condition of the : Oalc. c. , spitting of, at each menstrual nisus : Bry., phos. (compare Haemoptysis). , vomiting of, at each menstural nisus : Phos. Body, coldness of : Act. rac, graph., lye, puis., silicea. 29 AMENOUKHCEA. 466 Causes and Concomitants. Bodv, coldness of, in paroxysDis : Silicea (see Coldness). , fatigue of : Oalc. c. , heaviness of ; Calc. c. . weariness of: Alet. Bowels, distention of: See Abdomen. Brain, buzzing in : Calc. c, ferr., sulph. . throbbing in : Bell., chin., glon., sulph. Breath, foul: Pod. , shortness of : Ars., sepia, verat. a. , . after slight emotions : Pnls. . , the least exertion : Puis. . , when going up-stairs : Ars., calc. c, iod. Breathing difficult : Kali c, puis. , oppressed : See Dyspnoea. Busily engaged all the time, but does nothing right : Apis. Catarrh, constant, with frontal headache and dread of light: Euph. . frequent: Amm. c.,puls., sepia. Cephalalgia : See Headache. Chagrin, from: Aeon., chain., chin., coloc, puis., staph. Cheeks, one red. the other pale: Cham. , red spots on : Sulph. . swollen : Bary., Icali c. Chest, congestion of: Aeon., bry., graph., phos. , , with spitting of blood : Phos. . constriction of the, with great anxiety : Graph. , liver spots on : Lye. , oppression: Cocc, Icali c, lach. , pains in, crampy, and in the sides : Bell. , , stitching : Aeon. -. pressure in the : Cocc. -, spasms of: Chin., cocc., cup., kali c. -, tight feeling in : Phos. -. weakness in : Silicea. 46? AMENORRHCEA. Causes and Concomitants. Chilliness, constant: Amrii. a, ars., bry., graph., lye, puis., silicea, sepia. , , even in the summer time, when warmly clad : Puis. , icy, in paroxysms : Silicea. , wants to be warmly clad and near the fire : Ars. Chlorosis: Ars., bary., calc. c, chin., coca, con., cup., cycl., ferr., graph., hell., helon., ign., iod., kali b., lye, mere, nat. m., nit. ac, nux v., phos., phos. ac, plat., puis., sabiua, sepia, sulph., xan., zinc. Chorea : Act. rac, agar., asaf., bell., caust., cina, coca, crocus, cup., hvos., ign., kali b., lye, puis., secale, sepia, stram., sulph., zinc. Circulation, sensation as though it had stopped : Lye. Coccygodinia : Amm. c, 2E&. hip., am., bell., bovis., calc. a, canth., carbo an., caust., cicuta, graph., hepar, ign., kali c, kreas., lacli., magn. a, mere, mur. aa, pet., plat., phos., rhus, ruta, sepia, silicea, thuja, zinc. Cold, from : Aeon., bry., caul., elide., gels., nux m., puis., senecio, sepia, sulph. Complexion : See Face. Constipation : Ms. hip., edum., bary., bry., calc. a, chin., coloa, con., dula, graph., ham., lye, magu. a, magn. m., mere., nat. m., nux y., phyt., phos., plat., plumb., puis., senecio, sepia, silicea, sulph. (com- pare Stool). Contrary : Merc. Convulsions : Bell., bry., caul., caust., cham., con., cup., gels., hyos., ign., lye, nux m., opi., phos., plat., sepia, stram., verat. a. , hysterical : Cham., graph., hyos., mix m. , , when brought about by violent emotions, such as jealousy : Cham. , night, at, or in the evening: Gels. , with piercing screams : Cup. Cooking, the smell of, makes her sick : Sepia. Coryza, frequent attacks of : Amm. c, sepia. Cough, aggravated by motion : Kali c. , dry : Bry., graph., phos. AMENORRHEA. 468 Causes and Concomitants. Cough, dry. only in the daytime : Graph. , choking : Kali c. , midnight, before: Phos. , tight, with spitting of blood : Phos. Cries and shrieks for help : Ign. Dampness, from exposure to : Dulc, gels., rhus, nux m. Debility, weakness and exhaustion : Agn. cast., alet., ars., bary., caul., chin., cocc, con., crocus, ferr., graph., hyos., iol., mere, nat. c, nat m., nux m. f mix v., secale, senecio, sulph., stann., verat. a. after sapper : Crocus. the least exertion : Ars., mere, nux m., or the shortest walk : Con. at each menstrual nisus, she is so weak she can scarcely speak : Cocc. — from talking : Sulph. loss of animal fluids : Chin., kali c. — , mental and physical : Nat. c. — , nervous: Con., nux m., sulph. — , with fainting spells : Verat. a. — , giving out of the back, when standing or walking, especially across the hips : JEs. hip. — , heaviness of the arms and legs: Graph. — , ■ lower extremities : Calc. c, graph., iod. involuntary laughing and weeping: Con. profuse leucorrhcea : Alum. waxy paleness of the face: Ars. Depression, mental : See Melancholy. Desire for bright light: Strain. sexual intercourse : Ars., dulc, zinc. society: Strain. sour things : Ars. sweet things : Lye. to uncover and expose her person : Hyos. 469 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Diarrhoea : Ars., bry., calc. e, chin., con., glon., graph., hyos., lach., mere, nit. ac, nux v., opi., pet., puis., rhus, sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a. (compare Stool). Die, fears she is going to: Aeon., ars., plat., secale, xan. Digestive organs, derangement of: Aeon., alet., ars., arm, bell., bry., carbo v., charm, chin., co!oc, cup., hepar, igm, kali c, lye, mere, nux v., phos., pod., puis., rhus, senecio, sepia, sulph. Disgust for life : Aur. Disposition, changeable: Aeon., stann. , suspicious : Plat. Dread of downward motion, as in a swing, in a rocking-chair, or go- ing down-stairs : Borax. Dreams, anxious : Chin. of robbers in the house : Nat. m. , tiresome : Ars. , yivid: Nat. m. (compare Sleep). Drinking, vomjts after: Ars. Drowsiness, irresistible : Nux m., opi. Dying, dread of: Aeon., ars., plat., secale, xan. Dyspnoea, oppressed breathing : Amm. c, arm, ars., bell., bry., calc. c, carbo v., coca, con., dros., ferr., graph., hyos., igm, iocl., kali c, lye, nux v., phos., puis., sulph., verat. a. Dysuria : See Urination. Dullness, mental : Helon. Ears, buzzing in : Calc. e, puis. , , with vertigo: Puis. , pains in : Amm. e, puis., sulph. , roaring in : Graph. Eating, uncomfortable feeling in the stomach soon after : Lye. Emaciation : Bary., chin., ferr., iocl., sulph., xan. with cough : Xan. ■ good appetite : Iocl., calc. c. Embrace, aversion to: Agn. cast., kali e, nat. m. ■ , desire for : Ars., dulc, zinc, (compare Sexual desire). AMENORRHEA. 470 Causes and Concomitants. Epistaxis: Aeon., bell., bry., crocus., ham., puis., silicea. , blood black and stringy : Crocus. , frequent : Aeon., try., puis. instead of the menses: Bell., bry., ham., puis., silicea, ust. with headache and vertigo : Lach. Eructations, bitter : Bry. , burning : Sulph. , frequent, affording no relief : Chin. , sour : Bry., kali c, lye. , with swelling of the cheeks, pricking and swelling of the gums at each menstrual nisus : Kali c. Eruptions, blotches, from which oozes a gelatinous fluid : Graph. , chronic : Graph. , erysipelatous : Kali c, graph. , herpetic : Graph. , itching : Graph. , of, at each menstural nisus ; Carlo v. , urticaria : Dulc. Excitement, great: Act. rac., magn. m., senecio. , mental : Hyos., stram. , vascular : Bry., mere. Exhaustion : See Debility. Expectoration, bloody : Dig., millef., phos. must be swallowed : Kali c. Exposes her person : Hyos. Extremities, lower, coldness of : Calc. c., phos., puis., sulph., verat. a. , , dead feeling in : Cocc. , , fatigue of the : Calc. c. , , feet, burning in the soles of the, at night in bed : Sulph. , , , coldness of: Calc. c, graph., phos., puis., sulph. verat. a. , , , damp and cold : Calc. c. , , , fidgetiness of the, she cannot keep them still : Zinc. j , , sweat on, offensive : Silicea. 471 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Extremities, lower, feet, swelling of : Apis, apocy., ars., ferr., graph., mere, xan. , , tired feeling in, even when sitting down : Magn. c. Eyes xan. , fidgetiness of the, she cannot keep them still : Zinc. , heaviness of : Calc. c, ferr., graph., iod., nat. c. , jerking in : Hyos. , numbness in when sitting : Bell. , paralysis, sensation of : Cocc, silicea. , swelling of, oedematous : Apis, apocy., ars., mere, xan. , tired feeling of, even when sitting : Magn. c. , varices on : Ham., lye. , weakness of : Calc. c, cocc, ferr., sulph. , weariness of the : Arg. n., iod. upper, arms, heaviness of : Graph. , fingers, itching between : Graph. , hands, coldness of : Calc. c, graph., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a. , swelling of: Apis, apocy., ars., ferr., graph., mere. , trembling of : Merc. blindness, momentary, frequent attacks of : Silicea. inflammation of: Eoph., puis., sulph., zinc, lachrymation, profuse, tears acrid and burning : Euph. rings around : Act. rac, ars., chin., cup., ferr., phos., sulph., -, blue : Chin., phos., sulph. -, dark-colored : Act. rac, xan. -, livid : Phos. sensitive to light : Euph. sight, obscuration of with vertigo : Gels. , weakness of : Merc. soreness of : Zinc. suffusion of : Bell., euph. Eyelids adhere at night: Euph. , inflammation, chronic: Euph., sulph. AMENORRHEA. 472 Causes and Concomitants. Eyelids, inflammation, chronic, itching in the day time and sticking together at night : Euph. , cedematous : Ars., ferr., graph., kali c, pJios. . , upper, especially : Kali c. , swelling of : Kali c, graph., phos. , , and cheeks, with gastric disturbances at each menstrual nisus : Kali c. Face, bloated : Are., bell., chin., sepia. , bluish color of : Dig. , cheeks, one red, the other pale : Cham. , , red spots on : Sulph. . swollen : Kali c. . dingy spots on : Septa. earthy color : Merc. eruptions on: Graph., puis., sulph. , freckles: Puis. leaden color of : Ferr., verat. a. lips dry: Bry. livid, with dark margins around the eyes: Ars., ferr. cedematous: Ars., ferr., graph., kali c, xan. — , , eyelids, especially: Art., graph., hdi c, phos. — , paleness of: Auun. c, ars., bry., cocc, con., chin., cup., ferr., iod., kali c, lye, mere, phos., plat., puis., rhus, sccale, sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a., zinc. — , , alternating with redness: Kali c, iod., zinc. — . , white, waxy : Ars. — ? . with a dark margin around the eyes : Chin., cup., ferr., sulph. — , , with red spots on the cheeks : Sulph. — , redness of the : Aeon., bell, bry., chain., chin., cocc, con., ferr., hyos., ign., iod., kali c, lye, mix v., opi., phos., plat, puis., rhus, strain., sulph., zinc. — • , alternating with paleness : Kali c, iod., zinc. — , . and evcs: Bell., cup. 473 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Face, redness of, and bloated, with throbbing headache : Bell. , , dark : Graph. , , fiery, in chlorotic girls : Ferr. , ■ , one cheek red the other pale : Cham, , , with laughing, crying, prayers and loud suppli- cations: Stram. , sallow : Pod., sepia. , sickly, wretched looking: Merc, pod., sulph. , stitches, through the face and teeth : Puis. , twitching or darting pains in the: Gels. , white, waxy looking: Ars. , yellow: Ars., canst., chain., sepia. , - — — spots on the : Sepia, Fainting, fits or turns of : Aeon., ars., cham., chin., glon., hyos., lye, nux m., sepia, stram., sulph., verat. a. Fatigue, great, from the least exertion : Ars., mere, magn. c, nux m. Fear, expression of, on waking from sleep : Stram. of being left alone : Ars. death : Ars., xan. Feet, burning in the soles of, at night in bed : Sulph., phos. , coldness of : Gale, c, graph., phos., puis., sepia, sulph., verat. a. damp and cold : Cede. c. , fidgetiness of, she cannot keep them still: Zinc. , sweat on, offensive : Silicea. , swelling of: Apis, apocy., ars., dig., ferr., graph., mere, xan. , tired feeling in, even when sitting clown : Magn. c. Fever : See Heat. Finger-nails grow into the flesh : Silicea. grow thick and crooked : Graph. Fire, she wants to be near the : Ars. Flesh, loss of: Bary., chin., ferr., iod., sulph., xan. , , while living well: Ned. m. , , with good appetite: Iod,, sulph. , -, cough : Xan. AMENORRHEA. 474 Causes and Concomitants. Food, loathing of all : Sepia. tastes badly : Puis. Foot sweat, from suppression of : Cup., silicea. , offensive : Silicea. Forehead, pressive pains in : Bry., silicea. , sweat on, cold : Verat. a. Frightened easily : Kali c. From anger : Cham., coloc. atony of the uterus or ovaries : Alet. chagrin : Aeon., chin., coloc. , with severe indignation : Staph. checked perspiration : Cham. on the feet : Cap., silicea. cold bathing : Ant. c. and dampness : Dale, rhus. , exposure to, or from taking: Aeon., act. rac, bry., dulc, gels., mix vi,, puis., senecio, sepia, sulph. — congestion of the uterus and pelvic viscera : Collin. — disappointed love : Hell., ign. — fever : Act. rac. — foot sweat, suppression of : Cup., silicea. — fright: Aeon., bell., lye, opi., plat., puis. — getting wet: Dulc., lac d., 111. tig., mix m., puis., rhus, xau. the feet wet : Aeon., puis. grief and great anxiety : Ign,, coloc. mental emotions : Act. rac. ovarian irritation : Ust. over exertion : Nux m, heated, becoming : Ant. c. heating : Ant. c. perspiration, checked : Cham. suppression of foot sweat: Cup., silicea. vexation : Coloc. working in water : Calc. c. 475 AMENOKRHCEA. Causes and Concomitants. Grastralgia: See Stomach. Gastric derangements : See Digestive organs. Genitals: See particular parts of genital organs under their re- spective heads. Girls, anaemic : Ars., calc. c, chin., ferr., helon., kali c, nat. m., phos., puis., ust. , from loss of fluids : Chin., helon. , , with narrow chest, bloated abdomen and flabby muscles : Calc. c. , awkward : Apis. , blonde : Ferr., silicea. , cachectic : Ars., iod., secale. , chlorotic: Calc. c, con., cup., ferr., graph., lach., nat. m., phos., silicea. — , , with morbid appetite : Alum. — , , yellow spots upon the face, anxiety in the chest and palpitation of the heart : Sepia. — , corpulent : Ant. c, calc. c, graph. — , delicate: Amm. c, ars., chin., ferr., helon., iod. — N , with fine, delicate skin : Sepia. — , dwarfish : Bury., secale. — , emigrant : Plat. — , excitable : See Nervous. — , frivolous : Apis. — , gentle, mild and yielding : Puis. — , hysterical : Act. rac, calc. c, chum., cocc, con., gels., hyos., ign., nat. in., nux m., plat., stram., verat. a. — , jealous : Lach. — , lean : Alum., iod., nit. ac, nux v., phos., secale. — , leuco-phlegmatic : Calc. c, graph., lye. — , loquacious : Stram. — , low-spirited : See Mood. — , lymphatic : Amm. c, puis., ust. — , married : Secale. AMENOKRHCEA. 47« Causes and Concomitants. Girls, mild, gentle and yielding: Puis. , nervous: Aeon., act. rac., amb., a mm. m., asaf., bell., cham., coif., gels., hyos., ign., mix v., phos., phos. ac, sepia, silicea, sulph. , phthisical: Calc. c, caust., kali c, phos., sang., stann. , plethoric: Aeon., ML, bry., calc. c, chin., i'err.. graph., hyos., lach., mix v., phos., sabina, stram., sulph. — j proud : Lach. — . rheumatic: Act. rac, bell., bry., graph., mere. mix. m., phyt.. rli us. — , romantic: Ferr. — , sanguine: Aeon., ML, coff.. ign., verat. a. — , scrawny : Arg. n., bary., iod., seeale. — , scrofulous : Aur., bary., calc. c, carlo an., caust. , con., iod.. mere, silicea, sulph. — , slender : Phos. — subject to faititing iits : Aeon., ars., cham.. chin., glon., .hyos., lye, mix m., stram., sulph., verat. a. gastric derangements : Pod. violent grief: Ign. -, suspicious : Lach. -, tall: Phos. -, tearful : Pals. -, thin : See Lean. -, weak : See Debility. - who are always in a hurry : Sulph. ac. constantly work but accomplish little : Apis. do everything wrong: Apis. drop everything they handle: Apis. cat much sugar: Cup. have been crossed in love : Calc. ph. lead sedentary lives: Aeon., nux v. sigh and sob much : Ign. - with cardiac complications : Cact., kali c, HI. tig. 47? AMENORKHXEA. Causes and Concomitants. Girls with hair, dark : Aeon., bry., iod., kali c, nit. ac, mix v., phos., plat, sepia. , light: Bell., calc. c, cocc, kali b.,puls., silicea. pale faces : See Face. pulmonary diseases : Calc. c, caust. kali c, jjhos., sang., stann. retarded development : Bary. yellow saddle across the nose or yellow spots or patches on the face : Sepia. — , yielding, gentle, mild : Puis. — , young: Aeon., apis, apocy., calc. ph., cup., nat. m., pod., puis., sepia. Glands, swelling of: Amm. c, calc. c, graph., hepar, silicea, sulph. Grief, she is fall of suppressed : Ign. Groaning and moaning : Cocc. Gums, bleeding of the : Calc. c, carbo v., ham., mere, sepia, sulph. , pricking and swelling of the, at each menstrual nisus : Kali c. , swelling of the : Bary., kali c, mere. Haematemesis : Bell., bry., ham., nat. m., phos., puis., sulph. Haemoptysis: Aeon., bry., ferr., ham., millet'., phos., puis., sulph. Haemorrhoids: Ms, hip., amm. c, calc. c, graph., ham., pod., puis., sulph. , bleeding: Graph., ham. , large, purple and very painful : Ms. hip. Hands, coldness of: Calc. c, graph., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a. , itching between the fingers : Graph. , palms of, burning in : Phos. , swelling of: Apis, apocy., ars., ferr., graph., mere. , trembling of : Merc. Hastiness : Nat. m., sulph. ac., 111. tig. Headache : Act. rac, aeon., apis, bell., bry., calc. c, chin., con., ferr., gels., glon., graph., lach., mere, dux v., puis., sang., sepia, sulph., vibnr. AMENORRHEA. 478 Causes and Concomitants. Headache above the eyes : Silicea. after walking in the open air: Amm. c. aggravated by light and noise : Bell. motion : Aeon. , brain beats in waves agaiust the skull : Chin. , buzzing : Calc. c, ferr., puis., sulph. , congestive: Aeon., act. rac, apis, bell., bry., calc. c, chin., ferr., gels., graph., lach., mere, opi., sulph. — , digging : Sulph. — , dull, with obscuration of sight: Gels. — , frontal : Amm. c, vibur. — , , pressive above the eyes : Silicea. — , , with catarrh : Eupli. , hysterical : Graph., hyos., lye, sepia, verat. a. , moaning : Bry. nat. on. ■, , awakens with : Nat. m. ■, , soon after rising : Bry. , nervous : Sepia, verat. a. ■, , at each menstrual nisus, with cold sweat on the fore- head : Verat. a. — , neuralgic : Act. rac., gels. — , sharp, darting pains in head and face : Gels. — , pressive : Bry., silicea. — , , just above the eyes : Silicea. — , with a sensation when stooping as if everything would be pressed out at the forehead : Bry. — , , swimming in the head : Bry. — , pulsating: Calc. c, glon. — , school girls : Nat. m. — , semilateral: Lye, puis., sulph., verat. a. — , , with stitches through the face and teeth : Puis. — , sick, with numb pain in the sacrum extending down the thighs : Graph. — , sides of the head : Lye. 479 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Headache, stitches in the sides of the head and heat on the vertex : Sulph. , tensive and pressive, with throbbing and buzzing in the brain : Sulph. , throbbing : Aeon., bell., cede, c, ferr., glon., sulph. , tingling, strange, pain at the vertex : Cup. , with fulness in the head : Oanth. , vertigo and bleeding from the nose : Lack. Head, buzzing in : Cole, c, ferr., puis., sulph. , cold in, frequent: Amni. c, euph., puis., sepia. , congestion of: Aeon., act. rac, apis, am., dell., try., cede, c, cham., chin., ferr., gels., graph., lach., mere, opi., stram., sulph. , crown of, strange, tingling pains in : Cup. , dizziness of : See Vertigo. , dullness of : Chin.-, gels., graph., nux v. , forehead, pains in, pressing : Bry., silicea. , , , , as if everything would be pressed out : Bry. — , , sweat on, cold : Verat. a. -, heat in : Aeon., bell., bry., ferr., lil. tig., sepia, sulph. -, heaviness of : Opi. -, pains in : See Headache. -, stitches in : Sulph. -, top of, coldness on, constant, as from ice : Verat. a. -, , heat in : Bell., sulph. -, , strange tingling in : Cup. -, wild feeling in the : Gels. Heart, anxiety about the : Bell. , diseases of : Apis, cact., kali c, lil. tig. , , organic : Kali c. , fluttering of the : Lil. tig., nat. m. , pain in : Apis, cham., lil. tig. , , as if it were pressed down : Cham. AMENORRHEA. 480 Causes and Concomitants. Heart, pains in, as if grasped, with pain and heaviness of left mammae : Lil. tig. , , squeezed in a vice : Lil. tig. , palpitation of: Aeon., alum., ars., bell., cham., cup., iod., kali c lil. tig., lye, mere , nat. m., puis. — , irregular : Ars. — , , on awaking from restless sleep : Alum. — , , with congestion to head and chest : Aeon. — , , heat in the face, on awaking from sleep: Alum. , , worse when lying on either side : Lil. tig. , , the left side : Cact. Heat and agitation of the blood, in the evening: Lye. great vascular excitement at each menstrual nisus : Merc. , awakens from sleep with heat in the face and palpitation of the heart : Alum. — , Hashes of: Aeon., sulpk. — , , frequent, with thirst : Aeon. , thirst and restlessness : Kali c. , vital lack of : Silicea. Hips, constant aching across the : zEs. hip. Hunger, unusual, at about 12 m. she can scarcely wait for her lunch : Sulph. Hypochondria, tenderness of, even the weight of her clothes is un- comfortable : Cah'. c, lach. Hysteria : Act. rac, aur., bell, chin., coca., con., crocus, graph., hyos., ign., lye, magn. rn., nuxm., phos., plat., puis., sepia, stram., sulph., U. a. (compare with particular symptoms under their respective heads). Iliac region, bearing-down pains in : Magn. m. Indignation, from great: Staph. Injuries suppurate easily: Silicea. Intellect, dullness of : Zinc. Irritability, great: Cham., sulph. Itching of the skin, violent, at each menstrual nisus : Carbo v. 481 AMENOKEHGEA. Causes and Concomitants. Lachryrnation, tears acrid and burning: Eupli. Laciviousness : Hyos. Lamentations, full of : Stram. Languor, excessive : Gels., senecio. Laughing, boisterous : Hyos. , hysterical, especially when out in the open air : Nux in. , involuntary: Con., hyos. , loud : Hyos., nux m., strain. , silly : Hyos. Leucorrhoea : See chapter on Leucorrhcea. Liability to take cold easily: Sulph. Life, disgust for : Aur. — — , weariness of : Aur., silicea. Light, desire for bright: Stram. , dread of : Eupli., bell., nux v. Lips, dry : Bry. Loquacity, excessive : Stram., sulph. Love, ill-effects from disappointed : Oact., hell., ign. Mammae distended : Con. , engorgement of : Dulc. , flabby : Con., iod. , , with increased sexual desire : Con. , hardness of: Con., dulc. , milk in : Merc, phos., rhus. , pains in : Bary., iod., mere, phos., zinc. , sensitive : Cede, c, con., mere, zinc. , shrivelled : Con., iod. , stitches in : Phos. , swollen : Calc. c, con., dulc, zinc. , and sensitive at each menstrual nisus : Gale, c, con. Mania : Hyos., puis., verat. a., zinc. , with laciviousness : Hyos. Masturbation, ailments from : See Onanism. 30 AMENORRHEA. 482 Causes and Concomitants. Melancholy: Amm. c, ars., ign., not. m., puis., sepia. secale, (com- pare Mood). Memory, weakness of: Con., mere, mix m., sabina, sepia, sulph. Menses, delay of the first : Aeon., apis, aur., bry., calc. c, canst., chel., cocc, con., dros., dale, graph., kali o., lye, magn. c, nat. m., pet., phos., puis., sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a. instead of haematemesis : See Haematemesis. . haemoptysis : See Haemoptysis. haemorrhoids: See Haemorrhoids. leucorrhoea : See Leucorrhoea. , scanty: See Menstruation, scanty. suppressed: See Menstruation, suppressed. Menstrual period, at each : cardialgia: Lach. , , cheeks, swelling of : Kali c. , , chest, oppression of : Lach. , , discharge of a few drops only of black blood Cucc. white water: Silicea. , — — , thin and offensive : Ars. . , dryness of the mouth : Xux m. , , eructations, with swelling of the cheeks, pricking and swelling of the gums : Kali c. , , excitement, great : Act. rac, mas:n. m., seuecio. forehead : Verat. a. -, , mental: Hyos., strain. -, , vascular : Bry., mere. -, eyelids and cheeks swell up : Kali c. -, gastric derangement: Kali c, lach., pod. -, gums, pricking and swelling of : Kali c. -, headache, hysterical, with cold sweat on the -, itching of old tetters and eruptions : Carbo v. -, laughter, loud, boisterous : Hyos. -, melancholv : Nat m. 483 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Menstrual period, at each, mucous discharge from different parts, nose, throat, anus, etc. : Senecio. , , pains, as if the menses would appear : Aur., hell., calc. c, cham., crocus, kali c, lye, plat., puis., senecio. , , in the breasts : Calc. c, con. , , pressure in the abdomen followed by soreness and swelling of the vulva : Sepia. , , sadness, excessive : Nat. m. , , soreness of the throat : Magn. c. , , spitting or vomiting of blood : Phos. , , weakness, so great that she can scarcely speak: Cocc. Menstruation, vicarious : Act. rac, aeon., ars., bapt., bell., Iry., calc. c, chin., collin., dulc, ham., ferr., nux v., phos., puis., sepia, sulph., ust., zinc. Mental excitement, great : Hyos., stram. Mild, tearful dispositions, in : Puis. Mind, great disturbance of : Secale. , weariness of : Alet. Mood, changeable : Crocus, stram. , contrary : Merc. , dejected : See Melancholy. , fitful : Nux m. , hilarious : Aeon. , irascible : Aeon., eh am., nat. c. , irritable : Cham., nux v., sulph. , meditative : Senecio. , melancholy: Amm. c, ars., cycl., ign., nat. m., pals., sepia, secale. , , at each menstrual nisus : Nat. m. -, peevish : Cham., magn. c, mere. -, quarrelsome : Nux v. -, suicidal : Aur. -, suspicious : Plat. AMENORRHEA. 484 Causes and Concomitants. Mood, weeping: Con., ign., lye, phos., plat., puis., sepia, sulph., verat. a., zinc. , and laughing, involuntary : Con. , , praying, and earnest supplication : Strain. , , uncontrollable: Plat. , , with involuntary sobbing and sighing : Ign. Moaning and groaning : Cocc. Morning sickness: Nat. m., puis. , qualmishness at the stomach for a few hours each morn- ing, with sweet or insipid risings from the stomach and spitting of bloody saliva : Nat. in. Motion, all her symptoms are aggravated by: Aeon., Inj. is disagreeable: Bry., nat. c. painful : Bry. , downward, as in a swing or a rocking chair, is unbearable : Borax. Mouth, dryness of: Bry., nux m. , , and tongue, especially after sleeping : Nux m. , odor from, foul : Pod. , taste in, bad, on waking in the morning : Puis. , , sour : Lye, sulph. Mucous discharge from any part in place of the menses : Senecio. Nails grow thick and crooked : Graph. into the flesh : Silicea. Nausea: Ars., bry., calc. c, chain., chin., ipec, graph., kali c, nat. in., phos., puis., sepia, sulph., verat. a. and vomiting: Puis., verat. a. with diarrhoea, coldness of the feet, hand and nose, or leaden color of the face: Verat. a. cramps in the abdomeu and chest : Cup. from riding in a carriage : Sepia. the odor of cooking food : Sepia. with bad taste in the mouth in the morning : Puis. 485 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Nausea with sweet or insipid rising from the stomach and spitting of bloody saliva: Nat. m. Neck, nape of, drawing pain in: Act. rac, nat. c. Nervousness: Aeon., act. rac, borax, cham., chin., coca, con 2 ., hyos., ign., senecio, stram., xan. Noises, intolerance to : Bell., nux v., xan. Nosebleed: See Epistaxis. , frequent: Amm. c, euph., puis., sepia. Nose, catarrh constant with frontal headache and dread of light : Euph. , coldness of : Verat. a. , ulcers on the right side of bridge of : Euph. , yellow saddle across bridge of : Sepia. Nutritive system, depressed condition of: Oalc. c. Nymphomania: Ganth., chin., coca, hyos., murex, phos., plat., stram., silicea, sulph., verat. a., zinc. from spinal irritation in lumbar region : Silicea. Obscene : Hyos. Odontalgia: See Teeth, pains in. (Edema: See particular parts affected. Onanism, suffering from: Calc. a, chin., gels., lya, nux v., phos. aa, sepia, staph., sulph., zinc. , against an inclination for: Calc. a, con., gels., pho^., plat., sulph. Ophthalmia: See Eyes, inflammation of. Otalgia : See Ears, pains in. Ovarian region, pains in: Ant. a, apis, lach., 111. tig., pod., xan. , , burning : Bell., lil. tig. , , cutting : Apis. , , left : Lach., lil. tig. , , right : Apis, bell., pod., xan. , , , distressing : Apis. , , , especially at night : Pod. , stinging in : Apis, lil. tig. AMENORRHEA. 486 Causes and Concomitants. Ovarian region, tenderness in and about : Ant. c. Ovaries, congestion of : Apis. , diseases of : Con., pod. Pains, bearing down : Alet., ant. c, bell., cede, c, caul., cham., crocus, kali c, lach., nat. m., plat., puis., sepia, secale, senecio, sulph. — — , , as if the menses would appear : Aur., hell., calc. c, cham., crocus, kali c, nat. m., plat., puis., senecio, sepia. Peevish: Cham., magn. c, mere. Perineum, soreness of : Sepia. Perspiration, at night : Alet. , affording no relief : Merc. - , checked, amenorrhcea from : Cham. , profuse when walking : Sepia. Pollution, self : See Onanism. Prayers and earnest supplications, full of : Straw. Prostration, excessive : See Debility. Proud and suspicious : Plat. Pruritus : Canth., collin., con., kali b. Pulmonary complications : Oalc. c, kali c, phos., sang. Pudendum, itching on: Calc. c, collin., con., fcrr., kali b., niagu. c, phos. ac, silicea. Rectum, dryness in : iEs. hip. , prolapsus of : Pod. Restlessness, great: Act. rac, ars., kali c., mix v., rhus, sepia, zinc. Reveries, religious, given to : Sulph. Rheumatic patients, in : Act. rac, Iry., graph., mere, mix m., pint., rhus. Sacrum, aching across : Ms. hip., gels. , pains in : JEs. hip., gels., graph., pod. , , numb, extending down the legs: Graph. -, stiffness in : Kali c. Sadness : See Mood, melancholy. Sallow complexion: Pod., sepia. Salvation, despair of: Vcrat. a. 487 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Satiety, constant sense of : Lye. Scapulae, burning between : Phos. , pains between : Amm. c, cycl. Seated, wishes to remain : Ferr. Sensitiveness to cold air : Oalc. c, sepia. mental and physical impressions : Staph. noises : Bell., nux v. strong smells, loud talk, or bright light : Nux v. Sexual desire obliterated : Agn. cast. increased : Ars., bell., canth., con., dulc, hyos., plat., sulph. ac, verat. a., zinc. instinct without energy: Sepia. intercourse, aversion to : Agn. cast., kali c, nat. in. mania : Hyos., phos., zinc. Shamelessness, disposed to expose her person and to be obscene : Hyos., phos. Shivering : Amm. c, ars., bry., lye, puis., sepia, silicea. , frequent fits of: Lye. (compare Chilliness). Shortness of breath : See Breath. Shoulder-blade, right, pain under lower angle of: Ohel. Shrieks and cries for help : Ign. Sides, distress in the : Bell., chain., nat. c. Sighing, involuntary : Ign. Sings amorous and obscene songs : Hyos. Skin, dryness of : Kali c. , itching of, at each menstrual nisus : Carbo v. (compare Eruptions). , unhealthy : Pet., silicea. -, white, waxy : Ars. Sleep, awakens from, at 2 or 3 a. m., dyspnoea : Kali c. , , and toward morning falls into a dreamy state, from which she awakens feeding tired and weary : Nux v. , , with a very bad taste in the mouth : Puis. AMENORRHEA. 4 88 Causes and Concomitants. Sleep, awakens from, with dizziness : Kali c. , , headache : Lach., nat. m. , , palpitation of the heart: Alum. , , violent starts: Bell., kali c. disturbed by dreams : Ars., chin., nat. m., phos. , anxious: Chin. of robbers in the house : Nat. m. , tiresome : Ars. — — ■ , vivid: Nat. in. , falls asleep late: Nux v., puis., sulph. , jumps out of bed during: Cina. in short naps all night: Sulph. — — late in the morning and awakens with a very bad taste in the mouth : Puis. lying on her back, with her arms over her head : Plat. .restless: Alum., ars., bapt., bell., calc. c. chain., cina, ferr., kali c, nux. v., phos., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph. , sees imaginary objects during: Cina. Sleepiness all the time: Nux m., phos., opi. in the day time: Eat. m.. nux in., phos., sulph. with inability to sleep : Bell., puis., opi. Sleeplessness: Chin., magn. in., nat. m., senecio. at night : Magn. in., nat. m., senecio, sulph. Smell of cooking food nauseates her: Sepia. Sobbing, involuntary: Tgn. Society, desire for: Strain. Spasms, hysterical : See Convulsions. Speak, scarcely able to, from weakness : Cocc. Spirits, depression of: See Mood. Stomach, alive in, sensation as of something: Crocus. , ball rising from, to throat, sensation of : Senecio. , belching from : See Eructations. , cold water lies like a stone in the : Ars. 489 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Stomach, empty and unnatural hungry feeling in the, from eleven to twelve o'clock, she can hardly wait for dinner: Sulph. , fulness of the : Ars., chin., lye, sulph. , , after drinking cold water : Ars. , , eating, with eructations which afford no relief : Chin. never so little : Lye. — , , and abdomen : Lye. — , insipid risings from the: Nat. m. — , motion in, sensation of : Crocus. — , pit of, empty sensation at : Ign., sepia, sulph. — , , goneness in, sensation of: Ign. — , , motion in, sensation of: Crocus. — , , pressure at the : Lye, puis., cede, e., cham. — , pressure in : Ferr., lye., puis., sulph. — , qualmishness at the, a few hours each morning, with sweet or insipid risings, and spitting of bloody saliva: Nat. m. — , satiety, constant sense of, the least quantity of food causes a sensation of fulness clear up to the throat: Lye. — , sweet or insipid risings from : Nat. m. -, weight in : Sulph. Stools adhear to the rectum like soft clay: Plat, crumble as they emerge : Magn, m. difficult, dry, long and slender: Phos. dry : Bry., phos. and hard, as if burned : Bry. frothy, with burning in the anus : Opi. hard : Bry., magn. in., opi., sulph. lumps : Magn. m., opi., -, lack of powder to expell them : Silicea. -, large : Magn. m., nat. m., silicea. - scanty and difficult : Plat. - slim, dry and difficult : Phos. ■ slip back when partly expelled : Silicea. AMENORRHEA. 490 Causes and Concomitants. Stools soft with much straining : Alum. , urging to, ineffectual : iEs. hip., mix v., plat., sulph. Strength, rapid sinking of : Hyos. Suicidal tendency : Aur. Suspicious and proud : Plat. Swallowing, difficult : Ign. Sweat, profuse, when walking : Sepia. , suppression of foot, with : Silicea. Sweet things, desire for : Lye. Talk, indisposed to : Amm, c, eupion, zinc. , hear others : Amm. c. Talks hurriedly : Cina, sulph. ac. much : Stram., sulph. nonsense : Hyos. Tears, full of : Phos., puis., stram. , flow of, profuse: Euph.. Phyt. Teeth, pains in : Agar., Amm. c, ant. c, bary., hell., bry., bovis., calc. c, cham., chin., graph., hyos., kali c, kreas., lach., magn. m., nat. m., nux m., mix v., phos., puis., sepia, staph., sulph.. zinc. , , shifting suddenly from one side to the other : Puis. Thighs, cutting pains in : Calc. c. , soreness between: Atnm. c, kali c, silicea. Thirst, absence of: Apis, puis., nux m. , excessive: Aeon., ars., bell., bry., kali c, nat. m., phos. , , drink does not allay: Ars. , , drinks often but little at a time : • Ar*. , , and large quantities : Bry. , , for large quantities of cold water : Bry. Throat, ball rising in the : Senecio. , constriction of: Bell., ign. , dryness of, also mouth and tongue at each menstrual nisus Nux m. , soreness of, at each menstrual nisus : Magn. c. Tired, even while sitting or on rising in the mormiij : Magn. c. 491 AMENORRHEA. Causes and Concomitants. Tongue, blisters on : Nat. m. , coated : Cham., ipec., puis., senecio. , dryness of : Nux m. , mapped : Nat. in. Toothache : See Teeth, pains in. Umbilicus, pains about : Cycl. Uncovers and exposes herself : Hyos. Uneasiness, general : iEs. hip., coca, opi., plat. Urination, frequent desire for: Ganth., chain., dros., gels., ign., puis., nat. m., sulph. , has to sit down and bend backward to pass her water: Zinc. , flow intermits : Con. -. , painful : Canth., calc. c. , pain in urethra after urinating: Nat. m. , with drawing pains in the abdomen : Puis. Urine, brown : Arm, calc. c. , cloudy: Sulph., xan. , colorless: Cham., gels., ign., magn. c, puis. , copious: Amm. c, alum., caul., cham., gels., nat. m., sulph. , dark : Hell. , red : Aeon., carbo v., kali b., lye, phyt. , scanty: Aeon., apis, chin., coca, ham., hell., lil. tig., nux in., xan. , sediment in, like brick dust: Lye, nat. m., nat. s., sepia, xan. , , coffee-grounds: Hell. , , jelly-like : Coloc. , , white : Calc. a, magn. a, phos., plat. Uterus, alive in, sensation as of something: Crocus. , bloated feeling in : Lil. tig. , cramps in : Act. rac, con., graph., plat., sepia. , heaviness in : Alet., amm. c. , induration of the cervix : Aur., bell., carbo an., chin., con., iod., magn. m., plat., sepia. — , pains in: Act. rac., amm. a, con., graph., plat., puis., secale. AMENORRHEA. 4 02 Causes and Concomitants. Uterus, pains in, labor-like and long-lasting, at each menstrual nisus : Secale. , prolapsus of: Aur., bell., collin., con., kali c, lil. tig., mere, plat., pod., puis., sabina, sepia. . , and of the rectum : Pod. , , with induration: Aur., bell., con. , , numb, aching pain in left ovarian region : Pod. — , thin, offensive discharge from : Ars. — . white, watery discharge from: Silicea. Vagina, burning in, during an embrace : Lye. , discharge thin and offensive from, instead of the menses : Ars , white water from, instead of the menses : Silicea. , distended, sensation as if : Sepia. , dryness of : Lye. , indurations in, painful: Chin. , pain from left side of, to chest : Alum. ■ , prolapsus of: Merc. , sore : Kali c. , tender : Coff., kali c, silicea. , water from, instead of the menses: Silicea. , wind from the : Lye, sang. Vascular excitement, great: Bry., mere. Vertigo: Aeon., bry., calc. c, con., cycl., gels., lach., mix v., phos., plat., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a., zinc. , on going up-stairs : Calc. c. , rising up : Aeon., bry. or fainting on rising from a recumbent position : Aeon. , when lying down an attempt is made to turn over : Con. , with buzzing in the ears : Puis. Vexation, from : Coloc. Vision, obscuration of : Bell., gels., silicea. Vomiting: Ars., bell., bry., cham., cup., hyos., lye, mix v., phos., puis., secale, sepia, sulph., verat. a. 493 ABORTION.— MISCARRIAGE. Causes and Concomitants. Vomiting after drinking: Ars. of blood at each menstrual nisus : Bell., ham., nat. m., phos., puis. , sour, mornings especially : Lye. , with cramps extending to the chest : Cup. Vulva, eularged, sensation as if: Sepia. , eruptions about: Con. , , oozing a sticky fluid : Graph. , itching: Carb. ac, car bo v., con., helon., kali b., kreas., lye, rhus, staph. — , cede in ato us : Graph. — , sensitive : Coff., staph. — , stitches in : Con. — , swelling of : Sepia. Weakness : See Debility. Weariness: zEs. hip., alet., ars., carbo an., 1'err., iod., kali c, magn. c, phos., trill. all the time : Cycl. of body and mind: Alet. Weeping mood : See Mood. Wet, from getting : Bide., mix m., puis., rhus, xan. Work, aversion to : Zinc. Works in a hurry : Sulph. ac. Yawning: Amm. c, apis, bell., carbo an., kali h., magn. m., puis. ABORTION.— MISCARRIAGE. Abortion, predisposition to : Act. rac, alet., apis, asar., aur., bapt., calc. c, caul., ferr., helon., hyos., kali c, lye, puis., sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., vibur. , threatened : Aeon., act. rac, amb., apis, am,, asar., bapt., bell., bry., calc. c, can nab., camph., caust., caul., chain., chin., ciun., coff., crocus, erig., ferr., gels., helon., hyos., ipec, kali c, mix m., ABORTION.— MISCARRIAGE. 494 Causes. mix v., opi., pod.; puis., rhus, sabina, sang., secede, sepia, silicea, stram., sulph., thuja, trill., verat. a., vibur. Abortion, second month : Apis, kali c. , third month : Crocus, sabina, secale, thuja. , fifth to seventh month : Sepia. , pregnancy, in the early part of : Apis. , ■ , in the last months of: Opi. CAUSES. Anaemia: Alet., calc. c, chin., ferr., helon., kali c, plumb., puis.. secale. Congestion of the uterus: Act. rac, alet., bell., canth., caul., chin., crocus, hepar, nux v., sepia. — , passive : Caul., secale, ust. ■ , with ulceration : Canth. Constipation : Apis, bry., nux v., silicea. Cystitis: Aeon., cannab., canth. Disposed to haemorrhages : Calc. c, ham. Epidemic influenza, during : Camph. Exposure to cold or dampness, from : Dulc, puis., rhus. Fright : Aeon., gels., opi. , when the fear remains, she cannot get over it : Aeon. Gonorrhoea: Cannab. Induration of the cervix : Aur., con., sepia. Inertia, uterine : Act. rac, alet., caul., chin., ferr., helon., puis., sabina, secale, ust. Leueorrhcea : Calc. c, camph., lye, sepia, sulph. Nervous sensibility, excessive : Asar., ferr. Plethora : Aeon., apis, alet., calc. c, sabina. Shocks, falls, bruises, or concussions : Am. , , , , especially if flow commences with or without pain, or pain with or without flow : Am. Spinal affections : Silicea. Strain of the loins or over-exertion : Rhus. 495 ABORTION.— MISCARRIAGE. Causes. Strain in the loins from a false step or over reaching : Cinn. Sudden depressing emotions : Gels. Suppressed grief : Ign. Syphilsernia : Aur., mere., nit. ac., phyt., staph., thuja. Typhoid fever : Bapt. CHARACTER OF THE DISCHARGE. Black: Asar., crocus, foveas,, plat., puis., secale. and coagulated : Cham., chin., crocus, few., puis., sabina. , in gushes : Puis. liquid : Secale. mixed with foul-smelling coagula : Secale. offensive : Cham., crocus, kveas., secale. stringy : Crocus. thick: Plat. Bright red : Am., tell., cinn., erig., hyos., ipec, rhus, sabina, trill., ust. , aggravated by motion : Sabina, trill., ust. ■ , continuous : Hyos., ipec. , feels hot as it passes : Bell. , in gushes : Sabina, ust. , intermittent : Bell., rhus, sabina, ust. , not coagulating : Ham. , or dark with coagula : Sabina. , readily coagulating : Ipec. , with coagula : Avn., bell., ipec, sabina, ust. Coagulated: Avn,, bell., cham., chin., cvocus, ferr., helon., ipec, plat., puis., sabina, secale, ust. Comes suddenly and ceases as suddenly as it came : Bell. Continuous: Am., cinn., ham., hyos., ipec, sabina, ust. but not profuse : Ust. with nausea : Ipec. Dark : Bell., bvy., cham., chin., cvocus, ferr., helon., kreas., nux m., plat., puis., sabina, secale, trill., ust. , aggravated by motion : Crocus. ABORTION.— MISCARRIAGE. 496 Character of the Discharge. Dark and mixed with coagula: Bell., chum., chin., crocus, ferr., puis., sabina, secale, ust. , dark : Sabina. . foul : Secale. , fluid : Bit., plat, secale. , offensive : Chum., crocus, kreas., sabina, secale. , thick: Nux m., plat. Fetid : Bell., chum., crocus, kreas., sabina, secale, ust. Gushes, in : Chum., chin., puis., sabina, secale, ust. Hot, feels, as it passes the vulva: Bell. Intermittent: Chin,, kreas., puis. Offensive : See Fetid. Partly thin or watery, and partly black and coagulated: Ferr. Passive: Alet, caul., chin., crocus, ham,,helon., secale, ust. Profuse: Apis, am., bell., chum., chin., cinn., crocus, erig\, ferr., helon., hyos., ipec, sabina, secale, trill. Scanty : Caul., nux v. Sudden : Bell., cinn. Suddenly ceases and as suddenly returns: Bell. Watery : Chin., ferr., kreas., sabina, secale. and mixed with coagula: Chin., ferr., sabina, secale. Worse from motion : Coff., crocus, erig., sabina, secale. CHARACTER OF THE PAIN.— HYPOGASTRIC AND UTERINE REGION. Pain about the umbilicus, passing off into the uterus: Ipec. alternating with haemorrhage: Cham., puis, secale. and distention : Chin., lye. faint, sick feeling in the abdomen: Sabina. heaviness in : Cham. motion in, as from something alive : Crocus. excites a desire to defecate: Nux v. great restlessness and agony: Cham. in, burning : Bry. 497 ABORTION— MISCARRIAGE, Character of the Pain. — Hypogastric and Uterine Region. Pain in, colicky: Bell., calc. a, chin., sepia. , , cutting, with frequent desire to urinate : Cham. , crampy, uterine : Coca, nux m., vibur. , . , with cutting stitches : Ign. , labor-like : Apis, hell., calc. c, caul., cham., liyos., ipec, kali c, nit. ac, nux v., nux m., opi., plat., puis., sabina, secale, sepia, ust. , , alternating with haemorrhage : Cham., puis., secale. , , as if the pelvic contents would issue through the vulva : Bell., nit. ac, sepia. , , beginning in the back and extending into the thighs : Kali c. , , ovarian region : Pod. , — — , coming suddenly and as suddenly vanishing : Bell. , , extending to the sides :- Cham. , , thighs : Apis, cham., kali c, sang., , periodical : Cham. , shooting from right to left across the abdomen : , spasmodic : Caul. , the result of injury : Am. -, with frequent desire to urinate : Cham. , pressure on the uterus and rectum : Ipec. vibur. Lye. , shooting to the legs : Vibur. , stinging, in ovarian region : Apis. Sinking, empty feeling in : Ign., sepia. Tremulous sensation in : Plat. Weakness in, great : Phos. Weight in : Alet. BACK. Pains from, directly through the pubis : Sabina. in, aggravated by motion : Bry. 31 ABORTION— MISCARRIAGE. 498 Back. Pains in, as if it would break : Bell., kali c. , drawing : Rhus. , beginning in the back and extending into the thighs : Kali c. intolerable before passing water : Lye. paralytic, rendering the legs almost useless : Cocc. severe in back and loins : Caul. small of: Asar., bell., calc. c, lye. , attended with great weakness : Kali c. Spinal affections : Silicea. MENTAL CONDITION. Anxiety, great : Aeon., am., bell., kali c, secale. and palpitation of the heart : Calc. c. sadness : Secale. timorousness : Bell. , with great fear: Kali c. , — — - nervous excitability : Aeon. Cannot bear to be talked to : Hyos. Confusion of mind : Bry. Cries and trembles, does not know what to do : CofL Delirium : Hyos. after severe flooding : Chin. Depression of spirits : Ferr., ign., lye., sepia, ust. Desire to talk about her condition : Nux v. Dread of men : Puis. Dull and stupid : Opi. gloomy : Helon. Ecstatic mood : Strain. Fear of death : Aeon., apis, coif., gels., kali c, secale, stram. , is sure she will die from the haemorrhage : Aeon. , is sure she will abort: Nux in. Full of desires : Ipec. — tears : Puis. 499 ABORTION.— MISCARRIAGE. Mental Condition. Hysterical : Ferr., hyos., nux m., phos., sabina. , alternation of laughing and weeping : Hyos., phos. Illusions, everything around her seems small, and everybody seems inferior to her : Plat. Imperious manner: Lye. Irritable : Cham., ipec., nux v., sepia. Lascivious mania : Hyos. Laughter, eyerything seems ludicrous : Nux m. Loquacious : Hyos., strain. , indistinct muttering: Hyos. Makes irrelevant auswers : H} t os. Mild, gentle, tearful, yielding: Puis. Moans, which afford relief : Bell. Momentary arrest of thoughts : Asar. Mood, suicidal : Aur. Morose and serious : Bell. Nervous : Asar., cham., chin., ferr., opi. and hysterical feeling : Ferr. irritable: Cham., nux v., opi. Obstinate and passionate : Bry. Over-sensitiveness : Bell., mix v. Quietly disposed : Trill. Restless : Aeon., bapt., dnlc, rhus. , anxiousness : Crocus. , quarrelsome : Dale. , mental : Bapt. Short time seems a long while to her : Nux m. Sighing and sobbing : Ign. Startled easily : Bell., cocc. Stupid, half-sleepy condition : Opi., secale. Taciturn : Nit. ac. Tearful: Puis. Thinks herself well : Kreas. she is not at home : Opi. Weeps much : Kali c. METRORRHAGIA. 500 METRORRHAGIA. Remedies in general : Aeon., ant. c, apis, apocy., arg. n. am., are., bell., bry., bufo, cafc. c, canth., carbo an., carbo v., caul., cham., chin., cinn., coff., con., crocus, diet., erec, erig.,/m\, &am., %os., ign., iod., ipec., kali e, kreas., lach., lye, mere., murex, nit. ac., nux v., phos., ^/tf/., plumb., puis., rhus, sabina, secale, sepia, silicea, staph., stram., sulph., sulph. ac, trill., list. CHARACTER OF THE DISCHARGE. Acrid : Sulph., sulph. ac. Active: Aeon., apis, am., bell., calc. c, cham., chin., dun., coff., crocus, ferr., ham., hyos., ign., ipec, phos., plat., secale, ust. Black: Cham., chin., crocus, ferr., kreas., plat., puis., secale, sulph. and coagulated : Cham., chin., crocus, ferr., lye, puis., sabina. , liquid : Secale. , offensive : Cham., crocus, kreas., secale. — — , stringy : Crocus. Bright-red : Am., bell., calc. c, dan., erec, erig., ham., hyos., ipec, lye, rhus, sabina, trill., ust. , aggravated by motion : Crocus, sabina, ust. , continuous: Hyos., ipec , gushes, in : Ust. . hot, feels hot as it passes : Bell. , intermittent, paroxysmal : Bell., rhus, ust. , mixed with clots: Am., bell., sabina, ust. Coagulated: Apocy,, am., bell., cham., chin., coff., crocus, cycl.,ferr. } kreas., lye, nux v., plat, puis., rhus, sabina, secale, stram., trill. , dark : Cham., chin., puis., ust. , , alternating with bloody serum : Plumb. , , emitted in paroxysms: Puis. , large: Apocy., coff., , black lumps : Coff. , , offensive : Kreas. -, mixed with bright-red blood : Am., bell., sabina, ust. 501 METRORRHAGIA. Character of the Discharge. Coagulated, mixed with dark, liquid blood : Secede. , pale, watery blood : Chin. , stringy : Crocus. Comes suddenly, and goes as suddenly : Bell. Continuous : Apocy., ham., hyos., ipec, secale, ust. but slow : Ham., ust. Dark: Bell., bry., chain., crocus, f err., ham., helon., kreas., lye, mix m., plat., plumb., puis., sabina, secale, sepia, sulph., trill., nst. and mixed with coagula : Cham., crocus, ferr., kreas., lye, puis., sabina, ust. Feels hot as it passes : Arm, bell. Flow suddenly ceases and as suddenly returns : Bell. Frequent attacks of haemorrhage, she seems to get almost well when the discharge returns : Kreas., mix v., sulph. Gushes, in : Cham., chin., puis., secale, sabina, ust. Hot, blood feels hot as it passes : Am., bell. Intermittent : Apocy., chin., cham., kreas., nux v., phos., puis., sabina, secale, sulph., ust. Offensive : Bell., cham., crocus, kreas., sabina, secale, ust. , pungent : Kreas. , putrid: Cham. Painless : Bovis., calc. c, crocus, ham., magn. c, secale. Pale : Oarbo v., chin., hyos., mere, sabina. , with coagula : Chin., sabina. , ■ pale lips and face : Ferr. Passive : Alet., caul., carbo v., crocus, ham., secale. ust. Profuse : Aeon., apis., arg. n., am., bell., bry., calc. c, caul., chain., chin., cinn., crocus, diet., erig., ferr., helon., ham., hyos., kreas., ipec, murex, nux v., sabina, secale, trill. ■ and protracted : Phos. continuous : Hyos., ipec. , dark and offensive : Kreas. , frequently and freely at intervals : Phos. METRORRHAGIA. 502 Character of the Discharge. Profuse, from a strain in the loins or a false step, threatening or fol- lowing a miscarriage : Cinn. . in gushes : Sabina, secale, ust. .sudden: Bell., cinn. . with nausea and vomiting : Jpec. , pain in the back : Trill. , threatened miscarriage : Cinn. Sudden : Bell, cinn. Stringy : Crocus, ust. Suddenly ceases and as suddenly returns : Bell. Thick : Nux m., plat., sulph., trill. Thin, fluid: Apocy., chin., ferr., kreas., lye, sabina, secale. , mixed with coagula: Chin., ferr., kreas., sabina, secale. , foul-smelling coagula : Kreas., secale. Viscid: Crocus. Worse from motion : Calc. c, coff., crocus, erig., sabina, secak. but often better from walking : Sabina. on rising up in bed : Aeon. CAUSES, EXCITING AND PREDISPOSING. Abortion, or miscarriage, after: Aeon., apis, am., bell., bry.. chain., chin., cinn., crocus, erig., ferr., ham., hyos., ipec, kali c, lye, nit. ae., plat., sabina, secale, trill., ust. at the second or third month : Apis, kali c. - third month : Crocus, sabina, secale, thuja. fifth month : Sepia. flow bright red : Am., cinn., erig., ham., hyos., ipec, mlAna. and not coagulated : Ham. or dark, with coagula: Sabina. continuous, with nausea and vomiting : Jpec. dark : Bry., cham., secale. fluid with coagula : Secale. and stringy: Crocus. thick, not coagulated : Plat. 5C8 METRORRHAGIA. Character of the Discharge. Abortion, flow in gushes : Sabina, secede, list. , paroxysmal : Sabina. , partly black and coagulated, partly thin and watery: Ferr. from congestion of the uterus : Apis, canth. exposure to dampness : Dulc. falls or bruises : Am. false steps or strain in the loins : Ginn. fright : Gels., opi. straining or wrenching herself: Rhus. thunder storm : Cinn. uterine debility : Gaul. — , threatened : Aeon., apis, am., bell., cham., coca, crocus, ipec, kali c, kreas., opi, phos., plat., puis., sabina, secale, sepia, vibur. — with great exhaustion from loss of blood : Chin. pains followed by swooning : Lye. in the small of the back : Kali c, trill. as if the pelvic contents would be forced out at the vulva: Nit. ac. Accouchement, after : Aeon., apis, am., bell., bry., caul., cham., chin., cinn., crocus., erig.,ferr., ham., hyos., ipec, kali c, kreas., mere, nit. ac, nux v., plat., sabina, secale, senecio, trill., ust. , difficult : Arm, caul., phos., secale. , during : Bell., chain., cinn., hyos., ipec, plat., sabina, secale. Auger, from : Cham., staph. Atony of the uterus : Gaul., secale. Carcinoma, from : Ars., ham., kreas., hydras., lach., phos., silicea, sulph. Concussions, from, a blow or fall, or false step: Am., cinn., puis., rims, ruta, sulph. Debility, from : Alet., caul., chin., ferr. Emotions, from, violent: Aeon., bell., bry., cham., coca, crocus, hyos., phos., plat., puis., sepia, stram., sulph. False step or strain in the loins, from : Cinn. METRORRHAGIA. 504 Character of the Discharge. Fibroids: Calc. c, lye, mere, nit. ac., silicea, sulph. ac. Fright, after : Aeon., bell., mix v. Iron, from abuse of : Pals. Labor : See Accouchement. Lifting, from over : Cinn. Miscarriage : See Abortion. Menopause, at the : Ant. c, ars., calc. c, carbo v., crocus, ferr., kali c, lack., lye, mix v., plumb., puis., sabina, secede, sepia, sulph., trill., ust. , when approaching the: Calc. c, chin., crocus, mix v., sabina, sepia. Motion, flow aggravated by : CofL, crocus, erig., sabina, secale, ust. Placenta, after delivery of: Bell., cinn., ipec, puis., secale. , retention of, with : Bell., cantli., caul., puis., sabina, secale, sepia. Polypus : Bell., calc. c, lye, phos., thuja. Pregnancy, durning : Oocc, crocus, kali c, kreas., phos., plat., rhus, sabina, sepia. , the second month : Apis, kali c. , third month of : Crocus, kali c, sabina. , fifth or seventh month of : Sepia. Quinine, from abuse of : Puis. Strain, from : Am., cinn., rhus. Subinvolution, from: Kali b., lil. tig., ust. Uterus, inertia of: Gaul chin., puis., sabina, secale, ust Women, in aged: Cham., hydras., lach., mere. , barren : Arg. n. , cachectic : Secale. , given to reveries : Puis. , mild : Puis. , phlegmatic : Aloe, calc. c. , phthisical : Phos. , plethoric : Aeon. , pregnant : Cocc, crocus, kali c, kreas., phos., plat., rhus, sabina, sepia. 505 METRORRHAGIA. Character of the Discharge. Women., in rheumatic: Ant. c, bry., rhus. sedentary habits of: Nux v. scrawny : Secede. subject to profuse menstruation : Cede. c. tall : Phos. tearful : Puis. weakly : Ferr. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. Abdomen, contractions in, spasmodic : Sepia. , distention of : Chin., kali c, lye, , , in various places : Lye. , , painful : Chin. , empty, weak feeling across the : Ign., phos., sepia. , faint, sinking feeling in the : Seibina. , fermentation in the : Lye. , heaviness in the : Apis, sepia. , pains in, as from bee stings : Apis. , , bearing down : Bell., cheim., crocus, hyos., ipec., nit. ac., secede, sepia. , , colic : Calc. c, chin., ipec, lye. , . cutting : Ipec, lye. , , , about the umbilicus : Ipec. , , , from right to left : Lye. , , , the umbilicus down into the uterus : Lpec. , , from left ovarian region, increasing more and more until relieved by a discharge of blood : Laeh. , , labor-like : Bell., chain., crocus, ferr., hyos., ipec, lach., nit. etc., plat., puis., rhus, sabina, secale, sepia, ust. , , , bearing down, as if pelvic contents would be forced out the vulva : Bell., nit. ac, plat., sepia. , , , compelling her to cross her legs to prevent the pelvic contents escaping through the vagina : Sepia. METRORRHAGIA. 506 Concomitant Symptoms. Abdomen, rolling or bounding in : Crocus. , rumbling in : Lye. , sensation in, as if the pelvic visoera were drawn down : Plat. , weak, empty feeling across the : Ign., phos., sepia. , , . with pain : Sepia. , . fainting, or sinking feeling : Stibina. Aching all over, worse during rest: Rhus. Afraid to move, she is certain she is going to die : Aeon. Agitation, great: Aeon., bufo, cham., ign., puis., strain. Anger, from : Cham., staph. Anus, itching in : Carbo v., sulph. , sensation of uneasiness in, as from constant desire to defecate : Nux v. , weight in, as from a lump : Sepia. Anxiety aud great restlessness with fear of death : Aeon. Arms, jerking in : Bell., chin. Asthmatic complaints, complicated with : Fluor, ac. Atony of the uterus: Caul, secale, ust. Aversion to motion: Aeon., bry. Back, heat running up the : Phos. , pains in: Bell., iod., ipec, kali c. lach., nit. ac, phos., plat.. rhus, sabina. , , as if it would break : Bell. . , burning across the sacrum : Carbo v. • , extending into both groins: Plat. , , from the last lumbar vertebra to the pubes : Sabina. > , small of, especially : Bell., bry., calc. c, chin., crocus, ipec, lach., plat., nux v., rhus, sabina, secale. — .< . , as if broken : Bell., kali c, nux v. • . , bruised : Phos. ? , . cutting: Arg. n. ) ■ . , extending into the groins : Plat. ? » , thighs : Lye., nit. ac. -, labor-like : Hyo*. 507 METRORRHAGIA. Concomitant Symptoms. Back, pains in, small of, pressive : Bry. , , , pressed in from both sides : Kali c. , . , to pnbes : SaMna. , , , thighs : Hyos.,lyc., nit. ac, sabina. , , through the hips and down the thighs : Nit. ac. , weakness of : Kali c. Bladder, irritation in neck of : Canth., erig. Body, braised feeling throughout the: Am., bry., rhus. , cold : Am. , growing large, sensation of : Plat. , spots on, as from bee stings : Apis. , sore, hurts her to move : Am. Breath, cold : Carlo v. - , desire for air, wants to be fanned : Lye. , gasping for : Chin., ipec, lye. , shortness of : Lye. Chest, congestion of : Sepia. , fulness and pressure in : Sepia. Chilliness, general : Calc. c, chin., ipec, lacli. , with desire for covering: Calc. c. , blueness of the skin : Chin. , paleness of the face : Ipec. without desire for covering : SecaJe. o Coldness, general : Ars., calc. c, car bo v., chin., ipec, lach., secede, sepia. of the body, head hot : Arn. ■ with cold sweat : Ipec. , still she does not want to be covered : Secale. Convulsions : Cham., chin., liyos., ipec, plat., secale. Cramps : See Abdomen, pains in ; also Uterus. Death, fear of : Aeon., cofL, secale. Debility, weakness, exhaustion : Apocy., ars., carlo v., chain., chi7i. } /err., ipec, plumb., secale, sulph., trill. , excessive : Ars., carlo v., chin., ipec METRORRHAGIA. 508 Concomitant Symptoms. Debility, excessive, from loss of blood, with coldness of the extrem- ities, ringing in the ears, loss of sight, paleness of the face and fainting turns : Chin. , , with frequent, weak pulse, uneasiness and fear of death : Secala. , , inclination to vomit : Ipec. , , gasping for breath : Ipec. , , rapid sinking, with fainting turns, even though the loss of blood has not been excessive : Ferr. Desire for air : Lye. to be let alone : Pod. Delirium: Hyos. Despondency, great : Ign. Distrust : Nit. ac. Dullness of the senses, with blur before the eyes : Hyos. Ears, ringing in : Chin. Eruptions here and there : Sulph. previously suppressed : Sulph. like bee stings : Apis. Excitement, mental restlessness: Apis. , nervous : Aeon., arg. n., crocus. , vascular : Bell., ferr., hyos. • , with fear of death : Aeon., secede. Exertion, physical or mental, reproduces the flow : Nux v. Exhaustion : See Debility. Extremities, lower, coldness of: Calc. c, mere, sepia, sulph. , , cold and damp : Calc. c. , , cramps and contractions in: Rhus, secale. , , feet, coldness of: Calc. c, sepia, sulph. , , , , with heat at top of the head : Sulph. damp and cold : Calc. c. , perspiration offensive : Nit. ac, silicea. , veins of, swollen : Hyos. pains in: Brv., cham., hyos., rhus, secale. 509 METRORRHAGIA. Concomitant Symptoms. Extremities, lower, pains in, darting downward : Sepia. , , , labor-like : Hyos. , , , tearing: Act. rac, chain., hyos. , . , in the veins : Cham. -, , throbbing : Secale. -, she squeezes them together to prevent the uterus from extruding through the vulva : Sepia. — , , tearing in : Act. rac, cham., hyos. — , , the veins of : Chain. -, trembling of : Hyos. -, varicose veins on : Crocus, ham., lye. -, weakness of : Kali c. , upper, arms, jerking in : Bell. , , coldness of: Chin., sulph. , , hands, veins of, swollen : Hyos. Eyes, blur before : Cham., chin., hyos. , , and dullness of the senses : Hyos. , congestion to the : Bell., hyos. , darkness before : Bell., chin. , dimness of sight : Chin., bell., trill. , loss of sight and fainting : Chin. , , momentary : Silicea. sunken : Ars. Face bluish : Hyos. fiery red, with full, hard pulse : Ferr. flushed : Am., bell., ferr. livid, pinched : Secale. paleness of: Bell., cham., chin., jerr., ipec, secale. , and lips : Ferr. , with convulsive clutching of the thumbs: Bell. , faint turns and convulsive twitching- : Chin. , general coldness : Ipec. pinched, pale and cold : Secale. red : Bell., ferr., secale. METRORRHAGIA. 510 Concomitant Symptoms. Face, sallow : Secale, sepia. , yellow, spots on : Sepia. Fainting, spells of : Apis, apocy., bry., cham., chin., ferr., kreas., sepia, sulpli., trill. from the least exertion : Apocy., bry., sepia. when she attempts to raise her head from the pillow : Apocy., bry. , with flushes of heat to the head, cold hands and feet: Sulpli. , ringing in the ears, loss of sight, pale face, and con- vulsive twitchings : Chin. Faintness and nausea on raising her head from the pillow : Bry. Fall, from a : Am. Fanned, wants to be all the time : Lye. Fear of everything, she is afraid to get out of bed, or even to turn over in bed, is certain something will happen : Aeon. of death : Aroru, coff., secale. , horrified by the thought that she may die : Plat. Feet : See Extremities, lower. Flashes of heat : Arm, bell., ferr., lach., sepia, snlph. Flow aggravated : See Motion. suddenly ceases and as suddenly returns : Bell. Genitals, sensitiveness of : Coff., plat. Giddiness on sitting up in bed : Aeon., bry., calc. c. (see Vertigo). Groins, pains in, violent: Coff. Haemorrhoids: Crocus, ham., lye, mix v., plumb., sepia, silicea. Headache : Arg. n., bell., bry., calc. c, chin., ferr., ipec, kreas., lach., sepia, sulph., ust. , as if it would split open : Bry. , confusion, enlarged feeling and vertigo, aggravated by the least motion : Arg. n. , congestive : Bell., calc. c, sepia. , , with throbbing of the carotids : Bell. , with vertigo : Ferr., ipec. Head, congestion to the : Aeon., bell, calc. c, sulph. 511 METRORRHAGIA. Concomitant Symptoms. Head, congestion to, and chest : Sepia. , enlarged feeling of the: Arg. n., plat. , heaviness of the : Chin. , heat to, flashes of: Arn., bell., ferr., lach., sepia, sulph. , hot : Arn. Heat, flashes of : Arn., bell., ferr., hyos., lach., sepia, sulph. Heart, anguish about the : Carbo v. , palpitation of : Apocy., bell., cact., crocus, lye, HI tig., trill. Hips, pains through the : Nit. ac. Hypogastriuin, weight and tightness in : Nux v. Hunger, fits of, before dinner: Sulph. Ideas, head full of strange and absurd : Stram. Irritable, augry mood : Cham., bry., nux v., sepia. , snappish, uncivil: Cham. Itching of the anus : Carbo v., sulph. vulva, voluptuous, with great sensitiveness : Coff. Legs: See Extremities, lower Lips, dryness of: Bry., nux m. , paleness of: Chin., ferr. Loquacious : Stram. Low-spirited: Ign., nux m., secale. with frequent sighing and sobbing : Ign. Motion, averse to : Aeon., bry. , flow aggravated by : Coff., crocus, erig., sabina, secale, ust. Mouth, dryness of, and lips : Bry. , , excessive, also tongue and throat, especially after sleeping : Nux m. Nausea : Ant. c, apocy., am., bell., bry., ipec, nux v., pod., sulph. and faintness : Cham., ipec. on sitting up in bed, or even on raising the head from the pillow : Apocy., bry. vomiting : Ant. c, apocy., ipec. - at the pit of the stomach : Am. -, constant : Ipec. METRORRHAGIA. 512 Concomitant Symptoms. Nose, coldness of: Bell., chin. , yellow saddle across the bridge of the : Sepia. Nymphomania: Plat. Ovaries, congestion of : Apis. , pains in: Apis., bell., lack., lil. tig., ust. , , left: Lach., lil. tig. , , right : Apis, ust. Parts, external, sensitive: Corf., plat. Praying, singing and shouting : Strain. Prostration : See Debility. Ringing in the ears : Chin, Rectum, irritation in : Erig. , pressure in : Ipec. , uneasiness in, as from a constant desire for stool : Mix v. , weight in, as from a lump, sensation of : Sepia. Restlessness, great: Aeon., cham., hyos., strain. , with trembling of the extremities : Hyos. Sacrum, pains from, to pubes : Bell., saUna. Sensation as if the body were growing larger in every direction : Plat. Senses, dullness of: Chin., hyos. Shudderings, frequent and short : Ferr. , paroxysms of : Ferr., sepia. Sighing and sobbing: Ign. Sight, dimness of: Chin. ■ , loss of, and fainting : Chin. , , momentary : Silicea. Skin, spots on, like bee stings : Apis. Sleep, awakens from at 3 or 4 a. m. : Nux v. , heavy, unrefreshing : Rhus. , light, wakens often : Sulph. , restless : Lye, rims. Sleeplessness at night without cause : Sulph. Sleepy all the time, her complaints make her sleepy : Nux m. Sobbing, hysterical : Ign. 513 METRORRHAGIA. Concomitant Symptoms. Soreness, general : Am,, bry. Spasms during abortion or miscarriage: Cham., hyos., plat., sec-ale. Stomach, empty feeling at pit of: Ign., murex, sepia, ust. , , painful : Sepia. , , with hunger at 11 a. m. : Sulph. -, fulness in, sensation of: Lye. -, nausea at pit of : Am. -, swelling of, like an inverted saucer : Cole. c. -, weakness at pit of : Ign. Swooning : Aeon., ferr., lye. Tearful: Puis. Thighs, pains in : Cham., hyos., nit. ac. Thirst : Bry., cham., chin., mere. , though the mouth is full of saliva : Merc. Thumbs, twitching of: Bell. Tremulous sensation throughout the whole body: Caul., sulph. ac. Trembling of the whole body : Hyos. Umbilicus, pains about the : Ipec. , , extending to the uterus: Ipec. , , sickening : Ham. Uncivil : Cham. Uneasiness, general : Secale. Urethra, burning in, when urinating: Canth., lye. , , , passing only a few drops : Canth. , severe pain in, at the conclusion of urination : Sars. Urinate, frequent desire to: Canth., chin., nux v., puis. Urine, fetid : Sepia. , colorless and frequent : Cham. , flow of intermittent: Con. Uterus, atony of : Caul., chin., sabina, secale, ust. , cancer of : Ars., ham., hydras., kreas., lach., phos., silicea, sulph. , cervix dilated : Ust. , flabby : Secale, ust. , hard : Secale. 32 METRORRHAGIA. 514 Concomitant Symptoms. TJ terns, cervix swollen : Ust. , congestion of: Apis, arg. n., bell., crocus, ham., sabina, nst. , induration of the : Sepia. , inertia of the: Caul., chin., puis., sabina, secede, ust. , pains in : Arg. n., bell., cham., chin., ferr., nux v., plat., secale, sepia, nst. . , labor-like : See Abdomen. — , sensation in, as of something rising from the uterus to the stomach : Buf o. — , spasms of: Arg. n., cham., chin. — , stitches in : Bufo, sepia. Vagina, aching in, constant : Calc. c. , sensation as though the uterus would escape through the : Sepia, (compare Abdomen, pains in, bearing clown). Vascular excitement, great : Bell., ferr., hyos. Vertebra, last lumbar, pain from, to uterus : Sabina. Vertigo : Aeon., arg. n., calc. c, chin., ferr., ipec, sulph. on sitting up in bed : Aeon. stooping : Calc. c. , with headache : Ferr., ipec. , loss of sight: Chin. Vision, dimness of : Bell., chin., trill. Vomiting: Apocy., ipec, nux v. (compare Nausea). Vulva, aphtha? and itching of the: Carbo v. , blood feels hot as it passes the : Arm, hell. , burning in : Kreas. , itching of the: Carlo v., coff., sulph. , , voluptuous, with great desire to scratch, but the great sensitiveness of the parts forbid it: Coff. , spelling of : Merc. Walking about sometimes affords relief: Sabina. Wants to be fanned all the time : Lye. Weakness : See Debility. Yawning, frequent : Bell., secale. 5 1 5 LOCHIA. LOCHIA. PECULIARITIES OF THE DISCHARGE. Acrid : Bapt., carl, etc., kreas., lil. tig., sepia, silicea. water : Con. Black: Crocus, (see Dark). and clotted : Crocus, kreas., plat. Bloody : Aeon., Iry., calc. c, rhus, silicea. , after growing light, it again becomes: Calc. c, kreas., erig., rhus, silicea. , every time the child is put to the breast it becomes : Silicea, , occasionally: Ehus. Brown : Oarbo v., secale. and foul smelling : Carlo v. Cadaverous: Strain. Clotted : Act. rac, hell., crocus, kreas., plat. Dark : Cham., chin., crocus, kreas., secale, ust. , fetid or cheesy : Chin. , lumpy and offensive : Kreas. , stringy : Crocus. , thin : Secale, ust. Excoriating : Bell., carlo an., crocus, kreas., lil. tig., plat., rhus., sepia, silicea. Fetid : Bapt., bell., carl, ac, carlo an., carbo v., chin., kreas., lach., secale, sepia (compare Offensive). Gushes, discharge comes in: Calend., plat. Hot, feels hot as it passes : Bell. Ichorous : Carlo an., rhus, secale. Intermittent: Calc. c, kreas., plat, rhus. Light-colored: Calc. c, puis., sepia, sulph. Long, black, stringy : Crocus. Lumpy : Act. rac, kreas. Milky : Calc. c, puis. Mucous: Con., puis., sulph. , white : Con., puis. LOCHIA. 516 Peculiarities of the Discharge. Mucous, white, profuse : Puis. Offensive: Aeon., bapt., bell., calend., curb, ac, carbo an., carbo v., chin., hreas., lach., uux v., rhus, secede, sepia, strain., sulph. Painless: Secale. Pale : Calc. c, puis. at first, later bloody : Calc. c. Passive : Caul. Profuse: Aeon., calc. c, calend., carb. ac, chin., coff., con., crocus, erin., hepar, 111. tig., millet ., plat., puis., rhus. secale, senecio, sulph., trill., ust. and protracted : Gale, c, chin., crocus, lil. b\g.,plak, puis., rhus, trill., ust. and excoriating: Carbo an., kreas., lil. tig. , in gushes : Plat. , with nymphomania: Plat. Protracted : Bell., calc. c, carbo an., caul., chin., crocus, helon., hepar, plat, lil. tig., rhus, secale, trill., ust. in women who generally menstruate profusely : Gale. c. , oozing passively from the relaxed vessels : Caul. , with great exhaustion : Bapt., rhus, sulph., ust. Purulent : Merc. Red, deep : Aeon., bry., calc. c, chin., silicea. Reappearance after once having ceased : Aeon., calc. c, erig., helon., kreas., rhus. when she begins to go about after confinement: Aeon. Scanty: Aeon., nux v., puis., secale, stram. and becomes milky : Puis. offensive : Nux v. Suppressed: Aeon., act. roe., alet., aralia, bell., bry., caul., cham., chin., coloc., hyos., mix v., opi., \Ant., puis., secale, stram., verat. a., zinc. , followed by colic: Cham., chin., coloc. , diarrhoea: Cham., chin. , toothache : Cham., chin. 517 LOCHIA. Peculiarities of the Discharge. Suppressed, followed by various aches and pains and hysterica] symp- toms: Cham. from ano-er : Coloc. chagrin : Coloc. cold : Act. rac, dulc. or dampness : Dulc. pul fright : Ign., opi. grief: Ign. vexation: Cham., coloc. with abdomen sensitive : Aeon., bell. tympanitic : Aralia, coloc. aches and pains: Cham. aching pain in the back : Bry. colic : Cham., chin., coloc. convulsions: Hyos., millef. diarrhoea : Cham., chin., coloc. diminution of milk : Dulc, millef., puis., zinc distress in the head : Aeon. feeverish symptoms : Aeon., millef. flushed face : Bell. headache: Aeon., act. rac, bell., bry. as if it would burst : Bry. head, determination of blood to: Aeon., aci. rac, bell. , distress in : Aeon. hysterical symptoms : Cham., hyos., ign., mix v., plat., s., stram., verat. a. inflammation of the uterus : Bell., secale. jerking of the limbs: Hyos., millef. lips, dryness of : Bry. mental disturbance : Bell., hyos., stram. mouth, dryness of : Bry. nymphomania: Plat., verat. a., zinc. rheumatic pains: Act. rac, bry., caul., rhus. suppression of milk: Dulc, millef., puh. 9 zinc. LOCHIA. 518 Peculiarities of the Discharge. Suppressed, with tympanitic abdomen : Aralia, coloc. Thin : Act. rac, bell, car bo an., lach., rims, secale, list. and dark : Secale, ust. offensive : Carlo an., secale. Viscid : Crocus. "Watery : Act. rac, carlo an., rims, secale, ust. , acrid : Con. , and mixed with clots : Act. rac. White: Puis., sepia, sulph. Worse from the least exertion : Ust. motion : Bry., erig., ust. which causes a return of the bloody lochial dis- charge : Erig. , night, at : Merc. when the child is put to the breast, producing a discharge of pure blood : Silicea. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. Abdomen, commotion in : Crocus, , , with colic : Coloc. , distress in, as from congestion : Aeon. , motion in, sensation of : Crocus. , pains in, burning : Bry. , , colic following suppression : Cham., chin., coloc. , , come and go suddenly : Bell. , , cutting: Aeon. , , with severe bearing down, as if the pelvic contents would be pressed through the vulva : Bell. — sensitive: Aeon., bell., nux v. — , soreness of : Nux v. Aggravation from the least jar : Bell. motion : Bry. Back, aching in : Bry. , pains in, bearing down : Sepia. 519 LOCHIA. Concomitant Symptoms. Back, pains in, extending to the uterus and down the thighs : Sabina. Cheeks, one red, the other pale : Cham. Chest, distress in, as from congestion : Aeon. Coldness, yet does not wish to be covered: Secale. Convulsions, hysterical: Hyos., millef. with suppression: Millef. Death, fear of : Aeon., secale. Debility, great: Bapt., carbo an., caul., chin., rhus, sulph., trill., ust. Delirium : Act. rac, bell., hyos., stram., verat. a. , with frightful visions : Bell. , ■ spasmodic twitchings : Hyos. Diarrhoea following suppression : Cham . DroAvsiness : Bell., hyos., opi. Excitement: Aeon., coif. with great exaltation of all the senses : Coff. Eyes injected : Bell. Face flushed : Bell. Fear of death : Aeon., secale. Feet, coldness of : Sulph. , heat in the soles of the : Sulph. Fever : Aeon., act. rac, millef., puis. , puerperal : Act. rac, bell., secale. -, with thirst : Aeon., bry. , without thirst : Apis, puis. Flashes of heat : Sulph. Fright, derangements from : Ign. Grief, derangements from : Ign. Groin, soreness in : Merc , after-pains, worse in the : Act. rac. Gums, soreness and swelling of : Merc. Haemorrhoids : Ign., nux v., sulph. Headache : Aeon., act. rac, bell., bry. , as if it would burst : Bry. , congestive : Act. rac, bell. LOCHIA. 520 Concomitant Symptoms. Headache, distress in the head as from congestion, with scanty How : Aeon. Heat, flashes of : Sulph. Hips, after-pains in the: Silicea. Hot, discharge feels hot as it passes : Bell. Hysterical symptoms : Cham., hyos. Irritable, even uncivil: Cham. Kisses everybody, wants to: Verat. a. Lascivious actions: H}~os., verat. a. Limbs, numbness of: Carbo an. Lips, dryness of : Bry. Low-spirited : Secale. Mamma?, sudden disappearance of milk from the : Pah. Mania, puerperalis : Aeon., bell., hyos., strain., verat. a. . , , wants to kiss everybody : Verat. a. Milk, copious secretion of, with puerperal mania : Strain. , diminished secretion of : Dulc. , suppression of : Millet'., puis., verat. a., zinc. , , sadden: Puis. Mind full of strauge ideas : Strain. Motion aggravates all her sufferings : Bry. , averse to : Bry. Mouth, dryness of the : Bry. , gums, soreness and swelling of the : Merc. Muscles, jerking of : Hyos. Nipples, sore : Calc. c, charm, dulc, puis., silicea, sulph. Nursing the child brings on a flow of fresh blood: Silic >>. Nymphomania: Chin., ign., hyos., plat., strain., verat. a., zinc. Pains, after, in the hips : Silicea. come and go quickly : Bell. worse from motion : Bry. Persons: See Women. Perspiration, profuse : Sulph. Prostration : See Debility. 521 LOCHIA. Concomitant Symptoms. Pudendum, sensitiveness of: Coff., plat., zinc. , — , cannot bear the napkin on the parts : Plat. Rectum, irritation in, producing frequent desire for stool : iS'ux v. , shooting pains in : Rhus. Restlessness : Coloc, rhus. at night, must change position often to find relief: li'nts. Sacrum, pains from, to uterus and down the thighs : Sabina. Sensation as if she would go crazy : Act. rac. Senses, excitation of all the : Coff. Sensitive to noise or the slightest jar of the bed : Bell. Sobbing and sighing : Ign. Sopor: Opi. Speech, lascivious : Verat. a. Stomach, burning in : Bry. Stool, frequent desire for : Nux v. Suspicious, fears she will be drugged or poisoned : Hyos. Talks foolishly : Strain. lascivious : Verat. a. Thin, scrawny women, in : Phos., secede. Thirst: Aeon., bry., chain. for large draughts of cold water : Bry. Thirstlessness : Apis, puis. Uterus, atony of: Caul., ust. , enlargement of : Ust. , itching sensation in the : Calc. c. • , mouth of, aching in : Ust. , neck of, pains in : Sepia. , pains in, burning : Bry. , , running upward: Sepia. , , which come quickly and as quickly disappear : Hell. , region of, soreness in : Nux v. Vagina, inflammation of: Merc. , sensitive : Coff., plat, silicea. Visions, frightful : Bell. LEUCORRHCEA. 522 Concomitant Symptoms. Vulva, sensitive : Coff., plat., zinc. Wakefulnsss, with exalted nervous sensibility : Coff. Weakness : See Debility. "Women, thin, scrawny, in : Phos., secede. LEUCORRHCEA. CHARACTER OF THE DISCHARGE. Acrid (see also Corrosive) : iEs. hip., alum., amm. c, a mm. m., .ant. c, apis, aralia, ars., aur., bapt., berb., borax, bovis., calc. c, canth., carb. ac, carlo an., car bo v., caul., chain., con., cub., ferr., fluor. ac, graph., hepar, kali h., kreas., lack., lam., 111. tig., lye, magn. c, magn. s., mere, nat. m., nat. s., nit. ac, nux m., phos., phos. ac, puis., ran. b., rhus, ruta, sabina, sang., sepia, silicea, sulph., sulph. ac, zinc , after having first been bland : Ran. b. , brown, offensive : Nit. ac. , burning: Alum., amm. c, ars., borax, calc c. canth., carbo an., castor., cocc, con., rluor. ac, kali c, kreas., magn. s., nit. ac, picls., sulph., sulph. ac. , greenish : Carbo an., mere, nat. m., nit. ac, sepia. , leaving yellow spots on her linen ; also stiffening her linen like starch : Kreas. , relieved by cold washes: Alum. , smarting and blistering: Phos. Albuminous : Alum., amm. m., berb., borax, bovis., calc. c, calc. ph., daph., hydras., mez., pet., plat., sulph., ust. Biting : Ant. c, carbo an. Black : Crocus. , offensive coagula: Chin. Bland: Caul., kali ferr., kreas., mere, (see Mild). Blistering: Phos. 523 LEUCOKRHCEA. Character of the Discharge. Bloody : Aeon., anmi. m., arg. n., ars., bary., calc. e, carlo v., cinnab., chin., cocc, coif., con., ham., hepar, iod., kreas., lye, mnrex, nifc. ac, pet., phos. ac, pod., sepia, silicea, sulph. ac, trill, zinc, (com- pare Flesh-colored). , fetid : Sabina. ■ mucus : Aloe, bary., carbo v., con., diet., silicea, sulph. ac, zinc. serum, alternating with pus : Chin. , stool, during : Murex. , thick and dark : Nux m. , ulceration, from : Arg. n., kreas. when urinating: Canth. , with discharge of black clots: Chin. Bluish : Amb. Brown: Amm. m., lil. tig., nit. ac, secale. , offensive : Nit. ac, secale. , slimy : Amm. m. , after micturition : Amm. m. Brownish : Amm. m., cocc, lil. tig., nit. ac, secale, silicea. Burning : Alum., amm. c, ars., borax, calc. c, canth., carbo an., cast., cocc, con., fluor. ac, kali c, kreas., magn.s., nit. ac, puis., sulph., sulph. ac. (compare Acrid ; also Corrosive). Cervical : Act. rac, alum., calc. c, hydras. Chronic: Alum., borax, calc. c, daph., erig., ign., iod., mez., secale, silicea, sulph. Clear: Alum., anath., aur., pod. Coagulated, or in clots and lumps: Amb., bovis., chin., mere , dropping in a mass when walking: Bovis. ■ , fetid : Chin. , mixed with acrid water : Ant. c , purulent : Merc , small, black: Chin., ust. Constant: Brom., ham., magn. m., thuja. Corrosive: JEs. hip., alum., amm. c, arg. n., ars., aur., borax, bovis., calc c, carbo an., carbo v., cham., con,, ferr., fiuor. ac, graph., LEUCORRtKEA. 524 Character of the Discharge. hepar., ign., iod., kali h., kreas., lil. tig., lye, ///ere, moz., nat. in., nat. s., nit. ac, plios., prim. §., puis., ran. b., ruta, suHm, sang., sepia, silicea, sulph., sulph. ac. vibur., zinc (compare Acrid: also Burning). , green, fetid: Oarb. ac. , profuse: Alum. , yellow, bright : Lil. tiq. Cream-like: Alum., bufo, calc. c, calc. ph., puis., secale, sepia, trill. Dark: zEs. hip., agar., crocus, kreas., mix m., secale. Debilitating : Alet, aralia, ars., calc. c, chin., con., lielon., iod., hreas., stann., trill. Discharge eats holes in her linen : Iod. feels like warm water as it passes : Borax. Eggs, like the whites of : Amm. m., borax, bovis., calc. ph., mez., pet., plat. Excoriating the genitals: Jis. hip., alum., arg. n., ars., aur., borax, bovis., calc. c, car bo an., carlo v., carb. ac, cham., con., graph., ign., iod., kali c, hreas., lye, mere, nat. m., nat. s.,phos., phos ac, prun. s., puis., sabina, sang., silicea, sulph., vibur. perinasum : Lil. tig. thighs: Ant. c, aur., bary., caust., graph., iod., kreas., sabina, sepia, sulph., zinc. Fetid : See Offensive. Flesh-colored: Alum., bary., bufo, chin., cocc, kreas., lye, nit. ac, sabina, sepia. Fluid, like rusty sputa of pneumonia: Pod. Greenish : Anath., apis, asaf., bovis., carb. ac, carbo v., cub., kali h., lach., mere, murex, nat. m., nit. ac, sepia. water : Sepia. when walking : Nat. m. Gushes, in : Calc c, cocc, eupion, graph., lye, sabina, silicea. Ichorous: Cinnab., cocc, kreas., sabina, sulph. , bloody: Kreas. Intermittent: Calc. c, con., kreas., magn. m. 585 LEUCORRHCEA. Character of the Discharge. Jelly-like : Pall., sabina, secale, sepia. Lasting only a few hours : Nat. m. Light-colored : Anath., kali n. Linen, corrodes the : Iod. , eats holes in the: Iod. , stains the, brown: Lil. tig. , , green : Bovis., lack., thuja. , , yellow: Agn.cast., car bo an., chel., enpion, graph., kreas., mix v., prun. s., sepia, thuja. , stiffening the : Alum., kali b., kreas., lack. Lumpy : See Coagulated. "Menses, flowing like the : Canst., kreas., magn. s. , smelling like the : Caust. Meat washings, like: Bufo, coca, kali h., nit. ac. Mild, bland, painless: Alum., amm. m., borax, caul., eupion, kaliferr., kreas., lam., mere, mix v., plat., phos. ac, ruta, sepia, ran.b., thuja. in the beginniug, afterward corroding and smarting: Ran. b. Milk, like : Anath., cede, c, carlo v., coff., con., ferr., kali h., kreas. , lye, nat. m., phos., pals., sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., sulph. ac. , , after coccygodmia : Kreas. , , during a morning walk: Phos. , , urination : Calc. c, coff. , , excoriating the parts : Carbo v. , , in children : Hyper. , , in paroxysms, preceeded by pain : Silicea. , , with swelling of the labia: Puis. Mucous: Alum., amb., amm. m., apis, arg. n., ars., bapt., bary., bell., berb., borax, bovis., bry., calc. c, calc. ph., canth., carbo v., caul., chin., coca, coff., con., crocus., daph., diet, ferr., graph., hydras., kali a, kali h., kreas., lach., lam., magn. a, mere, mez., nat. in., nit. ac, nux v., ole. an., phos., plumb., pod., puis., sabina, sars., senega, sepia, silicea, stann., sulph., thuja, zinc, (compare with Albuminous; also Egg, white of). , acrid : Con., magn. a, phos. LBUOORRHCEA. Character of the Discharge. Mucous, bloody : Aloe. bar.. . ::■.: r .... eon., die: . zinc. . when getting up in the mon. _ . uric _ Cauth. .wit:, m 5 if then ienfi ; aid appear : Sulph. ac. .in lumps : A brown at first, then white, and laE ked with blood : I , . painless after micturitic:. : Amm. con: am Sulj duriug a morning walk : Phos. S 3J ASL. . flockf . sepia. Qet -colored: Nit flocks : Mi ... srpia. crirls. m littl anl greenish: Nit jelly-like: Pall., i ~ , sepi like the white of eggE A "... .. mez. . especially when walking, dropping out in clots : — . . with a sensation as if warm water were _ I lumpy: And.. horns., sepia. profuse, with spots on the forehead : Caul. ropy: (compare Ropy). shreds : Ferr., hydras.,, kali b. tenacious: . -. bait b., nit . firs: brown, then white, and lastly streaked with blood: th: nal \ puis. , bluish: Amb. . transparent: P . -.white : t naL m.,j & thin, whi: 527 LEUOORKHCEA. Character of the Discharge. Mucous, transparent: Alum., nat. m., pod., stann., sulph. ac. , viscid : Ant. t., hydras. , white: Ami., bell., borax, bovis., carlo v., diet., graph., magn. c, ole. an., pals. , , acrid : Con, , , bluish- : Amb. , , following accute catarrh : Bell. , , thick: Borax, bovis, carbo v., con., nat. m.,puls. , , thin : Graph., ole, an. ■ , . viscid : Ant. t. , yellow ; Nux v., sepia, sulph. Odorless : Bufo, puis., vibur. Offensive, fetid: Amm. m., anath., aralia, arg. m., ars., asaf., bapt., bufo, calc. c, carb. ac., carbo an., chin,, curare, hydras., Jcreas., lam., nat. c., nit, ac, mix v., sabina, sang., secale, sepia, trill., ust. , like ammonia : Amm. c. , green corn : Kreas. , old cheese : Hepar. • , the menses: Caust. , pungent : Kreax. , pntrid : Kreas., mur. ac, nat. c., phos. ac, secale, sepia. , sweetish : Calc. ph., mere Paroxysmal : See Intermittent. Painless : See Mild. Paste-like : Borax. Pitch-like: Sabina. Profuse : Aeon., agar., alum,, amm. c, ant. c, apis, arg. n., asaf., aur., bapt., bell., borax, bovis., bufo, cact., calc. c, carb. ac, carbo v., caul., caust., chin., cinnab., cocc, coff., con., cub., curare, erig., eupion, graph., ham., helon,, hydras., iod., kali ferr., kreas., lack., lam., ledum., 1x1. tig., lye, magn. c, magn. m., magn. s., nat. c, nat. m., nice, pet., phos., phos. ac, sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., trill., ust. ■ , acrid: Alum., amm. c, apis, ars., silicea. LEUCOKKIICEA. 528 Character of the Discharge. Profuse, daytime only: Alum. , flowing like the menses: Caust, kreas., magn. s. , and having the same odor : Canst. , gashes, in : Calc. c, coca., enpion, graph., lye, sabina, silicea. , , , on bending or squatting down: C'occ. , morning, in the, when rising from bed. : Graph. , night, at: Canst. Purulent: Alum., anath., arg. m., bufo, chin., cinnab., cocc, curare, itjii., kreas., mere, nit. ac., sabina, sepia. Pus-like : Ant. c., arg. m., chin., kali ferr., mere, sepia. , alternating with bloody serum : Chin. Reddish : See Bloody and Flesh -colored. Ropy : Crocus, hydras., kali b., nif. ac, sabina. , can be drawn out in strings: Nit. ac. , long yellow strings : Kali b. , comes away in long strings : Crocus. , hanging from the os in long strings, thick, tenacious : Hydras. Rose-colored : See Bloody and Flesh-colored. Running to the feet: Alum. Scanty: Curare, graph., magn. c, puis., sars., sulph. Scrofulous: Carbo an. Serous: Chin,, cocc, graph., helon., kreas. , blooJy, alternating with pus: Chin. . mixed with purulent, ichorous fluid: Cocc. , profuse : Helon. Shreds in it : Ferr., hydras. Slimy : See Mucous. Smarting : Ant. c, chain., con., ferr., lam., phos., silicea, stann., sulph., zinc. , as from salt : Sulph. Smell, without: Bufo, puis. Smelling like ammonia: Amm. c. green corn : Kreas. old cheese : Hepar. 529 LEUCORRHCEA. Character of the Discharge. Smelling like the menses : Canst. pungent : Kreas. putrid : Kreas., mur. ac., nat. c, phos. ac., secale, sepia (com- pare Offensive). sweetish : Calc. ph., mere. Staining the linen brown : Lit. tig. green : Bovis., lack., thuja. yellow: Agn. cast., carlo an., chel., graph., kreas., lach., mix v., prun. s., sepia, thuja. Starch-like : Borax, sabina. Sticky: Ms. hip. Stiffening the linen : Alum., kali b., kali n., kreas., lach. Stringy : See Ropy. Tenacious : Aeon., borax, bovis., diet, hydras., kali b., phyt. , especially when walking : Bovis. ■ , thick, yellow : Hydras. Thick: Ms. hip., alum., amb., anath., ars., aur., borax, bovis., bufo, carbo v., castor., con., curare, hydras., iod., kali b., lach., tnagn. m., magn. s., mez., nat. c, nat. m., phyt., pod., puis., sabina, sepia, sulph., vibur, zinc. , bluish : Amb. , cream-like: Bufo, kali ferr., puis., secale, trill. , dropping out when standing : Ars., bovis. , milk colored : Con. , mucin : See Mucous. , , transparent : Pod. , purulent: Mez. , ropy: See Ropy and Tenacious. , transparent : Pod. , white : Aur., bufo, con., puis. , yellow : Ars., bufo, carbo v., hydras., iod., kali b. Thin: Alum., amm. c, auath., ant. c, ant., t., ars., asaf., bufo, carbo an., carbo v., castor., cham., chin., ferr., graph., helon., iod., kali 33 LEUCORRHCEA. 530 Character of the Discharge. h., kreas., lil. tig., magn. c, murex, nice, nit. ac, ole. an., phos., puis., sabina, sepia, silicea, stann., sulph., vibur. Thin, acrid: Ant. c, carbo an., carbo v., kali h.,puls. , , mixed with lumps or plugs: Ant. c. , , pus : Ant. c. , after the menses : Alum. ■ , urinating : Nice. ■© biting: Carbo an. blood v: Ant. t., chin. -, in paroxysms, worse when sitting : Ant. t. -, brown : Nit. ac. -, burning: Amm. c, carbo an., puis., sulph. -, greenish : Murex, nit. ac, sepia. -, , profuse and offensive : Asaf. -, ichorous : Kreas., sabina, secale. -, milky: Carbo v., /err., pals., silicea (compare Milky). -, offensive : Asaf., sabina, secale, sepia (compare Offensive). -, scanty : Magn. c. -, watery or slimy, instead of the menses : Phos. -, white : Graph. -, mucous : Ole. an. -, yellow : Sepia, sulph. Transparent: Agu. cast., alum., nat. m., pall., pod., stann., strain., sulph. ac. , profuse, flowing daytime only : Alum. Uterine : Amm. c, aralia, aur., bapt., calc. c, con., carb. ac, coca, erig., hydras., iod., lye, mere, nat. m., phyt., plumb., sepia, silicea, trill. Vaginal: Act. rac, amm. c, ant. c, bapt., borax, calc. c, canth., Ciirbo v., caul., cham., erig., eupion, graph., hydras., lye, magn. m., mere, sepia, silicea, stann., sulph. ac. Virulent with frequent miscarriages : Bapt. Viscous : zEs. hip., ant. t., bovis., diet., hydras., kali b., phos., sabina, stann. 53] LEUCORRHCEA. Character of the Discharge. Washings of meat, like: Bufo, coca, kali h., nit. ac. Water, like: Bufo, ferr., magn. a, nit. ac, sepia, silicea (compare Thin). White : Amb., amm. m., anath., ant. t., aur., borax, bovis., bufo, calc. c, canth., carlo v., con., ferr., gels., graph., kali n., Jcreas., lam., mere, nat. m., ole. an., phos., puis., sabina, sars., sepia, silicea, sulph., sulph. ac, vibur. (compare Mucous and Milk-like). of an egg, like : Amm. m., borax, bovis., mez., pet., plat. Yellow : Aeon., aes. hip., alum., anath., arg. n., ars., aur., apis, bovis., bufo, carbo an., carbo v., cliam., cub., eupion, graph., hydras., iod., kali b., kali c, kali ferr., kalm., Jcreas., lach., lac c, lit. tig., lye, mere, nat. c, nat. m., mix v., phos., phos. ac, sulph., sepia. , bright, after scanty menstruation, excoriating the perinseum : Lil. tig. , dark, thick, sticky, excoriating the labia : iEs. hip. , especially in children and young girls : Merc, pet., iod. , thick : Ars., carbo v. , , drops out when standing : Ars. water : Sepia, sulph. CAUSE, TIME, AGGRAVATION AND AMELIORATION OF THE DISCHARGE. After abortion : Bapt., sabina, sepia, ust. accouchement : Garb, ac, sabina, sepia. , with intense itching and soreness of the thighs : Sabina. coccygodinia : Kreas. colic : Amm. m., con., caust., magn. c, magn. m., nat. c, nat. m., plat., silicea, sulph., zinc coition : Nat. c, sepia. eating sour things : Silicea. excitement : Calc. c exercise, active : Magn. m. exposure to cold or dampness : Dulc, puis. illness, protracted : Alet. LEUCOKRHCEA. 532 Cause, Time, Aggravation and Amelioration of the Discharge. After meals : Cham. menstruation : See Menstruation. micturition: Amui. m., canth., carbo v., magn. m., plat., sepia (compare During micturition). discharge of bloody mucus: Canth. without pain : Plat. rising from a seat : Plat. stool: Magn. m., murex, zinc. , constipated : Magn. m. suppression of eruptions : Dulc., sulph. of the menses : See Menses. the menopause : Sang. Aggravation, afternoon: Alum., HI. tig. at night: Amb., caust., mere. by bending or squatting down : Coco. cold : Nit. ao. and dampness : Dulc, puis. dampness: Dulc, puis. excitement : Calc. c. lying down : Puis. motion : Magn. s. riding : Thuja. sitting : Ant. t. standing: Ms. hip., ars., carbo an., kreas. walking : zEs. hip., alum., bovis., calc. c, carbo an., kreas., magn, s., nat. m., sars., stron. in the morning: Aur., bell., carbo v., graph., kreas., magn. m., not. m. when rising from bed : Carbo v., graph. walking : Nat. m. when lying down : Puis. urinating : Calc. c, coff., silicea. Amelioration from cold washes: Alum., mere. of the irritation by scratching : Sulph. 533 LEUCORREKEA. Cause, Time, Aggravation and Amelioration of the Discharge. Arcasides in the vagina, from : Cina. During every time the baby nurses : Silicea. menopause : Calc. a, helon., kreas., lack., puis., sang., sepia. menstruation : See Menstruation. micturition : Calc. c, canth., con., silicea (compare After micturition). pregnancy : Coca, hreas., sabina, sepia. puberty : Puis., sepia. From arcandes in the vagina : Cina. atony : Helon., secale, trill. cold : Nit. ac. ■ and dampness : Dulc, puis. fright : Aeon., puis. loss of fluids : Alet. masturbation: Canth., zinc. In blondes : Cycl. the daytime only: Alum., calc. ph., lac capiat., pet., sepia. — evening or at night: Alum., ami., bufo, caust., mere, nit. ac. only : Amb., caust. morning : Aur., bell., calc, ph., carlo v., hreas., kalm., magn. c, magn. m., nat. m., phos., sepia, zinc. — - only, when rising : Carlo v. - — , thick : Zinc. , thin, smarting and burning: Sulph. , watery, scanty : Magn. c. , when rising : Calc. ph., carlo v. graph., hreas., sulph. sitting or walking : Magn. c. walking : Magn. c, nat. m., phos. — women, hysterical: Act. rac, aur., coca, con., ign., magn. m., nat. m., nux v., plat. , old : Ars., mere. — ■ , maids : Con. -, sanguine : Aeon. LEUCORRHCEA. 534 Cause, Time, Aggravation and Amelioration of the Discharge. In women, scrawny : Secale. scrofulous : Aur. subject to premature and profuse menstruation : Gale. c , tall : PJws. , phthisical : Phos., sang., stann. , weakly, delicate: Amm. c, calc. c, caust., iod., mang. who always awaken with a very dry tongue : Nux m. , young : Calc. c, caul., mere, millef., puis. , , from atony of the vaginal mucous membrane : Millef. Menstruation, before: Alum., bary., berb., bovis., calc. c, calc. ph., carlo v., chin., cocc, ferr., kreas., lack., nat. m., pall., phos., phos. ac., plat, puis., sabina, sepia, sulph., thuja, zinc. , during: Alum., carbo an., chin., con., graph., lach., mere, phos., puis., thuja, zinc. , after : iEs. hip., alum., ars., borax, bovis., calc. c, calc. ph., carb. ac, con., eupion, guarea, hydras., iod., kali ferr., kreas., lil. tig., magn. c, mere, nat. s., nice, nit. ac., pall., phos., phos. ac, plat ., puis., ran. b., ruta, sabina, silicea, sulph., sulph. ac, tabac, thuja, trill., vibur., zinc. — , between the periods : Alet., alum., borax, bovis., chain., cocc, ham., sabina, thuja, trill. , instead of : Ars., chin., cocc, con,, dulc, graph., kali c, lach., magn. c, nux m., phos., ruta, sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., zinc. — , with suppression of : Ars., calc. c, caust., cocc, con., dros., dulc, ruta, sabina, sulph., zinc When bending or squatting down : Cocc. emitting flatus : Ars. ■ lying down : Puis. sitting: Alum., ant. t., graph., magn. c standing: Ars., carbo an., kreas., lac c , drops out: Ars. - walking : zEs. hip., alum., bovis., carbo an., graph., kreas., magn. c, nat. m., phos., sars., sepia, stron. 535 LETTCORRHCEA. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. Abdomen, burning in : Sulph. , distention of: Aram, m., caust., cocc, graph., kalih., lach., sang., sepia. , , flatulent : Oaust. , , in the evening, and flatulent discharge from the vagina : Sang. — , , without accumulation of wind : Amm. m. — , emptiness in, sensation of; Plios — , heaviness and weight in, when walking, as if the viscera would fall down : Ferr. — , in the uterine region : Gels. — , inability to bear the least pressure, even her clothing about her waist : Calc. c, lach. — , pain in : Ms. hip., amm. m., aloe, aralia, aur., bell, caust., chin., con., dros., ign., lil. tig., lye*, plat., pod., puis., sepia, sulph., vibur. — , , and pressure toward the groin and anus : Chin. — , , around the umbilicus : Amm.m., magn. c, cat. c, silicea, sulph. — , , , cutting : Silicea. -, pinching : Magn. c, silicea, sulph. -, writhing: Nat. c. — , , as from a heavy stone, or a sensation as if the abdomen were full of sharp stones, which rubbed together every time she moved : Cocc. — , , as if the menses would appear: Sulph. ac. — , , burning, in the hypogastrium : Bufo. — , , colicky : See Colic. — , , contractive : Nat. m. — , , crampy, with emissions of flatus : Caust. — , , cutting: Nat. c, puis., silicea. — , , , from right to left : Lye. — , , dragging across the loins and through the pelvis : -, drawing: Puis., sepia. Carb. ac. LEUOORRHCEA. 536 Concomitant Symptoms. Abdomen, pains in, drawing from the, to back : Plumb. , , from right to left, across the abdomen : Lye. , , labor-like : Bell., con., dros., graph., ign., lil. tig., nat. m., nit. ac, mix v., plat., puis., pod., sepia. . , and pressure, early in the morning in bed : Nux v. , , , as if prolapsus would occur : Alum., bell., lil. tig., nat. c, nat. m., nit. ac, sepia. — , , , , pains come and go suddenly : Bell. — , , , , relieved by Bit- ting, lying down, or by pressing the hand against the vulva : Lil. tig. — , , , , with pains in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs : Sit. ac. — , , , , worse in the afternoon till midnight, then better till the next afternoon, when all the symptoms of the previous day return: Lil. tig. — , , , contractive, like colic, and lameness of the small of the back : Con. — , , pinching around the umbilicus : Amm. m., magn. <■.. silicea, sulph. — , , , pressing down in the groins, or in the pu- dendum, or alternating between the two: Plat. — . , pressing toward the groins and anus : Chin. , sensitiveness of the hypogastric region : Lil. tig., lack. , to pressure, cannot bear clothing even : Kali ferr., lach. , soreness and heaviness in the uterine region : iielon. , tension in, without accumulation of wind: Amm. m. , voluptuous tingling in the abdomen and pudendum, with op- pressive anxiety and palpitation of the heart : Plat. , weakness in : Phos. , weight in, when walking : Perr. Aggravation of all her symptoms at night : Merc. 53? LEUOORKHGEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Amenorrhea : See chapter on Amenorrhoea. Anorexia: Calc. a, cinn., cocc, graph., helon., nat. m., mix m., rmx v., puis., sulph. Anguish and restlessness at night : Ars. Anus, burning in the, and vagina: Alum., sulph., collin. , itching of the : Carlo v., diet. , pressure toward the groins and anus : Chin. , prolapsus of : Pod. , soreness in, extreme, from fissures or piles : Mur. etc. Anxiety and palpitation of the heart : Bary. and voluptuous tingling in the pudendum and abdomen : Plat. Ascarides in the vagina, from : Cina. Atony: Alet., act. rac, caul., helon., trill, ust. Aversion to sexual intercourse : Nat. m., sepia. Back gives out when walking: JEs. hip. , heat or burning up the back between the shoulders: Phos. , pains in : JEs. hip., alum., arg. n., bary., eupion, kreas., graph. , , with a general weak, faint feeling: Bary. , sensation of heat running up the back : Phos. , small of, lameness in : JEs. hip., canst., con., gels., helon., kali n. , , pains in : Ms. hip., amm. m., caust., con., gels., kali b., kali c, kali n., helon., magn. s. — , , , and through the hips and down the thighs : Nit. ac. — , , , weakness, with dull, heavy pain in the hypogastrium : Kali b. — , , , as if it would break : Kali c. — , , , at night, especially: Amm. m. — , , , bruised : Kali n., magn. s. — , , , , and down the thighs : Magn. -, burning, as though a hot iron were thrust through the low T er vertebrae : Alum. LEUCORRHCEA. 538 Concomitant Symptoms. Back, small of, pains in, dragging across the loins and through the pelvis: Garb. ac. , , , drawing pains in the small of the back through to the pubes : SaUna. , , , from the ovarian region, making it almost impossible for her to get up and walk after sitting awhile : iEs. hip. — , , , sharp and cutting, across the lumbar region, extending to the extremities: Kali c. — , , , which when ceasing are followed by a copious discharge : Eupion. — , , , with faintness : Bary. — , j, , great weakness : Kali b. — , , paralyzed sensation in : Con. — , , pulling pains and lameness in : Caust. — , , pressing in : Hyper. — f 9 weakness in : Ms. hip., con,, kali b., graph. — , , and paralyzed sensation in : Con. — , ■ , in, back gives out when walking: Ms. hip. — , , , when walking : Graph. -, sacrum, aching in: Ms. hip., gels. -, , , and knees : Ms. hip. -, , the sacro-iliac articulations: Ms. hip. -, , burning across : Carbo v. -, , heat and pulsation in : Sars. Body, constant chilliness of: Cycl. , sensation as if the, was made of jelly: Eupion. , trembling of : Eupion. Burning in the feet and top of the head : Sulph. Cervix uteri: See Uterus. Chest, weakness of: Calc. c, kali b., phos., sang., stann. Chilliness, attended with: Cycl., lach., puis. , at night : Lach. of the whole body : Cycl. 539 LEUCORRHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Chilly natures, in : Ars., calc. e, lach. Colic, pains come suddenly and cease as suddenly as they came : Bell. , preceded by : Aloe, amm. m., canst., con., ign., magn. c, magn. m., nat. c, nat. m., plat., silicea, sulph., zinc. , with: Alum., bell., canst, cocc, dros., kreas., lye, rnagn. c, mere, pnls. Constipation : 2E$. hip., alet., alum., bry., calc. c, carbo v., cocc, collin., con., dulc, graph., hydras., ign., lye, mere, nux v., opi., phos., plat., pod., sepia, silicea, sulph. Cramps, uterine : See Uterus, pains in. Debility and lassitude : Alet., aralia, berb., calc. c, caust., con., eupion, ham., helon., hydras., iod., kreas., nat. ch., stann., trill., zinc. , after even a short walk the back gives out from weakness : JEs. hip. of the legs : Arg. n., kreas. within the chest : Stann. Diarrhoea, mucous : Mere, nat. m. Dinner, she cannot wait till noon for her : Sulph. Dreams, lascivious : Pet. Emaciation, with : Eupion. Epigastrium, full, heavy feeling in the : Gels. , prostration at the : Hydras. Excitement, aggravated by : Calc. e , with great : Coif. Extremities, lower, debility of : Arg. n., kreas., lye , , fatigue in : Zinc. , , feet, burning in the soles of the, and heat in crown of the head : Sulph. — , burning in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands : Sang. - cold and damp : Calc. c. -, perspiration on, offensive : Silicea. -, soles of, burning in : Sang., sulph. LEUCORRHCEA. 540 Burning. Concomitant Symptoms. Extremities, lower, feet, soles, of stitches in, when walking : Eupiou. , , thighs, biting of, from the acrid discharge : Ant. c, carlo an. — , burning on : See Character of the Discharge, erythema of the : Cub. excoriated inner surface of : Ant. c, aur., bary., caust., graph., iod., kreas., sabina, sepia, sulph., zinc, moisture between the : Bary. pains in : Ferr., magn. s., nit, ac. , biting and smarting down the thighs : Ant. C. , bruised : Magn. s. , hips and down the legs : Nit. ac. pimples on inner surface of, like flea bites : Graph. redness between: Sepia. soreness between : See Excoriated. warm water running dowm the legs, sensation of : Borax. , , . weariness in : Castor., caust. . , weakness of : Arg. n., kreas. Eyelids, heaviness of : Caul. Face, paleness of: Lye, sepia. , , with frequent flushes to the face or circumscribed redness of the cheeks : Lye. , yellowness of : Caul., caust., ferr., nat. m., sepia. , , with dirty yellow spots on : Sepia. , , forehead : Caul. Fainting, spells of: Bary., cych, lach., mix m., sulph. , , with palpitation of the he.trt, followed by sleep : NUX m. Fatigued, easily : Ars. Fear, full of : Aeon. Feet : See Extremities, lower. 541 LEUCORRHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Flatus, discharge of, from the vagina : Lye., sang. Forehead, yellowish spots on : Caul., nat. m., sepia. Giddiness : See Vertigo. Glands, inguinal, swelling of: Nit. ac. Groins, heaviness and fulness in : Aloe. , fulness and heaviness in : Aloe. , pains in, pressing downward : Plat. — , — , from, to pudendum : Plat. , pressing toward the: Chin. Hair, falling off of the: Alum., graph., nat. m., phos., sulph. Hands, burning in the palms of the : Sang. Headache, with : Agar., nat. m. , dull pains in the occiput : JEs. hip. Head, constant heat on top of the : Sulph. Heart, palpitation of the : Bary., ferr., hydras., hyper., iod., lil. tig.,. nux m., plat., sulph. , , with fainting, followed by sleep : Nux m. Heat, flashes of : Lach., lye, sulph. Heaviness, general : Nat. s. Hepatic derangements, complicated with : Hydras., pod. Hips, pains in, and down the thighs : Nit. ac. Hoarseness, followed by : Con. Hours, discharge lasting but a few hours : Nat. m. Hypogastrium, burning in : Bufo. , oppression in the : Nux v. , pains in : Kali b., lil. tig., lye, nux v., sepia. ■ , , cutting : Lye. , , dull : Kali b. ■ , , to left : Lye. , pressure in, toward the genital region as if everything would issue from the abdomen : Nat. c. — , tenderness in : Lil. tig*. Hunger, canine, at 12 m. : Sulph. Irritability, with : Aeon. LEUCORRHCEA. 542 Concomitant Symptoms. Kidneys, region of, pains in : Bert., helon. Labia, burning on the: Kreas., thuja (see also Pudendum). 9 , when touched or when walking : Thuja. , corroded: JEs. hip., ars., con. , eruptions on. humid : Sepia. , , pimply : Graph., mere. , , , like flea bites : Graph. , , with itching on the labia minora : Sepia. — , excrescences on : Thuja. — , itching on the : Guarea, kreas. (see Vulva and Pudendum). — , mucus, accumulation of, between labia and thighs : Calc. c, kali b. — , rash on : Graph., lil. tig. — , soreness of: Amb., bovis., graph. — , stinging in when touched : Thuja. — , swelling of: Amb., lach., kreas., puis., sepia, thuja. — , tubercles on : Merc, thuja. — , ulcers on : Merc, sepia. — , varices on : Nux v. Lassitude : See Debility. Legs, a sensation as if she must cross her legs to prevent the pelvic contents from issuing through the vulva : Sepia. Low-spirited : Ign. Mamma?, dwindling away of: lod. , soreness of : Helon., hydras. Masturbation, as a result of: Canth., zinc. Mood, irritable : Aeon., calc c , and irascible after an embrace : Nat. m. Mouth, dryness of, when awaking : Nux in. tastes badly in the morning, must be washed out : Puis. Motion, she cannot bear a downward motion, as a swing, rocking- chair or going down-stairs: Borax. Navel, pains about: See Abdomen. Nipples, soreness of : Helon. 543 LEUOOKRHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Noises or bright light aggravate all her troubles : Bell., mix v. Occiput, dull pain in the : JEs. hip. Ovarian region, pains in : Helon., sepia. Ovary, left, pains in, burning : Lil. tig., thuja. , right, inflammation of: Iod. , , pains in, cutting : Apis. Pelvis, dragging sensation in the : Garb. ac. , heaviness in : Pall. , stitches in : Phos. , throbbing in : iEs. hip. Perinseum, excoriation of : Aur., lil. tig. , pains in : Sepia, thuja. Prolapsus uteri : See Uterus, prolapsus of. Prostration : See Debility. Pruritus : Collin., cub., hydras., kali b., nat. m., nit. ac, puis., sabina. (compare Pudendum, itching on). Pudendum, external genitalia, biting in : Ant. c, carbo an., kali h., mere, zinc. , burning in : Alum., amm. c, aur., bary., calc. c. canth., carbo an., carbo v., castor., con., kali c, kreas., magn. s., mere, nux v., pet., puis., sepia, sulph., thuja. , , especially during motion : Magn. c. , , with great uneasiness, she is scarcely able to keep still : Sulph. , , condylomata on: Cub., thuja. -, eruptions on : Aur., graph., nat. m., nux v. -, , humid : Sepia. -, , pimply : Gub., graph., mere, nat. m. -, , , like flea bites : Graph. -, , with itching on the labia minora : Sepia. — , excoriation of : Aur., carb. ac, carbo v., con., ferr., mere, prun. s., sepia, sulph. — , hair, falling off of : Nat. m. LEUCORKHGEA. 54-1 Concomitant Symptoms. Pudendum, heat in : Merc. , itching of the : iEs. hip., alum., anac, aur., cole. c. carlo v., coff., colli n., ferr., guarea, graph., hydras, kali b., kali c, kali Ir, kreas., lye, magn. c, mere, nat. m., nit. ac, phos. ac, plat., sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., zinc. , — , a few days after the menses : Phos ac. , , during the evening, sometimes when walk- Nit, ac. , increased hy scratching : Anac. , obliging her to scratch and the scratching is followed by violent burning : Merc — -, ■ , relieved by washing in cold water : Alum., mere. — , , voluptuous : Calc. c, coff., cub., plat. — , mucus, accumulations of thick, tenacious mucus about the genitals : Kali b., calc. c. — , pains in, as from a knife : Crocus. — , , lancinating: Hyper. — , , like cramps : Thuja. — , , pinching: Zinc. — , - — , stinging: Zinc. — , , stitching, acute, from the pudendum to the right thigh, as if a knife were thrust into the parts : Crocus. — , , tearing : Bary. — , pimples on : Cub., graph., mere, nat. m. — , , like ilea bites : Graph. — , pressing toward the : Graph. — , pressure in, and in the groins, or alternating between the two : Plat. — , redness and excoriation of: Sepia. — , swelling of : Lacli. — , sensitiveness of: Coff'., plat., zinc. — , , she cannot bear to have the parts touched, cannot even wear a napkin : Coff, 54 5 LEUCOKKHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Pudendum, smarting of the : Alum., ant. c, cham., con., curare, ferr., hepar, lacli., lam., mere, nat. m., phos., phos. ac, silicea, sulph., zinc. , , as from salt : Sulph. , smarting of the, at the commencement : Ferr. , soreness of: Alum., amb., anac, bary., bovis., car bo v., ferr., fluor. ac, nit. ac, prun. s., sepia, sulph., zinc — , , and between the labia and thighs : Bovis. — , , of the labia : Amb., bovis., graph. — , , rawness : Carlo v., sepia, sulph. — , , swelling of the labia : Amb. — , stinging in : Zinc. — , stitches in, acute, from the pudendum to the right thigh, as if a knife were thrust into the parts : Crocus. — , swelling of : Amb., lach., puis., sepia, thuja.. — , , especially just after menstruation : Puis. — , , with redness : Lach. — , tingling, voluptuous, in the pudendum and abdomen, with oppressive anxiety and palpitation of the heart : Plat. — , tubercles on : Merc, thuja. — , nlcers on : Cub., thuja, sepia. — , varices on : Carbo v., nux v. — , voluptuous tingling in : Calc. c, plat. Eectum, burning in the : Alum., collin. , dryness in : Collin. , inactivity of the, even soft stool requires great straining : Alum-,.. , itching in : Carbo v., diet., erig. , pains in : Erig., mere, sepia. , prolapsed feeling in the : JEs. hip. , prolapsus of : Ign., pod., sepia, sulph. , soreness of : Alum., mur. ac. Eestlessness and anguish at night: Ars. Sacrum, aching in : JEs. hip., gels. 34 LEUCORRHCEA. 546 Concomitant Symptoms. Sacrum, aching in, and knees: jEs. hip. , the sacio-iliac articulations: iEs. hip. , burning in and across : Oarbo v. , heat and pulsation in : Sars. Sadness: Puis. Scratching, smarting after : Merc. relieves the itching : Sulph. Sensation of warm water escaping from the vagina: Borax. , without: Alum., plat. Sexual intercourse, aversion to: Nat. m., sepia. , desire for : Coif., cub., hydras., ign., mix v., sulph. ac. , , but unsatisfactory : Sulph. ac. , irritability after : Nat. m. Shoulders, heat between the : Phos. , griping pain between: Amm. c. Sleep, awakens from, at 2 a. m. with pain and coldness in the ab- domen : Kali c. , , with bad taste in the mouth : Puis. , unrefreshing : Ars. Sleeplessness: Ars., lach., nux v. till late at night: Puis. Startled easily : Borax. Sterility, causing: Act. rac, borax, bovis. Stomach, burning in: Ars., kali h. , commotion in the: Crocus. , fulness in: Gels., lye. , , after eating : Lye. , sinking and trembling in the : Calc. c. , at, with violent, continued palpitation of the heart: Hydras. — weak and empty : Ign. — , weakness in, feeling of : Carbo an. Stools adhere to anus like soft clay: Plat. , balls, light-colored : Collin. 54? LEUCORRHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Stools crumble as they emerge : Magn. m. dry and difficult : Bry., cottin., pJios. narrow: Phos. , urging to, ineffectual : Nux v., phos., stann. Strength, marked loss of: Stann. (compare Debility). Syphilitic: Aur., nit. ac. Talk, does not wish to talk, or to hear others talking : A aim. c. Talks much : Lach., stram. Tall, slender, phthisical patients : Phos. Thighs : See Extremities, lower. Thin, scrawny women, in : Secale. Tongue always dry on waking in the morning : Nux m. Trembling of the whole body, sensation of : Alum, eupion, sulph. ac. , felt only when at rest : Eupion. Umbilicus, pains about, preceding the discharge : Amm. m., silicea. , pinching about the : Ipec, magn. c. , writhing about the: Nat. c. Unhappy on waking in the morning: Lach. Urethra, burning in : Calc. c, cannab., canth., sulph. , mucous discharge from the : Cannab., dulc, mere, thuja. , pains in, after urination : Sars. Urination, burning in the urethra after : Berb., canth. , during : Berb., canth., thuja. , discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina after: Canth. , frequent : Ms. hip., apis, diet., hyper., kreas., nat. c, nux v., phos. ac, sepia, sulph. — , painful : Apis, berb., canth., lil. tig., nat. c, nux y., sars. — , at the close of : Sars. — , profuse : Nat. c, phos. ac, sulph. Urine, clay-colored sediment in, which adheres to the vessel : Sepia. , scanty sediment in : Lye stains her linen yellow : Bell. , yellow : JEs. hip. Uterus, atony of : Act. rac, alet., caul., helon., secale, trill., ust. LEUCOKRHOEA. 548 Concomitant Symptoms. Uterus, cancer of: Ars., aur., apis, carbo an., con., graph., hydras., iod., kreas., lach., lye, magn. m., nit. ac, secale, sulph., thuja. , canal, cervical, burning in : Calc. c. , cervix of (cervix uteri), burning in: Calc. c, mere, sepia. engorgement of : Hydras., trill. excrescences on : Cub., kreas., mere, nit. ac, secale, thuja. fissures in : Cub., bufo. induration of : Anath., ars., aur., bell., curbo an., con., iod., magn. m., nat. c, nux v., plat., sepia, staph. mucus hanging from the os in long strings : Hydras. pains in : Calc. e, cocc, con., curare, ferr., kreas., laur., nux v., sepia, ust. -, bleeding: Cub., mere, thuja. -, watery : Secale, thuja. , aching : Ust. , burning: Ars., calc. c, kreas., sepia. , shooting : Curare, sepia. , stinging : Con., sepia. , stitching : Calc. e, sepia. , when lying down : Ferr. swollen: Anath., canth., carbo an., iod., nux v. and spongy : Arg. n., murex. tumefied : Ust. ulcers on : iEs. hip., anath., ant. c, arg. n., ars., asqf., bapt., bufo, carbo an., con., curare, helon., hepar, hydras., kreas., mere, mez., nat. e, nit. ac, phos. ae, sang., secale, sepia, thuja, zinc. , and in vagina : Bapt, hydras. , indurated : Con. , bleeding easily : Asaf., mere, phos. ac. , deep, with ragged edges : Mere , feeling as if bnrnt : Secale. , sensitive and painful : Asaf. 549 LEUCORRHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Uterus, cervix of, ulcers on, syphilitic : Cinnab., nit. ac. with bloody, acrid discharge : Zinc. , dark discharge : Helon. , suppurative discharge : Arg. n., hepar, mere, phos old cheese : Hepar. mez., sepia. pinching: Mez. -, congestion of : Anatli, ac, secale. smelling like high edges : Asaf . ichorous discharge : Kreas. pains in, burning : Ars., kreas., -, pulsating : Hepar. -, smarting, burning or -, stinging : Hepar. ragged edges : Merc. bell., caul., helon., hepar, iod., lach., mix v., secale, sepia, sulph., trill. — , gangrene of : Secale. — , heavy feeling in : Gels., nux v., sabina. — , induration of : See Cervix uteri. — , inflammation of, catarrhal: Bell., borax, calc. c, ham., hepar, hydras., mere, sepia. — , morbid growth within the: Bufo, calc. c, con., graph., lye, plat., sang., secale, staph., thuja. — , os uteri, constant aching in : Ust. everted : Kreas. mucus hanging from, in long strings : Hydras. open : Kreas., secale, ust. , feels as if: Lacli. , remains, after abortion : Secale. -, pains in : See Cervix, pains in ; and Uterus, region of, pains in. -, polypi: See Uterus, morbid growths within. LEUCOKRHCEA. 550 Concomitant Symptoms. Uterus, pressing in : See Abdomen, pains in, labor-like. , prolapsus of : iEs. hip., alet., aur., Ml, borax, carbo an., caul., collin., con., crocus, ferr., ham., helon., hydras., kali b., kali c, lach., lil. tig., lye, mere, nat. ch., nux v., plat., pod., puis., rhus, sabina, sepia, secale, sulph., trill., ust. } , after abortion or accouchement : Bell., nux v., pod., rhus, secale. , , menstruation : Agar., broin., kali b., kreas. , , and rectum : Pod. , , vagina: Merc, pod., sepia. . ■ , during hot weather : Kali b. , , from atony: Act. rac, alet., helon. , , fright : Opi. , , over-lifting or straining : Aur., nux v., pod., , reaching high: Aur., nux v., sulph. , when standing up (shop girls ) : Nux v. , while urging to stool : Pod. , with backache, severe : Nux v. , chronic leucorrhcea : Borax. , congestion : Lach., sepia. , diarrhoea : Pod. , induration : Aur., bell., carbo an., con., pod., rhus. sepia. and prolapsus of the rectum : Pod. vagina: Merc. ulceration : Con. — , region of, fulness in : Gels. — , , heaviness in : Gels., helon. — , , pains in, bearing down, as if prolapsus would oc- cur : Alum., bell., lil. tig., nat. m., nit. ac, sepia. — , , , better when sitting or lying down : Lil. tig. — , , '- , pressing the vulva : Lil. tig. 551 LEUCORRHCEA. Concomitant Symptoms. Uterus, region of, sensitive to pressure : Lack. , soreness in : Helon. , tenderness in, she cannot bear even the weight of her clothing: Lack. stitches in, darting upward : Sepia. tender to touch : Kali ferr. weakness in, as if it were sinking down : Pall, weight and heaviness in: Act. rac, nux v. Vagina, aching in : Calc. c. ascarides in : Cina. burning in: Alum., canth., cham., oon., kreas., nux v., sulph. contractions in, spasmodic : Chin. dryness of : Bell., ferr. , during coitus : Ferr. , with pain in the cervix, when lying down : Ferr. flatus from, discharges of : Brom., lye, sang. inflammation of, syphilitic : Aur., mere, nit. ac. itching in : Agar., aur., canth., sepia, silicea, sulph. mucous discharge from, after an embrace : Nat. c. , urination : Canth. pains in, extending up toward the chest: Alum. , during an embrace : Ferr. , shooting upward : Nit. ac. pressing in : Oinnab., ?epia. prolapsus of: Ferr., mere, nux v., pod., stann. , and uterus : Merc, nux v., pod. running from, constant : Aur. sensitive : Coif., lach., nux v., plat., sulph. soreness in : Alum., kali b. stinging in : Nux v. stitches in : Amb., kreas., phos., nit. ac. , from above downward: Kreas. , shooting upward : Nit. ac. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 552 Concomitant Symptoms. Vagina, stitches in, shooting upward into the uterus : Phos. , swelling within the, simulating prolapsus, with burning pain and tenderness, makiug coition intolerable : Nux v. , throbbing in : Alum. , ulceration of : Bapt, cinnab., hydras. , walls of, relaxed : Ham. , water, discharge of green, during pregnancy : Sepia. , , sensation as if warm, was escaping : Borax. Vertigo : Aeon., alum., calc. c, coca, con., hyper, iod., kali b., lach., nux v., phos., puis. on rising in the morning : Aeon., phos. on turning over, when lying down : Con. when going up-stairs : Calc. c. rising from a sitting position : Puis. walking: Phos. Vulva: See Pudendum. TVater, sensation as if warm water was escaping : Borax. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. MIND AND MOOD. Abandoned, she feels: Lam. Absent minded : Aeon., alum., am in. c, arm, bary., bovis., caust., cham,, coca, elaps., ign., graph., kali a, lach., mere, nux m., nux v., opi., plat, puis., rims, sepia, silicea. Active: Bell., brom., sepia, stann., verat. a. Affections, bad effects from disappointed: Ign. Alone, fears to be left : Ars., phos., stram. , she will die, if left : Ars. Alternation of affectionate disposition and rage : Crocus. cheerfulness and melancholy: Carbo an., gels. joy and sadness : Ign. laughing and crying : Aur. 553 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Alternation of mental and bodily symptoms : Plat. Arnativeness : Canth., hyos., ign., lach., lye, puis., strain., verat. a. Anger: Aur., bry., bufo, caust., enpion, mez., nat. m., nnx v., pet., phos., snlph. about trifles : Bry., mez., nat. m., zinc. Anguish : Aeon., amm. c, arm, ars., bell., bry., calc. c, carbo v., caust., cham., chin., coff., con., cup., daph., graph., hell., hepar., byos., ign., kali c, kali h., lach., lam., lye, mere, mosc, nat. c, nat. m., nit. ac, nux v., phos., plat., puis., rhus, secale, sepia, stann., stram. as if death was near : Ars., plat., puls.- from 4 to 6 p. M. : Carb. v. , with apprehension : Aeon. Anxiety: Aeon., aloe, all. sat, alum., amm. c, anac, ant. c, arg. n., ars., aur., bary., bell., berb., bry., calc. c, calc. ph., canth., carbo v., caust., cham., chell., chin., cocc, coff., con., crocus, dros., ferr., graph., guarea, hyos., ign., lach., lam., lye, magn. c, mere, mosc, nat. c, nit. ac, nux v., phos., phos. ac, plat., plumb., puis., raph., rhus, rata, sabad., sang., sars., spig., spong., strain., sulph., verat. a. about her children : Bary. , alone, when : Dros., phos. ■ , and fearful : Berb. , crime, as from some great : Ferr., cocc. , evening, in the : Calc. c, dros., mere, nux v. from slight causes ; Ferr. , morning, in the : Ars., ign., graph., verat. a. , mortiflcation, fear of approaching: Graph. , night, at: Aeon., bell., calc c, carbo v., cham., mix v. , apprehensive : Amm. c , thunder storm, during : Dros., nat. c, phos. , with rage : Canst. , suffusion of heat : Dros. Apathy : Ars., bell., berb., chin., lach., mere, phos. ac, sepia. Apprehension: Aeon., amm. m., caust., chin., cicuta, coll., graph., kali e, lach., mere., mur. ac, nux v., puis., rhus. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 554 Mind and Mood. Apprehension about the future : Aeon., cicuta. , breakfast, after : Caust. , evening, in the : Caust., mere. , with weeping : Graph. Argue, desire to : Caust., ferr. Attention, want of : Nat. c. Aversion to being alone : Ars., con., elaps, kali c., phos., stram. in the dark : Stram., carbo an. disturbed : Gels. looked at : Ant. c. spoken to : Elaps., gels. touched : Ant. c. company : Lach. conversation : Bufo., carbo an,, cham., verat. a. exercise : Pall. , mental: Nit. ac., hepar, rhod. her occupation : Sepia. labor : Agar., aloe, bell., cycl., iod., kali b., nux j., nux v., rhod., zinc. laugh : Amb. light : Bell., nux v., phos. men : Nat c, statm. motion : Bell., hyper. , downward : Borax. music: Nux v., phos. ac, sabina. noise : Bell., ipec, lach., nit. ac, nux v., sang., zinc to persons, certain : Amm. m. seeing friends : Ars., coloc — smells, strong : Nux v. society : Con., nat. c. solitude : Lye, mez. sound of scratching on cloth : Asar. talk: Agar., amb., coloc, euph., ign., nat. c, phos. ac, nux v., stann., thuja. 555 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Aversion to undress : Stron. washing : Sulph. work : Carb. ac., con., phos. Avidity: Puis. Awkwardness: Anac, apis, nat. in., mix v., sulph. Barking: Bell., canth. Bashful: Puis. Bite, desire to : Bell., stram. Black cloud had settled over her, sensation as if a : Act. rac. Bright and loquacious : Glon. Busy : Apis. Capricious : Nux m., puis., zinc. Cautious : Bary. Censure, disposed to : Calc. ph. Chagrin, bad effects from : Staph. Changeable mood : Alum., asaf., crocus, ign., plat., senecio, nux m., sars., sulph. ac. Cheerfulness, uncommon : Brom., carbo an., crocus, cycl., tabac, verat. a. and melancholy alternating : Carbo an. out of humor, alternating : Cycl. Child, thinks herself a : Cicuta. Cloud, sensation as if enveloped in a black cloud : Act. rac. Complains about other people: Sepia. Comprehension, slow or difficult: Bell., cannab., cham., con., cycl., hell., ign., laur., lye, mere, mez., nat. m., nux m., nux v., opi., phos. ac, rhus, sepia, silicea, staph., stram., thuja. Concern, great, about little things: Con. Consciousness, loss of : Aeon., arn., bell, cicuta., coca, hell., hyos., lach., laur., mar. ac, nux m., nux v., opi., phos. ac, plat., puis., rhus, stram. Consolation aggravates her troubles : Cact., nat. m. Contradiction irritates her : Aur., ign. , spirit of : Anac, lach., ruta. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 550 Mind and Mood. Conversation, repugnance to : Ars., bufo., carbo an., calc. c, cham., ign., nux v., verat. a. Crazy : Bell., cup. , afraid of being thought : Calc. c. , going : Calc. c. Crime, as if she had committed some : Amm. c. Criticise, disposition to: Ars., lach., nux v., sepia, sulph. Criticised, fears she is being : Bary. Cross: Cup. Cruelty, constantly bent on : Anac. Crying: Bell., borax, calc. c, cham., cina, puis, (see Weeping). on account of imaginary insults : Cham. Dark, full of fright when in the : Carbo an., strain. Death, fear of : Aeon., anath., ars., bry., calc. c, coca, graph., lach., lob., nux v., nit. ac, plat., puis., secale, rhus, stram. , predicting even the fatal day : Aeon. Decision, mental, lack of : Graph. Dejection: Aeon., bell., canth., chell., chin., colcli., coloc, iod., nafc, m., sabina, sulph., verat. a. Delirium: Aeon., arm, bell., bry., calc. c, chain., hyos., lach., nuxm., opi., puis., stram. Depression : Caust., grat., phos., jy?£fc., sulph., verat. a. Desire for company : Stram. light : Strain. open air : Lye. solitude: Cact., elaps., ign., nux v., rhus. things which are rejected when offered: Cham., cina, dulc, puis. to be alone : Carbo an., chin., cicuta, cinu., ign., ledum, lye, nux v. expose herself: Hyos. lie down, constant: Ant. c, rhus. run away: Merc. sit down, constant: Rhus. 557 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Desize to swallow, constant : Bell. uncover herself : Uyos. Despondent : iEs. hip., aur., ars., bovis., calc. c, carbo v., caust., coce, graph., iod., lob., nit. ac, nab. c, thuja, zinc. when alone : Bovis. with disposition to weep : Iod. Die, imagines she is going to soon : Aeon., mosc, pod., verat. a. , horrified by the thought she soon may : Plat. , keeps asserting that she will : Agn. cast. , predicts the day when she will : Aeon. , wishes to, at once : Spong. Discomfort, great: Magn. c. Domestic affairs, full of care about her : Puis. Double, thinks herself: Stram. Dullness of mind : Cham., hell., laur., lye, plios. ac, plumb., staph.,. sulph., verat. a. Ecstacy : Aeon., agar., ant. c, bell., chain., coff., gels., lach., mix m.,. nux v., opi., phos., plat., stram. Egotistical : Curare. Enemies, harrassed by thinking she has : Chin. Ennui : Aur., kali n., nux v., plumb. Enraged at trifles : Zinc. Entertained, does not want to be : Lil. tig. Envious: Curare, lye, puis. Escape, tries to : Bell., stram. Events, past, give her great trouble : Plat. Exaltation : Agar., coff., cub., lach., nux v., stram. , religious : Sulph. Excitability : Agar., ars., cham., cicuta, coff., con., gels., hyos., kreas. r lach., lye, mere, nux v., opi., pall., phos., puis., sepia, stram. about trifles: Cicuta. Expose herself, wishes to : Hyos., phos. Expressions, violent, makes use of : Pall. Eancy, illusions of: Magn. m., opi., rhus, stram. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 558 Mind and Mood. Fancy, wanderings of, nocturnal: Bry. Fault-finding: Calc. c, calc. ph., helon., lach., mix v. Fear, full of: Aeon., aloe, alum., ars., bell., dry., calc. c, carbo an., canst., chin., coff., gels., graph., ign., hyos., lach., mix v., opi., phos., phos. ac, puis., verat. a. , as of some impending trouble : Magn. c, spong. , bad effects from : Gels. of approaching misfortune: Graph. of being alone : Ars., phos. in the dark : Carbo an. poisoned : Bell., hyos. death: Aeon., anath., ars., bry., calc. c, coca, graph., lach., lob., nit. ac, nux v., plat., puis., rhus, secale, stram. something creeping out of every corner : Phos. Fiery temperament: Nux v. Fitful moods : Chin., nux m. Forgetfulness : Crocus, graph., lach., nux m., phos., plat., stron., sulph. Forgotten something, feels as if she had : Iod. Fright, bad effects from : Aeon., gels., mere. followed by sadness: Ign. , starts in a, when going to sleep : Bell, try. , with fear : Opi. Frightened easily: Aeon., bell., borax, calc. c, carbo an., caust., chain., ign., kali c, lach., nux v., opi., pet., sulph. Frenzy, amorous: Canth. Furious, pains make her : Cham. Furor, lascivious : Hyos. Gaiety : Aeon., aur., crocus, coff., curare, fluor. ac. Gestures, strange: Nux m., stram. Ghosts, dread of: Carbo v., dros. Gloominess : /Es. hip., agn. cast., anac, ars., calc. c, caust., con., graph., ham., hyos., ign., lach., lye, nat. m., nux v., phos. ac, phyt., plat., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a. 559 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Grief: Coca, coloc, con.., cvcl., graph., hyos., ign., lach., lye, nuxv., phos. ae, puis., staph., verat. a. , excessive, about trifles : Graph. , full of suppressed ; Ign. , complaints from: Calc. ph., lach., phos. ac. Happy and contented : Sulph. Haste, in every thing she does : Lach., sulph* Haughty : Lye, stram., sulph. Health, solicitude about her: Nux v., phos. ac, sepia. Hesitation, extreme: Aur., bary., chin., graph., nuxv., sulph., thuja. Hide, desires to : Bell., stram. Hilarity: Ant. t., arun. Homesickness : Carlo an., mere. Hopeless: Arun., calc. c, verat a. , thinks her case is : Ars. House, is afraid to go out of the : Aeon. Howling : Bell., cicuta. Humor, ill: Anath., amm. c, amm. m., arg. n., am., bell., berb., borax, bovis., hry., brom., castor., calc. c, cact, chin., coccus, coloc, con., kali b., kreas., ledum, magn. s., mere, mur. ac, nitrum, nux v., ole. an., phos ac, puis., staph., stron., sulph., sulph. ac, thuja. , , in cloudy weather: Amm. c Hurry, always in a: Arg. n., lil. tig. , does everything in a : Lach., sulph. Hypochondriacal : Ars., asaf., aur., bell., calc. c, caust., cham., chin., con., euph., lye, magn. m., mosc, nat. m., nuxv., nat. e, phos., phos. ac, plat., puis., sabina, sepia, stann., staph., sulph., verat. a. Ideas, confounding of: Kreas. , fixed: Thuja. , full of: Chin., coff., opi., phos*., puis., stram., sulph. , lascivious : Arun. , loose connection of : Nux v. , nonsensical : Verat. a. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 5<;0 Mind and Mood. Ideas, slow train of : Carbo v., chin., nux m., phos., rhus, sepia, thuja. Illusions: Aeon., hell, calc. a, cicuta, coca, hyos., ign., iotl., lye, mix v., opi., phos. ac, plat., rhus, secale, stram., sulph., verat. a., zinc. Imagination excited, or vivid: Alum., chin., coff., lach., opi., pet., stram., sulph. Imagines her limbs are made of glass and will break easily : Thuja. parts of her body are large : Bapt., opi. rags are fine clothing : Sulph. she is going to be ill : Calc. c, pod. ill : Salad. has various diseases : Verat. a. strange objects are in her room : Act. rac. on her bed : Act. rac. that another person is sick: Pet. lies along side of her : Pet., pulse. one of her limbs is double: Pet. she is incurable : Lil. tiff. Incurable, thinks she is : Lil. tig. Indifference: Agar., chin., kali b., lach., mere, nit. ac, phos., phos. ac, puis., rhod., sabina, sepia. about her own family : Sejna. Indignation: Alet., staph. Ingratitude : Silicea. Insignificant, everything seems to her : Plat. Intellect, dullness of: "Kali b., mez., nice. Irresolute : Bapt. Irritability: Arnm. m., apis, arg. n., arun., bell., bry., carbo v., cham., coca, colch., curare, gels., helou., hepar, ign., iod., kalib., kali p., mur. ac., murex, nat. a, nit aa, nux v., pet., phos., phyt., puis., sabina, sang., sulph. ac. Jealousy : Apis, hyos., lach., nux v. Jest, inclined to : Bell., ign., kali h., plat., sulph. Jolly, she feels: Lil. tig. (see Merry). 561 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Joy, excessive, disorders from : Coff., opi. Joyless : Nit. ac. Judgement, lays great stress upon her own : Pall. Kill, desire to : Hyos., stram. Kiss everybody, desires to : Crocus, vtrat. a. Labor, intellectual, fatigues her : Puis. Language, uses extravagaut : Pall. Large, things too : Hyos. Lassitude, general : Nux j. Laughed at, fears she is being : Bary. Laughing and crying alternately: Phos. Laughter: Aeon., anath., arun., asaf., bell., crocus, hyos., ign., nux in., puis., phos., sepia, stram. , convulsive : Cup., sepia. Laughs, cries and sings: Bell., crocus. hysterical : Phos. ■ immoderately : Crocus, nux m., stram. loud ; Hyos. silly : Hyos. Let alone, desires to be : Helou. Life, indifference to : Ars., phos., phyt., mere, rhus, sepia, staph. , tired of : Nat. s., nit. ac, silicea, thuja, verat. a. Light, intolerance of : Bell., nux v. Loquacious: Bovis., coff., glon., hyos., lack., lachn., stram., verat. a. Love, complaints after disappointment in : Calc. ph., hyos., lach., phos. ac. , exalted : Ant. c. Low-spirited : Kali h., rhus. Mad at trifles : Bry., mez., nat. m., zinc. Majestic appearance : Stram. Malicious: Aeon., anac, nux v. Man, fancies a naked man is wrapped up in her bed clothes : Puis. Mania, menstrual : Sepia. 35 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 562 Mind and Mood. Mania, religions: Crocus, lack. , with lascivious talk : Hyos., verat. a. , violence : Secale. Medicine, thinks it useless to take : Ars. Melancholy: Act. rac, agn. cast, alum., amm. m., ars., aur., bell., herb., bovis., calc. c, castor., caust, chell., graph., hell., hyper., ign., iod., lach., lye, nat. m., nit. ac, mix v., plat., yjuls., plumb., ruta, sabad., secale, stram., silicea, sulph., verat. a. ■ , religious : Lye, puis., sulph. Memory, great : Caust. . weakness of : Alum., anac, bary., carbo v., caust., con., fluor. ac, hepar, ign., hreas., lach., laur., lye, mere, mures, nat. m., nit. ac, mix m., mix v., plat., puis., sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph., verat. a. , , periodically : Carbo v. Men, dread of: Bary., puis., plat. Mental anxiety: See Anxiety. alienation : Cantb. exaltation : See Exaltation. excitability : See Excitability. derangements after fright : Plat. labor, indisposed to: Cinn. weakness : Anac. Mentally restless : Bapt. Merry: Bell, carlo an., crocus, curare, tabac, stram. Mild: Puis. Mind, absence of: Bovis., colch., elaps. , active : Bell, brom. , affections from excessive action : Sepia. , cheerful : Brom. (see Cheerfulness). , composed at night: Magn. c , disturbances from onanism : Sepia. .dullness of: See Dullness. , exaltation of : Opi. , fear of losing her: Merc. 563 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Mind, inability to fix it upon any subject : Senecio. , indolence of : Nux j. , sensitive : Am. , wandering of, nocturnal : Bell. , weak: Bary., nat. c, cycl. Mirth, uncommon : Ant. c, crocus. Mistrust, full of: Anac, bell., caust, cicuta, clros., hell., hyos., lye, puis., sulph. Moaning: Aeon,, bell., cham., cicuta, cofL, graph., stram. Mocking : Lach. Mood, musing: Bary. Moral disturbances, paroxysmal : Arg. n. weakness: Aur. Moroseness: Bry., nux v., puis., sepia, sulph. Moving about, wants to be constantly: Helou. Music, piano affects her unpleasantly: Nat. c, nux v. causes her to weep : Kreas., thuja. is intolerable : Sabina. , over-sensitiveness to : Sepia. Nervous : Aeon., amb., arg. n., bell., calc. c, cliam., coff., con., cup., graph., hyos., ign., kreas., lach., lil. tig., nit. ac., nux v., phos., phos. ac, puis., sepia, sulph. Night, full of fear at : Aeon. Noises startle her : Borax. , sensitiveness to : Bell., ipec, nux v., sang., zinc. Nostalgia: Aur., carbo an., ign., phos. ac, silicea. Obscenity: Hyos. Obstinacy: Bell., calc. c, cham., lye, nux v., nit. ac, silicea, stram., sulph. Offended easily : Bovis., cocc. Oppressed, mind feels : Phos. ac. Others, is fond of the good opinion of: Pall. Pains make her furious : Cham. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 504 Mind and Mood. Passionate: Aeon., anac., an?*., cliam., coloc., graph., ign., mere., mosc, nat, m., mix v., pet., phos., plat., puis., staph., sulph., verat. a. Perception, defect in: Arg. n. Peevish: Ant. c, borax, canst., colch., ipec, lach., mere, murex., rnta, sulph., zinc, (see Ill-humor). Piety, nocturnal : Strain. Piteous complaining : Chin. Pleased with all around her : Sulph. Poisoned, afraid she is going to be : Hyos. Predicts the day of her death : Aeon. Pregnant, thinks herself : Verat. a. Pride, excessive : Lach., plat. Projects, full of: Chin. Quarrel, disposed to: Arm, nux v., ran. b., sepia. Rage : Bell., cup., hyos., secale, stram. Reason and will, contradiction between : Anac. , fears she will lose her : Nux v. Reflective: Carbo an., mang. Religious speculation, inclined to : Sulph. Restlessness : Aeon., amb., anath., anac, apis, ars., asaf., bell., brv., calc. c, canth., caust., chain., corf., dulc, hyos., ign., iod., lam., mere, nat. c, nux v., opi., phos., prun. s., puis., rhus, sepia, stann., stram., sulph. and anxious : Ars. from 4 to 6 p. m. : Carbo v. , wants to go from place to place : Calc. ph., helon. when alone : Phos. Runaway, desire to: Aeon., bell., hyos., stram., verat. a. , , from fear of being hurt : Hyos. Sadness : Aeon., agn. cast, anath., asaf., aur., bovis., brom., cact, calc. c, carbo an., caust., cocc, chin., crocus, graph., hepar, ign., kali b., kali c, lach., laur., lye, magn. s., nuir. ac, murex, nat.c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. ac, nux v., ole. an., pet., phos., phos. ac, plat., puis., rhus, secale, sepia, staph., sulph. 565 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Sadness, aggravated by consolation : Cact., nat. m. , evening, in the : Kali c, murex, plat., stram., zinc. , morning : Lack. Salvation, eternal, doubts about her: Lil. tig., lye, puis., sulph. Scold, inclination to : Dulc., pel., ran. b., verat. a. , , without being angry: Dulc. Self-exaltation: Plat., sulph. Selfisb : Agar., sulph. Senses, dullness of: See Dullness of mind. , feels as though she would lose her: PJat. , illusions of : Secale, strain. , inability to collect her : Kali c. , over-sensitiveness of all the : Phos. Sensitiveness: Arm, bell., calc. c, castor., coff., ign., nux v., phos., phos. ac, staph., sulph. , harsh words hurt her : Staph. Sentimental: Ant. c, calc. ph., ign., lach., nux v. when walking in the moonlight: Ant. c. Seriousness: Alum., amm. c. Shame, absence of: Hyos.,plios. Short-spoken : Cham. Shouts and cries : Stram. Shyness: Stram. Sick, imagines herself : Salad. Sickness, fear of : Calc. c, pod. , weeps about her : Sepia. , imaginary sickness: Sepia. Sighing: Bell., calc. ph., crocus, ign., goss., stram., ver.it. a. Silent mood : Puis. Sing, disposed to : Aeon., anath., hell., crocus, cup., spong., strain., yerat. a. Sings amorous songs: Hyos. , laughs and cries : Bell. obscene songs : Hyos., stram. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 566 Mind and Mood. Sings, screams and weeps : Hyper. Small, everything around her seems: Plat. Smell, imagines a foul: Bell. Snappish : Cham. Sobbing, involuntarily : Ign, Society, avoids : Con., nat. c. , gets excited in : Pall. Solitude, love of: Cact., elaps, ign., magn. m., rhus. Somebody else, she feels as if she was : Lach. Speaking, makes mistakes in : Nux v. Speech, incoherent : Hyos. , loss of : Laur. Spirits, lowness of: Borax, chell., coloc, con., daph., hyper., ham., 111. tig., mang., nice, phos. ac, plat., sabina, sars., thuja, ust. (see Melancholy). Spirits, says she converses with : Stram. Spiteful: Nux v. (see Ill-humor). Spoken to, does not want to be: Ars., cham., elaps, gels. Startled easily: Bell., borax, con., kali b., kali c, nat. c, silicca. Stupid : See Dullness of mind. Suicide, inclination to commit: Ant. c, ars., aur., bell., nux v., puis., rhus, zinc. Suspicious: Bell., hyos., lach., mere, ojA.,plat. } puis., strain., sulph. Taciturn : Cham., hell., lye, niur. ae, nux v., puis., verat. a. Talks about others faults : Verat. a. absurdly : Stram. - delirious : Cup., hyos., stram. hastily : Amb., thuja. incessantly: Act. rac, kali h., stram. much : See Loquacious. obscene : Nux m., stram., verat. a. Tall, thinks herself : Stram. Tears, full of: Puis, (see Weeping). Tears things : Bell. 56? GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Mood. Temper, exaltation of : Cub. Thinking, great difficulty in : Calc. a, cycl., silicea, sulph. , increased power of : Coff. Thinks eroneously : Nux v. another person is in bed with her: Pet. herself well: Kreas. under superhuman control: Lach. she is not at home : Opi. Thoughts, active : Bell, coff. , confusion of : Guarea. , sits wrapped in : Cocc. , vanishing of: Merc, nit. ac, nux m., ole. an., ran. b. Time passes slowly with her : Arg. n., nux m., nux v. rapidly with her : Cocc. Timid : Ant. t., bell., carbo v., puis. in the evening : Ant. t. Trifles vex her : Aeon., dros., nice. Trembling state of the mind : Aeon. Unchaste : Canth., hyos. Unconsciousness : Opi. Uneasiness : Crocus, cup. Unfortunate, she thinks herself : Chin. Unsatisfied : Cina. Vexed at trifles : Aeon., dros., nat. m., nice, zinc. easily : Bovis., calc. c, cham., kali c. Violent actions : Cicuta. Visions, frightful : Bell., rhod., strain. Vivacity: Alum., coff., gels., lach. Walking about her room annoys her : Sang. Weep, disposed to: All. sat., amm. c, bell., berb., cact., calc. c, cina, curare, cycl., hyper., kreas., 111. tig., lob., lye, magn. c, pet., plat., puis., rhus, silicea, staph., sulph., thuja. , , in the evening : Amm. c, rhus. , , without cause : Bell. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 568 Mind and Mood. Whining : Castor., cham., con., lam. Wickedness, constantly bent on : Anac. Will and reason, contradiction between : Anac. Wills, cognition of two : Anac. Word, caunot think of the right one: Dulc, sulph. Work, disinclination to : Carb. ac, con., plios. Yielding disposition : Puis. SLEEP. Dreams, anxious : Aeon., alum., amm. in., anac, arg. n., am., ars., aur., bary., tell., bovis., bry., cede, e., castor., caust., cham.. chin., cicuta, cocc, con., eupion, graph., hepar, hyos., ign., iod., kali c, lach., lam., magn. c, magn. m., magn. s., mang., mere, murex, nat. m., nit. ac, mix v., opi., pet., jy//os., plat., puis., rhus, sepia, silicea, stram., sulph., sulph. ac, thuja, verat. a. , conflagration, of: Alum., anac, graph., hepar, magn. s., rhus, sulph. (see Fire). , confused : Chin., hell., puis. , dangers, of : Anac, calc ph., hepar, sulph. , dead bodies, about: Anac, ars., brom., graph., magn. c., phos., phos. ac, plat., thuja. , death, of: Anac, arm, ars., brom., graph., magn. c, phos., phos. ac, plat., puis., thuja. — , disgusting: Amm. m., mur. ac, nat. m., mix v., phos., puis., sulph. — , dogs, of: Am., mere, silicea, sulph. — , falling, of : Amm. m., bell., chin., dig., hepar, kreas., sar.s., thuja, zinc. — , from a precipice : Hepar, kreas. — , fanciful: Amb., ars., calc. c, carbo an., cham., gr;iph.. kali c, lye, puis., silicea, spong., sulph. — , fantastic : Silicea, spong. — , fearful : Amm. m. 569 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Sleep. Dreams, fire, about : Alum., anac, hepar, graph., magn. c, magn. m., nat. m.,phos., rhns, sulph. (see also Conflagration). , flying, thinks herself : Apis, nat. s. , frightful: Amm. in., am., ars., aur., bell., chin., cocc, crocus, graph., hepar, kalih., kalm., lil. tig., lye, magn. m., mere., nat. m., mix v., pet., phos., puis., sars., secale, sepia, silicea, sulph., zinc. , grass, of: Am. , happy : Sulph. (see Pleasant). , intimidating : Con. — , journeys, of making long: Apis, brom. -, , through the air : Apis. -, laborious : Lil. tij — , lascivious : See Voluptuous. — , late events, of: Bry., calc. ph., nux v., puis. — , lightening, being struck by : Am. — , mind, affecting the : Anac, bry., chin., graph., ign., lach., nat. m., nux v., phos., phos. ac., sulph., thuja. — , murders, of: Bell., castor., nat. m. — , pleasant : Ant. c, ars., calc. c, chin., cocc, con., crocus, graph., ign., kali c, lach., magn. c, magn. m., nat. c, nat. in., opi., pet., phos., phos. ac, plat., puis., sepia, silicea, staph., sulph. — , poisoned, of being : Kreas. — , quarrels, of : Brom. — , remembered, which are : Mang. — , robbers, of : Alum., aur., castor., nat. m. — , , , in her room: Nat. on. -, sailing on the sea : Sang. -, sickness, of: Amm. m., anac, calc c, cocc, hepar, kali c -, snow storm, of being out in a : Kreas. -, theft, of having committed a: Nat. s. -, thieves, of: Alum., aur., castor., nat. in.. -, traveling, of : Calc. ph. -, unpleasant : See Frightful. -, vexatious: Alum., ant. c, ars., bry., canth., chain. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 570 Sleep. Dreams, vivid : Aeon., anac., cham., cocc., iod., mang., mez., rhus, silicea, stann., sulph. , voluptuous : Ant. c., amm. m., cicuta, coff., kali c., nux v., stann., staph., thuja. , water, of: Amm. m., ars., murex. , , , falling into : Amm. m. , with inability to move or cry out: Castor., cinnab. Drowsiness, daytime : Aeon., agar., alet., amm. e, amm. in., anac., ant. c, apis, arm, aur., bary., bell., berb., borax, bovis., bry., calc. c, calc. ph., carbo an., car bo v., canst., chin., con., crocus, daph., graph., ham., hepar, kali c, lach., laur., lye, mere, nitrum, nat. c, nux m., o\)\., puis., sulph. , eating, after: All. sat, bufo, bovis., calc. e, nux v., phos. , , , dinner; Graph., nux v., phos. , evening, early in the: Amm.m., ant. c, am., ars., bell., bovis., calc. c, calc. ph., carbo v., crocus, dro?., graph., hepar, kali c, lach., lil. tig., mang., mix v., phos. ac, plat., puis., silicea, sulph. — .forenoon, in the: Carbo v., graph., hell., hepar, lach., lye, magn. c, magn.m., nat. c, nat. m., nux v., phos. ac, sepia, silicea, sulph. — , irresistible : Ant. c, ars., bary., bell., bry., calc. c, caust, chin., coloc, crocus, cycl., hell., lach., laur., mere, nifc. ac, nux v., opi., phos., puis., rhus, secale, sepia, silicea, sulph. — , morning: Agar., calc. c, carbo v., con., graph., hepar, magn. m., nat. c, nat. m., nux v., phos. ac, pod., sepia, sulph., zinc. — , noon, at: Bary., carbo v., chin., crocus, graph., lach., mix in., nux v., pthos., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph., zinc. — when reading: Brom., carbo an. sitting : Carbo v. walking: Sulph., zinc. ■ with all complaints: Nux m. (see Sleepiness). Sleep aggravates all her complaints: Cocc, lach. , anxious: Aeon., bry., cocc, dulc, graph., kali c, magn. c, nat. m., opi., phos., spong., verat. a. 571 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Sleep. Sleep, awakens from, at 3 a. m. : Bapt., borax, kali e, nux v., sepia. , , and cannot fall asleep again : Bapt., calc. c, magn. c., sepia, thuja. , , 2 a. m. with cramp in her chest : Lachn. , , dyspnoea : Kali b. , , ■ headache : Kali b. , , nausea : Kali b. , , pains in her abdomen : Amiu. m, palpitation of the heart: Kali b. — , , 5 a. m. with oppressed breathing : Kali b. — , , by a shock from below upward : Bell. — , , irequently : Bary., bell., calc. c, carbo an., carbo v., cicuta, colch., coccus, graph., hepar, kali c, lacli., lye, mere, nitrum, nit. ac, nux v., pet., phos., puis., rlius, sabina, sepia, silicea, staph., sulph. — , , happy : Sulph. — , , htmgry : Phos. ac. — , , suddenly, after midnight : Cicuta. — , , thinking she has been called : Sepia, rhod. — , , too early : Amb., ars., borax, calc. c, carbo v., caust, chin., crocus, dulc, graph., kali c, mere, nat. e, nit. ac, nux v., phos., phos. ac, plat., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph., thuja, zinc. — , , with anxiety: Alum., bry., calc. c, carbo v., canst., chin., con., graph., ign., lye, nat. m., nit. ae, phos., plat, sepia, silicea, sulph., zinc. — , , with cold limbs : Carbo v. — , , desire to urinate : Kali b. — , , dullness of mind: Bary., bell., chin., graph., kali c, nux v., phos., plat., puis., rhus, silicea, stann., staph., strain., thuja. — , , fright: H)os., sang. — , , headache : Kali b., lach., murex, nat.m., sulph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 572 Sleep. Sleep, awakens from, with heat of body: Pkos. , , hanger: Phos. , , starts : Aeon., sulph. ■ , , sullen airs : Stram. , , vertigo: Chin., dulc. (see Vertigo). , , weariness : Amb., ars., cycl., caust., chin., con., ferr., graph., hepar, kreas., lye, opi., phos., sepia, sulph. , back, lies on her back during: Aeon., ars., chin., mix v., plat., puis., sulph. , cannot, because she cannot compose herself: Cham. , , imagines she hears voices of absent friends: Cham. , ■ — — , seems scattered about and cannot set herself together : Bapt. — , care, full of : Ars. — , confused: Kali h. — , cries during : Anac, bell., borax, bry., chain., hyos., kali n., lye, mere, mix v., puis., strain. — disturbed by dreams : See Dreams. blood-vessels, throbbing in : Bell., carbo v. coldness of the body : Amb. limbs : Carbo v. — ■ faceache : Mez. heat in head : Borax. thirst : Bry. twitching of the limbs: Amb., bell., ign., puis., silicea, sulph. — full of dreams : See Dreams. fancies : Carbo an., kali n., zinc. fear : Ars., cina. -, eyes half open, with : Ipec, opi., pod., sulph. -, groaning during: Ign. -, imagines she sees objects: Cina. -, irresistible after dinner: Phos. 573 GENEKAL CONCOMITANTS. Sleep. Sleep, jumps out of bed during : Ciua. , head, wild feeling in : Lil. tig. , heart, palpitation of during: Nat. c. , late in going to: Alum., arn., ars., bry., calc. c, chin., carbo v., graph., magn. in., nat. c, nux v., opi., phos., puis., rhus, staph., sulph. , laughs during : Kreas., lye, stram. , midnight, cannot, alter: Bell., cham., hepar. , moans during: Bell, ign., ipec, lach., nux v., opi., phos., puis. , morning, late in the : Carbo v., hepar, nat. m., nux v., puis., phos. ac., rhus, sulph. — , nightmare : Aeon., amm. c, bry., con., hepar, nux v., opi., phos., puis., sulph. — , overwhelmed with, at 7 p. m. : Ant. c. — , perspiration during: Chin., chel., mere., nit. ac, silicea. — , prevented by cold feet: Amm. m., bry., carbo v., kali c, nit. ac, pet., phos., sulph. — , coldness or shivering : Alum., amb., amm. c, amm. m., borax, kali c, lye, magn. c, nit. ac, phos., rhus, sepia, sulph. — , dryness of the mouth : Amb., anac, bry., caust.,, cham., graph., kali c, nux m., phos., rhus. — , fear : Aeon., ars., carbo v., chin., cocc, dros., graph., hepar, ign., ipec, lach., lye, mere, nat. m., nit. ac, phos., puis., rhus, silicea, stram., sulph. — , of ghosts: Aeon., ars., carbo v., cocc, dros.. phos., puis., strain., sulph. — , headache: Cham., chin., gels., magn. s., sulph. — , ideas, crowding of : Bry., cede, c, caust., chin., cocc, coff., graph., hepar, hyos., kali e, lach., lye, nux v., plat., puis., rhus, sepia, silicea, sulph. , mirthfulness : Aeon., calc. e, chin., coff., hyos., lach., nat. m., nux v., puis., sepia, sulph. — , nervousness : Amb., borax, bry., calc. c, caust., chin., cocc, coff., colch., graph., hepar, lach., lye, mosc, nux v., plat., puis., sepia, silicea, staph., sulph., sulph. ac. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 574 Sleep. Sleep, prevented by nightmare : Aeon., alum., amm. c, bell., bry., con., hepar, kali c., nat. c, nat. in., nux v., opi., phos., puis., silicea, sulph. , pains in the limbs : Ars., bell., caust., chin., hepar, kali c., lach., mere, nit. ac, plumb., puis., rhod. . , startings: Aeon., amb., apis, am., ars., aur., bell, bry., carbo v., cliam., chin., cocc, graph., hepar, hyos., ign., ipec, kali e, lach., lye, mere, nat m., nit. ac, nux v., opi., pet., phos., puis., stram., sulph. — , thirst : Amm. c, apis, ars., borax, bry., calc. c, cham., rlius, sulph. — , weak feeling: Kreas., mur. ac. — . restless : Alum., amb., arg. n., ars., aur., bary., bell., calc. c, carbo an., castor., cham., chin., dulc, graph., hepar, ign., kali c, halt n., kreas., lach., lye, lil. tig., niagu. m., mere, nux v., phos., puis., rhus, sabad., sabina, sepia, secale, sulph. — , , when falling a : Ars., bell., bry., chell. — , screams out during: Cina, stram. — , sings during : Bell., crocus. — , sits up in bed during: Stram. — , sneezes during: Amm. m. — , talks during: Bell., calc. e, carbo v., cham., kali e, nat. m., nit. ae, nux v., phos., puis., rhus, stram., sulph. — , tossing about during: Aeon., ars., bell., bry., calc. c, caust., cinn., cina, cham., kreas., lye, puis., sulph. , unrefreshing : Agar., alum., amb., amm. e, arm, ars., aur., chell., con., ferr., graph., kali b., lye, magu. e, nat. e, nat. m., nit. ae, nux v., silicea, sulph., zinc. , weakness from want of : Glon. , weeping during : See Cries during sleep. Sleepiness: Aeon., ant. e, bary., bell., bry., calc. e, carbo v., caust., con., crocus, gels., kalie, lach., laur., mere, mosc, nat. e, nat. m., nuxm., nux v., opi., pet., phos., phos. ac, puis., rhus, sepia., sulph., verat. a. 575 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Sleep. Sleep, daytime : Agar., ant. c, apis, arm, bary., bell., carlo v., caust., chin., con., graph., hepar, kali c, mere, mur. ac, imx v., opi., phos., pod., puis., rhod., sepia, sulph. (see Drowsiness). Sleeplessness: Aeon., act. rac, arm, ars., aur., bapt., hell., calc. c, carbo v., caul., canst., cham., chell, chin., cina, coff., con., gels., hyos., igm, iod., magn. c, magn. m., nux v., nux m., opi., pall., puis., rhus, silicea, sulph. , with desire to sleep: Aeon., arm, ars., bell, bry., cham., chell., coca, coff., cap., hyos., lach., lye, mere, mix v., opi., pet., phos., sepia, silicea. , drowsiness: Ars., bell., bry., carbo v., cham., chin., coco., coff., daph., hyos., lach., mere, nat. in*, opi., pet., phos., puis., sepia, silicea, stram., sulph. — , mental activity, from : Bry., cede, c, caust., chin., coca, coff., gels., graph., hepar, hyos., kali a, lach., lye, mix v., plat., puis., rhus, sabad., sepia, silicea, sulph. — , midnight, after : Ars., aur., borax, bry., calc. c, coff., hepar, iod., kali c, lachn., lil. tig., magn. c, mur. ac, nat. m., nit. ac, nitrum, nux v., sabina, sepia, silicea, sulph. ac. — , , before : Alum., ars., bell., bry., calc. c, carbo v., con., dulc, graph., kali b., kreas., lach., lye, mere, nux v., opi., phos., puis., rhus, sepia, sulph. — , ni., nit. ac, phos., sulph., thuja. Smell, acute: Aeon., bell., coff., colch., lye, phos. before the nose as of brimstone : Nux v. fish : Phos. cheese : Nux v. : — , imaginary: Bell., ipec. , offensive: Aur., bell., kali b., kreas., nit. ac, plumb., phos., sepia, verat. a. — , feeble, or loss of : Alum., anac, bell., calc. c, hyos., ipec, kali b., lye, phos., plumb., puis., sepia, silirea. — of flowers, intolerable : Graph. — , oversensitiveness of: Aeon., aur., bell., coff., graph., ham., hepar, phos., mix v., sulph. — -, strong, sufferings from : Aeon., aur., bell, coff., ign., mix v., phos., sulph. Sneezing: Am., ars., calc. c, carbo v., canst., cina, con., cycl., kali c, kali h., kreas., mere, nat. m., nux v., rhus, sabacl., silicea, staph. Stoppage of the: Amb., anac, ant. e, aur., bry., calc. c, carbo an., carbo v., castor., canst., chel., con., graph... ipec, kali c, kali b., lye, magn. c, nat. c, nat. m., nit. ac, nux in., nux /•., phos*, puis., silicea, staph., sulph., thuja. at night : Lye, nux v. 615 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Nose. Stoppage of one nostril : Sulph. Swelling of the: Alum., am., a?'s., aur., bell., bry., calc c, cham., mere., magn. m., phos., sepia, sulph. Tickling in the : Carbo v., kali b., puis., sabad. , as from a feather : Kali b. Tip of the, inflamed: Aur., sepia, si\\ph. , constricted, sensation as if : Kali n. , eruption on, painful : ISepia. , knobby : Aur. , swollen : Kali c, sepia, sulph. Vesicles on the : Nit. ac., silicea. Wings of, fan-like motion of : Lye. , pains in : Kali n. , sore : Kali n. Yellow appearance around : Nux v. FACE. Albumen on, sensation as from : Alum., magn. c, sulph. ac. Black pores in: Dros., graph., hepar., kreas., nat. c, nit. ac, sabina, sulph. Bloated : Aeon., am., apis, apocy., ars., bell., bovis., bry., calc. c, cham., chin., hyos., hyper., ipec, kali b., kali c., lach., ledum, lye, nat. c, nux v., opi., phos., plumb., sepia, silicea, stram. Blotches on, red: Sulph. Bones of, pains in: Aur., calc. ph., hepar, kali n., nat. m., nit. ac, stann., staph. , pressure in : Plat. Burning in : Arm, amm. m., bell., bry., grat., ign., nat. c, nux v., plat., puis., verat. a. Cachetic lookiug : Plumb. Cadaverous looking: Ars., graph. Cheeks cold, especially the right: Mosc , eruptions on: Ant. c., bell., calc c, canst., kreas., lach., nat. m., rhus, staph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 616 Face. Cheeks, eruptions on, moist : Calc. c, kreas. , , scabby : Kreas., niez. , heat in : Aeon., lacli., raosc, sabina. , , left : Mosc. — , in Ma in mation of, erysipelatous : Lacli. — , paleness of : Aeon., cham., mosc. — , one red the other pale : Aeon., cham. — , redness of: Aeon., cham., ferr., hepar, kali c, kreas., lacli., mere, mosc, nit. ac., nux. v., phos., puis., sang., stram. — , red and pale alternately : Aeon. — , spots on : Aeon., chin., dole, ferr., kali c, kreas., lye, phos. , swelling of: Kali c, spong. Cobweb over the face, sensation of: Bary., brom., graph. Coldness in, sensation of: Lye, plat., verat. a. Color of the, bluish : Aeon., ars., arg. n., aur., bell., bry., cad., cup., hepar, hyos., ign., lachn., opi., spong., verat. a. , brownish : Br} 7 ., calc. ph., hyos., iod., nit. ac, sulph. , changing, alternately pale and red: Aeon., alum., aur., bell., bovis., cham., cina, crocus, ign., iod., kali c, magn. c. phos.. sulph. ac, zinc. , clay : Opi. , copper: Ars., carbo an., rhus. , dirty-white : Calc. ph. , earthy: Ars., borax, bry., carbo an., chin., cup., ferr., graph., ign., lye, magn. c, mere, mez., mosc, nit. ac, mix v., ole. an., opi., phos. silicea. , flushed: Aeon., bell., cad., ferr., lye, phos. , grayish : Carbo v., kreas., laur., mez., plumb. — , yellow : Carbo v. , greenish : Ars., carbo v., ferr., kreas. , livid : Bell., camph., glon., hyos., kali b., kreas., nat. m., opi., puis., strain., zinc , , suddenly becjmes : Kali b. 617 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Face. Color of the. pale: Aeon., aes. hip., alum., amm. m., anac., ant. t, am., ars., bary., bell., borax, bo vis., bry., calc. c., canth., carbo v., cham.,chin., cina, cicuta, clem., con., cup., cycl., dig., ferr., graph., hell., ign., ipec, kali b., hall c, kreas., lach., lachn., rnang., mere, mosc, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. ac, mix v., opi., phos., phos. ac, plat., plumb., puis., rhus, sabal., secale, sabina, silicea, spong., stann., sulph., sulph. ac, tabac, thuja, usfc., zinc. , red: Aeon., ant. c, arm, ars., bell, bovis., bry., canth., diam., chin,, coca, coloc, cup., dulc, ferr., geh., glon., hepar, liyos., ign., ioil., kali c, kreas., lach., lye., mere, nat. e, nit. ac, mix v., opi., phos., plat., puis., rhus, sabad., sabina, sang., secale, sepia, spong., stann., straui., sulph., verat. a., zinc , , becomes so suddenly : Ferr. , , from least exertion : Ferr. , , rising up in bed : Aeon. , yellow: Amb., ars., bapt., bry., calc. c, canth., canst, chin., con., crocus, dig., ferr., iocl., kali b., hepar, kali c, lach., laur., lye., magn. m., mere, nit. ac, mix v., phos., plumb., puis., sepia, sulph. . , with red cheeks : Lach. Convulsions of: Bell., cham., cicuta, mez., stram. Countenance hippocratic : Chin., mix v., phos. Crawling in, sensation of: Nux v., rhus. Creeping in, right side : Plat. Dejected : Cup. Distortion of : Ars., bell, cham., cup., hyos., ign., ipec, opi., rhus, stram. Emaciated: Calc c, daph., sepia. Eruptions on : Ant. c, ars., aur., bary., bell., bry., calc c, carbo an., carbo v., caust., cicuta, dulc, graph., hepar, Jcali b., kreas., lach., ledum, lye, magn. m., mur. ac, nit. ac, pall., phos., phos. ac, rims, sang., sars., sepia, silicea, staph., sulph. , copper-colored : Carbo an. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 618 Face. Eruptions on, herpetic: Bary., carbo v., chel., dulc, kreas., ledum, nat. c, nat. m., nice, phos. ac, rhus, sepia. , humid : Dulc, sars. , papular : Kali h. , pimply: Aur., carbo an., calc. ph., cycl., graph., kali c, kreas., mur. ac, nat. ni., nit. ac, phos. ac. , pustular : Ant. t., kali n., nit. ac. , scurfy : Calc c, hepar, phyt., sepia. .vesicular: Rhus. Erysipelas: Aeon., ars., bell., bry., carbo v., chain., graph., hepar, lach., rhus, sepia, silicea, sulph. Expression of the, childish : Nux m. , foolish : Nux m. , sickly: Chin., kreas., magn. c, phos., phos. ac, phyt. , stupid: Bapt. , suffering: Kreas., lach. Flashes of heat to : Cocc, graph., kali c, lach., lye, sabina, stann. Flushed : Aeon., ars., asaf., bapt., bell., ferr., gels., kali b., kreas., lob., lye., nux v., phos., stann. Freckles on: Amm. c, ant. c, calc. c, graph., lye, nat. c, nit. ac, phos., puis., silicea, sulph. Greasy looking: Nat. m. Growing large, sensation of: Aeon. Heat in : Aeon., amm. c, bapt., bell., bry., calc. ph., carl), ac, carbo v., cham., chin., cocc, con., hepar, glon., grat., Tcalic, kreas., lach., lye, mere, nat. c, pet., plat., puis., rhus, sepia, sulph. Heaviness in, sensation of: Alum., nice Hvpocratic: Ars., carbo an., chin., cup., verat. a. Itching in the: Alum., calc c, chel., con., kali b. kali n., lach., lye, nat. in., phos. Jerking or twitching of the facial muscles : Agar., bell., cham., hyos., ign., iod., ipec, lye, mez., opi., strain. Left side mostly affected: Coloc., graph., lach. 619 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Face. Lips, black : Aeon., ars., chin., rhus, verat. a. , blue : Ars., caust., cup., lye, phos. , chapped, cracked or fissured : Amm. m., ant. c, arn., ars., dry., calc. c, carbo v., cham., chin., dros., graph., ign., mere, nat.m., nit. ac, nux m., mix v., ole. an., phos. ac, silicea, stram., sulph. , dry : Aeon., ars., tell., bry., chin., con., cycl., byos., ign., kreas., mang., mere, nat. m., phos., plat., rhus, sang., sepia, sulph., verat. a. , eruptions on : Amm. m., ant. c, ars.. bell., bo vis., bry., calc. c, caust., hell., ign., kreas., nat. m., nux v., staph., sulph. , , humid : Kreas. , , yellow : Ant. c. , lower hangs down : Opi. , red : Stram., sulph. , soreness of: Graph. , stiffness of: Euph. , swollen : Apis, ars., aur., bell., bovis., bry., calc. c, hell., hepar, hyper., mere, nat. m., silicea, sulph. — , twitching of : Agar., carbo v., cham., cicuta, kali c. — , ulcerated: Ars., aur., bell., kali c, nat. m., nit. ac, nux v., sepia, silicea, staph., sulph. — , vesicles on : Carlo an., magn. c. Numbness in, right side : Plat. Pains in, prospalgia : Aeon., act. rac, agar., arn., ars., aur., bary., bell., bry., calc. c, caust., cham., chin., coloc, con., dros., gels., kali b., kali c, Jcalm., hepar, hyos., magn. m., mere, mez., nat. in., nux v., phos., plat., puis., rhus, stann., staph., thuja, verat. a. , right side: Bell., coloc, con., Jcalm. Paralysis of: Caust., graph., opi. Pinched up : Verat. a. Perspiration on, cold : Carbo v., nux v., verat. a. Puffed up: Apis, apocy., ars., bell., bry., hell., hyper., sepia. Shiny, greasy looking : Nat. m. Siukly looking: Arg. n., chin,, caust., eanth., nux v., phos., sulph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 620 Face. Sunken : Ant. t, ars., chin., lach., laur., mang., mere, nux v., opi., p>lat., rhus, secale, stann., staph. Swollen : Aeon., arm, ars., bell., try., cliam., elaps, hyos., kali b., kali h., kali iL, lach., lachn., mere, nat. m., nux v., puis., secale, sepia, stann., salph., sulph. ac. , sensation as if : Bary. Tension in, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it: Alum., magn. c, salph. ac. , as from a cobweb : Bary., brom., graph. Waxy looking : Apis, ars. MOUTH. Gums, bleeding from : Ant. c, carbo v., erig., ham-, mere, nat. m., nit. ac, phos., phos. ac, silicea, staph. , boils: Calc c, kali h., silicea, staph. , fistulas of the : Calc. e, lye, staph. , inflammation of : Bell., chin., hepar, mere, nux v., staph., salph. , pale : Ferr., plumb. receding from the teeth : Ant. c, carbo v., mere, phos. , scorbutic : Amm. c, amni. m., bapt., carbo v., canst., chin., mere, mur. ac, nat. m,, nit. ac, nux v., sepia, staph., sulph. , sore, painful : Bell., carbo an., graph., ign., nux v., rhus, staph., thuja, zinc. , spongy: Amm. c, ars., bapt., carbo v., caust., lach., mere, nat. in., nit. ac, staph., sulph. , swelling of: Amm. c, amm. m., bary., bell., calc. c, caust, chain., hepar, lye, mere, nice, nit. ac, nux v., phos., sepia, staph., sulph. . ulcerated : Calc. e, carbo v., kali e, mere, nat. m., staph., sulph. ac. Mouth, aphthae in : Ars., borax, caul., iod., mere, nit. ac, nux v., staph., sulph. ac, thuja. , burned, sensation in as if: Kali c. 621 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mouth. Mouth, burning in: Ars., canth., carbo v., kali c, lach., mez., nat. s. , coldness in, sensation of : Plat., verat. a. , corners of, eruptions at: Ant. e, ars., bry., calc. c, graph., kreas., nat. m., rhus, sepia, staph. , ■ , nodosities in : Ars., magn. c. , , sore: Nux v., pet., rhus. , , ulcerated : Graph., hepar, mere, nit. ac, nux v., phos., rhus, silicea. — distorted : Opi., secale. — , dryness of : Aeon., alum., apis, ars., bapt., bary., bell, bry., calc. c, carbo an., carbo v., caul., chain,, cocc, gels., kali b., lach., laur., lye, magn, c, inosc, nat. m., nit. ac, nuxm., nux v., phos., puis., rhus, sabad., silicea, stram., sulph. — , , mornings: Bary., graph., lye, magn. e, nit. ac, pet., pod., puis., sulph. — , , nights : Amm. e, caust., magn. e, nux v. — , , with thirst: Aeon., am., ars., bell., bry., rhus, stram., sulph. — , , without thirst: Bry., lye, magn. m., mix m., mix v., phos. ac, puis., sabad. — , eruptions about the : Ars., bovis., bry., calc. c, graph., kali e, kreas., lye, magn. c, mere, nat. c, nat. m., rhus, staph., sulph. — , frothing at the : Agar., bell., cicuta, hyos., laur., stram. — , greasy feeling in : 01c an. — , inflammation of the : Aeon., amm. c, bell., colch., lach., mere, nux v. — , mucus in, accumulation of : Alum., bell., caust., ign., mere, nux id., nux v., phos., puis., rhus, sulph. — , numbness in : Bovis., kali c — , odor offensive, from the : Aeon., agar., anac, apis, am., aur., bapt., bary., berb., bovis., bry., carbo v., castor., caust., chain,, chel., graph., hyos., kali b., kali c, kreas., lach., ledum, lye, mang., mere, mez., mur. ac, nat. m., nice, nit. ac, nitrum, nux m., nux v., pet., pod., puis., rhus, sabina, sang., sepia, stann., sulph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 022 Mouth. Mouth, odor offensive, after eating: Cham., nux v., sulph. , at night: Puis., sulph. , in the morning: Arg. n., cad., lye, mang., puis. , in young girls at the age of puberty: Aur., bell., puis., sepia. ac. -, like cheese, old: Aur., kali c. ■, , rotten : Mez. -, clay or earth : Mang. , garlic : Pet. ■j horseradish : Agar. ■, metallic : Berb. , onions : Kali h., pet -, urine : Graph. , unnoticed by the patient : Bary. opening of, difficulty in: Caust., colch., lach., mere, paleness of the: Chin., ferr. risings in, sweetish : Zinc, roof of, red : Amm. c, bell., cup. saliva in : See Saliva. ulcers in : Agn. cast., borax, hepar, iod., kali b., mere, nit. ac, nux v. , fetid : Kali h., nux v. , mercurial : Nit. ac. — , smelling like old cheese : Kali c. , syphilitic : Merc, nit. ac. vesicles in ; Canth., kali c, nat. m., nux v., sulph. white appearance about the : Cina. yellow appearance about the : Nux v., sepia. Saliva, bitter : Ars., kali b. bloody: Ars., gels., hyos., kali h., magn. c, mere., nat. m., nit. mix v., secale, rhus. clammy : Arg. n., bell., lob. increased : Ant. c, apocy., ars., aur., lapt., bell., bry., carlo v., canth., caust., chin., colch., cycl., dros., dulc, fluor. ac, glon., graph., 623 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mouth, iod., ipec, Tcali b., lach., laur., lob., mere, mez., nat. e, mix v., phos., phyt., pod., puis., sang., sulph., sulph. ac., verat. a. Saliva, like cotton : Nux v., puis. , ropy: Merc, pbyt. (see Striugy). , slimy : Lach. , striugy : Berb., carbo v., kali b., mere, phyt., stram. , , can be drawn out in long strings : Kali b. , sweetish : Phos., plumb., puis., sabad. Taste, acrid: Ars., carbo v., lye, nux v., puis., sepia, silicea. , bitter: Aeon., amm. m., ant. c, am., ars., bry., calc. c, calc. ph., carbo an., carbo v., chain., chin., chel., collin., coloc, con., curare, graph., hepar, kali c, ledum, lye, magn. e, magn. s., mere, nat. c, nit. ac, mix v., pet., phos., puis., rhus, sabad., sab^na, silicea, spong., staph., strain., sulph., verat. a. , , after eating or drinking: Ars., phos. , , morning : Carbo an., cliam., lye. , , with headache : Calc. ph. — , , of everything except water: Aeon. — , , food : Asar., bry., chin., silicea. — , badly, water : Silicea. — , bloody : Ipec, silicea, zinc. — , chalky: Ign., nux m. — , eggs, like spoiled : Graph., mere, thuja. — , flat : Cycl., nux m., sulph. — , greasy: Alum., asaf., canst., puis. — , lost : Bell., cofL, phos., puis., silicea. — , metallic : Ms. hip., amm. m., calc. c, chel., cocc, cup., curare, ham., hepar, kali b., mere, nat. m., nux v., rhus, zinc. — , offensive : Arm, bry., calc c, calc. ph., iod., kali h., lach., mere, mosc, nat. m., mix v., puis., rhus, stram. — , , morning especially: Calc ph., puis. — , pungent : Cycl., lob., puis. — , putrid: Am., bell., bry., carbo v., chain., graph., hepar, mere. nat. m., nux v., pet., phos., puis., rhus, sepia, stann., sulph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 624 Mouth. Taste, salt: Ars., carbo v., chin., mere, nux m., phos., sepia. , , of food : Carbo v., phos., sepia. , sand, like : Stram. , slimy: Am., cham., prun. s. , sour: Calc. c, chain., chin., chel, cocc, curare, graph., hepar, ign., kalib., lye, magn. e, mere, nit. ae, nat. m., pet., phos., puis., rhus, sepia, sulph. — , , of food : Calc. e, lye, — , straw, like, of food : Stram. — , sulphnrious: Cocc. — , sweetish : Bry., chin., cup., cocc, ipee, kali b., lye, mere, nit. ae, nux v., phos., plat., plumb., puis., salad., sulph., thuja. Teeth, black: Mere, staph. , caries of : Fluor, ae, kreas., mez., staph. , cavities, bleeding from : Erig., ham. , crumbling of: Lach., plumb., staph. , grinding of: Aeon., cicuta, hyos., stram. , loose : Amm. e, aur., carbo v., caust., mere, nit. ae, nux v., puis., secale, sulph. , pains in, odontalgia : Aeon., act. rae, agar., amb., amm. e, ant. e, bell., borax, bry., carbo v., castor., caust., cham., chin., coff*., ferr., glon., hyos., kali c, kreas., magu. e, magn. m., mere, mez., nat. c, nat. in., nit. ae, nux m., nux v., pet., phos., plat., puis., rhus, sabina, sepia, staph., sulph., thuja. — , , aggravated by cold : Calc. e, castor., caust., nux v., pet., rhus. — , , drinks : Bry., calc. e, castor., cham., mere, nux m., nux v., puis., rhus, staph., sulph. — , . eating: Bell., bry., coff., kali c, magn. e, magn. m., mere, nat. e, phos., puis., staph. — , , warmth : Ars., bry., bell., calc. e, cham., hepar., mere, nux in., nux v., puis., rhus. — , , : of bed : Bell., bry., cham., mere, phos., puis. 625 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mouth. Teeth, pains in, aggravated by warm drinks: Bry., cham., coff., kali e, mere, nux v., puis., silicea. , , washing in cold water: Phos., sulph. , , wet weather: Merc., nux m., rhus. — , , in the morning : Bry., chin., ign., kreas.. lach., mere, nux v., phos., puis., staph. — , , night, or during the evening: Bell, bry., cham., coff., graph., hepar, magn. c, mere, nat. c, nat. m., nit. ac, nux m.,nux v., phos., puis., rhus, sabina, silicea, staph., sulph. — , , ameliorated by cold : Bry., coff., nux v., puis. — , , air : Aur., nux v., puis. — , , drinks : Bry., coff., mere, puis., staph., sulph. — , , water, holding it in the mouth : Cofi 2 ., puis. — , soreness of the : Amm. c, arg. n., tell., graph., niang., nat. m., nux v., sulph., thuja. — , yellow, become : Iod., nit. ac, phos. Tongue, bites the, involuntarily at night : Phos. ac, , black : Ars., lach., secale, verat. a, , blue : Ars. , burning of the : Ars., coloc, hyos., kali c, rhus". , burnt, feeling as if: Laur., mere, plat., rhus, sabad. , clean: Act. rac, gels., hyos., phos. , coated brown: Ars., act. rac, bapt., bry., calc c, coccus, gels., kali b., phos., sulph. , slimy: Bell., chin., dulc, mere, nux v., phos., puis., sulph. , thick : Bell, kali b., lach., mere, puis., sabad., secale. white : Ant. e, agar., apis, bry., calc. ph., carbo v., cham., chel., chin., coloc, gels., graph., ipec, kalm., kali n., laur., magn. c, mere, mez., nat. m., nux v., pet, phos., pod., puis., sang., secale> sepia, sulph. 39 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 026 Mouth. Tongue coated : yellow: Ant. c, aes. hip., bry., carbo \., cbam., chin., coloc, collin., gels., ipec., kali b., mere., mix v., p>hos., phyt., pod., puis., sabad., verat. a. , cold: Carlo v., cup., laur., Yerat. a. , cracked : Apis, bary., bapt., chain., chin., kali b., mere, nux v., puis., rhus, sulph., verat. a. , dry: Aeon., aloe, apis, ars., bapt., bell., bry., calc. c, carbo an., cbam., crocus, hyos., iod., kali b., kalm., lach., mere, nat. c, nat. m., nux m.,phos., phyt., pod., rhus, secale, sulph. — , , tip of: Arg. n., carbo v. — , hair on, sensation of: Kali b., nat. m., silicea. — , heavy: Bell., mur. ac, nat. in., nux v. — , glazed : Phos. — , inflammation of : Aeon., arn., ars., bell, lach., mere. — , mapped : Lach. — , mucus on, white : Phos. — , numbness of: Amb., colch., gels., laur. — , paralysis of : Bell., caust., hyos., opi., plumb. — , pasty: Bapt. — , pimples on : Kali n., nux v. — , redness of : Aloe, ars., bell., bry., cham., coloc, gels., kali b., lach., rhus, stann., verat. a. — , tip of: Ars., bapt., fluor. ac, gels., lach., rhus. -, root of, pains at, when swallowing: Phyt. -, scalded : Coloc, sang., lye. -, shining: Apis, bapt., lach. -, smarting on edges of : Ipec. ., tip of : Phyt. -, smooth : Lach. -, sore: Agar., carbo an., lach., mere, nux v., phos., silicea. -, stiffness of : Laur., lye, nice, sepia. -, stitches in : Kalm. -, swollen : Act. rac, ars., hell., kali c, lach., laur., mere, phos., thuja. 627 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mouth. Tongue, teeth, takes impressions of the: Cliel., mere., pod., rhus. thick : Bapt. tingling sensation in : Secale. tip of, burning in : Bapt., coloc., nat. m. , cracked : Fluor, ac, lach. , dry : Arg. n., carbo v., nat. m. , painful : Arg. n., phos. , raw : Carbo v. , red : Arg. n., bsLpt. ,fluor. ac, gels., lack., rhus. , triangle on : Rhus. -, sore: Ms. hip. -, taste on, sour : Iod. -, , sweet: Plat. , vesicles on : Bapt., bell., caust., lye. trembling of: Gels., hell., lach. triangular red tip on : Rhus. ulcers on : Graph., kali h., mere, nat. m. vesicles on : Bapt., bell., caust., graph., lye, magn. c, nit. ac. THROAT. Ball in, red-hot, sensation of : Phyt. rising into the, sensation of : Asaf., ign., halm., lye, plumb. Bitter taste in back part of : Chin. Burning in : Aeon., alum., ars,, bell., canth., carlo v., castor., caust., charm, gels., laur., Iod., lye., mere, mosc, nit. &c.,puls., rhus. , as from hot vapor : Merc. Cannot bear anything tight about the : Chel., lach. Catarrhal sore throat : Aeon., bell., chain., mere, nux v., puis., sulph. Choking : Aeon., bell., chel., lach., rhus. Closed, seems : Cicuta. Constricted : iEs. hip., alum., ars., bell, cact., carbo v., chel., hyos., ign., lach., mere, sabad., strain., thuja, verat. a. , spasmodic : Hyos., laur., stram. Contractions in : Bell., ipec, laur. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 628 Throat. Dryness of: Aeon., act. rac, alum., apis, ars., bell, bry., bufo, calc. e, caust., nhel., cocc, gels., glon., ipec, kalm., kreas., lob., lye, magn. m., mere, nat. c, uux ni., nux v., o!e. an., opi., phos., phyt., pod., puis., rhus, sang., thuja, verat. a., zinc. , at night : Cinnab. — , in the morning: Alum., puis. , with hawking: Alum. , without thirst : Apis. Excoriation in : Bell., carbo v., lach., mere, phos. Fauces, choking in : Cocc. , constriction of : Bell., chel., cocc, stram. , spasms of : Bell. Foreign substance in, sensation of: Apis (see Plug in). Fulness in : Cinnab. Glottis, spasms of : Bell., brom., phyt. Hawking up of mucus : Caust., hepar, kali b., kalie, lach., lye, pet., phos., sepia. Heart, sensation as if it ascended into the: Pod. Inflammation : Aeon., amm. e, apis, ars., bapt., bary., bell., bry., canth., chain., chin., dulc, igu., gels., ham., lach., lye, mere., nit. ae, nux v., phyt., puis., rhus, sepia, sulph. Larynx, constriction of : Bell., cocc, hell., iod., ipee, plumb., puis., verat. a. , dryness in: Ars., caust., cocc., kali e, nat. c, nux v., phos., puis., spong. , heat in : Iod. , mucus in : Alum., arg. n., ars., calc. c, carbo v., cham., dros., iod., kali b., lye, nux v., puis., spong., staim., sulph. , pains in : Dros., iod., kali b., phos., phyt. , rattling in when couching: Brom., spong. , roughness in : Graph., kali e, kali h., kreas., lach., laur., mang., nux v., phos., puis., silicea, spong., sulph. — , soreness, painful sensibility of the : Aeon., bapt., bell, caust., lach., nit. ae, phos. 629 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Throat. Larynx, tied with a napkin, sensation as if : Chel., lach. , titillatiou in : Aeon., act. rac, ars., Ml, bovis., carlo v., chain., coff., tod., ipec., lach., nat. m., nux v., phos., puis., sepia, stann., staph., verat. a. Lump in, sensation of : Lach., phyt., pod., sabad. (see Ball in, and Ping in). Mucns in, accumulation of : Alum., arg. n., bell., calc. c, carbo an., caust., con., ign., kali b., kali c, lach., lye, nux v., phos., puis., sulph., thuja. (Esophagus, burning in : Coca, kali b. , constriction in, sensation of: Alum., bapt., cact., laur., lob., phos. , food lodges in : Curare. , gurgling in when drinking : Cup. , pressure iu : Asaf. , ■ , as from a body ascending from the stomach : Con. ■ , sensation of a round body in : Con. , spasms of: Stram. , stitches in : Zinc. Pains in as from splinters : Hepar, nit. ac. , pricking : Hepar, nit. ac. , shooting: Bell., bry., kali c, mere, nat. m., puis. , when swallowing, as from a plug: Cham., hepar. Pharynx, burning in : Ars. , constriction of : Mez. , dryness of : Act. rac. , phlegm, full of: Ipec. Plug in, sensation of : Bary., bell, canst., chain., coccus, graph., ign., lach., nat. m., nit. ac, nux v., puis., spong., sabina. Eawness in : Arg. n., bary., carlo an., carbo v., kali n., mur. ac, thuja. Risings in, hysterical : Asaf., laur. Roughness in: Aeon., amm. c, ars., bary., bell., carbo an., carlo v., caust., con., graph., hepar, kalin., hreas., nat. c, phyt., phos., puis., rhus, sepia, spong., sulph., sulph. ac, zinc. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 630 Throat. Sensitive: Bell., bary., caust., lack., nit. ae, phos. Smarting in when swallowing : Bary. Soreness of : Arg. n,, nit. ae, staiin. Spasms of : Bell., calc. c, ign., ipec, lach., laur., nux v., plat., strain. Splinters in, sensation as of: Arg. n., hepar, nit. ac. Stinging in: Aeon., bell., bry., calc. c, dros., hepar, ign., lye, mere, nit. ac, sulph. Swallow, desire to, constant: Bell., cad., cinnab., lach. , , frequent: Alum., bell, caust., cham., cina, lach., lye, mere, nux v., phos., puis., rhus. Swallowing, difficulty in : Ars., bell., bry., carbo v., caust., cicuta, dros., hepar, hyos., iod., lach., mere, rhus, stram. , drinks escape through the nose : Bell., lach., mere. , fluids, difficulty in : Bell., canth., hyos., ign., lach., mere, strain. , gurgling noise when : Caust., cup., laur. , painful: Ars., bell, lach., mere, mix v., puis., rhus. , solid food, great difficulty in : Amb., bapt., bry., cham., ign,, rhus, sulph. ■ , water, can swallow nothing but: Bapt. Swelling of the : Ars., bell., ign., lach., mere Tight things about the throat unbearable : Lach. Tightness in the: Ars. bell., ham., hell., ipec. Weak feeling in the : Canth., stann. APPETITE. Appetite, canine : Alum., calc. e, chin., cina, coce, ign., iod., lye, mere, nat. m., nux m., nux v., pet., phos., phyt., puis., secale, sepia, silicea, staph., sulph., ust., verat. a., zinc. , , 10 to 11 a. M. : Sulph. , , with weakness if not gratified : Phos. — , diminished or lost: Aeon., amm. m., ant. e, ant. t., apis, am., ars., bapt., bell., borax, bry., calc. e, canth., carbo an., chel., chin., coff., colch., cycl., ign., iod., ipec, kali n., kreas., lach., laur., lob., magn. e, magn. s., lye, mere, nat. m., nitrum, nit. ac, nux v., ole. an., pod., puis., rhus, sang., silicea, sulph., ust. 631 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Appetite. Appetite, good: Aloe, cole, c, iod., foveas., lye. and feels better after eating : Iod. , with emaciation: Iod. hungry at 11 a. m. and cannot wait for her dinner : Sulph. night : Chin., lye. night when waking : Ign., lye. but cannot eat : Cocc, phos., silicea. continuously : Merc. , , eating, soon after : Oina, mere, phos., phyt., staph., zinc. , with aversion to food : Nux v., phos. Aversion to acids : Bell., cocc, ferr. ale or beer: Bell, chain., chin., ferr., nux v., phos. bread : Chin., kali c, ign., lach., lye., not. m., nit. ac. nux v., phos. ac, puis., rhus, sulph. rye bread : Kali c., lye, nat. m., nux v. brandy : Kali c butter : Ars., carbo v., chin., mere, cheese : Chel. coffee : Fluor, ac, lye., nux v., phos. ac drinks : Bell., canth., hyos., strain. - eggs : Ferr. fish : Graph. food : Alet., ant. c., ars., bell., bry., canth., carbo v., cham., chin., cocc., colch., cycl., ferr., grar., ipec, mosc, mix v., pod., sabad. , fat: Carbo an., carbo v., chin., hepar, -pet, puis. , greasy : Nat. m. , smell of : Colch., nux v. ■ , solid: Ant. c, lye, sabad. , warm, boiled : Lye , , cooked : Ign., kali c, pet., silicea. meat: Aloe, am., bell., cab. c, carbo v., ferr., graph., ign., kali b., lye, mur. ac, nice, nit. ac, pet., phos., puis., rhus, sepia, sulph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 632 Appetite. Aversion to meat, boiled : Chel., nit. ac. milk: Ant. t., am., ign., kali c, nat. c, puis., sepia. pork : Colch., puis. salt things: Graph. smoking : Brom., calc. c, ign., lye puis. sweet things: Caust, graph., nit. ac, phos. tobacco smoke : Am., canth., ign., nux v. water: Ham. Desire for acids : Alum., ant. c, ant. t., am., ars., lor ax, brom., bry., carbo v., cham., chin., cub., hepar, ipec, kali b., kali c, magn. c, pod., puis., sabina, sepia, verat. a. ■ almonds : Cub. apples : Aloe, ant. t. beer or ale: Aeon., aloe, cocc, kali b., mere, nux v., pet., puis., rhus, sulph. biscuit, fresh : Cub. bitter things: Aeon., nat. m. brandy : Aeon., cub., nux v., sepia, sulph., sulph. ac. bread : Amm. c, bovis., cina, cub., ign., magn, c. , rye : Ign. chalk : Alum., cicuta, nit. ac, nux v. charcoal : Alum., cicuta. ■ — — cheese, acrid : Arg. n. cherries : Aloe, chin. ■ cloves : Alum. coffee: Ant. c, ars., bry., carbo v., chin., con., lacli. ■ , roasted : Alum., chin., sabina. , and ground : Alum.' cold drinks: Act. rac, ars., bry., cup., mere, phos., rhus, silicea, verat. a. food : Phos., thuja, verat. a. dainties: Chin., cub., ipec, rhus. delicacies : Cub., ipec, rhus. earth : Nit. ac 6S3 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Appetite. Desire for eggs : Calc. c. food, fat : Nit. ac., nux v. , liquid: Merc., staph. fruit : Ant. t., aloe, chin., cub., magn. c, sulph. ac, verat. a. ham fat: Mez. herring : Nit. ac, puis.., verat. a. hot drinks : Chel., hyper., sabad. indigestible substances : Alum. ice cream : Phos. - — — juicy things: Aloe, ant. t., phos. ac, verat. a. lard : Ars. lemonade : Bell., secale. lemons : Bell. lime : Nit. ac. many things which are rejected when offered : Bry., cina, ign. meat: Curare, magn. c. milk: Ars., chel., mere, nat. m., phos. ac, staph. , cold : Rhus. nuts : Cub. onions : Cub. oysters: Lach., lye, nat. m., rhus. pickles : Ant. c, hyper. piquant things : Fluor, ac, sang. rags, clean white: Alum. refreshing things : Hepar, phos. ac, puis., verat. a. rice, dry: Alum. salt food : Calc. c, carbo v., con., nat. m., verat. a. seasoned, highly-, things: Fluor, ac, hepar. slate pencils : Alum. spirits : Arm, ars., chin., cup., nux v., puis., sulph. starch : Alum., calc. c, nit. ac. sugar : Arg. n., kali c. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 634 Appetite. Desire for sweet things : Calc. c, curare, ipec, kali c, lye., mere.,, sulph. tea : Hepar. ■ grounds : Alum. vinegar : Sepia. wine: Aeon., bry., calc. c, chel., chin., cub., fluor. ac r hepar, hyper., lack., sepia. Thirst : Aeon., act. rac, a/mm. c, anac, ant. c, ars., bapt., bary., hell., berb., bovis., bry., calc. c, canth., carbo v., caust, cham., chin., cocc, colcli., cub., dulc, ham., hepar, hyper., iod., kali c, kali h., kali u., kreas., lach., lachn., laur., 111. tig., magn, c, magn. m., mere, nat. c, nat. m,, nat. s., nice, nit. ac, nux v., pet., phos., phyt., phos. ac, pod., plumb., rhus, sabad., secede, sepia, silicea, spong., strain., sulph., thuja, verat. a. , afternoon : Castor., ham., magn. c. magn. m. . burning: Aeon., ars., bell., canth., colch. , cold drinks, for : Aeon., ars., bapt., bell., bry., castor., chin., mere, nat. c, nat. s., plumb., rhus, verat. a. . constant : Ars., calc. c, castor., nit. ac. pet., sulph. , day and night: Nice. , drink descends with a gurgling noise : Cup., laur., thuja. , drinking large quantities : Ars., bry., HI. tig., pod., stram. — . at long* intervals : Brv. — , often, but small draughts: Act. rac, ant. t, ars., bell., chin., hyos., puis., ve^at. a. — , evenings : Bell., ham., magn. c, nat. m. — , mornings: Hyper., nit. ac. — , night: Ant. c, calc. c, cycl., kali h., magn. c, rhus. thuja. — , unquenchable : Aeon., ars., canth., castor., colch., cub., cup., ferr., grat., lach., nat. vu, phos., rhus, secale. thuja, verat. a. — , with aversion to fluids: Canth., carbo v., lach., stram. Thirstlessness : Act. rac, ant. c, apis, canth., cocc, cycl, ferr., gels. t ipec, lye, nux m., plat., pod., puis., sabad., sars., sepia, staph. 635 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. ERUCTATIONS. Eructation : Aeon., act. rac, alum., ainb., ant. e., ant. t., arg. n., am,, bapt., bell., bovis., bry., calc. c., carbo an., carbo v., caul., chin., cocc., con., gels., graph., ham., hepar, hydras., ign., ipec., kali c, kali n., lach., lye., magn. s., mere., mur. ae., nat. m., mix v., pet., phos., phyt., puis., rhus., stann., staph., sulph., verat. a. Acrid : Cact., nat. m., thuja, ust. Aggravating, existing pains : Cham. Better from, after eating : Amm. m. Bitter: Alum., amm. m., ant. 1., am., ars., bell., Iry., calc. e, caul., chin., ign., mere, mix v., pet., phos. £LC.,puls., sepia, sulph. ac. after eating sour things: Phos. ac. nuid : Caul., ign., sars. Burning : All. sat., bell., cofL, iod., lob. Continuous : Cham., con., mur. ac. Eating, after : Amm. m., Iry., calc. c, caust., chin., daph., ham., lob., mere, mix v., pet., phos. ac, puis. Eggs, tasting like spoiled : Agar., am., bufo, coff., pod., puis., sepia. Empty: Ant. t., am., bapt., bell., berb., bry., carbo v., caul., caust,, cham., chin., cocc, coccus, con., daph., hepar, iod., ipec, kali b., kali h., kreas., mere, mez., mix v., phos., plat., plumb. Food, tasting of : Amm. m., ant. c, calc. c, carbo an., caust., chin., ham., phos., pod., puis., silicea. Garlic, tasting of: Asaf., magn. m., mosc. Greasy: Carbo v., mere. Hot : Mosc, pod. Ineffectual: Carbo an., canst., chin., con., phos., sulph. Noisy : Con., pet., plat., silicea. Offensive: Agar., am., carbo an., con., kali b., nat. c, pod., sepia. Painful: Carbo an., cocc, nux v., pet., phos., sepia. Onions, tasting of : Magn. m. Rancid : Thuja. Saltish : Carbo an., staph. Smelling of what has been eaten : Puis. Sour: Alum., amb., amm. m., bary., bry., cact., carbo au., carbo v., GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 636 Eructations. caul., caust., chain., coff., con., ferr., gels., graph., hydras., iod., kali c, lack., lob., lye, magn. c, magn. m., nat. m., nit. ac, nice, nuxv., phos., pliyt., pod., puis., sepia, silicea, sulpli., sulph. ac, stann. Spasmodic : Cocc, coff., mix v., phos. Tasteless : Colch., daph., hyper. HICCOUGH. Hiccough : Aeon., agar., amm. m., hell., bry., cicuta, cycl., hyos., ign., iod., lachn., magn. m., plumb., puis., nice, nux v. Eating, after : Carbo an., hyos., ign., lye, mere WATER-BRASH. Water-brash: Amm. in., ars., bary., bell., dry., calc. c, carbo v., dros., hepar, ipec, lye, mere, nat. m., nit. ae, nux v., pet., pod., puis., sepia, silicea, sulph. NAUSEA. Nausea: Act. rae, aes. hip., agar., alet., alum., amb., ant. e, ant. t, apis, arg. n., ars., bapt., bell., bovis., bry., carbo an., car bo v., caul. caust., chain., chin., cocc, colch., coloe, con., cub., cup., dros, gels., graph., grat, ham., hepar, hyper., ign., iod., ipec, kali b, kali c, kalm., kreas., lach., laur., lob., lye, magn. m., mere, nat. c. nat. in., nit. ae, nuxv., phyt., pod., pet, plumb., rhus, sang. secale, sepia, sulph., tabac, verat. a. Air. when walking in the open : Amm. m. AbJomen, with distention of: Ipec. Anxiety, with : Bry., kali c, nit. ac. Bed, when rising up in : Bry. Breakfast, before : Goss. .after: Cham., lye Chest, as if proceeding from the : Aeon., crocus, mere Cold, when becoming: Cocc. Colic, with : Cup., puis. 637 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Nausea. Constant: Ant. t., carbo v., castor., ipec, lob., lye, nit. ac, mix v., secale, silicea, verat. a. Drinking, after: Apocy., ars., mix v., puis. Eating, after: Ars., bry., canst., cham., con., cycl., graph., ham., nat. m., nux v., phos., puis., silicea, stann., sulph. Embrace, during an: Silicea. Emotion, from : Kali c. Eructations, aggravated by : Cinnab. , violent: Act. rac, ars., bapt., cocc, con., erig., pet., sepia, sulph. Faintuess, with : Kali c, Flowers, from the odor of : Sang. Food, fat, from : Puis. , from the smell of : Colch. , thought of : Sepia. Gagging, with : Ant. t., pod. Headache, with: Gels., hell., kalm., mix v., sang. Hunger, with unusual : Cycl., hell., phos. Meat cooking, the smell of : Colch. , fresh, after partaking of : Canst. Morning: Anac, arm, bry., cact., cham., coloc, cocc, cycl., graph., kali b., laur., lye, magn. m., nux v., sepia. , after breakfast: Cham., lye. , on sitting up in bed : Bry. Moving about, when : Coloc, kali b. Night, at: Arm, carbo an., cycl., magn. s., puis. Riding in a carriage, when : Cocc, pet., sepia., sulph. Sleep, till she falls : Coloc. Spitting, with constant : Sang. Stomach, with heaving up and down of : Cocc. Throat, as if proceeding from the : Crocus, cup., cycl, mez., phos. ac, puis. Umbilicus, with pains about : Ipec, phyt. Vagina, with pressure in : Lil. tig. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 638 VOMITING. Vomiting: Aeon., act. rac, aes. hip., alet., ant. c, ant. t., apocy., art.. bapt., bell., bry., borax, calc. c, cham., chin., cicuta, cocc, coloc, cup., hydras., iod., ipec, kali b., lach., lye, nat. m., mix m., mix v., pet, phos., plumb., puis., sepia, silicea. sulph., verat a. Acrid : Ferr., hepar. Anxiety, with : Ant. c, ars., mix v. Bile, of : Ant. c, ant. t., bell., iod., ipec, kali b., mix v. pod., secile. Billions matter, of: Aeon,, ant,, c, apis, ars., dell,, bry., chain., chin., coloc, cnp., iod., ipec, kali b., mere, mix v., phos., pod., puis.. secale, sepia, stram., sulph., verat. a, Bitter: Ant. c, apis, ars., bry., colch., kali b., sang., nit. ac, nux v. Black: Ars., carbo v., chin., hell., hyos., ipec, phos., sepia, sulph., verat. a. Bloody: Aeon., arm, ars., bry., canth., caust., chin., ham., ipec, kali b., phos., phyt., puis., zinc. , coagulated : Am., phyt. , dark : Arm, ham. Breakfast, before: Goss. Chocolate-colored : Daph. Cold, when becoming: Cocc food or drink, better after: Cup., phos. Colic and retching: Ars., canth., cup., ipec, opi., puis., verat. a. Difficult : Ant. t., ipec, zinc Drank, of what has been : Aeon., ant. c, arm, ars., cham., mix v., phos., silicea, sulph., verat. a. , , as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach : Phos. Easy : Colch., secale. Eaten, of what has been : Ant. c, ant. t., apis, ars., bell., bry., met., rah-, c, carbo v., caust, cham., cocc, coloc, cycl., dros., ferr., graph., hydras., ipec, kali b., kali c, kreas., lye, nit. ac, nux v., phos., puis., sang., silicea, sulph., verat. a., zinc. , , sour : Calc. c, hepar, kali b., sulph. Fecal : Opt, plumb. 639 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Vomiting. Fluid, glairy : Kali b. Frothy : Pod., verat. a. Giddiness, followed by : Kali b. Greenish : Ars., asar., coloc, ipec, pet., plumb., puis., stram., verat. a. Hot: Pod. Midnight, at : Ferr. Morning, in the : Dros., dulc, ferr., kali b., mosc, mix v., tabac, silicea. , after breakfast : Goss., nux v. , before breakfast : Ferr. Motion, aggravated by: Ars., try., dux v., stram., verat. a. Mouth, when washing out the : Sepia. Mucus: Aeon., aut. c., ant. t., bell., calc. c., cham., dulc., ipec, kali b., mix v., puis., secale, sepia. Night, at: Ars., chin., ferr., hyos., liyper., lye, mix v. Pitch-like : Ipec. Pregnancy, during: Anac, ars., carbo an., castor, canth., con., ipec, kali b., kreas., lob., lach., mix v., pet., puis., sepia. Riding, when, in a carriage: Coco., co\c\\., pet., silicea, sulph. Sour: Ars., asar., borax, calc. c, cham., chin., ferr., hepar, ipec, halt b., kali c, nit. ac, nux v., pet., phos., phyt., puis., sang., sepia, sulph. Stains her linen black: Arg. n. Stooping, increased, by : Ipec. Straining, with great: Ant. t. Thirst, with : Aeon., ars., verat. a. Watery : Ars., bell., bry., caust., cup., dros., hepar, hydras., ipec, kali b., kreas., nux Y.,phos., sang., sepia, sulph., sulph. ac, verat. a. STOMACH. Alive in, sensation as of something: Crocus, sang, (see Abdomen, alive in). Anguish or anxiety in : Ars., cham,, cup., nux v., stram., verat. a. Ball in, sensation of: Cup. curare. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 640 Stomach. Ball in, sensation of, ascending from the throat: Asa/., inagn. m. Beating in : Ant. t., graph., laehn., sepia. Bleeding from: Erig., ham., secale. Bloated : Ars., kali b., nux m., nux v. after eating: Lye. (see also Distention of; and Fulness of). Bounding in : Crocus, lye. (see also Alive in ; and Abdomen). Bruised feeling in: Asa/., nux v., phyt., sang., nut. m. Burning in : Aeon., alum., ant. c., apis, ars., aur., bapt., bry., cact, calc. ph., carbo v., caust., cicuta, colch., coloc crocus, erig., helon., hepar, Jcalin., lach.. magn. s., mang., nit. ae, lmxm., nux v., phos., sang., secale, sepia, sulph. Clawing in : Carbo an., caust. nat. in., nux v. Clothing tight about the, cannot bear: Calc. c, caust., hepar, kali b., lach., lye, nux v. Coldness in : Calc. c, carbo an., chin., colch., kali b. Contraction, sensation of: Alum., cact., carbo v., nat. c, sang. Cramps in : Ant. t., ars., bapt., carbo an., carbo v., caust., cocc, colch., con., cup., gels., ham., nat. m., nux m., nux v., phos., sepia, stanu. Dartings through : Arg. n. Derangements of, from eating fat food: Puis. Desire to loosen clothing about: Caust, hepar, kali b., lach., lye, nux v. Distention of: Arg. n., ars., bapt., bell., caul., crocus, hyos., iod., lye, nux m. , after eating : Borax, lye. , from flatus, after eating: Borax, colch. Drinks fall audibly into the : Thuja. Emptiness in, sensation of: Amm. c, ainm.m., ars., bell., bry., calc. ph., coloc, gels., ign., ipec, kali c, lil. tig., magn. c, nice, sepia, stau//. Fermentation in, sensation of : Crocus. Faintness in : Alum., act. rae, brom., bufo, carbo an., hepar, hydras. relieved by eating : Alum., sulph. Flabbiness of: Ipee, mere, staph. 641 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Stomach. Food is felt till it reaches the : Alum. Fulness of: Amm. a, ant. a, asaf., borax, bry., canth., carbo an., castor., chin., coca, con., coloc, graph., hali e, tod., Ill- tig., lye, nit. ac, nux j. after eating: Borax, kali c, lye, nit. ac. Gnawing in : JEs. hip., amm. m., arg. n., bell., chel., lack., lye, nat. c, nit. ac, phos. Goneness in, sensation of: Act. rac, ars., bapt., ^o«2 Causes and concomitauts, - 449 Before Menstruation, - - - - 364 Concomitant symptoms, - - - 364 During Menstruation, - - - - 384 Concomitant symptoms, - - - - 384 INDEX. 708 General Gonco?nita?its, - - - -■ 552 Abdomen, - - - - - - 644 Anus, ______ 648 Appetite, ._.-..- 630 Back, _._._. 688 Brain, - - - - - 588 Chest, - - - - - 679 Cough, _._*___ 682 , with expectoration, - 685 Ears, - • - ' - - - 608 Eructations, - - - - - - 635 Extremities, lower, - - - - 693 , , feet, - - - - 693 , upper, _____ 696 , , fingers, - - - - - 696 , , hands, - 696 Eyes, -._._. 602 Face, - - - - - 615 Forehead, - - - - - 590 Generalities, - - - - - 703 Head, anatomical regions of the, - - - 588 Headache, - - - - - - 579 , aggravation of, - - - - 585 — — , amelioration of, - - - 587 Head in general, - - - - - 597 Heart, ______ Hiccough, --____ 636 Labia, _._.__ 662 Mammae, -.___. 677 Mind and Mood, - - - - - 552 Mood, -____- 552 Mouth, ---___ 620 Nausea, - - * - - - - 636 Nipples, - - - - - 678 Nose, - - - - - 611 709 INDEX. General Concomitants, continued. Occiput, - • - - - 591 Orbits, - - - - - 592 Ovarian region, - - - - 672 Ovaries, - - - - - 673 Ovary, left, ------ 675 , right, ------ 675 Persons, remedies especially suitable for, - - 699 Pudendum, - - - - - - 663 Respiration, - - - - - -681 Rectum, - - - - . : _ 650 Sacrum, ------ 690 Scalp, -..._- 596 Sexual organs (external), - - - 661 desire, - - - - - 676 Shoulders, - - - - - - 691 Stools, - - - - - 650 Sides of head, - - - - 593 Skin, 698 Sleep, ---__ . 568 Stomach, -_-__. 639 Temples, - - - - - - 593 Throat, ------ 627 Urination, - . - - - - - 656 Urine, -__-__ 658 Uterus, ------ 667 Vagina, ------ 665 Vertex, - - - - - - 595 Vertigo, --_.__ 575 Vomiting, - - - - - - 638 Vulva, - - - - - 664 Water-brash, - - - - - - 636 Leticorrhcea, - - - - - -522 Cause, time, aggravation and amelioration of the dis- charge, - - - - - - 531 INDEX. -710 Leucorrhcea, continued. Character of the discharge, - - - 522 Concomitant symptoms, - 535 Lochia, ------ 515 Concomitant symptoms, - - - 518 Peculiarities of the discharge, - - - 515 Menstrual discharge, - - - - 362 Character of the discharge, - - - 362 Menstruation, ------ 351 Time and quantity of the discharge, - - - 351 Metrorrhagia, ------ 500 Causes, exciting and predisposing, - - - 502 Character of the discharge, - - - - 500 Concomitant symptoms, - 505 Miscarriage (see Abortion), - - - - 493 f 908 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0DQ25T74Ebfl Hi. Hi ■ tm>W m HWBHM MW Vm Wsm intfKiAnflAni mt 8 in si ae ma