^'^-n. *^ 9 ** '^o^ v^^-\/^ "x^'Z x^-/ x:mt\ C' "w .*^"- \>/ .'»'• %.*"■ 'Mm-. ^^-^^ l**«i«k^ WL-a HISTORY QF TKf cflSTEi By {. FOSIlR r-f \ Sfc 4 D. I. FOSTER, Rapatee, III. It is only tittinp; that the one who has woiketl so hard and "aitlifully in getting the data, and then in writing the foliowina 3ages, should have a place of some pronoinence in this work. And 18 he will not take such ?t place himself, the printer of this work lias taken the trouble to /secure a photograph of Mr. Foster, from which the above excellent engraving has been made. I also have FIsrOKY OF THE FOSTER B'AMILT. gathered some data regarding Mr. Foster^& career, and so append the following short iiistory of his eventful and strenuous life. D. L Foster was born on Broad Top Mountains, Bedford Co., Fenn., June 7lh, 1856. His father was Miles Foster and his mother's maiden name was Caroline Figard. Two catastrophes of his earlj years have followed him through all his life. The, first was a scrofulus attack, when he was only a baby, which destroyed the right cheek bone, and almost totally destroyed t4ie sight of his right eye. The second was the crippling of his right hand for life, by being twice bitten by a copperhead snake, when he was eight years old. But more serious to him than these physical disadvantages, has been another handicap which the conditions of his youth put upon him. And that handicap was the lack of schooling. He was only in school one day previous to his ninth birthday, and in all did not receive to exceed eight months schooling, this being scat- tered out over a period of six years. He has however labored faithfully and successfully to overcome this disadvantage, and has surmounted obstacles that would have appalled many more favored individuals. Mr- Foster has never been an office seeker, and yet few people have served societies and the public generally as faithfully as he. His first experience was when he was only eighteen years old. At that time his grandfather was elected a supervisor of highways and a tax collector, but owing to rheumatism could not serve. In this dilemma the subject of our sketch, at the solicitation of the town board, took up the work and did it faithfully and well. Two years later, in February, 1876, although lacking four months of being twenty-one, he was nominated and elected as inspector of elections oh the republican ticket. But as he spent the summer and autumn in Maryland he was thus prevented from serving. He has been secretary or treasurer of the board of stewards of the Rapatee M. E. church since 1893. Was collector of Maquon township in 1889. 1 Has served two terms as constable. Served five years as secretary 1 of Round Top Grange, No. 1293. Has bten secretarv of Lyons Cemetery association since 1890. Has betn township president of the county S. S. association four years, and is now secretary of 3 HISTORY OF FAMILY THE FOSTER. that organization. Mr. Foster was married at Saxton, Fenn., during the liolidays of 1879, to Rebecca E, Ramsey, and together they moved to Rapatee in 1883. They have had ten children, eight of whom are yet living. In religion Mr. Foster has ever been earnest and true t(j> his belief. He first joined the Church of God or Winebrennariau branch of the Baptist church in 1878. After he moved to Rapatee, he and Prof. R. D. Hill called the meeting which resulted in the building of the Rapatee church. He was the first superintendent of its Sunday school, and in 1893 put his membership in with that church. In politics he has voted with the democratic party since he was twenty-two years of age. Since coming to Rapatee in 1883 he has been continuously in the coal business, operating extensively at the present time a bank on the Cope farm. But one of the special features of Mr. Foster's life work has been his contributions for newspapers. His first article was written in May, 1880, and since then he has been a continual contributor to the press. In 1881 and 1882 he wrote a historical article in serial form, containing seventy-three chapters, over the name of T. E. LePhone. It was published in the Saxton (Penn.) Independent. During the past sixteen years he has written over three thousand letters to forty-five different newspapers, in nine different states. He has been the regular item gatherer for the Knox county dem- ocratic paper for sixteen years; for the London Times for fourteen years; and for the Galesburg Republican-Register for eleven years. These brief facts only go to show what a busy and useful life Mr. Foster has lived, and how struggling with adverse circum- stances and conditions he has gained a very large share of real success. W. W. VosE. London Mills, 111., Oct. 1, 1902. HISTORY OF tHE FOSTER FAlillLY, STATEMENT. In our earlj childhood days we were placed where we came in contact with many very old people, and we would leave our play at any time to hear them tell of the trying times between 1788 and 1813. During the summer of 1869 an old folks gathering was held at the home of Benjamin Whited, about one-half mile from where the first permanent cabin was built on Broad Top, and we visited the stot with several of the crowd. Among them were Christopher Osborn born about 1790, Dr. Wesley Duval who was some younger, Dr. Asa Duval who was just 69 years old then. Their good wives were with them. They pointed out the spot where the Indians had fired on Basil Foster, Dr. Jeremiah Duval and Benjamin Penn, and wished there was some one to J write a history of the settlement and keep a record of the people who had opened up that grand old mountain settlement. And while at that time we could scarcely read and could not write a line we resolved that if spared we would do something in that line at some time. Eleven years later we were able to give to the public our History of the Broad Top Settlement and thirty-three years later we give the Foster family our present work. In beginning this work we took from the old records such names as Johnstone, Schwartz, Shaupt, but thought best to drop them for more modern forms. D. 1. Foster. #^ %# HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. A Wonderful Story. Covering Nearly Two Hun- dred Years of Time, and Half the United States in Territory. By D. I. FOSTER, Rapatee, III. CHAPTER ONE. In beginning the history of our branch of the Foster family, we have no apology to offer for the name, but beg pardon for all grammatical and other errors as our schooling was confined to less than eight months, scattered over a period of twelve years. Now we do not claim that Adams' surname was Foster or even that one of that name was a passenger on the Mayflower. But we do claim that for one-hundred and seventy-five years we have ,taken an active part in the settlement of North America. The Foster family first settled on the bleak hills of Mass- achusetts near Myrickville, where the bones of many of our fore- fathers sleep. About 1760 Arthur Foster, with a number of his neighbors. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. went to the sea-coast and loaded their few belongings on a sailing vessel of the style of that time and started down the coast to the then new settlements of Maryland. He entered the Chesapeake Bay and pushing up the Potomac river he settled near the present town of Hyattsville, Prince George's county, where he reared a large family, of whom we know something. He had five children that emigrated north, viz.: Basil, Richard, Lewis, John and Mrs. Ruth Foster Lewis. During the French and Indian wars, from 1754 to 1760, many young men from Prince George's county, Maryland, had been north to the mountains and valleys along the different branches of the Juniata river in Pennsylvania, which had fired the hearts of the youngest settlers, who were already feeling the scarcity of game and the increased price of land. Hence in the spring of 1778 a considerable number of men banded together, and started north. Their entire outfit, as well as women and children, going on horseback. We are indebted to the late Dr. Asa Duvall for a few names of these settlers: Dr. Jeremiah Duvall and wife, Rev. Thomas Johnston and family, Eli Lewis and wife, Benjamin and Richard Penn, Basil Foster and family, John Foster and family, Lewis and Richard Foster. Simultaneously a band of brave emigrants left Buck's county, Pa., for the same destination. The Maryland crowd came by the way of Ft. Pitt (now Bedford, Pa.) The Buck's county people by the way of Ft. Standing Stone (now Huntingdon, Pa.) They selected a spot at the mouth of Shoup's Run, where it empties into the Raystown branch of the Juniata river, near where Saxton, Pa. now stands. A block house was built on what is now the J. J. Reed farm. His spring as well as the Fockler cemetery being in- side of the stockade. Among those who helped to chop and place the timber were Captain John Sabastian Shoup, Fredrick Sheckler, Philip Stoner, Martin Stoler, Lewis Fluck, Robert Friggs, Frederick Heater, Isaac Keith, Peter Crum and Joshua (known as "Scout") Davis There were no doubt many others, but for our purpose the above will suffice. They pushed out into the beautiful valleys and many farms had been improved by the spring of 1780, Basil Foster built a cabin on what is now the Rhoades farm, and John HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Foster built a cabin near where the Sliinier stone house stands in "Woodcock valley. But, alas! All this was changed. During May and Juno, 1780, the Indians liad been killing tiie settlers farther west, and on Saturday, July 15th, two bands of Indians came down the Kit- taning war path, and killed several settlers on the opposite side of the river. Everything was excitement. The stock had been driv- en to the fort some days before. A meeting was held at once and it was decided to vacate the fort, which was done, and the next Sunday, July 16, 1780, occurred the terrible Woodcock valley massacre, which would have been the fate of the three Foster fami- lies had they remained in the settlement. In that band of settlers who crossed the mountains that hot July night were Riciiard Lewis Foster and Charity Johnston, both aged ten years, who afterwards became the parents of our branch of the Foster family now num- bering over one thousand two hundred souls. Of the history of the Foster family from July 10, 1780, to April 10, 1787, we know very, little. Richard died lighting for his country. Basil Foster's tirst wife, whose maiden name was Friscilla Lewis, had died and he had married a sister of the Penn boys, Richard and Benjamin. In 1786 large grants of land had been given to Basil Foster and Dr. Jeremiah Duvall (who was married to Sarah Penn) from the Penn escate. This land was N situated near where Minersville, Huntingdon county, and Six Mile Run, Bedford county. Pa., now stand. In April 1787, the Fos- ter, Duvall, Penn, Chainy and several other families left Prince George'p county, Md.,for the old fort at the mouth of Shoup's Run. The fort was found standing, but over run with the cats that luid been left there seven years befere. Turnips were gathered that year from the crop sowed in 1780, which had seeded from year to year, and the writer has seen a pot and skillet that were dug up after seven years burial. Before beginning the history of the Foster family we shall make brief mention of a few of those old settlers who met in Sboup's fort in the spring of 1787: Thomas Johnston died in Highland county. Ohio, 1817. Henry Shoup died on the 16th day of March, 1850, aged 81:. Dr. Jerry Duvall died Sunday evening, Feb. 12th, 1832, aged 82 years. Martin Stoler born in 8 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Switzerland in January, 1733, his wife, Ann Mariah, born the 4:th of March, 1743, both died in Woodcock valley. He died July 23, 1810, she on May 22nd, 1821. Fredrick Sheckler, born in Ger- many, 1754, his wife, Mary Momrow Sheckler born in 1755. He died in July, 1829, she in 1834. If space would permit we could give dates of the deaths of almost all of them. Thomas Johnston and wife and Frederick Sheckler and wife were the great-great- grand parents of the writer. We will next take up the history of the Foster family, be- ginning with their settling on the Broad Top mountains in 1787. CHAPTER TWO. We now take up the return of the three Foster brothers to Woodcock Valley, Pennsylvania. John Foster rebuilt his cabin near Raver's Gap, where he remained until 1800, when he emi- grated to Madison county, Ohio, where he became the head of the grekt Ohio family of Fosters. His wife was Ann Penn; Lewis Foster, the youngest of the Foster brothers lived^ in Woodcock Valley from 1787 to 1800, when the Johnstone, Flenner, Chainey, Foster and several other families concluded to move west. The Foster family had inherited land in Ross, Madison and Highland counties, Ohio. Lewis Foster became the owner of a farm in Ross county, Ohio, where he spent a good part of his life, and while we have not the facts in connection, we have no doubt that "Preacher Lewis"' as he was called emigrated to Fuiton county, Illinois, and died full of honors in 1851, in his 92d year. The bones of him- self and wife (if we are correct) sleep in the Foster cemetery, near Fairview. We will now take up the history of Basil Foster whose HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 9 history we have correct, even to the fact that the pocket knife lie took from Maryland to Pennsylvania in 17is7 is in the possession of Jolin Richard Foster of Altoona, Fa. And it will compare very favorably with one made in the 2Uth century. Basil Foster, oldest son of Arthur Foster, was born in Massa- chusetts in the year 1744. Moved with his father to Prince George's county, Maryland, Adhere in 1709 he married Priscilla Lewis. To them were born one son,' Richard Lewis Foster, on the 16th day of September, 1770. After her death 'he married Molly or Mary Penn. As stated before Basil Foster moved from Maryland to Woodcock Valley, Pa., in 1778, was driven back by the Indians in July, 1780, returning in May, 1787, when after resting a few days at Shoup's Fort, Dr. Jeremiah Duvall, Richard Penn and Basil Foster proceeded on their way in a southeasterly direction about seven miles to where they had concluded to settle. The women and children remained at the fort until logs were cut, clapboards split for roofs, puncheon split and hewed for floors, and the cabins built, without nails or glass. Rough stone chimneys were built in one corner or at one end. We have often been on the spots where the three cabins were built. The Duvall farm is still occupied by the family, and the Molly Foster place is being farmed today. About June 1st, 1787 housekeeping was first be^un on the Broad Top Mountains, and the first seeds were planted. The nearest store was at Baltimore, Md., and in the spring of 1788 Basil Foster and son, R. L. Foster, started with one pack horse for Baltimore for tools, as Basil Foster was by trade a wagon builder, which trade he wished his son R. L. to follow. The long trip was made in safety their food being procured by their tire- arms. The old flint locks answered the double purpose of killing the game and making the fire to cook it. While in the south arrangements were made for Richard L., to return south in the autumn of 1789 to stay five years to learn the blacksmith trade. He left for Baltimore in September, 1789. Little thinking that he would never see tlie dear old father in life again. The winter of '89 and '90 was a terrible one. We are told that snow laid on the mountains from late November '89 to late April '90. Maple sugar and meat were plenty but not an II 10 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. ounce of wheat flour was to be found in the three settlements — Shoups, Broad Top and the Penn-Bryant at what is now Miner- ville, Fa. But tlie long looked for spring of 1790 came at last and with it many settlers. The first white persons death occurred in May of this year, being tliat of Mrs, Sarah Shreeves. Basil Foster cut a large chestnut tree, split, hewed and pinned it togeth- er with locust pins — the first coftiu made in the settlement. Dr. Jeremiah Duvall preached the funeral sermon and the Duvall cem- etery was started, where sleep seven generations of the Foster family today. In October, 1791, Basil P'oster was taken ill and all the simple methods of the family and kind neighbors were of no avail and Basil Foster was called to his fathers, leaving a widow and seven children in the then mountain wilderness, besides the son Richard. The latter was now called to give up his trade and come back north to do a father's part by the half brothers and sisters, which he did for two years, clearing acre after acre of the woods land and working it, bringing forth rye, wheat and corn. In the year 1793, Richard L. Foster laid out what is still known as the old Dick Foster place. He built a log cabin and log barn and one beautiful summer morning in 1793 he hied himself over the mountains to the old fort on the banks of the blue Juniata where Bishop Asbury, first American Methodist bishop, said the words that made Richard L. Foster and Charity Johnstone man and wife. That night they spent with her father. Rev. Thomas Johnstone. The next day they mounted the same horse and went over the mountains to their new home, where they spent the next fifty years. As this is the particular Foster family we expect to follow for one hundred and ten years, it will be much easier if we dispose of the half brothers and sisters. Children of Basil Foster and Mary Penn: Basil Foster mar- ried Charity Jackson, John Foster married Elizabeth Keys, Mary Foster married Edward Zink, Sarah Foster married Lewis Chaney, Benjamin Penn married Hannah Sheckler, Elizabeth Foster married Samuel Chaney, Thomas was never married. We shall make but brief mention of the above family. Mary or aunt Mollie Foster, as she was called, moved with her son Thomas to Highland county. Ohio, in 1819 and died there in 1825. Her son John was the first child btorn in what is now i HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 11 Broa-l Top township, Bedford county, Pa., in 1787. He grew to manhood on the mountains, was a soldier in the war of 1812, moved to Ohio in 1814, married Elizabeth Keys, in 1815. Six children were born to them: — Dewitt Clinton, Caroline who mar- ried John Cowman, Newton Penn, Amanda, Emma and Israel. All of whom were born in Higliland county. Ohio. John Foster went back to Pennsylvania for a visit about 1830 took sick and died and sleeps beside his father in the Duvall cemetery. Basil Foster was born at Ilyattsville, Md., 1785, moved to Hillsborough, Ohio, in May, 1819, Two years later he married Charity Jackson. There were born to them eight 'children: John, married Ruth Powers; Lewis, married JaneChanev; Mary, mar- ried David Hite; Arthur Pleasant, married Mary Horton: Stephen Flenner, married a Miss McVickers; Phoeba, unknown; Sarah, married John Dillon; Jackson, unknown. Basil moved to Grant county, Ind., about 1840, where he and his wife lived to a ripe old age. But two of the children are living. Crooked footed Thomas Foster was never married. He taught singing school in Clinton and Highland counties, Ohio. He dropped dead while consulting a doctor in Hillsborough, Ohio, in 1840. aged 49 years. Benjamin Penn Foster married Hannah Sheckler, daughter of Frederick and Catherine Sheckler, in 1812. To them were born ten children: Sarah, married John Reed; Mary, married Jacob Oppenheimer; Catherine, married James Swadley; David, married Sarah Ann Elder; Barbara, married Mr. Warfield; Nancy, un- known; John, never married; Rose Ann, married Abel Osborn; Eli, married Maria Berkstresser; Hannah, married Levi Putt. Those children were born from 1813 to 1829. "Happy Ben," as he was called, always took things in a happy go easy way. The first years of his married life were spent in the loft of a still house, where several of his children were born. About 1823 he bought a small place near Saxton, Pa., where the rest of his children were born. (The writer occupied this house from September 1879 to 1883.) Mrs. Foster died at this place about 1850 and Benjamin moved over the mountains to Clarion county, where he married 12 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. again. Three children were born to them, Arthur, Allen and Rebecca. The wife dying he drifted west dying in March, 1860, on the farm now occupied by A. J. Swadley north of Rapatee. His bones rest in the Lyons cemetery, south of Rapatee. None of tlie family of Benjamin Foster are living. Sarah Reed died at Stonerstown about ten years since; Mary Oppenheimer died at Shenandoah, Iowa, January, 1893; '-Kittie" Swadley born Dec. 25, 1813, died, near Rapatee, March 8, 1878; Barbara at Bell- wood, Pa. ; John Foster was born in September, 1819, died at Rapatee Jan. 31, 1893; Rose Ann Osborn at Shelby, lowa^ Jan. 19, 1893; Eli at Chicago in November, 1890, where he was lecturer at the Libby prison exhibition for some two years; Hannah Putt at Saxton, Pa., abort 1871; of the deaths of David and Nancy we have no facts. David has three children buried in St. Luke's cemetery near Saxton, Pa.: The tombstone inscriptions read Francis R., born March 6, 1846, died March 8, 1848; John A., born March 27, 1847, died April 14, 1850; Adaline, born March 27, 1849, died April 21, 1851. A. J. Swadley of Rapatee, 111., has two notes that were given by David Foster to his father, one dated Sept. 1, 1855, the other in September 1857, which shows that he was living at that date. David and his father owned an interest in some coal land in the Broad Top coal regions, which was sold to James Entriken in 1854, as the Bedford county records show. No one in our family has had a more eventful career than Captain Eli Foster. He grew up at Saxton, Pa., and married Mariah Berkstresser, daughter of David and Mary Stoler Berk- stressor. After her death in the east he enlisted in the regular army of the United States and was quartered near Boston, Mass., at the breaking out of the Mexican war in which he took part from beginning to end. After the close of his five year enlistment he visited the middle and central western states, finally settling in Ohio, where in 1861 he raised a company of which he was made captain; was one of the five who helped Major Hamilton plan and execute the Libby prison tunnel and escaped through it. He vis- ited Rapatee in 1889. He was married twice but left no children by either marriage. With this we will bid adiew to the Penn branch of the Foster family and take up the Johnstone branch. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 13 CHAPTER THREE. RICHARD LEWIS FOSTER. As before stated, R. L. Foster was born in Prince George's county, Maryland, September 16, 1770. His wife, Charity John- stone, was born on an adjoining farm on March 27, 17t)y. She was a daughter of Rev. Thomas Johnstone and with her brotlier Joshua were playmates of little Dick as he was then called. When in 1778 the two families started on their journey to the Pennsyl- vania settlement, Joshua Johnstone was 11, Charity 9, and little Dick but 8 and a half years old, and they took turns walking and riding on the pack horses. The two families settled close together on the banks of the Juniata river. In 1779 all the children of eight years old and upwards were put to clearing of the brush between Shoup's fort and the river. They were placed in charge of Henry Shoup, who was born in February, 1767, died March 16, 1850, hence at this time he was twelve years old. The removal of the brush was so that the Indians could not surprise them from the river. The next summer proved the wisdom of this work. As before refered to the Fort was abandoned on July 16, 1780 and the long trip was made back to Maryland where Richard Foster and Charity Johnstone again spent seven years together. On their return to the Fort in 1787, he was 17 and a half and she 18 and at that early date they had' plighted their troth. But they had thought to delay the marriage until Foster had completed his trade. But the death of his father in October, 1791, put an end to the trade business, yet was the means of delaying the marriage for two years or until the summer of 1793. We will now leave the happy couple in their log cabin on the top of Broad Top mountains, while we mention a few historical facts concerning the early life of Richard L. Foster. His grand- father, Arthur Foster, was an extensive slave owner but in 1777 he freed his black servants and at least three of these ex-slaves ac- 14: HISTOTRY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. coinpanied the P"'o8ter and Duvall families from Maryland to Penn- sylvania in 1787. The first cold winter of 87 and 88 was too mnch for one old darkey named Basil Berry and he died with some lung trouble. Richard Foster hewed him a cofRn and he was buried near the gate of the Duvall cemetery. In 1792 he made a coffin for a half sister. In 1795 he helped to build the Moune or Thornhill grist mill which stood on the south side of Six Mile Run, opposite to where the Baptist and M. E. churches now stand in Coaldale borough. We wish to mention one more of those old slaves, Mingo, lie was born about 1715 on the southwestern coast of Africa, near the gulf of Guinea, and claimed to be the son of a king. He was kidnapped in the year 1735, became the property of Dr. Jeremiah Duvall, who traded a steer to a man named Jacob Ryan for him. He afterwards became the property of the Foster family who brought him to Pennsylvania and in 1795 Richard Foster gave him a piece of land for life. The Foster, Duvall and Fenner families built him a cabin and furnished him with what he needed. In lSl-1, after performing many voodoo ceremonies he laid down and died. Mingo spring and Mingo field are but a short distance from where Mrs. Benjamin Whited now lives on Broad Top, Pa. In 1895 Richard Foster was made class leader in the early Methodist church of the settlement which position he held for many years. In July 1818, Richard L. Foster, A.mos Evans who was in his ()2d year, William Anderson, sr., who was in his 53rd year, and Dr. Jerry Duvall, who was in his 68th year, decided to "build the first school house in what is now a territory twenty miles long and ten miles wide. It was called the Hog Pen. It stood on the banks of Horton Run where the road leading from Coaldale to Saxton crosses. In 1869 some of the logs were still standing and in 1878 the writer helped to haul the old chimney to the creek where it was used to weight a log pier for a bridge. All four of our grand parents attended school in this old pen, which did not c;)ntain a nail or a pane of glass. We could give many interest- ing facta in the life of Richard L. Foster and wife did space per- mitt. But we ntust return to our subject. After 72 years of companionship and 50 years of happy wedded life the good mother, Charity, died on the 22d day of I HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 15 October, 1843, aged 73 years, 7 months and <> days. Uicliard tlie husband lived ten years dying November 30, 185.^ aged 83 years, 2 months and 14 days. This grand old couple sleep side by side in the Uuvall cemetery, their graves are nicely marked. They were the parents of ten children bv)rn as follows: Wealthy A., born April 8, 1794, married Septimus Horton; Sarah, born Sep. 26, 1795, married Thomas I. Horton; Ephraim, born Jan. 12, 1797, married Elizabeth Anderson; Eli, born 1799, married Cath- rine Steele, 2nd wife Mrs. Claypool; Richard, born Aug. 29, 1801. married Nancy Shreeves; Lewis, born Feb. 9, 1803, married Susan Barnett; Thomas, born Sep. 30, 1805, married Eliza Foster; Ruth, born July 10, 1808, married John Negley; Josiah, born March 28, 1810, married Mary Wright; Septimus, born Oct. 2, 1813, married Elizabeth Cook, 2nd wife Elizabeth Stevens, who is the only one living of the above named twenty-two persons. This was one of the most remarkable families we ever met. All were married young. All raised large families. They were born in a period of 19 years, died in a period of 25 years. When death first entered the family the oldest was 80 years old, the youngest 57. All but two passed their four score years. Their combined ages at death would make over 850 years. Eight of them resided in High- land county, Ohio, at some period of their lives. Nine of them have visited Knox county, Illinois. In politics R. L. Foster was a democrat. He voted for 21 governors of Pennsylvania, for fifteen under the old consiituti'Mi and six under the constitution of 1838. He was intimate witii six generations of his family, from his grandfather Arthur to his great grand-son Ephriam A. Foster, now of Central City, Kv. in 1833, he had over 12,000 fence rails burned in the great forest tire of that year. And while he was 63 years old at that time he ran one and a half miles in twelve minutes to save a neighbor's house. WEALTHY AND SAKAH FOSTER. We will now take up the children of R. L. Foster, or fourth generation of the family as we knew them. Wealthy Foster mar- ried Septimus Horton about 1817. Three children were born to them in Pennsylvania. In 1822, there was a great boom concern- ing Highland Co., Ohio, and the Horton family with their three TO HigTOET OF- The foster family. little -children, who were narti(id David Foster, Allen 'and Mary, moved to Ohio, TW rfelst bf the' children were born there, viz: Levi, Alfred, Char)e8 W.,- Gary T. and Foster Septimus. The record in 1880 read^' ©avid married Adelia Rodgers; Allen mar- ried Margaret Zink^' Mary married Pleasant Foster; Levi married Rosetta Stibb; Cary Tl nfJa^ried Gyntha Fenner; Foster S. married Harriet Morehead; Alfrdd and GhfH-les'W. died unmarried. The father died about the time thatFostet S. was born and the struggle for a living was somew'hkt haVd on the mother but she showed the true grit. She finally moved to Buda, Illinois where she died in t'ne year 1879. ,- ■■ ' Of several members of this family we have very pleasant recollections. David F. visited us in our Pennsylvania home in 1880. Gary T. Foster and Allen have visited us in Knox Co., 111. All are now dead but Dr. Gary T, HoVton, who we believe lives at Austin, Texas. Sarah Foster married Thomas I. Horton and they resided on the Broad Top mountains for some thirty five years after their marriage. But moved to Buda, Bureau Go., Ill,, in the spring of 1855, where they lived the rest of their days. He died in Decem- ber, 18T2, she in 1885, having reached her four score and ten years. Two years before her death, or in February, 1883, she fell on the ice and broke her leg and despite the fact that she was 88 years old it got well. This grand old couple were the parents of eight children, vi/,; Gharity, married David G. Fisher; Martha married Benjamin Osborn; Eli, married Mary Hamilton; Simon, married Eleanor Barnett; Andrew, died unmarried at the age of 22 on Broad Top; Wealthy, married Mark Anderson; Sarah, mar- ried Mathew Hamilton; Noah, married Mary Shreeves. To the writer's knowledge all are dead except Mrs. Anderson. We have in our possession many interesting facts concerning these two families but must necessarily leave them out. Ghapter four will contain the history of Ephriam Foster and it will contain a geneology of five generations and almost two hundred names. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 17 CHAPTER FOUR. EPHRIAM FOSTER. If we were g^in^ to give our entire space to a liistory of this man, and Iiis generations, it would not be difficult, but to confine the facts to one chapter will be quite a task, as there are children named Ritchey residing in Rays Cove, Bedford county, Pa., who are of the sixth generation, with the old gentleman. Ephriam Foster was born Jan. 12th, 1797, near where the town of Coaldale, Pa., now stands, and where two great-great-grand-cliildren reside [in the persons of Vera L. and Margaret J. Barton. In 1807, when '^Eph" as he was called, was 10 years old the Broad Top settle- ment underwent a salt famine for some time. Its weight and the long distance it had to be packed made it a very valuable article, and for some weeks that year the settlers were in sore straits for salt.' A drayman will deliver you a barrel of salt as cheap as a I barrel of sand in any large Illinois city today, so that it is hard to 'realize what a salt famine meant to our fore fathers. '^Eph" Foster was a great hunter. At the age of 10 years he killed his first deer. He killed a great many deer in his time but in the autumn of 1819 one came near killing him. The incident occurred on the mountain just north of where Riddlesburg, Pa., now stands. He shot a spike buck deer, when it attacked him. He grabbed it by the horns, holding fast for several hours, then clubbed it to death with his flint lock rifle. He told the writer the story in 1866, claiming his buckskin breeches saved his life. He was a mill-wright and did a great many jobs in Bedford and Fulton counties during the early half of the last century. We will relate one brief fact in this line to show his genius and won- derful strength. In 1836 the writer's great grandfatlier, James Figard, sr., built a grist mill on Six Mile Run where Defiance, Pa. now stands. While Mr. Figard was away hunting a dozen men to put the main shaft in tlie mill, "-Eph'' Foster with the help of a 18 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 16 year old boy took it through a window and put it in place ready for the irons. He married Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of William Ander- son and Elizabeth Willet, who was born ISov. 20th, 1792. This was the first marriage between those two old families that played such a remarkable part in Broad Top history. The families were similar in ujany respects. The Anderson family had 11 children, one pair of twins included, born in 19 years and 5 months to the day. The Foster family of 10 were born in 19 years. 5 months and 24 days. All lived to be grand parents and 18 of them to be great grand parents. Two children, William and Jemima, were born to E. Foster and wife on Broad Top. But in 1822 they loaded their household goods on wagons and started for Ohio, landing at Hillsborough. But he did not like the country and returned to Bedford county, Pa., and bought the Moyer farm where Kearney, Fa., now stands, living there until about 1859 when he moved to Everette, Pa., where he resided until 1876, when he and his wife being loo old to run a farm, they sold out and moved to the Broadstone farm in Wells Valley, Fulton county. Pa., where they resided with tlieir grand son, J. C. Foster, until their deaths. We forgot to state that almost 50 years ago Ephriam Foster made the second trip to the west, visiting Grundy, Bureau, Fulton and Knox counties, Illinois, He purchased a farm just south of Rapatee, where Marion Hart now lives, where he placed his son, Richard L. Foster, jr. In politics Mr. Foster was a democrat, while his son R. L. was a stalwart republican, Ephriam Foster held several important township offices. He settled up the estate of his father the late Richard L. Foster, sr., in 1854 and 1855. He was very firm in his ways and did not change his plans very often. Ephriam Foster died May 14th, 1877, aged 80 years, 4 months and 12 days. Elizabeth Foster died May 18th, 1878, aged 85 years, 5 months and 28 days. Both sleep in the Duvall cemetery on Broad Top. Eight children were born to this old couple, viz: William, married Margaret Cook; Jemima, married Joseph Negley; Eliza, married George R. Oaks; Charity, married first, Samuel I HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 19 Hoover, second liusband BenjainiTi F. Duvall; Ricliard Lewis, married Ruanii Osborn; Johnston J., married Julia Ann Horton; Martha A., married first John Cook, second George Hamilton; Friscilla, married James A. Horton. William Foster has had quite an experience in the way of coal prospector. After beginning in such work on the Broad Top mountains, he was sent to Venango county. Pa., in 1865 and (56, where he superintended large enterprises. In 1868 he was elected } road supervisor, was re-elected in 69 and 70 and while in office built the great mountain wagon road between Riddlesburg and Hopewell on the east side of the Juniata river. For several years he was general manager at Robbertsdale, Pa., opening four coal banks and building an entire town while in charge. He was super- [; intendent at Tipton, Blair county. Pa., and in Clearfield county also. Served three years as poor directer of Bedford county. I And while he has passed his four score years he enjoys consider- able of this life yet. His good wife who has lived with him for I almost three score years is the last member of the old Cook family. They were the parents of seven children: Joseph was born Jan. 22d, 1845, was killed by being caught horse power cider mill Sept. 21st, 1854, aged 9 years, 7 months in a and 29 days. Ephriam A., married Rose Ready, Feb. 8ch, 1868; and they have been the parents of five children, viz: Jennie, born Dec. 13th, 1869; W. F., born Sept. 10th, 1871; Maggie, born Feb. 23d, 1876, died Aug. 19th, 1877; Roy R. was born Aug. 14th, 1879: Georgie Lorrain was born Feb. 21st, 1890. Their present home is at Central City, Ky., where Mr. Foster has large interests. J. C. Foster, third son, married Mary A. Miller. They have had five children. Maud E., married J. A. Repper. They have four children, Don C, William M., Teddy and baby. • C. C. died March 30th, 1896, aged 17 years, 4 months and 3 days. Cook, Samuel A. and Delia E. are single, J. C. Foster and family reside in Wells Valley, Fulton county, Pa., and are farmers. C. C. Foster, fourth son of "William Foster, was married to 20 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Lucretia College. Their children are as follows: Emily Elizabeth; John Calvin; Annie Oakison; Gustof Carl; Margaret Mira and I Kina, who died at the age of 3 montlis and 21 days. Emily E. married Wilbert E. Barton and their two little girls Vera L. and! Mirg'aret J, ar^ the ei^^hth ganeration of the Fi)9ter family as we have record. The two danghters of William: Elizabeth, married Clarence Farber and Mira married Theodore Williams E. A. Foster has reached the top as a practical manager of coal and iron works. Has been in Alabama and Kentucky for several years. He had charge of the Rock Hill coal mines at Robbertsdale, Pa., as manager of the loading and shipping de- partment for several years. And it is said of Iiira he never be- trayed a trnst. Jemima Foster married Joseph Negley. They kept house for several years near Longs Run. (The writer was born in the Joseph Negley house.) But about 1855 Ephriam Foster purchased a large farm in Rays (^ove, where the Negley family lived for over thirty years. Here the father died when a middle aged man and that dread disease, consumption, carried off grown daughter after grown daughter in a few years time. We remember Lizzie, Mag- gie, Charity, Annie, Minerva and Alice all died, we believe, but two, who are spared to the aged mother today. Joseph Negley", jr., married Sarah B. Young and lives at Coaldale, Pa. Eliza Oaks died several years since, leaving several children. Charity Fosters' first husband died a few years after their mar- riage, leaving three children, John F., Theophilus and Priscilla. The two latter are dead. She then married Benjamin P. Duval, to them were born three children, William, Amos and Lizzie. She died with consumption some thirty years since. R. L. Foster and Ruann Osborn were the parents of eleven children: Humphrey Lewis married Sydnia A. Kline; Rose Ann married Samuel Heavilin; Walter married Clara B. Davis, second wife Mrs. Green; W^atson married Mary Palmer; Emanuel married Viola M. Holloway; Lutiier married Flora Miller; Lida married J. C. Anderson; Emeline died in childhood; Druzilla died at 4 years; Matilda died at 10 years; W^illiam D. died at 23 years. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 21 R. L. Foster moved from Illinois to Arkansas where liis first wife died and he married Mrs. Ester Allen. No children were born to them. He died at VanBuren, Ark., in 1879. H. L. Foster and wife had three children: May married a Mr. Kesler at Boquet, Pa.; Blanch and Ira M. are single. Rose Ann Heavilin has five children: Mary, Lottie, Pearl, Minnie and Moss. Walter, two children by first wife: Cora married Dr. Sher- man; Elsie married Fay Hitchcock. They live at Maquon, 111. Watson, five children: Manuel, Lemuel, Pitt, Isaac and Bert. Manuel died a few years since, home Kewanee, 111. Emanuel has two children Earl and Lola, Maquon, 111. Luther one child, Maude. Lida Anderson has three c'aildren: Cassie, Minnie and Nor- man. Home, Minneapolis, Kan. The family of R. L. Foster is scattered from Pennsylvania to Kansas. Besides the four named above: Humphrey L. or "Booky" as he was called, died in the asylum at Jacksonville, 111,, on April 27, 1888, aged 42 years. Richard Lewis Foster and son Humphrey Lewis both served in Co. D. 103 Reg. 111. Vol. H. L., sleeps in the Lyons cemetery in Fulton county, 111. Johnston J. Foster and wife were the parents of one son, James Wilson. Johnston died while yet a young man at Hope- well, Pa., over forty years since, and his wife only survived him a few months. We are told by those who knew them that both were splendid people. Of the son we have not been able to get much information. His first wife was Kate Fry. Two girls were born to them about 1873 to 1875. One was named Druzilla Viola. He married a Miss Pedigrew in 1876. She was burned to death at Kittaning, Pa., in 1880, leaving two children. One was named Johnston. He afterwards married a Miss Pedigrew. Martha Ann Foster and John Cook were the parents of two children: John P., died Sept. 14th, 1873, aged 1 year, 4 months and 5 days. Minerva J., died July 10th, 1879, aged 24 years 7 months and 20 days. The father John Cook, who was a son of Miles Cook and Mary Pisher, died Oct. 1st, 1873, aged 40 years, 6 months and 19 days. He sleeps with his parents and children 22 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. in the Lyons cemetery. Mrs. Cook afterwards married George Hamilton, and lives at Prairie City, 111. Priacilla Poster and James Horton were the parents of five boys: George A. died with lung trouble in 1877, aged 20 years. Joseph W., John C, Charles and Harry all living. The mother died about 26 years since. Thus we see that there are three of the children of Ephriam Foster and Elizabeth Anderson living. William, Jemima and Martha A. Yet if the parents were living today they would be in their 106th aud 110th years. The writer has very kind memories of the dear old mother thirty odd years ago. William Poster and Mrs. Jemima Negley are both great, great, grandparents and reside in their native township and ceunty on Broad Top. NOTE TO CHAPTBR FOUR. After chapter four was in press we receive some delayed data, which must have a place in our history. Children of Jemima Foster and Joseph Negley, sr. : Lucinda, married Jacob Ritchey. She is living in Rays Cove, Pa. Then follows Andrew, Jacob, Martha J,, Esther, Margaret, Lizzie, Je- mima, Charity, Annie, Priacilla, Mary Alice, and Sarah E. all dead. Joseph W. H. Negley is living. He married Sarah Belle, daughter of David and Hannah Evans Young and lives at Six Mile Run, Pa. Margaret, Lizzie, Jemima and Charity, as well as the father, all died in about twelve months time, with that dread disease consumption. Three of the daughters were married: Charity married Washington Hall. Priscilla married Alex Man- speaker, and Sarah E. married Adam P. Bottomfield. The writer remembers several of the above named as very beautiful young girls, before being stricken. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 23 CHAPTER FIVE. ELI FOSTER. Eli Foster, second son of R. L. Foster, was born July 10, 1799, one hundred and three years to the day on which we write this chapter. He was the fourth child born to this old Broad Top fanaily and his childhood and early manhood were spent like the other children, but in two particulars. He chose differently. He did not become a farmer until an old man, and he selected a wife outside of the old Broad Top familes. At the age of eighteen he was considered a splendid mechanic and had made several coflins. Prior to that time he left the mountains and went down into the river settlement to work, where he met and married Cathrine Steel in 1827, when about eighteen years of age. He built a house in Stonertown, Pa., near where Philip Stoner built a cabin in 1778. Foster's house is still standing and is owned by the Neary family in 1902, Here four of Eli Foster's children were born. Reuben R., born Jan. 5th. 1828, died in Goble, Oregon, June 14:, 1900; Cyrus, born Oct. 2c, 1829, died May 20, 1881, in Oregon; Lucin- da, born Oct. 31, 1831, died June 23, 1876; Levi C, born Sept. 23, 1833, is living in Missouri. Eli moved to Hopewell in 1834, where he worked for the old Hopewell furnace and forge at carpenter work. We have been told wonderful stories of his feats of strength, and that he used it on his fellow man when imposed on, we have no doubt, as he was known as the best man among the employees. Two children were born to them at Hopewell: Alford T., born March 8, 1836, died 1856; Allen Horton, born April 8th, 1838, died Jan. 30th, 1901, at Mazon, Illinois. In June 1839, Eli Foster and family moved from Bedford county, Pa., to Highland county, Ohio, where three .more children were born to them: George F., born July 23d, , 1840, lives at Goble, Oregon; Minerva, Aug. ,^3d, 1842; Sarah E., ;July 5th, 1844. "' 24 HISTOTRY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY, This year Eli and family moved to Wauponsee, Grundy county, Illinois, where his wife died and he married Mary Clay- pool, Aug. 2l8t, 1849. Two children were born to them: Julinia, born 1853, died Oct. 8th, 1854; Cathrine, born Jan. 29th, 1854; Eli Foster died at this place Jan. 23d, 1874, aged 74 years, 6 months and 13 days, the first death in the family of ten children and the youngest of all at the time of death. The ages of the others at time of death were 86, 90, 80, 81, 87, 85, 81, 87 and 87. Cyrus Foster married Elizabeth Alexandria and moved to Goble, Columbia county, Oregon. Six children were born to them: Rebecca, Cathrine, Frank, Charles, Eli and Rueben. Cyrus died at the age of 51 years, 6 months and 25 days, and Rueben married his widow. They had no children and Rueben died Jan. 14th, 1900, aged 72 years, 5 months and 9 days. Lucinda Foster married Morgan Button. They had nine children: Eli, Oliver, Minerva, Cary, George, Milton, Addison, Grant and Luella. Lucinda died June 23d, 1876, aged 44 years, 7 months and 23 days. Levi C, married Matilda Piatt. They have been the parents of five children: Horton, Martha, Dora, Eva and Leroy. Their present home is at Merwin, Missouri. Allen Horton married Harriet Fuller. They had seven chil- dren: Cora May, Grace, Blanche, Pina, Daisy, Hattie, and Roy Allen. Allen H. Foster was a splendid man. He visited the writer's family in Pennsylvania when we were a boy, and he vis- ited us at Rapatee some ten years since. He died Jan. 30th, 1901, at Mazon, Grundy county, 111., aged 62 years, 9 months and 22 days. The wife survives him and the family reside at Mazon, Illinois. George F., married Eliza Teeters, They have four children: George, Rueben, Mable and Jennie. They reside at Goble, Columbia county, Oregon. Sarah E. Foster married Gideon Ryder. They had four children: Hettie, Cody, Rubbie and Judge. They live in Grundy county. 111. Cathrine Foster married William i Johnson. They live in Iowa, and have five children: Charles,, Minnie, Ernest, Jennie and Roy. The writer is very sorry this' record is so incomplete. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 25 CHAPTER SIX. RICHARD FOSTER. Richard Foster, third son of Richard L. Foster and Charity Johnston, was born August 29, 1801. His wife, Nancy Shreeves, youngest daughter of Barton and Nellie Gordon Shreeves, was born April 8, 1805. They were born about one and one-half miles apart, he on the old Foster farm north of Six Mile Run, she on the "Barton" place south of the Run. The parents of both of them were prominent in the early church history of the place. And we can readily suppose in social matters as well. Neither ever saw the inside of a school house during their childhood days. "Uncle Dick" at the age of seventeen, helped to build the first school house on Broad Top the "Hog Pen" in 1818. By 1820 Broad Top township had become quite well settled or at least the stone bound hills along Six Mile Run had been looked over, and the best spots for cultivation picked out. Hence Uncle Dick had not located at the time of his marriage to Nancy Shreeves, which occurred in the end of the year 1821. And in the summer of 1822, Ephriam Foster and family, Richard Foster and wife, Septimus Horton and wife (who was a sister to the Foster boys) with their three little children, Thomas Foster, Edward Chainey, Stephen Fenner and several others left Hopewell, Bed- ford Co., Pa., for Highland Co., Ohio. Our grandfather, Thomas Foster, carried a gun and walked the entire distance with the band of settlers. He was less than eighteen years of age yet furnisned bis share of the meat that was shot wild in the woods day by day And during our boyhood days, we always enjoyed grandfather's stories of the trip. Uncle Dick lived in Highland Co., Ohio, for ; twenty- sevenyears but in the autumn of 1849 he came to Fulton Co. 111., and spent the first winter near where John Swigert now lives in Fairview townshp. He rented the next year, but in 1851 he 26 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. settled on the farm where he lived to the end of his life. It is now owned by K. P. Foster. About ten years after they came to Illinois on March 12, 1859 Nancy Foster died, aged 53 years, 11 months and 4 days. Her's was a lovely character, and she was respected by all who knew her. The father lived until nine o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Au- gust 29, 1888, just 87 years from the time he first saw the day light on the top of the beautiful Broad Top hills. The three old- est and three youngest of his children were standing by his bed when he breathed his last. A large crowd of friends followed the remains of this pioneer who had helped to settle three states, to his lust resing place in the Lyons cemetery where he was laid beside his wife, and where five different generations of the Foster family sleep, viz.: Benjamin Foster, Richard Foster, Richard Lewis Foster, Humphrey Lewis Foster and William Chester Foster. Richard Foster and Nancy Shreeves were the parents of ten children born as follows in Highland Co., Ohio. Manuel, born May ith, 1823, married Sarah Shockly. Lemuel, born Nov. 30th, 1824. Date of death unknown. Sylvester, born July 23d, 1826, married Mary Dewitt. Elvira, born July 23d, 1828, married James Brown, Wealthy, born July 24:th, 1830. 1st husband, Albert H. Apgar: second husband, Isaac Kinsey. James Madison, born Oct. 25th, 1833, married Fannie Kay. Charity, born Jan. 3d, 1836, married Joseph Wadsworth. Ascenath, born Sept. 16th, 1840. Has never been married, Richard Polk, born June 22, 1842, married Amanda E. Plummer. Mary Samantha, born May 14, 1844, married John Slater. Nine of the!"above named sons and daughters, are yet living, and we will make brief mention of them, beginning with Manuel who is now in his 80th year. ^ Manuel Foster, oldest son of Richard Foster, married Sarah hSockley in Highland Co., Ohio. Aug. 23d,' 1847. She was born Aug. 7, 1829. Ove^'42 years ago he came from Ohio to the vi- cinity of Rapatee, living on three different farms in that neighbor- HISTORY OK THE FOSTER FAMILY. 27 hood. About 1866 he moved to Lncas Co., Iowa, wliere he has since resided and where the wife and mother died. They were the parents of eleven children. Wellar, John Worth, Rebecca, Wayne, Nancy, Douglas, Stella, Charles E., Franklin, Manuel S., and Eva. Wellar Foster married Hannah Barnett. They have nine children. Armina married Chris Schlueter. They have one child. Elbert Polk, Hillner W., Alma F., Aubrey, Orville, Harlan, Walker and Lawrence. Harlan died in childhood. The others are single, John Worth Foster married Rachel Best. They have been the parents ot twelve children. John B., single. Sadie, married Edward Gunwell. They have had three children, Manuel, dead, Loyed and Noel, living, Manuel Albert, dead. James B., married Ethel Donor. They have one child named Dale. ^'^~~ Maude, Vance, Grace, Nettie, Frank, Leo, Bertha and Mary all single. Rebecca Foster married John R. Johnston. They have eight children. Belle married Rev. Carl Brown. They have two children, Fletcher and Florence. James F., Lida R., Matthew P., Charles M., Florence, Ber- nice and Nora, all single. Wayne Foster married Frances Barnett. They have twelve children. Gilbert O., married Bertha Neptune. Charles W., married Carrie King. Bernice to Harlan Victor, Bessie M., to Ernest Dora. Roy B., Thirstain M., Alma, Viola, Leslie, Harlan, Iva and Ila, the last two being twins, are all single. Nancy Foster married George Brown. Douglas Foster married Lavina Holmes. They have four children living: Guy, Roscoe, Candace and Clyde M. Cletee M., dead. The last two were twins. Stella Foster is single and keeps house for her father who is almost blind at his home near Chariton, Iowa. 28 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Charles E. Foster married Clara Brennamin. They have had eight children: Bessie E., Mamie B., Fern, Kuth, Elmer M., Sarah, Don and Chalmer E. Sarah is dead the others are all single. Franklin Foster married Myrtle Parry, they have one child, Watie. Manuel S. married Ovoca Buzzard they have two children, Glenn and Sarah Cleo. Eva Foster single. Manuel Foster has always obeyed the Golden Rule hence has made many friends wherever he has lived from Ohio to Iowa, and today he can gather about one hundred of his own family around him. August 23d, 1897, he and his wife celebrated the 50th anni- versary of their marriage at their home in Lucas county, Iowa. Besides his own family most of his brothers and sisters weite pres- ent. The good wife died September 11th, 1901, aged 72 years, 4 months and 4 davs. Sylvester Foster has no doubt had more spice and variety in his life than any other one in the family. Just as he entered man- hood our war with Mexico began and he enlisted and took part in the same. He drifted to Fairview, 111., over fifty years ago, worked as a mechanic for some years. Married Mary Dewitt. They have been the parents of five children. One child sleeps in the Lyons cemetery. Carl died in Oneida, 111., in April, 1887, in his 17th year. Dewitt married Olive Hennings and lives in Chicago. Don and Madge are single. Their home is in Oneida, 111., but Sylvester has spent his winters for several years near Alvin, Texas, where he has large interests. He followed the drug busi- ness in Oneida for several years, where he owns property, Elvira Foster Brown lived in the vicinity of Rapatee for several years, but finally moved to Lucas county, Iowa, where the husband James Brown died a few years since. The following children are living: Charltjs W. Brown married Mary Kirkuff. She died and he then married Jane Johnston. They have four children two of whom are twins. Annie Brown married Joseph Barnett. HISTOKY OF THE fc'OSTBK KAMILY. 29 Frank Brown single. Thomas Brown married Catlirine Shockle^'. Sophia C. Brown married John White. Elvira Brown married Oscar Slater. Richard Brown married Fannie Long. James Brown, jr., njarried Irene McDowell. Children of Wealthy Foster Apgar: They were the parents of six children: Ida B., born June ith, 1859, died Sept. Dth, 1859. Richard F., born April 16th, 1800, died Aug. 2'>nd, 1800. John W., born May 31st, 1861, died June 3d, 1862. Wilber O., born June 30th. 1862, died Sept. 12th, 1862. Vernice married Douglas Brennamin and died several years since leaving a small family. Manuel Albert married Linna Smith and lives near Chariton, Iowa. He is a splendid man and is the only child living. The father Albert H. Apgar died March 7th, 1864, aged 39 years, 10 months and 10 days. He and the four first namea chil- dren sleep in the Lyons cemetery beneath a beautiful granite monu- ment. Mrs. Apgar married for her second husband Isaac Kinsey and they reside in Lucas county, Iowa. Children of James M. Foster and Fannie Kay: Flora married George Brennamin. Samantha married William Bigham. Richard married Rachel Long. Harry married Rachel Webb. Their homes are in Lucas county, Iowa. Children of Charity Foster Wadsworth: Douglas and walker single. Mary married William Andrews. Fay married. Charles, Maud and Frances dead. The Wadsworths live near Wichita, Kansas, R. P. Foster has spent almost all his life at this place. Brought here at the age of 7 years he grew to manhood here. He spent some time in the mountains in 1864 and 1865 returning to Illinois in December, 1866. He married Amanda E. daughter of 30 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Samuel and Nancy Flnmmer and for several years rented the Richard Foster farm, finally buying it. It is one of the finest homes in Knox county and where all his family have been born, which consists of: Albert Otis, born Sept. 4th, 1872. Samuel Blair, born Aug. 22nd, 1874, married Mabel 1 daughter of G. A. and Annie Swigert Taylor. They have one son Paul R., aged 4 years. Seldon Gale, born Feb. 9th, 1876. Norman, born March llth, 1879, married Vesper, daughter of R. S. and Faymie Brock Taylor. No children. Lena Ascenath, born Jan. 21st, 1882. Mamie, born Jan. 22d, 1888. All reside within one and a half miles of Rapatee. Amanda E., wife of R. P. Foster after an illness of a few hours departed this life on Nov. 22d, 1890, aged 36 years, 3 months and 24 days. She was a woman with many good qualities as the writer found out in over seven years acquaintunce. She is buried in the Lyons cemetery where a beautiful granite monument marks the spot. R. P. Foster served several years as road commissioner. Has been trustee of Rapatee Union church for over ten years and has served as school director of Clearfield district most of the time for thirty years. ('hildren of Mary Samantha Foster Slater: Paul, Clyde, Tessie and Frank all single. Before closing the chapter we would like to make mention of Aunt Ascenath Foster. For over twenty years she was the house- keeper for her father. As his steps became feeble with age, she grew the more kind to him, his companion and solace in his last days. After the death of Amanda E. Foster in November 1890, she took a mothers place with her children. Little Mamie was less than 3 pears old. All honor to such women. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 31 CHAPTER SEVEN. LEWIS FOSTER. Lewis P'oster, fourth son of R. L. Foster, was born on the old Foster farm on Broad Top, Feb. 9tli. 1803, was grown to man- hood on the old homestead. At a very ear^y time in his life he took an active part in church affairs also during his entire life he was an earnest believer in the old time Whig party and from 1852 to his death was an active member in the Republican party. Our reason for noticing this matter is the fact the other six brothers were all life long Democrats. At the age of 20 years Lewis Foster married Susan Barnett, a member of one of the old time Broad Top families, also one of the families that has been on the best side of everything gotten up for the public good for the last liun- dred years. For ten years Lewis Foster lived at Hopewell, Pa. A considerable part of that time he had charge of the furnace stables. He hauled charcoal from the Sandy Run, Longs Run, Keifers and other big choppings, between 184:0 and 1850. But about the middle of tlie last century he made up his mind that such a place as the Hopewell furnace was not the place to bring up a family. Some of his children were quite young at that time. So he took his belongings and started west finally settling in Pleasant township, Lucas county, Iowa. He soon made himself felt in his new home. He took a very active part in church affairs, often filling the pulpit in the absence of tlie minister. He died on his farm Sunday, June 9th, 1889, aged 86 years and 4 months. A large crowd of neighbors and friends followed the remains to the Foster cemetery on Monday, June 10th. To show how the good man stood at home we copy from the Chariton, Iowa, Patriot of June 14th, 1889: "In the death of this venerable man the community ioses an upright citizen and the church a life long and consistent member. His exemplary chris- 32 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. tian cliaracter gave liiin a commanding influence in the neighbor- hood wliere he lived so many years." Susan, the wife, lived for several years after her good man died, wh«n she was called home. The following children were born to Lewis Foster and Susan Barnett: Ephriara, married Elizabeth Harding, Isabelle married John W. Smith; George died in childhood in Pennsylvania; Solonian and Jonathan, twins, died in Pennsylvania; Sylvester, mar- ried Charlotte Swartz; John W , married Mary Dochenhach; Elizabeth married, first Asbery Duckworth, second Wesley Teeter, third John R. Cooper; Henry C, married Plantina Anderson; Eliza J., married Lemuel Barnett, second husband a Mr. White. Ephraim, oldest son of Lewis Foster and Susan Barnett, left Bedford county. Pa., about 50 years since, went from Hopewell, Pa., to Pittsburg by the old stage route, then by water to Chicago, landing there when it was a hustling western village. Afterwards he came to Fairview, Fulton county. 111., by the traveling methods of the time. Considerable of the trip was made on foot. He was a carpenter and helped to build the first M. E. church in Fairview. The following Vv'inter he went to Keokuk, Iowa, working that winter in a slaughter house. From there he moved to Fairfield, Jefferson county. Iowa, where he married Isabell Harding. In 1853 he entered 200 acres of land in Pleasant township, Lucas county, Iowa, which was his home for 49 years, except two years spent temporarily in Chariton, Iowa. Ephriam Foster died Jan. 17th, 1902, from blood poison, after a brief illness. He was a mild tempered man of very simple habits and was respected by all who knew him. The wife survives him. She lives with her son Ezra E. Foster who is postmaster, general merchant and real estate agent at Olmitz, Iowa. Children of E. Poster and Isabell Harding: George W., married Laura Boylan, post ottice, Akron, Col.; John Y., married Lvdia Garrett, Russell, Iowa; Cornelia I., married Oliver Fluke, Olmitz, Iowa; Henry Lynn died when 18 months old; Sarah A., mnrried H. S. Miller and they live in Missouri; Albert A., married Mildred E. Hixon, Olmitz, Iowa; Mary S., married Nixon Wei- ford, Chariton, Iowa; Ezra E., unmarried. HISTORY OK THE FOSTER FAMILY. 33 Graudchildren of E. Foster: (Jeorge W. lias four children: Leslie L. , Ira, Arthur and Mabel. Leslie L. was married very recently. John Y., had five children: William E., married Jessie Simmons, Clara Pearl and Charles Albert single, Jessie, Leona and Lewis dead. Cornelia L had ten children: Loran O., Lola Pearl, Gwinnie L., Lillian Belle, Carl, Snow, Harold, Stewart Irwin and Onva. Sarah A. has live children: Hettie Millicent mairied Roy Burch, Cresson, Ray, Foster. Ezra and Albert all sin- gle. Albert A. has three children: Lola F^rn, Walter Leeand The- odore. Mary S. one child, Charles W. We failed to state the fact that Ephriam Foster once visited his native state, spending a short time there about 50 years ago. We have written several letters to western points for information concerning the families of the daughters of Lewis Foster and Susan Barnett, but up to date have received but little information. Isa- belle, oldest daughter of Lewis Foster, w.is born in Broad Top township, Bedford Co., almost four score years ago. She married John W. Smith. They resided at Hopewell, Pa., for several years but about the middle of the last century they settled in Lucas Co., Iowa, where their family was raised. Mr. Smith died several years since, and the widow resides on the home place. Elizabeth, eighth child and second daughter, was born about 1834 in Pennsylvania, was taken to Iowa when a young woman, where she married Asbery Duckwoth. He died at Little Rock, Arkansas, while serving his country as a soldier during the rebel- lion. They had four children, two boys and two girls. She then married Wesley Teeter. She was married the third time, her last husband being John R. Cooper, also a soldier, and he is dead. She lives near Russell, Iowa. Eliza Jane, third daughter and tenth child of Lewis Foster, was born June 24, 1847, married Lemuel Barnett, August 14, 1867. Two children were born to them: Susan E., born March 16, 1872; Katie, born March 11, 1883. Susan E. married Charles Knobbs in 1888, They have two children: Delia, born September 1889; Bonnie, born September 1891. Eliza Jane Foster was married the second time to a Mr. 34: HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Wliile and they live in Colorado. Her first linsband, Lerimel Bar- iiett, lives in Kansas. Mrs. Wliite was taken from Pennsylvania to Iowa when a little child, and has lived in several different states. We will now take up tlie history of Sylvester, J. W. and 11. C. Foster, all of wiom have made the world better by living in it. Two of them w(;re soldiers in the war of the rebellion. Dr. Sylvester Foster was the fifth son and sixth child of Lewis Foster, and was born near Hopewell, Bedford county, Pa., Sept. '2nd, 1830, and tlie 69 years that he was permitted to live were spent in a way that made the world better, and the great Foster family must feel proud to claim him as one of their number. His early boyhood was spent on the mountains and he grew up rugged in body and bright in mind and at the age of eighteen, in the year 1848. at old Round Knobb school house he gave his heart to God, united with the M. E. church and was quite an exhorter in that early day. We do hot know just when he moved west, but about 1850. He married Charlotte Schwartz, daughter of William Schwartz and Mary Bender, who was born in Bedford county, Pa., April 29, 1837. Mrs. Foster came of good, plain, old time Pennsylvania German people. Her mother lived to July 1900, dying at the age of 82 years and 11 months. Sylvester Foster studied medicine and became a splendid physician. He finally settled at Annelly, Kansas. He enlisted and served his country at the front during the civil war until his health failed, when he was honorably discharged. Was then ap- pointed U. S. marshal, serving until the end of the war. He served as coroner of his county in 1872 and 73. The last fifteen years of his life he was a member of the county board of health. His death occurred July 27th, 1899, of .Bright's disease of the kidneys, the complaint that has carried off most of the quite old members of the Foster family who have died within 50 years Sylvester leaves a wife at Annelly, Kansas, and nine children all living. John Calvin married Eliza Jane Waer, Oct. 19th, 1884, and to them have been born five children: Cora May, Nov. 28th, HiaTOHY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 36 1885; then two still born that were nut named; Albert Lincoln, born May 23d, 18*J1; Lewis Sylvester, born Jan. 'Jth, 18ii3. John C. Foster has been honored by his township, served two terms as trustee, has served hs justice of the peace and has been a member of the board of education for several years. Emanuel Foster was married to Sadie Isabelle Carpenter, April 5th, 1883. They have one cliild: Flossie Fay, born Sept. 14th, 1884. John C. and Emanuel both reside at Newton, Kansas. Mary Amanda Poster married H. C. W. Grifiith, June ;;th, 1878. They have had seven children, viz: Alice Mary, born March 16th, 1879. Annie Elizabeth, b>• ■'■.I le ■;. .«i • 1 46 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. CHAPTER NINE. RDTH FOSTER NEGLEY AND JOSIAH FOSTER. The 4th of July 1808 was celebrated by the R. L. Foster fam- ily in rather a new way, even in that early day. On that day a third daughter and eighth child was born to this couple. We were told by the late Ephriam Foster, that the little girl was welcomed by her big brothers, aged nine and eleven years. When she was ten years old that "Hog Pen" school house was built and she got some little schooling. She went to school to '-Praying Pascoe" a cele- brated teacher of the time who knew much more about using the rod than of teaching the rule of three. Our grandfather, the late Thomas Foster, told the writer many years ago that this man Pas- coe would compel one of the pupils to return thanks at noon each day and it was a recognized fact that the larger the boy the poorer the thanks. Ruth Foster grew to girlliood on the mountains, and we are told that even in early girlhood, she evinced an aptitude for caring for the sick, and was the solace of many a sick room. She married John Negley who was born January 23d, 1808. John Negley laid a warrant on a piece of land about three miles north of Hopewell, Pa., where he built a house and where the young couple started house-keeping and where several of their children were born. The writer lived on this old farm from April 1st, 1858, to April Ist, 1867. About 1850 John Negley and family moved from Broad Top Mountains over into Woodcock Valley, settling on the north bank of the Juniata River about three miles from Saxton, Pa., where they resided until the Autumn of 1863, when they sold out and moved to Buda, Bureau Co., Illinois, where Mrs. Negley had two sisters living, Mrs. Thomas Horton and Mrs. Septimus Horton. Here the family resided for about ten years, and the Bu- da people will bear us out when we say that tiiey were splendid people. Here most of their children were married. In the spring of 1873 the family again pulled up stakes and this time set tlieir tent in Decatur Co., Iowa, where they resided HI8TOKY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 47 until death claimed the old people. Uncle John Negley died De- cember 8th, 1884, aged 75 years, 10 months and 15 days. Ruth Foster f Negley died December 27th, 1895, aged 87 years, 6 months and 23 days. She was the last child of R. L. Foster and wife to depart this life, and the second one to die in Iowa, the oth- er one being Lewis Foster. Four died in Illinois: Wealthy, Sar- ah, Eli and Richard. One in Ohio, Josiah, and three in Pennsyl- vania, Ephriam, Thomas and Septimus. Another thing Ruth Neg- ley could say, she was named for a great aunt, Ruth Foster Lew- is, who was born in Massachusetts about 1730 and died in Madison county, Ohio, about 1820. The first female Foster child that our family have any record of. There were born to the Negley family seven children, all born in Bedford Co., Pa.: David Foster Negley married Mary Goodman of Lewistown, Pa., and resides in Decatur Co., Iowa. George Negley died in childhood in Pennsylvania. Susanna Negley married William Kelley of Buda, Illinois. Amon Negley died in childhood in Pennsylvania. Cathrine Negley married Charles Dorman of Saxton, Pa. She died at Buda, Illinois^ in 1870. He returned to Saxton, Pa., in 1880, where he still resides. Josiah F. Negley married Sarah M. Lee at Buda, 111., and they reside at Eldorado, Clay Co., Neb. J. C. Negley married Mary A. Fisher of Buda, 111. They re- side at Decatur, Iowa. Di F. Negley was another grandson of R. L. Foster to become a soldier. .|Ie served three years in a regiment that saw very hard fighting and lost about 40 per cent, during their service. He as- sisted in the taking of Fort Pulaski; helped to storm the three Forts on James Island. The regiment lost 100 men at Pocotoligo. They were under fire for eight hours. They double quicked three miles, with shot and shell flying like hail, in order to get to the front where our soldiers were being pushed. r •• ! f . JOSIAH FOSTER Was born March 28th, 1810 and was the sixth son and ninth child of R. it. Foster. Before taking up the record of Josiah Foa- 4:8 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. ter and family we will give a brief description of the old Foster homestead, as it will no doubt interest the over 2000 descendants of the man who began it. ,, We last visited it in May, 18,82, just 95 years from the time Basil Foster built his first log cabin on the land. The farm proper lays on the southeast side of one of the high Broad Top hills, It reached from Six Mile Kun on the east to the great 1000 tract on the northwest. On a clear day in the spring one could stand by the barn and looking west could trace Six Mile Ruh to where it empties into the Juniata, three and a half miles below. That ■spring day in 1882, the Juneberry, White Dogwood and Red Bud trees were blooming by the thousands, with their back ground of pine, spruce, hemlock and cedar, as the roll of hills grew lower toward the river, it w.is indeed a sight long to be remembered. You could look beyond the blue. Juniata toward thfe Allegheny mountains, where terrace after terrace are piled higher and higher until they seem to meet with the, blue .dpnie of the Heaven. One must not think because they; live on the wide prairie of Illinois, Iowa or Nebraska that the old Foster homestead was ail rocks and hills. Far from it. There were many broad acres that were farmed to wheat and corn. We are told thai in the early thirties R. L. Foster frequently sold a thousand bushels of wheat to the company that used to load an ark at the mouth of Shoup's Run each spring and float it down the river. What a lot of back- aches it would take to thresh a thousand bushels of wheat with a flail. This work was done during the winter months. Josiah Foster grew to manhood on his father's farm. He never owned any land in Pennsylvania and when about 29 years old or in 1839 he moved to Highland county, Ohio. Two years afterwards, December 28d, 1841, he married Mary Wright, daugh- ter of Thomas and Lettia Wright. She was born May 24th, 1821, They went to housekeeping on the Wright homestead where the mother was born, married and where all their children were born, and where this good woman died, Jan. 29th, 1887, aged 65 years, 8 months and 5 days. The father lived for several year, visited Rap- t^tQe during the winter of 1888, visited his old hoi^ie in Bedford county. Pa., in 1890. His de^th pccurred March 13th, 1892, lack- ::*■ _ HISTORY OF THE FOSTKK FAMILY. 49 ing 15 days of beipg 82 yeftrs old. Josiah Booster and wife were both consistent members of tlie M. E. church. He never owned any considerable amount of tliis world^s goods but was ever ready to divide with those worse off tha^j Jijniself, always obeying the golden rule. They were the parents of st^'venchildren born as follows; Alice R., born October, 1842. John T., born Feb. 7th, 1844. David L., bcrn Sept. 18th, 1845., Thomafe E., born Sept. 27th, 1848. ElvaJ., born Jan. 11th, 1852. I Martha A., born July Ist, 1854. William S , born June 12th, 1857.. Alice R. Foster married Joseph Morrow in Hillsborough, !ss Ohio. They live in Nebraska. Ha,ve no children. John T. Foster mnrvied Rachel Jane Hull, Sept. 22nd, 1877. Their children: Charles Ellsworth was born July 12th, 1878; he married 'Minnie Windross July 11th, 1899. They have one child Lillian Mae, born May 22, 1900. They reside in Highland county, Ohio. Jesse Lee was born Dec. 27tli, 1879, resides in Highland county, Ohio, Clara Evaline, born Feb. 10th, 1882, died Feb. 7th, 1883. George William was born Dec. 16th, 1883 and resides in Nebraska. JoTu T. Foster was married the second time on Oct. 23d, 1884 to Jemima Rotroff. Their home is atCareytown, Ohio. David L. Foster married Margaret Stubbs. They have one child, Josiah Foster, born in October, 1869, died Jan. 22d, 187L On May 17 of the same year. Margaret Foster died. David L. then moved to Grundy Co., 111., where he married Nancy Dewey, in January, 1874. Three children were born to them, Alice in 1875, Clifford 1877 and Cathrine 1879. David L. Foster died in Grundy Co., 111., Oct. 6th, 1879, aged 34 years and 24 days. Thomas E. Foster died July 20th, 1851, aged 2 years, 9 months and 23 days. IElva J. Foster married Joseph Henry at her parents' home. 50 . . HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. in January, 1872. They have four children: Iva married John Miller in Cincinnatti, Ohio, and they have two children: Ray- mond Miller, died in October, 1896; Howard Miller, living. Fredrick Henry was born Feb. 27th, 1874, married Sophia Walkin- horse in Cincinnatti, Ohio. They have three children, Edna, Hel- en and Harlie. Alice Henry was born Aug. 13th, 1880, and Charles Henry was born in December, 1882, Martha E. Foster married Peter Stotler, at her father's house, in Highland Co., Ohio, in April 1876. They have three children, Grace born in March, 1878, Leota, March, 1880, and Bessie, De- cember, 1882. They reside on the old Wright homestead which four generations of the family have occupied for nearly 90 years. Their postoffice is New Vienna, Ohio. William S. Foster married Chloe Brown near New Lexington, Ohio, and they have been the parents of five children: Doyle' Bnrch, Arthur, Fred and Russell. They reside on the Allen H. Foster farm near Mazon, 111. While Ephriara, Eli, Richard, Thomas, Josiah and Septimus ■ Foster all spent some time in Highlands Co., Ohio, Josiah was the' only one to settle down and end his days there. Next week wc will give the history of Septimus Foster. Some idea may be had of the work the writer has undertaken, when we say that within the last ten days we have received records that were written for in April and May of this year. But our thanks are due our many kind cousins in distant states who have been so prompt in answering letters. We will devote chapter: eleven to these delayed records. HISTORY OK THE FOSTER FAMILY. 51 CHAPTER TEN. SEPTIMUS FOSTER. Septimus Foster, seventh son and tenth child of R. L. Foster, was born on the home place October ISth, 1813. He was the last born of this family and by odds the smallest, as he was quite boy- ish looking by the side of several of his big brothers, three of whom were over six feet in height. We were more intimate with Septimus Foster and family than any other of the old Foster families, besides the one we belong to. We have spent days, even weeks, with the family in our boyhood and early manhood days. Septimus Foster grew to manhood on the old homestead. At 1*1 years of iige he became a drummer in the Broad Top Rifle Rangers, serving several years in that capacity. On December 12th, 1839, he married Elizabeth Cook, who was born near Broad Top City, Pa., Jan. 22d, 1813. They went to housekeeping on the old Foster homestead. Five years later his mother died and his father, R. L. Foster, took his meals with him until his death in 1853. Septimus lived on the old home place until April 7th, 1858, when they moved to Wells Valley, Fulton Co., Pa. He had lived on the home place 45 years, and the family had owned it 71 years when he sold it. Mrs. Foster died at their new home on Jan. 19th, 1864, lack- ing three days of being 51 years old. There were born to this un- ion seven children, as follows: Mary, born Feb. 8th, 1841; Sar- ah, born Nov. 25th, 1843; Louvisa, born Jan. 9th, 1846; John Richard, born April I8th, 1849; Hillary, born Sep. 24th, 1851: Thornton, born Jan. 10th, 1855; Margaret, born Oct. 24th, 1857. Sarah died May 13th, 1846. Margaret died Jan. 14th, 1863. The others are all living and have families of their own. February 3d, 18 70, Septimus Foster married Elizabeth Stev- ens, 'lo tiiem were born four children, as follows: William R. 5^ HISTORY OF" THE FOSTBR FAMILt. WHS born Oct. 24th, 1871; Emma, born Nov. 18th, 1873, died in infancy; Laura C, born Nov. 13th, 1875; Arthur, Nov. 3d, 1877. Septimus Foster had a very limited education which debarred him from public office, yet he served' two terms as supervisor of highways, and showed good business tact while. in office. We vis- ited this grand old man at his home in Wells Valley in November, 1889. He was then in poor he^a'lth but lived until February 11th, 1890, when he slept with his fathers. His age was 76 years, 3 months and 28 days. His wife is living on the old homestead, thd only one of the twenty-twtt who composed the old family, includ- ing husbands and wives, that is living. We will ndw take up' the children as their respective ages i come in: j Mary Foster married Wilson R. Keith, son of Henry Keith | and Sarah Ann McClain, in February, 1864. To them were born j five children: Alice Elizabeth, born Nov. 6th, 1864, married R. { G. Truax, live at Enid, Pa.; Rosa May, born May 18th, 1867, ! married William Lockard and live^at Enid, Pa.; William Robeh, | born March 3l8t, 1870, married Missouri Barnett, live in Altoona, Pa.; Charles Francis, born Nov. 28th, 1872, single, lives in Al- toona, Pa.; and one son who died in'infancy. W. R. Keith vis- ited Rapatee, 111., in 1874. He and wife hkve a beautiful home in \f^ell8 Valley, Fulton Co., Pa. '^ Louvisa Foster married George J. Keith, who was born near New Granada, Pa., Dec. 23d, 1844, and was a son of Henry an^ Sarah A. McClairi Keith'. They were married in the summer of 1867. In January, 1868, they moved to Buda, Illinois, where they* lived 16 years, and ^Vv here they are very kindly remembered. They moved to York Co.; Neb., in March, 1884, present address Benedict, Neb. Four children were born to this couple, all livingt- H. S. Keith was born May 12tli,; 1868; married Hattie E. Wil-" Hams Jan. 23d, 1895. She wHs ''born'* at Oxford, Indiana, Feb. 14th, 1870, and was a dailghter of Philip N; and Susan A. Wil-', Hams. Three children have been born to them: Paul H;, Novl, 2l8t, 1896, died at the age ' of 'five days; Earl Harold, hbm April 15th, 1898; Fay Henry, born"'l\6rch 2|th, 1901. Sarah -Ef Keith was born at Buda, 111., Aug.' 7th, 1870; married Dawsen T. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 53' t*lant8, Oct. 23d, 1888; was married by Rev. W. K. feeans. 1). T. Plants was born in Louisa Co., Iowa, Nov. 2d, 1S().5. Tliey tiave one child, Roy Cecil, born Dec. 7th, 1893. Lola M. Keith vras born at Buda, 111., Oct. 19th, 1873; married Harley E. Greer, son of Dr. F. J. Greer and Jane Noble Greer, at Benedict, Neb., Thursday, May 19th, 1892. Charles A. Keith was born at Buda, 111., June 19th, 1877. Is at home with his parents, single. When John Richard Foster was nine years old, or in 1858, his father sold the old Foster homestead, and coal mines have been operated under it ever since. The Reed & Schell coal bank, known as the old Bedford, was run for over thirty years. The writer dug coal in it in tlie winters of 1880 and 1881. Septimus Foster now moved to Wells Valley, Fulton Co., Pa. with his family, consisting of three boys and three girls. Four years afterwards, or Jan. lith, 1863, the youngest daughter Mar- garet died, aged 6 years. Jolin R. grew to manhood on his father's farm, and in 1870 he married Miss M. F. Edwards, daughter of G. W. Edwards. To this union were born seven children: Edison G., born March 5th, 1871; Olive G., born Dec. 20th, 1872; Veda S., born Feb. 20th, 1880; May A., born July 14th, 1881; John Esley, born Aug. 21:th, 1883; Elsie E., born May l7th, 1890; (^ora T., born June 30th, 1891, and died September 16th, 1894. The other six are living. Edison G. Foster married Annie R. Long, Aug. 5th, 1897. She was born at Knobsville, Fulton Co., Pa., Jan. 16th, 1876. To this union two children have been born: Edison Park, born March 10th, 1900, and Cecil May, Oct. 4th, 1901. They live on a farm near Enid, Pa. Olive G. married Harry M. Lockard, who is a gang foreman for the Pennsylvania R. R. at the lower shops in Altoona, Pa. They have two boys, Ray born in February, 1896, and Guy in August, 1898. Veda S., is a music teacher in Altoona, Pa.; is 22 years old and single. May A is a clerk in Altoona, Pa. John Esley is an employee in the great department store of W. F. Gables, Altoona, Pa. Elsie E. is at home and in school. John R. Foster served as school director from 1881 to 1887, as town clerk for three terms, as justice of the peace for two terms. He is employed in a music store in Altoona, Pa., at the \ 54 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. present time. The writer will always remember this good family with kindness. Hillary Foster was only seven years old when his parents moved to Fulton Co., Pa. He received a fair education in the common schools of the time. He married Jane M. Edwards, daughter of G. W. Edwards. They have one son Clarence S., who was born Oct. iTth, 1874, is single, and follows farming for a living, at home with his parents at Enid, Pa. Hillary Foster has served as supervisor of highways for his township. He has been a cripple for about 20 years. Thorton Foster, youngest son of Septimus Foster and Elizabeth Cook, was taken to Fulton Co. when three years old and grew to manhood on the home place. He married Susan J. Truax. To them were born six children: Harry Norman, born March 29th, 1888; Lola Edna, born April 28th, 1890, died May 12th, 1893; Mary Ethel, born April 15th, 1893; Nellie Serola, Aug. 25th, 1895; Maud Alice, born Nov. 24th, 1896; Charles Selva, born May 4th, 1899. They are all single and live at home with their parents at Enid, Pa., and farm for a livelihood. Now in regard to the children of Septimus Foster and Eliza- beth Stevens: William R. Foster married Jennette Chamberlain in 1891. To this union were born four children: Jesse Lanora, born June 28th, 1892; Ernest Septimus, May 12th, 1894; Christo- pher C, Sep. 18th, 1897; Madaline, Feb. 1st, 1902. They are all living and follow farming, near Enid, Pa. Laura Foster is single and lives with her mother, Mrs. Eliza- beth Foster, in Wells Valley, Pa. Arthur Foster is also single, a promising young man of 25, is employed by the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. His address is 2000 Twenty-third Ave., Altoona, Pa. Now in looking over the chapter we find that the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren number 53, of whom 46 are living. . :'We-ha?ye tried, the best we could to give a brief history of the ten children of R. L. and Charity Joliustone Foster, and feel that we have left the work in good shape for someone tb follow up, who is more able than ourself. HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 55 CHAPTER ELEVEN. ADDITION AND CORRECTIONS TO CHAPTER FIVE. Two errors in chapter five we wish to correct: Cyrus Foster died in Illinois instead of Goble, Oregon. Also we said Catherine Steele, wife of Eli Foster, died in Grundy Co., Illinois, should have said she died in Highland Co.. Ohio, in 1816 or '47. Cyrus Foster's children married as follows: Rebecca married Thomas Teter of Sioux City, Nebr., and their children are William, Lillie, Ida, Boode and Hazel. Catherine married John Miller of Morris, Illinois, and their children are Eli, Cora, Eva, Bert and May. Frank married Belle Bradley of Goble, Oregon. Two children were born to them, Charles and Pearl. Wife and children are dead. Charles married Hannah Ridge, of Morris, III.; their chil- dren are George and Otis. Eli Foster, jr., perished in a snow storm when a young man: was never married. George S. Foster has four children living, George, jr., owns a half interest in a wood yard in a prosperous Oregon town; Reuben, jr., is a stenographer in the Columbia Southern Railway Co. office at Portland, Oregon; Miss Mabel is also a stenographer and Miss Jennie is still in school at Goble, Oregon. George S. Foster served his country as a soldier, enlisting in Company C, 7t) Regt.. Illinois Vol. He moved from Grundy Co.. 111. to Goble, Oregon, spring of 1873. Allen Horton Foster, fifth son of Eli Foster, was also a soldier serving in Company D, 91st Regt., Illinois Vol. This makes 12 grand-sons of R. L. Foster who served their country as soldiers, all of whom were volunteers, 'besides 13 more husbands of grand- children were soldiers. Children of Lucinda Foster and Morgan Button: Eli married Ella Porter, in 1880; Minerva married Stephen Sparks, in 1869; 56 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Oliver married in Missouri; Carj married Lydia Isham, near Max- on, 111 ; George married Alice Brougham, in 1886; Milton mar- ried Jennie Craigg, June 1886; Addison married in Seattle, Wash- ington; Grant married Ida Brougham, a niece to George Button's wife; Luella married Harry Lewis of Chicago. Levi C. Foster married Matilda C. Pjatt, Oct. 28th, 1858. She died Oct. 1st, 1898, aged 58 years. They were the parents of six children, viz: Horton S., born Jan. 22d, 1860, is single; Martha T. was born May 29th, 1862, married Benjamin McDonald, April 22d, 1883. She died in December, 1888, and the husband died Aug. 18th, 1890, aged 27 years They left two children to the care of their grand-father Foster, Bert and Cora, now aged 18 and 16 years. Dora E. Foster was born November, 1864, married I. G, Hewitt. They have two children, Bertha and Morris; reside at Oberlin, Kansas. Lizzie L. Foster, born Oct. 22d, 1874, is single, home at Merwin, Missouri. Eva L. Foster, born May 26th, 1876, married R. S. Shoemaker. They have three children, Daisy, Edna and Fay. They reside in Colorado. Clarence Leroy Foster was born June 4th, 1884, lives at home with his father. Levi C. Foster, father of the above family, was born in Bedford Co., Pa., Sept. 23d, 1833. He moved to Highland Co., Ohio, in June, 1839, then to Grandy Co., 111., in 1849, then to Jingo, Mi- ami Co., Kansas, in 1866. Now resides at Merwin, Missouri. Sarah E. Foster, born July 4th, 1845, daughter of Eli Foster, married Gideon R}der, who was born in Ohio in 1841. They have been the parents of six children: Hettie, born Aug. 14th, 1872, married A. A. Parr, September 14th, 1892; Hartie S., born May 7th, 1875, died Feb. 24th, 1877; Rubie, born March 15th, 1877, married L Noice, Feb. 2d, 1898; Codie B., born June 27th, 1880, married H. G. Severne, Dec. 12th, 1900; Grace E., born July 30th, 1882, died Feb. 7th. 1883; Judge Ray, only son living in the family, was born September 12th, 1884. The above fami- lies reside near Morris, Illinois. Catherine Foster, only liMng child of Eli Foster and Mary Claypool, was born in Grundy Co., 111., Jan. 29th, 1854. She married William Jolinson, and five children were born to them: Charles, born Sep. 11th, 1867, married Mary Manson in 1898, live \ HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 57 at Seneca, 111.; Minnie, born June 7th, 1869, married John John- son, Dec. 25th, 1884. Three children were born to them when they parted and she married Robert HoA'ard, home at Lockport, 111.; Ernest, born Sep. 12th, 1874, married Lena Manson, in 18i>7; Jennie, born July 7th, 1880, married U. A. Leach, December 22d, 1897, live near Mt. Vernon, III ; Leroy was born Feb. 6tn, 1886, and lives at home with his parents. In chapter ten we said Elizabeth Stevens Foster was the only one of the twenty-two husbands and wives in the old Foster family that was living. We were mistaken. Mary Claypool, second wife of Eli Foster, is living. She was born April 24th, 1819, and was twenty years younger than her husband when married. ADDITION AND CORRECTIONS TO CHAPTER SIX. Manuel Albert Apgar, son of Wealthy Foster and Albert H. Apgar, was born Jan, 4th, 1858. He was the oldest child and the only one living out of a family of six children. His childhood days were spent in the vicinity of Rapatee, 111. Was taken to Iowa while yet a boy. Feb. 24th, 18S1, he married Linnie Smith. They have been the parents of five children: Lillie Cecil, aged 19; Albert Clarence, 17; Alice Nora, lO; Lura May, 12, and Franklin Lafarie, 8. Their home is near Chariton, Iowa. Also concerning the children of Charity Foster Wadsworth: Walker married Retta Vanhorn, reside in Oklahoma; Douglas, single, also lives in Oklahoma; Mary married William Andrews: Fay married Josie Cain. They and their parents reside at Col- wich, Kansas; Charles, Maud and Frances, dead. In speaking of five generations of the Foster family being buried in Lyons cemetery please read B. F. Swadley, instead of Richard Lewis Foster, who is buried in Arkansas. ADDITION AND CORRECTIONS TO CHAPTER SEVEN THAT OF LEWIS FOSTER, After our chapter on Lewis Foster was set up in cold type we received from J. W. Foster, Russell, Iowa, a copy of the family record for which we return thanks. Lewis Foster was born Feb. 9th, 1803. Susanah Barnett was born March 8th, 1808. They were married in December, 1824. He died June 9th, 1889. She died January 15th, 1894. Their children were born as follows: 1st. Ephriam, born July 2d, 1826, died January 17th, 1902; 2d. 58 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. Istibelle, born May 6th, 1827; 3d. Sylvester, born Sep. 2d, 1830, died July 27tli, 1899; 4th. John Wesley, born July 13th, 1832; 5th. George Alexander, born Oct. 2d, 1836, died Dec. 30th, 1840; 6th. Elizabeth, born Oct. 7th, 1838; 7th. Ruth, born and died April 19th, 1840; 8th and 9th. Saul and Jonathan, twins, born and died Nov. 27th, 1841; 10th. Mary, born and died Nov. 27th, 1842; 11th. Hester Ann, born and died Novem- ber 27th, 1843; 12th. Henry Clay, born September 25th, 1844; 13th. Eliza Jane, born June 24th, 1847. There are some pecu- liar dates in the above record. Four children were born on Nov. 2 7th. The parents died at almost the same age. In chapter eight it will be seen that Thomas Foster and wife lacked but four days of being the same age at the time of their deaths. In chapter seven we neglected to say that Lewis Foster moved from Hopewell, Pa., to Martha Furnace, Blair Co., Pa., then to Jefferson Co., Iowa, wfiere he lived three years, then to Lucas Co., Iowa, where he spent the remainder of his life. At the time that the civil war began Dr. Sylvester Foster was a member of the Iowa State Guards. When President Lincoln c tiled for troops they offered their services to the United States and were ordered to Burlington, but before being sent oul: of the state Dr. Foster took sick and was honorably discharged. He was the second son and third child cf Lewis Foster, and was the parent of eight children. Also Harvard Foster Russell should read Harold Foster Rus- sell. Otherwise we believe the chapter on this good family is correct. Isabelle, oldest daughter of Lewis Foster, was born on Broad Top and grew up there. Married John W. Smith, Dec. 24th, 1846 He was born May 19th, 1822. After living some years in Bedford Co., Pa., they moved to Lucas Co., Iowa. Ten children were born to them, as follows: Mary Frances, Sep. 16th, 1848; William Watson. January 3d, 1850, died March 26th, 1850; George Asker, Nov. 11th, 1851; Calvin Columbus, Sep. 3d, 18 ; Sylvester Price, Aug. 14th, 1855; Eliza Ann, March 29th, 1858, died June 3d, 1890; Emma Iowa, Dec. 8th, 1860, died June 23d, HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY. 5{» 1881; H. Freemont, March 4th, 18()3; James Henry, Oct. 28th, 1865; Matilda Belle, Aug. 18th, 1867, died June 17th, 1887:' John W. Smith died March 15ti), 1893, lacking two months and live days of being 71 years old. The widow lives in Lucas Co., Iowa, and is in her 76th year. • Children of Elizabeth Foster and Asbery Duckworth: Lewis M. was born April 23d, 1857, married Nancy E. Shore, who was born March 2l8t, 1855. They have four boys and three girls liv- ing, one boy dead. Andrew Oliver was born Aug. 26th, 1858, married Annie Goltry, who was born Jan. 10th, 1862. They have eleven children, all living. Harriet R. , born Aug. 4th, 1860, married George M. Shore, who was born Jan. 1st, 1857. They have no children of their own but have made a good home for two adopted ones. Matilda F., was born Dec. 5th, 1862, married Vernon W. Shore, who was born Aug. 28tli, 1857. They have five children living, three dead. They live at West Minister, Orange Co., California; The other three families live in Lucas Co., Iowa. Three children were born to Elizabeth Foster and her second husband, Mr. Teter. The two living are Edgar, born Sep. 21st, 1869 and Ira, May 25th, 1873. The twin sister to one of the boys died in childhood. The two boys live in Boul- der Co., Colorado. In chapter two the correct date of the death of Benjamin Fenn Foster should read Julv 18th, 1859. He died at the home of James Swadley, sr., in Maquon township, Knox Co., III., where A.. J. Swadley now lives. CORRECTIONS TO CHAPTER SIX. '^In the family of Elvira Foster Brown there was an adopted daughter Daisy, who married Wesley Moore. In the family of Mary Samantha Foster Slater read that old- est eon, Paul Slater, died Aug. 15th, 1890, aged 16 years. ^0 HISTORY OF THE FOSTER FAMILY, CLOSING NOTES. We had tliouglit to give a short chapter on the civil and mili- tary history of Broad Top township, but our work has already grown too large and we will confine ourselves to a roster of the first regular organized company of militia in the township. It was first organized in June, 1837, reorganized in '44 and '51. But two members are living of this company, viz: William Foster, Six Mile Run, Pa., and Jonathan Evans, Cassville, Pa. There were about 75 men in it, 20 of whom belonged to Huntingdon, and what is now Fulton county. They were called the "Broad Top Rangers:" Joseph Fisher, ca])tain; Thomas W. Horton, 1st lieu- tenant; John Hoover, jr., 2d lieutenant; David Fisher, Ist ser- geant; Amos Figard, 2d sergeant; Nathan Horton, 3d sergeant; William Foster, fifer; Septimus Foster, drummer; privates includ- ed Corporals John Alloway, Jonathan Anderson, William Ander- son (miller), Levi Anderson, David Barnet, Jacob Barnet, Nathan Barnet, Jonathan Barnet, Hezekiah Chaney, Miles Cook, Daniel Cypher, Joseph Diggins, Aaron B. Evans, Aaron W. Evans, Levi Evans, Jonathan Evans, William Evans, Ellis Evans, Robert Ed- wards, James Edwards, David Edwards, Ludwick Fisher, jr., Jo- siah Foster, Israel French, Jacob Houp, Henry Hoover, Samuel Horton, Jesse Horton, Ezekiel Horton, William Horton, Isaac Kurfman, Thomas M. Long. John Lane, David Lane, John Lear, Henry Miller, Joseph Negley, John Negley, Benjamin Osborn, David Stevens, Samuel Shreeves, David Shreeves, J. W. Whited and Henry Warsing. Just as the forms were being closed for the last chapter of our little history, we received a letter from Altoona, Pa., stating that William Foster, sr. , had died at his home on Broad Top mountains, at 5 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Sept. 3d, 1902, and was laid to rest in the Duval cemetery, Sept. 5th. He was the oldest mem- ber of the Foster family who lived to see the beginning of the 20th century. Twice during the summer Uncle Billy wrote us, urging us to hurry up the Foster history, as he felt that his time was short. He had been an Odd Fellow for over 40 years. Had been connected with some of the largest coal mine enterjtrises ever carried through in Pennsylvania. He leaves an aged wife, Margaret Cook Foster; three sons, E. A. of Kentucky, J. C. of Fulton Co., Pa., and C. C. of Bedford Co., Pa.; and two daugh- ers, Mrs. Lizzie Farber of South Fork, Pa., and Mrs. Mira Williams of Hopewell, Pa. 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