wmmmmmmmimh UBRARY OF CONGRESS ODOQB^bQT^T •i *' ^n '* "-"^^ i' n-' '^ .^''*.."'«'^-*t ■.'?•'' ^ J ^*^ .0^ ..l/,^7^. q '^O - ■ - At "^ \. Pi «7 IV 1;°. ^v- < , c "^O. KENTUCKY'S STRUGGLE WITH ITS LOYALIST PROPRIETORS BY WILBUR H. SIEBERT Reprinted from the Mississippi Valley Historical Review Vol. VII, No. 2, Sept., 1920 t-Z^ 7 2^G^ KENTUCKY'S STRUGGLE WITH ITS LOYALIST PROPRIETORS Contrary to the traditional view, Virginia had among its peo- ple a largo proportion of torios or loyalists in tho revolutionary days, besides many who behaved like loyalists when the British forces were at hand. This has been fully demonstrated by Mr. John A. George in his dissertation for the master's degree sub- mitted to the faculty of Richmond college in June, 1913, and l)ul)lishe(l in part in the Riclniwud college historical papers in June, li)lG. The conclusions of Mr. George are fully confirmed by Professor H. J. Eckenrode of tho same institution in his volume, The revolution in Virginia, also published in 1916. As Kentucky formed a part of the old dominion in those stir- ring times, this paper becomes supplementary to the valuable treatises just mentioned. Lord Duimiore, as is well kno^\^l, was the leader of the loyalists in eastern Virginia until he and hun- dreds of his followers sought refuge aboard the king's ships at Norfolk on December 14, 1775. For several years before that disastrous episode his lordship liad been issuing patents for more or less extensive tracts of land in the county of West Fin- castle, including Kentucky, to numerous persons, among whom may easily be idontifiod at least a few loyalists. One of these was Dr. John Connolly, who lived near Fort Pitt, where he seems to have owned a "jjatrimonial estate." According to his own account he sold this estate and bought land in Virginia. At any rate, he acquired 4,000 acres of land opposite the falls of the Ohio in December, 1773, and entered upon a project with Colonel John Campbell, who obtained an adjoining tract, to found a town at the falls. In fact, the plat for this town — the future city of Louisville — had been surveyed in the previous August by Captain Thomas Bullitt, and lots wore first advertised for sale by the proprietors in the following April.' > Clarence M. Burton, "John Connolly, a fory of the revolution," in Proccedinrjs of the American antujuttrUm societi/, now scrips, 20:71 ff. ; Reuben T. Durrett, The oentrnary of LouiitUlc (FiUon club publications number 8 — Louisville, 1893), 23-27, 131, 133. 114 Wilbur H. Siebert ^- ^'- H- «• Other loyalists who acquired land in Kentucky about the same time were Captain Alexander ]\IcKee, the deputy superintendent of Indian affairs at Fort Pitt; Simon Girty, the interpreter to the Six nations at the same post ; and Joseph Browster of West- moreland county, Pennsylvania. ]\IcKee secured his grant of 2,000 acres on the south branch of Elkhorn creek in June, 1774; Girty became the possessor of three tracts of 300 acres each, according to his own sworn statement, but he does not mention their locations ; and Browster purchased 1,000 acres of improved land on a visit to Kentucky before the revolution, but his widow, who tells of the transaction, fails to state where the purchase lay. She relates, however, that in removing to the west her family was attacked and forced to take refuge at St. Vincent, and that her husband was soon after killed by an Indian guide who was conducting him to Detroit, a fact referred to in a testimo- nial which she had from Dr. Connolly, who had known Browster and had on one occasion sutfered imprisonment with him.- Besides these few loyalists who held land in Kentucky but never lived there, the names are known of but two others who appear in the revolutionary annals of the state. One of these was the Reverend John Lji;he, the Anglican missionary at Har- rodsburg, who served as a member of the house of delegates of the Transylvania company and read the customary prayers for the king and the royal family of England on Sunday, ]\Iay 27, 1775, at the end of the session of the delegates. It must be added that Lythe's loyalism was promptly dissipated within a week by the arrival of the news of the battle of Lexington. The other loyalist was Dr. John F. D. Smythe, who came on horseback to Boonesborough a few days later as an emissary of Dunmore, though he did not divulge this to his host, Judge Richard Henderson, the head of the Transylvania company. To him he explained only that he was collecting material for a book 2 Durrett, The centenary of Louisville, 28; Reuben T. Durrett, Bryant's station and the memorial proceedings held on its site under the artspices of the Lexington chapter, D. A. E., August the 18th, 1896, in honor of its heroic mothers and daughters (Filson club publications number 12 — Louisville, 1897), 30, note; 111, note; George W. Banck, BoonesborougK Its founding, pioneer struggles, Indian experiences, Tran- sylvania days, and revolutionary annals (Filson club publications number 16 — Louis- ville, 1901), 180-183; licport of the bureau of archives for the province of Ontario (Toronto, 1904-1914), number 2, part 2, p. 1282; part 1, p. 477. Gift Author Vol. VII, No. 2 Kentucky's Loyalist Proprietors 115 of travels. Thus he gained the opportunity during the several weeks of his sojourn to go among the Shauniee and other Ohio Indians for the purpose of securing their cooperation with the loyalists in suppressing rebellion in tiie west. In his notes Smythe recorded his conviction tliat the Kentucky woodsmen were too proud and insolent "to be styled servants even of His Majesty."^ The mission of Dr. Smythe to Boonesborough and the region north of the Ohio river was ominous for the future. Naturally, tile savages resented the occupation of their favorite hunting grounds by the white men and, although a treaty of peace and neutrality was signed between the western tribes and the com- missioners of congress at Pittsburgh in the autumn of 1775, "Captain" Pluggj', the Mohawk leader of a band of miscreants living on the upper Olentangy, accompanied by several braves and two Shawniee guides, appeared on the Kentucky river and fired upon three persons near Boonesborough, December 23, 1775.* In the following May and June the inhabitants of "Transyl- vania" presented petitions to the Virginia convention asking that steps be taken "to prevent the inroads of Savages" and to erect "West Fincastle into a new county, despite the king's proc- lamation excluding settlers therefrom. The expressed fear of the petitioners was that if left under royal control the region in question might "afford a safe asylum to those whose principles are inimical to American liberty." In answer to these petitions three new counties were created in December, 1776, one of these being Kentucky county.' Meantime, some of tlie Ohio Indians had been committing depredations in Kentucky to such an extent that McClelland 's station, the last fort north of the Kentuckj^ river, was aban- > RanoJi, Boonesborough, 28, 31-33. * Biennial report of the department of archives and history of the state of West Virpinia. 10111914 (Charleston, 1914), 40; The revolution on the upper Ohio, 1775- 1777, piiiteil by Roubcn G. Thwaites and Louise P. Kellogg (Madison, 1908), lOO, 102, 143; Ranck, Boonesborough, 45, 46. ^Petitions of the early inhabitants of Keniuely to the general assembly of Virginia, 1769 to 179!, edited by James B. Robertson {Filson club publications num- ber 27 — Louisville, 1914), 38, 39; William W. Hening, Statutes at large, being a collection of all the laws of rirginia, 1619 to 179S (Richmond, 1819-1823), 9: 257; Banck, Boonesborough, 48, 54. 116 Wilbur H. Siebert m.v.h.r. doned in the same month in which the new counties were erected. That the red men had been incited to these hostilities was not doubted by many, for the report had gained wide currency in May that the Wyandot, Ottawa, and other Indians had recently been at Detroit, where they had received presents from the British commandant. Lieutenant Governor Henry Hamilton. With the opening of the spring of 1777 the attacking war bands only increased in size and daring. Late in April Boonesbor- ough, "the big fort," which had been left unassailed hitherto, was attacked by a party of fifty or more warriors, and early in July it was besieged during two days and nights by 200 Indians. Conditions were surely not improved by the murder late in Sep- tember of the Shawnee chief. Cornstalk, and three of his tribes- men at Fort Randolph (Point Pleasant) by members of the gar- rison in hasty revenge for the death of a comrade stricken out- side the post by the stealthy shot of lurking savages. Hamilton at Detroit was not slow in taking advantage of the outraged feel- ings of the Slla^\^lee tribe. Before the winter had passed he sent two French Canadians to engage eighty or more of the Shawnee in another attempt to seize Boonesborough. They readily consented, and on their way southward, February 7, 1778, had the good fortune to capture Daniel Boone, who had a camp of salt-makers near by at the lower Blue licks. The tribesmen easily secured the rest of the campers through the intervention of Boone, who saw the folly of resistance and per- suaded his men to surrender.® The Shawnee at once gave up their expedition against Boones- borough, returned with their captives to their villages at Little Chillicothe, and on March 10 started with eleven of their pris- The revolution on the upper Ohio, 177S-1777 (Thwaites and Kellogg, eds.), 175, note 6; 177, note 11; 187, 188, 236, 242, 247; James G. M. Kamsey, The annals of Tennessee, to the end of the eighteenth century: comprixinii its settlement, as the Watauga assoeiation, from 1769 to 1777 ; a part of North-Carolina, from 1777 to 17S4 ; the state of Franklin, from 1784 to 1788; a part of North-Carolina, from 1788 to 1790; the territory of the U. States, south of the Ohio, from 1790 to 1796; the state of Tennessee, from 1796 to 1800 . . . (Philadelphia, 1853), 148 S.; Ranck, Boonesborough, 49-52, 54, 56-61; Alexander S. Withers, Chronicles of border warfare; or, a history of the settlement by the whites of northwestern Virginia, and of the Indian tears and massacres in that section of the state; with reflections, anecdotes. . . . edited by Reuben G. Thwaites (Cincinnati, 1903), 173, 209, 211-214, 236, 266; Frontier defense on the upper Ohio, 1777-1773, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites and Louise P. Kellogg (Madison, 1912), 149, passim. Vol. VII, No. 2 Kentucky's Loyalist Proprietors 117 oners, including Boone, for Detroit. Here the famous Ken- tuckian was woU roceivod by Ilaniiltitii, to whom he told a pitiful tale of the starviufj and nearly naked condition of the settlers south of the Ohio, who, he added, were without the prospect of relief from congress. The commandant offered a large price for Boone and, failing to effect the jiurchase, sought his favor by presenting him with a horse and trappings. On April 28, not long after the departure of Boone and the Indians, Hamilton wrote to Sir Guy Carleton in regard to the Keutucklans: "Their dilemma will probably induce them to trust to the savages, who liave shown so much humanity to their prisoners, and come to this place before winter. ' ' In the follow- ing June Boone escaped from his captors upon the horse he had received from Hamilton. At the end of the same summer the British commandant undertook to win over the inhabitants of Boonesborough for the king or, if necessary, to capture them, lie therefore dispatched Lieutenant Antoine de Quindre and other French Canadians, with a supply of ammunition and the English and French flags, to assist Chief Black Fish in assem- bling a force of over four hundred Indians, mostly Shawnee, to proceed to the big fort. On arriving there, September 7, a messenger advanced to ask a parley over letters which he had brought from Governor Hamilton to Captain Boone. The ne- gotiations lasted three days, on the last of which the principal men of the fort signed a treaty' renouncing their allegiance to the United States and renewing their fealty to the king, on con- dition that the Indians, who outnumbered the garrison eleven to one, would withdraw immediately. But instead, the treacher- ous red men attempted to seize and detain the whites, though without success. After repeated assaults on the stronghold the Indians tunneled from the bank of the Kentucky river to within twenty yards of the fort, but successive rains stopped their oper- ations and filled their mine with sunken earth. Having failed in tiieir nine days' siege, the Shawnee army broke into detach- ments, whieii had to content themselves with ravaging about other stations. Such was the dismal outcome of Hamilton's plan to convert tiie inhabitants of Boonesborough into loyalists preparatory to their reception at Detroit.^ ' Ranck, Boonesborough, 68-104 ; Petitions of the early inhabitants of Kentucky to th« general assembly of rirginia, 1796 to 179S (Bobertson, ed.), 44, 45; Withers, 118 Wilbur H. Siebert m.v.h.b. Captain Boone, indeed, did not escape the open accusation of being a tory and a traitor. Colonel Richard Callaway, and probably others, charged him with having sought to aid the British by favoring the peace treaty at Boonesborough and hav- ing caused the surrender of the salt-makers at the lower Blue licks. Boone was accordingly tried by court-martial at Lo- gan's station, but maintained that these acts were stratagems dictated by military necessity and was acquitted. He was fur- ther vindicated a little later by being promoted to the rank of major.* The years 1779 and 1780 witnessed a remarkable emigration from the communities on the upper Ohio and to the eastward into Kentucky. In May of the latter year one obser\'er of this movement. Colonel Daniel Brodhead at Pittsburgh, estimated that the Kentucky settlements would be able to turn out 15,000 men and ventured the opinion that the villainous Sha^\^lee and their allies w^ould soon find troublesome neighbors in that quar- ter. It is not to be supposed that all these newcomers were patriots, especially as tory plots were being disclosed and sup- pressed from time to time in the regions from which they came. Late in 1780 one visitor to Kentucky went so far as to say in a letter to Colonel George Morgan: "Should the English go there and offer them protection from the Indians, the greatest part will join." It was not to Kentucky, however, but to De- troit that Captain McKee and Simon Girty, together with sev- eral of their fellow loyalists, fled from Fort Pitt on the night of March 28, 1778. They passed through the intervening Indian country and arrived at their destination about two months later. They thus escaped the penalties which their discovered plotting entailed and, being taken into the Indian department, they sup- planted the French Canadians as leaders of loyalist and Indian war parties against the frontier. For the next seventeen months they carried on their depredations in the region they had recent- ly left and then turned their attention to that into which the tide of settlers was now pouring.' Chronicles of border warfare (Thwaites, ed.), 268-270; Frontier defense on the upper Ohio, 1777-1778 (Tliwaitca and Kellogg, eds.), 283, 284. 8 Ranck, Boone.ihorouffh, 104, 105. 9 Frontier retreat on the upper Ohio, 1770-1781 , edited by Louise P. Kellogg {Wis- consin historical collections, volume 24 — Madison, 1917), 21, 22, 41, 149, 163, 164, Vol. VII, No. 2 Kentucky's Loyalist Proprietors 119 The first report that Simon Girty was with the Indians on the Kentucky border gained credence in tlie latter part of May, when John Bowman, lieutenant of Kentucky county, led 250 volun- teers against the ShawTiee town of Little Chillicothe on the Little Miami river. The rumor that Girty was approaching at the head of 100 Sliawnee threw Bowman's men into general disorder for a brief time, but they I'ecovered themselves, defeated the enemy, and burned most of the village and crops. In the fol- lowing autumn Simon Girty 's brothers, James and George, ad- vanced with about 170 Wyandot warriors down the Little Miami to the spot where Cincinnati now stands and there, on October 4, engaged Colonel David Rogers' flotilla of five boats, which was on its way from St. Louis up the Ohio with a store of goods and ammunition. The Indians killed some forty of the whites, took a few prisoners, and carried off nmch booty. Thereafter small skinnishes with the Indians appear to have become more common on the border than ever." The capture of Hamilton by Colonel George Rogers Clark at Vincennes in February, 1779, and the appointment of Major A. 5. de Peyster as the former's successor at Detroit did not change the i)olioy of emi)loyiiig loyalists to lead the expeditions against Kentucky. In the early summer of that year De Peyster sent from his post a force of 150 tories and Canadians with two can- non and 100 tribesmen from the upper lakes under the com- mand of Captain Henry Bird, a Virginian, with the three Girtys as aides. On the Miami they were joined by Captain McKee and 600 more Indians. These combined forces were to proceed against Clark, who was now stationed at the falls of the Ohio. Tiie Indians, however, refused to go and confront the victor of Hamilton, choosing rather to attack the forts up tlie Licking. On June 22, Ruddle's station, with its 300 inmates, surrendered at the sound of the enemy's fieldpieces. Fifty more prisoners 168, 176, 209, note 1; 277; Wilbur H. Siobert, "The tory proprietors of Kentucky lands," in Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, 28: 48-71. '" Withers. Chrnniclex of border warfare (Thwaites, e(i.), 271-27.'?; Consul W. Butterfleld, History of the Girtys; bein Durrett, Bryant's station and the memorial proceedings held on its site, 87-90, 91-123, 134-209, 211-215; George W. Ranck, "Girty, the white Indian; a study in early western history," in Maqasine of American history, 15:256-277; Buttcrfield, History of the Girtys, 193, 194, 198, 200, 205, 208. Vol. VII, No. 2 Kentuckij's Lotjalist Proprietors 123 his excliaiige in October, 1780, was brought to the attention of the Virginia assembly by a petition on May 1 of the latter year. This petition came from the settlers at the falls, who desired an act establishing their town as planned by them and validating the titles to their lots, which would otherwise be liable to con- liscation and sale under the act of escheats and forfeitures passed in May, 1771). Accordingly, the assembly enacted a law one year later, vesting 1,000 acres of Connolly's survey in a board of trustees for the town of Louisville, and authorizing the sale of lots at auction. Curiously enough, an escheating jury, of which Daniel Boone was a member, met at Lexington on the same day and rendered a verdict of forfeiture against Connolly for joining tlie subjects of the king of his owni free will.'" in December, 1780, Lieutenant Colonel Connolly had sailed from New York with the Queen's rangers, a well-known tory corps, for Yorkto^\^l, and soon after had been placed in com- mand of the loyalists of Virginia and North Carolina on the peninsula formed by tlie James river and the Chesapeake bay. In September, 1781, lie had again been taken prisoner and had been sent to Philadelphia three months later. In the following March he had been paroled and sent to Now York, on condition tiiat he woulil di'itart for England. lie appears to have spent the next five years in Great Britain, but bj^ 1788 he was in De- troit, having returned by way of Quebec. He had not yet given up hope of recovering the west for the English cro^\■n, and was therefore ready to believe the tale that the people of Kentucky wished to free themselves from the United States government. Under the pretext that he had come to look after his confiscated estate, Connolly appeared at Louisville on October 25, 1788. Ho revealed the real object of his visit a day or two later in a joint interview with Colonel Thomas Marshall and Judge George Muter. lie told these two men in substance that the Canadian governor-general. Lord Dorcliester, formerly Sir Guy Carleton, was ready to aid the westerners by arming and paying any force they might raise for the purpose of wresting the control of the Mississippi and of New Orleans from the Spaniards, that he would send from 5,000 to 10,000 men to join them, and that he I'Durrett, The centenary of LotiisviUe, 50-56, 149-154; Petitions of the early in- habitants of Kentucly to the general assembly of Virginia, 1769 to 1791 (Bobertson, ed.), 53-55; Hening, Statutes at large, 10: 293-295. 124 Wilbur H. Siebert ^- ^'- h. R. would dispatch a fleet to cooperate with this land force in the conquest of Now Orleans. Colonel Marshall states that he in- formed Connolly that as long as the savages continued to com- mit cruelties on the defenseless frontier of Kentucky and to be "received as friends and allies by the British at Detroit," it would be impossible to convince the people of the good inten- tions of Lord Dorchester. From General James Wilkinson, with whom Connolly conversed on November 8, the latter learned not only that "the British were greatly disliked in Kentucky," but also that he might be killed if his mission were discovered. The emissary from Detroit now begged for an escort, which was provided, and he recrossed the Ohio river, November 20, on his return journey.^* The clearing of the titles of the early settlers of Louisville Avas accomplished at the expense of Dr. Connolly, as already noted. This was a simple act of justice to those who had bought their lots in good faith from an original proprietor. At almost the same moment that these purchasers were presenting their petition for relief to the Virginia assembly — a petition in which they stated with clearness and force the commercial and other benefits to be secured by the establishment of their towai — the Eeverend John Todd of Virginia and his nephew. Colonel John Todd of Kentucky, persuaded the assembly to set aside other loyalist estates for the cause of public education. It was in May, 1780, that the assembly passed the "act to vest certain escheated lands in the County of Kentucke in trustees for a Publick School." The lands thus applied were Captain Alex- ander McKee's 2,000 acres on the south branch of Elkhorn creek, Henry Collins' 3,000 acres near Lexington, and Robert Mc- Kenzie's 3,000 acres, called the military survey, at the mouth of Harrod's creek. McKenzie was an officer of the Forty- third 16 Burton, "John Connolly, a tory of the revolution," in Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, now series, 20: 71 ff.; Siebert, "The tory proprietors of Kentucky lands," in Ohio archaeological and hi-Ktorical quarterly, 28:48-71; John M. Brown, The political heyinnings of Kentucky {Filson club publications number 6 — Louisville, 1889), 182-184; Mann Butler, A history of the commonwealth of Ken- tucky, from its exploration and settlement by the whites, to the close of tlie north- western campaign, in 1813 ; with an introduction exhibiting the settlement of western Virginia . . . in 17S6, to the treaty of Camp Charlotte . . . in 1774 (Cin- cinnati and Louisville, 1836), 184. Voi.vn,No.2 Kentucliifs Loyalist Proprietors 125 regiment of foot in the British army when he was wounded at Bunker hill.'' Even at the end of the revolution not all tHe confiscated estates in Kentucky had been disposed of and, although the school had not yet been started, there was still opportunity to increase its endowment from this source. Colonel Caleb Wallace, a Ken- tuckian in the assembly, saw the opportunity, and in 1783 se- cured the passage of an act giaiitiiig all escheated lands in the district of Kentucky "not to exceed twenty thousand acres" to the jiroposed school, thus adding 12,000 acres to the earlier grant of 8,000 acres. The new act conferred by regular charter upon an enlarged board of trustees "all the powers and privileges that are now enjoyed by the visitors or governors of any college or university within the State." The school when established was to bear the name "Transylvania seminary" and, evidently in view of the fact that Indian hostilities had not ceased, both teachers and students were to be exempt from militia duties. Another reminder of the subsiding struggle is to be found in the presence on the board of trustees of Colonel George Rogers Clark.'' Something more than the "guarantee of permanency" fur- nished by the land grants was needed before Transylvania sem- inary could be opened to students. The trustees found it neces- sary, therefore, to appoint a committee to solicit funds, books, and apjiaratus, ajid they also received one-sixth of all sui-veyor's fees collected in the Kentucky district. They were thus enabled to employ a master and open the seminary in a private house near Danville, P^'bniary 1, 1785. Several years later the trus- tees decided to remove the school to Lexington, where it first received students June 1, 1789. Here in Lexington the institu- tion was to find its abiding place, erect buildings to meet its growing needs, develop new departments, combine with other institutions, graduate thousands of students, become almost dormant during the civil war, and, after discontinuing its several if Transylvania college hyUletin, 40: 16, 17; Robert and Johanna Peter, Transyl- vania university. Its origin, rise, decline, and fall {Filson club publications number 11 — Louisville, 1896), 20-22, 38-41. IS Transylvanui college bulletin, 40: 17-20, 22-25; Kentucky Gazette, June 6, 1789, April 26, 1790 ; Peter, Transylvania imivcrsity, 49-52, 64, 66-71, 175-177. 126 Wilhur H. Siehert m.v.h.r. departments, sundve as Transylvania coUege. Thus the begin- nings of the city of Louisville and of the famous old college at Lexington, "the oldest permanent institution of learning west of the Alleghenies," may be ascribed to the struggle of Kentucky with its loyalist proprietors. The lands confiscated from these proprietors by the Virginia assembly were in both cases, chiefly through the efforts of Kentuckians, turned to excellent and en- during uses. Wilbur H. Siebert Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio ZS W -fu. ^ ►*« -ov^' . "^0' o '»>,1.* I' *> h.". U <^ *^lfe'- ^.p -i*^ ^..^^ ;^M^"» "^-^..^^ / J''\ ,'^^•V ^s'^'V, ."-CCyN r f mn mmmmnm